Nru. 152 - Parliament of Malta

ral-Gver" ta' Malta, Nru, 17, 230,22 ta' April, 2002 Taqsima C Nru. 152 22 . 4. 2002 MALTA KAMRA TAD·DEPUTATI ABBOZZ la' Uti mressaq mill·Ooorevoli Lawn:nee Gonzi. M.P., Vici Prim Mi nislru u Minislru ghall-Politika SoCjll H, u moqri gball- Ewwd Darba fis·SedUlatat- 22 ta' April,2002. AIT blexjlkkonsolida, b 'e mendl, I ·An 11 Jlrregola I.Xo ndluJonlji ct ta ' Impl eg (Kap. 135) u I·Att dwar ir· Relazzjonijlet lndu s lrlj all (Xap. 266). HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A BILL introduced by tbe Honourable Lawrence Goon , M.P. , Deputy Prime Minister and Mioister for Social Policy, and read the Fim time at the Sitting o rthc 22nd Apri l, 2002. AN ACT to co n so lid at e, wltb a mendm en ts, tbe Conditio ns of E mplo yme nt (Regul atio n) Act (Ca p. 135) and th e Indu s trial Relations Act (Cap. 266). Rt OIARD J. CAUCHI a. .l '" oIw H_tl{ II..".._ ..

Transcript of Nru. 152 - Parliament of Malta

Supplim~nllal-Gazz.etta ral-Gver" ta' Malta, Nru, 17,230,22 ta' April, 2002 Taqsima C

Nru. 152 22 . 4. 2002



ABBOZZ la' Uti mressaq mill·Ooorevoli Lawn:nee Gonzi. M.P., Vici Prim Minislru u Minislru ghall-Politika SoCjllH, u moqri gball­Ewwd Darba fis·SedUlatat-22 ta' April ,2002.

AIT blexjlkkonsolida, b'emendl, I·An 11 Jlrregola I.XondluJonljict ta' I· Impleg (Kap. 135) u I·Att dwar ir· Relazzjonijlet lnduslrljall (Xap. 266).


A BILL introduced by tbe Honourable Lawrence Goon, M.P. , Deputy Prime Minister and Mioister for Social Policy, and read the Fim time at the Sitting orthc 22nd Apri l, 2002.

AN ACT to consolida te, wltb amendments, tbe Conditions of Employment (Regul ation) Act (Cap . 135) and the Industrial Relations Act (Cap. 266).

RtOIARD J. CAUCHI a..l '" oIw H_tl{ II..".._ .. ~

C 165


Taqsima 1

Taqsima 11

Taqsima 111

Taqsima rv

Taqsima V

Taqsima VI

Taqsima VII

Taqsima 1



Ti lOlu I - Rc lau.jonij ict dwar I-Impicgi

Bord dwar ir-Rclazzjonijicl dwar 1-Impicg;

Kondizzjo nij;el magtlrufa la' Impicg

Prolczzjoni lal-Pagi

Prolczzjoni Konlra Diskriminazzjoni rciatala ma' l-tmpicg

Temm ta- Kuntratt i ta ' Servizz

InfulLar u Ksur rigward Impicgi

Amministr.lzzjoni li ghandha x' laqsam ma ' lmpicgi

Titolu [I - Rclazzjonijict Induslrijal;

Organizzazzjoni la ' Haddicma U la' Prin~ipali

Sollo-Taqsima J Stal , regislrazzjoni u tmcxxija ta ' frade IInions u la' assotjazzjonijiel ta ' pri n~ipa t i

Soflo- Taqsima 2 Restrizzjonij ict fuq responsabbilt!l u procedimcnti legali u fu q membr; ta ' 1-!Inion

Taqsima 11

Taqsima III

Temm \'o lonlarj u ta ' Tilwim la ' Xoghol

h -Tribunallnduslrijali

TilOlu III Supplemcnlari




I - 2


4 - 10

I1 • 25

26 - 32

]3 - 42

43 - 47


49 - 62

63 - 67

68 - 72

7] - 83

84 - 86

C 166

11r, ...

/\RROZZ TA' tlCI msejj l h

A'IT bil!..' iikkoll.I'lIlido. h 'emell/li. I-All Ii Jirregoltl 1-Konai;::jonijiel /11' I- Impif'g (Kap. 135) 11 ' ·14 11 d· ... ar i,­Rela:.:jonijiet Indu"'lrijafi (Kap. 266).

IL-PRES10ENT bil-parir u ' ·kunscns lal·Kamra Iad-Deputali. imlaqqgha rdan jt·Parlarncnt. u bl-awlorilll ta' I-istcss. hareg b' llgi dan li 8ej :-

1. ( I ) II-lilolu fiI -qosor ta ' dan '· AII hll I·AII ta ' ' ·2002 dwar ' . Irnpiegi u r-Rela7zjonij ict Induslrijal i.

(2) Din I-All ghal/du j ibda" jsehh b'd ik id-da ta li I-Ministru ruponsabbli ghal tmpicgi u Relaa jonijie\ Industrijali j iSll' b',w it fi l-Ga7.%elta j istabbil ix)(i . u dali diffe rent i j islghu jigu hckk slabbili ti ghal d isposizzjonijic t differenti \I ghal ghanij icI differenti la' dan 1-All.

2. F'dan I-All. sakc mm if-rabla la!-klicrn ma ' lehliegx xon 'ohra -

"apprendis l~ ghandhl l-iSless lirsira kif mo ghlija li1hl bl ­arli kolu 29 la - I-All dwar is-Se rviZi': i la' Irnp ieg u Tahrig;

"lSsocjazzjoni la ' pri neipa l i~ lfisscr organizzaujoni li likkonsisli ghal kollox jcw printipa lment minn print ipal i u li I-ghan ewlieni laghha huwa, skond ir. regoli laghha, li lirregola r· re lazzjonij icl bejn il- prin~i pali u I-haddiema jcw il-lrude unions;

"DirC:llut" lfisser id-Dircllur responsabbli ghall-Impicgi u r­Relaujonij iet Induslrija li ;

"c:ghmil" u "azzjoni" ji nkludu, kull wahda mi nnhonl, nuqqas, u ri rcrcnzi ghal 1i jsir eghmi! jew ghal-lehid la ' !lujoni ghandho m j inftehmu rdan is-sens;

"familja" tri sser ir-ragcl u I-mara, sakcmm ma jkunux separati skond iI-ligi, u I-ul icd mhux mi;bl!ewgin;

"forza dixxipl inata" ghandha I,istess tifsir kif moght i lilha hi · art ikolu 47 tal -Kostilu7.zjoni 11\ ' Malta;

"ftchim kollelliv" lrisser fteh im maghmul bejn printip.11 jew organizzazzjoni wahda jew ak tar ta ' printipali u impjegati jew organ izzazzjoni wahda jcw aktar ta' impjegat i li ghandu x'jaqsam mal-kondizzjonij iet la' l-i lllpieg skond id ·d isposizzjonijiel ta' .~i Jigi Ii tkun ris-sehh fM alta;

"gcnitur" linklud i genilur adotli y jew kull pefSunalli jkollha 1-kuslodja legali ta' tifel Jew lina;

"gumala la' llIist rieh lllgha" t risser pcrijodu la' er bgha u ghoxrin s iegha konseku n iyi li jilxlew m -hin meta I·i mpjegal normallllent j ibda I.perijodu la ' xoghollieghu ;

"gharrien", ghall-ghanij icl ta' dan I-All. trisser I-gharfien espliti lu ta' trade union rc(;is lra la minn print ipal Jew minn assocjazzjoni la ' print ipali ghall-ghanij iella ' negozjar kol1elliv;

"haddiem" ghandha I-is less tifsi ra bhal Himpjeglll" izda s hall­rin ij iet lat·Tito lu 11 la' dan I-All , " hadd icm" trisser impjegat li jahdem jew li sol tu jahdem jew li j kun qed ifi ltex xoghot -

(a) taht kunlratl la' illlpieg:jew

(b) taht;o;i kuntrall (sew imri sser Jew mifllllm u. jekk imfisser, sew yerbal i Jew bil ·miklUb) li bih jintrnba t li jaghmel jew jaqdi pcrsonalment kull xoghol jew servizzi ghal pani ohra fiI ·kunlrall li ma Ikun;o; kJijcnl professjonali tieghu; Jew

(C ) f impieg taht jew ghal l-finij iet la' xi dipart imcnt tal-Gyem, bllrra minn bha la mcmbru 18' (orza dixxiplinala, safejn kull impieg bhal dak ma jkunx jaqll' lahl il-paragrafu (a ) jcw (b) ta ' din iHifsira;

"haddiem ta' barm" tri sser pcrsuna Ji lilha oggeni. malerjali Jew servizzi ta' ku ll xon ll j inghataw minn prinCipal ghat· twcttiq la' kull tip ta ' ;o;oghol Jew servizz meta x-xoghol Jew is·servizz ghllndu jsir Jew rid-dar tal-haddiem la ' harra Jew fx i post ichor li ma jkun;o; post taht il-kontroll u dirczzjon i ta ' dik il -pcrsuna l-ohra;

"hin ij iet tax-xogho l" tfisser il-hin f'kull j um li mll1 ulu 1-impjegali jkunu ghad-disposizzjoni tll l-printi pal. minbarro z-zmien imholl i ghall-ikcl u I·mislrieh;

C 167

C 168

"1'1185" tlisscr it-twclid ta ' larbija hajja jcw il-Iwc!id la ' larb ija sew hljja jcw mejta wara seba ' xhur Iqala;

"hsara fuq il · persuna" tinkludi kull marda u kull hura fiI ­kondizzjoni fi2:ika jew menlali la ' persona;

"impieg". dwar lilwima ta ' ltoghol. tinkludi kull relazzjoni If biha persuna Ikun ta!'ldem jew laghmel xi servizzi ghal persuna ohTa (harm minn serviu bhll la membru ta' forza dil{xiplinala);

"impjegal" lfisser persuna li Ikun ghamlet jew lahdem tah! kuntralt la' scrvizz jew 1i Ikun inlrabtct pcT50nalment If tagbmtl xi xogbol jcw hidma ghaJ haddichor, u tall, id-dirc:u.jon u I-konlroll ilJlmcdjat ta ' penuna ohra. u tinkludi haddicm la ' ham, i;Ma IcskJudi xoghol jcw scrvizz moghli fi sfond professjonllli jcw bhala kuntraltur ghal persona ohm meta dak ix-xoghol jew 5Crvizz ma j kunx regolll minD kuntratt la ' servizz spetifiku:

"impjegal parl-timr" lfis.ser impjegal li s-s ighal nonnali la ' xoghol tieghu, kalkolali (uq bat i ta ' gimgha jew (uq medja ta ' perijodu la ' impicg sa sena, huma inqas mis.s ighal nonnali la ' xoghol la' impjegal whole-time komparabbJi u li mll. jkunx impjegal whale­time b'sighat imnaqqsa:

"impjegat whole-time" tfi sser impjcgal li hu mcqjus bhala impjegat .... ha/r-time skond xi kondiujonij iet maghrufin ta ' I· . . Impleg:

rzda meta pcrsuna Ikun lahdem r'akta r mmn impjicg whole-time wichcd, dak I-impicg li dwa ru jilhalls u 1-kon tribuzzjo nij iel las-sigurta sotjali ghandu j ilqies bhala I-i mpieg whole-time la ' I- impjcgal. u kull impicg ichor ghandu jilqics bhala impieg parI-time;

~impjegal whole-lime b 'sighal imnaqqsa" tfisscr impjegat li , bi fte him mal-prin t ipal. jahdem sighat li hu ma anqas minn numru la ' sighalla ' xogho l appl ikabbli gha l impjcgui whole-time sko nd il-kond izzjonijicl maghrufin la ' I- impieg la' impjegll whole-time, sakemm dan I-impicg ik un I-impicg print ipali lal-haddie m, Ii dwa ru j ilhalJsu I-konlribuzzjonijie llas-sigurt ll sotjali :

"impjegal whole-lime komparabbli" lfi sser impjegul whole- time n -is less slabbilimc nl li j kun imqabbad n -is less jcw f'xoghol jew okkupazzjoni s imil i. mela wiched iqis konsidcrazzjonijic l ohra in lduti anzjan illl. kwalifiki u seogha:

IMa fcjn ms jkun hcmm l-ebda impjegat I\'hok-lime komparabbli fl -islcss Slabbiliment, il-paragun ghandu jsir bill i ss ir ri fc Tenza gbal ftebim kollell ivi li j kopru impjegat i whole- time komparbbli simili fi slabbilimenli ohra:

lUla wkoll re;n ma j kun hcmm l..ebda ftc him ko llcttiv applikabbli, ir-riferenza ghandha ssir gba ll -ligi jew fin -nuqqas 18' disposizzjoni la I-ligi ghall -pra tti ka prevalent i ki f listB ' ligi stabbi li la mill -Bard dwar ir-Re lazzjonijiel dwar I-lmpiegi:

~kariga pubblika". "uffit jal pubbliku" u "servizz pubbliku" ghandbom I-istess tifsir kif moghli lilhom bl-artiko lu 124 la l­KoslilUzzjoni la' Malla:

"kI85si" mCla wtata fiI -kuntest la' grupp jcw ta ' kalcgorija la' impjegati . gbandha tinft ichem gha ll-gruppi jew kalegoriji clenks li fi ftehim koJlcttiv:

Uda (ejn ma jkun hemm t-ebda ftchim koJlelliv, jew rejn ftehim koJle ttiv ma j ipprovdix ghat gruppi jew katcgoriji ta ' impjegati , allura ghandha tinft iehem ghax-xoghol maghmul jew mistenni li jsir indipcndcnlement mit-litotu jew I-isem moghli lilt ­kariga;

"kontiljatur" tfisser pcrsuna hekk mahtura skond I-anikolu 68;

"kondizzjonijiet ta ' I- impieg" tfisser pagi, iI-pcrjodu Ill ' 1-impieg, is-sieghat tax-xoghol u I-Iea~'e u tinkludi kull kondizzjoni li ghandha x' laqsam ma ' I-impieg ta ' xi impjegat lahl kuntratt ta' serv izz inkluti I-benefitcji li johorgu minnu, it-tennini ta ' I-impies , it-tcnnini ta ' panetipazzjoni fix -xoghol il -ftehim dwar il -mod kir ki r jigi tenninat xi impieg u I-metodu ta ' kir difTerenzi li jislghu jinqalghu bejn il-panijiet fil -ft ehim jistghu jinlemmu; it da ma tinkludix etika proressjonali li tohrog mir-re lazzjoni proressjonali bejn printipal u impjcgat;

"kondizzjonij iet maghrufi n la ' I- impieg" huma dawk il­kondizzjonijie l ta ' I-impieg li hums maghrufin skond il-Taqsima III tal-Tito lu I la ' dan [-All;

"kunsilt" tfi sser iI -Joim Negolioling Council imwaqqar bl­artikotu 72;

"kuntratt ta ' servizz" u "kunt ratt ta ' impieg" lfisser ftehim (barra minn servizz bhala membru ta ' rOml dixltiplinata), sew jekk bil­(omm jew bil-miktub, f'kull ghamla Ii Ikun, li bih persuna tinlrabal li Iaghmel servizz Ii1 jew tahde m ghat print ipat bil-hlas la ' paga u

C 169

C 170

sa rejn ghandhom )('jaqsmu I-kondizzjonij iel la I- impieg jinkludi flehim la' apprendislal:

"Minislru" l!isser il- Minislru li minn tmien ghal tmien ikun responsabbli ghallmpiegi u Relazzjonijiel Induslrija li:

"ordni hiex j igi regolal sellur~ l!isser ordni maghmul lahl dan 1-Att li j irregola 1,kondizzjonij iet ta' l-impieg la ' sellur Jew klani ta' impjegali:

"ordn i ta ' ,\'frme/ani nazzjona li" l!isser ordni mahrug lahl dan t­Ail I; jirregola l-kond izzjonijie t ta ' impieg la' impjegati b' mod generali :

"paga" l!'isser rimunerazzjolll Jew ql igh, 1i j ithallsu mllln printipal HI impjegat u link ludi kull hmw..- li jilhallas skond 1-artikolu 2] minba rra kull bon!l.~ Jew allmnlllcl' re latati ma' 1-esekuzzjoni tall-lIogho] Jew mal-produzzjoni :

"pcrijodu ta' ]-impieg" t!isser il-hin null jum 1i matu!u J­impjegati jkunu ghad-disposizzjoni tal -printipaL Lmma maghdud it­t mien imholli gha ll -i kel u I-mistrieh:

"preskrill" l!isser preskrill b' dan I-All jew bi jew Inht regoli jew rcgolamenti maghmula bis-sahha ta 'I-AII:

"p rin~ipa l " linklud i socjetil, kumpannija, assotjazzjoni jew korp ichor la' pcr$uni , sew jckk ikollhom pcrsonalit il guridika sew jekk le:

"pro rafa" t!isser iI-proporljon li ghandhom in-numru tas-sighal fil -gimgha 1i fih omjithaddem I-impjegat mela paragunati man-numru tas-sighal fil -gimgha, esk luta s-sahra, ta' impjegal whole-lime komparabbli;

"qorti la' inkjcs ta" tlisser pcrsuna Jew persunl mahlura bhala qorti la' inkjesla skond I-art ikolu 69:

"rapprel':enlanl la' l- impjegali" t!isser ir-rapprei:entant In' 1-/l1I;rm rikOlloxxuta ;

It da, rkat li I-imp;egali Illa jkunu)\ imsehbin r'/lnion, il ­klicm ghandhom ilissru duk ir-rappretcntanl eiell ki ri miss minn rost I. illlpjegali pcrLllezz la' vot sigricl irnsejjah ghal da n iI-ghan mid­Direllur;

"regis trata", dwar frae/t' III1;ml Jew assocjazzjoni ta' printipali u dwar ir. regoli taghhom, l!issel registrata skond dan I-All:

~ regislTaZ7joni " tfisser rcgislrlu:zjoni skond dan I-An la ' mill" .lnion jcw la' assOCja1.zjon i la ' priocipali u lar- regoli lagl'lhom;

"Regislnltur" tfisscr ir-Rcgislrlllur ta l-Trade Un;lIn.~ rnahlur jcw imscmmi sko lld I-arl ikol u 52:

"sahra" lfisser is-sighal kollha la ' :toghol It jnqbt.u s-sighal normali la' xoghol:

"tilw;ma la ' xoghol" lfisscr lilwima bejo prin6 pal i u hadd icma. jcw bejn haddiema u haddicma, li j kollha x'laqsam 111." xi wahda jcw aklar mill .hwcjjcg li gejj ill :

(a) pauij iet u kond il.1.jonijiel la' irnpieg. jcw il-kondizzjonijiel fi t.iei li tahlhom xi haddicma jkun u mchlicga jahdmu:

(b) Ihaddim jew nuqqas IU ' lhaddim. jew iHmicm jcw is-sospcnsjoni la' impicg jcw la' dmirijiel Ilt' impieg. la ' haddiem wiehed jew II klar:

(~ ) allokazzjoni la ' xoghol jew la ' dmirij iella ' I-impicg be;n il -haddiema jew gruppi la ' hadd icma:

(d) hwejjeg la' dixx iplina:

(e) ra~ ililaj iel ghal um~jali la ' /rude .,n i()n,~:

(0 makkinarju ghal negozjali jew konsuhazzjonijicl. u pro(:eduri ohm. dwar xi lIo'ahda mill -hwejjcg imscmmija qabel. maghdud ir-rikonoxximcm minll prinCipali jcw assotja1.7.jonij icl la ' prinCipali lad-drill la ' u'm!.' IIn;m. li lirrnppret.cnla hluldic llla fxi negozjali jcw konsultaujonij icl bhal dawk jcw fil -lwcniq la ' dawk il -proceduri :

(s) is-shubija JCw le la haddiem Ii /rUJI' /Inion partikolari:

"lkctCija ingusla~, dwar haddicm, llisscr·

(a) il-Icmm mill-prinCipal dwar dak il-hadd iclll la ' kunlmll la- impicg ghal tmic n mhux Slabbilit (harm minn impieg bi prova skond kif im fi sscr rdan I-A nlli jkun lcmm li ma jsirx biss minhubba n-d,mlitlm:t· jcw ghat mguni )(icTqa skond id-disposi7.zjonijicl rilevanli la - dan I-All jcw )(i regolamenli Inaghmulin lahl dlln I.All.jcw

(b) li j kon sar bi ksur lad-disposizzjonijict la' I-arl ikolu


C 172


«(:) 11. gI'Ialkcmm isir minhabba red/lndancy jew s hal raguni xicrqa, ikun diskriminatolju kif imfisscr f'da n I·An jcw f'x i rcgolamenti maghmulin tahtu;

u tinkludi kull nuqqas mill -prin(: ipal I; jerga' j impjega lil dik il · persuna jcw li jcrga' j impjcgaha skond I-artiko lu 36(3);

"trade /In ion" tfisscr organizzazzjoni maghmula ghal kollox jew prin(:ipalmcnt minn haddiema u li I-ghan cwlicni tagbha hu skond ir­r.::goli, li tirrcgola r-relazzjonijict bej n il -haddicma u l-prin6pali jew l-assocjazzjonijicl ta' prin(:ipal i;

"trattament i diskr iminatorj u" tfisscr kull distinzjoni, csklu~joni jcw reslrizzjoni mll Ikumt guslifikabbli r' socjcl1l. dcmokralika inklu1:a diskriminazzjoni fuq il -bat i ta' l-iSlal konjugali , tqala, jcw Iqala polcnzjali , sess, kulur. Iwemmi n rc l igju~. opinjoni polilika Jew shu bija Ii mU/I! IInion, jcw f' asso(:jazzjoni la' print ipal i;

"Tribunal" tffsscr il·Tribunal Industrija li mwaqqaf bl-artikolu n •

~Tn buna ' Industrijal i" lfisscr it-Tribunal Industrijali stabbili t skond it-Tilo lu 11 ta ' dan I·AII.

(2 ) Ghall-fin ijiet la ' dan I-All , kwisljoni li fi ha Ikun pani trade /In ion jcw asso(:jazzjoni la ' prin(: ipali ghandha lilqics bhala kwistjoni li liha haddiema jcw, skond il - ka~, pri n(: ipali j kunu pan i,

(3) Kull d isposizzjoni la ' dan I·AII li Ichlieg tharis ma' xi disposizzjoni ta ' dan I-All (Ikun kifl kun mikluba dik j[.hliega), jew Ii lipprovdi dwar xi konl ravvenzjoni laghha, ghandha linftiehcm Ii Ichlieg thans la ', jcw bhala li xorta lapplika ghal. ku ll disposizzjoni la ' kul! regolament jcw regola maghmula lahl dan I· AII ,

(4) It -maskil ighodd ghall-fcmmin il u s'singular igl'lodd glIal!­pluml, kcmm-il darba r· rabls tas-scns lal -Icst ma litlob)( lifsim ohra.





J. ( I) Bord li j issejjah Bord dwar ir·Rcia:a:jonijiet dwar I-Impiegi u hawn hckk izjcd 'i l quddiem imsejjah il · "Bord", ghandu jigi rnahtur mill·M inislru .

(2) If · Bord ghandll jkun rnaghmlll kif gcj :

(a) chairperson indipcndcnii ;

(b) id· Direltur responsabbli ghall-Impiegi u r-Rclazzjonij iet I ndustrija I i I i jaghrni Iha ta ' dCpUla! chairperson;

(t) tl ie t rapprezentanti la' I-impjegati nominati mill· Kunsill Mal ti ghall . lzvilupp Ekonomiku u Socjali minn fost I· o rgani:ua:vJonijiet nazzjonal i li j irrapprezentaw lill . impjegati fi hdan dak il- Kunsill :

(d) tliet rappretcntanti lal -printipali nominali mill-Kunsill Malti ghall·[zvilupp Ekooomiku u Socjali mion fosl 1-organinau jonij ie t oazzjooal i li jirrapprezentaw li ll -printipali fi Man dak il-Kunsill;

(c) :tcwg membri ohra mahtura mill -Min isITll .

(3) II-funzjonij ie! tal -Bard ikunu -

(a) li jaghmel rakkomandazzjonij ie t li ll·Minislru dwar xi standard nazzjonali minimu ta ' kondizzjonij iet ta ' I. impieg. hawnhekk itjed ' il quddiem imscjha rakkomandazzjoni ghal standard nazzjonali, sabiex ' 1 qudd iem tidhol fordn i ta ' srandard nazzjonali :

(b) li jaghmel rakkomandazzjonij iel 1i11-Millistru dwar kondizzjonijiet ta' I.impieg la' scttur. hawnhekk izjed ' iI quddiem imsejha rakkomandazzjoni biex ji~i rego la! seuur. sabiex ' I quddiem tidhol f' ordni biexjigi regolat sellur:

(t) li jaght i pariri lill ·Ministru fuq ku ll haga li jkollha x ' taqsarn mal-kondizzjonijic[ [a' [. impieg jcw fuq hwejjeg riferiti liII-Bord mill·Ministru .

C 173

Il<>rd dwar 1,­Rdl1.ljonij ;" dwa, I.

C 174

Ordnijic,IO ' J"''''Iu'1i f\U/~",,11 " o<1kI'jic1 bi .. ji.1 ... ,.,1., _.

(4 ) II -Ministru ghandu jahtar lIffitjal pubbliku biex ikun segretarju tal -Bord ,

(5) Bla hsara ghad-disposizzjonijiel la' dan I-Att u la' kull regolamenl maghmul lahlU I-Bord ghandu j irregola I-procedura tieghu sless:

IMa t-clwirpenOIl tal -Bord ma ghandux j ivvola jekk mhux mela I-voti dwar xi kwisljoni jkunu ndaqs, rliema kat ikoll u u ghandujetcrtita VOI deti;l:iv,

(6) II -Bord ikollu s-setgha li jikkooplja mcmbri minghaj r VOI u Ii jahlar sotto ku mitali.



4, (I ) Mcta I-Ministru tasallu xi rnkkorna ndazzjoni ta .I'{andlm] naz7.jonali jew xi rakkorna ndazzjoni biex jigi rcgolat se ttllr huwa jista', bla hsara la' dak li jinghad hawn itjcd 'iI quddiem, joh rag ord n i la ' ," {lIndlm/ nazzjona I i jew ordn i biex j i gi regolal se ttllr, kif ikun il -kat., li jixxandar fil -Gazzeua Ii jaghli sehh lir­rakkomandazzjoni ta ' s{allClrm/ nazzjonali jew lir-rakkomandaz.zjoni biex j igi regolal sc!1ur minn dik id -data li Ikun imscmmija n-ordni:

12da I-M iniSlru j isla ', jekk jidhirlu xieraq, qabel ma johrog ordni kif imscmmi hawn qabcl. j irriferixx i Iura lill -Bo rd ir­rakkomanda7.7..joni ta' -"tal/dard nazzjonali Jew ir-rakkomandazzjoni bie,.; j igi regolal scUur li j kunu waslu lu 11 I-Bord ghandu fuq hekk jerga' jikkunsidrnha billi jilqiesu xi osser\'3zzjonijiet maghmlll in mill -Min istru u jisla ', jekk jidhirlu xieraq, jerga' jressaq ir­rakkomandazzjoni ta' S/(III(/(I"/ nazzjonali jew ir-rnkkomandazzjon i biex jigi regolat sellur liII-M iniSlru Jew minghajr emendi Jew b'dawk I-emendi kif jidhirlu xieraq warn li jqis dawn l-osservazzjonijiel.

(2) Kull rakkomanda72joni la' .1'{(lIIO/tm/ nazzjonali u kull rnkkomandazzjoni biex j igi regolat SCUur. kif uko ll kull ordni la' sfalldard na7.7..jonali jew kull ordni biex jigi regolal scttur biex jaghtuhom sehh jistghu jkollholll disposizzjonijic t differenti ghal kat.ij iel differenli. j ista' jkun Iihom disposizzjonij ict biex jigu emendat i jcw revokali ordnijiella' ."imrJmli na7.1;jonali la ' qabcl Jew ord inij iet biex jigll regola ti sellllri , 11 jisla' j kun fihom dispos izzjonijiel in t identali , supplementali jew konscgwcnzjali li j isla' j idhcr li jkunu j inhliegu sabiex id-dispDsizzjonij iet la' xi ordni la' slUndtlrrJ nazzjonali jew t8' ordni biex j igi regolat setllJr j kunu jislghu jilwetlqu.

(3) Ebda ordlli ta' sWlldardlHLzzjonali maj ko llu schh b'mod Ii jlicfes xi jedd ij iel cl war il . kond izzjonijiel la ' I-impicg moght ij in liI xi impjcgal b' xi ligi jcw la l''11 xi lig; minbarra dan I.Attjcw minnjcw taht xi kuntrauli jkun hcmm fi s·schh .

(4) Minghajr hsara ghal dnk li hcmm provd ul ni-proviso ta ' I­artikolu 42, jckk kuntrall bcjn iLllpjcgal li ghal ih jghodd ordni la' stam/art/ nazzjonali jcw ordni biex. jigi regolat SCllur u l-print ipal ticghu jew xi rtchim kollell iv jahscb ghal kondizzjonijict ta' I-impieg li jkullu inqas favur I-impjcgat minn dawk imscmmijill fl -ord ni . uak iI · kuntratt ikollu sehh bhallik icku fl ok dawk il -ko ndizzjoll ijict kicn hemm il-kondizzjonijie t imSc.' mmijill fl -ordlli.

5. ( I ) lI -kondizzjoll ijic l la' ]. impicg prcskrilli r'ordni ta' s/allt/tlro nll.Zzjonali, jew f'ordni biex jirrcgola scltur, jcw flc him kollclliv, jcw slabbilit i b'tcmm volontarju jew detitjoni tahl il' Titolu 11 la' dan I·AII, jcw LIlc hliega ' i jigu mharsa b'dnn jew skond dan ]­All, ikunu kondizzjonijiet maghrufin ta' illlpieg ghall-illlpjegati ntercssati.

(2) Mcta I. kondizzjonij iet ta' I-impieg jigu preskrill i fi fiehi lll kolJelliv, il-prin <:i pal jcw il -printipali li jkunu parti fih ghandho m, fi Zmien hmislax-il gurnata minn rnc la jigi ffirmat dak il -fi chim, jibghatu lid-Dirc llur kopja ticghu awtcntikala kifimiss.

(3) In-nuqqas. minn prin<:ipal, la' tharis lal.kondizzjonijiclla ' I. irnpicg slabbilili b'ordni la' Jl(mdtlrtl nazzjonali jcw b'ordni biex jirregola settur j ilqics bhala real kontra dan I-AI\.

(4) Xcjn r'dan I·artikolu mH ghandujkun ta ' prcl;udizzju ghal xi drittijiel li l·panijiel j islghu jkollhom minn xi kunlran la' servizz jew xi Ftehim kolleniy skond id-disposizzjonijicl tal -Ti lo lu IlIa ' dan I.Anjew la ' xi ligi o hra , ink lu7. il-Koditi Ciyi lL

6. Il -Ministru jisla'. warn konsultazzjo ni mal-13ord. jippreskriYi l-cghla nULIlru la ' sighal 18x-xoghol fil.gimgha, inklu,.a s­sahra, ghall -i mpjegati, l-anqas pcrijodi ta ' mistrie h kuljum.l .mislrieh fil-gimgha u /('{/\"(' annwali, u j isla' jaghlT'lt:l disposizzjonij ie l diffe ren ti ghal klassijie l different i la' impjcgali i nklu~i

disposizzjonijict i n~iden tali. supplemenlali u konSc.'gwenzjali. kif jilqies li jkun Illehtieg.

7. Meta jdahhal micghu mpjegat, il.printipal ghandu jfehmu d-disposizzjonijictla' kull kondiujoni maghrufa la ' iLllpicg li tghodd liI -ka~ tieghu u ghandu jaght i lill-irnpjegat dikjarazzjoni bil·miktub dwar dawk il.kondizzjonijict kifj isla ' jigi prcskri ll .

8. ( I ) Meta linghatH mill-Gvem lill.impjcgali .... h"{I,-time

C 175

Kondi,7joniji<l ml,,,,,,ront' r· .nrl<'Jl

... p ' '''

'10",).." I •• • wr:holu .......

Cil\andujinPI II "" il .t..,.,. '''''''''''JOI''jicl maf""'Lln ... om""" .

tid.." tl .... , ,. ,......, .. r.hlilL

C 176

11·,... . ..... Wlllol .... lill­t , &1101 :;:~n.. ",Ii

kollha litghu tied. ~cncrali fil·pagi u dik it· tieda fkun dikjarala mill· Mioisfru b' .wit fil ·Glzzelll li tkun la ' Ipplikaujoni ~enera l i glial I­impjegll i whole-lime koll ha, ku 11 prinf Ipa 1 ghllndu jtid il-pagi la ' kull wiehed mill.impjegali It'hole-timE' n·impicg tieghu b'ammont ekwiv. leoli jew li jikkorrispondi ghlt.;l:ieda moghtijl mill-G\'(~m lill­impjcgali tieghu b'clTen mid..dala li fiha t·t.ic:da moghlija mill -Gvem dwar I.impjegati lieghu jkollha elTell:

It.da, fil ·kat ta ' impjegllli jkollu jcdd gI'Ial benefitfji pro rata skood dan I·An jew ;'(; rego lamenli maghmulio IlhlU. d.k I· impjeg'l ikollu jcdd Shll parti mion dik i2-2ieda m· pagi fuq bati pro mill,

(2) Ghall·fini las·subartikolu (I), Mimpjegali It'hQlr-lim~M

tfisscr kull impjegll li jilqies bhal. impjegal l1·ho/,....timt> skond xi kondizzjooi rnaghruf. la' impieg kif imfissra f 'dln I· AII , u linkludi kull impjegat ichor li jahdem ma' prinCipal parlikolari ghll mhux anqas mion hamsa u tletin siegha fil -gimgha fuq medja la ' perijodu la' 108)(· il x.har Jew parti minnu.

9, Safcjn ghandhom x 'jaqsmu kond izzjonij icl la ' I· impicg, id..disposi7.2jonij ielll' I·AII dwar I· Awlorilll ghas,SlIhhll u s-Sigurtll fuq j],POSI w -Xoghol u la' xi regolamcnli maghmulin taltllJ ghandhom jilqicsu li jilTonnaw parti mill . kondizzjonijiel magllrufin la' I. impicg la ' impjegati li ghalihom jghoddu dawk id· disposinjooijitl jcw dawk ir·regolamcnti u ghandu jkollho m, malli jigu fi s-schh, I·isless dfett bhallikieku kienu ordoij iel la' s tandard na7.2jonali Jew ordnijicl biex jig; regolat settur,

10, II ·Ministru jisla ', wan konsultazzjoni mal· Bord, jagllmcl rego lamenli Ii jislabbilixxu I.ioqas perijodi la' /(!Ql'(! glial malemilti, /eol'(! la' genilur u It>QI'(! gh.1 nlgunij iel familjari urgenti li ghalihom impjegat jisla ' jko llu jedd u l.kondi7.zjonij icl li jirregolaw dak il-jcdd,



11. ( I) IIlief meta jkun xo rt'ohra cspressamcnl pcrmess bid..disposizzjonijiclla' dan I·AII , I·ammont kollu tal .paga li impjegat jaqla' Jew Ji ghandha tkun Jilu mhallsa, ghandha tigi li lu mhal1sa bi flus li gh.ndhom kors legali f'Mallll , u kull hlasjcw akkonl la' dik H· paga maghmul f'gha mla ohra u kull pall ('xi kunlrall li jahseb ghal xi ghamla o hra la ' hlas jkunu nulli u bla effett:

l:tda I·hlas la ' pagi pennezz ta ' fe kk fuq bank f'Mallajew maghmul pagabbli fil -kool bankarju la' impjcgal ghandu jilqies li jkun hlas bi flus li ghandhom kors legali (,kat.ij iet li fih om hlas b'dan

iI-mod huwa soltu Jew nx:htieg jew ikun al!l!etlDt mill-irnpjegat interessal.

(2) II-pag; ghandhom jithalisu direttament lilI-impjegali li lilhom jkunu jislhoqq u hlief kif ikun xon 'obra provdul b'xi ligi jew bis-sahha la' ordni maghmul minn qo rti kompclenti jcw Oleta I· impjegat jew I-impjegati inlercssali jaghlu I-kunscns li jsir xona ohra .

n. Ebda prinl!ipal ma ghandujiOlponi ("xi kunlratlla' servizz xi kondizzjonijict dwar li fih jcw H-mod li bih. jew il-persuna jew petsuni li OlaghhoOl, xi paga mhallsa lill-impjegat. jew pani minnha. ghandha lintefaq jcw ligi impjegata mod ichor. u kull kondizzjoni bhal dik li jkun hernOl ("xi kunlratl bhal dak Ikun nulla u bla effetl .

13. ( I) Pagl li j ilhallsu minn prineipal lil impjegal ma jislghuxjigu assenjali.

(2) Pagi lijithallsu minn prinl!ipallil impjegat majistghuxjigu seltwcstrat; hlief skond id-disposizzjonij ict ta' I-artikoli 381. 382 u

C 177

Kondiajoo ijiel ~ ..... I_inficq la'


Sd.wnIRl jtw _jazzjoni .. • po,i

849 tal-Kodil!i ta ' Organinanjoni u Procedura ( ivili. " .... 12.

(3) Id-disposizzjonij ict las-subanikoli (I) u (2) m'ghandhomx iltunu jappliltaw mcla s-sekwcstru jcw asscnjazzjoni jkunu mahsuba biex jassiguraw il·blas ta' mantcnimcnt dovul lilI-konjugi. jcw lil wild ta' lahtl-cli'l jew lil persuna b'disabili1 1l. jcw lil axxendelll la' I· impjcgat.

14. Ebda prin l! ipal rua ghandu jaghmellnaqqis mill-pagl bhala skonl , imghax jew pit ta ' din ix-xona Olinhabba xi akkonl la' paga maghmullil xi impjegat bil-quddicm qabel id-data mifichma tal-hlas la' din iI-paga.

IS, ( I) Hl icf meta jkun espressament penness mid-disposizzjonijiet la ' don I-All jew mehticg b'xi Jigi ohm. jcw meut ordnat minnjew bis-sahha ta' ordni la' qoni kompclenli , jew pcrmess fi ftehi m 1i jkun sar bejn prinl!ipal jew prinl! ipali jew ghaqda ta' prinl!ipali min-naha I-wabda U Irade union jew lrode unions li jirrapprctcntaw I-impjegati ntcressati min-naha l-ohra, prineipal rna ghandu jaghmel ebda tnaqqis U lanqas jaghmcJ kunlratl ma' impjegat li jawtorizza Ii jsir xi Inaqqis mill-paga Ii ghandha lithallas mill­prinl!ipallill-impjegal.

(2) Kemm-il darba ma jkunx esprcssamcnt provdul b'dan jew tah t dan I-At! jew xl ligi ohra. prinl!ipal ma jistax jikkalkola bbala parti mill-paga la ' impjegal xi benefittju jew dhul ichor, ukoll jekk jinghala jew jithallas mill-printipal, li jithallas minhabba xi kawta ohra li ma tkunx il-kuntrall tas-servizz.

I ... "",. ''''I .oU ...... "" ... pr9jt>;1.

C 178

Kootra"i .. bordinati to'


Rim<lllmOUjoni mint.m. pop.

Muit i

(3) Hemm x' hemm fid -disrosizzjonijiclla' dIm I,arlikolu, fuq it-talba bil-miklUb la' impjcgal. il -prill~ ipal j iSla ' jashmcl lnaqqi s mill -paga la' dak I-impjcga l ghall -iskop la' skema la ' pensjoni jcw Ifaddi l jcw gtlal xi skop li fil -Iwelliq licghu I-printipal lllajkollu ebda nlercss finanzjarju. dirctt jew indirctt .

(4 ) Tnaqqis fiI-ghamla la' hlasijicl dirc tti jew indirell i bl-iskop li j inkiseb jew li jintamm impieg ma ghandux isi r mill-paga la ' impjcgal minn prin~ipa l. jew minn xi sensal jcw kunlrallur 18X-1Wghol jcw xi hadd Ii jingagga tl addicma gha:<-lwghol.

16, Mela xi kunlrall la ' servi7..z ikun fih kondizzjon ijiel dwar vaganzi ahjar mill-millimu slabbilil bi l- li gi. I-e bda prillfi pal ma ghandu jashmcl kUll lrall subordinal la ' scrvizz li jipprovdi s hall -Mas lill -impjesal dwar xi vagall1o:i bhal dawk b' rala la ' kuljum allqas mir­raiD normal i la' ku ljum appl ikabbli ghal dak I-impjegal.

17, Mela, fi I-kat la' illlpjegat i ""haft'-lim". blala pubblika barra mill-Hadd, tahbat rjum ta ' mimich lal-gimgha li ghaliha dak 1-impjegat ikollu jcdd. dak I-impjcgat ikollu jedd ghal jum ichor ta ' "'al'l.' ghal vaga nza malUl is-sell" kalendarja li fiha dik il -blala pubblika hekk tahbal f'j um ta ' mimieh tal-gimghajew iJ-Hadd dwar kull wahda minn dpwk il -btajjel pubbli6.

18, Ebda haga r'dan ' -All ma limpedixx i l-eghmil la' xi kuntratt minn prin~ipal ma' impjegat sabiex j aghlih ike1. POSI ta' abilazzjoni jew IIIJ(lImn{""~' jew privileggi ohm minbarra rrorma ta' xorb spirilu t. jew Illcdifinati dannuti. b'tieda ghall- inqas pagi preskritt i b'ordni ta' standard na7..zjonali jew ordni biex j irregola sel1ur, jew ghat pasa oghla slipulala, ghal hin Ilormali 11 sahra, bhala rimuncrazzjoni ghat serviu i ta' I.impjcgal.

19. (I) Sakclnlll ilia jkun)( pre~k rin xorf ohra fi ftchim ko lleniv, Ineln '

(a) il. panijiet ta' kuntran bil· miklub iffirmal mill -impjegali jcw il-panij iel la ' dikj araujoni bil-miktub ffirmata milln printipat skond I-an ikolu 7 jispe~i fikaw bir-reqqa I-mu Ita jew mult i li I-impjegat j is ta' jehel dwar kul! ghe mil jew ommlssJoni. u

(b) il-pattij icl la' kunlratt bhal dllk jcw il-pllttijict Ill' kull dikjarnl.zjoni bhal dik ikunu gew approvali minn qabel mid-Direttur.

il -printipal ikun j ista ' jaghmel dak il -Inaqqis iIli jkun awto rizzal b'dak il -kuntrall.

(2) Minkcjja d-rlisposiujon i tas·subartikolu ( I), mcta impjcgal jonqos minghajr kawta gusta li jaghti lill -printipal ticghu n· numru kollu la' sicghal ta' xogtlol kifikun marbut bil-kond izzjonij ict ta ' xi kuntrallla ' servizz applikabbli ghalih iI-printipal ma gtlandux iwahhal liIl . impjcgat xi mulla g"'al dak it -tclf la ' "oghol itda j iSlll' jnaqqas mil·tolal lal -paga dovuta lill -i mpjcgat dik il-pani millnha li likkorrispondi gh8.'l-xoghol hekk mitluf,

(3) Meta "i multa jew multi jkunu imlKlSli minn persuna jew ghaqda la' persuni. Ikun kif tkun imscjha, awtorizzati biex jaghmlu dak ix-xogho l mill -print ipal, dik il -persun ll jew pcrsnni jkunu rcsponsabbli gtlall -ghcmiltaghhom, bla hsara ghar-reslKlnsabbilt ll. tal ­printipal, daqslikieku kicnu I-printipal.

(4 ) Sakemm ma j kullx provdul xorl'ohra mlOn xi fic him kollctt iv, mCla printipal jissospendi impjcgat mi)!; .xoghol u waql il · perijodu la' suspensjoni ma jhallsux il-pagll Jew ;hallsu anqas mill ­paga li I.impjegal ikoll u jedd ghaliha, I-printipal j itq ics Ii jkun ghamel tnaqqis mill -pag; ta 'l-impjegat permezz la' mulla ekwivalenti ghall -ammont imnaqqas mill -paga.

C 179

20, Minkejja d-d islKlsiujonij iel la' kull ligi ohra, I-jedd la' 1I."".lhuma ';' .. kull impjegat ghal massimu \8' tlie! xhur pag. skond il-paga kurren!i Jlrw l~

pagabbli mill .prilltipalli ll -impjegal, inklu:! il. kumpens ghall-/t'OI't' I; I-impjcgal jista' ikollu jedd gha lih. ft imkien Ina' kul l kumpcns li jkun dovul lill. impjegat ghal-Iemm ta ' I-impieg, jew kull avvi:! dwaru, jkun jedd bi privi legg fuq I-att iv lal-prin tipal u ghandu jilhallas bi prefcrenZ3 fuq kull jcdd ichor sew jekk bi privilegg jew ipolekarju :

It da, f kull ka:!, I-ammon! massimn !al-jcdd bi privilcgg ma ghandux ikun aktar mill ·ckwivalcnti tal.paga minima nazzjonali Ii tithallas fiI-waqt mCla ssir it -talba fuq pcrijodu ta ' sit! XhUT,

21. (I) Qicghcd b'dan jitwaqqaf Fond la' Garanzija (hawnhckk itjed 'iI quddiem imscjjll'" "il-Fond") bie/( j iggarantiui t­hillS ta ' pagi mbu)!; imhallSII li j kunu dovuli minn principal li l dawk 1-impjegati Ii I-impicg laghhom ikun gie mitmum minhabba fiI-ralliment ppruval tat-printipal. l iC lna fond ghandu j kun regolat u amministral b'dak il-mod kifil.Ministrujista' jippreskrivi.

(2) II-M ini slTU jiSIII ', wara konsultazzjoni mal-Ministru tal­Finanzi u mal-Bord, jipprcskri vi rcgolamenli biex jinghata cfTett ahjaT ghad.disposizzjonijiet ta' dan t-aniko lu; minghajr hsara ghall­gcneral itA ta ' dak li nlqal qabel. dawo ir-rcgol!uncnt i j is tghu j islabbiliuu -

(a) iI-mod li bih it·Fond jigi stabbilit u ffinanzjat fiI-bidu, u ghal dan i1-ghan il-Ministruj ista ' j iddOla lill · fond b'dak

C 180

"'P"II' ji ......... rinoavallt rqolm,

I-ammont u ghal dak il-pcrijodu kif il-Ministru jista' jipprcskrivi:

(b) il-livcll ta' provl mchtiega biex jigi ppruvUI 1-falliment wl -prin6pal:

(c) ir-rali lal-konlribuzzjonijicl Ii ghandhom isiru mill-ISWI, mill -prinCipali u mi ll-impjcgati bicx j ilkompla 1-finanzjamc nt tal-Fond:

(d) il-mod ta ' kif I-Fond ghanduj igi amministrat:

(c) kull klassi la' illlpicgi li hi prcklu:l:a milli laghmel lalba lahl il-Fond:

(f) il -mod u c-Cirkostanzi li fihom lalba li51a' ssir min .. impjcgal bicx jilhallas mill-Fond u I-mod u c-Cirkoslallzi li fihom talba tilhallas lill-impjcgal mill,Fond:

(g) I-ammont massilllu li ji sla' j ilhallas mill-Fond lil person wuhda li lkun ghamlcllalba:

(h) id-drill lal,Fond li j igi surrogal fil-jcddijicl ta' I, impjcgal li j ithallas ammonl mill -imscmmi Fond: kif ukolt id­drill tal -Fond li j itlob ir-rifu:l:joni ta ' kutl ammont hekk imhallas, mil l' prinCipal ta ' I-impjegat:

( i ) abbut.

il -mi t uri u l-prOCeduri mchticga bicx j impedixxi I·

(3) It -Fond ikol1u personali l ~ guridika distinta u jkun jisla ' jidhol null kunlmll , li jharrek jew j ig i mharrc k, u li jaghmcl dawk 1-afl'arij ict kollha u j idhol rdawk l-opemzzjoll ijicl kollho li jkunu inCidcnla li jew li jwasslu ghat-Iwcll iq la ' I-ghanij iCI licghu, kif j ista ' j kun preskritt mill -Ministru.

(4) II -Fond ikollu d-dritt jighor, jirkupra jcw jibda proteduri shall-hlas la ' somom dovul i Hlu, skond id-disposizzjonij iel ta' dan 1_ All ,

(5) Ir-rapprctcntanza guridika u legal i tal-Fond Ikun vestila fic-chairperson jcw f' kull persuna ohm li I-Fond jista' jawtorizza ghal dak if-ghan.

22. ( I ) Kull prinCipa l ghandu jhallas jcw jara li jithallsu 1-pagi lill- illlpjcgat i tieghu r inlcrvalli rego tn ri li ma ghandhomx ikunu aktar minn crba ' gimghlll b' lum :

IMa d.disposizzjonijiel ta ' dan is,slIbartikolll 111a jkllll llX jghoddll mcla jsir flch im bcjn printipal jcw print ipali jcw ghaqdiel la' printipali Illin·naha I·wahda II Il"lIdl' uniolls li jirmppret.enlaw I· impjegali I1leressal i min ' l1aha I·ohm, Ii jiffissa inlervalli ohm ghall · hlas tal·pagi.

(2) MaHmiclll tu ' kllnlrall ta' 5crvizz il . pagi kollha li jkllnu ghadhom Illli Ihallsux u kull kumpcns li ghandu jilhallas lill·impjegal ghall.!elll't, IIlhux Illehud ghandholl\ jilhallsu mod·dala tal .jum la I· paga li li~i Ill innufih wara illisssla skond is·subart iko]lI ( I ) bhallikiekll l· klll1lmll Illa nlemmx.

(3) Ghelllq lal. kontijiel ghandll jsi r mill.inqas darba fis·S(' na mill.prin~ipal dwar impjegali li I·pagi laghhom ikunu maghrnlll in minl1 sehem la' pro fini jcw kummissjoni fllq tK-jgh jew hlasij iel maghnllllin jew imdahhlin mill.prin~ipa l.

C 181

23. ( I) Kull prin~i pal ghondu jhallas. jew jara li j ilhal18s, lil HIr. .. · "''''~ •.

kull wiehed rnill·illlpjegati wh"ft'·linrf! lieghll , dawk il ·hlJ/lUw.\· Slalutorji u supplementi la' dhul n·ammonli u fi;l;.t.minijiel slabbilil i ravviz legali mill·MiniSlm ta l·Finanzi bis·sahha la ' don I·arlikolu, sakemm dan il'Mlllu slatulorju jkun fil·forma ta ' 50mma la' nus I;' rkull ka1. ma Ikunx inqas minn nofs dik li I·Gvcm iklln av:t.a n · eSlimi genemli la' kull sena panikolari.1i sejjer ihallas lil kull wiehed mill.impjegali lieghu malul dik is·sena:

Izda, mela xi persuna Ikun impjegala .... ·hof,,·linr,· ma' xi printipal partikolari ghal t.micn la ' mhux inqas minn 1I000I ill jum izda inqas minn Inax-i l xahar bejn 1-1 la' lannar 1I1,31 1a ' Ditcmbru la' xi sena, dak I.impjegal ikollu drill li jirtiev j minghand il.printipal tieghu, Jew minghand kllll wiehed mill-printipali lieghu, proporzjon la' I·ammonl lal· bom/.f li jkollu j ilhallas skond don I·a rt i kol u, ka lkolal fuq in·numro la ' granel rkull impicg bhal dak:

[ida wkoll kull perijodu la' impieg li ma jikkwalifikax malull-ewwel silt xhllr ta' xi sella ghandu jinghadd ma' kull pcrijodu la' impieg ma' I·isless printipal rnatu l it· lieni sill xhur ta' dik is·sena ghall.fini lal.perijodu la' impieg la' kwalifik a u I·ammonl 10laH lal· bonus li jkollll jithallas lil dak I.impjegal dwar il.perijodu 10la li la' dak I.impicg ghandu jithal las bejn il·]5 u l· 23 la ' Ditembrllla' dik is· sella, minkejja Ii I·amrnonllolali lal-boll/IS lijkollu he kkjilhallas ikun i2jed mill ·amrnonl nonnali la' hmwJ li jkollu jithaJlas dwar iHieni sill xhur ta' dik is·sena.

(2) F'dan ]·artikolu .

"impjegal" tinkludi persuna li Ikun marbula bi ftehim la' lahrig;

C 182

Im~jepli f>t1r1-dOle.

"i mpjcgal M'hole-lime~ lfisscr kull impjegal li j ilqies li jkun impjegal whole-tim/' skond xi kondizzjoni maghrufa la ' impieg kif ill1fi sser fdan I-All, u linkludi kull impjegal ichor li jkun f1 -impieg ta ' xi prin~ipal partikolari ghal mh ux anqas minn hamsa u Ilelln siegha f 'gimgho woM o fuq medja la- pcrijodu la- max-i l xohar jew pani minnu:

"impjegal i whole-time lieghu" linkludi kul! i mpj~gat whole-time li jkun Il-impieg la' xi pr i n~i pol partikolari ghal pcrijodu ta ' mhux inqlls minn Iletin gurnata matu l xi ZllIicn mi ll- I jew wara 1-1 la' Jannar la- )li scna izda li ma jkunx aktar f'dak I-impicg fit-30 ta ' Cunju u1jew fiI- 31Ia- Di~embrll ta- dik is-sena.

24_ Impjegal i whole-time b-sighal imnaqqsa ghandhom j ilhallsu mhu)I inqas pro rata mill-paga appli kabbli ghal impjegat whole-time fimpieg simili, u ghandu jko llhom ukoll id-drill ghal parti minn, pro row-

(a) id-drill ghal btancl pubbliti bi hlas u /eave annwali bi hlas:

(b) il-bencfi~~ji msemmija Il -artikolu 10:

(t) kull drill ghal /eave ghal korrimcn\,

li impjegali ... h()le-lime f 'impicg stmil i ma I- istess printipaJ ghandhom drill ghalihom skond kondizzjonijicl maghrufi n la- impieg li jghoddu ghalihom.

25_ ( I) lmpjcgali pari-lime ma ghandholllx jigu l!Tauati b· mo<! inqas favorcvol i minn impjcgali whole-lime komparabbli min habba biss f' li huma jahdmu part-lime sakemlll iHrattamenl dilTerent i majkunx guslifikal fuq bazi oggcll iva.

(2) II -Ministru jisla, wara ko nsu ltazzjoni mal-Bord, jipprcskri vi regolamenli li jislabbilix)lu :

(a) il . kondizzjonijiel bicx wlchcd jikkwali fik a ghall-jcdd pro' rata skond kondizzjo nijicl speCific i la- )(ogho1. inkJuz I-anqas numru ta- sighot li impjegat pari-lime Shandu jahdem bicx jikkwalifik a kif uko ll l-inqas pcrijodu la' scrvizz li jista ' j in tllieg qabc l ma wichcd jikkwaJifika:

(b) I-ghoti la' in formazzjon i fil-hin dwar id-disponibi lila ta- poslijicl part-time u ... hole-time fuq il-posl tax­xoghoJ kif ukoll a~~css ghal lahrig vo1tazzjonal i u oppon unilajicl ghall-avvanz fil -korricra:

(~) kull tloga ohra li lilqies mChticga biex tirrego la 1-

kondizzjonijiet tax-xogtlol ta' impjegati pari-lime kj if prcskriu fis-subaniko lll ( I ).



26. (I) Hadd majista'-

(a) fi l.waqt li jaghlllel rcklam Jew joITri illlpicg Jew fil · waqt li joITri opportunitaj iel la' impicg Jew mela jigi ghall­gballa la ' applikanli gtlal impieg, jassoggeua xi applikanl g/'Ial impieg Jew xi klassi la ' applikant; ghal impicg gtla] lraltamenl d;skriminatorju;

(b) rigward impjegati I; huma digIt n.impieg tal -prineipal, jassoggeua dawk ].illlpjegat i Jew xi klassi la' impjegali gl'l al tmUament diskr;minatorju, fir·r;gward la' kODdizzjonijiclla ' impieg.

(2) Ghall .finij ict ta ' dan l-artikQllI. trattament diskrilllinalorjll jinkllldi:

(a) I-impieg Jew'latla ta' persuna Ii Ikun anqas kwaliflkata minn pcrsuna tas·scss Opposl, sakemm il' prineipal ma jippruvax 1i I.azzjoni kicnel bhatata fllq ragunijiet aeeettabbli relatali max-xona tax-xoghol Jew gtlal ragunij iet relalati mat·twett iq Jew ma I.espcrjenza ta' xogl'lol maghmul qabcl:

(b) azzjonlJle l li jgl'loddu gl'lal impjegal. tennini la' hlasijictjew kondizzjonijict ta' impieg li huma anqas (svorevoli minn dawk li jgl'loddu ghal impjegat fl -istess xoghol jew )l;oghol ta ' valur ugwsli, a bbat i la ' lrattamenl d iskritni natorj u:

(t) azzjonij iet li bihom il-principal xjcnlement j immanigga x-xogl'lol, iqassam il-bieeicl ta' xogl'lo l jew mod iehor jirranga I-kondizzjonij iel tax-xogho l hekk I; impjegat ikum assenjal status ' i manifeslament ikuD anqas fsvorcvoli minn ohTajn abhati la' trattament diskriminatorju.

(3) ld-disposizzjonijict tas-subart iko li (I) u (2) ghandhom

C 183

Oiikrim inaz· ,joni u ....... 1janza .. jn ... ·_i.

ikunu mingtlajr pregudizzju ghad-dritt ijiet u obbligi preskri ll i fl -A II Kap. ~ IJ. dwar Opponuni taj iet Indaqs gtlal Persuni b'Ditabililll, u ma gl'\andl'lomlt jghoddu ghal kul1 prefercnza Jew eskllltjoni 1i Ikun ra!llonevolmenl guslifikala mela wiehed iqis iX-ltorta ta ' posizzjoni ballala li gl'l andha timte la' jew l-impieg offrul, jew fejn karatteristika

C 184

Ghoti 10' fOJridJl"

mebliega tikkosl jlwixxi tlt iega gcnwina u dClerminanti dwar ;x­xogtlal jcw rein j l - tni~jc t huma slabbili ti minn ligij;e! jcw rcgo lamcn li applikabbli.

(4) Ghull . !inijict w' dan I-artiko lu. il· kl iclll "jo tTri impicg" jinkl udu r.rc k l\l l l l ~g jcw i[. luhrig ta ' kull pcr~ lIn ll bi l-hsicb 1i di k il· persuna lig; mpjcg8lU . u ghar-r;gward tn' pcrsUI1U I; tkun dig~ qed tahdcm. tink ludi llkolll-promozzjoni gha l gl'lld og l'l13 jcw '.i mpicg Ii klassi d ifferent ; la' xogtlo l.

27. (I) lmpjegati O·islcss klassi la' impieg gtiandhom id­drin gha l l-isl~'Ss ram 14' rimuncrv-'!joni ghat xogholll' valur ugwlli.

(2) Fejn it.ko nd izzjonij icl maghrufin ta' impicg fi stabbilimcm jipprovdu I; l-printipal j isI3' jofTri ti l )1 1 impjegal kondizzjonij icI HIX' )loghol I; jkun u anqas favorcvoli min n dawk o ffrul i li l impjeg3 1i o l'l ra fl -iSless klassi la ' impicg li jwcllqu X08ho l la ' I-islcss valur, dnwk id·disposizzjonij icl j ilq icsu bhnht li ma j ko llho m ebda effclI .

(3) Ku ll dis linzjoni bejn klassij icl la' impicg bbatala fuq 1-;51al konjugali. orjcnlamcnl SC5swali. el ~ jo:-w mod ichor milli skond id-disposizzjonijicl la' dan I·AII jew xi ligi ohm Ikun nulla u bla e ffclI .

28. Hadd ma jisla' jivvi ll imizza xi persuna lall i din Ikun ghamlet i tmenl li II .awlorilaj iCI Icginimi jew la 1 t i Ikun Od ie t jew hadcl sel'lcm fi proceduri ghal ri'.art illlcnl abb.1 ti lal-ksur lt llcgul utd­disposiujolt ij icl la' dltn I-All . jew lalli Iku n lal informa:r..zjoni, konfidenzjali jew le, lil korp pubblik u regolalorju slabbilil, rigward all ivilaj ie l allegalamcnl illegal; jew kon ou i maghntulu mil l. prim~:i pa l

la ' dik il-pcrsuna jew minn persun i lijagixx u f'ise m u n -inlcressi lal· print:ipal.

29, ( I ) L-ebda print:ipal jcw impjegal ma jisll' jaghli fas lidju tiI impjegat ichor jew jaghli fasl idju lill 'J)fint:ipal bill i jassoggena lil d ik il.persuna gha l kutl all, talba jcw kondolla mhux mixlieqa. li j inkludu klicm bil· follllll , gesli jcw i!'produ1.zjoni. il·win jcw it: -t irkolaujoni ta' klicm miktubin. st3mpijcw materjal ichor. I; rigward dik il-pcrsuna l'Iu ma bbatal i fuq diskr irninazzjoni scsswali u I; j istgl'l u ragoncvolmcnt j iqiesu bha la o ffcnsivi. umilijllnti u inl imidatorji lejn dik il·persuna .

(2 ) L-ebda print: ipal jew impjegal ma jis\a ' jag l'lt i faslidj u scsswalmelll lit impjcgal ichor jew lill-printipa l (hawnhckk itJed 'i l quddiem f' dall I·art ikol u imsejha "I-villma") billi -

(a) jassoggclla l·vil1ma gl'la l all la' in1im i t ~ fi t.i ka:jew

(b) jitlob favu ri scsswali mill-vi llma; jew

(c) jassoggeua l-viuma ghal xi all Jew kondolta li jkol1hom konnolaujonij ict scsswal;, ;nklut i kl;em bil· fomm, gesli Jew il-produujoni , il -wi ri jew ic-t irko lazzjoni ta ' kliem miklu bin, stampi Jew materjal ichor, rej n -

(i) I-an, it-Ia lba jew il-kondOllH mhumicx rnixlieq :a rnill -viu rna u jistghu ragonevolrncnt jiqiesu bhalo offen sivi, umilijanli u intimidatorji le;n il-viuma:

(ii) il-viuma tig; ttrallala b' mod d ifferent i bha la ri t uha t lal-lichid jew is.sonomissjoni laghha ghal dak I-al l. dik il -Ialba Jew dik il-kondoua Jew jisI3' ragonevollllCnt jigi antiCipall; l-vi nma tista' ligi hekk lrallala,

30, (1) Persuna li tallega li I-principa l ikun kiser, jew li 1-kondizzjonijie t la' I-i mpicg ikunu jiksru, d-disposizzjonijicl la' I· anikoli 26, 27, 28 jew 29 lisla', ti l mien tlie! )( hur mi ll -ksur allegal, lippretenl3 ilme nl q udd icllI it -Tribunal InduSlrijali u I·Tribu nal IndustrijaJi ghandu jisma' dak l-ilment u jwcllaq dawk 1-invcsligaujonij ielli jqis )(ierqa,

(2) Jekk il-Tribunallnduslrijal i jkun soddisfulI li J-i lme nljkun gustifika t, hu j kun j isla' jichu dawk il-mizun Ii jidhirlu xierqa inkluz il-kanceIJamenl la' kull kunlral1 ta' scrvizzjew la ' kul1 klawsola fil­kunlrall Jew fi flchirn ko llcll iv li Ikun diskri rninalorja, u jisla' jordna li jithallsu somorn ragoncvoli la' flu s bhala kumpens lill-part i aggravata,

(3) Ghall . finijiet las-smigh u lad-dcci:l!joni la' kawti dwar 1-allegaujoni la ' diskrimina7.ljoni , ksur lal-prinCipj u la' xoghol la' valur ugwali, villimi7.7..87.zjoni Jew ghoti la' faslidju, it-Tribunal Induslrijali jkun maghlllul minn ,'h(lirper~'Q" wllhdu bil-mod slabbi lil fl-anikolu 73(4),

(4) Kull a7.ljoni mehuda minn persuna li laghmcl ilmenl skond id-disposizzjonijicl la' dan I-art ikolu Ikun minghajr pregudizzju ghal kuJl azzjoni o hrn li dik il-pcrsuna li laghmcll-ilmcnt tkun tiSla' liehu skond xi ligi ohm I; tghodd u tkun uko ll minghajr pregudizzju ghal kull aujoni ohm li ghalihaji sla' jkun suggctt ir-rispondcnl skond xi ligi ohrn li Ighodd ,

31. Bla hsara ghal dak li intqal-qabel, il·Minislru j isla', warn konsuhazzjon i mal-Bard, jippreskrivi regolalllenli biex jaghli e lTcII ahjar lid-disposizzjonijiel la' I-artikoli 26, 27, 28 u 29 u b"mod partikolari bicx ligi cl iminala kull prallika diskrilll inalorja n-impicg jew fil -kondizzjonijicl la' l-impicg la' kull persuna jew klassi ta '

C 185

"",wi, lil_ Tribunal InduSlrij. li ,

~11Ia 1&1" Mm.;!",li ._, ",,.,lamonci ,

C 186

persun i. biex j ingham w opportu nitajic! la' )(Ogtlol UgW8 I i Ii I klassij ie t ta' persuni I; jkollhorn svantagg u bicx j ig; regolal I-access ghat­Tribunal Industrijal i. u I-investjgazzjoni u s-smigh rni t-Tribunal Induslrijal; ta ' ilmen! ; dwar I-allegazzjoni ta' diskriminazzjoni , ksur tai.p rintipju ta' xogholta ' valur ugwal i. vi ltimizza7.zjoni Jew ghot; la' faslidju .

ReaL 32. Kull mill j ikscr id-disposizzjonijicl ta' I-artikoli 28 u 29

lmien .. · !CM la' k"""""j .. '


ikun hati ta' real ujetlc!. mctajinstab hal; , mulla ta' mhux ;1:jOO minn elf lira ( Lm 10(0) Jew prigunerija ghal tmien mhux i1:jcd minn silt xhur. Jew dik it-multo u dik il -priguncrija f1imkien .



33. Persuna 1;5t8' , intrabat I; laghti s·serv;zzi laghha gha! tmien imsemmi Jew bla limiti . Jew dwar bi l!ta xoghol, imprita. opra . . . Jew SCrvlz:t ImsemmlJm:

Itda mela I-impjegat ikun intamm fl- impieg warn d--data tat-Imiem ta ' kunlra llla ' servizz gtlal tmien spc6fikat Jew ikun rega ' gie impjega\ minn prin~ ipal fi tmien sena mid-data tal- tmiem ta' kunlran ta ' servizz ghal tmien spe~i fik uI, il -kondizzjonijicl ta ' I· irnpieg ma ghandhornx ikunu anqas favorevoli minn dawk li kienu jkunu jappl ikaw jekk kemm-i l darha I-kunlrall ta' scrvizz ikun ghal t mien bla limilu u t-tmien lotali ta' provllla' I-impjega t ma ghandu j kun rebda kat itwal minn dak li hemm provd ut rdan I-All.

34, ( I ) Mingbajr hsara ghal dak ti hu preskrin xort 'ohra rdan I-All. il-kondizzjonijiet la' I-impieg f'ku ntratt ghal tmien spetifikal ma ghandhornx ikunu inqas fa vore\'ol i minn dawk li kienu jkunu jappl ikaw li kieku I-istess kuntratt ta' I-impieg n-istess post IlIx-xoghol kien ghal tmien bla limilu, sakcmm tTattalllenl diffe renti majkunx guslifikat gbal ragunijicl oggettivi:

Itda dan I-artiko tu ma ghandux jghood s hal kunt ratti ta ' impjegali li j ku nu qeghdin fuq lahTig vokazzjona li tal-bidu u.jew, fuq skemi ta ' apprendistal.

(2 ) Kul l impjegal b'kuntratt la ' scrvizz ghal t mien spe~ifikalli jaghlaqlu t-tmien tal-kuntratt u li jint.amm fix -xoghol mill-printi pal j itq ies 1i jkun intamm fuq kunlrall ghal t mien bla limiN jekk dak I­impjegal roa jinghatax kunlratt ta' servizz gdid fi tmien tnax-il gumata minn mctajkun gha laq il -kuntratt ta ' qabcl.

(3) II -M in is lru jis ta, wara konsultaujoni mal-Bord, jaghmel rego lamenli biex:

(a) jaghti cffctt ahjar ghal1-printipju [a cbda diskriminattjoni bejn impjcgati fuq kuntratti ghal tmicn spctilikat u impjcgati fuq kunlran i ghal t mien bla limilll:

(b) jislabbil ixxi (:-ti rkoslanzi rejn, gha l ragunijicl oggeltivi. I-kondizzjonijiel rkunlrani ghal l.micn srx.-t ifikli[ j islghu jkunu differenti mill-kondizzjonijict f'kuntrani ghal tInien bla limitu;

«(:) b'mod gencrali biex jirregola ku ll haga li ghandha l!:'taqsam ma- kunlratli ghal t mien spceifikal.

C 187

35, ll -Minislru j isla', wara konsuhazzjoni mal- Bord . jaghmcl Unn,, · !. regolamenti li jippreskrivu I,infonnazzjoni minima li kull printipal :t"""'i.'= gbandu jagbti lil kull impjega!. u I-mod kif din l-inronnazzjoni "' ... , .... ghandha linghala li ll-impjcgal, u bie)!. jirregolaw kull haga ohm Ii ghandba x'laqsam ma' I-obbligu tal-prin(:;pal bic)!. jin fornm lil Jew jikkonsulla ma' I- impjegal Jew i la' I-impjegati dwar ko ndil1.jonij iet la ' I-impicg, u, rdawn ir, rcgolamc nli. 1-Ministru jista' jaghli ctenzjoni mi ll.obbligi imposli b'dan I-artikolu Jew jiSlabbi I ixxi regoli different; ghal k lassijiel Jew lipi d; ffcrent i la' . . Impleg.

36, ( 1 ) ilia bsara ghad-disposil1.jonijicl lIIs-subart ikol u ( 16), l-cwwcl sin xhur la' kull impieg tabl kuntrau la' servi1Z ikun impieg bi prova, sakcmm 1.mien iqsar la' impicg bi pmva ma Jil~;x miftic:hcm bejn it-tewg partijiel:

Itda fi1-kat la' kunlran la' servil1., jew ta' flehim ko llcuiv, dwar impjegali li jkollhom karigi Ickni(:i. etekunivi. amminislrauivi Jew ta' direl1.joni u li I-pagi mghhom ikunu ghall-inqls id-doppju lal­pagl minima stabbili la rdik is-sen:t , dak it-tmien ta' pm ... ajkun la' sena sakemm ma jigix spcti fikat mod ichor fil -kunlratt la ' servizzjcw fil-flehim kollc" i ....

(2) Wlqt I-impieg bi prova, I-impicg jista.' jigi milmum minn min ikun irid mit,tewg partij iel minghajr majaghli cbda ragu ni :

IMa ghandu j inghala avvit la ' gimgl'la taHcmm la ' 1-impieg lill-parti l-ohra fil -kat la ' impjegalli jkun ilu n -imp;eg la ' 1-iSlcss pr;n(:ipal kontinwamenl gl'lal aktar minn xahar,

(l) Kuntrallla' serv;zz ghal t micn bla limil\J jista' jinlemm, bl-ghoti Ut ' I-avvit kif spcti likat lis·subartikolu (5), mill.impjcllal mingbajr ma jaghti ebda raguni u mill -printipal, bla bsara s had­disposi1.1.joni las-subart ikolu ( 14), fuq bati ta ' redunflall<Y biss:

""",I .. ' •

~_"'I _ .. ~_i .. ' -=

C 188

Izda kull impjegal li I-illlpicg ticghu Jlgl milmulll Ill inhabba redllll</allcy ikun inlilolal ghall -impieg mill -gdid jckk il­poslli kien jokkupa qabel jcrga' jk un ol1jcnibbli fi zllIicn pcrijodu la' scna mid-dala la' IllIicm I-impicg:

IMa wkoll impjcgal bhal dak ikun hckk impjcglll mill -gdid b' kondizzjonijicl mhux inqas favorevoli minn dawk li hu kicn ikun inlilolal ghalihom li kicku l-kunlrlll1 11Is-scrvizz dwaru ma kicnx inlemm:

IMa. fl-ahharncn. kull impjcgal li jkun gic hckk irnpjcgal rnill-gdid ghandu. ghalJ-finijiclla' dan I-All. jilqies li jkun kompla fl­impieg tieghu nonostanti I-tcrminau:joni rnaghmllla skond dan is­subarlikolu.

(4) MCla printipal ikun bi hsieblljlcmm I-impicg ta' impjegal mi nhabba redulI</all(V. h u ghand u jlcmm I-impicg la' d ik i I-persuna I i Ikun impjegala I-ahhar fil -klassi la' I-impieg milqulll minn dik ir­redundancy:

Itda. mCla dik il-persuna Ik un ligi mill -printipal (Ii ma jkunx soejclu b'rcsponsabil ilu lilllilata Jew korp slalularju) b'kollsagwinila jcw b'affinila sal-liclel grad. il-printipal jisla'. rninflok ilcmm I-i mpicg ta' dik il -persuna, ilcmm I-i mpieg lal­persuna lijmissha warajha.

(5) Minkejja kull ftchim kumrarju. u minghajr prcgudizzju ghal dak li hcmm imscmmi fil-paragrafu (0. avvit lal-Icmm la' impicg li jkun bi hsicbu jaghmcl il-printipal jcw I-impjcgllt tahl kunlranla' scrvizz ghal tmien bla limi1ll. ghandlljku n lal-tul bhal ma jinghad hawn ii:jcd 'il quddicm, jekk I-illlpjegal kicn ilu fl-irnpieg la' I-isless principal kontinwamcnl -

(a) gha l ii:jed minn xahar it da mhux izjcd minn sill xhur ............. .... _ ....................... .

(b) ghal itjed minn sin xhur itda mhux < d' , . lLJC mmn sen cln .. ....................... .................. .

(t) ghal it.jed millll scntcjn it.da mhux . . d' b" lZJe mllln er a snm ...................................... .

(d) ghal itjed minn erba ' Sri in itda mhux itjed minn scba' snin ............................ .



erba' gimghal;

Imien gimghat;

(c) ghal itjed minll seba' snm. gimgha wahda addizzjonali ghal kull sena sllsscgwellti la' serV1ZZ sa massimu la' IlIax-i l gimgha:

(f) JCW dawk it-tminijicl itwal kif jisW' jigi miftichcm bejn il-printipal u J.impjcgal lil-kat Ill' knrig i lekn it i, nmmi n iSlralli ... i. ctcku tI i ... i jcw la' dircujon i;

Itda I·a ...... it lat·lemm la' impieg ma jislax j ingtlal:l matul il-leave gtlal malcmil!i jcw malUl il-pcrijodu la' inkapat it!i ghax. xoghol Ii ghalih jirreferi is-subaniko lu (17) jcw matu! kull pcrijodu iehor ki f i I·M in iSlru j ista' j i ppresk rivi ,

(6) Mcta pcrijodu la' impicg b'kuntrallla' servilJ. ghal tmien bla limitu jkun la' inqas minn Si11 xhur imma jkollu warajh pcrijodu iebor ta' impicg simil i li jibda Ii tmicn is's i11 xhur lijahbtu warn mill­ahhar jum la' impieg. it.tewg pcrijodi ghandhom, ghall.linijicl tas· subartikolu (S ) la ' dan I-an ikolu. dwar iHicni perijodu la' illlpieg jitqiesu li humo pcrijodu wiehed kominwu.

(7) lI -pcrijodu ta' J·avviz ghandu jibda jghodd mill .jul11 tax­xogbolli jab bat wara I·ju m li fih jinghal:t I-avvit .

(8) Mela impjegal tabl kuntrott Ill' scrvizz ghal zmien bla limiru jirticvi avvit. mill-printipal kirjingbad hawn qabcl. huwa j ista' jagbtel jew li jissokta jabdcm sakcmm joghlaq it·t.micn la ' I·a\'viz jcw, fkull zmicn li j kun waql li ghadu micx i z-zmien Ill' I-avvit, igieghelli ll . printipal li jaghtih $0 1l1m8 li Ikun daqs in' lIo fs tal.pagi li kien ikollhom jilhnllsu ghaz-zmictl li j kun shad jonqos bicx jHghlaq it·zmien la ' I-avvit.

(9) Mela jirticvi avviz minghand I.impjegat kif inlqal qabcl. il-print ipal ikun jisla ' jaghtc1 jcw li jhalli till- impjegal Ji jkompli jahdem sakcmm it-tnl icn la' I-a\'\'it jaghlaq jcw. rkul1 tmicn matul ti jkun ghaddej it-zmien la' l-a ... vi1:. ihallas lill- impjcgal somma li Ikun daqs il-paga li jkun imissha lilhallas dwar iz-zmicn la' l-lIvvit li ma jkunx ghalaq.

( 10) Jckk impjcgal lahl kunlraU la scrvizz gha l tmien bla limitu jonqos li jaghti avvi}: kif jinghad hawn qabcl. huwa jkun suggett li jhallas li l1 -printipal somma li lkun daqs no fs il-paga li j kun imissha tithallas dwar it-tmi!,'n la' I-avvit, Jckk il-printipal jonqos li jagl'lli avvit kifimscmmi haw" qabcl, huwa jk un suggctt li jha llas lil dak I-impjegat 50mm8 li tkun daqs jJ-paga li jkun illlissha tilhal1as dwar it-tmicn 13' I-avviz.

(11) Prin ~ ipal li jibghal 'I barm impjcgat qabcl ma jaghlllq it­zmicn spetilikal fkun lratt ta' scrvizz, ikollujhallas li ll -impjegal no fs il -paga kollha li kienct Ikun tmiss lill -impjegat dwar il-bqija tat­t micn espressamcnl miftiehcm,

C 189

C 190

( 12) hnpjcgat I; j itlaq mis-servizz tal'prin(:ipall icghu qabel it· tmien spc(:i fika\ liI-kurU rflU ta' scrvi:a ghandu jhallas li ll .printipal licghu somma 11 tklln daqs nofs iI-paga kollha li glla liha hUW8 kien iko llu jcdd kicku huwa baqll' fis-scrvizz ghall-bqija tat.-tmien hckk cspressamcnl rnift ichem:

l:Ma fda n is-subarl ikolu 11 fi s-subartikoli (8), (9), ( 10) u (11 ), ir-riferenzi ghal ~paga kollha" u "paga" gl\andhom ifissru I-paga li tithal1as Ii J p.;: rsuna impjegolll minn jcw fi scm il-printipal, eskluti kuJl rimunerau.joni ghal sahra. kull forma ta' bonll,f, kuJl allowance, 11 rimullcr8n:joni mod ichor mill i bi fills u kummissjonijicl.

(13) Fil-kat ta' impjegati taht kunlnut ta' servizz imhallsa ghal kull bitta )(Ogtlol. jcw b'sehern fil-ql igh. jcw b'kurtlllli ssjoni fuq il­bejgh maghmul jew hlasijiet imdahhla rni ll ' p rin~ ipa l , I-ammont li ghandu jithallas sko nd is-subarJ ikoli (8), (lO). ( 11 ) u (12) ghandu j kun ikkalko lat fuq il-ql igh rncdju la' l-irnpjegat matul it-tl iet xhur li jigu sew sew qabel il-jum li fi h jinghata l-avvit. Jew I-i mpjegat jitlaq ix-xoghol jew jigi rn ibghut 'iI bafTa rni ll -prin6pa1.

( 14) Minkejja d-disposizzjonijiel la ' hawn qabel ta' dan I­ani kol u, printi pa I jista' jibghat impjegal u I-i mpjegat jista ' j itlaq is , servizz tal - prin~ ipal , minghaj r ma jaghti avvit. u minghajr ebda obbligu li jaghmel hlas kif disposl fi s-subllT1 ikoli ( 10), (1 '1) u (12) jekk ikun hemm rtlguni tajba u biUejjed biex dak I- impjegat jrntbaghatjcw jitlaq mis-servizz:

[;,!:da prin~ ipal majislsx igib bhalo raguni tajba u biUejjed-

(a) ill; I-impjegat fit-zmicn li gic mibghut kien mcmbru ta' trade /Inion jcw Qed ifitt ex I-inkarigu ta', jew qed jagixxi bhala jeww agixxa bhala, ir-rappretentant ta' l-impjcgati: Jew

Cb) hlief fiI -kat ta' irnpjegat domestiku privat, ill i ]-impjegal ma jgawd ix itjed il -fidutja tal - pri n ~i pal : Jew

(~ ) illi irnpjegat ikun it.t.ewweg:jcw

(d) illi impjegata tkun tqila b'tarbija Jew tkun assenti mix-xoghol waql il -/eQl'e ghal matcmit:i :jcw

(e) illi I-impjegat kixe f informazzjoni , konfidenzjali jew lc, IiI korp pubbliku regolalorju stabbi lit, rigward allivi laj ict allegatarnent illcgaJi Jew kOfToni maghrnula mill-prin~ipa l Jew minn persuni Ii jagi;llxu risem u n -in te ressi la l-print ipal : jew

(f) illi I-impjcgat pprct.enla ilment jew qicghed jiehu sehc m fi proceduri konlra I-print ipal I; jinvolvu I-allegal ksur

UI ' ligij iet Jew regolamenli Jew iIli I-impjegal irrikorra ghand I­aWloritaj iet kompelenli amministranivi: jew

(g) Ii n-negozju li fi h jahdem I-impjega[ gbadda minn Ir1lSferimenl la' proprjeta , sakemm majipprovllI li t-temm ta' 1-impieg hu mehliet ghal ragunij iel ekonomi~i, lekni~i jew la ' oTganizzv.ljoni, I i j irrikjed u bid liel O-gl'ladd ta' haddic11lll:

U:da ukoll il- pri n ~i pal jisla ' jlemm I-impieg ta' impjegal IDC'ta I, impjegal jilhaq l-cltr. li fiha wiehcd j inira kir imfisser n· An dwar is-Siguntr. Sotjali .

(IS) Kunlran ta ' servin ma ghandux, hl lef bil-kunsens [a' 1-impjcgat, j intcmm mill-prin6pal ma[ul xi perijodu ta' i nkapa~ilA

ghlll-xogholla ' I.impjegal kagumua b' korrimcnt b'disgrazzja li li~ mill-impieg u waqt I-impicg jcw minn )li mard li j iil:i nlix-xoghol li huma spetifikll li n-AII dWIIT is-Sigun tr. SOCjali mc[a dan j igri fi s­servizz la' dak it - prin ~ipa l :

l:Ma -

(a) matul dak il-perijod u Ill ' i nkllpa~ illl l . impjegat ikollu jcdd s hall-paga imnaqqsa b'kull bcnefittju ghal korrimenl li jithallas skond I-All dwar is-Sigunl SOCjali mhux inklu2: kull bcnefi~~ju ghal disabilita permanenl;, kir j ista' jkun provduI skondjew laht xi kondizzjoni maghrufa la ' impieg kif imfisser fil- Taqsima It ta l-Tilolu I la' dan I-All: u

(b) id-disposizzjonijiella ' dan is-subanikolu majkunux igboddu wan \-cwwel IDax-i l ltahar la' inkapa61ft skond il ­kalendarju,

( 16) Mela l is pi ~~a l-inkapat il ll ghax-xoghol imsemmija n· ahhar subanikolu qabcl dan il-printipal ghandu. fi bnien wiched u gboxrin jum minn talba maghmu la mill-impjegal, jeTga' jdahhal 1-impjegal fl-imp ieg liegh u la ' qabcl Jew, jekk il -korrimenl Jew marda jkun giebu inkapat ittr. li minhabba fiha I-impjegol ma jkunx tojjeb ghall.impieg la ' qabcl fimpieg ichor xieraq:

[;l:da I-Ialba la ' ' . impjegsl biex jeTta' jigi impjcgal ghandha ssi r bil·miklub fi tmien sebal ijiem minn meln tispitta I.inkapat il ft ghax-xoghol.

( 17) lmpjegala .... ho/t.'·-liml.' ma lislll1 linlbaghal mil l-printipal matul il -perijodu tal-feu,'t' ghal malemila tagl'lha jew il-pcrijodu la' hames A;imgl'la l warn dak il-feul'l.' li malUlu ms tkunx lists' lahdem minhabba kondizzjoni patologika li linqala' mill -hlas,

C 191

Kop. l ll .

C 192

11"" ..... "'*" koU.I!O~i.

T ... r ... ,N,.

( 18) Kull pcrijodu ta' inkapa~itil ghax-xoghol imsernmi n­ahhar subart ikolu qahcl dan ghandu jitnaqqas mill-pcrijodu ta' leave ghal mard li ghal'h I-impjl:'gala jkollh~ jedd lit-tmien ta' dik 1-inkapatit1t. hekk iol:da li I-perijodu \11. inkapa~il;'J li jkun izjcd mill­i msem mi lel/I'" ghal mard j itq ies I i h u lem·" ta' a ssenza minghaj r jcdd ghall-paga:

IMa I - prin~ipal jista' jchlicg lili-impjegat3 Ii tipprodu~i prova ta ' dik I-in kapa~it:l ghax -xogtlOl u j isw· jcl'll il:'g Ii I-la bib ticgh u itur lil dik I-impjegala u ji rrapport31u fuq il -kondizzjoni la· sahhitha.

( 19 ) L-i 111 pjl:'g31a j koll ha. mCl3 j i ntem 111 i 1-11'(/\'1' ghaJ l11atern ita li gha lih ghandlm jedd taht id-di sposizzjonijil:'l la· dan I-All jcw il­perijodu tH' inkapat il ~ 13ghha ghax-xoghol li ghalih jirrcfcri is­subartikolu (17). jcdd li Ic rga· lidhol ghax-xogho l fil-post li kienet tokkupll meta bcda 1-11'l/ I·I' ghal matemita laghha. jew r'posl analogu jckk fit-zmicn mC\1l hckk ikollha l-jcdd il -postli qabel kieneltokkllpa majkunx ghadu disponibbli.

(20) Mcta impjegat3 ma tcrgax tidhol ghax-xoghol kir provdut lis·subartikolu la' qabel dan.jew. wara li lkun hckk reighet bdiet ix­xoghol tabbanduna s-serviu tal -printipal laghha, minghajr raguni tajba u bittcjjcd fi zmicn si ll xhur mid-dala li fiha lkun hckk rcgghcI bdict . din lkun obblig3ta. bla hsarll ghal kul l obbligu ichor lahl dao 1-AIt, li Ihalias lill-prin~ipal somma li Ikun daqs il-pagi li rtcviCI matul il-Iem'l' ghal m:llernil;'J.

31" ( I ) l'ri nfip.11 ma ghandux ilcmrn I- irnpieg la xi impjegal ghar-ragu ni la " r('(fllm/om:\" kolku; V3 qabel ma jkun inootifika bil-miklub lir-rapprczcnlanli la· I.impjegati rnaghrufin mionu dwar il-hsicb li ghand u I; jtcmrn I-impieg u j kun la lir­rnpprd:cotati msemmija opportuoit1t biex jikkoosultaw ma l-prinfipal.

(2) II-Ministru jisla". wara ko nsultazljoni mal-Bord. jaghmcl rcgolamcnli bic)( jipprcskrivi ~ ·t irkos tanzi li fihom fl!dllndancies ghandho m jilqiesu bhala r('dlln"lIncit'.~ kollellivi; il -mod li bih ghandhom jint.amrnu l. konsultaujonij icl bejn il- prin~i pal u r­rapprctentanti la' I- impjcgali: i l -pr~cdura li ghandha ligi adoltata; il­kalegoriji jew il-klassijicl la' impiegi Ii hum.1 etcnli mill-cfrelli ta"

dan I-anikolu, 11 kul! haga ohra li gh:mdha x· la<j sam jcw hi antil1ari ghal dan.

(3) In-nuqqas Ii wiehcd iharcs id-disposi7J.jonijicl la" dan 1-artikolu ifisser real kontra dan I-All.

38. ( I ) Mela ncgozju jew azjcnda ohm jittiched il -kontro li laghhom. ghaJ kollox jcw f'pani. minn pcrsuna (hawnhckk itjcd ·i l quddicm f'dan I-artikolu mscjh3 "i l-pcrsuna li lilha j ig; trasrcrit in-

negolj u") minghand print ipal (hawnhekk it.jed ' il quddiem ('dlln 1-nrtikolu Illscjjah " lll in j iHrnsfcri;.;;.; ;" ), ku ll ;mpjegal n-impieg la ' mill jiurasfcri;.;;.;i fi d-da ta tllt-tras ferimcni tun-ncgozj u ghandu j ilq ies Ii jkun fl -impieg ta l-persunll li lilha jigi trasferit in-negozju u I-pcrsulla li lilhaj i{!:i trasfc ri t in-negozju ghll lldha Illssumi d-d ri llij ict u I-obbligi kol1 ha li min jil1Tnsferix;.;i ghandu rigward I. impjeg"!.

(2) Mill j ittrasferi;.; ;.; j u l-pcrsUll8 li lilha j iSi lrasfcrit in­negozju gg8ndhom j infonnaw lir-rnpprd cnlllnti la' I-impjegali dwar I. impjcgllli ri spcui vi laghho m li ser j kunu milquUl biHrasfcri mcnt dwar -

(a) id-data jew id-da ta mahsoba ghal-Iras ferimcnl:

(b) ir-ragun ij icl ghat-trasfcrimel1l:

(t ) l-implikazzjonij icl legali . ckonomi6 u sotjali tal ­lrasfcrimc nl ghall . impjegali: u

(d) il-mit.u ri li ser jittiehdu rigward I-impjegati.

(3) Wara t-lrasferimcnt. il-persona li lilha j i{!:i Ir1Is ferit in­negozj u ghandhll lkompli tosserva I-pau i u I.kondizzjonij ie t minehm3 ('xi ftehi m ko l1ettiv bl-islcss mod kif kieno applikl bbl i ghal min jittrasfcrixxi tahl dak il -fk him. sad-datll la l-tmiem jcw eghluq la 1-nehim ko llelliv, jew il -bid u fi s·schh jew I-applikaajoll i ta ' nehim kollcll iv ichor.

(4) Dan I-art ikolu ma j~oddx ghal- lflIs ferimcll t ta ' al"jcnda. negozju, jcw part i milln azjc:nda jcw nego7ju rejn min jittflls fcriui hu suggctt ghal proccduri ta ' fallimc nt jcw la ' strai t ordnllt mill -Qort i

C 193

skond id-disposizzjonij iet la ' l-AII dwar il-Kumpannij i, jcw proteduri """lllb obra ta - fallimenl li nbdew biex j i~u likwidll li I-ass; la' min jittrnsfcri ltXi u hu ma taht is,sof"eljanza la ' likwidatur nominal mill -Qorti.

(S) II-Ministru j isla ' jaghmel regolamenti biex j ippreskr ivi 1-mod li bih ghandhom j intammu I-konsultazzjoll ijict bejn iI-prin6 pal u r-rapprezentanti la' I-impjegati: il -proccdura li ghandha ti {!:i adonata: il -kalegorij i jew i I-klass ij ie t la ' impicgi li h UITl3 denti mill ­efTe«i ta' dan I-art ikolu, u kull haga ohra li ghandha ;.; ' ,aqsam jcw hi ao t illari ghal dan .

(6) In-nuqqas Ii wiehed ihares id.disposizzjonijict ta ' dlln 1-anikolu ifisscr reat konlra dan I-All.

C 194

KondiuJOlOl I"'k .... rsI1l1 · ...... iu"'!"JIIo.i<

"'"' t ... ifikoti 11' ...... iu,

Kond'~J'" lijlo"""""'" flvon: ... H ",,11,


39, Id-disposizzjonijiel la' I-anikoll 36, 37 u 38 ma g.handhomx jghoddu gha ll-bahrin impjegali fuq bastimcnti skond id­disposizzjonijiel ta' I-An dwar il -Bastimcnl i Merkantili: 11 m -kat li xi disposiujonijiel ta' I-imscmmi An ma jkunux jaqblll mad­d isposizzjonijiel ta' dan I-An, ghandhom jgboddu dawk ta ' 1-imsemmi An,

40. Kull konrlizzjoni rkunlralt la' servizz li laglll i s-selgha lill-prin6pal li jlcmm I- impicg [a' impjegala mc[a ti:t1.ewwcg Jew mCla ssir Iqila b'tnrbija tkun rninghajr cffctt ,

4 1, Mal-lcnlln la ' kunlrnllla' servizz li jdum iklar minn xahar, il-prinei~1 ikun rnarbll[, fuq it- talba la ' I-i mpjegat, li jag.hlih eenifika[ li jsclllmi kemm dum I-impieg, ix-xorta lax-xoghol Jew scrviui magbmulin u_ jekk l-impjcgal hekk j ixtieq. ir-raguni gbal­temm tal-kuntrall, u r-rata lal-paga mbal1sa:

Itda I-printipal ma jkunx meblkg jaghti r-raguni tal-temm la' l. impieg, jckk I-impicg ji nl cr11m waql il-pcrijodu In ' impicg bi prova,

42, Jekk mhux rkat kif pro\'dut xorl'ohra b'dan I-A ll , jekk kuntratt la' scrvizz be;n impjegat u l-prinei~1 [ieghu jew fiehim kol1cttiv bejn iI - printi~1 u r-rnppretcntanti rnaghrufin IU ' I-union, j ipprovdi gbal xi kondizzjoni la' impieg, inklut i kond izzjonij iet dwar iHelllm la' dak il-kuntratt. I; j kunu anqas favore\'oli ghall-impjega[ minn dawk spctifikali fi Jew labl I-All, dawn ghandu jkollhom effcu daqslikieku minflok dawk il-kondizzjonijiel li huma anqas favorevoli gball-impjcgat kien hemm imdahhla I-kondizzjonijic[ spct ifikati fi Jew labl dan I-An :

It.da, rkatijict ettczzjonali, il-printipal jista', bi fiehim ma ' I-irnpjegat Jew mar-l1Ipprctcntant la' I-union, j ipprovdi kondizzjonijict la' impicg diffe rcnti lIIin l1 dawk spctifika[i fi jcw skond dan I-An , sakcmm dan il -ftchim ikun bhala mit ura Icmporanja bic:x jigu evilal i redundanci~s u sakemm il-fiehim jigi approval mid­Direnur, Jiema approvazzjoni ghandha ligi ri"edull kull erba' gimghol.



43, (I ) II -Min istru jahtllr dawk l-lIffiejali tad-diparlimcnl rcsponsabbli gholl-impicgi u rehI7.ljonijic[ ind uslrijali li huwajidhi rlu xieraq sabiex ikul1u spetturi ghall-finijiclla ' dall I-AIt.

(2) Spettun hekk mahturin kif imscmrni hawn qabel ikollhom

is-setgha -

(a) li jidhlll bla tlh:kil 1I minghajr ma qabcl fkllll hin xicraq rkull fond jcw post suggctt ghall-ispe7.zjon taht dan I-An;

(b) li jaghmlu rkull fond jew POSI bhal dan kull e"ami. lest jew slharrig 1i huma jidhrilhom mchlicga sabiex jassiguraw ruhhom li d.disposizzjonijiet la ' dan I-All jew la' xi regolamenli jew ordnijicl tahtu kif ukoll kull kondizzjon i maghrufa ta ' impieg qeghdin M:u mha!'Sa. u partikolarmcnl .

(i) li jaghmlu misloqsijiel, wehidhom jcw quddic lll ix-xhieda, lill ' printipal jew lill .i mpjegllli fuq kull haga minn dawk imsemmijin;

(ii) li jordnaw li jurllhom ko tba, regislrI Jew dokurncnli ohra Ii skond dan I·AII jcw xi o rdni mahrug lahl u ghandhorn jin:i.ammu u 1i jikkopjaw dawk id­dokllmenli jcw jichdu cSlran i minnhorn.

(3) Fl-okkazjoni la ' "jara la' spezzjon, spellur ghand u jgharraf lill-printipal jew lir-rappre"cnlanlliegtJu bi l-prezenza lieghu, kcmm­il darba huwa ma jidhirlux illi dik iHaghrifa lisla ' Ikun la' hsara ghall -qadi la' dmirijielu,

(4) II -fond i u poslijiel suggetti ghall-ispezzjon lahl dan I-All huma ku ll fondjew postli dwaru jghoddu xi disposizzjonij icl ta' dan I·AII jew la' xi regolarnenl jcw ordni lahlu jcw xi kondizzjonijicl maghrufin la' inrpieg jew kull fond jew poSI li dy.tanr spellur ikollll ghalfejn jahscb ill; jghoddu d-disposi7.zjonijicl la' dan I-A ll jcw regolamenli jew ordnijicl lahlu jcw kondizzjonijiel nmghrufin la' . . rmprcg.

(5) Dawn I-ispeuuri -

(a) ma jislax ikol1hom xi inleress direll jew indirell fx i fondi jew poslij iel li jaqghu lahll-ispczzjon taghhom:

(b) ma ghandho m j ikxfu r'cbda i:micn. Ia.nqa.s wara li ma j ibqghu )\ spctturi. sigricli la ' manifattura jew kummcrl: jcw processi lax-xogho l 1i jkunll saru jafll bihom lil-qadi la' dmirijiethom:

(t) ghandhom iqisu bhala assolU1amenl ko nfidcnzjali 1-origini la' kllll ilrnenl li bih jigll mgharrfin b'difettjew ksur lad· disposizzjonij iel la' dan I-All jcw ta' rcgolamenl i jew ord nij ic l lahlu jew la' kondizzjonij iet maghrufin la' I- impicg: u

C 195

C 1%

(d) 1113 ghandhom qatt igharrfu IiII-printipal Jew lir-rappretentanl licghu illi tjara ta' spezzjon sarcI minhabba li waslilhom ilmenl bhal dak.

(6 ) Kill! spcll ur ghandu jkun fomu! b '(<' flifikat 11I1-hatra tieghu 11 mela Jillob hiex jidhoJ fxi fo nd jew post ghall-finijiet ta " dan I-AIt. ghandu, jckk hekk mi I11Ib. j IIri 1-1 1115c111111i (ert i f, kat.

(7) Kull spcllur li jikser id-disposizzjonij icl tas-subartikolu (5), minbarra kill! kastig ichor li ghalih huwa jista' jkun suggctt, jista ' wkoll jitketta i" .Wl facIo mill-impicg tieghu mal-Gvcrn.

(8) Persuna ma ghandhicx -

(a) tonqos li twicgeb Jew Iwicgeb hat in Jew Ii iggieghel HI xi pcrsuna ohm bie){ 1113 twegibxjew biex Iwiegeb hatin gtllll xi mis tO<jsija li spcllur iklln lIwlorizz3tjaghmcl skond dan I-At!:


(b) tonqos li turi kotba. registri jcw dokumcnti ohm illi, skond is-subanikol u (2)(b)(ii), hija tkun mitluba minn spettur bie)( iggibl u; jew

«(:) direnamcllt jew indirenament ma thallix ill i persulla tidher quddicm spenur jew tigi mistoqsija millllu, jew tiUanla Ii laghmel hekk; jew

(d) tfixkel b'xi mod liI SpettUf fil-qadi Ifld·dmirijiet lieghu skond dnn I-An:

It.da hadd mn jklln mchtieg skond il-pnrngrnru (a) li jwiegeb ghal xi mistoqsija Ii I i5 la' tinkri minah.

44. (I) Fi protcdimcnti kriminali maghmulin mill·Pulizija quddiem il-Qorti tal-Magistrali ghal reat kOlltrn d-disposizzjonijiet ta' daD I-An. id-Dircltur jew uffi(:jal lad-dipaniment tieghu mqabbad minDu jista', miDkelja )(i disposizzjoni kuntrarja ta' xi ligi ohra. jagbmel I-akkut.a qUddiem iI-qorti. igib il-provi, jiltratta u xort'ohra jmexxi I-kawta ghall-prosekuzzjolli miDnok il-Pul izija.

(2) Id-di kjnrazzjoll i bil-gllrament la' kull uffi(:jal ill\semmi fis­Sllbartikolu li jahbat sew sew qabel dan li huwa gic mqabbad mid­Direttur gha!l-iskop hcmmhckk imscmmi. tkun prova bi:!::!:cjjed li hu gic hekk imqabbad,jekk din il-prova tigi mitluba mi1l-akkutat.

(3) Id-Direttur jew I-uffi(:jal imqabbad millnu jista ', madallkollu. ji ngicb bhala )(hud. imma jckk i)( -)(iehda licghu tkuII tinhtieg mill -prosekuzzjoni . huwa Shandu jinstcma' bhala xhud qabel

ma jibda dmirijie tu bhala uffitjal prosektuur (minbarra dak li jgl'lid il­faui li ji tTurma wiT-real) I'll id Illeta 1-l'Itiega lax -x iehda I iegh u tinqa la ' wara,

45. (I) Kull printipal li jikser Jew jonqos milli joqghod ghal r; ... i. xi kondi;ujoni Illaghrufa la' impieg preskrilla b'ordni ta' stalldard nazzjonali Jew b'ordni biex jirrcgola settur Jew bi ftehim kolkttiv, Jew ghai xi disposizzjoni la' dan I-All Jew ta' xi regolamenli maghmulin tahtu jeheL sakemm ma jkunx hemm piena differenli stabbilita ghal reat bhai dak, meta jinsab hati, mulla ta' mhux inqas minn mitt lira (lm 100) u mhux itjed minn elflira(Lm 1(00).

(2) Mela xi prin6pal jinstab hati li -

(a) ikun naqas li jhallas pagi b'mhux anqas mir-rala applikabbJi skond kondizzjoni maghrufa ta' impieg kif imfisser fit-Taqsima [[] ta' dan I-All Jew skond kuntrall ta' servizz, liema tkun I-oghla,jew

(b) iku n ghame] tnaqqis illcgali jew ikun wahhal xi mulla minbarra dawk espressament pennessi bl-artikolu 19, Jew

(t) ikun naqas li jhallas xi honll.\' li ghandu jithallas skond I-artikolu 23, jew xi hlas ichor li ghandi jitha llas minn printipal liI impjega! skond dan I-All jew skond xi ordni maghmui lahlu,jew

(d) ikun tamm X I nmunerazzJofll Jew xi pagament li ghandu jithallas minflok in-II01ke, Jew

(e) ikun naqas li jaghli vaganzi bi hlas kif provdlll Jew kif spetifikat f'xi ordni ta' ,,/undard nazzjonaJi, ordni biex jirregola sellur Jew kuntratt la' servizz, Jew

(I) ikun naqas lijaghmel xi pagament dOVll! lil impjegat skond dan I-All jew skond xi ordni ta' s/cmdard nazzjonalL ordni biex jirrcgola sellur jcw xi ordni ichor magl'lmul tah! dan I-All,

il -qoni ghandha. fuq it -[alba tal-prosekuzzjoni, minbarm li (aghti 1-piena stabbi lita bis-subartikoli ta' qabella' dan I-artikolu. tordna lill­hali , wara I-prova ta' I-ammont, li jirrifond i Jew ihallas lill-illlpjegal Jew lil1-impjegati li jkunll. Jew liII-apprendista Jew lill-apprendisli li jkunu. skond il-kat, I-imsemmi ammont dovut minnu ll, fil-kat ta' vaganzi bi hlas li ma jinghatawx. somma daqs il-hlas dwarhom, u kull ordni bhal dak tal-qofti ghandlljkun ta' I-istess fora u effell u jku n escgwibbli bl-islcss mod daqsiikickll jkun inghata fkawta tivili bejn 1-impjegal jew 1- i mpjegati li jk unu jcw I-a pprend ista Jew I-apprcnd ist i

C 197

C 198

Kap. ~.

Lim""'-'JOf'i la' aujoni,

lijkun u. skond it-kat. u l-prin~i pal :

Izda cOda haga rdan is-subanikolu ma maqqas minn xi jcdd la ' I-impjcgal jew J-apprcndisla. skond il · kat. , li jigbor b'xi mezzi ohra kull ammonl li IlU jkollu j ichu.

(5) L-anikolu 24 lal · Kodi~i Krimina li ikun ighodd dwar reati lahl dan I-All.

46. Mela reat komra d-disposizzjonijiel la ' dan I-All jew xi rego1amenli jew ordnijiel maghmula bis-saMa lieghu jsir minn socjelil. kumpannija, ghaqda jcw korp ichor la ' persuni , kull persuna li fit-zmien Ii j kun sar ir-real. kienel diretlur, manager. scgretarju jew uffil!jal ichor bhal dawk ta' dik is-socjelll, kUlllpannija. ghaqda jew korp ichor la ' pcrsuni jcw kicnel tidller li qed lagixxi rxi kariga tali ti lqics Ii tkun halja la' dak ir-real jc kk Illa lippruvax li r-reat sar minghajr it .taghrif taghha u li kicncI ct.crti tat id-diligcnza kollha xierqa biex limpedixxi I·eghmiltar-reat.

47. ( I) Proccdimcll ti ghal rcal skond dall I-All jew skolld xi rcgola mcnt i jcw ordnijict maghmulin tahtu jislghu jinOdew f"kull t.mien fi t. micn sella Illi ll -eghmi l lar-rcat.

(2) F cjn i r-re31 j irre feri ghan -n uqqas Illi II-printipal I i jhatlas it­paga lil illlpjegal jcw in.nuqqas Ii jaghli vaganzi bi hlas kif mehlieg b'dan I-A ll jcw kif s pc~ifika l b'xi o rdni la' ,"IlIIldtml nazzjonali jew b'ordn; bieK jirregola senur. ir-reat ji tqies li hu real konlinwat jekk il­prin~ ipal jkun naqas Ii jhallas il-pagi dovuli lill-illlpjegal regolarmenl wara I-perijodu lal-preskril.zjOlli .



48. (I) It -Prim Mlllislru jkollu s-setgha li jippreskrivi pcrmezz la ' rcgolamenl i I-applikabilila la' kull anikolu jew subart ikolu lat-Tilolu I la' dan I-All ghal um~ja l i pubbli~ i.

(2) II -Minislru ikollu s-sclgha li jaghmel. u wara Ii j kun ghamel, ibiddel jew ihassar regolamenl i biex jitwct!qu u jinghalaw cITell kull disposizzjoni ta ' dan I-All.

()) Minghaj r pregud izzju ghall-gelleralila las-setgha moghlija bis-subanikoJu (2). ir-regolamenli jislghu-

(a) j ippreskri vu I-mod u ~-cirkoslanzi ti fiho m pcrsuni li jkunu 'I fuq milt-cl;} obbtigalorja ghall -iskola_ kifimfisser fl-At! dwar I-Edukazzjoni. u li m.a jkunux ghadho m ghalqu I-Iminlax-

iI sena, jislgbu jabdmu, inklul:a s-selgha li (:cni katcgoriji jcw klass ijicl la' impieg j igu dikjarali bbala impiegi projbili glial dawn il-persuni;

(b) jippreskrivu dwar il-protedura li gbandha ligi segwita mill-Bord dwar ir-Relazzjonijie l dwar I- Impiegi, inklul: il-mod li bih issir il-vota12joni u lijimlela l-posl la ' xi me mbru li jilbattal. il-mod li bih jilmcxxa x-xogbol u I-quorum meblieg ghal dan ix-xoghol;

«(:) j ippreskrivu d-driuijiel li ghandhom jilhallsu dwar kull haga mcbliegajew li lis ta ' ss ir skond dan I-Att:

(d) jipprcskrivu jew mod iehor jipprovdu ghal kull haga li ghandha jcw tis ta ' tigi prcskri lta iew provdut ghaliha b'dan 1-Anjew b' regolamenli maghmulin tahlu .

(4) Kull regolament maghmul lahl dan I-All jisla ' jipprovdi ghal kull haga li ghandha x'laqsam mar-responsabiliti'l. ghal-Iharis lar· rcgolamenti, u dwar j]. persuni li jkunu responsabbli. u ghal kul! haga li ghandha x'laqsam ma' ta ' dawk ir-regolame nti, inklu t..a. itda mhux limilata ghal , l-imposizzjoni la' multa li ma laqbit..x hamest clef lira (Lm 5000) ghal l-ksur ta', Jew nuqqas ta ' tharis. lad­disposizzjonijiet la' dawk ir-regolamcnl i.

T I1'OI.U 11




SOI/O-/(lqsinl(l I

Slat. reki,t trtlZljnni // Int('x,rija l a ' trade un io ns // /(I' assotjaz::jonij;(,1 la' pr ineifNlli

49. (1 ) Trade IIn ;OI/ u assotjazzjoni la' prin6pal i ghandhom, ghllll . finijiel kollha lal-ligi, j ilqicsu bhala assotjazzjoni ta' persuni u mhux bhala enti morali , i:tda-

(8) din tkun tista' taghrne l kuntralt i;

(b) il-proprjelll kollha ta' I-union jew ta ' I-assotjazzjolli tkun vest ita fiJ -l/nion Jew fl .assotjazzjoni . i1:da s-selghot kollho. kemm jekk la' Inehhija, amministra7.ljoni jew )ton'ohra. dwar dik il-proprjelll jkunu dertilabbli minn Jew bl-awlori la lal-korp

C 199

Sto, IO' trtld. ""loo<> u IO' .. _~ijict IO- pn~ipoli.


bp. H9.

1tqoI ... ' rnHN """",, . 11" .-~;o. lj;'" 11' ,,"!Ki~l;'

la' pcrsu ni . iklln x'ikun imsejj llh. li bir-regol i ta' I-/lnionjew ta ' l-assocja7.zjoni jkun inkarigal mil-Imc)\,., ija t8x-xoghol taghha;

(t) din [kun lisI8 ' Il\arrek U, bla hsara ghad­disposizzjonijiet la ' dHn I-An. li tig i mhalTka. sew fi protedimcnti dwar proprjcli'I. Jew bats!i fuq kunlrall . dclitt Jew kwat i-dclitl .jew fuq xi kawta o hm la' 87-zjoni Iklln li [kun:

(d ) procedimenli dwa r kul! real li jkun allcgal [i sar minnha jew f'i s illlha jistg!'l u j ingiebu kOl11ra kll ll wictled mi ll­uffitjali taghha jew urntjali ohra kifprovdul n-anikolu 13 ta' 1-All dwar I-Interprctaujoni;

(c) kul! scntenza jew ordn i mogl'lt i ('xi protcdimen'ti jkun cscgwibbli konlra kil l! proprjclll ta' I-lotio" Jew ta' 1-assocjazzjoni.

(2 ) L-ghan ijicI ta' xi Irade union jew la' assotjazzjoni la ' print ipali m'ghandhomll, minhabba biss Ii j ra:U::n u n-negozju_ ikunu konlra I-l igi hekk illi -

(a) II I mernbru ta ' 1-lIn;on jew la' I.assocjazzjoni jkun suil:il:en gha! protedimenli kriminali ; Jew

(b) III Oehim ikun null Jew jisl8' j ig; annullal , lanqas ma ghandha xi regola bhal dik la' Irade IInion jew ta ' assotjaz:zjonl la' printipali Ikun konlra I-li!l; i jew ilia Ikunlllisla ' li gi nfurzala minhabba biss li lrattan in. negozju .

so, (I) Ir-rcgoti la' ku ll lrude un iflfl u la' kutl assocjazzjonl la' print ipali ghandu jkollho m disposizzjonijiel dwar il-hweiieg imscmmija fid-di sposizzjonij iet li gejjin la ' dan I-artiko lu.

(2) Ir- regoli gharldho m-

(a ) j ispctifikaw l-iscm lat-/mllt' limon jew la' I· assocjazzjoni ta' pri nt ipali , I-indirizz la' 1- lIffittju printipali laghha u I-ghanijiet li ghalihom Ikun Iwaqqfet:

(b) jipprovdu dwar I'ghanij iel li ghaliho m, 11 I-mod li bih, kull proprjeltJ. jew fondi ta' 1-lInion jew ta' I-assotjazzjoni huma awtorizzali li j igu appJika ti jew investi!i :

(t) jekk lIi bcnefi ttji finanzjarj i j kunu se jinghalaw li l membri tat-Irade /Inion jew ta ' I-assotjaujoni la ' printipal i mill . proprjeta jew mill-fondi taghha, jipprovdu ghall-ammont i ta' dawk il-bene fiUj i u t -tirkoslanzi Ii tahlho m j istghu j inghalaw lil l-membri:

(d) j ispcti fikaw l·o mti I; ghallhom 1' lIn ion jcw I· assocjau.joni lism' tahl ir· regoli tketti mcmbru Jew liehu Il i azzjon; d ;llIl ;plinari o bra. il ' pie ni appl ikabbli gba l kull waMa mi nn dawk I·offiti , u l. protcdurB ghas·smigb lal.katij ie t rcjn j igu a llegali o mii kontra N egoli:

(e) j ipprovdu ghall-clczzjoni la ' kumilalla' ImcllIl ija u ghall .elezzjoni tiegbu mill.gdid rinlervalli Il ie rqa. ghall · e lezzjoni u I·hal ra ta' um tjal i la' I·/lnio/ljew ta ' 1.assotjazzjoni u la' uffit jali ohra, u gha ll .mod li bih ;I·kumilat la' Imcxxija, u I-uffi t jal i kol lha j i51gbu j ilnchhew mi II·kaTiga;

(f) j ipprovdu ghal ' li t mim la' kontijiet shah u dall i mill-lInion Jew assot ja:l.:zjoni , ghall ·hatra la ' udi luri u ghall­veri fik a la ' kull sena lal. konlijiel:

(g) j ipprovdu ghall.ispezzjon tal · kotba uta' I· ismij ie l tal -mcmbri la ' I,u/lio/l Jew assotjau joni minn kull pcrsuna li j kollha inlcress fi I· fond i la' I' II/l ion jew aS5otjazzjon i:

(h) j ispeti fi kaw il·mod Ii bih ku ll regola la ' I-union jew assocjaujoni tista ' SSiT, tinbidel jew [igi revokata. u t· t irkOSlanzi I; lahlhom u I·mod I; bih I' /Inion Jew assotjazzjoni liSla ' ligi xolta.

(3) Kull trude union u kull as~jaujon i la ' printipali ghandha fuq it· talba la' kull persuna taght iha kopjs [ar. regoli. kif ikun u fi s·sehh fid ·dll1a ta[·ta lba, jew minghaj r hlas jew ma l·hlas [a ' somma Ikif j ista ' j igi preskritt .

SI. ( I) Trade union Jew assotjaujoni ta' print ipali. u kull mc mbru u kull uffi tjal laghha. l11 'ghandhom jagtltnlu ebda haga li \mexxi ' I quddiem xi wiehcd mill ·ghanijiel li gha li ha [kun gict iffumuua ke mm-il darba dik il'lInion jew assotjazzjoni ma tkunx qabel giel registrB la.

(2) Kull trade union jcw assocjazzjoni ta ' print ipali . u ku l1 membru u kull uffitjal taghha, Ii j ikser id-disposizzjonij iel las· subart iko lu (I) jkun hali la ' real u jehel met8 j insab hali mulla ta ' mhux iijed minn hames mitt lira (L m 500).

S2, ( 1) Ghall-fi nij icllo' dan I·AII , uffi t jal pubhliku Shandu jinhatar bhala, jcw ikun nominat bicx jaqd i d.dmirijiel ta '. Rcgistral1u la ' Trade Unions.

(2) Ir· Regislnllur ghandu jaqd i l. fun zjonij icl u d-dmirijiel mogblija lilu b'dan I-All , u ghall · fi ni la' l-ci ert iu j u la ' dawk il­funzj onij icl u tal-qadi la' dawk id.dmirij iel dan iko llu s·se[gha li

C 201

" • ......s,. .... .",. " ,. •• ><>tjuzjoni. jicl,.,. ~ .... .... ... ,,~

rqi ..... i.

Rot .. ,,.,,,, ,.' r"'<k /JIoi""'-<.


Ilqi>lraujonO ",' ,NJd.on/"", .. ' _~ijl<t ", ' pnnt""I;,

o;.po>iz;Qoni, jic1 d""" "'l;~i,

jctuicg lil kull pcrsunali IlIghtih kul1tagtlrifrilevanti uli tipproduti lu kull dokumenl ri levan ti , u j iSla' wkoll jaghli gummenti,

53, ( I) Kull seba' membri jew i ktar ta ' mule IIn;OII jew la ' aSsol:jaujoni ta ' printipali j istghu, bi 11 i ji ffirmaw ir- rego Ii ta' l-lIl1ioll jew la' assol:jazzjoni. u bUIi :'Iort'ohra j harsu d-disposizzjonijiel 1-o hra ta ' dan I-All dwar regislTlIzzjoni. jirrcgislraw il-ullion Jew assol:jaujoni skond dan I-All:

IMa jekk xi wiehed mill-ghanijiel IU ' Iradt' union Jew assotjaujoni ta' printipali majkun:'l skond il- lig i r-registrazzjoni ta' dik iI-union Jew aSsol:jazzjoni Ikun nulla ,

(2) B ie:'l jigi stabbi lil in -nu mru la' membri la' mU/I! ullion ghat xi wiehed mill -ghanij iet la ' dan I-All ma j inghadd ebda individwu li ma jkunx ghalaq is-s illax-i l sena Jew li ma j kUll:'l j irrisjedi fMa lta: II biex jigi stabbilit in-numTU tal-mcmbri la' assotja7.zjoni la' printi pali ma linghadd ehda persuna Ii maghha Jew li ghaliha ebda individwu ma jkun dahal Ii , jcw ikun jahdcm tahl, kuntrall la ' impieg ghal servizz fMaha.

54, ( I) Kull trade union u kull assotjaujoni la ' prineipali ghandhalkun regislrala skond id-disposizzjonijiclta' dan I-At!.

(2) Bla hSllra ghal kull di sposizzjo ni ohra la ' dan I-All dwar regislrazzjoni, id-disposizzjon ijiel 11 gejjin ghandu jkollhom efTett dwar ir-rcgis\ra7.zjoni ta' Irat/(' ,miOIl.I' 11 assotjaujonijiel la' printi pall IlIht dan I-A1t , jigifieri -

(a) applikazzjoni ghar-regislrazzjoni la' I-union Jew assotjazzjoni 11 tar-regoli taghha ghandha lin tbaghat jew tigi prodotta lir-Rcgislra tur flimk ien ma ' zewg kopji stampati tar­rego li u rn~ ' li sta la· I-ismijiet ta' I-uffitjali ta' l-uniOIl jew assol:jazzjo ai Ii fiha jkuau jidhru wkoll jJ-karigi rispellivi tagl'lhom;

(b) ebda trade /l lIiQl! Jew asso("jazzjoni t.a' printipali ma ghandha Ikun regislrala lahl iscm li j kun I-isless bhal dak li bih xi !In ion jew assotjazzjoni ohra tkun ghal dak iz-zmien regislrala skond daa I-All, jew ikun hekk jixbah lil dak I-isem li )('aklarx iqarraq liII-pubbliku:

(t) jekk ir-Registralur ikun sodisfall li I-union Jew I­assotjazzjoni tklln l'Iarsel id-disposizzjonijiel ta' dan I-All dwar registraujoni, Jew jekk il-Qoni la' I-A ppell tklln hckk ordnat skond l-artikolu 55, dan ghandu j irregislra I-rmion Jew I­assotjazzjoni, skond it-kai, u r-regoli taghha;

(d) malli ji rrcgistra pri n~ipa l i. ir-Regislralur registrazzjon i.

Ir(I(/1! tmilllt jew ~ ss<x;jazzjon i la' ghandu johrog ~enifikat la

(3) Ku l! tibdil fir-rcgoli HI' 1/"(/(/. ' ItIliOIl jew assocja7..zjoni la' prin~ipali ghandll j kll n rcgi51rat mM-RcgislmluT, U kulll ibdi l bhal dak m'ghandux jibda jsehh tIIief mid·dala lar-rcgislrazzjoni licghu Jew minn dik id·dala aktar tard li lisI3 ' lig i s pc~ifika l a fir· rego li .

(4 ) Ir-regoli ta' kull /r(/f/(' ,,11;011 Tcgistralll jew aSs<X;jazzjoni ta' prin~ipali rcgistrata m'ghandhom)( hekk j inbidlu li ma jibqghux jissodisfaw Jew iharsu d-disposi7..zjonij iel la ' dan I-All Ii japplikaw gha!ihom; u r-RcgislNl lur rn'ghandux jirregisl ra xi regoli, jew libdil fir-rego li, Ji jkunu konl ra d-disposiz7.jonij icl la' qabel la ' dan 1-anikolu.

SS . ( I) Jckk ir-Rcgislratur ikun sodisfatt illi -

(a) l-appJikanti ghar-regislrazzjoni ma jkunux gcw awtorizzal i kif imiss bic)( japplikaw ghar-regislraujo ni: jcw

(b) xi wiehed mill-ghan ijiel lal-lradl' union jew la' 1-assoejll7..zjoni la ' prin6 pali jkun konlra I-ligi: Jew

(t ) I-applikazzjoni ghar-regislNlnjoni jcw ir-regoli la' l-unj{Jfl jew Ill' l-assotjazzjoni ma jkunux jaqblu mad­disposizzjonijiclla' do n I-All,

dan ghandu jirriljula r-rcgislrazzjoni.

(2 ) Ir-Rcgislratur iku n jisla ' jhassar ir-rcgislrazzjon i la' kull Irade !fl/iOll jcw nssotjazzjo ni In ' printipali -

(a) fuq it · talba la' I-Imiol/ j ew la' l-assoejazzjon i, li Ikun ipprovala b'dak il-mod li hu j ista' jcht icg;

(b) mal-prova ghas-sodisfazzjon licghu ilIi tcrl ifikal ta' rcgistrllzzjoni jkun gic miksub b'qerq Jew bi zbal l. jcw li T­regislrllZZjoni kicncl nu lla, Jew li 1-IIIIioll jew I-assotjazzjolli kienet volontarjament kisrcl xi wahda mid-disposizzjonijiclla ' dan I-All;

(~) jekk. ghal )(i rag llni. ir-regoli ta ' 1-llIIioll jcw ID' I· assotjazzjoni ma jkunux jaqblll mad-disposizzjonijicl la ' dan 1-All:

(d) jekk ikun sodisfatt li I-union jew l-assotjazzjoni mll tkun;.: baqghcllezisti ;

C 203

Ri1juojrw ........ f.I.

"'tis/f"ll ........ i.


top. n.

(e) jekk [kiln sodisfau li I-ghadd tal- membri la' 1-lIniOIf Jew ta' I-assoejazzjonij kun nitel gtlal anqas minn seba' mcmbri kalkoJal kifprovdul fl -art ikolu 53(2).

(3) Mcta r-RegiSIT3lUT j irrifju ta li j irrcgim8 {raJ/! IInion Jew assocjazzjoni ta ' printipali. dun ghandu minnu fi h igharraf biJ -miktub lill-applikanl i bir-rifjut u r-ragunijict lieghu .

(4) MCla r-Registrotur ikun hi hsiebu jhassar ir-rcgislrazzjoni ta ' trade IInion jew la ' assotjazzjoni ta' printipali, dan ghandu jaghli Ivvi! t8t-thassir li jkollu fi hsichu I i 1l-lInion Jew lil l-assocjazzjoni rcjn jaghl i r-ragunijicl gha! dan iHhassir; u r-rcgistrazzjoni ma lilhassarx qabcl ma jghaddu xahrejn mill-ghoti la' dak l-avviz. lanqas ma ghandha r-regislTazzjoni tithassar jckk . qabc l it-thass ir, il-lIllioll Jew 1-assO<:jazzjoni Ikun irrangal in-nuqqas jew xO r1 'ohra hadel passi biex [evila I-Ihassi r. Jekk minkcjja r-ragunijiel mi&juba, jew passi ohra li j kunl,l ttiehd l,l, mill -ullioll Jew mill -assotjazzjoni. ir-RegiSlrall,lr j iddetiedi li ghandu jhassar ir-regislrazzjoni , dan ghandu jgharra f bi l­miktub li ll -lIllifJlI jew lilI -assotj87.zjoni bid-det it.joni lieghu:

l:!:da, meta 1-1111;011 Jew I-assotjaujoni ma Ikunx baqghel Ictisti. ir-Regislralur j ista' jhassar ir- regislrazzjoni minghajr ma j hares cbda wahda mid,disposizzjonij icl la' dan is,subanikolu u l aghli avvit lal-Ihassir fil -Gazzel1a.

(5) Fuq kull rifjuI mir-Regislralur li jirregislta lrade IIII;fJn Jew assO<:jazzjoni la - print ipali 1,1 fuq kull det itjoni minnu li jhassar xi rcgistrazzjoni bhal dik,jisla ' jsir appclllill-Qorti la ' l-A ppcll b' rikors li jsir mhux aklar lard minn sebat ijiem minn mindu j ikkomunika r­rifjut Jew id-detit.joni ticghu kif mehl ieg b 'dan I-anikolu. Fuq kull appcll bhal dak i I-qon i li5la' laght i dawk I-mdn ij iet I i j idhrilha x icrqa, maghduda ku ll d irelliva dwar I-ispciiet la' l-appcll: u kull ordni bhal dak ta l-qorti j kun fin ali ,

(6) JI-bard imwaqqaf lahl I-arlikol u 29 la l-Koditi la '

Organizzazzjoni u Protedura t ivi li j ista ' jaghmel regoli dwar dawk 1-appelli , fej n jipprovdi dwar il -mod Ii bih jinslemghu "iehda, jippreskrivi I-proccdura Ii ghandha ligi mharsa. il-mod li bih jigi notifikal I-appclllir-Rcgistratur u b'mod gencroli j ipprovdi ghal kull haga ohra li l-qorti j idhrilha mehliega Jew spcdjent i,

(1) II -Minisl ru rcsponsabbli ghall -gustizzja jista ' b'regolamenli lahl dan is-subart ikolu j istabbilixx i d-drill ijiet li ghandhom j ithallsu fi r-rcgis tru tal -qort i ghal l-prclcntala la ' ani gudizzjarj i ko nncssi ma- appelli tahl dan I-anikolu :

Itda sakemm dawk id-drinijiet j i8u hekk Slabbil ili mill-

Minislru, ghandhom jghoddu d,drin ij iet li hemm fl -Iskeda A li linsab mal-Kodi~i la ' Organizzazzjoni u Proced ura C ivili.

(8) Ir-RcgiSlfatur ikollu I-jcdd li jinslcma' ruq kul! appell bhal dak u j inghala I.opportunilll li jaghmcl hckk,

56, ( I) Ir-RegislratuT ghllndu j:tomm rcgislru tot-/rod!' Imions uta ' I-assocjazzjo nij ict [a ' prineipali ko l!ha regislrali skond dan I-All, li juri l-ismij icl la ' dawk i l-lIn ions u assocjazzjonij icl u dawk il-partikolaritajicll-ohrll li r- Rcgislralur j idhirlu xierqa .

(2) Ir-rcgistro lal-/rode "n ions u la' I-assotjazzjonijict la' prin6pali gbandu j intamm miflu b ghal spezzjon minn kul! persuna mingbaj r bias fiI- hinij icl lI icrqa ko llha.

57, ( I ) Kull lrade Imin/! 11 kul! assotjazzjoni [a ' prineipali gbandha :t:tomm rcgis[rBzzjon i aggoma[a [a ' I-ismijiel lal-mcmbri la ' 1-lInioll jcw assocjazzjoni, skond il- ka:t, li tud d-dola rispcu iva las­shubija lagbhom. in-numri tal · knna ta ' I· idcnlila, I- indirizzi u s­snajja' jcw iX-lIoghol laghhom,

(2) Ir.RegislrBtur ikoll« s-sclgba null :tmien li j ispezzjona dawk ir-rcgis trazzjonij icl jcw li j iebu hsicb li dawk Ir­rcgislrazzjonij iel jigu spezzjonal i minn persuna aWlorizzala minnu gbal hekk, u kull /rmle Imion 11 kuJl assotjazzjoni la ' prin t ipali gbandba tagbli lilu u lil kul! persuna ohra aWlorizzala kirinlqal qabel il. faeil ilajiel xicrqa kol1l1a gbal dak il.gban.

58, Fil-l icni jcw WBrll l-licni jum la · Cun;u u qabcl I-cwwc l jum la ' Lulj u la ' kuJl scna, ir. Rcgislralur ghandu b'avvi:t IiI -GlIl zelta, jitlob u jchticg lil-lradl.' IIn ions u assoejaZ1j o llijicl 13' pri nt ipali kollba registrali li jibghalulu f'd ik I-ghamla jew dak il-format li jehtieg -

(a) 11sIa la' I-ismijiel la ' I-umtjali la ' I· ,mion jcw assOCjazzjoni Ii luri wko ll il-kariga mitmuma minn ku l! wiebed minnhom:

(b) dikja razzjoni li l. ismijiel lal-mcmbri u partikolari lajiel obra murija fir. rcgistrazzjoni li gbandha tin t amm skond l-arl ikolu 57 ikunu gew aMomali u li I-l ibdil mehlieg ikun sar n. imscmrnija regislral zjoni ghal dan il-ghan:

(e) dikjaraujo lli lad·d l'l ui. fondi u nfiq la ' 1-lIn i()I! jcw assotjazzjoni dwar is-sena la' qabel :

(d) kopja tar-rappon annwal i li j uri I· bidma la' 1'lInion jew assOCja:ajoni ma lu] is-sena la ' qabel jew, jckk ma j kun sar

C 205

Mot;"", ...

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Roti"", .. I· m<mM ",.ndu Ji,\lamm minn " .... 10-""1000. . .. • ' iOttu' joniji.' .. . pnnCipoli .

1'rosp<11 i fi.· _ ..


R«'OI'ds. ," kontiji<l.

Kofo, JII6.

R.PI">~ mi,· aeii,tralu,.

ebda rapport bllal dnk, dikjara7.zjoni ffirmala mis-scgreta rju la ' I-union jew assocjazzjoni li IUTi I-imscmmija hidmR malul dik is-sella.

u kull lrude unirm u kull assotja7.2joni ta' prinCipali ghandha thares d ik il-hlicga fi t micll I'Imis tax-i l gumala mill -pubblikazzjoni ta ' 1-avvit fil -Gazzeua kifimse mmi qabcl.

59. ( I) Kulllradl! ul/ion u kuli assocjazzjoni ta ' prinfi pali ghandhu -

(a) liel'lu hsicb li jintammu r<'<on/s t81 -kontijic t xicrqu dwar l-opcraujonijic\ taghha u I-aui ... u I-passiv taghha. jigificri dawk ir-rf'l"Ord.~ li j kunu n1(: hticga biex jaghlu ham vera u xierqa \al -qaghda ta' I-fmioll jew asso<'jazzjon i u li jispjegaw 1-opcraz:zjonij ic\ tagh ha: u

(h) lislabbilixxi u zzomm sislema sodisfatcnti ta ' kontroll tar-lYcoro.f lal -konlijiel laghha, [al-flus Ii jkol1ha ridejha u lad-dhul u rimessi taghha kollha.

(2) Kull !/"fIde I/niOIl u kul1 assotjazzjoni ta' print ipali ghandha lahlar udilur Jew udiiuri li jkollhom il-kwalifiki mehliega b'dan I-artikolu sabie)( jivveri fik aw iI-kontijicl taghha; u kull trade union Jew assotjazzjoni ta' print:ipali li Ikun ilha mwaqqfa ghal aklar minn tnax- iI xahar ghandha ghall -anqas darba kull $Cna kalendarja [iehu hsicb li dawk il-kont ijiet jilhejjew u jigu verifikati minn dak 1-ud itur Jew dawk I-udiluri kif inlqal qabcl.

(3) Kull IraJe union u kull assot:jazzjoni la ' print ipali ghandha, mhu!!. aklar lard minn !!.aha r warn Ii I-konlijiel ikun u gew verifikali , tibghat kopjala' dawk il -kontijictlir-Regislr8Iur.

(4) Kull trade Imion U kull assocjaujoni [a' print ipali ghandha fuq iHalba la' xi wiehed mill-membri taghha laghtih kopja lal .konlijiel laghha I-aklar ri t enli jew minghajr hias Jew mal·hias la ' drin kif jis ta' jigi preskrin.

(5) Per.;una Ikun kwalifik ata Ji tiv\'erifika l·kontij icl ta ' trade Ilnion Jew la' 3ssotjazzjoni la' printipa li jckk Ikun kwalifikata li tkun udi lur la ' kumpann ija skond id-dispasizzjonijiet ta' I·Att dwar iI · Kumpann iji.

60. (1) Fix·xahar ta ' Awissu ta' kull sena r. Registratur ghandu jaghmel u jibghat li ll ·Ministru rappan fuq it'lhaddim ta ' din it-Tnqsima ta' da n I-Atl. If-rappan ghandu jinkludi lista ta t-trade /ln iOI/.f u ta' ]'assotjazzjonijiel la' printipali kollha regis lra li u dikjarazzjoni dwar I-ispezzjonij ielli jkunu safl/ mir-Registratur sko nd

I-artikolu 57.

(2) II -Minislru ghandu jichu hsicb li r-rapport jigi pubbl ikal IiI -Gazzclla.

61. II -Min iSlru j isla' jaghmel regoli dwar ir-regislrazzjoni la' lrade union$ u as~jazzjonij i el la ' prin t ipali u b 'mod partikolari itda bla hsara ghall .generalil!! la' dak li nlqa l qabcl, dwur -

(a) is-sigill, j ekk ikun he mm. li ghand u jinluta mlr-Regislralur gba II-ghan ij icl lar- rcgistrazzjon i;

(b) il·formuli li ghandhom ji nlutaw ghal dik IT-

rcgislrazzjoni u ghal kull appl ikau.joni ghaliha:

(t ) I-ispezzjon la' regislri U la' dokumcnt i mitmuma mir.Regisl ralur u l-cghmil13' kopji la ' kull dhu l li jsir fihom:

(d) id.dril1 ijiel li ghandhom jingabru ghar-regis trazzjoni, ghall -ispczzjon ta' kull rcgistru jcw dokUlllcnt ichor, ghnl kull kopja maghmula minn xi regislrnzzjoni jcw dokumcnt, u ghal kul l scrviu. ichor provdul jcw ghal xi haga preskrilla jew li lisla" ssir b'dan I-All;

(e) b' mod general! bicx isehhu d-disposizzjonij iel la' din il-Taqsi mn In' don I·AII.

62. ( I) Jekk trade ,mioll jew assotjazzjon i ta' printipali tirri fjuta Jew volo ntarjamcnt tittraskura li taqdi dmir impost fuqha b'xi jew lahl xi wahda mid-rlisposizzjonijie\ ta' I·artikolu 57, 58jew 59. it-trade unim, jew l-assotja7.zjoni la' printipal i tkun hatja la' real u tehcl meta linsab halja multa la' mhux itjed minn hames mill lira (l m 5(0),

(2) Kull pcrsuna li volontarjamenl libdel jew iUkghcl Ii jigi mibdul dokumenlli hu mehlieg ghall-finij iellad-disposizzjonij iella' I-aniko lu 57. 58 jew 59, bil-hsieb li lifTalsifika d-dokumcnl Jew sabiex trade union jew assotjazzjoni la' print ipali Ikun risla' ma tharisx dawk id-disposizzjonijiel. Ikun halja la' real u Iche l mela tinsab halja prigunerija ghal t micn la ' rnhux itjed minn sella jew multa ta ' mhux itjed minn elf lira (lm IOOO) jew dik iI -prigu nerija u multa flimkien .


Rc~~li d ....... . "'.'''''au ....... .

R<OII . <><>1 .. 1_ .nil.oli~7.S~u W.


C' ;iid .." , ......... ...... "......- ·11 _ .... ,i_ .............

SoIlO.WqS;lfUJ /I

Restri::jonijil!ljuq responsubbiftiJ u protedimen/i fegoli u[uq mt'mhri lu' I·union

63. (I) Bla hsara ghad·disposizzjonijicl tas-subanikolu (2). roa tista' tin iched cbda azzjonl dwar dcliu jcw kwat i dclilt minhahba Ili ghcmil •

(a) li jkun allegalli sar minn jc", riscm /rtult' IInionjcw minn jcw risc:m as~jll7.zjon i la' p rin ~i pal i : jew

(b) li jkun aUegl1 li gie mbedded jcw li jkun mahsub li jsir kifinlqal qabel,

konlra I-union jcw l-assotjazzjoni risimha SIC-SS. jcw kontra xi mcmbri jew kontra kull uffil:ja li ta' 1'lInioll jcw aSsOCjazzjoni f' isimhom stess u riscm il-mcmbri I-otlra kollha ta' I-union jew assoCjazzjoni.

(2) Is-suDanikolu ( I) ma jolqotx ir-rcsponsabbilta la' trade union jew ta' ISSOCjaujoni la ' J»"incipali li j igu mharrkin dwar kull haga minn dan li gej, jekk ma tinqalax IlI inn )l:i ghemil bi hsieb ta' tilwima la' )l:oghol jew bie)l: din iHilwima lilme)l:)l:a 'I quddiem. ji~i fieri -

(a) )l: i uukuragni. in konvcnjcnza jew ksur la' dmir, (sew jekk impost fllqho m b'x ; regola la ' Jigi jew b')l:i legislazzjoni) li jwassal ghal hsara ruq iI-persuna la' )l:i hadd ;


(b) bll hsara ghad-disposi7.2jonijiel la l-paragrafu (I), kSUT 11' xi dmir imposl dwar id-drill ghall -propljelll, jew dwar il-pussess, il -konl ro ll jew I-ut u la' xi proprjelll, sew mobbli jcw immobbli ,

64. ( I) Eghmil minn persuna bil·hsieb lijkun hemmjew li lilmeua ' I quddiem lilwim3 la' xogho l ma lilqies)l: bhala delittjew kwati deliu ghaT.mguni hiss li dak I.eghmil •

(a) igieghellil pcrsunl ohra li likser kllntraU la ' impieg;


(b) ihcdded ti kunt rllll la' impicg (sew jckk il-pcrsuna Ikun pani fih sew jekk le) jig; miksur jew li jgieghellil persuna ohm tikser kuntralt la' impieg li fih Ikun pani I·persuna l-ohra; J'W

(~) ikun ifixkcl il · kurnmer~. in.ncgozju jew I-impicg la' persuna ohra. jew il -jedd lal-I'Crsuna I-ohm milli liddisponi mill-kapi tal Jew rnix-xogbol taghha kif tkun trid.

(2) Eghmil li minhabba s-subartikolu (I ) ma tkunx !iSII '

lill iehe<! azzjoni dwaru nnifsu. u ksur ta ' kuntrau bil-l'Isieb li jkun hemm Jew li ti tmcxxa ' I quddiem tilwima ta' xogho l. ma j ilqisux bhala ghemil illcgaJi jew ut u la' mezzi illegali biJ-ghan li tigi stabbilita r-responsabbiltll gha] ghemil bllala dcli ll jew kwati de1ill .

(3) Ftehim jew ghaqda bejn tcwQ peTSuni jew aklar biex jaghmlu jew jiehdu hsieb li j sir xi ghcmi l bil-hsicb li jkun hcmm jcw hiex ti tmexxa ' I quddicm ti lwima [a' xoghol majilqics)( bhala dclitt Jew kwall dcli ll jeltk I-eshmil ikun wiched li.jekk maghmul minghajr dak il · flehi m jew ghaqda, ma tistax tittiched azzjoni dwaru bhala delittjew kwat i del ill .

(4) Ma tislax tittiehed azzjoni ghal danni dwar ghemil minn p<: rslIna maghrnul bil· hsieb li j kun lIemm jcw li titmc"xa 'I quddiem tilwima ta' xoghol u skond direttiva mahruga minn tmil,' IIniol/. sew jekk dik il'pcrsuna lkun mcmbru taghha sew jekk le, ghar-raguni biss li tikkonsisli fi ksur ta ' kUnlfatlla" impicg; u ku ll ghemil maghmul kif inlqai qabel , li ma jkllnx ksur la' fl ehim kolle tti v, jew la' ft chim jcw detitjoni I; jkunu ghadhom jorbtu skond id-disposizzjonij iet ta ' 1-anikolu 70 jew 72, jew deti.tjoni jcw sentenza la t-Tribunal m'gbandux wahdu jagi'll; I-jedd liII-prin(: ipal li jlcmm il-kuntrall ta ' impieg tal.pcrsuna li tkun ghamlcl I.cghmil kif intqal qabel. jew 1i jiddiskrimina kontra laghha, u m' ghandux jilqies bhala inlerruzzjoni fi s-servizz ta' dik il-pcrsuna.

(5) ld.disposizzjonijiet la I·anikolu 338(1) tal ·Kodi(:i K"". ~. Kriminali m'ghandhomx jghoddu ghal xi ftchim jcw ghaqda bejn tewg pcrsuni jcw ak tar biex jaghmlujew jichdu bsieb I; jsir Ili ghemil bil -hsieb li jklln hemm jew li ti tmexxa ' I qllddicm tilwima la ' "oghol.

(6) Is-subart ikolll (4) m'ghandux ikun japplika ghal:

(a) persuni impjegati fl -Ai r Traffic Cont rol Cenlre fil -Malta International Airport u n.Airpon Fire Fighting Section ta' dak I-ajrupon;

(b) membri tal -Forza ta' Ghajnuna u Salvatagg


stabbilita bis-sahha ta ' I-anikolu 8 ta' I-All dwar il . Protczzjoni Kap. ~ I1.

Civil i;

«(:) persuni illlpjegati biex jipprovdu siguntJ fil -pon u servizzi ta ' emergenza. inkluti servizzi ta' pilutagg u irmigg, scrv izzi ta ' I-irmonk, ta ' tifi ta' nar, servizzi las-sahha mcdika u

C2 10


servizzi kOnlra HniUit:

(d ) persuni impjcgali lis-scrvizzi la ' pilulagg, irmigg u la' I-innonk. kif ukoll baddiema lal-pon 1i j i51gbu j kunu mell liega biex j igu imporulti u rilaxxali f"Malla l-provvisli essenzja ti kotthu (kif imlisser fl -arlikolu 2 IU' I-An dwar il­Provvisli u s-Servizzi), inklut i qamll , il-froua la l-qamh, gass domcstiku, karburanti ghall-avjazzjoni. clit',~t'f u pelrol u karburanli ghal-Ihaddim la ' fa t ilitaj icIIIlI- lrasporl bl-ajru u biex N:teneraw l-energija u fa ~ ililaj ict ghall-produzzjoni la ' I-i lma;

(e) dak I-anqas numnl la' pe TS lln; li j kun mclltieg bicx j igi garanl1t li titko mpla I-produzzjoni. l-provvista u d­dislribu7J.joni /a'I -i lma u I-clcuriku: u

( t) dak I-glladd la ' p<:rsuni li j islghu jinllliegu bicx jintammu b' mod konti nwal u mingllajr imcrruzzjoni s-scrvizzi elenkati fl -Iskeda la' dan I-All u 1i hu ma mehliega li j ilhaddmu f"k ull hin sabiex ikomplu j inghalaw mill -Gvern scrvizzi esscnL:jali lill -ko munilii. ,

(7) Mela n-numru ta' um~jH li pubbl i~ i li jkollhom Jew li j kunu impjegali f"xi wahda mill -imscmmija kartgi jkun akbar min-nUlnru muri fl -i mscmmija Skeda bhala essenzjalmclIl mehticg, is-subartikolu (6) japplika biss ghall-akla r anzjani fosl dawk I- uffi~ja l i li fl imkicn jaghmlu dak in-numru (esklu t i biss dawk minnhom Ii jkunu bil -h.'QI't' awtorizzal cspressamcnl gllall- finiji el ta ' dan is-subartikolu, u biss sakemm ikunu hckk bil-fem't'), u I-a llzjanilil ligi stabbilila skond kull anzjanil ii. ti jkollha I-kariga fiha nnfi sha Jew, fin-n uqqas la ' dik 1-anzjani lll , skond il-Iul las·serviz7. UI' ! - uffi ~jal i fil -kariga mi t muma minnhom jew li fihaj kunu impjegali lil-hin rilcvanti , u f" ka tij iella ' tul ta ' servizz indaqs skond I-e ta la' I· uffi tjali lijko llhom I·istess tu! la' scrvizz.

(8) Kull um~jal pubbliku Ii ghalih, bis-sahha tas·subart ikoli (6) u (7), is·subartikolu (4 ) ma jappli kax, ikonu s·servizz tieghu mal­Gvcm mitmulIl millllufih jekk, bil-hsieb li jkun he mm Jew li titmexxa ' I quddiem lilwima \.8 ' xogllol jew xi azzjoni ohm li liuiellcd minn Incjn Jew itjcd uffiCjali pubbliCi jew irnpjegali ohra (sew jckk skond dircttiva minn Imclt' 1111 ;011 sew jekk le). Jew b'sustcnn taghha Jew b'simpatija magllha, dak l·uffiCjal jirrifjula j ew xon 'ohm jonqos li jaqdi xi wiehed mid-dmirij ie t lieghu skond il.pallijiel tas-scrviu lieghu Jew skond il. kondizzjonij iet ta' I.i lnpicg tieghu u tah t 1-ordnij ict la' I-awtoritajiet kompetcnti tal-G l'e rn ,

(9) l·lskcda li linsab rna' dan I·AII tislu' tigi mibd ula, mitjuda jew xon 'ohra emendala mill -Prim MiniSlru b 'ordn i fil·Gazzelta, wara

konsulla:ajoni mal-Kunsill Malti ghDII - I ~vi lupp Ekonomiku u SO(:jaIL

65. Persuna jew iklar jislghu. bil-hsieb I; j kun hemm jew Ii lilmexxa ' I quddiem Iilwima la ' xogho l. ikunu fxi jew hdejn-

la) poSI fejn pcTSlJJla o hm tahdem jew Imexxi negozju:


Ib) xi poSI iehor fejn pcrsuna o hm Ikun qieghdo. li I11n jkunx POSI rej n lirrisjedi.

ghall-ghan biss 1 i bil-k wiel j iksbu jew jaghl u xi laghr i f. jew bil-k w ie l jippcrswadu lil xi pcrsuna bicx lahdem jcw biex ma Imurx ghalt­xogho l.

66. Kul l pcrsunn li. bil-hsicb li Mieghel lil xi pcrsuna ohm li ma laghmilxjcw li laghmellti gl'lcmill i dik iI-pcrsu na l-ohra ghnndha jedd bil-ligi li laghmel jcw li Illa I:lghmillt. bla haqq u minghaj r sclgha lal-ligi -

la) lu~a jew lhedded Ii luta vjo lcn7.a fuq dik il-pcrsuna. jcw fuq marlu, t.ewgha jew uliedha. jcw fuq xi pcrsuna ohm li Ighix maghha. jew laghmcl jcw Ihedded li laghmcl hsara lill ­proprjcl3 laghha:

(h) konlinwamenllimlti wara dik il-pcrsuna I-ohnt minn POSI s hall -ichor:

le) Ighasses jcw iddnwwar id-dnr jew POSI ichor rejn dik il-pcrsunlll -ohra loqghod.jcw I-inhaw; la' dik id·dnr jew dak il ­POSI:

(d ) i.::tahhod lildik il-pcrsuna.jew b'xi mod lrixki lha n· utu ta ' xi ghodod, ilhies jew proprjel ~ ohm la ' d ik iI -pcrsulllI 1-ohrajew u~ati minnha.

Ikun halja ta' real u lehel mela linsab halja prigunerija 1;110 1 t mien la' mhux it.jed minn Ilie l xhur jew mulla la ' mhux itjed minn hames mill li ra (lm 5(0) jew d ik il -prigunerija u multa n imkien. bla hsam ghal piena akbar li jkun hemm ghal dale it-reallahl xi legis laZ7.joai ohm ,

67, (I) Id·de lcnlUr la' ka riga fi s-servizz pubbliku dikjamta mill-Prim MiniS lru. wara konsuhazzjoni ma l-korpijicl imscmmija n ­ortikolu 72(2). li hi kariga li d·delcntur laghhll Ina jislalt ikun mcmbru la ' t70de union li dwarha j iSll ' jkun mchlicg jirrappre tenta jcw jaghli parir li ll -Gvcrn, ma j islax is ir, u jekk hu digll ma jislax j ibqa'. mcmbru Ill ' dik it -17(1(1" ,//rh",: u d-disposizzjonij iet ID' dnn is-

C 211

R<>InQ)CIIOI ....... ,,, ........ , ...

C 2[2

suoorti ko[u ghandhom ikun u pan miflw llI tal-kondizzjonij iet [as­servizz ticghu mal-Gvem.

(2) Bla hsara ghad-d isposizzjonijie t tas-subarlikol u (3), dwar persuna li tkun impjegala r'dik il-kariga ammin istrnniva jew etckull iva, rlli korpornzzjoni jcw korp ichor imwaqqof b'l igi Jew f'xi kumpannija Jew ~jctil ohra Jew rxi korp ichor 11 jkollu pcrsonalililo gutidika dislinla (hawnhckk itjed ' il quddiem imsejjah "printipal I; hu ent; til legal i"), li tkun tehtieg li d-dctcntur ta' dik il­ka riga jirrapprctenta jcw jaghli pariri li ll-printipal li hu enli ta legali fi r-relaujonijict ticghu ma ' I-,mion jcw ma' I-unions 11 jirrappretent8w 1i11-impjegat l I-ohra tieghu jew xi taqs ima minnhom, ikun pall mifhum tal -kuntratt la ' I-impicg la' dlk II-pcrsuna li ma lislax Ikun, waqt 11 Ikun qieghda rdik il-kariga, membru ta' xi waM a mill-imsemmija Irml .. ",'ions.

(3) Is-suban iko[u (2) ghandu japplika hiss ghal dawk il-karigi, li -

(a) majkunux akta r minn [Iie la fi l-katla ' printipalli hu cnli til lcgali lijimpjcga mhux aklllT minn mitcj n persuna:

(b) 111a j kunux aklar minn sebgha fil-kat ta' printipal li hu enllli'llegali Ii jimpjega aklar minn milejn persuna :

kif dak il -prlntipal ikun wern bil-miklub lil-Irad .. union li ughha d­delentu r la ' I-imsemmija katigi ma j kunx jisla' j kun membru.



68. II -M in istru jahtar Pond la' kont iljazzjo ni Ii jkun maghmul minn mhux inqas mi nn hames persuni hiex jaghmluha la' kontiJja luri r lilwimiclla' xoghol kif jislghu jigu rifcrutl lilhom minn tmicn ghal tmien. hckk itda li -

[a) il-panel ikun maghmul minn dawk il-persuni mahlurin mi ll -Ministru warn konsultazzjoni mal-K unsill Malt; gh911 -ltvilupp Ekono miku u Socjali:

(b) il-halm tkun ghal t.mien ta' senlcjn:

(t) waqt il-perijodu lal-halTll , il-Ministro jkun j isla' jissostilwixxi mcmbri Jew jimla vakanzi kul! mela jk un mchtieg. warn konsultazzjoni mal-K unsi ll Malt i Sha ll-Itvilupp Ekonomiku u Sotjal i:

l;Ma I-ebda persuna kif imsemmija fl-artikolu 73\3) ma tista' ligi nom inala Jew mahlura fuq i I-Pant>! la' koot i Ijazzjon 1.

69. (I) Meta jklln hC1I\1ll jew iklln hemlll iJ-bi2a' li se jklln hemm tilwima ta' xoghoL il-partijicl jistghu jiftiehmll li jirrcfcru t­lilwima -

(a) lid-Dire\lur: Jew

(b) Ji) kont iljatur li j isla' jintgha:!::el-

(i) Jew mi ll-istess partijiet fit-t ilwi ma, bi ftehilll bcjniethom:

(i i) jew, jek k 1113 jkunx hemm ftehim hhal dan , mid-Dire\lUf minn fosl il-Panel ta' kontiljazzjo ni stabbili! bis-sahha la' l-artikolu 68:

IMa xcjn ma jipprcklud i d-Direttur jew id-deleg31 lieghu milli j islieden il-part ijie! fil-tilwima biex jatlendu ghal laqghal la' konti ljazzjoni.

(2) !I-funzjoni;iel lal-kontiljalur mahlur skond s-slloortikolu ( I) jkunu :

(a) li j ikkomunika mal-partijicl fit- lilwirna la' xoghol minnufih malli ligi riferi ta li lu:

(b) li jorganizza u jipprcsjcdi laqghat la' kon6 1jazzjoni be;n il -part i;ie! kif ikun mchlicg biex linlcmm it-t ilwima la' xoghol;

(~) li jikkonsidra r-raguni;iel u t-ti rkoslanzi lal-lilwima ta' xogllol :

(d) li jipprova jWlIssal gha lemm lal-t ilwima ta ' xoghol bi fteh im be;n il -part ijic! kcmmjista ' j kun malajr: u

(e) li jaghrnel dawk ir-rakkomanda7.zjonijicl li I· kontilja!ur jidhirlu xierqa biex tintcmm it-ti lwima ta' xoghol.

(3) Me!a j kun hemm jew jkun he-mm bib' Ii se jkun hemm lilwima la ' xoghol, u I-partij iel jonqsu milli jinn011linaw jcw jaqblu dwar j]·halra ta ' ko nti ljalUf skond is-subi'trtiko lu (I), jew mCla I­ko nt iljatur mal'ltuf j irrapporta fa llimenl fi] . kont iljazzjoni, id-DirculIr ghandu jirreferi l-kwisljoni lill ·MiniSlru u jagl'lli kopja la' dik ir­refena lill -partij iel fil -ti lwima,

C 213

Se"h .... " Mini"ru .. bin ;,.or H<hom" "'" ji_'[<hOll ,ilwom.

C 214

Kop, 12.

It<,''n ... wi.

(4 ) Mela lilwima la ' xogholl i~i rifcri la liII-Minislro skond I­nhhllr subanikolu qabel dan, il-Minislro j isla',jekkjidhirlu xieraq-

(I) jahlarqoni la' inkjesla biex li slharTC~ u listabbilixxi r-ra~un ijiel u t-tirkostanzi taHilwima :

(b) fuq I-applikazzjoni 18:1:-:l:cw8 panlJlel fiHilwima , jirriferi dik il ' lilwima Iil-Tribunallndustrijali.

(S) Qorli la' inkjcsta jkollhll I-istess sclghat li bil: Kodif!i la ' Organizzazzjoni u Pr~edura Civi li huma moghlija lil qoni superjuri , hlidilli ma jlcollhiex is-selgha li lordna d-dclenzjoni la' xi per.iuna. u bla hsara gha ll -~cneTIIlilll la' dak li nlqal qabcl. qoni la ' inkjesta lista ' Iharrek xhieda u laghl i ~uramenl i. mtllar assessuri , u Ichticg kull persuna li fil -fchma tllghhajko llha laghrif 5petjali dWlr il .kwisljoni li fuqhl ssir I.inkjesla Ii laghli , bil-miklub jew lIon'ohra. u li tikkonfcmm bil-guramenl, dik il-fchma u dawk il-panikolaritajicl dwar dik il.kwisljoni kif jJ-qoni li51a' Ichli c~. Mc!a I-qoni Ikun maghmulll minn iklar minn pcr.iuna wahda, il -guramcnt j inghata mii!­chairman.

70, Jekk fl chim dwar lilwil1m la' xoghol (li j kun ftchim li ma jkunx kontra xi Iigi jew xi all ichor li jkollu sahha la' ligi , li j irregola I.pagi u I-panijiel u ].\c.ondiujonijict l-ohm la' I-impicg) jinllahaq b'rizultalla ' mizuri mehuda lahl I-artikolu 69. u memorandum lal­panijiella' dak il -fl chim ikun sar bil-miktub u jkun gie ffirmat mill­panijietjew mir-rappre!enlanti laghhom u kopja licghu. nimkien ma' dikjarazzjoni li dak ikun fte him ghall-finijiel la' dDn l-anikolu ffirmata kif inlqal qabcl.lkun inghala! IiII -Minislru -

(11) ebda wattda mill-panijiet 11111 Ikun tistD' b'azzjoni unilaleral i lipprova likseb revi:l:joni tal-pall ijiellal-ftehim qabel ma Ighaddi ghall-anqas sena mid-data la ' dak il- ft ehim; u

(b) ku ll fichim bhul duk ikun jorOOI li1::-1::ewg parlijiel, liII-haddiema rnppre:l:enlal i lil -l ilwima u liIl-haddiema milqula mill-ftehim u ghandujorbollil kul1 suUessur la' xi wahda mill­panijiel fil-lilwima.

71. II -MiniSlru jista' jagl'lIocl regola",cnli ghal kul! wiehed mill-ghanijielli gejjin •

(a) bicx jirregola I-prof!cduri li ruqhom ghandu jirnxi I-Pane/ la ' konti ljazzjo ni u j-kont iljaluri mahlura fuq il -punel:

(b) biex j irregola I-ghamla u l-pro(:edura lal.qrali ta ' inkjesla.

C 215

72, ( I) Qleghed jigi b'dan imwaqqa f J(lint Nt'golialillg St<I<ma'" Council bhnla makkinnrju spc~jnli ghal negOl:jal l dwar lilwimier la ' ::rF:~''''''1 xoghol li ghandhom x'jaqsam ma' kondizzjonijicl las-servizz la ' ""bbloCi. persuni lijipprovdu s-servizzi elenkali n-artikolu 64(6):

IMa I-Kunsill u kull siSle ma In' negozja li ohm mwaqqfa b'dan I-anikolu Jew tahlU_ mn ghandhom bl-ebdn mod jikkonsidraw xi, Jew j indahlu (-xi, kwisljoni li laqa- laM il- fun zjonijiet 181-Kummissjoni dwar is-Ser\'i1.Z Pubbliku.

(2) II-Kunsi ll ikun maghmul minn mhux aklar minn crba' mcmbri li j irrappretenlaw Ii ll -G"em u mhux aklar minn erba­mcmbri li jirrappretentaw lil-lruc/(' unioll li jkollha bhala me mbri taghba I-{)ghla numru ta ' persuni Ii j ippro"du s-servizz esscnzjnli lis scttur rilevanli Jew fil -qasam involul fil- tilwima:

IMa l-membri mahlurin mit-trude IInion maghrufa skond id-disposizzjonijict ta' dan is-subarlikolu ghandho m j igu hckk mahtura mit-trude ImiOIl n -istcss hin li tigi uffitjalment rcgistTlltn lilwima la' xogh<.l l, u gtumdhom jigu mlissra bil-mi ktu b fil1ra indirizzata lis-Segretarju I'e rmancllli n -U m Uju tal-I' rim Ministru:

Itda ukoll , skond il-pro\'iso la ' qabel dan_ l-gham1a \al ­Kunsill lis I8 ' tvarja jekk ikun hcmm itjed minn tilwima wahda rifcri la Iil l-Kunsill u dawn iHilwimiel huma separati u huma maghmula minn trade union different i kif spetifikat n -cwwel paragrafu ta ' dan is-subanikolu.

(J) Bla hsara ghal dak li hcmm provdUl fi s-subanikolu (4 ), id­dc~ i tjonij iet lal-Kunsi ll jilliehdu biss b' VO I unanimu. K u 11 det itjo ni I i hekk tittiehed jew ftehim 1I hekk ji ntlnhaq ghnndu jorbot lill -Gvern u lil l-uffitjali pubblit i kollha li ghalihom lapplika dik id-detitjoni Jew dak il -ftehim.

(4) Meta dwar xi lilwima la' xogho lli laqa' taht il -funzj onij icl taJ-Kunsill ma j kun j ista' j intlahaq ebdll ftehi m li jkun at~ctlabbJi ghall -membri kol1ha, u c-cJwirpt'n'(m tal-K unsil1 j irregis lTa nuqqas la ' ft ehim, it-chairperson ghondu j irreferi I-kwistjoni lit-Tribunal Induslrijali Ii t mien hmistax-i l gumata li j kun gic rregiSIr31 in-nuqqas ta' ftehim, u I-Tribunal Induslrijal i jkun marbul li jaghli dctitjoni fin ali dwar il-tilwima la ' xoghol (ink1 ut li jllghmel rakkomandazzjonij iet) sa mhux aklar minn xahrejn mir- riferta, sakemm. fl -opinjoni tat-chairfWnan lat-Tribunal Induslrijali. ma jkunx mehtieg perijodu itwal ghal raguni valida li ghandha li ssemma u ti tniU:el lil -proteduri tat-Tribunal.


( SI II-Minislru j ista- . wara konsultazzjoni mal-Kunsill, jaghmel rcgolamcnti bicK jaghli c ffclI aktar shitl lid-disposi1.zjonijiel la' dan I-anikolu II lil kllll disposizzjoni rilevanli ohra la ' dan I-All, 11 b'mod partikolari, itda bla hsara gha ll'genem l it ~ 18 ' dak li ntqal qabel, dawk ir-rcgolamenti j islghu -

(a) jistabbilixxu I-proccdum lal-makkinnrju ,,' negoljali mwaqqfa b'dan I-artiko lu:

(b) jispetifikaw b'aklar denall u xon 'ohm jistabbilixxu I-funzjonij icl. sclghal u dmirijiel la ' kull makkinarju bhal dak u la ' kull sollo-kumilal jcw korp ichor licghu, u la' kull wiebcd mit.-chuirp.'n nns jcw mill -mc mbri ohra licghu:

(t.) jippro\'du ghal kull haga li gbandha x ' laqsam jew li hi ant. illari gbal dak li nlqal qabel.

(6) Id-disposizzjonij icl la' I-anikolu 70 gh~ndhom jghoddu ghal kul] fichim milhuq kif provdut fis-subartikolu (3 ) jew lis­subanikolu (4) kif japplikaw ghal fi chim kif imfisscr rdak I-artikolu,



73, (I) Qieghed b'dan jilwaqqaf tribunal li jkun maghruf bhala t-Tribunallndustrijali .

(2) II -Prim MiniSlru ghandu jahlar punt·/ la ' mhux aktar minn hmistax-il persuna biex jaghmluha ta ' dwirfJ('rSO/I.~ tat-Tribunal Induslrijali , warn konsultazzjoni mal-K unsill Malli ghnll -Itvilupp Ekonomiku u S~jnli, hekk itda li -

(a ) ghall-inqas tlieta mill-mcmbri hckk mahtura jkunu avukati b' espcrjenu la' ghall-inqas scoo ' snin :

(b) dawn il-persuni jigu mahturlll ghal perijodu li ma jkunx altar minn tl ic t snin mid-dala tal -halm laghhom u jistghu jcrgghu jigu mahturlll mill-gd id gtlal perijodi ohm li kul! wiehed minnhom rna jkunx ta ' aktar minn tliet snin;

(t.) dawn il -pcrsuni jservu bhaln ('h(lil'fJ lfl'.wlns jew warn xulxin jew skond it -tqassim tad-dmirijicl u suS£cui ghal dawk id-disposizzjonij iec dwar rikuta u tirkostanzi o hm, kifjista' jigi preskriu mill-Ministru.

(3) Hlie f kif provdut fis-subartikolu (4), it -Tribunal [ndustrijalijkun magbmul minn -

(a) chairperson li Jlgl magh2ul skond id· disposizzjonijiet tas-subanikolu (2); u

(b) t.cwg membri ohm tat-Tribunal. li ghandhom jintghatJu mit-chairperson tat-Tribunal biex j irrappret.entaw. kemm j ista' j kun indaqs. I-interessi fit -t ilwima, minn fos t zewg list i ta ' pcrsuni mahtum mi11-M inistru biex iservu bhala mc mbri ta l-Tribunal kul! meta linqala ' I. htiega, lisla minnhom tkun maghmula minn pcrsuni mphlura mil-lrade unions rapprcscntati fuq iI·Kunsill Malti ghall·12vilupp Ekonomiku u Socjali u I-lism I-ohm tkun maghmula minn pcrsuni mal't lura nllnn assocjazzjonijiel ta' printip.11i U organizzazzjonijicl o l't ra li j irrappretcntaw lil printi pali rapprescnta ti fuq il-Kllnsi l! Malti ghall -l.2vilupp Ekonomiku u SOCjali:

Itda jekk il-panijiet rtilwima ta' xoghol j iftehlllll , rdak it-tmicn li t-chairpemm jistabbi lixxi ghal hekk, fuq I­ghatla tat-tcwg membri li ghandhom joqoghdu mat­chairpersoll. it-chairperson ghandujaghmc ll-ghazla sko nd dnk il-ftehim.

(4) FiI-kati kollha koperti bl-artikol u 75. it-Tribunal ikun maghmlll mit-chairperson wahdu. itda rdawk iI-kati koptn i bl­anikolu 75( I )(b) it.chairperson ghandu jklln wiched mill-membri mahtura skond is·subartikolu (2Xa).

(5) Fil-kati kollha li fihom il-Gvem, Jew xi korp Jew kumpannija msemmija n-art ikolu 80(3). ikunu parti, it-Tribunal ghandu jkun maghmul minn -

(a) chairperson li Jlgl magh2ul skond id· d isposizzjonijict tas-subartikolu (2);

(b) mcmbru maghtul mit-ch(lirperson tat-Tribuna l mill-lista ta' pcrsuni no minati miHrade ltnions kifpreskriu fis­suban ikolu (J)(b); u

(t ) mcmbru li ghand ll jirrappre2cnta I-interess tal · Gvem. Jew tal-korp Jew kurnpannija involuta fit-t ilwima ta' xoghol, li Ikun persuna rnahlura ad hoc mill ·Ministru.

(6) II-Prim M i nistru j ists '. minn ;tm ien ghal tm;en. kif jidh irlll xieraq u wara konsultazzjoni kif provd ut fi s-subar1ikolu (2). jibdell­ghamla tal-lista msclllmija rdak il-paragrafu. iMa persuna li fit-fall tklln qcd isscrvi ta' chairperson tat-Tribunal ghandha. minkejja t­tnehhija ta ' isimha minn fuq il-lista, tibqa ' hckk isservi fiI­procedimenti li fihom tkun qed isscrvi bhala chairperson sakemm

C 217

C 218

8i<. 'nI ... TriburW.

j;mcmrnu dawk il -prO<:cdimcll li u ghall- fini la ' I-imcrprclazzjoni la ' kull senlcnza moghlija fiho m.

(7) II -Ministru jista-, minn tmien yhal tmicn, kif jidhirlu xic raq. jillob 1I0mini godda minghand 1/'(/(/.' IIIIiOI1 ... . assocjllzzjonijiel u organi:l.::l.:azljon jjlct imsernmija fi s-subart; kol u (3)( h). u jista ' jbiddcl I-ghamla lal · list; mscmmija rdak is-subanikolu skond hckk. itda cbda persull8 li fiI -fall IkulI qed laghmi lha la ' membru lal·Tribunal mll g hllndu jkoll ha isimha mnchhi mi l·lisla slIkcmm ikun hemm pendcn ti quddicm it-Tribunal protedimcnli li dwarhom tkun gicI maghZula bhala mcmbru.

(8) II -Ministru ghandu wkoll iscmrni uffitjal pubbliku bicx jaghmilha la' Scgretarj u tat -Tribunal , u j;sta' wkoll jqabbad uffi(:jal i pubbliti ohm biclt ighinu li s·Segrclarju lil-qadi 18 ' dmirijiclu. Is· Scgrctarju tat -Tribunal ikoll u mll/(lIiJ mU/(JlIlli .• · dawk id-dmirijicl li bil-Koditi ta' Organizzazzjoni u Protcdura Civil; huma moghtija lir­Reg; Slra tu r ta I-Qrati.

(9) lr-rcgisl TU tilt -Tribunal ikun ir, rcgisl ru tal-qrat; superjuri: u r-,,-,canis lal-Tribunal j in"i.ammu hcmmhekk.

74. (I ) MCla I-passi Ii j kun ha I-MinistTu lanl I-artikolu 68 biex iwasslu s hal ftehim amikevoli ta ' tilwima ta' ltoghol majkunux wasslu ghal ftchim, kull wahda mill-l»lrtijicI tista ' tavta b'dan lill ­Mill islru bi l-miklub.

(2) Meta I-panijict ko lJha Ii kwistjoni ta ' xoShol j; ftehmu Ii jibaghtu l-kwisljoni quddiem il-Tribu nal Industrija li, dawn j islghu j itolbu lill -M; nistru b;l-miktub bielt jibghat il -lilwima quddiem il ­Tribunal.

(3) Malli ji rt icvi avvi :l: skond is-subartikolu ( I). u mCla jkun sodisfa u illi I-avvi tjew il-Ia[oo tkun gicI ritcvUla m;nghand prin(:ipal bmlO ji(11! jcw minghand assotjazzjoni la' printipali jcw minghand Ira(/e !lnion li lirrapprC1:enla l-inlcrcssi tal-haddicma mdahflla fi t­lilwima. i l -Mini~t r u ghandu jibgtlal it -tilwima lit -Tribunal bicx liS; detita minn u: u I-M in isl ru ghandu jagnmc l hekk fi 1:mien wiehed u stloxrin jum mid-dala la ' I-a vvit jcw ta l-tal ba.

(4 ) II-Ministru jista ' jibghal li t-Tribunal s hall -pariT kulI hags dwar jew li , inqala ' minn tilwima la' xoghoLjcw li lwim ta ' xoghol in generali , jew tilwirn la ' xoghol lu' xi klossi. jew xi haga ohra li fiJ ­fc hrna lieghu Shandho hekk tinlbaghat.

nott ijoioo....... 75. ( I ) Minkcjja kull ma j insab f' kullligi ohra , it-Tribunal Indusl rij ali jko ll u I-gurisdizzjoni csklu2iva li jikkunsidra u j iddc(:iedi -

(a) il -kazijicl kollha rcjn jigi allcgal li sarcl lkctCija inguslll: u

(b) iI-katijic l kollha I i jaqghu tahl il-guriS<! izzjon i la l-T ribu na I Induslrijali bis-sa hha 1&I-TiIOlu I ta ' dan I-An jcw la' rcgolamcnl i prcskrin i lal'ltu,

glial kull ghan barro min n protcd uri dwor reali konlra xi ligi. u r­rimcdju la' haddicm hckk imkctCi jew li mod ichor jallcga il - ksur lad,drin tiegllu skond it -Tilol i I la' dun I-An ikun biss bill i I-i lmenl liegllu ji ntbagllal lit-Tribunal I nduslrijal i u mhux ,,"orl' 011 m:

It da ebda lIaga (,dan is-.uban ikolu mo ghandho linrtiehcm li lolqol id-disposizzjonij icl lal-Kosl iluzzjoni la' Malta dwar uffitja li pubbl iCi jcw ma ghandha IOlqOl il-Illaddim la' I-Ordinanza dwar il, Haddiema la l-Porl jcw la ' I-An li Jirrcgola I-I mpicgi fil -Trasporl Pubbliku : u fd an I-aniko lu I-cspressjoni "haddiem" ma lin kludh umCjali pubblit i jcw xi persuna li gllaliha japplikaw I-imscmmija Ordinanzajew All ,

(2) Mcw jigi al legal li lIaddicm ikun IkeCCa b'mod ingusl minn prinCipal, jew rejn jigi allegalli kicn hcmm ksur la' xi dmi r tahl it­Titolu I la ' dan I-Au jcw 10' xi rcgo huncnl prcskrill Inhlu, il-kot ghondu j inlbaghal li t-Tribuna l ghad-de<:itjon i licghu ruq ta lba bil­mikluh ghol hekk maghmula mill-haddicm li jallcga I-ksur jcw minn xi persuna ohm f isem u ghal dak il -haddicm,

(3 ) Kull refena magllmula skond is-subaniko lu la' qabel dan , ghandha ssir permczz ta ' dikjarazzjoni li sscllllni I- fall i ta l-kawta, ipprct cnl3tll fir-rcgistru lal -Tribunal u ghandha, IiI-kazij icl ko llho, hckk ligi pprezentala mhux iklar lard minn erba ' xhur mid-dala c ITett iva lal-ksur a llcgal.

76, ( I) It-chairpl'r .wlII tal -Tri bunal j ista ' jigi riku '.al, jcw gllandu jasljcni. mill i jscrvi bhala ('/l(Iirper,fon r kull wahda miC­Cirkostanzi mscmmija fl -an ikol u 734 lal·Kodi6 ta' Organizzazzjoni u Proccdum C ivili ; u f ' kull ka t. bh~1 dak id-disposizzjonijicl las-Sub­Tilolu 11 ta l-Ti to lu 11 tat-Tic lcl Kticb la ' dak il-Kod iti ghandhom japplikaw safcjn dawn ik unu applikabbJi u suMctl i ghDd­d isposizzjonij icll-ohrn la ' dan I·AII:

It.da jckk iI-persuni kollha mahlura sko nd I-an iko lu 73(2) jigu riku;t:a li. il-Tribunal ghandu j kun ipprcscdu t minn persuna ohm mahtura ad hot' mill-Ministru , li ma lislllX tkun rikutatll .

(2) Kil l! membru tal -Tribunal barra mit-chairl't',:mn jiSla' j igi riklltal, Jew gl'land u jasljcni. jekk hll j kun xched rxi qoni Ill ' inkjcslll jcw quddiem koneiljatur dwar il-ti lwi ma 13' xogllol li Ikun quddiem it-Tribunal, jew jekk xi paft i fit-l ilwima tkun fi I'I sicbha sscjjahlu

C 219

J'rotcdu .... " Tribunal

Kop, 12,


Set IJ\lI to ...... li !a1_TribINl. Kop. U.

K.,. lot.

rlial ; ,.jooI~'" _.­Tribunol

bhala xhud; u rkull kat. bhal dak. u fiI-kat m' kull impedimcnl leginimu ichor la ' xi mcmbro bhal dak, huwa ghundu jigi mibdul minn persuna ohra maghtu la mit-chairp.:'r.\"(J/! minn rosl il· li5la xicrqa msemmija fl -artikolu 73(3 )(b), jcw, null kat li fih japplika I· artikolu 73(S)(t), minn f)Crsuna ohm mal'ltura ad Iwc mill-Prim MiniSlro .

77. (I ) II -Tri bullal ikollu dawk is-sclghal li bil-Koditi la' Orgllnizz8zzjoni u Protedura Civi li humll moghlija lilI ·Qoni Civili. Prim'Awla.

(2) 81 11 hSllra gI'Iad-d isposizzjonijicl la' qabel la ' dan 1-artikolu. il·Tribunal ikollu s-5elgha li j harrek xhicda u Ii jaghli guramenl i, li jinno mina assessuri. u li jehlicg III kull persuna li fiI ­feh ma liegl'l u j koll ha lashri f spct jat i la ' xi haga ri levaRli, jew dwar xi haga li jkollha x' laqsam mal- tilwima ta ' xoghol jew ma ' I-ilment mibghut lilu, jcw tal -kwisljoni mibghuta lilu, li taghl ih, bil· miktub jcw xort 'ohra, u li tikkonfcrma bil-guramcnt. dik it- fehma u dawk il ­panikolarilajicl dwar d i k il -tilwima, kat jew i I melll li t· Tri buna I jisla ' jchticg, u jista ' jawtorizza Iil kull persuna li taghli I-gufftment ghal dan l-gI'Ian .

(3) Ix,xhicda Shandhom jilhallsu d-drinijiel skond 1-Ordinanza dwar id· Drinijict lax·Xhieda.

78. (1) It -Tribunal ghandu jiddetiedi I-kwistjoni mibghuta li lu fi tmien perjodu li majkunx iklar minn xaharmid-data la' mellll· kwistjoni tkun intbaghlct, sakcmm fiI-fchma tat-chairperson ma jkllnx mehlicg t mien itwal ghol raguni ~'a l ida li gI'Ia.ndha ligi msemmija u regislrala fiI ' prOCeduri ta t-Tribuna.1.

(2) lI · ka t Shll l kull parl i fiHil wima jisla' jigi pprctental mill ­pani inn ifi sha li tista ' taghtcl li tigi rappret.cnlata jcw mghcjjuna minn persunajew persuni la l-fidut ja lagl'lha.

(3) Bla hsara gI'Iad.disposizzjonij ic l la ' dan I-An u ta ' kull regola maghmula jew 1i huma meqjusa li saru taht dan I·.nikolu, it· Tribunal ghandu j irregola l-prOCcduT"I tieghu stess. nun xi tkun il­pro(:edura li ligi wtata, il·Tribunal ghandu jiehu hs icb jitgura li t· gustizzja ssir sko nd il -merili las·suSlan7.a tal-kat; u, bla hsara ghaT­regoli lal-gustizzja nal\Jrali , it ·Tribunal gholldu jasal ghall . konklutjonij icl ticghu fuq kull hap b'dak I-mod li jidhirtu xicraq.

(4 ) It ·Tribuna l ghandu jtomm il. laqgh31 Ii! . pubbliku kcmm·i l darba, mclajqis i)( - )(ona lat- lilwimajcw kwisljoni ohra quddiemu, it­chairperson ma jkunx jidhirlu xicraq li j mexxi " Jl'"OCcdimcnli jcw pani minnhom fiI . pri .... t.

(5) Me1n I-mcmbri tnt ·Tribunal huma aktar min n wichcd u ma jistgbux jiJhqu ftehim dwar is·scntcnza, id·dct i2.joni jcw il.parir taghhom, iJ·ka2. jigi dcti2. mit-dwirpl'l'.wlI1 li j llgi)\)li bi s-~ctgb Ht

kollha la' nrbitru.

(6) II -Ministrujisla ' jagbmc l rcgoli lijis,abbi li)l)lu I-proccdura li gbandha ligi imbHrsa minn u quddiem it-Tribunal u xort'ohra jaghmcl disposizzjonij ict dwur dawk il . proccdimcmi kif jidhirlu mehliegjew spedjcnli .

C 221

79, ( I) II -Minislru jisls ' jaghmcl rcgolamcnti li jk unu Onn,j;"' .

ji ffi ssaw id-driuijict li ghandhom jithallsu li l )li persuna li tkun Qed lidher ghall -partijiet waql proccduri quddic lll il ·Tribunal.

(2) It -Tribunal ghandu fi s-scnlem:a jew fid·dctit.joni tieghu jinlaua d-driu ijiel lal-pcrsuna jcw pcrsuni illi jkunll qeghdin jidhru ghal )l i wahda mill-partijic, skond Tariffa 1i Ikun san!t .ahl id· disposizzjonijiel tas-subartikol ll la ' qabcl dan.

(3) Hadd rna j isla' jillob il·hlas la' drillijicllijkunll iklar minn dawk li jigu intaxxati rn il-Tribunal jew, fejn Ina j kunx helll llltaXlIa simili , iktaT rn il-Tariffa.

(4 ) Jekk xi parti tinlalab Iha llas iklar rnilli hu Jew j ista' ikun preskritl f'x i ligi. d in . iSlR' j il loh Iura kull hlas tcjj«1 li jkun saT pennezz ta' iura bil·miktub lis·Scgrctarju til l-Tribunal. u dnn imbaghad jghaddi biex jivverifika Halba, u jekk ligi hekk verifika la, jordna ' I min ikun irtieva I·blas zejjed bicx jirrifondi dan il-hlas lill · parti.

(5) Meta I-Tribunal jaqtaghha li I-hlas tcjjcd rnil lub kicn ettessiv, dan jisla ' jordna lil min ikun irtieva dak it·hlas tcjjed li jhallas penali ta' mbux itjed minn c if lira lis·Scgretarju, li mCla j irt ievi din il-penal i ghandujghaddiha lill-Fond Ko nsol idal.

(6) Kull ordn i Ii linghata ghar.rifutjoni la' hlas skond id­disposizzjonij iet tas-subart ikolu (4) u kull ordn i ghall·hlas ta' penali skond id.disposizzjonij iel tas-suoort ikolu (5), ikun lilOlu esckull iv ghall -fin ijiel u e!Telli la!·Kodit i ta' Organiuazzjoni u Protcd ura Civi li u jkun esegwibbli bha la tali mill-Prim' Awla tal·Qort i tivili bl­istess mod u bl·isless meui provdul i rdak il-Koditi.

80. (I) FI·ghOli la' kull scnlenza. deti2.joni Jew parir. il-Tribunal ghandu jq is il-poli lika sot:ja li lal-Overn hatnla fuq print'i pji ta' guslizzja sot:jali u !·hligiet ta' kul! pjan nazzjonal i la' tvilupp 1I polilika ekonomika ohra tal-Gvcm li j kunu qed jigu mwetlqa. u ghandu jara li j igi tgurat li s-senlenza. id.deti2.joni Jew il-parir I iegh 1I ighinlll. lweniq ta' kul! politika u pjani bha! dawk.

KIp. 11.

o;..,.......,...,i­jin""'", ... .. , .. ozi ~ d·

dotitjonijin la, · Trilxmal.


Sce","" Ill· Tn"" ... 1 rkl~~;'IlO· lkctt,,..

(2) M CIIl xi kat quddicm it-Tribunal jolqot jcw ikun dwar um~j ali pubbli~i-

(a) it -Tribunal ghandu jit.guNl ti filII jkunJI. hemm indhil fuq il-funzjonijiet tal.Kummissjott i dwur is·Servizz Pubbliku, u ghandu jastjeni milli jichu konjiajoni ta' kull hagali taqa ' lahl il.funzjonijiet ta' dik il.Kummissjoni: u

(b) kull scntenza Jew detit.joni tal,Tribunal Ikun suagetta ghas,setgha suprcmll tal-Kamna tad-Deputati ,

(3) Meta ' .kwistjoni quddiclll it,Tribunaltkun tolqo t jew tkun dwar persuni impjegati ma' cnlijiel morali mwaqqfin b'li!; u immexxija minn Bord Jew korp iehor mahtur mill -G\'crn, Jew tkun dwar pcrsun i impjegali ma' kllmpanniji li fihom il -Gvcrn ghandu inleress li bihjikkontroJlhom. kull sentcnzajcw detizjoni tilt-Tribunal ghandha tal'll li fi Sfabbili xxi jcw it.t.Olllm rclatlivil! xicrqa bejn il­pallijicf u l-kondizzjonijiet ta' dnwk I-impjegati U I-pallijicl U 1-kond iajonijiet ta' IIm~jali pllbbli~i .

(4) It-Tribunal m'ghandux jaghti xi scntenza Jew deti!joni li tklln kontl'llxi ligi.jew xi all iehor lijkollu forn la'ligi, lijim.:gola 1-pagi u pallijiet 11 kondiajo nijiet ohra ta ' impieg.

81. ( 11 Meta (lIq ilment ta ' tkeN:ija ingusta mibghut lil-Tribunal skond 1-llTlikolu 75, il-Tribunal-

(a) isib li r-ragunijicI ta' I-ilment ikunu bba:l!ali fajjcb, u

(b) (uq talba s pe~ifika ta' mitt jaghmcl I-i lment biex jerga' jidhol n-impieg ticghu jew jerga' jigi impjegat mill­prin~ipal, maghmula fir·rdcna Jew fid .dikjaraajoni dwar il­kat,

it-Tribunal jidhirlu li jkun prattikabbli u skond I -ckwif~ li minn jaghmcl I-ilment. jerga' jidhol n -impieg tieghu Jew jeTga ' jigi impjcgat mill.prin~ipaJ, it-Tribunal g handu jaghmcl ordni f'dak is­sens, rejn jaghli I-kondizzjonijict Ii tahthom jidhirlu xieraq li min jaghmcl I-i lment ghondu jcrga ' j idhol n-i mpieg I icgh u jcw jcrga' jigi impjcgs t:

Itda rT'ICla min jaghmel I-i lme nl ikun impjcgat fdik il­kariga amminislralliva jew etckutt iva If tchtieg fidu~ja spetjali fiJ­pcrsuna lad-dctentur ta' dik il-kariga jew fil -hila ticghu li jaqdi d­dmirijiel taghha. it-Tribunal m'ghandux jordna li min jaghmel 1-ilment jerga' jidhol jcw jcrga' jigi impjegat: itda meta min jaghmell­ilmenl ikun Sie rnahtur jcw magt\tul ghat dik il -kariga kif inlqal qabeJ mill-haddicma shnbu. it-Tribunal jista ' jordna li dan jerga' j idhol Jew

jerga' jigi impjcgal fil -kariga li kel1u qabclllla' gie hekk mal'llur jcw maght-ut.

(2) Meta , fuq illllcnt lllagh mu l SkOlld l-ariko lu 75, it-Triblln~1 isib li r-ragunijiet ghall -ilment ikllnu bba1:ali tajjeb -

(a) f'kazi ta ' tkeN:ija minghajr kaw1:a gusta , jekk m3 j kunx hc mm lalba spe6lika biex jeq;:a' j idho l fl-impi cg jcw jcrga ' jigi impjegal, jew it-Tribunal jidde~ied i li ma ghand ux jaghmel ordni bicx jcrga ' jidhol fl -impieg jcw jerga' jigi impjegal kif inqal qabcL it ·Tribunal ghandu jaghli semenza la'

kUlllpens, li gl'landha ti lhallas mi ll -p ri n~ipa l li l min jaghmc l 1-ilmcm, rigward il-Iketcija:

li:da, melajislabbilix)!;i I-ammonl la' dak il-kumpcns it-Tribunal ghandu jqis id·dunni rea li u lelfien Ii jktm bala I· haddiem li jkun gic imkcC6 minghajr kawi:a gusla kif ukoll ~irkOS l.anzi ohra, inkluti l-cl:l u s-snajja ta l-haddic m li jislghu jaffcltwaw il-polenzjalla' I.impieg la' dak iI-haddiem:

(b) f'kull kai: ichor it ·Tribunal ghandu jagh li dak 1-lordni 11 jidhirlu meht icg bic .~ j irrimedja I-ksur jcw j ist3 ' jaghti semenza ta' kumpens li ghandu jithallas mill -prin~ ip"ll lil min jaghmel I-ilmenl , jcw j isla ' jaghli senteoza la' kumpcns u jagl'lmel dawk I-ordn ijiel I i jid h irl u x ierqa bicx j irrimcdja I-ksur,

82, (I ) Kull scntcnza jcw deCiZjoni li tinghala rnil-Tribunal IkuII torOOt 1i11-part ijiel kol lha, lill -haddiema rappretcll lllli fiHilwima u lill -haddiema rnilqutH minll dik is-scnlcnz3 jew dec itjoni u ghandha Ikun torOOllil kull sutccssur ta' xi wal'lda mill·partijiet lit -tilwima ta' )!;oghol:

[:Ma ebda wahda mill'partijicl llla tkun lis l8' lliuc)!; li liehu 8zzjoni unilaterali ghar-revi1:jon i la' xi senlenl:a jew de~itjon i lat­Tribunal qabc l ma Ighaddi ghall -anqas sena mid-data la' dik is­scntenza jew de<:itjoni ,

(2) S(nl(nza jew deCitjon i 101-Tribunal I is la' t inghala b' e!Tell rclroal1iv ghal dala li -

(a) fil -ka t ta ' Ikeccija ingusto, mu tkun)!; qahcl id-dalo la ' dik iHkeccija, u

(b) f'ku ll kai: ichor mhu)!; qabcl id·dala 1i fih a j kun altwalment sar il-ksur jew, jekk dik id-data ma listall tkun spetifikata, mhux qabcl id-da ta li fih a I- lilwima la' )!;oghol li ghaliha lapplika 5-sentenza jew id-decitjoni Ikun inqalghct ghall -ewwcl da rba.

C 223

I.If..,., ; .. -.m'<1\l; Fw <i<t,l j"'''ji<1 m;" Tribunal.


(3) Fil-ka ti Ill' Iketl:ija minghajr kawta gusta u fil-kati li jaqghu tah! il-gurisdizz;oni tat-Tribunal skolld I-artikolu 7S( I Xa) u (b),jkun bcmm drin ta ' appcll fuq punt la·ligi. Oan l-appclJ gbandu jsir b' riko rs lil l-Ooni ta ' I-Appcll kkoSlilwil3 skond I-anikolu 4 1(6)

Kill. 11 lal-Kodi l:i ta' Orga lliZl a7.zjoni u Proted ura t ivili . Dan ir-rikors ghandu jigi pprczcnlat mllux aklar t,lrd minn !nux- il gUfllala mid-data lad -dc~ i tjon i lal-Tribuna l:

Kop. 12.

1 ... ,prclU~joni 1a· .... 1etIri ~ <ietoljon'jltl .... Tribunal.

A pplikanjolli la' I·An ""I impjcp" t.l· a •• m.

Itda mCla jsir nppel1lill -Ooni la' I-Appcll . u wahda mill ­panijiet tit lob li l-appcll j ig; dikjarDI null u bla cfTcn minhnbba f'l i ma kicnx bba1:at fuq punt la ' ligi del:i t rnlt -Tribunal jcw li I-appcll huwa null u bin dfell lil -ligi ghal kull raguni ohm Ikun li Ikun, dak l-appcll ghand u jinlbaghat rnir-Rcgislratur li II -Oort i la' I-A ppcl l biex j ingi'la ta digrict i n ("(Imem dwar I-ammissibi lita jew xort'o hra la ' I-appel l.

(4 ) L-csckuzzjon i las-scnlenzi u dcl:itjonij ict la t-Tribunal issir bil-mod prcskrilt b'dnn I-At! u bi1-Kodit i la ' Organizzazzjoni u Protedu Ta Civili. u tkun fi s-sclgha lit -Tribunal in nifsu.

83, ( I) Jckk tinqaln' xi kwistjoni dwar I-interpre!aujoni ta' xi scnlcnza jcw detitjoni tat-Tribunal (barrn minn de~ i tjo nj skond dan I-anikolu ). il -Mi nistru jew ku ll wal'lda mi ll-parlijiet fil­protedimcnti jislghu jito lbu lit-Tribunal bicx jaghl i det izjoni fuq di k il-kwistjoni u t-Tribunal ghandujiddcticdi I-kwisljoni wara li jisma ' I-panij ict Jew. jckk il. panijiet ikunu hekk ftehmu. minghajr ma j ismaghhom. Id-dctitjoni tat -Tribunal ghandha ligi kOlllun ikata lill ­pan ijicl u tkun lorbot bl ,is tess mod daqs1ikicku kicnct pan i mis­sentcnza origin3l i.

(2 ) Ghall-linij iet ta ' dan I-anikolu I-membri tal -Tribunal ghandho m kcmm j ista' jkun ikunu l-isless mc mbr; ta l-Tribunal li jkun tns-scnlenZ8 li laghha Ikun Qed tin lalab I-intcrprctazzjoni .

(3) Jekk matul is-smigh ta ' xi tolba maghlllu lu skond is­subartikolu (I ), it-Tribunal isib li I·talba hija vcssatorja. it-Tribunal jisla ' jordna li I-parti li Ikun ghamlitha thallas lill-part i l-ohra penali la' mhux itjcd minn mitejn lira. Kull pena li bhal dik lingabar bhala dejn 6 vil i.



84. (I ) Bla hsara ghad-disposizzjonijict la l-Tilo lu IlIa' dan I,AII, u bla pregud i:u:j u ghad-di sposizzjonijiel spetjali 1i j insabu fib dwar uffi t jali pubblit i, id-disposizzjonijiettHI-Titolu J[ la ' dan I-All , barm mid.disposizzjonij iet la ' I-artikoli 69 u 72 u mid­disposizzjonijicl dwar i l - tk~tija Jew Illlielll la' impieg. ghandu

jkollhom eITell dwar impieg mal-Gvem u ghal haddit"ma li huma impjegat i tal-G"cm kif ghandhom efTet! dwar impieg iehor u baddiema ohra. Id-disposizzjonijiet eskluti b'dan is·subartikolu ma jappliklwx ghal impjegati tal ·G\·em.

(2) F'dan I·artikolu "impieg mal-Gvem~ trisscr impieg taht jew ghall-rinijiet ta' dipanimc nt tal·Gvern, barm minn impieg bhula membru ta' fora di;>;.xiplinuta. u "impjegat tal ·Gvem" trisscr persuna li ghal dak it -t mien tkun rimpieg mal-Gvem.

8S. L-ispejjet kollhu rnchtiega bie;>;. jitwettqu id· disposizzjonijiet ta' dan I·A II , maghduda I· ispejjct tat -Tribunal u la ' kull kunsil l, qoni ta ' inkjesta jew xi persuna ohra mahtura b'dan I-A ll Jew tahtu, ikunu ghall-klrigu tal·Fond Konsolidat u jilhallsu minnu.

86. ( I ) L-AU lijirrcgola I· Kondizzjonijiel 18' 1.lmpieg u 1-An dwar ir-Rclazzjonijiet Industrijali huma h'dan imhassra.

(2) Minkejju d·dispos;zzjonijiel las'5ubartikolu (I ), kull rego lamcol. ordni u legislaujoni sussidjarja maghmula lahl jew li tkun gict mitmuma fi s-sehh bl-AIl I; jirregola I·KondiujonijiCI ta' 1-Impieg jew bl-AII dwar ir- Rclazzjonijiet Industrijali u kull ordn i ta' standard naujonali u kull dwar Kunsilli III-Pag; u li j irrcgolaw iI­Pagi li jkunu fi s-sehh fid -duta la ' mela dan I-All jig; fi s-schh, gbandho m ikomplu j sebhu minn he mm ' il quddiem u ghandu jko llhom efTet! daqslikieku kienu saru tahl dan I-At!, u jistghu jigu e mendat; u reyokati skond hckk.

C 225

TlIr. .. i, u Rlrno •• Kap. I.I$ "-1>. 2~.



(A l1iltolu 64(6»

Lisla " numru la ' Iwrigi li huma nlt4l1it'ga Ii jilftaddmll .\'aM".,· nwl/ hin jilJwmpfu jingftala .... mjfl~G\"t'rn ,,'n 'i=:i t'fm'n:j a/i fU/·/((Imnlllnilii

Karigi Nllmru


Direllur GCRerali (Sahha)

Direllur AmminiSlra ll iy rcsponsllbbli gha] Scryizzi Farmatcwliti

Direllur Amminislraltiy rcsponsabbli ghall. lsplsrijicl

Diretrur Amministral1iy respon!Ol\bbli ghas.Snhha Pubblika

Direnur Amminislralliv responsabbti gh81 Kura las-Sa1'lha Primarja

Konsulcnti rKarigi Amminislrauiyi ......................................................... 3

Uffi(;jali Medit i Prinl!:ipali .......................................................................... 3

Uffi(;jali Isl-l'orllUffi(;jat i Mcdil!:i U1' I-Aj rupol1 .. ....................................... 2



Id-DirClluri ltollha u Chairtwr.\()n.~ Klin;(;i ............................................... 12

Amminislralur Ml-diltu· SplarGcnerali ta ' G1'Iawdcx ............................... 1

Manager - Scryizzi la' InfcTllI ito'ra

Splar San Luqa

Splar Monlc Karmeli

Splar BofTa

Splar Genera l; la' Ghllwdex

San Vin(;cnz Dc Paule

Manager . Se ..... izzi lal-Qwiebel

Manager· Radjografija

C 227

Manager - Fitjolcrapija

Manager - Scrvizzi lal-Laboralorju

Ghall-finijiclla' din il -kalcgorija. il-kliem "on caff' ifissru li I-pcrsuna lista ' lig; msejha pcrmezz la' le ldon, pager jcw mod ichor u hi mislennija li le1:ertila gudizzju kl iniku u I-kelma "residenli" .fisser pretenli fuq il -posI 13x-xoghol fl­isplar bicx j inghalaw servizzi la' emergenza; il- k lie", "bi nhar" ifissru mil-8.00 la' filghodu sa ' 1-10.30 la' fil gha:<ija u I-klicm "bil-Iej l" ifi ssru mill- I 0.30 ta' filghax ijll sal-8.00 la' filghodu.

Dipaflinll!nllO' f-Inl:idtmli 11 Emt'rgt'n=a

011 Calf ................ ..... .............................. ... ..... ..... ... ...... ...... ..... I KonsuJenl

Residenti bi nhar .. ....................................................... 6 Rcgistralll r Anzjan/ Regislralur/S HO/MO/H M

Residenti bil-Icjl .... .. .............. .... ..... .. .............. ......... . 4 Rcgist ratur Anzjanl/ Rcgis tra lurISI'IOIMO/HM


KonsuJenli On Cull ..................................................... I Gaslroenlerologija

............ ................................. ..................................... I Diabctologija

......... ............................ ............................................... 1 Newrologija

.............................. .............................. ............ ............ . I Nefrologija

.......................... .. ....................................... ............... I HemHtologija

............................... ....................... .. .. ....... .. ................. I Respiratorj u

............................................................ ........................ 1 Kardio logija

........................................................................ .. .. .. I Mard li jilliehed

Residenli .................................. ................................ 2 Regislraturi Anzjani

............................................................. ................ 2 RcgislralurlSHO

................................................................................... .... 3 HOllsemen



Konsulenti 011 Call .................................................. 1 Kirurgija Ortopedika

................... ....... ........ ............................................................. 1 ENT

..................................... . .. .......... ........ ....................... 1 Oftalmologija

... ........ ........ .... ....... ............. ............. ................... .. 1 Kardjo Toratika

........................................................................................ 1 Urologija

.... ........... ........ ................................ .... ........ .... .. .. 1 Kirurgija plastika

............................................................................. 1 Newro Kirurgija

............................................... ............ 1 Kiruq~ ij a Vaskolarirrrapjant

Resident ..... ........ .................... ................. ... .......... ..... 2 Registra tLl ri Anzjani

.................................................................... 1 Reg. Anz. Ostopedika

.... ........ ..... .................... ... .. ............... .. .... 2 RcglSMO Kirurgija Ccn .

................. .................................................... 1 ReglSHO Ortopedika

...................... ............... ..... ....... ........ .... .... 1 ReglSHO Ofta lmologija

.......... ............................................ ......... 1 ReglSHO Kardjotoratika

.......... .... ............................ ................ .............. 1 ReglS HO Urologija

................... ............ ........................ .... .... ................ 1 ReglS HO ENT

.............................................................. ........................ 4 Housemell


Konsulenti 0 11 CoO ..................................................... 1 Konsulent Pcdjatra

. ....... . ... ..... ... ....... ...... .... .. .. . ..... .. ... . ... . . .. .. . ......... . .... 1 Kirurgu Pedjarra

....................................................................... 1 Kardjologu Pcdjalra

.. ....... ............................................. .... ............... 1 Onkologu Pedjalra

Residenti ..... ..... ............... ......... ..... ............................ .. 1 RegistrDtur Anzjan

...................................................................... 3 RegtSHO IHolIsemoll


Ostetrijo u Ci"doiogijo

Konsulenti On Call ........................... ............ ......... ... 1 Konsulcnt Dstclriku

Residenti .................................................................. I Rt'gistraturi Anzjani

.......................................... .................................. .. .. ........ 2 RegtSHO

....................................... ................................................ 2 Nom/emen


Konsulcnti 0" C 0/1 .......... ........... ........ ........... ........ ] K onsu len li A neslesisti

Residenti .................................................................. 5 Rcgistra tu ri Anzjani

....................................... ................................ 1 Reg. Anz. ghall-ITU


Konsulenti 0" Coli ............................................. I Konsulent Radjologist3

Residenti ............................................................. I Rcg. Anzjanl Re&! SHO

Tro.t/utjoni wd-Demm

Konsulenti 0" Coli .................................................................. 1 Konsulenl

Resident i ................................................................. I SUQIMOIHIlII.femon


Uffit jali inkarigati 0" Cull ........ ......................................... 1 Tossikologija

...................................................................... .................. 1 Virologija

.................................................................................. J Ballerjologija

..................................................... ......... . 1 Kon lrollla' Infe1oZjonijict

..................................................... .......................... I Hislopalologija

................................... ................................................... 1 Bijokimika

.................................... .................. 1 Laboratorju tus-Sahha PubbJika


Konsulenli 0" Cull 1 Konsulcnt Psi kjatra


Residenti ........ .. ...................................... 2 Reg Anzl Kegt SHQI HOllseman

Gerj atrijo

Konsulenti On Coli I Konsulenl Ccrjalriku

Residenti ........ ........................................ 2 Reg Anz} Reg! SHOl llouseman


Konsulent i all Call I Konsulent Onkologu

Residenti ....... .. ... .. .................................. 2 Reg An.,) Rcgl SHOI H(J/j.~eman


KonSlIlcnti On C(l ll ......... " ...... " .......................... I Konsulent Dennalologu

Serviz:zi la' Inf ermerija

Ghll ll -finiji ct ta' din il -kalCgorija il· kl icm "bi nhaT" ifissro mis-7.00 ta' fil ghodu sas-7.(l() la' fi lghaxiju u I-klicm "bil -Icjl" HisSTU rnis-7.00 ta ' filgha)(ija sas-7.00 ta ' fi lghodu .

Special Care Boby Unil ..................... .. ...... .. .. .......... ... II -Haddiema Kollha

Intensil'e Therapy U"i! ................................... 1 [n fermier ghat kull pa~jent

High Dependency Unil ........................ I In fennier ghal kull tewg pazjenti

Renal Unit ........................................ I [nfermier ghal kull tewg pazjent i u wiehed ghal kull kat spetjali

Emergenza u [n(:identi ................................. 8 1nfermicra bi nhar u 5 bi l-Icjl

Labollr ward u Thealrt' ................................................ II-Haddicma Kollha

Swali ta ' I-Operazzjoni. ................................... .. Haddiema bie"j ipprovdu s-servizxi fi ] swali bi nhar u 2 swali bil-Iejl

Coronary Inlen,fiw! Cart' Unit ........................ 1 Infermier ghal kull pazjent

Coronary Cart' Unit ................................... .4 Infermiera bi nhar u ] bi l-Iej l

General Acute Wan!s .................................. 2 Infenniera bi nhar u 2 bil- Iej l

Chronic Wan/s ............................................. I 1nferm ier bi nhar u I bil-Iejl

Gynaec"ology Wan!s ......................... 4 In fennieralQabla bi nhar u ] bil-Iejl

C 231

Amenural Wards ............................................. 2 Qwicbcl bi nhar u 2 bil-Icjl

Posl no/a/ Wards •...•....•................................. .4 Qwicbcl bi nhar u 3 bil-Icjl

Scrvizzi Paramediei u Qhra

Ghall-finijiel ta' din il·kategorija il·kl iem ~ bi nhar" ifissru mis-7.00 ta '

filghodu sas-7.00 ta ' filghaxija u l-kJicm "bil-Iejl" ifiss l1I mis-7.00 ta ' filghaxija sas-7.00 ta' filghodu .

Radjografi ...................................................................... 2 bi nar u 2 bil-Iejl

F· . .. 4b> h I.tJotcraplsll ................................................................................. In ar

Tcknologisli lal-Laboralorju ........................................ 4 bi nhar u 4 bil·kjl

Fannaeisli .................................................................... 3 bi nhar u I bil·lc:jl

Inginier Elellrieista ...................... _ ...................... I bi nhar u on clllf bil·lcjl

Inginier Mekkanih ............................................ I bi nhar u on calf bil·kjl

Haddlcma fil .Manutcnzjoni ......................................... 3 bi nhllT u] bil.lcjl

Servizzi n · lsplar Generali 111 ' Ghawdek

I Konsulcnl on call ghal kull wahda mmn Medieina Gene11lli, Kirurglja Generali, QnopedijalAneslesija

4 Reg Anzl Regl SHQI biex ikopru swall u d·DipJIrtimenl la ' I-Emcrgenz8

I Farmaeista

I TeknoJotisla tal·L.bontlorju

J Haddiem fiI.Manulcnzj oni

Infcrmicrn u Qabla kifappllkabbli ghall-Jsplarijicl f'Mallll

C 232

Gblnij iet u RIgunijiet

L-ghan Ia- dan I-All hu biex jikkonsoJida I-Aft li Ji rrcgola iI-Kond izzjonijiet ta' I-Impieg u I-All dwar ir-RclazzjonijietlnduSlTijali U bicx jemcnda I-istess biex jintrod ud mi1:uri li jkun u favlIr il-familja fiI -post tBX-xoghol. li jcliminaw id­diskriminazzjoni. jinlrodlltu politika la' lIgwaljanza bejn is-scssi, itejbu iJ ­protczzjoni tal-haddiema li jkollhom kuntrani ta' t.micn dClerminal, u kuntratti part-lime,jipprovdu protezzjoni lil1-haddicrna fka1:ijie l [0- retlllndancies kollettivi u lrasferimcnl la' negozju, jipprovdu biex jigi stabbilil Fond la' Garanzija ghall­baddiema la' prin6pali fallimcnta ri u generalmcnl bicx ilcjjcb il-kondizzjonijicl Iax-xoghol fuq il-post tax-xoghol u biex jaMoma 1.legislazzjoni dwar rcla.zzjonijict industrijali inklu t.a I- in troduzzjoni ta' makkinarju biex tintemm tilwima ta' xogbol gbal haddiema li jipprovdu servizzi essenzjali u biex jaghti gur isdizzjoni akbar lit-Tribunal Indusl rija li.

Part I

Part 11

Part III

Pan IV

Pan V

Part VI

Part VII

Part I

Sub-Part f

Sub-Part 2

""' '' Part III




Title I - Employment Relations

Employmem Relations Board

Recognised Conditions of Employment

1"rolC(;tion of Wages

l"rotcrtion against I)iscrimination related t(l Employment

Tennination of Contracts of Service:

Enforcement and Non-Compliance re lated to Employment

Administration rdated to Employment

Title 11 - Industrial Relations

Organization of Workers and Employers

StatLIs. regislnHion and condlXt of trade unions and employer 's associations

Restrictions In legal liahility and procL'Cdings and on union me:mbcrship

Voluntary ~lIlemcnl of DisputeS

The Industrial Trihunal

'nlle III - Supplementary Provisions




I - 2


4 - 10

I1 - 25

26 - 32

33 - 42

43 - 47


49 - 62

63 - 67

68- 72

73 - 83

84 - 86


.......... ...........

Cap. :Ml.

A HILL entitled

AN ACT /(I etln,m/hlmf', .... ·irh amrndmr/l/j'. ,h,. CtJlllli,ions of Emp/oymmr (Rt'lIu/mion} Act fC(II', f 3j} mul rh' Inll",\''';al Rl'/mions Act (e(lI'. 2M).

BE IT ENACTED hy Ihe l'resident. hy anti with the lIdvkc and conS\!nt or the HuuS\! or Rcprcscnlalivl!S. in this present Parliament as.scmbIL'l1. and by II'M: authority of the same. as follows :-


I. (I) Tlk: short litle of this Al'l is the Employment and Industrial Rdal iuos Act. 2002.

(2) This Act shalt come inln force on suc h dale as lhe Minister rcsponsibJ..: for Employment and Industrial Relat ions may by notice in the Ga7.c1LC appoinl. and dHrcrcnl dates may he SO appoinLCd for different purp(ls..:.~ and for ditTcrcnt provisions uf this Act.

2. ( I) In this Act. unless thccontcx! otherwise requires ·

~acl· and "actioo· each indudt!5 omi s.~i(}n and rdcrcnccs to doing an act or taking al1ion shall he conslnlCd accordingly:

-apprentic\:" has the same meaning as is a.o;;signl.:d to it by ankle 29 of the Empluymcnt and Training Services Act :

-class" when lISI!d in the context of a group or a category of employees shall refer to the groups or categorics lis ted in 11 collective agreement:

Provided that where there is no collectivc ag l'\!Cffi cnt or where 11

collective agreement does not stipu late groups or clltegories of employees. it shall refer to the work perfonm.:d or cXJlC'ClCd to be

performed indo:~ndo:nlly of Iho: ti tk or namo: giyo:n to the post:

·col1cClivo: agrccmo: nt" mo:ans an agrccmo:nt ento:red into between an employer of or (lno: or more organisutions of o:mploycrs and emploYL'CS or ono: or more organisations of cmployeo:s regarding conditions of cmployment in oc(onjan(c with the prnyis i on .~ Ilf any law in foreo: in Malla:

"comparatllo: whole-time l'mployee· mean .~ a whule-time o:mployec in the samc cstahlishment who is ..:ngaged in the .~ame or similar work or occupation. duI.' regard \leiog giwn to mher considerations inl"luding senioril Y. qualifkation and skills:

Proyided that whcTl,' thl're is no (omparahlc wholo:-lime employee in the same eStahlishml'nl. the comparison shall be made hy reference 10 eol1c(tivc agreements covering similar compardhle whole-timo: employc..:s i 0 otho: r estahl i shmeol~:

Proyid..:d furth..:r thal wh..:re thcre is 00 applicahle collective agre..:ffi..:nt , reli:rcm:..: sh<lll he m<ldc to law or in dcr<lult of provision by law to Ihe prevai ling practice as may he es ta tl lished tly the Employmcnt I(elalions Ooard :

"conciliator" m..:ans a p..:1"S\1II appointcd as s u~·h under anicle 68:

"condi tions of employment" m..:ans wages. the p..:riod or employment. the hours of work and1cave and includ..:s any conditions related 10 the employment of any employe.: under a contra..:1 of service including any toc net1t.~ ari.~ing thercfrom. tenns or engagement, to:rms of work participation. manno:r of tamination of any employment <lgrcemen t and the mode of settl ing any dilTerl.'nces which may arise tletwe..:n Ihe p<lrlics 10 the agre..:m..:nl: hut it doe.~ nm include proressional ethics arising from any profeSSional rel~li(lnship belween an employer and an employee;

"confinem..:nl" means the hi rth or a living chi ld (IT the hirth of a child whether living or dead aner Sl'ven months of prc£nancy:

"contract of service" and ~c(l ntract of cmploymcnt~ means an agreement, (other than .so.: rvke <I.~ a memhcr of a disciplined fon:c) whether oral or in wriling, in any form, where"y a p..:rwn hind.~

himself 10 render service 10 or tn do work for an cmployer, in relurn for wagc..~, and, in so far as conditions of employmenl ~rc con~'Crned, includes an agr~'Clllent of appr..:nliceship;

"Counci l" means Ihe Joinl N..:goliating Couocil eSlahlished hy article 72:



""oun of inquiry" means a person or persons IlppointL-d as a coun of inquiry under anicle 69:

"Director" means the Director rcsponsi hlc for Employment and Industrial Rclaliun.~

"di.liCiplincd Curt'\;" has Ihe same meaning as is I' .... s igned \0 il by article 47 or the Constitut ion of Malta:

"discrimillulury lrcatmcm" means Ull)' distinction, cJtc1 usion or restric tion which i.~ not ju ,~li ri ahlc in a dcmfll; nllic society including discrimination made on lilI: basis of marilul status. pregnancy or IXlh . ."n lilll pregnancy. SCll.. colour. rd igitllls conviction. political opi nion or mcmhcrship in a trade union Of in an employers' association:

"cm plo)'l.\.'" means any PC!'SllO who has cnLcn:d into or works under a contract of S\: rvicc. or any person who ha..~ undCnllkcll p.:rsonally l(l CXl.'CulC any work or scrvice for. and under the immediate din.'C tion and control of anoth..:r ~rson . including an out worker. hut excluding work or service p.:rfnnned in a profcs.~i onal

capacity or as a contractor for another person when such work or service is not reguhllcd hy a specific conlrJCt IIfscrviC\::

"employer" i nd ud.:.~ a partnership. company. association or other hody of pc1'S(ms. whether ve.~lCd with legal personality or not:

"cmployl.'CS· representative" means the rel.'Ogni7.L'd union represcntativt!:

Provided that. in the ca.-.c of non·unionised employees. the terms shall mean .~uch representat ive dul y el\.'ClCd from amongst the i.~mp loyi.'CS by means of a St.ocret ha llot called f(l( such purpose by the Din.octor;

"employers' associat ion" means an organisation consisting wholly or mainly of emplo)'\!r5 and of which the principal purpose is hy its rules the regullltion of re lations h..-twccn employers and workers or trd.dc unions:

"employment". in relation to a trade dispulC. includes any relationship wherehy onc person does work or pcrfonns services for anOlher (Olher Ihan a service as a memhcr of a disciplined force):

"family" means lhe husband and wife. unless legally separated. and any unmanicd children;

"hours of work" mean.~ tlk.' time on any day during which employCl':S arc availaole ror . ....:rvkc to the cm ploycr. cxcl usivc Ill' the intervals allowcd ror meals and rc.~t :

"Industrial Triounal " mean .~ tOe Industrial Triounal .<;ct up under Title U of this Act:

"Minister" means the Minister from lime 10 time rcspon.\iok ror Employment and Industrial Relat ions:

"national standard order" mcans an ordcr made under thi.~ Act regulating lhe condition.~ or cmplnymcnt (II' em pl nyces in seneml:

"OUlworlr::cr" mcans a pcrson to whom artkh.$. mHtcrials or services of any nature <Ire givcn (lu t hy an cmploycr for the peTfonnancc of any Iype of work or !OCrvicc where such work Of

:<.eTvicc is 10 he carried out either in the home of the outworker UT ill some other prcmi!OCs not hcillg prcmiSCs under the contrtll and management of that oth!.:r pcr.~on:

"ovcnimc" means any hnurs of wnrk in C)(l'CSS of the normal hours of work:

"parcnt" includes an adoptive parent or any [lI:rson who has Ihc legal custody or a child:

· part-lime employee" means an cmpl oyec whose normal hours of work. l'alculalt.:d on a wcckly oasi.~ or on an averagc ovcr a pcriod of employment of up to onc year. arc less than the normal hours of work of a compantole whok-timc employee and who i.~ not a wlmle­time emploYL'C with reduL"Cd hours:

"flI!riod of cmploymeOl" means the lime in any day during which cmpIOYL'CS arc availaole fur !OCrvice to th.: emploYl'r, hUI inclusive orllle intervals allowed fllr meals and rc.~t:

"personal injury" includes any disease and any impairment of a person's physical or mental coOOitll1n:

"prescrihcd" means prcslTihl'd oy Ihi.~ Act or oy or under rules or regulations made under this Act:

"pro mw" means the proportion that the wL'Ckly numhcr of hours for which the employ(.'C is l.'ngaged hl'ars to the num"",r of wcckly hours, e)(cluding ownim.:, of a eompardok whok-timl.' employee:



"puhlic ollke", "public officer" aod "puhlic service" have the same meaning as is assigned to them hy artide 124 of the Constitution of Malta;

"recognised conditions of cmployment" ilre those conditions of employment recognised in terms of Part II I of Titlc [of this Act:

"recognition " for the purposes of this Act, shall mean the c~prcss recognition of a registered tradc union hy an em ployer or by an employers ' as.~llciation for the purposes of collect i Vl~ bargaining:

"registcred". in relation to a trade union Of an employers' association and tn the rules thereof. means registered under this Act;

"Registrar" means the Registrar of Trade Unions appointed or dc.~ignated llOdcr artkle 52:

"registration" means registrat ion under Ihis ACI of a trade union or of an employcrs' association and of thc rules thcrcof;

"scctoral rcgulat ion ordcr" means an ordcr madc under this Act regulating the conditions of employmcnt of a sector or dass of employec.~ :

"trJde dispute" means a dispute hetwL'Cn employers and workers. or hctwL'Cn workers and workers. which is connected with anyone or more Ilf the follnwing matters:

(a) terms and conditions of employment. or the physical conditions in which any workers are required to work:

(h) <.'ngagement or non-engagem<.'nl, or termination Of suspension Ilf employment or the duties of employment, of one or more workers;

(c) allocation of work Of the duties of employment as between wurkers or group.~ of workers:

(d) mallers of discipline;

(c) facilitic.~ for olTicials of trade unions;

(I) machinery for nCJ;otiation Of nmsuhation . and other procedures. rdating to any of the foregoing matters, including the rccoJ;nition by employers or employers' associations of the riJ;ht of a tradc union to fepresent workers in any such negotiation or l:{msuitation or in the carrying out of such procedures:

(g) the memhership or non-memhership or a wurker in a particulaf trade union;

"trade union" means an urganisation conslst1l1g wholly or mainly of workers and of which the principal purposc is hy iL~ rules the regulation of relations hetween workers and employers or employcrs' associations;

73; "Tribunal" mcans thc I ndu.~trial Trihunal estahlished by ankle

"unfair dismissal". in re lation to a worker. means:-

(a) thc te rminat ion hy the employer in respect or that worker of a contract of employment (o ther than prohllliollary employment as defined in this Act) hcing a termination which is nOl made solely on the grounds or redundant'y Of for a good and sufficient cause in accurdance with the relevant provisions or this Act Of any regula tions pre~rihed hereunder. or

(b) which is made in contravention or th!! provisions of article 64(4). or

(c) which. though made on grounds of redundancy or for a good and sufficient cause. is discriminatory a.~ dd'in\'d in this Act or any regulations preS\.'rihed her\'uodcr:

and includes any failure hy the employer to rc-employ such )'ICTson or to rc-employ him as provided in article 36(3):

"wages" means remuneration or earnings. payahle hy an employer to an employee and include.~ any bonus payahk under article 23 other than any bonus or allowance related to performance or production:

"weekly day of rest" means a period of twenty four consecutive hours starting from the time when the employee normally commences his term of duty:

"whole-time employee" means an employee who is deemed to be a whole-time e mployee in terms of any recognised conditions of employment:

l>rovided that where a person is employed in more than onc whole-time employment. that employment in respL'Ct of whkh social security contritlutions arc payatlle shall he deemed to he the whole­time employmen t of the employee. and any other employment shall be deemed to he pan-time employment;



Employ .... Ol ~~. ....

"wllOle-lime employee wilh rcllu~'ellhour,~· means a whole-time employee who in agro..'Cment wilhlhc emploYl'r wnrks ror less Ihan Ihe numhcr of hours of work appl kahlc in lams Il l' Ihe I\..'{:ogniscd condit ions of employment to a whlllc-time e mployee, provided thal ,~uch employmcnt is the prindpal emplllyment Ill' the e mployee, in respec t of whkh .~(ld al SI.'CurilY l'olllrihlllions arc payahle:

"worker" ha,~ the same meaning a~ "employee· hUI for the purposcs of Tit le 11 o f Ihis ACI, "worker" means an employee who works or normally works or SI.'Ck,~ 10 work -

(a ) under a contrac l of cmpl(1ymem: nr

(h ) under any cumral't (wllcther l'XPrcSS ur implied and, if cx pres.~, whc ther ordl or in writ ing) when:hy he undertakes to do or perfnrm personall y any work or S\: rviccs fOr another party to the contract who is not a professional die m of his: or

(c) in empluyment under or f( lr thc pllrpoSo.!s of a department of (1OllCrnment, otherwise than as a me mber of a di~iplined fmc.::, in so far as any .~ueh employment does not fall within pllragraph (a) or (h) of this de lin il illn,

(2) For the pu rpo.'M!.~ nflhis ACl, a disputl' to which a trade union or an employcrs' a .. ~ialion is a pany shalt he treated as a dispulC to which workers ur, a.~ the case may he, e mployers arc parties,

(,1) Any pmvisi"n of this ACl n.'quiling c(lmpliaoce with or ohSo.!rvanl~ of any prov ision of Ihis Act (howl'lICr such requirement is worded), or making provision with rcsp,X\ to any contravention thel'l!of. shall 1\.' eonstru.::d as rL'{ju iring l'ompliarn:e with and ohservant'C "L (If a.~ ,,'qually applil'ahle to, any pmvision of any regulation or rule made under Ihis Ael.

(4) The ma!lcul ine gender includes the li:minine and thl! singular inc ludes the plural. unle,~s the context OIhcIWisc rcquil'l!s,





3, (I) A Board \0 he (ic.~i gnatL-'d Employment Rl! lations Board and hcn:inaftcr n: rl!l'I\!d to a.~ the ~B !\ard " . s hall he appointed by the Minister,

(2) The Board shall be composed as follows:

(11.) an independent chairperson:

(b) the Director responsihle for Employment and Industrial Relations who shall act as IJcputy Chairperson :

(c) thn.'t: reprc~ntath ... ~s of employf.."I;!.~ nominated hy the Malta Council for E\.'ooomil' and Social Dewlopme nt from amongst the rcprescnulliw national workers ' orgaJ1 i$ations sitting on me said Council:

(d) thn.'\.' n:pn:~ntatiws of employers nominatL-d hy the Malta Council for i:.cooomil' !Ind Social J)cvelopment (rom amongst the representati ve national cmployers' organisations silting on the said Council: and

(c) twO other persons tll be appointed hy the M ini.~I~' r

(3) The functions of the Board shall he ·

(a) to make rccomml.'ndalions to the Minister as Ul any nalional minimum standard conditions Ill' emplllymenL hereinafter referred 10 as a na\ ional standard l\.'Commendation, rOT eventual inclusion in a national standllrd order:

(b) 10 make n.:com ml'ndal ions to the Minister as wany sectoral conditions of em ployment, h.:rdnafll:r rcfcm:d tll as a sectoral reg ulation rl.'Commcndation, for cventual inclusion in a scctoral regulation order.

(c) To advise the Ministe r on any maller re lating to conditions of employment, or on any maLLer refe rred \tl the Board hy the Minister,

(4 ) The Minister shall appoint a puhlil' OnicCf {(l al't a~ secretary \0 the Ooard,

(5) Suhject to the provisio ns of Ihis Act and to any regulations made thereunder the Board shall regulate iLS own pTOl\:dun::

l'rovidcd that lhc Chairperson (If thl! Board shall nut \'011: unless on aJ1 y qlk:stion the votl!S arc l'Qually divided, in which ~'li."C he shall have and exercise a casting "'OIe,

(6) The Board shall have the powl'r to co·opt non votin!! members and 10 appoint suh-comm;LLI.-.:s,

C 241

C 242

....... Sto_CJnIm. ~ ..... Rt,uloollon


1k<00000iK<l a>ndiIioni or .... plo)omCDI.



4. ( I ) Whe~ the Minister receivcs any national standard l\.'Commendation nr any S\!ctoral regulation rel"tmlnlCndation he may. subjl!Ct as hcreinafter provided. makl' a na tional standard order or a scctoral regulatiun order. as the l·a.~ may Ix'. tn hl' puhlished in the Gazelle, giving cfkct tu thc national standard I"Cl·ommendation or the SCCLnral regulation n.'Commendation a.\ from such date as may be spl'Ci l"ied in thc nrder:

Provided that the Minister may. if hc thinks lit, hefon: making an (lrd .. r as arorc..<;aid. refer tOt: na tional standard R.'Commendalion or the St:c tontl regulation R.'Commendation received hy him hack \0 thl' Ooard and the Board shallthcl'Cupon reconsider it having regard In any o n."!! rvat ion.~ made hy tile Minister and may. if it thinks lit. re-suhmit the national standard n.'commendation or the $CclOral regulation l\.'Commendation to th .. Minister either without amendment or with such amendml'nts as it thinks lit having regard to those oh."I!ryatilJns.

(2) Any national £tll.ndard rel·omml'ndat ion and any sectoral regulation rl'Commendation a.~ well a.'i any nat iunal standard order or scctoral regulalion order ror giving e rrl,.'Ct ther .. to. may make different provisions for ditkrenl ca"!!s and may cnnlain provisions for the amendment or l"C \'{lCaLion of pl"I.'vious national standard orders or sectoml n.'gulation orders and may I.·ontain any incidental. supplemental or consequential provisions which may appear '\1,.'Cessary fo r l·arrying OUl tile prnvision.~ of any national slandard order and any ."!!ctora! n.'gulalion (lrder.

0) No natinnal standard nrder shall ha\'<' c[T(..'Cl so as to prejudice any rights as to l·undit i Oll ~ or el1lploYIlll'nt conferred on any employee hy or und~'r allY law Other than this A~·t or hy or under any e llisting contract.

(4 ) Withflul prejudice to what is prnvi tkd in the prolliso 10 anicle 42. if a cuntmct ht!tw<.'Cn an emplllYI,.'C 10 whom a nalional standard order Of a ~'Ctora! regulation order ilpplics and the em ployer or any collcctive agreemenl provides for cunditions of employment less fa youmhle to the employee than those .~pt..'Cj[kd in the order. it shall have dl"cct a.~ if for those condition.~ there where suhstitult":d the conditions s pt..'Cil"icd in the order.

S. ( I ) The conditions of employment prescribed nat ional standard order. or in a .~tora l regulation order.

• m ,

0' ,

colloctivc agreement or delennined hy voluntary ~ulement (lr award under the nlk 11 of this A~'L or r\'1.juin.:d 10 be oh~rved oy or under this ACI, sha ll he Ihe recognised l'(mdilion .~ of e mployment for the employ~s eonl·emed.

(2) Where the conditions of employment are prcscrihed in a collective agreement.lhe cmploy~'r or employers he;ng a pany thereto shall. within fineen days of the signing of .~uch agree ment, sclllI tn the Director a copy thereof duly authenticated.

(3) Non ob.'iCrvance hy 010 employer of conditions or employment cstahlishl'd hy 11 natiunal standard order or hy a Sl'l.' \oral regula tion ordef shalll'lc deemed 1U he an orll.'n~'C unlk:r tllis Act:

(4) Nothing in tll ;s ankk ,~hall prcjudil'C any rightS ml' pimies may Ilave aris ing OUt of any conlr.lct of ~rvke ur any ctl lkt:tiVt.' agreement under the provisions of th..' Title 11 of thL~ ACI Of any olhe r law, including Ille Civil Code,

6. The Minisler may. aner consultation willl Ihe [)oard. prcscri b<.: Ihe maximum we..:kly wurking hours, including overt ime, for cmploYL'Cs. minimum pcri(1d,~ Ill' daily rl'St. wl'l'kly resl and annual leave. and may make di ncrent provisions ror ditTe fcnt l'lasscs of cmployt!Cs including any indderllal, s upp1cmental IIr cOIlSCllllelll ia l provisions as may he deeml,.-d OCl'l'S,\ary,

7. On engag..:menl o f lI ny employoX, the emplo)'er ,~hall

explain 10 the employee Ihe prnvisillllS of any TI..'Cogniscd conditions of employmt'rll as may he applieahle and shall deliver 1(\ Il\e employl,.'!! a wriuen stalement ahllut such condilions as may he prescribed,

K, (I) Whe rc a gel1l'rdl increase in wagcs is granl..:d hy the Government 10 all ils whole-linK' l'mployl,.'Cs and .~,uch inl'rea:..: is declared by the Minisler hy nmicc in tile Ga1.clle to he of !;l'ocral applic ation to all whole· time l'mployees , every c mployer sllall increasc the wages of every who1c-lime e mployee in his employment hy an amount l,.'1.Juivalcnt Of corn.',"/'IIlIlding 10 Il\e inl·rcasc gr.tntl,.'(! oy the Governmcnt to iL~ employec.'> will\ elk'1: l from the date on which the increase gnlnlCd hy lhe (iovcrnment in respect of its cmpluyl,.'Cs takes ellcct :

Provided Ihal, in Ihe l'aSl' of an employee who is enl ilJ..::d 10 pm rata bcnenL~ in accordance with Ihi.~ Act or any reglllalion.~ issued hereunder, SUl' l\ employee .~ha ll he entilled t(l a portion or SlJcl\ l'I),~ t or living increase on a pro rata basis,

C 24]

C. p_ 11>,

W" boo .. ond ,,,,,.imo,

c,,., ur Ii"i"~ i,.,,,,,,,,,, ~


O<o:upa<io<W ..,.10. 0l1li uf«,. C .... ~2'.

M_";,y ko.-c. """' .... In"" win"" for W!<"' r.m~y _ ..

Te"" • • '" '1""_ .. 01 ~

(2) For Iill' purpose of suh-anick ( I ) of this article. "whole­lime cmployl,.'I!S· means any cmploYL"C who is deemed to he a whole­lime employ,,-\: in accordan~'C with any n.'Co~niscd condilion of employment a~ dclincd in this An and includes any olher employee who is in employment wilh lIny particular employer for not less Ihan thirty- live houn; per week avcr.l.t!cd in a twelve mo nth period or pan lhcn.-of.

9. In SI! far as conditions of employment arc concerned. the proviSions of the f)(;c upational Health and Satety Authority Act and any fCgu lat ions is~u ... "d Incrcundcr shall hc <k~'mcd 10 form part of the Tl-cogoiscd condi tions of employment of cmpfoycl'S \0 whom such provisions or regulat ions may apply and shall. on coming into force, have the same ..:t"li:ct as if they were national standard orders or st'Ctoral regulation urders.

10. Tht.' Minister may, alk r wnsulmtioJl with thc Board, make regulations estahlishing minimum period., of maternity leave. parental leave and leave for urgent famil y reasons to which an cmployee shall he entitled :md the conditions regulating such entitlement



11. (1) Exccpt where otherwise exprcssly pcrnlillcd by the proviSions of thi s Act. the entire amoulll of thc wages earned by, or payahle 10. any employee shall be paid to him in money hcing legal tender in Malta. and every paym..:nt of. or un account of. any such wages madc in any othcr form and any covcnant in any COntract providing fOTOIher fo rm of payment shall h.: null and void:

Provided Ihat payment or wagl!S hy cheque on a bank in Malta or payahlc III the Bank account of an cmployee shall be deemed 10 be payment in legal lender in cases in which paymcnt in Ihis manner is customary or nt!ct!SSllry or is consented to by the employee concerned.

(2) Wages shall be paid dil\.'Cl ly to the employl.'CS 10 whom they arc due excepl as may otherwise be provided hy any law or in vinue of an order made hy a competent court 11T where the employee or empIOYL'CS concerned agree to the contrary.

12. No employer shall impose in any t.·ontract of service any terms as 10 the plal'c in which. or the manncr in which. or the person or persons with whom. any wages paid to the em ployee. or any pan thereof. arc 10 he spent or otherw i.<;c employed, and any such term


contained in any such contract shall he null and void.

13. ( I) Wa£es payahle hy an em ployer to an em ploYl"\: may nOl AIlk~_"DI

he a~i£ned . ~: ... ~".~.~ ....

(2) Wa£es payahlc hy an ~'mp luyer to an empiuy.x may nUl hc attached !NIve occordinj; 10 the pmvisions \I f ankles .lR I . . l1l2 and M~ of t!-le Code of Orj;anisalion and Civi l Procedure.

(3) The provisions of suh·urliclcs Cl ) and (21 shall nUl apply where the assignmenl or allal'hmenl is inlend!:d 10 ensun: the paymenl of mainlenanl."\: due III thl' .~pl>U)ll' . IIf to a minor child or 10 a I'ICrMlO with di!NIhilit)' or to an asccndant of lhe emplnYl"\:.

14. No employer shall mah' any deduclion fmm wagl's hy way of discount. in\l.'rest or any charge IIf a similar nalure in view IIf any advanl~ of wa£es made 10 any emplo)'\..,\, in anlidpation of Lhe covenanled dllll' of paymenllhcR'uL".

15. (I) Except when: l'xprcssly rcrmilll-d hy Lhe pruvisions of this Ael or n.'quin."<I by any OIhl"r law. or wlk.-n: onkn."<I hy or in vinue of an order of a comrc\l.'nL l'OUrt. or permitted in an agn."l'ment entered inlo hc tween an employer (If emplnyers or an organisat io ll of employers on the onc hand and a tnade union Hr Imde uninns representative of the employ ... ,\,s l'tlllCerncd on the other. an l"mpll1)'1."r shall nOl make any ckdueliun~ nOf enter into any contral"t with an em ploy ... 'C au thorisi ng any dedul'tinns to he made fmm the wal! e.~ 10 he paid by the l'mpln)'l'r tu Ihl' emplnYl'e,

(2) Unlo..~'i ell prcs.~ly pnwid ... 'd hy Of under this Ael ut an)' other law. an employer shall nill l'OmpUlI' as part or Ihe wages Ill' an emploYl'C any Il\her Ill'net1t nr inl'clOle, even though granted Of paid by the emplo)'er. which is payah1c un 11CI."(I1Int of any cau,<;c othl'T than the contract of service,

(3) NotwithStanding Lhe provisions of th i.~ aniclc. al thl' request in wril i n~ of an employee. the employer may make deductions from the wages of ,"ul'h employ ... "C for Iill' pUfpllSl:' IIf 11 superann1lation Of thrift scheme or for any purpose in the earryin~ OUl of which the employer has no hendicial finaocial interesl. din.'C t CIf indi rec t.

(4) Deductions in the furlll Ill' direl'L or indiI'L"l'1 paymenl'i for lbe purpose of ohtaining or retaining emploYlllC-nt shall not hi: mad!: from the wages Ilf an cmplo)\."C hy an emplnyer. Of hy an)' in termediary or lahClur l"OmfUelnr ur n.'Cruitl"r,

c." I ~


!ttm ......... ;on OI"""lIon ,",.

16, Wllcn,' any eOnlnlCI of SI..'rvke <.:(>nla ins l'OlldiLions as 10 lIolidays hcUer IlIan the minimum eSlahl islll'd hy law, no employer may enter into a subordinate contract nf sI:rvice providing for tile paymc nllo 111 1,' ... mployee in rcSpc":l (11' any (11' su..:llllolidays of a daily rale lower than the normal dHily rale applicahlc 10 such employee,

17. Wh~'re, in thl' caSl' of wh()le ·tim~' emploYL'Cs, a puhlic Iloliday other Ihan a Sunday, falls on a wcetly day of re.<;1 10 which sueh employel' i ~ entilled, such employee shall he entitled to an additional day uf vaealion leave during the l'akndar year wllen such puhlie holiday so falls on a wL'Ctly day or rest or on 11 Sunday in respce t o f eaeh such puhlic holiday.

18. Nothing in this Act shall prevent Ihc making of any contract hy an employer wilh an emploYL'C for givinl; to him food . a dwelling plan' II( mller allowances or privikges other than in the foon of intoxicatinl; liquor ()( noxiou.<; drugs. in additiOn 10 the minimum wage.~ prescrihcd hy a national standard ordcr or a sectoral regulation order. ur to a higher stipulated wage, ror normal time and ovcrt ime. as a remulk!l".nion (or the emploYL'C's services.

19. (I) Unless otherwiS<.' prcSt:rihcd In a collective agreeme nt. wherl' -

(a) Ihe terms of any writlCn conlra..:1 of service signed hy the e mplnyees or the ICons of a wrill.:n stalement signed by an employ ... r in accordancc with artick 7 specify in detail thc Fine or line,~ to whkh III~ ~mploY~l' may hL-..:ome liable in respect of an ;!t·t or omis.~iun: and

(h) IilL' ICons of any such C()nUll~·t or the IConS of any such statement have be~n previously approved by the Direclor.

it shall he lawful I"or th~ .:mployer to make sUl.:h deductions as may be aUlhorised hy sUl'h t·ontmct.

(2) Notwithstanding th.: provision of suh·anide (I J, where an employee fails willlou\ just cause 10 give to his employer Ihe total number of hours of work as hound hy the t.:rms of any contract o( service applkllhle 10 him. Ih~ .:mployer shall not innict on the e mploy.:e any fin~ for .~tK.·h loss nl" work hut may deduct from the IOtal wages due to the employe!.! that pan thcreo!' which eorrcsponds to th..: work so lost.

(3) WheT": any line or lines arc imposed hy a ~rson or by a group of p.:l"SllOS. how..:ver nam.:d. authnri:.ed to pcrfoon such funl.:lion hy IIle ..:mploy..:r. such person or persons ,~h all bc liahlc for thcir aclS, without prejudke 10 the liability 01" lhc ..:mployeT. as if Ihey

were the employer,

(4) Unless otherwise pn.'liI:rihcd in a {'ollel'l;ve a~I\.'Cmcnl,

when an employer suspends an emploYL'C from work and durin~ the period of suspension dOl!S not pay him wa~es or pays him Ie!>s than the wage 10 which the employ~'\' is entitled, Ihe employer shall he deemed 10 have made a deduclion frj\m Ihe wages of the emplllYL'C hy way of a line L"qu;valentlo th!.' amnunl underpaid 1(1 him in waj,!cs,

20. Notwithstanding Ihi;' pmvisions of any other law any claim by any em ployt!t! in res]'ICcl of a maximum of thrt.'C months of tht' currenl wage payable hy the cmploY!.'T 10 Ih!.' employc!.', includinj,! compensa tion for leave 10 whk'h the employ!.'e is emitled, wgcther wilh any compensation due to th!.' !.'rnployc:c in {'onsid!.'flllion nf Iht' LCnninalion of employment, or lIny notice thereof. shall constilute a privileged claim ovcr the IlS.'iCL<; of the employer and shall he paid in prcfereoce 10 all olher claims whl'lher pr;vilegL-d or hyputhel'ary:

I'Tovided Ihal, in every case, Ihe maximum amount of the privileged claim shall not eU'I,'!.'d the equivalent of the national minimum wage payahlc al the lime of the claim over It period of six monlhs,

C 241

w I " ... IIt rri<ik,.d _ ..

21. ( I) There is herehy estahl ished a ( iuaramec Fund ... r-.. (hereinafter rckm:d 10 as "the Fund") for the purpos.: of guanmteeing paymenl of unpaid wages d~ hy an employer 10 thoSl.' employccs whose employment is terminated h.'cauSl.' of the l'mployer's pruved insolvency, which fund shall hc rcgulaled and adminislef!.'d in such manner as Ihe Minister may prcSl.:rihc,

(2) Th!.' Minister muy, at'tcr consultation with the Ministcr of Finance and with the Board, prcsHihc regulations for Ihe purpllSC of giving better eil'L'CtlO the! provisions or this ankle: without prejudice 10 the generality of the (oregoing, soch rcgulations may cslahlish-

(a) the mann\!r in whkh Ihe Fund shHII Ill! sct up and initially funded and for this purpoSl.! th\! MiniSl!.'r is authori.<;!,'d to endow Ih\! fund with such amount and for such pt.:riod as Ill\! Minister may prcscrihe:

(b) the level of pmof required 10 order 10 prow in,'i01 vency or I he employ!.'r:

(c) the rale or contrihutioo which the Slate, employers and employces shall cOntrihule lowards the I,'onlinucd funding of the Fund:

(d) the manner in which soch Fund shall he



(~) any da. ... ~ of ~mploym~nl that 1.~ pn.'Clud ... -d from making a daim und~r Ihe Fund:

(I) the manner and the cin,:umstanees in which a claim may Ill.' made hy an ~mploy~e for paynll'ot from the Fund and lhe mann~r and the dn:umsume~s in which a daim shall be paid to an ~mplu)'l'C out of Ihe Fund:

(g) the muimum amount which can he paid out of the Fund 10 any single claimant:

(h) the righl of the fund 10 he Iouhmg:ned into the rights of Ihe employee \0 whom an amuunt b paid fmm the 5lIid Fund: as well a~ the right of th~ Fund 10 claim refund of any amounts so paid. fmm th~ ~mploy~r of Ihe employ",\::

ti, the measures and rrncedur~'s thut may he required in ord~r 10 prevenl ahusc.

(3) Tile hmd shall have a distinl' t legal personality and shall be capable of entering into con t r.tCL~. of suing and hcing sued. and doing all such things and entering ioto such transac tions as are incidental or conduciw for till.' fulfilment uf i L~ oh;"'Ctives as may be prescribed hy thl.· MinislCr,

(4 ) l1Ic I'und shall he empowen.'d tn coll ... 'C1. ( ... 'Cover and institute p~dings for the payment of sums dUI! tll it. in terms of the provisions of this Act.

(5 ) The legal and judicial reprl!SCnlUlinn Ill' the Fund sllall vest in the chairpcrs(ln or in any other person a.~ the Fund may authorise for this purpose.

22. ( I) I:very employer shall pay tIf l·aus..' 10 be paid wages to his cmploy ...... 'S at regular inlCrvals which shall not eltceed four wcdu in arrears:

Provided that the provi.~ions of this suh·article shall nOl apply where an ugr ... 'Cment is entered inlO bctw~en an employer or employers or organisations of employers on the onc hand and trade union reprcscnlUtives uf the employ ... '..:s concerned on the uther. filling Oilier intervals for 1he p~yl11ent of wages,

(2) On ICnninalion of a ~'on tract ul Sl,'rv1ce all wages uutstanding and any compensation pllyahle In 1he emplny,:c for leave ~nt il1cmen1 unavailed uf. shalt he paid hy the dalC uf the n~lIl pay day

determined und..:r sub-article ( I) as if the contract had not heen termi nated.

(3) A seulement of accounts shall hi! matk: aticast once a year by Ilie em ployer in n.:sp..:ct of employees whose wagl;!S consi~t of a share of proflls or of a commi~~ ion on sales or paym..:nts made or received by the employer.

23. (I) Every employer .~hall pay. or cause to he paid. to each of his whole-time employ ... 'Cs. such statutory tKmuscs and income supplements in the amount and at the times as may he established by legal notice issUo.'d hy tho: Minister of Financ .. hy virtue of this article: provided that such .,tututory bonus .~ha ll he in tlk: form of a sum of money which. in citho:r ~·asc. shall not he less than tlne­half of that which the Ciovo.:rnm..:nt shall have announco.:d in thl! general estimules of any partirular year as payahle hy the Government to each of iL~ empl(lYl'C~ during that yt'ar:

Provided that. when.~ any po.:rson has he .. n in whok-limc employment with any particular l·mployo.:r for a period of nOl k.~s than thiny days but Io.:ss than twdw months ho.:tween tho.: 1st January and the 31st December of any year. such employ ... 'C shall hc .. ntiLIed 10 receive from his o.:m ployer. or from any of his employers. a proportionate amoum of the honus payable under Ihis ankle. calculated on the number of days in any such employment:

Provid<.'d further that any unqualifying period uf employment during the fi rst six months of any year shall he added to any period of employment with the same employer during thl' s...·l,:ond six months of Ihol year for the purposes of the quali fying perind of employment and Ihe total omount of bonus due 10 Ihat employ ... '\..· with respeCt to the total period of such employment shall t-.c paid hctwL'Cn the 15th and the 23rd day of D ... 'wmhcr of thal year. notwithstandi ng Ihat the 10lal amount of bonus .-.0 payable shall eltc ... -ed the normal amount of hanus payahle in respo..'C\ of the Sc..'Corni Sill months of that year.

(2) In this anicle-

~employ ... 'CH includes a person under 3I11\'cment of apprenticeship:

"his whole-time employees" includes any whole-lime emplnyee who has been in employment with any particular employer for a period of not less than thirty days during any time as from or after the 1st January of any year but is no Innger in such employmeot nn the .'lOth June ondlor the 31st Deeemhcr of Ihat year:



W~ .. i"", _pIo),awido

""""" "'".

~whok-timc cmploy~" mcans any cmpioyo.'C who is deemed to lie a whole ' lime em ployee in accordan..:c with any recognised condition of employment as defined in th is " cl and includes any OIhcr cmployt..-c who is in employment wilh any partkutar employer for not kss than thiny-l1vc houu per W\.'Ck aVl!ragcd in a twelve month pt.:riod Of pan tllcreof.

24. Whoic-l ime employees wil h n:dUl'Cd hours shall be paid nOt less pm "IT" than the wase applkahlc III a whO]Il-time e mployee in similar cmpluymcnt. and they sh:11I hi: alMI entitled to a share pro row of -

(a) the cnlit lcmcnl of puhlk holidays Wilh pay and annual vacation leave:

(h) Ihe hl:ndiLS cont<:mpla~d in ankk 10:

(c) any entitlement ()f injury ICliVl!;

to which whole-tim..: employees in similar employment wilh the same employer arc cntill .... d iA h:nns or the n:l.'oi!nis..."d conditions of employment applicable to them.

25. ( I) Pan -time employl.."Cs shall not he \rCalCd in a less favourabJ.: mannl:r than comparahJ.: wholl:-lime employCt!S solely because they work pan-tim...: unles.~ different treatment is j ustified on ohjective grounds.

(2) The ~il inister may. after consult.alion with the Board. prescribe regulat ions estahlishing:

(a) the l"Onditions ror qualil1cation for pro rata entitlement to speci fic condition .~ llf work. including the minimum num","r of hours which a pan-l ime employee must work in urtl..:r 10 qual ify as well as the minimum period of service Ihat may he l"t.'quired prior tn qualilicatioll:

(h) the provision of timely infonnation on the availahility nl" pan-tim...: and whoic-limc p().~i lions in the place of work a.~ ..... -...:11 as access to vocatiunal IflIining or career advancem...:m opponuniti...:s:

(I.') any other mallCr which is deemed nl..'Cessary in order 10 rcgu l ~le the conditions of work or part-ti me cmploycc.~ as prcscrihcd in suh-anic1e ( I).




26. (I) [I shall nOI he lawful for any ~rson -

(a) when advcnising ur Olkring employment ur whe n advertisinl,! (lpponunilh.-s rur e mployment or when .';de~· l ing

applicant" ror employmenl. 10 suhj l'l·t any applkanL~ ror employment or any elas." Ill' applkanL" for cmploym..:nt to disc riminalOfY trea tment:

(b) in I'Cgard to emphlYl'CS already in Ihe employment uf the employer. to subjIXt allY ."uch employees (If any da."S o f emplo)'l,.'CS 10 discrimina tor), treatment. in regard 10 conditions of employment.

(2) For the purpo&Cs of this article. discriminatory trea tment shall include:

(a) the engaging or selection of a person whfl is less qualified Ihon a pason or Ihl' opposite &ClI. unless the employer can prove that the action was lIaSt!d on lll:ceptallle grounds related 10 the nalure or thl' work or on gwunds re laled tu previous work pen'ormance and e)(pcricnce:

(11) aCl ions whkh apply to an emplo),ee. terms nf paymenl or employment conditions thal arc 1c.~s favoumhle than those applied to an employee in Ihe same work or work or equal value, on the basis of discriminatory trealment:

(c) actions wherehy the employer knowingly manages the work. dislri llutCS tash lIT otherwise arranges the working condit ion." so that an employee is assil,!ned a ckarly 1cs." favourahle status than Others nn the hasi. .. or disc riminatory treatment.

C 251

(3) The provisions or sun-lInicles (I) and (21 s hall he without prejudice to Ihe rights and oll ligalions prescritJ..-d hy Iht' Equal ('op. ~, .\ .

Opponunities (Persons with [)isallility) An, and .~hall not apply to any preference or exclusion which is reasunably justil'i...'d laking into accouOl Ihe nature or th ..: vucancy to he fill ed or the cmplo),ment offered, or wh..: re a req uired ch~ra'teristic constitutes a gcnuinl' and determ ining occ upational requiremen t or where the !\.'quiremcnts arc I!Stablisht.'d by any applicallle laws or regulations.


Wo'" or <qu.ol ~-.

V,Climi ... iQn.


(4) ror the purposes of this article. the t~rm "ofl'e ring employment" includes recrui tment or training of any person with a \< iew to en!!agemcnt in employm~nt and in rcg:lrd to a person already in ~mploymenl. includ~s also promotion In :l higher grade or engagement in ;1 ditTerent class of employment

27. ( I) EmploYL'CS in the sank class of employment are entitled to th~ same raLC of remuneration for work of equal value.

(2) Whl·1"I." the rt."<"ognised conditions of employment in any o.!.~tabli.~hmem make provisions which enahle the employer to offer any emploYL'C conditions of work which are Io.!."-S favourab le than those ofl"cred In Illhcr emploYL'I!s in the same class of employment perform ing work of the same value. such provisions shall be deemed to ~ of no crYcct.

lJ) Any distinction between dasses of empl()ym~nl based on marital status. Sl.' lI. Sl!1tual orientation. agc or otherwise than in act'ordancc with the provisions uf thL~ Act ur any other law shall be null and of no clTe~·t

28. It shall not be lawful 10 viCl imi.'iC any person for having made a complaint to thc lawful authorilics Of for having initiated or participated in prOl.'CCdings for redress on grounds of alleged breach of the provisions of this Ac\. or for having disclosed information. conl1denlial or ()therwiSo.:. to a d..-signaIL-d puhlic regulDting body. regarding allq ;ed illegal or corrupt activities being commi tted by his employer or tly p.:rsons a~'ling in the cmployer's name and interests.

29. (I' 1I shall not be lawful for an employer or an employee 10 harass anOther employee or (0 harass the employer by subjecting such p.:f'Son to any unwelcomc act. rL-quest or conduct. including spoken words, geStures or ttle production. display or circulation or wril\en words. pictures or other maICrial. which in respect of that person is hased on So.:)(ual discrimination and which could reasonahly be regarded as olTcnsivc. humiliating or intim idat ing to .~uch pcr.w n.

(2) It shall nOl be luwful for an cmploycr or an employee 10 scllual1y harJss anmher employee or the cmployer {hercinartcr in this anicle refem-d to ilS "the vktim ", tly:

(a) sutljccling the vktim to an acl of physical intimacy: 0'

(h) n.-questing scxual favours from th~ victim: or

(c) sutljccting the vic tim 10 any aCI or conduct with

sexual coonotations. including spoken words. gestures UT th\! production, display or circulation or written words, piclllTeS or other material where '

(i) the act, reqllest or conduct is unweknm\! lU the victim and could rellsonahly he regardl'd as offcn.~i \fe.

humiliating or intimidating to the victim;

(ii) the victim is tn:ah .. 'd dilTen:mly hy n:as(Jn uf the vit-tim's rejection of Of suhmission 10 lilt.- ac!. I\.'quest or conducl or il could n:a. .. nnahly he anticipated Ihal tilt.­vict im could he so treated.

30. <I) A person whn allcges thllt the employer is in hreach of. or that the conditions of employment arc in llreach of ankles 26. 27 or 29. may within thl\.'\! month ,~ of th\! allegcd hn:ach, lodge a complaint to the Industrial Trihunal and thc Industrial Trihunal stJall hear such com plaint and carry ou t any investigutions as it shall deem Ill.

(2) If the Industrial Trihun .. l is satisfied that the complaint is justified. il mlly take such measures as it may deem fit including till' cancellalion of any contract of service or of any clausc in a contract or in a collective agl\!emcnt which i.~ diSl:riminatory and may onkr the payment of rea.'>(lnahle .~ums of money as compensation to tilt.­aggrieved party.

(3) For the purpoSl!S of hearing and dl..'ciding uscs of allegcd discrimination. hrcach\!S of the principle of work of equal vuluc, victimisation OT hamssmenl. thl.' Industrial Trihunal shall he composed of a l'hairpcrson alonc in Ihe manner sel out in ankle 73(4).

(4) Any a~'lion taken hy a (omplainanl in accordance with the provisions of th i .~ art icle shall he without prejudice to any furthe r ru:tion that su(h complainant may he entitled to take under any other applicable law and shull also he without prejudice to any other action 10 which the respondent may he .~ in a~'Cordaoce with any nther applicable law.

31. Suhjcct to the fnrc~iling. th..: Minister may. after consultation with the Ooard. preSl:rihe regulations In giw hetter en"t'C t 10 the provisions of anicl\!S 26. 27. 2R and 29 and in particular for the elimination or any diSl:rim inatory pmctices in the cmployment IIr in the conditions of employment of any ])\!rson or class of persons. fo r providing equal opportunities of employment for l"lassc,>; of pcrsuns who are at a disadvantage and to regulat\! access tu the I ndu.~trial

Tri bunal and investigation und hearing hy the Industrial Trihunalllr


R.r....,,,,,, 10 I""""-nol Trit.......t.

"""nor MII.i ... ·. 1O ~



complaints of alll!!;'cd dis..'riminalion. hrcal'h,'!!; ()I' the principle of work of equal val ue. vict imisation or harassm..:nt

32. Any flI:r'son contravening the provi.~i tln s of anicles 28 and 29 shall he gUilty Il l' an offcrK.'l! and shall h..: liahlc on movie tion to a fine (nwlw) nOI exceeding onc thousand liri (Lm 1(00) or 10 imprisonment for a period nm exceeding six munths. or 10 both such li nl' anti imprisonment.

PAin v


33. A person may hind himsdf to give Ili.~ services for a fixed term or for an intk finitc l..:rm. or in respect of a spcciJicd task, undertaking. work or service:

Provid<.'d that where the cmplo)'l'l.' has heen relaincd in cmploymo.:nt aft ... r Ilk' dale or h.:rmination Ill' a Cllnli.lct of service for a sJX.'t:ificd lime or has bt.>co J't!.cmploycd hy the employer for a fixed or indefinite term within onc year from the date of termination of a contract of ~e rvil:..: for a .~pcd fied ti mc, the l'ondit ions of em ploymcnt shall nUl Oc kss favourahle than Lho,'iC which would have been appHcahk had thl' contract of scrvil'C been Cor an indefi nite lime and the aggregatc prohalionary pcriod shall in ntl casc Oc longer than thal providl:d for under this Act.

34, ( I ) Saving as otherwise prest' ribed hy lhi ,~ Act, the condit ions (If emr10yment in a fixe d term contract shall not be less fa vouraole than those whil:h would have h.:en applicahlc had the same COotrdCI of l'mployment at the same placc (If work been for an indefinite time, unless dilferenl Il\!alment i ,~ justifil:d on objective grounds:

Provided that this article ,~hall nm apply 10 contracts of employel's on initial vOl.-,ali() llal train ing and , or. on apprenticeship SI-'hemes.

(2) Any cmployl..'C on a fix\.>(J term l-omract of service whose contract has expired and is reta ined oy his emplnyer shall tie deemed to tic I'\! \u ined on 1In indefinitc pcrind contrar.:t if the said employee;s not given a new contract of scrvil:e wi th in th ... first twelve working days follow ing Ih ... expiry of the previous C(lntraCI.

(3) The Ministcr may. afte r consultat ion with the Board_ make regulations \() -

(a) give heuer cfkl:l 10 Ihe prind ple of I1 l1n-discriminalion helween empluyees on I1xed-Ierm l:onl ral:L~ and employees on inddlnitc 1:00lral:lS:

Cb) estahlish Ihe drcumstancl!S wlk'n. for tllljL'Clive reasons. I:onditions in I1xed lerm contracts may he dilTcI"l!OI from I:ond il ion.~ in indctlnil!..' nmtracls:

(c) generally 10 reguhl\e any malter rciating \(l lixed· ICrm COnlral:lS.

JS. The Minister may. afte r m nsultal ion with the Board. make regulations preS(;rilling Ihe minimum information whk'h CVL'fy em ployer shall he hound 10 provide \0 every emploYl:e and Ihe manner in which sUl:h informalion is 10 he given 10 the emplllyee and to regulate any mher maller relaling tu lhe employe(s ohligatinn III inform or consult the emplnYL'l' tlf Ilk' employecs' fl'preseOlali\'e.~ on employment conditions. and, in sUl:h regulalions the Mini~te r may grant exemption from the ohligalion imposed hy this anidl: or establish different ruks for dilTerL'n l I:la,~scs or types of employment.

36. ( I) Saving Ihe provisions of suh·anicle ( In). thL' nm ,~ix months of any employment under a ('ontnll:l of service .~harl hc probationary employmem unless olherwise ag~'d hy hOlh panics for a shorter probation period:

l>rovided thal in the I:asc of a nmtral:t oJ scrVIL'C, or collcct ive agn.:cmenl, in respel'l Ill' employees holding lel:hnica1. executive. adminislrll live or managerial pnSls and whoS!.: wagL's arc al least double the minimum wage eSLilhlished in 1ha1 year, such probation period shal l be or Olll' YL'ar unless OIherwisc spt.'l' iliL'd in the contract of service or in the collel'tive agreemeOl.

(2) During the prohalionary period lhe employment may he terminaled at will hy either party wilhout assigni ng any rea.~on:

Provided that a week's nOlice of Ihe lCrminalion of employment shall he given 10 Ihe mher pany in Ihe u.~ (If an employt'C who has hccn in the cmploymell t of the same employer continuously for more than onc month,

(3) A contrac l of service ror an indefi ni tc lime may he terminated. hy giving notice as se t OUI in suh·ankle (5). hy Ihe employee withoul assigning any reason and by the employer . . -.avinS the provision of sub-ank'le ( 14), only on grounds of redundanc)':

Provided thal any emplOYL'C whoS!.: employment i.~

terminated on grounds of redundancy shall he entit led 1(1 re-


Rl,hI 'of e .. rk>J<'n '0 ""nin,.," inform .. .,n.

N,~",< or."" "''''' f'< ftO",k>a 1<..- ,<I'l0l''';'' to .".,.,..,10 01 ... "io, ... ,


cmploymcnl if 11'11: post formerly occupit..'il hy him is a~lIi n available within a ~ri(ld of ark! year from the dale of termination of employment:

Provided funher Iha1 such an cmployt.'C shall be so re­t!mp lo~d 3L cuntli lions nOI less favour-l.llk than those 10 which he would have h!cn .. 'milled if Ihe contract of scrvkc rdating 10 him had nOl. hccn Icrminatcd:

l'mvidl,'t1. finally. 1hal any cmplu)'\.'I: who shall have been so re-employed shall. for the purposes of Ih;~ At' l. t-= do."'Cmcd 10 haYe continul."d in hi, "'mploymcnt nOlwilh slll ndin~ Ihe h.'rminalio n madc under Ihis suh-anide.

(4) Who.'I\' an employer intends 10 Icrm;nalc the employment or an employee 110 grounds of t\'tJundsRI':Y. he shall Icrminalc the employment of Ihal p.:rson who was cn!;agcd hl.,~l in lhe class 01 employment alTcch:d hy .~uch redundant:y:

l>rovidcd that. whcnl such person L~ reluted to the employel (nOl heing a limited Huhil ity company or u stullltory body) b) consanguinity tlr aninity up to the third degn:c. the employer may. instead of II!rminating Ihc employment \1 1' such person. terminale that of the person 1k'xt in turn.

(5) Notwithstanding an y ugn.'Cment 1(1 lhe contrary. anc without prejudiCl'tn what is sUIted in suh-paragrnph {O. notice of Ihf termination of employment pmpo~d dlller hy the cmployl,.'!' or by lhe employt.'C under a contract of service for an indefinite time. shall'" of the foll owing respective duration. if Ihc cmplnyl,.'C hu heen in !hI employment of thl' SlImc employer eontinullusly -

(a) for rnOft.' than Me month hut not mOll! than six months ........................ onc wt.'Cir. ;

(hI I'm mOl)! than six rnnmhs hut not mon..- than twn years .......................... twO wL'Cks;

(c) for mOl)! than twO years hut not moll..' Ihan four years ......... ............... fnur wl,.'Cks;

(d) for moll..' than fuur yellfS hul nOl more than seven years .. ......... ......... eight weeks;

(c) fur more Ihan seven years. an addi tional I week for every suhsequCnt year (l!' service up 10 a maximum Il l' twelve wL'Cks:

(I) or sU~' h lon~er periods as may Ix' agrt:ed by the employer and employ .. '1: in th>! case of t,,·dnkal. administrJtiYe. ex .. 'CutiYI! or managerial P(I.~ts:

ProYided that notice Ill' tl! rmination of I!mployml!nt may not be given during matl!rnity Il!a\'e ur during thl: p!:riod of incapacity for work to which sub-ankk ( 17) refers or during such Olhl!r period as the Minister may prescribe.

(6) Where onc period of employml!nt on a contract of scrvk't! for an indefinite time is of le.'iS th~n six months hUl is followed hy anolhcr period of employmenl in Ihe same das.~ of employment commencing within the next following six months from thl: laM day of employment. Ihe two periods shall. for Ihe purposc.'i of suh-ankl>! (5), in regard to the second period of employment he d .. 'Cmed 10 he onc wnlinuous period.

(7) The period of notiel! shall ho!gin 10 run from the working day next following the day on wh ich notice is given.

(8) On recelYing notice rrom the employer as aforesaid thc employee under a cOntrJc t of scrykc ror an indclinite timc shall hav..: Ihe option elthl!r of contin uing to perform work until thc period or notice expires or. at any time during the (urrcncy of thc pcriod of notice, of requiring the cmploycr Ul pay him a .~um l.'ql.lal hI half thl.' wages that would he payable in rI.'SfH..'Ct of th..: un..:xpir .. 'd periud of notice.

(9) On l'l'CelYing notice frnm the employ<-'C as afofl!.-.aid. the employer shall have lhe option l.'ithcr to allow the employec to continue to pcrfonn work untilthl.· period of notice expires or. at any lime during the currency of the period of notice. to pay the cmployl.'1: a sum equal 10 Ihe wages that would have bL-cn payahll.' in rCSfH..'Ct uf the ulJCxpired period of nOlkc.

(10) If an employl.'C under a contract of scrvin' for an indc1initc time fails to give nmit.-e as afore.-.aid. he shall he Hahlt.! 10 pay In Iht.! em ployer a sum. equal to half th ... wagcs Ihat would I"oc payahle in respect of the period of nmice. If the employer fai ls to giw till.' !>aid notice. he shall I"ot! liable 10 pay to such t.! mploYl!e a sum .. -qual 10 the wages tha t would be payabk in resp .. 'C1 of the period of nOli cc.

( 11 ) An employer who dismisses an employec before the expiration of Ihe time delinitcly specified t'oy a contract of service. shall pay to the I.'mploy\!C onc-half of the full wages that would have accrued to the employl.'C in respect of the remainder of the lime

C 257


spt:ciliclllly IIgI'Cl'd upon.

tl2) An ,'mpl{]y~e who IIhandol1S Iho.' so.'rvio.'o.' of his o.:lllp loyer hcforc the timl" ddlnitciy spo.:dlk d hy the l·Olllr.te1 of servic..: shall pay 10 his ~lllphl)W a sum l"qual to (ln~-hlllr of th~ full wages to which Ill' would hav~ ho.:c ol11o.: o.'lllitll!d if hl' hud o.'(lntinu~d in lhe scrvko.' for Ih~ rcmaindl"r of I h~ lim~ SO Spt"l:ilil"ally agreed upon:

Prnvido.:u thllt in Ihis suh-article and in suh-articlo.:s (8), (9). (10) and ( 11), rcfcrcl1l'C 10 "full wago.'s· or · wages· is 10 mCllo the wagl! payahl l! to an I!mploycd person hy or on t-...:half of his employer, I!xduding any r,'lll unl!ral ion for overtimo.'. any forms of honus. any allowanccs, and I\'mun..:rdtion in kind and commissioos.

(1.1) In the eas..: of elllpl(lYl'C.~ under a l"Illltract of so.:rvicc paid hy Ihe unit of wnrk. Of hy a sharc in IhI! Pflll1l.~. nr hy a commission on Ihl! salcs or paymo.:nl~ mad..: or fI..-cciwd hy the cmploycr, the amount payah .. ' in tenm of suh-lInicl..:s OH. ( Ill ), (11) and ( 12) shall hi! calculated on Ih..: aV":flIge earni nl! of the emploYl'C u uring the Ihree monlhs immediatdy prccedinglhe day on whieh 110lico.' is given or Ihe IIhandonml'n1 Of tennination of emplnymenltukes place.

( 14) Not wit hSlanui ng the foregoing provisions of this article. an employer may dismiss Ihe employee and the employee may abandon the .'iCrvice nf thl' employef. withnul giving nulicc and wi thoul any 'iahility tu mllke payment as pruvido.'d in suh·artkks (If), (11) and ( 12) if tho.:re i.~ good and su llil"km cause fo r such dismissal or Hhandonmcnl of .'oCrvke:

Provided thal an ~mployer may nOl Sl:t up as a good and su!l1cient cause -

(a) thatlhe I!mploy.-c at th ..: tillll" nf th..: dismissal was a ml"mhcr of a (raul" union. or is Sl:l!king oflkl" as. or acting or has actl!d in th,' capacity of an I!nlp I OYL'C.~ ' repreSl"ntal ive: or

(h) I!xcept in the case of a privatI! domestic cmployt..'e, Lhat the ..:mployee no longer enj()y.~ the employer's cnnriili:nL'C: .,

(e) thlltlhe employce eontfacL~ marriage: or

(d) thal an employee i.~ prcgnanl with ch ild Of is absent from work during mlltl!rnity Il"ave: Ilf

(c) that Ihe emploYL'C disc1o.'iI!s in fonnation. whether contido.:ntiul or otherwise. tn a designated puhlic regulating nody. ntgHrding alleged illegal or cnrrupl activities bo.:ing

commined hy his I.'mpln)w or hy p..-rson ... actin!! nn tilt: employer's name and hllen:.\t"\: or

(f) that the I.'mplcl)1.~ hllS likd a l:nmplaint nr is pankipating in proceeding~ against the employer invlllving alleged viulation of laws Uf n:gulatiuns or is having rL'I:UUr),l: In competent administratiw authuritil'S: or

(g) that the husiocs., in whkh Ihe cmploYL~ is engaged has undergone a transfer of owne~hip. unless he proves thll t the tcnnination is nL'CesslIry for eeonnmk. teehniral or organisational n:asons entailing ('hllnges in the wnrUorcl':

Pr ovided funher thllt the employer l:an tenniRate Ihe employment of an l:mploy<.-'C when the employee n:a\."hes n:liremenl

t' 259

age as ddiocd in lilt: Social s...'Curi ty Act. co,. 11"

(IS) A contract of service shallnOl. except wilh Ihe con ...... nl of the employee. he lerminalL-d hy Ihl' employer during any po.:rind of im;apacilY for work of the employc ... eauSl.'d hy personal injury hy accident arising out of and in lhe l:nurs..: of employment (Ir hy any uf Ihe occupational diseases spt..'Cificd in Ihe Social SI..'I."urity Art in e:K:h case ocwrring in Ihe service of Ihat employer:

l>rovidcd that -

(a) during sueh pcriud of inl:apacilY wage"~ less injury benefil payahle under the Social St.-curily Al:t not iocluding any bcnclit for permanenl di.'>llhili IY shall an"rue in favour Ilr the employee as may he provldL'd hy or under any l"l.'Ctlgniscd condition or employment 11\ delincd in Pan 11 of li tk I uf this Al:t: and

(b) the provisions Il l' this sUD-anide shall nm apply beyond the l"irsttwdve l:alel1l.lar months ofineapadlY"

( 16) On the ccssation of 1I"k.' incapacity for wurk rt!1l-fTl-d 10 in the last pl"t!l:eding "~uh - article thl' l'mployer shall , within twemy-(lIIe days fmm an applkalinn madl' hy the emploYL'C. re· instatl' Ihc employee in his rOfmcr employmenl or, if thc injury or diSo.'ase has caused a disahlemcnt rendering the employce unlit ror Ihl' forme r employmenl, in other suit.ahlc empluyment :

l>rovidcd Ihat the OIpplieOllion ror I"t!- instalemem hy the employoc shall be made in ..... ritinp within sc"cn days of tilt: 1.."\!S.'iation or the incapacity for work.

( 17) A whnle-time relllult: l'mployee shall not I"k.' dismi. ........ d hy


tile employer during Ihe ~riod or her maternity IClIvc or lhe period of Jive weeks following Ihe cnd of SUdl Icaw in whk-h she is incapable for work owing In a pathological cUlldilion arising out of conJinclll..:nt.

( 18 ) Any p"riod of incapacity rOT wnrk referred 10 in the last preceding sub-anidc shall he dt:dunl.-d from the period of sick jcav\! 10 which thl! employee is elHillcd at Ihe tim..: of such incapacity. ro however lhalltw p.:riod of incapadlY whh;h e:(l:eeds s ueh cmilkmcnl shal l be d<..'l.:med 10 hc leave ofahs.'llce without clllilicmenl lo waf!cs:

Provided that Ihe t'mploycr may n:qui rc the employee 10 produce evidem:e (If sur.:h incapal'ily ror wClrk and may require his own doc tor to visil SUl' h employee and 10 r .. 'port 10 him on Ihe condition of her health.

(19) The employee shall. althe t~rminatiun of mat~rnily leave to which sh~ is .:ntitkd under th l: provisions of this Act or of the period of her incapacity for work to which suh·article ( 17) refers. be entitled to n:suml: work in tlk! post she occupied o n thc commencement or her maternity leave. or in an analogous post if at the tim~ wh~n sh~ het'ornes so ~ntitkd th~ pH~t sh" formerly occupied is no long~r availahk.

(20) Wh~re a f~maJe cmploYL'C do.:s not resumc work as providL'Il ;n th" prL'Cl:ding suh-anide. (lr. lll'ler having so resumed work. lInalldolls Ihe service of her employer without good and s Ulficient cauS\' within six monthS from lh.' dat~ of suth n:sumption. s he shall he liank. without prcjudkc 10 any ntlwr 1iahility under this Act. to pay the employer a sum L'q ui vaknt 10 Ihe wages sh~ received during the mall'rnity leavc.

37. (I) An employer shall nm temlinale lhe employment of any I!mploYL'C on grounds of cnl kcliw I\'dundancy ~rol\' he has n()lifkd in writing th~ ~mploy~cs' r~pl\'scnulliv~s recognised by him of the t~rminati()n of employm~nl contemplated fl y him and has providL-d thc said rcpn:scnta lives with an oppnrtunity to consult with Ihe employer.

( 2) The MiniM~ I' may. after consultat ion with the Doard. make I\'gulations prcSl:rihing Ihe circumstaoces when rcdundancie.~ arc 10

be dLocmed culkel;ve n:dundancil:s; the manner In which consultations hctween the employer and the employecs' I\'presematives al\' to take place: Ihe prnccdur~ to he adoptcd; [he catcgorks ur cla.~scs of cmplnymcOl that :H\! e)(emptcd from thc clTetlS of this ankle and any other mallcr that is felatcd or ancillary thereto.

(3) Failuf\: to comply with the provisions of this anicle shall constitute an offenl"C against this I\\:t.

31:1. ( I) When a busines.~ nr other undertaking is Lak.::n oY(:r. in whole or in part by a p..-rson (h.::rdnalkr in this anick rekrrcd \(l as the - trdosfen:c") from any l'mployer {heI"Cinafter in this artide rererred to as the "transkror", any employee in the employment of the transferor on the date of transfer of the undertaking shall he deemed to be in the employm.::O( of the transferee aod Ihe transferee shall take on all the rights and ohligations which the tnnsferor has towards the employee.

(2) The transferor or th .. ' tranSrel"L'C shall infurm the employccs' representatives of thl.'ir f\:spcctive employees atYected ny the transfer with:

(a) the date or pmposed date of the tran~fer:

(b) the reasons for tlk' transfer:

(c) the legal. e~·onomie and social impl ications of the transfcr for the employee.~: "nd

(d) the meaSUf\:S envisagL-d in rela tion to thl! empl(I),L'CS.

(3) Following the tran.~rer. the transferee .~h a l l continuc to observe the ICrms and condit ions agreed in any collect;Y(: Hgr~'Cment on the same ICnns applicahle tn thl' transferor undcr thllt 8grL'Cment. until tho! dalC of tennination or e."(piry of the collective agI"Cement or the entry into force or application of another t'ollL'Cli vc agreement.

(4) This anicle shall 11(1\ apply to any transkr Ilf Hn undertaking. husiness or part or an undertaking or nusincss where the transferor is the subject of bankruptcy proceedings or in 11 winding up

C 261

by the Court in accordance with th.:: provisions of the Companh:s Act Car .. I86.

or other insolvency proceedings whkh have ilI..-cn inStit uk-d with a view to the liquidation or the a.~l~ ur the transreror and are under thl! supervision o(a coun appointed liquidalOr.

(5) Th t! Minister may make regulations prcscrihing the manner in which cOfIsultalions helwl..'Cn the em ployer and the employl!Cs' representatives are to lake place: the proceduI"C to he IIdopted: the categories or cla.~scs ur employmt!nt or undertakings that arc c."( cmptcd rrom Ihe eITL'CL~ o( this artkle and any (lIher mHller that is related or ancillary thereto.

(6) FailuTl' to comply with the proyi.~ions or this ankle shall constitute an orrence against this Act.


CoodiIi<>ll in

-~" otI'Yi« ... ""'" .~.

39. Th ... plllvisions of arlkJ.:s 36 . . 17 llnd .'8 shall not apply in n:sJ>l!c t of s..:amcn ... mploy ... d on ships untkr th ... provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act; and in the eveot of any conrlkt hetwccn any of Ihe provisions of tIl ... Sllid Act and any of the provisions of th is Act. II\!,' form ... r shall apply.

40. Any l'ClIldition in a COnt racl of S\.! fvice whkh empowers me employer to tt!rmina~ tht! employmt!nt of a ..... malc employee on her contracting marriage or hecoming pregnant with child shall be without efli.'CL

41 . On th ... termination of acontraCl of scrvic ... lasl ing over onc month. tht': ... mplnyer shall he hound. at Ih ...... mpIOYL'C·s request. to gi ...... him a caliticate Slat ing the duration of th ... employment. Ihe nature of the wurk or ser ... ices performed and. if the employee so desires. the r ... asnn for till: lo,::rmination of tll ... ulIltmcL and th ... rate of w3l!es paid:

Pro ... i(kd that the employer shall not he required to state the r ... ason of t ... rminatiol1 of ... mploymenl. if the employment wa~

terminated during prohalion.

42. Unks.~ in such case as is otherwis..: pro ... ided by this Act if a contract of S\: r ... k ... hetw ... en an ... mploy ... e and his employ ... r or a collectiw a!!Jl...:m ... nt en~rcd into netwcen the I.!mploycr and the recognised un ion represcntatives. pro ... idl's for any conditions of employment. induding conditions rdating to the termination of the contract. I ... ss fa vourable to the employ ... e than thos... speci r'kct in or under this Act, they shalJ ha ... e dkct a~ if for thos.: conditions less I'avourabk to I ll.: .:mploy ... e there w ... re suhstituted the condilions specifil.!d in or under mis Act :

l>rovided that. in exceptional (·as..:s. thl.! employer in agreement with th ... employee or union reprcscnlaliv ... s may pro ... ide for different condil ions of employment than those specified in or under tbis ACI as long as such agre ... m ... nt is !I tcmporolry mea~urc to avoid rcdundanci.·s and as long as it is apprn ...... d h)' the Director. which appro ... al I1I.'cds 10 Ill! reviewed ewry fnur wL'Cks,



43. to The Minister sball appoint such olTieers or me dcpanment responsihlc for employment and industrial relations as he nlay think I1tto lx' inspectors for till.! purpo~s nr tbis Act.

(2) InspL'ClOrs so appoinled liS aforesaid shallllc ... mpo"" ... n.'d -

(a) to enter freely and withuut previous nmir.:e at ~ II

reasonable limes any pn:mi~s Of plal'C liable to inspL'Clion under this Act;

tb) 10 carry OUI in any soch premises or place any enmination. lC5l or inquiry which they may ~'onsi<kr mxes.~ry in order to satisfy tocmscl\'es that the provisions of this Act or or any regulotions CIf ord .. rs th<'Tcundcr a.~ well a.\ any recognised l'()nditions of cmploym ... nt 111'\' Ilcing obscrv ... d, and in pankular .

ii) to inlo.'rrogatc. alonc or in th ... pr ... scnl· ... ur witnes.'iCS, tne employ~'r or the ... mploYl'Cs on any of the said mallcrs:

(il ) to A."quire the production of any hooks, registers or mller dex:uments Ihc keeping of which is prcscrihed hy this Act Ilr by any order iSSLlCd urHi.-r this ACI and 10 copy sUl'h documell\s or makc e~ITlIcts

therdrom .

(3) On the occasion of pn in.~""ction vish, an inspL'Cw( shall notify the employer or his repre, .. :ntative of his preSo.'nce, unles.~ hc considers that such a notil1eation may be prejudicial tn the performance of his duties,

(4) The premises and places liable to inspection und ... r this Al't arc any premises or places in respcl't or which any provisiuns nf this Act or of any regulation or order thereunder or any l\.'Cognised conditions of employment apply 11( any premi,~ or places in resp...'t:1 of which an in.~""c tor has reasonahle cause 10 llc1ieve that this Act or any regulations or orders thereunder or any l\."Cogniscd conditinns of employmcnl apply,

(5) Such insp.."Ctors-

(a) shall be proh ihitl!d from having any direl't ur indirect interest in any premises or places whidl lIIay he l>uh~ct to insp.."'('uon by them:

(b) shall not revel.l ut any time even after ceasing 10 Ix: inspectors any manufacturing or commercial .,",-OCTets or working processes which may coml' 10 their knowledge in thl! course of their duties:



le) _,hall treal as all.-.olulcly l'lmfid.,-'ntial the source of any complaint hringinl110 their nOlice a d..:'i.:c\ or a hrcach of the provision~ Ill" this Act or of any rcj!ulaLitln~ Ill' orders thcrcundcr Of of any I\"cngnili/.--d condit ions of empluymcnt: and

(dJ ,hal l nOl in any case give intimalion In the employer or his rcprc1>l,!ntati",c Ihat a visil of insp.!l'linn wa.~ made as a const:qucncc of the n.-cdpl of such a l"omplainl.

(6) Ewry inspector shall h...' fumishl'(j with It ccrtilkalc of his appointment and 011 applyioll (or admission III any or place for the purpos..' "I' this Al'l. shall. if so I\.,</uircd. produce the said ccni fiealc.

(7) Any inspector who aCL'i in conlrdVl"ntinn of the provisi ons of sub-anick (5). :.hall . in addition to any other puni.~hmcnl to which l1e may be liahle. h.: aiM> Ijah!..' 10 dismis...;al ip.w ftlew from his employment with the Government.

(8) A ~rslln shal l nnt •

(a) Ilmit In answer I1r ans\wr fal..;.:ly ur CHUse any other person nOlln answer or 10 answcr fa lsdy In ~ny qtll'slion which an inspeCI(lr b aUlhori~-d IU a.~k under Ihis Act: or

(b ) fait 10 produl""C any hook!;. n:gisLCI"S or Othl"!" documcnL~ which. pursuant to suh·artick (2Xh)(ii). he is TCq uin:d hy an insp..'(: lor 10 prodl.llX: or

(I.:) din:clly m indil\.'C tly pl"l· .. ·cnt any person from appearin!! !x-fon: or hein!! questiuned hy an inSJ)\.,(:lor. ur attempt so 10 do; or

(d) (Ihslruct in any manncr an insp'-'ClnT in the performanl'c (II' his dUlk~ under this ACI :

Pnwided thal no person shall Ix' I"l'quin:d under pan.graph (a) 10 answ ... r any qUt.'slinn which may iocrim inalt.' him.

44. (I) In ("riminal procl'Cding.~ inslitull-d hy lhe Police heron: the Courl of Magistrd .... s fOf an orlCn ....... a!!uinst lilt: provisions of this ACI. Ih ... Dirl'Clor ur any unkcr of his tlepartmcnt dt.'pulcd by him may. notwilh~landinJ; Ihe provisions of any law 10 the con trary. lay the char!!e hcfoTc the eoun. produce the evidence. plead and utherwiSt.' eonducllhe prosl'(:ution inSlead of Ihe Police.

(2) Tht.' sworn statement of any onker mentiuned in the last pn.>fi.'din!! .~uh·anklc In lhe em .. 'C1 Ihal he ha.~ hi..-cn depult.-d by the

Director fo r th.: purposc th!!rcin stat<!d. shall hi.! eom:lusiv.: <!vidence of such fact. should the proof thereof be I\.'quircd hy till: al·euS<.'d.

(3) Thl! Director or the olric~ r d.:pull..'d hy him may. be producL-d as a wilm:ss. but should his evidence bo.' required as pan IIf the case for Ih.: prosc~'ution. hl' shall ht> heard in evidence !)eforc assuming the duties of prosecuting nnlc.:r (oth.:r than that of staling th.: facts consti tu ting th<! off~nc~) unk.~s Ih.: nL'Cessity or his evide nc!! arises suhs.:quently,

C 265

45. ( I) Any .:mployer who contraven~s or fai ls to ~'umply 1'<0>11;".

with any recogn ised conditions of cmployment prcserihcd hy a national slandard order or hy a SL"l'toral regulation ordcr or colkctivc agreement. or with any prov;sion~ of this Act or any rcgu lalions mad.: thereunder shall. unkss 11. ditr ... rcnt penalty is CSlahlishL-d fo r such offence. on convict ion hi: liahle to a fine (/III/Iw) of nm less Ihan onc hundred liri (Lm 100) and nOI c,'(l'l'l'ding onc thousand liri (Lm I noCl).

(2) Where any cmployer;s convicted of -

(a) having fuikd tn pay wag ... s Ut not h:ss than Ih.: ra l.: applicahl.: in accordance with a nx'ngnis.:d l'onditinn of employm.:nt as dc li ned in Pan III of this Act or with a contract of SCrvil'C which!!vcr shatl hc th.: higher. or

(b) having mad.: any ilh:gal d<-'ducl ion or inllicted aJlY fill(! Olhi.'r than those sl'k-"Cilically />I!nn illed hy article It}, IIr

(c) having fail ed 10 make payment of any bonus payahle under aniclc 23. or any OIh~'r paymcnt due hy an I!mploycr to any employ ... "! under lh is ACl or und.:r ;Iny ord.:r made lhereunder. or

(d) having withhdd ~ny rcmunl! rat inn or uny payml!nt ;n lieu or notice, or

(c) having ra iled to allow paid holidays as providcd for or spc<:ificd in any nalional standard order, SL'ClOral rcl,!Ulalion order or l'ontr-.aCl of scrvk!!. nr

(0 having failed to .. !leel payment of any mon.:ys due 10 an employ!!e untkr this An or undl!r any national standard order or scctoral regulation order or ;Iny OIhcr order made undcr this Act ,

the coun shal I. at the r ... -q UCSI o f thc prosecution, hl:s idcs ,awardi ng the punishment imposed by thl! prL't'cding sub-art.icks of this anicll!. order the offend!! f. on proor of Ih .. amount. 10 refund (lr pay to the


Cap. \I.

Off.""" ~y pan ..... hip .......

employee or cmplu)'I.'l.:S I:onccrncd. m 10 lh~' app~nlkc or apprentices concerned. as Ihe use may h.:. the ~ajd arnllunl due hy him and. in the case of holidays with pay nOI allow.:d. a SUITl ~'4ual l n the pay LhCTt."Of. and any such hy Ihe court shall he of lh~' same force and effect and he cXL'Culahk in the same manner as if i1llad hero given in a civil aclion duly in.~lilu to.:d hclwccn Ihc employ!.'c Of l'mployl.'Cs concerned or lhe appn:1l1kc or appft!ntkcs concCI'l1cd. ,LS Ihe ca.~ may he, and lhe employer:

J'rovidcd lhat nothing in Ihis !<ouh-anil'k shall derogate from any righlll!' the cmployt'c or apprcnlicc. a.~ Ihc (a5C may ht!, la n.'Covcr by any nlhl.'r means any amounl due In hi m.

(3) Artid.' 24 of lhe Criminal Cod.: shall apply in r..:spec! of otTcn.:cs undcr Ihi ~ Acl.

46. Where an olTence against the pfllvisions of this Act or of any regulations or nrdcrs mad,' lhl!n:und..·r i.~ nlmmilted hy a partocrship. company. associa tion ur mhcr hudy of persons. \!Vcry person who. at the Lime of the commis.~inn of the offence. was a director. manager. secrelary or OIh,'r ~imitar otlkcr of such partnership. company. as~ocialion or other houy (If persons or was purporting to act in any such caparity shall Ix' tkemed to he gui lty of that o lTcnce unle.~s he proves thallhe offenl',' was commiUl'd without his knowledge and Ihat hI.' cltl'rciSl'd all duc di ligcncc 10 prevent tile commission of thi: offence.

47. (I, Proceeding.~ for an offence ullder this Act or of any n:gulations or llrul'l"S madl' thefl'under may hc commenced at any lime within on..: y..:~1' from the commission (If the offence.

(2) Wherl' Ihe offence relates to Ihc failun! hy an cmploycr to pay wages to an employel' (If f~ilun: tn allnw paid Ilolidays 85

n!<]uin.:d by this Act or hy any national Slandard ordcr or sectoral regulation order. the offence shall he del'mL'd to I'll! a continuous oncnec if the employer had failed 1\) p~y the wages due to the employee regularly over thc period of prescription.



48. ( I ) The Prime Minister shall ha\'c powcr to prescribe by regulatiuns the ~pplicability of any article or suh-article of Title I of this Act 10 pUhlit· officers.

(2) The Minister shall have power tll make and when made vary or repeal fl'gulations for thc pUrpllS(' of carrying out and ~ivin~

c fl i..'Ct to any of the pr\lvi.~itln s of this A~·t.

(3) Wi thout prcjudice to the generality or th~' poWl'r l'onrl' rrctl by s ub-article (2). the regulations may-

(aJ prcscrihc the manner llnd the dn:\lmSlllnCe~ in which persons who arc ah\lve enmpul.wry SI:holll <lgl'. a.~

delincd in the Educat iOJl Art. and who have not yet allained the age or IX years. may he .... mployed. including the pnwer In designatl.' wnain call.'gnrk" or class nr employment ll .~

prohibil.t!d employment for such pcrsun,~:

(b) prescrihc the procedure to hc adopted hy the Employment RclatiOJls Bnard . including Ihe method of vllting and of filling casual vac.mck;. in memhership. the method or and thcquorum necessary ro r the tran~l· tion of husiness:

(c) prcscrihc 1i..'Cs 10 1"11.' kviL'd with resp...~ t to any malleT n.'quircd or allowed under Ihis Al'l:

(d) prescrihe OT othl'rwisc provide ror .my malleT which is to be or may be prescrihcu or pfOviued for hy this Al·t IIr hy regulations made the reunder.

(4) Any regulation made under th is Act may providc fnr any matter relating to liabi lity fo r the uhscrvance or such TCgulat ions. and the persons who may he liahlc. and for any malle r re lating tu the en forcement o f the said regulutinn .... including. hut not limited to . the imposition of a tine (mullll ) nnl c"eeeding live th(l\lsand liri ( 1.111

5000) in rcSpct'l or any cOntl""dVl'lltiull of. or failuTl! to comply with. the provisions of such Tl!gu lalinn;..





SWIllS, "g;slfm;v" (",d mmJ" " ofrmdl' JI/,ifll'.~ (", 11 emplllyn·.\· · A.uot"im;ons

49. ( I) A trade union and an employers' as.<meia liun shall. for all purposes of law. be trealL'd a~ an association of pcrSl ln" and not as a body c;orporate. hut -

C 267

s .. , .... .. r, .. ' .... '" ... od ..... pk>y<".



lhIInof • ...... -... ,1.)". -'"'_.

fa) iI .~hall t-= capabk: or makin~ \.'uOlractS:

(hJ all property bo:longing to Ihe union or association shall \'cst in Ihe union or as."'-II:ialion. hut HII powers. whether of disposal. adm inLmation or otherwise. in re lat ion to such pmp..!rt)' shull he o.:xcrdsahk hy or hy Ihe lIuthority of the body of pasHn .... Ily whatever nam..: called. l'IlII'USICd hy the rules of the uni(lIl llr association Wilh Ihe c()ndU~;1 and management of its husincss:

(\') il shall he capah)c of suing and. subject to the provision~ uf this Al'l. of !'Icing su~-d. wtk.'lhl'f in prcx.-ecdings n;laling 10 propcny Of founded on contr,tI,:I. ton or quasi-lort. Of any other CIIUSI! of act ion whatsoever:

(d) rmcL~dings in I'l:sr":u Ill' any oi1cncc alleGed 10 have lx.'Cn l'ummillcd hy it or on its h..'half may Ilc brought against !Iny of ils ofriccrs or other onicials as provided in anic1e I] of the Intcrpreta tion ACI:

(c )

shall ho! any judgement or order madc in any proceedings

.. nforceahlc again .~l any properly of tile union or a~socjat ion .

(2) The purposes of an)' trade union or employers ' association shall nol. hy re"~1Il only thatthl:y arc in n' (lftnlde, h.! unlawrul ~~ .

(a) to make !lny memhl:r of Ih .. union or associalion liable 10 criminal procL~dings: or

(h) tu make any agn:emenL void or vnidahlc, nor shall any such rule of a trade ullion or .. mployers ' a.~soc iat ion be lInlawflll Ilr unenforce ahlc!"ly reason onl y that it is in rc..~lrainl or tr.a.dc.

SO, <I) The rules of e\'ery trade union and of every employers' a~~lI:ialion shall conUtin provisillllS in respt!ct of the mallers mcntio~d in IhI: follo wing slID-anicles (If this article.

(2) The rulcii sha ll •

(a) spl.:cify the namc of the trade union or employers' association. the addrcss of il~ principal ollice and Ihe Objects for which it i~ e~tahlished :

(h) make provision lIS to Ihe purpvscs for which, and the manners in which, any properly or funds of Ihl! union or

association arc authorised I\l lx- applied OT inw.~tcd:

(c) if any li nandal hl.-neIiL~ arc LO hi.- avaihll1k for memhers of the trade union 01" ur the employers- association out of its property or runds_ make provision as to the am(HlIlts M those bcnelits and the drcumqances in whk"h they aT<- tn hi.­available to memh.!rs:

(d) speciry the olYellCes for whk"h the union or association may under the ruks ex(X-1 a memh.!T or wk ... lIther disciplinary action. the penalties applicahlc fllr eal'h "r thnse offences_ and the procedure rOT the hearing uf cases in which onenc\!S against the rules are altel;ed:

(c) make provision for the c!1.'Clion of a governin)! hod), and rOT its rc-ek'Ction at rcasnnah1c intervals. ror Ihe c!eetinn OT

appointment of onicers or thl' union or association and nther olficials. and for Ihe manner in which Ihe gnvcming hody_ oll1cers and OIher olficials l-llll he removed rmm ollkc:

(I) make provision rllr the keepin)! of ful! and al'l'O!'''te accounts hy the union UT a~.,,"ciat i(lll. ror the appointnwllt of aud i tnr.~ and r or the ann ual auditi n g of the OCl'ounts:

(g) make provision rOT thc insp!..'Ction of the hook ... and names of memhcrs of the uniun or assodation hy ..-vcry person having an interest in the fund ... 01" the union or association:

(h) sp!..'Cify the manm.:r in whkh any rules of the union or association (-an he mad..:_ altered or revoked. and the circumstanl-cs and manner in which the union or association l'an be dissolved.

(3) Every trade union and l'VCry employers- association shall althe request of any person supply him with a copy or the ruh's. as in rorcc at the date (II' the TL-qUCSI. ei ther rTL'C of charge \IT (In paym..-nt (If a rt'e as may he prescribed.

SI. ( I) /I, trade union or an employcrs- Ils$uciation. and any member_ oOkeT ur other ull1cial th..-I\..'OC shall not perform any al'l in funherancc of any of (he purposes for which it is fnrmed unles. .. such union or association has first heen fC)!isterl'd.

(2) /l,ny trade union or I.'mployl.'rs- ass(w,:i :llion. and any member_ onicer or other official lhereof. who l-on travcnl.'S the pmvisions of su~- article {lJ shall he guilty or an offence and shall he liable on conviction to a line (IIIIIIIU) not ~-xt'ceding nvc hundrcd liri (Lm 5UO).


T~_ ...., .... pIu) ..... .. -; .. _-.~-.... " ..... u ..... ...~I"~r<d.


52, ( I ) I 'nrth~ purpos<:s Ill' Ihis A~I, It pul1lk" officer shall be appointed ItS, ur lk~ignaled 10 pcrt'('rm th~ I\mctions of. Registrar or Trade Unions.

(2) Th .. , ~egistrar shall p.:rform the runetions and dutics confcrrt!d on him l1y this Act. and for the purpos<: of the exercise or those funclion~ and or the performance of thus..: duties he shall have powt!r to rcquirc any person 10 !!in~ him any relevanl information and 10 produce tu him any relevant dlll.'umcm. and may also adm inister oaths.

53. (I) Any scven or more memhcrs of a trade union or of an employers' a,'.'(lCiation may. hy suhscrihing their namcs to the rules of the uniun or association. ami Olherwi.<iC complying with the provisions of lhi., At't relating 10 rej!iSlration, !1,'gister the union or associat ion under this Act:

J>rovided Ihat if any of th~ purposes o f a trade union or of an employers' a .... ,ociation is unlawful the registral ion of such union or association ,~hall he void,

(2) In determining the numhcr of the memhcrs of a trade union for any of the purposcs of this Act no account shall be taken of any individual who ha_~ not allain!,.-d the al1e of sixleen years or who does nOI reside in Malta: and in tk:termining the numl1cr of the mcmOcrs of an employers ' a.,~()ciation no account sha ll he taken of any person with woom or fllr whom no indi vidual ha.~ ~ n~T\.'d into or work.~ undef a contnlCI or cmp)nymenl for ,o;crvice in Malta.

54, ( I) I',vcry trade union and e\· .. 'ry .. 'mployers' association shall be rej!ist~l\'d in accordance with th~ prnvisi(ln .~ of this Act.

(2) Without prejudict! to any Olh~r provision of this Act relatillt1to registr:lIion. the fo llowing prnvis ions shall have effcct with rt!spectto the Tl'g1:.tralion of trade unions and l'mployers ' associal ions under this Act that is to ,~y ,

(a) an application 10 f~gi st~r th~ union Of associa tion and ilS fUJ..::S shall he forwardel.! or produced to th~ ~cgistrar togeth~r with two printed copks of the rules and with a list of Lh~ nam~s (If the ollicials of th~ union or association in which theT\! shall alsu he shown their I'Csp!:l'tive (lllkes;

(I1J no trad~ union (IT employers' association shall be fCgistered under a name id..-nlical with that hy which another union or a .... ~ocia tion is for the time hcing ret1istcrcd under th is Act or so fll'ar!y rescmhling uny stKh nam~ as to he likely to deceive the puhlic:

(c) if tllo.! RegistrJ.r is salisl1ed that lllo.! union ur associalion have complied wi th lhe provisions of this Ael relatini1to rei1 istration, or if the Court of Ap~al has MI din.~IL-d

under artick 55, he shall registe r the union or associalion. as lhe C;tSC may he. and its rules:

(d ) upon registering a trdde union I)f' an employers' associalion. thl' RCi1 ist rar shall issue a lwtificate of rcgistr.llion.

(3) Every alteration of the ruk:s of a registel\.'d tmde union or employers ' association shall he rcgi,\tered with the Ikgistrar. and any such alteration shall nlll take e ni.'t:t e xcept from the dat..' Il l' i L~

registration or from such lal<,: r date as may hc spt."Cified in the rules,

(4) The rules of any regisll'rcd mlde union (l r employers' association shall not be so al lcn.-d as 10 ce~ to ~tis(y or l'omply with lhe provision of this Act applicahle therelo: and the Registrar shall not register any ruleS. Uf alteration 10 the rules. which contravene lhe fon.:g oing provisions of lhis article.

SS. ( I) I(the Rel!istrar is satisl~d that ~

(a) the applicants for rell iSlrution have authorised to apply for rellistratiun: or

(b) any of the pUrpl lSC;' of the trade union or emplnyers' association is unlawful : or

(c ) lhe applical iun for rel!.bIOltion Of the fule,\ Ilf the union or associal io n arc not in confoouilY with Ill..: pf\)v i.~i ons (If this Act.

he shall refuse n.:gistrJ.tion.

(2) 11 shall be lawful for the Rel,!istrar to calM.'el the rcgistrJlion of any trade union Of employers' as!.ociation-

(a ) al the request or the union Of a ... S<M.'ia lion, .n he evidenced ;n such manner a\ he may require:

(b) on proof to his ,~ t isfaction tha t 1I ~'erlilkate of re~istration has bt:cn ohtained hy fraud or mistake. or lha t the re~;stra tion was void. or that the union or a.~socia tion ha,~

wilfully contravened nny uf t h~' provisions of lhi,~ Act:

(c) ie (Of any n.:ason. the rules of the union Of association are nOl in con li>rm ilY wilh the provisions (If th is Act:



{'ap. ll.

(dJ ir he is sa tiSlkd Ihal I h~' uninn or 3SSO(.·iation has c~ased 10 l':d st:

(c) if he is S3tislkd thalthl' ml·mh.:rship of Ihe union or a'lSOCialion ha.~ hccn reduced to ks.~ than seven members ca!cutah.:d a~ provilkd in article 5](2).

(3) Wherl' the RegistrJf refu ...... ·s to register a trad~ union or an emplOyers' assodmion, he sh<lll forthwith inrorm the applicants in writing of the fl'fu .~al and of the grounds thereur.

(4 ) Where the Registrar propo~s to cam:elthe registnl tion of a trade union or Ill" an employers' as.~ i ation. he shall giv~ not ice of thl' propoSo.'d call1:l'Ilalion to the union or a.'~(ldation specifying the tnerefor: and the registration s hall not ill' carn:cltcd hdorc the ellpiration of twC! months from the giving o f such nOlice. nor shall the registration hc l'anl'd k d if. prior to the l·anl·l'I Iat ion. the union or as.wciation has remedied any dcf~ult or taken steps to avoid clmccllUliun. If notwithstanding any fl'pfl!~ntations made. or other steps taken. hy the union or association. the Regis trar decides that he ought to l'ancel the regist ration, he sh~1I inform the union or association in writing uf hi.~ ded.~ion:

Pr(lvided Ihut. whefl! the union or a,~sndation has t'eascd 10 eXi SI. Ihe Registr.a r may cancel the rcgistrJlinn wi thout complying with any of th l' provisions of this suh·:mid e and give notice of the cancellation in Ill..' ( iazetle,

(5) From lIny refu:;'11 hy the Regislrdr 10 fl'!!istcr a trdde union or an employers ' a. ... ..acialion und from any dedsion hy him 10 cancel any such registrJ tinn, an appeal .~hall Ill' to the O lurt of Appeal by application mudl' nCl! later Ihan seven day.~ from tlie communication by him of his refusal or d ... 'C ision as required hy this ankle. On any such appcalthe l'ourt may make such orders as it may deem proper, including a dir~,\·ti!ln as to the cOSLe; or ~ppc~l: <lnd any such order of the coun shallll..' linnl .

(6) The tl<l~rd estahlished under article 2o.J of the Code of Organization and Civil I}rocedure may mukl~ rules governing sueh <Jppcals, providing for the method of giving l'videoce. preSl.·ribing Ihe procedure to Ix' foJinwed. the manner of nOlifying Ihe Registrar of the appeal and go:ner<Jlly providing ror such Olht.·r maller as till' l'OUrt may lk-em necessary or expedient.

(7) The Ministl!f responsihle for j uslk~' may hy regulations under this suh-anide es tahlis h thl' fees pay~hle in the registry of the coun for the lilin/!. nfjudicial lICl~ in conncl'Iion with appeals under

this ankle:

Provided that until such I'e ... s are so ... stablish ... d hy th ... Minis t ... r. tn... r ...... s ... stahlish ... d in Sch ... dul ... A tU the Cod ... \,1' Organi~lIlion and Civil Procedure shall apply.

(8) The Registrar shall he ... n\itkd l(l he h ... ard (m an)' ~u ... h appeal and shall hi: given the oppmlllnity 10 do so.

56. ( I) The Registrar shall keep a register (11' alltradc unions and employers' as~iations rcgist"'To.'d under this ACL showing Ihe nam~ of sucb unions and a. ... ~ociations and such other paniculars a.~

the Registrar may dL'Cm appropriatL'.

(2) The To.'gist ... r of trade unions and employers' aSS{lI:muons shall be open l(l inspection hy any person I'ree of charge at all reasonable limes.

57, (I ) Every trad ... uninn and ev ... ry ... mploy ... rs· association shall keep an up-to-dale record nl' th ... nam ... s of the memhcrs of Ihc union or association. as Ih ... case may he. showing th ... ir r",sp ... l:live da te of membo.'rship. identity ... ard numbo.'rs. addresses and Irad ... ,~ or occupalions.

(2) The Regi strar shall hav ... pow.:r alony lime to ins",xl sUl:h records or 10 .:ausc such I\.'t:ords 10 be inspected by a person authorised by him in Ihal bo.'hal f. and ev ... ry lrade union and ... very employers' as.wciation shall giw him and any oth ... r po.'TS(ln authorised as aforesaid all reasonahk racililio.'s for thal purpose.

C 273

11<">1<, ol,radt - ....... ..... rl>Y<'". ....... , .. , ......

R<~; .. ,·, or n~·ml>< .. ,,) .... .... 1" h~'''''''' """"' • • nII ""'r"'y< ... · .... ~ .... ""' ).

58. On or after Ih ... second day of June and het(lrc Ihe ti Tst day Ann ..... """n •. Or July in every y.:ar. the Registrar shall hy n()lice in Ihe GaI ... ll .... call upon and require all rcgi.~I"'l\'d trad... unions and emploYl.!rs· associations 10 transmit to him, in suth form or format as he may require -

(a) ~ list of the nam ... ~ of the ollkers of th ... union or association. showing also the {lnke held byeal'h of lhem:

(b) a dt:claration that th ... names of memOcrs and oth ... r pankulars shown in Ih.: I\'corti TL'quirl!d to be kept hy artkk .~7 have been hrought up-to-date and thal Ihl.! nL't: ... ssary alterations have bL'Cn made to th ... said I\'l'ord (or Ihal purpose:

(C) a slatement of Ihl! rL"t:l!ipL~, funds and I!xpenditurc of Ihe union or a.~sociation in r ... speel of Ihl! prec<.!ding year:

(d) a copy of Ihe annual report showing Ihe ar;tiviti,'~ of


the union or a,'t~lCiation dutin!! Ihc prL,.,:eding year or. if no such report h(L~ h..:en made. a sla l .. menl si gned hy Ihe SLOCI"C lary of the union OT a!'>.~ocilllinn showing Ihe said IIctivities during that year.

and e\'cTY tTalk' union IInd every employers' al>,~~lCiation shall comply with such requirement. within I1ft..:..:n days thun the puhlieation of the nOlice in the ( i(v..:lIe a,~ aforementiIlIlL>d.

59. ( I) I:very trade union IInd ewry ... mploy ... rs· associat ion shall -

(11 ) ... au~ In be kept pro~r an·ouming I't.ocords wi th rcSf)LOCI In i l.~ transactions and its assct,\ and liahilitks, Ihat is to Soay su ... h l"l'l'ords a.~ a!"l' n ... t· ... ,~sary to)! ive a true and fair vkw of the state of an'ai rs of the union or a.~sodation and to ... xplain il~ tran,<;.aI: tionl>: and

<hi ..:slahlish and maintain a satisfat·tory system of control or it~ accountin)! TL'Cords, its cash holdings and all iL~

n.'cdpl.~ and rcmillaoces.

(2) Every trade union and ... very employer,~ ' as,~lCialioo shall appoi nt an auditor or audi lors having Ihe qualilkations required by th is anicle to audit il~ ael'ounl~: anu cwry mltk: union or employers' association whkh has ""' ... n in ... xistl·nn· for mon: than Iwdv ... months shall once at k ast in ev ... ry cal ... nuar year cau,~ such accou nts to be p!"l'pared and auuit ... u t"ty such auditor or auuilors as aforesaid.

(.l ) Every trddc union and every employcrs' association shalL not la t ... r than un~' month fmm th ... auuiting ot" the aCCO ll nl.~, transmit a copy of such <ll'l'ou n l~ W Ihe R ... gislrar,

(4) Every trade union and ... very ... mphlyers· a~socialion shall at the fl'qUl'st IIf :my of its memllcrs supply him with a copy ot" i L~

most recent uudit.:d accounts either free of l'har~ ... or un paym.:nt of a i"L-'c as may he p!"l'sl.' ri bcd.

(5) A pen-nn shall "'" qualitiL>d to auuit the accounts of a trade union or of an employers' association it" h.:: is 4ualificd to audit the accoun ts of a t'l1mpany in accordance with the provisions of the Companie.~ Act.

Mt. (I; In Ihe mOllth of August of each year the Registrar shall make out and send to the Mini.~ler a repun lln the working of this I'an of this Act. The repon shall include a liM of all registered trade unions and employers' associations and a statement as to the ins()I..'Ctions cnrriL>d out hy Ihl;! Registrar under article 57.

(2) The Minister shall cauS\.' Ihc report 10 1"0.: puhlish,'d in the Gal-cuc.

61. The Minister may make rules with ~Spet'l In the registration of trade uniuns lind employers' as.~ )(,'ialions and in particular, but without p~judit .... tn Ihe gencnllity or the forcg(Ji ng, with rcsp!..'Ct to .

(a) the seal. if any, to he u~d hy th..: ~I,;gi.mar for the purposes o f ~gi.~tnltion:

(b) the fo rms to he u,'iI,'d for such ~gistra lion and fur any application the~ror:

(c) the inspt..'Clion uf ~gis ters and documents kepI hy Ihe Regislrar and the making of copies of any ent ries then:i n:

(d) thc fces to he charged for ~gi~tralion. ti u' the inspection of any ~gistcr \lr nther document. for any cupil,!.~

made OUI of any entries or dUI,-,umen L~. and fOf any other service provided or other matter pw~;ri hed or permiued hy this I\CI:

(c ) generally fur carryi ng into eth.'C1 the prov i.~i()ns of Ihis Pan of Ihis 1\C1.

62. (I) If a trJde union Of an entployers' a.~sociation rcfuse.~ or wilfully ncglccl~ to perform a duty impo,~d on it hy or under any of the provisions of anicle !i7.!i1l or !it}. the Inlde union or emph'yers' association shall he guilty of an olrence and shall he liahle on conviction 10 a li ne / mullll J nHl eM'l'eding n vc hundred I iri {I. III ,'\/l( n.

(2) Any person who wilfully allers Of causc.~ III he alte~d a document which is ~qui~d for tht.' purpos.:s of the provisions of article 57, 58 or 59. with inLCntlo falsify the document or to cnahlc a trade union or employers' a.~socilitinn 10 evade any of L h().~

provisions. shall he guil ty ()f an "(knt .... and shall he liahlc on convic tion to imprisonment fm:l period not exceeding onc year lIT 10 a fine (mU/ill) of (lnc thousand liri (LIll 1(00) (lr 10 hmh ,~uch

imprisonmcnt and fine.

StdJ-Pan 2

RI'SII'il:liuns oll/t'g(l/lillbilit,l' (Ill/I I'mct't'llings (I//fl Oil IIlIio /l

111 t' I1Ibt' r ,\' h; p

63. (I) Sllhj~'Ct to the pruvision s Ilf suh-article (2) of this articlc. no action in ton or quasi ' lOrt shall lie in respect of any aCI .


K.1n. . '.h ... ","'1 k> "'I; >lflII io • .

, lIT"""'''Saln'' oni<k. ~1. '<11 ond~,

lm"'"""yof ,r3<k "nioR' .od "'" rk>\'<' ,. --.;.0"", .... .. ~""'i. __

C 276

-­<.'I)nl<mpf"'ion Of fullloonone< of ''* di.!'U' ....

(a) allq'>!d to have ~en d(lne hy \lr on hehalf of a trade union or hy or on behal( o( an .:mploy.:rs· associalion: or

(h) alleged to he Ihr.::uened Of tll he intended to he done as aforesaid.

against the union or association In its own name, or agains t any members. OniCl' rs or officials of the union or u:'5('I("iation on behalf or themselves and all uth>!r members of the union or association.

(2) Suh-article ( I) of this anicle shallnOl aff>!ct the liability o f a trade union or or an employers' as...acialion 10 he su ... 'd in r.:s!>'-"Ct of the following. if not ariSing from uny act donI' in contemplation or (unht'!ranc.: or U Imde dispute. Ihal is 10 say-

(a) any n.:g ligence. nuisancc or hn,'al."h of duty. (whether impoSt'd on thl."m hy any rule of luw OT hy or under any enlK'tm.:nl) r.:sulting in pcrst)nal injury to any person; or

(h) without pr.:judk"l.' In paragmph (a). hr.:ach of any duty so imposcd in t-onncclinn with Ihe ownership. possession. control (If use of properly. whether movahle or immovable.

64. ( I ) An act done hy a person in cont.:mplation or furtherancl." of a Irade dispule Shall not he act iunahle in Ion or quasi ­tort on the ground., only -

(a) Ihal it indoces an(lth.:r pcr<;nn to hreak a contract or employment: ur

(h) Ihal il ~'o nsi slS in his thr.:all:: ning Iha\ a I."ontract of employment (whether onc I() which hl' is a party or nOl) will be broken or Ihul he will induce another Pl'rson to hr.:ak a contract of employment 10 which that other pt' fSCm is a party; or

(~.) that it is an interf>!renl'\! wilh Ihe trade. business or employmcOl of anothcr pcrwn. or with the right of anolher person to di ~pose or his I."apital or his labour as he wills.

(2) An al."l which by rca~on of suh-artklc (I) is itself nOl actionable. (lnd a hreach of conl r-Jct in ~'on tcmphllion or funhera nce of a tmde dispute. shall nOI he fCj;arded as the diling or an unlawful act or as the uSt' uf unlawful means for the purposes of establisbing , iabiti t y in tort ur quasi -tort.

(3) An aj;r.:cmenl or comhinmion hy IWO or more persons to do or procur.: the doing of any act in contemplalion or furtherance of a Ir-dde dispute .~ hall nOl hc actionahle in tort or quusi-tort if the al."l is

onc which. i[, done withoul any \ uch agrecm<.'nt or ~·omhinalion .

would not he act innabk in Inn or lluasi ·lort.

(4) An act done hy a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute and in pursuance 0[' ,L din:~·liw issu<.'d hy a Iralk union. whether he belongs 10 it or not. shall nnt he aClinn,Lhk in damil !!cs nn the ground only Ihal il l·onsi.~I.~ in a hn:ach or a conlrdl·1 or employment: and Hny ac t done as llruresuid. not h..:ing an act in hn:a(;h or a collective agreement. or 0[' u settlement. dl'Cision or ugrl"Cmenl which is s\ill hinding in accordancc with Ihe provisions o r ankle 70 or 72. or 0[' a dl'Cision or llward nr lhe Trihunal. shall nOI hy iL~l f

entitle the employer to te rminate' Ihe l"OntntCI or .:m ploymenl of. or discri minate against. any person dlling any soch 3t·1 as aforesaid. and shall nnt constitule a hreak in thl' s.,; rvll-c or such person.

(5) Th..: provisions of ankle' .ll8(1) or th..: Criminal Code shall C.p. <i,

nOt apply \0 any agreeme nt or comhination hy twO or m(lfe po.'fliOllS 10 do or procure Ih..: doing of any act in contemplalion ur rurth.:r.1l1ce ot" a trade dispulc.

(6) Suh·anitk (4) or thisankk shall 1101 apply 10:

(a) persons cmploy..:d at Ihe Air Traf1k Control Centre at the Malta Internat ional Airport and in thc Airpon Fin: Fighling &'t·tion of the said airport:

(b) members of thl· AssiSlant"C and Rescue Force

C 277

established hy vinue or an ic le R 01' (he Civil I'rntection ACI: r . p,411 .

lc) persons employed to provide port safclY and emergency services. indudinl1 pilotage and mooring. lUg services. lirc lighting, mcd i(;al h..:ahh services and p<.' lIuli (ln ~

combating s..:rv ic..:s:

(d) persons emplo),l'd in pilotltg..:. mooring and lug services as w..:ll as pOri workl' rs as may he nc(;essary in IIrder 10 impan and discharg..: inlLl Malta all essential supplics (as delined by anicle 2 or the Supplies and Services A(;\). includ ing Cop. 117.

wheal. grain. domCSlic gas. aviillion fuel. di t!.~l and p<.!lrol and rue! oils for thc operati on of ai r transport rat'ililics and p<.lwer generation and waler produl'l ion racilities:

(e) such minimum numhcr of persons as may hi.' required to guaranl..:e the l'omhined production. provision and distribution of wllter and ekclri l"iIY: and

(1) such number of persons as ma), he Tl..'<juin.'d 10 main tain Ihc continu..:d and uninterrupted s..:rvices listed in the


~khcduk (11 (his A~' ( and required U1 he manncd a( alltimcs for (he continucd pl\lvision hy (h .. ' (]nvemlnent ot" esscntial scrvkcs In thc cnllllllunity,

(7) Where the numhcr nf puhlk nllkcr,~ hnlding or employed in Imy ofthc Ilnkc.~ aforesaid is greater th ~n tOe numl:ocr indicatcd in t~ said Scheduic as essentially re4uired, !oo uh-anicle (6) shall apply o nly to '~ more Sl!n;nr among 'thllsc o llke l"l> whll togelher make up that number (excl uding only any of them who are on !cave authorised expressly for till.' purpoSl:s of this s ull·anicle, and only whiic they arc so on leave), seniority he;n!! determ ined Ily any seniority inherent in tile oniee iL'lCIt' "r. in the ahscne.: of sud ,"'-'"iorhy. Ily thl! Il!ngt ll of thl! u!l"iee l"s' scrvkl! in the uniel! hcld Ily them or in wh ich they aTIl employed atth .. ' relevant time. and in ca ...... 'snf e4 uallengths ofscrvicc Ily the age of th .. · onker,~ having the ,~me length of service.

(8) Any puhlie o nicer 10 whum. hy vi rtue of sull ·anicles (6) and (7). sull-ank le (4) d~s n(l( apply. shall ha\'e his servicc with the Government tenninalCd fonhwith ir. in contl.'mplation or t"urthcnlllce er a trade dispUlI.' or of any other acti(lIl takcn hy two or more pull lic offiecrs or other workers (whl! ther HT not in pursuanl'C nf a directivc issued hy a trade union), or in support th .. ·renf 01" in sympathy therewith. such olTicer refuses or othl! rwi:...' fails tn carry out his full dut il!s in a~'cordanCl! with his tenn ,~ of scfvicl! Of his l'onditions of l!mployment and under the direction of the l"!llllP<'tl'nt uuthorities of the (iovcmment,

(9) The Sct .... -dule 10 this Al" may he allJ."rcd, added 10 or othcrwiSl! aml'mkd by the Prime Ministcr hy order in the Ga1J!lIc. aflt! r consultatiun with the Maltu Council for I:conomic und Social I)cvdopmen l.

65, It shall hi! I~wful for onl' ()f more pcrs()n,~ in contemplation or furtheranl'C of a lr.ldc dispute tu allend UI \IT nl!ur·

la) a place where allother P<'rstln works Of carril!s on businc~: IIr

(Il) any otht!r pl<K.'Il where another person happens to be. not hcing a place where he resides,

for the purpos.: on ly of peacdully ohlaining 0 1" communi ca ting inronn ation. or (lCal'dully persuading any pcr.'mn to work or abstain from working,

66. Any pl!TSOn who, for the purpose o f compdling any other person 10 ahstain from doing or to do any acl which such other person has a icgal r; )! ht to do or to ahstain !"mm uoin)!. wrun)!fully and

withou t legal authority.

(a) USl.!S ur thn:at ... n~ In uS\.' vio lem:e al.!~inM ~uch

person. or Ihe wife. hust>and or child of SUl'h per!>(lIl . or a member Ilf his ho uSo.:hold. or cau.<;C.~ or Ihrealens UI l'ause damage \0 his property:

(hl persistently folluw s such (llher [lCrson from phice I\l place:

(c) watches or ncscls the house Of ilther plac~' wh ... re such other person resides or Ihl.! approal.!hes 1\1 su!;h huu~ or place:

(d) deprives such pcrstm, IIr in any manner hinders him in Ihe use of. any tools. chllhing (lr nlllcr prtlpcrty OWl1\.'d Of uSt.'d by such other pcrson.

s hall be guil t y of an o Hencl' and h ... liah!.: on convictioll t() imprisonm ... nl f(lf a p ... riod not t'xcecding Ihre ... months or III a fine (nl l/fral nOI exceeding t"iv..- hundr~'d liri n .m!\lIl1) Of III Ilolh sudl imprisonm..-nlltnd line, without prl'judke to any hcavi..-r punishm..-nt to which Ihe (lITem::c may he liahle under any other ..-naetml'nt.

67, ( I) The ho lder of an unice in tht.' puhlk service dcclan:d by thc Prime Minister. alkf eonsul\.il\ion wilh the hodics rderrcd tu in article 72(2), tu he an oflice the hulder when:of may nllt he a memher of a trade union in n:spcel of whk'h Ilc may he n:quired to repr..-scnt Of advise the GOvemm..-nt. shall nm hecnme, and ir he is shalll'l'a . .;c In

be, a member nl" Ihal Irade unilln: and Ihe provisions 01" thi.~ suh· article shall he an implied t..-rm or his h.:: rms of service with the Government.

(2) Suhjl,."-'\ IOlile provisions of suh·ankle U). in n:S['I\.,,-·1 tit' a person e mployed in such manal,!crial (If ,,- xl,.-cutivc post. in any corporation or mh..-r body t!Stahlished hy law Of in any company or other partn..-rship or ;n any Olh ... r hody having a distinct kgal personality (hen:inafter rcfcm:d to a,~ a "corpOr.lle employer"). a.~ wil l require the holder or that position \() represent or adv;s..- the \:llrpOTUle e mployer in its relations with Ihe union or unitJn ,~ representing iL~

other employees or any part thereof. ; t shall bI! an implied h:rm of Ih..­contract of employm..-nl of such p..-r.<;on tha t h..- .~hall not. whik occupying such position. he a ml:mhcr of any of the trade unions aforesaid.

(3) Suh-anicle (2) shall apply only to such posts. hcing:

(a) n()t m()re than thrl,.'C ;n the ca.~ uf a \:orp0rJl..-



~ ...... 0(,..., Mlori ..... "" P' m .. ,.,

~ ... I"">'etoIIOf di ..... " ..

~mplny~r emp l(lyin~ nm morl'lhan two hundred IJ'I!rsons;

tn) nllt more than s.:wn in tll.: ca~ of a corporate employer employin~ more than (WO hundred emploYl'\$:

(c) Ill> suc h l'mployer shall havc indicated in wriLing to tlk' tnadl: IInhm of whkh the holder of tll.: ... aid rosts may not be a memher, •


VOI .UNTARY 51'. 1 I U :MENT or DlSI'\.JTI:S

68. 1bc Minister shall appoint a Condliation panel composed of nOlIcs.~ than livc po:rsons to scrv.:: as conciliators in ITalk disputcs as may be refc11\!d to Ilk'm from time [0 timc. so however [hal:

(a) tllo: panel shall he compc"lSCd of such persons appoint~ rJ hy the Minisler afler eonsuluuinn with the Malta COllncil fur Economic and Social lxn-loJlmcnt:

(hi thl: appointITICIll shall hi: fur a I"I'-'riud of two years:

(c) dllring the term of the appointment. [h~ Minister may .~uh""itute memhcrs or fill in vacancic.~ whenever nc("Cs:~a ry. after wnsuitation with the Malta <':ollncil for Econnmk and Social J)evc1opmem:

l'rovitkd Ihat no p:rson as is melll ioned in article 13(3). shall bc nomin:llcd or appointed on the Cnndl iali(ln panel.

69. III Where a trade dispute exists ur is appreh~ndcd. the parties 10 th~ dbput~ may agre~ 10 refer thl: disput.:: to -

tal 11'1\.' DiTl.'t:lor. or

thl a conciliator who may he chu~n -

lil either hy the same panics 10 the dispute in agn:ement oclwecn Ihem:

(ii) or, if there is no such agrcement, by the Din..'Ctur from amongst thl! Cnndliatiull pane l eSlahlished hy vim!\! uf ankle 68:

l'rovidcd that nothing shall preclude thl: Director or his dclegaw from inviting the parties 10 the dispute 10 allcnd concil iation mocling.~.

(2) The funct ions of the conci liator appointed in a~'cordanee with sub-article (I) shall be ·

(a) to communicate with the panics to the trade di.~pulC immediately on the rderrJI :

Cb) to organiSe! and preside conciliation mL'Ctings between the panics as may hi: n<!Ccs.ury in order to resolve till: trade dispute:

(c) to consider the causes and circumstances of the trade dispute:

Cd) to endeavour to hring ahout an amicable .'iC tlle mem of the dispute as expedi tiously as possibic: and

(c) to make sucll recommendations a.~ tile conci lilllnr may deem lit in order to resolve the Irade dispute.

(3) Where a trade dispu te exists or is appn:hendL'tI and Ihe panics fail \0 nominate or to agTl..'C on lhe appointment of a conci liator in accordance with sub-anicle ( I). UT when: an appointed Conciliator reports a deadlock_ the Di n.:ctor shall refer the maller to the Minister and copy such rcferra l to the !)lITtleS to the dispute.

(4) Where a trade dispute is refeTred 10 the Minbter in accordance wi th the lasl preced ing suh-article. Ihc Minister may. if he thin ks fil :

(a) appoin t a COII I"I of inquiry 10 inquire into and eSlablish Ihe causes and cifl'u mstances or lhe dispute:

(b) on an application hy ooth panics 10 Ihe dispute. refe r such tnlck dispulC 10 Ihe I ndu.~lri al Tribunal.

(5) A coun of inquiry shall have Ihe same powers as are hy the

C 28 1

Code of Organi1.3lion and Civil Procedure confem:d on a .~up.;rior <>p. I1. court. exceplthal it shall not ha\\! the power to order the detenl ion of any person. and without prejudice to the general ily of Ihe aforesaid. a court of inquiry may summon witnesses and administer the (lll th. appoint assessors. and require any person who appears to il tu have special knowicdgo.l or the maller nf the inquiry 10 rurn ish. in writing or otherwise. and 10 conlirm on oath. such opinion and such PllTlicular relating to Ihat matter as the court may require. Whel'\! Ihe court consists of more than onc person. Ihe oath shall be adm ini.~te rcd hy the Chairperson.

70. If a scttlcment of a trade dispu \C (being It selllemcnt not Vnlu.-y ><I,k .......


Regula';"" ..

inconsisl~ 11I with any I:nactmcnl. ormhl'T instrument having the rorce of law. regulating waBes and nthcr tl'fmS und conditions of employment) is rc'ul'hed as a Tesult ur measure.' taken und~r article 69. and a memnmndum or thl' term .~ Ill' that !.elllement ha. .. ho..'\:n drawn up in writing and hlls ho..'\:n sign~d hy the panic., liT their representatives and a l'OPY thefCof. logether with a dt,.'I.:lanuion that is a settlement ror the purposcs or thi." anicl~ Signed as afofCsaid. has h.!en dcliv~rcd 10

the Min ister·

(a) it shall not he open to any or the parti~s to seek by uni lateral actinn a revision or the tenns ur Ihe !.ellle me nl berore Ih~ expiralion of UI least onc year rfllm Ihe date or Ihat sclllemc'Ol: and

(h) any sut:h Sl.!uleml'lII shall h.! hinding nn lhe parties to il. on thl' workers reprcscOled in the dispule and the workers aO'L't:ted hy il and shall he hinding on any SUl'C~s.wr in tille of any onc of thl' parties In Ihe dispute.

71. The Ministe r may make regulat iuns for any Ill' the foll owing purp(lsc.~ ~

tal ror rcgulaling Ihe pnl(;edUTl'S tn he li)1I0wed hy Ihe Conciliation Panel and hy the l'olll:i1ialOrs appoiOlt,.'U on the panel:

(hI fur rcgulaling Ihe composition and procedure of coun s of illl.juiry.

72. ( I) Thl'fl' i.~ hl'rehy estahlished a Joinl Negolia ting Co uncil as a sr".:dal negotia ting machin~ry with respt..'C1 \I) traul' disputes l'nnl'crning Ihe conditions of work uf persons providing the . ...:rvicl'.~ listed in article 64(6):

i'rovidl'd that Ihe OlUndl and any other negollaung machiTll'ry cs tahlished hy or undl'r this ankle. shall not in any way deal with or enl'rouch on any matter fallins within Ihe functions of the Public $crvice Cnmmission.

(2) The Cllundl shall consist of not .more than four members representing thl' Oovemment, lInd not mllre than four members reprc....:nting the Irade union huvinB as ilS mcmhcrs the largest number of pcrsolls providing the eSSl.!lllial Sl.!rvice in the relevant SC(; lion or area involved in the dispute:

Provided that the mcmhers IIppuintcd hy Ihe recognised Irdde union in aCl'urdan~'\: with tlw: provjsion.~ of this sub-anicle. shall be so appointed hy the union conl'urrcntly with the official

regist ration or a trade disputc and ,~hall tlc signilied in writing hy leller addressed to the Permanent s...'l:I\!tary ill the Ollice or the Prime Minister:

Provided (unher thal. in a~'CordallCe with thc prweding proviso, the composition o( the Cnuncil may vary if there b nlOt\! than onc dispute that has b.:en rd'errcd 10 the Council and sUl'h disputes arc scpardle and arc made hy a din'erent trade union as speCified in thc !irst paragraph uf this suh-article,

(3) Saving what is provided in suh-article (4 ), the deci.~ion s of the Council shall only he taken hy a unanimous 'lute, Any dcds;on so tak.en or agn.'Cllle1ll so reat:hed shall he hinding un the ( iovernmelll and on all public officcrs 10 whom that dl·d.~i on or agn.'enll'nt applies,

(4) Where in rl!.~pL'Ct of any lrade di.~pule fa ll ing within tht' func tions of the Council an agre .. 'melll acceptahlc In all the menlhcrs cannot he reached. and the Chair[ll'rson of Ihe Coundl n,'gisters disagreement. the Chairperson sh;J 1I refer thc maller tll th .. · Inuustrial Tribunal within lifteen days of StK'h disagreement hc ing n-gistcn-u and the I ndu,~trial Trihunal shall Ix' hllund 10 reach a I,ina! decision on the trade dispule (incl uding the making of recommendations) hy not later than two months from the rl'l'crraJ. unless in 1hL' opinion uf the Chairperson of the Industrial Trihunal. a longer period is nL'Ce, ... ..ary for a valid reason which mu.~t he Slated and reconkd in the proceedings of the Trihunal.

(5) The Minister may. aftcr con,~ullalion with the Council. make regulations to give fuller elrcl'110 Ihe provisinns or this artil:le and 10 any other relevant provjsion,~ oltll is Ael. and in particular, hut without prejudk~ to th~ gelK'rality of tll~ aroresaid, such regulations may-

(a) delermine Ihe procedure of the negotiating machinery I!Stah lishcd hy thi,~ article:

(h) spL'Cify in mol\' d .. 'tail and otherwise delemlirn: the functions. puwers and duties of any such marhincry and uf any sub-commillec or OIher hudy thereof. and of any Il l' their chairpersons or other mcmhcrs:

(c) provide for any maller connected with or ancillary 10 any of the foregoing mallers,

(6) The provisions of article 70 shall apply \0 an agreement reached a.~ provid .. <d in sub-ankle 0 ) or suh-article (4) as they apply 10 a settlement referred tu in Ihat artkle,


C284< .. ... .,.,.,"""'.,. ot: I "d ... IIW Tribunal.

PART 111


73, (I) Thefe is herehy ..:.~tablished a trihunal to be known a~ the Industrial Trihunal.

(2J Th..: Prime Minister s hall appoin t;l p;l\ll!1 of nol more Ihan nftl.'cn persons to act a~ chairp.'rsons of Ilk' Industrial Trihuna1. after consultat ion with Ihe Malta Count"il for I ~cllnomic and Social Development. SIl howc:ver that·

(a) at ic:asl thn .. 'C of th..: memhl.'rs so appointed shall be persons whu an: advucalcs Ilf at least .«(.',·en years c '\p!!rience:

(1"1) s u(h pcrsons shall he appointed for a period that does nOt c .'Il"l.'Cd thn.'c years from the dat ... ot" thei r ap!XIinunenl and may h ... rc-appoinled for further periods ... ;,I(h of not more than Ihl\."\.' years:

«(J .~uc b [X' rsons shall serve as chairpersons either in turn or in al'cordanl'C with such distrihution of duties and subje(l (() su(h provisions as 10 inahility to seTve and olher circumstance.~. as may be prc.<;I.·rihed Ily the Minister.

(3) Sav..:;,Is is provided in sull-ankle (4 ), the Industrial Tribunal shalll-onsist of .

(a) a Chairperson (hosen in Recordanc..: with the provisions of sub-ankle (2): and

(h) twn other m..:mhcrs or the Trihunal who shall be sclct: tcd hy the Chairperson of the Trihunalto rcprcscnt, so far as may he L'qually, the interests in di.~pute, from two panelS of persons appoinll.'d hy the Minister to s.:rve as members of the Trihunal as occasion may require, tine panel consisting of persons nominated Ily tmde unions repr ... scntcd on the Malta Council for Economic and Social I)cvch~mcnt and the other pand cnllslslIng of pcrMlIlS nominated by employers' associatiolls and other organisations reprc.<ocntinl! employers rcprescnt ... d on the Malta Couocil fllr I:cooomic and Social I)cvdopm ... nt:

Provided that if the parties to R trade dispute agree, within such tim ... as the Chail"pl:rson shall IIx for the purpose, on the SCll.'Clilln of the IWO members who an: to sil with the Chairperson. the Chairperson .~h all make Ihl.' sclL'Clion accordin1,": to that agl\.'l'ml.'ol.

(4) In all caS\.'.~ covered 1'1 )' (lrlicle 7.~. the Trihunal shall he composed of a Chairperson alonl' pnlVided Ihll.l in Iho.'\C cases l·oven..'d by article 75( 1)(h), the Chairperson shall hc Olk' of the memhers appoin ted in accordance with suh-anit"le (2)(a ),

(5) In all case.~ in which the Govern ment. or any hudy (IT company rc lcrred to in art icle !ill(."\). is a party. the Trihunal shall he composed of -

{a) a Chairperson dlll,'\Cn In accordance with Ihe provisions (If s ub·artich.- (2):

(h) a mc mber sck't·tl'd hy the Chairperson tlf the Tribunal from the panel of rll:rsons nom inated hy lrade uninns as prescribed in suo-article (3)(h); and

(c) a memhcr repre.',enting the government, Ilr mher hody or (om pany involved in the trade dispute who ., hall hc appointed (1(/ hoc oy the Minister.

(6) The l'rime Minister ma y_ from lime to lime, a<; he soaJl So..'I:

fit and after (onsultation as prnvidcd in suh-artkle (2), vary the wmposition of 10..: panel rdem:d tn in that paragraph, oul 11. person actually serving a.~ Chairperson of the Triounal .~hall. nutwi thstanding the removal of his name from Ihe pane l. (onlinue so to So.'rve in the proceedings in which hc i.<; servin!.! <1. .. chai rperson unti I the t'lmt"l usion of those procccdings and for Ihe purpose o f Ihe imerprutal io n (If an y award given therein.

(7) The Minister may, frmn time tn time, as he shall sce Ill. requcst fresh nominations from the trade unions. aSS<lI:iatiol1s and organisa tions refcm:d 10 in suo-article O)(h). and may vary the composi tion of the panels referred \(I in Ihal suh-artide l\((ordingly, but no person lI(tually serving as a memhcr of the tribunal shall have his name removed from thc panel whi ls t proct!cdings in respt!n of which he WIIS selected as a memncr arc still pending ~ftlre the Tribunal.

(8) The Minister shll ll also designate a puhli( officer to he Secretary of Ihe Trihunal and may also detail other puOlie onicers to ass ist Ihe Secretary in the pcrfonn;mce ()f his duti e.~. The s..:cretary of the Tribunal sha ll have 111II/(llis lI1ul(lndis such powers IInd dut ies as are by lhe Code of Organisll tion and Ci vil l'rol . .'cduru vested in the Registrar of Courts.

(9) The regist ry of the Trihunal shall tic the Re!!i.~try uf the Superior Courts; and the rc(ord.~ (If the TriounaJ shull he kept theruin.

C 2!i5



JuriO<Ktkloo of ,1It1_,w Tri~

Cap. 111 . Cap. ~I • .

74. ( I) Where .~k!pS lakcn hy Ihc MinblcT undcr artic le 6R to promme an nmkahle s.: ttlcment of a tr-ddc disputc have not resul ted ill a s.:lllement. any of the partks may nutify the Mini Sk!r in writing ItCl""Ordingly.

(2) When: all the partks to a lrade di ., pule agl\.'C 10 refer the dispute to tn.: Industria l Trihunal. they may I\.'quest Ihe Minister in writing 10 r!:fcr thc dispute 10 the Trihunal.

Cl l UPOII reccipt or a notification UI\lkr suh·article ( I) and upon heing satis lk d that the nOlincation Of rcque.~t has hcCIl n:cciYoo from a bmw ft/lr employer Of from an emplnycrs ' association or from a trade union rcpl"e."Cnling tlk: illtl'rc.~ts of thl' wmi(ers ~'onccmcd in the disputc. the MiniSlI.'r shall n:fcr the di ... pull.' to the TrihunaJ for S\!ulemcnt hy il : and he shall do SII within twcnty·(lOC days from the date o f the notification Of l\.'<Iuest.

(4) The MinislI.'f may refcr 10 the Trioonal fo r adykc. any malter rciating tll IIr arising o ut Ilf a tmdl! di'plIle. or trade dis putes generally. or tnldo.' disputeli uf any cias.~. \Ir any mher maller which in his opinion (lu!,!htto he so referred.

75. (I, Nlllwilhstanding any IIIhcr law, Ihe Industrial Trihunal shall ha\'c the cltciusivc jurisdklion In ellnsidcr and dt!cide .

(a) all eilSt!S of allcgL-d unfair dism issal!i: and

(hi all l·ases fallin !,! within thl' jurisdktion of the Industrial Trihullal hy virtue 1ilk I uf this Act or any regulations pre.scrihcd thereunder.

for all purposes othe r than proceedings in ·respec t of a n o ffe nce against any emll·tment and the remedy of a worke r so dismissed o r othcrwise alleging u hreach of his right under Title [ (If this Ael shall he hy way of reference of Ih..: complainllo the Industrial Tribunal and not otherwise;

Provided thal nothing: in Ihis sun-aniele shall he conStrut.'C1 as IIn·~'Cting the pmvisions of the Cunslitll tion Ilf Malta with re!lpt.'Ct 10 public o nieers ur shall ilIlL'C1 lhe operation Ill' the l'ort Wooers Ordinaoce. or of Ihe Puhlic Tr-.lIlsport (Ikgulatinn nf Employment) Act. and in Ihis article the expres.~iun ~worker" does nOI inchKl..: puhlk unicers UT any person to whom thl' Ordinanl"C or the Act aforesaid applies.

(2) Whefl' it is IIlleged thlll a wmt.l'r has ","-cn unfa irly dismiSSl..'C1 hy an cmployer. or where there b an alleged hreaeh of any o hl igation UTKk..'f 1i11..! I of this Act \)1" any regulations rrcscribcd

thereunder. Iho.! matler shall he re1i:rred t(lthe Trihunal for a dl't'ision by it by means of a refe rral in wriling made hy the worker alleging tlk: breach. or by some other po.! rson ae'ling in lhe naml! and on ix'h:M of such worker.

(3) Any rcferral made in accordance with Ihe last prewding sub-article shall he made hy means Ilf a dl!t:i arat ion sla ti ng the fac ts of the case::, prcsenled in thl! Rl!gislry of thl! Trihunal and shall. in all cases. be so prc.'iCnled by nOllater than four mOlllhs from Ihe cl"fective date of Ihe allelled breach.

76. (I) The Chairperson or lhe Trihunal may he challengl,.'d. or shall abstain. from Siltinf' in aJlY o f the cil"l:um .~tances s.:t out in article 734 o f lhe Code of Organisation and Civil l'rocedurc: and in any such case the provisions of Suh-Tille 11 of Tille I1 of Book Third of that Code shall apply in so far as Ihey arc applicahle and suhjl,."l.:tlo the olher provisions of this Act:

l>rovided that if all Ihe p..: rsons appointed in an'ordance with article 73(2) arc successfully challengo.!d, the Trihunal shall he chaired by another J"II!rson appointed ad hoc hy the Minister and who shall not be c hallenged.

(2) Any member of the Trihunal other than the Chairperson may be challenged. or sha JJ ab.~tain. if he has given evidence in any court of inqui ry or hcrorc a l'onl"iliator con~ .. emin~ the lrade dispute before the Trihunal. or if any party to the dispute proposes 10 l'all him as a witness; and in any such caS<.'. and in the case of any other lawful impedimenl of any such memhcr. he shall he replaced hy anmher person seleCled hy the Chairperson from the appropria te pand referred to in article 730)(h). or. in any case in which ankle 7.K'i)(c) applies. hy another person appointl'd m/ hoc hy thl' l>rime Minisll'r.

77. ( I) The Trihunal shall have such powers as an'. hy till! Code of Organisation and Civil l'Tll\:cdure. vested in the Civil Coun, RrSI Hal1.

(2) Without prejudice to the foregoi ng provision of this artic ll' . the Tribunal shall have the power to sum mon witnesses and 10 adm inister the oath. to appoint ~~scssors. and I(J require any J"II!rson who appears I(J it to havl' special knnwll'dge of any relevant malll". or of any of the malll'rs to which the tfilde disputl' or complaint referred to it relates. or of the maller refe rred to il. to furni sh in writing or otherwise. and 10 conl1 rm nn oath. such opin ion and such particulars relating 10 thal dispu te. maller {IT complainl a.~ thc Trihunal mlly require. and may authorise any po.!r.~ln 10 administer the oalh for that purpos.:.

C 287

~<>II'" Trilou ....

r .... u.

~-,..... <>l Ib< Tribo .. ol . ( 'ap. n.

c, ..

Cap. 101.

l'un!ln" pro"~",,. "';,h =-1011 ..

(3) Wil llc~.~s shall be pilid fL'CS in IlCWrdllllCC with the WiUlCSSCS (I'L'C~) Ordinance.

7Ho (I) The Tribunal shall dC~'i dc 11!1Y issue re ferred 10 it within a periOd Ihat dOl.'s nOl I!xcL'Cd onc nlll Jllh rrom the date o f the referral. unless in the opinion of th ... Chairperson. a longer period is necessary for a valid reason which must hi: Slllted Ilnd T\!gistercd in tl)c procL'Cding~ of LIk' Tribllnal.

(2) The case for any pany 10 a dispute may hi: presented by the pari), ilSCl f which may c hoose 10 be rcprcscntcd or aided by a person or persons of il~ trusl.

(J) Subj...'I.'t to LIk: provisions of Ihis An and 10 any rulcs made or deemed 10 hl: made under Ihis article. the Trihuna! shall regulate its own procedure. Whatever Lhe proct:durc adopt..:d. the Tribunal shall endeavour 10 ensure that justice is don ... IK'cording 10 the $ubSUlnlive merits of lhe casc; and, subjeCI In lhl! rules nr nalural justice, the Tribunal shall rcal:h its conclusions on any maller in such a manner as it dt.'CffiS appropriatl!.

(4) The Triounal shall hold its sittinl!S in public unll!SS. having rcglltd LO the nature of tOe disputc or otOer maller before it. the Chairperson dcl!ms it propt:r to condlll.·t LOr..' pl'Ol'Ccdings or pan lhereof in privaLe.

(5) Where tOe memllcrs of tOe Triounal are morl! than onc and they an! unald ... 10 agn..'C as to lheir award. dr..'(·ision or advice. loe malleT shallllo.! dr..~idcd oy the Chairperson acting with fu ll powers of an umpire.

(6) The Minister may mak ... rules eSlaolishing the procedure to be followed by and ~forc the Tribunal and olherwise making such pmvision.~ with n!spl'Cl 10 such procl!Cdin~ as he may deem nece)l!;3ry or clIpedicnl.

79. (I) The Minister may by regulalions prcscribe the fees payable 10 any person rcprcscntinl!- the panics in proceedings before the Tribunal.

(2) The Triounal shall in ilS awarrJ UT dr..'Cision lax the fees of the person or persons rcpresenting either pany in accordance wiLh the TlltilY made under the pn.'(.'Cding suo·anicle.

(J) No person shall charge ft..'CS in excess of those t.axr..-d by the Tribunal or in the aosence of such taxation, in eXl'CSS of tile Tariff.

(4) Any party who is charged fees in eu'css of any tariff which

is or may he pl\".<;I:rihed hy law muy claim hack the ... Xl' .... ~s hy a wrinen fl:qU"'~1 to th ... Scl'l\"tary of Ih ... Trihuna1. who shall th ... r ... upon verify the claim. and if so vefilied. shall order the person tll whom the excess was paid to I\"rund it to that pany.

(5) II' thc Trihunal linds that Iherc was gTOS ... owrdwrging it may order thc person so ovcrr.:hafgingto pay a penalty nnt cXl'ccdin!l onc thousand liri \(I the Scnclary. who shall upon I\"(civing that penalty transmil il to th ... Consolidal ... d Fund.

(6) An ord ... r ror l\"imhur!;Cnll'nt made in l ... rm .~ of suh· anit:l,~ (4) and an order tu PilY a penalty mad .. in terms of su h'i1r[ide (~). ~hilll he an executive title for all intl'nts and purposes of thl' Cod!: of C.,..I~_

Organisation and Civil Procl'durc llno shall he enforrcahll' llS such hy the C ivil Cour\. ['ifst Hall in th,' sam ... mannl'f and hy Ih ... S<lme mcans laid down in that Code.


80. ( I ) In giving any award. dccision or advke. thcTrihunal l'ro'i"",,,, shall take into consideration Ilk: sol"ial policies of thc Ciowmmenl ~e::f=: based on pri no:i pl e~ of .<ml'ial justkc and thc requirements Ilr any l hburW. national devctopment plan and other \."('"onomic polil"ies (If the Government in the COU&! of impkm ... nta tion. and s hall cnlkavour to ensure that its award. del"ision 01' advice is in furtherance of any such policies and plans.

(2) Whl.'n.: any nWIlI:r hdore Ih l' Trihunal nlllccms or rclall'S 10 public offit· ... rs .

(a) the Trihunal shall cnsurl.' Ihat Ihcfl! is no cncroachmenl on tt!.: functions o f Ihc Puhli(' Scrvk~'

Commission. and shall a"Slain fmm taking cogni/.anl· ... or any malleT which is wilhin Ihl' funClions of that Commission: and

(b) any award or d ... ds ion of thl.' Trihunal shall hc subje(t to Ihe ()vl'rriUing authority of the Hou."'" of Representatives.

(3) Where the matiCr before the Trihunal eonccrns or n: lates 10 pcrsons cmplo),cd with /lodi.:s (orporalc cSlahli.~hcd hy law and managed by a hourd or Olhef hody llppoint ... d hy Ihe (Oovemmellt Of 10 persons employed with companies in which tt!.: Government has a controlling ill lCl\"SI. any award 01' decision of the Trihunal shall endeavour to eSlilhlish or maintain due Il'lativity h('tween Ihe Icrms and condi tions of those emplnYl't.·s and Ihl.' t ... rms and ~·onditi(ln.~ of public officers.

(4) The Tribunal shall not make any award Of decis ion which is inconsistent with any enactment or olher instrument having the


force of law. rcgulal ing wagcs and other 'l'rms and conditions or employment.

81. ( I) Whl!re on a complaint for unfair dismissalreferrcd to the Tribunal undcr anicle 75. the Tribunal -

(a) nnds Ihal the grounds of the complaint arc well-round",'d. and

(I'll on the S['ICcific request of the complainant [0 be reinstaled Ill" rc-engaged mad..: in the n.'1<:rral or in the SLlilcmCnt of his cas.:,

the Tribunal consitkrs that it would be pral'ticahk and in accordance with equity, for 11'10: complainant In be reinstated or n:-cngagcd by the cmploycr. the Tribunal shall make an (lrdCT tn \hal ... rfl.'Cl. Slating Ihl' te rms on which it considers Ihal il would he reasonable fo r the compla inant to he so rcinslRlcd or rc-engaged :

Provided that where \hl' complainant is employed in such managerial or c)(cCUliv..: post as req uires a spL'Cial trust in the person of the holder of that pOSt or in his ahility to fJI.'rform th..: duties thercof. the Tribunal shall not ord..:r the reinstatement Of re-engagement of the complainant : bul where Ihe complainant was appointed or selected 10 such post as aforesaid hy his fellow workers the Trihunal may order his reinstatement or re-engagement in Ihe post Ildd hy him hefore such appointment or scit.'Ction.

(2) Where on a complaint made und..: r anicle 15. the Tribunal finds that the gmunds for the ~'()mplainL arc \Io'~'II-founded -

(a) in cases of unfair dismissal. if tocre is no specific fI..-queS\ for reinstatement or re-engagement or the TribUnal decides not to make an order for reinstatement or re-engagement as aforesaid. th<.' Trihunal shall rnak<.' an award of compensation. to be paid hy Ihe <.'mploy<.'r tn the complainant. in reSpect of the dismissal:

Provided thal. in determining the amount of such compensation. Ihc Tribunal shall take iOlo considcr,uion thc real damages and losses incurred hy thc worker who was unjustly dismissed. as wd l as other cin;umslances. including the worker'S ag.e and skills as may aITL'C1 tht.' I.'mployment potential of thl.' said worker:

(b) in all other cases. the Trihunal may make such order as it dL'Cms ne~'Cssary in order 10 remedy Ihe breach or it may make an award of compensatioo 10 he paid hy the employer 10

lhe complainant, or il may award suc h compensation and Inake such onil!rs as it may dL'Cm nL"l'cssary in ordo:r to "-'medy lhe breach,

1$1, ( I > Any di..'C ision or award made by Iht' Tribunal shall he binding on the panks 10 il, on Ihe workers rcpreSCnlL'd in the dispule and Ihe workers affected hy it and l>hal1 hc hinding on any sucCl!ssor in title of any onc of the panics III It...: dispute:

l>rovido:d thal il shall nnt he oPl!n to either of the panics \0 seck by unila ter.tI action a revisinn of any award or decision of tlk: Tribunal before lhe e.'lpiralion of UI least onl! year from Ihe date o f such award or decision.

(2) /I. dr..'Cision or award of the Tribunal may he made relrospeclive 10 a dale which -

(a) in Ihe cas.: of an unfuir dismissal. is not earl i.:r than the dale of such dismissal: and

(b) in any olher n~ is nOI earlier than Ihe at' tual occurrence of the hreach Of, it such dale is not determinahle. is nOl carlicr than the dalc on wh k h Ihc lradc dispute to whil'h the dL'Cision or award relates lil"llt aro~.

(3) In l'~ of unfair dismissal and in cases falling unda the jurisdiction of the Industria l Trihunal in accordance with anicle 75( 1)(a) and (h). tlk:rc shaH he a right of appeal on a point nf law.


Such appeal shall be mad.: hy an applicat ion 10 Ihc C(lun of Appeal constituted in accordance with anick 41 (6) of the Code of <,.,. I!. Organi.'W1lion and Civil l .... oceduTC. Such application shall be tiled l1y not later than twc l ...... days rrom ttlc date of the dL'Cision of the Tribunal :

PTovided that when an appl'al is lodged 10 the Coun of Appeal and a plea is enlered hy l'i ther o f the panics that the apP'"al is null and void ~l'ausc it is nOt hased nil a poilll of law dt.'Cided hy the Tribunal or tha t the appeal is null and void tlllaw for any other reaSlJll whatSOever. that appeal shall he referred by tht! Rt!gislrar 10 the Coun of Appeal for a dccreo: in c(/muII on the adm issibility or ottlcrwise of the appeal,

(4) The enforcement of the awards and oc-cisions uf tht! Tribunal shaJl he carried OUI in It...: manner pfC.SlTihcd in thi.~ Al't and in the Code of Organisation and Civill'rocedure. and shall \'CSI in ttlc Tribunal it.sclf.


Appbo .. ion or M. 11""" ......... <1IIpic)"'''

£:'pe"'" 'A: .,.",')' r", .... ' j"ll Act j. -~

Repe." _ .. ";~. c.... m . e ..... 266.

S3. ( I) It" any qUl'sl ion ariSl!S as LU Ihe interpretation of any award or dt.'cision Ill' thl' Trihunal (mher Ihan a dt.'Cision under Ihis aniclc).thl' Ministl'r or any party 10 thl' rm)(:t.'cdi nt:'s may apply 10 the Tribunal for a del"ision of sud qucslion and the Trihunal shall decide the maller after hearing the panics or. if the panics ha\·c so agn.:cd. without any sUl·h hearing. The dt.'Cision of Ihe Tri hunal shall be nmined to the panil's and shall lx' hinding in the same manner as if il had formed pan Ilf the orig inal award.

(2) For the purpoSl!S ot" thiS ankle the memhersh ip of the Triounal shall hi.' a.~ far as may he rl'llsonaoly possihly identkalto the membership of Iht.· Tri llunal when il made Ihe award lhl' in terpretation of which is ~qul!.~tl'd .

(3) If during the hearing of any applkatioll made under suO­article (J ) of thi .~ ank-I<:. the Trihunal I1nd.~ that thl' application is vexatious. thl' Trihunal may onit!r the oll .... nu ing party 10 pay 10 the other pany a penalty notexccedinl1 two hundrcd liri (l.m2(0). Any such penalty shall he R'Covl'rahle as a civil deht.

T Ill .E 111


84. (1) Suhjl'cIIO Ihe provisions of Titk 11 of Ihis ACI. and withouI prcjudiw LO the spt.'Cial provisions thl!rcin contained with ~S[ll..'C1 10 puhlk tl lTkers. lhe provisions of ·!itk I1 of this Act. other Ihan Ihe provisions of ankles fl9 and 72 and Ihl' provisions rdating 10 dismis!WIIs or terminat ion of employmenl. shall ha\'\! c t"f ... 'Ct in relation 10 government t·mployment and 10 workers who arc go\'ernment employecs as th,,;y have in relll tion In other employmenl and to mher work<!rs. The provisions excluded hy this suh-article shall not llpply 10 l10vcmmcnt cmployt.'Cs.

(2) In th i.~ article "l1ovcrnment t.·m ployment" means employment under or for the PlIrpCIliCS ot a I!(lwmment depanment. OIherwiSl! Ihan as a memhcr or a disl"ip lint.'d fort'e. and "government employec " means a person who for the liml' heing is in government employment.

SS. AI! expcnSes Tl'quired to PUt into operation the provis ions of th is Act. includi ng Ihe expenSl!s o f the T ri hunal and of any council • coun o f inquiry nr of any pcrson appointed hy or under this Act. shall hc a charge on and he paid nul (If Ihe Consolidated Fund.

86. ( I) Th t.· Condiliclns of Employm~'nt (Regulation) Act and Ihe Indll ~tria l Relatinns Al·t arc herehy rC[lI:aled.

(2) Not ..... ithstanding Ill\' pwvi.~ions of suh-artic le j I 1_ all regulations, ord~rs and suhsidiary legislation mild\: und.:r (lr kl'pt in force by the Conditions or Employment (Regulation ) AC\ IInd hy the Industrial Rellllions ACI and any National Standard Order and Wages Council Wage Rcgulation Order in force on tlte datc on which this Act comes into dTt.'C1. shall continlle i n force thc rcafh,'r and shall haw effect thcrcaft.:r as if made under Ihis Ael. and may he amended or repealed accordingly,



(Ankle M {M)

Us, ami rmmbu (If IIfficts fl'qllirtl/ to bt' Rumn,d (If all timu for 'hI' cUnlirllll'tl l'rn r;J;m/ by 'hf' Gfll't'mml'lll (If f'.f .l'f'lIfifl/ Jf'n';cf'S 10 fh,.


OQictS NllflliNr


l>inxtor Gl!ocral (Health)

Adminislraliw Dioxlnr rcs p(ln ~ihk for Pharma .. -culical S.:rvk ... s

Administrative DiTt.'Clor rcs ptln ~ ihlc for Hospitals

AdmlhiSlntlivc Director responSihle for Public Health

Administrative Oil\.'(lor rcsp(u1.~ihlc for Primary Hc~hh L' llrl'

ConSUllanlS in Adminislral iw I'ns L~ ... .. ................. ................................... .3

l'rincipaJ Medical Officers ....................................................................... 3

l'ortlAirpon M..:dinl om,"'Cr.~ ......... ..... ...................................................... 2



Al l Directors and Clinical Chuirpersons ........ ...................... ........ ............. 12

Mc(fical Admini strator - (107.0 ( icncral Hospital ....... .......................... ..... . 1

Manager Nursing Services

St. Luke'S Hospital

Mount Carmel HospiUlI

Bofra HospiUlI

GOlO (kneral Ho.~p iUlI

SL Vincent Dc I~uk

Manager Midwifery servi~s


Manager Radiography

Manager Physiotherapy

Manager Laooratory Servicc.. ..

For the purposes of this cat.:gury. thl: lI.' nn ~on calr shall mean thatth.: person may be conllu: tcd hy phone. [lager or olhl:rwis.: and is eXIl" t'l!,'d In exercise clinical judgement and IhI: Il'nn ~ rcsi dcnl" shall mean presenl un Site in tlK: hospital 10 ddiver emergcncy ...... rvices: the tenn "hy day~ .~ha ll mean rmm 8.00 am 10 IO.JU pm and the lI.'nn "hy nighl" shall mean fwm Itun pm 10 1WOam.

Accidt'nt find £mt'rgt'flcy Dt'/HII'fmt'nr

On Call .................................................................................... I Consultant

Resident hy day .............................................................. fo Seni(lr Registrarl R.:gisl rarlSHO/MOIHM

Resident hy night ............................................................ 4 Senior Registrarl RcgiwarlSHO/MOIHM

M nJicint'

ConSlIltanLS On Cal l ......... ....................................... .. .. .. I ( ;astf(~ntcm logy

.................................................................................... I J) iahctology

........ ........................... .................................................... 1 Nellrology

.................................................................................. ... 1 Ncphrology

............. ......... .. ... .................. ..................................... I Huemalology

..... .... ....................... ..... ........ ........................................ I R.:spiratory

................................. ........ ......... ...... ... ..... ......... ........ ..... I Cardiology

.......................................................................... 1. Infeclious Disease

Resident ................... .............. .. .. ................................ ... 2 Senior Registrars

............................. ................... .............................. . 2. RegistrarlSHO

............................................... .... ...... .................. ........... J. H()usemen



Consultants On Call ....... .... , ............ , .. ..... ... ............. I Orthopaed ic Surgery

.... .... ............ ..... .............. ....... .... ........ ........ .......... , ....... .... ....... I EJ\'T

................. ...... .. ................................................... .. I Ophlhal mology

............................................................................. I Cardio Thonl.l:ic

............................................................................. ............. I Urology

........................................... ........ ............. ............... I PlaSlic Surgt:! ry

... ................ ... ......... .. ... , .... , ........................ ... .... ....... 1 Neuro Surgery

................................. ........ .... .............. I VlI.scularrrransplant Surgery

Resident ......................................................................... 2 Senior Registrdrs

................................................................. I Sen. Reg. Osthopacdics

.... .. .. .. ...................... ... .............. ................. 2 ReglSMO Gen Surgery

. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... . ... ..... . ... . ... . ..... .. .. ... . ........... 1 Rcg/SHO Orthopaedics

..... ............ .... ......... ... .......... ................... I Reg/SHO Ophthal mology

............................................................... I Rcg/SUO Cardiolhoracic

....... .... . ............................. .. .... ........................... 1 Reg/SHO Urology

............................................................................... I Reg/SHO ENT

..... .............. ................ ................. ..... .. .. ... .... .......... ... .. ... 4 Housemen


Consultants On Call .......................................... I Ctlnsultanl Paedialrician

......................................................................... I Paediatric Surgeon

.............. .. .. .. ......................... .. .................... 1 Paediatric Cardiologist

.. . .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... . ..................... ...... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... 1 I'aediatric Oncologist

Resident ........ .............................. ... ................................. I s..,·nior Registrar

.... .... ............................................................... l Jk glSHG'Houscman

C 297

Ob,~'i' ,,.i r;s ( /11,1 Gyrl(lt'l;olo 8."

COnSull:u1L~ On Call ............................................ I C(lnsullant ()hslclrir.:iun

Resident ............... ......................................................... I ~knior KC1!istnlrs

........................................................................................ 2 Reg/SIiO

.................. ............................................ ............. ...... ...... 2 HouM!mcn

ConSllltanL~ On Call ........ .................................. . l C(lnsullanl Anaeslhetists

Resident ........................................................................ 5 Senior Rc!!

............................................................................. I S,,'/1 Ikg for !TU


Consultants On Call ...................................... ....... 1 ConsullullI RadiologiSt

Resident ......................................................... ....... 1 Scnior Rcg/ Rcgl SHO

Blood Trafl.fji l.,·iofl

Consultants On Call .............................................................. .. 1 Cnnsullam

Resident .................. ............. .................. ................. 1 SHOIM(JlHollscmlln


Officers in char!!c on Call ..... .. .. .................. ............... ...... ....... 1 TOll ir.:olul1Y

... ....................................... .. .............................................. 1 Virology

................................................................................... 1 BaclcriolO1!Y

........... .................................. .............. ................. I Inli.'l,:l ion Control

.......... ....... ... ... .. ... .. . .. ... ........................ .. . .............. .. 1 HislUpalhology

............................................. ..... ................................ I l1 iochemistry

.. ............................................................. 1 I'uhlic I'kalth I.ilhnralory

P5I"chimrv . .

Consultants On Call ................................ ............. t Consu llanll'sychiatrist

C 298

Resident .......... ............. .......................... 2 S!.!n Regl Regl SHOI Houseman


Consultants On Call ............................................ I Consultant Geriatrician

Resident ................................................. 2 &n Rep Rcgl SHOI Houseman


Consultants On Call ............................................ .. 1 Cunsultant Oncologist

Resident ..................... .... ............. .. .. ....... 2 Sen Regl RegJ SI·IQI Houseman


Consultants On Call ................. ....................... I Consultant DcmlalOlogist

NUfSillF, Sl"r~ict's

For tile purposes ofthisc:atcgory. the term ~hy day~ shall mean from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm and the term "hy night" shall mean from 7.nOpm tn 7.1lOam.

Special Cafe Bally Unit ..... ........ ..... ..... ... .................. I:ull stair complement

In(ensive Unit ........... ....................................... 1 Nurse per patient

Hig h Dependency Unit ........................................ ..... I Nurse po.!f 2 patients

Renal Unit ...... ............. 1 Nurse po.!f 2 patienls plus I fllr every spo.!Cial case

Accident and Emergency ................. 8 Nurses hy day and 5 nurses hy night

Labour ward and Thcatn: ..... ............. ..... ... ...... ... ....... I :u\1 staff complement

Operating 'rlk!atrcs ... .. SlaIT to provide scrviccs in J Theatres hy day and 2 ~atrcs hy night

Coronary Intensivc Carc Unit .......................... .............. 1 Nurs..: per patient

Coronary Care Unit ........... .......... .. .4 Nurses by day and J NurSl:S by night

Gcncrdl Acull: Wards ...................... 2 Nurses hy day and 2 Nul5CS hy night

Chronic Wards ................... ................ 1 Nurse hy day and I Nursc by night

GynaL'Cology Wards .................... .4 NUfsc.'ilMidwif.: Ily day and J hy night

Antenatal Wards .......................... .......... 2 Midwi\'Cs hy day and 2 by nigbt


Post natal Wards .... ......... ......... ... ......... . .4 Midwives hy day and J hy night

Paramnlic tlnd Olhu It'n·;ct'.\·

For the purposes of this category. the [Cm "hy day· shall mean t"mm 7.00 am to 7.00 pm and the term "hy night" .~hall mean (rom 7.()O pm to 7JM)am .

Radiographers ..................... .. ................................. 2 hy day and 2 hy night

Physiotherapists ............................................................................. 4 hy day

Laboratory Tcchnol0l!isl~ .......................... .. ........... 4 hy day and 4 hy niglll

PIlann acisL~ ... .......................................................... "\ hy day and 1 hy night

Electrical Engint.'cr ........................................ 1 hy da)' and un call h)' night

Mcchanical l:nginccr ............... ........ .............. 1 hy day and un call h)' night

Maintenance Stan' .......................................... ........ J hy day and J hy night

Suvicn (11 Gow Genl'm! HOJpiwl

I Consu]wnt on call on each (lf Gc ncnl.l M<.'dicine. (iencral Surgery. OnllopacdicsJ Anaesthesia

4 Sen. R<.'gI Rcgl SHOI to cover wards and Emcrgcnc), lkpartmcnt

I Phamacist

] Lab Tech nologist

1 Maintcnancc Stan'

NurSing and Midwifery as applicahle to Malta Hospital S


Obj ec:ts a nd Reaso ns

Th.: ohjccl of the [) iII is 10 consolidate the Conditions of Employment Regulations ACI and Ill<: Industrial Relations ACI and anwndin~ Ilk: same in order 10 introduce family friendly measures in the working pl ace. eliminate discrimination. introduce gl.'ntkr mainstreamin!! flo1ick.~. increase the prOlection of workers on lixcd (cnn contrarLs. liJld part-l ime conlru\:LS. provide protection \0 workers in cases of colkctivl' redundancies and transkrs IIf husincss. provide for the sctting up of a Guarantee Funll for workers of insolvent employers and genera ll y 10 improve the conditions of work al the wnrknlacl! and to updatl! the industrial relations Icgislatinn including the provision uf a di.~pu~ resolu tion machinery for workers providing essential ~rvicl's and induding a wider jurisdiction for the Industrial Trihunal.

'1' _ . ••

t: 0' 7 , . '" . '.., 'I', •

J ' _ ,.~r !P;_'- "re ',,"CI .. _0" .. _'" '."" Go L li t pu" • . , , -• , _.l e 57-"

_L&lrCI< · I'rbI,.JAPr