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I realize this thesis could not have been finished without the help of many

people who really care about me. So, it is necessary to express my gratitude. First,

I would like to thank Allah the Almighty Who has blessed me in finishing my

thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to my advisor, Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M. Hum

for her ideas and her patience during the consultation. I also thank my co-advisor,

Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum. for the comment and suggestion.

I also would like to thank my parents, my father and my mother for their

love, support, attention, and understanding; my brother and sister for love and


I thank all my friends in the English Department of USD, especially Sr.

Kharita, Fika, Rina, Puput, Dixita, Irene, and Ayu for their help and support. I

thank my friends in Bambini Montessori especially Anita and Elly for allowing

me to have the thesis consultations during working hours. I would like also thank

Nina, Ank, Safi, Leni, Ana, Gali, and Bagus for their jokes and support.

Last but not least, I give my gratitude to my best friend, Haris and to them

whom I cannot mention one by one, for their lovely friendship that make my life

colorful and even I never feel lonely.

Sukma Yustindia




TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ................................................................................... iii STATEMENT PAGE ................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ vi ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... vii ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ viii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of Study ............................................................................ 1 B. Problem Formulation ......................................................................... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ......................................................................... 4 D. Definition of Terms .............................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ............................................... 6

A. Review of Related Studies .................................................................. 6 B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................ 8

1. Theory of Plot ................................................................................ 8 2. Theory of Message ......................................................................... 11 3. Philosophy of Science ................................................................. 13 4. Christianity and Moral Values.......................................................... 15

C. Theoretical Framework ..................................................................... 16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 18 A. Object of the Study .............................................................................. 18 B. Approach of the Study ........................................................................... 19 C. Method of the Study ............................................................................. 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 23

A. The Structure of the Plot ....................................................................... 23 1. Exposition ..................................................................................... 23 2. Complication ................................................................................ 26 3. Crisis .............................................................................................. 29 4. Climax ............................................................................................ 32 5. Resolution or denouement ........................................................... 34

B. The Messages of the Story .................................................................. 35 1. Science and Religion can Stand Side by Side .................................. 35 2. People should be Responsible to Use Scientific Inventions .......... 38

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 41 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 43




Sukma Yustindia (2011). The Messages Revealed through the Juxtaposition between Science and Religion in Brown’s Angels and Demons. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

The object of this study is a novel by Dan Brown entitled Angels and Demons published in May 2001. This novel tells about the conflict between science and religion as happens in Illuminati and Roman Catholic Church. The writer is interested in analyzing the messages as seen in the plot of the story.

There are two objectives in this study. The first is analyzing the structure of the plot. The second is finding out the messages revealed by juxtaposing science and religion in the plot.

This thesis employs library research method to find out the references for supporting the analysis. Moral-philosophical Approach is applied in this thesis because the writer talks about the moral value within the work of art. Theory of plot is applied to analyze the structure of the plot. Theory of message is applied to contribute the writer in revealing the messages of the story. The findings of the analysis are as follows. The plot starts with exposition which introduces protagonist, Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra and the background of the story. The next is complication which introduces the antagonist characters, Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca and Hassasin and marks the major conflict that is the disappearance of antimatter used by Illuminati to create the terror in Vatican City as the symbol of Roman Catholic Church. The crisis starts when Langdon and Vittoria must reveal the antimatter in a few hours and the master mind of the whole terror. The climax happens when the antimatter is found and revealed that Camerlengo is the master mind because he wants people believe that science is destructive for human. The conflict ends when Camerlengo burns himself to complete his mission. There are two messages found in the story. First, science and religion can stand side by side. Second, people should be responsible to use scientific inventions.




Sukma Yustindia (2011). The Messages Revealed through the Juxtaposition between Science and Religion in Brown’s Angels and Demons. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

  Objek penelitian ini adalah novel karya Dan Brown berjudul Angels and Demons diterbitkan pada Mei 2001. Novel ini bercerita tentang konflik antara sains dan agama seperti yang terjadi pada Illuminati dan Gereja Katolik Roma. Penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis pesan seperti yang terlihat pada plot dalam cerita. Ada dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama menganalisis struktur plot. Kedua mengetahui pesan yang diungkapkan dengan menyandingkan sains dan agama dalam plot. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan untuk mengetahui referensi yang mendukung analisis. Pendekatan moral-filosofis diterapkan dalam tesis ini karena penulis berbicara tentang nilai moral dalam karya seni. Teori plot digunakan untuk menganalisa struktur plot. Teori pesan diterapkan untuk memberikan kontribusi penulis dalam mengungkap pesan-pesan dari cerita. Temuan analisis tersebut adalah sebagai berikut. Plot dimulai dengan eksposisi yang memperkenalkan protagonis, Robert Langdon dan Vittoria Vetra dan latar belakang cerita. Selanjutnya adalah komplikasi yang memperkenalkan karakter antagonis, Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca dan Hassasin dan tanda konflik utama yaitu hilangnya antimateri yang digunakan oleh Illuminati untuk menciptakan teror di Vatican City sebagai simbol dari Gereja Katolik Roma. Krisis dimulai ketika Langdon dan Vittoria harus menemukan antimateri dalam beberapa jam dan dalang dari seluruh teror. Klimaksnya terjadi ketika antimateri ditemukan dan terungkap bahwa Camerlengo adalah dalangnya karena dia ingin orang percaya bahwa sains merusak bagi manusia. Konflik berakhir ketika Camerlengo membakar dirinya sendiri untuk menyelesaikan misinya. Ada dua pesan ditemukan dalam cerita. Pertama, sains dan agama dapat berdiri berdampingan. Kedua, manusia harus bertanggung jawab untuk menggunakan penemuan-penemuan ilmiah.   





A. Background of the study

Literature is the expressions of human’s ideas and experiences. It relates to

human’s life because many authors reflect human’s experience in their works. In

Making Sense of Literature, John Reichert states that the form of literature is the

form of life. Literature imitates human life. We make sense of a character, a

dialogue, a plot, as we make sense of each other’s life and our lives” (1977: x)

There are three genres in the literary works: drama, poetry, and fiction that

consists of short story and novel. In this study, the writer takes a novel as the

object. The novel portrays human in reality because it describes society, shows the

social and political condition when the novels are made, conveys messages of

society’s values, etc. By reading novels, readers can get pleasure and lessons.

There are several elements in the novel, such as: plot, conflict, setting,

theme, character, and symbol. Each element also contains some values, like moral

value, that govern humans’ attitude in a real life. Therefore, the writer takes plot

and conflicts to reveal the messages of the story.

This study will focus on a novel entitled Angels and Demons by Dan

Brown. The author tries to reveal the conflicts between science and religion as it

happens in Illuminati and Catholic Church. Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra try

to stop Illuminati as the men of science and an anti-Catholic brotherhood from

destroying Vatican City with the new invention that is antimatter.




Illuminati is suspected to be the mastermind of the whole terror. Illuminati

does not only murder Leonardo Vetra but also steals his experiment, antimatter.

Antimatter is an extremely dangerous substance which is comparable to a small

nuclear weapon. It will cause an ultimate destruction, if it directly contacts matter.

Antimatter is the opposite of matter created to prove that the universe can

be created from nothing at all as in Genesis. Antimatter is the manifestation on

Vetra’s belief that science is able to establish a link between Man and God. Vetra

tries to settle the conflict about the existence of universe because it becomes the

bitterest conflict in the history of science and religion.

Vittoria also supports the creation of antimatter because it can be used as

an alternative fuel. It is non-polluting and safe for environment. So, she hopes that

it can replace fossil fuels and reduce the environment damages. Although the

annihilation between antimatter and matter can be the source of energy, it can

cause the ultimate destruction. Therefore, antimatter technology is a double-edged

sword for humans.

Because of that, there are variety reactions. Some accept it while others

reject it and Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca is one of the people who rejects it. He

believes that, through the creation of antimatter, science has undermined the

existence of God. In his opinion, antimatter is an attempt to explain how universe

created without God. Besides, he believes that antimatter or the other scientific

inventions is created without ethical instruction attached. The promises carried by

scientific inventions about efficiency and simplicity have not been kept. In fact,

scientific inventions cause pollution and chaos.




Camerlengo tries to stop the development of antimatter by exposing its

destructive effect. He wants to show that science is harmful and destructive and

the Church, not science, is the only one which can dictate the moral creed of the

Christians. Then, he recruits Hassasin to steal antimatter and to set up the terror in

Vatican City which becomes the symbol of Roman Catholic Church. He uses

Illuminati as a camouflage. So, people will believe that there is a conflict between

science and religion through the terror setting up by Illuminati against Catholic


The conflicts show that science and religion have different purposes for

human being. Science represents modernity because it has carried the great

changes in human’s life. Science enriches human with knowledge and rational

thinking. Science develops greatly because it can solve the problems in natural

world and will be used as a medium to earn money. As a scientific invention,

antimatter becomes the most costly invention that has ever made and it is revenue

for the creator. However, commercialism is needed to support the success of

antimatter as a new energy source.

Meanwhile, religion reveals human values which are relative and abstract.

It concerns with moral value which governs human for goodness and badness.

The story describes religion as something obsolete, superstitious, and not rational.

However, religious belief will be the salvation for human, especially from the

dangerous effects of science. So, religious belief can function as a framework in

which scientific development flourishes.




The writer chooses Brown’s Angles and Demons as the object of this

thesis because it is a controversial story with offers knowledge and history. By

examining the plot, the writer can get and learn something valuable within the

story. Through his work, the author wants to show that science and religion can

stand side by side, and people should be responsible to use scientific inventions.

B. Problem formulation

Based on the explanation above, there are three questions that can be


1. How is the structure of plot revealed in the story?

2. What are the messages revealed by juxtaposing science and religion in the

plot in Brown’s Angels and Demons?

C. Objectives of the study

This study is aimed to answer the questions raised in the problem

formulation. First, the writer tries to analyze the structure of the plot. The plot

helps the writer in finding the end of the conflicts and revealing the juxtaposition

between science and religion. Second, the writer wants to identify the messages

revealed by the plot.

D. Definition of Terms

1. Plot: according to Roberts and Jacobs in Fiction: An Introduction to

Reading and Writing, a plot is a plan or groundwork for a story, based in




conflicting human motivations, with actions resulting from believable and

realistic human response. The plot of a story is the establishment of a

conflict and the consequences, variations, and developments that stem

from it. There will be the following aspects that form the backbone,

skeleton, or pattern of development, that is exposition, complication,

crisis, climax, resolution or denouement (1987: 87-91)

2. Message: according to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature,

message is the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply

stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899).

3. Juxtaposition: the juxtaposition of two contrasting objects, images, or

ideas is the fact that they are placed together or described together, so that

the differences between them are emphasized (2001: 846).





A. Review of Related Studies

In this chapter, the writer will discuss three reviews that support this study.

The first review is entitled Angels and Demons written by Todd R. Ramlow. This

article reviews about the Angels and Demons’s movie which takes anti-Catholic

secret society, Illuminati, against Catholic orthodoxy. Using the Papal election as

its background, Angles and Demons recalls the choice of Pope Benedict XVI in

2005 which was framed by discussion of the changing demographics of modern

Catholicism. The film also challenges the church’s ongoing anti-science

fundamentalism which becomes a good old-fashioned battleground. Illuminati

attacks Vatican because the church tried to suppress the spread of science and

rationalism. Angels and Demons reminds us of the conflicts that arise when

science and religion mix and wonders whether Catholicism or Christianity or any

of the world’s major religions can maintain its relevance to contemporary realities

and leave behind centuries of anti-science zealotry.


The second is a review entitled Angels and Demons: Book raises

questions; Bible has the answers by Jim Wicker. In this article, Wicker explains

about the title of the movie and book that is more metaphorical than substantial. It

tells about the Roman Catholic Church (and Christianity in general) versus

science. Brown belittles the belief of Christianity, distorts the history of




Christianity, makes absurd claims and promotes science as the ultimate religion.

Moreover, Brown presents his writing as full of accurate portrayals of reality and

his criticism of Christianity are definitely real. So, Wicker’s article focuses on the

faulty theology and church history. Because of the incorrect historical and artistic

facts, there are many critics to Brown’s Angels and Demons to denounce the

faulty plot lines. Besides, this novel has some interesting discussions between

science and religion. Most characters see it as a war between science and religion.

While some characters see it as compatible. Wicker thinks that science and

religion are compatible because science is the systematic study of the natural

world and God made everything (Genesis 1-2; Psalm 8).


The third is a review entitled Angels and Demons is a worthy predecessor

by WR. Greer. He tells about the similarities between Angels and Demons and

The Da Vinci Code. Both introduce the character of Robert Langdon, professor of

religious iconology and art history at Harvard University. In some ways, Angels

and Demons has a suspenseful storyline with the antimatter bomb and the race to

prevent the destruction of Vatican City. Both share a hired assassin, have a

beautiful woman protagonist character to be Robert Langdon’s partner, and reveal

the mysteries that require the knowledge of art history, religious symbology, and

secret societies. However, he tells that this story takes longer to solve the

problems. Besides, there are many characters presented in the story with too much

background. In The Da Vinci Code, the chapters are shorter, tighter, and the




suspense is never to wane.


The above review tells about the content of the story that is the conflict

between science and religion. Those reviews will help the writer in analyzing the

messages revealed through the juxtaposition between science and religion in the

plot and conflicts in Brown’s Angels and Demons.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this chapter, the writer will explain some theories that can support this


1. Theory of Plot

In Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, according to Perrine, plot is the

sequence of incidents or events of which a story is composed. Plot may include

what the character says of thinks, as well as what he does. However, it does not

include description and analysis and concentrates ordinarily on major happening.

In addition, he says that in a good story a minimum of physical action may be

used to produce a maximum of understanding. Moreover, a worthwhile story must

have a significant action (1974: 43).

Roberts and Jacobs in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing

state that a plot is a plan or groundwork for a story, based in conflicting human

motivations, with actions resulting from believable and realistic human response

(1987: 87). It means that a conflict is the basic part that needs to be created in




order to establish a set of events in forming the story. A conflict will determine

the next action or situation. It will be the determinant factor to create a major

structure of the story. Thus, the plot of a story is the establishment of a conflict

and the consequences, variations, and developments that stem from it.

According to Roberts and Jacobs, there will be the following aspects that

form the backbone, skeleton, or pattern of development

i. Exposition

Exposition is the lying out, the putting forth, of the material in the story: the main

characters, their backgrounds, their characteristics, goals, limitations, and

potentials. It presents everything that is going to be important in the story.

ii. Complication

The complication marks the onset of the major conflict in the story. The

participants are the protagonist and the antagonist, together with whatever the

ideas or values they represent, such as good and evil, individualism and

collectivization, childhood and age, love and hate, intelligence and stupidity,

knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery, desire and resistance, and the


iii. Crisis

The crisis is the turning point, the separation between what has gone before and

what will come after. In practice, the crisis is usually a decision or action

undertaken in an effort to resolve the conflict. It is important to stress, however,

that the crisis, though a result of operating forces and decisions, may not produce

the intended results.




iv. Climax

The climax is the high point in the action, in which the conflict and the

consequent tension are brought out to the fullest extent. Another way to think of

climax is to define it as that point in a story in which all the rest action becomes


v. Resolution or denouement

The resolution (a releasing or untying) or denouement (untying) is the set of

action bringing the story to its conclusion. The major actions are completed and

the final action, the walking, underscores the note of finality (1987: 89-91).

Dube et al in Structure and Meaning: An Introduction to Literature, define

plot as the story line or action line or conflict line of a story. It is what happens in

fictions the arrangement of interrelated acts or incidents that force character to

reveal their traits (1983: 6).

A discussion on plot reveal a discussion which needs an observation on the

structure of the plot, William Kenny divides the structure of the plot into four


i. Exposition or introduction

The information at the beginning of the story about the characters, setting, and

historical background.

ii. Complication

Compilation or rising action is the movement of the initial event of the conflict to

the climax.




iii. Climax

Climax is the highest tension in a story.

iv. Denouement or resolution

The denouement or resolution is the event that based toward the resolution of the

conflict and towards a stable situation at the end (1966: 13-22).

The above quotations have mentioned that plot is the linked series of

events in the story. The plot is arranged to make the readers become more

interested and curious on what will happen next. The plot will make the readers

interested to read the story until the end. Besides, by analyzing the plot, it will

help the writer in revealing the resolution for the conflicts which is related to the

messages of the story.

2. Theory of Message

According to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature, message is the

real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized

inside a work of art (1989: 899). The term leads to simplification and gives the

illusion that a work of literature exists for its statement that tempts the readers

with sweetness of the story to get the real meaning.

Message is sometimes considered identically with theme although in fact,

they do not always refer to the same meaning. Beaty and Hunter differentiate the

definition between theme and message. They say that while message seek to

inform or convince, theme seeks to have you comprehend and empathize, so that

the information of ideas are less directly articulated, or more broadly accessible.




They also define messages as some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or

summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899-900).

Nurgiyantoro in Teori Pengkajian Fiksi mentions that usually the author

conveys his philosophy of life and his view of good values through the moral

presented in a literary work. Through the story and the character’s attitude and

behavior, the readers are expected to get the wisdom of the moral messages

conveyed. Nurgiyantoro adds that the moral in a literary work can be said as

message (1995: 321).

Kenny in How to Analyze Fiction also mentions that when we are talking

about message, we are also discussing morality because, through the message, we

can learn the goodness and badness as it happens in life. Message in the story is

the advice which can govern humans to do something good and to avoid doing

something bad. Meanwhile, generally, moral means a teaching of good and bad.

So, message and morality is related each other (1966: 89). According to

Nurgiyantoro in Teori Pengkajian Sastra, moral in a work of literature is called a

message. This element actually is the background of the work of literature (1995:

322). Of course, there are many types of message conveyed. The type of message

occurs in all literary work depends on the author’s belief, thought, wish, and

interest. The message could involve many problems in life.

Nurgiyantoro describes two ways of conveying the message that is directly

and indirectly. In direct form the author conveys his/her message explicitly,

meaning to say that the author in this case seems to teach the readers and gives

them his/her advice directly. Therefore, the readers can understand what he/she




means easily. The readers do not find any difficulties to interpret the message of

the work by themselves (1995: 335-336). On the contrary, in the indirect form, the

author conveys the messages implicitly combined with the other elements in the

story. This will make the readers comprehend it intensively. If they want to

understand and interpret the message conveyed by the author, therefore, they have

to do it based on the story and the character’s behavior and attitude presented in

the story (1995: 339).

3. Philosophy of Science

According to Couvalis in the Philosophy of Science, it is stated that

science gives us objectively justified knowledge. People often suppose that this

would be enough objectively to justify scientists doing virtually any kind of

scientific research. After all, science gives us truth about the world (1997: 123).

In Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Klemke, Hollinger,

and Rudge state that there are five criteria of science. Those criteria will be used

for distinguishing science from common sense knowledge and distinguishing that

which is scientific from which is either nonscientific or unscientific.

i. Intersubjective testability

This refers to the possibility of being that is the capability of corroboration or

“check-up” by anyone.

ii. Reliability

This refers to be true when it is tested or at least, can be reasonably believed to be





iii. Definiteness and precision

This refers to the removal of vagueness and ambiguity. So, the concepts that is

found must be definite and delimited.

iv. Coherence or systematic character

This refers to the organizational aspect of a theory.

v. Comprehensiveness or scope

This refers to the effort to attain a continual increase in the completeness of

knowledge and also to the seeking theories which have maximum explanatory

power (1998: 32).

Science is very clearly a conscious artifact of mankind, with well-

documented historical origins, with a definable scope and with recognizable

professional practitioners and exponents. Science is rigorous, methodical, logical,

and practical. The very facility that it gives us, of clear understanding, of seeing

things sharply in focus, makes us feel that the instrument itself is very real, hard,

and definite. Surely we can state, in a few words, its essential nature. In its own

technical language, science is information, it does not act directly on the body, it

speaks to the mind (1998: 48-49)

Besides, it is mentioned that science is arranged into three parts.

i. Intellectual

Science is seen as a body of knowledge. It is knowledge, therefore, intellectual,

conceptual, and abstract. It is an attempt to differentiate between scientific and

nonscientific disciplines.




ii. Psychological

Science is seen as something that the scientists do. It is inevitably created by

individual men and women, and therefore has a strong psychological aspect.

iii. Sociological

Science is seen as a social institution. It is public, molded and determined by the

social relations between individuals. It is the structure of the scientific community

and the institutions by which it maintains scientific standards and procedures

(1998: 52-53).

The above explanations can help the writer to differentiate something as a

science or as a non-science. The philosophy of science is used to support the

findings about the juxtaposition between science and religion within the plot.

4. Christianity and Moral Values

MacGregor and Robb, in Readings in Religious Philosophy, mention about

the relation between men, nature, and moral values. It is states that on determinist

theory, man and nature may be purposive and in the end, harmony may be

established and goodness triumph (1962: 236). Man and nature are having a clear

and definite purpose. Both are fulfilling each other. Meanwhile, moral value

manifest on the goodness of God. So, man and nature should be harmonized to

reach the goodness of God.

In Etika Kristiani, Peschke states that technology will be beneficial if it

can fulfill human’s necessities. Human being needs technology for helping them

in daily life. It will not be beneficial if it is misused and endangers human’s life.




In fact, nowadays, the use of technology gives more negative effects than positive

effects. Technology can endanger the environment because of its overused (2003:


Sinnot in Science and Religion: A Necessary Partnership writes about the

problem of the relation between science and religion, particularly between the

laboratory and the church. He states that the spirit of religion can help the sciences

for using their discoveries for the good of man. Science cannot be divorced from

the practical affairs of life. Its primary goal, to be sure, is the discovery of truth,

and these discoveries are of the greatest import for our thinking but their

application in technology has profoundly influenced our lives in other ways

(1950: 21). So, the church supports the use of sciences or discoveries as long as it

is used for the goodness and not the opposite.

C. Theoretical Framework

The explanation above will support this study in order to answer the

problems formulated before. Since the topic of the study deals with the plot

development, the conflicts, and the message of the story, therefore, the writer will

apply some theories.

First, the writer applies theory of plot. The theory of plot is applied to

explain the structure of the plot. The theory consists of exposition, complication,

crisis, climax, and resolution or denouement. It will be used to find the causality

of the events in the story. In addition, philosophy of science is applied to help the

writer in finding the juxtaposition between science and religion within the plot.




Second, theory of message is applied to obtain the writer’s understanding

about the definition of message in literary works. Besides, the explanation on

Christianity and Moral values will support the message of the story. So, the writer

is able to reveal the messages portrayed by the author through the plot.






A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled Angels and Demons written by

Dan Brown. The novel consists of 620 pages divided into 1 prologue and 137

chapters. It is published in May 2001 by Corgi Book. This is the third novel of

Dan Brown which is thriller and conspiracy fiction genres. It is one of the

controversial novels written by Dan Brown. This novel reveals the conflicts

between science and religion as it happens to the Roman Catholic Church and

anti-Catholic brotherhood, Illuminati.

The writer will give a brief summary of the story which is related to the

topic of this study. One of the CERN’s scientists, Leonardo Vetra, was murdered

and branded with the symbol of Illuminati. In the night, Robert Langdon is

awakened by a phone call from Maximillian Kohler, the director of CERN. He

asks Langdon to reveal Illuminati symbol which is branded on Leonardo Vetra’s

corpse and to find Vetra’s secret project, antimatter, which was stolen by

Illuminati. Antimatter is a new invention that will be used to explain the missing

link between science and religion about the existence of universe. Antimatter will

be the proof that Genesis is scientifically possible. However, it has a destructive

effect and causes annihilation. A quarter gram of antimatter can destroy a city in

radius of half mile. Unfortunately, antimatter is found in Vatican City during the

Conclave. Knowing its destructive effect, Langdon which is accompanied by



Vetra’s adopted daughter, Vittoria Vetra, goes to Vatican City. This incident

becomes political issue that the conflicts between science and religion still exist

until the present times. A man who claims to be the member of Illuminati phones

Vatican City. His name is Hassasin and he confesses that he killed Leonardo

Vetra, steals and places antimatter somewhere inside Vatican City. Besides, he

kidnaps the four cardinals who are the preferred candidates to become the new

pope. His only wish is the destruction of Roman Catholic Church because of the

Church’s treatment to the scientists and Illuminati over centuries. Langdon and

Vittoria must find the antimatter in 24 hours and the master mind of the whole

terror. It leads Langdon and Vittoria through churches, fountains, crypts, forgotten

& secret passages, and catacombs. In their search, they are assisted by

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca, the pope chamberlain, and the Vatican's Swiss

Guard. Unfortunately, it is Camerlengo who set up the whole terror. He argues

that he plans to protect Roman Catholic Church from the destruction with his own

way. He believes that the Church alone, not science, should dictate the moral

creed of the Christian faithful. Through his action, Camerlengo tries to be a savior

for the Church.

B. Approach of the Study

There are several approaches can be used in analyzing literary work. In

this study, the writer uses moral philosophical approach to analyze the story.

Moral-Philosophical Approach reveals moral value and philosophical issues

within the text. It explains what is taught in the literature works.



According to Wilbur S. Scott, in his book Five Approaches to Literary

Criticism, explains moral-philosophical approach as the following:

“... starts from a conviction that the importance of literature is not merely in its way. For the critic who follows this approach, the chief interest lies in literature as a “criticism” of life. To them the study of the technique of literature is a study of means, whereas they are concerned with the end of literature as affecting man, with literature as it takes place in the human forum of ideas and attitudes.” (1962: 123-125) Guerrin, in his book A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature,

states his idea about moral-philosophical approach as follows:

The basic position of such critics is that the larger function of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical issues. The readers would interpret literature within the context of the philosophical thought of a period or group. The important thing is the moral of philosophical teaching. It insists on finding out and stating what is exposed and thought. (2005: 77)

In brief, the moral-philosophical approach sees literary works as moral teaching

and philosophical thought that the author attempts to convey to readers as shown

in his work. This approach will be interpreted into the context of philosophical

thought based on morality concept.

In line with the approaches described above, the writer decides to choose

moral-philosophical approach. This approach will help the writer in answering the

problem formulation from the morality point of view.

C. Method of the Study

This study used library research which meant the primary source is

gathered from books and internet. The main source of this study was Dan Brown’s

Angels and Demons. The secondary sources were the books and the internet



online references. The writer collected the data from secondary sources to support

the analysis.

The writer also used the theory of plot and theory of message in order to

support this study. Theory of plot was taken from Roberts and Jacobs in Fiction:

An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Theory of message was taken from

Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature. Philosophy of Science was taken

from Klemke, Hollinger, and Rudge in Introductory Readings in the Philosophy

of Science. Christianity and Moral Values were taken from MacGregor and Robb

in Readings in Religious Philosophy.

There were some steps needed to be done in this process of conducting

this study. The first step was taking Angels and Demons as the main book. The

writer searched and read the novel. The writer tried to understand the book by

reading in many times. In this process of understanding the novel, the writer

found some interesting elements in the novel such as the juxtaposition between

science and religion.

The second step was collected some references from some books and

websites. The collected data included some comments on Brown’s Angels and

Demons, theories of plot, theories of message, and philosophy of science. Since

this study talked about the moral value within the work of art, the writer applied

moral-philosophical approach and also Christianity and Moral values.

The third step in this study was answering the problem formulations that

lead to the understanding of the topic based on the theories proposed before. The

first problem was about the plot so the writer applied the theories of plot. The next



step, the writer used the theories on message which would be related to the plot by

using moral-philosophical approach.

The last step, the writer drew conclusion of the study. The conclusion

consisted the summary of the answer of the problem formulated.





A. The Structure of the Plot

Theory of plot from Roberts and Jacobs will be used to analyze the first

problem formulation. It divides the plot into five parts: exposition, complication,

crisis or climax, falling action, and resolution so that the readers will understand

the story easily. The writer’s aim is to reveal the structure of the plot in Angels

and Demons.

1. Exposition

According Roberts and Jacobs, exposition is the lying out, the putting

forth, of the material in the story: the main characters, their backgrounds, their

characteristics, goals, limitations, and potentials. It presents everything that is

going to be important in the story (1987: 89-90). In the novel, the exposition can

be found in the beginning of the story which introduces Robert Langdon and

Vittoria Vetra as the protagonist. Robert Langdon is a professor of Religious

Iconology at Harvard University. Whereas, Vittoria Vetra is the adopted daughter

of Leonardo Vetra and a physicist at CERN. 

Langdon and Vittoria are called to investigate the murder of Leonardo

Vetra, a senior scientist at CERN. Unfortunately, that case reveals to the stealing

of the antimatter. Antimatter is a shimmering globule like mercury liquid. It has to




be stored without ever touching anything, even air. It is kept in the antimatter trap

and if it makes a contact with matter like air, it will explode.

Antimatter is used to prove the existence of universe as in Genesis.

Besides, it is also to be used for the welfare of human being in practical life. In

fact, it is stolen to create a terror. Antimatter is no longer to be used for the

goodness of man. It is misused to be a time bomb.

The detail of the murder is described as follows. Vetra is murdered and his

chest is branded with an ambigram of the word "Illuminati”. Langdon watches the

ambigram carefully and he finds the ambigram authentic. Langdon doubts that

Illuminati is still active in the present year.

Illuminati is an ancient brotherhood which was founded by Europe’s

scientists in 1500’s. Those scientists were affraid of the church’s inaccurate

teaching about natural phenomena, one of them is the existence of universe.

Illuminati become the main enemy of Roman Catholic Church.

Illuminati are concerned about the inaccurate fact about nature which is

spread by Catholic church. Illuminati can prove to people that everything in life

can be explained logically through observation and research. The church teachings

are seen as superstition because of the scientific truth that the scientist reveals.

Then, people slowly leave the church teachings because they are portrayed as

something illogical and superstitious.

Over the years, the new Illuminati emerged, they began absorbing new

members and CERN is predicted as a new Illuminati. So, Illuminati will not kill a




scientist. However, Vittoria explanation proves that Illuminati is involved in

Vetra’s murder and the disappearance of the antimatter.

Vittoria explains the possible reason why Illuminati kills Vetra and steals

the antimatter. Vetra created antimatter as a device to reveal the missing link

between science and religion so the conflict about the creation of universe can be

settled on. The antimatter becomes a new discovery. In practical life, it will be

used as a safe and viable energy for human but if it goes to the wrong hand, it will

be a destructive weapon. The explosion caused by antimatter can destroy an urban

area with the radius of a half mile.

To make it safe, antimatter is kept in the recharging podium. If it is taken

from the recharging podium, it will automatically switch to the back-up battery

which will only power it for 24 hours.

Unfortunately, Langdon and Vittoria find that the antimatter is stolen from

its recharging podium. They have to find it immediately before the time in the

canister is run out.

..., Vittoria sensed an additional horror awaited inside. When she leveled her blurry gaze into the room, she confirmed the next chapter of the nightmare. Before her, the solitary recharging podium was empty. (p.112)

The quotation above shows that Vittoria is shocked when she finds antimatter

gone from the recharging podium. Langdon and Vittoria must reveal the

antimatter because it has a destructive effect. If people know about that, it can

obstruct the development of antimatter as a technology. They also have to find

who is the mastermind behind the terror. This part becomes the beginning of the

story which leads to other actions in the plot.




2. Complication

According to Roberts and Jacobs, the complication marks the onset of the

major conflict in the story. The participants are the protagonist and the antagonist,

together with whatever the ideas or values they represent, such as good and evil,

individualism and collectivization, childhood and age, love and hate, intelligence

and stupidity, knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery, desire and

resistance, and the like (1987: 90). This part starts with the disappearance of

antimatter from its recharging podium. The story introduces Hassasin and

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca as the antagonist. Camerlengo who disguised as

Janus is the master mind of whole terror and Hassasin is the executor. Camerlengo

uses Illuminati to set up the terror in Vatican City. Camerlengo misuses antimatter

to be a time bomb. He exposes the dangerous effects of science so people will

believe that religion is the only way to find truth in human’s life. Through his

action, he wants to be seen as a savior for Roman Catholic Church.

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca is the pope’s chamberlain. He uses illuminati

as a camouflage. He believes that the scientific truth revealed by the scientists

have undermined the existence of God. In his opinion, science sees the world as

materialistic and mechanistic. Science makes humans greedy because humans will

only take the benefits for their own goodness.

Then, Camerlengo asks Hassasin to expose the negative effect of

antimatter as a new scientific invention. Hassasin covers up Camerlengo’s plan.

Camerlengo does it because he thinks that science is harmful, destructive, and




lacks of moral value. Therefore, by exposing its negative effect, science can be

justified as something bad and evil.

Camerlengo creates the terror in Vatican City as his way to protect the

church and humans from the development of science. He believes that science is

dangerous and carries risk. Although antimatter supports Genesis and will be used

for effective and nonpolluting energy source, it can destroy an entire city. It gives

nothing except chaos and annihilation. Antimatter is a proof that science deals

with intelligence but not with moral value. So, Camerlengo thinks that antimatter

has to be stopped.

Langdon believes that the lost of antimatter from CERN is related to the

death of Leonardo Vetra and Illuminati. Langdon and Vittoria are shocked when

they know that antimatter is found somewhere in the Vatican City. Then, Langdon

and Vittoria fly to Vatican City to save St. Peter’s Basilica from its destruction.

When they arrive, the conclave has already begun. Langdon and Vittoria realize

that the lost of antimatter become the political issue because Illuminati wants to

destroy Vatican City as the symbol of Catholic Church.

The situation in Vatican is described during the conclave.  During the

conclave, the cardinals are locked inside Sistine Chapel.  Meanwhile, the most of

residents and the staffs of Vatican City are banned to enter the city because of

Secrecy and Security reason.  In the St. Peter’s Square, the media from all over

world watched and waited. They will broadcast the Conclave until the new Pope

is elected because the Pope will be the ruler of one billion Catholics worldwide. 




  The situation becomes worse when the four cardinals who might be

elected as the Pope are kidnapped. Hassasin confesses to Langdon and Vittoria

that he causes the terrors. He does not only steal the antimatter but also kidnap

four cardinals. He was on behalf of Illuminati and wants to destroy Vatican City.

Before the antimatter explodes in the midnight, he will kill each cardinal in each


Every cardinal on the planet is here today, Langdon thought as the chopper passed over St. Peter’s Basilica. The expansive inner world of Vatican City spread out beneath him. The entire power structure of the Roman Catholic Church is sitting on a time bomb. (p.146)

Hassasin will destroy Vatican City by using antimatter. Hassasin covers up

Camerlengo’s plan to expose the negative effect of antimatter. His actions

illustrate that science is used for something bad and evil. Camerlengo does it

because he believes that science is harmful, destructive, and lacks of moral value.

In his opinion, the scientific truth revealed by the scientist has undermined the

existence of God.

The story portrays that science and religion have different purposes.

Science enriches humans with knowledge and factual proof while religion deals

with salvation and moral value.

Faith does not protect you. Medicine and airbags . . . those are things that protect you. Intelligence protects you. Enlightenment. Put your faith in something with tangible results. How long has it been since someone walked on water? Modern miracles belong to science . . . computers, vaccines, space stations . . . even the divine miracle of creation. Matter from nothing . . . in a lab. Who needs God? No! Science is God. (p.202)

The quotation above is considered as the conflict because of the factual

result that is given by science while religion is seen as something superstitious.




Science is believed that can protect human being logically. Science becomes

miracles in modern world. Through science, human being can explain theories and

facts about natural world rationally. People observe and research to find proof and

explanation about theories and fact on natural world. Science makes people able

to create inventions, such as: computer, medicine, space stations, antimatter, etc.

So, religion and superstition are replaced by reason and rationality.

What truth do these people possess? What proof damn it! A book of ancient fables? Promises of miracles to come? Science creates miracles every day! (p.497)

The conflict describes about human’s need for proof. Human is gifted with

his mind to think. They use their mind to explain natural phenomena logically and

objectively. Science makes natural world understandable and reasonable. Science

is a miracle because it can solve problems in natural world. So, human’s rational

mind justifies the miracle in Bible or other Scripture as a part of myth.

Because of that, science is justified as something immoral so that religion

can be described as the only savior for human being. The terror done by Hassasin

portrays the major conflict of the story.

3. Crisis

According to Roberts and Jacobs,  the crisis is the turning point, the

separation between what has gone before and what will come after. In practice,

the crisis is usually a decision or action undertaken in an effort to resolve the

conflict. It is important to stress, however, that the crisis, though a result of

operating forces and decisions, may not produce the intended results (1987: 90).




The lost of antimatter causes a great panic for Langdon and Vittoria. Moreover, it

is placed somewhere in the Vatican City during the conclave. Before it explodes,

Langdon and Vittoria must find it. The crisis starts when Langdon and Vittoria

must search the antimatter in a few hours. Besides, they must catch and reveal the

mastermind of this terror. 

The search brings them to the first location. Unfortunately, one of the

cardinals is found dead in Chigi Chapel. His chest is branded with an Earth

ambigram and has soil forced down his throat. Half of his body is buried.

Langdon and Vittoria fail to save the first cardinal and catch Hassasin.

Unfortunately, the other cardinals are found dead in three different places.

The places are West Ponente, the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, and the

fountain of four rivers in Piazza Navona. As the previous victim, all of them are

also branded with ambigram.

It is almost midnight and the antimatter still cannot be found. Langdon and

Vittoria only have time less than ninety minutes to save Vatican City from


The situation is getting worse when Hassasin kidnaps Vittoria. Langdon

only has limited time to find the antimatter without Vittoria’s help. The search

leads Langdon to Castel of Sant’ Angelo. The quotation below illustrates the


It was 11.07 p.m. Langdon’s car raced through the Roman night. Speeding down Lungotevere Tor Di Nona, parallel with the river, Langdon could now see his destination rising like a mountain to his right.

Castel Sant’ Angelo. Castle of the Angel. (p.469)




The last place is Castel of Sant’ Angelo and Hassasin can be found in this

place. Langdon fights against Hassasin and Hassasin was dead. Although

Langdon and Vittoria are safe, the antimatter still cannot be found.

Before Hassasin is dead, he tells that the master mind of the whole terror is

Janus. To complete his action, Janus will enter Vatican City and he will explode

Vatican City in the midnight by using the antimatter.

Because the time almost runs out, the cardinals who are on Conclave are

evacuated. It is less than twenty five minutes before midnight and everyone is

getting panic. Then, suddenly, Camerlengo confesses that he has received a

message from God that tells about the location of the antimatter. It is placed on

the tomb of Saint Peter.

Langdon and Vittoria have limited time to save Vatican City from the

antimatter’s explosion. Before they find who is the master mind of the terror.

‘... I cannot tell you how. I cannot tell you I understand. But I have had a revelation. I know where the antimatter is.’ Everyone stared. The camerlengo turned to the group. ‘Upon this rock I will build my church. That was the message. The meaning is clear. (p.527-528) Despite the seemingly supernatural origin of the information, Langdon sensed a stark logic in it. Placing the antimatter on St. Peter’s tomb seemed painfully obvious now. The Illuminati, in an act of symbolic defiance, had located the antimatter at the core of Christendom, both literally and figuratively. The ultimate infiltration. (p.529)

The quotations above portray Camerlengo gets a magical message from God

about the location of antimatter and the reason of Illuminati places the antimatter

on St. Peter’s tomb. The location of antimatter exposes the strength of Illuminati




as the symbol of science for destroying Roman Catholic Church as the symbol of

religion. The finding of antimatter leads to another action in the plot.

4. Climax

According Roberts and Jacobs,  the climax is the high point in the action, in

which the conflict and the consequent tension are brought out to the fullest extent.

Another way to think of climax is to define it as that point in a story in which all

the rest action becomes inevitable (1987: 90). The antimatter is found on the Saint

Peter’s tomb. Trying to save Vatican City from the destruction, Langdon and

Camerlengo take the antimatter. They plan to explode it high above Vatican City

by taking a helicopter. Camerlengo flies the helicopter and Langdon seats next to

Camerlengo while carrying the antimatter. 

In the midnight, the antimatter explodes. The explosion is like a bright

sunshine in the midday. The dark sky in the night suddenly becomes bright. The

situation is illustrated in the quotation below.

... For that instant, a perfect and silent sphere of light glowed over Rome. Night had become day. (p.548)

Now, Vatican City is safe from the destruction but the master still cannot

be revealed. Langdon and Camerlengo are safe. Both return to Vatican City.

Meanwhile, Vittoria, along with the cardinals, has waited in Vatican.

The tension of the plot rises when Camerlengo comes back to tell his final

message to Langdon, Vittoria, and the cardinals. Camerlengo confesses that he

disguises as Janus and becomes the master mind of the whole terror. He recruits




Hassasin to do his plan. The Illuminati involvement is merely a plot that sets up

by Camerlengo to cover his plans.

Camerlengo plans the whole terror because he disagreed that Vatican

wants to donate some money for the development of science. Camerlengo

believes that science is harmful and destructive for human and there is no power

greater than God. Through his action, Camerlengo wants to show that science has

more negative effects than its positive effects for human life.

Langdon and Vittoria confront Camerlengo. Camerlengo uses illuminati as

a camouflage. In his opinion, the scientific truths about the existence of universe

revealed by the Illuminati’s scientists have undermined the existence of God. He

argues that Illuminati will be the only obstacle for the church to spread their


In Genesis, it is mentioned that the universe is created from nothing at all

while the idea that God created something from nothing is totally contrary to be

accepted in laws of modern physics. Therefore, Illuminati’s scientists claim that

Genesis is scientifically absurd. Meanwhile, the Big Bang is accepted

scientifically as the model for the creation of the universe. Big Bang is an attempt

to explain how the universe logically which mean that the universe could have

been created without God. Because of that, there are variety reactions by religious

groups. Some accept it as the scientific evidence while others reject or ignore it

and Camerlengo is one of them who rejects. Then, Camerlengo soaks his body

with oil and burns himself.




He knew the moment had come. Most Holy Trinity, I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, . . . in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, an indifferences . . . ... My work here is done. (p.604-605) High above on the balcony, like a soul tearing free of its corporeal restrains, a luminous pyre of flame erupted from the camerlengo’s center. (p.605)

The quotation above shows that Camerlengo wants to be seen as the savior

for Vatican City. He wants to save Vatican City with his own way although he

does it in a wrong way. He believes that he is a chosen man to prove the power of

God and to save the church from scientific truth. Camerlengo’s sacrifice shows

the highest point in the conflict.

The antimatter explodes but Vatican City is saved from the destruction.

The climax in the story happens when Camerlengo burns himself to complete his

mission. It is finally revealed that Camerlengo is the mastermind of the whole

terror. He wants to be seen as a hero and the savior for Vatican so people will

believe that science is destructive for human.

5. Resolution or Denouement

According Roberts and Jacobs, the resolution (a releasing or untying) or

denouement (untying) is the set of action bringing the story to its conclusion. The

major actions are completed and the final action, the walking, underscores the

note of finality (1987: 90-91). The conflict ends when Camerlengo has completed

his mission and burns himself.




The conclave is continued. Finally, a new pope has been elected. The

people on the St. Peter’s Square are happy.

The research and license on antimatter is suspended until it is really safe

for people to use it. Langdon gets the Illuminati Diamond ambigram for his

research as a Religious Iconology. The story is closed with Langdon and Vittoria

that are retired in Hotel Bernini.

B. The Messages of the Story

According to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature, message is the

real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized

inside a work of art (1989: 899). There are some messages that are found in the


1. Science and Religion can Stand Side by Side

In the story, the existence of universe becomes the bitterest conflict in the

history of science and religion. Genesis states that God created the universe from

no single thing. The creation of universe from nothing at all is impossible because

everything in earth is matter. Water, trees, rocks, and even air are classified as

physical substances or matter. So, it cannot be accepted by scientists because

Genesis is contradicted with the laws of modern physics. Therefore, scientists

claim that Genesis is not rational and scientifically absurd.

Meanwhile, the story mentioned that Big Bang is accepted scientifically as

the model for the creation of the universe. Big Bang is a scientific theory about




the event which led to the formation of universe and it will be an attempt to

explain how universe is created without God. However, Leonardo Vetra believes

that there is God involvement in the Big Bang. Vetra considers physics as the

God’s natural law. He wants to bring science to a higher level where science

supports the concept of God. Then, he creates antimatter to settle the conflict

between science and religion.

The conflict happens because each person has their own way to understand

and believe in God. There will be many ways to find truth which proofs the

existence of God. It is describes in the quotation below.

‘... Faith is universal. Our specific methods for understanding it are arbitrary. Some of us pray to Jesus, some of us go to Mecca, some of us study subatomic particles. In the end we are all just searching for truth, that which is greater than ourselves.’ (p.134)

Faith is universal but the way of people to believe in God is various. Some are

Christian, some are Muslim, while some others believe that science can reveal the

existence of God. All of them have similarity that is believing in God. Christian or

Muslim or science is only the medium for human being to find the truth about

God as the Creator. The conflicts in the story happen because each has different

version on finding truth. People need to find proofs to support their belief and

understanding about God.

Antimatter supports Genesis because it proves that Genesis is scientifically

possible and rational. So, the universe can be created from nothing at all as in

Genesis. Science becomes a proof for the existence of God and antimatter is an

example of scientific contribution to religious belief.




As the scientific invention, antimatter is publicized in a wrong way. By

exposing its destructive effect, it will give a bad effect not only for the antimatter

but also for CERN which means the destruction of CERN, the heaven for

scientists. As a sign of succession, commercialism is needed for antimatter. So,

antimatter needs to be publicized in order to make people know it. Besides,

publication is also needed as a way to persuade people to use it. The success of

antimatter can be shown from its popularity among people. Moreover, the success

of antimatter also represents the success of the creator. The more people use

antimatter, the much money can be earn by the creator. Nowadays, science

develops greatly because of the economic growth that is run by businessmen. It

means that scientific invention is used as a medium to earn money. The scientists

will be rich and can endow other researches. Therefore, commercialism is

important for scientific invention.

Antimatter will give benefit for people like Vetra and Vittoria to earn

money. In present year, antimatter is the most costly inventions that CERN has

ever made. It is used for medical purpose and alternative fuels.

Religion also takes an important role in the development of science.

Religion reveals human values which are relative and abstract. It deals with moral

value that teaches about goodness and badness in life. Religion can govern

human’s life to do something good. Besides, it has purpose to protect human from

the dangerous effect of science. Religious belief can function as a framework in

which scientific development flourishes. Therefore, religious belief can save

human being from the dangerous effect of science.




Through his work, the author illustrates that juxtaposition between science

and religion can break the peace and even cause a war. Both science and religion

have different purposes for human’s life. Both have important roles to fulfill

humans need. Science and religion do not need to be seen as conflict but seen as

something compatible. Thus, science and religion can stand side by side.

2. People should be Responsible to Use Scientific Inventions

Nowadays, science develops greatly in order to fulfill human’s growing

need. Science is a medium for human being to reveal their curiosity about the

natural world because science relies on facts and verification to obtain the truth.

So, science flourishes rapidly in order to solve human’s problems on simplicity

and efficiency. Through science, human can enjoy the use of gadgetry for

entertainment. Besides, people can easily communicate with each other. Science

also enables human to create medicine to cure some illnesses and it has wonderful

potential to control diseases. Science even allows human to have journey in space.

Science flourishes because human rational thinking which needs of proof.

By observing and doing experiments, science becomes one of the ways to verify

theories on natural world. Science develops in physics, astronomy, biology,

mathematic, chemistry, and technology.

In the story, antimatter is a new discovery on technology. It is created

artificially to make sense Genesis. Moreover, antimatter will be used as portable

generators. Unfortunately, Camerlengo misused it and he exposes its destructive





‘Limitless energy. No strip mining. No pollution. No radiation. Antimatter technology could save the planet.’ ‘Or destroy it,’...’Depending on who uses it for what.’... (p.106)

The quotation above describes that antimatter will not damage the

environment. Antimatter is created with no activity on mining. As a physicist,

Vittoria is mostly concerned with the environment damage caused by strip

mining. Then, she supports her father to create antimatter. Vittoria hopes that

antimatter can be an alternative energy source replacing fossil fuels or other

conventional fuels. Furthermore, the energy storage in the form of antimatter is

100% efficient. Besides, antimatter is created for an environment friendly fuel

which is safe for environment and non pollution. So, it will be the best fuels in the

21st century.

Although antimatter is better than conventional fuels, the plot shows its

destructive effect as the weakness. The annihilation between antimatter and matter

can be both the source of energy for electricity and the ultimate weapon. In fact,

antimatter technology is a double-edged sword for human being. It does not only

have advantages but also has disadvantages.

The story portrays that technology or other scientific inventions can carry

risk. Scientific inventions do not only offer efficiency and simplicity but also offer

chaos and mess. The medical breakthrough, like genetic research, can cure the

diseases but if it is misused, it can kill human or even cause the end of human

race. The rocket science that carries the space shuttle can also carry warheads. The

use of gadgetry makes people comfort and entertained but it will make them




lonely. The antimatter technology also carries risk. It can be environment friendly

fuels but if it is misused it will be the mass killer.

Through his work, the author wants to show the use of scientific invention

depends on the people who use it. Human beings take an important role in the

development of science. Thus, people should be responsible to use scientific

invention because if human is not responsible enough to use it, scientific

invention will give more negative effects than its positive effects.






This study will focus on a novel entitled Angels and Demons by Dan

Brown. The author tries to reveal the conflicts between science and religion which

as happens in Illuminati and Catholic Church. Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra

try to stop Illuminati as the men of science and an anti-Catholic brotherhood from

destroying Vatican City with the new invention that is antimatter. The writer

chooses Brown’s Angles and Demons as the object of this thesis because it is a

controversial story with offers knowledge and history.  

The following is the structure of the plot. First, exposition introduces

Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra as the protagonists. They are called to

investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra. The investigation leads them to the

disappearance of antimatter from its recharging podium at CERN. Second,

complication introduces the antagonists that are Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca as

the mastermind, and Hassasin as the executor. It also marks the major conflict of

the story that is the disappearance of antimatter to create the terror in Vatican

City. Camerlengo uses Illuminati as the camouflage and exposes the dangerous

effect of science. He wants people believe that religion is the only way to find

truth in human’s life. Third, crisis happens when Langdon and Vittoria must find

antimatter in a few hours before it explodes and then, they have to find the master

mind of the whole terror. Fourth, climax happens when antimatter is found and



the mastermind of the terror can be revealed. The last is resolution which ends the

conflict. The story ends when Camerlengo burns himself to complete his mission.

By examining the plot, the writer of this thesis can reveal the messages

within the story. Through his work, the author illustrates that juxtaposition

between science and religion can break the peace and even cause a war. Both have

different purposes for human’s life and important roles to fulfill humans need. So,

science and religion can stand side by side. The author also wants to show that

people should be responsible to use scientific inventions. Human beings take an

important role in the development of science. If human is not responsible enough

to use it, science will give more negative effects than its positive effects.




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