Personal and Family Names - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Personal and Family Names - Forgotten Books



A P opular Monograph on the Origin an d Hi story of the

Nomen clature of the P resen t an d Forme r Times


G l a sgow S choo l Board

“ Names ? ” Could I un fo ld t he in flue nce of names , wh ich are th e mos t

importan t of al l clothings , I were a sedonaTrismegistus


G L A S G OW : TH O M A S D . M O R I S N




Library Co ngress Cat alog C ard

N umb er 265 84

1 474 5 8 1

iBehi cat eh








ABOUT the year 185 6 my atten tion was special ly directed to

t he study of personal names , and circumstances at that time

led me to con cen trate atten tion upon this field of li terature .

Having laboured therein for the period of about fourteen years ,the resu l t was produced in a work en ti tled “ The Names We

Bear.” So l i ttle did I expect my book t o take the market

that i t was brought out privately. Howbeit, the edition oftwo thousan d copies was n ot long in the han ds of readers

when a succession of complimen tary critiques and en cou ragingnotices began to flow in from both sides of the A tlan tic.

Frequen t application s for the work from far and n ear induced

me to put forth extra exertions to produce a work yet moreworthy of the subject and of our times . After thir teen years

additional labour thereat, I ven ture to come before the publ icagain as an author and to ask the patronage of the gen eralcommun i ty . This may be regarded as an en tirely n ew w ork ,

being rewritten throughout, and in exten t exceeding the pre

vious volume by about one - half.

Much study is but an effort to make the past presen t.

What else does the Historian , whether in ordinary prose or in

epic poem ? the Geologist, when un folding the s tony pages of

primary deposits ? the Dramatist , if presen ting the l ives and

actions of the heroic dead , than revivify past ages , or rather ,re presen t the i l lustrious departed

,whose memory man trea

sures ? Educated men cann ot rest whi le the past remainsunvei led. My book is a tiny effort to reproduce the greatactors of past gen eration s in greater numbers than historycan take cogn isan ce of. Much of thi s work refers t o periodswhen as yet the history of nations , passed under review ,


unwritten . Even when national l ife and action foun d a re

corder,that historian on ly chron i cled in broad ou tl in es the


facts brought out in the growth of an empire or the clash of

batt le. History makes known what patriarchal clan smanfoun ded a kingdom

, but n ot who marched to the ten ted field,

not those who shared with him the peri ls in volved in rearingan in fan t nationali ty. In this book wil l be foun d the names

of hun dreds of the rank and fi l e who fought in the battleof Hastings .

Nor shou ld the bearing of this study upon a more thoroughunderstanding of the n omen clature of geography be lost sight

of . Thereby wil l be seen eviden ces in physical and pol iticalgeography that the designation s of coun tries, moun tain s, rivers ,districts

,town s , vi llages , hamlets , are associated w i th the names

of person s whom we dai ly meet, suggesting to the thoughtfu lmind most in teresting topics regarding the histories of fami lies

and places .And further , l ike all other products of the earth , language

is variable , trans itory, and subj ect t o loss. In this study of

words,readers wi ll recover archaic forms of speech , obsolete

expression s,and colloquial ly lost words will reproduce them

se lves in un looked for and refreshing forms .

On e of the many difficu lties in composing a work of this

type is overcoming dryn ess , which , if un con quered , however

meri torious the book may otherwise, be , i ts utmost attainmen t

is to be shelved for referen ce. In view of this fact the

author has cons tan tly had before his mind the desirablen ess

of presen ting a work , on the on e han d readable by reason

of explanation s being presen ted in a popular form,and yet,

on the other , scholarly.

The writer hopes that the verdict passed upon his seconde ffort wil l be as en couraging as that kindly accorded to his

previous work .

GLASGOW ,Ja ly ,

1 883 .

C O N T E N T S .









BIBL ICAL NAMES—im, 0th, on i , and- i























C H A P T E R I .


THE subj ect of the fol lowing work is a bran ch of n omen claturekn own as the s tudy of personal n ames . An obj ection to attention thereto in this uti li tarian age i s the v is i n ertioe wh ichthis preface is written t o overcome . Cui bon o cries theobj ec tor

,what end is an swered thereby other than the sat is

faction of barren curiosi ty ?” Such obj ection must be fai rlyme t , which is readily don e in the fol low ing w ords .

By this study we obtain a more accurat e Vi ew of the con

struction and pow er of our language . A n ew field of though tis en tered upon . Besides by it many words are preven tedfrom being los t which are l inks n ecessary to un i te the vernaon lar of t o - day with obsolete forms of speech . For


ignoran ce of this bran ch of educat ion ,we

,though having the

same words , yet , being un aware of their mean ing and force,

would virtual ly be w i thout t hem,in asmuch as we Should be

in the posi tion of on e looking upon cun eiform wri t ings n ot

having the cipher whereby to in terpret them. Belshazzar sawthe mys terious w ords on the plaster

,but they w ere inan imate

s igns un t i l Belteshazzar inspired them with a l ife of mean ing.

This s tudy throws much ligh t upon British history. If theliterature of Britain were t o perish , and on ly our names re

main ed , very many of the migh ty deeds wh ich have made thiscoun try what i t is might be fairly elaborat ed therefrom. It

lifts the his toric vei l h igher than the ordinary h istorian can .

He records the births and deaths of kings , s ieges fough t and

battles w on ; but i t min u t ely detai ls the precious thin gs of

home , love , worsh ip , an d the social con dition of the toi lingmi l l ion , of wh ich mat t ers h istory takes l i t tle heed . The penof the historian is a j et of flame

,dazz lin g at day

- dawn ; thescien ce of names is many sparklet s at the n oon of n ight . But



apart from such con sideration s , w e cann ot al low that the desiret o kn ow why I am n amed as I am is vain curiosi ty

,any more

than i t is vain t o ask w hen ce I cam e . The ex treme ut i li tarianmight as jus t ly say ,

What boots i t when ce you came ? The

true question s are What you are,and what youw i ll be . This

is on ly two - thi rds t rue,inasmuch as the I am of t o - day is

bui l t equal ly wi th the w i ll be of t o - morrow upon the was of

yesterday. Can i t be a matt er of indifferen ce what a humanbein g is cal led , seeing that In fin i t e Wisdom named


bir th ,Ishmael

,Isaac, Josiah , Cyrus , John , and Je sus ,— n ot t o

men tion those changed by God after bir th ? If,then


name,in volving its mean ing and surroun dings


,if i t be

law ful so t o say ,a subj ect of D ivin e con sideration

, on whatdefen s ible prin ciple should the mean ing of my n ame be t o me

a mat ter of indi ff eren ce ? The Providen ce wh ich coun ts hairshas more t o do with n ames than the un th inking multitudesuspect. Many acts of h ighes t heroism and historic in t eres tfoun d as low ly an origin as that of the sugges tion afforded bya name . O f such cases several i l lus trat ions are given in the

body of this work . No word appeals so pow erful ly to the

Spirit with in us as our proper n ame. The Rabbi of Gal ilees tood at the grave of His friend whom He cal led from Hadesby n ame

,though had He said , Man

,come for th , the power

w ou ld have been the same , b ut the love man ifes t ed w ould n ot .

In l ike man n er,when a sorrow ing disciple yearn ed for a glan ce

at the body which had so lately passed through i t s bi t ter bapt ism

, she was cal led t o recogn i tion of Him as relat ed to her,n ot by saying


, but“ Mary. As i llustrat ing the

affection in vo lved in kn owing by n ame , n othing can be moreappropriate than the n egat ive eviden ce of the four biographersof Jesus . They repres en t Him as not address ing Judas on ceby n ame. So ,

in l ike man n er, God makes n o men t ion of the

n ame of either Laban or Balaam,when reveal ing their respe c

t ive messages t o them. The passage where i t says,

“ Judas ,betrayest thou the Son O f Man w ith a kiss

,upon the autho

ri ty of that king of critics , Tischendorf, should be given,

“ Frien d,betrayes t , 8m; agreeing wi th the mode in which the

king addressed the man n o t having on a wedd ing garmen tFr ien d

,how earn es t thou , &c . N or was i t by chance


on the prin ciple under con s iderat ion ,that

,in the three lists of

the Apos t les,Judas is the last men t ion ed . There is n o more

certain proof of the favour of God than the reduplicat ion of

the n ame of the person addressed,whether by Jehovah in the

O ld Testamen t, or Immanuel in the N ew . It begin s at Gen .

x x i i . 1 1 , Abraham,Abraham,

”and concludes at Acts ix. 4 ,

“ Saul , Saul .”

O n ly on e woman had this high distin ction con

ferred upon her,Martha,


” This V iew of names al lies


t hem more closely to persons , giving all per tain ing t o thei ruse an air of grandeur and solemn i ty. Some think the n ameo f a man is t o be viewed in the same ligh t as s treet names orthe numbers of houses

,s imply as a dis t in ction given on bu

n ess prin ciples . No t so. How ever common - place or evencomic the appel lation o f a human being may n ow be

,from the

very fact of un ion w i th on e w ho is the offspring of God i t IS

dear to the bearer and those who love him ; ye a,even sacred


by reason of relation ship t o a death less being. There are fal lenn ames as w el l as fal len person s , but n ot the less is each of high ,n ay , D ivin e origin . I was deeply affected in reading the expe

rie n ce of an educated con vic t as to the pang su ffered when,

in stead of being cal led Charles , a n ame en deared by associat ion s of home , religion ,

and love , h e was roughly cal led No.

M . It is the Chri stian n ame,n ot the surn ame

,which appeal s

t o profounder emot ion s . The private soldier on the battlefield and the common sai lor on the peri lous flood are comman dedby surnames

,but i t is the dear on e in the arm chair by the

fi reside that is addressed by his Christian name .

P e ace to th e se pangs ! Moth er ! put forthTh in e e lder, holier claim ;

An d the first w ord I h ear in h eavenMay b e

—my Christ ian n am e .

He who kn ew nature thorough ly—what was in man—didn ot say ,

Peter , lovest t hou Me ? but ,“ S imon

,son of Jonas ,

lovest t hou Me ?” Take the compoun d appellation S imon

Peter , an d S imon would be what we term the Chris tian n ame.Being imposed by paren ts in circumcision ,

i t would be fami liarand sacred . Jesus brough t out the fami ly relationsh ip morest rongly by saying , Son of Jonas . The surname tel ls of

an cestry , busin ess , struggle , dign i ty , heroism, office , i t is our

world name—but the Christian name speaks of father,mother ,

home , love , fami liarity ,heaven ,

God. And yet in th is workthey are n ot distinguished , forasmuch as the surname of on e

is the Christian name of an other ; but this in n o way weakenst he charm of i t to i ts possessor. Whatever i t may be, i t is themost personal and precious part of the en tire appellation .

Should he have many Christian names—a sen timen tal mis take—that on e by which h e is most gen eral ly addressed wil l contain the talisman ic power. Pride will

,at the baptismal fon t


select many n ames . Nature, at home , elects on e , and that is

the Chri sti an n ame . This phrase original ly mean t that namewh ich was given t o the recipien t when he became a Christian .

O ur missionary records teem with i l lus trations of my mean ing.

Surname is a form of Supernomen ,above the name—as John

VVi l liams—where Williams,being given t o the person over and


above John ,i s termed his surname. Some authors are of

opin ion that sur, above , is to be taken in i ts most l iteral sen se

inasmuch as the surname was formerly written l gila



Observe —The arithmetical Sign f or equal i ty will beused to in dicate that two or more names are syn onymous orn early so, as Herschel l Kouli Khan , i .e .

, that the formern ame was original ly used in a simi lar sense to that which wasprimarily given t o the latter . Con . s tan ds for conn ected with


A b. for abbreviated , P ats. for patronymics , D im. f or diminu

tive. Names un der explanation w i l l be given in large type asDU PANLOU P . A colon (z) will be placed t o sign ify means



Bal loon : (mean s) great bal l . When a name is fol lowed by a

word or words within a paren thesis,the word or words are

added t o suggest some wel l kn own instan ce of its use as Lan dseer (pain ter) . It is n ot professed that mean ings herein givenare in fal l ibly correct. The basis of this book being e tymolo

gical an alys is and comparativ e n omen clatu re , the value of anystatemen t of the mean ing of a name is t o be measured by in ternal and external eviden ce in respect thereto ,

as wel l as byau thority. Britain being placed between n orthern ice fioesand sou thern frui t fields , birds and fishes make for our is lan din their migration to an d fro as t o a half way house. Hen cew e possess a more varied faun a than any other spot on theglobe of equal dimensions . Just so with regard to n ation sGaels

,Roman s

,Saxons , Dan es , Norsemen ,

Norman s and Jewsled by ambition , driven by n ecess i ty

,or urged by hope


made for our is lan d . The con sequen ce is our n omen clature isthe fu lles t and most mixed of any kn own . This in the orderof Providen ce is n eedful for th is lan d was destin ed to supplythe Un i ted States and our fifty colon ies with names . Yet forthis reason the analysis of a directory is very difficul t

,and in

giving the mean ings of so great a n umber,i t is hardly possible

there shou ld be n o mistake .



BEFORE th e s tudy of n ames can profit, i t is n ecessary to beacquain ted wi th the way in which words are formed . Thispreliminary chapter wil l , therefore , be devo t ed to elucidat ingthat subj ect. Bu t les t our reader should think he 18 beingin vited t o seat himself in s tandard four , the motto of thisc hapter shal l be a fragmen t of Plato in CIaty lo by Taylor ,upon the assumption t hat t o study a subj ect which engagedthe close atten tion of that immortal foun der of the Academycann ot be unworthy of a scholar ,

“Do you kn ow on what accoun tP a r was so cal led Con sider whether this is n ot of barbaricorigin—for i t is by n o mean s easy to adapt th is t o the Greektongue and i t is man ifest that the Phrygians thus den ominatefire , with a certain trifling deviation .

” We read in the earl iestrecorded h istory extan t, that Abram migrated from Ur of theChaldees. The Chaldees , among whom he dwel t


fire,the symbol of the In visible God, who Is Light . These

an cien t pyrolatrians correspon d to the Guebers of the curren ttime. A change of religion is of rare occurren ce in theh istory of n ation s . Forms of governmen t have been held asvery con vertible : dynasties have been changed l ike garmen tseven languages yield t o the act ion of time , but religionn ear ly as in elastic as rock . The Reformation was a moralmiracle

,without paral le l in al l the ages of the past. Ye t in

s ome un recorded mann er, and for reason s whol ly unkn own,

the Chaldees passed from being fire w- orshippers to the grosserform of made image w—orsh ip, wh i le , on t he other han d


aboriginal Persian s b ecame pyrolatrians . Hen ce , in t he timeof Dan iel , they are foun d worshipping gigan tic i dols , and

pun ishing recusan ts by casting them in to fire , and that In n o

l ess than five cases , v iz . Zedekiah , Ahab , Shadrach , Meschech ,

and Abedn ego. Now ,n o fire -worsh ipper wou ld pol lute


ing t o his n o t ion s , fire with flesh . So, then , when Dan iel wast o



e r as a criminal , i t was in a den of l ion s. In those ages,

when the sun received special honours in any local i ty , suchc en tre of he liolatria was n amed from the fact, as Bethshemesh .

house of the sun ; Bethshan : house of the Shiner ; Heliopol is

(On ) : city of the sun z Luxembourg , and,

n earer home,

G reenock : sun hi l l ; Tin to : fire b i ll, which coin cides as n early


as possible with Dun edin : hil l (of ) fire. These all formerlybeing sun -worship cen tres .Ur (of the Chaldees) : light, brightn ess , burn ing , primari ly

spel led Aiur,gives

Ur (Gaelic) : fresh , n ew as though j ust out of the fire , as w esay

“ bran n ew”f or burn n ew . From the Chaldee Ur w e

haveU RIJAH : (whose) ligh t (is) Jehovah , ab . to U RIAH (Hi tti te).

U RIEL : (whose) l ight (is) God.

The Archange l Uri e l , on e of th e se ven

Who in God ’s presen ce , n eare st th e thron e .

JAIR : he (w i l l) en l ighten . Probably given to a child in thehope he would be the ligh t of the house =ECOLAMP AD IU S.

JAIR gives JA IRUS. In some cases Jair : a riverz BRO OKS, .

as in Jordan : river of (flowing from) Dan . O f course,

these Jairs , though spelled alike,are differen t words l ike our

com : frui t of earth (con . kern el ) , and corn : horn l ike .HORUS (Egyptian Apol lo) the light

,when ce OROSIUS : son

of Horus , prot ected by that god.

AARON great l ight (of household)=HAU SSOHEIN , takesform Haroun

,as in HAROUN AL RASCHID : Aaron the j ust.

AREL I (m) l igh t s of God,born at appearan ce of s tars .

From Aiur comes the old Persian adj ective Arta : great,

appl icable t o the sun,then t o altar flame. AS ARTABANU S :

having charge of altar flame , temple servan t z ABDUL MEDJID.

ARTAPHERNES great shepherd , con . HO LOFERNES : headshepherd

,ch ief comman der .

ARTAXERXES : great k ingz MAHARAJAH. From A rta in i ts .conn ection with ligh t we haveARTEMIS D iana, Selen e the Shin er

,the moon giving

ARTEMESIA (Carian ) daughter of D ian a.

ARTEMIS is usual ly given as perfect , but this is preferableARIDATHA : great by birth

,of n oble de scen t z BU RNs


CHILDERS. A lso from A rta, the Pun ic favourite we haveHAMILCAR : great melech

,king. It is also the root of the

Latin,Arduus : lofty , through the Cel tic Ard ; A irt : quar t er ,

when ce wind ; A IRD. From the same we obtainArdeo to shin e

,to burn

,t o glitter. A l lied is th e Celtic

Aodh fire,ardour

,when ce Edui men burn ing f or th e

figh t , alsoA IDAN (St ) : fiery on e , ready for bat tle z BROWN ,

when ce,

n ominal ly, an other sain t , v iz .

HAYES , and HAY, the latter being iden tical wi th High and

A rta. O riginal lyHigh the towering of the al tar flame. This Aodh givesHUGH

,th e most prolific and an cien t of British names



OGYGES (aboriginal Greek k’ng) : tal l , or using i t figura

t ively ,exal tado ,

amagnat e . The chief gate of Thebes was

OGY - GIA lofty, which was also the n ame of an is land, an d

so= our Hoy : high , ou t of the water. Plutarch cal ls Irelan dby th is name Ogygia. The Hibern ianHOGAN ,

HAGAN are probably of 09 ,ag origin in the sen se of

exalt-ed,the son = EGAN , which con sul t.

GUZZI (Fath er) is an Ital ian diminutive formed on Hugofrom Hugh .

Huguen ot : l i ttl e Hugh , a commonplace fel low daring to teachrel ig ion ,


HO CHE ALTER , U LLMAN ,all men of high

stan ding comes very n ear t o the Arta idea.

The Chaldee Aiur also gives the beautiful word Mar-

garit es :

a pearl , when ceMARGARET

,s imi lar t o PENINNAH pearl or coral , and

ACHATES (fidus ) the agate. ISP AH jasper, fair as . Theoriginal form isMERV ARID chi ld of light. By a charming fiction the

oyster was supposed t o come up from the dark sea bot tom t o

worship the moon ,and when doing so i t received a drop of

congealed dew ,which formed the pearl . Some derive the

word from Mergre t : gri t of the sea. From i t

MARGAREDON bastard in the sen se of pearl of kn igh ts .Many other derivat ives from MARGARET wil l be presen ted intheir order. From Aiur we haveUrim (and Thummim perfection s) : lights , shin ing from

the precious ston es on the pectoral of th e consulted pries t.A lso

,from A iur

Seraph to burn , when ce Saraphim : burn ing on es (sn akes) ,S eraphim : burn ing on es (with love) , ardors .

Ardor a seraph , con . Aiur, Arta

From amongThousan d ce le st ial ardors , where h e stoodV e i l

d w ith h is gorge ous w ings , up springing lightFlew through th e m idst of heaven .

From Ai ur is also derived the n ame of an in ferior order ofangels .

O rphan im,much spoken of among Jews , almost unmen tion ed

by us,Seraphim


, orphan im,hal lelujah

NER a lamp , a lightgiver, from Aiur,when ce the well

knownABNER father of Ner , probably like him. They buried

Abn er in Hebron . Aiur ten ds t o form Or, as O rfah


Turkish name of the town and dis trict of wh ich Abram was a

n ative . A lso givesORION : son of fire =ZOROASTER,

P YROSP ORU S : seed of the


ORDS . 17

fire. O n e of the Pers ian ti tles of the sun is Arsa : burn er ,from Aiur

,when ce

A RSES (Persian king) burn er, destroy er= AGAG ,AP OLLYON .

ORION was N imrod’

s ti tl e after de ificat ion ,as was

ALOEUS god of fire =AGNL From Aiur, also the beautifu ln ameHOURI flashing- eye s = LAP IDOTH : lamps , eyes like . The

Greeks t ran sferred Ur in to thei r languages in the form ofPur : fire . Note Aiur

,Ur has a ten den cy t o take on the

c on sonan ts p,b, f , These are cogn ates (born toge ther), pro

duced by the same organ s , the l ips , and hen ce termed labials .

Pur givesPYRRHUS (Epiriot e king) red headed

,or ruddy z ROY ,



S inflamed (w i th love of Thisbe) . First P yramusmust draw his sword t o kil l himself ; which the ladies can n otabide . By change of a vow el w e havePERSEUS : ligh tn ing

,burn er= BARCA (also from Ur) and


BARCA , th e Carthagin ian gave name to Barcelona. Then ame is cognate w i thBARAK (Deborah) : whose Spear glittered l ike lightn ing

LLEWELLYN,and dagger from day .

ALBORAK (Koran i c angel) who w en t l ike lightn ing.

P YRO IS (on e of mares of the sun ) : daughter of fire , quickmover.Pyre : the fun eral pi le ,

For n in e long n igh t s , through all the dusky air,Th e pyres , th ick flam ing , shot a dismal fire .

Pyrites fire s ton es ; Li thos a s ton e,t o li tes , then i tes.

Empyrean : the e thereal heaven = O uran os : burn ing likethe lamben t flame of the Aurora Boreal is , heaven ,

w hen ceU RANIA : heaven ly (muse) , in which the root Ur becomes

promin en t. O uranos , A ir, Aur are formation s upon A iur, asis E ther for A i ther, from the old verb A i tho c I burn . In

P orphyros , purple is reduplicated as though w ri tt en pur, pur ,0s : son of a; very fiery colour , at leas t that is i ts li t eral mean ing.

Hen ce the an ti - chris t ian ph ilosopherPORPHYRY : dressed in purple

= P EP LOE : clad in peplum.

The word is also applied t o red gran i te . Within the wh ich(labyrin th) a n umber of column s and statues there be , all of

porpyri t , or red marble .” Hen ce the titl e of Byzan tin eEmperorsP ORPHYROGENETU S : born in imperial purple

, or in th eporphyry palace

,the A lhambra of the Greeks .

ZO P YRU S : fire of Zeus , des t roy ing like l igh tn ing= BARAK,


PERSEUS . The Greeks had yet another word f or redn ess , probably t raceable t o the patriarchal A iur, Ur, viz.,

Ery thros ,when ceERYTHEAS (son of Perseus) : flaming=ASTRAFIAMMANTA

flaming star.Ery the ia (also from i t) : ruddyish ,

from which Herculestook the ox en of Geryon eus .

Ery thean Sea was the n ame the son s of Javan gave t o theRed Sea. From same sourceEry thematous : inflamed

,redden ed by disease . Aiur


varied to Er givesThermos : heat, when ce Thermopylae : hotgat e , pass at

w hich were w arm springs. Warm is iden tical with Therm - os,

SO thatThermopy lae =Warmbrunn

,in S i lesia. A Persian district

is kn ow n as

Gurmsir warm region . Therm,Warm, Gurm are essen tial ly

on e . Again Aiur,Ur t o Er gives

ERINNYS (eris n ous) fury of the min d , i re of th e soul.ERIS = Fury ,

from Furo ,from P ur

,from Aiur, Ur. The

Lat in f or anger isIra, w hen ce Ire ,

is undoubtedly from Ur. Ira=Hatred,from Hate , from Heat . In l ike man n er the Corn ish Forkhanmeans bo th fire and hatred

,being as t o first syllable a form of

Pur. In corroboration,i t may be observed that a ti tle of

Odin isBROWN burn ing (for the figh t ) = ERINNYS (of course

l i teral ly) . A lso from P urP YROSP ORU S : seed of the fire = ZOROASTER (arch imagus).

The former al ludes t o the bir th of Bacchus , the latter t o fireworship , and each is li t e ral ly z ORION : fire son .

ZOROASTER, con . Zero : semen ; Zemindar (domin us) : seed

lord,a H in doo farmer. “ May n ot th e n ame of th e Nereid

MARA (Od. x i . 3 26) express the phosphoric flash ing of th e

surface of the sea,as MA IRA expresses the sparkling of the

dogs tar S irius If so ,MARA and MAIRA are claimable as of

the seed of Ur. Again P ur givesParsee a pyrolatrian . These Parsees are cal led Guebers ,

Giours , by the Mahometan s . Some claim as of th is sourceFars , giving Faristan land of the Parsees .

Aurum : gold,the Shin ing me tal is from Aiur ; wh en ce also

AU RORA (rosy fingered) : golden hours , con . Horologe : hourdiscoverer z Clock : that wh ich clicks . It is h igh ly probablethat Fire is from Pur . It is cal led V uur by the Dan es . The

Swedes cal l i t Rod. In New Guin ea i t is For. O f

That,P ur

,V uur

, For and Fire are in essen ce on e wordramified,

there seems l i ttl e doubt. Focus the hearth , gives


ORDS . l ! )

Fuego fire, (Span ish) Terra - del - Fuego land of fires


volcan ic.Curfew : cover fire Fuel (good for the) fire . After Feu

fire , of the Fren ch we have the Ital ian Fuoco fire . Pur givesPurus : clean sed by fire ; our Pure : clean sed .

Puritan a catharit e , who keeps t o the pure word withou tn otes or commen t.P urge I cleanse ; when by adding 3 Spurge a medicin al

p lan t , when ceSP URGE : an herbal is t. Purus gives Puer : a b oy . Varro

says : So cal led because free from vices acqu ired by imitat ion . Puer takes the dim . P ue lla : a girl ; and P upilus : a

l i ttle b oy , on e under tu ition ,as boys ough t t o be.

ORRIUS P U P ILLU S (Grammatis t of Ben e ven tum) l ittleorphan b oy . Pupi l when applied to eye is so cal led becauseon e seems to se e a l i tt l e b oy t herein . Pupi l exactly an sw ers toLad : on e led

,giving La (dde) ss = P ais P aidos on e led .

Pedagogue a chi ld leader. That Pure is iden t ical w i thPuer by n o chan ce coin ciden ce is made probable by analogy ,


seen in the language of nature . In the Delaware language ,a youth is cal led P i lape , a word compounded from the firs tpar t of P i ls i t : inn ocen t ; and the lat t er of Len ape : a man ,

which , therefore , means in n ocen t man .

Purgatory place of purgation ,and many other derivatives

from Purgo.

Uro I burn,almost traces i tse lf to A iur, Ur , when ce U rn

receptacle of human ashes .Inure t o burn in to ,

t o make used to . The smi th ’s han d i sinured t o labour by han dling hot i ron .

Adure to burn up. A degree of heat which doth n eithermel t, n or scorch ,

doth mel low and n ot adure .

Urtica : a n ettle (n eed le) , so call ed from i ts inflammatoryqual i ty .

Combustibl e : that which may be burn ed , from Ustu s,

from U ro, from Ur. The Com is a form of Cum with

,w hi le

b is formative. Us tus givesLocus t (locus ustus) : burn t place . Locus ts l eave the

coun try in a con dition l ike t o that of i ts bein g bu rn t. “A

fire devoure th before them and behin d them a flame burn eth.

LO CUSTA (poison er) woman l ivin g in marshes,bare places.

A l l ied t o Us tus we have the Ital ian n amesFO SCARO

,FO SCANI dark coloured , swarthy = SWARTz.

Hen ce tooObfuscous : a dun brown (an old Ox on ian colour) . Ur also

givesA reo t o be dry, on which is formed Torreo t o be parched ,

torrid (zon e) .


Torren t : a water course subj ect t o drouth = Ghau ; thoughsome give i t from Terra earth , a lan d flood .

TORRANCE (when n ot from Turra : a tower) TORRENTIUS =

WATERS , BORROMEO (bore) : person s l iving n ear such .

A reo to be dry,gives A rena : sand

,where gladiat ors fought ,

san d being t hrown to absorb blood , and preven t sl ipping.

A rea : a court-yard , an open space where corn was dried .

A iur gives Arde o : t o burn ,when ce Arden t : inflamed , and

Arson ab arden do,is the mal icious and wilfu l burn ing o f

the house or outhouse of another man . From Areo ,also

Arunda : a reed, a dry plan t, when ce A run : reedy , sedgy

s tream,when ce

ARUNDEL (ian Marbles) : a settler thereon . This is sometimes given fromHi rondelle : a swal low,

bu t simi li tude has in veigled the


Ferve o : to boi l, to seeth e , to make hot,is also from P ur.

Ferven t : zealous ; Fermen t : t o effervesce . Fever is clearlyfrom Fe rveo, meanmg In a fervid state of body.

Febri fuge : herb to make fever flee. Fever is a zymotic dise ase , a fermen tat ion of the system.

A feuer it (j ealousie ) is cot idianWh ich e very daie wol come about eWh ere so a man b e in or out e .

Prurien cy : itch ing heat through feverish state of blood isfrom Pur by tran sposi tion . Burke

,in an oration again st Pitt ,

t old that statesman,

“ He had a pruri en cy of taxat ion thats eemed to in fect his blood . Changing p in to its cognate f andreduplicat ing P ur

,w e have

Furfur : bran , brown ,so cal led from colour. To i t

,t oo ,

w e

traceFornax : a furnace , an archway l ike a furnace roof.FORNARIU S (Italian ) furn aceman

, a baker ; and givingForn icat ion : th e act of frequen ting the habitation s of har

lots , wh ich ,in Rome , were u nder archways . M i l ton ,

in his

Reason of Church Governmen t , says : “She gives up her

body t o mercenary whoredom under the forn icatecl archwayswh ich she cal ls God

s house.”

Forceps : a fire - rake, a fire - comb , n ow shears . Capio I take ,

to Ceps and Pecten : a comb,t o f ex . Ur tran sposed gives

Ruber : red ; Rubus : a bramble , producing red berries .Ruby : red (coloured gem) ; Rubric : red (letter service).RUTILIU S (con sul) : carroty - pated PYRRHUS. Ruti len t : of

a red colour . Parchmen ts co loured w ith th is ruti lan t mix ture .RUFUS


,BURRHUS (Pretorian guardsrnan ) RED



Bire t ta,is con . herewi th ,

being so cal led in respec t to colour,

as A lb : white . Purus gives Puto : I j udge , prun e , dress vin es ,think . Hen ceAmputation : the act of cutting roun d about , amb iputo.

Here i t is pertin en t t o trace the ris e of ideas , as w el l as theformation of words . P ur : fire

,is observed t o clean se ; hen ce

Purus leads t o con s ider a quali ty of fire , clean s ing. Puro givesPuto , con . the purgation of vin es . Now ,

to purge trees in vo lvesthought

,when ce by an other abstract ion w e have Pu to I think


giving Compu t e t o reckon , wh ich con trac ts t o Coun t : to e x

pe c t t hrough reckon ing. What a gu lf between fire and empeotati on—y ea, between Aiur and Coun t, yet both are bridgedby these processes . Pur turn s up again in the GermanP urpuroth : red as purple , in which there i s a triplication

from the root Ur.Feursbrun t : empyrosis , conflagrat ion i t is duplicated. The

words con .

Roth . red, are many in English , as Pen ri th : red hil l , gravel


,RAWCL IFFE . Rotherh ithe : red hyde

,harbour .

RU TLAND : red lan d ,san dy soi l Damascu s.

Ridley : red field ROWLEY,RILEY

,ROTHACE EE . With the

Fren ch Ur becomesRouge : red ; LEROUX : the red (headed) : BURRHUS. Through

the Fren ch arid Ital ian w e get the fol lowing names applied t oflorid complex ion or redn ess of hai r :ROUSE (bravo 1) ROUS , ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques) , ROSSI ,ROSSIN I (composer) , ROSSETTI , RUST (bishop of Dromore) .

Doubt attaches t oROSSI, ROSSIN I , ROSSETTI , as thev are derivable from Ross


which con su lt.RUSSELL is from a Norman town

,yet that town may be

n amed from some n otable red headed person .

Rust (rubigo) brown or red coloured oxide of i ron ,is clearly

o f Ur descen t .

Whole provin ce sAppear t o our sigh t th en , e ven le ekA russe t -mole upon a lady ’s che ek .

To re t urn t o German offshoots of Ur , w e haveROTHSCHILD : red shield

, a woun ded crusader. In the Spanish we haveRosso : red , as Cape Rosso : red cape . A lso Braza : a burn

ing coal , charcoal .Braz ier . pan con tain ing burn ing coals . From th is Braza we

have t he n ameBrazi ls , producin g red coloured wood . The English


BRAZIER : brass worker, has n othing t o do with brazier,

e x cept form.

Burra,Borrico ,

n ames g iven t o mules from t heir being a

reddish brown co lour. The Burra plied her fee t mos t n imbly

,and Shortly after n igh tfal l brough t me to a vi llage about

tw o leagues from t he river’s bank . I had the appearan ceo f a person between six ty and s even ty years of age , and drovebefore me a Borrico w i th a sack of Testamen ts lying acrossi ts back .

” Burra,B0rrico = Fren ch

Saure : yellow ish brown col our, when ce Sorrel , Sord , SAURIN(Miss) . auburn t ressed =FLAV IUS and the Mi lesian SORLEY (M




For a roan -

ge lding , tw e lve han ds h igh ,

All Spurr’

d an d swi tch’

d, a lock on’

s hoof ,A sorre l mare .

XANTIP P E (wife of Socrates) : a sorrel mare . Sorrel foun din meadows

,and eaten by boys , means sour plan t. Burrel

Roan , SorrelHamor : a ruddy ass from Hamar : t o be red



whichA lhambra t he red , Arabic palace li teral ly Porphyry (buil t ) .

The man

HAMOR was probably so cal led from th e ass,that being


the East,a symbol of wisdom because of i ts streng th


an dpatien ce . The j udges of Israe l rode on white asses t o


sign ifyw ise j udgmen t. S0 Jesus en tered Jerusal em on an ass

“ whereon n ever man sat . What He has He mu st have wholly or i tcann ot be holy . The s epu lchre that Abraham bough t for a

sum of mon ey of the son s ofEMMOR

,the father of Sychem. Hen ce Amorites : descend

an ts of HAMOR,EMMOR . In the Erse we have A iur, Ur in

Lough Dearg : red lak e = Ery thean (sea) .In Irish names Ur assumes the form ROO ,

as in

O‘CONNOR BOO : the red headed eldes t son of Con n or,for

n on e but firs t -born son s were al lowed the O . S imi larly we meetwithROURKE (Teddy the red=RUFU S. R00 and ROURKE

form,in Englan d


,ROWE, when n ot from Rue a street. We have

many w ords in English directly , indirectly , or by combinationfrom Ur

, as

Roan : reddish b rown z Burra. Rose, which s imply mean sred though i t be white.

Four yoke d st edes full differen t of hewe ,Th e first was sord , w ith man e as re e d as rose .


smel ls t oo strongly of fire for us to al low it any origin but anign eous on e .

O rdeal : purgation ,trial by fire . “ A custom n ot differing

much from these (in use among the Greeks) that was prac t isedin th is islan d by our Saxon an cestors upon the same accoun t


and was therefore cal led the fire - ordeal , for ordeal in Saxonmeans purgation . The mann er of un dergoing th is t est wasthus : the person accused passed blin dfold , w ith bare feet , overcertain ploughshares made red ho t , and placed at equal distan ces .

A king of Norway , n amed Magn us , came to Scotlan din his boyhood , and s tayed here un ti l


he attain ed maturity.

Return ing,his n obles den i ed h is iden ti ty, which he proved by

ordeal , and was therefrom cal led BAREFOOT. Any so cal ledhere do n ot trace their pedigree t o MAGN US : great

, (Me)MANUS , b ut their an cest ors , being tried by ordeal . There is afirm at Boston known as

D ISCALZEADO,an Ital ian word mean ing bare—foot, a dis

calceated monk . The ph ilosophy of,mon as t ic bare feet is this :

Barefoot ed s ign ifies poor :LACKLAND



“ N ow, th is was the mann er

in former times in Is1 ae l con cern ing redeeming (land) and

con cern ing changin g (estates) for, t o confirm all th ings ; aman

plucked 0t his shoe , and gave it t o his n eighbour,thereby

in timating righ t t o w alk over i t , else he wou ld trespass . A

bye - law of the Temple forbade any t o en ter san dal led . Al l

must go barefooted t o the All Possessor. Put ofi'

thy shoes .

Where God is man ifest there is the Temple . “ Put shoes on

his feet = restore his lan ded property. Bare feet mean t , i

the symbol ism of religion ,

No foot of lan d do I posse ss ,No cot tages in th is w ildern e ss ,A poor wayfaring man .

Koh - i - n oor : hil l of l ight, shows our old frien d Ur in Noorin far off India. Compare i t with NE11 : light ; and Kohis tan


the h i l l coun try .

N UREDDIN (favouri t e A rab name) the l igh t of religion ,

suggesting : Let your (religious) light so sh in e . The MogulEmperor ,GEHANGU IRE : con queror of the w orld

,took t o h imself a

bride cal ledMHER - U L-N ICA

,a n ame indicating superiority. The former

part is con . Maj or : greater, and is seen t o advan tage inMAHARAJAII great king. O f h is ux orious gallan try he

changed h er n ame t oN OU RJEHAN : the l igh t of the world . The former part of

his name is the latter part of hers , so that they were n ominal ly


as wel l as person al ly married . When she died h e erected thatfamous mausoleum t o he r memory known as

Taj Mahal : the crown of the harem ,

With the Ligh t of the Harem h is youn g Nourmahal .

N OU RMAHAL : great l ight , b eauty = OLYMP 1A.

Taj con . Dagh a moun tain ; as Daghis tan h i l l coun t ry , so

STEPHEN from Stephan os a crown,allied t o steep . A s w e

have already seen,the Gaelic recei ved tribut e from Ur , to

which w e add as fo l low sRuadh : red , as Ruadh - abhain n (avon ) , con tracts t o th e

better kn ownRUTHVEN : red river=Rio Colorado. Hen ce t o ROY : red

(headed) .We n ow summarise whereby i t is seen that from the

Chaldaic Aiur or Ur of the Hebrew ,w e obtain direct ly


directly , or by combination w i th other roots , the fo l lowingwordsHebrew : NER, Arel i , ABNER , ALORU S , BARAK ,









Seraph , Saraphim , O rphan im .



,Koh - i - n oor



Egyptian : HORUS .Persian (an cien t ) : ARTAPHERNES






,me rvaid , arsa.

Pers ian (modern ) Gurmsir,Parsee



,houri .



Turkish : O rfah .

Papuan : For.







MAIRA , ERIS , Thermopylae, Ery the ia,pyri t es

,ouran os , por

phyros , ery thros , thermos , pur , pyro latria.


,arduus ,

furo ,ira

,aurum , fuscus , focus ,

purus , purgo, puer, pue lla, pupi lus , forn ax ,uro




areo ,t orreo, arena, arson ,


,f erveo

,febr ifuge

furfur, forceps , purpura, forfex , ruber, rubus , puto ,rubigo .


Span ish Braz i ls , rosso, braza,borra

,bowrico .



n ot , rouge, saure .


, purpuro th ,f eursbrun t .

Irish : (M‘





ROURKE , ROE , dearg , roo.






Corn ish : Fork han .

Dan ish : Vuur.







Dun edin , ard,aird

,ruadh .


















,A run del


Pen rith,Radcliffe

,Raw cliffe

,Rotherhi the

,Her tford , Radford ,

borel l,bruin




,bran d





burn ish , brimston e , su lphur , ferven t, fermen t , prurien cy , com

pute , coun t, rust, russet, sorrel , sord , roan ,bren t

,brun t



ruddock,robin ,



,ordeal , pyre, a1r




,purge , spurge ,

purgat ory,urn




,i re combus tib le

,locust ,

area , obfuscous , arden t, torrid,torren t



,forn ication ,




,rut i len t



,bran dy


bran - n ew ,purple



,curfew .

Tru ly , Ur is a patriarchal word , n or is here all his progeny.

There are f ew scholars who could n ot treble th e presen tation .

Howbeit, our obj ec t is t o i l lustrate the formation of w ordsand gen esis of ideas

,t o do wh ich th ese may suffice. How such

words passed from language t o language is n ot here t o beconsidered farther than t o say that probably in the early agesi t was en tirely by w ord of mouth

,in later times by oral in ter

course and by manuscript,b ut in the last days by w ord of

mouth,w riting

,prin ting

,and w iring. Socrates an d Plato dis

cussed the origin of P ur in A then s when i t s an ces tor A iur,Ur had been ex ercising an in fhi en ce upon language for twen tycen turies w e are con s ider ing it tw en ty cen tur ies later . O ur

stan d poin t is our superiority. They w ere gian ts s tan ding on

a plain , we , me n pedes tal led on th e accumulat ed experien ce offour thousands of years . They kn ew n ot A braham , and w ereunacquain ted w i th the sci e n ce of language as n ow un ders tood .



P RECEDE al l others w i th respect to time. Adam was a personaln ame. Not on ly does th is kind claim priority as t o order, b uti t cou ld as t o n umber up t o the Christian era. S in ce thenlocal


,and war names have left person al appellat ion s far

in the m in ority. Names of th is type are , in the n ature ofth ings

,n on—transferable. Thousands of person s migh t ge t

th eir name from the same local i ty (as SCOTT from Scotland) ,but n ot even two could be cal led Jacob , Moses

,Virgil , except

through a secon d - han d use of on e of those n ames by adoptionor popular application . O f course th is is the outcome of so

many personal n ames being obtain ed at birth an d the nativityof n o two chi ldren being born in iden tical circumstan ces , n o teven twins , as is seen by the remarkable case of Jacob an d

Esau. Thi s is a period when more know l edge is ex tan t onn early every subj ect than in former ages yet in this w e differfrom the an cien ts . Then

,as a rule

,every man kn ew the

mean ing of his name ; n ow ,as a rule , n ot a man in a thousan d

kn ow s whether his n ame is local,personal , an cien t , or modern .

O f course , personal n ames are fairly divis ible in to three classes— physical

,men tal

,and moral : t he latter having respect t o

habits an d man n ers . Howbeit,seein g that my reader can dis

t inguish at on ce un der what head t o place any ex plain ed n ame,and yet more because i t is con ven ien t f or phi lological purposest o l ink the three together

,I have so don e. O f t hose deemed

most importan t as to mean ing or historic association ,the

fol low ing is a typical selection .

ADAM is the same w ord as EDOM and con . Dam blood , as inAceldama acre of blood . Rab bin ical t radition assures us

t hat he w as n amed from being made out of a san dy soi l,l ike

that on wh ich Damascus San dy (Beds ) and P ASCOV ITCH, was

bui lt. It more probably mean s ruddy ,l ike th e Welsh

GRIFFITH and the Irish n ame CORCORAN rosy,l ike RU DDIMAN

and the gal lan t SCARLETT, b ut an sw ers mos t accurately t o

RHODOP IS : rosy- cheeked,l ike FLANN : ruddy

,giving FLANIGAN :



an d LINN . ADAM mean s gen erical ly man = an thropos , homo

on,as male or female. ONDEDIEU : man of God,

a re ligeuseCOTHER (bishop) a good man . EV E

,EVA is the English form

of GHAVAH livin g, l ife givin g. ABEL van i ty,vapour

,breath .

Hebe l, hebe lim , all is hebe l CAIN possession

,I have


m in ed t he man,the Lord promised should bruise that cruel

serpen t. Jehovah Gai n ed me in the beginn in g. ARIEL :

father of strength ,s trong=AMOZ. Ner

,the father of Abn er ,

was the son of Abiel .”

ABIALBON : the same with augmen tative on A bi albon th e Arbath i te

,man of Hebron . GABRIEL :

strength of God, very s trong, man of God, corf

‘e to GEBBIE , asM ICHAEL t o M ICKIE. MICHAEL : who l ike God ; CARMIOHAELdear t o Michael

, con . CARUS : cherished on e , when ce CHERRY,DARLING

,Mavourn een .

ALGEBAR : the strong (a ti tle of the great hun ter)“N imrod

began t o be great in the earth,varies t o EL GEBER, A lgebra,

and Gibberish : scien ce to the ign oran t. “Near the studen tstood an an tique bronze lamp , w ith st range figures carvedupon it. It was a magic lamp

,wh ich on ce belonged to

the Arabian astrologer E l Geber. Tel - e l - kebir : stron g h i ll ,earthworks , con . Tel lus : earth . GIBBAR : man ly =ANDREW ,

WIGHT. The Biblical n ames for a man are Ish (sexual) ,ADAM (gen eric) , ENOSH (sickly) , GEBAR (st rong). Thechi ldren


of Gi bbar (w ere) n in ety and five . AKBAR (Mogu lSultan ) = NERV U S : s t rong, from Neuron : a b ow string ,when ce our n ew e. NERO : s t rong ; NERVANDER : a n ervous ,

strong man . Hen ce also NERVA (emperor) , MINERV A (goddess) :strong on es =BIAs (on e of seven wise) : ful l of v i tal en ergy ,

con . Bios : l ife , when ce V is : f orc e z BREE . KRAFT (GeorgeWolfang) : strong , powerful , con . Kratos : pow er. IP HIS :strong , much used by Greek women ,

means stron g as a python .

IP HIGENIA : strong born , or of py thon ic descen t , or daugh t erof IP HIS from Oph is : a serpen t . ALCIMU S : strong.

“ A lcimus comman ded that th e w all be pul led down . Thisis con . Elk : s t rong (deer), Auk : s t rong (bird) . But

,observe ,

some of these s t rong may b e pol i t ical . ALCMAN (lyric poet)strong minded . CRATERU S (gen eral) : pow e rful z KRAFT.

ADRASTUS (king) : pow erful , con d?astt o and draw . OUTRAM :

very strong, gives Tram , from on e of t hat name in ven ting tramways . AGASTHENES (king of E lis) : very s trong.

LASTHENES : ston e s trong, pass ive s trength PETER,con . li thos ,

lapi s . LEOSTHENES : stron g as a l ion , active , stren gth . HARP OCRATES (Egyptian ) : s trong as a harpy. H IP P OCRATES

(hippocras) : horse s trong. VALENS : strong through h ealth .

VALENTINIAN : heal thy,stron g, con . Con valescen t : grow

ing st rong. HALES (judge) . a ha le man ,whole z the

Mi lesian n ame FALLON and the English MERRY : n ot jocun d ,but j oyous through exuberan t heal th . VALENTINE 1s given bysome good writers as a form of GALENTINE


and GAY , al l mean ing happy through good health . The latter

1 Cor. for corrupte d to , as Alexan der cor. San dy .


becomes JAY (Bath ). WALDO (Walden ses) : pow erful , con .

W ie ld= ZU INGLE ,ZU INGLIU S : he who sways, rules , each is

a sceptre wielder, sw erver , swayer.KEREN - HAP P U CH : horn of stibium ,

beautiful ey ed= ORP AHKeren gives Keras : a horn ,

when ce Coron a : a crown ; Cervus :a stag

,when ce CERVANTES : swift as a de er=DEERFOOT. COR

NELIU S : son of a crown ed man ,powerful , of a dynasty. Horns

w ere symbols of royalty. I wil l make the horn of David t obud .

”The Corn elian gens was the most pow erful in Rome ,

hen ce n ames thereupon are widely spread . Thus CORNEILLE

(dramatist ) , CORNARO (Ital ian n oble) , KORNILOFF (killed at

Sebastopol) : son of Corn elius. COSTA : ribbed , strong ;COSTIGAN : son of . Compare IRONSIDES (Edmun d w i th Costa) ,Costa Rica : rich coast, the coast is a rib . SFORZA (duke of

M i lan ) : man of force , con . Fortis : strong, when ce LE FORT thestrong. From Fear : v ir, gebar , a s trong man in the Cel tic.FERGUS man of strength

,FORGIE z FORBES (con . via) , FORRIE ,

FORDYCE : man of wisdom,though some gives this , man of

the south . FARQUHAR : a champion,a strong man . FORSYTH :

man of peace= SWEENY con . SYTH : peaceful. Ki lsyth : his

cell . FERRAR,FERRIE : tal l

,strong man . FEARGHAL : a

strong man,gives (0) FERROL . TREMFEAR : strong man


the better kn own TRAYNER, and Trimble , which also mean s a

stron g man,and probably is the source of TURNBULL , TRUMBEL.

FORLONG : man of th e sea. FIRGIL : a man of fami ly GENTIL :a gen tleman

,a man of gen s . FERGU S=ANGU S z on e who is

strong. Carrickfergus : his rock . Ferman agh : the men ofMon agh . Fermoy :men of the lowlan ds . STARK : strong, brave ,con . S t irk


,and=BALD : bold . Each mean stark - naked


bald of cloth ing , ready for fight. BREE strong, so alsoBREEN , when n ot formed on BRIAN . ANDREW : virtuous , man ly


a gymnast—; MANLY,gives DANDIE

w hen ce dan dy . TETRAN DER : a four square man,well - buil t

= ARBA : four. PERIANDER (on e of seven ) : very man lyWIGHT : strong , W ight l ike , man ly. DOUGHTY : able t o do,formidable. Do gives deed

,dead (do - ed) , death (do - e t h) ,


Lordyn ge s, lyst em, an d you shall h ere ,You shall we ll h eare of a kn igh tThat was in warre full wygh t ,An d doughtye of his de de .

Wight is con . weigh t and sway. Tom Doughty was S irFran cis Drake’s pet sai lor , his Tom Bow ling. SWITHIN (rain ) ,SUENO , SWAINE stron g man , able t o sway th ings or person s


con . ZWINGLE,swith er

,sw ivel

,and SwIREs (smith) . VARRO

(the learn ed) : a man ly man ,from V irand=WIGHT.

ALBINUS (Govern or of Britain ) : of a pal lid coun tenan ce


BLAKE : bleached , when that is n o t Welch . CONSTANTINUSCHLORU S : Con stan tin e the pale , as DONALD BANE. SULLIVAN

(from Bain : wh ite) : fair eyes . The Ban and Boyn e were so

cal led from their bleach ing properties , if n ot con . BOYD,which

consult . The E lbe and A lbula,from their whi ten ess . ARGE

LANDER : wh ite man z LE BLOND : the fair, BLOUNT, BLUNT ,BLONDIN (rope) , BLONDELL (harp) , also therefrom . GUIN :wh ite

,Gowan : a daisy. NELL GWYNNE (the Welch Venus) :

El len Whi te. Gown wh i te garmen t . But GUINNESS (porter)is formed on M‘

Gee In n ess M‘Ge e

s is lan d,about : SKERRATT

(scar) : a rock : dweller on a rocky islet ; Sherries : rockyisles . INCE INNIs : an is lan der. Flathinn is : islan d of thebrave . In n is gives In sula (Lat ) Isola (It ) : an is land , when ceIsolated : lon ely. WINNE , GUIN ,




BIANCHI,BLANC (Louis) , BLANCHE , BLANOHARD : al l fair as

a ban shee. Mon t Blan c = Sn owdon =Moun t N iphat es , con .

N IPHEU S : very fair= CHIONE z sn ow wh i te, con . H iems


Chiems : snow t ime =W in t er : win d time . GAM (David)GAME

,CHAM (caricaturist) from Cam : crooked . CAMERON :

crooked n ose ; CAMBELL : wry mouthed,tortured int o CAMP O

BELLO : field of fight. Cam also gives Akimbo : arms at anangle . Cam : river. Cam also Camera : a chamber, arched


covered roof.ANGUS (Martin s ) : crooked arm

, con . an chor , An cona :

bui lt on an angle of the coast. BOYLE (ph i losopher) is oft enren dered , afiected by boi ls , b ut is purely Mi lesian ,

mean ingperi l

,probably born in a time of danger . BALLOCH


(captain ) : spot t ed= P IGOT z speck led= P YM ,P IM (Hampden ) :

pimpled . SYLLA : As to his figure,we have the whole of i t

in his statues , excep t h is eyes . They were of a l ively hue :

fierce and menacing ; an d the ferocity of his aspect washeighten ed by his complex ion , wh ich was sti wong aed i n tei

spei sed wi th spots of whi te . An A then ian drol l drew the

fol low ing j est upon h is complex ion ,


s a mulberry strew’d o ’

er w ith meal .

SULP ICIUS : red - spotted face,gives SULP IOE (St ) VARIU S


VARIOLU S (b rain ) : troubled w i th small -pox ,marked with

variola. NEVIUS : birth -marked, or pustuled

,from Novus :

n ew ,

Was th ere n o m ilder way lin t the smal l -pox ,

The very filthin e ss of P an dora’

s b ox

So many spots like n aeves on V enus’

soil .

NEVE : a n epheW= NEP O S

, con . Neece : i ts f em. NEV INs :b ighanded. RONQUILLO : rough voice

,from Baucus

,when ce

ROOK= BELCHER : baw lcher, con . BULL : that boos , makesmuch n oise GROGAN


, CRAIOK : war


ton sure KORAH . WHITLOCK : wh ite h eaded CANU TIU S,

CHANZY,in some cases = V ANE (Sir Harry), FAINE , BAIN .

P ETIFER : iron footed , a hard kicker , assumes odd form of

POTIP HAR. EDIP U S (of Colonna) : swelled foot, PODIO : l i ttl efooted

,op. of Patagon ,

FUSS . V IERFU SS : four - footed , runn ingas sw iftly as a four - footed an imal . P LANCU S (con sul) : Splayfooted . Splay f or display. PANSA (andHirt ius) : foot - spreader.PANSA expanded his feet

,P LANCU S displayed them. DASIP O

DIU S = BROADFOOT. SCAU RU S : weak - ankled , or club—footed .

NECHO (Pharaoh) , CLAUDIUS (Caesar) : lame , shut in , en closed ,

Claudo : I Shut,varies t o CLODIU S , CLAUDE (Lorrain e) , GLAD

USE. TAMERLANE (Tartar) : Timour the lame . TIMOUR : iron ,

con stitut ion HARAN Co .) ZILLAI : iron of Jehovah ,His tru th

and in variabi li ty. Th is metal (li t . the ringer , s inger, soun der)was used by Hebrew s to symbolise truth and firmn ess , reliability ; we say

“ True as steel .” BARZILLAI : son of Zi l lai .Now Barzi llai w as a very aged man

,even four score years

old. TALHIRAN (king of Picts) iron forehead. TALIESIN

(Pictish king) : brow sh in ing like iron . These Show hi ran ,

our iron , came in before h istoric times , and a good foreh eadwas regarded as an elemen t in man ly beauty . But we returnt o our cripples . CRUICKSHANKS (Bacchus) b ow - legged . LONGSHANKS much daylight un der the crutch . KORTMAN a shortman = STUNT





HOSE : short legs , con . CORTI KRUP P (gun s) :a cripple . VARUS : straddle ; prevari cator , as though trying t owalk both sides of the way at on ce. GRACCHUS : graci le ,slen der

,h en ce GROUCHY (marshal) , GRU CCHIO =MACRO S z lon g ,

withered, emaci ated,

gives ALMAGRO (and Pizarro) : the thin .

GAUNT (champion ) : gaun t , ge wan t , th in by hunger= theFren ch LARIDAN . GOURKO (gen eral) : a cucumber , which ,

being a long fruit,was applied to a long person . Perhaps con .

Chirkin (gourdk in ) : l itt le gourd .

AWLEY : tal l as a willow ; hen ce (Me) AU LAY, (Me) AULIFFE ,suggesting O RNAN. HAZZARD

,HAGGER : haggared,

hacked ,b agged,

cut thin = CAU NT. LABEO (lawyer) : th ick - lipped, con .

Label : in struct ion s attached t o bottle - lip,gives LABIENU S : son

of LABEO . SILAs (when n ot con tracted from Sylvan us) , SILENUS

,SIMON (when n ot Hebrew ) : Simioe - l ike


,semi , half

n osed =HARIM : sn ub - n osed,ben t upwards . The ch i ldren of

Harim a thousan d and seven teen . HARUMAP H : flat - n osed .

Next un to him repaired Jedaiah ,the son of Harnmaph.

COURTNEY (curt n ez) : Short- n ose = CAMOYS : n ez ret rouss ! ,nasus re tro= SIMON .

Th is w en ch e thikk e an d w e ll i -grow en was ,W ith camoys n ose an d eygh en gray as glas.


CAP P ON ,GRO SSTESTE (Lin coln bishop) :MAZZINI (young Italy) ,

CHUBB (lock) , FRONTO , con . Frond : t hat part of tree that pushest o the fron t , and the Sclavon ic GOLAWTSCHEFF, each an sw er toBROADHEAD GREATHEAD

,the German KOP F (scoffe e ) , and our

TAIT (archbishop) . KEAN : head , CAN MORE , (Mc) CANN, Cant ank erous : head ful l of figh t. DOLGORUKY (Russian n oble) ,MACROCHIER LONGIMAN U S (Artax erx es) long- handed . MALEBRANCHE : b ad arm

,fai l ing in battle

,the op . of ARMSTRONG .

PLATO broad - back ed= SCUDMORE ,SKIDMORE. CLEGG : big

bui lt. CLEGHORN z Benmore : great h i l l . DAFT (cricke t er) :deaf man = Ab surd : an sw er from a deaf man . DEE , DOO ,DOW (Neal) , DOVE , D IBDEN (sea songs) , DUNN , (Me) DOUGALL :dark Gael




,DWYER (giving D IVER) :

wearing a black skirt, are variat ion s played upon DHU : dark ,

when ce DARN : dark . DARNLEY (Mary) : a dark avised man .

TARN : dark wat er , deep pool . RODERICK DHU : Roderick thedark



, (Mc) HAFEY, which becomes GUFFIE al l


Th e se are Clan Alpin e ’

s warriors true ,An d, Saxon—I am Roderick Dhu.

Hen ce,t oo, Dour : on e who scow ls

,looks black

,con . Adour

Blackwat er,and ATREUS : b lackav ised,

when ce ATRIDES : son sof ATREUS

,con . A tramen tum : ink .

N IGER : black ,gives N igger , N igri t ia= Caraman ia : coun try

of the b lack s =Mauritan ia z the Morian’

s lan d,the op . of Kor

dofan : the wh i te man’

s land . NOIR (shot) , NERI (Ph i lip) darkvisaged . V ALLESNERI : dark val ley. From a botan ist so

n amed the plan t V allesn eria is so cal led . FOSCOLI,FUSELI


FU ESLI PELEUS (father of A ch i l les) -our BLACK when that isn ot a form of BLAKE. AP P ELES (pain ter) : con . PELEUS , v erydark ,

PELOP S : black face , giving Pelopon n esus : is lan d of

Pelops , n ow Morea,for Romea : south Roman , from i t

,t oo ,

Roumel ia,Rouman ia,

Erzeroum : lan d of the Rouman,from

Are tz : earth, con . Aro : t o plough . ROU STAN (pol itician

Fren ch ) : Roum stan , or Rouman . ZESOP : burn t face,an

fEthios ELO P S,CUSH

,African z TERENTIU S AFER : Teren ce

the A frican = AFRICANER of m iss ion fame.‘ Cape colon ists ,

born of European paren t s , are termed African ders . SCHWARTZ

(In dian miss ion s) : swarthy,gipsy - lik e = CRONE ,

CRON (Mc)CRONE. O CYROE : quick runn e r= LIGHT



LETLY z SW IFT : strong runn er . O CYROE, con . O cean : swift

flow ing. But TRU EBODY : a faithful messenger.HIP P OTHOE ,

HIP P OTHOU N,HIP P OTHOUS : sw ift as a horse , con .

NASITHOU S : swift as a sh ip .

“ My days are passed away as

th e swift ships .

”ALTHEA (hun tress) : the sw ift (in the chase).

TACHUS (Egyptian king) :quick (run n er) , tachydromus SNELL .

ASNAP P ER : the swift , Assyrian ti t le of the sun . The n ation s


whom the great and n oble A snapper brough t over. But the

Mi les ian NAP P ER (Tan dy) : baby taken by an ape t o t op of

Tralee church steeple. TANDY is DANDY , DE ANDY : son of

Andrew =ANDERSON . PARNACH : n imble , leaper, run n er :LAP P ER , when n ot a t rade name. Elizahom ,

the son of P ar

n ach, clearly is con . P HARNACES (Pon tic king) quick ,active



,NYM . Caesar

’s famous

dispat ch ,

“ Ven i Vidi,Vici : I came

,I saw

,I con quered ,


saying,I was t oo n imble for the quick man . P harper is Phar

phar : swift swift. “A re n ot Abana and P harpar rivers of

Damascus ? Abana : stony from Eben : a ston e . Such namesdiffer li ttle from our modern ALLAN , SNAREY : the swift.AURELIAN (gave n ame to O rlean s) golden -haired=FLAV IU S ,

which was t o Roman kn igh ts what CHLOE was t o Greekdames . FLAVIUS gives FLAV EL


,and is =BOYD , which ,

conjoin ed w ith Hugh,gives (Mac)EV OY : yel low - haired

Hugh = SORLEY and SAURIN : sorrel headed . FLACCU S : flapeared , whose ears are flacci d. But FLACK : son of LAKE.

GRANT great,grandee

,magnate. GRAND IU S (mathematician )

ful l grown,bigman

,the op . of PAULUS . MITCHELL : mickle ,

from much,iden tical with MEIKLE = GROOT, GROTE (h istorian ) ,

GROTIUS (Hugo), forms of great , as is Groat : great (piece ofmon ey) , Great , from Grow ,

when ce Grass—Cress, from CrescoI grow . Big : that which is bigged out , built. MEIKLEHAM ,



con . CHATEAUBRIANT : Bryan t’s Castle .







MAGNUS,MUIR : the sea ; MOOR : un

cult ivated land,all mean great. The puzzl ing n ame ACE :

HOUSE,whi le AUDU S : l iving in the old house .

JU V ENAL (satirist) , JUNIUS (cri t ic) , JUNOT (marshal) , JONG,JUNCKER


(Pet ticoat : l i tt le coat ) , PAULUS , PAUL , MINU TIU S (killed at

Can noe) : min ute person ; SMEE : smal l ; SMICKROS , KENYONa dwarf= KORT ; BASSET, BISSET : al l =LITTLE ,

SHORT ; howbeit

,MEE : man of Meath . Names of th is class are often

adj ect ives inverted and used as n ouns,as in the case of

LONG. A young gen t leman of the family of Preux ,an

att en dan t on Lord Hun gerford,being of remarkably tal l

s tature,acquired amon g his compan ion s the sobriquet of

Long Harry , and became the foun der of a fami ly who boreLong as a surn ame.” The Romans had LONGUS , as is plainfrom LONGINUS (on the sublime) : descen ded of LONGUS , an dLONGIU S (whom tradit ion says lan ced the side of Jesus) : sonof LONGUS . It assumes the form of LAING , LAN G in Scotland , and in Germany LANGE , but this in Fran ce is L

ANGE :th e angel (passion play) , yet LONG is used in the Fren ch , as

A d o


is seen in name of on e of the un fortunate Jeann ette crew ,

DELONG = LONGIU S of the Lat in ,from which they received it.

In the Ch in ese LONG : fortunat e . In the Celt ic LONG : asailor. FORLONG : man of the sea. Lochlong : Ship lake .So w i th Dun : a h i l l ; Dunum : a fort ress ; we have Lon gdun um


Lon don : ship for t ress, the fort up towh ich Sh ips come. A S w ith Hen ry Long, so fared i t withJohn L i t tl e. Will S tuk e ly

Th is in fan t was calle d John Lit t le (quoth h e ) ,Wh ich n am e shall b e change d an on

The se words w e’l l tran spose so wh erever he goes

His n am e shall b e calle d Lit t le John .

LITTLEJOHN = P ETTITJEAN very common across the Chan n el .HAKKETAN l i ttle . Johan an ,

the son of Haldeetan ,and w ith

him a hun dred an d t en males .

” JOKTAN is varied as t o form,

b ut S im i lar as t o mean in g : l i ttle born . Un to Eber w ereborn two sons : the n ame of on e was P etey : for in his dayswas the earth divided ; and his brother

s name was Joktan .

PELEG : division ,when ce Pelagos , P e lagus : the sea,

the lan ddivider. Arch ipelago : chief sea

,con tain ing mos t Greek

is lan ds . PHALEC is t he Greek form of th is n ame , as given inLuke ’s gen ealogy. JOKTAN = P ICCOLI (giving P ICCOLINIMI) ,CADE

,N INA (Cardinal) , N INION (brother of Jas . 2nd) : a

daisy,a li ttle dear= Nin ion , con . Mign on et t e : l it tle , l i t tl e

plan t ; al l these come un der head of what the Negroes cal lpiccan in n ies

,w e e f olk =MINGHETTI and NINIAN (S t )

MURP HY,MORPHEY (chess) are sometimes given as mean ing

scrofulous = GAREB z scabby , scaut ty ,leprous .

“ Gareb, an

Ithri te Uriah the Hit tite : th irty and Seven in all ,

Whose ban d - le ss bonn e t vaile s his o ’

ergrown ch in ,

An d sull en rags bewray hi s morph ew’

d Skin .

Whereas MURP HY and MORPHEY are heal thy Mi lesian s,con .

MORIARTY an admiral,from Muir : the sea, from Mor : great.

MORRISEY message from the sea MARMADUKE a sea leader ,captain . LEIP ER, in l ike man n er

,has been sacrificed t o can t

(explain ing n ames by soun d) and made t o mean a leper,b ut

means carrying Scot tish ban n er, w i th l eopard thereon ,bein g

the exact correspon den t of the Italian LEOP ARDI (pess imist) ,simi lar t o BERESFORD : bear , bearer.SIDELAS (Ptolemy) : s i len t , li ttle speak er r - TACITUS : taciturn

=MOODY,MUDIE mute : O FFA (Mercian king) . He was

dumb un ti l twelve years old. EL MUDO (Span ish pain ter).He was mute as amackerel . STILL (bishop) the forego ing .

But SIDETES (Ptolemy) a hun tsman,con . SAID fortunate in

the chase Bethsaida : house of hun ters,fishers . The fol low

ing express sh in ing, brightn ess , glory, or fame. Glory is an


abstraction but it was primari ly a visib le property—glare,

glory ,sh imng. It man ifests something admirable in the

physical n ature (strength . speed in man ,beauty In w oman ) ,

men tal (in t ricate calculation s , high poetic powers , or the In ven

tive faculty) , or moral (always some form of self sacrifice) .In religion , glory promised to believers 1s n othing foreign putupon them , but moral character revealed . Glory i s fromOlai - us : glare . The Greek idea of glory was being spokenof In remote ages

,fame (from P hemi : to speak) , ren own

being re named) . The son s of Abraham mean t by glory , therevelation of God. The differen ce betw een true and false gl oryis elegan tly i llust rated by Mi l ton In his description of Satan ,

who, fal ling , was defigured from a star O f h igh magn itude

in to a fax ed star,whose meteoric flash soon fades ,

At last , as from a cloud , his f ulgen t h eadAn d shape s tar brigh t appe are d , or brighter cladW ith what permissive glory sin ce his fallWas le f t h im , or false g li t ter.

LUCIFER (his well - kn own ti t le) : l igh t bringer , origin ates inthe analogy between angels and s tars ; as the morn ing star .PHOSP HORUS : light bringer

,exceeds other stars , SO he the other

angels . Ven us leads stars through the arch of heaven ,so h e

misled angels . LUKE . sh in ing,glorious , gives L ICINIUS ,

LYCIDAS,LU CIU s , LUCRETIUS , LYCIAS (when n ot a man of

Lycia) , LUCAN , LUCANUS (if n ot men of Lucan ia) , LUCIP OR :

Luke ’s b oy , s lave . The Roman s cal led Slave s after theirmasters

,by adding Puer : a b oy ,

In t he form of P or. In the

late S lave S tates s laves w ere cal led boys un t i l aged , an d thenwere termed un cles . Lucan ia : grove coun try . con . Lyceum :

the grove (where ph i losophers me t ) .LUCY

,when mascul in e as (Shepston e) sign ifies good at pike

catch ing. Helios : the sun , li t . Sh in er,en t ered the Camb ro

British as Houl,when ce HOWELL


,as ex ceeding in

glory , an swering t o SAMSON = P HARAOH : the sun , con . P ur :

fire , Phos : l igh t . A lso from Helios : Shin er , w e have charmingHELEN : skin Sh in ing w ith heal th

,radian t with beauty , giving


, when n ot formed on ELLEN , the f em . of

ALLEN . SLICK (Sam) : s leek skinn ed , skin soft and shin ing.

HELEN is given by some from Hel las Greece , and so mean in ga Gre ek lady. NYM PHAS (Col . iv. a han dsome fel low ,

sh in ing w i th beauty, f em . NYMP HA, when ce Nymphs beauties ,

sh in ers, so pretty w omen were termed stars. ELECTRA

(daughter of A tlas) : draw ing (by beau ty) . E lectron : amber,from Ele in : t o draw. PHOSP HORUS



NYMP HAS : al l more or less bril lian t. P ASIPHZE : all sh in ing,the sun . PH (EBUS : ligh t of life, the sun

, f em . P HCEBE : the

moon . The German Schon : beau tiful , mean s shin ing, as


Sheen (Richmon d) : b eaut iful=WINTHRO P : win some thorp =Nain and SCHOMBURG (died at the Boyn e) GASTON beautifu ltown . Cicero gives LUCINA as iden tical with Luna : the

moon ,both from Luceo I shin e , so SELINA (from Selen e the

moon ) = CLARA : shin ing, takes the Italian from CHIARA.

C larify : to make clear. CLARET : clear win e. CLARINDA :fan cy n ames herefrom.


,BERTHA are German ic syn onymes t o fore

goin g,as seen in ADALBERT (Hungarian apostle) , ETHELBERT

(king) , ALBERT, ALBRECHT : n ob le an d bright. ALBERT givesBERT

,from wh ich BERTHOLET ,

BERTHOLON (chemist) , BERTI ,BERTOLI Italian s , and our English n ames BRIGHT and BURT.

DAGFIN fair as day = JEMIMAH gives DAFFIN , wrongly givenfrom Dav id .

HERCULES glory of Hera,Juno ,

ERCOLE . From him fortycities were n amed Heraclea,

when ce HERACLITUS : n ative of

Heraclea. Heraclidoe : descendan ts of Hercules . The samedemi - god gives Herculan eum. CLEON

glorious =BR1GHT from SHEM : a name,on e

whose name is often men tion ed . CLEOMBROTOS (king) gloryof mortals . AMBROSE (Mi lan ) : n ot mortal . Ambrosia : foodof gods. PERICLES (the O lympian ) very glorious . O LYMP USall sh in ing

,like the O lympian gods


CLO P AS al l glory. EMP EDOCLES : whose glory remains,

He , who to b e de em’


A god, l eap’

d fon dly in t o ZE tn a’

s flam e s .

Perhaps his name was his ruin through ambition t o realiseit. DAMOCLES (sword) : glory of Damon . DAMON (tan n er) :con queror. “ A certain Persian ,

whose mother was a w idow ,

was cal led by his n eighbours , NAUARI : he who has n othing .

The mother sees in her son germs of greatn ess,an d to urge

h im t o its developmen t, tran spos ed two letters of his unw e l

come appel lation ,and called him ANUARI : the bri llian t


i l lustrious . He so S ign al ised himself as t o become worthy of

his latter name. A Turk named N OU RI=ANUAR,was im

prison ed for helping t o murder Abdul Aziz.


,MARMO UD : glorious .

“ He shal l giveyou an other PARACLETE : comforter , from Kaleo : I cal l


of Him who in t ercede th. Mahometan s give i t from Kleos :

g lory, claiming PARACLETE : glorious on e , as al ludin g toMahomet when foretol d by ISSU : Jesus . From th is A rab iansham we have the old English for an idol

,Maumet. Littl e

children ,keep yourselves from Maumets. STILP ON (ch ief

Stoic) sh in ing,glorious JAPHIA (king of Lachish) i l lustrious.

CLYTU S (slain by Hector CLITUS son s of ren own .



glorious Hugh . SOP HOCLES : glory of SOphi lus .


,con . Sophomore.

CUTHBERT (k en ,couth as in un couth) . bright , famous for

kn owledge , cor. odd t o say ,t o Cuddy : an ass. CUNARD (l in e)

k en hard , very cunn in g. REDPATH (re ed,rad

,rath - ber t brigh t


pert) : famous adviser. DYCE (Sombre) , DEAS (lord) : wise ,FORDYCE : man of w isdos ROU DE : wise through age ,experien ced . FRODOBERT,

FLOBERT : famous for wisdom.

CLACK,CLOW also mean wise , and= CLEV ER ,

common in thesouth of Englan d . KRISHNA (god) , CARSHENA : i l lustrious ,shin ing. The n ext un t o the king was C'arshen a .

NABAL : a fool,he who fai ls , fal ls , is deceived . Bal i s

iden tical w i th Fal in Fal lo I deceive . F001 on e begui led .

From Gui le : decei t , w e get Gull , Guilty. The serpen tbegui led me . SOTTENV ILLE (con . Sot : who s i ts long drinking) : fool in t own = V erdan t Green . S lav is the Russ ian and

Po l ish corresponden t t o C leos . Greeks appl ied such n amesgen eral ly, in in fan cy ,

Muscovites on ly in after life. DOBROSLAV

(Pol ish n oble) : good glory : AGATHOCLES,if n ot glory of

AGATHOS : yet if n ot,st i ll = EU CLEos , when ce EUCLID (of

Megara) : son of Eucleos . LADISLAUS,WLADISLAV : glorious

ch ief = CLEARCHUS (re treating myriad) . JAROSLAV (Crimeanprin ce) : glorious George . BOLESLAU S , BOGOSLAV : the gloryof God z THEOCLEs

,THECLA. Suwarrow

s famous dispatch toKatharin e clarifies the n ame


Slava Boga Slava vam I Krepost V zala y ia tam ,nGlory t o God glory t o you Ismae l is our 8 .

RADOSLAV (Bosn ian king) : glorious Con rad . P ETRO SLAV :

glorious Peter . P AU LOSLAV : glorious Paul . Names given t odistinguished soldiers . Sclavon s use Mi r w i th a s imi lar force ,though in a less exal ted sen se , as CAZIMIR (Polish king) :


comman der, con . Ukase : a comman d. P AU LIMIR


s gran dson ) : Paul the prin ce , the good . VLADIMIR,

WALDEMAR : prin cely ruler . To come n ear home , we haveLEOFRIK : rich in l ove , fon d , LEOFINGSTAN : most loved ,LIVINGSTONE Former con . lo

ve , latterfri en d.

LIEBIG (chemist) loved= MU NGO from which Strathbungo : vall ey of S t. Mungo . LIEBROOD : lover of the cross


con . Holyr00d= SANTA CRUZ. DARWIN : dearly loved

,a nurse

n ame = DARLING z l ittle dear . In the l 6th and 17th cen turiesa man ia came upon the l earn ed to tran smute n ames so as t o

make an exodus from vulgarity by changing thei r appellat ion sfrom the vern acular in to classical equivalen ts . Thus GERARD :

firm Spearman,th inking his n ame mean t amicable

,ex changed

it for ERASMUS : amiab le = ERATO . Not con ten t wi th on e


n ot for LAMBIE =DILK,n urse names . BELDAM : fair lady

,ul ti

mates in mean ing a hag. It is common in Englan d,and seems

t o be a case of bar sin ister . PHILEMON : kisser , affectionate ,from Phi lema : a kiss

,from PHILO : I love z P HILO (JUDJEU S :

the Jew ) . Salute on e an other wi th a holy phi lema.

ONESIMUS : profitable, assisting. I beseech thee for my

son On esimus,which in time past was to thee unprofitable , but

n ow profitable t o me and t o thee .” PHILETUS : beloved , con .

PHILTER : a love potion . PH ILOLOGUS : lover of the w ord,

n early iden tical with P hi lologi st . P HILINNA = AMANDA z on e

beloved . DIPHILU S (when ce the proverb“ D iphilo tardior

doubly loved . TRIPHILU S :most beloved : GOLD ,GOUDIE


CIOU S : n ursery names given by affectionate mothers . Three ,in many languages

,is used w ith th e force of a superlative , so

TRITON : loud ton e,h igh - soun ding main ,

an al lus ion t o his

bucc in ic con ch and waves breaking on the shore .

What are th e w ild wave s sayin g

TREBELLI : very b eaut iful = TRYPHOSA : very Sh in ing , excelling in beauty . TERP ANDER : an out - and- out man . TETRANDER :four man , square bui l t

,l ike Hercul es Farn ese. AGAP ETU S

(pOpe ) : esteemed , loved .

“ These are Spot s in your agapoi .”

GRAINE loved , con n ected w i th the sun,in the sen se of beauti




,and other sh in ing on es .

CARO (Ital ian poet) , CARUS , CAREY (mission s) , CHERRY ,CHEERY ,

CARADOC, all mean cherished,

beloved,last , Roman ised in to


,for P REux :valian t . PLAY

FAIR (speaker) , a form of playfellow. ELIGIU S eligible,

prin cely,gives ELOYSIU S , when ce LOYSON (Pere) son of ELOY

SIU S,ALOYSIUS (patron St. of R. C. schoolmasters) of the el ect ,

elite,from Lego : I choose , when ce Legion : a thousand chosen

men , or thereby.

PENDERGAST, cor. PENDERGRASS : receiver of gue st = LIEB

GUEST, con . Pren der : to take . MEAGHER

,MEARA : hospitable :


COGHLAN : man w earing a cow l—HOOD. BRADY, (Joe ) : stupid ,

i t is n ot on ly = but iden tical w i th Brut i i , from BRUTUS , con .

our Brute : stupid , in con t rast w ith man . DRISCOLL : falsestory ,

al lusion unkn own . LUCAS : wages,from Cas : mon ey

ISSACHER. If a bir th n ame , the Mi lesian and Hebrewstrangely coin cide . CASSIDY : treasurer, mon ey holderORDERS . MULVANEY


,from Fioun : y inum ,

u'in e,

given t o =BIBERIU S . VANS,VANCE (from U ain

,Erse for a

lamb , in the accusative O in con . O vis) : a lamb - l ike man :

AGNEW (An drew) , but LAMB : carrier of flag emblazon ed w i thLamb (of God) : CHRISTO PHER. From Uaiu,

O in : a lamb.

VANNAN : a l ittle lamb = LAMMIE FREDERICK : peace rich ,


peaceful because n o f e e to kill , gives FRITZ , FERRY (Jules) ,FRIZZLE. GRATIAN (emperor) :gracious person . Grenob le (P olis) 3cityof Gratian . COMMODUS :ob liging ,

accommodat ing , courteousCURTIS (gunpowder) . SEVERU S harsh , se vere


(gen eral). The Roman and the Russian jus t ified their names .

TITUS : hon ourable , TATIAN, TATE , TITIAN (pain ter) , TITIENS

(Madame) , EL TATO : the hon ourab le z HONORIU S . ETHEL :n oble . ATHELSTAN : most n oble , HU DDLESTONE (local ity fromman ) , the German form ADLER : an aristocrat , EDLIN and UDALcome of E thel , as does (Edgar) ATHELING : of n oble birthCHILDE (Harold) : the w el l bred . These sugges t ETHELRIDA :

n oble coun ci l lor ,f em . of ETHELRED , gives (S t ) AUDREY , when ceTawdry : vulgar fin e . ARIDATHA (Es ther ix . 8 , con . Arta : great ,high) : of high b irth =TIRIDATEs (king) : n obly born , as BURNSand BARING : bairn s , born on es of superior origin z CHILDERS.

So , t oo , CHILDERIC : rul ing son ,n oble govern or , CHILDEBERT :

glorious son ,great by descen t. These about BREWIN (Gran t) :

beloved rul er , re con . rex . And so INFANTA : royal daughter ,Span ish prin cess

, f em. of INFANT : royal son ,wh en ce In fan try :

his soldiers . FAUNTLEROY (en fan t le roy ) : king’

s son ,RENE (roy

natus) = INFANTE and like t o KNIGHT : a son (emphatic) , (con .

Gnatus) , an imp,a scion = CHITTY. These are t o be arranged

with such n ames as U P P ,HOP P S




,INGLE , MAGOT, HOGAN , MACCUS , all mean ing son by

excel len ce,an swering t o O in Irish names

,as O

Hara : eldes tson of Hara

,his heir. Hen ce the Yankee puzz ler , MU LLHARE :

bald , HARE or HARA. Seed was an cien tly used with the forceson , supreme , most n oble offspring. It is so used in the firstprophecy on record : The seed of the woman


&c . And n ot

less so in

ZOROASTER : seed of the fire P YRISP ORU S : seed of the fire , but .

yet more n otably in (S) PORUS (fought A lexan der) : the seed,

con .

“ Spore : the productive substan ce of cryptogami c or flow erless plan ts .

”AR SAMENES (satrap) : strong m in ded : EUMENES :

remembering well , ben evolen t CLEMENT, con . men s : the

mind . AGAMEMNON (king of men ) : remembering much(M) NESTOR : rememberer, con . Mn emon ics : scien ce of memory,Amn esty : n ot rememb ering z MANASSAH. EUMENIDES : daught ers of Eumen es , Furies , but used through supersti tious fearin sen se of ben evolen t goddesses . (M) NEMESIS : avengingremembran cer. ARSINOE (queen ) : strong min ded , con . Arsen ic :s trong poison

,and Nous : the mind .

ALCMAN (lyric poet) and ALCINOUS (host of Ulysses) strongmin ded . HUGIBERT (con . Hugo) , HUBBARD (mother) : min dbright , clear th inker, gives HOBART (town ) , HUBERT (w roteon bees) , ab out =KENRICKzkeen ,

rich,l earn ed . But KENDRICK


) HENDRICK formed on HENDRY for Hen ry. KENNETH4


(German savan ) : learn ed , kenn eth , on e of cogn oscen ti , a

gn ost ic in l iterali ty. QUANT,KANT


,CUNDLE (when

n ot a war n ame) : all k e n ,are cunn ing. O CHU S (Darius) :

w ise = FRO UDE . PINDAR (Theban poet) : man of head , con

n oisseur. CONON (Athen ian ) : man of n ous,n oun

,min d as

ARSINOE . MENTOR : rich in men ta l en dowmen ts,a guide.

HACHMONI : very wise , a magus . WHITE (in some cases) :witty man

,a Saxon M.P .

, on e attending Wit tanagemot ; meeting of the w i tty.

BUDDHA (becomes FO ) : learn ed z Milesian LACEY (S ir Evan sde) . Botan : coun try of Buddha. This was n ot h is n ame butti t le of Sack ya Moun i ,who originated the Buddh is t religion ,

n ow

s tagnan t . LEP IDUS (triumvir) : w i tty.

“ Some elegan t figuresand t ropes of rh e torick frequen tly used by the best speakers


and n ot seldom even by sacred writers , do l ie very n ear uponthe con fin es of joculari ty, are n ot easily differen ced from thosesal l ies of w 1t wherein the lepid way doth cons ist. DCEDALU S

(in ven ted sai ls) : cunn ing . LEFROY : the cold,frigid

, con .

Refresh : t o make cool . BENGEL (lex icographer) : t imid .

A SYNCRITUS : n ot t o be judged with ,in comparable


criticism ,n onparei l. ZESCHYLUS (tragedian ) : shame faced


modest = E SCHINES (for the crown ) , though i t is capable of

an opposi te mean ing, V iz.,basen ess . SOPHRONICU S (father of

Socrates) : of a wise min d , modest = P UDENS : shame faced , andSEMP RONIUS (con sul) : soun d m in ded . ARISTOGITON : bestn e ighb our=BEAU V O ISIN , con . Vicin i ty ,

from Vicus : a vil lage .

Many n ames imply moral or social goodn ess , as AGATHO,


,the Scotch DU GU ID = Gre ek


“ Th e kings of the

Gen ti les ex ercise lordship over them ; and they that ex erciseauthority over them are cal led ben efactors . Was that anal lusion t o Pto lemy Euergetes ? MAYNARD : of a man

s n ature,

man ly,human e .

AGATHOS : good , from Ago : I drive . Wi th the Greeks hewas good who drove away cattle from the en emy, as Caffresyet do. So our TURNBULL : turn er of English cattle on t o

Scottish pastures , if i t be n ot a format ion on TREMBLE ,wh ich con sul t. BEST is beates t

,he who beats al l. Beat ,

beat er (our better) , beatest, con tracted t o best. EVANDER :good man = GU ZMAN : a monk , as our English GOODMAN .

EU PATOR (title of M ithridates) : good father , when ce Eupatoria.

TREBONIUS (frien d of Caesar) : very good . Bonus : good , givesBONIFACE = DU GU ID , BOHN ,

BONING (son of Bohn ) , BONNET ,BONNER (b on air) : good mann ers = DEBONNAIRE (Louis) : o f

good mann ers , poli t e = U RBAN ,TOWNLEY. LEBON : the good

MEDOC,when ce MADOX . PROBUS : of probity, on e approved .

JUSTUS : who does right,JOSSELYN =DICE (Horos) , DICEARCU S


(Messin ia) : j ust judge. FRY (E lizabeth) free , kindly , affable ,gives FREW

, con . FRAULEIN : free w oman . These belonged tot he order , called a thousan d years sin ce , Fre lungi .CHARLES mean s w hatever Carl

,Churl formerly mean t

strong with a flavour of roughn ess which time has rubbed out .We say Tom cat , German s

,Carl cat . Churl ish does n ot

n ecessari ly mean sour, dour, but rough , boorish , colon ial .CHARLESWORTH : the earls dw e lling=BO0RHAAV E .

The m iller was a stout carl for th e n on es ,

For bigge h e was of brawn and ek e of bon e s.

KARL RITTER : Charles Kn igh t. CARLOMAN = CHARLIER (vir) ,KAROLYI (coun t) CAROLUS , CAROLL , Carol ina : coun try ofCharles . CARLOS (don ) HARLEY , M


CARLOWITz : son of Charles,CAROLINE

,CHARLOTTE , i ts fems.

CHARLEMAGNE,Charles the magn ificen t. CLEMENT (pope) :

man of clemen cy, gives MENZIES , MENSCHIKOFF : C lemen t ’sson MENDELSOHN .

FOLLETT is n o dim . of fool , but of FOLLEY (sculptor) a rock= FOLI . FELL : rock dw ell ers

,hi llsmen . PACKE : a deceiver

= COSBI (s lain by Phin eas) : on e who coze n s = DOLON (s lainby D iomedes) gives PAXTON. SP OONER : en ticer , al lurer .Spoon ey : easi ly gul led . GULLIVER (De Foe ) : on e who

begui les,gul ls his audie n ee z ALAZON . VARLEY (elec t rician ) :

caut ious,wary. HILARIUS (bishop of P oic t iers) : given t o

hi lari ty .

“ Hi lary term begin s .


A llegro : the

cheerful,man of alacri ty. Glarus is formed from Ecclesia and

H ilarius : church of Hi lary,and gives GLARES . GIOCONDO

(bui lt bridge of Notre Dame) : j ocund , j ocose , jovial from Jove .A t first sigh t looks = MERRYMAN

,but that CARLOMAN

,for the

merry is an outcome of rej oicing in s t ren gth . Merrimen tcomes of exuberan t h eal th man ifesting i t self in laughtersinging

,l eaping. GAY (poet) , JAY (Bath) , GALLIARDI

HALES : heal thy,hearty. LETITIA : froli csome , joyous , LETTICE .

FAUSTUS (Doct or) , FRAU STU LU S (exposed twin s) FAUSTINA(An tony

s w ife) , FESTUS, FAUST , FUST (prin ter) : joyous throughfavourable c ircumstan ce s = the fol lowing well kn own namesFELIX , FELICIA : felicitous person s = EUMERU S (Cyren ian ) :wel l fated . JAMIN (son of S imeon ) : adroi t , dex t erous , lucky ,

con . BENJAMIN , th is ab out = SAID,SADI

, f em . HAIDEE : happy ,

lucky in hun t ing , root of SIDETES : hun tsman ,is seen t o

advan tage in (Port) Said , Bethsaida house of hun tin g.


,HARVARD (they have, hap) , GLUCK,

HABO , EDDY , LUCKIE (and sometimes) RAE : all favoured byFortun e , and SO = SECURIU S : cheerful , happy , who puts care(cura) aside (se ) . Secure abbreviates t o Sure : free from


anx iety. CU RIU S (Den tatus) : a man ful l of cares , who meet stroubles half way . SADD : heavy hearted

,set coun tenan ce .

Sadn ess is settled grief. PENTHEUS (Theban ) : who grieves ,when ce PENTHESILEA : taking away sorrow by her charms , con .

Nepen the : (herb) : n o grief. TRISTAM : of a tri stful, gloomyface = MORNY (due) : mourn ful , melan cholic. Some authorsgive TRISTAM a herald

, con . tryst.SHANDY (gaff) : wild , un con trollable , always in a shin dy =

WILDERSP IN : self-willed . MALATESTE : an Ital ian name correspon din g with foregoing and HEADDY. PERTINAX : a man

of perti n aci ty , and such are usual ly imper t in en t. The earlyChristian s said Vere Severus , vere P ert inax z

” truly severe ,truly obstinate. IGNATIUS fiery

,whose w rath soon

ki n dles, gives IGNAzIO ,

INIGO (Jon es) . BALLANTYNE , BANNATYNE : fiery child . Tyn e for Tan : fire

,Beltan e :May : fire of

Baal .GRIG : fierce



)GREGOR (un con . Gregory) , Anglicises t o GRIERSON

,where the High lan der doff s the garb of O ld

Gaul . SAAD (A rabian favourite) : joy ,through luck in hun t

ing, is seen in this con . MOHAMMED BEN HASSAN SAADEDDIN : Mahommed, the son of Hassan

, the joy of religion .

So the great warrior , SALADIN goodn ess of religion . ALADDIN

(lamp) : the religious . FU THER EDDERN : glory of religion .

FADLADEEN (Lal la Rookh) the whiten ess,purity of religion .

Names combin ing with Deen : religion , are in dai lv use amon gArabs .GATLING (gun ) for gadling : a gossip , who gads , goes from

house t o house . Go gives gadfly ,goat, GADSBY ,

gues t , gate ,con . Ghaut : a pass . EUSTACE (Flemish coun t ) : stan din gwel l , firm ,

con stan t,gives EUSTACHIUS : (eustach ian tub e) :



,CONSTANT : stan din g by on e in

war or peace , f em . CONSTANCE. The se = ECKHARDT z oalahart ,figurat ively

, t rue = AMON ,AMEN


TINE : son of Con stan ce,Con stan tin ople : ci ty of Con stan tin e ,

and CONSEDINE is a common n ame in Englan d corrup tedtherefrom.

RAYMOND,RAYMENT (rin ce mouth) :pure mouth , truce keeper

=VERUS : man of veracity . DROUIN (de Lhuys) : t ruth w in ,

w inn ing hon ourably. AL SEDDEK : the just. He was alsot ermed Al Seddek , or the Te st ifier t o the Truth , from havingmain tain ed the verity of Mahomet

s n octurnal j ourn ey.

ZADOK (high priest), SADOC (Sadducees) : just , are iden ticalwith foregoing Arabic name. ZEDEKIAH : j ustice of Jehovah .

The king of Babylon made Mathan iah,his father

s brother ,k in g in his stead

,and changed his name t o Zedekiah .

Expressing h is Opin ion of the act by the n ame . MATHANIAH

the gift of Jehovah . MATTAN,MATTHEW

,MATTY (meddle


some) : a gift, chi ld given in answ er t o prayer. LYSIMACHUS(gen eral) loose strife Puritan n ame , MAKEP EACE , and GermanFRIEDMAN. LYSANDER Z FREEMAN and FREW. SYMMACHUS


looks like fighting w i th , querulous , but sign ifies commi lit is a

fellow soldier. HUTIN (Louis) the quarrelsome. IRENE

(empress) , IRENEU S (bishop) : peaceab le = SOLOMON .

“ In the

Greek empire a certain Off icer had the titl e of Irenarch , n earlycorrespon ding to our Chief Justice of th e Peace.” WINIFRED

(well) . win n in g by peace . FERDINAND : ven turesome,t akes

form HERNAND as in HERNANDEZ or FERNANDEZ (Juan ) , sonof Ferdinan d .

CARP O : frui tful as to offerinn SCHOL : grape cluster,big

fami ly man . POLYCARP (martyr) : much frui t.“ Herein is

my Father glorified that ye bear kai pon potun . Christianfathers should have spiritual son s . PIUS : on e who has madean at on emen t , gives PIO (Non o) , BIOT , BIOTTI , BIAGOTTI(Ital ian dims.) Pious fon d of paren ts. The pious En eas.

P ASITELES,P RAXITILES : al l fin ished


,good al l

round , PRAXEDES : active , bus in ess like , practical . Zao : I

l ive,gives ZOILUS (crit ic) , ZOSIMUS (emperor) , ZENO (philoso

pher), ZENAS (lawyer) , ZEUS (Jupiter) : fu ll of life = VVICKS,SHARP



SMART : brisk , active, who can smi te quickly , out of armysunk in to mean ing gay . Smart : sore

,the resul t of being

smitten . SMART : NYM and SP RY , sprightly. ZENOBIA (queen )l ife sustain ed by Zeus , con . Biology . scien ce of l ife. ENEAS :

praise= JU DAH= LAU DIU S z who receives applause , gives LO

(S t ) VASA (Gustavus) : keen ,bold

,original ly Wass , when ce

WASSING : son of Wass, giving WASHINGTON (Sussex) : town

of the descen dan ts of WASS : bold , con . VASA. TRYPHO (theJew) : TROP HIMUS : on e n ourished , a foster chi ld= FOSTER.

When from Phos : l ight, mean s very glorious , trebly bright.SHELAH : prolific



,ABRAHAM : father of

a great mu lt it ude. KIRWAN dark av isedz DOW ,DEE


Dhu : dark , when ce DONALD : dark haired,DUNDONALD :


s Castle , (Mac)DONALD varies to (Mc )WHANNELL.

PEABODY : handsome as a peacock ,fin e fel low

,and con se

quen t ial. HENNESY (Pope) : impetuous , heady , i rritable.PURDIE : proudie , l ittle . FEELY

,FILSHILL : men of great

t e e th= TOOTH (ritual is t ) and MORDAUNT. OATES (Titus)OATTS , are from eat

,in the sen se of gigan tic

,glutton ous


,JOTUN : gian ts w i th an absorbing appetite.

Oats (corn ) mean s edible . O ur eat and the Latin edo are

from E0 to go. Eat is the goin g of the jaws , and jaw : thatwh ich goe s= Gueule . It is s t range but true that jaw phi lologically

= JANU S z he on whom the year (gir, gyre , time circle)goes

,turn s. Le t us presen t the matter thus : eo, eat , oats ,


edo, jaw ,JANUS

, OATES, CATTS . In keeping w ith above glut tonswe have SWAGEMAN he who assauges at meals and beginsacrain . TANKEY . pugnacious

,quarrelsome . Bowditch in hIs


Suffolk Names , Boston ,1860, says that i t is probably

con n ected wi th using the tan kard. I kn ew a fami ly of th isname. It is good English ,

and is preserved in combinationw ith the Cel t ic for the head , v iz. , Can ,

in Can tankerous :thraw ,

cussed ,head ful l of quarrel ling. Can varies t o KEAN :

head=KO P F (M‘

) CANN : an Irish warrior given to cut tmg off

heads . Kan turk : the boar’


CA NMORE great head= CHUBB z chubby headed . LENTO(len is : soft) : man of len ity , ten der hearted , LENTULUS :descen ded from. MANSI (man sue tus, manus suesco

,sequor) :

suave as to mann ers , kin d, ob liging=BONNER . WORDIE : a

b oaster , on e of many words = ALAZON.


Sobriquet from super : above , is applied t o grotesque appel lation s given to person s in addition to t heir proper name. N ickn ames are names given with a con temptuous n ick of the head


because of some peculiarity real or supposed in the appearan ceor character of those to whom they are applied . O ften suchare biograph ies crowded in to a word . When attributed tothe members of a dynasty they play the part of an ordinal .We say George t he First, Second , Third , Four th . No Greekwould tolerat e this . He added the patronymical or descriptiveappellat ion to each wearer of the purple . Thus


shin ing, brillian t , con . Selen e : the moon,gives SELEU CIDCE :

descendan ts of Seleucus , from him also Se lucia (on the O ron tes) :city of Seleucus. The follow ing are some of the cognomen sfixed on memb ers of that race of kings z—EP IPHANES : thei llustrious , con . Epiphany : glorious appearing. The Jewscal led him EP IMANES : the man iac. CALLINICU S : splen didconqueror, by irony, his reign being feeble . CERAU NU S :

BAREBONES : beard bon ny , and the Mi lesian VESEY. GRYPHU S : the griffin


, rapacious =HARP ALYCE z harpy wolfCYBIOSACTES : scullion ,

mean , avaricious . O f course Seleucus1s understood before each .

So with the Greece—Egyptian dynasty of the Ptolemies .

LAGU S : the hare , the t imid=ZIP P OR : a bird,gave n ame t o

race cal led LAGIDE : sons of Lague . SOTER : saviour,

preserverHAFIZ , HAFID : given by Rhodian s whom he helped .

EUERGETES (eu) : doer of good=DU GU ID , con . evangelist anden ergy. He was so called by the Egyptians for rescuing theirGods from Cambyses. PHILOP ATER : lover of father . He wasa parricide. Another of the dynasty was P HILOMETER : lover of


Hugh CAP ET (founded Capetian dynasty) : the cap, kepiw earer , the monk ’

s cap used for covering tonsure’

. Herach tus

P HYSICU S : the naturalist, physician , watcher of grow th , con .

Phuo : I grow,giving PHYLLIS : verdan t , flourishmg,


AP PHIU S , AP P IUS (C laudius) , AP P HIA : frui t ful =BLASTU S z a

sprout= CHITTY=FLORU s (Gessius) , FLORA , FLORENCE : all

flourishing like verdure, suggesting RAMOLINI (Napoleon’

smother) : li t t le bran ches , like RAIMES , RAMAGE : bran ches ,on e l iving where birds are heard s inging in t re es =FOU LIS

where the foulis do s inge. Suggestive of CRAIB , CRABBE

(poet) a branch ,applied t o a clan return ing from batt le w i th

bran ches in their helmets as a token of victory . Nomos law,

gives NUMITOR : legislator , and NUMA Pompil ius : Pompiliusthe law -

giver= the Greek THESEUS . POMP ILIUS son of POM

P EY : fifth born , con . Pen ta. TULLIUS HOSTILIU S : Tul ly thewarlike. The Irish TU LLY= TORRANCE and FLOOD ,

when n ot

mean ing tower dw el ler. An cus MARTIUS the warlike,Mars

like, con . MARTIN = P TOLEMY. AN GUS : crooked -armed


gests BOSSUE boss—shouldered. An cus yet lives in the w ordAn cona city on sea ben d : REACH in Englan d

, (Me) SKIMMINGin Low lands , and COUDEREAU in Fran ce , ours applies t o ben dof stream. The word is also in An chor : ben t iron ,

angulargrappler. Gen oa is con . Gon ia : an angle

,Gon u : a kn ee


being at a bend of coast. Tarquin ius P RISCU S of the old stockBEITH

,COLL . Tarquin ius SUP ERBUS the proud , who held

h imself above others .

TARQUIN : the archon , an cien t, ruler=ANAX. Constan tin ePALEOLOGUS : old stock speaker

,having a brogue. Con s tan tin e

COP RONYMU S : dung name , because when being baptized hedefiled his clothes , con . Copros : dung

, COproli t e : dung ston e.LALLA ROOKH tulip - checked (Moore) . LoRENzO DE MEDICILawren ce of the Medicean fami ly, at Floren ce. MEDICI physician

,medical man . Medeor : t o cure by Median herbs .

MICHAEL DE LA POLE (chan cel lor) : MICHAEL of the pool :POOL , POLLOCK ,

GLASSP OLE . LA BELLE SAUVAGE : forestbeauty, lady of the park

, a form of Isabella Savage . ROBROY : red - headed Rob ert, simi lar to REDMOND : red Edmon d .

CALLUM O‘GLEN : Cal lum of the glen,as 9 o

’clock, 9 of the

clock . MACCALLUM MORE : the great M‘Callum,

A rgyll .MARCO POLO (Ven et ian ) : Mark Paul . TAM o

SHANTER Thomof the Shan t ie farm, broken down barns

, old buildings . OLYMOF THE CLOUGH :Clemen t of the cliff (outlaw). From cliff , CLOW,

CLIVE (In dia) = FOLLY , FELL =DU HALDE of the hold,usual ly

a rock = STERNHOLD l iving in a ston e hold,castle that could

not be burn ed .


B I B L I C A L N A M E S .

O UR Scrip tures supply names to n early half of civi lisation.

As we l l kick at Fate as at the Book . Eclectic,sceptic

,agn os

t ic are al ike indebted with believers thereto for n ames of

themselves or friends. In many cases these were in directlyderived from that sacred source when the recipien t was un con

s cious of such origin and con tin ues t o be so l ife through . As

in ordin ary affairs , it con s ist s with w isdom that al l action sshould be in terpen etrated with religion rather than that certain acts should be viewed as secular and others as sacred


i t seemed good to blen d biblical n ames w ith common throughthis book , con sequen t ly n o exhaust i ve chapter wi ll be devotedthereto. Yet

, on the oth er part, seeing i t is of D ivin e appoin tmen t , foun ded on human natu re , that on e day should be moree special ly devoted t o th ings sacred , so there seems a proprietyin set ting apart on e chapter en t irely to this subj ect.N o peOple , of any age , combin ed God

s name and attribu teswiththeir n ame so much as did the Hebrews

,Israel ites

,Jews. Take

O ld Testamen t n ames and compare them wi th those n ow usedamong Jews and two n otable facts for thwith force themselvesupon the observer. They alon e

,as distinguished from “ the

seven ty n ation ,

” en twin ed the D ivin e n ame with their own incombin ation s so varied that a Jerusalem directory of B C . 700would on ly be less valuable than the Bible . The Jews n o

longer so act , presumably whol ly or partially because someorgan ic change in respect t o them and the D ivin e n ame hastaken place . That civilised nation s cou ld n ot n ow toleratenames varied from the paren tal stock ,

that Cohen ’s sons and

daught ers must be Cohen s, does n ot cover the pos ition ,because ,

as in the Church of Rome,there is the recogn i tion of th e reli

gious as well as th e civi l n ame in l ike man n er were the Jewsanxious t o ac t as they on ce did , n o governmen t in the worldcould preven t them. No t on ly do they n ot n ow so use the

word Je hovah in conj un ction with biographical chan ges , butthere is on e name th ey avoid—Joshua


,as we Brit ish term

i t,Jesus . It is hard for the sceptic t o accoun t for th is name

being disused after the first cen tury of our era other than theway Christian ity accoun ts for i t, v iz ,

Jews looking upon i t asaccursed

,and con sequen tly to be avoided , wh ile most Chris

tians view it as t oo sacred f or application t o even the best ofthe sin ful son s of Eve . Thus

,between hatred and aw e , the


name Jesus became the heritage of Him to whom,in the

highest sense , i t can alon e apply. We have shown that Jesusis a formation upon the w ord Jehovah , which former has beencorrupt ed un ti l i t means hypocri t ical , as is seen In the too w el lknown words , Je suit ical and Jesuit ique of our n eighbours theFren ch .

Yet,though the n ame Jehovah has been in use thous

ands of years, i t, like Him of whom i t is the sacred Sign ,has

suffered n o change . At on e time Jove was though t t o be a

format ion therefrom ,but scholars agree that as D ies : a day ,

becomes Jour, so D ios divin e,becomes Jove, and D ios - pater

father Jove,becomes JUP ITER . And yet THEOS God

,has been

arrogated by the basest of men ,as ANTIOCHUS THEOS An tio

chus the divin e . So, t oo, Theos is applied t o gods whosefeign ed stor ies are best un told . Now ,

as n o man ever took tohimself the title Jehovah ,

He who said Thou shalt n ot takethe name of Jehovah , thy God,

in vain ,must surely have

wat ched over i t with j ealous care through His love t o man,

for if n othing unpol luted were left to us , whereof shal l Jacob’


ladder be made ? how we travel the upward towards Him ?Con s idering t he vile uses t o which the w ords Lord



Jesus,have been applied

,who can doub t that the pecul iar n ame

has been preserved like the un corrupted mann a in the go ldenpot in the ark of God. JEHOVAH I am

,i .e .

,un varied by time

or conditions He to whom there is n either accession n or

diminution of kn owledge , happin ess , pow er , or love ; He who iswithout paral lax or tropical shadow ;

” He in whom is l igh tand n o darkn ess at all .

”The sun has spots , diamon ds have

flaws , creatures their foibles , Jehov'

ah n on e. Whether th is beideal or real n o sceptic can con ceive of a being comparablethereto. O n e gran der is n ot on ly impossible but un th inkable .

Nay , there is on ly O n e . The man who thinks sublimely lan dsult imately in the though t—God. The Hel len istic Jews cal ledthis name Tetra - Grammaton

,b ecause con sist ing of four letters .

It was unused by pious Jews in con versation ,they subs t ituting

EL or ADONAI therefor. N or was th is mere superstit ion , buta high form of wisdom. S imilarly through aw e of the Divin e


insp ired writers use the personal pronoun s where we shouldreckon them in elegan t, b ut their defen ce is they feared t omen t Ion His great n ame t oo oft en less fami liarity should breedundeserved con tempt. I turn by the meres t chan ce t o Jobxx ii i . where the weeper uses pronoun s in stead of the D ivin ename twen ty- seven t imes , b ut the word God on ly on ce

, andA lmigh ty on ce. Much the same is seen in the book of Psalms


as also in the N ew Testamen t. Il lustration s of this aw e

ab ound in al l parts of i t. Turn t o 1 John i i . 2 5 t o end.


And th is is the promise that he hath promised us,eternal

l ife . These things have I written un to you con cern ing them


that seduce you. But the an oin ting wh ich ye have receivedOf him , abideth in y ou,

and ye n eed n ot that any man teach

you : but as the same an oin ting teacheth you of all th ings ,and is truth

,and is n o l ie

,and even as i t hath taugh t you, ye

shal l abide in him . And n ow ,l ittle children , abide in him :

that when he shal l appear w e may have confiden ce , and n ot

be ashamed before him at hi s coming. If ye kn ow that he isrighteous , ye kn ow that every on e that doeth righ teousn ess isborn of him .

Theos was n ot corrupted so much because men are wicked orgiven t o change

,as because changing it at al l the mean ing must

degrade. Thus DIABOLIS : accuser,s lan derer

,when ce D IABLE,

DEVIL,starts ex isten ce wi th a low mean ing, whereby i t may

be raised . Thus we have devi l , devi lled,devi li sh, used in

anything but a bad sen se , as“ He (a horse) is a devi l t o go .

He (a man ) is a devi lish (very) good fellow.

”The fact is as

Jehovah is the holy name any change mus t n eeds be downwards . SATAN : adversary (of God and man ) is much gran derin con ception and use than DEVIL. On e of the most blessedti tles applied to God is DESP OT : foot bin der, he who govern swithout con sul tation . Despots are div isible in to good and bad.

Every father of a fami ly , every captain of a sh ip , teacher of aschoo l , is a despot, as i s the Empress of In dia over Hin doos .Souls un der the apocalyptic altar, cry, How long, 0 Despot ,holy and tru e dost Thou n ot avenge our blood ?

” But so i l lused has despot become , and in such i l l savour is it that f ewof us find pleasure in applying i t t o God,

although that agedsain t S imeon did


“ 0 Despot,now thou lettest thy servan t

depart in peace.” Now I can go home and die .The Hin doo for God is RAM

,when ce RAM - BUKAH : the gift

of God=BOGDAN from BOG : God in the Sclavon ic . When theword Jehovah en ters in to composition with person al names i t.assumes the forms of j ah, ah,

a,and is used either as a prefix

or a pos tfix . The h ighest complimen t ever paid t o a woman

(if i t be law fu l t o term th ings so sacred compl imen ts) was

when th e A lmighty said,

“ As for Sarai thy w ife , thou shal tn ot cal l her name SARAI (prin cess , aristocratic woman ) , butSARAH (

“ prin cess of Jehovah,greatest prin cess There the

Lord takes par t of his n ame and adds i t t o that of Hisn omin ee. Con sult Israel . We find i t again in combinationwi th the n ame of a woman

,Ex . v i . 20. JOCHABED (con .

ICHABOD : where is the glory Jehovah’s glory , perhaps anin spired promise of the Lord’s power bein g man ifes ted out of

weakn ess . Aft er the man ifestation of the A lmighty in the

bush (God deligh ts in paradoxes of speech and act ion ) thecases in wh ich the D ivin e n ame combin es w ith the n ames of

men become n umerous , as ABIJAH , ABI : (whose) fath er (is)


Jehovah = JOAB. To me these are won derful names . Nowhereis i t revealed in the O ld Testamen t as lawful t o cal l theEt ernal by so fami liar an expression as Father. What prophet,which psalmist so addresses Him ? Jesus was the first manwho taught men so t o address God. Howbeit , He did n ot , as

our authorised version and revision l ead us t o suppose, teachus to say

“ Our Father ,”which puts the secon d table of the

decalogue before the first, placed brotherhood before fatherhood . The Lord ’s prayer in Hebrew,

Greek ,and Lat in places

Father before our, and Should do so in English . However,

Father of us would n ew soun d strange . Theology and reasonhave been sacrificed on the altar of idiom. The Greek and

Lat in churches have P ater emoon and P ater n oster which ist rue teaching. By such n ames as ABIAH w e kn ow what theScriptures do n ot explicitly teach that pious Israeli t esapproached God with holy boldn ess

,so that i t is clear the

spiri t of adoption whereby we cry Abba : Father,wrought,

though fain t ly, from Exodus t o Pen tecost.SHINAB (Admi te king) : shin ing of the father

,glory of

CLEOPATRA , which may mean glory of the coun try = LAMBERT.

Shin is essen tial w ith schon , sh in e , sheen,skin

, sun ,al l mean

ing that which Shin es 18 beautiful . ABIEL,ELIAB God (my )

father . ABIBAL (HIram’

s fat her) my father (is) Bael.ABIATHAR : (whose) father (is) left. Father dying duringInfan cy of son . NADAB : l iberal

, b en evolen t = GIFFARD z of a

givIng nature. But AMMINADAB (chariots of ) : a w i l lingpeople, may be n oble pe ople =ARISTODEMU S : b es t of thepeople , and PROTESILAUS : firs t of the people . NABAL rough ,

boorish , churlish , dour , con . fal ls and fool . The n abal shal ln o more be called n adi b.

”— Isa. xxx i i . 8 .

ABINADAB : father of lib erality,free with heart to feel and

purse to help . ABIGAIL : (whose) father rejoice th (at herbirth) , con

,HAGGITH. ABIHU : (my ) father (is) He = ELIHU z

(my ) God (Is) He . ABIMELECH (whose) father (is) king, ofroyal descen t z FAU NTLEROY (banker) : for En fan t le roy

=FITZROY. But FAUNT : a foun t. ABRAM

,ABIRAM : h igh

father , a pat riarch . ABRAHAM : father of a mul titude,gives

IBRAHIM (pacha) , BRAHAM (singer) , ABBEMA (Fren ch) , BRAMWELL : Ab raham

s spr ing. MABERLY (poor man’s friend) :


s field . TABRAHAM, TABRAM (de Abraham) : son of

Abraham. From A b : father. BABOO (Hindoo t i t le )= SIRE ,

SIR, and the Arabic ALI BABA (forty th ieves) : the father .BABOO appl l es t o Hindoo gen tleman in his civi l capacity


SAHIB to dis t inguished natives of In dia and f ore i o n ers,if

mi lItary men .


ABISHALOM, ABSALOM : father of peace

,born in quiet times


s j udge


ADONIJAH ,in the sense


of God bringing out of trouble , con .

SUFFETES : Carthagin ian judges. Adon becomes DAN : a j udge,

when ce DANIEL : j udge of God= ELIPHAL, THEOCRITUS , usedpassi vely with the force j udged of God, helped by. Hen ceDANIELS

,s formative. AMARIAH (whom) Jehovah spoke (of ) ,

promised , from Amar : t o speak , when ce Amiral (some tal l) :comman der, becomes ADMIRAL . From i t the A rabic t itleEMIR - AL- OMRAH : comman der of comman ders

,gen eralissimo=

P HICOL (Ph i listin e) : mouth (of ) all , whom all obey , con . Pihahiro th mouth of Hiroth , pass so cal led . OMAR PASHA is adouble ti t le . We have OMAR : a commander

,word giver

,Gen .

xxx vi . 1 1 - 1 5,the Mosque of Omar n ow in Jerusalem , and

lately had Omar Pasha,gen eral of Abdul Medj id . OMRIAH


OMRI : comman der of Jehovah , greatest gen eral. PUAH :

mouthy, wordy.

U Z ,AMOZ : strong

=HALES : hale , s trong by reason of

heal th . UZZIAH, AMAZIAH strength (of ) Jehovah ,


, con . UZZIEL : s trength of God. AMITTAI (Jonah’


father) : amen (of ) Jehovah ,God keeping faith . A common

name in A rabia s ti l l is AMOUN (Ben ) : amen (man ) = FIDELIUS :fai th keeper . AMEEN - EDDEN fai thfu l in religion . ATHALIAH

(queen ) , ATHLAI (Bebai’s son ) whom Jehovah afli i

ct ed.

EZER : h elp,gives EZRA


son of A l ex is . EBENEZER : ston e (of ) help , con . Ben : a son ,

Ebony : s ton e w ood . AZARIAH,JOEZER helped of Jehovah .

that happen ing t o the father about th e time of son’

s birth ,


,AZRAEL (death

angel of the Koran ). ELIEZER (Damascus) = the Arab icASRALLAH. LAZARUS (form of ELAZARU S) gives Lazaron i :beggars l ike Lazarus . Lazaretto : lazar house , in sti tuted forlepers and con tagiously diseased . LIZARs : medical atten dan ton Lazarett o . Lazy : lying about lik e Lazarus . SO i ll and

i dle are th e same word .

ELISHEBA (Aaron’s w ife) , con . Sabbath and mean ing oath of

God,i .e .

,God remembering his oat h t o Abraham

,hen ce





,BABINGTON : town of

S t . E lizabeth’

s church . BARUCH : blessed BEATUS, f em .

BEATRICE f or BEATRIx . BARACHEL (E lihu’s father) : blessed

(of ) God, by in crease of fami ly. BERACHIAH : blessed (of)Jehovah . Ben : a ston e , gives Banah : t o build , when ceBENAHIAH : bui lt (of ) Jehovah , in creased in fami ly.

“WhenI prophesied P e ltahiah

,the son of Ben ahiah died . BATH :

daught er,eldes t girl . BATHONI : daugh ter of my sorrow.

BATHIAH : daughter (of ) Jehovah , His worsh ipper. BATHSHERA : seven th daughter. PEKAH : open ey ed

= BOP IS : ox

eyed,the opposi te of MYOTIS : lady shutting her eyes peep

ingly , winsomely. PEKAHIAH : (whose) eyes Jehovah open ed


( to se e divin e vision s) . P ekahiah the son of Menahem ,but

P eleah, the son of Remaliah, a captain of his , con spired againsthim.

” REMALIAH : exal t ed (of ) Jehovah , from Rama : h igh .


town of S t. E lias .JOEL : Jehovah (is) God. E lijah is a creed

in a n ame, and should be read by the light that l it on the

altar on Carmel . How long hop ye between two opin ion s ?

if Jehovah be E loh im,fol low Him. ELISHA : God (is)

saviour , is like theret o ,forming ELISEUS . HOD : praise , glory ,

con .Laudo and Plaudo when ce Explode : t o make a loud n oise

like may person s c lappmg hands . EHUD (judge) : on e praised= IENEAS. EP E NETU S praisew orthy. ISHOD :man

, praised forh is b eauty. ABIHUD : father (of ) praise , w orsh ipper : Theosebes.

HODAVIAH The Hebrew idea of gloryHODIJAH (of) Jehovah . is n earn ess t o God, the

HODEVAH Greek fame , the Roman

applause . Augustus , when dying, can vassed for the applauseof those who w ere roun d his bed .


k n OW Il,loved , approved Of by Jehovah .

Depart from me , I n ever kn ew you.

JEDIDIAH : beloved (of) Jehovah ,con . D IDO , DAVID , and

DEOCARU S : cherished by God. JEHO IKIM : Jehovah appoin ted .

ELIAKIM : God appoin ted , con . JACHIM : firm. No stranger t oIsrael could kn ow the differen ce between these two un lessun der Hebrew teaching. A beautifu l i l lustration of

“ I w i l lgive him a n ew n ame

,show ing power over and in terest in .

JEHOIDAH : kn ow ledge (of ) Jehovah , loved of God, cor. JADDUA(high priest) . ARAM : high

,becomes Ramah : brae t op,

b e

comes Aramathea,and RAM : man of dign i ty.

“ Then was

kindled the w rath of El ihu of the kin dred of Ram .

JEHORAM JORAM : Jehovah exal t ed= JEREM1AH : raised (of )Jehovah , cor. JERRY. ADONIRAM the Lord (is) exal ted .

AHAZ (dial of ) : seen (by God).“ I have seen ,

I have seen theaffliction of my people.

” JEHOAHAZ : beheld (of) Jehovah ,

con . GHAZI ghau) : val ley of vision ,beautiful dale . MICAIAH

who (as) Jehovah ? MICHAEL : who (as) God ?“Who is

l ike un to Thee , O Jehovah among the eloh im From latterMIGUEL (Don ) , Maccle sfie ld : Michael ’s field . CARMICHAELdear t o Michael , MIKE , MICKY , and Moke : a donkey. This isa pet name w i th the Ir ish

,who View i t thus —A s Michael

conquered Satan , the firs t Protestan t,and drove the rebel

angels from heaven ,so th e Pope conquered Luther and ex com

mun i cat ed Protestan ts . Thus it mean s con queror of hereti cs .

NAHUM : a comforter . NOAH : con solation (t o paren ts)MENAHEM. NEHEMIAH : comforted (of ) Jehovah . From same


peaceful prin ce , con . Sar, Israel . SHEMU LIEL : peace (of ) God,

frien d (of ) God, as Abraham . SHELOMI : peaceful man .

SHELOMITH : peaceful woman ,n early

= SHULAMITE : peaceful ,fi l led w ith love , the bride , the Catholic Church .

“ Return ,

return,O Shulamite ; return . return ,

that we may look uponthee.” Some derive SHILOH from th is root and give i t :

P ACIFICO = SHILONI z peacemaker. The Samaritan s give thefamous prophecy of Jacob ,

“ The sceptre shal l n ot be takenfrom Judah n or a leader from his ban n ers , un ti l the PACIFICshal l come. But SHILOH : sen t (of God), iden tical w ithShiloah ,

S iloam : (water) sen t (through strong arches) .Apostle : sen t from (the Lord Jesus). Missionary : sen t (bythe Church) = En voy : sen t (by Governmen t) .SOLOMON : very peaceful , forms SULEYMAN (Pacha) in

Turkey ,SLOMAN

,SOMAN in Englan d . From Salem also we

have Islam,Moslem,

Mussulman . Is tamboul : city of peace

(boul pol is), the Arabic for Con stan t inople , and= Islambad

city of the faith ,Hindostan . SOLOMON = P ACIFICU S : the

pacifier , and the Irish SWEENEY : peaceful , but n ot FREDERICKpeace rich , on e who makes peace by putting en emy so thatthey can n ot fight. EL : God,

th e strong on e,ELOHIM : strong

on es , first me t with in composi tion in MEHUJAEL (Lamech’


gran dfather) struck of God,greatly afflicted . We did es teem

Him stricken of God and afflicted .

”MAHALEEL : praise (t o)

God, con . Hal lelujah : praise Jah . HILLIL : singer,he who

li lts . Li l t : t o sing j erkingly and spon tan eously. The tw o

great rabbis of Hebraism w ereHi lli l an d Shammai . SHAMMAInamed , famous = INCLYTU S

, con . SHEM ; a n ame . Ad : on e , solus .

BEDAD : sol itaire, lon ely. HADAD : on e, on e ,

the sun god,

Sol : the sun, con . Solus alon e . Hadad

,the son of Bedad ,

who smote Midian in the field of Moab . BEOR : a torch :

FLAMBARD : flaming sword,gl ittering like flame. Balaam


the $011 of Beor,hath said . AMMIEL

,con versely ELIAM

people of God. BALAAM : a foreign er,n ot of the people

OUTREMER : a stranger , on e from beyon d the sea. CALCOL :sustenan ce (of paren ts) = SCIP IO : sceptre

,staff of his blin d

father. But CALCOT, for CALDECOT (English) : cold house ,

open t o W inds = BALFOU R.

DARDA : pearl (of) w isdom , w isest z HACHMONI : very w ise.DEBIR : an oracle . “ Debi r , king of Eglon .

” He would begood at advising, an d SO = EUBU LU S and ALFRED .

DEBORAH(a bee , i .e .

, patien t, in dustrious , others give) eloquen t woman


CHRYSOSTOM : golden mouth, CHRYSOLOGU S go lden

dl scourser z BILSHAN : son (of the ) t ongue = P HU VAH : mouth,

con . P HICOL.

PHINEHAS (Cozbi) or PHINEAS serpen t-mouthed,persuading

to evIl, as the worm did Eve

,from Pi or P hi : mouth



Nab ash a h isser,serpen t . Thy two son s , Hophn i and P hi

n eas , are dead .

” TIDAL : who is f eared=ALDRED : whom a ll

dread,when ce Mrs . Stow e ’s DRED .

“ Tidal king of n ation s ,’

i .e . , a m ix ed people , as Abyssin ia a mix ture . Pamphylia : all

tribes in termixed . ZIZA : ful l - breasted,abundan ce (of mi lk) ,

wh en ce JAZ IZ : he will bring abun dan ce. O ver the flockswas Jaziz

,the Hagerite


” Hagaren e . What n ame could bebetter for a shepherd ARDON a fugitive , who flees t o h ighplace

,con . Arduus = PHYGELLU s an d FLEMING .

“ Caleb had a

son n amed Ardon . AGEE a fugiti ve,con . Hagar. Sham

mah ,the son of AGEE . Arvad (con . ARDON) : place of fugi

t ive s =Flanders fle ers = Serv ia coun try of run away serfs ,s laves . The inhabitan ts of Zidon and A rvad were thy marin ers .

” BALAK licking up,destroying. N ow shal l this

company li ck up al l t hat are roun d about us , as the ox l ickethup the grass . ISHMAEL : h eard of God,

had three son s , v iz .,

M ISHMA h earing, con . I shmael

,S imeon

,DUMAH s i len ce ,

con . Dumb : si len t , MASSA : patien ce. The rabbis weld thesein to a proverb Hear much , say l i ttl e , bear much .

” GAMALIEL (at feet of ) reward from God. Birth n ame . The frui tof t he w omb is His reward .

” GOLIATH an ex i le,an emigran t

= GALES of t he Gaels , s trangers . NEAL : n ew Gal l . METANASTE (n euphon ic) : city changer , con . A STYANAX : city kin g.

HINNOM lamen tation (of paren ts) , born in bad t imes BERIAH,

con . Hin n io I n eigh,Hinny : bred of a horse , Wh in e t o

lamen t . “ The border w en t up by the val ley of the son of

Hi n n om . Ghau a val ley , an d Hi n n om gives Gehennah ell

, con . Gehazi. IZHAR an oin t ed z MESSIAH,CHRIST


a w ife. The Romans an oin ted the door l in tel un der wh ich then ew ly arrived bride passed

,when ce from Unguo I an oin t , w e

have Unguen t,Un ction , Uxor, Uxorious in ordinat ely fon d of

wife .

JAMIN dexterous , adroi t , right - han ded , strong= S tark


STARKEY (s tark naked) : stripped for battle,made stron g as

David w as by throw in g off armour. When men so did theywere cal led by the Sax on s

,Bold bald . con . Yemen the south


t o th e righ t is BENJAMIN son of my righ t han d , hon our ,strength ; if n ot

,BENJAMIM : son of my days . LOT : a veil


secret w orker , artfu l,gives LO TAN (duke). Lot con . l id



clod , cloud , lotto ,lottery : all covers . Behold , I have given

thy brother a thousan d pieces of silver , h e is t o thee a lot t othin e eyes .

” N IMSHI : drawn out,elected

,on e of the elite :

ELIGIU S,ALOYSIUS , and con . Moses . REUBEN : se e ! a son ,

from Reu t o see,when ce RUTH : fascinatin g. REHUM he who

looks pi t iful ly , also from Reu , where i t slides in to the EnglishRUTH She who rues

,pities through seeing. JERAHIMEEL (he

wil l obtain ) mercy (of ) God, i .e ., God wil l look at him. IKKESH



(son of Ira) crook ed= CRooxs , GAM ,BOSSUE . Probably used

figuratively for a deceiver= SP OONER and Hmdoo Thug : a dece iver.

PACKE (when ce PAXTON : P ack e’

s town ) : a dece er,

cheat,subtle scamp.

SHEBA : an oath ,sacred , rest - giving. A man of Belial ,

whose name was Sheba”

ASHBEA : I swear , adjure .

“ The

fami lies of them that w rough t fin e l in en of the house of

A shbea .

”AMOS : a burden ,

gives AMASA : burden some on e .

“Absalom made Amasa captain of the host in stead of Joab .

AMASIAH burden (of ) Jehovah ,sustain ed by God.

“ Rol l thyburden on Jehovah ,

He wil l sustain thee . THADDEUS : whopraises PYAT : a pious man

,aton ed for, expi ated. The Fren ch

have THADE , but THADY (Irish ) a poet . The Ital ian s TADEONI great Thade . HABAKKUK : a wrestler , embracer , he whow restles w ith God and embraces His promise . ZACCHIAH

(the ) Lord (is) pure , ZACCHEU S , con . Saddoc . Zaccheus,make

haste and come down . The Roman s rarely had th e n ativesof conquered coun tries to be ch ief publican s , hen ce somescholars attempt to derive Zaccheus from a Latin root

,b ut in

vain,seeing he i s “ a son of Abraham . CHUZA (Herod


grieve) for CHU ZIAH : (the ) Lord seeth ,con . GEHAZI

,also given

as mean ing Seer he who sees what is common ly h idden .

SOSIPATER,SOP ATER (Berea) : father saver

,who protected

him. ONESIMUS ben eficial,profitable a runaway s lave.

ONESIP HORUS profit bringer—h is mast er.ASYNCRITUS n o t t o be cr i t ic ised w ith an other

,in comparable


n on e such . LYSIAS (Claudius ) : l iberator , con . An alysis : loosening, separating. LIBERIUS : on e fre ed= FREEMAN

,from Libero :

I loosen ,gives Liberty. LYSIMACHUS : looser of s trif e = the

Puritan name MAKEP EACE . PENTHESILEA (Amazon ian queen ) :who by her charms takes away gri ef . AQUILA (Paul

s fel loww eaver) : an eagle

z HERNE,tw isted in to ONKELO S. ZOHAR


ZERAH , ZORAH : dawn brigh tn ess,birth bringing hope. If i t

be your min d that I should bury my dead out of my sighthear me ,

and en t reat for me t o Ephron , the son of Zohar.

Zorah,the Dan it e , had a descendan t named Man oah

,who had

a son whom he named from Shemesh the sun . SAMSON (withthe augmen tat ive on ) splendid sun

,glorious man .


gloryof the Lord is risen upon thee . EUTYCHUS : lucky

,fortun at e


gives through the Fren ch TOY GLUCK,LUCKIE

, con . SYNTYCHE= FELICIA , EDITH fortunat e ladies . There sat in the w in dowa certain young man n amed EUTYCHUS .” SACAR : hire = theIrish name LUCAN : on e hi red


wages or reward of Jehovah .

“ Moreover,the son s of O bed

Edom Sacar the fourth I ssacher the seven th,P eulthai

arises the Lord is my Li'

ght .


the eighth ,for God blessed him (w i th many son s). That was

a paying fami ly. PARMENAS : who remain s with you in trouble= CONSTANCE. P ARMENION (A lexander

s frien d) : son ofParmenas .

AMAL : lab ourer=BAUER,and root of E MILU S : a worker.

The son s of his brother Helem (were) Zophah, and Imna , and

Shelesh , and Amal .” ZOP HAH : an early riser= our EARLYcon . ZEP HON : great watcher. ANER : an exile , expatriat edGOLIATH The men wh ich wen t w i th me , An er, Eschol, andMamre . ESCHOL : a cluster (of grapes) , he who has manychi ldren .

“ Thy wife shal l be as a fruit ful vin e.” MAMRE :ris ing

,l ifting up

,who causes the rise of his clan . LEMUEL

(king of Massa) : con secrated (to) God=ALLGOO D . BETHUEL :virgin (of ) God,

pure man, con . Be thu lia= Par then ope maiden .

ENOCH,HANOCH : dedicated , a devotee .

“The son s of Midian

city (w ere) Ephah , an d Epher and Han och.

” HELEM : ham

merer= SCHMIDT.

“ The son s of his brother Hel em.

IDDO : long lived= P OLYBIU s , MACROBIUS .

“ Iddo the chiefat the place Casiphia. IDDO : timely, born wh en expected ,“ Zechariah ,

the son of Berech iah ,the son of Iddo .

IDDO :l oving

, con . D IDO and DAVID, of the class ERASTUS : amiable ,

PHILETUS : worthy of friendsh ip, PHILEMON : beloved .

“O f

the half t ribe of Manasseh in Gilead , Iddo ,the son of Zechariah .

Three differen t person s whose n ames are diverse in the original .JACHIN He (wil l) establish (the covenan t with us) . O f thepriests Jedaiah ,

and Jehoiarib and Jachin .

” UZZAH : strong,like a goat butting , powerful in attack . AZAZ : strong , strong= BOAZ.

“ He s e t up the righ t pi l lar , and cal led t he n amethereof Jachin ; and h e se t up the left pi l lar and cal led then ame thereof Boaz .

JEHISHAI : grey headed= CHANZY, CANU TIU S, HOARE : w hois hoary. Hoar : white

,as hoar fros t. JOKTAN smal l (born )


“Who hath despised the day of j oktan things .

JUBAL : joyful sound , giving Jubilo : I rejoice,Jubilee : time

of joy . Juba l w as the father of al l such as han dle the harpand organ .

” KALLAI : a runn er ; CURTIU S (Quin tus) , SNELL ,SWIFT , SHARP ,

PODARGUS . KEDAR : dark skinn ed : TARTAN,

E 801) : an E thiop .

“Arise ye

, go up t o Kedar,and spoi l the

me n of the east, i .e . ,

the descendan ts of Kedar. KEDEMAH(son of Ishmael) : swar thy

,man from the east = CADMU S

(alphabet). LO- AMMI : n ot my people, con . AMMON my people .LO - RUHAMA : n ot looked on , w i thou t mercy. Names of mys t icalchi ldren of Hosea.

MATRI : a gao ler,wat cher= GAYLOR


“ The fami lyof Matri was taken .

”A name of in terest

,as gaolers were f ew

among orien tals , their pun ishmen ts bein g awfully summary ,

as cu t ting off the hand f or theft , etc. MADAI : m iddle (lan d) ,


gives Media, Medes , probablyMedius : the.

Middle , andMede or

t o cure by Median herbs, when ce MedIcIn e : the healIng art .

ISAIAH (eon . Hosea. His name was a Sign to Israel) : salvationof Jehovah ,

shameful ly cor. t o EASY (midshipman ) . MAPHISH

(son of Ishmael) : soul , ac t ive = QU ICK, GRADY. CHAV AH : l ife ,living

,our EV E ,

giving EVA.

O REN, ORNAN : (tal l l ike) an ash = P INU S : pin e tal l :ROWAN

,TANN : a pin e , LONGFELLOW. PELETH : sw iftn ess , a


,LIGHT , gives P e lathi te . Ben a

hiah w as over the Cherathi t e s and P elathi tes , i .e .,the S lashers

and runn ers , l igh t in fan try. PETHUEL : vision of God,he

whose eyes are open ed so that he sees God. PENUEL , inthe N . T. PHANUEL : face of God

,t o whom He man ifests

Himself much . Balaam,the son of Beor

,hath said , an d t he

man who had his eyes shut,b ut n ow open ed .

” PORATHA lo t

given,born on a lucky day , con . Purim : lots , P ur z FORTUNA

as though Sortuna born according t o Sors : lot . FORTUNATUSfrom Sors : a lot

,and Natus : born .

“ The Jew s s lew 500

men and P oratha. And the odd thing was he Shouldbe slain on a day chosen by P ur : lot . RIBAI : adversary


an tagon istz SATAN . Ittai

,the son of Ribai .” SETH : ap

poin ted , ordain ed t o be progen i tor of men ,which Abel seems

n ot t o have b een .

“God hath appoi n ted t o me an other seed

instead of Abel . S IP P AI,SAP H : doorkeeper, who stan ds on

the thre shold z DU RWARD,SALMON



“A t

which t ime S ibbechai slew S ippai that was of the chi ldren ofthe gian ts . SIBBECHAI : thicket man =BROGLIE ,


WOODS , SAVAGE . TERALIAH : immersed (of the ) Lord ,b



ized of God, con secrated for an office . Tebaliah (was) the

t irc .

ZICHRI, ZITHRI : remembered , i llustrious = EU PHEMIU S : wel lspoken of , con . ZECHARIAH : remembered of Jehovah .

“ The

Lord remembered Noah . MELECH : a king , a fighter whodrives pel l mel l

, who mauls . MELCHIAH (P ashur’

s father) :(my ) king (is the ) Lord , varies to Melechi as . MALCHUS royalABIMELECH of kingly fatherhood , n oble descen t ARIDATHA

(con . Arta : great ) , TIRIDATES (k ing) = our ATHELING .

MITHREDATH (t reasurer) : gift of Mi thras , in Greek ,MITHRI

DATES. MITHRAS : mother, l ike Cybele and D iana ,appl ied t o

the sun as producer. ADRAMELECH (Syrian Apol lo) bril lian tkmg, the


sun z HORU s . ANAMELECH (Syr ian Hercul es) :powerful k Ing. The former worsh ipped un der the form of a

peacock . The sun sees much,has many eyes . Anamelech was

worshIpped as a horse. Compare with story of ARGUS (con .

Ergon : work) : sharp , acting quickly with his eyes , as

PODARGUS : sw ift - foot ed (Hector’

s charioteer) , P ODARCE =GOLIGHTLY. MOLOCH (dreadful king) : king (god of Moab) .


MELCHIZEDEK : righteous king, con . SADOC : just =JU STU S zwho does right. MANASSEH : amn esty, causing t o forget.God hath made me forget all my toil .

” NEITH : wisdom,

skill in weaving , the Egyptian Min erva, when ce A SENATH :

belonging t o Neith , a wise person= AP OLLONIU S : son of

Apol lo ,wise. ZAPHENATH : who receives Nei th



inspired. N ITOCRIS (Chaldee Queen) : Neith’

s victory , on e

overcoming by wisdom. P AANEAH : who flies pollution, an

al lus ion to flight from Potiphar’

s wife. Joseph was n ot theon ly man so cal led. It was applied t o an Egyptian n ob leman

1 5 0 years before .

P OTIPHAH : priest of the bul l . POTIP HERAH : priest of thesun HOPHRAH (Pharaoh) . When Zaphenath married Asen athi t was like t o l ike , wise to wise. SHADDAI (E l) : the almightyshedder

,disposer of l ife , j udge of men , dividing un t o them

several ly,even as He wil l. The farther we go back in

language the n earer we approach a use of w ords common t ot hose who are n ow many nat ions . Who would th in k whenspeaking of a wat er Shed, or shedding of the hair (crease) , thathe was using a word so n ear akin to a n ame of God ? “Man


who made me a j udge or a divider over you ? SHADDAI :

the shedder= PARCE z apportion er , con . Upharsin : divided.


L i ttl e comes of tel ling what names mean un less how theycome SO to s ign ify be made clear . This sub - Chapter on

Scripture Names ” is an effort t o presen t the how in a pleasan tform. It will n ot be a formidable array of dry words culledfrom the book of Chron icles , l ike ammon ites from l imeston e


b ut a l ive ly presen tation of the laws and ways by which wordsin gen eral and n ames in particu lar are formed .

The Hebrews used three n umbers — S ingu lar,indicating on e

thing ; Dual , for two of same kin d ; Plural , t o represen t morethan two. The Greeks also had a dual , but i t s form was

fading when th e Chris t ian era began . Hen ce it is not me twith in N ew Testamen t proper names. Though the dual wasthen obsolescen t in Hebrew and Greek (for i t was wan ing inthe former ) , i t was active in o thers , as in the San scrit

,t he

sacred language of India. It is now wan ting in all In dianlanguages derived from the San scri t , as Fren ch

,Span ish


Italian , Portuguese are from Latin . The dual was common inthe Syriac of the first cen tury

,whereas now on ly two words

of that n umber are col loquial in Syria. William V on Hum


boldt shows i t s use among the aboriginal Indian s , ex ten dingfrom Patagon ia t o the verge of the A rctic, where EsquImauxcon verse by i t s aid. O n e European nat ion re taIn s It , LI thuan Ia.

Russia is discouraging i ts use ; hen ce i t fol lows the dual W Il l

soon cease to be used in Europe , where i t on ly ex 1s t ed as an

exot ic, n ever flourished as a native . Plural forms are lesslikely to become obsolete. The dual is a grammatical con ven

t ionalism,the plural an essen tial part of language. Howbeit ,

time does n ot make i t fade in all places. The A rabs have Itin vigour. The Arab ic enjoys as wide a geograph ical rangeas any on the earth ,

English on ly excepted . It IS Spoken w 1 th

variable purity over the vast region s of cen tral and n orthernAfrica,


,Hindostan ,

the Indian Arch ipelago,an d

that pen in sula which has, for forty cen turies, Sheltered theunconquered son s of Ishmael . Through the Moors , A rabict inged the Span ish and Por tuguese . Even English is en richedthereby , for thereto we owe the words A lcohol , A lcove, A lgebra,

Chemistry,Crimson .

The Hebrew Im (Dual) was formed by adding im or a im

to the singular,as Pharah : t o be frui tful , EP HRAIM : doubly

fruitful . Elegan t ly appl ied by Joseph t o his son . Be th lehemEphratah : Be thlehem the frui tful , an other being in Zebulun .

Euphrates : fruc t ifier, whose water makes fru i t fu l . ADAH :

ornamen t, crown,Adi thaim : tw ofold ornamen t .

“ Lamechsaid un to his w ives

,A dah and Zil lah ,

Hear my voice . Doth :a w el l

,Dothan forDothaim : two w el ls . DATHAN w el l - own er

=WELLS . EGLON : a fat calf = GALBA ,MEDCALF . Eglaim :

tw o heifers . Eglon was a very fat man,a John Bul l .

HUR : a cave WEMYS,HUME : trog

lody t es . Horonaim double cavern .

“ Aaron and Hur stayedup his hands .

” From Zoar (they shal l go) un t o Horonaim,

as an heifer of three years O ld. Kir : dyke , wal l,en closed

dw ellings .

“ Kir made bare the Shield .

” K ir tan : doublec ity =Dupple (German ) and Medina (Arabic) . From Ki r


Car thage : walled , Castra : a camp,Caer




Mar : bi t t er , Marath : t o rebel . N IMROD : he who is verybi t ter , a rebel . Merathaim : double rebellion . Go up againstthe lan d of Merathaim

,Babylon . NAHAR : a river= RIV ERs .

Naharaim : two rivers , Euphrates and Tigris, as Doab : b e

tween Ganges and Jumna,so Sen egambia,

Sen egal and Gambiarivers . Aram- naharaim : h igh lan ds b etw een the tw o r ivers .

Eliezer t ook t en camels of his master , and depar t ed ; and hetrose and w en t to Aram—naharaim.

” Sept uagin t cal ls i t

Mesopotamia : midst of rivers,n ow cal led by Arabs A lj ezireh

the Island , iden tical with Algiers . Mi tzr : Egyp t . MIZRAIM :


Ail : strong. E lim : strong on es . “ They removed fromE lim ,

and en camped by the Red Sea. ELOALI : great adorable On e . ELOHIM : the Triun e A lmigh ty. EL : God forms

ALLAH. Hear, O Israel , Jehovah thy E lohim is on e Jehovah .

ANAK : long n ecked , tal l. Anakim : descendan ts of ANAK ,where im is patronymical as ide in LAGIDE : son s of LAGU S :

the hare. AV AH : to overturn ,ruin =ABADDON . Avim desert

dwel lers,residen t where they had destroyed all. "The Avim

which dw elt in Hazerim , even un to Azzah , the Caphtorim ,

which came forth out of Caphtor, destroying them and dwel ling in their stead.

” Caphtor : a watch tower. “ Have I n otbrought the Phi listin es from Caphtor The Avim were destruct ive tribes wan ting in skill ; so ,

then,they w ere boun ded

by Azzah a s trong place . Boch : t o w eep. Bochim : tears ,weepers . “ The people l ifted up their voice and wept. And

they cal led the name of that place Bochim. Charash t o cu t.Cherathit es : Slashers . Charash im : cutt ers , engravers . Seraiah begat Joab , the father of the val ley of Charashim ; forthey were craftsmen . Chamar : t o be black , con . HAM : hot


b lack =NIGER,prophetic of his dwel ling , Africa. Chemarim :

black men,men clothed in black

,n eri the priests of God w ere

dressed in l in en,pure and white. “ Josiah put down the C’he

marim whom the kings of Judah had ordain ed t o burn in cen se .CUSH , CUSHAN an E thiop =E SOP : a n egro ,

who has a burn tface . Cushistan : E thiopia. CUSHI : dark skinn ed DUFF.

Zephan iah the son of Cushi .” Cushim : E thiopians .

“ Heshal l lead Oushim captives , young and old

,naked and bare

foot.DEDAN : leading forward (to in crease of fami ly) . Dodan im :

Dedan i tes , gives Rhodes : island of the Dodan im. The son s

Javan ,Eli shah an d Ki t t im


, and Dodan im. FromE lishah comes E lis , a city of Greece which coun try was cal ledKi t tim by the Hebrews . Balaam saId

,Ships shal l come from

the coast of K itt im.

” EBER,HEBER : beyon d , hyper , super.

IBRI : from the other side =Hebrew Euphrates - passer, an

emigran t. Ebronah : passage (of the Red Sea). Abarim :

passages , ghauts : passes , iden tical with gates . Get thee up tothis moun t A barim and se e the lan d . HILLEL : who l i lt s toGod

s praise. Halle lim : praises .

“Abdon ,the son of Hi l l el

died and was buried in Pirathon . Sing ye Ha lle lim .

MELEK : a fighting king. MALLUCH : kingly descen t = CREEand RENE. Me lak im : kings.

MOPH : an x iety , a w eakling at birth . MUP P IM : an xieties ,

weaker than the other. NATHAN : given (by God), a prayedfor son . Nethin im devot ees

,giving themselves w i thout

reserve to God’

s service. We certify you, that touchin g anyof the pries ts and Levi tes

, singers,porters

,N eth in im

, or


min isters of the house of God , i t shal l n ot be lawful t o imposetol l tribute

, or custom upon them.

” NEPHES : t o stretch out ,

t o In crease. NEPHUSIM : expan sion s , spreadings , big fami ly.

“ The chi ldren of N ephusim return ed from Babylon . N imrah :pure water. No th ing t o do with N imr : a leopard . N imrim :

flowing waters . “ The waters of Nimrim shal l becomedeso late .

O REB : a raven , a dark on e . O rb im : dark on es , Arabs .The ereb and the morn ing were the firs t day . Creationbegin s w i th the even ing, that redemption may end w i th theresurrection morn ing.

” EREBUS (from ereb ) , who marriedKNOX : n ight. “

As dark as Erebus.

” “ O rb im brought h imbread and flesh in the morn ing.

”Ehj ah fed by the Bedouin .

RAP HA : a gian t , tran sposes t o HARAPHA (Samson Agon istes) .Rephaim : gian ts or descen dan ts of Rapha. Moza begatBin ea : Rapha was h is son .

” Chedorlaomer smote theRaphaim in Ashtaroth Karnaim , and the Zuzim in Ham , and

the Emim in Shaveh Kirithaim.

” Five plurals and a dual .Keren : cornu , a horn . Karnaim : two horn s . Ashtaroth

Karnaim two- horn ed moon , w here Astarte was worsh ipped asa moon in crescen t. CHEDORLAOMER : Chedor, the servan t of

Lahmi , the god of the Susan im. SATAN : adversary ,en emy.

Satan im : accusers . “ Now , the Lord my God hath given me

sabbath on every side , so that there is n ei ther satan n or evi loccurren t. SEIR : rough , applied to rocky ,

scrubby districtsThrace , Trachon i tis , GARRIOCH,

BADENOCH . Seorim : roughs ,barley , because of Spicular form , said of satyrs , goats , demon s ,and come t s , the latter cal led by the Saxon s faxed (hairy)s tars .

“ Thus dwelt Esau in moun t Sei r ; Esau is Edom.

When the Shepherd sen ds th e goats t o the Devi l , i t is rought o rough . Owls shal l dw el l t here

,and seorim dan ce there ,

goats shal l caper over fal len Babylon .

SEP HAR : a book , l earn ed therein ,gives SA P HIR (Adolphe)

BOOKER, takes f em . SAP P HIRA (n ot from th e sapphire) . Sepha rexac t ly corresponds to Surat (E . I.) a book

,place of pun dits

Sepharvaim : books , scribes , place of learn ed men , a col lege.SHAP HAT : a judge

,skilfu l in coun t ing

= RICHTER : reckon er.ShOph e t im : judges

,sanhedrim = Suffe t es : Car thagin ian sen

ators .

“ Where are the gods of Sepharvaim“ Thou shal t

n ot revil e the Shophe t im.

” Seraph : burn ing (w ith love) .Seraph im : angels, ardors

,burn ing on es . “ Ch erubim kn ow

most, Seraphim love most. Saraph : burn ing (with thirst),the dipsas . Saraph im : burn ing on es , serpen ts

,inflamers .

“ Moses made a saraph of copper, and put i t on a pe l e .

” Wholed thee through that great and terrible wildern ess


were saraphim and akrabbim,

”scorpion s . The coast of th e

Amorites , from the going up to Akrabbim ,from Selah



rock .Cherub : celestial , gives CHERUBINI (friar) . Cherubim :

heaven ly on es .

“ John was a burn ing and a sh in ing ligh t ,”

burn ed w ith love and shon e w i th in struction ,a combinat ion of

seraph and cherub. SHEBER : a breach ,so named because

born when the men of A1 made a breach in the ranks of

Israel . Shebarim : breaches .

“ Maachah , Caleb’

s con cubin e ,bare Sheber.

” “ For they (the men of A i) chased them frombefore the (city) gate even un to Shebarim ,

for there theymade breaches .

Shilhah : a missive w eapon ,con . SHILOH : sen t , gives .

SALAH : a dart. “Arphaxad begat Salah. METHUSELAH :

man of dart = DOWD ,DOWDS . Shi lim : armed men , place O f .

But SALA (Augus t in e) iden t ical with HALL and SALMON ,saloon

,hallk e epe r.

“ Lebaoth (lion s) and Shi lhim,cities of

Judah,and fighting on es too. Shi ttah : a thorn , the acacia.

Shi t t im : thorn s . “I w i l l plan t in the wildern ess

,the cedar ,

the Shi ttah.

” They pi tched by Jordan from Beth Jesimo th ,

even un to the plains of Shi t tim ,place of acacias. Sokh a

shel t er, a boo th . Suk k im or Suck athi t e s : ten t dwellers .

The people w ere innumerable that came w i th Sh ishak out of

Egyp t : Lubim (Libyans), Sukkim and Cushim (Negroes) .The fami l ies of the scribes wh ich dwelt at Jabez : Tirathi tes


Shimeathi tes , and Suchathi tes . ZEEB : a w ol f, a t errifier=

GUELPH yelper. Zeb oim place of wolves , or hyaenas. Makethem as O reb an d Zeeb.

” How shal l I make thee as Admahhow Shal l I se t thee as ZeboimSHUPHAM : an adder

,gl ider

,coluber (con . labor)= E10ps and

Gleed. SHUP P IM : serpen ts . Shuppim also and Huppim,

the chi ldren of Ir. Zephath : a watch t ow er=Migdol , when ceMagdala, giving MAGDALENE .

“ They s lew the Canaan i testhat inhabi ted Zephath .

” Zoph im : w atch tow ers,con . ZEP HON


“ Balak brough t Balaam in to the field ofZoph im.

The following are found in our authorised version on ly inthe plural —Emim : terrors

,very terrible .

“ The Emimdw el t therein in t imes past, a people great and many

,as tal l

as the Anakim.

Gammadim : pygmies , dwarfs , wee folk likeGhoork as . Gammadim were in thy t owers defending Tyre.Ge rrzmi : cutters , al lusion s t o fruitfuln ess and what fo l lows i t,reapmg and prun ing.

“ Thou shal t put the blessing uponMb un t


Geri zim,and the curse upon Moun t Ebal .” Eb : a

ston e, gives b en , ebony , EBENEZER , Abana : stony river,Ebal :

stony h i l l. “And some fel l on stony groun d .

” Blessingand frui t fuln ess , curse and barren n ess always conjoin .

GebimpItS , caves , troglody t e s =Hori t e s . The inhabitan ts O f Gebimgather themselves t o flee .NAPHTALIM : wrestlings of God, severe pangs in childbirth .


O f the tribe of Naphta lim were selected twelve thousan d .

Telaim : young lambs . Sau l gathered the people and

n umbered them in Te laim.

“ He shal l gather Telaim w i thhis arms .

”Zamzumim : ze


,zummers , n o isy on es


Bos : an ox ,booer

,Moo - cow

,Zebub : a fly

,Tungri : old name

for German s because they gave tongue when going in t o batt le .Compare such names as BELCHER : baw lcher, BELI : bellow er ,CREEK : who cri es as he goes at the foe . CROKE , CROKER ,giving CROCKETT , also mean s swashbuck lerism . GROGANroarer

,shouter. Gian ts dwelt therein in old time, and the

Ammon i t es cal l them Zamzumim. So the Zu lus get th eirname from their war- cry : Usutu

,howled in a style w hich

non e but a Kaffir can . Their great organ iser was CHAKA

(murdered th e fire brand=FLAMBARD,BEOR . He was

un cle to CETEWAYO : doomed on e . Zamzumim answ ers t o Zuluin a most remarkable mann er clearly i ll ustrat ing how n amesoriginate and tribes obtain them des ignation s .

O T H.

The femin in e en ding oth had a more con tracted range thanIM . Had i s said

,has migh t be

,for w e y e t have it in many

Anglo - Saxon w ords as Moon , mas ,Monath , f em .

,our Mon th.

The fo llow ing examples i l lus trate i ts use in Biblical propernamesA lam : hidden

,a virgin

,secluded in the harem

,vei led , is

applied to unkn own period , hidden time :“ From olam t o

olam thou art God.

”The Earth w i th her bars was about me

for olam . Applied to eldes t as ELAM . A lamoth : v irgin s ,pure men

, free from idol service . Behold a lam Shal l con ceivean d bear a son and shal l cal l His n ame Imman uel .” O lam ,


whose years are hidden,was t o come of alam . For the son s

O f Korah : a son g upon A lamoth . A lam= PARTHENOS : V irgin ,

goddess , Min erva,Parthen on her t emple . P ARTHENIA= V IR~

GINIA , BETHULIA (female n ames) . PARTHENOS (Sciot e monk)= V IRGINIUS , BETHUEL ; virgin of God z EroeH. IMMANUEL ,EMANUEL : God w i th us

,disguised t o MANUELL . Arabah :

deser t plain , gives A rab ia,Arb o th : desert plains . The

border wen t up t o Beth - hoglah , and passed along by the n orthof Beth - arabah .

ATARAH : a crown—ADAH : head ornamen t, a tiara,

ATAROTH crown s . Jerhamee l had also an other wife whosename w as A tarah. A i l : s t rong , ALLON : an oak ,

robus tman

, ELON a t erebin th . Elon the Zebulon i te judged Israel .”

ELON = ECK. E lath : oak trees .

“A t that time Rez in ,

kin gof Syria, recovered E lath .

” CHISLON firm con fiden ce (ofparen t s) . Chisloth : confiden ce s , bulwarks in wh ich peoplet rust. E lidad , the son of Chi slon .

” “ Un to the border of


Chisloth - Tabor. Fortified city at foot of Tabor. Gath : a

win e press .Gittite n ative of Gath . Gethseman e : w in e press

val ley.Gittith : harps used by win e pressers when -making

merry. To the chief musician on Gi tti th.

Hazor (con . Az z strong) : an en closed village , Hazeroth :

villages. The people j ourn eyed from Kibroth - hataavah un toHazeroth. Kab : the grave , a cave , sepu lchre , Kib rothgraves (Hataavah : lusters) . Aram : high , JARAM : t o b e h ighAUGUSTUS. JERIMOTH : high places

=Bamoth . Formerfigurative for on e in whom we trust, latter local. Rehoboamtook him Mahalath ,

the daughter of Jerimoth, the son of

David , t o be his wife.JERAH : to tremble, to shake like a ten t curtain , very shy .

JERIOTH : tremblings .

“ Caleb begat chi ldren of Azubah ,his

wife, and of Jeri oth.

” Kedemah : eastward,beginn ing , where

the l ight dawns , Kedemoth : beginn ings , con . CADMUS : an

eastern , as STERLING : son of eastern man . Jetur , Naph ish ,

and Kedemah. These are the son s of Ishmael .” “ I sen tmessengers out of the wilderness of Kedemoth un to S ihon .

JETUR : n omadic village buil t by men seeking pasture , hen ceIturea, n early

=Numidia : pasture or grazing land . Kir : a

wall , Caer, Castra,KERR

,PINKERTON from pen : a h i ll , caer : a

fortified place,t on : a t own ,

mean ing a strong city se t on a

hill . Kirioth :wal ls, bulwark s = Gederoth . ISCARIOTES : (Ish) :



1 man of Kirioth , as ISHOD : a man of glory , fin e made,n ow


Lib : a lion , from Leba : to rear, Lebaoth : lion essesLeon topolis : city haun ted by lion s .

“Lebaoth and Shi lhimand A in and Rimmon all these cities are twen ty and n in e.”

Mar : bit ter, Mare : the sea,bitter water

,Marath : bi t tern ess


MERAIOTH , Maroth : bittern esses. “ The son of Zadok ,the

son of Meraioth.

” “The inhabitan ts of Maroth wai ted carefully for good . Mahar : to behold . MEHAZIOTH : vision s


con . GEHAZI : ghau of v ision beautifu l valley =BELCOMBE .

Mehazi oth, the son of Heman .

Nain : pleasan t, the Opposite of Mar : bitter, Naioth :

pleasan tn esses , opposite of Maroth .

“ He wen t in to a citycalled Nain .

” “ Samuel and David dwelt at Nai oth.

” NainWINTHROP :winsome thorp , dorf = SHEEN . Nebo : budding


frul t ful . NABOTH : fruit fuln e sse s = EPHRAIM . Nebaioth (mountams) : very fruitful. “ I will give thee the vin eyard of


” “ The rams of N ebai oth shal l min ister un t o thee .Rabbah : great Muck leb orough . Rab

bath great cities. Appoin t a way that the sword may comet o Rabbath of the Ammon i tes . REHOB : open space


en larged= STRADUARIU S (violin ), con . REHABIAH (gran dson ofMoses) : en larged of Jehovah , the Lord

’s fre edman = FREEMAN.


RAHAB (harlot) : free woman = JUNGFRAU z young free woman .

REHOROAM :who makes the people free P UBLICOLA, LIBERATORfrom L ibero : I l oosen when ce Liberal : bon d breaker, orsocial ly

,who loosen s h1s purse strings .

“ David smote alsoHadadezer

,the son of Rehob , king of Zobah .

” Rehoboth :places

, spaces . Isaac cal led the n ame of the place Rehoboth ,an d h e said For now the Lord hath made room for us .

NAAMAH a fascin ating woman =BELV IDERA, con . Nain


NAOMI . Naamoth : locali ties of amen ity.

“ The sister (firs twoman so termed) of Tubal - Cain was Nadmah.

” Saba : a

host, con . Sabre : army weapon , Sepoy : swordsman , Sabaism :

worship of the host of heaven , sun ,moon , and s tars , Sabaoth

armies,Jehovah Sabaoth : Lord of armies

,infin i te in reserves

and resources . Sokh : a booth . Succoth : tabernacles .

“ Thefifteen th day of this mon th shal l be the feast of succoth. Themen of Babylon made Succoth b en oth tabernacles of

daughters . Ben : a son ,Benoth : daughters . The harlots of

Astarte,the Syrian Ven us .

SHEM : a name,on e heard of CLEON (the tann er) , INCLYTU S .

ARAM : t o be h igh , RAM : exal tado,from former Syrian s cal led

A ramaean s. SHEMIRAMOTH : most exal ted , SEMIRAMIS (femal eNapoleon ) . Tob : good , fer t i le soi l A leppo. TABBAOTHgoodn esses .

“ The chi ldren of Tabbaoth.

The fol low ing in the plural on ly —Behemoth beasts , reatbeasts

,plural used as an augmen tati ve . Behold

,n ow

, ehe

moth,wh ich I made . Megi lloth : can ticles

,l ittle songs

,l i l t

ings . Mazzaroth :zodiacal sign s , twe l ve con stel lation s .“ Can st

thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season ?” Pi,Phi : mouth


as P HICOL : mou th all (obey). PUAH : mouth,an orator

when mas ,chatterer when f em . These may be said to be

from the Hebrew P,which was Shaped like a mouth . PUAH

a loquacious person of the f em. gen der . Hur: a cave , Horon ite :cave dw eller . Pihahiroth mouth of caverns . Shigion oth :many - stringed in strumen ts . “ Habakkuk, the prophet, uponShigion oth .

O N, UN, O NI.

These endings do n ot refer to n umber but are suffixed ton oun s


,or adj ectives

,as augmen tatives. Thus from

Zabal : t o dwel l , ZEBULUN : a dwe ll ing- place wi th an in ten sifiedforce

,i .e . ,very fon d of dwe l l ing there. N ow wil l my hus

ban d dwell with me . Ayal : a stag. Ajalon : a great stag.

Gibeah : a hi ll,curved groun d

, con . Gibbus : humped,l ike the

moon in crescen t. Gibeon : a high hi l l. “Sun ,

stan d thouupon Gibeon ; and thou moon , in the val ley of Ajalon .

A il :

strong, ALLAH : strong God . HELON : very strong.

“ E liab,


the son of Hclon . A lam (as a v e rb ) : t o hide. Almon zhidden

(by trees).Am : people , Amon (No) : great (many) people = P ueb la z

populous , b ut MILCHOM : king of the people. Some hav e Itgreat king , for MILCHION ,

from Melech : a fightmg k Ing.

AMMON : (of) my people. AMMISHADDAI (Dan’

s son ) : theA lmighty

s people , on e of . AMMON (David’

s first born ) : veryamen

,faithful on e .

“Art thou bet ter than No-Amon, that was

s i tuate among the rivers N i le bran ches .

En : a well , con . Een : eyes,j En on much water , great many

streams .

“ And John also was baptising in E n on,n ear to

Salim,because there was much water there . ROSS (when ori

en tal) from Rosh : head , ROSCONI : great h ead , leader : CAP P ON .

Azaz : t o be strong, Azmon : very s t rong (fort ifications) .The border shal l fetch a compass from A zmon un to the river

of Egypt .” Bathar : t o divide , BETHUEL : separated t o God ,

a pat riarchal Nazarite . Bithron : great division ,hi lls and

dales. “ Abn er and his men walked al l that n ight throughthe plain ,

and passed through all Bi thron . Kiydh de s t ruc

tion . Ch idon great destruct ion . Nakhah : to smite , NACHON :smi t ing very much = THRESHER , SMITH . When they camet o Nachon

s threshing floor of Chidon ,Uzzah put forth h is

hand . He was cal led NACHON because he own ed a Nachon :

place of much smiting with the flai l . That place was thencal led Chidon because there Uzzah was destroyed . There is a

cl imax—touching , smi t ing, destruction . Kasal : t o be firm,

Chesalon : firm confiden ce (of dwellers in i ts strength ) :Chisloth . Moun t Jearim,

which is Chesalon . O ren : an ash,

as tal l as , ORNAN an exal ted personage,li t . a great ash :

ROWAN . Ki leah : t o destroy , CHILION con sumption,destruc

tion by disease . Maleah : t o be diseased, con . Mal is : b ad,

MAHLON : great infirmi ty.

“The name of his tw o son s Mahlonand Chi li on .

Dan : j udgmen t. Madon : great con ten tion,that wh i ch is

greatly striven for before the judge. Shamar : to guard,

Shimron : vigilan tly guarded .

“ He sen t t o Jobab king ofIVIadon

,and to the king of Shimron .

” DAG : a fish = NUN,

NON a fish,symbol of product iven ess. O n e of the letters O f

the Hebrew alphabet. “N on his son

,Jehoshuah his son .

From Dag w e have Tagus : prol ific in fish = the Africanstream, Great Fish river. Dagon : great fish = Grampus,Rabba- dag. Now

, Jehovah had prepared rabba - dag t oswal low Jonah . Dum : t o be s i len t



MUDIE. Dumb gives Dumps : time of muten ess .D imon :

place of undisturbed si len ce . The waters of Dimon shal l beful l of blood .

As though the prophet said,It Shal l be n o

more Dimon but Damon , from Dam : blood,li t . red as


Hhak am to be wise , HACHMONI very wise , a magician .

David’s un cle was a counsel lor, a wise man ,

and a scribe and

Jehie l , the son of Hachmon i , was with the king’

s son s .

LABAN whi te , a fai r man BLONDIN , FINIGAN , BAIN, Leban onvery whi te (w ith sn ow).

“His frui t shal l be l ike Leban on ,

much . The idea is the same as in POLYCARP :much frui t, largefami ly = NON ,

NUN ,ESCHOL. P athah to be open , l ike a

mouth ,PITHON : great en largemen t, of territory .

“ The son s

of Micah were P i thon and Melech.

”P adhah : t o redeem ,

PADON great redemption . He return ed from captivity. P ro

bably received his name through paren tal belief in return .

P im : t o be perplexed , PINON (duke) distraction . Perhapsborn when paren ts were in sore distress

,l ike MARY


SHAMAR : to guard , SHEMER : a watchman WARE andWARD ,SHIMRON : vigilan t guardian = ZEPHON . Job and Shimron ,

the son s of Isaacher. Aman : t o support , n ourish , be fai thfult o=FOSTER ,

TRUMAN (Hanbury,Bux ton 85 the last con .

GOTTREU (Tholuch) : on e who trusts God. AMNON : very true ,AMMITTAI the amen , said of Jehovah .

“These things saith theAMEN

,the faithful The un derlying though t in PATER , FADER,

FATHER, AMEN AM (mother), EMMA : n urse, is on e , v iz. ,

feedin g,sustain in g, being as true as a good n urse t o a baby . Cazab

t o deceive . COSBI (Phin eas) great deceiver, subt le,artful .

Gashan : t o lay waste territory of en emy ; SHIMON great desert,despopolado .

“ The son s of Shimon w ere Amn on an d Reumah . Shamah : to hear (ISHMAEL , SAMUEL) , SIMEON ,


much heard,listen ed to with acceptan ce . Because the Lord

heard she called his n ame Simeon . SIMON gives a dim. in

the Fren ch SIMONOD , when ce MONOD . SIMON when Greek,as

SIMONIDES : son of S imon , is from Hemi : semi , half, mean inghalf n osed , con . Simioe monkey kind

,snub - nosed . NASA t o

lift up , S ion : very lof ty =ALTAMONT. Moun t Si on wh ich isHermon .

” Hor : hill,giving O ros a moun tain

,w hen ce O ron

t e s a moun tain stream= Torren s (terra) a lan d flood . Hermon : lofty peak . Some con . Shemesh : the sun

,w i th S ion :

much shon e on , a hi l l having a sun ny aspect. Tsayah t o bedry , Zion very dry =DURLEY dry field

,DRYDEN dry val ley.

We w ep t when we remembered Zi on . Sharah : t o sh in e,

Sirion : great Shin er, a metal cuirass,

“Which Hermon the

Sidon ian s cal l Si ri on ,and the Amorit es cal l i t Shen ir : the

Shin er , con . Schon beautiful,SHEEN (Richmon d) : sh in in g


beau t iful , Skin : the shin ing part. But SCHINNER (cardinal)is non e other than our SKINNER who takes Off the pelt . Zil lshadow (ZILLAH), ZALMON (captain ) : great Shadow ,

comfort.ZALMUNNA . Salem : peace

,Solomon : very peace ful = SALMONL

Shar : t o be smooth , Sharon : great plain,l lan o (loco plan o)

savannah .

“Who has not heard of the rose of Sharon ?


JASHER (book of) : righteous , JESHURUN : en tirely righteous,

then used as of affection to a good chi ld in the sen se of darl ing.

From the Hebrew augmen tative w e have the Italian ONI,ONE


the Fren ch ON,ILLON

,and the English ON , OON= Ce lt ic more .

GIORGO (George) was cal led GIORGONE , or great George,from a certain gran deur con ferred upon him by n ature , n o lessof min d than form.

” CARRION : great Charles . Carrion hada complete ovation in La Somnambula.

”FABRONI : great

Fabius. Ital ian s affect descen t from Roman aris tocrats .RICCOBONI : great Richard . TASSONI (Rape of Bucket) : greatTasso . A LBERONI (cardinal) : great A lbert. LORENZO forLORENZONI : great Law ren ce. SACCHONI (cardinal) : greatIsaac. VENERONI

,for VIGNERON : great vin e , fami ly man

Eschol . Vign ett e (fron tispiece : artistic piece in book fron t :a l i ttle vin e. CASTIGLIONE : great castle , dwel lin g in ,

the op.

CASTRIOTTO (George) : li ttle castle , his true name and ti tleSCANDER BEG : Alexan der the Bey. PECCI (cardin al) : eater,paun chy = P ANSA,

PACCHIONI (of Reggio) : great eater. TAM

BRONI (Joseph) : big drummer. BORRONI : great torren t, con .

Bore , of the Ganges . BORROMEO (S t ) l iving on banks of abore, torren t , that bears every th ing before i t : Torren tius.

ALBIS : fai r, pale =BAIN ,

ALBON , ALBONI : very pal e , cor. to

the grotesque ALLBONES . The Ital ian queen of song beingcorpulen t, the Parisian s said , Albon i is an elephan t that hasswal lowed a n igh tingale .

” PORDENONE (pain ter) : great gatek e eper= SALMON ,

PORTMAN : who had gate rights , a ci t izen .

Capu t : the head , CAP P ON : great head = KEAN ,TAIT


Pec tus : the breast , as i n pet to, PETION (bas t i le breaker) : bigchested . TAGLIONI (dan seuse) : great cu tter , slasher , prehistoric war name , con . TAGLIAP IETRA : s ton e spli tter


smashes s ton e helmet. Belongs to n eol i th ic age . SCLATER :ston e Sl i tter LATTA : lath spli tter . TAGLIABUE : buffaloki ller (b os) = TU V EE (vacca) : slayer of cow. These con .

En taglio : art of cut t ing precious s ton es. The Latin nationsaffect the o, as i t makes words son orous , hen ce on i is oftenused formatively

,mere verbal padding. Thus Lazaron i : lazy

on es, is formed on Lazarus . Macaron i : food foi‘the happy ,con . MAZARIN : a pastry cook. PELLON : great P e t er=EnglishP EROWNE

, Fren ch P ERILLON . P ERILLON is thus analysed Per

(for Peter) i i (for filius) on : son of great Peter. CREBILLON

(Fren ch Eschy lus) great CRIB , wh ich CRIB : basket maker .MASILLON (divin e) : great Thomas . MABILLON (ben edictin e) :great Abraham. PHILIP ON great Phi lip

,the Fren ch equivalen t


great bi bber,drin k er

, con . BEVILACQUA (Ital ian ) : waterdrink erz DRINKWATER.

“ According t o the natural ist, M.



Ri bron ,the san d lizard , Sec . SANDON : great A lexan der ,


“ A f ew years ago ,Dr. Tardi eu was blamed for the

faci lity with which he sign ed the certificat e of insan ity forthe unhappy advocate , San don .

SANDS (George) : sande lier, sandal mak er= GRACY : broguemaker. TARDIEU : s low footed , tardigrade , the op . of



He to my tardy fe e t shall len dThe swiftn ess of the roe .

D ILLON (when Fren ch) : great David (when Irish) : greatflood , born at time of . O ur use of this augmen tative may beil lustrat ed thus : Bal lo : I throw ,

Baloena : a whal e , the

throw er , Bal l : a missi le , w ith dim. becomes Bullet or Bal lot :l ittle bal l

,but by assistan ce of our old frien d on i , sw el ls in to

Bal loon : great bal l. So from Bouche the mou th t o Buff , w e

have Buffoon : great cheeks , puffing them out in fun . O peraBouffe : buffon ic acting and bucol ic music. Cartoon : greatcard

, chart =Magna Charta. Caisson : great chest , con . Cash :

metal mon ey that goes in a b ox . CASH : caisson mak er=ARK,

ARKWRIGHT : makes b ox for archives .= Lagoon : great lake


con . Lagos : lake district of Africa= LACHLAN : lake lan d :Fermanagh lake coun try. Gabion : great cave , ho l low t o befi lled

, con . CAVOUR, CAVE troglodytes . Saloon , Salon : greathal l

, con . INGERSOLL, con . En tresol . Alp : a moun tain,A lb :

Britain,ALBANACH : son of the moun tain . A lbion : great

Britain,ALBAN Y : n orth Britain . Patagon (Span ish) from

Plan ta foot - sole , pad,means great footed , Patagon ia,

BROADFOOT (Bertha) , DASIP ODIU S , (EDIP U S (Co lonn a) : swel led foot,the op . of PODIO : l i ttle foot

,man w ith . The n ame PEED

(for pi ed de boeuf ) : s low footed,walking like a cow . The

Fren ch con trast i t w i th P IEDLEU (pi ed de loup) : swift foo ted ,like a wolf. PEED forms PAY

,when ce Payson and also gives

the dim . PEDDIE : li ttle Peed,so that in l iteral ity PAYSON=

PEDDIE . V IERFU SS : fourfooted , flat = P IEDLEU . PROUDFOOT :foot of the P ryd (h i l l) . P ryd

- h i ll =BEAUMONT : pre t ty h i l l .The augmen tat ive on with variation s en tered the Greek.

Ergon : work , gives Urge : to move , t o w ork , as goad t oan ox

, GEORGE : earth worker , Argos : cul tivated al l roun d .

ARGUS sharp , good worker, En ergy working actively,Ergo :

therefore , O rgan : a work by ex cel len ce, O rgan on : great

work =Magnus Opus . Peri (very) was used by Greeks t o add

in ten si ty of mean ing, like on , on i . PERIANDER : very man ly,

con . ANDREW =FERGU S and AGENOR (Phen ician King) : aganan er, very much a man . MENAN DER : a man indeed z BARRON


MANNUS, WIGHT, BRAVO. PERICLES : very glorious,much


spoken of SEMIRAMIS . P ERIGONU S : true son ICILIU S ,


,each of whom was s ides up with his father.

The Greeks also used Bous : an e x,for big , as w e do bull.

BUCEP HALUS : great head , BO P IS : big eyed , Bulimy : ox hunger ,hungry as a bul l . The Celts , and from them the Saxon s , usedMore great

, as CANMORE (Malco lm) great head= TATE (whenf rom the Norman s ) , CHUBB (locks) , MAZ ZINI (Joseph ) , greatmazzard . O RANMORE (lord ) : great f oun tain =LISMORE : greatl eas


,garden . CONMIR : great dog,

n oble warriorConsu lt DOIG . MORVEN (b en ) : great moun tain

,Ben More

Grammon t. BRITHMOR : great Briton ,as FRANCONI : great

Frank,a”magis t rat e . CATHMOR : great in battle

, con . KATHLEEN : battle eyed , eye sparkling like a warrior going in tocombat. WHITMORE : great man

,from WHITE : a man



VILLE,LANGTON. O BERON : great elf , comes thus , A lbis : wh i te ,

ALVA (duke) : white man ,ELF : a fairy

=BANSHEE z wh i tewoman

,from Bain : white . O BERON was a puck coming out

of hi l l s ide by moon l ight t o play trick s . Hen ce P UXLEY '

field haun ted by fairies,an d POOK : a fai ry , very pretty , a

common n ame .

Th is P uck se ems but a dream in g dolt ,St ill walking like a ragge d colt ,And oft out of a bush doth bolt

Of purpose t o de ce ive us.

An d leav in g us , make s us t o stray,Long w in t er n igh t s out of the way ;An d wh en w e st ick in m ire an d clay ,

He doth w ith laught er leave us.

D o you amen d it , then ; i t lie s in youWhy should Titan ia cross h e r O beron ?

I do but b eg a lit t le changling b oyTo b e my h en chman .

PAP ILLON (Norman kn ight) : campaign ing with a great ten t ,exac t ly = P av i lion . Certain sacred names we should n everexpect to find in directories

, on door plates , and public houseSign s , are so foun d . In the N ew York D ire ctory w e haveseveral person s cal l ed CHRIST : an oin t ed z MESSIAH

,UXOR and


,iden tical with Goth : good in

fighting. How comes this From the mediae val pass ion plays .

Successful personators of any character as VIRTUE,HOP E


FAITH , SCRIP TURE , or par t ies men tion ed in the Bible O ftentook the n ame of the character as a surn ame . Thus in

Germany he who took the part of Satan was cal led TEUFEL,

TUFFIL : devil , or MAN TEU FEL : man devi l,iden tical w it h

MANDEVILLE , from wh ich Maundre l : t o tel l absurd stories like


Sir John . Amongst the Fren ch Satan wore w ings and was

cal led LANGE L ’

ange , the angel . Doubtless if Joseph Mullerhad played Christ as cleverly seven hun dreds of years sin ceas he did last year at Oberammergau , instead of being kn ownas Mul ler he would be cal led Christ. GOTT , GOD , GOODE ,GOTHER en ter largely in to British names , so GOTHRUM : famousGoth . King A lfred stood as godfather for him, having hisname changed t o GODMAN goodman EVANDER , when ceGodman chester : Goodman

s camp . So Godalming (Surrey)almshouse of GODA in the field . GODA is f em. of Goode man

of God, and GODA : godly woman . GODARD : of a godlynature, con . GODIVA : God given . Gossip (God sib) : akinthrough God, con . S IBBALD : bold kinsman . SEBLEY : field ofa kinsman . Gossip is ecclesiast ical as is NOVELLO : on e passinghis n ovitiate in a religious house=NEW , NEWCOMEN : n ew

comers,NOVATIAN (heret ic) li t . son of a n ovice.

FLOWERS : Easter born when flowers were scattered throughchurch = FLOU RENS, LORELIAS , as LLORENTE omits in i tial f .

The se = EOSTER ,though the last is heathen , having to do wi th

the worship of the Saxon goddess correspon ding to Astarte .It is sti ll in use .

“ The mas t er Of the ship , Robert Foster ,was

drown ed .

” Ecclesiasticism also gives MARNOC devotedto Mary

,when ce his cell Ki lmarn ock . MU RROCH (Me ) is equal

thereto. So (Mc)ILV RIDE for (Mac)GILLIBRIDE : servan t of

St. Bridget,t o whom we ow e Hebrides islands of S t. Bride


from chapel on coas t . Scotch fondn ess for gi l is seen in


Gil l or Gil .But we have un con sciously glided from names Biblical in to

names common through ecclesiasticism. A las ! tha t this Shouldso often happen in actual l ife. We have been true to nature


but she is faul ty. We aton e by con cluding our chapter w ith anessay upon the word God. The Greeks called Him THEOS :placer , arranger , systematizer , who brings cosmos (order) outof chaos (con fusion ) . Hen ce THETIS (mother of Achilles) ,THETA (Sun

s mother)=MITHRAs : mother of light. Theos incombination wi th Doron :a gif t , suppliesTHEODORU S,THEODORE ,

TUDOR, which get mix ed with Gothic words from Theod :

people , when ce THEODERIC ,DERRICK


,which suffer more

con fusion w ith the Celt ic DARACH,DARRACH : son of an oak ,

strong=HELON,ECKIUS . DERRINGER : oaken spear


being famous for pistols suggests PISTOL , which in the time ofShakespeare mean t pistol ie r= carb in e er. THEOS gave the

Roman s DEUS , when ce the Fren ch D IEU ,the Span ish D IOS


and the Italian D10 ,and DEITY t o us. Goodbye : God be with

you=Adieu (Fr.) and Addio (It ) : I commen d you to the


keeping of God. Before Christian ity was in troduced among"

the Celt s he was kn own as BAA- U L l ife all , baa i den tical wi thBios : l ife and ul with all . When the Celts were Christian isedthey cal led Him DIA , in the plural DY. Seven ty mi l lion s inEurope know Him as Bog, when ce BOGDAN : gift of GodTHEODORUS and ELNATHAN. BOGOSLAV : glory of GodTHEOCLES


,HODIJAH. BOGATSKY : city of God

A l lahabad : the habitation of God . By the time Bog reachedwestern Europe it sank in to BOGEY : a n ursery t error. Thegen eric name amongs t the Egyptian s was THOTH : God. As a

ru le the name of God in all languages is expressed by fourletters or less. It is so with JEHOV AH




THOTH in the original , while ZEUS : l iving on e , GOTT, GOD ,BOG


,D IO , DIA , TIN , TI , TU ,

TUIS (last four supposed tobe conn ect ed with Tuisco and the idea of earth born ) , As AZ

(these two mean strong) , AD (on e) all divin e names plam lycome under the rule of the Te tragrammaton : fou r letters.TEWSON ,

TUSON are common n ames in England , mean ing ofdivin e de scent = DIOSCURI : son s of D ios , Jupiter. E ither soor they mean Tuesday born

,sacred t o Tuisco. TEW also is

in dai ly use . Seeing t he n ame of God might have been t en

lett ered as Omn ipoten t. But is four—Why

1 (M) .

Eastern nation s have yet an other augmen tative , and, i fbrevity is the sou l of wit, i t is the wittiest used by man . Wehave seen that the Hebrews have two forms of the plural , aswe have chi ldren horses , they have seraphim mas. ashtaroth,gi t ti th (f em. From im, by omission of m ,

they formed a

very complimen tary in ten s i t ive ending , thus Rab : great ,Rabban : very great , RABBONI(m) : a teacher equal to severalmas ters . Mary used it wel l when saluting her risen Lord asRabbon i I” for His rising from the dead was an effective wayof t eaching “ I am the l ife . So ISHI(m) : a n oble manmany men =NABOB plu. of NAIB : a n oble on e giving the wordof command . Some t imes ISHI : my man

,i .e .

,husban d. ARAB I

(m) many Arabs . The scamp j us t ified his designation . Wheni t is Turkish ,

ARAB I : driver of an arabah cart,and then

WAGNER. This augmen tative has become common all overcivilisation ,

as is seen by such n ames as JOSEPHI(m) : the bestof the Josephs , equal many of them. JACOBI(m) : superior toany named Jacob. SIMEONI(m) : a better man than any cal ledS imeon . Every observer of men and mann ers can en largethis l ist of examples .

Reu a shepherd , who looks af ter Sheep. REI(m) who

wat ches like many shepherds. SHEM : a n ame , famous SHIMEI


(m) : much spoken of = SEMIRAMIS . Nathan the prophet , an dShimei and Rei .

” Ur : ligh t , joy , U RI(m) : great light (offami ly ) =HOU SEGO ,

ECOLAMPADIU S. See,I have called by

n ame Bezaleel , the son of Uri . A s BEZALEEL : (un der) th eshadow of God,

these two may be said t o be the light andshade of Bible names . Ur : l igh t. ARELI(m) : the l ights of

God,born when the stars appeared . SHUNI(m) : great

sleeper,long in bed and loud at i t = STERTINU S z great sn orer.

ZEP HON : (his brother) : great watcher. Both sons of Gad.

Ah : bro ther. AHI (m) a brother indeed , or my dear brother.He was gran dson of Gun i . Gen : a garden . GUNI (In ) veryfrui t ful , great fami ly man = ESCHOL,

POLYCARP . CARMI (In ) :vin eyards , very pro lific. A son of Reuben . He b red in

Egypt like a fish (NUN) . Carmel : the vin eyard of God,a

very frui tful hi ll . ZIMRI (m) Vin e wi th many bran chesZETHAR : an olive . Fami ly men . Az z strong. UZZI (m) :very s t rong. Bukk ie begat Uzzi . BUKKI (m) dispersion s ,scat terings , he who scatters the en emy. EZER



strong helper. EZRI (m) = the help of many. Be n : a son .

BAN I (m) : worth t en son s .

“The ch i ldren of Ban i


Dad : dear. DODAI (m) : very dear , con . D IDO,DAVID


JEDIDIAH : dear t o Jehovah . O ver the cours e of the secon dmon th was Dodai .HUSH : quick . HUSHAI (m) : very sw if t = P ODARGU S,


“Hushai the A rchi t e came t o meetDav id w i th his coat ren t. HOD : praise

,JUDAH : who is

praised . HIDDAI (m) : who praises very much,great psalm

s inger HILLEL.

Meribah : s t rife. JERIBAI (m) : con ten tious , can tankerous ,querulous . JERUBBAEL : le t Baal con ten d . RIBBAI (In ) : greatfigh t er

= P OLEMON . ITTAI (m) : fin e s t rong man . It tai theson of Rabbai

,out of Gibeah . NAOMI (m) : fair as many

daughters , con . NAAMAN ,the han dsome Syrian . Pi : mouth.

PUAH : talkative. PAARAI (m) : an aw ful jab b ler. Ziph : a

watch tow er. ZIPHON : very vigilan t . ZEP HI (m) = 111any on

guard . SHEMER : a watchman . SHIMRI (m) : a very fai thfulguardian . Salem : peace . SHALMAI (In ) : very peaceful :SOLOMON.

GEMALLI (m) : many camels,possessor of = P OLYMELES

many sheep. SHILHI (In ) : carrying many arrows in hisquiver , or darts , con . SHILOH sen t

, con . METHUSELAH man ofthe dart. Not brave like sw ordsmen . NAP E TALI (m) : w restl ings of God. O f the t ribe O f Nephthalim HACHMONI(m) : very wise man in deed . Quosh : a b ow . Kishon : verywinding. KISHI (m- dual) : the double how , a b ow in theclouds appearing when he was b orn =KU SHAHIAH. ELIOENI



ARE of high an tiqui ty. Their age often preven ts discovery Of

the atten dan t circumstan ces in which such were given ,so that

even when the mean ing of a birth n ame is known , i ts appro

priat en essbeing unkn own , our in format ion receives n o great

in crease. Names of th is class are gen eral ly souven irs of fai th ,hope , prayer , or grat itude, developed in to expression by thebirth of an immortal whose destiny is veiled by a mysterywh ich t ime on ly can uprear. In the nature of th ings nation alh istory cou ld n ot take cogn isan ce of al l births , bu t if able ,un less we kn ew the circumstan ces un der which a chi ldappeared , the mere name would be smal l gain . As it is impossible that biography can be cO - extens ive with history, the massof mankind must pass away un recorded . Cl io can n ot takeoffice as Registrar - Gen erale ss . She tel ls , in some cases , thegross amoun t

,but n ever the digits which go t o form i t, in forms

us that Napoleon marched on Moscow heading half a mi l lionO f men ,

but the historic Muse is silen t as t o who the rank and

fi le were . The mi l lion can n ot reach the van and be visible t oall save by a combination of circumstan ces and possession of

facu l ties that meet on ly in a f ew persons . In other words , themany cann ot be kn own ,

must be an onymi . Hen ce,famous

names are t o those unkn own as on e blade of grass t o a widemeadow. Yet those w e have are samples of what we lack .

By them we kn ow the prin ciples employed in n omen clature byall nation s n ow civi lised and in many yet savage . As i t wascustomary with paren ts to name chi ldren at birth as recordedGen . xx ix .


, the probabili ties are , that n early al l n ameswere original ly of this class . N or may we lose s ight of thepious Hebrew deferring that ac t un ti l the eighth day ,

whilethe classic Greek and law - abiding Roman con ferred the appellation on the n in th or t en th days. Circumcised the eighthday ,

”because seven days complet e the weekly circle

,so that

the eigh th day is the first por t ion of a n ew period of time .The chi ld was then pictorially regen erated , en tering in to relat ion ship wi th the covenan t people

,before wh ich i t was on a

level with Gen ti les . So Jesus rose from among the dead onthe eighth day , for first and eighth are iden tical , —th e formerhaving respect t o this week , the latter t o las t. He rose on thefirst or eighth to begin a n ew life on a n ew day . So, also , asto the n umber saved in the ark . Eight souls begin a n ew


world . Eight= n ew,

in biblical symbol ism. Few birth n amesdescen d t o our age , mos t being ex changed for n ames w on . O ur

n omen clature may be en riched as t o n umber by birth names ,of whose mean ing n o man knoweth . If any such they fi t tedperiods when names were s imple and descriptive , and

,as a

rule,became obsole te at the deat h of their original possessor.

In case these w on a great name,that given at birth lived by

adoption of admirers , but more a l ife of soun d than of sen se .That nature urges t o n ame at birth is seen in the case of our

great an ces tress who , when she brought forth the firs t born of

many brethren ,cal led him

CAIN possession . I have gotten th e man from th e Lord ,him whom He promised .

” Jehovah cain ed me in the beginn ing of His way .

” Many of her daughters sin ce named th eiroffspring with the same yearn ing hopefu ln ess

,l ike poor Eve ,

to be distressed by blighted hopes . Her bittern ess O f disappoin tmen t was indicated when she cal led her n ext born ABEL ,HEBEL van ity. Al l is hebel . O f the mi l l ion s who fol

lowed her example, the fol lowin g i l lustration s may sufficeISHMAEL , ISMAEL : God shal l hear.

“As for Ishmael I have

heard t hee . SAMUEL,SHEMUEL

,ELISHAMA : heard of God,

gives SCHAMYL (Circassian ) SMOLLETT (Tobias) : l i ttl e Samue l , S IMNEL (Walt er) , S IMSON , S IMP SON , SAM ,

SAMSON (whenEnglish), but n ot SAMBO

,from ZAMBO (Span ish) ban dy

legged . ABENBROD (even ing bread) : born at t ime O f fami lyt ak ing supper . ABENDROTH (even in g red) born at ruddy sunset . ANASTASIUS born at an astasis , resurrection ,

Easter , givesANSTEY (Ch isho lm) , STACEY = P ASCAL (Blaise) : passover t imeborn wh en pascal (suffering) lamb was eat e n = P ASCHASIU S

(abbot of Corb ie , 844 , firs t t o use the w ord Tran subs tan tiation ) ,PASCHINO (Roman cobbler ; had shop n ear s tatue of gladiator,t o whom young fellows compared h im hen ce pasquin ade),P ARASKEVA (Russian lady) : born on East er Sun day . Spaniards cal led East er—day Pascua Florida,

as they then scatteredflowers on the church floors . Florida (U S ) d iscovered on

Pascua Florida,A .D . 1 5 18 . Fleury (cardin al) , from Flos , floris

a flow er. LLORENTE (in quisi tion ) , for Floren t e : flourish in gTANTALUS , FLOURENS (Gustave) , all Eas ter - born save Tan talus . Pace eggs are Pascal eggs . As the ch i cken comes out of

the egg , so Chris t out of the sepu lchre . EOSTER : born whenthe goddess Eost er (As tar t e) received special hon ours . Thisname is in common use in this form and also as HESTER , andi s the an cien t heathen correspon den t t o the f oregiven . THEOPHANIU S : time of God

s man if estati on t o magi by the star, cor .

T IFFANY EP IPHANIU S epiphany born , Jan . 6th . The Ital ian scor. i t to BEFANA

,when ce BETTANA . The se = BERTHA : bright

born . The Eastern church cal ls that season theophany, which


the Wes t ern church terms epiphany . Tradition makes the

w ise men ,correspon ding t o Europe , Asia,

and Africa nammg

them GASP ER : the jasper ston e , BALTHAZAR treasure master ,MELCHIOR : kingly ,

royal . These are the three kmgs of Col

ogn e . The first gives the wel l kn own GASP ARDE . In the

Middle Ages ch i ldren w ere oft en cal led from sain t s days on

wh ich they w ere born .

V IGILANTIU S : born at vigi ls . SALV ERTE : born wh en the

Salve Regina was b ein g chan ted . TOLLIDAY : on St.C lave ’s day ,

gives TULLY ,when English , Too ley Street named

from S t . C lave’

s church . CROUCH , CROSS : at crouch mass,

December 18 th , con . crutch . FRANCIA (dictator) : bornSeptember 17th ,

feast of St. Fran cis Stigmata. LOVEDAY on

day appoin ted for mak ing up quarrels and grievan ces .

HAGGAI : feast of the Lord , born at ,“ Sh imeah ,

his son

HAGGIAH,h is son . From Hagh : a feast, HADJ I : feas t


,a man who wen t from feast t o feast , so

HAGAR : a stranger (Egyptian ), con . Hegira : era O f Ma

homet’s fl ight,July l 6th ,

A .D . 622 . Hagaren e s : s t rangers ,gauy im . HAGGITH : paren ts rej oi ced at his birth l ike thosekeeping hagh. Then Adon ijah

,the son Of Haggi th, exalted

himself , say ing, I will be king.

JERAH,JAROAH : born at appearan ce of wan derer, the moon ,

so cal led because O f i t s phases . LEBONAH (from laban : white) :at moon

s appearing. HODESH : a n ew m00n = NUMENIU S.

“Hebegat of HOdesh

,h is w ife

,Johab an d Zibi . “For th is cause w e

choose Numen ius , son of An t iochus,

con . Men e : numbered.

Men e,Tekel

,Upharsin .

” Moon : n umberer. A lmanack (allmoon ac) : giving al l moon s . SO KRONOS (Saturn ) , giChron os time

,as that star told time . Men iscus li t tle moon ,

lun ette , glass . Men ology : register of mon ths . Men sis : a

mon th (moon - e th). Men struum solven t caused by the moon .

Men suration : numeration of mon ths . The Hebrew name forthe moon proper

,Jerah : the wanderer

,is supposed t o give

Jericho : city where the moon received special religioushon ours , as Green ock : from Grain e : the sun . MOON = theforegoing upon w hich is formed the baron ial MOHUN : born at

appearan ce O f the queen of n ight. KU SHAHIAH : b ow of th e

Lord (from Quosh : a b ow ,when ce Kishon : windin g river

Ilissus : helix river,an d KISH : bird snarer= our SNABBY


snarer) : born when a rain bow was Visible,wh ich paren t s

accepted as an omen that the l i ttle s t ranger was con n ect edwi th the coven an t . KISHI (m) double b ow ,

born when a rainb ow was seen .

V IRGIL (Publius Maro. Correct ly V ergilius) : at appearingO f cons t ellat ion V ergilioe , from Ver : sprin g

, con . Vergul ta : a

rod wh ich buds in spring,giving Verger : who carries rod.


Hereby we are taken to the days of as trology . Maro’

s wifesuffers the hour of nature’s n eed . He , husband and augur ,watches the starry host

,eager f or a prophetic index of th e

ch i ld ’s future. The wished for message ,“A man ch i ld is

born ,

” comes, and at the same time the V ergilioe rise above thehorizon

,in dicatin g fruitfuln ess and in citing hope . Maro

salutes his son with the omen Vergil Vergi l I Th is n ame :

GAD : a troop , cutt ing through ,an even tual su ccess , fortun e .

The sun sets over the western wildern ess , and the gloamings low ly veiled the ten ts of Jacob . Z i lpah labours

,Leah watches .

A vo ice in the ten t said,I have gotten a son . The sky

searcher cries Gad ! Gad ARELI (In ) born when the lightsof God appeared

,the stars rose. Th is tri b ial des ignation :



,BONHEUR (Rosa) : good hour.

BONAVENTURA : well come, FESTUS , LUCKIE , GLU OK : lu ckynames , LONG, when Chin ese . From GAD AZGAD : s trong infortun e. The children of Azgad ,

Such names moreor less verge on astrology. METTERNICH (statesman ) : at

middle of the n ight , con . NACHMAN n igh t wat chman ,and

th e wel l - known Fren ch M INUIT. We also find in common use

MITNACHT : born at n igh t ’s n oon .



, and SIMON : heard (of God) , givessimon y (S imon Magus), SYMES , SYMINGTON (where church of

St. Simon ) , SIMP SON,S IMS (Reeves) , XIMENES (cardinal) .

Because the Lord heard that I was hated .

” These an sw er t oARATUS (con . O ro : I pray) : prayed f0r= DESIDERIU S : muchdesired . SHAMMUAH : heard of the Lord= SAMU EL. A SHER :blessed , happy , assumes the modern form ASSER = BEATU s z

blessed , when ce BEATRICE.

“ Happy am I. But A SHET =ZOP P I : maker of pie dishes

,and VARSARI (George) . JUDAH :

praise , on e spoken well of E NEAS,gives JUDAS




,JUDEUS (Phi lo) : the Jew ,


(bishop) , JUKES , Judea,Jewry

,Ghett o ,

b ut JULER : a j ewel ler ,a trade name

, and JULES : of the Ju lian gens , an d JULIAN

(apos tate) son of Ju lius .

BAP TISTA and BATTISTA : Jun e 24 th John the Baptis t’

s day ,

gives BATTI , BABTY, BATTINI , ZITA (all in Don Juan ), BAP TIST,GAMBETTA for Gian Bap t ista. NOEL

,NOLAN (captain ) , and

NAU LET : December 2 5 th,n atal day of Jesus . Natal (Port)

discovered by Vasca de Gama,Christmas Day ,

1 497. CARNATION (Gypsy n ame) : at time of In carn ation . ANNUNOIATA

(Span ish lady) : March 2 5 th,feast of Annun ciat ion gives

SUNTER. I have me t with i t in Yorks . CONCETTA and

CONCHA : December 8 th,named in hon our of Immaculate

Con ception . IMMACULATO : unspotted , also born December8 th . S in ce decree O f December

,1 85 4

,thousands of children

have been named IMMACULATO,t he English of wh ich isA FFLECK :


without fl ick .DOLORES : in hon our of seven do lours of Mary ,

gives LOLA (Mon tes). LADYMAN : March 2 5 th , Lady- day , con .

TOP LADY and N OSTRODAMU S (astrologer) No t re Dame , Nuest raSen ora

,our lady =MARIO z devotee to Mary . Ladybird : in sect

having five spots upon wings , thought sacred t o five woun ds ,stigmata, of our Lord .

Ladybird ! ladybird ! fly away home ,

The daisie s have shut up the ir sle epy red eye s .

Marigold : her gold, sacred flow er. Tob ermory =MOTHERWELL

and Ladyw e ll : spring sacred t o B. V. M . TEMP LEMORE : Marykirk . The oath Marry ! means by Mary. MARY : bitter , bornat a time Of bon dage , hen ce MIRIAM , MIRIAMNE (Herod

s w ife) ,MARIA

,MARIANA (Sp . j esuit ) , MARAT (Fren ch red) , MOLL ,

MOLLY (Bourn e) , MOLLISON , Malkin : a cat , Marion ette : l ittleMary dan cing. MARIAN (Maid) , MARIOTT , MARRYATT (captain ) ,MARO (monk ,

when ce Maron ites) , MAR, when i t does n ot meani l lustrious

,when i t does , gives MERLING : son of the i l lustrious

PATROBAS , MURROCH (Me) : a Mary i te= (Mc) MARRY, (Me)

MU ROHIE,MU RCHISON =MU RTOGH : dedicated t o Mary , though

in some fami lies i t mean s an admiral , sea leader . TO these addDAMIAN (John ) : son O f the mother , devotee to B.V .M. Amongthe Lat in race thousan ds O f men are n amed Mary. We haveall possible variation s of her n ames and supposed t itles appliedt o a man child . Some Bourbon s have tw en ty such inan itiesin stead of an hon est heal thy Chris t ian name . Such is GLORIOSA :the glories Of Mary. P io Non o

s name in English was JohnMary Thomas Smi th. We n ow have the In fan ta MERCEDES :mercy of the mother of God.

“I was accompan ied by my

aide - de- camp , Co lon el Solis , and the Gen erals Cordova andA lamin os . Don En rique de Bourbon was accompan ied on

t he fatal morn ing by Don Frederico Rubio,Don Emigdio

San tamaria,and Don Andrez O rtiz . SOLIS : a southern er ,

from Sol : south , as Solan O : hot south wind . RU BIO = RU FU S,

RU DD = EMIGDIO (amo Deus,D io) : lover of God= GODFREY.

SANTAMARIA : holy Mary. ANDREZ : son of Andrew =ANDERSON , born on St . An drew ’

s Day ,November 3oth . Who wou ld

suppose that th is religious company were on f or a duel ? To

these we may yet add MARR (music) and MARIS , besides otherst oo numerous to men tion .

LOMAS , LAMAS : loaf mass, Lammas

,born August 1 st


of Offering first fru it s. MIDDLEMASS is cor. from M ichaelmass,

and cor. in to the less dis t inguishable name of MIDDLEMISS :September 29th . QUARTERMASS (local) : l iving where fourseas mee t . MIDWINTER : December 2 5 th

,the secular corres

ponden t t o the ecclesiastical NOEL, b ut before the former there

was in use YULE and YUILL : born when the yule log was


burn ing In hon our Of Jul , at time of win ter solstice . GENARO

(Naples) : Jan uary born . Ri o Jan eiro : river O f S t. Januarius ,discovered by Cabral In 1499. WHITGIFT (archbishop) : Whi tSunday born (whi t for white , dressing in ) : PENTECOST : bornon seven th Sunday after Easter. INNOCENT : at Chi ldermas ,December 28th ,

in commemoration of Herod ’s s laugh ter.SUNTION is the O ld English Assumption : born August 1 5 th .

CREAM (for Careme , from Carn is : flesh , as Carn ival : farew el lflesh) : len t born . TOUSSAINT and OGNISANTI : on November1s t

,All Sain ts Day = MILOENT (de m i l le san ctis) . MORTIMER

and MU TIMER : death of martyrs,day observed in memory of ,

wrongful ly given as MORTIMER : dead sea, a pilgrim call ingthereat

,th is being a can t fan cy

,guess by soun d . FAITH : born

O ctober 8 th ,S t . Faith ’s Day . HEGEL (Hegelian ph i losophy) :

born at time O f hai l - storm. SABBATHIAS (Zwi , Pretender toMess iahship , A .D . Sabbath born , con . Sab bat ion : rivern ot runn ing on Sabbath . SHABBATHAI : Sabbath born . Shab

bethai , the Levi te , helped them .


born on day folks paused from labour , con . PAULUS,PAUL :

l i ttle , who has paused in growth , al l ied t o Parvus , Pauper, andour English LITTLE : at b irth = P ETTIT,


, an d


KU RIAKOS (Icon ium) , CYRIACU S, CYRIL (Jeru sal em) , and

CYR (S t ) on Lord’s day (kurios)= DOMINIC (dies domin icalis) .

Domingo discovered on Lord ’s day by Columbus , 6th Decemb er

,1 492 , cor. to the English DOWNIE. To these Span ish

writers add MENDEZ,when ce MENDOZA= SONTAG (Madam) .

Sunday born . In the Wes t In dies n egroes name piccan in n iesfrom their bir th day ,

thus —QUASHEE : Sun day born ,QUA

SHEBA , if a girl. On e Quashee discovered the virtue Of a

medicinal plan t,from h im cal led Quassia. SO common i s

Quashee and Sambo that th ey are gen eric for any unkn ownn egro. MACREADY (tragedian ) : Wedn esday born ,

Mercredi :Mercury

s day , but M‘CREADY is a format ion upon that pro l ific

name Reid . There is actual ly a MIOKLEREID (much , muckle)greatest O f the Reids

,the Reid . LUNDY is Often gi ven Mon day

born , Luna dies , but is formed on Lon don , and mean s a

Cockn ey. LONDON (Robert) flourished in 1 180. Proof thatthen Lon don was smal l. FREYTAG (Nuremburg) : Fridayborn =FRIDAY (my man ) = JU BA ,

COUBA,n egro names


t o the yellow girls JUBINA , CUBINA . Friday is the n ext mos t

sacred day after Sunday all over the world , save in Scotlan d ,

where i t is se t apart for courtship and marriage, which is inkeeping with pre- Christian times

,as the day was special ly

sacred t o the Norse Venus,Freya

,Frigga. In many fami lies

FREE mean s Friday born ,given by Freya

,but FREEMAN :

freedman = FREW, on e of the Fre e lungi . MITTAG : midday


b orn =MESEMBRIA ,con . Mesembryan themum : flower bloom

ing at midday. The ab ov e =DOU BLEDAY z born at a mid

summer’s n oon . NOON,NUN (when English) : born at n on es .

LAUD (Archbishop) : at lauds , time of praise . Laudo fromPlaudo : t o clap han ds , when ce explode : t o make a n oise likehan d clappers . PRIME : at primes

,first service. But PRIM

(Gen eral) : first born . MATTENS : born at matins , matut inalservice , morn ing w orsh ip . MEZZANOTTE (Ital ian ) : midn igh tb orn =METTERNIcH. COOKSHOT : born when the cock shuts

the day . Somet imes a form of Cock shol t : w ood frequen tedby cocks . Ho lt becomes shot as A ldershot : alderholt , w ood .

PHOTIUS : son of l igh t,born w hen day is dawn ing. MANIUS :

born at man e : morn ingz the better kn ow n T ITUS MANLIUS :

son of the morn ing LUCIUS : son O f daylight (lux ).MORGANROTH : born wh en sk y began t o redden , good omenDOLLINGER (theologian ) day

- l inger, born at tw i light , betweenl ights

,i .e .

,of son and moon = AHISHAHAR z dawn brother

SHAHARAIM : tw o dawn s , mid- dawn ZERAH ‘

(Eth iopian ) ,Zarah : dispersion (of darkn ess) . DOLLINGER is often me t

w ith in the clearer form of DALLINGER. Novelists would behard put t o i t t o fan cy n ames more poetical

,so much does

fact outstrip fiction . DAGO and TAGG (when German ) :born at daybreak

,con . Dagger : flash ing

,glittering like the

day ; in some cases = ALBA,ALVA : born when day wh i ten s .

DAGOBERT : glorious as the day . BERTHEIM : when born the

b rightn ess of the home =HOU SEGO . MEZZOFANTI (cardinal) :half an in fan t

,very smal l at b irth = P AU LU S , MINNOCH,


con . VENT,V ENTRISS : l i t t le

,in fan t ile as t o s ize . MOAB : of

the father. AMMON : my people . Their issue was absorbedor perished , but the Jew remain s t o t he fore. THOMAS : atw in =D IDYMU S (con . dis b is) = ZWI : tw o . GEMMELL (con .

Gemin i) . TWINN : on e of twain . THOMAS gives TAMASSIER(Rose) . MASSENA (Marshal) , MASSON ,

great Thomas,MAS

SEY , MACE (when n ot mace bearer) , MASTAI (coun t) , TAM(O

Shan t er : of the shan ty farm, O ld bui ldings) , combin eswith AGNELLO , ANELLO : an angel



but GIOTTO (s O ) is from ANGLIOTTO : li ttle an gel,a nurse

n ame . THOMASINA as a f em . is becomin g common . In the

Gaelic w e have OMISE , as in M‘OMISH THOMP SON



) COOMBE , (M‘

) CUMBER= TOMSON . The con ven t ional m eaning of Thomas in the Middle Ages would be born on his day .

The fo l low in g are actual fami ly name s = foregoing,v iz .



COUP LES , DOUBLES . V O P ISOU S (Syracuse) : on e who l ives of

two = AH1MOTH z brother of death,tw in brother died . HAM

MEDATHA : a tw in . Haman,t he son O f Hammeda tha .

AVENTIN (St .) f or Adven t inus : happy even t , adven t, welcom e .

BONAVENTURA (St .) bonny adven t.


PABLO (Fauque) , PAWLEY , PALEY : Paul’

s field , dedicated to,POLK (pres iden t ) , (Mc)PHAIL,

PAULUS (Sergius) , P aulic iafol low ers of Paulin e epis t les , an cien t puri tan s . SEMP LE : bornJan uary 2 5 th ,

feast of S t . Paul’

s con vers ion . AGRIP PA : Sharppain s , aeger , aegrotat, acer. DE LAS PENAS : born O f great pain s ,is the Span ish equivalen t. JABEZ corresponds . His mothercal led h is name Jabez ,


‘Because I bare h im w ithsorrow .

’ TAHREA : delayin g cries , slowly born The son sO f Micah w ere P i thron ,

and Melech, and Tarea . Varies t o

TERAH when ce Teraph : an image , Teraph im household gods .

Some have Teraph a form of Seraph,as Tekel : weighed , is

iden tical with Shekel : a weight. GORBUS , CORDER (MariaMar t in ) , CORDELIA : born slow ly. LEAH : wearied , fat iguedmother t o give her birth . The n ame of the elder was Leah.


s son . Gen . t error, cons ternation (o f mother in labour). BILHAH is i t s fai r f em . AHAB :father

s brother , when born had features O f his un cle = our

FAREBROTHER : fath er’s brother,born l ike him. ISHNI : like

his father, the born image of papa. AHARAH (son of Benjamin ) :aft er his brother , as Jacob aft er Esau. An other of the n amesl ike NUN : a fish ,

breeding like on e , tel ling how prolific theHebrew s w ere in Egypt. ULYSSES (n amed of Autolycus) :an ger w ith , odious to ,

an n oyan ce at . Gran dpa in i l l skin .

CADENA (Sp . lady) : born August 1 st , feast of Peter’

s chain s,

from latena : a chain,when ce con catenation . AZMAVETH

strength of death , implies mother died TODLEBEN (Sebas topol ):dead al ive

,chi ld li ves

,moth er dies .

“O ver the king’s treasures


ICHABOD inglorious. She named the ch i ld Ichabod,say

ing,The glory is departed . ISHOD : glorious man

,fin e shaped

male ch ild . eon . last and JUDAH,becomes IZOD


HOP HNI : l itt le fist = P YGME z the fist (size when born ) , con .

Pugn o : I figh t,Pugil : a champion



(Tyrian king) son of P YGME . TREP OFF (shot by N ih il ist) : afoundling discovered on treppe : the s t eppe

, moor, w ildern ess ,son of the s t eppe . BENONI : son of my sorrow . It came t opass as her soul was in depart ing (for she died) , that he cal ledhis n ame Ben on i . This being an evi l omen Jacob made i tBENJAMIM : son of my days : SHANEGAN (Irish) : O ld man

s son .

BENJAMIN son O f my righ t hand is con . Yemen : right hand,

south . To a man in Hebron looking due east Syria was

reckon ed n orth (l eft han d) and Arabia south (righ t han d).Gives BEN , BINNEY, BENSON ,

howbeit BENDIGO is a form ofBENEDICT.

NEPHTALIM, NAP HTALI the wrestlings of God.

“With thewrestlin gs of God have I w restled .

”Adding th e D ivin e n ame

gives superlative force River of God (Bog,Euphrates), Moun


tain O f God (Ben ledi , Sinai). Hush : to hasten gives HUSHAI


s frien d) , HUSHAH (Hushath it es) HUSHIM , (Dan’

s son ) ,HUSHAM : all prematurely born . When JObab died , Husham ,

O f the lan d of the Teman ites , reign ed in his stead .

TheKatfirs name chi ldren on same prin ciples . For example , a

ch i ld is sometimes cal led by the n ame of the day on which i twas born ,

as Robinson Crusoe cal led his servan t FRIDAY. If

a wild beast is heard to roar at the time the chi ld is born , thiscircumstan ce would be accepted as an omen ,

an d the ch ildcal led by the name of the beas t

,or by a name represen ting its

cry. If the an imal heard were the hyena,wh ich is cal led

impisi , the name O f the child m ight be either U MP ISI, or

U - HUHU,an imitative soun d represen ting the laugh - l ike cry

of the beast. A b oy ,whose father prided himself on the num

ber of his stud,cal led his chi ld USO—MAHASHE : fath er of

horses . as their n umber would be in creased by the t ime he lnherit ed them . A girl , whose mother had been presen ted witha n ew hoe , was cal led UNO -NTSMBI daughter of iron . PANDI

(Zulu king) got his name from impan de, an esculen t root inuse among the Kaffirs . Hyena : i s from Hus : a sow , when ceSus , when ce sow , sow- en

, swin e . The daughter’s name con .

the hoe , compares well with BARZILLAI : son of iron .

Barzi llai , of Rege lim,brought beds t o David . Many

Biblical n ames are i l luminated by bein g studied from theKaffir poin t of V i ew.

A IAH : howler , hooter, schirler : a vu lture,hawk ,

or kite =U - HUHU. But the king took the tw o sons of Rizpah , thedaughter of A i ah, whom she bore t o Saul .

”The wife suffers

in her harem, her husban d goes forth , and seeing a vulturehovering, cal ls his n ewly born daughter A IAH . THACKOMBAU

(Fij i king) : evi l to Bau (the islan d) . The Wesleyans cran edh im up from a cann ibal in to a christian . P ROCU LU S (OpposedProbus) : born while father was procul , afar . AP ICIUS (wroteon pleasures O f eating) : born out of the house

,Apo O ikos .

From O ikos : a house,(Ecumen ical Coun ci l : a coun ci l cal led

from wheresoever a house is . A STOR (Astoria) : Thursdayborn , dedicated to the Asir Thor=DONNER and TONNER :

born on Thursday,and marked with h is hammer. TEWSON

(auction eer) son of Tuisco ,Tuesday born . By a mytho logical

fiction , which was grafted on to Christian ity,when a ch i ld

was born on a day conn ected with a god,if a male , he was

cal led the son of that god, all to the glory Of the fami ly.

CE SAR (Jul ius) : from CoedO : I cut, coesus : cut, born by incision , when ce that operation is cal led Coesarian . NONNATU S

n ot born , before the death Of his moth e r. “ Raymon dNon n atus was born at Portel

,in the diocese of U rige l in

Catalon ia.

”NEP UMUK (St. John ) born at P omuk ,

in Bohemia.




,NEVINS (when n ot big fist ed) : born with a

birth mark . Noevus , from Novus zn ew . Certain n ew arrivalswere named in the prosaic form O f numeral adj ectives , as

PROTOGENIA (Deucal ion’

s daughter) : first born girl= P RIMA


s daugh t er) PRIM Thes eLANE (le an e

,an t iqus : O ld. When n ot Irish) : eldes t

MAXIMUS,MASSIMO : chief by birth ,

max imus n atu. Frederick7th being a great admirer of the Roman gen erals FabiusMaximus and Scipio Emi lian us compoun ded them calhngh is son MAXIMILIAN patien t and val ian t . In Psalm xc . 2 w e

read,From olam t o olam thou art E loh im. O lam h idden ,

veiled,gives ALAM a virgin , on e veiled . Jonah was in sh eol

for olam as he lost coun t Of time , i t was veiled from him.

Applicable to hi l ls whose duration is h idden , or to etern ity.

It is then applied to anyth ing old . Shem gave i t t o his eldestson ELAM : first born ,

ELYMAS : Persia, Elymais capital O fULAM : as above . His son s were U lam and Rakem.

JETHERand JETHRO : excel len t, ex cell ing in age . He said un toJether

,his first born ,

up and slay them . REUBEN Reu see ,when ce RUTH : desire Of eyes , Ben : a son .

“ Reuben , thouart my first born ,

my migh t , and the beginn in g of my strength ,

the exce llen cy of dign i ty,the excellen cy of pow er.

Hen ceRUBENS (pain t er), RUBINI (physician ). SONNEBORN : a son

born t o paren t s who had previous ly , in despair, adopted a

son . S IR,SIRE : father

, SIRET= EXCELLENCY z excelling byyears

, and presumably by kn owledge. ZELOP HEHAD : firstrupture =BECHER z ripe early


first born . Becher is cal led Bered in Chron icles . Ze lophe

had had n o daughters . SECUNDUS : secon d (born ) fromSequor : t o fol low ,

gives SECUNDINU S : son o f Secun dus (St .Pat rick ’

s compan ion ) cal led by the Irish S t. SECHNALL,when ce

MAOLSEACHLAN : bald t o ,d isciple of Sechnall , t ort ured t o

MALACHI (of the go lden col lar) b eing supposedz the Hebrew

MALACHI : messenger of the Lord .

VASHNI (son of Samuel) secon d born ,probably a Sister first .

SHILSHA : th ird son . The son s Of Zopah . Shammuah and

Shi lshea”= T1ERS (Fren ch stat esman ) = TERTIU S , when ce TER

TULLUS , i ts dim . which is fool ish ly given,in some works , very

ear thy . QUARTUS : fourth (son )= CODRU S (A thens) =REBA

(Moabite king) , but as Reba is a tran sposi t ion Of Arba : four ,and that is appl ied t o a square bui l t

,han dsome man


may mean fin e made . TETRICU S (almost emperor) fourth son .

QUINTUS : fifth (son ) , gives St. QUENTIN ,QUINTILLIAN son of

Qui n tus , also QUINZE (when Fren ch) : fif th birth . POMP EY :

fifth (son ) though given from Pompeii , said t o have b een foun dedby Hercules w i th great pomp ,

con . Pen ta : five,P unjaub : five

river coun t ry , Pun ch : made of five ingredien ts,Pampeluna


for P ompiopolis : city of Pompey. Caesar’

s rivaLhad a son ,

v iz., SEXTUS : sixth,XYSTUS (pope) , hen ce S istin e (chapel) .

The Roman =Hebrew SHESHAI (son O f Anak). SEP TIMUS 3seven th (son ) , con . September : seven th mon th =BARSABAS :

seven th son,BATHSHEBA : seven th daughter. O CTAVIUS : eighth

(son ) , O TTO when Italian ,O tto (roses) eighth essen ce . From

O cto we get Ides : eigh t days aft er Non es . NONUS , ENNIUS(Calabrian poet) : n in th born

,con . Noon : n in th (hour) , from

which Lun cheon for Nun cheon : n oon - day repast. DECIUS(patriot ic devotee) , DECIMUS : ten th chi ld , con . Decade : t enyears . QUINCE (when Span ish) : fifteen th by birth . IMOGEN :last born—TELEGONUS and the Ital ian SEZZI= P OSTHU MU S

(postremus) : last. Our great Wil l took i t t o mean Posthumous : born after father was in groun d .

What ’s his n ame an d birthI can n ot de lve him t o th e root : h is fath erWas calle d Sic ilius , who did join his hon ourAgain st the Roman s, w ith Cassib e lan ;But had his t it le s by Te n an t ius , whomHe se rve d w ith glory an d adm ir

d succe ssSO gain

d th e sur-addit ion ,Leon atus :

An d had, be side s , th is gen t leman in quest ion ,

Two oth er son s , who , in th e wars 0’

the t ime ,

D ie d w ith the ir swords in han d , for wh ich th e ir father(Then old an d fon d of issue ) took such sorrow

That h e quit b e ing ; an d his gen t le lady,Big O f th is gen t leman , our th eme , de c eas


As h e was born Th e kin g , h e take s th e bab eTo his prot e ct ion calls h im P os thumius Le on atus ,Breeds him an d make s him of h is b ed- chamber.

SICILIU S is a form of ICILIU S equal son ,as good as his father

(con . Isosceles : equal legs) = P ATROBAS. SERVIUS : preserved,

f oundling= GERYON and TREP OFF. In those ages in fan ticidewas n ot considered immoral . PIAZZA a foundling discoveredin a portico . LEONATU S : l ion born

,O f warrior paren tage.

MOSES : draw n out : NIMSHI : chosen ,elect , taken out of , sug

ges t ing HYDROGENES : wat er begotten,Hydrogen : water pro

duoer. Moses w as his Egyptian n ame , h is Hebrew appel lationis los t . The Rabbis say i t is on e o f these z— Chabar , Je cothie l ,Jared , Ahizamach

,Ab isuco ,

Ab igedur or Schemiaia. But

which ? In Arabic,and cognate languages

,i t varies to MU SSA

(Pasha S ilis tria) or MOUSSA .

The gle am s m iraculously sh e dO

er M oussa’

s che ek wh e n down th e Moun t h e trodA ll glow ing from the pre sen ce o f h is God.

Hen ce MOYSE , MOSS , MOSELEY ,MOWATT (w h en they do n ot

mean a l i t tl e h i l l = KNOWLES) , MOZART (king of composers) bu tMOSS (local) = P ETLEY living on a peat field when ce MOSSMAN


,MO SSCRIP = P ETMAN z turf d igger. In this


case MOSSMAN = CESPEDES (Span ish) , but sometimes s tan ds fora moss - trooper

,moor robber. BISHLAM : born in time O f

peace, con . Salaam t o bow and wish peace . In the days O f

Ar tax erxes wrote Bishlam. GALAL : rol led (reproach fromparen ts , barrenn ess), con . Gal lus a cock ,

crow s when darkn essis rol led away

,Globus : any roun d th ing. BERIAH : calamity ,

born in .

“He cal led his n ame Beriah,because i t was evi l with

his house =MARY fromMar : bitter : HARMS (pastor) born at

an evi l time . ACHILLES (ten don ) : without the lip , dry n ursedGALLIO (deputy), LACTANTIU S (Latin father) brought up on

mi lk . NORRISS,NU RRISH on e n ursed , fost ered=FOSTER, but

sometimes used actively for a n urse.GIORDANO (Brun o) , JOURDAN (marshal) , JORDAN : baptised

with Jordan wat er= SANTHAGU E : holy water. HALDANE :half Dan e , of Saxon mother and Dan ish father . GOLLACHER ,

GALLAGHER : born O f a strange woman , con . Gael . GALLYON :

son Of an Englishman . Englishmen were cal led Gaels strangers , 700 years ago in Ireland

,where the three las t were

original ly born . D ’

AUBIGNE (Reformation ) : O f an alien , b e

comes DABNEY. BRANCHUS : throat , con . Bron chitis : diseaseO f throat. Varro says The mother of Bran chus being inchi ld

,dreamed the sun en tered in to her mouth and passed

through her belly ; when ce the ch ild was cal led Bran chusfrom Bron chus : the throat. ARCHEMORUS : beginn ing withdeath . His death foretold by Amphiarus as soon as he was

born . The Nemean games were solemn ised in his memory.

CHARILAU S : people’s j oy DEMOCHARES, so named O f

Lycurgus . DESIDERIUS (pope) , D IDIER , D IDEROT : child greatlydesired=BRAMMANTE (archi tect) , SAMUEL , SAUL , and ARATUS .MACBETH son of life , whose birth en livens paren ts HAGGITH .

SAMBORN and WINTERBORN are n ot nativity n ames , but meansan dy burn = GRIESBACH and win ding burn = CROMBIE. In

some cases BURNS is not from Burn : a brook ,and so

BROOKS , but con . bear, bairn ,born ,

mean ing emphatic bairn ,

of n oble descen t = TIRIDATES and GNATHO : the son ,con .

KNIGHT. DAVID : beloved,a pet

, con . JEDIDIAH : beloved of

Jehovah , gave t o Carthage D IDO : beloved (woman ) and t o usthe f em. VIDA , DAVIE (fough t in war of in depen den ce) , DAVY(Humphrey) , DAVIES , DAWE (pain ter), DAFFY (elix ir) , DAVIS ,DAVITT (lan d leaguer) , TAFFY,

applied t o a Welshman fromSt. David , as SAWNEY , a Scotchman from St. An drew , an d

PADDY, from S t. Patrick , though some good authors insist onhaving i t from S t. P alladius . DAKIN


DILLON (MP ) , D ILKIE , D ILK ,D ILLY littl e David . The Arabs

have SALMAH EBEN DAOUD Solomon ,the son of David , and

SCHAH DAOUD : king David .

“ All Israel and Judah lovedDavid .


HOBAB : beloved.

“ Yea, He hobabed the people ; al l his

sain ts are in thy han d .

” WINE : beloved .

“ My w in some

deary O ! = MUNGO WINNOC : l ittle dear=DARLINGand WINNIE (the waif). These are nurse names , as MEDAD :

loved,ELDAD : loved of God, greatly beloved , and DAD .

There ran a young man ,and told Moses

,and said

,Eldad and

Medad do prophesy.





s wife) :golden ,





‘ SP Es ,HOP E

,ELP IS : when ce ELP IDIAS son of hOpe , and the Mi lesian

n ame DIGNUM ,which s ign ifies hope (of paren t s). ZEP HO :

watched for (by paren ts) , con . ZEP HON : watcher,guardian .

JOHN (w orld kn own ) i s composed O f Jehovah : I am , and

HANNAH grace. From latter HANAN : merciful , and HANNETHON : free gift. HANANIAH

,ANANIAS , ANANU S : Jehovah

sgrace (given by). HANNO : gracious

,HANUN (shaved ambas

sador) . HANNIBAL (Carthage) : (born of the) grace O f Baal .ANN



s tow n . DANVILLE : of i t. Annapol is : her city. NANNU CI (Ital ian ) , and N INA : l ittle An n .

Shush : the l i ly (wh i te) , gives Shushan : the city of l i lies ,plan ted roun d i t ; compoun ding w i th Hann ah



SUSAN : beautiful as the l i ly and gracious,SUKE


The awfu l word JEHOVAH: I am,un chan ging

,con tracts t o jah

and ah in compos ition . Thus Jab and Hann ah : Jehovah’

s grace,




, as S t. JEAN d’

Acre : S t.John of A ccho . P RU JEAN : pruden t John . GROSSJEAN : greatJohn MEIKLEJOHN : John who thinks much of h imself.M‘

) FADYAN : long John , cor. t o FADDAN. JOCKIE ,JOCKEY :

l i ttle John JACKET , JOCK , (M‘

) GEOCH : Jock in kilts .

FROISSART tells that , Hen ry , Duke of Lan caster , on h is

return t o Englan d , en tered Lon don in courte j acques O f clothO f gold , a la fachion D

A llmayn e .

” These jacques,when

l i ttle,were cal led jacquette by the Fren ch and Jacket by us .

JACKET : properly mean s a retain er wearing on e . Jack suggests pover ty , and servitude

,or in feriori ty

,as jackass , jack

pudding : a bufl’

oon , jackanapes , who travelled w i th bear an dmonkey . Jack : in st rumen t f or roas t ing ,

formerly a b oycal led a turn spit. In Italy (Don ) GIOVANNI , GIAN NONE :great John ,

GIOVANETTI , VANELLI : l itt l e John = JANTJE(Dutch). The name John applyin g t o beloved disciple , or theBaptist

,is in double favour , and was given t o chi ldren born on

either of t heir days on the calen dar . SO fond are Italian s of

i t that they combin e i t wi th many names in the forms gi an ,

giam,as GIAMBIANCHI : wh i t e or fair John ,

becomes ZAMBIANCHI (defen ded Rome in GIAMBATISTA : born Jun e24th . GAMBETTA

,TISTA , T ITA . Sometimes patronymical



GIAN -ANTONIO : John , son of An thony , GIANFIGLIAZZI : John ,

son of Azzi . Giovan n i , cor. to GIANNA , forms ZANONI greatJohn ,

which cor. to ZANY : a merry an drew . Zan for Johngives ZAMP A (musician ) : John

s father, Zanpere = Arab ic ABRIYAHYA. ZANCHIU S (Jerome) : John

s son

The Mexican s cal l him JONTLI. The Hungarians have GUY,when ce GUYON (Kars) : great John . Germany has HANS




,HANDLEY : John ’s field


attached to his church ,HANS -WURST : Jack sausage. The

Dut ch say JAN , JANSEN (spectacles) = JOHNSON . The Span iardprefers JUAN

,DON JUAN : lord John JUANITO : li ttl e John

VANELLI . BOBO JUAN : booby John . The Cel ts had AIN,

O IN , OWEN, SHANE , SHAN, the tw o latter formed on A in as

t hough Shan e : the John . Shan e gives SHENKIN ,SHONEEN :

Jackie, John n ie, a b oy . STRICHEN,STRAHAN : John ’

s strath ,

val ley. Russia has IVAN , CZENTIV ANNY S t. John ’

s (Cathedral ,Moscow ). Wales rejoices in EVANS , JONES , the latter being ,after Smi th

,the common est name in Britain . The men of

Portugal deligh t in JOAME,when ce GOMEZ = JOHNSON . In

Pers ia i t is YOHANNAN . The Greeks have GIANNAKES . In

In dia,through the Mahometan s w e find JEHAN ,

as Jehan siour JOHNSTONE : John ’

s town,where h is church . The fol lowing

all means son of John ,HANNEFAN (en fan t) , UP JOHN , JANZOON ,





,ZANCOFF (Bulgarian ) , JANNCEU S (of John

Hyrcanus) , JU xON (bishop) , JENNINGS , SHENKIN, JENYNS

(Seame) , JENKINS (aged), JANKOW ITz ,JEHANP U TRA ,


Who shal l lay t o the charge of John that he is Mal thusianThe fol lowing mean John

s town ,A INSWORTH (diction ary) ,

GONVILLE (col lege) , HAMBURG ,VAN AMRU RG : of Hamburg,

Johan n isburg (win e), SHENSTONE , Jambol (b Ol for Po lis : acity) . Shaj ehanpore : king John ’

s town . In i ts f em . formwe get JOHANNAH







“JEANETTE and Jeann ot l ittle Jan e and John .

So that John in terpen etrates more than twen ty languages .

HAFIZ and HAFID : sav iour= SOTER (P tolemy ) = SALV ATOR(Rosa) , con . Salvador (islan d) . HOSEA : saviour

,when ce

Hosanna save thou , forms with Jehovah . JOSHUA greates tsaviour HAFIz - ALLAH : saviour of God

,when ce JESUS

(Greek), ISSA (Arabic) , JESUS (English) saviour O f Jehovah ,

Such the refin e d In te lligen ce that flow’


In Moussa’

s frame —an d th en ce de sce n ding , flow’

dThrough many a P rophe t s bre ast in I ssa shon e ,An d in Mohamme d burn ’


The letters I.H.S . do n ot stan d for Jesus Hominum SalvatorJesus the saviour of mankind , but are an O ld Saxon abbrevia


English pilgrims w ere n amed COCKLE from V isiting th isshr in e .

He shows St . Jame s’

CO CKLE sh e ll ;O f fair Mon t serrat , too , can t e ll .

Also t o this prol ific James we trace JEX , JOCKELL (when n ot

horse warrior EMLY) , LAP IDE (Corn eliusSIP P ELL,

wherein there is on ly on e letter for a phi lo logist tohold on by. As SAR : a prin ce , is root of SARAI : a prin cess ,and also of ISRAEL ; prin ce w ith God,

i t fo l lows that gran dmother and gran dson w ere al l ied by n ame as w el l as by blood .


HERR,DAR (Hin doo for lord) , MAR (Syriac for

lord) all have an original ly s imi lar mean ing, on e who marshals ,puts men in to l in e O f battle , a mi li tary organ iser. N ow t houghJesus n amed Peter who afore was S imon ,

and therefore i t isn ot O f n ativity

,yet i t seems half a pity t o dissever h im from

his con - freres James and John,so w e wil l say PETER a ston e ,

a man firm yet moveable , on e bui l t i n ,b ut not buil t on


lively ston e quicken ed by The Living Ston e. PETER con . t o

Pier : a j etty ,a mo le . P e troea : rock Arabia

P e t roea : Arabia the stony. Pe t er gives P ETRU LLA,PETRONIUS





PARNELL (obstruc t ion ) , PARR (old) , PEREIRA PIERS

(Gaves ton ) PIERCE, PERRON (cardinal) , PERONI (last two) :great Peter . P IRRETT l i t tle Peter

,PERRY (when n ot a trade

n ame , on e mak ing liquor from pears) , PEDRO (don ), PEREZPIERSON and PETRONIUS





Perugia from Peter,and PETRARCH (poet) . (St .) Pet ersburg :

Peter’s ci ty , Petro—paulsk i : c ity of Pe t er and Paul,PETERLOO :


s meadow ,low lying. Its Fren ch form is PIERRE

,wh ich

i s pat ronymical, show ing how h igh Pet er stood in Gal l icfavour . BASSOMP IERRE (gen eral) :Bassom ,

son of Peter,ROBES

P IERRE (t error) : Robert the son of Pet er,DAMP IERRE


Dan iel , son of Peter . From las t DAMP ER :Aus t ralian bush meat.A t the six th at tack , DAMP IERRE , at the head Of a picked detachmen t

, charger] a redoub t.LEVI : join ed , Levite : O f Levi ’s tribe

,Leviticus : law O f

Levites , Lev iathan join ed scales,crocodile of Egyptian s , being

largest an imal of the N il e applies t o any big thing. Th istime will my husband be j oin ed t o me .

” NATHAN : given (O fGod) , N eth in im : given on es

,devot ees



given of God=JONATHAN Lord given . THEODORUS,THEODO

SIU S,THEODOTU S z GODIV A (Coven t ry) : God giv en . MATTAN


MATTHEW : a gift , son .

“ From the w i ldern ess they w en t t oMa ttan ah. There the Lord gave wa ter. MATTANIAH : (sonwhom the ) Lord gave . MATTHEW g ives MADAI (Floren tin econ fessors) , MATYS (QUINTIN), MATHW IN ,




dedicated t o S t. Matthew,MADDOX

,MATTOCK (some claim last

tw o as forms of Welsh MADOG : b en eficen t = BONIFACE) . Do

you kn ow Matthew Matt ocks ? MATTHIAS, MATTHIAH : gift

of Jehovah . ZABAD : a gift , as ELZABAD : God gave= ZABDIEL

answers t o ZEBEDIAH , ZEBEDEE : gift of Jehovah = ZABDIAH,

ZABDI : the Lord’

s gift . Issue in answer t o prayer . ISAAC :laugh ter

,gives HYKE





(Fren ch). HICKS,when Hibern ian

,mean s doctor, surgeon ,

HICKHOCKS son of doc tor= MACLAY .

These O rien tal demon strat ion s of joy correspond to our

O cciden tal HAU SCHEIN a baby whose birth makes t he houset o sh in e. This German n ame was Gre ecised in to ECOLAMP AD IU S : lamp Of the house MBREIT (job ) : home brightn ess .

We English have on e (London D irectory) correspon ding ,HOU SEGO house joy ; and the Fren ch have BERTHEIM :

brightn ess of home. These n ames , and such , supply the poetryof onamat ology ,

n ame giving or know ing.

THAMAH : laugh ing, j oy O f paren ts

,w elcome baby - girl . HUL

DAH : a w easel , a l it tle act ive girl . “SO Hi lkiah ,

the priest ,and Ah ikam ,

and A chbor,and Shaphan , and Asah iah ,

wen tt o Huldah the prophetess : (n ow she dwel t in Jerusalem in

the col lege) : and they commun ed with her. What a menagerie me t in the Jewish Girton : —ACHBOR : a mouse


rabbit,HULDAH : a weasel .

TIRAS : desire (of paren ts) . Youngest son Of Japhe t , supposed t o give n ame t o Troas . Th is is the first record O f a lon glin e of yearn ers f or O ffspring. It answers t o WUNSCH muchwish for

,an d such names as SHEAL (son of Ban i) : prayer , an d


s father) : asked of God= SAMU EL. BASS :li tt le (at birth) , BASSETTI : very l it t le = P ETTY,


(son of Merari) : (born ) beyon d (the Red Sea). BYTHESEA

(commanded a man of war in foun d by the sea :

WITTON : son of the wood , foun dling in some cases = GROV ES.

PARRISH is also a foundling name,as is the Ital ian D ’


of the waves,foun d on shore , con . Un da : a wave when ce

UNDINE : a n ereid, sea born

,suggest ing the widely kn own

AP HRODITE : daughter of foam . Irish Protestan ts cal l th eirson s WILLIAM when born Ju ly 1 2 th

,while Irish Catho lics cal l

theirs PATRICK when born March 17th .

TAP HATH a drop (of myrrh) , applied to smal l in fan t girl ,then t o short steps

,then t o a l i ttle girl making them ,

mean sa regular l it tl e dear

,Which had Taphath, the daughter of

Solomon , t o wife .” Myrrh

,from Mar : bit t er , gives Myrtle ,

Smy rna : (town amidst) my rrh plan ts . PERE - ET -MERE(Fren ch) : loved by father an d mother

,precious pe t = DEAR

LOVE : dearly beloved. In the l ist of decoration s in the

Mon i teur de l’

Armee appears the n ame P ere - et -Merc. The


gal lan t b i - Sexual receives the Legion of Hon our for goodconduct during several campaign s . AMP ERE is same as abovein con verse order , though i t is given as iden tical W ith


empi re ,

and applied t o a man belonging to the German empire . To

him we t race the abbreviation ,e t c .,

cal led by Engl ish rusticsHampersand, i .e . ,


s an d,SO used in his shorthan d .

CO P RONYMU S : dung n ame,con . Coprol ite dung


ston e , an ickname given t o son of Greek Emperor , because wh ile beingbaptised he defiled his baptismal robes . He was ak in toPAL(EOLOGUS : O ld style Speaker , having a brogue. Not pulyhave we chi ldren n amed from birth - day ,

but also from b irthmon th , as LAV RILLIAT : April born . HERBEST , HARVEST

(sermons) : born at time of gathering in O f herbs. DAVOUST(marshal) : August born . MAY (in some cases) : May born .

The favourite mon th w i th the w orsh ippers O f Baal Of old and

Mary n ow. HALLIDAY (con . Hal idom : holy dame ,born on a holy day . The n otion that this was got by cryin gHal l i (holy) day ! whe n ‘going on a raid is absurd as i t impl iesthe Hal lidays came to fight ing age without a name , or thatthis on e took the place of their bir th name . In the latt er casewhat was that ? GENTLES , GENTLEMAN : of a gen s , clan , highbirth BURNS .


SOME f ew mascul in e n ames may be traced to mothers . Thesethough looked askan ce at by refin ed modern s took the place ofpatronymics with the Lycian s . From the maternal S ide wehave our DEVLIN

,and the an cien ts had VESPASIAN : son of

Aspasia, in dicating fi lial affection . ASPASIA : an amazon fromAsp : a horse . IBBOTSON (of course our’s) : son of E lizabeth .

DYSON : son of Dy for D iana, but is capable of being placedwith DYBALL : on e of a bold people

,in wh ich case = DODDS.

NELSON may be son Of Nell , E l len ,or from Nei l. Let him

have the ben efit of the doubt for the sake O f the O ld sea l ion .

SUE (Eugen e) looking so l ike Susan mean s sweater,con .

Sudor from Hudor : sweat, water. U NA (an Ir ish n ame of

soft sound) : born at time O f famin e,gives UNITT : son of

Un a. MARRIOT,MARRYATT (n ovelist) are from Mary


plead it is religious ly, n ot social ly. V YE is claimed as son of

Sophia, but pleads for i ts being a formation on Devizes .

M‘JANET and M‘

JANNET : looking so l ike son of the girl .Jan et is of the gens John , mean ing literal ly son Of l ittle John ,

JANNET= LITTLEJOHN . TALMAGE (Brooklyn ) is n othing b uta name I me t with in Toron to

,TALLMADGE : son of tal l

Margaret , Madge , e xac t ly =MARGERISON (soap manufacturer) :son of Marj ory. DE WITT is of Woods

, son Of a man so named,

but is capable Of being local , and mean ing of the wood.


N A M E S O F W O M E N .

IN remote ages when “on e person ,

on e n ame was the rule ,the appellations of women were as varied and in depen den t ast hose of men . However

,when mononysm fel l out of use ,

their place was gen eral ly supplied by appending a femin in eending to masculin e names . Christian i ty did much t o lessenthe n ames pecul iar t o women . Obeying the spirit of i ts

t eachings,the bride s ign ifies depen den ce upon her husban d by

ren oun cing her maiden name and adopting the name of himwho adopted her. This helped t o con sol idate fami ly ties , butresulted in the loss of designation s peculiar to women . Bycon sequen ce

,femin in e names have SO dimin ished , as to n eces

s itate the formation of n ew on es , wh ich is effected thusVICTOR gives VICTORIA

,AUGUSTUS , AUGUSTA, and we even

meet with ADAM,ADAMINA. Writers on physiology say that

woman is man modified , that man is the essen ce of human i ty ,women the acciden t . They must an swer for the truth and

gallan t ry O f such avermen t s ; yet their theory is corroboratedby this specialty of ph ilology,—words expressingman , woman


male, f emale

,besides giving us proper n ames , more or less

express sexual i ty. The Hebrews said , Ish : a man , Isha : a

woman ,a man ess . From Ish the wel l kn own ISCARIOTES :man

of Kirioth,n ot far from Bethlehem,

for Judas was the on lyJew proper among the apos tles

,the rest of the tw elve being

Gal ilean . From Isha we have ESHTON uxorious , a womanchaser. “ E shton begat Beth - rapha.

” From Ish ,JESHISHAI :

descended from an aged man =BENJAMIM,SHAN EGAN . Some

high authori ties gives ISIS (Eve, a goddess) : the woman . SO

BAAL : lord , master,BAALATH : lady , mistress . The Greeks said

o an thropos : a man,e an thropos : a woman . An thropos :

turn ing up the face , whereby man is differen tiated from the

low er an imals. NO cow ever Views the sky , n o horse sees thestars . In Lat in we have V IR : a man

,V IR- GO : a woman ,

V IRGIN IU S : a pure man,VIRGINIA : a pure woman . Hen ce

our virgin mean s more than maid , the latter applying tofemales on ly , the former to ei ther sex . For they are virgin s .The Du t ch say BOER : a man

,MOER (ma

, mater) : a woman .

O ur MAN : on e O f mind, con . men s

,Men e .” Woman is

w ifman, the man who weaves , in con trast with Spearman . SO

PAIS (a b oy) on e led , P aidue t ics : science of leading, in structmg , Pusa : a girl , Pusi l la : a l i ttle girl

,Pusillan imous : having


soul of a l i ttle girl . Lad : on e led , Lad- ess,Lass . Younker :

a young man . Younk ster : a young woman . Former Obsoletein Englan d , though used in the Un ited S tates

,wh i le latter 1s

applied erron eously t o a b oy as a troublesome lad is cal ledvi xen , properly pertain ing to a girl . Mas . Fox

, f em. Vixen .

In the Italian we have ZITA : a girl , ZITELLA : a l ittle girlPusi l la


Gen t le Z it e lla, wh ither awayLove ’s ritorn e lla, list wh ile I play.

In the catalogue of Burn s,Oates , 85 CO . we read , Life of S t.

Zi ta

Seeing the woman ’s rights section of the ladies are ful lsai l on the fran chise they shoul d take action on beingmerely n ominal terminations of the rougher sex , so far as

n ames go. In l ike mann er the ti tles Of women are usual lyformed upon those O f men ,

as DOMINUS : a lord , DOMINA : alady


,when aged DUENNA. So our English

LORD : loaf afforder,LADY. So with the Tartars , KHAN : a

lord,as Cawn pore : Khan ’

s city,Kokhan : hi l l coun try of

Khan,KANHAM : a lady. RAJAH : a king , RANI : a queen


as our REX, REG INA , ROY,REINE . In respect t o k in ,

we haveNephew , Neice , as though NEP OS (Corn elius) , Ncipec . Neposgives Nepotism : favouring relatives . SO also from Avus :aged , a gran dfather

,in wh ich sense Nepos is also used , con .

[Evum an age , Coeval living in same age . Avun culus l it tl egran dfather , ab. t o Un cle, f em . Aun t. Avus gives AVES =GAFFER (Gray) and PAP P US , the former Latin ,

th e latter Saxon,

the last Greek . Mas. GAFFER, f em. GAMMER (Gurton ) : gran d

mother. Isha,pusa

,pus i l la

,zi ta,

z itel la,domina

,regina have

a final in common . The classical designation of the quartersof the globe , and almost every coun try upon i t SO en ds

, as



,Austral ia, America, Britan n ia, Caledon ia,

Scot ia,Cambria, 85 0. This en ding is clearly derived from the

Biblical ah wherew i th mos t recorded names of women in

Gen esis end. CHAV AH : l iving (Hebrew form of Eve) , Adah ,

Zi l lah ,Sarah , Mi lcah ,

Reumah , Maachah,Rebekah



Bilhah ,Zi lpah

,Deborah ,

Aholibama,Shuah . Femin in e names

are rarely men tion ed in the Bible . There are on ly five femal enames t o n in ety -five of men in the O ld Testamen t. In the

N ew Tes tamen t the proportion is more favourable t o the

weaker , as though women were to be more active Christian sthan matriarchs and Jewesses were in making kn own thean cien t form of worship . Who was Noah ’s wife , Lot

s , Job’


It i s an O ld platform joke t o say Mrs . Noah an O ld Sundayschool puzzle ,Who was David’s mother We should natural lysuppose that in n arratives such as those Of E lijah and the


Zarephath widow,E l isha and the Shunamit e woman

, whoseson s these prophets brought again from the dead , their nameswould occur. S imi larly we know the son s Mary bare t o

Joseph , in the order of nature,were James


,Juda, and

S imon , but who kn ows the names of His sisters Who werethe sisters O f Abel and Cain ? As i t is in the Bible, so i t is inevery n ational history and in all gen ealogies . In the Scriptures , because woman led the van of rebel lion . In secularhistory, because woman is the weaker , whereas h istory recordsthe deeds of the mighty. The fol lowing il lustration s w i l l ful lyexemplify what is mean t by the femin in e en ding being in ah


a, or e. In doing SO our motto will be the form used by a

Roman matron when first en tering her lord’

s abode

Ubi CAIU S ibi CAIA :wh ere you are Mast er I am M istre ss .

Aba (Gothic for a man,as ABBS : head) gives EBBA (queen

of SS ) : a w oman . From her,EP SOM : Ebba’s home.

ANDROMACHU S : fighting man,ANDROMACHE (Hector

s wife) .ANDROMEDES : comman der of men , ANDROMEDA (rock) .ANGEL : a messenger

,celestial , ANGELICA , ANGELINA. Dan

gerous names to give a baby of the female persuasion,as the

woman might n ot fit .AGATHOS (pope) : good : GOODE


AMALA un spot t ed,virgin AFFLICK





ALEXANDER : helper of man,saving in battle




ALFRED : coun sel l ing like an elf , ELFREDA= SYBELLA .

ATHEL : n oble , ADELA , ADELINA (Patti) , ADELAIDE (queen ) ,ETHEL, ADELGONDE : n oble warrioress MATILDA




ATHELGIF :n oble gift,royal boun ty



elf gift , beautiful as a fairy.

“A t the coronation O f Edwy ,

the king ret ired from the revelry of the banqueting hal l andsought the society of his wife and her mother

,having espoused

ELGIVA,the daughter of ETHELGIVA

, a lady of royal descen t.Odo urged Dunstan to bring back the king.

”ELGIV A accur

ately an swers t o the Persian name P ERIZADA : born of a pcri ,beautiful at birth .

A P P IUS (Claudius) : fruitful, having issue , AP PHIA (primi t iveChristian ) .AGRIP P A (V ipsan ius) : who gave sharp (acer) pain s . AGRIP

P INA (Nero’s mother).

AUGUSTUS (O ctav ianus Caesar) : sublime, awful

,maj estic



BLAND profoun dly polite speaker,BLANDINA (martyr) .


appoin ted of God. Thus war raged roun d a let t er. Was i t t obe e or i ? Never did so much h inge on so l it tle. Jesus an dthe Sadducees con tended over on e w ord (am, n ot was) , Matt .

xxn . 3 2 . Paul staked all on 8 , Gal . i i i . 16 (seed n ot seeds) .CHRISTOS is stil l common in Greece

,when ce CHRISTO P U LOS :

Chris t ’s servan t = G1LCHRIST. From Christ we have CHRISTIECHRISTY (min strels) . Ten years S in ce the chief brigan d

of Epirus was a wretch named Chris t. There are thousan dsof Germans named Christ

,some of them American innkeepers ;

in their case the name was original ly obtain ed by playing thepart O f our Lord in a Moral i ty Play.

COUBA , JUBA (Negroes) Friday born OUBINA, JUBINA.

CREON (Corin thian king) : head , ch ief, prin ce , CREUSA (wifeof En eas).DAN : a judge

,D INAH (Jacob it e s both) .


,D IDO . Former modern .


phe t ess) SYBILLA.

D IOS , D IVUS : a god, divin e, D IANA, D IVA (prima donn a),D IONE


DRUSUS : fruitfu l , as though watered with dew l ike Eden ,

DRUSILLA (w ife of Felix ) , often given as having an eye like adew drop , wh ich is poetic but in correct.ERNE : an eagle, ARNABELLA . ARNHEIM home on moun tain

frequen ted by eagles .

EPHRON : a roebuck , ORP AH (“ kissed her deer - eyed :



,a h igh favouri t e

with Saxon ladies .

EUSEBIUS : a pious man,SABINA : a pious woman .

FAUSTUS lucky , prosperous , FAUSTINA (w ife of An ton inus).FELIX : fortunate , successful , FELICIA (Heman s).FELICULU S : playful as a kitten


,FELICULA (mar tyr) .

FELICULA differs l ittle from GATTINA : she cat . An Italianin dictmen t of the Papacy by Petrucelli Del la Gattin a,

MD .

of the Italian Parliamen t.FLAV IUS (Josephus) : yel low - haired=BOYD



FLAVIA, an sw ering to JACINTA the f em. of HYACINTH .

His fair large fron t an d eye sublime , de clare dAbsolute rule ; an d hyac in thin e locksRoun d from h is part e d fore lock man ly hungClust

ring but n ot ben eath his shoul ders broad .



GAFFER (Gray) : gran dfather , GAMMER (Gurton ) : grandmother.GEORGIUS : earth worker , GEORGINA . Georgium S idus : star

of King George .


HERMOSU s,for FORMOSUS : well shaped , HERMOSA= P U L

CHERIA : good looking. The Latin f is represen ted in Span ishby h,

hen ce from Ferrum we have HERRERA : iron w orker ,farrier.HEROD : son of a h ero ,


'HLU DWIG : a warrior who is loudly spoken of, HELOISE .

HUGH : ful l O f battle ardour , HUGHINA ,like t he Russian

f em. own a .

HU P ATO S (from U po : un der , subordinate t o th e S . P. Q . R.


Acts . xiii . a deputy, HYP ATIA= CONSU ELIA z the consul’


lady. CONSUL : a con su lter , on e who si ts wi th, takes par t ina sederun t .

IDAS : a son ,IDA

, O UIDA : n o body’s daughter.IDDO : loved (son ) , JED IDAH beloved (daughter).JAMES heeler

,becomes JACQUES , an d gives JAQU ELINE .

JOHN,JOHANNES the grace of God



JERUDI (Ne than iah’

s son ) a Jew ,JEHU DIJAH (Mered


wife) : a Jew ess,JUDITH.

LARS a lord, on e of the lares (et penates) , LARTIA a lady.


(Our Lady of ).LORD


,LAYARD : loaf afforder, LADY.

LATIMU S a man of Latium,a lowlan der , LAVINIA (young).

L (ETUS joyous , she who l i l t s , LETITIA ,LETTICE , LETTIE .

LOUIS (Hludw ig) : famous Victor , LOUISA.





Luce t ta , as thou lov’

st me , le t me have

What thou think’

st m e e t , an d i s m ost man n erly .


,in val id

,MAHLAH (Ze10phe


s daughter). Probably t o MAHLI shou ld be traced malus ,ma l , ma lady, me (in Megrim disease of the cran ium) , as theprimi tive idea of badn ess would be w eakn ess .

MAC : a son (con . Maggot : rapid breeder) , MAB : a daughter,MABLE , MABEL , which some resolve in toMa- belle :my beauty.

MAOCH oppressed (w ith troubles), MAACHAH .

MAR : a lord (con . Maranatha : the Lord cometh) , MARTHA :

a lady.

MONICHOS a soli taire,dwelling alon e , MONICA (Augustin e


mother).NAAMAN : han dsome , NAAMAH=Ruth : fascinating.

NAARAI : a youth NAARAH : a damse l = P UER,P UELLA.

O LYMP US sh in ing, glorious , l ike the O lympic gods ,O LYMP IA : maj estic

,Jun on ic .

O PHELIU S (ovis) : a shepherd, O P HELIA : a shepherdess

PATTI, con . pastor.8


PETER : a rock ,n ot easi ly moved , P ETRULLA .

PHILIP : lover of horses, good rider, PHILIP P A , FELIP P A,PHILIP P OVA.

PORCIUS : a sw in eherd=HOWARD : hog warden and SU ARIU S,PORCIA (Cato

s sister).P RISCU S of the Old stock

,aristocratic as to pedigree ,


PI : a mouth , a good speaker (the Hebrew letter a. Seent o advan tage in Pi-Hahiroth ,

mouth mouth of cavern s) , PUAHa talkative w oman . It is exac t ly

= BOU CH (Tay Bridge) , con .

Rebuke t o Shut the mouth .

SHEPHER : bright,han dsome , SHIPHRAH=HERMOSA ,


PUAH and SHIP HRAH were midwives , and who can con ceive ofa name more true t o fact than for a midwife t o be calledPUAH : a chat ter b ox ? PUAH n eatly con trasts with P U YP ARLIER (san e lunatic) l itt le Speaker TACITUS (tacit) ,DUMAH (dummy), MOODY (mute) , MUDIE, and the Englishbishop STILL.

QU ASBEE : Sunday born . QUASHEBA (con . Quassia) .RAHAM : merciful

,REHUMAH : compass ionate lady =RU TH

(when English ,from Rue : t o pity) .

RAM h igh,dign ified

,REUMAH lofty dame

,haughty woman .

ROBERT : famous counsellor, cor. to ROB IN ,


ROSH head , RO SHENA,ROXANA (A lexander

s Persianprin cess).SAID (Port) fortunate , happy , HAIDEE = FELICIA , FAUSTINA .

SAR : a mi l itary prin ce = SAHIB,SARAI



SEPHER : a book ,learn ed= BOOKER ,


THEOCLES glory Of God (seen in gift of ch i ld) , THECLA.

THEOS divin e , de i ty ,


God,the placer , THEIA , THIA (mother

of the sun ) , THETA , THAIS divin e daugh t er.



i ERON (an d A spasi a) harvest man,THERESA (Nostra


THOR : Asiric bul l - god, TORAGA : celestial cow adored by theHindoos

,and THORA.

WENDELL of Van dal descen t, a confirmed wan derer



WILHELM : protected of Will,WILHELMINA


t imes MINNIE a female min n ie S inger,who kept O ld times and

persons in mi n d.

ZABAD a gift , baby b oy ,ZEBUDAH a girl , ZEBEDIAH given

of Jehovah .

ZIP P OR (King of Moab) a bird, t imid= BIRD and VOGEL


ZIP P ORAH birdie, pret ty and timid .

ZORAH : whose bir th is l ike sun rise,DZOHARA (Arabian

Venus) HELEN .

The en dings i , e , i e and a are iden tified with the Biblical


writ,as—HAGGAI : born at feast time , exu ltation of paren ts ,

HAGGI 'I‘H (David’

s wife) .HILLEL (rabbi) : praise , MAHALATH (Esau

s wife) praises in ger

,she who l i lts , whose voice is like a s trin ged in strumen t.

This is con . w ith Zul : a musical in st rumen t , when ce ZULEIKA :she whose voice is l ike a zul

, si lvery ton ed lady. DZOHARA ,


, f em . of SAID : lucky , are the threefavourite names f or daughters and brides through all Persia,

Turkey,Arabia. ZULEIKA


voice is sweet as song.

JUDAH : on e who is praised= zENEAS, JUDITH (Holofern es) .

NAARAI : a youth = JUN1U S , YONGE YOUNGMAN , Naarath : arising ci ty. The border wen t down from Jan ohah t o A taroth ,

and t o Naarath, and came t o Jericho ,and wen t out at Jordan .

SHELOMI : a peacefu l man,SHELOMITH (Zerubbabel

s daugh

ter) . Applied to church .


SHIMRI : a watchman,SHIMRITH : a f emale ward.


HENRY : home ruler,HENRIETTA (Carrachiola, of monastic


,li teral ly

,l i tt le An toin e . SO CHARLOTTE :

l ittle Charles,HENRIETTA : l ittle Hen ry ; appl icable t o son s


daughters , or even wives Of An toin e,Charles

,Hen ry


they are all physical ly less than those from whom n amed,

when first SO cal led . HARRY (n ot a form of Hen ry) : on e whoharri es, plun ders , HARRIET.

ELIZA f or ELIZABETH : the oath Of God,she who is in

covenan t w i th God,having the assuran ce of His oath ,



,ISABELLA : beaut iful

E liza, when ce BELLA , BEL. Seizing on the last syllable of

E lizabeth w e get BETTY,BESSIE

,an d BET.

JOHN : the grace of God, given by, JOAN (pope) , JANE , JANET ,JINNY, JEANETTE : lit tle John , JEANOT : l it t le Jan e , JUANITA ,ANITA (Garibaldi) , GILL for Ji l l (

“Every Jack has his Gi llJOSEP H He (God) shal l add (an other chi ld , v iz .

,Benjamin ) ,

con . ASAP H (who san g wi th the cymbals) : gathering, givesJOSES (brother of James the less) , JOSE , or JOSEY.

“ Lopez ,

woun ded , was cal led to surren der,b ut refused ; then a cavalry

corporal , by name JOSE D IABLO : Joseph , the Devil , kil ledh im. Cabal lero was a li ttle distan ce away

,surroun ded by the

Braz ilian s ,”

etc. Joseph also gives JESSOP,JAAFS


JEBB(Joshua), BEP P O , the Italian for JOEY

,EP P S (cocoa) , PEP YS

(diary) , and the fol lowin g f ems . :—JOSEP HINE (imperatrice) ,JESSIE , JESSICA (violet bank) , FINETTE, GUISEP P E (the Italianform of Joseph) , gives GUISEP P INA.

FRANCIS : an Italian speaking Fren ch, s imi lar to Irish


GRIGGS (when n ot from (Me) Gregor) : l earn ed in Greek , gives

(San ) Fran cisco : city of S t. Fran cis , FRANCES , FANNY= in theSpan ish PANCHITA. Hen ce SECCH I (Jesuit astron omer)FRANCICELLO : l ittl e Fran cis .

The Celts , whether Breton s , Briton s , Picton es , Picts , Gauls ,Gaels



,or Man x ,

had n o n ames for womenformed on those of men

,as Cassan dra on Cassan der . In

s tead O f so forming them ,they gave n ames Of a high ly

poetical,b ut natu ral cast, in dicating striking peculiarities

of the lady as t o person or man n ers . Such names fadedaway as Christian i ty became a l iving power among the

Celts . A ch i ld being presen ted for baptism ,the priest was

careful that a n ame Shou ld be given that would con sort w i threligious propriety. He then frown ed down their beau t i fu lappellation s

,urging changes on Biblical or Calen dar names

con veying n o spark of mean ing, whereby national ity and

the gen ius of their language was discouraged . In heathentimes there w ere as many n ames as w omen ,

n ow a score coverson e half used by Bri t ish w omen . The Celtic style being truet o the heaven - implan ted instin cts O f men ,

would have savedus from absurditi es SO common that they escape unn oticed .

The idea of cal ling a girl Mary Robertson ,addressing a youn g

lady as M iss Hardman ,or cool ly terming a mat ron Mrs .

P roperj ohn ! Excep t such he accepted as el liptical express ion sthey are ridiculous . Howbeit, we can n ot enjoy the use O f the

double n ame system without i ts drawbacks . The fo l lowing isa selection of female Celti c n ames used before th e Christianera. It is t o be regretted that more have n ot come down t oour cold uti litarian age

SU ILGORUM : blue eyed , con . SULLIVAN , and Cairngorm bluemoun tain GLAUKO P IS (for a Greek lady) and GLAUKU S (killedby Ajax ) for a man = our GRAY.

SU ILMALDA : meek - eyed . SU ILALIU N : beautiful eyedDORCAS


,CASSIOP E . LANSHU IL : ful l - eyed BO P IS

(bous Ops) : ox—eyed .

COU LAVA : soft - han ded,woman ly , con . Liff, Loof the hand .

GALAVA : mi lk wh ite,con . Gala : mi lk

,Galaxy = V ia Lact ea.

BOSMINA : soft palm, s imi lar t o Muller: a woman from Mo l l is :soft.O ICHOVA : ten der virgin

,compassionate maid=RU TH : who

rues f or others .COALMIN soft haired

,fin e tresse s= ZILLAH : shadow ,

madeby ringlets .

CO OLAU LIN beautiful hair= JACINTA ,AURELIA : go ld tressed

women .

MALVINA : smooth ly browed ; s imi lar t o TALHIRAN : ironbrowed .


FLAMINA : softly mild=LENTU LA . AGANDICA : sn ow faced :

CHIONE, con . (C)Hiems : sn ow time

,win ter : also= the English

SNOW, and BLANK (Bristol) , wh en ce Blanket a wool len cover

made by him,and some t imes =BLAKE b l eached .

EV IRCHOMI (O ssian’

s w ife) the tender, merciful Evir.


s firs t W ife) : a sunbeam,con . GRAINE ,

Green ock .

GAOLNANDONA : the love of men , she after whom men

search .

FINELLA : wh ite shouldered , con . COSTORPHINE : fai r Christopher.

STRINADONA con ten tion , she for whom men strive . Upona cen tigrade k alome t er (beau ty measurer) on w hich an agedwarrioress from the ranks of the k ing of Dahomey’s bodyguard would stan d at zero and Ven us at 100, STRINADONA

would run the in strumen t up t o 96.

BRIDGET : strong,con . BREE : a braw man

,gives BRIDE


) and Hebrides : is lan ds so cal led from a religious house ,Vis ib le from the sea,

dedicated to S t. Bridget .COLLEEN BAWN : fairmaid BRITOMARTIS . From CALLAN (t) :

a lad, we have COLLEEN, like lad, lad- ess CALLAN becomes

CU LLEN =Haflin z half a man . The Bawn, con . Ban e : whi te


when ce Ban n and Boyn e : brown streams that bleach l in en .

SO Bain : a bath from Ban e white,because it makes white


By th e clear lake s of Killarn ey,

Walk ’d a youth , on e fin e summ er morn ,

Who soft ly was whisp’

rin g blarn eyTo on e whom h e calle d Co l leen Bawn .

ROWENA : wh ite skirt , con . Gowan (daisy) : white flower .GENEV EIV E wave - foam, wh iten ess of the sea=APHRO

DITE : froth of sea,eon . GWYN (Nel l) : whit e , fair (the Welsh

Venus), con . ROWENA.

KATHLEEN (erron eous ly taken as a form of Catharin e) :beautiful eyed , f em . to KATHLIN : battle eyed

,a man looking

at his foe . CATHLIN gives CATTLE,CATT

,un con . with Vacca

or Felis , as CODD un con . the fish bein g from CODY forMacOdy ,

Kathle en Mavourn e en the gray dawn is breaking,The horn of th e hun t er is h e ard on the h ill ;

The lark from her ligh t -w ing the brigh t dew is shakin g,Kathle en Mavourn e en , what ! slumbering st ill .”

When tran slating grammatical femin in e n ames, as dis

t inguished from natural ly femin in e,we mus t refer them t o their

proper mascu lin e , or embarrassing absurdities may turn up.

Thus URSULA may n ot be made to mean a li ttle she bear,n or

FELICU LU S : a .. l i t t le she eat

,b ut they mus t be presen ted as


n ymous w i th maid,as LINTRUDE : maid of truth = FIDELIA ,

EMMA : amen n urse,faithful t o her charge .

ADELIND : n oble maid , con . ATHELSTAN.

FREDELINDA : peacefu l maid , eon . FREDERICK .

ROSALIND : beautiful as to face , graceful as t o form.

BELINDA (bel linda) : beautiful maid .

ESMERALDA beau t iful as the emerald (Span ish lady) , pairswith MARGARET : a pearl , wave - born b eauty = APHRODITEZEENAB

,ZENOBIA : father

s ornamen t = CLEO P ATRA .

ACHSAH : an anklet,beaut iful as. EUCHARIS : happy - grace ,

w in some, graceful , con . Eucharist.EUP HEMIA : well spoken of

,con . POLYP HEMUS (cylop) :much

spoken of .

EULAL IA : good Speaker, who speaks charmingly : ZULEIKA .

POLYXENA :much given t o hospitali ty. If She have lodgedmen oi .

TRYP HENA,TRYP HOSA : over n ourished , pampered,


(careful ly cooked for), delicately brough t up DELILAH ,


Some writers give TRYP HOSA from Phos : light, and SO thricebril lian t TREBELLI very beautiful .LAODIKE :who Obtain s just i ce for the people by in tercession ,

when ce Laodicea,now Lat ik ia (cigars) .

SOPHIA (San ta) wise woman ,gives VYR, con . Sophis t : pre

ten der t o wisdom.

SOPHONISBA : of a wise life , con . Biology : scien ce of l ife .

AGNES : a maid,she who has begot ten n o child , chaste

JEZEBEL : w i thout cohabitation . AGNES takes the Odd formof NEST. In the R . C . church

,AGNES is given as from Agnus :

a lamb , and stan ds al legorical ly f or the triumph Of in n ocen ce,as MARGARET for triumph ing by faith .

KATHARINE,CATHERINE (giving the Irish pets KATE and

KATTY) pure , stands for in tellectual devot ion ,whi le

BARBARA : a s tranger=XENO , stan ds for artis tic devotion .

O f these four by far the most prolific in supplyin g n ames isMARGARET, wh ich some good writers giv e from mer gri t :

gri t O f the sea,giving MARJORY

,MARJOBIBANKS (the banks

and braes of Marj ory Bruce), MEG ,MADGE (Wildfire) , MAGGIE ,

GOTON,MAY, MOGGY ; hen ce also Magpie for Margare tspie , the

German pet name GRETCHEN,and PEGGY.

TALLMADGE : tal l Margaret,son so cal led from mother being

born out of wedlock , gives TALMAGE z MOLLISON and MARGERISON : son of Marjory.


AGNO (nymph who nursed Jupiter) : a Virgin,having f or

i ts mas. correspon den t the bui lder of Amphipolis , AGNON ,V IRGINIU S, BETHUEL , PARTHENOS men of pure l ife .


LUCRETIA : a spinster , for so say h igh authorities , but i ts eems bett er to make it a f em . of LUCRETIUS .PENELOP E : a web. The former symbolises a maid , this a

wife.SINDONIA : a spin ster , maker of fin e l in en , con . S in de , the

b est lin en coming from India= CLOTHO and Woman for w it

man .

FILATRICE : a spin ster , thread spinn er , con . (rank and) fi le.GISSELDA : golden Hi lda,

precious maid of that goddess .

HILDEGARV E : guarded of the Asir Hi lda,con . MATILDA :

Hi lda’

s maid.

OLGAR (Russian prin cess) : holy, con secrated , con . HO SIU S,O SIANDER.

EMMA a n urse,on e cherishing , german e w ith AMON , AMEN ,

mamma, and is credited w i th EMMET , but that is more ration

a l ly derived from EMLY (coch mi les) a horse soldier .WALP URGIS (from Walburg , a fortified town ) : guarded by


HIMMELINA : h eav en ly= CELESTINA : celestial (maid).

HIMMELTRU DA heaven ly t ruth = EV AN GELINE .

ANGELINA : angel l ike CHERUBINI on e of the cherubim.

SHAKAR - LAB (Hin doo) sweet kisser, l i t sugar lip= our

SACCHARISSA,and con . ISSACHER : wages , swee tn ess . The

wages of the labourer is the sw eetn ess O f his toi l . “ Leah saidGod hath given me my hire and sh e cal led h is n ame I ssacher.

O ur words Saccharin e and Sugar are from th is source. Plinysays

Saccharum Arabia fert , sed laudat ius In dia,

which in the grocer’

s language mean s : We can give a gooddart ic le from Muscat

,but th is Calcutta sample is the best in

the market.CLAR INDA



,CLARA : clear skin n ed ,

hearts,blon des.

CLORINDA is a compound , in some cases , of Clarus : cl ear ,and Lin d : the l ime

,mean ing fair and graceful . But CLARA

has n o conn ection with CLARENCE (duke of ) that being fromC lare


,latin ised Claren t ia,

wh i le CLARIDGE means a

rig, ridge , hil l cleared of timber CLARENDON (cons t i tu tion s of).ALICIA

,ALICE : cap t ivating REBEKAH : a rope w i th a

n oose , a femal e lasso (which a lass m ight be) , REBECCA , BECKY :fascin ators cut short. These ladies may fairly be comparedwith MIRABEAU




HORACE : han dsome aspectable me n whom we like t o look at .

EVANGEL : gospel preacher,from Euange llo : t o tel l good

n ew s,gives

EVANGELINE : on e who has b e lieved= VIV IAN z revived ,


regenerated Gospel : God’s spel l


turn ing the cruel t obe kind .

DAM,DAME : mother. Former n ow l imit ed to an imals ,

latter t o aged person s.

MADAM my mother , being the correlative to MONSIEUR mysire , father.MADEMOISELLE

,DAMSEL : miss

,l i ttle lady = the German .

FRAU : a free woman,as Jungfrau : moun tain where the

young woman perished .


shooter .ROSABELLA : beautiful as a rose

,an artificial name , if n ot an

artificial flower .ROSAN : An n ie

,like a rose =FLORA ,


flourish ing with youth and beauty, sugges tingMIRAFORA (coun tess) : sweet as a thousan d f lowers (mi l le

floraRdSAMU ND (n either rose of the world n or pure rose)defen ded by Rhoss .

ORABELL,ARABELLA (n ot beautiful altar , but from Oro : I

pray) : prayerful woman = the mas. names BEDE,GOTOBED ,

EUSEBIUS .ANNABELLA : beautifu l Ann i e

, Often taken from Hann ibal ,but n o European

,t o say n othing of Christian ,

would name achild after an African idolater.CHLOE green herb , flourishingly j uven i le , con . the imperial

CHLOROS (Con s tan tin e) , of wh ich i t is a kin d of f em. (whenCambrian ) .CORDELIA : Jewel of the sea, con . LEAR (kin g) : sea king,

and LLOYD ex ten ded , in vading, as waves do th e shore .

EV E (British) is from A O iff e , daughter Of Lear, w hen ceEVELYN, from which DEVLIN of an cien t British royal stock ,

when ce also Evesham : Aoiffe’

s house , as l ikew ise EFFIE(Deans) . DEVLIN is iden tical with Dublin by chan ce coin ciden ce .

NANNY, NANCY, are from the As ir Baldur’

s wife .

NANNA : daring, usual ly given as from ANN,HANNAH


ZIBIAH , TABITHA , DORCAS , ORP AH , ORPHAH (Ur : fire) : al lHouris : had eyes l ike does , deers , gazel les , and moved graceful ly. In the seven th year of Jehu

,Jehoash began to reign

and forty years reign ed he in Jerusalem, and his mother’s

name was Zi biah of Beersheba.

JAEL (Heber’

s wife) a kid,a

' ten der on e , soft eyed .S imi lar

SYREN (she who) draw s , an sw ers to the foregoing , con .

Syringe : water drawer , Syrtes : quick (moving) san ds drawing in ships .

AMANDA : on e loved , amiable woman ,l ike AMY.


RIZP AH : a live coal , glowing w ith love , seraphic.ZILP AH : drop Of myrrh,

pleasing as aroma does—MORDECAIbruised myrrh .

PENINNAH : coral , pear l , glittering with beauty , the BIb lIcalMARGARET.

ZERUAH : stricken (with leprosy) . Jerob oam , whosemother’s name was Zeruah,

a widow woman .

ZERUIAH : stricken of Jehovah . Now Joab ,th e son of

Zerui ah,perceived that the king’s heart was towards Solomon .

AS her husban d is n ot al luded to though she is O ft en referredt o

,i t is supposed he was , what rustics term,

n o better than heought to have been .

“ The grey mare , etc.NOADIAH : meeting with the Lord , on e receiving revelation s.He said un to Balak ,

S tand here by the burn t offering , wh i l eI meet the Lord yon der.” My God,

think on the prophetessN oadi ah.

ZERESH : a star,splen did with b eauty = STELLA .

“WhenHaman came home , he sen t and cal led for h is frien ds, and

Zeresh his wife .

SHETHAR -BOZNAI : star of Splendour= the Italian beauty.

ASTRIFIAMMANTE : flaming star,cometic in splen dour .

ZETHAR (on e O f seven eun uchs of Vash ti) : a star , iden ticalwi th SHETHAR.

ESTHER : a star,aster . S tars being all the rage in the court

o f Ahasuerus,She took this Persian n ame in the place of

HADASSAH (Hebrew) : a myrtle , con veying the same idea as

MORDECAI .ASTARTE : star goddess of the Syrians = V ENU S when morn

i ng star.VASHTI : b eaut iful = P ULCHERIA. To bring Vashti , the

queen , before the king , with the crown royal , t o show thepeople and prin ces h er beauty

,f or she was fai r t o look upon .

PULCHERIA : fair Skinn ed , from Pellis : the skin . Skin i siden tical with Schon : beautifu l (by bril lian cy) and Shin e .Beauty is either from the heal thy shin ing of the skin or fromshape , as

FORMOSA : beautifully formed , l ike the Medicean Ven us .

VENUS : she who causes men t o come (V en io : I come)SYREN . CUP ID : he who causes desire , con . cupidity : covetousn ess .

KEZIAH : pleasan t as the Odour of cassi a .

KETURAH : pleasing l ike in cen se. A class of Eastern namessuggested by the fact that fragran ce , Odour , aroma are proport ionat e to warmth of climate. The Violet of Scotlan d is lessh ighly scen ted than that of Englan d , and the English Vio letless Odorous than that of Fran ce .GRACE (Darling) : she who has found favour=HANNAH.


PATROCINIO (Sor) : who has Obtain ed grace through her

patron sain tSOR ,

SURR : sister. Sororcide : s ister kil ler. Its correlativei s FRA (Paoli) FRIAR (Tuck) , FREE (mason ) , FRATER : brother .DOLORES : sacred t o the dolours O f the B.V .M.

A IMEE,AMY : amiable , b eloved= LOV E, DEARLOV E . O n e of

the wild women of Cambridge was Amy Stock ings. STOCKINGS : a s tockin g weaver , root sti ck , sti tch.

P RAXIDICE : doing justice , con . PRAXITELES : fin ishing perf e ct ly , con . practi ce, telos. The acquired name of the king of .

Greek scu lptors .DORA a gift , a baby girl born when issue was much desired ,

sometimes used in sen se of gifted , con . POLYDOR (Vi rgi l)much gifted , l ike POLYHISTOR : very learn ed .

PANDORA all gifts, the mythic name for gifted EV E . DORAoddly en ough corrupts toDOLLY.

D ol ly Dobson , how do you do

N ice ly , than k you, how are you

FULVIA : brown haired , auburn tressed , an other shade of

FLAVIA,Roman ladies .

P HENISSA (D ido) : (Syro) Phoen ician woman . That lan d wasSO cal led from P hoin ix a palm tree , when ce the mythi c birdwhich

,growin g O ld,

took a bran d from the altar and l ightingi ts pyre , composed of aromatic plan ts , was burn t to ashes


when a young phmn iw arose from i ts ashes , to live , l ike i tsmother, for a hun dred years , when i t wou ld pass through the

same process O f acquiring immortal ity by cen turies. This idealbird is elegan tly used as a S ign for fire in suran ce association s


which guaran tee that your house being burn t a n ew on e shal larise from i ts char. The myth originated in young palmsgrowing roun d the decaying stock of the paren t p lan t


and plan t having an iden tical or simi lar name,P hoin ix or

Phoen ix .

VIOLET : l ittle sweet (flower). Vio l in : sweet (music) , VIOLET= the fashionable IOANTHE : violet flow er.M IGNONNETTE : l i ttl e li ttle (dear) , con . Min ion : a favouri te


a pet, li ttle on e , on e who mi n i sters to an other’s pleasure,iden

tical with N INIANSYBEL, SYBELLA (Theosb oule giving divin e counse l z THEO

BULUS,O f wh ich SYBELLA is a fair f em.

MEDINA : lady medium, who goes in for the golden mean .

UNA : on e , truth ,as truth makes un i ty = TRUMAN ,

but betteryet AMEENA : an amen man . The BOU in the case O f the Tun iSian Kroumir BOU AMEENA is a form of BEY for BASHAW, for

PASHA : king’

s foot.DUESSA double -minded, con trasts with UNA .


ELISSA : deficien cy , unhospitable , con . E l lipsis : a wan t , a

con t ras t t o POLYXENA.

FLORIMEL : hon ey flower , sweet as b oth =MIRAFORA. Herewe have fan cy names originated by Spen ser and foun d in hisFairy Queen .

” When UNA is pure Irish , i t has the sad meaning of born in f ami n e .

NORAH (the pride of Ki ldare) : of hon ourable b irth =HONOR,


DULCINEA : sweet on e , con . Dulcimer sweet (music).DU LCIBELLA sweet and fair, good - tempered belle.FILOMENA (filia) daugh ter of the moon ,

fair as,child of

l i h tgSELENA , con . Selen ite : sparry gypsum.

PHILOMELA love of song,applied to the n ightingal e . Some

times a n ame is elaborat ed from a lett er, as

PEGGY from MARGARET (g) , N INA from ANN (n ) , D ICK fromRICHARD

, (d) , ULICK : l i ttle WILLIAM (l) , the i ck from ig,from

egan from Eoghan young,Son .

AZUBAH (queen ) : forsaken , what wou ld be cal led in Glas

gow a grass widow , an expression taken from the Churchgran ting divorces by grace , the husban d yet living.

HEP HZIBAH (queen ) :my deligh t is in her, EP SY.

N ITOCRIS :Neith the Victorious , Wisdom Victrix. The Babylon ian queen was named from the same goddess as Joseph ’swife.Schole : dilettan te idlen ess , gives School : place of idlers , for

SO scholars were thought by muscular labourers .

SCHOLASTICUS : an idle , stupid fellow,Scholastica (n un

’sname) : a humble un con ceited woman .


n ations , n early all w i l l be con sign ed t o Oblivion directly theirlate wearers are consign ed t o the tomb . When imperialRome , and i t s vast emp ire , was in i ts decaden ce , such ti tles asP ANHYP ERSEBASTE above all n amed Augustus

,and AUGUS

TULUS : most august , were flourish ing. Such bombasticappellation s suffer total ecl ipses when bracketed with Mosesor Plato. Proper n ames are variable expon en ts whose valu echan ges w i th the li fe of it s own er . No gran diloquen t ti tl emerging in to a n ame can en n oble the n ative li ttle . N0 im

personal or unpoetic cogn omen dooms the n atural ly great t ot ake a low er grade than thei r actions assign them. Cicero complain ed of bein g kn own on ly through h imself, n ot an cestry.

Possibly had he been kn own by ped igree he w ould have beenkn own on ly thereby , in wh ich case his an cestors would havebeen know n rather than he

,and the w orld wou ld have been

his oration s the poorer. A Roman“ Lord Dun dreary would

hardly reach A .D . 1 883 . NO dan dy is immortal . Men jokeabout h im f or three gen eration s .

In th is chap t er,in deed throughout my work ,

local i ties givingnames to persons are rarely iden tified

, as many, e .g. ,Mil t on


Newton , Walton , Fordham , Brooks , etc ., are common t o scoresof places . To determin e from wh ich of these a fami ly tooki t s n ame is the busin ess O f the biographer or ge n ealogist , n ot .

of the e tymologian . If the tran slation of a Pos t - O fficeD irectory teaches anyth in g, un den iably it teaches th isprimit ive Europe was an affair Of woods and forests . Indeed


the Observation is ex ten sible t o the w orld as w e shal l soonShow . The comin g catalogue of names con n ected w i th treesand their un dergrow th does n ot con tain on e tithe of thosearrangeable under that head . How beit

, w e are n ecess itated t olead O ff w ith w ater rather than wood for reason s that wi l lforthw i th be Obvious .

We have a name BECK : a smal l stream,taking the diminu

tive of BECKET'

I‘: a smal ler stream

,ABORN : at the burn .

This n ame Beckett had in the middle ages and some fami lies,

t he prefix A t , shorten ed t o a,thus A ’

BECKETT (Thomas) mean tThomas l iving at the litt le brook . Th is at and at tan ,

whenplural , and a wil l be foun d t o have attached themselves t ot rees and streams most parasi tical ly

,thus —ATTWOOD : l iving

at the wood . And even ATTREE . This at preserved names :i t was a ph i lological mordan t . Poor men during the Wars ofthe Roses had on e name . Say John . He res ided in respectt o a V il lage in his Vicin i ty at the wood,

whereupon vil lagersspoke of him as John at the wood

,which by lingual shrinkage

became JOHN ATWOOD . A simi lar process t ook place in Fran cein relation t o JEAN DU BO IS =JOHN WOODS . Thus we haveAKASTER : at the camp . So ADDENBROOKS (

s hospital) : at the

LOCAL NAME S . 1 2 1

brook : A’

BECKETT. Adden for atten . NASH f or At tanash .

BIAS , TASH : at the ash = DORMER (Stanhope) : of the ash :

DASHWOOD—NATTRASS : at the ash ,and the DESORMEAU x

(h is torian ) , and the Odd soun ding ASHBASH= ASHWO OD and

TASHWO O D. SO NELMES for At tan e lms : at the e lms , as NAP P S :at the aspen (poplar) tree , BURNAP : trees runn ing by poplars .

That li tigious fel low John NOAKES is John at the oaks , writtenNOKES

, as NOCK : at th e oak = BIASK and ATTACK (Samuel) :con . Li lac : li lyoak . S imi larly BYACK : dw el l ing by an oak .

SO we have AMOR for at the moor=MU IR ,MOOR. The Ger

man s have SIEBENEICHER : the English SNOOKS : seven oaks .

The Hebrew O ren : an ash,gives the Latin O rn us : an ash ,

when ce the Fren ch O rme .It is n ot always clear whether a n ame is from O rme : an ash ,

Or from O rm (worm) : the serpen t O f Asiric mytho logy. ThusORMESTON : town of O rmes . ORM : tree or god. ARAUNAH :

a large ash,stout tal l man = P INU S , when ce PINELLI . O RNAN :

great ash .

“ Rear an al tar un to the Lord in the threshingfloor of A raun ah the Jeb usit e .

LO , David gave Orn an f orthe place 600 Shekels of gold .

” Both n ames to on e man whowas of lofty port = ROWAN , with which ORNAN is iden tical,gives ROUNTREE and RO UNSIWELL : a Spring among rowan s.

ASHBY,ASBY : dw ell in g among ash trees . A SHBY - DE - LA

ZOUCH : th e Ashby fami ly, l iving n ear the stock O f a

n otable tree : STOCK (Simon ) and TRONCHET : a trunk, con .

Trun ch eon : great trunk . Frax in us : the ash,gives through



DEFRAINE : of the ash tree. A Mr. FIVEASH died 18 5 9.

A SCHAM (Roger) : ash tree home , suggesting O CCAMYOCUM : oak home = the Po l ish DOMBROWSKY (gen eral) VANNECK : of the oak ,


DER. DELLE ROVERE (Jul ius of the oak (robur). ASP LEN,

for Aspling : son of the asp tree , timorous , trembling like poplar leaves .

“ Trembling like an asp leaf. AP P S : an ash .

NAP P S= NASH. ASP INWALL : ash field,with a foun tain there

in . A P SLEY (P e llat ) : ash field . Eddaic mythology,teaching

that Adam was made out of an ash , that tree of ren own b e

came a favourite apart from i ts use or beauty. Thus ZESCINGAS son s of th e ash , andASHMAN : O f an cien t lin eage = P RISCU S.

BUSHNELL (Horace) : man sion in a wood : P YBU S,BOSOM.

CHATTERTON (Bristo l b oy ) cottages in a wood : BOYCOT (ted).BOSCAWEN (admiral) : house surroun ded by alders , suggestingTRIM (corporal) elder. E lder : tree growing t o a great age .

DAU NEY : an alder. But BOSTWICK , looking SO l ike a home ina wood : house n ear a creek . EDGEWOOD (Miss) : l iving at

edge of Eppin g forest as gypsies yet do= EDGE and O U THOU T :

having an outer edge of wood in a hut. EDGECOMBE : firs t9


house in the val l ey, suggesting INDICOTT : last house in theVi l lage. ELLWOOD

,ELLENWOOD : e lm wood , sacred grove .

Sacred among Saxons as they held Eve was made of e lm.

Th is gleams S ide - l igh t on the Israelites worshipping in groves .

Sometimes ELLWOOD is a con t raction of ETHELWOOD f or ETHELWALD n oble defen der . In Sw i tzerlan d EDGEWOOD is UNTERWALDEN : un der the forest = U NDERWOOD : under protection of

a forest , from blast. WEDGEWOOD (E t ruria) : frequen ted bywidgeon s . SCROP E is scrub , when ce SCRUBY dw e llin g amon gscrubs

, Shrup SCROGGIE : scrubby. SCROGGS (Giles) STUBBS ,STOBO living where the trees have been s tubbed . BROGLIE :a th icket . SO BAV EY : low copse wood

,when ce bavin s , faggots

were got =BU SEMBAUM (Jesuit) : tree among scrub , un dergrow th ,

nut tree = COP SEY l iving in a copse : CU TBU SH. FromKopt O : I cut , wood cut at in t ervals . The se = the M i les ianMONEY : scrub lan d , MONEYMORE : great heather an d shrubland . DRINAN : a black thorn . But CORK=MARSH,


The city of Cork was buil t on marshy soi l . CORK,MARSH :

VENN a f en man = FENNER (when i t does n ot mean hun t er)FENIAN

,FENIMORE (COOper) : a fenman . HEENAN is syn ony

mous wi th MONEY and MARSH . QU AGENBOSH : a wood on a

b og, con . Quagmire . WODTON,V ODDAM


,BOSOM (bois

ham) t own in a wood = Kirjath - Jearim : Carthage in a forest.WALTON for Wald - town WALWORTH (mayor) and WALZ ,VOLTZ WOODS

,WADRAP P : wood raven . WALLENSTEIN :

w ood covered h i l l . These = the Pol ish O SINSKI : city amongtrees WOLSKI (waldsk i) . Ski or sky a town

,gives MARIAN

SKI : town of the B.V .M : MARAV ILLA (cocoa) . JABLONOWSKY

(prin ce) : town among haze l = CALTON , con . Dunkeld : hazelh i ll = Luz

, con . Lusit an ia. DEMBINSKI : town among oaksACTON . BOGATSKY (divin e) : city of God z The Opolis , an d

BALTIMORE : city of the great god. Bog the Sclavon ic for God

g ives our n ursery terror,BOGIE ; hen ce also the name of the

river Bug, the Sclavic Euphrates . BOGOSLAV : the glory Of

God= THEOCLEs, THECLA. BOGDAN : the gift of God : THEO


But we must away from the Poles and back to the trees.COYLE , con . Gael and Caledon ia (Ki l l in compos ition ) , FEWWALTZ , WALTERS (in some cases) , FRITH Frith and fel l :wood and h i l l) : GREENWOOD




, or

WETTE (de) , WRIT, WHITE (in some cases), WITH,

also an swerc losely to GREENWOOD : a plan tation .

“ Bin d me w i th sevengreen w i ths, hazel , or ash . WITHWRONG : a win din g wood .

BECKWITH : brook runn ing through a wood=WEDDERBU RN .

The Scot ch prettily ren der “ He who is born t o be drown edwi l l n ever be hanged


” by “ The water wil l nae wran g thew iddi e .

The widdie was a with twisted in to a halter


In Englan d we have WITNEY : wood is lan d . ASKWITHash wood . WITHER (George , poet) : wood dw eller. In the

San scrit Vid : kn ow ,Rigveda : ruling kn owledge (con . Rego

I direct) , is the mos t an cien t sacred book of India. This i sour wi t an d wood ; i t en tered the Greek in Ideo : I se e ,

when ce Idea : seen men tal ly. Ideo en tered the Latin withthe v,

Video I see . The other form Of i ts mean in g gave Ida,

whereon Paris j udged Venus , Jun o , and Min erva ; Ida S implymean ing woody (moun tain ) , n early

= Sinai : bushy , coveredw i th undergrowth and WALLENSTEIN. Vi d is probably theroot of Vetus : O ld and wise , aged as a tree , and learn ed as

those who studied in n ature ’s o ldest l ibrary—the path lessw oods . Con n ected herewith is Liber, the in n er bark of a tree ,and Liber : a book

,bark made = Boc : the beech from wh ich

our Book was made,both word and th ing

,gives P HARNAM

BUCY : a fern ey field in wh ich are beech trees . W i t tanagemot :witty men ’

s meeting, Odd ly correspon ds t o Eis teddfod : thewood setters

,Welsh forest parliamen t. W i t tan being n ex t

derivative from Wid,V id : wood . VEDDER WOODMAN.

How strange a thing is life kn owledge is s t i l l from the treethough evi l is inseparable therefrom. But the curse w as takenaway by that other Tree

, so that n ow man Shal l have thekn ow l edge without the evi l . Fid , f od, Vid , w ood , ket inbasket are on e , con . Fiddle : in strumen t made of wood . Thet in Scot is iden tical wi th d in w ood , mean ing wood dw ellerGreek names HYLAS

,HYLCEU S , HYLLUS : son of the w ood

CRANNAGE , CRANACH . WITHCRAFT : a tree progagat or, and

WITCRAFT : learn ed in timber. Gwy e t , Gui t , Quid , Guy ,

Guion , Gyot , Guido ,Vetus





,Wi t t


Hout, Wi th ,al l have t o do with wood . HEPWITH (hips)

HEDGES. GWYDER : a druid,l earn ed in Celtic

,th e let t ers of

which are taken from trees. Here we have the true idea of

DRUID : leader , head of the learn ed , from dre wi d . Pliny was

the first t o derive DRUID from Drus : an oak ,probably mis led

by the word HAMADRYAD : living w it h an oak , as lon g as.

Phi lological b e llwe therism caused him t o be fo llowed un ti lscholars asked how wou ld Celts n ame their learn ed fromGreeks ? Druid as n early correspon ds t o our D .D . as the

differen ce Of circumstan ces can be con ceived t o al low.

Wit : wood gives WIDNESS wood island= V V

ITNEY, and the

prepos ition Wi th,as You wil l go w i th me , un ited t o. A lso

Withers that part O f a horse where shoulder and body un i te,

suggesting WITHERS WIDDOWS . Coyle : a wood,gives

QU ILTY=WOODS,and KELLS when n ot f rom Cel l of a sain t.

KILLIGREW : eagle’

s wood , KILBURN : brook run n ing by a

wood . Bois : a wood , gives BOISSON : great w ood=Mat to

Grosso : primeval fores t of the Amazon CHACEMORE , WIDMOR,


GUYON. BUSHELL (bois vil le) WOOTON. TRENTON : townamong trees. Bushel : a wooden measure in con trast wi thPeck : a poke

,a bag. Ambush , Ambuscade : lying wai t in a

wood . Bosj esman : bush dwe l ler= BU SSMAN . Buoy : woodenfl oat. Boz




,BOSH (Ten ) , BUSHNELL (Horace) ,


GUIDO , V IDOCQU E , are all of the woods. But WOODS may beas local as ATWOOD

, or may b e = GWYDER,DRUID . If modern

th e former,if an cien t the latter

,and greater. BOSDET, BOST,

BOSCOWEN,BOSQUET (gen eral) : a l i ttle wood . GRAFTON : grove

town . Bosquet is Bouquet : n ow flowers,formerly evergreen s ,

a buss , con . BOSCOBEL : beautifu l wood , con . BURBUSH (burg) ,BURBAGE


,BEVILLE (when n ot beau v i lle) : BAMBERPYBUS . FOU LIs, FOULES : l iving where

the f oulys do sing, as the German VOGELSANG

,though some

prefer i t from Folium : a leaf, l iving among =RAMAGE , RAIMES ,from Ramis : a bran ch

,con . RA MOLINI (mother Of Napoleon ) :

l ittle bran ches . These lived n ear groves frequen ted by thesongsters Of the wood . SYLP H : a wood nymph : S ILVANUS ,

wh ich abbreviates t o SILAS . S i lvis : a wood , gives SAVAGE(when n ot Irish) , SAGE , SAVIGNY, SAVILLE , all men of thewoods un less SAGE

,when from Sagus : wise

, as in LB SAGE :t he man O f sagacity. Lignum : a wood , u sual ly applied toun dergrow th


HOUSE is me t wi th,mean ing house n ear a n otable tree =BAUM :

a tree, when ce beam ,gives BAMFYLDE (Moore Carew) : tree

fie ld=WO ODLEY. BAUMGARTEN : an orchard , BOMBARSON :

son of BAUMGARTEN,BUMP STEAD : place of trees . BAUMTREE

and ATTREE are l iving n ames. SHAW (con . Shade) ; a l i ttl ewood . CRAYSHAW : wood frequen ted by crows . FANSHAW :

haun ted by fawn s , deer. ENSHAW,ENSOR


‘hern s,heron s . HERNE (the hun ter) : heron taker , if not an

eagle . HARWOOD : hare wood . SCRIMSHAW (screen ) : Shaws heltering a V i l lage, simi lar t o HINTON (Jack) : behin d (a hill)town .

GLADSTONE (W. E .) for GLADSTEIN ,from Gleed : the glider ,

a hawk = GLIDDON (geologist) and FALKENSTEIN : a hi l l fre

quen ted by hawks , as Gladsmuir=FALKLAND moor haun tedby ki tes


,hawks . RUBENSTEIN (composer) hil l Visi ted

by raven s,ARNSTEEN : by eagles . FALK (law s) : HAP : a hawk ,

HAP SBURG : hawk t ow er, frequen ted by . Fores t is from Foris .

abroad , mean ing outs ide of city,woods are far from busy

h aun ts,

In somer wh en the shaw es b e sh eyn e ,An d lev e s b e large an d long ,

Hit is fulle m erry in feyre f ores teTo h ear the fouly

s song.


Forest abbrev iates to burst , as LYNDHU ST (lord) : lime treew ood=LEIBNITz and PONIATOWSKI (prin ce) : dw el ling in 3 .

FOREST,HURST , gen eral ly applied to gamek e epers = RANGER.

BRADHU RST=BRADSHAW , but n ot BRAIDWOOD ,f or brad applies

t o that part of a stream wh ich overflows , SO becoming brad,

broad .BRADFORD : where folks fare, ford, th e brad , BRADLEY

BRADLAU GH (Charles) : fields subj ect t o flooding= NU GENT


NOA, con . No : I swim ,

swampy , con . N oyades : drown in gs .

WALKINSHAW : wood through w hich a path run s . BROADHU BST n early answers to BROCKLEHURST : wood by a brook .

BRADDON (Miss) : hill , fort n ear a brad . DEWHURST : woodfrequen ted by de er=FANSHAW . RINGWOOD (N ew Forest)king’s w ood . SOHO (Shaw haugh) : a wood in a val ley.

LENNOX : e lm grow ing district. HOLT, OLT : a wood , a ho ld ,

place de f en sib le =HOU T=WOODS, when ce HOOD (when n ot a

cowl w earer) , and VANHOUTEN of th e wood . HOLLINSHED :l iving n ear head of hol ly grove , as AIKENHEAD : at head Ofoak grov e

= P ENCO IT head of wood=WEATHERHEAD . A IKENSIDE (Mark) : side Of oak grove


WOODSIDE, and likew ise S IDE , per se hi llsider. These range

w i th WALTON, BAMBERGER, and WOODSTOCK wh en BAMBERGERis n ot forest hi l l (l iving on ) , or a forest Shepherd . BUXTON

(Fow e ll) : town amon g b eaches = BUXTORF (lexicographer) .S imilar in mean ing is DELAFAYE , DUFAILLY , DU FOY (de fagus) ,and DEBUKE ,

who clin g t o the beach . BROGLIE (gen eral) : acoppice =TALLIS : wood Often cut . TALBOYS : wood cutter , asTELFER : iron cutter , helmet cleaver, at ful l length it stan dsTALLIAFERO

,and cor. t o TOLV IE.

Hope : a narrow vale formed by the bases of b i lls

almost meet ing,l eaving bu t a smal l level

,gives HOP E

(John ) , when ce“ Ban d Of Hope , n ot of hope . HAP GOOD


HOP GOOD fruitfu l val ley=BU NCOMBE , GEHAZI : ghor of

v is ion , on e we like to look at . HOP LEY (Susan ) : field in a .

hOpe . STANHOP E : stony del l STANDEN . HOP P ET (whenn ot from Hob for Robert ) : l i ttle hope. LOTHROP : l ow lyingval ley. HYSLOP


,HISLOP : hazel - dell . DUNOYER : of

the nut tree . KIRKHOP E , KIRKU P : church on the hopeHOBKIRK , and the Welch LANDELLS : temple or church in a.

dell , con . SCANLAN : O ld church . TROLLHO P E a hope whereinis a ho l low in side O f a hi ll . When Trol lop : s latt ern


t rai l ; on e who trai ls her dress . TUDHOP E fruitfu l val leyHOP GOOD , CONEYHO P E valley haun ted by rabbits . WALLOP :

a hope with a well , spring in i t = SP RINGDALE WAUCHOP E : ahope through which a wal l


,val lum

,is carried




hazel home EASTERHAZY (prin ce) , original ly Estord D erhazy :

eastern hazel home : the Span ish AV ELANNO,the Fren ch


four beeches . CINQU ALBRE : five peach trees . BEECHENHAU GH,

BICHENO : haugh of beech trees , con . SOHO (Shaw haugh ) .Haugh gives HAWES (when n ot from Hal , Harry ) : DENMAN :

val ley dweller. DEGU IGNES : of the v in es = V IGNOLES, con .

Vign ette : a l ittle Vin e , a fron t ispiece Of Vin e leaves . DUNOIS

(“ Partan t pour la of the n ut tree , gives NOISECORYLUS (shepherd) : a filb ert tree . FIGARO : a fig treeO LYNTHUS (Gregory). DUP IN : of the pin e =V ON DER TANN ,


(pan theist Jew ) , con . Spina a thorn , and sign ifies dw el lers ina spin ny

,an sw ering to such names as STOBO , SCROGGIE , BADE

NOCH : overgrown w i th bushes . To these add TURNHAM (forThorn home) : dwel ling among b ushe s =DORNEB


Thorn ey , Cambs . But we have such living n ames as THORNESand SP INNER. CURZON : a vin e stem, vin e dresser .LINNJEU S (Sw ede) : a l ime tree , so cal led from L in d : a

serpen t,because i t waves like i t , LINDSAY : l ime tree is lan d .

T ILLY (when n ot a weaver from Tela : a w eb ) : a l ime . TILLOT

(archbishop) : l i ttle Ti l ly, or a grow in g lime . TILROYD : clearedof limes . This un fortunate man was named Morgan Ti lroyd,

an d was by t rade a j ewel ler .” LAURA (Bridgman ) : a bay , a

laure l =DAP HNE,takes the dim . LORETTO (Our Lady of) :

l ittl e laurel grove . MORE (sometimes) : a mu lberry tree,a

dark frui t con . Amaurosis : dimn ess , darkn ess O f the eyes,

con . Mauritan ia : the Morian’

s land= Soudan, Karaman ia,

N igrit ia. MOROSINI (amoroso) : dim sight ed= CECIL. TAMAR :a palm

,l i teral ly straigh t , applied t o a maj es tic woman


Tamarind— i n d for In dia,as in In digo : plan t from In dia.

O n e daughter whose name was Tamar. ITHAMAR (son Of

Aaron ) : lan d of the palm, born among palms . VERNET

(Horace) : an alder DAU NEY.

WILLOUGHBY : dwel ling place among w i llow s = SALIGNAC

(sal ix , sauch) and De SAULCY, con . AU LAY : t al l as a wil low ,

Sauchiehall : house in an Osiery. These con . SALES (Fran cisde : though some give h is name as a form of cells , Cloisters),SAYLE (govern or), SARSFIELD (Aughrim) , SAUMAREZ , SOULT(marshal) , when n ot from Sol vo : I loose

, and so=FREEMAN :

freed : all dwellers among the osi ers . O sier : water p lan t,

con . O oze and O use. Willow gives Wily : river with wi llowson banks , when ce Wilton , which gives Wilt sh ire , wherefromWILSHER (cricketer). WYCHERLEY (William) : wi t ch e lm


used by witches in their in can tat ions . BIRCH (favourite Celti ctree , giving b of their savage alphabet) may n ot mean s implya tree

,b ut a man of an cien t stock . BIRCHENHAU GH : birch

dal e , gives BRISCO . AUBE : white wood . VANLOO : of thewood , some t imes V ANDERV ELD (pain ter) : of the field


DOUGHERTY,DOCHARTY :high dwel ling among oak s : VANNEQUE.


We must cease plan ting and commen ce hewing. As

European emigran ts clear Minn esota and Man i toba,so w ere

our primeval woods cleared by con tin en tal em igran ts passingthe Chan n el in coracles , or later invaders of the aborigin es.Field is simply felled

,so Fold , FAU LD(s) an en closure . When

the Saxon fel led trees h e en closed his lan d therewith . FIELDRODEN : lan d ridden Of t imb er= THWAITES , f or so Norsemen

c al led their clearings . LITTLETHWAITE : smal l clearing, givesLILYWHITE (batt er).AP P LETHWAITE : clearing plan ted with apples , giving HEB

BLEWHITE. MICKLETHWAITE : great clearing. HOLROYD :c l eared O f holt , wood GRUBB : trees grubbed up STUBBS ,wron gously fathered on Stephen . O LCOTT (colon el) : cot ina b olt . BLUMENRODEN : blooming field

,flowery mead

BLOOMFIELD (“ farmer ’s b oy RODNEY : field through which

a brook runs : BU RNLEY. PENROD (b en rid) : h il l cleared of

timber. NESSELRODE (diplomatist) : cleared Of n ettlesTHISTLETHWAITE

, or SWAITE DU CARDONNET : of th e t histl efie ld and CHARDON . JOELAH : removing of oaks , a man SO s tronghe can remove oaks .

“Joelah and ZEBADIAH ,the son s O f

Jehoram .

SO the Fren ch Purli eu : purus locus .

“ In Hen ryIII.

S time,the Charter de Foresta was established : SO that

there was much lan d disafforested , which has been cal led

purli eus ever sin ce.”P U RLIEU = CLARENDON : a hi l l cleared


c old town,exposed t o w in ds = COLDHAM ,

COLLOP : cold hope.But Win throp

,that on e might be excused for supposin g it

mean s w in dy dw ell ing,and so = TREWENT : windy dwel l in g,

con . P ENNYGANT : w in dy hil l (Throp,a tran sposi tion O f Thorp ,

Dorf,as AP THORP : the abbot

s dw elling) : winsome , beaut ifu ldw e lling= Sheen ,


,Balfour pairs w i th FORDYCE :

co ld south , on e dw el ling where there is south ern aspect, yetc old . PURLIEU

,the op. of RONGE (holy coat) , RANKE (his

torian ) , RANGE : rank with timber . LUMM : a clump of trees .LUMSDEN (provost) : a val ley in which trees are in clumps ,groups , n early

=WALDEN : woody val l ey. PARLEY (Peter) :Peter ’s fie ld= P e t erloo ,

suburb of Man chester half a cen turys in ce

,like VANLOO

,Wat erloo . WO ODLEY= BOU SFIELD (bois).

HATFIELD : heathfie ld HEDDERWICK : dwel ling among heather: HATHERLEY GARFIELD (presiden t) : gorse , furze , fern field ,con . FARNWORTH : BRACKENBURY. CLAVERHOUSE (Dun dee) :c lover field house =FETCHAM : home among fit ches . C lover,from C leave : t o divide. Clover=Fraise z strawberry , fromfrango, fraga,

frasa. FRASER : strawberry plan ter. CRESS INGHAM (betrayer) : home in a cressfie ld. But GRESHAM

(merchan t prin ce) : gross home =MEIKLEHAM : big house :

CASABONI,CASAUBON : bon ny house BRIAN (O ) , wh en ce


CHATEAUBRIAND : palatial cas t l e . BRYANT (Amer. poet) andBARNEY (thought t o be from Barnabas) are therefrom ; BRADBURY and INGERSOLL (con . En tresol : en try Of hal l , saloon )also applied t o palatial residen ces , dwellers therein . A s alsoHOUSE : the ch i ef house , wh ich assumes the form ACE,


old house . TETI.EY : fruitfu l field, con . TUDHOP E , and op . of

BARLEY : bare , barren field . FELTON t own in a field . FULTON :fou l t own ,

dir ty roads =Foulmire and op . OLINTOclean town . FELTON = TOWNLEY ,


BURLEIGH,from bury ,

though this last may mean a judge ,from Byrlaw : laws made by n eighbours (n ear boors) , when ceBylaws local regulation s .

To these English may be added the Fren ch red,FONV EILLE

(Ulric) , con . Foin ,Fon ,

Foenum : fodder hay , when ce Fenn e l , supposed favourite food of serpen ts . MEAD LEE ,LEITH . CLUNY


CU IK : cuckoo’s hill . CARLYLE (Thomas) : man Of Carl is le :camp (Roman ) beside the tren ch . WITHERSP OON grazingplace on spur of a moun tain . CHAMP OLLION (Egyptologist) :field of a man n amed P OLLION great Paul . CHANTRAINE (con .

Ranun eulus : li t t le flower flourish ing on w e t soi l where frogsdel ight t o dwell) l iving where th e chan t of frogs is heard . I

have been in such a place and am s low t o forget i t . This suggests CANTELOUP (lord) : l iving where the howling of wo l vescan be heard . DANGER : of Angers

,Fran ce. FAULDS : lan d

en folded . SANDYFAU LDS : gravel fields . ENCLOS (Madam dc ) :en c losed : CLOSE

, con . C lois t ers : col lege en closures . S trangelyin deed this : the Roman Cohor t from Cohors a fold en clos ingsheep . Men were pu t together for war like sh eep in hurdles .

This throws a gleam of ligh t on Shepherd Kings Xerxesn umbered h is soldiers by the cohort arrangemen t , placing themby turn s in an en closure as did Ce t ewayo his Zulu warriors .

S tranger,Cohort is our word COURT (when n ot mean ing Short) :

a castle, a place en closed and defen ded as in HARCOURT (Sir

William) : castl e of Hariald in Norman dy. CO URT= WORTH

(man mi ll in er) : a place w ared,warded , de f ended= GU ISE : a

fort ified posi t ion , original ly w ith felled trees . These sugges tPALLAVICINI : l iving in t he Vi cin i ty of pa les, palings , en closures ,as in the Engl ish Pale in Ireland . SO also STACK : l ivin g in a

s tocado, place s tak ed= STOCKWELL (Vi l le) , STOCKS , STOKES ,

STOCKER , STOKE, STOWELL (Hugh) for S tow v ille , abbreviatest o STEELE (Richard) . BOSTOCK (b ois) : Walthams tow (waldham s tow ). STOWE (David) a place staked out . COMSTOCKdw ellin g in a val ley. S teak (beef) carried on a stick . COP ESTAKES : s taked out for cheap


,market. Though COP P ER

F IELD (Dav id) : field where coppice,scrub

,is regularly cut :



plicable li teral ly t o on e l iving on low ground , figuratively toany on e in low spirits , and t o either sex ; hen ce w e find i t insome cases a man

s name , in others a woman’s . In the l i teral

force i t corresponds t o CAVAGNAC : dwelling in a ho l low :

CAVAN,HOLLAND : hol low land , and Hol low : hole low . V AN

LOO is the Dutch for MEADOWS (Ken ny) , and PRATT (O rson ) ,con . prado ,

paradise,prairie. PEDEN (Scottish wor thy) : a

clear plat, an open Space

= P ADDOCK,which abbreviates to


s fie ld=KINGSLEY (Charles). ButRAWLEY

,RALEIGH (Sir Walter) roe field

,lan d frequen ted by

roes . Roe : rough deer . ROEBUCK : rough buck . And DURLEY (looking so l ike deer field) dry field , the op. of SOFTLEY :

b og land : the cacOphon ic BUGG, when ce BUGBEE b og dw el lerMOSHEIM : home on the moss =MARSH. NOA (chess)

NUGENT : swampy ground , from N O : I swim. BUGBEE isposi t ively cor. t o BUGBED .

BASILEWSKY : king’s town .

“A gran d marriage is on thehorison O f the Fren ch aristocratic world , between M . le

C omte de Galve,brother of the Duke d

Alba, and cous int o the Empress , and the charming Madame Bravura,

daughterof Mr. Basi lewski

, who is famed in S t. P e t erb urgh as beingsome twen ty - five times over a mi l lionaire.” NO name bett eri l lustrat es the van ity and fastn ess of that time when Eugen i ewas queen of the fashion s . BRAVURA : fin ely clad lady.

“ The Lord will take away their bravery . Bravura appliesto a bri llian t s tyle O f sing ing, but as a secondary applicationof the word

,which belongs t o the eye—Bravo !

Fin e ! Fin e 1! Now fin ery is t o look upon . Rio Bravo fin e

river. BRAVO : a handsome man,BRAVURA : a beautifu l

woman .

VANDERKEMP (African mission s) : of the field . KEMP ENFELT : an open coun try

,champaign . A

KEMP IS (Thomas) : att


he fie ld=ATMOR,cor. AMOR. CAMP ION : a fighter in an open

eld .

His sword was in his sheath , his fingers h e ld th e pen ,

When Kempenf e l t w en t down , w ith twice four hun dre d men .

ASTLEY : east field . AUDLEY : O ld lan d , grass lan d latelyploughed. But ALLEN : a hound

,th en mean s swift

, sometimes applied to a stream , when to a man = P ODARGU S , LIGHTBODY, GALLETLY : i ts f em . is ELLEN .


(brought by Norman s) : birch field . BRIMLEY,BRINKLEY ’

fields on the brim , brin k of the sea= COSTLEY z coast leighthe great ORELLANA : meadow reaching from moun tain t op t oriver mouth , con . O ros a moun tain , and L lan o for Loco plan o :flat coun try . Nearly correspon ding to the Gaeli c U RQUHAR




U RKET : margin , long coast, and the Gal lic LARRIEUX,

LOCAL NAME S . 1 3 3

LARRIV E : Ripuarians , bank dw e l lers = the Saxon RIVERS ,CURRANT

, and the Span ish RIBAS. These suggest SORBY

(Sheffield) : dw elling on the shore = SANDS, when local.WINDSOR : winding shore. MERTON (and Sandford) : town on

a mere or sea= SEATON ,BALMERINO . HARTLEY : deer field .

HURLEY,HARLEY (when English) : hare field , but HARLEY

(Mc)ARLY (Irish) a form of Charley. LESLEY , LESLIE (le esley )meadow lan d LELAND (an tiquary) HOYLE , COWAN , CAVANAGH

(Bernard) , all CAVAGNAC : l iving on cavern ous land , con .

CAVOUR : cave dweller. MEADOWS,MEAD = P RITTY, from Mow ,

mead,meadow : lan d that is mowed . Seen to advan tage in

“ Barleymow .

”Mow gives the comparative more , and the

superlat i v e most , as though mow,mower

,moest. LEE




,and PRATT

,from Pratum : a meadow

,when ce

Prado , fashionable promen ade at Madrid—DUP RE : of themeadow : GREEN

,from grow

,MUSP RATT meadow on a moor .

DELAFIELD (brewery) of the fie ld= V ANDERKEMP . BANCROFT

(h istorian ) : bean croft. CROFT : cu ltivated with craf t , skill .TOFTS smal l farmer. N e toft , n e croft have I.

CALCRAFT (carn ifex) : kal e croft, some claim i t as a tradename , mean ing maker of caltrops, t o preven t advan ce of

cavalry. In former case CALCRAFT=WORTLEY z a cabbagegarden . Wort gives Wurtzel . SOFTLEY : l ivin g on boglan d: NOA




,MONEYP ENNY : at head

(pen ) of b og where peat s are cut. DENOVAN (dunavon ) :h i l l by s ide of s tream

,iden t ical with th e Irish DONOVAN

(Rossa) . GARV ON (Garrough) : rapid stream. DUNDEE :h i l l by the Tay ,

Dee . WYNN : whi t e =FINN . WENTWORTH :

wh i t e dwel ling made of pealed w i llows = CASABIAN CA, con .

DECAZES : of t he cottages , houses : VAN BUREN of the boor’


(houses) . Casa : a house , CHEESE, Chasuble : dress coveringw earer, as cottage does a dweller. Cot is iden tical withcoat : a cover

,hen ce COATES : dwelling at cottages . PETI

COTE : little cot tage =HU TT,P YCOT : cottager (by) . Cotswold

(hi l ls) : shepherds ’ huts on the w old= SHILLINGLAW ,from

Wald : a fores t, as th e w e lds were wood covered= Ida .

GARTH : an en closure (smal l) , con . girth , girdle , garter , garden ,

yard,the last being the length Of the king

s girdle. GARTSHORE : part of foreshore en closed . GARSCADDEN : en closuresused as cow pastures . AP P LEGARTH : an orchard : BAUM

GARTEN : beam garden . HYDE : as much as a yoke of ox encould plough in on e season ,

cal led SO because h idden by hedgerows . MALHERB (poet) : bad pastures , op . BONP LAND (compan ion t o Humboldt) : good land=DE LA VEGA : of the

flourish ing lan d, con . vege

- table,from Vigere : to flourish .

These =LYNCH and SLADE,


I t had be en be tt er forWilliam a’

Tren t

To have b e en abed w ith sorrow ,

Than t o b e that day in the gre enwood s ladeTo me e t w ith lit t le John ’

s arrow .

Though Lyn ch appl ies more accurately to meadow by a stream ,

as the Links Of Forth .

” Compare Will iam a’

Tren t withThomas a’

Beck e t . Sorrow for soren ess of body.

Many surn ames are derived from those who original ly borethem dwell ing on mounds

,h i l ls

, ormoun tain s , or living in or b e

longing to castles wh ich were gen eral ly bui l t upon such places.These carry the min d back t o a time of baron ial gran deur ,when castles were t oo O ften cen tres O f tyran ny, bu t becamethe nuclei of civi l ization , aroun d which the vil lain reared histhatched hut and the boor ti l led his garth

,whi le con stitution

alism was dawn ing in our cities . Il lustrative of such facts w ehave ALTAMONT , MONTALTO , MOWAT, MOET (and Chan don ) :high moun tain


,MONTMAGNY great moun tain

MORVEN , MONTFORT (S imon de) : s trong moun tain ,Te l - e l

Kebir Mon te fixo, when ce MU SCHET. HOHENZOLLERN

(Prussia) : high tol l h i ll , wh en ce black mai l was l evied fromtravellers . S imi larly TOLAND (deist) , a form of Tolan ,


man dy : applied t o lan d over which if men passed theywere tol led . MONTAGUE (moun t acute) sharp moun tain :

Spitzbergen : EGREMONT, and strangely in verted in ARGUMENT,a directory name ,

Con fe ssin g that he h imse lf was a Mon tacute ,An d bare th e arms that I dyd quart er on my scut e .

MONCUR, MONCURE (curt) : trun cated hill z RAFTOR . DUNLOP(Col in ) : hi l l at ben d of stream=BARSKIMNING,

SKIMMINGREACH, ENGSTROM : l iving at ben d of stream. DUNDAS :fallow deer hill . WINSLOW : battle tumu lus BARROW



LAMONT : the fortress , a baron . MONTES (Lola) : living in a

for t , a cast le =TERENCE (Latin and Irish) and TYRELL (Si rWal ter) , which latter becomes TRAILL . CAREY : castl e dweller


but CARUS : loved , cherished . MONTEJO (Coun tess de) : l i ttlemoun tain , smal l fortress . EUGENIE is also styled Coun tess deTeba. TEBA from Te banus a hi ll . TEBA tran slates MONTEJO.

MONTANUS : MOUNTAIN : (Mc)BEAN ,gives the fol lowing dims.

MONTU CCIO (Chin ese dictionary), MUNDELLA (MP ), MOTT.DELAMOTTE : of the hil l EMMONS : home on a moun t.MONTREY : royal moun tain =M0n treal . DYMOND for dumon t :of the moun tain = DE MONTI. Battle of the D iamon d , 1795 .

Diamond= Oron t es z a moun tain stream, con . O RESTES : a

moun tain eer . D IAMOND is from the river,and is therefore

un con . D iamond : a form O f adaman t : un con querable (as tohardn ess). HELMONT (chemist) spiral moun tain

, con . Il issush elix river. MONTFAUCON : moun t or castle frequen ted by


Hebrews .

“ The Horites in their moun t Seir. ’ Seir : roughwith bushes ,

like Sin (wildern ess of ) and S inai . The Horitesin Seir w ould be livin g like WEMYSS and HUME in Baden ochand Garioch . CARV OSSO : a cas t le . TORIJOS (marshal) TO RRICELLI (barometer) , CASTRIOTTO (George ) TYRELL : l i tt lecastle

, turre t = TU RRETIN ,TYRWHITT : w ood castle . CAREW

(castra eau) : castle on water . TURRACREMATA (cardinal) ,TORQUEMADA (inquisi tor) : burn t castle , in cremated towers .

Quemadero : the place for burn ing heretics , Madrid .

CASTELAR (orator) : a n ative of Castile . RATICAN : head of therath . RAT : a cast le dweller. RAFFLIN : red rath . CASTLEREAGH(rath) : king

s castle. N ew Castil e , N eufchat e l : N ew cast le .

O ld Casti le,Torres V edras = OLDCASTLE. TOWERS = TERENCE :

cas t le king, a baron . ROCHE (con . rock) : a man or house


place approachin g in stren gth t o a baron ial hal l . ROCHEFORT(Lan tern e) : fortified man or house MAINWARING



ROCHE : of the man or=DU ROCQU E . LEMAS , DUMESNIL :mansedwellers

,con . Maison a house , messuage. HOLDER : l iving in

a stronghold. STERNHOLD : ston ecas tle . HOLDEN (hol t) : woodedval ley COMSTOCK gives BOLDEN (ap) : son O f Holden . WILBERFORCE (eman cipator) : W ilburg

s foss,the tren ch O f Williams

t own . LOYOLA (Ignatius) and XAVIER are named from Span ishcastles . XAVIER is Moorish for glorious = CLEON . TRENCH(Chen ev ix ) l iving n ear an en tren chmen t =DYKES , the DutchVANDYKE : of the dyke , val lum,

wal l , and D IECKMANN.

D IGBY : dyke dwel ling. THIRLWALL (eon . drill,thril l) : where

the Roman wal l was broken through . WALLSEND : where thewal l of Adrian en ded . BRAND (when local) : a steep brae .BANKS=H1LLS


“ Ye banks and braes o’ bonn i e Doon . But

BANKIER : a banker , on e exchanging at a b en ch =DUCANGE :

O f change . Bankrupt : ruptured ben ch . BRANTON : town on

a st e ep= V AN BRUNT. BRUNTON : Brow n’s town . FINDLATER

(temptingly , l ike Fin : th e end, de : of,la : the ter : lan d

Finn ist erre ) : the white s lope, con . FINELLA : fair Irish lady


CORSTORP HINE : fai r Christopher. BLAIR : cleared of timber,

plain in a hollow = RODEN,FIELD , THWAITES . VASS (when

local) : a val ley. Consult VASA. VAUX : val leys,dalesmen .

DUNS (Scotus) , PENN (Penn sylvan ia) : Penn’

s w ood , (Mc)BEAN ,
















TAWSE (bai l ie) , RIGG , RUDGE (Barnaby) , STEIN ,STEINITZ (ch ess) ,

HOCHE (gen eral) , HOOK (Theodore) , HOORN ,HORN (gives Cape)

hil l dwel lers , or named in conn ection with heights,BIGELOW

WINSLOW (syrup) : furze h i l l . Tor : a

hi ll , con . Taurin i : hi l l dwellers,when ce Turin : city on a hil l .


Taurin i =He lve tn z hillsmen ,when ce HELVETIUS : a Swiss .

SNIV ELDY sn ow hill . DUNBAR fort on a hil l : HARDCASTLE .

S IDDONS (Mrs ) : south hi ll = SIDLAW. U TTERIDGE (atridge ) :l i ving at the h i l l. MONTMORENCY (con . S ierra Moren os) :dweller on the brown (l ing) hi ll , cor. to MUMMERY. DUNCANhil lhead

,gives (Mc)DONNACHIE,

wh ich becomes (Mc)CONNACHIE.

DODDRIDGE hil l . SHADLAW (shedlaw ) : a h il l dividingdis tri cts SHIERLAW . BRECKENRIDGE : bracken hil l , con .

BRACKENBURY z Fern ese Braes . SHERBOURNE : a brook dividing two parishes . SO SHERWOOD : boun dary forest. HINSHAW :

sh eltered behin d awood HINTON . WALKINSHAW (quoit s) woodthrough which is a path . SHILLINGLAW a hil l whereon are huts ,con . SHIEL : a hut , SCHILLER (poet) a cottier. South Shields :huts t o south . WARDLAW (Ralph) : a hil l on which watch isk ept

=BEACONSFIELD (betoken ,from t each) =FLAMESTEAD .

LAUGHTON (Sometimes) town on a hil l : KNOWLTON (pamphlet)HUGTENBU RGH (pain ter) , HILTON, FELSBERG, HAMMOND (ham


all l iving in town s on hi l ls. TOOGOOD (torr) : a frui tful hill .COLVILLE becomes COVILLE. HACKENBERGER : dw eller on a

hil l covered with hedges, con . HAGUE hedge dw el ler=HEDGES

: HEADLAND : a boor dwelling n ear a hedge at top O f field .

LAMBSHEAD : head of th e lan d. HEAD of lan d or wood , bu tsometimes phys ical . HOCHHEIM

,H IGHAM (Ferrers) , HYAM :

home on high ground . YELVERTON (maj or) : town where yaw lscome in

,smal l harb our : SKIFFINGTON = SHIP TON (mother) :

when n ot she eptown . Schaffhausen : ship houses , a portage .Every variat ion Of hil l seems to be discoverable in the

Lon don D irectory. We might almost cal l i t British geography.

Thus HORSFALL : a b il l for horse grazin g. KNOx , KNEE ,NEE

,NEEDHAM : home on a hill = SCAREDEV IL,


,but P ENCLU THA : C lyde

h ead . CLUTHA : lady of the C lyde . CRUMP ECKER : roun dhil l , con . GRUMBLE for GRUMBLE (crom peel) : circu lar tower.HARDACRE : field on a hi l ltop : INKP EN (Ing a meadow) .HARTSHORN : hil l frequen ted by deer . HARLOW : high hi ll .P IGFAT P IGFAT con . FABYAN : long John .

LIGHTSTONE : bright hill , n oted for beautiful sunsets . RAGGg ives R IGBY : hil l dw e ller= SHELDON . TORR

,TOE : a hi ll ,

TOWELL,TAWELL (quaker) : l ittle hi l l . HOGGP EN : high hil l

ALTAMONT. After the fol lowing n ames town is un derstood .


,WESTON : west, con . Vast :

the ocean w est of th e European con tin en t. But WESTLEY

(Charles) , n ot west field , being a form of WELLESLEY (Arthur)SP RINGFIELD . WAISTCOT : west cottage. NORTON N OR

BURY. SU TTON : soutt UDBURY. DALTON : dale : THAL10


BERG= COMP TON ,COMSTOCK : in a comb. TITCOMB (bishop) :

l ittle val ley. FANCOMBE : frequen ted by fawn s . FRANCOMBE

(frenum) : ash tree val ley. DUNCOMBE : hil l in a val ley .


s dale. BATTEUR= THRESHER COMBE ,COOMBE , COOMBES : a val ley, forms cumb, as Cumberlan d :

lan d of val leys . A poet of that coun ty says ,


s Cumwit ton , Cumwh in ton , Cumran ton ,

Cumran gen ,Cumrew , Cumcat ch ,

And mon y mair Cum s i ’ the coun ty ,But n in w i

Cumdurock can mat ch .

WELCOMBE : val ley where is n otable spring. BUNCOMBE (bon )HOP GOOD

,GEHAZI : valley of V ision s , beautiful sights ,

gives BUNKUM,when ce the American ism

,Bunkum : brag.

SLOCUM (P odgers) : S lough coombe,mud vale . P ODGERS :

poddy,big in the b ody =HOGARTH. COMMISKY (looking

like a Pole,is Irish) : watered valley : DALLAS (esk) , con

v ersely ,ESCOMBE . ISDALE : dale through wh ich a burn flows .

FALLAS : a hil l well watered . RANDALL,RANDLE : roun d val ley .

FEATHERSTONHAU GH (lon gest En glish name) town of

Fri thestan,in the val ley. FRITHESTAN : most free , gen erous ,

l iberal. MAXWELL : St. Maccusvi l le =MAXTON . MACCUS : theMac : son

, i .e. ,first born son . HOWLAND : h i l l land=KOhistan .

DALHOUSIE (e sk ) : field at corn er of water . RUSHTON , RISHTON :town amon g rushes =RU SHBURY. RUSHOU T (hut ) : a co t tageamong sedge . KERSE a rush

,l iving amon g.

“I don ’t care a

curse off a common .

” DENMAN : val ley dw el ler . EATONHEATON , HATTON : on a heath

,though sometimes EATON

WATERSTON , at others a Hessian .

TWISTLETON (twa) : n ear boundaries of Englan d and Scotlan dBORTHWICK , BORWICK ,

MARWICK (march) : border vi llages ,con . V icus : a V i l lage

,giving WICKS : a V i l lain

,vi llager , when

n ot local , mean s active,l ive ly

= QU IGG. MARQUIS : who hascharge of th e marches , con . MARCHIONESS .Murcia (Spain ) , Mercia (Englan d) , MERSEY boun ding riverORR

,when ce O RUM : home on the boun dary river. MAR

WOOD : boundary woos HERWO OD : dividing fores t . Mar

c omann i : men defen ding the marches . BISMARCK (prin ce) :end of bishop’s j urisdiction

,as Gravesend : where the Sheriff

of Lon don ceases t o have jurisdiction,and Denmark : Dan e ’s

boun dary. MARGRAVE : the march greve, con . REEVES , GRAVES ,

BISLAND : bishop’

s glebe . TWISS : wearing a tw ist ed sash ,

ornamen tal belt, a warrior w i th his loin s girded , preparedun to batt le . TWI (birth n ame) a twin

, con . TWISS and twice.2 becomes t , as Wein er Zei tung : Vienna Tidings , the AustrianTimes. Seen , too, in Zw ibruck en : two b ridges

=Deux Pon ts .

CAXTON (prin ter) Cage’

s town . GRANTON : town on a green ,


Ford from Faran : to go , when ce Ferry. ATHOL : rockford .

ARROL : high rock . BURFORD : ford to town famed for beer ,over the Win drush . CRAWFORD (Caerford) : castle ford , mistaken for crow ford. STAFFORD : stream passed by help of a

leaping pole. STRATFORD (strait) : n arrow ford . D ISBURYfrom D iss

,Norfolk. BECCLES (bishop) : beck , brook runn ing

through leaS=BROOKLANDS. CAJETAN (cardinal) : from Caj eta,

n ow Gaeta. CATALINE (con spirator) : Cati llon , on T iber.JANEWAY (

s token s) : man of Gen oa. LUBBOCK (S ir John ) : ofLubeck . L IGUORI of Liguria. BRABY , BRABNER , BRABENDER men of Braban t. NAP OLEON : of Naples . SALMASIU S

(op. O f Mi lton ), SEYMOUR : Of Semur, f or S t. Maure in Fren chFlan ders . Some have Semur (sin e muros) without wal ls , andget SEYMOUR from sew ,

when ce seamer, seamstress , semmit. .

SEMMET, a trade name. O ne may be from the place and an

other from trade,on ly pedigree can decide . SOMERS :man of S t.

Omers . “ There is not a town in Norman dy which has n ot

given name to some English fami ly.

Person s were n amed after their residen ces by non - residen ts.LUMNER : Lon don er

,used a cen tury sin ce by Yorkshire

dalesmen to indicate on e of their n umber who had vis itedthe metropolis . What would i t sign ify in Whitechapel !

LUMNER= LU NDIE (traitor), written in O ld charters de Lun diea London derry n ame

,though its i l l Odour there has expelled

i t therefrom. BORDELAY from Bordeaux . MARSIGLI (writeron Hydrostatics) : from Marseil les . Marsei l laise (hymn )sung by deputies from Marsei l les . BRIDGES (algebra)Bruges , con . our Brigt on and BRIGGS. JERVIS (admiral)Gervaise in Fran ce

,gives Jarvey a coachman . Some fami lies

in sist in deriving from Gar : a spear,and Fuss : impetuosi ty,

but Gervaise may be that and give name t o place. TOLETU S

(Span ish ecclesiastic) from Toledo. BALB I (Span ish - Jewish ) :man of Babylon , son of the capt ivi ty = ZERU BBABEL : seed of

Babylon , hen ce BALBOA (navigator) . WURMSEE (gen eral) : ofWorms =DE WORMS (Greenwich). P ARRHASIU S (alchemist) ,PARRIS : O f Paris . But PARIS (Ida) : under the protection ofIs is (goddess). CELSUS (sceptic) : high , lofty , may be local orsocial , PARACELSUS (alcoho l) : very high . DANVERS is De Anvers Of An twerp

, and An twerp : at wharf. LUCCHESI (sculptor) : Lucca. PISANO : Pisa. Gournay , Norman dy , givesGURNEY , mean ing sometimes Spear n ew . BRIMER (Toron to)braes Of Mar

, a disguised M‘Gregor. CORIOLANUS : man of

Corioli .

Therefore b e it kn own ,

As to us , to all the world , that Caius MariusW ears th is war’s garlan d : in token O f whi chMy n oble ste ed , kn own t o the camp , I give him ,


With all his train be longing : and from th is t ime ,

For what h e did be fore Corioli , call h im,

With all the applause and clamour of the host ,Caius Marius Coriolanus .

Ilium,Troy’s citadel , gives the great n ame IULUS (puer)

when ce JULIUS. “ Julius, a magn o demissum n omen Iulo.

Therefrom we have Castra Julia : camp O f Julius , gi vesTrogiliuni , better known as Trux i l lo. JULIAN (apostate) son

o f Julius = CCESARION . Juliodumun : fort of Julius,gives

LOUDON (Poitou), sugges ting CHILHAM (Ken t) home of Julius ,n early = FREJU R for Frej us , for Frejules, for Forum Juli i :

market town O f Jul ius . Hen ce also JULIEN (Operatic king) ,JULES (Favre) , the mon th July, is lan d Jersey, Gil ly : flowerblooming i n July

,suggest ing Gen i tans : Jun e eatin g’s (apples) ,

JULIA ending with JILL (Jack and). From Caesar we haveXeres

,in Spain ,

when ce Sherry. TROILUS (and Cressida) : athorough Trojan ,

compounded of Troy and Il ium,city and

citadel, so a Trojan Of the Trojan s. Caiapha, at the foot of

Carmel , taken by the Crusaders A.D . 1 2 1 5 , gave CAIAP HAS

(Joseph) .“ High Priest for that year. Migdol : a watch

tower , gives Magdala in the Decapol is , and the acropol is O fTheodore O f Abyssin ia, when ce MAGDALEN (Mary) . Kir : a.wal l , Ki rioth wal ls , fortified , ISCARIOT : man of Kirioth

,on ly

apostle n ot a Gali lean . MAGDALEN gives MAUDLIN (col lege) ,Maudlin : wersh and whin ing can t , Magdalena (river) ,MAUDSLEY : field dedicated t o


Mary Magdalen,but MAUD

(queen ) from MATILDA : mai d of H i lda. JEBUS place troddendown =MAACHAH : the Scotch PEDEN, the English BOTTOM

(beat) , the Ital ian IMOLA and CAMP OBASSO . Jebus and Salempeace , give Jerusal em.

“ The man would not tarry that n ight,

but he rose up and departed , and came over agains t Jebus,

which is Jerusalem. Sometimes tortured in to Hierosolyma :

holy peace , at expense of history and languages. MAULE :Thor

s hammer man, applied t o priest who broke the spin e of

a human V ictim w i th a hammer on a blood ston e (al tar) ,shortens to MALE , giving MELVILLE : town O f

Mal e,and that

may mean dwel l ing of Thor’

s priest. In some cases MALE . a

pain ter.The Savona river gives t he martyric name SAVONAROLA. Sav

ona con . Savanna : a meadow,the river ban k being luxur ian t

th e i llustrious Scotch preacher’s name IRVING : a stream hav

ing v erdan t banks . CAIRNEY, KEARNEY (Kate, the pride of

Ki l larn ey) : a river run n ing by a n otable cairn . Cairngorm :

blue moun tain , cairn Shaped .

“ The blue moun tain s glow inthe sun ’s golden l igh t .

” From Cai rn the Fren ch CARNAC :place of cairn s , b ut th e Hibern ian CARNEGIE is warlike , meaning V i ctorious. Yet PITCAIRN (Gaelic) : cairn n ear a quarry


: P ITT : MANBY (captain ) : dwel ling n ear a m in e. CAMERONvibrates between local and personal


If the former : curvedproj ection on a river , if latter : crooked n ose . Cam : crooked

(river), when ce Cambridge , and Camel , an other crookedstream. Cam also gives Akimbo (arms). Camera : a

chamber,curved roof, when ce CAMERARIU S = CHAMBERLAIN

Crom : curved,gives CROMBY : crooked stream : Kishon bow

shaped . ABERCROMBY (S ir Ralph) : mouth of the Crombie .

CROM,CRUM (Ewing) , CRAMB : ston es placed in a curvi lin ear

form f or the worsh ip Of Baal , Crom , or T i -mor : great godO f this origin CRUMLISH

,CRUMLY : Crom

s fie ld . CrumDura,

plain s of. DOUGLAS : dark gray (stream) , con . GLASSapplicable to a grey - eyed man or t o a stream. KINGLASS :

head of river= P ENCLU THA,P ENFOU ND (T) , and PENGELLY.


red head . Water and the eye are conn ected physical ly,ideal ly , and as t o language . En : a well

,also mean s an

ey e .

“ Tamar pu t her widow ’

s garmen ts from her, an d cov

ered her w i th a veil,and wrapped herself

,and se t in

eyn im : the place of eyen,where men cast amorous

glan ces,sheep ’s eyes . Our letter O is con . Eau : water.

The eye is A in (Heb ), Ops O cu lus (La ) , O cchio (It ) ,Ojo (Sp) , O ei l O in (Cel tic , iden tical with Hebrew).Hen ce Og z t o look , Ogle : t o look boldly ,

which addin g gogives Goggles : eyes on the go, rol l in g . GOGGLE is an actualfami ly name . Compare O ei l and W el l . Now Eye



O are philological ly on e , and Well differs therefrom but l i ttle ,five hundreds of years Sin ce i t was spelled O e ll . AS we ge tG from the camels head and n eck

,h ierog lyphically , Camel ,

Gimel , so we may have O from the well. Notice N O pun steris al lowed after reading the afore written t o say O He maysay ay e ! But O CELLA : a man with l i t tle eyes


Loe yon der doth Erle Douglas com e ,

His men in armour brigh t ,Full twen ty hun dred Scot t ish Spe re s

All march in g in our Sigh t :Al l m en of pleasan t TivydaleFast by the river Twe e de .

Then ce ase your sport s , ’ Erle P ercy said ,An d take your bows w ith spede .

DUFFUS : dark stream = BLAC‘KWATER an d DONOVAN,when

th e don is n ot a form of Dun . DUFFERIN (lord) dark third,

a por t ion er of b og lan d . Glass may mean grey,water


stream , GLASS : man l iving n ear it,ice

,glass or grey - eyed


when ce GLASSP OLE (pool) . RUTHVEN : red riv er (con . DENOV AN) : Rub icon Rio Co lorado .

“ Lord Ruthven,pale and

haggard from recen t i lln ess,and l ike a corpse in armour



GRUNDY GRUND : l iving on low groun d MAACHAH ,LOO ,

THURLOW : Thor’s val ley. SHU FFLEBOTTOM : shaw field dal e ,a wood in a field in a bottom. RAMSBOTTOM : a dal e inwhich a kin d of on ion flourished that was cal led rhom ,


win ding dale = V ALLETORT, SHOEBOTTOM : smal l wood in a

val ley. TWISDEN : double dale , twa , tw i ce , tw i s. WINTERBORN :win ding burn = CARRON and WINTERBACH. BOTTOM diff ersl ittle from FOOTE and ORISP U S : l iving at foot of hillsLOWTHER and MOFFAT. FOOTHEAD : head .of the val leyPERCY

,PERCIVAL. BOWDEN (booth den ) : dwel ling in a val ley ,

con . BOOTH (gen eral , Beth , Bed , Abode , Abad , BOWERSand BOTHWELL : abode of Gaels , strangers


GALLOWS : the Gaul’s or strangers’ haugh . HADDEN : haugh

den : BOWDEN . SWINEHO E : haugh frequen ted by swin e :SWINFEN : hog bog. MARSDEN : marshy valley



S boggy dale = SOFTLEY : where theground sucks in BUGG

, NOA,NASSAU. TILDEN lime tree dal e,

T ILLINGHAST : l ime tree wood. EADEN,EDEN , DENNY (eau) :

val ley through which a stream flows=RODNEY,ISDALE , COM

M ISKY . But the Bible Eden : pleasure , gives ADONIS and

Aden on Red Sea. The foregoing con trast with DRYDEN.

HOWDEN : haugh den . HO : a haugh . SU GDEN = SWINDELL '

val leys frequen ted by swin e . DENMAN (l ord) : a dal esmanTHAL , DEANE. But ADEAN : at the dale . CAMDEN (an ti

quary ) : where a camp has been . LAGDEN : low lyin g val leyLOGAN

,LAGAN . WALDEN : forest in a val ley. Den , D in

gives D INGLE : l ittle den ,

In di ngles de ep an d moun tain s hoar,O ft with th e bearde d spear,

They combat t e d th e tusky boarAnd slew the angry bear.

Such a hun tsman a thousan d years ago was cal ledCHACEP ORC ,


,or MAHONEY. SELDEN (an tiquary) : spacious

valley : Strathmore . COBDEN (corn ) : P ERCIVAL head of theval ley. VANNER : a valesman : VAU




D IE (sometimes) : house in a plain , a low lander= P LATT ,PEDEN

(at others) an embroiderer , a subtle weaver if Mi lesian,

spelled BRODY opulen t= JESSE (of Bethlehem). A man migh t

be forgiven for supposing BLANE to be local con . Dumblan eJessie the flower of ”) and : CLARENDON : blan k O f trees

, but

i t is con tracted from Bel Agn eau (Fran co - Culdee) beautifullamb (Jesus) , con . LAMB who carried lamb standard , when ceLAMMIE. In some cases these are n urse names of en dearmen t.BELLARMINE (theologian ) of the order of kn ights of the ermin e


compounded with Bell ; beautiful . LUNDT , LANDT,LU ND


DOR (Savage) , LOWNDES are forms of lan ds. THWAITES,

LOCAL NAME S . 1 4 5

SWAITE and Brooklyn : broken land= NEWLAND : n ew ly cul tivat ed, the op . O f AUDLEY. O ur Den : a val ley is formed on

S tan : a coun try , as Be lochistan : poor coun try , barren . Perist an : fai rylan d , peris . Pales tin e coun try O f shepherds , Ph i l ist in es . Syria is Suristan : coun try of Soor , Tyre, and Tyre a

rock , Zur as ZU RSHADDAI whose rock is the A lmigh ty . TANS EIN (Stan S inoe) a Chinaman . That wh ich grow s over themusician Tan - Sein .

” TANAGRA (daughter O f Eolus) , f or S tanGraii : Greek lan d , He len ist ic lady. THANA -LARTIA (V en us) :lady own ing the coun try. Lart ia f em. of LARS : a lan dlord


wh en ce Byron’s hero LARA , and

“Lares e t lemures . Tin gitan ia : coun try about Tangiers . Lusitan ia (Portugal) : lan d of

N Z. Luz : the hazel . Suggests Cal ton hazeln ut t own , Dun

keld : hi ll of hazel bushes = Luz where Jacob dreamed . THANE :S tan (lan d) holder , con . Than et. FIRDU SI (Persian poet) parad ise. Firdusi

,al though his ow n n ame was taken from para

di se, usual ly employs for i t on ly the word behhi scht .” Paradise :

watered garden , con . PRE , PRATT , P RITTY,Prairie


Let us take to water again . TORRANCE (when n either fromTor : hi ll

,n or Turra : a tower) a torren t, a lan d flood

, con . Terrae arth , lan d , coun try =BORROMEO (St. Charles) : l iving at theb ore z CURRANT. STORAR : great wat ers = P i son

, con . STORY :

g reat. Storm : great rhime , S torthing : great gathering oft h inkers

,for think and thing is the same thing. TYNDALE

( tran slator) , TYNDALL (scien tist) : dale of the Tyn e. TWEDDLE :Tweed dal e. WADDELL

,WADDLE :Wear dale (Yorks) . WEAR


WEIR,WARE : a waterfall

,that wards , guards the river from

floods,n early like LADE, LAIDLAW. Sometimes Ware

,and i ts

variation s from De Vere,when a war name : defen der


who prot e cts =MUNTZ But Waddle : to walk from s ide t os ide , is from Wade : to pass through water

, and that fromWeed : long grass

,passin g through . DROUIN DE LHUYS

(diplomatist Fr.) Drouin of the s luice. S imi lar t o SLUSEand GUSH . DROUIN true w in

,fair con queror . So DELES

CLUSE (ex clusa) O f the S lu ice , that which excbudes,shuts out

water. SURTEES : upon the Tees. Aufidus,a river of south

I taly,gives Aufidius .

Se e him pluck Aufidius down by the hairAs ch ildren from a bear, th e V olc es shun n ing him .

Sul the south ,from Sol : th e sun

, as Puerta del Sul = SOU THGATE

,gives SOLE, SOLANO (Lopez) : a southron : SOU THEY

(laureate), SOU TH= SURR,SOTHERN (Dun dreary) , Teman i t e

(from Terran,Yemen : th e south , con . BENJAMIN) . Deccan :

south (India). SOLDENE : southern lady. PLIMSOLsouth of P lym. The win d Solan o

,n ot from Sol : the sun .

W inds are named by the people from their observed direction,


and n ot by philosophers observing their origin . Solan o corresponds t o L ibecchio : L ibyan w ind= Africus , and mean s thesouth win d . Sul also gives SOUL

, SOU LE = DEAS , all sou thron s .

SUTHER (bishop). SUTHERLAND : south of Norway. N EWSKY

(Russ ian ) : town on th e Neva. SUDANOWSKY : south of the

Danube.A mult itude like wh ich th e populous n orthP our

d n ever from h er frozen loin s , to passTh e Rhen e or Dan aw .

Tober , Tiber (in the Celtic) : a spring, well , or streamflowing therefrom. Thus Tobermory : w el l of B . V . MaryMotherw el l . T iber : a stream

,a river , which was also cal led

Albula= Elb e,from i ts whiten ess , and Ruma

,because of cattl e

rumin ati ng on i t s banks , in w hich Ruma : Buchan,the Scotch

correspon din g wel l w i th Italy,V i tul ii

,suggestive of catt l e,

and much the same as Beot ia,Boii . Tiber person ified gives

TIBERIUS (uios) : son of the god TIBER, when ce Tiberias citynamed in hon our of the emperor wh i ch gave n ame t o lake .From RUMA the tw in s REMUS and ROMULUS

,the latter being

the dim . he probably was the smal ler baby. We may translate their n ames son s of Ruma . The imperial word Rome :ci ty on the Ruma (as certain ly as Cambridge from the Cam)gives Rouman ia


Morea (for Romea) , Erzeroum :

lan d of the Roman ,Romaic (modern Greek) , Rommany

(Gypsy language) , Roman ce (language O f southern Fran ce).ROU STAN O f the Roman coun try.

BURNS (in some fami lies) : smal l streams,rivulets . BARNET

(battl e of ), BURNET (bishop) , BECKETT BARNWELL :a sprin g where the bairn s (young men ) me t for gymnas t i cexercises . But BARNUM (showman ) : home n ear a barn


field labourer. COBURN,COCKBURN (some authors giv e


GLASHAN,Donnybrook (fair) , BECK ,

BACH,BACKIE : brook ,

s tream or streamlet . In America w e meet w i th BACK .

VANDERBECKEN : of the b rook = the Irish TULLY an d FLOOD ,simi lar t o BORROMEO : l iving w here the water occasional lyrushes in

,as w e Speak of the Bore of the Gan ges . BICKER

STETH (Tatler) : st ation at a brook . HEP BURN : h edge burn ,

simi lar t o BROCKLEHURST : brook passing through a wood .

BACHMAN =BRO OKS ==BECK,last combin ing t o form CLUTTER

BUCK : clear brook ,the op. of Stour stirred up

,muddy , STUR

TON (town on ) the S tour . The German s have Bach as GRIESBACH (biblical critic) , for Grossbach =FULBRO OKE STORAR :

great water . ACHENBACH : brook flow ing by oak s : V VALD

BROOK . Herr A chen bach has produced Men delsohn’

s S t.Pau l in a dramatic form at Dusseldorf.” MEERBACH a brookrunn ing in to the sea. BOLINGBROKE (sceptic) : smal l wood


S trom,as S tromn ess : stream is land , proj ection in to bore :

Spithead . Maelstrom : mi l l stream. STROMIER=RIV ERS ,RIBAS


, con . RACE : where waters rush . ANKARSTROM

(assassin ) : stream in which ships an chor. GOLDENSTROM :

gold flowing : Chrysorhoas . STOCKENSTROM Brave,i f justly

a stoke (place s taked out ) n ear a stream. ENGSTROM :

angle O f stream. PEMBROKE (pen ) : a hil l wi th brook at foot ,con . PENNANT : head of val ley

= P ERCIVAL. DESAIX (aqua) :of waters =WATERS , con . A ia—la - Chape lle : waters of th echapel . (Mc)LACHLAN , (O )LOCHLIN ,

LACHLAND : lake lan ddw el lers

,sometimes applied to the natives Of Norway. LEWIS

(when local) : lake lan d (islan d). SUTHERLAND : land southof Norway : north way , road t o pole . STAMFORD


s ton y ford , ston es placed to aid in fording. STANBACK : a

stony brook = Abana, from Eben : a ston e . RUTHERFORD :ford of the Ruther , tribe of Tweed , SO cal led from gravel colouring= SANDFORD (and Merton ) . STRATFORD (le bow ) : streetford

,O ld Roman road. STAFFORD : stream forded by leapin g

with a pole .P embroke and S tafi

ford, you in our b ehalf,

Go , levy men an d make prepare for war.

FORD =WADE, con . In vade : to go in to. FINNEY (American

divin e) : f en wat ers =MARSH, MAR SHAM. WELLER (Sam) : agul f where the water wel ls , boi ls up. WHALLEY fieldwith a spring in i t. NV ELLHAU SEN (cri tic) : a spring O f watersupplying houses PAGAN , con . WELCOMBE , WALLOP . In

v ulgar fact these were V i l lage pumps , person s l iving n ear.Pege : a foun tain (Bedao ecc ge : leaping out of the earth) ,gives PEGASUS : winged horse of the Muses whose heel by a

kick laid open a spring. When Christian i ty was making wayin the cities and great cen tres of population

,rustics sti l l stood

by the O ld supersti t ion which therethrough was call ed Pagan ismfrom Pagan i : vi llagers , from Pege : a well , those who gatheredroun d the V i l lage pump. Heathen : e thn oi , nation s n ot Jew s ,

gauy i in , strangers . PAGAN assumes the forms PAYNE, con .

Pagan ism an d PAINE (Tom) . CHOLMONDELEY : cold moun tfield , cor. t o CHUMLY = COLLO P : cold hope = CALDICOTT andBALFOUR .

By : a place , as Bye - laws : local regulation s,gives KIRBY

(natural ist ) : kirk V i l lage . CROSSBY (ari thme t ic ian ) : dwellin gn ear a cross . DERBY (gen eral ly pronoun ced DARBY, as in

Darby M‘Guire) : dwel ling on the Derwen t. CROSSLEY


CRUTCHLEY : field where a cross is erected t o do s tation s by,

con . CRU CIGER (reformer) : cross bearer , a crusader. “ Lutherwas accompan ied by Me lan c thon


, and Jonas .

HARLECH (men of ) : long ston e. LECKIE : ston ey. AU CHIN

LECK : stony field , gives AFFLECK ,when AFFLECK is Saxon :


immaculate , un spotted , wi thou t a f li ck . STANLEY (Pen rhyn )s ton e field the great Fren ch LA PEYROUX : the stony.

PENRHYN : head of promon tory = Spi t li ead. STEEN , STEIN : ah i l l

,rock ,

ston e. ARNSTEIN : eagle hill . But STONE (sometimes) : blood s ton e , sacrificial al tar. E INSTEIN : on e ston e

(boun dary). ALSTON : old b oundary. FRANKENSTEIN : rockfortress of the Franks. VANDERSTEEN : of the h ill =Hi LLs.



,FOLY : of the rock . FALSHAW ROCKWOOD.

ROKESBY : dw el ling on the rock s = DUHALDE : of the st ronghold . VANDEMAN (islan d) : of the min e , con . Man chestercamp quarry. VALLENSTEIN : rocky val ley STANHOP E.

STANDISH (Mi les) : rock surrounded by water (esk) , dwell ingon . AVALLANO : hazel valley. LEICHTENSTEIN : l ight ston e.

WEISENSTEIN : white hil l WHITELAW. STAINES : ston esl i ving at b oundary =LAMARCK. VANHOUTEN : Of the woodBUIST

,DE LA BOST. VANDEVEER : at the ferry O VER.

VANDUZER : dwelling by the shore = SANDS when i t is local .EEKHOUT OAKWOOD an d BOYACK .

WINK, WINKs , WINKLE : field corn er , lan d gushet, l iving at

corn er house = ENGELS . RIP V AN WINKLE : Rip of the corn er.RIP (from Ripa : a bank . Ripurarian (Franks) : l iving on

Rhin e banks. A rrive : to reach the bank by swimming orsail ing). BANKS : bank dwel ler. BENTHAM (Jeremy) : ben thome

,dry grass stalks. BENTLEY (lexicograph er) : ben t field ,

l iving in . LANGHAM , LANGTON (S teven ) : lon g stragglingv i l lage .

MARSHAM (Mrs ) home in amarsh MOSHEIM (historian an d

the op. of DRAYTON (P olyolb ion ) : withou t wells . P olyolb ion :

much about Britain . DRAYTON an swers t o DRYBURGH :

i ll supplied w ith water. MOSSMAN = P ETMAN ,P ETLEY


(when n ot formed on Moses) : residing on turf lan d . MOSSCROP ,

MOSSCRIP turf cutter . MUSP RATT : meadow on a moss.Moss trooper : gal loper over the moss . MO SS =HEENAN

, CORK(and sometimes) Ross , BUGG : b og brothers . DIV ORTY : l ivin gin a turf thatched hut . CESP EDES (Span ish Gen eral) : residen ton un cul tivated ground= the foregoing , and such as FERNEY


FARNIE,FARNWORTH : fortified place on fern lan d . FU RNIVAL :

fern ey val ley. HEATH,L ING



and HEDDERWICK : heath er dwel ling. BOOTH,BOWTELL (in

some fami l ies) BATTLE : dwelling place , both ie , con . Bethlehem:

house of bread , DALBETH : dwelling in a dal e, BOTHWELLBALLINGALL,

A llahabad : God’s dwelling , Khorsabad : Cyrus ’

dwelling,Bedstead : place of . CORREGGIO (pain ter) : kin g

’shouse (casa) , con . CANOVA LACHAISE(pere) : the house =HOU SE ,

common in En glan d . MALTHUS(Malthusian ) : mal t house. BACCHUS (if local) : bake house ,born in ,

or there dwelling. DUFFUS : pigeon cot . House forms


Hustings : l itt le house , Hussy : house wife . HOU SE = LACH~

AISE,MAISON. HOU SEGO : house joy . Wic for Vicus : a

dw el ling place,gives FENW ICK Vi l lage in th e f en s =MARSHAM ,


, con . BERWICK forAb erwick : Vi l lage at Tweedmouth .

YORK (captain ) YORRICK (poor) : U rew ick , on the Ure , an dURE : boun din g stream ORR as O rwel l : dividing brook .

O RUM : home on the O rr. BEVIL (beau) , when n ot from bois: Bristol : bright stow WINTHROP

,SHEEN , Nain . WADS

WORTH : amon g wad,wh ere lead ore is foun d . WADDY

(Samuel ) : wad field . WORDSWORTH (Ex cursion ) : among rankvegetation : WARTON (MP ) and WORDIE

,when n ot a boas ter.

THORP : a Vi l lage wh ere roads in tersect, whereat a cross was

erected, con . THWAITES : a clearing

,TWYSDEN : double dale ,

and CARFAX : four roads . In German ,Dorf. SIBTHORP

(colon el ) : Sigb ertsthorp. SIGBERT : glorious con queror. CALTHORP : cold dw e lling

z th e High lan d BALFOUR and COLLOP .

AP THORP : abbot’s house = TABBEY at the abbey. NEWDORF

NEWTON . ZINZENDORF (coun t) : t in smi th’

s t own . TISCHENDORF (

“ Codex Sinait icus carpen ter’

s V i llage . FAIRCLOTH :

beautiful clough,pin e glen =HO P GO OD . CLOUGH forms CLOW ,

The Du t ch form is K loof,as BLOOMENKLO OF : flowery glen ,


a dungst ead,mean s m iddle O f property wherein was deposi ted

what was useless in the house z Triv ial (tres v ia) : three crossroads wh ere scraps were flung.

HAMILTON (haugh mi l l town ) : a town having a mi l l in a

haugh . Haugh gives HO,HAWES=DENMAN . SOHO : Shaw

haugh . HAWLEY : field in a haugh . We meet with HAUGHfor HAGUE


,but HAYMAN a h edger

and ditcher . The Hibern ian CINNAMON : O ld turf dw el ling ona moor= DIV ORTY. MU IRHEAD = P ANMU RE and BROMHEAD


c on . P ENCO IT : woodhead . LAMBSHEAD for lan ds - head . HEADLAND , cor. HEADLAM : head of land , ploughed , applied t o a

squatter who pitched his hut at the hedgerow at field t op.

MOFFAT (Bosj esman s) : moor foot. MORP ETH : path across themoors. MORLEY : moor fie ld=HATHERLY


LANDELLS , when n ot from Lann : a church,temple

,en closure

LANYON : l ittl e en closure = CLOSET, con . Lan des, on Fren ch

coast. AMOR : at the moor. MULHOLLAND : mil l of the li ttl ewood . LLOYD : grey or ex tended sea,

l iving n ear= MORGAN,

VANDUZER, and VON REAUMER, and BYTHESEA : a shorefoun dling. But SHORE (Jan e), con . sewer , sen eschal : h ighs ervan t. SAUMAREZ : sal t marsh . SHIELS (Lalor) : hutswhere person s are sh ielded . GREENSHIELDS : huts amon gtree s = SHELTON

, SHELDON ,HUTTON (algebraist) : l iving in a

vi l lage of huts COATS and VAN BUREN . HAMMOND,EMMONS :


ing t o t he edge Of th e sea= BRIMLEY,EVELETH , COSTLEY,

SORBY :shore dwellers VANDU ZEE . From Llan o an d Magn us,

MAGELLAN (magellan i c clouds) : great p lan e. Phao : I sh in e,

gives Pharos a l igh t house , Shin er, when ce Ferre l , FAIRHEAD :headlan d where there is a l igh t house , born n ear . MEERS


MERRICK (mere wick) Vi l lage n ear mere or sea= BALMERINO,

SEATON, SAY : sea n ear . When SAY is Fren ch maker of

armour padding, con . Soi e : s i lk . D ITCHEN : Of the Itchen

(river) = TICHBOU RNE (claiman t) . POOL , PALLAS , GLASSP OLE :l iving on lan d watered by pools . BARRAS : l iving at edge O fwood , at a barrier= EDGEWO OD . In some cases BARRAS=BERRYER : man at barriers t aking toll =DELAP ORTE : of the gate ,con . LOCKP ORTE : who had charge of a city gate , and DELAP LACE : a freeman , having gate l iberty.

SEIDLITZ (powders) , S IEGEL (mother) a settler,squatter ,

n ewly arrived emigran t = NEAL. INGERSOLL (colon el) palatialabode having a portico en try , con . En tre - sol z GRESHAM ,


LACHAISE : the house. Some names assume almost a comicaspect, as P EASOOP ,

which is n othing more than a hope in w hichpeas are cu ltivated . SO ESSIP (ais , esk) , which becomes ESOPa hope through wh ich water run s . P ETICOTE : l i ttle cottage.P YCOT : a hu t. RAD : l iving at or n ear a rath , to wh ich belon gthe names RAT ,


,castle dwellers : CAREY.

RATICAN : head of the rath =KENEALY . RAFFIN : white rath .

RYNO , RYNN spit of lan d runn in g in to sea= SP ITE . SHILLINGSWORTH : fortified huts (shiel) on a meadow .

U TTERMARE : coming from beyon d the sea. From Ecclesias :a church , we derive EAGLESHAM =KIRKHAM ,




,and EELS

mean in g a church ! INCHES , the paren t of many a jokeINNIS, INCE : an is lander . BUGBEE is on ly b og dwell ing (by).YETT is on e l iving n ear a park gate . FANE (n ot from Fanum :

a temple) : BAIN : fair , giving FANEU IL (hal l) : l i ttle Fan e .

MAXUM : MAXWELL : the abode of MACK : the son . LONGWORTHY, LANGTRY (Mrs) , LONGSTREET : long straggling dwel lings . GOODENOUGH (haugh) THOROUGHGOOD (thal - er)fru itfu l val ley. FOGO , FOGG MEADOWS, PRATT , GRCENEV ELT :green field .

AS already seen , Norman dy supplies Englan d with a largeproportion of names , as DANGERFIELD , cor. from D


ANGER : man of Anjou. HOMER is from St. Omers , as isSOMERS. Blois gives BLISS (burn t) . BASKERVILLE (NormanIrish) for BACQUEVILLE : town on a stream

, con . Beck : a

brook , when ce BECKETT, cor. to PICKETT. BEWS (when n ot

from Hugh) is from Bayeaux . BELLEW : beautifu l waters ,gives BELLOWS . BOYLE (phi losopher) , BULLIS (bois vi lle) :WOOTTON . DEVINE (Norman Irish) is from Wil liam DEVIN :


L NAME S . 1 5 3

o f the vin es VIGNOLES . VARDEN (Dol ly) , FARTHING (ver dun )GREENHILL

,Vermon t

,VALD ELOGE : s t rong dwelling, cor. t o

FULLAI.O V E , and con . with lodger. IRONS (Joseph) from A iran ,

in Normandy = our Govan : smi ths ’ town . KIRK (when n ot

Scotch) l i ving n ear an oak (quercus). MILLION is from Melin,

Norman dy. MONEYP ENNY (magn epe in e ) : l ivin g on lan d takinggreat pains t o cul tivate. MOTON town on a mound


cor. t o MOTION .

PETO : man of Poi tou , when ce also POINTER. PORTWINE,

from Poi tevin . WARBOYS STAG-NO= POND

, cor. t o STANHOW ,wh i le POND con torts t o POUNDS .

TOLER : tower dwe l ler=RAT ,CAREY. HUSSEY is a directory

name from HOUSE : l iving in the prin cipal house = ACE ,

AUGE (aqua,eu ) WATERS

,as BELLEW : beautiful waters ,

cor. t o BELLOWS,and con tracts t o BLEW , when ce BLEUETT.

CARDWELL (cardon vi l le) : thistle ton CHARDON . ECCLES :a church , DIGGLES . D IXIE (

“ I wish I was in D ixie” ) isNorman ised from D iss and=DISBURY. Wes leyan m in istersthink the Norfo lk people poor and hard . A s tan ding con

feren ce joke when a young preacher is appoin ted t o the

D iss circui t is,

“He is di sappoin ted.



living n ear a tarn,deep dark lake on a hi ll . Casa : a house ,

gives CAZNOV E ,CANOVA : n ear house . CHEESE=MEIKLEM :

great house,on e l iving in the house of that v il lage =HOU SE

A lady n amed CHEESE was presen ted t o her Maj es ty at a

levee , and was voted one of the creme la creme . ROWELL(road well) : l iving on road to a sacred spring. MIRRILEES :

miry fields. The great MELANCTHON b lack earth : P EATS,i t s

latter part, con . THON = Our CLAY

,FIELDS . The fami ly name

BALNAV ES, from Ben Nevis : moun tain snow . RADSTOCK :

ridden of trees and staked for cu lt ure. This Rad con . Rath :a fort, a place cleared of trees , with which i t was fortified .

Con su lt Tyrrwhi t t . FOWNE (s gloves) : l iving amidst grassland . Foenum : fodder.In this work there is n o chapter on human n ames derived

f rom flowers , su ch not being comprehended in the less poeti cone on l ocal i ty or that on trades . Had we on e on flowersi t wou ld have been headed by DJU LEEP (S ingh) : the rose.S INGH : a l ion . He was fai r to frien ds

,but dreadfu l t o foes.

F low ers have bu t lately,in the world ’s history , been a

powerful factor in refin ing men , and therefore supply f ewn ames



PROP RIETY suggests our making an addendum t o local n amesby i l lus t rating personal des ignations on the wider scal e of

n ation s , whereby light is n ot on ly reflected upon in dividualorigin , but that O f a people , and, at the same time

,s ide l ights

are thrown upon the geographical expression by wh ichc oun tries are kn own where such nation s are located , and thusn ew in terest attaches to the study of geography , and i ts conn ect ion w i th history is seen more clearly. A woman maymarry her name away, a man may change his by law ,

or dis

guise i t t hrough caprice , but n ation s are n ot subj ect t o suchviciss i tudes . Witn ess the world hon oured name Bri tain : in

all probability given thereto by Phen ician sai lors . The

l earn ed gen eral ly hold that when the Tyrian s were tradingfor t in w ith Cornwal l and the Cassit erides , they termed the

c oun try Bri t t istan : the stan , coun try, of the Britt i , when ceour Britann ia. On our copper coinage we have Vi ctoria D .G .

Bri tt. Reg . F.D . No t Brit. The t is doubled t o in dicate theimplied plural form of ou r great empire. SO also w e haveLusi tan ia for Luzis tan : hazel land

,from the same brave

s eamen . (Gen . x xvi ii . SO , too ,Phen icia : lan d of the

Phoen ix : palm tre e = P almyra. Buck ow ina=Buck ingham z

beech tree coun try. Grenada : pomegran at e land . Pomegranate : grain ed apple - grain ,

becomes gren . N O such n ationas the Lusi was kn own , and a king so n amed is purelymythical . Nei ther in vas ion by Roman , Saxon , n or Normanhas driven the proud O ld n ame of Britain from n ationaln omen clat ure . Nay ,

in the Tyrian ages Brit t istan covered buta fringe of our south coast , n ow the name Britain covers ac ongeries of n ations un ified under on e tri - colour.The n ames of persons derived from coun tries are termed

Patronyms , from Pat ria : fatherlan d . The fol lowing is a

s election of the more in structive and better knownAUSONIUS (tutor to Gratian ) : an Italian =V ITALIAN .

BRETT : a Breton ,native of Brit tany = BRIS (St .) In respect

thereto our coun try is cal led Great Britain .

BRITON pretty, fin e made : P RYD (Welsh) , ARBA (Hebrew ) .O LYMP AS (Greek) , BRAVO (Italian ) , PRETTYMAN forego ing ,

HERMO SU S , FORMOSUS ISHOD : man of glory,fin e mad e ,

becomes IZOD and IZETT,gen eral ly rendered fair. But P RITTY

(pratum) , from the Normans and=MEADOWS .


the Gaels . Waloon s : con tin en tal Gaels or Gauls , Caledon iafor Galedon ia,

Deucaledon ian sea : black sea of the Gaels ,from vessels being w recked there . SO the Turks cal l Pon tusEux inus the Black Sea. O rt egal

=Argy le z cape of Gaels .

S in igagl i a,from the Gal l i Sen on es . Galat ia,

for Gal lo -Grecia :inhabi t ed by Gau ls and Greeks . Gal lan t (accen t on firs tsyllable) : brave as a Gaul , though some have i t a form of

Cal lan t , which is also claimed as th e source Of VALENTINE .

Gal lan t (accen t on secon d syl lable) : poli te as a Gaul . Golosh :sabot worn by the Gauls . So Cravat from the Croats , when cealso KEATTS : a n ative of Croatia. Gala and Galoon are alsoGal l ic, tel ling O f display

,characteristic of that nation . Wal

nut : foreign nut . Wal lflower : foreign flow er. As Coyle ,Coi le : a wood , gives Gael , so we derive therefrom Cel t.KELT : a wood dw el ler. But Kel t : an arrow head , a flin t ax e ,

is from Celtis (Lat in ) : a chisel . Coyle properly mean s cover.Forests were that t o men as they yet are t o beasts . Ki lt : acover Qui lt. Hen ce Ce l t ibri : Cel ts on the Ebro.

Franks : free , n ot subj ected t o the Roman yoke . RipuarianFranks : dwellin g on ripe : Rhin e ban ks. RIP (Van Winkle)was a ripuarian ,

where boats arrive . Frank gives Fran con ia,

Frankfort , Fran ce = Lib eria. En fran chise : to make free , t oput among the Fre lungi . Feringe es : Turkish for European snot O f their faith . FRANCIS an Ital ian speaking Fren ch .

GASCOIGNE (j udge) : a native of Gascony , becomes GASKIN.

From the Vascon es we have VASQUEZ : son of a Gascon . VASCO(de Gama) : a Gascon , a Basque , on e l iving n ear the Bay of

Biscay. Bay ,Bas - que

,V as - co, Gas - con ,

are essen tial ly one :

But our BASCOME : a wooded combe , val ley. Gasconade : aboast, suggesting RODOMONT (con . Rota and Mon s) : moun tainmover , our Ital ian boaster

s appellation ,when ce Rodomon tade

Gasconade. Gascon also forms the well kn own GASTON .

We abbreviate gasconade t o gas.

“ That is all gas .

Goth is iden tical w ith the words God,Gott , Good (fighter)

as pugilists say ,He’s a good man ; can pun ish heavily. GETA

(son of Severus), C (ETRE (poet) : a Goth . HIDALGO is Filius :son , De of , Al : the, Go Goth ; a Span ish n obleman . Massagoe t e : great Goths , or Scyth ians . Gothland= Catalon ia for

Gotholon ia. Moeso-Goths : Goths of Moes ia. O strogoths : eastern Goths . Visigoths : western Goths , to whom we owe the

word and name BIGOT, when ce , sometimes , P IGOT'

I‘. They

were un i tarian and gave n ei ther heed nor quarter t o the ortho~dox . Fran ce owes them Cagot (can is Goth) a dog of a Goth ,

a hypocrite. We use Goth for spoliator, ignoran t, unapprec iat ive of art . The Gothic order of archi tecture was an imi tat ion of their shady fores t dwel ling in the Caucasus .HELVETIUS (Physician ) : a Swiss, amative of the h i lls. He l


v e t ia (so cal led by dwel lers on low er parts O f Rhin e) . h i l l count ry . Helvetii

,A l lobroges , Hern ici , Taurin i : high lan ders , Sw iss :

sw eat ers = Lab rador :D

coun try n eeding great labour ; SO cal ledby trappers and f ur dealers .

Hun s : houn ds,l ike Cagot. SO termed by the people whose

lands they in vaded because of their hound like looks and

action s . They cal l themselves Magyars . HUMBOLDT (cosmos) :bold as a Hun . HUNNIADES (con quered Amurath) : son of a

Hun . Hen ce,t oo ,


ERIGENA native of Erin ,Irish born . Erin =He speria

w es t ern, and (M

)INIERNIE man from west,and con . Hibern ia


Juvern a.

SCOTUS (Dun s) a Scotchman : SCOTT (S i r Wal ter) . DUNS :a h i l lsman ,

gives Dun ce : (by i rony) Dun s Scotus.GIRALDO S CAMBRENSIS Gerald the We lshman =WALSH

welch .


,LANGLOIS : the English

man .


,LALLEMAND : a German

,spearman .

HOLLAND : of the hol low land=HOLE,HOYLE . Ho l low : hole

low,Neath low

,NETHERBY dw el ling on low ground


LATHAM . O LANDER (Dr ) a Dutchman .


,so cal led

from their fleeing aft er some preh istoric bat t l e.HATTO : a Hessian

,and P RU CE : a Pruss ian .

DENMARK : boun dary O f the Dan es . DENCHFIELD : Dan e’sfield . DENFORTH : l ivin g on the Dan e ’s road . DANBY : Dan e ’sdw el ling. DAGMAR (prin cess) : glory of the Dan es , though i tlooks : DZOHARA : glorious as the daybreak . DAGBROD : pow erO f the Dan es. HALDANE : half- bred Dan e . DANSKIN : of

Dan ish origin . DENT (Stran d), DENTON Dan e’

s t own .

C RUDEN (con co rdan ce) s laughter O f th e Dan es . DANA (Am .

poet) : a Dan e . The force of the w ord dan e or den is n o t

e as ily gG IV e n O n e View is

,i t is u ltimat ely deri ved from

Dagh : a hi ll,Daghis tan : hi ll coun try , as i t is supposed that

whe nc3

firs t kn ow n t o civi lised men they were cal ledDaci , Dacian s : hi llsmen ,

un civi lised moun tain eers. Undert his name they fough t thei r way from the Cau casus t o the

Nor th Sea. When they set tled in the Cimbrian Cherson esus ,the lan d lyin g low ,

i t was cal ledD en : down

,Denmark : low lying marches .

POLIGNAC (cardinal) : a Po le. POLAND : a plain . Cossacks :

g oat people , climbers .

FRISBY man of Friesland .

BRABY, BRABAZON , BRABENDER : man of Braban t.LOMBARD long battle ax e

,con . Halb ert, Halberd iers . The

halber ts h ewe on b ed,the brown e bil les bruise the bon es .


BRISBANE : bon e bruiser , brown bil l man . Halbert : ston ebroad (axe ) , pre -h istoric. From Lombard (pawn shops) th eword Lumber : timber , anything in the way .

PICTS : pike men ,PICTON : great pike man . Picton es :

Gau lish pike men . Puy- de - dome peak O f dome - shaped h i ll .P oic t iers and Picardy are also con . therewith . PICHARD (ard)piked he igh t =EGREMONT, MONTAGUE . Sometimes P ICHAU D :

a beggar, from Peto : I seek , petition . Sometimes the n ameof PETO : a seeker after bread . PICARD : n ative Picardy .

But PICADOR (bul l fighter) : gi lded pike. Pict has been given :

pain ted , s tain ed with wood . Tatooing was resorted t o (1 ) forprotect ion from gnats , (2) adornmen t , (3 ) distin ction of clansand classes, as plaids afterwards , (4) t o terrify in battl e , (5 )t o honour the gods by their symbols , SO when God, assuringthe daughter of Zion of his love , says ,

“ I have engraventhee on the palms of my hands . As n early all an cien t n ation statooed , so doing would n ot stri ke legion aries as dis tin ctive inthe Picts . Their pikes might. We had Picts or P ic t i in sularand Picton es con tin en tal . SO Briton s on this is lan d


Bretons on the con tin en t , arguing a commun ity O f languageand origin—parts of t he great Cel t ic fami ly.

FIFE : a Pict , autoc thonal t o Scotlan d .

Van dals : wan derers , con . Bain o : to go, wend , w ind , wen t ,wan d - er, w oud - er (men tal wandering). Vado : t o go ; in vasionanabasis , WENDELL (Philips) : Vandal ic , of an old s tock ,


more or less in vo lve t o and f roism, or at leas t mo t ion . An dalus ia for V andalusia.

Suevi : swayers , going to and fro(m) Sway implies a forth

put of pow er in w ield ing weapon s , and is al lied t o swing,

swim sw ift : man ifes tat ion s of s t rength . I t is con . ZWINGLE,




SWIFT , (St .) SWITHIN : f orthput t ers of s trength ,Sw i ther : t o

sway men tal ly , Sw ivel : a hinge,Swap : t o change han ds .

From the Suevi w e get Suab ia,Sweden .

Ross i (the ) Ob tain ed their appel lation from th e Sc lavon icword Rossica : scat t ering , dispers ion , n early Sparta : scatteredvi l lage

,and D iaspora : Jews dispersed like seed amon g the

Gen tiles .

“Wil l He go t o the di aspora ? The Ross icman n er O f l ife was s imi lar to their n omadic n eighbours , theTartars . O f course Russ ia is from th e Rossi

, while Prussia isBo - Ross i : n ear the Ross i .Turk , Turcoman : wan derers . From Turk

,Dragoman : an

in terpreter .Pelasgi : wanderers , con . P lanaomi : to wander

,when ce

Plan ets : wan dering (s tars) , Pal es : a shepherd,l i t . a wan derer


gives Pales t in e : s tan O f the Pales , Phi lis t in e . P alcs also givesPalatin e (hil l) : settlemen t of the Pales . Hen ce Palace : build


v i ri le . From boar,the verb Farrow : t o bring for th a l i tter of

igs .13

QUEEN : a woman O f pol itical pow er , QUEAN : of bodi ly ,a

V irago .

Ish : a man,Isha : a w oman ,

ISIS (goddess) : the woman ,

Eve deified .

Marcoman n i : march men ,s imilar t o Ukrain e Cossacks

border guards,as

MARGRA V E : border sheriff. MARQU IS : charge of marches ,MARCHIONESS

,i t s f em.

BISMARCK bishop’

s boundary. MARKHAM : home on themarch , MERTON.

Jut lan d : land of the Jutes , gian ts , great eaters , as all gian tswere thought to be .TEDESCO (con . Theod

,Teuton ) Ital ian for an Aus tro

German .

AUSTRIA (Our bro ther) : eastern realm,b ut Austral ia for

Austral (Southern ) Asia.

STRAUSS (“ Leben Jesu an Austrian

,in some cases , or

con . S t ruthio : an os trich .

Pamphylia : all t rib es,a mix ture of diff eren t clan s.

Triphy lia : three t ribes,v iz . ,

Epean s,E lean s

,and Arcadian s .

Trib e is from Trees : three,i t is O scan



Roman clan s welded .

Abyssin ia : a mix ture , so cal led by Arabs , who claim beingof on e blood .

Falashas is the name i ts natives own . This w ord an sw erst o Hebrews : emigran ts . Hebrew


N IGEL,NU (actual)

con vey the same idea.

Ghez , or Itopia (for [Eth iopia z burn t face) is what theAbyss in ian s cal l t heir coun t ry.

CUSH : swarthy , b lack - a- v ised s SO P : a Cush i te,fEthiOp.

Can the Cush i te change h is skinSoor , Zur : a rock , gives Syria, Suristan : the coun try roun d

Tyre , for Soor , Zur, Tyre , are on e w ord .

EPHREM SYRUS : Ephraim the Syrian,Tyrian , as

DUNS SCOTUS : Duns t he Sco t chman . This Dun s givesdun ce , as fo lks cal led a foo l Duns in irony.

S icambri : s t rong for victory, con . Sig : victory , as SIGISMUND :

Vict orious defen der .Herul i : men of the Here : army , warriors . Zeuss and

Grimm sayCherusci : sw ordsmen =Saxon es and Che ri thi t es : s lashers .

Teuton s : numerous , con . Theod people,German s who w ere

also cal ledTungri : men who gave tongue, uttered loud war cries when

e ngaging


Zamzumim and Zulus,who both do or did swash - buckler

work .

Belgii : populous , the many, con . Vulgus the common people .

Du t ch : from the great As ir Tuisco. DEUTSCH,cor. DEITCH ,

does n o t mean Dutch ,b ut Tuesday born ,

ded icated t o Tuisco .

D ITTMARSH Dutch boun dary ,D ITTMAR glorious as Tuisco.

Mex ico : from worship of MEXETLA ,the American Mars


Mex ican =Mammert in e : son of MAYORS , MARS , con. Mors :death .

Parthian s : - li orsemen : Acli aian s , con . EACHRAN : a horseman . From Asp,

Persian for a horse , ASP IMIRTAS : lover O f

horses , good rider PHILIP .

Ispahan : place of horses , as Spain from Span (Phen ician )a rabbit, an d so : overrun w i th rabbits as certain parts o f

Aus t ralia are . Spain gives H ispan iola : l ittl e Spain,Span iel

dog O f Hispan io la. The Phen ician s gave names t o Mauritan ia ,

Tingi tan ia (Tangiers) Lus i tan ia,Spain an d Britain .

Italy cat tle coun t ry , con . V i tulus a calf, con . Veal . SO th e

BO i i : me n of catt le and Beot ia : lan d of ox en : Clon tarf

(taurus) : bull meadow = OXLEY ,HUXLEY (scien tis t) .

N ORMAN : n orth man,n at ive O f Norway : n orth way ,

NORVAL :Norman ’

s dal e .

Sclavi : glorious = He llen es . Con quered by the Gen oese theygave us the w ord S lave .SLOV ACTEN (Jun ius , a Sclav , speaker of their lan guage .

Helen es : shin ing on es , whom we cal l Greeks , wh ich n amethey repudiat e

,as the natives of our west ern prin cipal i ty do

being cal ledWELSH

,WALSH : stranger. Hen ce Welcher

,who los ing

makes himsel f s t range .

Cimbri , when ce Cambria ,con . S icambri

,is what they prefer

bein g cal led .

DENMARK was formerly the C imbrian Cherson e sus : pen insulaO f th e Cimbri .Che rson e sus : golden is lan d , having advan tages of an islan d

y e t with a con t in en tal con n ection .

Scyth ian s and Sco t i primari ly : woodmen,forest dw ell ers ,

and secondari ly w an derers .

“The Scythian s w ere di vided

in t o several n at ion s or tribes ; they had n o ci t ies,but con

t i n ual ly changed thei r habi tat ion s. Some of them made araid upon Palestin e

,where t aking Bethshan : house of the

sun , the Grecised n eighb ours cal led i t Scythopo l is .

How came th e Gypsie s in to SpainWhy look y ou

Th ey came w ith Hercule s from P ale st in e ,An d h e n ce are th ie ve s an d vagabon ds , Sir Alcalde ,

A S th e Simon iacs from Simon Magus .


Early in the fourteen th cen tury certain unkn own w anderersappeared in Europe. Separat ed from the people , upon whose

lands they in truded,by language and habits the learn ed and

ign oran t were equal ly at a loss to kn ow when ce they were.A n Opin ion arose that Egypt was the cradle of these an onymousrefugees . This theory receiving gen eral acceptan ce , they werecal ledGyps ies (GYP SEY is an actual fami ly name) emigran ts from

Egypt . They cal led themselvesZin cal i or Zingari , words iden tical t o a philologist . It was

Observed that i n s tood for In dia,as i n d does in

D in don of India, a Turkey cock . So In digo :

Indian plan t,as

INDICO P LEU STES : who had sai led t o In dia. The z proved t obe a format ion upon d,

whi le th e terminal syllable is of s imi larforce to er,

as in s later , swimmer. Now cali is jus t kali ,iden tical with coally , con . Kalos : beau t iful . KALI blackgoddess , Hin doo beauty. So thenZingari : coally men of In dia. Further in ves tigation brough t

t o l ight that Gyps ies w ere fragmen ts of Hin doo tribes drivenfrom th e pen in sula by the chron ic wars abou t the t ime O f

Genghis Khan . They are yet t ermedZingari in Turkey and Pers ia

,Zingan i in Russia

,Zinguen er

in Germany,and Zin cali in Spain . The well kn own

GADSBY dw el ling place n ear wh ich Gyps ies , gadders ,en camp . Nation s were gen erally n amed in relation t o war.

Coun tries , w hen n ot cal led from their peopl e,usual ly derived

their appellation s from their products or appearan ce . Manycommun i ties were des ignat ed after the man ner of our regimen t s , from the pet w eapon used . As we haveFus i leers from the fus i l

,musket Grenad iers from the han d

grenade , soB ern icia from Hern : a sword : S icari i : sabreurs . Thus

,t oo ,

Quiri t es : spearmen : Dorians . The old Scot ch SP IERS : a

quiri t e , a spearman . This is n ot ph i lological ly con . wi th Quirinal : oak h i ll

,as Vimin al : osier h i l l . SO l ikew ise

Samn ites : dart men . We migh t say DOWDS a Samn i te,

SP IERS : a Quiri t e . We have seen that th e favourite weaponO f the

Burgun dian s was the lan ce. May n ot LAUNCE (and his dog)a Burgun dianLANCELOT : l i ttle Lance , or son O f a Lan ce

,or son of a sol


,but n ot mean ing little lan ce

, as usual ly given .

Barbarian mobi li ty is shown in the fo l low ing namesNumid ian s , Vandals , Berbers (Sheph erds , gave name to Bar

bary) , Walloon s , Scoti , Celt i , Turcomans (orman i) , Pales , Suevi ,




WHEN as yet Cel ts roamed the w ide plains O f Europe , beforethe heroic ages O f Greece had passed away , Providen ce cradledmighty nations in the Caucasian moun t ain s that were dest in ed t o overflow in to the fruitful fields of the wes t , and

possess lands then held by effe t e or infirm aboriginal races .

These were the A ses , an cestors O f the great Anglo - Saxon s ,who

, on accoun t of t raditionary prowess and wisdom, weredeified by their w arl ik e and po litic descen dan ts . In the

language of the Eas t , Koh means a h i l l , when ce Koh istan the

hi l l coun try =Mon tana. Koh and A ses gives Caucasus : h i l lof the A ses. No t on ly do t hey give name t o t hat moun tainbarrier but t o the fai res t region O f the ear th ,

v iz.,As ia : land

o f the Ases . Cer tain of t heir tribes were known t o the


,but mos t t o the Roman s

,as Scythian s . Thus

we have SARSECHEM : Scythian prin ce , Scythopol is : Scyth ianc i ty , previous ly cal led Be thshan sun house : Heliopol is. O n e

O f the earliest Asiric l eaders was SIGGA : Victorious , con . Seco : Icut , he cut in, was a s lasher SLAGG . S igga en ters in to the compos it ion of many personal and national names indicative of thewarlike propensi t ies of i ts bearer , or if n ot from the warriorSigga , y e t from the same root when ce h is n ame sprung. Suchn ames are SIGBERT


,which con su lt .

The A ses descen ded from the s ides Of the Caucasus and in

vaded Asia and Europe thousands of years sin ce , as hun dredso f years ago H igh lan d clan s made raids on the lowlands , andthe Circass ian s devastated Russia from t he same s t ron ghold .

I t was the Asirs who fought an cien t Persia before theV ictorious scimetar had been wrested from E lam by the

bri l lian t Greek . The great n ame CHOSRO ES means w arriorO f the Ases . Though they fai led i n their Pers ian invasion


lasting proofs of Vi rtue w ere left on the field of fight. Thatt he A ses w ere a primeval i ace is eviden t from the fol lowingc on side i at ion s . In the Hebrew ,

Persian , and A rabic languages ,as or as mean s s t ron g . Thus AMOZ : robust : ANDREW,


s t rong , strong= STALLY : s t rong as steel . “And Bela

, the son

O f A zaz .


OAZ : in s trength,n ever breaking dow n

,n ot fain t


“ Solomon se t up the lef t pillar,and cal led the n ame

thereof Boaz . UZZIAH : the s trength of the Lord, gracious

s t rength (is given ). UZZAH (Peres) : strong person . Perhapshis strength occas ion ed his death ,

he thino

k ing a man cou ld


hol d up, i f s t ron g, the ark of God. It is seen t o advan tagein Gaza : a fort , strong place , sometimes Gaza : a goat , strongat butting. May there n ot be a deeply in laid al lusion theretoin these words : “ But the Ph i listin es brought him down t o


”the s trong man caged in a strong place In the Hebrew

this as passes in t o ezer, ozar : help , f or s tren gth is th e sol e

source O f help. ABIEZER : father of help,bringer O f assis tan ce.

There was also a lot for the ch i ldren of A bi ezer.


a h elper. “Han an iah ,the son O f Azur

,th e prophet


” varies t oEZRA , ESDRAS with un chan ged mean ing , but Shin es mos t inEBENEZER : ston e of help . Now , from this az

, as strong , wehave Ases : strong on es , probably the Persian for a horseAsp : s trong on e , and th e better kn own AMAZON : woman


s trong, very, from AM, OM : moth er , woman

,az : stron g,

and on,an augmen tative common t o most languages

,an cien t

or modern,as seen in Pison from Pi mouth

,and mean s ri ver

w i th a wide mouth,debouchemen t , and Salon : great hal l .

SO that Amazon : very s trong woman . The story to ld me at

s chool , They were cal led amazon s from a : alpha privat i ve,

and maza : the breast,because these women cut off their right

breast the better t o draw the b ow ,was in deed drawing the

long b ow . Salv erte gives Az : stron g , in the Persian as

derived from A s of th is people , but the con verse is true, as

Az for strength was on e of the firs t used by men . Long afterGreece had run through i ts Splendid career in pol i t ics



and ph i losophy , the wives , s isters , and daugh t ers of the Asesme t t heir husban ds , brothers , an d son s in ful l retreat beforethe superior d isciplin e of the iron—clad Roman legions , led bythe dread Marius . In stead of receiving them t o their homee n campmen t w i th tears

,these amazon s drove them back t o

battle with slin gs and spears . S t rabo in his seven th book on

geography , speaks of the A spungi l iving on the shores O f

Palus Moeot is,sea O f Azof. That lake was probably SO cal led

from the A sir race. What if Azof son s of Ases , i ts shoredw el lers ? Their coun try w as Aspungi tan i : As ir lan d . Thetan i from stan ,

as Be loochistan : poor coun try ,i l l t o cul tivate.

O n e As irio clan was cal led Aspasi i f rom Asp : a horseParthian . From i t HYSTASP ES (Darius) : possess ing horsesASP IRMYRTAS : rich in horses . P HARNASP ES : comman der of

horses , or chief horseman = ARCH1P P U s,MARSHALL . Thus

Aspas ii may mean Ases on horseback , and A SP ASIA : an

amazon, when ce VESPAS IAN from h is mother . Some cen t uries

b efore the daw n of the “Christian e ra they gathered their forcesf rom the Asiatic s lopes of the Caucasus , and moved wes t asfar as the Tanais : the Don ,

wh ich seems t o have been thei rRubicon . Tanais (probably) : Tan Ases , A sir lan d , tel ling of

i ts waters shutt ing in thei r coun try. Th is th ey passed abou t


200 BC ,s low ly figh ting their way t hrough the Cel ts un ti l

they reached the E lbe A .D . 90, and the Isle of Than e t A .D .

449. Wh i le some of the Asi r nat ion s broke up the Romanempire , purifying the corrupted southern lan ds , others fulfil ledtheir destiny by invading Britain and founding an empirecombin ing that l iberty with bravery and stem superioritywh ich characterise the old Caucasian stock . They reach edAmerica A .D . 1 490

,for the crews of the three ships which

ploughed the virgin waves of the western seas were the son so f Visigoths and Lombards of Asiric blood . O n e s ection ofthe Teuton s w on Sadowa in that an nus m i rabi li s , A .D . 1 866,

an other cabled the s t ormy A tlan tic, SO that between theirnation s there should be n o more sea. Their las t su b lime ac twas t o make an iron road from the A tlan t ic t o that greatersea me n cal l the Pacific, A .D . 1 869. They are now about t omingle the waters O f th e tw o ocean s by a ship canal . TheAsir wi l l play Colossus wi th a con tin en t for h is foot hold .

When at the begin n ing of the Christian era th e Caucas ianbraves arrived at the s torm beaten Shores of the Northern sea

they did n ot blan ch thereat,though th e s igh t of ocean

quite n ew,but forthw ith buil t war sh ips an d became kings O f

t he sea, as they had been of the lan d , Vikings son s of fiords .

The Gael , t oo, had ven tured upon the peri lous Deucaledon ianS ea but in a tiny coracle

,and rarely beyon d a dis tan ce covered

at starting by the eye . What can more forcibly i l lustrat etheir reckless n ature than the fact that their Hoff : temple ,was on an is lan d in the bosom of the black n orth sea cal ledby them Fose t island,

but by Christian s s in ce , Heligo land holylan d . Imagin e the Israeli t es

,in to whose tremulous souls Hi t

t i t es struck t errors , had they had their (the ) temple placed insuch a sea ! Here the an cestors of Blakes

,Cooks , and Nelson s ,

and the long lin e of our sea lions,braved ocean ’s fury, n ot of

n ecess ity. but battle gladn ess and the wild exci temen t of

gamblers who love risk . Their Hoff was un covered , as theye steemed it un lawful t o worsh ip their Asi rio an cestors undermen - bui lt- roofs . Here their priest cal l ed HOFFMAN, BLOTT ,BLOOD sacrificed victims con quered in battl e and rowed fromthe main land .

“ The many blood - ston es scattered over thecon tin en t and isl es of Europe are hlot t

s al tars . O f thei rgods , O din was first and O ldest

,govern ing all things : and

t hough the rest of the gods were powerful , yet they servedhim as children serve their father.O DIN : on e =HADAD . Sometimes he was cal ledWODEN : from Wod : mad


,inspiring men with

warlike fury . He was represen ted comp letely armed , and

wi th a drawn Sword . His worship h ere is man ifested by suchn ames as


TAGG (when n o t a trade name maker of metal tags previous t o use of pins) a daggerman z DU DGEoN great dagger.DAGOBERT bright as day , very glorious .FREYA : loved on e , formed from Freon : to love , when ce

Frien d .

FREYMUTH having the spirit of Freya,amative , a lady

k i l ler.FRIGGA : goddess of love and marriage , the Norse Ven us ,

from same root as isGODFREY : l over of God,

GEOFFREY, JEFFRY , in Irelan dSHERRYFREYWO OD : grove where Freya received divin e honours .

FREYMONT,FREEMONT (pres iden t ) protected by Freya.

Some claim these as mean in g h i l l frequen ted by fairies . The

fays,in th is case

,were made out of the soun d of the n ame of

the goddessFREYER : lover , according to As ir lore sl ew the demi - godBELI baw ler

,when ce BEALES

, con . BELCHER for b aw lcher.

The sacred book of th is Norse mythology w as cal led Edda :

o ld, an cien t , wh ich gives a descript ion of the Eddaic Pan theon ,

wherein Thor sat at i ts cen tre , h igher than the other deifiedAses , having on his left han d seven stars . Thor

’s chariot wasdrawn by t wo goats , and the rattle of his chariot wheels onthe welkin caused thunre , thunder, Thor

s n oise. From him

w e have the n ameTHURSO (Cai thn ess) : Thor

s dwel ling. He presided in th e airgen erating w ind , showers , orfin e weather. From him Thursday .

when h is blood (priest) hon oured the god with the blood of

men . Sometimes he was represen ted with a hammer, in steadof a sceptre , accompan ied by a Wolf an d a Bear

,which were

deified t hrough conn ection with him. New ly born ch i ldren weredipped in run n ing streams and marked on the forehead wi thhis hammer. How strange that pious Hebrews should receivea s imi lar mark , ourT , for Torah : the law ,

of which the lettern represen ts the word Torah ,

mean ing : thi s man keeps the

law .

“ He cal led t o the man clothed wi th l in en ,having the

writer ’s inkhorn by his s ide : and Jehovah said un to him, Go

through the mids t of Jerusal em,and set a n (tau) T upon the

foreheads of the men that s igh and that cry for all th eabomination s that be don e in the mids t thereof.” How

supremely s trange that every year mi l l ion s of ch i ldren are

s ign ed with the sign of the cross that they may be gospelobservers . Thor’s hammer was cal ledMIOLNER : the m i l ler

,crusher , when ce M ILNER.

MACCABEUS (Judas ), MACE (Jem) , MAULE (Justice) , con .

mal let , MARTEL (Charles), SCHLEGEL , all mean hammer wielder.flavoured by Thorin e vim rather than as the peacefu l smith ,


In al l l ikel ihood the name of this god mean s strong, and is theroot of Taurus : a bul l , when ceTORO : bull tamer. As t o the god himself we may sayTHOR : Asi r bu ll . From his n ame we haveTORAGA : celestial cow ,

adored by H indoos , i t is a f em . of

Thor . Le toit da temple du Toraya e st orn e de quatretaureaux dor! s .

” Compare these four gi lded bulls on the roofof her temple with the winged bul ls in the portico of theAssyrian temple at Khorsabad. Compare Tora-

ga from Thorwith Vir -go from Vir. These names are memen toes of prehistoric times. Many personal appellation s are al li ed t o bul lworship


KNATCHBU LL : son of the bull , forms KNOBEL, con . KNIGHT,con . Gnatus : bornAP ION (opposed Josephus) : son of Apis , the Egyptian bul l

god. Thor was our bul l- god and Brahm that of Hindoos.SERAP IS : Apis hidden , the con stellation Taurus , Thor : the

bul l—god, below the horizon of the N i le.SERAP ION : son of Serapis , of divin e gen ealogy.


,Brahm, the human - headed bul l of Assyria


and the S inaitic calf are various embodimen ts of on e idea.

D ivin e s trength man ifested through creaturehood. Thor andTheos differ in th is , the former became the symbol of brutestrength

,the latter was essen tial ly con n ected with hol in ess in

Himself, justice towards His creatures. There are f ew

languages of the old world n o t supplying their quota of taurin epersonal n ames . Howbeit, person al n ames are more deceptivethan ordinary words , an d so the n ame - hun ter sometimes fan cieshe has bagged a gen uin e bul l of Thor descen t

,whereas i t may

be on ly local . Such is th e modern Roman

BASV ECCHI (Pietro) , teasingly like Vacca : a cow,yet mean s

l ivi n g n ear old foun dat i on s of Roman wall , con . Ci vitaV

’ecch ia : old city , an d also con .

BASETTI a dwarf , n ear the base , earth . The namesCOE (captain ) : a cow



,BOLEYN (n ot from

Boulogn e) , are mysterious ly con . with this an cien t symbolicworsh ip— serving the sign in stead of the Thing s ign ified.

THOROLD : protected of Thor’

s power,becomes THU RTELL


TYRELL (S ir Walter) , and has f or i ts first form THORWALD,when ceTHORWALDSEN (sculptor) : son of Thorwald .

THU RKETTLE ,KETTLE : havin g charge of Thor

s kettle usedin divination for in can ting by weird women as in Macbeth .

TONER : of Thor, born on Thursday , or during thun der.THORBURN

,THOBURN Thor’s bear

,con . BERNSTEIN : hi l l

frequen ted by bears .

THURLOW : Thor’s sport , good at throwing Thor’s hammer .

1 2



s spear,a good shot. TORSLEFF : loved of

Thor , brave figh ter .THURSTAN the ston e whereon human Victims w ere slain on

Thursday , a priest,takes forms , TUNSTAN , DUNSTAN


TORQUIL : Thor’s pledge t o fight, con . gui ld.

TRU FITT (fid. Thor’s w ood , priest presiding over his

grove= GROV ES when n ot local .

ASTOR (l ibrary) : Asi r Thor , the divin e Thor. Thursdayborn . In the symbolism of the Valhal la, Thorin e , strength and

fire (active prin ciple) , w ere in timated by placing a fl in t on a

pedestal . In later ages , The Flindt god w as formed lyke theimage of death (grim) ; and n aked save on ly a sheet abouth im. In his righ t han d he held a torch

,or as they termed i t ,

a fyre blase . On his h ead a l ion rested his tw o fore feet ,stan ding with on e of his h in der feet upon his left shoulder ,and wi th the other in h is han d , which t o supporte

,he lift ed

up as h igh as his shoulder.”

FLINDT,FLINT : priests of that god. The Asir of judgmen t

was Force t i,when ce

FAWCETT,n o conn ection w i th hawks . There was also a

Frissian goddess,Fose ta, from whom is derived

FOZIER : priest of Fose ta. She i t was who gave the primitive name of Heligolan d ho ly islan d

,v iz . , Fose t island : sacred

to Fose ta. An other member of the Caucas ian O lympus wasBaldu r

,the Apol lo of the Asirs .

BALDUR wh ite, b eaut iful = FLINN ,


BELISARIUS white prin ce (date obol i) .BALDWIN : loved of Bal dur

,w ise. A delusi ve guess makes

i t bold vi ctor.

BALDRED : coun sel ling like Baldur, con . ALFRED : coun selling

like an elf.BALDREY : ruling like Baldur

,a w ise monarch . Usual ly

given by can ting , as bold kin g, or soldier girded with baldri ch.

It is some t imes hard t o tel l whether certain names are fromBald bold , stripped for bat t le , or from Baldur. Welan d was

the Asirio Vulcan,when ce

WAYLAND : priest of Welan d . O f the great Asir,cal led Will ,

we kn ow little , his w orsh ip being confin ed t o the preh istoricperiod , but w e do kn ow t o h im is due the world wide name


WILLIAM : beloved of Will, con . overwhelm

,and Helmet : a

head covering. The n ame is often given as a form of GILDHELM : a Teuton ,

who, s laying a legionary,rece ived


fash ion,a gi lded helmet . That guess came of the Romans

having n o i v,so that, when the name is Latin ised

,i t stood

Gue llimus,suggesting gold , but the old German s wen t in for

isen (iron ) .


HAVELOCK : had in the care of Lok . In h im the old As iriofire burn ed in ful l heroic glow . Had the Hin doos worsh ippedAsirs in stead of Pun ch and Judy gods , Victoria w ould n ot beEmpress of India. The As ir Neptun e was CEgir, who hadcharge of w ind and tide , as had the sea-

god of the Gaels ,N e ithe , when ceABERNETHY mou th of N e ithe

s river. The O der or Eider :(Egir

s door , where the Asirio Neptun e l et the sea in to th eland . O f men receiving names from (Egir w e haveEGAR

,EGBERT : brigh t as (Egir, vikings , seamen brave .

Hen ce, t oo,

O GRE : (Egir : l ike , Egg : t o drive on as waves dowood t o the shore. Nor were the Asirs w an t ing in ladies.Bes ides our old frien ds FREYA , FRIGGA, FO SETA ,

and HELA ,true amazon s

,they had a Norse Bel lona cal led HILDA


sublimated Semiramis,Boadicea, or Joan of Arc . To her is

due the well kn own nameMATILDA : maid of Hi lda,

becomes MAUD when that is n ot

from Magdalen . Then we have the n otableHILDEBRAND (pope) : sword of Hi lda,

becomes ALDROV ANDOand cor. t o HELDENBRAND and HELLBRAND . Besides wh ich wehave the Visigoth icILDEFONSA ,

ALFONso,ALONzo : rich in war instrumen ts


spears , arrows , swords , Hilda’

s f un d.

CLOTHILDA : celebrated as Hi lda, called as much as Hi lda.

CHILDEBERT : brigh t, glorious as Hi lda.

HILDEMAR : glory of Hi lda=HERCULES : glory of Jun o ,

Hera. Hi lda was so common as t o become syn onymous withgirl , asBRUNHILDA : clothed in armour

,a Teuton ic Boadicea, con .

BRUNO : mai l clad,from this n ame the famous dynasty

BRUNSWICK : Brun o’s dwel lin g.

SWANHILDA : swan - n ecked girl . To this favourite amazonw e ow e

HILDYARD : guarded by H i lda. In add i tion to these goddesses the Teuton s believed in a kin d of batt le an gels kn own as

V ALKIRIERS : fal len electors , se le c t ers of the fal len . Theyflew about deserted bat t l efields

,swan win ged

,pickin g out the

heroic dead for the Valhal la : hall of the fa llen,shield roofed ,

n ex t V ingolfa the Asir palace,their Pan theon . But the

Valk iriers left on the battlefield any w oun ded in the back, or

whose red right han d did n ot stil l grip the blood - stain ed spear ,for HELA and LOKI . Besides these greater gods they had lesskn own as

JOTU NS : gian ts , from the root eat . The Greek n otion of

gian t is earth born from Ge : the earth,but the N orse idea

was great eater, as is i l lustrated in the case of the gian ts Jackk i l led . From eat we have


OATTS,OATTMAN : eaters , gian ts , con . Oats : that wh ich may

be eaten,edible. The same is seen on ly in a more glutton ous

forni in

SWAGEMAN : on e who assuages at meals that he may startagain . From Jotun we haveJOTU RNU S (king of the Rutul i) who appears in Virgi l asTURNUS . From Jotun s , Jute , when ce Jutlan d : coun try of ,


GETTINGS son of a Jute , born of a gian t. O n e of thegrotesque Asirs wasHRO SS : horse god, with three legs, whose priest was kn own

as DREYFUSS three feet, being in peri l of pass ing for a Man xman . Hen ce in some casesRoss

,when ce ROUSE (bravo ROSSINI

,ROSETTI , and

ROSAMOND (fair) : Hross protect ed , Fair rose and rose of theworld are Sh eer can t

,guesses by soun d . These Jotun s corre

spond t o Theseus , the Cyclops , and heroes kn own t o thein fan cy of al l nation s. Whether their biographies are purelyhistoric , myth ic, or exaggeration s of tradition s , foun ded uponfact s

, who shal l , in all cases , tel l Probably Asirs and Jotun sw ere men l ike Hengist and Horsa, who Signal ised themselvesin un chron icled wars about th e roots of the Caucasus. Their(Egir was an Axin e (Black Sea) or Caspian pirate ideal isedin to a god by the time they had fought thei r way t o theBaltic. This seems the more rational , as the German s usedAnar in the sen se of an cestor

,when ce

HANSARD (reports) : Anar n atured= P ATROBAS : walking inhis father’s steps . A curren t M.P .

,1883 , i s Septimus (Han

sard) : seven th born .

ANSON son of his Anar , as we say son of h is father, chipof the old b lock = P ATROEAS , ICILIU S .

ANLAF left of his an cest ors t o fi l l their place in the battlearray , or as Pau l would say ,

Baptized f or the dead,

”t o take

the place of .O LAF is a form of ANLAF

,when ce O LAVE giving

TIRAU LAY : lan d dedicated t o St. O lave.TOLLIDAY : born on S t. O lave ’s day , con . Tool ey (street).ANGOTT (Madam de) : of divin e descen t

,good son of his


Some n ames are derivable from Ases in the gross,as

ASKEW (Ann ) : As ir descen t, giving HUSKISSON (rai lway),son of ASKEW. Probably the High lan d (M


AUSLAND : son of an Asir, on e of h eroic descen t.

An selm and An selmo helmeted,protected by Ases .

AASBIORN (Dan ish) : divin e b ear, when ce the more commonO SBORN, which n either mean s Ouse burn ,

n or house born

(serf) .


O SWALD : sh ielded by Ases , un der their protection .

ANTLIFF loved of the Ases , for bravery.

O SBEORT : glory of the Ases f or h er beauty. The Wo lf,

Bear , Bull , Fox , an d Raven being sacred to Woden or Thor,

their n ames are frequen tly used with an Asiric force , but takenin common an imal sen se . As we have seen Tauru s is fromThor

,so Foxes receive their name from that Asi r from Fries

lan d to Spain . The Span iards cal led i t Thorra,which has

passed in to Zorra. It seems to have taken name from Thorbecause of colour , he being red - headed and having a foxybeard


,as to character , being crafty. From the Wol f

god we have a l iberal supply, of which i t is n ot easy to al locate fairly between the an cien t god and the vulgarwolf. Perhaps we had better pu t gods and wolves in to on e pack , and

l eave some bold han d the respon sibility of dividin g them in todivin e and common .

WOLFGAN G (Goethe) whom the wolf god gangs with forprotection ,

con versely givesGINGOU LPH is gang wolf (god) , cor. in to cockn ey oath By

JINGo by St. Gingoulph .

RUDOLF and RODOLF famous wolf, much talked of warrior.MONTGOLFIER (bal loon ) :moun tain frequen ted by wolves .

CANTELOUP (chan t de loup) a settler who,from his dw el l

ing, can hear the wolves howl . Common both in the O ldWorld and America.

KENWOLF :made keen by the wo lf- god, inspired of him.

U LPHILAS (Maesogothic bishop) l i ttle wolf, short of statureFILLAN (St .) when ce GILFILLAN and M‘PHELAN .

LYCIDAS : son of a wolf, but capable of mean ing son of Luke .GUELP H (Victoria A lexan drina) : a w olf, a how ler , yel ler.WOLFSTAN (archbishop) greatest wolf, ch ief warrior .LOVE , from Lupus :a wolf, LU P SON LOP EZ (Span ish) son of

LOBos : a wo lf,when ce also LOP E as LOP E DE VEGA : Lope of

the champagn e.VEGA : a meadow

,from V igeo I flourish , as grass does .

LYCAON son of LYCUS,and as

LYCUS a wolf, LYCAON may be the Greek an swerin g t oLOP

)EZ , forLycus might be a man so cal led as ourWOLFE (gen

eralLycaon ia may be the ki ngdom of Lycaon , or from ri verLycus wh ite E lbe , from A lbis wh ite , but Lycus may mean

wolf (river) asZab : river where wolves drank , i t is con . ZEEB : a wolf, a

hyaena, so cal led from the n oise made. Thousands of men havebeen n amed ZAB . Xen ophon in his An abasis men tion s the Zab .

Louvre (palace) she wo lf, killed when foun dation was beinglaid .


LUP A : she wolf= Louve. By her help w e un lock th e mythof the twa bairn s put out t o be wet- n ursed by Mrs . Wo lf. In

Virgi l we have her equivalen t inFLAVIA LYCORIAS auburn - tressed Lupa. Th is last givesLupercal

,where the twin s w ere suckled, or because there

the Lycian P an received adoration .

May we do so

You know i t is th e feast of Lupercal .

GU NDULPH : war-wolf, when ce GODOLP HIN (lord) .AUTOLYCUS : a wolf i tself, rapacious , great robber.BIDDULP H : comman din g w olf = LYOOMEDES (king) , gives

Bot olfstown ,con tracts t o BOSTON .

BARDOLP H : b ear wolf , atten dan t on Thor , standing by theman named from them in battle as they stood close t o Thor ,con tracts t o BALFE (composer) .RANDOLP H : Shielded by w olf- god (Ran : a shield roun d),

gives RALP H ,ROFF


,RALSTON : Ralph ’

s town .

LYCURGUS (Spartan ) : w olf- guard= BERGER : flock protector,early designation s for shepherds

,con . Lycopo lis (Egypt) : w olf

city,exactly an swers to ourWHELP TON (pil ls) and LU P INOF

(actor).WOLFSRU NA run es

,coun sels

,l ike a w olf =WOLFRAD


con . Run nymede : coun ci l meadow,Wolverhampton i s from


MAIDU LPH (can tingly given as maid helper) mead wolfLYU LPH (ly for lea) , n either haun ting moun tain n or wood ,

gives Maidulphsbury ,wh en ce Malmesbury (win e) .

WOLSELEY (Garn et) wolf’

s field,place frequen ted by

wolves .

W OFFENDALE : val l ey frequen ted by wo lves. Wolves wereat large in Englan d til l A .D . 1 300. Jan uary was cal led Wo lfmonat , t o w i t , Wol fs -mon th ,

because people are w on t alwaysin that mon th t o be more in danger t o be devoured of w o lvesthan in any season e ls of the y eare ; f or that, through theextremity of cold and sn ow ,

the raven ous creatures could n otfind of other heastes sufficien t to feed upon .

”In Scot lan d


where they n ever were numerous , though there they hadbetter cover , the last was slain by S ir Ew en Cameron

,far on

in the seven teen th cen tury . Rory Currah was Irelan d’s greatw olf- s layer. The last was killed in the Wicklow moun tain sA .D . 1770. There are f ew Celtic personal names con . the

wild dog,for so the Celts cal led the wolf. We have

MADDEN : dog , fox ,or wo lf.

SKENE : a dagger , a clan sman ,so cal led for killing w olf

therewith . The worship of the wolf- god n ever took amongstthe Gaels

,so that any names having t o do with the wolf must


be disassociat ed from the god if me t with in Sco t lan d and of

High lan d origin . The king of Fran ce kept a Louvetier : wolfhoun d master , when ce LOVET (lord) .TURP IN (Turi - lupin ) : wolf of Turin , a heretic. Papists so

n amed the fol lowers of Claude , Bishop of Turin ,as he favoured

the doct rin es of the Vaudois . Lupin : wolf plan t , earthdevourer . Wolf

s ban e : wolf-kil ler , Wol f, Vulp(es), Yelp,Guelph

,Go lpe (O . Fren ch for a fox ,

made obsolete by RENARDhard judge), are on e word given t o the an imal for the skirl i tmakes .

WADDILOV E,VVADLOW (truly in n ocen t looking) are wol ves

in sheep ’s cloth in g,being formed on Vado and Lupus— in vad

ing wol ves , warriors good at a raid across the marches . ThenFIDLER (note n ot Fiddler) is fashion ed on Vis de lou : visage

of a wo lf, hairy and scowling=HUN : face like a hound . The German Jews revel in proper

n ames taken from an imals,as


,yet it is far from correct

t hat all their names are taken from the an imal world .

GALP IN The n ames LUP US , LOVE , LUP A ,





HIRP U S =WOLFE, HIRP U S , sign ifyin g literal ly snatcher =

HARP Y : ravish er , when ce HARP AGU S (gen eral) andHARPALYCU S : harpy wolf, ravishing wolf, raven ous robber.

These names show how wide the range of the w olf has been ;b ut we will make from w o l ves to gods . Teuton s worsh ippedmore by libations than did the Cel ts . Every bred Englishlabourer wi ll

,wh en he has fin ished drinking h is pin t of beer ,

in vert the pot so that i ts drain ings and foam fal l on t o the

earth . I have n oticed many Irish and Scotch labourers drinking, but n ever saw on e so do . The res iduum l et fal l was on cea l ibation to the Ases. From drinkin g religious ly t o the A s iriodivin i ties we ow e our drinkin g healths . An old Saxon wouldl ift up h is bow l of ale and say ,

“ Here’s t o Thor’

s min”

: to themin ding of Thor , then he wou ld pour out the remainder as

though it would be licked by Thor ’s bear an d wo lf. Throughthis form of worship the Germans and English drink moret han mos t people in the world . Hin doos an d Mahometansw orsh ipping on the dry prin cipl e are more sober. The Eddaicmythology taught the immortal ity of all men . But those whohave w ounds in the fron t of their bodies received in combaten ter Valhal la,

answering t o the CelticFlathin n is is lan d of the brave

,where compan ion ising with

Ases they drink ale or me theglen from the skulls of con queredfoes . When fou they fel l in to atti tude and fought un to death ,

s leeping during the n ight t o awaken n ex t morn ing and passthrough the same happy scen es . Valhal la was cal led Ham :


home , and a dying warrior was said to be going home . The

Teuton ic Peter who kept the gate of Valhal la w as cal ledHENRY (ham ric, ry ) : home ruler. The an tiquity of th is

name may be in ferred from the number of i ts derivation s , v iz . ,








,HALSEY are n ot from HENRY ,

but an in depen den t word , v iz .


HAR RY : on e who harri es, plun ders , man of war havin g a

weakn ess for expropriation MERODE :marauder. Ouran cestorsalso believed in a water demon who like HROSS had three legs .

Him they cal ledN ICK , when ce N IXON : son of N ick ,

spiteful,giving the

metal N ickel . When the min ers first discovered it theynaturally though t i t was si lver

,but finding it t o be far

in ferior thereto ,thought old N ICK had changed its nature, and

so they termed i t Nickel . This name has been gen eral ly misguessed from N icolas . The an cien t German s worsh ippedn either Muses n or Graces . Greeks sought the good and adoredthe beautiful

,becoming like the gods they adored. Teuton i c

service of the gods was oft en limi t ed to bravery ,whereby the

Germans became as in domi table as the Ases . Howbeit,they

were characterised by a love of freedom equal to that of theirfon dn ess f or war. In the n ature of th ings braves can n ot bes laves . They cherished a strange fon dn ess for home qui tecon trastive w i th that of the Red In dian s . In their marchfrom the Black Sea to the Bal tic , un l ike Greeks , Roman s , or

British on the l in e of march,they took their home with them,

household requisi t es and fami ly. Hen ce the German i c stockcare much for fireside enjoymen t and home pleasure morethan the Roman ce nation s do . They take kin dly t o civi lisat ionby reason of train ing t o labour in en campmen t s and marchesf or a thousan d years . Hen ce they co lon ise w i th success whichn o purely Celtic race does . We mus t n ot part company withthis gran d old stock without addin g that amongst th eir demigods wasBILL : the moon

,when ce our BILL=MOHU N


BILLINGS (Josh) : son of Bill =BILSON . N ow ,as every on e

kn ows,th is name is gen eral ly given as a form of Wil l , bu t

suum cui que . BILSLAND : was lan d whereon was the hofi’


temple of B i ll . Asiric tradition teaches that at a destin edperiod our earth wil l be destroyed by fire , wh ich wi l l be don ebySU RTUR : the black on e , sooty ,

who Si ts at the end of the

earth holding a flam ing sw ord . Hen ceSUTTER (Californ ian captain ) . T il l the world ends LOKI

remain s fettered in his Caucasian cave . A n ew world is to


O f ash -h eaps by the wh ich y e se e

Husban ds an d w ives by s treaks t o chuse ,O f crackling laure l , wh ich fire - soun ds ,A plen t eous harve st to your groun ds.

Choosing a wife by ash streaks, was a form of con sulting Adam

as t o which of his daughters should be chosen . Who fai ls tosee a conn ection between th is and the streaks Jacob made inpoplar , hazel , and chesn ut rods ? Boys n ow read the low(root of lum) , glour in the fire to see things to come , but mendid i t thousands of years sin ce , on ly the boy

’s fire is of seacoal , but our an cestors’ fire was charcoal of ash or flaminglaurels . S trange t o tell , men took t o the ash (Adam) , butwomen t o the e lm (Eve , l ike to like) : hen ce we have WitchElm

, and the famous n ameWYCHERLEY (William) his cogn omen being from a field in

which such trees grew. Tree worsh ip was n ot unkn own tothe Cel t as(Mc)COLL: the hazel , and BEITH : the birch ; n ot dwelling n ear ,

made of, bu t original . The German word Gott n ow applied

solely t o God was origin al ly applied to any Asir in th e sen seof good (fighter) , j ust as a pugilist terms that person a goodman who can hit hard and is a glutton at pun ishmen t. It is

now a common directory n ame .GOTT gives Gottin : goddesses , as HILDA



hen ce Gottingen (un i versity) abode of the A sir goddessesHi ldershe im : Hi lda’

s home,suggesting THORESBY, THURSO :


s home , and giving the provin cial English n ameHILDERSHAM.

ASHGONNER con . ELCORN,OLDCORN (85 Garn et) , forms of

a leconn er an exciseman,a guager.




THIS titl e is con . HIERONYMUS : cal led after a god, a holyname

,giving JEROME , GIRALAMO , GERONIMO . These be they

which in earlier ages were n ot on ly names but pow ers , mightypow ers too , and much for evil . No man n ow trembles at themen tion of Jove , Baal , P luto, Thor, or D is— gods supernal orin fernal—n everth eless , records of their supposed bein g and

doing are fraught with in struction ,and may n ot be l ightly

lost sigh t of. So an tiquaries and geologists search on and

un der the earth t o w in in formation for h istorians , despis ingn either coin s

,barely legible , n or the rude looking ston e.

Such skilfu l toi l un veiled Hercu lan eum , laying bare the inn ersocial l ife of patrician and plebian as the curren t of life flow edin the days of the elder Pliny. Such n ames tel l the thoughtsan d in ten ts of heathen dom when as yet it was , in its appoin t edway ,

preparing our place on the great stage of history. Them in d D ivin e en compasses past, presen t , an d t o come , blen dingall in on e eternal N ow . Man is l ikes t God in in tel lect whenapprehen ding, to the exten t of h is l imited powers , the h istoryof the past

,the laws govern ing mu ltiform being, whereby he

is able , though in smal l measure , t o forecast in econ omics andphys ics . Such being the case , what field of though t is despieable to a thinker ? Even though

,by reason of pas t study


min d he so richly s tored with li terary lore that n ovelty of information be imposs ible , sti l l he despises n ot a sugges tion


kn owing it may prove the mean s of l inkin g thought t o thought,in the order of cause and con sequen ce , Whereby he may perfeet kn owledge already real ised , but lacking th i s fin ishingtouch . O ur chapter will be in much part, mythological , a

study as n eedful to the divin e as alch emy t o the chemist . AS

l ight flowed by comman d from an terior darkn ess , cosmos fromchaos , so scien ce was based on previous error. Not the lesshas that error a beauty

,a charm who l ly it s own . There was

a system, a glamour of beauty

,about myths and gods to

which cu ltured min ds ever ren der the tribute of admirat ion .

Those an cien ts adored their gods , we modern s admire them.

The spell that boun d a son of Hel las gazing on O lympus maybe gauged by the fascination ,

yet hoverin g over his l iterature ,architecture, and statuary. N0 such beauty adorn s thegrotesque gods of the East In dies and the South Sea Is lands .

They lack the mystic gran deur, the harmon ious adaptation of


gods t o men characterising the mythology of Homeric and

Vi rgi lian lan ds . What comparison can there be between thes ix armed S iva cutting off the fifth head of Brahma and

Apol lo striking the lyre in the Temple of the Muses ? The

Greeks and their imi tators the Roman s divide gods in tocelestial , t errest ial , and in fernal . When praying t o the last,they poin ted earthwards or stamped upon the groun d . In fernalis con . In fra : ben eath

,In -h era : in the earth . The di - gamma,

f being used format ively.

HERA : earth ,gives the tel luric deities , earth - born gods ,

ARES (Mars) , HER - MES (Mercury) , HER—A (Jun o).A reopagus : Mars’ hi l l , ARION (poet) : son of Ares


(king) martial , war- lik e = MARTIN ,ARETINO (Guy) warrior ,

ARETHUSA : virtuous,val ian t

,ARISTOS : best , most like Mars

= BEST (beat , beater , beatest, best : who beat s al l).HERA (Jun o , earth - born goddess) gives HERCULES : Jun o

’sglory, ERCOLE (Itn . form), HERODOTUS (father of history) :Jun o’s gift, Heraclea : city of Hercules . In the system of

Berosus , the sun is cal led A rsa : burn er , when ce ARSES (son of

O chus) son of the sun,destroyer , con . Ur . Therein the earth

is called Are tz, when ce Erzeroum : Rouman lan d.

EROS : love , i s from Hera : earth .

“ The cosmogen ic EROSof He soid i s apparen tly a person ification of the prin ciple of

attraction , on wh ich the coheren ce of the material w orlddepen ds .

” Simon ides assign ed him APHRRODITE foam spring,

and ARES : earth ,for paren ts ; a myth ical way of saying EROS

was ch i ld of Earth and Sea.

EPAP HRAS : foam sprung, may be V i ew ed as th e mascul in eof AP HRODITE . Epahras , a servan t of Christ

,saluteth you.

EROS : love , con . ERASMUS,ERATO (presides over love songs ,

lyric poetry) ,ERATOSTHENES (geographer) : strength of Erato. HER- O :

earth sprung :

GYGES : a gian t. Gian t from Ge earth,when ce GAIUS

(min e hos t) , CAIUS , KAY (Shut t lew orth) , when n ot from Hugh,

KEY as in Key’

s Col lege . The Greek idea of gian t is earthborn ,

the German n otion great eat er . Con sul t JU TE,TURNUS


JOTUN , CATTS . Besides Hera,Ge

,Terra mean ing earth


have Ops and Tel lus of similar mean ing , when ceO P P IU S (Caesar

s frien d) son of the earth, O P P IDIU S =

TU ISCO earth born,aut octhon .

Oppidium : an en closed earth w ork, a c i ty = Turra from

Terra : ear th which in i ts turn is = Te l - e l -Kebir : strong earthw ork = P urgos , from Ge : earth .


(fathe r) : earth born , in digen ous , very (ter) an cien t. Hera isthe root of Aro I plough ,

Sero I sow, an d Erian : to plough .


D IOS : divin e , gives the fems. D IONE , D IANA . Hen ce , t oo,D IOSCURI : divin e twin s , Castor and Pol lux . A ship of

A lexandria,whose S ign (figure head) w as D iosk ourois .

D IOSCORIDES (physician t o An thony) : son of divin e tw in s ,their worsh ipper . D ios also forms JOVIS, an d Jov ispat er :

JUP ITER : father Jove , and the fem. of Jove is JUNO , when cealso Jovial : merry ,

l ike Jupi t er or O lympus at a ban quet ,h en ce

,t oo ,Jocundis

,Joke witticisms at feast of gods . D ios

forms Di i : gods , when ce dies : a day , the portion s of timebeing named from gods , as Ven dredi : Ven us

day , Friday, asThursday from Thor . D ies gives D iurnal , Journal , etc.Hermes a nd Aphrodite give Hermaphrodite : Mercury and

Ven us in on e , an drogyn e , John an d Joan .

MERCURY (medius curro) : middle runn er , courier betw eenearth and skies . Though some give i t as con . Merx : mer

chandise , Merceo : t o sel l , when ce Mercenary : a hirel ing.

Alchemists applied i t t o Quicksi l ver : l iving, moving S i l ver.So lead was cal led Saturn ,

and copper Mars . Phos : ligh t,IvesgHEPHESTU S (Vu lcan ) : fire god=AGNI , cal led from Mulceo :

I soothe , soften ,from Mol lis : soft , MULCIBER : metal soften er.

Vulcan gives Volcan o : workshop of the fire god. Vu lcan iseto make metal l ic looking.

Nor was h is n ame unh e ar’d an d unadorn e d

In an cien t Gre e ce an d in the Auson ian lan dM en calle d h im Mulci ber an d how h e fe llFrom h e aven they fable d , thrown by an gry JoveShe er o ’

er th e crystal bat t lem en t s from morn

To n oon h e fe ll , from n oon t o dewy eve ,A summ er

s day ; an d w ith th e se t t in g sun

Dropt from th e zen ith like a fallen starO n Lemn os , th

ZEgean isle .

ESTIA, VESTA (the zen i th) star.“The altar of the dei ty was

in the cen tre of the house,and sacrifices commen ced with her


because , as Plato says in Timoeus,she was the oldest of all t he

gods ; or rather the pivot on wh ich they all turn ed .

” She wasalso w orshipped un der the form of the crescen t moon . Horacecal ls h er “ Siderum regina b icorn is z.” the tw o horn ed queenof the stars .

ASTARTE : star goddess , ASTRIFIAMMANTE : flaming star,queen of n ight. HESTER, ESTHER, EOSTER ,



STELLA : stars, risers , shin ers .

ASTEROP E : star faced , glorious . ASTROPHILE (and S tel la) :l over of star lady. ASTERION : son of a star

, con . ZEs tus : the

tide,ri sing waters , wh en ce Estuary : tide way . Eas t : poin t

of sun ri sing. Austria : east kingdom. Yeast : barm,wh ich

makes t o ri se . EOSTER is iden tical with EASTER : whenSpecial hon ours were paid t o the Saxon ASTARTE.


HESTER (when mal e n ame) Easter born , fortunate .TYP HON (con . Typhoon win d spindrif t ing the sea l ike

smoke) son of smoke , volcan ic agen cy person ified .

PALLAS bran disher , spear vibrator,con . Bal lo I throw .

Pal ladium : an aeroli te , said t o be statue of Pal las fal len fromheaven

,upon which Trojan safely depen ded . Trial by jury is

th e pa lladium of British l iberty. Luke says,

“ Ye men of

Ephesus, what man is there who kn ow eth n o t how that the

city of the Ephesian s is temple - keeper of the great D iana and

of the (aerol i t e) wh ich fel l dow n from h eaven .

” This ae orli te

was the pedestal of Artemis . To this hour the re is on e served inthe Medj id (Temple) at Mecca ,

cal led Kaaba,wh ich the A rabs

say was whi t e when i t was the footstool of God at the timeHe visi ted Adam in Paradise

,b ut turn ed black wh en he sin n ed .

Thousands of hadj is will kiss i t th is year .PALLAS when an English n ame is formed on pool and e sk .


I‘EMISIA (Carian queen ) : daughter of D ian a,


,n ervous , con . NERO, NERVA men of

n erve and verve .

JANUS is a form of Eanus, from EO : I go ,al luding to change

of seasons . He was Bifron s : tw o faced , on e looking t o old

year,other t o n ew ,

Memory an d Hope,l ike HUGIN and


JANUS,con . Jan ua : a gate , from E0 : I go , e xact ly z Gat e


from Go,which gives gad,

GADSBY—gadfly ,goat



DERGAST, Ghaut : the moun tain gate. Jan itor : gate—keeper :

YATES , GATES . January : gate of the year.ARTEMIS (D iana) : whole , pure , v irgin



PARTHENOS (Sciot e monk). A man may be a Vi rgin,on ly a

woman can be a maid . These are they wh ich havenot defiled themselves with women (been gui l ty of spiritualadul tery

,ido latry) for they are virgin s .


GINIU S. Hen ce ARTEMUS (Ward) .AP OLLO (sun ,

when ce sun stroke) destroyer ARSA (Pers ian ) .AP OLLYON : son of de stroy er z ABADDON (symbolic king of

locus t s) : BALAA M. AP OLLOS : dedicated t o Apol lo. A P OLLODORUS (the i l lustrious) gift of AP OLLO =MITHRIDATES . P H(E

BU S : l ife ligh t (the sun ) P HCEBE (moon ) f em . D iana. Himthey armed with golden arrows

,rays , her with s i lver.

Que en and hun tre ss , chast e an d fair,Now th e sun is laid to sle ep

Se at e d in thy s ilver chair,Stat e in w on t ed man n er ke ep ,

Hesperus in treat s thy lightGodde ss e xce llen t ly bright

Lay thy b ow of pearl apart ,And thy crystal Sh in in g quiver ;


An d give un to the flyin g hart ,Space t o breath e , how short so ever ;

Thou that mak’

st day of n igh t ,Godde ss exce llen t ly brigh t l

HESP ERUS is a short form of Eosperus : l igh t scatterer , thegloaming

,gives Hesperia,

Italy, so cal led by Greeks , the Ro

man s said the same of Spain . It is the 0p. of Anatolia : sun

rise coun try , the Levan t, HESP ERIDES (t hree) : daughters o f

Hesperus. Vespers : even ing worship , the even ing star beingin the w est . Vesperti lio (bat ) even ing bird . Wes t is a formof vast , applied t o the A tlan tic , wherein th e sun seemed t o se t

to old worlders .

ATLAS bearing much , moun tain s of N . A . person ified . A s

the clouds rested on them they seemed to bear up the sk y , the

world ,ATLANTIADES : daughters of A tlas

,Atlan tic islands. That

ocean is named from wash ing roots of A tlas moun tain s .

CYBELE : cube like , perfect, a cube being symbol ic of perf ect ion .

PAN al l , all the prin ciples and powers of n ature person ified,

ivesgFAUNUS (son of P ious) : a satyr

,h en ce Fawn : young deer ,

Fauna : an imals of a coun try.

“ In shadier bow erMore sacre d and seque st er

d,though but fe ign


P an or Sy lvanus n ever slept , n or NymphNor Faunus haun t e d .

SYLVANUS,SILAS son of the wood SAVAGE w ood - dweller .

P an gets the credit of teaching the aborigin es of Italy t o makebread

,wh en ce cal led Pan is

,giving Pan n iers : bread basket s .

After baking he t ook t o bui lding , and erected the first t emplefrom which any temple is cal led Fanum ,

giving Profan e :before the temple , un clean ,

ex commun icat e e . Aft er cookeryand arch i tecture he began his mi litary career as a l ieutenan tun der Gen eral Bacchus , whom he served in h is Indian cam

paign . He w on n o star -medal but scared the en emy , when cePan ic : fright caused by P an . He was worshipped at t he

Phials of the Jordan ,where a ci ty was bui l t t o his hon our ,

cal led P an eas or BANIAS : son of P an . PANDORA : al l gifts.The Graces w ereAGLAIA : splen did , THALIA : flourish ing, EUP HROSYNE : m erry

girl,making of a 'j oyful min d , n early Euphrat es and PHRYNE :

rich in men tal endowmen ts . The Hours wereEUNOMIA : good law

,D ICE j ustice

,IRENE peace.

Un iversal P an

Kn it w ith the Graces an d the Hours in dan ce ,Led on th

e t ern al spring.


Museum : temple of the Muses . Musa : a song, Mus ic : thescien ce of song. Amuse : t o sing to. MUSES : singers .

ANTIOP E (Amazon ian queen ) : beholder , large eyed , con .

O ptics : scien ce of v ision = EU ROPA : ox eyed (bul l’

s back).From h er we are supposed t o have the word Europe : lan dingplace of Europa. These names are the 0p . of MYOTIS : she

who shuts her eyes in a pretty playful mann er .

AMPHITRITE (ocean person ified as a w oman ) roll ing round.

BRONTES : thunderer,hammersmen THOR. CYCLOP S (forms

COCLES,Horatius) : whirler of forehammer , al ludin g to s ledge

hammers , describing segmen t s of circles, con . En cyclical :

circular letter , sen t all roun d . BRIAREUS : strong=FORBES.

COTTUS (Titan ) : smit er z SMITH, and giving COTTA (Aurelius).

BRITOMARTIS (Cretan goddess) : sweet maid . CRANAUS (ofA then s) : head , chief, con . Cran ium : the head , CREON , f em .

CREUSA, CRcESU S (rich) : govern or , CRESSIDA : royal daughterSCYLLA : rockhead

,iden tical w i th Scu ll : hard part of head .

CALYP SO (O cean ide ) : h idden ,covered , con . Apocalypse :

un covered , asLATONA

,LETO : laten t on es

,being maids they were Alamoth :

hidden in harems , or by veils .

CACUS (robber) : b ad,con . CACODEMON fien d

,devil . Demon s


like other spirits,were good or bad.

GORGON : t errible . DEMOGORGON : terrible demon . DESDEMONA : demon bound

,afraid of ghosts , supersti tious .

An d the can n ibals , that each oth er eat ,The An thropophagi , an d m en whose headsDo grow ben eath the ir shoulders . The se thi ngs to h earWould Desdemon a seriously in clin e .

STHENO (Gorgon strong on e,as STHENELAU S (Mycen ian

king) : strength of the peoplez DEMOS




EURYALE (2) w ide sea , con . Euripus (strai t) wide flowing,

when ce EURIP IDES (tragedian ) son of Euripus,changing like

i t s tide , fickle . EURYNOME (mother of Graces) : wide ruling.

Nomos : law .

MEDUSA comman dress . Th is and MEDEA (sorceress)may be taken as fems . of MEDON : comman der .

ZEOLU S : variable , as the w in d . E olian lyre : harp playedby the w in d .

ESCU LAP IU S (Egyptian god) : man dog,man of wisdom


for vigilan ce .

GALATEA (thea) :mi lk -wh ite goddess, con . Galaxy :mi lkyway .

GALLIO (deputy) : brough t up on mi lk by hand=ACHILLES :without the l ip .

LACTANTIU S (apologist) : son of mi lk,con . V ia lactea : milky

way= FOSTER .


LEUCOTHEA : wh ite goddess the dawn person ified .

Meanwh ile ,To re - salut e th e world w ith sacre d ligh t ,L euco thea waked , and with fre sh dews emb alm


Th e E arth .

HEBE : youth . GANYMEDE : j oy comman ding, con . O regon :

moun tain j oy ,that covers the h i l ls w ith flow ers .

EDEN,Aden : pleasure , gives ADONIS : pleasure giver.

A don i s symbol ised the quickly fading flow er of youth— of

all that flourishes luxurian tly and perishes rapidly ; and thefestivals wh ich bore his name , the celebration of which wasaccompan i ed by the lamen tation s of w omen

,were amongst

those in wh ich the an cien ts had referen ce t o the decay of

nature.” The Syrian s cal led ADONIS ,THAMMU z : hidden

,n ot t o be found z CALYP so




Thammuz came n e xt beh in d ,Whose an nual woun d in Leban on alluredTh e Syrian damse ls t o lam en t h is fat e

In amorous dit t ie s all a summer’

s day ;Wh ile smooth Adon i s from h is n at ive rockRan purple t o th e se a, suppose d w ith bloodOf Thammuz ye arly woun de d .

Adon is (the river) red , con . Adam red earth,EDOM : red

bodied , so cal led from carry ing down san d and red ochre afterh eavy rains . ADONIS was favouri t e of Venus , who mourn edh is loss when he was fatal ly woun ded by a boar.VENUS from V en io : I come , that wh ich brin gs , love by

which comes l ife , V en tus : win d,which comes and goes


V en eor : t o hun t , come aft er.IRIS (rainbow) : un i ter,

l ink of beau ty between earth an d

sk y ,con .

IRENE (empress) peacemaker. Iridescen t co loured like arainbow.

IRENEU S (father) : peace ful = P ACIFICU S (frater) , SOLOMON.

IRIS was daughter of THAUMAS : won der, admiration , con .

THAUMATURGUS miracle worker,and ELECTRA brigh tn ess


con . E lectrici ty : l igh t from amber.MELEAGER : lan d lover . MORP HEUS : shaper


, con .

FORMOSA . A god who preven ted Sleep being mon oton ous byvarying it w ith dissol ving views

,common ly cal led dreams .

Mi l t on,wi th a charm all h is own

,describes his in dustry

,bu t

cal ls him FANCY f or Phan tasy,from P hain omai : t o appear.

It is t o be distinguished from Imagination : th e act of makingmen tal imagery ,

In th e soulAre man y le sser facult ie s , that serveReason as ch ie f , am on g the se Fan cy n ext


Her office ho lds. O f al l e xt ern al th ingsWh ich t he five wat ch ful sen se s repre sen t ,The f orms , imagin a tion s , aery shapes

Wh ich Reason join in g or disjoin ing, fram e s

All what we affirm , or what den y , and callOur kn ow ledge or opin ion ; th en re t ire sIn to h er privat e ce ll wh en Nature re sts ,O ft in her abse n ce mimi c Fan cy make sTo imitat e h er ; but by join ing shapes

Wild work produce s oft , an d most in dream s .

MORP HE, also con . Morph ia : S leep producing drug, Forma

shape , givesFIRMIU S (con quered byAurelian ) :well framed BEAUREGARD



NEMESIS (goddess of vengean ce) distributor, retributionbringer

, con . Nomos : law . An ti - n omian : law opposer .OMP HALE (Lydian queen ) : the navel , con . Umbo

,Umbi lical


a n ame of myst i c mean ing, con . w orsh ip,derived from Egypt



Delph i : th e womb (of the world), con . Adelphos : a brother ,on e from the same w omb .

NEP TU NE washer (of the shore) . P OSIDEON : footb inder,sal t waters difficult to walk in .

PELOP S dark faced,

swarthy visaged = SWARTZ,ZESO P




, con . AP ELLES= PH1N z fair .PELEUS : black - a- vised, giving P ELO P IDAS (Theban ) : son of

Pelops,Peloponn esus : is lan d of Pelops , n ow Morea for Romea

Rouman territory.

SISYP HUS very wise , con . SOPHIA : w ise woman . Sophist :having semblan ce of w isdom .

N IOBE (daughter of Tan talus) : n ew life, con . Biography :

l ife description .

BIAS (of seven ) : ful l of l if e =WICKS . The rivers of Hel lwereLethe : forgetfuln ess . con . LETO : h idden , as drinking of i t

hid former l ife .Ph legethon : burn ing , con . PHLEGON : fiery temper. Phlo

gist on : burn ing gas , ph legm : Viscid mat ter from i nflammat i on .

Acheron : ache run , flowing wi th pain , con . ACHAN : troubler .Cocytus : wai ling.

ULYSSES : anger (of his gran dfather) . Odyssey : ode of

U lysses , song of his w anderings .

O SIRIS : much eye , th e Sun , Egyptian Apol lo.

ISIS : the eye , the Moon ,the Egyptian D iana. Some ex

ce llen t w riters giveISIS as formed upon Isha : a w oman ,

Eve deified .

BAAL,some give as lord , o thers derive from OBEL serpen t


me ye can do n oth ing. BAAL an sw ers t o AP OLLO,MITHRAS


ARSA , HADAD , names un der wh ich the sun was worshipped ,wh i le ASTARTE



,URANIA correspon ds t o worsh ip

of s tar or moon .

ASHBEL : august, fire of Baal . The son s of Benj amin w ereBelah ,

Becker,and A shbel .

BALADAN (Baal adon ):Baal is lord, the oppon en t of ADONIJAH :Jehovah is Lord .

BELSHAZZAR : Bel most glorious. BELTESHAZZAR : Bel ’sprin ce

,the ru ler Bel favours , n early =HANNIBAL. That name

must have been an abomination t o the great s lave Dan iel .Gabriel does n ot say ,

0 Bel t eshazzar ! but O Dan iel .”

ESHBAAL is iden t ical w i th ASHBEL.

“ Saul begat Eshbaal .He was also cal ledISH- BOSHETH :man of shame = fESCHYLU S Boshe th : shame ,

con fusion of face , is from Baal , whose worsh ip brought shame .

Some hold that Baal gives Balah : t o destroy,t o ruin

,wh en ce

BALAAM destroyer of people (am) , but BAALAM : of a strangepeople , a foreign er.MEP HIBOSHETH : ex termin atin g Baal . MERIB- BAAL con

ten ding agains t Baal . Saul might have named these his son sin a spirit of an tagon ism to his w orsh ip

,b ut as Hebrews were

forbidden to men t ion gods , i t w ould have looked health ier hadthere been n o al lusion t o Baal in the n ames of the royal fami ly.

JERU BAAL : le t Baal plead . A surn ame of Gideon ,But the

name clave n o t t o him .

BALTHAZAR : kin g protected by Baal . Baal gave name toBaalb ec and Arbela, cities wherein his sacrificial flame waskept burn ing. Beyrout is Baalberith : lord of the covenan t.There are several places men t ion ed in the O ld Testamen t fromthis god, as Baal - gad : lord of fortun e

,Baal - hamon : lord of

the people , Baal - hazor : lord of Hazor. “ Absalom had sheepshearers in Baal - hazor . Baal so common ly combin ed w i t hthe n ames of locali t ies that i t came to mean simply a place

, as

Baal - perazim : place of breaches . Baal - tamar place of

palms. It takes two forms, f em . , t o wit , Baalah ,

Baalath .

The border was draw n t o Baalah,which is Kirjath - j earim.

Solomon buil t Baalath and Tadmor in the w i ldern ess . Philistia servedBAALZEBUB

,BAALZEBUL : fly lord= Jupit er Muscarius : the

fly- dispel lin g Jove . In course of time th is deified Papier

Moure came in to use w i th a con temptuous force,so that in

apos tol ic t imes i t was syn onymous w i th Satan . Zebub : a flyTe tze

,S . A frican bu ll s layer

,from Ze n oise made =Musca,

from muzzing, for Muzca. Our Fly : that flees . Zebub,Te tze


Musca=Buz z t o dron e .BAAL - PEOR , BAAL - PHEGOR : lord of the dead . Jesus con


t ras ts Jehovah with i t .

“ Jehovah is n ot a god of the dead ,

but (God) of the living. They join ed themselves un to BaalPeor

,and ate the sacrifices of the dead , i .e .

,of the lord of the

dead .

ADHERBAL (Slain by Jugurtha) greatn ess of Baal . ASDRU

BAL (son of Hami lcar) : of the seed Of Baal,con . Zoroaster : fire

seed,begot ten of the fire god.

HAMILCAR is from the S idon ian Hercul es,w ritten in Pun ic ,

Ha-Melk -Art : the great king , con . ARTAP HERNES great shepherd


HANNIBAL (A lps)= BAAL - HANAN grace of Baal,born by .

Lat t er very an cien t .


s priest . When A lexan der en teredBabylon he foretold his Visi t w ould be fatal .METHUMBALLES (Carthagin ian n oble) man of Baal , con .

METHUSELAH man of the dart.CASSIV ELAU NU S is the Roman form of CASSIBELAN ,

from the

Cass i tribe in composition w i th Bel .

He was carrie dFrom off our coast , twice beat en : an d hi s Sh ippin g(P oor ign oran t bauble s) on our t errible se as ,

Lik e egg- sh e lls mov

’d upon th e ir surge s crack’


As easily again st our rocks For joy wh ere ofTh e fam ed Cassi be lan , who was on ce at poin t(0 , giglot fortun e ! ) to mast er Cmsar’s sword ,Made Lud’s town w ith rejoicing fire s brigh t ,An d Briton s strut with courage .

May was cal led by the aboriginal Bri t ish Be ltaen : the fire ofBaal

,as then the sacred fire was ren ewed on h is al tar in hon

our of the sun begin n ing t o put forth pow er. The old customof maying and dan cing roun d the maypol e is con . therew ith .

The dan ce symbol ised the sun god ci rcling through the Sk y .

Baal was w orsh ipped conjoin tly w i th Neb o ,the star god.

“ Belboweth ,

Nebo s t oopeth .

NEBO : in t erpreter , foreteller, con . Naib ,Nebi a prophet :

Weird : who speaks the w ord . NEBO was the ChaldeanMercury

,by whose passage through the sk y season s w ere

forecas t ed . So

KRONOS (Saturn ) for Chron os : t ime , time being measuredthereby.

NEBUSHASBAN : worshipper of Neb o=HERMODU LU S : servan tof Mercury.

NEBU CHADNEZZAR : Nebo is the god of fire . NEBU ZAR - ADAN :Nebo’

s lord or leader=HERMIANAX. Nebuchadn ezzar, kingof Babylon , gave charge con cern ing Jeremiah t o N ebuzaradan ,

the captain of the guard.

NABO P OLASSAR : a compoun d of Neb o and Asar,a form of


Asshur , the progen itor of the Assyrian s , and t o whom theyowe their n ational designation . In re turn they deified him. So

TIGLATHP ILESER is composed of Tark at (mother of gods :

Ops) an d Asar of Asshur.ESARHADDON (Asar adon ) lord of Assur , a name so accu rately

describing h is office that i t deserves being cal led a ti tle. A ssurcombin es with local names , as Telassar h i l l of Assar , themound w here was his altar. “We do sacrifice un to God s in cethe days of Esarhaddon king of Assur .”

E den stre t ch e d h er lin eFrom Auran eas tward t o the royal t owersO f great Se leucia , built . by Gre cian kings ,Or where th e son s of E den long be foreDwe lt in Te lassar.

Tel a h i l l,moun d

,earthw ork

,run s through many languages .

SHAREZER : prin ce of fire, con . Sarah . NERGAL - SHAREZER :

Nergal is prin ce of fire .

NERGAL : ro l ling light, revolving star , con . Gal i lee , appliedto a cock wh ich crow s at return ing ligh t . The word of th eLord came un to Zechariah ,

when they had sen t in to the houseof God Sharezer and Regem -Melech and their men ,

t o praybefore the Lord .

” Paral lel t o the cruelty of n aming Dan ie lBel teshazzar was that of cal l ing ZerubbabelSHESHBAZZAR : fire worshipper . All these did Sheshbazzar

brin g up with the cap t ivi ty,they were brough t up from

Babylon t o Jerusalem.

ZERUBBABEL seed of Babylon , con . ZOROASTER an d answer

BALB I , BALBOA (Span ish Jews) : man from Babylon .


ASENATH : belonging t o Neith,the Egyptian M in erva, a

Wise person .

ZAPHENATH : he who receives Neith,wisdom ,

is divin elytaught.


N ITOCRIS (Babylon ian queen ) : victory of Neith , wisdomwms .

P AANEAH he who fl ies pol lution , an al lusion to Joseph fromhis mistress .

P OTIPHAH and POTIP HERAH diff er as Joses and Joseph , eachmean ing pries t of the sun =HELIO PHANTES and the mad


,whose original n ame was GABALU S , from

the Gab e llus , tributary to the P o ,wh ich was changed when

he became priest t o the sun in Phoen icia.

RAM : (“of the kin dred h igh

,gives RIMMON : very

high , applied to the pomegranat e in a mystical sense ,Rimmon , whose de ligh t ful seat

Was fair Damascus on the fert ile banksO f Abana an d P harpar, lucid stream s .


S IBYL (theosb oule ) : givin g the coun sel of God= FABIU S,from Fari : t o speak , con . Fable .

Nab i : who gives the word of God, can . NABOTH (garden )THEOP HRASTUS : who speaks the words of God.

TIMOR (Tieu and More : great) : great god, when ce n ame ,title

,and place


BALTIMORE : city of the great good . T IMOR,BAEL , and

CROM w ere the aboriginal tri -mutri of Britain .

CROM,CRUM : curved

,the moon in crescen t. CROMWELL :

Spring where Crom was w orsh ipped

(S)CALDWELL : foun tain where scalds sang to gods . Bal

a town or vi l lage,as in BALMERINO = SEATON . Bal timore


BOGATSKY : city of God. The Welsh had a god who cameacross the sea on a pig’s back . Him they cal ledCOLL the hazel , probably he used the sacred wan d to guide

his porcin e charger,when ce

COLE (old king) and GALL We have seen that SHEM :

a name,and ARAM : high

,when ce Arimathea=HYAM


SEMIRAMIS exal ted n ame , famous , when ce S EMIRAMIDEdaugh ter of Semiramis

,b ut savan s say i t also gives

SEMELE (mother of Bacchus) . In the festival of the win epress

,the torch - bearer cried out t o the people Kale i t e Theouz”

cal l ye upon God, and they an sw ered Semele Iaache ploutodota.

”As Semele admi ts of n o grammatical con struct ion in

this sen ten ce,and is conn ect ed w ith the Hebrew Jah


Hales deems that i t den otes the Hebrew Shemal i : hearken t ome , as in Lev . xxv i . 2 1 . This w ould give consisten cy t o the

popular response , as i t w ou ld sign ify Hearken t o me, O Jah ,

thou giver of weal th .

” Forget ting, if ever kn owing, themean in g of SHEMALI : hearken to me

,the Greeks me tamor

phosed i t in to a woman ,

SEMELE , supposed t o have expired at the sigh t of Jovearrayed in all the terrors of his glory

,as the people feared

they wou ld at S inai . This origin con tradicts t he Greektradition that Iacchus was the son of Ceres and Proserpin e.Yet th is conj ecture is supported by the fact that a number ofHebrew words and phrases w ere used in the ceremony of theGrecian festivals .

JESSE weal thy : GEMALLI camel possessor is from Jah ,as

also isIacche , wh ich with Bar : a son , supplies us with BACCHUS

son of Jah, the wealth giver , if so JESSE and BACCHUS are ,

n ominal ly , n ear a k in . Yea or nay ,BACCHUS gives

Debauch : t o make in a bacchanalian S tate. SHEM varies t oSEMI(RAMIs) , SEM(ELE) , SIM(EON) , ISHMA(EL) , SHIMEI(M) .



NO f ew personal names are referable to an imal origin . Thosethat are an cien t gen erally originate in the fact that the person sso designated displayed some quali ties of the an imal fromwhich they obtain their name. O thers , more an cien t , are

traced t o mystic conn ection s be tw een the original n omin ee andido latry, h e adoptin g or receiving the n ame of and symbol isingthe god he w orshipped in such an imal . A large proportion of

more recen t n ames are memen toes o f th e Crusades being obtain ed by person s who bore represen tation s of an imals on theirsh ield . Such as are al l ied t o worship mus t be looked at fromthe al tar s tan dpoin t

,bein g thereby clothed with august value .

In the worsh ip of God,humble birds w ere off ered

,when ce

th ere was a scape sparrow (Levi . x iv. 5 0 ) as well as a scapegoat. To this Jesus poss ibly al ludes wh en saying


“ N ot a

Sparrow fal ls to the groun d without the w i l l of your Father .Moses records m inute detai ls of Judaic ri tual , but otherreligion s

, gay or cruel,older than i t , have left f ew memorials

of ex isten ce besides ston es and names . In V iew of such factswe regardSPARROW n ot n ecessarily as a sparrow - catcher



sel ler,as sparrow s as w el l as doves were sacred t o Venus


swan s were t o Jun o. In olden times people clothed an imalswith imagin ed attributes as boys n ow do robin s , cal ling eachGod

s bird . We lose sigh t of symbol ism in these uti li tariandays , the outcome of an cien t commun ion with the gloriousEast. Religious con sideration s throw mys tic light over manynames

,in vesting them with the charm of an tiquity more

pleasing than accurate kn owledge of common - place matters .

Thus i t w as men reveren ced the great n ame ,AUGUSTUS , from Augur : who foretold by av ispec tion ,

looking in to birds offered sacrificial ly . Avis : a bird

, Spe cio I s e e .

August : awful,sublime

,gran d .

“ My august master, the

emperor.” Hen ce August : t he mon th so cal led in compl imen tt o Augustus Caesar . Hen ce, t oo, AUGUSTINE , AUSTIN , AGOSTINO ,AU GU STULU S (last Roman emperor) : most august :SEBASTE : worsh ipful , hon ourable, when ce Sebastopol

Augsburg . From SEBASTE ,(St .) SEBASTIAN son of SEBASTE , BASTIEN (germs). English

would be impoverished by the loss of AUGUSTUS ; but suchn ame could on ly be had through worsh ip , true or false . The un

known always affects more deeply than the kn own . AUGUSTUS


correspon ds to the Pers ian Arta : the sacrificial flame of thefire worshippers , as seen in ARTABANUS. Each an swers to theCel ti cBOYD : fulvous h eaded , auburn tressed , Thorin e haired . The

tin t can n ot be exact ly given ,as i t mean s hai r coloured like

the altar fire , which varied from bright yellow to a ruddyglow. Akin t o i t ,BOWIE : for whom a propi tiation has been made

,the Gaelic


,P 10 . Happy the Celtic mother or German matron

who had a son w i th hair of th is sort , as she had ocular proofthe gods favoured her. We look at h eads ei ther ae s thetical lyor phren ological ly , con sidering whether they are w in some orpromise ability , whereas the an cien ts looked at them in relationt o the gods. Kn owing history casts aw e over even ston es , anddign ifies what the ignoran t think common in to sublimity.

Augus tus is syn onymous with the German

WERTER (sorrows of) , from the root worth upon which w e

form worship . The fo l lowing are a selection of personal n amesi l lustrating the foregon e viewsRACHEL : a sheep

, on e fon dly ten ded .

BREBISSON great sheep . In a work upon the usefulgrasses M . de Brebi sson ,

that botan ist says,

” etc.OVID : l ittle sheep


,nurse name = LAMB,

O VIEDO (Span ish historian ) . O vation : triumph when a

sheep was offered .

WEDDERS a w eather sheep .

CHERAN : a lamb.

“ The son s of D ishon , (were) Amram ,

Eshb on , Ithran ,and Cheran .

” Cheran from Kar : a lamb ,giving Karn os , dropping the in itial Arnos , when ceARNOBIU S

(African ) : lamb lived , exac t ly = our AGNEWSEELY : s i l ly, sheep like . A sil ly sheep means an inn ocen t

on e , does n ot butt ram - like . These :D ILKE (Sir C.) a sucking lamb , a l ittle dear= LAMMIE .

ALECTRYON (watched Apollo by order of Mars, a myth,

mean ing soldi ers should be watchful ti l l sun - rise) : a cock ,

l iteral ly mean s n ot bed= the Hebrew,

NERGAL : a cock ,li t. rol ling light

, con . Gal : rol lin g. Galeedheap of witn ess , they rol led s ton es t o it. Doubled in Gilgalrol ling away completely.

“ This day have I gilgal - cd the

reproach of Egyp t . Gal gives Globus : any roun d thin g.

Glob e : that may be ro l led . Golal : a tombston e. Mark x v i .

3 . From same source Golgotha, Gali lee . The men of Cush(Eth iopian s) made Nergal

,design ation of Mars .

NERGAL- SHAREZER : prin ce helped by Mars, con . Sarah and

Eben ezer.BERNARD of a bear’s n ature

,strong to figh t



MOSCHUS (Syracusan poet) : a calf = V ITELLIU S , con . veal .GALBA fat calf EGLON , con . A leppo , Hal eb fat soi l


LIP P O (Memmi) a s toutly buil t man .

LEP ORELLA : a l ittle hare leveret , on e very timid .

DAMARIS a he ifer= EGLAH.

“ The S ix th Ithream,by

Eglah David’

s wife .” A w oman named Damari s .

DAMARIS : broken in to the yoke , con . DOMITIAN , con . th ePersian


DAMASP IA : horse breaker. “ If ye had n ot ploughed w ithmy heifer.VITALIAN (emperor) from V i tulus : a calf , con . Italus .

Italia : the coun t ry producing kin e , asAchaia : horse producing coun try


Spain : rabbits , and=Beot ia and Bohemia : home of theBoi i cattle ten ders. Italy , Beot ia,

Bohemia fairly an swer toBuchanan .

Ravens w ere t o Norsemen what eagles were t o the Romans .

To them death under the dusky wing of the raven in sureden tran ce in to Valhal la.

BRANDU BH (king of Lein ster) raven black , con . DublinBlack pool .RAP P (gen eral) , RAP IN (historian ) : a raven .

BERTRAM,BERTRAND : bright raven

,bril lian t fighter.

WIGRAM : victorious raven, con . WIGMORE : great con queror

MECANICES and con . Wigan : place of V ictoryRABY carrier of the Dan es raven standard : CORAX.

ROYSTON : hooded crow (corvus corn ix ). Corvus , corax ,

crow , forms o f Craw l n oise made .

CORBETT , CORBYN : a crow . CORBETT and RIDDLE are theoldes t Scot t ish surnames .

VALERIUS CORVUS : Valerius who was helped by a crow infight w ith a Gaul .STERN : a raven =RAV EN =HIRP U S

,HARP Y : sn atcher , rav

isher.CROW is an cien t

, but whether con . war, religion ,or nature

i t is too late t o say .

CRAWFORD ( looking so l ike crow ford) : camp ford .

CROYLAND (abbey) : frequen ted by crows , agricul t ural . Nex tare of w ar.

BRENNU S (Gall ic king) : a raven ,as BRAND giving BRANDAN

BRANIGAN : son of Bran d or of the raven . Hen ce , t oo ,

BRAIN , As raven s eat the dead , they symbol isedcomplet e victory .

O REB (Midian ) : a raven , con . EREBUS : dark as the raven ’


wing. O rb im dark on es,Bedouin . And the orbim brough t

him bread and flesh in the morn ing. Eagles had admirers,

but n ot t o th e same exten t,for the obvious reason they were

less kn own .


ZETION (fath er of Andromache) : great eagle = N ISROCH.

N INUS (when ce N in eveh) , CARCAS (chamberlain ) , [ETIU S

(stabbed Valen tin ian ) ,NARSES (fough t the Goths) all =AQUILA (Prisci l la) : an eagle .

Aqui la is a form of Acui la,from acus

,wh en ce Acut e : sharp


mean ing sharp flier,lit eral ly = sw if t (bird) , SW IFT (dean ) : who

run s sw iftly. Aqui lon e w in d rushi ng like an eagle= Boreas z

w in d from the Thracian moun tain s,from O ros : a moun tain .

Aqui l in e : Shaped like an eagle’s beak . Some giveA JAX : an eagle

,but i t is = JOB : w eeper.

O RL (Russian ) an eagle,O RLOFF (coun t) son of O rl .

ERNE , HERNE an eagle,ERNEST (kin g) = FIACRE an eagle .

Cabs taking persons t o St. Fiacre’

s church,Paris

,came t o be

cal led Fiacre : a hackn ey coach . From this source ARNOT :son of Ern e z O rloff.

ARNOLD,ARNAUD (marshal) : eagle pow er. S t. A rn old

, cor.

t o STERNHOLD (an d Hopkins) , if n ot ston e hold.

ARNHILDA : Hi lda’

s eagle , V alk irier n ame .KIRCKU LE : church haun ted by owls , becomes CHURCHILLoe t )pHAP SBURG (house of ) : hawks tower , born in . Hap a hawk


wh ich haves , grips . Havock : to s lay men as hawks do sparrow s .

HIERAX (An tiochus) : the hawk ,gripper



HOWLET may be li ttle ow l , but most l ikely is dim . of How e,

or even of How el l .EULE : an ow l . EULENBURG : town frequen ted by owls :


KORE : a partridge,i t is gra ,

the n oise i t makes,l ike saw s

w an ting grease . Enk ak ore : the well of him who cri ed wit h a

dry throat . Kore of the son s of Asaph . Th is Hebrew nameexactly an sw ers the Ital ianQUAGLIA , as that is guackli a : n oise of bird . The holy

father was accompan i ed by Cardinals QUAGLIA and PANEBIANOO?

P ANEBIANCO =WHITBREAD : eating white bread,others eat

ing coarse brown ,and so well bred .

HOG-LAH (daughter of Zelophehad) : a partridge , on e plumpand pretty .

BUFFON (natural ist) great ow l , with mystic s ign ifican ce.RACINE (dramatist) : carrying on sh ield rat and swa

n (ratcygn e)SWAN , from Wan : pal e , gives SWANN ,

A sirio an d heraldic.GENSERIC (Van dal) : wild gan der , passing from lan d t o lan d .

GANS , GOES , GOSCHEN : a goose , a wan derer,GOSLING : son

of GOES .

COOTE , COOT : water fowl , like a moor hen .



LUN (Sal ly) : great n orthern diver . LU NHUNTER : sea birdcatcher.L IVERMORE from a bird called Li ver w hich frequen ted meres

and pools , when ce by some Liverpool : marsh lan ds frequen t edby the Li ver.POUSSIN (pain ter) a cock ,

gives the Fran co- Irish n ameP OSSINET : young Pouss in . HUSS (reformer) : a goose . HAGGAR ,

HAGGIS : un train ed hawks , wild . MILV IU S , N ISAS (Eurvalus) : hawks both .



s daughter) , LIVIA : doves al l,

though some give JEMIMA : han dsome as the day ,the sight of

her being as dawn t o the ben ighted . Simi larly , from Turtur :a dove , tur , tur : cooer , we haveTOVEY


,TORTOLA (Span ish lady).

“ Thou art fair ,thou hast doves ’ eyes .

TABITHA, DORCAS gazel le - eyed = LAP IDOTH : lamps .

STORKS (recorder) from the S tork : natural affection ,for

wh ich the bird was n oted .

COLUMBUS a dove or pigeon, on e dear= P OMBAL (premier) ,

for Palumba. Columbia (Hai l the con federatedS . of A . Icolmk ill (In ch Columba) : is lan d in wh ich is cell of


COLUMBINE is a kind of f em . t o COLUMBUS , and so lady - dovefor lady - lov e = TORTOLA .

CALLUM a dove . MACCALLU MMORE : the great Maccallum .

KNOTTE, from a bird cal led aft er King Can ute . Cran e :

aged (bird) because lives t o a great age , givesCRANE , who bore on e on sh ield . Cran e iden tical w i th


,in these cases as in the English n ames EARL

(from Ere : before) , AULD ,PRESBYTER

,is n ot t o be taken in the

sen se of having Simply Scored so many years . Age givin gexperien ce , the first kings w ere patriarchs

,whose scept re was

their walking - sti ck . ThusANAx : a k ing is con . Sen ex : aged

, and our wel l - kn ownALDERMAN is l iteral ly an elderly man though he may be in

h is prime. So ,then




, are flavouredwi th authori ty , and are t o be hon oured as govern ors . In keeping herew i th i t is famous that Maj or : great er , and Min or : less ,are applied t o age .

“ He is in his min ori ty.

” “ Not havingattain ed t o his majority .

”So ,

too ,the t i t les

SEIGNIOR and EXCELLENCY,s imply mean o lder , ex cel ling by

years .

“With the an cien t is wisdom ,and in length of days

un derstan ding. Con sult Gaf er, GAMMER, AVES , LAVEAU,

MAXIMUS .CRANMER (martyr) : lake frequen ted by cran es , CRANSTON :

t own .


recipe ) having power over a hors e = HIP P ODAMU S ho rsebreaker

,tamer .

HOTSP UR : swift rider , as was he,w ho rode BUCEP HALUS :

bu ll - headed horse .D ’

ORSEY (coun t ) is given by some as De horsey ,but is from

Theodosius .

Phi lip (Macedon ) when ce Phi lippi (ci ty) an d Ph i lippic : discourse ful l of in vecti ve : horse lover , good seat , wh en ce PHIP P S ,PHELP S

,PHILP OT l i t t le Phi lip FILKIN


FILMER : great Philip . The Ital ians shape i t IP P OFILO , w hen ceLEP SIUS and SIP P EL. LIP TON : Ph i l ip

s t own .

MACKILLOP : son of Ph i l ip . Asp : the horse was sacred inPersia. Ei ther the king or high pries t rode forth at daybreakin a chariot drawn by horses dedicat ed t oMITHRAS :mother of l igh t , when ce M ITHRIDATES : sun gift :AP OLLODORUS . TIRIDATES : gift of Mercu ry . Th is k ing

fough t Rome .

A SHP ENAZ : horse n ose , he who sn orts,eas i ly rage s

=A P P AIM .

The king spake un to A shpen az ,the mas t er of the eunuchs .

ASP ATHA (son of Haman ) : strength of a horse,horse tamer

=HIP P ODAMU S . The Hebrews were n ot supposed t o keephorses , he n ce i t does n ot say ,

“ Thou shal t n ot covet thy n eighbour’s horse .

So ,t oo

,we accoun t for n o Jew being n amed in

con n ection w i th a horse,ex cept i t be

RECHAB (Rechabites) a (Mc )CAw.

When the Jews w ere brough t un der the Chaldees and Pers ians ,whose strength lie in cavalry , the sacred books for thwith Show

i t by th e n ames of their masters . An un design ed coin ciden ceconfirming a studen t

s faith in th e veracity of the Scriptu

Sau l was n ot on horseback when the Lord me t him on the

w ay . Asp (in the Greek) : a serpen t,from A spiS : a Sh ield ,

l ike t o wh ich is the coi l of a snake .CHRYSASP IS golden sh ield

,prin ce ly warrior . Horse and

bull are used by us in the sen se of great,rough , s t ron g.

Horse—radish : s t rong root . Horseplay : romping. Bulw arks

(boulevards) s trong w orks,g iving

BOLLAND (Bo l lan dists) : lan d n ear for t ificat ions , boul evardsWARK living n ear the bu lwarks , outskirt s of a t own .

Bulrush : rush grow ing s trong and quickly . Bul lfin ch : s t rongfin ch . Wol ves

,bears , raven s , hawks , and horses mus t make

way f or the king of the w i ldern ess ,LEO (pope) , LEON (Arragon ) , LYON lion s three .

LEONIDAS (Thermopy loe ): son of a l ion , orof Leon LEONATU S .

LEONRIC : l ion k ing= LEARcHU S : l ion chie f = ARSLAN BEY :

the l ion l ike Pasha.

LEANDER (Hero) : l ion man = CCEUR DE L ION : l ion - h earted,

or,who t ore out th e l ion ’

s hear t , Samson fash ion .


Be fore An giers w e ll me t , brave Austria,

Arthur , that great fore -run n er of thy blood ,Richard , that rob b

d the lion of h is heart ,An d fough t the holy wars in P ale st in e .

LOWE : a l ion . Lococx : l i ttle Lowe,or l i ttle lion = LOBEL ,

when ce lobeli a . The microscopists name LEUWENHOCK also= Lococx .


,LEOTARD (acrobat) : l ion natured ,

LENNIE : l it t le Leonard .

BRANCALEONE (blank) whi t e lion . There are person s namedBLANKLION , the English equivalen t t o th e Italian n ame .

COLLEONE : lion n ecked,locks hangin g roun d the n eck l ike

a man e .T IMOLEON lion souled.

High o’

er th e re st E pam in on das stood :Timo leon , glorious in hi s broth er

s blood .

The n ation s amongst whom the foregoing leon in e nameswere curren t kn ew lion s rather by h istory ,

heraldry , or t radit ion than by personal conflic t , though the king of the wildern ess was driven out of Europe in th e h istoric period . The

royal beas t was common in Thessaly B C . 600. The fo l lowingdesignations are n earer his presen t habitatARIOCH (from Ar : a l ion ) : great lion = LEONI, a mystical

n ame of Jerusalem ,also applied t o a tun e ‘that has been sung

3000 years .

“Ari och brough t in Dan iel before the king.

ARELI : son of a l ion,probably on e seen about t ime of h is

bir th . O f A reli the fami ly of the A re li tes .

ARIEL : l ion of God, great est l ion ,figurat ive for Jerusalem ,

whose altar des t royed more sheep than did the lion S = A SSADALLAH : the firs t s tan dard—bearer of Is lam . Assodnagur :

l ion’

s fort . E . I. Woe to A ri el , th e ci ty wh ere David dw el t .”

O THNIEL : l ion of God,great w arrior. “ Caleb said , he that

smi t eth Kirjath - sepher, and take th i t,t o him w i l l I give

Achsah,my daugh ter, t o wife. And Othn i el , the son of Ken az ,

t ook it.”

L ib : a l ion , as Lib Judah gives LEBB€EU S (apostle) : son of

a l ion .

LAISH : an old l ion .

“ But Sau l had given M ichal to Phalti ,the son of Lai sh. It compares wi t h LEO STHENES : stron g asa l ion .

Singh : a l ion ,amon gst Hin doos

,as S ingapore : l ion ’

s cityLeon t opolis . Ceylon

,t ermed Taproban a by Ptolemy ,

is kn ownt o the natives as Cinghala : l ion ’

s home , and their lan guage isCinghale se .

RU NJEET S INGH (rajah) : Runj e e t the l ion .

AMARASINHA : immortal l ion , the H indoo Achil l es .

“ The


palm Borassus flab e l li formis (characterist ical ly termed byAmarasin ha , a king of grasses) is ,

”e tc. Compare i t with

Amari tza : well of immortali ty, the S ikh Zemzem ,and Ama

ran th : immortal flower, and with Mors : death . Etymologi

cal ly , much of th e In do German ic language , of which thesewords are fragmen t s

,is what i t was when the cotton clad

troops of King Porus received the shock of bat t le from the

brass armoured phalanx of Alexan der on the banks of t he

Indus . The Turks haveALP -ARSLAN : val ian t l ion , eon . ARIEL . Dandelion : l ion


t ooth . Chameleon : groun d l ion . We thus see that manyn ation s adopted the royal beast as an eponyme for theirbraves t. It has been fashionable t o do so from the reign of

Arioch , king of El lasar to now . The less taking Aper : a boar ,vesg’

HEBER (bishop) , O BERLIN (papa) , PERRIN ,PARRAN and

PERRY,when n ot from Peter. These

VERRES (en emy to Cicero) : a boar pig , a pig sticker.Compare Vir and Verres

,each mean st rong . Hen ce also

VERY and EVERY : st rong as a boar. Names that hav eposed many.

EVERARD , EWART (Gladston e) : of the nature of a boar ,strong fighter .EVERETT : li ttle Heber. The Ce l tic for a boar is Cullach ,

when ce


) CULLOCH : boar (slay er)= the Irish (M‘

) TURK . Can

turk (town ) : boar’

s head .

OLIV ANT, O LIPHANT : elephan t on shield ; t hough some givei t from O l iver.CASSELS : castle bearer . So also PUL : an elephan t


Menahem gave Pul a thousan d talen ts .

SARDANAP ALUS : Sardan , son of Pul , con . Sar : a prin ce,

SARDAN prin ce j udge .

BARRU S (proud of his beauty) : an elephan t,from Baros :

W eight,Barometer weight measurer.

CE SAR : an elephan t in the Pun ic by mere chan ce coin ci

den ce. Some say he was so cal led t hrough some of the gen s .

Jul ii keeping an e lephan t.SHUAL : a fox , a crafty man .

“ The son s of Zophah,Suah


and Harn epha,and Shual . Go and tel l that f ox Herod .

TODD : the slayer,killer, applicable to warrior or poultry

worrier.TODHUNTER (algebra) : fox hun ter. V ULP IU S, ULP IAN


Voss , VOCE , FOUCHE (detective) , FUSCH (when ce Fuschia) ,GALP IN

,GUP P Y (Mrs) , and ZORRA are all foxes or their son s .

RENAUD (w in e) : n ot therefrom,but from REYNARD : s t ern

judge , applied t o fox judging what fowl he wil l take. Golpeyelper , is his corre c t Fren ch design ation = GUELP H .


dragon . The Mede e s w ere ophiolatrian s . O n e of the gen ericwords for a serpen t is ob ,

oub , ouph , iph , O phis : that”

w hichblows out i t s body , l ike the Puff - adder , con . O bh : a bo t tl e


O both : bottles . They departed from Pimon and pitched In

O both . The rainy season came on and th e bottles of heavenwere open ed .

OBI : Negro ogre , when ce O beah : a charm. The inspiredor py thon ised person was inflated like a l eather bottle whenful l .IPHICRATES : s trong as a python , snake kil ler.IPHIDAMU S serpen t master

,snake charmer .

IP HINOU S (on e of Cen taurs) , f em. IP HINOE : serpen t m in ded,

sub t le .IP HIGENIA : daugh ter of Iphis, serpen t born ,

offsprin g of the

Pythian Apo l lo .

IP HIS a serpen t , on e so named king of Argos. The an cien tGermans worsh ippedORM , our worm,

O E ve ! in ev il hour thou did ’st give earTo that false w orm .

O RMSBY O rms dw el ling , where worsh ipped , sometimesfrom O rm : an e lm ,

at others from O rn e an ash .

GU THRAM is Goth - O rm : serpen t god of the Goths , changesin toGOODMAN . But the w idely kn own nameGUTHRIE : Go th ruler , in Irish i t means king

s voice , on eused t o obedien ce . An other gen eric word used by German sfor a serpen t wasLIND (Jenny) , referring on ly to motion of

,and so con . Lin d

a l ime tree , con . L i the : ben ding freely. Un terlin den : un derlimes . Leipsic : dwel ling among limes . Supplies many ladynames because suggestive of gracefu l motion .

ADELINDE (athel) : n oble as t o birth ,gracefu l as t o mann er


becomes ADELINE .

ROSALIND : beautiful as a rose , graceful as a serpen t .

BELINDA gracefu l walker. Thus L in d came t o mean s implylady


LINTRU DE : lady true , woman keeping troth . From Lind ,L INDSAY : l ime tree is lan d . Aft er being en tan gled so as

hardly able t o t el l a serpen t from a l ime t ree or a lady,w e

make forAROD : onager : a w i ld ass , a man who is fl ee t and un tameable .

O f A rod th e fami ly of the Arodi t es . Takes form of ARAD .

IRAD : the braying onage r, n early = P IRAM : swift w i ld ass .

P i ram king of Jar .muth

TASSO (Jerusalem) . taxus : badger,hard biter

,figh ter


BROCK : bon e breaker , and GREY : a hun tsman . Greyhound :

dog- hun t ing Gre : the badger. But GRAY : glass , grey - eyed.

By and bye,came the cry of the dogs , and the tal l grehoun d

o f Wales merging from the bosky del ls .

GRAY is claimed as De Croy : of Croy , by those desi rous ofbeing accoun t ed of Norman descen t , b ut i t mean s as given .

PHILOMELA : lover o f me lody,the n igh t ingale = RO SSIGNOL.

ZIBIAH female gazell e, beau tifu l eyes : TABITHA,becomes

TABBY,and ul timat ely applied to a cat .

ROEBUCK : rough buck , a hun tsman . Some derive i t fromRabeck : rough brook .

D ISHON,D ISHAN : a w i ld goat , good climber. D ishon ,


Ezer,and Di shan : they are the dukes of the Hori t es . Horite

dukes : moun tain eer leaders . Very appropriat e.JAEL : w i ld goat

s kid , l i ttle run away.

“ Howbei t, S iserafled away on his feet to the t en t of Jae l .S ISERA : cran e and crow,

symbo ls of vigilan ce and perspe

cui ty .

ARAN : wild goat , high climber , con . Heron : h igh flying bird ,con . HAY and HOY

,which se e .

‘The children of D ishon are

these : Hz and Aran .

” What a w i ld fami ly !ARAN is con . Hor : a moun tain , when ce the Greek O ros ,

givingOregon : moun tain j oy ,

plan t there found . Gan os j oy .

GANYMEDE (O lympic cup bearer ) :j oy commandin g.

U z : s trong, also applied t o a goat,very appropriat e f or a

h igh lan der. Caper : a goat is from Carpo : I crop,gives Cap



CABRAL (Span ish) CHEEVERS,fEGEU S (last k ing of A then s) ,

who is said t o have given n ame t o the ZEgean Sea.

Egis : shield of Min erva,made of goat

s Skin . r’Egeade :

Greeks,son s of n eus

,n ot goat people . Dan ie l symbolises

th e Greeks by a goat . Kid : youn g goat,but

KIDD : son ,by pre - emin en ce

,gives KIDSTO N (Fern iegair)

town of Kidd .

AZAZEL : goat that wen t from God, the e sbape goat , fromGn es : a goat , Azal : t o go ,

fi rs t w ri t t en Gn azaze l . I t is con .

Gaza : s trong ci ty. E legan tly applied by M i l ton t o the s tan dard- bearer of the apostate angels . He was too scho larly t o

have Azazel in heaven .

The n s traigh t comman ds , that at the warlike soun dO f trumpe t s loud and clarion s b e upre ar


His m igh ty stan dard ; that proud hon our c laim’


A zaze l as h is righ t , a che rub tall .

ZEGON a goat , sheep and goatherd in love wi thMELIBCEU S : care of oxen = BOWMAN when i t mean s taking

care of cat t le.


GORDON : goat’

s fort, to wh ich on ly a goat coul l cl imb :

MINTo(r) :Zb

k id’

s hi l l . GOWER : goat l ike climbers,

IIIoun tain e erS = ARAN,D ISHAN. Gow er ’s field


l iving In . KILGOUR : goat’

s wood , frequen ted by.

Goat is from go ,and means an imal t hat goes about , not sub

j ec t to the human w i l l . It is n ot gregarious like the sheep .

Figurat ive ly used for the w icked , the self- willed , the un social .Goat is iden tical w i th gad in gadfly .

VESPUCCI (Amerigo) : a l i t t le wasp , irri tab le = the IrishBROGAN : son of a broc , badger . snappy = Cyn ic : snarler


from Cuon : a dog. It is hardly t o be expected that fishesshould give n ames t o men

,yet we have

PHOCAS (emperor) : a seal =MORSE (tel egraphis t ) from Mere :the sea, and Horse

, and thus n early : Walrus : whale horse,

eviden t ly mean ing seal fisher. But AMER : a form of AMOR :

at moor. Some good authors derive from Phocis : a seal, then ex t , b ut i t is local .P HoeAS : Phocian man

,and gives P HooION : son of PHoeAs .

DELF INO (doge) : a dolph in ,sw ift sw immer.


( spy on Huguen ots) : a fly, con . Mosquito : l it tle fly,

ph i lological ly iden tical with t he firearm kn own as Musket ,wh ich was l igh t as a fly compared w i th the pon derous arquebuse which i t superseded . From that man MOUCH the Fren chderive their w ord f or a spy ,

Mouchard .

HOGSMOU TH was the name of a cleric elected A .D . 844 , to

wear the Tiara. Now as that was n ot a taking n ame t o cal lthe head of the church ,

he changed i t to Sergius , and was cal ledSergius II. From t hen ce i t became a ru le t o change the n ameof any elected to the pon t ificat e , they ex changing t hei r properdesign ation for that of some precedin g pope. I have me t witha man belonging t o a fami ly namedHEIFER= STURROCKS. Have : t o possess , is the etymon of

the word . A s goods and chat t els : good things and cat t le , soHeifer is put for part of your havers : possession s . Cat tle


chatt els,is from Capi talia : h eads of catt le , Caput . Thus from

P e cus : cat tle,Peculium : your own cat t le , as compared wi th a

n eighbour’

s feeding on the same common ,w hen ce Pecu liar :

all my own ,Pecun ia : mon ey, metal stamped with the image

of the an imal i t w ould buy .

KNATCHBU LL : servan t of Thor , the bul l god, cor. t o KNOBELL.

Havers : foo lish talk,speakin g like lawyers in court, who

keep repeat ing techn ical it ies mix ed with the w ord havers .

BUCHAN : lan d whereon cat tle are f ed= Italia,Bohemia.

BUCHANAN such lan d as above through which a streamflow s , con . ANNAN quiet rive r= Arar, the Saon e .

COCKS,wh ich migh t b e though t con . the fowl , is a form of

COX : a soldier wearing cuishes .

C H A P T E R X I I .


THE Study of personal n ames corroborates an idea poets delightt o dw el l upon—that in the primeval age there w as n o war.

In the records of the two first mi llen n ia w e meet w i th on lyon e n ame of a warrior cast —METHUSELAH man of the dar t


m iss i le,the latter being con . SHILOH

,S i loam sen t . However


after reading the chron icles of the Flood , we forthw i th findN IMROD : rebel

, con . Mar : bitter,indicating bittern ess of

Spiri t towards ruler. Then fo l lows narrative of con fusion(Babel) , striving of h erdsmen ,

battles of kings , seiz in g captives ,

and pursui t of retreatin g raid ers , whereby was brough t in tohuman h istory for be t t er or worse two scien ces—war and

politics . From that era personal and nat ional appellation saccurately reflect the al t ered con di tion of socie ty. EvenMELCHIZEDECK righteous king , also king of Salem peace(fu lcity) , argu es such n ame or t i tle was excep t ion al , t o urge n o thin gas t o MELECH : a fighter

,who mauls , drives (pel l) mel l. The

aborigin es of Hel las , who foun ded cities and taugh t scien ces ,had f ew war n ames , but in the succeedin g heroic age a freshetof them is lead off by BELLEROP HON : murderer of Beller


HERCULES : glory of Hera,Jun o,

giving that Italian favouriteERCOLE

,who were the forerunn ers of the Argonan t ic expedi

t ion and th e “ Trojan war.

” By the latt er era,w ar names

formed a heavy percen tage of al l in use among the Greeks .

Roman,Fren ch

, and English n ames con t rast wi th the An tediluv ian s and Greeks in this respect , —these latter his toriesbegin w i th records of dough ty warriors whose names in dicat eprow ess l ike t hose of the Greeks flourishing in the heroic age .

And these things are so for this obvious reason ,the three

modern n at ion s were composi te , the outcome of many n at ionalwars , en tering upon the h is toric stage after Mars and Momhad w ielded their sceptres f or ages . O f al l known n ation s theJew ish possess a n omen clature frees t from war n ames . In

th ei r history , ex tending from the Abrahamic age til l thecurren t

,they have produced a race of braves on ly on three

occas ion s,—the time of Joshua,

David ’s reign,and t he Macca

bean leadersh ip . Israel y e t sen ds for th statesmen , art ificers ,savan s

,and me n rich in what ever refin es or adorn s human i ty,

b ut marshals or admirals seldom come of the Abrahamicst ock . A Jew so ldier is jus t th inkab le . In the late RussoTurkish war a battal ion en tirely con sisting of Jew s w ere

WAR NAME S . 2 13

presen t at the s iege of Plevna,being the first body of Jew s

organ ised for figh t ing purposes s in ce Ti tus besieged Jerusal em.

But who can imagin e a Blake or Nelson ,of the s tock of

Israel ? Such a people could tru ly say ,wh en en t ering

Palestin e,

“ Not un to us .

“ He giveth us the v ictory.

Judas , the eldes t son of Mat tath ias,succeeded his father in

comman d of the army (B C . in wh ich he was assisted byh is four brothers , especial ly by S imon ,

the eldes t of them ,who

was a man of remarkable pruden ce . The motto of his

s tandard was Ex odus x v i . i i Who is l ike un to Th ee amongthe Gods

,O Jehovah ?” The Hebrew bein g M I Camok a

Baal im Jehovah . From these in itials was derived the wordMACCABEE

,wh ich became the surname of the Asmon ean

fami ly. The same though t is in vol ved in MICHAEL : who

l ike God,and MICAH for MICAIAH : who l ike Jehovah . But

the bes t authorities give MACCABEE : hammerer z MARTEL,

MACE,MAUL , w i th greater probabi li ty of correctn ess

,as the

former origin is t oo cabalistic t o be practicabl e.Most likely the first w eapon s w ould be miss ive— dart

, Spear,arrow : where Skil l in throw ing took the place of pluck and

muscle . The first k n own so t o have don e was,as given


METHUSELAH : man of the dart = the M ilesian n ame DOWDS.Saxon fami lies w ere divided in t o spear an d spin dle sides , boysbelonging to former

,girls t o latt er . The spear was with our

forefat hers what the assegai is w i th Caffres,their rel iable

w eapon . Swords took the place of Spears after many ages .

Spears w ere origin al ly s ton e tipped . Saxum : a rock,gives

Seco : I cut (with prepared fl in t ) , when ce Seax . a sw ord ,

giving Sax on e s : sw ordsmen ,sabreurs Sicarn : dagger

carriers , poign ard men,sken e armed . Hen ce w e have


(marshal) : a Saxon , or sw ordsman . Un doubt edly of

the ston e period we haveHALGIER


,ELGER (brave earl) : s ton e spear , old spear


givin gALGERNON (S idn ey) , HALLWARD, ALLARD ston e guard .

GEIRSTEIN (An n e of ) : ston e spear . ANSGAR , ANSCHARIU S :

divin e spear,Ans f or Ases

,char for gar.

GARVEY (w ig t o vey) : war spear . An cien t n ames carryingth e m in d in to n eol ith ic periods when European s were roamingsavages .

Gar: a spear , gives War Spear fightin g , as Spit : a spear , doesSp i te : spit figh t ing. Hen ce

,t oo, the Fren ch Guerre : gar

combat , when ceDAGUERRE (daguerreotype) : the soldier , Spearman

,as also

the Fren chTIGER , from Theod : people

, Gar : a spear,Spear of t he

people , their defen der :


NORDENSKJOLD (arctic) : n orthern shield , he who protectsthe n orth .

GARRIBALDI (Guiseppe) : spear bold , brave Spear man,in

verted t oBOLGER : bo ld spear , which two : th ese two , GARRETT (bold) ,

GARNET (No th bold). Gar also gives the progen i tor of manya Cockn ey j oke , VINEGAR , WINEGAR (W in : love) : friendlyspear

,who comes t o help of GARLIC good at spear practice.

To th is class belongs t he an imal l ike n ameBADGER : strong jav e lin = FALSTAFF : fu l l staff

,big, and so

n eeding a strong w ielder.GERMAN : spearman = GAROILAsso ,





,GIRALDI : all shook the glitterin g

Spear or laun ched the fatal lan ce .EDGAR

, ODGERS : happy spear , good Spear man , con . Al

lodial .

LEDGER (leod.gar) : spear of the people z TIGER .

GORMAN (maj or O ) . spear man =HASTY, GORE (house)SP EIRS . A bul l gores l ike a warrior going at his foe w i th gar.

He acts hasti ly who does as the Hasta : Spear , moves .QUIRINUS

,CYRENIUS : spear man

,when ce Quiri t es = Ger

man s .

GERRAM JERRAM,JEROME (Prague) : spear raven . These

suggest W1ll

SHAKESP EARE= P ALLAS : she who bran d ishes the spear , con .

Bal l :GERTRUDE : spear maiden

, an amazon . These correspon d t oWAGSTAFF (wag con . wage , in wage war) , BICKERSTAFFTat t l er who bi ckers , fights Spear armed .

BREAKSP EAR (Adrian breaker of en emy ’

s staff. Spikegives pike , when cePICTON (gen eral) : great pike FALSTAFF. Pike : spike

n osed fish . The Picts here and the Picton es across the sea

g iving n ame t o Picard and P oict iers = Ge rman S . But PikeSP EIRS .ROCKET : spear blun t ed for j ousting

,as lan cer’s bal l does

lan ces w hen off duty.

“We shal l be at Sayn t Ingylb ert e s , inthe marches of Calays ,

the tw en ty day of the mon eth of Mayn ex t commyng, and there con tyn ew e thirty dayes complete ,the Fridaye s on ely except e , and t o de liue r al l man n er of

Kn igh t es and squy ers , gen t lemen ,strangers of any man n er of

n acy on . whatsoever they be , that wy ll come thyder, f or the

breakyn ge of fyv e speares, outher rochet tes, or sharp

,at their

pleasure .

ROCKET = SP ON (Jacob) for ESP ON , a form of Espadon : greatsword

, Claymore , con .

SP ADA : swordsman,giving ESP IE or ESP EE , con . Spade (at


PALEMON,P OLEMON (t eetotal ler) , PTOLEMY warrio rs all


polem ical men in a n on—theological sen se .

HANLON (Irish) : Champion = CAMP ION , KEMP ER : fighters on

the champagn e .


KEMP IS Thomas of the field .

NEO P TOLEMOS (son of Ach i l les) recrui t, tyro ,n ew so ldier


n ey f or n ew . N o

two w ords can more accurat ely an sw er t o each other thanNEO P TOLEMO S (Neos : n ew ) of t he Greeks and S IGOURNEY of

th e German s . CADOGAN f or Cath : w ar, and Eogan : son ,young


n ew . The se = INCHBALD : bold son, and INGREY (Ing : son ,


Her : army) : son of the army,a brave warrior .

BELLONA : bellatrix ,amazon =H1LDA



, fem . of

Thor .BASH (con . push) , P ASHLER ,

BRASH (con . bray) : strikersw i th such force as t o break to pieces :

O SMAN (pacha) , O THMAN,O TTOMAN (empire) , O sman l i

(troops) :O ssifrage and O sprey : birds breaking the bon esBRISBANE : bruise bon es


,a Saxon foot - soldier , con .

w i th M il esian ,

(O )BRISLAINE : sw ord breaker (Briseur= P ASH,BASH

, con .

debr is) , con .

(O )LAINE ,LANEY an Irish swordsman . Lan ista : a fen cing

mas t er,who drills gladiat ors . Stan ds colossus - wise , waving

h is beam upon the pashed corses .

“ Bray a fool in a mor tar.”

Bread : brayed be tw een s ton es . From Here : a ban d of aboveth ir ty - fiv e ,

w e derive names of places and person s , asHEREWARD (las t of Saxon s) army guard . Hereford

army ford. Harw ick : army station .

HERMAN , HARMER (V ir) army man ,gives ARMINIUS a

so ldier .O TTER : army terror. LUDERS (gen eral) : army famous ,

talk of t he camp .

WALTER pow erful warrior,becomes V OL’





, (Mc)CUAT.

RENIER,RAYNER (con . rego) army ruler HORROK


HORROCKS (co t ton ) .HERIMAR : glory of the army

,an sw ering t o the Greek war


HERIOT : furn i ture provider for army. HARGRAVES : armysteward , commissary .

HAROLD (herew ald) : gen eralissimo = P HICOL, ARCHIMEDES .

ARIOV ISTUS army prin ce, eon . Herrin g : fish going in

armies,shoals , schools.

P UNCHION a swordsman, con . Poignard , but some

times a form of

WAR NAME S . 2 17

P UNSHON : l iving at or n ear Sign of pun chi on ,barrel .

CHRYSAOR (Chimoera’

s father) : golden sword , wearing an

ornamen ted BRANDAU R .

DUDGEON large dagge r= Claymore (glai ve mor) , greatoffen ce , on e easi ly huffed .

SOFUK (Persian ) a swordsman = CL1NGING, con . sabre


sepoy , sabaoth . He threw himself upon Sof ulz, and clingingt o his n eck covered his cheek and heard with kisses .

MEEK : a swordsman, con . Mece : a sword , con . Machomai :

I fight , varies t oMECHI (model farm) , MEEKING : son of Meek ,

M‘Mick ing :

son of Me ek ing.

METON (meton ic cycle) : a sw ordSIn an z COLGAN . In somefami l iesBRAND : a sw ord , then applied t o user

,from i t , Bran dish :

to flash as though burn ing. In this sen se Brand z Dagger :

flash ing l ike day . In some casesBRAND : a bran der of h erring barrels .

SWORD : a swordsman : SEFI,SIGGA : sabreur.

MARTEL (Charles) :a hammer ,breaker through ranks of foesLOUVERTURE (Toussain t) : the Open er=MACCABEU S (Judas),

HELEM, MAULE The sons of h is brother HELEM .

TALLEYRAND (diplomatist) who cuts through ran ks of the

en emy .

Cox : cui sh wearer , thigh armour, con . QUIXOTE (Don ) .

But BOX : b ox maker,

I saw youn g Harry w ith his beaver on ,

His cui sses on h is th igh s , gallan t ly armed .

YEOMAN : y ew bowman,YEMANS

,HEMANS (Felicia),


LARCHER : the archer= (Mc)Iver and SHADBOLT : who shedsarrow s from a cross b ow .

Bol t : an arrow,from Bal lo : I throw . Bo l t upright


as an arrow .

ALABASTER (arcu bal ister) throws arrow s by a mach in e,

b ow,m ed ieval arti llery man . This cor. t o BOLSTER .

Artil lery from Arcus : a b ow,are shaped

,Te lum : a dart

from Tele : distan t. “Jonathan gave his ar t i llery un to his lad.

TELEMACHUS : fightin g at a distan ce,un like Nelson ,


gave s ign al f or close action .

BENBOW (admiral) looks ben dbos OXICRATE : powerful athow : STRONGBOW

,b ut is Italian


BEMBO well doin g , b en eflcen t = DU GU 1Dthe 0p . of

MALVOLIO : evi l visaged, malevolen t . Sometimes the name

is local when1 5


BEMBO (pe n ,b en ) : peaks of h i l ls where cow s are grazed .

SAKER : an arti l ler ist w orking a gun cal led salcer from a

bird of the hawk kind.

LAURENCE . laurel crown ed : BAYs LORENZO,RIENZI (last

tribun e) , RENZONI (great) , (Mc)LAREN ,MACLAURIN , LARKINS ,


,LORETTO (l itt l e) . LAWRENCE :


,primarily a hil l t op,

con .

Steep : a brae. Step : by wh ich w e surmoun t. STEEP LE : aSpire hi l l high. So A rabic Tag , Dagh mean s eith er a crownor a h i l l top. Daghistan : h i l l coun try , con Dacian , Dan e. In

Fren ch names Bre an swers t o our Bray , Brae as in BREBCEU F

(mission er) : cattle h i ll , suggesting HORSFALL .

TAG MAHAL : crown of the harem ,queen of beauty. STEP HEN


,S tepn ey : S t ephen sh ithe , h ide ,

harbour where sh ips h ide from s t ormS =Hoff , Haff.


, CRANTz : crown ed , RosENCRANTz : rosecrow n ed

W e lcom e , dear RosENCRANTz an d GU ILDENSTERN !More ove r that w e much did long t o se e you,

Th e n e e d w e have t o use you did provokeOur hasty sen ding .

GUILDENSTERN : golden star , a crusader carrying on hissh ield a star in memory of the Bethlehem on e appearing t ow ise men . But

OXENSTIERN carrying a bull ’s head and raven on shield .

STERN : a raven,con . S tare : t o look closely


staring (bird) .O LIVER : crown ed with olive

,O lympic victor

,on e of cales

ephan oi . By some this gives CLIVANT , O LIP HANT .

OLIVAREz : son of O liver= BOLIVAR (Ben O liver) , when ceBolivia

,S A . These

BELL (wh en n ot Norman from La Bel . the han dsome) . who

carries off the bell , prize . This bel l figures largely on signboards . Many rustic s ign s are cop ies


of armorial bearingsw hose reason for be ing lies in the inability of the masses t o

read . A l ion on a sh ie ld mean t : I fought li ke a li on i n the

holy wars a cross I b ore arms as a crusader.

ROTHSCHILD : red sh ield : I was woun ded. So public houses igns , a horse . trave llers accommodated w i th stabli ng a bun chof


grapes : Here we sell w i n e . Some can read wri t ing,more

can read prin ting , all can read pain tin g.


,RANGE (con . roun d) : a shield—VANDER

CHILD : of the sh ield : CHILDS for SHIELDS .BORD (when En glish) : big shield bearer

, con . broad= SKEY ,

con . Sky : a cover.TORQUATU S (Man l ius) wearing torque , al lied t o con tortion ,

i t was wreath work for the n eck .


GUNN : war, a man of war

,gives GONZALES (salus) saved

in combat , GUNTER , GONZALO , but Gun is a form of engin e,and

GUNTON,cor. form of Gunn - stein : war ston e

,j ewel of a

fighter . But

BRIMSTONE is a form of BERNSTEIN a moun tain frequen tedby bears , l iving on .

CU NDEL : war bold . GUMP RECHT , GOMP ERTZ : war brightCLEOMACHU S : glorious fighter . And the odd name GUMBOIL

is f ormed on GUMBOLD : bold in w ar. Hen ce,t oo ,GUNDY : a

man of war= CHATTO ,HATTO


, con . Chad , Cath : war as

in CATHIE,CATE LIN and CADOGAN , so ldiers three . CADELL ,

CATTLE war- like .

CASSWALLAWN : defen ce of tribe , in Latin ised form CASIV ELAUNU S . The Romans had a harm less habit of soften inghard names .

CATHLIN : war eyed,sparkling eyed , CAHILL , KATHLEEN

(mavourn een ) .STITT




,STOUT : steady in battle

array , unmoved by the f oe charging.

NOTH : bold,

audacious , NUTT (commodore) , NUTTER ,warriors both .

WOOLNOTH bold w olf, courageous Saxon warrior .HEGISTRATU S

,STRATEGUS : army leader=HERTOGH, con .

Stratagem plan t o lead an army out of a difficu l ty.



,DOUCE : a leader, DUCKETT young

Duke or leader . Ducat : ducal mon ey .

SATRAP (Persian ) , th is name or ti tle from CHATRAP A : um

brel la lord,shade of state. The cha for shah.

Leo ty chide s , being desired by a Samian t o wage war again stthe Pers ian s , en quired h is n ame : the Samian replied t hat i twas Hegistratus .

’ Then Le oty ch ide s an sw ered,I embrace

the omen of Th is is a Species of for tun e t el lingcal led O n oman t ia :fin ding the future by n ames . It was commonthroughout Greece and the Eas t (and st i l l is in the latter)where a chan ce spoken n ame dec ided deliberation s .

“ Theh istorian Ferish ta 1 elates that Homayoon ,

being on e day on a

hun ting party , to ld several of his n obles that h e was un easyin h is m in d regarding Hin dostan . On e of those who were i nfavour of the


en t erpi ise (ren ewal of in vasion ) observed thatthere was an old method of divination ,

by sen din g a personforward who should ask the n ames of t hr ee individuals whomhe firs t me t , by which a con clus ion ,

good or bad, migh t bedrawn . The king being natural ly superstitious , humoured thefan cy

,and sen t three


horsemen in fron t wi th direction s t ocome back and commun icate t o h im the answers they shoul dreceive. The first horseman who return ed said he me t a

traveller n amed

WAR NAME S . 2 21

DOWLAT empire ; the secon d me t a man who cal led himselfMO ORAD : good fortun e ; and the third was saluted by a

Vi l lager who bore the n o l ess en couraging appellation of

SAADU T the obj ect of desire. Thus cheered by Fate,

Homayoon assembled his forces , which amoun ted to n o l essthan horse , and bein g immed iately join ed by largen umbers of the inhabitan ts of the P unjaub , he carried every »

th ing before him.


mean s on e who has the luck of a l ion ,i .e .

, gets his prey.

FERISHTA for Faris tan : a n ative of Fars .

MO ORAD is be t ter kn own by MURAD , MURAT, AMURATHSAID






,LONG (when

Chin ese) and FORTUNATUS .MURAT (in some cases) : who w on a mural crow n made of

grass of a ci ty besieged .

Sefi,king of Pers ia,

was un fortunate in all his un dertakings ;his coun try suffered from pestilen ce , treading on the heels offamin e. His mol lahs thought i t advisable t o counsel a changeof n ame fromSEFI : a sabre

,to that of Solyman . He w as then crown ed

as though Sefi was dead,wh ich royal fiction was carried out

by des t roying all Seals and deeds of office in the name of the

late king.

SOLYMAN : peaceful SALEM (Bey) , with a traditional flavourof the glory of Solomon . To re t reat from east t o west, Cath ,

Cad w ar,gives

CATTANACH : a warrior, CALGACH : fierce warrior

,Latin ised



CATERAN : a robber , b arrier, as HARRY,MERODE

,Katrin e

Loch : lake frequen ted by robbers = Ax in e .

CAT,CASEY (corporal) are from Cath ,

and mean a soldier.ALP HEUS : a leader , strong as a bul l

,from A

, Greek ,when ce

alphabe t , A B,and E lephan t firs t an imal as to S ize .

BEITH : the birch ,B of the Celtic alphabet.

COLL : the hazel,C of Cel ts .

LABDA (daughter of Amph ion ) from A of Greeks, she bore

CYP SELUS : a chest , con . Apocalypse : un covering the ark .

So cal led because h idden in a chest from assass in s .NUN , NON from the Hebrew J

,whose Sign was a fish


b olising frui tfuln ess.PUAH , f em. of a : a mouth

, awfully talkative woman ; theGreek is H , from the Hebrew .

ROSH,in Hebrew ‘

1 (our r) , in Greek P, the dog

s letter,

mean s a head , gives RASHI (rabb i) , and in geography Rosetta :

capital of Del ta,Ras a cape. It s f em. is the beau t iful


ROXANA,RO SHENA (bride of A lexander) : SARA , MARTHA ,


“O Gog ,

rosh of Me schech and Tubal . From CaphEgyptian and Hebrew

,K of the Greek

, our K,the symbol of

pow er,represen ted by an arm (

“To whom is the arm of the

Lord givesCEP HEUS (king of Eth iopia) : powerful . Such n ames al l

mean of high an tiquity,of an an cien t and presumably hon

ourab le stock ,as the old Erse .

(St .) ELMO , from the e lm an swering t o our A,being spel led

ai lm .

GWYDER wooder, learn ed in Cel tic , taken from trees . Wenow leave letters t o come back t o soldiers .

AGESILAU S : people ’s leader : MENELAUS : people ’s strengththe death less ,DEMOSTHENES

,FOLKHART : hardn ess of the fo lk the Roman

stump orator,P UBLICOLA : cultivator of publ ic good . ARISTODEMUS : an

ari stocrat , best of the people .

DEMAS (sometimes view ed as a cor. of DEMETRIUS) : a plebian FOLKS




LEWIS (British) from Llew : lux,light - giving.

LLEWEL : who uses h is sword like ligh tn ing,when ce LLEW


LUDOVIC : famous Victor,li teral mean in g


about h is vi ctories , gives LOUIS , LOUISA ,CLOVIS



(Pere Hyacin th) : son of Louis , or from Eligius . CHLODOWIG

also gives LUTHER , LOTHARIO (the gay ) , CLOTAIRE ,LORRAINE :

kin gdom of LOTHARIU S .

CASIMIR (king) : celebrated warrior . ENGELMAN = youngwarrior CADOGAN .

ARCHIBALD,usual ly taken t o mean bold archer

,is a form of

ERCHENBOLD : free, open ,

sin cere , fearless .

SIGBRAND (seco) : con quering Sw ord,SIBBALD : con querin g

prin ce .S ICKMAN v ictorious man in a combat .Gildan : t o pay dues , Gui ldhal l where paid


GILES (when n ot a goat) : a pledged warrior GAGE,WAGER


WAGES : engaged to figh t . The Scan din avian pledge being insi lver

,he who gave it was called

SILVERSIDE or WHITESIDE (whi te mon ey) , to this class addHANDYSIDE .

GILBERT : glorious warrior , when ce GILP IN (John ) , GIBBON

(great ) , GIP P (’

s land).STURMER

,STARMER who storms

,v iolen tly attacks :

GERVAS (gar fuss) : eager t o fight,JERV IS


mean t impetuosi ty .

SCRYMGEOU R Skirmisher , good in a scrimmage


the ir'

shie ld w ith their sword and cried aloud. This was

scoldi ng. If n ot fol lowed by bravery was cal led swashbucklering. So SKEY (con . Sky : that covers) : a sh ie ld .

fEGIDIU S : son of the goatskin Shield of Min erva,un der her

prot ection .

FORTESCUE : strong shield . SCUDAMORE : shield of loveALEXANDER , CONNOR .


,sh ield bearer t o a kn igh t.

BERNICIU S , BERNICE : bringing v ict ory= N ICEPHORU s : who

coming up the battle is won .

SO PHRONICU S : con quering by gen eralship. SOPHONISBA : ofa wise life.SOP HIA SOFY : w isdom. Philosophy : love of wisdom


con .

SO PHRON ,SEMP RONIUS : soun d min ded , con . EUP HROSYNE:

PHRYNE,phren sy.

EUNICE, f em . of EU NICIU S


: good v ic tory = GO ODWIN , GOD

WIN (san ds).N ICOCLES , CLEONICU S : glorious v ictory , great and un

expected SIGBERT.

ALMANZOR : th e V ictorious , ANICETUS : invin cib le = U NWIN :

n ot t o be won . The python ess at Delphi said t o A lexan der,

Ri an icetus thou art un con querable.N ICIAS : v ict orious = SIGGA , VICTOR (Hugo), ALCUIN (taught

Charlemagn e) :all w in ,POLYNICES :many victories


good fighter.EDWIN (con . ed in al lodial) : happy v ictor

,giving O UDIN

(conjurer), O U D INOT (gen eral) l ittle Edw in .

EDWARD happy guard , successful defen der , becomes EDART,

NED ,N EDDY : an ass



,PEDDIE (D ick ,

when n ot

formed on PEED) . DUARTE (king) and EDOUART (Exeter Hal lfame) , these =S IGISMUND

,SIMMONDS , SISMEY : victorious defen der , w rong

fu l ly given vi ctori ous mouth, i .e. , persuading in coun ci lPYTHAGORAS .VINCENT




victorious . SYCAMORE (more : great) : great con queror.THRASONICU S : bold con queror, who shouts and fights

,hen ce

Thrason ical : boastful .BALL (John ,

mad priest) , BALLS , THRASEU S, HARD , HARDYbold , a variation of Bald : s tripped for battle.HARDTMU TH : high spirited

, of a bo ld n ature = ARCHIBALD .

HARDICANUTE : Canute the bold . BALLARD : of a bo ldnature.MUSTARD (Betsy) of .a strong consti tution , a game fighter


con . May : pow er : Must.LEOP OLD (leod) bo ld people so DYBALL

,RUMBOLD famous

f or bravery (rumour).

WAR NAME S . 2 25

MEROV EU S (mer,mor and veus for wig) : great con queror .

THRASYMACHU S (pupil of Plato) : bold figh t er=BARNACLEN ICOLAS , N ICHOLAS : con queror of the people

,gives N ico

lai tan es : fol lowers of N icolas of An tioch ,COLE


COLLETTE (when n ot acolyte) , COLENzo ,N ICOT (Nicot in :

on e so n amed in troduced tobacco in t o Fran ce) , N IX (bishop of

Norw i ch) , from i t , wh i le the fo l lowi ng are his son s— COULSON ,

COLLINGS , CLAUSEWITZ . To these we may add the chi ldren ’



SANTA KLAUS : sain t N icholas , if n ot KLAUS : en closed , a

hermi t . And add w e must the Dutchman,Mynheer CLOSH .

N ICODEMUS : con queror of the people. Laos and Demosdiffer in , the latter implyin g the con federation of the people ,from D eo : I bin d

, whereas Laos is people without referen cet o pol i ti cs , givin g Lay ,

Lai ty n on clerics , Lewd Vulgar .CALIGULA (emperor) : buskin w earer=LEDDERHOSE z leath er

leggings, con .

MACLEHOSE :much,mu ckle hose, baggy leggings . Gal lipol i :


s city .

CARACALLA (casa) . The caracalla was a long garmen tl ike the habit of a modern monk ,

sometimes w i th and sometimes without a cowl . SuggestsPATCH :w earing party coloured clothing MOTLEY (historianPatch was the court n ame of a foo l kept by Cardinal Wolsey.

He has had the hon our of tran smi tting his n ame t o a numerousbody of descendan ts , he being a n otable foo l in his time .

P EP LOE : wearing the peplum as of divin e or royal descen tPORP HYRY. P eploman ia : madn ess for dress . But we must

get n earer war so then th e fo l lowing mean Chevalier , t rooper ,or kn ight

, v iz

HOTSP UR : rough rider . SP OHR (Hai l,smi ling morn ) : spur

userHORSMAN : But H IP P IAS : charioteer, though , l iteral ly, son

of a horse.

CHEVAL , CAP EL (when n ot from chapel) , PHILIP : good rider .ENCKE (comet) HENCHMAN : riding servan t


,con .

HENGIST a stall ion,stal l horse

,from Hang : t o depen d .

HORSA , a mare .

BACE RAN, EGHMILY : horse soldier (mi les) , gives EMLY :


ACHAIU S : son of a horseh good rider (each) , Achaia : horse

coun try ,as Italy : cattl e coun t ry

,Spain : rabbi t coun try.

CABALLERO (Brazi lian gen eral) , EP EUS (Trojan horse maker) ,ROSS (when n ot local) ,RUTTER , RYDER , RUYTER (De) , RITTER (Carl) : riders all .

RECHAB (Rechabi t es) : a chariot e er= CORMACK : son of thechariot, CAW,

who with


(O ) HARA and (M‘

) ARA w ere British chariot drivers , Essedi :si tt ers in chariot. BEVERIDGE : a kn ight , so t ermed fromw earing Beaver

,So cal led from Bibo I drink

,as horsemen in

the heat of batt le drank thereou t .

REMBRANDT VAN RHYN Rembrandt of the Rhin e.REMBRANDT : king

s sword,royal champion = KEMP ,


EU P OLEMOS : good warrior= CALIMACHU S : beautifu l fighter ,han dl ing w eapon s scien t ifical ly .

ANDROMACHU S (burn t by Samari tans) : a man in fight, f em . ,


s w ife).ANDROCLES An drew

s glory. An drew : a man of heroicmould

,giving ANDY









HARBONAH (eunu ch) : warlike Martin : Mars - like , givesLAMMARTINE


, as also Martin ico,Martin ique : islan ds

so called .

LAHMI : a warrior , con . CHERDOLAOMER : servan t of Lahmithe w ar god of the Susan im. E lhanan Slew Lahmi the

brother of Goliath .

DOLABELLA (con sul) : battle ax e bearer HACO , HACKE ,

HACKING : son of either .MEDON : a comman der , fem ,

MEDUSA (head).PALAMEDES (in ven ted dice) old comman der

,veteran leader .

D IOMEDES : Jupiter’s comman der , bes t gen eral iss imo.

EUDES (coun t) : bin ding w el l (deo) , thorough ly con queringBINDER.

VICTOR : who bin ds , from V ieo : I bind , Victim on e boun d ,Vimen : a with

,Mon s . Viminal is : osier hi l l , at Rome . From

EUDES, Odo (bishops) , ODILLON great

,O DY,


(when n ot from octo) , O DETTE , O THELLO : l ittle , O tho ,son of .

HUDIBRAS (con . brace) con quer ing arm . FLAMBARD

(bishop) a firebran d,flamin g sw ord = BEOR and CHAKA .

FLUGEL (lex icographer) : l eader of w ing of an armyAHALA

, con . ala,

A LIGHIERI : w ing bearer , con . A isle : of a church .

DUMNORIX (ZEduan ) : possessor of many h i lls (con . dun ).ORGETORIx (Helvetian ) ruler of a hun dred hi l ls (con .

re O ).gHOGAN

,HAGAN h igh protection , God guarded , b ut

though so given th ey seem t o come of Bogan in the sen se ofhigh bred

,a son .

O SCAR : bounding warrior, leaping to the figh t , gives


LABOUCHERE (and Bradlaugh) the butcher. Norman titl eof a gen eral who s lew his thousan ds .

BOUCHER (Maid of Ken t) , BUTCHER : a warrior from beat,


FINIGU ERRA (Fren ch) : fin ished w arrior, perfect soldier.SLY

,SLIMAN : who s lays his en emy wh en off guard , and yet

not un fairly , U lyssian type , can ,slay , sli t , slot , Slight : t o hurt

on e’s feel ings .

MILLS (when not local) : a medieval title from Miles : a

soldier,from Mi lle : a thousan d . The min imum Roman army

was a thousan d men,the Teuton ic was thirty - five and upwards .

The former tel ls of tactics,the latter of pluck .

MILES : on e of the thousan d . From Mi ll e our M il e : athousan d paces of the legionary soldier.SCALIGER (Joseph) : ladder bearer , who scaled the en emy


battlemen ts.MURAT (cavalry king) : mural crown receiver . The firs t

who en tered a besieged place was crown ed with plaited grassthat had grown therein wh i le b e leagured after the campaignwith a gold crown wal l - shaped .

An aston ish ing number of warriors derive their n amesfrom the dog. N ow

, as the dog is the symbol of con temptwith us

,the fact of i ts being in high reput e formerly

deserves special atten tion . The aborigin es of many countries were greatly aided by dogs in clearing the primevalwoods of wild an imals ; eviden tly the dog was on e of thefirst creatures subjected t o the human will . Had Abel a

col l ie ? Those early n ation s observing th e pluck of a dogin attacking wild beasts when en couraged by the voice of i t smaster

,and admiring i ts bottom in keeping up the figh t again st

kil ling odds , gen erally applied the term dog t o their mostvalian t heroes. The Celts termed it cu

,con , col , the HEBREWS

ca leb , the Greeks cuon,the Latin s can i s, the Fren ch chein .

Hen ce we haveCUMARA : sea dog,

heroic sai lor , a regular Blake . So l ikew i se

CON (of 100 battl es) : a dog,when ce hundreds of hon ourabl e

names with a currish look ,as




, CU ILLEAN (king), shorten ed t oCULLEN (cardinal) , COLIN (Campbell) , COLQUHOUN ,


CONAN,pr imari ly mean t son of dog , i .e . , of warlike descen t ,




“ Blow for blow,as Con an said t o the Devil .” Hen ce

, too ,

COOLEY,COLLY (when Irish) , COWLEY Ulster warrior , dog

of Ulster , con .

NULTY (Mac) : an Ulster man . CONCOBHAR ,CONNOR :

h elping warriors . Colli e (shepherd’s mate) is jus t Doggie .

Con . col also givesQUAIN (anatomy), iden tical wi th Cuon : a dog ,

hen ce QUIN ,and

WAR NAME S . 229

CONROY redheaded Con ,l ike REDMOND : red Edmond .

COWIE,COVEY : meadow houn d

,reminding of LYU LPH :

meadow wolf.QUEEN (Mc) , QUINLIVAN : young Quin ,

MULQUEEN : baldheaded Con ,

con .

MULYON : son of bald head . To th is breed add (Mac)ONIE :

Son of a dog.

CONNEL forms CONVILLE,which is in peri l of being en tangled

with the vi lle gen try.

CONNAL (Glasgow , S B.) i s Highlan d , mean ing shoresman ,

on e l iving where roaring waves , polyphloisbon , great n oise ofthe sea

,comes .

CU CHU LLIN (O ssian’

s hero) : dog of U lst er= CO OLEY, COLLY ,COWLEY. Hen ce

,t oo,

CU SIN f or Cu S ion na : houn d of the Shan n on , bravest onthe river.The successor of Joshua b en Nun is gen eral ly tran slated

man of heart, l ion like , as though the Coeur de L ion of theBible

,because it was though t in tolerable to associate a He

brew leader with the despicable dog,so i t was crowded out of

Lib . a lion ,when ce

LEBBEU S : l ion like , but David cal led h is son by about thesame .

“ His secon d (son ) was CHILEAB, of Abigai l , and he

would n ot degrade a member of his fami ly by cal ling himafter a mere dog.

CHILEAB : how ler,a dog

= CALEB= CATO (n oble Roman ) : awhelp

,how ler

,w hen ce

CATULU S : son of a dog,warrior b orn = CANNING . CANE

(Ven e t ian doge) : a dogCHEYNE (Me) , wh ich with many simi lar n ames usual ly given

as con n ected w i th the oak sign ify a primiti ve warrior whofough t gamely again st odds , as dogs do again s t wild beasts .

CAGNOLA (can icula) exactly correspon ds t o CATU LU S, wh ichmean s young and brave.DURANT , DURANTE : lasting in the fight

,game t o the last.

So the Norman

TALBOT, the Scotch DOIG, and the English DOGGETT (coatand badge) . who gave a dogged res istan ce to the foe . ThoroughJohn Bul l names .

DOGGART : of a dog s nature,plucky

,determinate , take n o

den ial .DODGE 1s also a form of dog,

mean in g game figh ter.TOKE : ragm o: for fight like a tyke

, dog


held back . Can . thelast IS the greatTYCHO (Brahe) : a dog,

gen eral ly given as con . TUCK : a

cloth worker , but i t is a war name.


CYNOSURA (Jupit er’

s n urs e) : dog’

s tai l Sh e w as changed toa star in the constellation Cuon . Sai lors accurately observedi t

,when ce on e attracting atten tion is cal led a Cyn osure. The

dog days are when the dogstar is above the horizon of theN i le .

BORROWS (Bible in Spain ) BORROWMAN : a hostage , b orrowed by the en emy

,a pledge to be re t IIrn ed z HOMER .

MONSABRE (Pere) , a n ame we might be pardon ed for supposing mean t my sword,

i .e ., a soldier , he who l ives by h issabre

,real ly mean s living on a salubri oas moun t , healthy

hil l .Let our rear be brought up by a Russian poet —PUSHKIN

an arti l lery man =ALABASTER,taken from n oise gun s make

when going off, simi lar t o Ti c- tick - b oo : a gun ,so cal led by

Polyn esian s . Thus we cal l a man a tin ker from the t inklinghe makes .


A Greek in fan t , when n in e days old,was cal led ARISTOCLES :

the glory of Aristos . He growing in years , his back grew in

breadth t o an un usual degree,an d he was cal led PLATO : broad

(backed ), n early = the Fren ch PETION : broad chested . Plato ,

con . pla t , f lat , platan e (trees).Amongs t the an cien ts the secon d n ame rarely ex isted with

the first,but took i ts place. Cal l me n ot NAOMI (pleasan t t o

look upon , con . Nain : pleasan tly S i tuated) : cal l me MARY ”

(bitter , born amidst bitter trials , same as M IRIAM,MARIA


the great MIRIAMNE). O bserve,she was n ot cal led Naomi

Mara,n or he Aristoc les Plato

,w hereas our trade names w ere

parasitical upon what is termed Christian n ames. The fol lowing n ames are a selection of those , the exposition of whichmay be foun d in st ructive and in t eresting.

AGRICOLA (who first sailed roun d Britain ) : a ploughman ,

from Ager : a field,an acre , and Colo : I cultivat e , when ce

culture , clown ,colon y ,

colon el, colon i a l. A cre

, con . A ce ldama

(acre of blood , field bought by blood mon ey) . ACRES (Bob ) :living in a field . LINACRE : flax farmer . AGERICU S : a fie ld

man,an glicised t o A IRY (as t ron omer) , and AGER, a wel l kn own

En glish name . Any of the se =HICKMAN ,A IKMAN


and WINKLEMAN f or SWINKLELMAN : who sw eat s through t oi l= SU E (Eugen e) from Sudor : sweat

,from Hudor : water


our sw eat is formed on w e t . Switzerlan d : lan d of sweaters,

labourers Labrador . HOFFMAN : a field labourer,when ce

HOVEY . VANDERHOFF : of the farm, a labourer.PEACE (Charles) , which has so peaceful a look ,

means a

lan dholder , a farmer. It w as original ly PIECE,an el liptical

expression for a piece of land . It is so foun d in documen tsgran t ing lan d and charters datin g back to the eighth cen tury.

BUTTERS : a farmer cul t ivatin g meadow land,yieldin g butter .

Th e Irish for a farmer is SCULLY, as Scul lab ogue a barn


farmer ’s bui lding . BOWMAN sometimes mean s an arch er,at

others , is a form of Boorman : who bores the earth . BoorClow n

,f or colon e from colo

,when ce COLON (Christopher) : a

cul - t ivator. Then ce al so BOWERS,BAUER

,N IEBUHR (historian )

Neighbour : n ear boor,so BURLY : l ike a boor. BORLAND :

town lan d belonging t o b oors = BU RLEIGH (lord).VAN BUREN : of the cot tage s = COATEs and COTEY. BORD

MAN : cottier farmer. Su l : a plough,in the Saxon


SILLIMAN : a who toils ,ti lls . HAECKEL (evo lu t ion ist ) : a field labourer who howksand harrows =HARROWER. PLEWS : he who ploughs = LAM

P LOUGH lan d plougher. FARMER is con -firm - arius confirmedin h is holding by t itle . FARM is common . FRANKLIN : a fre eho ld farmer= FREYHOFFER (spectrum analysis). BOND is ofSwedish origin ,

and syn onymous with LANFRANC : the free of


the land=FREEMAN freed man , e n fran ch ised= COLBERT f or

con . lib ertus,who attain ed liberty w ith an other=HODDER

(and Staughton ) : a farmer ho lding al lodial land . FREMANTLE

(frumen tum) : a corn grow ing farmer , n ot a grazier . TRAV IL :

a labourer workin g with travai l . Travel : t o journ ey on b ad

roads . CARABCEU F who drives a bul lock cart = the classi cBOOTES : ox driver. HIND


,DAY : day labourers . HYND

MAN = TRAV IL. HINSON : son of Hin d , but H INTON (Jack)town behin d a h i l l . From Amal work ,

the historic IEMILIU S :a worker

,giving AMELIA an d EMILY (n ot Emma) , but AMERY

(Pott St EMERY and AMERIGO (Vespucci) are from AM ALRICH : exalted rul er (ric) , as also IMRIE

,i t s abbreviated

form. When IMRIE is Gaelic i t means butter, supplying kin gtherewith . GRANGER : grain grow er. CHANGARNIER (gen eral)for champgarn ie r: raising grain on champagn e lan d . GARNER :grain s torer

, gran ery keeper becomes garn er. DRABLE (dearable) = FREMANTLE , METARIU S


,on e who metes fields ,

lan d surveyor= LANDSEER = RAP ER from Rap : rope , as in

Stirrup rope t o rise by , on e measuring lan d with a cord .

But ROP ER : rober,and WARDROP : who had charge of the

king’s wardrobe . METAYER (anarchist) is the con tin en t corresponden t t o MYERS . LEP AILLEU R (Li ttle S isters of Poor)straw sel ler. Pal let : a s t raw bed . HARDMAN : earth man


soi l w ork er= GARDINER,GARDNER


,though the roo t

idea in these is Gird,wh en ce yard


,garter , garth ,

Garscube , Garscadden . JARDINE HORTENSIUS

,HORTENSE (Rein e) ,

O RTON town among garden s : O RVILLE (aw ful Gardin er) .O rtolan : a garden bird

, but O RTOLAN : a garde n er= GINNE~

THON . Dan iel, Gin n ethon ,


” were sealed . FromGe n a garden

,when ce also En - gann im garden w el l , foun tain .

Ge n esare th prin ce ’s garden,very fruitful . S imi larly the

Irish GARRY : a garden,as GARRYOWEN Owen ’

s garden,l ike

Tyron e Ow en ’


,GEORGE w orker

in earth =HARDMAN . I am the V in e,and my Father is the


” Hen ce GeorgicS : rural poems . JOURY (Crimeanprin ce) , JOURISEN : son of George , GIORGONE (Italian ) , are

formation s on George .HUSBAND : house bon d

,a farmer

,who in t he Loth ian s had a

farm of fix ed dimens ion s . SERVICE orFAIRSERV ICE is a farmerholding lan d for a service ren dered t o the king. Wife :a weaver .Spin ster : daugh ter who Spun . WIFE is a l iving fami ly name , ofcourse mean s a weaver . The n ame and title BARON a strongman , then husban d

,gives BIRON (marshal) , BYRON (poet),

BARONIU S (historian ), son of Baron. SP URIUS : a sow er,who

scatters . Sporades : scattered isles,Sparta : scattered t own ,

n ot

bui lt in s treets . SERRANUS,SERRANO (Span ish) : a sower , al lied

t o Seren e : weather favourable for sow in g, when ce serenade .



Sin ging does n ot go off well in a s torm. SERENO : a w atchmanwho cal ls out seren e weather . SATURN (agricul tural godwhen ce Saturnal ia : rustic festi val) : a sow er= SEJI

,when ce

SEJANUS (favourite of T iberius) . CYAMITAS : bean - plan ter .CICERO from Cicer : a vetch ,

fie ld-

pea, is gen eral ly given as :

FITCH or VETCH. Doth n ot he cast abroad thefitches ? Butthe orator was named from having a pea

- l ike ex crescen ce,

wart, on his n ose as had O l iver Cromwell . BATTEUR : cornbeater THRESHER and TASKER


Batteur’s dale , from a Norman fami ly. FAUCHEUR : haymaker w orking wit h a fa lk : scy the , con . Falch ion : a greatsword= Claymore : great glaive . CURRAN (orator) : a reapinghook which an Irishman quickly improvises in to a scimitar.ALDER


,ANAx ,

ALDERMAN = SE1GNOR : sen iors,senators


elderly men . ALDRIC : aged ruler , when ce A ldersgate. But

ALDO (A ldin e press) : audax , audacious , bold . A LDRIC :

ARCHON from Arche ch ief by sen iority , gives TARQUIN (king).OLRIC , ULRIC , ALARIC are forms of ATHELRIO n oble ruler :REGINMAR



,REIMARUS : famous ruler.

ERIC (king of Norway) ay e ric, ever king. Ric con . Rego :

I ru le , RAJAH ,MARAJAH (magnus rex ) : great k ing=ARTA~

XERXES from XERXES : a figh t ing king. Ri c is cognate withREE : a king, as in RENE (roy natus) : of royal b ir th


IMRIE . So MACHEH (widow) : son of a king. RICE,REECE


RICHARD (richard) : stern ru ler,giving RICKETT



Riccarton : Richard ’s tow n,CLANRICARDE




D IXON : son of D ick ,D ICKENS


,PRITCHARD : son of

Richard,as BRICE or BRYCE and PRICE : son of Rice. Rego

also gives REGULUS (ambassador t o Carthage) : l i ttl e king , asalso RULE

,WREN (Christopher) and Wren , the l i ttle king of

birds . As Kingfisher : king of fishers,because of i ts beauty,

the wren was reckon ed kin g of birds from its pre t t in ess and

l i ttlen ess .


,and CONGER : men who k en ,

kn ow,are cun

n ing. Conger - eel : king of eels . REX gives RAIKES (SabbathSchool) : a rul er

,and ROY gives ROYLE , RYLE (Liverpool).

KONIGSBERG = Klngst0n . But LEROY : head of a corporation ,

wh i le the too wel l kn own LEFROY : the cool,frigid . V OR

TIGERN : ex cell en t chief= SAP OR (Persian king) for shah - poor :

great king. PASHA , BASHAW : king’s foot .‘

O fficers of the

Shah named from his members as Vizier , cal led his eye. FromShah

,SHEIK : petty king. Chess

,Check : king. Check -mate :

dead king. Chess : game of kings . Ri c conjo in ed with Theod :

people,gives the dread THEODERIC : ruler of the people , when ce

THIERY,TERRY, DERRICK , D IACK . DYBALL : of a bol d people ,

brave . But RODERICK : famous ruler,giving RORY (of the

h i l ls) , Cuidad RODERIGO : city of Roderic. These must n ot


But LITSTER : a dyer,who pu ts clothes in ley , li th. BUTTRESS


BUTT (Isaac) : setters up of butt s , targets . Butt : hide of a

budd . SOURBU TTS : who scars the butts with h is arrow ,a

good archer. Target : a sh ield,from Tergum : a h ide


Tego : I cover. BUDD =METCALF,MEDCALF : meadow calf

STURROCKS, from steer , stirk . V ERSTEGAN : keeper of a stronghold=HOLDER


son of Holden . ARK (con . Arch ives : documen ts kept in an

ark l ike the decalogue) . ARKWRIGHT : che stmak er=KISTNER :che stn er, made meal chests . BYNG (admi ral) : bin g maker.THROWER : thread mak er= L1MEWEAV ER . Thread : th rowed inmaking. BACON fed hogs on beech nuts ,GLANDER did on acorn s LARDNER

,P ORCHER. The latter un con

n ec t ed with Poacher : game pocketer . Pocket : a l i ttle poke .

Pucker : to make pokes . Peck : a bag. But PECK , PEEK :

l i ving on a h i ll =A1RD an d P ICKWITH (peak vicus) HILTONt own on a h i ll . HAYWARD

,HOWARD are forms of Hogwarden :

charge of all hogs in a forest. HOWARD becomes HOAD,as in

HOADLY (bishop) : Howard’s field

,l iving in . PORCHER

PORCIUS (Fes tus) and SUARIU S : sow keeper,SUAREZ : his

son . The origin al Porcher was probably sw in eherd in the

N ew Forest , wh i le the first Porcius possib ly kept hogs in thePon tin e Marshes . Fem . PORCIA (Cato

s sister,who perished

by swal lowing burn ing coals) . SWAIN sw in eherd, as SUARIU S.

SWAINLAND : frequen ted by swin e . SWINDELL : sw in e dale :SUGDEN : frequen ted by sows . BUCKLAND : beech - tree lan d=Buck ow ina (Austria) .COP ELAND a quay


,where merchan ts deposi t wares :

CO P ESTAKES : lan d s taked out for merchan dise . Copen hagen :

merchan ts’

haven . These con . ch eap,when ce Chepstow :

market place , Chap a fel low,a hawker : CHAP MAN : a buck




(gen eral) . But CHAFFIE : baldheaded MOULE,an d con .

CHAUV IN . CLEVELAND : cliff land= GARIOCH and FOLLYfrom Fel l : a rock ,

as in Goat sf e ll . So RAGLAN : rough lan d ,the opposite of SMITHFIELD : smooth field : SNODGRASS :smooth ly cut grass . SNODGRASS compares w el l w i th SNYDER :cutter , tai lor, and Sn ap : t o cut off short. FALKLAND : fre

quen t ed by hawks. CROYLAND : by crow s . STRICKLAND

(Agn es) : s t irk , sturrock lan d Cowmeadow CLONTARF,

an d HUXLEY for OXLEY.

“ They go in to col lege stirks ,and come out asses . BACKLER : a jan i tor DORMANand O STORIU S a door keeper , cor. t o USHER

,when ce

LUSHER (le usher) and LUSH . LUSHINGTON : the town of

the son of Lush . DURWARD (Quin tin ) : door ward , tyler =KDSTER (Law ren ce) , COSTER

,CUSTANCE : door custodian .


,YETT : gate keeper . HATCH : had charge of a


gate f or deer , n o t going w i th hinge , but taken off by a hi tch.

SALMON saloon keeper,hal l door. CALMAN (caul man ) , ladies

hairdresser. (Is . i i i . Gaylor is a form of jai ler. CUSHMAN : cowman

,cheese maker . BARBOUR beard trimmer

,con .

BAREBONES : beard bonny ,fin e bearded . KEP LER (astron omer) :

tan n er working kipps = P ELLETAN z skin tann er. PELLISSIER

(marshal) : furrier. BARKER w ho works in bark tan

TANNER (faster)What craft sman art thou, said th e king ,I pray th e e t e ll me , trow e ?

I am a barker, sir, t o my trade ;Now t e ll m e what art thou


,BAILEY : a bail iff , mean t a protector, from

Be organ : t o protect , when ce Burgh : a wal led town , con . ba l

in such names as BALMERINO : town on the sea : SETON . Out

on bai l is out un der court protection . HAUSMAN (Baron ) :house bai liff : VOGHT. BAINES

,BANNISTER (Jack) : charge of

a bath . Having its root in Bain : white,a bath makes wh ite ,

so Ban,Boyn e

No more I do my murthi s fayn e ,But in gladn e ss I swym and bain e .

The en ding ster den otes f em. gen . Trades to which i t isaffixed were divided in to bran ches , at the l ighter of w hichwomen worked . When through the progress of refin emen tmen took their place such bran ches retain ed old designat ion s .

BAKER : batch cooker. BAXTER : female bak er= CRACKNELL .

cake baker. “ Take with thee t en loaves and crackn els .

FLANNER : pastry bak er=WATEAU . MAZARIN (cardinal) iscon . Macaron i , and mean s the same as V


COKE (lawyer) , COCK,KOCH (Pau l de) : a cook ,

when ceCOOKER (arithmetician ) : on e pampered by delicate cookery.

(Mc)DADE : kn eader. BAKER = the Roman PISTORIUS (Joseph) ,Italian FORNARIU S : man of the furnace , and the Norman shad


BULLINGER (Reformer) : a baker , when ce P U LLINGERBREWER : con . brose , broth, breweth,

gives BREWSTERM‘GROU THER : the king’s brewer t o a Ce l t ic king. CHALONER :

wool len weaver, con . Chalon s - sur-Marn e. WEAVER


(Der Fre ischutz) . WEBB give WEBSTER (Dan iel) : weaver ofl igh t goods . WHIB


,WHIP P ERMAN : a weaver


the shuttle from s ide t o s ide . WHIBLEY : the weavers’ field .

There being n o h eavy departmen t t o spinn ing, we have n o

man n amed Spinn er,and as surnames of women are absorbed

in those of their husban d’s , n o woman can be named Spinster ,that being gen eric f or a maid , but w e have CLOTHO (Fates) :spinn er

, con . c loth and WIFE is a fami ly name . In th e Irishwe find SHEDDY

,SHEDDEN : s i lk w eavers . The same an cien t


language supplies us w i th COGHILL : n e t weaver. SLEEMAN

(Thugs) : S laie maker REEDMAN : w eaver’s reed maker.LINGARD worker of l ingerie , n apery

,l in en . LANYER :

wool w orker , con . Lan imer Fair . TILLEY : a firs t rate w eaver ,con . Subti le : cleverly don e un der the loom . BLACKER

(Stewart) : b leacher=WHITSTER : who makes wh i te. BECKNER

(Vo ln ey) , BU CER (reformer) , BOOKER : writer on beechwood ,learn ed

,a book w orm SCRIBONIU S



Scribes . SAP HIR (Rev.) man of books. Sepharvaim : ci ty ofbooks . We n ot on ly have BOOKER but BOOKLESS . The

less in th is n ame is con . LACY : learn ed , so that, in steadof mean ing m inus books , BOOKLESS : book learn ed ; butl ibrarian . O RDERS : who hoards , a treasurer=HOARD and

as Boc : a beech,BOOKLESS st rangely an swers to GWYDER :

l earn ed in wood . Consul t GWYDER. BOCHART : book herd ,KAMMERER. PORTEOUS : made man uals , books portable byhan d . PATERNOSTER (common in Bedfordsh ire) : maderosaries , rows of beads on wh ich they bid the Lord ’s prayer.The trade was formerly strong in Patern oster Row . BIDDLE


BOODLE,BEDELL : prayer me n who told their beads often .

BEDE (ven erable) . BADMAN,MONBODDO : men of beads . Bid

n ow mean s t o comman d , then to pray , BADMAN , BONOMI ,BONHAM (bon us homo) = GOTHER (bishop) , GOODMAN ,






often given as mean in g prayerful , from O ro : I pray,when ce

Adore : t o kiss , as adoration was pu t t ing mouth t o obj ectof w orship , is from Oratos : aspectable , men t o whom w e

look as having marks of superiori ty , like BEAUREGARD ,MIRA

BEAU . Yet ARABELLA is un doubt edly a form of ORABELLA :

a female re ligeuse . The poet Horace had a mistress whomhe cal led GLYCERA (con . Glycerin e) : sweet on e SACCHARISSA . BIDWELL : sacred spring where prayer was won t t obe foun tain s where the Scalds sang to

gods on harps,the memory of which pass ing away with the

inbringing of Christ ian i ty,folk guessed the w ord mean t cold

spri n g. CALDWELL assumes the forms COLWELL an d the

bett er kn own CAUDLE. (S)CALDWELL of the D ruidical periodHOLYWELL of the Medieval . GOTOBED : w orsh ipper of God

= THEOSEBES. BADMAN = EU SEBES z worshipping wel l,very

religious , when ce EUSEBIUS (his t orian ) : son of Euse bes , of

pious an ces try = DE SANCTIS , DE SANTOS : of the sain ts =DE

FOE of t he fai th = RASSELAS of apostol ic descen t.HOSIU S (presiden t) : ho ly ,

dedicat ed= ENOCH. The GlasgowS t . ENOCH is from Thenaw , the mother of S t. Ken t igern .

O S IANDER : holy man ,de vot e e = ALLGO OD : hal low ed , bapt ised

and blessed when that was rare. MALE,MAHLMANN : a

pain t er PINTO o f the Span ish . P ARGITER : a pain ter or


sheph erdess , con . Pastor : a feeder . PATTI an swers well toO P HELIA , from O vis : a sheep

,when ce ovation .

KIDDER : a travelling HUCKSTER : carrying goods for sale onhis hooks

,provin cial ly applied to shou lders Co lporteur col lar

porter. KIDMAN CHAP MAN man sel ling ch eap,a cheap

Jack . Cheapside n ear market. Chipping Norton marketat the n orth town . Huckster is a form of Hock st e r

,an d

HAWKER is i t s b rief form . KAUFFMAN (Turkestan ) , COFFINwho coups , sel ls : proper spel ling, COUP ER ,

and sometimes cor. t o COOP ER .

DOBLER (Herr) : dish maker TISCHENMAKER ,and TURENNE :

tureen maker,who made earthen vessels

,Terra=ARTHMAN .

KISS (sculptor) cushion maker. HANDEL (oratorio) : sel ler byhand . BODGER : cooper

,con . boat , boot bottom (of lan d or hemp) ,

implyin g hol lown ess . BU TTMAN : butt maker , formerly w rough tin budd’s hides

,as Hogshead

= ox h ide. BUTLER : charge Of

butts or bot tles . Bott le : l it tle butt , as Pottle : a l i t t le pot .

BU TLER =KELLERMAN (marshal) cel lar man .

HOOP ER (judicious) , COOP ER (n ovelist) , CUVIER (naturalist) :who caves w ood= TU P P ER (poet) : tubber . The great Ital ianname ZOP P I is s imply soup plate maker TURENNE an d CHOP INof the Fren ch . These made wooden goods

,amongst others


sabots,tren chers , bowls , correspon din g t o COGHIE : cog maker

of the Scotch . But COOP ER (Astl ey and that kith) : a form of

CO P ARIU S : cup bearer t o kin g of Fran ce . CADMAN : maker ofcades , casks . Caddy : a l it t le cade . Casket : a l i t t le cask.

TUP MAN : sheep (tups) breeder . POTT, POTTER , TOP FER ,EULER

(mathemat ician ) : potters all . The last seen t o advan tage in O llaPodrida : pot of putrid th ings , a miscel lany. O lla : a pot , fromO lere : t o grow , when ce redo len t , ado lescen ce , mean s a kale pot .

VASARI (Giorgo) : earthen vesselmaker . CROKER , CROKE : crockmaker

,when ce Crockery : pots . KRUGER (boer) , KROGG : keep

ing a roads ide public house where beer was sold out of a crock

SOHENKE,and INMAN (l in er) . So our AYLWARD and WIN

SHIP : ale and win e shop . MOST (editor) : win e mak er,brewed


POTTS living n ear a well,sprinn WELLS at the wells :

PAGAN , from PEGE : a foun tain,sprin ging out of the (ge )

earth , con . Pegasus . Pagan was applied to those who used thesame vil lage pump . Ci t izen s receiving Christian ity beforerustics

,those living in vil lages were termed Pagan i , whi ch

became syn onymous with Heathen , Gauy im n ot of the Jew ishreligion . Takes the diminut ive form PAGAN INI (Violin ist) an dgives PAINE : a Vi l lain , a vil lager , on e of the payn im. PAYSONf or Paysan : a peasan t becomes PHEASANT. Civic superiorityis farther i llus t rated by URBAN (pope) , URBAN E ast u t e


poli t e = TOWNLY : town l ike : CURTIS (gun powder) : cour teous .


To return t owells . ATWELL DELAFONTAINE : of the foun tainFAU NT an d SP RING (Tom). P ozzo = VANDEP UT and POTTS


con . Puteol i : w el ls stinking (through sulphur) = Fon t en oy :

n ox ious foun tain . PITT : l iving n ear a quarry. PITMAN

(phon ographer) : m in er , quarry work er= QU ARRIER : s ton esquarer,

becomes WHARRIE . Some have QUARRIER : warrior.I take it t o be a trade n ame . QUARLES (emblems) : shot gamewith a square headed arrow. P ITT=MOLIERE (play - wright) :mi l lston e quarry. BOTTOM (weaver) : when n ot local mean sworker at bottom of pi t shaft , when local = DELLAR : dale er ,l iving in . SHANKS : pit shanker , s inker of shaft

,if local ,

l iving on proj ection of a h i ll = SP ITE , con . Spithead . Now

f ormore pots . POTTINGER (of Indian fame) : pot maker TASS,TASSY

,TASMAN (when ce Tasman ia) : cupmaker . POTTINGER,

also old n ame for Druggist : ( lri ecl herb sel ler . BURRAGE :gathered barrage t o mix w i th win e . SP URGE gathered herbst o purge w in e

,hen ce SP URGEON (C . son of Spurge.

BALMER (Berwick) : h erbalist sel ling balsam,balm. P ARGITER :

a plas t erer or pain ter,

Gold was the parge t an d th e se e li n g brightD id sh in e all scaly w ith gre at plat e s of gold.

CAM BYSES (Persian ) : sacerdotal b ard=BAIRD (Scotch) , SOALD(Norse) , KEEN (Irish) . M ourn in g f or dead is kn own as keening, con . Kinn or : a harp , con . Cin n eroth : wai lin g soun dsmade by win d


,an d water. The orthodox Irish for a

poet is THADY,givin g TEAGU E = P AT,

from S t. Patrick,and

TADDY . VIGNOLES : a V in e dre sser= CARML Carmel : vin eyard of God,

very frui t ful . A chan,t he son of Carmi


of the anathematized thing. LAMBRU SCHINI (pope) : a wildV in e , unmanageable.CARP ENTER : car maker CARTWRIGHT, n ow gen erical ly

applied to wood worker. CARIOLI (Ital ian ) CHARETTE(Fren ch ) : car driver. CARAB(EU F : bu llock cart driver= ARABI

(when Turkish). FABRICIUS fabri c maker , an ouvrir,opera

tive,gives FABER

,FAVRE (Jules) , LEFEBVRE (marshal) LEFEVRE ,

LEFEVER : w orkmen all . SLOP ER (A l ly) : s lop maker : SMOKER :smock- frock maker. PATON :maker of patous , clogs . Pattern :

l ike a pad of the foot , a v estige . WRIGHT : wrought at anytrade in w ood


waggon maker,vehicle f or the way ,

road . WHEELER : bran chof last making on ly

,wh eels . ZIMMERMAN (on so l i tude) : t im

ber man,materialist, i .e . ,

w orker in matter, timber . Mat terfrom Mater : mo th er

,i t being mother of all , formed thereof.

Madeira (is le) : of timber. Matto Grosso : gross with timber ,primeval forest of the Amazon s ; about : BUISSON (Fren chsavan ) : great wood , and CHACEMORE . STUHLMAN : s tool


maker. TIGELLINUS (Nero’

s frien d) : beam fix er,tabernacle

mak er= the German SHU RMER , SCHIRMANN : ten t,umbrella


shadow maker TELLWRIGHT : t i l t man ufacturer COP ERNICUS :cover maker

,hut bui lder. This Dan ish n ame = our Fran co

Englan d MAISON,MASON : messuage builder, man sion erect er .

BRACCIOLINI (Poggio) : worker in brecci a ston e . PONCE (deLeon ) : pumi ce ston e worker. JENNER (vaccination ) : a join er.TISCHENDORF (Con stan tin e ) : j oin er

s V i l lage . CARTER : a car

man CHARRON (Fren ch au t hor WAGNER (German )HARMODIU S : charioteer

,drove yoked horse s =HIP P IAS . But

WAYMAN : wain man,so WENMAN , WHIGMORE (E ly,

“From a w ord,whiggam ,

used in drivin g their horses ; al l thatdrove were cal led whiggamors

,an d shorter , Whigs .

” Whig , con .

wide , for quick ,l iving

, active . QUICK (Rev . B. H),WICKS




,VITUS each m ean

qu ick , active , GRADGRIND : quick grinder. But VIVIAN (Gray)mean s more than physical Vi tality , properly mean ing on e

revived , and so the Puritan n ame , RENOVATA : ren ew ed ,implies on e regen erated

,en tering a higher life.

WAITMAN : hun tsman,who waits , watches game . CASE : cot

tage bui lder, con . Chez : at the house of ; CHIESE, CHEESE , and

ACE (Jessie) : the house. Casin o ,CASSINO (Boston ) : small

house n ear a theatre,Chasuble : house - like garmen t = COAT :

covering like a cottage . COATES : l i ving at the cottagesVAN BUREN. CASABIANCA (gal lan t b oy ) : wh i te houseWENTWORTH

, con . Gwen : wh i t e,as in NELL GWYNE : E l len

Whi te , and CENWIN : wh i te head , WHITEHEAD . CASANOVA ,CANOV A = NEWHAU S. CAZV INE (Zakaria) : v in e clad cot tage .CATCHP OLE : catch pooler . In min in g

,the ore is passed from

reservoir t o reservoir , each con structed t o retain portion s of

metal . He who had charge of a poo l where metal was so

caught was thus cal led.

”A lso n ickname for bai liff who

carr ied a s taff, profan ely styled by the vulgar a pol e. Namesiden tical as t o form ,

but differing as t o sen se, originate at

divers periods and under differen t circumstan ces . ThusTURNER : wood w orker , TURNER (t erra n oir) : black cast le :

SCHWARTZENBURG (cardinal) , TURNER : on e who took placeof an absen tee at a tourn amen t , an at torn ey ,

who engaged foran other=WAGER. GAGE (when ce green gage) : engaged t o

fight,pledged t o an ordeal .

TU RNARELLI (of the w reath ) TORRICELLI (barometer) : l i tt l ecastle . POOLE : n ear a pool

,i t s dim . in some cases POLLOCK


o thers i t is clim . of PAUL . WALP OLE (wald pool) : w ood n earwater

,GLASSP OLE water run n ing in to a pool . DABBS DUBBS :

decorat or,dabs on ornamen t s . CHANCELLOR : w ho can celled

governmen t deb t s = KANZLER (gen eral) . CANGE (Du) mon eybanker

,of chan ge . DRUDGE : fish erman

,whose work was


CHARD , CHAUCER (father of English poe t ry) , HOSIER , formedon last. Hosen is n ow woven ,

but half a mi l len n ium sin cewas leather

,as gai ters


,buskin s. GRACY : brogue

maker. SANDS (George) san dal maker . SAV ATON : sabotmaker. SCHUMMACKER ,

SOUTER (sutor) : shoemakers a(w )ll .SOU TER= SEYMOUR z a seamer, sower

, con . Semmet : sowedgarmen t. Sometimes SEYMOUR is from St. Maur

,Norman dy,

wh ich is said t o be a form of S in e muros : wi thout wal ls .

CLARK, CLERK : learn ed , on e of clerical order . During the

middle ages , on ly the clergy possessed the mean s of s t udyingbooks , and so they alon e could be learn ed . In certain criminalcases a con vict had the Psalter p laced before him with a re

ques t that he w ould read the king of the pen i ten tial psalms(l i .) t o sign ify h is sorrow and claim the immun ity kn own as

ben efi t of clergy. If he read Have mercy upon me,O God ,

according to thy loving kin dn ess : according t o the multitudeof thy tender mercies , blot out my tran sgressions

”in a toler

able style , the court office r cried ,“ He reads l ike a clerk , and

he was released.

BEAUCLERK (Hen ry ) : beautifu l scholar , tran slated f Esop’


Fables . LECLERC : the learn ed= GRAMMATICU S (Saxo) : thegrammarian = SEPHER

,SAP HIR : book man , f em. SAP P HIRA.

LACY (Evan s de) is the Irish for learn ed , from wh ich languagewe have SANKEY : a chron icler . The Hin doo correspon den t isSU RAT= Sephervaim : place of books. The Druidical corresponden t is GWYDER w ooder, learn ed by study of Celt ic , thel etters of wh ich were taken from trees . B f or Beith : the birch .

C for Col l : the hazel . Calton : town bui lt where hazels grewMcAL L for MACCOLL : son of the hazel

,on e of an old stock


,n ot mean ing old personally ,

but of

n oble descen t. Hazel rods w ere used in divination ,rhabdo

man cy, and so may be termed a religious plan t , l ike hyssopand mis letoe. COLKITTOCH : l eft- han ded Col l.TOZER : flax comber

,from Tow : t o pul l , when ce teeth , team ,

tame , tough , teasel (used t o card w ool) , and Tassel : head of theteasel. TEAZLE (Mrs) : worker w i th teasels ,

By st in king n e t t les , pricking tease ls ,Raising bli st ers l ike the m e aze ls .

TOZER : - SCOTCHER : scutcher (scart, scratch) with a heckleFLAXMAN (sculptor) w orker in flax : KEMP

, f em . KEMP STER,

but KAMES (Lord) : local , KEMP : a field,campus , when ce

CAMP ION,KEMP ER : champion s figh ting in the open cham

pagn e,

His w ife sat n ear h im t e asing mat t e d wool ,\Vhi1e from th e tw in cards , tooth

d w ith glit t eri ng w ire ,He fed th e Spin dle of h is youngest child .


This card from Carduus : a thistle,but other card from

Charta : paper. Teasels and thistles are paren ts t o the com

plicated machin ery of our cotton mi lls . CAIRD : an art ificer,applied to a t ink er= CALDERON . TOOTH (ri tualist) : is sometimes given as i ron tooth maker , but is personal , a man of

promin en t teeth , b e ing=MORDAU NT, wh ich was original lyMORDENT : great teeth . COHEN : a priest. A ll Cohen s claimdescen t from Aaron . COHEN

, cor. t o CHON. LAOCOONpeople’s priest =BLOTT,

BLOOD (colon el , stol e crow n j ew els) :shed blood of victims . November was call ed Blotmonat


because cattl e were then s laugh tered an d sal t ed . GO ODBLO OD :

n oble priest. HOFFMAN (sometimes) man of the hoff , temple .SAGGARS



,TAGGART (sogarth aroon ) :

druidical priests,sin ce applied t o Christ ian . FLAMINIUS (con

sul) : the flamen who received the afi atus of th e god,his

in spiration .

PRIEST (for Prestare) : who stan ds bef ore others by reason of

superiority ANTISTES :pre - excellen t. FABIUS (Roman heathenpries t) who spoke (fari) the divin e mind . PRIESTLY (oxygen ) :glebe lan d . CANON (when n ot from a priestfrom can on icus . PRESTON : pries t

s town . TEMP LE (Palmerston ) : a druidical crom turn ed in to a church . TEMP LEMORE :great church = SELKIRK. CAMILLUS (delivered Rome) : a formof Casmi llus , servan t of the temple , gives CAMILLE (Desmou

lin s) =HOFFMAN and ARTABANU S : great sacrific er. ABDULMEDJID : servan t of the t emple . The origin al CAM ILLUS w oul dl ikely serve in E truria

,Hoffman in Hel igolan d , and Abul

Medj id at Medina. PASSAVANT (pursui van t) : a fol lower, retain er, servan t. PARSONS : pre - emin en t person of parish , gives

COSSER : horse flesh dealer , a knacker , con .

corpse , corse. RUNCIMAN a horsemonger. COLMAN , charcoalburn er . Charcoal so cal led t o distinguish i t from pit - coal .COLLEY (Cibber) : dark a- vised man , what a spaewife wouldcal l a spade , n ickname for swarthy person . The GermanKOHLER = COLLIER : coalwork er. COMTE (positivism) : coun t ,kin g’s compan ion ,

when ce CONTARINA (Flemin g) : cognatewith Constable : compan ion O f the stab le z MARSHALL (frommare) ,MARESCHALK :king’s servan t over caval ry PHARNASP ES .

COMYN CUMMING : a coun t ; but CONDE : l iving n eara con fluen ce = Cob len tz z con fluen ce

,when ce CONDILLAC , CON

DORCET,also local Fren ch n ames . VISCONTI : vice coun t as

Viceroy in stead of a king, con . Vicarious : for an other.

BU ONCOMPAGNE,BONAP ARTE (It ) : good compan ion


(Rol lin ) : gay compan ion z our GOODFELLOW (Robin ) . It is

instruct ive t o se e t he l iteral mean ing of words implying com

pan ion ship. They are Comes (cum : with ,e o I go) : on e who

goes w i th you. Sodalis (when ce sodali ty) from sede o : I si t


on e who si ts w i th-

you. Con tub ernalis , cum : w 1 th,

. tab erna :

a tavern,on e who f requen ts the same tavern . Socius (when ce

sociable,society) from sun : w i th and oikos : a house , living i n

the same house . Con sort, cum : with,sors : a lot , sharing lot

w i th. Crony,from chron os : time , con . cron e, croon : t o s ing

like an old n urse, on e kn own of a long t i .me Chum , con .

camera : a chamber, ceme try : a s leeping-

,place mean s sleepingi n the same room . Mate : on e who often meets you. Com

pan ion,is from cum : w i th and pan is : bread : a messmate , on e

who ea ts bread w i th you.


,BENET : cleric giving ben ediction . S in ce

clergy w ere forbidden t o marry it came,in course of time ,

t o s ign ify a bachelor , and so BACHELOR and FELLOWS .

CAP EL (monsignor) , CHAP LIN KEP P ELL (de capella) :chaplain s all , chapel men . SARDOU (Paris pol itician ) is a formof Sacerdos : a priest. PROCTOR , for PROCURATOR (procuratorcy ,

proxy) : having charge for an other , a locum ten ens, con .

CURIU S (Den tat us) : fu l l of cares . COURVOISIER (corium os ier) :made coracles of h ides an d w i ths = the Gae l icwh ich ,

in some cases , gives CURRY. From Corium : a h ideC URRIER : hide dresser. Cortina,

Curtain : bul ls’

h ides hanging,

a defen ce as used in the s iege of Gibraltar. But (M‘




,when ce GORICAN young CORY

,mean a

deep hol low in the s ide of a moun tain , a ravin e. Hen ceCORYDON (Irish) : corrie dweller. Now CORYDON (Virgilian ) :a lark ; wh i le COURIER : a run n e r=MASSINGER (PHILIP ) : runn ing f ootman = TROTTER

,BODY : on e bidden . LIGHTBODY :

quick- footed messen ger , an old English Mercury. So SANDEMAN : man sen t = SANDS (George) when n ot local . TheseFOOTE (when n ot for foot of hil l) , LEGGAT : sen t on a legationTo such add BOWD

,BOTTE (Peter), TRU EBODY : trusty mes


,wh ich in Scotlan d gets disguised in to

GALLETLY. TRU EBODY suggests the beautiful L IP TROT (l ippentrue) ; on e in whom we may truly lippen ,

trust.CRESSET : carried s ignal fire on n ight marches in shape

of a cross . CLEAV ERb

(clavier) : key- bearer,Peter’s two=

CROSSKEY : carried papal bann er emblazon ed w ith crosskeys .

The verb cross is from Corsian : t o imprecate with the Sign of

the cross , when ce curse . CROSSAN : l i t tle cross , carrying on e

on shield in crusades . CRIB : s ieve mak er= SIEBER : s iever,

CREBILLON : great CRIB . CROKER (A l len ) : crocus plan ter ,saffron grow er. FRASER : strawberry plan ter

, con . Fragran t :odour like a strawberry plan t

,con . Frango : I break ,

al ludingto fractures of leaves . ZUCCA : gourd plan ter , li t . sw eet, con .

ISSACHER,wh ich con sult. Among his figures Zucca usual ly

placed on e w i th a common gourd at his w rist , in al lusion t ohis n ame .” DAMON

,DAMO : ruler

,governor—; ROY when that


leader,i t s place being occupied by EARL , from Ere : before


when ce EARLY : before , superior by age= MAXIMU S, MASSIMO .

Early : before (daybreak). EARL gives ARLOTTE (fami ly) . Wealso had HERTOGH (tug) , HERZOG : army leader, when ce Herze

gov ina : formerly a dukedom or duchy . DUKE gives DUCKETT,

DOUCE,DUCE , as also the ti tle DOGE and the coin Ducat :mon ey

issued by a duke . Hen ce,t oo , w e actual ly have the fami ly

name DUCK and Dux : head of class .

HERR : he who arranges the here. Here : an army,Here

ford : ford of the army,HERMAN


ARMINIU S (armin Ian ) a soldier

,an swering t o H in doo titl e SAHIB : sabre man ,


,from Sab : an army

,Sabaoth arm ies . Jehovah

Sabaoth : lord of armies . Sabaism : worship of host of heaven .

Sabre : the army w eapon . From May : power , when ce migh tand main ,

MAY : s trong man (sometimes May- born ) , MAYOR :

pow erful officially. Le MAIRE (straits) : from le maire Clu

palai s. The Teuton s had a magistrate styled MORD - DAME :murder judge (deem) . Mord

,con . mors , mortal , Mars

,mat (in

matador) , mate (in ch ess) , murrain ,and w i th the Hebrew Mav :

death,as ISHMAV ETH : man of death ,

doomed,Jesus on th e

crucifix ion morn . Doomsday (t i l l ) : judgmen t day , but Dooms

day Book is from Domus Dei : house of God , Win ch esterCathedral , where it was kept. PHARAM OND : travel led protector

,of wh ich Don Quixote was the caricature . FARRANT


FARREN , FARRAR , FARR (when las t tw o do n ot mean sh epherd) :on e who fares from place t o place . We meet with SEAFART :

on e who goes t o sea,a sai lor . Faran : t o go ,

gives fear,which makes on e go, fare , fie ldfare (bird) , ferry , ford , b e -fore,far - ther

, f ir - st , for - e st : wood far from tow n , Fardel : a

travelling pack . Who would fardels bear ? Fear accuratelycorrespon ds t o Metus :motion t o get out of danger . FARRAGUT

(admiral) : on e who has been far agate , travelled much . FOR


,FORSTER DE WARRENNE : charge of forest :


, GRAEFFE ,GRAVES : govern ors al l.

BOSCHEE (bois) : had charge of wood , game = P ARKER , PARK ,

from PADDOCK , PARROCK. SAVAGE : w ood dweller , gamekeeper

,from Sylvis : a w ood , when ce Tran sylvan ia : beyon d

the forest. The fol lowin g are also wood dw el lers : SILVANUS ,S ILAS

,SATYRU S , Satyr : sylvan god. The Dori c form of

SATYRU S is TITYRU S (Virgi l) . ISABELLA SAVAGE is tran sformedin to La Belle Sauvage : the forest beauty. WALKER


WATTS,from Wald : a wood , when ce WALDEGRAV E becomes



“ Dublin D irectoryWOODWARD

,MUSGRAVE : charge of the mews

,stables and

hawks . But FOSTER, FOISTER : foodst er, n ourished , adopted .

An d in gre t reveren ce an d chari t e e

Hire O lde powere fader f os tered sh e e .


Fader and fostered both find their root in feed . Father : hewho feeds. NORRIS . a nurse

, n ourisher, sometimes formation011 NORROY (heraldry) : n orth king , as SURRY : south king ,

POMEROY : head kin g. But SURREY : south of river (Thames) ,though some have i t


south kingdom,correspon ding to Sussex

south Saxon s . FALCONER (sh ipw reck) : hawk tamer , man of

the mews . Gerfalcon : haw k flying in gyres . FLETCHER :arrow maker . STRINGER : string the b ow


great hawk keeper . ARROWSMITH : made the iron poin t. “The

fletcher draweth a feather when he hath but on e swappe(sw eep) at i t w ith his kn ife , and then playn e th i t a li ttle wi thrubbin g it over his kn ife .” Cogn ate w i th fleet

,fli t

,flutt er

FLETCHER=HARROWER Some t imes Bows : b ow makerBOWYER (Dundalk).FROBISHER : furbisher

,pol isher of metal . “ Furbish the

spears , put on th e brigandin es . FULLER : who th icken sand wh i ten s cloth .

“ His raimen t became shin ing , ex

ce eding white , as sn ow , so that n o ful ler on earth can whitethem.

”FULJAMBE : th ick leg. FU LLER =WHITE

,when ce

WHITSTER : laun dress,b lan cheuse LAVENDER


(Africa), from Lavo I wash,lave

,lavish . Th e plan t laven der

was so cal led because used in baths .

“ Robert Bruce s toppedhis army when on the march

,in ci 1 cumstance s of press ing

difficul ty in the U lster campaign,because a poor laven dere

was taken w i th pain s of chi ldbir th,and must have been left ,

had they proceeded,t o the mercy of the Kern s .


who trudges,a traveller . Marry

,as I told you before , John ,

and Robert,be ready hard by in the brewhouse

,an d when I

sudden ly cal l you,come forth , and take th is basket on your

shoulders that don e,t rudge with i t in al l haste and carry i t

amon g th e whi tsters in Datchet mead .


= drudge ,from drag, se e DREDGE . WALKER : cloth clean er , fromWe lcian : t o wal low , con . Whale : sea wal low er, Wheel : thatwhich rol ls . Wheel the Hebrew Golal : a tomb s ton e .“ Who shal l ro l l us away the ston e ? Con . n ergal , Gal i lee ,globus . Welkin : the circle of the heaven s . GHIRLANDIS

(Ital ian poet) GIRLING : garlan d maker,con . Gyrus : a circle,

Gerfalcon and Gyr : provin cial Scotch f or a hoop , which is

iden tical w ith Year a circle of time .

KRUMMACHER (Elijah) : crown maker . PULVERMACHER :

powder maker . SCHLEIRMACHER (theologian ) : vei l maker.SCHEP LER : chaple t maker . HALMONEU S : seaman , as are

the fol low ing names , PELAGIUS , MORGAN , PONTIUS (son of

Pon tus : the sea) , HALCYON (son of the sea) , FLATMAN (man of

fleet) , ABIJAM (father of the sea) , M‘NAMARA (son of the sea) ,

CARRACHIOLI (sai l ing in a carrack) , LONG (w hen Cel t ic) ,FORLONG (fear, v ir), PLEIONE : (con . INDICO P LEU STES : he who



sai l ed t o India) , RUMBELOW (old English f or a sailor,l ike

Tal ly Ho ! for a hun tsman ) , MARNER , MORGAN , and PELAGIUS :mar in ers every on e . Pelagian ism : sys tem of Pelagius . Gla

morgan : Morgan ’

s coun try , or n ear the sea= P omeran ia,

A tt ica (shore lands) = P on tus . Halys : sal t river= Rio Salado .

Hal cyon king fisher,supposed t o hat ch n ear the sea in calms .

Halcyon days : quie t times . HALLE : place of saltmin es . Mor

in MORGAN, con . Mar : bitter

,w hen ce Mare : bi tter wat ers ,

t he un drinkable sea. Con n emara : inden tation s of the sea.

Loch Long : sh ip lake, con . Lon don

,which is Longdon or

Latin ised Londunum : ship fort . SKIP P ER : skiff sai ler .

Schaffhausen : skiff , ship houses where boats taken out of

Rhin e t o avoid fal ls , portages . To these add SEAMANS ,SIEMANS

, SEAFART : sai lor’

s all . KHAN (con . canoe and Can e :ho l low reed) : a b oatman z BATEMAN

,BATES ! when lat ter not

from Bartho lomew ,and BOATMAN .

KINCH,KINK : b leachfie ld w orker

,con . Kink : to run in to

kn ots . HARRIDELLE : dealer in rough pon ies . HOLZMAN ,

HOLMAN (Hun t) : hol t, w oodman,dw eller in

, or w orker in=KYLANDER

,wh ich i t trans lat es as PELAGIUS does MORGAN .

HOLTUM : home in a w ood . TALBOYS : w ood cut ter z BAV ISTER

(Jack) : bavin gatherer , a w oman’

s t rade .

“ Then took hecer tain bavin s

, or smal l faggo ts of brushw ood . BOSCH (Ten ) :w ood dw e l ler=HOLTUM

,w hen ce Bosh the waste of w ood


we cal l bad person s faggots, an d I have heard n egroes in Sou thCarol ina cal ling folks they d is l iked trash, from Tren cher t o

cut , applied t o useless par ts of sugar can e t o be cut off.

HORNER (l i t t le Jack) : spoon ,cup,

and comb maker of horn .

Common trade before th is iron age se t in . HORN (Cape) : ah i l l . Schreckhorn : shrieking moun tain ,

where gales how l :our P en nygan t : w in dyhi l l . CAUGHIE : High lan d cooper madecogs , plates and bow ls for supp ing porridge as CHOP IN ZOP P Isouppy ,

soup plat e maker, b ut more closely an sw ering t o the

English KNUCKLER : maker of n oggin s . HURAI : l in en worker= L INGARD . Hurai of the brooks of Gaash.

SCRINE : charge of shrin e : SEXTON sacristan ,charge of sacred

things DEWAR and DEUCHAR . CHALLIS : charge of calyx ,

sacramen tal cup, chalice = CALIXTU S (pope) . MESMER (me s

merism) : had charge of vessels used in celebrating mass .

CHANTREY (sculp tor) of that part of chapel where chan tingwas pract ised . SANGSTER : a choris ter

,appl ied t o a lady

Singer . GINGLE (gen eral) a man Singer . KIRCHER (father)charge of whole kirk




(martyr) latin er , an in terpreter betw een English and Welsh .

Then al l unkn own languages w ere cal led Latin . But LATNER :lat ten maker

,a compoun d of copper and lead . Lat ten (the

w ord) is from lead. LEADBETTER : lead beater. Churches and


house , in some cases n ewly arrived emigran ts=NEAL. But

NEWCOMBE : n ewly cultivated val ley . CONVERS , CONYERS :

medieval Jew ish con verts . ABBA : father , ABBOTT (Jacob) .From it the H in doo BABA : a gen t leman (n on mili tary) = SIRE ,


,S URR . (Mc)NAB, a form of Abbot. (A)Bushire :

father city. We sayMetropol is :mother city. WATERS,WATTERS,

if n ot local VATTA,PATER . LAV ATER (savan ) : the father . From

Vatta w e have ATTA ,when ce ATTILA (the Hun ) . Feed , food ,


,fader , fother , vatta. FATHER : he who feeds .

Father assumes form of Fare , as FAREBROTHER (father’



ther) : an un cle . PATER : father , from Pasco : I feed ,PATTI : sheep feeder , PADRE , PATRON . LAV ATER = Bib lical

ABI : my father. POP E : a father . A l l bishops w ere on ce socal led ex cept the bishop of Rome . PEP IN




PAP E (I me t with on e in Toron to) , PAP P A (Demetrius) eachmean father . So

,t oo




s con script. Sometimes PAT and PADDY,n ot from

PATRICK but P ALLADIU S son of Pal las , defen ded by thePal ladium : shield of god. This is me t with in the bare form S t .

Paddy. Battersea : Patrick’

s is land. S IRE : father,applied t o

crow n ed head . MONSIEUR :my s i re . MONSIGNORE : my sen ior ,lord=MYNHEER MADAM : my dame , mother . DAMIAN : son

of the dame , B.V .M.

BISCOB : bishop,episcopos . RAMMER

,old Scotch ,

al ludingto the crosier he carried , con . RAIMES


,Ramus : a bran ch .

GILLESP IE : bishop’

s servan t. BISMARCK (prin ce) : bishop’


mark ,boundary of j urisdic t ion . BISLAND : bishop ’s glebe .

Gravesen d : where sheriff of Lon don ceased t o have jurisdiction . So Denmark : Dan e’s boun dary. MARWICK : bordervillage BORTHWICK

,BORWICK . LORIMER : thon g cutter ,

bridle maker . MENAGE : steward,man ager . Men age is

also Glasgow provin c i al ism f or a saving club . MERCATOR,

MERCIER,MERCER : men of commerce , merchan ts . CHATER :

caterer,he purveyed for a n obleman

s fami ly SP ENCER,

SP ENS : dispenser , and PURVIS for purveyor , in some cases .

METELLUS (con quered Jugurtha) : mercenary soldier , fightingfor pay , mi sthos. METZLER : received mi l l fees , t ook gri st ,emolumen t z MU TER ,

MU TERER : a mutterer , receiving mi l l tol l ,but MUTTER : h e who stutters . GRIST : grindes t . MULLER

(Bristol), MOLINOS , MILLER , MULLEN , (Mc )MILLEN w ere men

of the m i ll . SEHY (simi la) : m i l ler making very fin e flour .MOLYNEUX : mi l l on water mi l l w at er= Maelstrom : wh irlpool l ike a m i l l stream . Molindin ar

(burn ) : m i l l on the b rook =MILLBRO OK (George Barnw el l) .DESMOULINS of the mi ll . All akin t o Mola : ami l l . Molars :grinders . Immo late : t o sprinkle meal an d sacrifice . Emolu

men t (ex mola) : gain from mi ll . Mol lis : soft as meal,


Mol lusca,mul ier (a w oman ) , mo le

,mu llet : all mean soft

bodied .

M ILO (athlete) : crusher=MILNER : w ielding Thor’s hammer,

crushing hammer FRO ISSARD (chron icler) : crusher , whofrizzled up his e n emy = BR1SBANE , O SMAN : bon e breakers .

GRAD GRIND (hard times) : quick grin der , con . GRADY. FARINA

(Jean Maria) : maker of fari n aceous food , a mi l ler. NAP IER( logarithms) : Scottish king

s officer providing table cloth

(nappa) and other n apery. Common fo lk had n o table cloththus our phrase ,

“ Bed and board,

” eaten off a. Meal timet ime for eat in g meal , porridge , pottage . Mappa : cloth usedin starting horse races, gives Map : cloth picture of a coun try


Napkin : l i tt l e cloth , (N)apron : cloth hung in fron t of a

person . Napery : l ingerie,house lin en . WARDROP : had

charge of royal wardrope . VOGEL, OGLE : bird catcher :


“ She bare h im Zimram and

Jokshan . KISH (asses) : bird snarer (con . Kishon : verycrook ed) = LOWRIE : bird al lurer. TRIP P TRIP P NER


MAKER : maker of jacket s and shorgon s (short gown s) . P AR

MENTER : appare lmen t e r, cloth es preparer z RO P ER : a rober.PFEIFFER (Ida) = PIP ER , FIFE : who puffs . Sometimes FYEE :

nat ive of Fife. In old times pipers w ere cal led wh ifflers,as in

Italy,pifferari . TYTLER : toot ler , who toot s . HORNE (Tooke) :

horn player . “ S ir W i l liam Lit t lebury , ali as Hom e (for so

King Edward IV . surnamed him because he was a most ex

c e llen t blower in a horn ) ; he was a S later by craft.” AULETES(Ptolemy) : Flute player , from Aula : a pipe

,Hydraulics :

water pipes . VAN TROMP (admiral) : the trumpeter. CYTH

(ERON : gui tar,gi t tern

,lyre play er= ZITTAU (oath). Hen ce

CYTHERIS (courtezan of An tony) : she who al lures w i th lyreand voice , a syren . BARD HARP ER. HARP ERTZO ON (Martin )harper

s son . Musical n ame h is : Martin Harpertzoon V anTromp . CROWTHER (black bishop), CROWDER : cruth , or croud

player,l ike a fiddle

The pipe , th e tabor, an d th e trembling eran d

The saw try , pipe an d h autboy ’

s moisey ban d .

SAUTREE psal try player. LUTZ (savan ) : lute p layerand SP IELMAN : mus i cian . The High lan d correspon den t forthese fiddlers three is WAITS : watchman

playin g at Christ ide , waiting for Christmas . MINSTREL :

minn ie Singer who kept the heroic dead in mi n d.

POINTON,TAGG : tag maker, fasten ings for dresses before the

in ven t ion of pin s . Tag from Tug : wh ich tow s,pulls together .

In fami lies of German descen t,TAGG : born at day b reak .

PONT : a bridge , on e taking pon tage = BRIDGES, BRIGGS whenthese are n ot local . PONTIFF and P ONTIFEx : bridge mak er.


V IP END (vetus pon s) : old bridge , usual ly VIP OND : res iden tn ear old brig. MANTO (eon . man iac) : a prophet , a seer .Blin d Ti resias was led up and dow n by his daugh t er Man to.

SEER : on e w ho sees things veiled t o others . D IOP HANTUS(algebrais t ) : Show er of divin e things . HI ERO PHANTUS : Show edsacred th ings : SCRINE and BEDELL . From Pel lis : a skin ,

w e

have POLLIO PEEL,SLOSS : cast le partly

defen ded by bul l ’s h ides,as Gibral tar was against t he combin ed

flee ts of Fran ce and Spain .

The frigh t en e d flocks an d h erds w ere spe n tB en eath th e pee l

s rude bat t lem en t .

PILCHER : great coat maker from skin s .

“Af t er heat come th

co ld . No man casteth h is pyleh away . Pell is : skin,also

gives Pi lis : hair grow ing on skin, velvet , f eel

,Pi leus : a hairy

cap. Mon s Pilatus : moun tain capped (w i th clouds ) . Yon derPi latus soars w i th i t s dark brow up towards the sky ,

and w ithi t s cap of clouds looks gloomy en ough t o be in keep ing withthe idle tradi t ion of the place

,that h i ther the govern or of

Judea w as ban ished, a con scien ce s t ricken wan derer through

these desolate regions,where he put an end t o h is ex isten ce

by plungin g in to the lake at i t s summit . PILATE : hairyskin n ed CANUTIU S (An tony

s en emy) : wh i t e haired z the

Fren ch CHANZY. COSSUS : rough hai ry man -: SEIR takes f em . ,

CO SSU TIA (Caesar’

s w i fe) , and gives KOSSUTH (Louis). SEIRan sw ers well to HIRTIU S (con sul) : hirsute , goat like.

“ The

firs t came out red all over,like a goat skin garmen t .

” EDOM :

red,eon . Dam : blood

,ADAM : of red earth

,san dy soi l . PILIS :

a hair,l ikew ise gives Capillary : hair sized tubes

,Vi l is

,v i le :

of n o value,n ot w orth a hai r . BEAU P O IL (Louis ) : beaut iful

hair=HARFAGER (Haro ld ) : hair fai r.“ He made a v ow t o

h is mis tress t o n eglect his precious curls t i l l he had complet edthe conquest of Norway.

” COLFAX (presiden t ) coal co louredhair= BLACKLOCK FAIRFAX : fair hai r , but CARFAx ,

fourroads , as CARBARNS : f our barn s .

RABSHAKEH : great cup b earer= BECHMAN : carried beak ert o king. Beaker : bow l made of beech w ood . RABBI (eon .

former) : great (teacher). REID,HEDDIE (M



RATTE,RADETZKY (marshal) RATO : coun sel lors all

,who ren

dered rat io,reason . Con . Re ichs—rath

,an d Hundred for han d

rede . The Scan dinavians cal led Rath (an assembly where yourendered your reason s) a THING (mee t ing where what youthi n k is told) : a sor t of primit ive M.P . , a member of the th ing: the Fren ch PARLOR

,P ARLIOR : speakers

,those who parleyed .

Hen ce TINGAY : w ho addressed the thi n g ,an orat or= P ALE

ARIUS (Aon ius) : w ho Spoke t o th e parliamen t. Storthing :great ass embly

,eon . S torm : great rime .


Ye t was the force so furious and fe ll ,That hOrse an d man i t made to re e le asyde


le sse the prin ce would n ot forsake his se l l ,For w e ll of yore h e had learn e d to ryde .

S IZAR : scholar whose ration s of bread and butter w ere cu t ofa fixed size . So for Cambridge b ut Ox ford has BATELL :bai ted in col lege. Bate from b i t e = morse l from Morde o : I

bite,mordan t. BATTLE : from Battl e

,Sussex , and that from

BOOTH (bothi e) : a dw el ling of a low ly type . TASCHER (Rose) ,TASKER (poet) : gathered ecclesiast ical first fru its . TAYLOR :

(cloth) cut ter SCHROETER (astron omer) , SCHRADER , SCHNEID ER (dan seuse). To these add TUCK (friar) , and l ikewiseTUCKER (Dan ) : cloth workers , eon . Tuck : sacred to mi ll in ers .


man who sew ed cloth which TAYLOR or SCHNEIDER had cut

out , he stitched on ly. TAVERNIER : tavern k e eper= CAFFA

RELLI : cafe keeper , where coffee was first sold . The two lastare two of our lat est names . HULYER : s lat er , house healerSLATER

,SCLATER. Heal : t o cover. “ I was naked and ye

healed me n ot . TEGU LARIU S = TYLER (Wat ) , TECK . Tegula :

a ti le,from Tego : I cover

,when ce Te c tus : a roof



Texas is so cal led from decked boats navigating i ts rivers .

Tego gives Deck : ship cover,w ithout wh ich an open boat .

Tui leri es : ti le ki ln . WAT,TYLER : Walter the thatcher

,pai d

h is pol l t ax on the poll of the col lector w i th thatch inghammer . DECK

,DECKER : thatcher. Tego, deck ,


t hatcher, THACKERAY : thatched rath . Rath : Dan ish fort inIrelan d . Cape Wrath headlan d w i th rath upon i t. CASTLEREAGH (premi er) : castle rath . RATSEY : rath on an is land .

SHERIDAN : commanding six raths,holding land of . Some

give i t as l iving on a hi ll frequen ted by fairies . RATTRAY :

smooth rath . RATTICAN : l iving at rath h ead . TINTORETTO

(V e n e t ian ) =DYER or LITSTER : female dyer w orking in leg,

li th. Ten t : co loured (win e) . Ten ch : coloured (fish) . Tain t :t o disco lour and so ren der impure . But Tin to : fire (moun t ),though sometimes given for Tin t ock : misty h i l l . It is con .

Beltan e : May fire of Bel,Baal , as sacrificial fires w ere burn ed

thereon . TOLLER , TOLLNER t ol l col lector BERRUYER (Fren chJesuit) : tol l taker at b arriers = SOU THGATE z receive customas south gate

,so NORGATE (andWilliams). These ABIASAP H

father of gathering , GABBAI : t ribute co l lector.“Aft er him

Gabbai , Sallai , Zol lverein : un i ted as to tol l . HOHENZOLLERN (house of ) : high t oll

,castle 011 hi ll top from which

black mai l was en forced from travellers .

TYERMAN (Luke) : maker of ornamen ts for head,tires


t iaras = CALMAN (caul) : ladies’

hairdresser. “ Jezebel tired

(att ired) h er head , and looked out of a win dow ”

(w in d - door).


Oon . Tiara : fi l le t keepin g hai r out of eye s = D iadcm z boun dround (head) . These became en s igns of royal ty. His eyesas a flash of fire

,and On His head many diadems . CROZIER

charge of bishop’

s staff,l ike shepherd ’s crook =RODMAN :

carried rood . Holyrood : sacred cross . COP E (Johnny) : copew earer

,having charge of on e amongst vestmen ts in vestry .

VERGER (v irgulta) : man carrying a rod. The same day was

a goodly process ion ,in wh ich t he lord abbot w en t w i th his

mi t re and crosi er,and a great number of copses of gold , with

the vergers.


,VICARS (Hedley) : a vicar , eon . vice

in Viceroy : in stead of a king. But VICKERY : l iving in a

vicarage,man se . VINTER (for vin tn er) : win e sel ler , becomes

W INTERS= FENNER for v in our. In some cases FENNER : ahun tsman = FEN IAN and BERNERS : man of ven ery. Bern er


Stree t,O x ford S t ree t . But in some fami li es FENNER = V ENN

(Richard) : f en man,l iving among b ogs =MONEY. SUMMER




Re turn w ith h erP ersuade me rather to b e a slave and sump t er

To th is de t e st e d groom e .

In certain cases SUMMERS = SUMNER : summon er,Sheriff an d

O fficer . GROOM : servan t. Bridegroom : servan t of the bride .O ST-LER was n o men ial in medieval times . It i s a form of

Hospital ler : a host over a religious house w ho showedhospi tal i ty , part of which was taking care of horses of guests .

We have remain ders an d remin ders thereof in Hospital givingHotel , and in OASTLER hospi tal ler. SP ITTLE : settledon the Kn igh ts Hospital ler ’s lan d when they lost them bypapal bull . XENO a guest , or an en emy

=Host is : a stranger ,a gau, who might be an en emy , when ce hostil e . GUEST : hewho goes wh i le we stay . From Go also Gang : that gotogether. XENOS takes the fem. XENIA (pet prin cess of the

Russian s) . POLYXENA : hospitable,who t akes in many

strangers=LIEBGAST : love gue st =XENOPHILU S : fon d of

s trangers .

“ Be n o t forget ful t o be phi loreen i sts.

“Whensaw w e thee xen on .

” Eux in e : good f or s trangers , safe t o sai lon

,first cal led Axin e : n ot f or s t rangers (because of pirates) ,

n ow Black Sea,so named by Turks because Russian s, wrecks

an d North w in ds come thereby . FRANGIP ANI (scen t maker) :bread breaker LORD : loaf afforder

,bread giver

,when ce

LAIRD,LAYARD (N in eveh) . When LORD is Fren ch it is

applied t o a heavy , s low person . In the Irish TOY : a lord ,

and TOOLE : lordly ,arist ocrat ic. WARNER (warren er) charge

of rabbi t cover. WARREN (Hastings) l iving on a CONYBEARE

for conygare where the con i es go . SP ELMAN (an t iquary) : alabourer who works by spe lls

= IND and HYNDMAN . Some


times SP ELLMAN : hal l k e eper= SALMON . SP ILLMAN : spindlemaker.GRAVES (for ge reves , as ge l eap gives gal lop , and ge w in

gain ) : a sheriff. Gravesen d : sheriffs ’ end,cessation of juris

diction . REVES,REVELL

,from roo t Reave : t o t ear

,t o take

by vio len ce , when ce robber , rover , rogue . all rapaciousan imals . PALGRAVE : palace s teward . But PALFREY : havingcharge of a l i t tl e horse . CONGREVE (matches) : cun n ingsteward , l ike him In parable who was commended for clevern ess by his lord . MUSGRAVE : over mew s . CENTGRAVE :magistrates over a can ton

,cen tum

,hun dred . Chaucer looked

on a reve preachin g as reasonable as a cobbler turn ing sai loror doctor


The Devil made a reve for t o pre ch e

Or of a souter , a sh ipman , or a leche .

REV ELY : the reve’s field MU LLGRAV E : reve having chargeof mi l ls as t o grist

,fees t o be paid for grinding . STADHOLDER

(stead) : place de f enderz GRAV Es

,STEWARD : stow e ward :

BYE, as i n Bylaw s : local law s . GLASHIER (observat ory)glass worker a glazier. Con . Glac ies ice . ARBUCKLE brassbuckler maker. Buckler : buckled on the arm . ARMOUR :form of armourer


From whe n ce cam e SMITH , all b e h e kn igh t or squire ,But from the sm ith that forge th at th e fire

SMITHS are numerous . From to 1 8 5 4 , of thatn ame w ere recorded by the Regis trar - Gen eral as having beenborn , died , or married . I kn ew a fami ly so n amed living on

a flat with a SMITH straigh t below,and an other directly above .

The floor Smi th w as so t ormen t ed w i th messages,parcels



that he fled,fli t t ed in self - defen ce . SMYTHE

,SMITH : he who

smoothes metal by smi ting,he w ho smi teth . Nearly syn ony

mous w i th FORGEU R : forger , feign er , fash ion er , w ho makesl ike t o by fire . SMITHS are n umerous b ecause gen eric


all bran ches of hammer w ork . We have n o BLACKSMITH , i tbeing covered by SMITH

,b ut w e have WHITESMITH : who

po l ished h is w orker an d so n early : FROBISHER : furbisher ,S IXSMITH : s ickle maker

,giving S ICKLES

,t .e .

,maker of .

ARROWSMITH : made iron par t .

ARSMITH brass smi t er,

or moulder=BRASSEY (P eto).BRAZIER : brass w orker . Ar : brass

,eon . Es

,eris : brass


when ce A rma arms , wh ich w ere original ly brazen . He hadgreaves of brass on his legs .

”BROWNSMITH : brown bil l

maker . Used by Saxon s at Hastings . BROWNBILL (commonin Lan cash ire) : a Saxon foot soldier= BRISBANE . FIELDSMITH ; sharpen ed picks f or the field


,m in e . GOLDSMID ,



CLOUD nai l (make i ) , eon . C lef (clavis) : a key. The oldkey was a mere n ai l . CLOUD would b e = NA ISMITH if i t mean tnai l smi th

,but i t does not . TELFER

,TALFORD (j udge) : iron

cutt er,w lio cleaves an iron h elme t . TELFER eon . TALBOYS :

wood cu tt er . MINISTER (from Minus : less) : correlat ive ofMASTERS from Magnus : great

,sometimes written MARSTERS

andMAISTERS (de) , when ce MAGNUS (king of Norway) , when ce

(Mc)MANU s. MASTERS=LEMAITRE . Magn us : great givesMAGISTER : greater (than o ther) , presumably by age , and so

able t o teach . MAXIMUS,MAXIMIN (emperor) ,



oldest,great est. RABBI : great (t eacher) . RABBONI : greates t

(t eacher) . This ti t le on ly given t o seven of Hebrew ih

s truc tors .

BRUTUS : a fugitive slave = PHYGELLU S, eon . Fugio : I flee


when ce re fuge e = FLEMMING ,FLEMING from root flee. Tradi

tion says the Flemish ran from some pre - h istoric battle field .

BRUTUS is somet imes given as s tupid,bru t e like , but the

balan ce of eviden ce is un favourable thereto . i t mean s a fugit ive s lave . ORIGEN (Adaman tus) ; home born slave = V ERNA ,

VERNET (Horace) , eon . V ernaculus : impuden t , giving backtalk as s laves to masters . Vernacu lar : demot ic, language of

the un taught people . “ Not answering again .

” Some giveVERNET DELAU NNAY : of the alder plan tation ; simi lar t oLAYBOU LAYE : of the b irchgrove



GOTTESCHALCU S (sacramen ts) : God’

s servan t. “ The kingcommanded Shelemiah ,

the son of A bdee l , t o take Jeremiah .

S ervan t of God , w e ll don e w e ll hast thou foughtTh e be t t er fight , who single hast main tain


Again st revo lt ed mult itude s , the causeO f truth , in word m ight ier than they in arms .

GOTTESCHALCU S assumes the grotesque forms GODSELL and

GODSHALL . ABDASTARTU S (Tyrian prin ce) : of Astarte .

ABDALRAHMAN (king of Moors) : of the mercy of God.

ABDUL -AZIZ : of the precious On e , on e of the 99 ti t les of

God. ABDUL - KADER (Arab ch ief) : of the Kadi,judge .

ABDOLONYMU S (Sidon ian king) : of the n ame (of God) ,HIERONYMUS : holy n ame

,becomes JEROME




ABDI(e l) : servan t (of God).“ Kish the son of A bdi .

Here a form of EBED : servan t, s lave .

“ The son of E bed

said, who is Abimelech that we should ebed him ? ZEBUL

(who thrus t out Gaal ) : a fly,buzzer

, a compon en t part ofBAALZEBU L, BELZEBUB : the fly dispel ler. EBEDMELCH (Eth iopian ) : king

s servan t GILDEROY. OMRI , OMRIAH : who

ob eys the comman d of God, eon . EMIR : who gives w ord.

EMIR - AL- OMRI : commander of commanders z P HICOL : mouth


of al l,whose mouth all obey . ALMIRAL

,ADMIRAL : the com

man der. O BED is the participial form of ABDON,when ce

O BED - EDOM : Edom’

s servan t. “ Edom is s lave (obed) un dertribut e.” O BEDIAH (Puritan favouri t e) : of Jehovah , cor. t o

NOBBS . Its Hin doo corresponden t is DHAS DASA : a cool ie,

servan t,s lave , coming in to English as DASS . GANGADASA :

servan t of the river god Gan ga, from whom w e get the nameof his son GANGES=TIBERIU S : son of the river God Tiber.KALI (goddess) : coal ly , black beauty , con . Kalos : beautiful .

Our coal is ph i lological ly iden tical with Kal i and kalos , eachmean ing beautiful . KALIDASA : servan t of Kal i

,a thug.

Cut ta(ck) : a temple . Calcu tta : temple of KALI, the Hin doo

Venus . Ka li dasa ,the celebrated author of Sacon tala,


sen t s with a master han d the influen ce wh ich the aspec t of

nature ex ercises on the min ds and feelings of lovers .

GOSSALADASA : servan t of Gossala,an avatar (in carn ation ) of

Krishna. AGNIDASA : servan t of the fire god Agn i , eon . ign isand Agag, wh ich con sul t. The names of the wel l kn ownBrahmin con vert , Narayan She shadri , are analysed thus .

NARAYAN : he that treadeth th e waters , the Hin doo Neptun e ,devoted t o. SHESHADRI, is from Shesh : the great serpen t


which,in the cosmogony of the H in doos

,bears the world ,

and ADRI : safe (therefrom) in a moun tain . BRAHMIN bornO f Brahm ,

the firs t person in the H in doo Trimut ri .DU ILIU S (con sul) : servan t , s lave—Dul ia e t latria : service

and worship . KNIGHT,usual ly given as mean ing servan t


k n i tted,attached

,real ly mean s offsprin g , son of high degree ,

hen ce eon . GNATU S : born . VAVASOUR : vassal , than e of in

f erior order , con . Vo lvo : I rol l , boun daries being termed inmed ieval Latin Val vas : doors (of the kingdom) wh ich the

vavasour had t o defen d , s imi larly t o a MARQUESS : marchdefender . It was original ly written V alvasour, wh ich makesthe valves plain er .ESQUIRE

,SQUIRES (scutifer) ARMIGER : shield bearer, kn ight


servan t . SCUDAMORE : Shield of love , on e saving anotherALEXANDER


,FORTESCUE : strong shield , powerful

escutcheon . EGEDE (Han s) : goat skin sh ie ld bearer , con .

ZEgis . Egedesmind (Green lan d) : bui lt in memory (min d) ofthe apos t le of Green lan ders . GILES (sometimes) : a goatCHEEVERS. KMETY (Austrian ) : a serf. Lackey is from Lag :

to remain beh ind , as servan t s do after mas t er . LACHMAN

(Me ) LATCHIE (eon . lackey) : servan ts t o a lord .

SERJEANT is form of servan t = SERV ETU S : on e who receivedquarter in battle , preserved as a s lave t o his v ictor , binder .ANCELL : a servan t , eon . an ci llary HELP MANN (N ihi list) :man he lper= SKEELS , eon . SCALD : servan t of the gods , servedthem by song. GODSAL (lieu t enan t) , GOTTESCHALCU S : servan t


of God. KNAP P : servan t =Kn ave .

“I Paul

,the knave of

Jesus Christ. Kn apsack : b ag carried by a servan t. Wemeet w ith BELKNAP : hon es t, good servan t. ANCELL : eon . the

Gaelic word GILL : servan t or b oy ,when ce GILLIE

servan t,used n ot on ly of servitude

,but pat ronymical ly


BAIN : wh ite , fair (M‘

) ILWAIN : Bain’s servan t or son . So

DHU,DOW , DUFF , DOVE , DEE : swarthy, dark a- vised .

M‘INDOE : Dhu ’s Dow’

s Duff ’s or Dove’

s b oy . ROY : red

(headed) : gives (M‘) ILROY : Roy ’


great servan t = SENESCHALL (eon . sen ior and scald) , becomesalso GILMOUR. But GILMAIR : B . V . Mary’s servan t , as Kirriemuir : Mary’s kirk . GILROY : Roy

s lad,ab. to (M


GILDEROY : servan t of the kirk . CULDEE : servan t of God.

GILLIS,GELASIUS (pope) , GILLIES , GILDAS (historian ) : servan t

O f Je sus = the A rabic ABDALISSU ,Abyss in ian BARCA-YASSOU S :

s lave of Jesus. So GILCHRIST : servan t of, devoted t o,

Christ.GILFILLAN (George) : of S t. CLELLAN

,when ce

CLELAND,GILDART : of Arthur . GILLANDER : of S t. Andrew.



Gilleb red applied t o a coast bird . From Bride,Hebrides :

islan d whereon was church of S t . Bridget. But GILBERT :bright

,glorious warrior. GILES : pledged t o a ordeal =WAGER

(captain ) , con . Gui ld : a pledged con fratern ity, and GUILD : a

member of i t = FRATER. GILBERT an swers t o GUMP RECHT :war brigh t. M‘

LEAN is a form o f MACGILLIAN : son of John ’sservan t . GILLON

,GILLAN (Gil l O in ) : servan t of John .


,ab. form of MacGi ll Cabhair : son of the servan t of

the book (Bible or breviary) , clerk’

s son . GALBRAITH (eon .

Brehon ) judge’s son ,

j udicious,discree t .

Many Celt ic names are formed of Maol : bald (by tonsure) ,shaving away hair t o commemorate our Lord w earing t horncrown . Hai r so cut was dedicated t o some sain t w hose n amethe devotee adopted . An cien tly s laves were forbidden longhair as prison ers n ow . Part of Gaul was cal led Gal l iaComata : th e long- haired Gauls. Short hair or bald headbecome a symbol of servitude. This is the priest all shavenan d shorn ,

that married the man all t at t ered and torn .


masters of old made S laves un cover in their presen ce t o show

they were their in feriors , w e lift our hat to a superior anden ter the house of God un covered . As w earing shoe or sandalin the Eas t s ign ified right t o walk over land , and thereforelan down er , Ruth i v. every son of the O rien t en ters God

shouse barefoot t o sign ify poverty before the all possessin gKing. In the case of the wasteful son ,

“ Put shoes on his

feet,mean t restore t o him his forfei ted patrimony. MALLOCH :

bald to Luke . Eglismaol Luach : church of bald Luke ,


a pack horse . GUISCARD,WISHART

,WISEMAN : a conj uror ,

li t . a w ise n ature . DREW : a conjuror, druid , when ce DRU IFF :

son of Drew = DRU GAN . MAGO (Carthagin ian , from whomMahon in Min orca) , MAGUS (S imon ) : a magician

,on e prac

t is ing magic PERSIS,ELYMAS : of Elymais, from E lam :Persian :

from O LAM,ULAM : firs t - born The Persian s came n ex t the

Chaldees in the art of divination . These =HACHMONI : verywise. “ He (Pharaoh) sen t and cal led for the haehmon im of

Egyp t . TRISMEGISTUS (Mercury) : threefold magician,greatest

trickster. Mega : great,as Omega : great O ,

gives MAGUS :

great when ce Magis ter,Magnate , Magistrate .

From Per : through : Ager : a field,acre

,we have PILGRIM ,

PELL , PRINGLE , PEREGRIN (Pickle) : all Pilgrims . HO PPRINGLE : son of th e pilgrim.

PILLSBURY , PELHAM ,PETTY : pilgrims ’ dw ellings . The firs t

martyr t o Chris t ian i ty in Rome was burn ed,and is referred

t o by Lucian in his D ialogues,was PEREGINO . PELLETT : l i ttle

Pel gives the w el l kn own PALEY : Pel l ’s field . ROME,ROMEO

(and Juliet) , ROMAINE ROMERO : pilgrims t o Rome.SAINTEY : been to Sain t Terre : ho ly lan d ,

when ce Saun ter :t o wan der l ike pi lgrims . SANTA CROCE (admiral) : ho ly cross ,whose an cestors had the cred i t of bringing Vera Cruz : thetrue cross t o Europe. ERMETE (Dr .) Bedow e e : deser tdweller

, sol i taire . WALLS,WALLER

,WALLACH (when n ot

Wallachia) : pilgrims, eon . Gael

, a stranger. Wal let : prov ision bag carried by pi lgrim = Scrip : for holding scraps .

WANTMAN,WANT : wenders

,goers about. RAINEY (prin cipal) :

who ran through divers lan ds. In some fami lies t his mean ssea rover WALMER : marin e wan derer , Viking. COCKLEpilgrim who had crossed the sea t o shrin e of S t . James Com

post e lla, and so wore a cockle shel l cap.

HOW should I your true love kn owFrom an oth er on e

By his cock le hat an d s tafi ,

An d hi s san dal shoon .

This staff was made crutch -wise , and cal led bourelon n e , when ceBURDEN and CROSS : pilgrims twain . His san dals sugges tDISCALZEADO (Boston firm) : discalceat ed friar , bare feet ,mean ing poverty. FRIAR


,FRERE (Bartle) , FRA~

(D iavolo) and Free in freemason ,al l mean brother. DIS

CALZEADO BAREFOOT,wh ich consul t. BALMER : brough t

palm bran ch from Ho ly Lan d , when ce PALMERSTON : townfrequen ted by pilgrims PELHAM : home of . The Fren chhave LA PAUME : the p i lgrim. In Snodlan d church - yard ,Ken t

,is the fol low ing epi taph in memory of on e Palmer of



P almers al l our Faders w ere ,I a P almer lin gere d h ere ,An d trauy l

d st ill , t ill worn w ith age ,I e n de d this world ’s pilgrimage

O n the b ly st Assen t ion day ,

In the ch e erful mon th of May ,A thousan d w ith four hun dre d seuenAn d t ook my journ ey h e nse t o Heuen .

Much of the beauty of this l ies in the distin ction that palmerdi ffered from other pi lgrims

, such ceasing t o be pilgrims aft ervis i ting places they had vowed t o worship at

,whereas on ce a

palmer always a palmer. To these add WANDS : who w en dsh is way from lan d to land. The Germans s imply cal l pi lgrimswan derers . The gen eric word in the East for a pilgrim is

HADJAI, eon . HAGAR . From Gur


, or Gau,the Hebrew

for a stranger , a pilgrim,as I am the son of gur,

an Amalakite ; hen ce Gauy im : strangers , al iens , foreign ers , Gen ti les , asin the clearest prophecy u ttered as t o the restoration of theJews .

“ For Jehovah wi ll have mercy on Jacob,and wil l yet

choose Israel , and se t th em in th eir own land , and gauyimshal l be join ed w i th t hem.

”AGEE :a fugitive

,an sw ers t o PHY

GELLU S . AGUR The words of a stranger , a pilgrim. U n

l ik ely as i t may seem,there is an English equivalen t t o this ,

SOJOURNER (Charles ton ), on e who tarri es with you for a day .

GERSHOM (om for Am : people) : a s trange people . For he said ,I have been a s t ranger in a strange lan d . The idea is n earlythat of O TTEMARE (ultra) : bey on d the sea, eon . LAMMERMOOR :moor reaching t o the sea. GERA (a Benjami te , a man lefthanded) : a s t ran ger L ’ESTRANGE. From Shem : n ame


famous , SHAMGAR (“the son of Anath an aristocratic

s tranger. In the N ew Testamen t w e meet with Gergesen esGauy im : foreign ers

,n on Abrahamic people. Let a German

bring up the rear in th is array of pilgrims , WUNDER : he whowen ds , wanders =WANDS .

We also meet with th e Ital ian BEZANCIO ,BESANT (Ann i e)

a crusading pilgrim, who, visitin g By san t ium ,

brought therefrom circular pi eces of bu l lion w ithout any impression , cal ledfrom the city ,

bezan ts . By Shakespeare’s time bezan t becametan tamoun t to valueless .

B UCKMASTER : master of buck houn ds , but BUCK ,Box :

bucks , gay fel lows . Box and Cox .

” COX : cui sh maker,

thigh plate . CRAMER : stal l keeper . BU LLAR : s tamper in a

s tan n ary office, con . Bul la : papal seal , wh ich , s tamping a

documen t, became a bull . STANNERS,STANNERY : w orker in a

t in min e , a tinsmi th . ROSE : rose grower RO SBAUM : rosetree grow er

,sometimes mean s rosy ,

ruddy =RU DD ,and sug

ge s t ing RHODA,eon . Rhododen dron rose tree , l i teral ly

ROSBAUM . MOSS (when n ot formed on M oses) : dwel l ing on a

1 8


moor , muir , b ogland= Irish names MOONEY ,MONEY

, as in

MONEYMORE : great b og. MOSSCRO P,MO SSCRIP : turf digger


labourer on a moor. CROP,that which is gathered, eon . Creep :

t o gather , a worm gathers i tself t o creep. SO crop of a b irdc onsists in what i t has gathered . Con . this root , KRUP P(gun s) a crippl e

,on e who creeps along.

NACHMANN : n igh t wat cher. The Fren ch have MUNZER :mon ey maker , prin ter. SCALES an d KLINKSCALES : medievaln icknames for salesmen

,wh ich in Hindos tan is WALLAH


wh ich add SELLER,when n o t mean ing SADDLER. BRAZIER :

brass worker an swers to the medieval Pers ian SOFFAR , fromwhom the dynasty Soffarides , who reign ed over Khorassa


(873 Khorassan : sun coun try ,sunny lan d , w i th wh ich

some conn ect CYRUS (Koreish ) : the sun Samson,from

Shemesh : th e sun,b ut th e balan ce of probab i li ty favours

CYRUS : kurios , lord . The Fren ch DELAP ORT : of the gate ,DELAP LACE : of the ci ty ,

DELARU E : of th e street, w ere sometimes applied t o t ollmen = SOUTHGATE z tol l taker there , butat o thers mean t burgesses

,freemen ; all ied to Rue a row


street,PEREZ DE LA RU A (he gav e n ame to Peru) : Pierson

of the street,i .e .

,main s t reet. GREGORY (Gregorian chan t ,

calendar) : a watchman,gives GORY

, GOY , GOR (HAM) , con .

LYCURGUS (king) : wo lf watcher , a shepherd= BERGER

LACORDAIRE : wearing cord of S t. Fran cis , some t imes peacemaker , w ho gets people in t o accord. ARDGOUR : Goat h i l l :GORDON . KILGOUR ( coyle ) : wood frequen ted by goats .

COYLE : a w ood,Kelvin (avon ) : w ooded river. HALLEY


guarded hall =ROCHEFORT. AUBE : white wood. O LTRAMARE ,

DOUTREMER : a foreign er from beyond the sea. P AINV IN

hold ing lan d for wh ich homage is ren dered in bread and wi n e

ANNAN (avon ,of which an is dim) : rivule t . ANNANDALE

COMMISKY (combe e sk ) . CLIVE (In dia) : CLEE : l iving amon gc l iffs ; CLEV ELAND = FOLLY ,


for KLING : a sw ord (sman ) . HELLER : sea cave en t ered bytide

,aboriginal troglodyte WEMYSS


raging flood SORBEY : shore dwel ler . The royal n ameBRUNSWICK : Bruno

s cattle shed BYARS,BOUVERIE


gest ing BEMBO (pen ) : catt le hi l l .SEIDLITZ (powders) : is our SETTLE : l iving on a clearing, an

emigran t . MURILLO (pain ter) : l itt l e w al led t ow n = LYTTLETON ,


, eon . MURAT. SHEE living wherefairies meet. DE SOTO : of the Grove GROVES . TRAVEL :t o go beyon d (t ran s) the wal l (val lum) , a t ravel ler. WITLEY(L iverpool) : whi te meadow =WHITEFIELD . From Pre : before ,Eo z t o go ,

w e ge t PRETORIUS : a magis t rate,on e who takes

t he preceden cy.

“And the soldiers led Him away in to th e

hal l cal led Prae torium.

C H A P T E R X I V .


IT was formerly customary to receive n ames from an cestorsby compounding their name with a w ord in dicat ing fi l ial relat ion ship. Names so compoun ded were t ermed patron ymi cs ,from Pater : father

,and On oma : a n ame— fath er being used

in the sen se of an cestor. When person al n ames merged in tofami ly appel lation s , patronymics became obsol e te ; or, morecorrectly , ceased t o be formed . Before this change waseff ected , in case a man was cal led DENNIS born on the

day of St. Denn is,sometimes his eldes t son w ould be cal led

DENNISON , which , in some cases , became TENNYSON , an d a

man from a vil lage in which was a church dedicat ed to

St. Den n is was cal led DENNISTO UN . A f t er the period in

which descriptive n ames flourished,each of his ch i ldren ,

whether male or femal e,would be cal led DENNIS

,so that th is

became li t eral ly a patronymic , in asmuch as i t was a n amereceived from a father . Howbei t, on ly those names that w eretaken from a paren t when such was n ot th e rul e are cal ledpatronymics . Person al n ames lead the van as to al l oth ers


are the basis of half their successors . Long after personalnames w ere almost as w idely diffused as person s , we findpatronymics coming in to use— the offspring of n ecessi ty arisingout of multipl ici ty . The hero of the val ley O f E lah is kn ownas David , the son of Jesse

,when ce we in fer there w ere others

named David . Th is is the more probable , because DAV ID :

beloved , is a n urse name , and had doubtless often been givenby fon d mothers t o n ewly born boys previously t o B C . 1085 .

Had he l ived in the first or secon d mi llen n i um of h is tory,he

w ou ld s imply have been cal led David . Names f ollow a regularprogress ion paral lel t o h istory , beginn ing wi th a single personalappellat ion ,

and pass on t o pat ronymical , an d th en t o tw o ,

three,four , or more names being used

,the final s tage being

the s t ereo typing of names as they are al l over Christen dom , and

have been ,at l east

,from the era of the Reformation . Nothing

we know of Onamat ology : the scien ce of n ames , a bran ch of

ph i lology ,favours the idea of man

s an tiqui ty stretching backin to t en t imes the period recogn ised by the Ush erian chron ology.

Had man inhabited this globe years sin ce,s in gle names

w ould n ot have been in use so lately as the days of Adam.

As in the O ld Testamen t we have David ,the son of Jesse , so

in the era of the N ew Testamen t we mee t wi th CAIAP HAS ,


Joseph : Caiaphas , the son of Joseph , wh ich eas ily becomesJoseph Caiaphas . Yet earlier we have John HYRCANU S :.whOcon quered the Hyrcan ian s , dwellers n ear the sea n ow knownas the Caspian . Such n ames approach very n early t o our presen t n omen clature , wh ich is n ot a resul t of chan ce

,but the

n atural outcome of human language , which is the outcome ofhuman nature, wh ich is the offspring of God. The first n amelooking like a patronymic 1s an tedi luvian ,

viz . , TUBAL CAIN :

flow ing out fromCain,as though O

Cain , given to in timatepride i n relation ship to Cain . During the Israeli tish theocracy, Gen tile patronymics were in common use

,as Hi ttites

from Heth,b ut those personal came in later. A s soon


e ver , as the N ew Tes t amen t open s we meet w i th Bar- Jonah,

Bar Abbas , n ames received from fathers in the con ven tionalpatronymical sense . It is

,therefore , man ifest that the chron

O logy of patronymics , th e period of thei r formation ,l ies about

midway between the primi ti ve ages and time curre h t .


was formed by adding i ng to an cestor’

s n ame , asZELFREDING A lfred ’s son , p lu. fElfredingas A lfredi t es , l ike

Fre lungi (secon d order of Saxon society) : son s of the free ,e on . FREW,


ELEUTHERIUS (popes) an d LYSANDER men loosen ed .

BEORMING : descendan ts of Beorm , BIRMINGHAM : home ofh is sons .

BRUMMAGEM (a n ame appl ied to in ferior goods made in Birmingham) is an actual fami ly n ame. A member of theBEORMINGHAM fami ly who emigrated t o Irelan d was n amedPierce

,which was Hib ern ian ised in to Macioris, which became

Macjore , wh ich assumed the form of

MACGEORGE,a fact that should make men thankful they

are n ot living in Irish medieval times .

An other Saxon chief was n amed FOTHER : feeder,provider


father , from him,

FOTHERINGHAM : home of the descen dan ts of Fother, con .

Fo theringay and FOTHERGILL .

WATLING for Wat lingas : the son s of Wetla. Watling S treet,through their settlemen t.WETLA : h e of the sharp sword , con . Whet : t o sharpen


WHITTLE (Harvey). The Goths suppl ied the Saxon s with thisf orm,

hen ce the dyn astic patronymics,

Merovingian s : descendan ts of .Meroveus , Carlovingians : ofCarloman .

CARLING (from him Carl ingford) : son of Charle s =M‘ARLE .

The Dan es were cal led



Sk ioldungians : of SKIOLD (S igge’

s fifth son ) : a shield , goodat using it , l ikeTORDENSKIOLD thun der shield

,thun dering on shield of

en emy.

NORDENSKJOLD (n avigator) : shield of the North . SKIOLD

M i les ian SKEY, eon . Sky : a cover,SKIDMORE : shield of love .

SKIOLDING : son of a sh ield , brave , eor. t o SCOLDING : n oisemade by sword on shield

,n ow by on e tongue on an o ther .

How are the mighty fal len .

WELLINGTON town of descendan ts of Weale. So fromWASS keen

,bold , we have

WASHINGTON . As also WARE a de fender= EPAMNON ,gives .

WARRINGTON (from Ware,Herts) . WADE : he who invades ,

bol d at attack ,

WADING : son of Wade , when ce WADINGTON . BANN,from

Bana a slayer , con . Henban e hay poison ,wolfsban e , we get


S home . Somet imes a form of BONHOMMEa monk .

GOSLING ( bon afide) : of Goss , b ut Gosling : l i ttle goose.GUNNING son of awarrior WICKLIFFE

,from GUNN war

, as

Gon falon war stan dard , GUNTER : the warrior of the army.

SEEKINGS : son of Sack . SACK : on e given t o plun derMERODE


MEEKING : son of Mece . MECE : a sword,he who uses i t


MEEK,MECHI (model farm) .

KLINGING : son of a sword , sabreur,from KLING : a blade


he who uses , eon . C lang : t o make a n oise.GETTINGS son of a Ju t e , gian t. BEHRING (strai ts) , BARING :

son of Thor’

s bear , good figh t er .MERLING son of the i l lustrious ; MAR : famous = SHEM .

MANNING (cardinal) son of the As i r Man nus . MANNERING

(Guy) : of MANNERS , HERMAN in verted .

CUMMING , COMYN : son of a coun t , con . Comes : a compan ion .

ATHELING (Edgar) : of n oble descen t,gives EDLIN

, con .

ADLER : a German aristocrat. This patronymical en ding isme t with in names of th e most frequen t occurren ce , asJENNINGS : of John , STUBBINGS : of S t ephen


Ralph,RALSTON Ralph ’s town .

COP P ING : Jacob . COLLINGS : N ichols . From i ng : son , w e

have i ng : l ittle , thusDARLING (Darl ington : Darling’s town ) : son O f Dear


l i ttle dear ,CARRACCI (Carus : dear) an swers t o lat ter. Fatling : li t tle

fat (animal) , Gosling : l ittle goose , are dims. of pats ,as most

dims. are .

WHITING (n othing t o do with fish) : son of White . WHITEaman , emphatic, but



of S imon ,MONAD from S imon , as


,STEVENS : S tephen . TONSON : of Tony

f or An t ony =DE ANTONIO , DANTON .


SON (madame) from Corn ei l le .It is more easy than desirable t o en large this catalogue.

We , therefore , pass t o the german e subj ect of


The fol lowing are the most prevalen t forms in our language :a llus , ueei , j e , i e , i ng,

i n,kin

,ot , otte , otti , el l , e lle , en n e , et ,

ette , etti , et to , aeh, och, eogan , egan , an , een , ad,un

,ig ,

cock ,and y

Before con sidering the part played by d1m1nutive s W e shou ldpremise that

,as a rule

,final s in personal n ames makes n o

differen ce as to mean ing , being gen eral ly on ly phon etic orformative. Thus HAWKIN

, eon . HAL for Harry , ten ds t o

HAWKINS,as Edward glides in to EDWARDS . Some hold s in

such words as EDWARDS t o be a gen e t ive form as thoughEDWARDS son of Edward , but i t is mostly format ive . Yet insome cases the terminal s does in dicate son , an d so may betermed a patronymical form . Is a man call ed George Peter ?The ear is un satisfied un ti l that becomes George P eters. On

this prin ciple Will assumes the forms VV


subscribed examples un derstan d either son or li ttle after theoriginal n ame .

LUCULLUS (con quered Tigran es) : Luk e =LU CIAN ,i f that

does n ot mean born at daybreak .

LUKE : man of Lucan ia, south Italy , given , also, as shin ing ,bri ll ian t.MARCELLUS (slew V iridomarus) : Mark . FAUSTULUS (shep

herd) : Faustus FESTUS : lucky.


, and AMEN .

But VERON,VERRON : man of Verona,

VERONICA : true image

(of Christ).BRAMMETJE : l i ttle Abraham=MABBOT. EP JE : Joseph , con .




,DAVITT : for David .


,English for MACDONALD

,the Irish for

i t being DONEGAN,and the Lowlan d MACWHANNELL.

EKIN is derivable from Edward , Edmun d , Edgar , or Eadie .

HANKIN Han s John HANSOM (son ).JIFKIN : li tt le Joseph =EP JE ,

former English , latter Dutch ,

e ach JOWETT (professor) .


Fergus gives FORGIE , as Ronald does RENNIE , and Gabrielgives GEBBIE.

JUST : born on S t. Just’s day ,gives JOSCELIN , JOSSELYN .

Law ren ce gives LAKIN ,LARKINS




O l iver supplies NOLL NOLLEKINS. Isaac becomes NYE ,


RANKIN is of Ran dal l , wh il e from S imon we derive S IMP KINS ,S IMKINS

,S IMCOX . As S imkin s shapes in to S impkin s , so S im

cox grows t o SIMP COX.

GLO U CESTER : What ’s th in e own n ame

SIM P c ox z Saun der S impcox , an’

i f i t ple ase you, master.

GLOU CESTER : Then Saun der, si t t here , the lyinge st kn ave inChrist e n dom .

QUAGLIENNE : li ttle Quaglia,wh ich con sul t. ADCOCK ,


(Joseph) : from Adam. Thousan ds of chi ldren have beenn amed from Adam,

in the bel ief such would attain t o a greatage .

“ O ld as Adam .

” The Jews view ing h im as the firs trebel

,and he being n o Jew ,

n ame n o chi ld after him.

ALCOCK from Hal,for Harry . ARNOT from Arn o ld . BIR

KETT from BURKE (from BU RY) , when n ot birch wood.

BADCOCK is from Bar tholomew ,when ce also BARTLETT , and

BATTY (equestrian ) ; but BAD good,from Bid t o pray.

PIUS (P io : I aton e for) : who has made an aton emen t, a

re ligeuse , PYAT (red) , BIOT , BIOTI , BIAGOTTIBUON for Bon : good , from Bonus , gives the great n ame


“Po li tical Chrono logy truce observer ,fai th keeper, iden tical wi th bon afide = AMON ,

AMNON : amen ,

men . These an swer toFIDELIA : keepin g her try s t ; BEAU FOY : good fai th . BOS

SUET (the learn ed) , BOSSUE : boss shouldered, gibbous .

PAGET may mean l i ttle page , or son of PAGE, con .

Pagean try : great show of many servan ts .

BUFFET (corps legislatif) : wai t er on the buffet,s ideboard.

Beefeater (Tow er) buffetier PAGE .



,from BARR : a

hi l l,or Barry : bare is lan d .

LAWCOCK : l i t tle hi ll = KNOWLES, or l ittle LAW : a hi ll . In

keeping wi th former view ,

BRAES : l ivin g on a h il l, eon . BRANT : l iving on a steep .


TANNAHILL (Pais ley) : a hi l l whether heather perishes fromheat , eon . Beltan e , butTANNOCK for TANNEROCK : young TANNER (fas ter) : worker

in oak tan BARKER .

BERNADOTTE (Sw eden ) , NADAUD : from Bernard . BURNET

(bishop) from BROWN or Burn : a boundary :


BECKETT : l ittle beck, eon . BECCLES (bishop) : brook runn ing

through meadow (lees) . But BECKEY from Rebecca.

CORBET from Corvus a crow (on shield) , on e of the oldes tsurnames in Sco t lan d .

COBBET (Preston ), COP P OCK , COB (father) from Jacob .

D IDEROT (cyclopedis t) from DESIDERIUS : desiderated .

DORRIT (l i tt le) , DOLLY : from Dorothy. ELLIOTT,from

ELLIS,for E lias

,for E l ijah .


GUIZOT (s tatesman ), WHYATT , GIOTTo (0) from Guy. GILLOT(pen s) Giles or Gill .WILMET






WOOLCOCK , WILLIE (We have missed y ou), WILKIE , ULLIN(lord ). U LLICK : young or l i t tle William .

GBOCOCK from Gregory , w hen ce GORHAM where is churchof S t. Gregory.

H IGGS : a wild ash,gives H IGGINS



BELOT (orien tal ist) , formed on Herbert.QU IN'

ET : from Jacques , for James , and SO = JAMIE ,JIMMY.

HANCOCK : Han s : John = V AN HAHN .

HITCHCOCK (geology and religion ) : from Richard . GLASS :a stream

, as Glassford ; GLASSCOCK : MAOGLASHAN .

BROGAN : l ittle badger , bi t er. CROSSAN : l ittle cross (onshield). HOP P ET

,HOP KINS : Hob for Robert .


,HEWSON (old) , HU ESSEN ,

HUIE : son s ofHugh , or l i ttle Hughs .

IVETT from Ives . JEWETT,JEWELL : from Jew : from Judah .

MORELL (H. M . from Moor or MORE : dark ,eon . MORISON .

MARCET (Mrs ) , MURCU TT , from Mark =MARCELLU s , when ceMARCELLINUS (pope) .MARTINET (d isciplinarian ) : from Martin . N ICOT (tobacco) :

N icholas .

O THELLO, ODETTE : O tho. P ELLATT (Aps ley) : from Pel] :

Pilgrim. TIP P ET : from Theobald .

PERKINS (and Barclay) , PARKIN ,PARNELL (Lan d League) ,


P IRRET, PERRY (when n ot trade n ame : maker of perry from

pear) , PIEROTTI , PARROTT : are all format ion s on Pe t er theapos tle

,prol ific of names.

DONIZETTI : formed on Domin us : a l ord , and so= TOOLE

of lord ly descen t .



possumus) formed on An thony.


MOLOCH an d MO LLOCH are l i ving fami ly n ames from Mao],Mu l : bald

,and each mean s l i tt le baldheaded man .


marriage t o O sb eorh t,daugh ter of Baron Fitz Hamon , she

politely declin ed,for said she


It w ere to me a great sham e

To have a lord W ithout en his twa n ame .

His father came to the rescue , and made him eligible forhusban dsh ip by s tyling his pet Robert FITZROY son of a

k ing= (En )FAU NTLEROY king’s in fan t = CREE for MacRee ,

BASILOWITz and RENE (roy n atus) . Her n ame O SBEORHT :

glory,brigh tn ess

,of the Ases (for her beauty) . O n e name ,

and that mon osyllabic, or, at most, of two syllables , was the

rule for the poor and s laves in Greece , Rome, Englan d , an dAmerica. To marry a on e - n amed man then would forfeitaristocratic posi tion . Demosthen es , in his imperishableoration

,The Crown accuses jEsch in es of violating that law .

He is n ot such a man as youmay meet every day ,but on e of

those execrable t o the people. For lately—lately, did I say— ay , yes t erday, and n o longer ago , he became at on ce a ci tizenand orator, an d adding two sy l lables to h is father

s n ame , hechanged i t from Tromes t o Atrome tus . In giving the wordof comman d a long name is harder t o be utt ered than on e thati s short. Hen ce O ppian advises that dogs have short names ,

Le st at the hun tsman’

s call th ey trace in vain ,

And run wi th Ope n cry con fus’

dly o’

er the plain .

In Sweden the poor s til l have but on e name, and that a short

on e . Secon d names are useful in fix ing a first. Before theReformation men changed n ames as expedi t ious ly as jai l birdsyet do . Then person s were of t en baptized in on e n ame ,married in a second , and buried wi th a thi rd as then a

Registrar - Gen eral and a Postman were un thought of . Solately as 1760 the Poles passed from on e name t o an other ata boun d . Priests n amed an en tire estate of serfs Pe t er , and

an other,under a differen t n oble , John . Their surn ame alon e

preven ted con fusion . To return tofitz orfilius . Th is became

f itt in certain fami l ies , as PARFITT : good son . Sometimes

f i lius assumes the form if as DRU IFF= DRU GAN son of Drew .


Correspon ding more or less closely with de , ac , is the Dutchvan ,

usually applied wi th the force of the , as VANDERSTEENof the ston e, h il l =FOLLI



(divin e) : of the eastern sea,l iving on the Bal ti c shore. Bal tic :

belted,lan d lock ed= Medi t erran ean , which does n ot mean

in the middle of the earth. So Zuyder Zee : south sea,

Zealan d : sea lan d , is lan d . South from Seethe : t o boi l , to be


hot =HAM : a teman i te , sou thron ,man of hot climate . VAN

DELEU R of the Eure val ley, a Norman n ame . VANDERVELDE

(pain ter) of the fie ld= V ANLOO . VAN METER (Rome) l ivingon hired lan d , carefu lly measured , paying a feu the op. of

TENNANT and HODDER (and S tough t on ) holding al lodialland=FRANKLIN : free from feus . VANDEVEER : of the ferry= O V EREND = O VERTON town where people pass over : O vern ewtown : the n ew town at the ferry . Partick a portage ,a ferry .

VAN BUREN of the cottages,boors ’ houses . Some t imes V an

s l ips in to pos ition as a veritable patronymic as VAN HAHNJOHNSON. It passes in to van with an emphatic force

,as VON

ROBERT : the Robert, becomes CANROBERT (Crimea). VON D ERTANN (gen eral) of the pin es = DU PIN and con . TANGYE pin ewood . V ON REAUMER of the sea, a shoresman = CONNAL.

A l iving leading pol itician in Belgium is V ANDENP EEREBOOM :

of the pear tree.


is a form of the Cel ti c mac , which the Cambrian people mademab or map , and shorten ing i t to a letter b

, p , or i ts cogn ate

f , gave i t work t o do as a patronymical prefix , thusP ROBART : son of Robert. P ROBYN

,P ROV AN : of Robin .

BLAKE (migh ty) : Lake .

BARRY,PARRY (captain ) : Harry. BEVA N

: of Evan : John,

varies t oBIFFIN (Miss), BAFFIN (

S Bay ). BOWEN : O wen . BOYD

(when n ot Gaelic) : L loyd .

BETHEL (att orn ey - gen eral) : of Ithe ll , an an cien t Welshn ame . BEWS


P U E,PYE : of Hugh .

PRICE : Rhe ese,or RICE : king (rex ) , ruler, so that i t


POWELL , BOWELL ,BOWELLS : Howe ll = MACHALE In old English Pow el l is a

form of Paul . So Chaucer speaks of the w ords ,“O f Christ ,

John and P owell .




KNOLYS, HILLS . PROWSE (Jeffray) : Rouse .FLUELLEN Lew el lyn :

“ Captain Fluellen , y ou must comepresen tly t o the min es : the Duke of Gloster wou ld speakwith you .

FOWELL (Bux ton ) Howell . FLACK , BLACK Lak e =BLAKE .

When,however ,

BLACK is n ot Welsh i t mean s dark =N IGER , HAM . FEW

(when n ot local) : son of Hugh . The Welsh are ridiculed fortheir much use of ap for mab in pedigrees . Beaufoy says ,cheese is "Adam

’s own cousin - german by i t s birth ,ap Curds .


ap M ilk , ap Cow ,

ap Grass , ap Earth . From the an cien tfami ly of EYNION just = SADoc , w e haveONION

,when ce the immortal dreamer BUNYAN : Mab O n ion .

A t on e period of English h is tory i t seemed probable that mab

w ou ld become as common throughout Bri tain as mac in theHighlands

,in the form of hop ,

f or ap ,for mab

, thusHO P PRINGLE : son of the pilgrim. HOP CORNELL ,

son of

Cornwal l . The popular vote pu t the veto on hop as a patronymical Sign soon aft er the Reformation

,but left us


,HOP P S : beloved son

,on ly son : MACCUS (from

whom Maxw el l , the spring of S t. Maccus) , MACK (gen eral).IDAS






,INGo (when ce

INGLE) , ZOON, ENFANT,MAP P S (O xon ian professor) , and

MAP P IN (of razor fame) : al l son par excellen ce . Sometimesloved on e is used in the sen se O f son ,


WICKLIFFE (wig : war, Liffe : l ife , loved on e) . son of war, a

warrior : CADOGAN . After analysis of the Cambrian an cestralS ign we reach the


By Mac an d 0 you’ll sure ly kn owTrue Irishmen , they say :

But , i f they lack both O”an d Mac ,

No Irishm en are they .

A free ren dering th is of

P er 0 , atque Mac , v eras cogn oscis Hib ern os ;His duobus demptis , nullus Hib ernus ade st .

Favour , reader , by being sceptical hereabout as more thanhalf the orthodox Irish names have n ei ther Mac n or O . TheHigh landers


,and Welsh ho ld mac in common ,

b ut,as

w e have seen,the Cambro Bri ton s delight t o have i t in the

forms mab, map ,

ap ,hop ,

b, p , f. In Irish names mac t ends

t owards mag ,ma

,and e . Howbei t

,H ibern ia did n ot take t o

mac as lovingly as did Cal edon ia. The Mi lesian s foun d a

greater charm m Eoghan : a son,forming n a ,

and that used as

O In the sen se of eldest son ,to1 he on ly


was al lowed to use it .The Irish developed a patronymic out of their Erse treasurymore elastic and poetic than the Gaelic mac. The Celtic foryoung

,offspring son

,is , as above given , eoghan ,

when ceEGAN (Pierce) f or Hugh ,

eoghan : son of Hugh =BEWS , P YE,




,HEWSON . This eoghan ,

ab b re

v iat ed to a ,is then used as a patronymical affix ,

thus,Ach :

a horse,Achaia : horse producing coun try = P arthia.

ECHEGAN : son of a horse =HORSMAN,PHILIP


c losely t o HIP P IAS. By prefix ing mac changed to mag,to the

foregiven w e have


AVOURNEEN : l itt le dear, darl ing. MAVOURNEEN : my dar

l ing :

CARRACHIOLI : l i ttl e cherished one = JESHURU N . M, ma , mo


s ign ify my in hal f a dozen lan guages .

CARRIGAN, carighe en (moss) l i t t le rock ,

eon . Carrick,crag ,

SHONEEN little Shan e,rude b oy :

GOSSOON (garcon ) : l i ttl e Goss , eon . CO SP ATRICK son or

servan t of Patrick . SQUIREEN SQUEERS little squi re .RUSKIN (art critic) : l ittl e wood , from Ross : a wood


ROSSA (DONOVAN) : WOODS , QU IDDY isK ILLEEN littl e wood , formed on COYLE : a wood . Our

col lege for ladies,

GURTON (GAMMER : grandmother) is Celtic , bein g GORTEENlittle meadow :

CLUNY (MacP herson ) , con . C lon tarf bul l meadowHUXLEY : OXLEY=But t Gre en = Geshur, from gor, ghor, ghau ,and Shur : an ox . In such favour is een with M i lesians thatthey in termingle i t w i th English names , marrying their words ,as they do their girls , t o the hat ed Saxon . Hen ceSmithereen s : smi tten to smal l pieces.P ot che en :pot sti lled wh iskey . Shebeen : smal l ways ide in n .

Campt in e l i ttl e camp becomes Can tin e = CAMPALETTO .

Velveteen : smal l quan ti ty of velve t . GOMBEEN : smal l mon eylen der . P ore en : smal l path . Bal lyporeen : road .

But t ere en,etc. Besides eoghan , they used mac

, gos , cos,

and gi l , so that Irishman have n o grievan ce as t o lack of

patronymics . A Fen ian would say :“ Smal l thanks t o the

Crown for that . And sure we got them from our own tongue .

Here it seems proper t o trace a name through some of i ts multitudin ous ramificat ions , a word originative with the Celts , butused half over Christen dom. Aodh

,the Celtic for fire

, eon .

the Persian A rta : h igh,the sacrificial flame

, and Ara, (an

altar) that which flames,

HUGH arden t , fiery , easi ly incen sed , ready for battle,

when ce HUGHES,

HUGGINS,MOGUE : my Hugh =HUGHIE . GU zz1 is i t s Ital ian

dim . Hugh becomes KAY, wh ich ,1n n on Cel tic n ames , is a

form of

CAIUS for Gaius (Kay Shuttleworth) , M‘KAY


HEWITT : l i ttle Hugh = VVHEWELL (Trin . Coll, Cam. ) Foun d

without aspirate we have the less kn ownEWELL . HOUSTON Hugh ’

s town . Hugh varies to HU TCHAN

(e oghan ) son of Hugh = Thus w e getHUTCHESON


,HU TCHEON . Philologically , HOU S

t on Hutche son town .







P YE , are some f ew of i ts varied forms,as are



HU TCHAN an d the well known Glasgow n amesHUTCHESON

, A ITCHISON : son s of Hugh ,and

,crown ing al l


the double patronymic M‘HUTCHESON .

GUINNESS (Dublin ) s tands for M‘Ge e inn is : M‘

Ge e’

s is land , a

native of .(M

) EV OY is compounded of Hugh and Boyd : fair - hairedHugh . This supplies high proof of t he great an tiquity of the

n ame . Moreover , half his offspring is n ot here presen ted . Byt he s tudy O f Hugh our min d is carried back t o ,

at least , w henSamuel s lew Agag.


i s mac : a son,used as a prefix , n i ck : a daugh ter , n ow obsole t e ,

and 0 from eoghan ,for a first , born son . Mac

,mab , mag (for

they are on e) is con .,MAGGOT : breeder , mean ing on e who is

bred of an other,a son , offspring. It is an actual name . MAB

(queen ) is dream breeder. Probably to this source is t o betraced Midge : (in sect) breeder. The Gaels also had a patronymical affix derived from eoghan ,

v iz . , aeh, och, th e source ofour ock

,as seen in Hi l lock : li t tl e hi l l = Fe lloeh. A ll dims.

w ere firs t pats . This correspon ds t o the Hebrew i , f or im ,as

Moab im : one of the people of Moab,the Greek i das , the

English i te and the Irish egan . Thus MURROCH : a Mary i t e ,devotee t o the B . V. M . MURISON wh en n o t a form ofMORISON

,n or of MUIR. TOSH : a leader HANLON , gives

TOSHACH : son of Tosh MACINTOSH : son of th e leader.WALL : a pi lgrim

,gives WALLACH=HO P PRINGLE ; son of th e

pilgrim SKEACH : son o f Sky. STOACH : of Story . CATTANACH(eon ,

Cath : war) son o f a warrior , then a marauder .FINACH : son of the fair man the Irish FINNIGAN.

DARROCH : son of Drew , or of an oak ,robust.

GREIG rough,un couth

, GREGALACH (L formati ve)M‘GREGOR :

a Gregori t e , where aeh= i te an d mac ,

The moon’

s on th e lake , and th e m ist’

s on the brae ,An d th e clan has a n ame that i s n am e le ss by day ;Our signal for figh t , which from mon archs w e drew ,

Must b e h eard but my n igh t in our ven ge ful hallooThen halloo , halloo , halloo , Gregalach !

I f th ey rob us of n am e , an d pursue us w ith beagle s ,Give the ir roofs t o th e flame s an d the ir flesh to the eagle s ,

Then gath er, gath er, gather !

Wh ile there ’

s le ave s in th e fore st , and foam on the river ,Macgregor, de spite them ,

shall flourish for ever.

DOMHNUALLOCH : a MacDon aldi te , or if Low lan d , a Mac

Whann e lli te .

ALBANACH a High lan der,son of the moun tain MACALP INE :



son of ALBYN , eon . A lb ion . The McA lpin es are almos t as

aboriginal as h eather ; h en ce th e proverb : Evi ls and h i l lsand the McA lpin e s . They pair w el l wi th LAMONT : a h i l lsman

,h igh lander

, or cas t l e man .

EIRINEACH : a son of Erin ,an Erin i t e = the soft sounding

ERIGENA : Irish born . From that an cien t root Caw : t o turn,

t o curve , w e have Curvus : crooked , Cavus : hol low ,Cavan :

Ho l lan d : hol low land= LOGAN and HOLE : From Caw w e

have Corve a basket (ho l low ed) , Caw b .

CAW : a chariot (whose wheels caw) , a chariot e er=McARA.

IIe n ce , t oo ,

CORMAC : son of a char iot , sw ift as the scythed war chario tANTIOCHUS giv ing An t ioch . In this an d simi lar n ames an t i

is used w i th the force i n stead of , as ANTIP AS (“ my

ANTIP ATER : in his father’s place , n early an sw ering t o BARABBAS



O CHU S (Darius) : moving like a chariot. The doublepatronymi cMCCORMACK arose when the mean ing of CORMAC began to

be los t s igh t of .

CAWLIFFE : son of a chariot , iden tical with CORMAC , sometimes Son Of Caw ,

h is l ife , his love .

TOSHACH : t o an in vers ion of MoTOSH,TOSH : first

,leader .

MACINTOSH : son of the leader. In f ew national n ames are

pol itical an d social changes more deeply engraven than in thoseof the Cel ts . Some proscribed clan sman disguised Gael icorigin by letting fal l the ir charac terist ic mac

,doffed t he ir

kilt,and gave the body of their n ame a low lan d tw ist. Such

happen ed when certain of t he McGregor’

S left their coun tryf or their coun try

s good , over the Co lquhoun busin ess , and

foun d an asylum in Irelan d . O n ce there they becameGRIERS



, or t ook the n ame O f their n at i veplace


BRIMER,from the braes of Mar. SO the Graemes or

Grahams made for Wal es,and th e re gave name GROOMSP ORT

harbour of Graham .

GRIMES is a Camb rian ised form of Graham,wh ich n ame

hun ters tangle w i th those from th e A sir Grimr. The

McKin n on’

s emigrated from the Is l e of Skye t o that of Sain ts ,becomingMcCANNON ,

or naked CANNON,un der which des ignation

their descendan ts are there foun d .

M‘KINNON is formed upon Fin n on a famous sain t . FINNON

(on for an from eoghan ) : son of the fair,a b londe = BAIN ,

FINGAL,BLAKE when that means bleached .

McNAB son of the ab bo t,was absorbed in to the un recogn is

able n ames


McILROY son Of Roy : ROGAN,REGAN (Roy eoghan ). When

Norman ,

ROY a k ing= CONIG,

when ce CONIGSBY : king’s dwelling :

CUNNINGHAM . The la t e author of the n ovel Con ingsby, wroteLOTHAIR

,con . LU THER

,as i t w as t o do an ti - papal w ork .

ROY takes the forms REE , RAE , but RAESIDE living at raths ide . We are pretty safe in al locat in g n ames in ROY as redheaded .

RO E is the form i t came out in among the Irish,as O

’CONNORRO E eldest son of red headed Con n or .ROWE is i ts English form , which tangles w i th those from

Rue : a s treet.Kin g Jame s th e First , Boy of th is Regioun ,

Said Dav id was an e sair san ct t o the crown .

The chan ge of a letter or tw o gives a n ew look to a name , asDROOD (Edw in ) , for Druid=DREW . SO w e have ADJAI f or

HADJ I : a pilgrim, as“The Right Rev . Samuel Adjai Crowth er ,

t he black bishop .

So SMALLBACK (beck ) BURNET li ttl e brook . MIRAbecomes MYRA GAUNT (ge wan t, wan ed ) thus


MOLLER is but MILLER,an d EGEN is EGAN : son of Hugh . So

corresponding words puzzl e from other coun t ries,as the Ger


MADGE (Wi ldfire) , MATTY (meddlesome), formed on Margaret .

So again ,

YEDDIE and PEDDIE upon NEDDIE for Edward . VOKES ,upon FFOU LKS for folks : vulgus

,demos =DEMAS z a demotic

person ,vulgari t e . Such n ames

,coming of ar t ifice rather than

spon tan ie ty ,suggest

CALIBAN (Shakespeare) , a formation upon Can n i bal : a

Car ib (bean sea) . This reading n ames backward after theanagram s tyle

,wh ich is somewhat Hebraic , supplies many a

n om de plume : pen name , disguising an author’

s true de sign at ion . Thus the father of Vo l tai re was AROUET

,a dim . of

Aroux ,formed from ARNULF (he erulph w ulph) : army wolf,

i .e .,s lash ing figh t er. O f course Vol taire was A roue t j un ior ,

in Fren ch A rouet le j eun e, and as u an d v w ere in t erchangab le ,as w ere i an d j , t he great deis t anagrammat ised i t in toVOLTAIRE . Some give that as a form of Wal t er.MACNAIR : son of heir (of estate) becomes MACAIRE . Englishequivalen ts areEYRE

,AYRE . But . the w el l known

HAIR is a form of (O’

) Hara. BANE,BAIN :white , fair , gives

VANE (0 S ir Harry) , and SULLIVAN : fair eyed,blue eyed .

W e Should n ot sayMACV AIN son of the wh i te (man ) , as that held good on ly

On ce , i .e .,whe n born e by i ts firs t w earer

,but should say


MACVAIN : son of Vain . BANE=WHITE , though in somecases WHITE for WIGHT : a strong man

,b ut in sen se here given

i t suppliesWHITING forWh i tting , (as) : sons of Wh ite , then WHITTING

TON (D ick) : town of , etc. Dhu : dark ,as Roderick DHU :

Roderick the swarthy,gives

DUFF DUFFY, wh ich ,

bisected,give FIE , MAGPHEE ,


MACDU Ft he Muscovite name,KARAKOFF : son of dark

(man ) , oon , ,Caracal : black eared (wild beas t ) . KARADAGH

the Russ ian, confor. ,

Mon ten egro .

KARATHEODORY : swar thy Theodore. From Darn dark .

Tarn : dark waters (by reason O f dep th) . Tarn ish : t o darken .

DARNCOMBE dark val ley= VALESNERI : shaded by trees

and h i l ls .

DARNLEY dark visaged . Duffy gives,by Mi lesian variat ion ,


and,oddly en ough



to COFFEE (king).Sin ful Macdufi


They w ere all struck down for th e e n augh t that I am ,

Not for the ir own demerits , but for m in eFe ll slaught er on th e ir souls Heaven re st th em n ow .


) GOWAN, (M‘

) GAVIN : a smith . Govan : smith’

s town .

GAVIGAN young smi th : Gowan loek=Macgowan ,wh ich cor.

t o M‘Goun .



SIMP SON . JohnIvesgMACINNES (when local , from INNIS : an island= LISLES) ,



,MACKEAN (when n o t from KEAN

head) JOHNSON .

MACFADYAN : son of tal l John ,which becomes FADDEN.

Some authori t ies giveMACINNES as a form of Angus. The High lan d n omen clature

suppl ies f ew trade n ames . O f those f ew the mos t promin en t are(M

) INTYRE : the carpen ter , shades O ff t o (M‘

) TEAR (diamonds) , wh ich bereft of mac s tan ds bare TEER

, (M‘

) GROWTHER :brew er (t o k ing)= BREWSTER . The Celts had n ei ther pub l icbrew er n or baker , as the Saxon s had. Their n eares t approachwas (M

) DADE : k n eader= Bax t er.


) NAU GHTAN (Pictish king) : a bul l , s trong as,perhaps

eon . w orsh ip of Thor . NAU GHTAN abbreviates t o Neat : a

bul lock ,as Neat’s foot oi l .” Hen ce

NATMAN : n eat herd= CU LLOCH,and N OTMAN when N o t is

n o t from NOTH : bold,audacious

,then N OTMAN : brave


o f audaci ty . By an in tolerable Gaelic tw is t M‘NAU GHTAN




whom he resembles as young Adam w ould anaged clan sman .

M‘NAU GHT, which any poor Saxon migh t be pardon ed forth inking i t t o be a form of


is a modificat ion of M‘KNIGHT : RITSON . Such

Gaelic eccen trici t ies are paral leled by M‘DOU GALL




,and M‘

OWL. Variation of thistype are due t o Gaels l iving in n on Celtic local ities , where theunskilled natives fel l upon High lan ders by lip and pen ti l lthey hardly kn ew t heir own address .

M‘GU IRE disfigure s in some fami l ies in to M‘

QUARRY , and

that goes in to WHARRY.

MACFARLANE is from P ARLANE ,for Bartho lomew. (M


(Mc)INTOSH : the firs t (of his clan ) . Fin : fair,gives




(Mc)PHIN , (Mc)P HU N : who were what ladies cal l blondes,

an d fortun e tel lers , hearts .

FINELLA : fai r Irish lady = VVe lsh Venus , NEL GWYN E l lenWh i te .

(Mc )KELLAR may eas i ly be taken as akin to KELLARMAN :

cel lar man,a butle r

,but is formed on cell

,ki l


Pat rick ’

s cel l or church,so KELLAR superior of monastery


KELLOCH : son of the cell,hermi t

,forms McKILLOCH, un con .

McKILLO P : son of Ph i lip .

LEWIS (when local) , from islan d , l i teral ly mean ing lan d of

lakes,shades in to McLISE (David) and LEECE . Wor thy mem

bers of the san s culot te nat ion al ity , when reading the Book of

Maccabees,v iz .


“For P to lemeus , that was cal led Macron


choos ing rather t o do j us t ice un t o the Jew s for the w rong hehad don e un to them ,

endeavoured t o con tinue peace w iththem

,s traigh tway pushed thei r macs almos t in to the B ible


in the belief that Maccabees,Macron

,w ere members of the

mac sodal i ty . Such is n ot qui t e the case .

P TOLEMEU S MACRON : Pto lemy the t al l , simi lar t o EdwardLONGSHANKS , suggestingSHEEP SHANKS (picture col lector) : th in legged , quick foot ed ,

the op . of FU LJAMBE,TARDIEU . Macron is me t w i th as a

Chris t ian name in the form of

MACRO,b ut sh in es best in ALMAGRO (con quis tador ) : the

thin, spare : LONGMAN (booksel le r) , LONGFELLOW.

PIZARRO (his fel low soldier) : SLATER , SCLATER , LATTA,HU LYER .

MACKISSACK son of Isaac. Certain High lan ders affirmHeb rew is misspelled Gaelic .

MACGAU LEY is the Ir ish form of MACAULAY (Babington ) :


McKERROW . Though the n ex t three names be n o t macs,

they are t oo thorough ly A lbanach to be torn from their confreres .LOCHIEL (head O f Cameron s) bird lake , l i ving n ear a loch

frequen ted by migratory birdsCRANMER : mere frequen ted by cran es

, con . CRANSTON :c ran e


s town .

LOCHABER,LOCHINVAR : l iving at confluen ce of lochs


mouth , con . KINLOCH ,

There was moun t ing’

mon g Grmm e s of the Ne th erby clan ,

Forst ers , Fenw icks , an d Musgrave s , they rode and th ey ran ;There was racing and chasin g on Can obie Lea,But th e lost bride of Ne therby n e

er did they se e .

So daring in love , an d so daun t le ss in war,

Have y e e’

er h eard of gallan t like young Lochinvar

KINLOCH : head of lake , as KENMU IR : head of moor . Bu tBALLOCH : a gap, pass =HindOO Ghaut, an d Hebrew Abar (im) ,and the English SLAP P .

GLENGARRY : rough glen , con . GARRIOCH : rough districtBADENOCH .

FENWICK : dw el ling place on a moor , fen =MORTON , whenthat does n ot mean great town : Gran ton .

PANMURE (pen ) : hil l on a moor, con . PENGELLY,and


I saw our ch ie f come o’

er th e h illW i ’ Drummon d an d Glcnga


An d through th e pass cam e brave Lochi c l ,P anmu'

re , an d gallan t Murray .

Macdon ald ’s m en, Clan ron ald

s m en ,

Macken zie ’s m en , Macgilvray’

s m en ,

0’ Call en dar, an d Airley .

Ben : a h il l , moun tain (Mc)BEAN : a h i llsman,gives

(Mc)V EAN , (Mc)VEY.

P en a hil l , FENDER : oak hil ls,PINKERTON (caer) : fortified

town on a h il l .(Mc)SWEEN is f ormed on Sw eyn (Dan ish kin g), the

McSWEENS claim high n orthern descen t .

(Mc)GIBBON is Sassenach in “the garb of O ld Gaul . We

have seenGILBERT pledged t o figh t in an ordeal

,giving GIBBS



GIBBON great G i lbert , in the garb O f old Gaul i t stan dsMACGIBBON = GIBSON (M i ln er) . We have also shown that

GEOCH is Jock ,so then

MACGEACHY JACKSON . N in e Englishmen out of t e n would

McO UAT as a form of McWAT : son of Walter,WATTY

WATSON,but that would be McQUAT. McCUAT is formed on


McHOWIT ,and HOWIT is =TU LLOCH : a l i t t le h i l l , probab ly

con . the Biblical Tel l a h i l l,as Tel l -abib : h i l l of corn = Corn

h i ll . Tel - e l—Kebir : strong hill = MONTFORT. Then I cameto them of the cap t ivi ty at Tell -A bi b, that dwelt by the riverChebar .HOWE (John ) , from which McO U AT is formed : a hill =FELL ,

when ce FELTON,when n ot from field

HILTON CRAIG : man l iving on a crag. HOWE alsoKNOWE

,when ce



and KNEE . From th e

man HOWE we have the patronymical dimin u t ive HOWIE , l ikeD IX


“ I w ish I was in Dix ie ”= D1XON ,D ICKSON ,

Gae brin g my gude auld harp an ce mair,Gae bring it fre e an d fast

For I maun sing an ither sang ,Ere a

my gle e b e past ,An d trow y e as I sing, my lads .

Th e burden o’

t shall b e ,Auld Scot lan d ’s how es , an d Scot lan d ’s kn ow es ,

An d Scot lan d ’s h ills for me lI’

l l drink a cup t o Scot lan d ye t ,W i ’ a’

the h on ours thre e .

Adam takes the dim . ENNAN (Adam e oghan ) li ttl e Adam ,

cri vmgo

(Mc)LENNAN (L phon etic) , cor. t o (Mc)LENNAND ,which

becomes CLELAND (Burn s) .

(Mc)CRORY is formed on (Mc)BORY ,from Roderic . In l ike

man n er

(Mc)FARLAND (N .Y. fame) is a form of McFARLANE of

PARLAN, of Paul .

ZETLAND is by some given as a form of Shetlan d , by othersfrom Yet for Gate

,and so lan d enclosed an d en tered on ly by a

gate , and yet others deman d i t s being con . Zee for Sea,as

Zealan d : sea land= A t t ica, Pon tus , Pomeran ia : foreshorecoun t ries.TORQUIL , TORMAID (famous Scottish names) are formation s

on our esteemed frien d Thor . TORMAID is the Gaelic equival en t forNORMAN : n orth man

,when ce NORVAL

,Norman dy ,

Norway :

way to the n orth .

TORQUIL gives the High land (Mc)CORCKLE ,when ce (Mc)COBK

INDALE . We have seen that the Gaels compared w ith the

Germans have f ew trade n ames of those .

(Mc)CREACH a plougliman Plew s .

An accoun t of the aw ful resul t s for th - flow ing from Highlan ders doffing their ki lts comes from the Un i t ed S tates


wh ich on e McLean had emigrat ed . By some un patriot ic freakhe dropped h is law ful Mac ,

and put in h is appearan ce on the


pages of the “ Bos ton D irec tory as bare Lean . His pun ishmen t soon over took him. A bookwright giving an accoun t ofproper names exh ibited h im as LEAN , the opposi te of fat .


is formed by are or ez affix ed . The two are variation s of th etai l of Filius : a son , as

ALVAREZ : son of ALVA : pal e,from ALBIS : white

, an swering t o VANE for BAIN.

D IAZ (Bartholomew) : of D IEGO, for JAGO , from James , andso FITZJAMES .

PEREZ (as in Perez de la Rua,who gave name t o Peru)


Pet er PEARSON .



Hen ry .

GOMEZ (Carlist gen eral) : of JOAM,for John GAMGEE




,wh ich con sul t.

JUAREz (Mex ican ) : JUAN ,f or John = our JOHNSON .

LOP EZ (Paraguayan dictator) : LOBOS = WOLF, so that LOP EZLU P SON . The common est O f all n ames amon gs t the Span ish

speaking race are LOP EZ and D IAZ , l ike our SMITH and JONES .MENDEZ : C lemen t , which through Span ish love of th e

son orous 0 becomes MENDOZA,

And how he had storm'

d , and tre at ed h er ill ,B e cause sh e re fuse d t o go down t o a m il l ,She didn ’

t kn ow where , but rememb er’

d st ill ,That the m iller’s n ame was M en doza .


,mean s of th e fEmi lian gen s ,

Romandescen t .

LAINEZ (Jesui t gen eral) of LANE : las t born .

BARTHEZ (“ Hist ory of Savan s Bartholomew = MACFAR


NARV AEZ (prem i er) : of NERV IU S,wh ich is also a pat . mean

ing son of Nerva . Italian and Span ish fami l ies affect derivat ion f rom Roman s .

VASQUEZ : Gascon ,Basque , when ce Gasconade a boas t .

VELASQUEZ (pain ter) Velasco . DOMINIQUEZ : Domin ic ,Desperdicios , or Dom i fn iguez ,

the famous t orreador,l ies

dyin g,having been frigh tful ly w oun ded by a bul l in the

r ing of Puer to de San ta Maria,in the presen ce of t en thousan d

spectators,DESP ERDICIOS : desperate (fel low ) : a Madrid n ickname


which PERDITA may be termed a f em .

VALDEZ : son O f Valen s , who gave name t o Valen tia. The

at formative .

RUIZ of Ru,from Roderigo for Roderick .


D ION CASSIUS : D ion , son of Cassius . I t is used in Muscovy,as

PAULINA PETROWNA : Paulin e , daughter of Pe t er. And alsoPAUL - P ETROWICH Paul

,son of Pe t er. This is a more exact

expression ,sonsh ip

,than ours , and so may be termed the

defin i te patronymic. Con trast i t w i thWILSON son of NV i ll

,which If we said TAM WILL

Thomas,son of William

,we shoul d be more exact . N ow


is don e in the Yorksh ire dal es .

GIAN FIGLIAZZI : John , the son of A2 1 . Then AZI : stron g,con . Ases. The Fren ch also form patronymics after thispattern .

BASSOMP IERRE (marshal) : Bassom ,the son of Peter. And

the originalBASSOM : short , con . Base the foun dation , BASSI (U go) , and


BISSET : a dwarf = CURCI curt =BASS (ale) , SHORT, PETTET ,KLEIN . Con sul tBASV ECCHI

,capable of mean ing li ttle old man : SEACHLAN .

VECCHI : old=AU LD,is in common use al l through Italy.

But ourVEITCH is from De V esc i (vetus civitas) : of the old town


ROBESP IERRE : Robert, son O f Peter . Italian s often use cli

f or ole , as

ANDREUCCIO DI PIETRO : An dreuccio ,the son of Peter .

An dreuccio : l ittle An drew. O ccas ional ly films, figli terminat e s a name

, as

MAOOHIAV ELLI : Michael ’s son =MACMICKING . Napoleonsaid , Macchiave l is the on ly author real ly worth reading.

BENEDETTO IL FERONDI : Ben edict (il for filius) son ofFerondi .

FERONDI (con . ferocious) s tern SEV ERUS,SUWARROW.

Filius formsfi in certain Span ish n ames,as

FIGUEROLA (sen or) : son of GU EROLA : great warrior , Guerre :war. Italy is given over t o a passion f or th e son orous o


Serb : a n ative of Servia,is formed in to SERV ONI . SO her

gen ius is i l lustrated in the las t O f these n ames —ECOLAMP AD 1U S(Greek) : house lamp , HAUSSCHEIN (German ) : house sh in e


HOU SEGO (English) : house joy ,HUMBERT (king) , UMBERTO

(Italian ) : house brightn ess : birth names . COCCAP IELLA (con .

our cock : of a gun and Pel lo : I drive) is the Italian nam ean sw ering t o ARCUBALLISTER : arrow thrower


(hallo).Here i t becomes me t o ackn ow l edge my in debtedn ess t o

Padre Gavazzi , who ,in 1 85 8

,gave me valuable in formation on

the pat ronymics of his charming Ital ian language.



is i tch f or a son , of , cf , or if for a gran dson or descen dan t .The lat ter is cal led a pappon ymi c, s imi lar to the Cel tic 0 .

Th is of , cf , if forms owna,ova , or i n a f or wife or daughter ,

as the Celtic 0 forms n a : a daughter.ROMANOV ITCH JOU RIFF : son of Romain , gran dson of Joury .

JOURY,JURY : George . The n ame IFF : a gran dson ,

on e of

good descen t =ATHELING . Names in ski are gen eral ly local ,that mean ing city, asKOP INSKI : the town of S t . James , con . Jacob , Coppock .

Tobolsk : ski on the Tobol ri ver. O k ot sk : sk i on theOkota.

P e teropaulsk i : city of Peter and Paul , sain ts or czars .

Muscovi t es are as fon d of sk i as Span iards of ez ,and so use i t

as verbal padding. Thus two Russ ian nob les took the namesNEWSKY and SUDANOWSKY,

the former for Sw edes on the

Neva,the latt er for Turks on the south bank O f the Dan au ,

Dan ube, con . ONDERDONK.

CZARINA : wife of the Czar . KLAW INA : daughter ofN icholas .

ALEXANDRINA daugh ter of A l exan der. KATHAROWNA : of Catherin e

, on e of the rare in stan ces of a daughtern amed from h er mother.IV ANOWNA : daughter of John . NIOHOLALJEWITOH


P HILIP P OVA (Nihi list leader) : daughter of Philip, n earlyour PHILIP P A (queen ).P ASKIEV ITCH (prin ce of Polan d) : born at passover time .

LANGIEWITZ (patriot i c Pole) : son of LANGE, the Germanform of Long.


son of a kin gRAJAHP U TRA ,



sson : t he old Greek CRESSIDAS .CZAR is n ot from Caesar , b ut from the an cien t SAR : a

mi l itary prin ce, con . SARAI : prin cess .


“ Gen eralDorokofi

r captured a whol e regimen t O f Wes tphalians .


ROMANOEE (dynasty) : descen ded from ROMAIN : son ofome .

IV ANOFF= JOHNSON . KORNILOFF (admiral) : of Corn elius .

MO URAV IEFF (prin ce) : o f Moravian an ces try .

MENSCHIKOFF (A lma) : of li ttle , less (con . Min us ) , given byempress Katharin e .

YO U SSU P OFF (diplomatist) : of Joseph . O RLOFF (coun t) : ofO rlow . IGNATIEFF (diplomat ist) : of Ignatius.


O RLOW : an eagle= AQU ILA ,

N INUS,from whom N in eveh .

TREP OFE (shot by N ihi lis t ) : son of the steppe , a foun dling.

SCOBELOEF (Plevna) : Jacob’


(admiral) of a prie s t = MACPHERSON .

MELIKOFF (govern or Of St . Petersburg) : son of Meles , anArmen ian river

,n ear wh ich the original MELIKOFF dw el t .

MELIKOFF (Loris) an swers closely ,and yet by chan ce coin

c iden ce,t o

MELESIGINES : son of Meles , a ri ver n ear Smyrna, which gaveHomer one of his poetic bye names , suggestingNILOGENES : son of the N i l e , Moses . The n ame of the

father O f epic poe try,

HOMER : a hos tage = BORR0ws , BORROWMAN : on e borrowedfrom the foe t o be given back.

ARSNIEW : descen ded from a l ion , con . ALP ARSLAN : thelion . The Russian s took it from the Turks , having the sameright t o their names as t o their lan ds ,

Though led by Arsn i cw , that gre at son of slaugh t er.

Ofi becomes cw,and when n eeded j ew.

GREGORJEW : descen ded from Gregory. Apart from thedifficu lt y of deciphering Sclavon ic w ords , we have to con ten dwi th a difficul ty hardly less wh en t rying t o i den tify fami liarn ames in a Muscovi t e un iform . Who b ut a Russian could seeS imson inSENTSCH, or E lizabeth in ELzE

,Abraham in O BEYS

,or the

class ical Euphrosyn e in P HROU ZKA ? It is is said that Russianch i ldren do n ot speak Sc lavon ic ti l l mon ths later than thoseborn at the same time in sun ny Hesperia can freely speakItalian . That says someth ing f or the tast e of babies seein gligh t un der the Shadow of the Bear


How shall I spe ll th e n am e of each Cossaque\Vho w e re immortal , could on e t e ll the ir st oryAlas ! what t o th e ir m emory can lackA ch ille s ’ se lf was n o t more grim and goryThan thousan ds of th is n ew and polish e d n at ion ,

Whose n ame s w an t n oth ing—but pronun ciat ion .

An d Tschit sshak off , an d Roguen n off, Chok en off,And oth ers of tw e lve con son an t s apie ceE n ding w ith i sch sk in


ousck in ,

iff shcchy ,

ousk i ,’

O f Whom w e can In sert but Rousamousk i .”

DEMIDOFF (prin ce) : descen ded from Demetrius .D IERKOFF : descendan t of Theodoric . LADISLAUS


LAW : glorious ch ief or ruler : CLEARCHUS (ret reating myriad ) .JAROSLAV (Crimean prin ce) glorious George. RADOSLAV

(king of th e Bosn ian s) : glorious Con rad .


persecuted people w as a poor protestan t named D irk Wi llemzoon ,

who was condemn ed t o death by the Blood Coun cil .ZOON

,by itself, i s common among the n orthern nation s


KYD ,YOUNG (which does n ot mean j uven i l e b ut firs t born

son )HIJI





,e t c .

BRODERSEN brother ’s son ,like hi s un c le =NEP OS (Corn el ius) .


Those an cien t people,the Li thuan ians , though rapidly losing

their characteristics in the absorb ing mi litariam action of

Russ ia,had a language and l i t erature al l their own . Their

patronymic,sti l l used , the monumen t o f a lost nat ional i ty

,i s

a iti s , ai t , or a t , used as an affix thusADOMAITIS : son of Adam= BADAMS . JOKU BAITIS : Jacob



OBRIGAKAT : Ab rahas ABRAHAM . These suffice to i l lustrate the truth that names looking horrid ly s trange are on lyforeign modification of househo ld w ords , as Negroes , Chin ese ,and Lapps

,are b ut variation s of Adam : man .


is pn t'

ra added as an affix , as

BRAHMAP UTRA (river god) : son of Bram,Brahma TIBERIUS :

son of Tiber, con . Tobermory .

RAJAP U TRA : king’s son = TYRANNION : of TYRANNUS : a king.

V ISHNAP U TRA (very common ) O f Vishn u,of the Hindoo

Tri -mutri .INDRAP U TRA : of Indra

,myth ical ly applied t o Delhi . In dra,

the god of heaven ,the Indian Jove . The Maharat ta

s use

j ee , as




S IV AJEE (founder ofc Maharat ta con federation ) : of the godS i va.

S IVA : des troy er z AP OLLYON,AGAG

,BEOR. Add to these

JAMSETJEE (w el l kn own Bombay merchan t) : son Of a man

named Jamse t as GAMGEE (professor)= JANTJEE.


is tse or 3 6 used as an affix, as in the n ame of the Chin ese

Socrates ,KUNG - FUT- SE : Kung, the son O f F0 ,

for Buddha,when ce



BUDDHA :wise , giving Botan for Buddha S tan : coun try of F0 .

TAO - TSE : son of the sickle , applied to a farmer , answerssurprisingly t o CURRAN .

HOANG- TSE : son of Augustus , Hoang being the Chin ese for i t.Yang- tse - Kian g river

,son of the ocean , very large river .

The majori ty of Chin ese personal n ames are drawn from a

sacred poem written by the emperor Tao , which does n ot con

tain more than 408 choice n ames,but by permutation they

suffice the vas t population of S in im. The popular Christiannames in Britain are n ot more than 20

,wh i le those forwomen

are even few er , but these wou ld al low of every human beingbearing a’ differen t appel lation . We have seen how un re cogn isab le the Cossacks made well kn own n ames , b ut th e pigtai lman ex ceeds the worst Muscovite in such basen ess . Whowould iden t ify Jeremiah in Pekin where he is cal led JALEMEIOHANG ? Th is i s n o tran slation ,

merely a pure (2) tran sfer.S inalogues (learn ed in Chin ese) surely suff er occasional puzzlemen t .

1 O ur common est name is Smith , of those in the floweryEmpire




,in the sen se of

l ivin g i n or n ear a stream. O n that great river , th e river S t .

Lawren ce , n otable for i ts rapids , theb

most n oteworthy is LaChin e : the Chin ese . The early n avigators thought that wasthe way t o China,

as Columbus thought In dia could be reachedby sai l ing w es t . When passing alon


g the streets of Mon treal ,in 1 880

,I saw a laun dry , th e S ign of which w as S ing Long .

My name being Long , I en tered and parl eyed with a Mongol ianfeatured man ,

having eyes l ike button holes cut upside down ,

and a skin coloured like cod l i ver O i l . He was w ash ing a sh irtin a basin a f ew s izes larger than what we use for sugar . I

was an x ious t o l earn someth ing of my n ame in Ch in ese . A las Ithe man seemed a n egative quan ti ty

,kn owing , apparen tly , a

trifle less than n othin g . I walked away in disgust,and the

impress ion made by the circumstan ces gradual ly began to fade .Three mon ths after I was strol ling down a s tre e t in New Yorkwhen I saw on a Sign board S ing Long , Chin ese Laun dry.

O f course , the impression made at Mon treal was deepen ed , andI was doubly puzzled . Howbeit

,that w as l i ttle t o this —The

n ex t day ,wh i le passing through a street in Brooklyn an other

Chin ese laundry thrus t i tse lf upon my n ot ice , th is time keptby on e Sam Long. Now , as my late father was namedSamuel Long

,and fifty years before I had heard fami liar

frien ds cal l him Sam Lon g, my surprise was in expressible .

Flesh and blood could en dure n o more . Learn ing that n ot farfrom D r. Talmage’s Tabern acle was the Brooklyn


Young Men’


Christian Association ,whereat was held a Ch in ese Sun day

school , I made therefor. O n e part of the ins truction was inCan ton ese , the other In English . When hearing the grotes que



son s of the Flowery Land sing our hymn s,and seeing them

chalk on the black board portions of our holy faith , I was

forcibly remin ded of Isa. xlix . 1 2,

“ Behold these shal l comef rom far : and, look ,

these from the lan d of S in im the Sin oe ,w hich gives S in don fin e l in en ,

the product of Chin ese looms ,

as Cal ico from Calcutta,the work of the In dian weaver . Rev .

xviii . 1 2 . I seemed to hear O n e saying. This day is thiss cripture fulfi l led In your ears . A t the close of the address Ispoke t o the sinalogue an d learn ed ,

“ What you took f or nameswere mere sign s pos t ed th ere partly as horse - shoes are n ai ledO ver doors t o keep away witch es .

As the Greeks and

Roman s con cealed ci ty names , in fact , gave them tw o names,

on e true and secret,the other sham and popular

,les t en emies

should get hold of i t s designation ,and by in can tat ion s bring

calamities upon the ci ty , so these Ch in ese hide th eir n ames .

When Balak desi red Balaam t o curse God’

s people,he gave

t heir precise name, or else the sorcerer w ould have had n othing

t o work upon “ Come , curse me Jacob, an d come , defy I srae l .”

Though he had that mat erial he goes t o work w i th thisresul t : “ Surely no en chan tmen t again st Jacob , n ei ther anydivination again st Israel .” In China

,LONG : fortunat e ,

s uccessful , lucky. S ING LONG . much luck,ell iptical for “ I

hope I shal l have much luck . SAM LONG : great success (Ihope t o have). SO Rev . i i . 17,

“ I will give h im a n ew namewritten

,which n o man kn oweth saving he that receiveth i t ,

-i .e . , NO on e shal l hurt him,and he Shal l prosper . I then saw

t hat S ing Long of Mon treal had decei ved H . A . Long ofG lasgow. He was n o n egative quan tity. I w as . Neverthel ess , as I had l earn ed someth ing of t he Chin ese customs inspite of China men

,in grati tude I sen t my l in en t o a Chin ese

laun dryman , who passed it through his bason , sen ding i t homel ike a snow drift , accompan ied by semii n visible paper coveredw i th t ea- ches t oddities

,by wh ich two do l lars fifty cen ts . w as

laid to my charge. As w e have seen ,Charm is th e root of

Harm,when ce HARMER : a wizard , a drew,

a magus .


is i li 'a s, original ly i rl ius , from the Greek i das. ThusHOSTILIUS son of Hostis

, original ly w ri tten Hos t idius .

HOSTIS : a stranger, ger , al ien XENO,AGUR





HOSTILIU S :son of a s t ranger,exactly GALLYON


POMP ILIUS (for P ompidius) : of Pompey. POP ILIUS : of the

people , becomesPUBLIUS . ICILIU S (Icidius) equal son (t o his father in



Cogn omen : with the name,added through a fami ly bein g

distinguished . ThusMarcus Jun ius Bru tus . MARCUS is the praen omen ,

l ike ourMARK ,

and mean s pol ished,urban e ,

JUNIUS , the n omen,describes his age , jun i ori ty.

BRUT ,US the cogn omen ,in timates he .was of the gen s Brut i i .

BRUTUS : a fugi t i ve Slave : P HYG EI LUS (con . Fugio : I flee) ,was descriptive


of the original apply i ng t o Marcus Jun iusgen ealogical ly . His n ame

,s t ripped of appen dages

,was Jun ius

No person can have more than on e name save by a figure .Our Prin ce of Wal es i s n amed Edward A lbert Guelph . If

crow n ed , he would b e Edward V II. His name is on e,GUELP H

Wo lf. The possession of three names was the sol e privi legeof free Romans . Thus : “ Habet tria n omina : he has threenames

,came t o sign ify he is a free citizen . Such n ames were

to dwellers on the Tiber what long n ames w ere t o dwel lers on

the Il issus in the age of Pericles , and w hat two names wereon the banks of the Thames in t he reign of King Richard .

No s lave dare have a praen omen,so that i ts absen ce was fatal

to a man ’

s admission in to good soci ety . Hen ce the force of

the l in eGauden t praen omi n e mollis auriculae

delicate ears love the praen omen . Much of this ceased afterA .D . 2 1 2

,when Caracal la en fran chised most of the Roman

provin ces , upon whi ch myriads of the on e n amed at on ceavai led themselves of the abili ty t o take as many names asfan cy dic tated

,t o th e con fusion of society of th e time being.


is i das, modified t o i rla,ides

,i cl , i , ocl . A lso

,b ut n ot so w idely

spread through classi c Greek ,we have i on , on ,

on e , and an

(like the Cel t ic an,from e oghan ) from U IO S : a Son . Like

wise gen es and gon i , formation s on Gen o : I beget. To i clas

we ow e i te, SO fam i l iar in such words asAmmon ite : a descen dan t O f Ammon . A Cel t would say


Ammon orMacAmmon , the Russian s would have Ammon off ;Hebrew s w ould say Amni on i , l ike Gib eon i : a Gibeon i te. The

fol lowing is a select ion Of best known examples of i t s use .

ARISTIDES : son of Arist on z BETSON son of Bes t.ARISTOS : most l ike A res , Mars . BEST f or beatest, who

beat s all,con . ARISTOC ITON : bes t n e ighb our= NEIGHBOUR

SIRACHIDES (Jesus) : son of S irach .

ASCELP IADES (By th in ian physician ) : of Esculapius , figurativef or a clever medical man .

BASILIDES (father of Herodotus) TYRANION (Caesar’



frien d) : son of a king, of royal descen t AB IMELECH ,


CRCESU S (king) : a govern or , CRESSIDAS : son of a k ing ,CRESSIDA : royal daught er RENE.

PYLADES (and O restes) : of P y leus , P glea s : son of Pyle , andPYLE : a gate , having charge of city gat e = our SOUTHGATE ,

con . Pylorus : gate keeper, Hecatompy lae : hundred gates ,Thebes

,Thermopylae : gate of hot sprin gs .

P ELO P IDAS : of Pelops . PELOP S : dark face =DU EE, SWARTZ .

EPAMINONDAS who at Leuctra bled O f Epamn on .


LEONIDAS : of Leon . LEON : a l ion . The royal beast wascommon in Greece up to the time of the Persian in vasion .

LYCIDAS : son of Luke. HEROD (the Idumean ) for Heroidas ,Herodias : son of a hero.HERODIAS forHerodiah ,

l ike E l ias for E lij ah ,is i ts fem. form.

TOLMIDES descen dan ts O f Ptolemy , here dynastic asHERACLIDE : of Hercul es . EP IGONI : son s of the seven (epta)

who came from the s iege of Troy.

THEOGONIS : begotten of a god. P OLYGONU S : on e of manychi ldren .

TELEGONUS : las t b orn =LANE, IMOGEN , con . Telephon e .ERIGONE (the con stellation of V irgo) : Eris (strife) born ,

born at the time of battle, op. of SHALLUM ,

IRENE : time of peace.EUMENIDES : daughters of Eumen es and EUMENES : of a

good min d , gen ial—a propi t iatory name applied t o the Furiest hrough fear of them. Some say daughters of memory

,remorse .

SIMONIDES (poet) : of Simon . SIMON,from Semi : half,

half n osed , Simioe l ike .

HESP ERIDES : daugh ters of the w es t =ATLANTIADES, con .

NEREIDES : daugh t ers of N ereus. NEREUS : sparkling sea,

phosphorescen t waves .HYP ERIDES : of Hyperion .

= HYP ERION (uper , super) : of

above the sun .

SARRONIDE : of Sarron (a Cel tic king , the Solomon Of his

age ) , applied t o a ph i losopher. But

SARONIDAS : son of an oak , robust =BENHAIL,DARROCH



SARONY : an oak = ECK, or EYCK. Oak from Eke : t o grow .

Eke out : t o prolon g.

MEONIDES (Homer) : son or Meon ia,As ia M in or , w hen ce

Mean der : Meon ian river. On e of the few cases where a

coun try gives name to a riv er as In dus from In dia.

MELESIGINES (Homer) : of Meles,a river n ear Smyrna


HYADES (stars so cal led) : daughters O f rain , bring wetweather, con . Hudor water

,w hen ce Sudor sw eat, i .e . ,

wet .


TRIONES : three daughters . ARCTURUS : son of the bear ,

Hie can i t erran t em Lun am , Solisque labore s ;Unde hominum genus , e t pe cude s ; un de imber, e t ign e sA f e taram , pluviasque Hyades , gemin osque TRIONES .

THEO SEBIU S of Theoseb es . THEOSEBES worsh ipper ofGod in opposi tion to po lytheism GOTOBED


EUSEBIUS (historian ) : good worsh ipper , de vo t e e = GODFREY.

ACTEON (and dogs) of sea shore , dw el ler on , con . A ttica :

coas t l in e = COSTA (Rica : rich) coast. COSTIGAN youngCosta.

EURIP IDES (tragedy) : of Euripus , born n ear i t. Aris totleis said t o have drow n ed himself therein because he could n otdiscover reason for i t s ebb and flow . Now cal led N egrOpon t :

black bridge,from on e con n ecting is lan d with main lan d .

MARCION (heres iarch) : of Mark MARCELLUS .CJESARION (chi ld of C leopatra by) of CJESAR . M ILTO :

beautiful , givesMILTIADES (Cimon

s son ) : of M i l to. MARSYAS (flayed) : sonof Mars = ARIU S (Arian ism) of Ares .

P ALLADIU S : of Pal las . EUCLID (of Megara) : of Euc leos .

EUCLEos good glory , famous MARR,BRIGHT


A P OLLOS (“may of Apol lo

,eloquen t . A P OLLYON :

of Apol lo , destroyer , slay ing l ik e sunstroke .

HORMISDAS (pope) : of the god O rmuzd , the an tagon is t ofAriman es .

D IOGENES (tub) : god begotten ,of divin e an cestrs HEO

CONIS . ZEOLAS : variegated,t atooed

,a warrior , con . fEOLU S

(king of winds) : variable , as the w in ds are .



ASTERION : of a star. ALEXIUS o f A l ex is . ALEXIS a

helper, con . elix i r.

ASCANIUS (puer) of the O ld stock , of [Esc z th e ash ,the A sir

Adam . SU : bear hun ter,for SUAGROS , con . Ursa : grun ter


o uvesb

SU IDAS (grammatist) : son of Su,or son O f the b earhun t e r.

LAP IDE (Corn elius a) o f Jame s = 0ur JAMIESON .

RASSELAS (John son ) : o f an apostle , walker in the truefai th =DE FOE and DE SANTOS .When the pat . is f em . i t sof ten s from n i os to ei s

,on becomes

on e , wh i le gen es become gen ia , and i olas forms ida .

CHRYSEIS : daughter of CHRYSES,whi le CHRYSES : golden

hai red FLAVIUS .

BRYSEIS daughter O f Bryses , and BRYSES strong,athletic.

P YRO IS (on e of t he mares of the sun ) : daughter O f fire ,swift as l igh tn ing.

D IONE (mother O f Ven us) : divine daugh t er=BETHU LIA



proper is ben from Eben : a ston e , from Banah : to bui ld.

Sons bui ld fami l ies as s ton es do houses . When John saidGod is able of these s ton es t o raise up son s un to Abraham


probably he mean t such act was as easy t o God as i t was for ascribe to make eben

,by omi tting the ti ttl e , in to ben . The

Jews adopted Bar : a son ,from the Babylon ian s . The Chaldees

used Bar in the sen se of lofty, elevated , superior,which was

primari ly applied t o an emin en ce , and i s iden tical w i th our

BARR, as

BARSKIMMING : the hi l l at the ben d of th e river. Hen ceSKIMMING

,when ce M‘

SKIMMING . Barrhead Hi l lhead . It

was firs t said of emin en t places and then of em in en t person s .

in con trast w i th captives , s laves , and servan ts : “ Kiss theBar les t He be angry ,

”i .e . , obey Him who is the Lofty O n e ,

the Up lifted .

NAIB : a prophet, a seer,gives NEBO : the god whose oracles

t ol d futurity. The god w as worshipped on Moun t Neb o.

BARNAIB son of a prophet,when ce BARNABAS O f con sola

tion,as a good son is a great con solat ion :

SCIP IO : a s taff (to h is father) , con . Sceptre lean t upon,

patriarchal s taff. Then ce our BARNABY (Rudge) an d BARNARDO

(cardinal) , and BERNARDO (orphan s) , if n ot from BERNARD .

RUDGE : a hi ll, con . rig , ridge

=BARR : on e dw el ling on a

h i ll =HILLS. But LONGRIDGE : big farm .

BARZILLAI : of Zi l lai , and ZILLAI blacksmi th . Zi l lai : i ron ,

the soun ding metal . This is the first use of i ron in the Bible,

Which took a wife of Barz i llai,

the Gi leadi te .BARKOS (n ethin im) : son af ter his father : BARABBAS : of his


,PAP IAS . Now Barabbas was a

robber. Assumes form of BARKAS .BAR JESUS : of Joshua (Jehovah Hosea) . BEROSUS (historian ) :

of Hosea, and HOSEA : saviour= SOTER , HAFIZ , asHAFIZ -ALLAH z Joshua : saviour of Jehovah . Calme t says


D ic t . p . 1 5 2 ,

BAR - JONA , should be BAR JOHANNA : son of J0hn = V ANHAHN and GAMGEE

,usual ly given

BAR- JONA : of Jonah . As JONAH : a dove , and LIVY a

dove = TORTOLA (tur, t ur) , TOVEY (from dove) , we cann ot befar wrong by saying that l iteral ly BARJONA =LIV IU S.

BARTHOLOMEW : of Tolmai,gives BAR '

I‘LEMY born Aug.

24 th , at S t . Bartholomew’

s mass , Bartlemy Fair. BARTLETT,

BATT,BATES (when not boatman ) , BATTY (equestrian ) , BARTH

(African explorer) , BARTLE (Si r) , BARLETTA , HADCOCK , according t o some authors i t corrupts in Spain t o BALTHAZAR (w iseman ) . BARTHEZ : son of Bartholomew.


TOLMAI a furrow , tal l as LONGFELLOW , AU LAY.

BARTIMEU S : of Timeus. TIMEU S : hon ourab 1e =TIMON (of

A thens) , T ITUS , which some make in to TATE,when ce

TATIU S = TATLOCK : l ittle Tate , or son of Ti tus , wh ich differl i ttle from BARTIMEU S. But the Span ishTATO : the tacit, silen t = TACITU S, MUDO . MUDIE , MOODIE ,

STILL . About the time Israel was wait ing her Messiah ,an

impostor arose,cal l ing himself

BARCHOCAB : son of a star=ASTERION .

“ There shal l comea s tar out of Jacob. Facts falsifying h is promises , he was

cal ledBARCOSBA son of a l ie , con . COSE I (slain by dart) en snarer ,

deceiver , n ot greatly differing from the better kn ownREBECCA : a sn are

,a fascinating w oman = SP O ONER, PACK ,


BARSABAS (Joseph) : seven th son ,as BATHSHEBA : seven th

daughter. The use O f the Chaldee pat . bar is but a parenthes is in Hebrew onamat ology . Their ben was used longbefore i t

,and is n ow in use after bar has become obsol e te .

That ben was used early is plain fromBEN -AMMI : son of my people =

—AMMON : my people , as alsoREUBEN : se e ! a son . BENJAMIN : son of my right han d .

BENONI son of my sorrow. That i t is s ti l l in use is man ifestfrom th e fol lowing modern names .

BOLIVAR (gave name t o Bol ivia) , forBen O l i ver : O LIVAREZ.

BADAMS is Ben Adam=MACADAM ,when ce Macadamise : t o

pave after his recipe . ODAMS is a form of Adams formingODY : l i ttleAdams. The Jews cal l those of their blood bornin EgyptBen i Masr : son s of M izraim. Ben i for ben im. Hen ce i , a

gen ti le pat , as

Ben i Shem : children of Syria,Ben i Franza : son s of

Fran ce , applied by Turkish Jews t o al l w estern foreign ers .

Let us get back t o our Bible , where we haveBENHAIL : son of strength , s trong born , ab out =MEIKLE

W EAN big baby , asMEIKLEHEAD : much head : TESTA


man of the Reid’s. “ In the third year of Jehosaphat s reign ,

he sen t to h is prin ces , even to Benhai l.BENHANAN : son O f compass ion


, con . ANANU S, whomJohn cal ls

,xvii i . 1 3 ,

ANNAS : gracious , merciful .ZOHETH : (who is) taken away , born when paren ts changed

res iden ce.BEN - ZOHETH : son of removal , who emigrates agains t

paren tal advice. “ The son s of ISHI w ere Zoheth and Ben

z oheth .


ISHI (from Ish : a man ) for Ishim : men = t o many menPERIANDER


BENE - BARAK : son s of lightn ing, whose spears and swordsflash and gli t ter. They were Dan i t es . Dagger is from Dagday ,

because i t flashes l ike day l ight. BARAK (and Deborah )lightn ing LLEWELLYN .

BOANERGES : t hunder bol ts (James and John ) . We mee tw ithBEN - GEBER : son of the strong

,exactly th e Saxon WHITING .

Certain Hebrew names in t imate relationsh ip to God as father ,

son , daughter,brother. Those of the firs t are profess ion s of

fai th and claims t o sonsh ip that surprise us the more they are

s tudied . Nowhere in the O ld Tes tamen t are men in vi ted so

to do, n or is permiss ion t o do so even in timated . The othersseem t o in timate hol in ess , godlin ess , asAB IMELECH : king

s brother, i .e . ,kingly , magn ificen t



, CORTEREAL (con . cort, curt , roy ) , fin efel low s all.

ELIAH God my father : ABIEL . Kish the son of A bi el .

JOAB Jehovah father= ABIJAH. Jcab,son O f Zeruiah .

BARIAH : son of Jehovah = BENAHIAH.

“ Ben ahiah,son O f

Jehoidah .

BETHUEL : daughter of God, a pure person = BITHIAII : of

Jehovah .

“ These are the sons of Bi thiah, the daughter ofPharaoh . She being Of Egypt , her husband , Mered , is supposed t o have dropt her Coptic designation and cal led hert hus

,s ign ifying she was to be a pure worshipper of Jehovah .

AHIAH brother of Jehovah ,his servan t = JOAH. Joah,


son of Asaph,the recorder .

” Bold s tran ge n ames , any of wh ichI Should be unwill ing to bear .ABITAL (David

’s w ife) : (whose) father (is as) dew ; he gaveon e who refreshed

,con sol ed .

BEN JOSEPH corresponds to the lat in ised Greek formJOSEPHU S (uios) : son of Joseph .

Some on ly of the above are patronymical , but all are give n as

illustrat ion s of our main subj e ct .


HIJO,from Fi lius : son ,

was disguised in to IGO,which f ew

would think mean t a son ,bu t turns up un expectedly in JO .

John Anderson ,my j o,

” l oved like a son .

INGO : a son ,MAR : glorious

,INGOMAR : glorious son , cor. t o


BODKIN (bodyk in ) : a dwarf CURTIN : short. CROOKS(in some cases) , CROCKETT : crook ed=BOSSU E z humped . The

German is rich in birth n ames , amongst the most beautiful ofwhich is MORGANSTERN : morn ing star , born at th e appearan ceof GAD

,V ERGILIU S. When MORGAN is n ot Cambrian


which i t s ign ifies a marin er , i t is German , and mean s morn i ngborn =MANIU S. Amon gst Bos ton names I find ZOUCH : th es tock of a n otable tre e = BUMM ,

ATTREE. A writer of thatlearn ed city gives in his volumin ous work on names



as a case of personal n ames derived from diseases ! O f

c ourse, a form of LE FEVRE. COYLE : a wood , gives KELLY.

ALBUQUERQUE : wh i te oak . AHAZIAH : held (of ) Jehovah ,

Heb . i i . 16. ANDROMEDU S : comman der of men ,great gen eral

con . ALCANDER : s t rong man . ARDMILLAN bald moun tainMONTCALM . LEWIS shades off in to (Me) LEISH .

MURRAY is formed on Moray (shire) , said to Obtain i ts namefrom Moravian settlers .

BEER is formed on BAUER : a boor . CADI,KADI : a j udge


f em CADIJALI . KADIJAH (Mahomet’

s w if e) =HYPATIA ,CON


EP ISCO P US (con . m icroscope) : overse e r= BISHOP ,gives EP IS

CO P IU S (li t ) : son of a bishop. CONCEIT is a form of CONCETTA .

BLACKMONSTER (min ister) : l iving in a Domin ican house .P U FFENDORP z P RESTON : priest

s town . BUDGE (Mon treal,

for Bodger : Cooper gives dim . BUDGETT. SEDIGITU S :

born wi th six fingers . VOSS,V OCIU S

,FOSS , con . FOX : crafty

and cruel . AURELIUS : golden - haired , giving AURELIAFULVIA. P AMPHILON (con . DU P ANLOU P ,


WOODHEAD. SABBAD INI (Irriden tist) : learned SAGE,and

con . sapio,savoir. SABELLIU S (Sabel l ian ) : on e of the Sabel li :

aborigin es of Italy,and who

,wi th the Sabin es , are supposed

t o have been named in conn ect ion wi th star worship, con .

Sab : an army , sabaism,Sabaoth .




P age


Aasb iorn 173

Ah 99

Abba 29, 71 , 2 5 2

Abb adon 64 , 185

Abb ema 5 2


Abbot 25 2

Abb (s) 102

Abdallah 260

Abdi 260


Abdie l 260

Abdolonymus 260


Abdastartus 260

Abdal Issu 262

Abdon 64 261

Abdul Az iz 260

A bdul Kadir 260

Abdul Me dj id 14 245


Be ck e t 1 20

Ab edn ego 260

Abe lAbe lard 2 5 1

Ab en brod 81

Aben droth 81

Abercromby 142

Abern e thy 172

Ab i 25 2

A b iah 5 2

Ab iab al 5 2

Abialbon 28

Abiasaph 25 6

Abiathar 5 2

Abie l 5 2 , 306

Abiezer 165

Abigail 5 2

Abihud 5 4

Abijah 5 1 306


Abim e le ch 60

Ab in idab 5 2

Abiram 5 2

Abishalom 99

Abital 306

Abn er 2 5

Aborn 1 20

P age

Abraham 5 2 , 445

Abram 5 2

Abu Yaya 94

Absalom 5 2

Abu Bekir 99

Abu Fudle Allah 99

Abu Hore ira 99

Abul,Feda 99

Abu Suleyman 99

Ace 36 1 30 1 5 3

Ach 127

A chat e s 16

190 207

A char 207

A chbor .97

Achaius 22 5

A chen back 1 46

Ach ille s 92 , 188

Ach sah 1 12

A ckerman 23 2

Ackman 1 2 1

Acre s 2 3 2


Acton 1 27

A cutus 39

Acwi th 1 27

Acworth 1 27

Ad 77

Adair 1 27, 223

Adah 67

Adalbert 37

Adam 27, 107, 25 4

Adam in a 100

Adamn an 279


Adden brook 1 20

Addie 107

Addison 271

Adean 1 44

Ade la 102

Ade laide 102

Ade lgar 2 15

Ade lgonde 102

Ade lin a 107

Ade lin e 208

Ade lin d 1 12

Ade linde 208

Adhe rb al 193

P age

Adjai 284

Adler 4 1 , 270

Admiral 5 3 , 261

Adomait is 296



Adon ijalI 5 3 192 .

Adon iram 5 4

Adon is 144,189

Adramme le ch 60

Adrastus 28

Adrian 29, 299

Ady 1 1 1 , 273

ZEgeade 209

ZEgeus 209

.lEgidius 224

ZEgon 209

ZE lfreding 269

ZEmilius 5 9 , 102 , 23 3

IZEn e as 83


[Eolas 103 , 302

ZEO lus 188 , 302

ZE sc 174 , 179

ZEschin e S 42 .

[Eschylus 42 , 1 92

AEc ingas 1 21 , 179

ZEsop 3 3 , 64 , 160

EE tion 201

A fer 3 3 , 1 5 9

A frican der 3 3

African er 3 3 , 1 5 9

Africanus 3 3 , 1 5 9

A ffl ick 83 , 102 , 148

Affle ck 102 , 148

Agabus 87, 307

Agag 1 5 261 296'

Agamemn on 4 1

Agan dic e 1 10

Agape tus 40:

Agasthen e s 28

42 , 102


Agat li ocle s 3 8

Agathos 42 , 102

Agee 5 7


Ager 1 5 143,2 3 2

Age so 2 3 3 .

3 10


Agericus 2 3 2

Age s 1 43

Agesilaus 1 22 222

Aggi e 102

Aglaia 186

Agn e llo 86

Agn e s 1 12 , 185

40, 198

Agn i 1 5 184

Agn idasa 261

Agno 1 1 2

Agnon 1 12

Agre st e s 199

Agri cola 3 2

Agrippa 88 102

Agrippina 102

Agur 265 , 298

Ahab 5 5 , 88

Ahala 226

Aharah 88

Ahaz 5 4

Ahaziah 308

Ah en ob arbus 3 1


Ah iah 306

Ah iam 5 5

Ah iezer 223

Ah im e le ch 5 5 301 , 306

Ahimoth 86

Ah in oam 5 5

Ah ishahar 86

5 5

5 5


Ahol ibamah 1 1 5

A idan 26

A iah 89

A ikman 23 2

A iken 127

Aik enh ead 1 26

Aik en side 126

A im e e 1 17

A in 94

A in sw orth 94

A iol id 302

A ird 14 1 26 23 6

Airde 1 3 6

A iry 2 3 2

A itchison 28 1

A itken 1 27

Ajax 99 , 201

Ak ast er 120, 1 5 1

Akbar 28 , 87


Kempis 1 3 2

91 , 95

91 , 95

Akroyd 1 27


Alabast erA laddinA lafleri

A lamA laricA lasdair

A lbaA lban ach

A lbemarleA lberon iA lbertA lbinusAlbisA lbonA lbon i

A lborakA lbre ch tA lbuquerqueAlbynAlean derA lc imus

Alcin ousAlcithoeAlc i thoeus

A lcman

AlcockAl cornA lcuinA lderA lderman

A ldhe lmA ldoAldre dA ldric

Ale ctryonA le ssan droAle th iaA le th ius

A lexan der 102 , 223 , 261A lexan draA lexan drinaA le xis ,A lexiusAlfon soA l fordA l fre dA lgarA lgebarAlgern onAl iAl i BabaAli cAliceA licia

2 5 5

2 13


2 13


5 2


1 1 3

1 1 3


Aman daAmarashina



AmbroiseAmbroseAmsde nsAm e en EddinAme e na

Ame liaAmen


2 17, 292

23 4

74 281



73 , 290

73 , 79

73 , 79

17, 2 5


202 , 234

AlickA ligh ieriA lisonA llahAllardAllanAllayn eAllbon e sAllenAlleyAllgoodAllonAllist erA lloaA llonvilleA lmack


Alman zor

AlmiralAlon zoA lopexA lorus

A loysiusAlp ArslanAlphoeus

A lpinAIRasch idA l Seddek

AlstonAltamon t

Al t

A lt erAlth eaAlthe ius

AltonAl tre e

A lvaA lvarez

34 107 1 3 1





5 9 , 87, 238





82 , 87

3 2 , 47, 286





1 5 1

1 4





3 3 102




5 9


23 3

3 5 40 1 14


5 3

5 8



37 307


5 3


2 10

3 1 2

P age

Arm in ius 2 16 248

Armour 25 8

Armourer 2 5 8

Armstron g 33 , 25 9

Arn ab e lla 104

Arnaud 201

Arnhe im 104

Arnhilda 201

Arn ob ius 198

Arn old 201

Arn ot 201 , 273

Arnulf 284

Arn st e in 125 , 149

Arod 208

Aroue t 284

Arrol 1 40

Arrowsmith 249 , 2 5 8

Arsa 185 192

Arsimen e s 4 1

Arse s 17,182

Arsin oe 4 1 , 42

Arslan Bey 204

AI smi th 25 8

Arsn iew 294

Artab anus

Artaph ern e s 239

Artaxerxes 1 4 , 25 , 2 34

Arteme sia 1 4, 185

Artemis 14 , 185

Art emus 185

Art er 2 83

Arthur 1 5 , 26

Arun de l 20, 26

Arva 29


Asaph 108

Asby 1 2 1

A scan ius 302

A sclepiade s 300

Ascham 12 1

Asdrub al 193

Asenath 61 , 194

A shbea 5 8

A shbe l 1


Ashb ash 1 2 1

Ashby 1 2 1

Ashby -de la Zouch 1 21

Ashcon n e I 179 180

Asher 83

Ashe t 83

Ashman 1 2 1 , 147

Ashpe n az 204

Ash taroth Karn aim 65

Ash t on 1 2 1

Ashwood 1 2 1

Asin ius 2 39

A skew 173


P age

Askw ith 1 24

A slan 173

Aslan Bey 204

Aslan d 173

Asmaveth 167

Asn apper 3 3

Aspasia 98 165

Aspatha 204

Aspimirtas 161 , 165

Aspinwal l 121

Asplen 12 1

Asrallah 5 3

Assad 205

Assad A llah 205

Asser 83

Astart e 1 16, 184 , 186

Ast eria 184

Ast erion 184 , 302 , 305

Ast erope 184

Ast ley 1 32

Astolph 175

Aston 1 37

A stor 3 9 , 70, 89

Astrifiamman te 1 16, 184

Astrin ger 249

Astrophil e 184

Astyage s 191 , 199 , 207

Astyan ax 57, 1 39 , 303

Asyn critus 42 , 5 8

A tarah 67

A taroth 67

A th 1 39

Athaliah 5 3

Athalric 2 34

A than asius 307

A th e l 102

Ath e lgar 2 15

Athe lgif 102

Ath e lin g 60, 270, 293

Ath e lric 234

Ath e lstan 4 1, 1 12

A therton 1 39

A th eyA thol 140

A thlai 5 3

A tkin s 272

A t lan t iade s 1 86, 301

A t las 186

Atmor 1 32

A treus 3 3

Atride s 3 3

A tropos 187

A t ta 2 5 2

A t tack 1 2 1 1 27

A t tila 2 5 2

A t tre e 1 20, 1 2 5 , 308

A t twood 1 20, 12 5

Atwe llA twoodAubeAubussonAuch in le ckAucklan dAudleyAudreyAudus




Augost ino



August in eAugustus


AulayAuliffeAuldAuldhe lmAul e t e s

AumaleAure liaAure l ianAure liusAuroraAuslan

Auson iusAust inAustriaAutolycusAvah

Aven t inAve llan aAve sAvourn e enAwlayAyoubAye shaAylwardAyreAyubAz


Azrae lAzrae e l

AzariahAzazAzaze lAzie lAzmave th


P age

BAAL 100 190 191

Baalam 192

Baalath 100

Baal-han an 87 193

Baal -pe e r 192

Baal -phegor 192


BabaBabingtonBabooBabtyBabyBacchus 1 49, 196

Bache lor 246, 267


Back 146

Backie 146

BacklerBacon 127 236

Bacquevill e 15 2

Bad 273

Badame 296 305

Baddams 296

Badcock 273 , 304

Baden och 65 , 1 3 5 288

Badger 2 14

Badman 238

Bae l 196

Baffin 277BaileyBailly 237

Bain 32 72 282

Bain es 237

Baird 24 1

Baker 239

Balaam 5 6 185 192

Baladan 192

BalakBalb iBalboa 3 1 , 1 40, 194



BaldreyBaldur 170

BaldwinBat e sBalius 203

BalfeBalfour 5 8 , 129, 147Balguy 123 , 1 25

Balius 203

Ball 224


Ballard 1 5 , 26, 224


Ballingall 144 , 149

Balliol 3 1

Balloch 30 288

Balls 224

Balmer 241

Balmerino 1 3 3 1 5 2 196

Baln ave s 1 5 3

Balquidder 1 23

Balthazar 82 192 304

Bal - t i -mor

Balt imore 1 22 , 196

Balzac 39 , 275

Bamber 125,128

BambergerBamfylde 1 2 5

Bampton 243

Ban coBan croft 1 33

Ban e 30, 285

Banham 270

Ban i (m)Ban ias 186

Banker 1 3 6

Bankier 1 36

Banks 1 36 149

Bann 270

Bann atyn e 1 5 , 44

Bann erman 219

Bann ist er 2 37

Ban sh ee 75 , 107

Bapt ist 83

Bapt ista 83

Barabbas 304

Barache l 5 3

Barachiah 5 3

Barak 17, 306

Barbara 1 1 2,1 5 5

Barbarossa 3 1 25 5

Barbour 237

Barca 17, 183


Barchoeab 305

BarclayBarcosba 305

Bard 2 5 3

Bardolph 176

Barebon es 3 1 , 46, 237

Bare foot 24 , 264

Baren d 199

Baren tz

Bariah 72 , 306

Baring 4 1 , 270

Bar-Jesus 304

Bar-Jon ah 304Bar-Johann ah 304

BarkasBarker 2 37, 273

3 13

P age

Barkos 304

Barle t ta 304

Barley 130

Barlow 199

Barnabas 304

Barn abo 304

Barnaby 304

Barn aib 304

Barn ard 199

Barn ardo 304

Barn e s 243

Barn e t 5 3 146

Barn ey 1 30

Barnum 146

Barnw e ll 146

Baron 74 , 1 5 9

Baron ius 23 3

Barr 1 36 273 304

Barras 1 5 2

Barre ll 273

Barret 273

Barri e 1 5 1 , 273

Barron 74

Barrow 134 , 1 5 0

Barrows 139

Barrus 206

Barry 1 5 1 , 271 , 277

Barsabas 91 , 305

Barskimmmg 1 34 , 304

Barth 304

Barthez 304

Bartholom ew 304

Bartimeus 305

Bart lemy 304

Bart le 304

Bart le t t 273 304

Barton 1 3 1

Baruch - 5 3

Barzil lai 89, 304

Bascombe 1 5 6

Bash 2 16

Basham 199

Bashaw 1 17, 234

BasilBasileus 235 , 275

Basilewsk i 1 3 2

Basilides 293 , 301

Basilowitz 276 293

Baskerville 1 5 2

Basquet 1 25

Bass 97, 99, 292

Bassi 292

Basse ti 97

Basse t t i 169

Basse t 34

Basse t t 1 3 1

Bassom 292

3 14

P age !

Bassompierre 96, 292

Bast ien 197Basve cchi 169

Barth 304

Bartle 304

Bateman 250

Bat e sBath 5 3

Bathiah 5 3

Bathon i 5 3

Bathsheba 5 3 91 , 305

Bat t 304

Bat tin i 83

Bat te ll 25 6

Bat t le 1 49, 2 5 6

Bat t erscomb 1 38 , 2 34

Bat t eur 1 38 , 234

Batt i 83

Bat t ista 5 3

Bat tyBauer 5 9, 232 , 308

BaumBaumgarten 1 25 , 1 3 3

Baum tree 12 5

Bauske t 25 1

Bavey 122

Bavist er 25 0, 25 2

Bawn 1 10

Baxt er 237

Bayard 203

Bayle 237

Bays 218

B each 1 27, 25 1

Beacon sfie ld 1 37, 203

Beale s 168

BeatriceBeatrix 5 3

B eatusB e auclerk 244

Beaufoy 273

B eauharn ois 22 3

Beauly 143

Beaupoil 25 4

B eaupre 143

B eauregard 1 1 3 190

B eauvoisin 42

B ebe e 2 5 1

Beby 2 5 1

B e ccles 140, 274

Be ckey 274

B e cky 1 1 3

Be ch er 90

B e chman 2 5 4

B e chorath 90

B ee cher 90 236

Be e chy 1 28

Be ck 3 9 , 120, 146



B e cke t 142

B e cke t t 1 20 146, 1 5 2

B e ckford 147

Be ckn er 2 38

B e ckw ith 1 22

Be e chenhaugh 1 28

Be dad 5 6

B ede 1 14,2 38

Bede ll 2 38 , 25 4

Be eman 2 5 1

B e e r 308

Be ffana 81

Beg 73

B egg 73

B egue 47

B ehring 270

B e ith 48 180, 22 1

Be l 108 191

Be lagn eau 1 44

Be lch er 30, 67, 307

Be lcomb e 68

B e ldam 40

Be lephan t es 193

Be le sarius 170

Be l i 67, 168

B e lial 191

Be lin da 208

B e lkn ap 262

Be ll 2 18 267

B e lla 108

B e llamy 39 139

B e llarm in e 1 44

Be lerophon 2 12

B e lle 48

Be llew 1 5 2 , 1 5 3

B e llon aB e llot 3 1

B e llows 1 5 2

Be llus 3 1

Be lshan 5 6

B e lshazzar 192

Be lt eshazzar 192

B e lus 191

Be lvi dera 69

Be lvi dere 69 1 35

B e lzebub 260

217, 218 , 25 6

Ben 44 , 90, 291

Ben aiah 5 3

Ben -ammj 305

Benahiah 306

B e n e Barak 306

B en digo 88

Be n ede t to 292

B en edict 88 246

Ben e t 246

Ben Geber 306

P age

Benge l 42

Benhadad 195

Benhan an 305

B enhail 301 305

B en oit 246

B enjamim 88 , 100, 305

Benjamin 37, 1 3 5

B enmore 3 3

B en on i 88,305

B en sham 1 49

Ben son 88

B en tham 1 49

Ben t ley 1 49

B en tonB en zoh e thB eorBe ormi ngBe orminghamBeppoB erangerB ere ch iahBere dBerengarius

B ere sfordBergerB eriahB erkleyBerlin daB ermudaBermun daB ernadot t eB ernardBernardoBern ersB ernhardtB ern iceBern icius

B erosusB ernst e inB erriBerryBerryer

B erthaBerthe imBerthole t t

BertholonB ertB ert iB ertoliB ertramBertran dB erwickB esan tB esomB estB essieBe t

3 16

P age

Bordclay 140

Bordman 23 2

Borgh ese 1 39

Borgi a 1 39

Borlan d 232

Born e 147

Borromeo 20, 73 , 1 45

Boron i 73

Borrowman 2 30, 294

Borrows 1 39 , 2 30, 294

Borthw ick 1 38 , 25 2

Borwick 106, 1 38 , 147

Boscawen 12 1

Bos 1 2 5

Bosch 2 50

Boscher 248

Boscobe l 125

Bosde t 1 25

Bosh 1 25 , 177

Bosmin a 109

Boscowen 1 25

Bosom 1 2 1

Bosquet 1 25

Boss 12 5

Bossue 48 , 5 8 , 273

Bossue t 273

Bost 1 25

Bostock 130

Boston 176

Boswe ll 1 25

Bostw ick 121

Bothwell 1 44 , 149 , 1 5 5

Bot t e 246

Bot t le 246

Bot tom 1 41 , 149 , 24 1

Bou Ameena 1 17

Bouch 106

Bouch er 226

Bouk olos 2 39

Bourbon 2 39

Bousfie ld 1 29

Bouverie 13 1 239 266

Bowd 246

Bowden 144

Bowe ll 277

Bowe ls 277

Bowen 94 , 277

Bow ers 144 23 2

Bow ie 198

Bowman 209 2 39

Bow t e ll 149

Bowyer 249

Boyack 1 49


Boycot 1 2 1

Boyd 30, 3 4 , 104

Boydan 5 1


P age i P ag e

Boyle 30 125 1 5 2 Brian 303

Boz 1 25 Brian t 1 30

Brabazon 1 57 Briareos 188

Brabn er 140 Brice 2 34

Braby Bridges 2 5 3

Brabo 88 Bride 1 10

Bradbury 1 30 Bridges 140 2 5 3

Brab ender Bridge t 1 10

Brackenbury 1 29, 307 Bridge ton 1 39 , 308

Bracciolin i 242 Briggs 1 40, 25 3 , 25 8

Braddock 1 27 Brigham 308

Braddon 126 Bright 37 302

Bradford 126 Brighthelm 223

Bradhurst 1 26 Brimer

Bradlaugh 1 26 Brin kley 1 32

Bradley 1 26 Brimley 1 32 1 5 2

Braes 273 Brimston e 220

Bradshaw 1 26 Brisban e 1 5 8 25 3 2 16

Brady 40 Brisco 128

Brae 5 1 Brithmor 75

Braham 1 5 2 Britomart is 1 10, 188

Brahmaputra 296 Briton 1 54

Brahmin 261 Bri thomor 74

Braidwood 1 26 Broadfoot 3 2 , 74

Brain 200 Broadhead 3 3

Braman t e 92 Brochie 30

Bramme tj e 272 Brock 209

Bramwe ll 5 2 Brockle 1 46

Bran caleon e 205 Brocklehurst 146

Bran chus 92 Brodersen 5 5 , 296

Bran d 136 200 217 Brodie 144

Bran dan 200 Brody 144

Brandaur BroganBrandubh 200 Brogger 25 8 , 267

Bran nigan 200 Broglie 60, 1 22 , 1 26

Brash 2 16 Broker 267

Bran t 273 Bromh ead 149

Bran ton 1 36 273 Bron t e s 188

Brasch i 267 Brooklan ds 140

Brassey 2 5 8 Brooks 39, 92 , 142

Bravo 1 1 3 Broom 1 49 171 247

Bravura 3 1 , 103 , 1 32 Brough 1 39

Brazier 2 1,2 5 8 , 266 Brown 273 , 167

Bre e Brown e ll 23

Breakspear Brownb ill 25 8

Breb oeuf 2 18 Brownsmi th 18 2 58

Breb isson 1 98 Bruce 167

Bre e ck enridge 137 Bruff 1 39

Bre en 29 Brummagum 269

Bren nus 200 Brunh ilda 102 , 172

Bren t,

23 Brun e llBre tschin e ider 2 5 5 Brun o 172

Bre t t 1 5 4 Brun swick 172 266

Bre twald 23 5 Brun ton 1 26

Brewin 4 1 Brutus 40 5 5 260 300

Brewer 2 37 Bryan t 1 20

Brewst er 237, 285 Bryce 234

P age

Bryses 302

Bryse is 302

2 39

Bubulcus 2 39

74 , 204

Bucer 2 38

Buchan 210

Buchanan 2 10

Buck 265

Bucket t 248

Bucklan d 236

Buckmast er 265

Budd 103 , 199 , 2 36

Buddha 42, 297

Budge 308

Budget t 308

Buffet 273

Buflon 201

Bugby 1 3 2

Bugden 144

Bugg 1 3 2

Bugb ed 1 3 2

Bugb ie 1 3 2

Bukk i (m) 78

Buist 149, 249

Buisson 241

Bull 30

Bullen 169 , 199

Bullinger 2 37

1 5 2

Bullock 1 99

Bullstrode 199


243 , 308

Bumpst ead 1 2 5 , 243

Bun combe 1 38

Bunkum 1 38

Bunyan 278

Buon 273

Buonafede 273

3 5 , 245

Buon arot t i 273

Buocn ompagn e 245

Burbage 1 25

Burbush 1 25

Burden 264

Burde t t 1 39 , 262

Buren 242

Burford 140

Burge ss 1 39

1 5 5

Burgoyn e 1 5 5

:BurkeBurle igh 1 30 232

Burly 23 2

13urn ap u . 1 21

Burn e t 145 , 273 284

INDEX . 0 17













3 5 , 5 9 , 87





5 9 , 68 , 283

Cadogan 1 43 216 220



are ll i

Cagn olaCaiusCalebCae sarCae sarion

Cah illCainCaird


2 5 6




89 206


P age

Caia 102

Caiaphas 141 , 268

Caiquil 103

Caiquilius 103

Cairn ey 141

Cairn s 1 34

Caitrin ni c Se am 299

Caius 102

Caj e tan 140

Calcol 5 6

Calcot 5 6

Calcraft 1 3 3

Caldecot 5 6

Calderon 245 , 25 9

Caldi cot t 148

Caldwe ll 238

Calgach 221

Caleb 229

Calhoun 228

Caliban 284

Caligula 225

Caliph 23 5

Calixtus 2 50

Calimachus 226

Callan 1 10

Calliope 187Callin icus 46

Callist er 223 , 283

Callisto 3 1

Callow 263

Callum 48 , 283

Calman 2 37 25 6, 283

Calton 122

Calthorp 1 5 0

Calvert 239 , 25 5

Calvin 263

Calypso 188 , 189

Cambe ll 30

Cambren sis 1 57

Cambyse s 241

Camden 144

Cam erarius 142

Cameron 30, 142

Camil le 245

Cam illus 245

Camoy s 32

Campal e t to 280

Campbe ll 30

Campion 2 16. 226, 244

CampobassoCampobe llo 30

Can e 229

Cange 242

Cann ing 228 , 279

2 20, 287 Canmore 46 73 , 22727, 81

245 , 25 9 Can ova 1 49 , 1 5 3 , 242

Can on 245

3 18

Cann on 227, 282

CanrobertCanut ius 3 2 , 5 9, 25 4

Can taloup 1 30, 174

Cape l 2 25 246

Cape t 48

Capin o 39

Cappon 3 3 , 73

Carabaeuf 23 3 , 24 1

Caracall a 22 5

CaractacusCaradocCarbarn sCarcasCardwe llCarewCarfaxCargi llCarey 203

Carfax 1 50, 25 4

CarioliCarl 43 , 143

Carling 269


Carlos 43 , 103 , 108

Carlot to 103

Carloving 43

Carlow itz 43

Carlyle 1 30

Carm i 78 , 241

Carm ichae l 28 , 5 4

Carnac 1 41

Carnat ion 83

Carn egie 141

Gam e 47

Carn ot 47

Caro 40

Carolin eCarolusCaroll 43

Carpen ter 241

Carpo 45

Carr 1 5 1

Carrachiol i 249 , 280

Carracci 1 3 5 , 270

Carrick 280

Carrigan 280

Carrion 73

Carron 71 , 144

Carruthen 1 2 3

Carruthers 143

Carry 103

Carshe n a 38

Carstairs 1 5 1

Cart er 242

Cartwright 241

Carus 28 , 40, 134


P age

Carvosso 1 3 6 Caznove 1 5 3 242

Casabian ca Cazvin e 242

Casab on i Ce cchi 3 1

Casan ova Ce cil 103Casaubon Ce cil ia 103 3 3 1

Cases Ce n sorius 47

Case Ce le st inaCasey Ce le st in e 103

Cash Ceph eus 222

Gashan 279 Ce lsus 140

Cashow Cen tgrave 25 8

Casimir Cenwin 242

Cassagnae Ceraunus 46

Cassan der Cere s 183

Cassan dra Cervan t es 29

Casse ls Cervon i 71

Cassib e lan Ce spe de s 92 , 149

Cassidy Ce t ewayo 67

Cassin o Chabot 243

Cassiope 103 109 Chacemore 1 24,241

Cassius 103 Chae eporc 1 44

Cassive launus 193 , 220 Chaff 236

Castor Chaff er 239

Casvin e 242 Chatf e l 236

Caswal lawn Chaffey 23 6

Cast lebar Chaka 67, 226

Cast e lar Chalcas 2 5 9

Cast iglion e Chalcus 25 9

Cast lereagh Challis 2 50

Castriot to 73 Challon er 237Cat 221 Chalmers 243

Catalin e 140 Cham 30

Cat chpole 242 Chambers 243

Cat eran 22 1 ChamberlainCathal 287 Champol lion 1 30

Catharin e 1 1 2 Chan ce llor 242

Cathcart 1 43 Chan dler 243

Cath ie 220 Chang 298

Cathlin Changarn ier 23 3

Cathmor 75 Chan n ing 228 279

Cato 229 Chan train e 1 30

Cat t le 110220 287 Chan trey 250

Cat t 1 10 Chan zy 25 4

Cat tanach 2 21 281 Chapman

Catulus 229 Chaplin 246

Candle 238 ChardonCaughie 2 50 Chare t t e 241

Gaun t 284 Charilaus 92

Cavagnac 1 3 2 , Charle s 43 103 108

Cavan Charlemagn e 43

Cavan agh Charlier 43

Cave 1 5 , 174 , 266 Charlot t e 43 , 103 , 108Cavour 62 , 74 , 1 5 1 Charle sworth 43Caw Charre t te 241

Cawliffe 282 Charron 242

Caxton 1 38 Charteris 247Cazimir 3 8 Chat er 2 5 2

3 20

P g e

Cockerel l 242, 243

Cockshot 86

Cocks 2 10

Cockswald 122

Cockle 96, 264

Cock swold 1 23

Cocle s 188

Codd 1 10


CodyCce sar 89 206

Coesarion 141

006 169 , 2 39

Cosone 3 1 , 103

Coeve lt 1 37, 239


Coeur de Lion 204

Coff e e 285

Coffin 236, 240


Coghlan 40

Coh en 245

Coke 237, 243

Co il 243

Colbert 23 3

Colbrand 146

Colk i t toch 244

Colde tor 199

Coldham 1 29

Coldwe ll 2 38

Cole 22 5 , 196

Colen zo 225

Coleridge 129

Colfax 25 4


Cole t 225

Cole t te 225

Coligny 275

Colin 228

Coll 48 , 196 221

Colle en Bawn 1 10

Colle on e 205

Colley 228 , 245

Collier 245

Collings 225 270, 295

CollisCollop 1 29 148 1 50

Colley 288

Colly 228

Colman 245 , 283

Colon 232

Colquhoun 228

Colt 307

Columba 283

Columbin e 202

Columbus 202

Colville 1 37


P age P age

Combe 1 38 Coparius 240

Combk in 283 Cope 2 57

Comm isky 138 144 266 Cope lan d 236

Commodus 4 1 Copern icus 242

Como 95 Cope stak es

Compton 1 38 Copp 95

Coms tock 1 30 138 Copperfie ld 1 30

Comt e 245 Copperthorn 1 30

Comyn 245 , 270 Copperthwai te 1 30

Con 2 28 Copping 95 270

Conan 228 Coppock 274

Con ce t ta 83 308 CopronymusCon ce it 308 CopseyCon cha 83 Cor 287

Con cobhar 223 , 228 Cora 1 1 5

Con de 245 Corax 200

Conder 243 Corbe t 274

Con dil lac 245 Corbe t t 200

Con dor 243 Corbyn 200

Con dorcet 245 Corcoran 27

Con fucius 296 Corde liaCongal 15 5 , 279 Corde lier 88

Congan 228 , 279 Corder 88

Conger 234 Cordus 88

Congreve 25 8 Corigan 246

Con ig 284 Cork 1 49

Con igsby 284 Corinna 1 1 5

Coriolanus 140

Con n e l Cormac 1 5 1 225,282

Cooli e 263 Corn aro 29

Conmir 75 Corn e ille 29

Conn or 223 , 224 , 228 Corn e lius 29

Con on Cornwall 1 5 5

Conrad 25 5 Cornwallis 1 5 5

Conroy 229 Corregio 149

Con sedin e 44 Corry 246

Con stable 245 Corte 13 2

Con stan ce Cortere al 306

Con stan t Cort ez 291

Con stan t in e Cort i 3 2

Con stan t inus Chlorus 30 Corvus 200

Con sul 105 Cory 246

Con sue lia Corydon 246

Con tarin a 245 Corylus 1 28

Convers 2 5 2 Coryph eus 187

Convil le 229 Coshi , 43 71 305

Conyb eare 257 Cosmo 3 1

Conyers 2 5 2 COSpatrick 263 , 280

Conyhope 1 26 Cossacks 1 57

Cook 247 Cosser 245

Coolaulin 109 Cossus 2 5 4

Cooley . 228 , 229 Cossut ia 2 5 4

Coombe 1 38 Costa 29 279

Coombe s 1 38 Costard 267

Cooper, 240 Cost igan 29 279

Coot 201 Cost er 236

Coote 201 Cost ley 1 3 2 , 15 2


P age P age

240 Cre eCostorph1n e 1 10 1 36, 219 Creek 30, 67, 227

Cothy " Creon 104 188

Cot ta 188 246

Cot t ere ll 1 5 1 Cressida 188 , 301

1 30, 239 Cre ssidas 277 301

Cot tus 188 Cre ssin gham 1 29

Couba 104 Creusa 104 , 188 , 222

Gouhina 85 , 104 Crib 73 , 246

Coudereau 48 Cric 227

Coulava 109 227

Coulson 271 295 Crick e t t 227

Coulter 267 Cri ck it t 227

240 Crickmer 227

Couples 86 Crickmore 227

Courier 246 Crisp 3 1

Court 3 1

Courtn ey Crispus 3 1

246 Cristoval 219

Cousin s 25 1 Ori to 246

Cout ts 25 9 Croll 264

Covey Crocke t t 67 307

Covil le 301

Croft 1 3 3

Coward 239 , 283 Croke 67, 240Cowdray 127 67 240 246

Cow ie 169 , 229 Croly 3 1

Cow ley 228 , 2 39 CromCowper 240 Crombie 71 , 92

Cox 2 10, 2 17, 265 Cromby 142

Coyle 1 22,243 , 280 Cromwe ll 196

Cozier 25 6 Cron 3 3

Cron e 3 3 , 218

Crackn e ll Cronhelm 223

Crack ston e Crook 247

Cradock Crooke s 57, 5 8, 307

Craib Crookshanks 32

Cramer Ci Op 266

Cran e CropleyCrann Crosier . 257Crannage 123 , 279 Cross 82 , 264

Cran nat ch 1 23 124 Crossan 246, 274

Crassus Crosson 279

Craig 289, 13 5 GrossbyCraik Crosse . 82

Cramb Crossk eyCranaus 188 CrossleyCranmer 82

Cran ston 202 288 Crowder 2 5 3

218 Crow 200

Crassus Crowther 25 3

Crat eus 28 Croy 283

Croylan d 200

Crawford 140 200 Croz ier 257

Crasham 125 Cruciger 148

85 1 57

Creb illon 73 , 246 Cruickshanks 3 2


3 21

P age

Crum 142 , 196

Crumble 1 37Crum lish 1 42

Crumly 142

Crumpe ck er 1 37Crut ch ley 148 , 275

Cuba 85

85 , 104


Cuckold 123

Cuff e 285

Cuillean 228

Culde e 262

Cul l 1 47Cullen 1 10, 228

Cul loch 283 285

Cul ross 1 3 5

Culyer 1 5 5

Cumara 228

Cumming 245 , 270

Cumstock 1 36

Cunard 38 , 1 38

42 , 220

Cun liffe 87, 228Cun n ian 228 , 279

Cunn in gham 1 39, 284

Cupid 29 33 , 1 16Cars. 292

Curius 44 246

Curley 3 1

234 , 297

Curran t 1 3 3 , 145

Currie 246

Currier 246

Curry 246Curthose 3 2

Curt in 307Curt is 41 , 47, 240

Curt ius 5 9

1 28CushCusham 64

Cush i 64

Cushman 237Gusin 229

Custan ce 1 30, 2 36Cutbrush 130

Cutbush 122 , 1 30

Cuthbert 2 5 5

Cuvier 240

Cyami tas 234, 307

Cybe le 186Cyb iosac t es 46Cyclops 188Cyn egirus 243

Cyn osura 2 30

Cypse lus 22 1

3 22


Dabn ey 92

Dac ier 25 9

Dacob i 95

Dacre 143

Dacroy 127

Dad 93

Badman 239

Dae dalus 42

Dafli n 37

Daify 92

Daft 3 3

Dag 70

Dagbrod 1 57

Dagfin 37

Dagmar 1 57

Dago 86

Dagobert 86, 168

Dagon 195

Daguerre 2 13

Dak in 92

Dakin s 272

Dalb e th 149

Dalby 1 43,163

Dale 143 , 1 5 1

Dalh ousie 138

Dalke ith 1 43

Dallas 1 38

Dallin ger 86

Dalry 143

Dalrymple 143

Dal ton 126, 1 37, 143

Darn 3 3

Dalzie l 143

Dam 3 3 , 1 14

Damaris 47 200 247

Damaspa 200

Dame 1 14 , 1 1 5

Dam ian 84 , 1 15 , 2 5 2

Damo 246

Damocle s 37

Damon 37, 246

Damper 96

Dampier 96



Dampierre 96

Damse l 1 14

Dan 5 3 , 104

Dan a 157

Danby 1 57

Dan cer 87

Dan cy 87

Dandie 29

Dan do 275


Andy 3 4

Dan dy 34 , 275

Danger 1 30


Angerfield 1 5 2

Dan ie l 5 3

Dan ie ls 5 3

Dan skin 1 57

Dan t e 275

Dan ton 272 275

Danvers 140

Danville 93

Daoud 92

Daphn e 1 28

Dar 96, 247

Dara 127

Darach 76

Darby 148

Darda 5 6

Darg 243

Darling 28 38 , 93

Dam comb e 285

Darn ley 3 3 , 39, 190, 285Darrach 76, 1 27, 281

Darw in 38

Dasa 261

Dashwood 1 2 1

Daspodius 32 , 74

Dass 261

Dathan 62


Aub ign e 92

Daught er 295

Daun cy 87

Daun cy 121 128

Dawe 92

Dawe s 92

Dawki n s 272

Daw son 92

David 5 4 , 5 9, 92



Davie 92

Davie s 92

Davit t 92 , 272

Davoust 98

Davy 92

Day 23 3 247 291

D eacre 1 43

Deakin s 272

Dean e 144

P age

De An ton io 272

D earle 275

D earlove 93 , 97, 1 17

Deas 38 146

Death 1 39

Debir 5 6

Debonaire 42 , 47

Debor 104

Deborah 5 6, 104

D ebuk e 1 26

D e cay e s 1 3 3

D e Chair 1 5 1

De cimus 91

De cius 91

De ck 25 6

De cker 2 5 6

Dedan 64

D e e 3 3 , 45 , 190, 224 , 263

De eks 207, 2 34

De er '


De erfoot 22

D e Foe 2 38 , 275 , 301

D efrain e 1 21

D eguign es 1 28


Israeli 275

De itch 161

De i triche ssen 295

De ity 76

Dejoces 191 207

D e la Bost 149

De la Croix 275

D e la,Faye 1 26

D e la Fie ld 1 3 3 143

D e la Fon tain e 241

De la Hay 143

De la Marche 275

De la Mot t e 1 34

D e la P lace 1 5 2 266

De la P ole 48

D e laport 1 5 2 266

D e la Roche 136

D e la Rovere 12 1 , 1 27

D e la Rue 266, 275

D e la V ega 1 33

De lcambre 243

D elescluse 145

De luc 275

De lcombre 243

D e Lolme 127De las P en as 88

D e launn ay 260

De laware 275

D e lfino 2 10

De Lhuys 145

De Ligny 1 25

De lilah 1 12 243

Dellar 241

3 24

P g e

Domin us 101 , 247, 303

Domi tian 200, 247Don

Donaghue 227

Donald 45

Donald Bain 30

Donaldson 272

Donate llo 247

Donavan 13 3


Onde s 97

Don egan 272 , 279


z e tt i 247, 274

Don Juan 94 , 247

Don ovan 1 3 3 227 280

Donn a 101

Donn er 89

Donkin 272

Don P edro 247Doo 3 3

Dora 1 17

Dorcas 104 109 202

Dorman 236

Dormer 121 1 28 236

Dorn er 1 28



Dorothy 1 15 , 23 5

Dorri t t 274


Orsay 2 35


Orsey 204 235

Dory clus 2 15

Doubleday 86

Doubles 86

Douce 220 248

Douch ert y 1 28

Dougan 227

Doughty 29

Douglas 142 , 147

Douglass 71

Doq 3 3

Doutremer 266

DoveDow 227 262

Dowali 3 3

Dow] 3 3 1 5 5

Dowd 66

DowdsDowell 1 5 5

Dowlat 221

Down ie 85


Oyl e 1 5 9

Drabble 2 3 3

Draco 207

Dragoman 2 5 1

Draper 267

Drayton 1 39 149

Dred 5 7

Dredge 249


P age

Drew 264 , 284

Dreyfuss 173

Drin an 1 22

Dring 1 5 9

Drin kwat er 47, 72 , 73

Driscoll 40

Drood 284

Drouin 44 1 45

Drudge 242

DruganDruid 1 24

, 125


264 276

Drusilla 104

Drusus 104

Dryander 1 2 1 , 1 27

Dryburgh 139 , 149

Dryden 72 , 144

Dualde 48

Duart e 224

Dubarry 1 39, 1 5 1

Duberry 1 5 1

Dubbs 242

Dubois 125

Bubuke 126

Duchesn e 127Du Cange 1 35 242

Ducardonn e t 1 29

Duce 220, 248

Duck 220, 248

Ducke t t 220, 248

Dudgeon 168 , 2 16

Duenna 101

Duessa 1 17Dufailly 1 26, 127

Dufoy 1 26, 127

Duff 3 3 190 262


erin 142


us 149, 1 5 5


y 3 3 , 227Dufrain e 1 2 1

Dufre snoy 126

Dugald 3 3 , 1 5 5 , 227Bugall 1 5 5

Duggan 279

Duguid 42 , 46 123 , 2 17Duguign es 1 28

Du Halde 48 , 149 , 266

Duilius 261

Duke 208

Dulcib e lla 1 18

Dulcin ea 1 18

Dul ong 1 39

Dumah 47, 70

Dumas 1 27

Dumesn il 1 36

Dumn orix 226

Dunbar 137

P age

Dun can 227, 303

Dun can son 287

Dun combe 1 38

Dun cy 87

Dunde e 133

Damville 1 37

Dun das 1 34

Dun don ald 45

Dun lop 13 4

Dunmure 288

Dun n 3 3 227 279

Dunois 128

Dun oyer 126

Dun s Scotus 160

Dun ville 371

Dupin 128 277

Dun s 1 57

Dun stan 170

Dun ston e 170

Dupan loup 175

Dupre 145 279

Duque sn e 127

Duran t 229 , 275

Duran t e 229, 275

Durley 72 , 13 2

Duroc 136

Durocque 1 36

Durward 60, 236

Dust 123

Duval 143

Dwight 275

Dwyer 3 3

Dyball 98 , 224 , 234

Dyce 38

Dyer 25 6

Dykes 1 36

Dymon d 1 34

Dymon t 13 4

Dyson 98 , 271

Dzohara 106, 1 57

Ebed 260

Ebedme le ch 260

Eben Daoud 92

E ben ezer 5 3 , 66, 165

Eber 64

E ccles 1 5 2

E ch egan 278 , 279

76, 301

E ck

E ckhardt76, 127

Be le cta 1 1 5

E colampadius75 96 292E d 107


E dde en

E ddyE den 144 , 1 5 9

E di thE dgarE dgeE dge comb "

E dgewood 12 1 122 1 5 2

12 1 149

278 , 280

62 71 200

1 34 , 1 5 8


E lli ot tE lli ston

E llwoodE lmo

E l Mudo.

E ln athanE loali

3 25

267, 180



2 13


5 2 , 5 4

5 4

5 5


5 3 , 5 4



5 3 108

36 107 132

1 22




5 5 , 93

5 3 , 108

90, 264




P age

Emilianus 299

Emily 102 233

Emir 260

Emir al Omrah 5 3 , 260

EmlyEmma 99 72 102

Emmanue l 67

Emmery 23 3

Emm e t 99 1 13

Emmin gs 2 17

Emmon s 1 34 1 37, 1 50

Emmor 22 , 2 5

Empe docle s 37

En cke 203 , 225

En clos 1 30

En dymion 303

En eas 4 5

En fan t 278

Enge lman 222

E nge ls 149

E ngli sch 1 57

Engstrom 1 34 , 148

En n ius 91

Ennan 289

En oc’h 5 9, 67, 238

E n osh 28

Enriquez 290

En shaw 1 25

E n sor 1 25

Eost er 76 81 1 84

E pamin on das 301

Epamn on 270, 301

E paphras 182

Epen e tus 5 4

Epeus 225

E picurus 223

Epigon i 301

Epiman e s 46

Epiphan ius 46, 81

E phraim 68

Ephrem Syrus 160

Ephron 71 , 104

Episcopius 308

Episcopus 308'

Epj e 272

Epps 108

E psom 102

Epsy 1 18

Erasmus 38 182

Erastus 5 9

Erato 38 , 187, 182

Eratosthen e s 182 187

Erch en b old 222

Ercole 37 182 , 2 12

ErebusEri c 2 34

Erigena 1 57, 282

3 26



. n 264

. u 201


1 8







1 12





. H 2 14




1 5 2

2 18


1 26

. u 184




. u 102

4 1

1 22


1 11

1 1 1

1 1 2

38 302


. u 1671 3 4 167


1 12




P age

Euler 240

Eumen s 41 , 301

Eumen ides 41 301


Eun iceEun icius

Eun om ia 186Euodia 1 1 5

Eupator 42

Euph emia 1 12

Euphem ius 60

Euphrastus 25 5

Euphrosyn e 186, 224

Eupolemos 224 , 226Euripide s 1 88 , 302

Europa 3 1 188EuryaleEuryn ome 1 88 , 235

En sebes 238Eusebius 104 114 , 302

Eustace 44

Eustach iusEutaxiaEut erpe 187Eutropius 187

Eutychus 43 , 5 8 , 221Eva 27, 60

Evan 277Evan der 42 , 76

Evange l 1 1 3

Evange lin e 1 1 3

Evan s 94

Eve 27, 60, 1 14

Eve le th 1 5 2

Eve lyn 1 14

Everard 206

E vere tt 206

Everge t e s 46

E very 206

Evirchomi 1 10

Evippus 203

Evremond 1 3 5

Ewart 206

Ewe ll 280

Ew ingExce l len cy 90, 202


EyckEyn ion 278

EyreE zer 5 3 , 78

E zra 78 165 , 223

E zri 78

E zbon 71


Fabri ciusFaddom

Fadlade en



Fairch ildsFaircloth

Fairh eadFaiers 87

Fairservice 23 3

Faith 75 1 22

Falcon er 249

Falk 1 25

Falken st e in 1 25 , 13 5

Falklan d 125 , 236

Fall 1 3 6

Fallon 38

Fall as 1 38

Falshaw 149

Falstaff 214

Fare foot 264

Farie 25 9

Farm 23 2

Farmer 23 2

Farth ing 1 5 3

Farnworth 149

Fan comb 1 38

Fan cy 189

Fan e 32 , 1 5 2

Fan euil 1 5 2

Fanny 109

Fan shaw 1 25 , 1 26

25 3

Farn ie 491

Farnworth 129, 149

Farr 248

Farragut 248

Farran t 248

Farrar 2 39 , 248

Farren 248

Farquhar 29

Fat e s 187

72 , 25 2

Fat ican 227

Fauch eur 234

Faulds 1 29 , 1 30

Faun t 5 2 , 24 1 , 278

Faun t leroy 5 2 , 276


241 Faust in a’

245 Faustulus



3 28

Foscan i 2 5

Foscari 25

Foscaro 25


Fose t ta 172

Foske t t 123

Foss 308

Fost er 92 188 248

Foth er 269

Fothergill 147 269

FotheringhamFouche 206, 23 5

Foulis 48 , 1 25

Foun tainP owe l l 277

Fowler 25 3

P own s 15 2

Fox 177Foz ierFra 1 17 264

Frame 307

Fran cis.

Fran ces 109

Fran cicello 109

Fran cis 108 15 6, 25 1

Fran ciscoFran comb e 1 38

Fran con iFrangi pan i 257

Franken ste in 149

Franklin 23 2 , 277

Fraser . . 129, 246

Frater 1 17, 262

Fraule in 43 1 14

Frazer 246

Frede linda 1 12

Fre derick 40, 5 6, 227

Fre e 85 1 17

Fre edman

Fre ehouse 125

Fre eman 45 , 68 , 23 2

239 233

Fre emon t 168

Fre ischutz 1 14

Frere 264

Frejur 1 41

Frevil le 1 21

Frew 43 , 45 , 269

Freya 168 , 172

Freyer 1 68

Freyhoif er 232

Freymon t 168

Freymuth 168

Freytag 85 167

Freywood 168

Friar 1 17, 264

Friday 85 , 89



168 172 180

Frisby 1 57

Frith 122

Fri thestan 138 , 1 5 8

Fritz 4141

Frobisher 23,249, 25 8



FroissartFroman t


Fronds" 38 , 42

FryFadl e AllahFue sli . 3 3 , 206

Fuljambe 249 286

Fullalove 1 5 3

Fullbrook e 1 46

Fuller 249

1 30

Fulvia 104,1 17


Furioso 219

FurlongFurn ival

FurchFuse liFuss 3 2 , 95

FustP uther Edde enFyfe 25 3

GABALU S 194 294

25 6

Gabrie lGad 83 , 221 , 2 19

Gadsby 44 185 285

Gae l 243

Gaffer 47 101 , 104

Gage 222 , 242

Gaius 182 , 183

Galal 92

Galatea 188 288

Galba 62

Galbraith 262

Galen t in e 28

Gale s 57 1 5 5

Galgacus 22 1

Gall e t ly 60 107

Galli le i 291

Gallileo 291

Gall 298


P age

Gal lagher 1 5 5

Galle ty 3 3


Galli e 15 5

Gall io 92 188

Gallnandona 1 10

Gallocher 1 5 5

Galloway 1 23 1 5 5

Gallows 144

Gall yon 92 , 1 5 5 , 279

177, 206

Galt 1 5 5

Gam 30, 5 8

Game 30

Gammer 101 , 202 , 280

Gamalli 78

Gamalie l 57Gambe t ta 93

Gamge e 295 296 304

Gangadasa 261

Gange . 295

Gan s 201

Ganymede 189Gaol 133

Gaolnandon a 1 30

Garbett 2 14

Garcilasso 2 14


Gardin er 23 3

Gardner 23 3

Gareb 3 5

Garfie ld 129

Garibaldi 39 214

Garlic 2 14

Garner 23 3

Garn e t 39 214

Garrat 2 14

Garrick 65


Garry 13 5,23 3

Garryowen 23 3

Garscadden 1 33

Garth 1 3 3

Garthshore 1 3 3

Garvey 2 13

Garvon 1 33

Gascoign e 1 5 6

Gaskin 1 5 6

Gasparde 82


Gass 103

37, 15 6

Gat ling 44

Gatt ina 99, 104

Gat ty 99

Gau 307

EweGault 1 5 5

Gaun t 284

Gautrey 167

Gavazz i 3 1

Gavigan 285

Gay 4 3

Gaylor 5 9 , 237

Gebar 28 , 87

28 , 272


Ge e 289 281

Gehanguire 24

Gehaz i (m) 5 4 , 5 8 , 79

Ge lasius 3 1 , 262

Ge ldart 262

Ge le e 3 1

Gemalli (m) 73 183 , 196Gemme ll 86

Gen evieve 1 10

Genaro 85

Gen seric 201

G e och 288

Gen t leman 98 , 299

Geoffrey 168

George 74 , 23 3

Gen t il 29

Gen t le s 98

Ge orgin a 104

Ge orgius 104

Gera 265

Gerard 38 ,2 14

German 2 14

Gerold 2 14

G eron 202

Geron imo 181 260

Gerram 2 14

Gershom 1 5 5 , 265

Gerst e in 213

Gertrude 214


Geryon 187, 202 , 267

Ge ta 1 5 6

Ge t t ings 173 , 270

Ghirlandi s 249

G iacomo 95

G ian an toni o 94

Gian bat ista 93

Gian b ian chi 93

Gian carlo 291

Gianfigli azzi 94,292

Giann a 94

G iannak e s 94

G ian on e 93






GilbertGilchristGil dasGilderoyGildh e lmGile sGilfather

Gil feather


Gilkin son


G illG il lanGillander

Gill e spieGilleroyGillevroyGillibred

GilliesG illiganG illilan d

Gill onG illotGilmair


GilpinGilroyG ilsonGim son

GingleG ingoulph

Gin n e thonGiocon doGion on e

Giordan oG iorgo

Giorgon e

Giot toGiovan e t t iGiovann iGippGippsG iradin



G irlan dus


Gisse la . .

Gisse lda

Gladst e in

3 29

P age

Gladston e 39, 125

Gladuse 32

Glan cy 27

Glanvill e 1 27

Glan der 236

Glan ders 127

Glare s 4 3

Glashier 258

Glass 3 1 142 274

Glasse 227

Glassford 227

Glasspole 142 1 5 2 , 242

Glasscock 274

Glashan 142 , 146

Glaucus 3 1

Glaukopis 3 1 109

Glaukus 109

Glendinn in g 143

Glenfie ld 1 27

Glengarry 288

Gliddon 125 1 3 5

Gloriosa 84

Gluck 43 5 8 , 221

Glycera 238

Gnatho 92

Gnatus 261

God 75 , 76, 77

Goda 76

Godard 76

Godfrey 84 , 107, 1 1 5

Godfri th 107

Godiva 76, 96, 115

Godman 76

Godolph in 176

Godse ll 260

Godshall 260

Godwin 224

Goes 201

Goe the 1 5 6

Goff 25 9

Goggle 1 42

Gold 40

Golden strom 1 48

Goldie 93

Golding 93

Goldschmid 25 8

Goldsmi d 2 5 8

Goldsmith 2 5 8

Goliath 57

Goligh t ly 60, 240

Gollacher 92

Gollan d 147

Golowat sheff 3 3

Gombe en 280

Gomez 94 290

Gompertz 220

Gon demar 1 5 5

3 30


Gonvil le 94

Gon zales 220

Gon zalo 220

Good 42, 93

Goodblood 245

Goodbrother 5 5

Goodchil dGoode 42

Gooden ough 1 5 2

Goodfe llow 245

Goodlif fe 87

Goodman 42 , 208 , 238

Goodwin 224

Goody 273

G001 147

Goole 39


Gor 266

Gordon 1 47, 210, 266

Gore 2 14

Gorman 2 14

Gorgon 188 , 268

Gorham 274

Gorte en 280

Gory 266

Gossip 307

Gosch en 201

Gosling 201 , 270


Goss 263

Gossaladasa 261

Gosse t 263

Gossip 76

Gossoon 280

27, 42 , 238

Gothman 2 38

Gothram 76

Gotob ed 1 14 238

Goton 1 12

Got t 75 76 180

Got teb edde 302

Got teschalcus 260, 261

Got t in 180

Got treu 72

40, 93

Gough 25 9

Goulburn 147

Gourko 3 2

Govan 1 3 1 , 25 9

Gow 25

2 5 9

Gowan lock 285

Gowdie 93

Gow er 2 10

Goy 266

Gracchus 3 2

Grace 1 16


P age

74 , 244

34 , 60, 64


Graeme 167

Grafl 248

Grafton 1 25

Graham 167

Grain e 107, 1 10, 279

Grammatacus 244

Grammon t 1 3 4

Gran ahan 279

Grandius 3 4

Granger 233

Gran t 3 4

Gran ton 1 38

Granvil le 1 39

Grasse lli 47

Grat ian 4 1

Grave s 1 38 , 25 8 , 248

Gray 3 1 109 209

Greathead 3 3

Gre en 1 3 3 , 279

Gre en e . 279

Gre enh ill 1 5 3

Gre en shields 1 50

Gre enwood 1 22 , 1 5 3

Gre ers 282

Gregalach 281

Gregorj ew 294

Gregory 266

Grenvill e 1 39

Gre ers 282

Gre sham 3 4 1 29 1 39

Gre t chen 1 1 2

Gre ig 281

Grey 209

Griers 282

Grie sbach 92 , 146

Grifli n 207

Griffi th 27

Grig 44

Grigg 25 1

Griggs 44 , 282 , 109

Grimaldi 167

Grimbald 167

Grime s 282

Grimm 1 67

Grimmon d 167

Grimr 167

Grimston e 167

Grist 2 5 2

Grocock 274

Groenve l t 1 5 2

Grogan 30, 67, 227

Groom 2 57 203

Groomsport 282

GrootGrosj eanGrosshezogGrosste ste 33

Grosven or 243

Grot e 3 4

Grot ius 3 4

Grouchy 3 2

Grove s 97, 123 , 170

Grubb 129

Grucch io 3 2

Grumble 1 37

Grun d 144

Grun dy 144

Gryphus 46

Gualt erio 2 16

Gue lph 66, 174 , 206

Guercin o 3 1

Guerola 292

Guerrero 2 5 1

Guerrick e 2 5 1

Gue st 257

Gueuse 39

Gufii e 3 3

Guido 1 23 1 25

Guilden stern 2 18

Guillot in 171 274

Guilme t te 274

Gulippus 203

Guild 262

Guin 30

Guinn ess 30, 281

Guion 123

Guire 2 10

Guiscard 264

Gui se 1 30

Guisseppe 108

Guisseppina 108

Guiteau 1 23

Guizot 274

Gulippus 203

Gull 147

Gulliver 43

Gully 147

Gulph 66

Gum boil 220

Gumbold 220

Gumpre ch t 220, 262

Gundolph 176

Gun dy 220

Gun i (m) 78

Gunn 220

Gunn ing 270

Gun t er 220,270

Gun ton 220

Guppy 206

Gurn ey 1 40, 227

3 3 2

P age

Haugh 150Haussche in 14

Hausman 237


Have lock 172

Harve stHavilan d 1 5 1

Hawes 1 28 , 1 50, 178

HawkerHawkinHawk in sHawks 1 3 5

HawkwoodHawleyHayHaye s 14 , 26


HaynauHaywardHaze le lpon iHaze le lopon i

Haz lewoodHazli ttHazzardHeadHeaddyHeadlamHeadlan d 1 37, 1 5 0



Hebb lewhit e

HebeHebe lHeber 64 206

He ctor 301

Hedderwick 1 29 , 149

Hedge s 1 24 1 34 1 37



171 172 180172



2 10


36 40 106






P age

Heller 266 Herries 178

He lmon t 1 34 Herrin g 191 228 247

He lon Hersche ll 263

He loise 105 , 25 1

He lve t ius Hertogh

Heman s Hertzen 295

Hemp Herve st 98

Henan 1 22 Herzog 248

Hen chman 203 , 225 Hesperides 186 301

Henderson He sperus 186

Hen drick 178

Hen dricks He therl ey 1 50

Hen dry 4 1 178 290 Hewe t t 274

Hendriot 274 , 280

Hengist Hewson 274

Hengler 203 225 94 , 295

Henn e sy Hickhock 97 25 1 279

Henrie t ta Hickie 25 1

Henry 4 1 178 247 25 1 , 279

Hepburn 146 Hickman 232 , 25 1

Hephestus 184 Hicks 97, 25 1

Hepwith 1 24 134 Hidalgo 1 5 6 291

Hepzibah 1 18 Hiddai (m) 78

Hera Hierax 201

Heracli tus H ieronymus 260 18 1

Heraclide Hierophan tus 25 4

Heraclius Higgin bot tom 1 27

Herapath 223 Higgin s 127, 274

Herbert 37 274

Herb e lot Higgs 274

Herbe st Higham 1 37

Hercule s 37, 274

Herepath 223 296

Hereward Hijo 307

Herimar Hilarius 43

Heriot 2 16 Hilary 43

Herman 171 , 2 16, 248 Hilda 172Herm e s 182 , 183 H ildebran d 172

Hildegarde 1 13 172

Hermion e Hildemar 172

Hermin o Hildershe im 180

Hermodulus 193 Hildyard 172

Hermogen e s 302 Hillbran d 172

Hermosa 104 , 106 H ille lHermosus 104 , 106 Hillhead 46, 1 37

Hermozus Hills 1 27, 149, 1 3 6

Hernand Hilton 1 37, 236, 273

Hern an de z Himmelina103 , 1 13 187

Hern e 5 8 , 1 25 , 201 Himme l truda 1 1 3

Hero Hind 233

Herod 105 228 301 Hin es 271

Herodiah H inn om 5 7

Herodius 105 , 301 Hin shaw 125 , 137Herodotus Hin sonHerr 96, 247, 248 1 25 ,Herrara Hipparchus 239

Herrick 178 Hippias 23 5 , 242 , 278

P age

Hippocrat e s 3 1 , 28 , 203Hippodamus 204

Hippolytus 203

Hippon ax 203

Hippothoe 3 3

Hippothoon 3 3

3 3

177, 200

Hirsch 177

25 4

Hislop 1 26

H it ch cock 274

Hludwigg 105

H0 144

Hoad 236

Hoadley 236

Hoang- t se 297

Hoard 238

Hoare 5 9 , 267

Hobab 93

Hobart 41

Hobbs 2 5 5

Hobkirk 1 26

Hobson 25 5 , 271

Hoch e 16, 1 36

Hockley 127

Hod 5 4 , 78

Hodaviah 5 4

Hodder 107, 277

Hode sh 82

Hodevah 5 4

Hodge 2 1 5

Hodges 2 1 5

Hodge son 271

Hodijah 77

Hoe land 75 25 1

Hoff 2 18

Hoffman 166 23 2 , 245

Hoff richt er 291

Hogan 16, 4 1 , 226

Hogarth 47, 1 38

Hogb en 1 27

Hogg 167

Hoggpen 1 37

Hoglah 201

Hogsmouth 210

Hoh en zoll ern 1 3 4 , 25 6


Holbe in 87

Holden 1 3 6, 2 36

1 3 6, 2 36

Holdin g 236


HoleHol lan d 1 3 2 1 5 7

Holli n shed 1 26

Holm 127

INDEX. 3 3 3

P age P age

Holman 2 50 Host is 298

Holms 1 27 Hot spur 204 , 2 25

Holofern e s 14 , 239 Houri 17, 103

Holroyd 1 29 House 34 , 1 30, 149

Holst ead 1 23 Housego

Holt 1 26 Housen ear 1 3 1

Holtum 123 , 2 5 0 Houston 280

Holybad 2 38 Hout 1 26

Holyoake 127 Hout e n 1 25

Holywe ll 2 38 Hoveden 1 19

Holzman 25 0 Hovey 232 291

Hom e 13 5 , 1 5 1 , 282 Howard 236

Homer 1 39 , 1 5 2 , 230 Howden 1 19 , 144

Hon or 1 18 Howe 1 36, 289

Hon ora 1 18 Howe ll 3 6

Hon orius 4 1 How ie 289

Hon eyman 25 1 Hewit t 289

Hood 271 Howlan d 1 38

Hook 13 6 How le t 201

Hooker 243 Howle t t 3 6

Hooper 240 Hoy 143 , 209

Hoorn 1 36 Hozier 63

Hop Corn e ll 278 Hoyle 15 1

Hope 75 , 93 , 1 26 Hross 173 , 178

Hope ton 126 Hruodl and 2 19

Hope toun 126 HubertHopgood 1 26, 1 38 , 143 Hubbard 4 1

Hophn i 88 Huckst er 240

Hophrah 61 Huddleston s 4 1

Hopkins 274 Hudibras 226 2 5 9

Hopley 1 26 Hudson 271

Hoppe t Hue ssen 274 278 , 295

Hop P ringle 264 , 281 Huggin s 280

Hopps 4 1 278 291 Hugh 14 105 280

Hor 1 3 5 Hughie 280

Horace 1 13 238 Hugibert 41

Horat io 238 Hughina 105

Hormisdas 302 Hugin 167, 185

Horn 136 25 0 Hughe s 280

Horn e 25 3 Hught enburg 1 37

Horn er 2 50 Hui e 274

Horrocks 2 16 Hu 0 1 67

216 Hugdah 97

Horsa 203 , 225 Hul y er 221 , 25 6, 286

Horse fall 1 37 2 18 Human 239

Horseman 203 Humbert 292

Horsman 225 278 Humboldt 1 57Horsen ail 199 Hume 62 , 1 3 5 , 1 5 1

Horten se 23 3 Hun 177

Hort en sius 2 3 3 Hun ni ade s 1 5 7

Horus Hun t 199, 243

Hosea 94 304 Hun t erHosh e im 1 37 Hupatos 105

Hosier 63 , 244 Hur 1 3 5

Hosius 87, 1 1 3 , 2 38 Hurai 2 5 0

Hospital is 307 Hurd 2 39

Host il ius 48, 298 Hurdis 239

3 3 4

P ag e

Hurley . 1 3 3

Hurst 1 26

Husban d 2 3 3

Ii ush 78

Hushah 89

Hushai 89

Husham 89

Hush im 89

Huski sson 173 , 271

Huss 202

Hussey 1 5 3

Hussy 1 5 0

Hut chan 280 281

Hut ch e on 280

Hut che son 280, 281

Hut ch ings 280

Hut in 45

Hut t 1 3 3

Hut ton 1 38 , 1 50

Huxley 161 236, 280

Huygen s 167

Hyacin th 104

Hyades 301

Hyam 1 37, 196

IIyde . u

Hyder Ali 247

Hydrogen es 91

Hy N ial 1 5 5

Hyke 97

Hyllus 124

Hyloeus 1 24

Hylus 1 24

Hyn dman 2 3 3 , 2 5 7

Hypat ia 105 , 308

Hyperides 301

Hyperion 301

Hyrcanus 1 5 9 , 269

IIyrde 239

Hyslop 126

Hystaspes 165


P age

Ik e 273

Ikk ish 5 7

Ilde fon sa 172

Immacolato 83 , 102

Immanue l 67Imogen 91 , 301

Imola 14 1

Impey 4 1

Imrie 2 3 3

In ce 30 1 5 2

In ch e s 1 5 2

In cly tus 5 6, 69

In cogn ita 1 1 5


Indraputra 296

Indicopleust e s 162 249

In dicot t 122

In ez 291

In fan t 41 , 93

In fan ta 41

In fan te 41

In igo 44

In g 41


Ingersoll 74 , 1 30, 1 5 2

Ingle 4 1,171

Ingli s 1 57

Ingomar 308

Ingram 171

In khammer 308

Inkpen 1 37

Inman 240

In n is 30, 15 2 , 285

In n ocen t 85

Iolan the 1 17Iphi crat e s 208

Iph idamus 208

Iph igen ia 28 208

Iph in oe 208

Iphin ous 208

Iph is 28 208

Ippofilo 204

Irad 208

Iren e 45 , 186, 289

Iren eus 45

Ire ton 267

Iris 189, 289

Irman 171

Iron s 1 5 3

Iron side s 28

Irving 141

Isaac 97

Isabe lla 148 , 248

Isaiah 60

Isbister 1 5 1

Iscariot 62 , 1 41

Iscariot es 68 , 141

3 36

P age

Jowe t t 272

Juan 94

Juan Lopez 1 1 1

Juan ita 108

Jnani to 94

Juare z 290

Juba n . 85

Jubal 5 9

Jubina 85 , 104

Judah 83

Judas 83

Judd 83

Jude 83

Judith 83 , 105 , 108

Judoeus 40, 83

Judson 83

Judy 83

Juez 291

Juke s 83

Jul er 83

Jule s 45 , 83 , 1 41

Juha 141

Julian 83 141

Jul ien 141

Julius 141

Julvat ter 167

Jun eker 3 4

Jungfrau 69 , 269

Jun ius 34 108 300

Juno 184

Jun o t 34

Jupit er 5 0 184

Jurgait is 296

Jury 293

Just 273

Justus 42 , 61

Jut e 45 , 83 , 182

Juven al 3 4 291 , 296

Juxon 94

KADI 308

Kadijah 308

Kali 3 1 , 162 , 187

Kalidasa 261

Kallai 5 9

Kalt schmid 2 5 9

Kame s 244

Kammerer 238

Kan t 42

Kan zler 242

Karadagh 285

Karage orge opulos 295

Karakoff 285

Karathe odory 285

Karl Bit ter 43

Karolyi 43

Katharin e 1 12


KatharownaKat eKathle enKath linKathyKat t ieKaufman

KayKe anKeatsKearn eyKedarKe demah

Ke ithKe eKe enKe ll arKe llerman

Ke llochKe llyKe llsKe ltKempKempen feldtKemperKempsterKemptonKen drickKen ealyKenmare

KenmuirKenn e dyKenn e thKen nyKen rickKen tKen t igernKenwol fKenyonKeoKe oghKeplerKeppe llKeren -happuch

KernKerrKerridgeIi erse

KersleyKe t t leKe turahKeyKe ziahKhanKhanamKiddK idder

1 12 ,75 1 10

236,29 , 182 ,

33 , 46, 73 ,


124 ,1 24 ,

123 1 5 6

2 16

4 1 ,1 5 2 ,

4 1 ,

3 1 ,

62 68 ,1 5 1




4 1 209

P age


1 16


1 10

1 16

1 12




2 19


5 9

5 9








1 25



1 3 2



1 30









1 27




3 1





1 5 5

1 5 1

1 5 2

1 38



1 16


1 16

2 5 0




P age

Kidman 240

Kidston 209

Kilburn 1 24

Kilgour 2 10, 266

Kille en 280

Kil ligrew 1 24

Kilpatrick 286

K in caid 227

Kin ch 25 0

Kin ealy 227


K ing 234

Kinglass 142 , 207, 227

Kingsley 1 3 2

Kin gston 39 1 39

Kin k 2 50

Kin loch 227, 288

Kin naird 227

K inroy 142

Kin tor 46

Kirby 1 48

Kircher 250

Kircheule 201

Kirk 1 5 3 , 250

23 5

Kirkhoppe 1 26

1 26

Kirst ie 103

Kirsty 103

Kirwan 45

Kish 82

Kish i (m) 78 , 82

Kiss 240

Kistn er 236

Kit 1 23 219

Kitt 123

Kit to 2 19

Ki t ts 21 9

Klahwina 293

Klaus 225

Kle in 85 , 283 , 292

Kling 266

Klinging 270

Klinkscale s 266

Klosh 225

Kme ty 261

Kn aggs 1 36

Kn app 1 5 1 , 262

Kn atchbull 169 2 12

Kn ave 260

Kn e e 1 36 289

Kn e ll 1 27

Kn igh t 92 , 169, 261

Kn ob e ll 169 , 2 10

Kn obb s 277, 289

Kn ock 124 , 1 27, 1 36

Knollys 1 36, 277, 289

Kn owe 289

Kn ow les 1 36, 273 , 289

Kn owlton

Kn ox 65 , 1 27, 1 37

Knuckler 2 50

Koch 237

Koll senKon ig

39, 1 39

Kon igsfe ldtKopf 3 3 , 46

Kopin ski 275 , 293

Korah 3 2 263

Kore 201

Korn ilofi'

29 , 293


Koskiusko 87

KossuthKost er 236, 279

Kouli Kh an

Kraft 28 2 3 5

Krat ts 1 5 6

Kriga 227

Krishna 38 103

Krogg 240


Kronhe lm 223

Kron os 82 193

Kruger . 240


Krupp 3 2 , 266

Kun thKuria 1 1 5

Kuriakos23 5 , 303

Kushah iah 73 , 78 , 82

Kyd 278 296

Kyle 143

LABAN 72 76, 79

Labda 22 1

La B e lle Sauvage 48 , 248Labeo 3 2 , 299

Lab ienus 3 2 , 299

Lab onde

Labouchere 226

LaceyLachaise 1 49, 1 5 2

Lach e sisLachlanLachland 24 , 34 , 148


P age

Lachman 261

Lackie 43

Lacklan d 39

Lacordaire 266

Lactan t ius 188

Lacy 238 244

Ladds 222

Lade 1 2 3 , 145

Ladislaus 38 , 294

Lady 101 , 105

Ladyman 84

Lagan 144

Lagden 144

Lagide 64

La HayeLahm iLaidLaidlaw 123 , 145

Lain gLain ezLaird 105 , 25 7

LaishLakeLakin 273

Lala Rookh 48

Laleman d 1 57

Lalor 3 1 ,Lamarck 147, 149

Lamart in e

Lamb 1 34 , 144 , 198

Lambert 5 2 , 219

LambieLambrusch in iLamb shead 1 37, 1 5 0

Lamm ie 39 , 144 , 198

Lammermoor 265 , 267

Lamon t 1 34 , 282 , 287


LamourLamplough .

LamyrusLangiewi tz

LangleyLangloisLan ceLan ce lotLan derLan de llsLan dl essLan dse erLan dor

Lan dtLan eLan ey

76 293




90 301

2 16

3 37

P age

Lann e s 1 5 1

Lan fran c 232

Lang 3 4


Ange 76

LangeLange li er 243

Lan gham 1 39 , 1 49

Langhorn e 1 3 5 1 37

Langley 1 57

Langridge 1 35Langt on 75 , 1 3 1 , 1 37

Langtry 1 5 2

Lan shuil 109

Lanyer 2 38

Lanyon 1 5 0

Laocoon 245

Laodik e 1 1 2

La P aume 264

La 149

96, 302

Lapidoth 17 103 302

3 4

Lara 1 45 191

Larcher 2 17

Lardn er 226, 2 36

Large 139

Laridan 47

Larkin s 2 18 , 273

Larpen t 1 3 1

Larrieux 1 32

Larrive 1 33

Larry 2 18 , 273

Lars 105 , 1 45 , 191 , 295

Larsdot ter 295

Lartia 105

Lart ius 191

Lasce lle s 247

Lasthen e s 28

Latham 157

Lathyrus 47

Lat imer 250

Lat inus 105 1 3 1

2 50

131, 188 , 189Lat ta 73 286

Lat to 25 5

Laud 86

Laudius 45

Laugh 1 3 1

Laugh ton 13 1 1 37

Laun ce 162

Laura 105 , 128

Lauren ce 2 18

Laure t ta 105

Lavat er 2 5 2

Laveau 47, 202

Laven der 249

3 38

Lavin iaLavoiser

Lavot t e

Lavril liat



Lawren ceLawrieLawsonLayardLayb oulay e

Layfaye t t e


LeachLeadbet terLeahLeanderLearLearchusLeasLeatherh eadLebb oeus

Le B lon dLebonLebonahLe BrunLe ckieLeclercLedde rhose


LedwithLe e

Le e ceLe e chLe febreLe feverLe fevreLe Fort

LegerLeggat .

Le ibn itzLe icht en ste in

Le ighLe ightonLe iperLe ith

Le lub e z

Le MaireLemaitre

Lemoin e




105 ,2 18

105 ,

235 ,205 ,

5 5

130 13 1

2 5 1 ,

241 ,

42 ,

131 133

1 1 1 ,


Pag e Page

105 Lemue l 5 9

25 1 Len n ie 205 , 279

1 3 5 Lennox 1 26

98 Len to 46

273 Len tulus 46

273 Leo 204

2 18 2 15

273 Le ofingstan 38

273 Leofric 38

257 Leon260 Le on ard 205

127 Lenardo 205

5 3 Len tula 1 10

1 3 1 Leonatus 91 204

25 1 Leon i 205

25 0 Le on idas 204 , 301

88 Le onric 204

204 Le opardi 3 5

1 14 Leopold 224

204 Leosthene s 28 , 205

1 14 Le o taul 205

25 5 Le otychide s 22 1

229 Leotychus 22 1

30 Lepailleur 23 3

42 Lepidus 42

82 Le P oer 39

2 3 Lepore lla 200

148 Lepsius 204


225 Leroy 234

2 14 Le Sage 125

245 1 3 3

1 23 Leslie 1 3 1 , 1 3 3

1 33 L’

E strange 1 5 5 , 265 , 298

286 Le thy 102

286 Le t it ia 43 , 105 , 299

241 Le to 188 , 189, 190

241 Le t t ice308 Le t ty 102

29 Leucaspis 223

234 Leucippe 107

2 15 Leucippus 107

246 Leucothea 189

1 26 Leucre t ia 1 1 3

149 Leucre t ius 1 13

13 1 Leuwenhock 205

1 30 Levi 96

3 5 Lewe s157 Lewis 222 , 28613 3 L

’Host e

291 Liberator 69

248 Liberius 5 8 , 2 19 , 269

260 Libn i 79

25 1 Licin ius 36

25 1 Liebgast 40,257

2 5 1 Liebig 38

25 1 Liebrood 38

P age


Ligh t 33 , 60, 1 5 1

Lightbody 3 3 , 1 3 2 , 1 5 1

Light foot 1 5 1

Ligh tston e 1 37

Ligny 125

Liguori 140

Lil lien thal 143

Lillith 107

Lillywh ite 1 29

Limew eaver 236

Linacre 23 2

Lin d 107, 144 , 208

Lin de 1 11

Lindsay 1 1 1 , 128 , 208

Ling 149, 247

Lingard 238 , 2 50

Linn 27

Linnmus 1 28

Lin trude 1 12,208

Lion 204

Lipman 247

Lippo 200

Lip ton 204

Liptrot 246 272

Lisburn 1 3 1

Lisles 285

Lismore 75 1 3 1

Lisse t te 108

List 235

Lister 2 3 5

Li tchfield 25 1

Litster 2 36, 256

Lit t le 34 , 85 , 87

Litt lejohn 3 5 87, 98

Lit tle thwai t e 129

Livia 202

Livermore 202 , 203

Livingston e 38

Livius 304

Livy 304

Lizars 5 3

Lizzy 108

Llewe l 222

Llewe llyn 17 183 , 222

Llore n te 76, 81

Lloyd 1 14,150

LO 45

Lo -ammi 5 9

Lobe lLobosLohwasserLochaberLochie lLochinvarLochlinLochhe ad


P age

Macree 234

Macro 286

Macrobius 5 9

Macrochier 3 3

Macron 286

Macron e 3 3

Macros 3 2 , 47

Madai 5 9 , 96

Madam 1 14 2 5 2

Mademoise lle 1 14

Madden 176

Madison 275

Maddison 96, 271

Maddox 97

Madge 1 12 , 284

Madison 96, 271

Madog 96

Madox 42

Macge e

Mage llan 1 5 2

Mageoghegan 279

Maggie 1 12

Maggot 281

Magdalen 141

Magdalen e 60, 66

Magist er 260

Magin n es 281

Magnus 14 , 34 , 260

Magot 4 1

Magus 264

Mahalah 1 3 1

Mahalath 108

Mahale e l 5 6

Maharajah 14 , 24 , 2 34

Mahew 280 281

Mahlah 105

Mah li 105

Mahlmann 238

Mahlon 70, 105

Mahmoud 37

Mahome t 37, 44

Mahon 144

Mahon ey 144, 199

Maidulph 176

Maible n i Neill 299

Mainwari ng 136, 287

Maira 18 , 25

Maison 1 50, 242

Maist ers 260

Maitlan d 96

Majoribanks 1 12

Makepeace 99

Malach i 90, 263

Malachy 263

Malat e st e 44

Malchus 60

Malcolm 263


P age

Male 141 238

Malebran che 3 3

Malh erb 1 33

Malise 262

Malle t 262 , 283

Malloch 64 , 262 , 283

Malluch 64

Malon 105

Malthus 1 49

Malvin ia 109

Malvoisin 1 3 1

Malvolio 2 17

Mamre 5 9

Man 100, 1 5 9

Man asseh 41 , 61

Man by 142

Man ders 283

Man deville 75

Man e s 5 5

Man fre d 227

Man dley 141

Man i 5 5

Man ichoeus 5 5

Man ius 86, 308

Man lius 86, 299

Man ly 29

Mann 1 5 9

Mann ering 270

Man n ers 270

Mann ing 270

Mannus 74 1 5 9 , 171

Manue ll 67

Man se 46

Man t eufell 75

Man to 25 4

Manue l 67

Maoch 105

Maolseachlan 90

Mappin 278

Mar 84 105 , 270

Mara 18 , 2 5

Marat 84

Maravilla 122

Marc e lh'

nus 274

Marble 307

Marce llus 272 , 274

Marce t 274

March ion e ss 1 38 , 160

Marcion 302

Marco P 010 48

Marcus 300

Mardon ius 1 5 9

Mare schalk 245

Margaredon 16, 26

Margare t 16, 26, 1 16

Margerison 98 , 1 12

P age

Margrave 1 38 , 160

Maria 84 , 1 1 1 , 232

Maria D iaz 1 1 1

Marian 84

Mariamn e 84


ana 84

Marian sk i 1 22

Mario 84

Marioth 68

Mariot t 84

Maris 84

Marjoribank s 1 1

Marjory 1 12

Markham 160

Mark 300

Marmaduke 35

Marmond 37

Marmon t 1 3 5

Marn er 250

Marnoc 76

Marc 84

Marque ss 261

Marquis 138 , 160

Marr 84 , 302

Marriot 98

Marryat t 84 , 98

Mars 161 199

Marsden 1 44

Marsh 1 32 , 148 , 2 39

Marshal l 148 165 , 203

Marsham 148 149

Marsigli 140

Marst ers 260

Marston 122 13 3 1 50

Marsyas 302

Mart e l 168 , 2 13 , 2 17

Martha 105 1 15 , 222

Mart ignac 275

Martign y 275

Mart in 48 , 182

Mart in e t 274

Mart in s 48

Martyn 226

Martyr 307

Marve l 307

Marwick 1 38 , 25 2

Marwood 1 38

Mary 72 , 84 , 232

Masan ie llo 86

Masaton io 291

Masenna 86

Mason 242

Massa 5 7

Massey 86

Massill onMassimo 90 248 260

Massinger 246




Mathan iah


Mathw in

Mat ilda 1 12 141 , 172

Matri 5 9

Mat tan 44 , 96

Mat tan iahMat ten s 86

Mat thew 44 , 90, 96

Mat thews

Mat thewson

Mat thiah

Mat thi as

Mat tockMat turin

Mat ty 44 , 284

Matwii schen


Maud 141 172

Maudlin 141

Maudsley 141

Maughan 144 199


Maule 141 , 168 , 2 17

247, 25 1

Maundre ll

Maurice 1 5 5

Mavor 199

Mavors 161 , 199

Mavourn e en

MaximinMax imus 90 202 , 260

Maxton 1 38

Maxum 1 5 2

Maxwe l lMay 98 1 12 248

Major 248

Mayn ard 1 5 , 42

Mazarin 73 237, 307Mazzin i 3 3

, 75

M ead 130, 133 , 147M e adows 130, 13 3 , 1 5 4

M e agherM e ara 40

Me ceM e ch i 2 17, 270

M edadM edcal t

199 236

Idede 147

Medea 188


P age

48 , 25 1

Me din a 1 17

Me doc 42

188 , 226

Me dusa 188 , 226

M9 8 34

Me ek 2 17

M e eking 2 17, 270

Me erb ach 146

Me ers 1 5 2

Meg 1 1 2

Megan ic es 200

Mehazioth 68

Mehr-ul -Nica 24

Mehujae l 5 6

Me ikle . . 3 4

Me ikl eham 34

Me ik l eh ead 305

Me ik lejohn 93

Me ik lem 34 , 1 5 3

Me ik lere id 305

Me ik lewaim 307

Me ik lwean 305

Me lan cthon 39 , 1 5 3

Me lan ippus 203

M e lch iah 60

Me lchias 60

Me lch ior 82

Me lch ize dek 61 , 21 2

Me leager 189 , 239

Me le ch 60, 2 12

Me le t e 64

Me len dez 290

M e lesigin e s 294 , 301

M elib oeus 209 , 2 39

M e l ik off 294 , 301

M e lpomen e 108 , 187

Me lrose 1 35

Me lvi lle 144

Menage 25 2

Men ahem 5 4

Menan der 74

Men de lsohn 43 , 295

Men dez 85 , 290, 295

Men doza 85 290 295

M en e e s 283

M en e laus 222

Men schik off 43 , 293

M en tor 42

M enu 1 5 9

Men zie s 43

Me on ide s 301

Meph iboshe th 192

Merarioth 68

Mercator 25 2

M erce de s 84

25 2

3 41

P age

Mercier 2 5 2

Mercury 184

Mere 47

Meribaal 192

Merle 203

MerlingMero 47

M erode 221 ,Merope 107

Merops 107

Meroveus 225

Merrick 1 5 2

Merrilee s 1 5 3

Merriman 43

Merry 28

Mersey 1 38

Merton 1 33 , 160

Mervarid 16

Me sembria ” 86

Messer " 25 9

Me sserschmid 25 9

Me ssiah 75 57,Me ssman 149

Mesmer 25 0

Me tanaste 57 1 39

Me tarius 233

M e tayer 23 3

M e t calf 62 71 236

M e t calfe 1 99

Me t e llus 2 5 2

Me thumballe s 193

Me thusaleh 78 193 , 212

M e t iche 25 5

Me ton 217

Me t tern ich 83 , 86

Me tuhischen 263

Me tzler 25 2

Mexe t la 161


M ezzofan t i 86

MicahM icaiah 5 4 , 2 13

M ichae l 28 , 48 , 5 4

M ichae l de la P ole 48

1 47

M ickey 28

M ickie 28 , 5 4

Mickl ejohn 93

Micklere id 85

M ick elthwaite 1 29

Mick l ewaim 47

M iddl emass 84

M iddlemi ss 84

Middle ton 1 39, 1 5 0

M idw in t er 84

M ignon et te 1 17

5 4

3 42

M ingh e t t iMin ist erMin ervaM in ie

Minn ochM in osMin stre lMin to

M inusMinut iusM ioln erM irabeauM iraforaMiraMirandaMiriamMiriamn e


M it che l lMithras


. u 1 1 3

1 15 284

1 1 5



M ithridate s 60, 185 , 204Mi tnach tMithredath ifM it tagMit tendorf If:M izraimMn ason

(M ) Nemesis(M) Ne storMoabMoerMoe t




1 39 , 1 5 0




4 1



1 3 4


P age

Moggy 1 1 2

Mohamm e d 44

Mohun 82 , 178

Moir 3 4 1 2 1

Moliere 241

Molin os 2 5 2

Mol l 84

Moller 284

Mollison 84 98 1 1 2

Molloch 274

Molly 84

Moloch 10, 274

Molyn eux 25 2

Mon ad 272

Mon boddo 2 38

Mon criefi'

1 3 5

Mon cur 1 34

Mon cure 13 4

Mon ey 122 , 266, 257

Mon eymore 1 22 , 266

Mon eypenny 1 3 3 1 5 3


Mon ica 105 , 2 5 1

Mon ichos 105 , 25 1

Mon od 72

Mon sabre 230

Mon sieur 1 14 , 25 2 , 247

Mon sign ore 3 5 2

Mon tague 1 5 8 , 1 3 4

Mon tal to 1 34

Mon tanus 134

Mon t cri e ff 1 3 5

Mon teagle 1 3 5

Mon t efiore 1 3 5

Mon te ith 1 3 5

Mon t ejo 1 34 , 136

Mon tero 136, 243

Mon te s 1 34

Mon tuccio 1 34

Mon t fort 1 34 2 59

Mon t faucon 134

Mon tgolfier 174

Mon tjoy 1 3 5

Mon tmagny 1 34

Mon tmoren cy 1 37

Mon trey 1 34

Moodie 47, 305

Moody 3 5 , 47

Moon 82 , 84

Moon ey 266

Moor 34 , 1 2 1

Moorad 1 2 1 , 22 1

MophMorddameMordan tMorde caiMorden t

P age

More 34 48 128

More l l 274

Morgan 249, 2 50, 308

Morganroth 86

Morgan stern 308

Moriarty 3 5

Morison 281

Morrisey 3 5

Morley 1 50

Morn y 44

Moroson 128

Morpe th 1 5 0'

Morphe 190

Morphey 345

Morpheus 189

Morris 1 5 5

Morrow 287

Mors 199

Morse 210

Mortara 223

Mort imer 85

Morton 288

Morven 75 , 1 34

Moschus 200

Mose ly 91

Mose s 91 , 188

Moshe im 13 2 ; 149Moss 91 239, 265

Mosscrip 91 , 149

Mosscrop 91 , 266

Mossman 91 , 92 , 149

Motherwe ll 84

Mot ion 15 3

Mot ley 2 25

Moton 1 5 3

Mot t 1 34 , 1 36

Mouch 2 10

Moule 236, 263

Moun tain 13 4

Mouravie if 293

Moussa 91

Mowat t 91 , 1 34

Moyse 91

Mozart . 91

Muddock s 25 5

Mudie 3 5 , 47, 70

Mudo 3 5 305

Musche t 134

Musculus 87

Muft i 25 1

Muhlwasser 2 5 2

Muir 3 4 , 12 1

Muirh ead 1 49 , 1 50

Mulciber 184

Mulhare 41

Mulque en 229

Mullen 25 2 , 263

3 44

217, 271

Jan e tJann e t

Ke anKe chn ieKe llarKen dri ck 283

Ken zie 227, 287

KerrowKi lloch 286

Kill op 204 286

Kim 285

Kin lay 283

Kinn eyKin n on 245 , 227, 282Kissoch 273

Knaugh tanKn ightLachlan . .

LaganLaren 218 , 287

LartyLat chie

Law in

Lean 262 263 279

Le ishLe od 23 5 , 2 15


Lenn anLen n and

Lin tock

LureLymon tMahon

Manus 24 , 34 , 260

Math 96 1 99, 271

Mickin g 292

M illen 25 2

M inn 287

Morram 287

Murch ie ”

Murroch 76, 84 , 287Nab . . 2 5 2 282

Name e 13 1 , 1 3 3

NairNaught . 286

Naugh tan 285 286

Namara 249

Ne ice1 34 13 5

1 5 5


M‘Nish 1 34 , 1 3 5

Nulty 1 3 1 , 228

Omi sh 86, 283 , 296

O n ieOuat 2 16, 288 , 289



P hail 88 271

P hae 285

P h elan 174

P herson 245 , 287, 294P hun

QuadeQuakerQuarryQuatQue enQuiddyQuilk inQuillanRae

RoryRoyShan e

Shime s

SorleySporranSkimmingSwe en


TavishTearTe erTosh

TurkV ainV ean

V eyV icarWadeWalter

We e

Whann ell

282 286

284 , 285

1 5 1 , 287, 288

287, 288




NabalNabobNab opolasser




69 , 105

78 105

38 , 5 2

63 77 196

68 196


P age

Nadab 5 2

Nadaud 199, 273

Nagle 1 5 5

Nahar 62

Nahash 207

Nahor 63

Nain 23 2

Nahum 5 4

Naib 77, 304

Naismith 260

Nan cy 1 14

Nann a 1 14

Nann i 2 16

Nannucci 93

1 14

Naomi (m) 232

Naph ish 60

Napthali 78 , 88

Napthal im 66

2 5 3

Napole on 140

Napper 34

Napps 1 21

Nare s 63

Narayan 261

Narses 201

Narvaez 290

1 3 3 ,Nash 120

Nasithous 3 3

Nason ius 63

Nast 1 35

Nat 96

Nathan 64 , 96

Nathan ie l 96, 99

Natman 285

Nat trass 1 2 1


Naudaud 273

Naugh tan 285


Nausithous 33

Naylor 25 9

Neal 57, 1 5 2 , 1 5 5

Ne arachus 25 5

N easham 13 5

Nebo 193 , 304

Nebuchadnezzar 193

Nebushashban 193

Nebuzar- adan 193

Ne cho 3 2

Ne ck 1 2 1

Ned 224


Ne ddy 224

Ne e 1 37

Ne edham 1 37

Ne e dlesNefi


N ehemiahN e ighbourNe ilN e ithN e liganN e llNe ll Gwyn n eN e lm e s

N e lson "

N eme sis

Neopt olemus 2 16

NephusimN epos 30, 47, 101

NepomukNepthalimN eptun e 1 90

N er 24 , 25

N ergal 194 , 198

Nergal- sharezer 194 1 98N ere ide s 301

Nereus . .


Nero 28 , 185

Nerva . 28 , 185

N ervande 1 28

N ervius 28 , 290


Ne ss 1 3 5

Nesse lrode 1 29N e st 1 12 , 1 3 5

Netherby 1 57N eve 30

Nevi l le . . 1 39

N evin s 90

N eviusN evus 90

New 76 2 5 1

N ewcombeN ew come 1 5 5 , 25 1

N ewcomen 76, 2 5 1

N ewdorf

Newhaus 149 , 242

N ewlan dN ewman

N ew shamN ewsky 146, 293

Newsom e 13 5 1 39

NewsteadN ew ton 1 39 , 1 50

N ican or 1 1 5 220

Nic ephorus 224

Nicholj ew it ch 293

Nicholson 293

2 5



225 274

2 32

1 5 5 160

1 5 5

3 3 , 64 , 277

1 5 5


N ilogen es 294

N imrodN imsh iN ina 3 5 ,

3 2 , 3 5 , 1 17

N in onN inusNiph eus

N isasN isroch 201

N iobe 190

N ish 1 3 5

Nitocris 61 ,Nix 225

N ixon 178

Noa 1 32 , 1 33 , 144

Noadiah 1 16


NobahNobbsNobleNock 1 2 1 , 1 27

Noe lNoir

NoiseNoke s 12 1

Nolan 83 , 88

Noll 273

Nollek in s 273

Non 45 70, 22 1





NorburyNordenNorden skjold 270

Norgat eNorman 161 , 289

Norris 92 , 249


1 37


P age

Norval 143 , 161 , 289

Nostrodamus 84 , 1 1 5

Noth 220, 285

Notman 3 1 175 239

Nouri 37

Nourj ehanNourmahal 25

Novat ian 76, 2 5 1

Nove llo 76

Nowal . 161

Nu 1 5 5 , 160

Nugen t 126, 132

Numa 48

Numen ius 82

Numitor 48

Nun 221

Nurrish 92

Nure ddin 24 , 2 5

Nussbaum 243

Nut t 220

Nutt er 220

Ny e 0 97, 273

Nyk in 97, 273

Nym 34 , 45

Nympha 36, 40, 5 6

Nymphas 36, 5 6


Oakwood 149


An thropos 100

Oast ler 257

Oat es 145

Oatman 173

Oat ts 45 , 173 , 182

O beah 208

Obe d 261

Obede dom 261

Obediah 261

Obe l 191

O b erdank 163



Ob i 208


Brian 29, 129, 303

O brigcat 296

Obrislain e 2 16

Obry s 294

O ccam 121

O ce lla 1 42

O chus 42 , 282


Conn e ll 228


Con n or Roe 284


Conn or R00 22

O ctavius 91

O cyroe 3 3

O dame 305

O de ll 143

O ff en bach

0 a

0ggOgleOglenOgn isan t i


GradyO gre



O ichova

O in

O lafO lam

O lan derO laveO ldcastleO ldcorn

O ldhamC lgar

O liphan tO


O livarezO liverC irieO lt

O lshausenO ltramareO lympaO lympasO lympiaO lympusO lyn thusOmO mar P asha

AyubO mlah

Omm l i( h n ri




135 ,180


206,2 18 ,

5 3 ,

P ag e


2 14



2 26




3 5

1 47

1 5

1 5 5

1 27

1 5 5

2 5 3






1 43



1 5


1 5 9




2 16

1 57


1 36



1 1 3

2 18


2 18


2 18

2 3 4

1 26

2 5 1



1 5 4

25 f4o, l o5

12 8

5 3





P ag e

Omriah 5 3 , 260

Om Suleyman 99

O ndedieu 27

O nderdonk 163 293


Ne il 1 5 5

O n e simus 40, 5 8

On e siphorus 5 8

O n fan t 93

O n ion 195 , 278 , 303

O nk elos 5 8

On osan der 22 3

On ybrain s 267

Oph e lia 105 , 240

Ophel ius 105

Oph ion 191

Oph iucha 191

O pie i 183

Oppian 303

Oppidius 182


Ops 183

Orab e ll 1 14

Orab e lla 238

O ranmore 75

O rb ius 19

O rby 267

Orders 40, 2 38

Oreb 65 200

Oregon 209

O re llan a 1 32 1 5 1

O ren 60

Ores te s 1 34 , 1 36

Orfever 2 5 8

O rfevre 25 8

O rge torix 22 1

O rigin 260

Orion 16, 18 , 2 5

Crispus 1 3 1 144 147

O rmon d 143

Orl 201

O rlan do Furioso 2 19

O rlofi'

201 293O rlow 294

Orm 1 2 1 , 208

O rme 1 2 1

O rm iston 1 2 1

O rmon d 143

O rmsby 208

Om an 3 2 , 60, 12 1

O ros ius 14 , 25

O rpah 29,104

,1 14

O rphah 1 14

O rr 1 38,147, 1 5 0

Orridge 267

O rs in i 199

O risino 199

O rson 1 1 1 , 199

O rtolanOrtonO rumO rvilleO sb eorgh tO sb e ortO sbornO scarO sgoodeO

Shan t er


Sh e e

O sian der

O sirisO sk in sk i

O sman

O sman liO ssianO sterman

O sterze e

O st erwaldO st lerO s torius

O strichO swaldO the lloO thman

O thni e lO tho

O tt erO t t ermare

O tto .

O ttoman



OuidaOuse leyO athout

OutramOutremerOutwithOverOverburyO verend

OveringOvertonOvidO video


O xen stern

O xleyOyst erman

P age

2 33


1 38 1 5 0

23 3

174 , 276





48 1 2 5


103 , 2 38 , 1 1 3


1 22


P age

4 2

P en den 141

P en der 288

P en dergast 40

P en dergrass 40

P en dragon 207

P en e lope 1 1 3

P en found 142

P engehyP e nman 267ZP en n . n . . u 1 5 1

.P enn an t

P enn inah 16, 1 16

P enny 207, 239

P enn y cuik 1 30

P enn yfather 207

P en n ygan t ." 1 29

P ew 79

P enrod 129

P en t e cost 85

:P enryhn .

P en th esilea 44 , 5 8

P en theus 44

P enn e l l 60

P epin 25 2

P epley 91

P eploe 17 225

P epper 2 39

P eppercorn 239

:P epys . n 108

P ercival 144 148

P ercy 144

P erdita 1 1 5 , 290

P ere - e t -merc 97

P eregrin e 264

P eregrin o 264


P erez 96 290

P erez - dc 1a Rua 266

P erian der 29 , 74 , 305

P ericle s 37, 74

P erigonus 75

P erizada 102

P erkin 96

P erkin s 274

P erill on 73

P eron 96

P erom 96

P erown e 73

P errin 201

P erron 96

P errot t 274

P erry 96, 274

P e rseus 17 18 , 25

P ert in ax 44

P erucci 274

P erugino 96


P age'




73 232 307

3 2

3 4







3 5


5 8


25 3

3 5



3 4

P hale cP hanue lP haramondP harn aces

P haraoh 3 6

P harnambucey 1 24

P harn aspe s 165 ,P h easan t 240

P h e lan 175

P h e lim 42

P h e lps 204

P hen issa 1 17

P hicol 5 6, 69, 2 16

P h ilemon 40, 5 9

P hil e tus 40, 5 9

P hilamore 73 , 204

P hili nna 40

P hilip 106 161 , 203

P hi lipon 73

P hil ippova 106, 293

P hili ppa 106, 293

P hi lo 40

P h ilologus 40

P h ilome la 1 18 187, 209

P hilome t er 46

P hilopat er 46

P h ilpot 204

P h in eas 5 6, 5 8

P h in ehas 5 6

P h ipps 204

P h legon 190

P age

P hoebe 3 6 185

P hoebus 185

P hocas 2 10

P hocion 2 10

P hoedrus 36

P hosphorus 36, 299

P hot inus 3 6

P hot ius 86

P hrouzka 294

P hryn e 186, 224

P huvah 5 6, 5 8

P hyge llus 5 7, 260, 300

P hyllis 48

P hyscon 47

P hy sicus 48

P 1 106

P iazza 91

P icador 1 5 8

P icard 1 5 8

P iccoli 3 5

P ichard 1 5 8

P ichaud 1 5 8

P iccoli 3 5

P iccolimin i 3 5

P icton 1 5 8 , 214

P ickersgi ll 147

P ickle s 2 15

P ickwith 236

P ie ce 2 3 2

P ie d 74

P iedleu 74

P ierceP ierot t iP ierreP iersP iersonP ie troP igfat

P igot

P igot tP ikeP ilat eP ilcherP ileus

P il lsburyP ilsonP imP in ce loupP in darP in e lliP inhorn e

P inkP inkerton 68 , 1 5 1 , 288


P in n ock 203

P inon


3 49

P age P ozzo 241

P inus 60, 1 2 1 P ollock 43 242 P rat t 1 32 , 13 3 , 145

P 10 P olson . 271 P rax idic e

P iper 25 3 P olybius 5 9 , 187 P raxite lesP iram P olycarp 45 72 , 78 P re 1 45

P irie P olydor 1 17 P re cious 40, 93

P irre t t 96, 274 P olygonus P ren dergast 185 , 307

P irrie P olyh istor 1 17 P re sbyt er 202

P isano P olyme le s 78 , 187, 239 P re ston 245 , 308

P isistratus 2 5 5 P olymina P re torius 266

P ison P olyn ices 224 P re t tyman 1 5 4

P istorius 2 37 P olyph emus 187, 1 12 P reu 40

P itcairn P olyxen a 40, 1 1 2 , 2 57 P reux 40

P it chers P ombal 202 , 204 P riam 2 19

P ithom 207 P ome roy 249 P rice 296

P ithon P ompey 48. 90 Friddle 277

P itman 241 , 267 P ompilius 48 , 298 P ride 243

P it t 1 42 , 241 , 267 P on ce P rideaux 1 5 1

P ius 45 , 60, 198 P on d P riest 245

P on iatowski 1 26 P rie st lyP izarro P on t P rigg 277

P lan cus P on t ifex 25 3 P rim 70, 90

P lan tagen e t 247 P on t iff P rima 70, 90

P lato 3 3 , 23 2 P on t ius 249 P rim e 86

P lat t 1 3 1,144 P ooCk 75 P rin ce 23 5

P layfair P ool 48 , 1 5 1 , 1 5 2 P ringle 264 , 271 , 28 1

P le ion e P oole P riscilla 106, 244

P lews 232 P oor P riscus 48

P limsoll P ope P rit chard 224,277

P lowrigh t P opilius 298 P ri t ty 1 33 , 144 , 1 5 4

P lum P opoff 294 , 295 P rob art 25 5 , 271 , 277

P lumst ead P opp P robus 42 , 90

P lutarch P oratha 60 P robyn 277

P lut o P orcia 106, 236 P roc tor 2 46

P lutus P orcius 106 236 P roculusP odarc e P orch er 23 1 P rocuratorP odarge P ordenon e 73 P rogersP odargus 5 9 74 1 3 1 P orphyry 17, 25 , 225 P ropexj ohnP odgers 1 38 P orphyrogen e tus 17, 25 P rot esi lausP OdIO 3 2 , 74 , 95 271 P rotogen e s 80

P oe P orte ous 2 38 P rotoge n ia 90

1 3 1 P orus P rotus 90

P ogon 45 , 46 P ortman P roudfoot 74

P ognatus P ortw in e P rovam. 277

P o in t er P oside on 190, 23 5 277

P oin ton 2 5 3 P ossin e t P ruc e 1 5 7

P oisson 2 11 , 271 P osthumus P rudhomm e 183

P oisson er P otiphah 3 2 , 61 , 194 P rudh on 183

P olan d P ot iph erah 61 , 194 P ruj ean 93

P ole 1 57, 275 P ot t P ryd 1 5 4

P olemon P ot t er P ryor 286

P olign ac 1 57, 275 P ott inger P tolemeus Macron 286

P oligny 275 P ot t s 240,241 P tolemy 48 , 1 16

P oliocert e s 47 P oulin P uah 5 3 , 78 , 106

P olk 88 P oun ds P ub licola 69, 222 , 2 3 5

P ollard 3 1 P oussin P ubl iusP ollio P owe ll P uce lla 75

P ol l ion 1 30 P ower 3 9 P uck 75

3 50

P age

P uden s 42 , 299

P uden t iana 299

P ue 277

P ue lla 105

P uer 105

P ufi'

endorf 308

P ugh 277. 278 , 280

P uir 39

P ul 206

P ulcheria 3 1 105 , 1 16

P ulli nger 237

P ulvermacher 249

P un ch 307

P unchion 2 16

P un chon 2 16, 307P upil lus 19 , 25

P urce ll . 3 1

P urchase 243

P urdie 45

P urdon 267

P urk iss 96

P urlieu 1 29

P urvis 2 5 2

P usa 100

P usil la 100


P uyparlier 106

P yat 5 8 , 273

P ybus 12 1 , 1 25

P ycot t 1 33 , 1 5 2

P ye 277, 278 , 280

P ygmal ion 88

P ygme 88

P ylades 301

P yle 301

I’y leus 301

P ym 30

P yramus 17, 25

P yrois 17, 2 5 , 302

P yrosporus 16, 4 1

P yrrhus 17, 25

P ythagoras 224,25 5

P vthon 191 , 207


234 , 284

Ralph 176

Ralston 176, 270

Ram 5 4 , 106, 144

Ramage 48 , 1 25 , 2 5 2

Ram Bukah 5 1

Rammer 25 2

Ramolin i 1 25

Ramsbot tom 144

Ramsay 175

2 3 5

Ran ce 129, 2 18

Ran d 275

Ran dal 1 38, 2 18

1 38

Ran dolph 176

Ran ger 1 26

Ran i 101

Ranke 1 29 , 1 39

Rankin 273

Ran som 2 19

Raper 23 3

Rapha 65

Raphae l 5 5

RapinRapp 200, 275

Rasch id 14

Rash i (m) 79 , 22 1

Rasse las 238 , 302

Rat 1 3 6, 1 5 2

Bat ican 1 36, 1 5 2 , 25 6

Rato 25 4

Ratsey 25 6

Rat te e 2 5 4

Rat ter 1 5 2

Rat to 1 5 2

Rat tray 25 6

Raumer 2 34

Ravail lac 275

Raven 200

Ravius 275

Raw cli ff e 2 1 , 26

Rawley 1 3 2

Raw lings 175 , 270

Raym en t 44 , 2 23

Raymon d 44 223

Rayn e r 2 16

Reach 48 , 1 34

Read 2 5 4

Reba 90

Rebe cca 1 1 3 305

Rebekah 1 1 3

Re chab 204 , 225

Reddie 2 5 4

Redhead 20

Re dmon d 17, 20, 227

RedpathRe e

Rudd 23 , 84 , 265

Ruddiman 27

Rudge 1 36 304

Rudiger 2 15

Rudolph 174

Ruffinus 20, 25

Rufus 20,22 , 2 5

Rugg 149

Ruggiero 2 1 5

Ruiz 290

Rule 234

Ruma 146

Rumbe low 250

Rumbold 2 24

Run ciman 245

Runj e e t Singh 205

25 5

Rupert in o 25 5

Rushb rook 147

Rushbury 1 38

Rushout 1 38

Rush ton 1 38

Russe ll 2 1

Rust 2 1


Ruth 5 4 , 90, 106, 107

Ruth erford 148

Ruth lan 26

Ruthven 2 5,26, 142

Rutil ius 20, 25

Ruthl an d 2 1

Rut ter 225

Ruysdae l 147

Ituyt er 225

Ryder 225

Ry e 143

Ryle 2 34 , 306

Ryn n 1 5 2

Ryn o 1 5 2


Saadut “ . 221

Sab badh fi. 308

Sab b athias 85

Sab eUi us . u 308

Sabin a 104

Sacar n . 5 8

1 13 , 238

Sacchon i 73

Sack 270

Sacy . u 97

Sadd 44

Saddler 266

Sadi n . 43

Sadh er . u

Sadoc u .



P ag e

Saggers 245

Sah ib 5 2 , 106, 248

Said 3 5 , 43 , 109

Sain tey 264

Saker 2 18

Sala 66

Saladin 44

Salah 66

Salem 22 1

Sales 128

Salignac 1 28

Salinator 25 5

Salmaheb en Daoud 92

Salmasius 140

Salmon 5 5 , 60, 66, 73

Salt 2 5 5

Salt er 2 5 5

Salvator 94

Salverte 82

Sam 81

Sambo 81

Samborn 92

Sam Long 29

Sam son 36 5 8 , 71 , 81

Sampson 81 , 272

Samue l 72 , 81 , 1 1 5

San cho 275

San dban k 148

San deman 246

San derson 223 271

San don 74

Sandford 148

San ds 74 , 1 3 3 , 149

San dy 74 , 223

Sandyfaulds 1 30

San dyford 23

Sang 275

San gster 2 15 , 25 0

Sankey 1 3 5 , 244

San quhar 13 5

San ta Croce 264

San ta Cruz 38

San ta Klaus 225

San tamaria 84

San thague 92

Saph 60

Sapor 234

Saphir 63 , 224 , 2 38

Sapph ira 65 , 106, 244


Sara 106 , 222

Sarai 5 1 , 96, 106

Sarah 5 1 , 106, 1 5 9

SaraphSardanSardan apalusSardon

P age

Saron 1 27

Saron idas 301

Saron ide s 1 27

127, 301

Sarron ide 301

Sarse ch em 164

Sarsfie ld 128

Satan 5 1 , 60, 171

Sat ch e ll 267

Satrap 220

Saturn 183 2 34

Satyras 248'

Saul 92 23 5

Saun ders 2 2 3

Saurin 2 5 , 3 4 , 227

Sausure 2 5 1

Sautre e 25 3

Saumarez 1 28 , 1 5 0

Saun ders 2 23

Sauvage 248

SavageSavaton 244

Severthal 1 43

Saville 1 25

Savigny 1 25

Savan arola 1 4 1 , 1 43

Savaton 144

Sawn ey 92

Saxe 2 13

Say 1 5 2

Sayers 25 5

Sayle 1 28

Scald 2 41 , 261

Scaldwe ll 196

Scales 266

Scaliger 228

Scan derb e 73 , 223

Scan lan 23 1 26, 1 3 5

Scarede vil 1 3 5 , 1 37

Scarle t t 27, 87

Scaurus 3 2

Schafier 239

Schah ~Daoud 92

Schamyl 81

Schapler 249

Schapler 249

Sch e nke 240

Sch iller 3 1 , 1 37Schinn er 72

Schirman n 242

Sch lege l 168

Sch l iermacher 249

Schmidbre ch tSchm idtScob e lofi


Scholast icaScholast icus

P age

Schn e ider 2 5 6

Schomburg 37

Schon thal 143

Schrader 2 5 6

Schre iber 267

Schreval ius 238 , 267

Schroe t er 256

Schummacher 244

Schwarbach 147

Schwarten berg 242

Schwatz 3 3

Scipio 3 1 , 5 6, 1 5 9

Sclat er 73 25 6

Scobie 275

Scolding 223 , 228

Score 1 5 1 , 1 3 5

Score sby.

1 37, 1 5 1

Scot cher 244

Scot t 1 57

Scotus 1 57 1 5 9

Scribe 267

Scribon ius 238

Scrim egeour 222

Scrim shaw 1 25

Scrin e 25 0, 2 5 4

Scripture 75

Scriven er 238

Scroggie 1 22,1 28

Scroggs 1 22

Scrope 1 22

Scruby . 1 22

Scudamore 3 3 , 224 , 261ScullyScylla 188

Se achlan 1 3 5 , 292


Seaman s 250

Se at on 1 3 3 , 1 5 2 , 196

Sebast e 197

Sebast ian 197

Se cch i 109

Se chn al l 90

Se ek er 25 5

Secun dinus

Se cun dusSecurius

Sedigi tus

Se ek ings

Se e lySe er

SegiSe idlitz 1 3 1 , 1 5 2 , 266

Se ign iorSe ir 65 , 87, 2 5 4

Sejanus 234 , 299

Sej i 234 299

Se lden 144


P age

Se lena 1 18

Se le '

n e 1 18

Se leucide 46

Se leucus 46

Se lim 5 5

Se lin a 37

23 5 , 245

Se ll 2 5 5

Se llars 25 5

Se ller 266

Se llers 2 5 5


Semiramis 78 , 96, 108

Semiramide 196

Semme t



Sen tsch

Sen tschisschin n

SepharSepharvaimSepheru .

Se p t imusSerapion

Seren oSerj ean tSerpen tariusSerran o


Serve tusService

Servon i

Se th

Se ton 2 37

Se t t le 1 3 1 ,Severus 41 292

Seward 25 5

25 0



Se zziSforza

Shabb athai

Shadb olt



Shadl ow

Shaft e sburyShafto

ShahShaharaimShahj ee

25 2







2 3 3


63 , 86


3 5 3

P age

Shaker - lab 1 1 3

Shak e lady 1 23

Shake speare 204 , 2 14

Shallum 301

Shalmai 78

Shalman aser 5

Shalom 5 5

Shamar 72

Shamgar 265

Shammai 5 6

Shammuah 83

Shamus 95

Shan 94

Shan agan

Shan d 1 3 5

Shan don 1 3 5

Shan dyShan e

Shan t er


ShaphanShaphatShaphat iahShararaimSharez erSharman


ShealSh ealt ie lSh eare rSh ebaSheberShebha

She ddenSheddyShe en

Sh e epshanksShe ikSh e lahShe ldonSh e ldrickSh e llyShe lom iShe lom ithSh e ltonShemShema

ShemaliSh emerSh em iramoth

Shemue lSh emul ie l

ShenkiuShen ston e

3 5 4


Shepher 106

Shephuphan 207

Sherbourn e 1 37

Sheridan 2 5 6

Sherlock 30, 3 1

Sherman 2 5 6

Sherry 168

Sherwood 1 37, 1 38

She shadri 261

Sheshai 91

She shbazzar 194

She thar 1 16

She therboznai 1 16

81118 1 1 37

Shie ls 1 5 0

Sh ie lds 30, 2 18

Shierlaw 1 37

Sh ilhi (m) 78

Shi llack er 243

Shi llinglaw 1 3 3 , 1 37

Shillingsworth 1 5 2

Shiloh 5 6 66, 78

Sh ilon i 5 6

Shilsha 90

Shime i (m)Shime ath 108

Sh ime on 83

Shime i 196

Sh imon 72

Shimri (m) 78

Shimrith 108

Shimron 72

Shimn e l 81

Sh inab 5 2 , 75

Shiphrah 106

Shippey 175

Shipton 1 37

Shoeb ot tom 127, 1 44

Shon e e n 94 272

Shore 1 5 0

Shorrock s 1 27

Short 32

Shual 246

Sli uftl e b o t tom 144

Shulam it e 5 6

Shun i 78

Shuphan 66, 207

Shuppim 66

Shurmer 242

S ibbald 76, 222

S ibbe chai 60

S ibley 76

S ib thorp 1 5 0

Sibyl 1 96

S ic il ius 91

S ickle s 2 5 8

S ickman 222 , 224


P age

Siculus 47

Sidik 5 5

Siddon s 1 37Side 126, 1 39

Side las 3 5 , 47

Side te s 3 5 , 43 , 199

Sidon ia 163

Sidlaw 1 37

Sidn ey 183

Sieb en e cher 12 1 1 27

Sieber 246

S ieman s 250

Sigb ert 1 50, 164 , 224

Sigb ertsthorp 1 50

S igbrand 164 , 222

Siege lSigga 164 , 2 17, 224

Sigismun d 164 224 227Sigourn ey 227Sigvalladur 227

Silas 3 2 ,Silenus 3 2

Silliman 232

Silvanus 125 186 248

Silve rside 222

Simcox 273

Simpcox 273

Sime on 72 , 83 , 196

Sime on i 77

Simkin s 273

Simn e l 81

Simon 32 , 72 , 83 , 301

Simon ides 72 , 301

Simond 72

Simpkin s 273

Simpson 81 270, 285

Sims 83

Simson 81

Sin dbad 1 5 5

Sindon ia 1 1 3

Singer 2 15

Singh 1 5 3 , 205

Sing Long 298

Sippai 60

Sippe l 204

Sippe l l 96

S ir 5 2 90,2 5 2

Sirachides 300

Sire 5 2 , 90, 2 5 2

Sire t 90

Sisera 209

Sismey 227

Sisyphus 190

Siva 171

Sivaj e e 296

Sixsm ith 25 8

Sizar 25 6

Sk each

Skee lsSkeggSke neSkerrat t

SkeySkidmoreSk ifii ngton

SkimmingSkinn erSki old

Sk ioldingSkipperSladeSlaggSlappSlaterSle eman



SloperSlossSlovac te n

SluseSlySmallSmal lb ack




Sme e

Smidbre chtSmik rosSm ithSmithfie ldSmokerSmolle t tSmytheSn ae fe ll

SnarleySn ive ldySn e llSnodgrassSnooksSnow

SnowballSnyderSocrate sSoffar

Soffaride s

Soft leySoffuk

3 5 6

Stricklan dStrinadona

S tringerStrombiS trom ier


S trossmayer


S truth ers 1 5 1 203

Stuart 243

S tub b ings 270

Stubbs 122 129

S tuh lman 241

S tun t 3 3

Sturmer 222

Sturrocks 199

S turton 1 39 146

S tyle s 1 5 1

Su 302


Suare z

Suarius 106, 2 36, 291

Sudan ow sky 246, 293

Sudbury 1 37

Sudde n 143


Suen o 29 1 5 8

Sude t e s




SuilgormSui lmalda

SukeSuleyman 5 6, 99

Sullivan 30, 109, 284

SulpiceSulpiciusSumm erSummerle eSummers

Sumpt erSun t erSun t ion

SuperbusSuratSurrSurreySurrySurte e sSurtur


Susan n ah

Suthe rSutherlan d 146, 148


P age

Sut ton 1 27

Sut tar 178

Suwarrow 4 1 , 292 , 295

Swaageman 46, 173

Swain 1 5 8

Swain e 29

Swain land 2 36

Swait e 1 29 1 45

Swan 201

Swan n 201

Swanh ilda 172

Swan thaler 1 43

Swart z 19, 190, 301

Swartzerd 39 , 299

Swayn e 1 5 8

Swe ab org 1 39

Swedenborg 1 39

Sw e eny 29 , 5 6

Swe e t 93

Sw ift 3 3 , 5 9 , 1 5 8

Sw in de ll 144,2 36

Sw in fe n 144

Sw ing 1 5 8

Sw inhoe 144

Sw in k leman 232

Sw ires 29

Sw ishe r 1 5 8

Swithen 29 , 1 5 8

Sword 2 17

Syb e l 1 17

Syb e lla 102 , 104 , 1 17

Syke 147

Sykes 1 47

SyHa 30

Sylph 1 25

Sylvanus 186

Syme s 83

Symachus 4 5

Sym ington 83

Syn tyche 5 8

Syren 1 14 , 1 16

Syrus 160

Sy th 29


Tabb ey 1 5 0

Tabby 209

Tabe e l 5 5

Tabitha 1 14 , 202 , 209

Tabraham 5 2, 296

Tahram 5 2

Tabrimmon 195

Tachus 3 3

Tacitus 3 5 , 47, 106, 305

Taddy 2 41

Tade on i 5 8

Taffy 92

P age

Tag-Mahal 2 18

Tagg 86 168 2 5 3

Taggart 245

Tagliape tra 73

Tagliavue 73

Taglion i 73

Tahrea 82

Tait 3 3 , 73

Talbot 229

Talb oys 1 26,Talford 260

Talhiran 32 109

Tal ie san 32

Tal lach 125 , 13 5

Tal liafero 1 26

Tal ligan 279

Tallis 1 26

Tall ow 1 36

Tallmadge 98 , 1 12

Tal lyrand 1 5 5 , 2 17

Talmage 98 , 1 12

Tam 3 3 48 292

Tamar 1 28

Tamie sier 86

Tambron i 73

Tamerlan e 3 1 , 3 2

Tam O’

Shan ter 1 3 5

Tam W ill 292

Tanagra 103 , 145

Tan aquil 103

Tan cre d 25 5

Tan dy 34 , 275

Tanguy e 1 23 128 277

Tanhauser 307

Tan n 60

Tan nah ill 273

Tan n er 2 37, 273

Tan n erock 273

Tann ock 273

Tan Se in 145

Tan talus 81 , 187

Tan z 307

Taot - se 297

Taphath 97

Tardieu 74 286

Tarn 3 3

Tarquin 134 , 2 34

Tarr 1 5 3

Tarran t 1 5 3

Tarry 1 33 1 5 3


e 307

Tascher 2 5 6

Tash 1 2 1

Tashwood 1 2 1

Tasker 234 2 5 6

Tasman 241

Tass 241

Tasso 208

Tasson i 73

Tassy 241

Tat e 41 , 75 , 305

Tat ianTat iusTatlockTato


Tavern ier 2 5 6

TaylorTawe ll



TeazleTebaTebahTebaliahTe ckTe de sco 1 60

Te er 285

Tegul arius 25 6

Te legonus 91

Te lemachus 2 17

Te lferTe ll 1 27 1 36

Te llwright 242

Temple 245

Templemore 84Ten n an t 1 5 1 , 277

Ten n yson 268


Teren ceTeren t ius 3 3 , 1 5 9

Tere saTerpander

TerpsichoreTerrisT erryTert iusTertullus 90, 182

Tertullian 182

Te schenmak er 240

Te sta 305

Te tley 1 30

Te tran der 29 40 190

Te tricus 190

Teucer 195

Teufe lTeut 195



Thackeray 25 6

Thack ombau

Thaddeus 5 8

Thade 5 8



P ag e

Thais 106

Thai 143

Thalberg 1 37 1 43

Thale s 187

Thalia 1 14 187 189

Thalpius 187


Thammuz 1 89

Than a 103

Than a-Lart ia 145

Than e 103 , 145


Thaumaturgus 189

Th e cla 106

The iaTh em isTh em istoTh em istocle s 303

The obaldTh eobulusTh eoc les 38 77 106

The ocritusTh e O

Don aghue 227

Th e odoreTh e odoricThe odorus 76, 77, 96

TheodosiaThe odosius 96, 2 3 5

Th e ogonus 301 302

The ophan ius

Th e oph ila 295


Th eoph ilus 107

The ophorus

Th e ophrastus 1 96 2 5 5

The ophy lac t

The os

The oseb e sThe oseb ius 202

Th ere sa 106

Theron 106

Th e seus

Th e ssalon ica 107

The ta

Th e t isTh iaTh ierryTh ingTh irlwallThist le thwai t e 1 29

ThoburnThodotus 96, 2 3 5

Thomas 274

Thon 1 5 3

Thor 106

Thora 106

Thoraga 169

3 57

P age

Thorburn 169

Thore sby 180

Thorgar 170

Thork e t t le 169

Thorn e s 1 28

Thorold 169

Thoroughgood 1 5 2

Thorp 1 50Thorwald 160 295

Thorwaldsen 169 , 295


Tho thme th es 195

Thrale 34Thraseus 224

Thrason icus 224

Thrasymachus 225

Thre sher 70, 1 38Thrower 2 36

Thug 305

Thugat er 295

Thue s

Thurk e t tle 169Thurlow 144 , 169Thurstan 170

Thurt e ll 169

Thwait e s 1 29 1 36 1 44

Thyn n e 1 23

77Tiber 1 46, 274

Tiberias 1 46, 296

Tichborn e 147Tichbourn e 1 5 2

Tieke l 87Tick lepe nny 1 3 5

Tidal 5 7Tiddler 87Tidy 23 5

Tidyman 23 5

Ti erny 304

Tiers 90

Tieu 195

Tiffany 81

Tige l linus 242

Tiger 2 13 , 2 14 , 2 1 5

Tighearna 303

Tiglathpil e ser 194

T ilde n 1 44

Tillin ghast 1 44

Tillman 23 2

Tillot 1 28

Tilroyd 1 28

Tilley 2 38

Tilly 1 28

Tim eus 305

Timole on 205

Timon 305

Timor 196

P age'

Timour 3 2

Timpk in s 274

T in dale 1 45

Tingay 2 5 4

Tin toTin tore t toTippe tT irasT irawleyTiridat e s 41 , 60, 204

Tischen dorf 1 5 0, 242

TistaTitaT itanTitcombTithonus 307

Tit ianTi t ien s

Titus 41 86 305

Ti tyrus 248

Tiu 77

Tob 195

Tobiah 195

Tobias 195

TobyTodd 206

Todhun ter 206 243

Todleb en 88


Tof ts

TokeTolaTolan dToler 1 5 3

Tole tus

TollerTol liday 82 , 173

Tolln erTolmai

Tolmide sTolvie 1 26


TonkinTon n erTon son 272

TonyToobyToogood 1 37

TooleTooth 4 5

Topfer 240

Toplady 84

Tora 2 16

Toraga 106, 1 69

Torden sk iold 270


Tore lliTorfid





TorquemadaTorquil 170, 289

Torr 1 36, 1 37

Torran ce 20 26, 48

Torreador 199

Torren t ius

Torrero 199

Torrice lli 1 36, 242

Torsle ff 170

Tortola 202 , 304

Tot 295

Tot t ieTot tenham 195

Toussain tTovey 202 304

Towe ll 1 37

Tow e rs 1 36

Town ley 42 , 130, 1 39

Town lyTown sen dToxicrat e

ToyTozerTraillTrave l 266


Trayn er’

I‘reb e l li 3 1 40, 1 1 2

Trebon iusTredge t t 249

Tre e 1 23 1 25

Tre ffry 1 27

Trege lle s 147Tre lawn ey 1 27, 1 5 1

Tremble 42 , 199

Tremfear 29 , 39

Tren ch 1 36

Tren t on 1 25


Tre sham 1 19

Tre van n ion

Trewen t

TrianaTrimTrion es 302

Triphilus 40

Tripp 25 3

Trippenmak er 2 5 3

Trippn er 2 5 3

Trismegistus 264

Tristam 44

Triton 40

Troilus 14 1

Trol lhope 126

Trollope 1 26

Tromp 25 3

Tron che t 12 1

Trophimus 45

Tro t t er 60, 246

Trub ody 3 3 246

Trufit 1 23

Trufit t 170

Truman 17 272

Trumball 199

Trumb e l 29

Trump 307

Trumpf 307

Truwhi t t 123

Tryph ena 1 12 243

Trypho 4 5

Tryphosa 40

Tu 77

Tubal - Cain 269

Tuck 229 25 6

Tucker 25 6

Tudhope 1 2

Tudor 76, 2 3

Tuert-o 3 1

Tuff 2 19


Tui 77

Tuis 77

Tuisco 182

Tuisden 144

Tullian 182 , 183

Tullius 48 , 182 , 183

Tulloch 1 36

Tully 182 , 183

Tun stan 170

Tupman 240

Tupper 240

Turenn e 240

Turnare ll i 242

Turn bull 29, 42 , 199

Turn er 242

Turnham 128

Turnus 45 , 71 , 173

Turpin 177

Turracremata 1 36

Turren t in 1 36

Turt le 202

Turton 1 39

Tuson 77

Tuve e 73

Twa 86

Twe edale 145

Twe e dle 145

Twe lls 240


P age

V e tch 23 4

Yfial 242

Vficars 2 57

‘Hck ers 25 7

\ Hck ery . u . n 2 57

V ic tor 100, 1 15 , 136

V ic toria 100, 103

\ Hda u .

\ HdocqueV ierfuss 3 2 , 74

V ieuxt emps 1 3 5

V igilan t ius 66, 82

V ign eron 73

V ign o les 128 , 1 5 3 241

2 57

V illar 171

V illen euve 1 39

V illeroy 39 , 139

V il liers 171

V in cen t 2 24

V in cen zio 224

V in egar 2 14

V i n t er 257

V iole t 1 17

V ipend 2 5 4

V ipon d 2 54

V ir 100

V irgil 82

V irgin ia 67, 100, 1 1 2

V irgin ius 100 1 12 185

V irgo 100

V irtue 75

V iscon t i 245

V ishn aputra 296

V italian 1 5 4 , 200

V italis 242

V ite llius 200

V itus 242

V ivian 1 13 242

V ixen 101

V ladimir 38'

Voce u . 206

V oddam 122

V odrey 248

V oge l 106, 2 5 3

V oge lsang 1 25


Voke s n . 284

V olpice lli 207

V olta 1 5 1

V oltaire 284

V ol tz 122

V on der Tann 277

V on Reaumer 1 5 0

V on Robert 1 11 25 5

V opiscus 86

V ortigern ,40

, 227


72 145 270


Wan sborough

Wan steadWarboysWardVVardlaW

WardropW ardruppWare

WarkWarn erWarren 2 57

Warrington 270

Warton 139 , 1 5 0

Washin gton 4 5 , 267, 270Wass 45 267 270

Wasser 267Wasserb ohr 267

Wassing 45

Wat 2 16, 2 48 , 2 5 6

Wat eau 1 37, 237

Waters 39 1 5 1 25 2

Wat erston 1 38

Wat ling 269

Watson 272 , 288

Wat t s 2 16, 248

VVat ty 288

Wat Tyler 2 5 6

Wauchope 1 26

Waylan d 170

\Vayman 242

We ar 1 45

We atherby 123

Weatherhead 12 3 , 126

Weaver 237

We bb 237We ber 237

Webster 237

We dderburn 122

We dders 198

We dgewoodWe e ler 2 41 , 280

W e ir 145, 301

We ird 187

We ise n ste in 149

We lcombe 1 38 , 148

We ller 148 , 171

We lle sley 1 37

We l lhause n 148

W e llington 270

W e lls,


We lsh 161

We rn ys 62

We rn yss 1 3 5 1 5 1 , 266

We nde l 106

W e n de ll 1 5 8

Wendolin e 106

Wenman 242

Wen tworthW erterW e sleyW e ssen ste in

We sson

We st leyWe ston

We ath erbyWeatherh eadWe therspoon

We tla.We t te

WhalleyWharrieWharryWh e e le r\Vhe lpton

Whewe llWh ibWh ib leyWhigmore

Wh ippsWhipperman


Wh iskerWh iskinWh it combeWh it e 249

Wh itebreadWh it efie ldWh it eh ead 242

Wh it e law 149

VVhit e side 22

242 , 271


1 37


1 37

1 37



VVhi t e smi th 25 8 25 9

Whitgar 2 ] 5

WhitgiftWh itham 1 23

Whi therow 1 23

Wh iting 270, 285 , 306

Wh it lockWh itman

Wh itmore

Whi t side 1 26, 222


hit ster 238 249

Whi t t em 1 23

Wh it t ing 285

\Vhit t in gton 285

Wh it t le 25 9 , 269

Wh itworthWhyat t 274

Whybrow 1 39

Whyman 2 39

Whyt eW ick lifie 162 , 228 , 271

W icks 34 , 242

Widdow s 122,W idmore 1 23 , 1 24



P age

VVidn e ss 1 24

Wiggin (s) 271

Wight233 237

Wightgar 2 15

W igmore 200 242

VVigram 200

Wilberforce 1 36

WilderspinWile sWilfre d 171

Wi lfrith 171

Wi lhe lm 106

Wilhe lmin a 106, 171

Wilkes 171

Wilk ie 274

Wilkin son 76, 287

Wil l 171

Will ard 171

Wi llemzoon 295

Willer 171

Wille tW ill iam 97 108 , 171

W i llie 274

Willimar 171

Wi ll imore

Wil limot 171 274

Wil ling

W i llm er 75 , 171

Willocks 171

Willoughby 1 28

Will ox 171


Wi llme t 274

Wilmot 274

Wilsher 1 28

W ilsonWin dsorWin dthorstW in eWin egarW inkW inkleW inksk leman

W in egarVVin n e

W in n ieWin n ifre d\Vinn oc

VVin shipW in slow 1 34 1 36

W in t erbach 144

Win t erbot tom 144

W in t erborn 92 144

Win t ers 2 57


P age

Win throp 37 68 1 50

Wisby 167

3 4


W isgar 2 15

W ishart 1 5 , 26, 264

W ithcraft 124

2 15

W ith 122

1 24

1 26

W ith crow 1 23

Withers 124 , 1 25

Witn ey 124

Withwrong 1 22

Wit ley 266

Wit t 1 22

Wit t icin 1 2 3


Wit ty 122

W ise 3 4

Wladislaw 38 , 294



endale 176

1 39

Wolemuth 175

Wolf 177

Wolfgang 174

Wolfrad 176

Wol fsrun a 176

Wol fstan 174

Wollaston 1 39

Wolmuth 175

Wolse ley 176

1 22

Woman 100

Womba 47

Won for 167

Woode n 166

Woodgrave 248

Woodhead 1 23 308

\Voodhouse . . 279

Woodley 1 29

Woodman 124

Woodrow 248

Woodruffe 248

Woods 60, 1 20, 280

Woodside 126

Woodstock 1 26

W oodward 248

W0olard 1 3 9

Woolcock 171 , 274

VVoolfie ld 1 39

Wool frad 176

\Vol fran d 176

VVolfsrun a 176

3 62


Woolcock 171

Wooln oth 1 39 175 220

Woolsey 175

Woolward 1 39

Wooton 122 , 123 , 1 5 1

Wordi e 46 1 39 , 1 50

Wortley 1 3 3

Wotherspoon 130

Wren 234


Wun der 265

Wun sch 97

Wurmser 140

Wycherley 128 180

Wynn 13 3


XANTHU S 22 , 203

Xan t ippe 22 , 203

Xan t ippas 203

Xavier 1 36

Xenia 257Xe n o 1 12 257, 298

Xen ophan e s 307Xenophilus 40 257Xen ophon 2 5 1

Xenos 257 307


Ximen es 83

Kylan der 39, 250

Xystus 91


P age



Yuill 84

Yuille 167

Yule 84

ZAB 174

Zabad 97, 106

Zabdi 97

Zabdiah 97

Zabdie l 97

Zaccar 5 5

Zaccheus 5 8

Zacchi ah 5 8 , 79

Zaccur 79

Zachary 5 5

Zacher 79

Zadok 44

Zahn 284

Zalmon i 72

Zalmon 5 5 , 72 , 99

Zalmunna 5 5 , 72

Zamb ian chi 93

Zambo 81

Zampa 94

Zan chius 94

Zan cofi 94


Zany 94

Zaphen ath 61 , 194

Zarah 86

Zebe dee 97

Zebe diah 97 106 129

Zebudah 106

Zebul 260

Zebulun 69

Ze chariah 5 5 , 60, 79

Ze chori (m) 79

Zedek iah 44

Ze eb 66 71 174

Zenab 1 12

Ze lophehad 90

Zem in dar 247

Zenas 45

Zen o 45

Zenobia 45 , 1 12

Zephi (m) 78

Zepho 93

Zephon 66 71 , 72

Zephyr 183

Zerah 5 8 , 86

Zerahiah 5 8

Zeresh 93 1 16

Zeruah 1 16

Zerubab e l 140, 194

Zeruiah 5 5 , 1 16

P age

Ze thar 78 1 16

Ze tlan d 289

Zens 45 , 77, 183

Z ibiah 109, 1 14 , 209

Zib ion 71

Zibrah 109

Z ichri 60

Z iegler 284

Z ill 5 5 , 99

Z illah 5 5 , 99 , 109

Z ill Allah 5 5 , 99

Z illai 32 , 304

Z ilpah 1 16

Z il thai 99

Zilthaiah 99

Z immerman 241

Z imri 78

Zimri (m) 78

Z in zen dorf 13 1 , 1 50

Z iph ion 71

Ziphon 78

Zippor 46 106

Z ipporah 106

Zisca 3 1

Z ita 83 , 101

Z ite lla 101

Z ithri 60

Z ittau 2 5 3

Z iza 57

Zizca 3 1

Zohar 5 8

Zohe th 305

Zoilus 45

Zolln er 2 5 6

Zoon 41 278 296

Zophah 5 9

Zoppi 83 , 240, 2 50

Zopyrus 17, 25 , 183

Zorah 5 8 106

Zoril la 207

Zoroaster 16, 4 1 , 184

Zorra 206

Zosimus 45

Zouch 308

Zuar 87

Zucca 246

Zuingle 29

Zuinglius 29 1 5 8

Zuk ertort 307

Zull eka 108 1 12 187

Zur 86

Zurie l 5 5

a shaddai 5 5 , 145

Zwingle 29, 15 8