Persons Who Pledge $5· Gain· Say on Hospital , Experts


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Transcript of Persons Who Pledge $5· Gain· Say on Hospital , Experts

Chamber Plans ·Employe Night.

1\If!miH:l'H of t11e r,TnHnn Chum· b~r of Crunrn11reo will Hhow their ll(l]li'CI'intlrm of empioyeH 111 11

hnnqnf!l nt liw Anwril'llll Lr•glon bllildlng Monday nigh!, Novl!ln· her 1.

The Ingham County ~,~)Ns f'i(lnnsm'l'll hy Uw Cluunhm·,

the pt•og•·nm will f••ntm·n •~ dhuwr, J;"iftti 111111 entm-lnln· ment. 'l'he dimwt· will lwgln pt 11:•11\,

"Ciwmber mcmhci'R agree that employes play a maJm· rnie in nttrnctJng and ~nli:;fying f'Uslom· crs In Mn~on," declnred Winston Dancer, president of the 70·mern· ber organiznlion. "'I'IJis progTurn hns been in till! plnnnlnr.: slilf.:l's for months anrl the l!rHnmilfec hils marie a rP;Ji dfort to show employes a gond thm~."

Bernard Curly lwads up I iw Pill·

pioyr•s apprreiation nir.:ilt. Dunn is in l'iHII'J.:P. of entr~rl:rln· nient; Rill l'rll'l;nns, dim•r•r und place; Didc .Jewett, tah'e df't•ora­tions and favors; Bill Cummi11gs, IWiidtnlion of gifts; and Jim Ingh•·am, ticiwts. ·

neset·vations fot· the evcmt r·nn be made through Curly any time thi~ week, till! ehaimwn said.

nescrvatirms . for ahnut 150 ilnvc already llccn t•eceived hy the commit lee, Cady staled.

Mason Attracts Colorful Dancers Gaily rln~ssed men !IIlli wnmrm

nrP. corning to Mn~nn Thursday nigh~ from all over tiH• slate, They are hcnding for the Anwri· eim L~glon hail In attend liw fall roundup of the Lnnsing Fericra· tion of Srtuarc Dance r:Juhs,

There arc 2<1 ciuhs in I he. L:m· sing fedemtion. They will he hosts at the party . .Joe llne of Mason is ehairmun. Ahout 27:1 arc expeetcd. Women will he Httlred in full sllirts of con· trasting colors and patterns.

Jerry licit, Cincinnal I caller, has accepted an lnvilallon to do the calling ..

·Planning Expert Advises Group Floyd Parker, school Jllannlng

advisor in the college of edur:n· ilon at Michigan State, counseicrl M<tson's Com m u n I t y Couneii school study committee Monday night.

Pari<er told or surveys taiccn elsewhet·e in Michigan anrl in otber state~ and advised _on ways lll)d means of accomplishing the ·Mason study.

Nlnoly-Eighth YoM- No, 43

City ~_f!eks $39·,ooo L'()an· To Cover l.aferai-·Sewers . ' . ' . '

Ma5on, Michigan, Thursd11y, Octobor 24, 1957 4 Soc lion~- 20 Pogos

Work Will Begin Next Wee.k

( · ..

. I,

By this time next week, or within a few days thereafter, gt'OIIIH.i will be bmitcn for the new Mnsnn Cornmunily hospital.

Contrads ure now hein!l .writ· ten and contractnrs ure plueing orders for materials.

Tuesday night the building com m ltte e rer•oimnendcrl the nwai'Cilnr.: of contraciJ> and on Wednesday lire twspllai hoard fo'rrnaliy marie the uwards. They will go to:

NnnlstJ'(illl·lllyl'rs, 1111'., Lnn· ~lng, general contract, $237,722,

,J, A. Diu·t Co,, Mason, mcciwn· leal coni •·act, $14!1,87!1.

Jlnt.zcl' & Bnelllt••·, Larising, elec:trical contract, $::it ,:17:1.

Those 3 contracts add up to $139,176. But thnt isn't all the story. '!'hut pricP. inc:ludcs only the building IIIHI major equipment, not hospital beds and other equip· ment.

Added to the $13!1,176 must be $30,712 to cover architect fees, $5,500 for supervision during con· struction, $31,000 for the fund· raising campai~;n, anrt $1fi,OOO for parldng areas, sidcwail<s and drives. ·

If It were necessary to purchasP. ali the hospital room equipment lor· <18 beds now that would cost $76,800, and another $30,000 would be required fot· operating room equipment, fm· X-ray rna· chines, sterilizers and labm·a tory equipment.

Because the bids were consider· ably below e~tlmatcs of archi· tects, the board wa~ enabled to build for 18 beds instead of the 36 as originally planned. The extra 12 beds, (6 rooms) arch!· tects explained, can lie provided with the original contract for $26,617.

AdolJlh Rocssllng of the urchltcchu•Jtl fil'm of SmU.h, Jllnchmnn & G t•yil!l A ~>Soc!· utcs, Inc., Detroit, calle1l· tlw bids on the . Mn~on hoSIJIIal low.· beyond expectations.

· ''Bid~ figure out $19.00 per

Seibert stn ted.' "We believe the Herbert 'l'ayim· bequest will pro· vide $7f>,001J nnd the present hns· pitul huiicllng sule wJII yil'lll u con· sirlemi>lc sum."

"In thnt light," Seibert r-nntln· ucd, "we can get tiw hospital op· crating, hut the flnnnqinl ph.:tun~ docs not permit the ·hospital hmll'!i any luxuries r1t this time. We pmbnhly won't he able to pm· Vide all <18 beds at the outset."

Itoessiing III'!Wd hmtu•dintll sl!u·t of conslruclion.

"Contl'Hr:tot·s have giVI]Il you some wonrlcrfui prii.:C':; and you have an ohlit:;at ion to award con· lraels 111 once ~o eonlrnr:lors r·an maiw firm conlrar:ts with sup· pliers and ~Ub·conlracloi'S," Hoes· sling said.

Tile hospital will he huiit on East Columbia, on a 5-acrc site donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ar·tllur W. Jewett.

fiay Perl<ins is r.:hairman of the building eommlltee. lie has

General Contract

a~rePd In ''nnt inlll' :ro cimil'lmin during l'flll!;ll'll<'linll Ulld AI Hkri, unnthP.t' mniinitll'l' memhrt•, has nr:r1•eri tn I'OIJtlnul' as l'nordlnntor hetwePn luwpital hnarrl, huiililng commlllr~l', ari'!JitPels ami con· ll'ar•lors. Olhl'l' mr•ml11•rs of lhll huiidlng. r·onlnlitlr•l~ are Glen Conn, Arlhrn• W .• lf'\1'1'11, Frnlll< K. l~vans, Dr. U. 1\. i'nulcy, Wlll· leJ' I•;. :.'.illlllll'l', l>r. ll. tt. Leth· hrlrigl', [)!-, (Jt>orgr! Clilllon Hill! SP!hf'rl.

lliri:; WI'J'P l'l'l'l'iVI'd lw;t 'i'illii'S• day nlgi11. 'J'iu•n.: wr·n~ H on the' gPJII'l'HI r·on I rn f'l, 7 on I he me­d~:rnil'ai I'OIIIrat•l H'lri •I on thrl ell'r'll'ic'ai 1'11111 r:u•t.

t.'ill'islm;rn ( 'o, of I ,ansillg Wa3 sf'r'fiiiii low on tlu• r·onrpir>le r•on· tr;wt, sulunilling a hirl of $,122,532 Wilir:h canH~ rHII to $l•l7,71i2 with tiw 2 aitr•rnnll'!; !lll'illlif'rl. 'l'he lola] of lf11• :1 SI'JHII'HIC 1Jir!3 ac· 1:Ppl I'd is $H,fi~fi 11111'1'1',

l'llelllhf'rs of tiu• tllrilrllnr: COlli·

mitlcc hHrl tills tahuialion of bids hefon~ IIH•m;

n.ur. Bid All. I All. 2 NuJdKirum, MyerK, fill'., l-AlnHinu . . ... $~1l1,rLi.jU 'l'he Glu·lnlmnn Cn., I.,~nnKIIIK (ComJ•It•lt! hid) .. ·1:.!~,:,·1:!

$7 ,;, :1 I !I.~ ;,IJ

$1 11,:! j[,

1 :.,aHu


$.::17,7C2 U7,71i2

Pen'llll CunKll'llf'tinn Cu., llctrnit ................... :!·1~.~.1111 Wnllfll' L. UDIIHC & Cu •• IJell'oit .................. ,. :! lro,'IHU

l•'ot!lCI', HhPI'Illl11'honl, UUI'/11'11, flu·., J,.tnlliu"' .. ;!;,),qllll

Clna·k CorHHr·u•·llun Cu., Lunuiu..: ................... :.:r,!t, l.!n lh•lliKf!l' CunKII'Udlun Co., l.nr111i11~ ..... . :!IIH,:o·l:!

'J'humfiiHIIhSchmhlt Co., 1Jet1·oit :!7o,H IIi [41llnJ1IH'r'l~ llt'cJ! h1•rt1, Mn11on ............................ :111 1,.-,a 1

Mcchnnit11l Contrnct ,J. A. Jl11 l'l Cn, 1\hson ................ ..

(t. 1 .. HJtltzl('y, J)t•lrull .................. .. Hrnll7., UiPhl·l.uhmun, J.unKillK ................. 1 l.nnw Plurnhin~ & Hf•ulinJ.C", Flint Iltll'd, Iru~ •• LIIIIKiug .

'l'he F11rrinutun Cu., llc>trnlt ..... , nmiM Ml•f•hnrdr~nl Contl'llr'lOI'K, llf'll'oit ....... ..

Elcctricnl Contract Ilnlr.el & Buchh•r, Inc, I~ant~IHJ: .............. ..

I I :1, C\ :! ~I I.·, J,r,~u I ;,:1,7ioll 1 r,7 ,!1::t1 I !i l,f,llli IIi I ,fiK!I

177 ,til'lll

Lamtln~o: glm:trfc Mnl.uJ'H, Lanning . .Jii,~lf!'l

F. ll. HnycH gJef'll'ic Co., Lau~lng ........... .... ·1\t,fitiH

BlldHll'•l•'o\\ler Cu., l.nnniiiJ.: .......................... r.7,7,",;t



'/ ,,Htll

'1./e:, 7, ·~~;·r 7 ,II;\ II



~.I \Ill

l,tilll l,!t:.o I,Siill

:~. J II U


!I ~~ ; I h7 ;, Sll!i

7 ;, 7

II ,f,hO ~lil,Ofltl

1 ~.Joi I! I 2ti6,Hfill iii,H!III ~~m.~oh 1 ,,,a~r. 277,4711 II,IK!i 271l,U ~!l ill.~idl :!HH, I 2U I:.!, 7 ~II :J:!r., 1 H :l

Lit lilt I >I\I,H7n l,:t."'IJ 1 Ml,l no !I, I "ill I fdo!.iJ71J l.u I r, lli:!,Hlll)

!I,I,'IU llifl,K!HI 1,111!1 lh7,U8S •l.fotJII IH4,480

I ,SilO fi I.:J76 1.72:1 f,J ,561 I ,:oliO ii'l,064 1,:.:12 li."o,042

Persons Who Pledge $5· Gain· Say on Hospital

. 'l'he meeting was at the home of Mr. nml Mrs. Robert Seyfarth on, Phillips roud. Mrs. Seyfarth and Robert Ware arc co·chairmen o! the· committee named l<tsl .sprin~ to conduct the studies. Suborclina te committees are be· lhg set up to mai~e studies on building needs, transportation needs, curriculum Improvement

·and other present ami futm·c jn·ohiems which a growing com­munity 1)1Ust face. Mrs. Herschel Jewel t is secretary of the genemi

All·that stands in the 'way of .plant and expand existing facil· Mason's $30,000 special assess· !tics.' : · ·, ,' .' .

NO BATHTUB RINGS, yet this tub is 67 years old; Leslie ~tnd Arthur Hodgson discovered the antiCjue in a barn .they pur •. chased on Dexter l'rail south of' Dansville. Dcmonst~ating how much fun baths usod to be are Mrs. Jack Davis and her son Charlie. [Ingham County Ne~s photo. I ' '

square .foot, $9,375 per bed," . Under new .... by Jaws adopter! Rocssiing said, "and that's a fig· Monday night all persons who ure we have not been able to have pledged $5 to the Mason achieve at any recent letting." Community hospital fund gain

Smith, Hlnch'man & Gi·ylls As· voting rights.

liam ·E. Clark The board wai en· 1 •

larged to fl a year ami a half ago. Other rlire('lors arc Howard Sci· bert, Dnvirl Dir~hl, Hay Perldns, !"rank Nellmwa.v ami Albert Humphrey. SeiiH•rl is president, Perkins is vil'e·pi'I!Hident, Mrs. Clinton is f:CI'I'i!lat·y and Humpli: rey is t'reasuret',

ment boncl is'sue is finding of on Nr.lvember :·5' Mason· prop· someone to advance the money. crty owners will go,to the polls· to

Wifh a French Fold soclates, Inc., recommended the They can retain voting rights letting of the 3 conh·acts and the by paying $5 per year. They can recommendations were accepted not only vote for directors 'and by the building ·committee. Tues. share In the responsibility of day night. management, the payment of $!1

Monday nir.:ht the city council deciclc whether the 'city· should approved lhe bond issue .. '!'he issue $390,000 In" 'gent!ral obllga· $3fJ,OOO anticipated will pay for lion bonds lor a new disposal lhe 12 ialeral sewer projcets in plant. · llw_ southwest section oi town, Also in the plans is a· revenue

The bond lssut• wil I be secured bond Issue.

committee. · , Another. meeting has been

called for Mopday nlfl'ht, Novcm· her '4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Walton, 930 Dart r,oad.'

by the taxes colier.:ted on the s [I e r.: i a I assessments charged against property In the sewer dis· irict. The s]Jceial assessments stretch over a 10-year period,

The special assessment hnndi ng is ,iust one tJart of the linaneiai plan adv<.mccd h,Y Mason eoundi· men to bui111 new sewers, disposal

, Experts·· Cite Reasons On Sewerage System , ·

.Experts, a pane~ of them, agree l 'I'hc present plant. rlocs a good that Mason must tmmcdiatcly CX· joh frw its size~ <IIHI age but it paml and, Improve Its sewerage does nul !~ave the r:apaeity for sy.stem. 'l hat mc;ms a new dis- pt•escnt. 'needs and neither does p9sal plant, new trunk sewers, it reduce the effluent Jo meet sewage pumping . station, new present standards, McCauley well and more water str>rage. stated,

'!'he Jll'l~stmt fJ:unt. will he l'tolllil'o'd, hOIV!lVIll'1 Sllid 1\JC•

. Mason's · sewagl.! plant prob· !ems came to a ·head when the Michigan heaith department Is· sued an utimatuin. to either stop polluting Sycamore·creck or face court action. ·

At . Mo'J\'cl;y . night's '. council meeting Cit,v Engin~er Waiter E. Zimtper gave· a· prcigr·es~ _report on the interceptor sowe1· and the lift station. · Hf! reported the in· terccptor. completed ail the way along"the Sycamore from the In­tersection of Lansing and Jcffer· son streets to Oal< street.

The' prefabricated lltt station fll'l'i'(ed on the job .Tuesday .. Ted Beauchamp, Stockbridge con· tractot·, will do the installing.

Teacher Demands Trial ·on. Assault Mayor Paul D.· Richnrcls was

moderator of the panel at the Ki· wa nis ci ub meeting 'Fucsday night, a panel telling why the city must act, willingly or unwlll·

Cunley, nnd Its drying lmds Clinton Stratlon, 45, charger! and st•.ltling IILnl!s will be with beating a· 15-yem··old pupil

higly. '

On tim 111111cl we.t·e Wulh~r 1~. Zimmer, dty cmgin1~e•· fm· ,40 ye•Hs; 11ohl!l't .!UeCunley of J.tmslng, c·onsult.lng cmgln1•m·; ·WniiRI'e BlliiZie of t.l11l !ltuto h·e •~ it. h deJ>ut·tmeJlt; und ,Julius llumilovsky, J~ast Lnn· sing, finnJ!ch'l ndvlso1', ·

used. 'rhe lll'l~s1mt Jllnnt will at Webberville, pleaded not gull· he mnlntnirwd I'm· nuxilinJ'Y ty. Stratton was arrested 'at the 01' emel·gmwy uSt•, the c~on· home of his parents in Mt. Plcas-culting C}lgincm· eXJihliJu~d. ant Saturday rind was tal<cn be·

fore Justice of the. Peace Alfred Benzie reported that the effiu· , .

ent from the disposal plant Is AD!\tl'rs GUIL'l' 20'/r above tolerated strength per. mltted in the Sycamore, The Ma· son situation was serious in 1947 and has now become critical, he

Zlmmcrr pointed out that Mason declared. He indicatml that ·unless built Its sirnltary sewer system In Mason makes immediate correc· 1923; 1924 itnd 1925; and its dis. tion the city faces court action. posal plant l!t ,1924. It was built, Hanslovsi<y toid of the enviable he said, to carc,for a population financial position oL the city-

. of 1,800. In"1934 when sludge col· without a[JY bonded· ·;debt. One

· Clinton Stl'lltton 11~vm·sed his Jlle!L befm•o' Jullge Coch, · •·uue .'fhiii'Hdny t!i1on und plendc..'!l guilty to a ehnt•ge of aNsanltlng Lm·oy l~t·b, ,Judge. :COchrnno sentmiceil StJ•&Itton $11.10 flnll •lllld 'cost:\ 1111d 5 days In J•~ll. :Tho JaU time 'was su!!lleil!led. · ·

Hodg,sons Find· Old Bathtub Auothl'l' 1'111111/.:'1! in the. by·

IIIII's Jll'nvirlt•s fur st.nggerctl INms ntut rolury fl•t·ms. No 1lil·r·1·11••· will h!! IH'I'IIlitted to Sl'l'\'11 llllll'll 1111111 )l tCI11l!! ill

It was pi·obably a Frenchman and his wife, although contem· pomrics can't rcr.:ali their names, who imported a iuxmious folding bathtub to their farm home on Dexter Trail 70 ycnrs ago. Most folies nt. the time took theit· oc· casionai winter balhs in washtubs ncar kitchen stoves, The F'rench farm is now owned by Mr. and M1·s. Leslie Hodgson and Arthu1· Hodgson. They purr.:imscrl it from. the Mills family this year.

Folding bathltih~ and washtubs evei\tually were rcpincetl by mod· ern tubs with runnihr.: water. And memories faded.

That was the end of folding bathtubs until the Iloclgsons dis· covered the Frr.m!hman's tub in perfect condition in a barn.

Cady Hardware Will Sell Out In order to devote more time

to [)iumhing and healing contract wot·k, Don Cady lws put his hard· ware store sloe!\ up fot· public auction. '!'he merchandise will be sold at the store Tucsrlay, Novem­ber 5, beginning at ·10:30 In the morning,

"The hardware business and· contracting work do not seem to mix," Cady explained as he Ill'·

ranged merchandise for the sale. "There are too many Interrup­tions while woridng on biue­pt•ints and we feel that we can do a better plumbing and heating business by specializing."

Cady also pointed out that too many other unrelated businesses sell' hardware. '

Architects said that No1·dstrom· entitles them to serve on the Tlte Hoclgsons have re-as. Myers, Inc., Is expeJ•Ienced and board of directors If eledcd.

sembled the tub, dusted it off and does good worl<; and that the J. When the Mason General has· this winter they plan to refinish A, Dart Co. has the equipment pilal was first reorganized as a the ornate auk panclhig and try and the experience and a reputa· non-profit corporation there were it out. . tlon for giving satisfaction. 4 dit·ectors, Dr. and Mrs. George

When not in usc, ti1e folding "It's a toss-up between Hatzel R. Clinton and Dr. and Mrs. Wll· tub ifl designed to stand against & Buehler, Inc. and Litnslng -----a bedroom wall to resemble 11 Electric Motors," Rocssling de· w•1 D' • dressei' or chest. To prepare for clared. "Hatwl & Buchler is low I COX IStnct a refreshingly· warm bath, one by $113 on 'the base bid with merely had to pull the·tUb down Lunsing Electric $11 low on the. u f D' • • from the wall \vhich left a water bid ·Including the 2 alternates, . p or IVISIOn tank and a. heater exposed. A Our recommendation is based on few trips to the tanl< with well the, Work load ofthe 2 firms." Seventeen property owners· hi water,· some fuel and u match Hatzel & Buehler has a Lansing what was the· Wilcox school dis· were .all that wc1·e required .. office, with qther .olTices In De· trict in Aurelius and Onondaga There's a dt·aln In the botfom of trait and New Yorl<. townships have petitioned to have the Frenchman's tub which prob· Roessling and Irving Ruben, their lands set over Into Eaton ably lerl off to the basoment or I also representing the arch !tee· Rapids school district outdoors. . . tural firm,· cxplaln.ed that pros· When the district voter! In Sep-

Tile. tub is shapcri much llice a pectlve bidders r~celved notice temher for annexation to Mason modern one although smaller. that low base bids would govern It was agreed that patrons who Most of !he metal work is zinc. the requested it coulrl have their Fittings arf! copper. There is nary If finances w111 permit, archl· lands annexed to Eaton Ilapids. n ring in the tub which, accord· tects said, homogenous vinyl tile The farms of the 17 petitioners ing to the Hodgsons, indicates should be used In corridors, oper· lie south of Barnes road and Wf!st that either the equipment wasn't ating room, delivery room, emcr· o[ Onondaga road. Owners of 2 used much or else the Frenchman gency room and i<itchen Instead parcels In those areas want to and his wife tool< time to scrub .of the asbestos-vinyl .tile now In remain In the Mason district, but it out before storing It In the the specifications. The added costs will be carried along to Eaton barn.· ' would be $6,500, they explained, Rapids if the annexation petitions

The folding bathtub was made but'the costs would be more than· arc granted. in Marshall and was patentee! In made up over the years by less j]:aton and Ingham county


Tile nnnuai nwet ing of the cor· pomtion will be on the thitd WcdrH'sriay in .January. Special meetings may 1!1~ called by the president prnvirir'ci notice of at lens! llllP wcr~i1 is published ln tllll lnglwm County News. •

Direl'lors of lite hospital will mr.r~t the fourth Monday nigl1t·ot every mont !1.

In event of a vacancy on tho boani, the otltei' members may appoint a su•·,·essm· to fill tile va­r·anr·y until the next. annual meet. in g.

Officr~rs of the r•orpot·nt.ion will be ciccled for nne·ycar tctms and no rcrson mny be an officer ex· ccpt. a member or the board of di· rectors.

With the hospital under con­tracl, the ilnarri of rlircr.:tors wljl name commiltP.r.s lo cncou!'flge prnrnpl pnymr.nt of pledges and to solicit r•onlf•ibutions It·om peo­ple moving inlo the area. Tho present lwarri of directors wll'r .. · control the vreoent hospital, too,

1890. A shipping tag nailed to the maintenance and longer wear. boards of education ancl Mason back of the heater boasts "Hus- and Eaton Rapids school board Good Hunfl•ng tic Me Along, Somcbody's Walt· JloiVnrd Selbm·t, chnlt·mun members will confer over the ing To Take a Bath!". of lUtlson Genom! hosl•ital Wilcox annexation at the county 'I'hcl'e arc plen.iy of phea5ants,

A dip In Hodgson's foldt'n" tub board, wnt•ned membe•·s of bo~rd of education office In Ma· t I '·V It M 1 1 "' the bullcllng committee of ..., repor er v a e1' utc 1 er, Ing.

many years ago must hav~ been the light !lfJUeC'le between son November 12. . hnm conservation officer. With worth the walt. costs and •~vullnble fimds. . In the Ferris district of Onon-, the opening on Monday, hunting

daga Friday night a vote will be pt·cssure waH far ligllter than as

I "Every penny of the.· $533,000 tai<en on annexation to the Eaton though it had been a wccl<-el\d Fami y Doubles in pledges will have to be paid," Rapids district. opening. 0 •

With Triplets . Halloween Will· Feature Fireworks Inciudecl in the auction will be M1·. and Mrs. Loren Everett of

lectors were installed to displace must be ass·umed, 1\r.lwevet•, he A. Cochrane of Leroy township hand operation the· population indicatcrl, If the city Is to keep Monday. The judge•tcntatlvely·set was only 2,200, Zimmer said. In pace with population growth. the trial lor next Monday fore· 1938 when filters were added, the Without an adequate sewer and noon at 10:30 .. Bond' of ·$300 was population was 2,800, the engl. water, system the city will be set. , .. ' . . ·

tools, hardware, pipe and fittings, 3119 Phillips road had 3 children Fireworks will be touched off plumbing fixtures, 'houseware b,e!ore last Thursday. Now they In observance of Mason's 26th an· and gifts, sporting goods and have 6. Triplets were horn at nunl Halloween party. trucks and trailers. Sparrow hospital. They and their The party will be at Athletic

Cacly said he· will continue to. weights arc: Marie Jo, 3 lb, 3 oz; field next Thursday night. Last usc his building fot· rllsplaying Marcia Joy, 3 lb, 11 oz; and Murlt year more than 1,000 youngsters plumbing and heating equipment. ,Jay, 4 lb, 13 oz. , 1 ' participated. Arrangements are

·The Mason school ' band will Laurence Parlmr, prizes; Al Rice, lead a parade from the high physir:al at•rangcmcnt.s; Mr. and· school to Athletic field,· starting Mrs. Ilay Peri1ins, eostume ;luctg. at 7. There will 'be police escort ing; lcorrcst Hineh;u-t, hlgl1 and the fire department trucl<s school dance; Glen C,oon, pubjio ... will also be a purt of the parade. address sy~tem and lights; .nnct .' . nl!er said, and the plant Is lnade· prevcntccl from adding new resl· ·Stratton was· scheduled to ap.

quate to serve the present popu· dences, he salrl. New residences, pear before . the.·· \\l,ebbervllle lation of 4,000, he added·. he pointed out, will bi·oaden the school board last Thursday night · 0 rIg in a II y the sewage city's tax base and !'educe I nell· in an Investigation of the allegl!d amounted to 300,000 gallons per vidual tax burdens. assault on Wednesday,' Stratton day. Now It is 600,000 hi summer Mason property owners will Is charged .With· attacking 11nd and !all and up. to 1,000,000 In vote ·November 5 on lssuanee of Injuring Leroy .. Erb, 15, of Wil· the· s·prlng, · the engineer· ex· $390,000 In sewer and water gen· llamston;. The· .EJ•b boy claimed plalned. era! obligation bonrls·. The coun. Stmtton struck·, him and hurled

Mason , needs an activated ell also· intends to Issue $175,000· him· against. a. desk,. causing se· sludge plant to replace the pres· in water and seweJ' revenue vere Injuries. The altercation be· . e~t trickling· filter system, Me· bonds, Hanslovsl<y said. The 2 tween teacher: an~. pupil staJ'ted Cauley said. The city could build methods of' financing wiU. be rc· in ·a shop class, the. boy said. another trickling lllter. tank and qutred to obtain the best flnan· \ Stratton Is a bacheioi'. He be· · · the 2 In tancjem, he ex· cial cdelll, he explained.. gonn his. 'teachlng''a~ ·Webberville p~:~~~~~h;b~~ut· the· cost would run · in September •. He ,has previously

.n completelv ne\v ac Ir you lnvu the outdoot••, you'll love taun'tt I In T·nke· 'Od LeR ' ' ~ • ·Ouofold ' ~-lnyol' l!,.ulntod undoi'WUill'. . "'"" ' .;.., . CHsa, oy

'lll1Stllim,:,.. .:1,·.. . IJrwl1 Mun:n. Wrru·, Mn"o~, . 111w1 and J)'owler,· ~· · ~ ,.', .. c. , •

No Strike Yet Up until noon Thur8day

thm·e wn.'l no evllleuee of u milk stl'll<e. 1't 1\lnNOn, 'l'hm•e wm·e no J•h~lwts tit Wyeth' Lllb· omtorltl!l, Inc, t'IUI thm-e Wll.'l r..-. nppurent. with,JtohUtlg of mil,k f•·om (II'Oducm·s. The Dairy Farmer!l · Co·O}lerntlve called u stl·ike Wednll!!day on milk going. to Dct:rolt but tlte 1\llcbigutf 1\tllk as· ' !IOCiatlon dech\l'etl It lntcncls to supply Olltt:Olt with milk,

' ' ' . 7 I

Dr. Lester Wolcott of Okemos being made to · was the attending physician. entertain even ..'''ill<''''-'~''h'\ ..

The Everetts nrc doing better more this year, each time. Their first child 1~ suld Donald Gerry Ann, 10; then came twins, lngton und Dr. Clarice and Clare, 9; and now the 0. Keith Pauley, .triplets. . · co-chairmen' o f.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Everett of the Mason I<l· Okemos and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis w a n is c I u b's Wieland of Phillips roild, Mason, Halloween committee. The are 'the grandpat·ents. The Ever· wanls club has sponsored the af· ett children also have· a great·' fair since 1931. · grandmother,· Mrs, Ada Gubbins . In addition to tile Jlroworks of Okemos. · · tl1ere wlll be gamitl!l and

races,· a· . 0011tumo ' contest, tavoni ud rot~llmcntS. ' ·

After the games a big bonfire James Glotta ami l!'rank Guer• will be touched off. ' rlcro, refreshments.

This Halloween there IVill be a The annual party for· Mason departure from the program of youngsters is based nn the tradl· rec..-ent years. There wlll be no tlon that there should be no· trlcl' sponsored parties for primary, or t•:cat outbreaks and that res!· pupils at the schools, They·wnl be denttal anrl store windows not bo expected at th.e big party at AUF soaped or ot.hcrwlse molested .. letlc field. There will be 2 re· There has been almost· com• · freshment lines, one for prhnary plcte cooperation In the ·Hallo.• pupils\ ·and the other for upper ween celebration in recent yeaJ•s, . elementary. In fact, there have been only~a

Chairmen of . sub·commlttees few years, ami they were the fir~t are Jack Davis, entertainment; ones, when cooperation has not James· H. Vander Vcn, music and been phcnominal. · New famllle~ ficldi Pete Lamphere, bonfire and not acquainted with the ·traditloll fire truc~s; Gus Kean, favors; are•asked to observ«: lt. ,

lnuham County News, Mason, Micb., October 24, 1951 A·2 ""'' '! ·Housel Dist1·ict Holt News

Sycamore P. T.A. M.eet.s

Officer Arrests Ingham Hunters Hunters hecume the hunted hr

some cases In· Inghutn county this week, Waltcl' Mutchler, slate conservation otrlcer, lll'l'estcd scv­eml hunters on ·tlrst duy of hlmt· lng .scllson· Momluy a11d the rluys following for vlo!ntlon of fire· arms Jaws unrl gume regulutlons.

Churc~ Sponsors Supper

·lly llfi'H, Alton Hlnney we1·e Introducer). Mrs. Betty Tny· lor's thh1l grade room won the

'l'he first regular meeting o!. attendance award. Holt Syeamore PTA was conduct· .A sldt, entltlerl Fnree of Syca· eel Monday night In the ull·PIII'· more, was pJ•esented by officers )JOse l'Dom of the sehool with 93 nnd commltll!e chnlt·men. In de· parents nttentllng. p!ctlng the rfdil'UlntiH they rmr·

During the !Juslness• m~etlng trayed tlw true oh.Jr.cts Im· which ~~-m_lle_r_s_o:__ tl_le_t_eacb~~__:~nrr p a,. e 11 t s. 'J'caclwrs As~oclntlon

Music Boosters Have First Meet Music Boosters reported 125

persons out to the first meeting of t,lte yeur Monday night at the high school. ' The music program wns pre­

scmted by ~horal groups under direction of Ronald Allen, and the ~lxth grade bond and cadet bund, under the direction of Ger· aid Winters. Vlclde Stornant ancl 1\elth Brewer were vocal soloists. '!'he Girls Glee club rendered severn I Helectlons, uc· cornpuitiellhy .Tim North. .

After a brief business meeting n social lime w'ns conducted· In qw school enfetcrla. Cookies, cor­fee, tea lliHI rnllk were served. .

Hope. John Reign At Homecoming

stanrls. Coffee and cal{es were served by the sixth grade room mothers.

Sycumore PTA will hnve a rummage sale 'l'hursdny, Novcm· bc-r 14, at South Lansing com· munlty lmll. Persons desiring thclt• donations to be piclwd up muy contut1; Mrlf. Nelson I<lng, chairman of the sale.

Rice Baby Dies In Hospital Donnld LeRoy Rice, 10-clny.old

son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rice, died Saturday at University lms· pita!, Ann Arbor. Survivors nrc the par~nts and 2 sisters,· Susan Kqy and Pntricla·Gny,

Funem!' services were conduct­ed Tueliclny morning at Gorsline­Hunclmnn funeral home with nev. I~rancls Johannldes of Grovenburg Methodist c:hurch of· tlclatlng. Burial wns in Marl<hnm cemetery.

IN COMPETITION-John Fuller, nine, one of sl" Eurasian c(IIIdrcn adopted by former WAC Capt. J~nn Fuller · whlle serving !n Jnpnn, gets n Jduk out of this totem pole at the Fleishnlwr Zoo in Snn Francisco, Appnren!ly John Is trying to outdo 1he wooden image In the to.ce·maltlna J:lcpni'tment.


Lions Club Has Speaker

·Jcmur)ucl Vasquez, formerly of Leslie, hut now of Lansing, lost 2 ·guns, $50 und his small game llccnHt1 after pleading guilty to vlolutlng 2 firearms laws Mon· doy, He wos arrested In Ononda· ga township !Jy Mutchler charged with transporting and possessing a loaded· shotguri In an automo· bile and transporting und possess­Ing u .22 rifle not broken· down,

Uy 1\fJ'H, Jtennuth Jlulwt•

Housel WMA will sponsor a chlclwn supper· nnd full l'l!Htlvnl ut tlte GAll ltnll, Lusllc, ,Frlduy evening, NoVt!lllht!l' 1, Serving will stm·t at. fi::Jo.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Causie nnrl fnrnlly ot Sparta HJll'llt the weelt end al their home here,

Mr: nnd Mrs. IIc!l'hert Causle

Death Claims Mason Painter Bert Enos Royston, 7!1, <lied In

the Hobart numlng hume Mon· dny. He wns n )minter unci Inter. lot· cleeorator, working ut tlw trade foL· many yeam.

In a case ·or In the trunl' of an MJSS FUANOI!:S VINI~, mls· nutomoblle. He appeared llefore slonary for the Church of the Justice .of the Peace Roy W. Nazarene In. the Philippine Is· Adams Wednesday. Vasquez wus Jands, has recently returned to arrested on u slmllur cluu·ge In the United States for her first 1953. furlough. She will speak· ut the

Terry Underwood of ·Leslle, ar· Mason Nazarene cliurch Sunday Mt·. Royston was born In Vevay rested by Mutchler Monday for evening. township .July 3, l 878, or pioneer shooting a hen . pheasunt, was ·----· stock. He was u son of Thomas found guilty by Judge Adams· and Albert Jloyston and Lovisn Smith paid fine and costs of $20. Bowling News

Melvlri Dogue of Lansing was · Royston. lie mun·led !~Isle Whip· By Helen )Ieeman · D-;IIa Alpluu1 Meet ari·eMted by Mutchler. WeUIJesdny ' . 1\fuson Night IJl~wks pic. She died In l90u. M1·. Royston Eighty Lions and their .wives rhe De)ta Alph~s had their ln··AJaledon township on ,a charge I~igh games and series for last lived alone in an upurt.ment. on

attended ladles night' lust Ttlt!S'· ~~~f~~:eet~n~ ~~~fo~ve~~~ of posse~slng u shotgun. not Wt!dne~day evening wei·e·Ma~lon 'East Columbia. ITe waH taken sick day. A1te1· dinner at the Eaton· J)resldent · Daisy Dance~ ~cad 3 ~olt1en ~own, In t ca~l or ~n

1the Mul'l'uy, 159·445; Evelyn Curtis, several weel<s aw> llnd made· !WV·

House the ~embersE nnd·r~uests· poems of'the season. It ....:as voted b~t~:e ~ud:~ l~a~,\e epald~I~~~~ ~~~4g~~~~:t~e~;~t~:u~g;_Jg:·412 ; ern! trips to hospitals, were nlldresscd by 'uri lDffiP· to donate $5 to the Ruth Alden and costs of "'17 80 W · lll ' '

4 Surviving Mr. Royston ·nrc a

son of MSU on the topic Some- Chrlstma fund I DetJ·olt Fl·an ·~ ' . . . uyne .M er .................... 20 I I ' s n · · ' · Sumuel H Burge of ·Lansing n rt B k 17 7 1rot WI', Jesse, Ol<emos; and a thing About Success. cls Dancer provided games and was arrested. in Alaleclon ·town: Aal'Ric:n ...........................

11 13 llUlf·brotlwJ', Guy 0. Hoyston, Ma·

N w members announced or the hostess assjsted by her daugh· .......................... ..... soJJ, · e ship Tuesday by Mutchler for Ware's Drug Store 9 ]5

tlllrl son of Hortun WI!re Sunclny callers of Mr. and Mrs. Lt!r)ll Cuuslc,

Mr. nnll Mrs, Don Ross nnrl family, Mrs. Norman Hoss nml sister and Mt·. nnd Mrs1 'l'nny Dc!· vine of .Jnci<sun wem Sundny c:nll· erH of Mr·. nnd Mrs. Curtis Wright nncl family,

Mr. unci' Mrs. David 'l'nfie of .Tncl<son cnllcrl on M1·. nnrl Mrs. Lawrence Sporkln anti fnmlly Sunday.

Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Leon Gillett. left. this wc•ek fDI' 'l'LWHon, Al'izonn, tr1 spcml the wlnl!!l'.

.TeJ•t•y Gallaway nf Hunllngton, Inrllann, spent the W~Pk end with his parents, Mr. nnd Ml'H, Wnrrrm Gnllnwny, unci J{ny.

Anthon,v flnrlilz of Rc•n· vllln tllstJ·iel tiiPtl Silturtluy c•vc•nlng nt thu home~ of his Htlll·ln·law unci dnut.rlt!t•r, 1\1 r·. ILIIli nil-s. l'hilll[l Ci~Vmulm·. l•'uncn·ul servlc'I!S wem 'l'ues· duy mornlnJ:'.

Ferris Leonard of Jllllsdnle ancl IIerman Lennard of Alma were Mon1lay c•nllPrs nf Mrs. Penrl L!!iln!lrd nnd WPnt hunting with Gunlon Leonard.

Jll•;'rcmm UAU\' 111ER · Alan JloiiP.I't Betl'itP.r, 8-dny.old son· of 'Mr·. nnd Mrs. Hotwt•l Belcher, llicd Thursrlny afiCI'noon. Funer•aJ servlc:es will br: Sunday afternoon at Baii·DL!nn futll'l'lli 'home nl 2::JO p. m. Hev. Haymond Hope Smith and .John Weaver,

seniors, were crowned ldng anr.l queen at half time of homecom· lng game tHOlt·Resurrertlon> IrrJday night.

Rites Said for McGinley Child

introduced at the meeting were: ter, Mrs. Jean Stephens, ·served transporting and poss·esslng a D or 's IGA .......... 8 16

Rev. Paul L. Arnold of Mason John ~olllns, Jnm~s R?wlands, refreshments. ' loaded shotgun In an automobile. J:;:~'s ~lower si~~p-·:::::: 7 . 17/ Presbyterian chu)'(:h officiated at A~'thut Smith, Warner Plcl<ett, Burge pleaded guilty to the servlcPs in Bull-Dunn funeral •-------------. Bill Gross, Cllff Bollman, E. Attack IS· Fatal charge when he appeared before This lust.Thursday night Har- hpme Werlnesdny ufternoon. Esau, Emerson I{insey, Russe)l Justice of the Peace George Hut· old Ware was high with 575. Clar· Burial was In Hawley cemete1·y.

Norlrm will off!clntP.

The king and queen with their court', Gale Stornant, Jnc!<ie Shaft, Dick Chappell and Jim Armour, relgned at the dance after the game. The dance was sponsored by the senior cluss,

Grosshans and Clyde Jacobs .. Oc· To Mr. Johnson ter in Lanslrg township and paid ence· Fry topped the game scor· Eugene and .John Royston and, Iober is membership development fine and costs of $20. ers with 213. Maurie£! and Glen Lyon were pall· month. On the committee were b Hunters Funeml Rervlces were conduct· i N C h arIes· .Johnson, Lienhart .,.., Other high howlers were: How- carers.

f P · 1 Wenrlall Abbott, eha rman, or. roat·', Route 1, Stocl'brldge, died LEGAL NOTIC.•.o "'25 C · 'i31 St I ed Tuesday afternoon or atr1c a T 1 Willi Ca ltey " , ery, .> ; ummmgs, . ; . o z,

Church Honors Nazarene Pastor Members and friends of Holt

Nazarene church had a chill SUJl': per and welcome party Fl'iclny evening at the Aurelius Com· munlty hali for Rev. and Mrs. Wllllam Hurt unci family.

The Hurts were- given a sur· prise grocery shower. The group pmilciputed tn community s.Jng· lng and games. Mrs. Ernest Bur· lew guve original poem of wei· come to the pastor and his fum· ily.

·David Sinison D·ies at Home

He 1 en McGinley, 3·mont h-old ~nat IJ~f.~dnlf:udtlte. am 5

suddenly of a heart attacl' Mon· ORDE~11o';.JlfN,U~t.;~o~ 523; Earl,er, 541; Don Horton, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Law- will clay at his home. AND ot~E~II'iATJON OF HEIRS 208·516; Harry Shultis, 203; Jim renee McGinley. The child died Proceeds from the revue -"' 1 J hi II A · YAUNEY-Novembor 20, 1057 In~hram, 209·56G; Ray Collat·, 212· go to the sight conservation pro. .,urv V ng are 5 w e, mce; 1 p h c t

6 of bronchlnl pneumonia Saturdny gram and other community bet· sons, James, Raymorid and Artis; fo~tt~•t: c!~~t~~ ~~~~~;~~~!,':;,, ro utu our 52 ; Louis Lee, 527; Bell, 204·514; night at the residence. and daugl1ters Anna May nMd At II ••••ion of llllid Court, held nt the Dave Stone, 204·557; Glb Howlett, terment programs for the year. M ·11 II 't h . a""' Prohnto Offlco In the City of Muuon, In 557,• Jerry G. ruham, 533; Swine· Besides the parents, survivors The next meeting will be Tues· arce a, a a orne; an a •nld county, on tho 21ot dny or Octobc•·· hurt,


; Mllls, 549

; Juck are 2 brothers, Michael L. and clay, November 5, at the Eaton' brother, Johnnie of Tennessee. A. n: !Du7. .

Prouent, HON. RODI!.'RT L. DRA!(E, Whipple, 549; Parsons, 504; A lis· John R., and a sister, Barbara House. The board or di+~tors will Funeral services were con: JudR• of· P•·oLnte. tl Willi 208 548

Dl k L Ann. th h f Arthur ducted Thursday afternoon· at In the M11t.tor of tho E•tnto ·or s. n ams, · ; c yons·,

meet at e orne 0 ELLA YAUNEY, nkn SARAH ELLA 506; Don Beebe, 210·537; and f3e.rvices were conducted at Wtlde Tuesday, November 12. The Pentecostal ChUI·ch of God, YAUNEY, Decunscd. D 531 ) I I B J I'T'Il Jth R Ed d Nln•· I{Jm'•·ll hnvln~ fii•J In •nld rown, · Estes· Lead ley Holt c 1upe IV lh second meetlnrr In November wfll un <er ~ , w ev. war · • · • •· h

1 I I I I b C ft ffl 1 tl L ht f 1 court her Jootltlon prnyln" thut 11 cc•·tnln AI Rice C evro et .......... 20 8 Rev. Vernon T. Sm th off cat ng. be skipped due to the deer hunt· ra o c a ng. u,cc unera Jnotrum••nt In wl'itlnK. 11

urporttn" to he C i 19 9 E h ~ llad churan or arrang~ 'lie In•' .will OliO •o•tnmcnt of ••ld de· umm ngs ....................... . Burial was 111 • vergreen ceme- ing s·t!ason. orne b~ ~- ' • ' w th 18 10

t Burial 1 Wo dl wn ceaoe1l now on 1\lo In 'auld court be nd· ye ............................... . tery. , men s. was. n ° a mlttc•l to t•robnto, und thnt the udmln· D t I 18 10

Kiwanis Club Hears OHicials

C R bbl f cemetery, Leslie. l•trntlon of ould ••Into h" ~runted to ar nsurance ............. . Mr. and Mrs. R. ·

0 liB

0 her•ulr 01· to aomo other oultnblo 11eraon. Bement's Cleaners ........ 16 12

Jacl,son spent the week end at nloa l>rnylnJt for tho ndludlontlon nnd Jim's Market .................. 15 13 the Ernest Corser home. Sunday Rites Conducted detormlnntlan of tho holts ut IIIW of ~mid w . D. s 41' 1

· • l d••cenood nt tho time of her de~tb. . areS I Ug tore ...... 1 r" 13 ){, the 2 couples attended a pnrty a~ It lo Ordered, That the ~Oth d~r of Charlie's Barn ............... .14 14 the home of Mr. and Mrt!. HaiQlcl For Mrs Sml•th November. A. D. iifi7, 111 th"'• ·~lock Kl 1 11 17 Corser at Fowlervul- h0"" . ..1"r.t . • In t.bu afternoon, At tho jlrobuw oi!J,co At Wan S .......................... ..

"' .. ,,. .. ~., 20a Uallwtior DldJI., L!>nolnll, lllehl~tnn, Davis Insuronce ............ 11 17 Holt mwanfs club met Tuesday the birthday unnlversariea of F\lneruJ services tor Mrs. Katie bo o.nd I• boruby appOinted for hoarlnJt Morse Restaurant 9¥.· 18%

evening Cor dinner and Its weel<ly Mrs. Robbins and ~rs. Ernest Belle Smith who 'cliecl Monday at ""~~ ~~·Y..;~~t~•~r .Orda•·cd, Thnt 1,nbllc. no; Harvin's Ice Cream :::::::: 4 • 24 • m'eetlng at Holt bakery and grill. Corser, both the same day. . '. tlee thoruof be ~riven by 1.ubllcnllon or 11 •

Joe Wilbur and Duane Russell of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins vis· her Stocltbndge'home were con· ~~o~;~.o1~,.;~/~ ... ~r~·~ .. 1:J.~1 ;~r~fh~~~~~~:;,l~~ Bowlcrettes-- · the. state highway department !ted the Howard Mead ·rumlfy at ducted at Caskey funeral home th" Inulmm county Now•, 11 ""w'~'"l'er High team· games and. series

· David Sinison, 70, died Thurs· Pl'""ented the program to Kiwun· Grancl Rapids Sunday. . Wednesclay wltlJ Rev. James prlntml nn•l ctrcuiuted In o11ld county, . . I id t ..,.. """ thnt snld J>etllloncr J<IYo known were Lee White, 191, 172·484; v. day mornmg at t Je res ence a ians. Caskey's ambulance toolt Mrs. Lombard of Stockbridge Baptist illtl'•c•tcd Im•·tlc• nddltlonnl notlea '" Stelnkampf, 172-414; B. Moon, 2120 NE Delhi. · Will;> 1 i 1 th 5 h h f required by lnw

• Survivors. are the wife, Mar· ur exp a nel e , -year Myrna Marietta to er orne rom church officiating. Burial was In ·. nomru•r L. DRAKE, 166·436; E. ·Reith, 1G644G; M. road program, the expenditures of Mercy hospital October 15; Mrs. A 'l'•·ue Copy: Judgo of Prol111tc' Flynn, 164-408; M. J. Hadwin, 159·

•garet; a son, Duane; 2 daughters; 11,_ .•. blliJ'on dollars and plans for Huah .. Sweet II'om .Foote hoapl.tal Mt. Hope cemetery, Waterloo. bllld•·ed L. !'lower 461

M II Ill 1"9

P CJ 'M M . A t d M Ge " ... ~ ll<•JIUtY TicJ<i•tor of Prabnto 43w3 ; •.• oe nger, ,) ; . C·· rs. axme rn zan rs. r· more (!lvlded highways. Russell to Rowe hospital October 16; Carl Mrs. Smith, a native of Mt. mens, 154; M. Wegener, 152; and :alcllne Byrne; 2 brothers, Rllley showed films on new highways. Oesierle to McLaughUri hospital, Pleasant, had lived in the Stock· ~RD~~Ji,';..'t r,;,~~~~~;~oN Gladys Konen, 150. :of La4 ns,·intg anMd ClaGudetruo!dOwMoys. Blll Harris was program chair· Lansing, October 17; and Mrt!. bridge arro for many years. She KINh~·-·•uveuou•< •~. 1057 Holt Recreation ............ 1G 8 .so; s s ers, rs. er e · man. The club has set April 25, Agnes Galbreath to Osteopathic Is survived by her husband, Stnto of MichiKnn. 1'ho l'rob•Hu Court Meissner Lumber Co ... 14 10 •e of Howell Mrs Alice Scott of 1 7 for thu County o( Inuhnm.

· •8'1'S1 fl ld d• M ' Cl T rwll 195/l, for the da~e of Its ta ent hospital, Jackson, October 1 ·. Lester; sons, Ray of Farwell, AL 11

••••ion or snld' Court, held on AI' Rice Chevrolet ....... .13% 10% ·. ss e an rs. ~ra e • show. A daughter, TerCSIIo AJtn, Ol!ver ami-Albert of Lansing and octoh••· 22. 1957. · · · · Hartley's Midway ........ 13 11 :Imger ami Mrs. Ruth '1 a~e of Lan- was born to nrr. and Mrs .. An· Adam of Vassar; daughters, Mrs. Ju~~~"".:tPr~~~~e. ROBEit1' L. nnA I~ E. DeLoaeh Home · ,sing, and

14 gra~dchlldien. .a·.tes Conducted dor Lli1dberg ILt Foote hO!I· Laura Gourley of Gardena, Call· cC~nM'"IqWWiY. 'i{.c~l.·l~of.'tnte. of'~: .. Furnishings ................ 12 12 1 Funeral serv ces were con· pltul JncliBon, on Oelnber fG, fornia, Mrs. Rose Mary Melton . Notice h He•·ehy Ill von, Thnt tho t>•· B\1ster's Food Ml<t. ...... 10% 13% :dueled Saturday uft~rnoon at F M G Mr. ~ncl Mrs. Mel Spiva;of Calf· of Anheim, California, Mrs. May tltlon or Comtrnl •r,·u"t comnnny,:rrusu•c ·Kfersey's Ashland J-Iolt Baptist chureh with Rev. . Or rS. reen fornHt .are visiting their ·chiloren Wygant and Mrs. rJossle Wy. ~~~~r,:ut~~~~~~1! '::r "ut: ~:~~~~ 1;:;:·,~~~f ~~~ : Service ........................... 10 14 >James C. Pas rna officiating. Pall· . in Michigan a·nd called on the Or- gant, both of ·Williams toll and count !o1· tlw rol'l'lod 'trom Octobor ·!'H, Melville Emblem ............ 7 17 ;bearers were Wes·Gafner,Donnld :Funeral services were·conduc.t· son Beeman family last we.e k: Mrs. Alice Egeler' of Pinckney; tDuu to october JH, JDu7: nl•u J•rnyln~

I I R bf Dal 'D ed s t c1 afternoon for Mts fOr KIIGCifie t1l'lJ;rov1LI by the Court or :Shaw, D Ct o nson, e e· a ur ay ' Mr Ardie Collins is spending 37 grandchildren; 22 .great-grand· lnvli•tmonh mndo ·th••·oln, .will bn honrd • ·]\Jason Early Bird ;beau, Earl Parker and Edward Margaret. E. Green, who died this ~eek, with her daug.hter, children; a sister, Mrs. Fred Mlll- on' November .Jo, tnr.7, nt ton·llfteen in Individual high game ancl series .Abraham. Burial was In Maple Thursday at the residence at the PI Ill· ·n D arborn er of Farmington; and brothers·, ~10~ rl!~in~t."~ ~~~~~~~~\c:'"L:;~~~nt~IT~f,1:1: were: Jean Dancer, 1'72, lGO, 162· •Ridge cemetery. age of 67.



1d Me N ' T pp'. g Loiver ·Qhls of Lansing, Willlam gnn, ' · · . . . · · 494; Helen Barl,er, 175, 150, 150·

' · · Mrs. Green had been a resident r. an rs. orman ° m Ohls of Weidman and Albert · It r, O•·dcred, 'l'hnl notico .!hm·our· bu ' d M I Mr Ward Hutson Kivon .bY publlcutlnn of n coi•Y ho•·ool 475; Thelma. Singer, 151, lG8·453; 'Extension GJ'Ollp WUI Meet of Lansing and vicinity for the an r. anc s. , Ohls of Eugene, Oregon. for thn•c wool'" eonoecutlvel~ Ill'evloun Julia Banister, 189-412; June Stub· ', Tile DoLtllle D extension 'group past 47 years, coming from Man· left Sunday for a.tJJp to Florida . -- to "'lid dny of henrlntc.· In tho lnghum b t 17() •45 Bet! A tl 1G2

d C b County New,,· And thnt tho· i"•Litlon•l· er • ''1 ; Y US 11, • •Will meet Wednesday, October 30, lstique. She was a member of an u a. ' · Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parshall and canso n. coJ>Y of UM notleo to Lc ocrvcd 432; Jerry Griffin, 401; Verla 'at Dethi township hall at10 a.m. Holt PresbyterJun churc.h,. .. · .. · M,r; and·Mrs. Guy; children of Vandercool~ l.ake. s.perit uron ""'h known 1n11ty In Jntcrlii•t lit Wolfgang, 413•, Barbara Williams, ' " d 1 ild f Fenton spent the 1 1 1 th h'ltJ·iJJLtit l'nown Hddret~s by •·eKistertJd ,A bohcrriian dinner will be served . Survivors .are ·a dutigliters, ljft$. an c 1 ren ° ' . · . . the. week end w th 1er >r,o, ed njirfl, • ruturn· receipt ,.Jcmnndod, ut len•} .160; Lu Kolasa, 156; and MarllDlJ •at noon. Thelma Dodge of ~J.1d·.b; Lalt~s, week end with Dr. and Mrs ... G. lrl·law and twin sister, Mr. :an, f.~~~~~;·~i~~~r;~~~~~ :!:~m •• ~·~,'t"'!~):.d'~l~~ Calms, 150.

Florida,. Mrs. Mildred Wells of D. Culver. . ,. ···· Mrs. Orson Beeman. (u) dnyu. 1~rlo•· to "ich·hqprln~t. . .. Blll's Bait Shop .............. 22 6 ' 1 d M J If Janet Osborne of Alma college · HOIIET\1' I, !>MitE, M · · H · A 11 1911 8" ·•Boord Night Chllllgcs Lans ng an rs. osep 1 ne , · . . . , • .. · , . Mr. and Mrs. •AI Acl,er spent A ·ro·ue coiit: .. , . JudHe of l'o·obate ason om~ PP unce· '" '" : Board of education members Fernberg of Holt; 4 sons, Warren spent the week end with herpnr· the.weel,. end at Rush lake. Mildred L. Flawoo· · · · · . ·' . MUI's Store · .. : ................. 18 10 .have announeed a ehang·e In and' Emmett of Holt, William of ents. · . .. · '· . . . · · ·ncnuty Regl•t~ri ,of, PI'Otl•.1ic • · ., .4h,~u Christensen's . Ford· ...... 15% '12% 'meeting nights. They will meet Escondido, Callfornia, and Wayne Mr. and Mrs .. BiJJ.Re~nolds 'of _¥Iss Ruth Culver 1 ~ sper,dlng 2 ~ORDER•FOR',PUULICATION-... · J{~an's 5 & 10• .. , ....... .' ..... 6 22 ''the . second Tuesday of every· of Flint· 16 grandchildren· 4 Chelsea were guests· Sunday: o! Wt:~:ks with friends at Grosse · . • FINAL ,.\CCOU!>IT .. · · . : .'.Aii's ·Hamliurger Shop 3 25

' b ·' h M d M D 1 Tr · " · · Pointe Woods Detroit. 1 TINSI;.EY--oNovombei-1111 toll7 1 •• , • .· . . •month, beginning ;vlth the· No· great-grandchildren and a rot · r. an rs. a e app.. . · ·' · · '. · StMo of 'MJchiJinn•The• 11•·9Lnte' COuJ·l. ·.' .. . · :-- · ;vember meeting. The public Is er, Milton !{lieg of·St. Ignace. Betty Fletcher spent· Saturday Hon~rlng ~he birthday annlver· for tl\o .c.:.bntr.'of In~thnrh.-. , . : · · · nusines.•ilJnen's League ,welcome. Services were conducted at evening with Sally Huston at sarles of ·Henry Thelan and Wll· oe~:bJ:: ~~~·~f~'G7~r ·~ld: c~.u~t· .. hol.d o~ .... High games . and series were:

Palmer·Eu~h funeral home, Lan· Gregory. · Ham Maleho, Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Prooent: .liON. nonEm· L .. DRAkE, Marvin Mfller; 220, 203·578; and . , :<::burch Class :JUeets

' · •· 'l'eenagers of Holt Nazarene :.ChtU'ch meet Tuesday evenings at •the parsonage for devotional and :fellowship g a t her In g s. Mrs. ,Gladys Hurt and Mrs. Shirley ;J<elley are sponsors.

sing, with Rev. Vernon ·r. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Casper Glenn, Stowe entertained 24 members of Juf,~"th~•fJ.:~~~t~i the E.ltato or n'AVID Clarence Fry; '502 . officiating Burial· was In Deep· Mrs. Mary Wright and Mr. and the Malcho family Sunday. L. 1'1NSLEY, Decc11•od. . Prlce ...................................... 1!i dale cem~tery. Pallbearers were Mrs. Curtiss White and ch.llclten Mrs. Clara Reeves spent a few ttt~~ti~r ~~.~~[,j~! ~~·;~~J~t ~~::, 1::1: Philp ...................................... 1:~ Cecil Duell; Garland Wells, .Rus· were In Tecumseh Sunday. days at Pittsburgh, Pa. •t•·.,tl'lx of.onld o11tatv. ornylng for .the Mason Elevator ................ 12 Sell Nuo"'er Charles Laurence Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watkins nllownn~e or hor flnnl' "ccount, nnd lor Mason Jaycees ................. .11 11

• ' f G I I k t f. Stockb Ld B 1d O 30 the IIH•IJrnmont, nnd dlnli·Jbullon of the MJ I l . B 1; . 11 Gail Farr and Ed Panaslewlcz. and son o u I a e spen a ew r ge ~ptmt. 1 : , war· •'••l!luc of unld .,toto, will h• heiU'd .on c te son· a .e1 .............. .. days this week with Rev. and ship service, building fund Sun- Ncvembm· H, 1967

1. nL ten o


1ek In Hl-Klas .................................. 10

Lo b d h I 7 thu forcnoCiu, nt t le Probate co nt Ingham Horses Win ·

9 11 12 13 13 14

Mrs. James E. m ar . · day; 11:30, c urch schoo; :15, 2os lfolll•lcr nulldlng, l,nn•ing, Michl· --Paul Watson of Detroit visited Junior BYF with Mrs. Marie K"1i Ia O•·~~ro•l, 'l'luit notice thc•·eof

1"' nllliJO:l 70Q

:Key Club Plnn.'l Auction Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Bl'Uveml· a few days with hls parents. Rocltwell, Senior· BYF, Jerry Rob- Kiven by nullllclltlon or " 001

,¥ hcreor High scores for 'the night. were • · I<ey club of Holt high school er showed the Whipple quarter Mr. and Mrs. VIrgil Fletcher, erts, speaker, Adult Union, Esther Iur three wu•k• conoenutlvoly ,u·ovlou• mllcd by Chuclt Powers, 5JG; •Is having an auction sale at the horses at the International dairy son, Franlc, and grandson.of Niles Lombard, leader; subject, A Life· to ·,111111 dur of hourlnH. 1" u-. llurhnm Roger . Shepard, 212-514; Lloyd ''Mardi G1·as Saturday at the high h W 1. County Nuw ... nnd thnt the pctltlone•·

show In .Chlcfigo last Wednesday. spent the week end at t e a ter line to u Lost World; 8, evening enuoo" e~1,r or. thl• notice to be uc•·••d Mol'l'ls, 513; Tim Stolz, 503; and ·school. Anyone desirhig to donate Placlngs were first, iourth and Fletcher home. service In c!iarge of the adult un· 11t10n ·ouch. Jo:own t•Lirt¥ 11' ln~<·•·•nt nt To'Jeh V. anDamme and Andy Jones

t1 1 t t Ji Smltl · hit~ lrut known ntldJ'Oijll by a:Ogialel'nd ~· ·or c es lllay con ac m 1, 1ift11. There w.ere 301 entries ·In Guests .of .Mr. and Mrs. Fred ioni Saturday evening the Fide Us mnn, retutn •·ocolp\ demnnded, nt lon•t each had a 202 game. :2058 Park Lane. the show which was the largest Lytle from Friday through Sun- crass has Invited the Happy fourteen lJ4). dnyu I>I'IOO' to ouch han•·· Thorburn Lumber & Coal .... 20

d -~; lng, m· by !Jt:rllonul um·vlcc Ill lt•unl Hvt• " Jn the amphlth~ater. The Brav· day were his brother an ... ster: Hl\Stlers to a box social In the (t) dni'u Nloo· .to •uch he•u·Jn1r. ·. Ball·Dunn FurnitUJ'e .............. 18% . ,The Holt Rams play the Wll· ,enders toolc in the sale in con· in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ,Clarence church parlors at 7 o'cloclc. T,ues· A'T•·ue Cory: UOB3~1j~;. J;;f~~~b~~ Q~vJs Men'!l Wear ................. .1G ~llumston high schoql lo'otball junction with the show. The first Lytle,· and grandson ot Kokomo,. day the Jackson Assoclation BYF Mildred 1,. Fiowoo· . · l!'ranlt ·Guerriero In£urance .. 12


Freshmen Drop First Grid Game Footballers Mason's· freshman· football team

tasted defeat Tuesday night. for tile llrst time. 'l'he Bulldogs fell before the East Lansing freshmen

We Sto·:k Complote

Line of

27·6. . Mason had a hurd time start.

lng. 'l'hc Eust Lansing erew hac! things pretty .much its own way In the first half. 'rhe Trojans ground out 3 touchdowns·.


Mason's lone score came when Bob l"orche .scooped up an Eust Lansing fumble on the Mason 15· yard line. and outraced the opposl· tion 85 yards to •the touchdown.


East Lansing managed one more touchdown in the last minute of play.

Mason ,

. '



Volume·98; No. 43 • Entered 1111 Hecond ·c·lntiH mnttnr ilt rultttn,rTice, Mntlotl, Mlchi~·nn, under . Act ol Mnrch 3, 1879

.Come In and Rid~ Herd

On These Terrific Bargains

On All !957

Accessories Plus Mimy Specia'ls on Older Models

AI Rice·· Chevrole.t BERN:A:RD PLAKKE, Parts Manager

:team ,at Williamston Friday night. 60 horses .sold averaged $800. Indiana. . . wlll have a Singspfrutlon at the D•J•uty R••Jtl•te•·· or P•·obnto 43w3 J~qy C)trlstensen Ford Sales .. 11 %.

• ·. • ~~~~-~~~&-~~~7~ .~~~~~~· ~¥~a:s:m:l~F~·o:o:d:~:n:d~ .. : .. ·:··:···:···:··:···: .. ·:·~6~~~========================~ .·. 'PTSA Plan· 5 Ma. rd·· G. ras Smith, Mrs. Anna 'McArthur, Mrs; Thursday, 7:30, . . . ·FINAL ACCOUNT All I~ t d M M ""-'! SCHILLEMAN-Novon1bor 15, lP67 . Ce -.a Or an. rs. ay ""'' -- ~Into of MlclllKnn; 'rllo ProLnte Court ' .. Wit"' I-Iolt higll school's lnJJ bak'ed goods· chee"leaders check Howlett attended .a recture, ~d ·-soockbrldge Prosbyte!•lol1, Rev. fol' the County•of lnl(hllm. Let Us F··ll ·You·: r'· ~ Nex't '"- ~ ' ' ' a pictures about Hong Kong .1<t ~~ .... Jon. of unld .. Com·t, h.eld on

447 S. Jefferson _, . Phone OR 7-3061

··:Mardi Gras only a few ~ays away, room; stu4en't coun~ll. king and s w · 1

H 11• .Ale;~eander Stenhouse, ·pastor. oclobet· 10, 1ur.7. ·

plans for the many proj~ts are queen of .the Mardi Gras and sale China! Su~aytl~v~n r~ at .• o~e d 'ijornlng. worship, 10:30;. Sunday Pro,ent: liON. ROBI:.'IW L. IJRA-Kl:, . ' -being completed .. It wlJ.l be ap of comic books; ' · · given by yr e m t ' a rot re, , school, 11:40; Westmlns~er Fel· Ju\1,~"t~! if~1!!~·~r lhe EntMic or non. p • t • ' :event of Saturday, October 26. . f'r.SA eXl!CUtlve board student~, m~~fnst~l~ and Frank 'MeDon· lowshlp, '6:30; choir practice, EIIJ~~~ S1~.~u~~~~~~~~.?,·A,~· rescr1p .. •o·n , The affair will include 11- co~· ,Coi,{es, potato chips and caramel ld :t. •na·te m,;..,.t. Up· p'er ·Penln·· ·Wednesday, 7 P· m. titian of V•dn. oayo M. sehllleman, ••· .nlete ~afeteria-style dl·nner, apples, .(proceeds to, .finance a a O ... rs ~-... • ... · -- ocutl'ix of a11ld catato, J•r11rln11' fo•· the •- - - - - - - - - - - -~ " · · · · sula are spending a tow day• nll9wunco 'or h~·· flnnl.lleeount, ,uJ•d l'o•· 1 ;games, auction and rummag41· glrl .lllld ',b~y tQ 'Girls State .1.1nd · '. · · , · · Soock.brl~ge M.ethodlst, David 'tlie uo•lil'nmeiot. una dlotrlhutlon of the h

1 ~ . ''· ·

•. eales .. and a dance. 'SI!rving :t.or Bo, Y.S 'State,: ,a . special· proj~ct With Mr. aqd MI'B: ~o.yd Word, w. lfl!l~. minister. M. ornlng wor- rcnlduc··of lllld ••tnt.e, will bo heard Oil p one .. Sr ' I I N~vembcr'JG,: J Dfi7. ut nlno·lhlrt¥ hi \he· :th.e dinner Is from 5-8. · , spoilsor.ed .by ..the PTS~); junior · , .. · ship, 10:30; c lurch schoo, 11:40; forenoon; nt· the Probute· Oll:lei> at' 20H OR 7 0411 JRUIJ 4 EGISTER' .D

. ••. Booths· !ea. turetl . a. te PI'S",. clat~S',. fo11u. n.e 'te. llers,· . sop)l, o·. . Mr •. u.nd Mnl • .Jq~ :l'f.a~ Inter_ m.edlate M. YF,. 6:3.0·, Se.nlo,r Holll•tei· ·Dulldu•K; L&noinll, · lilloblll•n, . · • I R I I &1 J•r · 1 •• b d' and Mr u.nd v- Frank n& uv.,.~··s 1 i h 1 Th .I.L Jo Ordered, .. i'hat notice lhcrcof be ~ •" ·· ··

. 4ood booth, a comp e~ ~e'!", I:~-·· mores, "~ nlatur~ ... g~u; . an , • :"!\"~ - ; . '!·~..,, .. ; .c 10 r re ~arsa , \II'S· •ifJven ·br J•ujlllcntlon' of a "copp horoot D · · & N't Ylll PHARM. · A"IS···.. I . ;cludhlg bam, .escillloped ~otolt()!!~. ne.cktll!l, . jewelry, record!~,~ ,of m!lr Jeft. ~ ~. ~· !i.Jly, $. \"filling Workers class for thr ... wctko eonloeullvol~ ·pntvloua IV . I e ·. . ' ~ . ; I . .cand~l!!i sw.eet potatoes,, baktjd band ·and other ·mlscei)A~Yi ,D.ra· : ~~· ~Yomln&', -;,;,;.~. - . ~ . • AAr,tY. wm be at th!! home of Mr. t~~~~i~1 #'f.;.;.':'- ~~~1r·~'lt';;t 1~h! .~.;\\'fJ~t .Dell've' ·.ru IIIIHift ·· · · : · ._,·:' · I :~an~, gelatin Jlala~. ~·olli,. pie,:. matJcs ,club, r!Jmmage . ·~ale; . Mil hunt elk. aut'l ~ . Rl}d· Mrs. Ke.nneth Stan~eld Mon· ....... , .. oo~y of thla'' be' .. ,rvud ., IRUIIIII .... I •

Always Fresh

Prescriptio.n Drugs ;milk al)d coffee, and .also ~r~ pllolr, .u&,e4; •. 1i~W:~;. )<:ey CJ~p,· w~lbl...:.go .~n by P~~ tloi.:E!M day ;I!V~illng, .'()ctober.·2B, ut '8. ·~~.~nk'~~:" ~:Jd~ .. ~~rtbV~.~:~~~~~:~~~~~~~~ · ...:'':.. _____ . _ ....... ..:. ·:;... ~'.'~•

.que~;· T~ch~ical ,ll.l&h A!.Cllool, ,dis· au~U()n;• apd· ;T~t' ·~l.l!b, ·~lectr()nic .oa nell, :a.utomta; , .· . · . ·Lenora ·MUner-ls co·hostesa'with ·retu1·n ""oolpl domand•'ll, nt l•ut tour- .,. · ·. · . • · · · · •' : Wl~y 0~ ·te~lm~C!ll·PJ;Oject.s;.~!Jillth. ~rt iw,ne... "·~ .. ·,' . . ·¥r. and Mj'a. A~··WII~!! joolc. ,Davl~ HIQa.J~ c_ha~!Ie of'the pro· tO.n ()4) .d•~· r•rlor to OUOh·h•rlng,. Ol' WA . E'S \ .. D· ..... u···gi ' ... &; · .. ·· C·. amera· .~rrade, var}ety MI)OWi · ~brary \From :.9 tQ .11 there will be •a her father, 0. C. Schmuhl, to Wll· rram .. Methodist men will meet 3:,. i>~~f~~~~ =~~l'ie~ ... ~tn~~ftlt .11•• (G), · 1 '· _

.. ', , ~~~~: ~g:~:~e~~~~·r=~:: ~~~~:~.ft~:o~:o~~;:~~!~t~: ~;,~~~·~~ng~t~~~ t~e ~~~~ ~ct~'l:r cr9~~~ 7~~/w1r:~~ ~ila~~; ~~p~~~~r r-"fl:r.!'~l~~~~'~ ·····•.Ill• ..• :i· •· •· ••• ~· •• · ••• : ••1111!111•··· .• ·:·~.· .• L~~i~i~oi ... ".·: .• ,•_illg••"•••••-.1 clair, 40. et 8 train: ·Annual'.ltatr,. costume~.·. · ·:: · ' , · ·.·:r. ' the winter. . · dinner. DtPulr .Resl• .df _.robat•: .. · ·. •s.,a, \ .. ,' ' ' . . ' '. '. '): .l.-,'' . ' ~ • ~ .': ' . ' , ' . . \

Kiwanians Eled D.avis President


Judge Jails ·Drinking Kids. Tractor Burns In Corn Field

MK!'f A'r'J'END onro AUOTtON' lnglra1n Counly Ncw1, Mason, Mich., Hnllln 8poer, .Jnhn Armnl nnrj October 24, 1957 A·3

Wheatfield Center " At their meeting Tuesrlny night

Muson Kiwunlano elec!Pri .Tnl'il Duvls us prcsielent of tlw !!luh for· next ycnr. llc will Hlll'l'occl ,Jim Glottn,

Five Lansing young people In· f'inding lJIJe DVCI' 21, flllOtjJCI' ]p lllld Ifill I'C!IIl fn helwcen, mar have h•nrrwcl thnt drlnldng beer, furnishing fl, to minors nnd re· slst ing al'l'nst with muscle ami shurp tongues doesn't pay, The ilrlnl<lng party In lhe pnrldng lot of the Amerlenn Legion hullcllng was hmlwn up hy sheriff's offl· Cl'l s Saturday night.

jail ancl appeared hefore Justlcn ot the Peace Roy W, Allums Mon· rlny,

Otre~ders found guilty hy

Clark Benjninln, :1202 Wllllnms mail, Leslle, los! his II'Ill'le•r In a fire Sunday momlng. llnnjamln was [Jiddng 1'01'11 11lone In the

Lyle Po~lrnur nttenrled a farm rna· Phlnery iilll'!lon at ~l'chbold, Ohio, 'l'ue:;rlny, It was tim tenth nnnlvr!l':iiii'Y of lim auction, Pnl· rne1· was given n snt of stealt lmiws. Pastor to Be Honored

Uy 1\r J'ti, lSl'lion ,JohnHon Electc11 lh·st vice-president wns

.1nm•m N. Brown with Winston Dancer, second vil'e-prPsident.

Dlrei!lors for 3-yeal' terms HI'r• Ilusscll llr<menl, Pete Lnmpiw;·e unci Patti D. H.ll'lwnls, and for !l· year terms, Leon Alger, William Flnlt Hnrl William 'l'lwrillll'n werl' elected. Glen Coon, Dollitld E!lg· lngton and icnnost Hinel!art WPJ'c ele!'lt!d frll' rme-yeru· 1emrs.

The I :).year-old offender wns tniw1i lo the rletcJJtion homa in Musnn ami turned over to probate r•oJIJ't HUihorltles. The others spent ~~~~~~':.:.~~at tl~~ coun~

North Aurelius News Items

Judge Adnms were Richard IIucl1· ett, lllc!gal possession of hi'Cl', $25 line nnd cost!l, an'd Cllsturblng the peaee, sen tmwe suspendl'd for GO days; Connie Hnclwl t, 11 slstcn·, furnishing liquor to 11 mlnm·, 3 dnys jail and $25 fine, and lllegn I possession of lwei' and disturbing the pence, sentence :oruspemied for 60 clays; Donnu Gender, lllegul possession of beer, $25 line unci 3 duys in jail; and Burbam Nicol, lllegal possesslof! of beer, $20 line and 2 days in jnll.

linld nhnut 11 o'elncl\. IIc dlmiH•ci off the traclo1· 1o

ele,\ll llw nnd whr•n he wrml had;: he found tltP tr;wtnr in tlames, He r·nn to t liP house ill HI Mrs. Henjnmln summ<'Jiwd Lcslll'

Rites Are Friday For· Mrs. Bates

tl rc depart mPn t. -Arnold .fenilln~. a lll'ighhor, illlrl l•'uneral servlees will IJC con-

Pat P<tlterson, Mrs. llPnj<~mln's rltii'IPrl l•'rldny al Caskey funeml father, his ~on, Tlwron, and tlwlr homP, Slor•l\lll'lfl!le, fo~ Mrs. Nora hil•ed man helped 13nn.Jrunln pttl II lr!ll'n Bates, h7, of Stnellbrlclge. the fire out hl'forP till' tlremen ar- Mrs. Jlatl•s dif'd 'l'uemluy morning riv<•rl. Jenldns lwull•d lite 1 raf'lnr at Foote hospllal, .Ja(•ltson. She anrl toad of r•orn off till• fif'ld. · was lmrn SPptemlrer 21, 1890, in

There y.rlll he 1\ rr.cept ion for nov. unci Mrs. Ancll·ew '!', Bull at Wheat field church parlors Sun­tiny Elftcl'lloon from

Evoryonc in tho community muy attend, to maim lhe nffnlr a success.

T•'n1'm Blll'enu al Legion building, Mason, lnst WerlneMdny evening,

Mrs. George I•'rnst attendee! tha cxtPnsion Christmas wori1shop at Masou 'rhursclny.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Floyd Donn! en• IN'Iahwd nt dinner 8unday Mr •• nnrl Mrs. E:lmer Jo'rost, Miss Lllns' Fmsl of Flint nncl Ml', and Mrs., Leroy Thrush of Sl. .Johns. ·'' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Donn! vis·

!ted Mi'. and Mrs. Aiherl Bal'kUs nrr, mul n11·s. It. 11. Frost urr. Ulti'IHIInA" Fitulo (ll'llllg"ll "

and children lust Wednesrlny I'Ve· this Wl'l!l! 111, l'ltm·gi!> 11~ snb·

nlng. <mlinntH dllh'gl~h·s t'hnn Ing· • Mrs. George Frost, Mr. nnd

Rully Is l'lumml Them will be a Youlh for

Christ rally at. Eastern high school Snt urday evening, Oclohm· 26. f~ntertnlnment will Ill' hy Ho!J­<'1'1 Bradfonl, who is iL ventrilo­quist. All young people wlto wish to attend arc to rn1•el at the par­sonuge ilt 7 p, m. Transportation will hP furnlshccl.

thr.r vlsltl'l[ Mr. and M1·s. J. D, Ly~n and family in Mason.

Mr. :tncl Mrs .• Toe Peters ami family c•ntertalned at dinner Mon· duy night in honor of the for· mer's hrolher, Fred Pe!ers on his hlrthdny anniversary. Guests WPI'l! Fred Peters and family of Springfield, Ill., Mr. ancl Mrs. An· drew l lr>ftrm and family of Lan· sing and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, 1\il'iqmtrlck nnrl family of Olte-

Officers discovered the llrlnlc­lng spree In a car at 11w rear of the dance hall. They snld the young people tlserl abusive Jan· gunge and physlcnlly resisted m··

JlPnjarnln hn,; lnsurwwe on tIll' Ingham county,

tractor., Mrs. Balos hncl resided nt till'

Wool Producers Receive Payment

farm ltomP for the past D yl'ars. I I PI' lrushdtlli, Otto, died .Jnnuar·y S, l!l:i I. Before moving to Stoeil­hridgP t lwy mad!' .llwh· home In Mason and Lansing.

ham l'flllllly. . Mrs. Floyd Bnclws and Mnxlne, Mrs. Kathryn Bentulry nncl chn· Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvin Lnunsteln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenn<'th Kurtz, Mt•. drPn nf Ifollnnli spent a few days

last· WPelt with Ill' I' pm·cnts, M1·. nnd Mrs. Lorccn Murr1hy and enrol, M•·· nnd Mrs. Archie Ali<·n, nncl Mrs. George Fmst. •"

Mr. and Mrs. AlfrPrl Monroe!' Mr·, and Mrs. Hnymnnd Allen, nnd J1ulh Ann of Ithaca and Mr:,;

1 f I mos. Plans are hPing mar P OJ' t te

conu•r stnn<• laying at IIH• Nortll l\enrwlh Davis o[ Bailie Crcelt AurPlius chur·•·h sunday, Novcm· vlsltPd at the home of his pnr­hPr :1. More ciPtnlls will ile glvPn ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. David Davis, next Wl'<'il Sa1unlay. Davirl Davis and son,

· · · 1\enneth, at ten dec( the footha)J


' "Several year" ago wlum tho JIORsesslon la,w wus en­acted, I VO\Vl'd thut I would give $100 flue~ m· flO duys In jull or both to uuyontl found gullly ln my c·ourt of I'm·· nlshlng II<JIIOI' to mhw•·s," th11 .lndge dr•clar<•fl. "Miss Jlul'lmtt's ~t•nl{•n1•e is only tllfl liC!!CIUd CXC(lfllion to my !Wit'· lmJIOStld rule. 1'hn first. f'X·

Ct'Jltlcm lnvolvecl IL f<•Pblll :minded ~;"irl who hull bPen tullmlllnto Sllllplylng het•J• fm· otlmrs."

Ch,nrles Vun Dcmnrk, Mrs. liar- and Mrs. BPrtnn .Johnson vlsltcll oil! Glynn nnrl Mr. 111111 Mrs. Bl't'· ton Johnson atlcnciell the l'hlclwn Mr. nnd Mrs. Clair .Jones in Fm~~.

Surviving ure a son, Rex Bntes dinner at the nnnual meeting of lerv!IIP Sunday afternoon. W01\l Jll'Oiluem·s have rcPcivcd a o[ S!ol'kbr·ldgP; a daughter, Eu· Guerdon Frost of Battle CreeJc·

REALLY AIRBORNE-A Jlghl 1olal of $22,702.10 In ini·Pnllw IPnl' Mllehell of Berkley; sisters, spc'llt Monday wllh his Jl!lrentH~~ moment in the othcnvlsc tens~ payment;; for l!l7,a:l7 lh of HIHrr 11 1\Jrs. Melvin lln•l'l\Pnrlrlge of Snn North White Oak Mr. and Mrs. George F'ro;;t. II. Little Rock, Arl1,, integration wool whll-h they solrl in tlw Jfl;ifi DIPgo, CnJl[ol'llia, and MrH. Graee lll'Jlhr'IV fmm Pontine was also ~: slluallon is provided by this marketing yr•nr whiPh Pll!!Pd lfart of Ma~un; nnd 7 grnndchil· Uy lUI'S, l•'on•st. 1-;;cllowH ~uest of. till' l~ro;;ts. member of the !Olsl Airbome March :ll, lfJ:'i7. G. lf. Ail'ltln, Sr., dwn. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gcmlrl Douglas Mr. anrl 1\!rs. Floyd Dnnnl, Division who grimaces in mock l'hail'lnan of the r•nttnty ASC ('(Jin· Hcv. Dorothy !Tc!ldernwn of wlll hnve open house Sunrlny, 01'· !':liiPd 011 MrH. Wallnce .Tohnsoli fenr ns he jumps from a troop I t ' I II t \ lnl's tu!Jel' 27 IJrJrJIJI'ing llinfr· 2~.JIIJ \"c•ll· I hlii'Sday evening. . tl'llclL 'I'he troopers were re- m l ee, r;;sLICI re repor vee · · Mnnit h Nm~arenc• ehnrch will of- '" , ] . · N l" I G l l thy li<'l<lle al· llw rih•s nl 2 Jl, m. clln" an~lversary. Mrs. Lloyd IlarT, rhstrict pres:. revmg n ron<t unrc smen a ' · · h ldr.nt of \VSCS, wa;; gues1 at till~ Centrnl High School. Inghnm Jlrodueers have al;;n re- littrinl will iw in Maple Grove Mi'; and Mrs. Lester Rnnl of WSCS mPI'tlng last Thursclny nt

·--· _ .. ------- . ·--------- r:l'ivecl $3,.1il7.2:1 in int'entiVl' pay· r•enwll'r,v, Mason. Lnnsrng were Monday afternoon Mrs. Max Elf,•rt's. ml'nts on s:dr.s of SH,flll:l ih of un- callers of Mr. and Mrs·. Dlek Mr·. allfl Mrs. Lester Wai'ne

1·, .Junio1· young pcopiP .or thl' game at Michigan Stata univer­

North AurPI!us chur~·h wrll have I slly Salurclay afternoon. a llallowPPn party I• rlday, Octo· The judge said he reduced Miss IH•r· !lri, at tlw l'lllll'<'li at 7:.1:i p.m. ~~·. and Ml";, Robert Weleh IIacltett's senlence hecnu~e of her

M . . 1 M.. J 1 13 11 , 1 vlsrled their son and daughter-in· age and apparent willingness to

Death Claims S. 0. Vince

:;fHH'n lambs In the last mari\Piing D lh' 1 Dunsmore und Barhal'a. Mrs. Alva Copeman, Mrs. Vernon year, to com(rensale tll<'m for the e I D_eve ops Mr. nml Mrs. Edward .J, Sl'olt Bini and Mrs. Berlon .Johnson wool on the anlmalf:. were Sunday dinner guests of were in TTowr.ll Sundny evening

. •·. ·11.11 • .' s. · 0

n; ,u, en • 0 Jnw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Welch; mend her ways. Plude nv1111 'l•ent I he V.c< I< 1 nd in E<tst Lansing Sunday evening. . . at llw home• of the lol'lll<'l''s pill'· In other justrce court ncllon, ents, Mr. ami Mr~. (}porgl' Bullen Mr. nmi Mrs. Morris Fryover L.onnle Marshall o( Stoclthriclgc

. of Lakeview were week end f 1 lit M I· f · M1·. anrl Mrs. Charles HI I'll and , . . . . , 1. , 1 was ounc gu y one ay o vro-f. 'I I·' 'I M,. 11' ·I •. I . II. ),llr sts of the fm mer s s siC!· n· luting probation. He received a .till I Y v siler l s. " Is 11" 1 hw M1 ,, Le rnn Fryovcr Friday · ·

er and sisler-in·law, Mr. and Mrs . .' '. · · ' ' . sentence of GO clays in Jill! to II I B tt . If II S t ,JfteJnoon lhl'y attended a mmk think it over Mnrslnll was· con I owarr . enne •

111 11 • n Ill'· growers meeting at Michigan I vlcted of dl'~nlr drl~in..,. Jn Se[J:

( ay evenmg. St· 1 , lv .,·ty . ·· t• • .. . · " l un ers · tember. The probation violation

M!·· nnd ~:~·s. Lyle :~rn~~lll. nn.r~ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lee anllflnvolved an allcdged drunk 'driv-farn~ly ent.

1 1 t.tlned. M! ~: l•.rn)·".n s family visilcd Mrs. Lee's parents, lng charge which is pending, the

son, Ker!nelh, on Ins sc< ond IJJI th- Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Wythe, Sllll· judge explained, day anniversary. . dny afternoon.

Mr. m_HI Mrs. ~obr.rt Hartig Dnvirl PeteJ's spent tile weelt Judge Adams clenned up 3 and famrly were Sunday dlnn_er end at .rensPn lalte with Mr. and cases on his calendar involving guc•sts of .the tomwr's lm1t hPr-rn- Mrs. John Eclm unclson of Holt. drivers who had plenrlecr not I l t M I 1\1 Cl • guilty to traffic violations. Elwin aw ane SIS cr, r:. illll rs. eo '!'hey went partridge hunting. . J Greenlee, am! famrly. , S. ones of ~ackson was found

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters nne! Dehb1e Schnnbelrauch was a I guilty by the JUdge Saturday to a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and charge of running a stop sign. He

family of Springlielrl, 111., arc Mrs. Leroy Holmes. was given a choice of paying $12 spending •I or· 5 days at the home . of his IH'other and sister-In-law, Ted Welch and MarJorie Fletch·. or servmg 6 days. The offense Of'·

e1· attended a pnrly in Clawson cured in 1955. William R. Hall of Mr. and Mrs .. Joe Peters, <llld M 1 f d 'It 1 family. sumlay they wei'<' all Sunday in honor of Gary Lock· ason was· a so oun g111 y a a guests at the home! of Mr. and hart's first birthday anniversary. sp~edlng charge ' Saturday nnd Mrs. Sosnowski in Lansing, at a Gary is the son of Mr. nnd' Mrs. pard fine and cost of $12. Russell

Larry Loekhart. Ted and Larry R. Warner of En1on Rapids, who family dinner with 28 present. are army huddles having served also previously pleaded not

Mr. and MrR. Leonanl Davis toge1her fm· 2 years In the Phil· guilty, of a charge Oj.. running a and daughter, Harriett, were ipplnes. red flasher. The judge ordered week end guests of their parents, Warner to pay fine and costs of Mr. and Mrs. David Davis and $12. Mr. am! Ml'S, J. M. Ellet·by. South Leroy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch called on her mother, Mrs. Lettie llfi'S. i\lerlon Uiee

Dacon, in Kinneville Monday eve- Mrs. Ivan Monroe of Webber-ning. ville called on Mr. and Mrs. Mer-

Jack Hill of Leslie visited at ton Rice Sunday night.

Traffic violntlon ticlwts re­ported settled in .Judge Adams' court during the week were listed by him as follows: · ·

Donald G. Horton, Mason, speeding, $25.

IIH'Cnlive payrnents rr.r·pivcrl hy Recreat.·on Plan Mr. nnd Mrs. Fares! Fellows. lo lwnr Miss 1\lyrtll' sinith, rnls· pmducer·s are net ilfler c!Pduc- Mrs. Allee Monroe of Wl'bher- slnnnry from Hong Kong, wlro

I · 'II lions of lr. lh from shorn wool ville called on Mrs: Jurw Fellows sJJOIIfl and shower! slides of heL' Funcra sct'Vll'<'s WI hf' .r·on- "i,·l'lms ,"tl!ll ".1" c·wt. J'J'<Jnl tiiiSIJni'll II It l M I G f I t I S I I i f ~ , o anr ape rove nreas o Saturday evening. work 11H'I'e, cur· Pr · atuJ'I ay at .UI'l'lt II· l,- 1mt1 c·],·11·ms, ,"J," ,"tltltrJI'I·Z."Ii r'r1 .·1 D II· t I· l I l I I, · ,, " " e II owns liP are 1 eve op ng Mrs. Lettie Fellows will enter- Mr. arHl Mrs. Berton .Johnson,, ncral lwme• in .Ps II' fol' Sr•pli· l'nfnrc.•neltlm of II'IJrJl gi'IJ\V"l'." t'tl t' C itt

I I · "" " ·' reerPa Jon progmms. omm ees taln the groUJl, Christ, the Church Allnn a111l .lt•mJif' l'lllr>rlainr>d at. 111US o_. Villi'{\ 7fi, who rlit•r at liS 1!).-,~.J. 'l'I!".''C liccltlC'Il'<Jil." "0 •• 11111 ,'1 I I II I tl I "·' ·' h 1avc Jf'en wnr t ng unc er au 101'· and Race, 'Wednesday, Oc•tober clinner Frirlav PVPning Mr. nm lr~ml' 111

M;l•·on ~Vedl:c·sday. M•·· nalional fund for tlw promotion ily of the Delhi park commission. 30, at 1:30, Mrs. Hn!Jrrt IIic•l\s of Lansing and ":m<·r~ hari not been well for srJme of 111,._ wool anri shr.e[l industry. c '1'1 t Both groups had meetings last Mrs. Alice Nichols entertalnrrl Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Dl'lmnr an·. ~~'. nne. Su"h 1lerluctions in Ingham C'otln· 1 f Fl II I

I ~ wPck, 1 he Holt committee in the several women at a polluclc din· Jiid;:s will eave or ' orca carY Ile was horn in England nnd ty·fol' the 1!!56 marketing ycm· town !Jail Wcdnesclny afternoon _n_er_l_as_t_T..:.h_u_r_sd_a..:y_. _______ ir_l_N_o\-'c_·m_hl_~,_··--------

l'ame to tlw United Stales in180::ilamountcd Ia $1,529.28. anrl lhc Maple Grove committee with his bride on their honey- The shom wool incentivr. pay- at tlw ::-;chool that night. moon. ThPy made their home in ment rate [or the Hm!i marJ;:eting Leslie. Mr. Vince WiiS a taiinl' yem· was flxc11 at <10'/,. of Ihe dol· The study committee and the there until 1fl:l:J when 11~ went lar returns which par·tidpatin::: citizens commiltce of the town· into his son's rlry !'leaning shop. producers received from the snle ship park commission prepared He cctirr•d in HH7 but did custom of their wool. This percentage is maps showing present and future 1ailoring in his home unlil .his suffidl'nt to bring the national needs.

West Aurelius

Fowlers Are Honored Hy 1\IJ'S, Lurhun IUinl•

death. Mr. Vince completed a suit avemge dollar retnrn up to lhe On Monday night the park com­just 2 days before his death. for incentive level of G2r! lb. The na- mission studied the plans and lhe pn~t 2 years the Vinccs have tionnl nvcrnge price recl~ivecl hy maps presented to it. by the study ,i


lived in M;mon. wool growers in 1he sale of shorn and 11/anning committee and the -----,- --~-- Nir•ce~ nnil nephews of the The Vinccs ePlebratccl their 'wool in tlw Hl5G marllcting yea•· eitizens· committee. Robbins aml Grovenhurg worn· F'ow!Prs assisted with serving.

anri 1\Jrs. Clenn Fowler, ga\'a them a !nlrprisP parly a1 Aurelius town hnll :-iunclay afiPI'IlnDn hon· oring tlwir :l.ith wedrling anniver•

Mr. and Mrs. Theron Collins of Grand Rnplds un!l Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilcox, <'hildrcn o[ Mt'.

'golden wedding anniversary May was ~~.3c lb. . Richard L. Kent, member of en wlll join togetiJcr· Friday aftPr-~ Sur• Pettis and Mary .Jane Edt: 25, 1955. M1·. Vince was a mombe•· The inc1•ntlve JU~ynwnt rule the study nnd planning commit- noon at 2 o'clock nt Hobbin~ hart had chargl' of I hi' glfls ami of ,Leslie Congregational chttrch. 1111 unshm·n Jumhs, for 1lu• tee, reported that several Delhi church for a wo1'ship ser,Vicc

1 Mrs. Rohert Ecl<hnrl presided at

l91Jil mlu·lwling y1•ar, was 71c property owners have promised starting the week of prayer nntl the guest register. ,, Survivors im·lucle t-he wife, ('\l't of ll\'c• 11111·m1•1".. self denial, Two humlrN! guests attended " l E f M I I' , • n to donate land for park develop·

mntlc e • ., o • ason; a son, .es re M1·s. Carl Topliff, Mrs. :F. C. from Eaton Hapicls, Mason, Alto, Vince of Leslie; a daughter, Mrs. Substantially lhe same pro· ment.· Johannldes, Mrs. Ford DeCamp, Lowell, Clarksville, Lansing, Pe· Kenneth Shattuck of· Mason; !i gram as for 193!i is being con- The p'ark commission accepted Mrs. Luman Klink and Mrs. Rena wamo, Wlllinmston, Detroit nnc.l gramlehilrlren, 4 grcat-granclchil· tinued for the 1957 wool marlwt- the recommendntlons of the sub· Kllnl1 went to Grand Hapids Ja~t Ohio. · dren; and 11 hrothet·, .Joshua. I ing y~ar wh_iclt hef(an. Apr! I 1 · 'rhe committee. George Haynes was Wednesday and visited Clark Me-

Rev. Samuel B. Wenger wlll \~ool mcent\~e prwe 1 ~ bemg c~-~~- named publieiJy chairman to in- moria! home ami tha Met.~odist Mr. ami Mrs. Fr~•1!~ Cosgray oliiciate at 1he rites at :~ p. m. tmued at 62c lb, grease, basrs. form Delhi residents of the pro- community center. They dirln't just returned from a 10-day Burial will hi' in Woodlawn ccme- Paymen~ rates for 11

.JC 19;J7 p:o·. gram which ca11 be made avafl. have time for a visit to E~tlwr trip ancl visit with relatives in ' tery, Leslie. gram wrll be determmecl 111 m.H!· able. hall. Minnesota and Iowa. " 1958 when the average wool pncp _____________ .._ ______ .;.. ____________________

1 on 1957 marketings becomes ,-the home of his brother and sis· Several attended the funeral of

1er-in·law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Howard Sims Friday afternoon at Hill, Saturday aftemoon. Gorsline funeral home in WiJ.

Mr: and Mrs. William Yeagll' of liamston. Burin! was in Dansville

Leroy Chappell, Jacl<son, spec(].

lng, $12

' A Good Soaker Dr. Bernard Berman, Detroit

known. Wool and unshorn lamhs must be marketed between April 1, 19::i7, and March 31, 1958, to be, eligible for payment under thq 1957 program. Applications for payments must be filed with the county ASC office where com­plete information on the program

Cady Hardware ASSETS OF


Plumbing & Heating Adrian were Sunday dinner cemetery. guests of the latter's brother-in-

speeding, $10. ' 1 That's wlwt the rain was Tues-Paul J(.Jetlte, Lansing, speeding I clay and WPrlncsday. It came law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hob- Mrs. Bertha Sims entertained

crt Smith, and son, Claude. a friend from England over the $5. ' ' sleaclily, day anrl night and most Myrtle Wregle, Caclillac, speed- of it soaked in. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Scott week end.

and family of Lansing visited at Vantown WSCS cleared $4<1.45 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- from thei1· bailed goods sale at cis Lee Saturday afternc•Jn, VantOWIJ store Saturday. Mrs.

ing, $10. The rain ended the llrilliant Charles Laxton, Lansing, speed- arTay o[ c·olors on the trees.

ing, $15. Never· has there been :l more . Bruce Parshall, Lansing, run- glorious fall.

Miss Janet Gardner ami Mrs. Vela Williams and Mrs. Edna Ester Holmes .attended a Naza. Titus were on the committee.

nmg stop sign, $4.

rene zone rnlly at the North Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nemer left WALLACE HOY IS HET1'Im Street Nnzarenl' church in Lan- Sattll'Cl"Y Iot· Wyomln wr'th Mr

' " g · Bobby Wallace, son of Mr. and sing Saturday evening. and' Mrs. John Malcho of Stocl~- Mrs. William Wallace, is still in Mr·. and Mrs. Stuart Bullen anrl bridge. Mason General hospital recover-

family of Kalamazoo were IVPCII M d M I Rl r. an rs. van ce and lng from a recent head injury.

end guests of Mr. Bullen's par· .Janice of Bath called on Mr. and Bobby ran into the side of a pass-ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Hani': Bullen. Mrs. L. P. Williams Friday night. ing car near his home. He is re· Saturday afternoon they attended R. Tenny· and' Carl. ~Hoyt ·of covering satlsfaetorily. 1he football game at Michigan · , State univei.~ity. Sunday they JY,ISIJ r;aJlecf,on ¥~~. $11JdJ~<1rs. Mer· wer·e guests of Mrs. Bullen's pnr· ton Rice and · I~tfnneth, Wednes· 1\IASON lUARI\ETS ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welc·h. clay. Wheat ........................................ $2.02

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Furlney Mr. and Mrs. Leste1· Bnrth vis.,Oats ............................................ .62 were Tuesday cvming supper ited Mr. and Mrs. William Musolff Corn ........... : .............................. 1.0(i guests of their son-in-law and at Dansville recently, Soybeans .................................. 2.02

Rainfall for tlw week meas­urer~ 2.20 irlf'hes and it was all lli'Ccled.

Average mean temperature Ior the wee!{ was 118 deg1 ecs. Lnst year for li1c ~ame week it was ;jiJ.

Templ'ratm·es ns recorded nl the Mason disposal plant were:

Low IIlgh 17 ................. .40 61 18 ................... 3:i ,,8 19 ......... .... : .... 2!i 57 20 ....... , ............ 29 64 21 ................... !IS 6:~ 22 ................... 50 Gil

may be obtained. The program was authorized hy

the national wool act of 19:1·1 as a means of encouraging farmers to increase annual procluelion of wool by 300,000,000 lb.

in one of our

New Suits

-141 West Ash - Mason, .~lichigan

To Be Sold At

Public Auction-T ue., Nov., 5 , at 10:30 A. 1\1 •. <ES'l')

. TOOI.S - Skill Saw• Rigid Dio "::~":,: Pip• Wo·o•,o•ho•,, C Ciomr><, Ad; Wrenches, Black & Decker Drill Saw I\its, Uand Fiu1ulers, lfloo!' SundeJ•s, Soldel'·

1 lng 1\its, 11-on Flarltig Tools, Wood Phwes, OJJen E111I Uox Wrl'llcltes, Set Socii· etl'l, Levels, PlieJ'S, Screw D1·lvers, Drills, Suws, 'l'llJJe !Ucasur·ps, llucl\ · Fiuws, Chisels, etc. •

JIARDWARE - Locks, Door Knobs, llouse Numbers, Sm·cws, Ilinges, Uool! Eye.~, Unsps, Cabinet, TIWks, Tuckle, Chulns, Fcr.dng, Linl1s & llonl!s, ete.

daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen and Navy beans, cwt. .................... 7.15

Farris and family, family and Hm·old Risch attend· .--------~---....l.-------...... ----·j ThUI'Sday afternoon Mr. and eel a family dinner at the home of

:M_rs. Clyde IIill and !lmtghter and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Mrs. Herbe1·t Hartig and daugh- Wollpert, near Chnrlotte Sunday. ters attended Town and Country M1·s. Peggy Stoll'er and daugh· Day at the fmm home of Mr·. and ter and Mrs. Reba Marshall and Mrs. Ralph Letson of Charlotte. daughter of Gregory called on Herbert Hartig clemonstra1ed his Mrs. Merton Rice Monday.

23 ............. : .... 37 58

Ocloher Octo her Octo her· October Oetoher October October

FI1vl'INGS & PIPE- Approxbnately 11500 Compl'Cssion & Sweat COJIIH!I' Fittings; ujllll'oxbnately 2,000 Elbllws, Tee, NlJIJJles, W' to 2"; upproximately 1 ,000' Smver Crook & Ol'lUigeburg.

Cast Iron Fittings 2Vz to 6", Galvanlzcil Fittings 2Vz to 6", 500 Assot·tcd Single Tees, Donble Tees, Closet Bends, Inverted Y's, 4", Aluminum Pi1w, Aluminum Couplings, ISJ•ass Valves, etc.

bulk tnnk true({ .for picl{ing up Mr. and Mrs. Merton,Rice were milk from farm homes. at Archbold, Ohio, on business

M1·. and Mrs. Julian Lyon and Tliursclay. sons were Sunday clinnct· guests Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Williams of Mrs. Lyon's parents, Mr. and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rice Mrs. Walter Ganawny, Latcr[.of Bath, Wednesday.

. '

just a spoon of

earth Only a bit of earth--but it held the secret of curing deadly discas.cs. After years of pati~nt rc- . search, medical Ecience extracted a pure sample of a now-famous miracle drug .•.. then found a way of manufacturing it to·make it available to · nil at low cost. •

Today, your doctor presct'ibes many new and potent healers. Our job is to transiate his ord~rs into medical weapons specifically for your a1d. In placing our skills a.t your service, we ne~e.r forget om first obligati~n-to fill.your pre&CfiP: tion swiftly and ·accurately.


33o·.s. Jefferson .. ·. · ... , . ,: . Phone .M•son OR.7·6J31. •'

Fall Special One Gallon

Harvin Jc.e Cream $1.19

All Flavors

Thur5d11y, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Only

Available at Both Stores

Mason Dairy Bar . 142 W. Maple

' Mciso.; Dairy 340 S. Ced'ar ·

All Woo~ $39~98

2-Pant Er1sembles :- $49.98


UA'l'IIROOJ\f FIXTURES - 20 Gerber Bath Tubs, whHe mul Jllllilel, 25 Gct·bm• Sbilts, 25 Gerber Lavatories, wlilte and pa.<;tel, 2ii0 RadiiLtOI' Valves, y

1 to 1 y.; ",

Republic Double Sink Cablr..~t 5 Vz'x2', Doui,Ie Laundry Sinl1, 1\itelren Sinl1s, etc. PLUMBING FIX'l'URES - Float Valves, Bulls, Faucets, 1'ubes, 'l'raps, Stl'lllneJ•s,

1\IIsoolluneotlS Ptunps, Jets, etc.

SIIEET ~ffiTAL FITTINGS - Approx. 1,oofi usst. JICS, F.:ls, Uoxes, '!'roughs, etc. Approx. 1,000' Down Spouts; Approx. 5,000 JICS Uluclc Pipl! Filtln~:·s.

1 NUTS & BOLTS - 25,000 AIIBt. Nn1.'1 & Bolt.'l from Vz" to ·12", Roof Nalls, Penny

Nalls, Slleet !fetal Screws, Wood Screws, 10,000 Swve Bolts. ELECTRKJAL Al'PLIANCES - G. E. 1\lixm•s, Jiuml Mixers,, Coasters, Waffle

Irons, Fry Pu.ns, Deep Frys, Wall Clocks, Pressure Conlmrs, mectric Funs, etc. FUU.NACES & PARTS - 3 Lenox 011 Ftll'nuces; 5 Delco Ut•:tf. 011 Conditioners, 2

.Lenox Humidifiers, lot of Ueatcr Pa1·ts, Thcrmostuts, 2 Furnac<!S uml Jacltet.'i, 3. Fuel 011 lleaters, 6 Boller Tanks, etc.

IIOUSEWAU.ES & GARDEN SUPPLIES- Revcl·ewaJ•e, l'ots & l'u~''• Pyrex W:~re, GIIISS Ware, liltehen Tools, Pllllltlc BOwls & nints, IJtlll\ch·y Baskets, Buby Scales, Dla.~r Buckets, Dl!iiiOSUI CallS, Can Openers, Waxes and Poll"lhes, etc. Power Mower, Weeders, Post lfole Diggers, Jfund Tools, U.ukes, l'itcb Forks, Sprayers, Assorted Sprinklers, lloe.'l, 1,000' Water nose, Uose Fittings, Wheel· bru·rows, Cllp~rs, Ferdlizer, Grass Seed, etc. ' · ·

SPOR1'1NG GOODS - Remington'& WineltesteJ• Shotguns & Rifles, Slwlls, Fish· lng· Equipment, Rods, llools, Tackle Boxes; Evimrude Otitboard Motors,' ~llrutow

·Tunic, Hunting Equlpmer..t, . Kp.lves, Flashlights, C1tm11 StOves, Ba•··B·Q 1 Stoves, ete. · ,

MISCELLANEOUS - Water Softner, Lot St:trlinc l'arts, 'V nelts, Assorted Toys, ~ln~trer Sewing Machine Parts, Key !\lachine wlth Hlanl,s, Fa~co · Ventllutlng Fans, ete. •

FIXTURES - Island Cowtters, Wall Cases, Nutlo~ull Cash Register, Scales, Coca Cola Machine, Cabinets, ete. .

TRUCI\S & '!'RAILERS - 1-1952, Chevrolet Pickup; 1-1952 Forti PickUJI lnsiiCCtloJI Starts NovemiHlr 1, 9:30 a. m.·4:00 p. m. to tlate of Sl\le

' ·,



WINTERNITZ 'AND CO. 0 Aucdo~rS; Lj.quldators, ~Pllralscr~t ·

1180 Nattomt Bank Bulldbag ' I ' ' '

' . I

Ruth Bergert, Missionary, To Speak at Williamston

Miss Hulh lll'l'gl't'l, I'Xl'l'tllivP Hrominary In Ml!dellin, Coiomhin, lll'iiYI!I' dr1'l1• ,PI'rl'llll'\' of tltro sliP Jws HI!I'VI'd at !'lose runge in Oriental 1\Thsiolliii'Y ~~~~·!Ply, will t!w ministry of fi'Hinlng u native jli"I'HI!IIf 1111 IIJI·Io·f lu•·millllll' 1'1'· li•illlc•rsltip In thai lan1l. port on ~<JIIIIi AIIH'rii"H llrazll, llntll t'Pr'contly, Miss Bm·gert fo:l'lllllilll' 0111d 1 'iJ]olniJill, 011 tlw spPill'hPadl!d tlw soelcty's dcpu· WltlhunslrJII I'I'IIIPI' 1\!Ptliorlist tational ministry on the West t'llllrl'it, Nrn·lli l':ilnllll'rlnnn road, Coast and Hllfll!l'Viscrl Its develop· ~aturday, C1J•ioi1J'I' ~!i, al 7::111 p. nwnl. In .Jum•, 1flfi7, Miss Bergl'l'f m. was ell'r'tl•d l!lWr•utlve pmym·

Miss Jlr•rgJ'I'f, soloist 0111d musi· drdP scor·retHl'Y nnrl has her of· dan, h:1s s1•1 Vl'd C'lirist i11 various llr•p nt Wlnmia LaiH•, Indiana. Jlill'ts or LHiin Anll'rir·;J, 011111 as a .Jm;t J'el'l!nll~· sliP retumed from nwmlie1· of 1111' n•vlval r·n1smil' :1 months In South Arncrieawlwrc ·temn. sill' vlsltf'd again the worl< of 3

Serving in I 'olomiJia ditl'lllg till! liPids,, Er•wJdor and Colom· "hloml·liatlwd" \'I'IIIS, sliP lias lila. J'klllll!s will be slwwn uf the Hl'l!n I he na I I I' I' ; ·II Ill'< ·It Ill Sill fl'l'· tiPlds. Jng but yl't in vll'lory. As an In· 'I'IH' mPeting Is open to the pub· ~ll'll!'lor on I hi' slillf ol 'l'lu• Clril'll· Ill'. l'll'llll"I!S will be shown of the lnl MlssioiHJI'Y Sol'iPI,I''s lliliiP 1 :3 liPids of worlt.

Garllen Club Will Feature Oullloor Lighting Program,

I~EBRUARY 1 lo the dale chosen hy Miss J<nren Snyder !or her wcrlrllng to Edward Elly of Detroit. 'Announcement of the troth is revealed by hec. pnrcnls, Mr·. and Mrs. M. II. Weisnieht of East Lansing.

Parties Rou1Jd Out Evening At Club's.Cabaret Dance

I '

Mot·c than 100 couples danced to the mLJsic ol' Bob Bcmtbc m·chestrn Fl'ldl\y evening at the caban!t hospitnl bcne­tlt dance .sponsm·ed by Mason Junim• Chlld Study club, Red geraniums and n white picket fence gave un nir ·or a real French sidewalk cafe.

Mnson .Jaycees went aU out to help the IJencfit fund when they combined theh· monthly social gathct•ing with the C!liJuret' dance, Eighteen couples gathered at. the home of Mt•, and Mrs. H. G. Walt at a cocktail pm·ty pl'ior to the dance. Afterwm·d they all retumed to the Walts for a buffet luncheon. Mr. and Mt·s. Ferl'is Stl'icl<land, .Tt•,, were co-hosts. Refreshments Included balwd ham, vm·iety of cheeses, homemade bt·ead, relishes, assorted cool<ics, angel food cake, coffee and tea .•• Af!et• the dance Mt•, and Mrs. Darwin Barr served lunch to Mt·. and Mrs. William Dat't, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean and Mt•. and Mrs. Roland Howes.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lay of Leslie, Mr. and Mrs.

: • 1\!rs. l\I:Jrg:Jn•t li'r•gl ~lllll· tlom'"l' bPds, sti!Jls and wnilts, II"I!Ps, pools, and cooking nnd rlin· ing mr•as. Wil'lng and safety mea· SIII'I'S are also l'lllJlhasizcd. At the l'llll!'lusion nn exhibit showing ap· piir·Htlon of the slides will be shown.

Both Miss Snyder and Mr. Elly nre seniors at University of Mich· !gun. She is a graduate of Mason high school with the class of 195~.

They will speal< their vows In Mason Mclhorllst church.

Douglas Bat·r of Lansing and Mr. and Mt·s. LeRoy Sue- · lens, Ml'. and Mrs. James Inghram and Mt·. and Mrs. Robert Densmore met at the home of Mr. and Mt·s. Duane Barr and tl'tey all attended the dance together. After the dance the Ra~ Collar·s, Douglas Barrs, and 'Mt·. and Mt·s. Saelens retmned to the Barr home and had lunch . • . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lavis set'Ved potato chips, cmckers, cheese and punch to their guests, Mr. and Mrs. William 'I'hot·bul'll, Mr·. and Mrs. Jim· Brown and Mr. and Mt'S. Joe Dean, pt·eceding the dance. The Thorbul'lls, Bl'Owns and Mrs. Frank Young had a buffet lunch with Mr. and

• 1 Tn(ll'."'i [r·orn < 'I!IJSliJllPrs PoWPI' Co.,

Jnd\SOII ol f'il"l', ll'ifJ gil'l' I ill' pl'll· gram 1111 lllildr"ll' li::IJting 111 1111•

, , meeting of 1\Jasonll:Jn'l illl' (;HI'· dPn l'luh 'l'lll'sd:Jy, Nlll"<'llllH'I' ;,, 'l'hl' nwPiing ll'illli" al J::l/1 in till' bHsl'llH'Ilt 11! 1111• l'llllllf,l' lilir:Jr)'. Miss l•'ra11 l.olli(ll ol 1111• J,:Jnsilt~: offil'p will nssist in IIH• )ll'o~:rnm. Mrs. II. r;. \\':ill i;; pmgr:1111 dwir­man.

ltJ•rn•slmwnts of drlct• and li<lllgllilllls will lw sr•rverl.

Church Bazaar Set for Nov. 16

• '-·

M1·s. ~lllllllll'I'S IS :1 t(l'adllilll' of' 1\lil'higan ~I HI I' llnil"l'I'Sil ,\' Hnd taught 1111nw l'<'oiHIIllir·s lil'forP joining Consllllll'l'-'' l'oll'l'l' l'lllll· pany in r;mnd ltHpids in lfl~l. In 1\h•miJI•rs of St. .James Hnsa1·y 1!l.ii sh1• IH'l'llllll' sJ•nilll' hrnnl' & ;\Jim· So('jpfy will .~ponsor a Hl'rVkl' advisor at tl11• gJ'IIPral or- t 'llrblmlls tmzaar on Saturday, firl' in .J:wks11n. ~illl'<' .I,Jnllary, No\'l'lllhl'l' J(j, from noon to 9 p. l!!~fi. sill' ll.J-< IH'I'Il "Jl''''ialililll~ in 1m. in tile Vileant store building residenti.JI :ntd garril'll l1;:hling. • llt'xi tu lhP Mason haiH~ry.

In 111'1' talk, i\lr.,. Sumnwrs will GPill'ral !'lwirml'll arc Mrs. give pointl'l'.s 1111 <JiildrJIII" li:,hl ing \\'illi:nn J'pe); and Mrs. Norman eqllipmt•nt lcor g:JJdo•ns, larg!' Ill' DollH'l'. small. 'I'IH• Jll'11gram II ill al-"11 1'11 11 Bc 111 ttl chairmen named nre: sisl of siit!Ps and :111 I'XIiillit on 1\!rs. William Heesc 1·, white ele· g:mlen oiiHI lllildlloJ' lighting. Till' plulnt; 1\li's. Irving Ifeipel, sweet slides will silll\1' diflt'll'nl an•:1s of shop; Mrs. .James Evans, fish outdoor iigh t ing 1

11 r II'ITac·ps, pond; Mrs. Richard Hnyhoe, calce

Study Club Has October Meet

wnlk; 1\ll·s. llowanl W. lloherts, pnrr•p) post;

111rs. GJ•raid Gmham, gTeen thumh; Mrs. Raymond Sdwti<'lcl, l:uwy wor·i;; Mrs. George Mitch­t•ll and Mrs. William Wallace, Sll:ll'l\ shop; Mrs. r.arl Gauss, do.JI

1\'lis. llt•rtH•rt .\;<•lltii:Jn ll)lPnl'd !)l)olil; 1\lrs. llnrolcl I!amilton, ·Jwr lwnw to llll'miH•rs "' 1\lason game J)(Jotl1; and Mrs. John Ber· Senior Child Slurly l'iuiJ \\'prfnl•.s· 'gr!on, .Jr .. religious articles. rlny !'Vt•ning. I Procr•eds from the 1mzaar will

Mrs. ltot.:t'l' !Tali-h. t·ounty 'hP llsed In help in parish work SeJJOoJ SJII'!'I'il l'lllll'l'fi<IIIISI. S)lllkl'l' on SfH'Pr·h t'lll'l'<'l'l i11n and nwth· ods :nul l'quipnwnl 11'"'1. l-'111' tltr fl(\Xt JnPPI ing on NnVPmher (i

memiH•rs \\'ill lour lit" Slalt' ,Jollrnal hui!ding in Lansing.

n" freslmwnt s 11 t l'ir!J•r and dollghnuts 11'1'1'1' Sl'l'l"l'd h)' the hostess, witll 1\li s. 1\l!'l'll'itt J•:vPr· itt and 1\Jrs. Hnlwrt '!'Par <Jssisf· in g.

Church Youngsters Join in Hay Ride

Circles Stage Fall Meetings

Mt·s. Lavis aftet• the dance. Attending the dance in a party were Mr. and Mr·s.

Wm·ren Mueller of D~1nsville and Mt·. and Mt·s. Herschel Jewett. They met Mt·. and Mt'S. James Crowner' of Lan­sing, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Dawson and Mt·. and Mt·s. George Wilburn of East Lansing there. After the 'dance·

Mason Methodist chtlreh cl.rcles the Jewetts entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mue!let• and the had their Octohm· meetings Tues· Rollin Datts ... Mr·. and Mrs. Victor Bt•ennet· had fl'iencls day evening. Mrs. Paul Decess in for refr~shments prior to the dance, Mr. and Mrs. opened her home to Huth circle. Frank Lock, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Howes, Mrs. Fmnk Mrs. Milton Collins ami Mrs. Schmidt, Mt•, and Mrs. Richard Hayhoe and Mr. and Mrs. Clwrles Powers were co-host· Lester· Palmer. esscs. Mrs. Hay Bush was· pre· -----------;__---:----------­sen ted 11 cors11ge and welmmed

Triplets Born-'. to Et,eretts ns a new member. Mrs. R. R. Robbins gave the· progrnm on a discussion of racial pmblems US'·

ing the hoolt, Smisc and Non· Triplets, 2 girls anrl a boy,' the former Thelma Weinhcnn, sense, with nudicnce participa· were horn to Mr. nncl Mrs. Loren dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl tlon. Devotions, In the same Everett of 3119 ·Phillips ·road I<lcinhenn of Lansinr:. Mr. Thor· theme, were by Mrs. Donald EcJg. Thursday, October 17, at Spar· burn is president of the M:1son ington.. row hospital, Lansing. The Eve!r· school hoard. The George Thor-

Eighteen members of the Mnry etts have named !heir daughters burns are the paternal gr•and· Marlhn eircle mel at the home of Marie Jo and Marcia Joy, and parents. Mrs. L. L. Swaninger in Lnnsing. th_eir son, Mark Jay. The triplets Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snvder Devotions were led by Mrs. Roy Will be welcomed home by Gerry of. Joneshurn, Arl<ansas, are 'pnr· Knopf. Mrs. Joe Bullen gave n Ann, 10, and twins, Clarice and ents of 11 son, St'ott I<evin, born hook report of The Foreigner, Clare, 9. Grandparents of the Sundny, October 20. The Snyder·s based on the hook of Ruth. Re· youngsters are Mr. and Mrs. have another son, Wayne, 4. Mrs. freshments of snlnd and coffee Reuben Everett of Oltemos and Snyder is the former Donnn were set·ved from a tnble dec- Mr. ~nd Mrs. Lewis Wieland of Hunt, daughter of Mrs. Ella Hunt 01·atcd In a fall theme. Mrs. Frank Phillips road. Mrs. Ada Gubbins of Mas~n Rathhurn and Mrs. Geneva Chncl· of Olwmos is theil· great·gmnd· · .. \\icl< were co-hostesses. mother. Mr. and Mrs. W1llwm Bowen

Orpha Ellen circle. met for n Ml·. and Mrs. Russell Wr·Jght of Holt announce tlw birth of a one o'clock luncheon vVednesrlny are parents· of a son, Ronald J., son Friday, October. 18, at Spar. at the home of Mrs. Montie Wood· born Thursday, October 17, at ~ow . hospital,. Lal~slll,~. He _J~as ani, with Mrs. Clara ·Tomlinson fi1ason Gener·nl Jwspital. een named V\ 1illam .. I he as· co-hostess. Sixteen members Bowens have a daughter, Behndn,

A,son, Dean Gregory, was born 15 th M B · 11 f ar1cl r g11est \vnre p1•esent. · mon ~. rs. owen IS . 1e or· .. ~ - to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waiver· s c 1 D_evotions were·givei1 by Mrs. ton Saturday, October 19, at Ma· mer anara .oo<, daughter of

R P '1 L Mr .. and Mrs. Vern Cnrl. Lne ost. " rs. awrence Bnrton s:;n General hospital. presented the lesson on Our .Mr. and Mrs. A1•thur Farr of Home Mission 'Crnters and Rnce. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Johnson of Holt are parents of n daughter, Mrs. Gmver Al<ers, Sr., con- Holt annou~ce the birth of;.a .Bonnie Ada, borri Weclnescllly, De· dueled the business meeting. daughter, Lila Mny, born Wednes· ·tober 23, at Sparrow hospital, which included a discussion of the day, October 23· Lansing. Bonnie has 2 brothers, church fair-which will be. on Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Barby of Wayne, 6, and Randy, 4. Mrs. cemher 4. Leslie announc~ the birth of a Farr is the former Grac:e Ray.

Peeks T a.k~ jpbs: .. !: . I '

In church · :Mus·i.c I

··w'"'''"'"'A .: As~ol'!aHon ol the hvllnrlnn HHtrch will hqve Ita

II) fl. 'rl)ut·~rtnr, Octo· p. ·IT1. ut the church. will have n pnrty at

Carl Royer, 611 , n 1. 8 o'clnel< g, Qctohcr 24.

,urwnuJ~IR, arc to tni~e ~nrl<

Anoouncing the Opening


Peggy's Beauty Shop·

Cold Waves- Hair Shaping

'MRS. HERBERT NEWMAN Corner of lvoo rood ond Dodor Troil, 2 milo• •••I of M••on.

S,lfurclay evening ·16 youngsters i 11 3 junior ciasscfi of Mnson CIHm·h of the Nazarene went on ~ hayride. The party was planned l1y tenchers of the classes, Mrs.

Dennis Rn\' llills. J:l. l'llierPtl Hay Cochrane, Hownrd King and · Rev. Hoy Mumau. Sp:uTn\1' h11spi I :11. Lansing. last

. Mrs. Otis Montaven opened her son, Dana Chris, born Wecln~s· monel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs·. home to the Rachel circle for a day, October. 23, at Mason •Gen· Clare Raymond of Mason. Mrs. 1:30 der.sert luncheon Wednesday: era! hospital. Ada Farr of Holt is the paternal

.·.1. Take "All My TIHirsti:JI' f11r ln•atnwnt.lll' is tile Other adults nccompnnying the son of ~·Jr. nnrl ~Jr.,. Ilal'lllrl llills youngsters were Mr. Cochrnne, of 32:i Handolph sfll't'l. Mrs. King, Almon Fulton and Ted

Mrs. Ivan Bellinger 'assisted aS" A son, David Scott, was born grandmother. c O·h o s tess. Mrs. Lennagene to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thorburn ~----------------·...,~~~iJi,.,i[6oll.~ Swearingen led devotions and of 2692 Phillips road Thursday, Mrs. Edward Jude1·john presented October 17, at Sparrow· hospital, the program, Knowing John Lansing. The 'T'horburns also Mark Fourte.en members and a have 2 sons, Andy, 14, and Jim, guest were present. 7, nnd a· daughters, Trudy, 11,

Mr. anti i\Jrs. \\':lltr•r :l.imnH'I' IIeins. · After the hayride the ;;pent 'l'llltrsdo~.1 • f1 11011 g-h Satur· group retumed to the Kir1g fnrm

for a wiener ronst. day in Flint .ill••nriing thr 1\la· • ,, • sonif' Grnnrl l'hnptrr mr1•ting. · · Sunrfny tJ 11 ~ Z:imm,1s l'llfl'l'lained 1\lrs. Hobert Ballard _and Ron· nt diniJCr Dr. J;o~ 1 ·tmra (;r: 11. nml aid, ~ll·. and Mrs. Lon~ue Bnlla1:d Miss J\lif't' Th 11mas or E:1si L:Jn·f nnd ~lr. and . M1·s. l~lmer Ot1s sing. 'l'hl' 11-11 n11 •11 IH1I't~ n'I"Pntly :vcre!a)·.~Jin!ler ~ucsts· of Mr: returned tro 111 llutmn and spoke <IIHI Mts. Getd!~l Mn~tln nncl so1!s at Mason JJ:tptist r·hurdl Sunday ,or 01~ 01Htaga .. I he du~ner w~s 1.11 mornill". I honr11 of Mt_s. Lonl1le Ball<~ rei s

h bu·thtlay anmversary. Mrs .. 1. C'. l'cJI''dUI :Jnd con .. Jay Corsaut, Hl'l'il't•d h)" planp Tlllil'S· rlay night fnun Wninul CrPel\, Califol'llia, to vb-it hPr fatlwr, Sayle Murdut'k, who is seriously sicl\ in Sparrow lwspital.

JIOUSI' !~'III'Sfs or ~II'. and :'ll1·s. llnsspJJ ~;us, Slt•l"l'n unci Uil•lnll'll ar1• -'i1·s. Sus' Jllll'· cuts, ~Jr. lllul )I1·s. 1'. L. l11•y. noi!Js of I(rwJ,~· FJu•d, Colo.: Ju·•· g·J•antlfH\I't'nts, i\h·. und Jlli•s, Frau]; L. 'I'I'OXt•l of l'il'l'l"l' ('it~-. )ln.; nntl hc•J' 1111nf, :IIi'S, ,fop l.asS\\"1'.(] nt' Wilmil:.;.;-t nn, 111. 'l'h I'Y a l'l'i\'Pll lHontla~·.

!llr. :mtl ~Irs. Stanlr•y I laze I were ~LIIHI:i,\' riiniH'r .'.(llt'hls of Mr. nnd 1\Irs. KPJJnPI h l'arlwr of '\Jill· er road, Lansin.'.(. Linda llolll'ig of Eaton Hapiris spent la~t !\Tun­

and TuC'sday with her gran:l· Is, fill! llaZ!'Is.

Hr. IIIHI ~li's. ,J, II. Doolittle or .\IPxil•o, lUissom·J, visltml IJ1·. IJoolittle's unl'lc• 11nd uunt, l\11'. 1111d lllr·s. non Hoo· littl1•, lust F1·idny.

Dr. and 1111·s. Williarn E. Clark alfPIHicd 1 he Nortlnvestern-Uni· v~rsity of Michigan football gnme Saturday at Ann Arbor, .and vis· ited their son, Tom. Sunday the Clnrlcs were gLiests of Mr. and l\Jrs. Don Hamilton in Royal Onk

1\!r. and Mrs. J. L. Harvath and famil.l' were guests at dinner Sun· day of Mr·s. Ruby Galvin and Vern Bunl<er of Lansing. M1·s. Galvin is Mrs. Harvath's ·aunt and Mr. Bunker is her father.

Dr. :111d Mrs. Geot·ge Bauer of Stnndish spent the week end in Mason with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, and Mnr· garet.


Deborah circle members, total- Mary, 6, and ·Joy, Who wlll be• 5 ing 15, gathered at 1:30 p. m. next month,' Mrs. Thorburn Is Wednesday for a dessert lunch· ·-·-----~---'-­eon at lhe home of Mrs. Donald Higbie. CG·hostesses were Mrs. Clara Diclcman and Mrs. Arthur Cole. Mrs. Cole nlso gave the de­votions. Our Home Mission Cen· ters and Race, the program, was presented by Mrs. Arthur Ziel<· graf.

!I' * * Nancy Bray played with Mrs.

Walter Zimmer in a 2-piano rendi· tion of Grieg's Concerto in .\ Minor last 'Wednesday for the Muslcegon Woman's club.

Lois Hall, dnughter of Mr. ancl Mrs. Oren Hall, is home this week from Albion college recov­ering from n flu attack. She ar­rived home with her parents Mon· day night.

Sunclny afternoon Dr. and }Irs. Merlin Green visited Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert of Albion. Dr. Green's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lepard CJf Grand Rapids, were l~riday ove1·· night guests.

M1·s. Gerald VanSingel, Dirk and Chris were Tuesday supper guests of Mrs. William Finlt and children.

Church ~chedules Special. Services Special evangelistic services

will be conducted at Bunker Hill Church of the Nazarene begin· ning Sunday, October 27·Sunclay, November 10. Rev. Betty Malone and Carol Bnchil<e 1\•ill give the sermon including specinl music and singing.

Rev. Malone has toured Can· ucla and the Unltecl States in lhe interest of Indian mission work, a!Jd conducted revivals for 2 years.

Services will ·begin each eve­ning at 7:30. Rev. Carl Barnes is ;JBSt'or of the church. Sundny, Oc· tober 27, at 2:30 there will he a slngspiration with Ray Detriclt~ from Lansing Zion church ln charge.

• • • Mrs. AI Wells entertained Mrs.

Rollie Speer, Mrs. Jay Coffey and Mrs. James Hulett Monday eve· ning.

Swe.ateri·.:· ~'· ·. · .. In Orion, Barr.! on;· Wo.o1 .' :': . · . Fur Blerid(~Y.:Oit~u·vjlle. · .. :· ; .. Pullovers from - $3.98' ... · Cardigans. from :..;.· $5.~~ ; : ..

., . . '

Mayfair Skirt~- Siies 22 to 30- $5:98 up.·


We ·Guarantee Safr'lfaefion

· Dry Cleaning ··· .. to

··:··,Modern Cleaners .. , ' '

..1 •••

It's Christmas Lay Away .Tj:me '.

* Cosmetics *' W~ist Watches * Billfolds

* Electric Razors * Pens and· Sets· * Toys • Toy,s • Toys

* Lighters~ Pipes Slide Ccimeras * *

Proiector~ · Screens

* .· F·l.ash~··'camera Kits,* Travel I Alarm *· :·c;~~-e.t · . Clock.s : .. · ·· * · .. .-;tri~~-::: · ·.t ~ .• · ~.. ... • • . .. " ,'

('"_ .. . . ~ ., ' . • ',I •

·* . Binoculars

Charge. It •••

* , Light Meter~· lo ,',

Lay It WA-.R. E'S Away At - · Mason_·

,. i


· ... :.~1\~t'n~·School Newt!

j,,(Jy 's /ollillgs ~ t •

. · Jty JUi)V GAitnNI~I' "l:lenlm• · aclwlnrshlp tests wcm

· tulj«;n 'J'ucaduy, They nrc prelim· lnnry to tHo Nnllnnnl Merit

· BcllnlurHhlp. 'l'hc J'esults will he Rent io thr stullcpts' ehnlco of enl· lege ntlrl to the high school prln· ciJiill. Abi1Jt 30 aturlcnts nrc IIIII· lng the teo.ta, Tho cost Is $1.00,

~r.nlor · jJict.urcs wcm tnlwn Wt'llnl!sduy nne!· Thursday hy tho H .. A~. Powpll St11dlos.

. Chnpel services will hr. con· ductcd ;Frlrl!!y mornln~. Chapel cljldrmnn, I~ Lore lin Crar!r!odt. nov . .Tolltl Pruden will hr. ~UI!St tipeukor. Mtt11lc will he ;;uppllr~r! by tlto mhd!rl chorus. They will ~lng "Dieus lho Lore!."

· The lmpllrimm•n clltHs Is spon· s'rirlhg n Hflll hojJ F'rlr!ny nl(.!hl. elit)tlod Shnlly Shnc!nws. It will be·· ~~~~tid oh tlw !.heme of Hal· lowcmL Mtislc will br. SUJlpliorl hy Wesll!y Clrirl1. The clanee will he In the gym fl'!un H until lt::lO.

> Sptmsoi's tor thn r!nneo will he Mr. and Mrs. Vnut{hn Snook and ~~·. and Mrs. William Simpson.

· Tltc IJIIJio club met Wednesday

Over 1200 Women Meet' At Pretty Holiday Carnival llomr.rnnlwJ's from all over lng·

hnm eounly wi!J· he rnp!tnlfzlng on CIJrlstmns giving Ideas they saw ul the Christmas earnlval inst. Thttt•sdny, There wem 1200 women who viewed tho exhlhlts at 1 he American Legion Bullrllng.

Tlw huge room was llnorl with cxhllllts worlwd out by ao differ­em local home dcmotmtrullon groups.

GrocJ[m of homemakers of nil nges, some with liwlr small chll· dren, wnndererl from o1w exhibit

Extension Groups

to ano[heJ", J11nny sto)lfled to copy pnttcrns, jot down notes, allfl r.von try theh• lwncl nt mnldng ,;orne of 1 ho I! oms, In mnst r·nsl!s they tn!lwrl to tlw nttcndants stn· llonerl nt the exhibits to hnve the methods cxplalncc.l more fully m• to nnrl out where to buy the mn· terlals,

Meals and cnffcn wem provided by the American Lcglm1 Auxfl· lary,

Bunltcr Hill and Ea~t Leroy group shower! how to mnlw

Women Pla11 for Clzrislllzas Sparlwrl hy tho count.Y·Wir!P nlvnl wus given by Mrs. GJ'UC and

Christmu:; cnrnlvnl nl tho .Amerl· 'Mrs. Cowick. The hostess served rmn Lr~glon hu!ldlng lust Thurs. lunch. d11y, extension women are thnck· lng nlica!l l<J Christ mas. Many of the mt~etings this w<>eit ntJt!el­patcc! nwl\lng gift~ at. lmme and ntlic!' plan~ for enJoyment of the lwlhlay cason. with Iloh BJ'Odfonl, n vontrilo· QUEEN POLLY'S KNIGHTS didn't slay the Big BluCl dragon

Friday night but tho Mason homCJcoming still carried a lot of Wh'!ll lnr~ham Pxlrnslnn group quiHt, as spenl<er. M h . p II D' d met Monday evening at Dansville . color and eKcitcmcnt. ason omecomtng queen o y ramon town hall, 21 members answered

. S!!vcral memiH~c·s nttcnrled llw :;r~wlng rlmnnnstmtlon by Arl· 'J<tnce Pnllern Co. Werino;;clny nt Delhi township hnll. The next III Lighters group nH•etlng will lw Novnmber JH at. Jill! home of Mrs. Marguerite !-;clcu hr.rt.

' A nr.w oluh l111s been organized was escorted fo her coronation by Harry Spcnny at pro-game core-In. MHS. It Is tho Seinnc:c eluh monies. roll call hy an lncxpcnslvn

" Christmas .tree ornnments,. Other cxltihltli were; Olwmos, tnhle · fnvors: Mlllvllle,' IJJghum nml Qulnlnn, tuhlo lll'rt111Htnents: Dnf· hi, Double 10, Ji1111wy Doors, Southwest Whentlleld, und llow·

Funds Are Raised At Maple Grove

To, novel clccol'llt!ve utTunge· Mujllc Grove Me(lwdlst men, in mepts; Hnslet.t Lnlteslrlcrs, Christ· a, cnmpnlgn to mlso money for mns cm·rt frlens; F'rlonclly Neigh· !heir ehurch building fuml, ron· hnrH, w•·uppfng suggc!stlons; !loll· dtl!'lccl a !lay·l.nng sct'llJI Iron and day ccll'sngrs of muny ltltuis wc~ro metal rh·lvc Suturrlny, clevelnper! hy Nol'thwcst Aurelius A r•ommlllce met nt H u. m. on nne! Delhi nnrl I-Inppy Hours, !toll· iho Mi1plo Grove scltool ~··outuls dny COI'S/lges; Cheerful Chut· with nev. Carl Slnscr, (HlStOJ" of terers, unique cnml!es. Community Methodist church of

Slwrwood Oults, stEtlnerl gins~ Maple Grove. Christmas do.~lgrm with colored Lne Pettit, chairman and OJ'). nlumlnum foil; Mnson No, 1, glnntor of tho drive, dnnuted the felt Items: Country Cousins, uHe of his truc!t. The tlrst '1 schccl· suede !toms; Sandhill, smncltcd ulerl stops ·mucic a truckload, pillow euseH; Hawley, novel t'HI'· which netted $20. Another schcd· rings; Lcm·n·A·Bit, pinup lamp nlr>rl Htop wltnm the mr.tal wns nnrl string J'IJg; White Oalt, place- Hnrlod awl made ready to he mntH; .Waltcrs·l{lpp, ~tuff~d toy huulmi Is expcclecl to bring mot·o animals; Her) Cr.rlnr·Merlcllnn, lhntt clouble tltlll umouut, nnd will ll'iant piny !Jirwlts made from card· bo collected Saturday, October 26. board hoxcs; ami Holt, wooden Coffer. nncl cnlws were served Items for the home. . at collectlnn stops.

SimJlio craft lcleas lndurled llw The committee will remain or· mo:mic' worlt by Wl!r:ox; baslwtry r!anlzerl, and plnnH more col!t~c· hy Pouille D; nnd bugle hcndworlt !Ions. by Ml!ler Iload. sunrlny wa:; trr.•e planllng riay

Cooltles. and JHIJII'!J were flt'O· nn the ehurch grounds. Twr~JJIY· vlr!Pd hy the ScoretleH and South [nUl' c~vr!r~reen, t!HI)Jio nnd milt west. Whnattlelcl. tt·t~cs were plnnlPci.

Ingham County News, Milson, Mich., '

October 24, 1957

"IIJ J{ I "' i 1 , I Dwi1l Chri:;tmas gift tlu;y .IHI!I nwrlr• . w ~ 1 nr .~sson JU ·g .tnc ' , Members of Queen Polly's court wore Nancy Bray and Jean 1 ' I I

Hager ·fiB clcth sprmsnrs. Anyn1w I McKenz"to, . Those present. ntroducec t JCm· In gr111leH JO through 12 who Is In· ·I sr:lves to a n'ew member In a (ercatcrl In Belence, may join. Doug Lamke, 1957 c~ptaio <lnd fullb,1ck, was crowned as 'novel way. ' · football king. Members of his court wore Mike Holbrook and Tom Several group members told : Ml:IS .debute team is plannin~ I Clipper. ~what ullec·~slcd .t!Jcm most at a ficltl trip, November 9 to Ann Along with tho coronotion ceremonies high school organiza- '11he Christmas carnival, ;mel

We Have Moved! Afbtlr "'l'crlms'·from nil over lhr. 1 t' d' 1 d h · d 'fl t 'Ph 1 b A h • ) .. lu!lgcs were appolnterl t.o help ll'tntc ,'i·lll· hn p' rcsent. Tltc rlt'IJ,"t.c I rons csp aye omecomcng para e oa s. 1 .o o y rc y s

v " - " with thn Dansvlllr~ UNICEF·I-lal· tojllc \Y!It he ·dlsc·u~serl. The Unl· L ,. ,Jowccn Jlarty. Refreshments ivcrc v,er~;lty of Michigan will eS fe served by Mrs, F'orre;;t Barry, ~he· piny, Arsenic and Old Lace Mrs. Elbridgn Wolfgang, Jr., and tm: ~h'~trl,.I)1rs: ~anlcn Pont ts the Lt·ons Have Ladt•es Ns·g·ht •Mrs . .rames Willttnson. cl!;ba~l! t.fl!,lll sp.onsor. College Crossroad extension '· ; lfelpi·.Hafpi'.Judy naedo help In ronnel gi'Oup met Tuosrlay at the home •

up tho n•w• .nl.•chpol nctlvlllo• nnd ••· li,Y Cltu·a Sll'!IIIA'f' I ticket sa irs. Mr. ;u·,rr M1·s. Olio f M p M A I' e · · I rr I "I k t d 1 d tencl 0 . rs. , . X 1ll • <In • • •·•· ~ •• •• • •" "" • "" •· . . • , f-fct'ksel will he in dtrcrgt' of Idle It· ••• to.h••P 'bor rlo•tod. · Lwns Drslncl Gnvcrnot· L<l·/ en work, Mr. and MJ's, Ford During the business meet in(.! : :;.' · · Verne llobiJins of Bnttl? Creel' Chapman, dining room and Mr. ciutlos of officers were discusser!. 1

ifl,;rl; • D · told member~ of IIJC Leslw group anrl Mrs. Hlenhnrt, Mr. anrl Mrs. nnrl projr.ets for the year were ~. ,r.l• uln ·.rag and 11wir IVII'CS thai they w~re llidHml Sr·hmit anrl Mr. and Mrs. jJiannerl. Mrs. Ilussell Kleis ~ave . , . o~c of l:J,:lOIJ eluhs .in 82 countJ'I!'S Otto F;mchcr in dwJ'ge of food. tho lesson on Christmas l1ieas.

'I\vo ni!w printers joiner! 111e wtlh a membership of :IGO,OOO' · · A luncheon was server! by the ing,hain County News staff this who sponsored annually 171,£i72 I hostess, who also gave

11 rlemon· I

we\!lt.·,kcith Griswold of Lansing service projects. M1·s. Ilohbins ill· Beard Ta ks ' stration on maldn~ paper flhcr hils tri.1tcn command o.f.!r,tte.!·press tcnr!cd the ladies night banquet Of A . • flowers. The next meeting will be pt·lhtingr l-Ie's an expert Hoiclcl· in Leslie with him Monday eVC· nnexatlon Tuesday, November 18, at tho berg opj!l'lllor and letterhearjs anrl nlng. home of Mrs. I. 13. Ilittcr. "Uice statlonl!ry'are his specialty. Lions President Morris Ilien· Sr.el<ing information as a hasisl' . Ue's a tf. S. nnvy veteran, sln~:Je hart HnnottnCC() Harrison Carter for r c co 111111 n n rJ a 1 ion for or Ill I, 1 ~· h t. (~I" H nxtcus!<lll nml Eln enthuslustlc bowler. The as chairman of the I-Iailowcen

1 <~gainst ann~xa.tinn with tlw· [ J:'I'Oup met 1\londny eV~'IIIIIA'

other. n'C!wcomer to the News starr party wi11r Lisle Goff, Mnlcolm I he s~ilflol r!Jstr){'t were Illverscdo . a,t [~W homCl of 1\II"N, .''I"RIII< is, Ed Nct11c, .tl psycholo~y !\Cnior Stu<~rt and J. Douglas Alnxnncler rllsti'JCt of. Ononrlaga hoard mcm- Cowrdt. Nine mmn~m1 s untl from Michigan State. Eel will nssisting him. The villa~c eoun· hers, )JI'I'Siclcnt, Ga.IP McMccha~l, mw guP~t were Jll"esrmt. IUtndle 'Ill!:! casting chores and ell ltncl previously voted $40 as/ secretary, Mrs. Ilwltard. Jarvis, The chairman Mrs. John G~af, \vlll prtlctil:e some psychology on their share of thC! expenses cov. treasurer, Ralph Balrlwm, ancl. presided at tit~ meeting. Thr. I the rest of us. (If you'd lilw an' cring it. " trustees, \Varcl Lentz anti Larrylyea~'s pr~gram was Ollliinecl ancl dn~fyala; si?P inl. . I Announced, too, wer? plans for D~yle., . . .·. . .· the Jesson on Christmas gift ca'r· I ·. ~ldkel~on-Bitkcr Lumber Co. lite ham ancl tlll'key chnner to be rhc) mel .m sp?o.ll sc~ston _ ... _ _ _ . _ .. ______ 1

In order· to provide a more con­venient location. for our clients and to· . provide.· ourselves with more office space we have moved to ••.

218.· E·. Maple Street Mason

·. (Third Houso East of Court Houso on Maple)

Phone OR 7-3841

Joy 0. Davis Insurance pf '1 · a• liill 'clearance this weclt served at the Masonic temple Monday ev:-nmg wrth PresJcle~t SORORITY I. IAS MEETIN.G ., '"rl!ld1~Tllet'j, ·are some swell bar· Wednesday, Nov!:!mbor 6, with of thr. Lnslte school board, Alvm. M . G, . " Wh t J . t ., " ' · " · · · • · · W · dland sccrol'lry Clyde Alien J rs. CCH gc Y c, r., en C! · ~ .. ,;1·~-·- ... ·t· ~ v/iu in · this wcclt's scrvi11~ hc~lnmn~ at 5 p. m.' Mil- · 00 ' ' • ' • ' . ' t 1 1 ._ f Et ·A·I ,. ·

" ts .. o,. ' . • . ,. trMStlt'CI" Mr~ }fcloJ"e·· l\'ann~ a nee mcm.,ers o " a p,.n, .. , • 'd lnrrl T·tvlor will be 111 ch·1rge of ""' • ,,, ·' . ' ,.. 1 t f B t s· ·PI!']. . .. , .. . :Agency

i . '

.fo1'·.qt Nnw evm·!


Train Case Sal·!

Streamlitc Train Case ... regularly $17.50

Pre·ChriBtlllnH sp(•cinll Streamlit~ '!'rain Cane hold~ G2 travel needs­ont-tmve/n nil others! Comc3 in llnwniian Blue, 1\awhidc I•'inish, S:uldlo 'I'nn, Aclmirnl ntuo, Bermuda Green, London Grey, Colorado Drown.


FREE-Your Choico of Initials!

·",,}· 11.1

'· · · · • · ~--~-.. ' '-· ---. ------ ... : ______ .' ivin, lrustees, Anlliimy'.Moll and clap .er 0 c a · Jgma 1 j.:,M,r; .nrld M,r~. 'William {o'mch · · Alfred Warrlowsl,i, and SuJJt. soronty at tea Sunday, Mrs. Te~. ~~~~~~.v~ling ~~~ M p '' ·t· ClnronreV~!l~Li~~. ~n~~~l,k, ~sa gu~t.~=====================================~===========~ thi~:.: Wl!!!k ,Bill is a former em· a son ostmas er Hi versicle distriet now hils a Tuc:~rlay evening the group met. ,• p)oye ?! UjeNcws, They now llvc .3·mom stoam·heatcri builcllng ag.aJ!t at. the ~hyte home. Mrs·. ,ln)Cii~El, Granda, Arizona. Sp'eaks to Ll.on' s with l'llnlling water an.rf flushed WJilla.m J-Tamlrn of Holt was CO· •: ·This pheasnnt business has ~ot. . toilets, the board sairl, in which hostess. Mrs. Whyte gave the p~~·

Plenty of Free and E11sy Parking, Too! THE DANCER co.

ti!tt :to''bo 11 rltu_al. Few pheasant 3 teachers and a part-limn music gr~~ on prose. Plans _were diS· IH.Inthirr c.xpbdltwns ever pay off Leslie Palmer, postrnnstcr, told tn·Jc•ltet· ·aclrl 'lO "ur•ils arc housed. cussed for .the proposed style

· · j · Mason Lions club members about "' - ' · 1' · It w sponsored by the '""'m•itv.l tlnitnt:lll, 1)• ... yYin. . Dancer who the methods of handling mail, They gnvc their state equalizer! s oN . b 21 / ba


1'e .. ".· II b.lrd cnrly Monclny ' n_v,·tlllo'lt.iotl r'lS,' $2<15,000, Leslie's on ovet;n er. •·. • ""IH (i 1 f past <ltld present, at I he regular " '

,m(!r/1. ,g fl~ tes·that u. po~n~ o meeting Wednesday evening at state cejualizerl evnluation was P/1t!ti6UI1~. ~osts:. him $17.9~. fho · given ;cs $:1,!ili£i,60'1· anrl tlteir as· Jl'!f!~~ilnd. pl'iGe fot· hunt~rs who Mason Manor. . . . sessed v;tlualion as $:1,108,00.3. grlt,,nury. a ,bl~·d Is even htgher. Palmer stat~d that Is ,,t·1'1ib·.Al,,Ji(ec Ch!!Vrolet gara~e handled. today _111 mucl,t, the s~mc I ~ptf'slioW~oo.Jtl lias a fresh coat way as 11. was m 1932. I he UnJt~r~ of'i:ial'iitJnsf(la and oltt. The place States .haii 1/Hl of tho world~ Hl':·li~hig .!'~endldd for the new popnlatwn and ta~tcs care .or two· (tfui\otol~t~,:6 1t,dl~play October 31. tlurrls o.f the mail,· he saJd. Pal· OH!l!r ·1058 lnoilel· presentations mer pomtcd nut the need for 111'cl~tie.'thc P.o. nt!uc at Howard money to further postal re~carch PbhtfKc :on: Nove'mhcr g and the ami I he ci?vclopn;cnt of modern 13ulclt •t!'t !tlltoi1 & Richards nt!xt macl·lwnrllmg dcvwes .. Postal fees . t.,( ·:.·\ · ' .. · have ~cmamed almost unchanged, ... · · · · · · • he sa rd. ·.:Robart·:nut·sing tiqmr. has been repainted and new ehl ranee steps i:(Jnstrticted. Wrought Iron rail· jn·gs ·wt\re also built Into the en· trn.~~: ?i:ea .. ' ·'The' ·offices· of Dart National bapl(. were. f)aliltcd· .last we ell encl.

' City c in p I o y e s headed by Way'ne Curtis· did' a good .fob in · rem.odeling the ·.fire-gutted Lngion Memorial building basement fol' an .eqitipment garage. A new rooi spai,ls the basement and the foitnriatlon has · been painted white. The basement Is dent in appearnnce .and the area maltes

The Mason postmnster showed a film, in which Postmaster Gcn· cral Arthur Summerlielcl was nat·· rator, presenting the postal situa­tion inr:lurfing a comparison of 1832 and 1957, showing some old pmccriures still In usc, The film inducleci pictures of the new 24· hour postoffices wilh modern mot hods ancl up-lo·datn machines for pmcessing maiL ·

Jim Inghram, Lions president, conclucteci the blisiness meeting. Bob Ware is program chairman.

an economical garage area. HO•"pl•faJs Chamber of Commerce mem· ~

be1·s nre -Inviting employes to a (linner with nil the trimmings to Nelson Doclttor of Docl1tor's shov,; nppt-eciation. The dinner Is orchard is in St. Lawrence hos· scheduled f.or the American ,Lo· pita!, where he has been confined gliin building Monday night, No· for 2· weeks. · ·

_ .· V(lntht!r 4; at 6:45. Employers can John Swiff was. home from Vet, .·. ·. ,make .res!)rvations for their em· erans. hospital, Anp Arbor, over ·. :--' 'ptoycrs ·by 'calling Bernard Cady, the week enr;l. He •\vas .taking X.

. 'general cha'lrmah. The Chamber ray treatment llrere. committee· .~xpects to seat about. Holland CQon Is at Veterans,

Anthony Gerlitz Die$ at Home · ·

. I •

Anthony GerliTz, flO, died Sat· urclay at the home of l1is daugh· ler, Mrs. Phillip Cnvender, Vaughn road, in Leslie township.

Mr. GcJ•iitz wns a life mt!mhcr of Knight.~ of Sl. George and AJ. tar Society, He was born in F'alk· man, Gm:many. He worlteci his own fanil on Wright ami Covert roads until he was 89, retiring only last year. '

Surviving are sons, William of New Yori,, Anthony of Toledo, John of Clcvelancl anrl Albert of Leslie; rlattghtcrs, Mrs·. Adalnicle Harris of Cleveland; Sister Lon· gina of Massachusetts, Mrs. Phillip Cavender of Leslie, Mrs. Benjamin Henshaw of Ypsilanti ancl Mrs. John Culver of Jnck· son; 16 gran'dchildren; ri great· grancichilciren; ,and n brother, Julius, in· Missomi:

Funeral services· werJ; Tuesday nt SS. Cornelius and Cyprian Catholic church of Bunker Hill wiU1 burial in the church come· tery. Luecht funeraL .home hucl charge of atTangements.

Consunjers · Power 20(): · · • • * hospital, Ann A1·bo\· He entered

1 •· · · · the hospital last We(lnesday. j DIVIDENDS PAID

· '· Mr . .:and Mrs.· Clare Raymond , Patients fn Masnn;:Gnnerai hos- IN RECENT YEARS: vls(tl!d ·their son and daughter-In· pita! t.his w. eeit••!lt:e .Mrs. I_da Ma:>:.. .1952 . $2.0.0 JaW·~···Mr:' and Mrs, Lawrence Ray. of Lestle, l\1rs~ 'Billie ·White of· .\. monel, .a.nd family Sunday eve· Lnnsingand F.r11dGaml;le, Bobby • .. ~~~! · · ·,$$~:~g. nlng; . . · •. Wallace, s'on of Mr. and Mt·s. Wil· ·~r ... and Mt·s. Donald Spencer liam Wallace; Mrs, Raymond Me· 1955 $2.'l0"'

l'/ ?f:~!IPI~ City, ~outh patwta:,ar~ ·Lean, Debra Griffin, Cl\mgh,ti!r of 1956 $2.20 .. vl,s!~lng Mr. and Mrs .. Jim Blown Mr. ami Mrs. Garth Griffin; Phil· 1957 Ind.. '$-2.40 .-thls·week. They are-spending sev- lip Yowalsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0 plus S% Stock Dividend

Mr. and Mrs. H. G: Walt were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rogncr of Bay City Sunday. From Sunday till Tuesday the Wnlts visited Mr. and Mrs. Ar·· thur Walt 'nncl family at Reese and returned home Tuesday eve· nlng.

1\tt·. IIIJCI JUrw. D11le Hlll'gess nf llost.(/11 \VIII al'l'iVt~ Friday

·to !tUend Uw Wt~dclinA' of 1\IJ"li •. UJU'J:'ess' bJ•othet•; Dennis Doo . llt.tlc•. II"YI 1\tls:,; ,Jn nke l{n~tm·, on Saturday; !\Irs. Burgess Will J'emnin in 1\lnson while. lUll" husband finishes his tom· of duty with tbe llllvy. ·

Mr.· and Mrs·. Walter Dzurus and son of Plymouth were Sun­day gunsts of Mr. ami Mrs. AI· fred Forche and family.

Eric Cavanaugh of Leslie spent a few days last weelt with Mr. 'and Mrs. Duane Barr.

'/WHENEil'O~ 1,(-J LTII\ II j

1'1~ CHAPPELL '/' uff INSURANCE . e.rah day~; .)n: l'yflc!,lgan visiting Phi:[llp: Yowalsh.'. Sr-.; ·-Mrs. Fred · At tho prosont mor~ot, oround $~2'.oo

friends· and ·attending Michigan Frye and Mrs. Eugene Tyiel', por shore, tho currant IJOc quorterly Stf!te unl,v~rslty homecoming fes· Those discharged,, #om Mason or $2.40 onnuol dividend ,roto indi- · ·

. tlvltles .. '. · · ., · · General hospital· .this'' weelt Jn. coles on invostinon't!·iolui'ri'"of o little Avoid thot "moal·yoursolf·coming" . '! ~r .. and ll{rs. Fmnk A .. Burn eluded Mrs, Carl Beck and Mrs. over 51f2'}'.. fooling with sound insurance protoc· ai'ld 'daughters, l{ellean and I<ath· Orvel Bailey of Dansvl!le Miss lion· ws"th us.

;·']i!(!lr,< of .Birmingham· were Weelt Cot1nle Washburn. of Fowl~rvllle, /1· is easy lo buy Consumers Power. ' ·. gl!ests .of ;.Mrs. Burn's . par· J11rs. Ralph, Ambs ··.of. Leslie ·lind shoros, simply "rile or cal/

· Mr: .and Mrs. C. -A. Ml· Mrs. c. R. · Hoovcr, 'Mrs. Beryl Saturday ,afternoon Mr. I<lng, Miss Helen Brown,_ Ml~~·

,R.qger O~t att~nded the Dorls:.SJmmons,. Mary Harrison. ·State·Purdue game~· liS daughter of Mr: and ·Mrs. Hubert

.¥1,gran.ts. Mr. 'and Harrison; and :Mrs, Alva Smith( Sfaclck of ·Lalte · · · · • --· ---'-

.-'at.'.' the.·.Migra'nts. . rr·. Y~lt •• ~ .... tho'. nutdnoo:<, yon'll love : · · · · · · Jlun(nhl ~ .. lilvel' . lnr\ulnlr.d ' nndm•wenl', ~nomce.~~llltnlltV.:. • t •• ·~· • ·:. • l>nvlt~·•MI)n'H Wenl'i· M1umn.' - •HJwl

, I . . -

~ ' , '

; ·Smith~ ;Hague, &.·Co. Member •'

~· llr~(,Yo~~.:st~ck Exchongo . • 504 Cop!I,'Sovgs, &·Loon Bldg;

Phone IV 2·0809, Beul~h D .. B.ogue, Mo~agus _ ..

·Eckrich . . ' . Florida

Skihl~ss Franks

lb. 49c

ORANGES 2 doz. 69c

Onions & Radishes 2· bun 15c ARMOUR•s

Stuffe·d ·Turkeys (6 io 8 lb Average)


Link Sausage lb SSe SHURFINE'

l·nstant Coffee PURE SHORTENING


6~o~. 95c

Swiftinhlg 3-Lb69c

· Heatherwood .

.Ice Cream !·: Bring ih. the Coupon· ..

· '.I ' · · .. From Page 5, Soctiori B. .

. ' .



lb.39c Free T o'asting Fork With Each Pack'agc .


B·anana Cake Mix Pkg. 36c


Cranberry Sauce or Jell·

2 FOR 45C

GEORGE'S ..... w~· Deliver Orders

of.$5 or .More

Food· .Market Phone OR-~7-7151



Check the hot News want ads for cOld I , .

Weather bargainsl ·-Ingham County News

October 24, 1957 A·6 2 HOLS'l'miN HEIFERS - 8



'l'heso ure largo, wr.ll grown rcglstrmnl mms. Also llu·or. yenr •-------------11 olLi mm we have been using on

months olrl; Holstein stem·, 8 months old; Holstein holier, 5 months old; J-Jolsleln helfeJ', 4 months olrl. Beef [JI'lces, C, Ml· gmnls, 50·1 Diamond roud, Muson, phone Mnson OH 7·3H I I. •J2w1 p

farm Equipment

I WOOD CORN 'CRIBBING, PO· h. rolla, ol·ll:, widths, 'l'horburn

Lt~mhct· & Con), phone Mason OR ' 7·3381, •l3w1

Blossom Orchard US'ed, Service nnd repnlrs on nil mnltes, Mld·stnto Snles and Serv· Ice, 51!1 E. Grancl River, Lansing, Phone IV 0·5776. 33wtf


our own llock. Ellsworth Brown, 2 miles south of Mason· court house at !122 Eden ronc!, plwne Oft 7·'Hl72. 35wtf

Ji'OH REN'I' Slallt Chopper

'MILT{ COOLEJR, 4·cnn nutomntlc Bll!lc·ln, Zero T-33. Also mlllt

cans, .Jcsstl Huwltlns, 391 Gel'· many road, Wllllnmston, phont~ OllOJ.·. 42w3p




' -------------MAYTAG LAUNIJRY equlpriwnt

BEAGLr~ HOUNDS ~ Rencly to hunt. Curl Kmnz, lRL2 S, Gunn

mali, IIoll, 37wlllll

Phone Mason OR 7-9011 PUREBRrm ANGUS COW, reg·

HEGIS'l'ERIGD Guernsey hulls lslered, open, Snll or IJ'Ude for NEW

·; Wmllws1lay nfulrtlllllll dead· ll;w. Forly words I'm· liOn. All· clltlcnial words In mu•h, (!lussl· llell lllsplny 111ls !lie )WI' hwh. Dlsplny IIIIVertislnA' on first. 2 JIUA'IlS of l!hiSHiflc•ol nils $1.21i )Hll' hll'h. llux 1111111lmr nels Iilii: extra.

for ~nle. Hendy foJ' service, -llvc~Loelt. Glllwrl Glover, 000 Os· 1-Iurolcl Glynn, first house nurlh horne roud, Dansville, phone of Ji'mst road on Meridian. Phone Dansville MA 3-2!172. 43w2p Mnson OR 7·0G82. 37wU

HAMS- Reglslerccl Suffollt, rer:r· lslerecl Slu·opshir·e, v rt r y ln~,t

ngeR, farmers prkes. Wnnlt!rl, young billy goat. S, H. Ilnwell, 1 mile west o[ Dlmondnle, phone Dirnrmrlale NI li-:J117. 41W11

COWS -- 10 lop·gTade ITolstclns. Laq.:r: rlnlry-lype and producing

wall. l~xcellenl hase henl. Puul Zimmerman, phone A ur e llu s :JH22. 43w2

S'I'I~ERS, 2 fccdnJ', hrown and

Fox Flclrl Choppers .ancl Blowers GRAIN RACK - 17·1nch high

Fertilizer Spreaders

Klenzadl! Products

New PTO Bnlers

Cover Boards for Mo~t.Piows

Lincoln Welders & Supplies Firestone 'l'Jres

tight gmln rack and tnllgute !or % ton Forrl plclcup, will fit ·rrom 1!153 to 1056 models, How· nrcl A. Smith, 5 miles south of Mason on olcl US-127, house num· her 2'JG3, phone Leslie ,JU !l-2640 utter 4 p, m. 42w2p



Alfred Wardowski 2 miles nm·th of Leslie on

old US·127

sales and scrvlco, Silsby Im· plement Co., State street, Mnson, phone OR 7·0141. 9wU

SEWING MAGHll'~ES -·Convert your treadle lhlo an electric

portable, $29.50 All makes re· palre!l nnd servlcec:t, Also used portable machines for sale, Woodard Sewing Machine Serv· Ice, phone Holt OX 9·2245, 4065 l{rentul Ave., Holt, 33wt!

BOARD!NC: - PJ•Ivatc oulcloor runs for ent•h clor:r. Grccm Acrtls

Kennels. l'honn OH 7·!l7!ll. Sun· day hours 5:00-7:00 [J. m,


SPHINGE:Il SPANIELS - AKC, One mult!, 2 years ole), 2 fe·

mnleH ami I malt! 4% months ulcl, All hurl shotn and Wt•i·mcd. Exc•i•llenl lnlnllnt.: stodt, Wonder· ful pels. Also mbhlls. Medli1m size Lo, hutdws, evca-y. thing gol•!l, !'Pill l'iwnp. 'l'ratle o1· terms. Cull us. Phone Lun~lng ED 2-GH2. tJOwtf

CORN-Good ripe corn from the

'------------·' PliHEBRfo;D Conierlale ycmJ•Ilng while, \~elgh 275 lb cnch, $37.50

ead1. Hoy D. Donald, 1287. Lamh road, Mason, phone Mason Oft 7-0582. 4:lwl

Chorc·Boy Mlllter Parts picker, $1.35 per hundrerl nl. 2083 Barnes ronrl, Eden. Eur:rene Phone Leslie JUstice 9·8251

USED Treadle Sewing Machines, $12.50 nnd up, Used portable

sewlnr:r machines, $15 and up. Wooclurcl Sewing Mnrhlnl! Serv-

rums for sale, also ram lambs. Caton. 43w1p ---------- APPLES-12 vnrlelles, Also ap·

-----~---Livestock -TTr-------· --- ·---·---

W. L. .Tr.wutt, 28;i8 Tomlinson road, Mnson, phone Mason on 7-50•12. :nwtf PTGS--20 Feeclr.J· pigs, 3 weelts

Mnyruth Elevator

Wagons & Unloaders Klng·Wy•e Elevators Stock Wt~ler Tanlts

BALED I-lAY, mlx(!d, good for pies to pick up. Smith's Or· Ice, 4GG5 Krent~l Ave,, Holt, Call GEHMAN Slwrt-Halr Pointer Holt OX 9·22<J,J. · 38wif I Jlli[JS, AI{C l'Pglslerecl, 12 wcwks USED GENERAL ELEC'l'RTC o~cl, ~ln!rl 1,'-Y Sir Gc•nl ~~.Chum-B,




100'/r im]Jorlr>cl blood from 'l ancl 5 slur lllters. Heady for servkP,

Leland E. Perrine & Son

l"lrst farm west ()f Dansville on IM·:lfi.

Phone Dansville MA 3-2•t,l2 •llwl[

HAMS--~rtegisleretl Oxforrl ram~;.

old, Hampshire anrl Yorltshla·l! C'rossed, $12,:10 mwh, Hoy D. Don· aiel, 12H7 Lllmh mud, Mason, phon~; Mason OR 7-0~82, '13w1

Farm Tools ---~----~---------

Pole Buildings Tool Sheds - Lonflng Barns Bunlwr Silos- Lcnnto She!ls

Pole buildings any size to ilt. yolll" needs

Also new homes with FHA flnnndt:~g

young Pa!tle, Also hrome and chard, corner Bunlter nnd Eifert tlmolhy for horses, $20 u ton, road, Mason, Route 1. 41wtf will deliver. Roy D. Donald, 128'( -- - -----Lm:nh ropd, Mason, PilOn!! OR STHAWBERRIES and . rnspber-

nutomntlc washer, $H9.!l5. Con-I $.JO, Plwne llnll OX !k.1.ll.

7-0582. · . ' · 'i3wtf rills, sweetened-nnrJ fro~en, and sumers PowPI' Co., plwnu Mason 'IOwtf OR 7·9641. 43w1


New Idea 2·row' Corn· Plcltcr

2 Farmnll I-1 •rrnctors

I~nrmnll M Traclor

Used Plcl<er and Sheller

Farmnll F-12 Tractor

. ' · :. 7. )Jpxqs qspnrl\gLJs. ',Also lm:,:'s F'ARij1 l3UlJ.:tln'{G~ .-'.Polo elf!· browr tweed s~1!( and·shjrt, slr.e · signed' bJ.1lldl~gs by 'liri·County 19; pulr glrl's· .lined .ie11~1s, slz~ ~·

Fnrm Siirvlc~ ar~ efficiently· en; grw~. condjtlo.n, and puh M duclts. l:'.lncered·to' mbet your lndlyldut~l. Hutqr Jol1ns.ton,_101 Ives road, needs. Trained farmstel\rl . plan· Mnso.n, phone Mnson OR 7~J~~· ner:1 to serve you, Ask us before __________ P you build. 4620 N. East St., Lan· sing, 40wU APPLES

-··------- --··· .... --.--------·----EI4f~CTHIC STOVES-2; cabinet

. slnl<, water· hen let• unci set of laundry tubs, Also slraw nnrl wood, Phone Dansville MAdison .3;3561. 41 Wlf ___________ , ___ __:,_ ____ --

GATELEG TABLE - Antique wnlnut, 22x3ti, open, 22xOO;

black anll chromf' bird cnr:re anll MciNTOSH stanll. Kennel;>o Ut·aham, 3787

Used Elevators J "I Ellgar road, phont: .1.-Callle .JUstice Massey.Hanls 44·4 Tr·actor fal ers SPIES 9·3749. ~Wlf M. M. Stationary Sheller ----------------Plows HOUSE TRAILER. In go~ JONATHAN CALCINATOR INCINERA'l'OHS,

PtJPPTES ·-- fl Enr:rllsh Seiter Jlllpph•s, !l wi•c•l<s old, See at

5·1:18 N. Oi<Pmos t•wrrl, OlwmrJs. Phone,·ing ED 7-7:JR2,


HEGTSTI~IlED D ALMA T I AN coat·h do!:, mail•, 1 1.~ years olcl,

extm nil'f', $:ill. Hoy D. Donald, 12H7 Lamh road, Mason, phom• on 7-DriH2. ~1:1wt r

ENGLJSII SE'I'TE!l, female, for sale fll' trade, Don Cl'f'yls, 2·127

E. Mt. Hope marl, Lanslnc:. ~:Jw1

Ji'arnH•J··nwrwcl Dnn Hill, Jr., 31:JS Ol<emos l'rovr•rl !-:In•!; from I roar!, :1 miles soulh of Olwmos.

Drop a card to me, I'll talk to you at your convenience.

Disc Harrows . dltlon, with good tires, bottled RED DELICIOUS $104.95 lnHtallerl. Con~umeJ'S ----~----~-- __ -·~ John Deere A Tractor with Cultl· r:ras stove, 1957 license, wt. 1,530 Power Co., phone Mason Oil FREE PUPS - WI! have seveml

v tor Jb, very nice for deer hunting o·r ALSO SWEET CIDER 7-9£i41. 43wl nice mixer! puppies which we a fishing. Cnn he seen at the fnrm, k 1 h d -~---------~--- ----- ~

D 0 will give In r:roml homes. Bill Oliver OC 3 Crawler Tractor 3~1. miles southwest of Mason at OC ter S rC ar MAYTAG WASI-!Eil, convention- Crane, first house 011

righl hand 'lOwtf filA BC _ -~- __ _ Your Local Contractor

CALL Clli\Rf,J•:~ 11HOWN PUHEil!lED Oxford rums anr! h with !onder 3281 Lyon road. Floyd L, Miller, 11% miles- south of Dansville on al·type, aluminum I uh, $79.;i0. side of Plains road cast of 1-Inw· Dexter D. T ornton Fnrmall F-14 phone Mason OR 7-1432, Willtamston road Consumers Power Co., phone ley road, plwnc Leslie .JU !H533. Intl!rnatlonal. Harvester 2·row 43wlp Phone Dansvllle MA 3.201-1 Mm-;of1_0H__2:9_~~1~-------iJ~w1 <13w1p

Route 1, Williamston ~ounled P1Clter 38wtf KENMORE OIL I-TEA'ffo'R 5- ---------- ·--- ·---- .. ~-~- ··--- -~·

~5 Flt'fl Sr•t vicn Ft•e, Nn charge on !'iotnc~ ewe Jntnhs. Alf.m single I ac.cnnd "" lhiul r...rvlccr., if n•·cdcd. unit Chore Boy milker with

Mason • J pump anrl mol or. fTPJll'Y Sier:rrlsl, l'hrillf' l\lastrll ())l 7 .. ·Ja2t ·JWR Wf'sl Harper marl, Mason,

:3uwH I' phone Mason OH 7-5S2!l. Phone Mason on 6-1481 Fnrd 'J't•aclor and plow TRAILER-Good 2-wheel tmller j ~ room capacity one" ye;r '01


2 ENGLIS!I SHEPHERD, male . • - - -~~- 40w-1p

STOCI\ 1 JOr :s ;i rf'gisl r.rerl -- _ ~ --- - __

On 7 0710 ' with ball hitch, Phone Mason ' I ' • 12 I II M . or Mason "· · • Franct's Platt OR 7_0283. 43wl WOMEN: If you're a game hunt- hns· hlowm· and thermostat, 225· puppcros, Wl'c \s o 1. a unci! FHI~E ES'J'IMATES -~· --· er, get your outnt at tlw Ma· gal. fuel oil tank, 111111 fuel oil wall Oe!;lerlc, 1220 DiPtz mad, Webber·

Lillldl'flf'P, 1 (•:tdy for !-'Pl'Vir•c•,

Lnri'Y I li II, Crf'gory, phrnw AL· pine r:-2-11·1. 12w2p

BOAI{S Pun•hJ'('[I DUJ'Of' boars. Waynr lllossey, 'IO:i·l Thatcher

rnrHI, Williamslon, 42w2

.. Michigan State Holstein Sale

Frirlay, N»wmlwr 1, at 11 o'cl·neJ<, ;r. m., in lhe Wolver-ine Ptirehretl LivPslork Sail's Pavil· ion; 2 1,~ milL'S wesl of Williams­toJ;J, Mil'lligan, nn US-Hi.

!iO head of sPiecled registered Holstein mws, lwife:·s and bulls·. Co\vs mill<ing a mn of milk per day-all with records or from rccorrl dams. Mosl of Lhe females arn' ,iu!;l frr.sli or close sprinr:re•·s. Yo\1 can huv these ca!IIP with confidence. ·Don't let anything keep you from ultending this sale.

'J'fl and 13angs tcslerl. All milk­ing. r·nws Muslitis tested.

·:Bank lenns--~Sce Floyd Kehrl, Nntirlllal Bani\ nf Delmil, Plym-otft'h, Mielligun. ·

:':iprmsun~rl by the Michigan State Ifolslein Association.

Mmmgc•cl nnrl auc:lioneered by C,,B. Srnilll nnd Glenn Casey,

29Wtf HOUSE TRAILER-De~r hunters son ·p:x, Solid red hunting pa11ts furnace. Phone ·Lansing 'l'U ville. Phone Weilhervllle iJil-F-13.

"',AnDE• N TRACT'Olt on'' MOW· Finest ln Fnrn: Machinery special 18 ft. house trallel" with .quilted. linings. Solid or 2·3291. 43wlp ·-·-·-··-~·--------· -~~Wl[J Dixon Brothers

Livestock Sales

'' '" - " u M·M And Oliver ' · · ' plaid red hunting coats nnd jack· ------· -------~-------· ER SERVICE-Now Is the lime 'rll mile north of Mason ·on US·127 sleeps 4, .$250. Arthur W. Jewett, ets, hats, insulated und!!rwear. OIL HEA'!'ER - .Jungers Blue· PUPPIES, 8, Cocker anrl Bear:rll!

to have your garden tractors aml Phone OR·7·5!l71 phone M.tson OR 7-0153. · 43wl Mason PX. · 42w1 Flume, !Jite new. Used one sea- cross, goorl llllnlinr:r stocl\, $5 lawn mowers serviced and read· 13w1 ·----- ---- · snn, Also a Detrolt·JC!wel bottle each. Also Crwi<f'l' rnhle, 1 yea1· ied for a season of TRAILER, 2·wheel,.with tool box gas range with new tank regll· old, hunling now, $10. Hoy D.

TWO AUCTIONS WEEKLY operation. Have your garden and ladder raclt, $80; saw,· 8- .. h bl lator. Clare Smith, M-36 at Wall<· Donald, 1287 Lamb road, Mason, Wednesday, 2:30 p. m.-1708 tractors and tnowers serviced at FORD DEARBOHN corn plclter, Inch tllt arbor, with (lttnnhments, Fres Vegeta es er road, phone Dansville MA phone on 7-0582. 43w2

Belden Hoad, Jackson Miller's Farm Home an!] Garden A·1 condition, mounted. Phone $1DO; car-top f'an·ler, $8; l'adlo 3-3364.. 43wl -----~----~- ----·-~----··--Saturday, 2:30 p. m.-6550 Jaclt· Sup[Jly, 457 N, US-127, Mason, Slockbrldge _ _l:TL__!~~~:---~-~1-~ foa· 1948 BUlclt, $5. Walter Ander· ~tr~l~ht from the f~rni

son-Road, Dexter phone on 6-5519. 12wtf son, 2 miles east of Hplt at 3372 Russett, Burl>ank and Sebago Consign us yo\lr livestoclt. Auction Holt road, phone Holt OX 4·70~7. Potatoes ,

feeder cattle every sale. JJ 1 1 1 h 'II ------ -

2 HEATERS, fuel oil. Norman Graham, 2109 East Columbla,­ Automotive

Dansvllle, phone Dansville MA ------------3-3248. 43w1p 1!155 CHEVROLET 1;Hon piclcup,

Bonded fat• $50,000. Selling New and Used 43w11 Squash .Cnbbagtl

.. 37wlf I -av ng soc our orne, we WJ · HOUSE TRAILER - 19-ft. 191!1 Onions Carrots · Equipment sell at public auction at the place, Gage, Reasonable. Phone Dans- II d I OIL HEATER,: Magic Chef, 5· radio, healer, snow tires and

heavy duty mobile rear bumper. Phone Mason OR 7·178G. 42wtf 2 BUCKS - Corriedale. Sell or I no Church street, Leslie, one ville MA 3·2478. 43wll . Bu ar & Wa tz room size WIU~ blower, rcason-

blod( east of red light· on Belle- able Kenneth Hmltle phone Ma-tracle. 13en Grer:rory, mile norlh -· . . 1 · • o[ I-Inslett road on M-<17, Perry. Portable ~~ h. p. elect.rlc air vue street to Church street, then TRAILERS _··whitman's ·1•0• Nor



11 Lnnsmtgt · t

1{o tAt llwnr

1d son OR 6-462•1 or, OR 0-4027

4,3 1

PARTS fm· l!J-I!l Mercury and norlh, on · .. newell, used trailers ·from 15·ft. ron(, .m es eas o e s roat. w 1!l50 Ford convertible. Also

42w2p compressor Phone St Johns· flat rack truck hell, 7x9, goocl -------··-- --- 20-J'n. automat1'c barn fan, $69.50 SA'fURDAY, OCTOBER 26 to 36·ft. at a tremendous· savings · · C

----~- ~----------

f AI R ld II 28 F 4 or 67 F 5 ANTIQUES - Several old a· conditiow, Nor"e refrigerator, JERSEY COW - Milking, 6


112-I'n. n11 tomat1'c milk house CO"'mencJ·ng at one 0- 'cloc. k·, or yo'u. so eyno s trn ers. · · · - ,

- '" w , T · 11 s 1 11 40w4p nadian antiques and other an· good condition. Bill Stewart, Yea rs old. Call Holt OX !l-2317. fan, $47.GO · hltman s ra er a es, one m e t' lfl · · 1 1 shajp, the following described f E t L 1 US 16 ..----...,...---,------~ :ques at suer ce Pl'lCI!s me U( • phone Dansville MA 3-2543. .

43w1 SIEGLER Oil and Gas· Space prop·erty: east 0 'a~ ans l1g on · ' SQUASH TONS AND TONS _ lng ornate- hnnging lamp, whal· ,13w1 ----~ fJcoter·s • , . phone Lnnsmg ED 2·1817. I '

1 1 't

1 1 ld b t

I ' " . 43wti Better buy Burton's best-tast· ng amps, gu: m· no o , u ------·----------PIGS-10 Yorkshire pigs, 7 wee ts ADMIRAL Refrigerators, Freez- Household Goods . . · . . ..,..ling. rip!! squash, Golden green would malce attractive planter or j 1953 GMC ·~~·TON PICKUP, radio old. George Voss,

1165 Stillman · crs anrl- Television Sets Crosley-Shelvador refrigerator, HOUSE TRAILER _ Good as Hubbard, delicious Buttercup, you cnn play 'it), oak cupboard and heater. Phone after 6 p. m.

road, phone Williamston 624


· Corn Pickers, one or 2-row. 9.8 cu. ft., 3 years old, 2 years new. 35.ft. Great Lakes trailer, butternut, . Hungarian, banana, over 100 years' old·, refinished, Max McCarn, Mason OR 7-0741. _____________ 4

3wlp 1'1-lnch Portable TV, $99.50 yet on guarantee; Hotpoint auto· one bedroom,· 4-piece bath, large accrn. Pumpl~ins, gourds. Burton, like new, crocks, dishes and other 43w1

I · 1J matic range, In good condition; ldtchen and llvin 17 room .. 4lS ··E. mile out South· Main street, Belle· Items. Phone Mason OR 7-5091 --·----~-------- -----------


pigs, Humps me am I b I davenport and chair, platform · <> M' hi" 39w6 for an appointment to see this 1952 4·DOOR OLDS sedan, super L 1 B . Cl If s· I t Co Grand River, w_ebb, ervllle. 42',V2P vue, lC e;lln. . p llll< race eros~, eSSl~ 1C ' I s y mp em en ' rucker, 3 3·Way -lamps, 9x11 ft. c.ollectlon. 43wlp 88, rudlo and heater, in excel-

1471 Dexter Trail, Dansv:lle, calli d d I t . 2 d , .. . , "'IALLOW"'EN PUMPI{INS AI ----~---- -- len! condition. Call after li p. m. Dallsvllle MA 3-2481. A3\v1 Phone on 7'·0141 rug an pa ·, P c ~Ires, woo en I"OUSE TRAILER . .:.:.. A.ll aluinl· " · '-" ' ·· so w L URNER 3 4 ., M h I 2 mlrr rs 2 cof! e stands "" ·,walnuts· and hlcltory nuts. Don· AL .B ' -- to room Max McCarn, Mason OH 7-0741. ------~----~~ --- ------- State Street ason c a rs, 0

' e ' . num,,sleeps 4,$300 .ca~h; sriPe~. · · · · dual gas automatic wall burner, 43wl 43 1 snme dishes and ldtchen ware .. - alii Elllsort, 1191 Dexter Trail,

V.:iJ.Iiamslon, Michigan, PIGS-11 Yorltshire feeder pir:rs, w 1 d bl ·b d. 2 t · cl , 4• boat, $5 .. Cnll-a!.ter 6.p: m. Mason' ,, 1.. · ~• OR

7·6A61 42

tf $50. Alfred Corden, 305 Pcnnsyl· -·-------- ---------( resser, ou e e , s nn s, P.1onc .mason ·. ~ . w can be registered. Frank Fel- 1 bedJ·oom lights, 3 pairs of dra'pns, OR. 7·,5931.- -~-3',Vi!.. vania, Leslie, phone JU !l-8218, 1 739 II 1 M BLOWER ancl Air·Drylng c tutc. • 13w1 43w1 ows, . - arper roac, nson, CltLJtn tl:"mcnsions are 7x16 ft., 3 lunch cloths, pillows, 3 good , . . . • •· , phone OR 7-7682. 43w1 ~ TRAILER -'--1956 Colonial house I (I · t' b" ·-------. -- ---~ -- --· --- ----1-----------------~- blower has 1 h.p. General Elec· porch roclcers, shoe stand, an· trailer, ·45 'ft,·Jong, 10' ft. wld~~· 0 lng.· DRAPES-4 pair of copper brown

Good Will Used Cars P()LAND CIITNA BOAns - 2 BULL - Registered Guernsey, tric motor. This was used to dry llque dresser, coffee serving table 3' bedrodms,. my. equ.lty for-sale; . . _ ___:_·--·-··, brocade drapes, lined, l!xtrn

.n•gisterrrl :;pring ho:u·s, ~;,n ready for Bervice. Proven sire, corn In large bin .• Harry Rind· and warmer, stand, antique lamp, you talte,over payments. Cecll.'R. S-I~IR .. T".,-G .l .. r't Sno'ut sl'lrt, sJzn 10, long, 90 inches. Mrs. James Hu- THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO alHI $60. nogcr· Oil, r>50 Diamond dam with 3 consecutive records, fleisch, 1009 Waldo road, ph'one sm61ting stand,, porch rug, 2 gas ' ,.. • • lett, 408 w. Columbia, Mnso


r<lilll. Mason, phone Mason OR over 11,600 lb o[ milk ami 573 lb Williamston 008-F-41. 39wtf stoves, Hawldns, 4588 Elliott ·-~oad, ·Ma·. ·,·Girl's .cant, tee'n·ag!!' 10 .. Mrs. Phone Mason OR 7·7322. 'J3w1p CHECK OUft DEAL 7-3812. <13wl of butterfat. Ellsworth and Deeg, son,-phonc Oft. 6"57-28· · ,- · 43w1 J'v!ax .. McCarn,. Plll:!l\!! 1 Mason· OR -· ----,-~---- 1955 PONTIAC 870 4-door sedan, · ·•-- -· --~-----------· 8<13 S, Onondaga road, phone FORD TRACTOR, model 860, Tools' ,;. . . . . .-.· . . . · .7·6741·nftea··6 p:-m . .-... 43w1 BREAI{Ji'AST SET -·Chrome, hydrumatic, healea· and radio, CORRTEDALI~ RAMS for sale. Aurelius 162'1. 43w1 · practically new, $2,100. W. R. 2 lnwn mowers, 2 .shovl!ls, step f · •t- · · p· : · : d: l 'u· ' .. ' BOY'S ~~dtiii~G::_Navy t~en~h Also Hoover vacuum sweep~r 1955 OLDS SUPER 88 4-door se· gJt~~·:~~·sT~y~:~~· !j:(;l1~~t'r~~~~~v~~~a~l~ EWES-41 breeding ewes, mostly Duc~-Jey, Doble lalte or Maso4n2PXtf ladder, plel<, mkes, hoe: f,orlt, 25· -~UI. s :-- ~0., $ .u .J ·.' cpnt.'.wit".:ilp: l!~lng, gray wool ~~h 6-~~~~~hments. Phone M:;~~~ dadn: hEydram~tic,ll hea~er and

stow. w ft. of hose, 50·ft .. ~rubber hose,_ 2 .. ·.· :,•.·, .. -.. ·· .. , ·.' .. :,· nartts:.sui.t,.:rt.)I·'QI.z.c, 10•12 ; coata.n.d . ra to. •xceptwna y 111ce, one-MIIson, phone Mason UH C-1789. coarstl wool. A. B. Coole, 5375 axe 3 bundles of roofing 8ft f' .. T . - owner car .... : 43w1 Craig road, Stocltbridge, phone 3 WATERING TANKS, large s, . '.. ·n .' -' · · .··'A· ; ·I '· ' ·· ·· .. ~1\P set, ~lz~;.1:,a':Jd,l\·'f,e.w ot!i'<r 1954 WHIJ!tLPOOL 'nutomntlc -

1955 OLDS Super

88 2·door sedan, ~.,----·-·~-- -~-----· --- UL 1-2·'22. 43w2 st'••n $5 eaclt· 60 m'tnl' cages porch box, pamt, 16• 1211 d 30 it. · · np .eS :... :r -ii·tlcles.· Mrs -Hn1ileh-'Stlles·~·2o6 washer wllh suds saver ·Very

1 1 1. ,,

• ,.~. · ' ' ' ' . Jog chains 2 saw horses cold · ·.r-; ._ ·, .. ;·, · ·: • ,,, ··s. .' '\~ ... ~--M· .<:'' ·<~"· ·,. · .~j3 · 1 · · . . · · , heater, radio, 1y1 rama 1c nnu BREED ----·· with trays and cups, lllte new, frame garden· cultivatoi." rtJbber· ' .. · .. · · .-;,.' . :, ··!!;·:. y~amare,,, .. ~,~tl~J•. ·u • .. - :-{ w g.o~)(l condltton .. Rensonable. 'lea·r·y whilewall tires, to I he 1-IEIFERS-6 nice yearling Hoi- $~.50 each; 60 ~a~lon water heat· tlre!l 'wheelbarrow, . law~ roller, ~.~9N.A!l'HA~ •,,. '. :. . &9¥', SCOUT• ·;.,".i}l(~rin, :· r.S,lze' 12. Clark, Jr., phone OR 7-6521. w1 1955 BUICK Special 4·cloor han!·

stein heifers, all from MABC et, fuel oil, $.J0, power l.awn screen door, 14-lnch screw jac!(, .~DELICIOUS . -~tsb ,lioy~s blu~-'gdbardlne· and 13 top, Dynallow, radio, heater· and breeding. Edgar Mead,

2296 South mower, .1 y~ar old, ~35; refr!gcr- :l6·ft. extension ladder, quantity . ; ra~'on .'i:ll!lt,' ·sl;~e: .'f2.·.- t'rnnlt -'!-Ill!, ANTIQUE bedroom suite, lnclud· whllewall tires.

~11 •

Best Sires For more milk and higher test from yot:r heifers. Ft16zen semen from our ABS Wis· corisln stud. , ..


All provecl sires Nothing to join

$5 per service


",George D. Harris Dansville Phone MA 3·3541

,,, American Breeders Service


POLAND-CHINA spring boars, ·.:~trlctly ml!at-type, from good

sized litters. George H. Ellison, P,l~one Mason on 7·6461. 33wtf


: Registered and Commercial

Williamston road, phon~ · Wll· a tor ~uut With ;lectrtc. m~tor. and of lumber, vise, 2 gr·ense gullS', a'RIMES' GOLDEN Rout~ , 1, · Stockbrfdge. Phone ing matlresinmd.'sprlngs, also 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 8-llamston




1P gnsohntl ~ot$o~"·for 1

1efrtger;Jfd brace and bits, saws, ,hummers, CIDER & HONEY' phone Mason OR 7·9641. 43w1 1studio couch' with cover and cylinder· 2·door stldan, Powcr-

OXFOnD RAM-Registered. Call meat truns, '1

' we~der$3~0 R e, saw set duster, grinder, set of · --- enough material to recover couch. fllte, he!ltcr and radio, Sparto_ne Saturday or sunday. 4577 Mil· large type,

2 year~ 0 ',' '· oy pulleys, tool box, grass shears, 3 H o·rcha d ,. · · · Mrs. Roscoe Barry, 4541 Bond flnl~h.

ler road, Lansing, 43w1 D. Donald, 1287 Lamb wad, Ma· lawn sprayers, nalls, trash burn· ansen. . r Ra···d··o:& Televi.SI·on· road, phone Aurelius 1712. 43w1 1955 FOHD Customline 6-cylinder ------ son, phone on 7·0582.

43Wtf er, urn, roofing cement, fruit 2 miles south of Columbia · 2-dool· sedan, heater, radio and

EWES-5 ewes nnd one Su ffollt BUU{ 'I' ANK-260.gallon direct jars, canner, jelly glasses, 10·gal. . . road ·on 6nol)daga road tv. •· ;:: AN~~NNA!3-C:omplete In· WASHER- ABC wringer, wash· good tires. ram. L. B. BnJT, 1633 Dexter expansion bulk tan]{, Phone crock and many other garden Phone Aurelius 1614 lng machine. Used but lit top 1954 PONTIAC Deluxe 4-door sc.

Trail, Mason, phone Mason OR Eaton Ra[>J'ds 4.2421. 43w1p tools. : .. fitaJliiHon including TV. towers. condition. Phone Mason ORchard dan, hydramatic, heater nnd 7·4554. 43w1p . HARMON'S ciDER MILL will be Also· lnslirance ' repairs. Henry 7·0283. . 43w1 radio. .

CHAIN SAW, 18-lnch, nearly TERMS: Cash. Not responsible . c1ost!d after October 25. hies; 111· N. Lansing street, 1954 MERCURY 2-door sedan, new. D. F. Ervin, 3825 West for accidents. ~hone ~ils'oit OR 6-1201. GLASSTOP COFF:EE TABLE. Merc-O-Matlc, heater and do·

HAMPSHIRE BOARS, pick from 8. Raymonu Hughson, Wolver­

ine ·road, Mason, phone Mason OR 7-113G, 43w1

Harper road, Mason, phone· OR ~ . . , · :'. 17wU Will sell or, traile for bedside froster. , 7·0053. 43w1 M M N ( ff HENS - 250 yearling. White TV,. SE~• RVI' c· E. v' ·n all makes o'J table. Also ~ark stl)lned, gate leg 1954 HUDSON Hornet 4-door se· r rs Orman U k 7 lb $110 tnhle. Phone Mason OR 6·5514. ------------"''---- .- , . Roc s,, average at. , , . teil!vlslon Also radio phono· 43w1 dan, hydmmatlc, heatel' an!l SEPARATOR - Electric, large Stanley Marshall 5 mlles north ·. ·' -1. ' . •

1 ,.. dl

3 HEREFORD STEERS-2 half· size, used one year. neglnald . ·Props. of. Stocltbrldge to the hltersee· g~llJ!h and.a.mplltler repa r. Com· ra o. 11 breed Hereford steers, weight Miner, 945 East Olds road, Leslie. Robert I\lrby, Auetloneer tlon of M·92 and M·36. arid.% P1ete; .s~r.~lce. Henry Fries, 127 BUI.Idt"ng·. Materl·a·ls 1953 PONTIAC Custom Cata na.

about 450 lb; also double regis· PI nl! JU 9-9016 43wl Joe Johnson, Clerk ' II t M36 Ph n St k !'{,,Lansing street, phone Mason COU[ll!, radio, heater, hydra· tered 3·year·old Hereford bull,

10 ' 42w2 m e ens on · . · 0 0 oc • t)R 6·1201. 16wtf . . , matte, power steering. ·Low

Charles York, 3380 N. Webber· ELEVATOR- For l!ar corn and . bridge UL 1·3238· -43W1 .,. mileage, one-owner car. . · TV,".'21·lnch floor modi!! Westing· CASI-I TALI{S - 8·1n. concrete 1953 PON'l'IAC Deluxe 4·door se· ville road, phone Webberville small grain, 32:ft., $150 without Hay-feed-G,ral"n .· WHITE ROCK ·ROASTERS, 5¥.: _ .. ihtiuse; May'tng washer, and blocks at .Yard, 1Ge, delivered, d y 't tl

1 136·F·1. · 'l3w1p the motoi·. Dale Wtlldns, 2976 ·s. t 6 lb M 1 p tter h J . 20c; 12·ln. bloclts ·at. yard, 24

c, un. ou can_ go wrong .on . 1 s Olcemos road, 6 mires north of 0 · rs. van ° ' P one Glb~oh · : refrigerator, stands, one. . ._

10 COWS - Purebred Angus· Mason, phone Lansing ED 7·7679. : Ma~on .OR 7·0572; '. 43wl ta~le8;· .chah;s, beds, complete dellvered 30e; '4·bag Redi·Mix con. 1953 PONTIAC Deluxe 2·door se· with calves. 0. D. Moa·se, phone 43w1 ALFALFA 'H:A~-1,200 bales of . liouseholdl: of furniture. Moving crete delivered to Mason, $12.50, radio, heater, 2·tone paint.

Lansing ·IV 2·3404: 43w1 second cutting alfalfa hay, 5 W.~st,·: sell ng nlh Vera Gilbert, per yard;·5·1ia·g, $13.75 per·yard, 1952 PONTIAC Super Deluxe :... COMPLETE DAIRY EQUIP· bales to 500 bales. Really nice App·le's 82!13"-Lydhs road, off T.uttle road, steel basement ·sash, $3.25 each: Catalina coupe, radio, heater·, Spring boar.s ready for service BULL - Yearll~g Holstl!in, ell· MEN'!' _ Slide·ln 6·can Dnrl· hay. Clarence Bole·s, . fir· st. farm· 1 3}fl-.mlles .from Mason. 43w1p mortar, $1.25 per bag,. delivered hydramatle, lots of ext~ns.

, gible to re"lster. Dum's 5·year· · 2 It s · · ' · ·. :-- ·" ·: ' · $1.30; a complete line o1 lumber; Off I 1 I I b Kool mllltlng machme, un s, south of Mason on US·127·BR. '· l':lO'""INATION'TV, 3·spee .. roc- door's a~nd w· lndows at the same 1951 PLYMOUTH 4·door.sednn,· cr ng a comp ele Y new stra n old record has 305 da.vs 617 lb Ilk d uble wasta tanks 20 DELICIOU~ .., IYIID u dl d h t

-• bl dli "" ' m cans, o • · Phone Mason OR, 7·2.361. 4.3wlp . ' . "'( · · ,..:Jo ,· 1 t. · d dl 17 i 1

- · t Ch · · t ra o an · ea er. -UL oo nes from our new fat, 15,791 lb mille. Ernest Shaw1 gal. electric water heater, pipe ... • , , : ,..up•, p .a,er. ~n rn o, · n. ow ra e. arge accoun s are TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL .•brood herd of SOWS' to satisfy 3811 Meridian road, north of M· 11 0 D M 1 · La 1 • .. JO.N ... A.TH.A.· .N s~reen, .Jrt good condition, $56. available. Wilson Brothers, Rives , .i.POth old ami new customers. 36, phone Lansing ED 7·7752. . ·ne. ' ' orse, plone ns ng STRAW-Still have some left at · · Also·:·somepne ;to take over pny· Junction, or-5 miles south of Les· 1951 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. ~This Is the finest selection of 43w1 IV 2-M0



1 35c per bale. Peter', Bennett, SPIES #ijnts',.~,,Maytag.· washer new lie, phorie Rives Junction 23·F·l3. Lots of miles left ln this. one.,.-

''boars we have ever had to of. WAGON AND RACK for grain corner 'of Phillips and ,Sandhill liisf·:A'uiiul!t. Blaine Kruse, ·¢all .. · · " 14wtl $99 :fer. REGISTERED and grade Yorlc· . or corn with unloading con· ··roads, phone LanSing ED 7·7972. ,'·;Tu"tt.-le" ... O.r'i-ha~·r·.·,;,l- ~t~;137%· North' Jefl!!rson street, Howard Po'ntt'a'c

W·''e·' · welcoanft your visit to tlto shire Bou'rs, ready for service. veyor. No Sunday sales, Arthur 42wlp ,.. a ~as.Oi), .~ve~lit .. ~s. only, . 4~wl USED DOORS and windows with ~ rW. E. l{mnz & Son, 3188 Tomlin· J. Pollolc, 5 miles cast of Mason , ·. '.", . ·: · , · . ' ' ,,

1 · weights, trim, complete,· with .

,f.arm any time. •son road, ·Mason. Phone Mason at 387 E Columbia road . WOOD SINGLE corn crib, 1;ooq. 7% miles southwest of Mason. \ l;·' -'. ... " • .' . . ·storm doors ' and windows to SALES.& SERVICE ~· 'on 6·1787. ... 42wtf ' .. • 42w2p bu. capacity. Yard llght,pole, 25 GQ 4 mlles.south of .Milson' on H ·-'us' "e" ho"' "ld ·Goods match;· .wood ·.lathe. Als'o 1945 1154 s~ Jefferson-16~ w. Mapl~

feet tall,~ has been In- use one US·127,' 1. nille west on. Harne+ 0 Case tractor, mounted 2·bottom Phone Mason OR. 7-1801 or . 10 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, ~pring· CORN ELEVATOR -.Floyd year. 3325 Pine Tree roild, firs~ ~~d;'then, 1% ~Ilea· south oiJ .U~~ · . · ' ·· . plow to.tr11de for pickup .truck. · OR-7-1803 ~ ··

ers. F. C. Anderson, llrst farm . Weldon, 135~ South Meridian, house off Cavanauglt road, or 3 Tu~tl~ !-'9.!1~; . : ',' _ · . ; . , .- ·, . i ~MJ~:t'ON . e 1 e c t r 1 c; . dryer, Buhl Sadler, 6425 West Holt road,- Open Monday, Wednesday and Ph. OR 7·8941· east of Danrwllle, phone MAdison Mason, phone Mason OR . 7·4033. miles north of Holt. Phone Lali· , · . ·.-PhOne Leslie JU 9·.4266 · , ·~·f.l39.93. · CoiUlumlir Powm•, Co., plione· La\lslng lV.'t1·1849. , . . Friday Evenings at 166 W( Maple

3Gwtf 3-2281, , 42w2 . . . ·' 42wtf . sing. TU 2·3t)73, , . 43wl · · · .. · ~ : 42w1 lll!o~~ Mas~n· OR .7·9641. · 42w1 · . ,42w2p . 43w1

.! . ... ·. '. . . I> ; . ' ;,~; · 'I;·

Bimbo Farms


'News ads really Work' declared Mrs. Scofield ~fl'R, llonn111 Sooflelil n.(lveJ•Usetl ll (IOJ'Iahlll wash·

1'1' lm.;j, Wl'l~lt and got lnunmlluJn l't•suu,.,, In!-(·

htun County N••ws, wtmt.' nds will WOI'Il 1'111' ~·ou, too, Phone l\lnsnn Olt 7·11011 nnd wil• fm• Not•mn.

A-7 Ingham County News, Masdn, _Mich., October 24, 1957 HOMES BY CLARENCE M. BOLES: 2-hedroom modern

INCOME PROPERTY In Mnson, WANTEI!l- Boy, 15, wants ,job 11 rooms, 3 apnrtmcnts, 3 sloclllng and othe1· odd jobs.

TULIP BULBS, SJ.frlng flowering WANTWD - Round rmk wood hulbs, Imported from Holland,

for full planting, Starlt trees nnd shrub:; for lnnrlscnpa nnd horn!! orchard. Algcn A. Ewers, local snlr.smun, 71<1 Enst Rnce street, LPsllr., 11hone Leslie JU !l-!1366.

home olose to downtown Mason. Suitable for office alld conven· lent living. A recently rcrnmleled home wllh a new gas furnace, new .siding and new aluminum storms, screens, new wiring, new gas water heater. Te1•rns. Shown hy appolrttment now. Call Clar· cncc M. Boles, dial my phone Mn· son OR 7-2301, Marlel1 Ageney.

hnths, on paved strccl. Ownm• Phone Mason OR 7-8!181. <J:!w1 stova, Artlllll' Bailey, Sr., phone Excavating Mason on 7-8825, <J,1w1

@ !·lENS - Year old, 75e each. Georr:e Jlarrls, 27!11 West

Plains, phonr! Mason Oft 7 0280. 'J3w1

wants to rc•llra. $8,!JOO with $1,000 down. MaiH! us an offer, Robert l{]1•hy, C. L. Johnson Agency, Phone Mnson OR 7 .. HJ85. 32wlf

WORK WANTED-WIIJ luke cara of chlldran In yom· home, and

lmhy-slttlng evenings, Will nlso do Ironing. Mrs. Ruth Ayres, phone Mnson 011. ll 5636. ,13w1

----- - --- - --- -- -- -- -- • BullrlozPr worl< WANTED-Piano, In good conrll· • Blucl< flit rllrt for snle

I •

SPECIAL SALE-- PRICES CU'r OK U~crt Car·s fn top c·ruHllllon

1flfl7 CHEVROLE'l' 210, 9-pas· mmger Station Wagon. V·ll, Powurgllclc, powPr pill', puwer steering, rrullo, hcatar, whlta wai!H. List Jll'ir•p was $:3,£100. A super sprdal at $2,4!lfi

1956 CI!EVROLg'J' 210 2-rlorH', V-8, Powergllde, was $1 ,li~O. Now $1 ,<!GO.

1flri5 OLDS 88 2-rloor. Ilydrnmn· tic. Wus $1,5fl~. Now $ltl50,

l!ltiri Cl!EVHOLE'I' Bel All· Sport Coupe, V-8, Powergllde. Wus $1,1i50. Now $1t1!l:i.

Hl~'i BUICK C<'nlury Ifarrltop. Sharp. SaV<! $21i0 unrl buy for only $1 ,l!lri.

J!l5·1 Clllo;VHOLET, 210 11-dool', Powerglld<•. Was 9,!Jfi. Nuw $R!l!i

lflfi4 CIIEVHOLET Station Wa· von, Rxt I'll !'leun. Was $1 ,O!lri.

-Now $!l~O. ·

liENS, 1 year old, $1 f'nch, Ln- _ Vern Eldred, 2 1,1 mllr•s north·


west of Leslie nl 37DO 'l'ullle I'Oil{J, Real Estate - Homes 16 plwrw Leslie ,JU !J-27•18. 4:Jwt f

BABY CIITCI<S-Startcd ch!l'ks. Al~o rcnrly-lo·lay pullets for IN MASON, close In, nice neigh·

~r1le from om· own lliltf'llcry. IIy· borhood, near J1igh und gmtle Line hybrids, While Leghorns, schoo!H, un Ideal house: for lnrf(e White Hoclts for l'ggs nr lll'nllei'S. family, IHtH 1 rooms and 1-plccc Gulliver's Hatchery anrl Poultry hnth clown, a bedrooms und com· Fnrm, Route 2, Eaton Hnplrh plctc bath up One of bedrooms :•lJona fi321. 31wtf clorrnll1;ry slz~, irlenl fm· ho,l's or ------------ --·------,girl~ toom. Full basemen I, s1nl<eJ'

M• II coal furnace, atrnched gnrage, ISCe aneous new pnlnt .Joh lnclu<led In price of $13,700 with reasonabl~ down

TANK--riOo-g-allon-t-nr-1J(_f_o_r -gaso payment. Call A. 0. Greenough, line or oil, on slanrlarrl 8 feel Dansville MA :l·22!J1. ~3w1

IN MASON, nice one-story ullra· modern house with llvlnr,

tJ3w1p -------

JIOMES BY CLARENCE M. BOLES: New a-bedroom ranch

hom a on College road, nor! h of Mason. Picture windows, tiled hulh, deluxe aluminum storms nne! screens, built-In fpatures with washer-drier !'omhlnation, blt·eh cnblnels, ranch stone plnnter· In· side and out. Attached carport. Large Jandscapml suburban plat. Terms, Call to sec!, Clarence M. Boles, phone Mason OR 7·2:!61, Marlett Agency.

43w1p -- ----------- ----high. Also l!l21i Sln1· Six. Fore:;!

]{J'iiiiH, 5!J•IG Miller 1'01111, Lansing, phone Lunslng TU 2-18fl1.

43w2 room, rlinlng urea, l<ltdwn, 2 R 1 E t t M' 17 !JCcii'OOillS with 1 1.~ hath~ hetwecn. ea s a e - ISC.

WOOD - Good dry wood, llt·e- I~X('P!Ienl Jor•ntlon. Let me Hhow ------·-------­pln!•e Ol' flll'IHII'C, Pl'ic<'rl right. you IIJIH lwme. Cull A, 0. Green· Keltner' Real Estate

Cull Mason OH 7-:JOfl!l. 'i:Jwl ough, Dnnsvllle MA ·3-2291. •- tJ3w1

PUMP - Red .Jn(•kPI Hhallow- __ ______ _ _ ___ _ HOLT-210,1 Coolridr,e, 6 rooms, lflri:J OLDS Su1wr HR <1-rlnor. l~ull well, !<lichen cnhinel, Phlli'D IN LE!'lLIE 107 Adams, 2 heel- 3 bedrooms, new basement, r:as

power. Was $!J9ri, Now $79~. tnhle-morl<'l radio, fPatlwr heel, roomH, living room, !<It chen, h_eut, r:urage, I~ mediate. posses·

19fi2 CllEVROLET DeLuxe 1· door. Pow('J'glldc. Was .$!i!lri. Now $'195.

odd !tltclwn rolwirs, Hqunre 1•enter• automatic gns fUI'Ilfll'e, lol ~,fx9ri. ~1011. Only $10,.100, Consuler car table, bnily bed, high f'haiJ·, 2 Full price, $8500, Vernon Shnl1an, I Ill trade. r. Gallnwny I'Ohcs. Clwrles Price, •I (I} Jo'irst strPel, Jaeltsrm, pllone 1\H~,LER ROAD-28LJ Somerset, :!114 Klpp road, Mason, phone STate 4-S:J!lli, 13w2 <1 '" rooms, new In 19fiG, 2 bed·

GAHAGI~ AND GAS S'I'A'l'ION DfGAL: Pmct lr·al!y nr.w clnclcr

bloc!< building 'lO !Jy 30 fl. on 2 blacl<lop ronds close to Plensanl lnlw. Ideal setup for n good hundymnn, 2-heclrnom living quarlr!rs. Call lo see, Clnrcnce M, Boles, Mason OR 7-2aGJ, Mnrlf'lt Agency,


Help Wanted 19 WANTED ·- Boy for· dally Free

Press pnpcr route, Must he H or old!!r. Apply nt WarP's Drug Store, :!7wtf

tlcm, at a re.1sonahle prke, Pre­fcr a smnllar one. Mrs .. Tustin B111dy, 217 N. Lunslng St., Mason. Phone OR 7-4fi3a, Call after ·1 p, m. •13w1JJ ·--------- ~ ~-- -WANTED - Small size lwutlng

sf ave, 'l'ecter-Bahe, old horse drawn bug,::y or wlwels. Phone Howard Bouts, Aurellu~ 713. '


WANTED-- Smull barn, ehid(I'JJ house or other small building,

R I E t t F 15 Io rnova. Lloyd Ketchum, phone ea S a e - armS WANTED- Woman with prnctl· Muson OR 7·4flG!i. •13w2 cal nursing experience to 'lid --- ---

80 ACHI~R, Jnrgr. house with In care of aged Invalid. Hours WANTED - 22 Hornet rlfiP, In hnth nnd furnace, rnlll<lng pnJ'· 11:00 p. m. to 7:00 a. m. Llva ln. good condition. GPorge BeVIeJ·,

lor hnrn, uhour GO acres llllahle, No mcnls to prepare excc]Jt 3 miles east of Mason on Colum· on M-:Ju cast of Mason, mall twi<'C hrenldast. Good wages. Write W. hln road, phone Mason Olt 7-ri!JOH. a clay, pl'l1·e anrl terms reasonahlc. L. Arnold, 809 Insurance Ex· 'i3w1 A, 0. Gr'el'nough, JJansvllle, mil change Building, Jnckson, Mich. W-AN-;-

1,-1,-D-- ---- -

1 ·

A 10wtf !. -- Glr 's BrowniP M 3·2291. 43w1 ___ dress, size 7 m· H. Mrs. Clur<•ncc BEAUTII<'UL- couf-ri;-rtY JIOME WANTED-Fn'rm laborer by Polerson, 3ri2 K South slrPet, Mu-

on RO neras, 1 mile nr1rth 0 [ month or year,' murrlcd or son. !'hone Mason on IH2•1:J. Enlon Rapids, Janel all tillable single,' must, have experience: •l:!w2 hns 3 Jnrge hrdronms \VIih Jnrg~ Clyde D. Smith, 5166 WeSt ·--- ~ ~------ ·---closers, 1% baths, carpclcd hard- Nichols, rood, Ma~on, 'phone ·Mu- R,eal Estate Wanted IB wor1d tloms in large living nnd son on 7·322:J. ~3wl dining mom, large kllchen, ce- -------------· -- -------- ---ment hnsemcnt, stoker heft!, good WAN'rED - Farmer to sell IIy·

II brid ~cctl corn for established we , insulale!l, large, well-land· scapecl lawn, large ham, hog l'ornpany. Goorl 'commissions. housP, tool shed and large stor- Give delulls and locution. W•·lte to age llllllrlings. PI!'IUI'es of this Box 62·A Ingham County News, fine counlry home can he scen'nt Mason. tJ1w3p Chesley's Rexall drug slorc, Ma-

-WANTED-Listings, hrnlsPs, Jots

or farms. Contact Gem gc Wm. Parlwr, Holt OX 9 2111i, l'<'Jll'e· sentlng Vnn Antwr.r p Dunlwm realty, phone! Lun~lng lV !I :iliHI.


Jewett Construction Co.

Mnson Phone: 011 7 !ilri3 or OR 7-4801


W. R. Johnson

... ' I • ,ft ..

• Roofing HIHI Envcstroughlng "' •

Cnntmclor . , : Gunrnntecd Malerlals nnd '" •


:J:m W. C<•nll•r Phone Mason Ofl. 7·:ili72

l3wU ---------- ---,;; : WE WILL FINANCfo! your new

Cnpp hom<• al JnwPst eosl. Low monl illy payments lor llw flnest. home In Amrrlr•a, Cuslom built.. on your lnl and founrlntinn Get~ the size home anrl sly II' home yna:_: want. Our llr11ne r·o1,n."'llo1 h will" hrlp you In nny \',a·;. No C'lllll'{l'i!' for archllr.etural sPrvleP. Wr!lc' Cnpp l!onws, II·I:J D1rpor1t Ave., N. Mltlnl'npolls II, Mhllli'!Wia r1r Lrl\Vi'll .r. 1'1 t1•rson, !J:l:l:i 1\Pnslnr;· loll 111arl, L:IIISillJ:. l'llfllli' lVnnhue D-::!000 PVI'Ilili!:K ,md !iU!Hiay.


WILL IIALJL ASiri':S, l'llllhlsh, "Le. I 'II Oil(> 1\l:tHI)fl on 7·771:&.

:\til'S. A Mills. 11;vt1

son. If you are looldng for a WANTED - 3-ilmlruom ram h 111 ! SEPTIC 'I'ANI\S l'if'anc~l- · ;;-;~1 country horne with city comfort Cape Curl house to lr:I'Je for dl'alll liPids rPp.lirPd, aJ,, 11 ••tee-

lfl:l2 BUICK Super 1-door. Dyna· Mn;;on OR 7-7fJ15. 'i3\v1 p -- --~ - rooms, lar,::e lot. Only $9,600. fl W $rnr. N $'n" ·- MASON Il0111E '' 4 1 1 Immediate possesHion. ow, ns ' o;r,J ow ' '"'·'· COSMETICS '1'1 II Cl ' I ' ~ - ,,. or . 101 •

' !. ' -1~ 1 g 111s -~room home for sale gas heat LANSING--4 rooms and hath,


livery. Was $!lfl5. Now $895. lfl!i2 CHEVROLET %-ton Pick·

mas season·mefln~ brg proflls for dPiuxP kil<'iwn, 'garage, ] 603 N. Frnnds, newly-redec· Avon representatives. W1~ train bloc!< fl'llrn court house. Phone orated, full basement, garage,

In a low tax nrea with good well-kepi 3 hedmom rand1 IHlllll' Irk Hl'IVI'I' dPanlng. L. \1/, Coc, schools, plf'nse call Mason OR with llxl8 family . ldldwn, :J-!Ofl 'l'Lil'IWJ', l'IHllll' L;lnK!nJ~ IV

you. Start no~. Call Lans1ng IV MaHon OR 7.7071 rl:!wlp private drive. Only $GOO down. 2·089.3 Ol' Wl'll!! ,Avon Manager, _ _ _ _. __ :_ ___ ____ Immediate possession.

7-til:!l for appointment. For sale paneled rlen, largP Jlvmg room 2-7£1•17. 27wlf hy owner. 13wl WANTED-Woman who wants a plus basement 1111 11'2 ru'I'I' lol near -----.----·- ____ _

up. $59:i. 1951 CHI~VROLET

up. $4!15.

501 N. Walnut stract, Lansing, foJ· MASON-Cozy 2-bcdroom home, %-ron Pick· ~-~~ervl:_~-- _ 43w1 one blocl< from courthouse, 'Wayne G. Feighner

Plc.l'· WOMEN'S ICE: SKATES, size 6, basement, oil heat, storms and Phone OR 6·5G82 or 1951 CHEVROLET up. $39ri.

·JHon ' W 11 t l I T I WOJ'n only onc·c, $10. Phone Ma· screens. 1 rae e or · ac (SOil N. B. KELTNER REALTY

AI Rice Chevrolet Open Friday Nights

Phone OR 7·30!i1 Mason

I HAVE MY LICENSE to buy nnd sell used parts, Highest

prices paid for all models of used cars nnd trucl<s, also scrap Iron and farm muchlnery. If you have anything to sell or need used parts contact James Whltnker, Route 1 Stockbridge or phone Dansville MA 3-3114. 33wtf

son OR H-G798. 43w1p area property. C. L. Johnson Lansing IV 5-7229 Agency, call Mason OR 6-5786. _____ .. ____ _

DEER RIFLE - 3ri Remington, slide nctlon, rnoclel 7GO, like

new. Clarence Welch, phone Ma· son OR 7-2053. 43w2

T30A'r-12·ft. plywood, trai!eJ' and 19:10 Clinton 5 h. p, motm·,

$17ri. Alfred Cordcn, 30fi Pcnnsyl­vunla, Leslie, phone JU 9·8218.

43wl -----------SIIELLS-18 size 45·90 for $2.50.

Also 3!l size 25·20' for $2.50, Les­ter Perrine, 106 Lawton, Mason, phone OR 7·7082. 43w1

. 43w1p SMALL LAND CONTRACT, 6'/.• ---------------- Interest, good paymcnls. If in-

lnu•live 2-be!lr•oom home, pos­sibla third bedroom Modern, full basement. Extra nica sun porch, 2-car guruge, Good community. Close I o school. Blacl(top road. Price $8,500 with terms. Phone Mason OR 7·4985. Robert ](lrby, C. L. Johnson Agency. 43wl

LESLIE - 116 N. Main street. Large, mcdern 10-room home in

cxcellant condition. Automatic

vesting your money either In n mortgage or land contract phone Mason OR 7-4985, Robert Kirby, c. L. Johnson, Agency.

ABEL Real Estate

Phone OR 6-1161


GIRL'S BICYCLE, .~unior. Also gas furnace, one-ear garage. Mason

------ --- perrnflnent home and will care school bus, slnms, south end of Sec Us First for small baby In return. Mother Lnnslng. Cnll Gcorga Salata, Lan·

We Need Listings! worlts :i days a week. Cull Lan· sing IV 7-50!JC!. Loomis Realty Co. , sing IV 5-5723 Saturday, Sunday Evenings call Lansing IV 2-70:J~.


Robert Kirby or

C. L. Johnson Agency 4aw1

30 ACRES-Close to Mflson, very nice building sites. Terms. Also

30 acres in Mason for subdividing or for your c·ountry home with all the city advantages. 'l'erms, Also one-acre building sites, closa to Mason; lots in Mason, $750 and up. C. L. Johnson Agency, phone Mason OR G-5786. 43w1p

m· evenings. Wee!( rlays L;mslng 43wl IV 2·8360. 43w1

HELP WANTED - Saleswomen •

wanted, pc•·manent 01'· pari· I Farr.n Services lime. Wrlre's Drug Store, Mason. II

~3w1 _ ----------WANTED,-;\ngJ~iln ~~-~~k FARM LOANS - Long term, low

on dairy farm,, Ollfl who can Interest, for refinancing, tiling, hnndle mlll~lng machine and building Improvements, purchas othel' farm tools, Robert Stur· ing.Jund, etc. Farm must be 80 or man, 2348 South lves road, Les- more acres. Write or see !"nul B. lie, Route 2, phqno Mason OR. Cheney, Farm Loan ServH·c, 329 6 .,.,80 A3w1 E!l1lt Oalt street. Phone Mason OR "'·

1 • ., 6·5558, or Glen Oesterle, Mason

OR 7-8552. 25wtl

Misc. Wanted DAIRY BARN SPRAYiNG-Car-21 bola with lindane and malthion. oil heater, good for deer hunt- Rooms a!l'anged so that profcs·

ers, Suburban Goodyear tires, sional man could lwve offices on EXCELLENT BUSINESS-Oper- 197 ACRE-S, 4-bcdroom home with HIGHEST PHlCESp-ald for pour 6:40x15, portable washing rna- premises. Vernon Shahan, 410 atea 26 years by present owner. . ,

GET SET FOR WINTER chine, Craftsman 12-inch band- Fn·st street, Jacl(son, phone ST Now retiring. Consists of hard· new pl~sler, new kttchcn nml•r try. Pick up anytime, Custom 1 · s 8"96 43 2 ware, nrocery, gas, beer and new hcatmg. plant; good base- worlt Is special. W. H. Appleton,

with an A·1 Used Car saw, am Atlas 7-mch shapcr. · 4· ·1· · w "' ent b th II I s h M OR 7..()382 3 tf Come in and look 'em over A. Morrison, 1109 South Lansing wine tal<e out. Grosses from m ~~-~ WI new rnJ < wu e P one ason • . \"'

The ehnrge Is 8c a square yard, approximately !JOe a stall. Oren L. 'rowsley, 81G Bates, Lansing G. Phone Lansing IV 9-9310 after 6 p.m. 30wtf







Priced Right - Reasonable Terms

Roy Christensen

street, Mason, phona OR 6·1831. 3-13EDROOM HOME in Mason, on $150,000 a year. Also attractive and _miii<mg parlo: and other POULTRY WANTED _ Heavy · 43wl corner lol, has :!-piece bath, full I 10-room homa, 2·car garage, 'bulldmgs. Approximately 150

-..,...,--'---~------ basement with hot nlr furnace, $50,000, terms to right party. acres tillable, 18 ac~es of wlwat, springers and fryers, custom LOADER- Barber Greene buck· new porcr1 mostly all redecorated 36 acres new secdmg, run~lnJ? dressing. Will plc\I:·Up. W. X.

' Wflt r A 1 f d a Steadman, 620 S. Edgar road, et loader on crawlers, $1,500. inside and out, priced $9,000 with NEAR MASON, 20 ucrc farm, 4- • e · goD< arm an pncc ' rlgl1t c L J 1 Age phone OR 7·8174, 45wtf Also 1950 Chevrolet clump truck, terms. Robert Kirby, phone Ma· room modern house with hase- · . . o 1nson ncy, -------'---.C,..,"-----

CUSTOM CORN PICKING - 2-row picker, $6 .an hour. Ele·

vator furnished. Wl'ite to Harold McDonald, Route 1, Parma, or call Parma JEfferson 1·3277.

~1w3p comp!etely equipped an,Jllccnsed. son OR 7-4985, c. L. Johnson ment, 2-car garage, basement phone Mason OR 6·5786. 43w1p LIVESTOCK WANTED-All


Phone Holt OX 9·2796. 30wtf Agency. · 43w1 barn and silo. $13,500. $7,500 FARMS BY -BOLES _ 80 acre ldnds of livestock of any age. TRUCKING- General trucldng,

SAFES - All m~, l<es, types Ullcl --- - - - -- -- -C--h II down. . farm for sale. Terms. Owner Marltet price paid. Also will do grain and corn to Maumee, also · " IN MASON-Near at o c Ul L . llvcstock ti,'Ucklng ~t all times. will plclt and true!< corn from

sizes. Bought, sold, opened and school. 4-bedroom home 3· 152-ACRE farm, near Mason, 145 ,w trade for ansmg home, Roy D. Donald, t:l87 £amb road, field. Butler Bros., phone Mason r~pnlrccl. Vault doors, money ' acres under the plow, G-room equity for equity. Farm located . OR 71786 41 tf chests, sleel desl<s, filing cnbi· piece hath, hardwood floors, modern house, 2 large hlp roof less than three miles of Mason. Mason. Route 3. :Phone OR 7-0582, _____ · __ · _ w nets, tear gas and com!Jinn· Stolwr heat. Full basement, ga- barns, silo, mlll<house and new Recently remodeled country home 27wtf tton servJcc. Murphy Safe Co., rage attached. Good location. 36x100 tool shed, $10,000 down. with new bath and new plaster- WANTED -lO~ ou!J!iels or more

Robert Kirby, phone Mason OR J'J1g. S1'lo. T\Vellty.fotlt' stancht'ons, d iJ!lGl South Cedar str,!ct, Lansing. 7 '985 c T J h A of old corn, and a Mo el A Ford .. , · , · "-'· o nson gency · 10·ACRE. 2-bedroom house, ftllll clai·ry sn'tlp. Cull C. M. Boles, OR "Your Friendly Ford Dealer" Onl' quarter mile south of 43 1 - Ll or a Model T Ford. Would trade a

210 Slate - Mason Pennsylvanln Intersection on US- 'w basement, partly modern, 3 7·2361. Marlatt Agency. 43w1p good Holstein heifer or will sell

Custom Corn Picking & Shelling

Phone OR 7-9611 127 ot• 1 mile north of Holt.' 2 ACRES, more or less, with a acres of woods, $4,500. ---- ·--- - ------- her. Oh, .yes, I Wl\llt' to buy a Open Evenings PI OX 4 3'111 '13 tf ' 80·ACRE .FARM - Very fine 12-ft. aluminum boat and n 3 or New Mlnn.·Moline Self-Propelled

lona · ~ · ~ w very attractive 2-hcdroom NEAR MASON, 3-Uedroom, prac- home, 2-car cement garage, Plcker-Shaller ··---- ---------- I • I b tl h rp kltch 5 H. P. Johnson or Ev.lnrude out·

1951 PLYMOUTH 4-door, black,., SAFES-Small sares !or office or wmel' ·•·P r.ce 2a 1' s a full. tlcally new, basement, gas heat, basement barn, 12 stanchions, riel· hoard ·motor. Call Russell L. I AI · d fil I' en, HIS new -car garage, r·ecreatlon room with fireplace, ing horse stulls, cm n crib, chick·

retreads, not driven In Michl· wma. so m ex cs. -.eep 1 e e t u 161. llomc beaLitl'ful Janl<ins, 3722 East Cavannugh George & Frank b I d d las m 11 m • n lso tlrep!ace in living room, en houses and hog houses. Twen- "

Excavatmg nne! lnslallatlon of footing~. rlmin tile, sc•plic tanks, watPr pi[JI', plumbing, drain llclrls.

DO%fNG -- llJADf!':G Free Eslimat<'s

Donald Jenks Phone Leslie .JU :J-:.!:!00

Corrwr EdPn and Ingall~ llnmls · 26wt t

WALLS CU~ANED hy new m:1· chine. Jlpsults Jlf'I'IC'ct. Saves

paint. Plwnc• IToll OX <1-7011. Magie Wnll Washing Service.

37wtf ----------- -----CARPENTER WORK-Hepalring

and any typa of building con· tracting. Henry l~ries, 127 Norlh Lansing street, phone Mason OR G-1201. 1Gwtf,

SEPTIC TANKS ancl clrnln flclds' lnslal!Pcl. Trenr•hing anr.l light

excavating. Reasonable prices. Carl E. am! N. Ball, Lansing Eb' ' 7-7349 or Laingsburg 3115, collect.· ·


BUILT-UP ROOFS and roofing" repair. Free estimates. Call col·"

lect Holt OX ~-23~4. Don Pr•ttcr, towu~ ...

----------- ----GET LOW COST Trlp·Travel In·

surancc- Covers Anywhere..:_ , On a cluy to one mont h-Insnre by phone. Call Fran I< Guerriet•o, 0/;t, G-5534-day or night. 30\'ltf

BICYCLES AND MOWERS re· paired. parts ancl sC'rvlcc. New'~

and used motorcycles. Leather goods. Shcp's Motors, 2460 N:-


Cedar St., Holt. Phone Holt OX rJ-6621. 23wtf

WANTEIJ- Cal']lentet• worl< and" repair work. Hcmy Fries, Sr.,

132 Rayner street, Mason, phone• Mason OR 7-11!il. 5wtf gan winter. See a[ler' 6:30 ex-, your us ness recor s in or er 1 11 t'v " ttJ'ng Owner " road, phone Lansing ED 7·7651.

d t d f fl II lei yare, a rae l e ,e · llarclwood floors, attached gn. ty minutes to Jacl<son or Albion 1 cept Friday. Dorothy Powell, an pro ecte rom re. aro 11 1 f , 0 20 u 41w4p p 2161/J E. Ash, Mason. 40wlptf Neal Safe Co. Phone Mason OR wou 1 trace Ror ., 1?.rb ~cres rage, extra large lot, cash or at 11760 Devereaux road, 3% _ . arme ee GLAZING OF ALL IGNDS. Per-

- --·- -------- 7·0701. 7wtf near Mason. 0 Jert ~lr y, P one terms. · miles north of Parma. Vernon WANTEO ,.,.. Standing timber, of. kins Hardware, Mason. tJ3WU • ---~ Mason OR 7·4985, C. L. Johnson , ~hahan Real Estat.e, 410 First allltlnd~. Can ~sene~ cut logs. Phone Milson OR 6-4081 or --- - - - -----

GUARANTEED DuPONT explosives (dynamite) Agency 43wl HOLT, modern !!-room house, gas street, Jackson, Leslie represent a· F. c. Bl'adll!y, ·Route '4, Howell. . OR 7-4932 DIGGING FOOTINGS - Inst'l1h .. and supplies; Phone Holt OX -·--·---- heat, 'garage, pnvect drive and tlv:, Ed Blackmme, Leslie JU , .'-.. ... \ '."',. -40,W4. 41wtf lng sewer, tiling and bulldln~,

USED CARS 4-7441. Ste:plie'n Donnell, ilcaler. 1 ACRE near Mason, with new 3· paved streets, !en.-ed·ln b,lcl<- !J-3~61. 43w2 - . , ·. , ·J;. -. -·, . septic tanks complete. Have Blastlng\::stumps, rocks, ditches, bedroom modern home, very at· ynrd, $10,600 with $1,700 down. -------------- WANfJ'EP, TO BU.Y..:!"-'orn. jn the CU~TOM SAWING. Will get logs power digger mul dozer. Phone

1953 BUICK super hardtop. ate.) ll,on'e. by the hour. l7wtf tractiva kitchen, has 3-piece bath, IN MASON, new 3.bedroom home, 80 ACRES, Alnledon township, 17 fie!~ .. {\._]so W\J.'tit •custom,'co~·'n andd ~aw k lu~beS. ~ls~ fslab ')R 7-4973, Glann Starr. 30wtf 19fi3 BUICK Super 4-door. , W-~ILLIAli"STON ME.MOHIALS- partial bnsemeld~t, ultllltyh'l r oomd, full basement, attached garage, stanchion barn, silo, 6-room picl<lng, , slhe~ll~g, ·: al_111 drying. ~ootl' f•rla!n arh , 1 rs USa1r2m7 HEATING SAl ES 1 s I • u ·' 1 • - extra nice bui 1ng s te.- tg 1 an house, good land, level, Mnson Phone Wlllam .. ton 608·F·42.. . sou 1 o arper sc oo on · ' . "•. am crv ce. 195" B ICK Century tJ·uoor 1ard· Monuments aJld marJmt·s In th<.• cement driveway. Terms. h f B tl , t

1. L f C

1 1., d ·~ dry. Price $7,375, with terms. school. Priced too high for farm· ~Ow6p no1't o u er s gas s a wn. ennox urnaccs. ac y CJ.Ur •

95to3p.CIJI'YSLER 1 d finest granites. Try us for ecoll· Phone Robert Kilby, Mason OR IN HOLT, pracilcally new, 2- ing, but p1·iccd right for farming . Phone Lnn,slng IV 4-!1291. :!Owlf ware Plumbing and Heating, 1 · -.' ; · '· oor.. , omy, quality and service. Roy 7 •!J8~ c L J 1 A WANTED-Lo, gs aria standing M 12wt• 19~7 BUICl clemoJJ~tratot 2 clooJ .. , ~. . . o mson gency, bedroom home, garage, located and investment possibilities. Cull S CUS'T'OM SILO FILLING \VIlh

2 _ nson. •

'' ~ " ' · Bufflngton, 1428 West Grand tJ3 1 timber. Howe ' nw Mill, Rives • ·----195h1arOdLtoDpS. 88 River, Williamston, phone Wll· ------- w$ 0

1n r:1ooextdroawnlarge lot, 107'x224 '• A32 ' 2°91' Greenough, Dansville A

3MwAl Junction. Phone Mason OR 7·6651 new self-unloading

1 wagons. CUSTOM BUTCHERING everY,,

'' ' • • •j or LesliA JU 9·2326. 12wtf Also custom corn plcl< ng, will 1 c 19~,.,· PON'l'IAC 1 1 t· d llamston 46•1. 23wt! MASON SUBURBAN-1% acres, " Tuesday. Mitlerlile Pac \ing o.,, ,J,J ·< oor, rae

10 an nearly new 2-bedroom home, IN THE COUNTRY - 4-room FARMS BY CLARENCE M. - put in crib. Jacl< Perrin, 405 905 Onrllldaga road, phone Mnson,,.,

automatic transmission. ROAD GRAVEL, cement gravr~l $ 8 1 h WANTED -- Good 8-mllllmetcr Meech road, phone Dansville MA OR 7.8292

. . 38wtip 1954 BUICK 4-door sedan, radio, and barnyard !Ill. Ji'rank Hill, gas heat, full basement, priced , house, not modern, 2, 00 w t BOLES: 40 acres close in to visual splicer. Call Mason OR 3·3049. 35wlf

Dynallow and white walls. Route 1, Stockbrl!lge, 2 miiPG J•lght, with terms. C. L. Johnson $1,000 clown. Mason. 80 acres on Waldo roud 6_1394• 35wtfp south of Dansville at corner of Agency, phone Mason OR 6'5786· IN MASON-6-room house, gas just north and east of Mason and CUSTOM CORN PICT<ING and Howard and Williamston roads. 43w1p heat, attached gnrage, $7,500 Ia vterty$g1°6°9d00de'l~l on to

8day's m~r· WANTE

1 •D niA F

1.resf', eggs. Tohp shelling. Albert Cool<, 2180 E. Hilton & Richards

Corner US-127 and Legion Road Opan Evenings Til 9

Mason, Michigan

Phone Dansville MA 3-2031. h cc a • · erms. 0 acres In pr ces p....,. or eggs on t e Cavanaugh road, third house . 32wtf MASON-Large 2-bedroom home, cas · the city limits· of Mason, Janel for grade. see uwrlmce Hyatt, 309 east of Oltamos road, phone Lan·

-'------------ is now being redecorated. Hard· plalllng. We need farms to sell S. Main St., Eaton Rapids. Ph01;JC sing ED 2·6152. ~Ov.,itf BANK RUN anLI barnyard fill. wood floors, basement, automatic MASON, 4-room modern house now. Call Clarence M. Boles, Ma· Eaton Rapids 4·4521. 19wtf

43w1p ProcesseLl rond gravel. Mason heut, guruge, close to business 011 paved stJ•eet. =116,~50 , Wltll son OR 7·2361. Marlett Agency. Gravel Co.. Francis Slusser. district. C. L .• Johnson Agency, $1,100 down. 43w1p

1948 PONTIAC. Frank HllJ, phone Phone Mnson OR 7·1111. 16wtf phone Muson OR 6-578,6. 4:!w1p MASON 2-f II I -1· Dansville MA 3-2031. 42w1 -------------- ' am Y louse, one

FURNACE - 20·h1ch steel, blow· MASON - Living room, dining room apartment and bath ,up, RELY ON BUD'S e1•, stoker and electt•lc controls, room kitchen, 2 bedrooms and down 5 rooms and bath, located

AUTO 'PARTS FOR THE In very good condition, reason- utility room down. One large bed· on paved street, $12,500, terms. able. N. S. Rumbles, phone Mason room up. Basement, ga~ heut,

FINEST NEW AND USED OR 6-5753 e~enlngs. 42wtf garage, 2 nice lots, $1950 down. MASON, house, 8 rooms and

14 ACRES. about 120 rods !rom Pleasant !aim. Price $3,000 with

$1,500 down. F. A. Maule, 1018 S. Jacl<son street, Jaclcson. Phone Jacltson s·rate tJ-2642. 40w4p

AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT c. L. Johnson Agency, phone OR bath, 4 bedrooms, on paved AT THE J,.EAST RIFLE - Savage 300 Model 99 6-5786. 43wlp street, $6,000 with $1,800 down. Situations W.anted

• · POSSIBLE CO~! wltfi Weaver. f{V scope; Mall We have several good farms, TRANSMISSIONS - Automa .• 24-lnch 5 h. p. chain saw; 1951 INCOME PROPERTY ·- In Ma· houses and northern pt·op!lrties tic, standard and ovenlrlve Wlllys 4-cyllnder overhead valve son. Ona 3-famlly for 'only thnt aan be bought on terms. SENIOR BOY at Mason high

• MOTORS - Many. late models, engine· Stewart-Warner gasoline $1,000 down; one 2·!amlly for school wants work after school

WANTED-Feeder pigs. Norman Linn, phone Wllllumston 612-F-

23. 43w1p

WANTED - Cherry, walnut and maple lumber, any thickness,

state quantity and price. Write Box 206, Okemos, Michigan.

43w4 '

: ~~~~~:~LERS heater' for older model Ford; $91 OoOnedoMwans. en. L0·R106~n7s86on A~ea~?'p' OR 6•1161 and Saturdays, Will consider any-

• Coleman 2-burner camp stove; P 1 0 · , • __ ._ thing. Experienced at farm war!,, ·man Grah!lll), 2109 East Colum·

NEW TAILPIPES spotlight, trailer hitch and fender MASON HOME-Close to stores --d Jfava own transportation. Call bla road, Dansville, phone Dans· , 'Bud'S ·Auto Parts skirts !or 1953 Oids. G. Lamb.ert- and school 5 bedrooms, living IMPROAVED. LOi TSI -99$710035 aLo~ Clair Bouts at Aurelius 713. ville MA 3-3248. son, 627 Hunter Blvd., Lansmg, room dining' room kitchen 3 up. pprox mate Y' x · · · 40wtf _..:___..,...._..:__ ___ .:.___--,--phone Lansing TU 2·5637. d ' 2 b d - ' cated within 2 blocks of the __ _

2 miles south of.Holt ,on U~·127 · 42 2 be rooms do~n, e rooms up, court house. Phone Mason OR WANTED- Any kind of house· · Phone··ox 9:21fi~ w P. all rooms carpeted or covered, 7·1501. work or baby sitting on Satur·

new all heat, basement, new Wa· days or evenings. Experienced. , ter heater, 2-car garage, storms TAVERN IN MASON FOR Inquire at 221 N. Lansing or call

Plan. tS Shrubs and ,screens ... 1;11!\tur~ shade, 3 ,SALE: Beer and wine takeout ·Mason OR 7_4431 after 4 p. m. ----'----'-'-.~..:.....----~ Poultry

CORN PICIGNG wanted with 2· row mounted plclwr. Will fur·

nish wagons and elevator. Phone Mason OR 7·4944. tJ3w2p

CUSTOM CORN PICI<ING nnd shelling with self-propelled Min·

neapolis-Moline plcl<er-sheller. Ex· perlenccd operator. ' Reserving jobs now. Call Phil Straub, Mich· lgana Farms, Holt, phone Holt ox 4·3891. 42w2

SEPTIC ·TAN!{ and tile fields In· stalled. Call Holt OX 9-2194.


EVERYTHING In prumbtng fix· tures, material for r.lumblng

and sheet metal. Do your own Installing and save. C. J. Perrin, 113 State street, Mason. 19wtf

For Rent - Houses 24. HOUSE FOR RENT, in Mason,

partly furnished, G rooms and hath, utility room and basement',' large yard, $65 per month plus utilities. Leonard Nichols, phone' Lansing FE !l-895!1, 43wl•

FOR RENT - 2-bedroom duplex, gas heut, garage, available lm·

tncdlntely. Also l·bedroom dupl'l_X, oil heat. Available soon. Phone Mason OR 6-48,11. tJ3wl

FOR RENT - House, 4 rooms:' Howard and Williamston rouds.

F1•anlc Hill, phone Dansville MA 3-2031. · 43wl

HOUSE FOR SALE or rent, ready by November 1. Elmer Brav~n·

der, phone Mason OR 7·4652 mornings or late afternoons. ·• v•

43wl • · sleeplng,rooms at'e rented, out for license. Beautiful back ;bar. on week days · 42w3p WAN',I.'ED- All kinas of scrap, :APPLIANCE REPAIR- I sel'V·

------- $2f per·week. This home Is" Ideal Plel).tY. of parking area. Excellent · tin, wire, Iron, iarm machinery, ·Ice all conventional and auto- f R A WHITE RQCK HENS, one y~ar BLUEBERR'lC PLANTS. Bearing for Jarge'famlly ·or rental units gross. Ideal setup .for a couple. WANTED - Odd jobs, cement also old cai's'and truciCB. Try me matlc washers and dryers and Or ent - pts.

, old. -Carlton Eldred, 31~ miles age, 4·yeat··old Jerseys. Just re· will help It pay for Itself. Under Tenns. This Is a good deal. Shown work, building maintenance, be(ore you 11011. •Write or call Ed appliances and guarantee my --......'-,= noa·thwest of Leslie at 3161 Tuttle c:eived.' 5310 West Miller road, $10,000 with ,ter_ms. C.' L. John· by 'Clarence M. Boles, call Mason rough carpenter work. Frank Bradley; Danavllle·:flfA; -3·2952. I1 work. Kenneth Felton, Box 88, FOR RENT - Sleeping l'oom 'iir' flla4. Phone Leslie JU 9·4269. ' Lansing, phone Lansing TU son Agency, "phorie ·~ason"OR' on 7·2361, Marlett Agency. Posky, 3948 East Holt road, phone 110 answer call Charles Mullin., Route 1, Mason, phone Mason-oR light housekeeping room. 419

43wl 2·:Lt01, · 43w4 6·5786. 43wlp ' 43wlp Holt OX 4·3679. 42w2p Dansvllle MA '3·3344, 45Wtf 7·0283. · '43w2 .w. Columbia, Mason. 42wU I •

lnuham County News, O~lobcr 24, 1957 A·8

Want Ads

FOUND, stray little pig Come In pe1son lo 517 West South Sl ( d f Tl k

Mason, Identify nnd pny !01 ~d ar S 0 Jafl 5 13wl

Opportunities IIOU' I WlVRS - II o 11 so o!

UPS I A InS A PAn I MeN I for

!Tnllywnud Is now In the Lan ~lnll nrc 1 rills f rhulnuR mnlw liP Wllf uscrl In rho ron Comm11nrl mr.nts De on the ground flo01 IJe the tlr sl t u hold 11 glnmnm patty In your nelghborhoorl You nnrl your guest~ receive free romplctr. facials and malw up an alyses Mnlm cxccllcnl earnings per hour pat t lime as n fully hrMuly advisor Call Lnn sing 1 D 7 75.! I any day !JC~fot r.

Gl~fiLITZ We wish to lhunk

rent unfurnished 2 Ill dto nns hot nnrl ~old w tier furnished Leslie B Palrne1 phone M rson on 7 5021 1 lw2

APAfi!MENl of 7 rooms on g1 ouml floor close In M rson

Cot rllo I 1 nnc1sco 223 I nsf 0 111 sttcol phone Mnson Ofl. G ll'll



all of out ldn!l friends unci nclghhors for theft muny lund ex prcsslons of symp rthy and con dolcnccs dtulng uu1 recent IJc re IVcmenl In the loss of our fa thm Anthony Gctlllz 1lw Get lltz filmlly and Jlih and Mt s Phtl Jlp C IVOIHir.r 13W1


MODLHN unlur nlslu cl 3 r nom uputmcnt for 1 r.nt with 2 piece

prlv ric h rtlt prlv 1tr. cntr 1111 r lo c rtcd In M rsrm hu lr r s rll I riel Phone Leslie J U !J JS J I

vomhcr 2 4 p m supper $1 2~ fm tdnlls ~Oc for rhllrhrm Booths of hnnrlrnndo nprons [ll o d111 e candy hnlwrl goorl, white clr.pllflnt nnrl gr eetlng llld Christ mas r nrrls At the Aurelius Bap tlsl r lnuch B urws to 1cl Au1r If us Con let Set vlnt.: from 5 on


For Rent - MISC. <'LODll SAND!o:ft~

Pctldns lllrdwnrc, son on G 4 111

Lost and Found OOGS Rcpotl own or str.1y doJs

to City I lulclt county do~: w 1r den on. 7 'i839 or to shellff s oft Ice OR 7 'l6G1 10wt f

I r 111 tic be tgle hound blu k 111rl ltn Lost

Tur.srlty n1ght ne 11 W.tvetly ro td Phone Mason Oil G 10'51


Chnt ter No Ub07 lkst•rve District Nu ltLPOR1 01' CONDIIION OF l'IIE

Dart National Bank OF ~IASON

In the state of Mtchlgan at the dose of busmess on October 11 1957 Published in response to call made by comptroller of the cur rency under Seclion 5211 U S Revised Statutes

ASSEI'S 1 Cash balances wtth other hanl<s Including reserve

balance and cash Items 111 p10cess of col!ecllon !! United States Gove1nment obligations direct

and guaranteed 3 Obligations of Slates and pohtlcal subdivisions 4 Othm bonds notes and debentures 5 Cmporute stocl<s (lncltldlng $1200000 stock of

Fedc1al Reserve bankl 6 Loans and rhscounts (including $14 26 overdrafts) 7 Bmk p1em1ses owned $100 fmmtuw and

llxtm es $1 no ,13 neal estate owned other than hank premises (for

ftltute bank quat tetsl 11 O!het assets (cash value life lnsm ance $10 301 251


LIABILITII S 13 Demand cleposils of lndlvtdunls partnerships

and cmpmatwns 14 '11mo deposils of indlvtcludls pat tncrshlt>s

and cor poratlons 15 Dcpns1Ls of Un1tecl Stutes Government (in

clurhng postal savings) 16 Deposits o! St 1tcs and political subdivisions 18 Othet clcpostls I certified anrl cashict s clwclls etc ) 19 fOI AL DEPOSITS $6 875195 98

23 Other liabllilles (Income collected not earned)


'25 Capltnl Stoclt CAPITAl. ACCOUNTS

(c) Common stoclt 26 Surplus 27 Umllvlrlerl prort ts 28 Reset ves (for Interest and taxes)



• lUil\IORANDA 31 Assets pledged or assigned to secure II a bill lies

and !or other Pllrposes "32 tal Loans as shown above me after deduction

of teservos of

106 28157

$G 081177 55

$ 10000000 30000000 124 289 67

I A A Humphrey, Executive Vice President of the above named banlt do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief

A A HUMPHREY, Executive Vice President CORRECT -A 1:TES'1'


Directors State o! Michigan County of Ingham, ss Sworn. to and subscribed before me this 21st day of October

1957, anrl I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this 1bank '{SEAL) BERNADETTE E NORTHRUP,

Notary Public


St etc ol MlchiKnn 0\llcu ol ln~hnm Co tnly Danln C Jmmhu~lor or

ln the M ttct ol Stowe lltnln Notice I 1 llmchy Given tbnt tho Do u I

of (Jete mlnntlon com1 oKe I of De 111 1nylor A totln CuVIIIIRIIKh I f Don n Dcntty will meet on Novcmbct ti lllo7 nt. 10 Ill A M tt cHidoncc of Luw encfl Stowe to I cr•r rlll lnt01 en ted 1 crHonn nnd to dele mlno whclhea tho d1 tin known UK Stowe D11ln K au tYcd fot In tho Petition to clc ttt ont deerton nnd widen dated July 8 1067 In nccmuuuy alnd conducive to the 1 ubllc I calth convcnl· tJnco nnd wclfnac In 1\ccor lnr ce \\lth Section 2 nl Chn1 tot lV 1 Section I ol Chnlttcr VII ol Act No 316 P A l \123 RK nmerulc I


81DSTRUP-December 26 1967 Stutu or M chi~ tn I he Probntc Court

lot the Co I ty or lnghnm At n Hettttlnn o( snld Co t hehl t

the P ob te Olficc n the City ol L 1 •In~ In tl c •nf I Count} on the lith dttY of Oelohcr A D lllo7

Preue tt HON RODER1 L DRAKE J l~c of P obutc

In tho M ttct of tho E•tnto of IIER MAN 1C DIDS1 RUP Dceeu•ed

It tUIIocnrln~t to the tlnurt th t the time for l rcttentlttton of clulms R~l inKt •nld c.t ttc •hould be limited 11 d tho t n lime nd 11lnca be 11111 oh ted to receive cxl\mlnc nnd l\djut1t nil clnlntH nnd tie m ant111 1 J;tl lnttt Huld dcccrMed by nnd he f01e HII I Co art t I tl l lhc lcunl hchK of • 1 I dece1 •ed entitled to It he It the c•tnto o[ wh ch u tid <Ieee •e•l ftc I nel•etl Rhould he tiJu lie ttc I nnd tlctotmlned

It I• Ot lorcd 1 hut nil the creditor• ol "'lid decctuted ulc required to JlCBCJ t the 1 ch 1m& In wtltlng nnd 111 lor onth • 111ovlled by •tntulo to Rnld Court nt

tho Prolmte Office at 208 Ho1f1Htet lln!ld nK Lnn•lng MlchiKI n on or bel ore the ~6th dny of Deceml er A D tUr.7 nt ten firtccn o clock In tho forenoon HIll time 1 nd 11 <cc being hereby Rlt olntc I lor the oxttmlnntlon nttd o fJ tHtmcnt of 111 cl•lms nncl dcmnlldH ~omlnKt s Li I leccnocd 1 ntl Co tho ntlludlbntlon nn I lctermlt Uou of the hclra nt lllw ol • tltl lceclloed at the time of hlu death entitle I to lnhetlt tho cRto tc of which tho de• eon•ctl died oelzod

It I• Futthcr Ordered Thut ~ubltc no tlco thereof be 11lvcn by vuhlleutlor ol u COli)' ol thin ouiN once cnch W£!ok for thrd£! IUICCCIU,IVC weck11 llfDViOUa to "1\ld tilly ol henrlnlf In tho lnr<hnm County New" ~' DllWIIIIUIJCr 11rlntcd nnd clrcu lnted In onld county and that tho fiducl• lilY nr snld ••tttto RIVe known lntorcotcd 11111 tic• nddltlonnl nollec to rO<ittlted by lnw



About tho Quoshon

Tho man f1sh n<:J next to mo <Jn tho br1dgc had lm lmc tonglod 111 tho wrros ovorhoc1d All I sa d was 'I don t know whore you ro from but oround hero we f1sh 1n tho water Should I pay my med1col bdls w1th my Tnp Acc1dent pol1cy or should I suo h1m for clobbormg me 1

A Tr1p Acc1dcnt policy Hunters Acc1dont pol1cy the bdls for all kmds of !ICCI· dents 1 ncl ud mg gettrng clob bored For more mform11hon on Hunters low cost msurance consult Jewett lnsuronce Agency 551 W Moplc street, Mason

IlLl'Oitl 01 CONIJIIION 01


at the close of busmess OctuiH 1 II 19 J7 t Stale bankmg mstltutlon 01 gan1zccl and opera ling uncle 1 lite b;mkmg laws of this State and a mcmbct nf the 1 eclcrtl Jlpscr\c S)slcm Published In accordance wtth 1 t rll madr by tilr Slrte B tnklnt.: Authoutrcs and by the I er!c1 tl Hcsetve B1nk of flus D si11C I


Ai-i:o;LJS C1l1 btl nee wlfiloller iJ nks tncltcllngieselve b tlrnce 111d cash Items 1 1 pro~css of collection $ 732 393 02 United Sl!ICS c.oVCI11111Cilt obllg I lions dltect

I lA lUI II II S lllcll\ lrlllliS (llltnetsJUpS


Cnp1lal' Su1 plus UndiVIded



1 303 7l4 00 555 836 19 34 776llO

6 750 00

1,738 45615

$1357 525 49

2 288 99676

14 029 6B 361 942 41 37,58468

$ 334,13107


~This banl1's capital consists of Common stock With total p.1r value of $150 000 00

l\11 1\IOI,ANHA 31 Assets plcrl~:erl or nsstgncd lo secu1 e liabilities

and for other pm poses $ 25 000 OC Deposlls of the Stale of Mtchlgan (In

cluderl 111 Item 16) 915901 I L R Wh1le Cushier of the .tbove named b,u!l< hereby certlfl

that the rlbove statement is tl uc to the best of my lmowledge !illd

belief L R WHITE Cashier


State of Mlchlg.m County of ss 1 Sworn to and subscribed hcfo1c me this 22nd day of Octobea•,

1957 <SEAL) MARY J

My commiRslon expires July 30 1961

Congressman Chamberlain Leaves on Trade Mission Congn!ssmr!n Chnrlrs E. Chnm·

hrt•lnln of Mlr~hlgnn'H Hixlh dis· tl'ir·t nnrl Jo'rnnlt M. Knrstcn of MlliSOllt'l hnvr> hr!un n;mwd to I'Pfl· rrsr>nf the l!!gi:t!ntlvl! bt'illll'lt of the ll. ~- govcrnmnnl 1111 nclvlsm·s 111 thr. 12th Hr>~slon of a gl'Ollfl In rmtl'il gr1wrnl ngrPcnwnt on tnr· lffs nnrl trncll!, Thr. srssion will he In 'ar!Jtcvn, Switzerland.

trnrln nnrl lnternntlonnl trnrJo co· operation,

'J'Iw Mic•hlgnn r·nngrPHHnwn snlrl ho Jws rnnde lr!nlntlvr. plnns In visit HI!VPrnl r·ounlr'h!s In lh!! Mlrl· cllc TC11sl nflc!r arJ.Iournnwnt of tlw f;rnr!Vil mentlnr~.

Tbn llnllr•rl Stalr!s rJPln":ntlon 111 Gr!tii!VII will he lr•tl by 'l'hmnm; c;, 111nnn, IISSIHIIInf sc•r•relnry of state for t!eonomk nffalrs. Vlr!n·

Chzunhf'J'fnin Is 11 mr•mhf't' l'iwlnnrn arc• Cnrl B. Crli'SI! and or thn hiiiiSI' hunldltjl" Jllld Clwrles w. Adair of llw Stille de-l'lll'l'l'nr•y r•ummlttr•fl, nnrslrm pnrlnwnt. Tlwrn llrr! :J non-gov-ls n. nwmhr•t• or tlw honsrl r•rnmPnl ndvlsors, Andrnw .r. wnys mul lllPnns r•onunWr•r•. Blcmlller of lhf' Ai•'L-CIO, Arthur Reprcsenlrtllvcs of :17 Pmmlrif's B. !~vans, nwmhr.r of tlw Nation-

will ntlenclthr. mc~r!llng. They will ul Agt•kultuml Arlvlsory Council. prrsPnl. tlw views of their gov· and 11. ,J. Ilc•inz lT, preslrlr.nt of ernments on the fll'llHJlf'r'ls for the II. .J. IIP!nz Co. '1\VI'nly tr.~h­contlnuerl nxpanslon of worlrl tilc•nl advisors from tho dcpart­trllrlr~. They will nlso dlsr·uss tlw mr!nls of slnte, ngrleulture, <mel European marl<el lntegmtlon,r•ommnrr·p 11rr! also nwmf)(m; of pt·o.Ject lrr.nds In community the clc!legallon.

Letters to Ed'itor

Political Prescriptions Onr of our polltleal parlles lws

employed n few piHil'mndHIH to c·nrnpouzHI a prcsPI'iplion, known as I hr viet ory prescription wll h the hnpc that It will rcs·tom the lwallh of a slel< fllll'ly. As T an· nlyzcrl the lngrcrllcnts of the pre­serlptlon It· appears to he com­pounrlerl of money. Thn thought carne to me, woulrl gold restore I he party, So oftrn It has been salrl too nnll'h money has spoiled many 11 lwy.

spilt fid<el, or b It hrnlwn prom­ises'!

11 lniH•s n lot nf guts lo prn­SI'J'ihn for poillil'ill ills, htll when the truth prevails it should he ~lmp!P.. The Wily hack to victory as I sec II Is to tnss llw poiltlc:al harnml'r into the river, detour from llw murl road, cease to usc labor organization as a weapnn. Always remember the ranl1 and llle slwulrl not Stiffer for the de­lngs of tlwlr superiot•s. Millions of Jnbot·ers vnterl for a Repuhll· C/111 president twice in a row.

Tell your small town politl­clans to hmaden their· wny of thinking even if their neighbor believe~ in I he opposite party. Make no promises in the plnt­fnrm unless you intend to fulfill them. 11emgnizc llw voice of every citizen. Tell the people of this state yotl spcrul only what. your Income Is, nnd .vou will never spcnrl in front. Our state senators nnd representatives have hecn in control under· the big rlomc for u good many years, maybe they could find a good

SMART SACK-Paris design­ers ·have succeeded in changing the sbnpc of fashionable women with this year's "sack" dresses, So Myrtice Hunsucl:er, of Mem­phis, Tenn., carrying the theory to its toglcni end, shows that a printed colton seed sack can­with n little Imagination-be turner! into n sack.

pharmacist who coulc! talw a few costly Ingredients out of. the present tax prescription and still Jwep the people of this state fl. nancially in good health·, am! a governmcnt for all of thr. people, though they be rleh, though they be poor. And Jet us all remember if Mt:s. John Doe give~ blr_th to her sixth child It puts Mr. John Doe's pay check on deflated side of the ledger. The prescription of victory can be restored only with the courage and the guts to stand on a pia tform of a gov­ernment for all of the people of this great slate of ours, Michl· gan.


I would liltc I o quote a fc~w Jines from an article by Mr. Ahrens. He stnted thnt nfter the pat·ty's fund was raised, there woulrl be no strings attncl1erl to it. He also sairl, "I hope none of the money will go to elect any knnl·hcadcd candidates." Mr. Ahrens, tlu~sc few words were the main ingredient In your pre­scription fot· victory. On Oetohcr 31 there wll! he n $50 victory din· ncr. You can count on me, hut T don't want any cnvinr or cock­tails, all I nsk for on my plate is a big helping of the reni old fashioned Republican govem­ment. How true it Is, we arc Jlv· ing in n fast modern age, hut good sound economic govern· mcnt never grows obsolete.

Every citizen nnrl every politi­cian llnows that the ballot box is the place of decision in every elect ion. You and I have voted for !mot-headed candidates, only to get a good t nx shcllacl<ing from them. But the big rjucstion in my mind is why does a party continue to nominate these so· called lmot-hcarls. Arc they harm­lui to the _party? Is It true these !mot-headed candidates cause a

Maple Grove ,Makes Plans For Recreation Program

Real Asiatic . Flu I understand the Ingham Coun­

ty News reported that there has been no Asiatic flu here.

My family of 6 has had the real Asiatic Jlu, and 3 of them were atlenriing the Mason school­Opal, IIomer and Gary Curtis. We hacl Dr. A. V. Smith otlt here Oc­tober 15 for Opal and he said it was Asiatic Jlu.

MHS. MAl~ CUI1TlS, 32,1 S. Eifert road

At the meeting of the Maple Grove Recreation committee last Wcrlnesdny plans were discussed for a permanent recreation build· ing on I he Wise road park site. An ice skating rink Is being con­sidered . .:l'hl! abanclonecl Collins road f'eflool building will be razed and salvagablc materia! used in the new building.

Community participation in the YMCA basketball league was dis­cussed. A problem has arisen he­cause of a ruling that all players must nttcnd 3 out of 5 church meetings of the church that spon­sors them. No solution was reached, but it was assured that thc,:c would be some league bas­ketball.

Plans for the annual Hallow· ccn party were marie, and Charles Hyhnilwr was appointed clwit·­man. Tlw party is to be Thurs­day night, October 31, from 7 to

11 nt the Maple Grove community hall on Hughes road. From 7:00 to 8:30 there will he movies, games and costume contests for children up to 12 years of age. A record dance for teenagers l'olill follow from 8:30 to 11:00. Cider and doughnuts will be served. Maple Grove business establish­ments arc being contacted for donations.

More community usc of the school gym was discussed. Thurs­day .from '1·7:30 p. m. has been reserved for teen-age girls; 7:30-10:00 for women. Friday, 7:00· 10:00 p. m. is for men. Plans arc being made for other night activ­ities for other groups.

The gym Is equipped for bas­ketball, volley ball, badminton, ping pong, mats fm· wrestling or boxing, and a large trampoline.

The next recreation meeting will be October 30 at ihe Maple Grove school.

Replace that Old Roof

With the Famous

Wheeling Galvanized "Cop R Loy" In Either

Channel . or Co-rrugated \ Best on the Market ·

A Good Stock of All Sizes

Thorburn Lumber&. Coal . 2 Bloch South of Columbia on Mason Stroot

Phone O.R 7-3381

The Ingham County News Mason, Michigan

Re~scue ·Squads Find Hunter Top Jlollcr. l'omll1il1HI proVI'ri

how Hilly prmple can get. l\1onda,Y night. f<'rrnn other und mrH'I! irn­pot•tant rltiflcs, 12 :;lute pnlico squnrl enr:;, ~lieriff's pntrol c·nrs nnd ('[)IJserval ion offlt·r•rs Wl'l'l! nsslgnccl to the Dansvlllo jlUbllc hunting urea.

Although ffll'l'f' Is nothing In the 3,500 area (now with mosqui­tos gone) to harm any pt.!rsrm, all the fuss was marie ovm· nn able-bmllcd Lansing hunter, Paul Towar, :JG, who lost l1is IH•at'lzlgH.

Ile went into the hru~h about 4:30 to hunt pfll'llHIIniH lllld hi' stayed until dusk. Then he could not lind his way. itc ratllllll!l/ around for 2 hours and then wise· ly rlecirlf'rl to wail IUJrll'l' 11 lrf'c until morning. He was warmly ctnd, he had a gun anrl mnmunl· lion, nnd rlldn't wnrry too much. His wife did. Silt! rwlllir!d slate pollee and I hoy surged up and down roads and trails all night. State police even sndrllcd their horses and went Into llu• brush.

nut T~war is a litllr dPilf, anri perhaps the police are trlll. Towar salrl he shot. sevel'lll limP:; to Ill­tract attention hut no onl' heard the shots. He was within a lwlf· mile of his parl<erl en.r at Dexter Trail ancl Seven Gables roar! when his rc.seucrs arrived shortly after dawn Tuesday,


19 ~~ 51 #lllu-1 Ctklll.ti..J f'l~dod~Gf~M II~

n.u., Hew4,...,.. q.,.t.Jt•

Herschel Jewett Writes Columns Ilr!rHeill!i ,lf'well of ,Tewell In­

HIII'Illll'l! Agenc·y is writing a wePIIiy column in tlw Ingham County Ncows hriginnlng wllll tills issUr!, The llwme, rightly eJJoug!J, Is lnsllrillll'e anci Jewett will dls­euss all lllnrls lnr:lurling the inHIII'· ing of llollywr)[)d vol!•t!H fm· $100,-00/l and the story o[ Llnyrls of Lonrion insuring a garden pnrty against rain.

While ,fcWC'It will lotll'il on the extremes of tile instlrnnce husi· ness, he'll also slrl'ss eommon proteetlon necris, The ilrst column uppeat•s on Page 8 of Section A.

Editor Attends Covcntion Nelson Bmwn, editor of Ing­

ham County News, attcnrierl the annunl fnil JTIPPI ing of National l~rlitol'la! Association at Chleago Friday nnrl Saturday. IJc is a merniler of the cditot'ial commit­.tce.

ALL·NEW RAMBLIR SIX See '58's freshest new styling in the car that holds the official NASCAR 1¢-a· mile-for-gas economy record.

Thursday, Odober 24, 1957 Section B

Refused fo Give Up

Death Claims Man of Deter1nination In 1111! JHLHHing of I Iowan! Shm;,

(]2, last wel!il lnglmm county lo~l nne of IIH most. dr•lr!t'll1fnPrl nnrl w;l!ful dtlzen~. Tic! was a man of lnrlomllablc t·oumge and strong mnvll'fions, While he did not ovcrenme pnm• health, be refused to lc!l it lnlc!rfere wllli his rlciPr­mlnatlon to hn a Fur·ccsslnl fnrm­r~r. In his enrly life lw spPnl yPars In hospital ilrris, H lll11JIIhs strapper! to a hoard with lriiH!I'I'II· losis of till! spine. In late years lie was nlso frequently In lios­pilnls, undergoing lrr•alnwnl and operallons. But his spirits always soarr.rl ahol'e his sic:illless. lie refused to give up.

Mr. Sims was slrklwn In Ma­son Oelohet· 5. Ile Willi lal1en In Mason Grmeral hospital. IIIs con­rill ion was serioti.Y and 11n TUC!S· day of last wec:i< hr•r•Hme erltir·al. He riled early Wednesday morn­Ing.

Mr. Sims Wils hnl'll in Snmc•J'· set, England. fTc came to I he United States in 1!112 as a hoy nf 1 ;j 1 o work for Freel Mynll. 'I' he men eventually bccnme hrolhers­in-Jaw. Five years later Mr. Sims was striclwn with luhereulosis of the spine. Ile was ln Ingham tuhereulosis sanatorium fot· scv-

em! .vcnr·s. ITc~ rr!fllseri to beconw an lllVallrl. Aftr!J' llnally ill'lng rllsl'lmrged front tile hospital Ia• went back to farming, ill' sf l'llg­glcrl against !wavy pll.YHI!'al 11nrl economie o'rids In savf' lli!IIH'Y fot· a start. on his own. lie was ithll! Ia make a down puymenl 11n 11 farm In While Onl1. Jle worked hard nnrl he worlcl'd long, 111111 ill' paid off the debt. I If' was a 1·11•·­cC'ssful famwr, a gunrl 1111111 azul 11 gourl neighlmr.

Tn I!J:IO Miss I!Prlllll J\ly;lll t•amr• from England and sill! anri Mr. Sims wr!rc! mat'l'll'rl In 'l'omn­

r'Pill ~·pnrs. ~·;(~rvk(!!-l were con· dllt'IP;I ill !;on;llnr• llrw;, funct•nl hollH' ill \VIII!.IIliSI!III l•'rlriay With hiJriai .111 l'all'li<'W r'<!llll!lcry nt D;IIJ~Villf'. l!<•v. I l;trolrl Mondo! of llir! \'anllll\'11 ;11111 llo~nsvilll! Meth· odist l'illirdu•.'' ort il'ialt!d, 'I' he Wll· linmslon ~l.1oonie lucigc pnl'• tidpa!Pd.

Aurel~us Woman Brea!{s l·ler Hip

lo, '!'hey had IIIHJWil l'ill'h ollll't' ~II.'' 1'<'1'1<• Varl)dln, :m!H West In childhnnrl In l~ngl:111rl. 'l'hrr•<• ('ollilllill;, ~'"·"'· ALII'Pilus, fell In tlmr!s Mr. anrl Mi'H, !--iims re- 11<'1' ltllllll' ";11 ly \Vr!rlnesrlay morn· turner! to England on visits. lng and "''"I'" lit!!' hlp.

Even thougll husil~· eng11gr•d In ~Irs. \';JIIJ:Itil, who lives nlone fat•ming, Mr. Sims found tinw to in IIi<' !1"'"''• l'l'aWIPdlo the bnclc !Jpc•omr! sclllloled in Anll•rlr·;tn dlllll' <llld llnl"dwd if 1111d 11wn history. Jie was lntcnsPI.Y inlr'l'- lllild<• l~o·t· 11':1\' '" a mom com·

forlaidl' st,ol. 'tl<·r datwhter, Mrs. ester! In government and in poll- " tics. lie was aclivc in f!VPry pllasr' 1 'arlyl<• \\';Jill, wlio lives next of community life. liP. WilS 11 lifr· tlroror, 1\'('llt lo 111'1' mother's house member of Williamston lllasroni•· nlioltl 7::11/ nnd founrl her. The lodge. lie wns instrumr•nlai In ::~~:~~-lilt·t· >•LllllrniiiWd an ambut.

having a ncplww eome from J•:ng- fo'irsl <•x:uniut•rl at Mnson Gcn· land a few years ago to tnke ovr~r farming operations. l'l'lll hospital, Jll_rs. Vnughn wat~

lt·;,n~.I<•JT<'tl lo Spnrrow ilospltal, Mr. anrl Mrs. Sims aiiPrulr•rt[ LaiJsin~-:. to havP a steel pin In·

Mason Methodist elnm:h in rr•- sr•J'If'd i11 111'1' !lip ,illinl.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: Sparkling performance and top V-8 econ· • RAMBLER • omy in the compact Rambler that turns, : REBEL • parks, handles easier than any other

1 1 1 1 1 I • 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I

• . ALL-NEW The all-new 270 H.P. Ambassador, world's finest travel car, provides top V-8 performance with outstanding V-8 economy. Distinguished Am bussudor Country Club Hard­top illustrated. The Ambassador is also available in hardtop and 4-door station wagons and in 4-door sedans,

: V• a • U.S. car. V-as offer self-cooling brakes, • POWR·LOK anti-spin differential.

:~: . . • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

NEW I Sleek new jet stream styling extends right through to tho beau· tifully sculptured rear fender lines.

NEWI All-New Push­button-controlled Flash-0-Matic transmission, Overdrive or. Standard Synchromesh available.

• 1 1 f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

NEW! Distinctive Four-Beam Headlights are standard at no extra cost on all1958 Super nnd· Custom models.


GET THESE 7 BETTER DIFFERENCES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I e e e 4l . • 1. Distinctive jet stream sty!- • ONLY RAMBLER

ing. 2. 'fhe best of both: Big • Gives you the Best or Both: car roomy luxury-Small car economy. 3. AU-welded single t~nit construction. 4. Penny­a-mile gas economy record.*

0 AMERICAN Big Car Room, Ride and


5. Easiest parking. 6, Airliner 8 EUROPEAN Reclining Seats, 'fravel Beds. small car 7. Lowest cost All-Season Air Economy, Conditioning. Handling Ease

See and drive the car that's *"•soAR R"•ord-o wllh a,,.,, •• first in resale value -first in ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • sales growth, too-Rambler! *American Motors Means Moro for Americans


Hilton&.· Richards ' '


U~-127 at Legion Road· Phone Mason OR 7-3541


... ,..,

... ... .. .. .. !"" .... "" ... ...


WScs· Womero Visi·i ~iorne l\11'. nnrl Mrs. Wllllnm Hlll'l'ls nf

L:IIJHing •·:~l11•d 'i'LII!Hdlly 1111 Mrs. ·.Pivn WIIIIH'n fl'nlll fl11lililns Mlldl'l!d N"rlh,

\'\f,'-;C!-i illlli !J fr11111 C:I'IIVI'IIiiiii'J.( went. lo c;r:~nd llaplds l:u;J Salnrrlay !!Vi'lllng Mr. ancl Mrs. \'ill!clne~;day. 'l'lwy 111111 a C'ili'I'Y·IIl i\sll ,'l'nwsll'y ll'l'l'C! smprlsnd li)' ]llfll'li 111 1111! C'lark lillllH'. a vls11 ln11n M1·. and Mrs. l•'rnnk

'They 11'1!1'1! :;hown lill'llllgl1 II)[! ~ 11 :'~ 1 • Will~ ll'"r:• l_h<'lr 1 • 1: 1 '1;1,11g~lt l .. Je and vlslll'il lhn 1\ll'llllldist i,lltsts, 1\fl. Aile n diHI M1. IIliis· ~~~~11lllllllly 1·c•nlt•r. 'l'hiiSI' from lr!y were! In II!P lliiVY In !-ian HiJlililns 1\'Prc• Mrs. Mildt'l'ci .in· IJii'!:0 • ric! and M1·s. AI!Pn wen• luinJJidc•s Ml·•;. Erina 'l'opllff Mr~. aiii.'IHiilnts wlwn llw Towsleys i\1nrgnrPt ndcump lVII'o. ~.;,nt-lla wc•r" llllll'l'll'ri 1111'.'''!. TIH!Y lmd nol Fllnli and Mrs. ltt:'.w J(liiii<. sl'l'n """'• oiiH'I' lor _II yc•at•s, Mt•.

• All1•n had 111'1'11 :illlltont!d In Aus· ··Aitl•iuling ~rom c.;rovc•niHil'l~ tmlia, 111c!n In Tllllit:y. 'l'lwy

wpre Mr~. ~lai'IHII lloiliJIHIIII,, Mrs. t11 un•d fo:uropl' lll'l'lll'l' relnrnlng Arll'lll' !-ilrll'lillng, Mrs. l\l1ldn•rl 111 IIH• 11nil<•d Slnlos for 2 lllllnllis. North, Mrs. Milll:lln>l Ll!tillllrd, Tlu•n liii'Y will .•mil for Jnrlniii'Siil. Mrs. D11ris l•:ll~;worl h, ~iJ·s. Bar· · hara Glhson, M ,.,,, c 'ry:;l:d Sl;ln· 'l'h1• son llnl'll ()t>Johl'l' !l In lll!.r nnrl Mrs. Sus II' I 111!:!:1!1'. Mrs. Mt·. IU'ol ~II'S, 111111 Hie•" wus Jlnhlnson's llllililf'l', Mrs. Edna 111IH•n lu Ann Arllm· Hutnr· 'I'll rill' I' n f C'llil rio II e, lll'l'illll pa nit•cl clny, hn diPcl 1 hu I 1'.\'I'.JJ ill~\'· 1 hf'rn. S•·rvic·c•s we••·•· 'I'•JC•sclu,y 111111'11·

~.Mrs. Naomi ilunlwr and M!'S,

HPilil 1\llnl\ of Ttrtlthln:; illlci Mrs. M.llclmcl Norlll iiltc•!JCIPd 1111' Allrl'· Jius townsllip l'ionr•r•r mr!l>ling al AurPI!us C'l'llll'r 1'11111'1'11 l•'riday il rt ernoun.

lug·, Cuns" 111' t1Pn1h was n clc•l'f'l'lh'l' hl'nl'1.

Arvi1le No rill r::~ll1•ci !-illlldlly 11 fl. l'l'IHlllll 1111 his molill'l', Mrs. Milclrt•cl N11rl h. liP II!J'I hy pi<IIH! Julr.•r for CIPVf'land, Ohio,

Lnsl 'J'hm·w111y evening Mr•, m111 Mrs, Leon North n[1enrlccl 11 mr.r.t. lng ol' I he Cenlml Mlr~hlgnn Lnpl· dnry nrHI Mlnr!I'HI societ,v In Lnn· sing.

J<'r·il!lldli of ~h·. und lllrs. Hugh Ang·•·ll will gmnt thmn nf. limv••nhurg nhn•·nh l•'l'iduy ewr,'ug· nl' w1mi' ·~I; •m Ofll'll lllllllil~ Hflnll;;nn!.ll by Uw l'hurdt, 'l'lw Allgl<lls IIIWil

sohl IJwiJ• (II'IIJIIH'J.y UJIIJ lll'll

lllovlug· Co Lausllll\' In Llw lll'lll' f'n1urc•,

Mr. nnil Mrs. Leo Blrieson of Wllllnmslnn enlleil Tuesday eve· nlng of lnsl weoi< on Mr. and Mrs. TT11gll Angell. Mr·. nnd M1·s. /1. L. 'l'ooker visited Uwrn Sun­day evening. Sunday nftnrnonn Mr. 11nd Mrs. 'i'nolwr, Mrs. Emma Thompson and Mrs. LoUie I!ochn of Dimondale vlsllecl Mr. and Mrs. J\uhrey 'fnolwr, .Jr., nenr G mnd Ledge. Munrlny the 'J'ool<· ers cilll!!d on Mrs.' Millie 'l'lll'sdny ewnlng Mr·. 11ncl Mr·s. A. L. 'J'ool;r•r· vlsllerl Mr. nncl Mrs, Guy McCue, Tn t lw nfl.crnoon Mr. Toni.cPt' rnllrii on Frnnl< Potter.

Mr. nncl Mrs. Dan Hugr:er WPI'I! enlerlaln!!ll nl dinner nl. the IHIJlll' or Mr. and Mrs. David IItli(· gl 1l' of Lnnsing Sunc!ny.

Snturdav Mr:;, Lily .rarvi.'i nne! 1\li', ami Mrs. Norrl~; lloll'illdn iH'I' si~;IPI': ~ll'.'i, J·:·mnm All<•n, of Lnn:;inr~ visilt•cl Mr. iiiHI Mrs. 'l'htll'srhry ul'uwnoon of h1st sJWIII Jllr• dny in ill'lr,il 111 Jlu• C'l1nr!Ps Franldln one I'Vt•ning wer•l1 llh·s. llnwl Stl·olw~ vis· iiOlnl' of lhl'i!' ni'JIIll'\1', :111'\Vill'll Iii:;! \l'l!i'li, f1c>rJ Jill'S, ltOS!\ 11111'1: Clll CCI·

'[''I I '·! 'I 'J''I I lumhiu rllncl. FII\VI'l'lll wec\ln! .1.1111 "· "l's, " '"' I,;," 1'1'· J\Ir·. and M1·s. W:lilr>l' LPsrnr.y lln'IH'd will! llrr•m. M1·s. Allr'll :1111! and Mr. :11111 MI'S, r;uy Md'ul! vis· ng-o shn •·nng-hl hm· hum! In Mrs, 'l'ih:ulo )prJ l\1ondav 11n ", ill•rl 1\Tr. and 1\lr::. ·Hir-llard Ll•· ll Wl'ing-r!l', h1·eal!lng a. w1·ist nigh! plnne for Sii!':l:'.ot:l, 'r-'llll'irlil. '::I·IH',I' illld family of .iad;s1111 Sal· h11n" nncl injuring hr•J• t.humh. !-iundav M1·s .. l:rr\'1;:, Mr:;, i\llr•n, nrd:ry. Mrs. Glrun Amler~en hnd a Mrs. 'i'ihnrln ii!H.I Mr~. t•:lsil! \\'c·l· , 1nn or L:~nsinr~ visilr•rl :VIr.s. i\lr. an.rl M•·•;. ~ l:nk JJnyrws nc!'J'll.ww .anrl.,3 n.ieces, as guests ]\• 1- 0 1: 1 . 1- r"lllt>d l•'rlli'P' ''VI'IIIIl" 1111 J\lr· <IIHI o\ c 1 I hr w"r k c nd. rhey were •Yl' IP \\'flll o ns IP ·' • ,, - - •, . --,1, ·. 1· , 1\1·. ·I·:,·. 1: , , . • 1 Mrs. r:uy McCt!P. 1\lr. Mc•Cue vis· Warren, .Jr., Marilla, l3arhnrn ami • urs• ".1 ''· ·' ~ • o1111s WI. II • , 1 ·,. ;,. , ,,. <,, T 1 11 .. , . liPlc'!l, childi'en nf Mr. ancl Mr~.

til IJ 'Il'll£!S )'1)'1' ltl \'1'•·1'1 '[I' 'IIIII 111.11 11.. ·'lSI f._, 1\d S., 11111 oliVI.y, - · ' ·· ' ' . ·• ·' ' ' · · · · · . , ·. . • .. · . 1 Wal'!'Pil Coole of Lnnslnrr, Mr:;, ran Brn\\'11 lot' :u•vr•ral rial'S. SuJJrld~ .tl Sl. L.m II Ill ( 1111.-.Jlii.J. - b

.>rueoda,l' c•vPning of i;.st wc;c•il lie: also visil••rl ( :IH•sli!r I iosldns Mr. nml Mrs. Orlin Richards Mr:;, Mil1lrrrl Norlll nti<'IHII'd :111 at Sparrow hosp11al. nnrl fnmily from Dimondale vis· ripen house al till' \Vonwn's l'!uh· Mr. 1111<1 Mrs. [v;111 .Tnhnson nf ilr•:l al llw home of her sister·, ll!lu:;e, L:111Si11g, i11 '"'""~' nf Mr. L>iln<~rHI<ilt>, 1\ln-:. Il:rzt'l Slmlwl Mrs. Clarcnc·e Lcnnnrci, Saturday ;[(ld Mrs. r inward l{nsc·, wlio h:rve anrl Miss Iva i\i:~y Slrnhl'l wc•J'<! Pvr•nlnr~. Mr. anti Mr!i. Lynn sprnl Jlw f:llmllll'l' in l.ansil{l~ 111111 supjwr !:lll'sls Salul'llily ~·vrning Hr•ynolds :111d family of Lansing will n•lmn In lhr·iJ· lwrnr in :11 ill<' IHlllll' of J\lr. and Ivll'.'i, visiiPd llic•l·•~ Sunday evening. E'nmpano llmd1, Flnrida, Ill[' las I LP:ilt:r Wonc·h nf OIII!Jllos·, Mrs. Milrlrrd North ami Mr. nf lktoill'l', Mrs. Jl.,~;r• \Viis il J\lr. ar,d 1\·Jrs. A. L. Toolwr :mel ;mel Ml's·. Leon Nnrlil visited Mrs. l}lerniH•r of IIJP Liinsin:~ Por•lry Lawn• Took1!1' of l•::rl1111 Ilapids 1\alt• NorliJ ami Miss Marian· duh <lllcl llwsr• :IIIPIHiinr: Wl!m vi~:ilt•d Mn;, Em11111 Thompson Nurt11 Sunday aftemoon: Mr. and memiH•rs. Wednesclny nnd Sunday, rcspec· 1\lrs. Leo11 Nort11 also called at ~~Those ft•om this lwi:dlllnl'hoocl tivPiy. ' 1111• horne nf friends, Mr. and Mrs.

w.ho look Jlill'l in lhr' f>TSA 1~111- Jlir. ilnd Mr.,, Iir•nry Binldcy l.illiian Trager of Lansing, where ~~.c· hnoslrr ml!l'l'rl .al I loll h1gh vis.ilrd lllr;;, . liazc,J Wr!IZPI of open IIIHISC! celchratetl their 50th


~~hoot l\1o11day c•w•n1ng were Dr'!l· Plmsnnl l:tlll' SIIIHiny nfiPI'IHIII!l. weclcling anniversary. nis and Dinrw Norlh, Snnj:r J(r,s. ___ , _____ .:__ _______________ _ ,lf'jslii, Boil Diiylon ;mel Larry s'i-nith. · Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., October 25, 1957 B-2



'ftl'l~ have the pamnt

I' I you wanr.

See ®UBr (t~S(tRde of Ct&lor display ®f ~his yeur's newest colors ~~~edseiy matchsd ha both-~ ,f ~®~ ·~ ~~~~,,~ll~i- ...

Q ., 0 de hme latex wall paint @u~@ !£EM o GW®. ·I) •

• 0 ~~ America's ·favorite enamel o Come in and select your colors from our big Color Cascade

seleclion-f•·ee take-home color samples~

o Fot· beautiful velvet-like walls in living rooms, dining rooms; and be:lt·ooms, use your favorite colors in guaranteed washable

. Super Kem-T~11e. · ·

e Match }'OUr woodworl< ~0 your walls with the same color Jn Kem-Glo, the miracle enamel with the rich subdued lustre;

\IJalte your Idtchen and bathroom high in style with Kem•Gio's ""', too. - ·

PER:KI s '

H·A··R·•--D-··W .. ·A .. R·.·E·.·


Balsam Wool Insulation 16" and 24"


16" and 24"



$6.20 Per I 00 Sq. Ft.


$8.70 Per I 00 Sq. Ft.


$5.88 Per I 00 Sq. Ft.


$7.83 Per I 00 Sq. Ft.

Balsam Wool Is Guaranteed if Manufacturer's Instructions Are Followed FRICE GOOD FOR OCTOBER ONLY

Philippine 'Mahogany Flush Hollow Core Dcors


1-1•6x6•8xP/s11 $7.02 1-2·x6•8x13/a .. $7.80 3-2·2x6'8x13/a11 $8.79 5-2'4x6•8x1l/a .. $8.89

These Arc All No. I Doors




$4.56 $5.14 $5.24


Black &. Decker Hand Tools Reg. Sale WINDO~f.

4 Only $52.50 $36.75 SAS~1 Solid Brass

Lifetime Lock~

Reg. Price-$13.50


SANDER $52.15 $]6.75

Each 95c 1-1f4·in. DELUXE DRILL KIT $49.95

These Items Are Close-Outs! Now $6.49

Excellent Sash fa,· Garages, Barn~, Cottages,

Poultry Hot1scs Take Your Choice

ODD LOT OF FLUSH DO.O,RS Take Your Choico While They Last

Birch and Cherry

78 Wood Storm Sasl1.

Various Sizes ,, .. . $. J 5 0 and . · • . Eac~

Condition M & D


Speed Loads

One Only


SOc Ea.


39c Offer Good October Only

Solves many difficult ventilating problems. Improves the appear.ance of any home, completely prefabricated.

Reg. $43.65 Now $14.95

-.·.····:... ...;li~:;.:..··--------~"~' --~;... ____ ..;....;;.;.....;.. ______ ~ ;- •f.'s

;. ,,.

'1x6 YeUow· Pine Roofboards Shorts-4 to b Ft. ·- Reg. Price

$135.00 Per 1,000' Now $80.00

1"x4" Yellow Pine Long Lengths - Dressed

Reg. Price $120.00 Per I ,000'

Now $8.3.50


Fir, White Pine and Hardwood plywoods. These are ide-al for the basement work~hop.

Price Below Cost!

Your Choice $1. 50 Each

Window Units at Big Savings

Re~. 1-WINDOW lJNIT, 2<1x2tJx2,l, 2-li~ht, wrmthcrstrip $17.18

1-WINDOW UNIT, 24x24x2<l, 4-light horizontal, weatherstrip $Ul.fi8

1-WINDO\V UNI'l', 28xHixHi, 2-li~ht, wcnthersiritl

3-\VINDOW UNI'l'S, 32x24x24-, 2-Ii~ht, wc~nthet•sti·i l'

1-WINllOW llNIT, 3Gx24xU, 4-Iight horizontal, wcathcrstl•ip




1-WINllOW UNIT, twin 28x20x20, tou and bottom . cut 3 wide, 2 hi~h, ~OW new style $51.58

1.-:.ANDEi~SIDN ·WIND6W ltNI1 ,:J.r~s~i}.a•e ·s~al, 4-light, horizontal, 36xHixl6 $iW.30

1-ANDEHSI~N WINDOW UNIT, Pt·essure seal, 11· light, horizontal, 32xHixHi $2!J.Hi

1.-ANDimSEN WINDOW UNI'J', Pm;~;ure seal, ~~-light, 2HxHixHi $27.1i0

I-ANDERSEN WINDOW UNI'J', Pt'Psstu·e sPal, 2-light, 20x20x20 $27.20

5-WINDOW F!~Anms, cmly, ?.Hx21ix2n $1 1,~'.1 . 1.-ANmmfmN CAS!~MEN'l', W-3n•J, Lim, wc~ldetl

glass roto ~e:u hardwat·e, all :1 glasses swing Ol!t $lliO.S2

1-ANmmSI~N FLIGXIV!GN'.r WINI>OW UNIT No. 22221, both windows open, roto gear hm·tl-wnre and screen includt~d · $64.0·1

1-ANDEI~Sl~N FIJ~XWEN'l' lJNi't No. 222, 3-hi~h, top sash \'·lllttcjJ with roto gt•:u· h:mlwarr. $1lUH

Sail\ $1:-UJS



$1rl.!li"i .



$:W.70 ·

~; 2.1lfl .






Only - BERRY ALL-STEEL OI'IE-PIECE DOOR, Suburban model, ll'x7', receding wHh .light~. Reg. $76.68 ................... ..

I Only - BERRY ALL-STEEL ONE-Fif:CE SUBURBAN DOOR, 9'x7', . receding with lights, Reg. $B4.b0 •.•.•••. , . , , ••••.....• , • , •• , . '' I '

2 Only- FRANTZ WOOD ONE-PIECE DOORS, 9'x7', receding, was ·Reg, $71.00 •••• , • , ••••.••••..••.. · •••.•.•..••..••••..•.•. •

Many Qther J~e~s .~lso

$69~01 76.14 41.60·


'·352 W •.. Columbia '· I


Tomato Juice 3 4~-oz.cans 89c SNO-KREEM

Shortening 3-lbcan 79c Marlene Oleo 41-lbPrinls SSe IGA HOMOGENIZED

Bi Neighbol"! Here is the second. of two big weeks featuring our own JGA Brand produCts· .. This we~k;·a~ with the first week, we are suggesting you try our IGA products and prove to yourself that. fop quality together with low price c~n be yours. So come in today and begin shopping the JGA way ... You'll find your savings are in the ''Total."


.Ingham Counlv News, Mason, Midi., October 25, 1957 D-3

Trick or Treat Goodies By the Box 120 Pieces-s1.05 80 Pieces -75c

' -Jelly Beans 29c Lollipops 49c _______ , Peanutbutter Kisses 23c .o·Henry Miniatu1·es 39c -· AUNT CLARA - Hb Pig.

Peppermi.nt Sticks 53c Fig Bars 49c

Many Other Trick or Treat Candies

Kaespread lib 69c

Mild Cheese IN FROZEN FOODS Evaporated Milk 3 Tall cans 39c -------------



POT A TOES · · :-: --.- 2 9;~~: 35c Sweet Peas 4 3°6 Cans 69c Cod-Perch-Smei't FRESH LIKE

IGA TURKEY, CH.ICKEN 0.1: J3E~F 2 8P%z; 53C Meat Pies

Whole Kernel Corn 2 306 cans 33c IGA MARSHALL

Slrawb.erries 2 ~~~~~ 45c 3 1-lb Pkg .$1 39c



Tomato Soup IGA

Maraschino Cher1·ies

MULLER·s DONUTS ooz. 19c Pl·ain or Sugared



Snow Apples 41b 39c

' Large Ripe

Each 10c




6 Ears J9c


can 10c Peas

8-oz. Jar 35c


Ice Cream Special Your Choice of .

Gold - Regular - Festival

V2 Gallon 69c


FREEZER SPECIAL 50 lb Ground Beef

or . . . 50 lb Grade J_Bre.akfast Sausage

Only $13.50 · ' PLACE -YOUR ORDER NOW .

2 1o-oz. ~sc Pkgs. ~

IGA Flour 25-lb Bag $1.79 10-lb Bag 99c


Frying Chickens Chicken Wings ts23c

5-LB PKG. 95c Pork Brains -· ..::....::_:.:=---=-::....__~-----CENTER CUT

Pork Chops u 69c --------------------SLICED FRESH



Pork Roast u39c Shoulder of Lamb :LB 49c Chicken Livers 1LB 49c Beef Hearts .· Ls23c Rolled ·Beef Roasts LB 79c WHOLE FULLY COOKED

Smoked Hams u 59c SMOKED HAM

Center Slices .Ls 98c SHANK PORTION

Smoked Ham . .Ls 39c Sliced Bologna 3 lb $1 3 9 Grade 1 Franks . . · •.

·BEEF ·T,ONGUES' . u23c

lb 39c


lb 59c


lb 49c ~


Choice Blade Cuts

tb 39c SLAB

BACON Any Size Piece ·

tb 45c . .

. VelveetaCheese ··DEN.SMORE'S .. IG.A . FO.ODLlNER ·. , · 2 lb. Bitt · . ·

Chocolate Covered

Cherries . ' ' ' .

Light or · Dark •·. . '. .

Final Shou;ers Jlre Givl~ll For .JJriclt! oj' October 26

A mlsl~t~llnru!llliS 111111 11 ldtl'iwrt llhll\VCl' [IISI \'ll!l!k illllllll'f'd 1\JiSH .Tnnirl! 1\estm·, Willi will IH;r·ornt! the bride of llr•nnls l.loolillh; Sal­lll'Ciny, O!!lnill•t· ~!r:, :tl 1\la;;nn 1'1'"-'i· hytm·JHII dtlln:lt.

'J'hursdny el'••ninv. IH!r at It• rill· nnls, Miss Margir• \\'llhPiin, Miss :rudy Sdtlll~\ lliHI Miss Snlly Hoh· in;;rm cmlerlnitwd a! a ldldlf•n shoW!!!' al. l\lis~ Hnl1lnson's lrnnw. A floor lnmp wilil 11 llrilllrrtll shude ra!illiont•d nf plnl1 ami l'ontl gemninn"; dr•eornled llw living room.

Guesls plrtyHI a wri!IPn ganw nml tlllSo'!'Hlllillrd words naming nr!lcles for llu< hrfdP-eli'l'l ·~; homn, flr·sl. mml and lmuss,au.

c•alw, [C'r eream aurl !'offer• \VI!!'(.' ser·vcrl,

Mrs. llamlrl NPal. IIIIIII of 1111' ilrlde-lo-llf!, Wil!i ltoslr!!~~ HI a lllls· Cf!llnnnous shf!\Vf~J' Snlul'diJY PVI~· nlll/r. Gtl!!SIK plrtyo•d ganwt; :11 l'anl lahles l'l!ll!l·n•rl willt lnrli· virtual irn·angr:nwnl;; ol' tall flow· m·s.

Hdn•shnwnls of I'HI<r!, slraw­bl'l'l',\' 1111d ViJrlilla ii'P 1'1'1'11111, l!of­fl'r•, mints and nrtls ~~'"'''' ;a•rvl'rl. Mn;. Dumw 'l'htlrllly was r·o·hosl­ess·.

Open House Is Planned

Shower Given For Mrs. Ware Mrs. Humid Wnrn WUH nn iih­

smtlcc gutmt of hnnnr at. a slurl1 slwwer 'l'ur..~rlay cvenint: given hy Mrs. Wllllnm Pitrson~-; nnd M:·s. Terry Clurk, .rr., at lire Clarl1 home,

Guests look !hell· glfls Ull· wrap[wrl and Wl'llPIHlrl I hem ill the party, Prlws were given Jot· the mnsl. el<lhnralr! WI'IIJ>(Jing.

Refreshmrmt.s. of glngl!rhread, lemrm sauce, nuls, mints, loa and coffee were st!l'Vcd ut lhe dose! of llw evening.

MrH. Ware's gifts W!!l'f! taken to her al. Mrtson Gr~rwral hospital where slw lmu been slnc•e the birth nf MIC'Illtel Allen last Tllltrs­rlny.

I A DEC I•;M13~~ll WEDDING is

pl:~nned hy i\liss Marilyn .Jean Bnxtr;r of L:l!u;lng mHI Pvl. I{en­

Family Honors Mrs. Barr, 83 In obsnrVII!Wl~ nf hm· HBrd hirlil·

clay unnivnrsnry, Mn·. Edith BatT of PlcrtHanl Jnlw was hnrwrPcl 111 n fnrnily open IHHlsl'! Sttndny Hfl­crnnnn. Thn gatlwring wus HI llw lwmn of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hnt'l'.

Thlrly·I.Wo gur,sls wc,rc pn~st•nl frnrn Fcrndnle, Huzel f'lll'it, Sag!· nuw, Holt uml Muson. Tile Barr home was clr.comlerl with piJtil anrl while ehrysanthcmumH for the nemslon.

;\ decoruterl blrthrlny l'llkl' ccn· tererl llw while llncn·t'tiVI'I'f'li Ia· hie. Birtilclny caile and rlarl\ calw were sr~rved by Mrs. E. D. Barr, Mi·s. L, 13. Barr srrvcd purwh anrl Mirs Muriel Barr nf Ferndale poured crJI'I'ee nnd tea, Mints and nuts were also served. . ,, Tlw dining !able~ was f'PnlerPd

with varioits shadPs ot' pinil gemnhtms itr a J•ryslal !Jowl, flnnlwd by pinl< lapt•n; In r•t·yslal l!lllllllt•slid;,;, lnrllvirlttal slanrl-mtl place e:11·ds m:rriH•d P:ll·lr f:l!Psl's )llrree. AngPI forHi o·:tl;l', l'iro,·ol:tl!'

Tile family nf Mr. and Mrs. Gl'l'iild Douglns will lntvr• "1"'11 housn in lill'it• holllll' SlilHI:t\', ()(-. lohrn· 27, '" l'l'iehr:tlr• tlwir: :l:itlt w'•dding nnnivers:rr.1·. Tlw "i"'n lwus" is from !! .. 1 nnd 7-fl nl IIJr! farm itllme 11f GPr:IId DmJgln.~. :Jii;iO E. Dennis mad, Webill•rvillr•.

'l'ffl~ ENn.t\GI~MF:N'l' of Miss Marie Louisr! Brown lo .'James D1•an !Iclmiwt· of LPslle is an­nounced by het• molhcr, Mrs. Fredr•r·iek Brown. Mr. IIr!lmlwr is lltr son of Mr. an1l Mrs. Vel'll I!r.'lmlwt· of Bellevue l'lllld, Les­lie•.

Rolla Footes rwth Lee Ba!eman. The l!llgage- MRS. ROJ313INS .t\T MEET ment is nnnmuwerl hy her par- Mrs. Httssell Robbins atlended ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Wamer a workshop eon[crence at St. Baxler of Lansing. Pvl. 13nternnn i Mm·y's !nit!! ncar Uatlle Crcl'il is lite son of lvlr. und Mt·s. Nellis Frlduy and Saturday. The eonfer· Batemnn nf Masrm. erwe, on marriage Jll'l![lilralion

Are Honored

Diane Newman Has Birthday Dlnrw NPII'Ilr<rn, dnttghiPI' of

1\olr. awl Mt·;;. illliH•rl NI'\VIllllll, eelc:hr:tli!rl IH•t· ~w\'r'tllll !Jirlhdny nnniv,•n:Hr,'.' l·'riday ill n parly giVI'II by 111'1' [li\1'1'\IIS,

Gl'rnld Douglas awl Laur:1 , Jt'rn~;r~1· \\'PI'(~ llllllfld in Jnan·ii!g(: Or·lohrt' !!H, HJ:l!l, :rl !Itt• lrollle nl' I II!! l!rid1:'s JHII'PIIIS in W!!hhl'r­villl!,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Onuglns ltnv" fi l'itilrtr·pn, Genrlrl Dlln, :rr., 2!2; twin SliiJS, K1~illl illHI 1\nyl', I!J; 1\'an·r·n, 1-l, :~nrl Lnurn Suzrtntw, 1::!.

Thr; brirlc-eiPet g l' ad u a I e d from i\•lason high si'!Jonl In 1!157 and is allc•tHiing Michigan Slate nnivursily. Her nanec grarlualell from Leslie 11 igh sclwol In 1 !155. lie Is r;mployed by llw Allanlic and P:wlfie Tea company in Lansing,

A July wedding is planned by llw r:ouple.

Tlw ehildrcn, grandehilrlrcn and gJ•eal-granr.!ehildren of l\1r. and Mrs, llolln Fnnl1! galhct'Pr[ al !heir IHune on An1tis mad Still· day In ohserv;mee of tiH! r·Duple's fiOI h wed cling :1nnivenmry.

A pullud< ham rllnnr!r wa;.;· served al noon. In tile :rflernoon, decorated I.'Hiw and coffPc Wl'I'L! the n•freslmwnls.

The hrlde-eler·t Is n junior at and munscllng for young1•r J~co­Brr>nson Mel hnrllst 1r o s p 1 ( a J [lie, was sponsored by I ill! M!Ch· sdwol of nu~~ing, 1\ainmazoo, lgan c.ounc!l on family rc!lnlions wlwrl! slw is a mcml>rt' o( I<appn 1111d Michigan deparln~enl of rnt•n­Chi Jnln. Tier lillncc is slallrmerl tal he11llh. Mrs. Hohbtns altenrled wilh !he· army a! Prr•slrlio of for the tl\ird eonsecttlive yenr, :ts Monlerey, Cntiromia, where he a representative of I he stnte chi·' is ,;turly.lng Seriln-Croalir.n. ropractlc rntxlliary.

ljl 1:1 * 1~1 ~I ~~

Gtll.>,l:; itwlt11h·rl Lind:~ Nl'\1'·

mnn, h::t!lt\' f>./J•\\'Illiltl, ,l:trH• i\lc­CniH•, N:tll;.,. \\'i!J·o:;, Littd:r ll:JI­tigr·, C':tltt·.·l(rl 1\tr;~a. i]lltinil' IU•Pri, S:~ral1 llil•lll :rnd 1\:tlh)' nnd l'ris· cilia llir•lli.

Tilt' gi--l:; p1:t.l'l'd ;~il!lll's· llltrl il:ul pony ri·l,·;;. /,Jr.-:. Nl'll'lllilll sr•rv1•d lee l'f'(';llil, r·:il·~f' il!td milk.

Di:uu:' 1':''' •iv<·d mnn:-: nil'!! gi.fls. •!· ';

Cedar PTA Has Potluck Supper

Shower Fetes Mrs. /v\urphy

The r;oupl!' l'f'C!eivecl n lionr lmnp from I ill! group. ;\ son who was unahlc~ to a! lend sen! a bou­quet o[ flowers. TIH•y 11lso rc­ceivcrl ennis, gifts and llmvPI'H f1·om friends, nei[:lhhors and olher rei a lives.

Party Surprises Grover Akers

,,, "' "' Grover .t\lwrs, Sr., was sur-Mrs. Holler! Dem;mnre was WMA_ SPONSORS SALE priserl hy his _familyvat a party

lwsless :tl a sloril shower Mon- · . 1 Saturday 1•ventng al evay town day evening honoring her niece, Eden UnJI?rl . Brethren church, llilli' al R o'dm-1\. Fifty guests

P:II'l'IJ!s mill II•;JciH•rs of C'<•dar Mr~;. /\Ivan Murphy of Lansing. Women's Missionary AuxilJ.;r¥ were 'prcsenl .for !he celebration . . will sponsor a rumnwge snle T•l'l· · 1 . f i · · ~Ill I 1 · ·tJ t· •tn !·•11'!'1'1 sl'!nud JliiJ'IIs g:tllterl•d :11 TIVJ;Ivt; "lll'sls were present from . . •. . In wnn1 o us r 1 ll1 H .ty' ·

. , . " dnv evenJniY .11111 S,tltllrlay, Oclo-· · ... ·y P 1\S'I' ('lfll•:l•'s f'LUill\li·:J·:Ts ;t~~~; school ~lond:~y P\'l'lllllg for a 'Lanslllg, lloil and Mason. he~ 2

!1 anri"2

n, in the Mason eily .lllV~!ISdl · . Mr~;. l!IJIJ;•rl llnrri;:"tl Pnll'r· ~ ,I A potluck sL~JlPI'r,, :~nd ~~·.1-j Tlw serving table, covered with 'council rooms. . · .:"are~J Lecalo. o~ Lan~m~, a

l:drwd nwntlu•r·s or I'YII1ian sis· .illjll.!lllll'ci nwr•ttng. 1111'1!' ''''l~'ia llnrk grrrn l'!otll, was centered! ,,, ,,, "' gldllCid,lllghler, rhd ropl!.tl. .uul trrs P:r;;l c~llil'f~; rlut 1 1\ionday "''"· ·I~ in. itiiPrHI:"wr• al lire Sli)'JH•r·:witll an irJTan~~Pnwnl of Indian Mrs. Viva Riket• of Clinton is Tails,, a lnp rlanec number, and ·nill~! it! 11 pnti1 11 .k sliJI!H'l'. Miss wt~l.' _fd~ p~·~·~~:nt Jrn· !Ill' ilu!·:IIH'Ss; l'orn and fall v1~gcl;rblf's. "(ellow Vil'iling Mrs. Alfred .t\llen I his a g~:n!Hlsnn, ~usseli.Alwrs,_ played. :NI'i.li1• l!rown ""t:dur·ll·d a sllorl m:: ltnr. l.t!J l. .. t•andles· flanked tire~ cenlcrptece. 1 week. She is a formcr·(pacJwr· at 2 Pl·ll~n sr?l,cH; .. L.eo Slon?: slep~on, .hu,·irw!;!; IIH'f'lin;:. llfll!l' which J lw tabii~S 1\'l'l'l' nJ'I'angPd 111 ;1 Hl'freslmtr•"ls of IPmon calw, Mason, anrl <Ji.tendcd tlw home- sl_10werl ptlluJes of a t;lp he .llld tlwr" 11·:~,; a sor·ial tH•riorl. U-shnpr; and dr~J·nral~'d in llw 111111 hoi ;;pif-Pd eidr•r were setved 'eoming Frldlly I!Vening. ll!s. fa~n!l~. ~arle tluough the

,,, ,,, lnllo\Vei'IJ moltf 1\'llh .J:u;[(-l)· 11'' llle ilU"i""'' I r E westCin st.ttcs. . • ·' '·'·'· l\lrs. Fern Thompsnn o ~ast . • ·: Mrs. Lyrli:~ Si1•d or East Tawns lat1lr~ms In IIIP eettll•t'. L . I S I 'II M OUI·of-lown guesls we1e M!.

anrl M1·;;, .l;t\' !'nvdr•t· ar" v:ll'il· John Wa!dD, st'illlol l'nordirl:IIDl', ' an~mg spen 'Llllr~y WI 1 rs.IAI\Prs' sislcr, Mrs. Villa Murphy, tionirt;.: !lib ,;r-r•l·:. ·T!Jr•y visilrdat spoke on the mntUH!r in wllil'll M St d t C. L. Dashfrml. :md his niece, Mrs. Robert Frank· Pori liumn and ollu•r lmvn:; in lc:leil!'rs rate IIH• individual f'hild ason U en Mrs. Halph, Holm;.~ o[ St. 1s!c11ri, of .Jack':on; his stepson tire TIPtlllh, m;;ldng their IHmd- in marldng. liP :11.~" discttssed the Pctersllllrg, 1• Ia., VIsited her mHI family, Mr. 11nd Mrs . .James

.quarll r:; :tl ll:trhrn· llrw•IJ. 'l'hl•y r·nnlillllitl gro\\'lh of lill' Sl'hool Becomes Pledge llrothcr-in·l:tw and fisler, i\!r. nnd Slollr' and' family o[ Mldianrl; nnrl Will visil 1\'lalil'l's and ft•iends :JtHI gnve figures nn ;, ~·e:n·s ;rgo Mrs. Nellts Bateman, Sunday i1is son-in-law nnd daughler, Mr. .before l'l'lttrllill_t: home. and llu• prPsPnl linw. Mr. Waldo . . , , . , . l!wough ',J'ucsday. Mr: and Mrs. nnd :\1J'!l. I fr•flr·y Lecal.o, and fam-

1 1 I f II I II i\IJss B.n baJn .Je11 ell of M.tson,J~ugcnc C.r!ll and family of Lan- 1·ty Df ·L·111 s1'ng · ' i\lr. nnrl l\lr:;. lfart·.v Trowell n r o. IC irriWIIH'I!JJW!l. on 1e · 11

. · · ' · · . 1. 1 1 1 \ was one nJ young women rc· s111g called at the Balemnn home

1, f

1 1 f

1 1 were Wl~r·l; I'IHI ~:tu•!:ls of i\lr. and t~rw Wlllg" 11e sl'_wo. 1 qurs- cenlly pled"ell. lo Med-Oriontal S 1

, . ,c res mwn s n mr.Jecues, Mrs. Gr•orge \Vhylc, Sr., at !ton :md :ms\1'!'1' pcnod lool; place' .. , ... ". ,. 1 · • uma~. ]Clio, cnke nnd dl'Coraled birthday Cl,11 ,,1,_ 1,11 I·,,Ju.•.. ·rt . 1 .. 1. iJ· smortl), alltlralcd 1\IIh the Alf! w Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dorner at- · ...

1., ... ,. , ,

1 • ol "1

liS ot '· l'inp!Pr' 'll Fikh'll'l Ulllvcrslly · · Lot ,r. ~o~crc .• el\rr ·

ll:tughler, 1\lr.,. lttthy llollowny, lire IJy.Jaws were !'earl <md ap- Elkh,nl, 11111.1 'lll~. • • I club cabaret-slyle d:~rH'c Fr!C!ay Slone of Hillsdale t•nllcll at the

Mr. and Mrs. Trude Jordan ol Horton and Mr. and Mrs. flarold .Jordan of Munith were Sundny callers at the home of Mr. a)l(l

I Mrs. Pores! Matlcson. Mr. and Mrs. Olis Mnnt:wen,

Victor and Trcsa all enrlcrl I he open house at Aurelius town hall Sunday, honoring Mr. and i\Jcs. Glenn Fowler on lileir :J!ith '.VIlli· ding anniversary. The Mont·wens visited Mr. and Mrs. lvan Lum~r· Saturday evening.

Home Laundry Service


DELIVERY Reas.onable Rates


oor·s lAUNDRY

765 N. Cedar OR 7-0772 Mason


Shower Given For Mrs. Clark

MIS!; NIIIH~Y ~lllillr WaH ehwled fll'l!Hidenl of 1 fnldcn anJWX nl. Wnoslc•l' c•oll1~ge clttrlng nwenl dormilory !![f!l!lions·, Mis:; :-lmilh, rlnughtm· of 1\'lr, illlrl Jl·lrs. ('JH;;;!er n. Smitlt, Is H fri'Sillllilll Ill llw college,

.lvlrs. C. A, D11vis 111 Co:dr!lr vlt;­iled hl'r' sister, l\'lrs. Sarah .Inn· nings, l•'rld:t)'. 'l'lll!y nllendPrl lhf' rr;unlon of llw f'lonr!er s,wiPty at llw .t\urdius ll:tplisl chtn·eh riming lire rlay.

11-ll'!-', Dir-11 Cl:tl'l\ WIIH hllJHJI'I'C] nl. a :;Jork slll>W!'l' glvtm by Mrs, lliil'nld H. (Jinl!!r, .Jr., nl tho Gin· !PI' IJJIIIW 'l'lll!Mrilly lWfmlng or lust Wt'l'it. nttl!Sis wr~m memlwrs of l'vlrs. Clarlt';; family.·

i\lrs. C:lnlet• served rr.fn!.~h· lll!'Illn ilf cal\~; sqtllln•s, Bavarltrn ('J'r•nnl, t·offPc~ and t~a.

Ingham County News, Mason, Midi., October 25, 1957 0·4


• Say If with F'lowers' DICK JEWETT'S FLOWER SHOP

Phone OR 7-3951

come in for our ...

~~Hair Style Of The ~Vionth~~ the '' JLKWC.Mt:O Z " YOU SAW IT rr.J\.Tllf!ED IN 1-IAIIPER'S U/\Zi\AR AND VOGUE. PHONE FOR AP· I'Uit·IH.1ErH TOPA'i'l

Dolores Beauty Shop 314 E. Elm Phonn OR 6·5797

Closed Mond,,ys Evoning Appoinfmonls Av.1il•blo

Fink Jewelry

121 W. Maple


I 347 Roger Bros,

New Pattern

Layaway Now G=or Christmas


!\Irs. JllatJd F:IrTell visited her During I he lnisiness tnl•r•ling :. ·. , -. ' ·.• , - . , -lend~d the .Juntot· Child St.udy Sunrlav Mr. <til(! Mrs. Frerll

o[ Ltnsing Friday and Saturday proved, anrl n pupil s·avings pro- Mcmbcrslup_ 111 the sorOI'IlY. w evening at the .t\rnencn~ Legwn, Aket•s home to extend congrntula-of last WI'Pk. grmn was discussed. bused on mal!ltenance of lugh building. Saturday evenmg the;,- lions · · !....------------' M~ 11111

1 Mm ~Y Cnf~y r~ • • • sl'!Jnlnmic a~rug~ anrl a~iev~ w~t~llicSaru~~~n~~ub ·· • 0 0 1-------------~----------------------------lumell Tlrui·.:r!a,r irfler spendin;.r WOMEN PLAN PllOGR.t\M men!. rlanr:e in Lansing. . COUPLE SPEAI<S VOWS a week nl Birch l:tlw. Snltll'llay Mason Mcthoclist women will Miss .Jewell, 1laughler of Mr. Mrs. Emm<J Perry of Farwell Roger L. Robinso.n <Jnd Janet they nllr•nrlrd fUIIPI'Ill services fot· ohserve lllc we!•k of pmyer nnd and Mrs. Her·sr:hel .Jewell', is vice- arrived Sunday to visit her broth- Rossi, bnllr of Lansing, were mar-Mt·. Coffey's llrnlllcl', .Tohn Cof. srlf denial, Octoi]('r 2:i tlmHrgll prl'sidrrll' of tile sorority. m·-in-law nml sister, Mr. nnd Mrs. ricd befoJ'e .Justice of the Peace fey, nt I•'nwlerville. Sunday Iiley Oclohrr 31, willl a specinl scrvieP ''' ''' ''' .Jesse Burgess. Roy Adams Priday aflernoon nl visiled Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles in tile chapel Friday, Oelollrr 23, Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Norton Prof. and Mrs. Gail Densmore 5 o'elor'k. Witnesses were Lillinn Hasellly and rlaugltlers. nt 2:30 p, m. Spr•r,inl music is spcnl from Oclober 17·22 allend· of Ann Arbor spent Sunday with Wise and Vivian Hall. . Mr. and !.\'It's. Edwin Crnndall planned, nnd stories will he JoJ1J ing the sessions or lhc National Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Densmore. ,, .,, ,,, anrl family were Sunday supper concerning the G missiomrrv Council of E\'angelism of the

I [ i\1 l i\1 Ci • Ilf tl I' t 1 1 1 1 c 1· Mr. ami Mrs. Glen Coon Sundn.Y M1·. nnd Mrs. Durwoulll guess n. _1 r .. am J' 1'!;, _are llli'D,I·ects sunpm·tcrl ll." llw self de- 'e tor IS c rurc t a. t1e ur 1s II '' ·' 1 l · • 1. 1' R N' t at Hubbardston Sumlny In help Collar look Mrs. Collar's parenls, Jones nnd lamtiy of FmviP!'I'I e. nial offerings. wte In" mneapo Is. ev. or on

Mr. and 1\!r,.;. 0. D. Campbell of "' ,, "' i~ secretary of the hoard of evan· celebrate the 15th birthday anni: Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Pearsall, to C versary or their grandson, Glen I Milford to visit Mrs. Pearsall's Easl Tawas arP spending 11 few


Mr. anrl Mrs. Oscar Lre and gelism of llw Michigan onfer· days· visiling Mr. anri Mrs. 13. L. family visiter! l\.Yr. nnrl Mrs. ence, More than 400 delegates Sible. mother, Mrs. Nettie Childs. Holley, M. K., CamplH:II and Mr. Frnnk Wythe sunday. Mr. and 1vere present from all parts of and ~lr!' .. T. 'vv.J?,wis. flw Camp- ;Mrs. Gcorgr Cltampilgne ami ll1e Uniten Slates. bells wtlllte lcill'lng soon lo spend family from Lnnsing and Norris Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Arnold of lhr wintPt' al L:tkc Worlh, Fin. Wyllie and son, Bill of Holl called Dayton, Ohio, <Jre guests fat· the

_Mr. nnd Illrs. \V1~lling!nn Dean on the Wylhes Satunlny evening. week of H.ev. and Mrs .. Pnul L. ol Dearborn spent tlJC week end Mr. ami Mrs. C. F. Walcott nnd Arnold. Week encl guests at the with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dean, The Charles were gucsls al rlinner Presbyterinn manse were Mr. and men arc ilrolhcr·s. Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Mrs. Eugene Arnold and dough-

Mrs. Will:ml Wixson of Grosse Wnlcott. ter, .Jenn, of Dayton, Ile un_rl l\~r> Esllter Hnugh~rn_l of I Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Longyear Mr, and Mrs . .J. Edward Soper Delmrl Vl.~tterl Mr:'· Lena f~lltsrm and Davirl spent Sunday wilh Mr. visited Mr. Soper's father, Oliver and Mrs. Elite! Olts Tuesday; Mr.' nml Mrs. D. H. Vandet· Ven a! Snpct· o[ Big Hapids, Sunday. He and Mn:. vYixson Wl'rc overnight Bear l<Ji\e, Muskegon. retumed to Mason with them for guesls at lite Ellison home Sat- Mrs. Curl is Longsdorf of De- a few days. Tuesday evening they urllay. trait anri Hiwrside, Onlario, all visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank

Mr. ami Howard Norlh spent the week end with Mr. and Soper at Ann Arbor ancl Oliver and family of Ionia were Sundny Mrs. Sidney Shaffer. Soper remained there for a visit. dinner guest.~ of Mr. and Mrs. ___ . __________ ..:._ __________ _

Donald E!lt~ingtnn. In the after- Slim, trim "American Modern" by noon they nll called on Dr. aml Mrs. Donald Cairns anrl family. Mrs. Norll1, who formerly t<Jught at Mason, roomed wilh Mrs. Cairns <JI Alma college.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Every and Mrs. Mollie Bverelt. were Sunday dinner guesls of Mrs. Wourt Every. I

Mrs. Marian Foreman of Weh· .berville spent last weel\ wil h her son-in-law and dnughter, Mt·. nnd Mrs. Lawrence ]~ink.

Mr. ami Mrs. Rollin Dart, Mc­l<lnie nnd Doc were week end guests of Mrs. D<Jrt's parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Sabin B. Corbin, at

·Port Huron. Sunday I he Darts and Mr. Corbin left: for n fishirig trip on the A uSable river, re­turning to Mason Monday eve­ning. Mr. Corbin returned home . 'ruesday.

H • .J. K<1rn nllendcd funeral services for his brother, Henry 1\arn, at Gorslinc-Huncim<Jn fu­neral home' in Lansing Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cooper of Saginaw spent the week <:<nd wll.h Mr. and Mrs . .John Prlncing,

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sheffer and daughters spent Sumlay In 'Grand Rapids as guests of Mr,' and Mrs. Mark Shnrpley and fam· lly.


"A Healing. of Grief" WILS

, 1320 on your tl!nl . I •


()c~obe_r 2_7, 1957

\ .-.:. . . ·~=~~li .n·•~· .. ·, ' ,. ·. . .

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character than we've seen in many a season.






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Suds Return Regular Prico $319.95 .

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All These Norge "Extras" At No Extra Costl. * Norge Exclusive Time-Line Control.

· * Automatic Lint-Out Dispenser * Automatic Suds Return

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Wear them right

now and all through a

beautiful winter .•. our

charming, fashion-right

new dresses! We have

flattering one and two-piece

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occasion ... sheaths and bouffants in

soft wools, silks and crepes. Select from

rich colors, pretty prints, plaids.


the kent' shop LADIES' APPAREL··


ENTERTA NMEN.T. Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., October 25, 1957

THEATRE HITS I•'OX ,J••nraw~ J•;ugnls Suu., r\Jun., 'f'aws. S!ilJTing !\lin Nova!{ ancl ,JpfJ

Cllnnri/PI', Georg[~ ~lldnc•y':-1 11.ft!HII·

11<' J•:;;grols" ofJIIJJS SIJIJC!ay 111 thP Fox Thr•;JIJ't!. /\f~lll'S Moordwarl c·rJ·si:Jrs. TIH• Columbia dJ'illllil, ~tory of 11 girl wlwst! flame maclt• IJC'J' il slar, and I'OilSIIIllC!d hr•J' too roon, ft'iJ lun•s C/w riPs Dl'ui<P, Lnrry f:ntr!s, Virginia Grr•y nncl Genn Lorol<lllll'l. ".Jmuuw EngnJ:;" WIIS WJ'IJ !1111 for I he• SC'I'f'f'n IJy nan!PI I•'LJI'iJ~, Sonya Lev!Pn and • III!JIJ l':tlllt• fl'llfll I•'!IC'iJ'.'i sllll',l'.

FOX Sf J'IIJJI~'I' 1111 J'Jitii'J' 'l'hnrs., Fri., S111. 'J'JJr; SIJ.'i)H'IISI'fU) rfl'lllll:J nf II

Sl'll~·ilivf' yonng mn~IC'!an wiiiJ 1111 o!JSI'Ssion to llill fli'Cll'id<'S IIH• IJIWIII'ilill~~ iliiC'kgi'CJIIJld fell' "SIJ'illll:l' fnlrudc•r," wlild1 opeus 'l'hlil'sdny 111 I)H! l•'cl): IIH'ati'P,

An ~rrlil)lliilillll of filllr•n FII\V· ltlr'~i lli'St·~flllinJ~ IHIVPL "Sirarrgf' In!rlldPJ'" slar.'l J•:t!Jllllillll'urdcnn, Ida r ,IJ)lillll, Ann llnrding ancl ,JiJCfjllflS IJI~I'gPt'liC',

tl-·5 l·lardlimr.s Party Pla11ned 1\'111'11111 I -''l:iunnain•s will >II Hill·

Iiili' II lill!'liliJIJ"S Jliiily l'liiJJ II

ll<i11ol\'"''ll 11''''1'111 al lliP[r wer•lily Jllililk r!lllll'l! SaluJ'IIii,l' nlg!JI. Tlu• II'CI'i'll' diiii<'I'S an• 111 llw Ameri· c:;;n !.;•J:IoJI lnillrling .IJJsl nort!J of J\Jason off liS·I~7. Tlu•rc:'s rliiiiC!· i11g fi'IIJJJ !I JJJilll one. Musie 1.~ hy Iii II Slll'il',l hand,


Honor lists Are Ghren Jly Ul'H, Uul'lcm Uuldwlu 1 gl'ilnd~nn, Hownrd Smii!I, of Jlil.'

U. S. navy, nn \Vr•clne;;rfny I low· Teadwr~ nf flivr.r~lcl1~ ~e!Jool ani JC!I'I t!JP slniC!s for IIi:; JJI!IV as·

rPJH>I'I tlw lwnor mil for Jlw firs! s!gnnwnl. li wr•C'!u; perl11cl.

J\fr:;·. Lnll ic1 ElclridgP nf I·~alrlll Mrs. Edna J\lrll>rc• lisls Jll'l'fC!C'I Hnpids 1111d Mr. :lllcl )Ill's. Dr!\'/ill

spellers: Larry l'nrr, .Tnnlr·l• 1\ltJJJ· lkllill'll of Onstc•cl \1'1!1'1' Sn!unlay I'll, ,fo!IIIJJY Doy!l', Hrlliiii'Y 1\k· evr•ni111: glll!fltfl uf Mrs. ~·Inc• Mll'i.HH'I, Gal" C:rny, LPIJnnl SJH'itJ)~.

Ht•Xillr! I :1,1'nn !' I J f) I' I •" 11ns Iilli Ull'n l! I!J'Sflll. !vii', anti Mrs. il.ohl'i'l )lnJiarrJ i\lr. :rnrl f1lrs. I liir11ld Glynn ill· Mrs, Mae Spring lists JlllrfC'I'II nnrl filmlly 11f i\1m11111 and Mr. and

ii'JHII•rl ilu• :l:>IIJ wr•rlrlin;; aJJIJll'l'r· , ~~r~. ICimt'l' Oils of l.t•slltr wrn• sa Joy surpris" !'I'I'I'J!Iicill for M1·. A Jl~l'rniH nncl ln:JC'IH•rs. confe;·. glll'sls al dinner Sunrlav of Mr. ancl ~Irs. r:lt•nJJ 1•'11\vlt••· of Eaton CIJI'!! was slngPcl al Htvers!rle 1111d Mrs. G1•ralrl Mnrlln iuHI :;ons. Hapids at ALII'P)iiJs lo11'n ltnll sr!wol Wrrhwsrln.v. nfleriiiJOn iliJd Mr. :1nd Mrs. 1·:1iWal'll )f(•IJC!r•J'·

I Snnci;Jy afii'I'IIOIIIJ. PVr•nln;; lnr gPIIing nr.·quaJnl!•d son anrllnmllv of !loll 1\'t'l'l' Sun·

I : 'flirl rlh·ussillll'' J · ' Mr. ill lei Mrs. r:r:1yrl1111 Co lim· ' ·• · · "· c ny c!VPJJJJJg IIJIIC'IJC!Illl ~:uc•sls 11f

llf c 'prJm· Jnlw visitPri Mrs. t•:dilh Mrs. 'I'Prry Ullllenvoorl (for· Mr~. Billie! W<'I!C'l', , Bmlhi•J'I()II ~·[llJHi<ll' iiJHI 'J'IIC'flrliJI', nwrly Vc!l'na GJ'('PJJ) waH gut•sl Hn!Jrorl Nollie! n<'I'Oill!Jflnir•ci I ~lrl!ldal' l'i:;illll'>i, 11 f ~II'. fiJ;cl of honor :11 il misi'Pilnnc·nus !'!'irl;rl l•'rc•d Slril1f~lwm of J•:asl f.ansinl-( ·Ill;·;:. 1 r:tnold ( ;)\'l1l1 WPI'I' ,J. slioW<'l' giVt!ll !Jy Mrs. llui!J I Pl'l',\' In Iii<' i\11c·!Jil~nl1 ~llll<'·i'JJI'dUC' ll,'illlll; ('J:Jrl; IIIli! · lrlr•11cls, llill, '1:111 Mrs . .Toy:·~~ Nollie nl .""' foolilnll ganw J;rst S:JIIIJ'clHy.

I KuJ·t nnci ll"li :-)f'!Ji;ll'll of L:JII· No!Jit! IJr>JllC I lilll'Arlay I!VI!JIIIH~ . .'ifll'llr•Js: .lnnic·c• ('oznrl.. H11lh . . , ' 'I'IJC' r!VI'II!IIg Was S)H!III ]Jiil,VIIlg i·il'l'lor, DHIIIJ,V Sllnt• a!Jc[ 'i'ollllll,\'

''' 111 ~··· . ganws and visiting. Vi!J'Jlll n•· l'oznrl: nncl til<' dilzr•nsltip hiiiJol' I ,'inltll'Ciny C!VI'Illllg r:uf's_ls of Mt·. I'CiVPd many nic•ro gifts. I~Pfrr•s!J· J'Oll: Third gr:H!e, C:Jrol J1nvis, i IIIHI 1\!rs. J:olll•l'l J•'orem:JII \VI're JJJC'llls II'I'I'C! Hf'I'Vf'ri l>y I her hosl· )•'loJ'f'llC'(' Jhvi!:hl, Hlilh ffpr•lor, Mr. iliHI M:·~. ,llllJIJ llll'lhiill<'l' of I esses. !Uit!,l' f.<'nlz, .luniot· J!ol>ins <IJHI L:rn:,;,l• iillrlf.\111'. :rurl ,\Irs. Mlllll'· A ,"CIIl \\','1".· lifll'll Iii,,,·, •• 111111 J);IIJny Sli11t•; ftHII'Ih, P:llly llalrl·

! Jl'(l !ll lf'J (; ?,':Jl;fltl. ., ·"' ll win, T()mmy C'ol.ill'l, fl;tll'il'in i i\lr. ;1nd ~l1s. lt1•x Gllr!cm sp1111l ~Irs. CharlPs Clnl'lt Friday, r:anPcl, llow;ml lfr•••lllT' nnrl Dixie• l~:tllli'dny with lhro llarold Clynns. OC'Inhi'J' IX, al I•'oniH lwspitnl, lfny!PJ'; 111111 fifth, J\.lilw Doyle, 1 Mr. ;111d ~'''"· .!Ill' 7.1tl(!<i nnd .lad;s1111 · He• has 1"''' 11 l'illlll'cl Jtoniilcl J•:Jdns, fli:JJJC' Gl'rl\' ;111ri In a switf'IJ from llw swash·

liiidliing l'lll1•s with whl<'h I ill's l;rr;;Ply IH't'll iclr~nliliPd until 111111', I'IIJ'tilllll is msl liS the moody pl:;nisl w!JIISP II'C't'il l'llcl vi,ll lo his r!P:HI friPnd's family is fmughl Wii)J SlJS)H!Jl.'if! Hlld ll'JTOI',

'family \'i,.;iiPd !li<l Lcoo Glynns ,Jumr••; lli':m. ·'11'· unci ~Irs. Carrie! lligPIJJlil'l'. Mrs. Eruin 'J'ro->H!•""'''''''I . Sund;ly, (:]yell• C!UJ'I< lll'f' 1111' flillC'J'nal lllllll gm•t• IIIJ l't•porl.

\ViH'ItlfiPJd •I-ll hlllldicrafl lri'IIJIIIJIIII'I'!Jis. IIJr•l \\'l•dlll',,d;ry with llrc·ir lrlldl'l', lll•.\11'1' 'J'IJIIJ'JIIIIIJ, for lilt' Plt•l'lirlll 11] olfil'c•rs.

Mr. ancl Mr:;. Alcl011 Smith and Mr. ancl Mrs. Don Foote• al·

lda Liiplno's diill'ill'lorizntion nf a I'I'SJII'I'II'd w;u· widow who is guilt:,• of iJJiidr•lily is t•lll nul for 1his lalt•Jiir'rl al'lress. JJPr dr•vol<'rl, ~ympai!JC'Iir' m 11 I hI' J'·in-lnw is pJayPrl lly Ann ll~rrding, <Jill! of ll11• first J;ulb: in lhc AmPJ'ir'IIJJ

For l<im Novak, who stars wilh Jeff Chandler in Goorgc Sid­ney's !'Je,,nnc Eagcls," <11 !-he Fox theatre, Sunday, Monday .1nd Tuesd~y, designer Jean louis created the largest num­ber of costume changes for a sing Ia star in the history of Co­lumbia Pictures.

Polloi< Corners

Mr~. AgJJ(•s BIJJ'IIs sp!!ill fmm !fiJJdec.l llifl Iiiith \\'f'dcling <JJJJJivror· SuJJrluy till '!'IJPsrlay ewni 11 g in sar~· dinnr•1· in IJCJJJ{IJ' of ll11•ir

f•'flolr• of Mason, Sunrlny. I

N1ow Y"rk visilir,g llic•ir son iriHI grnnrlpaJ'l'llls, ivlr. <JJHI Mrs. Hfl![o

• c1 '· I , ·.. . I , . L.\'!1• D<'llmlllncl of r:ranrl Hnp· . Ily ·"IIJ'il,yu llills .J!I ( .Jil< Y .JIHI M~~~ 1·1 .M"I· icls ww; n l'riclay aflt•:'JHHIIl vis·

lr1s wcn1 SIIJH!uy nlternoon diJJJJr•r itor "f Mrs. 1•:r1na llalclwin anrl i\'lr. :111d !\Irs. irnrry 11indflroisc!J r:uPsls at llw !fills IHIJJH'. lr11 miJr. ·

1hratrll. ,r Williamston ar1• piii'PJJis of a !I'll'. and l\1rs. niC'!Jnr1l P.nwnc 1 1\lr: :incl M1·s. Tiny JJ;nvkins anci lt,llll);lilr·l' IHIIII_ ()col.ri!JC'I' l:l at \VI'/'[' Sunday cllnrwr giiC'sls of I fnrnllr of Eaton n(lpicl.'l !Jaw Jlllr·

FOX AIU',\Ili•: 0•Jl"ITII'.I' ll"SI>illll. s:ll' liaS .IH·~·n 1\lr. and Mr.~. ViPior f;rll'ltiJII(JUJ' I'!J:Jsrcl IIJC! llllllH' of J\lvi11 i\11•11· 'l'hl' r.nJul IJJJI'JJIJI\'JI JJIIIIl<'tl f.aiJJ'.'I .TanC'._SIJ<' l1as .l >lis· ancl fnmily "f Wws .TuJwtion. linlt 1111rl nH>VI'd lllc•rr• 'l'lu•.sda.".

• 111•lir·a11• llt•linrtlll'lll 1 11 r 1 1 D ·' 'l'hurs., Fri., :-ial. '"'J 1 I 'I I lr•J'S, .I'C' 1111, • II J(' ill)[ flllii:J, '1'1 . ' . ' .. t A • II' 'I r.!J', 1\ll'llliril; IJ;;s jJIJrc•lwsr•cl a ,, Jill uy :till ·• Cllll ay o.'/111 .'1 lir"tiH'I', llill,\'. ' . J,osc.. '.:r..eJVIng !' Ill .~fll' Ill f. ltmn<' iJJ .T:Ir•J,·c·.ll'l.

Till! :IUIIJC'nlit•atecl cliscnvc>r." of fc•t·1·" I r•1 · 'II 1\Clr '!Jill' I 11 Ifill ll 11 v ·' ' ·' - \'Is WI 11'"11' .\'llllll~! 1'\·t. llalpli l'llili)ls ancl Dennis .· ... "'' ,·' 1• _ ii, c 1" 11• Mr·. nJlrl 1',·[J·.s. 1·>,·1)1• J',nc!c•IJ ,'Jil•l n \Vill'lll w:rlc•J' rr•gioll in tltr• Ani· 'IJJrl 1 I 11 'II 1 · 1 I' J 1 'I >111° [)CIJJIS CJ 1 I II D I · ' "' 'I I JJ:; s IIJl:l I''' IIIH 'IIIII ViruiJ l'liiliJl'' of I 'IJJSill" lv' .• , I.- :Ill I >e ' avu !' II I 'I . I' II I' I II :tJ'r•lil' h.Y (Jill' of 1l1ro l'XIJPclilions 1 11 · · 1 · I' I ' " '' ·" ' " f J D J I I'll 'J' J 1 am \' anc ,., 1"·1. ',.'i lel' ''""

'r" ''I'll's Ill JJS II'.•> I so 11 \'I'll· \',>I'J'r• I•' I icl:1y ni;;!Jt guests of Mt·. r~c".1 n; 1 r1 ' ·HI' ene. 1 ~· "' .' Y ''''~'" • S11nda.1' )!1.11'!>1'.·· of l\'1·. '111<1 IJear!l•d !Jy thP Jult! t.rlmiJ·aJ ll''J'cl Ill!'(' \Vi'IIJ Ill I I I. )'1111 I M 'Ill) P.Jillfl n) f) ' ·' 'j -

' · 0 a Jl:tl lli'J' ' 11 '' IJ:·I :Jn•J liiJ:;. Vil'gil i{c•;rm :mel family . . J' ',. ~"" ". ' r, l'IS• 1; ,"1,1,· !\11'''· c:Jiff lferoj' of ft;JV, fn· is !Ill! fiii'IJHil basis upon whir:IJ initial l'f'f11l'l ;1s a prortc 11 ·1•r. Tlrr• 'J'IJI•rc• 1\'il!i ,1 SUI'J>I'ise Jm:·tu d.lci Lt dl! L; 1111 Dcnn br.JI\11 ., 1 .. 1.1,. 111 .,1. ' Unil'i!I'Siii·IJJII'l'JlaiJ.rlll',tl lt,·ts.· "Ill· f 1 · )' J · ' S 11 Jill I N C " llil IIJ'e IS so lr c•nll'rLIIJIIIlf'lll !'llllll:i,l· 1'\'PIIIIIf! fill' L. C. Pr;oacl· , o ny I s aJH.' ant•y ou:c•y. Oil ~.·JtLJl.',·J,·JI' i\11'. 'oll','l J\']t·.". 11r>ll· 1Jroidl•rrcl a fanc·iful hul seiPnJJr. 'II 1 ,. ,. 1 · • I\'.' I lllCll'c: r rama 1'' CJIIil Jl,l' I r:tn mon•, Sr., of 0SI'<Hin. Gt!C'Sis vVhealflelcl MYF will ha\'r. ;1 c•rl I~IH>!J awl· ?,1J'.'I. C;mdc 'Vow!, kally plausi!JIP )>iC'tliJ'c! lil!ecl '"!'he !1 1 I II 1\1 I 1 I) ' ts >as , I m:c .. " 1' 1'"·>: <rr ar· fil'l':;pn! ll'l'l'f' Mr. anrl Mr.s. L. C. illlyrirle 'J'!Jun.ri:IY, C>c·t"!Jcr :l). clro·,or• lo l>'orl \\'nvnr, Tilcli:nla, lu Lancl UnkllflWll," which IIIJC!IlS rcn Mr·( 'II'J II 1 . '

• " II IS <'X<''' I'll .:1s " 1i'l'r'flcll!lnre, ,(J'., nnd family from 'f'!Jey will )!o lwuse 111 h11LISC CCJ)· :illc•nd a snr)H'i!;:• !ilnr!; s!HJ\1'<'1' Thurstlny al IIJC.' F'ox Thenlre. I" m'IJ 1 11 11 ',"1 • .~. r•at· 11 1' I'll IC'.r ]illl SlllJ:t'l'· (lsmda nir !Jasc>, Mrs. Beverly J\J. let'ling foJ' lfnic:nf. for IJII'il' rlau):!Jir!r, M:·s. T!Jonws

Tlw exciting screen story, load- come rlinn. ItomnniH· Jlllr'l'l'sl 1.' r-ill'l'\', Mrs.-ll!•rnarrl Lnelwc:k anrl eel wilil suspense :111cl terrifying supplic•rl by 1\'lart!Ja ffypr :~:; " f~mi.ll' 11 ncJ Jill'S, L. c. Pr0arlmoJ'I!, lncitlenls, was in Cinema- city invc>stig:JIIIr of cli~linquc•JH·.o: Sr. 'l;hr~ !Jo;wJ·ccl guc~st rc1·ci1•0d. Seope <lllrl c:o·slars .Toc·k MahllnPy, conrlilions wh11 falls in !1ll'l' wilil 1111111 y nic·c !:if!~. Shawn Smith and William Hey- .Jerry's C'oJl frh'nd, and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Vi'iwlell .Jnilnsonj no!cls. IVPhslcr as .TPJTy's swr•I'IJH'<IJ'i. .':C'I'I'f'ri a llirlllrliiY rllnncr for C.

W'.,,,.QmStOn I!. Hoss Suncl~ly.' Guests were 1\'lr.~. C. II. no:;;; ~ncl Carl.

Mr. anci !Yin:. Tra K1hbic and

C I S k V I (~.'!JHiy IIUII'II of M,•sirk werr oup e pea s ows 'c;IIJlliJI,I' II Jill Monr!ny guests nf I )!IIi'. anrl ,\Irs. Sc•f'laiJ llills. Mr.·

-1 1 11 . 1· , . 1 and Tllr'. Hnili'J t Bulcl!cJ' nnrll

J ct H'JJ' snn nn1 d:nJ;~nh··m· nol>in, :\!J'. nncl Mrs. Ira 1\ihhic MrH. Mnrgnrcl SchnfeJ' of Perry law, Mr. nnrl J\lrs. L:JI'I'.\' .1:11 ,,·;on, I -

Uy Ht•nh Jlol'stmun

ancl llarrC'!I Wnlers of Williams- who me now li.:ing i11 ( ·,J-,r::·fo ·~ •• Spring.~. f.".:'P.'r!l'H P ~-u...,u!l"s

tDn WPrc mm'l'li!cl fly Rev .• J a mrs [h; !'.JI ~·~ l:l.-~ !1'11 wil-ll g Cul11•n at his lwmc in Ol<emos • J\fJ·. a!HI .\·JJ·.,, l'n•:! \\': :11'11'1·: of recently Slocl\hrJCIJ:r• :Jill! r.J:·. ;r 111 1 Jllr,.;. J•:d WED.-FRI.-;-SAT.

r- ' \I\1~:-tl's u( Lilll.·iing wr·~·e i•'ridny! B-1/ P· m. :he cr:.L~ple'~ nt~endnnt~ l~m·;r evening clinnur !(LJr•st:; o[ M1·. :1nd I SAT. ond SUN. MATINEE Mt~. Do11s Mc.Len10n of 1 rl\\lf'l· Mrs. ]<'J 11 yc) Gillson. . 2.4,30 p.m. VJ)_lc~ .. nnd ,ToiJJl A. llnclersun of Mr. nncl Mr~. l·::rl'1 C:l:l;c·k lr•fl 1 Av,,i[,,b)e for Private Parties \·\ JIIJ<~mston. Sunr;;Jy frw Alpe-na to visit

Aller Iller sin;:le-ring cercmrmy, frkncls. Tlwy pJ; 111 "ll :loi 1·,g s111 n1•

a rcr•eplion <~llendccl by over 75 sighl-sceiJ!g wlilh• 1111'1'!'. friends was given at llw home of .1\lr. iiJHI Mrs. 1 f:IJ'Idd lhp ilriclr!'~l mother, Mrs. Stunby sprnl lilt' 1vror•k c•> 11 ! witJ 1 "'lr. nne! 011:•.•11 of Peny.. . Mr~. Virgil l\1il!l•r of Akr.,n, Oitio.

SJIJ:·P. r~•IU!'JIIIIg from th~n·1Mrs. Lent~ nncl Jvlrs. :llillr!l' an• wedding tnp lo llie Upper Prnlll-,: 1i~!ers. ~ula, _Ill~· n~wlywecls ill'l' residing .1\11'. nne! Mrs.· Allrn LiVI'l'illlCt' Ill Wllll<~mston. spl'nt a wee!\ vaeat ionin1: In f{r.n·

Maurice Ryi1Nl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ryke!'t, left lnst week for Snnln 13nr1Jnra, California, to enroll in I he Brooks In~litul.e o[ Photr>graphy wlwre he will begin JhP. :JS-monlh course on Octo!Jcr 28. fir plans to spcclnlize in com· mereial nr imlu~trial photog­raphy. He Jws !Jcen t!mployecl by Gl'lwl'ill Pit·turcs Co. and Vnns Photo Scrviee in Lansing,

Holicrt Hull of 502 North Put­nrim st~·er.t has ?nroll~c! in_ 111~ 1

Vnlpiil'I\ISO, Ind., rechnJcal lllSIJ· · tulr. for tile full semester. ·

fm Valley, TcnnPssee.

Edru Skating Schedule· Mond,,y, October 28-Lcslie Pro.

lestont Churches ,,nd Rives Junclion sponsored by Rev. Bullock. Thur<d,,y, October J 1-Ha lloween pariy, open to public, 7-11.


Complolo line of Skates

and Accr1~~orics

EDRU Roller

Skating Arena cf Troffic light in Holt

DE Mr. aJI(I Mrs. Grnham .• racl\son hnvc relumerl from a 1 0-day va­cation in Colorado where they vis·

Dubois School lly Mrs. IMviJ:, l,III'IICI'

Students who earned pCl:fecl scores in n G-weel< spelling test were Marllw Collar, Ronald J~cJ.

lows, Dilvid McClung, George El· mar, Nancy Burgess, Karen Maleilzke, Dinna McClung and David Higgs.

The Frielldly Theatre LESLIE, MICHIGAN- PHONE JU 9-4841

The i nt ermr or t ne school wns pnlntcd while school was closed for. in~lllule.

. Iyirs. R. Pnse of St. Louis vis· ifcQ her .di)Ughter, Mrs. Jnsper Iliggs, and family Sundny.

'M1·s. Leon Fellows was· n cnll· er ··at the Bert fellows home Sun· day. ·

Joel Arg-ersinger is sicl' with the .J1u.

DANCE Whe&tfield Gleaner H-111!


FRI.-SAT., OCT, 25-26

~• JAY c. rtiPPEM • ciMRLEs cRonso:J· Otr/E CJoR£Y All P:~O WliO PIClUU • A UW\'£~11.t~Nl£F.H.\TIOIW. REIIAS(

Shows at 7 and 9 p.m.

SUN.-MON., OCT, 27-28

He makes the blackboard n jungle jump for joy!

. his funniest ever

Sunday Shows at 5-7-9 p.m. 'Monday at 7:30 Only




THE DAN'CE Of FUN Come- For it will be good

like a Halloween party 1hould


Legion Hall,, Mason Admission: 75c

Mon. 'rue. Wed. Thur. 2 Sbowa from 7 P. M. Frlday.Snturdny ~ 'l10wa from 6:30 P'. M.

Sundny !hnws continuous from 3 P. M. 1 Thurs •• Fri .• Sat. SuttD.8 Men •• Tues.

Oct e 24-25·26 Oe·t. 27-28-29

Theatres .. Dining Places- Dancing· Radng ... S~<@tYng

"flow and Where to Enjoy ]!ourself''

Austill. On Sunday, Mr. anrl Mrs. Auslin het•umrr tlw pal'l!niH uf n snn. "" Jws he"n Jlllllll!cl Hnll· 1'1'1 Edward. Curnlyn i\JJslln n!· I UJ'JIP<i Ill OnmHirJga will! hew grmHipnrr.nls for a few duys.

Okemos and Vicinitt

Pioneer L·adies Plcmr~ A/2r• 1 [nw:ml Bodell of the U. 1\lrH. Wallt'J' lft'JIIhmun

S. uiJ· fol'C'I! stalionr.rl ut Gwinn is Sjlf!JJdillg i1 Wel!fi'H ftJI'JOIIgh wit!J !Jis IHJI'enls, Mr. unci Mrs. P<ile llllllt!ll.

Mr. and Mrs. DPWalne nient. IIIHI claugllil'I'S Wf!l'l~ Sunday dill· IJI't' guesls of MJ'. and Mrs, l~arl Moyer nf Tornpldns.

Mr. and Mr~. ltny Dwlghl pf nellevur. road anr! Mrs. Hulh 1\lofflll of ,Tnclcson were Monday vlsllnrs of Mr. unci Mrs. Harold

Pioneer Larllc:; will meel will MrH. Earle Lconnrrl on UR-11' Wcrlnr.sclay, Odobm· an, for II pol lllc:l\ clilllllll'.

'1'lw newiY·clneled CJ!'flccrs for lile cn:;ulng'2 ymcrs aru MlbH .kH· sir1 Tumcr, prrlfident; Nova WIJII­infl', Vii'C!·Jli'<'Sir!enl; and Daisy SturgeH, ser:relnry-Jrrasnrer.

Commlllr.•es will he nnnwd al tlw rnecling.

Burton nncl Mrs·, Emma Moyet·. Mrs. Duane Sltinnr.r IH a Jlil· On 'J'uesclay LP.slie Vi nee and Rev. tlenl In University hospllnl, /11111

C. Warfield of Leslie wen1 r:all· Ar!Jnr . ers ul llw Barlons. Salurclay evn· Mr. nnrl l\'lrs. fllchnrd Conlin nin1: Mr. and Mrs. l~dward Gay nnnolliH!C tlw hlrlh of n ~on 111 of Lansing werP lhdr sliJllll!l' Mc:Laughlin hospital Oc:lohr1r Jti. i~<u•;;Js ancl 11H·y shnwPd films nf Mr~. Ida ,fcrnldns suffen!cl a IJJI'Ir trips. Mrs. Vivian Sleffey of IJf'art. alt;1('), s11 turclay c•vc•nlng f•:nton Hnplds was n SHnclay and was lal\cn to Ml'Laughlin guc•sl, and In llw evening Mr. nnrl lwspilal. 1\lr.~. Ora illilhrnff nnd Mnnni<· Wnll<rl' llentilnwn Is rr!c:overlnrr Jtulill'llff nf llnl'I'Yion 111111 Mt', illlll ft'Clm sru·get·y a! illlme, Mrs. 1~arl MuyeJ' enllecl. Mrs. Mrs. Warren lln!clalii Is in Marl!' Strau!J of Kinnevllle t·mal Gmcr. !JcJHpilal, Delmil. wns a 'l'lturstlny vlsllol' of the Faith Lllliwrnn c•IJLJI'Pii on Do· Barlons, hie road will have dmrler lllt~lll·

AI IIJC• rcgulnr mrf'ling of llw het•slllp anti orgnnlzntlon SUJH!ay, !Uvt•J'Siclr! Funn Blii'C'nLI nl llle lnwnilnll Jnsl FJ•iclay cwnlng IJJPI'P \\'ere I ti pn•senl. 'J'Iw guest spPnlwr wns from the Jcarm Bll· rPau offic•es 111 Lansing. He ~po){c 1111 general infcn·matlon nf Farm llun•nu and nlhcr fnt·m organlza· I iiiJlS,

Mr. ancl Mrs. Mr.rlr. 1\'funm of J;ll'l\srm were SalurriiiV r!allrrs of Mr. nncl Mrs. Erwin lUtilws.

Halloween Pumpkins Pie Pumpkins One or a Truckload

Good Color

Mrs. Chu·n Bell<' Vidwrs, .lucly R" ht I F illlcl llnrlcl~· \V{'t'l! Sunday cllnner IC er s arm gut•sls oJ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd , Lvkr~. Itonnlrl C'ri111s ancl son of .J:~d<son \\'ero Sunday evening r·alh•J'S at the Lylw home.

3647 Willoughby Road, neal' Holt

[r{l{ I fTI : t I J:[: Ill

r I

BanqueT> Lunches Dinners


Opo1 7 o. m.- 10 p. m, Daily Including Sundoy

·.\:-.. * * • ·' Featuring Camploto Dinners ond Famous Family-Style ChJden

* * * Food at Its Best!

Located North of Mason on US-127

Fall ·Freezer Special

• Fill Your with Ice

Freezer Cream!

. Half Gallon Royal Piper Made by He.atherwood

Finest lee Cream

• . Half Gallon

Regularw nderful Flavors Many 0

• h P k Ice Cream

Scotc • a Minded Shopper For EconoVmy 'lla Only)

lin am




••••••••••••• This ·Coupon Is. Worth


I 10~ I 1 At all Heatherwood


..... I I I I

Cli:ir>hr.r 27, wil h a llllhl'mlnn ~lyle .II I)JI(IJ' il r I(')' 1 !Jp ~il I r vi 1'1 1 ,

MJ.s,; Nan1'Y n."ll':ilrl n111! \VaiiC!r Wt•sr'llil \l't•l<' llJ:II'I'iPd al !Iii' OIW· mos Coilllllllnli\' t'lilll't'il ~ialllrilav l'l'<'ning, Ol'loll;.,. 1!1. IU•v. Dnvl;l J·:v:IIIS JH!I'f•li'Jril'cl !1111 wc•ilrling i'Pl'Pnlony. Nilllf'Y i:, a griidllnle of O!;I!Jllll.'i ,' l'ilflrd ill HI <llii'JHierl ~lSI/ Ins! ,\'l':tl'. illl', Wt•scoll Is it :>IJJdPnl at 1\'l~it 1.

Vhil lho

Rc;)cord Baa· * All Sp,eds • Albums

• All Mnod• in MU'.ic MASOI•I HOME APPLIANCE 120 W. ,oiJ,,rJc M.1Son

.-------------, "COiv1E HUNGRY


Cnllll ry SI.Y!I!

Country Kitchen J.OO:J N. T..1nslnr, Mason

I )h1 rw CJI{ 7·~!701


Baked Goods Ar All Times

Chle!;r•JJ . -· .Siealcs -- Chops

13:Jr!wc:uc•cl Hihs nnd Cltic:lwn to 'l'alw Oul.

flTLL'c; llt\1\I•:J:Y AND G!ULL Block North of Lig!JI. in IIoll.

P!JnJJf! OX •J.:-J:l!il.

Now at'

~-1kfil~ A new miracle in broadcloth!

-an cotton wash a~nd wear

shirts that need no

. . ' 1romnga That's right! All colton !hat you

just wash and wear wilhout iron­

ing. Van Heusen's fabulous new

"Vantage'.' shirts drip-dry in a jiffy . . combine perf eel conven·

ience with elegant styling. And

Vantage shirts have Van Heusen's

exclusive new Colla rile- sewn·in

stays that can't get lost and keep

you neat always! See Vantage to­

day- it's a remarkable advance in

' ' f

' I


l I

'i i I

remarkably low · -i; : ·wash 'n' wear at a -~ . .-_.,,

price! · r . '

Official Proceedings of Mason City Council Plainfield M1 H llu~t I Hh'llheno


M 11lon Clnrlslonc h<1s hum p lSI 1\t"C It Wllh the flu

Northwest Stockbridge 1\lt s C.tu 1 dcm Uslu 1

New Court (dscs


Dolin T ownsh p now lws •ln Ordmanco for Homo Occupa­

flons and Tra lcrs Any person or persons who hvo 1n a trader

or arc currymg on a busmcss tn the tr home arc roqucstod to

apply at the Dolht Townshtp Hall for a pcrmtt boforo Janu­ary I, 1958



City of Mason Couni·y of lnghama Michigan


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Spoctal Election wtll be held m the Ctty of Mason County of Ingham, Mtch1gan on the 5th day of November 1957 from 7 00 o clock a m untd 8 00 o'clock p m Eastern Standard Ttme for the purposo of sub­mdhng to vote of tho qualtfted electors of satd Ctty the fol­lowmg prop.osttton

Shall the Cdy of Mason County of Ingham, M1ch gan borrow the sum of not to exceed Three Hundred Nmcty Thousand ($390,000 00) Dollars and tssue general obi gabon bonds of the Ctty therefor for the purpose of paytng part of the cost of acqutnng and constructing a sewage dts posa I pi ~nt, together wtth necessary appurton ancos and a Hachmonts thcrato for the Ctty of l\1ason 7

On If I hose qualtf cd and rcgtstcrod electors who have property m tho C ty assessed for taxes or the lawful husband or w1fe of such per'ons are qualiftcd to vote at sa1d Spectal Elec­tion

The place of elect1on w II be as follows·

Prectnct No l-East stdc of Court House, Ftrst Floor

Prcctnct No 2-Counctl Room Ctty Hall

Prccmct No 3-Wcst stde of Court H<~use, F1rst Floor

Tim Noi tee , g1ven by authortty of the Ctty Councd of II u C fy of Muson County of Ingham, M1ch1gan




AUCTIO li.L\ IIIJ.\ sold mv I Will sill .at pub II( .wdwn .tt lht• Jll.tcc hJC.atu1 2

nuh s south ol L1 slu ou Hull 1 o.ul tlll'n 2 111111 s \\t•st 1m U.tschnc wad, No. 3309 U:tschnc road, on

Saturday, October 26 Commencing .tt 1 1'. !H., the loll!mmg d1 scubed (IIOJICrty

Cmnslwl101, S"i JJasJ,ets Corn Chh I\ lt•edm s und Wat1 111 s 2 \\ hedba11 0\1 s, 3 Gus JJtuH•Is Quantity 1" Walnut Lumhm 2 SJIJ\V lim Sl,~, 2 Stc11 Lutldet s 100 llahls Clove1 Uuy 90 Huh s Sli IW

100 Oal• Fencu l'osts 1 iO' :Snow 1 cnco I llllllllllll 21" l'owct IUOWCJ

Johnson 2 Vz ][p Scahm so JUotm 2 Watex SoJIBII~tors

UOUSI liOU> Ftlgldnhe Ucltl;t•tutm, 2 yeu1s old 1\ltclu n 1'ablc and 4 Chah s 1\ltehcn Utility 11lhle Gns Slo\ e lltttlon Washing Jllnchme

\Vushlng Machlt .c 111 ddmg und I 1 at lu 1 I II I\ Uutuun I ~le 'lllblt 1111d I Chuus Ilinlng 'Ialll~ nnd 6 Chilli'S Shll hmnd

Rug nnd l'ad Commode l"Sxl 'i HIWCIIJIOI t lllld Chuu l'htllcu m J{IJ( Itt I ltJullo •ruble l'httloun Hocltt•t tuul Stool llluguzme Huck 3 J,tunps nt essot 2 Chests of Dtuwers 2 Jlletal Bt ds with Jllnttt'Csses und SJ»rlngs 2 Oxll l~ugs 2 6x9 RU!."S Oxll Itug 'I hrow Rugs Sen lng lllnchn t• Upholstered Chair JIOOVCJ :SIVCliiCI

AntiiJIH Chest 1111d Commode with Jllnrble I'm table Icc Chest Cump Bed Sq um e '1 ub 2 buwm· Stove

Many other arttcles too numerous to mentwn TERMS: Cush before removol

18 Mason Scholars Achieve All A's Durin~-: I hn fln;t fi wen its of

~f'!Hml lH IY!ason sludnnts eill'lll!d tolrnlghi·A mnrltlngs, 'l'wo were senlnrs Hut h .TuriHrHI 11nrl Snsnn Wilson, and the otlwrs hy grudr!s WP.I'I!: Eh!VP.Iltll, Hidlill'll MeLrmn 1111d Elaine Wnll<lns; lentil, Hulll!n Drosdw, Huth I!orlon, Mary Hl'dtnnn nnd Rulh Schmlllnr; ninth, Mnt',Y Ann Ar·nold, Pnler· Lumlarml<l, Pr!ll!I' ltnhlnson and Dnvirl Snool1; ltnrlnighth, Valer·h!

Bmwn, l~lalrw Cummlnf(H, ,TIIIU!I llasslrum, Cnnrluen Puulr.y, Nnncy Hdwflelrl unrl 1\lm Stl"idllanrl,

Otlwra on thn honor roll wllh nolhllli( lf!llH lhnn B Wr!re;

'J'welfllt, .Joe Bt!JntHll, N;uwy Bmy, Tltomn:; Cllppm·, Davlrl Comwrd I. J•:li!itnOt' Dar I, Pully Dlnmond, JJniPII J•;lllntl, Knthy J•'IHit, .llulllh llnnna, Midt;tr!l llnl· hrool<, .Judy Leonard, .Jean Me· KenziP, Linda Mot'l'ls, ,JoAnn

Van Koevering Will Handle Railroad Public Relations Qulllhtg IH!Wspajwr worl< for 11

public t•r!llltlons Joh Is George Van KrH!Verlrrg, editor nnrl r:o· publisher of the Zeeland Hecorrl.

V1111 1\fH!VI'ring will suer·r~l'rl fl.nob J T. Alfie, CXCCI! live Sl!r!rCI lll',Y nrrrl rllrl'i!lor nf pllhllc reiHIIons of Uw Mld!lgHn lliillromls asso· clntlnn, 'l'lw Zer!land erillor will begin his new Joh Novcmlwr· 1..

Allie Johwd ll1e nssol'int io11 lrr 1n:n 11s p1rhlldty dlrr~ctor anrl In l!l:\1 WHS ~-:lven I he arlrled dutlr!s of rxr:r!UIIve sr!r'!'l'lary, A native of Horrglllon, he frmnr!rly worlwd on 111'\Vspnpr•J'S In JJou~-:hton, Tlllll· ml'l<, Lanslnf(, Duluth, 1111rl In DPII"Illl .. Jleforr! r.nlerl11g mllroHrl servlr:r! lw HJll!lll ~I'VPral years In,

Mttfehlrw, Blll'hnm Norton, Jiurry Spnnny, Caml 'J'hompson and Hnnahl VnnSieelnnrl;

Elovc!nlh, Connie Boll, Lunnnc Blrnll,Y, Gary Clurlt, Betty Coi'J', Douglas Dancer, ,Tnnlee Dodgr!, Dan l~n~-:llsh, Gemldlne Harris, Bruer! Horton, Ronald .Jud~on, .Tran Lenon, Put rldu Mr!Cam, MIII'.Y Mdlquhnm, Cam! Marlin, 1\atle Rnmho, Tno:r. l1r!dman, Sally HniJinHnn, Sally SC'hoflolrl, Clnudin Scihr.rt, Douglns Slrleldnnd, Vh·· r:tnla Swift anrl llulh Wchcr;

'I'onlh, Erlwnrrl Brown, Darin ,Jean Bunlwr, LaiTY Bur~-:nss, Shirley Chnpman, Philip Fnnson, lni(e Gehrlm; ,To Hill, Sandy JJnlmes, Bl'CIIrla Ilrll'lon, Carole Hyde, .Ioyer Krey, Cappy Palter·· son, Sue Pial!, Brian llngnn, ,Jadtlr! llyn!, ,John Sedgman, Hut h Smith, N;wml Snow, VieloJ' Van Dr!l\1onrlcl, Charles Walcot! nnrl Dou~-:lus Wilson;

QLASSED-IN_;Scatcd behind a tumbler and n decnntcr,

:Aneurin Dcvnn, treasurer of the

J' Notional Executive Committee , ol tile British Labor party, re· 'moves his glosses during a ses-sion at Brighton, Sussex, Eng­lund. Bevan was rc-clcclcd to ills post nt the party's 56th on

·nual confcrenr.r.

Mother of Chief Dies in Florida

Mason, Michi()an

Pinches Return To Attend. Rites MJ', and Mrs. Wllllnm Pinch of

Casu Grnnrlc, Arizona, rotunwrl In Michigan last Friday to nt· tcnrl funeral services for GIPn 'J', l'hwh, Eaton county auctioneer anrl real csl.ato hmlwr. The Enton hUBiness man wns tll!l fathm· of Wllllnni 111nch, former Leslie nnd Mason printer.

'J'ile .1 Pinch chll!lrr!n remained In Casa Grandn, e;rmcl frJI' hy rncmhcrs of f.he Baptist chm·ch with which the parents ure nf· filiated,

Death of the Entnn altr:tioneer wns uncxper~terl. He anrl his wife hnrl made plans t.n vlsil. llwlr snn In Arizona this Mr. Pinch had 11 snle bonlwd for Sai.UJ'rlay, He went. to bed 'l'uosday night In his usual henllll. Wlwn Mrs. Pinch went to summon him to breakfast. the next morning she founrl him dend,

Octobcj)S: 1957 Section (,

Cowboy Impresses Pupils With Lessons About Health Health erlueailon programs ure

being presenlcrl In 20 Ingham county t!lcmcnlnry sehools this weei<, sponsorerl hy tho Ingham Cotwty 'l'uherculosls and Jlenlt.h Society, The prngmms strr!ss gonrl hr.alt.h lurhlts as chllrlrcn':; J)(!S( proteellon a~-:alnst tuhei'CU· losls now unrl ns adults,

The lwalth enucatnr, Glen All· bright, has her!n assigned by the Michigan 'l'tlhr.reulrmls assocla·

Automobile Kills Deer A big huck wns struclt nml

I<IIINI hy a car on US-127 ncar Maple Point at fl o'cloek Sunday nif(ilt. Hadley Stone, Charlol.l.c, told sheriff's offlt:rrs that. I he ani·

lion. To help him Impress dill· dren with the Importance of goorl health, he ltppcnrs In the role of n crrwlmy, nancher Glen. lie slresses 5 rules of good lwallli: Clennllness, good food, slcr!p, out· dour play and correct poslure.

Br!J.:Inning his worl< wll h llllH!t'· ClJiosls assodntlons in 1!l:i:i, All· bright has tnlten his lwnllh nws· sar:e In more than 200,000 dill· drron and ha.~ Jll!rfrH·mprJ in rno;;l of Michigan's 8:! cuuntlcs,

During his tour of lrr~-:liaJn r!olllii.Y Allbrl~-:hl will present pro· gmms 111. the following s£'!wols: Sheridan r o 11 d, I Jorsr!lmml<, Nnrthwr~lel'll, WlnriPrnerr•, Sinn· r•J', Pleasant Grovo, M11pi" r:rovP, Nnrlh, Liirmlng Christi11n, ltt•d

mal lenped· Into the path of his Cerlnr, Wardf!Jiff, Mnrhlr•; Dnrt!Py, car·. The ricer was clressarl nut. and Jo'nrest. View, .Jefferson sl'IHHII ill

Mason, Syearnore sehnnl 111 lloll, I.Jtn. VerJ]HO!l Wo'W liil'eJl l.ll f.llC ~ '' ' Olll!rnos Cr.ntl'ill, llasiPII r•i1!·

county Jail In nugnwnl the meat mentary, and Williamston M1!·

Car Strikes Pole On Mason Street .. \VIu•rt 11 Wfllllil£1 Jw;t control oC

lir>r' 1"11£' on \Vr>sl Ash last. Fl·l· day rn~tmiug lllf' 1'111' .lumped a r·rrriJ and :-;fniJ'I' 11 ullllty pole.

Miss I '"ris ,JJillf!. Hlrnrnons ot Mnoon ltrnriP ·I \I'll.~ lire rlrlvel·; Slw told flllll'f'rs slrc Wll~ rlt-" IPnrpting to liglrl a l']gar't!t when a Jll!Jlfl.\' .illlrrJif•ri Into her lap, 1"llllsirrg irt•r '" lost! cnnlrul ur th11 f'fll'.

Mi:;.•-; Sinrtllll!l!; w<rt; tnlwn to Jl:ln,;orr c :r'JII'!"ill ho!;pitat. She wa~ r'IJI iihrHJI ilf'r lnt'1! and her lc~tl \VC'I'I' ili"JliSf'd.

Reillly il Mystery

tlw 11dvcrllslng business.

111• nnrl his wit'"• Jl,tt.,v, w••ll l111mvn thJ'Hu;.:·hHuf. IHir'h· ilruu lt•'lliJhllr·nu l'iJ'r!lf's, will mnlw UwiJ· hnmll in i'

Ninth, ;rnne Allr!n, St11ar1!s· nnr.n, 1\iilhy Brown, llr!X Bullen, Wlllinm llullen, Marilyn Bur·gess, Sh I rlcy lltu·gr!SH, ,J crry Clwsnr~y, SIHI!'nn Clitrlt, Dnniel Ellsworlh, Hobert Fnn!IH•, Shlrr•r•n l~ry, ,John l!ighl!n, !-lylvia Linden, 11ngm· Loll, ,furly Mnlhlas, Hnsalinrl Otis, f•;JiznhPIIJ l'r•r•l<, Dana Hal hhlll'll, Thomas Hosr•hul'.\', Cnml How· lanrl, llr!len Seoflrlrl, Lnrry Smil.h, Horl Snyrlm·, JrJann•! Starr und Maun•r•n Htl'ilit; nne!

l!:i~-:lrlh, Phyllis Tl;1rlon, Bill Birney, lla rim ra Ilr;nly, Bell yjanc llJ'r)nrwr, David Clarl<, Tom CDss, Sue Ann Dancm·, namona Gon· z;dcz, Judy Gur•tTici'O, Connir! !TarrisDn, Slwr-yl Harvnt h, Mar·y .Tanc Hill, Mnr.v llac llill, .JanicP !lorton, Barham Laxton, Mar,v Jn Loll, Cheryl Hemar, Charles Smith, Annella Sylvrostl'r, Char· lcne Swift ~tnd Mark Whitney.

supply, Slone's ear was rlented. nwrlal.

1.;1'·:1 Wf•l"i(',; 111.\'Sfc!r,\' [111'111 piC• liirf' 1\'il>; 11111!'1' of II lll,VSfc!J'Y than llll.\'fl£11' IIHHJ>:Irl. l•'or· the socoml tirn•• in 111'11!"1.\' ~ .\'Pill'S of pub­lishing rny.,lr•r·.\' flll'!ll pictures, l;1sl 1\'l'f'f\':.; pl1olo IV!!III. lllliden· tiliJ•rl. It's '"'ill>: re-run lhl~ weclt on I 'IIJo:f' j).:J.

Mrs. linml hPII Chnndler, li7,•r of l'olir'1! Cllil'f Harry CIHI!lfller of MilSon, died In 11

LalwlarHI, !•'lorida, IJospltnl early

Sunr~y lllrJrnirtg. Sl1e was hrr~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. pll11lized lktoiler fJ willl whal doc-tors al first lhortght \VIIS Asiat.le llir. HowevPr hror t'rti!dilion slead· ily worscncd due to other dlsor­

Uurhum, Culll'Hrnlu. ~r!rved r1s a rwwsrmper .Judge for v1111 Koevr!rlng comes to llw slnle nnd nalional r:onle~ls,

nssol'iallon afii!J' an oulstaJtrlini( Van l(ocvering has IH!en ar:live rer•ord In llw rwwspapr•r f!elrl. rre in puhiiP lil"r• in his r·rnnmunlty, has spcnt his enUre carer!r with in Ollawa munty, ;urd tlw state. lhe ncWSJlllfll'l' founded hy IJis fa· Jlr! has iH!f!ll Jll"l!sidl'nl of lite Zee·

land CharnheJ' of ·cornrnPrce, is thrr, Adrian Van Kncvr•rinf(, in .IHD:l. The son nssumcd rllrecllon r:o~v scrvinr.: , ;t.s , il.s. s_cc•:el.ary,

f 1 he zeehnrl HcC!Ord In Hl4H. sc1 veri on 1 he 1.1 I:, ,h,utc~ wrn· ~;'he ·1a 1"er 'has won numerous· misslo~ and lws heen aclmg a~ sflltf' 'ar:d nallonal awards since e~ecutJve Sl!l'l'f'lary of II. c·ounly· tl . , 1 .· 1'1"'3 t1nc•·tme rrnn rJf Wlrle i(I"CIUfl slurlytng a proposal lCn olllf Ill ,,), c' · •· · J • •. I he few wccllly papers in I he nn· for a county p 1111111ng commls· lion to Install rotary press equip· sion, ment similar to the dailies, He Mr. anrl Mrs. Van Koc!vering

School Executive Tells of Program

has been active in I he Michigan and 13-year-old son Dnvid 0xpr.ct Allon J, Stroud, In~-:harn counly Press association and has also tu move to the Lansing area soon, I school sujwr·inlendcnl, addressed

members of the Lansini( Associa· ·~ A Q t. lion for Retarded Children Tues· mayor nswers ues IOns day He cli~eussec! the COli~·

ty pmgram fm· lcaclung ilandJ·

Ab f C •t / f capped children. ou I y mprovemen s Also discussed was the possibil-

Maym· Paul D. 111ehanls of Ma· son tnol< UJHlll himself the las!< of answr.rin~-: qucslinns about the hondirli( proposal whieh will hr. decider! November 5. To finance rehuilrlini( and expansion of lhc sewage disposal plan!, constru:;l needed sanitary sewers and to drill a new well, provide water storage and mallo of her Improve· ments a general obligntion bond issue of $:!90,000 has been pro· posed. Hevcnue honrls will also he issuer!. Here arc some of the questions which have hccn asked, and the mayor's rep lie~:

C}-WIII l.lw sfute henlt.h de· pnl'fmt~nL rr!fu~e permission for the iustalhtUon ol' 11 sanltur·y Ht]\VCI' tu f.hc uew hospital'!

about •1200, with the l!l7:i JHifH!Ia­tion heini( eurrcnlly I!Siimntcd at fi,OOO. The 111'\V sewage disposal plant will serve tire nonnal needs of G,noo pcr.~ons with a maximum possibility of .10,000.

<!-Will till~ hr~ thr~ final IWI~rl fol' ~"wa;.:·1! plant r~xpnn~i.on '!

ity of expanding the counly pm­gram to talw over the Instruction of all handicapped children.

Mason Knights Plan 2 Events

A-!-luch a promise or prr.rlic· Knif_:lits of Pythiils· J6rlge at lion can nol be made, We arc Mason has planned 2 special clnsin~-: our eyes to roalily when ovcnts for Monday night, October we fail to recognize that the ex- 28, and the next Monday night, pnnsion of public scrvir:cs and November 4. facililies mu.,t l<eep pace witil The ranl1 of page will be con­growth in population, Who can fcJTecl on 2 candidates October say with certainly that the needs 28. On Mondny night, Novembcr nnrl problems of 2:> or 30 yr•m·s 4, t.ilc team fmm Ann Arbor lodge hcnec will he fully satisfied hy No. 44 will confer the rank of es­remedial measures taken today? quire on 2 candidates at Mason,


Srrvicl's \VI)I"I! sdwdulerl l.o be at Gn•cJtlwr.-VanVer! funeral lwme in Grand Rnpids Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Clwndler was a frequent visitor in Mw.;on. Siw spent many vacations with the Chandlers in Mason and only rcr·r! livr!rl in Mason hdore tllld a flr!r I he birth of tlw chandler's third child,

She had ~-:one lo Florida for a vacntion.

Surviving the Gr·and fiapids woman arc snns, Harry of Mason ancl William of Grand Tlavcn; a daughter, Mrs. Edward Vanrlcr Boul of Grand fiapirls; and 5 g£'1lndehildrPn. Her· husiJanrl pre· cedecl her in death.

Church Layme.n Conduct Services Laymen conducted servir•cs at

Mason Presbyterian church Sun· day morning.

Mcml1crs of l.he Men's Council served a brealdast at: il o'clocl,, with N. S. Davis, Gerald Strick­land, Richard Brown, Laurence Parkor and Elton Twork particl· paling,

James H. Vander Vcn gave the Invocation anrl nay Ycut.tcr led the litany at the 10 o'clock wor­ship service. Lloyd Foulke, a lay­man from Hillsdale, preached the sermon.

A-The ~aniuu·y sewer lws al· ready been inolalled to the smtlh· west' corner of the new hrrspilal site. Tlw new hDS(Jilalwill arlrl nn adrlitional load to our scwa~-:e plant. Ifowevcr, state health de· p01rlmcnt oJiieials have not inrli· caled that they will oppose lhc sewer connection for tho hospital.


Q-Armt't lntm·est l'llfr~s af, n hiJ:"h pnlnf.'? IUI;rht tlwy nuL lm lower next ~'ctt.r?

A-No ono can predict I.uturc interest rates with certainty. E:verything seems l.o inrlicato lhat the volume of securities being offered for sale will not rlimlnish, and that money will cor1tinue tight lot• somo time to come. Each of these factors will tend lo l<ccp intorost high, possibly lo drive it higher. For the past sev· · era! years the cost of cons I ruction and mater•ials has been rising at about 'h of 1 percent per month. · Any interest savings that might be itccomplished hy waiting could he more than offset by increased co~ts of construction,

Q-can we count on l'mlm·ul nlrl In the cost of the new scwng·e t•lnnt?

A-Federal aid looks rather· remote. The state watcr resources commission has advised that points amassed toward forleral grants have ranged from a low of 1.6 points to a high of 15.0 points, The numbor of points as·

· slgnod to our nppllcatlon was 4.0 As you can see wo arc well below the high of 15.0 points,

Q-Why drill u new well when the cl t.y owns 1111 unu~ed well on MIISOII street?

A-The Mason street woll has such a illgh snit content that It Is questlonnble as to whether it can ever be used In the watcr system. This well has been pumped for long periods of time but continues to carry too much salt for· public usc,






• "Tem·TrQJ'' Autoinatlc fop llurnw • '1nsta·Lito" Aulomat!c Lighting • DIYlded Cooking Top • A-Hour Eleclllc Timor "'ar• Time Clock • largo "Bako-Maslot" 0.. • AutoriMlllr: Oven lltal Coooll4l

• Olli~f (l:opor Modols

& Lvw AI $179~~ Old llanso·

Oct. 26th 1'1114 BOTH have the new


Top Burner

Tappan '

• "Soo 'N Forsof" ~ Top Burner • "Sizzle 'N 51,_. .

Top Burncro • Swlflli·Oul lroilor • · Matct.loss Alllomatlc Ughllflll • lilotlono ,_.

cotaln F"""' 'llorougloOIII • ·lilloll o- ........ · .

Buv Now and SAVE! SALE ENDS OCT. 261

HOME FURNISHINGS 124 E. Ash Phone Mason OR 7-0231

Fall Festival

The Greatest Name 'in Cleaner

Was $116.95

Now $79.95



Was $104.90


Now $59.95

Model 14

Was $97.50

Now $59.95


YOU ,$3755, SAVE·

with Accossorics

. 9uantity Very Limited- Act Now and Save! . I

Model84 Cornpleta

with Toola

lnohr1m County News, Mason, Mid1., 1',

.. 'JI:·


Few Michigan Industries Are Seeking Other Sites

: l

Uy m.11mu •~. WIII'J'I~ . lHlclllgnn I'J't•ss Assudullnn

Michigan's lnrlustt·inl dlmatl!, wlllch has been ltlckerl rlJ•otmrl often nnd hnrrl between Demo· ernj:s und Rc!pubilcuns whr.n dis· CIJSslng lite stnlc lux stnwtut·e, tinnily felt tim warming Hlow of favornble light.

Tho slate of Oltlnhmnn, which Is' ~arrying on an aellve eumpaign to Interest new lndustt·y to lneate there, wrote 10,001) JettorH to plants ull over the country. Don C, Weel\s, dlrcclot· of the Mlclt· lgan department of economic de· velopment, recently heard from nn Oklahoma offlcinl flwl Michl· ganlnrluslriailsts show "nulsftHHI· Jng loyalty to theil· sltite." This loyalty wns so marlwtl In replies from 400 Mlchlgun Industries con· tactecl, thnt it became a subject fot· general discussion In Oltln· homn.

Ol>lnhnma businessmen will be following up the ·letters with pet·sonal visits tu offices which received the letters. This, of <•oursc, includes Miehigan.

Imporlnnt nspcel abnlll this display nf loyally is thai il t•an overcome some of the liiHirscrved }JODI' [lltbJieify Whieft rl'Slllit:rl fmm politlcnl lighting when Drm· ocmts were charging thai indus· try should hr. taxed mm·e and Hepublicans weJ·e chnt•ging the present tax structure is "driving industry out" of the state.

The uninsured tlrivet• rut!l

Pnrty llnunces for ynnrs havr. !wen shunlmllnfn flw haC'kgrountl wll.h pnrtiHilllS lillshlng poiicie:; nn(! personnlltlcs, leaving the dol· lat•s nnrl er.nts work In the Pl'f!· clncls.

Now !roth Hlrlt•fl lmve dis· c•.uwr.,rl that If, Iukes mrtilfiY !{) uletlL n slutc In Nnvemlmr. It has always ber.n fl1is way,

hill llw parties lil\cd fu pretend llrnt. mnru'y was a convenience; not really nccessnry, but handy.

Democmls comhwlerl a rlorn·· 1>~11 und ft·nnt porch cumpaign tills fnll. It wrts well·pub!icizell nnll tho yield wns sntlsfnetory.

Slate Chnlt·man Nell Sfnr.bler mild the progrnm was designer! to raise money, but nlso to mal>e the precinct worlwrs feel they had a lwy role in the Democratic party,

Republicans took up the same sort of pmgrnrn.

: Silver Dnrt two-tone t!XIcrior ~t.yling ll·int, ~Wt!CJiing hnckwnrtl nntlup to the fiJI 11f tlw Piymoulh Dclvctlcre rl·cloor hnrtl!op'H fnmillnt• fins, i!l ll<!W with lHiit! 'fh•lv<•<i<!I'e motlt•IH anti :-\(Iori. Suhnrhnn li!!l!ion wngonH, 'l'hc contrnating' dart iH nv:dlahlc i•ilht•t• ili nuotliziotl aluminum for a Hll'ildug ucw effect, or in compnlihlc colorH. l'lymouth'H oufslantling- 'l'm·Hion-AiJ·c HliHJH'nHion HyHtem nut! iiH trouble-free mechnnical JlliHh hulfon.con!l'tll!l arc r·clnilwd for J Hii8, :-\iK engine o)ltion!l, n nc·w Con­llfuni.·Control powct· l!!ccriug Hyalcm l•rovidlng IIJymnuth'H fnmouH fnll·fimc case of OJlCI'nliun, 11 new· Sure·Gri1• tlifferenlial nnd a new aulunwlic I~cnttn·Clwlw n•·c avnilahle on 1958 Ply month cni'H being Introduced ht dealer Hhowrooms ac1·o~s the 1111 tlon on N"vcmhct• l.

Mason Dealer Will Soon Display Trend~ Setting 1958 Plymouth Cars

Substantial styling advances In hinafion, or efflclrml low-beam nl with 11-rloor slalion wngons is Don E. Ahrens, fm·mer vice Jweplng with the tmnd·setting ligbfing wlll'n used alone. the pnpul11r rt•ar··fneing third seat

president of General Motors eharucterlstlcs of the immensely , whkh folds Into the lloor when (Cadlllac division) was nnmed popular current model Plymouth fhe lowet· front grille of the nol in me. party finance chief. He has ex· cars, [}Ius a hrond new lineup of Plymouth fnr 1!l:i8 hus hecm rc· perience witlt a number of local G engine options and other lm· rlr.signed with a hori~nnlal !Jar e[., cmnpaign driv~s. pnrtnnf new engineering features

1 feet. ir!Pnlic·nt to tlw uppl'r grille 1 Reeves District

Ills first move was to start n. will lte seen when the Plymouth Sr.l'IIIIJJ. "Hcpuhlican United Fund" cam· for 19~8 is introducer! Novem­paign, ami suggested that party ller 1 at Philp Motor SaJ,~s. memhers contribute $1 a month, ot· yenr, to provide n continuing fund to pay expenses.

New i'lyntnullt colot·s fnt· 1 !J:58 are gc!tli'r~lly softer unci moJ•e C!lrganl, with l:i HOlle! culor up· lions anrl 1,1 2·10111! cornhlnationii, Luxurious· nPw lexl.lii'C'(f fabrics an! offt:t'I!CI In :tli Jines.

J•:d11rt Gt'l'l'

Sunriay dinlll'r guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hay H:ullt!y were Mr. and Mrs. Fn•d Marshall.

Mr. and M1·s. Lester IIutr of Howc!IJ were Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hay lindley.

Library· Bool(s Serve as ''Tiu~rc Ia nn frillnto ljlco t\ l•onlc

'I'll 1nlu2 ua lund". nwuy, Nor llnY (!DUrnra llhu n lllllfll

or Prunc:lng jiUctry." - E111ily Olclchuwn

"l·~xplom wll.h hooks" Is I lu.• lfl:i7 lwol\ week slogan. Jlow r.nsy i~ i~! A lihrar·y enrd Is u JHilili· POI't, '!'he oman Is· u comfoJ•tnblr. eimi!· nl. home, 11 des!> at HC:Imnl, a window ledge at tho storo, 11

llmh of n hlg tree, or Just ahout uny pluce where fhqre IB r~nou~:lt ll~:ht to navigate snfoly. And JH'C:i· to! your lwol> will bear you off to Amity, the slrnlo~phet't!, Now Amsl.erclnm, flw oc:enn depths, Andrew .Jackson's homo, or a :;dcntllic lab where u new vucdrw Is being dcvelopccl.

Nr.m·Jy every day t.he U. s. mull Ll'llclt or ~~ hlg "~owml" lllllntUI!i mm·n nf t Ju~sn flny shiJlS in Uw form of honll!> ut lllll door or the Ingham COUll· ty llbrm·y wh.cre n ehuin of worhct·s begins get.fing them I'oruly fn1· you.

thr. wlrle rhnlce Lnmhert. nrierll, ViHII illlfllluw group or men In

llwir Wol'lmiH•[•s. 'rlwy AlmnHt. Jl.lnrln 'fl: SiiYH Jo'rr!rl Jtnlnfelrl J'e· ferrlnt: In IIIW!Illnrs fhrougii llw Oi:r!s who WPrn worl<ing on gmnl lnvrmllons lllw thn slrmm rmglne, the sr,wlnf: machine, anrl1ho .lr.le· m·aph hill. were jnsf· a Hfcp lw· hind the nwn whose nnm••s we as· S<)('falr! wllh these lnvenllon~.

Jr'm• 11 r1ulc:k chnngtl, moVtl htwl' Into Chtl huul ol' ll\gr!llll In llnnnlrl Jo:. Coolm's Hilvm· Hol"ll ol' l!uhiJ,, lloorl. Coolm hll!l lll!IIIH II I:OIIIII't'(t!ll H(IH'V

of f,J"' w••JI.Jovctl t•plsotiL>s un;l hus rlorw a ~·<mtl .ioh ol' Jt, fm• milltllt> g-r·ntiH urul oltlet• r<'Utl· m·s.

PauRe n hit hc•twccn yom· ex­CIIl'slons and explore lite world of fllllsic wlildt you c:an c•reafe l'ighf ill your nwn honws. Paul Knpp hnR set many familiar rhymes to mnsic: in Cat Cnmo Fiddling :md OiiiCl' Hitymes of Chllt!IHtnd--Jnsl t·l~~hl for m1 t!VPning's sing

Rcndy now to c:arry you nut nrollllll tho pl:mo,

upon the sl'us nf advent~11·o are' Or, explom mnn·s thoughts sevr.rnl new books, both, 1acl and nhuut himself ami his aellvlties fancy. Priscilla Carden s Young in Sal'il nntl .John E. n1·ewlou's Brave Algonquin tells llw ~tory Sing a Sonf: of Seasons, Poems of the bitter struggle between file Ahout Hulitlays, Vacnfi,Jil Days, colonist~ and Imilnns .trom ~hr. and IJnys to Go to School. That stnntlpoml of a too, th111 In<l~an just ahoul eovers cvc~rythlng in boy whose . tribes hunt111g this mi!Pclion of J11Wll1S' hy well· grounrls nrc bcmg overrun hy the i ltnown moclem poets. white s·etllers. His closest frir.nrt and adopter! brother is Dandelion DwPII~·rs i1~ flie l!ilslem half of of the blue eyes nnrl yellow hair I he n.alum find ~~ .t r!p west !n· whom his father had hroughl fer~!sl~ll~. Tt:y a VJslf !" Uw ~del bark from n raid. The heroism of Anllno~ls . nl fhc fltve H1vers lba buys in tho faee of an alfack, Cnllt.tlry Ill C11lnmclo illH! New nml the strnnge thing that !tap·' Mex1c•r• tlltrkt· lllf' ahl•' guulnnce

Passports nf George Cn1·y l~l'tiillllln. ITo will fnlw you Into tho wllriH und In· fmrltwc• you fo nn than 'lfl of hi:; unlmul frit•JHls lnc:incllng tin~ anteloJtn, lhn hlglwrn, flw pul'!; rat, a11rl fhr• l'innumnn hr!ill', Vi~IIH In llli'Hn wild et·enlurcs In thcll.• l:unws eun lw rcnlly exr•itlng,

Two of I lw lt~ssur· !mown nn· linus owrsc!HR hr.ckon. Gelling In Know Turkt•y, hy Fanny Dnvls, carries you to 11 moclcm dPmor· racy whieh flourishes In a coun· fry wlwm only rn11• gen<•rutlon ago everyfhlnl-( was Jll'al'lleully falling upnrl. See how as lute us 1 !l:lS puoplo I her" hnrl nn Ius! names and how I hey ehnst~ 1 hell· own. Visit. their lwnutlful build· lngs nnrl talw pari In lhelr J.:IIY fcsllvnls,

Then lei Dee Day's Gr!lllng to Know Stwln tmnsJ•orl you to a l<lllrl which formerly pr·nt]u('etl mnny famous· expioret·s and ad· vr.nltll' hut whose peopln now nre mostly "sfny-at·hnmt!s." 'fo lhe Spanish citizen everyt!IIng hcntJtiful and goml In life Is to lw fnuncl In his family, · his friends, hi!l chut•ciJ, :inc! his eoun· try, Visit fine old c·nslles: tulw part In I he eulurful CIIrislntns ceiehrnlion.

When!vr!r you wish In go, whnfcvcr you wish to sel', mnkr• your eounty lihrary yonr eJn­barkalion point. PaHSJlill'ls nrc! is· surd right. at I he """" 111111 111'1' good for :1 years of travel.

About 7:i',; nf ali fish Palen in Englantl i.> purchaser! rP:trly·t'llnl;. eri from mw of tll!' :li,OilO hnl·rish shops scallcrr.d nYPt' llJ•Itain.

relatctl fli'Oblems nrc l'!!l~eiv· · ing careful sf.utly. A conunis· sion npJmln!etl hy fht! gnvt•r· nor is exrunining him as ~~ llltlli!O Of flnnndaJ hard.~hip to nthet·s when he be('(lfl1CS involved In till nrcidt>nt.

Ahrens is interested in· "busi· ness lil>r. cmlC'cpls, budgeting of necessary expencll!ures, thorough au<lltr., and the utmost in estab· lishing flnnncial responsibility by party lenders."

'J'he new Plymouth is Improved in appeamnce, performnnce, com· fort: anrl safety, yet retains many of the outstanding styling, hand· ling and riding features that were so enthusiasflcally accepted by American car-buyers this year, Harold Philp pointed out.

Torsiott·AiJ·e ride, Plymollth's lop enginer.l'ing advance of J[)S7 fo1· nmH>Way ritllng comfort nnd dip-frer! starts nnd slops, is al!;o :111 ollfslnnding f<'<tlure for Plym· oulh in l!IS:-1, as arr. thr. tmublr.· fi'N! flliSil liulfon :nrlomnflc· lransmisslnns, 'l'orqueF'Iifc and l'owerJo'lile, nncl Plymnuth's stll'l', s·afe total ermfael bmlws.

Square Dral Farm Btn't:llll mel with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Oeet· Tlltii'Sday I!Vrning with JS mem· bt•rs present.

pens when Young Brave's fat her ~---------------------------. and tile while cuplnln meet make

Commission members are weighing pros and cm1s of several plans which cleal with this proh· lem in other states. A report, or probably a mnjority and severn] minority reports, will be submit· ted about Cht·istmas.

Two basic philosophies ft·om which commission members must chooso involve plans which will set up funds within slate govem· menf so that people suJTcring loss from uninsured drivers can be paid, or plans whieh will force uninsured drivers to become in· sured at the risk of losing the right to drive.

The first appmach attempts to spreacl the cost damages eausecJ by uwnsured drivers over all drivers. The second attempts to redure Joss by fixing responslbil· ity on the individual driver and forcing tllo£e who arc not insured

Michigan's prisons arc still overcrowded: This has hcen nn annual complaint· since the 1952 riots at .Tnekson prison.

There have been a numher of lmilding and remodeling projects, hut still there arc more tn·isoners than cells.

'Tiltl latest prohlem Is the state's women prisoners, now at f;hc Deii'Oii house of cmTection, itself over· crowd mi. Last month, 1he slntr. correc.

tions commission urged quick action to fnlw over the Detroit house of correction, at least its women's division.

The theory was that, if the com· mission was charged with the responsibility of caring for and rehabilitating all state prisoners, it. should have ,iurisdiction over the facilities.

In nddition, an investigating group hired by Detroit concluded that the institution was ill·fnted and ill-administered to care .for prisoners.

The stale commission then said off the rand. ' it should either mnke the Detroit

Neither npproach is as simple prison a state institution or build :1s it so~mds, but the commission a women's prison of its own. Js worl,mg in the hopes that. it Tlwt led up to a proposal by mn recommend some plan which Senator Elmer n. Porter, of Bliss· wMl he an improvement over J field, that the stale talw ovct··one existing conditions. of its less.occupietl tubet·culosis

Politicians arr. sprinting toward hospitals as a women's prison. next year's elec:tion like men in Whetlter it can or will !Je done gray !lanncl suits wearing track must await Ute next legislative ~hoes. session, starting next. January.


OES Elects Officers ny ~fet'l!! Gr·:th:un

1\t the rcgtJiar meeting of tho OES last Monday, election of of· fleers tool\ place.

Tho,~c elected were: · Wm'thy matro'ji, . Florence Andrews·; worthy patr11n, Clarenee Rey· nolds; secret:ll'y, Edna Fulton; treasurer, Grace Russ; conduct· ress, Marie Hinkus; associate conductress, Shit·lcy Andrews; associate matron, Shirley Lyons;

firnup Attr.nds 811111"~'·

nml associnlc patron, Ivan Wil· cox.

Mrs. Lillian Osborn anrl Eldon Ross entertained their officers at a party at the Masonic hall. Each officer was. presented a, gift -.and the worthy· :matron :inti patron were pri:sen~ec) 11 gift fi,'Pm flu;ir officer·s. Refreshments were served at the close of the pnrty.

Eden School News Unda Fenzr.l nml Shirley


Those who. received A in spell· ing last Friday were Lynn Baker, Patsy Feazel, Gloria Brown, Sue Ann Shelburne, Ruth Ann Wil· son, Carol Slww, Noelle Baker, CltcJ',Yl Feazel, Benny Glynn, Kenny Glynn, Lfnda Feazel, Dnvid Bnl>er and Shirley Morris.

Red Cedar Farm Bureau group attended thc potluck supper of the Ingham county Fat•m Burentt for their Octob~r mr.eling. Five families were l·eprescnted Jmm the Red Cedar Farm Bureau. Mr. and Mrs. Mauricr. 0<'sfer'!e has transferred lo the Hell Cetlnr. Tho next meeting will br. held with Mr. and Mrs. Elic Lntltam ·No· vember 21. M1·. and Mrs. Hobert Humph·

reys llml· their 2 children of Mrs. William Ilorton is sicl~ at MtJS]\egon,. visited Mr. and Mrs.

hei' home. Jack Shelbume Sumla~·. Mrs. Mnrvln Hodge has re· Mr. und Mrs. Henry Sbcperly

turned to Sparrow hospital. Sh~ of Okemos were Sunday dinner Is suffering t'!·om an abcess. guestS" or Mt·. and Mrs. I.... D. Mot··

Mrs. Hlldegarrl Jasqn, Mrs. ris. Betty Bowen, Mrs. Nellie Millis, Mr. and Mrf., Raymond Under· Mrs. Myrl Graham, Mrs. Grace wood visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter R.oss, Mrs. Am\a :Jenk's. and Mrs. Soule Saturdny. Merle Anderson ·n.t.tended the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Underwood Christmas Carnjya] at Mason had Sunday dinner with Mt·. and last Thursday, Raymond Underwood and

Mrs. Emm'a Bedlord 'is· sick family.· . . . with the flu. Mr. nml Mrs. Clifford . Feazel

The Birthday club hnrl a chick· and famijy 'hall Sunday dinner e11 dinne1· at the home of Mrs. with, Mr. :.inti Mrs~ . Howard Fea· Alchin last Wednesday. zel of Gr!!nd> Ledge.. · . . East Leroy extension grqup l\1U>e Glynn, son or Mr. and

met at the home of Mrs. Roland Cameron Glynn, visited his qraham i' Tuesday, .Christmas cousin; Joseph Matlsh, of Center rt)clcets were m;1de and programs Line. Sunday. · · for the year were presented. _ · · Mr .. a!Jd Mrs.· I~e)ineth Raab

Mt•. and Mrs. Herbert Horton. an~!· family . were guests of Mt•, . and Mr .. and Mrs. Hugh Potter and Mrs·. Charlie Johnson of Ma· · were caJlers: at the Rolaml. Gra· son Sunday. · . .

h11m home lnst Fvitlay. · Mt;, and Mrs, Kenneth Raab Mrs: . Nettle· ·'Monroa called on Mr .. a·i1d/Mrs. Ronald

, tfie.:nLi.. . ' ' · . . of l\1us.on;; Su~day.' · .. ' · ·,.Mr. nnd ·Mrs •. ·Rayn1oi1U Undei~. ·

"011'""r"'. WQPd,al)d .J:amlly v.islted Mr.' and

Arch!~: Truman .. of Lansing

Styling features of the new Plymouth include a bright now silver dart stele moulding treat· ment, sweeping upwanl at the rem· on Bclvedet•e and Sport Sub· urban models to the top of Plym. ou th's familiar high· flung tlirec· Ilona! stnbilizer fim:, with option· al dart inserts of silvery anodized aluminum Ol' compatible colors. Another distinctive new side trim Is available also with Savoy anrl Plaza models. ·

Double !tender dual headlights are slamlarcl equipmcmf on all

For ntltlecl convenien~r. nne! saft'fy, fill! insirJc rear view mir· ror ltns h~en rclocnferl, higher above the instn11nent p:mel and nearer to tlw eyes of the driver. Tn the new location it is sen· !;itive tn ch:mges in IIIe driver's position nnll afJords rnueh im· lll'ovt•d rearward visibility.

exciting reading.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Tanning of If you missed W::rll. Disney's !lowell \\'Pre Sunday c:allers of Secrets of Life, see II. in n hook Mr. ~lltr.l Mrs. Wayne c:cer. from the Ingltnm county library.

Mrs. Mattie .Jewel •tnd Lila Explore the worlds of rocl>s, the Fct·n .TI'Wcll of F 1;wlcrville were living soil, of seeds and flowers, }'riclay ealll'rs nf Mrs. Hny Had· of bees anrl ants, of !110 undt!r· Icy. water world, and of nwcsomr.

Extension eluh 15 of Plainfield met with Mr!i. Vit•ginia Hill Mon· day evening.·

storms and volcanoes.


F:mn Ponds a SJwciaU.y!


SCARLETT GRAVEL CO. }>hone Uult OX 9-2517 or OX 4-3801

new Plymoulhs, with the inner Plymouth offers a dtoicr. of beams producing mnximnm long·, Hl V·K anti 17 (i.cylimlcr models range forward visibility ami titC' [for l!l~ll. imlurling (i Suhmhan outer pnir pmviding supplement· slalion wn~:ons with either V·S Dl' a! fill·in light. when usl'd in com· G-eylindrr· power plants. Option·

Evr.ry day of lhe week is wor· ~hip day fm· some religious group. Muminy, the Greek Orthodox; Tuesrlny, I he Persians, Wednes­day, the Assyrians, Thursc.iay, the Egyptians, Fr·illay, the Turkish, Saturday, the .Jews, and Sunday, the Cbristians.

Go with the World's Most D:u·. ing Explorers. H. S. Lamhert is your guide, and he faiH•s you bac:kwnrd In time to sail with Eric the Red, the Cnbots, Cap­tain Cool>, William Baffin, and many others. He taltes you In Africa with Livingstone, to tlw I poles· with Byrd nnrl up 1 he slopes of Everest witii Tcnzing.

Or, clwose another itine:·ary from 1 '--------------------------

Ashland announces


l11t with PLUS Power! You get all these A .. Pius benefits • • •

( . · ·You get A-Plus Power to satisfy the super-octane needs of todny's highest com· : PJ.U 6 pression cal's. Knocl1-free pei·formance. Sti10pth,\ i11stant acceleration. Stabilized

"A" -Plus octaries deliver their power nt nil speeds'! ·

·.I'll· Ill!! · You get A-Plus Power Blend. Reduces rust.; .. happf~len(;1ir}e deposits,., .. acid,action ,.., iii · ... pre-ignition •. , and spark plug fouling. Gives you up to 50% longer engine life .

. ·'J.,/ ·You get 8-Polnt Proteclion at fuel t!mk, fuel pump, carbul·etm·, 1~1anifold, intalw' . valves, combustion chamber, spark plugs, and exhaust valves: Cuts yow· upl<eep costs way down! · · ·

I'I'J.III!! . 'You get A-Plus Detergent for clenn·erigine powe~·. Keeps 11~1;. ~a;·~ new.. Gil:ca n~w ,.~ II iii · · life to older cars. Plus-more miles per tnnl•ful! ·

. .r

·You'll feel the powerful Jilference lrom your first fanlrful.l . I .

PERFECT. POWER PARTNER ••• Valvoli'nc All-Climate Motor Oil .. '.: the all:senson, · · ·.· all;temperatw·e, n'iot@ oil. Always frce-llo,wing, tough-bodied, SUPER engineered: . Chang{doduy to Vnlvolilie! · · · ·


· ...... -~ ... ·.._' :.~

GALLONS 11 na.


fit Q. l1

' \

··. ·· .. .; .. ,

Ramblers Stop Resurrection 21-0 To Take Over Top Spot in Circuit Holt (Hit 11 surlrlen slop to tlw

tnll1 of RcHl!l'l'ccllon lnvltwlhlllly Frldny night hy dumping llu• Shumror:I\R 21·0,

'rhc win shoved Hr.surTPI'Iillli down the larlrlcr· In the Cnpltal Clreull anrl Jeff the R11ms In first plnee with ll a.fl rer·orrl.

Holt won't hllVI! to lny Its [H'I· lccl drctrlt reeorrl on the line tills wecl~. F'rlrlay ni;:hl 1/w Hams will piny at Williamston, Ar·mrrllng to compnrallvc recorrls II slrrnild hP u vncatlon fm· the harrl·dmrging Holt ll!nm.

ResUITP.ction will try In Jllill ilsr!lf logP.tlwr with 11 Snturd:ty night game on IIH• r•;v,.r,.ll liPid with Musnn. ThP Bullrings iliiYPII'I 1

shown too mtrch till' last c·ouplo•

rd I ill II'S r111l. l•'l'irlay night St. Mary liiid 1111 ron:;y lime rlumplug Mnson :J:J·H. RestuTr.l'lion will rio llrr• SillllP rm!Pss Mnsnn silnws lm· nwdlalP impmvement.

l'a:;slng prover! lo he the big diJTPI'I'IH'I' in lire Hesurrectlon· I loll I' 11 en unll' r·. fiC'SUI'l'Cctlon loppPd llolt 12·11 in the first down d!•partmcmt. Tho Silnm· nwl;s lllllgnlned Holt 217 yarrls to I li I on llw gmunrl.

II was a different stor·y in lhe nil'. llnlt lnssr•rl only •I passes hut :1 11'1'1'1' r•ompiPII'd foi' n total nf Ill!! yards :nul ~ of the 3 touch· downs,

ltc•slll'l'l'l'lion pus~•·d H lim1•s 11~111 t•muplt•tr•fl I but plclcPd 1111 only •I:! yanl:;.

Dnrwln Shuver was the Jioll slur with his llrnely pnsslng nnrl poise In running the tcmm. II didn't tnlw him long to swlug in· to nctlon, either, 'rhe nams r·e· l'eiverl nnd worlwrl fhe hall to lire HesurTeclion 2!!, using not h!ng hut running plays. Fnclnr: n fnurlh clown slluntlon, Shaver rlropperl hal'it nncl fired a pass In Doug Jinllldny who took II owr his shoulder, going clown I 11(' mlrlrlll!. He went nc·r·nss without a hand being plncccl on him.

Shaver hnolr.rl lite first of his 3 extra polnls.

In the seconrl ·IJllfll'ler Hcsur'· recllon slarlerl a rlrlvP. whkh moved In the Jlnlt 2:1 !wfom II hogged clown. The llrwl<s fnlil'd nn

11 frnrrlh clown gumhll' Hnrl Jloll I ool< ovm·. Three gmund plays ripped file mlrlrlle fnr· 22 ynrcls. The• Shnrnror•l\ defense t lghtened so Slmvr!l' called on the same pass piny UHed In the first quarter, This lime Ilollldny had to sp!'lnt 711 yards lo llw gonl.

Ilnlt gnve up yardage lo the nrousl!cl llod\s In the scennrl quai'Ier hut when the l'hlps wei'I! clown the Rams always managed to parry the threar.

Jn ll!c thil'rl )wriorl Ilnll stuck to thP ground for lis lust tow:h· rlown. Under the sll!ndy lwmmcr· lng of Slwvcr, Jlolllrlny anrl .JP.rry Orr the Shnmror:J\s retrealcrl to tlwlr own 2:1. Jlolllday cnppr!d n great night by going the remilill· ing rllstanee on a dash down llw siclcllnc.

Panthers and Lakers Meet For Ingham County Title

lle:; urreellon llf'VPI' tlu·c•a tr nccl nftPI' tiwl. Willi the wind out nf llwlr snlls, llPSIIrr·r!c:lion, rated the No. 'i Chrss B team In llw stnle, was cloomerl.

Gladiators Earn First Victory Frlrlny nlgl!l Is llw niglll of

1JJ;,•;JPtt l11•lm, has slarlerl from

rleclslnn In the lnghilm Co11nty Is' mtl'i1 and clc•vPiopecl a I rid\,\' league. Stol'!dll'lrlgP, fn·.-·11 lrorn sqrr:rrl. Till• Lalwrs mn str·ilw n 21-l!l win oVPI' OlwnHIS, will,throrlgh th<• air or c•ome up wllli .talm on I!aslell. 'I'IH• l.akPrs tile long gainers. dropped Dansville :!7-!i Jo'rirlill'

'l'lw Laker~ didn't slop tlwn•, lhnugh. In tlw semnrl qlriirll•r Tello lm;scd a pa1;s to l•'f•rguson FowiPI'I'ille marie up for all the for G·l yards and another trnll'h· l!J:i7 grirl season rlhmppnlntments down. Friday nigill with a 7·0 win over

"Don't shoot cable" reeds the signs hunters will sea on telephone poles in areas of heavy gunshot damage. Michigan Bell Telephone Company, by posting such 'signs and patrolling cable leads, hopes to make hunters aware of threat to telephone servite posed by their careless shots.

Last Half Leslie Fumbles

: Mason Is No Match 1 For St. Mary T earn

Lnnslng Sl. Mnry r·ruslwrl Mn· ~011 33·11 l~rlrlny nlglrl to slnl> llw Bullrings deeper lnlo llw Cnpllnl Circuit cellar. '!'he! win nlso gavt• the Big llluc!s rerwwerl. hope,

Wiii!Pil'l' IJV('i'(lllll\ hill\ :IIIII rlllllljl· I'd him rn1 1111• l\ln;;11n 1~. 'l'ho lnl'ille .lust Jlllliorwr•rl lilt' aJ~OII,Y, lhilllgil, 'J'hl'l'l' piii,YS \VIIS iiJI it tonl1 fm· l'illiasll'll'io:z to Slnlloil

Frlrlay nlglil Sl, Mnry trawls nvo•r•. In .Tacl\son for n game wllh ,lad\· Mason silarpl'rl its nllnl'i\ lrr thr! son St. Mary. dosing minnlc•s of tire ot'l'lllltl

Mnson will not swing Info Ill'· qrrrrrlm· anrl sr•llrl'rlorr 11 lorrg Jiii~H tlon until Saturday night nt fliP I rom llrlll·•• lion 11111 In \Vhl't•ler·. Lttnslng Everell tiPirl wlien It 'l'lu• llnllrlogs ll'fl tlio• liPirl nl the goes up ngalnsl tile tired-up Hcs· hHII 11n til(• sliort c·nrl 111 11 I·J.7 urrecllon squad. Tile llorol\s h11d collnl. tlielr victory string hrol11•n l•'rl· dny nlghlanrl wiii!Jn nul to alone for llwlr mlsrleerls.

ResUtTel'llrm bils a lllllg' sld\· list henrlerl hy Doug WHIIers and .Jim Dellrel. Bolli nre heavy con· lrlliutors lo tlw Slianll'oo·i< allwl\,

Mason lin:; nlso harl Sl!l'l'l'al l11•y jwt·fonners In nnrl out of lire llllC'II[l with var·ious ln.luric•s.

WaiiPrs' Hnl\lc• lnjur·y llliiY iwPp the fullilal'i\ from SPl'illg duty against. Mason.

[I IV:!., nrllrdl'l' ill ll11• :a•!'lllHl half. llny l'o·rmn sl:rrto•d it olr With ;1 fi:l·,l'ill'd l'llli !11 tJu• ~iaso11 n. '1\1''1 plii,\'S lntl•r Ill• (IIHII[:Prl 0\'Pl',

lll'fill''' !\Iii'"" l'olild t'llll!•l'l It· Sl'( r till• (lie~ I :J 111 ", ill :a iII ;, ll'lll'i;, 'l'i11s I iriH' .li'll'.l' :·:piiJ:IIllldo l1r;•;cl) a pass 111 lli•·f, I :ill'll'll 1111 il pi:Jy ('IIVPrilll: If I ,\'ill 11.-:. I I:! I' I"' I ll'l'llt 111 1111• :1 ill Ill ~I iL1• :-:triiiiJI 1\'t!lll till! I'I'SI ol li11• \1':!,\'.

Mnson mnrle 11 good shmvln1; Spil>~rrurdo .'l'llli'ri "'" flllill St. against St. Mary In til!' 111':-<1 llillf. Mar·y tally 1111 '' ndl11111 J,d;o• pm;:; The Big BIUI!~ really I'll I lr111SP In' and 1'1111 (Jiay. ll1• r'll\'l'il'd I~ the Sl!eond hnlf, though, In win In Yill ds. a hrPeze. .r.Ja~1111 1"1'111 '" 1111' :11r· in 1111'

13111 Pannsiawii'Z WiiS lire St. last 'lll:lrlo·r· ill '"' iiiii'IIIJtl In Jitlll Mary star. lie Sl'lll'l'ri hnlh tnrwh· in ;;'""'' JHdi!l·;. Tl1•• li11ildogs downs in the first !JIIarll'r. Till' rnovl'd till• h:ill di'I'JI i11111 St. ~liii'.Y llrsl eanw on an 1-l·Yilrrlrun afll'l' II'ITiiiii'Y Willi 11:111 :-;111111' illlll the Big Blues rlrov~ tiO yards. llurl l.:lllll\1• ·rl11i11g 11111'•1 "' t111• J:ilinirrg. Wallen; camP up witl1 tlw ''".1' Larnl\1' plnng1'il 111'1•r !111' ~l11son's play of fhe drive WiJPil ill' hrol;o• SI'I'IIIHI (111\l'illf•,\1'11.

night. · !'ilill'lihrid~··! sli1·l•s prl'lty Neltlier• learn has tasted ciPfl•at llllll'h tu flip g·r·uurul, Uwn).:'h

this year. Tlw Lal\crs an! ridlli.~ l'aul SJt:ulafon• is «1111' of the

Dansville tool\ In lllC air In I he 1 Willinm.~ton. The ~ladiatnr:s dirl lhii·ri qunrter to register its i!IIIC 1 ~ 0 1 have a _ga~.? .'n tit~ vrctop· seorr.. The lnUt'hdown c•;tmc 011 a c_nlumn until lrrd.I.Y r~Ighl. V\ II· pass frnn, .iim Breslin In Glenn 11a~1slnn no:v owns a 1-.3 record. Wireman. TIJC play c:nvered 23 I• nrlay nrgh l tit~ Ho~·r;ctR ilre

t h r o u A' 11 tad\le iliHI was11'l St. .r.Jilr~· 1\'IJII 1111· 1:allw with

S 2 • sloppPrl until lw was dt!!'Jl inlo its SliJII'I'IIII' lirll' play. 'l'l11: Uig ave 0-2 Everett v ICfory Mason tmTi_lory. llltu·~ IIIII I''"' ~~~·d ~lil.,llll'~; Iiiii: all A few mnrutcs laler ~1. Maryltlu• 111111'.

nt lltc lop with ·I straiglil ll'ins. hr•ll••r pnss!•r·s In the ll'ngUtl. SloPI\hrirlgP has :J vietoriPs in 1111• recorrl hool\, The winnPr of l•'ri· dny night's game ill lla~l••tt will be almost a shoo-in for• tlw lng· ham County IPar:ue r'l'llll'n.

Stocl,hriclge hils a JHIII'crrul squnrl spP.arheadcd by oil<' ul t IH' biggest high sehool Iiiii'S in till' urea. The Lalwrs arc liglttr•r hut have an edge in team spcc!d. DPn· ny Stolz, In his first year at tlw

Panthers Defeat Chieftains 24-19 Stockbridge clumped Okemos

21·19 Friday night wiltr a last half rally. The win gives Stoci>· bridge- n 3·0 record and sets llw stage fm· Friday night's dn-or-dic battle at 1-Ia~lett. The Lakcrs own a 'l·O record.

i\gilillst Dansville the Lakem startt'd out willi a hang. Two lirsl-quarll'l' drives netted the l,;tl;,•rs ~ touchdowns, Elton Tehn dro\'1' oi'Pr cenlo•r for the first "'"''" ilflo•r· the Lalwrs put on a liK-v:ml march. A few minutes lal~r J{on FPrgu~on put together runs of 'til illld ;, yards for an· ollir•r t lllll'hrillll'n.

in front again. This time he ,,('IIIIJH'rl up a Stod>hrirlgc fumble and r·at·Pd ;i5 y:mls to score unci ,•n:riiiP Olu!niiJs to carry a lfl-18 !Pad into tire second half.

'l'lu• lead didn't stanrl long, th"ugh. Stockbridge started a dril'l' in file tilirrl quarter which mnierl HO yards. Bob Collins plunged into the end zone from the Okemos 8,

NPitlwr threatened after Okemos threw a scm:c ,into I he 'that. .. The ~anthers concentrated

Panther followers in the lirst on conservative football and a hnlf. The Chieftains outplayc:rl tight clc(ense to lteep the Chief· the favorites in every dcpartmcnt.,lains in check. scoring 3 tou~hdowns and lcavin:.:, the field at the end o[ the half' with a 19·18 lead.

· St.ockbrld~;"l! s t n I' I e II llw ' scoring. Tlw I' an I h ,. r· s llllll'f'ill'd 60 yar·ds In 11 tonl'ir· down ,lust as soon as llu•y gulned c·ontml ur Uw hall, l•'rrd lllills Jlhlllgl'!l the lnsl li ynrds fm· Ute scna·e.

The Chiefs bouncer! ilal'k with I

Football Schedule


lu~ham Cnunty Ltmgue D:lli:;ville at Fowlr.rville J loll nl Williamston Slrll'klwidge at Haslett Ol1cmos at Leslie

2 l]llicl\ touchrlowns to go into I the lead. Milw Largent passed :!K vards to Ron Webster [or one ~core and Case Hoonlwul scllrPdl Capilal Cll'lmit the other when he stole lhc llirlll !\Jason at Resurrection lSatur· from the hands of a St od;brir!ge 1 day 1

y·u·cls I clue fo1· a rour:h tIme. I he nnly ' ' · · eonsnlal ion will he Ill at Holt is

llaslell retillialrd a few min· not a teague foe. utcs later with a 90-~•arrl drive. Bob Len:h went the last ·!. Tello, Ferguson and Lerch all tonk turn~ grinding out the first downs during the mardi.

rer·nver·cd a Mason fumille anrl Ma~1111 n~:III:IJ'I'd '" lm•al; away . Everett didn't hnve as easy a I Leslie dldn'l fold, though, They again moved in fnr a tnur:hdown. t11 r hlllg gailll'l'~ 1.1•1.ry 111 wc• in· ;1

lime nl Leslie as the prognosll· were well on their way lo a I Wal!ers again sr•t il up with an wlrilo• hut flllllhl"s '""' p:1ss in-r·ators lhour:ht. II took some touchdown when tiJC game ended. ol'f·liid\le slant. lie w:" in tfrP ll'l'l'I'Jiti 11 n·: thll'artr•rl 11 11 · lotll'lr· breaks and. :;ccond 11!11~ fumbles Friday night LPslic will rln · clNU' anrl on I ill! way wiiPn Larry down~. to let I he VII\mgs wrn -0·2, battle with ~nntiwr grid ginn I. 'l'hl\ ltams ar·o• lc•adiill~ 1111'

Capital l'il'l·nit with llwir· good all·UI'Illlllrl pluy. Holt lms II WI'IJ·fllllrliiCI'rf (l'illll With 1111 indi\•irluul slurs.

Lr!slic has not won a game thi:: The Blackhawks will entertain Ingham Co nt N M M' h Octob~>r 25, 1957 C-,3 year. In fact the Bl~rkhawks Oltemos. U Y CWS, iiSOU, IC .. ~

h:rve not even come l'lnse to win· Everett will mcPt the rlisap·l' Dansville, in a :l·way lie for lhlrll ~~ilh l~owlerville and Olw-~ Williarm·ton is one of the big mos, wrll have J~a_r·t nf t~tal q_ues- disappointments in the lnglwm flon answe;ed l·n~lay ~1!ght 111 n 'County league. The Hornets ~arne at I• owler'l'ille. I he Glad·, miiPd over non-league oppom!nts .~rtors _have lookccl good the last I with case I he first 2 limes out. - times out. [Since then tlwy have lost every

nrnr:. It was anylmdv's game . . . ,.;l~ht up until tile lnst quartet•pomtit.lg Howell !Ir7hlanders Frr· IIHI, PARTNER_t:!~~ F · 1 · 1 t ll 1 day mght on the South Lansing

rJC ay mg 1 , 1oug 1. field, Neither team l'oulrl move the

hall in the first quarter. The h I S Blackhawks held I he Ilea vier Fros c ose cason

week end, with play going from had to worse,

more polishrrl Vikings In 1<1 ym·cls and one first rlown in the first quarter. Millington Holds

Howell to Tie

Mason's freshman footh:llllenm finishes its sl'iwrluiP. Wl'rliwsrlny night with a game wit II llowcll

Fn.wlervillc, with the first Everett's game pkkcrl up in at Athletic field. The freshmen leagtte victory in the bag, will the second period when tile Vi· have devclnperl a high-scoring take on Dansville Frirlay night at kings recovered a fumbled punt outfit in thcir.firsl year of action. the Giadintol' fleld. The Aggies on the Leslie 45, Five plays Howell figures to give them a

II II 1 M'll' 1 1 'I arc in the same class as Williams- moved the ball 20 yards nnd then I stilT test. 1 · 7w~ . '1

1nr . 11'tg ~:~1 ~~~pee ton. They starter! the season beat· Gary Shepard skirted end for the 11cact

1tc a;1 111 A'II~ h\1

1'1 1

1 1 tlllg·, ing all comers hut ran out of gas remaining 25 yards anrl the touch-1 1 ____ C_U_S_T_O_M _____ 1

on 10 rng 1c · rg anc ers o a th hst 2 w ei· · down 1' •

6·6 score. I e ' e ,s, · . ' F • 1 • 1 t' ..,1111 , . _In t [je third qunrt~r Lc§lte I

The first half Howell pushed t·u ay 1111;' 1 s ., amston· - moved Into a threatening position Ph t h Millington all over the field hut Fnwlm·~lllcl. J;"Ume Jll'oved to when Ed Hasbrouk h-loelwd a: 0 ~grap S managed only the one touchrlown hen IMc!nl'iiVc battle. Nt•Hiwr punt nnd recovered the ball on I on a 3R-yard run hy .Jerry Smith t.Pum <·cmld _move tlw hull fm· the Everett 2fl. The Dlncl\hawks I in the second quarter. 11'11111 ~h!' nudllcld stri)Je until moved I he hall In the G-yard line I

Millington tool\ over in the sec- thn thu·d rJIIIHtm·. but Everett defenders threw the ond half and dominated the play. Ray Osan sci up the Fowler- attack back nnd tool< over. When I Geor·ge I<ish scored the touch· ville seore with a 3<1-yard run lo the Vil\ings tried to punt out of clown on a 58-yard run. That was the Williamston 3 .. Two plays danger a bad )lass from center· It for both teams. later Osan pounded over for the got by Larry Counsellor. and he

Guarantocd to Pleasa!

(Your port4ait will make the id9al gift)


' Archy's Photos Fridny night Howell will take score. -He also added the extm Wl!S downed foi' a safety.

on Lansing Everett. The Vil\ings point. For the rest of the third period '-------------J will have the home field advan· Williamston pulled out all slops tl~e. score stayed at G-2 and the

108 E•sl Ash Mo<on

tage. in the finn! quar·tcr hut the Glad· ~IItmgs began to wear that wor-1 Everett has mmc along fast. Iaior defenses held. In 1 he final !'lcrl looi<. •

THROUGHOUT MICHIGAN, some 50,000 girl> '"'cJ boys from upp&r elementary and junior l1igh ~chool grades arc performing cln outstanding ocr·vicc,

Thay arc members of 2,200 School Safely Patrol~, " rJub. lie interns+ activity sponsored by the AAA i!nd its uf· filiate, tha Automobile Club of Michigan.

Thase Safety Patrol members must be at their posls each day at least fifteen minutes before school opens, must slay on duty after school clo1es, Their loyal cfforls have helped substantially to reduce fatal accidents in­volving child pedastrians in the 5-14 age group.

Michigan's Trucking Industry salutes these Safdy Patrol members. Like them, tha Industry is doing irs ulmosl io promote safety on our streets and highways-through rigid driver training programs, careful mclinien,mcc of equipment, and educational cumpuigns. So, lo you 9irl~ and beys in the white Sam Browne bells we suy, "Hi Partners! We're with you!"

Michigan Tracking Association Fort Shelby Hotol • Detroit

Coach Dean ShippPy hns dr· minute t l1e lfol'llcls were on their Leslie couldn't st;md prosper· velopcrl a l!arrkharging line and way with some timely passing ity, lhouglr. Jn the last quarter has some J::Ood haci< to go with hut Clyde Line intereepted for the Blaclthawks ftrmhled 4 times it. Larry Counsellor's passing.has Fowlerville on tile goalllne. Fow- nnrl 4 liml!s Everctl rcmvererl. A also brought new life to the Vi· Ierville worked the bnll up the fumbled punt was covered by kings, field and out of .clnnger before the Everett. Six plnys later Torn

Come in now for a peeli:

at the '58 Chevrolet!


~unner anrt l':li'Ccl clown the SHIP I St. M:~ry at .Tal'ksnn St. Mnry lme for a touchdown. Ilowt!ll al Evercll

The Panthers didn't told,[ 11"11 at Williamston though. They fought lmek with another sustained drive with I Mills again plunging the last !i yar·ds. In the second quartPr Stocltbridge went into the lead! when Franil Lee slipped niT tal'i\11' I for 12 yards anrl the touchdown.

Howell ha~ sldrlrled as I he sr.a- game cnclecl. Sweeney ran 14 yarrls fo ·score. I son progressed. The


Everett recovered :mot her Lcs-1 were lool<crl upon as th~ only About !iO billion mnckcrel arP lie fumble on its own 35 a few te~m capable of slaymg 111 tile• caught each year-yet the inlm· minutes later and drove 62 yards thrck of _the bnttle along Will! I be!' in thc ocean seems to be ln· to score. Dick Yarger scbrcd this

Just ask your Chevrolet dealer to show you the booklet containing advance information about the '58 Chevrolet.

field, incredibly smooth air ride.

Chevrolet will introduce two new luxury models of outslauding style and distinction.

Hoon,hout ngnin c:ame up with I n larceny play to shove Olwmos f

Fr·iduy ltc~sults Ewrrtt 20, Leslie 2 111111 21, !le.,uneclion D St. .r.Jary il:J, Mnson H Jlowell fi, Millington 6 Stockhrirlge 2•1, Okemos 19 lias lett ~7, Dansville 6 l~owlervilie 7, WilliamRton 0

"By Prescription" Is the Intelligent Way •••••

. • . of buying your medicines. It saves for you in many ways. Check them.

1. You get exactly the medicine for your parti­cular need,

2. You get the correct dosage and directions for your case.

3, You' do not waste time, health, money and menta·! wor-ry on uncertain modici~f'•

H11ve your doctor prcscl'ibc-and come to tno LM· ton Pharmacy for your medicines.

Copyright .1957-A. C. HamaAtr

Hesurrectron. creasing. touchdown for the Vildngs.

Albion Collogo .. , .... 20 Almo Col logo ....... 26 Army ................ 40 Dartmouth , , ....... , , 20 Duke U, .............. 20 Eostorn Michigon .... 20 Georgia Toch ......... 20 ,Hillsdole Coil ego ..... 20 Holy Crou ........... 20 lndiono U. • ...... , .. 20 Iowa U ............... 20 Kontucky U .... , .... , 14 Michigon Stoto , .. , .. , 34 Minnosolo U, ........ , 14 Mississippi Stato .. , ... 14 Mississippi U. , ••• , , ••• 14' Novy ,,,,,.,,.,, ..... 34 Notre Dome· U, ....... 14 Ohio Stoto U ......... 14 Oklahoma U, ...... , .. 34 Orogen Stato .... , .... 20 Oregon U ..... , ...... 13 Princeton U, .. , ....... 20 Purduo U. , .......... 20

·Football Forecast

Every Thursday we bring you JOE HARRIS' football foro­cast. Joe Harris is America's most accurate football fore. castar. He has an 82.9"/o average for the past 11 years. Davis Clothing is proud to present these football predic. tions every week in the Ingham County News.

Match Your Judgment with Ours! Michigan Tech ......... 6 ~liv.ot. Collogo ....... b V~rg1n1o """"""" 7 Horvord U. , ... , ..... 7 North CMolino Stole , 7 Southorn lll'inois .. , .... 13 Tulono lJ_ ............ 7 Hope Collogo ........ 13 Boston U, , .......... , .13 Villonovo U. .. ...... 14 Norlhwostern U. , • , , , ,J3 Goorqio U. , , • ,. .... , . 7 ' Illinois U, ............ 7 Michigon U, ....... , .. 7 Alobamo U. , ......... '7 Arkonsos U, ... , .... , .. 7 Penn ................. 7 Pittsburqh U, .... , .... 7 Wt•eontin U, , • , , , , , • , ? Colorado U, .... , .... , 7 w .. ~inaton ISoattlo) .. 1 Colifornic U, .... , " .. 7 Cornell U. . . , , • ., , ., , 7 Micmi U, (Ohio) , .. , 7

Rico ................ ,20 Syrocuso U. • ......... I J Tcnno55eo U. , ...... ; .. 14 Toxos A. & M ........ 20 Tom Christian U .... 20 U, C. L. A ............ 20 Wosl Virgin'io U ...... 20 Yclo U, .............. 20

Toxas U, .,. ,,,,,,, ,,,13 Ponn Stole U. .. ...... 7 Morylond U. .. , .... , .. 7 Boy! or U, ............. 7 Morquofto U, ......... 7 Stonlord U. .. ..... , .. • 7 Willi om & Mory ....... 7 Colgoto U, ........... 7

NATIONAL P'RO LEAGUE Bollimoro Coils •• , •• 24 Groon Boy Pockors •• , 14 Chico go Boors •. • • •, • .24 Son Froncisco '49ors •• 14 Clovolond Browns ..... 20 Chtcogo Cordinols .... 14 Los Angelos Roms .... 27 Detroit Lions ... , ..... 14 Now Yor~ Gionh '"'" .24 Woshington Rodskins ... 17 Pittsburgh Stoolors ... •• 17 Philodolphio Eoglos ... .14


· Clip This Foreca.s# lor Rerldy Referenc:P ' I

You can expect the 1958 Chevrolet to be new all over. Lines will sweep rakishly longer, lower and wider.

There will be a completely new VB engine-radically different in design.

There will be Full Coil suspension and, for the first time in Chevrolet's

You'll learn more at your Cht.:vrnlct dealer's. And you can ~ct.: about ;m early delivery that will make you a '58 Chevrolet-Firster!

'58 Chevrolet, Thursday, October 31

Dansville ------Plans Are Completed for UNICEF HoUoween Drive Jl,y :\II'H, JIBit•IJ \'Hllll~

Plans haw h•'"" r•ompiPied for the UNH'J•:I•' pm.JPI'i, wlridr ii' the Ulll1lltli I ltlil"wl~r>n r~vr.nt for this I'OilliTIIJilJiy, 'J'(Jf! dl"iVP Will he mnrln 'l'llllrsday 1'\'r>ning, Oc!ulwr at.

Mrs·: nary nr·iggs Is genl'J'al chnlr·mnn tills yl'ur·, with ntlwr mrnmlltt•r• l'irainm•n ns follows: Mrs. H11sr'111' Arnold, publir'lly; Mrs, navirl D!Pill, rP[r·r·slmwnts; Mrs. Gle-n Sharl;md, entertain· ment; imrl Mrs. ntis Cnnwtl, cnnlslr~rs. .

'J'hc slrr•n will sound nl li:OO p. m. as t lw signal fnr llw ho,Yfi and girls In start nn lheir· ('()(!Pcting of pennll's, AI 7 o'f'iod; lhi'.Y will

Tay~ors Retu•~n From Vacation

rr!lurn In llw ~f'IHJnl for Pllit'l'· litiiiiiWIII nncl rl!lrPHhllll'nln.

'l'lw r·oopPI"IIIIng nrl-[nnlznllons 11f thl' t'Oilllllllnlty are hnth c:llllrches, Buy Scouts, Girl Scouts, !nghnm town lmanl, Pxtnnsion >:roup, Boo~IPI'H, 1•', & A. M., CJE;S, fire departnwnt, r·ount:ll, WSCS of J);ms\•lllr! and Vantown, \VC'I'U, VIeW, PTA, JCIIA, Ffo'A, MYI•', FMY und HI f'illho,

Dona I Ions have hPr•n mnclc• hy Ander;;on hnrrlwar·e, Murdo!'l\ oil, \VIInwl Bollllel, A. 0. G1·r•en• ough, ]{oseoe Arnolcl, Ellis gm­r•pry, Dan ,Tcmnlnl-[s, Lawton Gauss, l~cl Sr!IH'f'ZI'I', George Vogt, Sr., I!owurrl Mm·lnrlorr, c. A. Diehl, Mnson Dnlry, George Vngt, .fr., unci ITt•rhert Burris.

Posll'rs arc !Jr!lng rnndP hy pupils In the nfth and sixth grade room tnught hy Irvin Cohh and prizes will hr:> mvrmiPrl for I hi' lwsl,

Mr. nnd 1111'S. llrnnrll Tnylnl' Upon returning In tlw sl'ltool nrrlvPd IH>IIll' l•'rlrlay n[lr>r SflPIHI· prizPs will nlso hr• given for• r·os· ing 2 m~>nllrs tr;m•llng lhmugh tunws, thr; most origln<rl, IIH• the wr>slf'lll and souiiH•I"Il ·;tatr•s, prnllit>sl a1HI till' funniest, 2

Tlrrv visiiPd Mr. nnd Mrs. prizPs for end1 elasslf!C'ntion, nalpll. Mllrwr 111 Wldltlr•r, Calif., The llllllll'Y r•oi!P['fl'rl will he Mrs. llt:a 'I"Jr,mpson "f Portland, sent In the United Natlorm lnler­OrPf'"n, i\1r•.: !·:<lit II llnt,r•;J and national ClrildrPn's J•:nwrgerwy M1·:1. J.r•,:a l·r•r;:tiSflll of lnr•sorl, Jcunrl, to hr• liSf'd for !"onrl, tnt•rll· Arizt.rJ:I. . . cine and t:lot Jriug for \IIHif'r·pr·ivi·

'J'Irr•\' a 1::•r '"''"-' lr:1 r:JIIorrl. nnrl jlegerl children of tire world. Miss J.iuj,. c:ifl"fll"ol at Jdtt(P Falls, \V:!!;ilirwlnn, ~lr. mul Mrs. f'arl lll;ludl 111 J,il·ilwstrm, Moll· lana 1111d Mr. <>11"1 Mrs. Jlni>f'l'l I Inrri,; 11f Villa I;'""''''· l'11lorad11. 'J'Jlp'y !W\'/ ( :r:nnl f"ollll'fl rlan1. l'et;·ifif'd I•',Jr·~:l and f:l"llnri f'anyon, lr"I'.'r·lirrr: :c total of ~.:.rrn mllr•s.

:VIt·. '1'::\'illr IH"f'llli.l' l"f'lil"l•d :1s DiiiH<'.'il!•· ru••:lm:>::tr•r.

Officers f~an For ~nstaUcdion

Curtis-Catlett Vows IEMclumged A qulr•t wedrlillf( t'C!J'r•rnony was

pf'rfonnl'<l S<>lurrlay Pvr•ning :cl !l::lfl al 1111• honw of 1\lr. anrl Mrs. ('JydP ('lll'lis WIIPII !Yii~:s M1·:·n;1 ('r;tll'tl of .lal'i<SIIIl IH•r·:cmr>. !Ill' hridr; of 'f'I'ITY C'urlis of Dans­vii!P.

Thr hridr• is t lie ·imrglltl'l" of Mr·. illlfi Mrs. Jlprrj:nnin C:ci(P!I of .)a['I\Srlll and till' hridP~~I'oorn's

Womr.u Phu:, 8JHW.inl Sllr·vlno l•'rlrluy ew•ning, Ol'!rrhet• 2:i, ul

H n'l'irH'I< llwrn will he 11 tmrvlee nt Dnnsvlllr! Mntlmclist l'iutrch, Hpoll~nrcHI by the Womnn'~· So· r•lety of Chrlstlnn Rervlcr~. 'rhls ~;r;rvlr·o Is thu beginning of Jll"IIY· o1' and Helf dPnlul went<, whleh Is fi'Om Or•toher !l:i to :11,

PTA Ma~ces Plans For Open House Tlw regular mceling of DnnH·

ville! P'I'A was conclucled 'l'lntr·:;. day PVr•nlng at tile sehoul. Dorn Diehl, presldc!nl, prcslclcd over· tire hu;;lncss meet in g. Members rlel'irled tp havP D[ll'll house ln NovembPI', [r!nturing l•:rhtcatlon Wecl<.

AffPr the business scRslon Mr. anrl Mrs. VVaJTen Mueller, pro· gram chairmen, were in cl~argc. The pmgt'llm wns a panel discus· Hlon of topic·s of intPl'PSI to par­ents and teachers.

Mrs. Mtleller nctr.rl ns modr.r­alnr· wit11 ollwr memhers on the panel being Mn.;. Martha Glynn, Mrs. Myrna Camphell, Irvin Cubh rrnrl Dorn Diehl.

Church Youths Honor Minister The young Jli'O[JIP of Dnnsvllle

Jo't'l'e 1\11>1 lrorlist. ch urr:h honored Hev. t:lanr·y 'l'hompl'-lon at a socinl I irm• l~rirlay PVPning nt the town hall aft<!!" lh<~ service at the d!llt'r:lt, Forty were present.

Hl'frPslrmPnts of ulrlet·, cookies arrd cake WPI"P SPI"VPrl. A lar'gP. iler-oraiPrl r·akc with n map of Brazil was presl'nterl to Rev, and Mrs. Thompson,

l{pv, 'l'lwrnpl'-lon lrns been the I!V<IIlgPiisl :tt the d1ur·r:h for I he pnsl 10 rl:iys and he and Mrs. 'J"IHllllflSOIJ PXJlPr•l In leave in April !11!" Brazil, wlwrr: tlrcy will Sl'r\'<' ns missionaricJ'-1, Rev. 'l'lullnpsnn slrowl'd sllrks he had takt•n ol various pi:II'PS of in­leresl,

llmn•nts· an• Mr·. and Mrs. <'Ill!'· 0 ,, Tlrr•y \\'1'\'e nlsn given mnny Da!lJi\ illr> I h:tjllf'l' No. fl() Jo:...., t'lll'l' ('111"1.1'" 11[ D"III'"VI"(Jn · ·

, , , o • ·' c. rlr>rns slll'ir as c·myons pencrls wrll Ira\'" a pl·:,·t Ir·r• nwr•l111g 1 HPv 1 r F 1\1 r • Jll'rf ,. 1 : 'I . . ~, . · · " . "" ' · 0 rnrt f"il:lll\~· :lllrl Dtilrr Stlpplrcs t11 hr

Mnnrl:tl 1'\"1'11111)', Ol·lniH•r -~. ,11 !llr' C'Pl'CillOil'' 111 lllf' Jli"PSI'Ill"l' ot· 1 · tl )'"II 1 1 · ll "I , . . ' . , ' . :' . · , . " USC'I Ill H' ll l I~ Sl' 100 Ill l'ilZI , 7:.10 111 lllf• i\J;c; . .,nlr' 11,>11. 1 the tnlnll'rl>alr• J:crnli1rx. 'l'il<'y, 'l'hi~; will '"' f.,r pr:~>·tir·p for Wl'l'l' :ii!PIIril•ri hv IIH• hrir!P's sil-l·

initi:ctir.n l':ilir·lr will !11• 'l'uPxd:cy tr!r', Clnudr·llc i";atlc•lt, nnrl Jwr PVPililll', ( Jr l1d11•r :!!I. !Ill oflir'f'I"S f:>lill•r. hnvf' I '"" rr•qtl<'~ill'ri '" l11• )>I"PS· A rr•c·eptinn wr~s r·otHiue!Pd im· rmt nt ""'h r,w,.tin>:s. mc•rliatPIV aftt•r till' r·r•rrrnon1·. A

Tlw r·!!ilpiPI' will ohsrrvP its •1-tifon•rl i.rir!P's l':tlw toppr•rl ivith firill1 anni\'l'r::n··y nl !Ill' Tul'sllny miniuture h1 irl<' ;tnrl groom, anrl PVrnirw mpr•liiiJ: of llw r·h:Jpi<'l', ir·r• r·J·cam <IIHI ("f)j fpe WPrl' J-ll•rvrrl

as rrfl'r!shmcnts. .Tim Clir-klll'l" nnrl Fl'llnk Clid\· r

nrr nf Dt·itriHirn hnd \VPdnPsda:.• lunf'hPolt with ~!'", and 1\lrs. Law· ton c;niJJ-1:.. 1\lr. and Nlrs. Eugr1w Gauss nnd farnill· nf BlissfipJrJ wen• WP<Incsrlay· night guests. Ckon Ga11ss of Houghton Lake Wll.~ PI".IPI'Ininerl fnl' llliH'IJCnll Fri· rlay by 1\lr. and Mrs. Gauss.

Mr. nnd Mrs. t:lifford Wit!il!Hl of .f:ll'l<smJ visitr•d Tlntrsclny night witlr l\lr. nnrl Mrs. Lawton Gnu!-is.

Brownies Meet To 01·ganize Friday eveni 1g, November 8,

there will he an organization meeting of the Brownie lroop. Mrs. Nnomi Pettigl'ew of Girl Scout lwarlquariPrs in Lansing will lie present to help in the m·· g:mization.

• 1 Then• will nlso he u [i(m on

WCTU Stages Regu~an· Meet ltPgulnJ' ltWPiing of tile WCTU

was Mrnrrlay r:>vc•ning at tile home ol 1\lrs. A.JiiP Tlwmpson, lvho ail-lo r·onclllr-IPd tlw lntsiness meet-in g.

Tlw staiP l'onvr•ntion is \V1•dnesday, Tilmsrtay and Fri­d:>y nt tile Temple llmts·,~. Lan­sing, wilh seveml members of the Dansvillc gmup in nltend· ance. The activities for the win· fer wrr·c r!iseussecl anci n short program was [.(i\'en nflct· the busilwl'-lli session,

Mrs. George Vogl, Sr., will be llnsless lo the group at the next meeting Monday, Novernh~r 18.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. F.llgrne Gauss illH Brownies \II mr !hers intcrcJ-lled family of fllissfiPlrl spent ihe It"'{

1 .· Frnnl\ Woocls of Kinross'was

wr•L·k· rnd with Mrs. G:russ' nm·· I mny a em· ,. a wee!\ end guest _of his parents,

cnts, 1\11". and :1\lrs. F. C. Ander··: 'I· .. , . 1,, t. --:-c-;-1 1 'l. •t. l'vlr llld JYJ Cl 1 w 1 son, Sr. ,, .u 1 nns- .1 1 ons , 11 1 " 1 r. s J • : • rs. r~r cs ooc s.' , , Past Mnfr,;ns nml Past Patrons 1 Mrs. Dale Mam of Lansmg

Mr. m~rl Mrs. ~"''111 \' (•mple eiL!b will nave Its NovPmher spent Monday with her parents, ami ~~~~nil~· nf I: 1111~7~hlll'f;, _spp,n_t meeting 011 Fr•irlay evl'ning, No- Mr. and Mrs. Lcln1ul Perrine, Sr. Sul.d.>\ \\Ill> 1\Jt. \\rrnplr s Jl.ll· vcmber I, al the town hall. Din- Mr. anrl :Wrs, Franl1 Scripter r.nts, MJ', and MI"S, Arthur Wern· ner· will be served nt 7:30, Mrs. nnrl family nf Lansing lwei Sun· pll'. , Donal Parks nml Mrs, Ilnh Bm- dny dinner with his parents, Mr.

Mr. :rnrl l'vlrs. GIPn. Sharl~ncl man will he hostesses, and Mrs. Edgar Scripter·. In the nnrl Mr. nnrl 1\lrs. MP!vm Rnllrge niiPniiPd tiH• Mir'higan State-Pur- nflernoon they nil visited Mr. and

M1·. anrl Mrs. Gaylorrl Hulett Mrs. Wilbur· Koons of Mason, rlltP fnothnll g:mw Snturday at of Mnson were S11nrlay rlin1wr· Mrs·. John Dnniels of Lal1e Odes-Ens! L·Jnsinr:. guests of Mrs, Hulett's mother, sa and Mrs. Richard Daniels of

<:Jvrle Dnrsrl I nf Warrrn, .Tack M II" \V 1 Cnllinm of net roil and C!arrnce rs. Go c IC nrc· Pleasant lake spent Monday at B:H'hmnn of \Villinmston were Mr. and M!"s. Len Salaslw of 1 the Scripter home. 1

Mnnrla~· dinner gursts n[ 1\lr. and Otsego lal<e are spending iher· Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKennn Mrs. Rex Tnwnsenrl. !'vir. anrl Mrs. weel; ~vith Mr. nnd Mrs .• r. C. nf Lansing visiled Mr. nncl Mrs. Townsrnrl, LI'I"O.\' and 11nymnnll Nelson. Don Leonard Sunday evening. nt IPnrlr•rl t IH• turl;ry rllnner nt Mnson l\ll'lhdist f'illlrl'h l•'riclny evening,

A. (~. 'llt•J'A"~'I' hns hrr•n in Sf. T.a\\'J"I'IH'P l>nspitnl, T.nn· sin~·, fru· jlw (Ul'i1 :! \\'PI'I<S,

\\'I !I'm hi' llJHil•l"\\'1'111 s lll'l{l'r~·.

Mr. nnrl 1\lrs. Clifford Mull nnd / son of Lansing and Mr. nnrl Mrs. Enrl Fall anrl fnmily of North Adams visitPrl f lwir mnt hPJ', Mrs. Isabel Balwr. Sunrlnv.

Mr. n.nrl Mrs. Ke1i1wth Mnson and rlnnghlers nncl William Muench WC!"C Stuulav rlinner gue~ts of Mr. nnrl Mrs. "raul Mn· son or vVr>hhr.rvillc,

Mrs. Lnurn BnC'11mnn nncl Mrs. Acthen Witt nttendecl funeral services for Fr·ed Peterson of Lansing Sntunlay morning nt Gorsline-Runciman funeral home. Mrs. Bachman was n guest of her sister, Mrs. AI Wills of Lansing, Mt•, anrl Mrs. Act hen Witt, Mr. ancl Mrs. Rex Tnwnsenrl and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bnchmnn, Bud and Gerry attended the Michl·

· gan State-Purdue footbnll game at Enst Lansing in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lnrrie Liningc~ and daughlcr of Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Louis YulHJS7. and fam­ily of Holt. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller, Sunday. Robert Nett­broth and son of Detroit were Monday guests of the MiUers.

Mr. m:•l 1\frs. lltll'ohl Wing 'WeJ'e Stmdr1y visitors of 1\ll•s,, Genevl1we Jleft.y, who is in University h.OSJlihll,. Ann At•· bm•, I'CI'OVCJ'ing ft•om lUI O(lei'• ntion.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shopbell. had ns Friday evening dinner guests Mrs. Maud Marquardt of

· Holt, Wells Cllckner of Lansing nnd Mr •. and Mrs. Henry Rahfus·

· of Munith. . ' . Connie and Donald West nt~

· : tended· the . 4·H crops banq\tet ·· Tuesduy .evening nt Mason ·.Mcth·

·. "odlst ,dhurch. ,. ·,',"·\:: .. .-. ,. ' •• '\I ,. I

LIVInC•rlffi Cl BEDrlOOm I er.g K li.'·O 1'3 1·0XI'2.1·0

F~ffiiLV• rlm II"G•I9'·0


~ SO'·O

o'"'"N~ j Quality materials and durable construction make PERMA.

BILT HOMES an outstanding buy for the most discriminating home-seeker of. today ••• Several PERMABILT HOMES are now under construction· in this vicinity. We invite you to in· spect them an~ ,get our prices .•• then de..£ide for yourself.


Church Institute Is Planned 'ruesdny, Octnhet• 2!l, the dis·

trlel l~ree MeliJodlsl Woman's Missionary Srwlety Ins ill 11 I<• will he eondttclcrl nl Dnnsvllle Fn•o Mcthoclist church, •rJw institnlo will begin with a mer.llllg nl :l::lll fl. m.

TlwrQ will br! n }Jotlud; SI!JlJll!r nt the town hall at fi::io p. m. Those who nttcncl nrc In lnlw their own 'tnhle servlee, snnrl· wlclwll nnri a dish of fond to pasH. There will lw an eve11Ing servir•e beginning at 7:30,

Mrs. E. C .. Tnllll of Sf. .Tnhns, rllstriel president, will presidP al hot h services, A fent Lll"P of tlw services will be highlights of IIHl

Northern Area Institute COil· cluctecl nt Thomesfonl, Ontario, Canada, early in September,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ric-hard Brennan of Lansing were Sl!IH!ny evening guests of Mr·. and Mrs. WnJ'l'en MLteller. Mrs. David J{Jnsmnn uncl son and Miss Ann Donnelly of Detroit spent the week c!ml nt lite Mueller home.

llfr, nrull\trs. Nnuinlllnsoll't' nrul dlllll:"hlel· of llf•ttumont, 'l'exnN, au•r·Ived Sunduy fm· at wt•nli'H vnr:uHnn with. his Jllll'· I'Jits, 1\Ir·. und 1\h·s. William 1\ln"olff.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover nnrl Mrs. Olive Foster visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bart Jell of Fowler­ville Sunday,

Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Wolf. gang were Snturday dinnar guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. nolph Silsby of Mason.

Mr. anrl Mrs·, Ernest Hoffman of St. Johns ami Mrs. Edna Hoffman of Granrl Rapids wct·e Sunrlay dinnm· guests of tlwir cousins, Mr. ·and Mt'R. Elrnm· Fortman.

Mr. and Mrs, A. 0. Grl'enough entertained for lllncheon Sunday evening Mr. a111l Mrs. Charles Greenough ancl sons of Lansing.

MYF Ycadhs Ath~D1d Party

l•'orty memlmrH of 1111! Dnns· vll!P nnrl Vuntown l\lrthocllst Ymrllr I•'PIIowolrlp lrnd a llalin· ween party Saturrlny <'Vf'ning nt thl' town hall. Thr• hnll \l'ils rb·· Orilfl'r( ill (\PI'Jl(ng With fill! IH'I'il· slon, Gan11•s and folk dnrwln1~ \Vl'l'r; lhe dlverslrm of tire l'l'ening.

Adults who werp Jll'PsPnt wn;·p Hew, llnl"flld Monrlol, Mt•s, l•'lt>n Vall nanlllJP, Mn:. I !arold Wing, l\'Jrs. Ltii'I"I'IH't! Swan nnd 1\lr. and I\ I l"". Hl'X 'l'OWIJHl'IHI. l'llll("h ani! {'fHJidi 1S wert~ S(ll'VPrl w; n·rrc:-;ll­lll("nf s,

1\'fl', nnrl Mrs. FOl'J'P.S! WnliWt' 11111! fiilllily wnm :Stmrlny rUnner gliPstM of Mr. nne! Mrs. l•'. C, An· rl1m-:orr, .Jr., urrd lurwlwon guests of 1\lr. 111111 Mrs, RolHH'I Anderson of HIJ~sfleld,

Mr. nnrt MI'H, HPX Wnocls nncl dnHghtPrH of Lan,;lng visited Snt­lli'Ciay <•VP.nlng with Mr. ond Mrs. Dnvlrl Wnmls.

:VIrs. NPVn Jlo)mP.s of Mnson a1ul Mrs, E:ffio West spent •rues· dny With Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Grnnt llllllSITu>rP nl' Clinton,

Miss Lucille Wheeler of Lnn­sing Wits il wcPI< end guest of her rnol ill' I", !\Irs. llernim WlweleJ', Hoscor• Wlwr.lm· nnd Mr. nncl M1·s. Clwrll's \VIll't'(l•r of Grnnd Rn}l· ids, l•'oiTf'sl Wlll'clm· o[ Lnnslng iillrl llnrolrl Starlwy nf Webbcr­viiiP 11'1'1"1' Monday guests of Mrs, \VIu•1•1t•r.

Ml'. :rnrl Mrs. Hoylyn Miller· nnrl 1"11111 ily spl•fll I !Jp Wl!el\ cnr] WI til iHJI' pnrr•nts, Mr. nnd Mrs, Ar·

l\1r. anrl Mrs, \\'esll•y 'l'hornns lhm· Adams of Barryton. of Williamston W<'l'l! Saltll"llny !\lr. ur.•l 1\II·s, A. W. Cox of

Sunday evening. al thP 1\IYF sc I'Vir:e I hP group made mnlst r•r·s rm· the UN!CI~J·' projPI'I and lai<•J· the Jllrn, Orw nod, was Hili>Wn to !IH• group,

visitors of Mrs, ll"eJJP Bmm:ln,. !'inn Aufonlo, 'l't•xus, 1\IJ•H, n . Mrs. ll'llHI BPtllllllll nJ" Lansing A. l'ooiP,V of' l•'lm•t•svlllt•

1 'l'llX·

was a Surrrl.1v vl::itoJ' of hPr mnlh· us, unll ~llss Ann!<• c:ox of

SPIRIT OF HALLOWEEN-Acem·ding to :tn old ful>le, j:~ck­o'-lnnkrns Ul"<' to ~cure uwuy the dn•:>rlful ~pook:; and goblin·; tradilionully abroad on tlw E1•e of All Hallows. A ~~nsible ~irl, 1\litclwle Ann Correll of Atr>.lin, Tex., lal<e:: enmfurl in tl11• <·on>· pnn1onship of her· filll' jack-o'-lan!cm, confldclll lht• i.Jrighll.· r~ fac~ will worl; its nmgic thi:; llallowccn.

Pr, Mrs. !{osit AndPrson, Mr. :nul <'m·pus C:rlsti, sjumt lust. Mrs. Don Anrlt•t·son of Ann Ar- \1'1'1'1( with ~II', 111111 1\lt•s, ,Jrll' hm· visllt•d Mt·s, Anrlr•rson llutl'i>l~oll uml Coy Jluh•hi-WPdi!Qsdny, snn.

Mr. lind 1\Jrs, llcrl I\Pnl and 1\Jbs ConniP Wns(Jblll'll of Fnw-family of l raslt!t I \\'Pre Sunrl.ty IPI'\'i!IP and i\!rs. Hnsn Wash bum visitnrs of i\lr. and Mrs. l\Iy1on uf ~Jnson lwd Srrndny dinner· with

DcmsvaUe C~oir Joins uru ~vce~ni·

!{l'fonnation Sunday will Jw•rwrl O!'ln!Jel' 27 at SL•xton lrigll sd1ool auditorium in Lan­sing. 'l'hl' eiH>ir from tlw Dans­ville Mct!Jodi•;f f'iltlrl'h will sing in a massed f'iwir· of many P1 o­test;mt ehun·l1es of thl' area at 1] o'elnr:k in tlw afternoon.

Dr. Ilenry P. Van Dlllien of !In­ion Tlwologir·al Sr~minary of NNV Ynrl\ will ill! ilrl' SJH•alwr for llw OC("HSion.

Cnr'l\'in. 1\lr. nnd ,\Irs. (.'foyd Mltdwll. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert JlayiHH• Mr. :rnd Mrs. S. II. Taft of Mr. and 1\olr;;, 'c:ten Shurlnnrl

ami family of I!:rslett visit<•d tiH• Lansing and 1\Jr·. 11111 1 i\Jrs, \Va\'IH' anrl Mr. lllHI !\Irs. Melvin Bntti~c Dalton and f;>rnilv of \VPhlwrvii!P

fomwr'.'l JHm•nts, Mr. r>rHI :\Irs. vlsitt•d Mr. anrl i\rrs .. J. Jl. Dalton visili•d Mr. and lllrs. Wuyne 1'ny-Lioyd IIayhoP, Sr., Sunrl;1y. !11!" Sat1rrrla~· P\'r>ning.

Sundny. lllr. and ~Jr s. CiPorge Coolt of M1·. :111r! Mrs. Acthcn Wilt r~n- . 1\IJ·. :1nr; ~~~~- F. <:. AndPrson, L:tnsint~ \\'1'1"1' Sunday visitors of

Lt•rt,rincrl Sunrlay evf'ning at S!··· arHI llmslllll' Wl'l"l' Sunday, his p:Jrr•nts, ll1r. and Mrs. Glen lundwnn Paul Coffman of ))p. clllllll'l" "IIC'"'"' 11f 1111· "IIlii 1\•Jr·c· 1

, ·' ' , • ' • o. Cool;. I roil, l'lmr·les I!ouseJ· of Okemos,, Dean .":ndPrsDn of btsl Lansrng Mrs, !lrliltn· !Ierlglcn of Pleas· Mr. and Mrs, Hl'x 'J'ownscnd :>rHI anrl v1s1tr.'d Mr .. ;;n~l Mrs. Al'l~mn :\Ill Iaiii• ami L:rwton Herlglcn of ~;nns and Mrs. Laura Bachman. Ar•J(Jpy ol Lansn1!~ 111 thP~.r!\"l'lllng. 1\Jason hnd SIIIHiay dinner with

Mr. and Mrs. Gr•orge :\!erin· IYJ~·· illld Mr> Ll'rald_ r~1nnr> a_nd i\Jr. and 1\lrs. !'nul JlerlgiPn. dorf and son of Eden wr•re Sun- fnmily __ had Sunday rlmnrr 1\'Jih Mr. itrul Mrs. Jir!nry Sherman day dinner guests of her parents, Mrs. hmnc's fallw1·, Peter Kern- nnd family of East Lansing cnllerl Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Williams, lr:r. n_l .Tar:l<snn. 011 1\lr. and Mrs. Alfred Shermnn

1\lr. ami r.J rs. Paul Gn uss nf I\ ell h St PtiPr of J\.Jnson spent Surrrlny Stockhridgc, Mr. anrl l\fr,;. Cnrl the \l'rl'k l'lld will! his gJ:IlHiprn·- ' '' Gauss and :VIr. 11nrl 1\!rs. lturlerir·l\ 1'111:-:, Mr. 11nd Mrs. l~rnrst Stelll'r. (i\lnn• lhmwillt> nn PIIKI' C-5)

Mr. 1111d Mrs. Earl Dickerson of 1 Clark of M<>snn visited Snt unla.v Van town lrad Mo11d~1y dillrwr with I'Vening 11t the lwnw of Mr. ancl ------·-----------------------------------Mr·. and JV!r:-;. W<>yne Taylor. 1Mrs. Doh Hc~ss, Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., October 25, 1957 C-4

--------------~----------------~--------------~ •


Newest editions of the uBig Wheel" in trucks with

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a revolutionary new ya engine, new

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Chevrolet dealer's righ(nowl


New Light-Duty 1\li)i8l,i[J~UJS Offering high-capacity pickups and panels, •plus Chevrolet's latest, three new Step-Van Forw.ard Control models with 8', 10' and 12' bodies! Famous fuel· saving 6's with increased horsepower are standard in the new Apache Series.

New Medium-Duty Vikings Nine· new models are introduced in the Viking Series-all featuring a new C!lb-to·

rear-axle dimension for better load dis· tribution in specialized uses. Compact, short-stroke V8's are standard in all mid· dleweight L.C.F. models.

New Heavy-Duty SpaJt'tans The big news in Series 90 and 100 is Chevrolet's rugged new 348-cu.-in. Work· master V8. It packs a high-performance 230 h.p.! And its radical new Wedge-Head design assures peak efficiency even with regular grade gasoline.

See them at your d~aler's now! ·: · .. , ... ·;

Onl~ fraucltiscfl ChcVI:olet jeaicrs ~. display tld.~ famou~ trademark i i I ' ,

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-;:.:.See. You1·. Local Au_tlior;.zed 'Chevrolet


Munith Farm Bureau Mee'ts Increase I i1nt rilllnlil!l' In 1!l~H; 1 he now r!rlllnty oll'ler! will soon lw

Mrrnitil J•'nrm Burmru Gmll(l nporwd for rweupanL·y 111 !i!i!ill lnl!l. last 'l'hllrsclny evening nl tho Lnnsing aVI!nJuq Mrs. Hutl1 Day •honw of Mr·. and MI'H, Wr!s)oy trarl IJ<!<!Il m-nlrwlerl rllnwtor ill MnP<'IWI wit It 211 1111!111\JCI's Pl'<!H· I urge ;rnrl llurrrlcl linn·, riiJ'l'ci Ill', f'nl. from the ll!ll'llll'asl sr!ellon ol' tlw

'l'lir! lnl!f!tlnr-: was railed to or· c•ounty, rlor• hy the new clwlrmnn, l'mrl Other rlirr.ctors of. tire c·mrnly Ford, who Hllf.:J.iesterl thnt tile nre George Crlssr!nllnny, north· meellnr.:s In I he fulum he llpcrwd wost; Put man DmT, ~outlwasl; )ll'OIIl)llly al H:IO. 'l'IH! Sl!CI'I!Iary· ;mrf Ceell Hainey, srlllihwest; ltoy ll'i!aSIII'l!r', Mrs. J<'mTeHt Millur·, Hall and Menrle Allen am tile renrl lH'l' l'l!fJOI'tH. lllher rllreetors nt lnrgc!, 11 wus

'!'Ire group Vlllr>rl to neeepf nn also l'f'j)()f'il'rl that the r•ounly or­invilnlion from tlw North Muriel· r,:aniznllon hils !jl:i,!J71.:li h:rlanel! ian grllUJl to meet with them 111 on hand, unrl thai ,Jncl(son r:ounty Humlr•ttn sdrool on Novemlif'l' 7, r·;1ni(s ,:oeond in the Hlil!l! in srde for n <'OilJH'rnllv<• rlln1wr ilnrlluter of pt!troleum prwluels. Among see pictures on A Safari In the 1~ rlelegHtes ami 12 alternntes Afl'ica. Mrfi. llnrtman gave a re· dwsen to uttencl the slnle Varm poJ'I on the Oetohcl' Women's nuroau meet.lng In Enst Lnnslng eommltlr•e nwetings to tulw plnee Jn Novemher from .Jad(son t•oun· and slirlecl IIIal slw had lwen up- t~·. Harold H:rrr was eieeli!rl dcle­)lolnl<•d lr• hend tho eltlzenshlp r,:ate ami Gemld Dixon, alternate, eommlltee ot' till! munty women's troth from Munith group. gmup. Marlle Drew, the new rPginnill

A rPport was r,:Jven on the an- field man was the spmrker· of the nual Farm Burrau mc(•ling Octo· day, and r,:nve n tnll\ on l''nrm her· Hi :11 lhr• FPrlerated ehureh In lJrrroau ;~r•tlvilir!s anrl proJr•r:IH. c:r:r~:s Lalw, whlr·h •I from every After tlw rllseussion on Should J.:mup aiiPruh'rl. It wa:; n•porlerl Miehlr,:an Clmnge Law~; alunrl tlral .Jad1son eounly has 12:JH Dur,:s, colored sllrf[•s were fhown mr•mla•1·s I iris yenr and plnns to !Jy Weslr~y nnrl .lim Moeci(('i taken

Wm·lwrs Aw Nunwd · - .. - 1 nl tIll! Hos<! Howl ganw in Pa:Ht· denn, nnd ollwr·s lalwn ·in North­

Vem Moe<'iwl and I larold IlarT <'I'll Midriv:ur, afl<'r whi<•lr a m­lt:l~l' ar'f'l')lir•il lllf' CO·dllcil'lnllll· 0 ll'l'llllVC i;IIWfll'llll \ViiS Hl'rVf'd 11,\' sl11p of lh<' Munith arPa tord1 11

1 1 "il'S.

I . '1'1 . 1 I 1' 't· w H>., .. s. r l'IVf'. lf'll' .volin t'f'l' so lr:! ors 'l'lw NoVI'mhr•r· llH'<!Iiiii: will he• arr• (;r!l'illil DIX<IIl, Jcoril Mrllc.l',, in eonjliiH~Iirur wilh ttu• Nor·tlr J.Joyil lltll'l', Lou l•'t'PYI~Uih, Wrl· Mrrirlii;n group 'l'hur·s!lay, No­hill' llt•r•m:r11, ltoh••rl 'lllus •• Nor- V<!llllll'l' 7, at 7::JtJ :

1t lif'lll'ir•lta

mau. Molll•nl(l)pt, Alia, Strrwe, sr:luiCJI lll!lll' l'leasant lakr•. Hess II' M II dwil, Alma 1• ord illlrl MilrlrPd LantiH.

1\h·s. Soutlrwld> Jli1•s · Mrs .• liillf'l Soulhwiek of Pleas­

ant lr<i(<~ rlir•d last Thtrrsday. Sur­vil•in~: ar·<' JIIC' lnlshand, Hlehard; '' cllilrlre11 at lwmr•; IH•r· mot lwr, Mrs. Loren Burmis of Munith; si~'l<•nr, Mrs. 'l'lwmas Hid1cy and Mr.~ .. Jost•ph Young; and a broth· 1!1', Harlr•y ltnndolph of .Jar:l1son, all fnl'llH'r' Murdth rr•sidr'llts.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hannewald wer·r• <·allers al -the honw of Mr·. ami Mr:;. Hamid ilan· Saturday evetlin[~.

Mr·. and Mr·:;, Harold Hnrr harl ns Wrl'i< end gw~sts Mr. and Mrs. 'l'henur 1 fa !'I' of Detroit and To· lerlo. Sunduy aftr!I'IIOfln Mr·. anrl Mrs. Ed MPar~ of Lansing were callers.

Walf'rloo Nel'dleworlc eluh will nll'd 'rluH·srluy, O•·tohl'l' :JJ, for IL C'IHIJWI'll1iVI' dinneJ' at tire homn nl' 1\lr·s. Nm·mn11

WSCS Sponsors Unicef Party llnir•f'[ will lu• IIH• projr~<·t of

tire WSC:S fm· 1 lallr~wr•<•n. Chil­drf.'ll of Munitlr will IJ<! C'olil'<'tilll.: Oel obcr· :n :11 7 p. m.

Tlwr<• will IH' a party for· 1111! r:hildrr>n wlliJ p:rrtil'ipalf' aflr•r 1111• mll!!elillll is turrH•il in a I I iH' dllll'eh.

All <'ill'l·l•s may lw mad" rm~·ahln lo IJnil'l'l'. llnir'l'i', tJrriiPd Nat inns Chi I·

tlren's l·'unrl is llH! wor·trl'~: larg<'!it lntf'rn:rlional l'i'i'nrl lo improvl' tlw healtlt and ll'f'lf:ll't' of dril-l rlren and rnoiiH•rs.

With $1 UniePf •·nn prrrvirlt• vacr'ine to JH'Oif'r•t IIIII d1ilrlr·pn ugainsl lulwrculnsis; provirl1• !iliS large glasses of milk in which 811 chiirln•n gl'l a "lass a d:1y for il WC'C)t.

i'Holli•ni(()(IJ', Mr·s. Anno Bart ig spent n wcrl\ Tommy Wilcox, .oon of Mr·. anrl with his r.laut~litr•r, Mr·s. Louise

Mrs. Donald Wilcox of Mason, Robinson of .Jacl1son. l1as spent the past 2 weeks at the Sunday guests at the Carrie home of his uncle and aunt and HoJTman.homo wore Mr·. and Mr~. family, the Donnlrl Wilds. He re· .Jacl1 Shelby, Mr·. and Mrs. Holan1l turnP<I hom<' Sunday. Shelby and children, Mr·. and

Art Wild was retmned to Foote Mrs. Vern F'rr.ymuth, Mrs. Carl hospital Sunday. Hoffman and Hinl Ashmore. 1

Mrs. Lloyd Pr·ieo, Sr., fell and Mr. and Mr~. Lloyd Han spenl broke her arm one day last weel1. t11e woek end in Curo and on

:tyrunilh Berean Sunday school their way home Sunday r•vPIIillf'. C'lm·s met at the home of Mr·. and stopped at. Howell MPiiwdi.~l Mrs. Lloyd HalT Friday evening. chureh whe1·e they lw::rrl Misr.


OES Elects Officers· U,y Clam Str·un,.;·p

Annual reports were hcnrrl nt OJO:S No. l:i:i meeting Thursday evPning, anrt election of officers toed( pl:wu.

Mr,;. Lconnrrl Hnusr is. worthy mntmn for ille ·J!J57-58 year. Ar­thur Banlen wns elected wo~thy

Red Feather Workers Named Ilnrnld Hamilton of the Peo­

ples Bank of Lr!slie h:1s nccopted the r~hnirnwnslrip of the Leslie He<l Fralher Fund carn­pnign. Lloyd Dutton, Dutton's plwr·macy, ami Mrs. Richard .Frohrcip, wife of Leslie school conch, will net as co-chnirmen.

Richanl Schmit of Schmit's market has nccepterl the cap­tninPy of the business are:r and an11nurwes Iris assistants, Leon­;u·r.l Hobinsnn of Hobinson's drug, Norman Mitchell of Mitchell's dry goods and Millard Taylor of 'l'ny­lor'l; servir·e. Superintendent Clm·. cncr. VanrlerLimlen will solicit higl1 school teachers nnd person­nel, anrl Prindpal J. Douglas Alexander will Helcct elementary Wor);er·s,

Announcement of the goal and or tho village and township teams will bo fortlwoming. A sales meeting will bo conducterl Wednesday, October 30, at which all personnel will be asl;ed to be present. Pledge cards and work­ers' kits will be given out at this time.

Leslie Co·op open Iw'use was reported. a success by its man­ager, Arthur Romig. Personnel explained new equipment and operation of the plant to 1<10 vis· itors. Pride . in Its growth from $10,000 to $100,000 stoc(( since 1948 was expressed. Prizes were given nnd refreshments served.

Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Jewett won an all·ext>ense trip to Los An· geles, California, for farm equip· mont sales this past sonscm.

Oub Scout 1111ck No. 269 will meet at 7 :30 11.. m. Frl· day, October 25, at t.lte elr.· mentary school.

. For those wishing to write to Pfc. Junior James. Ward, son of

. Mr. andi Mrs. William. H. Ward, hill dddress Is RA 16-519·516, Cam·

A, 13th:-; EJlghicerlrig, San · . Francisco, . :

patron. Other officers clectoll were: Associate matron, Mt•s., Rouse's sister, Mrs. Hrrhei'I Dick­inson; nssnciatc patron, Hcrilnrl Dickinson; sr.rr·ctm·y, Mrs. Mil­lard Tay~o:·; lrrnsw·er, Mrs. Spencer L~elw; conductress, Mrs. Donald Cooley; nnll nssoeiate con­ductress. Mrs. Glen llLrrfor·.:l.

Mrs. Rouse will announce her nppointive officers Inter. A public instnllntion of officers will lle conrluct.erl in I he MasoniC' tf•mplc Monday, Octo her 28, o I 8 p. m.

Patricia Covert Wins at Show

Patricia Covert has another win in laltlng n second in tho inter­national show in Chicago with her 2-year-old HniHtcin cow, Twin Maple Mont Ormsby.

She won in 11 group from t hr entire United States where ·1s others in I he dass Wl'rl' shown. Patricia was seleeted Jrom the state '1-H show at East Lansing in August. She also tool' a fourth on hei· junior ycnrling heifPr, '!'win Maples Lucky Segislnss, in a competil ion of 2G animals.

Patricia, 14, Is in her· fifth year of 4·H and has many rihhons for winnings on nil lovols. She is a freshman at Leslie high school. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Covert, and her hrother, Mahlon, accompanied her to Chicago.

:Among Bunker Hill extension clnb members · attending the Christmas Carnival in Mason were Mrs. Clarence Longstaff, Mrs. Ward Vicary, .T!'., Mrs. Grace Galbraith, Mrs. Francis Hami·lton, Mrs. Howard Dei­SI~enger, Mt•s. Phil Stiles, Mi·s. Leslie Wlll<inson, Mrs·. John m·, Mrs.. Brunch Vicar~·. Mrs. George Perry ancl Mrs. Emmri Bristow,

SlltJu·•h~y.' Octolnw 211. nt s· I'· m. In 'r.n,mt·tmm~ ·Nchool, the fh•st meeting of tht! · s~ll·. son of. I.nbm'te1nix Com· · munity chJb . will be con· ducted. All dtlldren mny af•· tend ln· Uullowee11 costumes, llllllowemt. gumCll. will be played .li,mlrc.treslunellts ~viii be serv1.1d • . . _.

Myr•llo Hmlth, II nriHHioTIIII'Y fl'llln Dans·v··lle Jlilll( dhllllll' gumriH of MI'H. Hll· uf 1111! TIIIC!J'·CIIy l'ulllldl of Gill'· haJ•I, Mr·s. llnllllrl, Mn;·, Brnrnnn den r!luhs nt Aurclllls town linll Chinn.

Mr. nnrl Mr'fi. Will Ardwnlll'flllll rrnrl MrH, Almrrnrl viHitorl Mr. anrl Tuesrlny, l11rvu rr!lurrwrl lwnw from 11 Vll· (<Jontlnuell l'rom l'lllfO (J-4) Mrs. l~tlwl Blnlwly 1111rl Mr·s. Net· Mr. nnd Mr~. Konneth Hlr!hnm· r~atlon IIH'fllll(li the sollllrorn Mr·, unci Mm, Lelnnd Perrine, lie Cllnn or Lan~lng Sumlny, Hllll rlnughtor or NIIPs nnd Gor· statm;. .Jr., and dnu;:hter won! Srnulny 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnylen Ollvr.r nnrl don llleimur or Camrlrm, New ,Tr!r'-

Mr. iliHI Mrs. llnrolrl I lrliT, Mrs. rllnnm· grwsts or hm· ,Pilrcnts, Mr. danghlr.r· of Clmtor Linn SJWnl ::;ey, spent Mondny 111111 'l'ur.sdny Clwrlle S;djv, Mrs. Slwrmnn•llart- rrr1rl ur·s. Dnr1 S,'tnrkey of Woh- Mrmrlny with Mr. and Mrs .. James witlr Mr. and Mrs .. James Hlrlg-

J '" Cnlml;rilwr·. man and Mrs. LPla Iloyt 111 1rmd1!rl hl•r·villn. ; 1 way.

Drool<s IIIHI snn of MnHnn 111111 Miss Br.verly Hnneslelt of \'VI!h· hervlllr., Mr. nnrl Mrs. Mllw Cos· fli'IIY nncl fnmlly ot Stnd;hr·idgo wem evonlng grwsts at. I ho Hrool1s hnme.

'I'he rrverage weight of Uw hu· man hmln I~ ·.18 ounecs,

IJunHtll <'yo.•; l'l'il<'il llw poui1 or thnlr I!J'fm:ilvPnr•ss nt nhoql 10 YI'HI'H of 111:e; lu•nrlng 111 nhollt 20 yr•nrs, physil•ul stl'lmgllr 111111 en­drirllnf'n nl ahrnrl iHI. Monlnl nlillily and r:rr!llllvn jHIW<!rs rio not r•r•nclr ihl!h' Zl!lllth Jill tlll or 711, In mosl easr!s.

llw annrral county 1-'nrm llrrrmru Mr'H. Ona Almonrl of Mason 1\lr·s, \'nln. LIIIIJl'hlln J'C!· Mr. anrl MrH. Cllnrh!H Smith of rnr!r•ting at tllf• i•'l!rlrmllnrl dllll'r:h srient last wook with Mrs. 7.oa f.rn•Jwrl hmno Sntur<luy ufter· Mason ontertnlnod Mr·. nnd Mrs. Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., October 25, 1957 C-5 in Grass Lalw Werllwsrlny. Ho!Jill'l, Mr. nnrl Mrs, ,J, B. Drtl· · speJuliuA' :1 weel1s with. hm· Don Leonnrd, l'vjr. and Mr•s, Hnh- .-------------------------,

1\lrs. J."sf 1~r Smllh of Bus" ton, Mrs. Iluh Bramon nnd MrH. duughter·, 1\li'S, HniPn \VIII'• crt ltne ami Ml'. anrl Mr·s·. Lnw· J,i 111, 1-111111 111ed J•'J•Iduy uight Mlna Otis woro nll 'l'hursrluy eve- lll!ld nt' llil\'lrlnn1l l'nr·l•. Slu• ronco nnlwr Snltlrdny evening. uf. Olit-nws. FuJw1·al til\I'VI('t'.~ ··-··-·-···--····---·····---·- ·· ulso visll.4 ~ 1 1 hm·.', 1\·Ir·. rrrtrl l\1r·s. Thurlo'v Beuch

aiel Kntz of Ann Arbor were Run· (' J) 11 I' • 'l'l lr • Wi!r'" uf. Ca~I"'Y t'u.u•rnl hnnw 1 •~' 111'iil! 111'1 ~' 11 :-it. 111111' nnrl mm of Lansing spent Monrlny in Stod•hl'lilli·n Weillll'srluy clay guests of Mrs. Hnzc Kntr. us, Oulni·In, Cnunrln. ll'illl )'·Irs. Jnmo Braman. Mr·. unrl

Grief can liiko caro of itself, but to gel· the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it wilh,

unrl ,family. I ' Twain nl'teJ'IHIIIIl. Mr. anrl Mrs. Harolrl Hnrr, Mr.l. Mr·s. H. 'f'. Fuller :md so11' anrl Mrs .• Jtul Swr•t!l of Lansing wen! JlPv. anrl Mrs. Frank Hnrtlr•y .Jlt>r·llerl Ht>urly, Mrs. CIIJ~'orrl Mus- Mi~:s ,Ju Lynn Merrill of MI. J\1or· Frlduy vlsltm·s of Mrs. l:li'amun ..

were! lunelu!on giwi;ts rif J\11·. anrl IJal'!r, Mrs. EIIJI.'lyn Slllsler and ris spr•nl ~lorirlay wltlr· Mr.· anrl Mr. and· Mrs. Ar'tluu· Brooks SAl, AYOUBEE

Mrs. Ji'n!rl Ford Satrmlay. Mrs. Frank Drew attended the MrF . .r. B. Dallrrn. entPrlainell fill' rlinnei' Sunday Sun Lifo Assurance Co, of Canada I I 3 W. Michigan, lon<lng MI'H. Gary Duldwr· and fumily soli conservation district tom· In Mrs. A. 0. Grei!IHHigh and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Bmol\s and

Phono IV•nhoo 9-9031 of ,Jaclmrn and Dr. 11nrl J\·lrs. Don-,.Ta<'lwnn ernmty 'l'lllll'sduy, C. A. Dlclll attended n mer!ling family and Mr. and Mrs. Hobert




FD·yer Parts LB. 59c LENI, BONELESS

Stew Beef LB. ~9c


CauliUio~"tfar HEAD 19c FlORIDA, SIZE 216.


Mm~hrooms PT. 29c

• nn1versar



S~iced iR~Iogna



LB. 7•9c

33c B·OZ. PKG,


Cahbage 2 HEADS 29c U.S. NO. t

D~aho Potatoes 70 LB. 69c BAG SALTED, BlANCHED tiAlVES

l·LB. 3'9c BAG Excel Peanuts



CAP'N JOHN'S, iT,.\i~I>AnD

1-LB. PKG.

Solid Pack Oysters FROZEN (5-LB. BOX $1.59)

Haddock fillets

gc PT.




U. S. NO. 1,



Jonolhon APPLES 4 CEll~B.BAG 3 . c

U.S. NO. 1

Delicious Apples


:::e Cuke Mixes 4 2p~~:.· 98c Spaghetti & MEAT BALLS 4 151h·OZ. 9·· . BC


Preserve Sale A&P Green Asparagus

')~.~~· 2 J~R 49c 4 '~1~~z·49c





Caramel Pecan . Rolls JANE PARKER, SLICED

Hot Dog Buns

2 11,1.-LB, 3711 LOAVES U








Glozed Donuts .Doz.




Harvest · Mht ... ALWAYS POPULAR

Wor·lhmore Candy Corn

Fluffo Shortening 3'

Spry . Shorten~ng 3

J.LB. 29c PKG.

1-LB •. 29. c· PKG. ·

·. LB. CAN


99c 99c


Beefarolii 4 ~~~~~z. 98c Dail~ Dog Food CHEF BOY AR(;IEE, tiEAT AND SERVE


Apple Buner HaUer Pretzels 8-0Z. 29c PKG. NEW. PACK

l«.1na Tomatoe!i 2 16·0Z. 31c CANS NEW PACK

lona Early June Peas 3 I6·0Z, 35c CANS ANN PAGE-REG. 33c

Strawberry Pr~serves 12-0Z. 29c GLASS MARVEL, PERMANENT .

ll!!ta=Freeze GAL. $1.98 SELF POUSHING-9~c VALUE

A·Penn Floor Wax Y2 GAL. 89c SULTANA ,

Fruit Cocktail 2 16-0Z. 49c CANS A&P

Grapefruit Juice 46·0Z. 27c CAN


Ann Page Sea Shell Macaroni· 1·LB, 20c PKG.

·Cashmere .Bouquet 2 REG. 2lc CAKES

Vel GRANULATED 33c: llc · DETERGENT LGE, GT, .. ·,





Sunnrfield Family Flour Eigh·t o'Clock Coffee A&P Instant Coffee 2-oz. NEW PACK

Ann Page Ketchup

12 ~~~;· 97c




~-!~ 73c 41c 6-oz. $1~05

2 14-oz. 39c BOTS.




Ched·o·Bil Cheese A&P, SLICED

Swiss Cheese


2 LB. LOAF 79c s.oz. 41c PKG •.

Woman's · Day JOe. · On Sale Thursday,.· October 24th .

~ •



}I._ ____ _..,.,.IPI!I _____________ II!!!!!J!Nil!lmPII!mM'l!!i!!9tlf!IW!Illlll!l'iii!MIM~~ .. ---------IIIIBI!IIIIIIIIl!MIIum~mrmll!IM'IILDI!I!IIR!'IUIIII!IIIM lngl111m Count v News, Mason, Mith" October 25, 1957 C-G ----

Go To Church unday lhi~ Message b drought to You

as a Public Service by the Following Firms and Individuals IN / HARMONY

This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the

following Firms and Individuals

George's Food Market Mason

Estedeadley Funeral ~lome Holt • Lansing

Spartan Asphalt P11ving Co Holt

Wolverine Engineering Co. Mason

The Farmers Dank Mason

Robart Nursing Home Mason

A. A. ~luwlett & ComJJan\ Mason

Mi lchell' s DeJJl. Store Leslie

Dart National Bank Mason

Kessler Construction, lm, Buildor of Nationt~l Homes


Clements Flower Shop Holt

~IIISflll llilfllisl, nrv. Clnrf'I1CC Hodel, p;rslor. Mnming wnrship, 10 a. 111., spcd11l musie by the l'hnir; Sunclny sdwnl under the supcrinlenrlcnt. Paul Ilieharrls, 11; Baptist Youth Fellowsllip, li:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30.

Fil·st Chlll'!'.h nf Chl'isl., Sclell· list, Mason, corner of Oak and llarr1cs streets, Sunday services 11 a. 111.; Snml11y school during t11e SI!I'Vit·c fnr pupils up to the ng-r nf 20. Wednesday evening mer•l ings at 8 irwlrrde testimonies of Christian Sl'iencc healing. A puhllr! reading room is opf'rl at the ciHrr·cl! Werlncoclay and Sat· urtlay fnnn 2-•l p. 111. The subject of the ]P~son·sermnn Snnr.l:1 y, Oelnhl'r 27, will be Probation arte1· Death.

Ol>t'llllls Commuult~·. n .. v. nav­ili S. J~vans, pastor. Won;hip, 10 a. 111., 11\ahy nun;ery providcdl l'lilll'l'll sehoul, 1.1:10; Youth Fe!· Jowship, 7 p. m.

F I t e h hIll'!!: ntelhudisf, Rev. James A. Craig, minister. Clan'ch sr·rvir!c, !J:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30.

ltowlt•y W1•sl.-ynn 1\lnthocllst, HPv. Lnnis W. Ames, pastor. Cl111rch sl'lwol, 10 a. m., Kenneth Dent ley, superintcnrlcn I; worship sr•rviecs, ·11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; WYPS, 7::~0; prayer service, Thursday, 8 p. m.

1\l;tson 1\lt~lhodist, Ilcv. Ray. moml No1·ton, pastor. Morning worship, 10, sermon, Your Four Dir: Quest ions, supervised nurs· cry; Sunrlay school for all ages, 11 :15; Junior Hir:h .1\o!YF, 5; Sen­lor Hir:h MYF will go to .Tacltson First Methodist. ehurch for the district youth rally; Wednesday,· 7, chapel PI'ayer gmup; Thurs· rlay, 7, junior high choir; 8, son· in!' choir; 7:30, Lansing leader· Hl1ip school at Grace Lutheran .cllllrch; Friday, 2:30, wee it of prayer and self denial program at the church; 7:3'.l, senior high youth party, ·

1\luson I'reshytm·iun, Paul L. .Amold, minister .. Sunday, .10 a. m!, worship service, sermon, The Open Heart.; Monday, 8 p. m, Young Women's Guild; Wedncs· rlay, 7:30 p, m., senior choir; Thursday, 6:45 fl. · m., junior choir; Sunday, 6 p. m., Junior anrl Senior Wcstminstet· Fellow· ship; Sunday, November 3, Pres· bytery senior high rally in Ma· son.

Childs Bible, Rev. Arthur War· field, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.

· m.; morning worship service, 11; Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m.: Sunday evening worship, 7:30i prayer ineeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p, m. ,

. Reorganized· .. Church· ot Jesus Ch••lst of .lAtter Dll{ Saints, 410 . s. Puhnan street, Williamston,

. Robert Smt'th, < pas'tor. Sunday· . . ·:school, 10 a. m.; wor~hlp ·~rvirP., ... · .'·'11. The pastor will. give the:ser­. . , . mon. cn\ltled .,Srim·ch the Scrtp·;

. . ~l!rC~, · .' ' . : . . . . '

Dart Manufacturing Co. Mason

Comumers Power Co. Masc.n

Che:;ley' ~ Re11all Drug Mason

The Peoples Bank of Leslie

fild1bury General Store "Chuck" and "llarb" Wobb

Lindy's Drive-In Mason Heights

Brown's llardware Siockbridge

Mason Manor Motel und Restaurant M.1son Hoighls

Mason Dairy Mason

Collius Electric Stockbridge

Midway Drive-In Cleaner~ Across From Hartloy's Supor Market


Jlunlu•J• llill Nn:r.lii'CIIe, Hev.

The house lights dimmed, the director raised his baton, and the music of Brahms flooded the auditorium. Sud­denly I was lifted into a world of sheer beauty and har­mony. When the last notes of the symphony died away


Carl lltrmt•s, minl:ilt•l', Sunday ~dwuJ, 10::1fJ; lllOI'IIfllg IVOI'Ship ta•rvir•r•, 11 ::!0 n. m.; Young f'eo· piP's ~··r·vkt!, 7::m p. m.; evf'ning evangelistic service, 8 p. m.

Cnllllllllllity 1\11-t.ltndisl. ChUI'Ph uf 111111S\'ilil' 1111(1 Vanlnwn, nev. Harnlrl Mrlllrlnl. pastnr·. llnll.~vlll", HI n. m., churr:h ~ehool, U. E. 1\-IHIIIIillg, SIIJll'l'inll'lltlent; ll :15 H. 111., worslilp sl'rviec with u mess;rge IJy I hf' paHI or: Vn11towu, 10 tl. 111., worslilp servir.•e; 1'1 ;,, m., drurch school, Mrs. C;rrroll Glynn, superiniPIIrltml. October ~-i is Worlrl Service Sunday. Rev. Monliol will us1: The Power of LI>V<' aH his sr•rmon lopie.

·spontaneous applause greeted the director and the m'usi­cians. The Church is the 1 (

the buildin ( h grea est actor on earth lor

~~~~sn a ~lor:ha0us~. ~/~~~~~~lu~~dv~~~~- c~~~~~~~~~ What- a thrill it would be to play in a great orchestra,

I thought. Each instrument must be perfectly in tune, but until they play together there can never be the har­mony or the volume of a symphony.

. g ?urch, ne1ther democracy nor civil' I' colt survtve. There are lour sound re rza Jon every person should attend, . asons why and support tho Church Th semcos regularly 0 '';'.n sakr> .. (2) For his ch!idren~; s~~:. 1M) ~or t~is sa.e ol hw community d . or e sake of tho Church ilsella~hi~~~~~~~d!4~· For I hal and material su I PI' IS mora larly and road ~~~; Bibl~ndto.lgo Ia church regu•,

Jlawn·ill" I•'r1"~ M"l.llmlisl, Rev.

That's the way it is with life. We may strive to find joy and beauty alone. But only when we tune our lives with our Creator do we discover the abundant life.

. 01 y. D,,y B I s 00' Muoncffv.,., •., •• • ~ • • •• Psnlms Tue"!ld :ly · • '' • • • • • • ·~·., .Psnlms

ChaJl!cr 15 30 4 3

Vcr:;cs 1·5 1·12 1·11

Harry Moore, minister. Sunday :;drool, Mrs. Genevieve Freer, su· perintt•rJdr•nt, '10 <r. m.; morning worsllip, II. a. 111.; l•'ree Methodist youlll meeting, G:•l5 p, m.; eve· ning evangelist ie sPrviee, 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday at. 7:30 Jl. 111. Then united with fellow Christians in the Church, with

Jesus Christ the Leader, we discover beauty and har­mony, not only in this life but for all eternity.

Wcdn;{dd" •• • • • •• • .. Matthew Thursdn Y ....... ,: .. John Prid Y · • • • • 1. , 1 ••• , 1 ohn SatuilY ..•••.•••••• , •••• John

rday · "• • • • • • • u •• Ephesians

15 17 4

22·30 1-11 1·13

20·32 Olwmn.~ llattlisl, Howard John· mn, paslrll'. Morning service, 10; Sunday ~cl10ol, 1 'I: 15; evening !li!I'Vir:t~, 7:30.

IIIJ!:hnm Cil'l'llit 1\lt' IIi u 11 is I, Frank Il. Cowid;, minislcr. North· WllNt, morning won;l1ip, fJ a. m.; church school, :10:15 a. Ill. 1\lill· ville, morning worship, 111:15 a. m.; church sclwol, 11:.13 a. m.; M. Y. F., 7:30 p. m.

GI'IUle RnJltlst of Onnmlng-n, next door to town hall, rtev. l\1:11 Hoyt, pastor. Sunday sehool, LO a.m.; moming worship, 1 I ;J •• m.; evangelistic sc•·vicc, 8 p, m.; prayer mccling and Bible class, Wednesday moming 10 to 11.

Uolt Nnznt•ene, Rev. Willi<~m Hurt, pastor. Stmday s·chool, 10 a. m;; morninr: wors·hip, 11 a. m.; N. Y. P. S., 6:45 p. m.; evening evangelistic service at 7::JO p. m. Prayer meeting each Wednes­day at the l!hurch at 7:30 p, m.

Wlllham~ton Gostwl Uall, t\021 Burkley road. Brealdng of Dread, 10 a. m.: Sunday school ·and Bible class, 11:30; Gospel m1d ministry, Sunday,· 8:30 p. m.

. Wllllnmskm N1n:ill'ene, . R~:: "· H. L. Woods, pastor. Church school, 10 a. m.: worship service, 11 a, m.; Young' Peoples service,. 7:30 p. m.; evangelism, 8 p, m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m; .

. Williamston St. 1\Jnt•y's Cnf.h· ollc, Rev; Fr. Francis Martin, pas·

' tor. Confessions and devotions Saturday, 7:30 p;- in. Sunday maNses at 8:00 and 10:00 ·a. m. 1

Fowlerville, . Rev, · Confessions. ',ahd . rln\rntlnn•

.·Frlllay .. 7:00;pi'm,: ~t 8:00 and 10

.. , .......... :;:::·:, .. ·.···

. What lite Chur ches Are Doing Clrm•.,nhurg· Metllotlist, Gmvr.n·

hlll'.f! l'fHHI, Hr~v. Franc~is C. Jo­llannidP.s, pastor. Friday, 2 p. m., WSCS nhHcrvn rwe of I. he week of prayr•r ami seJf.rJenial AI Robbins t'lrurc!h; S;rlill'rlay, 7:~0 p. m., Youth Fellowship Halloween so· cial ;rl Hohhins; Sunday, !):115, worship, mcssnge, The 1'ruc Source of Comfort, the first in a scriPs on II Corinthians; 10:•1S, churr~h ~chrml, Gerald Robinson, superintendent; G p. m., MYI~ leaves for rllstrict rally at Jack· son.

Ascension Evnngclhml Luther· an, :n~:>o llasleli: Hoacl at M·7<J, East. Lansing. 11cv. George W. E. Nidwlsburg, pastor. Sunday school, 9:15; worship service, 10:31).

Williamston napfisf;, Rev. Har­old Heese, pa~l.or. Churhc selwol, JO a. m.; worship service, n a. m. anrl 7:30 p. 111.: Young Peoples· meeting, fi::JO p. m.; prayer serv· ice, Wednesday, 8 fl· m.

W i II i a 111 s I. on 1\lt,mnrial J,u• thm•Jtn, 1022 West Grand River, Hev .. I~. 1~. Koeplin, pastor. Sun­clay sr:hool, 10 a. m.; worship scrvkc, l1 n. m. Nursery during the service for small children.

IJoJI; Presh~·f.<whm, Rev. Vernon 1'. Smith ancl Rev. Ralph Miller, pastors. Morning worship, 10 a. m. nnrl 11:30 a. m.; nursery and church school !luring both serv· kcs; · Young People's meeting, 7:30 p. m. ,

Assembly of Gc,!l, W. B. Kolen· rln, pastor. Services at the Vevay town hall, Mason .. Sunday school, . 10 a. m.: morning wors]1ip, 11 a. m.; evei1ing evangelistic service, 7:30.

St. 1\licluwl's Jcpiseupal 1\Iis· siu11, Rev.· N. F. Kinzie, I'll. D., vicar. Services Sunday at UJ a. m., North glemcntary school, Cuny lane, off Millr•r roarl. Prayer and sermon with Sunday school ancl nursery.

Am•elius Unplisl, Hcv. Verier L. Bass, .paslm·. Chureh scrviee, 10 o:cliJei<; Sunday school, 11; pray­er mer!tlng, Thmsrlay nvening al 7:45; Sunday evening servic:e [rJI'

young and old, 7:45. On the first Stmday of every monlh movies arc shown during the evening service. · ·

i\lason Clmrch uf tru: Na~a''"lil', Hoy Mumau, rmsl.or. Suwlay school, Ill n'dod'; preaching S<'t'V·

icc, ll o't::lod<; N. Y. P. S. :;erv· icP, ri:~I:J o'cloc:k, song nrul praise. Evange!lstie nlP:-:sagcl 7::30. Pray· cr meeting . Wclincsliay even in;.: nt 7.

l•:ch.•ll Unil.e!l llrcllll't!ll, Rev. JI"rb:~rl. CllPrry, p;rslor·. Sunrlny St:fiCH>J, ']() H. 111.; JniJrJ\illg \VIlr· t.llip, 11 a. m.; Cl1rislian l..:nclt!aV· ni·, 7:·1~; evening ~erviec, 8: IS choir pr<H;Iicc, Tuesday, S p. rn.; Uihle sturly and prayer meeting, Wc:rlllesrlay, al 8 Jl. m.

J,nslie I•'J•ne 1\ldlu)(list, Hrv. Williamsl.nn eommunlt.y 1\lllf.h· I fat'!',\' Curmnin~s, pnslor. Suncla.Y 1· f n J · Ell. rnr P'l"lor l'c•l•llt.ll." ~r .. ,tll!llll'."t, Btlni<<•.r . Ill IS., ,cv. .otm; . ' mg, , , ,, . • , , , " , ,, selmol, 10 a. m.; rnorn 1!1f: wor· Cllllreh Rc:llool, !l:45 a. m.; wor· roar!, RP-v. Fmneis C. Jollannldes, siliJl, :ll a. m.; FiVJY service, 7:.1'} ship service, 11. a. m.; supervised pastor. l~rirlay, 2 p. m., WSCS oh· P· m.; evening servi~e, 8 Jl. m.; mtrsery rluring services; Inter· servanr~e o[ l.hc week of prayer · Werlnesday, prayer service, 8 I' 1 ll" y F 4 p m · Senior ancl s.·cif·rlerliPI ,· s,·rt.tlrclay, 7.·30 p. , .mec lfr.c '· .• •., . ., • " p. m. M. Y. Jo'., 5::JO p. m.; Wednesday, m., Youth Fellowship Halloween

Holf, Un{, Rev. C. JHmrs 7:30, senior choir; Thursday, 3:15 so~iitl; Sunday, !l:45, church Pmm1a, J>asl or. Morniw,• worslliJ'• p, m., chancel choir pmctice. sehool. Lute· Harlcnhurg, super· \Villlamst:on F••n1J l\l10lhnllisf', ' · t 1 t 11 1 · 1 · · ]Q o'cloc:l<·, Sunrla.Y school, 11 :15·, Ill one en·; .. , wors 11p, >Cglfllllng Rev. A. D. Hod<aclay, past nr. · n c · t1 · Tl

Church school, JO a. ·m.; worship youth groups, 6 p. m.; evening Lt•slio llapUst, Rev. RnbcJ·t a scr1cs on orm·1mns, 1e :,;<·rviee, 7:30; Mid·wcck service, Worgul, pastor, Sunday school, True Source of Comfort; 6 p. m.,

service, 11 a. m:; Jo'MY, 7::~0 p. ur 1 1 7 30 I . 10 m, J'vlne w rship 11·1" MYF .]eaves for district rally at m.; worship service, 8:.15 p. m.; v> ec nesc ay, : !>· m.; c Wll' · a. ·• c 1 0 • · " . 1 prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 practice, 'l'hursday, 7:30 p, m. . a. m.; BYfo', G:30 p. m.; evening Jac tson.

m worship, 7:30 p. m.; Jlousnl United UJ·etlll'lm, Rob· P· · StoddJI•itl.tre Un), Rev .. Tames 1waJ•cr sr.rvl~e, Weclncsrlay, 7:~0

Stocl;lll''l<l•re 1\lef.llodist:, llev. E. · Lombarrl, 1mslnr. Morning 11. m., J'Lmior choir pt·actlcc at 4 crt Gibbs, pastor. 10• Sunday " II 10 30 h J 1 1 sr:hool; · 11, morning worship, David W. ·Hills, Morn· wors I Jl, · :· ; c urc 1 se 1or• • p. m. and senior choir practice,

1 r:n,·rlr>n J(cn_IJ~l', Slll>eJ'illtende!ll, 8 30 · High and Mighty; 7, Christian lng worship, 10:30 a. m.; church - " " · · fJ m d 8 · 1 A 11 ::m·, BYI•', 7:15; evening service., · · · En envor; , evcnmg serv ce,

school, 11:10 a. m.; choir.rehcar- 8 . 1 1 . Tl 1 Great Heritage; Wednesday, 8, sal, Frlday,

18 p.m. ·, c; m1c-wce< service, 1urscay, Nol'l.h AuJ•ellus, Rev, John

7 30 1 i t. 8 30 prayer service: Wednesday, 9, : ; c 10 r prac 1ce, : . Pruden, pastor. Sunday school, SS, Cm·•wllus nnd C~'JII'iun 0 1 r: • 1 · choir practice; Sunday, Novem·

Williumst.on W1•st r.01~lm,· \Vcs· 1 : '1 a. m.; rnornmg wars up, hr!r :J, Jc1•ry Gallaway, student at Cuthnlic, Catholic Clmrch rom!, 11 1 r: till l>le~ meet leyntt ~llithodisl;, Rev. Delos Tan· .:. ,) a. m.; yo g pco ·' · I·IL111tingto11 college, will "'lVe the Bunker Hill. Sunday mr-sscs·, 7 · · · 7 · w r J 'p 8 "' ncr, pastor. Church school, 10 a.. .mg. P

1· mi .; evel~mgW 0d s 11

1• morning message. Stoeldll'i!l.".'!1 l'J',vtcrilm, Rev. ahd 9 a.m. · . · · 11 1 p, m.; c 10 r·practtce, e nescay, ,. ,, . . m.; worsl11p serv1cc, . . a. m. am

1 W d

Alexander· Stcnhous·e, ·pastor. st. ,James Cnthollc, 1020 s. s p. m.; .Wesleyan youth service!, 7 p. m.; prayer meet ng, e nes· St. Klttltm•lne's Chapel (Epl!l· Morning worship, 10:30 a. m.; Lansing sil·eet, 'Fr. James Lee, 7:15 . p. m.; Prayer service, day, 8 p. m. Services arc in the copul), Rev. Derwent A .. Suthers, ~hurch Sunday school, 11:40 a. pa&1:or, . 235 . w. ·Elm· street. Wednesday, s' p. m.; missionary Webb school house: vicar.· Meridian road,· half·mlle m.;. choir ·rehearsal, ·wednesday M s · su 1 8•30 1 10·30 ti · c1 Tl ur d , north of US-16. Sunday services:.

a ses. . nc ay, " anc · meo ·ng every sccon · 1 5 aJ • · · Whc~ntflcl<l 1\lcthocli"t, Ali drew 9:15 family morning prayer and ~venin!l'. a. m., Holy Day, 8:30 a. m, and B M 1

hi 10

, 7 30 · d '1 7 15 1 I.Iulslngo Zion J.uthct'llll, Rev. utt, pastor. orn ng wors p, instruction, followed by Sunday Willlnmston Cm!IP.t• lllethmllst, : p.m.; my, : ·a. m.; c cvo· S I I I 10 15 ·1 · lbl 1

- t,lons, .'l'lnirsday, 8 .. p. 111 ., First Jo'. P. Zimincrman, pastor. One · a. m.: unc ay sc 100 , :', ; wme school and adult B e e ass; ·Rev; Lo't1is Elllingei•, pastor. Wor· Ft•iday,: 7:30 p. ·m;; conCessions, block north of Cavanaugh road prayer meetings, 8 p. m. on 11:00 a. m., morning prayer and . ship service, 9:.30 a. m.;. church · 'l'hUl'l\clriv·,. n~ter · services, ,Satur· .:, on South Pennsylvania avenue.· Wednesdays; choir 'practice, · 'sermon, followed by coffee hour,

.. 1-whool; · 10:30 a. m:; ·Youn'g .Peo· :· · · day; ~:ao.g; biiptlsms by .appoint··_ Sunday schcuil, 9:30 a .. m.; church, _·.Thursday, 8 p. m.; Youth Fellow· Wednesday, 7:30 p. ·m~,.· evening .pies nieeting, 7:30 .o .. n'i .. ·• ., ·; · inent; .. · /·: .< .·. ; .,. . .. , . · ·<serylce,lO:~O.a.m. · · . ship, 7, p. m. · prayer. · · ·

. '.

' . ,.

The 'Ingham County News Mason, Michigan TIJUrsday, Odo'bcr 24, 1957 Section D

Edito1·ial Opinions Yester-years Commons Become Uncommon This Spring ewer 160 leading ¢-~'

citizens lrom mosi Michigan communities met nt fllitlligan 1 !;tate Universlfv to r~vJew budget. needs of the 33~1chlqan United fund Agencies. 'crlt 111!111e

From f.IHl fihlH of the Jnglum1 Count.y New11

In New Englund, especially in Boston, flt·st settlers ded­Icated land to the cbmmon good. CommonH were set nside fm· t.he pasturing of cows, as places where people could wall< and where children could play. Settlers sot: aside that land evc:m I honro:h at. that I ime every town was sut·rmmdcd by millions of unclaimed act·c;;, The flrst settlers realized t.hut. people needed elbow room.

That need i:s far gt·eater today. Thct•e is no unclaimed acre lel'l.

In LanHing and in Mmmn and in many subul'imn sec­tion:; I here are few vacant Jots left.

We WOI't'Y about. om· youngsters playing in the sh·eets. They play there because there is no other place for them to meet on common ground. ·

·earev· was much In evidence

Ue has been with M.U.F. since

Onn Yeu1· Agn Hurry Doeshurg of Stoclt·

hridge went to Baltimore to p;1y in person the $3,000 reward of· fcreci for capture of the mur· derer lit Howard and Myra Her· riel<. Nealy Buchanon wns I'!!·

I urned to J aci<son on £1 II fc sen· tencc.

Experts nrc completing a survey of hospital needs, nnrl will present their r·eport next weei<. 1

Kathleen Dart, 12, has n frnc·

We go t.o great lengths to set forth all the conditions on the development of subdivisions. But. we usually over­look the most. impm'l.ant thing of all. People move to the suburbs m· to the country to gain room. If the promoter of the subdivisian is successful the buyers of his lots end up wit.h lit.l.le more room than us though they had remained in t.he city. When all the lots are sold and at·c built upon, youngsters must. meet and play in the streets.

1~54 ... member of lis board smce 1qs6. He serves without PDV,Just as all commi1t~ members. HlsPavli19 jobts assistant lo lile presictettt oF-/he k'elsev-llaygs Corporatlan of Detroit. I-lls job ani1 background make him ideal fCt hi~ volunteer job. ·

• lured anl<ie, caused from n col· iislon between her horse and an automobile. She is the daughter of Mrs. Jeanette Dnrt.

Fewer pheasants arc nva·ii· able fot• hunting. Conservation officials have ruled that there must he no smoking, because of tile ciry fields and woods.

In Mason and in other towns today where there are a few vacant lots the exodus to the countt·y could be stayed by the common put·chasc of' those few vacant lots which do ,.;~main. In all new subdivisions township and county of-

. fieials ought to insist upon dedication of at least one Jot in a block as commons,

·Down by the

10 l' ears Ago-1017 Lt. Jumes c. Whlttnl<er Js

scheduled to spcnlc at several high schools In the county. He was co·pilot with Capt". Eddie RlciH~Ilhaclwr, and will tell of the famous mission In the Pa~ ciflc.

Harlan W. Cr,IJur hns received the medal of 1 he Legion qf Merit, for services In electronics from 1943 to 19qG for the U. S. army.

After 300 years of progt·ess in othet• fields we ought to maintain standards in town development as high as those of om· fm·efathers. There ought to be a commons in cvet•y block of new housing development. And that commons should not be just a "totlot," but should be big enough for the enjoyment of sports and games fm· people of all ages. Insistence upon such a provision would work no hardship upon anyone. Incorporation of such a clause in zoning ot•dinances would make t'csidential property more salable. It would make every neighborhood more livable. And it could be done quickly without any new Jegi~lation needed.

s·YCAMORE Due to prodding from the

stale health department, city councilmen promised a remedial progmm. They agreed to pass a sewe1· onlinru1cc nnd to provide an interceptor sewer, lift and. laterals to connect a new sec· tion of the city to the system.

A Sensible Conclusion Ingham supervisors and directors of Ingham Chest hos­

pital used good judgment in deciding to utilize hospital beds not needed by tube1·culosis patients.

The fight against tubet·culosis is being won. InGidence of the disease bas steadily fallen. Use of antibiotics and sur­gery in treatment has cut months off the old treatment method of bed rest.

Ingham Chest hospital has been used fat· chest cancer and pneumonia cases. Under the new authorization beds not required fm· TB patients can be used for ~ny others.

Ingham chest hospital has ·every necessity and con­venience fat· surgery and medication. Its nursing staff is adequate for almost any type of case. Its surgical staff is ou !:standing.

Supervisors and members of the board of control did a sensible thing in opening the hospital for cases othet• than TB and lung cancer. Twenty-five or 30 beds will thus be­come immediately available and will help relieve the over­crowding in general hospitals.

More··than Sentiment Needed '

People grow sentimental .over trees. "Woodman, spare that tt·ee, in youth it sheltered me;"

"Only God can make a tree;" etc, but it takes more than sentiment to nourish a tree.

Here in Mason many of the trees which sheltered peo­ple fot· 60 and 70 years arc being cut. They should be. They arc diseased, misshapen and have become a hazard. Skciel:ai remains stood in front of the library and in front of the Pt·esbyterian church. Dead and dying trees were and some still arc lining othet· Mason streets.

One man provided most of the trees which shade Ma­son's older streets. . That man, William Rayner, didn't in­tend that the tt·ees would live and flourish fot·cver. He Jmcw replanting would be required.

· When the trees were planted, Mason had about 2 bloclm of pavement. There were few storm sewers or sew­et's of any kind. Trees received nourishment from unpaved slt'ects. Water seeped down through the dirt and the cobblestones carrying nourishment from manure along hitching racks. ·

Now paving has cut trees off from a source of water. Candy and gum wrappers and cigaret packaging which Jitter the streets give no nourishment to trees. Careless hacking of limbs by utility firms in earlier days ruined many trees. Now the trees under utility wires get good care. They are healthier than the trees aci'Oss the street which seldom get any care. It is surprising that Mason's trees have lasted as long as they have.

The old, gnarled and. misshapen tt·ees should be re­moved. They are not sightly and they are a hazard. Re­planting should be done. Young trees should be planted in locations whet·e they will not grow into utility wires. If there's a narrow space between sidewalk and paved stt·eet it should be devoted to grass or flowers. It is an unhealthy location for trees. The sideyat·d or the backyard would oe a far bettet• location.

Where old t1·ees do occupy space whet·e paving and curbing have stopped the supply of water, tiles should be· sunk. Water and fertilizet• fed through the tile will keep trees alive and keep them healthy.

Sentiment ove1~ trees can best be shown by a little care. It will pt·ove of greater nourishment than poetry.

For the Steering Committee As Ingham county grows, so docs county government.

As county government expands, th~ need for office space grows.

The Ingham board of supel'vism·s has a steering com­mittee. It was set up to study building needs. Much of its attentjo~ has been given to Lansing in an attempt to find room there to house county branches. But the committee is also concet·ned with the need for mm·e space in Mason.

Within a year a building within a half-block. of the court house will become available. It is in good condition.

"·Little remodeling would be required to into suites of offices. .

. The building is the present Mason General hospital. It has been built only. 20 years. It was built well and will require no expensive maintenance for years. It could prob­ably be acquired for county use at a figure far below re·

.placement cost. · . . . · On the first . and s~cond •floors offices could be lo­

cated. The third floor could be used for a conference room or for storage. There is ample parking space at the rear and there is room for expansion to the east.

· . The steering'corhmittee and· the Mason General hospital board ought to get together. A deal migh~ p1·ove mutually

1 pt•ofitable. ·.

Feeling the need for inRph·a· tlon, and for association. with other people seeldng remedies for what ailed them, 'r si<ipped out to Chicago early last Friday. I returned late Saturday night with n suitcase anr) every poci<et filled ·with mental Gcritol. I hope some of it tnl<cs.

The annual fall conference of the National Editot'ial associa· tion was at the Conrad Hilton In Chicago. It dr·ew editors and publishers from all sections of the United States.- At 3:30 Frl· day inorning I took off. I boarded the 4:20 Grand Trtinl< train in Lansing and arrived at the Chicago Dearborn stat Ion about 8:15, In time for the NEA breakfast at the hotel. ·

'A 3:30 start on a ·convention trip worlcs out just right. A per· son who· mal\es such an early start budgets his time and i<ecps out of trouble. r. was so sleepy late in ·the afternoon I ·took a nap instead of attending a coci<· tail party, and so weary at . night I went to bed at 8 o'clocl< instead of visiting a night club for dinner and a special ice revue (at $8.50).

What Wll!l lost In night life I marie up by morning life. I had nhmys wanted tu hllce along the Li1ke !Uichi· gan. shore .. I l~ft the hotel nt da\vn, · cut · ucross the mall or Jiarl< OJ' . \vhnt.evm· thcy·cilldt," and· fill' 3. miles foliowe1l the· shore. ·

The~~:s no city w1ti1. a·.· front yard more beautiful -than Chi· cago's. ·Alas, .·the backyard is something else. 'I visited ti\at to.o. · · ·

In Chicago I always drop In at the Marshall Field book· store. There are bool<s on ali subjects. Many of them are rare bool<s. Many have beaut!· ful bindings, In that section of the bookstore were a dozen customc•·s. In the other end were hundreds, plckhig out pa. perbaci< books in bunches. Mar· shall Field has the ·classics, thousands of volumes of ·his· torical works and flctlon, best· sellers and texthool<s, all bound in paper, selling at 35c to 75c.

Really there is not much. point buying a book expensively print· ed and bound if you intend to read it only once. For $5 a customer at Marshali Field's store can buy 10 or 12 classics bound in paper, the same price as one ·book _In the other depart· ment.

Most bool<s are bought to read ·only once, not ·for future · reference. Which is why the Ingham County News does not use a vellum bindln·g .. 'A news· paper Is designed for'lmmediate

· consumption and there Is 'more profit to the reader in buying\ bool<s In that manner than there Is in purchasing a few to deco· rate a shelf.

·chicago and · envh;ons are packed with educational lnstJ. tutlons. Right In the loop Is Roosevelt university, a . store building school dedicated to the New' Deal and mimed afier the No. 1 exponent: . . .

I lui.ppened. ·to . be ori State street when another . school let out for recess .. Juniors and sen· Jors from .the .. Chicago Bar· tenders college ·~arne· .bounding . down the 'sfalrs. The first and . most Important les5oll a bar· · tender must learn, a student. tolq me, ,Is not to. d~ink liquor. Drhlldng.'llquot•; 1! only for the stupl~; ~.~~.tomc~s, · .. {; .

Suntn Clans is uireudy tin· ing- busliwss in I.oot• st'ol'tls., Sevm·ul windows Wlli'C ul· J'eady t: I' i mme 11 In the Ch1·istmas motif.

Three limes on State stt~t in the Loop I was approached by pnnilanrllers for money, which is one of the handicaps a man who looks innocent must learn to overcome. I went back to the hotel room ami ·cut n half·inch off my hat brim so I would look as sophisticated as Chicagoans ahcl then I was let alone.

Conrad ~iilon restaurants !there arc 3, because the hotel has 3,000 rooms) are reasonable and probably the management should not be blamed for food, service and prices in the ban· quet rooms. Much as I relish corn beef and cabbage I con· sidered the . price of , .$4.25 a .little out of line for a Saturday luncheon, and there wasn't even any vinegar for the cabbage.

Where rows of vegetables and corn once stood across northern Indiana and the ft·inge of Ill!· nois bordering Lai<e Michigan are now rows of dw!!llings. Peo· pie have !led from Chicago, tal<· ing their tl·oubles with· them. The houses arc as alil<e and laci<ing in individuality as the tumlps and carrots and the. other vegetables they displaced.

lnshmd nf rl'l urnfng by t.J'IIin I decided In give Capi· tal Ah·llncs nno!hlll' try. It

· wn~ It beJUitlful •·ide,. high


20 \'eJu·s Ag-n-1937 A Michie Vertical automatic

press was installed at the Ing· ham County News over the week end.

A county health plan wns dis· cttssed Tuesday when the chair· man of the county honrd of su· pervisors, La n s I n g mayor, health department head, and state health board officials met.

-------·--r---1111 O\'lll' Chh~ago at night with the lights all aglow.

The night was clear and bright. We could see lights of Chicago long after we were out over the lal<e and it seemed to be only a few minutes before down below we saw the lights of Holland and then Grand Rap· ids. Above us were stars so close· we could almost touch them and dodging around them and us was Sputnll<.· ·

It costs about twice as mu~h to travel short distances by commercial airline as by train. Th'.l Grand Trunl< charged $9.10 to haul. me from Lansing to Chicago. Plane fare was $14.30, with a bus charge o! $1.40 !rom downtown Chicago to Midway airport and $1.25 from the Lan· sing airport to the Grand Trunk station where I had parked my car. The extra plane fare was offset by a club sandwich, a cup of cofTee, pickles and a piece of calw served by a beautiful host· css.






gas automatic incinerators dispose of it all-the . /

easY' low cost way

Garbage, bones, paper, rub: bish-all are quickly and in· expensively reduced to tine ash. Trips Ia the trash .can are ended. Only gas inciner­ators stop BOTH your gar­bage and trash worries. See this wonder appliance now.



I .

~s ·!~~,~~A~~~.:do~~~!·· HOMIS HAYIHO COHIUMIRI

:··~·~~~~:~·~.;f.J. ·?.~~ ... ; I••' • POWIRCOMPANY OASIIlVICI.

.. f'ld D 1102 U '

Visit .Your GAS INCINERATOR DE~LER Soon! Publ11h•d In Coopulltflon Woih Gu1 lnt•rHHilll'' Ooul"'• l\ 11 Co"IIPHtu• l•o .... rr Ca1

llO Ye1uH Atro-1027 Dorothy L o til s e Whitn~y,

daughter of Mr, nnrl MJ•s, II11gh Whitney of Onnndr1gn, won the hnol< reading conle~t apun~oreri by the Slate l~e!iorutlon of Worn· en's Clubs, 'l'lte young ~ixth grnde pupil nt Leslie seiwni went t!) Saglnnw Snltlr!iny to receive the prize of $5 In gold.

'l'hleves hrol<e into t'w homo of J, N. Bnlwr, lumber dealer, and stoic• a new suit of clot he~ nnrl $62.50, 'l'hc Bnl<ers· were away.

C. W. Avery, fot·mer Dan~· ville boy, hns ncccptcrl a tJosl·

lion ns usslstnnl to the pmsl· lh!llt of l\1tll'l'll;Y Body Co.

Mti!l lulw :-;lnll hole in Delhi is lwing flllr!d, A prJWI!I' shnwi nnd fi lru<'its nro plndng nlmut. :mo ynni~ nf mnlorlai In tiw wntot• holo rinliy,

liQ \'1•nrs Ag'CJ-IIJII7

Mr. nnrl Mr•s, Dan Lanlis of Wl1ile Onk aro moving their gr1o!is bnd< to Stocltht•Ill;w aJul nrr. gu1ling rewly to go tr~ Call· fornln fnt' lhn winlel',

C. ,J. llnynnr hn~ Jllll'l~lmsr.d a Jnci<son touring r·ar. Last Wcrlnnsrlny Mr. nnrl Mrs. Hay·

nr.r, Mr. nnrl Mt•s, II. .T, IJnnrl: and M. A. llolnws made u tri[J wllh lito nnw nuln to Arh·hm, J'l'llil'nlng .'inlllrria.v.

On \VI•clnl'srlny SIIPOl'ViSOI'S spl!lll most of lllll rln.v nt a hoar· ing Pll I he> I"! aim nf Mr~. f~rlger·. Jy of Lansing . .'ilw Is nsl<ing $~;;I for 11rl idl's rll•slroyt!rl nnrl iJ1SS of btislnc•ss rltlring n rllvh· tm·la fJIIIIriJIJiiiH', ,

AI II l'l!l'nlll liH'I'Ilng Mason p!Jysid11nH rl1!dd1•rt I CJ llHf! onl.v tile Citizc•n'H ll~il·phiiiiQ Hystem after .llllltlary t, sin(·e mi1st of tlw rural dlstrit:ls employ t!Jut." syslem.

You can measure your


by the money


you save!

3o/o lnt~rest ·Paid on Savings Accounts




IUNfJlti/Af!H Roll up lhe rug for a record party

When the teens rock 'n roll, they're bound to get hungry.

So our smart young hostess brings out a tray of cheese, lunch·

meat iilld HOLSUM BREAD for "make-your-own" sandwiches.

Number one on their hit parade is that extra

fresh HOLSUM flavor. They like the way it makes

sandwiches tasM delicio~sly better.

Long-playing energy-that's what fast· . 1

moving teens need. They get it from every

fresh white slice of HOLSUM BREAD.

IIJ Q/1/Q/( -for fixing• party snacks

ltJHtJISIIM-always ' fresh and delicious '

ltJ mN-£or teens to entertain at home

Malee it taste better ..•. ··

But '58 may be_different p

Milk .Sales ·Show Gain

II Hpn)\llSIIIIIII· fell' llw orgnnlza. lion stnturl JIHtl. Jll'rldtll'llon ''"ll· tlnues nn tl!lWurrl l!iltnh. 'l'.•l:tl jJI'Cl!itW!lllll WILS II)J 01'1!1' I r.; nhtllit'

August. of I his yem· n11rl :i', <~l't•J' Soptcmhor, l!l:ifi. Soil Bank Cut Wheat Harvest · 200f0 Mill> snles in lilt! Dr.ll'oit mnl'·

lwi ltl'll!l silllWI'd 11 mnrlwcl In· Cl't!nso In Soplmnlwr, neermllng to a report lo till! sales eommltlnc of 1\!ii'IJ!gnn Mill\ Prmlwers as· Jly CArtl, COJ,UN

Lnst ,YI!ill'flirnwrs put Jll.7 mil· lion uores of wheal Ianrl Into till' iwreuge l'l!Ht'I'Vt' pari of ·llw :-;oil lmnl>. Hud tills nen•ttgrJ nnl IH'f'lt dlVCl'tl!d l'rorn wlir!lll Jll'tHILII'IIiJJt n\11' whent crop tlilH sumnll'J' nut! full might have! iwr•11 211'/.·· lnrger, 'fila tis 1111 eHtimu te m111le hy USDA economi~tH. Only :J.H mil· lion n~t·es of wlwnt land haw now been signed IIJl for till! l!l:i~ bnllk.

TJSDII figun!s show 1hnl tho longed rlry Wl,uthel', '!'hat. alluu­ntuniH!l' of agJ'er!nwnl.~ sigJiurJ fol' tlon lUI!! dwnged muterlu]Jy, Re· 'JOfiH Is 7:1',{. nf 11 yenr ago. But ports nnw Indicate the wlntel' !IJr• nurniH'J' of :wrt•s llllnlwd Is wlwat Is .coming along. line, the only :1:5';. 'I'IH' n•sult is lr!HH llr!l'IJ· ge1wral cnmlltlnn Ia consldel'llhly u,:w slgnl'rl JH'I' f<tl'lll, '.J7 ilf'J'PH llliH above avm·uge for this time of ymtl' C'()lnjllll'l'ti with 70 Ins!' y~ar. yr!/11',

over 23:i.4 mil linn lh- up 10'/.. fl'llm !uBI yt!llr. Mllllll~soln, l•'ior· Ida, Wlseonsln, Iowa, 'l't•xnH, j\jew Yorl<, Mlehlgnn, ldnilu untl Ohio lll'e the ioucllng hnney prtultwlng states In that or'dr.r.

Some 20 tu l!O million j•gg-s


'l'ill• l'l!porl showed Class I tclrlnldng mllkl snit's up :J.!i·l'k oVl!J' llugusl m17 nnrl :cJ2'1r· nvrJJ• Sl'plernhm· .l!l:1£i.

'J'ol:tl premli11n relunw In dairy farmers suppiyin)~ mill< lo the Detroit nrea were !j):J!J8,000 for !he monlb. 'i'bt• premllirn l'l!JII'l!Sl!tils relllt'IJ!; to fttrnwrs on n price of. $:i Jll'l' IHnHiredwi.!lgilt for Class


A Joj nf li11• IIITPHgl! ill lhP. 1%~ program will ht• df a geJHwnlly tlltfli'Otillcllvt! type. Btl! lust yenJ' tlif'l'l! was a iol of r.:oorl land put illlo till' ur~J'PagP. rcsi!J'VO iJecmtse IJ! tlu• JlOIJI' gmwlng r~fiiHllllons in lilt! mttlliwesl,' dtHJ tn pro·

Psychologist pushes a ba·oom Jly ,Jm JUW\VN

"Watch this," mnficlcntly spoke Eldred Yct•ks next clam· at Gcol·g-e's Nlal'l<et ns lw stat'lPC! down an nislc with a push broom. "I'll bet that evet·y man I come to will ::;tep up, out m· over the broom and let me by and every womnn will simply ignore my bt•omn nnd stand in the way."

Psychology in1et·esll:l me, :-;o I stood over by the soap J'ack:; to see Eldred':-; expet·iment. Sure enough, men sc•emerl to methodically and quite un­consciously,· leap aside w; Eldt·ed pushed through the ct·owd. Women on the otiH•t' hnnd l'cfused to budge until F:ldt·ed would brush theit· ill! Ides­with the Jn·oom.

Two boxers (fight en:, not dogs) wet'c> picll!l'ecl · in lm;t weeh:'s papc1· and the p!llliD was a good one. It showed Carmen Basilio sparring wil h a monkey. The publicity gag was in anticipation of Basilio's fight with Sugat· Hay Hobinson September· 23. Nothing unsuul about publisl1in~: tlw pictut·e- ex­cept that the fight was hislory IJy a month when it appeared in print lnst week. Such picllll'l'S or national inh!J'est which occasionally lliJIWal' in llw News provide a continental flavor· to local news. No excuse is being offer·cc.l fot· runnirw; tiw pictut·e late. It's evident, of cmu·sc!, thai we should have used a little more spice on a sports page curly in September.

There was a time when my wife or I developed a cold OJ' sore throat, lhc guilty party simply stepped into an isolation booth until complications were under contt·ol. Thei'C wcrr. no plagues on the rampage in our household.

But what a dift'C'J'encc ::1 youngster's later! At the first sign or Tim's cold last week, I quickly mapped plans for bringing the bug under contt·ol. Tough isolation restt·ictions wct·e announced and an extra supply of vitamin ,Pills and orange juice was laid in. The doctm· was summoned for extra precaution. And we boiled dishes, changed the bedding (it needed it anyway), wore masl<s and washed hands and faces 40 times a day. '

Results? I'll say! We now have the worst epidemic of nmny noses, coughs, !'ever· and aches in history of the clan. The situation simply got out of hand and I know why. So does everyone who has m· has had kids of their own.

I suspected that hygienic restr·ictions had bt·ok­en down when I brolw up a Tim-Amy light in which: l. Amy, who had bc>en ·wamed to stay :35 feet ft·om Tim at all. times, was found under a blanketed card table with the infected kid and had just recently grabbed his Cl'acket· and eaten it; and 2. the 2 had ex1wessed gt·eat generosity by giving a soggy ct·acket· to .Jennifer, 2Y~ months, who had been minding her own business in 1he baby buggy.

When it seemed that all was lost, that each

I mill\,

A . 1111\V Slll'llhiH·III'OdUCing 1'1'1111 of wlnhll' whent may be in lim mulling bllCIIUHe ot' the guod slurt out In the HOUib· Wf!Sf. ·ll!•t•aUIIIl of t.ill.! l'l!lhrct!d lWI'j\lll{tl ut' wlwnt In llll'i7, duo Jlltl'lly to tlw Hnll lmnlc, wo WCI'Il tthiH ~~~ l't!lhli!C OUr Nlll'• plus IL lltllt! hit, IU'IIIIIId 100 million bushnls. nut enrrent Jli'OSfJPds are that next y11nr's lllll]lut, ussmnlng 11 or mat !{I'll WI llg' l!OIUIUions, e 0 Ul d t•lse enm1g-h to hoost the sur· Jllus about. Um volume we rtl· dnct•d It this IIUSt yenr.

muy Im lll'l~d•l•l tu Jll'lllhu•r\ 1m ulillhm lilwfloi ul' Aslun. lin Vlll~cfne OVI\1' n •I to /i IIIUIII!J

period, Uut Jl)!IIJlhl figure thiR th!mtuul won't. hcwe nmclt Inllnr!lwtl llll lllll llVIH'UI{Il pJ'iel! Ill' l!g'A'S, It.'S eoncnlvnblu t.IJut lnl'l{ll 11111'· t'hUSilS In SIIIIW III'I!IIS lllig-ht. bring on lrwul slml'hlgi\S ol' tho top quality und hu·ge size eggs. But manufudm·ers are sclwdnllng thch· ortle•·s fnl' enough niJCrul so dralt•J•s should be nhlr! to depend ctu rensnnnbly orderly mnJ·Jwt·

AMERICAN DAIRY PRINCESS~Snndrn Sue Stout,\ 18, lei!, of Piedmont,.Okla., is crowm•cl "1U5B American Dairy Princess" by ller preclec(•ssm·, Shari Lewis, 2r, of Daykin, Ncb. Cere­mony took ·place at the lntcmalionnl Dairy Show Jn Chicago .. Miss Stout was d·.oscn fi'OJll 23 state dairy princesses. I She rc-. ccivcd n $7GO WO)'(irobe nncl a $1,000 sci10lnrship

LJa:H• pr·lct! Jlldd fnrmm·s elm·· !11g :oit•ptc•Jnlwr was $·1.ri:l per ilumlredwP!f{ht, FOil Detroit. '!'he av£!rngn prier fol' all mill< wns $·1.'17. Both prleos showell nn In· cretW! over llugust, l!lfi7, accord· lng IO I he l't!jlOl'l.

llverage monthly Income pel' dairy farm In lhr area wns $550 for Septembm·. All returns In the r<>pnrl indicated prices FOil the murlwi, hl'fore clccluctlons lor lransporlallon, dues and mlver­llslng, llw report revenle!.l.

lng. It's possible thn VUI'dne u f L• }lrogrrun IIIIIY hUVI\ llllll'!l t•f· se 0 . •me

'i~wre should he u big corn loan

. * 1)1 ljc

feet on the SIIJI!llY ot' hnt<'hln;.r prognun I his year. Officiuls fig· eggs In soml\ a reus whr•J't\ D •t y. lll'l.' 11iai the program Will be ·!Jeuvy p'urehuses nrc IIUI!It!, oesn ary nboul as lm·ge as laHt yeur when · • • ~ .. ' ·177 million bushelH of corn ,were · Michigan Jamwt•s put. about put under government loan. A The numbe~ of cattle on feed half a mllllnn tons of lime and lillie over 500 million bushels ,In 13 ma,io1· Icedlnr~ ~!ales on marl on their· fields this· yr!ar, es· :II'C now ligUI·etJ eligible· for· the :october 1 was down11'/. from a timnl.ed Ed Longnrelwr, extension $1!10 corn loan rate. Some 600 year earlier·. Farm offieials say sDils s'peciulisl at Michigan Stale million bushels are eligible Ior 'this. doesn't mean there will he a university,

I tile $1.28. non-commercial rate. All corresponding decline in feeding This Is about the same amount the rex! will be eligible for the operations this fall uml winter. r1f liming materials that were non-compliance $1.10 rute. And 'fhe cattle are just moving off liRe(] in the state for agricultural the latest estimate for the corn ranges much later than' u~ual. Jllli'JIOHes last year.

fields are usually firm In the full. Bulk tr·tlt'f{s unci ollwr milchlnery will bC! nille to move around easily nnd won't do much damage to the

Production totaled I ~'l,!iOO,OOO , Jb foJ' 11w nwnlit ami an average

Longneclwr said spreadmg of •ll:l ill per day pet' farm. 'fhe

snil structure.

service Is more readily available !alter figure Is an lncl·ense of In the full. Ami supplies at JlrD· fi',i over September, l!J!i(i, till! re­cessing plans and other lli~tri~lllt· pori siwwed. lng points are udequate this tune Premiums· paid to !lalry farm· of year. . et·s averaged 2£ir! per hundred·

'l'he . soils specialist recom- weight over federal order prices mended thn( lime applications be for lite nwnlit, :weut·dlng to the based on soil 1e~ls. rcporl. · ·

Dr. C. J.liubbar·d VETERINARi'AN

608 S. Lansing Struct Phone OR 7-8201



RIGHT NOW •• , t

If you ruisc 7 (Jr tl t•:lii'I'H 1111

W uyne insteutl of the oM who],

mlllt mcthotl, yon 1~1111 HIIVt~ tlu, output this yeu1· is 3.3 billion Pastures in the west are ;;o much Al~elll'tllng· to J.nngneclwr, husheiH, about 15() million bush· better than a yeat· ago because frtll is tht~ idrml time to ltiiPIY els under the 195G crop. of the greatly improvl'd mnlstun• lime to tlelds. Ho suld ·Hum~. Ingham County News, Mason, Miclt.,

equivalent o£ 1111 cntit·r! \'r>tt:•\

October 25, 1957 D-2 p1·otluction f1·om o1w ~oUII • " • conditions. ttl'l': mwel'ltl good reusons fot•

flruin surg·mns JII'Obuhly will l•UUSI.! u. lot of furrowed hruws umnng USDA otl'lclals l his yt·a•·· A ·erop of some 514 mllllun bushels il'l now fore· l'Ust (that's 2.5 times lnst ymu·). 'J'otul ,;upJIIIes, lnchul· ing eu•·ryo\'t!r from 19116, will !m elosll to 1100 million bush· els. 'l'otal use, lm!ludlng prob­nhlt~ eXJllll'ts, l'lllts urmmd 320 million buslwis. So u. lot of gr·nln :-~orgums will go mttlel' the govet·nment loan. {JI'O•

g-ram. 'fhe entire CI'Oil is ellgi· bll~ I'm· the $1.811 per ewt. loan III'Og1•um. So it Iooi's 111m the ·CCC wlll get mm·e than jlUOllgh sorgmi1s under lonn to meet a year's normnl nemls.

I this. One of tile most. important rca·

-l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;•;;··-~ cow. The cost is u~ually lc~,; than hull the 1110111!}' yuu ~"t

• • •

Miscellany .... Almost a qua!'· sons is that tile lime has plenty ter of 11 million tons of J\merican of limr! to "swec•ten" the soil be­type grapes were produeed this fore spring seedings ure made. year in the U. S., but even that 'I'IH! benelielal effect of the lime big crop Is off about. a llflh from is fell in the first year crop. last year ..•. Apple growers in Anothl'r big reason is that Washington are not getting a good color on thpir Delicious ap­ples this year because- of un­favorable wealhet• conditions. Cul· lage Is expected lo be he-avy. Michigan apples are said to ile the best in years nnll avemge fruit size is larger than usual. ... Michigan growers will boost

J,eu!llng Bt'CI!tl!l WIIITl~ nocns

Hntchlng All Summer

their acreage of asparagus. next LOWDEN fARMS year about 11 'if, but cut down .on

NOW YOU CAN BE SURE YOUR TR·ACTOR IS TUNED PROPERLY pynamometer Removes Guesswork Seeing is belie~Jing. With o~~·· rcvoiutionary new HYDRA-GAUGE DYNAMOME'fER you can actu­ally SEE when your tractor is PEHFECTLY tuned. e Shews !ha prodso solllnus for poak powor ond oconomy undar aclual

froid foods e Elimlnalos oxcou cubonittno, powor lou, burnt volvos, coolly ropolra e You can DE SURE ll's rlilhl bocouso you can SEE 11'1 riuhl

8rlno In Your Tractor ancl 5EE FOR YOURSElf

their acreage of strawberries HATCHE.RY ubout 5'/.. The expansion In · asparagus ·out'put has· been en- 4020 E. Derry Rd. nt Henrietta, ·s·.lsby lm·plem· ent Co

frmn the extm mille .lu•l t!tirzl~;

o£ the extru l'•·nlitH I'••J• fall'--

usk US fot• Ctllll(llclc de!:lil~.

FC!iTif!i:O I!'J!nl


BEMENT Feed & Supp~y

With huge supplies of feed couraged 'by increasing demands n. 1, Rlvos Junction • f . Phone Jackaon ST 2·4809 2 5

grains coming from this year's -~r~o;m~p;•~·o;ce;s;·s;o•~·s~. ••••••.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: •• :';".;t~a~te~---••••••••••~M;a~s:on~••••••••M=a~s:o~n8 ~~~~r~:;~~c~~~~· ~~~~o~~~.~~~ke~J ~~\~ I as ~ of the grnin storage It owns. There. has. been a plan for the CCC to· sell its gruln storage fa· cilitlcs in the near future, based on the hope that output of grain would be cut down by the soil IJank and othet· programs. But this year isn't the year to start that deal. Question is, will there he room in the storage fac!lities the govemment now owns. Or will the CCC have to buy more bins?

Michigan t·ates In the top 10 slates 'in· honey production. Tills yeur our honey output Is est!· mated at over 9.6 million pounds. Because of the much more favor­able weather, and particularly a

' '

.~I ' .

. '

. Uaving !lecit~ctl to quit farming, we will sell at public auction at thn farm 7 miles north of Ma-son on (_)IH~mos road, then to Cavanattgh roatl and ~as~ n half mile on south sitltl; ot· 2 !-4 milr.s Huuth ol Olmmos to Cavanaugh road an!l east a half mllt1. ·

. was destined fm· a share of the affliction, we tossed precautions to the wind. We now eat together, sleep togethet· and play togethe1·. And one by one, the red noses are losing theh· colo1·. The hacking coughs are fewer. There fewer harsh woJ·cls. It looks like the Browns will win utter all.

. g(eatly reduced· winter·lclll, our· output is 52% above. that of 1956. Total honey production In the U. S. this year is estimated at


12:30P.M.Sharp Saturday,. October~ 16 .. 195712:30P.M.Sharp

,, •.•

' . '

Don't let lack of J'eady cash check-mate your hopes and aims for the, future. ·Lo·cik ahead and save ahead with purpose and persistence •••• and you'lf·hav,···lwhant t:akel" to make the rig~t move at the ri,ght time for ,you,r success and·hepplness. · Your FIRST ll)ove is to open a savings account here. Then keep adding to ·it r~u· huly. This simple strategy will W.lN f.or' yo.u!

58 Cattle 58 ,23 Hereford· Yearling Heifers and' Steers.

well bred · · · ; · · · :20 Head of Hereford Calves. 4 months old.

well bred and on dry feed ·7 Hereford and. Holstein Yearlings .] Mixed Calves · 15 Holstein Yearlings


. Hogs !Black 'Hampshh•e Sow UJltl 11 Pigs '5 Mixed Sows, tlue to fal'l'ow in DMember ·3 I~eeder Pigs . 'White ~oar, one year oltl

Geese :15 Gee.'le ·

.... Dogs IEngllsh Shepard, male, 1~ year~ oltl •C41llie, male, •.one ytlat• old ..

Truck· i1950.'Chevrolet 1-tou Tt·ucl' with-Stake Roolt

. .

a Ganders

'TER·MS·:-Cash~ · ~Make ·credit .arrange· . ments- prior to. sale '.

Hay and·· Straw . 700 llales of Wheat Sh·aW' · · · . .· ... ·. : 500 Bales of Nice Clover Jlay .

400 Hales of Ji'it·st Cutting Alralfa antl Brome

· Farm Equipment Internntlonal Iiarvester Tt·:wtor antl Cull:ivatot•s John Dee1·e n, on rubbtlr nototillel' Gartlt!ll TmcbJI' John Deere 2-14 inch. Bottom Plows Intm·national 2-14 ineh Bottom Plows Minneapolis-iUolim~ 2-H inch Bottom Plows International 4 -sm~tion Spring tooth D1•ag Dunham 8-!'oot Cultiu:wlmi' Dunham 8-foot Doubf11 Disc

. 2-section Spi!wtuoth Drag 2 ,John D~·.em Manum S)Jrcatlcrs Allis-Clmblu!J'S J:oto Ua!e1' with PTO Allis-Cimlmm·p, Baler I,oader Sicln 1leliw~1·y lt:.~!w . 7-foot 1\l!inncapolis-Moline Tractor !Uo.wer Minneapolis-Moline Combine with Auxiliary MotoJ" ;John Dllllre Farm Wagon on rubber, has flat rae), 4-whecl Wagon on rubber · nuternatiomil 4-roll Cm·11 Shredder and Huslwr International Corn Binder and Carrier Mayrath 28-l'oot Grain anti Uay Elevator Su]ll\r X Hydraulic Front Entl J~oader 50-foot Endless IMt Hog Troul~hs 2 Steel Stoclt Tanl•s DumtJ Ralw Tractor ilitclt Ropes Numt1rous Small Items

4~lu)le Steel Uog Feeder · 24 Wooden Feediil~ lRaclc!·l

Feed '.D.'':tnl\ Cuw Sheller· llay Cal'l'ilw

Gr:tppl!l Fol'lc

Not Respon~ible for ,Accidends . ' .

Twin. Lake ,Fa:rms Inc. ' · · ·. · : ~ -~ .- ;_. ;Prop-:ietor ·

WAYNE·.G~ :FE.IGHNER . .. , AUCTIONJ!}ER . : . . ' · · .Mason ~'Phone OR 6·5682 ... · · ·· .. · .-· :r · .. ,. ··. 1 •.• -•• , :!.'"·: ,:,·.·-.. ~·· .• -.•.-~.:~- .... ~-'~_; .. : .. ,', .. i.·· .•

' '

i. ,, RUSS HUNTINGTON, Cieri;;

.IIARRYAI..iLEN,,Cashler '.~ ·

U. of M. Student Body . ~~ '1lepresents Many Faiths

Slxly·olglll l'llllglnus cn·gnnlzn. l'rc~shyiPrlnns, J,:lfl~ Et>lscopul~ tlonH am repn~senled al llw !Jnl· anrl I,!!IK Lullwmn studrmts reg· ver·sily of Mldrlgnrr, 1u~mnllng lo lsiPwd with tile office. five DeWIII c. llnlrlwin, crHII'dlnnlor hrrrHirnd nntl nlghly ~'tlrclents of religious nffnlrs. J!f;led 1/iemselves ns simply PI'O·

'l'ho pn!sonl nr:nrlnrnk yP<II' Is Jeslnnt:;. lwl11g r·elchrntr!rl lis Ill(! J(HIIIr /Ill· l·'nurlf'C'II prr· cnnt nf the ~Ill· nlvr~rsary of llw lmglnrrlngs or rlr•nl hruly r>lllrm· rllrl not flU In the Hlurlmil·lnlllalod wllginus nctlvi· c1!11SUH hlnnl\ .on llwir regislra· ties 111 IIH! uniVI'rsily, ·linn r·nrds or· slnlml lhey h11r! no

'J'Iw figurr wns lsstrr•rl hy liw J'Pligious pn•ferencc. 'I'IH! grenl. off11:e of n!llgious affnlr., nml is mnjorily of llwse were men. Bold· lmsPd on lhe Jrl:i7·:iK n!llgious win poinls oul 111111 slurients arc census. 'l'hc iisl lndurir•s PVC'I'.\'· lllHiPI' 1111 r•hilgnllon whnlever to thing from i\frll'llll Mr•llr(l(Jisl fill In llris inrormntion. EpiseoJJHI lo %or'oilslrian. Agnos· Hl'ligiolls· bP\Iefs which num· lies unci iillwisls 111'1' also Jlili1H'Ii. bf'r IIIII or llliJI'I' adherents nrc us

'/'here am !l,IH!l mPmiJPrs of lhf' f•dlows: Haplisl, Gl8; Christian Rolllllll Catholic clum11 and :!,f>HI Sdc•JII'I', l2fi; Crlllgi'C!gatlonul, 882; Jewish .~luclenls. Orllrmlllx, lfl.i; l'mh•stanl, 580; • bf lhe PJ'olestnnl drmomina· ll\•frJJIJWd, 272; and Unitarian, tlons, 2,2Hl Me'thocllsls, 2.rn7 212.

Dairy Farmers Must Watch For 3 New CatHe Diseases 'l'hrec new lmnsmlsslhlr~ cntllf'lrhea an.rl murnsal rlisease, but not

cllseases havc! aclcled llwit· lhre:-~1 by lhe ntlwrs.

l'/iotn hu llollmcrl.

Highest feeding value in corn silage depends on three major factors: flight vnriety, timely cutting nnd proper senling ' of the sjlo, .!?lnying n key· role in getting the silage in at the right time is the modern forage harvester. This machine said to be the highest capacity harvester ever made lets the {~nner clear his fields faster nnd harvest the com at' the time of its peak vnlue.

.. Avery, Tak~·s q co·lor Toqr .On., Way to Boston Meeting

1 , ny 1\1, 11, Avtwy Jim wnlcrfnlis hy night nre enlcir· ·' f:11tor'• Not•• M•l• Avory, Ina hum. lui, , E_DUI ty AJCII~l, Ja u.UIIJtdlnl' tho Nlltionul !'•» ly Arrlcnlturol A•onh ounr.lollon Wn vlsihic) tho UnJiy IIIII'· rnn~onUo11 Ju Uo1ton thl• wocll, nJld naxl, 1 1 l' If•'• reporllnw hi•' ohoorvotlnn• lor tho fjf\!' (IH II 'Now lll'i( Hllllll, ;Jnrhom Coun11 Now a, Thlo I• tho f1ra1. 'l'lll!l'll lll'll I ,•100 lll!l'llS ol' ,of n aorl11, mostly huttmu luncl, 'l'ho

H wns a beautiful drive through Cn>:JO<Jn from Snrnll1 to Ningara falls. Comparing_ ngrlculhlre with a previous· trip several yeurs ngq, I llf!te~ that Canada is pro~· pcrous ·and growing; There were lot!! of new homes nne! inclusta·ies aiorg the. wuy, We snw many herds of good looking Holstein dnlry cows ami slwrl horn beef cnlllr.. Alfu.Ifu appeared lo he the predomlnent Improved pasture and there was· consldemblc coi'Jl for· silage, Mnny farms stlll have

. a team of dmft horses,

Enst of London we saw con· sld,erable tobndc9 , grown and nearer the fulls fine fruit of R!'apes, upplcs and peaches.

'fhe weather was nice, the trees are beautiful In foiL colors and

t'nrm is J lw hu·gc•st; gmwclJ• nf ll'C!I\ l'l'llit.'l c•nst. ol' lim !Ills· ~isslpjll, hut llltill !(I'IIWH U lllf, llf lnllciH<'III'illg· IJ'C'I~~ IIIII) l!lil•nbs. !Hnny of Mlcllil:'ni,, llhlll'l-y CII'I!IIIU'Cit; Ul'l! J'I'OJn thiti lllll'llllry, 'l'l'llfiS lll'l' chl/l' in lllll full 111111 lii•JII; Jn t;lorugu Ill'· Rhi11 rllll·ing the full nnd I'U1'1y I'IJlrlug·.

We alsr1 visllecl lhe Coming glnss work~ nl Corning, N<•w Yurl<, '!'Iris is 11 huge Jllirnt em· ploylng a large percl•nlnge of the workers of tlw !own or Coming. It is a most fndnntin,:: place In visit. i\ tour lnl;es nhrml 2 holti'S nml is OJlen lo visitors i hrough· out lhe dny. 'fh<w mnl1c J1l'Otluc· lion Unci glassware as well ns in· rlivlrluni hnmlmnrle pieces wlaich nrc very expensive.

W!! wr.m ln:lJlro~sml on nm: I rill tlimngli northern Nnw Yorl\ unci Vuq1J(ipt Clllfl · · MliBH!whuseiii!H with· the srnnll nmr>rmt uf' t.lllnhlt~ lm.rd: Much of tlw nma 1~ vcr,\' hilly nnd of pnoJ· Hoi!, II is usr~ri for lm~lure or lrcns I hough somr! of the iliiiy ir11111 I in our wn:v uf thlqi1lngl wns under· .cultivntlon. The northem )lqrl of Nnw York llfl through Lnlre Pluclrl iH mosl· ly tourist nncl hllnling ill'l'll. 11 made a. henutl(lll rll'lv!! nt lhls lll11fl of yenr. ·

\Vcl vb;it11d liln CuJ'Jll'll c•ctl· !lrll'll ('IIIIIJIIIs nt Jth1u·n, N •.• ,,. ~uric, AI ,Johnson of Uw III'Ofl iUJJII'OVrment. cl n Jl ~~I' t.nwnt, i'(ll'lneJ'iy of lHil:hignn Stnli• llll(VIIrslty, NhOWIId liS 1Jm f'Uilllllts. Comnlt has uluml; 111,000 Stllllents UJHI IL \'l'l':V h:•uuUt'ul rolllng li'<'ll-C'UVNI';I l'llllljliJS, 'J'hllY du IIIII. tulle• tlrc> lntco1·••st. in t'nuthall !hut llu•r clo Jr:, Mlc•hJg·un. 'l'lwir' stu-

. 11111m only· sc•nts lli,OOO nrrtl sr.ltlum Is fiilc!d,

mn.Jot' ngrlmrltlll'/11 c•nJl1J11Clllii.V In IIHIHI of Iillo 111'01! Wilh I~OJISiri<ll'· ullin lumhurjng In 11111 I11CJI'O \l'lllllll!d 111'1!11 •.

Wn lllTIVn1! In Hn~l'orr SurulliY nflernonu for lhP I'OIIVCJniJon. I will lry to givn you 11 few of the hlghllghls of IIH! illn(lirntiorrnl HJH!r!C'IH!.'l In a hrlc•r· rr~port,

During 1110 wnel\ we! will heut• u rllllllil<'J' ,.r lliillonHiiy !mown spP;dwrs lndurllng SPI'I'P.IUI'Y llt'IISIIll, flirel'lor FnrgiiHnn cif Wnslrilllf.lon liS well IIH IC!Illlers ur llllliorurl farm organlznlluns.

G1·etm VeltJJ•inary Ilos1lltal

Ol'firl! Uoms: 7,1! Jl• m. Ilion.• l•'ri. - l·il 11. m, Sn~.

Dr. M .. J. Green l'hOJIII Oft 1·0701

71i2 N. ( :l'clur, lllrtsnn

Wayne G. Feighner Auctioneer

FOR TOP DOLLAR CALL Mason OR 6-5682 Eaton Rapids 9821 1o llw farm Jll'ofil pklure in 1'1!· Callie owners should obluin a

c•c•ill Yl'lll'S, malting lill' rlisr!asc~ I diagnm;ls pmmplly If any of these sllunt!Dn PVC'll lllDJ'C! C'lllrfusli1g, wnl'lling · symploms appear in acc:onllnr: lo a l'Pport Imlay by llw ordr•J' to guard ngnlnst undue AmPrll'illl Fo11nrlalion for Anlrnnl JosFr•s, Foundatlon aulhorllies

Evergreens Need Waterin Before First Hard Freeze .ingham.'County .. News, Mason, Mich.,

,, .~ . . . . October 25, 1957 D-3

Hrallh. advise.

Evergr·eens need a good soalt· i ng wi lh wal cr· be fore I he soli freezes.

gre!!ns die fmm the Ia cit of· wa. ter than from any ot~ei· ·factor,

Tlw slmilarily in somf' symp· H H !oms of iheSI' tliHI'iiSI'S, anrJ llil'il' en ouses r.lmilarily, also, ·ID SI'I'C'I'lli oliwJ· cattle prohlPmH malws jll'lllllJll R • A•· diagnosis by a vc·lerlnartan rlollil· eiR'IIUire 1r ly importilnl, the reporl s:r).'S. ""!!

That's the word from Fred Wid· moyer, extt~nsion horticulturist at Michigan State unlv!!rslly.

He points out that more ever·

Most of the .Junipers and arbor. vitae that were lost this·. year could he attributed to a shortage of water last fall and winter, ac· cording lo Wl(lmoyer.

Tlw biggest problem facing per minute for each square foot Last year Michigan was about '!'he 3 new diseilsi'H arl' infre· p•Hlilrynu•n In the winter is mois· of floor space in the house. And 6 Inches ~hort on moisture going

tious bovine rhinlltral'!reills, viru.~ tu:·<' in llw hen house. Wellloors have enough air intakes so air into the winter and currently the diarrhea .nncl mucm;;tl clisl!asc·. lrHrlw dirly eggs and Injure the wlll 1low freely. state is about 4 inches short 011 ·

Clink:rl rn· palhologiml sign~; of i11•a!lh of lhc tlndc Air drawn out of the aa!~ will moisture, he pointed out. the~e may also I'I'SC'mlil<' 11111sc.• of li<'<'!IIIHI' i\liehigun 15 sur· help conserve the lcmpPrature of Wll · 2 older lli>:eases, shipping fr•wr r:<IIIHII'lf nn a slclcls ·With. Wll· ll1e laying house, Moore ~aitl. In· <moyer rec,ommemls giving and mnJiornanl ealaJTii:rl f<~vr~r·. ' sulation also conserves body hert. evergreens a good soalting every

" 1:••·, 1:111111 Vl'ntilutlon is neces· " few days until the soil freezes. Forlunalcly, I lie tlealli nllc is sur.v lu IWI'Il the luying house given off by the· hens which This means running the garden

low, with the <'X<'!'plion of maJig. ciJ·.v. helps lteep the poultry house hose for at least mfhour around 1 r j\,1 t · It warm. Wann air holds more nant cnt:rrrlwl fever nnrl llllll'flsal \' 111 ' oorc, ex enswn pou ry. the roots of the tree.

). li 1 1 1 1 1111111 nl l\1iehignn Stale, univer· moisture; fans placed near the 1 >~case, w 1 c 1 :rre a mos 11 WilYH ill 'II t · 1 f I 'fhe ilortt'cult.urr'st warns that fatal. i\11 fiVf' of I he rlisl'nses sily, l'l•c:omrnencls a positive ven· ce ng WI ge m o more mo S·

llhHlucc a fever of .Jill rlegrres 01• lila ling s:.:sl1•m for I he job. Such lure. without additional watering, higher· !'!'HUlling in dPprPssion .1,. il Hysll!lll rnvolveH an exhaust fan Moore said gutter cleaners not more everg~eens may .be lost this anoliw'r symplom · · '·• c•roniJ•olir•d by a the1·mostat \Vhich only save labor in the prJLiltry. fall ami wmtcr than were lost

· ! pnlls rresh air aerpss the laying house but they also gel rid of 'last year. .OihPJ' s~mplnms eommon lo all, lrnusr.· illlrl expels it afler It hn& about a third of the moisture.

5 ~ncllii!P rnereascd rniP of rc~Fpir· 1 piel\Prl up moisture. This taltes some of the load of During pioneer days, there ,~tlron anrl nasal cilsr•harge. Sr'IHII'·r Ifave a fan big enough to move l.ceeplng the .house dry off 1he were thought to be a million sod mg may he c;tus<•il by virus dinr· 11 minimum of a cubic foot of air 1 ventilating fan. . 1 houses on the American plains.

Household Goods-Farm Tools-Feed

Uavin~ sold my farm I will sell the following described property at tmblie auction at the farm located one-half mile south of Williamston on Williamston I'Oad to Linn road, west 2V:! miles on Lhm road, or 2 miles east or i\l!'ridian J'oatl on I..inn road.

12:3o P.M. Saturday, October 26 IBo P.M.

Phone Mason

OR 6-5754.

Price Brothers Phone Stockbridge UL 1-3342 Auctioneers

l!H7 lnh~rnat imml il 'J'J'· and Cultivator, good condition

Jlorn 1\f:wm•p Loadt'!' wilh lnw!wt mul blade, complete ·

John Hec~re 'l'•·ndm· Hanaw Oliv\~r 2 14··ineh I' low Oil I'll hluw nunham Cu1tiprtcliP!' 5-ft. 1\fowe,r John D•1er•~ l'\lanur•1 Sp•·•~ml•••· 2-whed J?a1·m 'l'i':liler Pm1t llole l>iggm·, W,., tt·ador · Cmlllmt 1\'lixr•· Platform Scales Cmftsman H-in. 'l'abh~ Saw nnll 1\lotor Ci·uftsman Paint S!lm;rer . Bmtph Vis~ A·TYJUl Hog House 40-ft. Extensi~n Laddei.• Sunhmun Hotnry Mowel', 22-ineh Rubbm·-tiJ·•~d Whed UaJ•r·nw Beneh G1·indcr mui Mnt:m· 26-ft. l~xtmtsion J,addm· · PiJlll Vise, Pi11e Dif~s Stoel' Tm1h; 3 Steel Cnmmunity Nests Quantity of Iland 1'ools

Buzz Saw ~0 Gal. ·or. New Oil

· · 1\mk cl\1.;, . . '

Quantity of Miseellaneous AJ•ticles

H·ay- Straw·- Corn. 850 Bales of Alfalfa litty Quantity of Baled Stl'a.w 12 Acres Funlt's IIybrhl Co•·r~

'TERM$.:-Cash .. ..

·Household Goods Frigidaire 7-ft. Refrigerator . Tappan Philgas 4-btirner Range Kitchen Table · Occasional Rocldng Chair 7 ·Iliece 1>ining Room Suite, COlllillete · . WritiiJ,g D4;,* Queens Sewing Machine mtc.hen SteJI.Sto.ot 8-day 4-)lie.ce Walnut. Bm1roQJ\~ Suite, com11!ete, rea~ly iti~ 2 Walnut End Tables r; Kitchen Chairs 2-picce l-iving Room Suite, like new · l-eather Occasional Chair · Knee-Hole Writing Desl' Motorola 21-in. TV, new BJt~e Occasional Roclmr Frigj~laire Automatic· Washei' Iron Be~, Spr~~~s anll)\futtJ;ess Porch Glider Chest of D1•awcrs 2 Oak Rocking Chairs Antiq\Je Dresser lrml. Bed, S11rings atul. l\lattJ·ess Flower Stand· ·

9xl5 t't. Lhloleuril Ueading Lami•

TV'Antenna l\laille J)r~~e,r. Library ,Table

Oat' Wardrpoo . :·,' ,'

Utility ·Cabinet WaUMirror . Quantity .of Odll Dishes Cooking utensi!s

1\lantel CIQck Electric Cl()ck

7-qt. Pressure Cooker ,. .

Otl!er Small 4.rticles Fruit' Cans

~lc~&JP .· 1948 GMC 1-ton Plcllui) with grain .and stock rack,

87,000 actual miles · ·

~_ot .. ~•spon.sibl.~ ~or Accidents. . ·. ., ,, ' · .. '

.J·. ·1· .. · ... R. ·cJtl • - h. ·.···. · ... U IllS •. 0' · .•. ei$C: , , ~.4.~~: ~~"SMQR~. ~~~ ... k

,!. '.

J,,qY DAVIS, Cas~ier.l


·Y!o~king Togeiher to Bu.ild a Bettea· Community

· ~et's Get Acquainted! ·Our Businessmen Qn the Farm

of the wonderful things bout doing business in a.

' g community such as is that moit store

stomers are actually busi· ncssmen themselves! Yes, farmers, who represent a large segiment of Mason

crs, know the prob­lem~ of business for they,

are businessmen. They now lhe tax problems, the w of supply 1'~-l dem~nd

nd what's · more they must endure the sobering effects of weather condi­tions. Yes, it's a pleasure for merchants to h~vo tho

nfidcnce of such custom~ and in that spirit we dedicated pur methods

doing busines~. Tho fol­mcrchants collective·

reach across the coimter congratulate f~llow farm.

You, os-

Identify the O~cupant. of This Farm and Win Valuable Prizes

lly, ure welcome in Mason always!

Wi.~ Free


Yas, H you are lho FIFTH. PER· SON ·to · correctly ldontlfy tho MYSTERY FARM PHOTO (a dif· ·fironl on a will . bo published on. this page each .. wook). you will ro• · coivo· FREE .OF CHARSE a sub· scription for· ·yourself and an· other ·for. any,no you"..may select prolilaing, however, thot · he or she if'not· a rogulor subscriber to tho·Ingharri County News and .that ho ·or shci resides in Ingham Coun. ly. . I

REMEMBER - tho FIFTH PER·. SON ..,.. not tho first - who CORRECTLY' IDENTIFIES THE OWNERcANO LOCATION OF TH.E ·FARM, will be declared tho wlmiitr;· · · ·

'N\;e of winner and mystery foryrr foaturo story will bo pub. Hihor.t thil 'week· fo!lo'wing. . iM~O~TANT,- To auu~o ac·

curatli recording, ontrios must IU submittod' hi ' porso'n to. Ingham COunty· News office or by coli; ing ··Mason ·OR 7-90 I i. Answori accoptod by mombon of tho lng• hom Co~~ly News sl~ff olsowhor,o wHI n~t bo co~s.idorod.


$5 VALUE! "'!~, F~RM~~: If your form pic·

tyro oppoars on this page, you will ·receive A 5i7 mounted' photo •. gleph cf 'it ,t.BSOLUTEtY FREE -·~·gift of .appreciation proyided by 1ponsors .of· P09!· Sjop· in to the·INSHAM "cOUNiY NEWS' off!eo. ond .. plck it u·p first timo'' you'r' . in town! · ' >' ' I '.t•

.,., .. ~ •. ~ ''l' . ~:· '" •'\ ,,, • ' ,,


Ou~ Businessme11 in Tow.n


• ong a r Ball-Dunn is winning repeat ci.istom~rf for the Mason firm. Those who are familiar with the Ball.· Dunn people know th~t .w~at they buy· must be an honest .value. They know that the Ball-Dunn firm stocks nothing lliit famous-ma~e furniture and flooring. They know that prices are arrived at hon'estly with eVery adv.antage given lo the cusl·omer. · B111l- · Du~n ·a solid· reputation for integrity built up over many yeilrs of doing busine~s. Fu.rniture ·and flooring· cit'n· be a lifetime investment. Make sure you get the most from your investment, doll and buy from 8~11-Dunn - a firm that stands solidly be­hind the· merchandise it · .. . · . . · · · ·

; .,

. Mic~~rson~Baker Lumber· Co.· . 352 w. Columble" ' c:'J '· · ·. · Phon'o OR' 7·3751

. Francis Platt - Minno~polis·M~!ino AI Rice Chevrolet US .•. 127. Dl.0. n .. o. T. 0. R,, .1. • .. 59 .. 1. 1. 10d Ql ~var .Equ.tpme~~.

, --:: ··: ., . ·Archis P.laOtoS. · . 231 ct.fechlnlc St, · Fino Portraits

. . <'' . · . 441 S, Joffo(son · . . ·. ' Pli'9~o 01!. 7•.3061

Miller's.Farm, ltom~ &~·Garden, Supply , Chesl,y\ Dr~g. · us:121 . .·· . .. · ' . Phone OR 6·5519 · 330 s. Jcfforscn Phone OR .. 7•"ll

. ' '

· · ~-I!JleJs. M.ut~aHi" 1!t$g,r~nc' (o~ , S!lsbv .. lrgple~~"i. C~~· ·.· ' · :: Ball-Dunn Furniture . 138 W.''Aih ' .. ... . . ' Phona OR 6-4231 214 W. Stato . ·.' · .. · '· Phono OR 1:01~i · .124 E. A~h .Phone· OR 7·0231

, ·M~,~;·I~vii~,:ca:····:- . , .... S,kp~~·rD~cora,;n,u:S~~P.lY .. ·. 'i. R9vChristensen·Ford.Sales ... •••.w .. ~.fu!!l~,l! ·. · Jh~ne.QR 6;5734 .· 42'S. Jef(frl~~ , , · . · 1 P~~~~<o~,6:S~~2.: ~10 ~· Stoto

! r I. ~

• I

,. .. ' ' ~·

' I. "


White Oak Ordinance No. 1

. '

Zon·ing Ordinance I

of White Oak TOwrtship IWI•'I•~aJ'IVJ•: NOVIIMIIIm 20, Jllli7

An OrdinaJHx• 1 n n~lahih;h :wnlng rilslrlcts and zoning provlslom governing tho u~n of land In the UIIIJlCrli"Jlornteu portions of While Onlt 'l'nwnslllp, In>:lmrn County, Michigan, Jnclurilllg the nrlmlnlstl'll· tlon and enfnrr·cment I hereof in nccorrlqncc with tlw provisions ol Act 184 of PuiJI!I: Acls of lfH3 IIH ;unrmclecl.

~~~mCoun~NcwtMaron,Mick, Octob~25,1957 0·4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------- I~ . one 11) rwre in HIW wilh a fmnla[lC of at least len 110) rorls, In ,· platled nreas, corner lpiH ul inlerHecllng roads shall be nt Icnst ten 110) mr!H by len fl()) mds In fiize. THE 'I'OWNSI!!I' BOAIW OF WHITE OAI\ TOWNSHIP, ING·

HAM COUNTY, MICIIIGAN, OJlDAINS: 2. The minimum size tmrcel required for other permitted uses ~ ~ • 11.1\!itlll ..Jill lnclurling accessory mwH shall be determined hy the Board of Ap· ~~:---~-~

AU'I'ICLI~ 1 -l'ltiMntlll.l~ · Sect.! on 1.1 - 'l'l'l'J ,f•:

This Onllnance shull Zoning Orrlinanee." :Section 1.2 -l'UIU'OSI~

be ltnown aB the "White Oalt Township

The funrlamcnlnl purpose of this Ordinance Is· to promntc the . public health, Halety, morals and gf!neral welfare, to encourage the

""' usc nf lands a!HI natural reHuuJ·ces 111 tile Township In accordance ,.: , wllh their clwraetr•r ;uul ada[Jiahility, to limit the improper us!' of

• · land, to Jll'ovide fm· !he rmlc!rly cl~>vclopment of the Township, to :·:: .. : reduce lmzarrls to life anrl property, to establish the location of ancl · '" the spec! lie t1scs for which rlwell!ngs, builrllngH and structures muy :.:::·, hereafter he oreclcrl or allererl, and the minimum open spaces, """' sanitary, Hafcty and {ll'otcetlve mpasures that shall be required for '"" .such lanrls, dwellings, !Jullrlings and sll'ucttu·cs, to Jessen congestion

on the Jlltbllc roads and stn!cts, uli as provided by Act liH of the Public Aels of l!J.t3 as amended, Sec lion 1.:1- J<:XIS'I'ING NONCONFOiti\IING USES ANn IIUII,D·

INGS At the rliscrcllon of the ow1wr, the lawful UHI' oi any parcel of

land, hullrling or Htl'llclllrc, whleh use exists at lhe time of the enactment of lhis Ordinance al!hou~:h such use docs not conform to the provisiuns of this Ordinance, may be continued as u noncon· I ormlng usc.

peals us m11y be reasonable lor such use as In conformity with Section 1.2 upon wrllten application to the Board. ~ Secllon •l.a -lclom· Arl'a

1. Every dwelling hereafter erected or moved· upon premises In this ciiHtrlet shall contain no less than seven hundred twenty (720) square feet of tloor area at the first floor level, In compL!tlng this area, no allowance shall be marie fo1· arcus contahled In an attacherl gnrn~e, open porch or other o)wn nttachcr.l structure.

2. The main floor ;trea for any o!hcr permitted or approved bullrling shall be rlctcrminccl by the Bonrd of Appeals In the same manner as provided In paragraph two 12) of Section 4.2 for size of premlscH, Section •1.•1- Y AIWS

Every main huilrlin~ nt' structure her~>aflr>r ~>rectml ur mover! upon any premises In this dlslrict shall he provlucd with yards huv!ng no Jess I han the folluwlng size:

(1) Front Yards-Seventy-live t75) feet in depth. (2) Side Yards-Fifteen (lfi) feet In width on each side of all

bullrllngs Including accessory buildings, PROVIDED thut the side yard abuts upon an Intersecting road, that side yard shall have a minimum depth of sevcnty.five f75) feet.

Alt'I'ICLI~ V- COJ\IMEIWIAI" niS1'1UCTS, C The following "provh;lon shall apply to all commercial districts:

St~cllon li.l- mms 1\lt'l'ICU: II- ZONING IHS'"fRICTS No building or struclurl' shall her~>after be l'rcctcd or mnvc!l

Scclion 2.1 -I~S'fAIII.ISIIMJ•:N'l' OF ZONINfl IHS'fiUC'l'S upon any premises und used, nor shall land or premisps be used for !•'or the Jllll"Jlose of this Ordinance, ;!II of the unlncoJ'fJOntteri other than onr. or more of the following uses:

portion of While Oalt Township Is hereby dividcu Into the following ( 11 Retail and wholesale cstnhllshments, · Zoning Districts: (2J, Offices for professional, commercial or philanthropic enter·

ltesiriential Di~triets, Blue prlses, Hesiriential Districts, Green (31 Personal sei'Viel' establishments such ns beauty parlors, Commcrdal Districts, C barhe1· shops, laundries and dry cl!'anlng establishments, Agl·il'ultural and Hesidential Districts, AR (1) Public garages, motor supply stations, motor vehicle sales

Section 2.2 -IJIS'I'HIC'l' 1\lt\l'~ and service establishments inclurllng those for used vehicles, Said map being designated as the "Zoning May of While Oait (iii Food Reryicc eslablishmcnts unrl bakeries,

Township, Ingham County, Michigan,'' and said map ami the proper (6) All l~flal recreational and amusement cniCI'priscs,

- ·-DAJH~ SCH.






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, nolutions, rcfeJ·em·e~ anri other information shown thereon, shall be (7) AccesHDI'Y uses customarily incidental to any of the uses ·' · as much a pari of this Ordinance as If tiJC matters and information permitted nbovc.

· set forth IJy sairl mup were fully desc1·ihed herein. Section ii.2- SIZI•: OF PlU~i\IISES Section 2.:l- LOCA'I'ION OF IHS'l'IUC'l'S In every instance In tile commcJ'ci::tl area, the size of premises

(1) Hesirlential Distt·icts, Blue,_ shall comprise such areas as are shall be determined for tile usc proposed by the Board of Appeals designated by amendment to this Ordinance at soml! future upon writtl'n application, which said application-shull contain.specific time, details of tile us!' proposed. In computing the size necessary, the

(2) Rcsidcnli;tl Districts, Green, shall comprise such areas as Board of Appeals shall kcl'p in mind the requirements for off-street are designated by nmendmcnt to this Ordinance at some parking. In every instant'e, the size of the premises shali include an future time, area· between the front Df any building !'rected thereon and the edge

(3) Commercial Districts, C, slmll comprise that portion of of any road or highway right-of-way, which area shall measure at Section :n b••ing :1 st1·ip of land OlJ both sides of Stockbridge ieast seventy-five !75) .feet in uepth. ltn:td lo a distance of ten tlOl rods from the edge of the Section li.:l- ACCI~SSIIIILI'l'Y 'rO l'UULIC ROADS ri~ht·uf-way of Slockhridgc Road nnd extending from the Every application for the determination of size of premises In intersection of Stod,bi'idgc Road and Clark Road, thence this district shall have attached to It the approval of thl' Ingham south twenty t20J rods. County Road Commission o1· the Ingham County highway engineer

(•J) Agricullural and Residential Districts, AR, shali comprise of all entrances and exit~ from said premises to the road or highway. all of White Oak Township except as set forth in part three Scetlon ii.4- YARDfl (3) of this section. Except as Indicated in Section 5.2 above, there shall be no re_.

The location of such districts is shown upon the attached Zon· qulremcnt for front yards in this distric,t. Side yards shall be at least shall be constructed on 11 slab and without a basement and the ing Map. ten (10) feet in wiclth except that this requirement for side yards approval of the Zoning Administrator based upon a dct<>rmlnatlon

Alt'l'ICI.E 111-ltESIImNTIAL DISTUIC1'S, BLUJ~ may be waived upon written application to the Board of Appenls that the construclion will not be disadvantageous to the residents The following provisions shall apply to all Residential Districts, to permit construction of buildings located in this district up to the of t~e proposed dwelling is obtained. Construction of dwellings Is

Blue: lot line of the premises, PROVIDED, however, that In the event this prohibited on muclt laml. Scctlnn :u _USES requlmment for side yards is waived, the building to be constructed Section 7.4- ,JUNil YAitn OR )}UJHP

No building ot· stnlcttlrc shall hereafter be erected or moved on sa~d premise~ shall have a tire wall on said side, which wall.~hall The maint!'nance Df a junk yard or nrea for the clumping or upon any premise~ and user], nor shall land 01· premises be used !or contam no openmgs or apertures. disposal of rubbish m· o!lwr waste products is prohibited In this other tlwn one ol' more of the following uses: AR1.'1CLE VI -AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDEN'fiAL DISTRICT, Township except upon spl'cific action of the Township Board, PRO·

------- --~ ._ __ zl\ . r-

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11 TOPPING I-~---- ---.


For such Certificate of Approval a fcc of three 1$3.00) dollars shall be paid to the Township Treasurer who shall plac!' the same in a separate fund to be !mown as the White Oalt Township Zoning Ordinance Fund, which fund shall be used solely for the admtnlstrn· tlon of the Orulnance as directed by the Township Boarcj. No certificate shall be valid until the required fee has been paid. No separate lei' shall be required for accessory buildings or structures when application thereof Is made at the same time as the principal buildings or structure. No fcl' shall be required by a Certltlcatc of Compliance.

(1) One anrl two-family dwellings. AU VIDEO that any such yard or area shall not be located that the (2) Home occupations, limited to members of families there The following provision~ shall apply to all ·Agricultural and Res!· r:ubb!sh or other waste products are visible from a public highway. AR1'ICU~ IX- BOARD OF Al'l'EALS ,

residing, an·d to include handicrafts such as dress and furni· clential Districts, AR: ' · Section 7.5 -1.'RAiums· ·· There Is hereby created a Zoning Board of Appeals which- slwll turc m<tking and oiTiecs for professional occupations; PRO· Section 6.1- USI>S . . . . . . . No h·ailez: shall be permitted to be used 111 • the Township' for perfo1·m Its duties and exet·ci~e !t.s powers as provided by Act '184 of VlDJ;;D, signs used lo advertise such occupations shall be {1) All uses pcnmtted m Rc~!dent!al D1str1cts, Green, shall be purposes of dwelling or residential use unless such trailer be located the Public Acts of 1943 as amended and by the· pro.vf~ions of th!H nD larger than one tl) Ioot by three (3) feet in size ani! of permitted in this district', PROVIDED that In connectioJ}< m property deslgnated trailer parks under the jurisdiction o! the Ordinance. The Board of Appeals shall consist of three ( 3) members. a non-illuminated type; and PROVIDED, further, that no with said usc the other provi~ions of Article IV be complied Michigan Department of Health or as permitted under Chapter VII The members of said Board shall be appointed by the Township more than one-third 0/3) of the total dwelling area shall with, ;'. of the Ingham County Sanitary Code; PROVIDED, however, in Board of White Oak Township and may be removeu by said Board b!' used I or such occl!Jiation. (2) All bonafide a~ricultural • uses as more specifically defined those Instances In which tempc>t'O>ry occupancy of a traller is neces· !or nonperformance of duty o1· misconduct In office upon written

(3) Bona fide <Jgricult ural uses, hut not including the keeping below. sal'y in connection with the building of a mnformlng dwelling charges tiled with the Township Cieri\ and following a public or ruioing of livcstod\ exr~~>pl upon written application made (3) Nurseries unci· grecnhous!'s: ~tructurc ancl the trailer is connected with a water-curried sewage hearing by said Board upon such charges. Each action by the Board to <md permi.s~ion granted by the Board of Appeals. (4) Pa:·ks, playgrounds, rect:cational and community c~nter disposal system. whi:h complies with the Ingham County Sanltar:; of Appeals shall be made in conformity. with Section 1.2 of this

l•ll Nurscl'!cs and greenhouses. - btuldings, PROVIDED that all such activities be noncom· Code. written application may be made to the Board of Appeals Orulnance. (5) Churches, sclmnls, libraries, museums, clubs and lodges. mercia! and not operated Ior profit. anu a permit granted by said Board for such tlme and Ulluer AR'l'ICLI> X- ENFOitCEi\IENT AND I'.,NAIJrms (6) ParkH, playgmunds, recreational an\l community c~>nter (5) Churches and schools. such limitations as thl' Board may determine; PROVIDED, fuJ·ther Section 10.1- PENALTIES

buildings provided that ail such activities be non-commercial (6) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily lnci· that vlsitors to residents within the Township, which visitors occupy Any, person, firm or corporation which violates, neglects or and not operated for profit. dertal to the above permitted or approved uses. traile1·s, shall be permitted in connection with such visit:; to occupy refuses to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall !Jc

(7) Hospitals and convalescent homes, Section 6.2- SIZI~ OI•' PRI~l\IISES said trailers In the Township for a period not to exceed twenty-one tined, upon conviction thereof, not more than one hundred uollars (8! Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily inci· Except for uses permitted in Artic:Ie IV, to which the other ~21) days per year, PROVIDED, however, that the same sewage ($100.001 together with the costs of prosecution or shall .be 'punished

dental to the above permitted or approved uses. · , provisions of that Article also apply, the minimum size parcel disposal facilities shall be made available to said visitors .as those by Imprisonment in the County Jail fo1· not more than ninety (90) Section H.2- SIZE OF I'IU>l'lliSI~S required for other permitted uses, including accessory usl's, shall reqUired for other t~>mporary trailer uses or that the tacllltles of clays for each such offense or may be both tined anu imprisoned at

1: Every parcel of land upon which a onc·fami!y or two·family be determined by the Board of Appeals as may bl' reasonable for ·:he dwelling of the residents hr. available for use by said .visitors. the discretion o! the court. Each clay during which a violation dWI'illllg IS erected shall he not less than six (6) rods by ten (101 such use ami in conformity with Section 1.2 upon written application Section 7.6 _ llESCIUI>'fiON OF PARCELS OF LAND · . con"tinues shall be deemed a separate otrensc. The imposition of 1iny rods in size in the platted a1·eas of the district, and In the unplatted to the Board. 0 1 1 Il' 1 11 b . 1 1 1 1 'i 1 sentence shall not exempt any offender from compllunce with the areas shall he no tess lil'tn onn (1) acre I'll Sl.''e Wl'th a fr ntag f t S ·tlo I fJ,'>- FI OOR AREA n y one c we mg s Ia I' permitter n t 1 s Townsh ll per un t I I . f hi 0 II

' • ' " ' < 0 e 0 a ec 1 ,, • . • • • of land. l!:very unit of Janel shall be located in a· reeorded plat, "ol· prov sons 0 t s rc nance. least ten ( 10) rods. ln platted areas, corner lots at Intersecting roaus . -Except for uses_ permitted m Article IV, to which the other pro· else be sufflcii:mtly described in recorded Instruments that 011 the !Section 10.2- 01'IIIm I~NFOitCE!\mNT. shall be at least ten flO I rods by ten 110) rods in size. VIsions of that Article also apply, and except for farm dwellings ba,ts of said description that parcel can be located anu Its boundaries . The Zoning Administrator, the Township Board, the Boa1·d of

2. The minimum size parcel• required for other permitted uses and tenant houses on farms wh1ch shall have a minimum floor area &etermlned. Appeals, the .Prosecuting Attornrey of Ingham County, any owner including accessory uses shall be determined by the Board of Ap· of seven hundred twenty (720) feet at the first floor level, the or owners of real estate within thl' iOJiing district In which such peals as may he reasonable for such usc mid in conformity with minimum floor area for any other permitted or approved building, ARTICl,l•: Vlll- ADMINISTRATION building, structure or premis!'s are situated or any other aggrieved Section 1.2 upon IITitten application to the Board. · including buildings utilized for dwelling purposes for seasonal labor, Section 8.1- ZONING ADI\UNIS'fRA'fOR person may Institute Injunction, mandamus, abatement or other Section a.:cl- ICI.OOU AIU~A h II b 1 t . d b I B ,, I I h 'rl . f h' 0 di II I s a e c e ermme y t 1e oar,.. of Appea s n t e same maJml'r 1c provJsiom; o t IS r nance sha be a elm nlsterecl and en· appropriate proceedings t'o prevent, enjoin, abate or removl' any

1. Every one-family dwelling hereafter erected or moved upon as provided in S!'ction 6,2 for size of premises. forced by a Township Zoning Administrator appointed by. thP. unlawful erection, ulteration, malntenancl' or use. The rights and premises in this district shall contain no less than seven hundred and Section li.•l- YAUDS Townshi!l Board for such term and subject to such conditions and remedies provided herein are uccumulatlvc and in addition to all twenty 17201 square Iect of floor area at the first floor level. Every Except for uses permitted in Article IV, to which the other at such rate of compensation as said Board shall determine. For the other remedies provided by law. , two-family dwelling shall contain a total of not less than fifteen provisions of that Article also apply, the size of yards for any other purposes of this Ordinance, he _shali have the power of a polic:e hundred (1500) square feet of tioor area. In neither case shall such or approved building shall be .determined by the Board of Appeals In officer. ARTICJ,E XI- DI~FINITIONS area include area in an attached garage, open porch or other open th · arne rna "d 1 · s· t' 6 2 f 1 f · Fo1· the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms are attached structure. e s . nner as provl ec m ec !on · or s ze 0 premises. Section 8.2- ZONING Alll\IINI:S'J'RATOU: QUALIFICATIONS . defined. When not inconsistent with the context, words used In the

2. The millimum floor area for any other permitted or approved AR'l'ICU!) VII- GENimAJ," PROVISIONS To be eligible to appointment, the Zoning Administrator shall present tense Include the future, words in the singular include the building shall be determined by the Board of Appeals In the same Section 7.1- SC01'1~ OF OUDINANCE be generally informed on good practlcl' In fire prevention, sufety, plural unci conversely. The word "shall" is mandatory and not manner as provided in paragraph two (2) of Section.3.2_ for size of 1. Except as specified in paragraphs two (2) and three (3) health, sanitary and protective measures. He shall be physically merely directory. premises. below, .no land shall hereafter be used or building erected or moved capable of discharging his duties. He shall not be engaged or Section 11.1- ACCI>SSORY BUILDING OR Sl'RUUI'URI~' Section :i.•l- YAUDS upon premises in this Towns)1ip other than in conformity with this employed directly or indirectly In' the sal~ or purchase of real estate A secondary building or structure on the same premises as tM

Every main building or structure hereafter .erected or moved Ordinance. All buildings hereafter erected or moved upon premises in the Township. main building or structure occupied by or devoted exclusively to an ... _·upon any premises in this District 'shall be provided with yards in this Township shall also conform with the White Oalt TOWijshlp Sectlon·s.s- CERTIFICA'l'E OF APPROVAL accessory use but such use shall not Include dwelling or lodging

having no less than tile following sizes: Building Code. • To facilitate the aumlnlstratlon of this Ordinance and assist the purposes or sleeping quarters for human beings. (1) Front ·Yards-Fifly (50) feet in depth, provided no 2. The erecliDn, alteration and maintenance of public utility property owner in complying with the provisions of the Ordinance, 2 R D

structut·es and of power, communication, supply, disposal, cllstrlbu· b "Ju' 1 1 Section 11. - ALTE I<~ building or structure located on a State or Federal hl,..hway no Ul mg or structure subject to ts provls ons nor use of land Any cl1ange In tl1c location or usc of a buJ'!dlng or structure or "' tion and similar utility facilities, including accessories essential h 11 h f h 1 1 ' shall have a front yard Jess than seventy-five (75) feet In s a erea ter be altered or c anged In use unt I applicat on for any change in the structural membe'rs of a building CJr structure

der 11 therewith as authorized and regulated by law, shnll be permitted in Certlllcate of Approval has been filed with the Zoning Administrator · J 1' · every Zoning District, It being the intent hereof to exempt such such as bearing walls, columns, posts, beams, girders and similar

(2) Side "Yards-Ten (10) feet In with on each side of all build· on forms provided by the Township and the Zoning Administrator omponcnts ings including accessory buildings where the premises. are structures and facilities· from the application of this Ordinance. has Issued such Certificate of Approval. . . c ..

1 f 3. All buildings and structures customm·lly erected and used Section 8.5 _ CER'l'IFICATE Ole APPRO\'AL·. ISSUANCE Section 11.3- BUILDING usee or on!' or two-family dwellings only PROVIDED that on farms in this Township, except dwellings and garages, shall be A structure having a roof or shelter for persons, anlmuls, plants if the side yard abuts upon an intersecting road, that side exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance, PROVIDED, however, Whenever the buildings, structure~ and uses as set forth In the or lnanlmute things. yard shall have the same main depth as the front yards that no building or structure shall h~reafter be erected Jess than one application are in conformity with the provisions o! this Ordinance, Section 11.4 ·-DWELLING referreu to in the immediate preceding "paragraph. ·Side hundred (lOOJ feet from the highway rlght-of·way or less than· fifty the Zoning Administrator shall Issue the owner a Certificate of Any building or structure or part the1;eof occupied as the home, yards on premises used fo1· other purposes In this District <SO) feet from any side line of the premises, Approval within five (5) week duys of the flUng thereof. Where residence or sleeping place of on·c or more persons either permanent· shall have a minimum size as determined by the' Board of Section 7,2 _ NONCONFOUl'lliNG USl~S . action of the Board of Appeals Is required In any case as hereafter Jy or temporarily. Appeals in the same manner as pr,ovldcd In paragraph two l. Extenslo_. n of any· nonconformln" use into or thrnu,..hout a ~et forth, the- Zoning Administrator shull issue such certificate Section ll,li_;ERECTED .' (?) of Section 3 ') for sJ·zc of premises "' '" "' promptly following such action. In, any case where a certificate .Is 1 1 d b 11 d d ~ · ·~ · parcel of land not fully occupied by such nonconformln<> use may ,be ne u es u t, constructe , reconstructe , moved· upon or any

ART · .. refused,. the cause shall be stated In writing to the applicant. 1 1 1 1 th 1 d 1 · f b lldl ICLB IV- RESIDI~N'l'IAL DISTRICTS, GREI~N granted only by the Board of Appeals on written application filed· p tys ca opcrat ons on e an requ reel, or a u ng or structure. , 11 I'

The following provisions shall apply to all Residential Districts, with the Township Clerk. Said Board may hold a public hearing Section 8.6-CERTIFICATE OF APPUOVAL: EXPIRNTION Excavations, fill, drainage lind alike shall be considered a part" of an '""'' Green: upon such application. If it shall appear that the proposed extension Any Certificate of Approval under which no work Is done within ·erection. , " '" s tl 41 USI·'"' h 11 t b 1 · J d · 1 s 1 11 · 11· Sixty (60) days from issuance shall expire by limitation but shall section 110 FAMILY .,.,, ec on • - ~ s a no c n ·ac"or Wlt 1 ect on 1.2, then such app eatwn sha · be. bl 11 . , d h 1 1 1 • -

No building ol' structure shall hereafter be erected or moved be denied, -- renewa e upon reapp cation an UIJon payment of t e or g na Any number of Individuals living together In a single house· ""' upon any premises and used, nor shall land or premises be used for 2. If the nonconforming usc of a~y parcel of land, building or ' fee subj~ct, however, to .the provisions 0~ all ordinances In ell'ect keeping unit and related by blood or marriage, Including, domestic

other·than one or more of the following uses: structure is discontinued for a p~rlod of one or more years or· at the t~me of renewal. . · · .. , . . employees thereof. (1) One· family dwellings. abandoned through vacancy, lac!( of operations or otherwise for Section 8.7 -CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL: REVOCATION . , Section 11.'1- FARM . . , . , . . . (2) Bona fide agricultural uses, but not Including the keeping such a· period, then any furthe1· use of such land, bulldlng or. struc· , . The Zoning Admlnlst~ator shall have the pow~r to revoke or All of the unplatted, contiguous, neighboring or associated land

or raising of llvestoci( except upon written application made ture shall conform to this Ordinance except as to provisions relative cancel any Certificate of Approval In case o! failure or neglect to operated as a single unit on which iiona fide farming Is carried on to and permission granted by the Board of Appeals. to minimum yard sizes, · ' · c;otnply with any provisions of this O"rdlnance or In the cilsc of any directly by the owner·operator, manager, or tenant farmer by his

(3) Only such other uses upon permission granted by the Board 3. "!l]"o nonconforming use shall be changed to any other non· fillS!! statement or mls·representatlon made In the application. The oWn .labor or with the assts"tanec of mlimbers of his household or of Appeals after written application duly made and accom· conforming use, nor· shall any use be converted to a former noncoh· owper or his agent shall b~ notified of such revocation In writing.- hh·ild employees; PROVIDED, however, that land considered to be-. ·panled by the wrltte~;~ assent of all residents In said district forming use after a .nonconforming usc has been changed to a Section 8.8 -COl\fPLETJON OF WORK AND INSPECTION a farm hereunder shulllnclude not less thdn three (3) acres In area living within five hundred (500) feet of the premises for conforming use. · · · · ~ . . · \ Upon tlie completion of the work' or the change· provided· for of one contiguous unplatted parcel; PROVIDED, further, that which, the use Is sought. . 4. When district boundaries shall he-reafter be chdnged, a l"n the Certificate of Approval, the owner or his agent shall notify orchards, hatcheries and similar· specllillzed agricultural enterprises Accessory buildings, structures and uses· customarily' lncl· nonconf.ormlng .use ·may still be continued but subject to all other the Zoning Administrator In writing. Promptly~ thereafter, the may be considered as farms but establishments keeping tur bearing dent~! to the above permitted or approved uses. provisions of this Ordinance. . . Administrator- shall Inspect- the premises and· Issue the owner a animals,· game, or operated as fish hatcheries, dog kennels, stock ,•

,. "" " Sl"Ctl~tn 4.2-;- _SIZE OF !>REMISES ' ' , . · Section 7.3- WATER· TABLE ~D. !\lUCK LAND Cfirtlficatc of Compliance If the, building structure and use· are In yards, 11laughter houses, stone quarries, g·ravel or sand pits, or for 1

, ! 1. Every part;el.of land upon which a,dwelllng Is ere~ted shall In all dlstl·icts of this Township, ·construction of dwellings lr conformity with this Or~linance. No building shall be ciqcupled nor the removal and sale of top·soll, fertilizer wori(s, bone yards or. for . . ·;:·:.·::be ,not less than eight (81 rods by ten {10) rods In size In the platted prohibited where the. watet· tablc·ls within five (51 feet of ~he sur. use commenced untll the Ce1·tlficate of Compliance has been Issued. the reduction of unlmal matter ~r for the disposal. of garbage,

·. ,_·,· areas of the district and In the· unplatted arcns_shnll be no less tl1an face of the g'roun~, except whe1;e the dwclllnl:1 to :be constr1ict~d .~t!Ctlon 8.0-FEJ~S i · · · · . . :·:· .: .. ~.-- ,.-: .,: . :.-•· -~' (Conl.inuecl'i)

loul~am County News, Mason, M1ch , October 25, 1957

Extend Honors To To11 4-JI Youth ]

Township of White Oak Zoning Code ( C:.:r 11 t 111111 rl t r

SI!Wnge rubbish junk 01 If 11 Sootlon 11 8 -l'ltl 1\11~1 ~

IThe umt or p 1 u•l of I nd r

111 J'rt<< !1111 Ia~ ) It II n I nsl!llle a farm hereunder

strUctme and accessm es I hc1 I 1 c I< tc I H to be lora ted to gefllf!r With the open 01 i 1 d 'I'' 1 s 1 ((lUI c I hy th1s 01 d nancc As herein employed the 1e1m Ill' m 1s n t te< ess 11 1Iy llmltecl to " SO Clllled Jot !tl I pit( I I Sl IJci!V!:; Section 11 9 - Y A 1ms

The open gr HI HI sp He o 1 1 1 1 n ses tmocct p1e I by btnlclmgs (a) F1 ont Ya1 d- 1 lw ) 1 d ext cnd11 ~ 1c1 ass the lull width of a

premises bct11 ce1 t1 u t tl I I 11 1 the cuge of tne 1 oau 01 hlghw I) ng I t lf 11 1 11 11 pi 1 cd u c ts ami the nem est line of a lnulrl! tg ' st 1 w 11

(b) S1de Y trel-1 he i 11 I r :·iiP rl! li ymcl helwcen lite sulr I t I tc bulldmg 01 stiUCI U! I

Altl Ic:.:IJ XII- Mil NDJ\11 N IS Sootlon lH-INlliAIION OJ \m :-lll~ll NIS

Amendments tn llus Or II 1 11 m ty or 1g lflle Township Bo 11 d or the 1 < 11 nsh1p 1

maj011ty of then 1espcct 1c 1111 ml cr r IJ:, wiitten petition •igned by no less than live ('i) c 11 nci s ol pwpr.rl:, Inc •ted in the unin corpora ted pm tlon of the I' 111 sup nd tilr d with the Township Cieri< Such petition sl II 1 HI d< II e dch css of c~ch s1gner and the location of h1s propel I\ 1 1 II c 1 '' 1sh p Section 12 Z- PROCI BlliU

Each proposed tmen In cnl nr l ot g11111 11g aoard shall be submitted to s 11d Br I l fo1 lis recommendatiOns

The Zonmg Board sh til hold at lc tst 01 e public hem ing on its recommcndatlons When 1111 rrmcnd ne It p1 opnses the 1 ezon111g of any premises the PI emJscs sh til be posted for ten (10) days preced ing the date of the hcru lllg 11 lh tt least one conspicuous sign stating the premises m c un 11'1 ccnsidci tla 1 f01 rezomng and the time and the place of the hem 1ng

All procedure shall be Ill tc< o rlr111ce 11 Ith the Jaws of the State of Michigan Section 12 3-SPOT ZONJN G

In case any petllion 1 cquests 1 ezomng of tHl!viclual parcels of land, the petition shall state tl1c specific usc or pm pose for which rezoning Is sought If glantccl 11 shall hr Illegal to tt•e such parcels for any other use even though such othm usc ot ptn pose is permit ted under d1stuct regulations in 11 luch the parcels are classified uni~S$ separate proceechngs me [H rsuccl for <uch other use

MlT\CLE XIII-SAVINGS ANil Sl VJ UAUIIITY CLAUSE 'I:hls Ordinance and the 1 11 h us puts the1 eof are here~ de

c]nrcd to be seve1able If any p 1rt IS adjudged unconstitutional or lnvqhd It is hereby p1ovlded that the 1emainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby

ARTICLE XIV- Ell I CTIVI IlATI~ 1 The provisions of this 0t chnance me heteby declared to be

necessary for the public welfme hr.tlth pence safety and mora]o nncl shall be effective on and 1fter November 26 19;)7

Enacted by the 1ownship Board of White Oak Township Ing ham County Michigan tlus Hlth clay of October A D 1957




Iu~;hn111 I uuuty, l\llc hlgun II tee II\ 1 Nuvc 111111 1 ~fl Wli7

Township of White 0~1< Buildin~g Ordinance No, 2 White Oal<

shall he multlpilml In sutflr lent numhm ~ In udcquntcly stippol t rom hlnr.d londs Dm1hlml joists shall he SCJpm ntCJd and hloclted nt foul I IJ fr Jt lnt I VIlis WIH 1c piping Cll dticl wotl\ r ccurs Joists slllil

Code Wlllll 0\J(

lu at lr.[lst two 121 Inches hy right (HI inclJCJS In slw > lie rulers nnrl lll nmCJts slHul be rlouhl~d cxcCJpt thnt he rlms

foUl (II f~r.t 01 11 ss In lr ngth may IJCJ of single thickness JliOVIded I he he nrlc1 s 11 c SliJlJIOt tc d IJ nwlnl joist Iu nge1 s at on colum Js ovet JllSIH 11 tullcss than two 121lnch hy lhtcc IJ) iHh lulgm boutds IIHI hnulu Is c urr I hy spiiHs hivrm thtnlgh one til lliltlmess of !he tlimrnCJIS lntc II c euls of the hendms

sh II he !mown us tlw 1 JWnshlp of While Onl\ ( I 1 Is of lnpperl jc lsts shalf Jesj r n giHlms 01 on heating

putt tills 111d slnll he SCJCUJIIy nulled to plate nn l tJ CJnch othm 7 1 lout lr It ling ttlc flo Jl and tlnt toof joists shulf he ctoss

iltlclgc I at Inti tv ils not In cx~~c l ~lght t8) f~et and drlllblu nniJQ[j tt 1 11h end

H Wlu 1 c I I c sit u ltu nl st wngth of fwmfng rncrnbet s Is cle finitely lrnpnli ~rl hy II h~w 11 defects ot by cutting at cltilllng s tch members sl 1ll I e telnforrccl 01 tcpltccd ns ll!(IUited by the hulld ing inspector

!l An ope ting nil less than twenty four (2 ll Inc! cs by thh ty 1301 lnciws fot nr.cess h t 1 each nttlc spa~e shall be ptovldcd

10 All attics nnd spaces between flat roofs nnd ceilings sl all be vcntllnlc I hy st termed lou vets 01 othct means apptovcd hy th Code AclmlnlstrntOJ

II Wlw1 celhng joists dn not sctvCJ ns ties fat the 1 tftcr s c 11lnr he trns of oJ e r 1l by sixes t6 sl 01 two (2l by fours l sl slmll l1e instnlled on ut 1 1st cntl1 third pair d toof tafte1s a HI shnll he sr.cutely n nlerl to the 1 Jftct s Muxlrnurn spudnv. of collar be 1ms give fout Ill fert m tcntst

12 flu rluptiJ of tldge ho 11 Is ll](J valley taftct s shu 1 be not Jess tlnn tl 1 ends 1f the abutting 1 aflers V tllcy r tftm s shall le not less thru tw 1 (21 inches thick Jm sp 1ns under twelve (12J feet nncl fm SJ ns ovct twelve (12} feet shall be 1 ot less than foUl ( 1l Inches thlci\ All 1 tftms shall he secmcly spilwd to the sup] 01 tlng mern bets

13 All openlpt::s 111 too( consl1uctton for dorm1 1 windows which at 1 not supp Jl krl on ]Jill tltlons shall be fwmed w1th double r tftcts ancl hentlct s

II Hnfters Ill let gth to ten (10} fCJet shall be at least two (2) Inches by fn11 I l) Inches Rnfle1s n length lo thltleen 113) Icct six () llclJCs sl til he at least two (2) Inches hy six () Inches Ruftm s ove thltlccn t lll feet stx 61 Inches shall he two 21 l 1chcs hy ctght 181 11 chcs


Section 2 IIi- Hom s E uh dwelling shnll he provirlerl with at lens! two (2) doo1 s

glvmg Iue I 1c1ess to t111 y td sutlf 11 di 1g the dwelling 01 e < r wh1ch sh II he I tied n the f101 t I 1lf nd othet In the tear 1 tlf of the dwelling St ct ion 2 11,- Il~:ht mul V 1 ntllution

All r uns In every dwellttg u 111 shall be n lequntcly ltghled vcntllttcd Fie etlnn 2 17- Nmnhm nr Unom~

1 Ml lrnt rn Numl et I vt 1 y dwell ng unit shnll have a bath lOOill II d lC t Jess than th1ce (3) olhct lOOms exclusiVe ( f h i]Js closets nnrl stnltc 1scs

2 Bcd1oom At least nne worn sl all be designed Iot sleeping use and sl all h 1\e 1 d< or to ms nc pr vncy

3 Batlm om A b1 II roc rn sh II be of nrlequate Size and plop etly planned tr 1rur mmoclate no less thnn a stool lnvator~ md r It h or shower Scetlun ,! 1 B- l'hunhln~:

l In a lei ton t 1 a hntlnoom cnrh dwelling unit shall he pro vlded Wtlh no less thm a kite! CJn slnl\ Jlll pctly located to ftcllltate food pr cp 11 at tot 1 nl hsl w 1 hmg

2 I1~lillnton Etch plumiHtg lxturc shall Ill! petmtnc1tly mstallcd 1 ul connectc I to tJ c pi Jmh ng system of the dwellmg The lnsll1liatl0n of nil mtettot pltmbu g w011t sl Ill comply with ArtiCles I to XI Inch ;ave of tl c Miclllgun Plurnblt g Code S1 ctlon 2 l'l- ~' wngc DISJHI ul

l Public Sc wcr SystCJm Snid plumhmg system sill1ll he cor nccted \\ 1th the p1hlu scwe system when ava lihlc

fhe scwct Inc runn ng ft om etch dwelling 01 lnul!llng to the SCJWct system sh 111 he not less II nn fout r I) mciles n rllamctcr a ul h tvc 1 f1ll of n t less th 111 onl.' elgiltl r 1.} Jlcl per foot Such sewer sh II he co1 stt 1ctcd r f mper VIDt s mater 1 !Is md have wnlct light 10 nts 1 he nstallal 11 of the line md Its cm nect10ns shall 1 ol hc c JVCI c I t nlll appwval b~ the Code Adrn1mstrator

j 2 PtiV 1tc Sewage D1sp JSill System When 1 public sewet sys t m nc lVaJiuble the plumbmg system shall be com cctcd wtth a Jll vale scwune d1sp Jsai system of the sepllc tanl\ type

1 I po111 erl In n wm I1rnm hlw

Sc linn 2 I -I ntmgs nnd I oundutwns

Mux Qu Ft of I utul \gg1 I gilt l'1 I Slid\

ol < c nunt


G 7

to coarse

I All IJIItJgs ud pwts shall be f01tytwo (421 Inches below finished g1 1clc sliill be r on und sturhed so I ami shall be des1gned to ptoper iy 1 ui s ilely d st11bute the supct Impose load and add suf flcwnt st liJJllt~ to the loundat ot When soil condlllons are un stable tile C. lc \dmn st t Jl may requne tdtlilwnal pwvtstons to lnstt e st b 11 )

2 llas1 mcnt fu Jl 1 gs fnr II 1 m!l bear ng walls shall be of con crete at ICJlsl s xtecn lGI 11ches Wide md c1ght 8l Inches deep Pters shIll I tvc a n 11 mtm nteu of lDUI t4) squaw feet and twelve (121 Inches deptl

3 Foun< t1o w~lls shall cc let on footmgs be not less than ten 110) nr Hs II lei< fr t Jnurcd walls urless such waifs extend more than seven 17) ft ct b1 low ,.,r HICJ tnd fo1 hollow mas( ny mit walls not less tl at c gl t I'll miles roundatlon walls shall nevct be

S< chon 2 Hl-l\lllSOI!I y Willis All m ISOI ry walls shall conform to the provisions of lhts S0c

Uon 1 S lid h11ck hCJarmg walls shall be not less than ctght (8)

mches tht( k fhere slall be a header uoutse 111 all bt ck walls at least eve~y sevCJnth course o 1 both s1dcs of thc wall or thme shall be at lc 1st one 1 l fulllcngth header 111 every one and one half t 1 ) sq u 11 c .feel of w 11l surface

2 Hollow Maso 1ry Umt Walls The mlmmum thtci ness of bcnnng walls n structural clay t le or conctete masonry ut tls shall not be less th n eight (81 motes Hollow masonry umt shall have full rnotla covctngc on vertiCal and honzo 1tal face shells Where two 12) ot more hollow umts are used they shall be bound at vet lt cal mtcrvnls not exceedmg th1rty fom (34) mches hy lapp ng 1t least four r 1) mches or by lapptng wtth units at least fifty I >01 pet cent greater 111 wtdth than the umts below

3 Br ck Veneeted Walls Thtclmcss of brtcl1 veneer shall he not less than tin cc nne! three quarters (3 ~ ) mches properly anchored w1th lllslteststmg wall tie~ and wtlh at least one Ill tie m e\ery three (3! squurc feet The veneer shall rest on the foundation

I Ex1sl1ng Walls No exJstmg wall shall be used fm renew 11 ot extc tston of a blllldmg 01 lnctenscd 111 hetght without special lVIII ten pet rn1ssion from the Code Admmlstrator

tiunnet than the w 11 he11g supp01 ted :Sc chon 2 II - Ro ofin~:

The use of all ICad1ly tgmtable and hazardous toofmg mnterml such as light asphalt or tat Impregnate paper and stt aw thatch s ptol 1h1ted

4 A 1 DJ en n,., f not less than two 12) by two 12) feet shall be mstn11ed to ptov de ccess fm lnspecllon and repnns of each un excavate I space unrlct wo d 01 metal tloor constnJCtton whete p1p fng duct w nl< 11d slmtl 1 I terns tequhmg periodic mspecllon at repnu at c loc ttcrl Sc ction 2 12- Clumneys

5 Wall vents ptopm twned on a bas1s of two 121 squa1e mches 1 Matenals Clupmeys shall be constH cted of lmck stone 01

Slf110N 3-CONSIItU< liON ACCJ~SORY UUIIDJNGS The const1 uctwn of nil accessu y bulldmgs shall be 111 con

form1ty \lith the JllOVISions of Sect ons 21 2 2 2 3 md 2 9 of tilts Ot dma nee

SI CTION 1- Gl NI RAJ l'llOVISIO!II S St ltwn I 1 - Jtquut ol Nom onllllmlllg Uulldn ~s

Noth1ng n this Ord nancc sl all prevent the repntr 1e1nforce rnent 1mp11 vernon! or Jehabthtallon ol a no 1confo11ning lnuldtng extslmr, ( n the date of passage of th1s Ot imnnce that may be neccs sary to secLu e ot lllSL re the contmuecl advantageous 1 sc Jf st ch bUJidmg du11ng ts natuta~ life PROVIDED however that all con struct10n petlatmlg thereto confotms as reasr nnbly ns c1rcum stances pc mil w lh the ptov1slons of th1s 01 <llnlnce govcrmng such constructiOn

; Sc chon 4 2 -l~t consu uetwn ol I>umn,dl Nnnconfot mmg Uuildfng

for eacl tv.enl} five 12'il of extCJrto wall sh!Jil be mstnlled fat ven re nfmced conctetc 01 hollow mnsomy units All clumneys shall tllntmg all de 1 I 1 1 sp 1ces under wood 01 metal float canst rucuon be 1 1cd wtth flue limngs SLCI ION li- J)fl INITIONS and each space sh II h vc vents In at least two t2l walls except that 2 S1ze of rfucs The ctoss sectional area of flues shall be as For the pmpose of th1s Otdinance certam terms are herewith

Nothmg 11 th s Otrlmance shall p1event the reconstruction re pa 1 or tcstoratlon of a nonconfmm ng buildmg damaged by fire CJXplos on nels of Gael or nets of the publlc enCJmy subsCJqucnt to the cffecttve d tte of this Otdmnnce wher~m the expense thetcof docs not excee 1 fifty pet cent (50/! l of the fan vall nt1on of the bu !ding at !he t me such damage occuued PROVIDED that such valuatwn be appt oved by the l own~htp Bam d

only ow !ll vc 1! nto 1 basement 01 cCJIIar excavated area wrll he follows defined When not mconslstent With tl CJ context wolds used 111 the acceptahlc No neon orh 1g set ccnmg of 1ot ovet onCJ half ( 1£) mch I al Fot wm m air hot water and low ptessure steam he tting presc 1t tense mclude the futm c wm ds m the smgulat numbet n mesh sh 111 be mstailcd n each outside vent open ng appliances not less than seventy (701 square mches elude thc pll raJ 1 mttbeJ and words In the plural numbet mclude the

6 Dwellings co 1structctl on conct etc slabs wtll not be accep ( bl For 1 dmmy stoves ranges and t oflm hen lets not less than smgulm numbct I he \1 ord shall 1s mandatory ami not meJCly table 1111ess the construction of the slabs meets the approval of the forty (40) square mches dtrectmy Code Adrnm stt a tor (c) For small specwl stoves and heaters not less than twenty Section 51 - Acccs~my Bulldmg S1ctlon ~ 5-"Imlmnm J)eslgn I..ou1ls e1ght 1281 square Inches A supplerncntnl butldmg on the same parcel of land 01 part of

All floors shall be destgned for the dead loads plus a Itve load Ull For fireplaces not less than fifty (50) square inches but 111 dwellmg occuptecl by or devoted to a usCJ naturally and nmmalfy In of not Jess than forty ( 101 pounds pet square foot of llom men no case less than one twelfth (1/12) of the fireplace opemng cldentai to or subordmnte to the usc of the dwelling All roofs sh.:tli be des gncd for the dead load plus a live load of (c) ror gas burmng appliances not le~s than one tll square Section 'i,!- Altemtlon not less than fot t~ t 1Dl pot mls pet square foot of honzontaf pro mch pet 7 500 hourly b t u mput and 111 no case less than Any change 111 the structural members of n 1Ju1ldmg such as jectwn , three (3) mehes In diameter Flues for the use of gl1s ap beating wnlls columns posts beams glrdet s and stmtlar com Se1 tion 2 II- Wood < onst1nctwn Genctul Reqnlrenll!nts pllances which are suitable for sohd or llquld fuel shall be ponents or any change m the Iocatwn of a btuldfng

All wood cor st1 uct on shall conform to the 1 enuncments of this plamly labeled This flue is for thCJ use of gas burnm~ ap S 11

~ o A d Section and Sections 2 7 and 2 8 .., pllnnces only and such label shall be attached at the point cc on 1 "- Jlprovc

where the vcnt pipe enters the chimney Approval by the Code A<lminJsttator 111 nccotdance wtlh the 1 Mmirnum stzcs of lurnbm mqmbcrs teqmred by this Code 3 provt c1ns and purpose f til Or li1 e FottndatJons Clltmnevs sJ1oll not rest at be cat rferl by wood sr s 0 1 s r lanc refe,. to nomtml s1zcs American Lurnher Standards for dtessed ' " S tf "4 8 ill!

floors beams 01 brackets nor be hung or supported by metal stn cc 011 ,, - 11 1 ng stzes shall he accepted as the mmimum net sizes conforming to At1y stt ucture ftl t"mpot y v bl p nt 1 ~v r rups from wood construction but shall be built upon concrete slabs c Jer ' nr mo a e or crmane lu nom nal stzes Computations to determine the requned sizes of 1 r f 1 d 1 1 d f th 1 It 1 f nroperly proportwned to carry the load wlt1'out danger of settling ng a oo anr use or 1 es gnc or e s 1e er or me osm c o per members shall be bnsed on the net dimensions tactual size) and not "' • 1 hatt Is t f 1 d

the nominal s1zes or cracl\lng The footing shall 1 est upon solid earth and shall be sons amma s c e or PI oper Y o any \Ill carried below the frost level Section 55 - nwdling

2 Splfcmg of wood jmsts between bearing pomts Is prohibited 4 Separatton from other Construction No combustible beams Any bUilding or part thereof destgnated or occupied as the lfv relnior~~~~~~c~~f~l be sttuctmal steel solid wood bull~up wood or joints or ru!tets shall be placed within two (2} inches of the face of lng quarters or sfccpmg place for one or more persons either 4 All jomts of solid wood girders shall have joints brol(en at 111slde clumneys No combustible studding lathing furring or permanently or transiently but not Including hotels and similar es

not less than fout (4) foot mtcrvnls ~luggmg shall be placed against a chimney or In the joists thereof ~b~lshm:~~Ere ti 5 Posts shall be used as columns In basements and shall bear 5 Flashing Connections between chimneys and toofs ,11hall be e 011 " e 011

made with cap and base flashings of sheet metal or other approved Includes construction 1 econstructfon enlargement movement on a cement base thft ty (30) Inches by thirty (30) Inches and eight material of physical operation on any building or on the land required for (8} Inches deep H 1 h hi h b a building Including excavation Section 2 7- Wootl Constntetlon- Floor, Celllng antl Roof Framing 6 e g t C mney!l. s all e built at least two (2) feet above Section 5 7 -Incombustible

1 Whet e floor joists frame Into the side of wood girders the tpe hlghes,t point of the roof Material that wlll not of and by Itself Ignite when Its tempera joists shall be supported on metal joist hangers or on a wood bear 7 1Us~f Allh f\~~e typi tenting de~fsesl hor aph~llances udse~ fohr ture and that of surrounding air Is of 1 200 degrees Fahrenheit lng strip sp!l(ed to the side of the girders space 1ea ng s a e sa e y connecte.,. w t a e mney an ,..res Section

0 8 _ Ma.ownry

2 Ends of the floor joists framing Into masonry walls shal! be air Inlets with a total cross sectional area equal to not less than thf Stone brief{ structural clay tfle concrete masonry units gyp suppprted on metal joist hangers or shall have not less than four cr;:fned flue openings of all connected appliances shnU be PIO sum tile or block structural or other similar building units or rna <4) Inch bearings and shall have at least a three (3) Inch fire cut1 v e terlals or a combination of same bonded together with mortar An ah space of one half ( lA.) lnch shall be provided at ends and Section :us-Smoke Pipes Masonry also Includes plain concrete Rides of wood joists framing Into masonry 1 Connections Every smoke pipe shall connect with a Oue by, Section 59- Nonconforrqby;: 1\t~lldlng

FJoor joists shall have a clearance of not less than eighteen mea11s of a tight joint Any building not In conformity with the provisions of this Ulll,':ltlcn•es between the bottom of the joists and the surface of the 2 Passage Through Combustible Construction No smoke pipe Ordinance

shaH PIIS!i through a ce!llng floor or roof construction of comb ,IS Section 5.10- Stnacturo shall be doubled undet: all nonbearing partitions tlble material t~nles:> there be on all ~Ides of such smol,ce pipe a one .t\ny construction art!flci~tliY. built up

L'~mll~n.:run ""'"""'"''to the door joists Jolsts under bearing partitions tp foot eleaiance from any and all combustible material joined together In some definite manne1


PCJtmlls fat accCJssoty buld nr shall IJe mtnunum of

~we I the fcCJ so patd



FORD 'flWCI{S wblcb led the Industry In retail sales for Hl'i7 will offer In I 'I 'ill the Ill! It st coverage of nuy munnfocturcr In the volume trurl1 murlwt 'l he wide runge of utthty uul worlr cnJmclty Is demonl:itrated hy the powerful tilt cab (left), and the spectacularly successful Stybldc Jlldmp Mcchunic 11 and dcHJ~n I ndvunces Include new gnlles and safety dual headlights, custonuzcd In tenors and mod~oru ~~J lmg, ami ~creased horsepower and payload cupuclty In lllliUY model~

·----------------Highways fo Happiness

They Also Are Prosperity Factor

nr ss

lly I I Ml It I WJJJJ I 7\lltlu~un I'Jt ss Assnt lutlon

It Will go dcr>p mlo the heat t ol the slates !oLJlJSt nne! leSo!l

]H S tid

Wlwl M tcl(Je s s I I e me 11 I s meun In 11!! sltle clvctt(•rcl IS the Wute1 Wm detllml e 111 be me tsurecl In the $GOO ODD II Ill I fl In ll1e Hille by lolllls!s itS! HC I


A third mnjo1 development Will be t supm I 1ghw y 1 unnlnf:( f1 om Pel! OJ! !Ill ough L 1nslng to Crt LJ I H tpJds 11d Jll to Mus! egt 11

fhe pl1n Joe ks like 1 llee Will the main llllllk 1 unnlng up the center of the stntc wlth m ljr 1 connections mal<lng It eas1ly cesslble to IJ othe1 scclJons the st.tte

l\lnd<le phu 1111111 It I•~ Ull uwh majOJ su lion lu lu eon till 11c!1 d, 1 lllllJIIJI 11 n g tlu chanc• s ol u hit and 1111ss consh ue lion sc lu dull

He plans to cr nit 1cts In Ill

Township of White Oak Building Code (Coutmued f10111 Ptecedmg Pnge)

lll no way supr>J sede 01 leplnce the CCltthc te of ( m1 lit 1r 1 1 quucd by pnwglilph 77 of th s Sectwn

~~ ( liON ll-IIOAIW OF AI'J'I AT S ~IClJonll 1-JIH!IC IS lwteby ClCHted l Boud of Appr>n]s crnststlng oJ th1 ce Ill membcn s wluch sh til be dwscm ts f >I lows 011( 1 1 munlwt sh til be t membcJ o[ t I r. I ow 1~h1p lJ u d of H.c v r v IJlPOllled l>y snJCI Bo ml Olle 111 membf 1 sh til he n mcmhCJ of the u , I J\1 n lup Bo ud lJljlllJttcd by the I uwnshtp Bo 11 d t1 e third 1 1rd 1 I member shall be selected tnd appomtecl ny the fh st two mcmben; \ f10m am Hli the clcctns 1esldlng 111 the 1 ownshlp 1 he te1 m of eo e nclt IIH 1r bet h til be spectfied by tesolullo 1 of the 1 r wnsh1p

1 Br ll I Me rnbc1 s e 1 the Bo trd of Appeals shall set ve WJtlwut c Jm p Is lite 1 except th 11 they may be reimbursed for leasonuble ex pe 1s 1 It Illy JncLnred Jn the dJschntge of theh duties as such m mil rs Any member m ty be 1emoved by thr fow11sh1p Bo.11d fr r 111 IJ e 1 fo1m1 He ol duty or mtsconcluct In offiCe after public he umg >itt tu n !! ,! - Dutu s unci l\lt t lings

I 11 sJ rll be the tiUl) of the Board of Appeals to cons det PIt lis !rom cleclsJons of the Code Admnustlalot Wlw1e tlww ue

Jll 11 t1c t1 dllltctltlcs or 11 nnccess 11 y h trdslup 111 the w I) d c 111 > tng 1111 tht siJicl Jettrr of !Ius OJC!tnw ec the BuaJd of Appr. Is shall litVt tlw po\\ e1 Jn passmg upon ppeuls to v 1ry or modify ally tulcs ttgul1t1 ms 01 plovtsions of Ills OICllnance or decisions of the Code AdmtnJsllalll o th tl lhc spit I! of this 0Idmance shall be observed tl1c s 1!et:> s1ntutwn tnd ptutectwn of bLuldmgs be sccu1eci aml s1 b t nlt.JI JLIS!Jce done

1 2 Meetings of the Bo trd of Appeals shall be held 1t the c Ill

of 11 e I r WJ ship CleJI< With whom all appeals sh til be flied tn 1\lJitng All he nngs of smd Boatel shall be open to the public .met saul Bo ml hall m tlntrun u recotd of Its proceedings whtch sh til be fll I 11 lite olf1ce of the Township Cieri> and sh 111 be a public 1 e ot d S 1 d Bo uri shall fix JUles and Jegulatlons govetnlng Its ptocecitnc SJ ( 210N 'I- AMI NDJ\11 N1 S

Amendments to this 01cllnance may be lnl!tated by the rownshlp En tel upon lls own mot1on 01 may be proposed for conslclewtron e f the rownshlp Board by petitiOn of owners of real estate WJ!Iun the rownsh lp Such petition shall be signed by no Jess than len ( 101 Ht ch ownei s a ul filed with the 'I ownship Clerlt !oil CliO~ 111-VAI.IDHY

If my ]ll OVJslon of !hts 01 dlnance 01 the npplrcatlon thereof to an) pet son or circumstances be adJudged mvaltcl by the courts such mvahel!ty shall not uJfect other provistons 01 applications of the 01 tlmlnce which can be given elfeet without the invalid pt ovtswn or app!lcttion ancl to th1s end the provisions are declued to be severable S! (liON 11- pgNALTIES

1 Any person firm or co1 porallon or agent thereof who viol lies disobeys omits neglects or refuses to comply with or IesiSts the enfm cement of any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convlctlon thet eof pumshed by a fine of not mo1e than one hundred ($100 00) dollar~ and the cost of p1 osecutlon or by Imprisonment In the county ]at! fm not more than ninety (90) days for each offense or by both su h fine cost and imprisonment In the dlscret.lon of the com t Each d.ty that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense The imposition of any sentence sh til not exempt the offender fl om compliance with the provisions of this Code

2 The Township Board the Code Administrator, the prosecut lng attm ney of the County or any owner or owners of real estate wlthln the said Town•hlp of White Oak may Institute injunction mandamus abatement or any other appropr.iate action or proceed mg to prevent enjoin abate 01 remove any such violation The rights and remedies p1ovlded herein are cumulative and In addrtion to nil other tcmedies provided by Jaw SLCTION 12-EFFECTIVE DA.TE

rhe prov.lsions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be necessary for the public welfare, health, peace safety and motals and shall be effective on and aftet November 26, 1957

Enacted by the Township Board of White Oalt Township Ing hum County Michigan, this 16th day of October A D 1957


II I ~ II c llu llllll


St to n! MlchiR'I n Olllce of lnghnm County Drnln CommiHKloner

111 tl o M tttct of LAI,EVJEW DRAIN Notlec lo Hereby Given thnl tl1e no 1 d

or Detcrmlnntlon comno«c I of Det n T <ylo Auotln Cnvnnn gh and Don R Bently will moot on October Sl I or.1 nt 2 80 p m t lntcrooollm o! SchQol 111 d Fu nklln Stlooto to hcnr oil In tot olitt!d pouonts nnd to dotermlno wl a,thc1 the diUir known ns Lulcevic.,. D1aln lUI r~rnYcd !or In tho Potlllon to loot to cotnblloh nnd conottuct dnted Scptembo1 17 1067 Ia noceHBIIIY nn I conducive to tho publlo honlth oonvcn oneo 1 nd \Vel• fnro In ncco1 dnnco with Section 2 o! Chnutor IV Section 1 of Chuutcr VII oC Aot No 810 1' A IO.S no n!J!andcd

GERALD L ORAIIIIM ln11ham Co111lty Drain Comml•otonor




ANil 01':1 ERMINATION OJ liE IRS 13 I 0~7


lnglu1m County News, Mason, Mich, October 25, 1957 D·i'c-

I I OAJ, N01'101 ~





.' 1,

M·SU Homecomini

s·partans_ Plan Big Wee~' ~nd Mlchlgnn Slnle univcm;lty cnm­

[HIH will bcmmo n fnntns,ylnntl Frltlay nnrl Sntur!lny, Octnbf~t"25· 2U, In wltleh gleeful r~lanl. i-lpar­trlns commit vnr·Jous ldnds of mnylwm on Illlnnls ImlltlllS, j

Snlnt'tl!•Y IIHII'IIIng· 1~1'1\IIIH will iul'ludn lhe~ tilth lllllllllll tlnh·y hlllllt't'IIIIIIJJ:r IH'Pnltl'ast, .lrulgln·~· ol' t'iiii!JIIIS !llsltla~·s, II SOC'f'IH' IJIIIII'!r with llilntJIS, Uw nanual l'tii'JIIIbn Aetllll· I'IUJn II.JIIJ II l'l'IJS.~ t•emniJ•y nwt~l. wfl.h l'mm Sltttt•.

Tire lfl~7 1\JSIJ hornce•nmlng l'on rr!Slll't'l. thn Cnnslllu· quetm :tPd hl.'l' r•ourl will IH• lnfl'rl· lion nntl \'IIIJJtl llw rliihts 11. rluccd lo IIH• r•t•owrl .lusl hefore g·Juu·antt•f's, the star! of IIH! ftllllhall g(llltc.

The• C'llllljllts l>e•alt11t•s also 111 -e 'I'IH• t•nnstllutlnn i:; tiH• flltHirt·

'I'JIE B()J,I) I,!Nl'::i OF JIUICK'S 105R styling OI'C CXCIIIJllillmJ in lhc luxury 111111 ht!IIUIY of the nulelt SJirl'i;il, tlw bit~ vulunw sl'llu in !lw Buiclt line. llnnl lwndllghts mul a dnzzlin/4 JH'W ~rille n,Jd hl'l!tHith mul loWIH'ss I o llw front end dt!Sil~ll. 'I' he St~r.t:ial, which is mmmlt•tl nn n J~:!·inch whcclhnsc, lwusls nt•w anti higl(t'l' hrnltcs, nnd exijulsilc new inlt!riurs thnt comjllcmcnt !lw glamoruus cxlt•dor colors. 'l'he ni!W mirilclc nir l'itl1! nntl l!illll'r l'arinhlc Jlitch OJ' the rcvolullonm·y !light Jlilch JJynaJ]ow nrc Olllional ctJIIillllll•n! on the Special ~cries which comes in seven models.

Il's nil In effigy, of euurse, nne]· pnrl of IJ•nellllnnal lwmccomlng tlecornllnns erected by stwlcnls In front of llwlr rlorrnltorles, sorority anrl ft'alernlly IHJUses. 'l'hn rllsplays give llw ea mpus a hnllrlny itlr unmnteherl at any otiJel' tlmn of llw year.

lllg-ltlfg-hf, of f,flfl •l!llh hnmee!!HIIing wr•t•l! 1'1111 will lm Uw 1-illlll'lnn l'nnlfmll gnnw with tlw Univt~rslt,v nf Illi­nois, stnrlin~-r IlL J ::Ill p. m. :SulnJ•tlay,

lo lw fii'I'SPJJII'd at lnte~rmlsslon of lllf'lltnl Ill' lw:;Ic law to· wltlc!IJ all tlw illflll'lllal llrtllll't'lllllillf{ rl:lllt'l', llliWI e·onform. whldi IJPgitJs al !I p: 111. 111 the 'l'l11• 1\ilii!lllgan Cll!lslilullon, of lllliver·sity ltltrlltnrlum. 'J'mphles COlli'S!', j, nnl lo hn r•rJJtfllst•rl wilh will he~ pre~:t•lllt•cl at 1111! same. lltr! C'llllslilulillll of llw UniiPrl time~ fur lite winnin 1~ .mmpus Slalt•s. \VItt'l'l'iiS ll11• faller was rlispl:tys. Ext·•tlilllll', st•JJ!or llll'tJ's aclnplt•tl In 177!i llw jll'esr•al 1\ilif'll· hnnot'lll'.l' srwiPty, will lrnvt• a rlln- igart •·nn:;lilutlnn \VIIS nnl 1trlop1Prl net· for itlllmlli mt•tnht!rs at li Jl. until I!JOH :tnt! il h:ts hPetJ illlll'llri·

New Styling Features 1958 Buick Class n~unirm;;- will ht! on llw ~larllum ltll'f lmnwtlialely folldw­lng l he game, with meml)['r~ of I he var·Ious classes r· allyIng lii'UllltrJ pilll!lll'cJH, IICt'OI'dftJg In Stnr'l' !I. Keesler, director of alum-

Ill. In Kl'lln)~g Cr•niPr. eel lll'IIIY limes sltrr·l' lis arlnpllon Alum11i platJnlllii In allentl Ar•r•t)J'(Iing· tn tlw lhPur·y of

1Iomeeomi11g mny n•gister eltill'l' ruu· g·nvi,-IIIHI'IIt·, t.Jw .~m·cn·· in the Uniotr huilrli11g or· in lhe t•iiill llllll'nt' is h\ Jlu• )lf'IIIIIH

Which· Goes on Display Tuesday ni relations. ·

lohhy of 1\ellllf~g Center, f{c,~slcr niJII llw t•onslitullnn is the! :mid. l'nnrhHtll'lllal law of Jlw shalt•,

Ashland Offers lltlllJll t•d hy 11H• jii'Oille!, 'l'hn I, 1'011/itifulion n II 11 I. IIi 11 S 1hll p•·inf'ipl6; 111H>n whl1'11 llul g·n\'f't'llllll'llt. i.~ l'nllllllml, r·r·g·n· lntr•s U11• di\•ision ot' SOI'I'I'I'ig-a llllll'e•rs nnel rlil'l•f'ls to what lii'I'SOII f'ill'll Ill' thf'Sf' Jllli\'I'I'S Is to h1! t•niJ·uslt•tl 1111d llw mnmwr ol' i Is t!Xt'l'dSI!,

Buidt':; I!r.s n11ul<'ls, wltiJ tly· nnmir· ''"IV styllttr:. fPiilur·t• ll11• new rniritr'IP ritll' 11 J'I'Voltltinllarr lli'W 11\'ll:tlllllv t;·artsnrissioil, in;. ]li'OVI'rl. hr:d;r•:; willt lllir•J\pr lin· Jngs and 11 ilost nf Dlltl~l' <!llgirWPI'· lng ehallgt•:;,

Tlw JH'II' mrs will gn nn dis­piny 111 llllton & Hic-hartls siii•W· rnom "l'tll•sd:ty, !111• lil':il <•f Gt•n­er·;rJ Molor.~· r;,Jtlt•JJ Anniv"t'Siii'Y models to IH• :;lwwn Ill[! public·.

The IH'W llttir-ks f'OI110 in fi series, I opperl by II JP ne•w Llmltccl, 11 di:;t itll'l ivPiy-,tyleri lux­lii'Y model wltir·lt is lluid\'s new 'ilnlry in IIJP pn•sti1:P enr· mnrltql.

IIVt•r fill! he:tclllgltls iiiJr] the li.!iirl- Air ~;IIS]H'IISiiiJI ;tlso I'C'rlllt'I'S I hi! He eslima(erJ llrat 20,000 ~suI New A-PUus Gas 1 •• 11 • J\i'i l i!IH s J\ 1 us. IH!Wesl of

ing r•tlgl! 1:; r•:tppt•rl It,\' a e.·IH'rllne Jo.s:;lbilitl' rol' "t•J'il'ilt-llll'llltgh" r•rlalumnl will allcncl lhc Illlllnl:i A II I' "'"II strip wltir·lt r•xle•n!IH urnurul llw l_,~•tlolllttll~ 1\'ltt•n lire 1'111' hits il game nn~l some ui lltc other tltf' ,


,1. gnsnlirH•s, is .heillr~ in-~ I'Purlc•r a11rl hr~t·oenr•s pari of llw Jtg hnmp. homec:ollllllg evenls. lll'llrhll't•rl fiJi:; \Vt't!k in IIH• lngbilnl siciP tnnlrling, This 11111lrling I'X·

tc•ntls l:l'ill'l'i'llll.l' alun~: tile sirlt• of Allollr_Pr f~·ilttlrt• or_ 11 ! 11 ~"k':; .'d•: On Friday night tlwre will he Conllf,\' 1'-!r•ws iltJtl of ill!!' pape•r·s iiiSJH•n:;rron ts 11 lllnll-llt "ltfl' · to mof,rllrg AtiH't'lt·lllls 1>1' flu•

the mr :til llw 1\'ii,Y lme·l{ to llw whir•lt raisPs tlw body Hnrl ft'iiiTH' a sing smnl>l'l' at L:tn:,irig':; Hole! i\:;hJ:ttHI Oil & ICr•lining Cron~pilll\'. l'l'ill' wlwrl t:lltolll, wltir•lt has ·rpproxirnafpfy "'" indws to ill· Olds, hmrnring memhci'S of lhc "A" Plus will "" on salr: slrntfl· hl'f'tt rnotlifir•rl to n~veal only the I' " illll'f'l' jHJI'Iion of lhc·wheel. ~1 :1•easr• gi'OIIntl r·fpar·:llwr•, lo malw MSU alillelie deparlment. A pep IIIIH!IIIIsly lltrou~:I 11 , 11 t tile HI­

I t•asil'l' lo .iaf'k tip lite r:nr, "'' lo rally and S]mrlnn sph·it dance ~:tale mnrl\l'ling nrm. Selling Dr. T. Vander Boll. Jr. iiParling tlw lis I· of cxclusivr, gel. nul of deep mud or snow. 111'1' otlwr Friday nigh I events. llu~me of tlH~ r•xl

1•m:ive campaign

r•nginr•t'ring al'!rlevr~mr•nts on flu• Thr "lifl" is t'rltJf!·ollerl hy a Tlw MSU alumni eluiJ presidents Is "Plus 1'11\Ve•r." I Hours: Mon.-S"t. 9-5:30, Thur. till l!l.'i:~ lltlir:k:; is lire new llight evt•a· undr~r tile inslntment JHfnrl. will conducl a seric:; nf meetings "A" I'lu:; has fH•t•n lltlll'oll•!ltll' ' I D fl · I ' '· · noon - EVenings by oppoinlmonl Jlllt'l )'ntl ow lran:;ma:;:; on rn The new model.~. come~ ill 20 and workslw[ls Friday and Salur-

1 ro:u~-les~er_l for more limn 200,0001/'

wilir·h lile stntor Villle:; opeJ'alt• mdy slyiPH mountl'cl on 2 wheel· day. tlrrvrng 1111les.


on tire snme "switch tile pitch" J . 1 l . 1 II mses, 122 inches for 1111' Special · J)h . i Mos

207 Pork Stroot

OR 7-1941

Tn olltor• wonls, ill 11 eonslilll· Jlonal fell'ln of goVI!I'nnwnl, slJeh ns we hnvn In Mkhlgnn, all :l r·arrllnnl rlopnrlnwuls of tlw gov­er·rnncnt·-·-lhr. Ihgislnllvr', llw ex­r~cutive and lhfl ,lltrilr-lal- llt!jl<!!trl for· lltelr power:; on lite roon:;lllu­lirlll wlrlc!J lwt~flli llwsr! lmnH:Iws st~fllll'itlr~ and cli~;flncl from r•nda otht~r· nnrl nwlntains a rllplll>llt·iln form nf go\'l!l'lllllt•nl.

. We~ wnn'l r:o into lite whnl<' IJitd\gJ'OllJl(J of lht• i\lif!!rJgiJJI Cllll·

slilntlon Inti a quick l'lltHiown 11f the hlstru·.1' shows 111111 IIJt• !ll'IIJllr• of the i\lif'lrigan 'I'!!&TIInr_y in a I'Oill't'nlloll ill'l(llll In netmlt Oil IIJt• Sf't'OIIII i\lonclit,Y of l\'lay IS:J.'i est HIJI!slll'rl lire cons I i 1111 ir Ill of (.~;J;i. C.:lli\I(I'C'.'iS JliiHHt!rJ 1111 acl ill IH:!Ii IIHtl\illg r·f!rlitill proposlllo11s ll]loll 1111• iir·•·r:pl:llll'f' of whie·h 1111• :iliilt• was In h1• adnlitlt•tl to' 1111! Union. On .July ~:-., J:-;:Jii, tiH~ ll'gis· Iii fun• aec·t1Jllt•d llwst~ Jli'IIJH>sil ions illlri hy ill) llt'l Of I'CJllgl'PS:-i

1 iiJl·

JII'IIVI'tl ,JIIJIIIill',\' :'.li, 111:17, IIH! l\1ll'lrlna11 Wit~ mlmilled illlo llw Unl<JIJ.

'l'f11~ l'on~IU ullotJ nf 111110 \\'liS lldll!llPtl h,y II I'OIIIlllf.ll·

llonnl t'llll\'l'llliu n In AIII\'IIHl of I hnl YllliJ', 'I'Jum, tlllnflwr e•IJitslillllflllllll II II II V 1111·1.1 Oil

utln]llt•ti Ow I!IUisUiutlma nf lflllll, II \\'liS l'Utlrlt!cl hy )IIIII• 11ln•· rultl nHII _lh•t•llu·t~rl In l'ort'i! ,Jnuuur·y I, lflllll.

You iil'l' golnJ.: In !rear a great ci<'al aiH>Itl ·IIJC• Mll'hiJ.:IIIl consll· tullon IIIHI r'riiJslllutlrmal convrm­t i1111s dnrlng I itt! t·omlng- monthij ~w l suggl!SI yon get n copy and l'<'acl liJl on II and, nlso, Wlltch lltl:; ('()l11mn for furtlrer l'l!ports, Afl"r all II':; .I'Ultt' lnw; yo11, llw Jl<'oplc• 111'1' IIH! rulers In this statu ant~ eounlry,

Tn llw pasl Jrl years, Hi7,000 i\nwritoalls h:1ve t•omml!lt!cl sui· clclt•, and a nul hi!J' million tr·Jed II, <IIIII bol dwd I I. 'l'l re most common rnl'lltmls tiSI'cl are· (I) guns, (2)

lwnglnr:, 1:11 gas, l·ll itolson, and· !GI ,llllllfJin!( nfl' a dlfl' or bridge,

Federal Land Dank Farm Loans for

Any Agriculturcll Purposo or Rofinancing /,


Call or Write

National Farm Loan Association IJD W. Ash St. Phono ORohord 7-6091

(farmer's Mutual Fire lmuronoo Duildingj Meson, Michigan

I or 4 I 5 S. Cochrnn Phono I 080

Tills is fliP llPginJJim: 11[ a nrw era f11r Buidt, ae-cording to Bob Hilton.

\Vilh the new air-poi'e suspPn­sitlll, which liternlll' lloals the r•nr on •I cnlumns or' ;Jir; tlll' new flight pitr·h DyJJiiflmv lrnnsmis­sion, whleh pnwiclcs a speetaeu­lar increase• in pr•r·fonnanee, illlfl the new air·-conlecl nlurninum hralws, ~uicl< all<tins n new high in automnliw~ engineering, the Mason car· cleaiPr.JH>inlcr.l ntll.

Jll'tnc Peas an nrrr~ ar_w prope or. and Ccn,tur,\', and 127.5 inehes Ior · ~Ck'1. ! on

'i'la• new IJ'ansmrssron also lws [the olilcr ~ series. Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., October ' 1957 D-a,· ·-----,--------3 luriJitws insle11d of 2, which in- ----------:------------------------..?-------...:.. _____________ ;_ _________________________ _ creases the torque mtl.put. I

With tlw new air-poise :;uspen-' sion, whieh gil'l':i n softer, more c·nntrolled ride, the car mainlains the same level when it is load ell ns when empty,


Chdrlotlo, Michigan

All models arc equipped with dual lreadlights o.n each front fender.

Previously, grilles ltnve :J0en dislinguisllccl by vcrlieal or lwri­zontal hnrs of dmmw, varyin1.: in design. Inslcacl of ehromt• bars, Jhe new Buid\ grille is rlistin· gulshcrl b~· ellmmc squares, like· jewels, set in ·I row:; I ~at extend all lhe wa.l' ltrTns:; lhe front :;, the outer exlrcmilit•:-. 11! 1hc car. accentuating the lowrwss anri brcarltll. Ead1 chmmc square is composed of 'i lrinng-ular sur­faces rlesignerl to rcflcel. maxi­mum light, giving 1 he fr,.nt em! greater sparkle :mel he:ll.lty.

The fender line has hPPn loll' cred nnd llw hood lint~ raiser! slightly to eomplcment I he n~w front end de~ign.

The front fendet·s project out


NEED REPAIR.? El:pert repair service 011

all makes.

1 N~ED SALT? Delivery service ot proper

salt lor your soflener.




Ends Oct.26




SupS~ Automatic


Beebe's West Side "Your FriEndly Neighborhood


Open EVL!Ilings and Sundays Texaco Gas--Oil

204 N. Cedar PI!. OR 7-4151 We Give Gold Stamps

---·------------· ---

"We Barbecue in the Store"

George's Market

We cl~livcr on orrler~ of $5.00 or more

424 S. Jefferson Mason

Phone OR 7-7151

Well Drilling

Well Drilling 3· nn!l 1-hwh feJI' farm and home, 6- to 10-inch for air eomlitlonlng ami irrigation.

m,TmTIUC W A'rmt SYS'l'EllfS

1'o fit ynur needs Sold and Instullcd

Roy C. Hart 1328 S. ,Jnlfer~un Phone Olt 7·2231

S. W. Hart (at soul:h city limits)

133,1 S. Jefferson Phone OR 7·0131


. We &peeiali7.e in cleaning .~cp-

SeptiC Tank Trouble? Al~o concrete septic tanlts for

Personal Your clothes are safe in our hands. We get them sparkling clean, beautifully pressed with utmost care. No high-price wor· ries either!

Modern Dry Cleaners Phone OH 7-Uill


Dabs• Photos Complete Photogrophy· Sorvioc


834 S. Barnes Mason

Phono OR 7-439 t

Warfle Tailoring Shop R f • • ' Men's and Wcmen's e r1~erahon

Cus.lom-1\fncle Clothes ":M' All Types cr Alterations ------------

ELZINA NORRIS :J30% S. Jcifr.rson OR 7-3031

Over Cilesiey's Drug Store

Livestoc_k Trucking



Scml-'fruclt Service now A vallablc See us for your rcgistcrr.d Hamp­shire breeding stoclt. The best ;n meat typo hogs.

Bim Franklin Licensed Dealer, Mason

Phone OR 7-il041

Livestock Trucking ' .

Charlotte - Monday Battle Creclt - Wednesday Also general local trueldng

Charles Cool~y Phone OX 4-8349 Ill' OX 4-1371

Bottle Gas

Domestic nnrl Commercial Rcfrigc:ration Sc:·vke

Lawrence Schnepp Phone E•iton I ::ai>lds

3774 01' 4-2\:ilt!


"Prescriptions Arc \)ur Specialty"

Hitchens Drug Store

Courteous Service Holt



Bud's Auto Parts "Central Michigan's. La~gcst

. Dealer !11 Late Model Salvage'' Phone OX 9-2154

· Bottled Gas Jn

20-lb Self-Serve Cylinders 60·lb Cylinders

South of Hcilt · 2 Miles • NortJ, of Mt~6vu

sale. ·

Francis Sloan 100-11) Delivered Cylinders'

Lower rates for dual appliance

Nursi~g Home

users '

Business and Professional


Hardware Lennox Furnaces

Air Conditioners

Sporting Goods


Cqdy Hardware Plumbing and Hcnting

l<ll W. Ash

'Hardware DuPont Paint

Evinnrrlc Motors Glass

Glazing Tools



Perkins Hardware Mason Ph. OR (j.IJ311


Glenn Casey Aucllonecr I

Williamston, Michigan

Phone Collect 559-J or 9-W


Tefsvision Service Phone OR 6-1762

Harold Lavis 655 N. Cedar

Mason, Michigan

Home Service




Gas - Oil Conversion Burners Service

Licensed Mnstc~r Plumber No. 3300

For IIcaUng Beyond tile Gns Mnin


CALL IV 2-1101

Mundo Faggion Plumbing & Heating

1420 E. Michigan


1 Kean' s 5-1 Oc-$1 Store Kirsh Rods Installed

Venetian Blinds Paper, Plastic and Cloth

Window mwclcs Phone OR 7·?4fl1



Weddings Funerals - Parties Delivery Service.

Clements Flower Shop 1U82' Walnut Ph. OX 4-1791








· * Letterheads * Handbills

* Envelopes " Boo~lets


Neve_r ha~ last year's range 'been ao obsolete 1 Brand new Gas Ranges offer the "Magic Touch" that makea

,every pot, pan and akillet an automatic cooker • , , the "Magic Touch" that 'makn every meal a au~cess • • • automatically, The new top burner "feels" the temperature of the pan ••• raises or Iowen the flame

Williamston, Route 2 Phone 67l·W

. I

Inquire about , * Office Forms • Tickets

as needed , •• •like magic, ·

I \ ' . . '\ .

~f~~~tl'"'';.,;.,~·~·~· NSIRAIIONS OP f41i111111h CIAS BURNlR )] AY BE SEEN AT ANY Of THE Sf DIALERS ,

. Mason Home Applian~_e. 1~0 -W. Maple Street ...

. tic tariks and lines, also the In­stallation of new tnnlts and drain

BULIC today!

fields. Clean, trouble· free· and modern ALL worlt g•Jarantced. living nt lower cosf! Yov do not

have to buy the ,tank: Bulk hi· EJ\:TON COUNTY_ . stnllatlon of 500, 650 and 1000

k gallon capacity.- ·

SeptiC: Tan · Service . · Le. sf·r·e. App''ran· ce. · · !tOG: Robblnts Road · I

.· Phone 'Lansing IV 2·1079 · 210 E. Bellevile · .. .. . :;·· ·: 30wtt. PI ,.~II' . 28 . .. r .. .. . 1one ,...,s e JU II· q


The E. R: Lilly \ . Nursing Home·

Corner of State and Park-Ma~~n Phone OR G-5552

• Fine Home-Cooked Meals • Licensed Practical Nurse • Fifteen ,Ycnrs of Experience.

Information and Refer~nces · !Jladly' Given


Ava1Iable Everywhere·

Phone OR 7·2311 246 w. Maple Street.

/The Ingham Co'unty News . Offset 11nd Letterpress Printing