PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Laporan Tahunan Annual Report

A PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Laporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Laporan Tahunan Annual Report

Transcript of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Laporan Tahunan Annual Report

APT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Laporan Tahunan Annual Report

Sanggahan dan Batasan Tanggung JawabDisclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Laporan tahunan ini memuat pernyataan kondisi keuangan, hasil operasi, proyeksi, rencana, strategi, kebijakan, serta tujuan Perusahaan, yang digolongkan sebagai pernyataan ke depan dalam pelaksanaan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, kecuali hal-hal yang bersifat historis.

Pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut memiliki prospek risiko, ketidakpastian, serta dapat mengakibatkan perkembangan aktual secara material berbeda dari yang dilaporkan.

Pernyataan-pernyataan prospektif dalam laporan tahunan ini dibuat berdasarkan berbagai asumsi mengenai kondisi terkini dan kondisi mendatang Perusahaan serta lingkungan bisnis di mana Perusahaan menjalankan kegiatan usaha. Perusahaan tidak menjamin bahwa dokumen-dokumen yang telah dipastikan keabsahannya akan membawa hasil-hasil tertentu sesuai harapan.

Laporan tahunan ini memuat kata “Perusahaan” yang didefinisikan sebagai PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang menjalankan bisnis dalam bidang jasa layanan terminal petikemas. Adakalanya kata “IPC TPK” dan “Kami” juga digunakan atas dasar kemudahan untuk menyebut PT IPC Terminal Petikemas secara umum.

This annual report contains statements of financial condition, operational results, projections, plans, strategies, policies and the Company’s objectives, which are classified as forward-looking statements in the application of the prevailing laws and regulations, except for historical matters.

These statements are subject to risk and uncertainties that could result in actual developments being materially different from those reported.

Prospective statements in this annual report are prepared based on numerous assumptions concerning the current and future conditions in the Company, as well as the business environment in which the Company conducts its business activities. The Company does not guarantee that that all the valid documents presented will bring the expected results.

This annual report contains the word “Company” that refers to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas that conducts business in the field of container terminal services. Also, the words “IPC TPK” and “We” are used in general reference to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Seluruh talent dalam foto di Laporan Tahunan ini sudah menjalani tes Swab Antigen terlebih dahulu. All of the talents in the photos in this Annual Report have undergone Antigen Swab test in advance.

1PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

2 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Penjelasan TemaTheme Explanation

Tahun 2020 memberikan tantangan yang besar bagi hampir seluruh sektor industri di seluruh dunia, khususnya Indonesia di mana kondisi yang penuh ketidakpastian terjadi akibat adanya pandemi Covid-19. Merosotnya perekonomian Indonesia hingga mencapai -2,07% menyebabkan adanya keterbatasan aktivitas ekonomi sehingga berdampak terhadap lalu lintas kapal pengangkut peti kemas ke berbagai pelabuhan dunia yang mengalami penurunan. Untuk merespon hal tersebut, IPC TPK berupaya untuk beradaptasi di seluruh aktivitas bisnisnya dengan mengedepankan protokol kesehatan yang ketat sesuai dengan anjuran Pemerintah dan memanfaatkan digitalisasi yang optimal guna menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif di tengah pandemi yang terjadi. Selain itu, IPC TPK juga secara konsisten menerapkan tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG) agar mampu bertahan di tengah pasar yang terdisrupsi.

Dengan adanya dukungan yang solid dari SDM IPC TPK yang memiliki kompetensi tinggi, IPC TPK mampu membukukan kinerja yang memenuhi target serta mengeksekusi berbagai kebijakan strategis yang mengacu pada Corporate Roadmap 2016-2020, di mana tahun 2020 merupakan tahun World Class Performance.

Berbagai inisiatif yang dijalankan IPC TPK sepanjang tahun, di antaranya membangun konektivitas yang terintegrasi dengan Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK maupun di luar IPC TPK, sentralisasi dan implementasi smart terminal, melakukan transformasi digital untuk meningkatkan layanan Terminal Petikemas, menerapkan Green Technology dalam mendukung pelayanan Terminal Petikemas yang ramah lingkungan, serta melakukan kolaborasi mutualisme secara transparan dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan ekosistem logistik maritim.

Upaya-upaya tersebut merupakan bagian dari pembenahan internal IPC TPK yang tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk melakukan penggabungan usaha di tahun mendatang. Dengan adanya merger ini, skala Perusahaan akan semakin besar sehingga IPC TPK berpeluang untuk dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih signifikan bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan untuk ke depannya.

Semangat baru yang dibangun sepanjang tahun 2020 telah membawa optimisme tersendiri bagi IPC TPK untuk menjadi Perusahaan berkelas dunia melalui kualitas layanan yang berstandar internasional dan terintegrasi secara digital.

The year 2020 brought a big challenge for almost all industrial sectors around the world, especially Indonesia as full of uncertainty conditions occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The decline in the Indonesian economy to -2.07% led to a reduction in economic activity, resulting in a decrease in traffic of container carriers to various world ports. In response to this, IPC TPK strived to be adaptive in all its business activities by prioritizing strict health protocols in accordance with Government recommendations and utilizing optimal digitalization to create a conducive work environment in the midst of the pandemic. In addition, IPC TPK also consistently implemented Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in order to survive in a disrupted market.

With solid support from the high-competent Human Resources of IPC TPK, IPC TPK managed to record performance that met targets and executed various strategic policies with reference to the 2016-2020 Corporate Roadmap, with 2020 as the year of World Class Performance.

Various initiatives carried out by IPC TPK throughout the year, including building integrated connectivity with the IPC TPK Container Terminal and outside the IPC TPK, centralization and implementation of smart terminals, carrying out digital transformation to improve Container Terminal services, implementing Green Technology to support an environmentally friendly Container Terminal services, as well as transparent collaborative mutualism with all stakeholders of the maritime logistics ecosystem.

These efforts were part of the internal improvement of IPC TPK, currently preparing to conduct a business merger in the coming year. With this merger, the scale of the Company will be even greater, enabling IPC TPK to have the opportunity of making a more significant contribution to all stakeholders in the future.

The new spirit that was built throughout 2020 has brought the optimism for IPC TPK to become a world-class Company through international standard and digitally integrated service quality.

3PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kesinambungan TemaTheme Continuity

2019Menuju Kinerja Kelas DuniaToward World Class PerformancePeningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja di tahun 2018 membangun optimisme IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk dapat mencapai target yang telah dicanangkan dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) tahun 2019. Berbagai upaya dalam mewujudkan peningkatan layanan yang berstandar internasional dan terintegrasi secara digital di antaranya melalui inovasi digital, mengimplementasikan Modern Container Terminal dengan pelayanan end to end service, world class TOS, serta penggunaan automated gated atau pintu gerbang otomatis. Selain itu, IPC TPK juga membangun terminal petikemas yang modern dan dapat diandalkan guna mendukung arus barang tumbuh pesat di Indonesia. Seluruh upaya tersebut dilakukan IPC TPK untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang solid secara berkelanjutan sesuai dengan tema Laporan Tahunan 2019, yaitu “Sustainable Superior Performance”.

The solid achievement in 2018 made IPC TPK feel optimistic about achieving performance that met the predetermined targets for 2019. Throughout the year, IPC TPK continued to improve productivity and operational performance by transforming services through digital innovation, implementing Modern Container Terminals with end-to-end services, world class TOS, and the use of automated gates. In addition, IPC TPK has also built a modern and reliable container terminal to support the rapidly growing flow of goods in Indonesia. All of these efforts were carried out by IPC TPK to achieve solid growth in a sustainable manner in accordance with the theme of the 2019 Annual Report "Sustainable Superior Performance".

2018Establishment PerformanceSetelah meletakkan fondasi yang kuat melalui pengembangan kompetensi di tahun sebelumnya, pada 2018, IPC TPK mulai mengeluarkan berbagai inovasi terutama yang terkait dengan inovasi digital mengingat adanya perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat. Hal ini merupakan bagian dari inisiatif strategis IPC TPK agar tetap kompetitif serta mampu membukukan kinerja yang solid sesuai dengan yang ditargetkan dalam Corporate Roadmap 2016-2020. Dengan mengusung tema “Establishment Performance”, tahun 2018 menjadi sebuah momentum baru bagi kinerja bisnis IPC TPK dengan semakin meluasnya wilayah operasi yang juga turut berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan pendapatan operasi Perusahaan yang signifikan.

After laying a strong foundation through competency development in the previous year, in 2018, IPC TPK began to issue various innovations, especially those related to digital innovation in view of the increasingly rapid technological developments. This was part of IPC TPK’s strategic initiatives to remain competitive and be able to record solid performance as targeted in the 2016-2020 Corporate Roadmap. Carrying the theme “Establishment Performance”, the year 2018 became a new momentum for the business performance of IPC TPK with the expansion of the operating area which also contributed to a significant increase in the Company’s operating revenues.

2017Enhancing BusinessDalam rangka memberikan nilai tambah bagi Pemegang Saham dan para pemangku kepentingan lainnya serta menciptakan organisasi Perusahaan yang tangguh dan berkelanjutan, IPC TPK mengambil langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya di bidang pengelolaan jasa kepelabuhan sebagaimana tercermin dalam tema Laporan Tahunan 2017, yaitu “Enhancing Business”. Sepanjang tahun 2017, IPC TPK berupaya mengoptimalkan peluang pertumbuhan pendapatan dengan melakukan penguatan kapabilitas operasionalnya sehingga mampu menghasilkan peningkatan arus barang di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Pertumbuhan kinerja IPC TPK yang optimal akan menjadi fondasi yang kuat bagi pengembangan bisnis IPC TPK di bidang pengoperasian Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok di masa depan.

In order to provide added value for Shareholders and other stakeholders as well as creating a strong and sustainable Company organization, IPC TPK took strategic steps to develop its competency in port services management as reflected in the theme of the 2017 Annual Report “Enhancing Business”. Throughout 2017, IPC TPK strived to optimize revenue growth opportunities by strengthening its operational capabilities to produce an increase in the flow of goods at Tanjung Priok Port. The optimal performance growth of IPC TPK will be a strong foundation for the business development of IPC TPK in the field of operating the Tanjung Priok Port in the future.

4 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Daftar IsiContents

Sanggahan dan Batasan Tanggung JawabDisclaimer and Limitation Liability

Pendahuluan Prologue

Penjelasan TemaTheme Explanation


Kesinambungan Tema Theme Continuity


Daftar Isi Contents


Kinerja Unggul 2020 2020 Key Performance


Sekilas Tentang IPC TPK IPC TPK in Brief


Peta Arah Perusahaan Corporate Roadmap


Jejak Langkah Milestone


Ikhtisar Kinerja 2020 2020 Performance Highlights

Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights


Ikhtisar Operasional Operational Highlights


Tingkat Kesehatan IPC TPK Soundness Level of IPC TPK


Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 26

Ikhtisar Saham dan Aksi Korporasi Stock Highlights and Corporate Action


Ikhtisar Obligasi, Sukuk, atau Obligasi Konversi Highlights of Bonds, Sharia Bonds or Convertible Bonds


Informasi Sumber Pendanaan Lainnya Information on Other Sources of Funds


Peristiwa Penting Tahun 2020 Stock Highlights and Corporate Action


Laporan Manajemen Management Report

Laporan Dewan Komisaris Report from the Board of Commissioners


Laporan Direksi Report of Board of Directors


Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tentang Laporan Tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Statement of Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors regarding the 2020 Report of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas


Profil Perseroan Company Profile

Informasi Umum Perusahaan Company Information


Tentang Logo PerusahaanAbout the Company's Logo


Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan Company in Brief


Kegiatan dan Bidang UsahaBusiness Lines and Activities


Peta Wilayah Operasional dan Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas Map of Operational Area and Container Terminal Facilities


Visi, Misi, dan Tata Nilai Perusahaan Vision, Mission, and Corporate Values


Struktur Organisasi Organizational Structure


Profil Dewan Komisaris Profile of the Board of Commissioners


Profil Direksi Board of Directors' Profile


Profil Pejabat Senior Profile of Senior Executive Officers


Demografi Karyawan Employee Demographics


Teknologi InformasiInformation Technology


Komposisi Pemegang Saham Shareholders' Composition


Struktur Grup PerusahaanGroup Structure


Kronologis Penerbitan dan/atau Pencatatan SahamShare Issuance/Listing Chronology


Kronologis Penerbitan dan/atau Pencatatan Obligasi dan/atau Efek LainnyaOther Securities Issuance/Listing Chronology


Lembaga dan Profesi PenunjangSupporting Institution and Profession


Penghargaan, Pengakuan Eksternal dan SertifikasiAwards, External Acknowledgement and Certifications


Nama dan Alamat Entitas Anak, Entitas Asosiasi, Kantor Cabang atau Kantor PerwakilanName and Address of Subsidiary, Associate, Office Branchor Representative Office


Informasi pada Situs Web PerusahaanInformation on the Company Website


Pendidikan dan/atau Pelatihan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite-komite, Sekretaris Perusahaan, dan Unit Audit InternalEducation and/or Training of Board of Commissioners', Board of Directors’, Committees, Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit Unit


Analisis & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis

Analisis Posisi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dalam Industri Terminal PetikemasPosition Analysis of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in the Container Terminal Industry


Rencana dan Kebijakan Strategis Tahun 2020 2020 Strategic Plan and Policy


Tinjauan Operasi Per Segmen Usaha Review of Operations by Business Segment


Tinjauan Keuangan Financial Review


Kemampuan Membayar Utang Debt Paying Ability


Tingkat Kolektibilitas Piutang Receivables Collectability Level


Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Manajemen Atas Struktur Modal Capital Structure and Management Policy on Capital Structure


Ikatan Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal Material Commitment for Capital Goods Investment


Realisasi Ikatan Investasi Barang Modal Realization of Capital Goods Investment Bond


Perbandingan antara Target Anggaran 2020 dengan Realisasi 2020 dan Proyeksi 2021Comparison between 2020 Budget Target with 2020 Realization and 2021 Projection


Informasi dan Fakta Material yangTerjadi Setelah Tanggal LaporanAkuntanMaterial Information and FactsSubsequent to the Date of theAccountant’s Report


Dampak Perubahan Harga Terhadap Pendapatan Impact of Price Changes on Revenues


Dampak Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Asing Impact of Changes in Foreign Currency Exchange


Prospek UsahaBusiness Prospects


Aspek PemasaranMarketing Aspects


Tinjauan Keuangan LainnyaOther Financial Review


Kebijakan DividenDividend Policy


Program Kepemilikan Saham oleh Karyawan dan/atau Manajemen (ESOP/MSOP)Employeee and/or Management StockOwnership Program (ESOP/MSOP)


5PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Realisasi Penggunaan Dana HasilPenawaran UmumRealization of the Use of Proceeds from Public Offering


Informasi Transaksi Material yang Mengandung Benturan Kepentingan dan/atau Transaksi dengan Pihak Afiliasi/BerelasiInformation on Material Transactions Containing Conflicts of Interest and/or Transactions with Affiliated Parties/Related Parties


Informasi Keuangan yang Mengandung Kejadian yang Bersifat Luar Biasa dan Jarang TerjadiInformation on Extraordinary and Rare Financial Events


Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap PerusahaanAmendments to Legislation withSignificant Impact on the Company


Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi Changes in Accounting Policies


Dampak Terhadap PerusahaanImpact on the Company


Informasi Kelangsungan UsahaInformation of Business Continuity


Asesmen Manajemen Management Assessment


Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance


Pernyataan Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip GCGStatement on the Implementation of GCG Principles


Konsistensi Penerapan GCG di IPC TPKConsistency of GCG Implementation in IPC TPK


Kerangka GCG IPC TPKIPC TPK’s GCG Framework


Roadmap GCG IPC TPKIPC TPK's GCG Roadmap


Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi GCG di IPC TPKGCG Socialization and Internalization in IPC TPK


Penanggung Jawab Penerapan GCG di IPC TPKPerson in Charge of the Implementation of GCG IPC TPK


Penerapan GCG Secara Berkelanjutan di IPC TPKSustainable Implementation of GCG in IPC TPK


Penyelenggaraan Assessment GCGGCG Assessment Implementation


Kebijakan dan Struktur GCGGCG Policy and Structure


Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)


Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners


Direksi Board of Directors


Transparansi Informasi Tentang Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiTransparency of Information about the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors


Pengungkapan Hubungan Afiliasi antara Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Pemegang Saham Utama dan/atau PengendaliDisclosure of Affiliate Relationships between the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and Main and/or Controlling Shareholders


Organ Pendukung dan Komite-Komite di Bawah Dewan KomisarisSupporting Organs and Committees under the Board of Commissioners


Sekretaris Dewan KomisarisSecretary of the Board of Commissioners


Komite Audit & GCGAudit & GCG Committee


Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiNomination and Remuneration Committee


Komite Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Committee


Organ Pendukung DireksiSupporting Organ of the Board of Directors


Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal Corporate Secretary and External Relations


Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternInternal Audit/Internal Supervision Unit


Akuntan PublikPublic Accountant


Manajemen RisikoRisk Management


Sistem Pengendalian InternalInternal Control System


Perkara Penting Significant Legal Cases


Akses Informasi dan Data PerusahaanAccess to the Company’s Information and Data


Kode Etik Perusahaan Code of Conduct


Kebijakan Anti Korupsi Anti-Corruption Policy


Pengelolaan GratifikasiManagement of Gratification


Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN)Public Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN)


Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan JasaPolicy on Procurement of Goods and Services


Whistleblowing System 310

Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiThe Diversity in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board ofDirectors


Transparansi Praktik Bad GovernanceTransparency of Bad Governance Practices


Laporan atas Aktivitas Perusahaan yang Mencemari LingkunganReport on the Company's Activities Causing Environmental Pollution


Pengungkapan Pemenuhan Kewajiban PerpajakanDisclosure of Fulfillment of Tax Obligations


Ketidaksesuaian Penyajian Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan dengan Peraturan yang Berlaku dan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK)Incompliance between Presentation of Annual Reports and Financial Statements with Applicable Regulations and Financial Accounting Standards (SAK)


Kasus Terkait dengan Buruh dan KaryawanCases Relating to Labor and Employees


Pengungkapan Segmen Operasi pada Laporan KeuanganDisclosure of Operational Segment on Financial Statements


Kesesuaian Buku Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Tahunan DigitalConformity of Printed Annual Report and Digital Annual Reports


Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan dengan Asean Corporate Governance ScorecardThe Compliance of Corporate Governance with ASEAN Corporate GovernanceScorecard


Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility


Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanTerkait Pemenuhan Hak Asasi ManusiaCorporate Social Responsibility Related to Fulfillment of Human Rights


Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Operasi yang AdilCorporate Social Responsibilities Related to Fair Operation


Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terhadap Lingkungan HidupCorporate Social Responsibility to the Environment


Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan, dan Keselamatan KerjaCorporate Social Responsibility Relating to Employment, Health, and Safety


Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Tanggung Jawab Kepada KonsumenCorporate Social Responsibilities to the Consumers


Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Pengembangan Sosial dan KemasyarakatanCorporate Social Responsibility Toward Community Development


Laporan Keuangan Financial Report

6 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


69,16% 2.579.321


Pendapatan CAGR dalam 5 tahun terakhir CAGR Revenue in the last 5 years

Trafik bongkar muat peti kemas Container traffic

Skor Penerapan GCG GCG Implementation Score

Kinerja Unggul 20202020 Key Performance


BOXSangat Baik Very Good

7PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

4.558dalam miliar Rupiah/in billion Rupiah

254dalam miliar Rupiah/in billion Rupiah

2.420dalam miliar Rupiah/in billion Rupiah

Wilayah OperasionalOperational Areas

Total AsetTotal Assets

Indeks Kepuasan PegawaiEmployee Satisfaction Index

Total PendapatanTotal Revenues

Jumlah PenghargaanNumber of Awards

Laba UsahaIncome from Operations

Indeks Kepuasan PelangganCustomer Satisfaction Index

161dalam miliar Rupiah/in billion Rupiah

Total EkuitasTotal Equity



4,12dalam skala Likert/in Likert scale

4,72dalam skala Likert/in Likert scale

8 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Sekilas Tentang IPC TPKIPC TPK in Brief

Pemegang SahamShareholders

Visi & MisiVision & Mission

Segmen UsahaBusiness Segment

Jaringan UsahaBusiness Network

Produk & Jasa UtamaMain Products & Services

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) 99,00%PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama 1,00%

Visi: Menjadi operator Terminal Petikemas Berstandar Internasional yang Unggul dalam Operasional dan


Vision: To Become an International Standard Container Terminal operator that Excels in Operation and Services

Misi: Sebagai operator Terminal Petikemas yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah maksimal bagi seluruh

pemangku kepentingan secara berkesinambungan dalam mendukung

perekonomian nasional.

Mission: As Container Terminal operator that continuously provide

added value for all stakeholders and support national economy.

1 Kantor PusatHead Office

5 Kantor Perwakilan

Representative Branches

6 Wilayah Operasi

Operational Areas

1 Entitas Asosiasi

Associated Entity

Stevedoring, Cargodoring,Lift On/Lift Off dan pelayanan

peti kemas lainnya.

Stevedoring, Cargodoring, Lift On/Lift Off and other

container services.

Jasa pelayanan TerminalPetikemas antar pulau

Indonesia dan internasional

Inter-island and international container

terminal services

9PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Peta Arah PerusahaanCorporate Roadmap

• Penyesuaian Budaya Perusahaan menjadi single core values "AKHLAK"

• Adjustment of Corporate Culture into single-core values "AKHLAK"

Transformasi Budaya/Cultural Transformation

Pengembangan dan Integrasi Proses &

Teknologi/Technology & Process Integration and


Pengembangan SDM/Human Capital


Pengembangan Pengelolaan Inovasi

Berkelanjutan/Development of Sustainable Innovation


• Pengembangan Port Operation System

• Pengembangan Sistem Keuangan dan Sispro Billing

• Development of Port Operation System

• Development of Financial System and Billing Sispro

• Pengembangan Human Capital Program (pemetaan dan sistem HRIS)

• Development of Human Capital Program (HRIS system and mapping)

• Pengembangan Sistem Audit

• Audit System Development



2022Synergy &








• Perusahaan memiliki bisnis yang stabil dan terus tumbuh

• Peningkatan Keselamatan, Keamanan, Kesehatan, dan Lingkungan Kerja (K3L)

• Peningkatan kapabilitas digital

• Transformasi Digital • Transformasi Budaya &

SDM• Improvement pola operasi

Terminal Petikemas• Optimalisasi peralatan

Terminal Petikemas• Persiapan Rencana

Ekspansi Market• Persiapan Rencana

Pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas dalam Proyek Strategis IPC Group

• Persiapan National Integrated Container Terminal Network

• Integrasi Key Account Management

• Implementasi Strategic partnership

• Ekspansi pasar, baik di area existing maupun baru

• Implementasi National Integrated Container Terminal Network

• Pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas yang termasuk dalam Proyek Strategis IPC Group

• Integrasi Terminal Petikemas dengan ekosistem jaringan logistik

• Pengembangan Bisnis Pendukung Terminal Petikemas yang mendukung pelayanan Bisnis Inti

• The Company has a stable and growing business

• Improvement of Work Safety, Security, Health and Environment (HSE)

• Digital capability enhancement

• Digital Transformation• Cultural & HR

Transformation• Improvement of Container

Terminal operation pattern optimization of Container Terminal equipment

• Preparation of Market Expansion Plan

• Preparation of Container Terminal Operation Plan in IPC Group’s Strategic Project

• Preparation of National Integrated Container Terminal Network

• Key Account Management Integration

• Strategic partnership implementation

• Market expansion, both in existing and new areas

• Implementation of National Integrated Container Terminal Network

• Operating container terminals included in the IPC Group Strategic Project

• Container Terminal Integration with logistics network ecosystem

• Supporting Business Development of container terminals that supports Core Business services

Inisiatif Strategis untuk Diterapkan di Tahun 2020

Untuk mendukung pencapaian strategis perusahaan sesuai dengan peta arah perusahaan yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (“RJPP”) periode 2020-2024, maka telah ditetapkan sejumlah inisiatif strategis untuk diterapkan di tahun 2020, yakni:

Strategic Initiatives to be Implemented in 2020

To support the Company's strategic achievements in accordance with the Corporate Roadmap set out in the Company's Long-Term Plan ("RJPP") for the period 2020-2024, a number of strategic initiatives have been established to beimplemented in 2020, namely:

10 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Jejak LangkahMilestone

1960–1992 20132012 2014 2015–2016

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) didirikan dan mulai beroperasi.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) was established and commenced operations.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) bertransformasi dan menyandang identitas baru dengan nama IPC.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) was transformed and carried out a new identity under the name of IPC.

Persiapan pelaksanaan Go Live untuk pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas Pontianak dan Terminal Petikemas Jambi.

Preparation for Go Live of Pontianak Container Terminal and Jambi Container Terminal operations.

Perseroan didirikan dengan nama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas sebagai anak perusahaan dari IPC.

The Company was established under the name of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as subsidiary of IPC.

• Secara resmi IPC TPK mengoperasikan terminal petikemas secara komersial;

• Penunjukan IPC TPK sebagai Operator Terminal Petikemas Pontianak dan Terminal Petikemas Jambi;

• Pendirian entitas asosiasi PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1).

• IPC TPK officially commenced commercial container terminal operations;

• Appointment of IPC TPK as the Operator of Pontianak Container Terminal and Jambi Container Terminal;

• Establishment of associated entity PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1).

10 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


11PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

2017 20192018 2020

• Penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama 5 (lima) terminal petikemas di Pelabuhan Palembang, Pelabuhan Panjang, Pelabuhan Pontianak, Pelabuhan Jambi dan Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur.

• Pengoperasian kegiatan Common Area NPCT1.

• Signing of cooperation contract of 5 (five) container terminals in Palembang Port, Panjang Port, Pontianak Port, Jambi Port, and Teluk Bayur Port.

• Commencing operations of NPCT1 Common Area.

• Mulai tanggal 1 Januari 2018, IPC TPK melakukan pengelolaan 5 (lima) terminal petikemas di Terminal Petikemas Palembang, Panjang, Pontianak, Jambi dan Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur.

• Di paruh kedua tahun 2018, IPC TPK mengelola terminal petikemas Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

• IPC TPK membangun sistem yang terintegrasi untuk mengelola seluruh area operasi IPC TPK, mulai dari mengembangkan Terminal Operating System (TOS), Gate Automation System, Pertukaran Data Elektronik Kepabeanan (TPS-Online), hingga pengembangan dashboard sebagai sarana monitoring dan reporting untuk kebutuhan manajemen.

• As of January 1, 2018, IPC TPK commenced to manage 5 (five) container terminals at Palembang, Panjang, Pontianak, Jambi and Teluk Bayur Ports.

• In the second half of 2018, IPC TPK commenced to manage container terminal at Tanjung Priok Port.

• IPC TPK developed an integrated system to manage all operational areas, starting with Terminal Operating System (TOS), Gate Automation System, Customs Electronic Data Exchange (TPS-Online), to developing a dashboard as monitoring and reporting facilities for management purposes.

IPC TPK memasuki tahapan RJPP "World Class Performance".

IPC TPK entered the RJPP phase of “World Class Performance”.

• IPC TPK telah melanjutkan initiative program digitalisasi yang meliputi e-Service, e-Invoice, Autogate, TOS Enhancement, Dashboard dan Autotally di seluruh area.

• IPC TPK menandatangani kerja sama optimalisasi penyediaan dan/atau Pelayanan B/M Barang Petikemas dan kegiatan Pengusahaan Lainnya di Terminal Petikemas yang dilakukan oleh Pelabuhan Jambi.

• Penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama optimalisasi pengelolaan aset untuk pelayanan peti kemas dengan Pelabuhan Pontianak.

• IPC TPK has carried out digitalization initiatives, including e-Service, e-Invoice, Autogate, TOS Enhancement, Dashboard and Autotally at all areas.

• IPC TPK signed cooperation on optimization of provision and/or container loading/unloading services and other Company's services at Container Terminal conducted by Jambi Port.

• Signing of a working contract on optimization of asset management for container service with Pontianak Port.

11PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

12 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

IPC TPK mencatat perolehan pendapatan operasi sebesar Rp2,42 triliun, relatif stabil dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,45 triliun.

IPC TPK recorded operating revenues of Rp2.42 trillion, relatively stable compared to Rp2.45 trillion in 2019.

13PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

14 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues 2.419.973.612 2.453.289.893 1.740.141.840 92.041.209 295.534.045 (1,36)% 69,16%

Laba BrutoGross Profit 271.797.866 256.714.564 290.187.500 9.417.452 14.559.844.804 0,132% (64,02)%

Beban OperasiOperating Expenses ( (2.196.575.419) (1.449.954.340) (82.623.757) (280.974.200) (2,20)% 66,28%

Pendapatan (Beban) Operasi Lainnya – Neto Other Operating Income (Expenses) – Net (18.073.560) (6.285.506) (21.243.835) (6.383.558) 586.295.952 187,54% (99,36)%

Laba Usaha Income from Operations 253.724.306 250.429.058 268.943.665 3.033.894 15.146.141 1,32% 87,57%

Pendapatan Keuangan Finance Income 20.551.294 35.752.502 9.669.463 4.871.056 3.220.721 (42,52)% 58,94%

Beban Keuangan Finance Costs (226.355.039) (100.518) (62.328) (45.424.606) (58.200.066) 225.088,56% 40,43%

Bagian Laba (Rugi) Entitas Asosiasi Equity in Income (Loss) of Associate

(42.020.997) 101.023.133 171.964.086 43.601.125 (141.620.960) (141,60)% (26,20)%

Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan Badan Income (Loss) Before Corporate Income Tax 5.899.564 387.104.175 450.514.886 51.460.649 (117.960.294) (98,48)% 104,50%

Manfaat (Beban) Pajak Penghasilan Badan: Corporate Income Tax Benefit (Expense):

Kini Current (52.709.806) (80.520.046) (107.625.082) (9.537.143) (4.258.753.354) (34,54)% (66,65)%

Tangguhan Deferred 30.611.126 752.633 7.542.053 1.401.126 (2.307.123.303) 3.967,20% 218,89%

Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan Income (Loss) for the Year (16.199.116) 307.336.762 350.431.857 43.324.633 (124.526.171) (105,27)% (39,94)%

Penghasilan Komprehensif LainOther Comprehensive IncomePos yang dapat Direklasifikasi ke Laba RugiItems that may be Reclassified to Profit or Loss

Selisih Kurs Penjabaran Laporan Keuangan Exchange Differences Due to Financial Statements Translation 4.183.227 (12.064.484) 7.073.780 81.493 (6.779.948) (134,67)% 56,54%

Total Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the Year (12.015.889) 295.272.278 357.505.637 43.406.126 (131.306.119) (104,07)% (45)%

Catatan: IPC TPK bukan merupakan perusahaan terbuka. Oleh karenanya IPC TPK tidak menyajikan akun Laba Per Saham di dalam Laporan Keuangan Auditan.Note: IPC TPK is not a publicly listed Company. Therefore, IPC TPK does not present Earning Per Share account in its Audited Financial Statements.

Laporan Laba (Rugi) dan Penghasilan Komprehensif LainnyaStatements of Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive Income

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

Laba (Rugi) Tahun BerjalanIncome (Loss) for the Year

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp

2016 20162017 20172018 20182019 20192020 2020










15PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues 2.419.973.612 2.453.289.893 1.740.141.840 92.041.209 295.534.045 (1,36)% 69,16%

Laba BrutoGross Profit 271.797.866 256.714.564 290.187.500 9.417.452 14.559.844.804 0,132% (64,02)%

Beban OperasiOperating Expenses ( (2.196.575.419) (1.449.954.340) (82.623.757) (280.974.200) (2,20)% 66,28%

Pendapatan (Beban) Operasi Lainnya – Neto Other Operating Income (Expenses) – Net (18.073.560) (6.285.506) (21.243.835) (6.383.558) 586.295.952 187,54% (99,36)%

Laba Usaha Income from Operations 253.724.306 250.429.058 268.943.665 3.033.894 15.146.141 1,32% 87,57%

Pendapatan Keuangan Finance Income 20.551.294 35.752.502 9.669.463 4.871.056 3.220.721 (42,52)% 58,94%

Beban Keuangan Finance Costs (226.355.039) (100.518) (62.328) (45.424.606) (58.200.066) 225.088,56% 40,43%

Bagian Laba (Rugi) Entitas Asosiasi Equity in Income (Loss) of Associate

(42.020.997) 101.023.133 171.964.086 43.601.125 (141.620.960) (141,60)% (26,20)%

Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan Badan Income (Loss) Before Corporate Income Tax 5.899.564 387.104.175 450.514.886 51.460.649 (117.960.294) (98,48)% 104,50%

Manfaat (Beban) Pajak Penghasilan Badan: Corporate Income Tax Benefit (Expense):

Kini Current (52.709.806) (80.520.046) (107.625.082) (9.537.143) (4.258.753.354) (34,54)% (66,65)%

Tangguhan Deferred 30.611.126 752.633 7.542.053 1.401.126 (2.307.123.303) 3.967,20% 218,89%

Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan Income (Loss) for the Year (16.199.116) 307.336.762 350.431.857 43.324.633 (124.526.171) (105,27)% (39,94)%

Penghasilan Komprehensif LainOther Comprehensive IncomePos yang dapat Direklasifikasi ke Laba RugiItems that may be Reclassified to Profit or Loss

Selisih Kurs Penjabaran Laporan Keuangan Exchange Differences Due to Financial Statements Translation 4.183.227 (12.064.484) 7.073.780 81.493 (6.779.948) (134,67)% 56,54%

Total Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the Year (12.015.889) 295.272.278 357.505.637 43.406.126 (131.306.119) (104,07)% (45)%

Catatan: IPC TPK bukan merupakan perusahaan terbuka. Oleh karenanya IPC TPK tidak menyajikan akun Laba Per Saham di dalam Laporan Keuangan Auditan.Note: IPC TPK is not a publicly listed Company. Therefore, IPC TPK does not present Earning Per Share account in its Audited Financial Statements.

Catatan: IPC TPK tidak menerapkan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian. Oleh karena itu, Laporan Keuangan IPC TPK tidak menampilkan Penghasilan Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan yang Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk dan Kepentingan Non-Pengendali serta Laba (Rugi) yang Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk dan Kepentingan Non-Pengendali.

Note: IPC TPK does not implement the Consolidated Financial Statements. Therefore, the Company’s Financial Statements do not show the Comprehensive income for the year attributable to owners of the parent entity and non-controlling interests, or the Profit (Loss) attributable to owners of the parent entity and the non-controlling interests.

(Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)(Expressed in Thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Jumlah Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun BerjalanTotal Comprehensive (Loss) for the Year

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020






Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

16 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Posisi KeuanganStatement of Financial Position

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Aset Assets

Aset Lancar Current AssetsKas dan Setara Kas Cash and Cash Equivalents 482.933.719 433.861.949 742.754.945 117.224.378 128.982.492 11,31% 39,10%

Investasi Jangka PendekShort-term Investment 1.643.232 - - - - - 34,80%

Piutang Usaha – Neto Trade Receivables – Net

Pihak Ketiga Third Parties 60.654.190 50.327.855 84.513.778 6.933.914 19.604.916 20,52% 32,62%

Pihak Berelasi Related Parties 19.432 1.317.855 1.276.521 437.723 1.106.878 (98,53)% (63,60)%

Piutang Lain-Lain Other Receivables

Pihak Ketiga Third Parties - 2.310.301 - 6.688.106 - (100)% 0%

Pihak Berelasi Related Parties 66.119.446 67.937.879 89.926.642 683.531 19.231.416 (2,68)% 36,17%

Pegawai Employees - - - 5.611 6.384 - (89)%

Persediaan Inventories - - - - 36.184 - (93)%

Uang Muka dan Beban Dibayar di Muka Advances and Prepaid Expenses 8.572.156 1.747.956 846.574 406.562 491.109 390,41% 104,40%

Pajak Dibayar di Muka Prepaid Taxes 15.864.683 58.916.533 9.624.821 3.439.125 - (73,07)% 6%

Pendapatan Masih Akan Diterima Accrued Income 29.186.514 7.152.756 17.010.501 149.454 2.344.302 308,05% 87,84%

Total Aset Lancar Total Current Assets 664.993.372 623.572.767 945.953.882 173.271.958 171.804.132 6,64% 40,26%

Aset Tidak Lancar Non-Current AssetsInvestasi pada Entitas Asosiasi Investment in Associate 299.868.935 337.706.705 248.748.056 69.710.190 26.027.572 (11,20)% 84,24%

Aset Tetap – Neto Fixed Assets – Net 54.118.532 46.706.530 8.032.807 947.485

- 15,87% 84,77%

Aset Takberwujud – Neto Intangible Assets – Net 14.342.933 14.254.197 1.924.404 - - 0,62% 60,54%

Aset Hak-Guna – NetoRight-of-Use Assets – Net 3.358.806.430 - - - - - 239,74%

Aset Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax Assets 43.894.083 11.064.235 10.311.602 2.769.548 1.368.422 296,72% 137,98%

Taksiran Tagihan Restitusi Pajak Penghasilan Estimated Claim for Income Tax Refund 118.115.913 62.056.417 3.215.362 3.215.362 469.929 90,34% 298,17%

Aset Tidak Lancar Lainnya Total Other Non-Current Assets 3.702.442 3.448.647 - - - 7,36% 42,87%

Total Aset Tidak Lancar Total Non-Current Assets 3.892.849.268 475.236.731 272.232.231 76.642.585 27.865.923 719,14% 243,79%

Total Aset Total Assets 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 249.914.543 199.670.054 314,80% 118,58%

Liabilitas Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Current LiabilitiesUtang Usaha Trade Payables

Pihak Ketiga Third Parties 4.725.075 8.440.746 17.936.844 1.906.188 2.401.251 (44,02)% 18,44%

Pihak Berelasi Related Parties 41.864.970 37.493.630 11.190.790 2.663.366 2.443.220 11,66% 103,46%

Utang Lain-Lain - Pihak Berelasi Other Payables - Related Parties 189.379.362 246.749.473 269.962.033 74.343.710 42.836.432 (23,25)% 45%

Utang Pajak Tax Payables 11.941.092 53.638.837 73.791.419 16.021.049 6.446.734 (77,74)% 16,66%

17PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

(Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)(Expressed in Thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Aset Assets

Aset Lancar Current AssetsKas dan Setara Kas Cash and Cash Equivalents 482.933.719 433.861.949 742.754.945 117.224.378 128.982.492 11,31% 39,10%

Investasi Jangka PendekShort-term Investment 1.643.232 - - - - - 34,80%

Piutang Usaha – Neto Trade Receivables – Net

Pihak Ketiga Third Parties 60.654.190 50.327.855 84.513.778 6.933.914 19.604.916 20,52% 32,62%

Pihak Berelasi Related Parties 19.432 1.317.855 1.276.521 437.723 1.106.878 (98,53)% (63,60)%

Piutang Lain-Lain Other Receivables

Pihak Ketiga Third Parties - 2.310.301 - 6.688.106 - (100)% 0%

Pihak Berelasi Related Parties 66.119.446 67.937.879 89.926.642 683.531 19.231.416 (2,68)% 36,17%

Pegawai Employees - - - 5.611 6.384 - (89)%

Persediaan Inventories - - - - 36.184 - (93)%

Uang Muka dan Beban Dibayar di Muka Advances and Prepaid Expenses 8.572.156 1.747.956 846.574 406.562 491.109 390,41% 104,40%

Pajak Dibayar di Muka Prepaid Taxes 15.864.683 58.916.533 9.624.821 3.439.125 - (73,07)% 6%

Pendapatan Masih Akan Diterima Accrued Income 29.186.514 7.152.756 17.010.501 149.454 2.344.302 308,05% 87,84%

Total Aset Lancar Total Current Assets 664.993.372 623.572.767 945.953.882 173.271.958 171.804.132 6,64% 40,26%

Aset Tidak Lancar Non-Current AssetsInvestasi pada Entitas Asosiasi Investment in Associate 299.868.935 337.706.705 248.748.056 69.710.190 26.027.572 (11,20)% 84,24%

Aset Tetap – Neto Fixed Assets – Net 54.118.532 46.706.530 8.032.807 947.485

- 15,87% 84,77%

Aset Takberwujud – Neto Intangible Assets – Net 14.342.933 14.254.197 1.924.404 - - 0,62% 60,54%

Aset Hak-Guna – NetoRight-of-Use Assets – Net 3.358.806.430 - - - - - 239,74%

Aset Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax Assets 43.894.083 11.064.235 10.311.602 2.769.548 1.368.422 296,72% 137,98%

Taksiran Tagihan Restitusi Pajak Penghasilan Estimated Claim for Income Tax Refund 118.115.913 62.056.417 3.215.362 3.215.362 469.929 90,34% 298,17%

Aset Tidak Lancar Lainnya Total Other Non-Current Assets 3.702.442 3.448.647 - - - 7,36% 42,87%

Total Aset Tidak Lancar Total Non-Current Assets 3.892.849.268 475.236.731 272.232.231 76.642.585 27.865.923 719,14% 243,79%

Total Aset Total Assets 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 249.914.543 199.670.054 314,80% 118,58%

Liabilitas Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Current LiabilitiesUtang Usaha Trade Payables

Pihak Ketiga Third Parties 4.725.075 8.440.746 17.936.844 1.906.188 2.401.251 (44,02)% 18,44%

Pihak Berelasi Related Parties 41.864.970 37.493.630 11.190.790 2.663.366 2.443.220 11,66% 103,46%

Utang Lain-Lain - Pihak Berelasi Other Payables - Related Parties 189.379.362 246.749.473 269.962.033 74.343.710 42.836.432 (23,25)% 45%

Utang Pajak Tax Payables 11.941.092 53.638.837 73.791.419 16.021.049 6.446.734 (77,74)% 16,66%

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

18 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Posisi KeuanganStatement of Financial Position

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Beban Akrual Accrued Expenses 376.122.440 218.292.580 325.574.014 16.544.318 45.846.748 72,30% 69,24%

Uang Titipan Deposits Received 32.544.842 21.266.628 12.743.968 4.186.517 6.923.659 53,03% 47,24%

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Lainnya Other Current Liabilities 1.836.155 731.192 329.115 199.463 315.754 151,12% 55,29%

Liabilitas Sewa - bagian lancarLease Liabilities - current maturities 140.447.796 - - - - - 107,86%

Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Total Current Liabilities 798.861.732 586.613.086 711.528.183 115.864.611 107.213.797 36,18% 65,22%

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Non-Current LiabilitiesUtang Lain-Lain Pihak Ketiga Other Payables - Third Parties 228.316.052 225.013.928 234.402.238 219.299.877 221.112.329 1,47% 0,80%

Liabilitas sewa - setelah dikurangi bagian lancarLease Liabilities - net of current maturities 3.369.722.296 - - - - - 239,93%

Total Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Total Non-Current Liabilities 3.598.038.348 225.013.928 234.402.238 234.402.238 221.112.329 1.499,03% 100,85%

Total Liabilitas Total Liabilities 4.396.900.080 811.627.014 945.930.421 335.164.488 328.326.125 441,74% 91,30%

Ekuitas Equity

Modal Saham – Nilai Nominal Rp1.000.000 Per Saham Share Capital – Rp1,000,000 Par Value Per ShareModal Dasar – 100.000 Saham Authorized – 100,000 SharesModal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh – 25.000 Saham Issued and Fully Paid – 25,000 Shares 25.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 - -

Saldo Laba Retained EarningsCadangan Umum General Reserves 70.086.371 70.086.371 - - - - 90,50%

Belum Ditentukan Penggunaannya Unappropriated 53.782.239 184.205.390 227.300.485 (123.131.373) (166.456.005) (70,80)% 120,82%

Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Other Comprehensive Income 12.073.950 7.890.723 19.955.207 12.881.427 12.799.934 53,01% (1,45)%

Ekuitas – Neto Equity – Net 160.942.560 287.182.484 272.255.692 (85.249.945) (128.656.071) (43,96)% 129,45%

Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas Total Liabilities and Equity 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 249.914.543 199.670.054 314,80% 118,58%

Investasi Pada Entitas AsosiasiInvestment in Associate

Jumlah AsetTotal Assets

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp






200 249



2016 20162017 20172018 20182019 20192020 2020

19PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

(Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)(Expressed in Thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Beban Akrual Accrued Expenses 376.122.440 218.292.580 325.574.014 16.544.318 45.846.748 72,30% 69,24%

Uang Titipan Deposits Received 32.544.842 21.266.628 12.743.968 4.186.517 6.923.659 53,03% 47,24%

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Lainnya Other Current Liabilities 1.836.155 731.192 329.115 199.463 315.754 151,12% 55,29%

Liabilitas Sewa - bagian lancarLease Liabilities - current maturities 140.447.796 - - - - - 107,86%

Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Total Current Liabilities 798.861.732 586.613.086 711.528.183 115.864.611 107.213.797 36,18% 65,22%

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Non-Current LiabilitiesUtang Lain-Lain Pihak Ketiga Other Payables - Third Parties 228.316.052 225.013.928 234.402.238 219.299.877 221.112.329 1,47% 0,80%

Liabilitas sewa - setelah dikurangi bagian lancarLease Liabilities - net of current maturities 3.369.722.296 - - - - - 239,93%

Total Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Total Non-Current Liabilities 3.598.038.348 225.013.928 234.402.238 234.402.238 221.112.329 1.499,03% 100,85%

Total Liabilitas Total Liabilities 4.396.900.080 811.627.014 945.930.421 335.164.488 328.326.125 441,74% 91,30%

Ekuitas Equity

Modal Saham – Nilai Nominal Rp1.000.000 Per Saham Share Capital – Rp1,000,000 Par Value Per ShareModal Dasar – 100.000 Saham Authorized – 100,000 SharesModal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh – 25.000 Saham Issued and Fully Paid – 25,000 Shares 25.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 25.000.000 - -

Saldo Laba Retained EarningsCadangan Umum General Reserves 70.086.371 70.086.371 - - - - 90,50%

Belum Ditentukan Penggunaannya Unappropriated 53.782.239 184.205.390 227.300.485 (123.131.373) (166.456.005) (70,80)% 120,82%

Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Other Comprehensive Income 12.073.950 7.890.723 19.955.207 12.881.427 12.799.934 53,01% (1,45)%

Ekuitas – Neto Equity – Net 160.942.560 287.182.484 272.255.692 (85.249.945) (128.656.071) (43,96)% 129,45%

Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas Total Liabilities and Equity 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 249.914.543 199.670.054 314,80% 118,58%

Jumlah LiabilitasTotal Liabilities

Jumlah EkuitasTotal Equity

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp

dalam miliar Rpin billion Rp

328 335

946 812


(129) (85)

272 287


2016 20162017 20172018 20182019 20192020 2020

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

20 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Arus KasStatement of Cash Flows

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Penerimaan Kas dari Pelanggan Cash Receipts from Customers

2.374.953.991 2.512.565.162 1.652.010.739 107.346.793 - (5,48)% 21,976%

Pembayaran kepada PemasokPayments to Suppliers

(1.577.982.908) (2.044.927.287) (833.938.064) (83.494.755) - (22,83)% 19,831%

Pembayaran kepada Karyawan Payment to Employees

(275.121.387) (309.707.766) (131.892.185) (30.751.285 - (11,17)% 12,779%

Pembayaran kepada Kantor PajakPayment to the Tax Office

(90.877.105) (167.704.011) (68.233.821) (9.314.586) - (45,81)% 9,664%

Penerimaan Penghasilan Bunga Interest Income Received

16.421.957 28.965.497 8.445.944 4.433.932 - (43,31)% 6,266%

Arus Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan Untuk) Aktivitas OperasiNet Cash Flow Provided from (Used in) Operating Activities

447.394.548 19.191.595 626.392.613 (11.779.901) 13.895.685 2.231,20% 138,21%

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Perolehan Aset TetapAcquisition of Fixed Assets

(14.365.260) (40.596.933) (1.042.830) - - (64,61)% 6,050%

Perolehan Aset TakberwujudAcquisition of Intangible Assets

(2.288.671) (7.106.076) - - - (67,79)% 3,790%

Penempatan Investasi Jangka PendekPlacement of Short-Term Investment

(1.643.232) - - - - - 3,480%

Arus Kas Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Investasi Net Cash Flow Used in Investing Activities

(18.297.163) (47.703.009) (1.042.830) - - (61,64)% 6,440%

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Pembayaran Dividen Dividend Payment

(107.567.867) (280.345.486) - - - (61,63)% 10,084%

Pembayaran Liabilitas SewaPayment for Lease Liabilities

(272.495.997) - - - - 12,748%

Arus Kas Neto Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Pendanaan Net Cash Flow Used in Financing Activities

(380.063.864) (280.345.486) - - - 35,57% 13,863%

Dampak Perubahan Selisih Kurs Terhadap Kas dan Setara Kas Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

38.249 (36.096) 180.784 21.786 - (205,96)% 1,298%

Kenaikan (Penurunan) Neto Kas dan Setara Kas Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

49.071.770 (308.892.996) 625.530.567 (11.758.115) 13.895.685 (115,89)% (75)%

Kas dan Setara Kas pada Awal Tahun Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Year

433.861.949 742.754.945 117.724.378 128.982.493 115.086.807 (41,59)% 39,34%

Kas dan Setara Kas pada Akhir Tahun Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year

482.933.719 433.861.949 742.754.945 117.224.378 128.982.492 11,31% 39,10%

21PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

(Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain)(Expressed in Thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

KeteranganRemarks 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Penerimaan Kas dari Pelanggan Cash Receipts from Customers

2.374.953.991 2.512.565.162 1.652.010.739 107.346.793 - (5,48)% 21,976%

Pembayaran kepada PemasokPayments to Suppliers

(1.577.982.908) (2.044.927.287) (833.938.064) (83.494.755) - (22,83)% 19,831%

Pembayaran kepada Karyawan Payment to Employees

(275.121.387) (309.707.766) (131.892.185) (30.751.285 - (11,17)% 12,779%

Pembayaran kepada Kantor PajakPayment to the Tax Office

(90.877.105) (167.704.011) (68.233.821) (9.314.586) - (45,81)% 9,664%

Penerimaan Penghasilan Bunga Interest Income Received

16.421.957 28.965.497 8.445.944 4.433.932 - (43,31)% 6,266%

Arus Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan Untuk) Aktivitas OperasiNet Cash Flow Provided from (Used in) Operating Activities

447.394.548 19.191.595 626.392.613 (11.779.901) 13.895.685 2.231,20% 138,21%

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Perolehan Aset TetapAcquisition of Fixed Assets

(14.365.260) (40.596.933) (1.042.830) - - (64,61)% 6,050%

Perolehan Aset TakberwujudAcquisition of Intangible Assets

(2.288.671) (7.106.076) - - - (67,79)% 3,790%

Penempatan Investasi Jangka PendekPlacement of Short-Term Investment

(1.643.232) - - - - - 3,480%

Arus Kas Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Investasi Net Cash Flow Used in Investing Activities

(18.297.163) (47.703.009) (1.042.830) - - (61,64)% 6,440%

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Pembayaran Dividen Dividend Payment

(107.567.867) (280.345.486) - - - (61,63)% 10,084%

Pembayaran Liabilitas SewaPayment for Lease Liabilities

(272.495.997) - - - - 12,748%

Arus Kas Neto Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Pendanaan Net Cash Flow Used in Financing Activities

(380.063.864) (280.345.486) - - - 35,57% 13,863%

Dampak Perubahan Selisih Kurs Terhadap Kas dan Setara Kas Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

38.249 (36.096) 180.784 21.786 - (205,96)% 1,298%

Kenaikan (Penurunan) Neto Kas dan Setara Kas Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

49.071.770 (308.892.996) 625.530.567 (11.758.115) 13.895.685 (115,89)% (75)%

Kas dan Setara Kas pada Awal Tahun Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Year

433.861.949 742.754.945 117.724.378 128.982.493 115.086.807 (41,59)% 39,34%

Kas dan Setara Kas pada Akhir Tahun Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year

482.933.719 433.861.949 742.754.945 117.224.378 128.982.492 11,31% 39,10%

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

22 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Rasio-Rasio Keuangan Financial Ratios


SatuanUnit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Rasio Profitabilitas Profitability Ratio

Rasio Laba Terhadap PendapatanProfit Margin % (0,67)% 12,52% 20,14% 47,07% 42,14% (4,699)% (5)%

Rasio Laba Terhadap Jumlah EkuitasReturn on Equity % (10,07)% 1.127,41% 511,06% 150,92% (4,70)% (106,98)% (2)%

Imbalan Investasi (ROI) Return on Investments % 12,20% 24,04% 23,33% 1,22% (59,00)% (59,00)% 3%

Rasio Laba Terhadap Jumlah Aset Return on Assets % (0,36)% 27,97% 28,77% 17,38% (62,37)% (101,29)% (72,06)%

Rasio Likuiditas Liquidity Ratio

Rasio Kas Cash Ratio % 60,45% 73,96% 104,39% 101,17% 120,30% (0,82)% (11,63)%

Rasio Lancar Current Ratio % 83,24% 106,30% 132,95% 149,55% 160,00% (4,99)% 185,04%

Rasio Operasi Operational Ratio

Tingkat Pengembalian Total Aset Rate of Return on Total Assets % 0,13% 35,23% 36,98% 20,59% 59,07% - N/A

Average Collection Period Average Collection Period

haridays 9,00 8,00 18,00 29,24 25 (10,47)% (21,42)%

Rasio Perputaran Total Aset Total Assets Turnover % 53,18% 236,12% 157,76% 38,93% 148 (77,53)% 7,68%

Struktur Modal Kerja Working Capital Structure

Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Total Aset Debt to Asset Ratio % 96,47% 73,86% 77,65% 134,11% 164,43% 30,61% (12,48)%

Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas Debt to Equity Ratio % 2.731,97% 282,62% 347,44% 399,70% (255,20)% 866,66% 135%

Rasio Modal Sendiri terhadap Total Aset Total Equity to Total Assets % 3,53% 26,14% 22,35% (34,11)% 1% (86,50)% 0,87%

Pertumbuhan (%) Growth (%)

Pendapatan Operasi Operating Revenue % (1,36)% 40,98% 1.790,61% (13,83)% (1,28)% (103,32)% 1,53%

Laba Usaha Operating Profit % 1,32% (6,88)% 8.767,26% (85,20)% (47,13)% (112,68)% 10,38%

Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the Year % (104,07)% (17,41)% (133,07)% (133,07)% (882,32)% 497,76% (41,40)%

Ekuitas Equity % (43,96)% 5,48% 419,36% (33,74)% (4.954,86)% (902,19)% (69,31)%

Total Aset Total Assets % 314,80% (9,80)% 387,44% 25,16% (38,77)% (3.312,24)% 45,94%

23PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Rasio-Rasio Keuangan Financial Ratios


SatuanUnit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Pertumbuhan (%)Growth (%)



Rasio Profitabilitas Profitability Ratio

Rasio Laba Terhadap PendapatanProfit Margin % (0,67)% 12,52% 20,14% 47,07% 42,14% (4,699)% (5)%

Rasio Laba Terhadap Jumlah EkuitasReturn on Equity % (10,07)% 1.127,41% 511,06% 150,92% (4,70)% (106,98)% (2)%

Imbalan Investasi (ROI) Return on Investments % 12,20% 24,04% 23,33% 1,22% (59,00)% (59,00)% 3%

Rasio Laba Terhadap Jumlah Aset Return on Assets % (0,36)% 27,97% 28,77% 17,38% (62,37)% (101,29)% (72,06)%

Rasio Likuiditas Liquidity Ratio

Rasio Kas Cash Ratio % 60,45% 73,96% 104,39% 101,17% 120,30% (0,82)% (11,63)%

Rasio Lancar Current Ratio % 83,24% 106,30% 132,95% 149,55% 160,00% (4,99)% 185,04%

Rasio Operasi Operational Ratio

Tingkat Pengembalian Total Aset Rate of Return on Total Assets % 0,13% 35,23% 36,98% 20,59% 59,07% - N/A

Average Collection Period Average Collection Period

haridays 9,00 8,00 18,00 29,24 25 (10,47)% (21,42)%

Rasio Perputaran Total Aset Total Assets Turnover % 53,18% 236,12% 157,76% 38,93% 148 (77,53)% 7,68%

Struktur Modal Kerja Working Capital Structure

Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Total Aset Debt to Asset Ratio % 96,47% 73,86% 77,65% 134,11% 164,43% 30,61% (12,48)%

Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas Debt to Equity Ratio % 2.731,97% 282,62% 347,44% 399,70% (255,20)% 866,66% 135%

Rasio Modal Sendiri terhadap Total Aset Total Equity to Total Assets % 3,53% 26,14% 22,35% (34,11)% 1% (86,50)% 0,87%

Pertumbuhan (%) Growth (%)

Pendapatan Operasi Operating Revenue % (1,36)% 40,98% 1.790,61% (13,83)% (1,28)% (103,32)% 1,53%

Laba Usaha Operating Profit % 1,32% (6,88)% 8.767,26% (85,20)% (47,13)% (112,68)% 10,38%

Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the Year % (104,07)% (17,41)% (133,07)% (133,07)% (882,32)% 497,76% (41,40)%

Ekuitas Equity % (43,96)% 5,48% 419,36% (33,74)% (4.954,86)% (902,19)% (69,31)%

Total Aset Total Assets % 314,80% (9,80)% 387,44% 25,16% (38,77)% (3.312,24)% 45,94%

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

24 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Ikhtisar OperasionalOperational Highlights


SatuanUnit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Trafik Traffic

Pelayanan Luar Negeri International Services

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic TEU 561.322 559.743 440.545 - 26.910

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic Box 415.321 418.317 338.953 - 21.146

Pelayanan Dalam Negeri Domestic Services

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic TEU 2.018.000 2.027.886 1.183.695 - 257.957

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic Box 1.699.047 1.705.295 1.017.758 - 257.745

JumlahTotal (T/G/H)

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic TEU 2.579.321 2.587.629 1.624.230 25.495 284.867

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic Box 2.114.368 2.123.612 1.356.711 16.337 278.891

No Cabang/AreaBranch/Area

Throughput BOR YOR BCH BSH(B/W/T) BSH (ET)


1 Tanjung Priok

Tanjung Priok 1

Zona 1Zone 1

74.439 98.916 14,28 18,24 18,92 21,29 26,10

Zona 2Zone 2

328.232 389.476 57,65 51,11 23,12 33,65

Zona 3Zone 3

311.122 386.996 57,37 47,16 21,53 25,49

Tanjung Priok 2


653.392 764.321 41,51 51,20 21,75 33,10 42,05


206.191 313.943 19,35 28,61 22,11 43,51 52,71

Area Terminal Support 197.630 233.054 26,57 -

2 Panjang 102.810 120.969 29,56 15,73 23,27 26,29 38,25

3 Palembang 115.738 129.407 29,44 34,53 28,83 24,08 35,25

4 Pontianak 201.270 237.391 47,88 47,16 32,24 29,62 42,26

5 Jambi 31.578 40.455 12,35 39,47 20,15 30,51 37,94

6 Teluk Bayur 89.596 97.448 47,95 22,86 22,54 28,72 39,87

Ikhtisar Operasional Per Area Tahun 2020 Operational Performance Per Area 2020

25PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tingkat Kesehatan IPC TPKSoundness Level of IPC TPK

Realisasi Tingkat Kesehatan IPC TPK Tahun 2020Soundness Level Realization of IPC TPK in 2020

No Perspektif/IndikatorPerspective/Indicator


Realisasi (%)Realization (%)


A Aspek Keuangan/Financial Aspect

1 Imbalan kepada Pemegang Saham (ROE) Return On Equity (ROE) 15,57 10,07 1,57

2 Imbalan Investasi (ROI) Return On Investment (ROI) 10,57 12,20 7,57

3 Rasio Kas Cash Ratio 3,57 60,45 3,57

4 Rasio Lancar Current Ratio 4,57 83,24 2,57

5 Collection Period (hari/days) 4,57 9 Hari/Days 4,57

6 Perputaran Persediaan* Inventory Turnover* N/A - N/A

7 Perputaran Total Aset Total Asset Turnover 4,57 53,18 2,07

8 Rasio Modal Sendiri terhadap Total Aset Equity to Total Assets Ratio 6,58 3,53 2,58

Jumlah Aspek Keuangan Total Financial Aspect 50,00 24,50

B Aspek Operasional/Operational Aspect

1 Kesiapan Alat Produksi Production Equipment Availability 17,50 38,01 17,50

2 Pemanfaatan Alat Produksi Production Equipment Utilization 17,50 62,33 17,50

Jumlah Aspek Operasional Total Operational Aspect 35,00 35,00

C Aspek Administrasi/Administration Aspect

1 Laporan Perhitungan Tahunan Annual Report Calculation 5,00 <bulan ke-4

<4th month 5,00

2 Rancangan RKAP RKAP Draft 5,00 <2 bulan/months 5,00

3 Laporan Periodik Periodic Reports 5,00 0<x<30 hari/days 5,00

Jumlah Aspek Administrasi Total Administration Aspect 15,00 15,00

Jumlah A + B + C Total A + B + C 100 74,50



* Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, Perusahaan tidak memiliki saldo persediaan sehingga penilaian atas perhitungan perputaran persediaan (inventory turnover) tersebut tidak dapat diaplikasikan. Bobot atas kriteria tersebut dialokasikan secara merata ke kriteria aspek keuangan lainnya.

* As of December 31, 2020, the Company did not have an inventory balance, allowing the assessment of the inventory turnover was unable to be applied. The weight of these criteria is equally allocated to the criteria for other financial aspects.

Perbandingan Tingkat Kesehatan IPC TPK dalam 3 (tiga) Tahun TerakhirComparison of Soundness Level of IPC TPK for the Last 3 (three) Years


2020 2019 2018

Aspek Keuangan Financial Aspect 24,50 47,81 47,81

Aspek Operasional Operational Aspect 35,00 23,07 35,00

Aspek Administrasi Administration Aspect 15,00 15,00 15,00

Jumlah Nilai Total Score 74,50 85,88 97,81

Tingkat Kesehatan IPC TPK The Company’s Soundness Level




Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

26 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





I Keuangan dan Pasar Finance and Market

1 EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin % 7 24,10 22,96 95,26 6,67

2 Pertumbuhan Laba BersihNet Income Growth % 7 85,80 105,27 77,30 5,41

3 Pangsa Pasar PetikemasContainer Market Share % 7 30,06 37,04 123,21 8,40

4 CAPEX % 7 87,50 86,84 99,24 6,95

Subtotal 28 27,43

II Fokus Pelanggan Customer Focus

1 Indeks Kepuasan PelangganCustomer Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 8 4,67 4,72 101,07 8,09

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan CabangSynergy of Subsidiaries and Branches % 7 100,00 71,79 71,79 5,02

Subtotal 15 13,11

III Fokus Tenaga Kerja Manpower Focus

1 Produktivitas Pegawai Employee Productivity

Juta Rp/ Pegawai

Rp Million/ Employee

8 586,99 574,63 97,89 7,83

2 Indeks Kepuasan PegawaiEmployee Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 7 4,50 4,12 91,56 6,41

Subtotal 15 14,24

IV Efektivitas Produk dan Proses Product and Process Effectiveness

1 Produktivitas B/M Terminal Petikemas (B/S/H)B/M Container Terminal Productivity (B/S/H)

B/S/H 8 37,31 38,01 101,86 8,15

2 Tingkat Efektivitas Tambatan PetikemasContainer Berthing Effectiveness Level % 8 61,33 62,33 101,64 8,13

3 YOR PetikemasContainer YOR % 8 38,16 34,99 108,30 8,40

Subtotal 24 24,68

V Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

1 Jumlah KecelakaanNumber of Accidents

Jumlah Kecelakaan

Total Accident

6 0 0 110,00 6,30

2 Tindak Lanjut Temuan AuditFollow up on Audit Findings % 6 75,00 96,30 128,40 6,30

3 Skor Pencapaian GCGGCG Score

SkorScore 6 96,10 97,04 100,98 6,06

Subtotal 18 18,66

Jumlah/Total 100 98,12

27PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Realisasi Key Performance Indicators Tahun 2019Realization of Key Performance Indicators in 2019

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator









I Keuangan dan Pasar Finance and Market

1 Margin EBITDA EBITDA Margin 9,00 18,57 % 10,75 57,89 5,21

2 Pertumbuhan Pendapatan Usaha Business Revenue Growth 9,00 74,83 % 40,98 54,77 4,93

3 Average Collection Period (ACP) Average Collection Period (ACP) 8,00 8,4 Hari

Days 10,22 77,79 6,22

Subtotal 26,00 16,36

II Fokus Pelanggan Customer Focus

1 Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan Customer Satisfaction Index 8,00 4,65 Skala Likert

Likert Scale 4,71 101,29 8,10

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan Cabang Synergy of Subsidiaries and Branches 7,00 100,00 % 122,16 122,16 7,35

Subtotal 15,00 15,45

III Efektivitas Produk dan Proses Product and Process Effectiveness

1 Produktivitas B/M Terminal Petikemas B/M Container Terminal Productivity 8,00 36,83 B/S/H 37,71 101,30 8,10

2 Tingkat Efektivitas Tambatan Petikemas Container Berthing Effectiveness Level 8,00 68,72 % 61,33 89,25 7,14

3 Persentase Pertumbuhan Throughput Throughput Growth Percentage 8,00 2,40 % 96,59 94,44 7,55

Subtotal 24,00 22,79

IV Fokus Tenaga Kerja Manpower Focus

1 Produktivitas Pegawai Employee Productivity 8,00 283,00

Juta Rp/ Pegawai

Rp Million/ Employee

133,50 47,17 3,77

2 Indeks Kepuasan Pegawai Employee Satisfaction Index 7,00 4,30 Skala Likert

Likert Scale 4,36 101,40 7,10

Subtotal 15,00 10,87

V Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

1 Jumlah KecelakaanNumber of Accidents 7,00 0,00

Jumlah Kecelakaan

Total Accident0,00 110,00 7,70

2 Penyerapan Investasi (Capex) Investment Absorbtion (Capex) 7,00 87,50 % 84,63 96,73 6,77

3 Skor Pencapaian GCG GCG Score 6,00 95,00 Skor

Score 96,42 101,49 6,09

Subtotal 20,00 20,56

Jumlah/Total 100,00 86,03

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

28 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Ikhtisar Saham dan Aksi KorporasiStock Highlights and Corporate Action

Ikhtisar Obligasi, Sukuk, atau Obligasi KonversiHighlights of Bonds, Sharia Bonds or Convertible Bonds

Informasi Sumber Pendanaan LainnyaInformation on Other Sources of Funds

Hingga akhir tahun 2020, IPC TPK tidak mencatatkan sahamnya di bursa efek manapun baik yang berada di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, informasi terkait ikhtisar kinerja saham hanyalah mengenai kepemilikan saham IPC TPK oleh PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) sebesar 99,00% dan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama sebesar 1,00%.

Dengan demikian, IPC TPK juga tidak menyajikan informasi terkait kapitalisasi pasar berdasarkan harga pada Bursa Efek tempat saham dicatatkan; harga saham tertinggi, terendah, dan penutupan berdasarkan harga pada Bursa Efek tempat saham dicatatkan; volume perdagangan saham pada Bursa Efek tempat saham dicatatkan; dan informasi dalam bentuk grafik mengenai harga penutupan berdasarkan harga pada Bursa Efek tempat saham dicatatkan serta volume perdagangan saham pada Bursa Efek tempat saham dicatatkan. IPC TPK juga tidak memiliki informasi terkait aksi penghentian sementara perdagangan saham (suspension) dan/atau penghapusan pencatatan saham (delisting).

As at the end of 2020, IPC TPK did not list its shares on any Stock Exchange both in Indonesia and overseas. Thus, the information regarding stock performance highlights was merely the ownership of IPC TPK’s shares by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) with 99.00% and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama with 1.00%.

Accordingly, IPC TPK does not present the information regarding market capitalization based on the prices on the Stock Exchange where the shares are listed; the highest, lowest and closing stock price based on the price on the Stock Exchange where the shares are listed; trading volume of shares on the Stock Exchange where the shares are listed; and information in graphical form where the closing price is based on the price on the Stock Exchange where the shares are listed as well as the trading volume of shares on the Stock Exchange where the shares are listed. Also, IPC TPK does not have information regarding temporary suspension and or the delisting of shares.

Hingga 31 Desember 2020, tidak terdapat informasi terkait jumlah obligasi/sukuk/obligasi konversi yang beredar (outstanding), tingkat bunga/imbalan, tanggal jatuh tempo, peringkat obligasi/sukuk. Hal ini dikarenakan IPC TPK tidak melakukan pencatatan obligasi, sukuk atau obligasi konversi, maupun pencatatan efek lainnya sepanjang tahun 2020.

Per 31 Desember 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tidak menerbitkan Medium Term Notes (MTN) atau pendanaan berbentuk utang lainnya.

As of December 31, 2020, there was no information of outstanding number of bonds/sharia bonds/convertible bonds, interest rate/yield, maturity dates and bond/sharia bonds ratings. This was due to the fact that IPC TPK did not issue bonds/sharia bonds/convertible bonds or other securities listing throughout 2020.

As of December 31, 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas did not issue any Medium Term Notes (MTN) or other debt funding.

29PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Peristiwa Penting Tahun 20202020 Highlighted Events

Penandatanganan dilakukan oleh Direktur Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas M. Adji dan Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Jakarta Utara I Made Sudarmawan, SH, MH. Penandatanganan ini dilakukan untuk menyepakati bersama tentang Bantuan Penanganan Permasalahan Hukum di Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara.

The signing was carried out by the President Director of IPC TPK, M. Adji and the Head of the North Jakarta District Attorney I Made Sudarmawan, SH, MH. This signing was carried out to mutually agree on Assistance for Handling Legal Cases in the Civil and State Administration.

Sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk mempresentasikan Behandle Management System kepada Instansi Bea Cukai dan Karantina.

This socialization aimed to present the Behandle Management System to Customs and Quarantine Agencies.

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas mendapat penghargaaan The Best GRC For Performance Management in Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services) dan The Best Corporate Secretary dalam ajang GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah Business News.

IPC TPK was awarded The Best GRC For Performance Management in Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services) and The Best Corporate Secretary at the GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award event organized by Business News Magazine.

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, Finan Syaifullah meraih penghargaan Bronze Winner Insan PR 2020, Kategori Manager PR, dalam ajang Insan PR Indonesia 2020 yang diselenggarakan oleh PR Indonesia. Penghargaan ini merupakan apresiasi atas kinerja Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal sebagai garda terdepan IPC TPK yang membawahi dua sub divisi yaitu Tata Kelola Perusahaan dan Hubungan Antara Lembaga, Hubungan Masyarakat & CSR.

Corporate Secretary & External Relations of IPC TPK, Finan Syaifullah won the Bronze Winner award for Insan PR 2020, PR Manager Category, at the Insan PR Indonesia 2020 event organized by PR Indonesia. This award is an appreciation for the performance of the Corporate Secretary & External Relations as the front line of IPC TPK which oversees two sub-divisions, namely Good Corporate Governance and Inter-Institutional Relations, Public Relations & CSR.




02 MaretMarch




Penandatanganan kesepakatan dengan Kejaksaan Negeri Jakarta UtaraThe signing of the agreement with the North Jakarta District Attorney

Sosialisasi Behandle Management System (BMS) di BogorSocialization of Behandle Management System (BMS) in Bogor

Dua Penghargaan di Ajang GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence AwardTwo Awards at the GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award

Penghargaan Bronze Winner di ajang Insan PR Indonesia 2020The Bronze Winner award at the Insan PR Indonesia 2020

Ikhtisar Kinerja 20202020 Performance Highlights

30 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Behandle Management System (BMS) adalah sistem terpadu layanan digital kegiatan behandle berbasis web. BMS mempermudah pengguna jasa dalam melakukan kegiatan behandle yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara manual dan tatap muka. Single Submission – Joint Inspection adalah kegiatan pemeriksaan barang-barang behandle yang dilakukan oleh Instansi Bea Cukai dan Balai Karantina secara bersamaan.

Behandle Management System (BMS), an integrated system of digital services for web-based behandle activities. BMS makes it easier for service users to carry out behandle activities that were previously done manually and face to face. Single Submission – Joint Inspection is an inspection activity of behandle goods carried out by the Customs Agency and the Quarantine Office simultaneously.

IPC TPK menghadiri Forum Eco Port Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Tahun 2020 dengan tema “Mewujudkan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok yang Bersih, Bebas Pencemaran dan Ramah Lingkungan” di Museum Maritim Indonesia, Tanjung Priok. Diwakili oleh Direktur Utama IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo, IPC TPK menerima penyematan pin “Priok Peduli Limbah” sebagai tanda bahwa IPC TPK ditunjuk menjadi Pilot Project terminal yang berwawasan lingkungan (go green) oleh Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

IPC TPK attended the 2020 Tanjung Priok Port Eco Port Forum with the theme “Realizing a Clean, Pollution-Free and Environmentally Friendly Tanjung Priok Port” at the Indonesian Maritime Museum, Tanjung Priok. Represented by the President Director of IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo, IPC TPK received the pin of “Priok Peduli Limbah” (Priok Cares Waste) as a sign that IPC TPK was appointed to be the Pilot Project of the environmentally sound terminal (go green) by the Harbormaster and Authority of Tanjung Priok Port.

IPC TPK meraih prestasi membanggakan dalam ajang bergengsi tingkat nasional TOP GRC Awards 2020 yang diselenggarakan Majalah Top Business bekerja sama dengan KNKG (Komite Nasional Kebijakan Government). Dalam acara puncak TOP GRC Awards yang dilakukan secara daring, IPC TPK meraih dua kategori penghargaan yaitu, TOP GRC Awards 2020 Stars #4 untuk PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan TOP Most Committed GRC Leaders 2020 untuk Direktur Utama IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo.

IPC TPK won a proud achievement at the prestigious national level TOP GRC Awards 2020 organized by Top Business Magazine in collaboration with KNKG (National Committee on Government Policy). At the top event of the TOP GRC Awards which was conducted online, IPC TPK won two award categories, namely TOP GRC Awards 2020 Stars #4 for PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and TOP Most Committed GRC Leaders 2020 for President Director of IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo.



15 OktoberOctober



Forum Eco Port Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Tahun 2020The 2020 Tanjung Priok Port Eco Port Forum

Peluncuran Behandle Management System (BMS) dan Single Submission – Joint InspectionLaunch of Behandle Management System (BMS) Single Submission – Joint Inspection

Dua Penghargaan di Ajang TOP GRC Awards 2020Two Awards at the TOP GRC Awards 2020

31PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

IPC TPK melakukan penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerjasama (PKS) tentang Pengelolaan dan Pengoperasian Aset dan Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas di lima pelabuhan milik PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)/IPC sebagai upaya optimalisasi pendayagunaan aset dan fasilitas terminal dalam rangka meningkatkan produktivitas dan layanan jasa kepelabuhan petikemas termasuk kegiatan pengusahaan jasa kepelabuhan lainnya.

IPC TPK signed a Cooperation Agreement of the Management and Operation of Container Terminal Assets and Facilities at five ports of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)/IPC as an effort to optimize the utilization of terminal assets and facilities in order to increase productivity and container port services including other port service activities.

IPC TPK meraih penghargaan dalam ajang BUMN Branding & Marketing Awards 2020 ke-8 dengan Kategori The Best Export Supporting Development yang diselenggarakan oleh BUMN Track. Penghargaan ini merupakan apresiasi terhadap dukungan pelayanan ekspor.

IPC TPK won an award at the 8th BUMN Branding & Marketing Awards 2020 for the Best Export Supporting Development Category organized by BUMN Track. This award is an appreciation for the support of export services.

Acara Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan ini adalah agenda tahunan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, menerima saran dan kritik serta menjadi tolak ukur tingkat pelayanan yang telah diberikan oleh IPC TPK kepada para pelanggan di seluruh area. Adapun target kepuasan pelanggan yang ingin diraih di tahun 2020 adalah 4,67 pada Skala Likert.

This Customer Satisfaction Survey event is an annual agenda that aims to determine the level of customer satisfaction, receive suggestions and criticisms and become a benchmark for the level of service rendered by IPC TPK to customers in all areas. The target for customer satisfaction to be achieved in 2020 was 4.67 of Likert Scale.



18 NovemberNovember



Penghargaan BUMN Branding & Marketing Awards 2020 ke-8The 8th BUMN Branding & Marketing Awards 2020

Penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerjasama (PKS) tentang Pengelolaan dan Pengoperasian Aset dan Fasilitas Terminal PetikemasThe Signing of Agreement of the Management and Operation of Container Terminal Assets and Facilities

IPC TPK menyelenggarakan Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Tahun 2020 IPC TPK held a 2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey

32 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

Kecepatan penyesuaian operasional merupakan kunci untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi saat ini.

The speed of tailoring operations is the key to overcoming the various problems caused by this pandemic.

33PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

34 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Dewan KomisarisReport from the Board of Commissioners

34 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

MUARIPKomisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

35PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Para Pemegang Saham yang terhormat,

Puji syukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa yang telah mengawal perjalanan bisnis IPC TPK sepanjang tahun 2020.

Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, mewakili jajaran Dewan Komisaris, kami ingin menyampaikan laporan pengawasan atas pengelolaan IPC TPK yang dirangkum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2020.

Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, pandemi Covid-19 memberikan implikasi yang sangat besar bagi perekonomian global dan nasional. Dengan semakin meluasnya penyebaran Covid-19, pemerintah di berbagai negara mulai memberlakukan kebijakan pembatasan mobilitas inter dan antar negara sejak bulan Maret 2020. Kebijakan tersebut pada akhirnya berdampak terhadap merosotnya aktivitas ekonomi global baik konsumsi, produksi, maupun investasi yang tercermin pada kontraksi yang dalam dari penjualan ritel, produksi industri dan Purchasing Managers’ Index.

Sejalan dengan terhentinya proses produksi dan gangguan arus distribusi barang, kegiatan perdagangan internasional dan mata rantai suplai global juga mengalami hambatan. Selain itu, pandemi Covid-19 juga menyebabkan penurunan tajam kinerja sektor jasa yang berkaitan dengan mobilitas manusia, seperti sektor pariwisata global akibat penutupan akses masuk antar negara. Kondisi ini diperparah dengan memburuknya tingkat keyakinan konsumen dan pelaku bisnis di berbagai negara seiring dengan penurunan permintaan dan disrupsi produksi. Akibat lebih lanjut, pasar keuangan global juga menghadapi kondisi ketidakpastian yang tinggi akibat memburuknya ekspektasi kinerja ekonomi. (Sumber: Bank Indonesia)

Pandemi telah menyebabkan gangguan terhadap sisi penawaran dan permintaan. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat total impor Indonesia di sepanjang tahun 2020, atau dalam periode Januari 2020 hingga Desember 2020 sebesar US$141,57 miliar,  mengalami penurunan yang cukup dalam, yaitu 17,34% bila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019 sebesar US$171,28 miliar. Dari total impor tersebut, pangsa yang paling besar adalah berupa mesin dan peralatan mekanis sebesar 17,13% dari total ekspor dan mesin serta perlengkapan elektrik dengan pangsa 14,95%.

Our respected Shareholders,

Praise and gratitude to the Almighty God for guiding the business journey of IPC TPK throughout 2020.

On this auspicious occasion, representing the Board of Commissioners, we would like to deliver a supervisory report on the management of IPC TPK which is summarized in the 2020 Annual Report.

As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic has given enormous implications for the global and national economies. With the increasingly widespread of Covid-19, governments in various countries have begun to impose policies on mobility restrictions within and between countries, beginning in March 2020. This policy ultimately resulted in a decline in global economic activities of consumption, production, and investment as reflected in a deep contraction in retail sales, industrial production and Purchasing Managers' Index.

In line with the cessation of production processes and disruption of the goods distribution flow, international trade activities and global supply chains saw obstacles as well. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has also caused a sharp decline in the performance of the service sectors related to human mobility, such as the global tourism sector due to the closure of entry access between countries. This condition was exacerbated by the deteriorating level of consumer confidence and business players in various countries in line with declining demand and production disruptions. As a further consequence, global financial markets also encountered high uncertainties due to deteriorating expectations of economic performance. (Source: Bank Indonesia)

The pandemic has caused disruption to both supply and demand sides. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that Indonesia's total imports throughout 2020, or in the period January 2020 to December 2020, amounted to US$141.57 billion, a fairly deep decline of 17.34% compared to US$171. 28 billion in 2019. Of the total imports, the largest share was machinery and mechanical equipment with 17.13% of total exports and machinery and electrical equipment with a share of 14.95%.

Dewan Komisaris mengapresiasi berbagai kebijakan Direksi yang telah terbukti tidak hanya mampu mempertahankan kelangsungan bisnis Perusahaan namun sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan bagi para pelanggan.

The Board of Commissioners appreciates various policies implemented by the Board of Directors which have proven not only able to maintain the Company's business continuity but simultaneously improve the customer service quality.

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

36 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sementara itu, total ekspor Indonesia di sepanjang tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar US$163,31 miliar, sedikit menurun 2,61% bila dibandingkan dengan ekspor di sepanjang tahun 2019 sebesar US$167,68 miliar. 

Ditinjau dari jenis sektor, baik sektor minyak dan gas (migas) maupun sektor non migas mengalami penurunan ekspor yang masing-masing tercatat sebesar  US$8,31 miliar dan US$155 miliar.

Berbagai kondisi yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi Covid-19 pada akhirnya menuntut IPC TPK untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan di segenap aspek operasional dan melakukan penyesuaian terhadap proses bisnis.

Penilaian atas Kinerja Direksi

Menurut pandangan Dewan Komisaris, kecepatan penyesuaian operasional merupakan kunci untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi ini. IPC TPK melakukan penyesuaian operasi dengan memperhatikan ketentuan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dan penerapan protokol kesehatan secara spesifik di setiap area, selain memaksimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional.

Dalam hal Sumber Daya Manusia yang merupakan kekuatan utama IPC TPK, Dewan Komisaris menyambut baik upaya yang telah dilakukan Direksi untuk mempertahankan kinerja karyawan di masa pandemi melalui penerapan Work from Home (WFH) serta pengembangan kompetensi melalui program pelatihan yang sebagian besar diselenggarakan secara virtual.

Dengan memandang berbagai langkah dan inisiatif strategis yang telah dilakukan oleh Direksi tersebut selama masa pandemi yang berkepanjangan, sudah sepatutnya Dewan Komisaris memberikan apresiasi yang besar kepada jajaran Direksi. Berbagai kebijakan yang dijalankan oleh Direksi telah terbukti tidak hanya mampu mempertahankan kelangsungan bisnis Perusahaan, namun sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan bagi para pelanggan dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan seperti e-billing ataupun e-service.

Dari sisi keuangan, IPC TPK mencatat perolehan Pendapatan Operasi sebesar Rp2,42 triliun, relatif stabil dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,45 triliun, atau mengalami penurunan sebesar 1,36%. Sementara itu, jika dibandingkan dengan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tahun 2020, kinerja Pendapatan Operasi Perusahaan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 5,58%.

Walaupun profitabilitas IPC TPK menunjukkan penurunan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, namun Dewan Komisaris memahami bahwa kondisi di tahun 2020 memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi IPC TPK. Untuk itu, Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa Direksi sudah menunjukkan ketangkasan dan mampu beradaptasi secara cepat dengan kondisi yang ada.

Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, Dewan Komisaris juga ingin mengapreasiasi prestasi IPC TPK yang telah memperoleh penghargaan The Best GRC For Performance Management In Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services) dan The Best Corporate Secretary dalam ajang GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah Business News. Penghargaan lainnya yang diperoleh adalah ajang bergengsi tingkat nasional TOP GRC Awards 2020 yang diselenggarakan Majalah Top Business bekerja sama dengan

Meanwhile, Indonesia's total exports stood at US$163.31 billion throughout 2020, a slight decrease of 2.61% in comparison to US$167.68 billion throughout 2019.

In terms of the type of sector, both the oil and gas and non-oil and gas sectors saw a decline in exports, which stood at US$8.31 billion and US$155 billion, respectively.

Various conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic ultimately required IPC TPK to implement health protocols in all operational aspects and make adjustments to its business processes.

Assessment of the Performance of the Board of Directors

The Board of Commissioners considers that the speed of tailoring operations is the key to overcoming the various problems caused by this pandemic. IPC TPK tailored the operations by taking into account the provisions of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and the implementation of specific health protocols in each area, aside from maximizing the digital technology use to support the operations.

In terms of Human Resources which is the core strength of IPC TPK, the Board of Commissioners gladly accepted the efforts made by the Board of Directors to maintain employee performance during the pandemic by implementing Work from Home (WFH) and competency development through training programs which were mostly held virtually.

Looking on the various strategic steps and initiatives the Board of Directors carried out during the prolonged pandemic, the Board of Commissioners would like to give utmost appreciation to the Board of Directors. Various policies implemented by the Board of Directors have proven not only able to maintain the Company's business continuity, but simultaneously improve the customer service quality with provision of a wide-range of facilities such as e-billing or e-service.

In terms of financial aspect, IPC TPK recorded operating revenue amounted to Rp2.42 trillion, relatively stable compared to Rp2.45 trillion in 2019, or decreased by 1.36%. Meanwhile, when compared to the Company's 2020 Work Plan and Budget (RKAP), the Company's Operating Revenue performance increased by 5.58%.

Although the profitability of IPC TPK demonstrated a decrease compared to the previous year, the Board of Commissioners understands that the conditions in 2020 gave its own challenges for IPC TPK. For this reason, the Board of Commissioners considers that the Board of Directors has shown agility and managed to quickly adapt to existing conditions.

On this auspicious occasion, the Board of Commissioners would also like to appreciate the achievements of IPC TPK which was awarded The Best GRC For Performance Management In Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services) and The Best Corporate Secretary at the GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award by Business News Magazine. Other awards the Company received were the prestigious national level TOP GRC Awards 2020 by Top Business Magazine in collaboration with KNKG (National

37PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

KNKG (Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance). Dalam acara puncak TOP DIGITAL Awards yang dilakukan secara daring, IPC TPK meraih dua kategori penghargaan yaitu, TOP GRC Awards 2020 Stars #4 untuk PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan TOP Most Committed GRC Leaders 2020 untuk Direktur Utama IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo.

Dewan Komisaris berharap pencapaian yang membanggakan ini dapat memacu seluruh insan IPC TPK untuk terus berkarya dan berprestasi dalam rangka mendukung pertumbuhan kinerja IPC TPK di masa mendatang.

Pengawasan Terhadap Penerapan Strategi dan Pemberian Nasihat Kepada Direksi

Dalam kondisi yang diliputi ketidakpastian ini, Dewan Komisaris terus memonitor perkembangan dan kondisi IPC TPK secara proaktif untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini maupun penjelasan dari Manajemen untuk kemudian melakukan pembahasan mengenai tindakan lanjutan ataupun langkah strategis yang harus diambil oleh IPC TPK.

Berdasarkan hasil pengawasan yang telah dilakukan, Dewan Komisaris berpendapat bahwa Direksi telah menjalankan seluruh program kerja dan menerapkan strategi secara efisien dan efektif untuk kelangsungan bisnis Perusahaan sesuai dengan arahan dan rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris, serta selaras dengan RKAP dan RJPP yang telah ditetapkan dan disepakati bersama.

Dewan Komisaris secara konsisten memberikan arahan dan nasihat kepada Direksi melalui rapat gabungan di mana sebagian besar dilakukan secara virtual melalui video conferencing mengingat pandemi yang terjadi mengakibatkan berbagai kegiatan tatap muka ditiadakan termasuk penyelenggaraan rapat-rapat. Sepanjang tahun 2020, kami mengadakan 11 rapat gabungan terjadwal dengan Direksi di mana kami mendiskusikan berbagai agenda, di antaranya terkait adaptasi Perseroan terhadap krisis Covid-19, kinerja keuangan dan operasional, investasi dan ekspansi bisnis baik di lingkungan IPC maupun di luar IPC serta langkah-langkah pembenahan internal dalam rangka persiapan untuk melakukan penggabungan usaha (merger).

Konsistensi Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, pandemi Covid-19 yang berkepanjangan menuntut Perusahaan untuk secara konsisten menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG) agar mampu bertahan di tengah pasar yang terdisrupsi.

IPC TPK memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk konsisten dalam menerapkan praktik-praktik GCG di seluruh tingkatan organisasi seiring dengan transformasi korporasi yang telah dilakukan dengan mengacu pada Pedoman GCG yang berlaku di Grup IPC. Oleh karena itu, IPC TPK senantiasa melakukan pemantauan pelaporan secara reguler dan melakukan telaah atas penerapan GCG serta memfasilitasi assessment oleh pihak independen terhadap implementasi GCG untuk mendapatkan umpan balik penerapan GCG.

Dewan Komisaris memandang bahwa kualitas penerapan GCG di lingkungan IPC TPK mampu dipertahankan sebagaimana tercermin dari hasil assessment untuk tahun buku 2020 dengan skor 97,04, sedikit meningkat dibandingkan skor untuk tahun buku 2019 sebesar 96,418. Pencapaian

Committee on Governance Policy). At the top event of the TOP DIGITAL Awards which was held online, IPC TPK won two award categories, TOP GRC Awards 2020 Stars #4 for PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and TOP Most Committed GRC Leaders 2020 for President Director of IPC TPK, Mr Prastyo Wasis Prabowo.

The Board of Commissioners expects that this proud achievements are able to encourage all personnel of IPC TPK to continue working and making accomplishments to propel the performance growth of IPC TPK in the future.

Supervision of Strategy Implementation and Advice on the Board of Directors

In the midst of uncertain conditions, the Board of Commissioners continued to proactively monitor the developments and conditions of IPC TPK to obtain the information updates and explanations from Management, then discussing them for further actions or strategic steps that must be taken by IPC TPK.

Based on the supervisory results, the Board of Commissioners has concluded that the Board of Directors has carried out all work programs and implemented strategies efficiently and effectively for the Company's business continuity in accordance with the directions and recommendations given by the Board of Commissioners, as well as in line with the jointly determined and agreed RKAP and RJPP.

The Board of Commissioners consistently provided guidance and advices to the Board of Directors through joint meetings, most of which were conducted virtually via video conferencing, considering the pandemic that has resulted in the end of various face-to-face activities, including meetings. Throughout 2020, we held 11 scheduled joint meetings with the Board of Directors to discuss various agendas, including those related to the Company's adaptation to the Covid-19 crisis, financial and operational performance, investment and business expansion both within and outside the IPC as well as internal improvement measures in preparation for a business merger.

Consistency in the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

To our knowledge, the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic requires the Company to consistently implement Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in order to be resilient in the midst of a disrupted market.

IPC TPK has strongly committed to consistently implement GCG practices at all levels of the organization in line with the corporate transformation by referring to the GCG Guidelines applicable in the IPC Group. Therefore, IPC TPK continues to monitor regular reporting and conduct reviews on the implementation of GCG as well as facilitate the GCG assessment by independent party to obtain feedback on the implementation of GCG.

The Board of Commissioners considers that the quality of GCG implementation within IPC TPK was well-maintained as reflected in the assessment results for the financial year 2020 with a score of 97.04, slightly increased compared to the score for the financial year 2019 of 96,418. The achievement

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

38 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

skor tersebut termasuk dalam kategori penilaian “Sangat Baik” yang menunjukkan keberhasilan Perseroan dalam menerapkan GCG secara efektif.

Selain itu, Dewan Komisaris juga menyambut baik dengan diperkenalkannya budaya AKHLAK di mana seluruh BUMN beserta entitasnya  wajib mengimplementasikan AKHLAK secara utuh dalam rangka keseragaman sesuai dengan mandat dari Kementerian BUMN dalam Surat Edaran Menteri BUMN No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 tanggal 1 Juli 2020. Dewan Komisaris meyakini bahwa budaya organisasi yang baru ini akan memainkan peranan yang penting didalam peningkatan kualitas penerapan GCG di lingkungan IPC TPK di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Evaluasi terhadap Kinerja Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris

Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Dewan Komisaris didukung oleh dua komite yang langsung berada di bawah koordinasinya, yaitu Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko. Kedua Komite tersebut berperan penting untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam melakukan fungsi pengawasan atas kinerja Perusahaan.

Dewan Komisaris secara konsisten melakukan evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko setiap 1 (satu) tahun sekali. Evaluasi kinerja dilakukan dengan melihat realisasi dan penyelesaian program kerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam rencana kerja tahunan, serta saran, rekomendasi dan masukan yang diberikan oleh kedua Komite tersebut sesuai dengan ruang lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing Komite. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan pertemuan rutin sesuai dengan program kerja tahunan, pelaksanaan kegiatan lain yang ditugaskan Dewan Komisaris serta pelaporan kegiatan dan hasil penugasan Komite, Dewan Komisaris berpendapat bahwa baik Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko telah menunjukkan kinerja yang sangat baik. Untuk itu, Dewan Komisaris secara khusus ingin mengapresiasi kedua Komite tersebut yang telah menjalankan fungsinya secara optimal dalam hal pengelolaan risiko fraud, risiko keuangan, dan risiko kepatuhan pada Perusahaan.

Whistleblowing System (WBS)

Sebagai salah satu langkah untuk menunjukkan integritas Perusahaan kepada para pemangku kepentingan sekaligus perwujudan dari penerapan prinsip transparansi, IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya mengimplementasikan WBS secara konsisten dan efektif.

Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa seluruh insan IPC TPK memiliki pemahaman yang semakin mendalam terhadap sistem pelaporan pelanggaran di IPC TPK yang dikelola secara terintegrasi dengan Perusahaan Induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Hal ini hasil dari upaya berkelanjutan yang dilakukan melalui sosialisasi secara berkala kepada para pemangku kepentingan, baik secara langsung melalui tatap muka antara manajemen dengan seluruh karyawan, ataupun secara tidak langsung melalui portal internal dan situs web Perusahaan.

Pada tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris tetap memegang peranan sebagai penerima laporan dalam mekanisme WBS apabila pihak terlapor adalah anggota Direksi, atau orang yang mempunyai hubungan khusus dengan anggota Direksi. Dibantu oleh organ pendukungnya, Dewan Komisaris akan

of this score is included in “Excellent” category assessment, demonstrating the Company’s success of implementing GCG in an effective manner.

In addition, the Board of Commissioners also welcomes the AKHLAK culture as all SOEs and their entities are required to implement AKHLAK as a whole in the context of standardization in accordance with the mandate of the Ministry of SOEs in the Circular Letter of the Minister of SOEs No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 dated July 1st, 2020. The Board of Commissioners believes that this new organizational culture will play an important role in improving the quality of GCG implementation within the IPC TPK in the years to come.

Performance Evaluation of Committees under the Board of Commissioners

In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the Board of Commissioners is supported by two committees under its direct coordination, the Audit Committee and the Risk Management Committee. Both committees play an important role of assisting the Board of Commissioners in carrying out its supervisory function over the Company's performance.

The Board of Commissioners consistently evaluates and assesses the performance of the Audit Committee and the Risk Management Committee once a year. Performance evaluation is carried out by considering the realization and completion of work programs as predetermined in the annual work plan, as well as suggestions, recommendations and inputs provided by the two Committees in accordance with the scope of duties and responsibilities of each Committee. Based on the regular meetings as scheduled in the annual work program, other activities assigned by the Board of Commissioners as well as activities reports and results of the assignments of the Committees, the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that the Audit Committee and the Risk Management Committee have demonstrated excellent performance. For this reason, the Board of Commissioners would like to particularly appreciate the two Committees which have carried out their functions optimally in managing fraud risk, financial risk, and compliance risk in the Company.

Whistleblowing System (WBS)

As one of the measures to demonstrate the Company's integrity to the stakeholders as well as realizing the transparency principle, IPC TPK always strives to implement WBS consistently and effectively.

The Board of Commissioners considers that all IPC TPK personnel have a more in-depth understanding of the whistleblowing system at IPC TPK which is managed in an integrated manner with the Parent Company, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). This was attributable to the on-going efforts through regular socialization to stakeholders, either directly by face-to-face meetings between management and all employees, or indirectly by internal portals and the Company's website.

In 2020, the Board of Commissioners continued to play the role of receiving reports in the WBS mechanism if the reported party was a member of the Board of Directors, or a person with special relationship with a member of the Board of Directors. With the assistance of the supporting organs, the Board of

39PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap laporan yang diterima dan melakukan investigasi jika diperlukan. Sepanjang tahun, Dewan Komisaris tidak menemukan adanya laporan pelanggaran baik yang yang terjadi di lingkungan internal maupun eksternal.

Perubahan Komposisi Dewan Komisaris

Pada kesempatan ini, Dewan Komisaris juga ingin menyampaikan adanya perubahan keanggotaan di jajaran Dewan Komisaris dengan mengingat bahwa pemberhentian dan pengangkatan anggota Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK sepenuhnya merupakan kewenangan dan hak dari PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) selaku Pemegang Saham Utama IPC TPK. Berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/2020 tanggal 13 Mei 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Komisaris Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, Elvyn G. Masassya dan Achmad Riadi masing-masing tidak lagi menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama dan Komisaris IPC TPK karena berakhirnya masa jabatan beliau berdua pada tanggal 13 Mei 2020. Untuk itu, Dewan Komisaris ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka atas kontribusinya yang tak ternilai selama bergabung dengan IPC TPK.

Selain itu, Pemegang Saham juga memutuskan untuk mengangkat saya, Muarip, sebagai Komisaris Utama serta Asmai Ishak sebagai Komisaris Independen IPC TPK. Oleh karena itu, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Pemegang Saham yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kami untuk memegang jabatan tersebut dalam rangka menjalankan fungsi pengawasan terhadap IPC TPK.

Dengan adanya perubahan jajaran Dewan Komisaris, maka susunan Dewan Komisaris per 31 Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:



Dasar PengangkatanLegal Basis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm of Office

Periode JabatanPosition Period

Muarip Komisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/2020 tanggal 13 Mei 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Komisaris Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Circular Resolutions of Shareholders In Lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/2020 dated May 31st, 2020 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of the President Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

13 Mei 2020–RUPS 2025May 13th, 2020-GMS 2025


Commissioners will conduct an examination of the reports received and conduct investigations if necessary. Throughout the year, the Board of Commissioners did not find any reports of violations, both those that occurred internally or externally.

Changes in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners

On this occasion, the Board of Commissioners would also like to convey that there has been a change in the Board of Commissioners, bearing in mind that the dismissal and appointment of members of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK is entirely the authority and rights of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) as the Major Shareholder of IPC TPK. Based on the Circular Resolutions of the Shareholders in lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/2020 dated May 13, 2020 regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of the President Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, Elvyn G. Masassya and Achmad Riadi were no longer serving as President Commissioner and Commissioner of IPC TPK due to the end of their term of office on May 13, 2020. Therefore, the Board of Commissioners would like to thank them for their invaluable contribution while joining IPC TPK.

Moreover, the shareholders also decided to appoint me, Muarip, as President Commissioner and Asmai Ishak as Independent Commissioner of IPC TPK. Therefore, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to the shareholders for the opportunity they have given us to hold the said positions in order to carry out the oversight function on IPC TPK.

With these changes, the composition of the Board of Commissioners as of December 31st, 2020 was as follows:

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Dasar PengangkatanLegal Basis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm of Office

Periode JabatanPosition Period

Hary Kriswanto KomisarisCommissioner

Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perusahaan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham No. HK.568/20/4/2/PI.II-17 dan No. HK.476/20/4/4/MTI-17 tanggal 20 April 2017 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Resolutions of the Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas In Lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders No. HK.568/20/4/2/PI.II-17 and No. HK.476/20/4/4/MTI-17 dated April 20th, 2017 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

20 April 2017–RUPS 2022April 20th, 2017-GMS 2022


Asmai Ishak Komisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK.003/PII-SK.07/VII/2020 tanggal 14 Juli 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Anggota Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Circular Resolutions of Shareholders In Lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 and No. SK.003/PII-SK.07/VII/2020 dated July 14, 2020 regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

14 Juli 2020–RUPS 2025July 14th, 2020-GMS 2025


Pandangan Atas Prospek Bisnis

Bank Indonesia memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara keseluruhan tahun 2021 akan berada pada kisaran 4,1% hingga 5,1%. Bisa dikatakan perekonomian Indonesia berada dalam fase pemulihan yang tercermin dari perbaikan kinerja ekspor, yang ditopang oleh komoditas andalan seperti minyak kelapa sawit, bijih logam, kendaraan bermotor, dan besi baja. Penguatan ekspor juga didorong oleh meningkatnya permintaan dari negara mitra dagang utama Indonesia, yakni Amerika Serikat dan China. Sejalan dengan peningkatan kinerja ekspor, demikian pula halnya dengan kinerja impor yang juga mengalami perbaikan di tahun 2021.

Dewan Komisaris menyambut baik target, program kerja dan prospek usaha yang diajukan oleh Direksi untuk tahun 2021. Walaupun semester pertama kemungkinan besar akan tetap penuh dengan tantangan, namun iklim bisnis di semester kedua tahun 2021 diperkirakan akan membaik yang terutama didorong oleh adanya peluncuran vaksin Covid-19 di Indonesia.

Berdasarkan target yang telah disusun oleh Direksi, Dewan Komisaris merasa cukup optimis bahwa IPC TPK akan membukukan kinerja yang lebih baik di tahun 2021, sejalan dengan pulihnya perekonomian Indonesia. Dewan Komisaris merasa yakin bahwa target Pendapatan Operasi sebesar Rp2,56 triliun dan traffic petikemas sebanyak 2.134.323 boxes atau 2.632.142 TEU akan tercapai.

Secara keseluruhan Dewan Komisaris memandang bahwa Direksi telah menyusun prospek usaha dengan cermat dan komprehensif, sehingga dapat terus mampu mendorong penciptaan nilai tambah untuk seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Oleh karena itu, Dewan Komisaris mendukung penuh berbagai inisiatif strategis yang telah disiapkan untuk tahun 2021, sebagaimana dituangkan dalam laporan Direksi.

Business Prospects Overview

Bank Indonesia estimated that Indonesia’s overall economic growth will be in the range of 4.1% to 5.1% in 2021. Broadly speaking, the Indonesian economy is in a recovery phase as reflected in the improvement in export performance with the support of mainstay commodities such as palm oil, metal ore, motor vehicles, and steel. The strengthened export was also driven by increasing demand from Indonesia’s main trading partner countries, i.e. the United States and China. In line with the upsurge in export performance, the import performance will also see an improvement in 2021.

The Board of Commissioners accepted the targets, work programs and business prospects for 2021 as proposed by the Board of Directors. Although the first semester seems to remain full of challenges, the business climate is expected to improve in the second semester of 2021, mainly driven by the launch of the Covid-19 vaccines in Indonesia.

Based on the targets set by the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners is quite optimistic that IPC TPK will post a better performance in 2021, in line with the recovery of the Indonesian economy. The Board of Commissioners is confident that the target of Operating Revenues of Rp2.56 trillion and container traffic of 2,134,323 boxes or 2,632,142 TEU will be achieved.

Overall, the Board of Commissioners considers that the Board of Directors has carefully and comprehensively prepared business prospects, enabling it to continue encouraging the added value creation for all stakeholders. Thus, the Board of Commissioners fully supports the various strategic initiatives that have been prepared for 2021, as stated in the Report of the Board of Directors.

41PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jakarta, 3 Juni/June 2021Atas nama Dewan Komisaris,

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners,PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

MUARIPKomisaris Utama

President Commissioner


Pandemi ini memberikan pelajaran tersendiri bagi kita semua untuk selalu berupaya mengantisipasi semua potensi perubahan yang bisa terjadi dengan cepat. Selain itu, kita semua juga diingatkan bahwa kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dan fleksibilitas dalam mengelola Perusahaan sangatlah diperlukan untuk menghadapi kondisi bisnis yang diliputi ketidakpastian, di mana IPC TPK telah mampu membuktikan hal tersebut.

Menutup kata sambutan ini, Dewan Komisaris ingin mengucapkan terima kasih dan menyampaikan apresiasi sebesar-besarnya atas dukungan dan kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh pelanggan, Pemegang Saham, Direksi, seluruh karyawan, dan mitra bisnis yang telah mendukung IPC TPK dalam melewati tantangan bisnis paling berat yang pernah ada di tahun 2020.


This pandemic has taught us to always try to anticipate all potential changes that may occur rapidly. In addition, we are all reminded that the ability to adapt and flexibility in managing the Company is very necessary to face the uncertain business conditions, and IPC TPK has been able to prove this.

To conclude this message, the Board of Commissioners would like to thank and express the utmost appreciation for the support and trust given by customers, shareholders, the Board of Directors, all employees, and business partners for their support to IPC TPK in navigating the toughest business challenges ever in 2020.

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Laporan DireksiReport of Board of Directors

42 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

IRWAN FAVORIETPelaksana Harian Direktur Utama, Direktur Keuangan dan SDMActing President Director, Finance and HR Director

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Para Pemegang saham yang kami hormati,

Mewakili jajaran Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, perkenankanlah kami memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas limpahan berkat dan rahmat-Nya, IPC TPK berhasil melewati tahun 2020 yang penuh tantangan dengan kinerja yang cukup baik. Pencapaian IPC TPK sepanjang tahun 2020 tidak lepas dari sumbangsih berbagai pihak, terutama jajaran Dewan Komisaris yang telah memberikan arahan dan nasihat kepada kami serta para karyawan yang sudah menunjukkan dedikasi dan loyalitas yang tinggi pada IPC TPK.

Kondisi Perekonomian dan Kinerja Industri

2020 merupakan tahun yang penuh dengan tantangan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, saat pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan kontraksi ekonomi dunia secara global. Kita semua dihadapkan pada situasi yang diliputi ketidakpastian karena pandemi ini memberikan dampak yang besar terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan.

Berdasarkan data dari Bank Indonesia, hingga akhir 2020, kasus Covid-19 global terus meningkat dan menyebar ke-178 negara atau 99,5% PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) dunia, lebih luas dibandingkan SARS dan MERS yang hanya terjadi di sejumlah negara. Pandemi ini menimbulkan krisis kesehatan dan kemanusiaan di banyak negara dengan skala dan kecepatan penyebaran yang tinggi. Kondisi ini juga mengakibatkan pertambahan jumlah penduduk miskin di dunia dari 1.811,1 juta pada 2017 menjadi di kisaran 1.899,1–1.926,1 juta orang pada 2020.

Pada semester pertama, konsumsi rumah tangga turun signifikan akibat menurunnya pendapatan dan transaksi seiring dengan terbatasnya mobilitas. Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) menyebabkan penurunan tajam kegiatan investasi sehingga terjadi penundaan beberapa proyek konstruksi baik Pemerintah maupun Swasta. Banyak rencana investasi korporasi menjadi tertunda karena langkah konsolidasi yang diambil oleh korporasi sejalan dengan melemahnya permintaan domestik. Sementara itu, adanya hambatan dalam realisasi belanja Pemerintah mengakibatkan dorongan belanja Pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi terbatas di semester I.

IPC TPK mencatat realisasi pendapatan operasi tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,42 triliun. Pencapaian target pendapatan operasi ini terjadi seiring dengan pencapaian target dan tren realisasi kinerja operasional yang meningkat di beberapa Area.

IPC TPK recorded the realized operating revenues of Rp2.42 trillion in 2020. The achievement of operating revenues target occurred in line with the achievement of targets and the upward trend of realized operational performance in several areas.

Dear Shareholders,

On behalf of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, allow us to express our gratitude to the Almighty God for His abundant blessings and grace, IPC TPK managed to weather a challenging year of 2020 with a fairly good performance. The achievement of IPC TPK throughout 2020 was attributable to the contributions of various parties, especially the Board of Commissioners who have provided direction and advice to us as well as employees who have demonstrated high dedication and loyalty to IPC TPK.

Economic Conditions and Industry Performance

2020 was a year full of unprecedented challenges, as the Covid-19 pandemic caused a global economic contraction. We all faced uncertain conditions due to the pandemic which gave a major impact on various aspects of life.

Based on data from Bank Indonesia, until the end of 2020, global Covid-19 cases continued to increase and spread to 178 countries or 99.5% of the world's GDP (Gross Domestic Product), wider than SARS and MERS which only occurred in a several countries. This pandemic has created a health and humanitarian crisis in many countries with a high scale and speed of its spread. This condition also resulted in an increase in the number of poverties in the world from 1,811.1 million in 2017 to around 1,899.1–1,926.1 million people in 2020.

In the first semester, household consumption fell significantly due to lower income and transactions in line with limited mobility. The implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy led to a sharp decline in investment activities, resulting in the delay of several construction projects, both government and private. Many corporate investment plans have been postponed due to consolidation measures taken by corporations in line with weakening domestic demand. Meanwhile, obstacles in the realization of government spending resulted in limited government spending on economic growth in the first semester.

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Seiring dengan pemulihan ekonomi global, yang disertai dengan pelonggaran PSBB dan peningkatan realisasi stimulus fiskal, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mulai menunjukkan perbaikan pada semester II. Salah satu faktor yang memungkinkan relaksasi PSBB adalah adanya penanganan kesehatan dan implementasi protokol kesehatan. Meningkatnya realisasi stimulus Pemerintah, terutama diberikan dalam bentuk bantuan sosial, belanja barang dan jasa lainnya, serta transfer ke daerah dan dana desa (TKDD), yang tercermin dari pertumbuhan kinerja konsumsi pemerintah yang tinggi pada semester II.

Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik, ekspor Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2020 mencapai volume 580.474,3 ribu ton dengan nilai USD163.306,5 juta, yang terdiri dari USD8.309,1 juta hasil ekspor minyak bumi dan gas serta USD154.997,4 juta hasil ekspor komoditas nonmigas. Dibandingkan tahun 2019, nilai ekspor tahun 2020 turun USD4.376,5 juta yang disebabkan karena menurunnya ekspor komoditas non migas dan migas masing-masing senilai USD896,3 juta dan USD3.480,2 juta. Sementara itu, dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, impor Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2020 mengalami penurunan 17,34% menjadi sebesar USD141.568,8 juta yang dipicu oleh berkurangnya impor migas dan nonmigas masing-masing sebesar USD7.628,5 juta (34,86%) dan USD22.078,4 juta (14,78%).

Di sektor pelayaran, kita dapat melihat bahwa terjadi lonjakan yang tajam pada biaya ekonomi akibat pandemi Covid-19. Aktivitas ekonomi yang terbatas menyebabkan lalu lintas kapal pengangkut petikemas ke berbagai pelabuhan dunia menjadi berkurang.

Pada tahun 2020, throughput petikemas global turun 4% seiring dengan tren ekonomi global yang terkontraksi sebesar -4,3%. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh dampak dari pandemi Covid-19, khususnya di awal fase lockdown besar-besaran di bulan Februari sampai Mei 2020 yang menurunkan aktivitas perdagangan secara signifikan. Mulai pertengahan tahun 2020, dalam rangka mengantisipasi penurunan permintaan secara signifikan, shipping line petikemas melakukan strategi dalam efisiensi kapasitas, antara lain melakukan suspend beberapa rute serta melakukan penyesuaian beberapa rute yang kurang menguntungkan. (Sumber: Review of Maritime Transport 2020 (UNCTAD), Statista)

Mengatasi Tantangan dengan Kekuatan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)

Seperti kita ketahui bersama, pandemi telah menimbulkan berbagai tantangan dan kendala bagi banyak industri, dimana IPC TPK juga tidak luput dari kondisi tersebut.

Dalam merespons berbagai kendala tersebut, kami berusaha untuk tetap beroperasi sekaligus beradaptasi dalam kegiatan bisnis kami dengan mengedepankan protokol kesehatan yang ketat sesuai dengan anjuran Pemerintah, antara lain menyediakan mesin cuci tangan di berbagai area, penggunaan masker, pengaturan jarak sosial di wilayah kerja, pemantauan kondisi kesehatan karyawan setiap hari, penerapan Work From Home (WFH), dan pemanfaatan digitalisasi yang optimal sebagai bentuk pembatasan interaksi. Merupakan sebuah tantangan tersendiri bagi kami untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif, dan kami juga berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk memastikan agar seluruh karyawan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan di luar lingkungan kerja.

In line with the global economic recovery, coupled with the loosened PSBB and an increase in the realization of fiscal stimulus, Indonesia's economic growth began to show improvement in the second semester. Some of the factors allowing the relaxation of PSBB were the health care and the implementation of health protocols. The Increased realization of Government stimulus, mainly provided in the form of social assistance, spending on other goods and services, as well as regional transfer and village funds (TKDD), as reflected in high growth of government consumption performance in the second semester.

According to the Central Statistics Agency, Indonesia's export volume throughout 2020 reached 580,474.3 thousand tons with a value of USD163,306.5 million, consisting of USD8,309.1 million of oil and gas exports and USD154,997.4 million of non-oil and gas export commodities. Compared to 2019, the export value in 2020 decreased by USD4,376.5 million due to the decline in exports of non-oil and gas as well as oil and gas commodities worth USD896.3 million and USD3,480.2 million, respectively. Meanwhile, compared to the previous year, Indonesia's imports decreased by 17.34% to USD141,568.8 million throughout 2020, triggered by reduction in imports of oil and gas and non-oil and gas by USD7,628.5 million (34.86%) and USD22,078.4 million (14.78%), respectively.

In the shipping sector, we saw that there has been a sharp spike in economic costs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Limited economic activities have reduced the traffic of container vessels to various global ports.

In 2020, global container throughput decreased by 4% in line with the trend of the global economy contracting by -4.3%. This decline was caused by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially at the beginning of the massive lockdown phase in February to May 2020 which reduced trading activities significantly. Starting mid-2020, in order to anticipate a significant decline in demand, container shipping lines have implemented a strategy for capacity efficiency, including suspending several routes and tailoring some less-profitable routes. (Source: Review of Maritime Transport 2020 (UNCTAD), Statista)

Overcoming Challenges with the Strength of Human Resources (HR)

As we all know, the pandemic has caused various challenges and obstacles for many industries, and IPC TPK was also not spared from these conditions.

In response to these various obstacles, we strived to continue operating while adapting to our business activities with priority of strict health protocols in accordance with Government recommendations, including providing hand washing machines in various areas, using masks, regulating social distancing in the work area, monitoring employees’ health conditions every day, implementing Work From Home (WFH), and optimal use of digitalization to limit interaction. It was a challenge for us to create a conducive work environment, and we also tried our best to ensure that all employees continue to apply health protocols outside the work environment.

45PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Meningkatnya biaya logistik dimasa pandemi merupakan salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi IPC TPK. Oleh karenanya, kami terus berupaya mendukung penurunan biaya logistik baik di sisi Terminal Petikemas maupun koordinasi dengan shipping line dan ekosistem logistik, yang masing-masing merupakan upstream dan downstream dari rantai suplai logistik. Kami melakukan langkah-langkah penyempurnaan yang berkesinambungan baik internal maupun eksternal yang mengarah pada pemenuhan tuntutan pasar dalam upaya menjadi sebuah perusahaan terminal operator dengan kualitas layanan berstandar internasional dan terintegrasi dalam rantai nilai logistik melalui platform digital yang meliputi:• Peningkatan daya saing melalui peningkatan produktivitas

dan efisiensi, termasuk peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dari waktu ke waktu.

• Peningkatan kapabilitas talenta Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang agile, adaptive, dan digitally-enabled.

• Implementasi Green Technology dalam mendukung pelayanan Terminal Petikemas yang ramah lingkungan.

• Peningkatan kepatuhan terhadap standar Health Safety Security and Environmental (HSSE).

• Membangun konektivitas yang terintegrasi dengan Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK maupun di luar IPC TPK, sentralisasi dan implementasi smart terminal.

• Transformasi digital dengan tujuan peningkatan layanan Terminal Petikemas yang dampaknya memberikan manfaat kepada stakeholder baik customer maupun pelaku-pelaku dalam ekosistem logistik maritim.

• Memperluas pangsa pasar, antara lain melalui berbagai kegiatan promosi dan sosialisasi produk dan layanan.

• Inovasi dalam model bisnis dengan cara melakukan ekspansi pasar (baik domestik maupun internasional), strategic partnership, serta pengembangan bisnis pendukung yang mendukung bisnis inti perusahaan.

• Kolaborasi mutualisme secara transparan dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan ekosistem logistik maritim.

Berbagai upaya tersebut tentunya tidak akan terealisasi dengan baik apabila tidak didukung oleh SDM yang mumpuni dimana hal ini menjadi kekuatan dan keunggulan IPC TPK. Oleh karenanya, kami merasa bersyukur bahwa IPC TPK memiliki SDM yang solid, memiliki kompetensi yang tinggi, serta mampu berkoordinasi dalam mengimplementasikan berbagai inisiatif perusahaan untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan bisnis yang timbul, terutama di masa pandemi ini.

Mengelola Perusahaan Melalui Berbagai Kebijakan Strategis

Perlu kami sampaikan pula bahwa dalam menjalankan pengelolaan IPC TPK selama tahun 2020, kami yang berada di jajaran Direksi berpedoman pada Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2020 serta Kontrak Manajemen 2020, yang telah ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Pemegang Saham.

Penyusunan RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen 2020 dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian nasional maupun global sebagaimana telah dipaparkan sebelumnya, serta mengacu pada Corporate Roadmap 2016-2020, di mana tahun 2020 merupakan tahun World Class Performance. Selain itu, asumsi internal dan eksternal Perusahaan serta aspirasi Pemegang Saham menjadi faktor yang diperhitungkan oleh Direksi dalam penyusunan RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen 2020 yang secara rinci dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

The increase in logistics costs during the pandemic was one of the challenges faced by IPC TPK. Therefore, we continued to support the reduction of logistics costs both on the Container Terminal side and coordination with shipping lines and the logistics ecosystem, which were upstream and downstream of the logistics supply chain, respectively. We took continuous improvement measures both internally and externally that led to meeting market demands in an effort to become a terminal operator Company with international standard service quality and integrated in the logistics value chain through digital platforms which included:

• Increasing competitiveness through improvement of productivity and efficiency, including service quality from time to time.

• Enhancement of agile, adaptive, and digitally-enabled talent capabilities of Human Resources (HR).

• Implementation of Green Technology to support environmentally friendly Container Terminal services.

• Increasing compliance with Health Safety Security and Environmental (HSSE) standards.

• Building integrated connectivity with IPC TPK Container Terminal and outside IPC TPK, centralization and implementation of smart terminals.

• Digital transformation with the aim of improving Container Terminal services whose impact will provide benefits to stakeholders, both customers and players in the maritime logistics ecosystem.

• Expanding market share, among others through various promotional activities and product and service socialization.

• Innovation in business models by expanding markets (both domestic and international), strategic partnerships, and developing supporting businesses that support the Company's core business.

• Transparent mutualism collaboration with all stakeholders of the maritime logistics ecosystem.

These various efforts will certainly not be realized properly if they were not buoyed by qualified human resources as it has become the strength and advantage of IPC TPK. Therefore, we are grateful that IPC TPK has solid human resources with high competence and ability to team-up in implementing various Company initiatives to overcome various business challenges, especially during this pandemic.

Managing the Company through Various Strategic Policies

We also need to convey that in carrying out the management of IPC TPK during 2020, we as the members of the Board of Directors adhered to the 2020 Work Plan and Corporate Budget (RKAP) and the 2020 Management Contract, which have been stipulated in the Shareholders' Resolutions.

The preparation of the 2020 RKAP and Management Contract was carried out by taking into account the national and global economic conditions as previously described, and referring to the 2016-2020 Corporate Roadmap, in which 2020 was the year of World Class Performance. In addition, the Company's internal and external assumptions as well as the aspirations of shareholders were factors to be taken into account by the Board of Directors in the preparation of the 2020 RKAP and Management Contract, which in detail can be seen in the following table:

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

46 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Asumsi EksternalExternal Assumption

Asumsi InternalInternal Assumption

• Tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi 2,3% • Laju inflasi 3,9%• Kurs Rupiah Rp14.800/1 USD• Harga Minyak Mentah USD38/barel

• Wilayah Operasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas terdiri dari 8 Area yaitu: Tanjung Priok 1, Tanjung Priok 2, Area Terminal Support, Area Panjang, Area Teluk Bayur, Area Palembang, Area Pontianak, dan Area Jambi

• Penerapan PSAK 71, 72 dan 73 sejak 1 Januari 2020 • Pembebasan bunga pinjaman dengan STMS.

• Economic growth rate of 2.3%• Inflation rate of 3.9%• Rupiah Exchange rate of Rp14,800/1 USD• Crude Oil Price of USD38/barrel

• The area of operations of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas consists of 8 areas, namely: Tanjung Priok 1, Tanjung Priok 2, Terminal Support Area, Panjang Area, Teluk Bayur Area, Palembang Area, Pontianak Area, and Jambi Area

• Adoption of PSAK 71, 72 and 73 since January 1st, 2020• Loan interest exemption with STMS.

Aspirasi Pemegang Saham

No. SasaranTarget


Realisasi 20192019 Realization

RKAP 20202020 RKAP

Realisasi 20202020 Realization

Dibandingkan dengan

Realisasi 2019In Comparison

to 2019 Realization

Dibandingkan dengan RKAP

2020In Comparison to 2020 RKAP

1 Sales to Average Asset % 211,76 92,84 85,56 40,40 92,16

2 Average Asset to Average Equity % 414,16 813.32 1.262,29 304,78 155,20

3 Net Profit Margin % 12,53 1,9 (0,67) (5,34) (35,15)

4 EBITDA Margin % 10,64 24,10 22,96 215,84 95,26

5 Return on Equity % 107,02 13,65 (10,07) (9,40) (7,38)

6 Return on Asset % 27,97 38,95 (0,36) (1,27) (31,26)

7 Current Ratio % 106,30 146,18 101,00 95,01 69,09

8 Operating Cash Flow to Sales kali/times 0,01 0,01 0,18 2.363,29 1.642,00

9 Cash Flow to Debt Ratio kali/times 0,53 0,09 0,11 20,55 124,14

Selain menggunakan asumsi, baik internal dan eksternal serta aspirasi Pemegang Saham sebagaimana telah disebutkan sebelumnya, kami juga melakukan pemetaan kekuatan melalui analisis SWOT atau Strength (Kekuatan/keunggulan), Weakness (kelemahan), Opportunities (peluang), Threats (ancaman) untuk menyusun kebijakan strategis sebagai berikut:

KEUNGGULAN• Wilayah Kerja IPC TPK beroperasi di Indonesia bagian barat,

khususnya Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, yang memiliki industri utama serta permintaan dengan pertumbuhan yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan rata–rata nasional.

• Proses layanan dan administrasi pengelolaan terminal petikemas didukung teknologi dan sistem informasi.

STRENGTHS• IPC TPK operates in western Indonesia, particularly

Tanjung Priok Port, which has a major industry and high demand growth compared to the national average.

• The service and administration process of container terminal management is supported by technology and information systems.

KELEMAHAN• Pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas pada 6 area belum

terintegrasi secara optimal. • Kondisi dan kinerja peralatan Terminal Petikemas eksisting

belum optimal.

WEAKNESSES• The operation of Container Terminals in 6 areas has not

been optimally integrated.• The condition and performance of the existing Container

Terminal equipment has not yet been optimal.

PELUANG• Potensi ekspansi domestik dengan memanfaatkan tren

perdagangan positif antar pulau di Indonesia. • Tren digital dalam mendukung peningkatan layanan Terminal

Petikemas.• Adanya kebutuhan dan arahan dari pemerintah terkait

integrasi Terminal Petikemas dengan ekosistem logistik yang berpotensi dalam memperoleh pasar yang baru.

OPPORTUNITIES• Potential for domestic expansion by taking advantage of

the positive inter-island trade trend in Indonesia.• Digital trend in supporting the improvement of Container

Terminal services.• There is a need and direction from the government

regarding the integration of the Container Terminal with the logistics ecosystem with potential to gain new markets.

Aspirations of Shareholders

In addition to using the assumptions, both internal and external as well as the aspirations of the shareholders as mentioned above, the Company also conducted a mapping of strengths through a SWOT analysis or Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats to formulate strategic policies as follows:

47PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

ANCAMAN• Ketidakpastian ekonomi global dan nasional akibat pandemi

Covid-19.• Semakin tingginya tingkat kompetisi dalam pengoperasian

Terminal Petikemas.

THREATS• Global and national economic uncertainty due to the

Covid-19 pandemic.• The higher level of competition in the operation of the

Container Terminal.

Berdasarkan analisa SWOT yang telah dilakukan, kami merumuskan sasaran kinerja yang akan dicapai IPC TPK pada tahun pelaksanaan anggaran Perusahaan yang tertuang dalam RUPS RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen 2020 yang secara ringkas meliputi:1. Meningkatkan throughput petikemas sebesar 16,54% atau

sebesar 3.015.862 TEU dari capaian tahun 2019 sebesar 2.587.629 TEU.

2. Meningkatkan laba sebelum pajak sebesar 83,18% atau Rp562.996 miliar dari capaian tahun 2019 sebesar Rp307.337 miliar.

3. Menetapkan target skor implementasi GCG tahun 2020 dengan skor sebesar "97,03".

4. Menetapkan indeks kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 4,67 skala likert dari capaian sebelumnya sebesar 4,71 skala likert.

5. Meningkatkan indeks kepuasan pegawai sebesar 4,50 skala likert.

Adapun kebijakan strategis yang ditetapkan dalam RJPP dalam rangka mencapai target tahun 2020, yaitu World Class Performance mencakup: 1. Integrasi Terminal Petikemas dengan ekosistem jaringan

logistik.2. Pengembangan Bisnis Pendukung Terminal yang

mendukung pelayanan Bisnis Inti.

Selain itu, dengan mengacu pada target RJPP tahun 2020 di atas, kami juga menyusun program kerja strategis serta target-target yang hendak dicapai. Adapun realisasi program strategis di tahun 2020, adalah sebagai berikut:

No Program StrategisStrategic Program

Target ProgresProgress

1 Pengurusan kontrak jangka panjang atas bisnis eksisting

Management of long-term contracts for existing businesses

Kontrak jangka panjang 4 (empat) area antara lain Panjang, Palembang, Jambi dan Teluk Bayur.

Long-term contracts for 4 (four) areas including Panjang, Palembang, Jambi and Teluk Bayur.

a. Telah dilakukan kesepakatan nilai kerja sama Rental Fee untuk Cabang Panjang, Jambi, Teluk Bayur.

b. Finalisasi negosiasi nilai kerja sama Rental Fee untuk Cabang Palembang dan Pontianak.

c. Telah dikirim surat permohonan kerja sama ke Cabang terkait untuk perpanjangan kerjasama (sesuai arahan Dewan Komisaris dan Direktur IPC).

d. Telah diikuti proses pemilihan mitra yang diselenggarakan oleh Cabang IPC.

e. Telah disusun dan ditandatangani Perjanjian kerja sama dengan jangka waktu sesuai dengan kewenangan GM.

a. An agreement on the value of the rental fee cooperation has been made for Panjang, Jambi, Teluk Bayur Branches.

b. Finalized the negotiation of the rental fee cooperation value for the Palembang and Pontianak Branches.

c. A letter of request for cooperation has been sent to the relevant Branch for the extension of the cooperation (according to the direction of the Board of Commissioners and the Directors of IPC).

d. The partner selection process has been attended by the IPC Branch.

e. A cooperation agreement has been drawn up and signed with a period of time in accordance with GM’s authority.

Based on the SWOT analysis that has been carried out, we formulated performance targets to be achieved by IPC TPK in the year of implementation of the Company's budget as stated in the 2020 RKAP GMS and Management Contract which briefly included:1. Increase container throughput by 16.54% or 3,015,862 TEU

from the 2019 achievement of 2,587,629 TEU.

2. Increase profit before tax by 83.18% or Rp562,996 billion from the 2019 achievement of Rp307,337 billion.

3. Set a target score for the 2020 implementation of GCG assessment with a score of "97.03".

4. Establish a customer satisfaction index of 4.67 on a Likert scale from the previous achievement of 4.71 on a Likert scale.

5. Increase the employee satisfaction index by 4.50 Likert scale.

The strategic policies set out in the RJPP in order to achieve the 2020 target, namely World Class Performance included:

1. Integration of Container Terminals with the logistics network ecosystem.

2. Development of Terminal Supporting Businesses that support Core Business services.

In addition, with reference to the 2020 RJPP targets above, we have also compiled a strategic work program and targets to achieve. The realized strategic programs in 2020 were as follows:

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

48 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No Program StrategisStrategic Program

Target ProgresProgress

2 Proses kerja sama pengoperasian terminal di luar IPC, dalam dan luar negeriThe process of cooperation in the operating terminals outside the IPC, domestic and overseas

Mendapatkan kontrak kerjasama/konsesi dengan operator terminal peti kemas di luar IPCSecure cooperation/concession contracts with container terminal operators outside IPC

Dalam proses penjajakan kembali dengan Asia Pulp and Paper Group (APP) Group sebagai tindak lanjut rencana Kerja Sama.In the process of re-exploring with the Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Group as a follow-up to the cooperation plan

3 Implementasi Green TerminalImplementation of Green Terminal

• Mendukung program ramah lingkungan sekaligus efisiensi penggunaan energi

• Mendapatkan brand image yang baik

• Support environmentally friendly programs as well as efficient use of energy

• Earn a good brand image

a. Telah dilaksanakan operasional elektrifikasi RMGC di Area Palembang sejak tanggal 20 Juni 2020.

b. Untuk Area Teluk Bayur dan Pontianak akan dilakukan di tahun 2021, direncanakan melalui penunjukan ulang kepada PT JPPI.

a. The RMGC electrification operation has been carried out in the Palembang Area since June 20, 2020.

b. For the Teluk Bayur and Pontianak areas, this will be carried out in 2021, being planned to be re-appointed to PT JPPI.

4 Implementasi Smart Terminal: Integrated Operation Dashboard untuk pilot project TPK PanjangImplementation of Smart Terminal: Integrated Operation Dashboard for TPK Panjang pilot project

Memberikan kemudahan kepada pelanggan dalam melakukan transaksi

Provide convenience for customers in conducting transactions

Development I-HUB Fase Kedua telah selesai, dan masih terdapat beberapa pengembangan, dengan keterangan: a. Sudah dilakukan SIT dan 3 kali UAT, namun masih

terdapat beberapa bugs minor dan enhancement sesuai dengan Kebutuhan customer.

b. Sudah dilakukan pembahasan bersama Tim Holding terkait strategi implementasi Change Management di TPK Panjang.

c. Masih perlu dilakukan pembahasan untuk diambil keputusan mengenai scope implementasi fase I (Kegiatan diluar Terminal - Truck Booking dll) dan juga Fase II (Receiving - Delivery Terminal).

d. I-HUB akan diimplementasikan dengan strategi selected Customer (GGP).

e. Sesuai hasil meeting reviu UAT, perlu dilakukan penyesuaian Timeline dan diestimasikan Go Live pada bulan Maret 2021.

The Second Phase of I-HUB Development has been completed, and there were still some developments, with the information: a. SIT and 3 times UAT has been done, but there

were still some minor bugs and enhancements according to customer needs.

b. Discussions have been held with the Holding Team regarding the Change Management implementation strategy at TPK Panjang.

c. Need further discussion for making a decision regarding the scope of implementation of phase I (Activities outside the Terminal - Truck Booking etc.) and also Phase II (Receiving - Delivery Terminal).

d. I-HUB will be implemented with selected Customer (GGP) strategy.

e. According to the results of the UAT review meeting, it is necessary to adjust the Timeline and Go Live is estimated in March 2021.

5 Penyempurnaan sistem Keuangan

Financial system improvements

- Meningkatkan keakuratan data dan kemudahan konsolidasi transaksi antar anak perusahaan

- Kemudahan pembayaran bagi pelanggan

- Optimalisasi penggunaan anggaran

- Improve data accuracy and ease of consolidation of transactions between subsidiaries

- Ease of payment for customers- Optimization of the use of


1. Go Live Aplikasi Cost Accounting:• Area Panjang dan Palembang tanggal 30

September 2019.• Area Tanjung Priok, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, dan

Jambi tanggal 17 Januari 2020.2. Go Live Aplikasi Project Costing pada tanggal 7

Januari 2020.3. Go Live Aplikasi e-Invoice pada 27 Februari 2020. 4. Go Live Penyempurnaan E-PBCS 27 April 2020.5. Go Live AGIS pada 1 April 2020.1. Go Live of Cost Accounting Application.

• In Panjang and Palembang area on September 30th, 2019.

• In Tanjung Priok, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, and Jambi areas on January 17, 2020.

2. Go Live of Project Costing Application on January 7th, 2020.

3. Go Live of e-Invoice Application on February 27th, 2020.

4. Go Live of Enhancement of E-PBCS on April 27th, 2020.

5. Go Live of AGIS on April 1st, 2020.

49PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No Program StrategisStrategic Program

Target ProgresProgress

6 Implementasi Risk Information Management SystemImplementation of Risk Information Management System

- Laporan Risk Profile Area Level dan Korporasi Tahun 2020

- Laporan Monitoring Penanganan Risiko dan Kejadian Merugikan

- Umpan balik dan Arahan atas implementasi pengelolaan manajemen risiko perusahaan

- Bussiness Continuity Plan- Laporan pelaksanaan pelatihan

personel manajemen risiko- Laporan pelaksanaan forum

Diskusi/Sharing Session dengan praktisi Manajemen Risiko

- Laporan hasil study banding implementasi manajemen risiko

- Hasil reviu RiMS berbasis web1. Risk Profile Area Level and

Corporate Report 2020 2. Monitoring Report on Risk

Management and Adverse Events

3. Feedback and Directions on the implementation of the Company’s risk management

4. Business Continuity Plan 5. Report on the implementation

of risk management personnel training

6. Report on the implementation of the Discussion forum/Sharing Session with Risk Management practitioners

7. Report on the results of a comparative study on the implementation of risk management

8. Web-based RiMS review results

1. Telah disusun profil risiko tingkat area dan korporasi untuk tahun 2020.

2. Telah dilakukan Monitoring realisasi penanganan Risiko Area Level (pada aplikasi sistem) RiMS periode Januari sd. Desember 2020.

3. Telah dibuat Laporan Monitoring Risk Priority/ Risk Significant Triwulan III Tahun 2020.

4. Telah dilakukan update profil risiko perusahaan berdasarkan masukan dari IPC Holding dan Dewan Komisaris atau Komite. Contoh: Risiko Penyebaran dan Penularan Covid-19.

5. Sudah dilakukan rapat koordinasi dengan Komite membahas Profil Risiko Triwulan III tahun 2020 Sudah dilakukan rapat koordinasi dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Komite membahas tentang implementasi Manajemen Risiko dan Profil Risiko Tahun 2021.

6. Pembangunan Business Continuity System (BCM): a. Telah disusun draft Pedoman Business

Continuity Management (BCM); b. Pembuatan BCP atau pedoman dalam

pencegahan dan penularan Covid-19 di lingkungan IPC TPK (Protokol Kesehatan).

7. Telah dilakukan pengkinian prosedur & instruksi kerja Manajemen Risiko dengan mengacu kepada Pedoman & Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko berbasis ISO 31000 & Implementasi RiMS (Risk Management System).

8. Reviu RiMS (Risk Management System) dalam rangka Enhancement pembaruan RiMS: a. Identifikasi pembaruan RiMS; b. Pengkinian/update prosedur dan instruksi

kerja; c. Drafting BRD Corporate Level.

9. a. Pelatihan bagi personil manajemen Risiko (Business Continuity Management).b. Partisipasi dalam Webinar Manajemen Risiko.

10. Telah dilakukan studi banding manajemen risiko ke PT Pengembang Pelabuhan Indonesia (PPI).

1. Area and corporate level risk profiles have been prepared for 2020.

2. Monitoring of the realized RiMS Area Level Risk handling (on the system application) has been carried out for the period January to December 2020.

3. The Risk Priority/Risk Significant Monitoring Report for the Third Quarter of 2020 has been made.

4. The Company’s risk profile has been updated based on input from IPC Holding and the Board of Commissioners or Committee. Example: Risk of Covid-19 Spread and Transmission.

5. A coordination meeting has been held with the Committee to discuss the Risk Profile for the Third Quarter of 2020. A coordination meeting has been held with the Board of Commissioners and the Committee to discuss the implementation of Risk Management and the Risk Profile for 2021.

6. Development of Business Continuity System (BCM): a. Draft of Guidelines for Business Continuity

Management (BCM); b. Making BCP or guidelines of the Covid-19

prevention and transmission within IPC TPK (Health Protocol).

7. Risk Management procedures & work instructions have been updated with reference to ISO 31000-based Risk Management Guidelines & Framework & Implementation of RiMS (Risk Management System).

8. Review of RiMS (Risk Management System) in the context of Enhancement of RiMS Renewal: a. Identification of RiMS updates; b. Updating work procedures and instructions; c. Drafting BRD Corporate Level.

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

50 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No Program StrategisStrategic Program

Target ProgresProgress

9. a. Training for Risk management personnel (Business Continuity Management).

b. Participation in Risk Management Webinars.10. A comparative study of risk management has

been carried out to PT Pengembang Pelabuhan Indonesia (PPI).

7 Persiapan Implementasi Transhipment

Preparation of Transhipment Implementation

1. Telah selesai dilakukan dan pembuatan FDD.2. Draft BRD telah selesai dilakukan dan perlu

dilakukan pembahasan.3. Akan dilakukan pembahasan tahap akhir tekait

Pola Operasi dan Closing RKM.4. Estimasi Pekerjaan selesai pada minggu ke 4

Bulan Desember.1. Has been completed and FDD making.2. The BRD draft has been completed and needs to

be discussed.3. There will be a final discussion regarding the RKM

Operational Pattern and Closing.4. Estimated work completed in the Fourth week of


8 Persiapan Pengoperasian TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing)

Preparation for operation of TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing)

Memastikan pengoperasian TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing) berjalan sesuai target

Ensure the operation of TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing) is running to meet the target

1. Sudah dilakukan koordinasi dan pembahasan draft Pola Operasi dengan team Ops Holding.

2. Konsinyering dan pembahasan tahap akhir kajian Pola Operasi untuk persiapan pengoperasian TPK Tanjung Pura-Kijing pada Minggu ke 2 Bulan Desember.

3. Persiapan Dokumentasi dan Reporting project secara keseluruhan untuk closing RKM.

4. Evaluasi secara Komprehensif dan next step implementasi persiapan pengoperasian sesuai arahan manajemen IPC TPK dan Holding.

5. Next Step Closing project dengan dokumen BA Go Live Project Closing.

1. There has been coordination and discussion of the Operational Pattern draft with the Ops Holding team.

2. Consigning and discussion of the final stage of the Operational Pattern study to prepare for the operation of TPK Tanjung Pura - Kijing on the Second Week of December.

3. Preparation of overall project Documentation and Reporting for RKM closing.

4. Comprehensive evaluation and implementation of operational preparation as the next step according to the direction of IPC TPK and Holding management.

5. Closing project with BA Go Live Project Closing document.

9 Persiapan pengoperasian CT2/CT3Preparation for CT2/CT3 operation

Persiapan IPC TPK apabila diberikan penugasan oleh IPC Holding untuk pengoperasian

Preparation of IPC TPK when assigned by IPC Holding for the operation

1. Sudah dilakukan kordinasi dan pembahasan draft Pola Operasi dengan team Ops Holding.

2. Konsinyering dan pembahasan tahap akhir kajian Pola Operasi untuk persiapan pengoperasian CT2/CT3 pada Minggu ke 2 Bulan Desember.

3. Persiapan Dokumentasi dan Reporting project secara keseluruhan untuk closing RKM.

4. Evaluasi secara Komprehensif dan next step Implementasi persiapan pengoperasian sesuai arahan management IPC TPK dan Holding.

5. Next Step Closing project dengan dokumen BA Go Live Project Closing.

1. There has been coordination and discussion of the Operational Pattern draft with the Ops Holding team.

2. Consignment and discussion of the final stage of the Operational Pattern study to prepare for the operation of CT2/CT3 on the Second Week of December.

3. Preparation of overall project Documentation and Reporting for RKM closing.

4. Comprehensive evaluation and Implementation of operational preparation as the next step according to the direction of IPC TPK and Holding management.

5. Closing project with BA Go Live Project Closing document.

51PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No Program StrategisStrategic Program

Target ProgresProgress

10 Memastikan perusahaan dapat mendanai kebutuhan pengembangan perusahaan dalam jangka panjang dalam rangka meningkatkan nilai perusahaanEnsure the Company’s financing for its long term development needs in order to increase the Company’s value

Perusahaan memiliki sumber dana yang cukup untuk memenuhi rencana pengembanganThe Company has sufficient sources of funds to meet the development plan

Sesuai dengan arahan dari Kantor pusat IPC pada Forman Triwulan I 2020 bahwa Rencana IPO ditunda sementara sambil menunggu arahan K-BUMN terkait dengan Holding Pelindo I s.d. IV.In accordance with the instruction from the IPC Head Office in the First Quarter of 2020, the IPO Plan was temporarily postponed while waiting the instruction of SOE Ministry regarding Holding Pelindo I- IV.

Pencapaian Target dan Kinerja Perusahaan

Sebagai perusahaan yang agile, kami selalu berupaya untuk beradaptasi dengan kondisi pasar. Kami menyusun berbagai target bisnis dengan mempertimbangkan perubahan yang terjadi saat ini, seperti revisi RKAP tahun 2020 yang kami lakukan sebagai bagian dari penyesuaian terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Secara berkala kami tetap melakukan penelaahan terhadap capaian target tersebut, dimana untuk tahun buku 2020, kinerja operasional kami berhasil memenuhi target yang dicanangkan walaupun dalam hal kinerja keuangan, ada beberapa indikator keuangan yang masih belum mencapai target.

Terkait dengan kinerja operasional, perlu kami sampaikan bahwa throughput petikemas tahun 2020 terealisasi sebesar 2.579.321 TEU atau 10,71% di atas target Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar 2.329.783 TEU. Hal ini sejalan dengan kenaikan throughput pada sebagian besar area, antara lain seperti throughput domestik di Area Tanjung Priok 2 yang terealisasi 4,21% di atas target dikarenakan adanya peningkatan volume Shipping Line Meratus Line dan serta adanya penambahan layanan baru dari Maersk Line, yaitu Terminal Ocean Going di semester II tahun 2020. Kenaikan juga terjadi di Area Pontianak pada petikemas ocean going sebesar 186% atau 2.446 TEU dari target RKAP sebesar 1.314 TEU.

Adapun di Area Panjang terjadi kenaikan produk-produk ekspor dari Great Giant Pineapple Group yang mencapai 125% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya serta adanya kenaikan komoditi ekspor, antara lain karet, nanas, lada hitam, udang segar, pisang dan crude glycerine dibandingkan tahun 2019. Sementara itu, untuk impor, tren kenaikan terjadi pada komoditi distiller dried grain, meat and bone, muriate of potash, tin plate, ammonium sulphate dan super phosphate.

Di TPK Teluk Bayur terjadi peningkatan komoditi semen sebesar 17% jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019. Adapun di TPK Jambi, Petikemas 20’empty mencapai target anggaran dikarenakan banyaknya petikemas free used permintaan eks domestik yang dimuat kembali ke Muntok dengan menggunakan petikemas ukuran 20’empty. Begitu pula dengan petikemas 20’empty yang mencapai target anggaran dikarenakan bongkar petikemas repo empty dari Singapura yang menggunakan petikemas ukuran 20’empty. Secara keseluruhan, bisa dikatakan realisasi throughput petikemas sepanjang tahun 2020 mengalami tren penurunan sebesar 0,32% jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019.

Dari sisi keuangan, IPC TPK mencatat realisasi pendapatan operasi tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,42 triliun atau 5,58% di atas revisi RKAP tahun 2020, sedangkan bila dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,45 triliun mengalami

Target and Performance Achievement of the Company

As an agile Company, we always strive to adapt to market conditions. We set up various business targets by taking into account the current changes, such as the revision of the 2020 RKAP that we did as part of the adjustment to the Covid-19 pandemic. We regularly reviewed the achievement of these targets, as for the financial year of 2020, our operational performance has successfully met the predetermined targets even though in terms of financial performance, there were some financial indicators that have not yet reached the target.

Regarding operational performance, we need to convey that container throughput in 2020 was realized at 2,579,321 TEU or 10.71% above the Revised 2020 RKAP target of 2,329,783 TEU. This was in line with the increase in throughput in most areas, such as domestic throughput in the Tanjung Priok 2 Area with realization of 4.21% above the target due to an increase in the volume of the Shipping Line Meratus Line and the addition of new services from Maersk Line, namely Terminal Ocean Going in the second semester of 2020. The increase of 186% also occurred in Pontianak Area on ocean going containers or 2,446 TEU above the RKAP target of 1,314 TEU.

Meanwhile, in Panjang area, there was an increase in export products from the Great Giant Pineapple Group which reached 125% over the previous year as well as an increase in export commodities, including rubber, pineapple, black pepper, fresh shrimp, banana and crude glycerine compared to 2019. Meanwhile, for imports, an upward trend occurred in the commodities of dried grain distiller, meat and bone, muriate of potash, tin plate, ammonium sulphate and super phosphate.

At TPK Teluk Bayur, there was an increase of 17% in cement commodities compared to 2019. As for TPK Jambi, 20’empty containers reached the budget target due to the large number of free used containers for ex-domestic demand that were reloaded into Muntok using 20’empty containers. Likewise with 20’empty containers which reached the budget target due to unloading of empty repo containers from Singapore using 20’empty containers. Overall, the realized container throughput saw a downward trend of 0.32% throughout 2020 compared to 2019.

In terms of financial aspect, IPC TPK recorded the realized operating revenues of Rp2.42 trillion in 2020 or 5.58% above the revised 2020 RKAP, compared to the 2019 realization of Rp2.45 trillion, it dropped by 1.36%. The achievement

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

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penurunan sebesar 1,36%. Pencapaian target pendapatan operasi ini terjadi seiring dengan pencapaian target dan tren realisasi kinerja operasional yang meningkat di beberapa Area, yaitu di Tanjung Priok 2 Ocean Going, Area Pontianak, Panjang, dan Teluk Bayur. Sementara penurunan pendapatan dikarenakan pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia.

Realisasi beban operasi tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp2,15 triliun atau 6,91% di atas Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,01 triliun. Hal ini sejalan dengan realisasi pendapatan dan kinerja operasional. Adapun realisasi beban operasi tersebut didominasi oleh beban KSMU dimana pada Area Terminal Tanjung Priok terdapat beban sharing dengan para Perusahaan Bongkar Muat. Adapun realisasi beban operasi tersebut mengalami penurunan sebesar 2,2% dari realisasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,2 triliun.

Realisasi laba operasi tahun 2020 yaitu sebesar Rp253,72 miliar atau 9,38% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp279,98 miliar. Hal ini terjadi seiring dengan kinerja operasional serta pendapatan operasi di masing-masing Area. Selain itu, terdapat penerapan PSAK terbaru, yaitu PSAK 73 (Sewa) yang berdampak terhadap hasil laba operasi dimana pencatatan biaya sewa dari aset yang disewa semula dicatat sebagai beban operasi dirubah menjadi pencatatan beban ke penyusutan pada beban operasi dan beban bunga pada beban di luar operasi. Realisasi laba operasi tahun 2020 meningkat 1,32% dari realisasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp250,42 miliar.

Sementara itu, realisasi laba (rugi) bersih tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar minus Rp16,2 miliar atau 137,11% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp43,65 miliar. Hal tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh adanya realisasi beban penyusutan sebesar Rp273,93 miliar dan beban bunga aset sewaan sebesar Rp226,21 miliar sebagai hasil dari implementasi PSAK 73 (Sewa). Selain itu, faktor penyebab lainnya adalah kerugian yang diserap dari anak perusahaan, PT NPCTI sebesar Rp42,02 miliar dikarenakan PT NPCTI terkena dampak PSAK 73 (Sewa) atas pembayaran Quarterly Site Rent kepada PT PPI.

Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2020, Perseroan mencatat realisasi Kas dan Setara Kas sebesar Rp482,93 miliar atau 55,13% di atas Revisi RKAP yang tercatat sebesar Rp311,31 miliar. Hal ini sejalan dengan pemasukan kas dari kegiatan operasional perusahaan selama tahun 2020. Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019, realisasi kas ini meningkat 11,31%.

Keberhasilan kami dalam mempertahankan kas positif merupakan kontribusi dari adanya perbaikan terhadap sistem penagihan yang telah menggunakan sistem auto collection untuk kegiatan petikemas Domestik Tanjung Priok sejak Triwulan I tahun 2020.

Kami selalu berupaya memastikan kecukupan arus kas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional mengingat kas memegang peranan yang sangat penting terutama di saat-saat krisis seperti pandemi ini. Adanya pemanfaatan digitalisasi secara optimum terbukti mampu menjaga working capital di level yang baik, dimana kondisi likuiditas Perseroan tetap terjaga sepanjang tahun.

Setiap tahun, kami juga melakukan penilaian terhadap tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan. Dalam hal ini, kami menunjuk pihak independen, yaitu Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja untuk melakukan penilaian tersebut. Untuk tahun buku 2020, IPC TPK berhasil meraih Skor Tingkat Kesehatan mencapai 74,5 dari bobot 100,00 dengan kategori Sehat (A).

of operating revenues target occurred in line with the achievement of targets and the upward trend of realized operational performance in several areas, namely Tanjung Priok 2 Ocean Going, Pontianak, Panjang, and Teluk Bayur areas. Meanwhile, the decline in revenues was due to the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia.

Realized operating expenses stood at Rp2.15 trillion in 2020 or 6.91% above the 2020 Revised RKAP of Rp2.01 trillion. This was in line with the realized revenues and operational performance. Meanwhile, the realized operating expenses was dominated by KSMU expenses, where in the Tanjung Priok Terminal Area there was a sharing cost with loading and unloading companies. The realized operating expenses decreased by 2.2% from Rp2.2 trillion in 2019.

The realized income from operations was Rp253.72 billion in 2020 or 9.38% below the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp279.98 billion. This occured in line with operational performance and operating revenues in each area. In addition, there was the implementation of the latest PSAK, namely PSAK 73 (Leases) which gave an impact on income from operations as the lease costs from leased assets that were originally recorded as operating expenses were changed to depreciation cost on operating expenses and interest expenses on expenses outside operations. The realized income from operations increased by 1.32% in 2020 from Rp250.42 billion in 2019.

Meanwhile, the realized net income (loss) stood at minus Rp16.2 billion in 2020 or 137.11% below the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp43.65 billion. This was mainly due to the realizated depreciation expense amounted to Rp273.93 billion and interest expense on leased assets of Rp226.21 billion as a result of the implementation of PSAK 73 (Leases). In addition, another contributing factor was the loss absorbed from the subsidiary, PT NPCTI amounting to Rp42.02 billion since PT NPCTI was affected by PSAK 73 (Leases) for the payment of Quarterly Site Rent to PT PPI.

As at the end of 2020, the Company recorded cash and cash equivalents of Rp482.93 billion or 55.13% above the Revised RKAP which stood at Rp311.31 billion. This was in line with cash receipt from the Company’s operating activities throughout 2020. In comparison to 2019, this realized cash surged by 11.31%.

Our success of maintaining positive cash was contributed by improvements of the billing system that has used the auto collection system for container activities at Tanjung Priok Domestic since the first quarter of 2020.

We always strive to ensure sufficient cash flow to meet operational needs given the fact that cash plays a very important role, especially during times of crisis such as this pandemic. Optimum digital use has proven to be able to maintain working capital at a good level, enabling the Company’s liquidity conditions to be maintained throughout the year.

Every year, we also conduct an assessment of the Company’s health level. In this case, we appointed an independent party, Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja Public Accounting Firm to carry out the assessment. For the financial year 2020, IPC TPK managed to achieve a Health Level Score of 74.5 out of 100.00 with Healthy category (A).

53PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Realisasi Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan Tahun 2020







A Aspek Keuangan Financial Aspect

1 Imbalan kepada Pemegang Saham (ROE) Return on equity (ROE)

15,57 (10,07) 1,57

2 Imbalan Investasi (ROI) Return on Investment (ROI)

10,57 12,20 7,57

3 Rasio Kas Cash Ratio

3,57 60,45 3,57

4 Rasio Lancar Current Ratio

4,57 83,24 2,57

5 Collection Period (hari/days) 4,57 9 4,57

6 Perputaran Persediaan*Inventory Turnover*


7 Perputaran Total Aset Total Asset Turnover

4,57 53,18 2,07

8 Rasio Modal Sendiri terhadap Total Aset Equity to Total Assets Ratio

6,58 3,53 2,58

Jumlah Aspek Keuangan/Total Financial Aspect 50,00 24,5

B Aspek Operasional Operational Aspect

1 Kesiapan Alat Produksi Production Equipment Availability

17,50 38,01 17,5

2 Pemanfaatan Alat Produksi Production Equipment Utilization

17,50 62,33 17,5

Jumlah Aspek Operasional/Total Operational Aspect 35,00 35,00

C Aspek Administrasi Administration Aspect

1 Laporan Perhitungan Tahunan Annual Report Calculation

5,00 <bulan ke-4/ <4th month 5

2 Rancangan RKAP RKAP Draft

5,00 <3 bulan/months 5

3 Laporan Periodik Periodic Reports

5,00 0<x<30 hari/days 5

Jumlah Aspek Administrasi/Total Administration Aspect 15,00 15

Jumlah A + B + C/Total A + B + C 100 74,5

Kategori/Category A (Sehat/Healthy)

* Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, Perusahaan tidak memiliki saldo persediaan sehingga penilaian atas perhitungan perputaran persediaan (inventory turnover) tersebut tidak dapat diaplikasikan. Bobot atas kriteria tersebut dialokasikan secara merata ke kriteria aspek keuangan lainnya.

* As of December 31, 2020, the Company did not have an inventory balance, allowing the assessment of the inventory turnover was unable to be applied. The weight of these criteria is equally allocated to the criteria for other financial aspects.

Realization of the Company's Health Level in 2020

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

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Realisasi Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





I Keuangan dan Pasar Finance and Market

1 EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin % 7 24,10 22,96 95,26 6,67

2 Pertumbuhan Laba BersihNet Income Growth % 7 85,80 105,27 77,30 5,41

3 Pangsa Pasar PetikemasContainer Market Share % 7 30,06 37,04 123,21 8,40

4 CAPEX % 7 87,50 86,84 99,24 6,95

Subtotal 28 27,43

II Fokus Pelanggan Customer Focus

1 Indeks Kepuasan PelangganCustomer Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 8 4,67 4,72 101,07 8,09

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan CabangSynergy of Subsidiaries and Branches % 7 100,00 71,79 71,79 5,02

Subtotal 15 13,11

III Fokus Tenaga Kerja Manpower Focus

1 Produktivitas Pegawai Employee Productivity

Juta Rp/ Pegawai

Rp Million/ Employee

8 586,99 574,63 97,89 7,83

2 Indeks Kepuasan PegawaiEmployee Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 7 4,50 4,12 91,56 6,41

Subtotal 15 14,24

IV Efektivitas Produk dan Proses Product and Process Effectiveness

1 Produktivitas B/M Terminal Petikemas (B/S/H)B/M Container Terminal Productivity (B/S/H)

B/S/H 8 37,31 38,01 101,86 8,15

2 Tingkat Efektivitas Tambatan PetikemasContainer Berthing Effectiveness Level % 8 61,33 62,33 101,64 8,13

3 YOR PetikemasContainer YOR % 8 38,16 34,99 108,30 8,40

Subtotal 24 24,68

V Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

1 Jumlah KecelakaanNumber of Accidents

Jumlah Kecelakaan

Total Accidents

6 0 0 110,00 6,30

2 Tindak Lanjut Temuan AuditFollow up on Audit Findings % 6 75,00 96,30 128,40 6,30

3 Skor Pencapaian GCGGCG Score

SkorScore 6 96,10 97,04 100,98 6,06

Subtotal 18 18,66

Jumlah/Total 100 98,12

Realization of Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

55PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pada kesempatan ini, kami juga merasa bersyukur atas pengakuan yang telah diberikan oleh pihak eksternal melalui penghargaan The Best GRC For Performance Management In Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services) dan The Best Corporate Secretary dalam ajang GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah Business News. Penghargaan lainnya yang diperoleh adalah ajang bergengsi tingkat nasional TOP GRC Awards 2020 yang diselenggarakan Majalah Top Business bekerja sama dengan KNKG (Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance). Dalam acara puncak TOP DIGITAL Awards yang dilakukan secara daring, IPC TPK meraih dua kategori penghargaan yaitu, TOP GRC Awards 2020 Stars #4 danTOP Most Committed GRC Leaders 2020 untuk Direktur Utama IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo. Pencapaian ini merupakan sebuah kebanggaan tersendiri bagi seluruh insan IPC TPK karena walaupun di tengah pandemi, kami tetap mampu mengukir prestasi.

Komitmen terhadap Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial

Implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance/GCG) merupakan wujud apresiasi IPC TPK atas kepercayaan yang diberikan pelanggan, regulator, masyarakat dan seluruh Pemegang Saham serta para pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga kepercayaan tersebut, IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya menjalankan kegiatan bisnis dengan mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip GCG.

Di tengah pandemi Covid-19, pengelolaan risiko yang baik menjadi sebuah keharusan bagi perusahaan untuk menjaga kelangsungan bisnis. Oleh karena itu, IPC TPK memberikan perhatian yang serius terhadap pengelolaan risiko agar tidak terjadi dampak-dampak merugikan dari suatu kegiatan yang dapat menghalangi tercapainya tujuan perusahaan. Seperti tahun sebelumnya, kami berupaya menerapkan manajemen risiko sebagai konsep strategis dengan melakukan pendekatan komprehensif untuk mengelola risiko-risiko perusahaan secara menyeluruh.

Selain itu, kami juga menyambut baik dengan diperkenalkannya budaya AKHLAK dimana seluruh BUMN beserta entitasnya  wajib mengimplementasikan AKHLAK secara utuh dalam rangka keseragaman sesuai dengan mandat dari Kementerian BUMN dalam Surat Edaran Menteri BUMN No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 tanggal 1 Juli 2020. Oleh karena itu, kami berupaya proaktif untuk menginternalisasikan budaya AKHLAK tersebut kepada seluruh insan IPC TPK dengan cara:1. Meratifikasi nilai budaya perusahaan yang sebelumnya

PASTI menjadi AKHLAK dengan menuangkannya ke dalam ketentuan Direksi IPC TPK

2. Melakukan sosialisasi dan campaign nilai budaya AKHLAK melalui pemasangan banner dan spanduk di area office dan lapangan, stiker dan poster pada fasilitas umum IPC TPK, serta setting dekstop background pada PC karyawan.

Kami merasa gembira karena sekali lagi IPC TPK mampu membuktikan kualitas penerapan GCG yang mumpuni di tahun 2020 sebagaimana terlihat dari hasil assessment untuk tahun buku 2020 dengan skor 97,04, sedikit meningkat dibandingkan skor untuk tahun buku 2019 sebesar 96,418. Pencapaian skor tersebut termasuk dalam kategori penilaian “Sangat Baik” yang menunjukkan keberhasilan Perseroan dalam menerapkan GCG secara efektif.

On this occasion, we are also grateful for the recognition of the external parties through The Best GRC For Performance Management In Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services) and The Best Corporate Secretary awards at the GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award event organized by Business News Magazine. Another award we received was the prestigious national level TOP GRC Awards 2020 organized by Top Business Magazine in collaboration with KNKG (National Committee on Governance Policy). At the top event of the TOP DIGITAL Awards which was conducted online, IPC TPK won two award categories, TOP GRC Awards 2020 Stars #4 and TOP Most Committed GRC Leaders 2020 for President Director of IPC TPK, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo. This achievement has become the pride of all IPC TPK personnel since we were still able to make achievements in the midst of pandemic.

Commitment to Good Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility

The implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a token of IPC TPK’s appreciation for the trust given by customers, regulators, public and all shareholders as well as other stakeholders. Therefore, to maintain their trust, IPC TPK always strives to carry out business activities by prioritizing GCG principles.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, a proper risk management is a must for companies to maintain business continuity. Therefore, IPC TPK paid serious attention to risk management to prevent adverse impacts from an activity that may hinder the achievement of the Company’s goals. As in previous years, we strived to apply risk management as a strategic concept by taking a comprehensive approach to manage the Company’s risks thoroughly.

In addition, we also welcome the introduction of the AKHLAK culture as all SOEs and their entities are required to implement AKHLAK in the context of standardization as mandated by the Ministry of SOEs in the Circular Letter of the Minister of SOEs No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 dated July 1, 2020. Therefore, we were proactive to internalize the AKHLAK culture to all IPC TPK personnel by:

1. Ratifying the Company’s previous cultural values PASTI to become AKHLAK and translating them into the decree of of IPC TPK’s Board of Directors.

2. Conducting dissemination and campaigns of AKHLAK cultural values through the installation of banners at the office and field areas, stickers and posters at IPC TPK public facilities, as well as setting desktop backgrounds on employees’ PCs.

Once again, we are delighted that IPC TPK was able to prove its excellent quality of GCG implementation in 2020 as seen in the 2020 assessment results with a score of 97.04, a slight increase compared to the 2019 score of 96.418. The achievement was categorized “Excellent” assessment, demonstrating the Company’s in an effective GCG implementation.

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

56 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Perlu kami sampaikan pula bahwa hingga akhir tahun 2020, IPC TPK tidak memiliki Komite di Bawah Direksi. Dengan demikian, tidak terdapat informasi mengenai penilaian kinerja komite di bawah Direksi.

Terkait dengan Tanggung Jawab Sosial (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR), kami tetap memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk menciptakan nilai ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan dan tetap berkontribusi pada pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Walaupun di tengah pandemi, program-program CSR kami tetap berjalan dengan baik, di antaranya:1. Program Kesehatan

- Donor Darah - Kegiatan Penanggulangan Covid-19.

1) Penyaluran New Normal Kit untuk petugas operasional dan pengguna jasa.

2) Penyaluran Masker untuk pengguna jasa.3) Penyaluran Sembako untuk masyarakat

terdampak Covid-19.4) Penyaluran vitamin dan peralatan lain untuk

tenaga medis di RSDC Wisma Atlet.2. Program Pendidikan

- Program Pendidikan Kesetaraan Paket C.- Bantuan Pendidikan berupa penyediaan peralatan

belajar mengajar.3. Program Lingkungan

- Pembagian Hewan Kurban dalam rangka Idul Adha diseluruh area kerja.

- Pendistribusian sembako kepada korban bencana alam (banjir).

- Santunan anak yatim piatu.- Program pelestarian lingkungan penanaman terumbu

karang di Pulau Pahawang Bandar Lampung.

Sepanjang tahun, kami berupaya melakukan berbagai pembenahan internal dalam rangka mempersiapkan merger PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) selaku Pemegang Saham Utama IPC TPK. Dengan semakin besarnya skala perusahaan, kami berpeluang untuk dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih besar bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan di masa yang akan datang.

Perubahan Komposisi Direksi

Pada kesempatan ini, kami juga ingin melaporkan adanya perubahan komposisi Direksi dengan mengingat bahwa PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) selaku Pemegang Saham Utama IPC TPK memiliki otoritas dan hak sepenuhnya untuk memberhentikan dan mengangkat anggota Direksi IPC TPK.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, nama-nama di bawah ini tidak lagi merupakan anggota Direksi IPC TPK efektif sejak tanggal yang tertera di dalam tabel berikut ini:



Tanggal EfektifEffective Date

Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang SahamCircular Resolutions of Shareholders

M. Adji Direktur UtamaPresident Director

15 Juli 2020July 15th, 2020

No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 No. SK.007/PII.SK/D1/VII/2020

Ari Henryanto Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis Director of Commercial & Business Development

4 Agustus 2020August 4th, 2020

No. KP.03/4/8/1/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020No. SK-001/PII-SK.D1/VIII/2020

We also need to convey that until the end of 2020, IPC TPK did not have a Committee under the Board of Directors. Thus, there is no information regarding the performance assessment of the committees under the Board of Directors.

With regard to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we are still strongly committed to create economic, social and environmental value for all stakeholders and continue our contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals. Even in the midst of a pandemic, our CSR programs were still running well, including:

1. Health Program- Blood donors- Covid-19 Countermeasures Activities.

1) Distribution of New Normal Kits for operational officers and service users.

2) Distribution of masks for service users.3) Distribution of basic necessities to people affected

by Covid-19.4) Distribution of vitamins and other equipment for

medical personnel at RSDC Wisma Atlet.2. Education Program

- Equivalence Education Program Package C.- Educational assistance in the form of providing

teaching and learning equipment.3. Environmental Program

- Distribution of Sacrificial Animals in the context of Eid al-Adha throughout the work areas.

- Distribution of basic necessities to victims of natural disasters (floods).

- Donations to orphans.- Environmental conservation program for planting

coral reefs on Pahawang Island, Bandar Lampung.

Throughout the year, we attempted to make various internal improvements in preparation for the merger of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) is the Major Shareholder of IPC TPK. With the increasing scale of the Company, we have the opportunity to deliver a greater contribution for all stakeholders in the future.

Changes in Composition of the Board of Directors

On this occasion, we would also like to report changes in the composition of the Board of Directors, considering that PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) is the Major Shareholder of IPC TPK with full authority and rights to dismiss and appoint members of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK.

Pursuant to the Circular Resolutions of the Shareholders in lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, the following names were no longer members of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK effective as of the date listed in the following table:

57PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report



Tanggal EfektifEffective Date

Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang SahamCircular Resolutions of Shareholders

Rizki Widhiono Direktur Operasi & TeknikDirector of Operation & Technic

3 November 2020November 3rd, 2020

No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020No. SK.002/PII.SK.DI/XI/2020

Rahmat Prayogi Direktur Keuangan dan SDMDirector of Finance and HR

15 Juli 2020July 15th, 2020

No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 No. SK.007/PII.SK/D1/VII/2020

Kepada para pejabat tersebut, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas kontribusi yang telah diberikan selama bergabung dengan IPC TPK.

Selain itu, Pemegang Saham juga memutuskan untuk mengangkat saya, Irwan Favoriet, sebagai Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama serta David Pandapotan Sirait sebagai Direktur IPC TPK. Oleh karena itu, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Pemegang Saham yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kami untuk melakukan pengelolaan bisnis IPC TPK.

Dengan adanya perubahan tersebut, maka susunan Direksi per 31 Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:



Dasar PengangkatanBasis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm of Office

Periode JabatanService Period

Irwan Favoriet

Direktur Keuangan & SDM dan Pelaksana Harian Direktur UtamaDirector of Finance & HR and Acting President Director

Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No, SK.007/PII-SK.D1/VII/2020 tanggal 15 Juli 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Circular Resolutions of Shareholders In Lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and No, SK.007/PII-SK.D1/VII/2020 dated July 15th, 2020 regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

15 Juli 2020-RUPS 2025July 15th, 2020-2025 GMS


David Pandapotan Sirait

Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan BisnisDirector of Commercial & Business Development

Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XI/2020 tanggal 3 November 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Circular Resolutions of Shareholders In Lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 and No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XI /2020 dated November 3rd, 2020 regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

3 November-RUPS 2025November 3rd-2026 GMS


To these executive, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for the contributions during their tenure at IPC TPK.

In addition, the shareholders also decided to appoint me, Irwan Favoriet, as Acting President Director and David Pandapotan Sirait as Director of IPC TPK. Therefore, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the shareholders who have given us the opportunity to manage the IPC TPK business.

With these changes, the composition of the Board of Directors as of December 31st, 2020 was as follows:

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

58 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Perlu kami sampaikan pula, setelah tahun buku 2020 berakhir, telah terjadi perubahan susunan Direksi dimana Pemegang Saham memutuskan untuk mengangkat Wahyu Hardiyanto sebagai Direktur Utama IPC TPK berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No.KP.03/31/5/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-21 dan No.SK-003/PII-SK.D1/V/2021 tanggal 31 Mei 2021 tentang Pengangkatan Direktur Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Oleh karena itu, efektif sejak tanggal tersebut, susunan Direksi IPC TPK menjadi sebagai berikut:



Wahyu Hardiyanto Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Irwan Favoriet Direktur Keuangan dan SDMDirector of Finance and HR

David Pandapotan Sirait Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis dan Pelaksana Harian Direktur Operasi & TeknikDirector of Commercial & Business Development and Acting Executive Director of Operations & Engineering

Penetapan baru Direktur Utama sejalan dengan strategi IPC TPK sebagai operator terminal petikemas yang di tahun 2021 akan memasuki tahun Performance Improvement dengan program kerja strategis diantaranya transformasi digital, budaya dan SDM; perbaikan pola operasi; optimalisasi peralatan, persiapan rencana ekspansi pasar serta persiapan rencana pengoperasian terminal petikemas IPC Group. Dengan formasi baru jajaran Direksi IPC TPK diharapkan dapat membawa inovasi yang memajukan perusahaan dan mewujudkan misi menjadi operator terminal petikemas berskala internasional yang terintegrasi dengan ekosistem maritim.

Prospek Usaha dan Inisiatif Strategis Tahun 2021

Pada semester II 2020, ekonomi global mengalami perbaikan yang diperkirakan akan berlanjut di tahun 2021. Perbaikan ekonomi mulai terlihat di berbagai negara yang tercermin dari berbagai indikator seperti kenaikan Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) manufaktur dan jasa di AS dan Tiongkok. Selain itu, kepercayaan konsumen dan bisnis terus membaik di AS, Tiongkok, dan kawasan Eropa, serta kemajuan pengujian vaksin dan rencana implementasinya. Perkembangan tersebut memberikan optimisme tersendiri bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi global diprediksi akan berada di kisaran 5,0% pada tahun 2021.

Di semester pertama 2021, ketersediaan vaksin diperkirakan akan terpenuhi untuk 68% penduduk dunia, sehingga diharapkan dapat mendorong perbaikan mobilitas, keyakinan konsumen, dan keyakinan dunia usaha. Sementara itu, stimulus kebijakan fiskal dan moneter yang berlanjut akan semakin mendorong pemulihan ekonomi di banyak negara. Peningkatan permintaan akibat pemulihan ekonomi dunia berdampak pada kenaikan volume perdagangan dunia yang diperkirakan meningkat menjadi 4,4% serta peningkatan harga komposit komoditas ekspor Indonesia sekitar 4,0%.

Berdasarkan studi dari UNCTAD, maritime trade secara keseluruhan berpotensi mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 4,8% pada tahun 2021. Selain itu, studi dari Statista menyebutkan bahwa pertumbuhan throughput petikemas pada tahun 2021 dapat mencapai 6,7%.

We also need to convey, after the financial year of 2020 ended, there has been a change in the composition of the Board of Directors as the shareholders decided to appoint Wahyu Hardiyanto as President Director of IPC TPK pursuant to the Circular Resolutions of the Shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/31/5/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-21 and No. SK-003/PII-SK.D1/V/2021 dated May 31st, 2021 regarding the Appointment of President Director of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Therefore, effective as of that date, the composition of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK was as follows:

The appointment of the new President Director was in line with IPC TPK's strategy as a container terminal operator which in 2021 the Company will enter the year of Performance Improvement with strategic work programs including digital transformation, culture and human resources; improvement of operating patterns; equipment optimization, preparation of market expansion plans and preparation of IPC Group's container terminal operation plans. With the new formation of the IPC TPK’s Board of Directors, it is expected that it will bring innovation that advances the Company and realizes its mission to become an international-scale container terminal operator integrated with the maritime ecosystem.

Business Prospects and Strategic Initiatives in 2021

In the second semester of 2020, the global economy saw an improvement which was expected to continue in 2021. Economic recovery has begun in various countries as reflected in various indicators such as the increase in Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) of manufacturing and services in the US and China. In addition, consumer and business confidence continue to improve in the US, China and the European region, as well as progress in vaccine testing and implementation plans. This development has given optimism that global economic growth is forecast to be in the range of 5.0% in 2021.

In the first semester of 2021, the availability of vaccines is estimated to be fulfilled for 68% of the world's population, thus expecting it to encourage improvements in mobility, as well as consumer and global business confidence. Meanwhile, continued fiscal and monetary policy stimulus will further boost economic recovery in many countries. The increase in demand due to the recovery in the world economy has given the impact on the world trade volume which is estimated to increase to 4.4% coupled with the increase in composite prices for Indonesian export commodities by around 4.0%.

Based on a study from UNCTAD, the whole maritime trade has the potential to grow by 4.8% in 2021. In addition, a study from Statista states that container throughput growth in 2021 can reach 6.7%.

59PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Outlook positif tersebut berdasarkan permintaan dari perdagangan global yang mulai pulih berdasarkan asumsi adanya pemulihan dari kondisi pandemi yang sangat bergantung pada pengelolaan pandemi dan implementasi vaksinasi. Hal yang menjadi pertimbangan juga adalah tingginya freight rate akibat shortage empty container yang disebabkan oleh kenaikan permintaan kembali setelah shipping line melakukan capacity management di tahun 2020. Proyeksi penyerapan throughput akan tercapai jika shipping line bisa melakukan empty container repositioning dan peningkatan kapasitas dengan baik.

Untuk tahun 2021, kami menargetkan trafik petikemas sebesar 2.134.323 boxes atau 2.632.142 TEU, meningkat dari tahun sebelumnya sebanyak 2.114.368 boxes dan 2.579.321 TEU. Kami juga memasang target Pendapatan Operasi Bersih sebesar Rp2,56 triliun, dimana jumlah ini mengalami peningkatan dari target RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,29 triliun.

Dalam rangka meningkatkan standar pelayanan operasional dan komersial, kami telah menetapkan sejumlah inisiatif strategis, yang meliputi upaya untuk membangun dan menerapkan Governance Risk Compliance, mengimplementasikan e-Procurement, peningkatan kinerja peralatan terminal petikemas, meningkatkan Brand Value perusahaan serta meningkatkan retensi pelanggan di antaranya melalui Key Account Management (KAM). Sementara itu, untuk perluasan pangsa pasar, kami akan melakukan joint marketing.

Ekspansi bisnis merupakan salah satu sasaran kinerja kami berikutnya, dimana kami berupaya melakukan persiapan dan implementasi kerja sama pengoperasian layanan terminal petikemas di luar wilayah yang sudah ada, melakukan kajian optimalisasi modal perusahaan serta pengoperasian terminal petikemas yang termasuk dalam proyek strategis IPC Group.

Kami juga akan melanjutkan transformasi digital melalui pengembangan IT Solution untuk pelayanan terminal petikemas, sedangkan transformasi budaya dilakukan melalui penyesuaian budaya perusahaan menjadi one single core values “AKHLAK”, serta implementasi Enterprise Risk Management dan Risk Culture.

Selain itu, integrasi dan pengembangan proses dan teknologi akan dilakukan melalui pengembangan Sistem Operasi Pelabuhan, Sistem Keuangan dan Sispro Billing, serta implementasi integrated data interchange terminal dengan ekosistem logistic players.

Rencana untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Perdana akan dikaji kembali satu hingga tiga tahun ke depan. Oleh karenanya, IPC TPK akan lebih berfokus pada persiapan untuk melakukan merger. Merger perusahaan pelabuhan ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan performa pelayaran di dalam negeri. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan menyamaratakan standar seluruh pelabuhan yang ada sehingga port stay menjadi turun dan sailing time meningkat.


Dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini, kami semakin menyadari pentingnya kegiatan operasional yang efisien, produktif, dan tangkas yang didukung oleh Sumber Daya Manusia yang mumpuni. Sepanjang tahun, kami berupaya memanfaatkan teknologi sehingga kegiatan operasional menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Untuk ke depannya, kami akan terus berupaya memaksimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi guna meningkatkan produktivitas di seluruh proses bisnis.

The positive outlook is based on demand from global trade which is starting to recover based on the assumption of a recovery from a pandemic condition that relies heavily on pandemic management and vaccination implementation. Another thing to consider is the high freight rate due to the shortage of empty containers caused by the increase in demand following the capacity management carried out by the shipping line in 2020. The projected throughput absorption will be achieved if the shipping line manages to carry out empty container repositioning and properly increase the capacity.

For 2021, we are targeting container traffic of 2,134,323 boxes or 2,632,142 TEU, an increase from 2,114,368 boxes and 2,579,321 TEU in the previous year. We also set a Net Operating Revenues target of Rp2.56 trillion, an increase from the 2020 RKAP target of Rp2.29 trillion.

In order to improve operational and commercial service standards, we have established a number of strategic initiatives, which include efforts to build and implement Governance Risk Compliance, implement e-Procurement, improve the performance of container terminal equipment, increase the Company's Brand Value and customer retention, including through KAM (Key Account Management). Meanwhile, to expand market share, we will conduct joint marketing.

Business expansion is one of our next performance targets, as we seek to prepare and implement cooperation in the operation of container terminal services outside the existing area, conduct study of optimization of Company capital and the operation of container terminals which are included in the strategic project of IPC Group.

We will also continue the digital transformation through the development of IT Solutions for container terminal services, while the cultural transformation is carried out through adjustment of the corporate culture to become one single core values “AKHLAK”, as well as implementing Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Culture.

Moreover, the integration and development of processes and technology will be carried out through the development of the Port Operations System, Financial System and Billing System, as well as the implementation of an integrated data interchange terminal with an ecosystem of logistics players.

The Initial Public Offering plan will be reviewed in one to three years. Therefore, IPC TPK will focus more on preparation of the merger. The port Company merger is intended to improve shipping performance in the country. This can be achieved by standardizing all existing ports, enabling the decrease in port stays and the increase in sailing times.

Final Remarks

With the Covid-19 pandemic, we are increasingly aware of the importance of efficient, productive, and agile operational activities supported by qualified Human Resources. Throughout the year, we strived to capitalize on technology to achieve more effective and efficient operational activities. Going forward, we will continue to strive to maximize the use of technology to increase productivity across business processes.

Laporan ManajemenManagement Report

60 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Mengakhiri laporan ini, mewakili Direksi, kami ingin memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi kepada jajaran Dewan Komisaris, seluruh karyawan IPC TPK dan perusahaan asosiasi atas loyalitas dan komitmen yang kuat dalam mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis IPC TPK secara berkelanjutan. Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada para Pemegang Saham, mitra bisnis, serta pelanggan kami atas kepercayaan yang telah diberikan kepada IPC TPK.

Jakarta, 3 Juni/June 2021Atas nama Direksi,

On behalf of the Board of Directors,PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

IRWAN FAVORIETPelaksana Harian Direktur Utama

Acting President Director

To conclude this report, on behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to express our utmost appreciation to the Board of Commissioners and all employees of IPC TPK and its subsidiaries for their loyalty and strong commitment in supporting the sustainable growth of IPC TPK's business. On this auspicious occasion, we would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our shareholders, business partners, and customers for putting their trust in IPC TPK.

Jakarta, 3 Juni/June 2021

Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tentang Laporan Tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasStatement of Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of

Directors regarding the 2020 Report of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini menyatakan bahwa semua informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun 2020 telah dimuat secara lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran isi Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya.

We the undersigned below declare that all information in the 2020 Annual Report of PT IPC Container Terminal is presented in a complete manner and we are fully responsible for the accuracy of the content of Company’s Annual Report.

This statement is made truthfully.

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

David Pandapotan SiraitDirektur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis

Director of Commercial and Business Development

Asmai IshakKomisaris


Hary KriswantoKomisaris


Muarip Komisaris Utama

President Commissioner

DireksiBoard of Directors

Irwan Favoriet Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama, Direktur Keuangan dan SDM

Acting President Director, Director of Finance and Human Resources

62 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

Sebagai perusahaan yang agile, kami selalu berupaya untuk beradaptasi dengan kondisi pasar. Kami menyusun berbagai target bisnis dengan mempertimbangkan perubahan yang terjadi saat ini.

As an agile company, we always strive to adapt to market conditions. We set up various business targets by taking into account the current changes.

63PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

64 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Informasi Umum PerusahaanCompany Information

Nama Name

Jenis/Badan Hukum PerusahaanCorporate Legal Entity

Bidang UsahaBusiness Lines

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Perseroan TerbatasLimited Liability Company

Jasa pelayanan terminal petikemas antar pulau Indonesia dan internasional.Inter-Island and international container terminal services.

Produk dan JasaProducts and Services

Tanggal PendirianDate of Establishment

Tanggal Beroperasi KomersialDate of Commercial Operations

Stevedoring, cargodoring, lift on/lift off dan pelayanan petikemas lainnya.Stevedoring, cargodoring, lit on/lit off and other container services.

10 Juli 2013July 10th, 2013

1 Januari 2015January 1st, 2015

Izin UsahaBusiness License

Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. KP 853 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemberian Izin Usaha Kepada PT IPC Terminal Petikemas sebagai Badan Usaha Pelabuhan (BUP) tanggal 13 November 2014.The Minister of Transportation Decree No. KP 853 of year 2014 concerning the Granting of Business License to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as a Port Business Entity (BUP) dated November 13th, 2014.

Dasar Hukum PendirianLegal Basis of Establishment

Akta Pendirian No. 25 tanggal 10 Juli 2013 yang dibuat dihadapan Nur Muhammad Dipo Nusantara Pua Upa, S.H., M.Kn., notaris di Jakarta, dan telah disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dengan Keputusan No. AHU-40641.AH.01.01.Tahun 2013 tanggal 25 Juli 2013.

The Deed of Establishment No. 25 dated 10 July 2013 signed before Nur Muhammad Dipo Nusantara Pua Upa, S.H., M.Kn., a Notary in Jakarta, and was legalized by Minister of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia through the Deed No. AHU-40641.AH.01.01.year 2013 dated 25 July 2013.

Alamat Kantor PusatHead Office Address

Kontak PerusahaanContact

Kepemilikan SahamShare Ownership

Gedung Terminal Operasi 3 Jl. Raya Pelabuhan No 23Tanjung Priok 14310Terminal Operasi 3 Building Jl. Raya Pelabuhan N. 23 Tanjung Priok 14310

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal Corporate Secretary & External RelationsTelp. 021-4301080 Ext 7052/51

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) 99%PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama 1%

[email protected]

Email Pelayanan PelangganEmail of Customer [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Modal DasarAuthorized CapitalRp100.000.000.000


Modal ditempatkan dan disetorkan penuhIssued and Fully-Paid CapitalRp25.000.000.000

Media SosialSocial MediaInstagram: @ipctpkTwitter: @ipctpkFacebook: IPC Terminal Petikemas

Whistleblowing System

Total AsetTotal AssetsRp1.098.809.498.000

Jumlah SDM Total Employees

1.897 Orang/Persons

Jumlah Jaringan UsahaBusiness Network › 1 (satu) Kantor Pusat/1 (one) Head Office › 5 (lima) Kantor Perwakilan/5 (five) Representative Offices › 6 (enam) Wilayah Operasi:/6 (six) Operational Areas:

- Terminal Petikemas Tanjung Priok/Tanjung Priok Container Terminal- Terminal Petikemas Pontianak/Pontianak Container Terminal- Terminal Petikemas Panjang/Panjang Container Terminal- Terminal Petikemas Palembang/Palembang Container Terminal- Terminal Petikemas Teluk Bayur/Teluk Bayur Container Terminal- Terminal Petikemas Jambi/Jambi Container Terminal

› 1 (satu) Entitas Asosiasi/1 (one) Associate Entities

65PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tentang Logo PerusahaanAbout the Company's Logo

Untuk menunjukkan posisi Perusahaan sebagai bagian dari PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) atau IPC, yang adalah entitas induk Perusahaan, semangat ini terefleksikan pada logo PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (IPC TPK). Selain itu, kalimat “Container Terminal”, yang artinya Terminal Petikemas, menunjukkan identitas khusus Perusahaan.

Mewakili semangat transformasi dan harapan baru dalam meraih masa depan yang lebih cerah, logo IPC menjadi simbol kebanggaan bagi semua pihak di dalam organisasi untuk membawa IPC ke depan. Untuk mencapai tujuan Perusahaan, Grup IPC berkeyakinan bahwa ini membutuhkan perubahan dan kemajuan yang berkelanjutan penuh dengan kejenakaan dan energi, agresif namun tetap ramah, dan memberikan semangat yang unik untuk Indonesia.

To affirm the Company’s position as part of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) or IPC, which is our parent entity, the spirit is reflected in the logo of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (IPC TPK). In addition, the phrase “Container Terminal”, particularly represents to the Corporate Identity.

Carrying the spirit of transformation and new hope for a brighter future, IPC logo symbolizes the pride of all stakeholders in the organization to drive IPC forward. To realize the Company’s goals, IPC Group believes it to require us to make constant changes and advances with full of fun and energy, by being aggressive yet still being friendly, and contributing unique spirit for Indonesia.

1. Anak panah yang melesat di atas air atau cakrawala merepresentasikan konsep pergerakan Perusahaan yang dinamis.

2. Cahaya matahari pagi mewakili semangat perubahan, kekuatan, optimisme, dan simbol kebanggaan seluruh karyawan terhadap perusahaannya dalam usaha bersama untuk meraih tujuan Perusahaan.

3. Melambangkan bahwa Perusahaan dan seluruh karyawan masuk ke dalam era baru yang dinamis sehingga seluruh komponen Perusahaan dapat bergerak secara fleksibel dalam menghadapi tantangan di depan. Dengan selalu berpikir selangkah ke depan serta bekerja dengan fokus dan cekatan, karyawan bergerak untuk mencapai tujuan Perusahaan bersama-sama.

4. IPC yang dituliskan dengan warna tulisan abu-abu gelap merupakan nama merek yang merepresentasikan citra modern, keyakinan dan profesionalitas serta menginspirasikan kepercayaan kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan.

5. Container Terminal, yang artinya Terminal Petikemas, merupakan nama Perusahaan yang mengandung makna bahwa Perusahaan mempunyai maksud dan tujuan untuk melakukan kegiatan pengusahaan di pelabuhan berupa pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas antar pulau dan internasional serta optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya yang dimiliki Perusahaan untuk menghasilkan barang dan/atau jasa yang bermutu tinggi dan berdaya saing kuat untuk mendapatkan atau mengejar keuntungan guna meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Perseroan Terbatas.





1. The dashing arrow above the water or horizon symbolizes the concept of dynamic movement of the Company.

2. The morning sunrise carries our spirit for change, strength, optimism and symbolizes pride of all employees toward the Company to strive together to reach the Company’s goals.

3. Symbolizes that the Company and its employees enter the new dynamic era where all components of the Company can move in flexible way in anticipating future challenges. By always thinking one step ahead and working with focus and quickness, the employees can move together to realize the Company’s goals.

4. IPC written in dark gray is also a brand by itself that represents modern image, faith and professionalism as well as stimulates trust to all stakeholders.

5. Container Terminal, is the name of the Company that conveys the meaning that the Company is intended and aimed at operating businesses at port, which include inter-island and international container terminal services and optimization of its own resources to deliver high-quality and strongly competitive goods and/services to generate profit and increase value of the Company through the implementation of principles of Limited Liability Company.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

66 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Riwayat Singkat PerusahaanCompany in Brief

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, selanjutnya disebut “IPC TPK”, didirikan oleh PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) atau disebut juga IPC yang bertindak sebagai entitas induk Perusahaan. Pendirian Perusahaan sejalan dengan tujuan entitas induk dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan petikemas dengan sistem jaringan yang terintegrasi antar pelabuhan dan dikelola secara profesional.

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, or further referred as “IPC TPK”, was established by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) or IPC which is also the parent entity. The Company was established in line with the goals of the parent entity to provide container services with inter-port integrated network system and professional management.

IPC TPK berdiri pada 10 Juli 2013 berdasarkan Akta Pendirian No. 25 yang dibuat di hadapan Nur Muhammad Dipo Nusantara Pua Upa, S.H., M.Kn., dan disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia melalui Keputusan No. AHU-40641.AH.01.01 tanggal 25 Juli 2013. Selanjutnya, melalui Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. KP 853 Tahun 2014 tanggal 13 November 2014, IPC TPK memperoleh izin Badan Usaha Pelabuhan (BUP) untuk menjalankan usaha jasa pengelolaan terminal petikemas dan fasilitas pelabuhan lainnya.

IPC TPK mulai beroperasi secara komersial pada tahun 2015 dengan area operasi di Terminal Petikemas Pontianak yang terletak di Pelabuhan Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat dan Pelabuhan Jambi, Jambi. Di tahun yang sama, IPC TPK

IPC TPK was established on July 10th, 2013 pursuant to the Deed of Establishment No. 25 signed before Nur Muhammad Dipo Nusantara Pua Upa, S.H., M.Kn., and was legalized through Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia Decree No. AHU-40641.AH.01.01 dated 25 July 2013. Then, through Minister of Transportation Decree No. KP 853 of year 2014 dated 13 November 2014, IPC TPK obtained a license for Port Business License (BUP) to run container terminal management services and other port services.

IPC TPK kicked off its commercial operation in 2015 with operational areas in Pontianak Container Terminal at Pontianak Port in West Kalimantan and Jambi Port in Jambi. At the same year, IPC TPK collaborates with SEA Terminal

67PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

menggandeng SEA Terminal Management and Service Pte. Ltd., sebuah perusahaan asal Singapura, untuk mendirikan entitas asosiasi yang dinamai PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1), yang bergerak dalam bidang penanganan bongkar muat petikemas dengan wilayah operasi di Pelabuhan Kalibaru, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. Pada perusahaan asosiasi tersebut, kepemilikan saham IPC TPK sebesar 51,00% sedangkan SEA Terminal Management and Service Pte. Ltd., menguasai 49%.

Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 27 Desember 2017, atau efektif per 1 Januari 2018, IPC TPK menerima pengalihan pengoperasian terminal petikemas di 5 (lima) pelabuhan dari entitas induk Perusahaan, yakni Pelabuhan Pontianak di Kalimantan Barat; Pelabuhan Panjang di Lampung; Pelabuhan Palembang di Palembang; Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur di Padang; dan Pelabuhan Jambi di Jambi. Jumlah terminal petikemas yang dikelola oleh IPC TPK bertambah menjadi 6 (enam) setelah pada tanggal 6 Juli 2018, IPC TPK diberikan penugasan oleh entitas induknya untuk mengelola pengoperasian layanan bongkar muat khusus terminal petikemas di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. Sejak saat itu, IPC TPK membangun layanan jaringan terminal petikemas yang terintegrasi dengan menjadikan Tanjung Priok sebagai pusat pelayanan terminal petikemas.

Lalu tepat pada tanggal 1 Januari 2019, IPC TPK menyerahterimakan pengelolaan Common Area Terminal Petikemas Kalibaru, Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, kepada PT Multi Terminal Indonesia. Serah terima pengelolaan kegiatan di Common Area ini merupakan salah satu proses penyesuaian bisnis sesuai bidang usahanya masing-masing bagi seluruh entitas anak usaha PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), di mana kegiatan usaha di Common Area adalah behandle yang merupakan bisnis inti PT Multi Terminal Indonesia. Selain itu, serah terima ini sejalan dengan berakhirnya perjanjian kontrak kerja sama optimalisasi aset dengan Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang berakhir pada tahun 2018.

Management and Service Pte. Ltd., a Singapore-based Company, to establish an associate entity, PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1), which runs container loading and unloading businesses with operational area at Kali Baru Port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. In the association Company, IPC TPK owned 51.00% whereas SEA Terminal Management and Service Pte. Ltd., owned 49%.

Then on December 27th, 2017, or effective as of January 1st, 2018, IPC TPK received the transfer of operational management of 5 (five) container terminals from its parent entity, namely Pontianak Port in West Kalimantan; Panjang Port in Lampung; Palembang Port in Palembang; Teluk Bayur Port in Padang; and Jambi Port in Jambi. Total container terminals managed under IPC TPK increased to 6 (six) terminals after on July 6th, 2018, IPC TPK was assigned by its parent entity to manage the loading and unloading service at container terminal of Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. IPC TPK has ever since driven the development of an integrated container terminal network by positioning Tanjung Priok as the hub for container terminal services.

On January 1st, 2019, IPC TPK handed over the management of Common Area of Kalibaru Container Terminal of Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, to PT Multi Terminal Indonesia. The handover of activity management in the Common Area was part of the business adjustment process according to the scope of business of each subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), as the business activity in Common Area was behandle, which is indeed the core business of PT Multi Terminal Indonesia. In addition, the handover was in line with end of the cooperation agreement on optimization of assets with the Tanjung Priok Port Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) which ended in 2018.

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Maksud dan Tujuan Perusahaan

Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan terakhir, yang telah disahkan melalui Akta No. 220 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020 yang dibuat dihadapan Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, S.H., Notaris berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat dan mendapatkan pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020, maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan adalah untuk melakukan kegiatan pengusahaan di pelabuhan berupa pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas antar pulau dan internasional serta optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya yang dimiliki Perusahaan untuk menghasilkan barang dan/atau jasa yang bermutu tinggi dan berdaya saing kuat untuk mendapatkan/mengejar keuntungan guna meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Perseroan Terbatas.

Kegiatan Usaha Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar

Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, IPC TPK menjalankan kegiatan usaha sebagai berikut: 1. Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa kapal dan barang.2. Penyediaan dan pelayanan jasa terkait dengan

kepelabuhanan.3. Pengusahaan terminal.

Kegiatan Usaha yang Dijalankan pada Tahun Buku

Berikut rincian kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan IPC TPK pada tahun buku 2020:

No.Kegiatan Usaha

Business Activities

Telah/Belum Dijalankan

Undertaken/Not Yet Undertaken


1 Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa kapal, penumpang dan barang, meliputi:a. Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa dermaga

untuk bertambat;b. Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa tempat

penimbunan barang, alat bongkar muat, serta peralatan pelabuhan;

c. Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas;

d. Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa bongkar muat barang;

e. Penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan pusat distribusi dan konsolidasi barang;

Telah Dijalankan IPC TPK melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan penyediaan dan pelayanan jasa barang.

To provide and/or serve ship, passenger, and cargo services, including:a. To provide and/or serve dock services for

mooring;b. To provide and/or serve products storage

locations, loading and unloading tools and port equipment;

c. To provide and/or serve container terminal, liquid bulk, dry bulk and ro-ro services;

d. To provide and/or serve products loading and unloading services;

e. To provide and/or serve products distribution and consolidation center;

Undertaken IPC TPK has undertaken some activities of providing and serving goods services.

Kegiatan dan Bidang UsahaBusiness Lines and Activities

Goals and Objectives of the Company

The latest Articles of Association of the Company, which was legalized through the Deed No. 220 dated 25 August 2020 signed before Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, S.H., a Notary in Central Jakarta, and through Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 dated 25 August 2020, states that the goals and objectives of the Company are to run business activities at the port, namely inter-island and international container terminal services and optimization of internal resources of the Company to generate high quality and highly competitive goods and/or services to gain profit and to boost the Corporate values through the implementation of the principles of Limited Liability Company.

Business Activities According to Articles of Association

Based on the Articles of Association, IPC TPK operates the following business activities: 1. To provide and/or serve ship and goods services.2. To provide and serve port-relevant services.

3. Terminal business.

Business Activities in the Financial Year

Below is the list of business activities run by IPC TPK in the financial year of 2020:

69PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Kegiatan Usaha

Business Activities

Telah/Belum Dijalankan

Undertaken/Not Yet Undertaken


2 Penyediaan dan pelayanan jasa terkait dengan kepelabuhanan, meliputi:a. Penyediaan depo petikemas;b. Pelayanan pengisian air tawar dan minyak;c. Penyediaan fasilitas gudang pendingin;d. Pengemasan dan pelabelan;e. Fumigasi dan pembersihan/perbaikan kontainer.

Belum Dijalankan Hingga tahun 2020 IPC TPK belum melaksanakan kegiatan kepelabuhanan terkait penyediaan depo petikemas, pengisian air tawar dan minyak, fasilitas gudang pendingin, pengemasan dan pelabelan, serta fumigasi dan pembersihan/perbaikan container, karena kegiatan tersebut core business anak perusahaan lain yang berada di bawah PT Pelindo II (Persero).

To provide and serve port-relevant services, including:a. To provide container depots;b. To serve refueling of clean water and fuel;c. To provide cold storage facilities;d. Packaging and labeling;e. Fumigation and container cleaning/repair.

Not yet Undertaken

Through 2020, IPC TPK has not yet undertaken port-relevant activities, namely to provide container depots, refueling of clean water and fuel, cold storage facilities, packaging and labeling, as well as fumigation and container cleaning/repair, since the activities were the core business of other subsidiary of PT Pelindo II (Persero).

3 Pengusahaan Terminal Telah Dijalankan IPC TPK melakukan pengusahaan terminal di area Tanjung Priok, Pontianak, Panjang, Palembang, Teluk Bayur dan Jambi.

Terminal Businesses Undertaken IPC TPK manages terminals in the Tanjung Priok, Pontianak, Panjang, Palembang, Teluk Bayur and Jambi areas.

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Produk dan Jasa Layanan

Produk dan jasa yang diberikan oleh IPC TPK adalah layanan barang (kargo) yang terdiri dari: 1. Dermaga Umum.2. Jasa Lapangan.

Jasa-jasa yang diberikan merupakan jasa yang ditetapkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, bekerja sama dalam kelompok usaha IPC Group, sebagai induk usaha, yang menjalankan pelayanan terpadu. IPC menyediakan pelayanan bongkar muat mulai dari kapal hingga penyerahan ke pemilik barang.

Sebuah kapal barang yang bersandar di dermaga melakukan aktivitas bongkar muat barang di dermaga maka kapal tersebut dikenakan biaya jasa dermaga. Barang lalu dikirim ke lapangan penumpukan atau gudang maka dikenakan biaya jasa penumpukan.

Sementara itu, layanan rupa-rupa merupakan jasa layanan yang menunjang kegiatan yang ada di pelabuhan, meliputi jasa sewa alat-alat pelabuhan, penyediaan listrik, dan telepon. Misalnya, pihak kapal barang menyewa alat derek (crane) untuk mengangkat atau memindahkan barang saat di kapal atau dermaga.

Jasa Bongkar Muat

Jasa bongkar muat ialah kegiatan pelayanan bongkar muat barang sejak dari kapal hingga saat menyerahkan kepada pemilik barang. Adapun fitur pelayanan bongkar muat adalah sebagai berikut:› Stevedoring: Kegiatan yang dilakukan sejak membongkar/

memuat di palka kapal hingga melepas ganco ke dermaga.

› Cargodoring: Menyusun barang sejak dari dermaga hingga ke gudang/lapangan atau sebaliknya.

› Receiving/Delivery: Pekerjaan menyerahkan atau menerima barang di pintu gudang lini I dari/ke atas truk atau sebaliknya.

Range of Products and Services

Range of products and services of IPC TPK include cargo services, i.e.:1. Public Dock.2. Yard Services.

The services are range of services regulated by laws. In the implementation, we cooperate with companies under IPC Group, the parent entity that runs integrated businesses. IPC provides ship loading and unloading services up to delivery of goods to the owners.

A cargo ship will load and unload the goods at the berth, thus the ship will be charged with docking service cost. Goods will then be delivered to warehouse or storage center, where they will be charged for storage service cost.

Meanwhile, miscellaneous service is a service that supports the activities at port, including rental of port equipment service, electricity supply and phone service, for instance a container ship rents crane to list or move goods when on board or at the berth.

Loading Service

Loading service is an activity of unloading goods from the ship until delivering the goods to the owner. The loading service features the following activities:

› Stevedoring: An activity which starts from loading/unloading in the ship hatch up to the release of hook to the the berth.

› Cargodoring: Compiling goods starting from the the berth up to the warehouse/yard or vice versa.

› Receiving/Delivery: Activities of delivering or receiving goods at the entry gate of warehouse line I from/to the truck or vice versa.

71PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jasa Penumpukan

Jasa ini terkait dengan penumpukan barang/peti kemas di lapangan sampai dengan dikeluarkan dari tempat penumpukan untuk dimuat atau diserahkan kepada pemilik. Adapun fiturnya sebagai berikut:› Menentukan ruang tempat penumpukan;› Mengatur penggunaan dan ketertiban ruang penumpukan;

› Meneliti kebenaran jumlah koli ukuran, kondisi kemasan dan jenis barang yang keluar/masuk ke dan dari tempat penumpukan serta ukuran barang yang dibongkar muat;

› Memungut dan menerima sewa penumpukan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.

Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasi dan pengusahaan terminal petikemas, IPC TPK mengadakan Kerja Sama Mitra Usaha (KSMU) dengan beberapa mitra usaha dari pihak swasta seperti kerja sama terminal operator dan pengelolaan fasilitas pelabuhan lainnya.

Shipping TPS Line 2

TPS Line 1

Cargo OwnerDwelling

Today Storage

Empty Container Depot

Pool - Container Truck




Export block


Inbound Drayage

Outbound Drayage



Gate in

Gate in

Gate out

Gate out

Import blockRTG


Container Terminal Operation Container Drayage Operation

Container Terminal


Alur Logistik Petikemas Pelabuhan Tanjung PriokTanjung Priok Port Container Logistics Flow

Storage Service

The service relates to storing goods at the warehouse until releasing goods from the storage to be loaded or delivered to the owner. The service features the following activities:

› Determining the storage room;› Managing the use and arrangement procedures at the

storage room;› Reviewing the number of sizes of the goods, packaging

condition and type of goods in and out and from the storage room as well as size of goods being unloaded;

› Collecting and accepting the storage rental according to the regulations.

While running the operation and port-related businesses, IPC TPK will hold Business Partner Cooperation (KSMU) with some private business partners, such as partnership with terminal operator, and management of other port facilities.

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Peta Wilayah Operasional dan Fasilitas Terminal PetikemasMap of Operational Area and Container Terminal Facilities

IPC TPK memiliki wilayah operasional yang meliputi pelabuhan-pelabuhan di kota besar yang terletak di Indonesia bagian barat dan tengah, yakni Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta; Pelabuhan Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat; Pelabuhan Panjang, Lampung; Pelabuhan Palembang, Palembang; Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur, Padang; dan Pelabuhan Jambi, Jambi.

IPC TPK’s operational areas cover ports in major cities in western and central parts of Indonesia, namely Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta; Pontianak Port, West Kalimantan; Panjang Port, Lampung; Palembang Port, Palembang; Teluk Bayur Port, Padang; and Jambi Port, Jambi.

1. IPC TPK Area Tanjung Priok

Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi barometer perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan fasilitas intermoda lengkap yang didukung oleh teknologi modern yang mampu mengintegrasikan seluruh kota di Indonesia, serta mampu mengakomodasikan kapal-kapal generasi mutakhir yang secara langsung menuju ke berbagai pusat perdagangan internasional (direct call).

IPC TPK terus berupaya berkontribusi dalam pengembangan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Upaya ini dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi percepatan bongkar muat barang melalui penyediaan dan kelengkapan fasilitas pelayanan spesialisasi. Prioritas program yang dilakukan di antaranya, pembangunan inner road, pelebaran alur dan pintu gerbang masuk kapal untuk mengakomodasikan two-way traffic, dan pendalaman alur hingga mencapai -14 mLWS.

Di pelabuhan ini, IPC TPK memiliki 3 (tiga) area operasi terminal petikemas, yakni Area Tanjung Priok I, Area Tanjung Priok II, dan Area Terminal Support.

1. IPC TPK Tanjung Priok Area

Tanjung Priok Port secures a very important role for the barometer of Indonesian economy. With complete inter-mode facilities and modern technology that is able to integrate all cities in Indonesia, as well as to accommodate the latest generation ships that sail directly to various international trading hubs (direct call).

IPC TPK still strives to make continuous developments in Tanjung Priok Port. This effort is carried out merely to anticipate the acceleration of loading and unloading of goods through the provision and completeness of specialized service facilities. The program priorities among others are inner road development, expansion of the flow and entrance of the ships in order to accommodate two-way traffic, and deepening of the flow so as to reach -14 mLWS.

In this port, IPC TPK operates 3 (three) container terminal areas, namely Tanjung Priok I Area, Tanjung Priok II Area, and Support Terminal Area.

73PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas Area Tanjung Priok I Facilities of Container Terminal of Tanjung Priok I Area



1 2 3

1 DermagaPier

KADE 009 103-105 107-113Panjang/Length 404 m 497,13 m 1.103,44 mDraft -10 m -12 m 107-109 (-12 m)

110 dan 112 (-11 m)111 dan 113 (-10 m)

2 LapanganYard

Luas/Area 54.026 m2 41.388,9 m2 89.350,3 m2

K. Ground Slot 1.432 GS 1.216 GS 1.475 GSKapasitas/Capacity 6.122 TEU 5.304 TEU 8.296 TEU

3 AlatEquipment

QCC 4 Unit/Units 5 Unit/Units 3 Unit/UnitsHMC - - 3 Unit/UnitsRTGC 11 Unit/Units 11 Unit/Units 2 Unit/UnitsRMGC - - 4 Unit/UnitsRS 1 Unit - 2 Unit/UnitsSide Loader - 3 Unit/Units -Head Truck 16 Unit/Units 19 Unit/Units 15 Unit/UnitsEmpty Stacker 1 Unit - -Top Loader 1 Unit - -

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas Area Tanjung Priok II Facilities of Container Terminal of Tanjung Priok II Area

Berth Profile TP 2

No Pier Berth (m’) Length (m’) 5 meter from Berth 10 meter from Berth Area

1 208 1010-840 170 -12.00 s/d -12.00 -12.00 s/d -14.00 Domestik/Domestic

2 209 840-770 269,4 -12.00 s/d -12.00 -12.00 s/d -14.00 Domestik/Domestic

3 210 640-440 140 -8.30 s/d -8.70 -8.60 s/d -9.80 Domestik/Domestic

4 211 440-290 140 -8.70 s/d -10.00 -9.00 s/d -10.00 Domestik/Domestic

5 212 290-130 182,79 - -9.50 s/d -9.60 Domestik/Domestic

6 213 130-00 157,86 - -9.50 s/d -9.60 Domestik/Domestic

7 300 00-200 100 -11.50 s/d -12.00 -12.00 s/d -12.80 Oceangoing

8 301 200-340 100 -12.40 s/d -13.80 -12.40 s/d -13.80 Oceangoing

9 302 340-500 100 -12.90 s/d -14.00 -12.80 s/d -13.50 Oceangoing

10 303 500-660 157,7 -12.00 s/d -13.00 -13.00 s/d -13.80 Oceangoing

11 304 660-870 182 -12.00 s/d -13.30 -12.00 s/d -13.00 Oceangoing

12 305 870-1010 110,3 -11.50 s/d -12.20 -13.00 s/d -14.10 Oceangoing

Total 2.020

Yard Profile TP2No. Fasilitas/Facilities Area (m2)

Domestic Yard1 207 X 1.5752 208-209 46.792,693 208 Ex. RORO 3.9524 210-211 37.3595 213 3.611,35

Reefer Plug Unit


Yard Profile TP2No. Fasilitas/Facilities Area (m2)

Domestic Yard Total 61.143Domestic Yard Capacity (TEU) 8.860

Oceangoing Yard1 300 6.847,22 301-302 33.644,83 303 11.509,84 304 11.515,35 305 11.454,7

Oceangoing Yards Total 122.922Oceangoing Yard Capacity (TEU) 10.568

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Equipments TP2

No. Peralatan/Equipments Oceangoing (unit/units) Domestic (unit/units)

1 QCC 9 42 HMC 2 73 RMGC 5 -4 RTGC 10 145 Reach Stacker 10 56 Internal Truck 49 337 Side Loader - 2

Plugging Refer TP2

No. Vendor Panel (plug) Kapasitas/Capacity (kVA)

1 OJA (utara)/(north) 12 10072 25020 500

2 OJA (timur)/(east) 8 6032 350

3 IPC TPK (utara)/(north) 144 3304 IPC TPK (selatan)/(south) 210 380

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas Area Terminal Support Facilities of Container Terminal of Terminal Support Area

Lini 2Line 2

Extend Storage Yard Plugging Area: › 4 Rack Plug › Effective 25 Plug

217XLuas/Area : Lap 216-218 A: 45.257 m2

Ground Slot : 786 TEUKapasitas : 2.922 TEUCapacity

2 Unit RTG PT MSA/2 RTG units of PT MSA1 Unit RTG PTP/Cabang/1 RTG PTP/Branch Unit1 Unit RS PT Inti Mas Perkasa/1 RS Unit of PT Inti Mas Perkasa1 Unit RS PT Temas Port/1 RS Unit of PT Temas PortPenyediaan BBM/Fuel Provisioning

Container Yard 219XLuas/Area : 14.579 m2

Ground Slot : 266 Unit/UnitsKapasitas : 1.225 TEUCapacity

2 Unit RTG PT MTI/2 RTG units of PT MTI

225XLuas/Area : 4.386 m2

Ground Slot : 277 Unit/UnitsCapacityKapasitas : 277 Unit/Units

Kontrak RORO/RORO Contract

Storage PLP 221XLuas/Area : 7.633,3 m2

Ground Slot : 149 TEUKapasitas : 420 TEU & 223XCapacity

1 RTG1 RS1 ForkliftMitra Trucking/Trucking Partners

223XLuas/Area : 9.624 m2

Ground Slot : 193 TEUKapasitas : 748 TEUCapacity

2. IPC TPK Area Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

Lokasi pelabuhan ini berada di tepi Sungai Kapuas, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Pelabuhan lain dalam lingkungan Pelabuhan Pontianak antara lain Nipah Kuning, Kawasan Sintete, Kawasan Ketapang, dan Pangkalan Telok Air. Adapun komoditas unggulan ialah karet, besi bekas, buah kelapa, kayu campuran, wood pallet, kardus bekas, kaolin, plywood, arang, dan damar.

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Pontianak Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Pontianak Area

Fasilitas Dermaga/Berth Facilities

Dermaga 06/ Pier 06 2.160 m2

Dermaga 07/ Pier 07 2.472 m2

Dermaga 08/ Pier 08 2.448 m2

Luas/Area 7.080 m2

2. IPC TPK Pontianak Area, West Kalimantan

The port is located on the bank of the Kapuas River, West Kalimantan Province. Other areas within Pontianak Port include Nipah Kuning, Sintete Area, Ketapang Area, and Telok Air Base. The main commodities are rubber, scrap iron, coconut fruit, mixed wood, wood pallet, used cardboard, kaolin, plywood, charcoal, and resin.

75PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Pontianak Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Pontianak Area

Fasilitas Lapangan Penumpukan/Storage Yard Facilities

Lapangan Penumpukan 06/Storage Yard 06

3.250 m2

Fasilitas Dermaga/Pier Facilities

Lapangan Penumpukan 07/Storage Yard 07

12.942 m2

Lapangan Penumpukan Petikemas 09/ Container Storage Yard 09

8.217 m2

Fasilitas Alat/Equipment Facilities

Quay Container Crane 3 Unit

Gantry Jib Crane 2 Unit

Rail Mounted Gantry Crane 8 Unit

Side Loader 1 Unit

Reach Stacker 1 Unit

Head Truck 13 Unit

Chassis 16 Unit

3. IPC TPK Area Panjang, Bandar Lampung Pelabuhan ini melayani kapal dengan berbagai jenis barang, seperti barang umum, barang dalam kantung, curah cair, curah kering, dan petikemas. Adapun komoditas unggulan di IPC TPK Area Panjang ialah, kopi, pulp, karet, udang beku, pisang, kelapa, lada hitam, dan crude glycerine, dan nanas.

Arus petikemas di pelabuhan ini mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya sejalan dengan pertumbuhan kegiatan industri, pertambangan, dan perkebunan di wilayah Lampung. Seiring dengan hal itu, IPC TPK terus berupaya memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya kepada pengguna jasa Terminal Petikemas Pelabuhan Panjang, di antaranya dengan menyiapkan peralatan penunjang seperti 3 container crane, 5 transtainer, dan top loader.

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Panjang Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Panjang Area

Fasilitas Dermaga/Berth Facilities

Dermaga Petikemas/Container Pier

Panjang/Length 396,45 m

Lebar/Width 29,5 m

Luas/Area 11.695,28 m2

Fasilitas Lapangan Penumpukan/Storage Yard Facilities

Lapangan Penumpukan Container Beton/ Concrete Container Storage Yard

77.590 m2

Fasilitas Alat/Equipment Facility

Kran Darat/Ground Faucet

Rubber Tired Gantry Crane 5 Unit

Quay Container Crane 2 Unit

Head Truck 15 Unit

Side Loader 1 Unit

Forklift 4 Unit

Reach Stacker 1 Unit

Chassis 16 Unit

3. IPC TPK Panjang Area, Bandar Lampung

This port can accommodate ships that transport various types of goods, such as general goods, goods in bags, liquid bulk, dry bulk, and containers. The IPC TPK Panjang Area features main commodities, such as coffee, pulp, rubber, frozen shrimp, banana, coconut, black pepper, and crude glycerin, and pineapple.

The traffic of containers in this port continuously increases every year in line with the growth of industrial, mining, and plantation activities in Lampung Province. Therefore, IPC TPK continues to strive to provide the best service to users of Container Terminal services in Panjang Port, including by preparing the supporting equipment, such as 3 container cranes, 5 transtainers, and top loaders.

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4. IPC TPK Area Palembang, Sumatra Selatan

IPC TPK Area Palembang menyediakan fasilitas terminal petikemas untuk perdagangan bagi para pelaku usaha di wilayah Sumatra bagian Selatan, baik untuk domestik maupun internasional, yang meliputi pelayanan pembongkaran petikemas, pemuatan petikemas, penerimaan petikemas, dan pengeluaran petikemas. IPC TPK Area Palembang telah berfungsi sebagai pintu gerbang perekonomian dan meningkatkan pendapatan daerah Sumatra bagian Selatan, yang secara aktif berperan dalam pendistribusian komoditi unggulan, seperti kelapa, karet, produk kayu (MDF, fiberboard), tisu dan Palm Fatty Acid Distillate.

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Palembang Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Palembang Area

Fasilitas Dermaga/Berth Facilities

Dermaga Petikemas/Container Pier

Panjang/Length 366 m

Lebar/Width 19 m

Luas/Area 6.954 m2

Kedalaman/Depth (9) Mlws

Fasilitas Lapangan Penumpukan/Storage Yard Facilities

Lapangan TPK

Luas/Area 56.266 m2

Fasilitas Alat/Equipment Facility

Quay Container Crane 2 Unit

Rail Mounted Gantry Crane 4 Unit

Reach Stacker 2 Unit

Side Loader 2 Unit

Head Truck 9 Unit

Chassis 9 Unit

5. IPC TPK Area Teluk Bayur, Padang, Sumatra Barat

IPC TPK Area Teluk Bayur telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai peralatan modern yang mampu melayani Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas dengan komoditas unggulan, yakni semen, karet, minyak goreng, batu perlite, dan cassiavera. Pelabuhan yang sebelumnya bernama Emmahaven ini dibangun pada zaman kolonial Belanda merupakan pelabuhan samudera yang terbuka untuk kegiatan perdagangan internasional, dan memiliki beberapa kawasan yang merupakan sentra kegiatan ekonomi di Sumatra Barat, yakni Muara Padang dan Air Bangis.

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Padang Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Padang Area

Fasilitas Dermaga/Berth Facilities

Dermaga Petikemas/Container Pier

Panjang/Length 364,2 m

Lebar/Width 20,4 m

Luas/Area 7.429,68 m2

Fasilitas Lapangan Penumpukan/Storage Yard Facilities

Lapangan Terminal Petikemas/Container Terminal Yard

Luas/Area 49.847 m2

4. IPC TPK Palembang Area, South Sumatra

IPC TPK Palembang Area provides container terminal facilities for trade to accommodate businesses in South Sumatra, both domestically and internationally, which include container unloading services, container loading, container receipts, and container release. IPC TPK Palembang Area has served as the gateway to the economy and increases the regional income of South Sumatra Province, which always has an active role in the distribution of leading commodities, such as coconut, rubber, wood products (MDF, fiberboard), tissues and Palm Fatty Acid Distillate.

5. IPC TPK Teluk Bayur Area, Padang, West Sumatra

IPC TPK Teluk Bayur Area has been equipped with a variety of modern equipment in order to accommodate container terminal services with main commodities, namely cement, rubber, cooking oil, perlite stone, and cassiavera. The port, formerly known as Emmahaven, was built in Dutch colonial times as an open oceanic port, which is intended to serve international trade, and has several areas that serve as economic hubs of West Sumatra, namely Muara Padang and Air Bangis.

77PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Padang Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Padang Area

Fasilitas Alat/Equipment Facility

Gantry Luffing Crane/GLC 4 Unit

Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane/RTGC 3 Unit

Reach Stacker/RS 2 Unit

Head Truck/HT 12 Unit

Chassis 14 Unit

Forklift 2 Unit

6. IPC TPK Area Jambi

Area terminal petikemas IPC TPK Area Jambi terletak di Pelabuhan Talang Duku, di hilir Sungai Batanghari, Provinsi Jambi, dan telah dilengkapi dengan dermaga apung yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi beda permukaan air pada saat musim hujan dan kemarau. Selain Pelabuhan Talang Duku, terdapat pelabuhan lainnya di dalam lingkungan pelabuhan ini, yakni Pelabuhan Kuala Tungkal yang berada di muara sungai Pangabuan dan Pelabuhan Muara Sabak yang dekat dengan lalu lintas angkutan laut internasional (Selat Malaka dan Laut Cina Selatan). Adapun komoditas unggulan yang dilayani IPC TPK Area Jambi ialah crumb rubber, betel nut, moulding, dan kelapa.

Fasilitas Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Jambi (ITPK–JBI) Facilities of Container Terminal of IPC TPK Jambi Area (ITPKJBI)

Fasilitas Dermaga/Berth Facilities

Petikemas Talang Duku/Talang Duku Container

Panjang/Length 91 m

Lebar/Width 16 m

Luas/Area 1.456 m2

Fasilitas Lapangan Penumpukan/Storage Yard Facilities

Lapangan TPK 1 Talang Duku/ Talang Duku Container Terminal Yard 1

Panjang/Length 182,5 m

Lebar/Width 38 m

Luas/Area 6.379,4 m2

Lapangan TPK 2 Talang Duku/ Talang Duku Container Terminal Yard 2

Luas/Area 8.311 m2

Fasilitas Alat/Equipment Facility

Fixed Jib Crane 2 Unit

RMGC (Rail Mounted Gantry Crane) 3 Unit

Head Truck 5 Unit

Chassis 20’, 40’, 45’ 7 Unit

6. IPC TPK Jambi Area

The container terminal of IPC TPK of Jambi Area is located in Talang Duku Port, downstream of Batanghari River, Jambi Province, and equipped with a floating pier built to anticipate the difference in water level during the rainy and dry seasons. Adding to Talang Duku Port, other ports located within this port area are Kuala Tungkal Port at the mouth of Pangabuan river and Muara Sabak Port which is close to international sea freight traffic (Malacca Strait and South China Sea). The main commodity in IPC TPK Jambi Area is crumb rubber, betel nut, moulding, and coconut.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

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Visi, Misi, dan Tata Nilai PerusahaanVision, Mission, and Corporate Values

Visi dan Misi Perusahaan tertuang dalam SK No. SK.03/31/10/1/PBI/UT/PI.II-17 dan HK.476/31/10/3/MTI-2017 tanggal 31 Oktober 2017. Visi ditetapkan sebagai pedoman bagi seluruh Insan IPC TPK dalam mencapai tujuan Perusahaan. Sedangkan, Misi ditetapkan untuk menjadi dasar penentuan arah Perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.

Perumusan Visi dan Misi dilakukan melalui kajian secara mendalam dalam rapat manajemen Forum Penyusunan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahan (RJPP) 2016–2020 yang berlangsung di Jakarta, 4-5 Mei 2017, yang melibatkan Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, jajaran Perusahaan dan para pemangku kepentingan.

Tinjauan atas Visi dan Misi oleh Manajemen Perusahaan

Perusahaan melakukan reviu Visi dan Misi secara berkala setiap tahun untuk memastikan relevansinya dengan perkembangan lingkungan bisnis serta tantangan yang dihadapi. Pada pelaksanaannya, tahapan reviu yang merupakan bagian dari evaluasi perencanaan strategis dikoordinasikan oleh Direktorat Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia dengan melibatkan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan seluruh Jajaran Manajemen Perusahaan dalam suatu rapat. Pada tahun 2020, Visi dan Misi Perusahaan telah direviu dan ditetapkan kembali melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/27/3/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 27 Maret 2019 tentang Visi, Misi, Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan, dan Corporate Roadmap PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

The Company’s Vision and Mission contained in Decree No. SK.03/31/10/1/PBI/UT/PI. II-17 and HK.476/31/10/3/MTI- 2017 dated 31 October 2017. The vision is to set as guideline for all IPC TPK personnel in achieving the Company’s goals. Meanwhile, the Mission is set to be the basis for determining the Company’s directions in the long term.

The Vision and Mission were formulated through an in-depth review in the management meeting on the Preparation Forum of the Company’s Long-Term Plan (RJPP) for 2016-2020 periods which took place in Jakarta, May 4-5, 2017, involving shareholders, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, the Company’s management and stakeholders.

The Management’s Overview of the Vision and Mission

The Company reviews the corporate Vision and Mission on annual basis to ensure their relevance to business dynamics and challenges faced by the Company. In the implementation, the review phase that is part of the evaluation over the strategic planning is coordinated by the Directorate of Finance and Human Resources by involving the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all Management of the Company in a meeting. In 2020, the Corporate Vision and Mission have been reviewed and re-established through the Board of Directors Decree of PT IPC Terminal Container No. HK.566/27/3/1/IPCTPK-19 dated 27 March 2019 concerning Corporate Vision, Mission, Values and Corporate Roadmap of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Menjadi Operator Terminal Petikemas Berstandar Internasional yang Unggul dalam Operasional dan Layanan.

To Become an International Standard Container Terminal Operator that Excels in Operation and Services.


VisionElemen Visi Perusahaan:

Terminal yang Unggul dalam OperasionalPT IPC Terminal Petikemas mampu menarik pengguna jasa baik domestik maupun internasional untuk bekerja sama dengan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, adalah sebagai berikut: › Menerapkan standar operasi dan pelayanan terbaik

dengan memberikan kinerja yang tinggi; › Organisasi yang efektif dan efisien dengan menerapkan

“International Best Practice”; › Memenuhi SLA/SLG (Service Level Agreement/Service

Level Guarantee) yang disepakati pengguna jasa.

Elements of the Corporate Vision:

Terminal that Excels in OperationPT IPC Terminal Petikemas is attractive to both domestic and international service users so that they are keen to cooperate with PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, by delivering the following: › Implementing the best operating and services standards

and providing high performance; › Delivering an effective and efficient organization by

implementing “international best practice”; › Fulfilling the SLA/SLG (Service Level Agreement) agreed

upon by the service users.

79PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sebagai operator terminal petikemas yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah maksimal bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan secara berkesinambungan dalam mendukung

perekonomian nasional.

As Container Terminal Operator that Continuously Provide Added Value for All Stakeholders and Support National Economy.



Jaringan Terminal Petikemas yang TerintegrasiPT IPC Terminal Petikemas mampu menjadi Perusahaan pengelola terbaik dari sistem yang berbasis teknologi hingga menjadi suatu kesatuan yang utuh untuk kebutuhan pengguna jasa. Komponen untuk menjadi jaringan terminal yang terintegrasi sebagai berikut: › Konektivitas layanan antar terminal petikemas di

Indonesia; › Fasilitas peralatan dan teknologi informasi yang modern

dan terintegrasi.

Menciptakan Nilai Tambah Bagi PelangganPT IPC Terminal Petikemas menerapkan pelayanan yang cepat dan tepat dalam kemudahan akses sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna jasa pelabuhan serta mampu memenuhi bahkan melebihi ekspektasi dan fokus terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan mitra. Komponen untuk menjadikan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan sebagai berikut: › Menyediakan kemudahan akses dan informasi bagi

pengguna jasa; › Memberikan value added service kepada pelanggan; › Image Perusahaan yang baik.

Strategi ControlPT IPC Terminal Petikemas mampu dalam mengatur peran/fungsi Perusahaan secara lebih spesifik dan terarah untuk meningkatkan value Perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Komponen untuk menjadikan strategic control sebagai berikut: › Bisnis model Perusahaan yang inovatif dan berorientasi

kepada customer; › Organisasi yang efektif dan efisien serta sumber daya

manusia yang profesional; › Operations & service excellent; › Sistem manajemen keuangan yang efisien; › Rekayasa teknik & manajemen berkelanjutan dan didukung

teknologi modern.

Elemen Misi Perusahaan

Pelanggan dan MitraMenyediakan, membangun dan mengoperasikan pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas dan logistik secara terintegrasi, berkualitas dan andal untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan dan mitra.

KaryawanMenciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi karyawan, mewujudkan insan Perusahaan yang fokus pada pelanggan, berintegrasi bangga kepada Perusahaan dan budayanya, serta memberikan kesejahteraan kepada karyawan.

Elements of the Corporate Mission

Customers and PartnersProvide, build and operate container terminal services and logistics in an integrated, quality and reliable service to meet customer and partner satisfaction.

EmployeesCreating a convenient working environment for employees, realizing a Company that focuses on customers, proudly integrates with the Company and its culture, and provides welfare to employees.

Integrated Container Terminal Network PT IPC Terminal Petikemas will become the best management Company in term of technology-based system so as to be a complete entity to serve the needs of its service users. Components required to become an integrated terminal network are: › Connectivity of inter-container terminal services across

Indonesia; › Modern and integrated equipment facilities and

information technology.

To Add Values to the CustomersPT IPC Terminal Petikemas implements fast and precise service as well as ease of access as needed by port service users and is able to meet even exceed expectations and focus on customer and partner satisfaction. Components required to provide added values for customers are as follows:

› Provide easy access and information for service users;

› Provide value added service to customers; › Good Corporate Image.

Control StrategiesPT IPC Terminal Petikemas is able to manage the role/function of the Company in a more specific and focused in order to increase the overall value of the Company. The components for making a control strategy are as follows: › Innovative and customer-oriented business model;

› Effective and efficient organization and professional human resources;

› Operations & service excellent; › Efficient financial management system; › Sustainable engineering & management supported by

modern technology.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

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Pemegang SahamMemaksimalkan nilai Perusahaan bagi Pemegang Saham dan meningkatkan kesehatan Perusahaan secara profesional dengan mematuhi aspek-aspek tata kelola Perusahaan.

Masyarakat dan NegaraMenjamin kelancaran dan keamanan arus kapal dan petikemas untuk mewujudkan efisiensi biaya logistik dalam rangka memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Strategi Pencapaian Visi dan Misi




Terminal yang Unggul dalam Operasional

› Menerapkan standar operasional dan pelayanan terbaik dengan memberikan kinerja yang tinggi;

› Organisasi yang efektif dan efisien dengan menerapkan “International Best Practice";

› Mampu memenuhi Service Level of Agreement/Service Level of Guarantee (SLA/SLG) yang disepakati dengan pengguna jasa.

› Memetakan dan melengkapi kebijakan serta sistem dan prosedur;

› Penyusunan SOP dan Prosedur terkait K3 untuk sertifikasi;› Mempersiapkan kelaikan operasional dalam rangka

pemenuhan syarat sertifikasi ISO 45001:2018;› Perubahan struktur organisasi Perusahaan untuk memenuhi

kebutuhan operasional dan pelayanan bertaraf internasional;› Penyusunan Roadmap pengembangan SDM dan analisis

beban kerja pegawai;› Menyusun rancangan SLA/SLG untuk pengoperasian 5 (lima)

area terminal petikemas;› Mengoptimalkan divisi pelayanan pelanggan untuk melayani

kebutuhan pelanggan.Terminal that Excels in Operation

› Implementing the best operating and services standards and providing high performance;

› Delivering an effective and efficient organization by implementing “international best practice”;

› Fulfilling the SLA/SLG (Service Level Agreement) agreed upon by the service users.

› Mapping and completing policies and systems and procedures;› Preparing SOP and procedures relating to K3 for certification;› Preparing operational requirements in order to fulfill ISO

45001:2018 certification requirements;› Changing the Company’s organizational structure to meet the

operational needs and services of the international standard;› Preparing roadmap for human resources development and

analysis of employee workload;› Designing SLA/SLG for the operation of 5 (five) container

terminal areas;› Optimizing customer service division to serve customer

needs.Jaringan Terminal Petikemas yang Terintegrasi

› Konektivitas layanan antar terminal petikemas di Indonesia;

› Fasilitas peralatan dan teknologi informasi yang modern dan terintegrasi.

› Optimalisasi pengoperasian terminal petikemas Tanjung Priok melalui kontrak kerja sama jangka panjang dengan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok;

› Penandatanganan MoU terkait pengelolaan TPK Batu Ampar Batam;

› Penandatanganan MoU dengan PT TEMAS dan PT ICON Line terkait pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas di Pontianak;

› Implementasi sistem ITOS di 3 (tiga) area dan TOS OPUS di 2 (dua) area untuk mengintegrasikan data informasi;

› Implementasi Autogate TPK Palembang;› Implementasi sistem IT (NBC, EGC, dan lain-lain) untuk

pelayanan billing system;› Implementasi e-payment untuk 5 (lima) TPK.

Integrated Container Terminal Network

› Connectivity of inter-container terminal services across Indonesia;

› Modern and integrated equipment facilities and information technology.

› Optimization of the operation of Tanjung Priok Container Terminal under long-term cooperation contract with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Tanjung Priok Port Branch;

› Signing of MoU on the management of TPK Batu Ampar Batam;

› Signing of MoU with PT TEMAS and PT ICON Line related to the operation of Container Terminal in Pontianak;

› Implementation of ITOS system in 3 (three) areas and OPUS TOS in 2 (two) areas to integrate information data;

› Implementation of Autogate TPK Palembang;› Implementation of IT systems (NBC, EGC, and others) for

billing system services;› Implementation of e-payment for 5 (five) TPKs.

ShareholdersMaximizing the Company’s value to shareholders and improving the Company’s health professionally by complying with aspects of corporate governance.

Community and the Country Ensuring the smooth and safe traffic of ships and containers to realize the efficiency of logistics costs, in order to spur national economic growth that will have an impact on improved welfare of the community.

Strategies to Realize the Vision and Mission

81PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report




Menciptakan Nilai Tambah Bagi Pelanggan

› Menyediakan kemudahan akses dan informasi bagi pengguna jasa;

› Memberikan value added service kepada pelanggan;

› Image Perusahaan yang baik.

› Pembangunan situs web Perusahaan;› Implementasi e-service;› Memberikan reward 1% potongan kepada pelanggan yang

memenuhi persyaratan yang telah ditentukan;› Melaksanakan stakeholder gathering secara berkesinambungan;› Melaksanakan program CSR;› Survei kepuasan pelanggan;› Survei kepuasan pegawai;› Penerimaan program magang.

To Add Values to the Customers

› Provide easy access and information for service users;

› Provide value added service to customers;

› Good Corporate Image.

› The Company’s website development;› Implementation of e-service;› Reward 1% discount for customers who meet the specified

requirements;› Implementing stakeholder gathering on regular basis;› Implementing CSR programs;› Customer satisfaction survey;› Employee satisfaction survey;› Admission to the internship program.

Strategic Control Mengatur peran atau fungsi secara lebih spesifik dan terarah untuk meningkatkan value Perusahaan secara keseluruhan.

› Implementasi tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik/GCG di lingkungan Perusahaan;

› Pembuatan Dashboard untuk monitoring kinerja operasional dan keuangan secara realtime;

› Pembuatan program manajemen risiko berbasis web digital.Strategic Control To manage the role or function of the

Company in a more specific and focused in order to increase the overall value of the Company.

› Implementation of Good Corporate Governance within the Company;

› The development of Dashboard http://dashboard. to help monitor both operational and financial performances at real time;

› Development of web-based risk management program.

Tata Nilai Perusahaan

Sebagai bagian dari BUMN, maka sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Kementerian BUMN No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 tentang AKHLAK sebagai Nilai-Nilai Utama Sumber Daya Manusia BUMN, maka Perusahaan juga telah mengadopsi nilai-nilai AKHLAK ke dalam Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan. Dengan diadopsinya nilai-nilai AKHLAK ke dalam Perusahaan, maka diharapkan terbentuk perilaku keseharian serta suatu budaya kerja di lingkungan Perusahaan guna mendukung terwujudnya peran BUMN sebagai mesin pertumbuhan ekonomi, akselerator kesejahteraan sosial, penyedia lapangan kerja dan penyedia talent.








Memegang teguh kepercayaan yang


Terus belajar dan mengembangkan


Saling peduli dan menghargai


Berdedikasi dan mengutamakan

kepentingan Bangsa dan


Terus berinovasi dan antusias dalam

menggerakkan ataupun

menghadapi perubahan.

Membangun kerja sama yang



Upholding the given trust.

Keep learning and developing


Care for each other and appreciate


Dedicated and put the interests of the Nation and State


Continue to innovate and be enthusiastic in

moving or facing change.

Building synergic cooperation.

Corporate Values

As part of SOE, in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Ministry of SOEs No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 concerning AKHLAK as the Main Values of SOE Human Resources, the Company has also adopted AKHLAK values into the Company’s values. With the adoption of AKHLAK values into the Company, it is expected to form daily behavior and a work culture in the Company’s environment to support the realization of the role of SOEs as the engine of economic growth, social welfare accelerator, employment provider and talent provider.

Berikut Nilai-Nilai AKHLAK: The AKHLAK values are as follows:

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

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Panduan Perilaku:

1) Memenuhi janji dan komitmen.

2) Bertanggung jawab atas tugas, keputusan, dan tindakan yang dilakukan.

3) Berpegang teguh kepada nilai moral dan etika.

1) Meningkatkan kompetensi diri untuk menjawab tantangan yang selalu berubah.

2) Membantu orang lain belajar.

3) Menyelesaikan tugas dengan kualitas terbaik.

1) Menghargai setiap orang apapun latar belakangnya.

2) Suka menolong orang lain.

3) Membangun lingkungan kerja yang kondusif.

1) Menjaga nama baik sesama karyawan, pimpinan, BUMN, dan Negara.

2) Rela berkorban untuk mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar.

3) Patuh kepada pimpinan sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan hukum dan etika.

1) Cepat menyesuaikan diri untuk menjadi lebih baik.

2) Terus-menerus melakukan perbaikan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi.

3) Bertindak proaktif.

1) Memberi kesempatan kepada berbagai pihak untuk berkontribusi.

2) Terbuka dalam bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah.

3) Menggerakkan pemanfaatan berbagai sumber daya untuk tujuan bersama.

Behavioral Guidance:

1) Fulfill promises and commitments.

2) Being responsible for the duties, decisions, and actions performed.

3) Committed to moral and ethical values.

1) Improve self-competence to prepare for constantly-changing challenges.

2) Help others to learn.

3) Complete tasks with the best quality.

1) Respect everyone regardless of background.

2) Love helping others.

3) Build a favorable working environment.

1) Keeping the reputation of fellow employees, leaders, state-owned enterprises, and the State.

2) Willing to sacrifice to achieve a greater goal.

3) Comply with the leadership as long as it is not contrary to law and ethics.

1) Quickly adjust to getting better.

2) Continuously make improvements, following the development of technology.

3) Act proactively.

1) Give opportunities to various parties to contribute.

2) Open in working together to generate added value.

3) Promote the utilization of various resources for a common purpose.

Socialization and Internalization of Corporate Values

All IPC TPK personnel are responsible and obliged to implement the established Corporate Values. In the implementation, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are responsible and authorized for implementing Corporate Values within the Company. Furthermore, the Bureau Heads, Senior Manager and Area Manager are responsible for implementing Corporate Values in their respective work unit environments.

IPC TPK continues to socialize and internalize the Company’s Values through the Company’s official website, visits to areas of operation, as well as in every activity carried out by the Company. This effort is carried out to integrate the corporate values with the behavior of the Company’s personnel in doing their daily activities.

Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi Tata Nilai Perusahaan

Seluruh insan IPC TPK bertanggung jawab dan berkewajiban menerapkan Tata Nilai Perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan. Pada pelaksanaannya, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki tanggung jawab dan wewenang atas penerapan Tata Nilai Perusahaan di lingkungan Perusahaan. Selanjutnya, para Kepala Biro, Senior Manager dan Manager Area bertanggung jawab atas penerapan Tata Nilai Perusahaan di lingkungan unit kerjanya masing-masing.

IPC TPK terus melakukan sosialisasi dan internalisasi Tata Nilai Perusahaan melalui situs resmi Perusahaan, kunjungan ke area-area operasi, serta di setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan Perusahaan. Upaya ini dilakukan agar nilai-nilai Perusahaan menyatu dengan perilaku insan Perusahaan dalam kegiatannya sehari-hari.

83PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Struktur OrganisasiOrganizational Structure

Struktur organisasi Perusahaan dirancang selaras dengan visi dan misi, serta mempertimbangkan perkembangan dan kebutuhan bisnis. Berikut ini struktur organisasi Perusahaan:

Hingga per tanggal 31 Desember 2020, Perusahaan tidak memiliki entitas anak, entitas joint venture, dan Special Vehicle Purpose (SPV).

As of December 31st, 2020, the Company neither yet established subsidiaries, joint venture entities, nor Special Vehicle Purpose (SPV).

Direktur Utama

President Director

Direktur Operasi & Teknik

Director of Operations & Engineering

Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Usaha

Director of Commercial &

Business Development

Kepala Biro Hukum & Kepatuhan Internal

Head of Legal & Internal Compliance Bureau

Kepala AuditHead of Audit

Kepala Biro Pengadaan & LogistikHead of Procurement

& Logistics Bureau

Senior Manager Pengembangan

BisnisSenior Manager

of Business Development

Senior Manager Komersial

Senior Manager of Commercial

Senior Manager Hubungan Pelanggan

Senior Manager of Customer Relations

Manager Area Pontianak

Pontianak Area Manager

Manager Area Teluk BayurTeluk Bayur

Area Manager

Manager Area Panjang

Panjang Area Manager

Manager Area Tanjung Priok ITanjung Priok I Area Manager

Manager Area Jambi

Jambi Area Manager

Manager Area Terminal SupportTerminal Support

Area Manager

Manager Area PalembangPalembang

Area Manager

Manager Area Tanjung Priok IITanjung Priok II


Senior Manager Operasi

Senior Manager of Operations

Senior Manager Sistem Informasi

Senior Manager of Information System

Senior Manager Teknik

Senior Manager of Engineering

Senior Manager Keuangan

Senior Manager of Finance

Senior Manager SDM & Umum

Senior Manager of HR & General


Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal

Corporate Secretary & External Relations

Direktur Keuangan & SDM

Director of Finance & HR

83PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

The Organizational Structure of the Company is designed in line with the vision and mission, as well as with consideration to the development and needs of the business. The following is the organization structure of the Company:

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

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Profil Dewan KomisarisProfile of the Board of Commissioners

Pada tahun 2020, terjadi pergantian pada susunan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK. Pada tanggal 2 Maret 2020, Elvyn G. Massasya selaku Komisaris Utama IPC TPK diganti oleh Muarip. Sejalan dengan pergantian tersebut, maka susunan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK per tanggal 31 Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

MuaripKomisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

Periode Jabatan: 13 Mei 2020–RUPS 2025, Periode PertamaTerm of Office: May 13th, 2020–GMS 2025, First Period

Data Pribadi Personal Data

Kelahiran Juwana, 20 Juli 1970Warga Negara Indonesia

Born in Juwana, on July 20th, 1970Indonesian Citizen

Domisili Domicile

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Pendidikan Education

› Sarjana Hukum di Universitas Islam (2001)› Master of Business Administration di Kuhne Logistic

University, Jerman (2017)

› Bachelor of Law from Islamic University (2001)› Master of Business Administration at Kuhne Logistic

University, Germany (2017)

Pengalaman Kerja Professional Experience

Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Manager PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) (2008-2013). Kariernya berlanjut dengan menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasi PT Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia (2013-2015), dan Direktur Operasi dan Teknik PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (2015-2017). Saat ini, Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

He served as Manager of PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) (2008-2013). His career continued by securing positions as Director of Operations of PT Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia (2013-2015), and Director of Operations and Engineering of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (2015-2017). Currently, he also serves as Director of Operations of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

Riwayat Penunjukan Appointment

Beliau ditunjuk sebagai Komisaris Utama berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar RUPS IPC TPK No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/2020 tanggal 13 Mei 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Komisaris Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

He was appointed as President Commissioner based on Circular Decision of Shareholders without going through the GMS of IPC TPK No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI. II-20 and No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/2020 dated 13 May 2020 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of President Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Rangkap Jabatan Concurrent Positions

Beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

He serves as Director of Operations of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

Hubungan Afiliasi Affiliate Relationship

Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham utama.

He does not have an affiliate relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and majority shareholders.

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK Share Ownership in IPC TPK

Beliau tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan. He does not own shares of the Company.

In 2020, there was a change in the composition of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK. On March 2nd, 2020, Elvyn G. Massasya who was President Commissioner of IPC TPK was replaced by Muarip. Following the change, the composition of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK as of December 31st, 2020 was as follows:

85PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Hary KriswantoKomisaris Commissioner

Periode Jabatan: 20 April 2017–RUPS 2022, Periode PertamaTerm of Office: April 20th, 2017–GMS 2022, First Period

Data Pribadi Personal Data

Kelahiran Jember, 19 November 1963Warga Negara Indonesia

Born in Jember, on November 19th, 1963Indonesian Citizen

Domisili Domicile

Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Depok, West Java, Indonesia

Pendidikan Education

› Sarjana di bidang Hukum Pidana dari Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, (1989)

› Magister di bidang Hukum Udara dari Aix Marseilles University, Perancis (1997)

› Bachelor Degree in Criminal Law from Brawijaya University, Malang, (1989)

› Master in Law of Air Services from Aix Marseilles University, France (1997)

Pengalaman Kerja Professional Experience

Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Sub Bidang Pertimbangan Hukum (2002 dan 2005). Berikutnya, pernah menjadi Kepala Sub Bidang Bantuan Hukum Kemenhub RI (2006), Kepala Bagian Pengaduan Komnas HAM (2006), Sekretaris Mahpel Kemenhub RI (2007), Kepala Bagian Peraturan Transportasi Laut dan Udara (2010), Kepala Bagian Peraturan Transportasi Laut dan Udara (2010), dan Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat (2014). Saat ini, Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Kepala Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi di Kementerian Perhubungan RI (2016–sekarang).

He has served as Head of Sub-Division of Legal Advisory (2002 and 2005). Then, he was Head of Sub Division of Legal Assistance of the Indonesia’s Ministry of Transportation (2006), Head of Complaint Handling Section of National Committee for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) (2006), Secretary of Mahpel of Kemenhub RI (2007), Head of Department of Sea and Air Transportation Regulations (2010), Head of Sea and Air Transportation Regulations (2010), and Secretary of Directorate General of Land Transportation (2014). He is currently serving as Head of Bureau of Human Resources od Ministry of Transportation of Republic of Indonesia (2016 - present).

Riwayat Penunjukan Appointment

Beliau diangkat sebagai Komisaris melalui Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perusahaan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham No. HK.568/20/4/2/PI.II-17 dan No. HK.476/20/4/4/MTI-17 tanggal 20 April 2017. Pengangkatan ini merupakan periode yang pertama untuk masa periode jabatan 5 (lima) tahun.

He was appointed as Commissioner through the Decision of the Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas without going through the General Meeting of Shareholders No. HK.568/20/4/2/PI. II-17 and No. HK.476/20/4/4/MTI-17 dated 20 April 2017. It was his first appointment for a term of office of 5 (five) years.

Rangkap Jabatan Concurrent Positions

Beliau tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan. He does not have concurrent position.

Hubungan Afiliasi Affiliate Relationship

Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham utama.

He does not have an affiliate relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and majority shareholders.

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK Share Ownership in IPC TPK

Beliau tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan. He does not own shares of the Company.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

86 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Asmai IshakKomisaris Commissioner

Periode Jabatan: 14 Juli 2020-RUPS 2025, Periode PertamaTerm of Office: July 14th, 2020-GMS 2025, First Period

Data Pribadi Personal Data

Kelahiran Bangkalan, 26 Januari 1959Warga Negara Indonesia

Born in Bangkalan, on January 26th, 1959Indonesian Citizen

Domisili Domicile

Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Pendidikan Education

› Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Islam Indonesia (1984)

› Magister di bidang Bisnis Administrasi dari School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Australia (1989)

› Meraih gelar PhD dari School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Australia (2002)

› Bachelor of Economics from Islamic University of Indonesia (1984)

› Master in Business Administration from School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Australia (1989)

› Holds a PhD degree from the School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Australia (2002)

Pengalaman Kerja Professional Experience

Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Dean of International Program UII (2011-2014). Kemudian, juga pernah menjabat sebagai Komisaris BPD Bengkulu (2016-2020). Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Bendahara Forum Komunikasi Dewan Komisaris/Pengawasan BPD wilayah Barat (2017-saat ini).

He served as Dean of International Program at UII (2011-2014). Then, he also served as Commissioner of BPD Bengkulu (2016-2020). Currently he also serves as Treasurer of the Communication Forum of the Board of Commissioners/Supervision of BPD of West Region (2017-present).

Riwayat Penunjukan Appointment

Menjabat sebagai Komisaris berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar RUPS IPC TPK No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-003/PII-SK.07/VII/ 2020 tanggal 14 Juli 2020.

Serving as Commissioner pursuant to Circular Decision of Shareholders outside the IPC TPK’s GMS No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and No. SK-003/PII-SK.07/VII/ 2020 dated 14 July 2020.

Rangkap Jabatan Concurrent Positions

Beliau tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan. He does not have concurrent position.

Hubungan Afiliasi Affiliate Relationship

Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham utama.

He does not have an affiliate relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and majority shareholders.

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK Share Ownership in IPC TPK

Beliau tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan. He does not own shares of the Company.

Profil Dewan KomisarisProfile of the Board of Commissioners

87PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Profil DireksiBoard of Directors' Profile

Pada tahun 2020, IPC TPK sempat mengalami pergantian susunan Direksi. Hal ini sejalan dengan penunjukan M. Adji yang sebelumnya Direktur Utama IPC TPK untuk kemudian menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) per tanggal 23 Juni 2020 serta pemberhentian Ari Henryanto sebagai Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis Sementara Waktu berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar RUPS PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KP.03/4/8/1/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-001/PII-SK D1/VIII/2020.

Memberhentikan dengan hormat M. Adji dari posisinya sebagai Direktur Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham di luar RUPS PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/10/3/4/PI.II-17 dan No. HK.476/10/3/4/MTI-2017 tanggal 10 Maret 2017 terhitung sejak tanggal 18 Juni 2020 dan Memberhentikan dengan hormat Rachmat Prayogi dari posisinya sebagai Direktur Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang diangkat masing-masing berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. SK.03/17/7/1/PAC/UT/PI.II-17 dan HK.476/17/7/3/MTI-2017 tanggal 17 Juli 2017 Jo No. SK.03/27/8/2/PBI/UT/PI.II-18 dan HK.476/27/8/1/MTI-2018 tanggal 27 Agustus 2018.

Dengan adanya Keputusan ini serta pengangkatan David Pandapotan Sirait sebagai Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. KP.10.02/26/10/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 tanggal 26 Oktober 2020, maka Susunan Anggota Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas adalah sebagai berikut:- Prastyo Wasis : Direktur Utama sementara waktu sampai

dengan adanya Penetapan Direktur Utama Definitif.

- Rizki Widhiono : Direktur Operasi dan Teknik sementara waktu sampai dengan adanya Penetapan Direktur Operasi dab Teknis Definitif.

- Irwan Favoriet : Direktur Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia sementara waktu sampai dengan adanya Penetapan Direktur Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia Definitif.

Namun seiring dengan wafatnya Prastyo Wasis Prabowo pada tanggal 6 November 2020, dan penunjukan Rizki Widhiono sebagai Direktur di PT Pengerukan Indonesia (Rukindo) per tanggal 9 November 2021, maka susunan Direksi Perusahaan per tanggal 31 Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

In 2020, IPC TPK also had a change of Board of Directors. This followed the appointment of M. Adji who was previously President Director of IPC TPK and then served as Director of Operations of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) as of June 23rd, 2020 and the dismissal of Ari Henryanto from his position as Interim Director of Commercial and Business Development due to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Shareholders' Circular Resolutions No. KP.03/4/8/1/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 and No. SK-001/PII-SK D1/VIII/2020.

To honorably dismiss M. Adji from his position as President Director of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as of June 18th, 2020 pursuant to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Shareholders’ Circular Resolutions No. HK.56/10/3/4/PI.II-17 dan No.HK.476/10/3/4/MTI-2017 dated 10 March 2017 and To honorably dismiss Rachmat Prayogi from his position as Director of Finance and Human Resources of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas each pursuant to the appointment letters No. SK.03/17/7/1/PAC/UT/PI.II-17 and HK.476/17/7/3/MTI-2017 dated 17 July 2017 Jo No. SK.03/27/8/2/PBI/UT/PI.II-18 and HK.476/27/8/1/MTI-2018 dated 27 August 2018.

Following the Resolution and the appointment of David Pandapotan Sirait as Director of Commercial & Business Development pursuant to Decree of Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II KP.10.02/26/10/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dated 26 October 2020, thus the composition of membership of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas is as follows:- Prastyo Wasis : Interim President Director until the

Definitive Appointment of President Director.

- Rizki Widhiono : Interim Director of Operations and Engineering until the Definitive Appointment of Director of Operations and Engineering.

- Irwan Favoriet : Interim Director of Finance and HR until the Definitive Appointment of Director of Finance and HR.

However, Prastyo Wasis Prabowo passed away on November 6th, 2020, also the appointment of Rizki Widhiono as Director at PT Pengerukan Indonesia (Rukindo) as of November 9th, 2021, then the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors as of December 31st, 2020 was as follows:

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

88 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Irwan FavorietPelaksana Harian Direktur Utama, Direktur Keuangan dan SDMActing President Director, Director of Finance and Human Resources

Periode Jabatan: 15 Juli 2020–Pengangkatan Direktur Utama Definitif, Periode PertamaTerm of Office: July 15th, 2020–Appointment of Definitive President Director, First Period

Data Pribadi Personal Data

Kelahiran Denpasar, 11 Juni 1967Warga Negara Indonesia

Born in Denpasar, on June 11th, 1967Indonesian Citizen

Domisili Domicile

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Pendidikan Education

› Sarjana Manajemen Marketing dari Universitas Udayana, Bali (1994)

› Magister Manajemen SDM dari Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta (2008)

› MBA Logistic, Material, and Supply Chain Management dari Kuehne Logistics University, Jerman (2017)

› Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management from Udayana University (1994)

› Master of Human Resources Management from Pancasila University (2008)

› MBA in Logistic, Material, and Supply Chain Management from Kuehne Logistics University, Germany (2017)

Pengalaman Kerja Professional Experience

Beliau mengawali kariernya di PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) pada tahun 2000. Selanjutnya, menjabat sebagai Direktur Keuangan dan SDM PT Jasa Peralatan Pelabuhan Indonesia (2012), Direktur Keuangan PT Energi Pelabuhan Indonesia (2015-2017), dan Direktur Utama PT Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan (2019-2020).

He started his career by joining in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) in 2000. Furthermore, he served as Director of Finance and Human Resources of PT Jasa Peralatan Pelabuhan Indonesia (2012), Finance Director of PT Energi Pelabuhan Indonesia (2015-2017), and President Director of PT Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan (2019-2020).

Riwayat Penunjukan Appointment

Beliau diangkat menjadi Direktur Utama berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perusahaan di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No. SK.007/PII-SK.D1/VII/2020 tanggal 15 Juli 2020.

He was appointed as President Director based on the Decision Letter of the Company’s Shareholders outside the General Meeting of Shareholders No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI. II-20 and No. SK.007/PII-SK. D1/VII/2020 dated 15 July 2020.

Rangkap Jabatan Concurrent Positions

Beliau memiliki rangkap jabatan sebagai Direktur Keuangan dan SDM PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

He concurrently serves as Director of Finance and Human Resources of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Hubungan Afiliasi Affiliate Relationship

Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Direksi lainnya, Dewan Komisaris, dan Pemegang Saham utama.

He does not have an affiliate relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and majority shareholders.

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK Share Ownership in IPC TPK

Beliau tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan. He does not own shares of the Company.

Profil DireksiBoard of Directors' Profile

89PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

David Pandapotan SiraitDirektur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis Director of Commercial and Business Development

Periode Jabatan: 19 Desember 2019–RUPS 2024, Periode PertamaTerm of Office: December 19th, 2019–GMS 2024, First Period

Data Pribadi Personal Data

Kelahiran Jakarta, 25 Oktober 1971Warga Negara Indonesia

Born in Jakarta, on October 25th, 1971Indonesian Citizen

Domisili Domicile

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Pendidikan Education

Menyelesaikan Diploma Manajemen Kepelabuhanan dari Universitas Trisakti pada tahun 1997, meraih gelar Sarjana dari jurusan Manajemen Transportasi Laut dari Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta pada tahun 1998, Magister Transportasi dari jurusan Manajemen Transportasi Laut STMT Trisakti pada tahun 2001, Diploma for Container Terminal Management dari Dubai Port World Institute, Dubai UAE pada tahun 2015, dan Executive MBA dari jurusan Leadership & Logistics Khune Logistics University, Hamburg, Jerman pada tahun 2016.

Earning a Diploma degree in Port Management from Trisakti University in 1997, a Bachelor Degree in Marine Transportation Management from Trisakti University, in Jakarta in 1998, Master of Transportation majoring Marine Transportation Management from STMT Trisakti in 2001, a Diploma for Container Terminal Management from Dubai Port World Institute, Dubai UAE, in 2015, and an Executive MBA majoring Leadership & Logistics from Khune Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany in 2016.

Pengalaman Kerja Professional Experience

Beliau memulai kariernya pada tahun 1991 sebagai Equipment Operator di PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Jakarta. Beliau kemudian meniti karier di PT Jakarta Internasional Container Terminal Indonesia di mana Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Marketing Support Manager (2012-2013) dan Key Account Manager (2013-2014). Lalu beliau dipercaya sebagai SVP Pelayanan Terminal PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (2018-2019). Kemudian, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasi dan Teknik PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (2019-2020).

He started his career in 1991 as Equipment Operator at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Jakarta. He then joined in PT Jakarta International Container Terminal Indonesia where he served as Marketing Support Manager (2012-2013) and Key Account Manager (2013-2014). Then he was trusted as SVP Terminal Services of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (2018-2019). Later, he served as Director of Operations and Engineering of PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (2019-2020).

Riwayat Penunjukan Appointment

Beliau diangkat menjadi Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perusahaan di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XI/2020 tanggal 3 November 2020. Pengangkatan ini merupakan periode yang pertama untuk masa periode jabatan 5 (lima) tahun.

He was appointed as Director of Commercial & Business Development based on the Decision Letter of the Company’s Shareholders outside the General Meeting of Shareholders No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and a Decree No. SK-002/PII-SK. D1/XI/2020 dated 3 November 2020. This was his first appointment for a term of office of 5 (five) years.

Rangkap Jabatan Concurrent Positions

Beliau memiliki rangkap jabatan sebagai Direktur Operasi dan Teknik PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

He concurrently serves as Director of Operations and Engineering at PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Hubungan Afiliasi Affiliate Relationship

Beliau tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Direksi lainnya, Dewan Komisaris, dan Pemegang Saham utama.

He does not have an affiliate relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and majority shareholders.

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK Share Ownership in IPC TPK

Beliau tidak memiliki saham Perusahaan. He does not own shares of the Company.

Profil DireksiBoard of Directors' Profile

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

90 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Profil Pejabat SeniorProfile of Senior Executive Officers

Syarif SalehKepala Biro Hukum dan Kepatuhan InternalHead of Legal and Internal Compliance Bureau

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaPontianak, 10 November 1965 (55 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgePontianak, on November 10th, 1965 (55 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Hukum Perdata, Universitas Tanjung Pura Pontianak (1991)

Educational BackgroundBachelor of Civil Law, University of Tanjung Pura Pontianak (1991)

Pengalaman KerjaStaf Utama Senior Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok IPC TPK (2016)

Professional ExperienceSenior First Officer of Tanjung Priok Port Branch of IPC TPK (2016)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/6/10/1/IPCTPK-17

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/6/10/1/IPCTPK-17

Ibnu HajarKepala Biro Pengadaan dan LogistikHead of Procurement and Logistics Bureau

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliBogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileBogor, West Java, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaMajalengka, 8 Juli 1970 (50 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeMajalengka, on July 8th, 1970 (50 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Tehnik Listrik/Elektro di Universitas Krisnadwipayana (2001)

Educational BackgroundBachelor of Electrical/Electrical Engineering at Krisnadwipayana University (2001)

Pengalaman KerjaDGM Teknik & Sistem Informasi CabangPelabuhan Panjang IPC TPK (2019)

Professional ExperienceDGM Engineering & Information System at Panjang Port Branch of IPC TPK (2019)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Harry Nugraha HaediKepala AuditHead of Audit

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaBandung, 26 Januari 1972 (48 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeBandung, on January 26th, 1972 (48 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Sarjana Ekonomi di Universitas

Tanjungpura (1991-1996)› Magister Pengiriman dan Transportasi

di Netherland Maritime University (2010-2012)

Educational Background› Bachelor of Economics at University

Tanjungpura (1991-1996)› Master in Shipping and Transportat

Netherland Maritime University (2010-2012)

Pengalaman KerjaAuditor Utama Pengawasan Internal Kantor Pusat IPC TPK (2019)

Professional ExperienceFirst Auditor of Internal Supervision of IPC TPK’s Head Office (2019)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

91PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Amanda MaulinaCorporate Secretary dan Hubungan EksternalCorporate Secretary and External Relations

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaBandung, 25 September 1988 (32 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeBandung, on September 25th, 1988 (32 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Sarjana Fakultas Hukum di Universitas

Padjajaran Bandung (2011)› Magister Shipping & Transportation

Management di Netherland Maritime University (2015)

Educational Background› Bachelor Degree Faculty of Law at

Padjadjaran University, Bandung (2011)› Master's Degree in Shipping &

Transportation Management at Netherland Maritime University (2015)

Pengalaman Kerja› Pj. DVP Komunikasi Perusahaan & CSR

PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018)

› DVP Komunikasi Perusahaan & CSR PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018–2020)

Professional Experience› Acting DVP Communication of the

Company & CSR of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018)

› DVP Communication of the Company & CSR of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018–2020)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Manager Area Terminal Petikemas IPC TPK Manager Area Container Terminal of IPC TPK

Hendri PurnomoManager Area PontianakPontianak Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliPontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia

DomicilePontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaPontianak, 25 September 1964 (56 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgePontianak, on September 25th, 1964 (56 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Hukum Perdata, Tanjungpura, Pontianak (2005)

Educational BackgroundBachelor of Civil Law, Tanjungpura, Pontianak (2005)

Pengalaman Kerja› Manager Terminal Petikemas PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas Perwakilan Pontianak (2015)

› Manager Terminal Petikemas Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2014)

› Pj. Manager Terminal Petikemas Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2014)

› Ass. Manager Operasi TPK Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2009)

› Advisor Sistem Mutu Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2008)

› Spv. Operasi Kapal dan Lapangan Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2005)

› Staf Manager Terminal Petikemas Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2002)

› Pandu Laut Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (1999–2000)

Professional Experience› Container Terminal Manager of

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas of Pontianak Representative (2015)

› Manager of Container Terminal of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2014)

› Acting Manager of Container Terminal of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2014)

› Ass. Operations Manager of Container Terminal of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2009)

› Quality System Advisor of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2008)

› Spv. Ship and Field Operations of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2005)

› Staff Manager of Container Terminal of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2002)

› Sea Scout of Pelindo II of Pontianak Port Branch (1999–2000)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/22/12/1/IPCTPK-17

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/22/12/1/IPCTPK-17

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

92 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Budi DaryonoManager Area PanjangPanjang Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliLampung, Indonesia

DomicileLampung, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaJakarta, 26 Febuari 1973 (47 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeJakarta, on February 26th, 1973(47 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Manajemen Akuntansi STIE Tridarma Widya Jakarta (2000)

Educational BackgroundBachelor Degree of Accounting Management STIE Tridarma Widya Jakarta (2000)

Pengalaman Kerja› DGM Operasi & Teknik Cabang

Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa (2017-2018)› Pjs. DGM Operasi Cabang Pelabuhan

Panjang (2019–2020)

Professional Experience› DGM Operations & Engineering of Sunda

Kelapa Port Branch (2017-2018)› Acting DGM Operations of Panjang Port

Branch (2019-2020)Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-2

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-2

Mochammad Loutfie HidayatManager Area JambiJambi Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliJambi, Indonesia

DomicileJambi, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaPontianak, 10 Oktober 1977(43 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgePontianak, on October 10th, 1977(43 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSLTA

Educational BackgroundSenior High School

Pengalaman Kerja› Asisten Manager Perencanaan,

Pengendalian & Operasi/IPTK› Ass. Manager Perencanaan &

Pengendalian TPK/IPTK› Ass. Manager Perencanaan &

Pengendalian TPK/PTK› Manager Kawasan Sintete/PTK› Manager Kawasan Sintete

Professional Experience› Assistant Manager of Planning, Control

& Operations/IPTK› Ass. Manager of Container Terminal

Plan and Control TPK/PTK› Ass. Manager of Countainer Terminal

Plan & Control TPK/PTK› Sintete Regional Manager/PTK› Sintete Regional Manager

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.10.02/1/7/2/MTA/SDM/PI.II-19

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.10.02/1/7/2/MTA/SDM/PI.II-19

Agustian ChandraManager Area Teluk BayurTeluk Bayur Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliPadang, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia

DomicilePadang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaLampung 26 Agustus 1979 (41 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeLampung, on August 26th, 1979(41 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Ekonomi di STIE Yayasan Ikaram Jambi (2016)

Educational BackgroundBachelor Degree of Economics at STIE Ikaram Yayasan Jambi (2016)

Pengalaman KerjaADGM Operasi umum Cabang Pelabuhan Jambi

Professional ExperienceADGM General Operations of Jambi Port Branch

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan SK Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. KP.10.02/1/7/2/MTA/SDM/PI.II-19 tanggal 1 Juli 2019

Legal Basis of AppointmentDecree of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. KP.10.02/1/7/2/MTA/SDM/PI. II-19 dated July 1st, 2019

93PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Adi Saputra DarmansyahManager Area PalembangPalembang Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliPalembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia

DomicilePalembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaPalembang, 6 Januari 1978 (42 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgePalembang, on January 6th, 1978 (42 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Teknik Listrik Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang (2004)

Educational BackgroundBachelor of Electrical Engineering, Muhammadiyah Palembang University (2004)

Pengalaman Kerja› Pj. Manager Area IPC TPK Palembang

(2018)› DGM Komersial Cabang Pelabuhan Jambi

Pelindo II (2017)› Project Manager Muda Sr. Pelindo II

(2014–2015)› Asisten Manager Peralatan Terminal

Petikemas Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Palembang (2010-2011)

› SPV. Administrasi TPK Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Palembang (2010)

› Pj.Spv. Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Kapal & Lapangan (2008)

› Pelaksana Koordinator Perencanaan Perawatan Alat (2006)

› Pelaksana Elektrik Senior (2000–2002)

Professional Experience› Acting Area Manager of IPC TPK Palembang (2018)› DGM Commercial of Pelindo II Jambi Port Branch (2017)› Junior Project Manager Sr. of Pelindo II (2014–2015)› Assistant Manager of Container Terminal Equipment of Pelindo II Palembang Port Branch (2010–2011)› SPV. TPK Administration of Pelindo II Palembang Port Branch (2010)› Acting Spv. Ship & Field Planning and Control (2008)› Operating Coordinator of Equipment Maintenance Planning (2006)› Senior Electric Operator (2000–2002)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.10.05/23/11/1/MTA/SUM/PI.II-18

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.10.05/23/11/1/MTA/SUM/PI.II-18

Kristianto Edi SarjonoManager Area Terminal SupportTerminal Support Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDepok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileDepok, West Java, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaSemarang, 25 Oktober 1969 (51 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeSemarang, on October 25th, 1969 (51 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Sarjana Elektro ISTN Jakarta (1997)

› Magister Manajemen YAI Jakarta (2005)

Educational Background› Bachelor of Electro of ISTN Jakarta

(1997)› Master of Management of YAI Jakarta

(2005)Pengalaman Kerja› Pekerja IPC yang diperbantukan pada

IPC Terminal Petikemas (2017)› Ass. Manager Peralatan & Adm. TPK

Cabang Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur (2011)

› Ass. Manager Sarana Kepanduan Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Palembang (2009)

› Staf Teknik Mesin dan Listrik Senior Pelindo II (2007)

› Kasie Tehnik Mesin dan Listrik (2006)

› Staf Teknik Mesin Listrik dan Telekomunikasi Senior (2006)

› Staf Manager Properti & Terminal Penumpang Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2003)

› Staf Perencanaan SDM Junior Pelindo II (2002)

› Staf Pendukung Sistem Informasi Pelindo II (2001)

› Staf Analisa Jaringan Sistem PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (1998-1999)

Professional Experience› IPC workers seconded to IPC Terminal Petikemas (2017)› Ass. Equipment Manager & Administration of Container Terminal of Teluk Bayur Port Branch (2011)› Ass. Manager of Scouting Facilities of Pelindo II Palembang Port Branch (2009)› Senior Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Staff of Pelindo II (2007)› Section Head of Machine and Electrical Engineering (2006)› Senior Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering Staff (2006)› Staff Manager of Property & Passenger Terminal of Pelindo II of Tanjung Priok Port Branch (2003)› Junior HR Planning Staff of Pelindo II (2002)› Information System Support Staff of Pelindo II (2001)› System Network Analysis Staff of PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (1998-1999)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.10.02/1/7/2/MTA/SDM/PI.II-19

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.10.02/1/7/2/MTA/SDM/PI.II-19

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

94 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Hermana WidhyohadiManager Area Tanjung Priok ITanjung Priok I Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliBekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileBekasi, West Java, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaBogor, 12 Agustus 1975 (45 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeBogor, on August 12th, 1975 (45 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Diploma 3 Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga di

Akademi Ilmu Pelayaran/Pendidikan dan Latihan Ahli Pelayaran Jakarta (1996)

› Sarjana Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kelautan Hatawana (2002)

› Magister Internasional Transportation & Logistic di Shanghai Maritime University (2013)

Educational Background› Diploma of Management of Commercial

Shipping at the Academy of Shipping Sciences/Education and Training of Shipping Experts in Jakarta (1996)

› Bachelor of Commercial Shipping Management at Hatawana College of Marine Technology (2002)

› Master in International Transportation & Logistics at Shanghai Maritime University (2013)

Pengalaman Kerja› Manager Terminal Petikemas Cabang Pelabuhan

Palembang (2014-2015)› DVP Pelayanan Petikemas Kantor Pusat (2017–


Professional Experience› Manager of Container Terminal of

Palembang Port Branch (2014-2015)› DVP Container Service at Head Office


Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

SarkaniManager Area Tanjung Priok IITanjung Priok II Area Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliPontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia

DomicilePontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaJakarta, 12 Maret 1967 (53 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeJakarta, on March 12th, 1967 (53 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Manajemen dan Operasi Kepelabuhanan, Barunawati, Surabaya (2001)

Educational BackgroundBachelor of Port Management and Operations, Barunawati, Surabaya (2001)

Pengalaman Kerja› Junior Specialist yang diperbantukan pada

IPC Terminal Petikemas (2018)› Manager Operation Support 3 PT Pelabuhan

Tanjung Priok (2014–2018)› Manager Pemasaran & Administrasi Terminal

III Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2014)› Pj. Manager Terminal Petikemas Cabang

Pelabuhan Pontianak (2013)› Ass. Manager Perencanaan & Pengadaan TPK,

Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2009)› Supervisor Operasi Gate & CFS Pelindo II

Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2008)› Pj. Spv. Perenc. & Pengend. Kapal & Lapangan

Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2002)› Pelaksana Koordinator Pelayanan Bongkar

Muat Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2001)

› Pelaksana Pelayanan Bongkar Muat Senior Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Pontianak (2001)

› Pelaksana Pangkalan Junior Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa (2001)

› Pelaksana Administrasi & Kesejahteraan Senior Pelindo II (1999)

› Pelaksana Sekretaris Kadiv TPK I PT JICT (1995)

› Pelaksana Adm. pada Din. Ops & Penumpukan UTPK II PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (1993)

› Pelaksana Adm. pada Subdin Perencanaan Kapal Pelindo II (1991)

› Pelaksana Adm. Perencanaan Kapal Pelindo II (1991)

Professional Experience› Junior Specialist seconded to IPC Terminal Petikemas (2018)

› Manager Operation Support 3 of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2014–2018)

› Marketing & Administration Manager of Terminal III of Tanjung Priok Port Branch (2014)

› Acting Manager of Container Terminal of Pontianak Port Branch (2013)

› Ass. Manager Planning & TPK Procurement of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2009)

› Supervisor of Gate Operations & CFS of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2008)

› Acting Spv. Ship & Field Planning & Control of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2002)

› Acting Coordinator of Loading and Unloading Services of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2001)

› Senior Operator of Loading and Unloading Services of Pelindo II Pontianak Port Branch (2001)

› Junior Base Operator of Pelindo II Sunda Kelapa Port Branch (2001)

› Senior Operator of Administration & Welfare of Pelindo II (1999)

› Operating Secretary of Container Terminal I Division Head of PT JICT (1995)

› Adm. Operator of Din. Ops & Storage Service at Container Terminal Unit (UTPK) II of PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (1993)

› Adm. Operator at Pelindo II Ship Planning Sub Division (1991)› Adm. Operator at Pelindo II Ship Planning (1991)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/13/7/1/IPCTPK-18

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/13/7/1/IPCTPK-18

95PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pejabat di bawah Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis

Executive Officers under Director of Commercial and Business Development

Yandri TrisaputraSenior Manager KomersialSenior Commercial Manager

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaPekanbaru, 10 Januari 1972 (48 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgePekanbaru, on January 10th, 1972 (48 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Diploma 3 Pelayaran Badan Pendidikan dan

Latihan Pelayaran Semarang (1994)› Sarjana Ekonomi di Universitas Indonesia


Educational Background› Diploma of Shipping Education and Training

Agency for Shipping Semarang (1994)› Bachelor of Economics at the University of

Indonesia (2004)

Pengalaman Kerja› Analyst yang diperbantukan pada

PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018)› Pjs. Vice President Komersial PT Pelabuhan

Tanjung Priok (2018-2019)

Professional Experience› Analyst seconded to PT Pelabuhan Tanjung

Priok (2018)› Acting Vice President Commercial of

PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018-2019)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Muhamad HasanSenior Manager Hubungan PelangganSenior Manager of Customer Relations

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliTangerang, Banten, Indonesia

DomicileTangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaBogor, 24 Febuari 1969 (51 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeBogor, on February 24th, 1969 (51 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Diploma 3 Bahasa Inggris di ABA Indonesia

Jakarta (1992)› Sarjana Hubungan Masyarakat di Institut Ilmu

Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jakarta (1996)

Educational Background› Diploma of English at ABA Indonesia Jakarta

(1992)› Bachelor of Public Relations at the Jakarta Institute

of Social and Political Sciences (1996)

Pengalaman Kerja› Asisten General Manager Pengendalian

Kinerja dan PFSO Cabang Pelabuhan Jambi PT Pelindo II

› Asisten Deputy General Manager Komersial Cabang Pelabuhan Banten PT Pelindo II

› Pj. Deputy Vice President Hubungan Pelanggan Non Petikemas Kantor Pusat PT Pelindo II

› Deputy Vice President Hubungan Pelanggan Non Petikemas Direktorat Komersial Kantor Pusat PT Pelindo II

Professional Experience› Assistant General Manager of Performance Control

and PFSO of Jambi Port Branch of PT Pelindo II

› Assistant Deputy General Manager Commercial of Banten Port Branch of PT Pelindo II

› Acting Deputy Vice President of Non-Container Customer Relations at Head Office of PT Pelindo II

› Deputy Vice President of Non-Container Customer Relations of Directorate of Commercial of PT Pelindo II’s Head Office

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/6/10/1/IPCTPK-17

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/6/10/1/IPCTPK-17

Vonny Oktaviana SariSenior Manager Pengembangan BisnisSenior Manager of Business Development

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaJakarta, 26 Oktober 1988 (32 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeJakarta, on October 26th, 1988 (32 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Sarjana Teknik Industri di Institut Teknologi

Bandung (2010)› Magister Maritim Economics & Logistics di

Erasmus University Rotterdam (2013)

Educational Background› Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering at

Institute of Technology Bandung (2010)› Master Degree in Maritime Economics &

Logistics in Erasmus University Rotterdam (2013)

Pengalaman Kerja› Pj. ASM. Pengembangan Bisnis Kantor Pusat

(2015–2016)› DVP Kerjasama Usaha Kantor Pusat (2016-


Professional Experience› Acting ASM. for Business Development at

Head Office (2015–2016)› DVP Business Cooperation at Head Office


Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

96 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Dida DarojatSenior Manager TeknikSenior Manager of Engineering

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliBekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileBekasi, West Java, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaBandung, 29 Desember 1972 (48 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeBandung, on December 29th, 1972 (48 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Diploma 3 Politeknik Insititut Teknologi

Bandung (1995)› Sarjana Teknik Elektro di Universitas

Indonesia (2001)

Educational Background› Diploma of Polytechnic Institute of

Technology Bandung (1995)› Bachelor Degree of Electrical

Engineering at the University of Indonesia (2001)

Pengalaman Kerja› Junior Specialist yang diperbantukan

pada PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018)› Vice President Teknik PT Pelabuhan

Tanjung Priok (2018-2020)

Professional Experience› Junior Specialist supporting

PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018)› Vice President Engineering at

PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (2018-2020) Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Hugo Toni SeputroSenior Manager Sistem InformasiSenior Manager of Information System

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaJakarta, 24 Mei 1988 (32 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeJakarta, on May 24th, 1988 (32 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Sarjana Teknik Informatika di Institut

Teknologi Bandung (2010)› Magister Software Engineering di

University of Southampton (2013)

Educational Background› Bachelor of Informatics Engineering at

Bandung Institute of Technology (2010)› Master in Software Engineering at the

University of Southampton (2013)Pengalaman Kerja› GM Product & Service PT Integrasi

Logistik Cipta Solusi (2017-2020)› General Manager Service Design &

Integration PT Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (2020)

Professional Experience› GM Product & Service of PT Integrasi

Logistics Cipta Solusi (2017-2020)› General Manager Service Design &

Integration of PT Integrasi Logistics Cipta Solusi (2020)

Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Pejabat di bawah Direktorat Operasi dan Teknik Executive Officers under the Directorate of Operations and Engineering

97PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pejabat di bawah Direktorat Keuangan dan SDM Senior Executives under the Directorate of Finance and Human Resources

Marwan HakimSenior Manager KeuanganSenior Manager of Finance

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliBekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileBekasi, West Java, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaMetro, 13 Febuari 1985 (35 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeMetro, on February 13th, 1985 (35 years old)

Riwayat Pendidikan› Diploma 3 Ekonomi-Akuntansi di

Politeknik Pos Indonesia (2006)› Sarjana Ekonomi-Akuntansi di

Universitas Pasundan Bandung (2009)› Magister Enterpreneurship di

Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta (2018)

Educational Background› Diploma of Economics-Accounting at

Pos Indonesia Polytechnic (2006)› Bachelor of Economics-Accounting at

Pasundan University Bandung (2009)› Master of Entrepreneurship at Gajah

Mada University, Yogyakarta (2018)

Pengalaman Kerja› Pj. DVP Pengendalian Keuangan Kantor

Pusat (2018)› DVP Pengendalian Keuangan Kantor

Pusat (2019)› DVP Penganggaran Investasi Kantor

Pusat (2019-2020)

Professional Experience› Acting DVP Financial Control at Head

Office (2018)› DVP Financial Control at Head Office

(2019)› DVP Investment Budgeting at Head

Office (2019-2020)Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20

FerdiyanSenior Manager SDM dan UmumSenior Manager of HR and General Affairs

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaJakarta, 6 Januari 1969 (51 tahun)

Place and Date of Birth/AgeJakarta, on January 6th, 1969 (51 years old)

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana Manajemen, Universitas Pancasila Jakarta (1994)

Educational BackgroundBachelor of Management, Pancasila University Jakarta (1994)

Pengalaman Kerja› DVP Pengembangan SDM Pelindo II

(2016)› ASM. Pengelolaan Organisasi & Kinerja

SDM Pelindo II (2015–2016)

› ASM. Perencanaan SDM & Organisasi Pelindo II (2014)

› Pj. ASM. Perencanaan SDM & Organisasi Pelindo II (2012)

› Manager SDM & Umum Pelindo II Cabang Pelabuhan Bengkulu (2010–2012)

› Staf Sistem SDM Senior Pelindo II (2009)› Staf Perenc. SDM & Organisasi Senior

Pelindo II (2008)› Staf Pengembangan SDM Senior Pelindo

II (2005–2007)› Staf Pemasaran Senior Pusat Pelatihan

Kepelabuhanan (2004)› Staf Pemasaran Junior Pusat Pelatihan

Kepelabuhanan (1999)› Staf Analisa & Evaluasi Diklat pada BPL


Professional Experience› DVP of Human Resources Development of

Pelindo II (2016)› ASM. Organizational Management

& Human Resources Performance of Pelindo II (2015–2016)

› ASM. HR Planning & Organization of Pelindo II (2014)

› Acting ASM. HR Planning & Organization of Pelindo II (2012)

› HR Manager & General Affairs of Pelindo II Bengkulu Port Branch (2010–2012)

› Senior Staff of HR System of Pelindo II (2009)› Senior Staff of HR & Organization of

Pelindo II (2008)› Senior Staff of HR Development of

Pelindo II (2005–2007)› Senior Marketing Staff of Port Training

Center (2004)› Junior Marketing Staff of Port Training

Center (1999)› Training Analysis & Evaluation Staff at

BPL (1996–1997)Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan KP.10.02/30/5/1/PDM/SUM/PI.II-18

Legal Basis of AppointmentKP.10.02/30/5/1/PDM/SUM/PI.II-18

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

98 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Demografi Karyawan Employee Demographics

Hingga per tanggal 31 Desember 2020, IPC TPK mengelola 1.902 karyawan. Jumlah tersebut mengalami penurunan jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah karyawan pada tahun sebelumnya yang berjumlah 1.923 orang.

Dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusianya, IPC TPK senantiasa berlaku adil dan tidak diskriminatif melalui penegakan kebijakan yang tidak membeda-bedakan suku, agama, ras, golongan, gender dan kondisi fisik ketika melakukan penerimaan, penilaian kinerja, remunerasi, serta pengembangan karier karyawan. Hal ini dilihat pada tabel yang disajikan berikut ini:

Profil demografi karyawan IPC TPK dapat dilihat pada tabel dan bagan berikut ini:

Organik/Organic Non-Organik/Non-Organic

Pergerakan Jumlah Karyawan dalam 3 (Tiga) Tahun TerakhirTotal Employees for the Last 3 (Three) Years

Jumlah Keseluruhan/Total Number

2018 2018 20182020 2020 20202019 2019 2019










Demografi Karyawan Berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian (orang) Employee Demographic by Employment Status (person)

Status KepegawaianEmployment Status

2020 2019





Pegawai Organik/Organic Employees 423 52 475 24,97% 435 46 481 25,01%Pegawai Non-Organik/Non-Organic Employees

1.352 75 1.427 75,03% 1.372 70 1.442 74,99%

Jumlah 1.776 127 1.902 100,00% 1.807 116 1.923 100,00%

Demografi Karyawan Berdasarkan Level Organisasi (orang) Employee Demographics by Organization Level (person)

Level OrganisasiOrganization Level

2020 2019





Direksi/Board of Directors 2 - 2 0,42% 4 - 4 0,83%Staf Direksi/Board of Directors Staff - - - - 2 1 3 0,62%Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Chief

10 2 12 2,53% 11 1 12 2,49%

Manager Area/Area Manager 7 - 7 1,47% 8 - 8 5,41%Asisten Senior Manager/Asisten Kepala Biro/Senior Assistant Manager/Assistant Bureau Chief

19 8 27 5,68% 20 6 26 1,66%

Asisten Manager Area/Assistant Area Manager

14 - 14 2,95% 13 - 13 2,70%

Supervisor 80 4 84 17,68% 71 4 75 15,59%Staf/Staff 40 13 53 11,16% 40 9 49 10,19%Pelaksana/Operator 251 25 276 58,11% 266 25 291 60,49%Jumlah/Total 423 52 475 100,00% 435 46 481 100,00%

As of December 31st, 2020, IPC TPK managed a total of 1,902 employees. The number decreased when compared to the number of employees in the previous year in which it managed a total of 1,923 employees.

IPC TPK manages its human resources by always applying fair and non-discriminative treatments through the enforcement of policies that do not discriminate between ethnicity, religion, race, class, gender and physical condition in recruitment, performance assessment, remuneration, and career development of employees. This can be seen from below presented table:

IPC TPK’s employee demographic profiles can be viewed in the following tables and charts:

99PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Demografi Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan (orang) Employee Demographics by Education Level (person)

Tingkat PendidikanEducation Level

2020 2019





Strata 2 16 8 24 5,05% 16 6 22 4,57%Strata 1 152 22 174 36,63% 145 18 163 33,89%Diploma 46 14 60 12,63% 47 13 60 12,47%SMA dan Sederajat/High School and Equivalent

209 8 217 45,68% 225 9 234 48,65%

Di bawah SMA/Under High School - - - - 2 - 2 0,42%Jumlah/Total 423 52 475 100,00% 435 46 481 100,00%

Demografi Karyawan Berdasarkan Rentang Usia (orang) Employee Demographics by Age Range (person)

Rentang UsiaAge Group

2020 2019





> 55 tahun/years old - - - - - - - 0,00%51-55 tahun/years old 52 2 54 11,37% 37 1 38 7,90%46-50 tahun/years old 85 6 91 19,16% 91 5 96 19,96%41-45 tahun/years old 83 2 85 17,89% 85 4 89 18,50%36-40 tahun/years old 51 5 56 11,79% 57 5 62 12,89%31-35 tahun/years old 112 21 133 28,0% 109 16 125 25,99%25-30 tahun/years old 38 15 53 11,16% 56 15 71 14,76%< 25 tahun/years old 2 1 3 0,63% - - - 0,00%Jumlah/Total 423 52 475 100,00% 435 46 481 100,00%

Demografi Karyawan Berdasarkan Gender (orang) Employee Demographics by Gender (person)

Gender JumlahTotal




Laki-laki/Male 423 89,05% 435 90,44%Perempuan/Female 52 10,95% 46 9,56%Jumlah/Total 475 100,00% 481 100,00%

Demografi Karyawan Berdasarkan Unit Kerja Number of Employees by Work Unit

Unit KerjaWork Unit

2020 2019





Kantor Pusat/Head Office 136 38 174 36,63% 140 32 172 35,76%Kantor Cabang Pontianak/Branch Office of Pontianak

49 2 51 10,73% 49 2 51 10,60%

Kantor Cabang Jambi/Branch Office of Jambi

9 - 9 1,89% 7 0 7 1,46%

Kantor Cabang Panjang/Branch Office of Panjang

46 1 47 6,10% 45 2 47 9,77%

Kantor Cabang Palembang/Branch Office of Palembang

25 4 29 6,11% 26 4 30 6,24%

Kantor Cabang Teluk Bayur/Branch Office of Teluk Bayur

15 0 15 3,16% 14 0 14 2,91%

Terminal Support 33 1 34 7,16% 29 1 30 6,24%Tanjung Priok 1 61 3 64 13,47% 67 2 69 14,35%Tanjung Priok 2 49 3 52 10,95% 59 2 61 12,68%Jumlah/Total 423 52 475 100,00% 435 46 481 100,00%

Berdasarkan data pada tabel di atas, jelas terlihat bahwa karyawan IPC TPK didominasi oleh laki-laki, yakni mencapai lebih dari 90%.

The data in the above table confirm that IPC TPK employee composition was dominated by male employees by more than 90%.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

100 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sesuai perkembangan zaman, Teknologi Informasi (TI) menjadi salah satu pendukung penting dalam mengoptimalisasikan operasi bisnis. Terkait perkembangan pesat TI, IPC TPK secara konsisten menerapkan TI yang andal dengan pengelolaan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Manajemen IPC TPK telah memiliki tata kelola dan master plan TI sebagai pedoman pemanfaatan dan pengembangan TI dalam rangka mencapai tujuan IPC TPK.

IPC TPK berkeyakinan bahwa pemanfaatan TI yang andal merupakan komponen kunci dalam mencapai pelayanan yang berkualitas, efektif, dan efisien sesuai dengan standar pelabuhan bertaraf internasional. Pada pelaksanaannya, pengembangan TI diarahkan untuk menjadi tulang punggung operasi pelabuhan yang terkoneksi dengan dunia internasional.

Sistem Teknologi Informasi

Sistem Teknologi Informasi diselenggarakan untuk mendukung operasional seluruh anak usaha dan unit usaha di IPC TPK. Penyelenggaraan tersebut dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mencapai visi dan misi, serta ekspansi bisnis IPC TPK. Adapun Sistem Teknologi Informasi yang telah diselenggarakan ialah layanan cloud service pada aktivitas anak usaha dan unit baru, yang meliputi penyediaan platform sistem aplikasi, infrastruktur dan jaringan. Melalui penyelenggaraan Sistem Teknologi Informasi tersebut, maka keamanan dan kualitas layanan terhadap pengelolaan informasi semakin baik dan akurat, serta mampu menghasilkan produk dan jasa yang kompetitif.

Tata Kelola Informasi

Tata kelola TI merupakan pedoman pemanfaatan dan pengembangan TI di IPC TPK. Adapun kebijakan tata kelola TI adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Peran Teknologi Informasi Bagi Perusahaana. Perusahaan menetapkan peran teknologi informasi

untuk menghubungkan dan mensinergikan proses bisnis dalam rangka mencapai tujuan Perusahaan;

b. Teknologi informasi dapat menciptakan nilai tambah dari investasi sarana dan prasarana pelabuhan yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan;

c. Teknologi informasi dapat menciptakan sinergi di antara operator pelabuhan dan pelaku usaha pelabuhan.

2. Perencanaan Teknologi Informasi Perusahaan Menetapkan Master Plan Teknologi Informasi yang berisi:a. Penyelerasan antara bisnis inti Perusahaan dengan

teknologi informasi;b. Arsitektur informasi, aplikasi dan infrastruktur

teknologi informasi yang akan diadopsi oleh Perusahaan;

c. Roadmap pengembangan dan implementasi teknologi informasi yang akan dilakukan oleh Perusahaan;

d. Investasi teknologi informasi yang akan dilakukan oleh Perusahaan.

Teknologi InformasiInformation Technology

In accordance with the latest development, Information Technology (IT) is becoming an important supporting element for optimizing business operations. In line with the rapid IT developments, IPC TPK consistently applies reliable IT system and manages it in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). IPC TPK management has already designed IT governance and master plan as a guideline for the IT utilization and development to help achieve IPC TPK’s objectives.

IPC TPK believes the utilization of reliable IT system is a key component in achieving high-quality, effective, and efficient services in accordance with international port standards. In its implementation, IT development is directed to the backbone of port operations that connected to the countries worldwide.

Information Technology System

Information Technology System is developed to support the operations of all subsidiaries and business units in IPC TPK. The IT implementation is carried out as an effort to achieve the vision and mission, as well as the business expansion of IPC TPK. The applied Information Technology System is a cloud service in the activities of subsidiaries and new units, as well as the application system platform, infrastructure and network. Through the implementation of the Information Technology System, the security and quality of services of information management improves and becomes more accurate, and able to produce competitive products and services.

Information Governance

IT governance is the guideline for the IT utilization and development in IPC TPK. The IT governance policy is as follows:

1. The Role of Information Technology for the Companya. The Company establishes the role of information

technology to connect and synergize business processes in order to achieve the Company’s objectives;

b. Information technology can create added value from the Company’s investment in port facilities and infrastructure;

c. Information technology can create synergy between port operators and port businesses.

2. Information Technology Planning of the Company, the Company determines an IT master plan that contains:a. Alignment between the Company’s core business and

information technology;b. Information architecture, application and information

technology infrastructure to be adopted by the Company;

c. Roadmap for the development and implementation of information technology to be conducted by the Company;

d. Information technology investment to be done by the Company.

101PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

3. Kerangka Kerja Proses dan Organisasi Teknologi Informasi Perusahaan Kerangka Kerja Proses dan Organisasi terdiri dari:a. Struktur Organisasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi

Perusahaan menetapkan struktur organisasi tata kelola berkaitan dengan pengelolaan kebijakan teknologi informasi yang dapat memastikan berjalannya tata kelola teknologi informasi sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku.

b. Proses Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi Perusahaan menetapkan kebijakan pengelolaan dan pengembangan teknologi informasi serta kebijakan pengelolaan operasi teknologi informasi.

c. Proses Komunikasi dan Evaluasi Teknologi Informasi Perusahaan mengkomunikasikan tata kelola teknologi informasi dengan tujuan untuk mengedukasi seluruh insan Perusahaan agar memahami peran teknologi informasi dalam mendukung bisnis inti Perusahaan. Selain itu, Perusahaan juga selalu melakukan evaluasi secara terus menerus atas pelaksanaan kebijakan tata kelola teknologi informasi yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan.

Modul dan Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi yang Terintegrasi

IPC TPK telah mengimplementasikan Common Gate System yang merupakan aplikasi pencatatan kegiatan transaksi gate. Aplikasi ini terintegrasi dengan Terminal Operating System milik New Priok Container Terminal 1 (NPCT1) untuk pertukaran data container (gate pass, tipe, berat, damage, dan lain-lain).

IPC TPK juga telah mengimplementasikan aplikasi Behandle Operating System (BOS) dan New Billing Behandle System (NBBS) untuk pengelolaan container behandle di Kalibaru untuk petikemas yang berasal dari NPCT1. Kedua aplikasi ini telah saling terintegrasi untuk kegiatan operasional dan billing, serta teringrasi dengan instansi-instansi yang terkait dengan kegiatan pemeriksaan jalur merah, seperti Bea Cukai dan Karantina.

Selain itu, untuk mengoperasikan terminal petikemas di 6 area, yakni Tanjung Priok (Teminal Tanjung Priok I, II dan Terminal Area Support), Panjang, Palembang, Jambi, Teluk Bayur, dan Pontianak, IPC TPK terus mengembangkan sistem yang terintegrasi dengan baik agar mampu mengakomodasikan seluruh kegiatan dari hulu ke hilir, baik untuk kebutuhan operasional dan pendukung operasi seperti pengembangan Terminal Operating System (TOS), pengembangan Gate Automation System, pengembangan Pertukaran Data Elektronik Kepabeanan (TPS-Online), pembayaran secara Nontunai Billing System (NBS, e-payment), portal layanan terintegrasi (e-service dan e-invoice), Customer System (CDM), maupun untuk menunjang kegiatan perkantoran seperti oracle finance dan e-office untuk administrasi, surat menyurat serta pengembangan dashboard sebagai sarana monitoring dan reporting untuk kebutuhan manajemen.

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Teknologi Informasi Perusahaan

Pengelolaan sumber daya TI di IPC TPK diselenggarakan berdasarkan master plan TI yang telah disusun. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan standarisasi dan prosedur yang mengatur tata cara penyediaan dan pengelolaan sumber daya TI IPC TPK. Sementara itu, terkait pengelolaan risiko TI dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi setiap risiko akibat dari pengelolaan TI yang tercantum dalam master plan TI, dan dilakukan sesuai dengan kebijakan manajemen risiko IPC TPK.

3. The Framework of the Company’s Information Technology Process and Organization consists of:

a. The Organizational Structure of the Company’s Information Technology Governance establishes an organizational structure of governance relating to the management of information technology policies that can ensure the implementation of information technology governance in accordance with applicable rules.

b. The Company’s Information Technology Management Process establishes information technology management and development policies as well as information technology operations management policies.

c. The Company’s Information Technology Communication and Evaluation Process communicate the governance of information technology with the aim at educating all Company’s employees so as to understand the role of information technology in supporting the Company’s core business. In addition, the Company always consistently evaluates the implementation of information technology governance policies applied in the Company.

Modules and Development of Integrated Information Technology

IPC TPK has applied the Common Gate System which is an application for gate transaction recording. Such application is integrated with the Terminal Operating System owned by New Priok Container Terminal 1 (NPCT1) for the exchange of container data (gate pass, type, weight, damage, and others).

IPC TPK has also implemented Behandle Operating System (BOS) and New Billing Behandle System (NBBS) applications for the management of behandle containers in Kalibaru for containers sent from NPCT1. These two applications are linked one another to facilitate operational and billing activities, as well as integrated with agencies related to red-line inspection activities, such as Customs and Quarantine.

In addition, to operate container terminals in 6 areas, namely Tanjung Priok (Tanjung Priok I, II Terminals and Terminal Support Area), Panjang, Palembang, Jambi, Teluk Bayur, and Pontianak, IPC TPK continues to develop a well-integrated system to accommodate all upstream to downstream activities, both for operational needs and operational supports, such as the development of Terminal Operating System (TOS), the development of Gate Automation System, the development of Electronic Customs Data Exchange (TPS-Online), cashless Billing payment System (NBS, e-payment), integrated service portals (e-service and e-invoice), Customer System (CDM), as well as to support office activities, such as oracle finance and e-office for administration, correspondence and dashboard development as a means of management monitoring and reporting.

Management of the Company’s Information Technology Resources

The IT resources in IPC TPK are managed according to the IT master plan that has been prepared. This is done to provide standardization and procedures governing the procedures for providing and managing IT resources of IPC TPK. Meanwhile, relating to IT risk management, the Company identifies any risks resulting from IT management contained in the IT master plan, and conducts it under IPC TPK’s risk management policy.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

102 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Sistem Teknologi Informasi

Dalam menyelenggarakan pengelolaan TI dibutuhkan SDM yang andal dan kompeten di bidang TI. Untuk mengisi kebutuhan tersebut, IPC TPK melakukan rekrutmen SDM di bidang TI secara ketat dan selektif guna mendapatkan SDM yang berkompeten dan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan.

Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan keandalan dan kemampuan SDM di bidang TI, IPC TPK menyelenggarakan berbagai program pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk bidang teknis maupun non-teknis, baik oleh pihak internal maupun eksternal. Dengan keandalan yang dimiliki dan pemahaman yang baik tentang integrasi proses bisnis, SDM di bidang TI diharapkan mampu membuat perencanaan strategis Sistem Teknologi Informasi dan mampu melakukan perubahan serta modifikasi alur proses bisnis.

Investasi Teknologi Informasi

Investasi di bidang TI menjadi hal penting dalam pengembangan TI di IPC TPK. Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK melakukan investasi TI sebagai berikut:

1. Pengembangan aplikasi surat menyurat elektronik (e-office) sebagai one-stop service kebutuhan administasi perkantoran dan human resource melalui portal web dan mobile apps Go-live di pertengahan tahun 2020.

2. Implementasi Behandle Management System di Terminal Tanjung Priok 2, sebagai aplikasi yang menangani operasional untuk pelayanan Container Behandle yang terintegrasi dengan aplikasi kepabeanan serta kekarantinaan, pekerjaan dimaksud selesai diimplementasikan pada triwulan III tahun 2020.

3. Pembangunan jaringan wifi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, sebagai media koneksi seluruh insan IPC TPK untuk terhubung ke jaringan di wilayah Tanjung Priok, Go-live pada akhir Desember 2020.

4. Peremajaan Perangkat VMT, Pager dan Handheald untuk kebutuhan operasional PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, terealisasi pada akhir Desember 2020.

5. Implementasi Remote Tally System di Terminal Petikemas area Palembang dan Pontianak terealisasi di Triwulan 3 2020.

6. Implementasi Centralized Planning Control System untuk mengakomodir kegiatan berth allocation di seluruh wilayah PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, terealisasi di akhir Desember 2020.

7. Pembangunan Network Distribution Layer sebagai gerbang infrastruktur teknologi informasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang di mulai di akhir Desember 2020 dan diperkirakan selesai terealisasi di Triwulan 3 tahun 2021.

8. Instalasi Genset beserta UPS pada distribution area di Tanjung Priok yang memasok kebutuhan listrik di gate, billing dan planning control.

Rencana Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Jangka Panjang

Berdasarkan Roadmap BUMN 2020-2024, tertuang 5 formulasi prioritas Kementerian BUMN yang menjadi landasan arah kebijakan selanjutnya, salah satunya terkait kepemimpinan teknologi. Setiap perusahaan BUMN dan anak usahanya diarahkan untuk memimpin dalam hal teknologi strategis dan melembagakan kapabilitas digital. Berlandaskan formulasi yang ada dalam Roadmap BUMN 2020-2024 tersebut, IPC TPK telah menyusun Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) 2020-2024, termasuk di dalamnya pengembangan TI.

Training and Development of Human Resources Information Technology System

Organizing IT management takes reliable and competent human resources in the IT field. To fill these needs, IPC TPK conducts recruitment of human resources in the IT field strictly and selectively in order to obtain competent human resources and in accordance with predetermined standards.

Meanwhile, to improve the reliability and capability of IT human resources, IPC TPK organizes various educational and training programs, by both internal and external parties for technical and non-technical specializations. With its reliability and good understanding of the business process integration, IT human resources expected to be able to make strategic planning of Information Technology Systems and be able to make improvements and modifications to business process flows.

Investment in Information Technology

IT Investments are important to support IT developments in IPC TPK. In 2020, the Company has made investments in area of Information Technology, among which were:

1. The development of e-office as a one-stop service for office administration and human resource needs using web and mobile apps went live in mid-2020.

2. The implementation of Behandle Management System at Tanjung Priok 2 Terminal, which would function as an application for handling operation of Container Behandle, integrated with custom and quarantine applications, was completed in 3rd quarter of 2020.

3. The development of wifi network of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as a media that connect all IPC TPK employees with the network within Tanjung Priok area, went live at end of December 2020.

4. The upgrading of VMT, Pager and Handheald device to support operations of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas were realized at end of December 2020.

5. The implementation of Remote Tally System at Container Terminals of Palembang and Pontianak areas was realized in the 3rd quarter of 2020.

6. Implementation of Centralized Planning Control System to accommodate the berth allocation activities of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, was completed at end of December 2020.

7. The development of Network Distribution Layer as the gate of information technology infrastructure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas started at end of December 2020 and was expected to be completed at the 3rd quarter of 2021.

8. The genset and UPS installation in Tanjung Priok distribution area which would supply electricity for the gate, billing and planning control.

Long-Term Information Technology Development Plan

Pursuant to SOE Roadmap of 2020-2014, Ministry of SOEs has set 5 priority formulations that will serve as the basis for the next policies, one of which relate to the leadership in technology. Every SOE and its subsidiaries are directed to lead in strategic technologies and institutionalize the digital capability. Based on the existing formulation of the SOE Roadmap of the 2020-2024, IPC TPK has designed a Corporate Long-term Strategy (RJPP) of 2020-2024, which also contains the IT development plan.

103PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Komposisi Pemegang SahamShareholders' Composition

Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK per 31 Desember 2020

Pemegang SahamShareholders

Jumlah Saham (lembar)

Number of Shares (shares)

Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh

(Rp)Issued and Fully Paid-

in Capital (Rp)

Persentase Kepemilikan (%)

Percentage of Ownership (%)

Nilai Nominal Saham = Rp1.000.000/lembar saham/Par Value of Shares = Rp1,000,000/shareKepemilikan saham 5% atau lebih/Ownership of 5% or morePT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) 24.750 24.750.000.000 99,00%Kepemilikan di bawah 5%/Less than 5% OwnershipPT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama 250 250.000.000 1,00%Jumlah/Total 25.000 100,00%

Rincian 20 Pemegang Saham Terbesar dan Persentase KepemilikannyaHingga akhir tahun 2020, entitas induk perusahaan IPC TPK ialah PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 99,00% dan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 1,00%.

Nama Pemegang Saham yang Memiliki 5% atau Lebih SahamHingga posisi per 31 Desember 2020, IPC TPK merupakan entitas anak perusahaan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 99.00%.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama


Composition of IPC TPK’s Share Ownership

IPC TPK’s Share Ownership as of December 31st, 2020

Details of the 20 Largest Shareholders and Their Percentage of OwnershipUntil the end of 2020, the parent entities of IPC TPK were PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) with a 99.00% ownership and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama with a 1.00% ownership.

Shareholder Who Owns 5% or More SharesAs of December 31st, 2020, IPC TPK was a subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) which owned 99.00% shares.

Kebijakan umum IPC TPK terkait pengembangan TI dalam 5 (lima) tahun ke depan ialah membangun TI yang terintegrasi sehingga dapat memberikan data dan informasi secara aktual bagi seluruh pengguna dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi Perusahaan. Adapun pengembangan dan sasaran strategis terkait TI dalam RJPP 2020-2024, antara lain:

1. Transformasi digital: pengembangan IT Solution untuk pelayanan terminal petikemas.

2. Technology & Process Integration and Development:- Implementasi integrated data interchange terminal

dengan ekosistem logistic players.- Pengembangan Port Operation System. - Pengembangan Sistem Keuangan dan Sispro Billing.

IPC TPK’s general policies relating to the IT development within the next 5 (five) years are to develop an integrated IT that can provide actual data and information for the whole users and add values to the Company. The IT development and strategic objectives as contained in the RJPP of 2020-2014 are:

1. Digital transformation: Development of IT Solution to facilitate container terminal services.

2. Technology & Process Integration and Development:- Implementation of integrated data interchange terminal

using logistic players ecosystem.- Development of Port Operation System.- Development of Financial System and Billing Sispro.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

104 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kelompok Pemegang Saham Masyarakat (Kepemilikan Saham Masing-masing Kurang dari 5%)Hingga posisi per 31 Desember 2020, tidak ada kelompok Pemegang Saham dari masyarakat. IPC TPK merupakan Anak Perusahaan BUMN, yakni PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang memiliki 99,00% saham, dan Anak Perusahaan BUMN, yakni PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama yang memiliki 1,00% saham.

Informasi Kepemilikan Saham Perusahaan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Kepemilikan Saham IPC TPK oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi



2020 2019

Jumlah Saham (lembar)

Number of Shares (shares)

Persentase Kepemilikan (%)

Percentage of Ownership (%)

Jumlah Saham (lembar)

Number of Shares (shares)

Persentase Kepemilikan (%)

Percentage of Ownership (%)

Dewan Komisaris/Board of CommissionersMuarip Komisaris Utama

President Commissioner---

---Harry Kriswanto Komisaris/Commissioner

Asmai Ishak Komisaris/CommissionerDireksi/Board of DirectorsIrwan Favoriet Pelaksana Harian Direktur

Utama, Direktur Keuangan dan SDMInterim President Director, Director of Finance and Human Resources





David Pandapotan Sirait Direktur/Director

Informasi Tentang Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali Hingga Nama Pemilik AkhirPemegang saham utama dan pengendali IPC TPK ialah PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) atau dikenal juga dengan nama Indonesia Port Corporate (IPC), beralamat di Jl. Pasoso No. 1, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, 14310. Saham IPC dimiliki 100% oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan berada di bawah pembinaan Kementerian BUMN. Dengan demikian, Pemerintah Republik Indonesia merupakan entitas pemilik akhir Perusahaan.

Pendirian IPC merupakan tindak lanjut dari Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 1992 mengenai badan usaha pelabuhan. IPC merupakan salah satu BUMN di sektor perhubungan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengelolaan dan pengusahaan pelabuhan umum, yang wilayah operasinya meliputi 10 provinsi dengan mengelola 12 pelabuhan.

Sebelum diterbitkannya Undang-Undang No. 17 Tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran yang mengamanatkan agar PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I sampai dengan IV berfokus sebagai operator pelabuhan, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia berperan ganda sebagai operator sekaligus regulator. Peran operator adalah menjalankan jasa kepelabuhanan, seperti menyediakan sarana dan prasarana serta peralatan mekanik pelabuhan dan melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan bisnis kepelabuhan berkaitan dengan layanan kapal, layanan barang, dan layanan penumpang.

Pelabuhan memegang peran penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, salah satu contohnya ialah proyek Pendulum Nusantara. Proyek yang dibangun oleh IPC ini merupakan wujud dukungan terhadap program pemerintah yang tercantum dalam masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) untuk dapat mempercepat realisasi perluasan pembangunan ekonomi dan pemerataan kemakmuran di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia.

Information of Company Share Ownership by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

IPC TPK’s Share Ownership by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Information about Majority/Controlling Shareholders and the Ultimate ShareholderThe majority and controlling shareholder of TPK IPC is PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) or also known as Indonesia Port Corporate (IPC), located at Jl. Pasoso No. 1, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, 14310. IPC’s shares are 100% owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and with the guidance from Ministry of SOEs. As such, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is the ultimate shareholder of the Company.

IPC was established as a follow-up to Law No. 21 of 1992 concerning port business entities. IPC is one of the State-Owned Enterprises in the transportation sector engaging in the management and running of public ports, which operates in 10 provinces by managing 12 ports.

Prior to the issuance of Law No. 17 of 2008 on Shipping that mandates PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I to IV to focus as a port operator, then PT Pelabuhan Indonesia served dual roles, namely as an operator as well as a regulator. The role of the operator is to carry out port services such as providing facilities and infrastructure and mechanical equipment of the port, while carrying out all port business activities relating to ship services, goods services, and passenger services.

Ports play an important role in a country’s economic growth, and one example is the project of the Pendulum Nusantara. The project developed by the IPC is a form of support to the government’s program listed in the master plan of Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) to accelerate the realization of economic development expansion and equality in prosperity of the Indonesian people.

Public Shareholders Group (With Less than 5% Ownership Each)As of December 31st, 2020, there was no public shareholder group. IPC TPK is a subsidiary of an SOE, namely PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) which owns 99.00% of its shares, and a subsidiary of an SOE, namely PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama which owns 1.00% of its shares.

105PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Informasi Tentang Entitas Anak dan Entitas Asosiasi/Joint Venture (JV)/Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)Hingga posisi per 31 Desember 2020, IPC TPK memiliki 1 (satu) entitas asosiasi, yakni PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1).

Entitas Asosasi

PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1)NPCT1 merupakan entitas asosiasi usaha yang didirikan oleh IPC TPK dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 51,00% dan sisanya sebesar 49,00% dimiliki oleh SEA Terminal Management and Service Pte. Ltd. (STMS). Beroperasi sejak 18 Agustus 2016, NPCT1 yang merupakan tahap pertama pengembangan New Priok ini bergerak di bidang penanganan bongkar muat petikemas.

NPCT1 berkembang menjadi terminal paling modern di Jakarta yang secara aktif mengembangkan kebijakan ramah lingkungan, di antaranya melalui pengembangan ERTG dan fasilitas Cold Ironing. NPCT1 mengimplementasikan konsep yang mendalam, peralatan baru, sistem pabean dan karantina yang disempurnakan serta merepresentasikan komitmen IPC TPK dalam hal yang terbaik, perencanaan cerdas dan upaya yang terfokus dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan yang unggul bagi pelanggan.

Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaGovernment of the Republic of Indonesia

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama

Kepemilikan Saham IPCShare Ownership of IPC



Information About Subsidiaries and Associate/Joint Venture (JV)/Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) EntitiesAs of December 31st, 2020, IPC TPK has 1 (one) associate entity, namely PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1).

Associate Entity

PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1)NPCT1 is an associate entity established by IPC TPK with a 51.00% ownership and the remaining 49.00% shares are owned by SEA Terminal Management and Service Pte. Ltd. (STMS). Operating since August 18th, 2016, NPCT1 which is the first stage of the development process of New Priok engages in handling loading and unloading of containers.

NPCT1 has turned into the most modern terminal in Jakarta that actively develops environmental-friendly policies, through the development of ERTG and Cold Ironing facility. NPCT1 implements in-depth concepts, new equipment, enhanced customs and quarantine systems, and represents IPC TPK’s commitment in the best possible way, smart planning and focused in effort to provide excellent service for its customers.

Proyek Pendulum Nusantara merupakan upaya menghubungkan pelabuhan-pelabuhan strategis di Indonesia dari timur ke barat. Pelabuhan-pelabuhan tersebut akan ditingkatkan, baik fasilitas maupun infrastrukturnya untuk mampu melayani kapal dengan ukuran relatif besar, sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya logistik nasional dan mendorong pemerataan pertumbuhan ekonomi di seluruh Indonesia.

The Pendulum Nusantara project represents an effort to connect strategic ports in Indonesia from east to west. These ports will be improved, both in terms of facilities and infrastructure so as to be able to serve ships of a relatively large size, thus lowering national logistics costs and promoting equality of the economic growth throughout Indonesia.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

106 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

PT New Priok Container Terminal OneBidang Usaha : Terminal petikemasAlamat : Jalan Terminal Raya Kav. B No. 1 Kalibaru, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta 14110Tahun Berdiri : 2016Tahun Beroperasi Komersial : 2016Tahun Penyertaan Modal : 2016Status Operasi : Beroperasi

Kepemilikan oleh IPC TPK2020 : 51,00%

2019 : 51,00%

Total Aset2020 : 4.557.842.6402019 : 3.878.213.647

Struktur Grup PerusahaanGroup Structure

Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaGovernment of the Republic of Indonesia

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas(IPC TPK)

PT New Priok Container Terminal One(NPCT1)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama






PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (IPC TPK)

SEA Terminal Management and Service Pte. Ltd. (STMS)


PT New Priok Container Terminal OneBusiness Area : Container Terminal Address : Jalan Terminal Raya Kav. B No. 1 Kalibaru, Cilincing, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 14110 Establishment Year : 2016 Year of Commercial Operation : 2016Capital Investment Year : 2016Operation Status : Operating

IPC TPK’s Ownership 2020 : 51.00%

2019 : 51.00%

Total Assets2020 : 4,557,842,640

2019 : 3,878,213,647

107PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kronologis Penerbitan dan/atau Pencatatan SahamShare Issuance/Listing Chronology

Kronologis Penerbitan dan/atau Pencatatan Obligasi dan/atau Efek LainnyaOther Securities Issuance/Listing Chronology

IPC TPK tidak melakukan penawaran saham kepada publik ataupun memperdagangkan sahamnya melalui bursa saham manapun. Dengan demikian, IPC TPK tidak memiliki informasi terkait tahun penerbitan saham, jumlah saham, nilai nominal saham, harga penawaran saham untuk masing-masing tindakan korporasi (corporate action), jumlah saham tercatat setelah masing-masing tindakan korporasi (corporate action), maupun nama bursa di mana saham IPC TPK dicatatkan.

IPC TPK tidak melakukan penerbitan efek lainnya dalam bentuk apapun. Dengan demikian, IPC TPK tidak memiliki informasi terkait nama efek lainnya, tahun penerbitan efek lainnya, tingkat bunga/imbalan efek lainnya, dan tanggal jatuh tempo efek lainnya; nilai penawaran efek lainnya; nama bursa di mana efek lainnya dicatatkan; maupun peringkat efek.

IPC TPK did not offer shares to the public or trade its shares through any stock exchange. Thus, IPC TPK has no information in relation to the listing year, the number of shares, the nominal value of shares, the price of the share offering for each corporate action, neither the number of listed shares after each corporate action, nor the name of the exchange where IPC TPK’s shares are listed.

IPC TPK did not issue any kind of other securities. As such, IPC TPK had no information regarding other securities names, listing year of other securities, interest rates/yield of other securities, and other securities maturity dates; the amount of other securities offering; stock exchange name where other securities were listed; as well as the securities ratings.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

108 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Daftar Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang

Kantor Akuntan PublikPurwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ersnt and Young Indonesia)Gedung Indonesia Stock Exchange, Tower 2, Lantai 7Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53Kota Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Audit Laporan Keuangan 2020Rp1.090.000.000Oktober 2019–Februari 2020

Konsultan GCGDrs. SutardiIndividual ExpertJln. Cipta Manunggal II/B-14 RT013/RW 005Kelurahan Manunggal, Kec. Gayungan, Surabaya

Pendampingan Penilaian Penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Risk Management Tahun 2018Rp264.000.00029 Mei 2019-28 Mei 2020

Jasa Penilai Penerapan GCGPusat Pengembangan Akutansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Penilaian Penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Risk Management Tahun 2018Rp99.000.0001 Maret–5 April 2020

Notaris1. Dian Fitriana, S.H., M.Kn.

Kalimalang Square Blok F/21,Jln. K.H. Noer Ali Bekasi Jawa BaratTel.: +62 21 88952279Fax: +62 21 88952279

2. Silfia, S.H.Bentuk Jasa : Pembuatan Akta PerusahaanBiaya : Rp10.000.000Periode Penugasan : Sesuai Kebutuhan Perusahaan

Daftar Kantor Akuntan Publik dan Akuntan 4 (Empat ) Tahun Terakhir 2017-2020

Tahun Buku

Financial Year

Kantor Akuntan PublikPublic

Accounting Firm


JasaScope of Service

Jasa LainnyaOther Services


Biaya (Rp)Fee (Rp)

2020 Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst and Young Indonesia)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2020General audit of the Financial Report for the fiscal year of 2020

Laporan Kinerja dan Laporan Kepatuhan serta Laporan Pencapaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun Buku 2020Performance Report and Compliance Report and Achievement Report of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas For Fiscal Year of 2020

Wajar dalam semua hal yang materialFair in all material matters

2019 Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst and Young Indonesia)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2019General audit of the Financial Report for the fiscal year of 2019

Laporan Kinerja dan Laporan Kepatuhan serta Laporan Pencapaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun Buku 2019Performance Report and Compliance Report and Achievement Report of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas For Fiscal Year of 2019

Wajar dalam semua hal yang materialFair in all material matters

List of Supporting Institutions and Professions

Public Accounting FirmPurwantono, Sungkoro and Surja (Ernst and Young Indonesia)Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower 2, 7th FloorJln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53South Jakarta, Indonesia

Audit of Financial Statements for year of 2020Rp1,090,000,000October 2019–February 2020

GCG ConsultantDrs. SutardiAn Individual ExpertJln. Cipta Manunggal II/B-14 RT013/RW 005Manunggal Subdistrict, Gayungan District, Surabaya

Assistance for assessment of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Management in 2018Rp264,000,000May 29th, 2019-May 28th, 2020

GCG Assessment ServicesAccounting and Finance Development Center(PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Assessment of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Management in 2018Rp99,000,000March 1st–April 5th, 2020

Notary1. Dian Fitriana, S.H., M.Kn.

Kalimalang Square Block F/21,Jln. K.H. Noer Ali Bekasi West JavaPh. : +62 21 88952279Facs : +62 21 88952279

2. Silfia, S.H.Form of Services : Preparing the Company’s Deeds Fee : Rp10,000,000 Assignment Period : According to the Company’s Needs

Lembaga dan Profesi PenunjangSupporting Institution and Profession

List of Public Accountants and Accountants in the Last 4 (Four) Years (2017-2020)

109PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Penghargaan, Pengakuan Eksternal dan SertifikasiAwards, External Acknowledgement and Certifications

Penghargaan Tahun 2020


Nama PenghargaanAward Name


Kategori PenghargaanAppreciation Category

2 April 2020/April 2nd, 2020

Insan PR Indonesia 2020 PR Indonesia Bronze Winner Insan PR 2020 Kategori Manager PRBronze Winner Insan PR 2020 in PR Manager Category

29 Juli 2020/July 20th, 2020

GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award

Majalah/Magazine Business News

The Best GRC For Performance Management In Information Technology 2020 (Logistic Services)

29 Juli 2020/July 20th, 2020

GRC 2020 & Performance Excellence Award

Majalah/Magazine Business News

The Best Corporate Secretary

15 Oktober 2020/October 15th, 2020

TOP GRC Awards 2020 Majalah/Magazine TOP Business

TOP GRC 2020 Stars #4

15 Oktober 2020/October 15th, 2020

TOP GRC Awards 2020 Majalah/Magazine TOP Business

The Most Committed GRC Leader 2020

5 November 2020/November 5th, 2020

BUMN Branding & Marketing Award 2020

BUMN Track Export Supporting Development Terbaik

13 November 2020/November 13th, 2020

Claim Award Period 2019-2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), Sarana Janesia Utama dan Askrindo Insurance

Sosialisasi Polis Asuransi dan Juklak Klaim PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Socialization of Insurance Policy and Claim Procedures of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

25 November 2020/November 25th, 2020

2020 Digital Marketing & Human Capital Awards

Majalah/Magazine Business News

The Best Business Strategy & Digital Marketing team 2020 (Port & Logistics Industries)

Sertifikasi yang Masih Berlaku Hingga Tahun 2020

Nama SertifikasiCertification Name

Lingkup SertifikasiScope of


Dikeluarkan OlehIssuer

Masa BerlakuValidity Period

Keterangan SertifikasiCertification Description

Pernyataan Pemenuhan Keamanan Fasilitas PelabuhanStatement of Security Compliance of Port Facilities


Kementerian Perhubungan Republik IndonesiaMinistry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia

7 Februari 2021February 7th, 2021

Pernyataan dari Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia bahwa pelabuhan yang dikelola oleh PT IPC Terminal Petikemas telah memenuhi aspek keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan berdasarkan ketentuan Koda Internasional tentang Keamanan Kapal dan Fasilitas Pelabuhan.A statement from the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia that the port managed by PT IPC Terminal Petikemas has complied with the security aspects of port facilities according to the International Code Standard on Ship Safety and Port Facilities.

Tahun Buku

Financial Year

Kantor Akuntan PublikPublic

Accounting Firm


JasaScope of Service

Jasa LainnyaOther Services


Biaya (Rp)Fee (Rp)

2018 Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst and Young Indonesia)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2018General audit of the Financial Report for the fiscal year of 2018

Laporan Kinerja dan Laporan Kepatuhan serta Laporan Pencapaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun Buku 2018Performance Report and Compliance Report and Achievement Report of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas For Fiscal Year of 2018

Wajar dalam semua hal yang materialFair in all material matters

2017 Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst and Young Indonesia)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2017General audit of the Financial Report for the fiscal year of 2017

Laporan Kinerja dan Laporan Kepatuhan serta Laporan Pencapaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun Buku 2017Performance Report and Compliance Report and Achievement Report of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas For Fiscal Year of 2017

Wajar dalam semua hal yang materialFair in all material matters


2020 Awards

Certifications Valid Until 2020

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

110 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Nama dan Alamat Entitas Anak, Entitas Asosiasi, Kantor Cabang atau Kantor PerwakilanName and Address of Subsidiary, Associate, Office Branch or Representative Office

Alamat Entitas AsosiasiAddress of the Associate Entity

New Priok Container Terminal 1 (NPCT1) Jl. Terminal Kalibaru Raya Kav. B No.1Cilincing, Jakarta UtaraDaerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14110Phone: +62 21 29144888

Alamat Area OperasiAddresses of Operational Areas

Kantor Pusat Gedung Terminal Operasi 3 Head Office of Terminal Operasi 3Jalan Raya Pelabuhan No. 23 Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara 14310Tel. : +6221 4301080 Ext 7052, 40003899/77E-mail : [email protected]

IPC TPK Area Tanjung PriokJalan Raya Pelabuhan No. 23Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara 14310

IPC TPK Area PontianakJalan Pak Kasih No. 11Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113Tel. : +62 561 732181, 732094Fax. : +62 561 732612E-mail : [email protected]

IPC TPK Area JambiJalan Raya Pelabuhan KM. 9Talang Duku, Jambi 36251Tel. : +62 741 35070, 35068, 35069Fax. : +62 741 7553323E-mail : [email protected]

IPC TPK Area PanjangJalan Yos Sudarso no 337Panjang, Bandar Lampung 35241Tel. : +62 721 31149, 31146Fax : +62721 31155E-mail : [email protected]

IPC TPK Area PalembangJalan Belinyu No. 1Boom Baru, Palembang 30115Tel. : +62 711 710611Fax : +62 711 711758E-mail : [email protected]

IPC TPK Area Teluk BayurJalan Semarang No. 03Teluk Bayur, Padang 25217Tel. : +62 751 61646, 61639 ext. 134Fax : +62 751 611169E-mail : [email protected]

111PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Informasi pada Situs Web PerusahaanInformation on the Company Website

Sebagai Perusahaan yang melayani publik dalam hal pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas, IPC TPK telah membuat sarana informasi yang dapat oleh masyarakat luas melalui media website, yaitu Hal ini selaras dengan UU No. 14 tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, yang tercantum dalam Pasal 9 Ayat 4 mengamanatkan bahwa Badan Publik memiliki kewajiban menyebarluaskan informasi publik yang disampaikan dengan cara yang mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat.

Situs web IPC TPK merupakan portal digital resmi yang dikembangkan oleh IPC TPK dalam rangka bagian dari keterbukaan informasi yang mengungkapkan informasi yang komprehensif tentang IPC TPK kepada masyarakat luas. Konten yang disajikan pada situs web PT IPC Terminal Petikemas senantiasa diperbarui secara berkala dan berisi hal-hal yang informatif, sehingga masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi IPC TPK dengan lebih cepat, tepat waktu, biaya ringan, dan dengan cara yang lebih mudah.

Keberadaan situs web IPC TPK dibuat dengan merujuk pada peraturan dan perundang-undangan sebagai berikut:› Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan

Informasi Publik.› Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/29/12/9/1pctpk-17

tanggal 29 Desember 2017 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Website dan Media Sosial di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

› Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/29/12/2/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 29 Desember 2017 tentang Kebijakan Pengelolaan Informasi, Data dan Dokumen Perusahaan di Lingkungan IPC TPK.




Informasi Pemegang Saham sampai dengan pemilik akhir individuShareholder information up to individual ultimate shareholders


Isi Kode EtikSubstance of Code of Conduct


Informasi Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) paling kurang meliputi bahan mata acara yang dibahas dalam RUPS, ringkasan risalah RUPS, dan informasi tanggal penting yaitu tanggal pengumuman RUPS, tanggal pemanggilan RUPS, tanggal RUPS, tanggal ringkasan risalah RUPS diumumkanThe information of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) shall at least include the agenda materials discussed in the GMS, the minutes meeting of the GMS, and information of important date, namely the date of the GMS announcement, the date of the GMS summon, the date of the GMS implementation, the date of the announcement of GMS Minutes Meeting

Belum TersediaNot Yet Available

Belum terdapat informasi RUPSNo information about GMS yet

As a Company that serves the public with container terminal services, IPC TPK has developed access of information for the public through a website, namely This is in line with Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure, as contained in Article 9 Paragraph 4 mandating that a Public Entity have an obligation to disseminate public information that is easily accessible for the public.

The Company’s website is an official digital portal developed by IPC TPK in order to support the disclosure of information that reveals comprehensive information about IPC TPK to the public. The content of the website of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas is regularly updated and is informative in many ways so that the public can obtain information about the Company faster, on time, at a minimum cost, and in an easier way.

The Company’s website is developed with reference to the following laws and regulations:› Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure.

› The Board of Directors Decree No. HK.566/29/12/9/1pctpk-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning Guidelines for Website and Social Media Management in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

› The Board of Directors Decree No. HK.566/29/12/2/IPCTPK-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning Policy on Corporate Management of Information, Data and Documents within IPC TPK.

Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

112 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pendidikan dan/atau Pelatihan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite-komite, Sekretaris Perusahaan, dan Unit Audit InternalEducation and/or Training of Board of Commissioners', Board of Directors', Committees, Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit Unit

Nama dan JabatanName and Position

Jenis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Type of Training and Education

Materi Pendidikan dan PelatihanTarining and Education Material



Dewan Komisaris/Board of CommissionersHary Kriswanto Soft Skill Detection and Prevention Fraud of Financial

StatementZoom Meeting7 Juli/July 2020

PT Aspira ConsultingIndonesia dan AsosiasiAuditor FosensikIndonesia

Direksi/Board of DirectorsIrwan Favoriet Soft Skill Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote

Team Member Effectively BOD-1 Training on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-1

Zoom Meeting25 Agustus/August 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Soft Skill Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders

Zoom Meeting7 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Technical Skill Pelaksanaan Logistics Performance Outward-Inward Looking Perspective & SolutionsTraining on Logistics Performance Outward-Inward Looking Perspective & Solutions.

Zoom Meeting14 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Prastyo Wasis Prabowo

Soft Skill Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders

Zoom Meeting7 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Pelaksanaan Webinar Mewujudkan Ekosistem Sistem Logistik Nasional Untuk Indonesia Webinar on Realizing National Logistics System Ecosystem for Indonesia

Zoom Meeting1 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas




Struktur Grup PerusahaanCorporate Group Structure


Analisis Kinerja KeuanganFinancial Performance Analysis


Laporan Keuangan Tahunan (5 tahun terakhir)Annual Financial Statements (the last 5 years)


Profil Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiProfiles of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors


Piagam/Charter Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite-komite, dan Unit Audit InternalCharters of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Committees, and Internal Audit Unit


Belum terdapat Piagam Dewan Komisaris, Komite-komite, dan Unit Audit InternalThere is no charter of the Board of Commissioners, Committees, and Internal Audit Unit

113PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Nama dan JabatanName and Position

Jenis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Type of Training and Education

Materi Pendidikan dan PelatihanTarining and Education Material



Rizki Widhiono Soft Skill Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders

Zoom Meeting7 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Sekretaris Perusahaan/Corporate SecretaryFinan Syaifullah Technical Skill Pelaksanaan Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Sekretaris

PerusahaanTraining and Certification on Corporate Secretarial Practice

Kampus I - IPC Corporate University Ciawi – Bogor29-31 Januari/January 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Technical Skill Ujian Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Sekretaris PerusahaanTest on Training and Certification in Corporate Secretarial Practice

Kampus I - IPC Corporate University Ciawi - Bogor20 Febuari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Technical Skill Training ISO 26000 CSR PerusahaanTraining on ISO 26000 about Corporate CSR

Hotel Ibis Thamrin, Jakarta, 4-5 Maret/March 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Audit Internal/Internal AuditHarry Nugraha Haedi

Soft Skill Peserta Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-2 Batch 4Participant of Training on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-2 Batch 4

Web Seminar17 April 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Dewa Cipta HadiKepala Audit/ITPK

Pelaksanaan Pelatihan MDP II - Personal Aspect & Leadership SkillTraining on MDP II - Personal Aspect & Leadership Skill

Kampus I - IPC Corporate University, Ciawi - Bogor5-7 Februari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan Sertifikasi Audit Intern Tingkat LanjutanTraining on Certification in Internal Audit - Extension

L’Avenue Office Tower Lt. 17 F, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 16, Pancoran Jakarta Selatan 1278017-29 Februari/February 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Webinar dengan tema Peran Audit Internal Dalam Mengawal Proses Perubahan Organisasi Menuju e-Business & e-Government pada Era Digital & Pandemi Covid-19Web Seminar with a theme “Role of Internal Audit in Guiding Organizational Transformation Process toward e-Business & e-Government in Digital & Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Webinar17 April 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

114 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

Hingga akhir tahun 2020, IPC TPK mencatat arus petikemas sekitar 2.579.321 juta TEU untuk 6 (enam) terminal petikemas yang dikelolanya.

As at the end of 2020, IPC TPK recorded a container flow of around 2,579,321 million TEU for the 6 (six) container terminals being managed.

115PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

116 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Analisis Posisi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dalam Industri Terminal Petikemas Position Analysis of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in the Container Terminal Industry

Sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri terminal petikemas, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (IPC TPK) berkomitmen penuh untuk memberikan pelayanan yang optimal bagi pelanggan di seluruh terminal petikemas yang dikelolanya.

Untuk menentukan posisi perusahaan, IPC TPK melakukan analisis SWOT dengan metode EFAS dan IFAS yang membuktikan bahwa IPC TPK berada pada posisi yang dapat memanfaatkan strengths to capture opportunities.

Berdasarkan analisis SWOT yang terkuantifikasi, posisi IPC TPK berada pada area “Strength and Opportunities” dimana IPC TPK harus menggunakan kekuatan dan value proposition yang ada untuk mengambil peluang dan mengatasi tantangan. Dalam hal ini, IPC TPK dapat menangkap peluang dan meningkatkan kelangsungan bisnis melalui peningkatan kapabilitas dan strategic direction yang tepat.

Keunggulan StrengthKelemahan Weaknesses

Peluang Opportunities

IPC TPK2,50 4,50



K - IIIUbah strategiChange strategy

K - IProgresif


K - IVBertahanEndure

K - IIDiversifikasi


Ancaman Threats

KEUNGGULAN• Wilayah kerja IPC TPK beroperasi di Indonesia bagian barat, khususnya

Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, yang memiliki industri utama serta permintaan dengan pertumbuhan yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan rata-rata nasional.

• Proses layanan dan administrasi pengelolaan terminal petikemas didukung teknologi dan sistem informasi.

STRENGTHS• IPC TPK operates in western Indonesia, particularly Tanjung

Priok Port, which has a major industry and high demand growth compared to the national average.

• The service and administration process of container terminal management is supported by technology and information systems.

ANCAMAN• Ketidakpastian ekonomi global dan nasional akibat pandemi Covid-19. • Semakin tingginya tingkat kompetisi dalam pengoperasian Terminal


THREATS• Global and national economic uncertainty due to the Covid-19

pandemic.• The higher level of competition in the operation of the Container


KELEMAHAN• Pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas pada 6 area belum terintegrasi

secara optimal. • Kondisi dan kinerja peralatan Terminal Petikemas eksisting belum


WEAKNESSES• The operation of Container Terminals in 6 areas has not been

optimally integrated.• The condition and performance of the existing Container Terminal

equipment has not yet been optimal.

PELUANG• Potensi ekspansi domestik dengan memanfaatkan tren perdagangan

positif antar pulau di Indonesia.• Tren digital dalam mendukung peningkatan layanan Terminal Petikemas. • Adanya kebutuhan dan arahan dari pemerintah terkait integrasi

Terminal Petikemas dengan ekosistem logistik yang berpotensi dalam memperoleh pasar yang baru.

OPPORTUNITIES• Potential for domestic expansion by taking advantage of the

positive inter-island trade trend in Indonesia.• Digital trend in supporting the improvement of Container Terminal

services.• There is a need and direction from the government regarding the

integration of the Container Terminal and the logistics ecosystem with potential to gain new markets.

As a Company engaged in the container terminal industry, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas (IPC TPK) is fully committed to providing optimal service to customers in all container terminals under its management.

To determine the Company’s position, IPC TPK conducts a SWOT analysis using the EFAS and IFAS methods, proving that IPC TPK is in a position that may take advantage of strengths to capture opportunities.

Based on a quantified SWOT analysis, the position of IPC TPK is in the “Strength and Opportunities” area where IPC TPK must use existing strengths and value propositions to take opportunities and overcome challenges. In this case, IPC TPK manages to seize opportunities and improve business continuity through increasing capabilities and the right strategic direction.

117PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Rencana dan Kebijakan Strategis Tahun 2020 2020 Strategic Plan and Policy

Dalam menjalankan pengelolaan IPC TPK selama tahun 2020, Manajemen berpedoman pada Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2020 serta Kontrak Manajemen 2020, yang telah ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Pemegang Saham. Terkait dengan hal ini, Direksi berkewajiban untuk menyusun Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) untuk setiap tahun buku yang kemudian disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk mendapat masukan dan persetujuan serta disahkan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS).

RKAP tahun 2020 disusun dan dilaksanakan dengan mengacu pada ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia No. KEP101/MBU/2002 tanggal 4 Juni 2002 tentang Penyusunan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara. RKAP tahun buku 2020 telah disahkan oleh Pemegang Saham melalui Surat Keputusan Pemegang Saham di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS Sirkuler) No. SK.03/21/12/10/PBI/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XII/2020 tentang Persetujuan Revisi RKAP PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tahun 2020.

Adapun RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas 2020 berfokus pada pembenahan internal dalam rangka persiapan untuk melakukan penggabungan usaha di tahun mendatang dengan rencana faktor-faktor utama keberhasilan sebagai berikut:

1. Meningkatkan daya saing melalui peningkatan produktivitas dan efisiensi, termasuk peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dari waktu ke waktu.

2. Meningkatkan kapabilitas talenta Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang agile, adaptive, dan digitally-enabled.

3. Implementasi Green Technology dalam mendukung pelayanan Terminal Petikemas yang ramah lingkungan.

4. Meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap standar Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE).

5. Membangun konektivitas yang terintegrasi dengan terminal peti kemas IPC TPK maupun di luar IPC TPK, sentralisasi dan implementasi smart terminal.

6. Melakukan transformasi digital dengan tujuan peningkatan layanan Terminal Petikemas yang dampaknya memberikan manfaat kepada stakeholder baik customer maupun pelaku-pelaku dalam ekosistem logistic maritim.

7. Memperluas pangsa pasar, antara lain melalui berbagai kegiatan promosi dan sosialisasi produk dan layanan.

8. Melakukan inovasi dalam model bisnis dengan cara melakukan ekspansi pasar (baik domestik maupun internasional), strategic partnership, serta pengembangan bisnis pendukung yang mendukung bisnis inti perusahaan.

Hingga akhir tahun 2020, IPC TPK mengelola 6 (enam) terminal petikemas, yaitu Terminal Petikemas Tanjung Priok, Terminal Petikemas Pontianak, Terminal Petikemas Panjang, Terminal Petikemas Palembang, Terminal Petikemas Teluk Bayur, Terminal Petikemas Jambi.

Berdasarkan data internal Perusahaan, IPC TPK mencatat arus petikemas sekitar 2.579.321 juta TEU untuk 6 (enam) terminal petikemas tersebut di atas, sedikit menurun sebesar 0,32% dibandingkan capaian tahun 2019 sebesar 2.587.629 TEU.

As at the end of 2020, IPC TPK managed 6 (six) container terminals, namely Tanjung Priok Container Terminal, Pontianak Container Terminal, Panjang Container Terminal, Palembang Container Terminal, Teluk Bayur Container Terminal, Jambi Container Terminal.

Based on the Company's internal data, IPC TPK recorded a container flow of around 2,579,321 million TEU for the 6 (six) container terminals mentioned above, a slight decrease of 0.32% from the 2019 achievement of 2,587,629 TEU.

In carrying out the management of IPC TPK during 2020, the Management adhered to the 2020 Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) and the 2020 Management Contract, which have been stipulated in the Shareholders' Resolutions. In this regard, the Board of Directors was obliged to prepare a Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for each financial year, then submitting it to the Board of Commissioners for its input and approval and being ratified through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

The 2020 RKAP was prepared and implemented with reference to the provisions as stated in the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia No. KEP101/MBU/2002 dated June 4th, 2002 concerning Preparation of Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for State-Owned Enterprises. The RKAP for the financial year 2020 has been ratified by the shareholders through the Decree of the Shareholders in lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS Circular) No. SK.03/21/12/10/PBI/UT/PI.II-2020 and No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XII/2020 Regarding Approval Revision of the 2020 RKAP and Management Contract of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas year 2020.

The 2020 RKAP and Management Contract of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas focused on internal improvements in preparation for a business merger in the coming year with the following key success factors plan:

1. Increasing competitiveness through productivity and efficiency, including improving service quality from time to time.

2. Improving the capabilities of agile, adaptive, and digitally-enabled Human Resources (HR) talents.

3. Implementation of Green Technology to support environmentally friendly Container Terminal services.

4. Improving compliance with Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) standards.

5. Building integrated connectivity with IPC TPK container terminals and outside IPC TPK, centralization and implementation of smart terminals.

6. Carry out digital transformation with the aim of improving Container Terminal services with the impact that will provide benefits to stakeholders, both customers and players in the maritime logistics ecosystem.

7. Expanding market share, among others through various promotional activities and product and service socialization.

8. Bringing innovation of business models by expanding markets (both domestic and international), strategic partnerships, and developing supporting businesses that propel the Company's core business.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

118 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

9. Kolaborasi mutualisme secara transparan dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan ekosistem logistic maritim.

Asumsi Penyusunan RKAP Tahun 2020

Penyusunan RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen 2020 dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian nasional maupun global sebagaimana telah dipaparkan sebelumnya, serta mengacu pada Corporate Roadmap 2016-2020, di mana tahun 2020 merupakan tahun World Class Performance. Selain itu, asumsi internal dan eksternal Perusahaan serta aspirasi Pemegang Saham menjadi faktor yang diperhitungkan oleh Direksi dalam penyusunan RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen 2020 yang secara rinci dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

Asumsi EksternalExternal Assumptions

Asumsi InternalInternal Assumptions

• Tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi 2,3% • Laju inflasi 3,9%• Kurs Rupiah Rp14.800/1 USD• Harga Minyak Mentah USD38/barel• Economic Growth Rate 2.3%• Inflation Rate 3.9%• Rupiah Exchange Rate Rp14,800/1 USD• Crude Oil Price USD38/barrel

• Wilayah Operasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas terdiri dari 8 Area yaitu: Tanjung Priok 1, Tanjung Priok 2, Area Terminal Support, Area Panjang, Area Teluk Bayur, Area Palembang, Area Pontianak, dan Area Jambi

• Penerapan PSAK 71, 72 dan 73 sejak 1 Januari 2020• Pembebasan bunga pinjaman dengan STMS• The area of operations of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas consists of 8

areas, namely: Tanjung Priok 1, Tanjung Priok 2, Terminal Support Area, Panjang Area, Teluk Bayur Area, Palembang Area, Pontianak Area, and Jambi Area

• Adoption of PSAK 71, 72 and 73 since January 1st, 2020• Loan interest exemption with STMS

Aspirasi Pemegang Saham Aspirations of Shareholders





RKAP20202020 RKAP



Dibandingkan dengan


In Comparison to 2019


Dibandingkan dengan RKAP

2020In Comparison to 2020 RKAP

1 Sales to Average Asset % 211,76 92,84 57,64 40,40 92,16

2 Average Asset to Average Equity % 414,16 813,32 1.262,29 304,78 155,20

3 Net Profit Margin % 12,53 1,9 (0,67) (5,34) (35,15)

4 EBITDA Margin % 10,64 24,10 22,96 215,84 95,26

5 Return on Equity % 52,77 12,01 (10,07) (9,40) (7,38)

6 Return on Asset % 27,97 1,14 (0,36) (1,27) (31,26)

7 Current Ratio % 106,30 146,18 101,00 95,01 69,09

8 Operating Cash Flow to Sales Kali/Times 0,008 0,01 0,18 2.363,29 1.642,00

9 Cash Flow to Debt Ratio Kali/Times 0,09 0,11 1,96 20,55 124,14

Selain menggunakan asumsi, baik internal dan eksternal serta aspirasi Pemegang Saham tersebut di atas, Perusahaan juga melakukan pemetaan kekuatan melalui analisis SWOT atau Strength (kekuatan/keunggulan), Weakness (kelemahan), Opportunities (peluang), Threats (ancaman) untuk menyusun kebijakan strategis yang telah diungkapkan pada bagian “Analisis Posisi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dalam Industri Terminal Petikemas”.

Berdasarkan analisa SWOT yang telah dilakukan, Manajemen merumuskan sasaran kinerja yang akan dicapai IPC TPK pada tahun pelaksanaan anggaran Perusahaan yang tertuang dalam RUPS RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2020 yang secara ringkas meliputi:1. Mencapai throughput petikemas sebesar 2.329.783 TEU.2. Mencapai laba sebelum pajak sebesar Rp43.647 miliar.

Angka-angka tersebut mengalami penurunan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya karena adanya penyesuaian sehubungan dengan pandemi Covid-19.

9. Transparent mutualism collaboration with all stakeholders of the maritime logistics ecosystem.

Assumptions for the Preparation of the 2020 RKAP

The preparation of the 2020 RKAP and Management Contract was carried out by taking into account the national and global economic conditions as previously explained, referring to the 2016-2020 Corporate Roadmap, as 2020 was the year of World Class Performance. In addition, the Company's internal and external assumptions as well as the aspiration of shareholders were factors to be taken into account by the Board of Directors in the preparation of the 2020 RKAP and Management Contract, as can be seen in detail in the following table:

In addition to the assumptions, both internal and external as well as the aspirations of the shareholders as mentioned above, the Company also conducted a mapping of strengths through a SWOT analysis or Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats to formulate strategic policies as disclosed in the “Position Analysis of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in the Container Terminal Industry”.

Based on the SWOT analysis, Management formulated performance targets to be achieved by IPC TPK in the year of the Company's budget implementation as stated in the 2020 RKAP GMS and Management Contract which briefly included:

1. To achieve a container throughput of 2,329,783 TEU.2. To achieve profit before tax of Rp43,647 billion.

These figures have decreased compared to the previous year due to adjustments in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic.

119PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

3. Menetapkan target skor assessment GCG implementasi tahun 2020 dengan skor sebesar “96,10”.

4. Menetapkan indeks kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 4,67 skala Likert dari capaian sebelumnya sebesar 4,71 skala Likert.

5. Meningkatkan indeks kepuasan pegawai sebesar 4,50 skala Likert.

Selain itu, dengan mengacu pada target RJPP tahun 2020 di atas, Perusahaan juga menyusun program kerja strategis serta target-target yang hendak dicapai. Adapun realisasi program strategis di tahun 2020, adalah sebagai berikut:

No.Program StrategisStrategic Program



1 Pengurusan kontrak jangka panjang atas business existingManagement of long-term contracts for existing businesses

Kontrak jangka panjang 4 (empat) area antara lain Panjang, Palembang, Jambi dan Teluk BayurLong-term contracts for 4 (four) areas including Panjang, Palembang, Jambi and Teluk Bayur

a. Telah dilakukan kesepakatan nilai kerja sama Rental Fee untuk Cabang Panjang, Jambi, Teluk Bayur.

b. Finalisasi negosiasi nilai kerja sama Rental Fee untuk Cabang Palembang dan Pontianak.

c. Telah dikirim surat permohonan kerja sama ke Cabang terkait untuk perpanjangan kerja sama (sesuai arahan Dewan Komisaris dan Direktur IPC).

d. Telah diikuti proses pemilihan mitra yang diselenggarakan oleh Cabang IPC.

e. Telah disusun dan ditandatangani Perjanjian kerja sama dengan jangka waktu sesuai dengan kewenangan GM.

a. An agreement on the value of the rental fee cooperation has been made for Panjang, Jambi, Teluk Bayur Branches.

b. Finalized the negotiation of the rental fee cooperation value for Palembang and Pontianak Branches.

c. A letter of request for cooperation has been sent to the relevant Branch for the extension of the cooperation (according to the direction of the Board of Commissioners and the Directors of IPC).

d. The partner selection process has been attended by the IPC Branch.e. A cooperation agreement has been drawn up and signed with a period

of time in accordance with GM’s authority.

2 Proses kerja sama pengoperasian Terminal di Luar IPC-Dalam dan Luar NegeriThe process of cooperation in the operating Terminals outside the IPC – Domestic and Overseas

Mendapatkan kontrak kerja sama/konsesi dengan Container Terminal Operator di luar IPCSecure cooperation/concession contracts with Container Terminal Operators outside IPC

Dalam proses penjajakan kembali dengan Asia Pulp and Paper Group (APP) Group sebagai tindak lanjut rencana kerjasamaIn the process of re-exploring with the Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Group as a follow-up to the cooperation plan

3 Implementasi Green TerminalImplementation of Green Terminal

• Mendukung program ramah lingkungan sekaligus efisiensi penggunaan energi

• Mendapatkan brand image yang baik

• Support environmentally friendly programs as well as efficient use of energy

• Earn a good brand image

• Telah dilaksanakan operasional elektrifikasi RMGC di Area Palembang sejak tanggal 20 Juni 2020

• Untuk Area Teluk Bayur dan Pontianak akan dilakukan di tahun 2021, direncanakan melalui penunjukan ulang kepada PT JPPI

• The RMGC electrification operation has been carried out in the Palembang Area since June 20, 2020

• For the Teluk Bayur and Pontianak areas, this will be carried out in 2021, being planned to be re-appointed to PT JPPI

4 Implementasi Smart Terminal: Integrated Operation Dashboard untuk pilot project TPK PanjangImplementation of Smart Terminal: Integrated Operation Dashboard for TPK Panjang pilot project

Memberikan kemudahan kepada pelanggan dalam melakukan transaksiProvide convenience for customers in conducting transactions

Development I-HUB Fase Kedua telah selesai, dan masih terdapat beberapa pengembangan, dengan keterangan: a. Sudah dilakukan SIT dan 3 kali UAT, namun masih terdapat beberapa

bugs minor dan enhancement sesuai dengan kebutuhan customer.b. Sudah dilakukan pembahasan bersama Tim Holding terkait strategi

implementasi Change Management di TPK Panjang.c. Masih perlu dilakukan pembahasan untuk diambil keputusan mengenai

scope implementasi fase I (Kegiatan diluar Terminal - Truck Booking dll.) dan juga Fase II (Receiving - Delivery Terminal).

d. I-HUB akan diimplementasikan dengan strategi Selected Customer (GGP).

e. Sesuai hasil meeting reviu UAT, perlu dilakukan penyesuaian timeline dan diestimasikan Go Live pada bulan Maret 2021.

The Second Phase of I-HUB Development has been completed, and there were still some developments, with the information: a. SIT has been done and 3 times UAT, but there were still some minor bugs

and enhancements according to customer needs.b. Discussions have been held with the Holding Team regarding the Change

Management implementation strategy at TPK Panjang.c. Need further discussion for making a decision regarding the scope of

implementation of phase I (Activities outside the Terminal - Truck Booking etc) and also Phase II (Receiving - Delivery Terminal).

d. I-HUB will be implemented with selected Customer (GGP) strategye. According to the results of the UAT review meeting, it is necessary to adjust

the Timeline and Go Live is estimated in March 2021.

3. Set a target score for the 2020 implementation of GCG assessment with a score of “96.10”.

4. Establish a customer satisfaction index of 4.67 on a Likert scale from the previous achievement of 4.71 on a Likert scale.

5. Increase the employee satisfaction index to 4.50 Likert scale.

In addition, with reference to the 2020 RJPP targets, the Company also prepared strategic work programs and targets to achieve. The realization of strategic programs in 2020 were as follows:

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

120 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Program StrategisStrategic Program



5 Penyempurnaan sistem KeuanganFinancial system improvements

• Meningkatkan keakuratan data dan kemudahan konsolidasi transaksi antar anak perusahaan

• Kemudahan pembayaran bagi pelanggan

• Optimalisasi penggunaan anggaran

• Improve data accuracy and ease of consolidation of transactions between subsidiaries

• Ease of payment for customers

• Optimization of the use of budget

• Go Live Aplikasi Cost Accounting - Area Panjang dan Palembang tanggal 30 September 2019 - Area Tanjung Priok, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, dan Jambi tanggal 17

Januari 2020 • Go Live Aplikasi Project Costing pada bulan 7 Januari 2020 • Go Live Aplikasi e-Invoice pada 27 Februari 2020. • Go Live Penyempurnaan e-PBCS 27 April 2020 • Go Live AGIS pada 1 April 2020• Go Live of Cost Accounting Application

- In Panjang and Palembang area on September 30th, 2019 - In Tanjung Priok, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, and Jambi areas on January

17th, 2020 • Go Live of Project Costing Application on January 7th, 2020 • Go Live of E-Invoice Application on February 27th, 2020 • Go Live of Enhancement of E-PBCS on April 27th, 2020 • Go Live of AGIS on April 1st, 2020

6 Implementasi Risk Information Management SystemImplementation of Risk Information Management System

• Laporan Risk Profile Area Level dan Korporasi Tahun 2020

• Laporan Monitoring Penanganan Risiko dan Kejadian Merugikan

• Umpan balik dan Arahan atas implementasi pengelolaan manajemen risiko perusahaan

• Bussiness Continuity Plan• Laporan pelaksanaan

pelatihan personel manajemen risiko

• Laporan pelaksanaan forum Diskusi/Sharing Session dengan praktisi Manajemen Risiko

• Laporan hasil studi banding implementasi manajemen risiko

• Hasil reviu RiMS berbasis web• Risk Profile Area Level and

Corporate Report 2020 • Monitoring Report on Risk

Management and Adverse Events

• Feedback and Directions on the implementation of the Company’s risk management

• Business Continuity Plan • Report on the implementation

of risk management personnel training

• Report on the implementation of the Discussion forum/Sharing Session with Risk Management practitioners

• Report on the results of a comparative study on the implementation of risk management

• Web-based RiMS review results

• Telah disusun profil risiko tingkat area dan korporasi untuk tahun 2020. • Telah dilakukan monitoring realisasi penanganan Risiko Area Level

(pada aplikasi sistem) RiMS periode Januari s.d. Desember 2020.• Telah dibuat Laporan Monitoring Risk Priority/Risk Significant Triwulan

III Tahun 2020. • Telah dilakukan update profil risiko perusahaan berdasarkan masukan

dari IPC Holding dan Dewan Komisaris atau Komite. Contoh: Risiko Penyebaran dan Penularan Covid-19.

• Sudah dilakukan rapat koordinasi dengan Komite membahas Profil Risiko Triwulan III tahun 2020 Sudah dilakukan rapat koordinasi dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Komite membahas tentang implementasi Manajemen Risiko dan Profil Risiko Tahun 2021.

• Pembangunan Business Continuity System (BCM): - Telah disusun draft Pedoman Business Continuity Management

(BCM); - Pembuatan BCP atau pedoman dalam pencegahan dan penularan

Covid-19 di lingkungan IPC TPK (Protokol Kesehatan).• Telah dilakukan pengkinian prosedur & instruksi kerja Manajemen Risiko

dengan mengacu kepada Pedoman & Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko berbasis ISO 31000 & Implementasi RiMS (Risk Management System)

• Reviu RiMS (Risk Management System) dalam rangka Enhancement Pembaharuan RiMS:a. Identifikasi pembaruan RiMS; b. Pengkinian/update prosedur dan instruksi kerja; c. Drafting BRD Corporate Level.

• a. Pelatihan bagi personil Manajemen Risiko (Business Continuity Management) b. Partisipasi dalam Webinar Manajemen Risiko

• Telah dilakukan studi banding Manajemen Risiko ke PT Pengembang Pelabuhan Indonesia (PPI)

• Area and corporate level risk profiles have been prepared for 2020. • Monitoring of the realized RiMS Area Level Risk handling (on the system

application) has been carried out for the period January to December 2020.

• The Risk Priority/Risk Significant Monitoring Report for the Third Quarter of 2020 has been made.

• The Company’s risk profile has been updated based on input from IPC Holding and the Board of Commissioners or Committee. Example: Risk of Covid-19 spread and transmission.

• A coordination meeting has been held with the Committee to discuss the Risk Profile for the Third Quarter of 2020. A coordination meeting has been held with the Board of Commissioners and the Committee to discuss the implementation of Risk Management and the Risk Profile for 2021.

• Development of Business Continuity System (BCM): - Draft of Guidelines for Business Continuity Management (BCM); - Making BCP or guidelines of the Covid-19 prevention and transmission

within IPC TPK (Health Protocol).• Risk Management procedures & work instructions have been updated

with reference to ISO 31000-based Risk Management Guidelines & Framework & Implementation of RiMS (Risk Management System).

• Review of RiMS (Risk Management System) in the context of Enhancement of RiMS Renewal: a. Identification of RiMS updates; b. Updating work procedures and instructions; c. Drafting BRD Corporate Level.

• a. Training for Risk management personnel (Business Continuity Management); b. Participation in Risk Management Webinars

• A comparative study of risk management has been carried out to PT Pengembang Pelabuhan Indonesia (PPI)

121PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Program StrategisStrategic Program



7 Persiapan Implementasi TranshipmentPreparation of Transhipment Implementation

- • Telah selesai dilakukan dan pembuatan FDD • Draft BRD telah selesai dilakukan dan perlu dilakukan pembahasan• Akan dilakukan pembahasan tahap akhir tekait Pola Operasi dan Closing

RKM• Estimasi Pekerjaan selesai pada minggu ke 4 Bulan Desember• Has been completed and FDD making • The BRD draft has been completed and needs to be discussed • There will be a final discussion regarding the RKM Operational Pattern

and Closing • Estimated work completed in the fourth week of December

8 Persiapan Pengoperasian TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing)Preparation for operation of TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing)

Memastikan pengoperasian TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing) berjalan sesuai targetEnsure the operation of TPK Tanjung Pura (Kijing) is running to meet the target

• Sudah dilakukan koordinasi dan pembahasan draft Pola Operasi dengan tim Ops Holding

• Konsinyering dan pembahasan tahap akhir kajian Pola Operasi untuk persiapan pengoperasian TPK Tanjung Pura – Kijing pada Minggu ke 2 Bulan Desember

• Persiapan dokumentasi dan reporting project secara keseluruhan untuk closing RKM

• Evaluasi secara komprehensif dan next step implementasi persiapan pengoperasian sesuai arahan manajemen IPC TPK dan Holding

• Next Step Closing project dengan dokumen BA Go Live Project Closing.• There has been coordination and discussion of the Operational Pattern

draft with the Ops Holding team • Consigning and discussion of the final stage of the Operational Pattern

study to prepare for the operation of TPK Tanjung Pura-Kijing on the Second Week of December

• Preparation of overall project Documentation and Reporting for RKM closing

• Comprehensive evaluation and Implementation of operational preparation as the next step according to the direction of IPC TPK and Holding management

• Closing project with BA Go Live Project Closing document.

9 Persiapan pengoperasian CT2/CT3Preparation for CT2/CT3 operation

Persiapan IPCTPK apabila diberikan penugasan oleh IPC Holding untuk pengoperasianPreparation of IPC TPK when assigned by IPC Holding for the operation

• Sudah dilakukan kordinasi dan pembahasan draft Pola Operasi dengan tim Ops Holding

• Konsinyering dan pembahasan tahap akhir kajian Pola Operasi untuk persiapan pengoperasian CT2/ CT3 pada minggu ke 2 Bulan Desember

• Persiapan dokumentasi dan reporting project secara keseluruhan untuk closing RKM

• Evaluasi secara komprehensif dan next step implementasi persiapan pengoperasian sesuai arahan manajemen IPC TPK dan Holding

• Next Step Closing project dengan dokumen BA Go Live Project Closing.• There has been coordination and discussion of the Operational Pattern

draft with the Ops Holding team • Consignment and discussion of the final stage of the Operational Pattern

study to prepare for the operation of CT2/CT3 on the second week of December

• Preparation of overall project Documentation and Reporting for RKM closing

• Comprehensive evaluation and Implementation of operational preparation as the next step according to the direction of IPC TPK and Holding management

• Closing project with BA Go Live Project Closing document.

10 Memastikan perusahaan dapat mendanai kebutuhan pengembangan perusahaan dalam jangka Panjang dalam rangka meningkatkan value perusahaanEnsure the Company’s financing for its long term development needs in order to increase the Company’s value

Perusahaan memiliki sumber dana yang cukup untuk memenuhi rencana pengembanganThe Company has sufficient sources of funds to meet the development plan

Sesuai dengan arahan dari Kantor pusat IPC pada format Triwulan I 2020 bahwa Rencana IPO ditunda sementara sambil menunggu arahan K-BUMN terkait dengan Holding Pelindo I s.d. IV.In accordance with the instruction from the IPC Head Office in the 1st Quarter of 2020, the IPO Plan was temporarily postponed while waiting the instruction of SOE Ministry regarding Holding Pelindo I- IV.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

122 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Strategi Perusahaan Dalam Mencapai Target Kinerja 2020

Dalam rangka mencapai target kinerja Perusahaan tahun 2020, Perusahaan telah menyusun strategi yang telah ditetapkan dalam RKAP Tahun 2020 meliputi:

• Mengembangkan bisnis pendukung yang memberikan nilai tambah bagi bisnis inti;

• Mengembangkan jaringan pelabuhan di kawasan baru;• Meningkatkan kinerja dan layanan prima dari jaringan

pelabuhan yang ada.

Selain itu, untuk mendukung pencapaian sasaran hingga tahun 2021, Perusahaan melaksanakan berbagai strategi bisnis sebagai berikut:

• Menetapkan bisnis model yang inovatif dan berorientasi kepada pengguna jasa (customer).

• Melakukan rekayasa teknik dan manajemen yang berkelanjutan dan didukung dengan penggunaan teknologi sistem informasi yang modern.

• Kegiatan operasi dan pelayanan dilaksanakan dengan standar kinerja tinggi.

• Menerapkan sistem manajemen keuangan yang efisien. • Organisasi yang efektif dan efisien serta sumber daya

manusia yang profesional.

Pencapaian Target Kinerja Perusahaan Tahun 2020

Untuk mengukur pencapaian target atau keberhasilan program kerja, Direksi dan Manager Area Cabang menggunakan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) atau indikator kinerja utama yang disusun berdasarkan kerangka Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU) dan dikelompokkan ke dalam 5 (lima) perspektif, yaitu:

• Keuangan dan pasar; • Fokus pelanggan; • Efektivitas produk dan proses; • Fokus tenaga kerja; • Kepemimpinan, tata kelola, dan tanggung jawab


Adapun realisasi pencapaian KPI Perusahaan untuk tahun 2020 dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





I Keuangan dan Pasar Finance and Market

1 EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin % 7 24,10 22,96 95,26 6,67

2 Pertumbuhan Laba BersihNet Income Growth % 7 85,80 105,27 77,30 5,41

3 Pangsa Pasar PetikemasContainer Market Share % 7 30,06 37,04 123,21 8,40

4 CAPEX % 7 87,50 86,84 99,24 6,95

Subtotal 28 27,43

Company Strategy in Achieving Performance Targets for 2020

In order to achieve the Company's 2020 performance target, the Company has developed a strategy as stipulated in the 2020 RKAP including:

• Develop supporting businesses with added value to the core business;

• Develop a network of ports in new areas;• Improve the performance and excellent service of the

existing port network.

In addition, to support the achievement of targets until 2021, the Company implemented various business strategies as follows:

• Establish an innovative and customer-oriented business model.

• Perform engineering and management in sustainable manner with the support of the use of modern information system technology.

• Operations and service activities are carried out with high performance standards.

• Implement an efficient financial management system.• Effective and efficient organization and professional

human resources.

Achievement of the Company's Performance Target in 2020

To measure the achievement of targets or the success of work programs, the Board of Directors and Branch Area Managers used Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that were prepared based on the Assessment of Criteria for Performance Excellence (KPKU) framework, being grouped into 5 (five) perspectives, namely:

• Finance and market;• Customer focus;• Product and process effectiveness;• Manpower focus;• Leadership, governance and social responsibility.

The realization of the Company's 2020 KPI achievements can be seen in the following table:

123PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





II Fokus Pelanggan Customer Focus

1 Indeks Kepuasan PelangganCustomer Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 8 4,67 4,72 101,07 8,09

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan CabangSynergy of Subsidiaries and Branches % 7 100,00 71,79 71,79 5,02

Subtotal 15 13,11

III Fokus Tenaga Kerja Manpower Focus

1 Produktivitas Pegawai Employee Productivity

Juta Rp/ Pegawai

Rp Million/ Employee

8 586,99 574,63 97,89 7,83

2 Indeks Kepuasan PegawaiEmployee Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 7 4,50 4,12 91,56 6,41

Subtotal 15 14,24

IV Efektivitas Produk dan Proses Product and Process Effectiveness

1 Produktivitas B/M Terminal Petikemas (B/S/H)B/M Container Terminal Productivity (B/S/H)

B/S/H 8 37,31 38,01 101,86 8,15

2 Tingkat Efektivitas Tambatan PetikemasContainer Berthing Effectiveness Level % 8 61,33 62,33 101,64 8,13

3 YOR PetikemasContainer YOR % 8 38,16 34,99 108,30 8,40

Subtotal 24 24,68

V Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

1 Jumlah KecelakaanNumber of Accidents

Jumlah Kecelakaan

Total Accidents

6 0 0 110,00 6,30

2 Tindak Lanjut Temuan AuditFollow up on Audit Findings % 6 75,00 96,30 128,40 6,30

3 Skor Pencapaian GCGGCG Score

SkorScore 6 96,10 97,04 100,98 6,06

Subtotal 18 18,66

Jumlah/Total 100 98,12

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

124 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tinjauan Operasi Per Segmen Usaha Review of Operations by Business Segment

Dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis dan segala aktivitas operasinya, IPC TPK menawarkan berbagai produk dan layanan jasa yang berkontribusi terhadap Pendapatan Operasi Perusahaan. Walaupun Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan belum mengimplementasikan Segmen Operasi, namun klasifikasi produk dan layanan jasa yang terdiri dari Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas dan Pelayanan Jasa Terminal dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai kegiatan produksi dan profitabilitas Perusahaan.

Produk dan Layanan Jasa IPC TPKIPC TPK Products and Services

Pelayanan Terminal PetikemasContainer Terminal Services

Pelayanan Jasa Terminal Terminal Services

Informasi mengenai profitabilitas dan kontribusi setiap produk dan layanan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh IPC TPK dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Produk dan Layanan Jasa Products and Services

2020 2019Kenaikan (Penurunan)

Increase (Decrease)

Jumlah Realisasi Realization


Kontribusi Contribution


Jumlah Realisasi Realization


Kontribusi Contribution


Selisih Difference


(1) (2) (3 = 1-2) (4 = 3/2)

Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas Container Terminal Services

2.413.408.027 100,00% 2.444.935.424 69,91% 704.795.619 41,09%

Pelayanan Jasa Terminal Terminal Services

6.565.585 - 8.354.559 30,01% (738.111.990) (100,00%)

Jumlah Pendapatan Operasi Total Operating Revenues

2.419.973.612 100,00% 2.453.289.983 100,00% (33.316.371) (1,36%)

In carrying out its business activities and all operating activities, IPC TPK offers various products and services that contribute to the Company's Operating Revenues. Although the Company's Financial Statements have not yet implemented the Segment of Operations, the classification of products and services consisting of Container Terminal Services and Terminal Services can provide an overview of the Company's production activities and profitability.

Information regarding the profitability and contribution of each product and service rendered by IPC TPK can be seen in the following table:

Kontribusi Setiap Produk dan Layanan Jasa Terhadap Pendapatan Operasi IPC TPK Tahun 2019 dan 2020Contribution of IPC TPK Products and Services to Operating Revenues in 2019 and 2020

100,00% 69,91%

0,00% 30,01%


Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas Container Terminal Services

Pelayanan Jasa Terminal Terminal Services

125PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Menurunnya pendapatan operasi tahun 2020 dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun 2019 terutama disebabkan adanya penurunan aktivitas ekonomi secara global/dunia akibat pandemi Covid-19.

Terkait kinerja operasional Perusahaan, tabel di bawah ini menggambarkan aktivitas bisnis atas pengelolaan 6 (enam) area operasional di sepanjang tahun 2020.


SatuanUnit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Trafik Traffic

Pelayanan Luar Negeri International Services

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic TEU 561.322 559.743 440.545 - 26.910

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic Box 415.321 418.317 338.953 - 21.146

Pelayanan Dalam Negeri Domestic Services

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic TEU 2.018.000 2.027.886 1.183.695 - 257.957

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic Box 1.699.047 1.705.295 1.017.758 - 257.745

JumlahTotal (T/G/H)

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic TEU 2.579.321 2.587.629 1.624.230 25.495 284.867

Arus Petikemas Container Traffic Box 2.114.368 2.123.612 1.356.711 16.337 278.891

No Cabang/AreaBranch/Area

Throughput BOR YOR BCH BSH(B/W/T) BSH (ET)


1 Tanjung Priok

Tanjung Priok 1

Zona 1Zone 1

74.439 98.916 14,28 18,24 18,92 21,29 26,10

Zona 2Zone 2

328.232 389.476 57,65 51,11 23,12 - 33,65

Zona 3Zone 3

311.122 386.996 57,37 47,16 21,53 - 25,49

Tanjung Priok 2


653.392 764.321 41,51 51,20 21,75 33,10 42,05


206.191 313.943 19,35 28,61 22,11 43,51 52,71

Area Terminal Support 197.630 233.054 26,57 -

2 Panjang 102.810 120.969 29,56 15,73 23,27 26,29 38,25

3 Palembang 115.738 129.407 29,44 34,53 28,83 24,08 35,25

4 Pontianak 201.270 237.391 47,88 47,16 32,24 29,62 42,26

5 Jambi 31.578 40.455 12,35 39,47 20,15 30,51 37,94

6 Teluk Bayur 89.596 97.448 47,95 22,86 22,54 28,72 39,87

The decrease in operating revenues in 2020 in comparison to the realization in 2019 was mainly due to the decline in global economic activities due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Regarding the Company's operational performance, the following table describes the business activities of managing 6 (six) operational areas throughout 2020.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

126 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas

Pelayanan terminal petikemas dari Perusahaan antara lain meliputi pelayanan operasi kapal, operasi lapangan, lift on/lift off, pengusahaan kapal, dan pelayanan terminal Petikemas lainnya.

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)


Realisasi 20202020 Realization

RKAP 20202020 RKAP



Realisasi 20192019 Realization

Kenaikan (Penurunan)

Increase (Decrease) (%)

(1) (2) (1/2) (3) ((1-3)/3)

Pendapatan Operasi Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas Container Terminal Services Operating Revenue

2.413.408.027 2.291.989.450 105,58% 2.444.935.424 (1,36%)

Realisasi pendapatan Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas di tahun 2020 mencapai Rp2,41 triliun atau mencapai 105,58% dari target RKAP sebesar Rp2,29 triliun. Dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, realisasi pendapatan Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas mengalami penurunan 1,36% yang disebabkan oleh penurunan aktifitas ekonomi secara global/dunia akibat pandemi Covid-19.

Pergerakan Kontribusi Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas Terhadap Pendapatan Operasi IPC TPK Tahun 2016-2020Movement in Container Terminal Services Contribution to Operating Revenues of IPC TPK for the period of 2016-2020













2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

69,44% 98,85% 74,80% 99,66% 100,00%

Container Terminal Services

Container terminal services from the Company include vessel operating services, field operations, lift on/lift off, vessel concessions, and other container terminal services.

Realization of Container Terminal Service revenue in 2020 reached Rp2.41 trillion or 105.58% of the RKAP target of Rp2.29 trillion. In comparison to the previous year, the realization of Container Terminal Service revenues decreased by 1.36% caused by a decline in global economic activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

127PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pelayanan Jasa Terminal

Pelayanan Jasa Terminal Perusahaan antara lain meliputi penyediaan dan/atau pelayanan jasa stevedoring, cargodoring, receiving dan delivery, penyewaan alat, operasi lapangan, stripping atau stuffing, lift on dan lift off, trucking, dan pengusahaan lapangan.

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)


Realisasi 20202020 Realization

RKAP 20202020 RKAP



Realisasi 20192019 Realization

Kenaikan (Penurunan)

Increase (Decrease) (%)

(1) (2) (1/2) (3) ((1-3)/3)

Pendapatan Operasi Pelayanan Jasa Terminal Terminal Services Operating Revenues

6.565.585 - - 8.354.559 (100%)

Realisasi Pendapatan Pelayanan Jasa Terminal di tahun 2020 sebesar Rp6,57 miliar mengalami penurunan 21% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp8,35 miliar. Hal ini sejalan juga dengan penurunan segmen Pendapatan Operasi Terminal Tahun 2020.

Pergerakan Kontribusi Pelayanan Jasa Terminal Terhadap Pendapatan Operasi IPC TPK Tahun 2016-2020Movement in Terminal Services Contribution to Operating Revenues of IPC TPK for the period of 2016-2020













2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

30,56% 1,15% 25,20% 30,09% 0,00%

Terminal Services

The Company’s Terminal Services include the provision and/or services for stevedoring, cargodoring, receiving and delivery, equipment rental, field operations, stripping or stuffing, lift on and lift off, trucking, and field concessions.

Realization of Terminal Services Revenue in 2020 amounted to Rp6.57 billion, a decrease of 21% compared to Rp8.35 billion in prior year. This was also in line with the decline in the Terminal Operating Revenue segment in 2020.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

128 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tinjauan Keuangan Financial Review

Standar Penyajian Informasi dan Kesesuaian Terhadap Standar Akuntansi Keuangan

Analisis dan pembahasan kinerja keuangan pada laporan tahunan ini mengacu pada Laporan Keuangan untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2020 dan 31 Desember 2019 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst & Young) dengan penanggung jawab Moch. Dadang Syachruna dalam laporannya tertanggal 9 April 2021 dengan opini wajar tanpa pengecualian. Laporan keuangan Perusahaan telah disusun sesuai Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) di Indonesia, yang mencakup Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) dan Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (ISAK) yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK) Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.

Laporan Posisi Keuangan

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Aset         Assets

Aset Lancar 664.993.372 623.572.767 41.420.605 6,64% Current Assets

Aset Tidak Lancar 3.892.849.268 475.236.731 3.417.612.537 719,14% Non-Current Assets

Total Aset 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 3.459.033.142 314,80% Total Assets

Liabilitas         Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 798.861.732 586.613.086 212.248.646 36,18% Current Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 3.598.038.348 225.013.928 3.373.024.420 1.499,03% Non-Current Liabilities

Total Liabilitas 4.396.900.080 811.627.014 3.585.273.066 441,74% Total Liabilities

Ekuitas 160.942.560 287.182.484 (126.239.924) (43,96%) Equity

Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 3.459.033.142 314,80% Total Liabilities and Equity


(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference %

(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Aset Lancar         Current Assets

Kas dan setara kas 482.933.719 433.861.949 49.071.770 11,31% Cash and cash equivalents

Investasi jangka pendek 1.643.232 - 1.643.232   Short-term investment

Piutang usaha – neto         Trade receivables – net

Pihak ketiga 60.654.190 50.327.855 10.326.335 20,52% Third parties

Pihak berelasi 19.432 1.317.518 (1.298.086) (98,56%) Related parties

Piutang lain-lain         Other receivables

Pihak ketiga - 2.310.301 (2.310.301) (100,00%) Third parties

Pihak berelasi 66.119.446 67.937.879 (1.818.433) (2,68%) Related parties

Standards for Presentation of Information and Compliance with Financial Accounting Standards

The financial performance discussion and analysis in this annual report refers to the Financial Statements for the years ended December 31st, 2020 and December 31st, 2019, which were audited by Public Accounting Firm Purwantono, Sungkoro and Surja (Ernst & Young) and Moch. Dadang Syachruna as the Person in Charge with unqualified opinion. The Company’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (SAK), which includes the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) and the Interpretation of Financial Accounting Standards (ISAK) issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants Financial Accounting Standards Board (DSAK).

Statement of Financial Position


129PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference %

(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Uang muka dan beban dibayar di muka

8.572.156 1.747.956 6.824.200 390,39% Advances and prepaid expenses

Pajak dibayar di muka 15.864.683 58.916.553 (43.051.870) (73,07%) Prepaid taxes

Pendapatan masih akan diterima

29.186.514 7.152.756 22.033.758 308,04% Accrued income

Total Aset Lancar 664.993.372 623.572.767 41.420.605 6,64% Total Current Assets

Aset Tidak Lancar         Non-Current Assets

Investasi pada entitas asosiasi

299.868.935 337.706.705 (37.837.770) (11,20%) Investment in associate

Aset tetap-neto 54.118.532 46.706.530 7.412.002 15,87% Fixed assets - net

Aset takberwujud-net 14.342.933 14.254.197 88.736 0,62% Intangible assets - net

Aset hak-guna-neto 3.358.806.430 - 3.358.806.430 Right-of-use assets- net

Aset pajak tangguhan 43.894.083 11.064.235 32.829.848 296,73% Deferred tax assets

Taksiran tagihan restitusi pajak penghasilan

118.115.913 62.056.417 56.059.496 90,34% Estimated claim for tax refund

Aset tidak lancar lainnya 3.702.442  3.448.647  253.794  7,36%  Other non-current asset

Total Aset Tidak Lancar 3.892.849.268 475.236.731 3.417.612.537 719,14% Total Non-Current Assets

Total Aset 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 3.459.033.142 314,80% Total Assets

Realisasi total aset Perusahaan per 31 Desember 2020 sebesar Rp4,56 triliun atau meningkat signifikan sebesar 314,80% dari realisasi total aset Perusahaan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp1,09 triliun.

Aset LancarRealisasi aset lancar per 31 Desember 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp664,99 miliar, meningkat 6,64% dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp623,57 miliar. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan jumlah kas dan setara kas, uang muka dan beban dibayar dimuka serta pendapatan masih akan diterima di tahun 2020.

Aset Tidak LancarRealisasi aset tidak lancar per 31 Desember 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp3,89 triliun, meningkat signifikan sebesar 719,14% dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp475,24 miliar. Hal ini disebabkan meningkatnya aset tetap, aset pajak tangguhan dan tagihan restitusi pajak penghasilan di tahun 2020.


(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek         Current Liabilities

Utang usaha         Trade payables

Pihak ketiga 4.725.075 8.440.746 (3.715.671) (44,02%) Third parties

Pihak berelasi 41.864.970 37.493.630 4.371.340 11,66% Related parties

Utang lain-lain - pihak berelasi 189.379.362 246.749.473 (57.370.111) (23,25%) Other payables - related parties

Utang pajak 11.941.092 53.638.837 (41.697.745) (77,74%) Tax payable

Beban akrual 376.122.440 218.292.580 157.829.860 72,30% Accrued expenses

Uang titipan 32.544.842 21.266.628 11.278.214 53,03% Deposits received

The realization of the Company's total assets as of December 31st, 2020 were Rp4.56 trillion or a significant increase of 314.80% from the realization of the Company's total assets of Rp1.09 trillion in 2019.

Current AssetsThe realized current assets as of December 31st, 2020 stood at Rp664.99 billion, an increase of 6.64% compared to Rp623.57 billion in the previous year. This was due to an increase in cash and cash equivalent, advances and prepaid expenses and accrued income in 2020.

Non Current AssetsThe realized non-current assets as of December 31st, 2020 stood at Rp3.89 trillion, a significant increase of 719.14% compared Rp475.24 billion in the previous year. This was mainly due the increase in fixed assets, deferred tax assets and estimated claim for tax refund in 2020.


Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

130 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya 1.836.155 731.192 1.104.963 151,12% Other current liabilities

Liabilitas sewa - bagian lancar 140.447.796 - 140.447.796   Lease liabilities - current maturities

Total Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 798.861.732 586.613.086 212.248.646 36,18% Total Current Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang         Non-Current Liabilities

Utang lain-lain pihak ketiga 228.316.052 225.013.928 3.302.124 1,47% Other payables - third parties

Liabilitas sewa - setelah dikurangi bagian lancar

3.369.722.296 - 3.369.722.296   Lease liabilities - net of current maturities

Total Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 3.598.038.348 225.013.928 3.373.024.420 1.499,03% Total Non-Current Liabilities

Total Liabilitas 4.396.900.080 811.627.014 3.585.273.066 441,74% Total Liabilities

Realisasi total liabilitas Perusahaan per 31 Desember 2020 tercatat mengalami kenaikan sebesar 441,74% menjadi Rp4,40 triliun dari tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp811,63 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya pengakuan terhadap Liabilitas Sewa atas pengakuan Aset Sewaan sebagai dampak dari penerapan PSAK 73 (Sewa).

Liabilitas Jangka PendekRealisasi liabilitas jangka pendek Perusahaan per 31 Desember 2020 tercatat mengalami kenaikan sebesar 36,18% menjadi Rp798,86 miliar dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp586,61 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan lebih tingginya beban akrual, uang titipan dan liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya di tahun 2020.

Liabilitas Jangka PanjangRealisasi liabilitas jangka panjang Perusahaan per 31 Desember 2020 meningkat 1.499,03% menjadi Rp3,60 triliun dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp225,01 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut disebabkan pengakuan liabilitas sewa atas implementasi PSAK 73 (sewa) sejak 1 Januari 2020.


(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Modal Saham - nilai nominal Rp1.000.000 per saham Modal Dasar - 100.000 saham Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh - 25.000 saham

25.000.000 25.000.000 - 0,00% Share Capital – Rp1,000,000 par value per share

Authorized – 100,000 shares Issued and Fully Paid – 25,000


Saldo laba         Retained earnings

Cadangan Umum 70.086.371 70.086.371 - 0,00% General reserve

Belum ditentukan penggunaannya

53.782.239 184.205.390 (130.423.151) (70,80%) Unappropriated

Penghasilan komprehensif lain 12.073.950 7.890.723 4.183.227 53,01% Other comprehensive income

Ekuitas – Neto 160.942.560 287.182.484 (126.239.924) (43,96%) Equity

Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 4.557.842.640 1.098.809.498 3.459.033.142 314,80% Total Liabilities and Equity

Jumlah Ekuitas Perusahaan menurun 43,96% dari Rp287,18 miliar pada tahun 2019 menjadi Rp160,94 miliar pada tahun 2020. Penurunan Ekuitas tersebut disebabkan hasil kinerja perusahaan yang menurun di tahun 2020.

The realization of the Company's total liabilities as of December 31, 2020 recorded an increase of 441.74% to Rp4.40 trillion from Rp811.63 billion in the previous year. The increase was due to the recognition of Lease Liability for the recognition of Leased Assets as a result of the implementation of PSAK 73 (Leases).

Current LiabilitiesThe Company's realized current liabilities as of December 31st, 2020 recorded an increase of 36.18% to Rp798.86 billion compared to Rp586.61 billion in 2019. The increase was due higher accrued expenses, deposits and other current liabilities in 2020.

Non Current LiabilitiesThe Company's realized non-current liabilities as of December 31st, 2020 increased by 1,499.03% to Rp3.60 trillion compared to Rp225.01 billion in the previous year. This increase was driven by recognition of lease liability due to implementation of PSAK 73 (Leases) since January 1st, 2020.


Total Company’s Equity decreased by 43.96% from Rp287.18 billion in 2019 to Rp160.94 billion in 2020. The decrease in Equity was due to the Company's declining performance in 2020.

131PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Pendapatan operasi 2.419.973.612 2.453.289.983 (33.316.371) (1,36%) Operating revenues

Beban operasi ( (2.196.575.419) 48.399.673 (2,20%) Operating expenses

Beban operasi lainnya - neto (18.073.560) (6.285.506) (11.788.054) 187,53%Other operating expenses

- net

Laba Usaha 253.724.306 250.429.058 3.295.248 1,32% Income From Operations

Pendapatan keuangan 20.551.294 35.752.502 (15.201.208) (42,52%) Finance income

Beban keuangan (226.355.039) (100.518) (226.254.521) 224.013,86% Finance costs

Bagian laba (rugi) entitas asosiasi (42.020.997) 101.023.133 (143.044.130) (141,60%) Equity in income (loss) of associate

Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan Badan

5.899.564 387.104.175 (381.204.611) (98,48%) Income Before Corporate Income tax

Manfaat (Beban) Pajak Penghasilan Badan

        Corporate Income Tax Benefit (Expense)

Kini (52.709.806) (80.520.046) 27.810.240 (34,54%) Current

Tangguhan 30.611.126 752.633 29.858.493 3.967,61% Deferred

Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan (16.199.116) 307.336.762 (323.535.878) (105,27%) Income (Loss) for the Year

Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain         Other Comprehensive Income

Pos yang dapat direklasifikasi ke laba rugi

        Item that may be reclassified to profit or loss

Selisih kurs penjabaran laporan keuangan

4.183.227 (12.064.484) 16.247.711 (134,67%) Exchange differences due to financial statements


Total Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan

(12.015.889) 295.272.278 (307.288.167) (104,07%) Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the Year

Pendapatan OperasiRealisasi Pendapatan Operasi di tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp2,42 triliun, turun 1,36% dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,45 triliun. Penurunan realisasi pendapatan operasi tahun 2020 dibanding dengan tahun 2019 disebabkan adanya kondisi pandemi Covid-19 pada Triwulan I Tahun 2020 yang sangat berdampak kepada perekonomian dunia.

Beban OperasiRealisasi Beban Operasi tahun 2020 turun 2,20% dari realisasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,20 triliun. Penurunan beban di tahun 2020 disebabkan karena Perusahaan melakukan efisiensi biaya sejalan dengan adanya kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi sejak Triwulan I Tahun 2020.

Pendapatan (Beban) Operasi Lainnya – NetoDi tahun 2020, Perusahaan mencatat realisasi beban operasi lainnya - neto sebesar Rp18,07 miliar, menurun 187,54% dari Rp6,29 miliar di tahun 2019. Hal ini disebabkan laba selisih kurs atas utang kepada Sea Terminal Management & Service Pte. Ltd. (“STMS”).

Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

Operating RevenuesRealization of Operating Revenues stood at Rp2.42 trillion in 2020, down by 1.36% compared to Rp2.45 trillion in 2019. The decrease in the realized operating revenues in 2020 compared to 2019 was due to the Covid-19 pandemic conditions in the First Quarter of 2020 which greatly impacted the world economy.  Operating ExpensesThe realized Operating Expenses in 2020 decreased by 2.20% from Rp2.20 trillion in 2019. The decrease in expenses in 2020 was due to the Company’s effort to implement cost efficiency in line with the Covid-19 pandemic conditions that occurred since the 1st Quarter of 2020. Other Operating Expenses – NetIn 2020, the Company recorded the realized other operating expenses - net amounted to Rp18.07 billion, an decreased of 187.54% from Rp6.29 billion in 2019. This was due to the foreign exchange gain on debt to Sea Terminal Management & Service Pte. Ltd. (“STMS”).

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

132 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pendapatan KeuanganRealisasi pendapatan keuangan tahun 2020 sebesar Rp20,55 miliar, turun 42,52% dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp35,75 miliar. Penurunan realisasi pendapatan keuangan tahun 2020 dikarenakan posisi kas yang tidak sebesar tahun 2019 sebagai dampak dari pembayaran dividen atas laba bersih tahun 2019.

Beban KeuanganRealisasi beban keuangan tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp226,36 miliar atau meningkat 224.013,86% dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp100,52 juta. Peningkatan yang signifikan ini disebabkan pada tahun 2020 Perusahaan telah mengimplementasikan PSAK 73 (Sewa) sejak 1 Januari 2020 yang berdampak signifikan terhadap beban keuangan di tahun 2020.

Bagian Laba (Rugi) Entitas AsosiasiPada tahun 2020, Perusahaan membukukan realisasi bagian rugi entitas asosiasi sebesar Rp42,02 miliar, sementara di tahun 2019 Perusahaan mencatat realisasi bagian laba entitas asosiasi sebesar Rp101,02 miliar. Hal ini disebabkan karena di tahun 2020, perusahaan mencatat serap rugi atas entitas asosiasi PT New Priok Container Terminal One (“NPCT1”) akibat penerapan PSAK 73 (sewa).

Laba UsahaRealisasi laba usaha Perusahaan di tahun 2020 adalah sebesar Rp253,72 miliar, naik 1,32% dari tahun 2019 sebesar Rp250,43 miliar.

Laba (Rugi) Tahun BerjalanPada tahun 2020, Perusahaan membukukan rugi tahun berjalan sebesar Rp16,20 miliar, sementara di tahun 2019, Perusahaan mencatat realisasi laba tahun berjalan sebesar Rp307,33 miliar.

Penghasilan Komprehensif LainDi tahun 2020, Perusahaan membukukan penghasilan komprehensif lain sebesar Rp4,18 miliar, sementara di tahun sebelumnya Perusahaan mencatat penghasilan komprehensif lain negatif Rp12,06 miliar.

Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun BerjalanPerusahaan mencatat rugi komprehensif tahun berjalan sebesar Rp12,02 miliar di tahun 2020, sementara di tahun 2019, Perusahaan membukukan realisasi laba komprehensif tahun berjalan sebesar Rp295,27 miliar.

Finance IncomeThe realized finance income in 2020 was Rp20.55 billion, a decrease of 42.52% compared to Rp35.75 billion in 2019. The decline in the realized finance income in 2020 was due to the lower cash position from 2019 as the impact of dividend payments on 2019 net profit.

Finance CostsThe realized finance costs in 2020 stood at Rp226.36 billion, an increase of 224,013.86% compared to Rp100.52 million in 2019. This significant increase was due to this was because the Company has implemented PSAK 73 (Leases) since January 1, 2020, giving a significant impact on the finance charges in 2020.

Equity in Income (Loss) of AssociateIn 2020, the Company recorded the realized equity in loss of associate amounted to Rp42.02 billion, while in 2019 the Company recorded the realization of the equity in income of associate of Rp101.02 billion. This was due to the fact that in 2020, the Company recorded an absorption of losses on the associated entity PT New Priok Container Terminal One (“NPCT1”) due to the implementation of PSAK 73 (leases).

Income from OperationsThe Company's realized income from operations in 2020 was Rp253.72 billion, an increase of 1.32% from Rp250.43 billion in 2019.

Income (Loss) for the YearIn 2020, the Company recorded a loss for the year of Rp16.20 billion, while in 2019, the Company recorded a realized profit for the year of Rp307.33 billion.

Other Comprehensive IncomeIn 2020, the Company recorded other comprehensive income of Rp4.18 billion, while in the previous year the Company recorded negative other comprehensive income of Rp12.06 billion.

Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the YearThe Company recorded a comprehensive loss for the year of Rp12.02 billion in 2020, while in 2019, the Company recorded realized comprehensive income for the year of Rp295.27 billion.

133PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Arus Kas

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Operasi

       Cash Flows from Operating


Penerimaan kas dari pelanggan

2.374.953.991 2.512.565.162 (137.611.171) (5,48%) Cash receipts from customers

Pembayaran kepada pemasok

(1.577.982.908) (2.044.927.287) 466.944.379 (22,83%) Payments to suppliers

Pembayaran kepada karyawan

(275.121.387) (309.707.766) 34.586.379 (11,17%) Payments to employees

Pembayaran kepada kantor pajak

(90.877.105) (167.704.011) 76.826.906 (45,81%) Payments to the tax office

Penerimaan penghasilan bunga

16.421.957 28.965.497 (12.543.540) (43,31%) Interest income received

Arus kas neto diperoleh dari aktivitas operasi

447.394.548 19.191.595 428.202.953 2.231,20% Net cash flow provided by operating activities

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi

       Cash Flows from Investing


Perolehan aset tetap (14.365.260) (40.596.933) 26.231.673 (64,61%) Acquisition of fixed assets

Perolehan aset tak berwujud (2.288.671) (7.106.076) 4.817.405 (67,79%) Acquisition of intangible assets

Penempatan investasi jangka pendek

(1.643.232) - (1.643.232)   Placement of short-term investment

Arus kas neto digunakan untuk aktivitas investasi

(18.297.163) (47.703.009) 29.405.846 (61,64%) Net cash flow used in investing activities

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan

       Cash Flows from Financing


Pembayaran dividen (107.567.867) (280.345.486) 172.777.619 (61,63%) Dividend payment

Pembayaran liabilitas sewa (272.495.997) - (272.495.997)   Payment for lease liabilities

Arus kas neto digunakan untuk aktivitas pendanaan

(380.063.864) (280.345.486) (99.718.378) 35,57% Net cash flow used in financing activities

Dampak perubahan selisih kurs terhadap kas dan setara kas

38.249 (36.096) 74.345 (205,96%) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash


Kenaikan (Penurunan) Neto Kas Dan Setara Kas

49.071.770 308.892.996 (357.964.766) (115,89%) Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

Kas dan Setara Kas pada Awal Tahun

433.861.949 742.754.945 (308.892.996) (41,59%) Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Year

Kas dan Setara Kas Pada Akhir Tahun

482.933.719 433.861.949 49.071.770 11,31% Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the Year

Perusahaan membukukan kenaikan Kas dan Setara Kas di akhir tahun 2020 sebesar 11,31% atau menjadi sebesar Rp482,93 miliar dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar Rp433,86 miliar. Kenaikan ini terutama disebabkan oleh peningkatan kas neto yang diperoleh Perusahaan di tahun 2020. Hal ini sejalan dengan penerimaan transaksi bank yang terjadi di sepanjang tahun 2020 atas penerimaan kegiatan operasional Perusahaan.

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas OperasiArus kas neto yang diperoleh dari aktivitas operasi tercatat mengalami peningkatan 2.231,20% dari Rp19,19 miliar di tahun 2019 menjadi Rp447,39 miliar di tahun 2020. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya penurunan pembayaran kepada pemasok, karyawan dan kantor pajak.

Statement of Cash Flows

The Company recorded an increase of 11.31% in Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of 2020 to Rp482.93 billion compared to Rp433.86 billion in 2019. This increase was mainly due to an increase in net cash provided by the Company in 2020. This was in line with the receipt of bank transactions occurring throughout 2020 for the receipt of the Company's operating activities.

Cash Flows from Operating ActivitiesNet cash flows provided by operating activities recorded an increase of 2,231.20% from Rp19.19 billion in 2019 to Rp447.39 billion in 2020. This was due to a decrease in payments to suppliers, employees and the tax office.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

134 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas InvestasiArus kas neto digunakan untuk aktivitas investasi mengalami penurunan 61,64% dari Rp47,70 miliar di tahun 2019 menjadi Rp18,30 miliar di tahun 2020. Hal ini dikarenakan terjadi penurunan perolehan aset tetap dan aset tak berwujud di tahun 2020. Arus Kas dari Aktivitas PendanaanArus kas neto digunakan untuk aktivitas pendanaan mengalami kenaikan 35,57% dari Rp280,35 miliar di tahun 2019 menjadi Rp380,06 miliar di tahun 2020. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya pembayaran liabilitas sewa sebagai dampak dari penerapan PSAK 73 (Sewa).


Kemampuan membayar Utang Jangka Pendek Perusahaan tercermin dalam Rasio Likuiditas seperti Rasio Lancar dan Rasio Kas pada tahun berjalan. Sementara itu, kemampuan Perusahaan untuk membayar Utang Jangka Panjang terlihat dari rasio solvaibilitas yang terdiri dari sebagaimana dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Kas dan Setara Kas 482.933.719 433.861.949 49.071.770 11,31% Cash and Cash Equivalents

Aset Lancar 664.993.372 623.572.767 41.420.605 6,64% Current Assets

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 798.861.732 586.613.086 212.248.646 36,18% Current Liabilities

Rasio Likuiditas         Liquidity Ratio 

Rasio Lancar (%) 83,24% 106,30% (5,3%)  (4,99%) Current Ratio (%)

Rasio Kas (%) 60,45% 73,96% (0,61%)  (0,82% Cash Ratio (%)

Rasio Solvabilitas Solvency Ratio

Rasio Utang terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas

2.731,97% 282,62% 2449,35% 866,66% Debt to Equity Ratio

Rasio Utang terhadap Jumlah Aset 96,47% 26,14% 70,33% 269,05% Debt to Assets Ratio

Berdasarkan analisis Rasio Likuiditas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi keuangan jangka pendek Perusahaan cukup baik karena jumlah aset lancar Perusahaan masih mampu membiayai utang lancarnya. Sementara itu, berdasarkan analisis Rasio Solvabilitas, kondisi keuangan jangka panjang Perusahaan tidak cukup baik. Tingginya Rasio Solvabilitas Perusahaan terutama disebabkan adanya Aset Sewaan sebesar Rp3,63 triliun dan Utang Sewa sebesar Rp3,51 triliun akibat penerapan PSAK 73.

Cash Flows from Investing ActivitiesNet cash flow used in investing activities decreased 61.64% from Rp47.70 billion in 2019 to Rp18.30 billion in 2020. This was due to a decrease in the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets in 2020.

Cash Flows from Financing ActivitiesNet cash flows used in financing activities increased by 35.57% from Rp280.35 billion in 2019 to Rp380.06 billion in 2020. This was due to the payment of lease liability as a result of the implementation of PSAK 73 (Leases).


The Company's ability to pay short-term debt is reflected in its Liquidity Ratios such as the Current Ratio and Cash Ratio for the year. Meanwhile, the Company's ability to pay Long-Term Debt can be seen from the solvency ratio which consists of Debt to Equity Ratio and Debt to Asset Ratio.

Based on the Liquidity Ratio analysis, it can be concluded that the short-term financial condition of the Company was quite good since total current assets of the Company were still able to finance its current debt. Meanwhile, based on Solvency Ratio analysis, the Company's long-term financial condition was not good enough. The Company's high Solvency Ratio was mainly due to the Leased Assets of Rp3.63 trillion and Lease Payables of Rp3.51 trillion as a consequence of the implementation of PSAK 73.

135PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan Perusahaan dalam melakukan penagihan terhadap piutangnya. Pada akhir tahun 2020, periode penagihan piutang memperlihatkan peningkatan menjadi 9,15 hari dibandingkan lama periode penagihan piutang di 2019 yang mencapai 8 hari.

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian2020 2019

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)

DescriptionSelisih Difference


(1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) (4)=(3)/(2)

Piutang Usaha - Neto 60.673.622 51.645.373 9.028.249 17,48% Trade Receivables - Net

Pendapatan Operasi 2.419.973.612 2.453.289.983 (33.316.371) (1,36%) Operating Revenues

Kolektibilitas Piutang (hari) 9 8 1 12,50% Account Receivables Collectability (days)


Kebijakan Manajemen atas Struktur Modal PerusahaanPerusahaan melakukan pengelolaan permodalan dengan tujuan utama untuk memastikan bahwa Perusahaan mempertahankan rasio modal yang sehat dalam rangka mendukung bisnis dan memaksimalkan nilai Pemegang Saham.

Selain itu, pengelolaan permodalan dilakukan untuk menjaga kelangsungan usahanya dalam rangka memaksimalkan kekayaan para Pemegang Saham dan manfaat kepada pihak lain yang berkepentingan terhadap Perusahaan serta menjaga struktur optimal permodalan untuk mengurangi biaya permodalan.

Rincian Struktur ModalStruktur permodalan Perusahaan yang berbasis bunga dan ekuitas per 31 Desember 2020 dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini:

Uraian 2020Kontribusi


Kontribusi Contribution

Kenaikan (Penurunan)Increase (Decrease)



Liabilitas Jangka Pendek

798.861.732 17,53% 586.613.086 53,39% (35,86%) (67,17%) Current Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang

3.598.038.348 78,94% 225.013.928 20,48% 58,46% 285,50% Non-Current Liabilities

Total Liabilitas 4.396.900.080 96,47% 811.627.014 73,86% 22,60% 30,60% Total Liabilities

Total Ekuitas 160.942.560 3,53% 287.182.484 26,14% (22,60%) (86,49%) Total Equity

Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas

4.557.842.640 100,00% 1.098.809.498 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% Total Liabilities and Equity


Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perusahaan tidak memiliki ikatan investasi barang modal yang bersifat material dengan pihak mana pun.


The receivables collectability level was affected by the Company's ability to collect its receivables. At the end of 2020, the receivable collection period showed an increase to 9.15 days compared to the length of the receivable collection period in 2019 which reached 8 days.


Management Policy on Capital StructureThe Company conducts capital management with the key objective of ensuring the Company to maintain a healthy capital ratio in order to support the business and maximize shareholder value.

In addition, capital management is carried out to maintain business continuity in order to maximize shareholders' wealth and benefits to other parties with an interest in the Company and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce capital costs.

Capital Structure DetailsThe Company's interest and equity-based capital structure as of December 31st, 2020 can be seen in the following table:


Throughout 2020, the Company did not commit to any material capital goods investment with any party.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

136 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat realisasi ikatan investasi barang modal yang bersifat material.


Perbandingan Target dan Realisasi Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif

(Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)


Realisasi 20202020 Realization

Target 20202020 Target

Pencapaian Realisasi

Terhadap RKAP 2020 (%)

2020 RKAP Achievement (%)

Proyeksi 2021 2021


Proyeksi 2021 Terhadap

Realisasi 2020 (%)

2021 Projection against 2020

Realization (%)

Proyeksi 2021 Terhadap Target

2020 (%) 2021 Projection

against 2020 Target (%)

(1) (2) (1:2) 3 (3:1) (3:2)

Pendapatan operasiOperating revenues

2.419.973.612 2.291.989.450 105,58 2.559.012.363 105,75 111,65

Beban operasiOperating expenses

( ( 106,92 ( 99,72 106,63

Beban operasi lainnya – netoOther operating expenses - net

(18.073.560) (2.945.419) 613,62 0 0 0

Laba UsahaIncome From Operations

253.724.306 279.981.732 90,62 416.808.077 164,28 148,87

Pendapatan keuanganFinance income

20.551.294 14.362.679 143,09 10.543.421 51,30 73,41

Beban keuanganFinance costs

(226.355.039) (17.308.098) 1.307,80 (253.960.320) 112,20 1.467,29

Bagian laba (rugi) entitas asosiasiEquity in income (loss) of associate

(42.020.997) 55.005.943 (76,39) 38.719.200 (92,14) 70,39

Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan BadanIncome Before Corporate Income tax

5.899.564 108.801.191 5,42 212.110.377 3.595,3 194,95

Manfaat (Beban) Pajak Penghasilan BadanCorporate Income Tax Benefit (Expense)


(52.709.806) (65.154.015) 80,90 (68.326.700) 129,63 104,87


30.611.126 0 0 0 0 0

Laba (Rugi) Tahun BerjalanIncome (Loss) for the Year

(16.199.116) 43.647.176 (37,11) 143.783.677 (887,60) 329,42

Penghasilan Komprehensif LainOther Comprehensive Income

Pos yang dapat direklasifikasi ke laba rugiItem that may be reclassified to profit or loss

Selisih kurs penjabaran laporan keuanganExchange differences due to financial statements translation

4.183.227 0 0 0 0 0

Total Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun BerjalanTotal Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the Year

(12.015.889) 43.647.176 (27,53) 143.783.677 (1.196,61) 329,42


Throughout 2020, there was no realization of capital goods investment bond.


Comparison of Target and Realized Comprehensive Profit (Loss)

137PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pendapatan OperasiRealisasi pendapatan operasi tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp2,42 triliun atau 5,58% di atas revisi RKAP tahun 2020. Pencapaian target pendapatan operasi ini terjadi seiring dengan pencapaian target dan tren realisasi kinerja operasional yang meningkat di beberapa Area, yaitu di Tanjung Priok 2 Oceangoing, Area Pontianak, Panjang, dan Teluk Bayur.

Beban OperasiRealisasi beban operasi tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp2,15 triliun atau 6,92% di atas Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,01 triliun. Hal ini sejalan dengan realisasi pendapatan dan kinerja operasional. Adapun realisasi beban operasi tersebut didominasi oleh beban KSMU dimana pada Area Terminal Tanjung Priok terdapat beban sharing dengan para Perusahaan Bongkar Muat.

Beban Operasi Lainnya – NetoRealisasi Beban Operasi Lainnya - Neto tahun 2020 sebesar Rp18,07 miliar atau 513,62% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020. Tingginya realisasi Beban Operasi Lainnya - Neto dibandingkan RKAP tahun 2020 terutama disebabkan oleh rugi selisih kurs akibat nilai tukar rupiah yang melemah dibanding dengan kurs RKAP 2020.

Laba UsahaRealisasi laba usaha tahun 2020 yaitu sebesar Rp253,72 miliar atau 9,38% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp279,98 miliar. Hal ini terjadi seiring dengan kinerja operasional serta pendapatan operasi di masing-masing Area. Selain itu, terdapat penerapan PSAK terbaru, yaitu PSAK 73 (Sewa) yang berdampak terhadap hasil laba operasi dimana pencatatan biaya sewa dari aset yang disewa semula dicatat sebagai beban operasi dirubah menjadi pencatatan beban ke penyusutan pada beban operasi dan beban bunga pada beban di luar operasi.

Bagian Laba (Rugi) Entitas AsosiasiRealisasi bagian laba (rugi) entitas asosiasi tahun 2020 sebesar minus Rp42,02 miliar atau 76,39% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp55 miliar. Lebih rendahnya realisasi bagian laba (rugi) entitas asosiasi tahun 2020 dibandingkan dengan RKAP 2020 disebabkan karena isu pandemi Covid-19 di tahun 2020.

Laba Sebelum PajakRealisasi laba sebelum pajak tahun 2020 sebesar Rp5,90 miliar atau 94,58% di bawah Revisi RKAP Tahun 2020 sebesar Rp108,80 miliar. Hal disebabkan karena isu pandemi Covid-19 di tahun 2020.

Laba (Rugi) Tahun BerjalanRealisasi laba (rugi) bersih tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar minus Rp16,2 miliar atau 137,11% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp43,65 miliar. Hal tersebut terutama disebabkan adanya serap rugi dari anak perusahaan, PT NPCT1 sebesar Rp42,02 miliar dikarenakan PT NPCT1 terkena dampak PSAK 73 (Sewa) atas pembayaran Quarterly Site Rent kepada PT PPI.

Operating RevenuesRealized Operating Revenues stood at Rp2.42 trillion in 2020 or 5.58% above the revised 2020 RKAP. The achievement of this operating revenues target occurred in line with the achievement of targets and the trend of increasing operational performance realization in several areas - Tanjung Priok 2 Oceangoing, Pontianak, Panjang, and Teluk Bayur areas.

Operating ExpensesRealized operating expenses stood at Rp2.15 trillion in 2020 or 6.92% above the 2020 Revised RKAP of Rp2.01 trillion. This was in line with the realized revenue and operational performance. Meanwhile, the realized operating expenses was dominated by KSMU expenses, where in the Tanjung Priok Terminal Area there was a sharing cost with loading and unloading companies.

Other Operating Expenses – NetRealized Other Operating Expenses - Net in 2020 stood at Rp18.07 billion or 513.62% below the Revised 2020 RKAP. The higher realized Other Operating Expenses - Net compared to 2020 RKAP caused by foreign exchange losses due to the weakening rupiah exchange rate compared to the 2020 RKAP exchange rate.

Income from OperationsThe Company's realized income from operations was Rp253.72 billion in 2020 or 9.38% below the 2020 Revised RKAP of Rp279.98 billion. This was in line with operational performance and operating revenue in each Area. In addition, there was the implementation of the latest PSAK, namely PSAK 73 (Leases) which had an impact on income from operations as the lease costs from leased assets that were originally recorded as operating expenses were changed to depreciation cost on operating expenses and interest expenses on expenses outside operations.

Equity in Income (Loss) of AssociateRealized equity in income (loss) of associate amounted to minus Rp42.02 billion in or 76.39% below the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp55 billion. The lower realized equity in income (loss) of associates in 2020 compared to the 2020 RKAP was due to the issue of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Income Before TaxRealized income before tax was Rp5.90 billion or 94.58% below the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp108.80 billion. This was due to Covid-19 pandemic issue in 2020.

Income (Loss) for the YearRealized net income (loss) stood at minus Rp16.2 billion in 2020 or 137.11% below the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp43.65 billion. This was mainly due to the loss absorbed from the subsidiary, PT NPCT1 amounting to Rp42.02 billion since PT NPCT1 was affected by PSAK 73 (Leases) for the payment of Quarterly Site Rent to PT PPI.

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Target, Realisasi dan Proyeksi Posisi Keuangan dan Struktur Modal(Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in Thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Uraian Description

Realisasi 20202020 Realization

Target 20202020 Target

Pencapaian Realisasi

Terhadap RKAP 2020 (%)

2020 RKAP Achievement (%)

Proyeksi 2021 2021 Projection

Proyeksi 2021 Terhadap

Realisasi 2020 (%)

2021 Projection against 2020

Realization (%)

Proyeksi 2021 Terhadap Target

2020 (%) 2021 Projection

against 2020 Target (%)

(1) (2) (1:2) 3 (3:1) (3:2)

Aset LancarCurrent Assets

664.993.372 487.454.005 136,42% 772.115.643 116,11% 158,40%

Aset Tidak LancarNon-Current Assets

3.892.849.268 3.351.004.052 116,17% 3.698.103.553 95,00% 110,35%

Total AsetTotal Assets

4.557.842.640 3.838.458.057 118,74% 4.470.219.196 98,08% 116,46%

Liabilitas Jangka PendekCurrent Liabilities

798.861.732 333.457.181 239,57% 517.342.964 73,48% 155,15%

Liabilitas Jangka PanjangNon-Current Liabilities

3.598.038.348 112,96% 3.594.736.222 99,91% 112,86%

Total LiabilitasTotal Liabilities

4.396.900.080 3.518.586.790 124,96% 93,52% 116,87%


160.942.560 319.871.267 50,31% 214.356.333 133,19% 67,01%

Total Liabilitas dan EkuitasTotal Liabilities and Equity

4.557.842.640 3.838.458.057 118,74% 4.470.219.196 98,08% 116,46%

Aset LancarRealisasi Aset Lancar tahun 2020 sebesar Rp664,99 miliar atau 36,42% di atas Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp487,5 miliar. Hal ini seiring dengan meningkatnya angka kas dan setara kas sebagai hasil dari kegiatan operasional Perusahaan.

Aset Tidak LancarRealisasi Aset Tidak Lancar tahun 2020 sebesar Rp3,89 triliun atau 16,17% di atas Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 dan meningkat sebesar 719,14% dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun 2019. Realisasi tahun 2020 diatas RKAP tahun 2020 dan meningkatnya realisasi dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019 disebabkan lebih tingginya realisasi saldo kas dan setara kas, uang muka dan beban dibayar di muka dan pendapatan masih akan diterima di tahun 2020.

Liabilitas Jangka PendekRealisasi Liabilitas Jangka Pendek tahun 2020 sebesar Rp798,86 miliar atau 139,57% diatas RKAP 2020 dan meningkat sebesar 36,18% dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun 2019. Lebih tingginya realisasi tahun 2020 dibandingkan RKAP tahun 2020 dan meningkatnya realisasi 2020 dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2019 terutama disebabkan lebih tingginya beban akrual, uang titipan dan liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya di tahun 2020.

Liabilitas Jangka PanjangRealisasi Liabilitas Jangka Panjang tahun 2020 sebesar Rp3,60 triliun atau 12,96% di atas Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp3,19 triliun dan meningkat sebesar 1.499,03% dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun 2019. Lebih tingginya realisasi tahun 2020 dibandingkan RKAP tahun 2020 dan meningkatnya realisasi 2020 dibandingkan realisasi tahun 2019 terutama disebabkan lebih tingginya beban akrual, uang titipan dan liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya di tahun 2020.

Target, Realization and Projection of Financial Position and Capital Structure

Current AssetsIn 2020, realized Current Assets was Rp664.99 billion or 36.42% above the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp487.5 billion. This was in line with the increase in cash and cash equivalents as a result of the Company's operating activities.

Non Current AssetsIn 2020, realized Non-Current Assets stood at Rp3.89 trillion or 16.17% above the Revised 2020 RKAP and increased by 719.14% compared to the realization in 2019. The realization in 2020 was above the 2020 RKAP and in comparison to 2019, the increase was due to the higher actual cash and cash equivalents, advances and prepaid expenses and accrued income in 2020.

Current LiabilitiesIn 2020, realized Current Liabilities amounted to Rp798.86 billion or 139.57% above the 2020 RKAP and an increase of 36.18% compared to the realization in 2019. The higher realization in 2020 compared to the 2020 RKAP and the increase in the realization in 2020 compared to the realization in 2019 were mainly due to higher accrued expenses, deposits received and other current liabilities in 2020.

Non Current LiabilitiesIn 2020, realization of Non-Current Liabilities amounted to Rp3.60 trillion or 17,372.96% above the 2020 Revised RKAP of Rp3.19 trillion and an increase of 1,499.03% compared to the realization in 2019. Higher realization in 2020 compared to RKAP in 2020 and the increased realization in 2020 against the realization in 2019 were mainly due to higher accrued expenses, deposits and other current liabilities in 2020.

139PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

EkuitasRealisasi Ekuitas tahun 2020 yaitu sebesar Rp160,94 miliar atau 49,69% di bawah Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar Rp319,87 miliar.

Target, Realisasi dan Proyeksi Keuangan dan Pasar

Uraian mengenai perbandingan target dan realisasi Keuangan dan Pasar disajikan dalam tabel berikut:







Semester II 2nd Semester





Keuangan dan Pasar Finance and Market

1 EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin % 7 24,10 22,96 95,26 6,67

2 Pertumbuhan Laba BersihNet Income Growth % 7 85,80 105,27 77,30 5,41

3 Pangsa Pasar PetikemasContainer Market Share % 7 30,06 37,04 123,21 8,40

4 CAPEX % 7 87,50 86,84 99,24 6,95

Subtotal 28 27,43

Jumlah skor untuk perspektif keuangan dan pasar yang mencakup EBITDA margin, pertumbuhan laba bersih, pangsa pasar petikemas dan CAPEX mencapai 27,43 dari nilai maksimum 28. Pencapaian ini masih berada di bawah target sebesar 0,57.

Target, Realisasi dan Proyeksi Fokus Pelanggan

Uraian mengenai perbandingan target dan realisasi Fokus Pelanggan disajikan dalam tabel berikut:

Indikator Indicator



Target 20202020 Target





Target 2021*2021


Fokus Pelanggan Customer Focus1 Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan

Customer Satisfaction IndexSkala LikertLikert Scale

8 4,67 4,72 101,07 8,09 N/A

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan Cabang Synergy of Subsidiaries and Branches

% 7 100,00 71,79 71,79 5,02 N/A

Sub total 15 13,11

*Indikator ini sudah tidak berlaku dalam penilaian Key Performance IPC TPK tahun 2021.* This indicators are no longer valid in the 2021 Key Performance Indicators of IPC TPK.

Jumlah skor untuk perspektif fokus pelanggan yang terdiri dari indeks kepuasan pelanggan dan sinergi anak perusahaan dan cabang adalah 13,11 dari nilai maksimum 15,00 di mana hasil ini telah sesuai dengan target Perusahaan.

EquityIn 2020, realized Equity was Rp160.94 billion or 49.69% below the Revised 2020 RKAP of Rp319.87 billion.

Target, Realization and Projection of Finance and Market

The description of the comparison of target and realization of Finance and Market is presented in the following table:

Total score for the finance and market perspective consisting of EBITDA margin, net income growth, container market share, and CAPEX reached 27.43 out of maximum score of 28. This achievement was still 0.57 lower than the target.

Target, Realization and Projection of Customer Focus

The description of the comparison of target and realization of Customer Focus is presented in the following table:

Total score for the customer focus perspective consisting of the customer satisfaction index and the synergy of subsidiaries and branches was 13.11 out of a maximum score of 15.00. This result has met the Company's target.

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Target, Realisasi dan Proyeksi Fokus Tenaga Kerja

Perbandingan target dan realisasi fokus tenaga kerja disajikan dalam tabel berikut:

Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





Fokus Tenaga Kerja Manpower Focus

1 Produktivitas Pegawai Employee Productivity

Juta Rp/Pegawai Rp Million/Employee 8 586,99 574,63 97,89 7,83

2 Indeks Kepuasan PegawaiEmployee Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 7 4,50 4,12 91,56 6,41

Subtotal 15 14,24

Perspektif Fokus Tenaga Kerja yang terdiri dari produktivitas pegawai dan indeks kepuasan pegawai meraih skor 14,24 dari nilai maksimum 15,00. Pencapaian ini masih berada di bawah target sebesar 0,76.

Target, Realisasi dan Proyeksi Efektivitas Produk dan Proses

Perbandingan target dan realisasi efektivitas produk dan proses disajikan dalam tabel berikut:

Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





Efektivitas Produk dan Proses Product and Process Effectiveness

1 Produktivitas B/M Terminal Petikemas (B/S/H)B/M Container Terminal Productivity (B/S/H) B/S/H 8 37,31 38,01 101,86 8,15

2 Tingkat Efektivitas Tambatan PetikemasContainer Berthing Effectiveness Level % 8 61,33 62,33 101,64 8,13

3 YOR PetikemasContainer YOR % 8 38,16 34,99 108,30 8,40

Subtotal 24 24,68

Untuk perspektif Efektivitas Produk dan Proses yang meliputi produktivitas B/M terminal petikemas, tingkat efektivitas tambatan petikemas dan YOR petikemas, IPC TPK meraih skor 24,68 dari nilai maksimum 24,00. Pencapaian ini berada di atas target sebesar 0,68.

Target, Realization and Projection of Manpower Fokus

Comparison of target and realization of manpower focus is presented in the following table:

The Manpower Focus Perspective consisting of employee productivity and employee satisfaction index achieved score of 14.24 out of a maximum score of 15.00. This achievement was still 0.76 lower than the target.

Target, Realization and Projection of Product and Process Effectiveness

Comparison of target and realization of product and process effectiveness is presented in the following table:

For the perspective of Product and Process Effectiveness consisting of B/M container terminals, container berthing effectiveness level and container YOR, IPC TPK achieved a score of 24.68 out of a maximum score of 24.00. This achievement was 0.68 higher than the target.

141PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Target, Realisasi dan Proyeksi Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab

Perbandingan target dan realisasi Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II 2nd Semester





Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

1 Jumlah KecelakaanNumber of Accidents

Jumlah Kecelakaan Total Accident 6 0 0 110,00 6,30

2 Tindak Lanjut Temuan AuditFollow up on Audit Findings % 6 75,00 96,30 128,40 6,30

3 Skor Pencapaian GCGGCG Score

SkorScore 6 96,10 97,04 100,98 6,06

Subtotal 18 18,66

Untuk perspektif Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab yang terdiri dari jumlah kecelakaan, tindak lanjut temuan audit dan skor pencapaian GCG, IPC TPK memperoleh skor 18,66 dari nilai maksimum 18 di mana hasil ini telah melebihi target Perusahaan.


Perusahaan tidak mendapatkan adanya informasi dan fakta material yang terjadi setelah tanggal laporan akuntan.


Tidak terdapat perubahan harga dari layanan Perusahaan di sepanjang tahun 2020.


Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, berdasarkan simulasi yang rasional, bila nilai tukar Dolar AS terhadap Rupiah mengalami pelemahan/penguatan sebesar 10%, dengan variabel lain tetap konstan, laba sebelum pajak penghasilan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 akan menjadi lebih tinggi/rendah sebesar Rp14.105 terutama akibat rugi selisih kurs atas penjabaran aset moneter yang didenominasi dalam Dolar AS.


Berdasarkan studi dari UNCTAD, maritime trade secara keseluruhan berpotensi mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 4,8% pada tahun 2021. Selain itu, studi dari Statista menyebutkan bahwa pertumbuhan throughput petikemas pada tahun 2021 dapat mencapai 6,7%.

Proyeksi positif tersebut berdasarkan permintaan dari perdagangan global yang mulai pulih berdasarkan asumsi adanya pemulihan dari kondisi pandemi yang sangat bergantung pada pengelolaan pandemi dan implementasi vaksinasi. Hal yang menjadi pertimbangan juga adalah tingginya freight rate akibat shortage empty container yang disebabkan oleh kenaikan permintaan kembali setelah

Target, Realization and Projection of Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

Comparison of target and realization of Leadership, Governance and Responsibility can be seen in the following table:

For the Leadership, Governance, and Responsibility perspective consisting of number of accidents, follow up on audit findings and GCG score, IPCTPK obtained a score of 18.66 out of a maximum score of 18 which exceeded the Company's target.


The Company did not find any material information and facts subsequent to the date of the accountant’s report.


There were no price changes of the Company's services throughout 2020.


As of December 31st, 2020, based on a rational simulation, if the exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Rupiah weakened/strengthened by 10%, with other variables held constant, profit before income tax for the year ended December 31st, 2020 would be Rp14,105 higher/lower mainly due to loss foreign exchange differences on the translation of monetary assets denominated in US Dollars.


Based on a study from UNCTAD, a thorough maritime trade has the potential to grow by 4.8% in 2021. In addition, a study from Statista states that container throughput growth can reach 6.7% in 2021.

This positive projection is based on demand from global trade which is starting to recover based on the assumption of a recovery from a pandemic condition which is very dependent on pandemic management and vaccination implementation. Another thing to consider is the high freight rate due to the shortage of empty containers caused by the increase in demand following the capacity management carried out by

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shipping line melakukan capacity management di tahun 2020. Proyeksi penyerapan throughput akan tercapai jika shipping line bisa melakukan empty container repositioning dan peningkatan kapasitas dengan baik.

Dalam rangka meningkatkan standar pelayanan operasional dan komersial, kami telah menetapkan sejumlah inisiatif strategis, yang meliputi upaya untuk membangun dan menerapkan Governance Risk Compliance, mengimplementasikan e-Procurement, peningkatan kinerja peralatan terminal petikemas, meningkatkan Brand Value perusahaan serta meningkatkan retensi pelanggan di antaranya melalui KAM. Sementara itu, untuk perluasan pangsa pasar, Perusahaan akan melakukan joint marketing.

Ekspansi bisnis merupakan salah satu sasaran kinerja Perusahaan berikutnya, dimana IPC TPK berupaya melakukan persiapan dan implementasi kerja sama pengoperasian layanan terminal petikemas di luar wilayah yang sudah ada, melakukan kajian optimalisasi modal perusahaan serta pengoperasian terminal petikemas yang termasuk dalam proyek strategis IPC Group.

Transformasi digital juga akan dilanjutkan melalui pengembangan IT Solution untuk pelayanan terminal petikemas, sedangkan transformasi budaya dilakukan melalui penyesuaian budaya perusahaan menjadi one single core values “AKHLAK”, serta implementasi Enterprise Risk Management dan Risk Culture.

Selain itu, IPC TPK juga akan melakukan integrasi dan pengembangan proses dan teknologi melalui pengembangan Sistem Operasi Pelabuhan, Sistem Keuangan dan Sispro Billing, serta implementasi integrated data interchange terminal dengan ekosistem logistic players.


Strategi PemasaranSebagai perusahaan yang senantiasa menjadikan pelanggan sebagai prioritas utama sesuai dengan budaya Perusahaan (PASTI), Perusahaan selalu berupaya memahami kebutuhan para pelanggannya dengan cara membangun hubungan yang harmonis dan konsisten memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik dan berkualitas melalui produk dan layanan yang inovatif.

Strategi pemasaran Perusahaan difokuskan untuk melakukan penataan data pelanggan melalui program Customer Data Management sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk mendukung rencana Perusahaan dalam menerapkan Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Selain itu, tentunya bermanfaat bagi para pelanggan, strategi tersebut juga diharapkan akan meningkatkan respons Perusahaan terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan. Selain itu, Perusahaan juga secara rutin melakukan kegiatan survei kepuasan pelanggan, ketidakpuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan untuk mempertahankan tingkat customer retention yang tinggi.

Pangsa PasarSebagai pengelola terminal petikemas, bisnis utama Perusahaan adalah pelayanan terminal petikemas. Pendapatan usaha yang berasal dari kegiatan pelayanan tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh besarnya throughput petikemas yang ditangani oleh masing-masing terminal.

shipping line in 2020. The projected throughput absorption will be achieved if the shipping line may carry out empty container repositioning and increase capacity properly.

In order to improve operational and commercial service standards, we have established a number of strategic initiatives, which include efforts to build and implement Governance Risk Compliance and e-Procurement, improve the performance of container terminal equipment, increase the Company's Brand Value and customer retention, including through KAM. Meanwhile, to expand the market share, the Company will conduct joint marketing.

Business expansion is one of the Company's next performance targets, as IPC TPK strives to prepare and implement cooperation in the operation of container terminal services outside existing areas, conduct studies of optimizing the Company’s capital and the operation of container terminals which are included in the strategic project of the IPC Group.

The digital transformation will also be continued through the development of IT Solutions for container terminal services, while the cultural transformation will be carried out by tailoring the corporate culture to become one single core values “AKHLAK”, as well as implementing Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Culture.

In addition, IPC TPK will also integrate and develop processes and technology through the development of the Port Operating System, Financial System and Billing System, as well as the implementation of an integrated data interchange terminal with an ecosystem of logistics players.


Marketing StrategyAs a Company that always puts customers as top priority in accordance with its corporate culture (PASTI), the Company always strives to understand the needs of its customers by building harmonious relationships and consistently providing the best and high-quality services through innovative products and services.

The Company's marketing strategy is focused on structuring customer data through the Customer Data Management program as part of the efforts to support the Company's plans in the implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In addition to being beneficial for customers, this strategy is also expected to increase the Company's response to customer needs. Moreover, the Company also routinely conducts customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and loyalty surveys to maintain a high level of customer retention.

Market ShareAs a container terminal operator, the Company's core business is container terminal services. The operating revenues derived from these service activities are strongly influenced by the amount of container throughput handled by each terminal.

143PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tingkat Pertumbuhan Petikemas dalam Satuan TEU PT IPC Terminal PetikemasContainer Growth Rate of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in TEU Units







(Dalam TEU)/(In TEU)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

283.061 25.495 2.885.800 3.066.236 2.579.321

Throughput petikemas tahun 2020 terealisasi sebesar 2.579.321 TEU atau 10,71% di atas target Revisi RKAP tahun 2020 sebesar 2.329.783 TEU. Hal ini sejalan dengan kenaikan throughput pada sebagian besar area, antara lain seperti throughput domestik di Area Tanjung Priok 2 yang terealisasi 4,21% di atas target dikarenakan adanya peningkatan volume Shipping Line Meratus Line dan serta adanya penambahan layanan baru dari Maersk Line, yaitu Terminal Ocean Going di di semester II tahun 2020. Kenaikan juga terjadi di Area Pontianak pada petikemas ocean going sebesar 186% atau 2.446 TEU dari target RKAP sebesar 1.314 TEU.

Adapun di Area Panjang terjadi kenaikan produk-produk ekspor dari Great Giant Pineapple Group yang mencapai 125% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya serta adanya kenaikan komoditi ekspor, antara lain karet, nanas, lada hitam, fresh pineapple, udang segar, fresh banana dan crude glycerine dibandingkan tahun 2019. Sementara itu, untuk impor, tren kenaikan terjadi pada komoditi distiller dried grain, meat and bone, muriate of potash, tin plate, ammonium sulphate dan super phosphate.

Di TPK Teluk Bayur terjadi peningkatan komoditi semen sebesar 17% jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019. Adapun di TPK Jambi, Petikemas 20’empty mencapai target anggaran dikarenakan banyaknya petikemas free used permintaan eks domestik yang dimuat kembali ke Muntok dengan menggunakan petikemas ukuran 20’empty. Begitu pula dengan petikemas 20’empty yang mencapai target anggaran dikarenakan bongkar petikemas repo empty dari Singapura yang menggunakan petikemas ukuran 20’empty. Secara keseluruhan, bisa dikatakan realisasi throughput petikemas sepanjang tahun 2020 mengalami tren penurunan sebesar 0,32% jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019.

In 2020, realized container throughput stood at 2,579,321 TEU or 10.71% above the Revised 2020 RKAP target of 2,329,783 TEU. This was in line with the increase in throughput in most areas, such as domestic throughput in Tanjung Priok 2 Area with 4.21% realization above the target due to an increase in the volume of the Shipping Line Meratus Line and the addition of new services from Maersk Line, the Ocean Going Terminal in the second semester of 2020. The increase also occurred in Pontianak Area on ocean going containers by 186% or 2,446 TEU from the RKAP target of 1,314 TEU.

Meanwhile, in Panjang area, there was an increase in export products from the Great Giant Pineapple Group which reached 125% compared to the previous year as well as an increase in export commodities, including rubber, pineapple, black pepper, fresh pineapple, fresh shrimp, fresh banana and crude glycerine compared to those in 2019. Meanwhile, for imports, an upward trend occurred in the commodities of dried grain distiller, meat and bone, muriate of potash, tin plate, ammonium sulphate and super phosphate.

At TPK Teluk Bayur, there was a 17% increase in cement commodity compared to 2019. As for TPK Jambi, 20'empty containers reached the budget target due to the large number of free used containers for ex-domestic demand that were reloaded into Muntok using 20'empty containers. Likewise with 20'empty containers which reached the budget target due to unloading of empty repo containers from Singapore using 20'empty containers. Overall, the realized container throughput saw a downward trend of 0.32% throughout 2020 in comparison to 2019.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

144 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sampai akhir tahun 2020, IPC TPK mengoperasikan 6 fasilitas terminal petikemas, yaitu Terminal Petikemas Teluk Bayur, Jambi, Palembang, Panjang, Pontianak, dan Tanjung Priok serta penambahan fasilitas terminal petikemas baru pada tahun 2020 yaitu CBL (Cikarang, Bekasi, Laut) dan Kijing. Secara rinci proyeksi throughput petikemas dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Target Proyeksi (RKAP) Projection Target (RKAP)

Wilayah OperasiOperating Area


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

PANJANG TEU - 111.329 114.113 116.965 123.143

PALEMBANG TEU - 163.535 168.441 173.494 130.012

JAMBI TEU - 47.320 52.052 57.257 41.866

TELUK BAYUR TEU - 72.730 74.912 77.160 112.765

PONTIANAK TEU - 281.962 301.699 222.818 240.543

TANJUNG PRIOK DOMESTIK TEU - 1.629.431 1.751.639 1.874.253 1.680.008

TANJUNG PRIOK INTERNASIONAL TEU - 544.045 565.807 571.465 303.805

EX JICT 2 TEU - - - - -

CBL TEU - - - 50.000 -

KIJING TEU - - - 100.000 -

COMMON AREA TEU 25.634 35.447 37.574 39.828 -

TOTAL 25.634 2.885.800 3.066.236 3.283.241 2.632.142

As at the end of 2020,IPC TPK operated 6 container terminal facilities - Teluk Bayur, Jambi, Palembang, Panjang, Pontianak and Tanjung Priok container terminals as well as the addition of new container terminal facilities in 2020, namely CBL (Cikarang, Bekasi, Laut) and Kijing. In detail, the container throughput projection can be seen in the following table:

145PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tinjauan Keuangan Lainnya Other Financial Review


Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan untuk mendistribusikan dividen setidaknya sekali dalam setahun. Besaran dividen yang ditentukan tergantung dari keuntungan Perusahaan pada tahun buku yang bersangkutan, dengan tetap memperhatikan tingkat kesehatan keuangan Perusahaan dan tanpa mengurangi hak dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Perusahaan, untuk menentukan lain sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar IPC TPK.

Berdasarkan Risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Perusahaan yang berita acaranya diaktakan dengan Akta Notaris No. 15 tanggal 13 Juli 2020 dari Kokoh Henry, S.H., Mkn, Pemegang Saham Perusahaan menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih Perusahaan tahun buku 2019 sebagai berikut:• Laba ditahan sebesar Rp199.768.895;• Dividen sebesar Rp107.567.867.

Perusahaan telah membayar dividen tersebut kepada PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2020 masing-masing sebesar Rp106.492.188 dan Rp1.075.679.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (KPSS Sirkuler) No. SK.03/28/6/9/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK-033/PII-SK/D1/VI/2019, Pemegang Saham Perusahaan menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih Perusahaan tahun buku 2018 sebagai berikut:• Cadangan umum sebesar Rp70.086.371;• Dividen sebesar Rp280.345.486.

Perusahaan telah membayar dividen tersebut kepada PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2019 masing-masing sebesar Rp277.542.031 dan Rp2.803.455.

Tahun BukuFinancial Year

2020 2019

Dasar Hukum PersetujuanLegal Basis of Approval

Risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Perusahaan yang berita acaranya diaktakan dengan Akta Notaris No. 15 tanggal 13 Juli 2020 dari Kokoh Henry, S.H., Mkn.Minutes of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which was notarized by Notary Deed No. 15 dated July 13th, 2020 of Kokoh Henry, S.H., Mkn.

Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (KPSS Sirkuler) No. SK.03/28/6/9/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK-033/PII-SK/D1/VI/2019Shareholders Circular Resolutions No. SK.03/28/6/9/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 and SK-033/PII-SK/D1/VI/2019

Total DividenTotal Dividend

Rp107.567.867 Rp280.345.486

Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) (664,04%) 91,22%

Dividen per SahamDividend per Share

n/a n/a

Tanggal Pembayaran DividenDividend Payment Date

19 Agustus 2020August 19th, 2020

19 Agustus 2019August 19th, 2019


The Company has a policy to distribute dividends at least once a year. The amount of dividends depends on the Company's profits for the financial year concerned, with due regard to the level of financial health of the Company and without prejudice to the rights of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of the Company, to determine otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of IPC TPK.

Based on the Minutes of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which were notarized by Notarial Deed No.15 dated July 13th, 2020 of Kokoh Henry, S.H., Mkn, the Shareholders of the Company determined the use of the Company's net profit for the 2019 financial year as follows:

• Retained earnings of Rp199,768,895;• Dividend of Rp107,567,867.

The Company has paid the dividend to PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama on August 19th, 2020, amounting to Rp106,492,188 and Rp1,075,679, respectively.

Based on the of the Shareholders Circular Resolutions No. SK.03/28/6/9/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 and SK-033/PII-SK/D1/VI/2019, the Company’s Shareholders determined the use of the Company’s net profit for the financial year 2018 as follows:

• General reserves of Rp70,086,371; • Dividend payments of Rp280,345,486.

The Company paid the dividends to PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama on August 19th, 2019 in the amount of Rp277,542,031 and Rp2,803,455, respectively.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

146 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Sejak didirikan hingga akhir tahun 2020, Perusahaan belum pernah menjalankan program kepemilikan saham bagi karyawan dan manajemen (ESOP/MSOP). Oleh karena itu, tidak terdapat informasi mengenai jumlah saham ESOP/ MSOP dan realisasinya, jangka waktu, persyaratan karyawan dan/atau manajemen yang berhak; dan harga exercise.


Hingga akhir tahun 2020, Perusahaan tidak melakukan aktivitas penawaran umum saham dan/atau penerbitan efek di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, tidak terdapat informasi mengenai realisasi penggunaan dana hasil penawaran umum.


Perusahaan telah menerapkan PSAK No. 7 (Revisi 2010), “Pengungkapan Pihak-pihak Berelasi” yang mensyaratkan pengungkapan hubungan, transaksi dan saldo pihak-pihak berelasi, termasuk komitmen, dalam laporan keuangan. Transaksi dengan pihak berelasi dilakukan berdasarkan persyaratan yang disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak.

Pengungkapan Pihak Berelasi Related Party Disclosures

Pihak yang BerelasiRelated Parties

Sifat HubunganNature of Relationship

Sifat TransaksiNature of Transaction

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Entitas IndukHolding Entity

Entitas IndukHolding Entity

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pemegang SahamShareholder

PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Transaksi OperasionalOperational Transactions

PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Transaksi OperasionalOperational Transactions

PT Multi Terminal Indonesia Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Penyewaan AlatEquipment Rental

PT Electronic Data Enterchange Indonesia

Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Layanan Sistem InformasiInformation System Services

PT Jasa Peralatan Pelabuhan Indonesia Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pemeliharaan AlatEquipment Maintenance

PT Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Layanan Sistem InformasiInformation System Services

PT Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Layanan KesehatanHealth Care

PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Transaksi OperasionalOperational Transactions

PT Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia

Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pendidikan dan PelatihanEducation and Training

PT Energi Pelabuhan Indonesia Entitas Sepengendalian PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)Entity under common control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Penyedia ListrikPower Supply

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Jasa PerbankanBanking Services

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Jasa PerbankanBanking Services

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Jasa PerbankanBanking Services

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Jasa PerbankanBanking Services


Since its establishment until the end of 2020, the Company has never run Employee and/or Management Stock Ownership Program (ESOP/MSOP). Therefore, there is no information regarding the number of ESOP/MSOP shares and their realization, term, requirements for eligible employees and/or management; and exercise prices.


As at the end of 2020, the Company has not conducted public offering activities and/or securities issuance on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Therefore, there is no information regarding the actual use of the proceeds from the public offering.


The Company has applied PSAK No. 7 (Revised 2010), “Related Party Disclosures”, which requires disclosure of related party relationships, transactions and balances, including commitments, in the financial statements. Transactions with related parties are carried out based on terms agreed by both parties.

147PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pengungkapan Pihak Berelasi Related Party Disclosures

Pihak yang BerelasiRelated Parties

Sifat HubunganNature of Relationship

Sifat TransaksiNature of Transaction

PT Pertamina (Persero) Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

Tentara Nasional Indonesia Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

Perusahaan Umum (Perum) BULOG Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero)

Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

PT Sarana Bandar Nasional Entitas Sepengendalian Pemerintah Republik IndonesiaEntity under common control of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

NPCT1 Entitas AsosiasiAssociated Entity

Pendapatan OperasiOperating Revenues

Penjelasan Mengenai Kewajaran TransaksiKewajaran seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan Perusahaan dengan Pihak-pihak Berelasi telah diungkapkan pada laporan keuangan, dan telah sesuai dengan standar PSAK 7 (revisi 2014) tentang “Pengungkapan Pihak-pihak Berelasi”. Transaksi dengan pihak berelasi dilakukan berdasarkan persyaratan yang disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak. Dalam kegiatan usaha normal, Perusahaan melakukan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi, yang dilakukan pada tingkat harga dan persyaratan yang disetujui kedua belah pihak.

Alasan Dilakukannya TransaksiSeperti halnya transaksi dengan pihak ketiga, transaksi Perusahaan dengan Pihak Berelasi dilakukan sejalan dengan kebutuhan pengembangan operasional dan bisnis Perusahaan.

Realisasi Transaksi Pada Periode Tahun Buku Terakhir

Saldo Transaksi Pihak Berelasi Tahun 2020 Balance of Related Party Transactions in 2020

Uraian 2020 2019

Persentase dari Jumlah Aset Percentage of Total Assets

Description2020 2019

% %

Jumlah Kas dan Setara Kas Pihak Berelasi

470.086.242 327.119.885 10,31% 29,77% Total Cash & Cash Equivalents of Related Parties

Jumlah Piutang Usaha Pihak Berelasi

19.432 1.317.518 0,00% 0,12% Total Trade Receivables with Related Parties

Jumlah Piutang Lain-Lain Pihak Berelasi

66.119.446 67.937.879 1,45% 6,18% Total Other Receivables with Related Parties

Uraian 2020 2019

Persentase dari Jumlah Liabilitas

Percentage of Total LiabilitiesDescription

2020 2019

% %

Jumlah Utang Usaha Pihak Berelasi

41.864.970 37.493.630 0,95% 4,62% Total Trade Payables with Related Parties

Jumlah Utang Lain-Lain Pihak Berelasi

189.379.362 246.749.473 4,31% 30,40% Total Other Payables with Related Parties

Explanation of Transaction Fairness The fairness of all transactions conducted by the Company with related parties has been disclosed in the financial statements, and is in accordance with the PSAK 7 (revised 2014) standard regarding “Related Party Disclosures”. Transactions with related parties are carried out based on terms agreed by both parties. In the normal course of business, the Company enters into transactions with related parties, which were carried out at price levels and terms agreed by both parties.

Reasons for Conducting Transactions Similar to transactions with third parties, the Company’s transactions with related parties are carried out in line with the Company’s operational and business development needs.

Realization of Transactions in the Last Financial Year

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

148 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kebijakan Perusahaan Terkait Mekanisme Reviu atas TransaksiMekanisme reviu Perusahaan atas transaksi dengan Pihak- pihak Berelasi dilakukan melalui proses audit khususnya audit yang telah dilakukan oleh akuntan publik dan dipublikasikan, di mana mekanisme ini tertuang dalam PSAK 7 (revisi 2014) tentang “Pengungkapan Pihak-pihak Berelasi”.

Pemenuhan Peraturan dan Ketentuan Terkait Pemenuhan peraturan dan ketentuan terkait, yaitu Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) di Indonesia dilakukan melalui upaya pengungkapan PSAK 7 (revisi 2014) tentang “Pengungkapan Pihak-pihak Berelasi” dalam laporan keuangan Perusahaan tahun 2020 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst & Young).


Di sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat informasi keuangan yang mengandung kejadian yang bersifat luar biasa dan jarang terjadi.


Pada 2020, tidak terdapat perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan dan dampaknya yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Perusahaan.


Efektif per 1 Januari 2020, Perusahaan menerapkan beberapa standar akuntansi baru yang relevan sebagai berikut:

Perubahan Kebijakan AkuntansiChanges in Accounting Policies


Amandemen PSAK 1 dan PSAK 25: Definisi MaterialAmendments to PSAK 1 and PSAK 25: Definition of Material

Amandemen ini mengklarifikasi definisi materi dengan tujuan menyelaraskan definisi yang digunakan dalam kerangka kerja konseptual dan beberapa PSAK terkait. Selain itu, juga memberikan panduan yang lebih jelas mengenai definisi material dalam konteks pengurangan pengungkapan yang berlebihan karena perubahan ambang batas definisi material.This amendment clarifies the definition of material with the aim of harmonizing the definitions used in the conceptual framework and some relevant PSAKs. In addition, it also provides clearer guidance regarding the definition of material in the context of reducing over disclosure due to changes in the threshold of the material definition.

PSAK 71: Instrumen KeuanganPSAK 71:Financial Instruments

PSAK ini mengatur klasifikasi dan pengukuran instrumen keuangan berdasarkan karakteristik dari arus kas kontraktual dan model bisnis entitas; metode kerugian kredit ekspektasian untuk penurunan nilai yang menghasilkan informasi yang lebih tepat waktu, relevan, dan dimengerti oleh pemakai laporan keuangan; akuntansi untuk lindung nilai yang merefleksikan manajemen risiko entitas lebih baik dengan memperkenalkan persyaratan yang lebih umum berdasarkan pertimbangan manajemen.This PSAK provides classification and measurement of financial instruments based on the characteristics of contractual cash flows and business model of the entity; expected credit loss impairment model that resulting in information that are more timely, relevant and understandable to users of the financial statements; accounting for hedging that reflect the entity’s risk management better by introducing a more general requirement based on management’s judgement.

PSAK 72: Pendapatan dari Kontrak dengan PelangganPSAK 72: Revenue from Contracts with Customers

PSAK ini adalah standar tunggal untuk pengakuan pendapatan yang merupakan hasil dari joint project yang sukses antara International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) dan Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), mengatur model pengakuan pendapatan dari kontrak dengan pelanggan, sehingga entitas diharapkan dapat melakukan analisis sebelum mengakui pendapatan.This PSAK is a single standard that is a joint project between the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and the Financial Accounting Standard Board (“FASB”), provides revenue recognition from contracts with customers, and the entity is expected to perform analysis before recognizing the revenue.

Company Policy Regarding Transactions Review Mechanism The Company’s review mechanism for transactions with Related Parties is carried out through the audit process, especially those audits conducted and published by a public accountant, using the mechanism contained in PSAK 7 (revised 2014) concerning “Related Party Disclosures”.

Compliance with Related Regulations and Provisions Compliance with related regulations and provisions, namely the Financial Accounting Standards (SAK) in Indonesia is conducted through the disclosure of PSAK 7 (revised 2014) regarding “Related Party Disclosures” in the Company’s 2020 financial statements, which were audited by Public Accounting Firm Purwantono, Sungkoro and Surja (Ernst & Young).


Throughout 2020, there was no information regarding extraordinary and rare financial events.


In 2020, there were no amendments to the laws and regulations with significant impact on the Company.


Effective January 1st, 2020, the Company adopted the following new and relevant accounting standards:

149PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Perubahan Kebijakan AkuntansiChanges in Accounting Policies


PSAK 73: SewaPSAK 73: Leases

PSAK ini menetapkan prinsip pengakuan, pengukuran, penyajian, dan pengungkapan atas sewa dengan memperkenalkan model akuntansi tunggal dengan mensyaratkan untuk mengakui aset hak-guna (right-of-use assets) dan liabilitas sewa. Terdapat 2 (dua) pengecualian opsional dalam pengakuan aset dan liabilitas sewa, yaitu untuk: (i) sewa jangka-pendek dan (ii) sewa yang aset pendasarnya (underlying assets) bernilai rendah.This PSAK establishes the principles of recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure of the lease by introducing a single accounting model, with the requirement to recognize the right-of-use assets and liability of the lease. There are 2 (two) optional exclusions in the recognition of the lease assets and liabilities: (i) short-term lease and (ii) lease with low-value underlying assets.


Perbedaan yang timbul dari penerapan PSAK 71 “Instrumen Keuangan” telah dibebankan ke saldo laba pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020. Sedangkan untuk PSAK 73 “Sewa, Perusahaan telah mencatat aset hak-guna dan liabilitas sewa pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020. Dampak penerapan atas PSAK 71 “Instrumen Keuangan” dan PSAK 73 “Sewa” pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020 diungkapkan pada Catatan 4 Laporan Keuangan Auditan Perusahaan di halaman 39 sampai dengan halaman 41. Sementara itu, dampak atas penerapan amandemen lainnya tidak material terhadap Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan.


Manajemen IPC TPK berpendapat bahwa tidak terdapat hal-hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kelangsungan usaha Perusahaan pada tahun 2020. Adapun asumsi yang mendasari manajemen dalam mengeluarkan opini tersebut adalah Analisa SWOT yang telah dilakukan sebagaimana terlihat di bawah ini:

KEUNGGULAN STRENGTHS• Wilayah Kerja IPC TPK beroperasi di Indonesia bagian barat, khususnya

Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, yang memiliki industrial utama serta permintaan dengan pertumbuhan yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan rata-rata nasional.

• Proses layanan dan administrasi pengelolaan terminal petikemas didukung teknologi dan sistem informasi.

• IPC TPK operates in western Indonesia, particularly Tanjung Priok Port, which has a major industry and high demand growth compared to the national average.

• The service and administration process of container terminal management is supported by technology and information systems.

KELEMAHAN WEAKNESSES• Pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas pada 6 area belum terintegrasi

secara optimal. • Kondisi dan kinerja peralatan Terminal Petikemas eksisting belum

optimal.• The operation of Container Terminals in 6 areas has not been

optimally integrated.• The condition and performance of the existing Container Terminal

equipment has not yet optimal.

PELUANG OPPORTUNITIES• Potensi ekspansi domestik dengan memanfaatkan tren perdagangan

positif antar pulau di Indonesia. • Tren digital dalam mendukung peningkatan layanan Terminal Petikemas • Adanya kebutuhan dan arahan dari pemerintah terkait integrasi

Terminal Petikemas dengan ekosistem logistik yang berpotensi dalam memperoleh pasar yang baru.

• Potential for domestic expansion by taking advantage of the positive inter-island trade trend in Indonesia.

• Digital trend in supporting the improvement of Container Terminal services.

• There is a need and direction from the government regarding the integration of the Container Terminal with the logistics ecosystem with potential to gain new markets.

ANCAMAN THREATS• Ketidakpastian ekonomi global dan nasional akibat pandemi

Covid-19. • Semakin tingginya tingkat kompetisi dalam pengoperasian

Terminal Petikemas.• Global and national economic uncertainty due to the Covid-19

pandemic.• The higher level of competition in the operation of the Container



Differences arising from the implementation of PSAK 71 “Financial Instruments” have been charged to the retained earnings on January 1st, 2020. As for PSAK 73 “Leases”, the Company has recorded right-of-use assets and lease liabilities as of January 1st, 2020. The impact of the application of PSAK 71 “Financial Instruments” and PSAK 73 “Leases”on January 1, 2020 were disclosed in Note 4 of Audited Financial Statements on page 39 until 41. Meanwhile, the impact on the application of new standards and adjustments or other amendments is not material to the Financial Statements of the Company.


IPC TPK management was convinced that there were no events with potential to significantly affect the Company's business continuity in 2020. The assumptions underlying management’s opinion was the SWOT analysis that has been carried out as shown below:

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

150 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Dengan mengacu pada Surat Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) No. KEP- 100/MBU/2002 tanggal 4 Juni 2002 tentang Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Perusahaan membuat Laporan Hasil Evaluasi Kinerja yang menggambarkan tingkat kesehatan perusahaan. Secara berkala manajemen Perusahaan mengajukan indikator-indikator tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan RUPS.

Berdasarkan asesmen tersebut, tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan mencapai skor 74,50 (Sehat/A). Berikut ini adalah ringkasan kinerja Perusahaan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2020 yang telah dievaluasi oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young).




Aspek Keuangan Financial Aspect

50,00 24,50

Aspek OperasionalOperational Aspect

35,00 35,00

Aspek AdministrasiAdministration Aspect

15,00 15,00

Jumlah NilaiTotal Score

100,00 74,50

Tingkat Kesehatan PerusahaanCompany Soundness Index



Peta Jalan Usaha: Rencana Jangka Panjang

Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya, Perusahaan mengacu pada Peta Jalan Usaha, atau Business Roadmap sebagai bagian dari penyusunan Rencana Kerja Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) periode 2016–2020. Program kerja Perusahaan disusun dengan mengacu pada peta jalan korporasi yang diselaraskan dengan corporate roadmap milik entitas induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Adapun corporate roadmap Perusahaan 2016–2020 dapat dilihat pada bagan di bawah ini:

2016FIT IN INFRASTRUCTUREFine Tunning in Every Area

Landasan Perusahaan › Governance: Business Process, SOP, Structure; › Culture; › Corporate & Sub Business Model/ Restructing; › Re-define Business.

Company Foundation › Governance: Business Process, SOP, Structure; › Culture; › Corporate & Sub Business Model/ Restructing; › Re-define Business.

2017ENHANCEMENTStrengthening/Enhancing Business

Konsolidasi Perusahaan › Set up kontrak dengan cabang-cabang; › Standarisasi operasional; › Penyempurnaan model bisnis; › Memastikan kecukupan peralatan; › Efektivitas biaya dan stabilisasi keuangan; › IT Operation Platform.

Company Consolidation › Set up contract with branches; › Standardization of operations ; › Business model improvements; › Ensuring equipment sufficiency; › Cost effectiveness and financial stabilization; › IT Operation Platform.

2018ESTABLISHMENTEstablishment Performance

Service Excellent › Pengoperasian TPK eksisting throughput >50 ribu

TEU; › Service & Operation Excellent; › Organisasi efektif & efisien.

Service Excellence › Operating existing container terminals with

throughput >50 thousand TEU; › Service & Operation; › Excellent Effective & efficient organization.

2019SUSTAINABLESustainable Superior Performance

Pengembangan Bisnis & Jaringan › Strategic partnership; › Integrasi layanan dalam jaringan terminal

petikemas IPC TPK; › Market Integration; › Persiapan pengoperasian new terminal (Ex JICT 2,

Kijing, CBL, dan CT3); › Persiapan pengoperasian terminal petikemas di

luar IPC Group (Batam & Makassar); Persiapan IPO.

Business and Network Development › Strategic partnership; › Integration of services within IPC TPK container

terminal network; › Market Integration; › Preparation of operations of new terminals

(Ex. JICT 2, Kijing, CBL and CT3); › Preparation of container terminal operations

outside IPC Group (Batam and Makassar)Preparation of IPO.

2020WORLD CLASSWorld Class Performance

Leading in Nation › Integration terminal layanan logistik lainnya; › Perusahaan terdaftar di bursa saham Indonesia (go


Leading in Nation › Integration of other terminal logistic services; › The Company listed on the Indonesian Stock

Exchange (go public).


With reference to the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) No. KEP- 100/MBU/2002 dated June 4th, 2002 regarding the Assessment of the Health Level of State-Owned Enterprises, the Company made a Performance Evaluation Report that describes the health level of the Company. The Company's management periodically submits indicators of the Company's health level for approval from the GMS.

Based on the assessment, the Company's health level reached a score of 74.50 (Healthy/A). The following is a summary of the Company's performance for the year ended December 31st, 2020 which has been evaluated by the Public Accounting Firm of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst and Young).

Business Roadmap: Long Term Plan

In carrying out its business activities, the Company refers to the Business Roadmap as part of the preparation of the Company's Long-Term Work Plan (RJPP) for the period 2016–2020. The Company's work program is prepared with reference to the corporate roadmap which is aligned with the corporate roadmap of the parent entity, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). The Company's 2016–2020 corporate roadmap can be seen in the chart below:

151PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Setiap tahun Perusahaan memiliki target yang hendak dicapai yang kemudian diturunkan ke setiap Direktorat dalam bentuk tema, sasaran strategis dan inisiatif strategis. Sebagai anak perusahaan dari PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), Perusahaan mencoba untuk dapat menghubungkan program kerja setiap tahun dengan corporate roadmap PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), yang direalisasikan dengan adanya hubungan tema tiap direktorat dengan program kerja.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Korporasi Corporate

Membangun Corporate Platform

Building Corporate Platform

Penyempurnaan Corporate Platform

Refinement of Corporate Platform

Excellent Corporate Performance

Excellent Corporate Performance

Synergized and Sustainable Corporate Performance

Synergized and Sustainable Corporate Performance

World Class Corporation

World Class Corporation

Komersial Commercial

Membangun Business Platform dan Customer Base

Building Business Platform and Customer Base

Penyempurnaan Corporate Business Model

Refinement of Corporate Business Model

Business Excellent

Business Excellent

Business Expansion

Business Expansion

Unggul dalam Aktivitas Komersial dan menjadi Pilihan Pelanggan

Excellent in Commercial Activities and become the Customer Choice

Operasi & Teknik Operations & Engineering

Membangun Manajemen Peralatan dan Manajemen Risiko

Building Equipment Management and Risk Management

Standarisasi Manajemen Peralatan dan Manajemen Risiko

Standardization of Equipment Management and Risk Management

Excellent Equipment Management

Excellent Equipment Management

Equipment Investment for Business Expansion

Equipment Investment for Business Expansion

Modern Equipment Management

Modern Equipment Management

Operations & IT Platform

Operations & IT Platform

Standarisasi Operation & System Consolidation

Standardization of Operation & System Consolidation

Operations Excellent & System Integration

Operations Excellent & System Integration

Improvement System Integration Hub Domestic Port

Improvement System Integration Hub Domestic Port

Synergized & Integrated With Third Parties Logistic

Synergized & Integrated With Third Parties Logistic

Keuangan & Sumber Daya ManusiaFinancial & Human Capital

Membangun Financial Platform

Building Financial Platform

Standarisasi Manajemen Keuangan

Standardization of Financial Management

Integrated Financial Process

Integrated Financial Process

Sustainable Corporate Portfolio and Financial Performance

Sustainable Corporate Portfolio and Financial Performance

International Financial Exposure

International Financial Exposure

Membangun Human Capital Platform

Building Human Capital Platform

Standarisasi Human Capital Development

Standardization of Human Capital Development

Excellent Human Capital Development System

Excellent Human Capital Development System

High Performing Organization and Workforce

High Performing Organization and Workforce

Source of Talent in Container Terminal Human Resource

Source of Talent in Container Terminal Human Resource

Every year the Company has targets to achieve which are then passed down to each Directorate in the form of themes, strategic goals and initiatives. As a subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), the Company strives to link the annual work program with the corporate roadmap of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), which is realized by the relationship between the themes of each directorate and the work program.

Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

152 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

Perusahaan berkomitmen untuk menjaga konsistensinyadalam meningkatkan kualitas penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG.

The Company is committed to consistently improving the quality of the implementation of GCG principles.

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Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

154 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pernyataan Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip GCGStatement on the Implementation of GCG Principles

Tata Kelola Perusahaan (Good Corporate Governance/GCG) merupakan suatu struktur dan mekanisme yang mengatur pengelolaan Perusahaan sehingga Perusahaan mampu memberikan nilai ekonomi maupun sosial secara jangka panjang dan berkelanjutan bagi para Pemegang Saham maupun pemangku kepentingan.

Sebagai sebuah entitas usaha yang mengusung nilai-nilai keberlanjutan, IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya mengimplementasikan praktik-praktik usaha yang sehat dan secara konsisten dengan mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang berlaku universal dan selaras dengan Keputusan Menteri BUMN 01/MBU/2011 Tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Pengimplementasian prinsip-prinsip GCG ini memiliki peran besar bagi Perusahaan agar mampu mempertahankan eksistensi dan ketangguhan usahanya di tengah dinamika bisnis yang sangat tinggi.

Penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG juga diselenggarakan sebagai wujud upaya Perusahaan untuk memberikan perlindungan yang memadai dan perlakuan yang adil bagi Pemegang Saham dan segenap Pemangku Kepentingan, meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan dari segenap pemangku kepentingan, pelanggan, dan masyarakat secara luas, selain juga memastikan kepatuhan Perusahaan terhadap peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta mengarahkan IPC TPK agar senantiasa berada dalam koridor yang tepat untuk mencapai visi, misi, dan tujuan Perusahaan.

Perusahaan berkomitmen untuk menjaga konsistensinya dalam meningkatkan kualitas penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Upaya-upaya tersebut diwujudkan dengan didukung oleh pengukuran risiko sesuai prinsip kehati-hatian, proses pengambilan keputusan yang transparan, penguatan pengawasan dan monitoring, serta pengelolaan kegiatan usaha yang akuntabel dan independen dengan mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Praktik-praktik GCG juga ditegakkan secara menyeluruh baik dalam bentuk penetapan Anggaran Dasar, penerbitan pedoman-pedoman yang menjadi acuan bagi seluruh organ dalam organisasi Perusahaan dalam bertingkah laku maupun menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai fungsi yang diembannya.

IPC TPK berkeyakinan bahwa penerapan praktik-praktik GCG secara konsisten merupakan kebutuhan yang harus diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan akuntabilitas dan sebagai upaya mewujudkan nilai tambah bagi Pemegang Saham dalam jangka panjang tanpa mengabaikan kepentingan Pemangku Kepentingan (Stakeholders) lainnya.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a structure and mechanism that regulates the management of a Company and help a Company to be able to provide economic and social values in a long-term and sustainable manner for the shareholders and stakeholders.

As a business entity that promotes sustainability values, IPC TPK always strives to implement healthy business practices consistently with respect to the principles of universally applied corporate governance principles and in line with the Decree of the Minister of SOEs 01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises. Implementation of these GCG principles is very important for the Company to be able to secure its business existence and resilience amid the dynamic business situation.

The GCG principles are implemented to represent the Company's commitment to provide adequate protection and fair treatment for both Shareholders and Stakeholders, to increase trust and satisfaction of all stakeholders, customers, and the public at large, in addition to ensuring the Company's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and leading IPC TPK to always run within the right corridor to achieve the Company's vision, mission, and goals.

The Company is committed to consistently improving the quality of the implementation of GCG principles. Such effort is supported by risk measurement in accordance with the principles of prudence, transparent decision-making process, stronger supervision and monitoring, and the management of accountable and independent business practices through implementation of GCG principles. GCG practices are also fully enforced both in the form of the establishment of the Articles of Association, the issuance of guidelines that will guide all organs in the Company's organization in behaving or carrying out duties and responsibilities in accordance with each of their functions.

IPC TPK believes that the consistent implementation of GCG practices is a must in order to improve accountability and as part of efforts to add values for Shareholders in the long term with respect to the interests of other stakeholders.

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Dalam pelaksanaannya, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh unit kerja IPC TPK berkomitmen untuk mengimplementasikan standar yang tinggi dalam penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan. Prinsip-prinsip GCG merupakan referensi bagi IPC TPK dalam mengambil setiap keputusan, menghindari konflik kepentingan, optimalisasi kinerja, dan peningkatan akuntabilitas.

Dalam menerapkan praktik-praktik GCG dalam kegiatan usahanya, IPC TPK mengacu pada peraturan yang berlaku dan standar best practice yang ada, di antaranya:1. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 40 Tahun 2007

tentang Perseroan Terbatas;2. Undang-Undang No. 19 tahun 2003 tentang BUMN Pasal

5 ayat 3, PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance);

3. Salinan Keputusan Sekretaris Menteri Negara BUMN No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juni 2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG) pada BUMN;

4. Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Governance Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG) yang diterbitkan pada 17 Oktober 2006 (“Pedoman Umum GCG Indonesia oleh KNKG”);

5. Roadmap Tata Kelola Perusahaan Indonesia yang disampaikan melalui siaran pers OJK tanggal 4 Februari 2014;

6. Roadmap GCG Induk Perusahaan, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) tahun 2017;

7. ASEAN Corporate Governance (CG) Scorecard yang dikeluarkan oleh ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF);

8. Prinsip-prinsip Corporate Governance untuk State Owned Company yang dikembangkan oleh Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);

9. Penerapan GCG dengan melihat indeks terkait tata kelola perusahaan atau Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI).

Selanjutnya, berdasarkan acuan tersebut, IPC TPK telah menetapkan Pedoman GCG IPC TPK, Framework GCG IPC TPK, dan Roadmap GCG IPC TPK sebagai acuan, kerangka besar (framework) dan peta jalan dalam mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip GCG secara komprehensif dan konsisten di lingkungan IPC TPK.

Komitmen peningkatan kualitas penerapan GCG pada IPC TPK senantiasa dilakukan dari waktu ke waktu. Berbagai kebijakan dan upaya telah dilakukan IPC TPK, baik untuk jangka pendek maupun panjang, di antaranya:1. Penetapan Roadmap GCG PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

2. Cascading Roadmap dan seluruh kebijakan GCG ke seluruh Divisi;

3. Website sebagai Showcase program dan inisiatif GCG;4. Optimalisasi pelaksanaan Whistleblowing System

(WBS) dengan meningkatkan sosialisasi dan efektivitas penanganan kasus;

5. Penguatan Subsidiary Governance;6. Assessment GCG yang diakui secara nasional dan

internasional;7. Penguatan peran unit GCG untuk melakukan koordinasi

pelaksanaan Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC);8. Kompetisi internal inisiatif pelaksanaan GCG;

9. Inisiatif bisnis yang berorientasi pada manfaat win-win dengan pemangku kepentingan dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup;

10. Implementasi Corporate responsibility berbasis ISO 26000, Guidance Social Responsibility.

In its implementation, the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and all work units of IPC TPK are committed to implementing high standards of GCG principles in consistent and sustainable manner. GCG principles will guide IPC TPK in taking every decision, avoiding conflicts of interest, optimizing performance, and improving accountability.

In implementing GCG practices in its business activities, IPC TPK refers to applicable regulations and the existing best practice standards, including:1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 concerning

Limited Liability Companies;2. Article 5 paragraph 3 of Law No. 19 of 2003 about

SOEs, PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance;

3. Copy of the Decree of the Secretary of Minister of SOEs No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6th, 2012 on Indicators/Parameters of Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in SOEs;

4. General Guidelines for Indonesian Good Corporate Governance published by the National Committee of Governance Policy (KNKG) on October 17th, 2006 ("General Guidelines of Indonesian GCG by KNKG");

5. Roadmap of Indonesian Corporate Governance published through OJK’s press release on February 4th, 2014;

6. GCG Roadmap of Parent Company, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) in 2017;

7. ASEAN Corporate Governance (CG) Scorecard issued by Asean Capital Market Forum (ACMF);

8. Principles of Corporate Governance for State Owned Companies by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);

9. Implementation of GCG with respect to Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI).

Then, based on these references, IPC TPK has established the IPC TPK’s GCG Guidelines, IPC TPK’s GCG Framework, and IPC TPK’s GCG Roadmap as references, grand frameworks (frameworks) and roadmaps in implementing GCG principles comprehensively and consistently within the business environment of IPC TPK.

We have carried out the commitment to improve the quality of GCG implementation in IPC TPK through the years. Various policies and efforts are in place for short and long terms, including:1. Determination of GCG Roadmap of PT IPC Terminal

Petikemas;2. Cascading Roadmap and all GCG policies to all Divisions;

3. Website as Showcase of GCG programs and initiatives;4. Optimization of whistleblowing system (WBS)

implementation by improving the socialization and effectiveness of case handling;

5. Strengthening Subsidiary Governance;6. GCG assessments that earn national and international

recognitions;7. Strengthening the role of GCG units to coordinate the

implementation of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC);8. Internal competition regarding GCG implementation

initiatives;9. Business initiatives that offer win-win benefits for

stakeholders and environmental sustainability;

10. Implementation of Corporate Responsibility based on ISO 26000, Guidance Social Responsibility.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

156 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Tahun ini menjadi langkah awal bagi IPC TPK mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip GCG yang diwujudkan melalui penyelenggaraan assessment GCG untuk pertama kalinya di lingkungan Perusahaan.

It was the first year for IPC TPK to implement GCG principles as it organized GCG assessment for the first time in the Company.


Pada tahun ini, IPC TPK meletakkan landasan bagi penerapan GCG IPC TPK dengan menyusun soft structure GCG, yang terdiri dari Pedoman Pelaksanaan GCG, dan Board Manual dan Piagam Audit Internal (Internal Audit Charter).

This year, IPC TPK laid the groundwork for the implementation of GCG IPC TPK by drafting a GCG soft structure, consisting of the GCG Implementation Guidelines, and the Board Manual and Internal Audit Charter.


Di tahun ini, dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas penerapan tata kelola perusahaan, maka IPC TPK tahun ini merevisi penerapan GCG secara sistematis dengan mengacu pada Keputusan Menteri BUMN 01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara. IPC TPK dalam hal ini mengambil sejumlah inisiatif, antara lain menyusun peta jalan atau roadmap GCG, merevisi infrastruktur dasar penerapan GCG, yakni Pedoman GCG (GCG Code), Kode Etik (Code of Conduct), dan Board Manual, serta penyempurnaan dan penyusunan dokumen Tata Kelola Perusahaan, terkait kelengkapan dokumen kebijakan serta SOP, serta melakukan sosialisasi dan pengukuran implementasi GCG.

In this year, in order to improve the quality of the implementation of corporate governance, the IPC TPK this year revised the implementation of GCG systematically as guided through the Decree of the Minister of SOEs 01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises. IPC TPK therefore had taken a number of initiatives, including by drafting a GCG roadmap, revising the basic infrastructure of GCG implementation, namely GCG Code, Code of Conduct, and Board Manual, as well as the improvement and formulation of Corporate Governance documents, relating to the completeness of policy documents and SOPs, as well as conducting socialization and measurement over GCG implementation.


Guna mengukur efektivitas pelaksanaan GCG di lingkungan Perusahaan, maka di tahun ini, IPC TPK melakukan penilaian atau assessment penerapan GCG. Skor yang diperoleh atas penerapan GCG IPC TPK di tahun ini mencapai 95,068. Lalu seiring perkembangan kegiatan operasi IPC TPK dengan penambahan 6 (enam) area operasi terminal petikemas, maka IPC TPK di tahun ini menambah 1 (satu) anggota Komite Audit yang mengemban fungsi sebagai perangkat pendukung pengawasan Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan tugasnya sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG.

In order to ensure the effective GCG implementation in the Company, this year IPC TPK launched an assessment over the GCG implementation. Score for the GCG implementation in IPC TPK this year was 95.068. Then as IPC TPK developed its operations with the addition of 6 (six) operating areas of the container terminal, IPC TPK this year decided to add 1 (one) member of the Audit Committee that served the function of the supervisory support for the Board of Commissioners in fulfilling its duties in accordance with GCG principles.


Hasil penilaian atau assessment penerapan GCG tercatat terus menunjukkan peningkatan meningkat, yakni mencapai 96,418.

The assessment results of the GCG implementation continued to improve to 96.418.


Atas konsisten IPC TPK untuk meningkatkan kualitas penerapan GCG, skor penilaian terhadap penerapan GCG di IPC TPK tahun ini kembali mengalami peningkatan menjadi sebesar 97,039, atau dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”.

To recognize IPC TPK’s consistency in improving the quality of GCG implementation, the assessment score relating to the implementation of GCG in IPC TPK this year improved to 97.039, or categorized as "Excellent".

Tujuan dan Dasar Penerapan GCG

Sesuai statusnya sebagai anak usaha Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), maka penerapan praktik-praktik GCG di IPC TPK mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 dan perubahannya No. PER-09/MBU/2012 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, penerapan GCG pada Perusahaan mencakup, terutama adalah:

Konsistensi Penerapan GCG di IPC TPKConsistency of GCG Implementation in IPC TPK

Purpose and Basis of GCG Implementation

As a subsidiary of a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE), the implementation of GCG practices in IPC TPK refers to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 and the revision No. PER-09/MBU/2012 regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. Under the regulations, the application of GCG in the Company particularly includes:

157PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

1. Mengoptimalkan nilai Perusahaan agar Perusahaan memiliki daya saing yang kuat, baik secara nasional maupun internasional, sehingga mampu mempertahankan keberadaannya dan hidup berkelanjutan untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan;

2. Mendorong pengelolaan Perusahaan secara profesional, efisien, dan efektif, serta memberdayakan fungsi dan meningkatkan kemandirian Organ Perusahaan;

3. Mendorong agar Organ Perusahaan dalam membuat keputusan dan menjalankan tindakan dilandasi nilai moral yang tinggi dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, serta kesadaran akan adanya tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terhadap pemangku kepentingan maupun kelestarian lingkungan di sekitar Perusahaan;

4. Meningkatkan kontribusi Perusahaan dalam perekonomian nasional;

5. Meningkatkan iklim yang kondusif bagi perkembangan investasi nasional;

6. Meningkatkan citra Perusahaan menjadi semakin baik.

Landasan HukumDalam pelaksanaannya, penerapan praktik-praktik GCG IPC TPK mengacu pada peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku, di antaranya:1. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 40 Tahun 2007

tentang Perseroan Terbatas;2. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 5 Tahun 1999

tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat;

3. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan;

4. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi;

5. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 25 Tahun 2003;

6. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik;

7. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi;

8. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 dan perubahannya No. PER-09/MBU/2012 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN;

9. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-2/MBU/06/2016 Jo. PER-04/MBU/2014 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas BUMN;

10. Salinan Keputusan Sekretaris Menteri Negara BUMN No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juni 2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG) pada BUMN;

11. Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Governance Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG) yang diterbitkan pada 17 Oktober 2006 (“Pedoman Umum GCG Indonesia oleh KNKG”);

12. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan terakhir, yang telah disahkan melalui Akta No. 220 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020 yang dibuat dihadapan Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, SH, Notaris berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat dan mendapatkan pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020.

1. Optimizing the value of the Company to help the Company build a strong competitiveness, both nationally and internationally, and maintain its existence and grow sustainably to achieve the Company's goals and objectives;

2. Promoting a professional, efficient, and effective management of the Company, and empowering the functions while building the independence of the Company's Organs;

3. Encouraging the Company's Organs to make decisions and carry out actions with respect to high moral values and compliance with laws and regulations, as well as build awareness of the corporate social responsibility to stakeholders and environmental sustainability around the Company;

4. Increasing the Company’s contribution to the national economy;

5. Improving a favorable business climate to boost national investment;

6. Promoting a better corporate image.

Legal ReferenceThe implementation of GCG practices in IPC TPK refers to the applying rules and regulations, among which are:

1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies;

2. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1999 on Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition;

3. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2003 on Employment;

4. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2001 on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31 of 1999 on Corruption Eradication;

5. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 15 of 2002 on Anti-Money Laundering as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 25 of 2003;

6. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions;

7. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2008 on Information Disclosure;

8. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 and its amendment No. PER-09/MBU/2012 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs;

9. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-2/MBU/06/2016 Jo. PER-04/MBU/2014 on Guidelines for the Determination of Income of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and Supervisory Board of SOEs;

10. Copy of the Decree of the Secretary of State Secretary No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6th, 2012 on Indicators/Parameters of Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in SOEs;

11. General Guidelines for Indonesian Good Corporate Governance issued by the National Committee of Governance Policy (KNKG) on October 17th, 2006 ("General Guidelines of Indonesian GCG by KNKG");

12. The latest Company’s Articles of Association, which has been passed through Deed No. 220 dated August 25th, 2020, signed before Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, S.H., a Notary in Central Jakarta, and received approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 dated August 25th, 2020.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

158 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kerangka Kerja GCG (Governance Framework) merupakan fondasi untuk mendasari segala tindakan IPC TPK agar menjadi Perusahaan yang mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip GCG secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan. Hal ini menjadi perwujudan tanggung jawab IPC TPK kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, yakni Pemegang Saham, pelanggan, karyawan, mitra bisnis, masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Governance Framework IPC TPK terdiri dari 5 (lima) elemen pokok, yakni Governance Principle, Governance Commitment, Governance Structure, Governance Process, dan Governance Outcome.

Visi, Misi, NilaiVision, Mission, Values

Kode Etik, Dewan Komisaris & Direksi

Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors & Code of Ecthics

Prinsip: Transparansi, Akuntabilitas, Responsibilitas, Independensi, Fairness, TrustedPrinciples: Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency, Fairness, Trusted

Governance Outcome:



Komitmen Tata KelolaGovernance Commitment


Adapun 5 (lima) elemen pokok Governance Framework dari pelaksanaan GCG di lingkungan IPC TPK:1. Governance Principles merupakan prinsip-prinsip

yang melandasi pelaksanaan tata kelola di IPC TPK, yakni Transparansi, Akuntabilitas, Responsibilitas, independensi, Fairness, dan Trusted;

2. Governance Commitment merupakan wujud komitmen Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi (Board) dan satuan unit kerja IPC TPK untuk menerapkan dan menegakan Tata Kelola IPC TPK yang termuat dalam Visi, Misi, Tata Nilai Perusahaan, Kode Etik Bisnis, sebagai rujukan dalam menyusun RJPP dan RKAP;

Kerangka GCG IPC TPKIPC TPK’s GCG Framework

The Governance Framework is the foundation for underpinning all actions taken by IPC TPK in order to become a Company that is consistent in implementing GCG principles. This is the embodiment of IPC TPK's responsibility to interested parties, namely shareholders, customers, employees, business partners, communities and other stakeholders. Governance Framework of IPC TPK consists of 5 (five) main elements, namely Governance Principle, Governance Commitment, Governance Structure, Governance Process, and Governance Outcome.

The 5 (five) main elements of the Governance Framework in the GCG implementation within IPC TPK:1. Governance Principles are the principles that serve

as the basis for the implementation of governance practices in IPC TPK, namely Transparency, Accountability, Responsibilities, Independence, Fairness, and Trusted;

2. Governance Commitment is a commitment of IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors and work units to implement and enforce IPC TPK Governance as represented in the Vision, Mission, Corporate Values, Code of Business Ethics, which serve a references in preparing RJPP and RKAP;

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3. Governance Structure merupakan organ internal dan eksternal IPC TPK yang berwenang menjalankan mandat pelaksanaan tugas IPC TPK dan fungsi pengawasan terhadap IPC TPK, yakni RUPS, Dewan Komisaris, dan Direksi;

4. Governance Process merupakan serangkaian standar dan prosedur yang digunakan oleh organ dan satuan unit kerja untuk memastikan penerapan dan penegakan Tata Kelola IPC TPK dilaksanakan secara terencana, konsekuen dan berkelanjutan;

5. Governance Outcome merupakan manifestasi dari penerapan dan penegakan GCG IPC TPK terhadap Pemangku Kepentingan yang berdampak positif terhadap penciptaan nilai (Value Creation) dan keberlangsungan bisnis (Sustainability).

Pelaksanaan Kerangka Governance Structure dan Governance Process yang efektif menjadi komitmen IPC TPK untuk mecapai Governance Outcome sesuai dengan harapan para pemangku kepentingan IPC TPK.

Prinsip-Prinsip Tata Kelola

Prinsip-prinsip Tata Kelola (Governance Principle) merupakan prinsip-prinsip yang menjadi pedoman bagi pelaksanaan GCG di lingkungan Perusahaan. Sebagai anak usaha BUMN, maka acuan IPC TPK dalam mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip GCG adalah Undang-Undang No. 19 tahun 2003 tentang BUMN Pasal 5 ayat 3, PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance), Roadmap GCG Induk Perusahaan tahun 2017, serta Pedoman Umum GCG yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG). Berdasarkan acuan tersebut, IPC TPK menetapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG terdiri dari 6 (enam) prinsip dasar, yakni transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, independensi, fairness atau kewajaran, dan trusted atau dipercaya, atau disingkat TARIFT.

Prinsip-Prinsip Tata Kelola Governance Principles








TransparansiPerusahaaan menjamin adanya keterbukaan dan objektivitas dalam melaksanakan proses pengambilan keputusan untuk menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. IPC TPK harus menyediakan informasi yang bersifat materil dan relevan mengenai IPC TPK dengan cara yang mudah diakses dan dipahami oleh segenap Pemangku Kepentingan.

AkuntabilitasIPC TPK bekerja dengan akuntabilitas tinggi, serta mempertanggungjawabkan segala tindakannya secara transparan dan wajar untuk kepentingan IPC TPK sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, etika perilaku bisnis, dan budaya IPC

3. Governance Structure is internal and external organs of IPC TPK that is authorized to carry out the mandate of the implementation of IPC TPK duties and supervisory functions against IPC TPK, namely the GMS, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Directors;

4. Governance Process is a series of standards and procedures used by organs and work units to ensure that IPC TPK Governance has been applied and enforced in a planned, consequential and sustainable manner;

5. Governance Outcome is a manifestation of the implementation and enforcement of GCG in IPC TPK to Stakeholders with positive impacts on value creation and business sustainability.

Effective implementation of Governance Structure and Governance Process Frameworks is part of IPC TPK’s commitment to achieve Governance Outcome in accordance with the expectations of IPC TPK’s stakeholders.

Governance Principle

Governance Principles are principles that will guide the GCG implementation in the Company. As a subsidiary of a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE), IPC TPK’s GCG implementation refers to Article 5 paragraph 3 of Law No. 19 of 2003 on SOEs, PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance, GCG Roadmap of the Parent Company in 2017, and General Guidelines on GCG issued by the National Committee of Governance Policy (KNKG). Based on these regulations, IPC TPK sets the GCG principles consisting of 6 (six) basic principles, namely transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, fairness, and trusted, or abbreviated as TARIFT.

TransparencyThe Company ensures transparency and objectivity in carrying out the decision-making process relating to its business activities. IPC TPK must provide material and relevant information about IPC TPK in a way that is easily accessible and understandable by all Stakeholders.

AccountabilityIPC TPK runs its business with high accountability, and takes full responsibility for all its actions in a transparent and reasonable manner for the benefit of IPC TPK and in accordance with the Articles of Association, applicable laws and regulations, business ethics, and IPC TPK culture while

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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TPK dengan tetap memperhatikan Pemangku Kepentingan guna mencapai kinerja secara berkesinambungan.

ResponsibilitasIPC TPK berpegang teguh pada prinsip kehati-hatian dan memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan Perusahaan, Anggaran Dasar, dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, serta melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial, antara lain kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan terutama di sekitar IPC TPK dengan membuat perencanaan dan pelaksanaan yang memadai sehingga terpelihara kesinambungan usaha.

IndependensiIPC TPK dikelola secara profesional dengan menghindari benturan kepentingan dan pengaruh/tekanan dari pihak manapun yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku terkait prinsip-prinsip korporasi yang sehat.

FairnessFairness atau kewajaran adalah keadilan dan kesetaraan dalam memenuhi hak-hak Pemangku Kepentingan yang timbul berdasarkan perjanjian dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

TrustedIPC TPK harus mendapatkan kepercayaan dan dukungan penuh dari segenap Pemangku Kepentingan.

IPC TPK telah menyelenggarakan prinsip-prinsip GCG dengan baik dan efektif. Hal tersebut antara lain diwujudkan dalam: 1. Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris

dan Direksi;2. Kelengkapan dan pelaksanaan tugas komite-komite dan

satuan kerja yang menjalankan fungsi pengendalian intern Perusahaan;

3. Penerapan fungsi kepatuhan, auditor internal dan auditor eksternal;

4. Penerapan manajemen risiko, termasuk sistem pengendalian intern;

5. Transparansi kondisi keuangan dan non keuangan Perusahaan.

Penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG di lingkup IPC TPK dapat dilihat dari tabel berikut ini:

Transparansi Transparency

Komitmen IPC TPKIPC TPK berkomitmen untuk terbuka dalam penyelenggaraan Perusahaan. Komitmen tersebut diimplementasikan dengan menyediakan informasi yang akurat, jelas, dan tepat waktu, mencakup laporan keuangan, laporan tahunan, dan hal lain yang relevan yang yang dapat diakses oleh Pemangku Kepentingan dan khalayak luas.

Penerapan di Lingkup IPC TPK1. IPC TPK membuat kebijakan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/2/IPCTPK-17 tentang Kebijakan Pengelolaan Informasi, Data dan Dokumen Perusahaan di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

2. Dalam rangka memberikan keterbukaan informasi, IPC TPK telah membuat saluran informasi eksternal dan internal Perusahaan. Saluran eksternal berupa website resmi Perusahaan yang diatur dalam kebijakan Perusahaan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/29/12/9/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 29 Desember 2017 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Website dan Media Sosial di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Sedangkan saluran informasi internal berupa intranet yaitu e-Office yang dapat diakses melalui;

3. Laporan keuangan dan tahunan disampaikan kepada Pemangku Kepentingan secara tepat waktu dan transparan.

IPC TPK’s CommitmentIPC TPK is committed to conducting a transparent management of the Company. The commitment is implemented by providing accurate, clear, and timely information, including information about financial statements, annual reports, and other relevant matters, which are accessible to stakeholders and public in general.

Implementation in IPC TPK1. IPC TPK has established a policy through the Decree of the Board

of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/2/IPCTPK-17 concerning The Policy of Management of Corporate Information, Data and Documents in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

2. As part of information disclosure, IPC TPK has created external and internal information channels. External channels are in the form of the official website of the Company,, as regulated through the Board of Directors’ Decree No. HK.566/29/12/9/IPCTPK-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning Guidelines for Website and Social Media Management in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Whereas, the internal information channel is in the form of intranet, namely e-Office which can be accessed through;

3. Financial and annual reports are submitted to stakeholders in a timely and transparent manner.

consistently paying attention to the stakeholders to achieve continuous performance.

ResponsibilitiesIPC TPK adheres to the prudence principle and ensures compliance with the Company's regulations, Articles of Association, and applicable laws and regulations, while carrying out social responsibility, including showing its care for the community and environmental sustainability, particularly those around IPC TPK, by making adequate planning and implementation in a way to maintain business continuity.

IndependenceIPC TPK is professionally managed by avoiding conflicts of interest and intervention/pressure from any parties, which are not in accordance with applicable laws and regulations relating to healthy corporate principles.

FairnessFairness is to ensure fair and equal treatment in fulfilling the rights of stakeholders due to agreements and applying laws and regulations.

TrustedIPC TPK must gain the full trust and support of all Stakeholders.

IPC TPK has applied the GCG principles well and effectively. Among the forms of the principle implementation are:1. The implementation of the duties and responsibilities of

the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors;2. Completeness and implementation of the duties of

committees and work units that serve the Company’s internal control function;

3. Implementation of compliance function, internal auditors and external auditors;

4. Implementation of risk management, including internal control system;

5. Transparency of the Company’s financial and non-financial conditions.

The table below further explains the application of GCG principles in IPC TPK:

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Akuntabilitas Accountability

Komitmen IPC TPKIPC TPK memastikan semua keputusan dan tindakan Perusahaan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan sebagaimana diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan.

Penerapan di Lingkup IPC TPKDalam hal mempertanggungjawabkan semua keputusan dan tindakan Perusahaan, IPC TPK telah melakukan hal sebagaimana berikut:1. Seluruh Manajemen IPC TPK dari tingkat Direksi sampai staf

menandatangani Pakta Integritas yang dilakukan pada 24 Januari 2019 dan janji Kode Etik bisnis yang berisi komitmen pelaksanaan tugas dengan penuh tanggung jawab;

2. Seluruh manajemen IPC TPK juga melaksanakan penandatanganan Pakta Integritas melalui aplikasi elektronik Perusahaan;

3. Direksi dan Komisaris menandatangani Pernyataan atas isi Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan merupakan salah satu bentuk pertanggung jawaban Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam mengelola Perusahaan.

IPC TPK CommitmentIPC TPK ensures that all decisions and actions of the Company can be accounted for, as stipulated in the Articles of Association and the Company’s Code of Business Ethics.

Implementation in IPC TPKAs part of its responsibility for all decisions and actions of the Company, IPC TPK has done the followings:1. IPC TPK’s board of management, from the Board of Directors to the

staffs, has all signed the Integrity Pact on January 24th, 2019, and the Commitment to Code of Business Ethics, which states their commitment to carrying out the duties in responsible manner;

2. All management of IPC TPK also signs the Integrity Pact through the Company's electronic application,;

3. The Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners sign a Statement concerning the content of the Company's Annual Report, which represents the responsibility of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners regarding the management of the Company.

Responsibilitas Responsibility

Komitmen IPC TPKIPC TPK melaksanakan tanggung jawab dengan selalu memperhatikan asas kepatuhan terhadap undang-undang yang berlaku.

Penerapan di Lingkup IPC TPK1. Di setiap surat kebijakan Direksi terdapat dasar hukum atau undang-undang

sebagai bentuk kepatuhan terhadap undang-undang yang berlaku;2. IPC TPK memiliki Divisi Biro Hukum dan Kepatuhan Internal yang

memiliki tugas untuk selalu memantau perubahan undang-undang dan kepatuhan atas pelaksanaannya, sedangkan di tingkat Direksi telah ditunjuk Direktur Operasi dan Teknik sebagai penanggungjawab penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG) sesuai dengan Peraturan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/18/9/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 17 September 2017 tentang Penetapan dan Penanggung Jawab Dalam Penerapan dan Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, di mana tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai pasal 3 butir 1 ayat 3 adalah memantau dan menjaga kepatuhan IPC TPK terhadap seluruh perjanjian dan komitmen yang dibuat oleh IPC TPK dengan pihak ketiga.

IPC TPK CommitmentIPC TPK carries out its responsibilities with respect to the principle of compliance with applicable laws.

Implementation in IPC TPK1. In each Board of Directors’ decree, there is a legal basis or law as part of its

compliance with applicable laws;2. IPC TPK has a Division of the Law and Internal Compliance Bureau which

is responsible for constant monitoring over changes in the laws and the Company’s regulatory compliance, while in the Board of Directors, Director of Operations and Engineering will be responsible for the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in accordance with the Regulation of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/18/9/1/IPCTPK-17 dated September 17th, 2017 concerning the Determination and Person in Charge for the Implementation and Monitoring of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, whose duties and responsibilities are in accordance with point 1 paragraph 3 of article 3, namely to monitor and maintain IPC TPK’s compliance to all agreements and commitments made by IPC TPK with third parties.

Independensi Independency

Komitmen IPC TPKSesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, IPC TPK menjalankan kegiatan secara mandiri, tanpa paksaan, atau tekanan dari pihak manapun.

Penerapan di Lingkup IPC TPKSeluruh Manajemen Perusahaan dari tingkat Direksi sampai dengan staf, telah menandatangani Pakta Integritas dan janji Kode Etik Bisnis yang berisi komitmen menjalankan kegiatan secara mandiri, tanpa paksaan, atau tekanan dari pihak manapun.

IPC TPK CommitmentIn accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, IPC TPK carries out activities independently, without pressure or intervention from any parties.

Implementation in IPC TPKThe Company’s Management, from the Board of Directors to staffs, has all signed the Integrity Pact and the Commitment to Code of Business Ethics, which states their commitment to carry out activities independently, without pressure or intervention from any parties.

Fairness/Kewajaran FairnessKomitmen IPC TPKIPC TPK berkomitmen untuk memenuhi hak-hak pemangku kepentingan dan bersikap secara adil dan setara.

Penerapan di Lingkup IPC TPKSeluruh Manajemen Perusahaan dari tingkat Direksi sampai dengan staf, menandatangani Pakta Integritas dan janji Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan yang berisi komitmen untuk menjalankan serta memenuhi hak-hak pemangku kepentingan dan bersikap secara adil dan setara.

IPC TPK CommitmentIPC TPK is committed to fulfilling stakeholders’ rights and providing fair and equal treatments.

Implementation in IPC TPKThe Company’s Management, from the Board of Directors to staffs, has all signed the Integrity Pact and the Commitment to Code of Business Ethics, which states their commitment to carry out and fulfill the rights of stakeholders and provide fair and equal treatments.

Trusted/Dipercaya TrustedKomitmen IPC TPKIPC TPK berkomitmen untuk memperoleh kepercayaan dari para pemangku kepentingan dengan cara memenuhi ekspektasinya dan mengelola Perusahaan secara bersih dan profesional.

Penerapan di Lingkup IPC TPK1. IPC TPK telah melaksanakan survei kepuasan pelanggan dan

kepuasan pegawai di tahun 2019 untuk memperoleh gambaran seberapa besar tingkat kepercayaan terhadap Perusahaan;

2. IPC TPK telah menerapkan whistleblowing system sebagai salah satu langkah untuk menunjukan integritas Perusahaan kepada Pemangku Kepentingan;

3. Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan pelanggan, IPC TPK memberikan jaminan dalam bentuk Service Level Agreement (SLA) dan Service Level Guarantee (SLG) dengan pelayanan yang sudah terstandarisasi.

IPC TPK CommitmentIPC TPK is committed to gaining the trust of stakeholders by meeting their expectations and managing the Company with clean and professional manner.

Implementation in IPC TPK1. IPC TPK has conducted customer satisfaction and employee

satisfaction surveys in 2019 to measure the level of trust for the Company;

2. IPC TPK has implemented whistleblowing system as an effort to show the integrity of the Company to stakeholders;

3. To elevate the customers’ trust, IPC TPK provides service guarantees in the forms of Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Service Level Guarantee (SLG) by providing standardized services.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Governance Process

Governance Process merupakan serangkaian standar dan prosedur yang digunakan oleh Organ Perusahaan dan satuan kerja untuk memastikan penerapan dan penegakan Tata Kelola telah dilaksanakan secara terencana, konsekuen dan berkelanjutan, di antaranya:1. RUPS diselenggarakan sesuai tata cara yang ditetapkan

dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, Anggaran Dasar, dan Pedoman GCG;

2. Fungsi, tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris/Direksi dilaksanakan atas dasar itikad baik, pruden dan profesional;

3. Kegiatan usaha harus dilakukan merujuk pada Visi, Misi, Tata Nilai Budaya Perusahaan, Pedoman GCG IPC TPK dan rencana strategis IPC TPK yang dicanangkan di setiap awal tahun;

4. Pengembangan SDM dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan strategis IPC TPK, berdasarkan merit system;

5. Program CSR diintegrasikan dengan strategi bisnis IPC TPK;

6. Pedoman GCG disosialisasikan kepada jajaran organisasi Perusahaan secara kontinyu.

Governance Outcome in 2020

Governance Outcome menjadi manifestasi dari efektivitas penerapan dan penegakan GCG IPC TPK terhadap Pemangku Kepentingan yang berdampak positif terhadap penciptaan nilai (value creation) dan keberlangsungan bisnis (sustainability). Dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG, Perusahaan dan para pemangku kepentingan telah mendapatkan manfaat dengan dicapainya kinerja aspek keuangan maupun non-keuangan yang baik pada tahun 2020, antara lain terjaganya kesinambungan usaha di mana throughput dan pendapatan Perusahaan melebihi target yang ditetapkan, efisiensi dalam pengelolaan usaha, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan, memberikan perlindungan yang baik bagi kepentingan pekerja yang tercermin dari tingkat kepuasan pekerja, dan penilaian penerapan GCG yang baik dari otoritas dan pihak independen.

Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Customer Satisfaction IndexPenilaian

Score2018 2019 2020


Indeks KepuasanSatisfaction Index

4,59 4,71 4,72 Naik/Up

Indeks Loyalitas Loyalty Index

4,63 4,65 4,71 Naik/Up

Indeks KetidakpuasanDissatisfaction Index

0,19% 0,47% 0,36% Turun/Down

Indeks KeterikatanEngagement Index

94,86% 90,38% 91,87% Naik/Up

Survei Kepuasan Pekerja Employee Satisfaction Index


2019 2020

Indeks KepuasanSatisfaction Index

Indeks EngagementEngagement Index

Indeks KepuasanSatisfaction Index

Indeks EngagementEngagement Index

Korporat/Corporate 4,71 90,38% 4,12 4,25

Kantor Pusat/Head Office 4,21 4,32 4,17 4,26

Tanjung Priok (TP) 1 4,73 88,04% 4,07 4,22

Tanjung Priok (TP) 2 - - 3,68 3,91

Terminal Support - - 3,83 4,10

Panjang (PJG) 4,76 97,14% 4,21 4,26

Palembang (PLG) 4,67 95,83% 4,64 4,58

Pontianak (PTK) 4,65 88,89% 4,17 4,30

Teluk Bayur (TLB) 4,66 87,50% 4,34 4,43

Jambi 4,69 80,00% 4,43 4,50

Governance Process

Governance Process is a set of standards and procedures used by the Company’s Organs and work units to ensure the Governance principles to have been implemented and enforced in a planned, consequential and sustainable manner, including:1. The GMS is held in accordance with the procedures

stipulated in the laws and regulations, Articles of Association, and GCG Guidelines;

2. The functions, scope of duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors are carried out with good faith, prudence and professionalism;

3. Business activities should be carried out in reference to the Vision, Mission, Corporate Cultural Values, IPC TPK’s GCG Guidelines and IPC TPK strategic plan proposed at the beginning of each fiscal year;

4. Human Resource development is carried out in accordance with the strategic needs of IPC TPK, and based on merit system;

5. CSR programs are integrated with IPC TPK’s business strategies;

6. GCG guidelines are consistently socialized to all ranks within the Company’s organizations.

Governance Outcome in 2020

Governance Outcome is a manifestation of an effective implementation and enforcement of IPC TPK’s GCG to stakeholders, which has positive impacts on value creation and business sustainability. By applying the GCG principles, the Company and its stakeholders have gained benefits in the forms of the good financial and non-financial achievements in 2020, including the sustainable business as indicated from the Company's throughput and revenue which exceeded the targets set, efficiency in business management, regulatory compliance, improved customer satisfaction level, protecting the interests of employees as reflected from the employee satisfaction level, and the good assessment results of the GCG implementation from both authorities and independent parties.

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Roadmap GCG IPC TPKIPC TPK's GCG Roadmap

Penyusunan peta jalan (roadmap) GCG mengacu pada Undang-Undang No. 19 tahun 2003 tentang BUMN Pasal 5 ayat 3, PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance), dan Roadmap PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II Tahun 2017. Roadmap GCG IPC TPK disahkan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/4/9/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 4 September 2017 tentang Penetapan Roadmap GCG 2017–2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Roadmap GCG merupakan panduan seluruh insan IPC TPK untuk bersama-sama menerapkan best practices prinsip-prinsip GCG sehingga tujuan Perusahaan di bidang GCG tercapai, yakni pengelolaan Perusahaan sesuai prinsip good governance yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing dan kredibilitas Perusahaan.

Pada pelaksanaannya, penyusunan Roadmap GCG IPC TPK didasarkan pada tahapan rencana perbaikan tata kelola dalam kurun waktu 4 (empat) tahun, dimulai dari tahun 2017 sampai dengan tahun 2020, di mana setiap tahun memiliki tema dan target pencapaian yang menjadi sasaran IPC TPK dalam mengimplementasikan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik. Adapun Roadmap GCG IPC TPK pada 2017-2010, sebagai berikut:

2017 2018 2019 2020

Integrated Trusted Sustainable Citizenship

Penjelasan Roadmap GCG IPC TPK Tahun 2017–2020

2017 - IntegratedPada tahun ini, Pelaksanaan GCG ditargetkan bisa menjadi budaya Organisasi di entitas sehingga mampu mendukung peningkatan kinerja IPC TPK.

2018 - TrustedPada tahun ini, pelaksanaan GCG ditargetkan mampu memiliki GCG yang unggul, serta mendapatkan kepercayaan dari Pemangku Kepentingan sebagai dasar membangun kredibilitas dan reputasi.

2019 - SustainablePada tahun ini, penerapan GCG yang telah diselenggarakan secara berkesinambungan mampu mewujudkan IPC TPK sebagai Perusahaan terkemuka dengan terus membangun budaya GCG dalam setiap rantai bisnisnya.

2020 - CitizenshipPada tahun ini, melalui penerapan GCG, IPC TPK mampu menjadi Perusahaan berkelas dunia dan Menjadi Rujukan Penerapan GCG bagi Perusahaan lain di tingkat nasional dan internasional.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, untuk memonitor tingkat pencapaian target tahunan dalam Roadmap, IPC TPK melakukan evaluasi atau penilaian secara berkala, di mana hasil dari penilaian tersebut harus dapat naik secara berkesinambungan dan menjadi indikator keberhasilan penerapan Good Corporate Governance di Perusahaan. Penilaian pelaksanaan GCG di

The GCG roadmap is prepared in accordance with Article 5 paragraph 3 of Law No. 19 of 2003 concerning SOEs, PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 about the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance, and the Roadmap of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II of Year 2017. IPC TPK’s GCG Roadmap gained approval from the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/4/9/1/IPCTPK-17 dated September 4th, 2017 concerning the Determination of the GCG Roadmap of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas for the period of 2017–2020. GCG Roadmap serves as a guidance to all IPC TPK employees to jointly apply the best practices of GCG principles so that the Company's objectives relating to GCG implementation are achievable, that is to manage the Company based on the principles of good governance in order to improve the Company's competitiveness and credibility.

The GCG Roadmap of IPC TPK is prepared based on the stages of the planning to improve governance within 4 (four) years, starting from 2017 to 2020, in which each year has a theme and achievement targets as the goals of IPC TPK in the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. The GCG Roadmap of IPC TPK of 2017-2020 is as follows:

Further Explanation about GCG Roadmap of IPC TPK for the Period of 2017–2020

2017 - IntegratedIn this year, the implementation target of GCG is to develop it as an Organizational culture in the entity so as to help improve IPC TPK’s performances.

2018 - TrustedIn this year, the implementation target of GCG is to be able to establish an excellent GCG, as well as to gain the Stakeholders’ trust in order to build credibility and reputation.

2019 - SustainableIn this year, the target of a consistent GCG implementation shall be able to lead IPC TPK to be a leading Company by continuing to nurture GCG culture in every business chain.

2020 - CitizenshipIn this year, through the implementation of GCG, IPC TPK shall be able to become a world-class Company and Become the Role Model for GCG Implementation for other companies, both nationally and internationally.

Then to monitor the achievement of annual targets of the Roadmap, IPC TPK conducts periodical assessments, whose results must be able to show continuous improvements and indicate the successful implementation of Good Corporate Governance in the Company. The assessment of GCG implementation in IPC TPK refers to the Decree of the Minister

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lingkup IPC TPK mengacu kepada Keputusan Menteri BUMN 01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara, menyesuaikan dengan pola penilaian pada Perusahaan Induk, yaitu PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang berstatus BUMN dengan metode assessment menggunakan acuan Salinan Keputusan Sekretaris Menteri Negara BUMN No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juni 2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (GCG) pada BUMN.

Melalui penilaian dan evaluasi Roadmap GCG yang telah disusun, penerapan GCG di lingkup IPC TPK mampu mencapai tingkatan “Citizenship” pada tahun 2020. Pada tahap ini, penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG telah melekat dan melebur di setiap pribadi insan IPC TPK, dan sudah mampu menerapkan perilaku yang standar bagi seluruh pihak yang berkepentingan dan terlibat dalam operasi bisnis Perusahaan.

Roadmap Action Plan

Dalam rangka merealisasikan Roadmap GCG sesuai tujuan, IPC TPK telah menyusun Action Plan, sebagai berikut:

1. 2017 – INTEGRATED• Penerapan profesionalisme;• Penerapan kedisiplinan;• Penetapan indikator utama GCG (KPI);• Sosialisasi GCG;• Pengembangan sistem GCG;• Evaluasi GCG.

2. 2018 – TRUSTED• Penyempurnaan Sistem Pelaporan gratifikasi &

sosialisasi WBS;• Penyempurnaan sistem pelanggan dan vendor;• Penyempurnaan sistem pengawasan atas komitmen;

• Sertifikasi dan Pengakuan Pelaksanaan GCG.

3. 2019 – SUSTAINABLE• Adaptasi terhadap perubahan;• Komitmen membangun semangat kebangsaan

(Nasionalisme);• Mencetak para pemimpin yang tangguh (leadership);• Integrasi pelaporan untuk Pemangku Kepentingan;• Sustainability CSR;• Pencapaian kinerja Perusahaan melampaui

shareholder aspiration & indikator kinerja;

• Responsibility per unit kerja dalam penilaian GCG;• Sistem tata kelola berbasis risiko;• Manajemen risiko berbasis IT;• Konsistensi penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG dalam

mencapai pertumbuhan usaha yang berkelanjutan.

4. 2020 – CITIZENSHIP• Strategi Perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab sosial

secara efektif;• Berkontribusi dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan

lingkungan kepada Pemerintah;• Menyesuaikan semua sistem dan prosedur yang

sesuai;• Mendapatkan penghargaan ARA;• Mendapatkan penghargaan dari lembaga atau instansi

nasional atau internasional.

of SOEs 01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises, which is in line with the applied assessment model of the Parent Company, i.e. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), which is a State-Owned Company whose assessment method refers to the copy of the Decree of the Secretary of Minister of SOEs No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6th, 2012 concerning Indicators/Parameters and Evaluations on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in SOEs.

The assessment and evaluation of the GCG Roadmap that were prepared confirmed that the implementation of GCG in IPC TPK was at the "Citizenship" level in 2020. At this stage, the implementation of GCG principles has engaged and well nurtured in every employee of IPC TPK, and the Company has also been able to apply standard behaviors to everyone that have interest and involves in the Company's business operations.

Roadmap of Action Plan

In order to realize the objectives of the GCG Roadmap, IPC TPK has initiated an Action Plan, namely:

1. 2017 - INTEGRATED• The application of professionalism;• The application of discipline;• Determination of GCG key indicators (KPIs);• Socialization of GCG;• Development of GCG systems;• GCG evaluation.

2. 2018 – TRUSTED• Improvement of the Gratification Reporting System &

socialization of WBS;• Improvement in customer and vendor systems;• Improvement in the supervisory system over the

commitment;• Certification and Recognition of GCG Implementation.

3. 2019 – SUSTAINABLE• Adaptation to change;• Commitment to develop the spirit of Nationalism;

• Generating strong leaders (leadership);• Integrated reporting for stakeholders;• Sustainability of CSR;• Achievement of the Company's performance that

exceeds shareholder’s aspirations & performance indicators;

• Responsibility of each work unit in GCG assessment;• Risk-based governance system;• IT-based risk management;• Consistency in implementation of GCG principles in

achieving sustainable business growth.

4. 2020 – CITIZENSHIP• Corporate strategies that effectively uphold social

responsibility;• Contributing to the Government in terms of economic,

social, and environmental aspects;• Adjusting all appropriate systems and procedures;

• Winning the ARA award;• Winning awards from national or international


165PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pelaksanaan Action Plan 2020

Roadmap Action Plan GCG IPC TPK pada tahun 2020 bertema “Citizenship”. Pada tahap ini, penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG telah melekat dan melebur di setiap pribadi insan IPC TPK, dan sudah mampu menerapkan perilaku yang standar bagi seluruh pihak yang berkepentingan dan terlibat dalam operasi bisnis Perusahaan. Adapun realisasi Action Plan Roadmap pada tahun 2020, adalah sebagai berikut:


Telah/Belum DilaksanakanHas/Not Been Implemented

Strategi Perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab sosial secara efektif;

Corporate strategies that effectively uphold social responsibility;

Telah DilaksanakanImplemented

Berkontribusi dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan kepada Pemerintah;

Contributing to the Government in terms of economic, social, and environmental aspects;

Telah DilaksanakanImplemented

Menyesuaikan semua sistem dan prosedur yang sesuai;

Adjusting all appropriate systems and procedures;

Telah DilaksanakanImplemented

Mendapatkan penghargaan ARA; Winning the ARA award; Telah DilaksanakanImplemented

IPC TPK pada tahun 2020 berhasil meraih penghargaan Gold Winner & Top 100 Worldwide dalam ajang anugerah penghargaan Annual Report LACP Awards untuk kategori Transportasi & Logistik.

IPC TPK in 2020 won Gold Winner & Top 100 Worldwide at Annual Report LACP Awards in the category of Transportation & Logistics.

Telah Dilaksanakan Implemented

Pada tahun 2020, Perusahaan telah mengadakan sosialisasi Pemahaman Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Kode Etik Bisnis dan Whistleblowing System kepada para Pegawai yang diselenggarakandalam periode Maret-April 2021. Acara sosialisasi ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang berisi paparan materi mengenai GCG, Kode Etik, WBS dan juga gratifikasi yang dilanjutkan juga dengan survey pemahaman untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan karyawan atas materi yang disosialisasikan dan diakhiri dengan pengisian Persetujuan Pakta Integritas tahunan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh seluruh Direksi, perwakilan Komisaris dan seluruh pegawai Perusahaan.

Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi GCG di IPC TPKGCG Socialization and Internalization in IPC TPK

Implementation of Action Plan in 2020

Action Plan Roadmap of IPC TPK’s GCG implementation in 2020 held the theme of "Citizenship". At this stage, the application of GCG principles has engaged and well nurtured in every IPC TPK employee, and it has been able to apply standard behavior to everyone that has interest and involvement in the Company's business operations. The realization of the Action Plan Roadmap in 2020 was as follows:

In 2020, the Company held a socialization program of Understanding of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Code of Business Ethics and Whistleblowing System to employees in the period of March-April 2021. This socialization event was a series of activities that presented materials about GCG, Code of Business Ethics, WBS and gratification, which followed by a survey of employees’ understanding to evaluate employees’ knowledge of presented materials and ended with the filling of the Annual Integrity Pact Agreement. This activity took participation of all members of Board of Directors, representatives of the Board of Commissioners, and all employees of the Company.

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Penerapan praktik-praktik GCG dapat berjalan efektif dengan adanya penanggung jawab terkait hal tersebut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Direksi Perusahaan telah menunjuk Direktur Operasi dan Teknik sebagai penanggung jawab penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG) melalui Peraturan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/18/9/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 18 September 2017 tentang Penetapan dan Penunjukan Direktur Operasi dan Teknik sebagai Penanggung Jawab dalam Penerapan dan Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Tugas Penanggung Jawab Tata Kelola Perusahaan tersebut, adalah:

1. Menyusun rencana kerja dalam rangka pemenuhan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance;

2. Memantau dan menjaga agar kegiatan usaha Perusahaan tidak menyimpang dari ketentuan yang berlaku;

3. Memantau dan menjaga kepatuhan Perusahaan terhadap seluruh perjanjian dan komitmen yang dibuat oleh Perusahaan dengan pihak ketiga;

4. Membuat laporan pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik;

5. Melaksanakan assessment GCG dan menjaga agar pencapaian skor assessment GCG dapat terpenuhi. IPC TPK melaporkan hasil assessment GCG dan Area Improvement No. UM.330/9/4/3/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 9 Maret 2020 Perihal Penyampaian hasil assessment GCG dan Area Improvement GCG tahun 2019 kepada Dewan Komisaris dan Direktur Utama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) selaku Pemegang Saham dan Direktur Utama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama selaku Pemegang Saham.

Terkait pelaksanaan GCG, IPC TPK juga telah memiliki Divisi Biro Hukum dan Kepatuhan Internal. Divisi ini memiliki tugas untuk selalu memantau perubahan undang-undang dan kepatuhan atas pelaksanaannya.

Penanggung Jawab Penerapan GCG di IPC TPKPerson in Charge of the Implementation of GCG IPC TPK

The implementation of GCG practices can run effectively if there is a person in charge of it. Therefore, the Company's Board of Directors has appointed the Director of Operations and Engineering as the person in charge of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) as stipulated in the Regulation of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/18/9/1/IPCTPK-17 dated September 18th, 2017 concerning the Determination and Appointment of the Director of Operations and Engineering as The Person in Charge of the Enforcement and Monitoring of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The scope of duties of the Person in Charge of Corporate Governance is:1. To develop a work plan in order to fulfill the principles of

Good Corporate Governance;2. To monitor and ensure that the Company's business

activities shall not violate the applicable regulations;3. To monitor and ensure the Company's compliance with

all agreements and commitments made by the Company with third parties;

4. To prepare a report on the implementation of Good Corporate Governance;

5. To carry out a GCG assessment and ensure that the GCG assessment score target can be met. IPC TPK reported the results of GCG assessment and Area Improvement in a report No. UM.330/9/4/3/IPCTPK-20 dated March 9th, 2020 concerning the Submission of GCG assessment results and GCG Improvement Area of Year 2019 to the Board of Commissioners and President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) as the Shareholder and President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama as the shareholder.

Related to the implementation of GCG, IPC TPK has also established a Division of Legal and Internal Compliance Bureau. This division performs a duty of consistently monitoring changes in the laws and the Company’s compliance.

IPC TPK regularly monitors reporting and conducts a review of the implementation of GCG and facilitates assessment by an independent party on the implementation of GCG. This effort is part of the Company's commitment and consistency in improving the quality of the implementation of GCG practices at all operational levels on an ongoing basis. The feedback on the implementation of GCG as follows:

1. Completing the Soft Structures and adjusting them to the regulations and best practices of GCG implementation and conducting studies for existing improvements in order to realize the better implementation of GCG;

2. PT IPC Terminal Petikemas will conduct regular monitoring and review of the implementation of GCG and facilitate assessment by an independent party on the implementation of GCG in the Company to collect feedback on the implementation of GCG.

IPC TPK senantiasa melakukan monitoring pelaporan dan melakukan telaah atas penerapan GCG secara reguler, serta memfasilitasi assessment atas implementasi GCG yang dilakukan oleh pihak Independen. Upaya ini menjadi komitmen dan konsistensi Perusahaan dalam meningkatkan kualitas penerapan praktik-praktik GCG pada seluruh level operasional secara berkesinambungan. Adapun umpan balik atas implementasi GCG sebagai berikut:1. Melengkapi seluruh Soft Structure disesuaikan dengan

peraturan yang berlaku dan praktik terbaik penerapan GCG dan melakukan kajian bagi penyempurnaan yang sudah ada demi meningkatkan penerapan GCG;

2. PT IPC Terminal Petikemas akan melakukan monitoring pelaporan secara regular dan reviu atas penerapan GCG serta memfasilitasi assessment oleh pihak Independen terhadap implementasi GCG di Perusahaan untuk mendapatkan umpan balik penerapan GCG.

Penerapan GCG Secara Berkelanjutan di IPC TPKSustainable Implementation of GCG in IPC TPK

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Penyelenggaraan Assessment GCGGCG Assessment Implementation

Dasar Penilaian dan Metode

IPC TPK secara berkala melakukan pengukuran implementasi GCG (GCG Assessment). Melalui GCG Assessment, IPC TPK dapat mengetahui capaian kegiatan pelaksanaan GCG dengan pasti dan tindakan lebih lanjut untuk memperbaiki kinerja suatu kegiatan dapat ditetapkan.

Pelaksanaan GCG Assessment sebagai komitmen Perusahaan untuk selalu menerapkan standar tata kelola yang terbaik melalui berbagai usaha perbaikan dan peningkatan, serta merujuk pada standar minimal maupun rekomendasi yang harus dipenuhi. Pelaksanaan GCG Assessment juga didasarkan pada Pasal 44 ayat (1) Peraturan Menteri (Permen) BUMN No. PER-09/MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juli 2012 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN, Perusahaan melakukan pengukuran terhadap GCG sebagai berikut:1. Pelaksanaan Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan/

assessment GCG dilakukan secara berkala oleh Perusahaan setiap 2 (dua) tahun sekali oleh assessor eksternal, dengan diselingi oleh self assessment yang dilakukan oleh assessor internal Perusahaan setiap tahun berikutnya;

2. Evaluasi (reviu), yaitu program untuk mendeskripsikan tindak lanjut pelaksanaan dan penerapan GCG di Perusahaan yang dilakukan pada tahun berikutnya setelah penilaian sebagaimana dimaksud pada point pertama, yang meliputi evaluasi terhadap hasil penilaian dan tindak lanjut atas rekomendasi perbaikan.

Sementara itu, terkait metode pengukuran penerapan GCG, IPC TPK mengacu pada Salinan Keputusan Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juni 2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN. Metode penilaian dan evaluasi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang terdiri dari 6 (enam) aspek, yakni (1) Komitmen terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara Berkelanjutan, (2) Pemegang Saham dan RUPS/Pemilik Modal, (3) Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas, (4) Direksi, (5) Pengungkapan Informasi dan Transparansi, dan (6) Aspek lainnya, dengan bobot yang telah ditentukan sebagaimana diatur dalam Salinan Keputusan Sekretaris Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012.

Perkembangan Assessment GCG IPC TPK

Sejak Go Live atau pertama kali Perusahaan beroperasi secara resmi pada tahun 2015, IPC TPK memegang teguh komitmennya untuk menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Untuk itu, sejak tahun 2015, Perseroan secara rutin melakukan assessment GCG untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai kondisi penerapan GCG dengan dikaitkan dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dan praktik-praktik terbaik (best practices) penerapan GCG, sehingga area-area yang memerlukan perbaikan atau penyempurnaan dapat teridentifikasi. Di tahun 2015, penilaian

Basic Assessment and Methods

IPC TPK periodically conducts GCG assessment. Through GCG Assessment, IPC TPK can certainly find out the achievements in GCG implementation activities and plan for further actions to improve the performance of an activity.

Implementation of GCG Assessment as the Company's commitment to always apply the best governance standards through various improvement efforts, and refers to the minimum standard requirements and recommendations. The implementation of GCG Assessment is also based on Article 44 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of Minister of State Enterprises No. PER-09/MBU/2012 dated July 6th, 2012 concerning Changes to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 dated August 1st, 2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. The Company has launched measurement of GCG whose results are as follows:1. The Company’s Corporate Governance/GCG assessment

is carried out on periodical basis every 2 (two) years by external assessors, while self-assessment is conducted by the Company's internal assessors in each of the following years;

2. A review, namely a program to describe the follow-ups to GCG implementation in the Company conducted in the following year after the implementation of assessment as referred in the first point above, consisting of an evaluation over the results of the assessment and follow-ups to the recommendations for improvements.

Meanwhile, according to the measurement of GCG implementation, IPC TPK refers to a Copy of the Decree of the Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6th, 2012 on Indicators/Parameters of Assessment and Evaluation on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. These methods of assessment and evaluation are carried out using 6 (six) parameters, namely (1) Commitment to the Consistent Implementation of Good Corporate Governance, (2) Shareholders and GMS / Capital Owners, (3) Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board, (4) Board of Directors, (5) Disclosure of Information and Transparency, and (6) Other Aspects, whose scores are determined in the Copy of the Decree of the Secretary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012.

Development of IPC TPK’s GCG Assessment

Since Go Live or initially operated in 2015, IPC TPK has firm commitment to implement corporate governance consistently and sustainably in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, since 2015, the Company has regularly conducted a GCG assessment to obtain an overview of the GCG implementation with respect to applicable provisions and best practices of GCG implementation, so that areas that require improvement or refinement can be identified. In 2015, GCG assessment was done in the form of self-assessment, which resulted in important recommendations for making decision on GCG implementation in the following years, in

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GCG dilakukan dengan self assessment yang mana hasilnya menjadi masukan yang sangat penting bagi pengambilan keputusan di bidang penerapan GCG di masa yang akan datang, sehingga manfaat dari penerapan GCG tersebut dapat tercapai secara optimal. Skor penilaian atas penerapan GCG pada tahun 2015 sebesar 63,6 dengan predikat “Cukup Baik”. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Perwakilan Wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada 21 Desember 2016.

Berikut Pencapaian Hasil Assessment GCG di IPC TPK pada tahun 2015-2020:

Tahun Penilaian

Assessment Year

Skor Penilaian

GCGGCG ScoreAssessment


Jenis Penilaian dan PelaksanaType of Assessment and Assessor

Langkah Perbaikan Improvement Strategies

2020 97,039 “Sangat Baik”“Excellent “

Self assessment Melakukan perbaikan dan respons terhadap rekomendasi assessment penerapan GCG pada tahun buku 2019Conduct improvements and give responses to GCG implementation assessment recommendations in fiscal year of 2019

2019 96,418 “Sangat Baik”“Excellent “

Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)Center for Accounting and Financial Development (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Menindaklanjuti Area of Improvement hasil dari rekomendasi pelaksanaan assessment GCG tahun 2018Following up results of Areas of Improvement based on the recommendations for the implementation of GCG assessment in 2018

2018 95,068 “Sangat Baik”“Excellent “

Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)Center for Accounting and Financial Development (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Menindaklanjuti Area of Improvement hasil dari rekomendasi pelaksanaan assessment GCG tahun 2017Following up results of Areas of Improvement based on the recommendations for the implementation of GCG assessment in 2017

2017 93,85 “Sangat Baik”“Excellent “

Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)Center for Accounting and Financial Development (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Menindaklanjuti Area of Improvement hasil dari rekomendasi pelaksanaan assessment GCG tahun 2016Following up results of Areas of Improvement based on the recommendations for the implementation of GCG assessment in 2016

2016 74,25 “Cukup Baik”“Fairly Good “

BPKP Perwakilan Wilayah DKI JakartaBPKP of DKI Jakarta Representative

Menindaklanjuti Area of Improvement hasil dari rekomendasi pelaksanaan assessment GCG tahun 2015Following up results of Areas of Improvement based on the recommendations for the implementation of GCG assessment in 2015

2015 63,6 “Cukup Baik”Fairly Good

Self Assessment Go Live penerapan GCG di lingkungan PerusahaanGo Live implementation of GCG in the Company

Di tahun 2020, sesuai RKAP yang ditetapkan, Perusahaan mulai mempersiapkan diri untuk menyelenggarakan assessment GCG yang mengacu pada standar ASEAN Score Card. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, Perseroan mengambil langkah inisiatif berupa pengembangan dan penerapan Governance Risk Compliance. Penyelenggaraan assessment tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan agar segenap elemen Perusahaan memiliki tanggung jawab dan visi yang sama untuk senantiasa meningkatkan standar pelayanan operasional maupun komersial dalam upayanya mempertahankan kesinambungan usahanya untuk jangka panjang.

order to achieve the optimum benefits of implementing GCG. The assessment results of the GCG implementation in 2015 scored 63.6 with "Fairly Good" predicate. The assessment was conducted by the Financial Audit and Development Board (BPKP) of the Jakarta Province Representative on December 21st, 2016.

Followings are IPC TPK’s GCG Assessment Results in 2015-2020:

In 2020, in accordance with the RKAP, the Company began preparing a GCG assessment that referred to the ASEAN Score Card standard. To support this, the Company took initiative steps in the form of the development and implementation of Governance Risk Compliance. The assessment is carried out with purpose that all elements of the Company have the same responsibility and vision to consistently improve operational and commercial service standards so as to maintain the business sustainability for the long term.

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Laporan Penyelenggaraan Self Assessment GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Jenis PenilaianType of Assessment

Independent Assessment

Assessor/Penilai/Assessor/Appraiser Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)Center for Accounting and Financial Development (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Periode Penerapan/Implementation Period 1 Januari-31 Desember 2020 /January 1st-December 31st, 2020

Tahun Ukur/Assessment Year 2020

Tempat/Place Kantor Pusat PT IPC Terminal Petikemas/Head Office of PT IPC Terminal Container

Waktu Pengukuran/Assessment Period 28 Desember 2020-25 Maret 2021/December 28th, 2020 – March 25th, 2021

Rincian hasil self-assessment atas penerapan GCG di lingkungan Perusahaan untuk tahun buku 2020 dijelaskan secara rinci sebagai berikut:

Aspek PengujianParameters


Pencapaian Tahun Buku 2020Achievements in Fiscal Year of 2020


Pencapaian (%)Achievement (%)

Komitmen terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara BerkelanjutanCommitment to Consistent Implementation of Good Corporate Governance

7,000 6,930 99,003

Pemegang Saham dan RUPS/Pemilik ModalShareholders and GMS/Capital Owners

9,000 8,452 93,908

Dewan Komisaris/Dewan PengawasBoard of Commissioners/Board of Trustees

35,000 34,139 97,539

DireksiBoard of Directors

35,000 34,182 97,664

Pengungkapan Informasi dan TransparansiDisclosure of Information and Transparency

9,000 8,961 99,572

Aspek LainnyaOther Aspects

5,000 4,375 -

Skor KeseluruhanOverall Score

100,00 97,039 97,039

Kualifikasi Kualitas Penerapan GCGQualification of GCG Implementation Quality

“Sangat Baik”“Excellent”

0–50: Tidak Baik | 50–60: Kurang Baik | 60–75: Cukup Baik | 75–85: Baik | 85–100: Sangat Baik

0-50: Not Good | 50–60: Less Good | 60–75: Fairly Good | 75–85: Good | 85–100: Excellent

Hasil rekomendasi atas assessment penerapan GCG yang dilakukan (Area of Improvement) pada tahun 2020, serta ada/tidak adanya kesamaan dengan hasil penilaian untuk tahun buku 2019 dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini.


Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Recommendations to Assessment of GCG Implementation of Fiscal Year of 2020

Terdapat Dalam Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Contained in the Recommendation to Assessment of the GCG Implementation of the

Fiscal Year of 2020

Rencana Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2021

Follow-up Plan in 2021

I Pemegang Saham dan RUPS/Pemilik ModalShareholders and GMS/Capital Owner

1 Pengangkatan Direksi:Appointment of the Board of Directors:

Agar Pemegang Saham menetapkan Anggota Direksi secara definitif maksimal 30 hari setelah adanya pengangkatan sementara Direksi.Suggesting the Shareholder to appoint Members of the Board of Directors definitively within 30 days at maximum after the appointment of the Board of Directors for temporary period.

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the shareholder.

2 Ketentuan perangkapan jabatan yang menimbulkan benturan kepentingan tersebut termasuk jenis-jenis perangkapan jabatan dan pengaturan/mekanisme pengunduran diri dari jabatan rangkap tersebut atau jabatan anggota Direksi, yang paling lambat 30 hari sejak terjadi perangkapan jabatan tersebut.Provision about concurrent positions that lead to conflicts of interest including types of concurrent positions and mechanism of resignation from the concurrent position or positions of being the members of Board of Directors, at least within 30 days since occupying the concurrent positions.

Agar Pemegang Saham menetapkan mekanisme pengaturan/mekanis pengunduran diri dari jabatan rangkap anggota Direksi paling lambat 30 hari sejak terjadi perangkapan jabatan tersebut.Suggesting the shareholder to determine the mechanism of resignation from the concurrent position occupied by members of Board of Directors, at least within 30 days since occupying the concurrent positions.

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the Shareholder.

The recommendations to the assessment of GCG implementation (Areas of Improvements) in 2020, and the existence/absence of similarities with the results of the assessment of the fiscal year of 2019 are further explained on the table below.

GCG Self-Assessment Report for Fiscal Year of 2020

Details of self-assessment results on the implementation of GCG in the Company for the fiscal year of 2020 are described as follows:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

170 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Recommendations to Assessment of GCG Implementation of Fiscal Year of 2020

Terdapat Dalam Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Contained in the Recommendation to Assessment of the GCG Implementation of the

Fiscal Year of 2020

Rencana Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2021

Follow-up Plan in 2021

3 Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris:The Appointment of the Board of Commissioners:

Agar Pemegang Saham melakukan penetapan definitif Anggota Dewan Komisaris maksimal 30 hari sejak masa jabatan berakhir.Suggesting the Shareholders to make definitive appointment to members of the Board of Commissioners within 30 days at maximum since their office terms ended.

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the Shareholders.

4 Terdapat keputusan RUPS/Pemilik Modal Perusahaan (untuk Perum)/Anggaran Dasar/peraturan lainnya yang mengatur dan menetapkan jumlah maksimum jabatan Dewan Komisaris yang boleh dipegang oleh seorang anggota Dewan Komisaris.A decision was made by GMS /Capital Owner (for Perum)/Articles of Association/other laws that regulate and determine maximum number of Board of Commissioner positions that could be held by a member of the Board of Commissioners.

Agar Pemegang Saham menetapkan jumlah maksimum jabatan Dewan Komisaris yang boleh dipegang oleh seorang anggota Dewan Komisaris.Suggesting the Shareholders to determine the maximum number of the Board of Commissioners positions, which could be held by a member of the Board of Commissioners.

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the Shareholders.

RUPS memberikan pengesahan/persetujuan rancangan RKAP tepat waktu. RUPS untuk pengesahan/persetujuan RKAP dilaksanakan paling lambat pada akhir tahun sebelum tahun anggaran berjalan.The GMS gave approval/consent to RKAP on time. GMS to give approval to RKAP took place no later than the end of the year and prior to the current budget year.

Pemegang Saham perlu melakukan improvement terhadap proses pengesahan RKAP anak Perusahaan agar tepat waktu.Suggesting the Shareholders to make improvement to the approval process of RKAP of the subsidiaries in order to meet the schedule.

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the Shareholders.

Penilaian kinerja Direksi.Assessment of the Board of Directors.

Agar Pemegang Saham menetapkan sistem/pedoman penilaian serta melakukan penilaian kinerja Direksi secara individu. Suggesting the Shareholders to determine the system/guidelines for assessment as well as to assessed the performance of individual member of the Board of Directors.

Pada tahun 2021 Pemegang Saham telah menetapkan sistem penilaian kinerja Direksi secara individu, dengan melakukan penilaian secara berkala setiap semester.In 2021, the Shareholders has established an individual performance assessment system for Board of Directors, by conducting periodical assessments every semester.

RUPS/Pemilik Modal melakukan pembahasan/pengkajian/penelaahan terhadap calon-calon Auditor Eksternal yang diajukan oleh Dewan Komisaris. Proses pembahasan didahului dengan pemaparan oleh Dewan Komisaris atas pengusulan auditor eksternal yang akan mengaudit laporan keuangan, termasuk alasan pengusulan dan proses pencalonannya, dan usulan penetapan besarnya honorarium.GMS/Capital Owner held discussion/review/evaluation of candidates for External Auditors proposed by the Board of Commissioners. The discussion process was preceded by the Board of Commissioners’ presentation about the external auditor candidates who would audit the financial statements, including disclosing the reasons and the process behind their candidacy and the determination of the amount of the honorarium.

Agar Pemegang Saham melakukan pembahasan terhadap calon-calon Auditor Eksternal yang diajukan oleh Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.Suggesting the Shareholder to launch a Discussion over prospective candidates for external auditor positions as proposed by Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustee.

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the Shareholders.

RUPS/Keputusan Pemilik Modal untuk pengesahan laporan tahunan dilaksanakan tepat waktu sesuai ketentuan, yaitu paling lambat 6 (enam) bulan setelah berakhirnya.GMS/Capital Owner’s Decision regarding the approval to annual report was executed on time according to the provision, i.e. no later than 6 (six) months after the end of financial year.

Agar Pemegang Saham melakukan pengesahan terhadap laporan tahunan dan persetujuan laporan keuangan secara tepat waktu (maksimal 6 bulan setelah tahun buku berakhir).Suggesting the Shareholder to give approval toAnnual Report and approval to financial statements on time (6 months at maximum after the financial year ended).

Rekomendasi ini telah disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.This recommendation was submitted to the Shareholders.

171PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Recommendations to Assessment of GCG Implementation of Fiscal Year of 2020

Terdapat Dalam Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2020

Contained in the Recommendation to Assessment of the GCG Implementation of the

Fiscal Year of 2020

Rencana Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2021

Follow-up Plan in 2021

II Dewan Komisaris/Dewan PengawasBoard of Commissioners/Board of Trustees

1 Pelaksanaan program pelatihan/pembelajaran1)Pelaksanaan pelatihan bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris direalisasikan sesuai dengan rencana kerja Dewan Komisaris.2) Terdapat laporan tentang hasil pelatihan yang telah dijalani anggota Dewan Komisaris.Implementation of the training/learning program1) The implementation of training program for members of the Board of Commissioners was realized in accordance with the work plan of the Board of Commissioners.2) There was a report on the results of training undertaken by members of Board of Commissioners.

Untuk tahun selanjutnya agar pelatihan Dewan Komisaris dilaksanakan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan.For the following year, the training for Board of Commissioners was suggested to be carried out as the plan.

Menjadi acuan pelaksanaan tahun 2021.To be a reference for the implementation by 2021.

2 Pemberian otorisasi atau rekomendasi paling lambat 14 hari sejak usulan atau dokumen secara lengkap diterima oleh Dewan Komisaris.Authorization or recommendations were given no later than 14 days since the proposal or the documents were fully accepted by Board of Commissioners.

Dalam hal pemberian Rekomendasi atau otorisasi, Dewan Komisaris harus menyampaikan selambat-lambatnya 14 hari setelah menerima dokumen secara lengkap.In giving recommendations or authorization, Board of Commissioners should deliver them no later than 14 days after the complete documents.

Menjadi pedoman pengelolaan Perusahaan pada tahun 2021.To serve as guidance for management of the Company by 2021.

3 Terdapat rencana kerja Dewan Komisaris tentang pengawasan efektivitas pelaksanaan audit eksternal dan audit internal, serta pelaksanaan telaah atas pengaduan yang berkaitan dengan BUMN yang diterima.There was a work plan of the Board of Commissioners regarding the supervision over the effectiveness of both external and internal audits, as well as the implementation of a review over the incoming complaints related to SOEs.

Agar pada tahun selanjutnya Dewan Komisaris melengkapi Rencana Kerja Dewan Komisaris dengan rencana kerja tentang pengawasan efektivitas audit internal.Suggesting the Board of Commissioners to complete Board of Commissioners’ Work Plan with a work plan for the supervision over effective implementation of internal audits.

Menjadi catatan dalam penyusunan RKAP Dewan Komisaris tahun 2022. Included as a note in the preparation for RKAP of Board of Commissioners for the fiscal year of 2022.

III DireksiBoard of Directors

1 Direksi menyampaikan rancangan RJPP kepada RUPS/Menteri/Pemilik Modal dan/atau Dewan Komisaris/ Dewan Pengawas tepat waktu atau sesuai jadwal waktu ditentukan. Penyampaian paling lambat kepada Pemegang Saham/Pemilik Modal pada tanggal 31 Oktober sebelum periode RJPP tahun berjalan. Jika pengesahan oleh RUPS, maka penyampaian kepada Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas sebelum 30 September tahun berjalan.The Board of Directors submitted the draft of RJPP to GMS/Minister/Capital Owner and/or Board of Commissioners/ Board of Trustee on time or on schedule. The draft should be submitted to the Shareholders/Capital Owner on October 31st at the latest prior to the period of RJPP of the current year. If it required GMS’ approval, then it could be submitted to Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustee before September 30th of the current year.

Perusahaan sebaiknya menyampaikan rancangan RJPP kepada Pemegang Saham/Dewan Komisaris tepat waktu.The Company was expected to submit the draft of RJPP to Shareholders/Board of Commissioners on time.

Akan menjadi catatan dalam penyampaian rancangan RJPP pada periode selanjutnya.It will be recorded as a note while submitting the RJPP draft in the next period.

2 Tingkat pencapaian target kinerja anggota Direksi (individu).Level of achievement of performance targets of individual members of the Board of Directors.

Perusahaan wajib memiliki KPI untuk masing-masing anggota Direksi (Individu) sehingga tingkat pencapaian target kinerja anggota Direksi dapat terukur secara maksimal.The Company should determine KPI for individual member of the Board of Directors so that it could measure the fulfillment of performance target.

Pada tahun 2021 Direksi telah memiliki KPI individu dan dilakukan penilaian secara berkala setiap semester. In 2021, the Board of Directors has already had individual KPI and is assessed every semester.

3 Perusahaan memiliki sertifikasi atas kebijakan mutu.The Company has obtained certification in the quality policy.

Perusahaan sebaiknya memberikan dokumen sebelum waktu asesmen berakhir (minimal dalam bentuk draft).The Company should give document before the end of assessment period (at least in the draft form).

Akan dilakukan sertifikasi kebijakan mutu pada tahun 2021.There will be a quality policy certification by 2021.

IV Pengungkapan Informasi dan TransparansiDisclosure of Information and Transparency

1 Pelatihan karyawan yang telah dan akan dilakukan; Employee Trainings, which have and will be done;

Menyarankan Laporan Tahunan berikut harus menyajikan informasi tentang pelatihan karyawan. Suggesting the following Annual Report should present information on employee training.

Telah dilakukan di dalam penyusunan Annual Report tahun 2020. Such information has been incorporated into the 2020 annual report.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

172 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Hasil Assessment atas Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2019: Hasil, Rekomendasi dan Tindak Lanjutnya di Tahun 2020

Sementara itu, penerapan GCG periode tahun 2019 dievaluasi oleh Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri) dan memperoleh skor 96,418 dengan predikat “Sangat Baik”. Berikut laporan penerapan assessment GCG di tahun 2019:

Jenis PenilaianType of Assessment

Independent Assessment

Assessor/Penilai Assessor/Appraiser

Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi dan Keuangan (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)Center for Accounting and Financial Development (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri)

Periode Penerapan/Implementation Period 1 Januari-31 Desember 2019/January 1st –December 31st, 2019

Tahun Ukur/Assessment Year 2019

Tempat/Place Kantor Pusat PT IPC Terminal Petikemas/Head Office of PT IPC Terminal Container

Waktu Pengukuran/Assessment Period 16 Desember 2019-3 Februari 2020/December 16th, 2019-February 3rd, 2020

Rincian hasil assessment penerapan GCG Perusahaan untuk tahun buku 2019 sebagai berikut:

Aspek PengujianParameters


Pencapaian Tahun Buku 2019Achievements in Fiscal Year of 2019


Pencapaian (%)Achievement (%)

Komitmen terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara BerkelanjutanCommitment to Consistent Implementation of Good Corporate Governance

7,000 6,930 99,003

Pemegang Saham dan RUPS/Pemilik ModalShareholders and GMS/Capital Owner

9,000 8,852 98,357

Dewan Komisaris/Dewan PengawasBoard of Commissioners/Board of Trustees

35,000 34,340 98,115

DireksiBoard of Directors

35,000 34,234 97,812

Pengungkapan Informasi dan TransparansiDisclosure of Information and Transparency

9,000 8,937 99,299

Aspek LainnyaOther Aspects

5,000 3,125 62,500

Skor KeseluruhanTotal Score

100,00 96,418 96,418

Kualifikasi Kualitas Penerapan GCGQualification of GCG Implementation Quality

“Sangat Baik”“Excellent”

0–50: Tidak Baik | 50–60: Kurang Baik | 60–75: Cukup Baik | 75–85: Baik | 85–100: Sangat Baik

0-50: Not good | 50–60: Less Good | 60–75: Fairly Good | 75–85: Good | 85–100: Excellent

Rekomendasi dan Tindak Lanjut atas Hasil Assessment GCG Tahun Buku 2019

Penyempurnaan dan perbaikan implementasi GCG yang dilakukan Perusahaan di antaranya dengan menindaklanjuti setiap temuan dalam penilaian GCG yang menjadi rekomendasi dalam area peningkatan atau Area of Improvement implementasi GCG. Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perusahaan telah menindaklanjuti rekomendasi assessment penerapan GCG untuk tahun buku 2019 sebagai berikut:

No.Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2019Recommendations to Assessment of GCG Implementation of

Fiscal Year of 2019

Rencana Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2020Follow-up Plan for Year 2020

Status PeriodePeriod


I Aspek Komitmen terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara BerkelanjutanAspect of Commitment to Implementing Good Corporate Governance in a Consistent MannerTidak terdapat rekomendasi pada aspek ini.There is no recommendation to this aspect.

II Pemegang Saham dan RUPS/Pemilik ModalShareholders and GMS/Capital Owners

1 RKAP ditandatangani pada tanggal 30 Januari 2019. Artinya terdapat keterlambatan selama 1 bulan.RKAP was signed on January 30th, 2019. This showed that there was one month delay.

X 2020 RKAP tahun 2021 ditandatangani pada 29 Januari 2021.2021 RKAP was signed on January 29th, 2021.

Report of Assessment Results on GCG Implementation of Fiscal Year of 2019: Results, Recommendations and Follow-ups in 2020

Meanwhile, the implementation of GCG in 2019 was evaluated by the Center for Accounting and Financial Development (PT Bumi Pertiwi Mandiri) and scored 96.418 with "Excellent" predicate. Below is the report of the 2019 GCG assessment:

The followings are the details of the assessment results of the Company's GCG implementation for fiscal year of 2019:

Recommendations and Follow-ups to GCG Assessment Results for Fiscal Year of 2019

Improvements and refinement of GCG implementation carried out by the Company include follow-ups to every finding in the GCG assessment, which serve as a recommendation in the Area of Improvement of GCG implementation. Throughout the year 2020, the Company has followed up on the recommendations to the assessment of the GCG implementation in the fiscal year of 2019, namely:

173PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2019Recommendations to Assessment of GCG Implementation of

Fiscal Year of 2019

Rencana Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2020Follow-up Plan for Year 2020

Status PeriodePeriod


2 Pemegang Saham/RUPS/Pemilik Modal belum memberikan penilaian kinerja Direksi secara individu. Rekomendasi kami, Pemegang Saham/RUPS/Pemilik Modal perlu memberikan penilaian kinerja Direksi secara individu.Shareholder/GMS/Capital Owner has not provided an assessment of the performance of individual members of the Board of Directors. Our recommendation was that Shareholder/GMS/Capital Owner needed to provide an assessment of the performance of the individual member of the Board of Directors.

√ 2020 Pemegang Saham telah melakukan pembahasan rencana implemetasi KPI individu Direksi pada anak Perusahaan.Shareholder has been discussing the plan to implement KPIs of the individual members of Board of Directors of the subsidiaries.

3 Keputusan Pemegang Saham tentang penetapan Auditor Eksternal harus melalui pembahasan/pengkajian/penelaahan terhadap calon-calon Auditor Eksternal yang diajukan oleh Dewan Komisaris terlebih dahulu.The decision of shareholder regarding the determination of external auditors had to be made through discussion/assessment/review of the candidates of external auditors proposed by the Board of Commissioners.

√ 2020 Pembahasan Auditor Eksternal dan besaran honorarium telah ditentukan oleh IPC selaku Pemegang Saham, karena ruang lingkup auditor yang ditunjuk meliputi IPC Group.The discussion of external auditors and the amount of honorarium was determined by IPC as a shareholder, because the scope of the auditors appointed included IPC Group.

III Dewan Komisaris/Dewan PengawasBoard of Commissioners/Supervisory Board

1 Dewan Komisaris belum melakukan evaluasi pencapaian kinerja masing-masing Dewan Komisaris.The Board of Commissioners has not evaluated the performance achievements of each member of the Board of Commissioners.

√ 2020 Dewan Komisaris telah menilai kinerja masing-masing anggota secara kolegial dan individu tahun 2019 dan telah dimasukkan ke dalam laporan tugas pengawasan Dewan Komisaris 2019 yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2020.The Board of Commissioners assessed collegial as well as individual performances of each board member in 2019 and had submitted the results into the 2019 Board of Commissioners Supervisory Task Report, which was issued in 2020.

IV DireksiBoard of Directors

1 Belum ada dokumen khusus terkait penilaian pencapaian target kinerja Direksi secara individu. Penilaian baru dilakukan melalui Kontrak Manajemen dan Laporan Manajemen.There was no specific document containing the assessment of the individual performance target achievement of the Board of Directors. New assessments were conducted through Management Contracts and Management Reports.

√ 2020 Pemegang Saham telah melakukan pembahasan rencana implemetasi KPI individu Direksi pada anak Perusahaan.Shareholder has been discussing the plan to implement KPIs of individual members of the Board of Directors of the subsidiaries.

2 Penerapan TI di Perusahaan mengacu pada RJPP 2016-2020. Perusahaan belum memiliki dokumen khusus Master Plan TI.The application of IT in the Company referred to RJPP 2016-2020. The Company did not yet have a special IT Master Plan document.

√ 2020 IT Master Plan Perusahaan mengikuti IT Master Plan IPC.The Company’s IT Master Plan was in line with the IT Master Plan of the holding Company.

3 Belum terdapat evaluasi dan kriteria keberhasilan atas program pengembangan SDM.No evaluation and success criteria were made for HR development programs.

√ 2020 Sudah dilakukan pada tahun 2020.Done in 2020.

4 Terdapat keterlambatan dalam hal penyampaian dokumen perpajakan yakni SPT Tahunan.The submission of tax documents, namely annual tax report, experienced a delay.

√ 2020 Pembayaran pajak bulanan sudah dilakukan tepat waktu sebelum tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya.Monthly tax payments were made on time before 10th of the following month.

V Pengungkapan Informasi dan TransparansiDisclosure of Information and Transparency

1 Laporan pengelolaan website belum memenuhi minimal laporan yang ditetapkan di dalam kebijakan pengelolaan website.Website management reports have not met the minimum report set out in the website management policy.

√ 2020 Laporan pengelolaan website telah disampaikan ke dalam laporan pelaksanaan tugas Corporat Secretary & hubungan eksternal PT IPC Terminal Petikemas selama tahun 2019.The website management report has been incorporated into the report on the task implementation of the Corporate Secretary & external relations of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas during 2019.

2 Laporan pemenuhan atas permintaan/permohonan informasi publik baru memuat terkait kunjungan pihak eksternal ke dalam Perusahaan.Report on request fulfillment for public information mainly contained visit by external parties to the company.

√ 2020 Telah dilakukan dokumentasi terhadap permintaan/permohonan untuk memperoleh Informasi Publik.Requests to obtain Public Information has been documented.

VI Aspek LainnyaOther AspectTidak terdapat rekomendasi pada aspek iniNo recommendation available in this aspect.

√ = telah ditindaklanjuti/has been followed up | x = belum ditindaklanjuti/not followed up yet

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

174 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Struktur dan Mekanisme GCG


Struktur dan Mekanisme Tata Kelola Perusahaan IPC TPKStructure and Mechanism of IPC TPK'S Corporate Governance



Sinergi dengan Induk Usaha terkait Assessment GCG

IPC TPK menjalin komunikasi dan koordinasi sinergis dengan perusahaan induknya, yakni PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Termasuk di dalamnya pengelolaan implementasi GCG, IPC TPK telah menindaklanjuti induk usaha terkait implementasi GCG, di antaranya surat No. SK.01.02/II/I/KPP/SDM/PI.II-19 tanggal 11 November 2019 tentang Pelaksanaan Assessment GCG Anak Perusahaan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), dan surat No. SK.01.01/10/2/4/KPP/SDM/PI.II-2020 tanggal 10 Februari 2020 perihal Pengisian Survei Pemahaman GCG, serta Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas dan Kepatuhan Kode Etik Bisnis Tahun 2019.

Pada tahun 2020, dalam rangka melaksanakan arahan-arahan tersebut, IPC TPK telah menyelenggarakan self assessment GCG. IPC TPK juga berpartisipasi dalam pengisian Survei Pemahaman GCG serta Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas dan Kepatuhan Kode Etik Bisnis Tahun 2020. Sinergi lainnya yang dilakukan ialah dalam monitoring tindak lanjut Area of Improvement (AOI) Assessment GCG, pelaksanaan pengisian Laporan Harta dan Kekayaan Pejabat Negara serta pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan dan pelaporan yang dipersyaratkan dalam regulasi mengenai GCG Perusahaan.

Kebijakan dan Struktur GCGGCG Policy and Structure

Synergy with Parent Company in GCG Assessment

IPC TPK has built a synergy in areas of communication and coordination with its parent Company, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). As part of the management of GCG implementation, IPC TPK has followed up on the parent Company related to GCG implementation, including letter No. SK.01.02/II/I/KPP/SDM/PI.II-19 dated November 11th, 2019 concerning the Implementation of GCG Assessment in Subsidiaries of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), and letter No. SK.01.01/10/2/4/KPP/SDM/PI.II-2020 dated February 10th, 2020 concerning the Filling of the GCG Understanding Survey, as well as the Signing of the Integrity Pact and Compliance with the 2019 Code of Business Ethics.

In 2020, in order to implement these directives, IPC TPK has conducted a self-assessment of the GCG implementation. IPC TPK also participated in the filling of the GCG Understanding Survey as well as the Signing of the Integrity Pact and Compliance with the 2019 Code of Business Ethics. Other form of synergy was to monitor the follow-ups in Area of Improvement (AOI) of GCG Assessment, the implementation of the filling of the Report of Property and Wealth of Civil Servants and the implementation of activities and reporting as required in the regulations on the Company's GCG.

GCG Structure and Mechanism

175PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Infrastruktur GCG IPC TPKMengacu pada Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UU PT), maka infrastruktur keorganisasian sebuah perseroan terbatas mencakup kepentingan Pemegang Saham yang dituangkan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS); Direksi dengan tugasnya untuk mengelola; serta Dewan Komisaris yang berfungsi melakukan pengawasan. Terkait kebijakan tersebut, IPC TPK telah memiliki ketiga organ utama tersebut, yakni RUPS, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memelihara kesinambungan usaha Perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.




Laporan teratur dan pembaruan Regular reporting and update





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Panduan dan pengawasan Guidance and supervision


ilih dan mem


Elect and dismiss


akili dan melapor kepada

Represent and report to

Kebijakan/Soft structure GCG IPC TPKPengelolaan Perusahaan dilakukan Direksi dan Manajemen dengan mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip GCG. Komitmen terhadap pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG dapat dilihat dari pemenuhan dokumen Soft structure GCG dan Kebijakan Direksi, serta Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) yang disesuaikan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan perkembangan Perusahaan. Sesuai perkembangan yang ada, beberapa di antaranya telah diperbaharui, di antaranya:1. Board Manual;2. Code of Conduct (Kode Etik);3. Pedoman Gratifikasi dan Pungli.

Adapun perangkat kebijakan GCG Perusahaan meliputi:

Kebijakan dan ProsedurPolicy and Procedure


Anggaran Dasar PerusahaanCompany’s Articles of Association

Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan terakhir, yang telah disahkan melalui Akta No. 220 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020 yang dibuat dihadapan Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, SH, Notaris berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat dan mendapatkan pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020.The Company’s latest Articles of Association, which has been passed through the Deed No. 220 dated August 25th, 2020, signed before Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, S.H., a Notary in Central Jakarta and approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 dated August 25th, 2020.

IPC TPK’s GCG InfrastructureReferring to Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company (“Company Law”), the organizational infrastructure of a limited liability Company includes the interests of shareholders as represented through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS); Board of Directors with its management duty; as well as the Board of Commissioners whose function is to conduct supervision. Referring to the policy, IPC TPK has already established the three primary organs, namely the GMS, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors. The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors share responsibility to maintain the continuity of the Company's business in the long term.

IPC TPK’s GCG Policy/Soft structureThe management of the Company is carried out all together by the Board of Directors and Management with reference to the principles of GCG. Commitment to the implementation of GCG principles is realized through the fulfillment of GCG Soft structure documents and Board of Directors’ Policies, as well as Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) which are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the Company's development. In accordance with existing developments, some of them have already been updated, including:1. Board Manual;2. Code of Conduct;3. Guidelines for Gratification and Illegal Levy.

The Company's GCG policy instruments include:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

176 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kebijakan dan ProsedurPolicy and Procedure


Pedoman Pelaksanaan GCGGCG Implementation Guidelines

Direvisi dan disempurnakan serta disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.55/19/8/2/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 19 September 2019.Revised and improved and ratified through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.55/19/8/2/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019.

Board Manual PerusahaanCompany Board Manual

Direvisi dan disempurnakan serta disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.55/19/8/2/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 19 September 2019 tentang Penetapan Pedoman Board Manual PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Revised and improved and ratified through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.55/19/8/2/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019 concerning the Establishment of Guidelines of Board Manual of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Kode Etik Bisnis PerusahaanCompany’s Code of Business Ethics

Direvisi dan disempurnakan serta disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.55/20/10/2/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 20 Oktober 2019 tentang Penetapan Pedoman Kode Etik Bisnis dan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Revised and improved and ratified through the Board of Directors’ Decree No. HK.55/20/10/2/IPCTPK-19 dated October 20th, 2019 concerning the Establishment of Guidelines for the Code of Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery Management System of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Pedoman Gratifikasi, Pelaporan Pungli dan Penerapan Whistleblowing SystemGuidelines for Gratification, Reporting of Illegal Levy and Application of Whistleblowing System

Direvisi dan disempurnakan serta disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 19 September 2019 tentang Penetapan Pedoman Pengelolaan Gratifikasi, Pelaporan Pungutan Liar & Penerapan Whistleblowing System PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Revised and improved and ratified through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019 concerning the Establishment of Guidelines for the Management of Gratification, Reporting of Illegal Levy & Implementation of Whistleblowing System of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Pedoman Pengawasan & Pemberian Nasihat Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal PetikemasManual of Supervisory & Advising Task Implementation by the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Oleh Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 16/DK/XII/IPC.TPK-15.By the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 16/DK/XII/IPC. TPK-15.

Pedoman Dewan Direksi PT IPC Terminal PetikemasManual of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Disahkan oleh Dewan Direksi No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 19 September 2017.Ratified by the Board of Directors No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-17 dated September 19th, 2017.

Roadmap GCG PT IPC Terminal PetikemasGCG Roadmap of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Disahkan oleh Direksi melalui SK Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/4/9/1/IPCTPK-17.Authorized by the Board of Directors through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No.HK.566/4/9/1/IPCTPK-17.

Piagam Audit InternalInternal Audit Charter

Ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.56/23/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 23 Oktober 2017 yang disahkan dan ditandatangani oleh Komisaris Utama dan Direktur Utama Perusahaan. Proses tanda tangan ke Komisaris Utama.Stipulated through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.56/23/10/1/IPCTPK-17 dated October 23rd, 2017, which was ratified and signed by the President Commissioner and President Director of the Company. Signing process to the President Commissioner.

Pedoman Pengelolaan Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) atau Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).Guidelines for the Management of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/3/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 29 Desember 2017 tentang Pengelolaan Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (Corporate Social Responsibility) di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Passed through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/3/IPCTPK-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning the Management of Social and Environmental Responsibility Activities within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Piagam Komite AuditAudit Committee Charter

No. RK1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK.20 tentang Penetapan Piagam (Charter) Komite Audit dan GCG, Komite Manajemen Risiko serta Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tanggal 13 Januari 2020.No. RK1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK.20 dated January 13th, 2020 concerning the Establishment of Charters of Audit and GCG Committee, Risk Management Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan (SPIP) di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Internal Control System of the Company (SPIP) in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/10/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 10 Oktober 2017.Stipulated in the Regulation of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/10/10/1/IPCTPK-17 dated October 10th, 2017.

Peraturan Direksi tentang Kewajiban Melaporkan Harta Kekayaan (LHKPN) bagi Direksi dan Pejabat Struktural di Lingkungan IPC TPK.The Regulation of the Board of Directors regarding the Obligation to Submit Wealth Report (LHKPN) for both Directors and Officers in IPC TPK’s organizational Structure.

Ditetapkan melalui Peraturan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/19/9/I/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 19 September 2017.Stipulated through the Regulation of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/19/9/I/IPCTPK-17 dated September 19th, 2017.

177PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kebijakan dan ProsedurPolicy and Procedure


Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Services within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/1/3/2/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 1 Maret 2019.Authorized through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566 /1/3/2/IPCTPK-19 dated March 1st, 2019.

Pedoman Kebijakan MutuGuidelines of Quality Policy

Ditetapkan oleh Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/8/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 29 Desember 2017, yang telah disempurnakan dan ditetapkan oleh Direktur Utama PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KS.545/122/3/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 12 Maret 2019.Determined by the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/8/IPCTPK-17 dated December 29th, 2017, which has been improved and determined by the President Director of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. KS.545/122/3/1/IPCTPK-19 dated March 12th, 2019.

Pedoman Benturan Kepentingan (Conflict of Interest)Guidelines to Conflict of Interest

Direvisi dan disempurnakan serta disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.55/20/10/2/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 20 Oktober 2019 tentang Penetapan Pedoman Kode Etik Bisnis dan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Revised and improved and ratified through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.55/20/10/2/IPCTPK-19 dated October 20th, 2019 concerning the Establishment of Guidelines for the Code of Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery Management System of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Pedoman Pengelolaan Website dan Media SosialWebsite and Social Media Management Guidelines

Disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/29/12/9/ipctpk-17 tanggal 29 Desember 2017 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Website dan Media Sosial di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.Passed through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.566/29/12/9/ipctpk-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning the Guidelines for Website and Social Media Management in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Struktur Organ GCG IPC TPK

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

Analisa RisikoRisk Analysis

Komite AuditAudit Committee

Sekretaris Perusahaan & Hubungan Eksternal

Corporate Secretary & External Affairs

Komite Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Committee

Audit Internal & Manajemen Risiko

Internal Audit & Risk Management

Akuntan PublikPublic Accountant

Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Sekretaris Dewan KomisarisSecretary of the Board of


Analisa RisikoRisk Analysis

Organ utama dalam struktur GCG Perseroan terdiri dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Direksi, dan Dewan Komisaris. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada dalam UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.

RUPS merupakan forum pengambilan keputusan bagi Pemegang Saham. Sementara, Direksi merupakan organ yang memiliki tugas pengelolaan organisasi dan usaha, dan Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ yang memiliki fungsi melakukan pengawasan.

Structure of IPC TPK’s GCG Organs

The main organs in the Company's GCG structure consist of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors, and Board of Commissioners. This is in accordance with the provisions in Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies and the Company's Articles of Association.

The GMS serves as a decision-making forum for shareholders. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors is an organ that is responsible for the task of managing the organization and businesses, and the Board of Commissioners is an organ that conducts the supervisory function.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

178 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) merupakan Organ IPC TPK yang mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris dalam batas yang ditentukan dalam Undang-Undang dan/atau Anggaran Dasar. RUPS sebagai organ IPC TPK menjadi wadah bagi Pemegang Saham untuk mengambil keputusan penting, dengan memperhatikan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Dalam pelaksanaan RUPS, keputusan yang diambil harus didasarkan pada kepentingan IPC TPK dalam jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. RUPS dan/atau Pemegang Saham tidak dapat melakukan intervensi terhadap tugas, fungsi dan wewenang Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, dengan tidak mengurangi wewenang RUPS untuk menjalankan haknya sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan termasuk untuk melakukan penggantian atau pemberhentian anggota Dewan Komisaris dan/atau Direksi.

Dasar Hukum

Penyelenggaraan RUPS IPC TPK mengacu pada ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku, antara lain:1. UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas;2. UU No. 19 Tahun 2003 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Negara;3. PP No. 45 Tahun 2005 tentang Pendirian, Pengurusan,

Pengawasan dan Pembubaran Badan Usaha Milik Negara;4. Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tanggal

1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara juncto PER-09/MBU/2012, tanggal 6 Juli 2012, Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 Tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) Pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara;

5. Anggaran Dasar IPC TPK terakhir, yang telah disahkan melalui Akta No. 220 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020 yang dibuat dihadapan Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, SH,

Dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya, Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh organ-organ pendukung yang memiliki perannya masing-masing. Direksi dibantu oleh Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal dan Satuan Pengawasan Intern, sementara Dewan Komisaris didukung oleh Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit, Komite Manajemen Risiko, dan Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi.

Selain itu, untuk memenuhi kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, Perusahaan juga menyelenggarakan audit terhadap laporan keuangan oleh audit eksternal, yakni dilakukan oleh Akuntan Publik yang pemilihannya dilakukan melalui mekanisme organisasi yang berlaku. Hasil audit eksternal oleh Akuntan Publik diharapkan dapat memenuhi asas transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam laporan keuangan Perusahaan yang mencerminkan kinerja usaha sebagai faktor paling fundamental.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

In carrying out their duties and functions, the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are assisted by supporting organs that perform their respective roles. The Board of Directors is assisted by the Corporate Secretary and External Relations and the Internal Supervisory Unit, while the Board of Commissioners is supported by the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee, the Risk Management Committee, and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee.

In addition, to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, the Company also conducts audit of financial statements by external audits, i.e. conducting the Public Accountant whose appointment is conducted through applicable organizational mechanisms. The results of external audits by Public Accountant suggest that the principles of transparency and accountability are met in the Company's financial statements, which reflect business performance as the most fundamental factor.

The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is an Organ of IPC TPK delegated with authorities that are not given either to the Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners within the limits specified in the Law and / or Articles of Association. GMS as an organ of IPC TPK functions as a forum for Shareholders to make important decisions, with respect to the provisions of the Articles of Association and laws and regulations.

In the implementation of the GMS, every decision must take into account the interests of IPC TPK in the short and long terms. The GMS and/or Shareholders cannot intervene into the duties, functions and authorities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, by not lessening the authorities of the GMS to exercise its rights in accordance with the Articles of Association and laws and regulations, including to replace or dismiss members of the Board of Commissioners and/or Board of Directors.

Legal Basis

The implementation of GMS of IPC TPK refers to the applicable provisions and regulations, among others:1. Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies;2. Law No. 19 of 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises;3. PP No. 45 of 2005 on establishment, management,

supervision and dissolution of state-owned enterprises;4. Regulation of the Minister of SOEs No. PER-01/MBU/2011

dated August 1st, 2011 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises juncto PER-09/MBU/2012, dated July 6th, 2012, amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises;

5. IPC TPK’s latest Articles of Association, which has been passed through Deed No. 220 dated August 25th, 2020, signed before Raden Roro Erni Yuli Handayani, S.H.,

179PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Notaris berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat dan mendapatkan pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 tanggal 25 Agustus 2020.

Pemegang Saham

Sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar IPC TPK, Pemegang Saham memiliki hak dan tanggung jawab. Adapun komposisi Pemegang Saham IPC TPK per 31 Desember 2020 dapat dilihat pada diagram di bawah ini.

Komposisi Pemegang Saham IPC TPK per 31 Desember 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama


Pemegang Saham Utama/PengendaliPemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali IPC TPK adalah PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). IPC TPK tersebut memiliki saham IPC TPK sebesar 99,00%.

Berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar IPC TPK, Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali setiap saat wajib memenuhi persyaratan kemampuan dan kepatutan. Penilaian kemampuan dan kepatutan dapat dilakukan setiap saat apabila Pemegang Saham Pengendali tersebut patut diduga tidak lagi memenuhi ketentuan persyaratan kemampuan dan kepatutan berdasarkan hasil analisis, hasil pemeriksaan, dan/atau pengaduan.

Jenis-jenis dan Penyelenggaraan RUPS di IPC TPK

Sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar IPC TPK, jenis RUPS terdiri dari RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Luar Biasa (RUPSLB). Kedua RUPS ini memiliki wewenang tertinggi dalam struktur tata kelola IPC TPK sekaligus merupakan forum utama bagi Pemegang Saham untuk menggunakan hak dan wewenangnya terhadap manajemen.

RUPS Tahunan diselenggarakan tiap tahun, paling lambat 6 (enam) bulan setelah tahun buku IPC TPK berakhir. Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan oleh RUPS tahunan, berarti memberikan pelunasan dan pembebasan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya kepada para anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris atas pengurusan dan pengawasan yang telah dijalankan selama tahun buku yang lalu, sejauh tindakan tersebut tercermin dalam laporan keuangan.

Sedangkan, RUPSLB dapat diselenggarakan sewaktu-waktu berdasarkan kebutuhan. Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris berwenang menyelenggarakan RUPSLB. Direksi juga memiliki kewajiban untuk memanggil dan menyelenggarakan RUPSLB atas permintaan tertulis dari 1 (satu) Pemegang Saham.

a Notary in Central Jakarta and approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-AHA.01.03-0364 dated August 25th, 2020.


In accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of IPC TPK, Shareholder has rights and responsibilities. The composition of IPC TPK shareholders as of December 31st, 2020, can be seen in the diagram below.

Composition of IPC TPK’s Shareholders as of December 31st, 2020

Main/Controlling ShareholderThe Main/Controlling Shareholder of IPC TPK is PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). The IPC TPK owns 99.00% of IPC TPK’s shares.

Based on applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of IPC TPK, the Main/Controlling Shareholder must always meet the requirements of ability and propriety. Assessment of ability and propriety can be done at any time if the Controlling Shareholder is considered to no longer meet the requirements of ability and propriety as suggested by the results of analysis, examination, and/or complaints.

Type and GCG Implementation in IPC TPK

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of IPC TPK, GMS consists of Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS (EGMS). Both types of GMS have the highest authorities in the governance structure of IPC TPK as well as serve as the main forum for Shareholders to exercise their rights and authorities on the management.

Annual GMS is held every year, no later than 6 (six) months after the IPC TPK’s financial year ends. Approval of the Annual Report and Ratification of the Financial Statements by the annual GMS, which provides full release and discharge from responsibilities to the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners regarding the management and supervision that has been carried out during the past financial year, to the extent that such actions are reflected on the financial statements.

Meanwhile, EGMS can be held at any time, whenever necessary. The Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners is authorized to organize the EGM. The Board of Directors also has an obligation to request and organize an EGM upon a written request from 1 (one) Shareholder.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

180 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Selain itu, juga terdapat RUPS Sirkuler atau Pengambilan Keputusan Sirkuler yang diatur sesuai Pasal 91 UU No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Dalam RUPS Sirkuler, para Pemegang Saham dalam mengambil keputusan tanpa diadakan RUPS secara fisik. Keputusan diambil dengan cara mengirimkan secara tertulis usul yang akan diputuskan kepada semua Pemegang Saham dan usul tersebut disetujui secara tertulis oleh seluruh Pemegang Saham.

Tindak Lanjut Manajemen Tahun 2020 atas Hasil Keputusan RUPS Tahunan dan RUPSLB Tahun 2019

Pada tahun 2019, IPC TPK menyelenggarakan 1 (satu) kali RUPS Tahunan pada 26 Juni 2019. Hasil Keputusan RUPS Tahunan tahun 2019 dan tindak lanjutnya oleh Manajemen IPC TPK pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Laporan Penyelenggaraan RUPS Tahunan Tanggal 30 Januari 2019Berikut hasil keputusan RUPS Tahunan yang diselenggarakan tanggal 30 Januari 2019 sesuai Keputusan Pemegang Saham Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan No. SK.03/30/1/8/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan No. SK-008/PII-IPCTPK/I/2019 tentang Persetujuan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) dan Kontrak Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun 2019:

A. Agenda I: Persetujuan atas Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2019Hasil Keputusan:• Menyetujui RKAP Tahun 2019 Perseroan dengan

pokok-pokok sebagai berikut:a. Target Produksi Perseroan

No. AreaSatuan

UnitRKAP Tahun 2019

2019 RKAP

1 PontianakBoxes 277.2014

TEU 313.752

2 PalembangBoxes 177.346

TEU 199.093

3 PanjangBoxes 109.568

TEU 137.365

4 JambiBoxes 42.420

TEU 53.124

5 Teluk BayurBoxes 77.814

TEU 85.549

6 Tanjung Priok IBoxes 834.034

TEU 1.010.240

7 Tanjung Priok IIBoxes 932.429

TEU 1.200.909

8 Terminal SupportBoxes 216.469

TEU 263.342

b. Target Laba (Rugi) Perseroan



UnitRKAP Tahun 2019

2019 RKAP

1 Pendapatan Usaha/Operating Revenue Rp

2 Reduksi Pendapatan/Revenue Reduction Rp -

3 Pendapatan Bersih/Net Income Rp

4 Beban Usaha/Operating Expenses Rp 2.492.527.046.295

5 Laba (Rugi) Usaha/Operating Profit (Loss) Rp 551.066.000.000

6 Jumlah Pendapatan & Beban Di Luar Usaha/ Total Non-Operating Revenue & Expenses

Rp 154.700.380.000

7 Laba (Rugi) Sebelum Pajak/Profit (Loss) Before Tax Rp 722.173.333.705

8 Pajak/Tax Rp 146.173.333.705

9 Laba (Rugi) Setelah Pajak/Profit (Loss) After Tax Rp 576.000.000.000

In addition, there is also a Circular GMS or Circular Decision Making forum as regulated in Article 91 of Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. At the Circular GMS, the Shareholders make decisions without holding a physical GMS. The decision is taken by sending a written proposal which requires approval from all shareholders and the proposal will have written approval from all shareholders.

Management’s Follow-ups in 2020 on the Decisions of the 2019 Annual GMS and EGM

In 2019, IPC TPK held 1 (one) Annual GMS on June 26th, 2019. The decisions of the 2019 Annual GMS and the follow-ups by IPC TPK Management in 2020 were as follows:

1. Report of Annual GMS on January 30th, 2019

Below are the decisions taken at the annual GMS held on January 30th, 2019, in accordance with the Circular Resolutions of Shareholders without Physical Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as stated in Decrees No. SK.03/30/1/8/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 and No. SK-008/PII-IPCTPK/I/2019 concerning approval for the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) and Management Contract of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in 2019:

A. Agenda I: Approval for the Company's 2019 Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) Decisions:• Approving the 2019 RKAP of the Company with

details as follows:a. The Company's Production Target

b. Target of Profit (Loss) of the Company

181PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

c. Proyeksi Arus Kas Perseroan


DescriptionRKAP Tahun 2019

2019 RKAP

1 Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Operasi/Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1.093.573.025.413

2 Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Investasi/Cash Flow from Investment Activities (779.647.674.123)

3 Arus Kas Dari Pendanaan/Cash Flow From Funding Activities -

4 Kenaikan/Penurunan Bersih Kas & Setara Kas/Net Increase/Decrease in Cash & Cash Equivalents


5 Kas & Setara Kas Awal Periode/Cash & Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Year 600.887.396.514

6 Kas & Setara Kas Akhir Periode/Cash & Cash Equivalents at End of the Year 914.812.747.804

d. Proyeksi Posisi Keuangan Perseroan



UnitRKAP Tahun 2019

2019 RKAP

1 Aset Lancar/Current Assets Rp 1.206.814.668.304

2 Aset Tidak Lancar/Non-Current Assets Rp 582.799.418.673

3 Total Aset/Total Assets Rp 1.789.614.086.977

4 Liabilitas Lancar/Current Liabilities Rp 772.242.512.471

5 Liabilitas Jangka Panjang/Long-term liabilities Rp 277.571.252.650

6 Ekuitas/Equity Rp 739.800.321.856

Jumlah Liabilitas dan Ekuitas/Total Liabilities and Equity Rp 1.789.614.086.977

e. Target Investasi Perseroan



UnitKebutuhan Dana

Funding NeedRKAP Tahun 2019

2019 RKAP

1 Jumlah Investasi Murni/Total Pure Investment Rp 45.800.000.000 45.800.000.000

2 Jumlah Investasi Multi Year/Total Multi-Year Investment Rp 442.000.000.000 84.950.000.000

3 Jumlah Carry Over/Total Carry Overs Rp

4 Jumlah Investasi/Total Investment Rp 515.000.000.000 145.751.000.000

f. Proyeksi Sumber Daya Manusia Perseroan



UnitRKAP Tahun 2019

2019 RKAP

1 Organik/Organic Orang/Person 528

2 PKWT Orang/Person -

3 Non Organik/Non-Organic Orang/Person 1.476

Jumlah/Total Orang/Person 2.004

B. Agenda II: Persetujuan atas Kontrak Manajemen 2019 PerseroanHasil Keputusan: • Menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2019

Perseroan sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler).

1. Pelaksanaan terhadap keputusan-keputusan tersebut di atas agar mengikuti ketentuan, prosedur dan prinsipt-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) yang berlaku.

2. Jangka waktu berlakunya keputusan para Pemegang Saham tanpa melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler) Perusahaan ini adalah terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Januari 2019 sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2019.

3. Dalam pelaksanaan keputusan para Pemegang Saham ini, maka Perusahaan agar mematuhi arahan para Pemegang Saham sebagai berikut:• Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan

(RKAP) tahun 2019 yang telah ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Secara Secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler) dan Kontrak Manajemen ini merupakan pedoman bagi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan dalam menjalankan pengurusan dan pengawasan selama tahun 2019;

c. The Company's Cash Flow Projections

d. Projections of the Company’s Financial Position

e. The Company's Investment Target

f. Projections of the Company's Human Resources

B. Agenda II: Approval of the Company's 2019 Management ContractDecisions: • Approving the Company's 2019 Management

Contract as an integral part of the Shareholders' Resolutions Made through the Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular).

1. Implementation of the above decisions was expected to comply with the applying provisions, procedures and principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).

2. The validity period of the Shareholders’ Resolutions through the Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular) of the Company started from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019.

3. In the implementation of the shareholders’ resolutions, the Company should adhere to directives from the shareholders, namely as follows:• The Company's 2019 Work Plan and Budget (RKAP)

as stipulated in the Resolutions of Shareholders Without Physical Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular) and this Management Contract served a guideline for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company in carrying out management and supervisory activities during 2019;

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• Dalam rangka kepatuhan GCG, Direksi Perusahaan diminta secara tempat penyampaian copy RKAP, Laporan Tahunan, Laporan Lengkap Hasil Pemeriksaan Auditor Eksternal, Laporan Triwulanan dan Laporan Bulanan Tahun 2019 kepada Pemegang Saham;

• Direksi Perseroan agar menyampaikan Laporan Realisasi RKA Investasi secara rutin setiap bulannya kepada Direktur Teknik PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (IPC) c.q. SVP Konstruksi Sipil selambatnya tanggal 5 pada bulan berikutnya;

• Anggaran Pendapatan dan Laba Bersih Perusahaan tahun 2019 merupakan target minimal yang harus dicapai oleh Perseroan, sedangkan anggaran biaya Perusahaan merupakan target maksimal yang boleh dikeluarkan oleh Perusahaan. Dalam hal kenaikan biaya di atas anggaran tidak dapat dihindari, maka kenaikan biaya tersebut diperbolehkan sepanjang biaya tersebut berkontribusi signifikan terhadap kenaikan pendapatan;

• Direksi Perusahaan diminta untuk fokus pada upaya untuk meningkatkan level GCG dan meningkatkan kinerja Perusahaan melalui program-program Volume Growth, Profitability Growth dan Holding Establishment;

• Dalam rangka mendorong pengelolaan Perusahaan secara professional, transparan dan efisien, RUPS meminta agar Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan secara konsisten mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip GCG dan melakukan Assessment atas implementasi GCG Tahun 2019 yang dalam pelaksanaannya agar dilakukan oleh assessor independent;

• Dalam upaya pengembangan bisnis korporasi serta peningkatan nilai tambah, peran serta kontribusi Perusahaan agar Direksi Perusahaan melakukan upaya dan fokus secara optimal untuk bersinergi dengan anak perusahaan lain dan cabang-cabang Pelabuhan dalam PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (IPC) serta dengan BUMN dan anak perusahaan BUMN Lainnya;

• Terhadap program investasi strategis, Direksi Perusahaan diminta untuk lebih menerapkan prinsip-prinsip kehati-hatian dan Dewan Komisaris diminta untuk lebih mengawasi program investasi strategis tersebut, sehingga dapat dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku mencapai tujuan atau target Perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan;

• Dalam rangka memotivasi kinerja pegawai, Direksi Perusahaan agar menerapkan sistem rewards dan punishment secara tegas dan konsisten serta meningkatkan kualitas SDM melalui Pendidikan dan pelatihan atau program sertifikasi yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan karyawan sesuai dengan core business Perusahaan;

• Dalam rangka meningkatkan fungsi pengendalian dan pengawasan pengelolaan Perusahaan agar Manajemen melakukan sinergi program pengawasan dengan Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) IPC dan melakukan Performance Audit di tahun 2019 yang dalam pelaksanaannya juga akan dilakukan oleh SPI IPC;

• Agar Direksi dapat melaksanakan dan melakukan reviu, penyesuaian (jika diperlukan) atas Rencana

• As part of GCG compliance, the Company's Board of Directors is requested to serve as the place for submission of copy of RKAP, Annual Report, Full Report of External Auditor’s Audit Results, Quarterly Report and Monthly Report of 2019 to shareholders;

• The Company's Board of Directors was required to submit the regular Report of RKA Investment Realization every month to the Technical Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (IPC) c.q. SVP of Civil Construction no later than the 5th of the following month;

• The Company's Revenue and Net Income Budgets of 2019 were the minimum targets that had to be achieved by the Company, while the Company's expenses were the maximum target that was allowed to be spent by the Company. In the event that the increase in expenses above the budget was unavoidable, then the increase in expenses were allowed as long as the expenses contributed significantly to the increase in revenue;

• The Company's Board of Directors is required to focus on efforts to improve GCG levels and the Company's performance through Volume Growth, Profitability Growth and Holding Establishment programs;

• In order to promote the Company's professional, transparent and efficient management, the GMS requested the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company to consistently implement the GCG principles and launch an Assessment of the GCG implementation in 2019, whose the implementation was carried out by independent assessors;

• In order to develop the corporate business and increase added value, the role and contribution of the Company, the Company's Board of Directors was required to make optimum efforts and focus to build a synergy with other subsidiaries and port branches in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (IPC) as well as with SOEs and other SOE’s subsidiaries;

• Regarding the strategic investment program, the Company's Board of Directors was required to better implement the principles of prudence and the Board of Commissioners was suggested to improve supervision over the strategic investment program, so that it could be implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions, lead to the achievement of the Company's objectives or targets set;

• In order to stimulate employee performance, the Company's Board of Directors was required to implement a rewards and punishment system firmly and consistently while improving the quality of human resources through education and training or certification programs that would improve the abilities and skills of employees in line with the Company's core business;

• In order to improve the control and supervision functions of the Company's management, the management was required to synergize the supervision program with the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI) of IPC and to conduct a Performance Audit in 2019 whose implementation was carried out by SPI of IPC;

• Suggesting the Board of Directors to carry out and conduct a review, make adjustments to the

183PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) yang telah ditetapkan Pemegang Saham serta Grand Design Pengelolaan Perusahaan sebagaimana telah ditetapkan oleh IPC sebagai Pemegang Saham mayoritas, serta dapat menyiapkan /mengusulkan RJPP untuk periode selanjutnya:

• Untuk meningkatkan kehati-hatian dan mendorong tindakan yang lebih prudent dalam pengelolaan Perusahaan, Direksi Perusahaan diminta untuk mengimplementasikan, mengendalikan dan meningkatkan penerapan risk management system;

• Dalam rangka memenuhi ekspektasi pelanggan, menjaga kualitas level of service, dan sebagai upaya Perusahaan menuju misi pelayanan kelas dunia, agar Direksi Perusahaan melakukan standarisasi dan sertifikasi internasional untuk penerapan quality management (ISO 9001), Health & Safety Management (SMK3 atau OHSAS 18001), Reviu Proses Bisnis, Service Level Agreement kepada pelanggan dan standar sertifikasi internasional lainnya yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan bidang usaha Perusahaan;

• Agar di Tahun 2019 Direksi Perusahaan segera melaksanakan 10 program piroritas yang telah ditetapkan dalam kontrak manajemen ini;

• Agar manajemen Perusahaan dapat menyampaikan Profil Risiko Perusahaan tahun 2019 dan Profil Risiko Investasi tahun 2019 pada awal tahun buku 2019;

• Agar Direksi Perusahaan menyampaikan Laporan Hasil Monitoring Mitigasi Risiko Perusahaan dan Mitigasi Risiko Investasi Tahun 2019 setiap Triwulan paling lambat tanggal 5 (lima) setelah periode triwulanan berakhir;

• Agar Direksi Perusahaan secara optimal fokus pada pencapaian sasaran korporasi yang secara spesifik meliputi Growth Strategy (Organic dan Non Organic), National Connectivity Program, dan Global Expansion Program;

• Agar Direksi Perusahaan dapat melakukan optimalisasi aset melalui program revenue creativity untuk meningkatkan pendapatan Perusahaan;

• Agar Manajemen Perusahaan meningkatkan program kegiatan pengelolaan pelanggan dan berupaya memperluas pangsa pasar baru khususnya bisnis anorganik baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri;

• Agar menyusun rencana kegiatan joint marketing dengan IPC Group, analisa pendapatan per pelanggan serta menyusun usulan pemberian insentif kepada mitra dalam rangka pencapaian anggaran Perusahaan;

• Dalam rangka efisiensi biaya agar Manajemen Perusahaan menjajaki kemungkinan standarisasi dan sentralisasi asuransi serta melakukan implementasi supply chain financing bekerja sama dengan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dan dengan anak perusahaan lain di lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero);

• Agar Perusahaan dapat mendukung kajian penerapan Akuntansi Biaya untuk layanan petikemas yang bertujuan untuk pengambilan keputusan manajemen;

• Untuk penguatan nilai budaya Perusahaan melalui internalisasi dan media komunikasi, Panduan Perilaku, budaya risiko dan penuansaan budaya Perusahaan secara berkesinambungan;

Company's Long-Term Plan (RJPP), in necessary, which have been determined by shareholders and the Grand Design of the Company's Management as agreed by IPC as the majority shareholder, while preparing/proposing the RJPP for the next period;

• In order to improve prudence and encourage more prudent action in the management of the Company, the Company's Board of Directors was required to implement, control and improve the implementation of risk management systems;

• In order to meet the customer expectations, to maintain the quality of level of service and as the Company's efforts to realize the mission of providing world-class services, the Company's Board of Directors conducted international standardization and certification for the implementation of quality management (ISO 9001), Health & Safety Management (SMK3 or OHSAS 18001), Business Process Review, Service Level Agreement to customers and other international certification standards needed in accordance with the Company's business field;

• Suggesting the Company's Board of Directors to immediately implement the 10 program priorities in 2019 as stipulated in the management contract;

• Suggesting the Company's management to submit the Company's Risk Profile of 2019 and the Investment Risk Profile of 2019 at the beginning of the financial year of 2019;

• Suggesting the Company's Board of Directors to submit a Report on the Results of Monitoring of the Company's Risk Mitigation and Investment Risk Mitigation in 2019 every quarter no later than the 5th (fifth) after the quarterly period ends;

• Suggesting the Company's Board of Directors to optimally focus on achieving corporate goals that particularly include Growth Strategy (Organic and Non Organic), National Connectivity Program, and Global Expansion Program;

• Suggesting the Company's Board of Directors to optimize assets through a revenue creativity program to increase the Company's revenue;

• Suggesting the Company’s Management to improve the program of customer management activities and to strive to expand new market share, particularly inorganic businesses both domestically and abroad;

• Suggesting to prepare a joint marketing activity plan with IPC Group, analyze revenue per customer and draw up proposals to provide incentives to partners in order to achieve the Company's budget;

• Suggesting cost efficiency to allow the Company’s Management to explore the possibility of standardization and centralization of insurance and implements supply chain financing in collaboration with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) and with other subsidiaries within PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero);

• Suggesting the Company to support the review of the application of Cost Accounting for container services to facilitate the management’s decision making;

• To strengthen the value of corporate culture through internalization and communication media, Code of Conduct, risk culture and continuous nurturing of corporate culture;

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• Agar Perusahaan mendukung program transformasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) antara lain Pelindo Incorporated dan pengembangan Pelabuhan sebagai suatu ekosistem/trade facilitator;

• Agar Perusahaan melakukan penyiapan Initial Public Offering (Pre-IPO) pada tahun 2019, berkoordinasi dengan Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan lain yang terkait;

• Agar Perusahaan melakukan evaluasi secara menyeluruh, terutama dari aspek keuangan, hukum, komersial, sumber daya manusia dan operasional yang sebelum dilaksanakannya IPO;

• Agar Direksi Perusahaan melakukan Arahan Pemegang Saham, Kontrak Manajemen & KPI dan Tanggapan Tertulis Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS RKAP Tahun 2019 sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Tanpa Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler)

• Dalam hal di kemudian hari terdapat kekeliruan atas hal-hal yang diatur dalam keputusan ini, maka akan dilakukan pembetulan sebagaimana mestinya.

2. Laporan Penyelenggaraan RUPS Tahunan Tanggal 26 Juni 2019

Agenda RUPS Tahunan 26 Juni 2019Agenda of Annual GMS on June 26th, 2019


Hasil KeputusanDecision

Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Has/Not Been Implemented

Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per 31 Desember 2019

Realization and/or Follow-up by Management as of December 31st, 2019

Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan Annual Report Approval

Menyetujui Laporan Tahunan termasuk Laporan Tugas Pengawasan yang telah dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2018 dan mengesahkan Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2018 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Purwantono Sungkono & Surja(Ernst & Young) dengan pendapat ‘’Wajar Dalam Semua Hal yang Material’’ sebagaimana dimaksud pada tanggal 29 April.

Approving the Annual Report includes the Supervisory Duty Report that has been conducted by the Board of Commissioners for the financial year ending on December 31st, 2018 and ratifying the Company’s Financial Statements for fiscal year of 2018, which was audited by Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono Sungkono & Surja (Ernst & Young) with the opinion of “Fair In All Material Matters” as referred on April 29th.

Sudah terlaksana Done

Telah dibuat dan disetujui Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Pelaksanaan Tugas Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris Tahun Buku 2018, serta Pengesahan Laporan keuangan Konsolidasian sekaligus memberikan pelunasan dan membebaskan Direksi atas pengelolaan IPC TPK tahun 2018 dan Dewan Komisaris atas pengawasan pengelolaan IPC TPK tahun 2018.

The Annual Report and The Accountability Report of the Supervisory Duties of the Board of Commissioners for fiscal year of 2018 were drafted and approved, as well as the Ratification of Consolidated Financial Statements while providing full release and discharge to the Board of Directors for managing IPC TPK in 2018 and to the Board of Commissioners for overseeing the running of IPC TPK in 2018.

Penetapan Penggunaan Laba Bersih IPC TPK untuk tahun Buku yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018. Determination of The Use of Net Income of IPC TPK of the Financial Year ending on December 31st, 2018.

Penetapan Laba bersih tahun 2018 akan diputuskan kemudian oleh Pemegang Saham. The determination of net income in 2018 would be decided later by shareholders.

Sudah terlaksana Done

Penggunaan laba bersih tahun buku 2018 ditetapkan melalui Keputusan Pemegang Saham (KPPS Sirkuler) No. SK.03/28/6/9/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK-003/PII-SK.D1/VI/2018 tangga; 28 Juni 2019 di mana penggunaannya untuk:Dividen: Rp280.345.485.865,-

The use of net income of fiscal year of 2018 was determined through the Shareholders’ Resolution (KPPS Circular) No. SK.03/28/6/9/PAP/UT/PI. II-19 and SK-003/PII-SK. D1/VI/2018 dated June 28th, 2019, stating their use for:Dividend payment: Rp280,345,485,865,-

• Suggesting the Company to support the transformation program of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), among which was Pelindo Incorporated and the development of the Port as an ecosystem/trade facilitator;

• Suggesting the Company to prepare for an Initial Public Offering (Pre-IPO) in 2019, in coordination with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders;

• Suggesting the Company to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, particularly from financial, legal, commercial, human and operational aspects prior to the IPO implementation;

• Suggesting the Company's Board of Directors to prepare a Shareholders’ Directives, Management Contract & KPI and Written Response of the Board of Commissioners at the GMS on RKAP in 2019 as an integral part of the Shareholders' Resolutions Without Physical Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular);

• In the event that there was fallacy in the things set forth in this resolution in the future years, the correction should take place as necessary.

2. Report of Annual GMS on June 26th, 2019

185PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Agenda RUPS Tahunan 26 Juni 2019Agenda of Annual GMS on June 26th, 2019


Hasil KeputusanDecision

Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Has/Not Been Implemented

Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per 31 Desember 2019

Realization and/or Follow-up by Management as of December 31st, 2019

Penunjukan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk melakukan audit laporan keuangan IPC TPK untuk tahun buku 2019, termasuk audit kinerja dan audit kepatuhan tahun buku 2019. The appointment of a Public Accounting Firm to audit IPC TPK’s financial statements for fiscal year of 2019, including performance audits and compliance audits for fiscal year of 2019.

Menetapkan kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Purwantono Sungkono dan Surja untuk melakukan Audit Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2019 serta memberikan kuasa Kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk menetapkan KAP pengganti dalam hal ini Publik KAP Purwantono Sungkono dan Surja tidak dapat menyelesaikan Audit dimaksud. Biaya yang timbul atas pelaksanaan audit oleh KAP menjadi tanggung jawab IPC TPK.

Determining Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono Sungkono and Surja to conduct Auditing activities of the Company’s Financial Performance of Fiscal Year of 2019 and delegate authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine another KAP if only KAP Purwantono Sungkono and Surja failed to complete the Auditing activities. IPC TPK would be responsible for any costs incurred in the implementation of auditing activities by KAP.

Sudah terlaksana Done

Telah ditunjuk Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja untuk melakukan audit laporan keuangan Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2019, termasuk audit kinerja, audit KPI, dan audit kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan tahun buku 2019.

Public Accounting Firm of Purwantono, Sungkoro and Surja was appointed to conduct auditing activities of the Company’s financial statements for fiscal year of 2019, including performance audits, KPI audits, and auditing compliance against laws and regulations in fiscal year of 2019.

Penetapan insentif tahun buku 2018 serta penetapan gaji, honorarium, tunjangan dan fasilitas lainnya bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

Determination of incentives for fiscal year of 2018 as well as the determination of salaries, honorariums, benefits and other facilities for members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

Tantiem atas kinerja IPC TPK Tahun Buku 2018 bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris akan diputuskan kemudian oleh Pemegang Saham.

Tantiem to be paid based on the performance of IPC TPK in Fiscal Year of 2018 to members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners would be later decided by shareholders.

Sudah TerlaksanaDone

Penetapan tantiem melalui KPPS Sirkuler No. SK.03/4/9/1/PAP/UT/PI.II-10 dan SK-038/PII-SK.D1/IX/2-19 tanggal 4 September 2019.

Determination of tantiem through KPPS Circular No. SK.03/4/9/1/PAP/UT/PI.II-10 and SK-038/PII-SK. D1/IX/2-19 dated September 4th, 2019.

Penyelenggaraan RUPS Luar Biasa Tahun 2019

Sepanjang tahun 2019, IPC TPK tidak melakukan RUPS Luar Biasa.

RUPS Sirkuler 2019Sepanjang tahun 2019, RUPS sirkuler IPC TPK mengeluarkan Surat Keputusan melalui RUPS Sirkuler (RUPS Sirkuler) sebanyak 6 (enam) Surat Keputusan. Adapun Hasil Keputusan RUPS Sirkuler tahun 2019 dan tindak lanjutnya oleh Manajemen IPC TPK pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

Tanggal PengesahanRatification Date

No. RUPS dan Hasil KeputusanNo. GMS and Decision Results

Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Have/Not Been Implemented

Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per 31 Desember 2019

Realization and/or Follow upby Management as ofDecember 31st, 2019

18 Desember 2019December 18th, 2019

SK.08/18/12/1/MTAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK.049/PII-SK.D1/XII/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.SK.08/18/12/1/MTAP/UT/PI. II-19 and SK.049/PII-SK. D1/XII/2019 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Sudah terlaksanaDone

Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Arif Suhartono dari jabatan Komisaris Utama IPC TPK dan pengangkatan Elvyn G. Masassya sebagai Komisaris Utama IPC TPK, serta penunjukan dan pengangkatan Achmad Riadi dan Sumantri Suwarno sebagai Komisaris IPC TPK.The dismissal of Arif Suhartono from the position of President Commissioner of IPC TPK and the appointment of Elvyn G. Masassya as President Commissioner of IPC TPK, as well as the appointment of Achmad Riadi and Sumantri Suwarno each as Commissioners of IPC TPK.

2019 Extraordinary GMS

Throughout 2019, IPC TPK did not conduct an Extraordinary GMS.

2019 AGM Circular Throughout 2019, the GMS circular of IPC TPK issued 6 (six) Decrees through the AGM Circulars. The resolutions of the 2019 GMS Circular and their follow-ups by IPC TPK’s Management in 2020 are as follows:

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186 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggal PengesahanRatification Date

No. RUPS dan Hasil KeputusanNo. GMS and Decision Results

Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Have/Not Been Implemented

Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per 31 Desember 2019

Realization and/or Follow upby Management as ofDecember 31st, 2019

19 Desember 2019December 19th, 2019

SK.03/19/12/15/MTA/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK.01/PII-SK.01/XII/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.SK.03/19/12/15/MTA/UT/PI. II-19 and SK.01/PII-SK.01/XII/2019 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Sudah terlaksanaDone

Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Arif Rusman Yulianto dari jabatan Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis IPC TPK, serta Penunjukan Ari Henryanto Sebagai Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis IPC TPK.The dismissal of Arif Rusman Yulianto from the position of Commercial and Business Development Director of IPC TPK, as well as the appointment of Ari Henryanto as Commercial and Business Development Director of IPC TPK.

1 Juli 2019July 1st, 2019

SK.03/1/72/MTA/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK.025/PII-SK.PI/VII/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.SK.03/1/72/MTA/UT/PI. II-19 and SK.025/PII-SK.PI/VII/2019 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Sudah terlaksanaDone

Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Heru Satrio dari jabatan Direktur Operasi dan Teknik.The dismissal of Heru Satrio from the position of Director of Operations and Engineering was already done.

4 September 2019September 4th, 2019

SK.03/4/9/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK.038/PII-SK.D1/IX/2019 tentang Penetapan Tantiem Untuk Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK tahun Buku 2018.SK.03/4/9/PAP/UT/PI. II-19 and SK.038/PII-SK. D1/IX/2019 on the Determination of Tantiem for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK of Fiscal Year of 2018.

Sudah terlaksanaDone

Telah dilaksanakan Berita Acara Kesepakatan Direksi IPC TPK No. UM.339/10/9/2/IPCTPK-19 Tanggal 10 September 2019.The Minutes of the Agreement of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK No. UM.339/10/9/2/IPCTPK-19 dated September 10th, 2019 was completed.

14 Juni 2019June 14th, 2019

SK.03/14/6/6/MTAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK.021/PII-SK.D1/VI/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.SK.03/14/6/6/MTAP/UT/PI. II-19 and SK.021/PII-SK.D1/VI/2019 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Sudah terlaksanaDone

Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian SAPTONO R. Irianto dari jabatan Komisaris Utama IPC TPK dan pengangkatan Arif Suhartono sebagai Komisaris Utama IPC TPK.The dismissal of Saptono R. Irianto from the position of President Commissioner of IPC TPK was completed and Arif Suhartono was appointed as President Commissioner of IPC TPK.

14 Juni 2019June 14th, 2019

SK.03/14/6/6/MTAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan SK.021/PII-SK.D1/VI/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.SK.03/14/6/6/MTAP/UT/PI. II-19 and SK.021/PII-SK. D1/VI/2019 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Sudah terlaksanaDone

Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Saptono R. Irianto dari jabatan Komisaris Utama Perseroan dan pengangkatan Arif Suhartono sebagai Komisaris Utama IPC TPK.The dismissal of Saptono R. Irianto from the position of President Commissioner of the Company was completed and Arif Suhartono was appointed as President Commissioner of IPC TPK.

Penyelenggaraan RUPS Tahunan 2020

Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK melakukan 2 (dua) kali RUPS Tahunan yang berlangsung pada 23 Januari 2020 dan 13 Juli 2020. RUPS Tahunan ini menghasilkan Risalah Rapat dengan No. SK.03/26/6/10/PAP/UT/PI.II-19 dan No. SK-027/PIISK. D1/VI/2020 tentang Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Tahun Buku 2019.

Laporan Penyelenggaraan RUPS Pengesahan RKAP Tahun 2020 dan Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2020

Perusahaan menyelenggarakan RUPS Tahunan pada tanggal 23 Januari 2020 untuk memberikan pengesahan atas usulan Direksi atas Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tahun 2020 dan Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2020. Pada penyelenggaraan RUPS tersebut, diperoleh keputusan, yaitu menyetujui RKAP tahun 2020 sebagai pedoman bagi manajemen dalam mengelola Perusahaan tahun 2020 dan menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), dan Rencana Kerja Anggaran Dewan Komisaris tahun 2020.

2020 Annual GMS

Throughout 2020, IPC TPK conducted 2 (two) annual GMSs, which each took place on January 23rd, 2020 and July 13th, 2020. The Annual GMSs issued Minutes of Meetings with No. SK .03/26/6/10/PAP/UT/PI. II-19 and No. SK-027/PIISK. D1/VI/2020 concerning Approval of Annual Report and Ratification of Financial Statements for Fiscal Year of 2019.

Report on Implementation of AGMS on Ratification of the 2020 RKAP and the 2020 Management Contract

The Board of Directors held an Annual GMS on January 23rd, 2020 to ratify the Board of Directors' proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of year 2020 and the Management Contract of year 2020. The implementation of the GMS resulted in resolutions, namely approving the 2020 RKAP as a guideline for management in managing the Company in 2020 and approving the Management Contract, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), and the Work Plan and Budget of the Board of Commissioners of year 2020.

187PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

I. Direksi telah menyampaikan usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2020 sebagai berikut:

a. Trafik



RKAP 20202020 RKAP


Pontianak 235.074 266.220 256.232 290.180

Panjang 108.618 134.055 121.964 149.542

Palembang 133.228 148.011 137.224 153.439

Teluk Bayur 78.677 86.285 79.019 88.943

Jambi 37.087 49.137 39.050 51.739

Tanjung Priok 1 814.832 995.220 952.372 1.161.949

Tanjung Priok 2 795.841 1.008.842 881.102 1.121.070

Jumlah/Total 2.203.357 2.687.770 2.466.962 3.015.862



RKAP 20202020 RKAP


Lini 2 & VAS 170.633 202.797 224.326 265.174

b. Laba (Rugi) Konsolidasi


Taksasi RKAP 20192019 RKAP’s Estimated Amount

Usulan RKAP 20202020 RKAP’s Proposed Amount

Jumlah Pendapatan Usaha Kotor /Gross Operating Revenue

2.650.669.930.517 2.303.621.434.009

Pendapatan Usaha Bersih/Net Operating Revenue 2.650.669.930.517 2.291.989.450.427

Jumlah Beban Usaha/Operating Expenses 2.257.779.776.546

Laba Usaha/Operating Profit 392.890.153.970 282.927.151.052

Jumlah Pendapatan (Beban) Di Luar Usaha/Non-Operating Revenue (Expenses)

117.664.153.813 (174.125.960.081)

Pajak /Tax 98.222.538.493

Laba Setelah Pajak /Profit After Tax 412.331.769.291 43.647.175.703

c. Laporan Posisi Keuangan


Taksasi RKAP 20192019 RKAP’s Estimated Amount

Usulan RKAP 20202020 RKAP’s Proposed Amount

Jumlah Aktiva Lancar/Current Assets 698.868.539.847 770.771.213.360

Jumlah Aktiva Tetap/Non-Current Assets 401.460.770.076 673.189.404.076

Jumlah Aktiva/Total Assets 1.109.315.329.829 1.445.496.962.059

Jumlah Hutang Lancar/Current Liabilities 470.671.116.490 367.586.193.914

Laba/Rugi/Profit/Loss 412.331.769.291 562.966.085.593

Jumlah Passiva/Total Liabilities 1.109.315.329.829 1.445.496.962.059

d. Laporan Arus Kas


Taksasi RKAP 20192019 RKAP’s Estimated Amount

Usulan RKAP 20202020 RKAP’s Proposed Amount

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas OperasiCash Flow from Operating Activities

24.837.834.813 379.398.770.760

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas InvestasiCash Flow from Investment Activities

(43.822.614.000) (177.139.798.000)

Arus Kas dari Aktivitas PendanaanCash Flow from Funding Activities

(280.345.485.864) (123.699.530.787)

Kas dan Setara Kas Awal TahunCash and Cash Equivalents in the Beginning of the Year

742.754.944.852 443.424.679.800

Kas dan Setara Kas Akhir TahunCash and Cash Equivalents in the End of the Year

443.424.679.800 521.984.121.773

e. Target Investasi


Kebutuhan Dana 2020Funding Needs in 2020

Usulan RKAP 20202020 RKAP’s Proposed Amount

Investasi Murni/Pure Investment

Investasi Multiyear/Multiyear Investments 580.000.000.000

Investasi Carry Forward/Carry Forward Investments 23.500.000.000 6.449.798.000

I. The Board of Directors has submitted the proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) 2020 as follows:

a. Traffic

b. Consolidated Profit (Loss)

c. Statement of Financial Position

d. Statement of Cash Flow

e. Investment Targets

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

188 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

II. Tanggapan Dewan Komisaris atas Persetujuan RKAP 2020 PT IPC TPK:

1. PT IPC TPK telah menggunakan asumsi pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas yang terdiri TPK Pontianak, TPK Palembang, TPK Panjang, TPK Jambi, TPK Teluk Bayur, TPK Tanjung Priok dan Terminal Support serta mengoperasikan Terminal Ex JICT- 2 dan Depo Panjang, mulai awal tahun 2020 serta Terminal Kijing, mulai Triwulan IV tahun 2020.

2. Taksasi Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2019, antara lain:a. Taksasi Throughput tahun 2019 sebesar 2,69 Juta

TEU atau 10,40% di bawah RKAP Tahun 2019 sebesar 3,00 Juta TEU;

b. Taksasi Pendapatan Operasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,65 triliun atau 13,40% di bawah RKAP Tahun 2019 sebesar Rp3,06 triliun;

c. Taksasi Beban Operasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,26 triliun atau 9,43% di bawah RKAP Tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,49 triliun;

d. Taksasi Laba/(Rugi) Usaha tahun 2019 sebesar Rp392,89 miliar atau 30,76% di bawah RKAP tahun 2019 sebesar Rp567,47 miliar;

e. Taksasi Laba/(Rugi) Setelah Pajak tahun 2019 sebesar Rp412,33 miliar atau 28,41% di bawah RKAP tahun 2019 sebesar Rp576,00 miliar;

3. Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tahun 2020, antara lain:a. Throughput tahun 2020 sebesar 3,02 juta TEU atau

12,20% diatas Taksasi tahun 2019 sebesar 2,69 juta TEU;

b. Pendapatan Operasi tahun 2020 sebesar Rp3,07 Triliun atau 15,81% diatas Taksasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,65 triliun;

c. Beban Operasi tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,55 triliun atau 12,76% diatas Taksasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp2,26 triliun;

d. Laba/(Rugi) Usaha tahun 2020 sebesar Rp524,17 miliar atau 33,41% diatas Taksasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp392,89 miliar;

e. Laba/(Rugi) Setelah Pajak tahun 2020 sebesar Rp562,97 miliar atau 36,53% diatas Taksasi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp412,33 miliar;

f. Usulan investasi tahun 2020 sebesar Rp177,14 miliar, terdiri dari kategori lnvestasi Murni, lnvestasi Multi Years dan lnvestasi Carry Over;

g. Total Asset tahun 2020, diproyeksikan menjadi sebesar Rp1,45 triliun, mengalami kenaikan 30,30% dari proyeksi tahun 2019 sebesar Rp1,11 triliun;

h. Arus Kas tahun 2020, diproyeksikan akhir tahun 2020 dengan Saldo Kas dan Setara Kas, sebesar Rp521,98 miliar.

Terkait penyampaian RKAP tahun 2020, maka Dewan Komisaris memberikan rekomendasi atas hal-hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian Manajemen Perusahaan sebagai berikut:

a. Telah dilakukan pembahasan atas usulan RKAP Tahun 2020 dan telah memberikan saran dan arahan kepada Manajemen bahwa dalam Menyusun RKAP 2020 salah satunya agar mempertimbangkan aspirasi dari dari Pemegang Saham dan Manajemen telah merevisi dan melakukan penyesuaian usulan RKAP 2020;

II. The Responses of the Board of Commissioners to the Approved 2020 RKAP of PT IPC TPK:

1. PT IPC TPK has used the assumption of operation of Container Terminal which consisted of TPK Pontianak, TPK Palembang, TPK Panjang, TPK Jambi, TPK Teluk Bayur, TPK Tanjung Priok and Terminal Support as well as operated Ex- Terminal of JICT-2 and Depo Panjang, starting from 2020 and Kijing Terminal, starting from 4th Quarter of 2020.

2. Estimation of Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of year 2019, among which are: a. Estimated Throughput of 2019 amounted to 2.69

million TEU or 10.40% under RKAP of Year 2019 amounting to 3.00 Million TEU;

b. Estimated operating Revenue of 2019 amounted to Rp2.65 trillion or 13.40% below the 2019 RKAP amounting to Rp3.06 trillion;

c. Estimated Operating Expenses of year 2019 amounted to Rp2.26 trillion or 9.43% below 2019 RKAP amounting to Rp2.49 trillion;

d. Estimated Operating Profit/(Loss) of year 2019 amounted to Rp392.89 billion or 30.76% below 2019 RKAP amounting to Rp567.47 billion;

e. Estimated Profit/(Loss) after Tax of year 2019 amounted to Rp412.33 billion or 28.41% under 2019 RKAP amounting to Rp576.00 billion;

3. Proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of year 2020, among others are: a. Throughput of year 2020 amounted to 3.02

million TEU or 12.20 % above 2019 estimation amounting to Rp2.69 million TEU;

b. Operating revenue of year 2020 amounted to Rp3.07 trillion or 15.81% above 2019 estimation amounting to Rp2.65 trillion;

c. Operating Expenses in 2020 amounted to Rp2.55 trillion or 12.76% above 2019 estimation amounting to Rp2.26 trillion;

d. Operating Profit /(Loss) in 2020 amounted to Rp524.17 billion or 3.41% above the 2019 estimation amounting to Rp392.89 billion;

e. Profit/(Loss) After Tax in 2020 amounted to Rp562.97 billion or 36.53% above the 2019 estimation amounting to Rp412.33 billion;

f. The proposed investment in 2020 amounted to Rp177.14 billion, consisting of Pure Investment category, Multi Years Investment and Carry Over Investment;

g. Total Assets in 2020 were projected to be at Rp1.45 trillion, an increase by 30.30% from the 2019 estimation of Rp1.11 trillion;

h. Cash flow in 2020, projected by the end of 2020 with Cash and Cash Equivalents, amounting to Rp521.98 billion.

Related to the proposed RKAP of year 2020, the Board of Commissioners provided recommendations on matters that required attention from the Company’s Management, as below:

a. Discussions were held regarding the proposal of RKAP of year 2020 and advice and directions were given to Management that in Drafting RKAP 2020, it should take into account the aspirations of shareholders and Management had revised and adjusted the 2020 RKAP proposal;

189PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

b. Terhadap usulan RKAP PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris memberikan persetujuan atas usulan Manajemen dengan target kinerja operasional dan kinerja keuangan sebagaimana tercantum dalam buku usulan RKAP tahun 2020;

c. Dewan Komisaris mengharapkan agar Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas mengupayakan sebaik mungkin langkah-langkah untuk pencapaian target yang ditetapkan dalam RKAP tahun 2020;

d. Terhadap rencana investasi yang telah direncanakan, agar Manajemen mempersiapkan sebaik mungkin agar rencana investasi dapat direalisasikan di tahun 2020 serta melengkapi usulan investasi dengan kajian termasuk kajian risiko mengingat realisasi investasi ini menjadi pijakan dan dasar Manajemen untuk melangkah lebih lanjut;

e. Dalam rangka mendukung IPC, di mana IPC Terminal Petikemas telah ditunjuk sebagai operator Terminal Petikemas di Pelabuhan Kijing maka Manajemen diminta untuk mempersiapkan rencana pengoprasian dengan sebaik-baiknya;

f. Dewan Komisaris mendorong Manajemen untuk selalu meningkatkan mutu pelayanan untuk mempertahankan kepuasan pelanggan dan untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru;

g. Dewan Komisaris mendorong Manajemen untuk meningkatkan efektivitas sistem pengenalian intern untuk menghindari penyimpangan dan meminimalisir temuan auditor eksternal;

h. Dewan Komisaris menyarankan agar Direksi memaksimalkan Sistem/Teknologi Informasi yang telah ada guna meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi Perusahaan;

i. Dewan Komisaris mendorong Manajemen PT IPC TPK untuk melaksanakan langkah-langkah Revenue Enchancement melalui fungsi pemasaran guna meraih pangsa pasar baru;

j. Dewan Komisaris mendorong Manajemen PT IPC TPK untuk melakukan efisiensi biaya dan melaksanakan langkah-langkah Cost Effectiveness melalui fungsi budget control terutama atas biaya variable yang tidak berkaitan dengan produksi;

k. Untuk meningkatkan upaya kehatian-hatian dan mendorong tindakan yang lebih prudent dalam pengelolaan Perusahaan, Direksi Perseroan diminta untuk mengimplementasikan, mengendalikan dan meningkatkan penerapan risk management system;

l. Dewan Komisaris meminta kepada Direksi dan jajarannya agar dalam menjalankan Perusahaan dengan menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dengan berpedoman pada GCG dan menaati peraturan yang berlaku.

b. Regarding the proposed 2020 RKAP of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, the Board of Commissioners gave approval to the Management's proposal with operational and financial performance targets stated in the proposed 2020 RKAP;

c. The Board of Commissioners suggested that the Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas had to prepare the best possible measures to achieve the targets set in the 2020 RKAP;

d. Regarding the investment plan, Management was suggested to plan it well to ensure the realization of the investment plan in 2020 and to complete the investment proposals with assessments including risk assessments considering the realization of this investment to be the foothold and basis of Management to prepare for the next business plan;

e. In order to support IPC, following the appointment of IPC Terminal Pertikemas to be the operator of the Container Terminal at Kijing Port, the Management was required to prepare the optimization plan well;

f. The Board of Commissioners encouraged Management to always improve the quality of service to maintain customer satisfaction and to attract new customers;

g. The Board of Commissioners encouraged Management to improve the effective implementation of the internal identification system to avoid irregularities and findings by the external auditors;

h. The Board of Commissioners recommended the Board of Directors to optimize existing Information Systems/Technologies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Company;

i. The Board of Commissioners encouraged the Management of PT IPC TPK to implement Revenue Enhancement measures by optimizing marketing functions to gain new market share;

j. The Board of Commissioners encouraged the Management of PT IPC TPK to perform cost efficiency and implement Cost Effectiveness measures by optimizing budget control functions, especially for variable costs that did not relate to production;

k. To improve prudence and encourage more prudent actions in the management of the Company, the Company's Board of Directors was required to implement, control and improve the implementation of risk management systems;

l. The Board of Commissioners requested the Board of Directors and the management to run the Company with respect to the prudence and GCG principles as well as to comply with applicable regulations.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

190 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

RUPS Tahunan tanggal 13 Juli 2020 Annual GMS on July 13th, 2020

AgendaHasil Keputusan


Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Has/Not Been Implemented

Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per

31 Desember 2020Realization and/or Follow-up by Management as of

December 31st, 2020

Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Pelaksanaan Tugas Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris Tahun Buku 2019, serta Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan sekaligus memberikan pelunasan dan membebaskan Direksi atas pengelolaan Perseroan tahun 2019 dan Dewan Komisaris atas pengawasan pengelolaan Perseroan tahun 2019.Approval of the Annual Report and Accountability Report on the Supervisory Duty Implementation of the Board of Commissioners for fiscal year of 2019, as well as the Ratification of Financial Statements while giving full discharge and release to the Board of Directors for the management of the Company in 2019 and the Board of Commissioners for overseeing the Company’s management in 2019.

Menyetujui Laporan Keuangan Perseroan Tahun Buku 2019 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Purwantono Sungkono & Surja(Ernst & Young) dengan pendapat ‘’Wajar Dalam Semua Hal yang Material’’ sebagaimana dimaksud pada tanggal 30 April 2020. Memberikan pembebasan sepenuhnya (volleidig acquit et decharge) kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.Approving the Financial Statements of year 2019, which was audited by the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono Sungkono & Surja (Ernst & Young) with the opinion “Fair in All Material Matters” as referred on April 30th, 2020. Granting full release and discharge (volleidig acquit et decharge) to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

Sudah TerlaksanaDone

Menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2019Perseroan sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler).Approving the Company’s Management Contract of Year 2019 as integral part of the Shareholders’ Resolutions through Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular).

Penetapan Penggunaan Laba Bersih IPC TPK untuk tahun Buku 2019.Determination on the Use of Net Income of IPC TPK for fiscal year of 2019.

Penetapan Laba ditahan atau cadangan (65%) Rp199.768.895.315 (seratus sembilan puluh sembilan miliar tujuh ratus enam puluh delapan juta delapan ratus sembilan puluh lima ribu tiga ratus lima belas rupiah. Menetapkan dividen (35%) Rp107.567.866.708 (seratus tujuh miliar lima ratus enam puluh tujuh juta delapan ratus enam puluh enam ribu tujuh ratus delapan rupiah).Determination of retained profit or reserve amounting to Rp199,768,895,315 (one hundred ninety-nine billion seven hundred sixty-eight million eight hundred ninety-five thousand three hundred and fifteen rupiah) (65%). Determining dividends amounting to Rp107,567,866,708 (one hundred seven billion five hundred sixty-seven million eight hundred sixty-six thousand seven hundred eight rupiah) (35%).

Sudah TerlaksanaDone

Menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2019Perseroan sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler).Approving the Company’s Management Contract of Year 2019 as integral part of the Shareholders’ Resolutions through Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular).

Penunjukan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk melakukan audit laporan keuangan IPC TPK untuk Tahun Buku 2020, termasuk audit kinerja dan audit kepatuhan Tahun Buku 2020.The appointment of a Public Accounting Firm to conduct an audit of IPC TPK’s financial statements for fiscal year 2020, including performance audits and compliance audits for fiscal year 2020.

Menetapkan kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Purwantono Sungkono dan Surja untuk melakukan Audit Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2020, termasuk audit kinerja dan kepatuhan Perseroan, serta memberikan kuasa Kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk menetapkan KAP pengganti dalam hal ini Publik KAP Purwantono Sungkono dan Surja tidak dapat menyelesaikan Audit dimaksud. Biaya yang timbul atas pelaksanaan audit oleh KAP menjadi tanggung jawab IPC TPK.Determining the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono Sungkono and Surja to conduct audits of the Company’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Year of 2020, including auditing the Company’s performance and compliance, as well as giving the Board of Commissioners the authority to determine another KAP if KAP Purwantono Sungkono and Surja could not complete the auditing activities. IPC TPK was responsible for the costs incurred in the implementation of audits by KAP.

Sudah TerlaksanaDone

Menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2019Perseroan sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler).Approving the Company’s Management Contract of Year 2019 as integral part of the Shareholders’ Resolutions through Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular).

Penetapan penghasilan tahun 2020 serta tantiem tahun buku 2019 bagi Anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.Determination of income in 2020 and tantiem for fiscal year 2019 for Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

Tantiem atas kinerja IPC TPK Tahun Buku 2019 bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris akan diputuskan secara tersendiri.Tantiem of IPC TPK’s performance of Fiscal Year of 2019 for members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners would be determined separately.

Sudah TerlaksanaDone

Menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2019Perseroan sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler).Approving the Company’s Management Contract of Year 2019 as integral part of the Shareholders’ Resolutions through Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular).

191PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

RUPS Tahunan tanggal 13 Juli 2020 Annual GMS on July 13th, 2020

AgendaHasil Keputusan


Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Has/Not Been Implemented

Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per

31 Desember 2020Realization and/or Follow-up by Management as of

December 31st, 2020

Memerintahkan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk secara mutatis mutandis memberlakukan Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.01/8/6/1/ADP/UT/PI.II-20 tentang Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Tahun 2020 dan Surat No. PD.02/15/6/1/ADP/WDU/PI.II-20 tentang Permintaan Data Dalam Rangka Penyusunan Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa.Suggesting the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to impose the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.01/8/6/1/ADP/UT/PI II-20 on the Procurement Guidelines for Goods and Services in 2020 and Letter No. PD.02/15/6/1/ADP/WDU/PI. II-20 on Data Requests for the Preparation of Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Services with necessary changes (mutatis mutandis).

Memerintahkan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk secara mutatis mutandis memberlakukan Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.01/8/6/1/ADP/UT/PI.II-20 tentang Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Tahun 2020 dan Surat No. PD.02/15/6/1/ADP/WDU/PI.II-20 tentang Permintaan Data Dalam Rangka Penyusunan Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa.Suggesting the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to impose, with necessary changes (mutatis mutandis), the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.01/8/6/1/ADP/UT/PI.II-20 on Procurement Guidelines for Goods and Services in 2020 and Letter No. PD.02/15/6/1/ADP/WDU/PI.II-20 on Data Requests in the Preparation of Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Services.

Sudah TerlaksanaDone

Menyetujui Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2019Perseroan sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secara Fisik (KPPS Sirkuler).Approving the Company’s Management Contract of Year 2019 as integral part of the Shareholders’ Resolutions through Physical Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (KPPS Circular).

Penyelenggaraan RUPS Luar Biasa Tahun 2020

Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK tidak melakukan RUPS Luar Biasa.

RUPS Sirkuler 2020Sepanjang tahun 2020, RUPS sirkuler IPC TPK mengeluarkan Surat Keputusan melalui RUPS Sirkuler (RUPS Sirkuler) sebanyak 5 (Lima) Surat Keputusan.

Tanggal PengesahanRatification Date

No. RUPS dan Hasil KeputusanNo. GMS and Resolutions

Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Has/Not Been


Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per 31 Desember 2020

Realization and/or Follow-up by Management as of December 31st, 2020

13 Mei 2020May 13th, 2020

SK.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan SK.002/PII/D1/V/2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal PetikemasSK.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and SK.002/PII/D1/V/2020 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

√ Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Elvyn G. Massasya dari jabatan Komisaris Utama Perseroan dan pengangkatan Muarip sebagai Komisaris Utama PT IPC TPK.Elvyn G. Massasya was dismissed from the position of President Commissioner of the Company and Muarip was appointed as President Commissioner of PT IPC TPK.

14 Juli 2020July 14th, 2020

KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan SK.003/PII-SK/02/VII/2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal PetikemasKP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and SK.003/PII-SK/02/VII/2020 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

√ Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Achmad Riadi dan Sumantri Suwarno dari jabatan Komisaris dan pengangkatan Asmai Ishak sebagai Komisaris Utama PT IPC TPK.The dismissal of Achmad Riadi and Sumantri Suwarno from the position of Commissioners and the appointment of Asmai Ishak as President Commissioner of PT IPC TPK.

15 Juli 2020July 15th, 2020

KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan SK.007/PII-SK/02/VII/2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi PT IPC Terminal PetikemasKP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and SK.007/PII-SK/02/VII/2020 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of Members of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

√ Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian M. Adji dan Rachmad Prayogi dari jabatan Direktur Utama IPC TPK dan Direktur Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia dan pengangkatan Prasetyo Wasis sebagai Direktur Utama dan Irwan Favoriet sebagai Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama IPC TPK dan Direktur Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia PT IPC TPK.The dismissal of M. Adji and Rachmad Prayogi from the positions of President Director of IPC TPK and Director of Finance and Human Resources and the appointment of Prasetyo Wasis as President Director and Irwan Favoriet as Acting President Director of IPC TPK and Director of Finance and Human Resources of PT IPC TPK.

2020 Extraordinary GMS

Throughout 2020, IPC TPK did not conduct an Extraordinary GMS.

2020 GMS CircularThroughout 2020, the GMS circular of IPC TPK had issued 5 (five) Decrees through the AGM Circular.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

192 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggal PengesahanRatification Date

No. RUPS dan Hasil KeputusanNo. GMS and Resolutions

Telah/Belum Terlaksana

Has/Not Been


Realisasi dan/atau Tindak Lanjut oleh Manajemen per 31 Desember 2020

Realization and/or Follow-up by Management as of December 31st, 2020

4 Agustus 2020August 4th, 2020

KP.03/4/8/1/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan SK.001/PII-SK.D1/VIII/2020 tentang tentang Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi PT IPC Terminal PetikemasKP.03/4/8/1/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 and SK.001/PII-SK. D1/VIII/2020 concerning the Dismissal of Members of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

V Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Ary Henryanto dari jabatan Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis PT IPC TPK.The dismissal of Ary Henryanto from the position of Commercial and Business Development Director of PT IPC TPK.

3 November 2020November 3rd, 2020

SK.03/3/II/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan SK.002/PII-SK.DI/XI/2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Direksi PT IPC Terminal PetikemasSK.03/3/II/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-20 and SK.002/PII-SK. DI/XI/2020 on Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

V Telah dilaksanakan pemberhentian Rizki Widhiono dari jabatan Direktur Operasi & Teknik PT IPC TPK, serta Penunjukan David Pandapotan Sirait sebagai Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis PT IPC TPK.Rizki Widhiono was dismissed from the position of Director of Operations & Engineering of PT IPC TPK, as well as the Appointment of David Pandapotan Sirait as Commercial and Business Development Director of PT IPC TPK.

21 Desember 2020December 21st, 2020

SK.03/21/12/10/PBI/UT/PI.II-2020 dan SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XII/2020 tentang Persetujuan Revisi Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tahun 2020SK.03/21/12/10/PBI/UT/PI. II-2020 and SK-002/PII-SK. D1/XII/2020 on Approval of Revised Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in 2020


Laporan Penyelenggaraan RUPS Sirkuler atas Revisi RKAP IPC TPK Tanggal 21 Desember 2020

RUPS Sirkuler pada tanggal 21 Desember 2020 menyetujui sejumlah keputusan yang dituangkan dalam No. SK.03/21/12/10/PBI/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XII/2020 tentang Persetujuan Revisi Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tahun 2020. Hasil keputusan RUPS Sirkuler tanggal 21 Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menyetujui perubahan target sebagaimana tersebut pada Berita Acara Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Tahunan Perseroan Terbatas PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tentang Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2020 No. 21 tanggal 23 Januari 2020 dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

a. Revisi Asumsi



Sebelum RevisiBefore Revision

Setelah RevisiAfter Revision

Nilai tukar Rupiah/USDRupiah/USD Exchange Rate

Rp 14.400 14.800

Tingkat Inflasi/Inflation Rate (%) 3,10 3,90

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi/Economic Growth (%) 5,30 2,30

ICP USD/Barel 59,82 38,00

Covid Recovery - - Q4 2020

b. Revisi Target Laba Rugi Tahun 2020



Sebelum RevisiBefore Revision

Setelah RevisiAfter Revision

Pendapatan Usaha/Operating Revenue Rp 3.069.756.100.250 2.291.989.450.427

Beban Usaha/Operating Expenses Rp 2.545.588.954.257

Laba Usaha/Operating Profit Rp 524.167.145.993 282.927.151.052

Laba Bersih/Net Income Rp 562.966.085.591 43.647.175.703

Report on the Implementation of GMS Circular on the Revision of IPC TPK’s RKAP on December 21st, 2020

GMS Circular on December 21st, 2020, agreed on several resolutions which were outlined in No. SK.03/21/12/10/PBI/UT/PI.II-2020 and No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XII/2020 concerning the Approval for Revised Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in 2020. Resolutions of GMS Circular on December 21st, 2020, were:

Approving the changes in targets as stated in the Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas concerning the Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of year 2020 No. 21 on January 23rd, 2020, with details as follows:

a. Revised Assumption

b. Revised Targets of Profit Loss of Year 2020

193PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

c. Revisi Proyeksi Arus Kas Tahun 2020



Sebelum RevisiBefore Revision

Setelah RevisiAfter Revision

Kas dan Setara Kas pada Akhir PeriodeCash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period

Rp 521.984.121.773 311.307.914.670

d. Revisi Proyeksi Posisi Keuangan Tahun 2020



Sebelum RevisiBefore Revision

Setelah RevisiAfter Revision

Aset Lancar/Current Assets Rp 770.771.213.360 487.454.005.003

Aset Tidak Lancar/Non-Current Assets Rp 674.725.748.699 3.351.004.052.082

Jumlah Aset/Total Assets Rp 1.445.496.962.059 3.838.458.057.085

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek/Short-term Liabilities Rp 367.586.193.914 333.457.180.555

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang/Long-term Liabilities Rp 234.402.238.242

Ekuitas/Equity Rp 843.508.529.903 319.871.267.246

Jumlah Liabilitas & Ekuitas Total Liabilities & Equity

1.445.496.962.059 3.838.458.057.085

e. Revisi Target Investasi Tahun 2020



Sebelum RevisiBefore Revision

Setelah RevisiAfter Revision

Instalasi Fasilitas Pelabuhan (murni)Installation of Port Facilities (pure)


Alat Fasilitas Pelabuhan (MY 2018)Port Facility Tools (MY 2018)

Rp 119.500.000.000

Instalasi Fasilitas Pelabuhan (MY 2018)Installation of Port Facilities (MY 2018)

Rp 5.500.000.000

Alat Fasilitas Pelabuhan (MY 2020)Port Facility Tools (MY 2020)

Rp -

Instalasi Fasilitas Pelabuhan (MY 2020)Installation of Port Facilities (MY 2020)

Rp 4.594.146.000

Alat Fasilitas Pelabuhan (Carry Over)Port Facility Tools (Carry Over)

Rp 1.342.700.000 163.000.000

Instalasi Fasilitas Pelabuhan (Carry Forward)Installation of Port Facilities (Carry Forward)

Rp 15.012.953.000 11.600.000.000

Jumlah Investasi PT IPC TPKTotal Investment of PT IPC TPK

Rp 177.139.798.000 40.953.000.000

c. Revised Cash Flow Projection of Year 2020

d. Revised Projection of Financial Position of Year 2020

e. Revised Investment Targets of Year 2020

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

194 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Dewan Komisaris merupakan salah satu Organ IPC TPK yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pengawasan secara umum dan/atau khusus sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar IPC TPK, memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi dalam menjalankan kepengurusan IPC TPK, serta melakukan pemantauan terhadap efektivitas praktik GCG yang diterapkan IPC TPK.

Pedoman Kerja dan Tata Tertib Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK menjalankan tugasnya dengan mengacu pada Pedoman dan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang disahkan melalui Peraturan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 16/DK/XII/IPC.TPK-15. Pedoman dan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris tersebut disusun dengan mengacu pada Board Manual IPC TPK yang berfungsi sebagai pedoman dan tata tertib yang mengatur hubungan kerja yang efektif antara Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

Board Manual IPC TPK

Board Manual IPC TPK dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pola hubungan kerja yang baku antara Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam melaksanakan tugas, agar tercipta pengelolaan IPC TPK secara profesional, transparan, efektif dan efisien dengan menjunjung tinggi integritas dan kejujuran dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis IPC TPK. Dengan adanya Board Manual, maka Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris berkomitmen untuk menjalankan amanat tugas IPC TPK dengan sungguh-sungguh, berdedikasi tinggi dan penuh tanggung jawab berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik dan benar.

Pada perjalanannya, Board Manual IPC TPK telah revisi dan penyempurnaan. Penyempurnaan terakhir tercantum dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.55/19/9/2/IPCTPK-19 Tanggal 19 September 2019 tentang Board Manual PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Ketentuan yang diatur dalam Board Manual terkait lingkup pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:

1. Fungsi Dewan Komisaris;2. Persyaratan, Komposisi dan Masa Jabatan Dewan

Komisaris;3. Program Pengenalan dan Peningkatan Kapabilitas;4. Etika Jabatan Dewan Komisaris;5. Tugas dan Kewajiban Dewan Komisaris;6. Wewenang Dewan Komisaris;7. Hak Dewan Komisaris;8. Rapat Dewan Komisaris;9. Evaluasi Kinerja Dewan Komisaris;

10. Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris;11. Hubungan Kerja Antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi.

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is one of the IPC TPK Organs that serves general and/or special oversight duties in accordance with the Articles of Association of IPC TPK, as well as provide advice to the Board of Directors in carrying out the management of IPC TPK, and monitoring the effective implementation of GCG practices within IPC TPK.

Work Guidelines and Procedures of the Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK carries out its duties with reference to the Guidelines and Oversight of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, which were passed through the Regulation of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 16/DK/XII/IPC.TPK-15. The Guidelines and Oversight of the Board of Commissioners are prepared with reference to the IPC TPK Board Manual which serves as guidelines and rules governing effective working relationships between the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.

IPC TPK Board Manual

The IPC TPK Board Manual is intended to explain the standard mechanism of the working relationship between the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners in their duty implementation, in order to ensure that the IPC TPK is managed in a professional, transparent, effective and efficient manner by upholding integrity and honesty in IPC TPK's business activities. With the Board Manual, the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are committed to fulfilling the mandates of IPC TPK with faith, dedication and full responsibility based on the principles of proper and good corporate governance.

In further development, the IPC TPK Board Manual has been revised and upgraded. The latest improvements were outlined in the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK. 55/19/9/2/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019 concerning the Board Manual of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The provisions stipulated in the Board Manual relating to the scope of the duty implementation of the Board of Commissioners, are:

1. Functions of the Board of Commissioners;2. Requirements, Composition and Term of Office of the

Board of Commissioners;3. Orientation and Capability Improvement Program;4. Ethics of the Board of Commissioners;5. Duties and Obligations of the Board of Commissioners;6. Authorities of the Board of Commissioners;7. The rights of the Board of Commissioners;8. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners;9. Evaluation of the Performance of the Board of

Commissioners;10. Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners;11. Working Relationship between the Board of

Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

195PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Adapun penyusunan Board Manual IPC TPK mengacu pada:

1. Undang-Undang, di antaranya:a. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 28 Tahun

1999 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Negara yang Bersih dan Bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme;

b. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi;

c. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 19 Tahun 2003 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Negara;

d. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.

2. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 45 Tahun 2005 tanggal 25 Oktober 2005 tentang Pendirian, Pengurusan, Pengawasan, dan Pembubaran BUMN.

3. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN, di antaranya:

a. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-07/MBU/2010 Jo. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-04/MBU/2013 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Pengawas BUMN;

b. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 Jo. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-09/MBU/2012 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN);

c. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2012 Jo. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-06/MBU/2012 Jo. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-16/MBU/2012 tentang Persyaratan dan Tata Cara Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi BUMN;

d. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-12/MBU/2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas BUMN;

e. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-03/MBU/2012 tentang Pedoman Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi dan Anak Perseroan BUMN.

4. Surat Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN, di antaranya:

a. Surat Keputusan Menteri BUMN No. Kep-09A/MBU/2005 tentang Penilaian Kelayakan dan Kepatutan (Fit and Proper Test) Calon Anggota Direksi Badan Usaha Milik Negara;

b. Surat Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. Kep-100/MBU/2002 tentang Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan BUMN;

c. Surat Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. Kep-101/MBU/2002 tentang Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP);

d. Surat Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. Kep-102/MBU/2002 tentang Penyusunan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP);

e. Surat Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. Kep-103/MBU/2002 tentang Pembentukan Komite Audit bagi Badan Usaha Milik Negara;

f. Keputusan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. Kep-104/MBU/2002 tentang Penilaian Calon Anggota Direksi Badan Usaha Milik Negara.

The IPC TPK Board Manual is compiled with reference to:

1. Laws, including:a. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28 of 1999

concerning the Establishment of a Clean State and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism;

b. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of 1999 on Corruption Eradication;

c. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 19 of 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises;

d. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies.

2. Government Regulation No. 45 of 2005 dated October 25th, 2005 concerning the Establishment, Management, Supervision, and Dissolution of SOEs.

3. Regulations of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, including:a. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises

No. PER-07/MBU/2010 Jo. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-04/MBU/2013 concerning Guidelines for Determination of Income of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Board of Trustees of SOEs;

b. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 Jo. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-09/MBU/2012 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs);

c. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2012 Jo. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-06/MBU/2012 Jo. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-16/MBU/2012 concerning the Requirements and Procedures for the Appointment and Dismissal of Members of the Board of Directors of SOEs;

d. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-12/MBU/2012 on Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners/ Board of Trustees of SOEs;

e. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-03/MBU/2012 on Guidelines for the Appointment of Board of Directors and Subsidiaries of SOEs.

4. Decrees of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, including:a. Decree of the Minister of SOEs No. Kep-09A/MBU/2005

about Fit and Proper Test of Prospective Members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises;

b. Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. Kep-100 /MBU/2002 about SOE Health Assessment;

c. Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. Kep-101/MBU/2002 about the Preparation of the Company's Work Budget and Plan (RKAP);

d. Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. Kep-102/MBU/2002 about the Preparation of a Long-Term Plan (RJP);

e. Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. Kep-103/MBU/2002 about the Establishment of an Audit Committee for State-Owned Enterprises;

f. Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. Kep-104/MBU/2002 concerning the Assessment of Prospective Members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

196 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

5. Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Governance Indonesia oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance.

6. Anggaran Dasar PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang berlaku.

7. Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan (Code of Corporate Governance) yang ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK. 566/20/10/2/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 20 Oktober 2017.

Pedoman dan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK

Pedoman dan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK disahkan melalui Peraturan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 16/DK/XII/IPC.TPK-15, yang mengacu pada perundang-undangan yang terkait, termasuk Board Manual Perusahaan. Pedoman ini menjadi komitmen Dewan Komisaris dalam mengawal penerapan secara konsisten jalannya IPC TPK berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip GCG.

Pedoman dan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK antara lain menjelaskan secara terperinci penerapan GCG dalam Perusahaan yang mencakup aspek-aspek:1. Program pengenalan Dewan Komisaris;2. Program pengembangan Anggota Dewan Komisaris;

3. Pembagian tugas Anggota Dewan Komisaris;

4. Pengambilan keputusan Dewan Komisaris;5. Penyusunan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Tahunan Dewan

Komisaris;6. Informasi yang harus disediakan oleh Direksi kepada

Dewan Komisaris;7. Pemberian persetujuan/tanggapan/pendapat/saran

Dewan Komisaris terhadap Rancangan RJPP yang disampaikan Direksi;

8. Pemberian persetujuan/tanggapan/pendapat/saran Dewan Komisaris terhadap Rancangan RKAP yang disampaikan Direksi;

9. Pemantauan perubahan lingkungan bisnis;10. Merespons saran, permasalahan atau keluhan dari

Pemangku Kepentingan dan menyampaikan saran kepada Direksi;

11. Rancangan Sistem Pengendalian Intern dan pelaksanaannya;

12. Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya;13. Sistem Informasi Perusahaan dan Pelaksanaannya;

14. Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia, khususnya mengenai manajemen karier;

15. Akuntansi dan penyusunan Laporan Keuangan;16. Pengadaan barang dan jasa;17. Peningkatan mutu dan pelayanan;18. Kepatuhan Perusahaan terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku;19. Kepatuhan Direksi dalam menjalankan pengurusan

Perusahaan terhadap RKAP dan/atau RJPP;20. Mekanisme pemberian persetujuan/otorisasi/

rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris terhadap tindakan Direksi yang memerlukan rekomendasi/persetujuan Dewan Komisaris.

21. Proses penunjukan calon auditor eksternal dan/atau penunjukan kembali auditor eksternal dan penyampaian usulan calon auditor eksternal kepada RUPS;

22. Pengawasan audit eksternal dan audit internal serta pelaksanaan telaah atas pengaduan yang berkaitan dengan Perusahaan yang diterima oleh Dewan Komisaris;

5. General Guidelines for Indonesian Good Corporate Governance by the National Committee on Governance Policy.

6. The applying Articles of Association of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

7. Code of Corporate Governance was established through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK. 566/20/10/2/IPCTPK-17 dated October 20th, 2017.

Guidelines and Oversight of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK

Guidelines and Oversight of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK were passed through the Regulation of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 16/DK/XII/IPC.TPK-15, which referred to related legislations, including the Company’s Board Manual. This guideline represents a commitment of the Board of Commissioners in ensuring the consistent implementation of the management of IPC TPK based on GCG principles.

Guidelines and Oversight of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK among others explain in details about the GCG application in the Company, which cover the following aspects:1. The orientation program of the Board of Commissioners;2. Development program of Members of the Board of

Commissioners;3. Duty Separation among Members of the Board of

Commissioners;4. Decision making of the Board of Commissioners;5. Preparation of the Annual Work Plan and Budget of the

Board of Commissioners;6. Information that must be provided by the Board of

Directors to the Board of Commissioners;7. The approval/response/opinion/advice of the Board of

Commissioners to the Draft of RJPP submitted by the Board of Directors;

8. Giving approval/response/opinion/advice of the Board of Commissioners to the Draft of RKAP submitted by the Board of Directors;

9. Monitoring changes in the business environment;10. Giving Responses to suggestions, concerns or complaints

from stakeholders and submit advice to the Board of Directors;

11. The Design of the Internal Control System and its implementation;

12. Risk Management of the Company and its implementation;13. The Company's Information Systems and Their

Implementation;14. Human Resource Management, particularly career

management;15. Accounting and preparation of Financial Statements;16. Procurement of goods and services;17. Improved quality and service;18. The Company's compliance with applicable provisions;19. The Board of Directors’ Compliance in carrying out the

management of the Company, RKAP and/or RJPP;20. Mechanism of granting approval/authorization/

recommendation of the Board of Commissioners to any actions of the Board of Directors that require the recommendation/approval of the Board of Commissioners;

21. The process of appointing candidates for external auditors and/or re-appointing external auditors and submitting proposals for external auditor candidates to the GMS;

22. Overseeing external audits and internal audits and the implementation of review of complaints related to companies received by the Board of Commissioners;

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23. Pelaporan terjadi gejala menurunnya kinerja Perusahaan;

24. Pengelolaan anak perusahaan/perusahaan patungan;25. Pengangkatan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Anak

Perusahaan/Perusahaan Patungan;26. Seleksi dan Pengusulan Calon Direksi kepada Pemegang

Saham/Pemilik Modal;27. Penilaian kinerja Direksi dan pelaporan kepada Pemegang

Saham;28. Pengusulan remunerasi Direksi;29. Potensi benturan kepentingan;30. Pemantauan penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola

Perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance);31. Pedoman pengukuran dan penilaian kinerja Dewan


Kriteria Anggota Dewan Komisaris

Persyaratan untuk menjadi Anggota Dewan Komisaris mengacu pada Board Manual Perusahaan, yang mencakup persyaratan formal yang merupakan persyaratan dasar yang ditetapkan oleh Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, persyaratan material, serta persyaratan lainnya yang merupakan persyaratan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan sifat bisnis Perusahaan.

1. Persyaratan FormalYang dapat diangkat menjadi Anggota Dewan Komisaris adalah orang perseorangan yang cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum, kecuali dalam waktu 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatannya pernah:a. Dinyatakan pailit;b. Menjadi Anggota Direksi atau Anggota Dewan

Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan suatu Perseroan dinyatakan pailit;

c. Dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan negara/yang berkaitan dengan sektor keuangan.

2. Persyaratan Materiala. Memiliki integritas, dedikasi dan moral, artinya calon

Anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak pernah baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terlibat dalam praktik-praktik yang menyimpang, cidera janji dan perbuatan lainnya yang merugikan Perusahaan baik pada saat bekerja maupun pernah bekerja pada perusahaan lain;

b. Memahami masalah-masalah manajemen Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan salah satu fungsi manajemen;

c. Memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai di bidang usaha Perusahaan;

d. Menyediakan waktu yang cukup untuk melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya.

3. Persyaratan Lainnyaa. Bukan pengurus Partai Politik dan/atau calon anggota

legislatif dan/atau anggota legislatif;b. Bukan calon Kepala/Wakil Kepala Daerah dan/atau

Kepala/Wakil Kepala Daerah;

c. Tidak sedang menjabat sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan/atau Dewan Pengawas pada BUMN lainnya, kecuali menandatangani surat pernyataan bersedia mengundurkan diri pada jabatan Anggota Dewan Komisaris di BUMN lainnya jika terpilih sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK;

23. Reporting of indications of declining performance of the Company;

24. Management of subsidiaries/joint ventures;25. Appointing Board of Directors and Board of

Commissioners of Subsidiaries/Joint Ventures;26. Selecting and Proposing Prospective Directors to

Shareholders /Capital Owners;27. Assessment of the performance of the Board of Directors

and reporting to Shareholders;28. Proposing remuneration of the Board of Directors;29. Potential conflict of interest;30. Monitoring the implementation of the good corporate

governance principles;31. Guidelines for measuring and assessing the performance

of the Board of Commissioners.

Criteria of Board of Commissioners’ Members

The requirements of Membership of the Board of Commissioners refer to the Company’s Board Manual, regulating formal requirements that are the basic requirements determined in the Company's Articles of Association, applicable laws and regulations, material requirements, as well as other requirements which are tailored to the needs and nature of the Company's business.

1. Formal RequirementsA person who can be appointed to the Board of Commissioners is an individual who has good legal records, except within 5 (five) years prior to his appointment, is ever:a. Declared bankrupt;b. Being a Member of the Board of Directors or a Member

of the Board of Commissioners who is found guilty of causing a Company to be declared bankrupt;

c. Convicted of committing criminal acts that harm the state finances/relating to the financial sector.

2. Material Requirementsa. Having integrity, dedication and morals, confirming

that the prospective members of the Board of Commissioners have never directly or indirectly engaged in deviance, broke promises and other acts that may bring harm to the Company at work or have worked for other companies;

b. Good understanding of the management issues relating to one of the management functions;

c. Having adequate knowledge of the Company’s business;

d. Providing sufficient time to carry out their duties and obligations.

3. Other Requirementsa. Not one of the management of Political Parties and/

or legislative candidates and/or legislative members;b. Not running for the candidate for Governor/Deputy

Governor of a Region and/or Governor/Deputy Governor of a Region;

c. Not currently serving as a Member of the Board of Commissioners and/or the Board of Trustees in other SOEs, unless having signed a statement letter confirming that he/she is willing to resign from the position of Member of the Board of Commissioners in other SOEs if appointed as a Member of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK;

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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d. Tidak sedang menduduki jabatan yang berpotensi menimbulkan benturan kepentingan dengan Perusahaan kecuali menandatangani surat pernyataan bersedia mengundurkan diri pada salah satu jabatan tersebut jika terpilih sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris;

e. Tidak menjabat sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris pada Perusahaan selama 2 (dua) periode berturut-turut;

f. Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak sedang menderita suatu penyakit yang dapat menghambat pelaksanaan tugas sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris);

g. Memiliki kriteria independensi sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, ini berlaku khusus untuk Komisaris Independen yaitu:• Tidak menjabat sebagai Direksi di perusahaan

terafiliasi;• Tidak bekerja di Perusahaan atau afiliasinya dalam

kurun waktu 1 (satu) tahun terakhir;• Tidak mempunyai keterkaitan finansial, baik

langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan Perusahaan atau perusahaan lain yang menyediakan jasa dan produk kepada Perusahaan dan afiliasinya;

• Bebas dari benturan kepentingan dan aktivitas bisnis atau hubungan lain yang dapat menghalangi atau mengganggu kemampuan Dewan Komisaris yang bersangkutan untuk bertindak atau berpikir secara bebas di lingkup Perusahaan.

Proses Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris

Proses pengangkatan calon Anggota Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER-03/MBU/2012 tanggal 29 Maret 2012 tentang Pedoman Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi dan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Anak Perusahaan BUMN. Sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku tersebut, setiap calon anggota Dewan Komisaris harus mengikuti proses uji kelayakan dan kepatutan (fit and proper test) dalam proses pengangkatannya.

Masa Jabatan Dewan Komisaris

Masa jabatan Anggota Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK adalah sebagai berikut:a. Masa jabatan Anggota Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan 5

(lima) tahun, dan dapat diangkat kembali untuk 1 (satu) kali masa jabatan.

b. Anggota Dewan Komisaris sewaktu-waktu dapat diberhentikan berdasarkan keputusan RUPS dengan menyebutkan alasannya. Pemberhentian tersebut dikarenakan berdasarkan kenyataan Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang bersangkutan, antara lain:1. Tidak dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik.2. Tidak melaksanakan ketentuan peraturan perundang-

undangan dan/atau ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.

3. Terlibat dalam tindakan yang merugikan Perusahaan dan/atau negara.

4. Dinyatakan bersalah dengan putusan pengadilan yang mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap.

5. Mengundurkan diri.

d. Not being in a position that may potentially cause a conflict of interest with the Company unless having signed a statement letter confirming that he/she is willing to resign from one of the positions if appointed as a Member of the Board of Commissioners;

e. Not serving as a Member of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for 2 (two) consecutive periods;

f. Physically and spiritually healthy (not suffering from an illness that can hinder his/her duty implementation as a Member of the Board of Commissioners);

g. Having independence criteria in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and this applies specifically to Independent Commissioners, namely:• Not serving as a member of Board of Directors in

an affiliated Company;• Not working in the Company or its affiliates for the

last 1 (one) year;• Having no financial relationship, either directly or

indirectly with other companies or companies that provide services and products to the Company and its affiliates;

• Free from conflicts of interest and other business activities or relationships that may hinder or interfere with the ability of the Board of Commissioners concerned to act or think in free spirit within the scope of the Company.

The Appointment Process of the Board of Commissioners

The appointment process for candidates for the members of Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK refers to the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs No. PER-03/MBU/2012 dated March 29th, 2012 concerning the Guidelines for the Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors and Members of the Board of Commissioners of State-Owned Subsidiaries. In accordance with the applicable provisions, each prospective member of the Board of Commissioners must participate in fit and proper test as part of the appointment process.

Term of Office of the Board of Commissioners

The term of office of members of IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners is determined as follows:a. The term of office of a member of Board of Commissioners

is 5 (five) years, and can be reappointed for 1 (one) other term.

b. Members of the Board of Commissioners can at any time be dismissed based on the decision of the GMS by citing the reason. The dismissal is due to the fact that the Members of the Board of Commissioners concerned, among others are:1. Unable to perform his duties properly.2. Not implementing the provisions of the laws and/or

regulations of the Company's Articles of Association.

3. Engaging in acts that harm the Company and/or the country.

4. Found guilty by a court ruling that has permanent legal binding.

5. Resigned.

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Komposisi dan Susunan Keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020

Komposisi dan susunan keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK mengacu kepada Peraturan OJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik di samping Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2017 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Dalam Bab III POJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 dijelaskan bahwa jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan, yakni paling kurang terdiri dari 2 (dua) orang anggota Dewan Komisaris. Dalam hal Dewan Komisaris terdiri lebih dari 2 (dua) orang anggota Dewan Komisaris, jumlah Komisaris Independen wajib paling kurang 30% dari jumlah seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris.

Per Desember 2020, Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang, yang juga memenuhi kriteria Komisaris Independen. Jumlah ini memenuhi ketentuan terkait Komisaris Independen yang diwajibkan minimal 30% dari jumlah keseluruhan Dewan Komisaris. Sedangkan, dari sisi keahlian, mayoritas anggota Dewan Komisaris memiliki pengalaman dan kemampuan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perseroan.

Berikut ini kronologi susunan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK sepanjang tahun 2020 dan susunan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK per 31 Desember 2020:

18 Desember 2019- 13 Mei 2020

December 18th, 2019-May 13th, 2020

13 Mei 2020-14 Juli 2020

May 13th, 2020-July 14th, 2020

14 Juli 2020-31 Desember 2020

July 14th, 2020-December 31st,


Keterangan Periode Menjabat Description about Term of Office

Elvyn G Masassya(Komisaris Utama/ President Commissioner)

Beliau diberhentikan dengan hormat sebagai Komisaris Utama melalui RUPS Sirkuler No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No. SK-002/PII/D1/2020 tanggal 13 Mei 2020.He was honorably dismissed from his position as President Commissioner through GMS Circular No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI. II-20 and No. SK-002/PII/D1/2020 dated May 13rd, 2020.

Muarip(Komisaris Utama/President Commissioner)

Beliau diangkat sebagai Komisaris Utama berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar RUPS IPC TPK No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/ 2020 tanggal 13 Mei 2020.He was appointed as President Commissioner based on the Circular Resolutions of Shareholders outside the GMS of IPC TPK No. KP.03/13/5/3/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and No. SK-002/PII/D1/V/ 2020 dated May 13rd, 2020.

Hary Kriswanto(Komisaris/Commissioner)

Beliau diangkat sebagai Komisaris berdasarkan Keputusan Pemegang Saham Perusahaan PT IPC Terminal Peti Kemas tanpa Melalui RUPS No. 568/20/4/2/PI.II-17 dan No. 476/20/4/4/MTI-17 tanggal 20 April 2017).He was appointed pursuant to the Shareholders’ Resolution without GMS of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 568/20/4/2/PI.II-17 and No. 476/20/4/4/MTI-17 dated April 20th, 2017.

Achmad Riadi(Komisaris/Commissioner)

Beliau diberhentikan dengan hormat sebagai Komisaris melalui RUPS Sirkuler No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-003/PII-SK 07/VII/2020 tanggal 14 Juli 2020.He was honorably dismissed as Commissioner through GMS Circular No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and No. SK-003/PII-SK 07/VII/2020 dated July 14th, 2020.

Sumantri Suwarno(Komisaris/Commissioner)

Beliau diberhentikan dengan hormat sebagai Komisaris melalui RUPS Sirkuler No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-003/PII-SK 07/VII/2020 tanggal 14 Juli 2020.He was honorably dismissed from bis position as Commissioner through GMS Circular No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and No. SK-003/PII-SK 07/VII/2020 dated July 14th, 2020.

Asmai Ishak(Komisaris Independen/Independent Commissioner)

Beliau diangkat sebagai Komisaris Independen berdasarkan Keputusan Sirkuler Para Pemegang Saham di luar RUPS IPC TPK No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-003/PII-SK.07/VII/ 2020 tanggal 14 Juli 2020.He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner based on the Circular Resolutions of Shareholders outside the GMS of IPC TPK No. KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and No. SK-003/PII-SK.07/VII/ 2020 dated July 14th, 2020.

Composition and Structure of Membership of the Board of Commissioners in 2020

Membership composition and structure of IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners refers to OJK Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies in addition to Law No. 40 of 2017 concerning Limited Liability Companies. The Chapter III of POJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 outlines that the minimum No. of members of the Company's Board of Commissioners is 2 (two) members. In the event that the Board of Commissioners consists of more than 2 (two) members, the number of Independent Commissioners shall compose at least 30% of the total number of members of the Board of Commissioners.

As of December 2020, IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners consisted of 3 (three) people, in which the number have also met the requirement of Independent Commissioners. This number met the provision concerning Independent Commissioners which are required to be at least 30% of the total number of the Board of Commissioners. Meanwhile, the majority members of the Board of Commissioners have experience and ability as required by the Company.

The following is the chronology of the composition of IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners in the course of 2020 and the composition of IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners as of December 31st, 2020:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Profil seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dapat dilihat pada Bab Profil Perusahaan pada Laporan Tahunan ini.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris memiliki tugas dalam hal pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat kepada Direksi guna kepentingan Perusahaan. Pengawasan yang dilakukan terkait kebijakan pengurusan dan usaha IPC TPK, pelaksanaan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) dan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP), pelaksanaan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan dan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), serta kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Adapun kewajiban yang mesti dijalankan Dewan Komisaris meliputi:1. Mematuhi ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan,

Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan dan keputusan RUPS serta bertindak profesional;

2. Melakukan tugas pengawasan terhadap kebijakan Direksi dalam melaksanakan pengurusan Perusahaan termasuk pelaksanaan rencana jangka panjang IPC TPK, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan serta ketentuan-ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan keputusan RUPS dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku;

3. Memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi dalam melaksanakan kepengurusan Perusahaan dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk kepentingan pihak/golongan tertentu;

4. Menyusun pembagian tugas antar anggota Dewan Komisaris;

5. Meneliti dan menelaah serta menandatangani rencana jangka panjang Perusahaan dan rencana kerja dan anggaran Perusahaan yang disiapkan Direksi sesuai ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan;

6. Menyusun program kerja tahunan Dewan Komisaris dan dimasukkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan;

7. Meneliti dan menelaah laporan berkala dan laporan tahunan yang disiapkan Direksi serta menandatangani laporan tahunan;

8. Melaporkan kepada Perusahaan mengenai kepemilikan sahamnya dan/atau keluarganya pada perusahaan yang bersangkutan dan perusahaan lain, termasuk setiap perubahannya;

9. Mengusulkan kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) penunjukan Auditor Eksternal yang akan melakukan pemeriksaan atas buku-buku Perusahaan;

10. Memantau efektivitas praktik Good Corporate Governance antara lain dengan mengadakan pertemuan berkala antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi untuk membahas implementasi Good Corporate Governance;

11. Melaksanakan kewajiban lainnya dalam rangka tugas pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat, sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, Anggaran Dasar dan/atau keputusan RUPS.

Disesuaikan dengan kelompoknya, maka tugas dan kewajiban Dewan Komisaris terbagi menjadi:1. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait Pemegang Saham & RUPS,

di antaranya:a. Menyampaikan laporan tentang tugas pengawasan

yang telah dilakukan selama tahun yang baru dan lampau kepada RUPS;

The profiles of all members of the Board of Commissioners can be found on the Chapter of Company Profile of this Annual Report.

Scope of Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners performs duties of overseeing and advising the Board of Directors in the interest of the Company. The oversight duty is fulfilled relating to the management and business policies of IPC TPK, the implementation of the Corporate Long-Term Plan (RJPP) and the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP), the implementation of the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association and the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Meanwhile, the Board of Commissioners are obligated to:

1. Comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations, the Company's Articles of Association and GMS resolutions and act professionally;

2. Carrying out the oversight duty against the Board of Directors' policies on the management of the Company including the implementation of the long-term plan of IPC TPK, Work Plan and Budget as well as the provisions of the Articles of Association and the GMS resolutions and applicable laws and regulations;

3. Advising the Board of Directors about the running of the Company, which is not intended for the benefit of certain parties / groups;

4. Determining the separation of duties among members of the Board of Commissioners;

5. Reviewing and studying as well as signing the corporate long-term plan and the work plan and budget of the Company prepared by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association;

6. Preparing the annual work program of the Board of Commissioners and incorporating it into Work Plan and Budget of the Company;

7. Reviewing and studying periodical reports and annual reports prepared by the Board of Directors and signing the annual report;

8. Reporting to the Company about his and/or his family's shareholding in the Company concerned and other companies, including the changes if any;

9. Proposing to the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) the appointment of an External Auditor who will audit the Company's books;

10. Monitoring the effective implementation of Good Corporate Governance practices, among others, by holding meetings on periodical basis between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors to discuss the implementation of Good Corporate Governance;

11. Performing other obligations as part of oversight and advising duties, as long as it does not conflict with the laws and regulations, Articles of Association and/or GMS resolutions.

Adjusted to the group, the duties and obligations of the Board of Commissioners consist of:1. Duties and obligations relating to shareholders & GMS,

including:a. Submitting an accountability report on oversight

duties that have been fulfilled during the new and the previous year to the GMS;

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b. Mengajukan usulan indikator pencapaian kinerja (Key Performance Indicator) untuk ditetapkan oleh RUPS;

c. Menyampaikan laporan triwulanan perkembangan realisasi indikator pencapaian kinerja kepada Pemegang Saham.

2. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait fungsi pengawasan, di antaranya:a. Meneliti dan menelaah serta menandatangani dalam

rangka memberikan persetujuan atau pengesahan atas rencana jangka panjang Perusahaan dan rencana kerja dan anggaran Perusahaan yang disiapkan Direksi, sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar;

b. Memantau dan memastikan bahwa GCG telah diterapkan secara efektif dan berkelanjutan;

c. Meneliti dan menelaah laporan berkala dan laporan tahunan yang disiapkan Direksi serta menandatangani laporan tahunan.

3. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait pencalonan anggota Direksi (nominasi) dan remunerasi, di antaranya:a. Mengusulkan kebijakan nominasi dan seleksi bagi

calon Anggota Direksi IPC TPK serta Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi anak perusahaan, serta mengajukannya kepada RUPS untuk disahkan;

b. Mengusulkan calon Anggota Direksi IPC TPK kepada Pemegang Saham;

c. Melakukan penelaahan dan pengawasan untuk memastikan bahwa IPC TPK telah memiliki strategi dan kebijakan nominasi yang meliputi proses analisis organisasi, prosedur dan kriteria rekrutmen, seleksi dan promosi.

4. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, di antaranya:

a. Melakukan evaluasi kinerja melalui penyusuran Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dewan Komisaris dengan sistem self assessment atau sistem lain untuk kemudian diputuskan dalam rapat Dewan Komisaris;

b. Memberikan tanggapan dan rekomendasi mengenai penetapan KPI Direksi pada setiap awal tahun kerja;

c. Mengevaluasi masing-masing kinerja Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan dituangkan dalam risalah rapat Dewan Komisaris.

5. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait pengawasan penerapan manajemen risiko, di antaranya:a. Melakukan kajian atas efektivitas pengurusan

Perusahaan dari aspek manajemen risiko secara terintegrasi sebagai bahan rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris;

b. Melakukan evaluasi atas kebijakan investasi dan mengidentifikasi serta menilai potensi risikonya.

6. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait sistem pengendalian internal, di antaranya:a. Memastikan efektivitas sistem pengendalian internal;

b. Memastikan efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas Auditor Internal dan Auditor Eksternal, dengan menilai kompetensi, independensi serta ruang lingkup tugas Auditor Internal dan Auditor Eksternal.

7. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait etika berusaha dan anti korupsi, di antaranya:a. Mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip GCG dalam

berhubungan dengan mitra kerja, kreditur/investor, pejabat/pegawai pemerintah maupun pihak lainnya;

b. Tidak memberikan atau menawarkan, atau menerima, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, sesuatu yang berharga kepada atau dari pelanggan atau seorang pejabat pemerintah untuk mempengaruhi atau sebagai imbalan atas apa yang telah dilakukannya dan tindakan lainnya sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.

b. Submitting a proposal of Key Performance Indicator to be determined by the GMS;

c. Delivering quarterly reports on the realization of key performance indicators to Shareholders.

2. Duties and obligations relating to the oversight function, among which are:a. Reviewing, studying and signing in order to give

approval or ratify the Company’s long-term plan and the work plan and budget prepared by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association;

b. Monitoring and ensuring that GCG has been implemented effectively and sustainably;

c. Reviewing and studying both periodical and annual reports prepared by the Board of Directors and signing annual reports.

3. Duties and obligations related to the nomination of Board of Directors’ members and remuneration, including:a. Proposing a nomination and selection policy for

prospective members of IPC TPK’s Board of Directors as well as Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of subsidiaries, and submit them to the GMS for ratification;

b. Proposing candidates for IPC TPK’s Board of Directors to Shareholders;

c. Conducting review and oversight activities to ensure that IPC TPK has a nomination strategy and policy that includes the organizational analysis process, recruitment procedures and criteria, selection, and promotion.

4. Duties and obligations relating to the evaluation of the performances of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, including:a. Conducting the assessment of performance through

the establishment of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the Board of Commissioners using a self-assessment system or other system to be decided in a Board of Commissioners’ meeting;

b. Providing responses and recommendations regarding the determination of the Board of Directors’ KPI at the beginning of each working year;

c. Evaluating each performance of members of the Board of Commissioners and as outlined in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

5. Duties and obligations relating to oversight of the implementation of risk management, including:a. Conducting a review of the effectiveness of the

Company's management from risk management aspect in an integrated manner as part of recommendations of the Board of Commissioners;

b. Evaluating investment policies as well as identifying and assessing risk potentials.

6. Duties and obligations relating to internal control systems, including:a. Ensuring the effective implementation of internal

control systems;b. Ensuring the effective implementation of the duties of

Internal Auditors and External Auditors, by assessing competence, independence, and scope of duties of both internal auditors and external auditors.

7. Duties and obligations relating to business ethics and anti-corruption, including:a. Putting forward the GCG principles in developing

relationship with partners, creditors / investors, government officials / employees and other parties;

b. Not to give or offer, or receive, either directly or indirectly, anything valuable to or from a customer or a government official to influence or in return for actions taken and other actions in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.

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8. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait dengan keterbukaan dan kerahasiaan informasi, yakni:a. Memastikan informasi termasuk namun tidak terbatas

pada laporan keuangan, laporan tahunan yang disampaikan Perusahaan kepada shareholder maupun Pemangku Kepentingan Perusahaan dilakukan secara tepat waktu, lengkap, dan akurat;

b. Memastikan data/informasi yang disampaikan ke publik sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

9. Tugas dan kewajiban terkait hubungan kerja antar anggota Dewan Komisaris.

Wewenang Dewan Komisaris

Wewenang Dewan Komisaris mencakup hal, sebagai berikut:1. Memperoleh akses yang cukup atas informasi

Perusahaan dalam hal ini melihat buku-buku, surat-surat, serta dokumen-dokumen lainnya, memeriksa kas untuk keperluan verifikasi dan lain-lain surat berharga serta memeriksa kekayaan Perusahaan;

2. Memasuki pekarangan, gedung dan kantor yang dipergunakan oleh IPC TPK;

3. Meminta penjelasan dari Direksi dan/atau pejabat lainnya mengenai segala persoalan yang menyangkut pengelolaan Perusahaan;

4. Mengetahui segala kebijakan dan tindakan yang telah dan akan dijalankan oleh Direksi;

5. Meminta Direksi dan/atau pejabat lainnya di bawah Direksi dengan sepengetahuan Direksi untuk menghadiri rapat Dewan Komisaris;

6. Mengangkat Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris, jika dianggap perlu dan memberhentikannya;

7. Memberhentikan sementara Anggota Direksi sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar;

8. Membentuk komite-komite lain selain Komite Audit, jika dianggap perlu dengan memperhatikan kemampuan Perusahaan;

9. Menggunakan tenaga ahli untuk hal tertentu dan dalam jangka waktu tertentu atas beban Perusahaan, jika dianggap perlu;

10. Melakukan tindakan pengurusan Perusahaan dalam keadaan tertentu untuk jangka waktu tertentu sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar;

11. Menghadiri rapat Direksi dan memberikan pandangan-pandangan terhadap hal-hal yang dibicarakan;

12. Melaksanakan kewenangan pengawasan lainnya sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, Anggaran Dasar dan/atau keputusan RUPS;

13. Memberikan persetujuan tertulis atas usulan/perbuatan Direksi, yaitu:a. Membuka kantor cabang atau kantor perwakilan di

tempat lain, baik di dalam maupun di luar wilayah Republik Indonesia;

b. Melakukan penyertaan modal pada perusahaan lainnya yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

c. Mendirikan anak perusahaan dan/atau perusahaan patungan yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

d. Mengambil bagian baik sebagian atau seluruhnya atau ikut serta dalam partisipasi (participating interest) dengan ketentuan bahwa terhadap partisipasi (participating interest) atau pendirian anak perusahaan dalam rangka pengelolaan wilayah kerja yang telah diperoleh, persetujuan pendirian anak perusahaannya dianggap telah diberikan pada saat disetujuinya rencana investasi wilayah kerja dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

8. Duties and obligations relating to the transparency and confidentiality of information, among which are:a. Ensuring information including but not limited to

financial statements, annual reports submitted by the Company to its shareholders and stakeholders to have been carried out in a timely, complete, and accurate manner;

b. Ensuring data / information submitted to the public to have complied with applicable laws and regulations.

9. Duties and obligations relating to working relationship among members of Board of Commissioners.

Scope of Authorities of the Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners are authorized to:1. Gain sufficient access to the Company's information,

including checking on books, letters, and other documents, checking cash for verification purposes and other securities and checking the Company's wealth;

2. Enter the yards, buildings and offices used by IPC TPK;

3. Request explanations from the Board of Directors and/or other officials regarding all issues relating to the management of the Company;

4. Acknowledge all policies and actions that have been and will be taken by the Board of Directors;

5. Request the Board of Directors and/or other officials under the Board of Directors, with the Board of Directors’ knowledge, to attend meetings of the Board of Commissioners;

6. Appoint the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners, if deemed necessary and dismissing it;

7. Temporary dismiss the Members of the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association;

8. Establish committees other than Audit Committee, if deemed necessary with due regard to the ability of the Company;

9. Using experts for certain things and within a certain period of time on the Company’s responsibility, if deemed necessary;

10. Take management actions in certain circumstances for a certain period of time in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association;

11. Attend board meetings and provide views on the issues being discussed;

12. Exercise other oversight authority as long as it does not conflict with the laws and regulations, Articles of Association and/or GMS resolutions;

13. Give written approval to the proposals/actions of the Board of Directors, namely:a. Open branch offices or representative offices

elsewhere, both within and outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia;

b. Make investment in other companies whose value does not exceed the material value;

c. Establish subsidiaries and/or joint ventures whose value does not exceed material value;

d. Take either part or in whole or join in participating interest provided that regarding the participating interest or establishment of subsidiaries in the framework of the management of the work area that has been obtained, the approval to the establishment of its subsidiaries is considered to have been given at the time of approval to the work area investment plan, stated in the Company’s Work Plan and Budget, and whose value does not exceed material value;

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e. Melepaskan sebagian atau seluruh penyertaan IPC TPK dalam partisipasi (participating interest) yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

f. Melepaskan penyertaan modal pada perusahaan lain yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

g. Melakukan penggabungan, peleburan, pengambilalihan, pemisahan, dan pembubaran anak perusahaan yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

h. Mengadakan kerja sama lisensi, kontrak manajemen, menyewakan aset, kerja sama operasi dan perjanjian kerja sama lainnya yang melebihi nilai tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

i. Perubahan penggunaan anggaran investasi yang telah ditetapkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan dan yang nilainya tidak melebihi 10% (sepuluh persen) dari total rencana kerja dan anggaran Perusahaan;

j. Menjadikan aktiva tetap milik Perusahaan sebagai penyertaan modal dalam perusahaan lain atau dalam rangka mendirikan anak perusahaan yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

k. Mengikat Perusahaan sebagai penjamin (borg atau avalist) yang mempunyai akibat keuangan yang melebihi jumlah tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

l. Menerima pinjaman jangka pendek dari bank atau lembaga keuangan lainnya yang melebihi jumlah tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

m. Memberikan pinjaman jangka pendek yang tidak bersifat operasional yang melebihi jumlah tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

n. Menerima atau memberikan pinjaman jangka menengah/panjang yang nilainya tidak melebihi Nilai Material, kecuali pinjaman yang timbul karena pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha;

o. Membeli atau menjual surat berharga pada pasar modal/lembaga keuangan lainnya yang melebihi jumlah tertentu yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan , kecuali surat berharga yang diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dan membeli kembali surat berharga yang diterbitkan oleh Perusahaan dengan tetap memperhatikan kepentingan Perusahaan yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

p. Mengagunkan aktiva tetap yang diperlukan dalam melaksanakan penarikan kredit jangka pendek yang melebihi jumlah tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

q. Mengagunkan aktiva tetap yang diperlukan dalam melaksanakan penarikan kredit jangka menengah/panjang yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

r. Menghapuskan dari pembukuan terhadap piutang macet dan persediaan barang mati yang nilainya tidak melebihi nilai material;

s. Melepaskan dan menghapuskan aktiva tetap bergerak dengan umur ekonomis yang lazim berlaku dalam industri pada umumnya sampai dengan 5 (lima) tahun yang nilai pertahun bukunya melebihi jumlah tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

t. Melepaskan dan menghapuskan aktiva tetap tidak bergerak yang nilainya tidak melebihi Nilai Material;

u. Pengusulan wakil Perusahaan untuk menjadi calon anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris pada Anak Perusahaan;

v. Menetapkan dan menyesuaikan struktur organisasi sampai dengan 2 (dua) tingkat di bawah Direksi;

w. Pengelolaan dana cadangan oleh Direksi agar dana tersebut memperoleh laba.

e. Release some or all of the IPC TPK’s investment in participating interest, whose value does not exceed the material value;

f. Conduct divestment in other companies, whose value does not exceed material value;

g. Merge, acquire, spin off, and dissolve subsidiaries, whose value does not exceed material value;

h. Enter into licensing cooperation, management contracts, lease assets, operating cooperation and other cooperation agreements that exceed certain values set by the Board of Commissioners;

i. Introduce changes in the use of investment budgets set in the Company’s Work Plan and Budget and with value not exceeding 10% (ten percentage) of the Company's total work plan and budget;

j. Use fixed assets of the Company as equity placement in other companies or in order to establish subsidiaries, whose value does not exceed material value;

k. Bind the Company as a borg or avails, whose financial consequences exceed a certain amount set by the Board of Commissioners;

l. Accept short-term loans from banks or other financial institutions that exceed a certain amount set by the Board of Commissioners;

m. Provide non-operational short-term loans, whose amount exceed a certain amount set by the Board of Commissioners;

n. Accept or provide medium/long-term loans, whose amount does not exceed material value, except loans incurred from the implementation of business activities;

o. Buy or sell securities in the capital market/other financial institutions, whose amount exceed a certain amount stipulated in the Company's Work Plan and Budget, except securities issued by the Government of Indonesia and buy back securities issued by the Company with respect to the Company’s interests, and with the amount not exceeding the material value;

p. Pledge necessary fixed assets to earn short-term loans with amount exceeding a certain amount set by the Board of Commissioners;

q. Pledge necessary fixed assets to earn medium/long-term loans with amount not exceeding material values;

r. Write off the non-performing receivables and inventory of unmovable goods from the bookkeeping, whose amount does not exceed the material value;

s. Release and write off movable fixed assets, whose economic cycles in the industry are commonly up to 5 (five) years and the annual book value exceeds a certain amount set by the Board of Commissioners;

t. Release and write off unmovable fixed assets whose values do not exceed material values;

u. Propose the Company's representatives to run for candidates of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners at the Subsidiaries;

v. Establish and adjust the organizational structure up to 2 (two) levels below the Board of Directors;

w. Management of reserve funds by the Board of Directors in order generate profit.

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Hak Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris memiliki hak, sebagai berikut:1. Meminta Direksi dan/atau pejabat lainnya di bawah

Direksi dengan sepengetahuan Direksi untuk menghadiri rapat Dewan Komisaris;

2. Dewan Komisaris dengan suara terbanyak setiap waktu berhak memberhentikan untuk sementara waktu seorang atau lebih Anggota Direksi, apabila mereka bertindak bertentangan dengan Anggaran Dasar atau terdapat indikasi melakukan kerugian Perusahaan atau melalaikan kewajibannya atau terdapat alasan mendesak bagi Perusahaan. Pemberhentian sementara dimaksud harus diberitahukan secara tertulis kepada yang bersangkutan dan Pemegang Saham disertai alasan yang menyebabkan tindakan tersebut;

3. Dewan Komisaris diberi honorarium dan tunjangan serta fasilitas termasuk santunan purna jabatan yang jenis dan jumlahnya ditetapkan oleh RUPS dengan memperhatikan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku;

4. Memperoleh informasi mengenai Perusahaan secara tepat waktu, terukur dan lengkap.

Etika Jabatan Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris memilki etika jabatan, sebagai berikut:

1. Etika berkaitan dengan keteladanan.2. Etika berkaitan dengan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan

perundang-undangan.3. Etika berkaitan dengan keterbukaan dan kerahasiaan

informasi.4. Etika berkaitan dengan peluang Perusahaan dan

keuntungan pribadi.5. Etika berkaitan dengan benturan kepentingan.6. Etika berusaha dan anti korupsi.7. Etika setelah berakhirnya masa jabatan komisaris.

Pembagian Tugas antar Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki pengaturan dan pembagian kerja di antara Anggota Dewan untuk kelancaran tugasnya. Pembagian Tugas dan Wewenang Dewan Komisaris diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 21 Juli 2020 tentang Pembagian Tugas/Kerja Anggota Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Adapun pengaturan dan pembagian tugas Anggota Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut:

Pembagian Tugas Antar Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020 Separation of Duties among Board of Commissioners in 2020




1 Muarip Komisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

Koordinator seluruh tugas dan fungsi pengawasan Komisaris serta hubungan dengan Pemegang Saham.Coordinating all oversight duties and functions of the Board of Commissioners as well as relations with shareholders.

2 Hary Kriswanto KomisarisCommissioner

Melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan bidang operasional dan teknik.Conducting coaching and oversight duties in the fields of operation and engineering.

3 Asmai Ishak KomisarisCommissioner

Melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan bidang komersial dan pengembangan bisnis serta pembinaan dan pengawasan bidang keuangan dan SDM.Conducting coaching and oversight duties in the fields of commercial and business development as well as supervision of finance and human resources.

Scope of Rights of the Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners secures the following rights:1. Requesting the Board of Directors and/or other officials under

the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors’ knowledge, to attend meetings of the Board of Commissioners;

2. The Board of Commissioners who earns the most votes at any time reserves the right to temporarily dismiss one or more Members of the Board of Directors, if their actions violate the Articles of Association or there are indications for causing losses to the Company or being disobedient to its obligations or there are urgent reasons for the Company. The temporary dismissal shall be notified in writing to the Board members concerned and the Shareholders by citing the reasons;

3. The Board of Commissioners is entitled to honorarium and benefits and facilities including post-employment compensation, with type and amount set by the GMS with respect to the provisions of applicable laws and regulations;

4. Obtain information about the Company in a timely, measured, and complete manner.

Code of Ethics of the Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners has the code of ethics regarding their positions, namely:1. Ethics that relates to exemplary.2. Ethics that relates to regulatory compliance.

3. Ethics that relates to transparency and confidentiality of information.

4. Ethics that relates to the Company's opportunities and personal gain.

5. Ethics that relates to conflicts of interest.6. Ethics that relates to business and anti-corruption.7. Ethics to apply after the commissioner's term ends.

Separation of Duties Among Members of Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners already has arranged and made separation of duties among Board Members for the smooth running of their duties. The Separation of Duties and Authorities among the Members of Board of Commissioners is regulated in the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 dated July 21st, 2020 concerning the Separation of Duties / Work Among Members of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The management and separation of duties among members of the Board of Commissioners are described as follows:

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Program Pengenalan bagi Komisaris Baru

Program pengenalan bagi Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang baru diberikan oleh Perusahaan karena latar belakang Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang merupakan representasi dari beberapa Pemegang Saham. Adapun tujuan program pengenalan ialah agar para Anggota Dewan Komisaris dapat saling mengenal dan menjalin kerja sama sebagai satu tim yang solid, komprehensif, dan efektif.

Ketentuan mengenai program pengenalan meliputi:

1. Untuk Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang baru diangkat wajib diberikan program pengenalan mengenai kondisi Perusahaan secara umum.

2. Penanggung jawab program pengenalan adalah Sekretaris Perusahaan atau pejabat yang menjalankan fungsinya sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan.

3. Program pengenalan mencakup:a. Pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG di Perusahaan.b. Keterangan mengenai tugas dan tanggung jawab

Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta hal lain yang tidak diperbolehkan.

c. Gambaran mengenai Perusahaan berkaitan dengan tujuan, sifat, dan lingkup kegiatan, kinerja keuangan dan operasi, strategi, rencana usaha jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, risiko, pengendalian internal dan masalah-masalah strategis lainnya.

d. Keterangan berkaitan dengan kewenangan yang didelegasikan, audit internal dan eksternal, sistem dan kebijakan pengendalian internal serta Komite Audit.

4. Program pengenalan dapat berupa presentasi, pertemuan, kunjungan ke fasilitas Perusahaan, kunjungan ke kantor-kantor cabang, pengkajian dokumen Perusahaan atau program lainnya yang dianggap sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Pada tahun 2020, IPC TPK telah melaksanakan program pengenalan bagi Dewan Komisaris baru, yakni program pengenalan bagi Muarip dilakukan pada tanggal 2 Juni 2020 bersamaan dengan Rapat Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris sedangkan program pengenalan bagi Asmai Ishak dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2020.

Program Kerja Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris telah menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sesuai dengan ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku, serta ketentuan internal Perusahaan. Adapun pelaksanaan tugas yang telah dilakukan sepanjang tahun 2020, antara lain:

1. Rapat rutin internal Dewan Komisaris, antara lain:

a. Rapat bulanan internal Dewan Komisaris yang membahas kinerja Perusahaan.

b. Rapat Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Triwulanan tahun 2020 dengan Manajemen.

c. Rapat Pembahasan Laporan Tahunan (Audited) Tahun 2019 dalam rangka persiapan Pra RUPS dan RUPS.

d. Rapat Pembahasan dalam Rangka Penyusunan KPI Dewan Komisaris tahun 2020.

e. Rapat Pembahasan dalam rangka penetapan KAP untuk pelaksanaan General Audit Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2019, laporan Kinerja PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan kepatuhan terhadap Peraturan Perundang-undangan Tahun 2019 serta jadwal dan Program Pelaksanaan Audit oleh KAP.

Orientation Program for New Commissioners

The orientation program for new members of the Board of Commissioners is given by the Company with regard to the background of the Members of the Board of Commissioners, who are representatives of several Shareholders. The purpose of the orientation program is to help the Members of the Board of Commissioners to know each other and cooperate as a solid, comprehensive, and effective team.

Provisions regarding the orientation program among which are:1. Newly appointed Members of the Board of Commissioners

must be given an orientation program about the general information of the Company.

2. The person in charge of the orientation program is the Corporate Secretary or the official who performs his function as Corporate Secretary.

3. The orientation program consists of:a. Implementation of GCG principles in the Company.b. Information about the duties and responsibilities of

the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors and other matters that are not allowed.

c. The Company’s Overview which includes its business objectives, nature, and scope of activities, financial and operating performance, strategy, short- and long-term business plans, risks, internal controls and other strategic issues.

d. Information relating to delegated authorities, internal and external audits, internal control systems and policies and Audit Committee.

4. The orientation program can be in the forms of presentations, meetings, visit to the Company's facilities, branch visits, the review of the Company’s documents or other programs relating to the needs.

In 2020, IPC TPK carried out an orientation program for the new members of Board of Commissioners, namely for Muarip, which took place on June 2nd, 2020, in conjunction with meeting of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, whereas the orientation program for Asmai Ishak took place on August 10th, 2020.

Board of Commissioners’ Work Agenda of 2020

Throughout 2020, the Board of Commissioners has shown its commitment to fulfil its duties and responsibilities in accordance with applicable rules and regulations, as well as internal policies of the Company. The tasks that were carried out throughout 2020, among others were:

1. Regular internal meetings of the Board of Commissioners, namely:a. Internal monthly meetings of the Board of

Commissioners that discussed the performance of the Company.

b. Meeting to Discuss the Quarterly Management Report of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas in 2020 with Management.

c. Meeting to Discuss the 2019 Annual Report (Audited) in preparation for the Pre-GMS and GMS.

d. Meeting to Discuss the Preparation of KPI of the Board of Commissioners in 2020.

e. Meeting to Discuss the determination of KAP for the implementation of General Audit of Financial Statements of fiscal year of 2019, performance report of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and 2019 regulatory compliance as well as schedule and Audit Implementation Program by KAP.

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f. Rapat Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun 2020 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2020 dalam Rangka Persiapan Pra RUPS dan RUPS.

g. Serta Rapat-rapat Khusus yang berkaitan dengan adanya permasalahan.

2. Rapat Koordinasi Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi, antara lain:a. Rapat Rutin dalam rangka pengurusan dan

pengelolaan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dilakukan setiap bulan dan waktunya sesuai kesepakatan antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

b. Rapat-Rapat Koordinasi Lainnya, yaitu:• Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen PT IPC Terminal

Petikemas Triwulan Tahun 2020.• Pembahasan Laporan Tahunan (Audited) Tahun 2019

dalam rangka pelaporan konsolidasi dan persiapan Pra RUPS dan RUPS dengan Pemegang saham.

• Pembahasan dalam rangka Penyusunan KPI dewan Komisaris tahun 2020.

• Pembahasan dalam rangka penetapan KAP untuk pelaksanaan General Audit Laporan Keuangan, Laporan Kinerja PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun 2019 serta Jadwal dan Program Pelaksanaan Audit oleh KAP.

• Pembahasan Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tahun 2021 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen Tahun 2020 dalam rangka persiapan Pra RUPS dan RUPS dengan Pemilik.

• Pelaksanaan rapat-rapat khusus dengan Manajemen yang berkaitan dengan adanya permasalahan yang penting serta hal strategis lainnya.

• Mengadakan rapat dengan Pemegang Saham

3. Melakukan kunjungan kerja ke lapangan dalam rangka melakukan monitoring dan pengawasan atas realisasi dari program-program investasi sebagaimana telah dianggarkan dalam RKAP.

4. Melakukan program pengembangan sebagai bentuk program untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan Dewan Komisaris dalam rangka peningkatan kemampuan Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan tugas, fungsi dan tanggung jawabnya. Bentuk-bentuk kegiatan yang direncanakan akan dilaksanakan, yaitu pendidikan dan latihan diklat dalam negeri dalam bentuk short course, seminar, workshop, dan konferensi yang berkaitan dengan peran Dewan Komisaris.

5. Melaksanakan pengendalian internal dengan tujuan agar kebijakan dan prosedur yang dirancang oleh manajemen dapat memberikan jaminan memadai terhadap pencapaian tujuan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan bilamana diterapkan secara efektif dan efisien dapat membantu mengurangi dampak risiko bisnis pada suatu tingkatan tertentu yang harus diterima PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

f. Meeting on the Proposed Corporate Work Plan and Budget of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas for the Year 2020 and KPI/Management Contract 2020 as part of preparation for pre-GMS and GMS.

g. Special meetings to discuss problems.

2. Coordination Meeting of the Board of Commissioners with the Board of Directors, namely:a. Regular meetings regarding the running and

management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas which were conducted every month and the time agreed between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

b. Other Coordination Meetings, namely:• Discussion of Quarterly Management Report of PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas in 2020.• Discussion of Annual Report (Audited) of Year 2019

concerning the consolidated reporting and preparation of Pre-GMS and GMS with Shareholders.

• Discussion about the Preparation of KPI of Board of Commissioners in 2020.

• Discussion about the determination of KAP for the implementation of General Audits of Financial Statements, Performance Report of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas of year 2019 and Schedule and Audit Implementation Program by KAP.

• Discussion of the Proposed Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas of year 2021 and KPI/Management Contract 2020 in preparation for Pre-GMS and GMS with the Owner.

• Implementation of special meetings with management relating to important issues and other strategic matters.

• Holding a meeting with shareholders.

3. Conducting field visits to supervise and monitor the realization of investment programs as budgeted in RKAP.

4. Conducting a development program in order to add insights and knowledge of the Board of Commissioners to improve the ability of the Board of Commissioners in carrying out their duties, functions and responsibilities. The activities planned and carried out among which are in-country education and training, such as short courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences that relates to the roles of the Board of Commissioners.

5. Implementing internal controls with the aim that policies and procedures designed by management can provide adequate assurance to the fulfillment of the objectives of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, and when applied effectively and efficiently, the implementation can help reduce the impacts of business risks to a certain acceptable level for PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

207PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Penilaian Kinerja Komite di Bawah Dewan Komisaris dan Dasar Penilaiannya

Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kinerja terhadap komite-komite yang bertugas di bawah Dewan Komisaris secara berkala, yakni Komite Audit, Komite Manajemen Risiko Usaha, serta Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi. Penilaian kinerja dilakukan agar efisiensi dan efektivitas kinerja dari masing-masing komite tersebut senantiasa terjaga.

Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa kinerja dari komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris sepanjang tahun 2020 sudah berjalan secara optimal. Dalam pelaksanaan fungsinya, Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Usaha telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dengan memberikan masukan dan rekomendasi secara efektif. Dengan efektivitas kinerja kedua komite tersebut, Dewan Komisaris terus berupaya mendorong peningkatan penerapan praktik-praktik GCG sesuai best practice dan ketentuan yang berlaku pada seluruh aspek operasional Perusahaan.

Komisaris Independen

Berdasarkan Board Manual Perusahaan, kriteria Komisaris Independen adalah:1. Tidak menjabat sebagai Direksi di Perseroan terafiliasi.

2. Tidak bekerja di Perseroan atau afiliasinya dalam kurun waktu 1 (satu) tahun terakhir.

3. Tidak mempunyai keterkaitan finansial, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan Perseroan atau Perseroan lain yang menyediakan jasa dan produk kepada Perseroan dan afiliasinya.

4. Bebas dari benturan kepentingan dan aktivitas bisnis atau hubungan lain yang dapat menghalangi atau mengganggu kemampuan Dewan Komisaris yang bersangkutan untuk bertindak atau berpikir secara bebas di lingkup Perseroan.

Saat ini IPC TPK memiliki 1 orang Komisaris Independen, yaitu Asmai Ishak yang ditunjuk oleh Pemegang Saham, dengan tidak memiliki hubungan keuangan, kepengurusan, kepemilikan saham dan/atau keluarga dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, anggota Direksi dan/atau Pemegang Saham pengendali atau hubungan dengan Perseroan.

Assessment of the Committee's Performance Under the Board of Commissioners and the Basis of Its Assessment

The Board of Commissioners conducts assessments against the performances of the committees that serve under the Board of Commissioners on periodical basis, namely the Audit Committee, Business Risk Management Committee, and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Performance assessment is carried out to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance of each committee.

The Board of Commissioners assessed that the committees under the Board of Commissioners throughout 2020 have performed their duties optimally. In the implementation of its functions, the Audit Committee and the Business Risk Management Committee have carried out their duties and responsibilities by providing inputs and recommendations in effective manner. Considering the effective performances of both committees, the Board of Commissioners continued to encourage the improvement of the implementation of GCG practices with respect to best practices and provisions applicable to all operational aspects of the Company.

Independent Commissioner

Based on the Company’s Board Manual, the criteria of an Independent Commissioner are:1. Does not serve as a Board of Directors in an affiliated

Company.2. Does not work in the Company or its affiliates for the past

1 (one) year.3. He/she has no financial relationship, either directly or

indirectly, with the Company or other Companies that provide services and products to the Company and its affiliates.

4. Free from conflicts of interest and other business activities or relationships that may hinder or interfere with the ability of the Board of Commissioners concerned to act or freely express their aspirations in the Company.

Currently, IPC TPK has 1 (one) Independent Commissioner, namely Asmai Ishak who is appointed by shareholders, with no financial, management, share ownership and/or family relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors and/or controlling shareholders or relationships with the Company.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

208 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Direksi merupakan salah satu organ yang dimiliki IPC TPK. Mengacu pada ketentuan yang berlaku dalam UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (“UUPT”), dan POJK No. 33/ POJK.04/2014, Direksi Perseroan bertanggung jawab secara individual dan kolektif terhadap seluruh kegiatan kepengurusan Perusahaan, serta berperan sebagai wakil Perusahaan baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. Menurut Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, Direksi merupakan organ yang bertugas dan bertanggung jawab secara kolektif dalam mengelola Perusahaan agar dapat menghasilkan nilai tambah dan memastikan kesinambungan usaha.

Kriteria dan Persyaratan Anggota Direksi

IPC TPK telah menetapkan kriteria dan persyaratan untuk menjadi Anggota Direksi IPC TPK, yakni persyaratan formal dan persyaratan materiil, sebagai berikut:

Persyaratan Formal:Berdasarkan persyaratan formal, yang dapat diangkat menjadi Anggota Direksi adalah orang perseorangan yang cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum, kecuali dalam waktu 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatannya pernah:1. Dinyatakan pailit.2. Menjadi Anggota Direksi atau Anggota Dewan Komisaris

dan Dewan Pengawas yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan dan/atau Perusahaan dinyatakan pailit.

3. Dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan negara, BUMN, Perusahaan, dan/atau yang berkaitan dengan sektor keuangan.

Pengangkatan anggota Direksi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam persyaratan formal di atas ini batal karena hukum sejak saat anggota Direksi lainnya atau Dewan Komisaris mengetahui tidak terpenuhinya persyaratan tersebut.

Persyaratan Materiil:Persyaratan materiil yang harus dipenuhi, sebagai berikut:1. Setiap anggota Direksi harus berintegritas, mempunyai

pengalaman dan kecakapan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan tugasnya dan memenuhi kualifikasi lain yang ditetapkan dalam anggaran dasar Perusahaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku;

2. Setiap anggota Direksi diangkat berdasarkan pertimbangan keahlian, integritas, kepemimpinan, pengalaman, jujur, perilaku yang baik, serta dedikasi yang tinggi untuk memajukan dan mengembangkan Perusahaan.

Masa Jabatan Anggota Direksi

Masa jabatan Anggota Direksi IPC TPK, sebagai berikut:

1. Masa jabatan Anggota Direksi ditetapkan 5 (lima) tahun dan sesudahnya dapat diangkat kembali untuk 1 (satu) masa jabatan.

2. Jabatan Anggota Direksi berakhir apabila:a. Meninggal dunia.b. Masa jabatannya berakhir.c. Diberhentikan berdasarkan keputusan RUPS.

DireksiBoard of Directors

The Board of Directors is one of the organs of IPC TPK. Referring to the provisions of Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies ("UUPT"), and POJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014, the Company's Board of Directors holds individual and collective responsibility for all corporate management activities, as well as acts as representatives of the Company both inside and outside the court. According to the Company's Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is an organ that is responsible and collectively in charge for management of the Company in order to generate added values and ensure business continuity.

Criteria and Requirements of Members of Board of Directors

IPC TPK has set the criteria and requirements to become a Member of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK, namely both formal and material requirements, namely as follows:

Formal Requirements:Formal requirements oblige that a member of the Board of Directors is an individual with good legal records, except within 5 (five) years prior to his appointment, is ever:

1. Declared bankrupt;2. Being a Member of the Board of Directors or a Member of

the Board of Commissioners and Board of Trustees who is found guilty of causing and/or a Company to be declared bankrupt;

3. Convicted of committing criminal acts that harm the state finances, state-owned enterprises, companies, and/or relating to the financial sector.

The appointment of members of the Board of Directors who do not meet the above-mentioned formal requirements is void due to the law after other members of the Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners acknowledge the failure of meeting these requirements.

Material Requirements:Material requirements that must be met are as follows:1. Each member of the Board of Directors is obligated to show

integrity, possess the necessary experience and skills to carry out his/her duties and meet other qualifications set out in the Company's Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations;

2. Each member of the Board of Directors is appointed in respect to their expertise, integrity, leadership, experience, honesty, good behavior, and high dedication to advancing and developing the Company.

Term of Office of the Board of Directors

The term of office of IPC TPK’s Board of Directors is set as the followings:1. The term of office of a Member of the Board of Directors

is 5 (five) years and thereafter, he/she can be reappointed for 1 (one) other term.

2. The position of Member of the Board of Directors ends if:a. Passing away.b. His/her term ends.c. Being dismissed based on the AGM resolutions.

209PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

d. Tidak lagi memenuhi persyaratan sebagai Anggota Direksi berdasarkan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

e. Rangkap jabatan sebagaimana tersebut di bawah ini, yaitu:i. Anggota Direksi pada BUMN, BUMD, dan badan

usaha swasta.ii. Anggota Dewan Komisaris pada BUMN.iii. Jabatan struktural dan fungsional pada instansi/

lembaga pemerintah pusat dan/atau daerah.iv. Jabatan lainnya sesuai dengan ketentuan dan

peraturan perundang-undangan, pengurus parta dan/atau calon/anggota legislatif dan/atau calon Kepala/Wakil Kepala Daerah; dan/atau

v. Jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan.

vi. Selain jabatan rangkap sebagaimana dimaksud di atas, Anggota Direksi dilarang memangku jabatan rangkap sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris perusahaan lain, kecuali

a. Anggota Dewan Komisaris pada anak perusahaan/perusahaan patungan, dengan ketentuan hanya berhak atas akumulasi penghasilan sebagai Anggota Dewan Komisaris pada satu atau lebih anak perusahaan/perusahaan patungan maksimal sebesar 30% (tiga puluh persen) dari gaji Anggota Direksi IPC TPK, sedangkan penghasilan lainnya/selebihnya menjadi penghasilan Perusahaan;

b. Anggota Dewan Komisaris pada perusahaan lain untuk mewakili/memperjuangkan kepentingan perusahaan sepanjang memperoleh ijin dari Menteri.

f. Mengundurkan diri.

Komposisi dan Susunan Direksi Tahun 2020

Ketentuan mengenai komposisi dan keanggotaan Direksi Perusahaan adalah, sebagai berikut:1. Jumlah Direksi paling sedikit 1 (satu) orang dan

disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, tingkat kompleksitas , dan rencana strategis Perusahaan.

2. Dalam hal Direksi terdiri lebih dari 1 (satu) orang Anggota, maka salah seorang Anggota Direksi diangkat sebagai Direktur Utama.

3. Komposisi dan pembagian tugas dan wewenang Direksi berdasarkan struktur organisasi Perusahaan ditetapkan oleh RUPS, maka pembagian tugas dan wewenang di antara Anggota Direksi ditetapkan berdasarkan keputusan Direksi.

4. Anggota Direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh RUPS.

Selama tahun 2020, IPC TPK mengalami beberapa kali pergantian Direksi, sebagai berikut:



Tanggal Mulai MenjabatThe Start of Term of Office

Tanggal Akhir MenjabatThe End of Term of Office


M. Adji Direktur UtamaPresident Director

1 Januari 2020January 1st, 2020

18 Juni 2020June 18th, 2020


Rahmat Prayogi Direktur Keuangan & SDMDirector of Finance & HR

1 Januari 2020January 1st, 2020

15 Juli 2020July 15th, 2020


d. No longer meets the requirements as a Member of the Board of Directors based on the provisions of the Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations.

e. Provisions regarding the concurrent position are as follows:i. Members of the Board of Directors of SOEs,

BUMD, and private business entities.ii. Member of the Board of Commissioners at SOEs.iii. Structural and functional positions in central and/

or regional government agencies/institutions.iv. Other positions in accordance with the laws and

regulations, management of a political party and/or candidates/members of the legislative bodies and/or candidates who run for Governor/Deputy Governor of a Province; and/or

v. Other positions that can lead to conflicts of interest.

vi. In addition to the concurrent positions, Members of the Board of Directors are prohibited from occupying the concurrent positions as Members of the Board of Commissioners of other companies, except for serving:a. Members of the Board of Commissioners in

subsidiaries / joint ventures, on condition that as a Member of the Board of Commissioners in one or more subsidiaries / joint ventures, they are only entitled to accumulated income at 30% (thirty percent) at maximum of the salary of members of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK, while the other/the remaining income becomes the Company's income;

b. Members of the Board of Commissioners in other companies to represent / strive to fulfill for the interests of the Company as they obtain permission from the Minister.

f. Resign.

Composition and Structure of the Board of Directors in 2020

The provisions regarding the composition and membership structure of the Company's Board of Directors are, as follows:1. The Board of Directors shall consist of at least 1 (one)

person yet the number will depend on the needs, complexity, and strategic plan of the Company.

2. In the event that the Board of Directors consists of more than 1 (one) Member, then one of the Members of the Board of Directors is appointed as President Director.

3. The composition and separation of duties and authorities among the Board of Directors based on the Company's organizational structure is determined by the GMS, thus the separation of duties and authorities among members of the Board of Directors will later be decided by the Board of Directors.

4. Members of the Board of Directors are appointed and dismissed by the GMS.

In 2020, IPC TPK’s Board of Directors underwent several changes, which explained below:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Tanggal Mulai MenjabatThe Start of Term of Office

Tanggal Akhir MenjabatThe End of Term of Office


Rizki Widhiono Direktur Operasi & TeknikDirector of Operations & Engineering

1 Januari 2020January 1st, 2020

3 November 2020November 3rd, 2020


Ari Henryanto Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan BisnisDirector of Commercial & Business Development

1 Januari 2020January 1st, 2020

4 Agustus 2020August 4th, 2020

Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama 19 Juni-14 Juli 2020Acting President Director from June 19th to July 14th, 2020

Prastyo Wasis Direktur UtamaPresident Director

15 Juli 2020July 15th, 2020

6 November 2020November 6th, 2020

Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama 7 November – 31 Desember 2020Acting President Director from November 7th, to December 31st 2020

Irwan Favoriet Direktur Keuangan & SDMDirector of Finance & HR

15 Juli 2020July 15th, 2020

31 Desember 2020December 31st, 2020


David Sirait Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis dan Pelaksana Harian. Direktur Operasi & TeknikDirector of Commercial & Business Development and Acting Director of Operations & Engineering

3 November 2020November 3rd, 2020

31 Desember 2020December 31st, 2020


Per 31 Desember 2020, komposisi Direksi IPC TPK beranggotakan 2 orang, terdiri dari 1 (satu) Direktur Utama, dan 1 (satu) orang Direktur.

Susunan Direksi IPC TPK per 31 Desember 2020



Dasar PengangkatanLegal Basis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm of Office

Irwan Favoriet Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama, Direktur Keuangan dan SDMActing President Director, Director of Finance & HR

Surat Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perusahaan di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI.II-20 dan No. SK.007/PII-SK.D1/VII/2020 tanggal 15 Juli 2020.Decree of the Company’s Shareholders Outside the General Meeting of Shareholders No. KP.03/15/7/8/MTA/UT/PI. II-20 and SK.007/PII-SK No. D1/VII/2020 dated July 15th, 2020.

Sampai dengan adanya penetapan Direktur Utama. Until the appointment of President Director.

David Pandapotan Sirait

Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan BisnisCommercial Director & Business Development

Surat Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perusahaan di Luar Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 dan No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XI/2020 tanggal 3 November 2020.Decree of the Company’s Shareholders Outside the General Meeting of Shareholders No. KP.03/3/11/2/MTA/UT/PI. II-2020 and No. SK-002/PII-SK.D1/XI/2020 dated November 3rd, 2020.

3 November 2020 sampai dengan RUPS 2025, Periode Pertama.November 3rd, 2020 until the 2025 AGM, First Period.

Profil seluruh anggota Direksi dapat dilihat pada bab Profil Perusahaan pada Laporan Tahunan ini.

Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Direksi

Pedoman dan tata tertib yang mengatur hubungan kerja yang efektif antara Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan diatur dalam Board Manual, yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan pengelolaan Perusahaan secara profesional, transparan, efektif dan efisien dengan menjunjung tinggi integritas dan kejujuran dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis Perusahaan.

Board Manual Perusahaan telah direvisi dan disempurnakan secara berkala sesuai kebutuhan dan perkembangan yang ada. Penyempurnaan terakhir tercantum dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK. 55/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 Tanggal 19 September 2019 tentang Board Manual PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Beberapa hal yang diatur dalam Board Manual terkait lingkup pelaksanaan tugas Direksi adalah:

Meanwhile, as of December 31st, 2020, IPC TPK’s Board of Directors consisted of 2 persons, of which 1 (one) person served as President Director and the other persons served as Director.

The profiles of all members of the Board of Directors can be found on the Chapter of Company Profile of this Annual Report.

Work Guidelines and Procedures of the Board of Directors

The guidelines and procedures governing the effective working relationship between the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company are contained in the Board Manual, which is established to promote a professional, transparent, effective, and efficient management of the Company which upholds integrity and honesty in carrying out the Company's business activities.

The Company's Board Manual has been revised and refined on periodical basis in respect to the needs and the business dynamics. The latest improvements were accommodated through the issuance of Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK. 55/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 dated September 4th, 2019 concerning the Board Manual of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The Board Manual contains some provisions relating to the scope of the duty implementation of the Board of Directors, namely:

211PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

1. Persyaratan dan Komposisi, Keanggotaan dan Masa Jabatan Direksi;

2. Program Pengenalan dan Peningkatan Kapabilitas;3. Independensi (Kemandirian) Direksi;4. Etika Jabatan Anggota Direksi;5. Susunan, Tugas dan Wewenang Direksi;6. Rapat Direksi;7. Evaluasi Kinerja Direksi;8. Hubungan Kerja Antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi.

Tugas dan Wewenang Direksi

Tugas dan kewenangan Direksi berdasarkan Board Manual Perusahaan dapat dikelompokkan, sebagai berikut:

1. Terkait dengan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), di antaranya:a. Memberikan pertanggungjawaban dan segala

keterangan tentang keadaan dan jalannya Perusahaan berupa laporan tahunan termasuk laporan keuangan pada RUPS.

b. Memberikan laporan berkala menurut cara dan waktu sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan serta laporan lainnya setiap diminta oleh Pemegang Saham.

2. Terkait dengan strategi dan rencana kerja, di antaranya:a. Menyiapkan visi, misi, tujuan, strategi dan budaya

Perusahaan.b. Mengusahakan dan menjamin terlaksananya usaha

dan kegiatan Perusahaan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan serta kegiatan usaha.

3. Terkait dengan manajemen risiko, di antaranya:a. Membangun dan melaksanakan program manajemen

risiko korporasi secara terpadu yang merupakan bagian dari pelaksanaan program GCG dengan membentuk unit kerja tersendiri yang ada di bawah Direksi atau memberi penugasan kepada unit kerja yang ada dan relevan untuk menjalankan fungsi manajemen risiko.

b. Direksi wajib membangun dan melaksanakan program manajemen risiko korporasi secara terpadu yang merupakan bagian dari pelaksanaan program GCG.

4. Terkait dengan teknologi informasi, di antaranya:a. Menetapkan tata kelola teknologi informasi yang

efektif.b. Menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan tata kelola

teknologi informasi secara periodik kepada Dewan Komisaris.

5. Terkait dengan SDM, di antaranya:a. Menyiapkan susunan organisasi Perusahaan lengkap

dengan perincian dan tugasnya.b. Menyusun dan melaksanakan pedoman pengelolaan

SDM yang meliputi sistem perencanaan SDM, rekrutmen, seleksi, penempatan pekerja dan jabatan dalam struktur organisasi Perusahaan, promosi dan demosi, serta mutasi.

6. Terkait dengan etika berusaha dan anti korupsi, di antaranya:a. Mengembangkan dan memimpin penerapan

pedoman GCG.b. Menyusun ketentuan yang mengatur mekanisme

pelaporan atas dugaan penyimpangan pada Perusahaan.7. Terkait dengan sistem pengendalian internal, di antaranya:

a. Menetapkan kebijakan tentang sistem pengendalian internal yang efektif untuk mengamankan investasi, kegiatan usaha dan aset Perusahaan.

b. Memberikan masukan atas sistem pengendalian internal yang diterapkan Perusahaan serta melakukan tindak lanjut dan monitoring atas rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh satuan pengawas internal untuk memastikan sistem pengendalian internal yang efektif.

1. Requirements and Composition, Membership and Term of Office of the Board of Directors;

2. Orientation and Capacity Development Program;3. Independence of the Board of Directors;4. Code of Ethics of Board of Directors;5. The structure, duties and authorities of the Board of Directors;6. The Board of Directors’ Meeting;7. Evaluation of the Performance of the Board of Directors;8. Working Relationship between the Board of

Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

Scope of Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

Scope of duties and the authorities of the Board of Directors based on the Company’s Board Manual can be grouped into the followings:1. Duties relating to the Implementation of General Meeting

of Shareholders (GMS), including:a. Present an accountability report and all information

about the condition and the implementation of the Company’s management in the form of annual report including financial statements, at the GMS.

b. Present periodical reports with procedures and time in accordance with the laws whereas other reports are presented whenever requested by the Shareholders.

2. Duties relating to strategies and work agenda, including:a. Prepare the corporate vision, mission, goals, strategies

and culture.b. Strive and ensure the implementation of the Company's

business and activities in accordance with the business goals and objectives as well as business activities.

3. Duties relating to risk management, including:a. Establish and implement an integrated corporate

risk management program that is part of the implementation of the GCG program through the establishment of a particular work unit under the Board of Directors or assign an existing and relevant work unit to carry out risk management functions.

b. The Board of Directors is obliged to build and implement an integrated corporate risk management program that is part of the implementation of the GCG program.

4. Duties relating to information technology, including:a. Establish an effective governance of information

technology.b. Submit reports on the implementation of information

technology governance on periodical basis to the Board of Commissioners.

5. Duties relating to HR, including:a. Prepare the Company's organizational structure and

the complete job descriptions.b. Draft and implement HR management guidelines that

include HR planning system, recruitment, selection, determination of work station and positions of employees in the Company's organizational structure, promotion and demotion, and mutations.

6. Duties relating to the business ethics and anti-corruption, including:a. Develop and lead the implementation of GCG

guidelines.b. Formulate the provisions concerning the reporting

mechanism for alleged irregularities in the Company.7. Related to internal control systems, including:

a. Establish policies on effective internal control system to secure the Company's investments, business activities and assets.

b. Provide input to the internal control system implemented by the Company and conduct follow-up and monitoring over the recommendations provided by the internal supervisory unit to ensure an effective internal control system.

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8. Terkait dengan keterbukaan dan kerahasiaan informasi, di antaranya:a. Mengungkapkan penerapan GCG di Perusahaan dan

informasi penting dalam laporan tahunan dan laporan keuangan dan informasi lainnya kepada pihak lain, sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku secara tepat waktu, akurat, jelas, dan objektif.

b. Informasi rahasia yang diperoleh sewaktu menjabat sebagai Anggota Direksi Perusahaan harus tetap dirahasiakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

9. Terkait dengan penerapan GCG, di antaranya:a. Melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG dalam

bentuk penilaian (assessment) dan evaluasi (reviu).b. Hasil pelaksanaan penilaian dan evaluasi dilaporkan

kepada RUPS bersamaan dengan penyampaian laporan tahunan.

10. Terkait hubungan dengan Pemangku Kepentingan, di antaranya:a. Memastikan terjaminnya hak-hak Pemangku

Kepentingan yang timbul berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan/atau perjanjian yang dibuat oleh Perusahaan dengan pekerja, pengguna jasa, pemasok, dan Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya.

b. Memastikan Perusahaan melakukan tanggung jawab sosialnya sesuai dengan program yang telah ditetapkan.

11. Terkait sistem akuntansi dan pembukuan, di antaranya:

a. Menyusun sistem akuntansi berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pengendalian internal, terutama pemisahan fungsi pengurusan, pencatatan, penyimpanan, dan pengawasan.

b. Menyusun laporan keuangan berdasarkan standar akuntansi keuangan dan menyerahkan kepada akuntan publik untuk diaudit.

12. Terkait dengan tugas dan kewajiban lain.

Sementara itu, tugas dan wewenang kolegial Direksi adalah:

1. Menetapkan visi, misi, dan strategi Perusahaan;2. Menetapkan kebijakan Perusahaan yang berlaku secara

korporat termasuk Anak Perusahaan;3. Mengajukan usulan pengelolaan Perusahaan yang

memerlukan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris dan/atau memerlukan tanggapan tertulis Dewan Komisaris dan persetujuan RUPS serta melaksanakannya sesuai ketentuan yang diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar, persetujuan Dewan Komisaris serta keputusan RUPS;

4. Mengupayakan tercapainya sasaran indikator aspek keuangan, aspek operasional dan aspek administrasi yang digunakan sebagai dasar penilaian tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan sesuai dengan kinerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam RUPS Persetujuan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP);

5. Menetapkan usulan dan perubahan rencana jangka panjang Perusahaan dan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku;

6. Menetapkan sasaran kinerja serta evaluasi kinerja Perusahaan dan Anak Perusahaan termasuk kebijakan dividen Anak Perusahaan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku;

7. Mengupayakan tercapainya sasaran kinerja yang digunakan sebagai dasar penilaian tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan sesuai dengan kesepakatan kinerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam RUPS Persetujuan RKAP;

8. Menetapkan persetujuan proyek investasi non rutin yang melebihi kewenangan Anggota Direksi/Direktur dan memantau pelaksanaannya;

9. Menetapkan persetujuan proyek investasi sesuai kewenangan Direksi setelah mendapat persetujuan dalam RKAP, memantau dan melakukan koreksi terhadap pelaksanaannya;

8. Duties relating to the transparency and confidentiality of information, including:a. Disclose the application of GCG in the Company and

important information in the annual report and financial statements and other information to other parties, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in a timely, accurate, clear, and objective manner.

b. Confidential information that is obtained during his/her service as a member of the Company's Board of Directors must remain confidential in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

9. Duties relating to the implementation of GCG, including:a. Measure the application of GCG by doing assessment

and review. b. The results of assessment and review are reported

to the GMS along with the submission of the annual report.

10. Duties relating to relationships with stakeholders, including:a. Protect the stakeholders' rights arising due to

applicable laws and/or agreements made by the Company with employees, service users, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

b. Ensure the Company to perform its social responsibilities in accordance with the determined programs.

11. Duties relating to accounting and bookkeeping systems, including:a. Develop an accounting system based on the

principles of internal control, especially the separation of management function, records, deposits, and supervisory function.

b. Compile financial statements based on financial accounting standards and submit them to public accountants for auditing process.

12. Duties relating to other assignments and obligations.

Meanwhile, the collegial duties and authorities of the Board of Directors are:1. Establishing the Company's vision, mission, and strategy;2. Establishing the Company’s policies applying to corporate

level as well as Subsidiaries;3. Submitting a proposal on the management of the

Company that requires the approval of the Board of Commissioners and/or requires a written response of the Board of Commissioners and the approval of the GMS as well as implements it in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Articles of Association, approval of the Board of Commissioners and the GMS resolutions;

4. Striving to achieve the target indicators of financial aspect, operational aspect and administrative aspect used as a basis to measure the Company's health level in accordance with the performance agreed in the GMS on the Approval of Work Plan and Budget (RKAP);

5. Determining proposals and changes to the Company's long-term plan and the Company's Work Plan and Budget in accordance with applicable laws;

6. Determining performance objectives and evaluation of the performances of the Company and its subsidiaries including the subsidiary's dividend policy with respect to applicable provisions;

7. Striving to achieve performance goals used as a basis to assess the Company's health level according to the agreed performance decided in the GMS on RKAP Approval;

8. Giving approval to non-routine investment projects that exceed the authority of members of the Board of Directors/Directors and monitor their implementation;

9. Giving approval to investment projects in accordance with the authority of the Board of Directors following the RKAP approval, as well as monitor and propose corrections to its implementation;

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10. Menetapkan kegiatan kerja sama atau kontrak dengan nilai kontrak atau penggunaan/perolehan aset yang melebihi kewenangan anggota Direksi/Direktur seperti yang diatur dalam kebijakan otorisasi keuangan;

11. Menetapkan struktur organisasi dan penetapan pejabat Perusahaan sampai jenjang tertentu yang diatur melalui ketetapan Direksi;

12. Melakukan segala tindakan dan perbuatan mengenai pengurusan maupun pemilikan kekayaan Perusahaan, mengikat Perusahaan dengan pihak lain dan/atau pihak lain dengan Perusahaan, serta mewakili Perusahaan di dalam maupun di luar Pengadilan tentang segala hal dan segala kejadian, dengan pembatasan-pembatasan sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, Anggaran Dasar dan/atau keputusan RUPS;

13. Menunjuk Direktur Utama mewakili Direksi untuk menandatangani Surat Kuasa Khusus untuk mewakili Perusahaan di dalam maupun di luar Pengadilan;

14. Sepanjang tidak ditetapkan oleh RUPS, Direksi dapat menetapkan pembagian tugas dan wewenang di antara Direksi dalam suatu keputusan Direksi, tanpa membatasi tugas, wewenang, dan tanggung jawab sebagai Anggota Direksi sesuai ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar, guna menjalankan tugas pokok sebagai anggota Direksi secara efektif dan efisien;

15. Setiap Anggota Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh secara pribadi apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai menjalankan tugasnya untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perusahaan, kecuali apabila Anggota Direksi yang bersangkutan dapat membuktikan bahwa:a. Kerugian tersebut bukan karena kesalahan atau

kelalaiannya;b. Telah melakukan pengurusan dengan itikad baik dan

kehati-hatian untuk kepentingan dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan;

c. Tidak mempunyai benturan kepentingan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung atas tindakan pengurusan yang mengakibatkan kerugian;

d. Telah mengambil tindakan untuk mencegah berlanjutnya kerugian tersebut.

Etika Jabatan Anggota Direksi

Anggota Direksi Perusahaan memiliki etika jabatan, sebagai berikut:1. Etika berkaitan dengan keteladanan.2. Etika berkaitan dengan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan

perundang-undangan.3. Etika berkaitan dengan keterbukaan dan kerahasiaan

informasi.4. Etika berkaitan dengan peluang Perusahaan dan

keuntungan pribadi.5. Etika berkaitan dengan benturan kepentingan.6. Etika berusaha dan anti korupsi.7. Etika setelah berakhirnya masa jabatan komisaris.

Ruang Lingkup Pembagian Tugas dan Wewenang Direksi

Tugas dan wewenang setiap anggota Direksi ditetapkan berdasarkan pengangkatan setiap anggota Direksi oleh RUPS. Berikut ini pembagian tugas dan wewenang setiap anggota Direksi:

Direktur Utama1. Pembuat kebijakan umum Perusahaan dan pengambil

keputusan strategis Perusahaan serta koordinator Direksi;

10. Establishing cooperation activities or contract with the contract value or the use/acquisition of assets that exceed the authority of members of the Board of Directors/Directors as stipulated in the financial authorization policy;

11. Establishing the organizational structure and determination of Company’s officials to a certain degree as regulated through the Board of Directors’ Decrees;

12. Taking all actions and deed regarding the management and ownership of the Company's wealth, bind the Company with other parties and/or other parties with the Company, and represent the Company inside and outside the Court against all issues and events, with restrictions as stipulated in the laws and regulations, Articles of Association and/or GMS resolutions;

13. Appointing a President Director representing the Board of Directors to sign a Special Power of Attorney to represent the Company in and out of the Court;

14. With the GMS’ approval, the Board of Directors may establish the separation of duties and authorities among the Board of Directors through a decree of the Board of Directors, without limiting the duties, authorities, and responsibilities as members of the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions contained in the Articles of Association, and in order to carry out their main duties as members of the Board of Directors effectively and efficiently;

15. Each member of the Board of Directors is individually responsible if the person concerned is guilty or negligent in carrying out his duties for the benefit and business of the Company, unless the member of the Board of Directors concerned can prove that:a. Such losses are not due to his fault or negligence;

b. Has run the management in good faith and prudence in the interest of the Company and in accordance with the Company's goals and objectives;

c. Have no direct or indirect conflict of interest in management actions that result in losses;

d. Have taken action to prevent such losses from continuing.

Code of Ethics of the Board of Directors

Members of the Company's Board of Directors are obliged to follow code of ethics regarding their positions, namely:1. Ethics relating to exemplary.2. Ethics relating to compliance with laws and regulations.

3. Ethics relating to transparency and confidentiality of information.

4. Ethics relating to the Company's opportunities and personal gain.

5. Ethics relating to conflicts of interest.6. Business Ethics and anti-corruption.7. Ethics after the end of the director's term.

Separation of Duties and Authorities among the Board of Directors

Scope of duties and authorities of each member of the Board of Directors is determined in regard to the appointment of each member of the Board of Directors by the GMS. The following is the separation of duties and authorities among members of the Board of Directors:

President Director1. The Company's general policy maker also the strategic

decision maker and the coordinator of the Board of Directors;

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2. Bertanggung jawab atas kepengurusan Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan:a. Kegiatan Komersial dan Pengembangan Bisnis;b. Kegiatan Operasi & Teknik;c. Kegiatan Keuangan & SDM;d. Kegiatan Kepala Audit, QA & Manajemen Risiko;e. Kegiatan Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal;f. Kegiatan Hukum;g. Kegiatan Pengadaan.

3. Menetapkan peraturan tentang pembinaan operasi dan teknik, komersial dan pengembangan bisnis, keuangan & sumber daya manusia, kegiatan kepala audit, QA dan manajemen risiko, corporate secretary & hubungan eksternal, hukum dan pengadaan;

4. Bertanggung jawab selaku pimpinan Perusahaan dan mewakili Perusahaan di dalam dan di luar pengadilan;

5. Merencanakan, mengoordinasikan, mengarahkan, mengendalikan, mengawasi dan mengevaluasi tugas korporasi dan unit bisnis, agar seluruh kegiatan berjalan sesuai dengan visi, misi, sasaran usaha, strategi, kebijakan dan program kerja yang ditetapkan;

6. Menyelaraskan seluruh inisiatif-inisiatif internal Perusahaan, serta memastikan terjadinya peningkatan kemampuan bersaing Perusahaan;

7. Mengoordinasikan pelaksanaan tugas operasional di bidang pelaksanaan audit internal, kesekretariatan korporasi, pelayanan hukum, serta memastikan kepatuhan terhadap hukum regulasi;

8. Memastikan pelaksanaan GCG di Perusahaan;9. Mengoordinasikan, mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi

internalisasi prinsip-prinsip GCG dan standar etika secara konsisten dalam Perusahaan;

10. Memastikan informasi yang terkait dengan korporasi selalu tersedia bila diperlukan oleh Dewan Komisaris;

11. Menyelenggarakan dan memimpin rapat Direksi secara periodik sesuai ketetapan Direksi atau rapat-rapat lain apabila dipandang perlu sesuai usulan Direksi;

12. Mengesahkan Keputusan Direksi tentang kebijakan manajemen Perusahaan;

13. Mewakili Perusahaan di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan berdasarkan persetujuan anggota Direksi lainnya pada rapat Direksi;

14. Menunjuk anggota Direksi lain untuk bertindak atas nama Direksi.

Direktur Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis1. Pembuat kebijakan dan pengambilan keputusan strategis

bidang Komersial & Pengembangan Bisnis meliputi customer service, komersial & pengembangan bisnis dan pemasaran sesuai kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan;

2. Bertanggung jawab atas kepengurusan Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan:a. Kegiatan komersial & pengembangan bisnis;b. Kegiatan pemasaran;c. Kegiatan customer service;d. Kegiatan asuransi kegiatan operasional.

3. Merumuskan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang rencana pembinaan customer service, komersial & pengembangan bisnis, dan pemasaran, yang selanjutnya ditetapkan dengan surat keputusan Direksi.

Direktur Operasi & Teknik1. Pembuat kebijakan dan pengambil keputusan strategis

Perusahaan yang meliputi kegiatan Operasi dan Teknik;2. Bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan Perusahaan

berkaitan dengan pembinaan:a. Kegiatan operasi;b. Kegiatan sistem informasi;c. Kegiatan teknik sipil;

2. Take responsibility for the management of the Company relating to the development of:a. Commercial and Business Development Activities;b. Operational & Engineering Activities;c. Financial & HR Activities;d. Activities of the Head of Audit, QA & Risk Management;e. Corporate Secretary & External Relations Activities;f. Legal Activities;g. Procurement Activities.

3. Establish regulations on the development of operations and engineering, commercial and business development, finance & human resources, activities of the head of audit, QA and risk management, corporate secretary & external relations, law and procurement;

4. Being responsible as the chairman of the Company and represent the Company in and out of court;

5. Plan, coordinate, direct, control, supervise and evaluate the duties of corporation and business units, so that all activities run in accordance with the vision, mission, business objectives, strategies, policies and the work agenda;

6. Align all of the Company's internal initiatives, and ensure the enhancement of the Company's competitiveness;

7. Coordinate the implementation of operational tasks in internal audits, corporate secretary, legal services, and ensure the regulatory compliance;

8. Ensure the implementation of GCG in the Company;9. Coordinate, control and evaluate the consistent

internalization of GCG principles and ethical standards within the Company;

10. Ensure that the corporate information is always available when required by the Board of Commissioners;

11. Organize and lead regular meetings of the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors or other meetings if deemed necessary as requested by the Board of Directors;

12. Give consent to the Board of Directors' Decree on the Company's management policy;

13. Represent the Company in and out of court based on the approval of other members of the Board of Directors at the Board of Directors’ meeting;

14. Appoint other members of the Board of Directors to act on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Director of Commercial & Business Development1. The policy maker and strategic decision-maker in the

field of Commercial & Business Development includes customer service, commercial & business development and marketing in accordance with established policies;

2. Take responsibility for the management of the Company relating to the development of:a. Commercial & business development activities;b. Marketing activities;c. Customer service activities;d. Insurance activity of operational activities.

3. Formulate provisions on customer service, commercial & business development, and marketing development plans, which are further determined by the Board of Directors' decrees.

Director of Operations & Engineering1. The Company's strategic policy maker and decision maker

in areas of Operations and Engineering activities;2. Being responsible for the management of the Company

with regard to the development of:a. Operational activities;b. Information system activities;c. Civil engineering activities;

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d. Kegiatan teknik mesin & listrik;e. Kegiatan pengadaan;f. Kegiatan safety, security & environment;

3. Merumuskan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang pembinaan operasi dan Teknik yang selanjutnya ditetapkan dengan surat keputusan Direksi;

4. Pembuat kebijakan dan pengambil keputusan strategis Perseroan yang meliputi kegiatan sistem informasi, teknik sipil, teknik mesin listrik, pengadaan, serta safety, security & environment;

5. Merumuskan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang sistem informasi, teknik sipil, teknik mesin & listrik, pengadaan, serta safety, security environment yang selanjutnya ditetapkan dengan surat keputusan Direksi.

Direktur Keuangan & SDM1. Pembuat kebijakan dan pengambil keputusan strategis

Perusahaan bidang Keuangan, corporate finance, administrasi umum, dan audit;

2. Bertanggung jawab atas kepengurusan Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan:a. Kegiatan akuntansi dan pajak;b. Kegiatan treasury dan corporate finance;c. Kegiatan administrasi & umum;d. Kegiatan audit;e. Kegiatan pengembangan SDM;f. Kegiatan hubungan industrial;g. Kegiatan Good Corporate Governance.

3. Merumuskan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang rencana pembinaan keuangan baik yang menyangkut kegiatan pengendalian akuntansi pajak, treasury & Corporate finance, administrasi & umum, dan audit yang selanjutnya ditetapkan dengan Surat Keputusan Direksi;

4. Pembuat kebijakan dan pengambilan keputusan strategis bidang Pengembangan Organisasi & Pengelolaan Perubahan, Pengembangan Talenta & Karier, Hubungan Industrial, Administrasi SDM dan Good Corporate Governance sesuai kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan;

5. Merumuskan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang rencana pembinaan bidang Sumber Daya Manusia, Hubungan Industrial, Administrasi SDM dan Good Corporate Governance yang selanjutnya ditetapkan dengan surat Keputusan Direksi.

Independensi Direksi

1. Anggota Direksi dilarang memangku jabatan rangkap sebagai:a. Anggota Direksi BUMN, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah

atau badan usaha milik swasta lain;b. Anggota Dewan Komisaris pada BUMN atau

perusahaan swasta selain anak perusahaan;c. Jabatan struktural dan fungsional lainnya dalam

instansi/lembaga pemerintah pusat dan/atau daerah;d. Jabatan lain sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-

undangan, pengurus partai politik dan/atau anggota legislatif kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah dan/atau;

e. Jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan;

2. Para anggota Direksi dan antara anggota Direksi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak boleh ada hubungan keluarga sedarah sampai dengan derajat ke-3 (ketiga), baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke samping ataupun hubungan yang timbul karena perkawinan;

3. Setiap adanya perubahan portofolio kepemilikan saham pribadi maupun anggota keluarga baik di PT IPC Terminal Petikemas atau di luar akan dilaporkan melalui penyerahan daftar khusus kepemilikan saham kepada corporate secretary selambat-lambatnya 3 (tiga) hari sejak terjadinya transaksi.

d. Mechanical & electrical engineering activities;e. Procurement activities;f. Safety, security & environment activities;

3. Formulating provisions on the development of operations and engineering, which are further determined by the Board of Directors' decrees;

4. The Company's strategic policy maker and decision maker in areas of information system activities, civil engineering, electrical mechanical engineering, procurement, safety, security & environment;

5. Formulating provisions on information systems, civil engineering, mechanical & electrical engineering, procurement, safety, security & environment, which is further determined by the Board of Directors' decrees.

Director of Finance & HR1. The policy maker and strategic decision maker of the

Company in areas of finance, corporate finance, general administration, and auditing;

2. Being responsible for the management of the Company relating to the development of:a. Accounting and tax activities;b. Treasury and corporate finance activities;c. Administrative & general affair activities;d. Audit activities;e. HR development activities;f. Industrial relations activities;g. Good Corporate Governance.

3. Formulating provisions on financial development plans concerning tax accounting control activities, treasury & corporate finance, administration & general affairs, and audit, which are further determined by the Board of Directors’ Decrees;

4. The policy maker and strategic decision-maker in the areas of Organizational Development & Change Management, Talent & Career Development, Industrial Relations, HR Administration and Good Corporate Governance in accordance with established policies;

5. Formulating the provisions on the development plan in areas of Human Resources, Industrial Relations, HR Administration and Good Corporate Governance, which are further determined by the Board of Directors’ Decrees.

Statement of Independence of the Board of Directors

1. Members of the Board of Directors are not allowed to occupy concurrent positions as:a. Members of the Board of Directors of SOEs, Locally

Owned Enterprises or other private enterprises;b. Members of the Board of Commissioners in SOEs or

private companies other than subsidiaries;c. Other structural and functional positions in central

and/or regional government agencies/institutions;d. Other positions as required by laws, management

of political party and/or members of the legislative bodies, governor/deputy governor and/or;

e. Other positions that may cause conflicts of interest.

2. The members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Board of Commissioners should not have a familial relationship up to the 3rd (third) degree, both vertically or horizontally, or a relationship due to from marriage;

3. Any change in the stock portfolios of the individual members or the family, either at PT IPC Terminal Petikemas or outside the Company, shall be reported by submitting a special list of share ownership to the corporate secretary no later than 3 (three) days from the transaction.

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4. Anggota Direksi harus mengungkapkan seluruh benturan kepentingan yang sedang dihadapi maupun yang berpotensi menjadi benturan kepentingan atau segala sesuatu yang dapat menghambat anggota Direksi untuk bertindak independen;

5. Pengungkapan benturan kepentingan seperti dimaksud di atas dilakukan secara periodik dalam laporan tahunan dan dalam pernyataan mengenai benturan kepentingan (conflict of interest declaration) sesuai dengan format yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan;

6. Anggota Direksi dilarang mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota legislatif, kepada daerah dan/atau wakil kepala daerah.

Program Pengenalan Perusahaan untuk Direksi Baru

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan program pengenalan bagi Anggota Direksi yang baru menjabat agar Direksi dapat bekerja selaras dengan organ Perusahaan yang lain. Program tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan lebih kepada Direksi yang baru terkait organisasi dan operasional Perusahaan, sehingga dapat bekerja dengan optimal untuk kepentingan Perusahaan.

Ketentuan mengenai program pengenalan meliputi:

1. Untuk Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang baru diangkat wajib diberikan program pengenalan mengenai kondisi Perusahaan secara umum.

2. Penanggung jawab program pengenalan adalah Sekretaris Perusahaan atau pejabat yang menjalankan fungsinya sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan.

3. Program pengenalan mencakup:a. Pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG di Perusahaan.b. Gambaran mengenai Perusahaan berkaitan dengan

tujuan, sifat, dan lingkup kegiatan, kinerja keuangan dan operasi, strategi, rencana usaha jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, risiko, pengendalian internal dan masalah-masalah strategis lainnya.

c. Keterangan mengenai tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta hal lain yang tidak diperbolehkan.

d. Keterangan berkaitan dengan kewenangan yang didelegasikan, audit internal dan eksternal, sistem dan kebijakan pengendalian internal serta Komite Audit.

4. Program pengenalan dapat berupa presentasi, pertemuan, kunjungan ke fasilitas Perusahaan, kunjungan ke kantor-kantor cabang, pengkajian dokumen Perusahaan atau program lainnya yang dianggap sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Pada tahun 2020, IPC TPK menyelenggarakan 2 (dua) kali program pengenalan Direksi baru yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2020 dan November 2020 bersamaan dengan Rapat Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Direksi Tahun 2020

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Direksi telah mengeluarkan berbagai keputusan baik di bidang operasional, keuangan, maupun beberapa penunjang usaha melalui perangkat kebijakan berupa Keputusan Direksi, Peraturan Direksi dan Instruksi Direksi. Berikut ini Surat Keputusan Direksi yang dikeluarkan sepanjang tahun 2020, sebagai berikut:

4. Members of the Board of Directors shall disclose all conflicts of interest that are being faced or potentially cause a conflict of interest or anything that could hinder members of the Board of Directors from taking actions independently;

5. Disclosure of conflicts of interest as referred to above shall be reported in annual report and in statements regarding conflict of interest declarations in a format set by the Company;

6. Members of the Board of Directors are prohibited from running for the legislative candidates, or to the governor and/or deputy governor position.

Orientation Program for New Members of the Board of Directors

The Company has already designed an orientation program policy for newly appointed members of the Board of Directors so that the Board of Directors can work as team with other organs of the Company. The program aims to provide more knowledge to the new members of Board of Directors regarding the organization and operations of the Company, so that they can optimize their duty implementation for the benefit of the Company.

Provisions regarding the orientation program among which are:1. The newly appointed members of the Board of Directors

must be given an orientation program which presents information about the general condition of the Company.

2. The person in charge of the orientation program is the Corporate Secretary or the official who performs Corporate Secretary function.

3. The orientation program includes:a. Implementation of GCG principles in the Company.b. Overview of the Company relating to the objectives,

nature, and scope of activities, financial and operational performances, strategies, short- and long-term business plans, risks, internal controls, and other strategic issues.

c. Information about the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors and other matters that are not allowed.

d. Information relating to delegated authorities, internal and external audits, internal control systems and policies and Audit Committee.

4. The orientation program can be delivered in the form of presentation, meetings,visit to the Company's facilities, branch visits, review of Company documents or other programs deemed appropriate to the needs.

In 2020, IPC TPK held 2 (two) orientation program activities for its new members of Board of Directors, which took place in August 2020 and November 2020 in conjunction with the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners’ meetings.

Brief Report on the Implementation of Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors in 2020

Throughout 2020, the Board of Directors has issued a number of decreed in the areas of operations, finance, and several business supports through policy instruments, such as Board of Directors’ Decrees, Board of Directors’ Regulations and Board of Directors’ Instructions. The followings are the Board of Directors’ Decrees issued throughout 2020:

217PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Surat Keputusan Direksi Tentang

The Board of Directors’ Decrees onNo.


1. Pedoman Lalu Lintas Dan Manajemen Kas Perusahaan Direksi PT IPC Terminal PetikemasGuidelines Cash Flow and Cash Management of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HK.566/11/2/1/IPCTPK-20 11 Februari 2020February 11th, 2020

2. Forum Koordinasi Internal di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasForum of Internal Coordination within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HK.566/21/2/1/IPCTPK-20 21 Februari 2020February 21st, 2020

3. Pembentukan Tim Penyusunan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Establishment of the Preparation Team for the Corporate Long-Term Plan (RJPP) of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

UM.338/10/3/1/IPCTPK-20 10 Maret 2020March 10th, 2020

4. Pembentukan Tim Pencegahan Penyebaran Novel Coronavirus PT IPC Terminal Petikemas The Establishment of a Team to Prevent the Spread of Novel Coronavirus in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HK.566/19/3/1/IPCTPK-20 19 Maret 2020March 19th, 2020

5. Surat Edaran Direksi Tentang Larangan Kegiatan Bepergian ke Luar Daerah dan/atau Kegiatan Mudik dalam Upaya Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19Circular of Board of Directors about Prohibition of Traveling and/or Going to the Hometown in an attempt to Control Transmission of Covid-19

UM.330/16/4/4/IPCTPK-20 16 April 2020April 16th, 2020

6. Surat Edaran Direksi Tentang Perpanjangan Aktivitas Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Work From Home (WFH) Dalam Rangka Antisipasi Penyebaran Covid-19 di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasBoard of Directors’ Circular about the Extension of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for Work Form Home (WFH) to Anticipate Transmission of Covid-19 in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HM.608/29/4/1/IPCTPK-20 29 April 2020April 29th, 2020

7. Pembentukan Tim Penegak Disiplin Pekerja di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Establishment of an Employee Discipline Enforcement Team within PT IPC Terminal Container

HK.55/1/5/1/IPCTPK-20 1 Mei 2020May 1st, 2020

8. Mekanisme Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Forum Business Performance Reviu di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Mechanism of Implementation of Business Performance Review Forum in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HK.566/11/5/2/IPCTPK-20 11 Mei 2020

9. Pembentukan Susunan Pengurus Majelis Amil Zakat , Infaq, Dan Sodaqoh Karyawan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe establishment of Board of Trustees of Amil Zakat Assembly, Infaq, and Sodaqoh of the employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

UM.338/19/6/1/IPCTPK-20 19 Juni 2020June 19th, 2020

10. Kenaikan Kelas Jabatan Pada Rentang Jabatan Struktual di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasGrade Promotion for Structural Positions in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

KP.411/3/8/1/IPCTPK-20 3 Agustus 2020August 3rd , 2020

11. Alih Tugas Jabatan Bagi Pekerja Di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Transfer of Job Duties for Employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

KP.428/15/8/1/IPCTPK-20 15 Agustus 2020August 15th , 2020

12. Pengukuhan Terhadap Pekerja yang di Angkat Dalam Jabatan dengan Predikat Jabatan dan Pejabat Sementara di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Inauguration of Employees Who Earn Job Promotion and Temporary Promotions in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HK.55/9/1/IPCTPK-20 3 September 2020September 3rd , 2020

13. Alih Tugas Jabatan Bagi Pekerja Di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Transfer of Job Duties for Employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

KP.428/11/1/IPCTPK-20 8 November 2020November 8th, 2020

14. Alih Tugas Jabatan Bagi Pekerja Di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Transfer of Job Duties for Employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

KP.428/13/1/IPCTPK-20 12 November 2020November 12th , 2020

15. Penetapan Visi, Misi Dan Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan (Corporate Core Values) PT IPC Terminal PetikemasDetermination of Vision, Mission and Corporate Core Values of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

HK.55/16/11/1/IPCTPK-20 16 November 2020November 16th , 2020

16. Surat Perintah Mengikuti acara Survei Kepuasan Pekerja PT IPC TPK 2020Instruction Letter to Join PT IPC TPK’s 2020 Employee Satisfaction Survey

PR.079/2/12/1/IPCTPK-20 2 Desember 2020December 2nd , 2020

17. Alih Tugas Jabatan Bagi Pekerja di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasThe Transfer of Job Duties for Employees in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

KP.428/11/12/1/IPCTPK-20 11 Desember 2020December 11th , 2020

Uraian Jumlah

Keputusan DireksiBoard of Directors’ Decrees


Surat Perintah DireksiBoard of Directors’ Instruction Letters


Surat Edaran DireksiBoard of Directors’ Circulars


Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

218 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kebijakan Terkait Hubungan Kerja Antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Board Manual Perusahaan telah mengatur mekanisme dan hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Board Manual Perusahaan yang telah disempurnakan tercantum dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK. 55/19/9/2/IPCTPK-19 Tanggal 19 September 2019 tentang Board Manual PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Adapun tujuan dari pengaturan hubungan kerja tersebut ialah menciptakan sebuah hubungan kerja yang baik antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi, dan masing-masing organ dapat bekerja sesuai fungsi masing-masing dengan efektif dan efisien.

Dalam menjaga hubungan kerja yang baik antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi, diterapkan prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut:

1. Dewan Komisaris menghormati fungsi dan peranan Direksi dalam mengurus Perusahaan sebagaimana telah diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan maupun Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.

2. Direksi menghormati fungsi dan peranan Dewan Komisaris untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat terhadap kebijakan pengurusan Perusahaan.

3. Korespondensi antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi menggunakan format surat yang di dalamnya mengandung penjelasan maksud dan tujuan atas surat tersebut.

4. Setiap hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi merupakan hubungan yang bersifat formal, dalam arti harus senantiasa dilandasi oleh suatu mekanisme baku atau korespondensi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

5. Setiap hubungan kerja yang bersifat informal dapat dilakukan oleh masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Anggota Direksi, namun tidak dapat dipakai sebagai kebijakan formal sebelum melalui mekanisme atau korespondensi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

6. Setiap hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi merupakan hubungan kelembagaan dalam arti bahwa Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagai jabatan kolektif yang merepresentasikan keseluruhan anggotanya sehingga setiap hubungan kerja antar Anggota Dewan Komisaris dengan salah seorang Anggota Direksi harus diketahui oleh Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Anggota Direksi lainnya.

Assessment Penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki peran sentral dalam perkembangan dan arah Perusahaan. Karena itu, Perusahaan secara berkala melakukan assessment terhadap kedua organ tersebut.

Transparansi Informasi Tentang Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiTransparency of Information about the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Policies about Working Relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

The Company's Board Manual has regulated the mechanism and working relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors. The Company’s Board Manual which was already updated is contained in the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Container No. HK.55/19/9/2/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019 concerning the Board Manual of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The aim of regulating the working relationship is to promote a favorable working relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, and facilitate each organ so as to be able to work according to their respective functions effectively and efficiently.

To maintain a good working relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, these are following principles applied:

1. The Board of Commissioners respects the function and roles of the Board of Directors in managing the Company as stipulated in the laws and regulations and Articles of Association of the Company.

2. The Board of Directors respects the function and role of the Board of Commissioners to conduct supervision and advising on the Company's management policies.

3. Correspondence between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors uses a letter format in which it explains the objective and purpose of the letter.

4. Each working relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors applies a formal relationship, in which the relationship must always be based on a standard mechanism or correspondence that can be accounted for.

5. Any informal working relationship may occur among members of the Board of Commissioners and members of the Board of Directors, but cannot be treated as a formal policy if it does not apply a mechanism or correspondence that can be accounted for.

6. Every working relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors is an organizational relationship since the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors share collective positions, thus representing its members. Every working relationship between members of the Board of Commissioners with one of the members of the Board of Directors must be acknowledged with other members of the Board of Commissioners and other members of the Board of Directors.

Assessment of the GCG Implementation by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors carry a central role in the development and management of the Company. Therefore, the Company conducts periodical assessments against both organs.

219PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Terkait dengan statusnya sebagai entitas anak usaha dari BUMN, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), maka pelaksanaan assessment terhadap penerapan GCG mengacu kepada Salinan Keputusan Sekretaris Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juni 2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN. Adapun metode penilaian dan evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang terdiri dari 6 (enam) aspek dengan bobot yang telah ditentukan sebagaimana diatur dalam Salinan Keputusan tersebut, yakni aspek pemilik modal, aspek Dewan Komisaris, aspek Direksi, aspek pengungkapan dan keterbukaan informasi, dan aspek lainnya.

Assessment memiliki peran penting bagi kesinambungan dan peningkatan kualitas penerapan GCG di Perusahaan. Dengan adanya assessment, Perusahaan bisa mendapatkan evaluasi dan rekomendasi atas pelaksanaan penerapan GCG, untuk selanjutnya melakukan perbaikan atas evaluasi atau rekomendasi yang didapatkan.

Sejalan dengan langkah yang dilakukan, penerapan GCG di lingkungan Perusahaan terus mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari skor penilaan penerapan GCG yang terus meningkat. Pada tahun 2020 skor penilaian penerapan GCG di Perusahaan mencapai 97,039, atau mendapatkan kategori “Sangat Bagus”. Khusus untuk aspek Dewan Komisaris/Pengawas dan Direksi, masing-masing memperoleh nilai 34.139 dan 34.183.

Hasil Self Assessment Penerapan GCG Aspek Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tahun Buku 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

Aspek PengujianAssessed Aspect


Pencapaian Tahun Buku 2020Achievements of the Financial Year of 2020


Pencapaian (%)Achievement (%)

Dewan Komisaris/Dewan PengawasBoard of Commissioners/Board of Trustees

35,00 34.139 97.539 %

DireksiBoard of Directors

35,00 34.183 97.664 %

Keterangan/Note:0–50: Tidak Baik/Not Good | 50–60: Kurang Baik/Less Good | 60–75: Cukup Baik/Fairly Good | 75–85: Baik/Good | 85–100: Sangat Baik/Excellent

Rekomendasi hasil assessment penerapan GCG untuk aspek Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tahun buku 2019 dan tindak lanjut yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:


Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2019

Recommendations based on Assessment of GCG Implementation for Fiscal Year of 2019

Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2020Follow-up in Year of 2020


Periode Tindak LanjutFollow-

up Period


Dewan Komisaris/Dewan PengawasBoard of Commissioners/Board of Trustees1 Dewan Komisaris belum melakukan evaluasi pencapaian

kinerja masing-masing Dewan Komisaris.The Board of Commissioners has not evaluated the performance achievements of each member of Board of Commissioners.

Sudah terlaksana


2020 Dewan Komisaris telah menilai kinerja masing-masing anggota secara kolegial dan individu tahun 2019 dan telah dimasukkan ke dalam laporan tugas pengawasan Dewan Komisaris 2019.The Board of Commissioners has assessed the performance of each member, both for collegial and individual tasks, in 2019 and was already included in the Board of Commissioners’ 2019 oversight duty report.

As being a subsidiary of an SOE, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), an assessment of the implementation of GCG shall be carried out with reference to the Copy of the Decree of the Secretary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 dated June 6th, 2012 on Indicators / Parameters of Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. The assessment and evaluation methods apply a parameter consisting of 6 (six) aspects with predetermined Weights as stipulated in the Copy of the Decree, namely aspects of capital owner, Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Information Disclosure and Transparency, and other aspects.

Assessment plays an important role in ensuring the sustainability and improvement of the quality of GCG implementation in the Company. By doing the assessment, the Company can get evaluations and recommendations on the GCG implementation, in order to make further improvements according to the evaluation or recommendations given.

In line with the actions, the implementation of GCG in the Company continues to improve. This can be indicated from the continuously increasing score achieved for the GCG implementation. In 2020, the assessment score of the GCG implementation in the Company was 97.039, or was categorized as "Excellent". Whereas, for aspects of the Board of Commissioners / Supervisors and Board of Directors, each aspect scored 34.139 and 34.183.

The results of self-assessment of GCG implementation in the aspects of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors for fiscal year of 2020 are as follows:

The recommendations pursuant to the assessment results of the GCG implementation for the aspects of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors for fiscal year of 2019 and its follow-ups by the Company in the course of 2020 are as follows:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

220 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report


Rekomendasi Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2019

Recommendations based on Assessment of GCG Implementation for Fiscal Year of 2019

Tindak Lanjut di Tahun 2020Follow-up in Year of 2020


Periode Tindak LanjutFollow-

up Period


Aspek DireksiAspect of the Board of Directors1 Belum ada dokumen khusus terkait penilaian pencapaian

target kinerja Direksi secara individu. Penilaian baru dilakukan melalui Kontrak Manajemen dan Laporan Manajemen.There is no specific document regarding the assessment of the achievements of individual performance targets of the Board of Directors. New assessments are conducted through Management Contracts and Management Reports.

Sudah terlaksana


2020 Pemegang Saham telah menyusun target KPI individu untuk Direksi.Shareholders have designed up individual KPI targets for the Board of Directors.

2 Penerapan TI di Perusahaan mengacu pada RJPP 2016-2020. Perusahaan belum memiliki dokumen khusus master plan TI.The application of IT in the Company was in accordance with RJPP of 2016-2020. The Company did not yet have a special IT master plan document.

Sudah terlaksana


2020 IT Master Plan mengacu pada IT Master Plan holding.IT Master Plan referred to IT Master Plan of the holding Company.

3 Belum terdapat evaluasi dan kriteria keberhasilan atas program pengembangan SDM.There was no evaluation and success criteria ever designed for HR development programs.

Sudah terlaksana


2020 Telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2020.It was implemented in 2020.

4 Terdapat keterlambatan dalam hal penyampaian dokumen perpajakan yakni SPT Tahunan.There was a delay in the submission of tax documents, i.e. Annual Tax Returns.

Sudah terlaksana


2020 Pembayaran pajak bulanan sudah dilakukan tepat waktu sebelum tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya.Monthly tax payments were made on time before the 10th of the following month.

Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan umum terkait evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:

1. Dewan Komisaris wajib menyampaikan laporan kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Anggota Dewan Komisaris untuk dievaluasi oleh Pemegang Saham dalam RUPS.

2. Kinerja Dewan Komisaris ditentukan berdasarkan tugas kewajiban yang tercantum dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar maupun amanat Pemegang Saham. Kriteria evaluasi formal disampaikan secara terbuka kepada Anggota Dewan Komisaris sejak tanggal pengangkatannya.

3. Hasil evaluasi terhadap kinerja Dewan Komisaris secara keseluruhan dan kinerja masing-masing Anggota Dewan Komisaris secara individual akan merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dalam skema kompensasi dan pemberian insentif bagi Anggota Dewan Komisaris.

4. Hasil evaluasi kinerja masing-masing Anggota Dewan Komisaris secara individual merupakan salah satu dasar pertimbangan bagi Pemegang Saham untuk memberhentikan dan/atau menunjuk kembali Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang bersangkutan. Hasil evaluasi kinerja tersebut merupakan sarana penilaian serta peningkatan efektivitas Dewan Komisaris.

Kriteria Evaluasi Kinerja Dewan KomisarisKriteria evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan individu Anggota Dewan Komisaris diajukan oleh Dewan Komisaris yang ditetapkan dalam RUPS adalah setidak-tidaknya sebagai berikut:

Performance Assessment of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Performance Assessment of the Board of CommissionersThe Company has a general policy regarding the evaluation of the performance of the Board of Commissioners, namely as follows:1. The Board of Commissioners is obliged to submit a

performance report of the Board of Commissioners and of members of the Board of Commissioners to be evaluated by Shareholders in the GMS.

2. The performance of the Board of Commissioners is determined based on the obligations contained in the applicable laws and regulations and Articles of Association and the mandate from the Shareholders. Formal evaluation criteria are openly disclosed to members of the Board of Commissioners as of the date of their appointment.

3. The results of the evaluation of the overall performances of the Board of Commissioners and the individual performance of each member of the Board of Commissioners will be counted as an integral part in the compensation scheme and incentives for members of the Board of Commissioners.

4. The results of the evaluation of the performance of individual member of the Board of Commissioners serve as the basis of consideration for shareholders to dismiss and / or re-appoint the relevant members of Board of Commissioners. The results of the performance evaluation serve as a means of evaluation and improvement of the effective duty implementation of the Board of Commissioners.

Criteria of Performance Assessment of the Board of CommissionersThe criteria for evaluating the performance of the Board of Commissioners and individual members of the Board of Commissioners submitted by the Board of Commissioners and determined in the GMS are at least as follows:

221PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

1. Penyusunan KPI pada awal tahun dan evaluasi pencapaiannya.

2. Tingkat kehadirannya dalam rapat Dewan Komisaris, rapat koordinasi, maupun rapat dengan komite-komite yang ada.

3. Kontribusinya dalam proses pengawasan Perusahaan.4. Keterlibatannya dalam penugasan-penugasan tertentu.5. Komitmennya dalam memajukan kepentingan

Perusahaan.6. Ketaatan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang

berlaku, Anggaran Dasar, ketentuan RUPS, serta kebijakan Perusahaan.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tahun 2020 Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK

No.Indikator Pencapaian KinerjaKey Performance Indicator

Penjelasan Perhitungan TargetTarget Scoring







1 Kontribusi terhadap Capaian Kinerja PerusahaanContribution to the Company’s Performance Achievements

a Kontribusi terhadap realisasi Capaian KPI DireksiContribution to the realization of KPIs of the Board of Directors

Maksimal Capaian KPI DireksiMaximum Achievement of Board of Directors’ KPIs


10 100 100 100% 10.00

2 Ketepatan Waktu Penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran Menjadi Kewajiban Dewan KomisarisTime Accuracy in Submission of Opinions and Suggestions Becomes Board of Commissioners’ Obligation

a Pendapat dan Saran atas RJPPOpinions and Suggestions for RJPP

(Waktu aktual Penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran atas RJPP kepada RUPS)(Actual Time of the Submission of Opinions and Suggestions for RJPP to GMS)


7 30 30 100% 7.00

b Pendapat dan Saran atas RJPPOpinions and Suggestions for RJPP

(Waktu aktual penyampaian pendapat dan saran atas RKAP kepada RUPS-Waktu penerimaan rancangan RKAP)(Actual Time of the submission of opinions and suggestions for RKAP to the GMS-the receiving time of RKAP draft)


7 30 29 103% 7.24

c Pendapat dan Saran atas laporan Berkala/Semester IOpinions and Suggestions for Periodical/First-Half-of-Year Report

(Waktu aktual penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran atas Laporan berkala/Semester kepada RUPS-Waktu Penerimaan Laporan Berkala)(Actual time of the Submission of Opinions and Suggestions for Periodical/Half-Year Reports to GMS-the Receiving Time of Periodical Reports)


7 14 10 140% 9.80

d Pendapat dan Saran atas Laporan TahunanOpinions and Suggestions for annual reports

(Waktu aktual penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran atas laporan Tahunan kepada RUPS Waktu Penerimaan Laporan Tahunan)(Actual time of the Submission of Opinions and Suggestions for annual reports to the GMS-Receiving Time of Annual Report)


7 30 30 100% 7.00

e Tanggapan atas tindakan Direksi yang harus mendapatkan persetujuan RUPSResponse to the actions of the Board of Directors, which must obtain GMS’ approval

(Waktu aktual penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran atas usulan Direksi kepada RUPS Waktu Penerimaan Dokumen Usulan secara lengkap)(Waktu aktual penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran atas usulan Direksi kepada RUPS Waktu PenerimaanDokumen Usulan secara lengkap)


7 30 27 111% 7.78

f Tanggapan atas tindakan Direksi yang harus mendapatkan persetujuan Dewan KomisarisResponse to the actions of the Board of Directors, which must obtain the approval of the Board of Commissioners

(Waktu aktual penyampaian Pendapat dan Saran atas usulan Direksi-Waktu Penerimaan Dokumen Usulan secara lengkap)(Actual time of the submission of Opinions and Suggestions for the proposal of the Board of Directors-The receiving time of the Proposal Document in full)


7 14 8 175% 12.25

1. Preparation of KPIs at the beginning of the year and evaluation of their achievements.

2. The attendance rate in meetings of the Board of Commissioners, coordination meetings, and meetings with existing committees.

3. Contribution to the Company's oversight process.4. Involvement in certain assignments.5. His commitment to advancing the interests of the

Company.6. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations, Articles

of Association, GMS resolutions, and Corporate policies.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of year of 2020 for IPC TPK’s Board of Commissioners

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

222 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Indikator Pencapaian KinerjaKey Performance Indicator

Penjelasan Perhitungan TargetTarget Scoring







3 Kontribusi terhadap penerapan GCGContribution to the implementation of GCG

a Kontribusi kualitas penerapan GCGContribution to the quality of GCG implementation

Maksimal Capaian Skor GCG-Dewan KomisarisMaximum Achievement of GCG Score-Board of Commissioners


10 30 34.34 114% 11.45

b Tindak Lanjut Rekomendasi Hasil Assessment GCG-Dewan KomisarisFollow-up to Recommendations for GCG Assessment Results- Board of Commissioners

Realisasi Σ Rekomendasi ditindaklanjuti x100 ΣJumlah RekomendasiRealization of Σ Recommendations followed up x100 Σ Number of Recommendations

% 8 100 100 100% 8.00

4 Tingkat Kehadiran Dewan KomisarisAttendance Rate of the Board of Commissioners

a Rapat Internal Dewan KomisarisInternal Meetings of the Board of Commissioners

Σ Anggota Dewan Komisaris X Rencana Σ Rapat InternalΣ Members of Board of Commissioners x Plan Σ Internal Meeting


5 12 12 100% 5.00


Σ Anggota Dewan Komisaris x 1 RUPS RKAPΣ Members of Board of Commissioners x 1 GMS on RKAP


5 2 2 100% 5.00

c RUPS Pertanggungjawaban Laporan TahunanGMS on Accountability of the Annual Report

Σ Anggota Dewan Komisaris x 1 RUPS TahunanΣ Members of Board of Commissioners x 1 Annual GMS


5 2 2 100% 5.00

5 Efektivitas Kegiatan Penunjang Dewan KomisarisEffectiveness of Supporting Activities of the Board of Commissioners

- Peningkatan Kompetensi Dewan KomisarisCompetency Development of Board of Commissioners

a Pengembangan Kompetensi Dewan KomisarisCompetency Development of the Board of Commissioners

Σ Anggota Dewan Komisaris x Σ PelatihanΣ Members of Board of Commissioners x Σ Training


5 2 1 50% 2.50

b Laporan Hasil Pengembangan KompetensiReport on Competency Development Resultst

Σ Pelatihan x LaporanΣ Training x Report


2 2 1 50% 1.00

- Efektivitas Organ PendukungEffectiveness of Supporting Organs

Komite AuditAudit Committee

a Tingkat Kehadiran Anggota AuditAudit Members’ Attendance Rate

Σ Anggota Komite x Rencana Σ Rapat KomiteΣ Committee Members x Plan Σ Committee Meeting


3 12 12 100% 3.00

b Risalah Rapat Komite AuditMinutes of Audit Committee Meeting

Σ Anggota Komite x RisalahΣ Committee Members x Minutes


3 12 12 100% 3.00

c Laporan Penugasan Komite AuditCommittee Assignment Report Audit

Σ Anggota Komite x LaporanΣ Committee Members x Report


3 12 12 100% 3.00

Komite Pemantau Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Monitoring Committee

a Tingkat Kehadiran Anggota Komite Pemantau Manajemen RisikoAttendance Rate of Members of the Risk Management Monitoring Committee

Σ Anggota Komite x Rencana Σ Rapat KomiteΣ Committee Members x Plan Σ Committee’s Meetings


3 12 12 100% 3.00

b Risalah Rapat Komite Pemantau Manajemen RisikoMinutes of the Meetings of the Risk Management Monitoring Committee

Σ Anggota Komite x RisalahΣ Committee Members x Minutes


3 12 12 100% 3.00

c Laporan Penugasan Komite Pemantau Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Monitoring Committee’s Assignment Report

Σ Anggota Komite x LaporanΣ Committee Members x Report


3 12 12 100% 3.00

Jumlah Total 100 117.02

223PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Penilaian Kinerja DireksiPerusahaan memiliki kebijakan umum terkait evaluasi kinerja Direksi, sebagai berikut:

1. Kinerja Direksi dan masing-masing Anggota Direksi akan dievaluasi oleh Dewan Komisaris dan disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham dalam RUPS.

2. Kinerja Direksi ditentukan berdasarkan tugas kewajiban yang tercantum dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan maupun amanat Pemegang Saham. Kriteria evaluasi formal disampaikan secara terbuka kepada Anggota Direksi yang bersangkutan sejak tanggal pengangkatannya.

3. Hasil evaluasi terhadap kinerja Direksi secara keseluruhan dan kinerja masing-masing Anggota Direksi secara individual akan merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dalam skema kompensasi dan pemberian insentif bagi Anggota Direksi.

Kriteria Evaluasi Kinerja Direksi

Kriteria evaluasi kinerja Direksi ditetapkan dalam RUPS berdasarkan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang telah disahkan oleh Pemegang Saham. Kriteria kinerja Direksi juga dapat dilakukan secara individu yang diajukan oleh Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi (jika dibentuk) atau oleh Dewan Komisaris untuk ditetapkan dalam RUPS adalah setidak-tidaknya sebagai berikut:

1. Penyusunan KPI pada awal tahun dan evaluasi pencapaiannya.

2. Tingkat kehadirannya dalam Rapat Direksi maupun rapat dengan Dewan Komisaris.

3. Kontribusinya dalam aktivitas bisnis Perseroan.4. Keterlibatannya dalam penugasan-penugasan tertentu.5. Komitmennya dalam memajukan kepentingan Perseroan.6. Ketaatan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang

berlaku serta kebijakan Perseroan.7. Pencapaian target Perseroan yang tertuang dalam RKAP

dan Kontrak Manajemen.

KPI Tahun 2020 Direksi Perusahaan adalah, sebagai berikut:

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II





I Keuangan dan Pasar Finance and Market

1 EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin % 7 24,10 22,96 95,26 6,67

2 Pertumbuhan Laba BersihNet Income Growth % 7 85,80 105,27 77,30 5,41

3 Pangsa Pasar PetikemasContainer Market Share % 7 30,06 37,04 123,21 8,40

4 CAPEX % 7 87,50 86,84 99,24 6,95

Subtotal 28 27,43

II Fokus Pelanggan Customer Focus

1 Indeks Kepuasan PelangganCustomer Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 8 4,67 4,72 101,07 8,09

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan CabangSynergy of Subsidiaries and Branches % 7 100,00 71,79 71,79 5,02

Subtotal 15 13,11

III Fokus Tenaga Kerja Manpower Focus

1 Produktivitas Pegawai Employee Productivity

Juta Rp/ Pegawai Rp Million/ Employee

8 586,99 574,63 97,89 7,83

2 Indeks Kepuasan PegawaiEmployee Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale 7 4,50 4,12 91,56 6,41

Subtotal 15 14,24

Performance Assessment of the Board of Directors The Company has designed a general policy regarding the evaluation of the performance of the Board of Directors, namely as follows:1. The performance of the Board of Directors and each member

of the Board of Directors will be evaluated by the Board of Commissioners and delivered to shareholders at the GMS.

2. The performance of the Board of Directors is determined with reference to the obligations contained in the applicable laws and regulations and the Company's Articles of Association and the shareholders’ mandate. Formal evaluation criteria are openly disclosed to the relevant members of the Board of Directors since the date of their appointment.

3. The results of the evaluation of the overall performance of the Board of Directors and the performances of individual member of the Board of Directors will be counted as an integral part of the compensation scheme and incentives for members of the Board of Directors.

Criteria for Performance Assessment of the Board of DirectorsThe criteria for evaluating the performances of the Board of Directors are determined in the GMS in accordance with the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that is approved by the Shareholders. Performance criteria of the Board of Directors can also be applied for individual board member, which are submitted by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (if any) or by the Board of Commissioners so as to get further approval in the GMS. The criteria are at least as follows:1. Preparation of KPIs at the beginning of the year and

evaluation of their achievements.2. The attendance rate in the Board of Directors’ meetings

as well as the meetings with the Board of Commissioners.3. Contribution to the Company's business activities.4. Involvement in certain assignments.5. His commitment to advancing the interests of the Company.6. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the

corporate policies.7. Achievement of the Company's targets as outlined in

RKAP and Management Contract.

KPIs of the Company’s Board of Directors in 2020 are as follows:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

224 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No. Perspektif/Indikator Perspective/Indicator





Semester II





IV Efektivitas Produk dan Proses Product and Process Effectiveness

1 Produktivitas B/M Terminal Petikemas (B/S/H)B/M Container Terminal Productivity (B/S/H)

B/S/H 8 37,31 38,01 101,86 8,15

2 Tingkat Efektivitas Tambatan PetikemasContainer Berthing Effectiveness Level

% 8 61,33 62,33 101,64 8,13

3 YOR PetikemasContainer YOR % 8 38,16 34,99 108,30 8,40

Subtotal 24 24,68

V Kepemimpinan, Tata Kelola dan Tanggung Jawab Leadership, Governance and Responsibility

1 Jumlah KecelakaanNumber of Accidents

Jumlah Kecelakaan Total Accident 6 0 0 110,00 6,30

2 Tindak Lanjut Temuan AuditFollow up on Audit Findings % 6 75,00 96,30 128,40 6,30

3 Skor Pencapaian GCGGCG Score

SkorScore 6 96,10 97,04 100,98 6,06

Subtotal 18 18,66

Jumlah/Total 100 98,12

Kebijakan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Kebijakan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan mengacu pada ketentuan Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-2/MBU/06/2016 Jo. PER-04/MBU/2014 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas BUMN. Dari acuan tersebut melalui RUPS Sirkuler telah ditetapkan penghasilan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK dalam Surat No. SK.03/20/12/1/PBI/UT/PI.II-18 dan No. HK.476/20/12/5/MTI-2018.

Pada pelaksanaannya, remunerasi bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi diusulkan kepada RUPS oleh Dewan Komisaris dengan mengacu kepada Pedoman Pengawasan dan Pemberian Nasihat Dewan Komisaris. Sementara itu, remunerasi bagi Direksi Perusahaan memiliki mekanisme, sebagai berikut:

1. Dewan Komisaris melakukan reviu atas Pedoman dan mekanisme penyusunan usulan remunerasi Direksi setiap tahun, serta menguji kesesuaiannya dengan pelaksanaannya.

2. Dewan Komisaris kemudian melakukan penelaahan atas usulan remunerasi Direksi dalam penyusunan RKAP tahunan, dengan pertimbangan antara lain:

a. Ketentuan dalam Peraturan Menteri BUMN mengenai Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas BUMN.

b. Prognosa pencapaian kinerja dan KPI tahun sebelumnya.

c. Kemampuan keuangan Perusahaan.d. Kewajaran dengan industri sejenis.

Selanjutnya, Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan rekomendasi atas penetapan anggaran remunerasi Direksi sebagai bagian dari rekomendasi atas penetapan RKAP kepada Pemegang Saham. Penyampaian rekomendasi tersebut dilakukan Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS Laporan Tahunan dengan

Remuneration Policy of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

The remuneration policy of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company is formulated pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-2/MBU/06/2016 Jo. PER-04/MBU/2014 concerning Guidelines for the Determination of Income of Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Trustees of SOEs. From the reference, GMS Circular has determined the income of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK through Letters No. SK.03/20/12/1/PBI/UT/PI. II-18 and No. HK.476/20/12/5/MTI-2018.

In the procedure implementation, the remuneration for members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is proposed to the GMS by the Board of Commissioners with reference to the Oversight and Advising Guidelines of the Board of Commissioners. Meanwhile, mechanism for providing remuneration for the Company's Board of Directors is as follows:

1. The Board of Commissioners conducts a review of the Guidelines and mechanisms for the determination of the Board of Directors' remuneration proposed every year, as well as reviews the conformity with its implementation.

2. The Board of Commissioners then conducts a review of the proposed remuneration of the Board of Directors in the preparation of the annual RKAP, based on the following considerations:a. Provisions in the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs

regarding the Guidelines for Determination of Income of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Trustees of SOEs.

b. Prognosis of performance and KPI achievements of the previous year.

c. The Company's financial capabilities.d. Fairness with similar industries.

Furthermore, the Board of Commissioners conveys recommendations for the determination of the Board of Directors' remuneration as part of the recommendations for the RKAP determination to shareholders. The submission of the recommendation is carried out by the Board of

225PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

pertimbangan sebagaimana butir b, ditambahkan hasil audit atas laporan keuangan tahun sebelumnya. Dewan Komisaris dalam melakukan proses telaah menggunakan perangkat di Dewan Komisaris secara optimal.

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan di atas, penghasilan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki komponen sebagai berikut:1. Gaji/Honorarium;2. Tunjangan;3. Fasilitas;4. Tantiem/Insentif Kinerja.

Struktur Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Struktur remunerasi dan komponen Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Tabel Penghasilan DireksiA. Tabel Penghasilan Direktur Utama PT IPC Terminal


NoJenis Penghasilan

Type of IncomeKeputusan RUPSGMS Resolutions


1 Gaji/Salary Rp69.254.000 Per Bulan/Per Month

2 Tunjangan/AllowanceTunjangan Hari Raya/Holy Day AllowancesTunjangan Perumahan/Housing Allowance

Asuransi Purna Jabatan Post-employment Insurance Benefit


1x Gaji/1x Salary40% Gaji (Per Bulan), Maksimal Rp27.500.00040% Salary (Per Month), max. Rp27,500,000(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

3 Fasilitas/FacilitiesKendaraan/Vehicle


Bantuan Hukum/Legal Aid






Nilai maksimal sewa Per BulanMaximum rental fees per month(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

4 Tantiem/Insentif Kinerja Tantiem/Performance IncentiveTantiem/Insentif KinerjaTantiem/Performance IncentiveLong Term IncentiveLong Term Incentive



(Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri)(ruled in separate decree)(Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri) (ruled in separate decree)

B. Tabel Penghasilan Anggota Direksi Lainnya PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

NoJenis Penghasilan

Type of IncomeKeputusan RUPSGMS Resolutions


1 Gaji/Salary Rp62.328.600 Per Bulan/Per Month

2 Tunjangan/AllowanceTunjangan Hari Raya/Holy Day AllowancesTunjangan Perumahan/Housing Allowance

Asuransi Purna Jabatan Post-employment Insurance Benefit


1x Gaji/1x Salary40% Gaji (Per Bulan), Maksimal Rp27.500.00040% Salary (Per Month), max. Rp27,500,000(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

3 Fasilitas/FacilitiesKendaraan/Vehicle


Bantuan Hukum/Legal Aid



Nilai maksimal sewa Per BulanMaximum rental fees per month(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

4 Tantiem/Insentif Kinerja Tantiem/Performance IncentiveTantiem/Insentif KinerjaTantiem/Performance IncentiveLong Term IncentiveLong Term Incentive

-- (Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri)

(ruled in separate decree)(Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri) (ruled in separate decree)

Commissioners in the GMS Annual Report by taking into account the reasons as stipulated in point b, added by the audit results over the previous year's financial statements. The Board of Commissioners conducts the review process by optimizing the instrument applied in the Board of Commissioners.

Based on the Decree, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are entitled to the following components of income:1. Salary/Honorarium;2. Allowances;3. Facilities;4. Tandem/Performance Incentives.

Remuneration Structure of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of DirectorsThe structure and components of the remuneration of the Company's Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are as follows:

1. Table of Income of Board of DirectorsA. Table of Income of President Director of PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas

B. Table of Income of Other Members of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

226 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

2. Tabel Penghasilan Komisaris A. Tabel Penghasilan Komisaris Utama PT IPC Terminal


NoJenis Penghasilan

Type of IncomeKeputusan RUPSGMS Resolutions


1 Honorarium/Salary Rp31.164.300 Per Bulan/Per Month

2 Tunjangan/AllowanceTunjangan Hari Raya/Holy Day AllowancesTunjangan Perumahan/Housing Allowance

Asuransi Purna Jabatan Post-employment Insurance Benefit


1x Gaji/1x Salary20% Gaji (Per Bulan)/40% Salary (Per Month)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

3 Fasilitas/FacilitiesKendaraan/Vehicle


Bantuan Hukum/Legal Aid

Rp15.000.000 (Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

4 Tantiem/Insentif Kinerja Tantiem/Performance IncentiveTantiem/Insentif KinerjaTantiem/Performance IncentiveLong Term IncentiveLong Term Incentive

-- (Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri)

(ruled in separate decree)(Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri) (ruled in separate decree)

B. Tabel Penghasilan Anggota Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

NoJenis Penghasilan

Type of IncomeKeputusan RUPSGMS Resolutions


1 Honorarium/Salary Rp28.047.870 Per Bulan/Per Month

2 Tunjangan/AllowanceTunjangan Hari Raya/Holy Day AllowancesTunjangan Perumahan/Housing AllowanceAsuransi Purna Jabatan Post-employment Insurance Benefit



1x Gaji/1x Salary20% Gaji (Per Bulan)/40% Salary (Per Month)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

3 Fasilitas/FacilitiesKendaraan/Vehicle


Bantuan Hukum/Legal Aid




(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)(Sesuai ketentuan dalam keputusan ini)(according the provisions of the decree)

4 Tantiem/Insentif Kinerja Tantiem/Performance IncentiveTantiem/Insentif KinerjaTantiem/Performance IncentiveLong Term IncentiveLong Term Incentive



(Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri)(ruled in separate decree)(Diatur dalam keputusan tersendiri) (ruled in separate decree)

Adapun rincian jumlah nominal remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

Jumlah Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tahun 2020


Jumlah (Rp)Amount (Rp)

Jumlah Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris/Total Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners Rp 1.789.002.279

Jumlah Remunerasi Direksi/Total Remuneration of The Board of Directors Rp 4.736.520.415

Jumlah Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tahun 2020The Aggregated Amount of Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2020

Rp 6.525.522.694

2. Table of Income of Board of CommissionersA. Table of President Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal


B. Table of Income of Members of Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

The nominal amount of remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company in 2020 was:

The Amount of Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2020

227PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Informasi mengenai rasio gaji Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan karyawan Perusahaan dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir adalah sebagai berikut:


2020 2019 2018

Direktur Utama terhadap DirekturPresident Director to Director

1 : 0,90 1 : 0,90 1 : 0,90

Komisaris Utama terhadap Anggota Dewan KomisarisPresident Commissioner to Members of the Board of Commissioners

1 : 0,90 1 : 0,90 1 : 0,90

Direktur Utama terhadap Komisaris UtamaPresident Director to the President Commissioner

1 : 0,45 1 : 0,45 1 : 0,45

Direktur Utama terhadap Karyawan tertinggiPresident Director of the highest-rank Employees

1 : 0,28 1 : 0,28 1 : 0,28

Direktur Utama terhadap Karyawan terendahPresident Director to the lowest-rank Employees

1 : 0,09 1 : 0,09 1 : 0,09

Karyawan Tertinggi terhadap Karyawan TerendahHighest-rank Employee to Lowest-rank Employee

1 : 0,34 1 : 0,34 1 : 0,34

Karyawan Terendah terhadap UMPLowest-rank Employee against UMP

1 : 0,78 1 : 0,78 1 : 0,78

Catatan: yang dimaksud karyawan tertinggi pada tabel di atas adalah Manajer Terminal, sementara karyawan terendah adalah Pelaksana.Note: The highest-rank employee in the above table is the Terminal Manager, while the lowest-rank employee is the Executor

Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Kebijakan Rapat Dewan KomisarisIPC TPK telah memiliki kebijakan umum terkait Rapat Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:1. Rapat Dewan Komisaris adalah rapat yang diselenggarakan

oleh Dewan Komisaris.2. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dianggap sah apabila diadakan

di tempat kedudukan Perusahaan atau tempat kegiatan usaha utamanya di wilayah negara Republik Indonesia. Apabila diselenggarakan di tempat lain, dianggap sah dan dan dapat mengambil keputusan apabila dilaksanakan di wilayah negara Republik Indonesia dan dihadiri oleh seluruh Anggota Dewan Komisaris.

3. Setiap keputusan Dewan Komisaris diambil dalam rapat Dewan Komisaris. Keputusan dapat pula diambil di luar rapat Dewan Komisaris sepanjang seluruh Anggota Dewan Komisaris setuju tentang cara dan materi yang diputuskan.

4. Dewan Komisaris mengadakan rapat paling sedikit 1 (satu) kali setiap bulan dan dalam rapat tersebut Dewan Komisaris dapat mengundang Direksi.

5. Dewan Komisaris dapat mengadakan rapat di luar jadwal yang telah ditentukan atas:a. Permintaan 1 (satu) atau beberapa Anggota Dewan

Komisaris;b. Permintaan Direksi; atauc. Permintaan tertulis dari 1 (satu) atau beberapa

Pemegang Saham yang mewakili sekurang-kurangnya 1/10 (satu per sepuluh) bagian dari jumlah saham dengan hak suara, dengan menyebutkan hal-hal yang akan dibicarakan.

6. Jumlah rapat Dewan Komisaris dan jumlah kehadiran masing-masing Anggota Dewan Komisaris harus dimuat dalam laporan tahunan.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris mengadakan 11 (Sebelas) kali rapat internal Dewan Komisaris dan 11 (sebelas) kali rapat gabungan dengan Direksi dan Pemegang Saham. Berikut agenda dan risalah rapat, kehadiran, serta rekapitulasi tingkat kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam rapat-rapat tersebut.

Information regarding the salary ratio of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and employees of the Company in the last 3 (three) years is as follows:

Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting PolicyIPC TPK already has designed a general policy relating to the Meeting of Board of Commissioners, namely as follows:1. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners is a meeting

organized by the Board of Commissioners.2. The Meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be

valid if it is held at the Company's business location or the place of its main business activities in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. If held elsewhere, it will be still valid and can take decisions if it is carried out in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and attended by all Members of the Board of Commissioners.

3. Every decision of the Board of Commissioners is taken in a meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Decisions can also be taken out of the Board of Commissioners’ meeting as long as all Members of the Board of Commissioners agree on the manner and material decided.

4. The Board of Commissioners holds a meeting at least once a month where in the meeting, the Board of Commissioners can invite the Board of Directors.

5. The Board of Commissioners may hold meetings outside the schedule specified above if:a. Requested by 1 (one) or several Members of the Board

of Commissioners;b. Requested by the Board of Directors; orc. Written request from 1 (one) or more Shareholders

representing at least 1/10 (one-tenth) of the number of shares with voting rights, citing matters to be discussed.

6. The number of meetings of the Board of Commissioners and the attendance rate of each Member of the Board of Commissioners must be contained in the annual meeting.

Throughout 2020, the Board of Commissioners’ meetings consisted of 11 (eleven) internal meetings of the Board of Commissioners and 11 (eleven) joint meetings with the Board of Directors and Shareholders. Here is the agenda and minutes of the meeting, attendance, and recapitulation of the attendance rate of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in those meetings.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

228 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Dewan Komisaris





20 Januari 2020January 20th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Perkenalan Dewan Komisaris baru2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Desember 20191. Introduction of new Board of Commissioners2. Evaluation of Performance Report until December 2019

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

24 Februari 2020February 24th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Januari 20202. Hal-hal Strategis lainnya1. Evaluation of Performance Report until January 2020, 2. Other Strategic Issues

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

3 April 2020April 3rd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Penunjukan Pelaksana Harian Komisaris Utama2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Feb 20203. Hal-hal Strategis lainnya1. Appointment of Acting President Commissioner2. Evaluation of Performance Report until February 2020 3. Other Strategic Issues

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

30 April 2020April 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan Triwulan 11. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance up to 1st Quarter

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

8 Juni 2020June 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampa dengan bulan April 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through April 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

8 Juli 2020July 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Mei 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through May 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

10 Agutus 2020August 10th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan sebelumnya2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Juli 20201. Follow up on previous directions2. Discussion of company performance until July 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

4 September 2020September 4th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Juli 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through July 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

2 Oktober 2020October 2nd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Agustus 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through August 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

12 November 2020November 12th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan September &

Oktober 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through September &

October 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

30 Desember 2020December 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan November 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ Directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through November 2020

Dewan Komisaris, & Komite Board of Commissioners, & Committees

Rekapitulasi kehadiran anggota Dewan Komisaris pada Rapat Dewan Komisaris dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

Rekapitulasi Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris pada Rapat Dewan Komisaris

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

Jumlah Wajib Rapat

Number of Mandatory Meetings

Jumlah Kehadiran

Attendance Rate

% Kehadiran% Attendance

Elvyn G. Massasya 5 5 100%

Muarip 7 7 100%

Achmad Riadi 7 7 100%

Sumantri Suwarno 7 7 100%

Hari Kriswanto 12 12 100%

Asmai Ishak 5 5 100%

Rata-rata 100%

Minutes and Attendance Rate of Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

Recapitulation of the attendance rate of members of the Board of Commissioners at the Meetings of the Board of Commissioners is presented on the table below:

Recapitulation of the Attendance Rate of the Board of Commissioners at the Meetings of the Board of Commissioners

229PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Di samping rapat internal, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi juga mengadakan rapat gabungan. Penyelenggaraan rapat ini disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dalam rangka koordinasi untuk membahas laporan kinerja Perusahaan, hal penting dan strategis, serta masalah-masalah yang dihadapi Perusahaan.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Rapat Gabungan antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah dilaksanakan sebanyak 11 (sebelas) kali . Adapun agenda dan risalah rapat, kehadiran, serta rekapitulasi tingkat kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam rapat-rapat tersebut adalah, sebagai berikut:

Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi





20 Januari 2020January 20th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Perkenalan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 3. Hal-hal yang Strategis Lainnya1. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioner’s directives2. Introduction of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors 3. Other Strategic Issues

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

24 Feb 2020February 24th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. BPR-Jan 20203. RKM Strategis 20204. Hal-hal yang Strategis Lainya1. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. BPR-Jan 20203. Strategic RKM 20204. Other Strategic Issues

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

3 April 2020April 3rd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. BPR-FEB 20203. Persiapan Pra RUPS4. Hal-hal yang Strategis Lainya1. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. BPR-Feb 20203. Pre-GMS Preparation4. Other Strategic Issues

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

30 April 2020April 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan Triwulan 11. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through 1st Quarter

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

8 Juni 2020June 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan April 2020 3. Perkenalan Komisaris Utama Baru4. Persiapan RUPS Pertanggungjawaban Laporan Tahuan Tahun Buku 20191. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through April 20203. Introduction of the New President Commissioner4. Preparation of GMS Annual Report Accountability Books 2019

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

8 Juli 2020July 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Mei 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through May 2020

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

10 Agustus 2020August 10th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Perkenalan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Baru2. Tindak Lanjut Arahan Dewan komisaris3. Pembahasan kinerja sampai dengan bulan Juni 20201. Introduction of New Members of the Board of Commissioners2. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives3. Discussion of the Company’s performance through June 2020

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

4 September 2020September 4th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Juli 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through July 2020

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

2 Oktober 2020October 2nd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Agustus 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through August 2020

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

Joint Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

In addition to internal meetings, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors together hold a joint meeting. The meeting is held whenever necessary in order to coordinate and discuss the Company's performance reports, important and strategic matters, as well as the issues faced by the Company.

Throughout 2020, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors held 11 (eleven) joint meetings. The agenda and minutes of the meetings, attendance rate, and recapitulation of the attendance rate of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in those meetings are reported as follows:

Minutes and Attendance Rate of the Joint Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

230 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report





12 November 2020November 12th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan September &

Oktober 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through September &

October 2020

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

30 Desember 2020December 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris 2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan November 20201. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives2. Discussion of the Company’s performance through November 2020

Dewan Komisaris, DireksiBoard of Commissioners, Board of Directors

Rekapitulasi kehadiran anggota Dewan Komisaris pada Rapat Dewan Komisaris dapat dilihat di bawah ini:

Rekapitulasi Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi pada Rapat Gabungan

Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiBoard of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Jumlah Wajib RapatNumber of Mandatory Meetings

Jumlah Kehadiran

Attendance Rate

% Kehadiran% Attendance

Elvyn G. Massasya 5 5 100%

Muarip 7 7 100%

Achmad Riadi 7 7 100%

Sumantri Suwarno 7 7 100%

Hari Kriswanto 12 12 100%

Asmai Ishak 5 5 100%

M. Adji 6 6 100%

Rachmat Prayogi 7 7 100%

Ari Henryanto 8 8 100%

Rizki Widhiono 11 11 100%

Prasetyo Wasis 5 5 100%

Irwan Favoriet 5 5 100%

David Pandapotan Sirait 1 1 100%

Rata-rata/Average 100%

Kebijakan Rapat DireksiPerusahaan memiliki ketentuan umum terkait Rapat Direksi, sebagai berikut:1. Rapat Direksi diselenggarakan secara berkala minimum

1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) bulan.2. Direksi dapat mengadakan rapat di luar jadwal tersebut

bilamana dipandang perlu oleh:a. Seorang atau lebih Anggota Direksi.b. Dewan Komisaris.c. Atas permintaan tertulis dari 1 (satu) atau lebih

Pemegang Saham yang bersama-sama mewakili 1/10 (satu per sepuluh) atau lebih dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara yang sah.

3. Pemanggilan Rapat Direksi harus disampaikan dengan surat tercatat atau dengan surat yang disampaikan langsung kepada setiap Anggota Direksi dengan mendapat tanda terima atau dengan faksimili atau media elektronik lainnya sekurang-kurangnya 3 (tiga) hari sebelum rapat diadakan.

4. Pemanggilan Rapat Direksi harus mencantumkan tanggal, waktu, acara, dan tempat rapat.

5. Rapat Direksi diadakan di tempat kedudukan Perseroan atau tempat kegiatan usaha utama Perseroan di dalam wilayah negara Republik Indonesia.

6. Apabila semua Anggota Direksi hadir atau diwakili, pemanggilan tersebut terlebih dahulu tidak disyaratkan dan Rapat Direksi dapat diadakan di mana saja, asalkan

Recapitulation of the attendance rate of members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors at the Joint Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is as follows:

Recapitulation of the Presence of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors at the Joint Meetings

The Board of Directors’ Meeting PolicyThe Company has introduced general provisions relating to the meetings of the Board of Directors, namely as follows:1. The Board of Directors holds meeting at least once a

month.2. The Board of Directors may hold meetings outside the

schedules when deemed necessary by:a. One or more members of the Board of Directors.b. Board of Commissioners.c. Upon written request from 1 (one) or more

Shareholders who together represent 1/10 (one-tenth) or more of the total number of shares with valid voting rights.

3. The summoning of the Board of Directors’ Meeting shall be done through an administered letter or by a letter sent directly to each Member of the Board of Directors with a receipt letter or by facsimile or other electronic media at least 3 (three) days prior to the meeting.

4. The summoning of the Board of Directors’ meeting must mention the date, time, event, and place of the meeting.

5. The Board of Directors meets at the Company's business location or the place of the Company's main business activities within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

6. If all members of the Board of Directors are present or represented, the summoning is not required and the Board of Directors shall meet anywhere, as long as it takes place

231PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

dalam wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia dan rapat tersebut berhak mengambil keputusan yang sah dan mengikat.

7. Rapat Direksi dapat diadakan dengan cara konferensi antara para Anggota Direksi yang berada di tempat yang berbeda, melalui telepon konferensi, video konferensi atau peralatan komunikasi lainnya yang memungkinkan setiap Anggota Direksi dapat saling mendengar/berkomunikasi dan berpartisipasi dalam rapat.

8. Materi rapat disiapkan oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan. Materi rapat dapat disampaikan bersamaan dengan penyampaian undangan.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Rapat Direksi telah diselenggarakan sebanyak 20 (dua puluh) kali. Berikut disampaikan agenda dan risalah rapat, kehadiran, serta rekapitulasi tingkat kehadiran Direksi dalam rapat-rapat tersebut.

Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Direksi





Alasan Ketidak HadiranReasons

for Absence

1 9 dan 10 Januari 2020January 9th and 10th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

Pembahasan Strategi pencapaian RKAP 2020Discussion of Achievement strategies for RKAP 2020

Para DireksiThe Board of Directors

Hadir Present

2 13 s/d 14 Januari 2020 January 13rd to 14th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Business Performance Reviu Area Terminal Petikemas

s/d bulan Desember 20193. Hal Strategis Lainnya4. Sosialisasi RKAP 20201. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Business Performance Review of Container Terminal

Areas through December 20193. Other Strategic Issues4. Socialization of RKAP 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

6 Februari 2020February 6th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Arahan Dewan Komisaris2. Pembahasan RJPP 2020-20243. Rencana Restrukturisasi Organisasi PT IPC Terminal

Petikemas1. Follow-up to the Directives of the Board of

Commissioners2. Discussion of RJPP of 2020-20243. Organizational Restructuring Plan of PT IPC Terminal


Para Direksi, Senior Manager Directors, senior managers

Hadir Present

3 21 Februari 2020February 21st, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Business Performance Reviu Area Terminal Petikemas

s/d bulan Januari 20203. Pembahasan Kinerja Antara Manajer area dan Direksi 4. Penandatanganan Kontrak Manajemen dan RKAP

Tahun 20201. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Business Performance Review of Container Terminal

Areas through January 20203. Performance Discussion Between Area Managers and

Board of Directors 4. Signing of Management Contact and the 2020 RKAP

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Directors, IPC TPK, Area Manager and Senior Manager & Bureau Chief

Hadir Present

4 26 Maret 2020March 26th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Business Performance Reviu Area Terminal Petikemas

s/d bulan Februari 20203. Pembahasan Kinerja Antara Manajer area dan Direksi1. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Business Performance Review of Container Terminal

Areas through February 20203. Performance Discussion Between Manajer area and

Board of Directors

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Directors, IPC TPK, Area Manager and Senior Manager & Bureau Chief

Hadir Present

5 9 April 2020April 9th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

Tindak Lanjut Arahan Dewan KomisarisFollow-up Directive of the Board of Commissioners

Para Direksi, Senior Manager Directors, senior managers

Hadir Present

within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and the meeting has the right to take a valid and binding decision.

7. The Board of Directors’ meetings may be held via a teleconference, video conference or using other communication equipment between members of the Board of Directors, which allows each member of the Board of Directors located in different places to hear / communicate and participate in meetings.

8. Meeting materials are prepared by the Corporate Secretary. Meeting materials can be delivered at the same time with the sending of the invitation letter.

In year 2020, the Board of Directors met for 20 (twenty) times. The following table informs the agenda and minutes of the meeting, attendance rate, and recapitulation of the attendance rate of the Board of Directors in those meetings.

Minutes and Attendance Rate at the Board of Directors’ Meetings

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

232 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report





Alasan Ketidak HadiranReasons

for Absence

6 14 April 2020April 14th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Business Performance Review Area Terminal

Petikemas s/d bulan Maret 20203. Pembahasan Kinerja Antara Manajer Area dan Direksi1. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Business Performance Review of Container Terminal

Areas through March 20203. Performance Discussion Between Area Managers and

Board of Directors

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Directors, IPC TPK, Area Manager and Senior Manager & Bureau Chief

Hadir Present

7 18 Mei 2020May 18th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Business Performance Review Area Terminal

Petikemas s/d bulan April 20203. Pembahasan Kinerja Antara Manajer Area dan Direksi1. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Business Performance Review of Container Terminal

Areas through April 20203. Performance Discussion Between Area Manager and

Board of Directors

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

8 26 Juni 2020June 26th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Business Performance Review Area Terminal

Petikemas s/d bulan Mei 20203. Pembahasan Kinerja Antara Manajer Area dan Direksi1. Follow Up on previous meetings2. Business Performance Review of Container Terminal

Areas through May 20203. Performance Discussion Between Area Managers and

Board of Directors

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

9 24 Juli 2020July 24th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Pengenalan Direksi Baru 2. Pembahasan Kinerja s/d bulan Juni 20201. Introduction of New Directors 2. Performance Discussions through June 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

10 28 Agustus 2020August 28th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Sosialisasi SOP BPR dan Forum Internal3. Pembahasan Kinerja s/d bulan Juli 20201. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Socialization of SOPs of BPR and Internal Forum3. Performance Discussions through July 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

11 Agustus 2020August 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

Revenue Enhancement & Cost ReductionRevenue Enhancement & Cost Reduction

Para Direksi, Senior Manager The Board of Directors, Senior Managers

Hadir Present

12 7 September 2020September 7th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

Tindak Lanjut Arahan Dewan KomisarisFollow-up to the Directives of the Board of Commissioners

Para Direksi, Senior Manager The Board of Directors, Senior Managers

Hadir Present

13 10 September 2020September 10th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Pembahasan Kinerja s/d bulan Agustus 20201. Follow Up on previous meetings2. Performance Discussions through August 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

14 17 September 2020September 17th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat Sebelumnya 2. Pembahasan Organisasi1. Follow-up on Previous Meetings 2. Organizational Discussion

Para Direksi, Senior Manager The Board of Directors, Senior Managers

Hadir Present

15 29 September 2020September 29th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

Pembahasan Kinerja bulan AgustusDiscussion of August Performance

Para Direksi, Senior Manager The Board of Directors, Senior Managers

Hadir Present

16 12 Oktober 2020October 12th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Pembahasan Kinerja s/d bulan September 20201. Follow Up on previous meetings2. Performance Discussions through September 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Manager and Senior Manager & Bureau Chief

Hadir Present

17 13 Oktober 2020October 13th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

Pembahasan Tindak lanjut Kajian Grand Design PT IPC TPKDiscussion of Follow-up on the Study of the Grand Design of PT IPC TPK

Para Direksi, Senior Manager The Board of Directors, Senior Managers

Hadir Present

233PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report





Alasan Ketidak HadiranReasons

for Absence

18 10 November 2020November 10th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Pembahasan Kinerja s/d bulan Oktober 20201. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Performance Discussions through October 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

19 15 Desember 2020December 15th, 2020

Panamax Lt 3Panamax, 3rd Floor

1. Tindak Lanjut Rapat sebelumnya2. Pembahasan Kinerja s/d bulan November 20201. Follow-up on previous meetings2. Performance Discussions through November 2020

Para Direksi, IPC TPK, Manager Area dan Senior Manager & Kepala BiroThe Board of Directors, IPC TPK, Area Managers and Senior Managers & Bureau Chiefs

Hadir Present

Rekapitulasi kehadiran Direksi pada Rapat Direksi dapat dilihat di bawah ini:

Rekapitulasi Kehadiran Direksi pada Rapat Internal Direksi

DireksiThe Board of Directors

Jumlah Wajib Rapat

Number of Mandatory Meetings

Jumlah Kehadiran

Attendance Rate

% Kehadiran% Attendance

M. Adji (Januari s/d Juni 2020/January to June 2020) 9 9 100%

Rachmat Prayogi (Januari s/d Juli 2020/January to July 2020) 10 10 100%

Ari Henryanto (Januari s/d Agustus 2020/January to August 2020) 12 12 100%

Rizki Widhiono (Januari s/d November 2020/January to November 2020) 19 19 100%

Prasetyo Wasis 10 10 100%

Irwan Favoriet 11 11 100%

David Pandapotan Sirait 1 1 100%

Rata-rata/Average 100%

Pelatihan dan Peningkatan Kompetensi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Selain program pengenalan bagi Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi baru, IPC TPK juga menyelenggarakan program peningkatan kapabilitas dan kompetensi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Peningkatan kapabilitas dan kompetensi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dinilai penting agar dapat selalu memperbaharui informasi tentang perkembangan terkini dari core business Perusahaan, serta meningkatkan kapabilitasnya terkait pengawasan maupun pengelolaan Perusahaan.

Ketentuan-ketentuan terkait program peningkatan kapabilitas bagi Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut:1. Program peningkatan kapabilitas dilaksanakan dalam

rangka meningkatkan efektivitas kerja Dewan Komisaris.

2. Rencana untuk melaksanakan program peningkatan kapabilitas harus dimasukkan dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran Dewan Komisaris.

3. Setiap Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang mengikuti program peningkatan kapabilitas seperti seminar dan/atau pelatihan diminta untuk mempresentasikan kepada Anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya dalam rangka berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan (sharing knowledge).

4. Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang bersangkutan harus membuat laporan tentang pelaksanaan Program Peningkatan Kapabilitas. Laporan tersebut disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Training and Development of Competence of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

In addition to the orientation program for new members of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, IPC TPK also organizes capability and competency development programs for both Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. It is important for developing capabilities and competencies for the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in order to ensure that they always stay updated with information about the latest developments of the Company's core business, while improving their capabilities relating to the oversight and management of the Company.

The capability development program for the Board of Commissioners is regulated as follows:1. The capability development program is implemented

in order to improve the effectiveness of the duty implementation of the Board of Commissioners.

2. Plans to implement capability development programs are included in the Work Plan and Budget of the Board of Commissioners.

3. Each Member of the Board of Commissioners who participates in capability development programs, such as seminars and/or trainings is required to present to other Members of the Board of Commissioners as part of knowledge sharing.

4. The members of the Commissioner concerned shall make a report on the implementation of the Capability Improvement Program. The report was submitted to the Board of Commissioners.

Recapitulation of the Board of Directors' attendance rate at the meetings of Board of Directors is presented below:

Recapitulation of the Attendance Rate of the Board of Directors at the Internal Meetings of the Board of Directors

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

234 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Ketentuan-ketentuan terkait program peningkatan kapabilitas bagi Direksi adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Program peningkatan kapabilitas dilaksanakan dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas kerja Direksi.

2. Rencana untuk melaksanakan program peningkatan kapabilitas harus dimasukkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP).

3. Setiap Anggota Direksi yang mengikuti program peningkatan kapabilitas seperti seminar dan/atau pelatihan diminta untuk mempresentasikan kepada Anggota Direksi lainnya dalam rangka berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan (sharing knowledge).

4. Anggota Direksi yang bersangkutan harus membuat laporan tentang pelaksanaan Program Peningkatan Kapabilitas dan disampaikan kepada Direksi.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perusahaan telah mengikutsertakan anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam sejumlah program peningkatan kapabilitas dan kompetensi, sebagai berikut:

Nama dan JabatanName and


Jenis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Types of Education and Training

Materi Pendidikan dan PelatihanEducational and Training Materials



Dewan KomisarisBoard of CommissionersHary Kriswanto Soft Skill Seminar Detection and

Prevention Fraud of FinancialStatementSeminar on Detection andPrevention Fraud of FinancialStatement

Zoom Meeting,7 Juli 2020Zoom Meeting,July 7th, 2020

PT Aspira Consulting Indonesia dan Asosiasi Auditor Fosensik Indonesia

DireksiIrwan Favoriet Soft Skill

Soft Skill

Technical Skill

Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-1 Training on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-1Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other LeadersPelaksanaan Logistics Performance Outward-Inward Looking Perspective & SolitionsLogistics Performance Outward-Inward Looking Perspective & Solutions.

Zoom Meeting, 25 Agustus 2020 Zoom Meeting, August 25th, 2020

Zoom Meeting, 7 Oktober 2020 Zoom Meeting, October 7th, 2020

Zoom Meeting, 14 Oktober 2020 Zoom Meeting, October 14th, 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Prastyo Wasis Prabowo

Soft Skill

Technical Skill

Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other LeadersPelaksanaan Webinar Mewujudkan Ekosistem Sistem Logistik Nasional untuk Indonesia Webinar on Realizing the National Logistics System Ecosystem for Indonesia

Zoom Meeting, 7 Oktober 2020Zoom Meeting, October 7th, 2020

Zoom Meeting, 1 Oktober 2020Zoom Meeting, October 1st, 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Rizki Widhiono Soft Skill Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders

Zoom Meeting, 7 Oktober 2020Zoom Meeting, October 7th, 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

The capability development program for the Board of Directors meanwhile is regulated as follows:

1. The capability development program is implemented in order to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors' duty implementation.

2. Plans to implement capability development programs are included in the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP).

3. Each member of the Board of Directors who participates in capability development programs, such as seminar and/or training, is required to present to other members of the Board of Directors as part of knowledge sharing.

4. The members of the Board of Directors concerned shall make a report on the implementation of the Capability Development Program and submit it to the Board of Directors.

Throughout 2020, the Company has provided opportunities to members of the Board of Commissioners to join in a number of capability and competency development programs, as follows:

235PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Informasi Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali

Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali IPC TPK adalah PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang memiliki saham IPC TPK sebesar 99,00%. Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali IPC TPK berkewajiban memenuhi persyaratan kemampuan dan kepatutan. Penilaian kemampuan dan kepatutan dapat dilakukan setiap saat apabila Pemegang Saham Pengendali tersebut patut diduga tidak lagi memenuhi ketentuan persyaratan kemampuan dan kepatutan berdasarkan hasil analisis, hasil pemeriksaan, dan/atau pengaduan.

Pengungkapan Hubungan Afiliasi Antara Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali

Pengungkapan hubungan afiliasi mencakup hubungan keluarga dan hubungan keuangan. Bentuk hubungan keuangan, antara lain utang-piutang, kerja sama bisnis, dan sebagainya. Sedangkan, bentuk hubungan keluarga mencakup hubungan istimewa, terutama yang disebabkan hubungan pertalian darah seperti suami/istri/anak/orang tua/saudara kandung/ipar, dan sebagainya. Berikut ini pengungkapan hubungan afiliasi antara Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali.

Hubungan Keluarga DenganFamily Relationship with

Hubungan Keuangan DenganFinancial Relationship with

Dewan KomisarisBoard of


DireksiBoard of Directors

PT Pelindo II (Pemegang

Saham Utama/ Pengendali)

(Main/ Controlling Shareholder)

Dewan KomisarisBoard of


DireksiBoard of Directors

PT Pelindo II (Pemegang

Saham Utama/ Pengendali)

(Main/ Controlling Shareholder)

Dewan Komisaris/Board of CommissionersElvyn G. Masassya X X X X X X

Muarip X X X X X X

Hari Kriswanto X X X X X X

Achmad Riadi X X X X X X

Sumantri Suwarno X X X X X X

Asmai Ishak X X X X X X

Direksi/Board of DirectorsM. Adji X X X X X X

Ari Henryanto X X X X X X

Rizki Widhiono X X X X X X

Rachmat Prayogi X X X X X X

Prasetyo Wasis X X X X X X

Irwan Favoriet X X X X X X

David Pandapotan Sirait X X X X X X

X “Tidak terdapat adanya hubungan/No relationship”

Pengungkapan Rangkap Jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Pengungkapan rangkap jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi IPC TPK pada perusahaan/institusi lain adalah sebagai berikut:

Pengungkapan Hubungan Afiliasi antara Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Pemegang Saham Utama dan/atau PengendaliDisclosure of Affiliate Relationships between the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and Main and/or Controlling Shareholders

Information about Main /Controlling Shareholder

The Main/Controlling Shareholder of IPC TPK is PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) which owns a 99.00% share of IPC TPK. Main/Controlling Shareholder of IPC TPK is obliged to meet the requirements of ability and propriety. The fit and proper test can be done at any time if the Controlling Shareholder is suspected of no longer meeting the provisions of the ability and propriety requirements based on the results of analysis, review, and/or complaints.

Disclosure of Affiliate Relationships between the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and Main/Controlling Shareholders

Disclosure of affiliate relationships includes information about family relationships and financial relationships. Forms of financial relationships hereafter include debts, business cooperation, and so on. Meanwhile, the forms of family relationships include special relationships, especially those caused by blood relationships, such as husband/wife/child/parents/siblings/brother-in-law, and so on. The following is the information about the affiliate relationships between the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and Main/Controlling Shareholders.

Disclosure of the Concurrent Positions Held by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

The information of the concurrent positions held by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of IPC TPK in other companies / institutions is disclosed as follows:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

236 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kepengurusan pada Perusahaan/Institusi LainManagement of Other Companies/Institutions

Sebagai Anggota Dewan KomisarisAs a Member of the Board of


Sebagai Anggota DireksiAs a Member of the Board of


Jabatan LainnyaOther Positions

Dewan Komisaris/Board of CommissionersElvyn G. Masassya √ √ x

Muarip √ √ x

Hari Kriswanto x x √

Achmad Riadi x x x

Sumantri Suwarno √ x x

Asmai Ishak x x x

Direksi/ManagementM. Adji √ x x

Ari Henryanto x x x

Rizki Widhiono x x x

Rachmat Prayogi x x x

Prasetyo Wasis x x x

Irwan Favoriet x x x

David Pandapotan Sirait x x x

v = ada/yes | x = tidak ada/none


Jabatan pada Perusahaan/Instansi LainPositions in Other Companies/Agencies

Sumantri Suwarno General Manager of PT Usahatama Mandiri NusantaraGeneral Manager of PT Usahatama Mandiri Nusantara

Elvyn G. Masassya • Direktur Utama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)• Dewan Komisaris PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok• President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)• Member of Board of Commissioners of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok

Muarip • Direktur Operasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)• Dewan Komisaris PT PMLI • Director of Operations of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)• Member of Board of Commissioners of PT PMLI

Hari Kriswanto Kepala Biro Kepegawaian Dan Organisasi Kementerian PerhubunganHead of Employment and Organizational Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation

Pengungkapan Kepemilikan Saham Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Pengungkapan kepemilikan saham Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi pada Perusahaan lainnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Tabel Kepemilikan Saham Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Kepemilikan Saham Shareholding

IPC TPKPerusahaan Lain

Other Companies

Dewan Komisaris/Board of CommissionersElvyn G. Masassya X X

Muarip X X

Hari Kriswanto X X

Achmad Riadi X X

Sumantri Suwarno X X

Asmai Ishak X X

Direksi/Board of DirectorsM. Adji X X

Ari Henryanto X X

Rizki Widhiono X X

Rachmat Prayogi X X

Prasetyo Wasis X X

Irwan Favoriet X X

David Pandapotan Sirait X X

Disclosure of Share Ownership of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

The information of share ownership by members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in the Company and other companies is disclosed as follows:

Table of Share Ownership of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

237PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris

Untuk membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan tugasnya, Dewan Komisaris berhak mendapatkan bantuan Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris atas biaya Perusahaan. Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris melakukan tugas dan kewajiban untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam fungsi kesekretariatan, serta memastikan tugas-tugas Dewan Komisaris telah dijalankan dan semua informasi yang diperlukan Dewan Komisaris telah tersedia dan tugas lainnya sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Profil Sekretaris Dewan KomisarisSepanjang tahun 2020, terjadi pergantian Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris. Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris Periode 1 Januari - 27 Desember 2020 dijabat oleh M. Taufik Hidayat; Periode 28 - 31 Desember 2020 dijabat oleh Tengku Mursalin Rahim. Tengku Mursalin Rahim diangkat melalui Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 01/30/XII/DK/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 30 Desember 2020 tentang Pengangkatan Staf Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Tengku Mursalin RahimSekretaris Dewan KomisarisPeriode Jabatan: 2020-Sekarang

Secretary of the Board of CommissionersTerm of Office: 2020-Present

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

Usia49 tahun

Age49 years old

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir/UsiaPekanbaru, 21 Agustus 1971

Place and Birth Date/AgePekanbaru, August 21st, 1971

DomisiliTaman Raya Bekasi, Bekasi

DomicileTaman Raya Bekasi, Bekasi

Riwayat PendidikanMagister di Universitiet Antwepen, Belgia (2010)

Educational BackgroundMagister Degree at Universitiet Antwepen, Belgia (2010)

Pengalaman KerjaSekretaris Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Juni 2020–Sekarang.

Work ExperienceSecretary of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas from June 2020-Present

Dasar Hukum PengangkatanSK No. 01/30/XII/DK/IPCTPK-20

Legal Basis of AppointmentDecree No. 01/30/XII/DK/IPCTPK-20

Pedoman Kerja dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris Dewan KomisarisTugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 01/30/XII/DK/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 30 Desember 2020 tentang Pengangkatan Staf Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Sesuai surat keputusan tersebut, Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris mempunyai tugas sebagai berikut:

a. Mempersiapkan rapat, termasuk bahan rapat Dewan Komisaris;

b. Membuat risalah rapat Dewan Komisaris sesuai ketentuan anggaran dasar;

c. Mengadministrasikan dokumen Dewan Komisaris baik surat masuk, surat keluar, risalah rapat maupun dokumen lainnya;

d. Menyusun Rencana kerja dan Anggaran Dewan Komisaris;

Organ Pendukung dan Komite-Komite di Bawah Dewan KomisarisSupporting Organs and Committees under the Board of Commissioners

Secretary of the Board of Commissioners

To ensure the smooth duty implementation, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners at the Company's expense. The Secretary of the Board of Commissioners performs duties and obligations to assist the Board of Commissioners in secretarial functions, as well as ensure that the duties of the Board of Commissioners have been carried out and all necessary information of the Board of Commissioners and other duties are available as stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations.

Profile of Secretary of the Board of CommissionersThroughout 2020, there was a change of Secretary of the Board of Commissioners. Secretary of the Board of Commissioners for the period of June 1st-December 31st 2019 was held by M. Taufik Hidayat; whereas, the period of June 1st - December 31st, 2020 was held by Tengku Mursalin Rahim. Tengku Mursalin Rahim was appointed through the Decree of Board of Commissioners No. 01/30/XII/DK/IPCTPK-20 dated December 30th, 2020 about the Appointment of Secretary Staff of Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Work Guidelines and Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Board of CommissionersThe duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners are regulated in the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 01/30/XII/DK/IPCTPK-20 dated December 30th, 2020 concerning the Appointment of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. In accordance with the decree, the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners has the following duties:a. Preparing meetings, including materials of the Board of

Commissioners’ meetings;b. Presenting minutes meeting of the Board of

Commissioners based on Articles of Association;c. Administering documents of the Board of Commissioners

including incoming letters, outgoing letters, minutes meeting and other documents;

d. Planning Work plan and Budget of the Board of Commissioners;

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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e. Menyusun Rancangan Laporan-Laporan Dewan Komisaris;f. Melaksanakan tugas lain dari Dewan Komisaris;g. Memastikan bahwa Dewan Komisaris mematuhi

peraturan perundang-undangan serta menerapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG;

h. Mengkoordinasikan Anggota Komite jika diperlukan dalam rangka memperlancar tugas Dewan Komisaris;

i. Sebagai penghubung Dewan Komisaris dengan pihak lain.

Sementara itu, uraian mengenai ikhtisar jabatan dan uraian tugas Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris mengacu pada lampiran Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris di atas, yaitu:

1. Menciptakan penataan, implementasi dan pengawasan terhadap seluruh kinerja administrasi, kesekretariatan, pengarsipan, keuangan dan protokoler kegiatan Dewan Komisaris.

2. Berkaitan dengan lancarnya kinerja administrasi, kesekretariatan, pengarsipan dan protokoler kegiatan Dewan Komisaris.

3. Menyiapkan informasi dan data untuk pelaporan sesuai dengan kebijaksanaan dan prosedur-prosedur yang telah ditentukan berkaitan dengan Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Perusahaan mencakup konsep, fungsi penggerak, peraturan, prosedural dan sistem.

Fungsi, Tugas, dan Tanggung Jawab Utama Sekretaris Dewan KomisarisSekretaris Dewan Komisaris memiliki fungsi utama, mencakup:1. Penanggung jawab seluruh kegiatan, kinerja dan

prosedur-prosedur yang dipergunakan.2. Penanggung jawab seluruh kinerja, kebijakan dan

prosedur-prosedur administrasi, kesekretariatan, pengarsipan dan protokoler kegiatan Dewan Komisaris.

Sementara, tugas Utama Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris adalah:

1. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan administrasi kesekretariatan di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris.

2. Menyelenggarakan rapat Dewan Komisaris dan rapat/pertemuan antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Pemegang Saham, Direksi maupun pihak-pihak terkait lainnya.

3. Menyediakan data/informasi yang diperlukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan komite-komite di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris yang berkaitan dengan:a. Monitoring tindak lanjut hasil keputusan, rekomendasi

dan arahan Dewan Komisaris.

b. Bahan/materi yang bersifat administrasi mengenai laporan/kegiatan Direksi dalam mengelola Perusahaan.

c. Dukungan administrasi serta monitoring berkaitan dengan hal-hal yang harus mendapatkan persetujuan atau rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris sehubungan dengan kegiatan pengelolaan Perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi.

4. Mengumpulkan data-data teknis yang berasal dari komite-komite di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris dan tenaga ahli Dewan Komisaris untuk keperluan Dewan Komisaris.

Sedangkan, tanggung jawab dan Kewajiban Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris adalah:1. Membuat Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Dewan Komisaris.

2. Membuat undangan rapat dan notulensi hasil rapat.3. Membuat laporan monitoring dan tindak lanjut hasil

arahan dan rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris kepada Direksi.

e. Compiling Drafts of Reports of the Board of Commissioners;f. Implementing other tasks from the Board of Commissioners;g. Ensuring that the Board of Commissioners complies with

regulations and implement GCG principles;

h. Coordinate the Committee members if necessary in order to ensure smooth duty implementation of the Board of Commissioners;

i. A contact person between the Board of Commissioners and other parties.

Meanwhile, the description of the overview of the position and the details of the duties of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners refer to the annex of the above-mentioned Decree of the Board of Commissioners, namely:1. Creating structure, implementation and supervision of

all administrative performance, secretarial, archiving, financial and protocol activities of the Board of Commissioners.

2. Having responsibility related to the smooth performance of administration, secretarial, archiving and protocol activities of the Board of Commissioners.

3. Preparing information and data for reporting in accordance with the discretion and procedures that have been determined with regard to the Company's Articles of Association includes concept, driving functions, regulations, procedures and systems.

Functions, Duties, and Main Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Board of CommissionersThe Secretary of the Board of Commissioners performs the main functions, including:1. The person in charge of all activities, performance and

applied procedures.2. In charge of all performance, policies and administrative

procedures, secretarial, archiving and protocol activities of the Board of Commissioners.

Meanwhile, the main duties of Secretary of the Board of Commissioners are:1. Organizing secretarial administration activities in the

Board of Commissioners.2. Holding meetings of the Board of Commissioners and

meetings between the Board of Commissioners and Shareholders, Board of Directors and other relevant parties.

3. Providing the necessary data/information for the Board of Commissioners and committees within the Board of Commissioners relating to:a. Monitoring follow-up results to decisions,

recommendations and directives of the Board of Commissioners.

b. Administrative material regarding the report /activities of the Board of Directors in management of the Company;

c. Administrative support and monitoring relating to matters that must obtain approval or recommendations from the Board of Commissioners relating to the Company's management activities carried out by the Board of Directors.

4. Collecting technical data from committees in the Board of Commissioners and experts of the Board of Commissioners for the interests of the Board of Commissioners.

Meanwhile, the scope of responsibilities and obligations of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners are:1. Creating a Work Plan and Budget of the Board of

Commissioners.2. Making meeting invitations and meeting results minutes.3. Making monitoring and follow-up reports of the results

of the direction and recommendations of the Board of Commissioners to the Board of Directors.

239PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

4. Menyiapkan bahan rapat yang dibutuhkan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Komite-komite yang ada di bawahnya.

5. Melakukan pengarsipan semua dokumen Dewan Komisaris termasuk administrasi persuratan, hasil telaah dan rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris.

Kebijakan Remunerasi Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris

Kebijakan remunerasi Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. PER-12/MBU/2012 tanggal 24 Agustus 2012, Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris diberi honorarium setiap bulan sebesar 15% dari gaji Direktur Utama Perusahaan dengan ketentuan pajak ditanggung Perusahaan. Selain honorarium per bulan, Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris juga mendapatkan Tunjangan Hari Raya (selain Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris yang berasal dari lingkungan IPC Group) dan Tantiem, semua biaya yang timbul dibebankan kepada IPC TPK.

Remunerasi Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris

(Dalam Rupiah) (in Rupiah)

Honorarium per BulanMonthly Honorarium

Jumlah Honorarium dan Tunjangan per Bulan

Total Monthly Honorarium and


Jumlah Honorarium dan Tunjangan 1 Tahun

Total Honorarium and Allowance in 1 Year


Jumlah Remunerasi Tahun 2020

Total Remuneration in 2020

10.388.100 10.388.100 124.657.200 52.633.040 88.861.420

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan tugas-tugasnya sepanjang tahun 2020, antara lain:1. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan administrasi kesekretariatan

di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris.2. Menyelenggarakan rapat Dewan Komisaris.3. Menyelenggarakan rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan

Pemegang Saham, Direksi maupun pihak-pihak terkait lainnya.

4. Menyediakan data/informasi yang diperlukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan komite-komite yang berada di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris.

5. Memonitor tindak lanjut hasil keputusan, antara lain:• Rekomendasi dan arahan Dewan Komisaris;

• Bahan/materi yang bersifat administrasi mengenai laporan/kegiatan Direksi dalam mengelola Perusahaan;

• Dukungan administrasi serta monitoring berkaitan dengan hal-hal yang harus mendapatkan persertujuan atau rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris sehubungan dengan kegiatan pengelolaan Perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi;

6. Mengumpulkan data-data teknis yang berasal dari Komite-komite di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris dan tenaga ahli Dewan Komisaris untuk keperluan Dewan Komisaris.

Evaluasi dan Penilaian Kinerja Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris secara berkala. Evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan pada hasil pelaksanaan tugas-tugas pokok Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris. Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan tugas-tugas pokoknya dan memenuhi segala kebutuhan Dewan Komisaris yang terkait dengan fungsi pengawasan Perusahaan sepanjang tahun 2020.

4. Preparing the meeting materials needed by the Board of Commissioners and the committees under it.

5. Archiving all documents of the Board of Commissioners including the administration of correspondence, the results of reviews and the recommendations of the Board of Commissioners.

Remuneration Policy of the Secretary of the Board of CommissionersThe Remuneration Policy of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of IPC TPK refers to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-12/MBU/2012 dated August 24th, 2012, in which the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners is entitled to a honorarium paid monthly in the amount of 15% of the salary of the President Director of the Company with tax provisions borne by the Company. In addition to the monthly honorarium, the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners also receives Holy Day Allowance (except the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners who comes from the IPC Group) and Tantiem, with all costs incurred being charged to IPC TPK.

Remuneration of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners

Brief Report on the Duty Implementation of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners in 2020The Secretary of the Board of Commissioners has carried out his duties throughout 2020, among others:1. Organizing secretarial administration activities in the

Board of Commissioners.2. Holding meetings of the Board of Commissioners.3. Holding meetings of the Board of Commissioners with

Shareholders, Board of Directors and other relevant parties.

4. Providing data/information needed by the Board of Commissioners and committees under the Board of Commissioners.

5. Monitoring follow-up to decision results, among others are:• Recommendations and directives of the Board of

Commissioners;• Administrative materials regarding the report/

activities of the Board of Directors in managing the Company;

• Administrative support and monitoring related to matters that must obtain approval or recommendations or recommendation from the Board of Commissioners relating to the Company's management activities carried out by the Board of Directors;

6. Collecting technical data from committees in the Board of Commissioners and experts of the Board of Commissioners for the interests of the Board of Commissioners.

Evaluation and Assessment of the Performance of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners The Board of Commissioners had evaluated the performance of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners on periodical basis. Evaluation was carried out based on the results of the implementation of the main duties of the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners assessed that the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners had carried out its basic duties and fulfilled all the needs of the Board of Commissioners related to the Company's supervisory functions throughout 2020.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

240 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Komite Audit & GCG

Komite Audit dan GCG dibentuk oleh Dewan Komisaris untuk membantu tugas dan fungsi pengawasan atas pelaksanaan pengelolaan Perusahaan oleh Direksi berjalan secara konsisten sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip manajemen yang sehat dan tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik. Komite Audit IPC TPK dibentuk oleh Dewan Komisaris pada pertengahan tahun 2017, melalui Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 13 Januari 2020 tentang Penetapan Piagam (Charter) Komite Audit & GCG, Komite Manajemen Risiko serta Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Kualifikasi Anggota Komite Audit & GCGPerusahaan memiliki kualifikasi terkait anggota Komite Audit & GCG, sebagai berikut:1. Memiliki integritas yang baik dan pengetahuan serta

pengalaman kerja yang cukup di bidang pengawasan/pemeriksaan.

2. Tidak memiliki kepentingan/keterkaitan pribadi yang dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif dan benturan kepentingan terhadap Perusahaan.

3. Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif.4. Dapat menyediakan waktu yang cukup untuk

menyelesaikan tugasnya.5. Tidak mempunyai saham baik langsung maupun tidak

langsung pada Perusahaan.6. Tidak mempunyai hubungan afiliasi dengan Perusahaan,

anggota Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau Pemegang Saham Utama Perusahaan.

7. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.

Masa Jabatan Komite Audit & GCGSesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, masa jabatan Anggota Komite Audit & GCG tidak boleh lebih lama dari masa jabatan Dewan Komisaris, dan dapat dipilih kembali untuk 1 (satu) periode berikutnya.

Susunan dan Komposisi Anggota Komite Audit & GCG Tahun 2020Komite Audit & GCG terdiri dari sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) orang Ketua dan sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) orang anggota. Anggota Komite Audit & GCG yang merupakan Komisaris bertindak sebagai Ketua Komite Audit.

Susunan Komite Audit & GCG per 31 Desember 2020



Dasar PengangkatanLegal Basis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm

Asmai Ishak KetuaChairman

RK. 3/21/VII/DK/ IPCTPK-20 21 Juli-31 Desember 2020July 21st to December 31st, 2020

Agus Witjaksono AnggotaMember

RK. 3/20/1/DK/IPCTPK-20 20 Januari-31 Desember 2020January 20th to December 31st, 2020

Profil Komite Audit & GCG

Asmai Ishak Komisaris/Ketua Komite Audit & GCG

Asmai Ishak Commissioner/Chairman of Audit & GCG Committee

Profil Ketua Komite Audit & GCG Asmai Ishak dapat dilihat pada bagian Profil Dewan Komisaris dalam bab Profil Perusahaan.

Profile of Audit & GCG Committee Chairman Asmai Ishak can be found in the section of the Profile of Board of Commissioners in the chapter of Company Profile.

Audit & GCG Committee

The Audit & GCG Committee was established by the Board of Commissioners to assist the implementation of oversight duties and function over the Company's management by the Board of Directors to ensure it run in accordance with the principles of a healthy management and good corporate governance. The Audit & GCG Committee of IPC TPK was established by the Board of Commissioners in mid-2017, through the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/13/I/05/DK/IPC. TPK-20 dated January 13th, 2020 concerning the Establishment of Charters of Audit & GCG Committee, Risk Management Committee as well as Nomination & Remuneration Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Qualifications of Audit & GCG Committee MembersThe Company has set up the qualifications for membership of the Audit & GCG Committee, as follows:1. Having good integrity and sufficient knowledge and work

experience in the field of supervision/review.

2. Does not have personal interests/relationships that can cause negative impacts and conflicts of interest against the Company.

3. Able to communicate effectively.4. Providing sufficient time to complete their duties.

5. Do not own shares either directly or indirectly in the Company.

6. Does not have any affiliation with the Company, members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or the Company's Main Shareholders.

7. Does not have a direct or indirect business relationship related to the Company's business activities.

Term of Office of Audit & GCG CommitteeIn accordance with the applicable provisions in the Articles of Association of the Company, the term of office of members of the Audit & GCG Committee shall not be longer than the term of office of the Board of Commissioners, and is potentially re-elected for the another 1 (one) period.

Composition and Structure of Audit & GCG Committee Members in 2020The Audit & GCG Committee consists of at least 1 (one) Chairman and at least 1 (one) member. Member of the Audit & GCG Committee who is also the Commissioner of the Company will act as Chairman of the Audit & GCG Committee.

Composition of Audit & GCG Committee as of December 31st, 2020

Profile of Audit & GCG Committee

241PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Agus WitjaksonoAnggota Komite Audit dan GCGPeriode Jabatan: 1 Agustus 2017-saat ini

Member of the Audit & GCG CommitteeTerm of Office: August 1st, 2017-present

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

Usia69 tahun

Age69 years old

Tempat dan Tanggal LahirMalang, 11 Agustus 1952

Place and Birth DateMalang, August 11th , 1952

DomisiliDepok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileDepok, West Java, Indonesia

Riwayat PendidikanPendidikan Ilmu Akuntansi di Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (1978), dan Sarjana (S1) Ilmu Ekonomi Perusahaan di Universitas Jayabaya (1979).

Educational BackgroundAccounting Studies at the State College of Accounting (1978), and Bachelor Degree (S1) in Corporate Economics at Jayabaya University (1979).

Pengalaman KerjaMemulai kariernya sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Departemen Keuangan pada 1973, Program Computer Departemen Keuangan (1973), Tugas Belajar sebagai mahasiswa di STAN (1975), Auditor pada Departemen Keuangan (1978), Tim Akuntan Negara pada Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (1978), Auditor Bidang APBN Dirjen Pengawasan Keuangan Negara Departemen Keuangan RI (1981), Auditor pada BPKP (1983), Kepala Seksi di Perwakilan BPKP NTT dan Kantor Pusat BPKP (1986), Kepala Bagian/Kasubdit di Perwakilan BPKP Kalimantan Selatan dan Kantor Pusat (1997), Direktur/Kepala Perwakilan (2001), Kapusdiklatwas BPKP di Ciawi Bogor (2006), Pensiun PNS dengan pangkat pengabdian terakhir IVe (Pembina Utama (2012), Staf pada Lembaga Pengembangan Fraud Auditing (2012), Komite Audit pada PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (2014-2017) dan Assessor Kompetensi Auditor Forensik (2013-sekarang).

Work ExperienceHe began his professional career as a Civil Servant in the Ministry of Finance in 1973, Computer Program of the Ministry of Finance (1973), Learning Assignment as a student at STAN (1975), Auditor at the Ministry of Finance (1978), Team of State Accountants at the Tanjung Priok Port Business Agency (1978), Auditor of State Budget at Director General of State Financial Supervision of the Ministry of Finance (1981), Auditor at BPKP (1983), Head of Section at BPKP of NTT Representative Office and BPKP Head Office (1986), Head/Section Head of State Finance in BPKP Representative of South Kalimantan Office and Head Office (1997), Director/Chief Representative (2001), BPKP Kapusdiklatwas in Ciawi Bogor (2006), Retired Civil Servant with the last rank of service IVe (First Advisor (2012), Staff at Fraud Auditing Development Agency (2012), Audit Committee at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) (2014-2017) and Forensic Auditor Competency Assessor (2013-present).

Independensi Komite Audit & GCGKualifikasi independensi Komite Audit & GCG berdasarkan Piagam Komite Audit & GCG adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Tidak mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan karena perkawinan dan keturunan sampai derajat kedua, baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

2. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.

3. Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP), Kantor Konsultan Hukum, atau pihak-pihak lain yang memberikan jasa audit, non audit dan/atau jasa konsultan lainnya kepada Perusahaan dalam waktu enam bulan terakhir.

4. Bukan merupakan orang yang mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin, atau mengendalikan kegiatan Perusahaan.

Pengungkapkan independensi Anggota Komite Audit & GCG terlampir dalam tabel berikut:

Aspek IndependensiAspects of Independence

Asmai Isahak Agus Witjaksono

Memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan dengan Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, serta Direksi.Have familial relationships with Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Directors

x x

Memiliki hubungan usaha secara langsung dan tidak langsung kepada Perseroan.Have a direct and indirect business relationship with the Company

x x

Merupakan orang yang memberikan jasa audit, non audit, atau jasa konsultan lainnya kepada Perseroan dalam waktu enam bulan terakhir.A person who provides audit, non-audit, or other consulting services to the Company within the last six months

x x

Independence of Audit & GCG CommitteeThe qualifications for the independence of the Audit & GCG Committee under the Charter of the Audit & GCG Committee are as follows:1. Have no familial relationship due to marriage and

descendant to the second degree, both horizontally and vertically with the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

2. Have no business relationship, either directly or indirectly relating to the Company's business activities.

3. Not a person in the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), Legal Consultant's Office, or other parties who provide audit, non-audit and/or other consulting services to the Company within the last six months.

4. Not a person who has the authority and responsibility to plan, lead, or control the Company's activities.

The disclosure of the independence of the Members of the Audit & GCG Committee is descried as follows:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

242 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Aspek IndependensiAspects of Independence

Asmai Isahak Agus Witjaksono

Merupakan orang yang mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin atau mengendalikan kegiatan Perseroan.A person who has the authority and responsibility to plan, lead or control the Company’s activities

x x

Menjabat sebagai pengurus partai politik, pejabat dan pemerintah.A member of management of political parties, officials and governments

x x

v = ada/ Yes | x = tidak ada/No

Piagam Komite Audit dan GCGPiagam Komite Audit dan GCG merupakan pedoman bagi pelaksanaan tugas Komite Audit dan GCG, yang mengatur hal-hal sebagai berikut:1. Tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit;2. Wewenang Komite Audit;3. Pertanggungjawaban Komite Audit;4. Pembentukan dan pengangkatan Anggota Komite Audit;

5. Struktur keanggotaan Komite Audit;6. Persyaratan keanggotaan Komite Audit;7. Persyaratan integritas dan kompetensi;8. Rapat Komite Audit;9. Masa tugas Anggota Komite Audit.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Audit

Mengacu pada Piagam Komite Audit, maka tugas dan tanggung jawab utama Komite Audit adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Bersama dengan auditor eksternal menelaah rencana audit, evaluasi sistem pengendalian internal, laporan audit, management letter dari eksternal auditor dan tanggapan manajemen.

2. Meninjau efektivitas dan pengendalian internal yang memadai terhadap keuangan Perusahaan, prosedur dan pengawasan terhadap kepatuhan dan operasional, kebijakan manajemen risiko, sistem dan laporan.

3. Melakukan koordinasi antara auditor eksternal dan manajemen, menelaah bantuan yang diberikan oleh manajemen kepada auditor serta mendiskusikan permasalahan dan kekhawatiran, jika ada, yang timbul dari hasil audit interim dan final, dan hal-hal lain yang akan dibahas oleh auditor tanpa kehadiran manajemen, jika diperlukan.

4. Menelaah dan membahas dengan auditor eksternal tentang kemungkinan kecurangan atau penyimpangan atau pelanggaran hukum, ketentuan atau peraturan yang berlaku, yang berdampak material terhadap hasil usaha atau posisi keuangan Perusahaan, dan tanggapan dari manajemen.

5. Komite Audit akan membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam melakukan kontrol internal secara efektif atas pelaksanaan GCG dan kepatuhan pada peraturan terkait.

Rapat Komite Audit dan GCGSepanjang tahun 2020, Komite Audit telah mengikuti 12 (dua belas) kali rapat koordinasi antara Komite Audit dan Dewan Komisaris.

Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Komite Audit





20 Januari 2020January 20th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Perkenalan Dewan Komisaris baru.2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Desember 2019.1. Introduction of new members of Board of Commissioners.2. Evaluation of Performance Report until December 2019.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

Charter of the Audit & GCG CommitteeThe Charter of the Audit & GCG Committee serves as a guideline for the implementation of the duties of the Audit & GCG Committee, which contains the following provisions, namely:1. Duties and responsibilities of the Audit & GCG Committee;2. Authority of the Audit & GCG Committee;3. Accountability of the Audit & GCG Committee;4. Establishment and appointment of Audit & GCG

Committee Members;5. Membership structure of the Audit & GCG Committee;6. Audit & GCG Committee’s membership requirements;7. Integrity and competency requirements;8. Audit & GCG Committee’s meetings;9. The term of office of members of the Audit & GCG


Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit & GCG CommitteeReferring to the Audit & GCG Committee Charter, the main duties and responsibilities of the Audit & GCG Committee are as follows:1. Together with external auditors review the audit plan,

evaluation of internal control systems, audit reports, management letters from external auditors and management’s responses.

2. Review the effectiveness and adequate internal control of the Company's finance, procedures and oversight of the compliance and operations, risk management policies, systems and reports.

3. Coordinate between external auditors and management, review the assistance provided by management to auditors and discuss issues and concerns, if any, arising from the results of interim and final audits, and other matters that will be discussed by the auditor in the absence of management, if necessary.

4. Review and discuss with external auditors the potential fraud or irregularities or violations of applicable laws, regulations, which have material impacts on the Company's business performance or financial position, and responses from management.

5. The Audit Committee will assist the Board of Commissioners in conducting an effective internal control over the implementation of GCG and regulatory compliance.

Audit & GCG Committee’s MeetingsThroughout 2020, the Audit & GCG Committee attended 12 (twelve) coordination meetings between the Audit & GCG Committee and the Board of Commissioners.

Minutes and Attendance Rate of Audit & GCG Committee’s Meetings

243PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report





24 Februari 2020February 24th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Januari 2020.2. Hal-hal strategis lainnya.1. Evaluation of Performance Report until January 2020.2. Other strategic issues.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

3 April 2020April 3rd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Penunjukan Pelaksana Harian Komisaris Utama.2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Februari 2020.3. Hal-hal strategis lainnya.1. Appointment of the Acting President Director.2. Evaluation of Performance Report until February 2020.3. Other strategic things.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

30 April 2020April 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan Triwulan I.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until the

1st quarter.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

8 Juni 2020June 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan

April 2020. 3. Perkenalan Komisaris Utama Baru.4. Pembahasan Persiapan RUPS Pertanggungjawaban

Laporan Tahuan Tahun Buku 2019.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until April 2020.3. Introduction of new members of Board of Commissioners.4. Discussion on the preparation of GMS of Accountability for

2019 Annual Report.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

8 Juli 2020July 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Mei

2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until May 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

8 Agustus 2020August 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Perkenalan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Baru.2. Tindak Lanjut Arahan Dewan Komisaris.3. Pembahasan kinerja sampai dengan bulan Juni 2020.1. Introduction of New Members of Board of Directors. 2. Follow-up to the Board of Commissioners' Directives, 3. Discussion of performance through June 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

4 September 2020September 4th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Juli

2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until July 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

2 Oktober 2020October 2nd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan

Agustus 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until August


Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

12 November 2020November 12th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan

September dan Oktober 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until September

and October 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

7-9 Desember 2020December 7th-9th, 2020

Bogor 1. Pembuatan Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahun 2021.2. Pembahasan audit program per auditable area.3. Hal-hal terkait manajemen Risiko & Audit.1. Preparing Oversight Program Agenda for 2021.2. Discussion of audit program of each auditable area.3. Issues relating to Risk Management & Audit.

1. Komisaris Independen2. Komite Audit3. Komite NR4. Komite Manajemen Risiko5. Kepala Audit1. Independent Commissioner 2. Audit Committee3. Nomination and Remuneration

Committee4. Risk Management Committee 5. Head of Audit

30 Desember 2020December 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan

November 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until November


Dewan Komisaris dan KomiteBoard of Commissioners and Committees

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

244 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kebijakan Remunerasi Komite Audit & GCG

Honorarium anggota Komite Audit diberikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. PER-12/MBU/2012 bahwa setiap bulan sebesar 20% dari gaji Direktur Utama, dengan ketentuan pajak ditanggung Perusahaan dan tidak diperkenankan menerima penghasilan lain selain honorarium tersebut. Sedangkan, Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang menjadi Ketua/Anggota Komite Audit tidak diberikan penghasilan tambahan dari jabatan tersebut selain penghasilan sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris.

Remunerasi Komite Audit dan GCGPerusahaan membayarkan gaji Ketua Komite Audit dan GCG dengan mengacu pada ketentuan remunerasi bagi Anggota Dewan Komisaris. Sementara itu, bagi anggota Komite Audit dan GCG, Perusahaan pada tahun 2020 telah membayarkan gaji bulanan sebesar Rp13.850.800.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Kegiatan Komite Audit & GCG pada tahun 2020

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Komite Audit & GCG telah melaksanakan tugas dan kegiatan, meliputi:1. Rapat Kerja dengan Dewan Komisaris (Rutin):

a. Pembahasan Kinerja Perusahaan:Rapat Rutin Dewan Komisaris dilakukan setiap bulan dengan materi pembahasan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan kegiatan operasional manajemen, yaitu dengan urutan pembahasan sebagai berikut:• Pembahasan tindak lanjut hasil rapat yang lalu.

• Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen bulan yang bersangkutan.

• Hal-hal strategis yang perlu diperhatikan.b. Pembahasan Laporan Tahunan (Audited) Tahun 2019

dalam rangka RUPS:• Telah dilakukan pembahasan atas hasil Audit

Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2019 yang dilaksanakan oleh KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja.

• Tanggapan Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS Pertanggung Jawaban Kinerja Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2019, telah dilaksanakan.

• Telah dilakukan Evaluasi Kinerja Kantor Akuntan (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, dalam melaksanakan audit tahun buku 2019 dan telah dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

c. Pembahasan awal Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2021 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen, telah dilaksanakan.

d. Penyusunan dan pembahasan Program Kerja Komisaris Tahun 2021, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk menjadi bagian dari Usulan RKAP Tahun 2021.

e. Telah dilaksanakan pembahasan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2020 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen, dalam rangka persiapan Pra RUPS.

f. Penetapan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk pelaksanaan Audit Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2020, dilaksanakan oleh IPC Holding.

g. Pembahasan hal-hal yang memerlukan persetujuan tertulis/rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris:

Policy on Honorarium of Audit & GCG Committee

Honorarium for members of the Audit & GCG Committee are designed in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-12/MBU/2012, in which it regulates that it will be paid every month in an amount of 20% of the salary of the President Director, with tax provisions borne by the Company and not allowed to receive income other than the honorarium. Meanwhile, member of the Board of Commissioners who becomes Chairman/Member of the Audit & GCG Committee will not receive additional income from the position other than income as a member of the Board of Commissioners.

Remuneration of Audit and GCG CommitteeThe Company paid the salary of Chairman of Audit and GCG Committee in accordance with the remuneration policy of the Members of Audit and GCG Committee. Meanwhile, for the member of Audit and GCG Committee, the Company in 2020 has paid a monthly salary amounting to Rp13,850,800.

Brief Report on the Implementation of Duties and Activities of the Audit & GCG Committee in 2020

Throughout 2020, the Audit & GCG Committee carried out the following duties and activities:1. Working meetings with the Board of Commissioners

(Regular):a. Discussion of the Company’s Performance:

Regular Meetings of the Board of Commissioners took place every month whose topic of discussion depended on the development of management operational activities, with the following order:• Discussion of the follow-up results of the last

meeting.• Discussion of the Management Report of the

month concerned.• Strategic issues to consider.

b. Discussion of 2019 Annual Report (Audited) in the GMS:• Discussion on the results of the Audit results of

the 2019 Financial Statements conducted by KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja was already done.

• The response of the Board of Commissioners in the GMS of the Accountability of the Company’s Performance in Fiscal Year of 2019, was implemented.

• The Performance Evaluation of Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, relating to the implementation of audit of fiscal year of 2019 and has been reported to the Board of Commissioners.

c. The initial discussion of the Proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for 2021 and KPI/Management Contract, was already done.

d. The preparation and discussion of the Board of Commissioners’ Work Agenda for 2021, were done and already submitted to the Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to be concluded as part of the 2021 RKAP Proposal.

e. A discussion of the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of 2020 and KPI/Management Contract, was done in preparation for the Pre-GMS.

f. The appointment of a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) for the implementation of the Audit of Financial Statements of 2020, was done by IPC Holding.

g. Discussion of matters that require written approval/recommendations from the Board of Commissioners:

245PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

• Perpanjangan pengenaan Suku Bunga 0% kepada STMS, untuk periode 1 Januari 2019 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020.

• Laporan Penyelesaian Piutang Usaha kepada PT Musim Mas, di Pelabuhan Jambi.

• Usulan Batasan Kewenangan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham dalam Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama.

• Usulan Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

h. Pembahasan Isu-Isu Strategis:• Persiapan rencana pengoperasian Terminal

Petikemas Ex JICT-2.• Persiapan rencana pelaksanaan IPO PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas.

2. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan Manajemen PT IPC Terminal PetikemasPembahasan Kinerja Perusahaan:a. Rapat Rutin Dewan Komisaris dilakukan setiap bulan

dengan materi pembahasan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan kegiatan operasional manajemen, yaitu dengan urutan pembahasan sebagai berikut :• Pembahasan tindak lanjut hasil rapat yang lalu.

• Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen bulan yang bersangkutan.

• Hal-hal strategis yang perlu diperhatikan.b. Pembahasan Laporan Tahunan (Audited) Tahun 2019

dalam rangka RUPS:• Telah dilakukan pembahasan atas hasil Audit

Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2019 yang dilaksanakan oleh KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja.

• Tanggapan Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS Pertanggung Jawaban Kinerja Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2019, telah dilaksanakan.

• Telah dilakukan Evaluasi Kinerja Kantor Akuntan (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, dalam melaksanakan audit tahun buku 2019 dan telah dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

c. Pembahasan awal Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2021 dan KPI/ Kontrak Manajemen, telah dilaksanakan.

d. Penyusunan dan pembahasan Program Kerja Komisaris Tahun 2021, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk menjadi bagian dari Usulan RKAP Tahun 2021.

e. Telah dilaksanakan pembahasan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2020 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen dalam rangka Pra RUPS.

f. Penetapan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk pelaksanaan Audit Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2020, dilaksanakan oleh IPC Holding.

g. Pembahasan hal-hal yang memerlukan persetujuan tertulis/rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris:• Perpanjangan pengenaan Suku Bunga 0% kepada

STMS, untuk periode 1 Januari 2019 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020.

• Laporan Penyelesaian Piutang Usaha kepada PT Musim Mas, di Pelabuhan Jambi.

• Usulan Batasan Kewenangan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham dalam Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama.

• Usulan Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

• Extension of the imposition of 0% Interest Rate to STMS, for the period January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2020.

• Trade Receivable Settlement Report to PT Musim Mas, at Jambi Port.

• Proposal of Limits on the Authorities of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders in the Development of Cooperation.

• Proposal of Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

h. Discussion of Strategic Issues:• Preparation of the operation plan of Ex JICT-2

Container Terminal.• Preparation of the IPO plan of PT IPC Terminal


2. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners with management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas:Discussion of the Company’s Performance:a. Regular Meetings of the Board of Commissioners

took place every month whose topic of discussion depended on the development of management operational activities, with the following order:• Discussion of the follow-up results of the last

meeting.• Discussion of the Management Report of the

month concerned.• Strategic issues to consider.

b. Discussion of 2019 Annual Report (Audited) in the GMS:• Discussion on the results of the Audit results of

the 2019 Financial Statements conducted by KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja was already done.

• The response of the Board of Commissioners in the GMS of the Accountability of the Company’s Performance in Fiscal Year of 2019, was implemented.

• The Performance Evaluation of Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, relating to the implementation of audit of fiscal year of 2019 and has been reported to the Board of Commissioners.

c. The initial discussion of the Proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for 2021 and KPI/Management Contract, was already done.

d. The preparation and discussion of the Board of Commissioners’ Work Agenda for 2021, were done and already submitted to the Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to be concluded as part of the 2021 RKAP Proposal.

e. A discussion of the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of 2020 and KPI/Management Contract, was done in preparation for the Pre-GMS.

f. The appointment of a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) for the implementation of the Audit of Financial Statements of 2020, was done by IPC Holding.

g. Discussion of matters that require written approval/ recommendations from the Board of Commissioners:• Extension of the imposition of 0% Interest Rate

to STMS, for the period January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2020.

• Trade Receivable Settlement Report to PT Musim Mas, at Jambi Port.

• Proposal of Limits on the Authorities of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders in the Development of Cooperation.

• Proposal of Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

246 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

h. Pembahasan Isu-Isu Strategis:• Persiapan rencana pengoperasian Terminal

Petikemas Ex JICT-2.• Persiapan rencana pelaksanaan IPO PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas.

3. Rapat koordinasi Triwulanan dengan Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI)a. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Program

Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) Tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

b. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

c. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Triwulan I tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

d. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Triwulan II tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

e. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Triwulan III tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

f. Monitoring tindak lanjut atas rekomendasi Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) Tahun 2019 dan hal-hal lain yang dianggap perlu, telah dilaksanakan.

4. Rapat Koordinasi dengan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP)a. Pembahaan hasil temuan KAP dan Laporan Audit

Tahun 2019, telah dilaksanakan dan dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

b. Pembahasan Rencana Kerja General Audit Tahun 2020, belum dilaksanakan pada Triwulan IV Tahun 2019.

5. Mempersiapkan Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, Semester I tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.

6. Mempersiapkan Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, Semester II tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.

7. Penyusunan Laporan atas kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko, telah disampaikan:

a. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan IV Tahun 2019.

b. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan I Tahun 2020.

c. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan II Tahun 2020.

d. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan III Tahun 2020.

8. Kunjungan kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Komite ke Area Terminal Petikemas, telah dilaksanakan, yaitu:

a. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Jambi.b. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Panjang.c. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Tanjung Priok-1.d. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Palembang.e. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Teluk Bayur.f. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Pontianak.

Sedangkan Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Tanjung Priok-2 dan Area Terminal Support, dilaksanakan sekaligus dalam rapat Koordinasi Tim Komite dengan Manajemen PT IPC Petikemas yang melibatkan Manager Area TPK Tanjung Priok pada Triwulan IV tahun 2020.

h. Discussion of Strategic Issues:• Preparation of the operation plan of Ex JICT-2

Container Terminal.• Preparation of the IPO plan of PT IPC Terminal


3. Quarterly coordination meeting with the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI):a. Coordination and discussion of the Annual Oversight

Work Program (PKPT) in 2020, was implemented.

b. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) in 2020, was implemented.

c. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) of 1st quarter of 2020, was implemented.

d. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) of 2nd Quarter of 2020, was implemented.

e. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) of 3rd quarter of 2020, was implemented.

f. Follow-ups to monitoring of the recommendations of the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI) in 2019 and other matters deemed necessary, were implemented.

4. Coordination Meeting with Public Accounting Firm (KAP):a. The improvements of the findings of KAP and audit

report in 2019, were implemented and reported to the Board of Commissioners.

b. Discussion of the General Audit Work Plan in 2020, were implemented in the 4th quarter of 2019.

5. Preparing the Board of Commissioners Supervision Report, First Half of 2020, was implemented and submitted to shareholders.

6. Preparing the Oversight Report of the Board of Commissioners, Second Half of 2020, was implemented and submitted to shareholders.

7. The preparation of a report on the activities of the Audit & GCG Committee and the Risk Management Committee, was already submitted, namely:a. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 4th quarter of 2019.b. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 1st quarter of 2020.c. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 2nd quarter of 2020.d. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 3rd quarter of 2020.

8. The working visits of the Board of Commissioners and the Committee to the Container Terminal Areas, were done, namely:a. Working visit to TPK of Jambi Area.b. Working visit to TPK of Panjang Area.c. Working visit to TPK of Tanjung Priok-1 Area.d. Working visit to TPK of Palembang area.e. Working visit to TPK of Teluk Bayur Area.f. Working visit to TPK of Pontianak Area.

In conjunction with the working visit to the Tanjung Priok-2 TPK Area and The Terminal Support Area, a Coordination Meeting of the Committee Team with the Management of PT IPC Petikemas involving the Manager of TPK Tanjung Priok Area was held in the fourth quarter of 2020.

247PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

9. Program Pengembangan Dewan Komisaris dan Komite:

a. Mengikuti Seminar/Pelatihan/Workshop/Kursus (Pelatihan) telah dilaksanakan:• Seminar Perpajakan, di Jakarta.

b. Study Banding/Benchmark, belum dilaksanakan .

Pelaksanaan kegiatan study banding/benchmark belum dilaksanakan dikarenakan terkendala pandemi Covid-19.

Kegiatan di luar RKAPKegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko, sebagai berikut:1. Kajian usulan perpanjangan pengenaan Suku Bunga

0% kepada STMS, untuk periode 1 Januari 2019 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020.

2. Kajian Laporan Penyelesaian Piutang Usaha kepada PT Musim Mas, di Pelabuhan Jambi.

3. Kajian Usulan Batasan Kewenangan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham dalam Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama.

4. Kajian Usulan Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

5. Penyempurnaan SOP Dewan Komisaris dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2020, dengan hasil +/- 90% dan sisanya dijadwalkan pada Tahun 2021 .

6. Kunjungan Kerja ke Pelabuhan Tanjung Pura (Kijing), dijadwalkan ulang.

Evaluasi dan Penilaian Kinerja Komite Audit & GCG

Dewan Komisaris melakukan evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja Komite Audit & GCG setiap 1 (satu) tahun sekali. Evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja didasarkan pada realisasi dan penyelesaian program kerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam rencana kerja tahunan Komite Audit & GCG. Penilaian kinerja Komite Audit & GCG juga berdasarkan pada saran, rekomendasi dan masukan yang diberikan oleh Komite Audit & GCG itu sendiri sesuai dengan ruang lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Hasil penilaian menjadi bahan pertimbangan Dewan Komisaris untuk memberhentikan atau mengangkat kembali anggota Komite Audit & GCG untuk periode jabatan berikutnya.

Evaluasi dan penilaian Dewan Komisaris terhadap kinerja Komite Audit pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

No.Uraian Tugas

Description of TaskPenilaian


1 Pelaksanaan pertemuan rutin sesuai dengan program kerja tahunan serta melakukan kegiatan lain yang ditugaskan Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.The implementation of regular meetings in accordance with the annual work agenda and to carry out other activities assigned by the Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustees.

“Sangat Baik”“Very Good”

2 Pelaporan kegiatan dan hasil penugasan yang diterimanya kepada Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.Reporting of activities and the results of assignments to the Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustees.

“Sangat Baik”“Very Good”

9. Development Program of the Board of Commissioners and Committees:a. Attending Seminars/Trainings/Workshops/Courses

(Training) was done:• Tax Seminar, in Jakarta.

b. The Comparative/Benchmark Study has not yet been implemented.

The implementation of comparative /benchmark study activities has not been implemented due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Activities out of RKAPActivities of the Audit & GCG Committee and the Risk Management Committee, also included the followings:1. Review of the proposed extension of the imposition of 0%

Interest Rate to STMS, for the period of January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2020.

2. Review of Business Receivable Settlement Report to PT Musim Mas, at Jambi Port.

3. Review of Proposed Limitations upon the Authorities of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders in the Development of Cooperation.

4. Review of Proposed Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

5. The improvement of the Board of Commissioners’ SOP took place in December 2020, with a result of +/- 90% and the rest was scheduled for 2021.

6. Working Visit to Tanjung Pura Port (Kijing), was rescheduled.

Performance Evaluation and Assessment of Audit & GCG CommitteeThe Board of Commissioners conducts an evaluation and assessment of the performance of the Audit & GCG Committee annually. Performance evaluation and assessment is based on the realization and completion of the work agenda that has been set out in the Audit & GCG Committee's annual work plan. The performance assessment of the Audit & GCG Committee also considers the advice, recommendations and inputs provided by the Audit & GCG Committee itself in accordance with the scope of its duties and responsibilities. The results of the assessment are the subject of consideration of the Board of Commissioners to dismiss or re-appoint members of the Audit & GCG Committee for the next term of office.

Evaluation and assessment of the Board of Commissioners on the performance of the Audit & GCG Committee in 2020 showed the following results:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi

Dewan Komisaris membentuk Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi sesuai dengan SK No. RK.2/21/VII/DK/ IPCTPK-20 tentang Tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Ketua dan Anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Pedoman Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiPiagam Komite PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dituangkan dalam Keputusan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK.20 Tentang Penetapan Piagam (Charter) Komite Audit & GCG, Komite Manajemen Risiko serta Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tanggal 13 Januari 2020.

Susunan Anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi


Dasar PengangkatanLegal Basis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm of Office

Asmai Ishak (Ketua/Chairman) RK.2/21/VII/DK/ IPCTPK-20 21 Juli-31 Desember 2020July 21st -December 31st, 2020

Khamidin Suwarjo (Anggota/ Member) RK.3/21/VII/DK/ IPCTPK-20 21 Juli-31 Desember 2020 July 21st -December 31st, 2020

Profil Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi

Asmai Ishak Komisaris/Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi

Asmai Ishak Commissioner/Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Profil Ketua Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dapat dilihat pada bagian Profil Dewan Komisaris dalam bab Profil Perusahaan.

The Profile of the Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee can be found in the section of Profile of the Board of Commissioners in the chapter of Company Profile.

Khamidin SuwarjoAnggota Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiPeriode Jabatan: 1 Agustus 2017-saat ini

Member of the Audit CommitteeTerm of Office: August 1st, 2017 – current

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

Usia64 tahun

Age64 years old

Tempat dan Tanggal LahirPemalang, 13 Oktober 1957

Place and Birth DatePemalang, October 13th, 1957

DomisiliBekasi Timur, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

DomicileBekasi Timur, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Riwayat PendidikanSarjana (S1) Administrasi Niaga di Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta (1992).

Educational BackgroundBachelor Degree (S1) in Commercial Administration from Terbuka University, Jakarta (1992).

Pengalaman Kerja- Anggota Pengurus di DP4 PT Pelindo II (2008-2014)- Pengawas Bidang Keuangan PT Pelindo II (2005-2008)- Manajer Keuangan PT Pelindo II Cabang Tanjung Priok

(2002-2005)- Manajer Keuangan PT Pelindo II Cabang Pajang (1990-2002).

- Asisten Manajer Anggaran dan Akuntansi PT Pelindo II Cabang Panjang (1993-1999)

- Staf Akuntansi PT Pelindo II Cabang Tanjung Priok (1981-1993)

- Pelaksana Ops. Kepanduan PT Pelindo II Cabang Tanjung Priok (1977-1981)

Work Experience- Member of Management at DP4 of PT Pelindo II (2008-2014)- Finance Supervisor of PT Pelindo II (2005-2008)- Financial Manager of PT Pelindo II of Tanjung Priok Branch

(2002-2005)- Financial Manager of PT Pelindo II of Pajang Branch (1990-

2002)- Assistant Budget and Accounting Manager of PT Pelindo II

Long Branch (1993-1999)- Accounting Staff of PT Pelindo II of Tanjung Priok Branch

(1981-1993)- Operator of Scouting Ops. of PT Pelindo II of Tanjung Priok

Branch (1977-1981)

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Board of Commissioners established a Nomination and Remuneration Committee in accordance with Decree No. RK.2/21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 on the Dismissal and Appointment of the Chairman and Members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Guidelines of Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeCommittee Charter of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas was contained in the Decree of Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/13/DK/IPCTPK.20 dated January 13th, 2020 about the Establishment of Charter of Audit & GCG Committee, Risk Management Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Membership Structure of Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Profile of Nomination and Remuneration Committee

249PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Independensi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi

Kriteria independensi Anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Tidak mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan karena perkawinan dan keturunan sampai derajat kedua, baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

2. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.

3. Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP), Kantor Konsultan Hukum, atau pihak-pihak lain yang memberikan jasa audit, non audit dan/atau jasa konsultan lainnya kepada Perusahaan dalam waktu enam bulan terakhir.

4. Bukan merupakan orang yang mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin, atau mengendalikan kegiatan Perusahaan.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiKomite Nominasi dan Remunerasi memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai berikut:

a. Memberikan rekomendasi mengenai calon anggota Direksi Perusahaan kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk disampaikan kepada RUPS.

b. Menyusun dan memberikan rekomendasi mengenai sistem serta prosedur pemilihan dan/atau penggantian anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk disampaikan kepada RUPS.

c. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap kebijakan remunerasi.d. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris

mengenai:1) Kebijakan remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan

Direksi untuk disampaikan kepada RUPS.2) Kebijakan remunerasi bagi pegawai secara

keseluruhan untuk disampaikan kepada Direksi.

Lingkup kewenangan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi:

a. Mereviu, memeriksa, melakukan analisa dan memberikan pendapat serta rekomendasi dalam batas ruang lingkup tugasnya.

b. Mencari dan mendapatkan informasi (akses yang tidak terbatas) yang relevan dari Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM), laporan-laporan, maupun dari setiap anggota Direksi, karyawan atau individu atau narasumber terkait.

c. Mengundang manajemen untuk hadir dalam rapat komite.

Rapat Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiSepanjang tahun 2020, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi telah mengikuti 12 (dua belas) kali rapat koordinasi antara Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dengan Dewan Komisaris.

Independence of the Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeThe criteria for the independence of members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee are described as follows:

1. Have no familial relationship due to marriage and descendant to the second degree, both horizontally and vertically with the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.

2. Have no business relationship, either directly or indirectly relating to the Company's business activities.

3. Not a person in the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), Legal Consultant's Office, or other parties who provide audit, non-audit and/or other consulting services to the Company within the last six months.

4. Not a person who has the authority and responsibility to plan, lead, or control the Company's activities.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeThe Nomination and Remuneration Committee serves the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Proposing candidates for members of the Company's Board of Directors to shareholders.

b. Preparing and presenting recommendations about nomination system and procedures and/or succession policies for prospective Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors to the Board of Commissioners so as to submit them to the GMS.

c. Evaluating the remuneration policy.d. Providing recommendation to the Board of Commissioners

about:1). Remuneration policy for both Board of Commissioners

and Board of Directors to be submitted to GMS.2). Remuneration policy for employees to be submitted

to the Board of Directors.

Scope of authorities of Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

a. To review, evaluate, analyze and give opinions and recommendations within the scope of its duties.

b. To seek and collect relevant information (unlimited access) from Management Information System (MIS), reports, as well as from each member of Board of Directors, employees or individuals or relevant sources.

c. Inviting management to be present at committee’s meetings.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s MeetingIn the course of 2020, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has participated in 12 coordination meetings held between the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of Commissioners.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi





20 Januari 2020January 20th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Perkenalan Dewan Komisaris baru.2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Desember 2019.1. Introduction of new members of Board of Commissioners.2. Evaluation of Performance Report until December 2019.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

24 Februari 2020February 24th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Januari 2020.2. Hal-hal strategis lainnya.1. Evaluation of Performance Report until January 2020.2. Other strategic issues.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

3 April 2020April 3rd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Penunjukan Pelaksana Harian Komisaris Utama.2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Februari 2020.3. Hal-hal strategis lainnya.1. Appointment of the Acting President Director.2. Evaluation of Performance Report until February 2020.3. Other strategic things.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

30 April 2020April 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan Triwulan I.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until the first quarter.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

8 Juni 2020June 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan April

2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until April 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

8 Juli 2020July 8th , 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Mei

2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until May 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

4 September 2020September 4th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Juli 2020.3. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.4. Discussion of the Company's performance until July 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

2 Oktober 2020October 2nd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Agustus

2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.1. Discussion of the Company's performance until August 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

12 November 2020November 12th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan

September dan Oktober 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until September and

October 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

7-9 Desember 2020 December 7th-9th, 2020

Bogor 1. Pembuatan Program kerja pengawasan Tahun 20212. Pembahasan audit program per audtable area3. Hal-hal terkait manajemen Risiko & Audit1. Preparing Oversight Program Agenda for 20212. Discussion of audit program of each auditable area3. Issues relating to Risk Management & Audit

1. Komisaris Independen2. Komite Audit3. Komite NR4. Komite Manajemen Risiko5. Kepala Audit1. Independent Commissioner2. Audit Committee3. Nomination and Remuneration

Committee4. Risk Management Committee 5. Head of Audit

30 Desember 2020December 30th , 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan

November 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until November 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

Rekapitulasi Kehadiran Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi

Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiNomination and Remuneration Committee

Jumlah Wajib RapatNumber of Mandatory Meetings

Jumlah KehadiranNumber of Attendance

% Kehadiran% Attendance

Asmai Ishak 11 11 100%

Khamidin Suwarjo 11 11 100%

Rata-rata/Average 11 11 100%

Attendance Recapitulation of Members of Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Minutes and Attendance Rate of Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s Meetings

251PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kebijakan Remunerasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi

Honorarium anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi diberikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. PER-12/MBU/2012 bahwa setiap bulan sebesar 20% dari gaji Direktur Utama, dengan ketentuan pajak ditanggung Perusahaan dan tidak diperkenankan menerima penghasilan lain selain honorarium tersebut.

Remunerasi Komite Nominasi dan RemunerasiPerusahaan membayarkan honorarium Ketua Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dengan mengacu pada ketentuan remunerasi bagi Anggota Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan. Sementara itu, bagi anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, Perusahaan pada tahun 2020 telah membayarkan honorarium bulanan sebesar Rp13.850.800.

Evaluasi dan Penilaian Kinerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris menyelenggarakan evaluasi dan penilaian terhadap kinerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi setiap 1 (satu) tahun sekali. Evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja didasarkan pada realisasi dan penyelesaian program kerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam rencana kerja tahunan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi. Penilaian kinerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi juga berdasarkan pada saran, rekomendasi dan masukan yang diberikan oleh Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi itu sendiri sesuai dengan ruang lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Hasil penilaian menjadi bahan pertimbangan Dewan Komisaris untuk memberhentikan atau mengangkat kembali anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi untuk periode jabatan berikutnya.

Evaluasi dan penilaian Dewan Komisaris terhadap kinerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

NoUraian Tugas

Description of TaskPenilaian


1 Pelaksanaan pertemuan rutin sesuai dengan program kerja tahunan serta melakukan kegiatan lain yang ditugaskan Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.The implementation of regular meetings in accordance with the annual work agenda and to carry out other activities assigned by the Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustees.

“Sangat Baik”“Very Good”

2 Pelaporan kegiatan dan hasil penugasan yang diterimanya kepada Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.Reporting of activities and the results of assignments to the Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustees.

“Sangat Baik”“Very Good”

Nomination and Remuneration Committee Remuneration Policy Honorarium members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee are given in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-12/MBU/2012 that every month amounting to 20% of the salary of the President Director, with tax provisions borne by the Company and not allowed to receive income other than the honorarium.

Remuneration of Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeThe Company paid the honorarium of Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee in accordance with the remuneration policy of the Members of Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Meanwhile, for the member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Company in 2020 has paid a monthly honorarium amounting to Rp13,850,800.

Performance Evaluation and Assessment of Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeThe Board of Commissioners conducts an evaluation and assessment of the performance of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee annually. Performance evaluation and assessment is based on the realization and completion of the work agenda that has been set out in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee's annual work plan. The performance of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee will also be assessed by taking consideration of the advice, recommendations and inputs from the Nomination and Remuneration Committee itself in accordance with the scope of its duties and responsibilities. The results of the assessment are the subject of consideration of the Board of Commissioners to dismiss or re-appoint members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee for the next term of office.

Evaluation and assessment of the Board of Commissioners on the performance of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in 2020 showed the following results:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

252 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Komite Manajemen Risiko

Komite Manajemen Risiko adalah komite yang dibentuk oleh Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris IPC TPK No. RK.1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK-20 tentang Penetapan Piagam (Charter) Komite Audit & GCG, Komite Manajemen Risiko serta Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tanggal 13 Januari 2020. Komite Manajemen Risiko bertanggung jawab kepada Dewan Komisaris dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya terkait pengawasan atas pengelolaan risiko usaha yang dihadapi Perusahaan. Anggota Komite ditetapkan berdasarkan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Anggota Komite tidak boleh merangkap sebagai Anggota Komite lain di lingkungan Perusahaan pada periode yang sama.

Kualifikasi Anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko

Perusahaan telah menetapkan kualifikasi anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko, sebagai berikut:1. Memiliki integritas, dedikasi, kemampuan, pendidikan,

independensi dan pengalaman sesuai dengan bidang pekerjaannya, serta mampu mengomunikasikan secara lisan maupun tertulis semua hasil pelaksanaan tugasnya kepada Dewan Komisaris sesuai prosedur yang berlaku.

2. Memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk dapat memahami prinsip dan proses manajemen risiko serta mampu mengomunikasikan pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsinya kepada Dewan Komisaris.

3. Memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai tentang Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan operasi Perusahaan, dan peraturan lainnya terkait dengan Manajemen Risiko.

4. Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai Perusahaan dan mampu memahami kegiatan Perusahaan secara cepat dalam kaitannya dengan Manajemen Risiko.

5. Sekurang-kurangnya Anggota Komite harus memiliki latar belakang dan kompetensi dalam pendidikan atau memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Manajemen Risiko dan/atau Bidang Keuangan.

6. Tidak mempunyai hubungan afiliasi dengan Perusahaan, Anggota Dewan Komisaris, Anggota Direksi atau Pemegang Saham utama Perusahaan.

7. Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga sedarah sampai derajat ke-3, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke samping ataupun hubungan yang timbul karena perkawinan dengan Anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya atau dengan Anggota Direksi.

8. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.

9. Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin, mengendalikan atau mengawasi Perusahaan ini dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan sebelum diangkat oleh Dewan Komite.

Masa Jabatan Komite Manajemen RisikoKetentuan masa jabatan anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Setiap anggota Komite diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Dewan Komisaris.

2. Masa jabatan setiap anggota Komite adalah 3 (tiga) tahun terhitung sejak tanggal pengangkatan dan dapat diangkat kembali selama 2 (dua) tahun.

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee is a committee established by the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas through the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. RK.1/13/I/05/DK/IPC.TPK-20 dated January 13th, 2020 concerning the Establishment of Charters of Audit & GCG Committee, Risk Management Committee as well Nomination & Remuneration Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The Risk Management Committee reports to the Board of Commissioners about the implementation of its duties of overseeing the management of business risks of the Company. Committee members are determined based on the Company's needs. Members of the Committee shall not serve concurrent position as Members of other Committees in the Company within the same period.

Qualifications of Members of the Risk Management CommitteeThe Company has established the qualifications of members of the Risk Management Committee, as follows:1. Have integrity, dedication, ability, education,

independence, and experience relevant to the field of work, and able to communicate orally and in writing about the results of the implementation of their duties to the Board of Commissioners in accordance with applicable procedures.

2. Have sufficient knowledge to be able to understand the principles and processes of risk management and be able to communicate the implementation of their duties and functions to the Board of Commissioners.

3. Have adequate knowledge of the Company's Articles of Association, laws and regulations relating to the Company's operations, and other regulations concerning Risk Management.

4. Have good knowledge of the Company and quickly understand the Company's activities in relation to Risk Management.

5. Members of the Committee must have at least an educational background and competence or have expertise in the field of Risk Management and/or Finance.

6. Have no affiliation with the Company, Members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors or major shareholders of the Company.

7. Do not have familial relationship up to the 3rd degree, both horizontally and vertically, or a relationship due to from marriage with other Board of Commissioners’ members or with members of the Board of Directors.

8. Do not have a direct or indirect business relationship relating to the Company's business activities.

9. Not a person who works or has the authority and responsibility to plan, lead, control or supervise the Company within 6 (six) months prior to his/her appointment by the Board of Committee.

Term of Office of the Risk Management CommitteeThe term of office of members of the Risk Management Committee is as follows:

1. Each Committee member is appointed and dismissed by the Board of Commissioners.

2. The term of office of each member of the Committee is 3 (three) years since the date of appointment and can be reappointed for another 2 (two) years.

253PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

3. Keanggotaan Komite dapat berakhir sewaktu-waktu sebelum masa jabatan berakhir sesuai Keputusan Dewan Komisaris.

4. Penggantian anggota Komite yang bukan berasal dari Dewan Komisaris dilakukan paling lambat 60 (enam puluh) hari sejak Anggota Komite dimaksud tidak dapat lagi melaksanakan fungsinya.

5. Perusahaan wajib mendokumentasikan keputusan pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Anggota Komite.

Susunan Komite Manajemen Risiko per 31 Desember 2020



Dasar PengangkatanLegal Basis of Appointment

Masa JabatanTerm of Office

Hary Kriswanto KetuaHead

SK Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 22/DK/VIIIP.TPK-17Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 22/DK/VIIIP. TPK-17

28 Juli 2017-31 Desember 2020 July 28th, 2017-December 31st, 2020

Edy Purnomo AnggotaMember

SK Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 22/DK/VIIIP.TPK-17Decree of the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 22/DK/VIIIP. TPK-17

28 Juli 2017-31 Desember 2020 July 28th, 2017-December 31st, 2020

Profil Komite Manajemen Risiko

Hary Kriswanto Komisaris/Ketua Komite Manajemen Risiko

Asmai Ishak Commissioner/Chairman of the Risk Management Committee

Profil Ketua Komite Manajemen Risiko Hary Kriswanto dapat dilihat pada bagian Profil Dewan Komisaris dalam bab Profil Perusahaan.

The profile of Risk Management Committee Chairman Hary Kriswanto can be found in the section of Profile of the Board of Commissioners in the chapter of Company Profile.

Edy PurnomoAnggota Komite Manajemen RisikoPeriode Jabatan: 1 Maret 2018- saat ini

Member of the Risk Management CommitteeTerm of Office: March 1st, 2018- current

KewarganegaraanWarga Negara Indonesia

CitizenshipIndonesian citizen

Usia65 tahun

Age65 years old

Tempat dan Tanggal LahirJakarta, 7 Oktober 1957

Place and Birth DateJakarta, October 7th, 1956

DomisiliDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

DomicileDKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Riwayat PendidikanMaster in Port MGT and Harbour ADM. Antwepern, Belgia (1988), S1 Administrasi Niaga (1986).

Educational BackgroundMaster in Port MGT and Harbour ADM. Antwepern, Belgium (1988), S1 degree in Commercial Administration (1986)

Pengalaman Kerja- Ketua Team Bersama Penyiapan Rencana Kerjasama

Operasi Penyediaan Peralatan Bongkar Muat Peti Kemas di Pelabuhan Lhokseumawe, Pelabuan Sibolga dan Pelabuhan Malahayati PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia l (Persero/, Tahun 2012).

- Senior Manager Pemasaran (2011).- Senior Manager Operasi (2010).- Staf Utama Senior (2004).- General Manager Pelabuhan Pontianak (2000).- Senior Manager Pemasaran (1999).- Kepala Sub. Direktorat Pelayanan Petikemas (1996).- Kepala Divisi Terminal Petikemas I (1994).- Kepala Dinas Operasi Kapa! Div. TPK II, Tahun 1994.- Kepala Dinas Operasi Kapa! Div. TPK I, Tahun 1991.- Kepala Dinas Pengawasan Operasional Div.TPK I UTPK

Tanjung Priok,Tahun 1991.- Kepala Sub Dinas Pengendalian Operasional, Tahun 1991.- Kepala Sub Dinas Bongkar Muat Petikemas, Tahun 1990.- Staf BPP Tanjung Priok, Tahun 1980-1981.

Work Experience- Head of the Joint Preparation Team for the Operation

Partnership Plan for the Provision of Container Loading and Unloading Equipment at Lhokseumawe Port, Sibolga Port, and Malahayati Port of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia l (Persero/, 2012)

- Senior Manager of Marketing (2011)- Senior Manager of Operations (2010)- Senior Key Staff (2004)- General Manager of Pontianak Port (2000)- Senior Manager of Marketing (1999)- Head of Sub. Directorate of Container Services (1996)- Head of Container Terminal Division I (1994)- Head of Ship Operations of Div. TPK II, 1994- Head of Ship Operations of Div. TPK I, 1991- Head of Operational Supervision Office of Div.TPK I of

UTPK Tanjung Priok, in 1991- Head of Operational Control Sub-Office, 1991- Head of Container Loading and Unloading Sub-Office, 1990- Staff of BPP Tanjung Priok, 1980-1981

3. Membership of the Committee may terminate at any time before the term of office ends in accordance with the Decision of the Board of Commissioners.

4. The replacement of a member of the Committee that is not from the Board of Commissioners is carried out no later than 60 (sixty) days from the day the member of the Committee can no longer carry out his/her functions.

5. The Company shall documenting the decisions on the appointment and dismissal of the Committee members.

Composition of the Risk Management Committee as of December 31st, 2020

Profile of Risk Management Committee

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

254 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Independensi Komite Manajemen RisikoKomite Manajemen Risiko melaksanakan fungsi dan tugasnya secara profesional dan independen, tanpa campur tangan dari pihak manapun yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Independensi Komite Manajemen Risiko

Aspek IndependensiAspects of Independence

Hary Kriswanto

Edy Purnomo

Memiliki kepentingan/keterkaitan pribadi yang dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif dan benturan kepentingan terhadap Perusahaan.Have personal interests / relationships that can cause negative impacts and conflicts of interest against the Company.


Mempunyai saham baik langsung maupun tidak langsung pada Perusahaan.Own shares either directly or indirectly in the Company.


Mempunyai hubungan afiliasi dengan Perusahaan, anggota Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau Pemegang Saham Utama Perusahaan.Have affiliated relationships with the Company, members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or Major Shareholders of the Company.


Mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.Have a direct or indirect business relationship related to the Company’s business activities.


v = ada/there is | x = tidak ada/nothing Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Manajemen Risiko

Komite Manajemen Risiko mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai berikut:1. Melakukan reviu atas permohonan persetujuan Direksi

kepada Dewan Komisaris atas rencana aksi korporasi (corporate actions) antara lain:a. lnvestasi;b. Pembentukan Anak Perusahaan;c. Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan;d. Kontrak Kerja Sama Operasi;e. Wilayah Kerja;f. Pengelolaan Aset;g. Penjaminan Aset.

2. Melakukan evaluasi kebijakan dan strategi manajemen risiko baik operasional dan pengembangan usaha Perusahaan;

3. Memantau dan melakukan evaluasi penerapan manajemen risiko dan mitigasinya atas rencana bisnis dan investasi Perusahaan serta pelaksanaan operasional ditinjau dari sisi keuangan dan legal;

4. Melaporkan hasil pemantauan dan evaluasi serta memberikan rekomendasi atas hal-hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian Dewan Komisaris.

Rapat Komite Manajemen RisikoRapat Komite Manajemen Risiko diselenggarakan secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) bulan. Pengambilan keputusan dalam rapat didasarkan pada hal sebagai berikut:1. Keputusan Rapat Komite dilakukan berdasarkan

musyawarah mufakat;2. Dalam hal keputusan berdasarkan musyawarah mufakat

tidak tercapai, pengambilan keputusan dilakukan berdasarkan suara terbanyak;

3. Jika dalam pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan dengan cara pemungutan suara terjadi suara yang sama banyaknya, maka Ketua Rapat yang akan memutuskan;

4. Dalam hal proses pengambilan keputusan terdapat perbedaan pendapat, perbedaan pendapat tersebut wajib dimuat dalam risalah rapat beserta alasan perbedaan pendapat tersebut;

5. Hasil rapat Komite Manajemen Risiko wajib dituangkan dalam risalah rapat dan didokumentasikan secara baik;

6. Risalah rapat Komite Manajemen Risiko wajib disampaikan secara tertulis kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Independence of the Risk Management CommitteeThe Risk Management Committee carries out its functions and duties professionally and independently, without interference from any party that is not in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Independence of the Risk Management Committee

Scope of Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk Management CommitteeThe Risk Management Committee serves the following duties and responsibilities:1. Conducting a review over application for the Board

of Directors' approval to the Board of Commissioners regarding the following corporate action plans: a. Investment;b. Establishment of Subsidiaries;c. The Company's Long-Term Plan;d. Operational Cooperation Contract;e. Work Area;f. Asset Management;g. Asset Guarantee.

2. Evaluating risk management policies and strategies for both operational and business development of the Company;

3. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of risk management and its mitigations upon the Company's business and investment plans and operational implementation in terms of the financial and legal aspects;

4. Reporting the results of monitoring and evaluation and provide recommendations on matters that require the attention of the Board of Commissioners.

Risk Management Committee’s MeetingsRisk Management Committee’ meetings are held at least once a month. Decisions taken in the meeting is based on the followings:

1. The decision of the Committee’s Meeting is taken on consensus for deliberation;

2. In the event that a decision based on consensus for deliberation is not reached, decision is made based on the majority votes;

3. In the case decision is made by way of voting, and there are equally many votes, then the Chairman of the Meeting will make decisions;

4. In the event that the decision-making process has a dissenting opinion, the dissenting opinion must be contained in the minutes of the meeting together by stating the reasons for the difference of opinion;

5. The results of the Risk Management Committee’s meetings shall be contained in the minutes meeting and well documented;

6. Minutes of the Risk Management Committee’s meetings shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Commissioners.

255PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Komite Manajemen RisikoSepanjang tahun 2020, Komite Manajemen Risiko mengikuti 11 (sebelas) kali rapat koordinasi antara Komite Manajemen Risiko dan Dewan Komisaris.

Risalah dan Kehadiran Rapat Komite Manajemen Risiko





20 Januari 2020January 20th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Perkenalan Dewan Komisaris baru.2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Desember 2019.1. Introduction of new members of Board of Commissioners.2. Evaluation of Performance Report until December 2019.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

24 Feb 2020February 24th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Januari 2020.2. Hal-hal strategis lainnya.1. Evaluation of Performance Report until January 2020.2. Other strategic issues.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

3 April 2020April 3rd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Penunjukan Pelaksana Harian Komisaris Utama.2. Evaluasi Laporan Kinerja sampai dengan Februari 2020.3. Hal-hal strategis lainnya.1. Appointment of the Acting President Director.2. Evaluation of Performance Report until February 2020.3. Other strategic things.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

30 April 2020April 30th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan Triwulan I.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until the first quarter.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

8 Juni 2020June 8th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan April 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until April 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

8 Juli 2020July 8th , 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Mei 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until May 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

4 September 2020September 4th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Juli 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until July 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

2 Oktober 2020October 2nd, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until August 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

12 November 2020November 12th, 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan September

dan Oktober 2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until September and

October 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

7-9 Desember 2020December 7th-9th, 2020

Bogor 1. Pembuatan Program kerja pengawasan Tahun 2021.2. Pembahasan audit program per audtable area.3. Hal-hal terkait manajemen Risiko & Audit.1. Preparing Oversight Program Agenda for 2021.2. Discussion of audit program of each auditable area.3. Issues relating to Risk Management & Audit.

1. Komisaris Independen2. Komite Audit3. Komite NR4. Komite Manajemen Risiko5. Kepala Audit1. Independent Commissioner 2. Audit Committee3. Nomination and Remuneration

Committee4. Risk Management Committee 5. Head of Audit

30 Desember 2020December 30th , 2020

IPC TPK 1. Tindak lanjut arahan Komisaris.2. Pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan sampai dengan bulan November

2020.1. Follow up to the Board of Commissioners’ directives.2. Discussion of the Company's performance until November 2020.

Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Board of Commissioners and Committees

Remunerasi Komite Manajemen RisikoPerusahaan membayarkan honorarium Ketua Komite Manajemen Risiko dengan mengacu pada ketentuan remunerasi bagi Anggota Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan. Sementara itu, bagi anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko, Perusahaan pada tahun 2020 telah membayarkan honorarium bulanan sebesar Rp13.850.800.

Minutes and Meeting of the Attendance Rate of the Risk Management CommitteeThroughout 2020, the Risk Management Committee attended 11 (eleven) coordination meetings held between the Risk Management Committee and the Board of Commissioners.

Minutes and Attendance Rate of Risk Management Committee’s Meetings

Remuneration of Risk Management CommitteeThe Company paid the honorarium of Chairman of Risk Management Committee in accordance with the remuneration policy of the Members of Risk Management Committee. Meanwhile, for the member of Risk Management Committee, the Company in 2020 has paid a monthly honorarium amounting to Rp13,850,800.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

256 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Kegiatan Komite Manajemen Risiko Tahun 2020Sepanjang tahun 2020, Komite Manajemen Risiko telah melaksanakan tugas dan kegiatan, sebagai berikut:1. Rapat Kerja dengan Dewan Komisaris (Rutin):

a. Pembahasan Kinerja Perusahaan:Rapat Rutin Dewan Komisaris dilakukan setiap bulan dengan materi pembahasan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan kegiatan operasional manajemen, yaitu dengan urutan pembahasan sebagai berikut:• Pembahasan tindak lanjut hasil rapat yang lalu.

• Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen bulan yang bersangkutan.

• Hal-hal strategis yang perlu diperhatikan.b. Pembahasan Laporan Tahunan (Audited) Tahun 2019

dalam rangka RUPS:• Telah dilakukan pembahasan atas hasil Audit

Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2019 yang dilaksanakan oleh KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja.

• Tanggapan Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS Pertanggung Jawaban Kinerja Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2019, telah dilaksanakan.

• Telah dilakukan Evaluasi Kinerja Kantor Akuntan (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, dalam melaksanakan audit tahun buku 2019 dan telah dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

c. Pembahasan awal Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2021 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen, telah dilaksanakan.

d. Penyusunan dan pembahasan Program Kerja Komisaris Tahun 2021, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk menjadi bagian dari Usulan RKAP Tahun 2021.

e. Telah dilaksanakan pembahasan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2020 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen, dalam rangka persiapan Pra RUPS.

f. Penetapan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk pelaksanaan Audit Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2020, dilaksanakan oleh IPC Holding.

g. Pembahasan hal-hal yang memerlukan persetujuan tertulis/rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris:• Laporan Penyelesaian Piutang Usaha kepada

PT Musim Mas, di Pelabuhan Jambi.• Usulan Batasan Kewenangan Direksi, Dewan

Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham dalam Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama.

• Usulan Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

h. Pembahasan Isu-Isu Strategis:• Persiapan rencana pengoperasian Terminal

Petikemas Ex JICT-2.• Persiapan rencana pelaksanaan IPO PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas.

2. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemasa. Pembahasan Kinerja Perusahaan:

Rapat Rutin Dewan Komisaris dilakukan setiap bulan dengan materi pembahasan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan kegiatan operasional manajemen, yaitu dengan urutan pembahasan sebagai berikut:• Pembahasan tindak lanjut hasil rapat yang lalu.

Brief Report on the Implementation of Duties and Activities of the Risk Management Committee in 2020Throughout 2020, the Risk Management Committee has carried out the following duties and activities:1. Working Meetings with the Board of Commissioners

(Regular):a. Discussion of the Company’s Performance:

Regular Meetings of the Board of Commissioners took place every month whose topic of discussion depended on the development of management operational activities, with the following order:• Discussion of the follow-up results of the last

meeting.• Discussion of the Management Report of the

month concerned.• Strategic issues to consider.

b. Discussion of 2019 Annual Report (Audited) in the GMS:• Discussion on the results of the Audit results of

the 2019 Financial Statements conducted by KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja was already done.

• The response of the Board of Commissioners in the GMS of the Accountability of the Company’s Performance in Fiscal Year of 2019, was implemented.

• The Performance Evaluation of Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, relating to the implementation of audit of fiscal year of 2019 and has been reported to the Board of Commissioners.

c. The initial discussion of the Proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for 2021 and KPI/Management Contract, was already done.

d. The preparation and discussion of the Board of Commissioners’ Work Agenda for 2021, were done and already submitted to the Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to be concluded as part of the 2021 RKAP Proposal.

e. A discussion of the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of 2020 and KPI/Management Contract, was done in preparation for the Pre-GMS.

f. The appointment of a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) for the implementation of the Audit of Financial Statements of 2020, was done by IPC Holding.

g. Discussion of matters that require written approval/ recommendations from the Board of Commissioners:• Report on the Settlement of Trade Receivables to

PT Musim Mas, at Jambi Port.• Proposal of Limitation of Authorities of Board

of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders in Agreement.

• Proposal of Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

h. Discussion of Strategic Issues:• Preparation of the operation plan of Ex JICT-2

Container Terminal.• Preparation of the IPO plan of PT IPC Terminal


2. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners with management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemasa. Discussion of the Company’s Performance:

Regular Meetings of the Board of Commissioners took place every month whose topic of discussion depended on the development of management operational activities, with the following order:• Discussion of the follow-up results of the last


257PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

• Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen bulan yang bersangkutan.

• Hal-hal strategis yang perlu diperhatikan.b. Pembahasan Laporan Tahunan (Audited) Tahun 2019

dalam rangka RUPS :• Telah dilakukan pembahasan atas hasil Audit

Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2019 yang dilaksanakan oleh KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja.

• Tanggapan Dewan Komisaris dalam RUPS Pertanggung Jawaban Kinerja Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2019, telah dilaksanakan.

• Telah dilakukan Evaluasi Kinerja Kantor Akuntan (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, dalam melaksanakan audit tahun buku 2019 dan telah dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

c. Pembahasan awal Usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2021 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen, telah dilaksanakan.

d. Penyusunan dan pembahasan Program Kerja Komisaris Tahun 2021, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas untuk menjadi bagian dari Usulan RKAP Tahun 2021.

e. Telah dilaksanakan pembahasan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2020 dan KPI/Kontrak Manajemen dalam rangka Pra RUPS.

f. Penetapan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk pelaksanaan Audit Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2020, dilaksanakan oleh IPC Holding.

g. Pembahasan hal-hal yang memerlukan persetujuan tertulis/rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris:• Laporan Penyelesaian Piutang Usaha kepada

PT Musim Mas, di Pelabuhan Jambi.• Usulan Batasan Kewenangan Direksi, Dewan

Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham dalam Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama.

• Usulan Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

h. Pembahasan Isu-Isu Strategis:• Persiapan rencana pengoperasian Terminal

Petikemas Ex JICT-2.• Persiapan rencana pelaksanaan IPO PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas.

3. Rapat koordinasi Triwulanan dengan Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI).a. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Program

Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) Tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

b. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

c. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Triwulan I tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

d. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Triwulan II tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

e. Koordinasi dan pembahasan terhadap Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP) Triwulan III tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan.

f. Monitoring tindak lanjut atas rekomendasi Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) Tahun 2019 dan hal-hal lain yang dianggap perlu, telah dilaksanakan.

• Discussion of the Management Report of the month concerned.

• Strategic issues to consider.b. Discussion of 2019 Annual Report (Audited) in the

GMS:• Discussion on the results of the Audit results of

the 2019 Financial Statements conducted by KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja was already done.

• The response of the Board of Commissioners in the GMS of the Accountability of the Company’s Performance in Fiscal Year of 2019, was implemented.

• The Performance Evaluation of Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, relating to the implementation of audit of fiscal year of 2019 and has been reported to the Board of Commissioners.

c. The initial discussion of the Proposed Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for 2021 and KPI/Management Contract, was already done.

d. The preparation and discussion of the Board of Commissioners’ Work Agenda for 2021, were done and already submitted to the Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to be concluded as part of the 2021 RKAP Proposal.

e. A discussion of the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) of 2020 and KPI/Management Contract, was done in preparation for the Pre-GMS.

f. The appointment of a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) for the implementation of the Audit of Financial Statements of 2020, was done by IPC Holding.

g. Discussion of matters that require written approval/ recommendations from the Board of Commissioners:• Report on the Settlement of Trade Receivables to

PT Musim Mas, at Jambi Port.• Proposal of Limitation of Authorities of Board

of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders in Agreement.

• Proposal of Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

h. Discussion of Strategic Issues:• Preparation of the operation plan of Ex JICT-2

Container Terminal.• Preparation of the IPO plan of PT IPC Terminal


3. Quarterly coordination meeting with the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI).a. Coordination and discussion of the Annual Oversight

Work Program (PKPT) in 2020, was implemented.

b. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) in 2020, was implemented.

c. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) of 1st quarter of 2020, was implemented.

d. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) of 2nd Quarter of 2020, was implemented.

e. Coordination and discussion of the Audit Results Report (LHP) of 3rd quarter of 2020, was implemented.

f. Monitoring of follow-ups to the recommendations of the Internal Supervision Unit (SPI) in 2019 and other matters deemed necessary, were implemented.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

258 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

4. Rapat Koordinasi dengan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP):a. Pembahaan hasil temuan KAP dan Laporan Audit

Tahun 2019, telah dilaksanakan dan dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

b. Pembahasan Rencana Kerja General Audit Tahun 2020, belum dilaksanakan pada Triwulan IV Tahun 2020.

5. Mempersiapkan Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, Semester I tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.

6. Mempersiapkan Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, Semester II tahun 2020, telah dilaksanakan dan disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham.

7. Penyusunan Laporan atas kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko, telah disampaikan:

a. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan IV Tahun 2019.

b. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan I Tahun 2020.

c. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan II Tahun 2020.

d. Laporan Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko Triwulan III Tahun 2020.

8. Kunjungan kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Komite ke Area Terminal Petikemas, telah dilaksanakan, yaitu:

a. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Jambi.b. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Panjang.c. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Tanjung Priok-1.d. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Palembang.e. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Teluk Bayur.f. Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Pontianak.

Sedangkan Kunjungan kerja ke Area TPK Tanjung Priok-2 dan Area Terminal Support, dilaksanakan sekaligus dalam rapat Koordinasi Tim Komite dengan Manajemen PT IPC Petikemas yang melibatkan Manager Area TPK Tanjung Priok pada Triwulan IV tahun 2020.

9. Program Pengembangan Dewan Komisaris dan Komite:

a. Seminar/Pelatihan/Workshop/Kursus (Pelatihan) telah dilaksanakan:• Seminar Perpajakan, di Jakarta.

b. Study Banding/Benchmark, belum dilaksanakan.

Pelaksanaan kegiatan study banding/benchmark belum dilaksanakan dikarenakan terkendala pandemi Covid-19.

4. Coordination Meeting with Public Accounting Firm (KAP):a. The improvements of the findings of KAP and audit

report in 2019, were implemented and reported to the Board of Commissioners.

b. Discussion of the General Audit Work Plan in 2020, were implemented in the fourth quarter of 2020.

5. Preparing the Board of Commissioners Supervision Report, First Half of 2020, was implemented and submitted to shareholders.

6. Preparing the Oversight Report of the Board of Commissioners, Second Half of 2020, was implemented and submitted to shareholders.

7. The preparation of a report on the activities of the Audit & GCG Committee and the Risk Management Committee, was already submitted, namely:a. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 4th quarter of 2019.b. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 1st quarter of 2020.c. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 2nd quarter of 2020.d. Audit & GCG Committee and Risk Management

Committee's Activity Report of 3rd quarter of 2020.

8. The working visits of the Board of Commissioners and the Committee to the Container Terminal Areas, were done, namely:a. Working visit to TPK of Jambi Area.b. Working visit to TPK of Panjang Area.c. Working visit to TPK of Tanjung Priok-1 Area.d. Working visit to TPK of Palembang Area.e. Working visit to TPK of Teluk Bayur Area.f. Working visit to TPK of Pontianak Area.

In conjunction with the working visit to the Tanjung Priok-2 TPK Area and The Terminal Support Area, a Coordination Meeting of the Committee Team with the Management of PT IPC Petikemas involving the Manager of TPK Tanjung Priok Area was held in the 4th quarter of 2020.

9. Development Program of the Board of Commissioners and Committees:a. Attending Seminars/Trainings-/Workshops/Courses

(Training) was done:• Tax Seminar, in Jakarta.

b. The Comparative/Benchmark Study has not yet been implemented.The implementation of comparative/benchmark study activities has not been implemented due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

259PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kegiatan di Luar Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP)Kegiatan Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko, yaitu:

1. Kajian usulan perpanjangan pengenaan Suku Bunga 0% kepada STMS, untuk periode 1 Januari 2019 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020.

2. Kajian Laporan Penyelesaian Piutang Usaha kepada PT Musim Mas, di Pelabuhan Jambi.

3. Kajian Usulan Batasan Kewenangan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham dalam Penyelenggaraan Kerja Sama.

4. Kajian Usulan Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

5. Penyempurnaan SOP Dewan Komisaris dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2020, dengan hasil +/-20% dan sisanya dijadwalkan pada Tahun 2021.

6. Kunjungan Kerja ke Pelabuhan Tanjung Pura (Kijing), dijadwalkan ulang.

Evaluasi dan Penilaian Kinerja Komite Manajemen Risiko Dewan Komisaris melakukan evaluasi dan penilaian terhadap kinerja Komite Manajemen Risiko setiap 1 (satu) tahun sekali. Evaluasi dan penilaian kinerja didasarkan pada realisasi dan penyelesaian program kerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam rencana kerja tahunan Komite Manajemen Risiko. Penilaian kinerja Komite Manajemen Risiko juga berdasarkan pada saran, rekomendasi dan masukan yang diberikan oleh Komite Audit. Hasil penilaian tersebut menjadi bahan pertimbangan Dewan Komisaris untuk memberhentikan atau mengangkat kembali anggota Komite Manajemen Risiko untuk periode jabatan berikutnya.

Evaluasi dan penilaian Dewan Komisaris terhadap kinerja Komite Manajemen Risiko pada tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut:

NoUraian Tugas

Description of TaskPenilaian


1 Pelaksanaan pertemuan rutin sesuai dengan program kerja tahunan serta melakukan kegiatan lain yang ditugaskan Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.The implementation of regular meetings in accordance with the annual work agenda and to carry out other activities assigned by the Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustees.

“Sangat Baik”“Very Good”

2 Pelaporan kegiatan dan hasil penugasan yang diterimanya kepada Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas.Reporting of activities and the results of assignments to the Board of Commissioners / Board of Trustees.

“Sangat Baik”“Very Good”

Activities Out of the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP)Activities of the Audit Committee and the Risk Management Committee were:

1. Review of the proposed extension of the imposition of 0% Interest Rate to STMS, for the period of January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2020.

2. Review of Business Receivable Settlement Report to PT Musim Mas, at Jambi Port.

3. Review of Proposed Limitations upon the Authorities of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders in the Development of Cooperation.

4. Review of Proposed Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

5. The improvement of the Board of Commissioners’ SOP took place in December 2020, with a result of +/- 20% and the rest was scheduled for 2021.

6. Working Visit to Tanjung Pura Port (Kijing), was rescheduled.

Performance Evaluation and Assessment of the Risk Management Committee The Board of Commissioners conducts an evaluation and assessment of the performance of the Risk Management Committee annually. Performance evaluation and assessment is based on the realization and completion of the work agenda that has been set out in the Risk Management Committee's annual work plan. The performance of the Risk Management Committee is also assed with consideration to the advice, recommendations and inputs provided by the Risk Management Committee itself in accordance with the scope of its duties and responsibilities. The results of the assessment are the subject of consideration of the Board of Commissioners to dismiss or re-appoint members of the Risk Management Committee for the next term of office.

Evaluation and assessment of the Board of Commissioners on the performance of the Risk Management Committee in 2020 showed the following results:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

260 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal

Dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi kepengurusan, Direksi IPC TPK juga dibantu oleh sejumlah Organ Pendukung, salah satunya adalah Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal.

Kedudukan Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan EksternalSecara struktural, Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal IPC TPK bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur Utama. Direktur Utama, dengan persetujuan dari Dewan Komisaris, dalam hal ini berwenang untuk mengangkat dan memberhentikan Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal. Berikut struktur yang menerangkan kedudukan Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal:

Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan EksternalCorporate Scretary & External Relations

Asisten Corporate Secretary Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Corporate Secretary Assistant of Corporate Governance

Asisten Corporate Secretary Hubungan Antar Lembaga,

Humas, dan CSRCorporate Secretary Assistant, Institution Inter Relationship,

PR, and CSR



Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan EksternalCorporate Secretary and External Relations

Amanda Maulina

Asisten Corporate Secretary Hubungan Antar Lembaga, Humas, dan CSRAssistant Corporate Secretary for Inter-Institution Relations, Public Relations, and CSR

Puti Febia Prameshti

Asisten Corporate Secretary Tata Kelola PerusahaanAssistant Corporate Secretary for Corporate Governance

Retno Satiti

Jumlah/Total 3

Pejabat Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan EksternalMelalui Surat Keputusan No. KP.10.02/14/8/1/MTA/SDM/PI.II-2020, IPC TPK mengangkat Amanda Maulina sebagai pejabat Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal.

Amanda MaulinaSekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan EksternalMenjabat sejak 14 Agustus 2020

Corporate Secretary and External RelationsServing as of August 14th, 2020

Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal Amanda Maulina dapat dilihat pada bagian Profil Pejabat Senior dalam bab Profil Perusahaan.

Profile of Corporate Secretary and External Relations Amanda Maulina can be found in the section of Profile of Senior Officials in the chapter of Company Profile.

Organ Pendukung DireksiSupporting Organ of the Board of Directors

Corporate Secretary and External Relations

In carrying out the management duties and function, the Board of Directors of IPC TPK is also assisted by a number of Supporting Organs, one of which is the Corporate Secretary and External Relations.

Structural Position of Corporate Secretary and External RelationsStructurally, the Corporate Secretary and External Relations of IPC TPK reports directly to the President Director. President Director, with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, is authorized to appoint and dismiss the Corporate Secretary and External Relations. Here is a structure describing the position of Corporate Secretary and External Relations:

Corporate Secretary and External RelationsThrough Decree No. KP.10.02/14/8/1/MTA/SDM/PI.II-2020, IPC TPK appointed Amanda Maulina as the Corporate Secretary and External Relations.

261PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan EksternalMengacu pada Board Manual, fungsi Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Hubungan Eksternal adalah sebagai berikut:1. Memastikan bahwa IPC TPK mematuhi peraturan tentang

persyaratan keterbukaan sejalan dengan penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG.

2. Memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas secara berkala dan/atau sewaktu-waktu apabila diminta.

3. Sebagai penghubung (Liaison Officer).4. Menatausahakan serta menyimpan dokumen IPC TPK,

termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada Daftar Pemegang Saham, Daftar Khusus dan risalah rapat Direksi, rapat Dewan Komisaris dan RUPS.

Tugas dan Kewajiban Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal sebagai panduan dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsinya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada, Sekretaris Perusahaan memiliki Job Description yang dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.568/25/9/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 25 September 2017 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Manajemen Perusahaan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Pelaksanaan Tugas Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal Tahun 2020Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal telah melaksanakan beberapa tugas dan kegiatan sepanjang tahun 2020, sebagai berikut:

NoUraian Kegiatan

Description of ActivitiesKeteranganInformation

Bidang Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

1 Pengelolaan laporan manajemen perusahaanManagement of the reports of Company management

a. Telah menyampaikan Laporan Manajemen Triwulan 1 Tahun 2020 kepada Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham, secara tepat waktu yaitu tanggal 22 April 2020;

b. Telah menyampaikan Laporan Manajemen Semester 1 Tahun 2020 kepada Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham, secara tepat waktu, yaitu pada tanggal 16 Juni 2020;

c. Telah menyampaikan Laporan Manajemen Triwulan III Tahun 2020 kepada Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham, secara tepat waktu, yaitu tanggal 21 Oktober 2020.

a. The Management Report of 1st quarter of 2020 has been submitted to the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders, in a timely manner on April 22nd, 2020;

b. The Management Report of 1st half of 2020 has been submitted to the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders, in a timely manner, namely on June 16th , 2020;

c. The Management Report of 3rd Quarter 2020 has been submitted to the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders, in a timely manner, namely October 21st, 2020.

2 Pengelolaan pelaksanaan RUPSManagement of GMS Implementation

a. Telah dilakukan pengelolaan kesiapan pelaksanaan RUPS Pengesahan RKAP dan Kontrak Manajemen tahun 2020 pada bulan Januari 2020;

b. Telah dilakukan pengelolaan kesiapan pelaksanaan Pra RUPS Pertanggung jawaban Laporan Keuangan tahun 2019 pada bulan April 2020;

c. Telah dilakukan pengelolaan kesiapan pelaksanaan RUPS Pertanggungjawaban Laporan Keuangan tahun 2019 pada bulan Juni 2020;

d. Pengurusan pembaruan akta perusahaan yang telah disahkan oleh Kemenkumham pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2020 dan pembuatan berita acara pelaksanaan RUPS pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020 dengan berkoordinasi kepada notaris perusahaan;

e. Koordinasi dengan Divisi SDM IPC terkait penegasan susunan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan pembuatan Akta RUPS.

a. Managing the preparation for the implementation of the GMS on Ratification of RKAP and Management Contract of 2020 in January 2020;

b. Managing preparation for the implementation of the Pre-GMS on Accountability of the 2019 Financial Statements in April 2020;

c. Managing preparation for the implementation of GMS on Accountability of the 2019 Financial Statement in June 2020;

d. Managing the updating of Company’s deeds already approved by the Ministry of Finance on August 25th, 2020 and preparing minutes of the GMS implementation on July 13th, 2020 in coordination with the Company's notary;

e. Coordination with the HR Division of IPC related to the affirmation of the composition of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and the making of the GMS Deed.

Scope of Duties and Responsibilities of Corporate Secretary and External RelationsReferring to the Board Manual, the Corporate Secretary and External Relations serves the following function:1. Ensuring that IPC TPK complies with regulations

regarding the requirements of transparency in line with the application of GCG principles.

2. Providing information required by the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners/Board of Trustees on periodical basis and/or at any time if requested.

3. Acting as Liaison Officer.4. Administering and compiling IPC TPK’s documents,

including but not limited to the List of Shareholders, Special List and minutes of Board of Directors’ meetings, Board of Commissioners’ meetings and GMS.

Considering the Duties and Obligations of Corporate Secretary and External Relations as a guide in the implementation of their duties and functions in accordance with existing provisions, the Corporate Secretary’s Job Description is outlined in the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.568/25/9/1/IPCTPK-17 dated September 25th, 2017 concerning the Organization and Procedures of Corporate Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Implementation of Corporate Secretary and External Relations’ Duties in 2020Corporate Secretary and External Relations has carried out several tasks and activities throughout 2020, namely as follows:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Description of ActivitiesKeteranganInformation

3 Penyelenggaraan dan pengelolaan rapat Direksi tahun 2020Implementation and management of Board of Directors’ meetings in 2020

Telah dilakukan penyelenggaraan beserta dokumentasi Rapat Direksi pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 9 kali dan Business Performance Review (BPR) pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 12 kali.

Implementing and documenting the Board of Directors’ Meetings in 2020 for 9 times and Business Performance Reviews (BPRs) in 2020 for 12 times.

4 Pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tahun 2020Implementation of Joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2020

Fasilitasi pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tahun 2020 sebanyak 11 kali.

Facilitating implementation of joint meeting of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of year 2020 for11 times.

5 Penyelenggaraan Survei Pemahaman GCG Tahun 2020GCG Understanding Survey 2020

Penyelenggaraan Survei Pemahaman GCG Tahun 2020 dengan ketercapaian pengisian sebesar 100% dan capaian skor senilai 79,67.

Implementation of GCG Understanding Survey of 2020 with 100% filling achievement and scoring 79.67.

6 Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas dan Kepatuhan Kode Etik Bisnis Tahun 2020 IPC TPKSigning of IPC TPK’s Integrity and Compliance Pact of the 2020 and Code of Business Ethics

Telah dilakukan Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas dan Kepatuhan Kode Etik Bisnis Tahun 2020 IPC TPK, dengan progress pengisian mencapai 100%.

Telah dilakukan Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas The Signing of IPC TPK’s Integrity and Compliance Pact and the Code of Business Ethics of 2020, with the 100% filing progress.

7 Pelaksanaan Self Asesment GCG Tahun 2020 PT IPC TPKImplementation of the 2020 GCG Self-Assessment of PT IPC TPK

Telah dilaksanakan Assessment GCG tahun 2019 yang selesai pada bulan Maret 2020 dan capaian skor GCG 96.418%. Dilakukan pula kick off meeting untuk Self Assessment GCG Tahun 2020 PT IPC TPK pada tanggal 28 bulan Desember 2020.

The 2019 GCG Assessment was completed in March 2020 and achieved a GCG score of 96.418%. There was also a kick-off meeting for the 2020 GCG Self-Assessment of PT IPC TPK on December 28th, 2020.

8 Update Progress Area Of Improvement (AoI) Asesmen GCG 2019Updated Progress on the Area of Improvement (AoI) of 2019 GCG Assessment

Sebagai tindaklanjut atas pelaksanaan assessment GCG, Divisi Sekretaris Perusahaan mensosialisasikan hasil assessment GCG tersebut kepada seluruh divisi dan PIC terkait, termasuk di dalamnya kepada Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham.

As a follow-up to the implementation of the GCG assessment, the Corporate Secretary Division socialized the results of the GCG assessment to all relevant divisions and PICs, including to the Board of Commissioners and shareholders.

9 Sosialisasi GCGGCG Socialization

Telah dilakukan Sosialisasi Kebijakan GCG, Kode Etik Perusahaan, Pengendalian Gratifikasi dan Whistleblowing System (WBS) pada tanggal 25 Februari 2020. Juga telah dilakukan produksi dan display media komunikasi (poster dan banner) untuk GCG, whistleblowing system dan gratifikasi.

Secara berkala juga dilakukan himbauan kepada segenap Pekerja Perusahaan untuk tidak memberi/menerima gratifikasi dan pungli pada operasional perusahaan dan pada hari besar keagamaan.

There was a Socialization of GCG Policy, Corporate Code of Conduct, Gratification Control and Whistleblowing System (WBS) on February 25th, 2020. There was also a production and display of communication media (posters and banners) for GCG, whistleblowing systems and gratuities.

Encouraging all employees of the Company not to give/receive gratification and illegal levies in the Company’s operations and on religious holidays.

10 Pengelolaan GratifikasiGratification Management

Telah dilakukan penyaluran parcel tahun baru yang diterima dari mitra kerja kepada office boy dan tim cleaning service.

The distribution of New Year’s parcels received from the partners to the office boys and cleaning service team.

11 Pengelolaan Whistleblowing SystemManaging the Whistleblowing System

Tidak ada laporan dalam Whistleblowing System baik yang dikelola mandiri oleh Perusahaan maupun yang dikelola oleh IPC pada tahun 2020.

No incoming reports through the Whistleblowing System either about the Company or those managed by the IPC in 2020.


Telah menyampaikan laporan LHKPN tahun 2019 Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas kepada KPK pada bulan Maret 2020 dan dilaporkan kepada Pemegang Saham tanggal 17 Juni 2020.

The 2019 LHKPN report of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas was submitted to KPK in March 2020 and reported to shareholders on June 17th, 2020.

13 Administrasi kepentingan Direksi dan Dewan KomisarisAdministration of the interests of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners

Telah dilaksanakan pengelolaan kepentingan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris meliputi administrasi pembayaran tunjangan/honor, penyediaan pakaian dinas, penyediaan kendaraan Direksi, pengurusan administrasi fasilitas/ asuransi kesehatan Direksi, pengurusan asuransi purna jabatan Komisaris Independen, pengurusan pelatihan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, pengelolaan daftar khusus Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

The management of the interests of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners includes the administration of the payment of allowances/honorarium, provision of official uniforms, operational vehicle for the Board of Directors, management of administration of health facility/insurance of the Board of Directors, administration of post-employment insurance benefits for Independent Commissioner, management of training of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, administration of special lists of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

263PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

NoUraian Kegiatan

Description of ActivitiesKeteranganInformation

14. Pengenalan Direksi dan Komisaris baruIntroduction of New Members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners

a. Telah dilakukan penyelenggaraan beserta dokumentasi pengenalan Direksi dan Komisaris baru pada tanggal 20 Januari 2020 (Ari Henryanto, Rizki Widhiono, Ahmad Riyadi, Sumantri);

b. Telah dilakukan penyelenggaraan beserta dokumentasi pengenalan Komisaris baru pada tanggal 8 Juni 2020 (Asmai Ishak);

c. Telah dilakukan penyelenggaraan beserta dokumentasi pengenalan Direksi baru pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2020 (Prastyo Wasis, Irwan Favoriet);

d. Telah dilakukan penyelenggaraan beserta dokumentasi pengenalan Direksi baru pada bulan November 2020 (David Pandapotan Sirait).

a. The implementation along with documentation was done for the introduction of new members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners on January 20th, 2020 (Ari Henryanto, Rizki Widhiono, Ahmad Riyadi, Sumantri);

b. The implementation along with documentation was done for the introduction of a new Commissioner on June 8th, 2020 (Asmai Ishak);

c. The implementation along with documentation was done for the introduction of new members of Board of Directors on August 10th, 2020 (Prastyo Wasis, Irwan Favoriet);

d. The implementation along with documentation was done for the introduction of a new Director in November 2020 (David Pandapotan Sirait).

Bidang Humas & CSRPublic Relations & CSR1 Penyusunan Laporan

Tahunan 20192019 Annual Report

a. Telah dilakukan penyusunan Laporan Tahunan 2019 dan telah diupload ke dalam website perusahaan;

b. Ikut serta pada ajang kompetisi Laporan Tahunan, LACP pada tanggal 18 Desember 2020.

a. The preparation of the 2019 Annual Report was carried out and has been uploaded onto the Company's website;

b. Participating in the annual report competition, LACP on December 18th, 2020.

2 Program CSRProgram CSR

a. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan sosial untuk korban Bencana Banjir Jabodetabek pada bulan Januari 2020;

b. Mengadakan kegiatan Joint CSR Kalibaru Program (NPCT1) pada bulan April 2020;

c. Menggelar acara santunan anak yatim piatu (Yayasan Barunawati) pada bulan Mei 2020;

d. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan sosial dalam rangka Penanggulangan Covid-19 dengan pembagian masker pada bulan Mei 2020;

e. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan Sembako KSOP di Pelabuhan Talang Duku Jambi pada bulan Mei 2020;

f. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan sosial dalam rangka Penanggulangan Covid-19 dengan pembagian sembako pada bulan Juni 2020;

g. Penyaluran hewan qurban Hari Raya Idul Adha 2020 sebanyak 4 ekor sapi pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2020;

h. Mengadakan kegiatan CSR dalam rangka penyaluran dana Tunjangan Hari Raya Direksi & Dewan Komisaris pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2020;

i. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan sosial melalui masker untuk Stakeholder pada bulan September 2020;

j. Mengadakan kegiatan sosial Donor Darah pertama kalinya dibulan September 2020;

k. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan sosial melalui penyaluran bantuan sembako pada bulan Oktober 2020;

l. Mengadakan kegiatan sosial Donor Darah kedua kalinya pada bulan Desember 2020;

m. Mengadakan kegiatan bantuan sosial melalui penyaluran bantuan pendidikan kepada Yayasan Barunawati pada bulan Desember 2020;

n. Mengadakan kegiatan CSR dalam rangka penyaluran dana Tunjangan Hari Raya Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi pada bulan Desember;• Penyaluran hewan qurban diberbagai area

kerja PT IPC Terminal Petikemas meliputi:• Area Pontianak sebanyak 4 ekor dan Area

Panjang sebanyak 6 ekor; • Area Teluk Bayur sebanyak 3 ekor; • Area Palembang sebanyak 4 ekor; • Area Jambi sebanyak 3 ekor;• Area Terminal Support (ATS) sebanyak 4 ekor;• Area Tanjung Priok 1 sebanyak 4 ekor;• Area Tanjung Priok 2 sebanyak 4 ekor.

a. Holding social aid distribution activities for Flood Disaster victims in Jabodetabek in January 2020;

b. Holding a Kalibaru Joint CSR Program (NPCT1) activity in April 2020;

c. Holding donation program for the orphans (Barunawati Foundation) in May 2020;

d. Holding social aid distribution activity to support Covid-19 Countermeasures through the distribution of masks in May 2020;

e. Holding daily need package distribution activities at Talang Duku Jambi Port in May 2020;

f. Holding social aid distribution activity as part of Covid-19 Countermeasures through the distribution of daily need packages in June 2020;

g. Distribution of Eid al-Adha 2020 qurban animals consisting of 4 cows in July-August 2020;

h. Holding CSR activity through distribution of Holy Day Allowances of Board of Directors & Board of Commissioners in July-August 2020;

i. Holding social aid distribution activities through distribution of masks for Stakeholders in September 2020;

j. Holding the first Blood Donor event in September 2020;

k. Holding social aid distribution activities through the distribution of daily need packages in October 2020;

l. Holding a second Blood Donor event in December 2020;

m. Holding social aid distribution activities through the distribution of educational assistance to Barunawati Foundation in December 2020;

n. Holding a CSR activity of distributing Board of Commissioners’ and Board of Directors' Holy Day Allowances in December;• Distribution of qurban animals in various working

areas of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas includes:• Pontianak Area, consisting of 4 animals and

Panjang Area consisting of 6 animals;• Teluk Bayur Area consisting of 3 animals; • Palembang Area consisting of 4 animals;• Jambi Area consisting of 3 animals;• Terminal Support Area (ATS) consisting of 4 animals;• Tanjung Priok Area 1 consisting of 4 animals;• Tanjung Priok Area 2 consisting of 4 animals.

3 Pemutakhiran WebsiteWebsite Update

Sepanjang tahun 2020, telah dilakukan pemutakhiran konten pada website ( secara berkala sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Throughout 2020, there were regular updates of content on the website ( in accordance with the necessities.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

264 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

NoUraian Kegiatan

Description of ActivitiesKeteranganInformation

4 Iklan & AdvetorialAds & Advertorial

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC TPK berpartisipasi dalam periklan antara lain:a. Publikasi iklan Mini Ads (advertorial) di media

Berita Truck;b. Publikasi jadwal kapal di media Indonesia

Shipping Gazette;c. Publikasi pengangkatan Direksi Baru IPC di media

Indonesia (DPP SPPI II);d. Publikasi iklan logo PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

di media Warta Logistik;e. Publikasi ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441

H di media Tabloid Maritim;f. Publikasi iklan Banner di media Berita Kapal;g. Publikasi iklan Logo PT IPC Terminal Petikemas di

media Harian Detik;h. Publikasi iklan Logo PT IPC Terminal Petikemas di

media Maritim Indonesia.

Throughout 2020, PT IPC TPK participated in the publication activities, among others:a. Publication of Mini Ads (advertorial) on BeritaTruck;

b. Publication of the ship schedule on the Indonesian media, Shipping Gazette;

c. Publication of the appointment of the New Board of Directors of IPC on Indonesian media (DPP SPPI II);

d. Publication of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas logo ads on Warta Logistik;

e. Publication of Happy Eid al-Fitr 1441 H seasonal greeting on Maritim tabloid;

f. Publication of Banner ads on Berita Kapal;g. Publication of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas’ logo ads on

Detik Daily;h. Publication of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas’ Logo ads on

Maritim Indonesia.

5 SponsorshipSponsorship

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas berpartisipasi pada sponsor berbagai kegiatan di antaranya:a. Sponsorship Rakortas DPW APBMI DKI Jakarta;b. Sponsorship IPC Pelindo II Futsal Club;c. Sponsorship Golf PGMI 2020;d. Sponsorship Charity Golf IKA UNS 2020;e. Sponsorship GSA & ASA Meeting;f. Sponsorship Konser Musik Tribute To Dream

Theater;g. Sponsorship Pengukuhan Pengurus DPW ALFI

ILFA DKI Jakarta;h. Billboard Kamtibmas di Teluk Bayur;i. Billboard Kamtibmas di Area Jambi;j. Sponsorship GRC & Performance Excellence

Award 2020;k. Sponsorship Open Chess Turnamen Nasional

Ketua MPR RI Cup;l. Sponsorship Partisipasi Harhubnas 2020;m. Sponsorship Ngobrol Bareng Bersama Ocean

Week;n. Sponsorship Top GRC Award 2020;o. Sponsorship DPW ALFI ILFA Sumsel di Area

Palembang;p. Billboard Tertib Lalu Lintas Polres Jambi di Area

Jambi;q. Kalender Forwami;r. Seminar Nasional Kadin Kalbar di Area Pontianak;

s. Branding Marketing Award 2020;t. Digital Marketing & Human Capital Award 2020;u. Serah Terima Komandan Kodim Padang di Area

Teluk bayur.

Throughout 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas participated in numerous sponsorships of various activities, among which were:a. Sponsorship at Rakortas DPW APBMI DKI Jakarta;b. Sponsorship at IPC Pelindo II Futsal Club;c. PGMI Golf Sponsorship 2020;d. Sponsorship at Charity Golf IKA UNS 2020;e. Sponsorship at GSA & ASA Meeting;f. Tribute To Dream Theater Music Concert Sponsorship;

g. Sponsorship at DPW ALFI ILFA DKI Jakarta;

h. Kamtibmas Billboard in Teluk Bayur;i. Kamtibmas Billboard in Jambi Area;j. Sponsorship at GRC & Performance Excellence Award

2020;k. Sponsorship at Open Chess National Tournament of

Chairman of MPR RI Cup;l. Sponsorship at Harhubnas 2020;m. Sponsorship at Ngobrol Bareng With Ocean Week;

n. Sponsorship at Top GRC Award 2020;o. Sponsorship at DPW ALFI ILFA South Sumatera in

Palembang Area;p. Traffic Billboard of Jambi Police Department in Jambi

Area;q. Forwami Calendar;r. National Seminar of Indonesian Chamber of

Commerce of West Kalimantan (Kadin Kalbar) in Pontianak Area;

s. Branding Marketing Award 2020;t. Digital Marketing & Human Capital Award 2020;u. Handover of Commander Kodim Padang in Teluk

Bayur Area.

6 Port VisitPort Visit

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas telah mendampingi kunjungan tamu ke pelabuhan antara lain:a. Liputan Penyerahan Bantuan Secara Simbolis;b. Liputan Penyerahan Bantuan Kepada Korban

Badang Banjir di Lebak, Banten;c. Liputan Penyerahan Secara Simbolis Kepada

Kepala Desa Bojongkulur;d. Liputan Apel Tahunan Memperingati Bulan

Nasional K3;e. Liputan Penyerahan Secara Simbolis Kepada

Kepala Desa Pasawahan, Sukabumi;f. Liputan Kunjungan BKPM di Terminal TP2;g. Liputan Penyerahan Bantuan Langsung dari

Meratus kepada para karyawan IPC TPK;h. Liputan Acara Percoban Pertama Kali Joint

Inspection antara BC dan Karantina (BMS);i. Liputan Penyerahan Piala BUMN Branding &

Marketing Award 2020;j. Kunjungan Liputan untuk program televisi Trans7;k. Liputan Penyerahan Bantuan Sarana Pendidikan.

In 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas has welcomed guest visits to the port, among others:

a. Media coverage of the Symbolic Handover of Aids;b. Media Coverage of the Delivery of Assistance to Victims

of Badang Flood in Lebak, Banten;c. Media Coverage of Symbolic Handover to the Chief of

Bojongkulur Village;d. Media Coverage of Annual Ceremony of

Commemorating National Month of K3;e. Media Coverage of Symbolic Handover to the Chief of

Pasawahan Village, Sukabumi;f. Media Coverage of BKPM Visit to Terminal TP2;g. Media Coverage of Handover of Direct Assistance from

Meratus to IPC TPK employees;h. Media Coverage of the First Joint Inspection between

BC and Quarantine (BMS);i. Media Coverage of the Presentation of the BUMN

Branding & Marketing Award 2020;j. Media visit for a Trans 7 television program;k. Media coverage of Handover of Educational Facility


265PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

NoUraian Kegiatan

Description of ActivitiesKeteranganInformation

7 Aktivitas Media SosialSocial Media Activity

Sepanjang tahun 2020, telah dilakukan pemutakhiran konten pada kanal sosial media antara lain:a. Facebook: 34x update;b. Twitter: 31x update;c. Instagram: 115x update;d. Youtube: 4x update.

In 2020, content on social media channels was updated, namely:a. Facebook: 34x updates;b. Twitter: 31x updates;c. Instagram: 115x updates;d. Youtube: 4x updates.

8 Aktivitas BrandingBranding Activities

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas telah mengikuti beberapa ajang yang di selenggarakan oleh BUMN maupun dari pihak swasta antara lain:a. Anugerah BUMN Award yang di selenggarakan

oleh BUMN Track pada bulan Februari 2020;b. Anugerah The Best GRC & Performance Exellence

Award 2020 yang di selenggarakan oleh Majalah Business News Indonesia pada bulan juli 2020 dengan mendapatkan predikat The Best GRC for Performance & The Best Corporate Secretary;

c. Top GRC Award 2020 yang di selenggarakan oleh Majalah Top Business pada bulan Juli 2020 dengan mendapatkan predikat Top GRC 2020 #4 Stars &The Most Committed GRC Leader;

d. Branding Marketing Award 2020 yang di selenggarakan oleh BUMN Track pada bulan Oktober 2020 dengan mendapatkan predikat Export Supporting Development BUMN Brand & Marketing Award 2020;

e. Digital Marketing & Human Capital Award 2020 yang di selenggarakan oleh Majalah Business News Indonesia pada bulan Oktober 2020 dengan mendapatkan predikat The Best Business Strategy & Digital Marketing Team 2020;

f. Sosialisasi Polis Asuransi & Klaim 2020-2021 yang di selenggarakan oleh PT ASKRINDO pada bulan November 2020 Penghargaan Penanganan Klaim Terbaik 2020.

In 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas has participated in several events held by SOEs and from the private sector, among others:

a. BUMN Award held by BUMN Track in February 2020;

b. The Best GRC & Performance Excellence Award 2020 held by Business News Indonesia Magazine in July 2020 where it won the predicate of The Best GRC For Performance & The Best Corporate Secretary;

c. Top GRC Award 2020 held by Top Business Magazine in July 2020 where it won Top GRC 2020 #4 Stars &The Most Committed GRC Leader predicates;

d. Branding Marketing Award 2020 held by BUMN Track in October 2020 where it won Export Supporting Development BUMN Brand & Marketing Award 2020;

e. Digital Marketing & Human Capital Award 2020 held by Business News Indonesia Magazine in October 2020 where it won The Best Business Strategy & Digital Marketing Team 2020 predicates;

f. Socialization of Insurance & Claim Policy 2020-2021 held by PT ASKRINDO in November 2020 - Best Claim Handling Award 2020.

9 Kunjungan TamuGuest Visit

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas telah menerima kunjungan tamu dari berbagai kalangan untuk mengetahui proses kerja bongkar muat antara lain:a. Politeknik APP pada bulan Februari 2020 sebanyak

35 orang;b. Universitas Tarumanegara pada bulan Februari

2020 sebanyak 26 orang;c. DPRD Provinsi Gorontalo pada bulan Februari

2020 sebanyak 14 orang;d. Media Kemenhub pada bulan bulan November

2020 sebanyak 10 orang;e. Trans 7 pada bulan bulan Desember 2020

sebanyak 3 orang.

In 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas hosted guest visits from various levels of society to get understanding of the loading and unloading process, namely:

a. 35 people from APP Polytechnic in February 2020;

b. 26 people from Tarumanegara University in February 2020;

c. 14 people from People’s Consultative Assembly of Gorontalo Province in February 2020;

d. 10 people from Media Kemenhub in November 2020;

e. 3 people from Trans 7 in December 2020.

10 KehumasanPublic Relations

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas telah menyelenggarakan program kehumasan antara lain:a. Pameran Foto Rakernas IPC Grup Bulan Februari

2020;b. Pameran The ASEAN Port & Shippingc. Pembuatan Video Penanggulangan Covid-19 ke 1;d. Pembuatan Video Penanggulangan Covid-19 ke 2;

e. Pembuatan Video Pengenalan Behandle Management System;

f. Pembuatan Video Humas Terkait Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19;

g. Pembuatan Video Pesan Direktur Utama IPC TPK tentang New Normal Scenario.

In 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas also held public relations programs, among which were:

a. Rakernas IPC Group Photo Exhibition in February 2020;

b. The ASEAN Port & Shipping Exhibitionc. The Making of First Video of Covid-19 Countermeasures;d. The Making of Second Video of Covid-19

Countermeasures;e. The Making of Video of The Behandle Management

System;f. The Making of Public Relations Video Relating to

Prevention of the Spread of Covid-19;g. The Making of Video Containing Message of IPC TPK’s

President Director about The New Normal Scenario.

11 Penyampaian Data ke StakeholderSubmission of Data to Stakeholders

Sepanjang tahun 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas telah menyampaiakan data kepada stakeholder antara lain:a. Penyampaiakan Laporan data Manajemen kepada

Cabang Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok;b. Penyampaiakan Form Penanggulan Covid-19

kepada PKBL IPC Kantor Pusat.

Throughout 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas has provided data to stakeholders with details as follows:

a. Submitting management data report to Tanjung Priok Port Branch;

b. Presenting the Covid-19 Handling Form to PKBL IPC at Head Office.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

266 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pengembangan Kompetensi

Nama dan JabatanName and Department

Jenis Pendidikan dan PelatihanTypes of Education and Training

Tahun Year


Amanda Maulina MDP I - Leadership Series Coaching Tahun 2020MDP I - Leadership Series Coaching 2020

2020 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

I'M CINTA Tahun 2020I’M CINTA 2020

2020 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Covid-19 Kepedulian, Optimisme, Kewaspadaan MenghadapinyaCovid-19 Care, Optimism, Vigilance

2019 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Personal Appearance Batch IPersonal Appearance - Batch I

2019 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

MDP I - Managing The Business Batch IVMDP I Batch IV - Managing The Business

2019 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Optimizing The Future Role of Corporate SecretaryOptimizing The Future Role Of Corporate Secretary

2018 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Character Building Officer Development Program Batch 3Character Building Officer Development Program - Batch 3

2018 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Port Customer Relation ManagementPort Customer Relation Management

2017 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Officer Development Program Batch IOfficer Development Program - Batch I

2017 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Service Excellence TrainingService Excellence Training

2016 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Pelatihan Health & Safety Fundamental Batch 14Training on Health & Safety Fundamentals - Batch 14

2016 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Negotiation Skills in BusinessNegotiation Skills in Business

2016 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Pelatihan Opini dan Kehumasan Lampung PostLampung Post Opinion and Public Relations Training

2015 Bandar Lampung

Master of Science in Shipping and Transport 2013Master of Science in Shipping and Transport of 2013

2015 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Three Hour Session "The Right Mindset for Effective Leadership"Three Hour Session “The Right Mindset for Effective Leadership”

2012 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Three Hour Session "Sedekah Makes You Rich"Three Hour Session “Alms Makes You Rich”

2012 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) 2012 Modul 10Advanced Leadership Program (Alp) 2012 Module 10

2012 Kantor Pusat PELINDO IIPELINDO II Head Office

Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern

IPC TPK dalam hal ini berkomitmen meningkatkan pengendalian internal di lingkungan perusahaan, yakni salah satunya dengan membentuk Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern. Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari sistem pengendalian internal, yang berfungsi sebagai suatu aktivitas penilaian yang independen dalam membantu Direksi dan Manajemen dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya kepada Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya, serta meningkatkan nilai dan memperbaiki operasional IPC TPK. Pelaksanaan kegiatan atau aktivitas Audit Internal adalah melakukan observasi, evaluasi, penilaian serta memberikan rekomendasi dan pendapat/saran terhadap manajemen risiko, pengendalian internal, dan proses tata kelola perusahaan berdasarkan kajian yang independen dan objektif melalui pendekatan yang sistematis.

Pembentukan Unit Audit Internal pada IPC TPK dilakukan dengan merujuk pada Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 19 Tahun 2003 Tentang Bab 6 tentang Satuan Pengawas Intern, Komite Audit dan Komite Lain dan Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara khususnya Pasal 28 tentang pengawasan intern.

Competency Development

Internal Audit/Internal Supervision Unit

IPC TPK is committed to improving internal control in the Company, one of which is through the establishment of an Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit. Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit is an integral part of the internal control system, which serves as an independent assessment activity in IPC TPK to assist the Board of Directors and Management in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to Shareholders and other Stakeholders, as well as increasing the value and improving the operations of IPC TPK. The implementation of internal audit activities is to conduct observations, evaluations, assessments and provide recommendations and opinions/suggestions on risk management, internal control, and corporate governance processes based on independent and objective studies through a systematic approach.

The Internal Audit Unit of IPC TPK was established by referring to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 19 of 2003 Chapter 6 on Internal Supervisory Unit, Audit Committee and Other Committees and Regulation of Minister of SOEs No. PER-01/MBU/2011 on the Implementation of Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises, particularly Article 28 concerning internal supervision.

267PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Struktur dan Kedudukan Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern1. Divisi Audit Internal dipimpin oleh seorang Kepala Audit

Internal.2. Kepala Audit Internal diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh

Direktur Utama atas persetujuan Dewan Komisaris.

3. Direktur Utama dapat memberhentikan Kepala Audit Internal setelah mendapat persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, jika Kepala Audit Internal tidak memenuhi persyaratan sebagai auditor Audit Internal dan/atau gagal atau tidak cakap menjalankan tugas.

4. Kepala Audit Internal bertanggung jawab secara langsung kepada Direktur Utama dan kepada Komisaris Utama secara fungsional.

5. Auditor yang duduk dalam Audit Internal bertanggung jawab secara langsung kepada Kepala Audit Internal.

Kepala Audit InternalHead of Internal Audit

Metta Rajendra Dewi Erni Nurlia

Alvin Akbar Niode Syifa Dwi Suryani


Asisten Kepala Manajemen Risiko

Head Assistant of Risk Management

Asisten Kepala Perencanaan, Pengendalian & Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Internal

Head Assistant of Planning, Controling & Internal Supervisory

Struktur Organisasi Audit/Manajemen RisikoOrganizational Structure of Audit/Risk Management

Secara struktural, Audit dipimpin oleh 1 (satu) orang Kepala Audit Internal, yang membawahi Asisten Kepala Perencanaan, Pengendalian & Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Internal, dan Asisten Kepala Manajemen Risiko, di mana masing-masing asisten dibantu oleh Staf Senior & Junior serta Pelaksana Senior & Junior.

Profil Kepala Satuan Pengawasan Intern/Kepala Audit InternalBerdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. KP.10.02/14/8/1/MTA/SDM/PI.II-2020, Direktur Utama mengangkat Harry Nugraha Haedi sebagai Kepala Unit Audit Internal. Harry Nugraha Haedi dinilai memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman yang cukup sebagaimana disyarakatkan oleh peraturan yang berlaku.

Harry Nugraha HaediKepala Audit Periode Jabatan: Agustus 2020 - sekarang Riwayat Penunjukan: KP.10.02/14/8/1/MTA/SDM/PI.II-2020

Head of Internal AuditTerm of Office: August 2020 – presentLegal Basis of Appointent: KP.10.02/14/8/1/MTA/SDM/PI.II-2020

Profil Kepala Audit Harry Nugraha Haedi dapat dilihat pada bagian Profil Pejabat Senior dalam bab Profil Perusahaan.

Profile of Head of Internal Audit Harry Nugraha Haedi can be found in the section of Profile of Senior Officials in the chapter of Company Profile.

Structure and Position of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit1. Internal Audit is led by a Head of Internal Audit.

2. The Head of Internal Audit is appointed and dismissed by the President Director with the approval of the Board of Commissioners.

3. The President Director may dismiss the Head of Internal Audit after obtaining the approval of the Board of Commissioners, if the Head of Internal Audit does not meet the requirements as an Internal Auditor and/or fails or is unable to carry out his duties.

4. The Head of Internal Audit directly reports to the President Director.

5. The auditors who join in the Internal Audit directly report to the Head of Internal Audit.

Structurally, the Internal Audit Unit is led by 1 (one) Head of Internal Audit, who oversees Assistant to Head of Planning, Control & Implementation of Internal Supervision, and Assistant to Head of Risk Management, where each assistant is also assisted by Senior & Junior Staffs as well as Senior & Junior Operating Staffs.

Profile of Head of Internal Supervisory Unit/Head of Internal AuditPursuant to the Decree No. KP.10.02/14/8/1/MTA/SDM/PI.II-2020, President Director appointed Harry Nugraha Haedi as Head of Internal Audit Unit. Harry Nugraha Haedi is considered to have an adequate educational background and experience as required by the applicable regulations.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

268 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sertifikasi Profesi Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern

Level SertifikasiCertification Level


Jumlah PegawaiNumber of employees

Managerial Level Internal Audit (Tingkat Dasar)Managerial Level of Internal Audit (Basic Level)

1. Kepala Audit2. Staf Audit Junior1. Head of Audit2. Junior Audit Staff


Pengembangan Kompetensi Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternSejalan dengan komitmen untuk meningkatkan penerapan pengendalian internal di lingkungan perusahaan, IPC TPK telah memformulasikan kebijakan terkait pengembangan dan peningkatan kompetensi karyawan yang ditempatkan di Unit Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern. Kegiatan pengembangan yang dilakukan antara lain dalam bentuk berbagai pelatihan dan pendidikan yang didanai sepenuhnya oleh IPC TPK. Informasi mengenai pelatihan dan pengembangan kompetensi karyawan Unit Audit Internal dapat dilihat pada bab Profil IPC TPK pada laporan tahunan ini.

Pedoman & Tata Tertib Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternIPC TPK mengatur lebih lanjut pelaksanaan fungsi dari Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern dalam Piagam Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern yang ditegaskan melalui penerbitan Peraturan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/23/10/1/IPCTPK-17. Piagam ini antara lain memuat hal-hal pokok terkait fungsi, tugas dan wewenang Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern:

1. Tujuan dibentuknya Unit Internal Audit;

2. Struktur dan Kedudukan, Fungsi, serta Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Internal Audit;

3. Persyaratan Internal Auditor;4. Ruang lingkup tugas Internal Audit;5. Wewenang Internal Audit;6. Standar profesional Internal Audit;7. Komitmen terhadap kompetensi Internal Audit;8. Kode etik Internal Audit;9. Pelaporan dan Pemonitoran;10. Evaluasi Internal Audit Charter.

Fungsi, Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternFungsi yang diemban oleh Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern dijabarkan lebih lanjut sebagaimana berikut:1. Membantu Direksi dalam melakukan perencanaan dan

pelaksanaan audit serta mengevaluasi tindak lanjut hasil audit.

2. Mengidentifikasi segala kemungkinan untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi sumber daya.

3. Merekomendasikan perbaikan atas Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan baik operasional dan non-operasional secara objektif.

4. Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Peraturan perundang-undangan, maupun peraturan yang berlaku di IPC TPK.

Adapun tugas dan tanggung jawab Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawas Intern sebagaimana termaktub dalam Piagam Audit Internal adalah sebagai berikut:1. Melaksanakan auditing terhadap jalannya Sistem

Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan (SPIP) pada penerapan GCG dalam penyajian penilaian sesuai ketentuan dan kebijakan yang berlaku;

Certification of Profession of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit

Development of Competence of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitIn line with the commitment to establishing the better implementation of internal control in the Company, IPC TPK has designed policies on the development and improvement of employees stationed in the Internal Audit /Internal Supervisory Unit. Development activities carried out include training and education that are fully funded by IPC TPK. Information about the employee competency training and development of the Interna Audit Unit can be found in the chapter of IPC TPK Profile of this annual report.

Guidelines & Procedures of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitIPC TPK further regulates the implementation of the functions of the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit in the Charter of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit, as outlined in the Regulation of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/23/10/1/IPCTPK-17. This Charter, among others, includes the significant matters relating to the function, duties and authorities of the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit: 1. The purpose of the establishment of an Internal Audit

Unit;2. Structure and Position, Functions, and Duties and

Responsibilities of Internal Audit;3. Required Criteria of Internal Auditor;4. Scope of Internal Audit’s Duties;5. Scope of Internal Audit’s Authorities;6. Internal Audit professional standards;7. Commitment to the competence of Internal Audit;8. Code of Internal Audit;9. Reporting and Monitoring;10. Evaluation of Internal Audit Charter.

Functions, Duties and Responsibilities of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitThe function carried out by the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit is further explained as follows:1. Assist the Board of Directors in planning and implementing

audits and evaluate the follow-up to audit results.

2. Identify all possibilities for upgrading and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of resources.

3. Recommend improvements to the Company's Internal Control System both operationally and non-operationally in objective manner.

4. Ensuring its compliance with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), laws and applicable rules in IPC TPK.

The scope of duties and responsibilities of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit as contained in Charter of Internal Audit are as follows:1. Auditing the running of the Company's Internal Control

System (SPIP) on the implementation of GCG in the presentation of assessments according to applicable provisions and policies;

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2. Menyusun dan melaksanakan rencana Audit Internal tahunan secara independen dan objektif dengan tetap mengacu pada kebijakan Perusahaan yang berlaku;

3. Menguji dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pengendalian internal dan sistem manajemen risiko sesuai dengan kebijakan IPC TPK;

4. Melakukan evaluasi dan validasi terhadap sistem yang berjalan dan/atau akan diimplementasikan tentang pengelolaan, pemantauan efektivitas dan efisiensi sistem dan prosedur untuk setiap unit di lingkungan IPC TPK;

5. Melakukan dan memberikan kontribusi untuk peningkatan pengendalian yang efektif dengan melakukan reviu dan evaluasi terhadap pengendalian dan kepatuhan pada semua departemen di lingkungan IPC TPK;

6. Memberikan saran, perbaikan dan informasi yang objektif tentang kegiatan yang diperiksa pada semua tingkatan manajemen dalam rangka penyempurnaan sistem, prosedur, anggaran dan kebijakan;

7. Membuat laporan hasil audit dan menyampaikan laporan tersebut kepada Direktur Utama, Komite Audit, dan Auditee;

8. Memantau dan menganalisis beserta pelaporan tindak lanjut terhadap rekomendasi yang telah disarankan dalam setiap auditing;

9. Menyusun Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) yang fleksibel dengan menggunakan metodologi Risk Based Audit (RBA);

10. Melaksanakan koordinasi dengan Komite Audit yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Internal Audit sepanjang sesuai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab Internal Audit;

11. Melakukan pemeriksaan dan penilaian atas efisiensi dan efektivitas di bidang keuangan, akuntansi, operasional, sumber daya manusia, pemasaran, teknologi informasi dan kegiatan lainnya;

12. Memberikan penilaian, saran perbaikan dan informasi yang objektif yang seimbang dan tidak boleh terpengaruh oleh kepentingannya atau kepentingan pihak lain yang dapat mempengaruhi penilaiannya tentang kegiatan yang diperiksa pada semua tingkat manajemen;

13. Memantau, menganalisis dan melaporkan pelaksanaan tindak lanjut/implementasi perbaikan yang telah disarankan, namun tanggung jawab atas implementasi rekomendasi Audit sehubungan dengan Temuan Audit yang telah disepakati merupakan tanggung jawab Auditee;

14. Menjaga kerahasiaan seluruh informasi, data, laporan, kertas kerja, proses rencana dan metode yang diperoleh sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan audit yang merupakan milik IPC TPK;

15. Menyusun program untuk mengevaluasi mutu kegiatan audit interna l yang dilakukannya;

16. Melakukan pemeriksaan khusus apabila diperlukan.

Ruang Lingkup Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternRuang lingkup tugas Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern mencakup hal-hal sebagai berikut:1. Menguji keandalan dan integritas informasi, pengelolaan

risiko, pengendalian internal dan tata kelola IPC TPK;

2. Meyakinkan ketaatan dalam pelaksanaan seluruh kebijakan, rencana, prosedur, dan peraturan IPC TPK yang berlaku;

3. Mengevaluasi ketaatan IPC TPK terhadap hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan, dan kebijakan serta prosedur IPC TPK yang berlaku;

4. Mengamankan aset IPC TPK;

2. Developing and implementing the annual Internal Audit plan independently and objectively with reference to the Company's applicable policies;

3. Reviewing and evaluating the implementation of internal control and risk management systems in accordance with IPC TPK’s policies;

4. Evaluating and validate the system running and/or to be implemented regarding the management, monitoring of the effectiveness and efficiency of the system and procedures for each unit in the IPC TPK;

5. Conducting and contributing to the improvement of effective control by conducting a review and evaluation over the control and compliance with all departments in IPC TPK;

6. Providing advice, improvements and objective information about the activities being audited at all levels of management in order to improve systems, procedures, budget and policies;

7. Preparing an audit report and submit the report to the President Director, Audit Committee, and Auditee;

8. Monitoring and analyzing and reporting follow-ups to the recommendations that have been suggested in each auditing activity;

9. Developing a flexible Annual Supervisory Work Program (PKPT) using the Risk Based Audit (RBA) methodology;

10. Carrying out coordination with the Audit Committee, which is conducted by the Head of Internal Audit, in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the Internal Audit;

11. Conducting audit and assessments of efficiency and effectiveness in areas of finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology and other activities;

12. Providing assessments, suggestions of improvement and objective information that are balanced and should not be affected by its interests or the interests of others, which may affect the assessment of the activities being audited across levels of management;

13. Monitoring, analyzing and reporting on the implementation of follow-up/implementation of the suggested improvements, but the responsibility for the implementation of audit recommendations in regard to the agreed audit findings is the responsibility of the auditee;

14. Maintaining the confidentiality of all information, data, reports, working papers, plan processes and methods obtained in regard to the implementation of audits that belong to IPC TPK;

15. Preparing a program to evaluate the quality of internal audit activities conducted;

16. Performing special audit whenever necessary.

Scope of Duties of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitThe scope of duties of the internal audit/internal supervisory unit includes the followings:1. Reviewing the reliability and integrity of information,

risk management, internal control and governance of IPC TPK;

2. Ensuring the adequate compliance in the implementation of all applicable policies, plans, procedures, and regulations of IPC TPK;

3. Evaluating the compliance of IPC TPK to the laws, rules and regulations, and applicable policies and procedures of IPC TPK;

4. Securing IPC TPK‘s assets;

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5. Meyakinkan pemanfaatan sumber daya yang ekonomis dan efisien serta mengidentifikasi setiap potensi efisiensi dan efektivitas biaya yang masih ada;

6. Meyakinkan pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran operasi atau program yang telah ditetapkan;

7. Lingkup pekerjaan Internal Audit mencakup seluruh Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan (SPIP) di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Wewenang Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern

Wewenang Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern adalah:1. Mengakses kegiatan administrasi kantor, seperti buku,

catatan, informasi, personil dan kekayaan fisik yang relevan terhadap ruang lingkup dan tujuan penugasan audit.

2. Melakukan komunikasi secara langsung dengan Direksi, Komisaris Independen dan/atau Komite Audit serta anggota dari Direksi, Komisaris Independen dan/atau Komite Audit.

3. Mengadakan rapat secara berkala dan insidentil dengan Direksi, Komisaris Independen dan/atau Komite Audit.

4. Melakukan pemantauan tindak lanjut dan perbaikan yang dilakukan Auditee atas hasil audit.

5. Mendapatkan bantuan dan konsultasi dari tenaga ahli, profesional dan lain-lain di luar Auditee jika diperlukan, baik itu dari luar maupun dalam IPC TPK.

6. Melakukan koordinasi kegiatannya dengan Eksternal Auditor.

Persyaratan Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern

1. Memiliki integritas dan perilaku yang profesional, independen, jujur, dan objektif dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya.

2. Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengenai teknis audit dan disiplin ilmu lain yang relevan dengan bidang tugasnya.

3. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pasar modal dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait lainnya.

4. Memiliki kecakapan untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis secara efektif.

5. Wajib mematuhi standar profesi yang dikeluarkan oleh asosiasi Audit Internal.

6. Wajib mematuhi kode etik Audit Internal.7. Wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi dan/atau data IPC

TPK terkait dengan pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Internal Audit kecuali diwajibkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan atau penetapan/putusan pengadilan.

8. Memahami prinsip-prinsip tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik dan manajemen risiko.

9. Bersedia meningkatkan pengetahuan, keahlian dan kemampuan profesionalismenya secara terus-menerus.

Kode Etik Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern

Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya, Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern berpedoman pada kode etik dan perilaku yang telah ditegakkan di lingkungan IPC TPK (termasuk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama), serta mengacu pada seluruh peraturan dan perundangan yang berlaku. Selain itu, Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern juga harus mematuhi standar perilaku atau etika dalam pelaksanaan pemeriksaan yang baik sebagaimana termaktub dalam Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

5. Ensuring the economical and efficient utilization of resources and identifying any existing potentials for efficiency and cost-effectiveness;

6. Ensuring the achievement of established operational goals and objectives or programs;

7. The scope of internal audit works covers the entire aspects of the Company's Internal Control System (SPIP) within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Scope of Authorities of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitInternal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit is authorized for:1. Accessing office administration activities, such as books,

records, information, personnel and physical wealth relevant to the scope and purpose of audit tasks.

2. Communicating directly with the Board of Directors, Independent Commissioners and/or Audit Committee as well as members of the Board of Directors, Independent Commissioners and/or Audit Committee.

3. Holding regular and incidental meetings with the Board of Directors, Independent Commissioners and/or Audit Committee.

4. Conducting follow-up to the monitoring and improvements made by Auditee concerning the results of the audit.

5. Taking assistance and consultation from experts, professionals and others beside Auditee if necessary, both from outside and within IPC TPK.

6. Coordinating their activities with external auditors.

Requirements of Internal Audit /Internal Supervisory Unit1. Have integrity and behavior that is professional,

independent, honest, and objective in performing the duties.

2. Have knowledge and experience regarding technical audits and other disciplines relevant to their field of duty.

3. Have knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of capital markets and other related laws and regulations.

4. Have the ability to interact and communicate both verbally and in writing effectively.

5. Must comply with professional standards issued by the Internal Audit association.

6. Must comply with the Code of Ethics of Internal Audit.7. It is mandatory to maintain the confidentiality of information

and/or data of IPC TPK related to the implementation of internal audit duties and responsibilities unless required under laws and regulations or court decisions.

8. Understand the principles of good corporate governance and risk management.

9. Willing to increase his knowledge, expertise and professional skills continuously.

Code of Ethics of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitIn carrying out its duties and authorities, the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit is guided by the code of ethics and conduct that has been enforced in the IPC TPK (including the Collaborative Agreement), and refers to all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit must also comply with code of conduct or ethics in the implementation of good audit as required in the Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations.

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Dalam melakukan tugas dan wewenangnya, Internal Audit/Satuan Pengawasan Intern harus mematuhi kode etik dan perilaku yang ditetapkan oleh Perseroan (termasuk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama), serta seluruh peraturan dan perundangan yang berlaku sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh badan pembuat peraturan di Indonesia.

Selain itu itu, secara prinsip, personil Audit Internal /Satuan Pengawasan Intern diwajibkan untuk menunjukkan perilaku sebagaimana dijelaskan berikut ini:1. Integritas

Integritas diperlukan untuk membangun kepercayaan Auditee terhadap proses audit internal sekaligus menjadi dasar kepercayaan Auditee akan penilaian seorang Internal Auditor:a. Melakukan pekerjaannya dengan kejujuran, ketekunan

dan penuh tanggung jawab;b. Mematuhi hukum/undang-undang dan membuat

pengungkapan temuan audit sesuai dengan hukum/undang-undang yang berlaku dan profesinya;

c. Tidak terlibat dengan aktivitas/tindakan ilegal, atau terlibat dalam tindakan-tindakan yang tidak sesuai profesi internal audit atau norma IPC TPK;

d. Menghormati dan memberikan teladan terhadap kepatuhan Kode Etik Perusahaan.

2. ObjektifInternal Auditor menunjukkan tingkat objektivitas yang tinggi dan profesional dalam mengumpulkan, mengevaluasi dan mengomunikasikan informasi tentang aktivitas atau proses yang diperiksa. Internal Auditor juga membuat penilaian yang seimbang dan tidak terpengaruh oleh kepentingannya atau kepentingan pihak lain yang dapat mempengaruhi penilaiannya tentang kegiatan yang diperiksa pada semua tingkat manajemen. a. Tidak berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas atau hubungan

yang dapat mengganggu atau dianggap dapat membuat penilaian menjadi memihak. Partisipasi yang dimaksud adalah kegiatan-kegiatan atau hubungan yang mungkin berpotensi menimbulkan konflik kepentingan dengan IPC TPK;

b. Tidak menerima pemberian hadiah dalam bentuk apapun dan dari siapapun yang dapat mengganggu atau dianggap merusak penilaian profesional;

c. Harus mengungkapkan semua fakta/temuan yang material yang jika tidak diungkapkan dapat mempengaruhi kesimpulan laporan hasil audit yang dilakukan.

3. KerahasiaanInternal Auditor menghargai nilai dan kepemilikan informasi dan data yang mereka terima dan tidak sembarang mengungkapkan informasi tanpa otoritas yang tepat, kecuali ada kewajiban hukum atau profesional untuk melakukannya.a. Berhati-hati dan bijaksana dalam menggunakan

dan menjaga informasi/data yang diterima selama penugasan audit;

b. Tidak akan menggunakan informasi untuk keuntungan pribadi atau hal-hal lain yang bertentangan dengan hukum atau merugikan IPC TPK;

c. Menjaga kerahasiaan informasi dan/atau data-data terkait dengan kinerja IPC TPK dalam melaksanakan penugasan audit, kecuali diwajibkan oleh hukum atau diminta oleh keputusan pengadilan.

4. KompetensiInternal Auditor menggunakan segala pengetahuan, keahlian, dan pengalaman yang dimiliki dalam setiap penugasan audit yang dijalankan.

In carrying out its duties and authorities, the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit must also comply with the code of ethics and conduct established by the Company (including the Collaborative Agreement), as well as all applicable laws and regulations established by the regulatory bodies in Indonesia.

In addition, in principle, personnel of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit are required to demonstrate the following behaviors:1. Integrity

Integrity is necessary to build Auditee's trust in the internal audit process as well as the reference for Auditee to trust in the assessment of an Internal Auditor:

a. Perform his job with honesty, perseverance and responsibility;

b. Comply with the laws/regulations and disclose audit findings in accordance with applicable laws/regulations and their profession;

c. Not engage with illegal activities/actions, or engage in actions that are not in accordance with the internal audit profession or the norms of IPC TPK;

d. Respect and become role model in term of the compliance with the Corporate Code of Conduct.

2. ObjectiveInternal auditors demonstrate a high level of objectivity and professionalism in collecting, evaluating and communicating information about the activity or process being audited. The Internal Auditor shall also present a balanced assessment and is not affected by his or her interests or the interests of others that may affect his or her assessment of the activities being audited at all levels of management.a. Not participating in activities or relationships

that disrupt or make an assessment unobjective. Participation referred to is an activity or relationship that may potentially cause conflicts of interest with IPC TPK;

b. Not accepting gifts of any kind and from anyone who may interfere with or undermine professional judgment;

c. Must disclose all material facts/findings that if not disclosed, can affect the summary of the report on the audit results.

3. ConfidentialityInternal auditors appreciate value and ownership of the information and data they receive and do not disclose information without proper authority, unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.

a. Be careful and prudent in using and maintaining information/data received during audit assignments;

b. Will not use the information for personal gain or other matters that are contrary to the law or detrimental to IPC TPK;

c. Maintain the confidentiality of information and/or data related to the performance of IPC TPK while carrying out audit assignments, unless required by law or a court decision.

4. CompetenceInternal Auditors use all the knowledge, expertise, and experience they have in each audit tasks.

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a. Hanya terlibat dalam penugasan audit yang sesuai dengan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan pengalaman yang dimiliki;

b. Memiliki kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan;

c. Melaksanakan penugasan audit sesuai dengan International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing;

d. Secara berkelanjutan berkomitmen meningkatkan kemampuan keahlian, efektivitas, dan kualitas pekerjaan audit.

Independensi Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternAudit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern menjunjung tinggi aspek independensi dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya guna memastikan objektifitas dari hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan. Prinsip-prinsip independensi yang dimaksud dalam hal ini, di antaranya:1. Tidak memihak kepada kepentingan para pihak dalam

IPC TPK seperti manajemen dan Dewan Komisaris, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung;

2. Melakukan pemeriksaan sesuai dengan kaidah dan prinsip audit internal yang diterima dan berlaku secara umum;

3. Dalam pelaksanaan tugas audit membebaskan diri dari segala kepentingan pribadi maupun unit kerja yang diperiksa, dengan tetap menjunjung teguh kode etik yang telah ditetapkan.

Pelaporan dan Pemonitoran Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternBeberapa hal yang dijadikan acuan dalam hal pelaporan dan pemonitoran adalah sebagai berikut:1. Kepala Internal Audit melaporkan hasil-hasil audit secara

fungsional kepada Direktur Utama;2. Auditor Internal bertanggung jawab langsung kepada

Kepala Internal Audit;3. Laporan akan dikomunikasikan oleh Kepala Internal Audit

setelah mendapatkan kesimpulan dari setiap penugasan audit dan akan didistribusikan kepada pihak yang berkepentingan;

4. Dalam pelaporan audit, memasukkan tanggapan dan tindakan perbaikan terkait dengan temuan dan rekomendasinya;

5. Tanggapan yang diberikan oleh Manajemen atas area yang diaudit harus menyertakan jangka waktu penyelesaian tindakan perbaikan.

Metodologi Pemeriksaan Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternPada tahun 2020, pemeriksaan dilakukan oleh Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern dengan mengaplikasikan metode audit berbasis risiko (risk based audit). Berikut tahapan pemeriksaan yang diterapkan oleh Divisi Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern:1. Tahap perencanaan;2. Tahap pelaksanaan;3. Tahap pelaporan;4. Tahap pemantauan/pengendalian.

Sementara itu, untuk objek audit ditentukan berdasarkan risk register oleh Departemen Manajemen Risiko dengan mempertimbangkan faktor lainnya, seperti riwayat temuan sebelumnya dan signifikansi terhadap pencapaian tujuan IPC TPK. Sedangkan, aspek materialitas dari segi keuangan, fokus perhatian manajemen, dan profil risiko menjadi dasar pertimbangan program pengawasan yang efektif, yang disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan waktu dan sumber daya yang dimiliki.

a. Only engage in audit tasks that are in accordance with the knowledge, expertise, and experience owned;

b. Have the ability to interact and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing;

c. Carry out audit tasks in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing;

d. Continuously committed to improving the expertise, effectiveness, and quality of audit work.

Independence of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitInternal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit respects the aspect of independence in fulfilling their duties and functions to ensure the objectivity of the audit results. The principles of independence referred to include:

1. Not taking side in the interests of the parties in the TPK IPC, such as the management and the Board of Commissioners, either directly or indirectly;

2. Conduct audit in accordance with the generally accepted and applied rules and principles of internal audits;

3. In the implementation of audit tasks, they must be free from all personal interests and interests of work units being audited, while upholding the established code of ethics.

Reporting and Monitoring of Internal Audits/Internal Supervisory UnitSome references in the reporting and monitoring are described as follows:1. The Head of Internal Audit reports the audit results

functionally to the President Director; 2. Internal Auditor directly reports to the Head of Internal

Audit;3. The report will be communicated by the Head of Internal

Audit after obtaining the conclusion of each audit assignment and will be distributed to interested parties;

4. In reporting audit results, responses and actions to improvements relating to the findings and recommendations shall be taken into account;

5. Responses from Management to the audited areas should include a period of completion of improvement actions.

Methodology of Internal Audit Examination/Internal Supervisory UnitIn 2020, the audit activities were carried out by the Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit by applying risk-based audit methods. Here are the audit stages by the Internal Audit Division/Internal Supervisory Unit:

1. Planning stage;2. Implementation stage;3. Reporting stage;4. Monitoring/control stage.

Meanwhile, the audit object is determined based on the risk register by the Department of Risk Management by taking into account other factors, such as the history of previous findings and the significance to the achievement of the IPC TPK’s objectives. Meanwhile, materiality aspect in term of finance, attention focus of the management, and risk profile become the basis of consideration of effective supervisory programs, which are adjusted to the availability of time and resources owned.

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Jenis Pemeriksaan Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan InternDalam melaksanakan pengawasan yang efektif, pengawasan dititikberatkan pada:1. Audit Kepatuhan meliputi audit kinerja (performance

audit), audit kecurangan (fraud audit) dan probity audit.2. Audit Konsultansi merupakan penugasan yang memiliki

sifat penasihat dan umumnya dilaksanakan atas permintaan penugasan dari Auditee. Sifat dan lingkup penugasan konsultasi menjadi subyek kesepakatan dengan Auditee.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern Tahun 2020Sepanjang tahun 2020, Unit Audit Internal/Satuan Pengawasan Intern telah melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan terkait fungsinya, di antaranya:1. Pembuatan Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT)

Tahun 2020.2. Pelaksanaan Program Kerja Pengawasan di lingkungan

IPC TPK, yakni:a. Audit Rutin: Area Palembang, Area Jambi, Area Teluk

Bayur, Area Pontianak, Area Panjang, Area Tanjung Priok 1, Area Tanjung Priok 2, dan Area Terminal Support.

b. Audit Tematik: Kas Setara Kas (GL dan RK Bank) dan Nota Manual.

c. E-Invoice Area Tanjung Priok (Kesesuaian Pencatatan Pendapatan dan Piutang).

d. Audit Khusus.3. Pelaksanaan monitoring tindak lanjut atas Program Kerja

Pengawasan di lingkungan IPC TPK (rutin, khusus, dan tematik) di Area Palembang, Area Jambi, Area Teluk Bayur, Area Panjang, Area Tanjung Priok 1, Area Tanjung Priok 2, dan Area Terminal Support.

4. Pendampingan Audit Eksternal.5. Pelaksanaan monitoring tindak lanjut atas temuan

(monitoring audit SPI HO).6. Pelaporan atas pelaksanaan pengawasan internal beserta

monitoring-nya kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.

7. Pembahasan hasil penugasan pengawasan intern dan laporan Manajemen dengan Komite Audit.

8. Peningkatan kompetensi personil audit (sertifikasi tingkat dasar dan tingkat lanjutan).

Adapun ruang lingkup pelaksanaan pengendalian internal pada PKPT tahun 2020 ditekankan pada aktivitas berikut:1. Pendapatan yang diterima oleh IPC TPK.2. Biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh IPC TPK serta penerapan/

implementasi penggunaan Dana Kas Operasional.3. Implementasi pada Rencana Kerja Manajemen dan

investasi yang tergambar pada RKAP tahun 2020.4. Implementasi penerapan prosedur yang dimiliki.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Divisi Audit telah melaporkan kepada Direksi sebanyak 38 temuan beserta 59 saran atau rekomendasi perbaikannya.

Types of Audits of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory UnitTo ensure the effectiveness, oversight activities are focused on:1. Compliance audits include performance audit, fraud audit

and probity audit.2. Audit Consulting is an assignment of giving advice and

is generally carried out upon request from Auditee. The nature and scope of the consulting assignment is the subject of an agreement with Auditee.

Brief Report on Implementation of Duties of Internal Audit/Internal Supervisory Unit in 2020Throughout 2020, the Internal Audit Unit/Internal Supervisory Unit carried out various activities relating to its functions, including:1. Preparing Annual Supervisory Work Program (PKPT) in

2020.2. Implementation of Supervisory Work Program in IPC

TPK, namely:a. Regular Audits: Palembang Area, Jambi Area, Teluk

Bayur Area, Pontianak Area, Panjang Area, Tanjung Priok Area 1, Tanjung Priok Area 2, and Terminal Support Area.

b. Thematic Audits: Cash Equivalents (GL and RK Bank) and Manual Notes.

c. E-Invoice at Tanjung Priok Area (Conformity of Records of Income and Receivables).

d. Special Audits.3. Implementation of follow-ups to the monitoring of the

Supervisory Work Program in IPC TPK (regular, special, and thematic) in Palembang Area, Jambi Area, Teluk Bayur Area, Panjang Area, Tanjung Priok Area 1, Tanjung Priok Area 2, and Terminal Support Area.

4. External Audit Assistance.5. Implementation of follow-up to monitoring of findings

(monitoring of SPI HO’s audit).6. Reporting on the implementation of internal supervision

and monitoring to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

7. Discussion of the results of internal supervisory tasks and Management reports with the Audit Committee.

8. Improve competence of audit personnel (certifications of basic and advanced levels).

The scope of internal control implementation in PKPT in 2020 put emphasis on the following activities:1. Revenue received by IPC TPK.2. Costs incurred by IPC TPK as well as the implementation

of the use of Operational Cash Funds.3. Implementation of the Management Work Plan and

investment as described in 2020 RKAP.4. Implementation of the implementation procedures


Throughout 2020, the Audit Division has reported 38 findings along with 59 suggestions or recommendations for improvements to the Board of Directors.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

274 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Akuntan publik berfungsi melakukan audit umum dan memberikan opini terkait kesesuaian penyajian laporan keuangan IPC TPK terhadap Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) yang berlaku di Indonesia. Penunjukan Akuntan Publik bermula dari proses evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dengan Komite yang berada di bawah Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:

1. Dewan Komisaris melalui Komite audit melakukan proses penunjukan calon auditor eksternal sesuai dengan ketentuan pengadaan barang dan jasa apabila diperlukan dapat meminta bantuan Direksi dalam proses penunjukannya;

2. Dewan Komisaris dapat melakukan penunjukan kembali auditor eksternal dengan berdasarkan pada hasil evaluasi atas kinerja auditor eksternal untuk melakukan audit atas laporan keuangan;

3. Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan alasan pencalonan tersebut kepada RUPS dan besarnya Honorarium/Imbalan jasa yang diusulkan untuk auditor eksternal tersebut;

4. Usulan kepada RUPS tersebut dapat disampaikan melalui surat tersendiri atas merupakan bagian dari surat tanggapan Dewan Komisaris atas kinerja tahunan IPC TPK;

5. Dewan Komisaris mengevaluasi kinerja auditor eksternal melalui Komite Audit sesuai dengan ketentuan dan standar yang berlaku;

6. Untuk proses penunjukan calon auditor eksternal dan/atau penunjukan kembali auditor eksternal yang dilakukan oleh RUPS /Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris cukup memberikan kuasa kepada RUPS untuk menetapkan auditor tersebut;

Kebijakan atas Proses Penunjukan Calon Auditor Eksternal dan/atau Penunjukan Kembali Auditor Eksternal dan Penyampaian Usulan Calon Auditor Eksternal Kepada RUPS.

Akuntan PublikPublic Accountant

Public accountant functions to conduct general audits and provides opinions relating to the conformity of IPC TPK’s financial statements to the Indonesia’s applying Financial Accounting Standards (SAK). The appointment of Public Accountant starts from the evaluation process carried out by the Board of Commissioners with the Committee s under the Board of Commissioners, as follows:

1. The Board of Commissioners through the Audit Committee conducts the process of appointing prospective candidates for external auditors in accordance with the provisions on procurement of goods and services and if necessary, can request the assistance of the Board of Directors during the nomination process;

2. The Board of Commissioners may re-appoint external auditors based on the results of evaluations of the performance of external auditors to conduct audits of financial statements;

3. The Board of Commissioners submits the reason of the nomination to the GMS and proposes the amount of the Honorarium/Service Fees for the external auditor;

4. The proposal to the GMS can be submitted in a separate letter or as part of the Board of Commissioners' response letter regarding the annual performance of IPC TPK;

5. The Board of Commissioners evaluates the performance of external auditors through the Audit Committee in accordance with applicable standards and regulations;

6. In the nomination process of candidates for external auditors and/or the re-appointment of external auditors conducted by the GMS/shareholders, the Board of Commissioners only has to delegate authority to the GMS to determine the auditors;

Policy on the Nomination Process of Candidates for External Auditors and/or Re-Appointment of External Auditors and Submission of Proposals for External Auditor Candidates to the GMS.

275PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report



Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris

Secretary to Board of Commissioner

Dewan KomisarisBoard of


Komite Audit Audit Committee

Rapat Umum pemegang Saham


1 Penyampaian arahan dan penugasan kepada Komite Audit untuk melakukan proses pengadaan Auditor;Submit directive and assignment to the audit committee to conduct an Auditor procurement process;

2 1) Melakukan evaluasi atas pelaksanaan audit tahun sebelumnya. (2) Melakukan proses pengadaan dengan bantuan manajemen. (3) Menyampaikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris;(1) Evaluate the previous year’s audit. (2) Conduct a procurement process with management assistance. (3) Submit a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners;

3 Melakukan telaahan atas rekomendasi Komite Audit, melakukan pembahasan dengan Organ Dewan Komisaris dan calon Auditor Eksternal;Process the audit committee recommendation, discuss with the Board of Commissioners Organs and the External Auditor candidates;

4 Menyusun konsep surat rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris kepada RUPS;Prepare the recommendation concept letter from the Board of Commissioners to the GMS;

5 Penetapan Auditor Eksternal;Determine the External Auditor;

Prosedur Audit Eksternal dan Standar AuditAdapun prosedur dan standar yang telah ditetapkan adalah sebagai berikut:1. Audit atas laporan keuangan IPC TPK dilakukan sesuai

dengan standar profesional Akuntan Publik yang mencakup seluruh prosedur audit yang dipandang perlu sesuai dengan keadaan.

2. Audit meliputi pengujian dan evaluasi terhadap sistem pengendalian intern, serta pemeriksaan, atas dasar pengujian, bukti-bukti yang mendukung jumlah-jumlah dan pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan. Audit juga akan meliputi penilaian atas prinsip akuntansi yang digunakan dan estimasi signifikan yang dibuat oleh manajemen, serta penilaian atas penyajian laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) yang dikeluarkan oleh IAI.

3. Sebagai bagian dari proses audit, Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) juga melakukan tanya jawab kepada manajemen mengenai pernyataan manajemen yang disajikan dalam laporan keuangan.

4. Audit mengandung risiko inheren bahwa jika terdapat kekeliruan dan ketidakberesan yang material. Jika terdapat hal tersebut, KAP akan menyampaikan kepada manajemen.

5. Manajemen menyetujui kertas kerja pemeriksaan KAP atas IPC TPK untuk dikaji oleh badan atau otoritas terkait.

Audit yang dilakukan oleh Akuntan Publik diselenggarakan berdasarkan Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik yang diterbitkan oleh Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI). Sedangkan, jika terdapat bantuan keuangan Pemerintah RI, maka audit dilaksanakan berdasarkan Standar Pemeriksaan Keuangan Negara (SPKN) yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengawasan Keuangan (BPK) RI.

External Audit Procedures and Audit StandardsThe audit procedures and standards that are in place are as follows:1. Audits of IPC TPK's financial statements are conducted

in accordance with the professional standards of Public Accountant, which cover all necessary audit procedures in accordance with the circumstances.

2. Audits include review and evaluation of internal control systems, as well as on a review basis, evidence supporting amounts and disclosures in financial statements. The audit will also include an assessment of the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as an assessment of the presentation of the overall financial statements in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) issued by IAI.

3. As part of the audit process, the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) also conducts interview with management regarding management statements presented in financial statements.

4. Audit can carry the inherent risk if there are material errors and irregularities. If any, KAP will report them to the management.

5. Management approves KAP’s audit working paper on IPC TPK for further review by the relevant body or authority.

The audit activity conducted by Public Accountant is served based on the Professional Standards of Public Accountants issued by the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI). Meanwhile, if there is financial assistance from the Government of Indonesia, the audit is carried out based on the State Financial Audit Standard (SPKN) issued by the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency (BPK).

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Akuntan Publik Tahun 2020Dasar penunjukan Akuntan Publik tahun 2020 adalah RUPS Tahunan yang diselenggarakan pada 13 Juni 2020.

Kantor Akuntan Publik : Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ersnt and Young Indonesia)

Akuntan : Muhammad Kurniawan Tahun Audit : 2020Periode Penugasan : 2021Jasa : Audit atas Laporan Keuangan,

Laporan Kinerja dan Laporan Kepatuhan serta Laporan Pencapaian Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tahun Buku 2020

Jasa Lainnya : -Biaya : Rp1.460.000.000

Akuntan Publik dan Biaya Periode 5 (Lima) Tahun TerakhirKantor Akuntan Publik, Akuntan, dan biaya yang diberikan dalam mengaudit laporan keuangan IPC TPK selama 5 (lima) tahun terakhir adalah sebagai berikut:

Daftar Akuntan Publik 2015–2019

Tahun BukuFiscal Year

Kantor Akuntan PublikPublic Accounting Firm


JasaScope of Service

Jasa LainnyaOther


Biaya (Rp)Fee (Rp)

2020 Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ersnt and Young Indonesia)

Moch. Dadang Syahruna

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2020General audit of financial statements for fiscal year of 2020

- 1,46 miliar1.46 billion

2019 Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ersnt and Young Indonesia)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2019General audit of financial statements for fiscal year of 2019

- 1,2 miliar1.2 billion

2018 Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2018General audit of financial statements for fiscal year of 2018

- 1,09 miliar1.09 billion

2017 Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young)

Muhammad Kurniawan

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2017General audit of financial statements for fiscal year of 2017

- 465 juta465 million

2016 Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young)

Moch. Dadang Syahruna

Audit umum atas Laporan Keuangan tahun buku 2016General audit of financial statements for fiscal year of 2016

- 420 juta420 million

Public Accountants of 2020The basis for the appointment of the Public Accountant in 2020 was the implementation of Annual GMS on June 13th, 2020.

Public Accounting Firm : Purwantono, Sungkoro and Surja (Ersnt and Young Indonesia)

Accountant : Muhammad KurniawanAudit Year : 2020 Assignment Period : 2021Services : Audit of Financial Statements,

Performance Reports and Compliance Reports and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Achievement Report for Fiscal Year of 2020

Other Services : - Fee : Rp1,460,000,000

Public Accountants and Fees in the Last 5 (Five) YearsPublic Accounting Firms, Accountants, and the fees for performing audits of the financial statements of IPC TPK over the last 5 (five) years are as follows:

List of Public Accountants in 2015–2019

277PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Manajemen RisikoRisk Management

IPC TPK memiliki ketentuan umum terkait Manajemen Risiko, yakni:1. Risiko pada Perusahaan diklasifikasikan menjadi risiko

strategis, risiko operasional, dan risiko keuangan.2. Manajemen risiko bertujuan untuk meminimalisasi risiko

kerugian dari ketidakpastian dalam usaha.3. Manajemen risiko sekurang-kurangnya mencakup:

a. Mengidentifikasi potensi risiko internal pada setiap fungsi/unit dan potensi risiko eksternal yang dapat memengaruhi kinerja IPC TPK;

b. Mengembangkan strategi penanganan pengelolaan risiko;

c. Mengimplementasikan program-program pengelolaan untuk mengurangi risiko; dan

d. Mengevaluasi keberhasilan manajemen risiko.

4. Hal-hal yang harus dilaksanakan dalam menerapkan manajemen risiko:a. Memperhatikan keselarasan antara strategi, proses

bisnis, SDM, keuangan, teknologi, dan lingkungan dengan tujuan IPC TPK;

b. Menetapkan sistem dan prosedur standar manajemen risiko; dan

c. Menyiapkan Penilai Risiko (risk assessor) yang kompeten.

Pelaksanaan manajemen risiko di IPC TPK tercantum dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. UM.338/12/11/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 12 November 2019 Tentang Pedoman Penerapan & Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko. Dalam melaksanakan manajemen risiko, IPC TPK berpedoman pada standar ISO 31000:2018.

Filosofi Manajemen Risiko

Dalam menyelenggarakan manajemen risiko, IPC TPK memiliki filosofi, yakni kesadaran dan komitmen yang tinggi untuk melindungi seluruh sumber daya yang dimiliki IPC TPK, serta menjaga kelangsungan kegiatan opersional dan usaha saat ini dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen risiko secara komprehensif.

Visi dan Misi Manajemen Risiko

Dalam mengimplementasikan manajemen risiko, IPC TPK memiliki visi, yakni membuat seluruh elemen Perusahaan memiliki tingkat kesadaran yang tinggi akan adanya risiko yang melekat pada kegiatan operasional yang dijalankan, mampu mengelola dan mengendalikan risiko-risiko yang ada, serta meningkatkan kepercayaan Pemangku Kepentingan melalui proses bisnis yang dilaksanakan dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG.

Untuk mewujudkan visi tersebut, IPC TPK telah menetapkan Misi Manajemen Risiko sebagai berikut:1. Menumbuhkan prinsip kehati-hatian dan selalu

melakukan perbandingan antara risiko dan hasil dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan mengenai alokasi sumber daya yang dimiliki Perusahaan.

2. Mendorong terciptanya budaya risiko di setiap elemen Perusahaan guna meningkatkan kesadaran akan risiko.

IPC TPK has designed general guidelines relating to Risk Management, namely:1. Risks to companies are classified into strategic risks,

operational risks, and financial risks.2. Risk management aims to minimize the risk of loss from

business uncertainties.3. Risk management includes at least:

a. Identifying potential internal risks to each function/unit and potential external risks that may affect the performances of the TPK IPC;

b. Developing risk management strategies;

c. Implementing management programs to reduce risk; and

d. Evaluating the success of risk management implementation.

4. Activities in the implementation of risk management are:

a. To ensure the alignment between strategies, business processes, HR, finance, technologies, and the environment with the objectives of IPC TPK;

b. To establish standard risk management systems and procedures; and

c. To prepare a competent risk assessor.

The implementation of risk management in IPC TPK is outlined in a the Board of Directors’ Decree of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. UM.338/12/11/1/IPCTPK-19 dated November 12th, 2019 about Guidelines of Risk Management Implementation & Framework. In carrying out risk management, IPC TPK is also guided by ISO 31000:2018 standards.

Philosophy of Risk Management

In implementing the risk management, IPC TPK applies the philosophy of high awareness and commitment to protecting IPC TPK’s all resources and maintaining the continuity of operational and business activities through implementation of comprehensive risk management principles.

Vision and Mission of Risk Management

In implementing risk management, IPC TPK has vision, namely to help build high awareness of the inherent risks in operational activities among all elements of the Company, to be able to manage and control existing risks, and increase stakeholders’ trust through business processes that are implemented pursuant to GCG principles.

To realize this vision, IPC TPK has established the following Missions of Risk Management: 1. Developing the prudence principle and always make a

comparison between risk and outputs in every decision making regarding the allocation of resources of the Company.

2. Encouraging the development of a risk culture in every element of the Company in order to raise awareness of risk.

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3. Meningkatkan proses manajemen risiko yang dapat berjalan secara berkala dan konsisten sehingga memudahkan proses pengambilan keputusan.

4. Memberikan keyakinan dan kepercayaan kepada Pemangku Kepentingan bahwa seluruh risiko IPC TPK telah diidentifikasi dan dikelola secara tepat.

5. Melakukan upaya perbaikan dalam setiap kegiatan operasional yang dilakukan oleh seluruh elemen Perusahaan serta upaya perbaikan atas proses manajemen risiko yang telah ada berdasarkan hasil monitoring dan kaji ulang.

6. Melakukan konsultasi dengan berbagai pihak yang memiliki kompetensi dan reputasi tinggi di bidang manajemen risiko.

Target Manajemen Risiko

1. Melindungi seluruh aset dan sumber daya yang dimiliki Perusahaan.

2. Mencegah terjadinya hal-hal tidak terduga yang dapat merugikan Perusahaan.

3. Mengintegrasikan manajemen risiko dalam organisasi dan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan.

Sistem Manajemen Risiko IPC TPK

Sistem Manajemen Risiko PT IPC Terminal Petikemas mengacu pada standar ISO 3100 tahun 2018. Hal ini dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. UM.338/12/11/1/IPC-TPK-19 tentang Pedoman Penerapan & Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

ISO 31000 adalah panduan penerapan risiko yang terdiri atas tiga elemen: prinsip (principle), kerangka kerja (framework), dan proses (process). Prinsip manajemen risiko adalah dasar praktik atau filosofi manajemen risiko. Kerangka kerja adalah pengaturan sistem manajemen risiko secara terstruktur dan sistematis di seluruh organisasi. Proses adalah aktivitas pengelolaan risiko yang berurutan dan saling terkait.

Kerangka KerjaFramework

Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen

Leadership and Commitment








Penciptaan dan Perlindungan Nilai

Value Creation and Protection


Terstruktur dan Menyeluruh

Structured and Comprehensive



Dinamis Dynamic

Informasi terbaik yang tersediaBest available information

Faktor manusia dan budayaHuman and

cultural factors

Perbaikan berkelanjutan

Continual improvement

Ruang Lingkup, Konteks dan KriteriaScope, Context and Criteria

Penilaian Risiko Risk Assessment

Identifikasi Risiko Risk Identification

Analisis Risiko Risk Analysis

Evaluasi Risiko Risk Evaluation

Perlakuan RisikoRisk Treatment

Pelaporan dan Pencatatan Reporting and Recording



asi d

an K










tion Pem

antauan dan PeninjauanM

onitoring and Review

Arsitektur Manajemen RisikoArchitecture of Risk


3. Improving the risk management process that can run regularly and consistently so as to facilitate the decision-making process.

4. Developing confidence and trust in stakeholders that all risks of IPC TPK have been identified and managed properly.

5. Making improvement efforts in every operational activity carried out by all elements of the Company as well as improvement efforts to the existing risk management process based on the results of monitoring and review.

6. Consulting with various parties who have high competence and reputation in the field of risk management.

Risk Management Targets

1. Protect all assets and resources of the Company.2. Prevent the occurrence of the unexpected events that may

harm the Company.3. Integrate risk management into the organization and the

decision-making process.

IPC TPK’s Risk Management System

Risk Management System of IPC TPK refers to ISO 31000 of year 2018. This is outlined in the Decree of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. UM.338/12/11/11/1/IPC-TPK-19 about the Guidelines of Implementation & Framework of Risk Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

ISO 31000 guides the risk management implementation with three elements: principle, framework and process. Risk management principles is the basic practices or philosophy of risk management in structured and systematic manner at all organizational lines. The process is all risk management activities that are done in order and interrelated.

279PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

A. Prinsip Manajemen RisikoTujuan dari manajemen risiko adalah menciptakan dan melindungi nilai. Manajemen risiko meningkatkan kinerja, mendorong inovasi, dan mendukung pencapaian sasaran.

Prinsip-prinsip ini memberikan panduan mengenai bagaimana karakteristik manajemen risiko yang efektif dan efisien, juga menyampaikan nilai-nilai yang dikandungnya dan menjelaskan maksud serta tujuannya. Prinsip-prinsip yang digambarkan seyogianya membuat organisasi mampu untuk mengelola dampak ketidakpastian dalam pencapaian sasaran.

Manajemen risiko yang efektif memerlukan elemen-elemen sebagai berikut:1. Terintegrasi (Integrated);2. Terstruktur dan menyeluruh (Structure and

comprehensive);3. Disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penggunanya

(Customized);4. Inklusif (Inclusive);5. Dinamis (Dynamic);6. Informasi terbaik yang tersedia (Best available

information);7. Faktor budaya dan manusia (Human and cultural

factors);8. Perbaikan berkelanjutan (Continual improvement).


Penciptaan dan Perlindungan Nilai

Value Creation and Protection


Terstruktur dan Menyeluruh

Structured and Comprehensive



Dinamis Dynamic

Informasi terbaik yang tersediaBest availableinformation

Faktor manusia dan budayaHuman and

cultural factors

Perbaikan berkelanjutan

Continual improvement

Prinsip Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Principles

B. Kerangka Kerja Manajemen RisikoPeran dan tujuan dari kerangka kerja manajemen risiko adalah membantu organisasi dalam mengintegrasikan manajemen risiko ke seluruh fungsi dan kegiatan organisasi. Efektifitas manajemen risiko akan tergantung dari seberapa jauh manajemen risiko berhasil diintegrasikan ke dalam tata kelola organisasi (governance), kegiatan organisasi dan proses pengambilan keputusan pada setiap tingkatan organisasi. Untuk itu, dukungan dari para pemangku kepentingan internal organisasi, khususnya pimpinan puncak sangat diperlukan.

A. Risk Management PrinciplesThe purpose of risk management implementation is to create and protect values. Risk management is to improve performance, boost innovation and facilitate goal achievement.

Those principles will guide on the effective and efficient risk management characteristics as well as present the values conveyed and explain the goals and purposes. The principles are described to establish an organization that can manage impacts from uncertainties in goal achievement.

An effective risk management requires the following elements:1. Integrated2. Structure and comprehensive

3. Customized

4. Inclusive5. Dynamic 6. Best available information

7. Human and culture factors

8. Continual improvement

B. Risk Management Framework Goals and purposes of risk management framework are to help the organization in integrating the risk management into governance, organizational activities and decision-making process at all levels of the organization. Therefore, support from the stakeholders of internal organization, particularly top management officials, is important.

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Kerangka Kerja Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Framework

Kerangka KerjaFramework

Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen

Leadership and Commitment






1. Kepemimpinan dan KomitmenDireksi dan Dewan Komisaris, bila mungkin harus memastikan bahwa manajemen risiko telah terintegrasi ke dalam seluruh kegiatan organisasi dan harus menunjukkan kepemimpinan dan komitmennya, antara lain dengan:a. Menyesuaikan dan menerapkan semua komponen

dari kerangka kerja;b. Membuat pernyataan atau kebijakan yang

menetapkan pendekatan manajemen risiko, rencana atau arah penerapan manajemen risiko;

c. Memastikan bahwa semua kebutuhan sumber daya untuk mengelola risiko akan dialokasikan;

d. Menetapkan kewenangan, tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan risiko pada tingkatan organisasi yang sesuai.

2. IntegrasiPengintegrasian manajemen risiko sangat bergantung pada pemahaman terhadap struktur organisasi dan konteks organisasi. Struktur setiap organisasi berbeda-beda sesuai dengan tujuan, sasaran dan kompleksitas yang dihadapinya. Risiko harus dikelola pada setiap bagian dari struktur organisasi tersebut mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk mengelola risiko yang dihadapinya.

3. Desain Kerangka KerjaKetika merencanakan kerangka kerja manajemen risiko, organisasi harus memeriksa dan memahami konteks internal dan eksternal organisasi.

4. ImplementasiPT IPC Terminal Petikemas menerapkan kerangka kerja manajemen risiko dengan:a. Menyusun suatu rencana penerapan, termasuk

jadwal dan kebutuhan sumber daya;b. Melakukan identifikasi dimana, kapan dan

bagaimana berbagai macam keputusan penerapan diambil pada tiap-tiap bagian organisasi dan siapa yang dapat mengambil keputusan tersebut;

c. Melakukan penyesuaian proses pengambilan keputusan yang diterapkan bilamana diperlukan;

d. Memastikan bahwa pengaturan organisasi untuk mengelola risiko telah dipahami dengan baik dan diterapkan.

1. Leadership and CommitmentThe Board of Directors, if necessary shall ensure that risk management shall be integrated into all organizational activities and show their leadership and commitment, among which are by:

a. Adjusting and applying all framework components;

b. Making statements or policies that determine risk management approach, plans or directions of risk management implementation;

c. Ensuring that all resources needs to manage risk are allocated;

d. Determining authorities, responsibilities and accountability of risk management at relevant organizational levels.

2. IntegrationThe integration of risk management depends on the understanding of the organizational structure and context. Structure of each organization differs one another according to goals, objectives, and complexity they face. Risks have to be managed at of each part of organizational structure, which have responsibility to manage the risks they face.

3. Framework DesignWhile planning risk management framework, the organization shall review and understand the internal and external contexts of the organization.

4. ImplementationPT IPC Terminal Petikemas applies risk management framework by:a. Compiling the implementation plans, including

schedule and needs of the resources;b. Identifying where, when and how all decisions

are taken at each part of the organization and the person who makes decision;

c. Adjusting process for making decisions if necessary;

d. Ensuring that organizational arrangement to manage risks has been well understood and applied.

281PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

5. EvaluasiGuna memastikan keefektifan kerangka kerja manajemen risiko, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas melakukan hal-hal berikut ini:a. Mengukur secara berkala kinerja kerangka

kerja manajemen risiko, apakah sesuai dengan tujuan pembuatan, rencana penerapan, capaian indikator-indikator yang ditetapkan dan juga perilaku pekerja terkait dengan penerapan manajemen risiko;

b. Menetapkan apakah kerangka kerja manajemen risiko masih tetap mampu untuk mendukung pencapaian sasaran Perusahaan atau tidak.

6. PerbaikanPT IPC Terminal Petikemas senantiasa memantau dan menyesuaikan kerangka kerja manajemen risiko dengan perubahan lingkungan eksternal dan internal, dengan melakukan hal tersebut maka organisasi dapat meningkatkan nilai. Ketika kesenjangan dan kesempatan perbaikan telah diidentifikasi maka Perusahaan harus mengembangkan rencana perbaikan dan penugasan pelaksanaannya kepada yang mempunyai akuntabilitas terhadap penerapannya sehingga perbaikan ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan manajemen risiko.

C. Proses Manajemen RisikoProses manajemen risiko mencakup penerapan yang sistematis dari kebijakan, prosedur dan berbagai pendekatan untuk menjalankan komunikasi dan konsultasi, membangun konteks dan menilai risiko, memberi perlakuan, memantau, meninjau ulang, mencatat dan melaporkan kepada para pihak yang berkepentingan.

Proses Manajemen RisikoRisk Management Process


Ruang Lingkup, Konteks dan KriteriaScope, Context and Criteria

Penilaian Risiko Risk Assessment

Identifikasi Risiko Risk Identification

Analisis Risiko Risk Analysis

Evaluasi Risiko Risk Evaluation

Perlakuan RisikoRisk Treatment

Pelaporan dan Pencatatan Reporting and Recording



asi d

an K










tion Pem

antauan dan PeninjauanM

onitoring and Review

5. EvaluationTo ensure the effectiveness of risk management framework, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas has done the followings:Measuring risk management framework performance on periodical basis, to ensure the relevance with objectives of the preparation, implementation plan, achievements of the determined indicators, and employee behaviors relating to risk management implementation;Determining whether or not risk management framework still can facilitate the realizations of Company’s objectives.

6. Improvements PT IPC Terminal Petikemas always monitors and adjusts the risk management framework with both internal and external changes, in order to help the organization to be able to increase value. When the gap and opportunity for improvements are identifies, then the Company must develop the improvement plan and the implementation assignment to those accountable for the implementation, in order that the such improvements can help improve the risk management.

C. Risk Management ProcessRisk management process includes systematic implementation, starting from the policies, procedure, and various approaches to run communication and consultation, develop context and evaluate risks, provide treatment, monitoring, reviewing, administering and reporting to the interested parties.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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1. Komunikasi dan KonsultasiKomunikasi dan konsultasi bertujuan untuk membantu Pemangku Kepentingan dalam memahami risiko, sebagai hal yang mendasari pengambilan keputusan dan alasan mengapa tindakan-tindakan tertentu dilakukan. Komunikasi dilakukan untuk membangun kesadaran dan pemahaman terhadap risiko sementara konsultasi untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dan informasi yang diperlukan guna pengambilan keputusan. Koordinasi yang erat antara komunikasi dengan konsultasi dijalankan untuk menunjang pertukaran informasi yang factual, tepat waktu, relevan, akurat, dan dapat dipahami, integritas dan keandalan informasi, dan juga hak-hak privasi dari setiap individu yang terlibat.

2. Ruang Lingkup, Konteks dan KriteriaMenentukan lingkup, konteks dan kriteria bertujuan untuk merancang proses manajemen risiko yang khas sesuai dengan kebutuhan penggunanya untuk menunjang asesmen risiko yang efektif dan perlakuan risiko yang tepat. Lingkup, konteks dan kriteria meliputi penentuan lingkup proses dan pemahaman konteks internal dan eksternal Perusahaan, serta kriteria untuk menilai tingkat risiko.

3. Penilaian RisikoKeseluruhan proses dari identifikasi risiko, analisa risiko hingga evaluasi risiko. Asesmen risiko harus menggunakan data dan informasi terbaik yang tersedia dan jika diperlukan dapat dilengkapi dengan kajian yang lebih mendalam.

a. Identifikasi RisikoIdentifikasi Risiko bertujuan untuk menemukenali, menerima dan menjabarkan risiko yang dapat menunjang atau menghambat pencapaian sasaran organisasi. Informasi yang relevan, memadai dan mutakhir merupakan hal penting dalam mengidentifikasi risiko.

b. Analisis RisikoMemahami sifat dan perilaku risiko, bila perlu termasuk peringkat risiko. Analisis risiko meliputi pertimbangan detail terkait dengan ketidakpastian, sumber risiko, dampak, kemungkinan, peristiwa risiko, scenario, pengendalian risiko dan keefektifannya.

c. Evaluasi RisikoEvaluasi risiko membantu proses pengambilan keputusan dan meliputi proses membandingkan hasil analisis dari masing-masing risiko terhadap kriteria risiko yang telah ditentukan, untuk menetapkan apakah suatu tindakan lebih lanjut terhadap risiko tersebut diperlukan. Kondisi ini akan mengerah pada keputusan untuk:1) Tidak melakukan apa-apa;2) Mempertimbangkan opsi perlakuan risiko;3) Melakukan analisis lebih lanjut untuk

memahami risiko lebih baik;4) Mempertahankan pengendalian risiko yang ada;5) Mempertimbangkan ulang sasaran proses.

4. Perlakuan RisikoPerlakuan risiko bertujuan untuk menyeleksi dan mengimplementasikan opsi-opsi untuk menghadapi risiko. Perlakuan terhadap suatu risiko dapat berupa salah satu dari empat perlakuan berikut:

1. Communication & ConsultationCommunication and consultation aim to help stakeholders in understanding risk, as a reference in decision-making and background for certain actions to be taken. Communication is done to build awareness and an understanding of the risks while consultation is done to get the necessary feedback and information for decision making. The coordination between communication and consultation is carried out to support the exchange of factual information in precise time, relevant, accurate, and understandable, integrity and the reliability of the information, as well as the privacy of any individuals involved.

2. Scope, Context and CriteriaDetermine the scope, context and criteria aimed at designing a typical risk management process in accordance with the need for its users to support effective risk assessment and proper risk treatment. Scope, context and criteria include determination the scope of the process and the understanding of the internal and external contexts of the Company, as well as criteria for risk assessment.

3. Risk AssessmentThe whole process of risk identification, risk analysis to risk evaluation. Risk assessment should use the best available data and information and if necessary, it can be supported by deeper review.

a. Risk IdentificationRisk Identification aims at identify, accepting and explaining risks supporting or hindering the realization of goals of an organization. Relevant, adequate and updated information is important in risk identification.

b. Risk AnalysisUnderstanding risk attitudes and behaviors including risk level, if necessary. Risk analysis consists of detail considerations relating to uncertainties, risk resources, impacts, possibilities, risk events, scenario, risk control and the effectiveness.

c. Risk EvaluationRisk evaluation facilitates the decision-making process and covers the process of comparing results of analysis from each risk against the determined risk criteria, to decide on whether a follow-up action against risk if necessary. Such condition will refer to the decisions to:

1). Do nothing;2). Consider the risk treatment options;3). Launch further analysis to be able to better

understand the risk;4). Maintain existing risk control;5). Re-consider the process objective.

4. Risk Treatment

Risk treatment is held with purpose to select and implement the options in order to anticipate risks. Treatment for each risk can be one of the following treatments:

283PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

a. Menerima Risiko (Accept): mempertahankan risiko pada tingkat risiko saat ini dengan tidak mengambil tindakan lanjutan. Pilihan ini dapat dilakukan untuk risiko yang dianggap tidak signifikan atau memiliki tingkat kepentingan yang rendah bagi Perusahaan;

b. Memindahkan Risiko (Transfer): memindahkan/menggeser risiko yang ada kepada pihak ketiga yang independen dan memiliki kemampuan finansial yang kuat (seperti: perusahaan asuransi) dengan biaya yang sewajarnya dan pada umumnya didasarkan pada perjanjian yang bermuatan hukum;

c. Menghindari Risiko (Avoid): menghindari eksposur terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya suatu risiko yang berpotensi terjadi (contoh: menghentikan kegiatan/aktivitas yang dapat menimbulkan risiko tersebut). Tindakan ini dapat dipilih sebagai perlakuan terhadap risiko yang memiliki tingkat risiko yang tidak dapat ditoleransi ataupun diterima oleh Perusahaan karena memiliki dampak yang signifikan;

d. Mengurangi Risiko (mitigate): Strategi untuk mengambil tindakan mengurangi tingkat risiko sampai pada tingkat yang dapat diterima dengan memfokuskan pada penurunan kemungkinan dan dampak risiko. (contoh: mengurangi tingkat risiko dengan menempatkan pengendalian tambahan atau menguatkan pengendalian dan proses yang sudah ada).

5. Monitoring dan ReviuUntuk menjamin dan memperbaiki kualitas dan keefektifan rencana pelaksanaan proses manajemen risiko, implementasi dan hasil akhir yang diharapkan. Pemantauan secara rutin (ongoing monitoring) dan kaji ulang secara berkala terhadap proses manajemen risiko dan hasil akhir harus menjadi bagian dari proses manajemen risiko, dengan penetapan penanggung jawab yang jelas. Pelaksanaan monitoring dan reviu dilakukan oleh tiga pihak:a. Pemantauan mandiri yang dilakukan oleh

Pemangku Risiko dan Unit Kerja Manajemen Risiko;b. Pemantauan oleh atasan yang dilakukan oleh

Manajemen Puncak di Perusahaan;c. Pemantauan oleh pihak ketiga yaitu Pengawasan

dan Kaji Ulang terhadap proses Manajemen Risiko dilakukan oleh pihak yang independen dan tidak terkait didalam proses penerapannya.

6. Pelaporan & PencatatanProses manajemen risiko dan berbagai keluarannya (outcomes) harus didokumentasikan dan dilaporkan melalui mekanisme yang tepat. Pelaporan dan pencatatan bertujuan untuk:a. Mengkomunikasikan berbagai aktifitas proses

manajemen risiko dan keluarannya melintasi seluruh area Perusahaan;

b. Menyediakan informasi bagi pengambilan keputusan;

c. Memperbaiki aktifitas proses manajemen risiko;d. Membantu interaksi dengan Pemangku

Kepentingan, termasuk mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas terhadap aktifitas pengelolaan risiko.

Pelaksanaan manajemen risiko di IPC TPK mengacu kepada ISO 31000:2018 yang mencakup 11 prinsip manajemen risiko, 5 (lima) elemen kerangka kerja, serta 7 (tujuh) tahap proses pengelolaan risiko.

a. Accept: keeping risk at current risk level by not taking further actions. This option can be applied to insignificant or low risk for the Company;

b. Transfer: transfer/move the existing risk to independent third party with strong financial capabilities (such as insurance Company) with reasonable costs and generally with reference to the legally-binding agreement;

c. Avoid: to avoid potential risk exposure (for instance: to halt activities potentially raising those risks). The action is considered as treatment to intolerant or unacceptable risks for the Company due to significant impacts.

d. Mitigate: The strategy to take actions helps mitigate risk to the acceptable level by focusing on the potential decline and risk impact (example: reduce risk by adding control or strengthen control and existing process).

5. Monitoring and ReviewTo ensure and improve quality and effective implementation of risk management process, implementation and the expected results. Ongoing monitoring and periodical review toward management process and end results shall be part of risk management process, by determining the person in charge clearly. Monitoring and review are held by third parties:

a. Independent monitoring by Risk Owner and Risk Management Unit;

b. Monitoring by superintendent which is carried out by Top Management of the Company;

c. Monitoring by third party, namely Supervision and Review over Risk Management Process toward Risk Management, done by an independent party who does not involve in the implementation process.

6. Reporting & DocumentationRisk management process and the outcomes must be documented and reported through the proper mechanism. The reporting and documentation aim at:

a. Communicating various risk management activities and the outcomes across areas of the Company;

b. Providing information for decision making;

c. Improving risk management process activities;d. Facilitating interaction with stakeholders, including

those who are responsible and accountable for risk management activities.

The implementation of risk management in IPC TPK refers to ISO 31000:2018 consisting of 11 risk management principles, 5 (five) framework elements and 7 (seven) stages of risk management process.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Pengelola Manajemen Risiko

Pengelolaan atau manajemen risiko dilakukan oleh setiap Organ IPC TPK sesuai dengan tanggung jawab dan bidangnya masing-masing.

Dewan KomisarisDalam hal pengelolaan atau manajemen risiko, Dewan Komisaris memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa Direksi telah melaksanakan manajemen risiko sesuai kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan.

Direksi1. Direksi adalah penanggung jawab utama implementasi

manajemen risiko Perusahaan. Proses pengambilan keputusan, pencapaian sasaran dan lain-lain harus mempertimbangkan risiko dan peluang yang dihadapi oleh IPC TPK.

2. Direksi wajib menyampaikan laporan profil manajemen risiko dan penanganannya bersamaan dengan laporan berkala Perusahaan.

3. Pelaporan dibuat berkala dan disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris. Tujuan dari pelaporan ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa proses manajemen risiko dijalankan dengan baik dan sebagai salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan operasi IPC TPK yang dilakukan Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris, terutama dalam pengelolaan risiko.

4. Direksi menetapkan unit-unit kerja yang merupakan bagian dari pengelolaan risiko, yaitu sebagai berikut:a. Unit Manajemen Risiko

Bertanggung jawab dalam kerja sama dengan manajer-manajer lain dalam melaksanakan dan mengupayakan pengelolaan risiko yang efektif serta memantau perkembangan dan membantu manajer-manajer dalam pelaporan informasi risiko yang relevan kepada Direksi.

b. Satuan AuditSatuan audit memainkan peran penting dalam memantau pelaksanaan dan kualitas kinerja kebijakan manajemen risiko sebagai bagian dari tanggung jawab mereka atau atas permintaan khusus dari Direksi, Komite Audit , atau Dewan Komisaris. Satuan audit dapat membantu Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris atau Komite Audit dengan memantau, mengevaluasi, melaporkan dan merekomendasikan perbaikan dalam efektivitas proses pengelolaan risiko IPC TPK.

c. Karyawan IPC TPKKaryawan IPC TPK turut serta bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan pengelolaan manajemen risiko. Setiap karyawan dapat membantu Perusahaan, dengan memberikan informasi mengenai permasalahan yang timbul akibat ketidakpatuhan terhadap pedoman perilaku (code of conduct), pelanggaran terhadap kebijakan dan peraturan IPC TPK.

Strategi Manajemen Risiko

Strategi manajemen risiko merupakan acuan terhadap pendekatan mengenai cara pencapaian tujuan manajemen risiko. Penetapan strategi manajemen risiko juga mempertimbangkan kompleksitas kondisi, organisasi dan risiko yang timbul sebagai akibat perubahan faktor eksternal dan internal.

Agar berjalan dengan efektif, Departemen Manajemen Risiko melakukan sinergi atas 3 (tiga) kegiatan yang merupakan alat atau sarana yang diperlukan untuk mendukung tercapainya tujuan manajemen risiko, yaitu:

Risk Management

Risk management is carried out by each organ of IPC TPK in accordance with their respective fields and responsibilities.

Board of CommissionersIn the case of risk management, the Board of Commissioners is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors has conducted risk management according to the determined policies.

Board of Directors1. The Board of Directors is to lead the implementation of

the Company's risk management. The decision-making process, goal achievement and others must take into account the risks and opportunities faced by IPC TPK.

2. The Board of Directors shall submit a risk management profile report and its mitigation efforts in conjunction with the Company's periodical reports.

3. Reporting is presented on periodical basis and submitted to the Board of Commissioners. The purpose of this reporting is to ensure that the risk management process is carried out properly and as one form of accountability for the implementation of IPC TPK’s operations, presented by the Board of Directors to the Board of Commissioners, especially in risk management.

4. The Board of Directors establishes work units that are part of risk management, namely as follows:a. Risk Management Unit

To be responsible for establishing cooperation with other managers in implementing and pursuing effective risk management as well as monitoring developments and assisting managers in providing reports on the relevant risk information to the Board of Directors.

b. Audit UnitAudit Unit plays an important role in monitoring the implementation and performance quality of risk management policies as part of their responsibilities or on special request from the Board of Directors, Audit Committee, or the Board of Commissioners. The Audit Unit can assist the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners or Audit Committee by monitoring, evaluating, reporting and giving recommendations for improvements of the effectiveness of the IPC TPK’s risk management process.

c. IPC TPK EmployeesIPC TPK employees are also responsible for the implementation of risk management. Each employee can help the Company, by providing information about issues relating to non-compliance with the code of conduct, violations of the policies and regulations of IPC TPK.

Risk Management Strategy

Risk management strategy is a guideline to the approach used in the realization of risk management goals. The risk management strategy is established with reference to the complexity of the condition, organizations and risks that emerge as the impacts of changes in both external and internal factors.

To ensure the effectiveness, the Department of Risk Management synergizes 3 (three) activities that serve as tools or means necessarily to support the achievement of risk management objectives, namely:

285PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sasaran Risiko: Untuk mencegah terjadinya kejutan sehingga alokasi sumber daya dapat lebih efisienToleransi Risiko: Jenis dan Jumlah risiko yang mampu ditanggung oleh Perusahaan

Strategi Risiko: Pengembangan Proses Risiko Infrastruktur Manajemen Risiko dan Peningkatan Lingkungan Risiko

Risk Target: To prevent surprises so that resource allocation can be more efficientRisk Tolerance: The type and amount of risk that the Company is able to bear

Risk Strategy: Development of Risk Processes, Risk Management Infrasructure and Improvement of Risk Environment

KESADARAN RISIKOPendekatan “top down” dari Senior Manajemen

atas eksposur risikoPerusahaan

RISK AWARENESSa “top down” approach

from Senior Management for the Company’s

risk exposures

ORGANISASI & ORANGPeran dan tanggung

jawab yang didefinisikandengan jelas untuk

melaksanakan fungsimanajemen risiko

ORGANIZATION & PEOPLERoles and responsibilities

are clearly definedto carry out the risk

management function

BUDAYA- Perilaku dan Sikap para

pemimpin- Komitmen manajemen


CULTURE- Behaviors and Attitudes

of leaders- Top management


PENGUKURAN RISIKOSejumlah atau indikatoryang diperoleh dari hasil

pengukuran risiko

RISK MEASUREMENTA number or indicators

obtained from the resultsof risk measurement

METODOLOGITeknik dan konsep

untuk memperkirakanprobabilitas dan besarnya


METHODOLOGYTechniques and conceptsfor estimating probability

and magnitude of loss

PELATIHAN- Unit Manajemen Risikomengambil peran utama

dalam menerapkan manajemen risiko

- Mengikuti perkembangan teknik pengukuran risiko


TRAINING- The Risk Management takes a leading role in implementing

risk management- Following the development of

the latest risk measurementtechniques


diidentifikasi,diprioritaskan, sejalandengan tujuan strategis



identified, prioritized, inline with the Company’s

strategic objectives


formal dalammengkomunikasikan

proses manajemen risiko

POLICIES & PROCEDURESFormal communicationtools in communicating

the risk managementprocess

KOMUNIKASIManajemen Senior dan

unit pemangku risikomendapatkan manfaatdari kelancaraan arus


COMMUNICATIONSenior Management andthe risk stakeholder unitbenefit from the smooth

flow of information


mengutamakan risikomaterial yang tepat bagi

Senior Manajemen

RISK MONITORINGActivities that prioritize to

material risk that areappropriate for Senior


PELAPORANMemastikan komunikasi

informasi yang tepatwaktu sesuai dengan


REPORTINGEnsuring timely

information communication

as needed

PENGUKURAN KINERJAMenghubungkan Hasilaktivitas pengendalianrisiko terhadap kinerja



Linking the Results of riskcontrol activities to the

Company’s performance

PENGENDALIAN RISIKOProsedur baik formal

dan informal yangdilaksanakan untukmengurangi risiko

RISK CONTROLImplementation of formal and informal procedure to

minimize risks.

SISTEM & DATAKemampuan untuk

mendukung administrasi,analisis, monitoring dan

fungsi pelaporan

SYSTEM & DATAAbility to support

administration, analysis,monitoring and reporting


REWARDKompensasi diberikan

atas pelaksanaanmanajemen risiko yang

disiplin dan berkelanjutan

REWARDCompensation is givenfor the implementation

of disciplined andsustainable risk


Proses Manajemen


Risk Management


InfrastrukturManajemen Risiko

Risk ManagementInfrastructure

LingkunganManajemen Risiko

Risk ManagementEnvironment

1. Proses Pengelolaan RisikoMenerapkan dan mengomunikasikan Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan di seluruh Perusahaan serta meningkatkan kualitas proses pengelolaan risiko di semua lini organisasi. Semua alur transaksi dievaluasi dan bila diperlukan dilakukan proses kaji ulang dengan tujuan agar risiko dapat diminimalisasi.

2. Mengembangkan Infrastruktur Manajemen RisikoMengembangkan infrastruktur yang mendukung pelaksanaan manajemen risiko secara menyeluruh sesuai dengan praktik-praktik terbaik yang berlaku di dunia kepelabuhanan.

3. Pengelolaan Lingkungan Manajemen RisikoMembentuk suatu lingkungan kerja yang meliputi budaya, komunikasi, pengukuran kinerja berbasis risiko dan sebagainya untuk mendukung implementasi manajemen risiko secara keseluruhan. Menciptakan budaya peduli risiko di seluruh lingkungan IPC TPK dengan penekanan bahwa risiko Perusahaan adalah tanggung jawab seluruh Pegawai Perusahaan.

1. Risk Management ProcessImplement and communicate risk management policies consistently and continuously across the Company and improve the quality of management processes across all the board. All transaction flows are evaluated, and if necessary, a review process is carried out with the aim to minimize risks.

2. Developing a Risk Management InfrastructureDevelop infrastructure that supports the comprehensive implementation of risk management in accordance with the applicable best practices in the port industry.

3. Risk Management Environment Establish a working environment that includes culture, communication, risk-based performance measurement and the others in order to support the implementation of overall risk management. Creating a culture of risk awareness throughout the IPC TPK’s environment with focus that corporate risk is a shared responsibility of all Company’s employees.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Penerapan Manajemen Risiko

Penerapan Manajemen Risiko di IPC TPK meliputi:1. Lingkup organisasi

Manajemen risiko diterapkan pada seluruh unit-unit bisnis yang bertujuan untuk memastikan tercapainya sasaran-sasaran yang ada dalam RJP, RKAP dan KPI Korporat yang ada di dalam RKAP.

2. Lingkup proses bisnisPrinsip penerapan manajemen risiko Perusahaan adalah menjadi bagian integral dari proses bisnis yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi pencapaian sasaran/kinerja Perusahaan, baik pada fungsi, sehingga proses manajemen risiko harus menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari perencanaan strategis/RJP maupun rencana kerja/RKAP.

3. Lingkup Kepatuhan (Compliance)Sebagai salah satu prinsip dari manajemen risiko adalah adanya aspek kepatuhan (compliance). Aspek ini merupakan prinsip yang dianut dan harus diterapkan dalam pengelolaan risiko.

Adapun tahapan dasar dalam menerapkan manajemen risiko adalah:1. Identifikasi risiko;2. Penilaian/analisisi dampak risiko;3. Pemilihan metode pengelolaan risiko;4. Implementasi metode;5. Evaluasi implementasi metode.

Dalam menerapkan manajemen risiko, Manajemen Puncak IPC TPK wajib melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:1. Menerapkan kebijakan dan proses manajemen risiko

pada aktivitas organisasi Perusahaan.2. Mematuhi semua peraturan perundangan yang berlaku.3. Menerapkan strategi dan manajemen waktu yang sesuai.4. Mendokumentasikan proses pengambilan keputusan,

termasuk proses penentuan sasaran yang sesuai dengan hasil dari proses manajemen risiko.

5. Menyelenggarakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan manajemen risiko.

6. Melakukan komunikasi dan konsultasi dengan Pemangku Kepentingan untuk memastikan bahwa manajemen risiko diterapkan dengan efektif dan sesuai kebutuhan Perusahaan.


Sistem informasi dan pelaporan manajemen risiko merupakan alat bantu proses pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan agar dapat mengelola risiko secara efektif dan efisien. Sistem informasi manajemen risiko adalah bagian dari sistem informasi manajemen yang harus dimiliki dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan IPC TPK.

Sistem informasi yang mendukung manajemen risiko yang dimiliki Perusahaan, adalah:

1. Sistem Peringatan Dini Perusahaan (Early Warning System/EWS) EWS adalah sistem yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk memberikan notifikasi peluang atau kesempatan terjadinya potensi risiko bisnis atau deteksi dini terhadap risiko bisnis yang berbasis EWS/KRI (Key Risk Indicator) akan menghasilkan sebuah laporan kepada pihak manajemen yang menggambarkan indikator-indikator terjadinya suatu risiko di lingkungan Perusahaan. EWS menggunakan indikator risiko utama atau KRI untuk mengidentifikasi dan melacak potensi terjadinya suatu risiko.

Implementation of Risk Management

The implementation of Risk Management in IPC TPK includes:1. Scope of organization

Risk management is applied to all business units with aim at ensuring the achievement of the targets of RJP, RKAP and Corporate KPIs that are outlined in RKAP.

2. Scope of business processThe principle of corporate risk management implementation is to be an integral part of business processes that significantly affect the achievement of the Company's goals/performance, both in function, so that the risk management process inseparable part from strategic planning/RJP as well as work plan/RKAP.

3. Scope of Compliance As one of the principles of risk management is the compliance aspect. This aspect is a principle that is embraced and must be applied in risk management.

The basic stages in the implementation of risk management are:1. Risk identification;2. Assessment/analysis of the risk impact;3. Selection of risk management methods;4. Implementation of methods;5. Evaluate the implementation of the method.

In the implementation of the risk management, IPC TPK’s Top Management is obliged to take the following actions:1. Apply risk management policies and processes to all

activities of the organization. 2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.3. Implement appropriate strategy and time management.4. Documenting the decision-making process, including the

process of setting goals that match the outcome of the risk management process.

5. Organize socialization and risk management training.

6. Communicate and consult with stakeholders to ensure that risk management is implemented effectively and in line with the needs of the Company.


Information systems and risk management systems are tools for the right decision-making process and can be accounted for in order not to manage risk effectively and efficiently. Management information system risk is part of the information system management that must be owned and developed in accordance with the needs of IPC TPK.

Information systems that support the risk management of the Company, are:

1. The Company's Early Warning System (EWS) is a system that has the ability to notify the opportunities or potentials of business risks. Early detection of business risks based on EWS / KRI (Key Risk Indicator) will produce a report for the management, which describes the indicators of the occurrence of a risk in the corporate environment. EWS uses key risk indicators or KRI to identify and track the potential occurrence of a risk.

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2. Key Risk Indikator (KRI)KRI mengukur risk drivers atau risk cause yang dapat digunakan untuk menghubungkan dampak dari risiko dengan kemungkinan terjadinya risiko tersebut. KRI digunakan untuk memantau level of risk dalam mengidentifikasi tingkat eksposur Perusahaan terhadap suatu risiko sebelum kerugian akibat risiko terjadi, KRI yang diidentifikasi melalui pengembangan EWS memberikan fokus terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab Top Significant Risk dan juga aspek lainnya sesuai dengan referensi pihak manajemen.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, setiap laporan harus disampaikan tepat waktu, akurat dan dalam bentuk yang mudah dimengerti. Sistem informasi yang tersedia minimal harus mencakup laporan atau informasi mengenai:

1. Eksposur risiko secara menyeluruh yang mencakup eksposur per jenis risiko dan per jenis kegiatan fungsional;

2. Kepatuhan terhadap kebijakan dan prosedur serta penetapan limit;

3. Realisasi pelaksanaan manajemen risiko dibandingkan dengan tujuan dan target yang ditetapkan.

Selanjutnya, Divisi Audit cq Departemen Manajemen Risiko harus melakukan analisis terhadap laporan yang dihasilkan dan selanjutnya menyampaikan hasil analisis tersebut secara berkala sesuai kebutuhan kepada Dewan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris cq Komite Pemantau Manajemen Risiko, Divisi Audit dan Pemangku Risiko terkait. Frekuensi penyampaian laporan dapat ditingkatkan apabila hasil analisis dimaksud menunjukan bahwa IPC TPK menghadapi potensi risiko yang signifikan.

Profil Risiko IPC TPK Tahun 2020

a. Profil Risiko Perusahaan (Korporat)

NoNama RisikoRisk Name

Tingkat RisikoRisk Level

TrendAwalTahun 2020

Beginning of Year 2020

Triwulan IVTahun 2020

4th Quarter of 2020

1 Target Produktivitas/Troughput Petikemas Tidak TercapaiProductivity/Container Throughput Target Unachieved

Sangat TinggiVery High



2 Rendahnya kehandalan ITLow IT performance

Sangat TinggiVery High

Tinggi High


3 Penularan dan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Lingkungan IPC TPKTransmission and Spread of Covid-19 in IPC TPK

Sangat TinggiVery High

Tinggi High


4 Rendahnya Performance Alat Bongkar MuatLow Performance of Loading Equipment

Sangat TinggiVery High



5 Tidak Optimalnya Fasilitas Lapangan dan DermagaLess Optimum of Field and Berth Facilities

Sangat TinggiVery High

Tinggi High


6 Rendahnya Penyerapan InvestasiLow Investment Absorption

Sangat TinggiVery High



7 Kehilangan Pangsa PasarLoss of Market Share

Sangat TinggiVery High

Tinggi High


8 Kesalahan dalam penanganan Dangerous Goods (DG)Mistakes in Handling Dangerous Goods (DG)

Sangat TinggiVery High

Tinggi High


9 Rendahnya Tingkat K3 dan KeamananLow HWS and Security


Tinggi High


10 Kerusakan Alat PendukungDamages in Supporting Tools




2. Key Risk Indicator (KRI)KRI measures risk drivers or risk causes that can be used to link the impact of risk with the possibility of the risk. KRI is used to monitor the level of risk in identifying the level of risk in identifying the level of exposure of the Company to a risk before risk-based losses occur. KRI identified with through the development of EWS will set focus on the factors that cause Top Significant Risk and other aspects in accordance with the reference from the management.

In the implementation, every report must be submitted in a timely, accurate and in an understandable format. The minimum available information systems should include reports or information about:

1. Overall risk exposures that include exposures of each type of risk and each functional activity;

2. Compliance with policies and procedures and setting limits;

3. Realization of the implementation of risk management compared to the objectives and targets set.

Furthermore, the Audit Division cq Department of Risk Management must conduct an analysis of the report and further submit the results of the analysis on periodical basis in accordance with the needs to the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners cq Risk Management Monitoring Committee, Audit Division and relevant Risk Stakeholders. The frequency of submission of the report can increase if the results of the analysis show that the IPC TPK faces significant risk potentials.

IPC TPK’s Risk Profile in 2020

a. Company Risk Profile (Corporate)

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Tingkat RisikoLevel of Risk

Risk Tolerance

Risk Appetite

Sangat TinggiVery High

Sangat KecilVery Small


Hampir PastiAlmost Certain


Mungkin SekaliAlmost Possible






Sangat JarangVery Rare








Sangat BesarVery Big Indeks Dampak

Impact Index

Indeks KemungkinanProbability Index


MenengahVery High



Sangat RendahVery Low

b. Profil Risiko Tingkat Area

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas memiliki 8 (delapan) area operasi yaitu 3 area di wilayah Jakarta (Tanjung Priok 1, Tanjung Priok 2 dan Terminal Support) dan 5 area di luar wilayah Jakarta (Panjang, Palembang, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur dan Jambi). Setiap area operasi ini memiliki risiko-risiko tersendiri dalam melaksanakan kelangsungan proses bisnis di areanya masing-masing. Berikut adalah profil risiko dari area-area yang ada di wilayah PT IPC Terminal Petikemas:

1. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan RCSA (Risk Control Self Assessment) di 8 (Delapan) area operasi IPC TPK, jumlah risiko yang terindentifikasi sebanyak 94 risiko inheren dengan klasifikasi tingkat risiko sebagai berikut:


Tingkat RisikoLevel of Risk

Jumlah RisikoTotal RiskSangat Tinggi

Very HighTinggi




Sangat Rendah

Very Low

1 Tanjung Priok 1 5 3 2 0 0 10

2 Tanjung Priok 2 5 9 4 0 0 18

3 Terminal Support 1 5 1 0 0 7

4 Panjang 1 5 2 0 0 8

5 Palembang 3 8 1 1 0 13

6 Pontianak 2 10 1 0 0 13

7 Teluk Bayur 2 7 3 1 0 13

8 Jambi 2 6 4 0 0 12

Jumlah/Total 94

b. Risk Profiles of Areas

IPC TPK operates 8 (eight) operational areas, namely 3 areas in Jakarta (Tanjung Priok I, Tanjung Priok 2, and Terminal Support) and 5 areas outside Jakarta (Panjang, Palembang, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, and Jambi). Each operational area has their own risks toward the continuity of the business process at each area. Below are the risk profiles of the existing areas in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas:

1. Based on the results of RCSA Risk Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) activities in 8 (eight) of IPC TPK’s operational areas, the number of identified risks showed 94 inherent risks with the following risk classification:

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2. Monitoring Setelah Penanganan RisikoTahun 2020 adalah tahun pandemi dimana tingkat penyebaran corona bagi pekerja PT IPC TPK masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini dapat terlihat pada area-area operasi IPC TPK potensi terjadinya risiko atau tingkat risiko penularan corona masih “Sangat Tinggi” atau “Tinggi”. Mengingat bisnis pelabuhan adalah bisnis yang harus tetap beroperasi dimasa pendemi, maka penerapan protokol kesehatan yang ketat serta pembagian jadwal kerja (WFO/WFH) merupakan mitigasi yang bisa dilakukan dalam mengelola risiko ini.

Pandemi corona juga berpengaruh pada perubahan-perubahan kebijakan Perusahaan bahkan Pemerintah, seperti arahan dari Pemerintah untuk melakukann penyesuaian atau perubahan anggaran Perusahaan atau RKAP. Hal ini mengakibatkan tertundanya atau dibatalkannya beberapa program kerja atau investasi Perusahaan sehingga berdampak pada mitigasi risiko yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya menjadi tertunda. Tingkat risiko tinggi dan sangat tinggi pada akhir tahun 2020 akan tetap di prioritaskan kembali pada tahun 2021 serta mitigasi yang direncanakan akan dianggarkan kembali pada RKAP 2021. Berikut profil risiko tingkat area pada akhir tahun 2020:


Tingkat RisikoLevel of Risk

Jumlah RisikoTotal RiskSangat Tinggi

Very HighTinggi




Sangat Rendah

Very Low

1 Tanjung Priok 1 2 5 2 1 0 10

2 Tanjung Priok 2 2 0 2 5 9 18

3 Terminal Support 1 0 3 2 1 7

4 Panjang 0 1 4 2 1 8

5 Palembang 0 1 3 4 5 13

6 Pontianak 1 1 1 3 7 13

7 Teluk Bayur 1 1 1 10 0 13

8 Jambi 1 0 3 4 4 12

Jumlah/Total 94

2. Risk Management Monitoring Year 2020 was the pandemic year where the spread of corona virus among employees of PT IPC TPK was still very high. This occurred in the operational areas of IPC TPK where corona transmission risk was “very high” or “high”. Since port was one of the business sectors that had to continue operating during pandemic, then the tight application of health protocol and the implementation of work in shift (WFO/WFH) was a mitigation that could be done in risk management.

Covid-19 pandemic also influenced to changes in the Corporate and Government policies, such as Government’s directives to make adjustments or revisions in the Company’s budget. This caused delays or cancellation of some programs or investment of the Company, thus delaying the risk mitigation previously planned. The high and very high risks at end of 2020 will remain priorities in 2021 whereas the mitigations will be re-budgeted in 2021 RKAP. Below are the risk profiles of areas at end of 2020:

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Sistem Pengendalian InternalInternal Control System

IPC TPK terus berupaya menerapkan sistem pengendalian internal yang efektif dengan melibatkan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan seluruh Insan IPC TPK dengan mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip Internal Control-Integrated Framework yang diterbitkan oleh The Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) of the Treadway Commission. Dalam pelaksanaannya, penerapan sistem pengendalian internal Perusahaan tertuang dalam Peraturan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/10/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 10 Oktober 2017.

Penerapan sistem pengendalian internal di IPC TPK memiliki tujuan, yakni kepatuhan terhadap kebijakan, peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku (Tujuan Kepatuhan); tersedianya informasi keuangan dan manajemen yang benar, lengkap dan tepat waktu (tujuan informasi); efisiensi dan efektivitas kegiatan usaha Perusahaan (Tujuan Operasional); dan mengamankan aktiva Perusahaan.

IPC TPK memiliki kebijakan umum terkait sistem pengendalian internal, sebagai berikut:1. Perusahaan mengembangkan Sistem Pengendalian

Internal Perusahaan yang merupakan sebuah proses yang dihasilkan oleh Direksi yang didesain untuk memberikan jaminan tercapainya tujuan Perusahaan dengan memperhatikan asas efektivitas dan efisiensi operasi, terpercayanya (reliability) laporan keuangan dan kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan aturan yang berlaku.

2. Perusahaan menetapkan suatu Sistem Pengendalian Internal yang efektif untuk mengamankan investasi dan aset Perusahaan.

3. Semua Insan Perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan pengendalian internal dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya masing-masing.

Sistem pengendalian internal yang diterapkan mencakup:1. Lingkungan pengendalian internal yang mencakup

integritas, nilai-nilai etika, manajemen operasi, pendelegasian wewenang, serta proses untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan SDM IPC TPK;

2. Pengelolaan risiko usaha (risk assessment) yang sesuai dengan standar IPC TPK;

3. Aktivitas pengendalian, yaitu tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan dalam suatu proses pengendalian terhadap kegiatan IPC TPK pada setiap tingkat dan unit dalam struktur organisasi perusahaan;

4. Proses penyajian laporan mengenai kegiatan operasional, finansial, serta ketaatan dan kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan;

5. Proses penilaian terhadap kualitas sistem pengendalian internal, termasuk fungsi internal audit pada setiap tingkat dan unit dalam struktur organisasi.

Peran dan Tanggung Jawab

Setiap Insan IPC TPK bertanggung jawab atas terlaksananya pengendalian internal sesuai dengan bidangnya.

Dewan KomisarisDewan Komisaris bertangung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa Direksi telah melaksanakan pengendalian internal

IPC TPK consistently strives to implement an effective internal control system involving the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all employees of IPC TPK with reference to the principles of the Internal Control-Integrated Framework which is by the Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) of the Treadway Commission. The implementation of the Company's internal control system is contained in the Regulation of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/10/10/1/IPCTPK-17 dated October 10th, 2017.

The implementation of the internal control system in IPC TPK has purposes, namely compliance with applicable policies, regulations and laws (Compliance Purposes); the availability of accurate, complete and timely financial information and management (information purpose); the effectiveness and effectiveness of the Company's business activities (Operational Purpose); and secure the Company's assets.

IPC TPK has a general policy relating to internal control systems, as follows:1. The Company develops the Company's Internal Control

System which is a process produced by the Board of Directors which was designed to provide assurance of the achievement of the Company's objectives by taking into account the principles of effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial statements and compliance with applicable laws and rules.

2. The Company establishes an effective Internal Control System to secure the Company's investments and assets.

3. All Company's employees have responsibility for the implementation of internal control in the implementation of their respective duties.

Internal control systems include: 1. An internal control environment that includes integrity,

ethical values, operational management, delegation of authority, as well as processes for managing and developing IPC TPK’s human resources;

2. Risk assessment in accordance with IPC TPK’s standards;

3. Control activities, namely actions taken in a control process over the activities of IPC TPK at every level and unit in the corporate organizational structure;

4. The process of presenting reports on operational, financial activities, as well as compliance with the provisions of the laws and regulations;

5. The process of assessing the quality of internal control systems, including the internal functions of audits at every level and units within the organizational structure.

Roles and Responsibilities

Each employee of IPC TPK is responsible for the implementation of internal controls in accordance with their fields of work.

Board of CommissionersThe Board of Commissioners is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors has exercised internal controls in the

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dalam pengelolaan Perusahaan sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundang-undngan yang berlaku, baik dalam pengambilan keputusan, pencapaian sasaran, proses bisnis, dan lain-lain.

DireksiDireksi merupakan penanggung jawab utama implementasi pengendalian internal Perusahaan. Proses pengambilan keputusan, pencapaian sasaran dan lain-lain harus memperhatikan standar pengendalian internal yang berlaku di Perusahaan:

1. Direksi wajib menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan fungsi pengawasan internal secara periodik kepada Dewan Komisaris. Tujuan dari pelaporan ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa pelaksanaan pengendalian internal dijalankan dengan baik dan sebagai salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan operasi Perusahaan yang dilakukan Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris, terutama dalam pengendalian internal.

2. Direksi menetapkan unit-unit kerja yang merupakan bagian dari pelaksanaan pengendalian internal, yaitu:a. Pegawai Perusahaan

Pegawai Perusahaan merupakan penanggung jawab utama dari sistem pengendalian internal. Pegawai Perusahaan harus memastikan bahwa dalam setiap proses bisnis yang dilakukannya telah sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.

b. Unit Kerja PerusahaanUnit kerja Perusahaan bertanggung jawab dalam kerja sama dengan manajer-manajer lain dalam mengimplementasikan dan mengupayakan sistem pengendalian internal yang efektif dalam bidang tanggung jawab mereka.

Komponen Utama Sistem Pengendalian Internal IPC TPK

Kerangka sistem pengendalian internal di IPC TPK mengacu pada COSO-Internal Control Framework ,yang terdiri dari 5 (lima) komponen utama yang satu sama lain saling berkaitan, yakni Lingkungan Pengendalian (Control Environment), Identifikasi dan Penilaian Risiko (Risk Recognition and Assessment), Aktivitas Pengendalian (Control Activities), Informasi dan Komunikasi (Information and Communication), serta Kegiatan Pemantauan dan Tindakan Koreksi Penyimpangan/Kelemahan (Monitoring Activities and Correcting Deficiencies).

1. Lingkungan PengendalianKondisi yang dibangun dan diciptakan dalam suatu organisasi oleh Manajemen yang akan mempengaruhi efektivitas pengendalian dan merupakan dasar atau pondasi untuk semua komponen Pengendalian Internal yang mencerminkan keseluruhan komitmen, perilaku, kepedulian dan langkah-langkah Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan Pengendalian operasional IPC TPK.

Tujuh faktor Lingkungan Pengendalian meliputi:a. Integritas dan nilai etika;b. Komitmen atas kompetensi;c. Kebijakan dan praktek Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM);d. Struktur organisasi;e. Pendelegasian wewenang dan tanggung jawab;f. Partisipasi Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Audit;

g. Filosofi Manajemen dan gaya operasi• Pendekatan Manajemen dalam mengambil dan

memonitor risiko bisnis;

management of the Company in accordance with applicable regulations and legislation, both in decision making, achievement of goals, business processes, and others.

Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors is the main person in charge of the implementation of the Company's internal control. The decision-making process, achievement of objectives etc. shall pay attention to the internal control standards applicable in the Company:

1. The Board of Directors shall submit a report on the implementation of the internal supervisory function periodically to the Board of Commissioners. The purpose of this reporting is to ensure that the implementation of internal controls is carried out properly and as one form of accountability for the implementation of the Company's operations carried out by the Board of Directors, especially in internal control.

2. The Board of Directors establishes work units that are part of the implementation of internal controls, namely:a. The Company’s Employees

The Company's employees are in charge of the internal control system. Employees of the Company must ensure that in every business process that he conducts has been in accordance with applicable regulations.

b. The Company’s Work UnitsThe Company's work units are responsible for cooperating with other managers in implementing and pursuing effective internal control systems in their areas of responsibility.

Main Components of IPC TPK’s Internal Control System

IPC TPK’s internal control system framework refers to COSO-Internal Control Framework, which consists of 5 (five) main components that are interrelated, namely Control Environment, Risk Recognition and Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, as well as Monitoring Activities and Correcting Deficiencies).

1. Control EnvironmentConditions built and created in an organization by the Management can affect the effectiveness of control and are the basis or foundation for all components of Internal Control that reflect the overall commitment, behavior, concern and steps of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in carrying out the operational control activities of IPC TPK.

The seven environmental control factors include:a. Integrity and ethical values;b. Commitment to competence;c. Human Resources (HR) policies and practices;d. Organizational structure;e. Delegation of authority and responsibility;f. Participation of the Board of Commissioners and the

Audit Committee;g. Philosophy of Management and style of operation

• Management's approach in taking and monitoring business risks;

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• Sikap dan tindakan Manajemen terhadap pelaporan keuangan;

• Rotasi pegawai sesuai dengan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan IPC TPK;

• Frekuensi interaksi antar level dalam IPC TPK.

2. Identifikasi dan Penilaian RisikoPenilaian risiko merupakan suatu rangkaian tindakan oleh Dewan Direksi atau manajemen dalam identifikasl, analisis dan menilai risiko yang relevan untuk mencapai tujuan IPC TPK dan membentuk suatu dasar untuk menemukan bagaimana risiko dikelola guna mendapatkan kontrol yang efektif.

a. Risiko dapat timbul atau berubah sesuai dengan kondisi perkembangan IPC TPK yang dapat memengaruhi Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan, antara lain:• Perubahan kegiatan operasional;• Perubahan susunan personalia;• Perubahan sistem informasi;• Pertumbuhan yang cepat pada kegiatan usaha

tertentu;• Perkembangan teknologi;• Pengembangan jasa, produk atau kegiatan baru;• Terjadinya penggabungan usaha (merger),

konsolidasi, akuisisi dan restrukturisasi perusahaan;• Perubahan dalam sistem akuntansi;• Ekspansi usaha;• Perubahan hukum dan peraturan;• Perubahan perilaku serta ekspektasi pengguna

jasa.b. Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan yang

efektif mengharuskan IPC TPK secara terus-menerus mengidentifikasi dan menilai risiko yang dapat mempengaruhi pencapaian sasaran. Penilaian risiko harus pula dilakukan oleh auditor Internal sehingga cakupan audit yang dilakukan lebih luas dan menyeluruh.

c. Penilaian ini harus dapat mengidentifikasi jenis risiko yang dihadapi IPC TPK, penetapan limit risiko dan teknik Pengendalian risiko tersebut. Metodologi penilaian risiko harus menjadi tolok ukur untuk membuat profil risiko dalam bentuk dokumentasi data, yang bisa dimutakhirkan (update) secara periodik.

d. Penilaian risiko juga meliputi penilaian terhadap risiko yang dapat diukur (kuantitatif) dan tidak dapat diukur (kualitatif) maupun terhadap risiko yang dapat dikendalikan dan tidak dapat dikendalikan dengan memperhatikan biaya dan manfaatnya. Selanjutnya IPC TPK harus memutuskan untuk mengambil risiko tersebut atau tidak.

e. Penilaian tersebut harus mencakup semua risiko yang dihadapi, baik oleh risiko individual maupun secara keseluruhan (aggregate), yang meliputi risiko kredit, risiko pasar, risiko likuiditas, risiko operasional, risiko hukum, risiko reputasi, risiko strategik, dan risiko kepatuhan.

f. Pengendalian Internal perlu direviu secara tepat dalam hal terdapat risiko yang belum dikendalikan, baik risiko yang sebelumnya sudah ada maupun risiko yang baru muncul. Pelaksanaan reviu tersebut antara lain dengan melakukan evaluasi secara terus menerus mengenai pengaruh dari setiap lingkungan dan kondisi serta tampak dari pencapaian target atau efektivitas Pengendalian Internal dalam kegiatan operasi dan organisasi IPC TPK.

g. Hal utama yang dalam penilaian risiko adalah kesadaran (awareness) seluruh pegawai dan Pimpinan Manajemen bahwa setiap kegiatan aktivitas pengelolaan IPC TPK, memiliki risiko yang harus dikelola.

• Management's attitudes and actions towards financial reporting;

• Rotation of employees in accordance with the development and growth of IPC TPK;

• Frequency of interactions between levels in IPC TPK.

2. Identification and Risk AssessmentRisk assessment is a series of actions by the Board of Directors or management in the identification, analysis and assessment of relevant risks to achieve the objectives of IPC TPK and form a basis for discovering how risk is managed in order to gain effective control.

a. Risks may arise or change in accordance with the conditions of development of IPC TPK that can affect the Company's Internal Control System, among others:• Changes in operational activities;• Changes in personnel arrangements;• Changes in information systems;• Rapid growth in certain business activities;

• Technological developments;• Development of new services, products or activities;• The occurrence of mergers, consolidation, acquisitions

and restructuring of companies;• Changes in the accounting system;• Expansion of the business;• Changes in laws and regulations;• Changes in the behavior and expectations of service

users.b. An effective Enterprise Internal Control System requires

the IPC TPK to continuously identify and assess risks that could affect the achievement of objectives. Risk assessment must also be done by internal auditors so that the scope of the audit is carried out more broadly and thoroughly.

c. This assessment should be able to identify the types of risks faced by IPC TPK, risk limit setting and risk control techniques. The risk assessment methodology should be a benchmark for creating a risk profile in the form of data documentation, which can be updated on periodical basis.

d. Risk assessment also includes an assessment of risks that can be measured (quantitative) and cannot be measured (qualitative) or against risks that can be controlled and cannot be controlled with regard to their costs and benefits. Furthermore, IPC TPK must decide to take the risk or not.

e. The assessment should cover all risks faced, both by individual and overall risks, which include credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, legal risk, reputational risk, strategic risk, and compliance risk.

f. Internal control needs to be reviewed appropriately in the event that there are risks that have not been controlled, both existing risks and emerging risks. The implementation of the review includes continuous evaluation of the influence of each environment and conditions and is seen from the achievement of targets or effectiveness of Internal Control in the operations and organization of IPC TPK.

g. The main concern in risk assessment is the awareness of all employees and Management Leaders that every management activity in IPC TPK, carries risks that must be managed.

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3. Aktivitas PengendalianKegiatan Pengendalian yang diperlukan Manajemen untuk mengatasi risiko, menetapkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan dan prosedur untuk mencapai tujuan, serta memastikan bahwa tindakan tersebut telah dijalankan efektif sesuai arahan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

Kegiatan Pengendalian melibatkan seluruh pegawai perusahaan, termasuk Dewan Direksi. Oleh karena itu. Kegiatan pengendalian akan berjalan efektif apabila direncanakan dan diterapkan guna mengendalikan risiko yang telah diidentifikasi. Kegiatan Pengendalian mencakup pula penetapan kebijakan dan prosedur Pengendalian serta proses verifikasi lebih dini untuk memastikan bahwa kebijakan dan prosedur tersebut secara konsisten dipatuhi serta merupakan kegiatan yang tidak terpisahkan dari setiap fungsi atau kegiatan IPC TPK sehari-hari.

Lima kategori aktivitas Pengendalian:a. Pemisahan tugas yang memadai;b. Otorisasi transaksi dan aktivitas yang seharusnya;

c. Dokumen dan catatan yang memadai;d. Pengendalian fisik atas aktiva dan pencatatannya;e. Penilaian yang independen atas kinerja.

Aktivitas pengendalian diterapkan pada semua tingkatan fungsional sesuai struktur Organisasi IPC TPK, yang sekurang-kurangnya meliputi:a. Reviu Manajemen (Top Level Reviews )

Dewan Direksi secara berkala meminta penjelasan (informasi) dan kinerja operasional dari pejabat dan staf sehingga memungkinkan untuk mengkaji hasil kemajuan (realisasi) dibandingkan dengan target yang akan dicapai, seperti laporan operasional dan keuangan dibandingkan dengan rencana anggaran yang ditetapkan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian tersebut, Direksi segera mendeteksi permasalahan seperti kelemahan Pengendalian, gangguan operasional, kesalahan laporan keuangan atau penyimpangan lainnya (fraud).

b. Reviu Kinerja (Functional Review)Reviu ini dilaksanakan oleh Divisi Audit dengan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi, sesuai yang dijadwalkan, yaitu:• Melakukan reviu terhadap penilaian risiko (laporan

profil risiko) yang dihasilkan oleh unit Manajemen Risiko;

• Menganalisa data operasional, baik data yang terkait dengan risiko maupun data operasional dan keuangan yaitu melakukan verifikasi rincian dan kegiatan transaksi dibandingkan dengan output laporan yang dihasilkan oleh unit manajemen risiko;

• Melakukan reviu terhadap realisasi pelaksanaan rencana kerja dan anggaran, guna:

• Mengidentifikasi penyebab penyimpangan yang signifikan;

• Menetapkan persyaratan untuk tindakan perbaikan (corrective actions).

c. Pengendalian Sistem Informasi• IPC TPK melaksanakan verifikasi terhadap akurasi

dan kelengkapan dari transaksi dan melaksanakan prosedur otorisasi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Internal Perusahaan.

• Kegiatan Pengendalian sistem informasi dapat digolongkan dalam dua kriteria yaitu Pengendalian umum dan Pengendalian aplikasi.

3. Control ActivitiesControl activities required by management to address risks, establish and implement policies and procedures to achieve objectives, and ensure that such actions have been carried out effectively in accordance with the direction of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.

Control activities involve all of the Company’s employees, including the Board of Directors. Therefore, control activities will be effective if planned and implemented to control the risks that have been identified. Control activities include the establishment of control policies and procedures and early verification processes to ensure that such policies and procedures are consistently adhered to and are activities that are inseparable from every function or activity of IPC TPK on a day-to-day basis.

Five categories of control activities:a. Adequate separation of duties;b. The authorization of transactions and the expected

activities;c. Adequate documents and records;d. Physical control over assets and their administration;e. An independent assessment of performance.

Control activities are applied at all functional levels within the structure of the IPC TPK’s organization, which at least include:a. Management Review (Top Level Reviews)

The Board of Directors periodically requests explanations (information) and operational performance from officials and staff so that it is possible to assess the results of progress (realization) compared to targets to be achieved, such as operational and financial statements compared to the budget plan set. Based on the results of the review, the Board of Directors immediately detected problems such as control weaknesses, operational disruptions, financial statement errors or other irregularities (fraud).

b. Performance Review (Functional Review)This review is carried out by the Audit Division with a higher frequency, as scheduled, namely:

• Review risk assessments (risk profile reports) generated by the Risk Management unit;

• Analyze operational data, both data related to risk and operational and financial data that verifies details and transaction activities compared to the output of reports generated by risk management unit;

• Conduct a review of the realization of the implementation of work plans and budgets, in order to:• Identify the causes of significant frauds;

• Establish requirements for corrective actions.

c. Control of Information Systems• IPC TPK carries out verification of the accuracy

and completeness of the transaction and carries out authorization procedures in accordance with the provisions applicable in the Internal of the Company.

• Information system control activities can be classified into two criteria, namely general control and application control.

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• Pengendalian umum meliputi Pengendalian terhadap operasional pusat data, sistem pengadaan dan pemeliharaan software, pengamanan akses, serta pengembangan dan pemeliharaan sistem aplikasi yang ada. Pengendalian umum ini diterapkan terhadap mainframe, server, dan users workstation, serta jaringan Internal - eksternal.

• Pengendalian aplikasi diterapkan terhadap program yang digunakan dalam mengolah transaksi dan untuk memastikan bahwa semua transaksi adalah benar, akurat dan telah diotorisasi secara benar, Selain itu, pengendalian aplikasi harus dapat memastikan tersedianya proses audit yang efektif dan untuk mengecek kebenaran proses audit dimaksud.

d. Pengendalian Aset Fisik (Physical Controls)• Pengendalian aset fisik dilaksanakan untuk

menjamin terselenggaranya pengamanan fisik terhadap aset perusahaan.

• Kegiatan ini meliputi pengamanan aset, catatan dan akses terbatas terhadap program komputer dan file data, serta membandingkan nilai aktiva dan pasiva perusahaan dengan nilai yang tercantum pada catatan pengendali, khususnya pengecekan nilai aktiva secara berkala.

4. Informasi dan Komunikasia. Sistem Informasi

Sistem Informasi harus dapat menghasilkan laporan mengenai kegiatan usaha, kondisi keuangan, penerapan manajemen risiko dan pemenuhan ketentuan yang mendukung pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

• Sistem Pengendalian Internal yang efektif sekurang-kurangnya menyediakan data informasi internal yang cukup dan menyeluruh mengenai keuangan, kepatuhan perusahaan terhadap ketentuan & peraturan yang berlaku, informasi pasar (kondisi eksternal) & setiap kejadian serta kondisi yang diperlukan.

• Sistem Pengendalian Internal sekurang-kurangnya menyediakan sistem informasi yang dapat dipercaya mengenai seluruh aktivitas fungsional perusahaan, terutama aktivitas fungsional yang signifikan dan memiliki potensi risiko tinggi, termasuk sistem penyimpanan dan penggunaan data elektronik harus dijamin keamanannya, dipantau oleh pihak yang independen (auditor internal) dan didukung oleh program contingency plan yang memadai.

• IPC TPK sekurang-kurangnya mengorganisasikan suatu rencana pemulihan darurat (contingency recovery plan) dan sistem back-up untuk mencegah kegagalan usaha yang berisiko tinggi. Prosedur, proses, dan sistem back-up harus didokumentasikan dan dinilai kembali efektivitasnya secara berkala. Untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh rencana dan proses pemulihan darurat (contingency recovery plan) dan sistem back-up telah bekerja secara efektif maka pelaksanaan proses dan sistem tersebut harus didokumentasikan dan diuji secara berkala. IPC TPK harus mendokumentasikan pelaksanaan pengujian berkala tersebut dan Direksi IPC TPK memberikan perhatian yang penuh terhadap temuan kelemahan pada sistem yang didasarkan atas pengujian tersebut serta selanjutnya mengambil langkah perbaikan yang diperlukan.

• General controls include control of data center operations, software procurement and maintenance systems, access security, and development and maintenance of existing application systems. This general control is applied to mainframes, servers, and workstation users, as well as internal-external networks.

• Application control is applied to the programs used in processing transactions and to ensure that all transactions are correct, accurate and correctly authorized, in addition, application control must be able to ensure the availability of an effective audit process and to check the correctness of the audit process in question.

d. Physical Asset Control (Physical Controls)• Physical asset control is carried out to ensure the

implementation of physical security against the Company's assets.

• This activity includes securing assets, records and limited access to computer programs and data files, as well as comparing the value of assets and assets with the values listed on the controller's record, especially checking the value of assets periodically.

4. Information and Communicationa. Information Systems

Information Systems must be able to produce reports on business activities, financial conditions, implementation of risk management and fulfillment of provisions that support the implementation of the duties of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.• An effective Internal Control System provides

at least sufficient and thorough internal information data on finances, the Company's regulatory compliance, market information (external conditions) & any necessary events and conditions.

• Internal Control Systems at least provide a reliable information system regarding all functional activities of the Company, especially functional activities that are significant and have high potential risks, including electronic data storage and use systems must be guaranteed security, monitored by independent parties (internal auditors) and supported by adequate contingency plan programs.

• IPC TPK at least organizes an emergency recovery plan (contingency recovery plan) and a back-up system to prevent high-risk business failures. Procedures, processes, and back-up systems should be documented and reassessed on a regular basis. To ensure that the entire contingency recovery plan and back-up system are working effectively, the implementation of such processes and systems must be documented and tested regularly. IPC TPK must document the implementation of such periodic testing and the Board of Directors of IPC TPK pays full attention to the findings of weaknesses in the system based on such testing and further take the necessary remedial steps.

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• IPC TPK sekurang-kurangnya memiliki dan memelihara sistem informasi manajemen yang diselenggarakan, baik dalam bentuk elektronik maupun bukan elektronik mengingat bahwa sistem informasi elektronik dan penggunaan teknologi informasi tersebut mempunyai dampak risiko maka IPC TPK harus mengendalikannya secara efektif guna menghindari adanya gangguan usaha dan kemungkinan timbulnya kerugian perusahaan yang signifikan.

• Khususnya yang berkaitan pengendalian internal terhadap penyelenggaraan sistem dan teknologi informasi, IPC TPK harus memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:• Ketersediaan bukti & dokumen yang

memadai dalam rangka pendukung proses jejak audit (audit trail). Proses jejak audit tersebut harus dilaksanakan secara efektif dan didokumentasikan untuk memastikan bahwa proses otomasi telah bekerja secara efektif dan akurat. Internal Audit wajib melakukan penilaian terhadap efektivitas dan akurasi proses jejak audit tersebut ketika melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan pengendalian internal perusahaan;

• Pelaksanaan pengendalian terhadap sistem komputer dan pengamanannya (general/controls) maupun pengendalian terhadap aplikasi software dan prosedur manual lainnya (application controls);

• Antisipasi terjadinya risiko gangguan atau kerugian yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor yang berada di luar jangkauan pengendalian rutin perusahaan sehingga Perusahaan harus menyelenggarakan sistem pemulihan (recovery) dan rencana kontinjensi serta pengecekan berkala atas kemungkinan terjadinya hal-hal yang sulit diprediksi sebelumnya (disaster and recovery plan);

• Sistem informasi harus menyediakan data dan informasi yang relevan, akurat, tepat waktu, dapat diakses oleh pihak yang berkepentingan dan disajikan dalam format yang konsisten;

• Sebagai bagian dari proses pencatatan atau pembukuan, sistem informasi harus didukung oleh sistem akuntansi yang baik termasuk penetapan prosedur dan jadwal retensi pencatatan transaksi.

b. Sistem Komunikasi• Sistem komunikasi harus mampu memberikan

informasi kepada seluruh pihak, baik intern maupun ekstern, seperti regulator, Pemegang Saham (shareholder), auditor ekstern, Pemegang Saham dan nasabah Perusahaan.

• Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan harus memastikan adanya saluran komunikasi yang efektif agar seluruh pejabat/pegawai Perusahaan sepenuhnya memahami dan mematuhi kebijakan dan prosedur yang berlaku dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya.

• Direksi Perusahaan harus menyelenggarakan saluran/jalur komunikasi yang efektif agar informasi yang diperlukan terjangkau oleh pihak yang berkepentingan. Persyaratan ini berlaku untuk setiap informasi baik mengenai kebijakan dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, eksposur risiko dan transaksi aktual maupun mengenai kinerja operasional Perusahaan.

• IPC TPK at least owns and maintains a management information system that is organized, both in electronic and non-electronic form considering that electronic information systems and the use of information technology have a risk impact, so that IPC TPK must control it effectively to avoid business interruptions and the possibility of significant losses.

• Especially with regard to internal control over the implementation of information systems and technologies, IPC TPK must pay attention to the following:• Availability of evidence and adequate

documents in order to support the audit trail. The audit track process must be implemented effectively and documented to ensure that the automation process has worked effectively and accurately. Internal Audit is obliged to conduct an assessment of the effectiveness and accuracy of the audit track process when evaluating the implementation of internal control of the Company;

• Implementation of control over computer systems and their security (general / controls) as well as control over software applications and other manual procedures (application controls);

• Anticipation of the risk of disruption or loss caused by factors that are beyond the scope of regular control of the Company so that the Company must organize a recovery system and contingency plan and periodical audits for the possibility of occurrence of things that are difficult to predict in advance (disaster and recovery plan);

• The information system shall provide relevant, accurate, timely, accessible data and information by interested parties and presented in a consistent format;

• As part of the recording or bookkeeping process, the information system must be supported by a good accounting system including the establishment of procedures and retention schedule for the administration of the transactions.

b. Communication System• The communication system must be able to

provide information to all parties, both internal and external, such as regulators, shareholders, external auditors, shareholders and customers of the Company.

• The Company's Internal Control System shall ensure the availability of effective channels of communication to help the Company’s officials / employees to fully understand and comply with applicable policies and procedures in their duty implementation.

• The Company's Board of Directors must organize effective channels of communication to ensure the accessibility of necessary information by interested parties. These terms apply to any information both regarding established policies and procedures, actual risk exposures and transactions as well as regarding the Company's operational performance.

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• Struktur organisasi Perusahaan harus memungkinkan adanya arus informasi yang memadai yaitu informasi ke atas, ke bawah dan lintas satuan kerja/unit: • Informasi ke atas untuk memastikan bahwa

Dewan Komisaris, Dewan Direksi dan tingkatan manajerial mengetahui risiko dan kinerja operasional Perusahaan. Saluran informasi ini harus dapat merespons untuk pelaksanaan langkah-langkah perbaikan dan dapat diketahui oleh jajaran Manajemen.

• Informasi ke bawah untuk memastikan bahwa tujuan, strategi dan ekspektasi Perusahaan serta kebijakan dan prosedur yang berlaku telah dikomunikasikan kepada tingkat manajerial dan pada semua level di Perusahaan.

• Informasi lintas unit satuan kerja untuk memastikan bahwa informasi yang diketahui oleh suatu lintas unit/satuan kerja tertentu dapat disampaikan kepada unit/satuan kerja lain yang terkait, khususnya untuk mencegah benturan kepentingan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan untuk menciptakan koordinasi yang memadai.

5. Kegiatan Pemantauan dan Tindakan Koreksi Penyimpangan/KelemahanSuatu proses menilai mutu pengendalian intern untuk memilih, mengembangkan dan melakukan evaluasi secara terus-menerus (on going ) dan/atau terpisah untuk memastikan apakah komponen-komponen pengendalian intern ada dan berfungsi, mengomunikasikan kepada pihak-pihak terkait yang sesuai dan bertanggung jawab untuk mengambil tindakan perbaikan.a. Kegiatan pemantauan

• Perusahaan harus melakukan pemantauan secara terus menerus terhadap efektivitas keseluruhan pelaksanaan pemantauan terhadap risiko utama Perusahaan harus diprioritaskan dan berfungsi sebagai bagian dari kegiatan Perusahaan sehari-hari termasuk evaluasi secara berkala, baik Oleh setiap pekerja maupun oleh Divisi Audit.

• Perusahaan harus memantau dan mengevaluasi kecukupan Sistem Pengendalian Internal secara terus menerus berkaitan dengan adanya perubahan kondisi internal dan eksternal serta harus meningkatkan kapasitas sistem pengendalian internal tersebut agar efektivitasnya dapat ditingkatkan.

• Langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan oleh Perusahaan dalam rangka terselenggaranya kegiatan pemantauan yang efektif, sekurang-kurangnya adalah:• Memastikan bahwa fungsi pemantauan telah

ditetapkan secara jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik dalam organisasi Perusahaan;

• Menetapkan satuan kerja/pegawai yang ditugaskan untuk memantau efektivitas pengendalian intern;

• Menetapkan frekuensi yang tepat untuk kegiatan pemantauan yang didasarkan pada risiko yang melekat pada Perusahaan dan sifat/frekuensi perubahan yang terjadi dalam kegiatan operasional;

• Mengintegrasikan Sistem Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan ke dalam kegiatan operasional dan menyediakan laporan rutin seperti jurnal pembukuan, management

• The Company's organizational structure shall enable adequate flow of informants, namely information upwards, downwards and across work units:• Information above to ensure that the Board

of Commissioners, Board of Directors and managerial level are aware of the risks and operational performance of the Company. This information channel must be able to respond to the implementation of corrective measures and be acknowledged by the Management.

• Information down to ensure that the Company's objectives, strategies and expectations as well as applicable policies and procedures have been communicated to any levels and at all levels in the Company.

• Inter-unit information to ensure that information known to a particular inter-unit/relevant work unit can be conveyed to other relevant work units, especially to prevent conflicts of interest in decision-making process and to promote adequate coordination.

5. Monitoring Activities and Actions to Correct Deviations/WeaknessesA process of assessing the quality of internal control to select, develop and conduct continuous/separate evaluation (on going) to ensure the availability and functioning of the components of internal control, communicate to relevant parties appropriately and responsibly in order to take corrective actions.

a. Monitoring activities• The Company shall conduct continuous

monitoring against the effectiveness of the overall implementation of monitoring of the Company's main risks and function as part of the Company's daily activities, including regular evaluations, both by each employee and by the Audit Division.

• The Company shall monitor and evaluate the adequacy of the Internal Control System continuously in relation to changes in internal and external conditions and must increase the capacity of the internal control system to improve effectiveness of its implementation.

• The steps that must be taken by the Company in order to carry out effective monitoring activities, at least are:

• Ensuring that monitoring function is clearly and well-structured within the Company's organization;

• Determining a work unit/employee assigned to monitor the effectiveness of internal control;

• Establishing appropriate frequencies for monitoring activities based on the risks inherent to the Company and the nature/frequency of changes occurring in operational activities;

• Integrating the Company's Internal Control System into operational activities and providing regular reports such as bookkeeping journals, management reviews and

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reviu dan mengenai persetujuan atas eksepsi/penyimpangan dari kebijakan dan prosedur yang ditetapkan (justifikasi atas irregularities) yang selanjutnya dilakukan reviu;

• Melakukan reviu terhadap dokumentasi dan hasil evaluasi dari satuan kerja/pegawai yang ditugaskan untuk melakukan pemantauan;

• Menetapkan informasi/umpan balik dalam suatu format dan frekuensi yang tepat.

b. Perbaikan Kelemahan dan Tindakan Koreksi Penyimpangan• Kelemahan dalam pengendalian internal baik

yang diidentifikasi oleh satuan kerja/pegawai, Divisi Audit maupun pihak lainnya, harus segera dilaporkan dan menjadi perhatian pejabat atau Direksi yang berwenang. Kelemahan pengendalian internal yang material harus juga dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

• Langkah-langkah perbaikan yang harus dilakukan Perusahaan dalam rangka memperbaiki kelemahan pengendalian internal, antara lain:• Setiap laporan mengenai kelemahan dalam

pengendalian internal atau tidak efektifnya pengendalian risiko Perusahaan harus segera ditindaklanjuti oleh Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan manajerial terkait;

• Divisi Audit harus melakukan reviu atau langkah pemantauan lainnya yang memadai terhadap kelemahan yang terjadi dan segera melaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit, dan Direktur Utama dalam hal masih terdapat kelemahan yang belum diperbaiki atau tindakan korektif belum ditindaklanjuti;

• Untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh kelemahan segera ditindaklanjuti maka Direksi harus menciptakan suatu sistem yang dapat menelusuri kelemahan pada pengendalian intern dan mengambil langkah perbaikan;

• Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi harus menerima laporan secara berkala berupa ikhtisar mengenai hasil identifikasi seluruh permasalahan dalam pengendalian internal.

Selain kelima komponen di atas, IPC TPK juga memberlakukan mekanisme pelaporan atas dugaan penyimpangan seperti gratifikasi, praktik pungutan liar, suap, pemerasan, korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme, dan sebagainya. Mekanisme tersebut adalah Mekanisme Pengaduan Gratifikasi, Pungli dan Whistleblowing System. Mekanisme ini diberlakukan untuk meningkatkan praktik transparansi dan keterbukaan informasi khususnya yang terkait dengan pelaporan pelanggaran baik yang dilakukan oleh karyawan maupun Manajemen Perusahaan. Pedoman dan prosedur penanganan pelaporan pelanggaran diberlakukan dan disosialisasikan kepada pegawai melalui komunikasi internal dan kepada pihak eksternal melalui website Perusahaan.

regarding approval of exceptions / deviations from established policies and procedures (justification for irregularities)which are further reviewed;

• Reviewing the documentation and evaluation results of the work unit / employees assigned to conduct monitoring;

• Setting information/feedback in an appropriate format and frequency.

b. Weakness Improvement and Deviation Correction Action• Weaknesses in internal control, whether identified

by the work unit / employee, audit division or other parties, must be immediately reported and be the attention of the competent officials or directors. Material internal control weaknesses should also be reported to the Board of Commissioners.

• The corrective measures that must be taken by the Company in order to address the internal control weaknesses, among others:• Any reports of weaknesses in internal control

or ineffectiveness of the Company's risk control shall be promptly followed up by the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and any relevant managerial levels;

• The Audit Division shall conduct an adequate review or other monitoring measures of the weaknesses that occur and immediately report to the Board of Commissioners, Audit Committee, and President Director in the event that there are still weaknesses that have not been addressed or corrective actions have not been followed up;

• To ensure that all weaknesses are immediately followed up, the Board of Directors must establish a system that can trace weaknesses in internal control and take corrective measures;

• The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors shall receive regular reports in the form of an overview of the results of identification of all problems in internal control.

In addition to the five components above, IPC TPK also imposes reporting mechanisms for alleged irregularities such as gratification, wild levies practices, bribery, extortion, corruption, collusion and nepotism, and so on. The mechanisms are the Gratification Complaint Mechanism, illegal levies and Whistleblowing System. This mechanism is implemented to improve the transparency aspect and openness of information, especially relating to the reporting of violations committed by employees and Company management. Guidelines and procedures for handling whistleblowers and violations are enforced and socialized to activists through internal communication and to the external parties through the Company's website.

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Reviu atas Pelaksanaan Sistem Pengendalian Internal IPC TPK Tahun 2020

IPC TPK melakukan evaluasi atau penilaian atas efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Internal terhadap keandalan laporan dan informasi keuangan, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, efisiensi dan efektivitas kegiatan operasional Perusahaan, serta keamanan aktiva Perusahaan. Evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh Divisi Internal Audit mengacu pada kerangka yang diakui secara internasional yaitu COSO-Internal Control Framework di mana terdapat 5 (lima) komponen yang dievaluasi, yakni Lingkungan Pengendalian, Kajian Risiko, Aktivitas Pengendalian, Sistem Informasi dan Komunikasi serta Pemantauan.

Adapun reviu Sistem Pengendalian Internal dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan operasional Perusahaan, sesuai dengan Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) Divisi Audit, Divisi Audit telah melakukan audit operasional di seluruh area operasi terminal petikemas Perusahaan, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini pada bagian Audit Internal-Laporan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Divisi Audit Internal tahun 2020.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) menjadi sebuah wadah bagi IPC TPK dalam membangun sinergi dan hubungan yang harmonis, baik dengan seluruh karyawan, segenap Pemangku Kepentingan, maupun masyarakat luas, yang kemudian diharapkan berdampak pada keberlangsungan bisnis Perusahaan. Pelaksanaan CSR Perusahaan terbagi dalam 4 (empat) aspek, yakni CSR yang terkait lingkungan hidup, CSR yang terkat dengan ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan kerja, CSR yang terkait dengan pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan, serta CSR yang terkait dengan tanggung jawab kepada konsumen. Pelaksanaan CSR oleh Perusahaan secara lengkap dapat dilihat pada bab Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.

Review of Implementation of IPC TPK Internal Control System in 2020

IPC TPK conducts an evaluation or assessment of the effectiveness of the Internal Control System implementation against the financial statements and information, regulatory compliance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the Company's operations, as well as the security of the Company's assets. The evaluation conducted by the Internal Audit Division refers to the internationally-recognized COSO-Internal Control Framework where there are 5 (five) components that are to be evaluated, namely Environmental Control, Risk Assessment, Control Activity, Information and Communication Systems and Monitoring.

The review of the Internal Control System in the implementation of the Company's operational activities, in accordance with the Audit Division's Annual Supervisory Work Program (PKPT), Audit Division has conducted an operational audit over the entire Company's container terminal areas, as explained in this Annual Report, namely the section of Internal Audit -Report of Activity Implementation of the Internal Audit Division in 2020.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) serves as channel for IPC TPK for developing synergies and harmonious relationships, both with all employees, all stakeholders, and the community in general, from which it expects to generate positive impacts to the sustainability of the Company's business. The implementation of Corporate CSR is divided into 4 (four) aspects, namely CSR activities relating to the environment, CSR activities relating to employment, occupational health, and safety, CSR activities relating to social and community development, and CSR activities related to responsibility to consumers. The Company’s CSR implementation is presented in the Chapter of Corporate Social Responsibility of this Annual Report.

299PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Permasalahan Hukum

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perusahaan serta anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris tidak menghadapi gugatan ataupun perkara di lembaga peradilan dan/atau badan arbitrase atau potensi perkara, baik dalam perkara pidana, perdata, perpajakan, arbitrase, hubungan industrial, tata usaha negara maupun kepalitan di muka badan peradilan di Indonesia, yang memiliki pengaruh secara material terhadap kelangsungan usaha dan harta kekayaan Perusahaan.

Perkara PentingSignificant Legal Cases

Akses Informasi dan Data PerusahaanAccess to the Company's Information and Data

IPC TPK memiliki berbagai sarana komunikasi dan informasi mengenai aktivitas dan kinerja Perusahaan yang dapat diakses oleh para Pemangku Kepentingan (stakeholders). Di antara sarana yang bisa diakses untuk memperoleh data dan informasi mengenai Perusahaan adalah akun media sosial dan situs resmi Perusahaan.

Ketersediaan Informasi Perusahaan

Sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG, IPC TPK telah menyampaikan informasi kepada Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya secara berkala dan tepat waktu. Ketersediaan informasi dan kemudahan akses yang diberikan, antara lain:

1. Perusahaan menyediakan media yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan informasi terkait penerapan GCG bagi Pemegang Saham dan pemangku kepentingan;

2. Perusahaan mempublikasikan laporan tahunan baik kepada otoritas dan publik.

Akses Komunikasi

IPC TPK menyediakan akses komunikasi bagi Pemangku Kepentingan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang Perusahaan dan kegiatan Perusahaan, serta menyampaikan informasi yang relevan bagi kepentingan Perusahaan dan pemangku kepentingan. Adapun akses komunikasi yang disediakan Perusahan terbagi dalam 2 (dua) bentuk, yakni akses komunikasi internal dan akses komunikasi eksternal, baik dalam bentuk cetak maupun elektronik, serta dengan memaksimalkan pemanfaatan media cetak , media sosial dan media elektronik, sebagai alat komunikasi pada publik.

Legal Issues

In 2020, the Company and members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners did not face lawsuits or cases in judicial institutions and / or arbitration bodies or potential cases, whether in criminal, civil, taxation, arbitration, industrial relations, state administration or bankruptcy, which have a material influence on the continuity of the Company's business and wealth.

IPC TPK has established various means of communication and information regarding the Company's activities and performance that can be accessed by stakeholders. Among the means of communication accessible for obtaining data and information about the Company are social media accounts and the Company's official website.

Availability of the Company’s Information

In accordance with the principles of GCG, IPC TPK has conveyed information to shareholders and other stakeholders on periodical basis and on time. Availability of information and ease of access, among others are guaranteed as follows:

1. The Company provides appropriate media to disclose information relating to the implementation of GCG to shareholders and stakeholders;

2. The Company issues annual reports to both the authorities and the public.

Access to Communication

IPC TPK provides access to communication for stakeholders to obtain information about the Company and the Company's activities, as well as convey relevant information for the interests of the Company and stakeholders. The communication access provided by the Company consists of 2 (two), namely internal communication access and external communication access, both in print and electronic media, while optimizing the use of print media, social media and electronic media, as a means of communication to the public.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

300 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Komunikasi Internal

IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya membangun iklim komunikasi yang harmonis antara manajemen dengan karyawan, baik melalui sejumlah kegiatan tatap muka antara manajemen dengan karyawan, maupun melalui surat elektronik. Sedangkan, komunikasi antara Perusahaan dengan Pemegang Saham dilakukan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, yang merupakan sarana penyampaian informasi mengenai Perusahaan, dan memungkinkan Pemegang Saham berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan yang memerlukan persetujuan Pemegang Saham.

Komunikasi Eksternal

IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya membangun komunikasi yang baik dengan segenap Pemangku Kepentingan (stakeholders) dengan menyediakan sarana penyampaian informasi dengan menghubungi kantor pusat Perusahaan secara langsung dengan alamat sebagai berikut:

PT IPC TERMINAL PETIKEMASJl. Raya Pelabuhan No. 23Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara 14310Tel. : 021 4301080 Ext. 7052email : [email protected] :

Media Informasi Perusahaan

Pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya dapat mengakses informasi melalui media cetak maupun elektronik untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait IPC TPK, antara lain:1. Laporan Tahunan (Annual Report);2. Surat Pemberitahuan dan Surat Edaran;3. Website Perusahaan;4. Akun media sosial Perusahaan seperti Instagram dan

Youtube Channel.

Website Perusahaan

Perusahaan memiliki situs resmi, yakni, yang dapat diakses para Pemangku Kepentingan (stakeholders) untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi terkini Perusahaan, seperti Profil Perusahaan, Struktur Organisasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, Sumber Daya Manusia, informasi Kegiatan Perusahaan, Tata Kelola Perusahaan, Manajemen Risiko, Rilis Media, Laporan Tahunan, Laporan Aspek CSR, Laporan Kuartalan, Laporan Keuangan, Informasi Kelangsungan Usaha, dan sebagainya.

Internal Communication

IPC TPK always strives to build a favorable communication climate between the management and the employees, both through a number of face-to-face activities between the management and the employees, or by email. Meanwhile, the communication between the Company and shareholders is carried out through the General Meeting of Shareholders, which serves as a forum for conveying information about the Company, and allows shareholders to participate in the decision making for the matters that requires shareholders’ approval.

External Communication

IPC TPK always strives to build good communication with all stakeholders by providing channels of communicating information, namely by contacting the Company's head office directly through the following address:

PT IPC TERMINAL PETIKEMASJl. Raya Pelabuhan No. 23Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta 14310Phone : 021 4301080 Ext 7052 Email : [email protected] :

Corporate Information Media

Shareholders and other stakeholders can access information through prints and electronic media to obtain information related to IPC TPK, among others:1. Annual Report;2. Notice and Circular Letter;3. Company’s Website;4. Corporate social media accounts such as Instagram and

Youtube Channel.

Corporate Website

The Company has developed an official website, namely, which can be accessed by stakeholders to get various updates about the Company, such as Company Profile, Organizational Structure of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, Human Resources, Company’s Activities, Good Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Media Release, Annual Report, CSR Report, Quarterly Reports, Financial Report, Information about Business Continuity, and the others.

301PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kode Etik Bisnis & Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan

Dalam rangka menerapkan praktik-praktik GCG, Perusahaan telah merumuskan Kode Etik Bisnis yang disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.55/20/10/2/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 20 Oktober 2019. Kode Etik Bisnis merupakan seperangkat panduan yang berisi prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur Insan IPC TPK menjalankan nilai-nilai “IPC Way” dalam aktivitas sehari-hari untuk mencapai visi dan misi Perusahaan. Kode Etik Bisnis dibangun di atas pondasi yang kuat dari visi dan corporate values yang dijunjung dan harus dijalankan oleh seluruh fungsi di seluruh wilayah operasional Perusahaan.

Kode Etik Bisnis Berlaku Bagi Seluruh Level Organisasi

Kode Etik Bisnis berfungsi sebagai pedoman perilaku bagi seluruh Insan IPC TPK dalam berinteraksi dengan pihak dalam dan pihak luar. Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan berlaku dan diperkenalkan ke seluruh level organisasi Perusahaan, serta tertulis dalam kontrak kerja perekrutan pegawai yang harus dipahami dan ditandatangani oleh seluruh pegawai. Seluruh Insan IPC TPK diharapkan untuk berperilaku sesuai nilai-nilai Perusahaan dan menerapkan kode etik dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

Visi & MisiVision & Mission

NIlai-Nilai Perusahaan

Corporate Values

Kode Etik BisnisCode of Business


Etika ProfesionalProfessional Ethics

Etika KErjaWork Ethics

Etika ProfesionalEtika dan prinsip yang mengarahkan insan IPC TPK

dalam berhadapan atau berinteraksi dengan pemangku kepentingan.

Etika KerjaEtika dan prinsip yang mengarahkan insan IPC TPK dalam

melakukan pekerjaan sehari-hari.

Professional EthicsEthics and principles that guide IPC TPK’s employees in

dealing with or interacting with stakeholders.

Work EthicsEthics and principles that guide IPC TPK’s employees in

doing daily activities.

Isi Kode Etik Bisnis

Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan dibuat dengan tujuan menyediakan semua detail, panduan, dan nilai-nilai yang diharapkan dari insan IPC TPK dalam aktivitas kerja sehari-hari. Secara garis besar, Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan berisi hal-hal sebagai berikut:

Kode Etik PerusahaanCode of Conduct

Code of Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery Management System

In order to effectively implement GCG practices, the Company has formulated Code of Business Ethics which was ratified through the Board of Directors’ Decree No. HK.55/20/10/2/IPCTPK-19 dated October 20th, 2019. The Code of Business Ethics is a set of guidelines that contain the principles that govern IPC TPK’s employees to carry out the values of the "IPC Way" in daily activities so as to achieve the corporate vision and mission. The Code of Business Ethics is built on a strong foundation of vision and corporate values that are upheld and must be carried out by all functions throughout the Company's operational areas.

The Code of Business Ethics Applies to All Levels of Organization

The Code of Business Ethics is based on the code of conduct applied to all employees of IPC TPK, which guides them in interacting with internal and external parties. The Company's Code of Business Ethics applies and is socialized to all levels of the Company's organization, as well as written in the employment contract that must be understood and signed by all employees. All employees of IPC TPK are expected to behave in accordance with the Company's values and apply code of conduct in daily activities.

Fill in the Code of Business Ethics

The Company's Code of Business Ethics was created with the aim of providing all details, guidelines, and values expected of IPC TPK people in daily work activities. The Code of Corporate Business Ethics contains the followings:

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

302 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

› Etika Profesional• Insan PT IPC Terminal Peti Kemas

- Nilai Perusahaan - Visi & Misi - Keragaman - Kesempatan yang Setara - Meritokrasi dan Kinerja - Zat-zat dan Obat-obatan Terlarang - Tata Cara Berpakaian - Lingkungan Kerja Aman dan Bebas Dari Pelecehan

- Tanggung Jawab dalam Penggunaan Aset dan Waktu Perusahaan

- Penggunaan Komunikasi Elektronik - Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja dan Lingkungan

Masyarakat • Pelanggan Kami • Vendor Kami • Kompetitor Kami • Komunitas dan Lingkungan Kami • Institusi Pemerintah • Aktivitas Politik

› Etika Kerja• Pendokumentasian dan Pencatatan Perusahaan • Kontrol Internal • Perjalanan Dinas • Kerahasiaan Data dan/atau Informasi • Menghadapi Konflik Kepentingan • Antipenyuapan • Media, Komunikasi, dan Penyebaran Informasi

Di samping itu, Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan juga memuat komitmen dari karyawan untuk dapat mematuhi Kode Etik tersebut, yaitu:1. Uji Diri Anda2. Janji Kode Etik Bisnis3. Pakta Integritas

Penegakan Kode Etik: Sosialisasi/Penyebarluasan dan Internalisasi

Perusahaan secara berkala mengadakan acara untuk mengingatkan dan menekankan penerapan kode etik bagi seluruh Insan IPC TPK. Hal-hal yang dilakukan terkait penegakan dan sosialisasi Kode Etik Bisnis adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Sosialisasi Pedoman Etika dan PerilakuPerusahaan senantiasa melakukan sosialisasi dalam penerapan Pedoman Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja Perusahaan kepada seluruh pegawai, mulai dari level operasional sampai kepada top management. Sosialisasi ini dimaksudkan agar seluruh Insan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas senantiasa patuh terhadap Kode Etik Perusahaan. Perusahaan melakukan penegakan terhadap Kode Etik Perusahaan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan pemantauan secara berkala terhadap penegakan Pedoman Etika Perusahaan dan menyediakan fasilitas bagi pengaduan terhadap pelanggaran Pedoman Etika dan Perilaku Perusahaan.

2. Penandatanganan Pakta IntegritasPerusahaan mewajibkan setiap karyawan dan manajemen untuk menandatangani pakta integritas mengenai kepatuhan terhadap Kode Etik Perusahaan untuk memastikan bahwa semua organ Perusahaan memiliki komitmen untuk membangun etika dan kultur bisnis yang sehat serta membangun pemahaman, kepedulian dan komitmen dari semua jajaran Perusahaan.

3. Management ReviuPerusahaan secara konsisten menyelenggarakan Management Reviu bulanan dalam rangka mengevaluasi

› Professional Ethics• Employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

- Company Value - Vision & Mission - Diversity - Equal Opportunity - Meritocracy and Performance - Illegal Substances and Drugs - Dress Code - The Working Environment that is Safe and Free From

Harassment- Responsibility in the Use of Company Assets and Time

- Use of Electronic Communication - Health, Occupational Safety and community

environment • Our Customers • Our Vendor • Our Competitors • Our Community and Environment • Government Institutions • Political Activity

› Work Ethic• Documentation and Administration of the Company • Internal Controls • Duty Trip • Confidentiality of Data and/or Information • Facing Conflicts of Interest • Anti-corruption • Media, Communication, and Dissemination of Information

In addition, the Company's Code of Business Ethics also contains a commitment from employees to be able to comply with the Code of Ethics, namely:1. Test Yourself2. Commitment to a Code of Business Ethics3. Integrity Pact

Enforcement of the Code of Business Ethics: Socialization/Dissemination and Internalization

The Company regularly holds events to remind and encourage the application of the code of ethics to all employees of IPC TPK. Activities taken relating to the enforcement and socialization of the Code of Business Ethics are as follows:

1. Socialization of Ethical and Behavioral GuidelinesThe Company always conducts socialization regarding the application of the Company's Code of Business Ethics and Code of Conduct to all employees, ranging from the operational level to top management. This socialization is intended in order that all employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas always comply with the Company’s Code of Conduct. The Company enforces the Company’s Code of Conduct through regular monitoring of the enforcement of the Company’s Code of Conduct while providing facilities for report on the violations of the Company's Code of Conduct.

2. Signing of the Integrity PactThe Company requires every employee and management to sign an integrity pact regarding compliance with the Company's Code of Conduct to ensure that each Company's organ is committed to building a healthy business ethic and culture as well as promote understanding, care and commitment from all ranks of the Company.

3. Management ReviewThe Company consistently conducts monthly Management Review in order to evaluate the Company's performance

303PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

kinerja Perusahaan dan melakukan internalisasi pelaksanaan Kode Etik sehingga terbentuk rasa memiliki dari semua pihak dalam Perusahaan serta memahami atas pelaksanaan pedoman dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

Pernyataan Pakta Integritas dan Kepatuhan Kode Etik Bisnis


Pada hari ini, ... tanggal ... bulan ... tahun …… (……-...............),

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:Nama : …………………………………………………………..NIPP : …………………………………………………………..Jabatan : …………………………………………………………..Unit Kerja : …………………………………………………………..

Dengan ini menyatakan integritas saya kepada Perusahaan sebagai berikut:1. Bekerja sama dengan seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan

Perusahaan dengan integritas dan transparansi sehingga dapat mencapai visi dan misi Perusahaan;

2. Menunjukkan kejujuran, kedisiplinan dan kepatuhan terhadap Kode Etik Bisnis dan secara tegas mematuhi semua peraturan yang tertulis di dalamnya;

3. Akan melaksanakan tugas dengan penuh kejujuran, dedikasi serta tanggung jawab;

4. Mengutamakan dan menjunjung tinggi kepentingan Perusahaan daripada kepentingan pribadi dan golongan;

5. Berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan prinsip-prinsip GCG (transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, independensi, fairness dan trusted) serta prinsip-prinsip Perusahaan lainnya;

6. Menjaga nama baik PT IPC Terminal Petikemas serta merahasiakan segala informasi yang bersifat rahasia dan selalu berkoordinasi dengan atasan langsung dalam memberikan informasi kepada pihak luar;

7. Tidak melakukan praktik Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN), tidak melibatkan diri dalam perbuatan buruk, tidak melakukan kegiatan langsung maupun tidak langsung yang dapat merugikan Perusahaan;

8. Tidak meminta dan menerima suatu pemberian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung berupa suap, hadiah, hiburan, bantuan atau bentuk lainnya yang tidak sesuai dengan pedoman gratifikasi Perusahaan dan ketentuan yang berlaku;

9. Tidak akan mempersulit pelayanan kepada Pemangku Kepentingan Perusahaan;

10. Tidak akan memberikan sesuatu janji kepada siapapun terkait dengan jabatan dan kedudukan saya.

Demikian pernyataan Pakta Integritas Kepatuhan dan Kode Etik Bisnis ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan penuh rasa tanggung jawab. Bilamana ternyata dalam pelaksanaan tugas di Perusahaan, saya terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan tidak melaksanakan kode etik bisnis PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, maka saya bersedia diberikan sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.



On this day, ... Date... Month.. Year... (...... -),

I, who undersign below:Name : …………………………………………………………..NIPP : …………………………………………………………..Position : …………………………………………………………..Work Unit : …………………………………………………………..

Hereby declare my integrity to the Company as follows:

1. Cooperate with all stakeholders of the Company with integrity and transparency so as to realize the Company's vision and mission;

2. Demonstrate honesty, discipline and compliance with the Code of Business Ethics and comply with all regulations written therein;

3. Willing to carry out the task with honesty, dedication and responsibility;

4. Prioritizing and upholding the interests of the Company rather than personal and groups’ interests;

5. Committed to realizing the principles of GCG (transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, fairness and trusted) as well as other corporate principles;

6. Maintaining the good reputation of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and keeping all information confidential and always coordinating with direct superintendent in providing information to external parties;

7. Do not commit Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) practices, not engage themselves in bad deeds, not conduct direct or indirect activities that can harm the Company;

8. Not ask for and accept a gift either directly or indirectly as a form of bribery, gifts, entertainment, assistance or other forms that violate the Company's gratification guidelines and applicable provisions;

9. Not complicate services to the Company's stakeholders; 10. Not to promise anyone due to my job and position.

This statement of the Integrity Pact and Compliance of the Code of Business Ethics is made with good intention and in full responsibility. When in the implementation of my duties in the Company, I am proven to be legitimately and convincingly fail to carry out the code of business ethics of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, I agree to receive sanction in accordance with the applicable provisions.



Sepanjang tahun 2020, jumlah pekerja IPC yang di tempatkan di IPC TPK sebanyak 465 (empat ratus enam puluh lima) Pegawai telah melakukan penandatanganan pakta integritas dan kepatuhan Kode Etik Bisnis tahun 2020.

Sanksi atas Pelanggaran

Setiap Insan IPC TPK yang melakukan pelanggaran Kode Etik Bisnis akan dikenakan sanksi yang berlaku, yang mengacu pada pedoman perusahaan induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), yakni tertuang dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dengan Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPII) Periode 2019-2020.

Jumlah Pelanggaran Kode Etik

Sepanjang tahun 2020 tidak terjadi pelanggaran kode etik di lingkungan IPC TPK.

and internalize the implementation of the Code of Conduct in order to build a sense of belonging among all parties of the Company and understanding of the implementation of code of conduct in doing daily routines.

Statement of The Integrity and Compliance Pact of the Code of Business Ethics

In year 2020, the number of IPC’s employees stationed in IPC TPK reaching to 465 (four hundred and sixty-five) employees have signed the integrity pact and compliance of the Code of Business Ethics in 2020.

Sanctions for Violations

Every employee of IPC TPK who violates the Code of Business Ethics is subject to applicable sanction, which refers to the guidelines of the parent Company, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), and is contained in the Collaborative Agreement (PKB) of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) with the Labor Union of Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPII) for period of 2019-2020.

Number of Violations of the Code of Ethics

Throughout 2020, there was no violation of the code of ethics in the IPC TPK’s environment.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

304 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

IPC TPK senantiasa berkomitmen untuk menciptakan iklim usaha yang sehat, menghindari tindakan, perilaku ataupun perbuatan-perbuatan yang dapat menimbulkan konflik kepentingan, Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN), serta selalu mengutamakan kepentingan Perusahaan di atas kepentingan pribadi, keluarga, kelompok ataupun golongan. Terkait kebijakan anti korupsi, Perusahaan senantiasa memperhatikan kebijakan tentang anti korupsi yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.

IPC TPK menyadari bahwa dalam menjalin hubungan kerja dengan pihak ketiga, baik Pemangku Kepentingan maupun vendor, seringkali bersinggungan dengan praktik gratifikasi. Terkait hal ini, Perusahaan telah menerbitkan Surat Keputusan Direksi IPC TPK No.HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 19 September 2019 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Gratifikasi, Pelaporan Pungutan Liar, dan Penerapan Whistleblowing System. Dengan adanya pedoman pengelolaan gratifikasi tersebut diharapkan dapat memperkokoh penegakan GCG Perusahaan dan menjadi acuan bagi seluruh Insan IPC TPK dalam menyikapi gratifikasi ketika berhubungan dengan pihak ketiga.

Bentuk GratifikasiForm of Gratification




Rabat (Discount)Rabat (Discount)

Pinjaman tanpa BungaNon-interest Loan

Tiket PerjalananTravel Ticket

Fasilitas PenginapanHousing Facility

Pengobatan GratisFree Medication

Perjalanan WisataTourism Travel

Fasilitas LainnyaOther Facilities

Kebijakan Anti KorupsiAnti-Corruption Policy

Pengelolaan GratifikasiManagement of Gratification

IPC TPK is always committed to creating a healthy business climate, avoiding actions or behaviors that can cause conflicts of interest, Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN), and always prioritizes the interests of the Company above personal, family or group interests. Related to anti-corruption policy, the Company always pays attention to the anti-corruption policy as contained in Law No. 20, 2001, concerning the Amendment to Law No. 31, 1999 concerning Corruption Eradication.

IPC TPK realizes that in establishing working relationships with third parties, both stakeholders and vendors, often encounter with the gratification practice. Relating to this, the Company has issued a Decree of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019 on Guidelines for Gratification, Reporting of Illegal Levies, and Implementation of Whistleblowing System. The establishment of the guidelines of the management of gratification is expected to strengthen the enforcement of the Company's GCG and become a reference for all employees of IPC TPK in responding to gratification when dealing with third parties.

305PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Prinsip Dasar Gratifikasi

IPC TPK telah memiliki kebijakan mengenai pengelolaan gratifikasi yang tertuang dalam prinsip dasar, yakni:1. Pemberian Hadiah/Cinderamata dan Hiburan

Insan IPC TPK dilarang secara langsung atau tidak langsung memberi hadiah/cinderamata dan/atau hiburan kepada setiap pihak yang memiliki hubungan bisnis atau pesaing Perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi atau sesuatu hal yang tidak dibenarkan oleh ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, atau untuk mempengaruhi pihak dimaksud agar melakukan dan/atau tidak melakukan suatu hal berkaitan dengan kedudukan/jabatannya;

2. Penerimaan Hadiah/Cinderamata dan HiburanInsan IPC TPK yang karena jabatannya dan/atau anggota keluarganya (keluarga inti) dilarang untuk menerima atau meminta secara langsung atau tidak langsung hadiah/cinderamata dan/atau hiburan dari setiap pihak yang memiliki hubungan bisnis atau pesaing Perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi atau sesuatu hal yang tidak dibenarkan oleh ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku untuk melakukan dan/atau tidak atau untuk mempengaruhi pihak dimaksud melakukan suatu hal berkaitan dengan kedudukan/jabatannya;

3. Gratifikasi yang dianggap Suap, yakni:a. Gratifikasi tersebut berhubungan dengan wewenang/

jabatan Insan IPC TPK di Perusahaan;b. Gratifikasi tersebut berlawanan dengan kewajiban

dan/atau tugas Insan IPC TPK;c. Gratifikasi yang berupa penerimaan hadiah/

cinderamata dan hiburan tidak dilaporkan kepada Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) dan/atau Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam jangka waktu 30 hari kerja sejak tanggal diterimanya.

4. Kategori Jenis Gratifikasi, yakni:a. Gratifikasi yang wajib dilaporkan, meliputi antara lain:

i. Gratifikasi dalam kategori ini merupakan penerimaan dalam bentuk apapun yang diperoleh Insan IPC TPK dari pihak-pihak yang diduga memiliki keterkaitan dengan jabatan dan berlawanan dengan kewajiban atau tugas Insan IPC TPK;

ii. Gratifikasi dalam kategori ini harus dilaporkan kepada Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) untuk selanjutnya dilaporkan kepada KPK;

iii. Gratifikasi yang diterima Insan IPC TPK berupa uang atau barang harus diserahkan kepada Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG). Atas gratifikasi dalam bentuk uang, dititipkan kepada divisi keuangan sampai dengan mendapat kejelasan penetapan status kepemilikannya dari KPK;

iv. Berupa uang/barang dalam suatu kegiatan seperti pesta pernikahan, kelahiran, akikah, baptis, khitanan, potong gigi atau upacara agama/adat/tradisi lainnya dan yang terkait dengan musibah/bencana yang melebihi Rp1.000.000 (satu juta rupiah) per pemberian per orang;

v. Dalam rangka pisah sambut, pensiun, kenaikan pangkat/promosi dan ulang tahun yang tidak dalam bentuk uang atau tidak berbentuk setara uang yang melebihi nilai yang setara dengan Rp300.000 (tiga ratus ribu rupiah) per pemberian per orang dan dari sesama teman/rekan tidak dalam bentuk uang atau tidak berbentuk setara uang yang melebihi nilai yang setara dengan Rp200.000 (dua ratus ribu rupiah) per pemberian per orang.

Basic Principles of Gratification

IPC TPK already has established a policy on the management of gratification contained in the basic principles, namely:1. Giving Gifts/Souvenirs and Entertainment

Employees of IPC TPK are prohibited from giving gifts/souvenirs directly or indirectly and /or entertainment to any parties who have a business relationship or are competitors of the Company that aim to obtain information or something that is not in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, or to influence the party in order to do and /or not do an act relating to his/her job/position;

2. Receiving Gift/Souvenirs and Entertainment IPC TPK’s employees who because of his/her position and /or family members (core family member) are prohibited to accept or request gifts/souvenirs directly or indirectly and /or entertainment from any parties who have a business relationship or are competitors of the Company that aim to obtain information or something that is not in accordance with applicable regulations, or to influence the party in order to do and /or not do an act relating to his/her job/position;

3. Gratifications to be considered bribery acts are:a. The gratification relates to the authority/position held

by the employee of IPC TPK in the Company; b. Such gratification is contrary to the obligations and/or

duties of IPC TPK’s employees; c. Gratification in the form of acceptance of gifts/

souvenirs and entertainment are not reported to the Gratification Control Team /Unit (UPG) and/or the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) within a period of 30 working days from the date of receipt.

4. Categories of Gratuities, namely: a. Gratifications that must be reported, including:

i. Gratification in this category is acceptance in any forms obtained by IPC TPK’s employees from parties who are suspected of having a relationship with the office and contrary to the obligations or duties of IPC TPK;

ii. Gratification in this category must be reported to the Gratification Control Team /Unit (UPG) so as to be further reported to KPK;

iii. Gratification received by IPC TPK’s employees in the form of cash or goods must be reported to the Gratification Control Team/Unit (UPG). The gratification in the form of money shall be entrusted to the financial division until there is clarity on the determination of the status of its ownership from the KPK;

iv. Acceptance in the form of money /goods in events such as wedding, birth, aqiqah, baptism, circumcision, cutting teeth or other religious ceremonies/customs/traditions and disasters, whose value exceeds Rp1,000,000 (one million rupiah) per gift per person;

v. Gratifications received in a welcome-departure ceremony, pensions, promotions and birthdays, yet not in the form of money or money equivalents whose value exceeds Rp300,000 (three hundred thousand rupiah) per gift per person and from fellow friends/colleagues, or not in the form of money or money equivalents whose value exceeds Rp200,000 ( two hundred thousand rupiah) per gift per person.

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b. Gratifikasi yang terkait Kedinasan, meliputi antara lain:i. Gratifikasi dalam kategori ini merupakan

gratifikasi yang diterima oleh Insan IPC TPK dalam melaksanakan kedinasan yang ditugaskan kepadanya sebagai wakil Perusahaan;

ii. Gratifikasi yang terkait dengan kedinasan harus dilaporkan kepada Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) Perusahaan;

iii. Dalam hal gratifikasi yang diterima sifatnya khusus kepada orang tertentu (tidak berlaku secara umum), maka harus dilaporkan kepada Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) Perusahaan yang selanjutnya dilaporkan ke KPK untuk mendapatkan penetapan status kepemilikannya.

c. Gratifikasi yang tidak perlu dilaporkanGratifikasi yang diperbolehkan dan tidak perlu dilaporkan oleh Insan IPC TPK, antara lain:i. Diperoleh dari hadiah langsung/undian, diskon/

rabat, voucher, point reward atau souvenir yang berlaku secara umum dan tidak terkait dengan kedinasan;

ii. Diperoleh karena prestasi akademis atau non-akademis (kejuaraan/perlombaan/kompetisi) dengan biaya sendiri dan tidak terkait dengan kedinasan;

iii. Diperoleh dari keuntungan/bunga dari penempatan dana, investasi atau kepemilikan saham pribadi yang berlaku secara umum dan tidak terkait dengan kedinasan;

iv. Diperoleh dari kompensasi atas profesi di luar kedinasan, yang tidak terkait dengan tupoksi dari Insan IPC TPK, tidak melanggar benturan kepentingan dan kode etik karyawan, dan dengan ijin tertulis dari atasan langsung.

Pengelola Pelaporan Gratifikasi

IPC TPK telah membentuk Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) yang bertanggung jawab kepada Direksi untuk melaksanakan sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan gratifikasi di lingkungan Perusahaan. Pembentukan tersebut berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/20/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 20 Oktober 2017.

Unit KerjaWork Unit

Jabatan Dalam TimPosition in Team

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan EksternalCorporate Secretary & External Relations


Advisor HukumLegal Advisor

Wakil KetuaVice Chairman

Kepala AuditHead of Audit


Manajer SDMHC Manager


b. Gratifications related to the Ministry, including:

i. Gratification in this category is a gratuity received by IPC TPK Person in carrying out the service assigned to him as a representative of the Company;

ii. Gratifications relating to the ministry must be reported to the Company's Gratification Control Team /Unit (UPG);

iii. In the event that the gratification specifically is received by a particular person (not general), it must be reported to the Company's Gratification Control Team /Unit (UPG) which is subsequently reported it to the KPK to obtain the determination of its ownership status.

c. Gratifications that do not need to be reportedGratifications that are allowed and do not need to be reported by IPC TPK, among others:i. Obtained from instant prizes, discounts/ rebates,

vouchers, reward points or souvenirs that are generally applied and do not relate to the ministry;

ii. Obtained due to academic or non-academic achievement (championship/race/competition) at its own expense and unrelated to the ministry;

iii. Derived from profits/interest from the placement of funds, investments or private shareholdings that are generally valid and do not relate to the ministry;

iv. Obtained from compensation for professions outside the ministry, which does not relate to the main duties and function of IPC TPK, does not violate the conflict of interest policy and employee’s code of conduct, and with written permission of direct superintendents.

Person in Charge for Gratification Reports

IPC TPK has established a Gratification Control Team /Unit (UPG) which reports to the Board of Directors regarding the implementation of the prevention system and countermeasures of gratification in the Company's environment. The unit establishment is based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.56/20/10/1/IPCTPK-17 dated October 20th, 2017.

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Pelaporan Pungutan Liar

Dalam rumusan korupsi pada Pasal 12 huruf e UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 berasal dari pasal 423 KUHP yang dirujuk dalam pasal 12 Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 yang kemudian dirumuskan ulang pada Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001, menjelaskan definisi pungutan liar adalah suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan pegawai/penyelenggara yang dengan maksud menguntungkan diri sendiri atau orang lain secara melawan hukum, atau dengan menyalahgunakan kekuasaannya memaksa seseorang memberikan sesuatu, membayar, atau menerima pembayaran dengan potongan, atau untuk mengerjakan sesuatu bagi dirinya sendiri.

IPC TPK telah mengeluarkan Pedoman Pelaporan Pungutan Liar yang telah disahkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 19 September 2019. Pedoman ini tidak hanya melarang Insan IPC TPK untuk terlibat dalam pungutan liar, namun juga memberikan metode yang lengkap bagi Insan IPC TPK untuk dapat melaporkan pungutan liar yang ditemuinya. Melalui pedoman ini, Perusahaan berkomitmen kuat untuk memberantas praktik korupsi di segala aspek, termasuk pungutan liar.

Adapun saluran/media yang bisa digunakan pelapor untuk melakukan pelaporan adalah saluran internal dan eksternal. Saluran internal, melalui atau melalui saluran Whistleblowing System (WBS) di antaranya telepon, SMS/Whatsapp, faksimili, email, website, dan surat yang telah diinformasikan pada bagian WBS dalam Laporan Tahunan ini. Untuk saluran eksternal, antara lain melalui situs dan melalui SMS ke Nomor 1193.

Informasi Pemberian Dana untuk Kegiatan Politik

IPC TPK bersikap netral terhadap partai politik. Perusahaan tidak memberikan bantuan dana ke partai politik, politisi atau calon pejabat manapun di negara manapun. Namun, hal ini tidak berarti Perusahaan melarang hak lnsan IPC TPK sebagai warga negara untuk berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas politik. Perusahaan menghargai dan mendukung hak-hak Insan IPC TPK untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan politik, baik dalam politik partai maupun memberikan pandangan tentang isu-isu kebijakan publik. Segala konsekuensi yang timbul akibat aktivitas Insan IPC TPK dalam politik ditanggung oleh Insan IPC TPK yang bersangkutan.

Setiap Insan IPC TPK yang aktif berpolitik harus:

1. Meminta izin kepada atasannya dan memberitahukan kepada Divisi SDM tentang aktivitasnya di dalam partai politik baik sebagai anggota maupun pengurus.

2. Selalu menjaga citra dan reputasi Perusahaan ketika beraktivitas dalam politik. Selain itu, setiap Insan IPC TPK juga harus menghindari melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:a. Mengatasnamakan Perusahaan dalam aktivitas dan

kontribusi pada kegiatan politik.b. Menggunakan dana, harta benda, pelayanan atau

sumber daya Perusahaan lainnya untuk aktivitas dan kontribusi politik.

c. Menggunakan atribut partai, melakukan kampanye dan aktivitas politik di lingkungan kerja.

Report on Illegal Levies

In the formulation of corruption, the Article 12 letter e of Law No. 20 of 2001, which was originated from article 423 of the Criminal Code as referred to in article 12 of Law No. 31 of 1999 which was later reformulated into Law No. 20 of 2001, explains the definition of illegal levies, namely an act committed by an employee / organizer with the intention of benefiting himself or others unlawfully, or by abusing his power to force someone to give something, pay, or receive a payment with deductions, or to do something for himself.

IPC TPK has issued the Guidelines of Reporting Illegal Levies that have been passed through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK. 566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019. This guideline not only prohibits employees of IPC TPK from engaging in imposition of illegal levies, but also provides a complete method for IPC TPK’s employees to be able to report the imposition of illegal levies they encounter. Through these guidelines, the Company has firm commitment to eradicating the corruption practices in all aspects, including illegal levies.

The channels/ media that can be used by whistleblowers to submit reports are internal and external channels. Internal channel, through or through whistleblowing system (WBS) channels, including telephones, SMS/Whatsapp, faksimile, emails, websites and mail that have already been discussed in the section of WBS of this Annual Report. Meanwhile, among the external channels are site and via SMS to Number 1193.

Information about Political Funding

IPC TPK takes a neutral stand towards political parties. The Company does not provide financial assistance to any political party, politicians or prospective official candidates in any country. However, this does not mean that the Company prohibits the right of IPC TPK’s employees as a citizen to participate in political activities. The Company appreciates and supports the rights of IPC TPK’s employees to participate in political activities, both in political party and providing views on public policy issues. All consequences arising from the activities of IPC TPK’s employees in politics are borne by the IPC TPK’s employee concerned.

Still, each employee of IPC TPK that is active in political activities is obliged to:1. Ask permission from his/her superintendent and inform

the HR Division about his/her activities in political parties both as a member and management.

2. Always maintain the Company's image and reputation when active in politics. In addition, every IPC TPK’s employee shall also avoid doing the followings:

a. Use the Company’s name in activities and contributions to political activities.

b. Use the Company's funds, property, services or other resources for doing political activities and contributions.

c. Use party’s attributes, conduct campaigns and political activities in the working environment.

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Prinsip Dasar LHKPN

IPC TPK yang merupakan anak usaha dari BUMN yang dimiliki oleh Negara melalui Pemerintah Indonesia, berkewajiban menaati peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengikat. Salah satunya, Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN), sebagaimana tercantum dalam Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggara Negara Yang Bersih dan Bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme, yang mengamanatkan bahwa setiap penyelenggara wajib melaporkan dan mengumumkan Harta Kekayaannya sebelum dan setelah memangku jabatan serta bersedia diperiksa kekayaannya sebelum dan setelah menjabat. Dalam Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 1999 pasal 2 (7) beserta penjelasannya, diuraikan bahwa pejabat lain yang memiliki fungsi strategis dalam kaitannya dengan penyelenggara negara termasuk Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan pejabat struktural lainnya pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD).

LHKPN merupakan daftar seluruh Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara yang dituangkan dalam formulir LHKPN yang ditetapkan oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Keputusan KPK No. KEP 07/KPK/02/2005 tentang Tata Cara Pendaftaran, Pemeriksaan dan Pengumuman Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara. Pemeriksaan LHKPN yang disampaikan kepada KPK bertujuan untuk mewujudkan Penyelenggara Negara yang menaati asas-asas umum penyelenggara negara yang bebas dari praktik korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme, serta perbuatan tercela lainnya.

Dasar Hukum Penerapan LHKPN di IPC TPK

Dalam menerapkan LHKPN, IPC TPK mengacu pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait, yakni:

1. Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggara Negara Yang Bersih dan Bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme.

2. Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.

3. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/BUMN/2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik pada BUMN, dan perubahannya.

4. Keputusan Sekretaris Menteri BUMN No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian dan Evaluasi atas Penerapan GCG yang baik.

Pelaksanaan LHKPN IPC TPK

Pelaksanaan LHKPN di IPC TPK berdasarkan pada Peraturan Direksi No. HK.56/19/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 19 September 2017 tentang Kewajiban Melaporkan Harta Kekayaan bagi Direksi dan Pejabat Struktural di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Dalam peraturan tersebut, pihak yang wajib melakukan LHKPN adalah Direksi dan Pejabat Struktural di lingkungan Perusahaan. Adapun yang dimaksud Pejabat Struktural adalah Pejabat yang mempunyai kelas jabatan 1 (satu) sampai dengan kelas jabatan 7 (tujuh) dan setingkat dengan kelas jabatan dimaksud. Perusahaan akan

Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN)Public Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN)

Basic Principles of LHKPN

As a subsidiary of SOEs owned by the State through the Government of Indonesia, IPC TPK is obliged to comply with binding laws and regulations. One of regulations is the Public Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN), as required in Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning the State Official who is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism, thud mandating that each state official must report and announce his Wealth before and after taking office and willing to be checked on his wealth before and after taking office. The article 2 (7) and its explanation of Law No. 28 of 1999 outlined that other officials who have strategic functions in relation to state administration including the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and other structural officials in the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Locally-Owned Enterprises (BUMD).

LHKPN is a list of all Assets of Public Officials as outlined in the LHKPN form and required by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as stipulated in KPK’s Decree No. KEP 07 /KPK /02/2005 onProcedures of Registration, Examination and Announcement of the Public Official's Wealth Report. The LHKPN examination presented to the KPK aims to generate a Civil Servant who adheres to the general principles and who are free from the corruption, collusion, and nepotism practices, as well as other inappropriate acts.

Legal Basis for the Implementation of LHKPN in IPC TPK

In the implementation of LHKPN, IPC TPK refers to the relevant laws and regulations, namely:

1. Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning the Civil Servants Who Are Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism.

2. Law No. 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission.

3. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/BUMN/2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs, and its revisions.

4. Decree of the Secretary of the Minister of SOEs No. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 concerning Indicators/Parameters of Assessment and Evaluation of GCG Implementation.

Implementation of LHKPN in IPC TPK

The implementation of LHKPN in IPC TPK is based on the Board of Directors' Decree No. HK.56/19/1/IPCTPK-17 dated September 19th, 2017 on the Obligation to Report Wealth for Board of Directors and Structural Officials within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The regulation says that the parties who are obliged to conduct LHKPN are the Board of Directors and Structural Officers of the Company. Meanwhile, structural officials referred to are those who have 1 (one) to 7 (seven) grades and at the same level of the grade concerned. The Company will act decisively to officials, who must report

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bertindak tegas bagi pejabat wajib lapor LHKPN yang belum melaksanakan kewajiban menyampaikan LHKPN sesuai dengan ketentuan Perundang-undangan dengan memberikan sanksi berupa penundaan pembayaran bonus atau tantiem sampai yang bersangkutan memenuhi kewajibannya yang dibuktikan dengan bukti tanda terima LHKPN.

Pengelola LHKPN

1. Pengelola LHKPN adalah Direktur Operasi dan Teknik dengan tugas:

a. Berkoordinasi dengan KPK dalam hal sebagai berikut:• Penyampaian dan pendistribusian Formulir

LHKPN, Tambahan Berita Negara (TBN), Pengumuman Harta Kekayaan dan dokumen korespondensi lainnya kepada Wajib LHKPN yang bersangkutan;

• Monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap kepatuhan Wajib LHKPN dalam penyampaian dan pengumuman LHKPN;

• Pemberian sosialisasi kewajiban LHKPN dan bimbingan teknis mengenai tata cara pengisian Formulir LHKPN.

b. Melakukan Verifikasi terhadap data yang disampaikan oleh KPK;

c. Menyampaikan data kepada KPK mengenai setiap adanya perubahan struktur organisasi serta pembentukan jabatan struktural baru di lingkungannya;

d. Mengingatkan wajib LHKPN di lingkungannya untuk mematuhi kewajiban penyampaian dan pengumuman LHKPN;

e. Berkoordinasi dengan Koordinator LHKPN pada Kementerian BUMN mengenai pengelolaan LHKPN dan kepatuhan Wajib LHKPN dalam menyampaikan LHKPN kepada KPK.

2. User Aplikasi Wajib LHKPN adalah Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal yang bertugas:a. Melakukan pemutakhiran data kepegawaian Wajib

LHKPN yang mengalami perubahan jabatan pada Aplikasi Wajib LHKPN;

b. Berkoordinasi dengan KPK mengenai pengelolaan dan pengadministrasian Aplikasi wajib LHKPN.

Transparansi LHKPN Pejabat IPC TPK Tahun 2020

Penyampaian LHKPN pejabat Perusahaan wajib lapor pada tahun 2020 adalah jajaran Direksi. Sementara pelaporan LHKPN Dewan Komisaris dan Pejabat Struktural 1 Level di bawah Direksi, dikoordinir langsung oleh Entitas Induk Perusahaan, yaitu PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), karena pejabat-pejabat tersebut merupakan karyawan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pesero) yang ditugaskan di PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Pengungkapan Penyampaian LHKPN Pejabat IPC TPK Tahun 2020


Jumlah Wajib LaporNumber of Mandatory

Reporting Officials

Jumlah yang Telah MelaporkanOfficials Who Have Presented Report



DireksiBoard of Directors

7 7 100%

LHKPN but have not fulfilled the obligation to submit LHKPN in accordance with the provisions, and will put sanction in the form of delaying the payment of bonus or tantiem until the mandatory reporting officials concerned fulfill their obligations by showing the proof of LHKPN receipt.

Person in Charge for LHKPN

1. Person in charge for implementing LHKPN is Director of Operations and Engineering, who will carry the following tasks:a. Coordinating with KPK in terms of:

• Submission and distribution of LHKPN Forms, Supplementary State Gazette (TBN), Announcement of Assets and other correspondence documents to the LHKPN Mandatory Reporting Officials concerned;

• Monitoring and evaluation of compliance of the mandatory reporting officials with LHKPN, particularly in the delivery and announcement of LHKPN;

• The provision of socialization of LHKPN obligations and technical guidance on how to fill out LHKPN forms.

b. Verifying the data submitted by the KPK;

c. Submitting the data to the KPK regarding any changes in the organizational structure and the establishment of new structural positions in the work environment;

d. Reminding the LHKPN mandatory reporting officials in the work environment to comply with the obligations of submitting and announcing LHKPN;

e. Coordinating with the LHKPN Coordinator at the Ministry of SOEs regarding the management of LHKPN and compliance of LHKPN Mandatory Reporting Officials in delivering LHKPN to KPK.

2. LHKPN Mandatory Application Users are Corporate Secretary and External Relations who is in charge of:a. Updating LHKPN mandatory staffing data that

has a change of position in the LHKPN Mandatory Application;

b. Coordinating with the KPK regarding the management and administration of LHKPN mandatory Application.

Transparency of LHKPN among IPC TPK’s Officials in Year 2020

LHKPN mandatory reporting officials of the Company who had to present report in 2020 were the Board of Directors. Meanwhile, the LHKPN of the Board of Commissioners and Structural Officials of 1 Level under the Board of Directors, is coordinated directly by the Parent Entity of the Company, namely PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), since the officials were employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pesero) assigned to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Disclosure of LHKPN Submission by IPC TPK’s Officials in 2020

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

310 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Terkait pengadaan barang dan jasa, IPC TPK mengeluarkan kebijakan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/30/12/3/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 30 Desember 2020 tentang Pemberlakuan Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.01/8/6/1/ADP/UT/PI.II-2020 tanggal 8 Juni 2020 tentang Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa di Lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dalam Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Pedoman ini memberikan landasan bagi proses pengadaan barang dan jasa di lingkup Perusahaan, termasuk kaidah-kaidah dan batasan-batasan yang berhubungan dengan persetujuan proses pengadaan barang dan jasa. Dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut, proses pengadaan barang dan jasa terselenggara secara akuntabel dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Penyelenggaraan Whistleblowing System (WBS) atau Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran di IPC TPK diselenggarakan untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan GCG, serta sebagai upaya memberikan kesempatan kepada seluruh insan IPC TPK dan Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya untuk dapat menyampaikan laporan mengenai indikasi pelanggaran terhadap nila-nilai etika yang berlaku, berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan serta dengan niat baik. Melalui sistem ini, Insan IPC TPK atau Pemangku Kepentingan yang melakukan pelaporan akan diberikan perlindungan, baik dalam hal kerahasiaan identitas maupun dari kemungkinan tindakan balasan oleh pihak terlapor.

Pedoman Whistleblowing System

Pedoman pelaksanaan WBS mengacu pada Pedoman Pengelolaan Gratifikasi, Pelaporan Pungutan Liar dan Penerapan Whistleblowing System yang ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 tanggal 19 September 2019.

Pihak yang Mengelola Pengaduan

Perusahaan membentuk Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) sebagai pengelola WBS di lingkup Perusahaan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.56/20/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tentang Pembentukan Tim/Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) pada Pelaksanaan Sistem Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Gratifikasi di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tanggal 20 Oktober 2017. Dalam pelaksanaannya, Tim UPG Perusahaan bekerja sama dengan Komite IPC Bersih yang ditugaskan untuk mengelola penerapan WBS di lingkungan IPC.

Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan JasaPolicy on Procurement of Goods and Services

Whistleblowing System

Related to the procurement of goods and services, IPC TPK has issued a policy through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.566/1/3/2/IPCTPK-19 dated April 1st, 2019 about Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Services in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. This guideline provides the basic directions for the procurement process of goods and services within the Company, including rules and restrictions relating to the approval in the procurement process of goods and services. With the issuance of the policy, the accountability of the procurement process of goods and services can be assured.

The implementation of Whistleblowing System (WBS) in IPC TPK is merely to strengthen the GCG implementation, as well as an effort to provide opportunities for all employees of IPC TPK and stakeholders to be able to submit reports on the indications of violation of applicable ethical values, based on evidence that can be accounted for and submitted with good intention. This system ensures the IPC TPK’s employees or stakeholders who do reporting to receive protection, both in terms of confidentiality of identity and from possible countermeasures by the reported parties.

Guidelines of Whistleblowing System

Guidelines of WBS implementation refer to the Guidelines of Gratification Management, Reporting of imposition of Illegal Levies and Application of Whistleblowing System as stipulated through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/19/9/1/IPCTPK-19 dated September 19th, 2019.

The Person in Charge for Complaint Management

The Company has established a Gratification Control Unit (UPG) as the unit in charge for WBS implementation in the Company based on the Decree of Board of Directors No. HK.56/20/10/1/IPCTPK-17 on the Establishment of Gratification Control Unit (UPG) regarding the Implementation of Prevention and Countermeasures System in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dated October 20th, 2017. In its implementation, the Company's UPG Team/Unit works with the Clean IPC Committee which is assigned to implement WBS within IPC.

311PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tim UPG Perusahaan dan Komite IPC Bersih saling berkoordinasi terkait laporan yang masuk melalui WBS hasil analisis dari pihak independen. Setiap laporan yang masuk dan telah dilakukan analisis akan disampaikan kepada Tim IPC Bersih. Jika laporan tersebut terkait dengan Perusahaan, maka Tim IPC bersih akan menindak lanjutinya melalui Tim/Unit UPG sehingga dapat meminimalisir dampak atas tindakan curang, pencurian, korupsi, pemerasan, pungutan liar, pelanggaran etika atau kepatuhan yang terjadi.

Penyampaian Laporan Pelanggaran

Lingkup hal-hal yang patut dilaporkan oleh insan IPC TPK dan pemangku kepentingan adalah:1. Tindakan curang (tidak adil);2. Korupsi;3. Pencurian;4. Pelanggaran kebijakan dan peraturan Perusahaan;5. Benturan Kepentingan;6. Penyuapan/Gratifikasi;7. Penggelapan;8. Penipuan;9. Pemerasan.

Laporan dapat ditindaklanjuti bila memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:1. Termasuk pada kriteria yang telah ditentukan;2. Laporan merupakan tindakan pelanggaran yang

melibatkan insan IPC TPK dan anak perusahaan;3. Laporan mempunyai dampak terhadap kinerja dan

reputasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dan anak perusahaan;

4. Manajemen IPC TPK akan memprioritaskan tindak lanjut laporan yang akan disampaikan oleh pelapor yang menyebutkan identitas serta dilengkapi dengan 2 (dua) alat bukti pendukung.

Laporan yang disampaikan sedikitnya memuat hal-hal di bawah ini:1. Pelapor harus menyebutkan identitasnya agar pelapor

memperoleh perlindungan dari manajemen IPC TPK dan akan mempermudah tindak lanjut laporan dalam hal dibutuhkan data tambahan;

2. Uraian pelanggaran yang dilakukan;3. Data pelapor dan pihak lain yang terlibat serta unitnya

(bila ada);4. Data terkait tempat kejadian dan waktu kejadian;5. Dokumen pendukung dan/atau bukti lainnya (bila ada).

Penanganan Laporan

Mekanisme penangananan laporan tergambar pada bagan di bawah ini:

Pelapor menyampaikan laporannya melalui media/sarana yang telah disediakan oleh Perusahaan.

Laporan akan dikaji dan dianalisis oleh UPG.

Laporan akan diteruskan kepada Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris.

Laporan akan ditindaklanjuti.

The whistleblower may submit report through the media/facility which have been provided by the Company.

The report will be reviewed and analyzed by the UPG.

The report will be forwarded to the Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners.

The reports will be followed up.

The Company's UPG Team/Unit and the Clean IPC Committee share joint efforts in handling the incoming reports through WBS analysis from independent parties. Each incoming report that is analyzed will be submitted to the Clean IPC Team. If the report relates to the Company, then the Clean IPC Team will follow up through the UPG Team/Unit so as to minimize the impact of frauds, theft, corruption, extortion, illegal levies, ethical violations or incompliance to occur.

Submission of a Violation Report

The scope of things that can be reported by IPC TPK’s employees and stakeholders are:1. Fraudulent acts (unfair treatment);2. Corruption;3. Theft;4. Violation of the Company's policies and regulations;5. Conflict of Interest;6. Bribery/Gratification;7. Embezzlement;8. Fraud;9. Extortion.

Reports can be followed up if they meet the following requirements:1. Included in the specified criteria;2. The report is an act of violation involving IPC TPK’s

employees and subsidiaries;3. The report has an impact on the performance and

reputation of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) and its subsidiaries;

4. IPC TPK management will prioritize follow-up reports to be submitted by whistleblowers who mention identity and have 2 (two) supporting evidences.

The report contains at least the following issues:

1. The whistleblower must state his or her identity in order that the whistleblower can obtain protection from IPC management and will facilitate the follow-up of the report in the event that additional data is needed;

2. Description of the committed violating acts;3. Data of the whistleblower and other parties involved and

its units (if any);4. Data related to the scene and time of the incident;5. Supporting documents and/or other evidence (if any).

Mechanism of Report Handling

The handling mechanism of the incoming reports is illustrated in the chart below.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

312 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Saluran Pelaporan

Saluran/Media Penyampaian laporan dapat dilakukan dengan mengakses saluran yang telah disediakan oleh IPC TPK dalam website ( atau melalui saluran pelaporan pelanggaran yang dikelola oleh IPC. Saluran IPC Bersih yang dikelola oleh IPC dapat diakses melalui salah satu dari enam cara di bawah ini:1. Online

Untuk membuat laporan secara online, dapat dilakukan melalui link membuat laporan yang terletak pada halaman:

2. TeleponUntuk membuat pelaporan melalui telepon, dapat menekan nomor: +622127822345. Hotline ini dibuka selama 24 jam dalam 1 (satu) hari. Pelapor akan terhubung dengan operator Contact Center IPC Bersih yang akan menanyakan pelapor beberapa pertanyaan mengenai tindakan dugaan penyimpangan, Layanan ini bersifat anonim. Pelapor tidak akan diminta untuk memberitahukan identitas, kecuali pelapor bersedia.

3. SMS/WhatsappPelapor dapat mengirimkan SMS/Whatsapp ke nomor: +628119332345. Pelapor diminta untuk memberikan informasi sebanyak mungkin sehubungan dengan tindakan yang dilaporkan dalam sms pelapor. Nomor HP pelapor tidak akan diberikan ke Komite IPC Bersih tanpa seizin Pelapor.

4. FaksimilePelapor dapat mengirimkan faksimile (menggunakan formulir yang disediakan) ke: +622127823456. Pelapor diminta untuk memberikan informasi sebanyak mungkin mengenai tindakan dugaan. Formulir sesuai dengan lampiran 4 dan dapat diunduh pada:

5. EmailPelapor dapat mengirimkan email ke: [email protected]. Pelapor diminta untuk memberikan informasi sebanyak dilaporkan dalam e-mail pelapor. Alamat e-mail pelapor tidak akan diberikan ke Komite IPC Bersih tanpa seizin pelapor. Untuk menjaga kerahasiaan identitas diri pelapor, akan lebih baik jika pelapor menggunakan email pribadi pelapor dalam membuat pelaporan melalui email. Formulir sesuai dengan lampiran 4 dan dapat diunduh pada:

6. SuratPelapor dapat mengirimkan surat (mohon menggunakan formulir yang disediakan) ke: IPC Bersih PO BOX 1074 JKP 12010. Formulir sesuai dengan lampiran 4 dan dapat diunduh pada:

Perlindungan Bagi Whistleblower

Perusahaan memberikan perlindungan terhadap lnsan IPC TPK atau Pemangku Kepentingan yang melakukan pelaporan, baik dalam hal kerahasiaan identitas maupun dari kemungkinan tindakan balasan oleh pihak terlapor.


Perusahaan senantiasa melakukan sosialisasi kepada Insan IPC TPK dan segenap Pemangku Kepentingan, baik secara langsung melalui tatap muka, maupun secara tidak langsung melalui portal internal dan website Perusahaan. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang sistem pelaporan pelanggaran di IPC TPK yang dikelola secara terintegrasi dengan Perusahaan Induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

Reporting Channel

Reports can be submitted by accessing channels that have been managed by IPC TPK on the website ( or through the reporting channels of IPC. The Clean IPC channel managed by IPC can be accessed through one of the six media below:

1. OnlineTo create an online report, it can be done through a link that facilitate the submission of a report located on the page:

2. TelephoneTo submit report by phone, you can dial the number: +622127822345. The hotline is open for 24 hours a day. The whistleblower is connected to the operator of the Clean IPC’s Contact Center who will ask the whistleblower some questions regarding the alleged irregularities, the Service is anonymous. The whistleblower will not be asked to reveal the identity, except on the will of the whistleblower.

3. SMS/WhatsappThe whistleblower can send an SMS/Whatsapp to the number: +628119332345. The whistleblower is required to provide as much information as possible regarding the actions reported in the whistleblower's text. The whistleblower's mobile number will not be made available to the Clean IPC Committee without the Whistleblower's permission.

4. FacsimileThe whistleblower may submit a report through facsimile (using the available form) to: +622127823456. The whistleblower will be asked to provide as much information as possible regarding the alleged actions. The form corresponds to appendix 4 and can be downloaded at:

5. EmailThe whistleblower can send an e-mail to: [email protected]. Asia. The whistleblower is required to provide as much information as reported in the whistleblower's e-mail. The whistleblower's e-mail address will not be made available to the Clean IPC Committee without his/her permission. To maintain the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, it would be better if he/she uses his/her personal email in making report via email. The form corresponds to appendix 4 and can be downloaded at:

6. LetterThe whistleblower may send a letter (please use the form provided) to: IPC Bersih PO BOX 1074 JKP 12010. The form corresponds to appendix 4 and can be downloaded at:

Protection for Whistleblowers

The Company assures protection for IPC TPK or stakeholders who do reporting, both in terms of confidentiality of identity and from possible countermeasures by the reported parties.


The Company always socializes the facility to IPC TPK’s employees and all stakeholders, through face-to-face, or indirectly through internal portals and the Company's website. The socialization activity aims to promote understanding about the whistleblowing system of IPC TPK that is managed in an integrated manner with the Company’s holding entity, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

313PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jumlah Pengaduan yang Masuk dan Diproses serta Sanksi/Tindak Lanjut atas Pengaduan yang Telah Selesai Diproses Tahun 2020

Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat laporan pelanggaran, baik yang yang terjadi di lingkungan internal maupun eksternal Perusahaan.

Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiThe Diversity in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi merupakan bagian dari upaya Perusahaan untuk mendorong proses pengambilan keputusan yang lebih objektif, komprehensif, optimal, dan memiliki dampak positif terhadap pengawasan dan pengelolaan Perusahaan.

Tabel Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi IPC TPK

Nama dan JabatanName and Department

Latar Belakang Pendidikan

Educational Background

Pengalaman KerjaWork Experience




Dewan KomisarisBoard of CommissionersMuarip(Komisaris Utama/President Commissioner)

Master of Business AdminstrationMaster of Business Administration

Direktur Operasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (persero)Director of Operations of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Master of Business AdminstrationMaster of Business Adminstration

49 Laki-lakiMale

Hari Kriswanto(Komisaris/ Commissioner)

Sarjana HukumBachelor of Law

Bekerja di Kementerian PerhubunganServing at the Ministry of Transportation

Master di bidang Hukum UdaraMaster in Air Law

58 Laki-lakiMale

Asmai Ishak (Komisaris Independen/ Independent Commissioner)

Magister Manajemen Master of Management

Bendahara Forum Komunikasi Dewan Komisaris/Pengawas BPD Wilayah BaratTreasurer of the Communication Forum of the Board of Commissioners /Supervisor of BPD Western Region

Magister Manajemen Master of Management

60 Laki-lakiMale

DireksiBoard fo DirectorsIrwan Favoriet Pelaksana Harian Direktur Utama,

Direktur Keuangan dan SDM Acting President Director, Director of Finance and Human Resources

52 Laki-lakiMale

David Pandapotan Sirait Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan BisnisCommercial and Business Development Director

48 Laki-lakiMale

Number of Incoming and Processed Reports and Imposition of Sanctions/Follow-ups to the Completed Reports in 2020

Throughout 2020, there were no violation occurring either in the Company's internal or external environments.

The diversity of composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is part of the Company's decision-making process to promote an objective, comprehensive, optimum decision-making process with positive impact on the supervision and management of the Company.

Table of Diversity in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of IPC TPK

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

314 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Transparansi Praktik Bad GovernanceTransparency of Bad Governance Practices

Sepanjang tahun 2020 tidak ditemukan adanya penyimpangan terhadap praktik GCG di Perusahaan, seperti perkara tindak pidana korupsi yang dihadapi oleh Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, pencemaran lingkungan, adanya permohonan pailit, pembekuan usaha utama Perusahaan, dan sebagainya.

Sepanjang tahun 2020 tidak terjadi keterlambatan pembayaran angsuran pajak pph 25.

Masa Pajak 2020Tax Period of 2020




SeharusnyaReal Amount


SeharusnyaReal Amount

12 Januari 2021 January 12th, 2021

15 Januari 2021 January 15th, 2021

30 April 2021 April 30th, 2021

30 April 2021 April 30th, 2021

Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan disampaikan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan yang berlaku.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK tidak mendapatkan laporan atas aktivitas Perusahaan yang mencemarkan lingkungan.

Laporan atas Aktivitas Perusahaan yang Mencemari LingkunganReport on the Company's Activities Causing Environmental Pollution

Pengungkapan Pemenuhan Kewajiban PerpajakanDisclosure of Fulfillment of Tax Obligations

Ketidaksesuaian Penyajian Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan dengan Peraturan yang Berlaku dan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK)Incompliance between Presentation of Annual Reports and Financial Statements with Applicable Regulations and Financial Accounting Standards (SAK)

Throughout 2020 there was no violation of GCG practices in the Company, such as corruption acts committed by the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, environmental pollution, filed application for bankruptcy, suspension of the Company's main business, and the others.

Throughout 2020, IPC TPK did not receive any report that Company’s activities had polluted the environment.

In 2020, the Company's payment of income tax 25 did not experience a delay.

Annual Reports and Company Financial Statements are submitted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and Financial Accounting Standards.

315PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perusahaan tidak memiliki kasus dengan buruh dan karyawan. Pengelolaan SDM Perusahaan telah memenuhi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, serta telah memenuhi standar praktik Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja.

Pengungkapan Segmen Operasi pada Laporan KeuanganDisclosure of Operational Segment on Financial Statements

Laporan keuangan Perusahaan belum menerapkan Segmen Operasi. Namun demikian, klasifikasi produk dan layanan jasa dapat memberikan cerminan kegiatan produksi dan profitabilitas. Dalam menjalankan operasi dan usahanya, Perusahaan memberikan beberapa produk dan layanan jasa yang berkontribusi terhadap Pendapatan Operasi, yaitu:1. Pelayanan Terminal Petikemas2. Pelayanan Jasa Terminal3. Pelayanan Jasa Barang

Kasus Terkait dengan Buruh dan KaryawanCases Relating to Labor and Employees

Kesesuaian Buku Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Tahunan DigitalConformity of Printed Annual Report and Digital Annual Reports

Laporan Tahunan digital dan Laporan yang diunggah pada situs resmi Perusahaan, telah sesuai dengan buku Laporan Tahunan yang dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh Perusahaan.

In the course of 2020, the Company reported no case with labor and the employees. The Company's human resources management has complied with applying laws and regulations, as well as has met the employment, health and safety standards.

The Company’s financial statements have not yet implemented the Operational Segment. However, the classification of products and services can reflect production activities and profitability. In carrying out its business, the Company offers products and services that contribute to Operating Revenue, namely:1. Container Terminal Services2. Terminal Services3. Freight Services

The Digital Annual Report and the Report uploaded onto the Company's official website are in accordance with the printed version of the Annual Report published by the Company.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

316 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan dengan Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard The Compliance of Corporate Governance with ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard

Dalam rangka meningkatkan penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG, Perusahaan telah membuat referensi silang terhadap penilaian Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) untuk mempermudah perolehan data, melalui self assessment oleh Divisi Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal.

Hak-Hak Pemegang Saham Rights of Shareholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian APart A

Hak-Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


A.1 Basic Shareholder Rights.Hak Dasar Pemegang Saham.

A.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan membayarkan dividen (interim dan final/tahunan) secara adil dan tepat waktu; yaitu, semua Pemegang Saham diperlakukan sama dan dibayar dalam waktu 30 hari setelah (i) dividen interim telah dinyatakan dan(ii) disetujui pada rapat umum pemegang saham tahunan (RUPST)

untuk dividen final?Does the Company pay (interim and final/annual) dividends in an equitable and timely manner; that is, all Shareholders are treated equally and paid within 30 days after being(i) declared for interim dividends and(ii) approved by Shareholders at general meetings for final dividends?

Keputusan pembayaran deviden Perusahaan diputuskan dalam RUPS Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan Tahun 2019 tanggal 13 Juli 2020. Pembayaran dividen dilakukan pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2020.Decision to pay the Company’s dividend was taken at GMS on Financial Accountability of the year 2019 which was held on July 13th, 2020.Dividend payment was made on August 19th, 2020.

A.2 Hak untuk berpartisipasi dalam keputusan mengenai perubahan Perusahaan yang fundamental.Apakah Pemegang Saham memiliki hak untuk berpartisipasi dalam:Right to participate in decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes.Do Shareholders have the right to participate in:

A.2.1 Amandemen/perubahan terhadap Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan?Amendments to the Company’s constitution?

Setiap perubahan Anggaran Dasar dalam persetujuan Pemegang Saham.Each revision to the articles of association was approved by Shareholders.

A.2.2 Otorisasi terkait penerbitan saham tambahan?The authorisation of additional shares?

Penerbitan saham tambahan harus ditawarkan terlebih dahulu kepada Pemegang Saham sebagaimana tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.The issuance of additional shares must be offered first to the Shareholders as required in the Company’s Articles of Association.

A.2.3 Pengalihan seluruh atau sebagian besar aset, dalam kaitannya dengan penjualan Perusahaan?The transfer of all or substantially all assets, which in effect results in the sale of the Company?

Pengalihan seluruh atau sebagian besar aset merupakan salah satu hal yang harus dimintakan persetujuan kepada Pemegang Saham sebagaimana tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.The transfer of all or part of assets must have approval from the Shareholders, as regulated in the Company’s Articles of Association

A.3 Hak untuk berpartisipasi secara efektif dan memberikan suara dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dan diinformasikan mengenai aturan, termasuk prosedur pemungutan suara, yang mengatur Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.Right to participate effectively in and vote in General Meetings of Shareholders and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern General Meetings of Shareholders.

A.3.1 Apakah Pemegang Saham memiliki kesempatan, dibuktikan dengan item agenda, untuk menyetujui keputusan tentang jumlah remunerasi (gaji, tunjangan, manfaat dan emolumen lainnya) atau peningkatan remunerasi Direksi/Dewan Komisaris non-eksekutif?Do Shareholders have the opportunity, evidenced by an agenda item, to approve remuneration (fees, allowances, benefit-in-kind and other emoluments) or any increases in remuneration for the non-executive of the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners?

Penghasilan dan tunjangan Direksi serta Dewan Komisaris diputuskan melalui Keputusan Sirkuler Pemegang Saham No. SK.03/20/12/1/PBI/UT/PI.II-18 dan HK.476/20/12/5/MTI-2018.Sedangkan untuk keputusan besaran tantiem diputuskan dalam RUPS Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan.Income and allowances of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners were decided in the Shareholders’ Circular Resolutions No. SK.03/20/12/1/PBI/UT/PI.II-18 and HK.476/20/12/5/MTI-2018. Meanwhile, for the amount of tantiem, it was decided in the GMS on the Financial Accountability.

In order to improve the implementation of GCG principles, the Company refers to the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) assessment to facilitate the collection of data, through self-assessment by the Corporate Secretary and External Relations Division.

317PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Hak-Hak Pemegang Saham Rights of Shareholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian APart A

Hak-Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


A.3.2 Apakah Pemegang Saham non-pengendali diberi kesempatan untuk mengusulkan calon Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?Does the Company provide non-controlling Shareholders a right to nominate candidates for Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners?

Calon Direksi/Dewan Komisaris ditentukan oleh Pemegang Saham mayoritas.Candidates for Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners were determined by majority Shareholders.

A.3.3 Apakah Pemegang Saham Perusahaan diperbolehkan untuk memilih Direksi/Dewan Komisaris secara individu?Does the Company allow Shareholders to elect of the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners individually?

Pemegang Saham Perusahaan diperbolehkan untuk memilih Direksi/Dewan Komisaris secara individu.The Company’s Shareholders were allowed to select Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners individually.

A.3.4 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan tata cara pemungutan suara (voting) yang akan digunakan, sebelum pelaksanaan rapat?Does the Company disclose the voting procedures used before the start meeting proceeds?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki 2 (dua) Pemegang Saham, sehingga tidak pernah dilakukan voting.The Company only has 2 (two) Shareholders, thus voting never takes place.

A.3.5 Apakah risalah RUPS mencatat tentang kesempatan para Pemegang Saham untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan pertanyaan diajukan oleh Pemegang Saham dan jawaban yang diberikan?Do the minutes of the most recent GMS record that the Shareholders were given the opportunity to ask question and the question raised by Shareholders and answers given recorded?

Risalah RUPS mencatat tentang kesempatan para Pemegang Saham untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan pertanyaan diajukan oleh Pemegang Saham dan jawaban yang diberikan.Minutes of GMS records the opportunity of the Shareholders to propose questions as well as the questions which were submitted by Shareholders and the answers that were provided.

A.3.6 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan hasil pemungutan suara termasuk suara yang setuju, tidak setuju, dan abstain untuk setiap item agenda pada RUPS terbaru?Does the Company disclose the voting results including approving, dissenting, and abstaining votes for all resolution/each agenda item for the most recent GMS?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki 2 (dua) Pemegang Saham, sehingga tidak pernah dilakukan voting.The Company only has 2 (two) Shareholders, thus voting never takes place.

A.3.7 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan daftar anggota Dewan yang menghadiri RUPS terbaru?Does the Company disclose the list of the Board members who attended the most recent GMS?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan daftar anggota Dewan yang menghadiri RUPS terbaru.The Company reveals the list of the Board members attending the latest GMS.

A.3.8 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan semua anggota Dewan dan CEO (jika dia bukan anggota Dewan) menghadiri RUPS terbaru?Does the Company disclose that all board members and the CEO (if he is not a board member) attend the most recent GMS?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan semua anggota Dewan dan CEO (jika dia bukan anggota Dewan) menghadiri RUPS terbaru.The Company announces all the Board members and CEO (if he/she is not part of board member) attended the most recent GMS.

A.3.9 Apakah Perusahaan memungkinkan untuk voting in absentia (voting) tanpa kehadiran Pemegang Saham)?Does the company support voting in absentia (voting)without the presence of the Shareholders)?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki 2 (dua) Pemegang Saham, sehingga tidak pernah dilakukan voting.The Company only has 2 (two) Shareholders, thus voting never takes place.

A.3.10 Apakah Perusahaan menggunakan metode pemungutan suara terbanyak (yang menyatakan ketidaksetujuan mengangkat tangan) untuk semua keputusan dalam RUPS terbaru?Does the Company vote by poll (as opposed to by show of hands) for allresolutions at the most recent GMS?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki 2 Pemegang Saham.The Company only has 2 (two) Shareholders.

A.3.11 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa mereka telah menunjuk pihak independen untuk menghitung dan/atau memvalidasi pemungutan suara di RUPS?Does the Company disclose that it has appointed an independent party (scrutineers/inspectors) to count and/or validate the votes at the GMS?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki 2 (dua) Pemegang Saham, sehingga tidak pernah dilakukan pemungutan suara.The Company only has 2 (two) Shareholders, thus voting never takes place.

A.3.12 Apakah Perusahaan mempublikasikan pada hari kerja berikutnya hasil dari pemungutan suara yang diambil saat RUPS untuk semua keputusan?Does the Company make publicly available by the next working day the result of the votes taken during the most recent GMS/EGM for all resolutions?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki 2 (dua) Pemegang Saham, sehingga tidak pernah dilakukan pemungutan suara.The Company only has 2 (two) Shareholders, thus voting never takes place.

A.3.13 Apakah Perusahaan mengumumkan/menginformasikan dengan cukup waktu paling lambat 21 hari untuk semua pemberitahuan RUPS?Does the Company announce/inform sufficiently no later than 21 days for all GMS notifications?

Pemberitahuan RUPS dilakukan 14 hari sebelum pelaksanaan RUPS.The GMS is announced 14 days prior to the GMS implementation.

A.3.14 Apakah Perusahaan memberikan alasan dan penjelasan untuk setiap item agenda dalam pemberitahuan RUPS/RUPSLB dan/atau pernyataan yang menyertainya?Does the Company provide the rationale and explanation for each agenda item which requires Shareholders’ approval in the notice of GMS/circulars and/or the acCompanying statement?

Perusahaan memberikan penjelasan untuk setiap item agenda dalam pemberitahuan RUPS/RUPSLB dan/atau pernyataan yang menyertainya. The Company gives details to each item of the GMS/EGM agenda and/or the acCompanying statements.

A.3.15 Apakah Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan kepada Pemegang Saham untuk memasukkan item dalam agenda RUPS?Does the Company give the opportunity for Shareholder to place item/s on the agenda of GMS?

Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan kepada Pemegang Saham untuk memasukkan item dalam agenda RUPS.The Company gives opportunity to shareholers to include item into GMS agenda.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

318 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Hak-Hak Pemegang Saham Rights of Shareholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian APart A

Hak-Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


A.4 Pasar untuk pengendalian Perusahaan harus diizinkan agar berfungsi secara efisien dan transparan.Markets for corporate control should be allowed to function in an efficient and transparent manner.

A.4.1 Dalam kasus merger, akuisisi dan/atau pengambilalihan, apakah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan penerima menunjuk pihak independen untuk mengevaluasi kewajaran harga transaksi?In cases of mergers, acquisitions and/or takeovers requiring Shareholders’ approval, does the Board of Directors/Commissioners of the offeree Company appoint an independent party to evaluate the fairness of the transaction price?

Dalam kasus merger, akuisisi dan/atau pengambilalihan, Direksi/Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan penerima menunjuk pihak independen untuk mengevaluasi kewajaran harga transaksi.In the case of merger, acquisition and/or takeover, Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners of the recipient Company appoints the independent party to evaluate fairness of the transaction price

A.5 Pelaksanaan hak-hak kepemilikan oleh seluruh Pemegang Saham, termasuk investor kelembagaan, harus difasilitasi.The exercise of ownership rights by all Shareholders, including institutional investors, should be facilitated.

A.5.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan praktiknya untuk mendorong Pemegang Saham untuk menghadiri RUPS Tahunan?Does the Company disclose its practice to encourage Shareholders to engage with the Company beyond GMS?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan praktiknya untuk mendorong Pemegang Saham untuk menghadiri RUPS Tahunan.The Company reveals practices to encourage Shareholders to attend Annual GMS.

Perlakuan Setara Terhadap Pemegang Saham Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian BPart B

Perlakuan Setara Terhadap Pemegang SahamEquitable Treatment of Shareholders


B.1 Hak suara dan kepemilikan sahamShares and voting rights

B.1.1 Apakah saham biasa atau umum Perusahaan mempunyai satu suara untuk satu saham?Do the Company's ordinary or common shares have one vote for one share?

Perusahaan mempunyai satu suara untuk satu saham diatur didalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan dan Akte Pendirian Perusahaan.The Company has one vote for one share as regulated in the Company’s Articles of Association.

B.1.2 Apabila Perusahaan memiliki lebih dari satu kelas saham, apakah Perusahaan mempublikasikan hak suara yang melekat pada masing-masing kelas saham (misalnya melalui situs yang dimiliki Perusahaan/laporan/bursa/situs regulator)?Where the Company has more than one class of shares, does the Company publicise the voting rights attached to each class of shares (e.g. through the Company website/reports/the stock exchange/regulator's website)?

Perusahaan hanya memiliki satu kelas saham.The Company only has one class of shares.

B.2 Pemberitahuan RUPSNotice of GMS

B.2.1 Apakah setiap keputusan RUPS hanya memuat satu topik (tidak ada penggabungan dari beberapa topik ke dalam keputusan yang sama)?Does each resolution in the most recent GMS deal with only one item, i.e., there is no bundling of several items into the same resolution?

Keputusan dalam RUPS sesuai dengan agenda yang tercantum dalam undangan RUPS.The GMS resolutions are in accordance with the agenda disclosed in the GMS invitation.

B.2.2 Apakah Perusahaan menterjemahkan pemberitahuan RUPS ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan diterbitkan pada waktu yang sama dengan versi bahasa lokal?Are the Company's notice of the most recent GMS/circulars fully translated into English and published on the same date as the local-language version?

Undangan hanya dalam bahasa Indonesia karena Pemegang Saham seluruhnya berdomisili di Indonesia.Invitation is made in Indonesian language only as the whole shareholders domicilein Indonesia.

Apakah pemberitahuan RUPS memiliki rincian sebagai berikut:Does the notice of GMS/circulars have the following details:

B.2.3 Apakah profil Direksi/Dewan Komisaris (setidaknya usia, kualifikasi, tanggal penunjukkan awal, pengalaman, dan jabatan Direktur di Perusahaan lain) dalam pemilihan/pemilihan kembali tersedia?Are the profiles of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners (at least age, academic, qualification, date of first appointment, experience, and directorships in other listed companies) in seeking election/re-election included?

Profil Direksi/Dewan Komisaris (setidaknya usia, kualifikasi, tanggal penunjukkan awal, pengalaman, dan jabatan Direktur di Perusahaan lain) dalam pemilihan/pemilihan kembali tersedia.Profiles of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners (age, qualification,date of initial appointment, experience and Director positions in other companies) in appointment/re-appointment are available.

B.2.4 Apakah auditor yang ditunjuk/ditunjuk kembali diidentifikasi dengan jelas?Are the auditors seeking appointment/re-appointment clearly identified?

Dalam pemberitahuan RUPS tidak menyebutkan Auditor yang ditunjuk/ditunjuk kembali diidentifikasi dengan jelas.The GMS announcement does not disclose the appointed Auditors.

B.2.5 Apakah dokumen yang diperlukan untuk menjadi proxy/informasi mengenai kemudahan memperoleh surat kuasa tercantum dalam pemberitahuan RUPS?Were the proxy documents made easily available?

Surat kuasa dapat dibuat secara mandiri oleh peserta RUPS.Power of attorney can be made individually by the GMS participants.

319PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Perlakuan Setara Terhadap Pemegang Saham Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian BPart B

Perlakuan Setara Terhadap Pemegang SahamEquitable Treatment of Shareholders


B.3 Menghindari Insider trading dan penyalahgunaan.Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be prohibited.

B.3.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan dan/atau aturan yang melarang Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dan karyawan menyalahgunakan informasi orang dalam?Does the Company have policies and/or rules prohibiting Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners and employees to benefit from knowledge which is not generally available to the market?

Perusahaan memiliki pedoman terkait penggunaan informasi rahasia yang tercantum dalam Board Manual Perusahaan.The Company has guidance relating to the use of confidential information in the Company’s Board Manual.

B.3.2 Apakah Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris wajib melaporkan transaksi mereka terkait saham Perusahaan dalam waktu 3 hari kerja?Are the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners required to report their dealings in Company shares within 3 business days?

Saham Perusahaan hanya dimiliki oleh 2 Pemegang Saham.The Company’s shares are only owned by 2 Shareholders.

B.4 Transaksi pihak berelasi yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.Related party transactions by Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners.

B.4.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mewajibkan Direksi dan Dewan komisaris untuk mengungkapkan transaksi benturan kepentingan?Does the Company have a policy requiring Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners to disclose their interest in transactions and any other conflicts of interest?

Perusahaan memiliki Board Manual dimana didalamnya mengatur tentang Etika terkait Benturan Kepentingan.The Company has established Board Manual which regulates Ethics in case of Conflict of Interest.

B.4.2 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mengatur Komite Direksi/Komisaris Independen untuk menelaah materi/transaksi pihak berelasi untuk menentukan apakah transaksi tersebut semata-mata untuk kepentingan terbaik Perusahaan?Does the Company have a policy requiring a committee of independent Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners to review material/RPTs to determine whether they are in the best interests of the Company?

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan pengaturan komposisi Komisaris Independen yang termuat dalam Board ManualThe Company has policy that regulates composition of the Board of Independent Commissioners, which is contained in Board Manual.

B.4.3 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mengatur anggota Dewan (Direksi/Dewan Komisaris) untuk tidak berpartisipasi dalam diskusi Dewan pada agenda tertentu ketika terdapat benturan kepentingan?Does the Company have a policy requiring board members (Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners) to abstain from participating in the board discussion on a particular agenda when they are conflicted?

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan pengaturan komposisi Komisaris Independen yang termuat dalam Board Manual.The Company has policy that regulates composition of the Board of Independent Commissioners, which is contained in Board Manual.

B.4.4 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan atas pinjaman kepada Direksi/Dewan Komisaris baik melarang praktik ini atau memastikan bahwa transaksi dilakukan secara wajar dan dengan harga pasar?Does the Company have policies on loans to Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners either forbidding these practices or ensuring that they are being conducted at arm's length basis and at market rates?

Perusahaan belum memiliki kebijakan atas pinjaman kepada Direksi/Dewan Komisaris baik melarang praktik ini atau memastikan bahwa transaksi dilakukan secara wajar dan dengan harga pasar.The Company has not yet established a loan policy for Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners, either to prohibit such practices or to ensure that the transaction is fair and at market price.

B.5 Melindungi Pemegang Saham minoritas dari tindakan pelanggaran.Protecting minority Shareholders from abusive actions.

B.5.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa transaksi pihak berelasi dilakukan sedemikian rupa untuk memastikan bahwa transaksi tersebut adalah adil dan termasuk dalam kegiatan usaha Perusahaan?Does the Company disclose that RPTs are conducted in such a way to ensure that they are fair and at arm's length?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi pada Laporan Tahunan halaman 146.The Company reveals transactions with related parties on page 146 of the Annual Report.

B.5.2 Dalam hal transaksi pihak berelasi membutuhkan persetujuan Pemegang Saham, apakah keputusan diambil oleh Pemegang Saham yang tidak berkepentingan?In case of related party transactions requiring Shareholders approval, is the decision made by disinterested Shareholders?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi pada Laporan Tahunan halaman 146.The Company reveals transactions with related parties on page 146 of the Annual Report.

Peran Pemangku Kepentingan Role of Stakeholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian CPart C

Peran Pemangku KepentinganRole of Stakeholders


C.1 Hak-hak pemangku kepentingan yang ditetapkan oleh hukum atau melalui perjanjian bersama harus dihormati.The rights of stakeholders that are established by law or through mutual agreements are to be respected.Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan yang:Does the Company disclose a policy and practices that address:

C.1.1 Menetapkan keberadaan dan lingkup upaya Perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan pelanggan?The existence and scope of the Company’s efforts to address customers’ welfare?

Perusahaan memiliki platform e-service untuk melayani kebutuhan pelanggan yang terkait dengan pelayanan.The Company has established an e-service platform to accommodate the needs of customers related to the services.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

320 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Peran Pemangku Kepentingan Role of Stakeholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian CPart C

Peran Pemangku KepentinganRole of Stakeholders


C.1.2 Menjelaskan prosedur seleksi pemasok/kontraktor?Supplier/contractor selection procedures?

Dalam website Perusahaan terdapat halaman yang berisi link vendor management system, dan juga daftar pekerjaan dan daftar pemenang pekerjaan.On the corporate website, there is a page displaying a link of vendor management system.

C.1.3 Menjelaskan upaya sistematis Perusahaan untuk memastikan bahwa rantai nilai Perusahaan adalah ramah lingkungan atau konsisten dengan program pembangunan berkelanjutan?The Company’s efforts to ensure that its value chain is environmentally friendly or is consistent with promoting sustainable development?

Diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan pada bab Tanggung Jawab Sosial.Contained in the Chapter of Social Responsibility of the Annual Report.

C.1.4 Menguraikan upaya sistematis Perusahaan dalam berinteraksi dengan masyarakat di mana Perusahaan beroperasi?The Company’s efforts to interact with the communities in which they operate?

Diungkapkan dalam Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan, terkait Etika Komunitas dan Lingkungan Kami.Our Ethics of Community and Environment is Contained in the Company’s Code of Business Ethics.

C.1.5 Mengarahkan Perusahaan terhadap program dan prosedur anti korupsi?The Company’s anti-corruption programmes and procedures?

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan anti gratifikasi dan whistleblowing system yang disediakan pada website Perusahaan.The Company has already had anti-gratification policy and whistleblowing system which are also available on the website.

C.1.6 Menjelaskan bagaimana hak kreditur telah dilindungi?How creditor’s rights are safeguarded?

PT IPC TPK bukan Perusahaan yang memberi pinjaman kepada pihak lain.PT IPC TPK is not a Company that gives loans to the other parties.

C.1.7 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki bagian/laporan terpisah yang membahas upaya Perusahaan dalam mengatasi masalah-masalah lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial?Does the Company have separate report/section that discuss its efforts on environment/economy and social issues?

Diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan pada bab Tanggung Jawab Sosial.Contained in the Chapter of Social Responsibility of the Annual Report.

C.2 Kepentingan Pemangku Kepentingan dilindungi oleh hukum, pemangku kepentingan harus mendapatkan ganti rugi efektif untuk setiap pelanggaran atas hak-hak mereka.Where Stakeholder interests are protected by law, stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of their rights.

C.2.1 Apakah Perusahaan menyediakan kontak melalui situs Perusahaan atau Laporan Tahunan dimana pemangku kepentingan (pelanggan, pemasok,masyarakat umum, dll) dapat menggunakannya untuk menyuarakan perhatian dan/atau keluhan mereka terkait kemungkinan pelanggaran atas hak-hak mereka?Does the Company provide contact details via the Company's website or Annual Report which stakeholders (e.g., customers, suppliers, general public, etc.) can use to voice their concerns and/or complaints for possible violation of their rights?

Pemangku Kepentingan dapat menghubungi Perusahaan melalui layanan e-service, email Perusahaan, aneka saluran social media dan maupun saluran WBS.Stakeholders can contact the Company through e-service, corporate email, various social media channels and WBS channel.

C.3 Mengembangkan mekanisme peningkatan kinerja untuk karyawanMechanism for employee participation should be permitted to develop

C.3.1 Apakah Perusahaan secara eksplisit mengungkapkan kebijakan kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan bagi karyawannya?Does the Company explicitly disclose the policies and practices on health, safety, and welfare for its employees?

Kebijakan tentang kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja disosialisasikan melalui e-office kepada seluruh pegawai. Kebijakan juga termuat dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan, pada bab Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan.Employee health and safety policy is socialized through e-office to all employees. Such policy is also contained in the Chapter of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company’s annual report.

C.3.2 Apakah Perusahaan secara eksplisit mengungkapkan kebijakan program pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi karyawannya?Does the Company explicitly disclose the policies and practices on training and development programmes for its employees?

Kebijakan program pelatihan diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan pada bab Pengembangan Kompetensi Karyawan.The training policy is revealed in the Chapter of Employee Competence Development of the Company’s Annual Report.

C.3.3 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan penghargaan/kompensasi atas kinerja Perusahaan yang dihitung tidak hanya berdasarkan ukuran pencapaian angka keuangan dalam jangka pendek?Does the Company have a reward/compensation policy that accounts for the performance of the Company beyond short-term financial measures?

Perusahaan menyelenggarakan program award bagi area kerja dimana penilaian tidak hanya dilakukan berdasarkan indikator keuangan saja.The Company holds awarding program for working areas in which the evaluation does not only rely only on the financial indicators.

C.4 Pemangku kepentingan termasuk karyawan individu dan badan-badan perwakilan mereka, harus dapat berkomunikasi secara bebas atas perhatian mereka tentang praktik ilegal atau tindakan tidak etis kepada Dewan Komisaris dan hak-hak mereka tidak boleh dikompromikan dalam melakukan hal ini.Stakeholders including individual employee and their representative bodies, should be able to freely communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices to the Board and their rights should not be compromised for doing this.

321PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Peran Pemangku Kepentingan Role of Stakeholders

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian CPart C

Peran Pemangku KepentinganRole of Stakeholders


C.4.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki prosedur pengaduan oleh karyawan mengenai tindakan ilegal (termasuk korupsi) dan perilaku tidak etis?Does the Company have procedures for complaints by employees concerning illegal (including corruption) and unethical behavior?

Perusahaan memiliki saluran whistleblowing system.The Company has established a whistleblowing system channel.

C.4.2 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan atau prosedur untuk melindungi karyawan/orang yang mengungkapkan perilaku ilegal/tidak etis dari pembalasan dendam?Does the Company have a policy or procedures to protect an employee/person who reveals illegal/unethical behavior from retaliation?

Whistleblowing system Perusahaan memberikan perlindungan dari tindakan balas dendam.Whistleblowing system of the Company will protect from any retaliation acts.

Transparansi dan Pengungkapan Disclosure and Transparency

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian DPart D

Transparansi Dan PengungkapanDisclosure and Transparency


D.1 Struktur Kepemilikan yang TransparanTransparent Ownership Structure

D.1.1 Apakah informasi terkait kepemilikan saham mengungkapkan identitas pemilik saham, dengan kepemilikan saham 5% atau lebih?Does the information on shareholdings reveal the identity of beneficial owners, holding 5% shareholding or more?

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapkan struktur kepemilikan saham dan keterangan jumlah saham yang dimiliki.The Company’s annual report dicloses structure of the Shareholders and information about the shares owned.

D.1.2 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham baik yang langsung dan tidak langsung (jika ada) dari Pemegang Saham utama dan/atau Pemegang Saham dalam jumlah besar?Does the Company disclose the direct and indirect (deemed) shareholdings of major and/or substantial Shareholders?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham baik yang langsung dan tidak langsung (jika ada) dari Pemegang Saham utama dan/atau Pemegang Saham dalam jumlah besar dalam Laporan Tahunan.The Company discloses in its Annual Report both direct and indirect share ownership (if any) from the majority Shareholders and/or Shareholders with great amount of shares owned.

D.1.3 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham para Direksi/Dewan Komisaris baik langsung dan tidak langsung?Does the Company disclose the direct and indirect (deemed) shareholdings of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners?

Perusahaan tidak mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham para Direksi/Dewan Komisaris baik langsung dan tidak langsung karena saham hanya dimiliki oleh IPC dan PII.The Company does not reveal the share ownership of the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners, both directly and indirectly, as the shares are only owned by IPC and PII.

D.1.4 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham langsung dan tidak langsung yang dimiliki oleh manajemen senior?Does the Company disclose the direct and indirect (deemed) shareholdings of senior management?

Perusahaan tidak mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham para manajemen senior baik langsung dan tidak langsung karena saham hanya dimiliki oleh IPC dan PII.The Company does not disclose share ownership of the senior management, both directly and indirectly, as the shares are only owned by IPC and PII.

D.1.5 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan secara detail mengenai kelompok usahanya termasuk anak Perseroan, asosiasi, usaha patungan dan Special Purpose Enterprises (SPE)/Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)?Does the Company disclose details of the parent/holding Company, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and Special Purpose Enterprises(SPEs)/Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)?

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan memberikan informasi terkait anak Perusahaan.The Company’s annual report contains information about subsidiaries.

D.2 Kualitas laporan tahunanQuality of Annual Report Apakah Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapkan item berikut:Does the Company's Annual Report disclose the following items:

D.2.1 Tujuan PerusahaanCorporate objectives

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan tujuan Perusahaan.The Company’s annual report reveals the corporate objectives.

D.2.2 Indikator kinerja keuanganFinancial performance indicators

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan Indikator kinerja keuangan.The Company’s annual report reveals the financial performance indicators.

D.2.3 Indikator kinerja non-keuanganNon-financial performance indicators

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan Indikator kinerja non-keuangan.The Company’s annual report reveals non-financial performance indicators.

D.2.4 Kebijakan dividenDividend policy

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan Kebijakan dividen. The Companya’s annual report contains dividend policy.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

322 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Transparansi dan Pengungkapan Disclosure and Transparency

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian DPart D

Transparansi Dan PengungkapanDisclosure and Transparency


D.2.5 Rincian biografi (setidaknya usia, kualifikasi, tanggal pengangkatan pertama, pengalaman yang relevan, dan jabatan Direktur/Dewan Komisaris pada listed Company lain).Biographical details (at least age, qualifications, date of first appointment, relevant experience, and any other directorships of listed companies) of all Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners..

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan biografi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.The Company’s annual report discloses biographies of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners

D.2.6 Rincian kehadiran masing-masing Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dari pertemuan yang diadakan.Attendance details of each Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners in respect of the meetings held.

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan Rincian kehadiran masing-masing Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dari pertemuan yang diadakan.The Company’s annual report discloses Details of attendance of each member of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners from meetings held.

D.2.7 Total remunerasi dari masing-masing anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris.Total remuneration of each member of the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners.

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapan Total remunerasi dari masing-masing anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris.The Company’s annual report discloses total remuneration of each member of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners .

Pernyataan Konfirmasi Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance Confirmation Statement

Laporan Tahunan memuat Pernyataan Konfirmasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan.The Annual report contains Confirmation Statement of the Corporate Governance.

D.2.8 Apakah Laporan Tahunan memuat pernyataan yang menyatakan kepatuhan Perusahaan sejalan dengan GCG Code dan adanya ketidakpatuhan, mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan alasan untuk setiap masalah tersebut?Does the annual report contain a statement confirming the Company's full compliance with the code of corporate governance and where there is non-compliance, identify and explain reasons for each such issue?

Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepatuhan terhadap GCG Code.The Company’s annual report discloses GCG Code compliance.

D.3 Pengungkapan atas Transaksi Pihak BerelasiDisclosure of Related Party Transactions (RPT)

D.3.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan yang meliputi peninjauan dan persetujuan atas transaksi pihak berelasi yang material/signifikan?Does the Company disclose its policy covering the review and approval of material/significant RPTs?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan yang meliputi peninjauan dan persetujuan atas transaksi pihak berelasi yang material/signifikan dalam Laporan Tahunan.The Company discloses policy that includes review and approval for the material transactions of related parties.

D.3.2 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan nama pihak terkait serta hubungan, sifat dan nilai untuk setiap transaksi pihak berelasi yang material/signifikan?Does the Company disclose the name of the related party and relationship, nature and value for each material/significant RPT?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan nama pihak terkait serta hubungan, sifat dan nilai untuk setiap transaksi pihak berelasi yang material/signifikan dalam Laporan Tahunan.The Company discloses names of related parties and relations, characteristics and values for each material transactions of related parties.

D.4 Hubungan Direktur dan Dewan Komisaris dalam Saham PerusahaanDirectors and Commissioners Dealings in Shares of the Company

D.4.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan perdagangan saham Perusahaan oleh orang dalam?Does the Company disclose trading in the Company's shares by insiders?

Perusahaan tidak memiliki program kepemilikan saham oleh karyawan atau manajemen.The Company does not have management or employee share ownership program.

D.5 Auditor Eksternal dan Laporan AuditorExternal Auditor and Auditor ReportDimana Perusahaan audit yang sama bergerak untuk layanan baik audit dan non-auditWhere the same audit firm is engaged for both audit and non-audit services

D.5.1 Apakah biaya audit dan non-audit diungkapkan?Are the audit and non-audit fees disclosed?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan biaya audit dan auditor tidak memberikan jasa lain selain audit tersebut.The Company does not disclose the audit fees and auditors do not provide other services than the audit services.

D.5.2 Apakah biaya non-audit melebihi biaya audit?Does the non-audit fee exceed the audit fees?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan biaya audit dan auditor tidak memberikan jasa lain selain audit tersebut.The Company does not disclose the audit fees and auditors do not provide other services than the audit services.

D.6 Media KomunikasiMedium of Communications Apakah Perusahaan menggunakan bentuk komunikasi berikut?Does the Company use the following modes of communication?

D.6.1 Pelaporan kuartalanQuarterly reporting

Perusahaan menerbitkan Laporan Manajemen setiap triwulan.The Company does not issue Management Report on Quarterly basis.

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Transparansi dan Pengungkapan Disclosure and Transparency

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

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Transparansi Dan PengungkapanDisclosure and Transparency


D.6.2 Website PerusahaanCompany website

Perusahaan memiliki website pada https// Company has developed a website, https//

D.6.3 Briefing AnalisAnalyst's briefing

Perusahaan bukan Perusahaan terbuka sehingga belum menyediakan briefing analis.Since the Company is not a publicly listed Company, there is no analyst briefing.

D.6.4 Penjelasan media/konferensi persMedia briefings/press conferences

Perusahaan telah menggunakan bentuk media komunikasi berita dalam website Perusahaan.The Company has communicated its news on the corporate website.

D.7 Pengajuan Tepat Waktu/Penerbitan Laporan Tahunan/KeuanganTimely Filing/Release of Annual/Financial Reports

D.7.1 Apakah laporan keuangan tahunan yang telah diaudit diterbitkan dalam waktu 120 hari dari akhir tahun buku?Are the audited annual financial report/statement released within 120 days from the financial year end?

Perusahaan mengeluarkan laporan tahunan 2019 pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020.The Company issued the 2019 annual report on July 13th, 2020.

D.7.2 Apakah laporan tahunan diterbitkan dalam waktu 120 hari dari akhir tahun buku?Is the annual report released within 120 days from the financial year end?

Perusahaan mengeluarkan laporan tahunan 2019 pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020.The Company issued the 2019 annual report on July 13th, 2020.

D.7.3 Apakah pernyataan kebenaran dan kewajaran dari Laporan Keuangan Tahunan telah ditegaskan oleh Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dan atau pihak yang relevan dalam Perusahaan?Is the true and fairness/fair representation of the annual financial statement/reports affirmed by the Board of Directors/Commissioners and/or the relevant officers of the Company?

Pernyataan kebenaran dan kewajaran dari Laporan Keuangan Tahunan telah ditegaskan oleh Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dan atau pihak yang relevan dalam Perusahaan.The statement of truth and fairness from the Annual Financial Report is determined by the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners and or relvant parties of the Company.

D.8 Website PerusahaanCompany Website Apakah Perusahaan memiliki website yang mengungkapkan informasi terkini dari item berikut:Does the Company have a website disclosing up-to-date information on the following:

Website Perusahaan memuat:The Company’s website discloses:

D.8.1 Laporan keuangan (terkini dan sebelumnya)Financial statements/reports (current and prior years)

Website Perusahaan memuat Laporan keuangan (terkini dan sebelumnya)The Corporate website discloses financial statements (current and previous periods).

D.8.2 Tersedia materi briefing untuk analis dan mediaMaterials provided in briefings to analysts and media

Website Perusahaan memuat materi untuk media.The Corporate website discloses materials for media.

D.8.3 Laporan Tahunan dapat diunduhDownloadable Annual Reports

Website Perusahaan memuat Laporan Tahunan yang dapat diunduh.The Corporate website discloses downloadable Annual Report.

D.8.4 Pemberitahuan RUPS dan/atau RUPSLBNotice of GMS and/or EGM

Website Perusahaan belum memuat Pemberitahuan RUPS dan/atau RUPSLB.The Corporate website does not yet disclose GMS and/or EGMS Announcement.

D.8.5 Ringkasan RUPS dan/atau RUPSLBMinutes of GMS and/or EGM.

Website Perusahaan belum memuat Ringkasan RUPS dan/atau RUPSLB.The Corporate website does not yet disclose Summary of GMS and/or EGMS.

D.8.6 Anggaran Dasar PerusahaanCompany's constitution (Company's by-laws, memorandum and articles of association)

Website Perusahaan belum memuat Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.The Corporate website does not yet disclose the Company’s Article of Association.

D.9 Hubungan InvestorInvestor Relations

D.9.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan rincian kontak (misalnya telepon, fax, dan email) dari petugas yang bertanggung jawab dalam hubungan investor?Does the Company disclose the contact details (e.g., telephone, fax, and email) of the officer responsible for investor relations?

Perusahaan telah mengungkapkan informasi terkait rincian kontak (misalnya telepon, fax, dan email) pada Website Perusahaan.The Company has disclosed information about contact details (such as phone, facs and email) on the Corporate Website.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

324 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

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Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


E.1 Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab DewanBoard Duties and ResponsibilitiesKejelasan tanggung Jawab Dewan dan kebijakan Tata Kelola PerusahaanClearly defined board responsibilities and corporate governance policies

E.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan Tata Kelola Perusahaan/piagam Dewan?Does the Company disclose its corporate governance policy/board charter?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan tata kelola Perusahaan di website.The Company discloses its corporate governance policies on its website.

E.1.2 Apakah jenis keputusan yang memerlukan persetujuan direksi/Dewan komisaris diungkapkan? Are the types of decisions requiring board of directors/commissioners approval disclosed?

Kebijakan diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar dan pedoman tata kelola.Policies are set out in the Articles of Association and governance guideline.

E.1.3 Apakah peran dan tanggung jawab Direksi/Dewan Komisaris diungkapkan dengan jelas?Are the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors/commissioners clearly stated?

Kebijakan diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar dan pedoman tata kelola.Policies are set out in the Articles of Association and governance guideline.

E.1.4 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki visi dan misi terkini?Does the Company have an updated vision and mission statement?

Perusahaan Mempunyai visi misi yang tercantum pada Kebijakan Pedoman GGC Code No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 Hal 5.The Company has missions and vision listed in the GGC Code Policy No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19.

E.1.5 Apakah direksi memainkan peran utama dalam proses mengembangkan dan meninjau ulang strategi Perusahaan setidaknya setiap tahun?Does the board of directors play a leading role in the process of developing and reviewing the Company’s strategy at least annually?

Proses mengembangkan dan meninjau ulang strategi Perusahaan dihahas ddalam BPR maupun dalam Rakomdir setiap bulan.The process of developing and reviewing the Company’s strategies is done at BPR and in coordination meetings of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners every month.

E.1.6 Apakah direksi memiliki proses untuk meninjau, memantau, dan mengawasi pelaksanaan strategi Perusahaan?Does the board of directors have a process to review, monitor and oversee the implementation of the corporate strategy?

Perusahaan melakukan monitoring berkala atas pelaksanaan Rencana Kerja Manajemen, dan dilakukan rapat koordinasi secara rutin setiao bulan.The Company conducts periodic monitoring of the implementation of the Management Work Plan, and regular coordination meetings are conducted during the month.

E.2 Struktur DewanBoard StructurePedoman Etika atau PerilakuCode of Ethics or Conduct

E.2.1 Apakah rincian pedoman etika atau perilaku diungkapkan?Are the details of the code of ethics or conduct disclosed?

Kebijakan diungkapkan dalam website Perusahaan.The policy is disclosed on the Company’s website.

E.2.2 Apakah semua direktur/komisaris, manajemen senior dan karyawan diwajibkan untuk mematuhi pedoman etika atau perilaku?Are all directors/commissioners, senior management and employees required to comply with the codes?

Selruh organ Perusahaan menandatangani janji kode etik bisnis setiap tahun.The entire Company’s organ sign a code of business ethics every year.

E.2.3 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki proses untuk menerapkan dan memantau kepatuhan terhadap pedoman etik atau perilaku?Does the Company have a process to implement and monitor compliance with the codes of ethics or conduct?

Perusahaan setiap tahun menyelenggarakan survey pemahaman GCG dimana salah satu aktifitasnya ada membaca dan memahami kembali kode etik Perusahaan.The Company annually conducts a GCG understanding survey where one of its activities is reading and re-understanding the Company’s code of ethics.

Struktur dan Komposisi DewanBoard Structure & Composition

E.2.4 Apakah komposisi direktur/komisaris independen memenuhi setidaknya 50% dari total direksi/Dewan komisaris?Do independent directors/commissioners make up at least 50% of the board of directors/commissioners?

Perusahaan belum memiliki Direksi independen dan hanya 1 Komisaris Independen.The Company does not yet have an independent Board of Directors and only 1 Independent Commissioner.

E.2.5 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki batasan jangka waktu sembilan tahun atau kurang atau 2 periode dalam jangka waktu lima tahun masing-masing untuk para direktur/komisaris independen?Does the Company have a term limit of nine years or less or 2 terms of five years1 each for its independent directors/commissioners?

Batasan masa jabatan diatur di kebijakan Pedoman Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 hal 198 dan Akta Pendirian PT IPC Terminal Petikemas hal 198.Term of office is regulated on page 198 of Board Manual Policy No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 and page 198 of the Deed of Establishment of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

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Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

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Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


E.2.6 Apakah Perusahaan menetapkan batasan lima jabatan di Perusahaan terbuka secara bersamaan bagi masing-masing Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?Has the Company set a limit of five board seats that an individual independent/non-executive Directors/Commissioners may hold simultaneously?

Batasan lima jabatan di Perusahaan terbuka secara bersamaan bagi masing-masing anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris Pedoman GGC Code No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 halaman 197.Limitation on five positions in the Company is open for each member of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners as regulated in page 197 of the GGC Code No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19.

E.2.7 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki Direktur Eksekutif yang menjabat lebih dari dua Perusahaan yang terdaftar di luar grup Perusahaan?Does the Company have no any Executive Directors who serve on more than two boards of listed companies outside of the group?

1. Perusahaan tidak memiliki Direksi yang menjabat di lebih dari 2 (dua) jabatan pada Perusahaan terbuka di luar Grup Perusahaan.

2. Pedoman Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 halaman 198 Perihal Rangkap Jabatan.

1. The Company’s Board of Directors are not serving in more than 2 (two) positions in public companies outside the Group of the Company.

2. As regulated on page 198 of Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 Regarding Concurrent Position.

Komite NominasiNominating Committee

E.2.8 Apakah Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Nominasi?Does the Company have a Nominating Committee?

Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi di bawah Dewan Komisaris.The Company has a Nomination and Remuneration Committee under the Board of Commissioners.

E.2.9 Apakah Komite Nominasi sebagian besar terdiri dari Direktur/Komisaris Independen?Is the Nominating Committee comprised of a majority of Independent Directors/Commissioners?

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi tidak dipimpin oleh Komisaris Independen dengan anggota 1 orang komite.Nomination and Remuneration Committee is not headed by an Independent Commissioner with 1 committee member.

E.2.10 Apakah ketua Komite Nominasi berasal dari Direktur/Komisaris Independen?Is the chairman of the Nominating Committee an Independent Directors/Commissioners?

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi tidak dipimpin oleh Komisaris Independen.Nomination and Remuneration Committee is not headed by Independent Commissioner.

E.2.11 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kerangka acuan/struktur tata kelola/piagam Komite Nominasi?Does the Company disclose the terms of reference/governance structure/charter of the Nominating Committee?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kerangka acuan/struktur tata kelola/piagam Komite Nominasi dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.The Company discloses the reference framework/structure of governance/charter of the nomination committee in the Company’s annual report.

E.2.12 Apakah tingkat kehadiran Komite Nominasi dalam rapat diungkapkan, dan jika iya apakah Komite Nominasi rapat sekurang-kurangnya dua kali dalam satu tahun?Is the meeting attendance of the Nominating Committee disclosed and if so, did the Nominating Committee meet at least twice during the year?

Laporan Tahunan mengungkapkan ingkat kehadiran Komite Nominasi dalam rapat dan Komite Nominasi rapat sekurang-kurangnya dua kali dalam satu tahun.Annual Report reveals the increase in the presence of the Nomination Committee in meetings and the Nomination Committee meets at least twice in a year.

Komite Remunerasi/Komite KompensasiRemuneration Committee/Compensation Committee

E.2.13 Apakah Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Remunerasi?Does the Company have a Remuneration Committee?

Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi di bawah Dewan Komisaris.The Company has established a Nomination and Remuneration Committee under Board of Commissioners.

E.2.14 Apakah Komite Remunerasi sebagian besar terdiri dari direktur/komisaris independen?Is the Remuneration Committee comprised of a majority of independent directors/commissioners?

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi tidak dipimpin oleh Komisaris Independen dengan anggota 1 orang komite.Nomination and Remuneration Committee is not headed by an Independent Commissioner with 1 committee member.

E.2.15 Apakah ketua Komite Remunerasi berasal dari direktur/komisaris Independen?Is the chairman of the Remuneration Committee an independent director/commissioner?

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi tidak dipimpin oleh Komisaris Independen.Nomination and Remuneration Committee is not headed by Independent Commissioner.

E.2.16 Apakah Komite Remunerasi mengungkapkan kerangka acuan/struktur tata kelola/piagam Komite Remunerasi?Does the Company disclose the terms of reference/governance structure/charter of the Remuneration Commite?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kerangka acuan/struktur tata kelola/piagam Komite Nominasi dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.The Company discloses the reference framework/structure of governance/charter of the nomination committee in the Company’s annual report.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

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Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


E.2.17 Apakah Komite Remunerasi mengungkapkan tingkat kehadiran dalam rapat yang diadakan sekurang-kurangnya 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun?Is the meeting attendance of the Remuneration Committee disclosed and, if so, did the Remuneration Committee meet at least twice during the year?

Laporan Tahunan mengungkapkan ingkat kehadiran Komite Nominasi dalam rapat dan Komite Nominasi rapat sekurang-kurangnya dua kali dalam satu tahun.Annual Report reveals the increase in the presence of the Nomination Committee in meetings and the Nomination.

Komite AuditAudit Committee

E.2.18 Apakah Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Audit?Does the Company have an Audit Committee?

Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Audit dan GCG.The Company Has established Audit and GCG Committee.

E.2.19 Apakah Komite Audit seluruhnya terdiri dari Direktur Non-Eksekutif/Komisaris dengan sebagian besar merupakan Direktur/Komisaris Independen?Is the Audit Committee comprised entirely of Non-Executive Directors/Commissioners with a majority of Independent Directors/Commissioners?

Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Audit dan GCG yang diketuai oleh Komisaris Independen, dengan anggota 1 orang Komite Dewan Komisaris.The Company has established Audit and GCG Committee chaired by Independent Commissioner with 1 member from Board of Commissioners.

E.2.20 Apakah ketua Komite Audit berasal dari Direktur/Komisaris Independen?Is the chairman of the Audit Committee an Independent Director/Commissioner?

Perusahaan Mempunyai Komite Audit dan GCG yang diketuai oleh Komisaris Independen, dengan anggota 1 orang Komite Dewan Komisaris.The Company has established Audit and GCG Committee chaired by Independent Commissioner with 1 member from Board of Commission.

E.2.21 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kerangka acuan/struktur tata kelola/piagam Komite Audit?Does the Company disclose the terms of reference/governance structure/charter of the Audit Committee?

Piagam Komite PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dituangkan dalam Keputusan Dewan Komisaris PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No.RK.1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK.20 Tentang Penetapan Piagam (Charter) Komite Audit & GCG, Komite Manajemen Risiko serta Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tanggal 13 Januari 2020.Charter of Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas is contained in the Decision Letter of Board of Commissioiners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No.RK.1/13/I/DK/IPCTPK.20 concerning the Determination of Charter of Audit & GCG Committee, Risk Management Committee and Nomination & Remuneration Committee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dated 13 January 2020.

E.2.22 Apakah salah satu Direktur/Komisaris Independen pada komite setidaknya memiliki keahlian akuntansi (kualifikasi atau pengalaman akuntansi)?Does at least one of the Independent Directors/Commissioners of the committee have accounting expertise (accounting qualification or experience)?

1. CV Sdr. Asmai Ishak2. CV Sdr. Agus Witjaksono CFrA1. Biodata of Asmai Ishak2. Biodata of Agus Witjaksono CFrA

E.2.23 Apakah tingkat kehadiran anggota pada rapat Komite Audit diungkapkan dan, jika demikian, apakah Komite Audit mengadakan rapat sekurang-kurangnya empat kali dalam satu tahun?Is the meeting attendance of the Audit Committee disclosed and, if so, did the Audit Committee meet at least four times during the year?

Laporan Tahunan mengungkapkan tingkat kehadiran Komite Audit & GCG dalam rapat dan rapat sekurang- kurangnya dua kali dalam satu tahun.Annual Report discloses the attendance rate of Audit & GCG Committee at the meetings and the meetings are held twice in a year.

E.2.24 Apakah Komite Audit memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk memberikan rekomendasi mengenai penunjukan dan penggantian auditor eksternal?Does the Audit Committee have primary responsibility for recommendation on the appointment and removal of the external auditor?

Ya, dalam Notulen Rapat Komite 1. Pada Tanggal 04 Februari 2020 Pembahsan tetang

Monitoring atas pengelolaan manajemen risiko2. Pada Tanggal 7-9 Desember 2020 Pembuatan

Program kerja pengawasan Tahun 2021, pembahasan Audit per Auditable area

Yes, in Minutes Meeting of Committee1. On February 4th, 2020, the discussion about

Monitoring of risk management 2. On December 7-9, 2020, the making of supervisory

work program of year 2021, the audit discussion of each auditable area

E.3 Proses DewanBoard ProcessesRapat dan tingkat kehadiran DewanBoard meetings and attendance

E.3.1 Apakah rapat Direksi dijadwalkan sebelum tahun anggaran dimulai?Are the Board of Directors meetings scheduled before the start of financial year?

Rapat Direksi dijadwalkan sebelum tahun anggaran dimulai, minimal satu kali dalam satu bulan.Meeting of Board of Directors is scheduled before the start of the fiscal year, at least once in a month.

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Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

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Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


E.3.2 Apakah Direksi/Dewan komisaris mengadakan rapat sekurang-kurangnya enam kali dalam satu tahun?Does the Board of Directors/Commissioners meet at least six times per year?

Direksi/Dewan Komisaris mengadakan rapat sekurang-kurangnya satu kali dalam satu bulan.Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners meets at least once in a month.

E.3.3 Apakah masing-masing direktur/komisaris menghadiri setidaknya 75% dari total rapat Direksi/Dewan komisaris yang diadakan dalam setahun?Has each of the Board of Directors/Commissioners attended at least 75% of all the board meetings held during the year?

Masing-masing direktur/komisaris menghadiri setidaknya 75% dari total rapat Direksi/Dewan komisaris yang diadakan dalam setahun.Each member of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners attends at least 75% of total meetings of Board of Directors.

E.3.4 Apakah Perusahaan menetapkan minimal kuorum 2/3 dalam menentukan keputusan Dewan?Does the Company require a minimum quorum of at least 2/3 for board decisions?

Pedoman Board Manual No. HK.55 HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 halaman 194.Page 194 of the Guideline of Board Manual No. HK.55 HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19.

E.3.5 Apakah Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan mengadakan rapat secara terpisah setidaknya sekali selama setahun tanpa dihadiri pihak eksekutif?Did the Non-Executive Directors/Commissioners of the Company meet separately at least once during the year without any executives present?

Rekapitulasi Daftar Hadir Rapat Komisaris dan Direksi tahun 2020.Recapitulaton of List of Attendance at Meetings of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2020.

Akses informasiAccess to information

E.3.6 Apakah surat undangan rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris diberikan kepada Direksi/Dewan Komisaris paling lambat lima hari kerja sebelum rapat diadakan?Are board papers for Board of Directors/Commissioners meetings provided to the board at least five business days in advance of the board meeting?

Undangan rapat diberikan setidaknya 3 (tiga) hari kerja sebelum pelaksanaan rapat, sebagaimana ketentuan dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Pedoman Board Manual.Meeting invitation is distributed 3 (three) working days ahead of the meetings as regulated in the Articles of Association and Guideline of Board Manual.

E.3.7 Apakah Sekretaris Perusahaan memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam mendukung Dewan menjalankan tanggung jawabnya?Does the Corporate Secretary play a significant role in supporting the board in discharging its responsibilities?

Sekretaris Perusahaan telah memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam mendukung Dewan menjalankan tanggung jawabnya mengacu pada SK Tata Kelola Organisasi dan Pedoman Board Manual.Corporate Secretary has signficant rols in supporting the Board in fulfilling responsibilities as guide by the Decree of Organizational Govenance and Guideline of Baord of Manual.

E.3.8 Apakah Sekretaris Perusahaan diberikan pelatihan mengenai hukum (legal), akuntansi atau pelaksanaan kesekretariatan Perusahaan dan terus mengikuti perkembangan pengetahuan yang relevan?Is the Corporate Secretary trained in legal, accountancy or Company secretarial practices and has kept abreast on relevant developments?

Sekretaris Perusahaan belum diberikan pelatihan mengenai hukum (legal), akuntansi atau pelaksanaan kesekretariatan Perusahaan.Corporate Secretary has not been given training about legal, accounting or implementation of corporate secretariat.

Penunjukkan Dewan dan Pemilihan KembaliBoard Appointments and Re-election

E.3.9 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kriteria yang digunakan dalam memilih Direktur/Komisaris baru?Does the Company disclose the criteria used in selecting new Directors/Commissioners?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kriteria yang digunakan dalam memilih Direktur/Komisaris baru sebagaimana tercantum dalam:1. Pedoman Board Manual No.HK.55/20/10/1IPCTPK-19

halaman 1942. ADRT halaman 197The Company discloses criteria for selection of new Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners1. Guideline of Board Manual on page 194 of

No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-192. Page 197 of the Articles of Association

E.3.10 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan alur proses penunjukan Direktur/Komisaris baru?Did the Company describe the process followed in appointing new Directors/Commissioners?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan alur proses penunjukan direktur/komisaris baru sebagaimana terungkap dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.The Company discloses the flow of nomination process of new Directors/Commissioners as contained in the Company’s Annual Report.

E.3.11 Apakah semua Direktur/Komisaris dipilih kembali setiap 3 tahun; atau5 tahun untuk Perusahaan terdaftar di negara yang memiliki undang-undang yang mengatur masa jabatan masing-masing 5 tahun?2 Masa jabatan lima tahun harus diwajibkan oleh undang-undang yang sudah ada sebelum diperkenalkannya ASEAN CG Scorecard pada tahun 2011Are all Directors/Commissioners subject to re-election every 3 years; or 5 years for listed companies in countries whose legislation prescribes a term of 5 years2 each?2 The five years term must be required by legislation which pre-existed the introduction of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard in 2011

Aturan mengenai masa jabatan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris tercantum dalam Pedoman Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 halaman 194.Regulation about the Term of Office of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioenrs as contained on page 194 of the Guideline of Board Manual of No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

328 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian EPart E

Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


Masalah RemunerasiRemuneration Matters

E.3.12 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan/praktik remunerasinya untuk Direktur Eksekutif dan CEO (yaitu, penggunaan insentif jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dan ukuran kinerja meliputi biaya, tunjangan, jenis manfaat dan honorarium lainnya)?Does the Company disclose its remuneration (fees, allowances, benefit-in-kind and other emoluments) policy/practices (i.e., the use of short term and long term incentives and performance measures) for its Executive Directors and CEO?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan/praktik remunerasinya untuk direktur eksekutif dan CEO (yaitu, penggunaan insentif jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dan ukuran kinerja meliputi biaya, tunjangan, jenis manfaat dan honorarium lainnya) dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.The Company discloses the remuneration policy/practices for Executive Director and CEO (namely the use of short-and-long-term incentives and indicators of performance consisting of costs, allowances, types of benefits, and other honorarium).

E.3.13 Apakah terdapat pengungkapan struktur remunerasi untuk Dewan Komisaris?Is there disclosure of the fee structure for the Board of Commissioners?

Struktur remunerasi untuk Dewan Komisaris diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan dan Board Manual Perusahaan.Remuneration structure for Board of Commissioners is disclosed in the Company’s Annual Report and Board Manual.

E.3.14 Apakah para Pemegang Saham atau Direksi menyetujui remunerasi bagi Direktur Eksekutif dan/atau Senior Eksekutif?Do the Shareholders or the Board of Directors approve the remuneration for Executive Directors and/or the Senior Executives?

Pembahasan tantiem/instetif bagi Direksi dilakukan oleh PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II sebagai Holding. Pembahasan tantiem Direksi tahun 2019 dilakukan pada RUPS Tahunan tahun 2019.The discussion of tantiem/incentives for Board of Directors by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II as Holding. The tantiem of Board of Directors in 2019 was discussed at the 2019 GMS.

E.3.15 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki standar yang terukur untuk menyelaraskan pengupahan berbasis kinerja dari direktur eksekutif dan eksekutif senior dengan kepentingan jangka panjang Perusahaan, seperti pencadangan kembali dan bonus yang ditangguhkan?Does the Company have measurable standards to align the performance base remuneration of the executive directors and senior executive with long-term interests of the Company, such as claw back provision and deferred bonuses?

Perusahaan memiliki standar yang terukur untuk menyelaraskan pengupahan berbasis kinerja dari direktur eksekutif dan eksekutif senior dengan kepentingan jangka panjang Perusahaan, seperti pencadangan kembali dan bonus yang ditangguhkan dimana tercantum dalam SK tentang P2B IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 566/1/1/1/IPCTPK 16 Tanggal 1 Januari 2016.The Company has standards to align the performance-based remuneration from executive director and senior executives with long-term interest of the Company, such as provision of deferred reserves and bonus as contained in the Decree concerning P2B IPC Terminal Petikemas No. 566/1/1/1/IPCTPK 16 dated 1 January 2016.

Audit Internal Internal Audit

E.3.16 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki fungsi auditor internal yang terpisah?Does the Company have a separate internal audit function?

Perusahaan memiliki fungsi auditor internal yang terpisah.The Company has separated internal auditor function.

E.3.17 Apakah kepala auditor internal diidentifikasi atau jika outsourcing, nama Perusahaan eksternal diungkapkan?Is the head of internal audit identified or, if outsourced, is the name of the external firm disclosed?

Kepala Audit Internal diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.Head of Internal Audit is disclosed in Company’s Annual Report.

E.3.18 Apakah pengangkatan dan pemberhentian auditor internal memerlukan persetujuan dari Komite Audit?Does the appointment and removal of the internal auditor require the approval of the Audit Committee?

Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian auditor internal memerlukan persetujuan dari Dewan Komisaris.The appointment and dismissal of internal auditors require approval from Board of Commissioners.

Pemantauan RisikoRisk Oversight

E.3.19 Apakah Perusahaan menetapkan prosedur pengendalian internal yang baik/kerangka kerja manajemen risiko dan secara berkala meninjau keefektifan kerangka tersebut?Does the Company establish a sound internal control procedures/risk management framework and periodically review the effectiveness of that framework?

Perusahaan telah menetaplan SK Pedoman Manajemen Risiko No. UM.338/12/11/1/IPCTPK Tanggal 12 November 2020.The Company has determined the Decfee of Guideline of Risk Management No. UM.338/12/11/1/IPCTPK dated 12 November 2020.

329PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian EPart E

Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


E.3.20 Apakah laporan tahunan mengungkapkan bahwa Direksi/Komisaris telah melakukan reviu terhadap pengendalian Perusahaan (termasuk pengendalian operasional, keuangan dan kepatuhan) dan sistem manajemen risiko?Does the Annual Report disclose that the board of directors/commissioners has conducted a review of the Company's material controls (including operational, financial and compliance controls) and risk management systems?

Laporan Tahunan 2020 halaman 283.Page 283 of the 2020 Annual Report.

E.3.21 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan risiko utama yang dihadapi Perusahaan secara material (yaitu keuangan, operasional termasuk TI, lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi)?Does the Company disclose the key risks to which the Company is materially exposed to (i.e. financial, operational including IT, environmental, social, economic)?

Laporan Tahunan 2020 halaman 287.Page 287 of the 2020 Annual Report.

E.3.22 Apakah laporan tahunan memuat pernyataan dari Direksi/Dewan Komisaris atau Komite Audit terkait kecukupan pengendalian internal Perusahaan/sistem manajemen risiko?Does the Annual Report contain a statement from the Board of Directors/Commissioners or Audit Committee commenting on the adequacy of the Company's internal controls/risk management systems?

Laporan tahunan memuat pernyataan dari Direksi/Dewan Komisaris atau Komite Audit terkait kecukupan pengendalian internal Perusahaan/sistem manajemen risiko pada halaman Sambutan Dewan Komisaris.The annual report contains statements of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners or audit committee concerning the adequacy of the Company’s internal control.

E.4 Posisi DewanPeople on the BoardKomisaris UtamaBoard Chairman

E.4.1 Apakah yang menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama dan Direktur Utama adalah orang yang berbeda?Do different persons assume the roles of Chairman and CEO?

Komisaris Utama dan Direktur Utama adalah orang yang berbeda.President Commissioner and President Director are occupied by different persons.

E.4.2 Apakah komisaris utama adalah seorang Komisaris Independen?Is the chairman an independent Director/Commissioner?

Komisaris Utama bukan Komisaris Independen.President Commissioner is not Independent Commissioner.

E.4.3 Apakah terdapat direksi yang menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama Perusahaan dalam dua tahun terakhir?Is any the directors a former CEO of the Company in the past 2 years?

Tidak ada direksi yang menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama Perusahaan dalam dua tahun terakhir.None of Directors occupies position of President Director of the Company in the last two years.

E.4.4 Apakah tugas dan tanggung jawab komisaris utama diungkapkan?Are the role and responsibilities of the chairman disclosed?

SK pembagian tugas Dewan Komisaris No. RK1/21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 21 Juli 2020.The Decree of Separation of Duties of Board of Commissioners No. RK,.1/21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 dated 21 July 2020.

Direktur Independen SeniorLead Independent Director

E.4.5 Jika Komisaris Utama tidak independen, apakah Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris mengangkat seorang Direktur Independen Senior dan apakah perannya telah ditetapkan?If the Chairman is not independent, has the Board appointed a Lead/Senior Independent Director and has his/her role been defined?

Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris tidak mengangkat seorang Direktur Independen Senior.Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners do not appoint Senior Independent Director.

Keahlian dan KompetensiSkills and Competencies

E.4.6 Apakah terdapat setidaknya satu komisaris yang memiliki pengalaman kerja pada sebagian besar sektor dimana Perusahaan beroperasi?Does at least one non-executive director/commissioner have prior working experience in the major sector that the Company is operating in?

Salah satu komisaris yang memiliki pengalaman kerja pada sebagian besar sektor dimana Perusahaan beroperasi.One of Commissioners has workng experiences in sectors where the Company mostly operates.

E.5 Board PerformanceKinerja DewanPengembangan Anggota DireksiDirectors Development

E.5.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki program pengenalan bagi Direktur/Komisaris baru?Does the Company have orientation programmes for new Directors/Commissioners?

Perusahaan memiliki program pengenalan bagi direktur/komisaris baru, tercantum dalam Pedoman Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 halaman 194.The Company has introduction program for new Directors/Commissioners, as contained on page 194 of the Guideline of Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

330 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Dewan Responsibilities of the Board

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 1

Bagian EPart E

Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board


E.5.2 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mendorong Direksi/Dewan Komisaris untuk mengikuti program pendidikan profesional yang sedang berjalan atau yang berkelanjutan?Does the Company have a policy that encourages Board of Directors/Commissioners to attend on-going or continuous professional education programmes?

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mendorong Direksi/Dewan Komisaris untuk mengikuti program pendidikan profesional yang sedang berjalan atau yang berkelanjutan melalui Pedoman Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19 halaman 194.The Company has policy that encourages Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners, as contained on page 194 of the Guideline of Board Manual No. HK.55/20/10/1/IPCTPK-19.

Kinerja dan Kontrak Manajemen Eksekutif/CEOCEO/Executive Management Appointments and Performance

E.5.3 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan bagaimana Direksi/Dewan Komisaris menyusun rencana suksesi Direktur Utama dan manajemen utama?Does the Company disclose how the Board of Directors/Commissioners plans for the succession of the CEO/Managing Director/President and key management?

Perusahaan belum mengungkapkan bagaimana Direksi/Dewan Komisaris menyusun rencana suksesi Direktur Utama dan manajemen utama.The Company has not disclosed how the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners sets uo the succession plan for President Director and senior management.

E.5.4 Apakah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan Direktur Utama?Does the Board of Directors/Commissioners conduct an annual performance assessment of the CEO/Managing Director/President?

Direksi/Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan Direktur Utama.Board of Directors/Commissioners does not conduct annual assessment of the performance of the President Director.

Penilaian Dewan (secara kolegial)Board Appraisal

E.5.5 Apakah Perusahaan melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan Direksi/Dewan Komisaris serta mengungkapkan kriteria dan proses penilaian?Did the Company conduct an annual performance assessment of the board of directors/commissioners and disclose the criteria and process followed for the assessment?

Perusahaan melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan Direksi/Dewan Komisaris serta mengungkapkan kriteria dan proses penilaian sebagaimana tercantum dalam dokumen KPI Direksi dan pada Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.The Company conducts annual assessment of the performance of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners as well as discloses the criteria and asssessment process as contained in the KPIs of Board of Directors and in the Company’s Annual Report.

Penilaian Direktur/Komisaris (Individu)Director Appraisal

E.5.6 Apakah Perusahaan melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan masing-masing direktur/komisaris serta mengungkapkan kriteria dan proses penilaian?Did the Company conduct an annual performance assessment of individual director/commissioner and disclose the criteria and process followed for the assessment?

Perusahaan melakukan penilaian kinerja pribadi masing-masing Direksi/Dewan Komisaris serta mengungkapkan kriteria dan proses penilaian sebagaimana tercantum dalam dokumen KPI Direksi dan pada Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.The Company conducts assessment of the individual performance of Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners as well as discloses the criteria and asssessment process as contained in the KPIs of Board of Directors and in the Company’s Annual Report.

Penilaian KomiteCommittee Appraisal

E.5.7 Apakah Perusahaan melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan Komite di bawah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris serta mengungkapkan kriteria dan proses penilaian?Did the Company conduct an annual performance assessment of the board committees and disclose the criteria and process followed for the assessment?

Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan Komite di bawah Dewan komisaris serta mengungkapkan kriteria dan proses penilaian dalam Laporan Tahunan.Board of Commissioners assesses annual performance of committees under Board of Commissioners and discloses the criteria and process of assessment in the Annual Report.

Bonus Bonus

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 2

Bagian APart A

Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


(B)A.1 Hak untuk berpartisipasi secara efektif dan memberikan suara dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dan harus diberitahu terkait aturan, termasuk prosedur pemungutan suara, yang mengatur Rapat Umum Pemegang SahamRight to participate effectively in and vote in general Shareholders meeting and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern general Shareholders meeting

331PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Bonus Bonus

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 2

Bagian APart A

Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


(B) A.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan mengijinkan penggunaan pemungutan suara elektronik bagi yang tidak hadir dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)?Does the Company allow the use of secure electronic voting in absentia at the general meetings of Shareholders?

Perusahaan mengijinkan penggunaan pemungutan suara elektronik bagi yang tidak hadir dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), pelaksanaan RUPS dapat dilakukan secara online melalui teleconference.The Company allows the use of electronic voting for those who are not present at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the implementation of the GMS can be conducted online via teleconference.

Bagian BPart B

Perlakuan Sama Terhadap Pemegang SahamEquitable Treatment of Shareholders

(B)B.1 Panggilan RUPSNotice of GMS

(B) B.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan menerbitkan panggilan RUPS (dengan rincian agenda dan surat edaran yang jelas) yang diumumkan pada otoritas bursa, paling lambat 28 hari sebelum tanggal rapat?Does the Company release its notice of GMS (with detailed agendas and explanatory circulars), as announced to the Exchange, at least 28 days before the date of the meeting?

Perusahaan belum mencatatkan saham di Bursa Efek.The Company has not listed shares on the Stock Exchange.

Bagian CPart C

Peran Pemangku KepentinganRoles of Stakeholders

(B)C.1 Hak Pemangku Kepentingan yang ditetapkan oleh hukum atau melalui kesepakatan bersama yang harus dihormatiThe rights of stakeholders that are established by law or through mutual agreements are to be respected

(B)C.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan menerapkan kerangka pelaporan yang diakui secara internasional untuk laporan keberlanjutan (yaitu GRI, Integrated Reporting, SASB)?Does the Company adopt an internationally recognized reporting framework for sustainability (i.e GRI, Integrated Reporting, SASB)?

Perusahaan belum menerbitkan Laporan Keberlanjutan.The Company has not published a Sustainability Report.

Bagian DPart D

Transparansi dan PengungkapanDisclosure and Transparency

(B)D.1 Kualitas Laporan TahunanQuality of Annual Report

(B)D.1.1 Apakah laporan keuangan tahunan audited dirilis dalam waktu 60 hari dari akhir tahun keuangan?Are the audited annual financial report/statement released within 60 days after the financial year ends?

Surat Pernyataan tentang Tanggung Jawab atas Laporan Keuangan Tahun Buku 2019 ditandatangani oleh Direktur Utama IPC TPK tanggal 30 April 2020.Statement on Accountability for Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2019 was signed by President Director of IPC TPK on April 30th, 2020.

(B)D.1.2 Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan rincian remunerasi CEO?Does the Company disclose details of remuneration of the CEO?

Laporan Tahunan 2020 Hal 226.Page 226 of the 2020 Annual Report.

Bagian EPart E

Pertanggungjawaban DewanResponsibilities of The Board

(B)E.1 Kompetensi dan Keberagaman DewanBoard Competencies and Diversity

(B)E.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki setidaknya satu orang Direksi/Komisaris Independen yang perempuan?Does the Company have at least one female Independent Director/Commissioner?

Tidak Ada.None.

(B)E.1.2 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan dan mengungkapkan indikator tujuan atas implementasi keberagaman Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris termasuk laporan perkembangan atas pencapaian tujuan tersebut?Does the Company have a policy and disclose measureable objectives for implementing its Board diversity and report on progress in achieving its objectives?

Perusahaan mengungkapkan keberagaman komposisi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris namun belum memiliki kebijakan dan menetapkan indikator tujuan atas hal tersebut.The Company discloses the diversity of the composition of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners but does not yet have a policy and sets indicators of goals for it.

E.2 Struktur DewanBoard Structure

(B)E.2.1 Apakah Komite Nominasi sebagian besar berasal dari Direksi/Komisaris Independen?Is the Nominating Committee comprise mostly of Independent Directors/Commissioners?

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi diketuai oleh Komisaris Independen.Nomination and Remuneration Committee is chaired by Independent Commissioner.

(B)E.2.2 Apakah Komite Nominasi melakukan proses identifikasi kandidat Direktur sejalan dengan arahan strategi Perusahaan?Does the Nominating Committee undertake the process of identifying the quality of directors aligned with the Company' strategic directions?

Komite Nominasi tidak melakukan proses identifikasi kandidat Direktur sejalan dengan arahan strategi Perusahaan.In accordance with Corporate strategies, Nomination Committee does not conduct identitication of Director candidates.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

332 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Bonus Bonus

Level/No Item Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance StandardLevel 2

Bagian APart A

Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


(B)E.3 Pengangkatan dan Pemilihan Kembali DewanBoard Appointments and Re-Election

(B)E.3.1 Apakah Perusahaan menggunakan jasa profesional dalam mencari kandidat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris (berdasarkan database Direksi maupun dari usulan Pemegang Saham)?Does the Company use professional search firms or other external sources of candidates (such as director databases set up by director or Shareholder bodies) when searching for candidates to the Board of Directors/Commissioners?

Kandidat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris ditentukan oleh Pemegang Saham.Candidates for the Board of Directors /Board of Commissioners are determined by Shareholders.

E.4 Struktur dan Komposisi DewanBoard Structure & Composition

(B)E.4.1 Apakah komposisi Komisaris Independen lebih dari 50% dari jumlah keseluruhan anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?Do independent non-executive directors/commissioners make up more than 50% of the Board of Directors/Commissioners for a Company with independent chairman?

Komisaris independen hanya satu dari tiga orang anggota Dewan Komisaris.Independent commissioneris only one of three members of the Board of Commissioners.

(B)E.5 Pemantauan RisikoRisk Oversight

(B)E.5.1 Apakah Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris menjelaskan proses tata kelola di seputar masalah TI termasuk gangguan, keamanan siber, pemulihan bencana, untuk memastikan bahwa semua risiko telah diidentifikasi, dikelola, dan dilaporkan kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris?Does the board describe its governance process around IT issues including disruption, cyber security, disaster recovery, to ensure that all risks are identified, managed and reported to the board?

Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris menjelaskan proses tata kelola di seputar masalah TI termasuk gangguan, keamanan siber, pemulihan bencana, untuk memastikan bahwa semua risiko telah diidentifikasi, dikelola, dan dilaporkan kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.The Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners explain the governance processes around IT issues including disruption, cybersecurity, disaster recovery, to ensure that all risks have been identified, managed, and reported to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

(B)E.6 Kinerja DewanBoard Performance

(B)E.6.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki Komite Risiko secara terpisah?Does the Company have a separate board level Risk Commiittee?

Perusahaan mempunyai Komite Manajemen Risiko No. RK.4.21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 tanggal 21 Juli 2020.The Company has a Risk Management Committee No. RK.4.21/VII/DK/IPCTPK-20 dated 21 July 2020.

Penalti Penalty

Level/No Item

Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance Standard

Level 2


Bagian APart A

Hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders


(P)A.1.1 Apakah Perusahaan gagal atau lalai untuk menawarkan secara adil terkait pembelian kembali saham kepada para Pemegang Saham?Did the Company fail or neglect to offer equal treatment for share repurchases to all Shareholders?

Perusahaan tidak melakukan aksi korporasi pembelian kembali (buy back) saham sehingga tidak terdapat informasi mengenai penawaran yang adil kepada para Pemegang Saham.The Company does not conduct share buyback, thus such information abnout fair offering to Shareholders is not available.

A.2 Pemegang Saham, termasuk Pemegang Saham institusional, harus diizinkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan satu sama lain pada isu-isu tentang hak-hak dasar Pemegang Saham seperti yang didefinisikan dalam Prinsip, tunduk pada pengecualian untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan.Shareholders, including institutional Shareholders, should be allowed to consult with each other on issues concerning their basic Shareholder rights as defined in the Principles, subject to exceptions to prevent abuse.

(P)A.2.1 Apakah ada bukti hambatan yang mencegah Pemegang Saham saling berkomunikasi atau konsultasi dengan Pemegang Saham lainnya?Is there evidence of barriers that prevent Shareholders from communicating or consulting with other Shareholders?

Seluruh Pemegang Saham tidak ditemukan adanya bukti terkait hambatan Pemegang Saham untuk saling berkomunikasi dan konsultasi dengan Pemegang Saham lainnya. Dalam prakteknya, Sekretaris Perusahaan berfungsi sebagai pejabat penghubung dengan investor atau Pemegang Saham.There is no evidence of barriers that prevent all Shareholders from communicating and consulting with other Shareholders. Practically, Corporate Secretary act as liasion to investor or Shareholder.

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Penalti Penalty

Level/No Item

Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance Standard

Level 2


A.3 Hak untuk berpartisipasi secara efektif dan memberikan suara dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dan harus diberitahu tentang aturan, termasuk prosedur pemungutan suara, yang mengatur Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.Right to participate effectively in and vote in general Shareholders meeting and should be informed of the rules, including voting procedures, that govern general Shareholders meeting.

(P)A.3.1 Apakah Perusahaan memasukkan item agenda tambahan dan mendadak (darurat) ke dalam pemberitahuan RUPS/RUPSLB?Did the Company include any additional and unannounced agenda item into the notice of GMS/EGM?

Belum pernah ada agenda tambahan dan mendadak dalam RUPS/RUPSLB.There is no additional/immediate agenda discussed at GMS/EGMS.

(P)A.3.2 Apakah Ketua Dewan, Ketua Komite Audit dan CEO menghadiri RUPS terakhir?Did the Chairman of the board, Audit Committee Chairman and CEO attend the most recent GMS?

Rekap Daftar Hadir RUPS.Recapitulation of List of Attendance at GMS.

A.4 Struktur modal dan pengaturan yang memungkinkan Pemegang Saham tertentu melakukan pengendalian yang tidak proporsional dengan kepemilikan sahamnya, harus diungkapkanCapital structures and arrangements that enable certain Shareholders to obtain a degree of control disproportionate to their equity ownership should be disclosed.

Apakah Perusahaan lalai untuk mengungkapkan adanya:Did the Company fail to disclose the existence of:

(P)A.4.1 Kesepakatan dengan Pemegang Saham?Shareholders agreement?

Perusahaan tidak lalai dalam mengungkapkan kesepakatan dengan Pemegang Saham. Informasi mengenai data kepemilikan saham serta data mengenai hasil/keputusan RUPS tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan.The Company always discloses the agreement with Shareholders. Information about share ownership and data about GMS resolutions is contaned in the Annual Report.

(P)A.4.2 Kekuatan lebih yang dimiliki Pemegang Saham dalam mempengaruhi Perusahaan melalui voting?Voting cap?

Pemegang Saham Perusahaan hanya 2 Perusahaan dan dalam pengambilan keputusan tidak dilakukan melalui voting.The Company has only 2 Shareholders, thus voting mechanism is not used in decision making process.

(P)A.4.3 Hak suara ganda?Multiple voting rights?

A.5 Struktur modal dan pengaturan yang memungkinkan Pemegang Saham tertentu untuk mendapatkan tingkat kontrol yang tidak proporsional dengan kepemilikan saham mereka harus diungkapkan.Capital structures and arrangements that enable certain Shareholders to obtain a degree of control disproportionate to their equity ownership should be disclosed.

(P)A.5.1 Adakah struktur kepemilikan saham Perusahaan berbentuk piramid dan/atau kepemilikan saham secara silang, jelas terlihat?Is a pyramid ownership structure and/or cross holding structure apparent?

Struktur kepemilikan saham Perusahaan berbentuk piramid.Structure of the Company’s share ownership takes the form of pyramid.

Bagian BPart B

Perlakuan Setara Terhadap Pemegang SahamEquitable Treatment of Shareholders

B.1 Perdagangan orang dalam (insider trading) dan penyalahgunaan transaksi sendiri harus dilarang.Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be prohibited.

(P)B.1.1 Pernahkah ada hukuman terhadap insider trading yang melibatkan Direksi/Dewan Komisaris, manajemen dan karyawan dalam tiga tahunterakhir?Has there been any conviction of insider trading involving directors/commissioners, management and employees in the past three years?

Perusahaan tidak pernah mendapatkan sanksi terkait dengan transaksi maupun sanksi terkait perbuatan insider trading yang melibatkan Direksi/Dewan Komisaris.The Company does not have sactions relating to transactions or sanctions relating to insider trading act involving Board of Directors.

B.2 Melindungi Pemegang Saham minoritas dari tindakan tidak adilProtecting minority Shareholders from abusive action

(P)B.2.1 Pernahkah ada kasus ketidakpatuhan dengan hukum, aturan dan peraturan yang berkaitan dengan transaksi dengan pihak yang memiliki hubungan istimewa atau pihak terkait dalam tiga tahun terakhir?Has there been any cases of non compliance with the laws, rules and regulations pertaining to significant or material related party transactions in the past three years?

Tidak terdapat kasus ketidakpatuhan terhadap hukum, aturan dan peraturan terkait transaksi dengan pihak yang memiliki hubungan istimewa atau pihak terkait Perusahaan.There is no care of regulatory incomplaince with special or related parties.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

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Penalti Penalty

Level/No Item

Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance Standard

Level 2


(P)B.2.2 Apakah ada Transaksi Pihak Berelasi yang dapat digolongkan sebagai bantuan keuangan (yang tidak dilakukan secara wajar)untuk entitas selain dari anak Perusahaan yang dimiliki secara penuh?Were there any RPTs that can be classified as financial assistance (i.e not conducted at arm's length) to entities other than wholly-owned subsidiary companies?

Tidak terdapat Transaksi Pihak Berelasi yang dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai bantuan keuangan (yang untuk entitas selain dari anak Perusahaan yang dimiliki sepenuhnya).There is no Related Party Transactions classified as financial aids (for entities other than fully-owned subsidiaries).

Bagian CPart C

Peran Pemangku KepentinganRole of Stakeholders

C.1 Hak-hak pemangku kepentingan yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang atau melalui kesepakatan bersama harus dihormatiThe rights of stakeholders that are established by law or through mutual agreements are to be respected

(P)C.1.1 Pernahkah ada pelanggaran hukum yang berkaitan dengan perburuhan (berserikat)/ketenagakerjaan/konsumen/kepailitan/komersial/kompetisi atau isu-isu lingkungan?Have there been any violations of any laws pertaining to labour/employment/consumer/insolvency/commercial/competition or environmental issues?

Tidak terdapat pelanggaran hukum yang berkaitan dengan perburuhan (berserikat)/ketenagakerjaan/konsumen/kepailitan/komersial/kompetisi atau isu-isu lingkungan.There is no legal violation relating to labour/employment/consumer/insolvency/commercial/competition or environmental issues.

C.2 Stakeholder berpartisipasi dalam proses tata kelola Perusahaan, mereka harus memiliki akses ke informasi yang relevan, memadai dan handal secara tepat waktu dan teratur.Where stakeholders participate in the corporate governance process, they should have access to relevant, sufficient and reliable information on a timely and regular basis.

(P)C.2.1 Apakah Perusahaan telah mendapatkan sanksi dari regulator terkait kelalaian dalam membuat pengumuman sesuai periode waktu?Has the Company faced any sanctions by regulators for failure to make announcements within the requisite time period for material events?

Tidak terdapat sanksi dari regulator terkait penyampaian laporan atau pengumuman sesuai periode waktu yang ditetapkan.There is no sanction from regulator relating to disclosure of information according to the agreed period.

Bagian DPart D

Transparansi dan PengungkapanDisclosure and Transparency Sanksi dari Regulator pada Laporan KeuanganSanctions from regulator on financial reports

(P)D.1.1 Apakah laporan keuangan Perusahaan mendapatkan "pendapat wajar dengan pengecualian" dari auditor eksternal?Did the Company receive a "qualified opinion" in its external audit report?

Laporan keuangan Perusahaan mendapatkan "pendapat wajar dengan pengecualian" dari auditor eksternal.The Company’s financial report received “Fair opinion with Exception” from external auditor.

(P)D.1.2 Apakah laporan keuangan Perusahaan mendapatkan "pendapat tidak wajar" dari auditor eksternal?Did the Company receive an "adverse opinion" in its external audit report?

Laporan keuangan Perusahaan tahun buku 2020 tidak mendapatkan “opini wajar dengan pengecualian" dari auditor eksternal.The 2020 financial statements did not receive “Fair opinion with exception” from external auditor.

(P)D.1.3 Apakah laporan keuangan Perusahaan mendapatkan opini "menolak memberi pendapat" dari auditor eksternal?Did the Company receive a "disclaimer opinion" in its external audit report?

Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun 2020 tidak mendapatkan opini "menolak memberikan opini" dari auditor eksternal.The 2020 financial statements did not receive “Refusing to present opinio” from external auditor.

(P)D.1.4 Apakah Perusahaan telah merevisi laporan keuangan tahun lalu dan alasan perubahan kebijakan akuntansi?Has the Company in the past year revised its financial statements for reasons other than changes in accounting policies?

Perusahaan tidak merevisi laporan keuangan tahun lalu dan alasan perubahan kebijakan akuntans.The Company did not revise the financial statements of the previous fiscal year and reasons for amendments of the accounting policies.

Bagian E Part E

Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of The Board

E.1 Kepatuhan terhadap aturan listing, peraturan dan hukum yang berlakuCompliance with listing rules,regulations and applicable laws

(P)E.1.1 Apakah ada bukti bahwa Perusahaan belum memenuhi aturan pencatatan dan peraturan lain selama setahun terakhir, terpisah dari aturan pengungkapan?Is there any evidence that the Company has not complied with any listing rules and regulations over the past year a part from disclosure rules?

Tidak ada bukti bahwa Perusahaan belum memenuhi aturan pencatatan dan peraturan lain selama setahun terakhir, terpisah dari aturan pengungkapan.There is no evidence that the Company has complied with the bookeeping rules and other regulations in the last one year which was separated from disclosure policies.

(P)E.1.2 Apakah pernah terjadi kasus dimana Dewan Komisaris mengundurkan diri dan mengangkat masalah terkait GCG?Have there been any instances where non-executive directors/commissioner have resigned and raise any issues of governance-related concerns?

Tidak pernah terjadi kasus dimana Dewan Komisaris mengundurkan diri dan mengangkat masalah terkait GCG.There was no case where Board of Commissioners resigned and discussed the GCG issues.

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Penalti Penalty

Level/No Item

Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance Standard

Level 2


E.2 Struktur DewanBoard Structure

(P)E.2.1 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki direktur/komisaris independen yang telah mengabdi selama lebih dari sembilan tahun atau dua periode (atau lebih) dalam kapasitas yang sama?Does the Company have any independent directors/commissioners who have served for more than nine years or two terms of five years each (whichever is higher) in the same capacity?

Tidak terdapat Komisaris Independen dengan masa jabatan lebih dari 9 tahun atau 2 periode atau lebih.There is no Independent Commissioner who has served the office for more than 9 years or two periods or more.

(P)E.2.2 Apakah Perusahaan gagal dalam mengidentifikasi Direktur/Komisaris Independen?Did the Company fail to identify who are the independent director(s)/commissioner(s)?

Perusahaan telah mampu mengidentifikasi Komisaris yang berstatus independen.The Company has identified Independent Commissioners.

(P)E.2.3 Apakah Perusahaan memiliki Komisaris yang merangkap jabatan pada lebih dari lima posisi Dewan di Perusahaan terbuka lainnya?Does the Company have any instances where non-executive/commissioners who serve on a total of more than five boards of publicly-listed companies?

Dewan Komisaris tidak ada yang memiliki rangkap jabatan lebih dari lima posisi Dewan di Perusahaan terbuka lainnya.Board of Commissioners do not concurrently serve more than five Board positions in other public companies.

E.3 Audit EksternalExternal Audit

(P)E.3.1 Apakah ada Direksi atau manajemen senior Perusahaan berasal dari mantan karyawan atau partner dari auditor eksternal saat ini (dalam 2 tahun terakhir)?Is any of the directors or senior management a former employee or partner of the current external auditor (in the past 2 years)?

Tidak ada Direksi atau manajemen senior Perusahaan yang berasal dari mantan karyawan atau partner dari auditor eksternal saat ini.There is no Director or senior management appointed from employee or partner of the current external auditor.

E.4 Struktur dan Komposisi DewanBoard Structure and Composition

(P)E.4.1 Apakah Komisaris Utama pernah menjabat sebagai CEO Perusahaan dalam tiga tahun terakhir?Has the Chairman been the Company CEO in the past three years?

Komisaris Utama Perusahaan tidak menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama (CEO) Perusahaan.The Company’s President Commissioner does not serve President Director (CEO) of the Company.

(P)E.4.2 Apakah Direktur/Komisaris Independen menerima opsi saham atau bonus kinerja?Do independent non-executive directors/commissioners receive options performance shares or bonuses?

Direktur/Komisaris Independen tidak menerima opsi saham atau bonus kinerja.Commissioner does not receive share option or performance bonus.

Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard

Standar Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance Standard

Jumlah PertanyaanNumber of Questions

Skor Maksimal


Score (Points)


Skor Total(Poin)

Total Score (Points)

Not Applicable


Level 1Bagian APart A

Hak-hak Pemegang SahamRights of Shareholders

21 10

Bagian BPart B

Perlakuan Setara terhadap Pemegang SahamEquitable Treatment of Shareholders

15 15

Bagian CPart C

Peran Pemangku KepentinganRole of Stakeholders

13 15

Bagian DPart D

Transparansi dan PengungkapanDisclosure and Transparency

32 20

Bagian EPart E

Tanggung Jawab DewanResponsibilities of the Board

65 40

Total Level 1 146 100.00Level 2


13 26


25 -57

Total Level 2 38 26Total 184 126 2 153

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

336 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya mengimplementasikan programdan kegiatan CSR secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan.

IPC TPK always strives to implement CSR programs andactivities in a consistent and sustainable manner.

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Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

338 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Nilai-nilai keberlanjutan menjadi acuan IPC TPK dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional dan bisnisnya. Dalam menjalankan proses bisnis Perusahaan yang berorientasi pada keuntungan juga diselaraskan dengan melihat aspek kesejahteraan manusia dan keberlangsungan lingkungan hidup. Langkah yang ditempuh ini sejalan dan mengacu pada Visi Perusahaan, yakni:

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

Menjadi Perusahaan yang memiliki tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang unggul, berdasarkan standar peraturan yang berlaku, yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi

seluruh pemangku kepentingan secara berkesinambungan dalam rangka mendorong perekonomian Nasional.

To be a Company that has excellent social and environmental responsibilities, with respect to applicable regulatory standards, in order to provide added values for all stakeholders on an

ongoing basis and to boost the National economy.

Perwujudan tanggung jawab terhadap hal di atas diselenggarakan IPC TPK melalui implementasi program tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang dilakukan secara terencana dan berkesinambungan. Melalui program CSR ini, diharapkan bisa memberikan dampak positif dan nilai tambah, baik bagi Perusahaan, segenap pemangku kepentingan, maupun masyarakat luas.

Komitmen IPC TPK pada Tanggung Jawab Sosial

IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya mengimplementasikan program dan kegiatan CSR secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Pelaksanaan ini sebagai wujud kepedulian dan apresiasi kepada seluruh karyawan, segenap pemangku kepentingan, dan masyarakat luas yang telah memberikan kepercayaan dan dukungan atas bisnis Perusahaan. Implementasi kegiatan CSR merupakan bentuk nyata dalam pembangunan sosial kemasyarakatan dan perekonomian secara bertahap dengan berkonsentrasi pada keseimbangan aspek lingkungan hidup, ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan kerja, serta pendidikan, ekonomi, dan sosial kemasyarakatan.

Dari kegiatan CSR yang dilaksanakan IPC TPK diharapkan dapat membangun sinergi dan hubungan yang harmonis, baik dengan seluruh karyawan, segenap para Pemangku Kepentingan, maupun masyarakat luas, yang kemudian diharapkan berdampak pada keberlangsungan bisnis Perusahaan. Sejatinya, IPC TPK sangat menyadari bahwa keberlangsungan usaha sebuah entitas usaha tidak hanya berdasarkan pada aspek ekonomi saja, tapi juga terkait erat dengan kinerja karyawan, pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan, serta peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pada tingkat yang lebih luas adalah keberlanjutan lingkungan sekitar. Selain itu, melalui kegiatan CSR diharapkan juga memberikan nilai tambah pada citra Perusahaan di mata masyarakat.

IPC TPK refers to sustainability values in carrying out its operational and business activities. The Company runs profit-oriented business process with respect to aspects of human welfare and environmental sustainability. These steps taken represent and are in line with the Company’s Vision, namely:

IPC TPK realizes such responsibilities through the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility programs in a well-planned and sustainable manner. The implementation of CSR program is expected to provide positive impacts and added values, for the Company, all stakeholders, and the wider community.

IPC TPK’s Commitment to Social Responsibility

IPC TPK always strives to implement CSR programs and activities in a consistent and sustainable manner. This program implementation represents the Company’s concern and appreciation to all employees, all stakeholders, and the wider community who have given trust and support to the Company’s business. The implementation of CSR activities is a tangible form of social and economic development in gradual manner by promoting the balance of environment, employment, occupational health and safety aspects, as well as education, economy, and social community.

Through CSR activity implementation, IPC TPK expects to be able to build synergy and harmonious relationship, with all employees, all stakeholders, and the wider community, which ultimately will bring impact on the Company’s business continuity. In fact, IPC TPK is well aware that the business continuity of a business entity not only relies on economic aspect, but also on employee performance, the fulfillment of customer needs, as well as improved welfare of the community, and on a broader level, is the sustainability of the surrounding environment. In addition, through CSR activities, the Company expects to also provide added value to the corporate image in the public eyes.

339PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

IPC TPK sebagai entitas bisnis yang bergerak dalam industri kepelabuhanan dalam hal ini petikemas di Tanah Air terus memperkuat komitmen untuk melaksanakan bisnis dan kegiatan operasional dengan memperhatikan kualitas, tanggung jawab, dan keberlanjutan. Komitmen IPC TPK terhadap pelaksanaan CSR mengacu pada Pedoman CSR IPC TPK, yakni “Menjadi Perusahaan yang memiliki tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang unggul, berdasarkan standar peraturan yang berlaku, yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan secara berkesinambungan dalam rangka mendorong perekonomian Nasional”.

Selain itu, sebagai entitas usaha yang mengusung tata kelola perusahaan yang baik Good Corporate Governance (GCG), implementasi CSR juga menunjukkan komitmen IPC TPK dalam mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Serta, sebagai upaya nyata partisipasi IPC TPK terhadap pembangunan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara Indonesia.

Untuk mengimplementasikan program CSR, IPC TPK telah menyusun pedoman-pedoman CSR melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/3/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 29 Desember 2017 tentang Pengelolaan Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (Corporate Social Responsibility) di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Sedangkan, untuk pedoman pengelolaan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan selama tahun berjalan atau tahun buku 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas mengacu kepada Pedoman CSR Perusahaan Induk, yaitu PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), yang disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.568/8/5/1/PI.II-17 tanggal 8 Mei 2017 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan, Program Bina Lingkungan dan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di Lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

Pelaksanaan program CSR IPC TPK juga mengacu pada best practice yang ada. Salah satunya ialah ISO 26000, yang merupakan Panduan Tanggung Jawab Sosial (Guidance on Social Responsibility) yang ditetapkan oleh organisasi internasional untuk standarisasi, International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Dalam panduan itu dijelaskan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan sebuah organisasi diartikan sebagai tanggung jawab terhadap dampak-dampak dari keputusan-keputusan dan kegiatan-kegiatannya pada masyarakat dan lingkungan yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk perilaku transparan dan etis yang sejalan dengan pembangunan berkelanjutan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, mempertimbangkan harapan pemangku kepentingan, sejalan dengan hukum yang ditetapkan dan norma-norma perilaku internasional, penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia, serta terintegrasi dengan organisasi secara menyeluruh. Dalam membudayakan perilaku yang etis dan transparan ini, IPC TPK telah memiliki perangkat kebijakan, yakni Pedoman Pengelolaan GCG, Etika Bisnis Perusahaan, serta peraturan-peraturan lain yang harus ditaati oleh setiap karyawan mulai dari tingkat manajemen hingga pelaksana/staf.

IPC TPK as a business entity engages in the port industry, namely containers in the country, and continues to strengthen its commitment to carry out business and operational activities by paying attention to quality, responsibility, and sustainability. IPC TPK’s commitment to the CSR implementation refers to the IPC TPK’s CSR Guidelines, namely "To be a Company that has excellent social and environmental responsibilities, with respect to applicable regulatory standards, in order to provide added values for all stakeholders on an ongoing basis and to boost the National economy".

In addition, as a business entity that adheres to Good Corporate Governance (GCG), CSR implementation also shows IPC TPK’s commitment to implementation of GCG principles and as a concrete effort to boost participation of IPC TPK in the development of the community, the nation, and Indonesia.

To implement the CSR program, IPC TPK has compiled CSR guidelines through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/3/IPCTPK-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning the Management of Social and Environmental Responsibility Activities in the PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Meanwhile, as the guidelines for the management of social and environmental responsibility activities during the current fiscal year of 2020, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas referred to the CSR Guidelines of the Parent Company, namely PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), which was approved through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.568/8/5/1/PI. II-17 dated May 8th, 2017 concerning Guidelines for Implementation of Partnership Program, Community Development Program and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero).

The implementation of IPC TPK’s CSR programs also refers to the applying best practices. One of them is ISO 26000, which is Guidance on Social Responsibility set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The guide describes that the social and environmental responsibility of an organization is defined as responsibility for the impacts of decisions and activities on society and the environment embodied in the form of transparent and ethical behavior in line with sustainable development and welfare of the community, considering the stakeholder expectations, in line with established international laws and norms, with respect for human rights, and integrated with the organization as a whole. In cultivating these ethical and transparent behaviors, IPC TPK already has a policy set, namely GCG Management Guidelines, Corporate Business Ethics, and other regulations that must be adhered to by every employee from the management level to the operator/staff.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

340 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Melalui berbagai kegiatan dan aktivitas yang disusun dalam program CSR, IPC TPK berharap dapat menjaga keberlangsungan lingkungan hidup, dan terjalin harmonisasi dan sinergi yang baik antara Perusahaan dan seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan Perusahaan. Selanjutnya, dengan adanya lingkungan hidup yang terjaga dan sinergi yang baik diharapkan dapat membangun kesinambungan bisnis Perusahaan.

Visi, Misi dan Prinsip CSR PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Perumusan dan pelaksanaan CSR di IPC TPK, diselaraskan dengan pencapaian Visi Perusahaan, yakni “Menjadi Operator Terminal Petikemas yang berstandar Internasional yang unggul dalam operasi dan layanan terbaik di kelasnya, dengan menciptakan suatu Perusahaan yang menyenangkan bagi lnsan Perusahaan, dan memberikan kontribusi untuk pertumbuhan Nasional”. Dengan melihat Visi Perusahaan, maka rumusan Visi CSR IPC TPK ialah “Menjadi Perusahaan yang memiliki tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang unggul, berdasarkan standar peraturan yang berlaku, yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan secara berkesinambungan dalam rangka mendorong perekonomian Nasional.”

Subjek Inti Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Berdasarkan ISO 26000 Core Corporate Social Responsibility Subjects Based on ISO 26000

7 Subjek Inti Tanggung Jawab Sosial


7 Core Subjects of Corporate Social


EnvironmentLingkunganProcedures of Fair Operation

Prosedur Operasi yang Wajar

Isu K







Praktik Ketenagakerjaan Em

ployment Practice


atan d

an Pe









and D



Hak Asasi Manusia

Human Rights

Through various programs and activities compiled in CSR programs, IPC TPK expects to maintain environmental sustainability and establish good harmonization and synergy between the Company and all Stakeholders of the Company. Furthermore, with a maintained environment and good synergy is expected to build the Company’s business continuity.

CSR Vision, Mission and Principals of IPC TPK

The formulation and implementation of CSR activities in IPC TPK are aligned with the efforts to achieve the Company's Vision, namely " To Become an International Standard Container Terminal Operator that Excels Best-in-Class Operations and Services, through Establishment of a Company that is fun for the Company's Employees, and Contributes to National Growth." Considering the Company's Vision, IPC TPK’s CSR Vision is formulated "To be a Company that has excellent social and environmental responsibilities, with respect to applicable regulatory standards, in order to provide added values for all stakeholders on an ongoing basis and to boost the National economy".

341PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Penjelasan Visi CSR IPC TPK secara terperinci ialah, sebagai berikut:1. Unggul artinya program-program CSR Perusahaan

diselenggarakan berdasarkan asas daya guna, tepat guna dan tepat sasaran, sehingga dapat diapresiasi sebagai yang terbaik atau salah satu yang terbaik di kelasnya, oleh para pemangku kepentingan yang kompeten, termasuk mampu memperoleh penghargaan dan pengakuan CSR dari Pemerintah maupun Lembaga yang terpercaya lainnya. Secara internal unggul juga berarti CSR IPC TPK diselenggarakan oleh sumber daya manusia yang kompeten.

2. Berdasarkan Standar Peraturan yang Berlaku, artinya pelaksanaan kegiatan CSR IPC TPK sejalan dengan progam tanggung jawab sosial lingkungan yang dicanangkan oleh Pemerintah dengan menerapkan sistem operasi dan prosedur yang sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku.

3. Memberikan Nilai Tambah, artinya penyelenggaraan CSR Perusahaan dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi pemangku kepentingan, serta memberikan manfaat yang optimal bagi penerima manfaat, sehingga mampu membentuk kemandirian penerima manfaat (beneficiaries) secara berkesinambungan.

4. Berkesinambungan, artinya CSR IPC TPK diselenggarakan menggunakan pendekatan peningkatan berkesinambungan (continual improvement) di mana program tersebut menjadi rencana kerja manajemen setiap tahun dan dinilai sebagai indikator kinerja Perusahaan yang dievaluasi secara berkala. Pelaksanaan dan strategi CSR dalam hal ini tidak terpisahkan dan menjadi bagian strategi Perusahaan secara utuh, sejalan dan bersesuaian dengan strategi bisnis Perusahaan jangka panjang.

5. Mendorong Perekonomian Nasional, artinya pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial IPC TPK harus dapat mendorong aktivitas ekonomi para pemangku kepentingan sehingga dapat mendukung program peningkatan perekonomian Nasional.

Selanjutnya, Visi CSR IPC TPK diterjemahkan ke dalam Misi CSR IPC TPK agar mampu diimplementasikan ke dalam strategi lebih lanjut. Tentu saja, Misi CSR IPC TPK juga mesti diselaraskan dengan Misi IPC TPK yang sudah ditetapkan. Adapun Misi CSR Perusahaan yang telah diselaraskan dengan Misi Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:1. Mewujudkan program CSR unggul yang tepat sasaran,

tepat guna (efisien), dan berdaya guna (efektif) yang memberikan kontribusi optimal bagi para pemangku kepentingan dan penerima manfaat.

2. Mewujudkan penyelenggaraan CSR yang sistematis dan tata kelola yang baik dan dikelola oleh sumber daya manusia dengan kompetensi unggul.

3. Mewujudkan kinerja CSR yang mampu meningkatkan citra Perusahaan, menciptakan hubungan yang selaras dan kondusif dengan para pemangku kepentingan, dan mampu membantu terwujudkan strategi dan tujuan Perusahaan secara terintegrasi.

Pada pelaksanaannya, agar program CSR bisa berjalan sesuai visi dan misi, maka implementasi CSR IPC TPK dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip, sebagai berikut:

1. PartisipatifPT IPC Terminal Petikemas akan memastikan penyelenggaraan CSR dilakukan bersama-sama dengan pemangku kepentingan melalui mekanisme pelibatan (engagement).

The further details of IPC TPK’s CSR Vision are follows:

1. Excellent means that the Company's CSR programs are organized according to the principles of usefulness, appropriateness and on target, so that it can be appreciated as the best or one of the best in class, by competent stakeholders, including being able to obtain CSR awards and recognitions from the Government and other trustworthy institutions. Internally, excellent also means that IPC TPK’s CSR programs are organized by competent human resources.

2. Referring to the Prevailing Regulatory Standards, that the implementation of CSR activities of IPC TPK, in line with the environmental social responsibility programs announced by the Government through implementation of operating systems and procedures in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

3. Providing Added Value means that the implementation of the Company’s CSR programs can have positive impacts for stakeholders, as well as provide optimum benefits for the program beneficiaries, to establish the independency of the program beneficiaries on an ongoing basis.

4. Consistently IPC TPK’s CSR programs employ continual improvement approach, in which the programs become a management’s annual work agenda and are assessed as the Company's performance indicator, which will be evaluated periodically. The implementation of CSR strategy in this regard is inseparable from and becomes part of the Company's strategy as a whole, in line and in accordance with the Company's long-term business strategy.

5. Boosting the National Economy means the implementation of social responsibility of IPC TPK should be able to encourage economic activity of stakeholders so as to support the national economic acceleration program.

Furthermore, IPC TPK's CSR Vision is further translated into IPC TPK's CSR Missions so as to be detailed out to be next strategies. TPK's IPC CSR Mission must certainly be aligned with IPC TPK’s established Missions. The Company’s CSR Missions that have been aligned with the Company’s Missions are as follows:1. To realize the excellent CSR's programs that are on target,

efficient, and effective that offer optimum contributions to stakeholders and program beneficiaries.

2. Realizing systematic CSR implementation and good governance and managed by highly competent human resources.

3. Realizing CSR performance that is able to improve the Corporate image, promote a harmonious and favorable relationship with stakeholders, and able to help realize the Company's strategies and objectives in an integrated manner.

In the implementation, to ensure the effective implementation of CSR programs vision and mission, the implementation of IPC TPK's CSR is carried out based on the following principles:

1. ParticipationPT IPC Terminal Petikemas will ensure the CSR program to be implemented together with stakeholders through engagement mechanism.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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2. KeterwakilanPenyelenggaraan program pengembangan masyarakat, Perusahaan akan berupaya untuk memastikan pemangku kepentingan yang paling relevan teridentifikasi dan kepentingannya terwakili dengan baik. Program CSR harus mampu memberdayakan penerima manfaat, secara peningkatan ekonomi dan/atau peningkatan kapasitas dan/atau kompetensi.

3. KemandirianPerusahaan memastikan penerima manfaat untuk dapat memulai dan selanjutnya mampu mengembangkan dan melanjutkan program CSR yang diterapkan secara mandiri.

4. KeberlanjutanProgram CSR harus memastikan bahwa penerima manfaat akan mendapatkan manfaat ekonomi, dan/atau kehidupan sosial, dan/atau kelestarian lingkungan hidup yang baik, pada saat sekarang maupun di masa mendatang.

5. KeselarasanProgram Pemerintah (Pusat dan/atau Daerah). Program CSR akan menjadi penyerta (complement) bagi program pembangunan Pemerintah baik Pusat maupun Daerah. Perusahaan akan memastikan terjadinya komunikasi yang baik dengan Pemerintah, terutama Pemerintah Daerah.

Dasar Hukum Pelaksanaan CSR Perusahaan

Pelaksanaan program CSR IPC TPK senantiasa berpedoman pada ketentuan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, antara lain: 1. Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan

Kerja, memuat aturan-aturan dasar atau ketentuan-ketentuan umum tentang keselamatan kerja dalam segala tempat kerja, baik di darat, di dalam tanah, di permukaan air, di dalam air maupun di udara yang berada di wilayah kekuasaan hukum Republik Indonesia.

2. Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan, menyatakan Perusahaan berkewajiban memeriksakan kesehatan badan, kondisi mental dan kemampuan fisik pekerja yang baru maupun yang akan dipindahkan ke tempat kerja baru, sesuai dengan sifat-sifat pekerjaan yang di berikan kepada pekerja, serta pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala.

3. Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, mengatur segala hal yang berhubungan dengan ketenagakerjaan mulai dari upah kerja, jam kerja, hak material, cuti sampai dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.

4. Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas Pasal 74 Ayat:• Ayat 1: Perseroan yang menjalankan kegiatan

usahanya di bidang dan/atau berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam Wajib melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan.

• Ayat 2: Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) merupakan kewajiban Perseroan yang dianggarkan dan diperhitungkan sebagai biaya Perseroan yang Pelaksanaannya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kepatutan dan kewajaran.

• Ayat 3: Perseroan yang tidak melaksanakan kewajiban sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dikenai sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan Perundang-Undangan.

5. Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman ModalPasal 34 Ayat 1: Setiap Penanam Modal berkewajiban melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan. Jika

2. RepresentationIn the implementation of community development programs, the Company will strive to ensure that the most relevant stakeholders can be identified and their interests are well represented. CSR programs should be able to empower the program beneficiaries, in terms of an economic improvement and/or competency and/or capacity building.

3. IndependenceThe Company ensures that the program beneficiaries can start and then be able to develop and carry on the implementation of CSR programs independently.

4. SustainabilityCSR programs must ensure that program beneficiaries will benefit both economically and/or socially, and/or maintain a good environment, now and in the future.

5. HarmonyGovernment Programs (both Central and/or Regional). CSR program will be a complement for the development programs of both Central and Regional Governments. The Company will ensure good communication with the Government, especially the Local Government.

Legal Basis for the Company’s CSR Implementation

The implementation of IPC TPK’s CSR program is always guided by the prevailing laws and regulations, among others are:1. Law No. 1 Year 1970 on Occupational Safety, contains

basic regulations or general provisions on occupational safety in all workplaces, whether on land, in the ground, on the surface of water, in water or in the air located within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health, states that companies are obliged to check the health of the body, the mental condition and physical abilities of the workers, who are new and who will be transferred to a new workplace, in accordance with the nature of the work granted to the workers, as well as the periodical health test.

3. Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment, regulates that everything relates to employment ranging from wages, working hours, material rights, leave to occupational safety and health.

4. Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, Article 74 Paragraphs:• Paragraph 1: The Company that conducts its business

activities in the field and/or relating to Natural Resources shall carry out Social and Environmental Responsibility.

• Paragraph 2: Social and Environmental Responsibility as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be the Company's obligation, which receives budget allocation and is classified as the Company’s expenses, and the implementation shall respect propriety and fairness aspects.

• Paragraph 3: Companies that do not carry out their obligations as referred to in paragraph (1) shall receive penalty in accordance with the provisions of the Laws and Regulations.

5. Law No. 25/2007 on Investment Article 34, Paragraph 1: Every Investor is obliged to carry out the Company's social responsibility. Otherwise, it may

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tidak, maka dapat dikenai sanksi mulai dari peringatan tertulis, pembatasan kegiatan usaha, pembekuan kegiatan usaha dan/atau fasilitas penanaman Modal, atau pencabutan kegiatan usaha dan/atau fasilitas Penanaman Modal.

6. Pasal 1 ayat (2) Undang-Undang No. 32 tahun 2009, menyatakan upaya sistematis dan terpadu yang dilakukan untuk melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup dan mencegah terjadinya pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup yang meliputi perencanaan, pemanfaatan, pengendalian, pemeliharaan, pengawasan, dan penegakan hukum.

7. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 47 Tahun 2012 tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perseroan Terbatas• Pasal 2: Setiap perseroan selaku subjek hukum

mempunyai Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan.• Pasal 4 Ayat 1: Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan

dilaksanakan oleh Direksi berdasarkan Rencana Kerja Tahunan Perseroan setelah mendapat Persetujuan Dewan Komisaris atau RUPS sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan.

• Pasal 4 Ayat 2: Rencana Kerja Tahunan Perseroan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) Memuat Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk Pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan.

• Pasal 5 Ayat 1: Perseroan yang menjalankan Kegiatan Usahanya di bidang dan/atau berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam, dalam menyusun dan menetapkan rencana kegiatan dan Anggaran Sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 4 ayat (2) harus memperhatikan kepatutan dan kewajaran.

• Pasal 5 Ayat 2: Realisasi Anggaran untuk pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan yang dilaksanakan oleh Perseroan sebagaimana yang dimaksud pada ayat (1) diperhitungkan sebagai biaya Perseroan.

• Pasal 6: Pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan dimuat dalam Laporan Tahunan Perseroan dan dipertanggungjawabkan kepada RUPS.

8. Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta No. 112 Tahun 2013 Tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Dunia Usaha.• Pasal 1 Ayat 8: Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan

Dunia Usaha yang Selanjutnya disebut TSLDU adalah tanggung jawab yang melekat pada setiap Perusahaan untuk menciptakan hubungan yang serasi, seimbang dan sesuai dengan lingkungan, nilai, norma, dan budaya masyarakat setempat.

• Pasal 4 Ayat 1: TSLDU merupakan kegiatan sukarela di mana Perusahaan memiliki kebebasan mutlak untuk menentukan bentuk kegiatan, besarnya dana yang akan dialokasikan atau dibelanjakan dan lokasi kegiatan, serta dengan cara/pola kegiatan TSLDU dilaksanakan.

• Pasal 4 Ayat 2: TSLDU sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), bukan merupakan kewajiban/kompensasi/Persyaratan/insentif atas diberikannya pelayanan perizinan terhadap kegiatan atau aktivitas Perusahaan.

• Pasal 6: Ruang lingkup TSLDU meliputi: (a) bina sosial dan budaya, (b) bina ekonomi, (c) bina fisik lingkungan, dan (d) penanggulangan bencana.

• Pasal 6 (1): TSLDU sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 5 dapat berupa kegiatan atau melalui program Pemerintah Daerah.

be subject to sanctions, ranging from written warnings, restrictions on business activities, suspension of business activities and/or investment facilities, or revocation of business activities and/or Investment facilities.

6. Article 1, Paragraph (2) of Law No. 32 of 2009, states any systematic and integrated efforts taken to preserve the function of the environment and to prevent pollution and/or environmental damage, which includes planning, utilization, control, maintenance, supervision, and law enforcement.

7. Government Regulation No. 47/2012 concerning Social and Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liability Company.• Article 2: Every Company as a legal entity has Social

and Environmental Responsibility.• Article 4, Paragraph 1: Social and Environmental

Responsibility shall be carried out by the Board of Directors based on the Company's Annual Work Plan after obtaining approval from the Board of Commissioners or GMS in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, unless specified otherwise in the Laws and Regulations.

• Article 4, Paragraph 2: The Company's Annual Work Plan as referred to in paragraph (1) contains the Activity Plan and Budget prepared for the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility.

• Article 5, Paragraph 1: In drafting and setting the Activity Plan and Budget as referred to in Article 4, Paragraph (2), the Company that carries out its Business Activities in the field and/or relating to natural resources shall pay attention to propriety and fairness aspects.

• Article 5, Paragraph 2: The realization of the Budget for the implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility by the Company as referred to in Paragraph (1) shall be classified as the Company’s expenses.

• Article 6: The Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility is contained in the Company's Annual Report and is held accountable to the GMS.

8. Regulation of the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta No. 112 of 2013 concerning Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Business World.• Article 1, Paragraph 8: Social and Environmental

Responsibility of the Businesses hereinafter referred to as TSLDU is the responsibility attached to each Company to promote a harmonious, balanced relationship and with respect to the environment, values, norms, and cultures of the local community.

• Article 4, Paragraph 1: TSLDU is a voluntary activity in which the Company possesses absolute freedom to determine the form of activity, the amount of funds to be allocated or spent and the location of activities, and the methods/pattern of TSLDU activity to be implemented.

• Article 4, Paragraph 2: TSLDU as referred to in paragraph (1), does not constitute an obligation/compensation/Requirement/incentive for the granting of license to the Company's activities.

• Article 6: The scope of TSLDU programs includes: (a) social and cultural development, (b) economic development, (c) development of physical environment, and (d) disaster management.

• Article 6 (1): TSLDU as referred to in Article 5 can be in the forms of activities or through Local Government’s programs.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Organisasi dan Pengorganisasian Inisiatif Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan program CSR IPC TPK dilakukan secara terencana dan berkelanjutan, dan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari strategi pengembangan Perusahaan. Adapun pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan program CSR IPC TPK merupakan tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan melalui Asisten Sekretaris Perusahaan Hubungan Antar Lembaga, Hubungan Masyarakat dan CSR. Sekaligus juga bertanggung jawab untuk menyusun perencanaan anggaran, perencanaan program, implementasi hingga evaluasi secara mandiri, termasuk di dalamnya mengelola anggaran pelaksanaan program CSR yang telah ditetapkan dalam RKAP Perusahaan.

Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Sekretaris Perusahaan & Hubungan EksternalCorporate Secretary & External Relations

Asisten Sekretaris Perusahaan Hubungan Antar Lembaga, Hubungan Masyarakat & CSR

Assistant to the Corporate Secretary for Inter-Institutional Relations, Public Relations & CSR

Staf Sekretaris Perusahaan Hubungan Antar Lembaga, Hubungan Masyarakat & CSR

Staff of the Corporate Secretary for Inter-Institutional Relations, Public Relations & CSR

Aspek Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility Aspects

Penanggung Jawab di Lingkup PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Person in Charge at PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Corporate Social Responsibility


Sekretaris PerusahaanCorporate Secretary

Hak Asasi ManusiaHuman Rights

Divisi SDMHC Division

Praktik Operasi yang AdilFair Operating Practices

Satuan Pengawas InternalInternal Audit Unit

Praktik ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan, dan Keselamatan KerjaEmployment, Occupational Health, and Safety Practices

Divisi SDMHC Division

Pengembangan Sosial dan KemasyarakatanSocial and Community Development

Sekretaris PerusahaanCorporate Secretary

Tanggung Jawab Konsumen dan Produk/Jasa serta Mitra KerjaConsumers and Products/Services and Business Partners Responsibilities

Divisi Komersial dan Hubungan PelangganCommercial and Customer Relations Division

Metode dan Ruang Lingkup Due Diligence Terhadap Dampak Sosial, Ekonomi dan Lingkungan dari Aktivitas Perusahaan

Secara berkala IPC TPK melakukan due diligence dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan program CSR. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menilai dampak positif dan negatif dari setiap keputusan dan kegiatan IPC TPK yang dapat memengaruhi lingkungan hidup, ekonomi, dan aspek sosial. Melalui upaya dan proses tersebut, IPC TPK dapat meningkatkan dampak positif yang telah ada,

The Organization and Management of the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

The implementation and management of IPC TPK's CSR programs are carried out in a planned and sustainable manner, and becomes an integral part of the Company's development strategies. The implementation and management of IPC TPK’s CSR programs are the duty and responsibility of the Corporate Secretary, particularly the Assistant Corporate Secretary of Inter-Institution Relations, Public Relations and CSR. At the same time, it is also responsible for drafting the budget planning, program planning, implementation to independent evaluation, including managing the budget for the implementation of CSR programs that have been set out in the Company's RKAP.

Methods and Scope of Due Diligence Regarding Social, Economic and Environmental Impact of The Company’s Activities

IPC TPK regularly conducts due diligence and evaluation of the implementation of its CSR programs. This is done merely to assess the positive and negative impacts of each decision and activity taken by IPC TPK on the environmental, economic, and social aspects. These efforts and processes in fact allow IPC TPK to be able to increase the existing positive

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dan meminimalisasi ataupun menghilangkan setiap dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari kegiatan CSR Perusahaan.

IPC TPK melaksanakan due diligence melalui analisis strategis yang dituangkan dalam konsep kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan tantangan Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT).

Kekuatan/Strength Kelemahan/Weakness

KI Komitmen yang tinggi dari manajemen puncak Perusahaan untuk menerapkan CSR secara berkelanjutan.High commitment from the Company's top management to consistently implement CSR.

L1 Terbatasnya sumber daya finansial dan sumber daya manusia untuk penyelenggaraan program CSR secara berkelanjutan.Limited financial and human resources for the consistent implementation of CSR programs.

K2 Adanya hubungan baik antara induk Perusahaan dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang relevan.There is a good relationship between the parent Company and the relevant stakeholders.

L2 Belum tersedianya sistem dan tata kelola penyelenggaran CSR di Perusahaan IPC TPK sebagai entitas Perusahaan.The absence of system and governance of CSR implementation in IPC TPK as a Corporate entity.

K3 Telah terlaksananya program-program CSR di sekitar lokasi Perusahaan yang diselenggarakan oleh Perusahaan induk.CSR programs have been implemented surrounding the Company's location, which were organized by the parent Company.

L3 Yang relatif baru dikenal secara luas oleh para Pemangku Kepentingan, memerlukan komunikasi intensif dengan para pemangku kepentingan tersebut.The relatively new issue that is widely known by stakeholders, requires intensive communication with the stakeholders.

Peluang/Opportunities Tantangan/Threat

P1 Pengembangan program-program CSR yang mendukung tujuan Perusahaan.Development of CSR programs that support the Company's objectives.

T1 Adanya tuntutan dan ekspektasi yang tinggi dari masyarakat terhadap Perusahaan untuk ikut menyejahterakan mereka.There are high demands and expectations from the public for the Company’s participation in promoting their welfare.

P2 Pengembangan program-program CSR yang menjadi komplemen bagi program Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah.Development of CSR programs that complements both central and local government programs.

T2 Peraturan perundang-undangan yang semakin ketat.The legislation is getting tighter.

P3 Bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah Daerah, perusahaan lain dan bentuk entitas lain dalam pelaksanaan CSR.Cooperate with Local Governments, other companies and other entities in the implementation of CSR.

T3 Koordinasi dengan Pemerintah daerah dan para pemangku kepentingan yang relevan telah menjadi tuntutan utama dalam pelaksanaan CSR yang efektif.Coordination with local governments and relevant stakeholders has become the main demand for the effective CSR implementation.

Selanjutnya, mengacu pada analisis SWOT yang ada, IPC TPK bisa mengembangkan arahan strategis guna mengoptimalkan setiap kekuatan dan peluang yang dimiliki, serta mampu mengatasi setiap kelemahan dan tantangan yang ada. Adapun arahan strategis tersebut meliputi:1. Menuangkan komitmen tinggi dari Manajemen Puncak

terhadap penyelenggaraan CSR secara terdokumentasi ke dalam Visi, Misi, dan Kebijakan CSR Perusahaan.

2. Melakukan pelibatan kepada para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder engagement) sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pemangku kepentingan tersebut, terutama dengan calon penerima manfaat (beneficiaries).

3. Mengembangkan sistem dan tata kelola penyelenggaraan CSR di IPC TPK.

4. Penyediaan sumber daya pendanaan yang memadai dan pengembangan serta penguatan sumber daya manusia bidang CSR yang mampu menjawab tantangan penyelenggaraan CSR dimasa kini dan masa depan.

5. Mengembangkan sinergi pelaksanaan CSR dengan Perusahaan Induk.

6. Pengembangan program CSR yang terintegrasi dan mendorong kemandirian penerima manfaat (beneficiaries).

Selain hal di atas, IPC TPK juga telah melakukan due diligence terhadap segenap pemangku kepentingan IPC TPK mengenai dampak ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan dari kegiatan Perusahaan. Due diligence dilakukan dengan metode survei yang dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga/eksternal Perusahaan. Kegiatan due diligence ini diselenggarakan untuk menjaga agar hasil survei tetap objektif dan akuntabel. Adapun responden yang dipilih adalah karyawan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan pelanggan yang menggunakan layanan bongkar muat petikemas.

impacts, and minimize or eliminate any negative impacts resulting from the Company's CSR activities.

IPC TPK conducts due diligence through strategic analysis as outlined in the SWOT concept, namely Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat.

Furthermore, referring to the existing SWOT analysis, IPC TPK can develop strategic directions to optimize every strength point and opportunity, to be able to overcome every weakness and challenges that exist. The strategic directions are:1. Translating high commitment from the Top Management

towards the CSR implementation which documented, into the Vision, Mission, and CSR Policy of the Company.

2. Engaging stakeholders in accordance with the needs of these stakeholders, especially with prospective beneficiaries.

3. Developing system and governance of CSR implementation in IPC TPK.

4. Providing adequate funding resources, development and strengthening of human resources in the field of CSR that is able to answer the challenges of CSR implementation in the present and future years.

5. Developing CSR implementation in synergy with parent Company.

6. Developing integrated CSR programs and encouraging the independence of the program beneficiaries.

In addition, IPC TPK has also conducted due diligence upon all stakeholders of IPC TPK regarding the economic, social and environmental impacts of the Company's activities. Due diligence is conducted through a survey held by third/external parties of the Company. Due diligence activity is held to ensure the objectivity and accountability of the survey results. The respondents are selected from the employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and customers who use container loading and unloading services.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Lingkup Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Baik yang Merupakan Kewajiban Maupun yang Melebihi Kewajiban

Implementasi kegiatan CSR IPC TPK diselenggarakan sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yang kemudian dituangkan ke dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) atau Corporate Roadmap 2016–2020. Berdasarkan RJPP, lingkup tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan meliputi: Pemegang Saham, pelanggan, karyawan, masyarakat, dan lingkungan sekitar.

Lingkup Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility

Upaya yang DilakukanEfforts

Pemegang SahamShareholders

Memaksimalkan nilai Perusahaan, meningkatkan kesehatan Perusahaan secara profesional dengan mematuhi aspek-aspek tata kelola Perusahaan, memberikan informasi yang tepat waktu dan benar tentang kondisi Perusahaan, menjaga transparansi dan hubungan yang harmonis.Maximizing the Company's value, improving the health of the Company professionally by complying with aspects of corporate governance, providing timely and correct information about the Company's condition, maintaining transparency and harmonious relationships.


Menyediakan, membangun dan mengoperasikan pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas dan logistik secara terintegrasi, berkualitas dan andal untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan dan mitra.Providing, building and operating integrated, quality and reliable container terminal and logistics services to meet customer and partner satisfaction.


Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi karyawan, menjamin kesetaraan dan kesempatan kerja yang sama, mewujudkan Insan Perusahaan dan budayanya serta memberikan kesejahteraan kepada karyawan.Creating a convenient working environment for employees, ensuring equality and employment opportunities, realizing the Company's employees and culture and providing welfare to employees.


Berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan pendidikan dan kesejahteraan kepada masyarakat.Contributing to the improvement of education and welfare for the community.

Lingkungan SekitarSurrounding Environment

Berkontribusi dalam pelestarian lingkungan seperti menanam terumbu karang, menghemat penggunaan energi listrik, kertas dan air, menjaga lingkungan kerja yang bersih.Contributing to environmental conservation such as planting coral reefs, saving the use of electricity, paper and water, maintaining a clean working environment.

Selain itu, IPC TPK juga melakukan studi pemetaan sosial dan workshop dengan pemangku kepentingan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan top down (Company interest) dan buttom up. Dari hal itu didapatkan pemetaan tentang lingkup tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan yang meliputi bidang-bidang sebagai berikut:1. Pendidikan;2. Kesehatan dan sanitasi;3. Ekonomi hijau;4. Perlindungan/pelestarian lingkungan.


Kesehatan dan SanitasiHealth and Sanitation

Ekonomi HijauGreen Economy

Perlindungan/Pelestarian LingkunganEnvironmental Conservation

CSR Management System

Visi MisiObjektif Perusahaan

Vision MissionCompany Objective

Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility both As an Obligation and Exceeding Obligations

The CSR activities of IPC TPK are carried out in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, which are further detailed out into the Corporate Long-Term Plan (RJPP) or Corporate Roadmap of 2016-2020. Based on RJPP, the scope of corporate social responsibility includes: shareholders, customers, employees, communities, and the surrounding environment.

In addition, IPC TPK also conducts social mapping study and workshops with stakeholders, using top down (Company interest) and bottom-up approaches. From that study, it will map the scope of corporate social responsibility which covers the following areas:

1. Education;2. Health and sanitation;3. Green economy;4. Environmental protection/preservation.

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Pemetaan sosial serta workshop dan Company interest yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan bahwa penerima manfaat CSR IPC TPK mencakup:a. Masyarakat kelompok rentan, seperti pemulung dan

masyarakat miskin;b. Komunitas lingkungan;c. Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah;d. Sekolah, seperti Pendidikan anak usia dini, Pendidikan

kejuruan dan Pendidikan umum;e. Kelompok pemuda dan keagamaan;f. Pekerja lokal.

Sementara itu, informasi tentang Pemangku Kepentingan Penting yang Terdampak atau Berpengaruh pada Dampak dari Kegiatan IPC TPK telah dipetakan IPC TPK dan dituangkan dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) atau Roadmap Corporate IPC TPK 2016–2020, tentang penjabaran Misi IPC TPK yang berbunyi, “Sebagai operator terminal petikemas yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah maksimal bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) secara berkesinambungan dalam rangka meningkatkan perekonomian nasional”. Dijelaskan bahwa Pemangku Kepentingan yang dimaksud adalah pelanggan dan mitra, karyawan, Pemegang Saham, masyarakat dan negara.

Pemangku KepentinganStakeholders

Isu UtamaMain Issues

Pelanggan dan MitraCustomers and Partners

Menyediakan, membangun dan mengoperasikan pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas dan logistik secara terintegrasi, berkualitas dan andal untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan dan mitra.Providing, building and operating container terminal and logistics services in an integrated, qualified and reliable to meet customer and partner satisfaction.


Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi karyawan, mewujudkan Insan Perusahaan dan budayanya serta memberikan kesejahteraan kepada karyawan.Creating a convenient working environment for employees, realizing the Company's employees and culture and providing welfare to employees.

Pemegang SahamShareholder

Memaksimalkan nilai Perusahaan bagi Pemegang Saham dan meningkatkan kesehatan Perusahaan secara profesional dengan mematuhi aspek-aspek tata kelola Perusahaan.Maximizing the corporate values for shareholders and improving the health of the Company professionally by complying with corporate governance aspect.

Masyarakat dan NegaraCommunity and the Country

Menjamin kelancaran dan keamanan arus kapal dan petikemas untuk mewujudkan efisiensi biaya logistik dalam rangka memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat.Ensuring the smooth and safe traffic of ships and containers to realize the efficiency of logistics costs in order to accelerate national economic growth with impact on improved welfare of the community.

Isu-Isu Penting Sosial, Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Terkait Dampak Kegiatan Perusahaan

Mengacu pada analisis SWOT yang telah dilakukan IPC TPK, terdapat beberapa isu strategis CSR IPC TPK, antara lain:

a. Terselenggaranya proses bisnis dan reputasi Perusahaan yang harmonis dengan para Pemangku Kepentingan;

b. Terselenggaranya kegiatan bisnis dengan aman dan lancar;

c. Mewujudkan komitmen Perusahaan untuk mewujudkan penyelenggaraan CSR secara sistematis dengan tata kelola yang baik;

d. Dukungan Perusahaan bagi masyarakat di sekitar wilayah operasi dalam pembangunan sosial dan lingkungan secara berkeadilan;

e. Memberikan nilai tambah kepada para Pemangku Kepentingan;

f. Terlaksananya penerapan Program CSR yang berkelanjutan.

The mapping of social media and workshops and the Company’s interests, which has been conducted, shows that the beneficiaries of IPC TPK’s CSR programs include:a. Vulnerable group communities, such as scavengers and

the poor;b. Environmental community;c. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises;d. Schools, such as Early Childhood Education, Vocational

Education and General Education;e. Youth and religious groups;f. Local workers.

Meanwhile, IPC IPK has done the mapping of the Importat Stakeholder Information that are affected, influential and impacted to IPC TPK's activities and outlined in the Corporate Long Term Plan (RJPP) or IPC TPK’s Corporate Roadmap for 2016-2020, about the description of IPC TPK's Missions which read, "As a container terminal operator that can provide maximum added values for all stakeholders continuously in order to improve the national economy". It explains that the stakeholders are customers and partners, employees, shareholders, communities, and countries.

Important Social, Economic and Environmental Issues Relating to the Impacts of Corporate Activities

Referring to the SWOT analysis done by the Company, there are several strategic issues of the Company's CSR, among others:a. The implementation of business processes and the

Company's reputation, which are in harmony with stakeholders;

b. Conducting business activities safely and smoothly;

c. Realizing the Company's commitment to realize the systematic CSR implementation with good governance principles;

d. The Company's support for the community surrounding its business operation withing the scope of the fair social and environmental development;

e. Provide added value to stakeholders;

f. Implementation of sustainable CSR Programs.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Strategi dan Program Kerja Perusahaan dalam Menangani Isu-Isu Sosial, Ekonomi dan Lingkungan dalam Upaya Stakeholders Engagement dan Meningkatkan Value untuk Pemangku Kepentingan dan Pemegang Saham

IPC TPK telah menyusun strategi dan program kerja untuk menangani isu-isu terkait sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan yang mengacu pada hasil pemetaan yang telah dilakukan. Strategi dan program kerja tersebut tertuang dalam Rencana Kerja Manajemen Divisi Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal terkait masalah kesempatan mendapatkan pendidikan bagi para Pemangku Kepentingan/masyarakat di lingkungan sekitar IPC TPK dengan memberikan bantuan melalui program orang tua asuh di tingkat Sekolah Dasar sampai Perguruan Tinggi. Langkah ini dilakukan IPC TPK sebagai upaya stakeholder engagement dan meningkatkan nilai bagi Pemangku Kepentingan dan juga Pemegang Saham.

Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial yang Melebihi Tanggung Jawab Minimal Perusahaan yang Relevan dengan Bisnis yang Dijalankan

IPC TPK telah menyelenggarakan tanggung jawab sosial yang merupakan kewajiban dan yang melebihi kewajiban dengan baik kepada Pemangku Kepentingan maupun shareholder Perusahaan. Adapun pemenuhan kewajiban dan yang melebihi kewajiban, antara lain sebagai berikut:

Pemangku KepentinganStakeholders

Pemenuhan KewajibanFulfilled Obligations

Pelanggan dan MitraCustomers and Partners

Menyediakan, membangun dan mengoperasikan pelayanan jasa terminal petikemas dan logistik secara terintegrasi, berkualitas dan andal untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan dan mitra. Perusahaan senantiasa melakukan perbaikan pelayanan jasa secara berkesinambungan untuk menjamin kepuasan pelanggan dan mitra.Providing, building and operating container terminal services and logistics in an integrated, qualified and reliable manner to meet customer and partner satisfaction. The Company continuously improves its services to ensure customer and partner satisfaction.


Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi karyawan, mewujudkan Insan Perusahaan dan budayanya serta memberikan kesejahteraan kepada karyawan.Promoting a convenient working environment for employees, realizing the Company's employees and culture and providing welfare to employees.

Pemegang SahamShareholder

Memaksimalkan nilai Perusahaan bagi Pemegang Saham dan meningkatkan kesehatan Perusahaan secara profesional dengan mematuhi aspek-aspek tata kelola Perusahaan.Maximizing the value of the Company for shareholders and improving the Company’s health in professional manner by complying with corporate governance aspect.

Masyarakat dan NegaraCommunity and the Country

Berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan pendidikan dan kesejahteraan kepada masyarakat serta menjamin kelancaran dan keamanan arus kapal dan petikemas untuk mewujudkan efisiensi biaya logistik dalam rangka memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat.Contributing to the better education and welfare to the community and ensuring the smooth and safe traffic of ships and containers in order to realize the efficiency of logistics costs to accelerate national economic growth that has an impact on improved welfare of the community.

Lingkungan SekitarSurrounding Environment

Berkontribusi dalam pelestarian lingkungan seperti menanam terumbu karang, menghemat penggunaan energi listrik, kertas dan air, menjaga lingkungan kerja yang bersih.Contributing to environmental conservation, such as planting coral reefs, saving the use of electricity, paper and water, maintaining a clean working environment.

Dalam memberikan pelayanan bagi pelanggan, IPC TPK memberikan fasilitas tambahan di luar dari kewajiban pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial, seperti pengisian baterai di ruang tunggu pelayanan dan menyediakan fasilitas kamar mandi penyandang cacat di tempat pusat pelayanan pelanggan.

Sementara itu, untuk karyawan, IPC TPK memberikan fasilitas bonus dan sebagainya. IPC TPK memberikan remunerasi kepada para karyawannya berupa gaji pokok, insentif prestasi, tunjangan dan fasilitas lainnya berdasarkan jenjang jabatan, masa kerja dan penilaian kinerja individu yang dicapai oleh karyawan tanpa adanya unsur diskriminasi. IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan guna meningkatkan motivasi kinerja dan loyalitas karyawan.

Corporate Strategy and Work Program in Dealing with Social, Economic and Environmental Issues as Part of Stakeholder Engagement and Increasing Values for Stakeholders and Shareholders

IPC TPK has developed working strategies and programs to address social, economic, and environmental issues that refer to the mapping results. The work strategy and programs are contained in the Management Work Plan of Corporate Secretary and External Relations Division relating to the opportunities for stakeholders/communities surrounding IPC TPK’s business locations to get education, for which the Company has provided assistance through foster parent programs starting from the elementary school to college level. This initiative of IPC TPK represents efforts to promote stakeholder engagement and increases value for stakeholders and shareholders.

Social Responsibility Program That Exceeds the Minimum Corporate Responsibility That Is Relevant with the Business

IPC TPK has held social responsibility which is part of its obligation and exceeds the responsibility to stakeholders and shareholders of the Company. The fulfilled obligations and the exceeded obligations, among others are:

In serving the customers, IPC TPK provides additional facilities beyond the fulfillment of its social responsibility obligations, such as charging batteries in waiting rooms and providing bathroom facilities for disabled people in customer service centers.

Meanwhile, for employees, IPC TPK grants bonuses and others. IPC TPK provides remuneration to its employees in the form of basic salary, performance incentives, and benefits and other facilities based on job title, terms of office and individual performance assessment achieved by employees without discrimination. IPC TPK always strives to improve employee welfare in order to stimulate employee performance and loyalty.

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Target Pencapaian CSR dan Informasi Tentang Anggaran Tanggung Jawab Sosial

IPC TPK menjadikan pelaksanaan program CSR sebagai salah satu Key Performance Indicator (KPI) kinerja Perusahaan. Program CSR sebagai salah satu KPI diukur berdasarkan kontribusi nilai ekonomi dan sosial yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan sosial terhadap keberlangsungan usaha Perusahaan. Pada RKAP tahun 2020, Perseroan menetapkan KPI dari pelaksanaan program CSR maksimal 3% dengan target pemenuhan 100. Tujuan pelaksanaan CSR adalah untuk meningkatkan standar pelayanan operasional dan komersial yang mana hal itu diwujudkan melalui peningkatan brand value Perusahaan.

Anggaran CSR Tahun 2018-2020(Dalam rupiah)

CSR Budget Year of 2018-2020(In Rupiah)

2020 2019 2018

RKAP Realisasi Realization RKAP Realisasi Realization RKAP Realisasi Realization

1.829.305.780 1.914.211.222 2.572.819.874 1.572.312.000 469.809.977 661.165.800

Adapun rincian realisasi anggaran CSR tahun 2020, adalah sebagai berikut:


Biaya/Cost (Dalam rupiah/In Rupiah)

1 Bantuan Sosial Bencana Banjir Jabodetabek 2020Social Assistance for Jabodetabek Flood Disaster in 2020


2 Akomodasi Bantuan Banjir Jabodetabek 2020Jabodetabek Flood Relief Accommodation in 2020


3 Joint CSR Kalibaru Program Beasiswa Paket C dengan NPCT1Joint CSR Program for Kalibaru Scholarship Program for Package C with NPCT1


4 Santunan Anak Yatim Piatu Yayasan BarunawatiDonation for the Orphans of Barunawati Foundation


5 Pembagian Masker Untuk Pengguna Jasa Pelabuhan Tanjung PriokDistribution of Masks for Users of Tanjung Priok Port Services


6 Program CSR Penanggulangan Covid-19CSR Program to Combat Covid-19


7 Program CSR Pembagian Hewan KurbanCSR Program of Distribution of Qurban Animal


8 Program CSR Pembagian Sembako Area JambiCSR Program of Daily Need Package Distribution in Jambi Area


9 Program CSR Pembagian Sembako Area Teluk BayurCSR Program of Daily Need Package Distribution in Teluk Bayur Area


10 Program CSR Alokasi Biaya THR Direksi & Komisaris CSR Program of Allocation of Holy Day Benefits of Board of Directors & Board of Commissioners


11 Pembagian Masker Untuk Pemangku Kepentingan PelabuhanDistribution of Masks for Port Stakeholders


12 Program CSR Donor Darah Bulan September bekerja sama dengan PMI Jakarta UtaraCSR Program of September Blood Donation in collaboration with PMI of North Jakarta


13 Program CSR Pembagian Sembako Kantor PusatCSR Program of Daily Need Package Distribution in Head Office


14 Program CSR Donor Darah Bulan Desember bekerja sama dengan PMI Jakarta UtaraCSR Program of December Blood Donation in collaboration with PMI of North Jakarta


15 Bantuan Sosial Sarana Pendidikan Yayasan BarunawatiEducational Assistance for Barunawati Foundation


16 Program CSR Alokasi Biaya THR Direktur Komersial & Biaya CSRCSR Program of Holiday Benefits Allocation of Commercial Director & CSR Costs


Jumlah BiayaTotal Costs


Secara garis besar, IPC TPK menganggarkan program CSR pada Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan setiap tahun dengan besaran biaya sebesar maksimal 2%, atau sesuai dengan kemampuan Perusahaan. Informasi tentang pembiayaan dan anggaran tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan diinformasikan dalam Buku Laporan Tahunan yang dipublikasikan melalui website Perusahaan agar dapat diakses oleh masyarakat luas.

CSR Achievement Target and CSR Budget Information

IPC TPK puts the CSR program implementation as one of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the Company's performance. CSR program as one of the KPIs is measured based on the contributions of economic and social values resulting from social activities against the Company’s business continuity. In the 2020 RKAP, the Company sets KPIs from the implementation of CSR programs at maximum 3% with the fulfillment target of 100. The purpose of CSR implementation is to improve the standards of operational and commercial services, which is realized through the improvement of the Company's brand value.

The details of the CSR budget realization in 2020 are as follows:

In brief, IPC TPK allocates budget for CSR programs in the Annual Corporate Work Plan and Budget at a maximum cost of 2%, or in accordance with the Company's financial capabilities. Information about financing and corporate social responsibility budget is presented in the Annual Report which is available for public access on the Company's website.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Pemenuhan Hak Asasi ManusiaCorporate Social Responsibility Related to Fulfillment of Human Rights

IPC TPK mendefinisikan hak asasi manusia sebagai hak mendasar bagi setiap individu yang terlibat maupun yang terkena dampak dari kegiatan operasi dan usaha yang dilakukan Perusahaan. Merujuk pada ISO 26000 tentang Panduan Tanggung Jawab Sosial, maka hak-hak asasi manusia mencakup non-diskriminasi dan perhatian pada kelompok rentan; menghindari kerumitan; hak-hak sipil dan politik; hak-hak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya; serta hak-hak dasar pekerja. Cakupan definitif berdasarkan ISO 2600 tersebut telah dilaksanakan oleh Perusahaan, baik dalam kegiatan operasional yang melibatkan karyawan, pelanggan dan mitra, maupun masyarakat di sekitar lokasi usaha.

Komitmen dan Kebijakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia

Penegakan hak asasi manusia yang dilakukan IPC TPK tertuang dalam Kode Etik Bisnis PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/20/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 20 Oktober 2017. Dalam Bab Etika Profesional ditegaskan bahwa PT IPC Terminal Petikemas berkomitmen untuk memelihara dan mengembangkan bakat Insan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan memastikan bahwa setiap Insan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas menerima kesempatan yang sama dalam pelatihan, pendidikan dan kompetensi. IPC TPK bertekad untuk memperkuat hubungan industri dan menghargai hak asasi manusia dan kewajibannya sesuai dengan peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Pada pelaksanaannya, penegakan hak asasi manusia tidak semata-mata berlaku untuk karyawan, penilaian hak asasi manusia juga menjadi pertimbangan bagi IPC TPK dalam mengambil keputusan di semua lokasi operasional. IPC TPK juga mendorong Insan IPC TPK untuk memberikan perhatian penuh pada Hak Asasi Manusia dan kewajiban sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku dan melarang pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia dalam bentuk apapun.

IPC TPK tidak mentoleransi segala jenis intimidasi atau pelecehan di tempat kerja. Untuk itu, IPC TPK mendorong Insan IPC TPK untuk menyampaikan keluhan mereka kapanpun mereka melihat atau mengalami segala jenis pelecehan di tempat kerja.

Selain itu, IPC TPK juga menghargai setiap individu dan memelihara persatuan dalam keragaman dengan menunjukkan hubungan saling percaya. Karena itu, IPC TPK mendorong keragaman di dalam tim kerja dan menghargai pendapat, nilai-nilai, dan keyakinan masing-masing individu karena adalah dasar untuk keberhasilan IPC TPK.

IPC TPK berupaya menciptakan suasana inklusivitas yang membantu individu-indvidu dalam mengekspresikan ide-ide, pendapat, serta berkontribusi aktif dalam mencapai tujuan bisnis. Perusahaan mengharuskan seluruh Insan IPC TPK untuk:

IPC TPK defines human rights as fundamental rights for every individual involved or affected by the Company's operations and businesses. Referring to ISO 26000 on Social Responsibility Guidelines, human rights include non-discriminatory acts and attention to vulnerable groups; avoiding complexity; civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights; and essential rights of the workers. The Company in that case has carried out the definitive coverage as outlined in ISO 26000, both in its operational activities involving employees, customers and partners, as well as the community surrounding the business location.

Commitment and Social Responsibility Policy on Human Rights

The enforcement of human rights by IPC TPK is contained in the Business Ethics of PT IPC Terminal Container, which is determined through the Board of Directors Decree of PT IPC Terminal Container No. HK.566/20/10/1/IPCTPK-17 dated October 20th, 2017. In the Chapter on Professional Ethics, it affirms that PT IPC Terminal Petikemas is committed to nurturing and developing the talents of PT IPC Terminal Container and ensuring that every employee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas is entitled to the same opportunities in training, education and competence. IPC TPK is determined to strengthen industrial relations and respect human rights and obligations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

In its implementation, the enforcement of human rights does not solely apply to employees, as human rights assessment is also a consideration for IPC TPK in making decisions in all operational locations. IPC TPK also encourages IPC TPK’s employees to give full attention to Human Rights and obligations in accordance with applicable laws and prohibit violations of Human Rights in any kind.

IPC TPK does not tolerate any kinds of intimidating acts or harassment in the workplace. Therefore, IPC TPK encourages IPC TPK’s employees to submit their complaints whenever they see or experience any acts of harassment in the workplace.

In addition, IPC TPK also values each individual and maintains unity in diversity by demonstrating mutual trust. Therefore, IPC TPK encourages diversity within the work team and respects each individual's opinions, values, and beliefs as it is the basis for the Company's success.

IPC TPK strives to create an atmosphere of inclusivity that helps individuals express ideas, opinions, and actively contribute to achieving business goals. The Company requires all IPC TPK’s employees to:

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1. Menghormati sesama rekan kerja dan membangun ikatan saling percaya;

2. Menghindari percakapan dan kegiatan yang menyinggung perasaan orang lain;

3. Membentuk jaringan yang kolaboratif untuk mempromosikan semangat tim dan inklusivitas.

Lingkup Tanggung Jawab Sosial Core Subject Hak Asasi Manusia

Terkait dengan bidang usaha IPC TPK, maka kegiatan usaha IPC TPK berhubungan langsung dengan pelanggan dan masyarakat yang berada di sekitar wilayah operasional Perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil due diligence yang dilakukan Perusahaan, terdapat isu-isu hak asasi manusia yang relevan dan berkaitan langsung dengan aktivitas bisnis Perusahaan, yakni bidang ketenagakerjaan, pelayanan pelanggan, dan masyarakat di sekitar Perusahaan.

Lingkup Tanggung Jawab Sosial - Core Subject HAM IPC TPKScope of Social responsibility related to IPC TPK - Core Human Rights Subjects




Isu-Isu HAM Terkait Kegiatan atau yang Relevan Dengan Bisnis Perusahaan

Isu-isu hak asasi manusia yang melingkupi bidang ketenagakerjaan, antara lain:

Kesetaraan Gender dan Kesempatan KerjaIPC TPK senantiasa memperhatikan pemenuhan terhadap pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban yang seimbang, dan menyelaraskan kepentingan karyawan dan kepentingan Perusahaan. IPC TPK juga berusaha agar dapat memberikan perlindungan atas hak asasi karyawan untuk merasa nyaman dalam melakukan aktivitas pekerjaan yang dihadapi.

Selain itu, IPC TPK senantiasa memberikan kebebasan bagi setiap karyawan untuk memiliki hak yang sama dalam berkompetisi melalui pengembangan diri secara sehat. IPC TPK berkomitmen memberikan kesempatan dan kesamaan hak kepada seluruh karyawan, tanpa membedakan suku, agama, ras, golongan, gender, dan kondisi, sejak proses rekrutmen, pengembangan kompetensi dan keahlian, serta penetapan jenjang karier dan remunerasi. Kebijakan yang ditempuh IPC TPK sebagai upaya menciptakan dan menjaga hubungan kerja yang harmonis, sehat, dan sinergis, baik antar karyawan maupun karyawan dengan Perusahaan.

1. Respecting fellow workers and building mutual trust;

2. Avoiding conversations and activities that offend others;

3. Establish collaborative network to promote team spirit and inclusivity.

Scope of Social Responsibility in Core Subject of Human Rights

Related to the scope of businesses of IPC TPK, the business activities of IPC TPK directly relate to customers and the community surrounding the Company's operational area. Based on the results of due diligence conducted by the Company, there are human rights issues that are relevant and directly relate to the Company's business activities, namely the aspects of employment, customer service, and the community surrounding the Company.

Human Rights Issues Relating to Activities or Relevant to the Company’s Businesses

Human rights issues relating to the employment aspect among others are:

Gender Equality and Employment OpportunitiesIPC TPK always pays attention to the fulfillment of the implementation of balanced rights and obligations, and aligns with the interests of employees and interests of the Company. IPC TPK also strives to protect employees' human rights to ensure their comfort in carrying out the work activities.

In addition, IPC TPK always grants freedom for every employee to secure the equal rights to compete in a healthy self-development. IPC TPK is committed to providing opportunities and equal rights to all employees, regardless ethnicity, religion, race, class, gender, and condition since the recruitment process, competency and skill development, as well as the determination of career levels and remuneration. IPC TPK’s policies with aim at creating and maintaining harmonious, healthy, and synergistic working relationship, between employees, as well as between the Company and the employees.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Pemenuhan Kesejahteraan dan Hak KaryawanIPC TPK memberikan remunerasi kepada para karyawannya yang terdiri dari gaji pokok, insentif prestasi, tunjangan dan fasilitas lainnya berdasarkan jenjang jabatan, masa kerja dan penilaian kinerja individu yang dicapai oleh karyawan tanpa adanya unsur diskriminasi. IPC TPK senantiasa berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan guna meningkatkan motivasi kinerja dan loyalitas karyawan terhadap Perusahaan.

a. Kebijakan RemunerasiKebijakan remunerasi IPC TPK dilakukan dengan merujuk pada Surat Perjanjian tentang Pelaksanaan Penugasan dan Pembinaan Pekerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang ditugaskan pada Anak Perusahaan di lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.566/1/10/3/PI.II-14 tertanggal 1 Oktober 2015. Selain itu, IPC TPK juga merumuskan sejumlah insentif dalam rangka memotivasi produktivitas karyawan dengan berdasarkan pada Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/20/12/2/IPCTPK-17 tentang Penggunaan Peraturan Perusahaan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) oleh PT IPC Terminal Petikemas terutama terkait insentif pada terminal petikemas.

Dalam rangka memenuhi kesejahteraan karyawan, IPC TPK merujuk pada ketentuan Upah Minimum Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota (UMP/K) yang berlaku di wilayah masing-masing unit kerja IPC TPK. Kemudian, kompensasi program kesejahteraan dan fasilitas karyawan ditentukan dengan mengacu kepada Ketentuan dan Peraturan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, termasuk pemenuhan upah yang berlaku.

Berikut ini fasilitas kesejahteraan yang diberikan oleh IPC TPK kepada karyawan aktif:a. Tunjangan perumahan;b. Bantuan biaya transport;c. Tunjangan hari raya keagamaan;d. Bantuan biaya cuti tahunan;e. Bantuan biaya cuti besar;f. Gaji ke-13;g. Insentif performa;h. Bonus;i. Tunjangan pindah kerja.

Sementara itu, bagi pekerja yang menduduki jabatan manajerial dan supervisor, mereka tidak hanya berhak menerima remunerasi dan benefit di atas, namun juga sejumlah fasilitas tambahan, antara lain:1. Pejabat manajerial:

a. Tunjangan jabatan yang diberikan secara bulanan;b. Bantuan fasilitas handphone yang diberikan dua

tahun sekali;c. Bantuan pemakaian pulsa yang diberikan secara

bulanan;d. Uang pengganti fasilitas kendaraan dan BBM

yang diberikan secara bulanan.2. Supervisor

a. Tunjangan jabatan (bulanan);b. Bantuan fasilitas handphone (2 tahun sekali);c. Bantuan pemakaian pulsa (bulanan).

b. Penghargaan KaryawanBerbagai bentuk apresiasi juga dilakukan manajemen IPC TPK melalui sistem penghargaan bagi karyawan Perusahaan berdasarkan kinerja individu. Sistem

Fulfillment of Employee Welfare and RightsIPC TPK provides remuneration to its employees consisting of basic salary, performance incentives, benefits and other facilities based on job title, terms of services, and individual performance assessment of each employee without any kind of discrimination. IPC TPK always strives to improve employee welfare in order to stimulate employee performance and loyalty to the Company.

a. Remuneration PolicyIPC TPK’s remuneration policy is determined with reference to the Letter of Agreement on the Implementation of Assignment and Development of Employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) assigned to subsidiaries of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.566/1/10/3/PI.II-14 dated October 1st, 2015. In addition, IPC TPK has also formulated a number of incentives in order to motivate employee productivity with respect to the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.566/20/12/2/IPCTPK-17 on the Adoption of Corporate Regulations of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) by PT IPC Terminal Kontainer especially regarding the regulations on incentives in container terminal.

In order to fulfill employee welfare, IPC TPK refers to the provisions of the Provincial/District/City Minimum Wage (UMP/K) applicable in the region where each working unit of IPC TPK is established. Then, the optimization of welfare programs and employee facilities is determined by referring to the Provisions and Regulations of the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, including the fulfillment of applying wage requirements.

The followings are welfare facilities provided for IPC TPK’s active employees:a. Housing allowance;b. Transportation allowance;c. Religious holiday allowance;d. Annual leave allowance;e. Major leave allowance;f. 13th salary benefit;g. Performance incentives;h. Bonus;i. Employment benefits.

Meanwhile, employees of managerial and supervisor levels are not only entitled to receive the above-mentioned remuneration and benefits, but also granted with a number of additional facilities, including:1. Managerial officials:

a. Job benefits provided on a monthly basis;b. Mobile phone usage allowance provided

biennially;c. Phone credit allowance provided on a monthly

basis;d. Reimbursement facility for vehicle and fuel usage

provided on a monthly basis.2. Supervisor

a. Job allowance (monthly);b. Handphone usage allowance (once every 2 years);c. Phone credit allowance (monthly).

b. Employee AwardsVarious forms of appreciation are also carried out by IPC TPK management through awarding system for employees based on individual performance. Employee awarding is

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penghargaan karyawan bertujuan untuk memberikan penghargaan atas kompetensi, pencapaian target dan kinerja yang baik, serta sebagai salah satu upaya retensi terhadap talenta-talenta terbaik IPC TPK agar senantiasa memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi terhadap Perusahaan.

Salah satu bentuk penghargaan karyawan yang diberikan Perusahaan adalah Program Pemilihan Pekerja Terbaik di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/27/6/1/IPCTPK-19, program penghargaan karyawan ini memiliki dasar kebijakan dalam bentuk pemberian penghargaan langsung kepada karyawan sesuai dengan standar IPC TPK. Program ini dilangsungkan secara rutin setiap bulan di seluruh area PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dengan mengikutsertakan pekerja mulai dari level fungsional hingga supervisor, baik tenaga kerja organik (TNO) maupun non organik.

c. Kebijakan dan Program PensiunSeluruh karyawan IPC TPK merupakan karyawan dari entitas induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Dengan demikian, pengelolaan program pensiun karyawan dilalukan oleh entitas induk.

d. Pembentukan Lingkungan Kerja yang KondusifSelain memberikan perhatian besar terhadap penyediaan kesejahteraan yang memadai bagi karyawan, IPC TPK juga berupaya menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif bagi seluruh karyawan. Perseroan dalam hal ini telah membangun sarana beribadah, membentuk komunitas olah raga karyawan (futsal, bulutangkis, tenis meja, dan sebagainya).

Kebebasan Berserikat dan BerkumpulSetiap pekerja memiliki hak untuk berserikat, berkumpul, dan menyampaikan pendapat. Perusahaan juga mendukung kegiatan pegawai dalam berserikat dengan membentuk organisasi Serikat Pekerja (SP). Keberadaan serikat pekerja dinilai mampu menjadi sarana yang menjembatani permasalahan antara pegawai dengan manajemen menjadi sangat penting keberadaannya sehingga pegawai dapat dengan mudah mengemukakan permasalahan yang terjadi di lapangan dan manajemen dapat memberikan respons yang baik kepada karyawan. Dengan terbangunnya wadah, diharapkan bisa membangun komunikasi yang baik antara karyawan dengan Perusahaan. Dari komunikasi yang baik itu diharapkan terbangun hubungan yang harmonis dan sinergis, sehingga kesinambungan bisnis dan target IPC TPK bisa tercapai. Dengan pencapaian bisnis yang baik, maka IPC TPK mampu memberikan kesejahteraan yang baik bagi setiap karyawan.

Status pegawai IPC TPK hingga saat ini adalah pegawai PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang ditugaskan di IPC TPK, sebagaimana diatur dalam Surat Perjanjian tentang Pelaksanaan Penugasan dan Pembinaan Pekerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang ditugaskan pada Anak Perusahaan di lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No.HK.566/1/10/3/PI.II-14 tertanggal 1 Oktober 2015. Dengan demikian, pegawai IPC TPK menyalurkan aspirasinya sebagai pegawai melalui organisasi pekerja yang dibentuk di lingkungan IPC TPK yang bernama Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II).

Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II) berdiri sejak tahun 1999 dan telah terdaftar di Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. KEP.398/M/BW/1999 serta terdaftar pada Kantor

held with aim at rewarding employees for competence, achievement of targets and good performance, as well as one of the retention efforts to the best talents of IPC TPK in order to build their loyalty to the Company.

One form of employee appreciation given by the Company is the Best Employee Selection Program in the Business Environment of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/27/6/1/IPCTPK-19, the basic policy of such employee award program is to directly grant awards to employees in accordance with IPC TPK standards. This program is held every month throughout the working areas of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas by involving employees ranging from functional levels to supervisors of both organic (TNO) and non-organic statuses.

c. Pension Policies and ProgramsAll employees of IPC TPK are employees of the parent entity, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Thus, the management of employee pension programs is done by the parent entity.

d. Establishment of a Convenient Work EnvironmentNot only pay attention to the provision of adequate welfare for employees, IPC TPK also strives to create a favorable working environment for everyone. The Company therefore has built worship facilities, and established employee sports communities (futsal, badminton, table tennis, and so on).

Freedom of Organization and AssemblyEvery employee has the right to unite, gather, and express opinions. The Company also supports the activities of employees to make organization by establishing a Labor Union (SP). The union is able to serve as a means of bridging problems between employees and management, which is very important so that employees can easily report problems that occur in the field and the management can provide a good response to employees.

The union establishment is expected to promote a good communication between employees and the Company. The good communication is expected to build a harmonious and synergistic relationship, so that business continuity and targets of IPC TPK can be achieved. With the achievement of good business, IPC TPK will be able to ensure adequate welfare for all employees.

The status of IPC TPK employees to date is the employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) assigned to the IPC TPK, as stipulated in the Agreement Letter on the Implementation of Assignment and Development of Employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) assigned to subsidiaries within PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.566/1/10/3/PI. II-14 dated October 1st, 2015. Thus, IPC TPK employees communicate their aspirations as employees through a labor organization formed in the IPC TPK called the Labor Union of Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II).

The Labor Union of Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II) was established in 1999 and has been registered under the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration based on the Decree of the Minister of Manpower No. KEP.398/M/BW/1999

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Suku Dinas Tenaga kerja dan Transmigrasi Kotamadya Jakarta Utara No. 210/III/N/VII/2001 tanggal 31 Juli 2001.

IPC TPK dalam hal ini mendukung aktivitas Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II). Melalui pengembangan hubungan industrial yang kondusif dengan SPPI II sebagai bentuk perwakilan aspirasi karyawan hubungan konstruktif yang saling menghormati tersebut dimanifestasikan dalam bentuk butir-butir kesepakatan dan aturan sebagaimana tercantum pada Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB), yang ditinjau dan diperbaharui secara berkala serta ditandatangani oleh Manajemen dan SPPI II. IPC TPK mendayagunakan hubungan konstruktif dengan SPPI II antara lain untuk mensosialisasikan kebijakan dan program Manajemen serta untuk melakukan mencari solusi terbaik atas permasalahan hubungan industrial maupun penyelesaian keluhan karyawan.

Pekerja di Bawah UmurHingga saat ini tidak terdapat pekerja di bawah umur yang bekerja di Perusahaan. Ketentuan ini tertuang dalam persyaratan penerimaan pegawai IPC TPK yang mensyaratkan calon pekerja minimal telah menamatkan pendidikan jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).

Waktu KerjaSesuai statusnya, bahwa karyawan IPC TPK merupakan karyawan Induk Perusahaan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang ditugaskan di IPC TPK, maka ketentuan waktu kerja Perusahaan mengacu pada ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku di Induk Perusahaan. Ketentuan mengenai waktu kerja, lembur, cuti dan izin meninggalkan pekerjaan dan upah lembur dengan memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia sebagai berikut:

and registered with the Office of the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of North Jakarta Municipality No. 210/III/N/VII/2001 dated July 31st, 2001.

IPC TPK in this case supports the activities of the Labor Union of Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II). Through the development of conducive industrial relations with SPPI II as the employee representative, such constructive relationship that respect each other is manifested in the form of the details of agreements and rules as outlined in the Collaborative Agreement (PKB), which is reviewed and updated on periodical basis and signed by both management and SPPI II. IPC TPK utilizes constructive relationships with SPPI II, among others, to socialize management policies and programs and to find the best solution to industrial relations issues and seek for resolution to employee’s complaints.

Child Labor The Company ensures to not commit child labor practices. This provision is contained as the requirements for admission of IPC TPK employees, which regulate that prospective employee, must have at least completed their high school education.

Working TimeEmploying the status of being employees of the Parent Company, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), assigned to the IPC TPK, the provision on working hours of employees of IPC TPK refer to the terms and conditions applied in the Parent Company. Provisions on working time, overtime, leave and leave permits and overtime wages with regard to human rights principles are as follows:

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1. Jumlah waktu kerja para Karyawan IPC selama 5 (lima) hari dalam 1 (satu) minggu. Jumlah jam kerja IPC adalah 8 (delapan) jam dalam 1 (satu) hari dan maksimum 40 (empat puluh) jam dalam 1 (satu) minggu.

2. Bagi Pekerja yang bekerja melebihi jumlah jam kerja selama 1 (satu) bulan karena pengaturan sistem kerja diberikan uang lembur. Dengan besaran uang lembur per jam ditetapkan sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

3. Bagi Pekerja yang bekerja pada hari libur nasional berhak mendapat kompensasi kehadirian yang besarannya diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Pengusaha.

4. Cuti tahunan diberikan kepada karyawan telah bekerja sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) tahun secara terus menerus terhitung sejak diangkat sebagai Pekerja dalam Masa Percobaan.

5. Cuti sakit diberikan kepada Pekerja yang sakit minimal selama 1 (satu) hari dan maksimal selama 1 (satu) tahun berdasarkan Surat Keterangan Dokter/Dokter Ahli.

6. Cuti bersalin diberikan kepada Pekerja wanita yang melahirkan. Lama cuti bersalin adalah 1,5 (satu setengah) bulan sebelum persalinan dan 1,5 (satu setengah) bulan setelah persalinan.

7. Cuti gugur kandungan diberikan kepada Pekerja wanita sesuai rekomendasi dokter.

8. Cuti karena alasan penting diberikan kepada karyawan dengan alasan sebagai berikut:a. Ibu/bapak, istri/suami, anak, mertua sakit keras atau

meninggal dunia diberikan cuti selama 2 (dua) hari sampai dengan 7 (tujuh) hari kalender.

b. Melangsungkan perkawinan yang pertama diberikan cuti selama 2 (dua) sampai 7 (tujuh) hari kalender.

c. Melaksanakan ibadah haji ke tanah suci, diberikan cuti paling lama 45 (empat puluh lima) hari kalender.

Pemenuhan HAM untuk Masyarakat

Tidak hanya melakukan pemenuhan hak asasi manusia terhadap lingkungan internal, IPC TPK juga berupaya memenuhi hak asasi manusia kepada masyarakat atau pihak di luar Perusahaan. Salah satunya, memberikan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pengaduan, memberikan bantuan sosial untuk acara-acara sosial kemasyarakatan kepada masyarakat di sekitar Perusahaan, hari raya keagamaan ataupun hari nasional, serta memberikan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan kepada putra-putri dari masyarakat yang kurang mampu yang berada di sekitar IPC TPK dengan memberikan bantuan pendidikan dalam program beasiswa atau orang tua asuh.

Capaian dan Penghargaan Inisiatif CSR Bidang Hak Asasi Manusia

Hingga saat ini, IPC TPK belum mempunyai capaian atau penghargaan CSR di Bidang Hak Asasi manusia. Namun demikian, IPC TPK tetap berkomitmen untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab sosialnya di bidang hak asasi manusia.

1. The total working days of IPC Employees are 5 (five) days in 1 (one) week. The total working hours are 8 (eight) hours in 1 (one) day and a maximum of 40 (forty) hours in 1 (one) week.

2. For employees who work more than total working hours in 1 (one) month because of the arrangement of the work system is entitled to receive overtime money. The amount of overtime money per hour is determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.

3. For employees who work on public holidays are entitled to compensation money whose amount is stipulated in the Employer’s Decree.

4. Annual leave is given to employees who have worked at least 1 (one) year continuously since being appointed as a Probationary Worker.

5. Sick leave is given to sick workers for at least 1 (one) day and a maximum of 1 (one) year based on a recommendation letter from Doctor/Doctor Specialist.

6. Maternity leave is given to female employees who give birth. The maternity leave period starts from 1.5 (one and a half) months before delivery and 1.5 (one and a half) months after delivery.

7. Miscarriage leave is given to female workers based on a recommendation letter from the doctor.

8. Leave for important reasons is given to employees for the following reasons:a. Mothers/fathers, wives/husbands, children, in-laws are

seriously ill or pass away, for which the employee will be given leave for 2 (two) up to 7 (seven) calendar days.

b. The first marriage is given leave for 2 (two) to 7 (seven) calendar days.

c. Conducting hajj to the holy land, for which employees will be given leave for a maximum of 45 (forty-five) calendar days.

Fulfillment of Human Rights of the Community

Not only fulfilling the human rights in the internal environment, IPC TPK also strives to fulfill human rights of the public or external parties of the Company. Among others are to provide an opportunity to raise complaints, provide social assistance for social events in the community surrounding the Company’s locations, celebrating religious holidays or national holidays, as well as provide opportunities to get education to the children of underprivileged communities surrounding IPC TPK by providing educational assistance in the forms of scholarship or foster parent programs.

Achievements and Award for CSR Initiatives in the Aspect of Human Rights

Until now, IPC TPK has not had any achievements or awards for CSR initiatives in the aspect of Human Rights. Nevertheless, IPC TPK remains committed to fulfilling its social responsibility relating to human rights aspect.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Komitmen dan Kebijakan Tanggung Jawab atas Operasi yang Adil

Berdasarkan panduan yang ada dalam ISO 26000 dijelaskan bahwa operasi yang adil adalah praktik yang mencakup: anti korupsi; keterlibatan yang bertanggung jawab dalam politik; kompetisi yang adil; promosi tanggung jawab sosial dalam rantai pemasok (supply chain); serta penghargaan atas property rights. Hingga saat ini, pengelolaan organisasi Perusahaan telah memerhatikan seluruh aspek yang terdapat dalam panduan tersebut. Termasuk di dalamnya komitmen terhadap anti korupsi dalam penyelenggaraan bisnis Perusahaan, serta larangan keterlibatan politik bagi Insan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dengan mengatasnamakan Perusahaan.

Komitmen IPC TPK dalam menerapkan kebijakan tanggung jawab sosial aspek operasi yang adil tertuang dalam Kode Etik Bisnis Perusahaan. Dalam Kode Etik Bisnis tersebut ditegaskan bahwa seluruh Insan IPC TPK diharapkan untuk menunjukkan secara nyata kejujuran, kedisiplinan dan menerapkan keterampilan, pengetahuan, keahlian dan inovasi. Insan IPC TPK diharapkan menolak dengan tegas semua perilaku Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme karena akan sangat merugikan pertumbuhan Perusahaan. Adapun hal yang diatur dalam Kode Etik Bisnis, mencakup:1. Integritas bisnis;2. Benturan kepentingan;3. Benturan kepentingan dalam aktivitas sampingan;4. Kepatuhan hukum;5. Anti korupsi;6. Pemberian donasi;7. Hubungan dengan karyawan;8. Hubungan dengan pelanggan;9. Hubungan dengan pejabat negara;10. Keterlibatan dalam aktivitas politik;11. Persaingan usaha,12. Dan lain-lain.

Isu anti korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme yang mencakup praktik pungutan liar (pungli), pemerasan, dan sebagainya menjadi prioritas utama bagi IPC TPK sebagai Perusahaan yang profesional, independen, berintegritas dan berkelanjutan. Pada pelaksanaannya, IPC TPK terus melakukan upaya membersihkan diri dari praktik KKN dan praktik-praktik sejenisnya, salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah pengendalian praktik gratifikasi, dan pelaporan pungli. Sebagai pijakan aturan dan ketentuan mengenai hal tersebut, IPC TPK memiliki Pedoman Pengelolaan Gratifikasi, Pelaporan Pungutan Liar dan Penerapan Wishtleblowing System dengan harapan akan memperkokoh penegakan penerapan GCG Perusahaan dan menjadi acuan bagi seluruh insan IPC TPK dalam menyikapi gratifikasi pemerasan, pungli dan pelanggaran hukum dan etika lainnya berhubungan dengan pihak ketiga dan semua Pemangku Kepentingan Perusahaan. Selain itu, IPC TPK juga telah melengkapi diri dengan sebuah media untuk memberi kesempatan kepada Insan IPC TPK dan Pemangku Kepentingan untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam program Wisthleblowing System, yakni sebuah sistem pelaporan pelanggaran yang memungkinkan setiap orang melaporkan adanya dugaan fraud, pelanggaran hukum dan etika yang dilakukan oleh Insan Perusahaan.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Operasi yang AdilCorporate Social Responsibility Related to Fair Operation

Commitment and Policy of Responsibility for Fair Operation

According to the guidelines of ISO 26000, fair operation is a practice that includes: anti-corruption; responsible involvement in politics; fair competition; promotion of social responsibility in the supply chain; and appreciation of property rights. Until now, the Company has been paying attention to all aspects contained in the guidelines. This includes a commitment to the implementation of anti-corruption practices in the Company's business, as well as to ban the employees of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas to involve in politics on behalf of the Company.

IPC TPK's commitment to the implementation of social responsibility policy relating to the aspect of fair operation is outlined in the Company's Business Ethics. The Business Ethics regulates that all IPC TPK personnel are expected to show true honesty, discipline and to apply skills, knowledge, expertise, and innovation. IPC TPK personnel are expected to avoid all behaviors of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism for those will be able to hamper the business growth of the Company. The provisions stipulated in the Business Ethics include:1. Business integrity;2. Conflict of interest;3. Conflicts of interest in side activities;4. Legal compliance;5. Anti-corruption;6. Donation;7. Relationships with employees;8. Customer relationships;9. Relations with state officials;10. Involvement in political activities;11. Business competition,12. And others.

Anti-corruption, collusion and nepotism issues, including the practices of illegal levies, extortion, and the others, become top priorities for IPC TPK as a professional, independent, integrity and sustainable enterprise. In its implementation, IPC TPK continues to make efforts to eradicate KKN practices and similar practices, one of which through the efforts of controlling the gratification practices, and reporting of illegal levies. As a foothold of the rules and regulations on the matter, IPC TPK has established Guidelines for Gratification Management, Reporting of Illegal Levies and Application of Whistleblowing System, which are expected to strengthen the enforcement of the implementation of the Company's GCG and to serve as a reference for all IPC TPK personnel in addressing gratification of extortion, illegal levies, and other kinds of violations of laws and code of ethics, relating to third parties and all stakeholders of the Company. In addition, IPC TPK has also equipped itself with a media to provide opportunities to IPC TPK personnel and stakeholders to actively participate in the Whistleblowing System program, which is a violation reporting system that allows everyone to report suspected fraud, violations of law and ethics committed by the Company's employees.

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Perumusan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terkait Operasi yang Adil

Tanggung jawab sosial terkait operasi yang adil pada IPC TPK antara lain meliputi pengelolaan gratifikasi, pelaporan pungutan liar, dan penerapan whistleblowing system.

Pelaksanaan Inisiatif CSR Bidang Operasi yang Adil

Pelaksanaan inisiatif CSR bidang operasi yang adil IPC TPK dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

1. IPC TPK telah melakukan penyempurnaan sistem pengawasan kinerja operasional dan keuangan melalui dashboard monitoring dan Risk Management System

2. Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal telah membuat saluran baru untuk pengaduan atas adanya praktik pungli/Whistleblowing System (WBS) melalui website resmi Perusahaan, melalui saluran telepon 021-40003899/ 08158916092 dan melalui email: [email protected] yang diperuntukkan bagi Pemangku Kepentingan untuk membuat pelaporan terkait indikasi pelanggaran di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

3. IPC TPK telah membuat pelaporan gratifikasi melalui media animasi mengenai sosialisasi gratifikasi: pengelolaan gratifikasi-anti-pungli dan-korupsi-pt-ipc terminal-petikemas/.

4. IPC TPK telah menyempurnakan sistem pelanggan melalui e-service dan CRM (Customer Relation Management), dan sistem vendor melalui digitalisasi procurement service, dengan tujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai pelelangan, hasil pelelangan, pendaftaran vendor, dan vendor terseleksi.

5. Penyempurnaan sistem pengawasan atas komitmen yaitu dengan melaksanakan sosialisasi terkait Pedoman Pelaksanaan GCG, Kode Etik, Anti Pungli, Gratifikasi, Korupsi dan WBS kepada jajaran manajerial IPC TPK dan pegawai serta telah dilakukannya penandatanganan komitmen pelaksanaan GCG, Kode Etik, Anti Pungli, Gratifikasi dan Korupsi.

6. IPC TPK telah menyempurnakan sistem pengawasan atas komitmen GCG dengan melakukan digitalisasi terhadap pemahaman prinsip-prinsip GCG dan Kode Etik Bisnis IPC TPK serta penandatanganan Pakta Integritas pegawai melalui

Formulation of Social Responsibility Policy Related to Fair Operation

Social responsibility relating to fair operation in IPC TPK includes management of gratification, reporting of illegal levies, and whistleblowing system implementation.

Implementation of CSR Initiatives in the Field of Fair Operation

The implementation of CSR initiatives in the field of fair operation of IPC TPK can be explained as follows:

1. IPC TPK has improved the monitoring system of operational and financial performances through a monitoring dashboard,, and the risk management system,

2. Corporate Secretary and External Relations has also established a new channel for receiving complaints about the practices of illegal levies/Whistleblowing System (WBS) through the official website of the Company, , through the phone number: 021-40003899/08158916092 and by email: [email protected] intended for stakeholders to submit reports on indications of violations within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

3. IPC TPK has developed a gratification reporting to make socialization about gratification in the form of animated media:, management of gratification-anti-pungli and -korupsi-pt-ipc terminal-petikemas/.

4. IPC TPK has improved its customer system through e-service and CRM (Customer Relation Management), and vendor system through digitization of procurement service,, with the aim to provide information about auctions, auction results, vendor registration, and selected vendors.

5. Improvement of the supervision system on commitments, namely by carrying out socialization about GCG implementation Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Anti-Illegal Levies, Gratification, Corruption and WBS to the managerial positions of IPC TPK and employees, while there has been a signing of commitments to the implementation of GCG, Code of Conduct, Anti-Illegal Levies, Gratification and Corruption.

6. IPC TPK has improved the surveillance system for GCG commitment realization by digitizing the understanding of GCG principles and IPC TPK's Business Ethics as well as the signing of the Employee Integrity Pact through

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Komitmen dan Kebijakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terkait Lingkungan Hidup

IPC TPK berkomitmen mengimplementasikan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terhadap lingkungan hidup dalam rangka mengurangi dampak lingkungan dari kegiatan IPC TPK maupun kegiatan manusia pada umumnya. Komitmen IPC TPK dalam hal ini telah dituangkan dalam bentuk Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dengan Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/29/12/3/IPCTPK-17 tentang Penetapan Pedoman Pengelolaan Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas tanggal 29 Desember 2017. Dalam Pedoman Pengelolaan Kegiatan CSR tersebut terdapat lingkup atau bidang fokus kegiatan CSR IPC TPK serta Roadmap CSR Perusahaan, antara lain adalah pelestarian/konservasi lingkungan.

Komitmen IPC TPK terkait lingkungan hidup diwujudkan dengan menumbuhkan kesadaran seluruh insan IPC TPK dalam menjaga aspek-aspek yang terdapat di lingkungan sekitar meliputi udara, air, tanah, sumber alam, manusia dan keterkaitan antar seluruh komponen tersebut. Salah satu pelaksanaannya ialah melakukan efisiensi sumber daya seperti kertas, listrik, dan air yang digunakan dalam proses operasional.

IPC TPK memperhatikan aspek lingkungan kerja Perusahaan dengan cara sebagai berikut:

1. Menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.2. Menaati peraturan perundang-undangan dan standar

pengelolaan lingkungan.3. Melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi secara berkala

terhadap lingkungan di sekitar terminal petikemas dan kantor Perusahaan sesuai dengan standar pengelolaan lingkungan dan peraturan yang berlaku.

4. Melakukan perbaikan terus menerus terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.

5. Melakukan tindakan yang bersifat promotif dan preventif untuk mengantisipasi keadaan darurat.

6. Meningkatkan wawasan mengenai lingkungan hidup bagi semua insan IPC TPK dan mitra kerja secara berkala.

Due Diligence Terhadap Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Bidang Lingkungan Hidup

Perencanaan Program CSR Bidang Lingkungan HidupTarget pelaksanaan program CSR bidang lingkungan IPC TPK tertuang dalam Roadmap CSR 2017-2020. Namun demikian, pada tahun 2020, IPC TPK tidak melaksanakan kegiatan CSR yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup dikarenakan terjadinya penyebaran wabah Covid-19. Akan tetapi, IPC TPK senantiasa mendukung berbagai upaya pelestarian/konservasi lingkungan sebagai wujud kepeduliannya untuk menciptakan keberlanjutan lingkungan, terutama di sekitar wilayah kerja IPC TPK.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terhadap Lingkungan HidupCorporate Social Responsibility to the Environment

Commitment and Policy of Social Responsibility Relating to the Environmental Aspect

IPC TPK is committed to implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility to the environment in order to reduce the environmental impact of IPC TPK’s activities as well as human activities in general. IPC TPK’s commitment in this case has been outlined in the Board of Directors Decree of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/29/12/3/IPCTPK-17 dated December 29th, 2017 concerning the Guidelines for Management of Social and Environmental Responsibility Activities within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. In the CSR Activity Management Guidelines, one of areas of focus of IPC TPK’s CSR activities and CSR Roadmap of the Company is the environmental preservation/conservation.

IPC TPK's commitment to the environment is realized by raising awareness of all IPC TPK personnel in maintaining aspects of the surrounding environment including air, water, soil, natural resources, people and the interrelationship between all components. One of the implementation forms is to promote the efficiency of resources, such as paper, electricity, and water used in the operational process.

IPC TPK pays attention to aspect of the Company's business environment in the following manner:

1. Maintaining environmental sustainability.2. Complying with laws and regulations and environmental

management standards.3. Conducting regular monitoring and evaluation of the

environment around container terminals and office area of the Company with respect to applicable environmental management standards and regulations.

4. Making continuous improvements to environmental management.

5. Taking promotional and preventive measures in anticipation of state of emergency.

6. Improving environmental insights for all IPC TPK personnel and partners on a regular basis.

Due Diligence in Corporate Social Responsibility in the Environmental Aspect

CSR Program Plan in the Environmental AspectIPC TPK’s targets of its CSR program implementation relating to environmental aspect is contained in the CSR Roadmap of 2017-2020. However, in 2020, IPC TPK did not carry out CSR activities in the environmental aspect due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak. However, IPC TPK always supports various environmental conservation efforts as a form of its concern to promote environmental sustainability, particularly within the working areas of IPC TPK.

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Pelaksanaan dan Capaian Kegiatan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Sementara itu, IPC TPK tetap memegang komitmen untuk berperan aktif dalam program pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Komitmen dan peran aktif ini dimulai dari internal Perusahaan, yakni dengan menerapkan berbagai kebijakan yang berwawasan lingkungan, meliputi:

1. Perusahaan menggalakkan penggunaan alat-alat dan sarana kerja yang ramah lingkungan serta menerapkan kebijakan penghematan energi;

2. Penggunaan alat elektronik hemat energi;3. Program hemat kertas dengan memaksimalkan

penggunaan e-mail (softcopy). Melalui program ini, segala bentuk komunikasi antar unit kerja di IPC TPK menggunakan e-mail. Hal ini untuk meminimalisir penggunaan kertas. Diharapkan dengan menggunakan komunikasi via e-mail akan tercipta budaya paperless;

4. Penggunaan kertas bekas ataupun melaksanakan print bolak-balik. Melalui program ini diharapkan dapat meminimalkan kegiatan untuk melakukan pencetakan. Pencetakan menggunakan kertas hanya dilakukan jika hal tersebut merupakan hal yang sudah final. Untuk hal-hal yang masih bersifat draft, pencetakan dilakukan dengan menggunakan print bolak-balik;

5. Penghematan listrik serta air melalui sosialisasi dan anjuran. IPC TPK mengkampanyekan penghematan listrik dan air dengan sosialisasi dan anjuran untuk mematikan lampu dan listrik apabila tidak digunakan. Begitu juga dengan penggunaan air diharapkan untuk tidak boros air. Karyawan IPC TPK juga harus mematikan perangkat komputer setiap selesai menggunakannya;

6. Dalam rangka implementasi Program Green Port untuk mengurangi penggunaan bahan plastik, Perusahaan juga telah mewajibkan kepada setiap pegawai untuk menggunakan tumbler sebagai wadah untuk air mineral dan tidak menggunakan botol minum sekali pakai sehingga sejalan dengan kebijakan green port;

7. Sebagai kepedulian Perusahaan terhadap lingkungan, melalui entitas induk usaha PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), Perusahaan menggunakan air yang bersumber dari penyulingan air laut dengan teknologi Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO). Teknologi ini menggunakan air laut yang dimurnikan dan disuling untuk kebutuhan non konsumsi seperti kebutuhan sanitasi dan kebutuhan penunjang operasional lainnya termasuk kebutuhan air untuk kapal. Teknologi tersebut dapat meminimalkan penggunaan air tanah yang dapat merusak permukaan tanah.

Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi di Bidang Lingkungan yang Dimiliki

Hingga saat ini, IPC TPK belum memiliki penghargaan dan sertifikasi di bidang lingkungan. Namun demikian, IPC TPK berkomitmen memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk senantiasa menjalankan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terhadap lingkungan hidup. Upaya yang dilakukan ialah mengurangi dampak lingkungan akibat aktivitas IPC TPK sekaligus menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di wilayah operasi Perusahaan.

Implementation and Achievement of Environmental Management Activities

Meanwhile, IPC TPK remains committed to playing an active role in environmental conservation programs. This commitment and active role in fact start from the Company's internal environment, one of which is through the implementation of various environmentally sound policies, among which are: 1. The Company’s effort to encourage the use of

environmental-friendly tools and work facilities and implement energy saving policies;

2. Use of energy-efficient electronic devices;3. Paper saving program by maximizing the use of e-mail

(softcopy). In this way, all forms of communication between working units in IPC TPK are expected to use e-mail. This is to minimize paper usage. Communication via e-mail is expected to develop a paperless culture;

4. Encouraging use of used paper or printing on paper back and forth. The program is expected to minimize printing activities. Printing using paper is only done if it is final. For documents that are still in drafting process, printing shall be done using paper back and forth;

5. Saving electricity and water through socialization and recommendations. IPC TPK campaigns for electricity and water savings through socialization and recommendations, namely to turn off lights and electricity when not in use. Similarly, the use of water is for the purpose of not wasting water. IPC TPK employees must also turn off the computer device after using it;

6. In order to implement the Green Port Program, that is, to reduce the use of plastic materials, the Company has also obliged everyone to use tumbler to carry the mineral water instead of disposable drinking bottles as a support to green port policy;

7. As part of the Company's concern for the environment, the Company through the parent entity of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), uses water that is sourced from distilled seawater using Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) technology. This technology uses purified and distilled sea water for non-consumption needs, such as for sanitation needs and other operational needs, including the needs of water for ships. The technology can minimize the use of groundwater that can damage the soil surface.

Awards and Certification Achieved in the Environmental Aspect

Until now, IPC TPK has not yet achieved awards and certifications in the environmental aspect. Nevertheless, IPC TPK is committed to carrying on a strong commitment to implement the corporate social responsibility to the environment. Among the efforts are to reduce the environmental impact of IPC TPK’s activities while maintaining environmental sustainability in the Company's operational areas.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Komitmen dan Kebijakan Perusahaan Terkait Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Bidang Ketenagakerjaan

Prinsip dan KebijakanIPC TPK berkomitmen untuk menjalankan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dengan memperhatikan standar keselamatan, kesehatan, lingkungan dan masyarakat sesuai dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, serta mengupayakan nihil kerugian pada manusia dan lingkungan (zero accident). Terkait hal tersebut, setiap insan IPC TPK bertanggung jawab atas pengambilan langkah-langkah yang tepat guna mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan dan sakit di tempat kerja serta terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang aman dan sehat.

Dalam rangka mewujudkan hal di atas, maka setiap insan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas harus:1. Mematuhi standar, kebijakan dan berbagai prosedur

Health Safety and Environment (HSE) di dalam lingkungan pekerjaan;

2. Berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap program HSE di dalam lingkungan pekerjaan;

3. Memenuhi standar peraturan pemerintah mengenai lingkungan hidup;

4. Peka dan menghormati nilai dan hak tradisional masyarakat setempat di setiap daerah operasi pelabuhan.

Kebijakan Umum1. Direksi wajib memastikan bahwa aset dan lokasi usaha

serta fasilitas Perusahaan lainnya, memenuhi peraturan perundang-undangan berkenaan dengan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja serta pelestarian lingkungan;

2. Melakukan penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3). Sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku secara konsisten dalam upaya memberikan perlindungan optimal dari hal-hal yang dapat mengancam keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pegawai;

3. Perusahaan memiliki komitmen dalam rangka perbaikan berkelanjutan atas berbagai infrastruktur yang berkaitan dengan SMK3;

4. Menyertakan partisipasi pegawai Perusahaan sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan pelaksanaan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.

Kegiatan CSR Terkait Ketenagakerjaan pada Tahun 2020

Rencana kegiatan CSR bidang ketenagakerjaan tertuang dalam Rencana Kerja Manajemen Direktorat Keuangan dan SDM. Adapun rencana kerja pada tahun 2020, antara lain:

1. Melaksanakan pengembangan kompetensi melalui pelatihan dan workshop;

2. Melaksanakan Survei Kepuasan dan Keterikatan Karyawan.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan, dan Keselamatan KerjaCorporate Social Responsibility Relating to Employment, Health, and Safety

The Company’s Commitments and Policies Relating to Corporate Social Responsibility in the Employment Aspect

Principles and PoliciesIPC TPK is committed to carrying out sustainable development by paying attention to safety standards, health, environment and community in accordance with applicable legislations, as well as ensuring zero accident to humans and the environment. Therefore, everyone in IPC TPK is responsible for taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents and illnesses in the workplace and promoting a safe and healthy work environment.

In order to realize it, each employee of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas must:1. Comply with Health Safety and Environment (HSE)

standards, policies and procedures within the work environment;

2. Actively participate in any HSE programs applied within the work environment;

3. Meet government regulatory standards relating to the environment;

4. Aware of and respect the traditional values and rights of local people in each port operating area.

General Polices1. The Board of Directors shall ensure that the assets and

business locations and facilities of other companies, comply with laws and regulations relating to occupational health and safety and environmental preservation;

2. Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in consistent manner as an effort to provide optimum protection from issues that may threaten the safety and health of employees;

3. The Company is committed to continuous improvements across various infrastructure of SMK3;

4. Encourage the participation of its employees so as to improve the implementation of occupational health and safety.

CSR Activities in Employment Aspect in 2020

The CSR activity plan relating to employment aspect is contained in the Management Work Plan of the Directorate of Finance and Human Resources. The work plan in 2020 among others was:1. Carrying out competency development through Training

and Workshop;2. Conducting Employee Satisfaction and Employee

Engagement Surveys.

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Pelaksanaan dan Capaian Kegiatan Pengelolaan Ketenagakerjaan

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) memilki peran penting bagi kemajuan sebuah Perusahaan. Untuk itu, IPC TPK membuat perencanaan yang terarah dan terukur dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya sehingga keberadaan mereka dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal sebagai daya dukung untuk membangun bisnis IPC TPK yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang sebagai IPC TPK penyedia jasa pelabuhan dengan layanan yang berkualitas internasional.

Kebijakan IPC TPK terkait pengelolaan SDM meliputi proses-proses berikut ini:1. Pengembangan organisasi dan perencanaan tenaga kerja

Direksi;2. Rekrutmen karyawan Perusahaan;3. Penetapan organisasi Perusahaan;4. Pembelajaran dan pengembangan karyawan;5. Manajemen kinerja karyawan;6. Penghargaan karyawan.

IPC TPK dalam hal ini menerapkan sistem pengelolaan SDM yang berbasis kompetensi dan kinerja, yaitu menciptakan nilai melalui peningkatan kinerja dan ketangkasan SDM serta budaya dalam organisasi. Pengelolaan SDM dimaksudkan untuk memastikan bahwa Perusahaan selalu memiliki SDM yang unggul dan dapat diarahkan untuk mencapai tujuan Perusahaan, yang mengkaitkan peran taktis SDM kepada strategi Perusahaan.

a. Pengembangan Organisasi Perusahaan melakukan perencanaan organisasi

Perusahaan dengan memperhatikan kebutuhan Perusahaan sesuai dengan visi dan misi Perusahaan yang memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi dengan Perusahaan, fokus kepada efisiensi dan peraturan perundang-undangan serta menyadari pentingnya kepuasan pelanggan.

Direksi IPC TPK telah menetapkan struktur organisasi yang efisien dan efektif untuk dapat menunjang kemajuan bisnis Perusahaan sejalan dengan visi, misi serta tujuan bisnisnya. Dalam hal terjadi perubahan struktur organisasi, hal itu dilakukan semata-mata oleh Direksi dalam rangka menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang berorientasi proses, tegas dan tepat sasaran tapi fleksibel, serta mampu menghilangkan batasan dalam hubungan kerja dan dilakukan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola Perusahaan yang baik.

Adapun proses pengembangan organisasi meliputi:1. Penetapan struktur organisasi;2. Penetapan nomenklatur jabatan;3. Penetapan ruang lingkup pekerjaan dan jabatan;4. Penetapan struktur gaji yang berdasarkan kinerja.

Sejak tahun 2018, IPC TPK mengalami perkembangan signifikan dalam organisasi menyusul pengembangan bisnis Perusahaan dari sebelumnya hanya mengelola 6 (enam) Kantor Area (Common Area, Panjang, Jambi, Palembang, Teluk Bayur dan Pontianak) dengan Go Live pada 1 Januari 2018 bertambah 3 (tiga) Kantor Area (Common Area tergabung dalam Kantor Area Terminal Support, Tanjung Priok I dan Tanjung Priok II). Hal ini tertuang dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/6/6/1/IPCTPK-18 tanggal 6 Juni 2018 tentang Penyempurnaan Organisasi dan Tata Kelola Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas di mana terjadi penambahan Kantor Area Tanjung Priok 1, Tanjung Priok 2 dan Terminal Support.

Implementation and Achievement of Employment Management Activities

Human Resources (HR) plays a key role in determining the success of a Company. Therefore, IPC TPK has set for targets and measurable plans regarding the development of human resources so that their existence can be utilized optimally as a supporting resource to ensure the sustainable business of IPC TPK in the long term as a port service provider with international quality services.

IPC TPK's HR management policies include the following processes: 1. Organizational development and manpower planning for

the Board of Directors;2. Recruitment of employees of the Company;3. Establishment of the Company's organization;4. Employee learning and development;5. Employee performance management;6. Employee awards.

IPC TPK in this case has applied a human resources management system based on competence and performance, namely creating value through the improvement of performance and agility of human resources and culture in the organization. HR management is intended to ensure that the Company always has an excellent human resources and can be directed to achieve the Company's objectives, which relates the tactical roles of HR with the corporate strategies.

a. Organization DevelopmentThe Company conducts an organizational planning by paying attention to the needs of the Company and in accordance with the corporate vision and mission and the ability to adapt to the Company, focus on efficiency and legislation as well as aware of the importance of customer satisfaction.

The Board of Directors of IPC TPK has established an efficient and effective organizational structure to help advance the Company's business in line with its vision, mission and business objectives. In the event of a change in organizational structure, it will be done solely by the Board of Directors in order to create a work environment that is process-oriented, firm and target-accurate but flexible, and able to remove restrictions in working relationships and carried out in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance.

The organizational development process includes:1. Establishment of organizational structure;2. Determination of nomenclature of the position;3. Determination of the scope of work and position;4. Determination of salary structure based on performance.

Since 2018, IPC TPK has been experiencing significant developments in the organization in line with the Company's business advances, from only managing 6 (six) Area Offices (Common Area, Panjang, Jambi, Palembang, Teluk Bayur and Pontianak) until on January 1st, 2018, the Company with Go Live could add another 3 (three) Area Offices (in which Common Area was incorporated into the Terminal Support Area Office, Tanjung Priok I and Tanjung Priok II). Such developments were accommodated in the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.566/6/6/1/IPCTPK-18 dated June 6th, 2018 concerning Organizational Improvement and Governance of Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, with the addition of Tanjung Priok Area Office 1, Tanjung Priok 2 and Terminal Support.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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b. Struktur Organisasi Pengelola SDM

Selain pengembangan organisasi, IPC TPK juga menaruh perhatian besar pada pengelolaan SDM. SDM IPC TPK dikelola secara terencana, terukur dan terarah oleh Departemen Keuangan dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direktur Keuangan dan SDM, sesuai Surat Keputusan Direksi IPC TPK No. HK.568/25/9/1IPCTPK-17 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Di bawah koordinasi Senior Manager SDM dan Umum, pengelolaan SDM IPC TPK berfungsi untuk:1. Menyusun/merumuskan dan mengusulkan rencana

program kerja dan anggaran terkait kegiatan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia, layanan SDM, kesejahteraan dan hubungan industrial serta rumah tangga dan umum di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas berikut implementasinya yang dijabarkan dalam strategi dan kebijakan Perusahaan;

2. Mengambil keputusan terkait dengan implementasi rencana program kerja terkait kegiatan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia, layanan SDM, kesejahteraan dan hubungan industrial serta rumah tangga dan umum berdasarkan hasil putusan Direksi.

Sementara itu, lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawab Senior Manager SDM dan Umum, antara lain:1. Melakukan reviu terhadap:

a. Strategi kebijakan human resource operation, rekrutmen, pelatihan, kompensasi dan benefit, human resource information system, hubungan industrial, organisasi, manajemen karier dan general affair.

b. Kerangka kerja dan pendekatan dalam penyusunan kebijakan SDM.

2. Merekomendasikan usulan terkait:a. Kebijakan dan pengembangan desain struktur

organisasi yang selaras dengan RJPP Perusahaan;b. Kebijakan terkait pengelolaan SDM dan umum

yang selaras dengan RJPP Perusahaan.3. Melaksanakan monitoring terkait:

a. Kesesuaian realisasi pengelolaan anggaran SDM dan umum dengan angaran yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya;

b. Implementasi kebijakan dan/atau peraturan Perusahaan terkait SDM dan Umum;

c. Mengoordinasikan implementasi strategi kebijakan SDM dan umum di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

4. Tugas lain yang terkait:a. Merencanakan, mengoordinasikan, dan

mengendalikan penyusunan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran/Rencana Kerja Manajemen dan pelaporan bidangnya, penerapan prosedur kerja dan sistem informasi manajemen;

b. Memelihara dan mengawasi aset-aset dan/atau inventaris yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya;

c. Mengidentifikasi dan mengelola risiko masing-masing bidangnya;

d. Melaksanakan tata kelola Perusahaan secara taat asas GCG dan best practices semua bidang kerja, serta melaksanakan perbaikan dan peningkatakan sistem dan prosedur kerja secara berkesinambungan;

e. Menindaklanjuti dan/atau memberikan arahan hasil temuan auditor masing-masing bidangnya;

b. Organizational Structure of HR Management

In addition to organizational development, the Company also pays great attention to human resources management. IPC TPK human resources are managed in a planned, measurable and focused manner by the Department of Finance and Human Resources, who directly reports to the Director of Finance and Human Resources, according to the Decree of the Board of Directors of IPC TPK No. HK.568/25/9/1IPCTPK-17 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of Management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Under the coordination of Senior Manager of Human Resources and General Affairs, IPC TPK manages its HR with at:1. Developing/formulating and proposing a work

program plan and budget relating to human resource management activities, human resources services, welfare and industrial relations as well as the office and general affairs within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and its implementation as described in the Corporate strategies and policies;

2. Making decisions relating to the implementation of work program plan on human resource management activities, human resources services, welfare, and industrial relations as well as the office and general affairs based on the Board of Directors' decisions.

Meanwhile, the scope of duties and responsibilities of Senior Manager of HR and General Affairs, among others are:1. To review:

a. Human resource operation policy strategy, recruitment, training, compensation and benefits, human resource information system, industrial relations, organization, career management and general affairs.

b. Framework and approach in the formulation of HR policies.

2. To recommend related proposals:a. Policy and development of organizational structure

design in line with the Company's RJPP;b. Policies related to human resources management

and general affairs in line with the Company's RJPP.3. To carry out monitoring over:

a. Conformity of realization of budget management of human resources and general affairs with pre-determined budgets;

b. Implementation of the corporate policies and/or regulations relating to human resources and general affairs;

c. To coordinate the implementation of human resources and general affairs policy strategies within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

4. To conduct other related tasks:a. Planning, coordinating, and controlling of

the formulation of Work Plans and Budgets /Work Plan Management and reporting of their divisions, implementation of work procedures and management information systems;

b. Maintaining and supervising the assets and/or inventory for which they are responsible;

c. Identifying and managing the risks of each field;

d. Implementing corporate governance in compliance with GCG and best practices principles, as well as implementing continuous improvements and upgrading of work systems and procedures on sustainable manner;

e. Following up and/or giving directions on the findings of the auditors of each field;

363PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

f. Memberikan data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan sesuai dengan ketentuan apabila terdapat permintaan dari pihak eksternal/internal;

g. Membina, mengarahkan dan menilai kinerja bawahan;

h. Melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain yang terkait sesuai kebijakan Direksi;

i. Memastikan keselamatan dan kesehatan lingkungan kerja.

Berikut struktur organisasi pengelola SDM di PT IPC Terminal Petikemas:

Direktur Keuangan & SDMFinance & Human Capital Director

Senior Manager KeuanganFinance Senior Manager

Senior Manager SDM & UmumHC & General Senior Manager

Asisten Senior Manager

SDMSenior Assistant

HC Manager

Asisten Senior Manager Rumah Tangga & HukumSenior Assistant

House Hold & General Manager

Asisten Senior Manager Layanan SDM,

Kesejahteraan, & Hub. Industrial

Senior Assistant HR Services, Welfare & Industrial Relations


Asisten Senior Manager

AkuntansiSenior Assistant

Accounting Manager

Asisten Senior Manager Treasury

Senior Assistant Treasury Manager

Asisten Senior Manager

PajakSenior Assistant

Taxes Manager

Sesuai dengan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) 2016-2020, yang disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. SK.03/31/10/1/PBI/UT/PI.II-17 dan HK.476/31/10/3/MTI-2017 tanggal 31 Oktober 2017, maka IPC TPK telah menyusun arah perkembangan dan pengelolaan SDM ke depan sebagai berikut:

2019High PerformanceOrganization andWorkforce

Integrated organization development 1. Penyusunan dan penerapan struktur organisasi proyek strategis.2. Mensinergikan struktur organisasi Perusahaan dalam mendukung

proyek investasi Perusahaan.1. Preparing and implementing the organizational structure of strategic

projects.2. Synergizing the Company's organizational structure to support the

Company's investment projects.

Sustainable high performer and engaged organization

1. Mempersiapkan kompetensi pekerja dalam mendukung proyek strategis Perusahaan.

2. Mempersiapkan kompetensi pekerja dalam mendukung proyek investasi Perusahaan.

1. Preparing the employee competence to support the Company's strategic projects.

2. Preparing the employee competence to support the Company's investment projects.

Integrated human capital service 1. Melanjutkan implementasi sistem SDM yang prima dalam rangka mendukung world class human resource management.

2. Mengintegrasikan sistem dan pola hubungan industrial Kantor Pusat dengan cabang.

1. Carrying on the implementation of excellent human resources system in order to support the world-class human resource management.

2. Integrating the system and pattern of industrial relations between Head Office (HO) and the branches.

2020Source of Talent inContainer TerminalHuman Resource

Menjadikan Perusahaan sebagai human capital role model pada industri terminal petikemasPositioning the Company as a human capital role model in the container terminal industry

Pengembangan kapabilitas SDM selaras dengan perkembangan teknologi industri terminal petikemas.The development of HR capabilities is in line with the development of industrial technology of container terminals.

f. Providing the necessary data and information and in accordance with the provisions if there is a request from external / internal parties;

g. Developing, directing and assessing the performance of subordinates;

h. Carrying out other relevant tasks in accordance with the policies of the Board of Directors;

i. Ensuring the safety and health of the work environment.

Here is the organizational structure of HR management at PT IPC Terminal Petikemas:

In accordance with the Corporate Long-Term Plan (RJPP) for 2016-2020, this was ratified through the Decree of the Board of Directors No. SK.03/31/10/1/PBI/UT/PI. II-17 and HK.476/31/10/3/MTI-2017 dated October 31st, 2017, IPC TPK has developed the development and management plan of human resources for the future years as follows:

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

364 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

c. Kebijakan dan Pelaksanaan RekrutmenProses rekrutmen karyawan telah dirancang sedemikian rupa agar dapat memenuhi ketersediaan tenaga kerja yang mampu memberikan hasil yang nyata, beretika tinggi serta mampu membangun hubungan dan kerja sama tim dalam jangka waktu panjang. Proses rekrutmen karyawan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kompetensi yang jelas sebagai kriteria utama.

Proses ini minimal terdiri dari:1. Identifikasi kebutuhan SDM;2. Analisa beban kerja;3. Perencanaan tenaga kerja;4. Penepatan kebijakan dan program proses rekrutmen

yang meliputi proses rekrutmen, seleksi, penempatan karyawan serta orientasi;

5. Tenaga alih daya dan pemutusan hubungan kerja.

Proses rekrutmen karyawan IPC TPK dilakukan melalui entitas induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Karyawan IPC TPK merupakan karyawan entitas induk, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), yang ditugaskan di IPC TPK. Hal ini telah diatur dalam Surat Perjanjian tentang Pelaksanaan Penugasan dan Pembinaan Pekerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang ditugaskan pada Anak Perusahaan di lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.566/1/10/3/PI.II-14 tanggal 1 Oktober 2015. Penerbitan surat tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum tentang status, hak dan kewajiban pekerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) yang ditugaskan pada Anak Perusahaan.

d. Pengembangan KompetensiUntuk memastikan terpenuhinya kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, maka IPC TPK telah merancang manajemen sumber daya manusia dan program pengembangan kompetensi karyawan secara berkelanjutan. IPC TPK melalui Unit Pengembangan Organisasi dan SDM Perusahaan dalam hal ini berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan kompetensi karyawan. Pada pelaksanaannya, pengembangan kompetensi karyawan di lingkungan IPC TPK mengacu pada Surat Keputusan Direksi PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/25/2/1/IPCTPK-20 tentang Pembelajaran Pekerja di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. Sesuai amanat dalam Surat Keputusan tersebut maka pengembangan kompetensi dilakukan secara terencana, efektif, efisien, dan sejalan dengan visi, misi, dan roadmap Perusahaan, serta untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan prestasi kerja karyawan. Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan yang sama bagi setiap pekerja, tanpa memandang ras, gender, agama, dan golongan tertentu.

Penguatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia (SDM) dilakukan dengan kegiatan Pelatihan dan Pendidikan (Diklat) yang bersifat perubahan kompetensi dan pengembangan kompetensi, baik yang terkait langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap strategi bisnis dan operasional. Pelatihan untuk perubahan kompetensi bertujuan untuk menyiapkan kompetensi karyawan agar mampu menyikapi perubahan. Sementara itu, pelatihan untuk pengembangan kompetensi bertujuan untuk menyiapkan karyawan dengan kompetensi tertentu guna mendukung portofolio bisnis IPC TPK. Selain peningkatan kualitas, program pengelolaan dan pengembangan SDM IPC TPK diharapkan juga akan menumbuhkan karyawan IPC TPK yang memiliki integritas tinggi dan kompetensi berstandar internasional, serta dapat menunjukkan produktivitas yang tinggi dan berorientasi pada pelayanan pelanggan.

c. Recruitment Policy and ImplementationThe employee recruitment process has been designed in a way to meet the needs for employees who are capable to deliver concrete results, highly respect to the work ethics and build relationships and teamwork in the long term. The employees are recruited with consideration to clear competencies as the main criteria.

This recruitment process at least consists of:1. Identification of human resources needs;2. Workload analysis;3. Labor planning;4. Policy and recruitment process program that includes

recruitment process, selection, employee placement and orientation;

5. Outsourcing and termination of employment.

The recruitment process of IPC TPK employees is carried out through the parent entity, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). IPC TPK employees are employees of the parent entity, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), who are assigned to the IPC TPK. This has been stipulated in the Agreement on the Implementation of the Assignment and Development of Employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) assigned to subsidiaries within PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) through the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.566/1/10/3/PI. II-14 dated October 1st, 2015 The issuance of the decree aims to give legal assurance of the status, rights and obligations of employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) assigned to subsidiaries.

d. Development of the CompanyTo fulfill the need for qualified human resources, IPC TPK has designed human resource management and employee competency development programs as an ongoing basis. IPC TPK through the Company's Development of Organization and Human Resources Unit in this case has bold commitment to develop employee competencies. In this regard, the employee competence development within IPC TPK refers to the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas No. HK.566/25/2/1/IPCTPK-20 concerning Employee Learning within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas. The Decree mandates that the employee competency is developed in a planned, effective, efficient manner, and in line with the Vision, Mission, and Roadmap of the Company, as well as in order to boost the productivity and work performance of employees. The Company ensures equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, and certain groups.

Competence of Human Resource (HR) is developed through training and educational activities where there will be change of competence and competency development, both directly and indirectly, relating to business and operational strategies. Training for competency change aims to prepare the employee competency ahead of the dynamic situation. Meanwhile, training for competency development aims to equip employees with certain competencies to support IPC TPK's business portfolios. In addition to quality improvement, IPC TPK's human resources management and development program is also expected to grow high integrity and international standard competence of IPC TPK employees, as well as able to demonstrate high productivity and customer oriented.

365PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Pada tahun 2020, IPC TPK telah menyelenggarakan berbagai program pelatihan dan pengembangan, baik yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak internal maupun eksternal Perusahaan. Atas pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan dan diklat sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK telah merealisasikan biaya sebesar Rp2.231.441.654, yang mana jumlah itu menurun sebesar Rp9.057.817 dari realisasi biaya tahun 2019 yang mencapai Rp2.240.499.471.

Biaya Pengembangan Kompetensi Competency Development Costs

2020 2019

Peningkatan/Penurunan Increase/Decrease

Selisih (Rp)Difference (Rp)

Persentase (%)Percentage (%)

Pendidikan dan PelatihanEducation and Training

2.231.441.654 2.240.499.471 (9.057.817) 99,60

Program pengembangan kompetensi yang diselenggarakan bagi karyawan Perusahaan terdiri dari:a. Program Pendidikan

Program peningkatan kompetensi akademis melalui institusi Pendidikan formal pada tingkat diploma, sarjana, master dan doctoral. Program ini terdiri dari Pendidikan dalam negeri dan Pendidikan luar negeri.

b. Program PelatihanProgram peningkatan kompetensi non-akademis melalui pelatihan atau kursus yang dapat disampaikan melalui metode antara lain namun tidak terbatas pada kelas tatap muka, e-learning, coaching, mentoring, on-job training, self-learning dan blended training. Program pelatihan terdiri dari:• Pelatihan in-house, adalah pelatihan yang

diselenggarakan oleh Divisi SDM & Umum atau bekerja sama dengan instansi/penyelenggara pelatihan/pengajar dari eksternal/internal Perusahaan, yang bersifat tertutup untuk pekerja Perusahaan (atau eksternal jika dibutuhkan) dengan jadwal pelaksanaan yang dapat diatur oleh Perusahaan;

• Pelatihan publik, adalah pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh instansi/penyelenggara pelatihan dari eksternal Perusahaan baik di dalam maupun luar negeri yang bersifat terbuka secara umum dengan jadwal pelaksanaan yang tidak dapat diatur oleh Perusahaan.

c. Program MagangAdalah program peningkatan keterampilan dan keahlian di industri sejenis maupun lintas industri dalam waktu tertentu, yang terdiri dari:• Magang pekerja ke instansi pemerintah/lembaga

non pemerintah di dalam maupun di luar negeri;• Magang pekerja ke perusahaan lain di dalam

maupun di luar negerid. Program lainnya yang ditetapkan Direksi.

Perencanaan program pembelajaran karyawan ini disusun berdasarkan Learning Need Analysis yang diperoleh berdasarkan berbagai usulan yang diterima terkait kebutuhan pengembangan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan dalam aspek/kinerja/kompetensi yang terjadi pada unit tersebut. Perencanaaan program pembelajaran karyawan dilakukan bersama-sama oleh Divisi yang mengelola fungsi pembelajaran dengan masing-masing unit kerja di IPC TPK untuk pengembangan karyawan di tahun berikutnya.

In 2020, IPC TPK has organized various training and development programs, organized both by internal and external parties of the Company. For the implementation of training and educational activities in the course of 2020, IPC TPK has realized an amount of Rp2,231,441,654 cost, which was a decreased by Rp9,057,817 from the realized costs in 2019 amounting to Rp2,240,499,471.

Competency development programs held for employees of the Company consist of:a. Education Program

Development programs for academic competency of diploma, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels in formal educational institutions. This program consists of educational programs in the country and abroad.

b. Training ProgramDevelopment programs for non-academic competency through trainings or courses are using methods, including but not limited to face-to-face learning, e-learning, coaching, mentoring, on-job training, self-learning, and blended training. The training program consists of:• In-house training, is a training program organized

by the HR & General Division or in cooperation with agencies/training organizers/teachers from external/internal companies, which are exclusively designed for the Company’s employees (or external if necessary) with the schedule of implementation flexibly arranged by the Company;

• Public training, is a training organized by external training agencies/organizers both in the country and abroad, which is inclusive with schedule of implementation that cannot be arranged by the Company.

c. Internship ProgramIs a program to improve skills and expertise in similar industries and across industries in a particular time, which consists of:• Intern workers assigned to government/non-

government agencies at home and abroad;• Intern workers assigned to other companies at

home and abroadd. Other programs set by the Board of Directors.

The employee learning program is well planned with consideration to Learning Need Analysis that is obtained based on various incoming proposals relating to development needs to overcome gaps in aspects/performance/competencies in the respective unit. Employee learning program is planned together with the Division that manages learning functions with each work unit at IPC TPK for employee development in the following year.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

366 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Materi yang diberikan dalam program pembelajaran berupa:a. Technical Skill, yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan

keterampilan teknis di bidang tertentu;b. Soft Skill, yang bertujuan untuk membentuk dan

mengembangkan sikap, perilaku atau karakter;c. Strategic Business Development Skill, yang bertujuan

untuk mengembangkan kemampuan strategis untuk mengembangkan suatu usaha.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK telah melaksanakan berbagai program pendidikan dan pelatihan, baik yang diselenggarakan oleh IPC TPK maupun perusahaan induk PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) atau pihak luar. Sebanyak 437 karyawan dari berbagai jenjang jabatan telah mengikuti pelatihan di sepanjang tahun 2020 dengan total biaya Rp2.231.441.654. Berikut laporan kepesertaan pelatihan di tahun 2020:

No.Golongan Jabatan

PositionJumlah Peserta

Number of ParticipantsJumlah Pelatihan

Number of Trainings Biaya Cost

1 Direksi/Board of Directors 7 4


2 Manager/Kepala Biro/Managers/Chiefs of Bureau 36 21

3 Asisten Manager/Assistant Manager 45 16

4 Supervisor 99 27

5 Staf & Pelaksana/ Staff & Operator 444 43

  Jumlah/Total 631 111




Soft Skill Technical Skill



1 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas 2 69 219 102

2 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) 6 230 0 3

Jumlah/Total 8 299 219 105

Jabatan PesertaPosition of Participants

Jumlah PesertaNumber of




Materi PelatihanTraining Material

Supervisor Perencanaan, Pengendalian & Operasi Supervisor of Planning, Control & Operation

4 peserta/participants

11-13 Januari/January 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Pengawasan Bongkar Muat Training on Supervision of Loading and Unloading

Assisten Senior Manager & sederajatAsisstant Senior Manager & of same level

3 peserta/participants

15-17 Januari/January 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Workshop Digital and Innovation Operating Model Development

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan External/ITPKCorporate Secretary & External Relations /ITPK

1 peserta/participant

29-31 Januari/January 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Sekretaris PerusahaanTraining and Certification in Corporate Secretary

Asisten Senior Manajer & StafSenior Assistant Manager & Staff

2 peserta/participants

30-31 Januari/January 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Menghadiri Temu Nasional IX ISPS Code IndonesiaNasional IX Gathering of ISPS Code Indonesia

Materials given in the learning program are:

a. Technical Skill, which aims to develop technical skills in a particular field;

b. Soft Skill, which aims to shape and develop attitudes, behaviors or characters;

c. Strategic Business Development Skill, which aims to develop strategic capabilities for developing a business.

Throughout 2020, IPC TPK has implemented various education and training programs, both organized by IPC TPK, the parent Company (PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) and external parties. A total of 437 employees from various levels of positions participated in training programs in 2020 at a total cost of Rp2,231,441,654. Below is the report on training participation of 2020:

367PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jabatan PesertaPosition of Participants

Jumlah PesertaNumber of




Materi PelatihanTraining Material

Supervisor Perencanaan & Pengembangan Operasi/ITPKSupervisor of Operational Planning & Development/ITPK

1 peserta/participant

26 Januari/January- 1 Februari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Technical Skill Planning & Control Batch II PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Cabang Ambon sebagai TrainerAs Trainer in Training on Technical Skill Planning & Control Batch II of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV of Ambon Branch

Operator TerminalTerminal Operator

45 peserta/participants

23-24 Januari/January 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Program Sertifikasi SIO PAA (Surat Izin Operasi Pesawat Angkat Angkut) di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Area PalembangCertification Program of SIO PAA (Operational License for the Lifting and Transporting Aircraft) within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas of Palembang Area

Staf Asisten Manajer, Pelaksana & Operator TerminalStaff Assistant Managers, Operators & Terminal Operator

45 peserta/participants

16 & 17 Januari/January 2020 2 Batch

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Itos Ultimate System (End User Operasi ) Training on Itos Ultimate System (End User: Operation)

Pelaksana Administrasi & Operator TerminalOperating Administration & Terminal Operator

17 peserta/participants

13-17 Januari/January 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Itos Ultimate System (End User Planning & Control) Training on Itos Ultimate System (End User: Planning & Control)

Senior Manager & SederajatSenior Manager & of the Same Level

4 peserta/participants

5-7 Februari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Pelatihan MDP II - Personal Aspect & Leadership SkillTraining on MDP II - Personal Aspect & Leadership Skill

Kepala Audit & StafHead of Audit & Staffs

2 peserta/participants

17-29 Februari/February 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan Sertifikasi Audit Intern Tingkat LanjutanTraining on Certification of Internal Audit - Extension

Supervisor & StafSupervisor & Staffs

2 peserta/participants

18-19 Februari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Seminar Diet Plastik untuk Pelabuhan yang lebih Hijau dan Seminar Pelabuhan Sehat Waspada CoronaSeminar on Plastic Diet for the Greener Port and Seminar on Healthy Port, Beware Corona

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal/ITPKCorporate Secretary & External Relations/ITPK

1 peserta/participant

20 Februari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Ujian Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Sekretaris PerusahaanUjian Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Sekretaris Perusahaan

Asisten Manajer, Supervisi & Pelaksana TerminalAssistant Manager, Supervisor & Terminal Operator

9 peserta/participants

24 Februari/February-7 Maret/March 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Program Pelaksanaan Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Ahli K3 Umum di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasTraining and Certification in General K3 Experts within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Senior Manager & SederajatSenior Manager & of the Same Level

5 peserta/participants

26-28 Februari/February 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Program Pelatihan MDP II - Personal Aspect & Leadership SkillTraining on MDP II Program - Personal Aspect & Leadership Skill

Corporate Secretary & Hubungan Eksternal/ITPKCorporate Secretary & External Relations/ITPK

1 peserta/participant

4-5 Maret/March 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Training ISO 26000 CSR PerusahaanTraining on ISO 26000 concerning Corporate CSR

Asisten Senior Manajer & StafAssistant Senior Manager & Staffs

2 peserta/participants

4-6 Maret/March 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Program Diklat Business Continuity Management Berbasis ISO 22301Training Program on Business Continuity Management Based on ISO 22301

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

368 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jabatan PesertaPosition of Participants

Jumlah PesertaNumber of




Materi PelatihanTraining Material

Supervisi & Koordinator Pelaksana TerminalSupervisor & Coordinator of Terminal Operator

8 peserta/participants

3 s.d 6 Maret/March 2020

Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia (PMLI)

Tenaga pengajar kegiatan buddy system program cabang Sunda KelapaTrainer in buddy system program in Sunda Kelapa Branch

Manajer & Asisten Senior Manajer Manager & Assistant Senior Manager

2 peserta/participants

8 s.d 15 Maret/March 2020

Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia (PMLI)

Tenaga Pengajar Program Site Visit PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IVTrainer in Site Visit Program of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Supervisor Perencanaan & Pengembangan Operasi/ITPKSupervisor of Operational Planning & Development/ITPK

1 peserta/participant

9 s.d 11 Maret/March 2020

Pelabuhan Yos Soedarso, Ambon

Tenaga Pengajar Program Monitoring Control Tower dan Implementasi Function Planning & Control PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IVTrainer in Monitoring Control Tower Program and Implementation of Function Planning & Control of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Senior Manager & SederajatSenior Manager & of the Same Level

3 peserta/participants

2-6 Maret/March 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Program Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Sertifikasi Ahli Kepelabuhanan di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasTraining on Port Expert Certification within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Kepala Audit/ITPKHead of Audit/ITPK

1 peserta/participants

17 April 2020 PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Web Seminar dengan Tema Peran Audit Internal Dalam Mengawal Proses Perubahan Organisasi Menuju E-Business & E-Government pada Era Digital & Panjemi Covid-19Web Seminar with a theme “Role of Internal Audit in Guiding the Process of Change in Organization toward E-Business & E-Government in Digital Era & Covid-19 Pandemic

Operator TerminalTerminal Operator

8 peserta/participants

12-13 Mei/May 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Sertifikasi SIO PAA di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Area Terminal SupportSIO PAA Certification within Terminal Support Area of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Asisten Manajer, Supervisi & Pelaksana/StafAssistant Manager, Supervisor & Operator/Staff

53 peserta/participants

22 Juni/June 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Seminar IM CINTA Jilid 3 Seminar on IM CINTA 3rd Version

Asisten Senior Manajer Assistant Senior Manager

3 peserta/participants

20-21 Juni/June 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan Coaching Starter ToolsTraining on Coaching Starter Tools

Asisten Senior Manajer, Asisten Manajer, Supervisi & Pelaksana/StafAssistant Senior Manager, Assistant Manager, Supervisor & Operator/Staff

12 peserta/participants

Juni/June 2020 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juni Tahun 2020Webinar Sharing Session In June 2020

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisi & Operator

3 peserta/participants

8 Juli/July 2020 (13.00 - 14.30)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juli Tahun 2020 (Meningkatkan Produktivitas di Masa New Normal)Webinar Sharing Session Participants in July 2020 (Improving Productivity in New Normal Era)

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisi & Operator

3 peserta/participants

14 Juli/July 2020 (10.00 - 11.00)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juli Tahun 2020 (Efisiensi Penggunaan Sumber Daya Alam pada saat Work From Home)Webinar Sharing Session Participants in July 2020 (Efficiency in Use of Natural Resources during Work From Home)

369PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jabatan PesertaPosition of Participants

Jumlah PesertaNumber of




Materi PelatihanTraining Material


3 peserta/participants

17 Juli/July 2020 (to be confirmed)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juli Tahun 2020 (Financial Talk (Topik: Manajemen Hutang dan Dana Darurat))Participants of Webinar Sharing Session in July 2020 (Financial Talk (Topic: Debt management and Emergency Fund)

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisi & Operator

3 peserta/participants

22 Juli/July 2020 (10.00 - 11.00)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juli Tahun 2020 (Hidup Minimalis di Masa New Normal)Participants of Webinar Sharing Session in July 2020 (Financial Talk (Topic: Debt management and Emergency Fund)


3 peserta/participants

27 Juli/July 2020 (to be confirmed)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juli Tahun 2020 (Seri 2: Relawan Penanganan Covid-19))Participants of Webinar Sharing Session in July 2020 (2nd Series: Covid-19 Volunteers))

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisi & Operator

3 peserta/participants

30 Juli/July 2020 (10.00 - 11.30)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelaksanaan Sharing Session Webinar Bulan Juli Tahun 2020 (Live Health Talk (Topic: Exercise During the New Normal))Participants of Webinar Sharing Session in July 2020 (Live Health Talk (Topic: Exercise During the New Normal))

Asisten Manajer, Supervisi & Pelaksana/StafAssistant Manager, Supervisor & Operator/Staff

4 peserta/participants

30 Juli/July 2020 (09.00 - 11.00)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Webinar “Budaya Bukan Sekedar Coretan di Dinding! Ini! Peranmu”Webinar on “Culture is not Mural on the Wall! This is Your Role”

Asisten Senior ManajerAssistant Senior Manager

2 peserta/participants

27 s.d 29 Juli/July 2020 (08.00- selesai/finish)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan MDP I Managing The Business Batch IITraining on MDP I Managing The Business Batch II

Senior Manajer & Asisten Senior ManajerSenior Manager & Assistant Senior Manager

2 peserta/participants

25 Juli/July 2020-20 September 2020 (09.00-12.00)

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan PSAK for Professional Online Via Microsoft TeamTraining on PSAK For Professional Online Via Microsoft Team

Direksi & Kepala Biro HukumBoard of Directors & Head of Legal Bureau

2 peserta/participants

25 Agustus/August 2020 (09.00- 10.30)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-1 Training on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-1

Senior Manajer & SederajatSenior Manager & of the Same Level

3 peserta/participants

19 Agustus/August 2020 (Batch I) dan 26 Agustus/August 2020 (Batch II) (09.00- 10.30)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team member Effctively BOD-2 Batch I & IITraining on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team member Effectively BOD-2 Batch I & II

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisi & Operator

4 peserta/participants

10-12 Agustus/August 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan Basic CTO (container terminal operation) di Lingkungan IPC Terminal Petikemas sebagai TrainerAs Trainer in Training on Basic CTO (container terminal operation) within IPC Terminal Petikemas

Staf & PelaksanaStaff & Operator

9 peserta/participants

10-13 Agustus/August 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan Basic CTO (Container Terminal Operation) & Site Visit di Lingkungan IPC Terminal Petikemas Trainer in CTO (Container Terminal Operation) & Site Visit within IPC Terminal Petikemas

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

370 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jabatan PesertaPosition of Participants

Jumlah PesertaNumber of




Materi PelatihanTraining Material

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisor & Operator

6 peserta/participants

24-29 Agustus/August 2020 (07.30-17.00)

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Tenaga Pengajar Pelatihan Basic Container Terminal Operating (CTO) dan Terminal Operating System (TOS) di Lingkungan IPC Terminal Petikemas Area PanjangAs Trainer in Training on Basic Container Terminal Operating (CTO) and Terminal Operating System (TOS) within Panjang Area of IPC Terminal Petikemas

Pelaksana Administrasi & Operator TerminalOperating Administration & Terminal Operator

77 peserta/participants

24-29 Agustus/August 2020 (07.30-17.00)

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan Basic Container Terminal Operating (CTO) dan Terminal Operating System (TOS) di Lingkungan IPC Terminal Petikemas Area PanjangTraining on Basic Container Terminal Operating (CTO) and Terminal Operating System (TOS) within Panjang Area of IPC Terminal Petikemas

Pelaksana & OperatorOperator & Operator

3 peserta/participants

24-30 September 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Bertindak sebagai tenaga pengajar dalam program OJT QCC & GLC Training for New Operator di Lingkungan IPC Terminal Petikemas As Trainer in OJT QCC & GLC Training Program for New Operator within IPC Terminal Petikemas

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisor & Operator

12 peserta/participants

15-16 September 2020 (Batch I) & 22-23 September 2020 (Batch II)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelatihan ODP I - Leadership Series Coaching Batch I dan Batch IIParticipants of Training in ODP I - Leadership Series Coaching Batch I and Batch II


2 peserta/participants

9-29 September 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Peserta QCC Training for New OperatorParticipants in QCC Training for New Operator

Senior Manager & SederajatSenior Manager & of the Same Level

5 peserta/participants

10-11 September 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-2 Batch 5-10Participants in Training on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-2 Batch 5-10

Pelaksana Administrasi/OperasiOperator of Administration/Operation

11 peserta/participants

9-29 September 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Peserta QCC Training for New OperatorParticipants of QCC Training for New Operator

Senior Manager & SederajatSenior Manager & of the Same Level

4 peserta/participants

3 & 9 September 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelatihan Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-2 Batch 3 Participants in Training on Delegate and Monitor Your Remote Team Member Effectively BOD-2 Batch 3

Pelaksana/Staf & OperatorOperator/Staff & Operator

12 peserta/participants

2-5 November 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Peserta Pelatihan INNOCEN Design Phase Training Batch IParticipants of INNOCEN Design Phase Training Batch I

Asisten Manajer, Supervisi & Pelaksana/StafAssistant Manager, Supervisor & Operator/Staff

41 peserta/participants

19-23 Oktober/October 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Kegiatan Opening INNOCEN dan Online BootcampOpening of INNOCEN dan Online Bootcamp

Manager Area & Asisten ManajerArea Manager & Assistant Manager

14 peserta/participants

27 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Asesmen di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasAssessment within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Staf & Pelaksana KoordinatorStaff & Coordinator Of Operator

6 peserta/participants

27 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Asesmen (Batch 2) di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasAssessment (Batch 2) within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Asisten Senior Manajer, Asisten Manajer & PelaksanaAssistant Senior Manager, Assistant Manager & Operator

11 peserta/participants

7 & 15 Oktober/October 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Webinar Live Health TalkAssessment (Batch 2) within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

371PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Jabatan PesertaPosition of Participants

Jumlah PesertaNumber of




Materi PelatihanTraining Material

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisor & Operator

5 peserta/participants

19 Oktober/October 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelaksanaan Webinar Talking to Your Boss When They’re WrongWebinar of Live Health Talk

Supervisi & Staf SeniorSupervisor & Senior Staff

37 peserta/participants

3 November 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Asesmen (Batch 3) di lingkungan PT IPC Terminal PetikemasWebinar on Talking to Your Boss When They’re Wrong

Operator TerminalTerminal Operator

8 peserta/participants

12-13 Mei/May 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Sertifikasi SIO PAA di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Area Terminal SupportAssessment (Batch 3) within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

Operator RtgcRtgc Operator

18 peserta/participants

18-19 Agustus/August 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Sertifikasi SIO PAA di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Area Teluk BayurSIO PAA Certification of Terminal Support Area within PT IPC Terminal Petikemas

DireksiBoard Of Directors

3 peserta/participants

07 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Webinar Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders Webinar on Good Leader Leads Followers, Great Leader Leads & Creates Other Leaders

DireksiBoard Of Directors

2 peserta/participants

1 Oktober/October 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelaksanaan Webinar Mewujudkan Ekosistem Sistem Logistik Nasional Untuk Indonesia Webinar on Realizing National Logistics System Ecosystem for Indonesia

Staf & PelaksanaStaff & Operator

3 peserta/participants

25-26 November 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Peserta Pelatihan A-Z GCGParticipants of Training on A-Z GCG

Manager, Asisten Manajer & SupervisiManager, Assistant Manager & Supervisor

7 peserta/participants

16-27 November 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Pelatihan Sertifikasi Ahli KepelabuhananTraining on Port Expert Certification

Supervisi, Staf/PelaksanaSupervisor, Staff/Operator

15 peserta/participants

16-19 November 2020

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan INNOCEN Design Phase Training Batch IIINNOCEN Design Phase Training Batch II

Supervisi, Staf/PelaksanaSupervisor, Staff/Operator

12 peserta/participants

30 November-4 Desember/December 2020

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas In House Training Basic CTO & Planning & ControlIn-House Training on Basic CTO & Planning & Control

Supervisi & Staf SeniorSupervisor & Senior Staff

3 peserta/participants

16 Desember/December 2020 (08.30- Selesai/Finish)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan Basic Fire AwarenessTraining on Basic Fire Awareness

Supervisi & PelaksanaSupervisor & Operator

8 peserta/participants

14-17 Desember/December 2020 (08.00- Selesai/Finish)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)

Pelatihan PurnabaktiTraining on Post-Employment

Disampaikan bahwa pada tahun 2020 juga telah dilakukan penyusunan Rencana pelatihan untuk tahun 2021, sebagai berikut:

No.Level Peserta

Participant’s LevelProgramProgram

Rencana Jumlah Peserta

Planned Number of Participants

1 Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Head

Customer Satisfaction Management 1

2 Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Head

Managing Business Partnership 1

3 Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Head

Minaut Indonesia - Problem Solving and Decision Making 1

4 Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Head

Negotiation Skill 1

5 Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Head

Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Ahli Pengadaan Training and Certified Strategic Procurement Specialist


It was conveyed that in 2020 the preparation of a training plan for 2021 had also been carried out, as follows:

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

372 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Level Peserta

Participant’s LevelProgramProgram

Rencana Jumlah Peserta

Planned Number of Participants

6 Senior Manager/Kepala BiroSenior Manager/Bureau Head

Sertifikasi Ahli Pembangun IntegritasCertified Integrity Development Specialist


7 Senior Manager/Kepala Biro Asisten Senior ManagerSenior Manager/Bureau Head Assistant Senior Manager

Ahli KepabeananCustom Specialist


8 Manager Area Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting 3

9 Manager Area Managing Virtual & Remote Team 2

10 Manager Area Penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) (Road Map GCG)Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) (GCG Road Map)


11 Manager Area Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution 3

12 Manager Area Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Project Management (PM) 3

13 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Finnon : Understanding Financial Statement 4

14 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Skill Training/Leader as a Coach 3

15 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Design Thinking for Innovation 2

16 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan Sertifikasi Ahli KepelabuhananTraining on Certified Custom Specialist


17 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor Tingkat LanjutanEducation and Advanced Training Program on Certified Qualified Internal Auditor


18 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Ahli Pembangun IntegritasIntegrity Development Specialist


19 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Certified Human Resource Manager 1

20 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Hukum Ketenagakerjaan dan Hubungan IndustrialLabor and Industrial Relation Law


21 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Managing People for Productivity 1

22 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Kompetensi Ahli Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Training of Certified Procurement Specialist - CPSP


23 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Performance Monitoring Training (Perfomance Management System) 1

24 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

PPh Pemotongan dan Pemungutan Income Tax Cut and Charges


25 Asisten Senior ManagerAssistant Senior Manager

Program Pendidikan & Pelatihan Sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA) Tingkat DasarEducation & Basic Training on Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA)


26 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan Dangerous GoodsTraining On Dangerous Goods


27 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan Audit PFSO (ISPS Code)PFSO Audit Training (ISPS Code)


28 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan Internal Auditor International Ship Security and Port Facility Security (ISPS Code)/Training Internal Auditor International Ship Security and Port Facility Security (ISPS Code)


29 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Training


30 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Data Science 4

31 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Logistic Management 4

32 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Pelatihan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 45001:2018 Awareness, dan Risk Based Thinking/Risk Management for Public SectorTraining on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 about Awareness, and Risk Based Thinking/Risk Management for Public Sector


33 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Container Terminal Management 3

34 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Bussiness Presentation Skill 2

373PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Level Peserta

Participant’s LevelProgramProgram

Rencana Jumlah Peserta

Planned Number of Participants

35 Asisten Senior Manager Staf/Staff to Assistant Senior Manager

Diklat Sertifikasi Ahli Kepelabuhanan Batch V Bulan Maret Tahun 2021Training on Certified Port Specialist Batch V in March of 2021


36 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Supervising Terminal Operations 15

37 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelaksanaan Pembuatan & Perpanjangan Sertifikasi Surat Izin Operasi Pesawat Angkat dan Angkut (SIO PAA) Area Panjang dan Pontianak di Lingkungan PT IPC TPK Implementation & Extension of Certification of Forklift Oepration License (SIO PAA) for Panjang and Pontianak Areas in PT IPC TPK


38 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Program Asesmen Operator Pesawat Angkat AngkutAssessment of Fork Lift Operators


39 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

In House Training Program Standardisasi Sharing Experienced dan Knowledge Operator Pesawat Angkat AngkutIn House Training Program on Standardization Sharing Experience and Knowledge of Fork Lift Operator


40 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Motivation Training 7

41 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelaksanaan Pembuatan Sertifikasi Surat Izin Operasi Pesawat Angkat dan Angkut (SIO PAA) Area Tanjung Priok 1 di Lingkungan PT IPC TPKImplementation of Certified Fork Lift Operation License (SIO PAA) for Tanjung Priok 1 Area in PT IPC TPK


42 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelatihan Prosedur KepabeananTraining on Custom Procedures


43 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Service Excellent 5

44 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Skill Training/Leading with Emotional Intelligence 5

45 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Akuntansi KeuanganFinancial Accounting


46 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Auditing Techniques and Tools: A Guide for Auditor/Audit ERM 4

47 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility 3

48 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Customer Relation Management 3

49 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Finance for Non Finance (F for NF) 3

50 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Port TarifPort Tariffs


51 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Terminal Operating System (TOS) NPK TOS End User 3

52 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Administrasi KeuanganFinancial Administration


53 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Designing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 2

54 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Employee Engagement, Productivity and Innovation 2

55 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Feasibility Study 2

56 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Human Resources Management 2

57 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelatihan Sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA)/Audit ERM (Risk Based Internal Audit)Training of Certified Qualified Internal Auditor ((QIA)/Audit ERM (Risk Based Internal Audit)


58 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) 2

59 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Report Writing 2

60 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Safety Fundamental (Port Health & Safety Fundamental) 2

61 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Skill Training/Effective Leadership 2

62 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Supervisor Development Program 2

63 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Administrasi Perkantoran Batch 1Office Administration Batch 1


64 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Asset Mapping Study 1

65 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Certified Human Resource Supervisor 1

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

374 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

No.Level Peserta

Participant’s LevelProgramProgram

Rencana Jumlah Peserta

Planned Number of Participants

66 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Container Logistics 1

67 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Corporate Finance Management 1

68 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Creative Thinking Technique 1

69 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Data AdministrasiAdministration Data


70 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Drill Penggunaan APAR (Pemadam Kebakaran Kelas D)Fire Drill Training (Fire Department D Class)


71 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Manajemen SDM Human Resource Management


72 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Marketing Intelligence 1

73 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Marketing Management 1

74 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Operation Strategy 1

75 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelaksanaan Program Pelatihan dan Uji Sertifikasi Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah Tingkat DasarTraining and Testing of Basic Certification of Government Procurement


76 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelatihan Handling Petikemas ReeferTraining On Handling Container Reefer


77 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelatihan P3KTraining on First Aid Kits


78 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pelatihan Tanggap Darurat Emergency Response Plan


79 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Penanganan Klaim dan Asuransi/Legal for Non LegalInsurance/Legal for Non Legal and Claim Handling


80 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pengelolaan Arsip DinamisDynamic Archieve Management


81 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pengelolaan Sampah (Termasuk Pengelolaan Material dan Limbah B3 dan Non B3)/ Pelatihan Analisis Pengolahan Limbah B3Waste Management (Including Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste and Material Management)/Training On Hazardous Waste Management Analysis


82 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Port Management 1

83 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Powerful Business Presentation 1

84 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Pph Pasal 21/26Article 21/26+C102 of Income Tax


85 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Program Pendidikan & Pelatihan Sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA) Tingkat Manajerial/Education & Training on Certified Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA) for Managerial Level


86 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Quality Management System 1

87 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Sekolah Pasar ModalCapital Market School


88 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Sekretaris PerusahaanCorporate Secretary


89 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Self Leadership: How To Be An Effective Performer 1

90 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Strategi Manajemen PemeliharaanMaintenance Management Strategy


91 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Training ISO Mutu Manajemen (Training ISO:14001 dan SMK3)Training on ISO of Management Quality (Training on ISO:14001 and SMK3)


92 Supervisor, StafStaff to Supervisor

Training MotivasiMotivation Training


e. Kebijakan dan Pelaksanaan Pengembangan KarierIPC TPK memberikan kesempatan yang luas bagi karyawan untuk mengembangkan diri dan membangun jenjang karier di Perusahaan. Pengembangan karier di IPC TPK dilaksanakan melalui jalur fungsional dan struktural melalui pemetaan berdasarkan kompetensi dan performansi karyawan sebagai diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/1/2/2/IPCTPK-18 tanggal 2 Februari 2018 tentang Promosi Kelas Jabatan Pekerja

e. Career Development Policy and The ImplementationIPC TPK offers a wide opportunity for its employees to develop their individual capacity and the career path in the Company. Career path in IPC TPK is developed through functional and structural channels through mapping based on employee competence and performance as stipulated in the Decree of the Board of Directors No. HK.566/1/2/2/IPCTPK-18 dated February 2nd, 2018 concerning the Promotion of Functional Employees within PT IPC

375PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Fungsional di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dan Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/3/10/1/IPCTPK-17 tanggal 3 Oktober 2017 tentang Predikat Jabatan Dalam Pengangkatan Jabatan Struktural di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

f. Kebijakan dan Penilaian Kinerja KaryawanDireksi IPC TPK telah menetapkan sistem manajemen kinerja karyawan yang efektif guna membangun pemahaman bersama antara IPC TPK dan karyawan mengenai tujuan yang harus dicapai, cara serta optimalisasi sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Proses ini memiliki tujuan antara lain untuk mewujudkan sistem penilaian kinerja karyawan yang dapat memfasilitasi pengembangan budaya pembelajar dan berprestasi serta peningkatan kompetensi dan kontribusi karyawan terhadap Perusahaan.

Proses manajemen kinerja karyawan meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut:1. Perencanaan dan penyusunan kontrak sasaran kinerja

individu dan Unit Kerja;2. Pemantauan kinerja individu dan Unit Kerja;3. Penilaian dan umpan balik kinerja individu dan Unit

Kerja;4. Penghargaan kinerja individu dan Unit Kerja.

Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kinerja KaryawanIPC TPK kemudian akan melakukan pengukuran kinerja karyawan secara transparan dan objektif terukur dan objektif secara berkala, di mana hasilnya akan digunakan sebagai dasar dalam penentuan pengembangan dan pengisian kebutuhan organisasi selain juga penentuan remunerasi yang tepat dan kompetitif bagi karyawan. Penilaian kinerja karyawan diatur lebih lanjut dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/1/1/1IPCTPK-16 tanggal tentang Penilaian performa Bulanan di Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

Tujuan dari pelaksanaan penilaian kinerja karyawan adalah untuk:1. Menciptakan iklim kerja yang kondusif untuk

berprestasi dan berkompetisi secara sehat di Perusahaan.

2. Menciptakan pekerja yang memiliki kompetensi dan bermotivasi untuk mencapai performansi tinggi sehingga mampu memberikan kontribusi maksimal kepada Perusahaan.

3. Menciptakan komunikasi dan kerja sama yang efektif antara atasan, bawahan dan rekan kerja.

4. Menciptakan kepuasan kerja dan engagement para pekerja di Perusahaan.

5. Menciptakan budaya kerja yang efektif, menghargai kualitas proses bisnis dan kualitas individu.

6. Menciptakan peningkatan dan keberlangsungan usaha Perusahaan melalui pengelolaan performa para pekerja di Perusahaan.

7. Menciptakan sistem penilaian individu yang dapat memberikan dasar dalam menetapkan insentif performa, bonus, dan penghargaan lainnya dalam rangka pengembangan SDM.

Azas dari penilaian performa tersebut adalah:

1. Objektifa. Penilaian harus berdasarkan data dan fakta riil;b. Menilai performansi individu yang memiliki

ukuran antara lain: kuantitas, kualitas dan waktu yang dirumuskan secara spesifik, sederhana dan mudah dipahami oleh pekerja;

Terminal Petikemas and the Board of Directors Decree No. HK.566/3/10/1/IPCTPK-17 dated October 3rd, 2017 concerning Predicate of Position in the Appointment of Structural Position in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

f. Employee Performance Policy and Assessment The Board of Directors of IPC TPK has established an effective employee performance management system to build a common understanding between IPC TPK and the employees about the objectives to be achieved, methods and optimization of resources in order to achieve these goals. The purposes of the process among others are to realize an employee performance assessment system that can facilitate the development of culture of learners and achievements as well as improve the competence and contribution of employees to the Company.

The employee performance management process includes the following:1. Planning and preparation of contracts of individual

performance goals and Work Units;2. Monitoring of individual performance and Work Units;3. Assessment and feedback on the performance of

individuals and Work Units;4. Performance Awards of Individuals and Work Units.

Implementation of Employee Performance AssessmentIPC TPK will then assess the employee performance in transparent and objective manner and on the periodical basis, where the results will be used as a reference for determining the development and fulfilling organizational needs as well as for determining the appropriate and competitive remuneration for the employees. Employee performance assessment is further regulated in the Board of Directors Decree No. HK.566/1/1/1IPCTPK-16 on Monthly Performance Assessment in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.

The objectives of the implementation of employee performance assessment are to:1. Establish a favorable working climate that drives

achievements and healthy competition in the Company.

2. Creating competent and motivated employees to achieve high performance so that they are able to give maximum contribution to the Company.

3. Create an effective communication and cooperation between superiors, subordinates and co-workers.

4. Promote employee satisfaction and engagement to the Company.

5. Create an effective work culture, respect the quality of business process and the individuals.

6. Drive improvement and business continuity of the Company through the performance management of the Company’s employees.

7. Develop an individual assessment system that can serve as the reference for determining performance incentives, bonuses, and other rewards within the framework of human resources development.

The principles in performance assessments are:

1. Objectivea. The assessment shall consider real data and facts;b. Assessing the countable factors of the individual

performance, such as in terms of quantity, quality and time, which are formulated specifically, simply and easily understandable for the employees;

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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c. Aspek performa yang diukur harus realistis dan dapat dicapai oleh pekerja melalui usaha maksimal dan mendapat dukungan dari atasan, bawahan, rekan kerja, maupun unit kerja lain;

d. Aspek performa yang diukur memiliki tingkat kepentingan atau skala prioritas dan disepakati oleh atasan dan bawahan.

2. Bermaknaa. Performansi yang dinilai merupakan performansi

yang mendukung pencapaian target unit kerja maupun target Perusahaan;

b. Performansi yang dinilai harus memiliki tantangan dan tingkat kesulitan, serta diperlukan adanya persyaratan kompetensi, keterampilan, pengetahuan, sikap kerja, serta pengalaman individu untuk mencapai target performa.

3. Adila. Performa yang dinilai merupakan implikasi dari

pembagian tugas yang disesuaikan dengan kelas jabatan dan posisi pekerja;

b. Pencapaian performa individu disesuaikan dengan kontribusi individu terhadap pencapaian performa unit kerja maupun performansi Perusahaan;

c. Tingkat pencapaian performa merupakan dasar bagi Perusahaan untuk memberikan insentif performa, bonus, dan program pengembangan SDM.

4. Transparana. Paramereter ukuran performa, cara mengukur,

sumber data yang digunakan dapat diketahui dan dipahami oleh pekerja yang dinilai maupun oleh penilai;

b. Hasil penilaian performa dapat diketahui oleh pekerja yang dinilai maupun oleh penilai, dan merupakan umpan balik yang penting dalam mengevaluasi performa individu, unit kerja maupun Perusahaan sehingga diperoleh peningkatan performansi berkelanjutan.

Survei Kepuasan dan Keterikatan Karyawan

Tingkat kepuasan dan keterikatan karyawan sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan Perusahaan. Karena itu, IPC TPK menyelenggarakan pengukuran tingkat kepuasan dan keterikatan pegawai yang dilakukan setiap tahun. Berdasarkan hasil survei kepuasan karyawan tersebut, maka IPC TPK dapat melakukan perencanaan yang lebih baik dalam pengelolaan karyawan sehingga tingkat kepuasan dan keterikatan karyawan akan terus membaik pada tahun-tahun mendatang.

Pada tahun 2020, survei kepuasan dan keterikatan karyawan telah dilakukan pada responden Karyawan Organik Perusahaan yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 3–11 Desember 2020 melalui metode self-assessment dengan melakukan pengisian secara online (daring). Tujuan dari survei ini adalah mengukur tingkat kepuasan dan keterikatan karyawan terhadap Perusahaan. Tingkat kepuasan dan keterikatan karyawan mewakili sikap umum seorang karyawan terhadap pekerjaan serta Perusahaan. Dengan demikian, hasil survei yang tinggi dalam hal kepuasan dan keterikatan menunjukkan sikap yang positif terhadap pekerjaan. Sebaliknya, hasil survei yang rendah yang diwakili dalam ketidakpuasan dan keterikatan karyawan mencerminkan sikap yang kontraproduktif terhadap pekerjaannya. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata setiap jawaban.

c. The measurable aspects of the performance must be realistic and achievable for the employees through maximum efforts and support from superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and other work units;

d. The measurable aspects of the performance aspect must have scale of priorities and are agreed upon by superiors and subordinates.

2. Meaningfula. The measurable performance is a performance

that supports the achievement target of work unit and targets of the Company;

b. The performance to assess must contain challenges and difficulty levels, as well as the necessary competency requirements, skills, knowledge, work attitude, and individual experience to achieve performance targets.

3. Faira. Assessed performance is the implication of task

allocations that adjusted to the position level and employee's location;

b. The achievement of individual performance is assessed based on the individual contribution to the achievement of unit performance as well as the Company's performance;

c. The level of performance achievement serves as the reference for the Company to provide performance incentives, bonuses, and HR development programs.

4. Transparenta. Parameter of performance assessment,

assessment methods, the source of data used can be acknowledged and understood by the assessed employees as well as by the assessors;

b. The results of performance assessment can be known by the assessed workers as well as by the assessor, and becomes an important feedback in evaluating the performance of individuals, work units and the Company so that performance can be continuously improved.

Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Survey

The level of employee satisfaction and engagement is very important for the sustainability of the Company. Therefore, IPC TPK measures the level of employee satisfaction and engagement on annual basis. The results of the employee satisfaction survey will help IPC TPK to do a better planning in employee management so that the level of employee satisfaction and engagement will continuously improve in the coming years.

In 2020, employee satisfaction and engagement survey took participation of the Company's Organic Employees as respondents in a survey held from December 3rd–11th, 2020, through self-assessment method by online survey. The purpose of this survey was to measure the level of satisfaction and engagement of employees to their jobs and to the Company. The level of employee satisfaction and engagement represents the general attitude of the employees towards their jobs as well as to the Company. Thus, if the results of the survey show high satisfaction and engagement level, it mean positive attitude for the jobs. In contrast, the low survey results, which shows employee dissatisfaction and engagement, reflect a counterproductive attitude toward his or her job. Data is descriptively processed by calculating the average score of each answer.

377PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Skala yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan 5 (lima) skala likert yang terdiri dari atas sangat tidak puas (1), tidak puas (2), cukup puas (3), puas (4), sangat puas (5). Berdasarkan survei yang telah dilakukan, Indeks kepuasan karyawan IPC TPK pada tahun 2020 adalah 4,12 dengan kategori Puas, sedangkan indeks keterikatan karyawan pada tahun 2020 mencapai 4,25 dengan kategori “Sangat Terikat”. Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya indeks yang didapat mengalami penurunan.


Kepuasan KaryawanEmployee Satisfaction


Engagement KaryawanEmployee Engagement


2019 2020 2019 2020

Korporat/ Corporate 4.36 4.12 1.05 4.54 4.25 1.06

Kantor Pusat/ Head Office 4.21 4.17 1.00 4.32 4.26 1.01

Tanjung Priok 4.26 3.86 1.10 4.45 4.08 1.09

Panjang 4.60 4.21 1.09 4.62 4.26 1.08

Palembang 4.60 4.64 0.99 4.75 4.58 1.03

Pontianak 4.57 4.17 1.10 4.80 4.30 1.11

Teluk Bayur 4.59 4.34 1.05 4.78 4.43 1.07

Jambi 4.54 4.43 1.02 4.74 4.50 1.05

Turnover Karyawan

Komitmen IPC TPK untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan karyawan salah satunya terbukti dari tingkat kepuasan dan keterikatan karyawan yang tinggi terhadap Perusahaan. Untuk itu, pada tahun 2020, meskipun menghadapi situasi ekonomi dan bisnis yang tidak menentu karena pandemi Covid-19, tidak terdapat karyawan yang mengundurkan diri dari Perusahaan (0%).

Keselamatan Kerja

IPC TPK telah menetapkan standar keselamatan kerja sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dengan memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:1. Menyediakan dan menjamin ketersediaan perlengkapan

keselamatan kerja yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan standar keselamatan kerja yang dipersyaratkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan.

2. Melakukan penyesuaian dan perbaikan yang terus menerus terhadap perkembangan teknologi keselamatan kerja.

3. Mengutamakan tindakan yang bersifat promotif dan preventif untuk mengantisipasi situasi keadaan darurat.

4. Melakukan inspeksi, pemeriksaan, dan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap semua sarana termasuk persyaratan-persyaratan sumber daya manusia, peralatan dan sistem proteksi pada gedung/bangunan untuk mencegah dan meminimalisir potensi bahaya keselamatan kerja.

5. Melaksanakan program pelatihan dan keahlian yang diperlukan dalam melaksanakan tugas yang dilakukan.

6. Melakukan pelatihan penanggulangan keadaan darurat secara berkala.

7. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) dan meningkatkan kompetensi yang diperlukan pegawai termasuk mitra kerja.

Dengan menerapkan standar yang ada, berdampak pada tidak adanya atau tidak terjadinya kecelakaan kerja pada lingkungan IPC TPK sepanjang tahun 2020. Dengan demikian, IPC TPK tidak memiliki data tingkat kecelakaan kerja dan rekomendasinya.

The scale applied here is 5 (five) of likert scale, namely fully dissatisfied (1), dissatisfied (2), quite satisfied (3), satisfied (4), fully satisfied (5). Based on the results of the survey done, the IPC TPK’s employee satisfaction index in 2020 is at 4.12 or categorized as Satisfied, while the employee engagement index in 2020 was realized at 4.25 or categorized as "Fully Engaged”. When compared to the previous year’s results, the indexes declined.

Employee Turnover

IPC TPK's commitment to improving the quality of employee management is one of them shown from the high level of employee satisfaction and engagement to the Company. Therefore, in 2020, despite facing the uncertain economic and business situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, none of its employee has resigned from the Company (0%).

Occupational Safety

IPC TPK has been applying the occupational safety standard as required by the applying laws with respect to the following issues:1. To provide and ensure the availability of the occupational

safety equipment as required in the regulations of occupational safety standards.

2. To adjust and make continuous improvements in line with the advance in occupational safety technology.

3. To prioritize the promote and preventive measures ahead of emergency.

4. To inspect, review and evaluate on periodical basis all facilities, including the requirements relating to human resources, equipment, and protection system on the buildings in order to anticipate and minimize the potential occupational safety risks.

5. To conduct training program and required skills to perform the tasks.

6. To conduct emergency/hazardous training on periodical basis.

7. To evaluate the implementation of occupational work safety and health (SMK3) system and improve the necessary competence of the employees including partners.

The implementation of existing standards indeed had impacts on the absence of work accidents within IPC TPK in the course of 2020. Therefore, IPC TPK did have any information of work accident and the recommendations.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Kesehatan Kerja

IPC TPK mendorong peran aktif dari setiap pegawai dalam upaya menjaga kesehatan pegawai dan kesehatan lingkungan kerja, dengan cara:1. Melakukan upaya preventif dan promosi kesehatan

kerja berupa pemberian informasi kesehatan, kegiatan olahraga, peningkatan gizi kerja, screening kesehatan, sosialisasi dan penerapan budaya hidup bersih dan sehat di lingkungan kerja;

2. Menyediakan fasilitas kesehatan bagi pegawai;3. Melakukan medical check-up kepada pegawai secara

berkala sesuai dengan risiko pekerjaan;4. Mengidentifikasi risiko timbulnya penyakit akibat kerja

dan melakukan upaya-upaya pencegahan;5. Melakukan pemantauan dan pengukuran kesehatan

lingkungan kerja yang berdampak pada kesehatan pekerja.

Informasi Tentang Mekanisme Prosedur Penanganan Keadaan Darurat Keselamatan Kerja dan Konflik Ketenagakerjaan

Setiap karyawan diberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk turut berperan dalam perkembangan IPC TPK ke arah yang lebih baik. Komitmen ini ditunjukkan IPC TPK dengan menyediakan sarana pengaduan.

Jika karyawan memiliki keresahan terkait masalah ketenagakerjaan, dapat mengikuti tata cara sebagaimana tertuang dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) dengan Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II) Periode 2019-2020, sebagai berikut:a. Pekerja menyampaikan kepada Atasan Langsung di unit

kerjanya untuk didiskusikan untuk mencapai kesepahaman atau penyelesaian yang adil dan memuaskan kedua belah pihak;

b. Apabila tidak dicapai kesepahaman atau penyelesaian yang memuaskan maka Pekerja dapat meneruskan kepada Pejabat berwenang yang lebih tinggi dengan diketahui oleh atasan langsung;

c. Apabila cara sebagaimana huruf a dan b tidak dicapai kesepahaman atau mendapatkan penyelesaian yang memuaskan, maka Pekerja dapat meneruskan kepada Pengurus Cabang Serikat Pekerja setempat untuk diselesaikan dalam forum komunikasi tingkat Cabang setempat;

d. Jika cara sebagaimana dimaksud butir c juga tidak tercapai kesepahaman dan/atau permasalahannya merupakan wewenang Pengusaha, maka dapat diteruskan kepada Lembaga Bipartit tingkat pusat.

e. Dalam hal tidak tercapainya kesepahaman atau penyelesaian yang memuaskan setelah ditempuh tahapan sebagaimana huruf a, b, c dan d, maka penyelesaiannya dapat diteruskan kepada Lembaga Tripartit sebelum ditempuh prosedur penyelesaian perselisihan sesuai ketentuan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK tidak menerima pengaduan masalah ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.

Biaya Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan di Bidang K3

Dalam rangka menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan mendorong produktivitas karyawan, maka di tahun ini IPC TPK mengeluarkan anggaran bagi berbagai kegiatan K3 sebesar Rp1.194.858.109.

Occupational Health

IPC TPK has been promoting active roles of each employee in maintaining employee health and safety within its working environment, by:1. Doing preventive measures and promotional activities

on occupational health, such as distributing health information, sports activities, improvement of nutrition at work, health screening, socialization and implementation of cultures of healthy and clean living within the business environment;

2. Providing the health facilities for the employees;3. Doing medical check-up to the employees on periodical

basis according to the business risks;4. Identifying risks of illness due to work and the taking

preventive measures;5. Monitoring and measuring the health of work environment

which may impact the employee health.

Information about Mechanism of Handling of Handling Emergency in Occupational Safety and Employee Conflict

Each employee has huge opportunities to participate in leading IPC TPK to the better directions. Such commitment is realized by IPC TPK through the establishment of channel of complaints.

If the employees have employment issue, they can take action by following the provisions outlined in the Collaborative Agreement (CA) that are agreed between PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) and Trade Union of Pelabuhan Indonesia II (SPPI II) for the period of 2019-2020, namely as follows:a. Employee can ask his/her Direct Supervisor of his/her unit

to set up a discussion to reach understanding or fair and satisfying resolutions for both parties;

b. If the satisfying understanding or solution fail to achieve, then the Employee can forward the request to the higher officials with the acknowledgement of the direct supervisor;

c. If steps taken in letter a and b are unable to achieve understanding or satisfying solution, the Employee can seek efforts to the Trade Union Management of respective local Branch to get solutions through a communication forum with local branch;

d. If a step taken in point c also fails to reach understanding and/or his/her issue happens to be the Employer’s authority, then he/she can proceed to the Bipartite Agency at head office;

e. In the case understanding or satisfying resolution fails to achieve after all steps in letter a, b, c and d are taken, they can seek solutions in Tripartite Agency before applying procedures for the settlement of conflict according to the applying provisions and regulations.

In the course of 2020, IPC TPK did not accept reports on employment, occupational health and safety.

Costs of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in K3

In order to establish a favorable work environment and boost employee productivity, this year IPC TPK has released budget for supporting K3 activities amounting to Rp1,194,858,109.

379PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

Komitmen dan Kebijakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Kepada Konsumen

Memberikan layanan terbaik kepada pelanggan telah menjadi prioritas dan hal penting bagi Perusahaan, serta merupakan partner utama dalam mengembangkan usaha pada masa depan. IPC TPK berkeyakinan bahwa pelanggan adalah salah satu pemangku kepentingan yang mempunyai peran sentral dalam menjamin keberlangsungan usaha. Untuk memastikan pemenuhan standar pelayanan kepada pelanggan, IPC TPK memiliki kebijakan standar operasi dan prosedur yang terkait dengan pelanggan. Kebijakan ini dilakukan untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan.

Kebijakan tanggung jawab sosial terhadap konsumen tersebut berlandaskan pada:1. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 25 tahun 2019

tentang Pelayanan Publik.2. Pedoman Pengelolaan Hubungan Pelanggan di

Lingkungan PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/28/12/1/IPCTPK-17.

3. Kebijakan Mutu PT IPC Terminal Petikemas yang ditetapkan oleh Surat Keputusan Direksi No. HK.566/29/12/8/IPCTPK-17 yang berisi antara lain:

a. Menyediakan pelayanan yang berorientasi kepada kepuasan pelanggan secara profesional dan inovatif;

b. Melaksanakan proses peningkatan pelayanan dan operasi yang berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan dan aman dengan melakukan konservasi dan penghematan sumber daya serta mengutamakan keselamatan pekerja;

c. Memberikan total kepuasan kepada pelanggan melalui penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu dengan benar, tepat dan konsisten;

d. Mematuhi setiap peraturan perundangan dan persyaratan lain yang relevan terhadap PT IPC Terminal Petikemas serta mengkomunikasikannya kepada seluruh karyawan dan pihak berkepentingan lainnya;

e. Mencegah dan mengendalikan risiko kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja;

f. Berkomitmen terhadap perlindungan lingkungan melalui pencegahan dan pengendalian pencemaran lingkungan.

Pelaksanaan layanan terbaik terhadap pelanggan juga telah tertuang dalam Kode Etik Bisnis, yakni:

• Insan IPC TPK diharapkan untuk secara konsisten memenuhi harapan pelanggan dan memberikan pelayanan yang luar biasa dan berkualitas;

• Insan IPC TPK diharuskan menjaga perilaku baik dan tekun dalam memberikan kepuasan pelanggan dan bekerja dengan pemikiran yang inovatif dan kreatif;

• Insan IPC TPK diharuskan bekerja sama untuk menghilangkan perilaku arogan dan birokratis karena hal tersebut berpengaruh buruk bagi perkembangan dan keberhasilan Perusahaan;

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Tanggung Jawab Kepada KonsumenCorporate Social Responsibilities to the Consumers

Commitments and Policies in Corporate Social Responsibilities to the Customers

For the Company, it is always its priority to give the best service to the customers, which are the Company’s partners in the development of its business in the future. IPC TPK believes the customers to be the key stakeholder in ensuring the business continuity. To ensure the fulfillment of customer service standards, the IPC TPK has established a policy on customer service operational standards and procedures. The policy is important to guide it in delivering the best services to the customers.

The policy of social responsibility to the customers essentially refers to:1. Indonesian Law No. 25 of 2019 about Public Service.

2. Customer Relations Management Guidelines in PT IPC Terminal Petikemas which is outlined in the Board of Directors Decree No. HK.566/28/12/1/IPCTPK-17.

3. Policy of Quality of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas which is determined through Board of Directors Decree No. HK.566/29/12/8/IPCTPK-17, which regulates the followings:a. Providing professional and innovative services

oriented to customer satisfaction;b. Improving services and doing operation that is

sustainable, environmental friendly and puts employee safety at first;

c. Ensuring total customer satisfaction to the customers through the implementation of the accurate, precise and consistent Quality Management System;

d. Adhering to laws and regulations and other requirements relevant to PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as well as communicating them to all employees and other stakeholders;

e. Preventing and controlling risks of work accident and illness;

f. Committing to environmental protection through prevention and control over environmental pollution.

The implementation of the best service to the customers is also outlined in the Business Ethics, they are:

• IPC TPK is required to fulfill the customers consistently and provide extraordinary and high quality services;

• IPC TPK employees are required to show good behavior and persistence in ensuring customer satisfaction and work with innovative and creative thinking;

• IPC TPK employees are required to encourage mutual cooperation to eliminate arrogance and bureaucracy as it can bring negative influence on the development and success of the Company;

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

380 PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

• Insan IPC TPK harus yakin dengan prinsip penyempurnaan secara terus menerus dengan mengikutsertakan pendapat serta saran dari para pelanggan dan menggunakannya sebagai cara untuk terus menyempurnakan proses dan kualitas pelayanan kami;

• Insan IPC TPK harus memperhatikan keluhan-keluhan pelanggan dan mencoba menyelesaikannya dengan cara yang paling efektif dan efisien dengan memberikan solusi yang dapat diimplementasikan secara berkelanjutan;

• Insan IPC TPK akan membangun pola komunikasi yang jujur dengan para pelanggan untuk mendorong adanya hubungan yang saling percaya dan transparan;

• Insan IPC TPK akan memperlakukan para pelanggan sebagai tumpuan bisnis IPC TPK dan menjadikan kepuasan mereka sebagai pertimbangan utama, sehingga Insan IPC TPK akan selalu berusaha memberikan nilai berharga bagi para pelanggan.

Perencanaan CSR Bidang Konsumen

Pada tahun 2020, IPC TPK fokus pada rencana untuk meningkatkan target tingkat indeks kepuasan pelanggan. Target tersebut dicanangkan karena kepuasan pelanggan adalah salah satu aspek yang sangat menentukan untuk terus mengaktualisasikan dan meningkatkan layanan unggul.

Untuk memastikan layanan prima yang bernilai tambah, Perseroan mengimplementasikan manajemen mutu yang terukur yang merupakan bagian dari KPI Perseroan dalam RKAP sebagai berikut:








1 Indeks Kepuasan PelangganCustomer Satisfaction Index

Skala LikertLikert Scale

8 4,67 4,72 101,07 8,09

2 Sinergi Anak Perusahaan dan CabangSynergy of Subsidiaries and Branch Office

% 7 100,00 71,79 71,79 5,02

Jumlah/Total 15 104,67 76,51 172,86 13,11

Jumlah skor untuk fokus pelanggan adalah 13,11 dari nilai maksimum 15,00. KPI perspektif ini terdiri dari indeks kepuasan pelanggan dan sinergi anak perusahaan dan cabang. Pencapaian ini telah sesuai dengan target Perusahaan.

Untuk membangun kedekatan dengan pelanggan, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas melakukan berbagai kegiatan antara lain:1. Pertemuan langsung dengan pelanggan di masang-

masing Cabang Pelabuhan;2. Customer gathering di masing-masing Cabang Pelabuhan;3. Melakukan Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan di masing-masing

Cabang Pelabuhan.

Pelaksanaan Kegiatan CSR Bidang Konsumen Tahun 2020

Untuk membangun kedekatan dengan pelanggan, IPC TPK telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan sepanjang tahun 2020, antara lain:

1. Program Customer Engagement, yang dilakukan di seluruh area operasional Perusahaan di sepanjang tahun 2020.

2. Program Ramadhan Engagement (bulan Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri), yang diwujudkan yakni antara lain dengan menyediakan ta’jil di billing center, pemberian kartu

• IPC TPK employees must be confident with principle of continuous improvements by considering the customers’ opinions and feedback and use them as a method to make continuous improvements on the process and quality of the services;

• IPC TPK employees shall accommodate the customer complaints and seek for the most effective and efficient solutions that are applicable in consistent manner;

• IPC TPK employees will build a communication based on honesty principle with the customers to develop the mutual trust and transparent relations;

• IPC TPK employees will treat the customers as IPC TPK’s key success factor and consider their satisfaction as the main concern to stimulate IPC TPK employees to continuously deliver the good values to the customers.

CSR Plan in Consumer Aspect

In 2020, IPC TPK focuses on the plan to set higher target for the customer satisfaction index. The target is elevated as the customer satisfaction is one of the determining factors to keep actualizing and realizing excellent services.

To ensure the premium services that add values, the Company implements quality management that is measured and is part of the Company’s KPI in RKAP, as follows:

Total score for customer focus was at 13.11 from maximum target at 15.00. The perspective KPI consisted of the customer satisfaction and synergy of subsidiaries and branches. Those achievements already met the Company’s targets.

To build close relations with the customers, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas has done the following activities:1. Direct meeting with customers at each Port Branch;

2. Customer gathering at each Port Branch;3. Doing Customer Satisfaction Survey at each Port Branch.

CSR Activities in Consumer Aspect in 2020

To build close relations with the customers, PT IPC TPK in 2020 did the following activities:

1. Customer Engagement Program, which took place across the operational areas of the Company in 2020.

2. Ramadhan Engagement Program (Ramadhan and Ied-ul Fitr months), which was realized by providing ta’jil at billing center, distribution of greeting cards for customers

381PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

ucapan untuk pelanggan dan Pemangku Kepentingan, serta pemberian hampers untuk pelanggan prioritas.

3. Merayakan Hari Pelanggan Nasional pada bulan September 2020.

4. Melakukan Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan di seluruh area operasional Perusahaan bekerja sama dengan Cabang IPC. Survei ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2020.

5. Memberikan Kartu Ucapan pada Perayaan Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru (Season Greetings) kepada pelanggan dan Pemangku Kepentingan serta memberikan hampers bagi pelanggan prioritas.

6. Melaksanakan Last Call 2020 First Call 2021, yakni berupa selebrasi kapal terakhir tahun 2020 dan penyambutan kapal pertama di tahun 2021 di seluruh Area IPC TPK.

Secara khusus, kegiatan terkait program customer engagement di antaranya adalah:1. Survei kepuasan pelanggan, yang dilaksanakan pada

akhir tahun dan pelaksanaannya dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga;

2. Site visit kepada pelanggan potensial untuk menjaring keluhan, saran, dan potensi bisnis;

3. Coffee morning sebagai ajang temu antara pihak manajemen PT IPC Terminal Petikemas dengan pelanggan dan Pemangku Kepentingan, untuk mensosialisasikan kebijakan atau sistem baru dan sebagainya, yang telah dilaksanakan 16 kali di seluruh area PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

4. Customer gathering, yaitu kegiatan keakraban yang dilaksanakan setahun sekali bersama dengan pelanggan dan manajemen dari grup PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero);

5. Customer of the year, yaitu pemberian penghargaan untuk pelanggan terpilih yang dilaksanakan setahun sekali bersama dengan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero);

6. Customer birthday, yaitu pemberian ucapan dan hadiah ulang tahun kepada pimpinan Perusahaan dan perusahaan yang masuk dalam kategori pelanggan potensial.

Survei Pelanggan

Untuk mengukur efektivitas layanan, IPC TPK melakukan survei tingkat kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan yang dilaksanakan secara periodik dan merupakan salah satu Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Perusahaan. Pelaksanaan survei tersebut mengacu pada Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.568/19/1/2/Pl. ll-17 tanggal 19 Januari 2017 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Hubungan Pelanggan di Lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan yang diselenggarakan mencakup 6 (enam) Area Cabang Pelabuhan yaitu Area Terminal Petikemas Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Panjang, Palembang, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, dan Jambi, serta pelayanan pelanggan secara korporat.

Survei Pelanggan yang dilakukan secara berkala diharapkan dapat mendeteksi secara dini kelemahan atau hal yang dianggap kurang memenuhi harapan pelanggan yang nantinya dijadikan salah satu dasar dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan strategis bagi Manajemen Perusahaan. Serta, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan level of service menjadi lebih baik. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang didapatkan pada tahun 2020, indeks kepuasan, loyalitas, dan keterikatan pelanggan mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

and stakeholders, as well as distribution of hampers for priority customers.

3. Celebrating the National Customer Day in September 2020.

4. Doing Customer Satisfaction Survey across the Company’s operational areas in cooperation with IPC branches. The survey took place in October through November 2020.

5. Distributing Season Greeting Cards on Christmas and New Year to the customers and stakeholders as well as distribution of hampers for priority customers.

6. Doing Last Call 2020 First Call 2021, which was a celebration for the last ship to serve in 2020 and welcome the first ship to serve in 2021 across areas of operations of IPC TPK.

In particular, customer engagement activities are:

1. The customer satisfaction survey, which takes place at end of year and is done by third party;

2. Site visit to potential customers to capture complaints, advice and business potentials;

3. Coffee morning as a gathering event for management of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas and its customers and stakeholders, to socialize new policy or system and the other information, which took place 16 times across areas of operations of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas;

4. Customer gathering, which is a gathering activity that is held annually with the customers and management of group companies of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero);

5. Customer of the year, which is to give award to selected customers held once a year with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero);

6. Customer birthday, which is to congratulate and give birthday gifts presents to leaders of the companies and potential corporate clients.

Customer Survey

To measure the effectiveness of services, IPC TPK has conducted the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty surveys on periodical basis, which serves as one of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the Company. The survey is done with reference to Board of Directors Decree of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.568/19/1/2/Pl. ll-17 dated January 19th, 2017 concerning the Guidelines of Customer Relation Management in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Customer Satisfaction Survey taking place in 6 (six) Port Branches, namely Container Terminal Areas of Tanjung Priok, Panjang, Palembang, Pontianak, Teluk Bayur, and Jambi, as well as corporate client services.

Customer Survey held on periodical basis are expected as an early detection to the weaknesses or issues that less fulfill the customers, whose results will be used to serve as the basis for strategic decision making for the Management of the Company. Also, the results are expected to be able to improve level of service. Based on survey results in 2020, customer satisfaction, loyalty and engagement indexes improved compared those of the previous year.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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Berikut ini beberapa kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dari survei tersebut:1. Pada tahun 2020, Indeks kepuasan pelanggan PT IPC

Terminal Petikemas mencapai 4,72 dengan menggunakan skala 5, maka indeks tersebut dikategorikan “Sangat Puas”. Indeks kepuasan pelanggan pada tahun ini mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,01 dibandingkan indeks pada tahun sebelumnya yang sebesar 4,71.

2. Pada tahun 2020, Indeks loyalitas pelanggan Pelabuhan Secara Korporat mencapai 4,71 dengan menggunakan skala 5, maka indeks tersebut dikategorikan “Sangat Loyal”. Indeks loyalitas pelanggan pada tahun 2020 sama dengan indeks pada tahun 2019 sebesar 4,71.

3. Indeks keterikatan (engagement) pelanggan Pelabuhan Secara Korporat Periode Tahun 2020 adalah 91,87% (sangat terikat/fully engaged), mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya yang sebesar 90,38%. Sedangkan, Indeks Ketidakpuasan Pelanggan Pelabuhan Secara Korporat Periode Tahun 2020 adalah 0,36% (kategori sangat baik), atau mengalami penurunan dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 0,47%.

Mekanisme dan/atau Prosedur Penanganan Keadaan Darurat Keselamatan Konsumen dan/atau Konflik Konsumen

IPC TPK menyediakan fasilitas pusat informasi dan layanan bagi para pelanggan. Di antara saluran komunikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk hal tersebut, yaitu sistem pelaporan pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System), alamat kontak melalui surat/email, form pengisian pelaporan melalui website/portal, nomor telepon, serta kegiatan yang bersifat kontak langsung dengan pelanggan seperti walk-in, customer/port visit, customer coffee morning, customer gathering dan survei pelanggan.

Sepanjang tahun 2020, IPC TPK telah melakukan kunjungan sebanyak 146 kepada pelanggan potensial di seluruh area IPC TPK yang menjaring 837 keluhan dan saran. Keseluruhan keluhan pelanggan tersebut telah terselesaikan dengan baik.

Melalui wadah dan mekanisme tersebut, segenap Pemangku Kepentingan, pelanggan, maupun masyarakat sekitar berkenan menyampaikan pengaduan, saran, maupun keluhan sehingga IPC TPK dapat memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk merencanakan komunikasi yang baik. Selain itu, IPC TPK juga dapat mengetahui setiap hal terkait kegiatan bisnis IPC TPK sejak dini, dalam bentuk isu, saran, maupun keluhan, yang dapat dijadikan masukan untuk IPC TPK membuat langkah mitigasi atas potensi dampak negatif yang muncul, dan pada akhirnya mampu mengoptimalkan layanan terbaiknya bagi pelanggan dan membangun citra positif Perusahaan.

Below is summary of the survey results:

1. In 2020, customer satisfaction index of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas was at 4.72 using scale of 5, thus the index was categorized as “Satisfactorily”. Customer satisfaction index of the year improved by 0.01 compared to the index of the previous year which was at 4.71.

2. In 2020, Corporate Clients of the Port’s Loyalty Index was at 4.71 of scale of 5, thus the index was categorized as “Fully Loyal”. Customer loyalty index in 2020 was relatively in the same level compared to 2019 index which was at 4.71.

3. Customer engagement index for Corporate Clients of the Port in 2020 was at 91.87% (fully engaged), or improved from that of the previous year at 90.38%. Meanwhile, Corporate Clients of the Port’s Satisfaction Index in 2020 was at 0.36% (or categorized as Excellent), or declined compared to that of the previous year at 0.47%.

Mechanism and/or Procedures of Handling Emergency State Relating to Customer Safety and/or Customer Conflict

IPC TPK has established information and service center for the customers. Among the channels are Whistleblowing System, contact address through emails, reporting form through website/portal, phone number, as well as activities with direct contact with the customers, such as walk-in, customer/port visit, customer coffee morning, customer gathering and customer survey.

In 2020, IPC TPK has made 146 visits to the potential customers across areas of operations of IPC TPK from which it could compile 837 complaints and feedbacks. All customer complaints were all settled.

Through these mechanism and media, all stakeholders, customers and surrounding communities are willing to make reports, give feedback and deliver complaints, which are required by IPC TPK in order to plan a better communication. In addition, IPC TPK can get acknowledged of the IPC TPK’s businesses at early stage, in the forms of issues, feedbacks, as well as complaints, which will help IPC TPK in preparing mitigation steps against the negative potential impacts, and at the end, to be able to optimize its best services for the customers and build positive image of the Company.

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Komitmen dan Kebijakan Perusahaan

IPC TPK berkomitmen untuk menjalin hubungan yang harmonis dengan masyarakat, karena merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam membangun kesinambungan dan keberhasilan jangka panjang Perusahaan. Untuk merealisasikannya, IPC TPK menghormati nilai, norma, dan budaya masyarakat di sekitar lingkungan Perusahaan.

Dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terkait pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan, IPC TPK berupaya memberikan kontribusi yang menyentuh kehidupan masyarakat sehingga dapat membantu mengatasi atau mengurangi permasalahan sosial yang terjadi di sekitar lingkungan Perusahaan. Melalui kegiatan CSR tersebut diharapkan dapat tercipta kondisi sosial yang baik sehingga dapat menumbuhkan sikap masyarakat yang partisipasif dan mandiri. Selain itu, IPC TPK juga berupaya untuk mewujudkan penerapan prinsip responsibilitas agar tumbuh citra yang positif IPC TPK di mata masyarakat sekitar dan Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya.

Adapun pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan terkait hal di atas dilakukan dengan memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:1. Perencanaan program tanggung jawab sosial harus dibuat

sesuai dengan rencana kebutuhan nyata masyarakat sekitar dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan Perusahaan.

2. Pelaksanaan program tanggung jawab sosial dilaksanakan bersama masyarakat, serta berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah daerah (pemda) setempat, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, organisasi massa dan perguruan tinggi serta instansi terkait lainnya, dengan memperhatikan sosial budaya masyarakat setempat, kondisi geografis dan kepentingan operasional Perusahaan.

3. Perusahaan ikut serta dalam memelihara kondisi sosial yang tenang, aman, stabil, dan kondusif di lingkungan lokasi usaha Perusahaan. Perusahaan memelihara dan mengembangkan hubungan baik dengan melakukan pemberdayaan dan sosialisasi secara terus-menerus.

4. Perusahaan memiliki suatu ukuran untuk menilai efektivitas pelaksanaan program tanggung jawab sosial.

5. Perusahaan melakukan evaluasi yang berkesinambungan atas program-program yang telah dilakukan, untuk meningkatkan hubungan baik yang lebih berkualitas dengan masyarakat sekitar.

Lingkup Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan

IPC TPK telah menetapkan fokus pengelolaan CSR berdasarkan pemetaan sosial yang telah dilakukan, yang tentu saja diarahkan pada masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh IPC TPK dan masyarakat di sekitar IPC TPK beroperasi. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan sosial yang dilakukan dan Company interest, penerima manfaat CSR IPC TPK mencakup:1. Masyarakat kelompok rentan, seperti pemulung dan

masyarakat miskin;2. Komunitas lingkungan;3. Usaha mikro kecil dan menengah;

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Terkait Pengembangan Sosial dan KemasyarakatanCorporate Social Responsibility Toward Community Development

The Commitment and Corporate Policies

IPC TPK has commitment to establish a harmonious relation with the community, which is one of key elements in developing the Company’s sustainability and long-term success of the Company. Therefore, IPC TPK realizes the commitment by respecting social values, norms, and cultures of the surrounding community near its business locations.

The Company carries out social responsibility relating to social and community development by contributing to the life of the community in order to help anticipate or minimize social issues around the Company’s business locations. The implementation of CSR activities is expected to develop a favorable social condition, thus growing community participation and independence. In addition, IPC TPK also seeks effort to realize principle of responsibility to promote a positive image of IPC TPK in the surrounding community and other stakeholders.

The corporate social responsibility relating to those issues is done with respect to the following issues:

1. Social responsibility program must be planned according to the needs of the local community and the Company’s capability.

2. Social responsibility program shall be implemented together with the community, and in coordination with local government, non-profit organization, mass organization and universities as well as other relevant institutions, with respect to local social cultures, geographical condition and operational needs of the Company.

3. The Company participates in promoting a calm, secure, stable and conducive situation around its business locations. The Company shall maintain and develop good relations through continuous empowerment and socialization.

4. The Company has one reference in evaluating the effectiveness of the social responsibility program implementation.

5. The Company has done consistent evaluation over the programs done, to seek for a better and quality relationship with the local community.

Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility relating to Social and Community Development

IPC TPK has determined the focus of CSR management based on the social mapping that has been carried out and directed to the main issue that IPC TPK faced as well as the community surround IPC TPK operated. Results of the social mapping and the Company’s interests, the beneficiaries of IPC TPK’s CSR programs, are:1. Vulnerable community, such as scavanger and the poor;

2. Environmental community;3. Small micro and medium enterprises;

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Reponsibility

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4. Sekolah, seperti Pendidikan anak usia dini, Pendidikan kejuruan dan Pendidikan umum;

5. Kelompok pemuda dan keagamaan;6. Pekerja lokal.

Isu dan Risiko Sosial yang Relevan Dengan Perusahaan

Dari analisis dan pemetaan yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan top down dan bottom up dengan masyarakat di sekitar IPC TPK dan Pemangku Kepentingan yang lainnya didapatkan bahwa isu-isu yang relevan dengan IPC TPK adalah:

1. Pendidikan;2. Kesehatan dan sanitasi;3. Ekonomi hijau;4. Perlindungan/pelestarian lingkungan.

Rencana dan Pelaksanaan Program CSR Bidang Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan

Rencana program CSR dan pengembangan sosial kemasyarakatan pada tahun 2020 telah ditetapkan oleh manajemen dalam Rencana Kerja Manajemen tahun 2020 Divisi Corporate Secretary dan Hubungan Eksternal yang disetujui oleh Pemegang Saham dan Manajemen IPC TPK. Pelaksanaan kegiatan CSR di bidang sosial kemasyarakatan di tahun 2020 antara lain adalah:1. Bantuan Sosial Bencana Banjir Jabodetabek 2020.

2. Joint CSR Kalibaru Program Bea Siswa Paket C dengan NPCT1.

3. Santunan Anak Yatim Piatu Yayasan Barunawati.4. Program CSR Donor Darah Bulan September bekerja

sama dengan PMI Jakarta Utara.5. Program CSR Pembagian Sembako Area Jambi.6. Program CSR Pembagian Sembako Area Teluk Bayur.7. Program CSR Pembagian Sembako Kantor Pusat.8. Bantuan Sosial Sarana Pendidikan Yayasan Barunawati.

9. Program CSR Donor Darah Bulan Desember bekerja sama dengan PMI Jakarta Utara.

IPC TPK mendapatkan penghargaan dari Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) atas Program CSR Donor Darah yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 3 Desember 2020. Dalam Program CSR Donor Darah yang bekerja sama dengan PMI Jakarta Utara tersebut berhasil menghimpun 94 kantong darah.

Mekanisme Stakeholder Engagement, Pelibatan Masyarakat dan Pengaduan Keluhan

IPC TPK telah menyediakan jalur-jalur komunikasi yang efektif untuk dimanfaatkan dalam rangka membangun stakeholder engagement, pelibatan masyarakat dan pengaduan keluhan. Penyampaian keluhan pelanggan telah diatur dalam Surat Keputusan No. S.04.021919/I/HPN/KOM/PI.II-19 tanggal 9 September 2019 yang menindaklanjuti Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.568/19/1/2/PI.II-17 tanggal 19 Januari 2017 tentang Pengelolaan Hubungan Pelanggan di Lingkungan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (persero). Berdasarkan surat tersebut, maka sebagai entitas anak, Perseroan berkomitmen untuk memenuhi ketentuan Service Level Agreement (SLA) terkait penanganan keluhan pelanggan sebagai berikut:

4. School community, such as early childhood education, vocational schools and public schools;

5. Youth and religious groups;6. Local workers.

Relevant Social Issues and Risks with the Company

The results of analysis and mapping using top down and bottom up approaches with the surrounding community around IPC TPK’s business locations and other stakeholders suggest relevant issues with IPC TPK:

1. Education;2. Health and Sanitation;3. Green Economy;4. Environmental Protection/preservation.

CSR Program Plan and Implementation in the Aspect of Social and Community Development

CSR and social and community development program plan in 2020 was determined by the management in the Management Work Plan of 2020 prepared by Corporate Secretary and External Relations Division and approved by Shareholders and Management of IPC TPK. The CSR activity implementation in the aspect of social community in 2020 was:1. Distribution of donation for flood victims in Jabodetabek

in 2020.2. Joint CSR activity with NPCT1 in Kalibaru Scholarship

Program for C Package group.3. Donation for the orphans of Barunawati Foundation.4. Blood Donor Program in September in cooperation with

North Jakarta Red Cross.5. Distribution of daily need packages in Jambi Area.6. Distribution of daily need packages in Teluk Bayur Area.7. Distribution of daily need packages in Head Office.8. Donation in the form of Educational Facilities for

Barunawati Foundation.9. Blood Donor Program in December in cooperation with

North Jakarta Red Cross.

IPC TPK was recognized with an award from Indonesian Red Cross for its Blood Donor CSR Program held on December 3rd, 2020. In cooperation North Jakarta Red Cross, the Blood Donor CSR Program could collect 94 blood bags.

Mechanism of Managing Stakeholder Engagement, Public Participation and Complaint Reports

IPC TPK has established effective communication channels for facilitating stakeholder engagement, public participation, and Complaint Reports. The customer’s complaint report is regulated through the Decree No. S.04.021919/I/HPN/KOM/PI.II-19 dated September 9th, 2019 which is a follow-up to the Decree of Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) No. HK.568/19/1/2/PI.II-17 dated January 19th, 2017 about Customer Relationship Management in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). Pursuant to the decree, the Company as its subsidiary is committed to fulfilling Service Level Agreement (SLA) relating to the customer complaint management as follows:

385PT IPC Terminal PetikemasLaporan Tahunan 2020 Annual Report

SLA Ketersediaan LayananSLA in Service Availability

24 Jam/7 Hari 24 Hours/7 Days

SLA Waktu Merespons LayananSLA in Service Response Time

1 jam melalui Aplikasi CRM1 hour through CRM Application

SLA Waktu Proses LayananSLA in Service Processing Time

3 Hari untuk keluhan yang disampaikan tanpa melalui aplikasi CRM3 hours to handle complaints submitted through CRM applications

Persyaratan dari Pengguna LayananService Use Requirements

Untuk masuk ke e-service harus terdaftar menjadi pelanggan terlebih dahuluTo login into e-service, they shall register as customers first

Cara mengukur SLAHow to measure SLA

Melakukan recording setiap pelayanan melalui CRM Recording each service through CRM

Cara pelanggan melakukan aduan pelayananHow customers report complaints on service

- Memasukkan keluhan melalui aplikasi e-service- Menghubungi customer service cabang via telepon- Datang langsung ke customer outlet cabang - Mengirimkan surat secara fisik ataupun melalui e-mail

Keterangan:Keluhan pelanggan akan di-input manual oleh customer service ke dalam aplikasi CRM

- Uploading complaints through e-service application- Contacting customer service of branch offices through phone call- Direct visit to customer outlet at branch offices- Sending a letter or by e-mail

Note:Customer complaints will be manually recorded by customer service onto the CRM application

Laporan KeuanganFinancial Report

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Laporan Tahunan Annual Report

PT IPC Terminal PetikemasGedung Terminal Operasi 3Jalan Raya Pelabuhan No. 23Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara 14310

Tel. 021 4301080 Ext 7052 & 40003899/77

Fax. 021 4301080 Ext 7052 & 40003899/77
