Healing Presence is Prayer Invocation

1 | Page Healing Presence is Prayer Prayer, Intent, and Presence ©Herb Stevenson March 21, 2020 A prayer is typically viewed as a solemn request for help or expression of gratitude addressed to God, Spirit, or an object of worship. It can also be as simple as an earnest hope or wish such as "I'll say a prayer for him or her" These are all forms of doing by saying the request often found in the various forms of religious prayers. A more formal process of prayer is to invoke, intercede, or devote 1 . Invocation As an invocation, one is providing the request and intention to bring the spirit of healing or God, for example, by calling in the four directions, four elements, Spirit, God, Etc. to create the sacred (liminal) space that will enable the intent of the prayer to be made real in the daily (profane) world. For example, the medicine wheel is often invoked via spoken prayer and movement to create sacred space. The sacred space is often referred to the space between the clutter of day-to-day reality. A common invocation is Mother Mary, often, invoked in pleas for help and the Lord’s Prayer is said to set a daily intention. When invocation is done, it is common for the quiet of the soul to appear as one intuitively knows to quiet internally and be with the sacred energy. Interestingly, most have experienced these moments and do not pay any attention beyond the moment it occurs. There seems to be a collective understanding that the sacred, liminal space, can only be experienced instantaneously and momentarily 1 Most prayers have a cross-over between invocation, intercession, and devotion to one degree or another. The Lord’s Prayer invoke, ask for intercession, and closes with devotion.

Transcript of Healing Presence is Prayer Invocation

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Healing Presence is Prayer

Prayer, Intent, and Presence

©Herb Stevenson

March 21, 2020

A prayer is typically viewed as a solemn request for help or expression of gratitude

addressed to God, Spirit, or an object of worship. It can also be as simple as an

earnest hope or wish such as "I'll say a prayer for him or her" These are all forms of

doing by saying the request often found in the various forms of religious prayers. A

more formal process of prayer is to invoke, intercede, or devote1.

Invocation As an invocation, one is providing the request and intention to bring the spirit of

healing or God, for example, by calling in the four directions, four elements, Spirit,

God, Etc. to create the sacred (liminal) space that will enable the intent of the

prayer to be made real in the daily (profane) world. For example, the medicine wheel

is often invoked via spoken prayer and

movement to create sacred space. The sacred

space is often referred to the space between

the clutter of day-to-day reality. A common

invocation is Mother Mary, often, invoked in

pleas for help and the Lord’s Prayer is said to

set a daily intention. When invocation is done,

it is common for the quiet of the soul to

appear as one intuitively knows to quiet

internally and be with the sacred energy.

Interestingly, most have experienced these moments and do not pay any attention

beyond the moment it occurs. There seems to be a collective understanding that the

sacred, liminal space, can only be experienced instantaneously and momentarily

1 Most prayers have a cross-over between invocation, intercession, and devotion to one degree or another. The Lord’s Prayer invoke, ask for intercession, and closes with devotion.

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during daily prayers at church or other chosen special places. These prayers are often

unconsciously recited instead of fully aware and consciously present. Once we have

completed the recitation, we are called back to day-to-day reality. For example, the

Lord’s Prayer is often a mindless recitation to set the tone for the day. It is invoking

the Lord’s will to support our living in a “right way”.






Intercession As an intercession, the request and fully focused intention is for God, Spirit, etc., to

intercede on your behalf or another’s behalf, such as for a request for strength during

a difficult time or for the healing of a loved one. For example, a severe storm

engulfed the camp of a Sun Dance. An invocation in the form of a plea/prayer to the

four elements was sent into the storm to lift over the Sun Dance ceremony sparing

any further damage to the people. The severe

winds rose over the ceremony and came down

after it passed the area. Gratitude was humbly

expressed openly for the support of the

powerful four elements. These intercession

requests often involve prayers for healing, for

world peace, the end of family violence, a

disruption in the desired flow and perception of

what life should be. When done without a clear,

focused intent spoken aloud, the prayer

becomes more for supporting our internal desire instead of a true intercession to heal

the other person, create world peace, etc. Owning our full intent can add strength to

the intercession; otherwise, we are deferring any power (healing Presence) to a

higher being and subordinating ourselves. It is our deepest intent on behalf of the

other person that increases the potential for healing of another person; if the other

person accepts your prayer energies.

2 An indepth Aramaic translation of the Lord’s Prayer is attached in the appendix. Be prepared to realize that the King James version was as much political as religious.

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In time, intercessional prayers will evolve by asking for healing the people, etc. and

move more toward supporting others to open to the beauty of the world that can lead

to healing, peace amongst the peoples, and a sustainable future. There comes a

piercing moment of awareness that the intercession prayer can be used to intervene

and yet is more effective when used in humble acceptance of the evolving

consciousness that seeks to see the world anew. For example, this is a request for


Healing the Darkness Prayer

Great spirit

Reach deep into my heart and guide me to the darkness

that no longer serves me.

Hold my hand as I grasp it and radiate the love of life throughout this darkness

returning the energy to its original state of grace and me to my original state of being.

-- Bountiful Blessings

One White Horse Standing June 2016

Note that the prayer invites a higher spirit to awaken one to see into one’s self-hidden places by providing the courage to face oneself, like looking into a clear and clean mirror. Therefore, as a steppingstone to finding one’s own courage and to have the confidence to be fully present, the intercessional prayer seeks action that one believes is beyond their own healing presence…power.

Devotion As a devotion, the prayer is a spoken commitment to a higher being, God, higher

purpose, etc. Well-known comedian, Danny Thomas, prayed that if given the chance

to be a successful entertainer, he would build a Children’s Hospital where care is

free. It is St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

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Interestingly, devotion prayers can also simply be a daily prayer ritual that has the

intent to show devotion or allegiance to a higher being. As in the Danny Thomas’

example, it becomes a trade with the higher being for making a dream come true.

And not often discussed is that one is bartering with God with the implication that

one will not be devoted if the desire, wish or request is not fulfilled.

A deeper devotion practice is to pray from the heart every day or to meditate daily

with the intent to be fully present by allowing the mindless chatter to become

background or even vanish. As one progresses, their state of being becomes the


All three of these prayers can create moments of a clear intention and the absolute

power of being fully present. If praying from fear or pain, one’s yearning can dilute

the intent unless it is clearly owned as part of the prayer. Often, fear underlies these


Neville Goddard (1948) shifts the

understanding of prayers to a state of

being. He notes “the ceremonies that are

customarily used in prayer are mere

superstitions and have been invented to

give prayer an air of solemnity. They

attribute the results obtained to the

ceremonies and mistake the spoken letter

for the spirit.” In such cases, it is not the

prayers that are deceiving, it is the practice of doing the prayers without being the

prayers. The essence of prayer is faith; but faith must be permeated with presence.

Presence is the active quality which most prayers do not possess. Prayers are

effective when one is being the prayer as if it has already been answered. Prayers

work because of the heartfelt expressions of the prayer are sent into the universe.

Yet, we remain attached to the belief that some higher power must intervene without

recognizing that we must open the door for such higher energies by accepting our own


Being the Prayer3 A common way to think about prayer is like a joining with the world of spirit

through caring hands or hearts. In this view, the source of the healing prayer is

supporting the flow of energy and the spirit, body and/or heart if the one receiving

the prayer is accepting. Healing practices in all forms often rise to this level of

experience; sometimes, with full awareness or not. They are more powerful when not

directing but are more supporting in creating a container for the answer to the prayer

to be received.

3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWQfe__fNbs&t=50s

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Another way to look at prayer is as a communion with the pure energy of existence.

At a purely energetic level, it is the connection of one’s presence with the original

source of all being. In this awareness, an understanding can develop that the point of

all power is in the present moment. This awareness illuminates that each moment is

full of infinite possibilities. For example, one might have an epiphany or illuminating

moment that “all will be fine” and a deep knowing fill one’s being. Did the world

change or did you as a person change or maybe you chose a new possibility in that

moment and changed, creating an opening for a new way of being (present). 4

Hence, if we look at historical miracles, the

focus of Jesus feeding the thousands of people

was his “being the prayer” by fully

experiencing it as if it was true. Therefore, as

Goddard indicates, prayers, to be successful,

must be claiming rather than begging. For

example, “if you knew how you would feel

were you to realize your intended objective,

then, inversely, you would know what state you

could realize were you to awaken in yourself

such feeling. The injunction, to pray believing that you already possess what you pray

for, is based upon a knowledge of the law of inverse transformation. If your realized

prayer produces in you a definite feeling or state of consciousness, then, inversely,

that particular feeling or state of consciousness must produce your realized prayer.”

(Goddard, 1944) Personally, I experience this feeling as a deep sense of knowing, like

an immutable truth that does not requires questioning and eliminates any hints of

doubt. Time does not bear any relationship as the feeling is beyond time except for

faith that the universe creates a sense of “becoming real” as in manifesting.

It is imperative to awaken within you the feeling that you are and have that which

heretofore you desired to be and possess. This is easily done by contemplating the joy

that would be yours were your objective5 an accomplished fact, so that you live and

move and have your being in the feeling that your wish is realized. The feeling of the

wish fulfilled, if assumed and sustained, must objectify/create the state that would

have formed it!? However, the process often requires developing the discipline of

daily prayer and meditation…quieting of the mind…as a precondition.

4 Illuminating moments occur when by accident or through deep meditation one moves into liminal space when we are in a place of momentary being. My experience are these moments are piercing in the sense that whatever my struggle, in a moment of relaxation, the needed insights to shift my energetic and mental perceptions can open to a new paradigm; thereby dissolving the original dilemma or conflict. 5 I find that objective is beyond goal. It seems to permeate a truth about your true self, which is explicated in the phrase, “fate is not what happens to you. Rather it is who (what) you are if true to yourself.”

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Prayer as fully present to the moment prayer, reveals that we have filled our minds

with many mental constructs…rules of living permeated with varying degrees of moral

values (veils). These constructs are created to support our sense of safety and

confidence to navigate the physical world and its daily trials and tribulations. Prayer

modifies or completely changes our subconscious assumptions. A change of our living

assumptions is a change of expression of our life.

To further understand this process, we need to reconcile that we are self-creating

creatures. The difficulty is that we tend to remain unconscious to our self-creating

capacities. We tend to believe that what we think is who we are and the rules we

built for surviving are all true and factual. Consciousness is the one and only reality,

not figuratively but literally. All thoughts are constructs.

Masculine & Feminine This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto

a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious

and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate

the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand

the relationship between the conscious and the

subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective;

the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The

conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is

the realm of cause or more clearly, the manifesting

energies. These two aspects are the male and female

divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the

subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas

and impresses these ideas on the subconscious as

meaning making facts; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression

to them. (Goddard 9-10, 1944).6 In truth, the conscious mind reasons inductively from

observation, experience and education. It therefore finds it difficult to believe what

the five senses and inductive reason deny.

The subconscious7 reasons deductively and is never concerned with the truth or falsity

of the premise but proceeds on the assumption of the correctness of the premise and

objectifies, that is manifests, results which are consistent with the premise. In other

words, the subconscious does not originate ideas but accepts as true those which the

conscious mind feels to be true and in a way known only to itself, the subconscious

6 Note the implication of masculine and feminine stories where the feminine is exiled into the darkness such as Persephone and Lilith, where they remain except in certain times of illumination. Furthermore, note the various spiritual practices, such as the medicine wheel that suggests uniting the masculine with the feminine will dissolve the constructs of the past and future so that we are fully present to our self and reality. 7 The Subconscious Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erpPQDSWD0k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqoRGr3icTo; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwLeiY5f7sI

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objectifies8 (read this to mean forms, manifests, creates) the accepted ideas as

reality. Therefore, through the power to imagine and feel and the freedom to choose

the idea entertained (focused on as true), one has control over creation9. In brief, the

subconscious is what guides and directs our perception of reality and therefore our

experiences10. Therefore, prayer is the ecstasy of a spiritual wedding taking place in

the deep, silent stillness of consciousness between the masculine (conscious) and

feminine (subconscious). In its true sense prayer is God’s marriage ceremony. Like a

wedding, one who prays must relinquish his present name or nature and assume the

nature of that for which he prays. Similarly, as the bride and groom on entering the

bridal suite securely shut the door against the outside world, so too must the one who

enters the holy hour of prayer close the door of the senses and entirely shut out the

world round about him. (Goddard, 1948)

The Bridge Between: Meditation Meditation is one of the best ways to unite awareness

between the conscious and subconscious. However,

many struggle with it. Mastery of self-control of your

thoughts and feelings-is your highest achievement.

However, until perfect self-control is attained so that

despite appearances you feel all that you want to feel,

use prayer to aid you in realizing your desired

states…the gateway into the subconscious. (Goddard,

21-24, 1944)

The goal of meditation and prayer as a state of being is

to gain control of the subconscious through conscious

awareness and control of your embedded ideas and

feelings that drive your conscious reality. Once we have

conscious awareness of the subconscious rules embedded within us, we understand

ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can

be impressed11 on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt-be it good, bad or

indifferent-it must be expressed. Feeling12 is the one and only medium through which

ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. The conscious impresses (rapt, captivates,

8 to give expression to (something, such as an abstract notion, feeling, or ideal) in a form that can be experienced by ourselves and by others…..a form of manifestation 9 Note the implications of Jung’s active imagination to change one’s internal perceptions of reality 10 Noteworthy is that our beliefs about creation being outside of our being and in the hands of God is a conscious construct imposed on the subconscious and therefore has been manifested. Society accepts it without question and to question so is blasphemous. :-( Interestingly, there is an alternative thought: There can be no faith in higher beings if one has no confidence in oneself 11 It helps to understand that impressed can mean awestruck, rapt, imprinted, absorbed, integrated. 12 Feeling denotes or is it connotes experiencing thoroughly through all senses as if in the exact moment. Hence, the power of the memory and imagination can create the necessary sensory experiences. It is a deep sensory experience of knowing with an ample supply of presence.

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enthralls) the subconscious while the subconscious expresses all that is impressed

upon it as truth. (Goddard, 11-12, 1944)

What you feel you are always dominates what you feel you would like to be;

therefore, to be realized the wish must be felt as a state that is rather than a state

that is not. (Goddard, 13, 1944) For example, upon visiting my present farm in hopes

of finding a new home, a deep sense of knowing the pleasure of living on this sacred

place enveloped me. That pleasure created the pathway to manifest the purchase of

the 80-acre farm.

Hence, when seeking to change to shift your present reality, think feelingly only of

the state you desire to realize. Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and

acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles. All changes of expression

are brought about through a change of feeling (all bodies experiencing). A change of

feeling is a change of destiny. All creation occurs in the domain of the subconscious.

(Goddard. 14-15, 1944)

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as

true, the subconscious can and must form or create. Your

feelings create the pattern from which your world is

fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern.

(Goddard, 15-16, 1944). To impress the subconscious with

the desirable state you must assume the feeling that

would be yours had you already realized your wish. In

defining your objective13, you must be concerned only

with the objective itself. The manner of expression or

the difficulties involved are not to be considered by you.

(Goddard, 16, 1944). Concerns simply negate the desire.

For example, Greg Braden told the story of a native friend that allowed him to

observe a prayer for rain. After going to a sacred site, the man sat for a few minutes

as if in meditation and then got up to leave. Greg, as told, asked about praying. The

man responded that prayer is being. So, he sat and allowed himself to feel raindrops

13 Objective is an impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, nonpartisan, disinterested, nondiscriminatory goal. Its connotations can get in the way of understanding that it is what you seek to manifest (make real) in your reality.

As you contemplate, being and possessing that which you have decided to be and to have, you will notice that with every inhalation of breath a joyful thrill courses through your entire being. This thrill increases in intensity as you feel more and more the joy of being that which you are claiming yourself to be. Then in one final deep inhalation, your whole being will explode with the joy of accomplishment and you will know by your feeling that you are impregnated by God, the Father. As soon as the impression is made, open your eyes and return to the world that but a few moments before you had shut out. Goddard, Neville. Neville Goddard 10 Books: Includes 1948 Class Lessons . Kindle Edition.

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upon his head, the water soaking into his clothes and mud forming all around him. In

other words, prayer is being what is desired as if it has already happened. Later while

sitting at the local diner, according to Braden, it began to rain and was nonstop for

three days.

Understanding Creation Energetically Though difficult to grasp let alone accept,

the subconscious is the womb of creation.

We are often told or clearly implied to not

go digging into the sub or unconscious as if

something evil or bad will surface. In

reality, it receives the idea unto itself

through your existential feelings of

yourself in the moment. It never changes

the idea received, but always gives it

form. Hence the subconscious out-pictures (materializes or makes real) the idea in

the image and likeness of the feeling received. To feel a state as hopeless or

impossible is to impress the subconscious with the idea of failure. Your desires are not

subconsciously accepted until you assume the feeling of their reality, for only through

feeling is an idea subconsciously accepted and only through this subconscious

acceptance is it ever expressed. You are already that which you want to be, and your

refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it. (Goddard, 17-21, 1944)14.

Prayer is not so much what you ask for, as how you prepare for its reception. The only

condition required is that you believe that your prayers are already realized. The

moment you accept the wish as an accomplished fact the subconscious finds the

means for its realization. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that

is, feel the wish fulfilled. You never attract that which you want but always attract

that which you are conscious of being. (Goddard, 43-45, 1944).

For example, when I purchased the farm, it was clear that I needed to move back into

a role of traveling to pay for the farm. My self-perceptions lined up in accordance

with how to manifest the purchase and ownership. Prayer is the art of assuming the

feeling of being and having that which you want. When the senses confirm the

absence of your wish, all conscious effort to counteract this suggestion is futile and

tends to intensify the suggestion. Prayer is the art of yielding to the wish and not the

forcing of the wish. Whenever you’re feeling conflicts with your wish, feeling will be

the victor. The dominant feeling invariably expresses itself. Prayer must be without

14 Doubt is the biggest cause to prevent a fully developed impression to become half baked and fail to manifest. Hence, meditation is often helpful to uncover the limiting and hidden stories and beliefs that have been imprinted on the subconscious. Once, we reveal these undermining beliefs, reality shifts. Moreover, once these shifts occur, we realize we created the limitations.

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effort. In attempting to fix an attitude of mind which is denied by the senses, effort is

fatal. (Goddard, 45-46, 1944)15.

To yield successfully to the wish as an accomplished

fact, you must create a passive state, a kind of

reverie or meditative reflection like the feeling which

precedes sleep. It requires the courage to be fully

present to oneself. In such a relaxed state the mind is

turned from the objective (masculine) world and

easily senses the reality of a subjective (feminine)

state. When this passive state is reached, imagine

that you have realized your wish, not how it was

realized, but simply the wish fulfilled. All that is

necessary is to create a passive state and feel the

wish fulfilled. (Goddard, 46-48, 1944). This is the sense of deep knowing that occurs

from completely feeling like it has already happened. Do not giveaway your dreams to

some spiritually conceived being.

Faith is feeling, "According to your faith (feeling) be it unto you." You never attract

that which you want but always that which you are. So, assume the feeling that would

be yours were you already in possession of your wish, and your wish must be realized.

(Goddard, 51-52, 1944). Faith is knowing you already experienced the desired sensory

goal and that it is being manifested. There can be no faith where there is no

confidence to create.

15 In the healing den, we refer to yearning for the future and fearing the past as an embedded and unfinished experience that undermines living fully in the present. It creates a ping-pong effect between yearning and fearing. If this occurs, it means your internal constructs are in conflict and will ensure failure to create the life or reality that you seek.

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Listening for God

As my prayer became more attentive,

focused, & inward,

I consciously realized

my mind

had less and less to say.

I became completely silent and

started to listen to the emptiness.

I suddenly understood that praying is being—

not merely being silent—

but listening deeply, patiently,


intimately from the heart.

Praying involved becoming silent,

and fully being silent,

while eagerly waiting

in naked awareness

as if hearing was my being

until a voice emerged

deep within my own heart

as the manifesting presence

that I am the prayer.

©thstevenson, 1 October 2019

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The Healing Den During the Healing Den, sacred space is invoked and

maintained for the entire week. Old issues rise to the

surface, some emotionally and some not, and most

released. You might ask: “How can that be? Change and

healing are supposed to be more difficult.” The sacred

space supports being fully present with no attachment to

the old issues; hence, they leave often to our surprise and

occasional disappointment. Moreover, we have an

existential experience of knowing what happened. This is

the power of the healing den as a container. It supports

each person to be their own prayer, consciously or unconsciously, by opening the

window to the present moment…. where all healing occurs.

Many will try to make sense of what happened during their experience. Most will be

told they are different by friends and family. Some might say, “I do not know you”.

“Your energy field has changed.” Both are truth. The key for being with yourself is to

acknowledge that you entered a sacred place that cleared much of what was not

needed. This will begin to re-establish trust and reunion between your masculine and

feminine energies. These energies require our presence in the moment to unite and to

support the creation of our desired reality.

Meanwhile, try this: Be still often. Be present often. Be the prayer. Be often.


Presence + Clear Intention = Prayer

Presence + Clear Reality (Being the Prayer) = Manifestation

Internal Authority Internal authority is critical to being fully present to oneself and to others. It is giving

one’s self the divine right to exist as the person that you are…a manifest state of


Internal authority adheres to the following principles:

▪ You report to yourself by staying fully present and within the boundaries of

your true self consistent with fate is not what happens to you; rather it is who

and what you are if true to yourself.

▪ You follow your passion and sustain it with daily nourishment through

mediation, prayer and other soul soothing activities

▪ You lead your own life and not the one other’s demand

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▪ You serve your talent by developing yourself to the fullest beyond your

profession and comfort

▪ You honor and enforce your beliefs while accepting other’s beliefs

Creating My Healing Prayer/Presence We need to invoke our healing presence as much as possible and especially before we

begin to develop the sacred space for the healing den. Going into our inner deep

silence is the first step. It can invoke our state of being. However, unless we claim

our right to be fully present, to BE, we often fill the silence with our inner voice of

constructs developed from the past experiences of why we can’t be who we want to


Ponder these questions. Listen for insights in your thoughts and others that will

enable you to begin to write your personal prayer on the next page. There should be

three or four calls/traits that resonate with what will invoke being your personal

healing presence.

If you find that you feel like a fraud when answering these questions, explore what

disbelief was imprinted on you that has led to a sense of fear that has separated you

from your innate state of being.

After pondering and answering the questions, create your own healing Presence

Prayer. A model to work from is included. Use some, none, or all of the model as

resonates with you.

When you are done, send a copy of the prayer to me.

Questions to Ask

1. How do I fill myself with my presence? The room?

2. How do I take a strong stance to be my self and claim my beliefs as a healing


16 No man has faith in God who lacks confidence in himself. Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself. “I and My Father are one” [John 10:30], man and his God are one, consciousness and manifestation are one. Goddard, Neville. Neville Goddard 10 Books: Includes 1948 Class Lessons . Kindle Edition.

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3. How do I hold clear energetic boundaries surrounding myself and others during

healing space? (Not sucking energy from others or spewing onto others)

4. How do I remember to have fun within my self as well as with other people

during healing space?

5. How do I know that I have the right to fully be myself, especially during healing


6. How do I find the time and solitude to be fully present and heal my self in

body, mind, spirit, emotions and soul? Meditation? Prayer? Quiet presence?

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My Daily Invocation and Intercession Prayer

I call to those who went before me to support my manifest state of Being as I invoke

my healing presence

I ask those who are yet to come to support my Being as I create the point of power at

the center of my presence.

I call to the divine masculine and feminine energies, the creative integration of the

Great Spirit, to invoke the healing presence within me.

I ask for the Great Spirit, the source of all being, to collapse all time into space for

the healing presence, the manifest state of my being, into this precious moment

where I am at one with the source of all Being.

I ask the full presence of my being to see, feel and trust my prayers have been


List the Healing presence that you seek to embody

I offer this prayer to the Great Spirit above and within, my Eternal and internal source

of being, and humbly ask for divine presence to live my life to the fullest and bring

honor to myself and my people.

In gratitude,

ah ho or amen

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My Daily Prayer of the Healing Presence

I am grateful for those who went before me to support my manifest state of Being as I

invoke my healing presence

I am those who are yet to come who support my Being as I create the point of power

at the center of my presence.

I am the divine masculine and feminine energies within, the creative integration of

the Great Spirit, invoking the healing presence within me.

I am the source of all being, collapsing all time into space for the healing presence,

the manifest state of my being, into this precious moment where I am at one with the

source of all Being.

I invoke the full presence of my being to see, feel and trust my prayers are answered

(List the Healing presence that you embody)

I am this prayer of the Great Spirit above and within, my Eternal and internal source

of being, and humbly invoke my divine presence to live my life to the fullest and bring

honor to myself and my people.

In gratitude,

ah ho or amen

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The Lord’s Prayer Translated Directly from the Original Aramaic Words

Intent of and Original Aramaic


King James Version

Direct Aramaic Translation

Our Birth in Unity Abwoon d'bwashmaya

Our Father which art in heaven

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos, you create all that moves in light. O Thou! The Breathing Life of all, Creator of the Shimmering Sound that touches us. Respiration of all worlds, we hear you breathing--in and out--in silence. Source of Sound: in the roar and the whisper, in the breeze and the whirlwind, we hear your Name. Radiant One: You shine within us, outside us--even darkness shines—when we remember. Name of names, our small identity travels in you, you give it back as a lesson. Wordless Action, Silent Potency--where ears and eyes awaken, there heaven comes. O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos!

Clearing Space for the Name to Live Nethqadash shmakh

Hallowed be they name

Focus your light within us--make it useful: as the rays of a beacon show the way. Help us breathe one holy breath feeling only you--this creates a shrine inside, in wholeness. Help us let go, clear the space inside of busy forgetfulness: so the Name comes to live. Your name, your sound can move us if we tune our hearts as instruments for its tone. Hear the one Sound that created all others, in this way the Name is hallowed in silence. In peace the Name resides: a "room of one's own," a holy of holies open, giving light, to all. We all look elsewhere for this light--it draws us out of ourselves--but the Name always lives within. Focus your light within us--make it useful!

The translation of The Lord's Prayer from Aramaic to English is taken from the book, Prayers of

the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz. There are several translations below each line of the prayer to

create an essence of meaning which will deepen the meaning and impact of the original prayer.


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The Creative Fire Teytey malkuthakh

Thy kingdom come Create your reign of unity now--through our fiery hearts and willing hands. Let your counsel rule our lives, clearing our intention for co-creation. Unite our "I can" to yours, so that we walk as kings and queens with every creature. Desire with and through us the rule of universal fruitfulness onto the earth. Your rule springs into existence as our arms reach out to embrace all creation. Come into the bedroom of our hearts, prepare us for the marriage of power and beauty. From this divine union, let us birth new images for a new world of peace. Create your reign of unity now!

Heaven Comes to Earth: Universal Compassion Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna d'bwahmaya aph b'arha

Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in heaven

Your one desire then acts with ours, as in all light, so in all forms. Let all wills move together in your vortex, as stars and planets swirl through the sky. Help us love beyond our ideals and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures. As we find your love in ours, let heaven and nature form a new creation. Unite the crowd within in a vision of passionate purpose: light mates with form. Create in me a divine cooperation--from many selves, one voice, one action. Let your heart's fervent desire unite heaven and earth through our harmony. Your one desire then acts with ours as in all light, so in all forms.

The Blessings of Earthiness: The Next Step Hawvlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana

Give us this day our daily bread

Grant what we need each day in bread and insight: subsistence for the call of growing life. Give us the food we need to grow through each new day, through each illumination of life's needs. Let the measure of our need be earthiness: give all things simple, verdant, passionate. Produce in us, for us, the possible: each only-human step toward home lit up. Help us fulfill what lies within the circle of our lives: each day we ask no more, no less.

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Animate the earth within us: we then feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all. Generate through us the bread of life: we hold only what is asked to feed the next mouth. Grant what we need each day in bread and insight

Letting Go, Heartbeat by Heartbeat Wahboqlan khaubayn (wakhtahayn) aykanna daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others' guilt. Forgive our hidden past, the secret shames, as we consistently forgive what others hide. Lighten our load of secret debts as we relieve others of their need to repay. Erase the inner marks our failures make, just as we scrub our hearts of others' faults. Absorb our frustrated hopes and dreams, as we embrace those of others with emptiness. Untangle the knots within so that we can mend our hearts' simple ties to others. Compost our inner, stolen fruit as we forgive others the spoils of their trespassing. Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others' guilt.

Remembrance: The Birth of New Creation and Liberty Wela tahlan l'nesyuna Ela patzan min bisha

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

Don't let surface things delude us, But free us from what holds us back (from our true purpose). Don't let us enter forgetfulness, the temptation of false appearances. (To the fraud of inner vacillation--like a flag tossed in the wind--alert us.) But break the hold of unripeness, the inner stagnation that prevents good fruit. (From the evil of injustice--the green fruit and the rotten--grant us liberty.) Deceived neither by the outer nor the inner--free us to walk your path with joy. Keep us from hoarding false wealth, and from the inner shame of help not given in time. Don't let surface things delude us, But free us from what holds us back.

A Celebration of Cosmic Renewal

For Thine is the kingdom, and the

From you is born all ruling will, the power and life to do, the song that beautifies all--from age to age it renews.

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Metol dilakhie malkutha wahayla wateshbukhta l'ahlam almin. Ameyn.

power, and the glory, forever. Amen

To you belongs each fertile function: ideals, energy, glorious harmony--during every cosmic cycle. Out of you, the queen- and kingship--ruling principles, the "I can" of the cosmos... Out of you, the vital force producing and sustaining all life, every virtue... Out of you, the astonishing fire, the birthing glory, returning light and sound to the cosmos... Again, and again, from each universal gathering--of creatures, nations, planets, time, and space--to the next. Truly--power to these statements-- may they be the ground from which all my actions grow: Sealed in trust and faith. Amen


Douglas-Klotz, Neil. Prayers of the Cosmos

Neville Goddard. 1945 Prayer: The Art of Believing –


Goddard, Neville. 1944 Feeling Is the Secret. Published by Hillary Hawkins Production

LLC. 2015 Kindle Edition.

Goddard, Neville. 1952 Power of Awareness. Published by Hillary Hawkins Production

LLC. Kindle Edition.

Goddard Neville. Goddard 10 Books: Includes 1948 Class Lessons. Kindle Edition.
