Prayer Points from Genesis 36-40 - Amazon AWS


Transcript of Prayer Points from Genesis 36-40 - Amazon AWS

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Prayer Points from Genesis 36-40

Genesis 36:7 - For their possessions were too great for them to dwell together, and the land

where they were strangers could not support them because of their livestock.

Prayer: Father, I pray that in this land, the blessing will make me and my household great in all

things in Jesus name.

Prayer: Father, I pray that you will empower us to get wealth and establish your COVENANT

in our lives in Jesus name.

Prayers: The blessing of the Lord causes undeniable enlargement. Lord, make my life a living

testimony of your goodness in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayers: Lord, let your blessing reign and extend in me in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayers: We extend and enlarge our territories in Jesus name. Amen.

Family and Parenting Challenges

Genesis 37:2 - Joseph brought a bad report of them to his father.

Genesis 37:3 - Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of

his old age. Also, he made him a tunic of many colors. 4 But when his brothers saw that their

father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to


Favoritism breeds hatred, envy, conflicts, jealousy. Favoritism can lead to death.

Prayer: Father, teach all parents in House of Hope to parent wisely and not cause division in

their homes in Jesus name.

Prayer: Father, I pray for healing overall relationships rooted in bitterness caused by parental

favoritism in House of Hope in Jesus name.

Prayer: Father, I root out discord in our homes in Jesus name. We cancel all the works of

disunity in our homes. I declare, let there be peace in our homes in Jesus name.

Genesis 37:5 - Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers, and they hated him

even more.

Prayer: Father, help us to be wise in our communication. Help us to know what to share and

whom to share it with in Jesus name. Amen

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Prayer: Father, we purge our hearts of all envying against the progress of one another in Jesus


Prayer: Father, we pray that our hearts will not be consumed by envy in Jesus name.

Prayer: All of us are your children, your plans for us are great, so, therefore, we rebuke the

spirit of strife and envy in our midst. We declare that Your greatness will make us all great in

Jesus name. Amen

Genesis 37:6-7 - So he said to them, “Please hear this dream which I have dreamed: 7 There

we were, binding sheaves in the field. Then behold, my sheaf arose and also stood upright; and

indeed, your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf. And his brothers said to

him, “Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?” So, they

hated him even more for his dreams and for his words. Then he dreamed still another dream

and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the

sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.” So, he told it to his father and his

brothers; and his father rebuked him and said to him, “What is this dream that you have

dreamed? Shall your mother and I and your brothers indeed come to bow down to the earth

before you?” 11 And his brothers envied him, but his father kept the matter in mind.

Lessons on Parenting. Did Jacob counsel Joseph on communication to avoid envy?

Jacob kept the matter in mind.

The wisdom of parenting. Guide your children in their communication.

• You need guidance in your career. Strategy is very necessary in that which God has

entrusted to you.

• Your dreams may be a revelation of God to you. Pay attention to it. Protect, nurture, and

keep it. Let wisdom guide you. Keep your dreams to yourself unless otherwise instructed

by God. It can lead to trouble if shared without discernment...vs 5-8

• Although God showed Joseph dreams about his destiny, the responsibility to keep it for

incubation before sharing it with anyone was his but Joseph, not being mature or

disciplined enough, let it out too early, which almost cost him his very life.

Prayer- Lord please grant me the discipline to keep very sensitive dreams, vision or word you

give to me regarding my life. Help me to incubate it with prayers until they manifest in Jesus

mighty name.

Prayer: Lord, lead me to the people of Your choice for me to share the dreams You give me.


Genesis 37:18 – Now, when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they

conspired against him to kill him.

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God hates conspiracy against another.

They wanted to kill him because of his dreams. People will want to kill you because of what you


Prayer: Favoritism produces envy and leads to hatred. Father deliver me from favoritism

among my children in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: I tap into the wisdom of God. Help me Lord to discern when to share and when to keep

quiet in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: Dreams and visions are some of Your ways to communicate to me. I open myself to

receiving these revelations in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: You are the God that always protects and preserve His calling in a man; direct and

protect your vision for me in Jesus name. Amen.

Genesis 37:21-22 - But Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands, and said,

“Let us not kill him.” 22 And Reuben said to them, “Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit

which is in the wilderness, and do not lay a hand on him”—that he might deliver him out of their

hands, and bring him back to his father.

The counsel of Reuben. What is your counsel? To kill or to deliver?

God watches over us even in a difficult environment. God will always come through. Reuben

was like a guiding angel for Joseph. I believe one of his purposes was to be an instrument for

redemption. If Reuben was not there when his other brothers planned Joseph's death and

convinced them not to so he could save him, Joseph would have died out of his brothers’ hands.

Prayer- Lord, deliver me from the spirit of envy and jealousy. Grant me a heart revelation of

who I am in Christ and help me to be secured in my identity. Grant me the grace to take my

eyes off other people’s purpose/destiny and focus it on the great destiny you have for me in

Jesus mighty name. Amen

Genesis 37:24 - Then they took him and cast him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there

was no water in it.

The Pit Experience of Joseph.

Genesis 37:27-28 - Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon

him, for he is our brother and our flesh.” And his brothers listened. 28 Then Midianite traders

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passed by; so, the brothers pulled Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit and sold him to the

Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt.

Joseph sold into slavery. From the Pit to Portiphar (Egypt) to Prison to Palace – The four P

experiences of Joseph’s life.

Genesis 37:35 - And all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him; but he refused to

be comforted, and he said, “For I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning.” Thus,

his father wept for him.

The result of favoritism on the parent. There is no peace where there is favoritism. The parent

will have no peace either.

No matter what the situation may be or what it may look like, we must never sorrow as if we

don’t know God. Israel could have taken his grief and sorrow to God and would have received

the revealed truth and comfort of the LORD.

Prayer: Father, we pray that our hearts will be rooted in the love of God that has been poured

in our hearts by the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.

Prayer: We pray that anything that we may have attached our hearts to that is not rooted in

Agape love be rooted out of our hearts in Jesus name.

Prayer: We set our hearts and affections on you above all persons and situations in Jesus


Prayer: I declare the comfort of the Holy Spirit on all who are experiencing any kind of loss

(loved ones, finances, relationships) at this time in Jesus name.

Prayer: I bind the spirit of excessive sorrow and grief in the midst of us in Jesus name, amen.

The Lust of the Flesh – Vulnerability and Compromise

Genesis 38:1-2 - It came to pass at that time that Judah departed from his brothers and visited

a certain Adullamite whose name was Hirah. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain

Canaanite whose name was Shua, and he married her and went in to her.

It is never a great sign to depart from the brethren. We are to dwell together. Departure from

the brethren is an opportunity for the devil to strike. Dwelling together sharpens the soul.

Judah’s departure ended up in violation of God’s instruction not to marry the Canaanites.

Genesis 38:12 - Now in the process of time the daughter of Shua, Judah’s wife, died; and

Judah was comforted, v.15 When Judah saw her, he thought she was a harlot, because she

had covered her face. 16 Then he turned to her by the way, and said, “Please let me come in to

you”; for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. So, she said, “What will you give

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me, that you may come in to me?” 17 And he said, “I will send a young goat from the flock.” So,

she said, “Will you give me a pledge till you send it?”18 Then he said, “What pledge shall I give

you?” So, she said, “Your signet and cord, and your staff that is in your hand.” Then he

gave them to her, and went in to her, and she conceived by him. 19 So she arose and went away

and laid aside her veil and put on the garments of her widowhood.

Brethren in the time of your vulnerability, you need to remain with the brethren. Judah was in a

vulnerable position because his wife had died. Those he was with could not guide him against

what was contrary to God’s commands.

Never engage the devil in dialogue because he will lead you down the path of your


a) The lust of Judah got the better part of him because of his vulnerability. He did not love

her but lusted after her to satisfy his desire. Lust is different from love.

b) Beware of your fleshly desires because you will give up your valuable possession for it,

and shame always results in the end. You will be exposed. Esau gave up his priceless


c) Brethren remain in the company of your fellow Christians. Dwell in the secret place of the

Most High.

d) In your vulnerable position, you cannot figure out the disguise of the devil. Judah could

not recognize his daughter-in-law, Tamar. Sin covers our eye and makes what is not

seems like it is. The devil blindfolds us so that our vision is blurred until we have fallen,

and then we realize the shame and disgrace that we have committed and brought upon

us. See the example of Adam and Eve.

Prayer: In the name of Jesus, whatever you have lost due to carelessness, God will restore

them to you even in this month of uncommon recovery.

-We see Judah’s hypocrisy when he condemned Tamar, his daughter-in-law even though he

was a worse sinner than her. Matthew 7:5 says - You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your

own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Prayer- Lord, deliver me from hypocrisy. Cleanse my heart, Lord and as I receive mercy from

you, and help me to extend the same mercy to others in Jesus mighty name. Amen

The Presence of the Lord

Genesis 39:2-4 - The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the

house of his master the Egyptian. 3 And his master saw that the LORD was with him and that

the LORD made all he did to prosper in his hand. 4 So Joseph found favor in his sight and served

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him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority.

Vv.21-23 But the LORD was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the

sight of the keeper of the prison. 22 And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand

all the prisoners who were in the prison; whatever they did there, it was his doing. 23 The keeper

of the prison did not look into anything that was under Joseph’s authority,

because the LORD was with him; and whatever he did, the LORD made it prosper.

The glory and the favor of God is not location dependent. No matter where the carrier is, the

Glory shines.

The presence of the Lord in your life brings the following:

a) Success

b) Prosperity – Whatever you lay your hands on will prosper

c) Favor before men and God

d) Authority

e) God’s blessings in your dwelling

f) Blessings to other people who come in contact with you – Contagious Blessings

g) Beauty in form and appearance – Elegance

h) Protection even in false accusations and false witnesses

i) God’s mercy

Prayer: Lord, let your presence in my life be so evident for all to see. Cause me to prosper in

all that I do and let everyone that comes around me become beneficiaries of your presence in

my life in Jesus mighty name. Amen


I declare in Jesus name that;

• I and every member of my household will be successful.

• The LORD will prosper the works of our hands in leaps and in bounds.

• We will humble ourselves in the place of my assignment(s).

• Everything around us will be blessed for our sakes.

• The blessing of the LORD will cause everything and everyone that comes in contact with

us to be blessed.

• The scepter of authority will not depart from my home and in the lives of my children.

• Whatsoever we do, whatsoever career, whatsoever profession, whatsoever ministry, and

assignments, we will prosper.

• We are a blessing to our world and our world will know the goodness of the LORD through

our lives, Amen

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Overcoming Temptation

Genesis 39:7 - And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes

on Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.”

Genesis 39:8-9,11 - But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Look, my master does not

know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. 9 There

is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because

you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” So it was, as

she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. 11 But

it happened about this time, when Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the

men of the house was inside, 12 that she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me.” But

he left his garment in her hand and fled and ran outside.

Joseph’s reaction was: Our Reactions to the devil and temptation

a) Acknowledge his identity in God. He had the fear of God. The fear of God supersedes

all. Joseph did not fall for the Mistress temptation not because of his master, but because

of the fear of God.

b) Maintain the integrity of his position – Do you use your position to commit sin – adultery

and fornication?

c) He identified Satan’s trick as sin against God.

d) He called it what it is – wickedness. Are you the position of Joseph? Do you realize that

it is wickedness to commit adultery and fornication? Sleeping with the one that is not your

bone and flesh.

e) Joseph did not give attention to the devil.

f) He was vigilant, and no surprise could overtake him in sin. Do not engage and entertain

the devil. Jude 24

g) Joseph fled from the devil and the temptation. Do you flee, or do you apply reason as to

what will people say if you are found naked outside? It is better to flee from the devil than

to commit wickedness against God.

h) In the face of temptation, do not think about it. Fight devilish thoughts by speaking out

the word. The word to speak at times of temptation is the Word of God. Joseph did and

called sin what it is. Jesus spoke the word of God by quoting the scriptures (Matt.4:1-10).

The devil fears the word of God. Fight temptation with the word of God, not with thoughts.

Speak against it. Call it what it is. You cannot fight the devil with a closed mind. You

cannot win the battle of thought.

Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, always help me to speak Your word. Help me to

memorize Your Word so that I will have an answer for the devil when I am tempted.

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Joseph was an epitome of Integrity before God and man.

The fear of God is strong enough to keep us from committing any evil. Prov. 16:6 By

lovingkindness and truth iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the LORD one keeps away

from evil.

Prayer: Father, let your fear have dominion over our hearts in the name of Jesus name.

Prayer: Father, I pray that your fear will be our treasure in House of Hope in Jesus name

Prayer: Your presence makes all the difference. Lord, let it bring about noticeable blessings all

around me in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: God’s presence in the life of Joseph brought about favor in the sight of Potiphar....vs

4, and the keeper of the prison....vs 21. God’s favor surrounds me everywhere I go in Jesus

name. Amen.

Prayer: Everywhere Joseph was, there was blessing because of him. Lord, bless my workplace

and everywhere I go that people will know for certain that I serve a Living God in Jesus name.


Prayer: Joseph was not bitter despite his situation. Regardless of the situation I find myself in,

Lord, help me not to be bitter but operate in love in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: Let your love and fear guide me in all I do, and in every situation I find myself in Jesus

name. Amen.

Prayer: Every conspiracy theory formed against me will not prosper but work together for my

good in Jesus name. Amen......vs 11-12

Genesis 39:20-21 says Joseph’s master put him in prison, but the Lord was with Joseph in

prison and showed him mercy. Brethren, sometimes God’s deliverance is His presence that is

with us in the fire of life or prison of life. God did not take Joseph out of prison immediately

because that prison/fire was meant to refine him and catapult him to the palace.

Prayer- Lord strengthen me and favor me when I go through the refining fire of life. Through

my pain catapult me to my palace in Jesus name. Cause everything that I’m going through now

to work together for my good according to your word in Jesus mighty name. Amen

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- While Joseph was in prison, he maintained a positive attitude. He wasn’t self- absorbed. He

didn’t allow self-pity; rather, he took his eyes off his situation and availed himself to be used by

God to help others in their season of pain.

Prayer- Lord, I receive grace to maintain a positive attitude even in my valley seasons. Help

me take my eyes off my situation and avail myself to be used by you to encourage and lift others

out of their season of pain in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Genesis 39:19 So it was, when his master heard the words which his wife spoke to him, saying,

“Your servant did to me after this manner,” that his anger was aroused.

Prayer: Father, I pray for all our women in House of Hope that we will be women of VIRTUES


Prayer: We will not lead our husbands in deception in Jesus name. Amen

The Favor of God

Genesis 40:4 - And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he served them;

so, they were in custody for a while. Vv.6-7 And Joseph came in to them in the morning and

looked at them, and saw that they were sad. 7 So he asked Pharaoh’s officers who were with

him in the custody of his lord’s house, saying, “Why do you look so sad today?”

Joseph was assigned to serve other prisoners, but he never complained. Brethren, do not

complain where you are placed because therein lies your blessings. Joseph did his work

diligently that he was able to find favor and rapport with the officers of Pharaoh in prison with

him. That is how he was able to communicate freely with them.

It is also good to care. Joseph cared about the officers that when he noticed their countenance,

he inquired. The favor of God in and on your life may become manifest in the place of service

to others. Do not despise where God is sending you on assignment. Your blessings may be in

that place. All you need is for the Lord to be with you.

When the Lord is with you, He will open doors for your profession, gift, business, and career to

prosper. The door might be in volunteering and service.

Joseph acknowledged that God is the foundation of his gift (Genesis 40:8 – “Do not

interpretations belong to God? Tell them to me, please.”)

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Prayer: Lord, please forgive me for failing to acknowledge you as the source of my livelihood.

Help me to prosper.

God will always create an opportunity for the manifestation of His Glory. May we patiently still

be found in Him when that comes in Jesus name. Amen...vs 1-5

There is nothing impossible for me to do because I serve a God that specializes in making

impossibilities possible. May we rise up and walk in our identity in Jesus name. Amen...vs 7-8

Pay attention to and nurture the gift of God in you. Your gift will make room for you in your day

of manifestation in Jesus name. Amen...vs 9-19

Genesis 40:21 - Then he restored the chief butler to his butlership again, and he placed the

cup in Pharaoh’s hand.

Prayer: In Jesus name, whoever has lost his/her job will be restored to that job with promotion

this month. We say uncommon recovery is your portion.

Show Appreciation

Genesis 40:23 - Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph but forgot him.

Even when a human being has forgotten you, God never does. God will remember you in your

position, no matter how long it takes. Be patient in your prison situation because God has not

forgotten you.

Prayer: In the name of Jesus, help me to appreciate those You use in my life to prosper me.
