聖家學校P3 一週學生自習內容

聖家學校 P3 一週學生自習內容 日期 2020/03/18 (星期三) 科目 英文 本週 自學 內容: 1.Learn Plurals; (配合 PPT 自學眾數/複數名詞) 2. Study E.W. P. 7 Ch. 2 key words & key structures; 3. Study Ch. 2 vocabulary (14-27) & sentences (5-7). (*讀音可參考附上的錄音檔) 在學習過程中遇上不懂的生字時,可以到以下網址查字典(劍橋字典): https://www.google.com/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/amp/ 各班遞交功 課連結 功課需於 3 月 20 日(五)下午 5:00 前按以下班級鏈結拍照後上 傳圖片,檔案名請改為「英文 P3X 姓名」,如「英文 P3A 陳大文」, 以方便老師跟進學生學習情況。 P3A:https://wss.cc/s/1qz0ninj354 P3B:https://www.wenshushu.cn/s/1qze0bpxch3 P3C:https://wss.cc/s/1scanq3zwjv P3D:https://wss.cc/s/1qz0x07n99k 教材 1. English World 3B 2. PPT- Plurals 3. Ch. 2 vocabulary (14-27) & sentence(5-7) 錄音檔

Transcript of 聖家學校P3 一週學生自習內容



日期 2020/03/18 (星期三)

科目 英文




1.Learn Plurals; (配合 PPT 自學眾數/複數名詞)

2. Study E.W. P. 7 Ch. 2 key words & key structures;

3. Study Ch. 2 vocabulary (14-27) & sentences (5-7). (*讀音可參考附上的錄音檔)

*在學習過程中遇上不懂的生字時,可以到以下網址查字典(劍橋字典): https://www.google.com/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/amp/



*功課需於 3月 20日(五)下午 5:00 前按以下班級鏈結拍照後上

傳圖片,檔案名請改為「英文 P3X 姓名」,如「英文 P3A 陳大文」,






教材 1. English World 3B

2. PPT- Plurals

3. Ch. 2 vocabulary (14-27) & sentence(5-7) 錄音檔

功課安排 *P3下學期功課需用藍色原子筆(可用可擦式原子筆),請認真書寫。

改正 W.S.(5) (答案版見附件一)


Do I.P. p.5 (答案請用大楷字母填寫) e.g. NICE /HONEST/…

Do Worksheet(8) (附件二) *先參看 PPT筆記重點 Do C.B 2 pages.( 不需上傳)



semester Worksheet ( 5 )

Class 3 ___ Name:______________ No:____ Date:____________________

How many + countable nouns


How many + glasses ?


How much + uncountable nouns


How much + bread ?


Countable plural nouns

eggs, bags, apples, girls, chairs, boys,

pens, glasses, books, radios, etc.

Uncountable singular nouns

sugar, money, coffee, lemonade, cheese,

bread, milk, butter, water, meat etc.

A. Read and circle .

1. How ( many / much ) eggs are there in the fridge?

1. eggs(countable plural noun)是可數名詞,題目亦出現 are there,故用 How many

2. How ( many / much ) money have you got?

2. money(uncountable singular noun)是不可數名詞,故用 How much

3. How ( many / much ) books are there on the table?

3. books(countable plural noun)是可數名詞,題目亦出現 are there,故用 How many

4. How ( many / much ) glasses of water do you drink every day?

4. glasses(countable plural noun) 杯是可數名詞,故用 How many。

*注意: water 是不可數名詞, glasses of water 是指多少杯水,是屬於可數情況。

* How much water is there? 有多少水? Not much.(沒有很多)

** How many glasses of water are there? 有多少杯水? Two glasses of water. (兩杯水)

5. How ( many / much ) orange juice is there in the bottle?

5.orange juice(uncountable singular noun)是不可數名詞,題目亦出現 is there,故用 How much

*注意: orange(橙) 是可數名詞, How many oranges are there?

orange juice(橙汁) 是不可數名詞, How much orange juice is there?

6. How ( many / much ) sandwiches are there on the plate?

6. sandwiches(countable plural noun)是可數名詞,題目亦出現 are there,故用 How many

7. How ( many / much ) bread is there on the table?

7. bread(uncountable singular noun)是不可數名詞,題目亦出現 is there,故用 How much

8. How ( many / much ) pencils have you got?

8. pencils(countable plural noun)是可數名詞,故用 How many

B. Circle the uncountable noun in each group

1. potato / biscuit / sugar / cherry

2. coffee / egg / apple / banana

3. carrot / milk / lemon / boy

4. cake / orange / cheese / strawberry

5. bread / onion / tomato / melon

6. box / man / pineapple / meat

C. Circle the countable noun.

D. Ask and answer as in the examples:

1. How many bananas are there? Not many.

2. How much cheese is there? Not much.

3. _How many books are there?_____Not many.____

3. books 是可數的名詞, 可數的名詞用How many 作疑問詞, How many要配用 are there

How many books are there? 意思是: 這裏有多少本書?Not many. (沒有很多)

很多同學忘了加 ‘s’

4. _How much bread is there?______Not much.

4. bread是不可數的名詞, 不可數的名詞用 How much 作疑問詞, How much要配用 is

there, How much bread is there? 意思是: 這裏有多少麵包?Not much. (沒有很多)

5. __How many oranges are there?_____Not many.

5. oranges是可數的名詞, 可數的名詞用 How many 作疑問詞, How many要配用 are

there, How many oranges are there? 意思是: 這裏有多少個橙?Not many. (沒有很多)

很多同學忘了加 ‘s’

6. __How much meat is there?_____Not much.

6. meat是不可數的名詞, 不可數的名詞用 How much 作疑問詞, How much要配用 is

there, How much meat is there? 意思是: 這裏有多少肉? Not much. (沒有很多)

bag milk money water meat dress sugar lemonade

cheese coffee bread butter book hat lion woman

Singular Plural

a / one cat

We form the plurals of most nouns by adding –s.

Nouns ending in: consonant+y -ies.

Singular Plural

one butterfly


vowel (a,e,o,u ) + y-s



semester Worksheet ( 8 )

Class 3 ___ Name:______________ No:____ Date:_____________________

A. Write the plurals.

1. one bee two __________

1. one frog three _________

2. one dogtwo _____________

4.one panda two _________

5.one cat two ____________

5.one snake two ___________

two cats

three boys

one boy


two butterflies

BUT : giraffegiraffes

B. Write the plurals.

toy baby key lady monkey strawberry

BUT: radioradios



two strawberries




two ______________


three ______________


two _________________


two _________________

Singular Plural

bus buses

glass glasses

dish dishes

torch torches

box boxes

potato potatoes

Singular Plural

Leaf (葉子) leaves

Knife(刀) knives

Nouns ending in -s,-ss , -sh, -ch, -x, -o -es

Nouns ending in –f or –fe

by removing the –f or –fe –ves