PARISH MESSENGER - Chicago Mar Thoma Church

THE Chicago Mar Thoma Church PARISH MESSENGER Bi-Monthly AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2019

Transcript of PARISH MESSENGER - Chicago Mar Thoma Church

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 2

1 Rev. Shiby Varughese P Vicar / President 847-321-5464

2 Rev. George Varghese Assistant Vicar/Vice-President 224-304-9311

3 Dr. P. V. Cherian Vice-President 734-717-9361

4 Mr. Teji Thomas Secretary 818-445-4790

5 Mr. Monish K John Trustee - Finance 302-607-3240

6 Dr. Abraham George Trustee - Accounts 847-668-4168

7 Mr. Abraham K Abraham Lay Leader - Malayalam 847-401-9021

8 Mr. Sims P Chacko Lay Leader - English 224-410-8700

9 Mr. Mathew M Mathai Mandalam Member 847-903-6670

10Dr. Joe M George

Assembly Member /

Diocesan Council Member 224-381-2174

11 Mr. Daniel C Varghese Assembly Member 847-962-5893

12 Ms. Sunina M Chacko Assembly Member 847-401-1670

13 Mr. Oommen Varghese Choir 815-690-2793

14 Mr. Koshy Varghese (Roy) Edavaka Mission 847-254-0801

15 Ms. Anna John Sevikha Sangham 847-345-4623

16 Ms. Annie Varghese Sunday School 847-254-8095

17 Ms. Sharon Chacko Youth Fellowship 847-624-1670

18 Mr. Pramod John Yuvajana Sakhyam 860-944-4535

19 Ms. Jessy Rincy Area 1 Representative 773-775-4059

20 Mr. Alvin Varghese Area 2 Representative 847-494-5479

21 Mr. John T. Mathew Area 3 Representative 224-766-9491

22 Mr. Alwin Abraham Area 4 Representative 224-489-9364

23 Mr. John Kurien Area 5 Representative 847-612-9053

24 Mr. Biju Jacob Area 6 Representative 847-346-9795

25 Mr. Koshy Varghese (Shaji) Area 7 Representative 847-644-0623

26 Mr. Shaji Koshy Area 8 Representative 847-907-1534

27 Mr. Ashwin Cherian Area 9 Representative 847-420-8949

28 Mr. Iype George Area 10 Representative 630-289-3076

29 Mr. Sibi M. Jacob Area 11 Representative 414-434-0934

30 Mr. John T. Mathew Lay Leader (Malayalam) 224-766-9491

31 Mr. Reuben Varghese Lay Leader (English) 847-962-3300

32 Mr. Leboy W. Thoppil Auditor 224-381-9484

33 Mr. Achenkunj Mathew Auditor 847-912-2578

THE Chicago Mar Thoma Church


2019 Elected Non-Committee Members

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 3

Dearly Beloved in Christ,

Luke 22: 19-20 “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in

remembrance of me.” “This cup that is poured out for you is the new

covenant in my blood”

In the month of August and September, we as church will be devoting the

time to meditate on the redemption offered through Jesus Christ. Both Holy Baptism and

Holy Eucharist are the sacraments that share the mysteries of salvation.

Jesus gave us the Eucharist at the Last Supper. The Last Supper of Jesus was a celebration

of the Pasch, the Passover meal in which the Israelites were incorporated into God’s chosen

people as they ate the Paschal Lamb before their exodus from Egypt to the promised land.

This sacrificial meal grounded a special relationship with the Lord, gave them an identity

as his people, and strengthened their covenant with him. Jesus established a new covenant,

a new relationship with us, through offering not a lamb but himself, the Lamb of God who

takes away the sins of the world. When we do this in memory of him, we do it at a meal,

the new Paschal Meal participating in the Paschal Mystery of the Death and Resurrection

of Jesus Christ. We eat his Body and drink his Blood. Sacrifice narrated in the Eucharistic

meal makes it a sacrificial meal. On the Cross, Jesus offered himself once and for all. The

Eucharistic sacrifice, repeated each time celebrated in communion, is not a new sacrifice,

but a participation in the one sacrifice of Christ. As we will see, in this sense, it is a

memorial. “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn


For the baptized Christian, no sacrifice or offering is ever too small, because it is taken up

into the one sacrifice and offering of Christ. We partake in the new Paschal meal and

participate in Jesus’ dying and rising. Through the invocation of the Holy Spirit, the

moments of our time participate in the moments of the time of the Last Supper, Jesus’

Death and Resurrection, and the offering of the Son to the Father. This is the deeper

meaning of the Eucharist and of the directive Jesus gave his Apostles and their successors

to enact what he did in order to participate in his offering. Eucharist is a thanksgiving and

Praise. In the Eucharist, we encounter Jesus in person.

Jesus at the Last Supper said, “Do this in remembrance of me,” to mean, “On that day when

you do these things (the Eucharist), I will be with you” Now, that is real presence. “Do this

in memory of me.” But the memorial of the Eucharist, the remembering of Jesus, is also

his real presence, as we will see. The word “anamnesis” in Greek has this fuller meaning

of remembering. This answer of Jesus shows the fullness of his remembrance of us and

how he is present to us in the Eucharist. Jesus Christ is truly present. The presence of Jesus

is real, sacred and historical. Eucharist a symbol of Jesus, a representation of him, we must


Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 4

remember that this symbolic representation re-presents him, makes present again the reality

of Jesus, the eternal Son of God, divine and human, truly present in the Eucharist.

The mystery of the Eucharist is the mystery of the Church. We are united as members of

his body, ever more deeply each time we celebrate and receive. “We are the body of Christ”

must be complemented by “We are the Body of Christ!” Communion with Christ in the

Eucharist bring with us as a community, our identity, our shared life of worship, our living.

The Church has always taught that Jesus Christ remains truly present in the Eucharist even

after the celebration. As we receive the Eucharist or adore in silent prayer, we can relate

to the Eucharist as Jesus present, actively offering himself to us. This relationship, like all

relationships, requires faith, but a faith that bears fruit. The adoration of Our Lord in the

Blessed Sacrament allows the fruits of our reception of him to ripen and deepen into

communion and into a fullness of love flowing forth into our daily lives. The Eucharist is

the heart and summit of the life of every Christian and of the whole People of God.

May the good Lord bless all of us to partake in the Holy Communion and to receive the

spiritual blessings and to have eternal life.


Shiby Achen

Dearly beloved in Christ,

A young man ran after Socrates, calling, “Socrates, Socrates, can I be

your disciple?” Socrates ignored him and walked out into the river. The

man followed him and repeated the question. Socrates turned to him and

without a word he grabbed the young man and immersed him under the

water and held him down until he knew that he couldn’t take it any

longer. The man came up gasping for air. Then Socrates replied, “When you desire the

truth as much as you seek air, you can be my disciple.” We claim that we are the disciples

of Jesus Christ and we are the children of God. But do we have the true desire to seek after

God? To seek after God means to go after God with an intense desire.

In Psalm 63, when David was in the wilderness of Judah, he says, “You, God, are my God,

earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched

land where there is no water.” Like David, we may live in a spiritually dry land. The world

around us is desperately trying to quench its thirst with everything except the Living Water.

There is always a spiritual thirst within us. Sometimes we may not be completely conscious

about it. But this thirst, if it is not satisfied properly, manifests itself in many unhealthy

ways. It may show itself in the restlessness we have; in spite of possessing all that we

desire, we may still feel we lack something. Or there may be emptiness in life; life may


Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 5

seem to be meaningless. Or there may never be a sense of fulfillment in life; we may have

a family, kids, good job with a fat salary, yet, life may seem unfulfilled. Sometimes, even

when living among people, we may feel lonely in life. Life may seem to be deprived of

joy. We may feel that we are living in a shattered world. There is one solution for all these

problems: Focus on Jesus.

Leonardo da Vinci was 43 years old when the Duke of Milan asked him to paint the Last

Supper. He worked on it slowly and with meticulous care to detail. He spent much time

making the cup that Jesus held as beautiful as possible. After three years he was ready to

show it, and he called for a friend to come and see it. He said, “Look at it and give me your

opinion.” The friend said, “It is wonderful. The cup is so real I cannot take my eyes off of

it!” Immediately Leonardo took a brush and drew it across the sparkling cup. He exclaimed

as he did so: “Nothing shall detract from the figure of Christ!” Christ must be the primary

focus in a Christian’s life.

Let Jesus be the primary focus of our life, our restlessness and emptiness, our

meaninglessness and hopelessness shall disappear like the morning mist. Let Jesus – the

Morning Star rise in our hearts, the darkness of life will disappear; let Jesus – the Rose of

Sharon, come into our life, the dullness in life will vanish, and it will be filled with the

fragrance of joy; let Jesus – the Lion of Judah, come into our life, we shall be strengthened

and rejuvenated in life. May God bless you.

In His Service,

Binu Achen.

Teen & Youth – A Journey

GOD LOVES YOU, no matter what? - This is the most important truth of them all and

one that we should keep repeating every single time we talk to teens. No matter what you

have done, no matter what you will do, God will always love you. He loves you even if

you’re the biggest sinner that ever walked the face of the earth. He loves you when you’re

depressed and cutting yourself, He loves you when you’re angry all the time, He loves you

whether you’re confused… There is absolutely nothing you could ever do that would make

God stop loving you. Let’s tell teens that and affirm them in God’s love for them again and


I LOVE YOU - It may sound too cheesy to say, but do we know how many teens are

longing to hear someone say this to them? Show them we love them in spending time with

them, investing in a relationship with them. But don’t forget to say the words as well. Hey

man, I love you, you’re like a little brother to me, you know that? I love you girl, I’m so

blessed to know you and to have you in my life. Say the words and watch them make a



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I FORGIVE YOU - Teens will mess up. At one point or another, they will make a mistake,

cost us money or end up hurting us. How we react to this can have a huge impact on them.

The words they need to hear are: I forgive you (possibly followed by: And I still love you!).

Teens need to know that they have the room for mistakes, that messing up every now and

then is not encouraged but OK if it is NOT a mistake that is being repeated too often.

NO - I’ve been reading a book called; “Generation iY” and the author paints a startling

picture of the current generation of teens. One of the things he states is that this generation

is spoiled. On one hand parents are usually overprotective and hovering, but on the other

hand they are afraid to set clear boundaries, deny their kids’ requests and simply say NO.

Teens need boundaries, they need rules and they need to hear us say NO. As a parent/leader,

it’s important to remember that we are not their buddy or BFF, we are their leader. They

follow us, not the other way around. That means setting boundaries and lovingly saying

NO when teens cross them. We may feel like we’re hurting them by saying NO, but in the

end, it’ll be better for them…and for us.

HANG in there, DON’T QUIT - Barnabas is the best example of an encourager in the

Bible. What hit me as I read about him encouraging young believers was his message to

them: “… strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith

and saying: ‘We must go through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.’” (Acts


Encouraging our teens doesn’t mean telling them it’s all gonna be OK, that things will look

better tomorrow or that others have it way worse. Barnabas encouraged young believers by

telling them the TRUTH: Struggles and trials are part of the life as a Christian. Just hang

in there and don’t give up, and I’d like to add; “And you’re not alone”; those are words

teens need to hear.

Being a teen has never been easy and it sure isn’t nowadays. Teens need our support and

encouragement, both in their everyday struggles and in their faith. But let’s encourage them

with the TRUTH, NOT with PLATITUDES. Let’s help them to continue in their faith, to


Together in His Service

Teji Thomas

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1 2

7:00 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAM Area 9

9:30 am Holy Communion in ENGLISH Area 11

9:30 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAMGen







3:1-8Area 10

7:00 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAM Area 11

9:30 am Holy Communion in ENGLISH Area 1

7:30 am Divine Service in ENGLISH Area 1-11

10:30 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAM Area 1











1 Kgs








Date ScheduleLessons

Epistle Gospel

Mission from Everyone to Everywhere - Mission Sunday C.H. 394





Holy Baptism: Born from Above C.H. 191 (Edavaka Mission Convention)

Reformation Day: Authority of the Word of God -C.H. 201

Holy Qurbana: Celebration of Salvation -C.H. 34









1 2

7:00 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAM Area 2

10:30 am Holy Communion in ENGLISH Area 2

10:30 am Holy Communion in ENGLISHJudg







14:3-9Area 3

10:30 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAMGen










7:00 am Divine Service in ENGLISH Area 1-11

10:30 am Holy Qurbana in MALAYALAMSenior


10:30 am Holy Communion in ENGLISH

Followed by Study Forum

2 Kgs







6:7-13Area 4



Wom en: Equal participation in the Ministry of the Kingdom of God- Parish Fam ily Retreat C.H. 39




Teachers: To be filled with Divine Wisdom - Education Sunday C.H. 58










Honoring the Elder Generation: Sevika Sanghom Day C.H. 273

Date ScheduleLessons



Faith expression of the Marginalised- Senior Citizen Day C.H. 215


Transforming the oppressive structures -C.H. 425









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AREA PRAYER MEETINGS – August – September




Mr. Kuruvilla P. Samuel

3308 N Shawenee Ave, Grace Lake,

IL – 60030. Ph. 847-367-6885

6:30 pm




Mr. Abraham George (Ashley)

1410 W Russell Ct, Arlington Heights

IL – 60005. Ph. 847-693-1882

6:30 pm




Mr. Alex Thomas

@ Church Basement Fellowship Hall

Ph. 224-436-9372

6:30 pm




Mr. Praveenmon Thomas

1608 N. Larch Dr, Mount Prospect,

IL – 60056. Ph. 847-769-0050

7:00 pm




Mr. Alex Samuel

1783 Pratt Ave, Des Plaines,

IL – 60018. Ph. 224-392-7251

6:30 pm




Mr. Varghese M. Melethil

581 W. Kathleen Dr, Des Plaines,

IL – 60016. Ph. 847-749-5140

6:30 pm




Mrs. Baby Thomas

@ Church Basement Fellowship Hall,

Ph. 847-927-1911

7:00 pm




Mr. Saji Kurien

@ Church Basement Fellowship Hall,

Ph. 847-298-1346

6:30 pm




Mr. Varghese Chacko

9251 Fern Ln, Des Plaines,

IL – 60016. Ph. 847-890-1344

6:30 pm




Mr. George John

@ Church Basement Fellowship Hall,

Ph. 847-431-1112

6:30 pm




Mr. Abraham Philip

1818 Pheasant Trail, Mount Prospect

IL – 60056. Ph. 847-890-3185

6:30 pm




Mr. John T. Mathew

9238 Ozark Ave, Morton Grove,

IL – 60053. Ph. 847-967-0317

6:30 pm



Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 9

SEVIKA SANGHOM Young Women Fellowship - Please join for fellowship/devotion/bible studies, for details

contact Ms. Reba Varghese, Ms. Daisy Mathew or Ms. Jenny Thomas

08/02 – Fri – 07:00 pm @ Church 09/07 – Sat – 10:00 am @ Church

09/14 – Sat – Grandparents Day

YUVAJANA SAKHYAM 08/03 – Sat – Cottage Prayer – 6:30 pm – Mr. Sanish George – 4120 N Kennicott Ave, Arlington Ht

08/17 – Sat – Harvest Festival – Program starts @ 3:30 pm




Mrs. Susy Thomas

1059 S. Normandy Rd, Waukegan,

IL – 60085. Ph. 847-623-7261

7:00 pm



Mr. Yohannan Mathew & Ms. Rosamma Mathew

7820 Tripp Ave, Skokie,

IL – 60076. Ph. 847-612-6058

7:00 pm



Mr. Ranchi Thomas & Ms. Shiny Thomas

420 N. Warren Rd, Glenview,

IL – 60025. Ph. 847-209-2266

7:00 pm



Mr. Philip Cherian & Ms. Anna Philip

1802 Krowka Dr, Des Plaines,

IL – 60018. Ph. 847-308-2979

7:00 pm



Mr. Thomas Mammen & Ms. Saramma Mammen

6213 Wildflower Ln, Gurnee,

IL – 60031. Ph. 847-336-3086

7:00 pm



Ms. K. C. Samuel & Ms. Annamma Samuel

5423 N. Forest Glen Ave, Chicago,

IL – 60630. Ph. 773-972-9201

7:00 pm



Mr. Chandran Pillai & Ms. Mariamma Pillai

830 Carlow Dr, Des Plaines,

IL – 60016. Ph. 847-987-5184

7:00 pm



Mr. Abraham Koshy & Ms. Annamma Koshy

1345 Miami Lan, Des Plaines,

IL – 60018. Ph. 847-297-0643

7:00 pm


SENIOR CITIZENS FELLOWSHIP 08/22 Thu 10:00 am @ Church 09/19 Thu 10:00 am @ Church


Bi-Monthly Visiting Sick & Elderly Members – Details on Date & Time to follow

Prayer Cell Every Sunday – Time will be published in Weekly Digest

09/14 Combined Prayer Meeting – 06:30 pm at CMTC

08/01 – 08/04 Diocesan National Conference hosted by St. Mathews MTC, Toronto

08/08 – 08/11 Edavaka Mission Convention

08/08 Thu – 08/09 Fri – Gospel Meeting @ 07:00 pm

08/10 Sat – Gospel Meeting @ 06:30 pm

08/11 Sun – Final Meeting along with Holy Communion Service

CHOIR 1st & 3rd Sat English Choir Practice 2nd & 4th Sat Malayalam Choir Practice

YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 08/03 On-Day Trip to Starved Rock – 08:00 am – 03:00 pm

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 10



08/01 Ms. Leena Philip 08/1 3 Ms. Rachel Varghese

08/01 Ms. Johanna Mary Jacob 08/1 4 Mr. Shanon George

08/01 Ms. Freny Mathew 08/1 4 Mr. Eipe C Varghese

08/01 Mr. Joshi George 08/1 4 Ms. Aney M. Abraham

08/01 Ms. Saram m a M. Varghese 08/1 4 Ms. Sherry Jacob

08/01 Mr. Benny K. Issac 08/1 4 Mr. Aaron B. Cherian

08/01 Mr. Jacob Arackal 08/1 5 Dr. Abraham George

08/02 Ms. Anjali Jay a Mathew 08/1 5 Mr. K. J. Sam uel

08/02 Ms. Ann Elizabeth Mathew 08/1 5 Ms. Annam m a John

08/03 Mr. Proxoson J Cherian 08/1 5 Ms. Sosam m a Varughese

08/04 Ms. Aley am m a Ninan 08/1 6 Ms. Grace Jessa Mathew

08/04 Ms. Dona S. George 08/1 6 Ms. Shay ne S Varughese

08/04 Mr. Jacob Koshy 08/1 6 Ms. Neethu Elsa Thom as

08/04 Ms. Ancy S. Mohan 08/1 6 Ms. Shara Mary Alex

08/05 Ms. Lov eleena Alex 08/1 6 Ms. Sy na Sujai

08/05 Ms. Princy S. Mathew 08/1 7 Mr. Jeffy Joseph Thom as

08/05 Ms. Lillikutty Thom as 08/1 8 Ms. Mary George

08/06 Ms. Sarina P Issac 08/1 8 Ms. Regina G. Mathew

08/06 Ms. Rensy J Mathew 08/1 8 Mr. Sunny Paul Kanam pully

08/06 Mr. Easo T. Varghese 08/1 8 Mr. Cay den Daniel Bose

08/06 Ms. Mariam m a John 08/1 9 Ms. Aley am m a Cherian

08/06 Mr. Caleb Thom as Philip 08/21 Ms. Steffi Oom m en

08/07 Ms. Renay Alex 08/21 Ms. Abigail Mariam George

08/08 Ms. Aley am m a Abraham 08/22 Dr. M. V. Mathew

08/08 Ms. Sabitha Mathew 08/23 Ms. Saritha Mathew

08/09 Ms. Preetha K. John 08/24 Ms. Leena Cherian

08/09 Ms. Jessy J. Koshy 08/24 Mr. Biju Koshy Varghese

08/1 0 Ms. Mariam m a Mathai 08/24 Mr. Ankit Gupta

08/1 0 Ms. Mariam m a Thom as 08/24 Dr. Angie Sam uel

08/1 0 Ms. Christa Alex 08/26 Mr. Jinu C. Thom as

08/1 0 Mr. Bejil O. Thom as 08/26 Ms. Aley am m a Varghese

08/1 0 Mr. Philipose C. Thom as 08/26 Mr. Viv ian Mae Joseph

08/1 1 Ms. Jincy Philip 08/26 Mr. Alwin Abraham

08/1 1 Ms. Bincy Philip 08/26 Ms. Gabrela Grace Varghese

08/1 1 Mr. Donald Jacob 08/27 Ms. Sunu John

08/1 2 Ms. Saram m a George 08/28 Ms. Salom i George

08/1 2 Mr. Pallathu J. Mathai 08/28 Ms. Sara Elizabeth Mathew

08/1 2 Ms. Veena Shebby Sam uel 08/28 Ms. Shy la Annie Varughese

08/1 2 Mr. Ciju Cherian 08/29 Mr. Vince Sam George

08/1 2 Ms. Em ory Thom as Viv ian 08/29 Ms. Hana Mini Geno

08/1 2 Ms. Binu Joseph 08/30 Mr. Bobby George

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 11


08/30 Mr. N. Mathew Philip 08/30 Ms. Ashley R. Mohan

08/30 Ms. Ashley E. Abraham 08/30 Ms. Rachelamma Mathai

08/30 Mr. Joel G. Mathew 08/31 Ms. Marina P Issac

08/30 Mr. Robin A. Mathew 08/31 Mr. E. J. Jacob

09/01 Ms. Kunjumol Cherian 09/1 0 Ms. Leelamma Jacob

09/01 Mr. Sabu Kuruv illa 09/1 0 Ms. Ashley Miriam John

09/01 Mr. Jake A John 09/1 0 Mr. George Iy pe

09/01 Ms. Aliamma Chacko 09/1 0 Mr. John Abraham

09/01 Ms. Viji George 09/1 0 Ms. Lilly kutty George

09/02 Ms. Isabella Maria Jacob 09/1 0 Ms. Leelamma Cherian

09/03 Mr. Jensen P. Mathew 09/1 0 Mr. Aju Abraham Mathew

09/03 Ms. Linsu Abraham 09/1 0 Mr. Sibi M. Jacob

09/04 Mr. Stanley George 09/1 1 Mr. George Oommen

09/04 Ms. Aley amma Varghese 09/1 1 Ms. Saramma Mathews

09/04 Ms. Lalu A. Thomas 09/1 1 Ms. Alisha Mary Johnson

09/05 Mr. Bijoy K. Samuel 09/1 2 Ms. Sandy Thomas

09/05 Ms. Mariamma V. Mathew 09/1 2 Mr. Mithin C Mathew

09/05 Ms. Anupa Serah Saji 09/1 2 Mr. Daniel George Thomas

09/05 Mr. K. O. Oommen 09/1 2 Mr. Christopher Samuel

09/05 Mr. Selwin Zachariah 09/1 3 Ms. Sherry P. Shibu

09/06 Mr. Jeffin K. Koshy 09/1 3 Mr. Danu Thomas

09/06 Mr. Nev in A. Mathew 09/1 5 Mr. Amal Chakkanattu Eipe

09/06 Mr. Biju Jacob 09/1 5 Mr. M. C. Issac

09/06 Mr. Madison Bethany Joseph 09/1 5 Ms. Anitha S. Mathew

09/06 Mr. Oommen Cherian 09/1 5 Mr. P.Cherian John

09/07 Mr. Varghese V. Cherian 09/1 6 Mr. Dipin Mohan

09/07 Ms. Saira Leela Thomas 09/1 6 Ms. Soji M Thomas

09/07 Mr. Joshua Rincy 09/1 6 Ms. Bini K. Mathews

09/07 Ms. Saramma Thomas 09/1 8 Mr. Charles Mathew

09/08 Ms. Emily Ann Mathew 09/1 9 Mr. Shebby K. Samuel

09/08 Ms. Reeba Mathew 09/1 9 Ms. Joanna Molly Mathew

09/08 Mr. Joel Thomas George 09/20 Ms. Sarah Ronnie Koshy

09/09 Mr. Dy lan Michael Pearlman 09/20 Ms. Ashly M. Mathew

09/09 Ms. Sharon Moncy Chacko 09/21 Ms. Saramma Thundiy il

09/09 Mr. Liju Philip 09/21 Mr. Cherian K. Chacko

09/09 Mr. Jacob George 09/21 Mr. Jerin Varghese

09/09 Mr. John P. Chacko 09/22 Mr. Nidhin Mathew

09/09 Ms. Gianne Marie Thoppil 09/22 Mr. Alv in Varghese

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09/22 Ms. Joanne Lilly Kanampully 09/27 Mr. Ahin Philip Mathew

09/22 Mr. Siji V. Koshy 09/27 Ms. Shebin Moncy Chacko

09/22 Mr. John Kurien 09/27 Mr. Kev in K Varghese

09/23 Ms. Ann Sara Rajan 09/27 Mr. Jacob Shinoj George

09/23 Mr. Abel John 09/28 Ms. Neethu E. Thampy

09/24 Mr. Jonathan Issac Varghese 09/29 Ms. Ancy John

09/24 Mr. Jerin K. Koshy 09/29 Ms. Riy a Johnson

09/24 Ms. Tracy George 09/29 Ms. Amy Ann Koshy

09/25 Mr. Varghese K. Varghese 09/29 Ms. Aley amma George

09/25 Mr. Yohan Abraham Mathai 09/29 Mr. Eapen Chacko

09/26 Mr. Ajit Jacob 09/29 Ms. Jessica M. John

09/26 Mr. John Samuel 09/30 Ms. Annamma Varghese

09/26 Mr. Naithen Niju Pothen 09/30 Mr. Finny M. Varghese

09/26 Ms. Soumy a E. Mathew 09/30 Ms. Staicy Jacob

09/26 Ms. Diana Elizabeth Chacko 09/30 Ms. Rachelamma Oommen

08/01 Mr. & Mrs.John Kurien 08/1 8 Mr. & Mrs.Vinod M. Jacob08/03 Mr. & Mrs.John Abraham 08/20 Mr. & Mrs.Mohan T. Varghese08/03 Mr. & Mrs.Besil T. Mammen 08/20 Mr. & Mrs.Gigi P. Sam08/05 Mr. & Mrs.George M. Kuzhiparampil 08/21 Mr. & Mrs.Sunny Paul Kanampully08/06 Mr. & Mrs.Blesson George 08/23 Mr. & Mrs.Kuruvilla P. Samuel08/06 Mr. & Mrs.Robin Joseph 08/24 Mr. & Mrs.Jobby Jacob08/07 Mr. & Mrs.Saramma John 08/25 Dr. & Mrs.Mathew P. Samuel08/07 Mr. & Mrs.Praveenmon Thomas 08/25 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas George08/08 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Varughese 08/25 Mr. & Mrs.Sean H. Hayes08/09 Mr. & Mrs.Eipe C Varghese 08/26 Mr. & Mrs.Cecil O Joseph08/1 0 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Mathew 08/26 Mr. & Mrs.Koshy K. Mathai08/1 5 Mr. & Mrs.George K. Mathew 08/27 Mr. & Mrs.P. A. Phillipose08/1 6 Mr. & Mrs.George Iype 08/28 Mr. & Mrs.Kochummen George08/1 6 Mr. & Mrs.George Mathew Molackal 08/28 Dr. & Mrs.J. D. Khandekar08/1 7 Mr. & Mrs.Varughese M. Melethil 08/29 Mr. & Mrs.Mathew Eapen08/1 7 Mr. & Mrs.Cherian S Thomas 08/30 Mr. & Mrs.Renchi K. Thomas08/1 7 Mr. & Mrs.Deepak Verghese 08/30 Mr. & Mrs.Kedangail S. Philip08/1 8 Mr. & Mrs.Issac George 08/30 Mr. & Mrs.Jacob Thomas08/1 8 Mr. & Mrs.Jacob K Verghese 08/30 Mr. & Mrs.Jomy Cherian

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For more information, please contact the Vicar or Mrs. Sunina Moncy Chacko


The Chicago Mar Thoma Church

240 Potter Road,

Des Plaines,

IL – 60016

Ph: 847-803-4933


Rev. Shiby Varughese P.

310 Potter Road, Des Plaines,

IL 60016

Ph: ® 847-803-4933

Ph: © 847-321-5464,

Fax: 847-803-4933

[email protected]; [email protected]


Rev. George Varghese

9500 Golf Rd

Des Plaines, IL 60016

Ph. (224) 304 - 9311

[email protected]; [email protected]


09/01 Mr. & Mrs.Mathew Varughese 09/1 0 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas George09/02 Mr. & Mrs.Shibu M. David 09/1 0 Mr. & Mrs.Eapen Chacko09/02 Mr. & Mrs.Senju Johnson 09/1 1 Mr. & Mrs.Jerry Tom Thomas09/03 Mr. & Mrs.Zachariah T. Chacko 09/1 3 Mr. & Mrs.Abraham E. Thomas09/03 Mr. & Mrs.Jibu Mathew 09/1 4 Mr. & Mrs.George Oommen09/04 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Thomas 09/1 4 Mr. & Mrs.Linu Manthanathu Joseph09/04 Mr. & Mrs.George V. Cheriyan 09/1 7 Mr. & Mrs.Jaysen Thomas09/06 Mr. & Mrs.Mathew K. George 09/21 Dr. & Mrs.Prince P. Mathew09/07 Mr. & Mrs.Abraham Koshy 09/24 Mr. & Mrs.Aniyan Varghese09/1 0 Mr. & Mrs.Biju Philip 09/28 Mr. & Mrs.Lijin Varghese09/1 0 Mr. & Mrs.Alex P. Mathew 09/30 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Mammen

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 14


The main source to disseminate information regarding various Parish related

activities are through, “Weekly Digest” – released every Friday of the week and

Bi-Monthly newsletter, “Messenger” e-mailed on the last day of preceding month

and paper copy mailed to each family mailing address. Kindly forward all inputs

for Weekly Digest by 7:00 pm on Thursday and for Messenger by 20 th of the

preceding month of publication. Please inform the Vicar or Secretary in case of

any inputs, inquiries or corrections to these publication .Changes in address &

phone numbers should be informed to the Vicar, Secretary and the Trustees.

Please e-signup at for weekly newsletter, for all

Weekly Digest, Messenger and Announcement items, please email

Secretary,[email protected] or [email protected]


Please visit us online at and find information on

The Chicago Mar Thoma Church. Please contact Mr. Teji Thomas, Parish

Secretary (818) 445-4790 for any assistance.


Use the CMTC Membership Form available at CMTC Website Resources ->

Forms. You may obtain form from the Vicar or Parish Office. Return the filled

form with due documents to The Vicar for approval.


The Parish Fellowship Hall in the basement can be booked by members for prayer

fellowship. Please contact Trustees/Achen for more information

Intercessory Prayer

Every Thursday @ 9pm Teleconference call detail: Phone No. +1-605-313-5656 Access code 736283#

The event dates published for Parish and its Sub-Organization in the

attached Calendar is subject to change in case of any unforeseen

circumstances and the same will be communicated either through e-

Mail or phone message (calling post).

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 15

Parish Calendar

Church Fasting Prayer - Every Tuesday @ Church - 10:00 AM

Edavaka Mission/Sevika Sangham Combined Prayer Meeting @ Church/Regions - Every Wednesday

Senior Citizen Prayer Meeting - Every 4th Thursday @ Church 10:00 AM (April-September)

Church Every Thursday - Intercessory Prayer - Teleconference Call

Young Family Fellowship Prayer Meeting - Every Second Saturday @ Church - 5:00 PM

Edavaka Mission All Area Combined Prayer Meeting - Every Second Saturday @ Church - 6:30 PM

Kids Ministry Every 1 & 2 Fridays of the Month - Except December

Neighborhood Ministry Bessies Table - 1st Monday of Every Month

Young Women Fellowship First Saturday of Every Month

Recurring Events

CMTC Year 2019 Calendar Of Events

Organization Program Start Date End Date

Edavaka Mission Diocesan National Conference 1-Aug 4-Aug

Choir Food Sale - Fund Raiser 4-Aug

Church Student / Teachers Dedication 4-Aug

Edavaka Mission Convention 8-Aug 11-Aug


Student / Teachers Dedication

Sunday School Teachers Retreat 11-Aug

Yuvajana Sakhyam Harvest Festival 17-Aug

Church High School Kids Retreat 18-Aug

Choir Choir Musical Evening 24-Aug

Church Sacrament 24-Aug

Church First Day of Sunday School 25-Aug

Church Wisconsin HC Service 31-Aug

Church Family Retreat 6-Sep 8-Sep

Sevika Sangham Grand Parents Day 14-Sep

Sevika Sangham Sevikha Sanghom Day 15-Sep

Church Sacrament 21-Sep

Church Sacrament 26-Sep

Church Sacrament 28-Sep

Sevika Sangham Fall Fest 5-Oct

Yuvajana Sakhyam Diocesan National Conference 4-Oct 6-Oct

Church MTVEA Sunday / Sanadha Suvishesha Sangha Dinam 6-Oct

Yuvajana Sakhyam Blood Donation Drive 12-Oct

Sevika Sangham Diocesan National Conference - Houston 10-Oct 13-Oct

Church Youth Sunday 13-Oct

Church Yuvajana Vaaram 13-Oct 20-Oct

Yuvajana Sakhyam


(HC service for Senior Citizens - Home bound aged parents) 19-Oct

Church Yuvajana Sunday 20-Oct

Church Sacrament 26-Oct

Church Wisconsin HC Service 26-Oct


Family Sunday

Tithe Sunday 27-Oct

Yuvajana Sakhyam Food Sale - Fund Raiser 27-Oct

Church World Sunday School Day 3-Nov

Church Parish Convention 7-Nov 10-Nov

Church Parish Day 10-Nov

Youth Fellowship Thanksgiving Dinner/Service Project 16-Nov

Church Parish General Body - (Election of 2020 Executive Committee ) - Tentative 17-Nov

Church Wisconsin HC Service 23-Nov

Yuvajana Sakhyam Thamberum Thaalavum - Inter Area Prayer Group Carol Competition 24-Nov

CMTC Year 2019 Calendar Of Events

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 16

Organization Program Start Date End Date

Church 25 Day Lent 1-Dec 25-Dec

Edavaka Mission Serving Breakfast & Distributing Gift 7-Dec

Church Mar Thoma Sabha Day 21-Dec

Church Carol Service 21-Dec

Church Christmas - Feast of Nativity 25-Dec

Church Wisconsin HC Service 25-Dec

Youth Fellowship Midwest Regional Conference 26-Dec 29-Dec

Church Watch Night Service 31-Dec

CMTC Year 2019 Calendar Of Events

This edition of Messenger is

sponsored by

Faithful Family

Parish expresses our sincere gratitude to these members


Theme: “Call to Build the Ark of God”

Based on Hebrews 11: 7

Friday Sep 6th – Sunday Sep 8th


Green Lake Conference Center,

W2511 State Rd, Green Lake, WI 54941

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 17

Dear Fellow Parishioner,

'Sharing is Caring' is a common phrase all of us have heard time and time


Let us tell you a real-life story we experienced this year. Of late, our custodian

was not feeling well, many times hospitalized, and his son was filling-in for

him. During the second week of June, our custodian’s son Alex walked into

the Office and asked, "Could you please write this month’s check in my Dad's

name?" We said sure and obliged. When further probed, Alex mentioned,

“since Father’s Day is coming up, this is my gift for him, and I plan to take

him out for lunch”. A form of caring through sharing in a very touching way

isn’t it?

You might be wondering why we are always requesting at least $100 monthly

per family as Subscription– it’s ‘sharing and caring’ to meet the budget and to

ensure the operational sustenance of Parish. If your family can, please do share

at least $100 as monthly subscription. We only have 5 more months left in this

financial year, let’s ensure we have given monthly subscription for last 7

months. Please be reminded, as per our general body decision we are required

to close the accounts on December 31st itself.

If anyone or any family is struggling financially, kindly let Vicars know in

confidence; your Parish will support with a little help from Parish Tithe Fund.

Let our Parish be a true living example of the common phrase ‘Sharing is


Together In His Service

Monish K. John, Dr. Abraham George


Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 18

Church Facility Usage

Dear Parishioners;

If any parishioner needs to utilize Church Facility; request, you to

please follow the below guidelines;

1. Basement Facility;

a. Please confirm with Vicar and/or Assistant Vicar;

Date, Time & nature of event to be hosted

b. Inform Parish Trustees

c. Fill in the required Basement Facility Usage Form

2. Church Sanctuary;

a. Please confirm with Vicar and/or Assistant Vicar;

Date, Time & nature of event for which requested

b. Inform Parish Trustees

c. Ensure to block Church Calendar

3. Parking Cars in Church Parking Lot – on days when there are

no church events;

a. Please send e-mails to;

i. [email protected]

ii. [email protected]

iii. [email protected]

b. Kindly indicate/mention the below details

i. Date of Parking

ii. Duration vehicle will be in Parking Lot

iii. License Plate Number

iv. Make/Model of Vehicle

v. Color of Vehicle

c. Please note any cars parked without information will

be towed at owners’ expense & risk.

d. Chicago Mar Thoma Church will not be

liable/responsible for any damages while parked in

the Church Parking Lot

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 19

Parish Messenger August - September - 2019 Page 20






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