myschoolDays - Singapore Memory Portal


Transcript of myschoolDays - Singapore Memory Portal



























iRemember myschoolDays



Japan Exchange ProgrammeOn the first day of the Japan Exchange Programme, we had to go to Changi Airport to “fetch” our Japanese buddies. It was early in the morning and we were each given a flower garland and a Saint Andrew’s school badge to give to our Japanese buddy as a welcome gift for them.

The third day was also the first day our buddies visited our school. Once we stepped into the school, the pupils who were walking by looked at us with weird stares and it was obvious they did not know about the exchange program.

There was a welcome concert by the Japanese students in the school hall after assembly. In the afternoon, we had a trip to the zoo. We had an awesome time looking at different animals around the zoo and watching the animal performances.

For the next few days, we had different journeys to different places in Singapore ranging from the cultural places in Singapore like Chinatown and Science Centre for learning. For relaxation, we went giant sandcastle building and even Pulau Ubin.

On the last day, we went to the airport to send our buddies off. It was hard to say goodbye after getting to make good friends with them. We took one last group photo and said goodbye to them.

It was a sunny and bright day. Cheryl Tan, a 5A student was excited and all ready for the P5 Camp held at Jalan Bahtera Adventure Centre.

The instructors of the camp were from High Achievers. They reached her school and picked the P5 students up. On the way to the campsite, the students played some team bonding games and had real fun. Cheryl’s instructors were Instructors Haney and Raudah. After the games, they then headed to the campsite and settled there. They had an introductory session to make

them familiar with the place. They were debriefed and the instructors told them what to do when there is an emergency. They had their activities till late evening. It unexpectedly rained and they were disappointed that they could not proceed with the Blind Man Walk activity. They carried on with their campfire preparation till 10.30p.m.. Then, they were debriefed before they had their supper. They had delicious banana cake and hot Milo for supper. They appreciated every single food that was served to them.

On the second day, they had campfire. It was excellent! They had group activities and some fun sessions. At night, they slept soundly as they were really tired. On the third day, they were all set to go home. They had to do area cleaning together. At 11.30 a.m., they headed back to school and back to home. This camp had taught them to be independent, patient and the importance of teamwork. “This camp has taught me a lot. I hope others have enjoyed the benefits from this camp too,” said Cheryl.




XINGNAN PRIMARY SCHOOL: Wendy Chiu, Siti Sarah, Joyce Lim & Tan Shi Hui

Primary 5 Camp at Jalan Bahtera Adventure Centre

MemoriesFive of my six years in Pei Chun have passed. I have had many memories over the few years and some of them will be etched in my memory for the time to come.

However, the memories that hold the most value are outings. They are much more fun than being cooped up indoors. Recently, I took part in an art competition and went on an excursion to the ACM (Asian Civilizations Museum) .There was many galleries for us to view. I had a lot of fun exploring in the galleries, taking shots of the interesting artifacts on display. I completed a trail and received a small magnet with a picture of an ‘animal’ on it. The ‘animal’ was made up of different parts of different animals. The trip was an eventful one.

Apart from outings, performances during assemblies are also fun-filled and always capture our attention. There was a captivating performance on sand art. It was not the best sand performance I have ever seen, but it indeed is not easy to perform in front of a hall full of students.

Interesting things also happen on normal school days. My friend told me that one of her classmates actually took his pen and notebook to ask a painter painting the walls for his autograph! On other days, my teacher would hold competitions (Boys versus Girls). Once we had to write Chinese characters on the whiteboard. Somehow, it always gives us great joy to win the opposite gender.

Pei Chun would always hold a place in my heart be it in the past, present or future.



First story 9-01-2012 (Day 1)The day of the P5 camp had finally arrived. My classmates and I were very nervous and excited about our camp. I was especially thrilled about the many activities I would get to try. I had high expectations of the camp. We arrived at the camp by bus. When we reached there, we were asked to assemble under the dormitory. The camp instructors briefed us on the campsite. After the briefing, we put our belongings in the dormitories and did a lot of interactive activities. After the activities, we had a delicious lunch before our lesson on rock climbing.

We put on our gears and the first person in my team immediately started to climb. After I had finished my turn, my friends said that I was fast in the rock-climbing. But to be truthful, I could climb even faster. We also

learnt zip-lining and abseiling. Some of my friends went zip-lining but I went abseiling. At first I thought abseiling was cool but it got boring after two tries. I decided to go for the zip-line but it was too late as we had run out of time!

We were all very tired after the rope elements and needed to refresh ourselves so we all squeezed in the toilet to take a bath. A lot of people did not get to shower because there was not enough time, as some were taking their own sweet time in washing up. Luckily for me, I managed to bath. We had dinner and we went to our dormitories to sleep. We could hardly sleep because the instructors kept coming in to check on us!



Trip-Hooray Excursion!“ All eyes were on me as I explained to the class that we were going to the Zoo for an excursion. I could see how they beamed and smiled widely.”

When I gave out consent forms, some of my students could not contain their excitement and squealed. Excursions generally mean a lot of fun and doing something different outside the classroom for them. One question that was always asked was do they have to pay anything. I could see the expression of the student who asked was so hopeful of a no for an answer. Of course it was a no and the students started chattering happily among themselves.

Excursion day came. All students were geared up, clad in school’s PE attire and bringing along a knapsack of goodies. Some wore caps while others choose to hang their caps on their bags or simply hold the cap. Their excitement could be felt the moment they gathered for attendance taking. When they were in the bus, they would sing any song familiar to them all the way till we reached our destination. They were very eager to

alight the school bus. There was a student who came up to me and said, ”Teacher, this is my first time here. My parents always say the tickets are too expensive for my family of six.“. I could feel how this excursion meant a lot for this student.

After walking and watching animal shows, it was break time. The teachers gathered all students in a shaded area before allowing them to take out their food and drinks. This part is very interesting. Some students came so well-prepared complete with picnic tablecloth or newspaper to lay on the ground. They would eat finger foods they brought as told on the pre-excursion briefing. Amazingly, some students could bring a lot of food which seemed they compressed the entire kitchen in their small knapsack. After the food and toilet break, we continued exploring the zoo.

The moment they hit the bus to end our day at zoo, all of them were already exhausted. They trip back to school was super quiet with sleeping children in the bus. Looks like, they really enjoyed the excursion.



Recess Time!

I still remember fondly that when I was a student in River Valley Chinese School, the canteen would have two ping pong tables which would be packed like sardines with people wanting to play. I would play with other students there every day. The girls would usually play zero point or skipping ropes. These were some of the game facilities we had in the past.

The food sold in my tuck shop was all quite nice but my favourite would be the curry potato bun sold at 20c each and a Kickapoo at 20c per cup. Occasionally, I would also buy my school’s fish ball noodles. Although it is called

fish ball noodles, it does not have fish balls at all! Instead, it only has fish cake.

As I have a huge appetite, I would order the biggest serving which costs 60c. Usually, I would add some crispy pork lard which is provided for you at the side.Sometimes, my friends and I would cheekily go to River Valley English School for fun just to go there and try their tuck shop food but every time we go there, the prefects on duty would not let us in. Even if we tried persuading them, they would not give in. These are the fun things I did in school last time.

Now the ping pong tables are made of cement and girls do not play zero point or skipping ropes, the food are also slightly different, and the students are not allowed to fool around anymore.




Akash’s Recollection on when he first came to SingaporePRINCESS ELIZABETH PRIMARY SCHOOL: Akash Mattupalli

Akash first came to Singapore when he was eight years old. He really had some difficulties when he attended a local school.Akash was weak in his English when he attended a school named Chua Chu Kang Primary School. He could not communicate well with his classmates due to his poor english and often had no one to talk to. Without crying about it, he tried to talk in English with his parents. After a month, he managed to talk to his classmates. While talking, they even shared their information on Singapore. With that, he got used to Singapore’s lifestyle and believed that Singapore was where he belonged. Now, Akash is a very confident pupil in Princess Elizabeth Primary School.

Friendship ForgedPRINCESS ELIZABETH PRIMARY SCHOOL: Sim Wenxi, Nichele Liong, Kristen Kee Xing Man & Micole Liong3

I remember when I was in primary 2, my friend and I were sitting at the canteen table during together eating macaroni. We were stirring our food, feeling really bored. To relieve the boredom, I suggested to her that we play a hand game. Before starting, I did not check if the bowl of macaroni was at the edge of the table. So we began playing the hand game. Out of the

blue, my friend’s hand hit the bowl of macaroni and it spilled all over my skirt. All the small pieces of chicken and vegetables were on my skirt too! The soup dripped through the tiny holes of my skirt and trickled down my legs. I was furious and I kept blaming her repeatedly until she cried. She tried to explain that I was the one who suggested to play a hand

game but all I did is interrupt her before she even could say a word. I stood up slowly and rushed to the general office with my other friends to get my skirt changed, leaving my friend crying at one corner bitterly, without remembering that it was my fault by suggesting we play a hand game. From that day onwards, our friendship was forged for 2 years…



Amazing Game

Games and pranks done by the previous generation

At recess, many boys will wolf down their food as fast as possible so that they have time to play a game of basketball. They will only stop when the bell signalling the end of recess sounded in their ears. Then they will saunter to the courtyard drenched in perspiration. Sometimes, they will be late in assembling and the discipline master will reprimand them, but that did not stop them from spending every second they can playing basketball. I always wonder what is so fun about tossing balls into hoops.

About thirty years ago, when my father was still in school, he would, without fail, sneak out of his house every Saturday to go to school for a game of basketball. There were three basketball courts, at my father’s school but

most of the hoops did not have nets attached to them. Also, the paint on the boards would be peeling off. The courts in his school were much smaller than the ones we have in schools now. They were rectangular in shape and about the size of a bus. Apparently, they were there just for the students to exercise and not for competitions.

Even without a good court, my father would be playing all the time, sometimes in the rain. When dark clouds blanketed the sky and when huge drops of water blurred their vision, they continued playing. I doubt my schoolmates would play in the rain, but the basketball court in our school is sheltered, so I might never know.

When the ground was slippery, my father sometimes slipped and went skidding across the hard cement floor, scraping their arms and legs. The minute this happened, the others would rush to help him get to his feet, and, despite his injuries and the pain, he would resume the game within a matter of seconds. He was really hardy. His parents, my paternal grandparents, thought that there was nothing wrong with him playing basketball. They did not know that my father played in the rain. My father was indeed lucky.

Now, when I see people sprinting after that bright orange basketball, I still wonder why it is enjoyed by so many. It is amazing that a game like basketball can be enjoyed by people of different generations.

In this issue, Mr Ng tells us about the pranks he used to play: Mr Ng would use glass powder to coat the string of the kite to cut his classmate’s kite to let their kites get blown away by the wind.

Mr Ng Seng Chang, 46, was from Sembawang Hill Estate primary school. During recess, Mr Ng and his friends would play police and thief. during police and thief, the ‘thief’ who was Mr Ng, would run to a muddy pool of dirty water and when the ‘police’ who was his friend, was near him, he would make a sharp turn to the right or left. The ‘police’ would be muddy from head to toe. Mr Ng would use glass powder to coat the string of his kite to cut his classmate’s kite, to let their kites get blown away by the wind. I bet the people whose kites were cut by Mr Ng

would have spent their money for nothing. He also played soccer and basketball.

Well, the life of Mrs Ong Wang Keng was the other way round. Instead of pranking others, she got pranked by her friends very often. Once, Mrs Ong’s friends put chalk powder on her seat. Once she sat on the seat, her skirt was all white, what a laugh her friends would have had! She played skipping, hopscotch, five stones and with paper dolls.

Mr Soo Chee Woon, 45, had a gang formed in his school. They went around bullying weaker and smaller pupils. The gang went around pranking others etc. pulling other people’s seats away when they are sitting down. Mr Soo stopped pranking others and

bullying others. Mr Soo played with spiders and other insects, although that was cruel, Mr Soo and his friends found it really fun.

So although pranking others is something funny, did you ever think that your friend might get hurt and get sent to the hospital and you will probably get a good dressing-down from like, everybody?

We should not prank people although it’s OK to have a laugh just once in a while. Why not try a few games listed above? You might get a feeling of those times back then when most of the children were poor and had to make do with certain stuff all around us.



WRONG CLASS?!Whenever Madam Lim Hwee Hoon remembers what happened in her primary school, she laughs her head off.

It was the 1st of April. As everybody knows is APRIL FOOL’S DAY, the perfect time for tricking a person, especially our teachers... Madam Lim’s primary school had only 2 classes. Before April Fool’s Day, the 2 classes had made a plan. It was a plan so tricky that the students would die of laughter after they see the look on the teachers’ faces.

1st of April - April Fools. That morning, the 2 classes came to school so early that even the teachers had not reached the school yet. The bell rang and the teachers came into class. “Good morning class,” the teacher greeted them, even before the teacher looked at the class. She looked at the class and realized that she was looking at different faces as before. She looked puzzled and scanned the sea of faces. They all started giggling.

The teacher went out of the class and checked to see if she was in the correct class. She WAS in the correct class. But the pupils were in the wrong class! Then she remembered it was April Fools and went over to the next class were HER pupils were and asked the 2 classes to switch classrooms. The pupils went back to their correct classroom.

Madam Lim says, “The look on the teacher was so funny I burst out laughing when I remember that face. I sometimes even dream about it.”

From then on, none of the pupils forgot that incident and the teachers too, still had that incident etched to their minds.




My Time at Raffles Girls’ Primary School – By Jenny AdvantiRAFFLES GIRLS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL: Teo York Tiang Andrea, Go Jia Lin Kellisa & Valeska Tan


Oh! My time at Raffles Girls’ Primary School was definitely fun and enjoyable. I used to live in close proximity to the school and I walked to school everyday. I remember those happy times when the school still had the animal farms! There were rabbits and little kittens in the open field and I would often spend my entire recess just playing with the adorable pets.

Ask me about my most memorable experience? Well, the most comical thing that happened to me was once when I was around twelve years old. I was in the canteen during recess. To my surprise, everybody started screaming frantically and running frenziedly in all directions. Then I realized that the source of the commotion was a dog. My dog! It had presumably scampered from my home all the way to my school! I could not believe my eyes. Then, I hurried to the public phone and quickly called my mother, not daring to own up to the others that that was my dog in the canteen, out of sheer embarrassment. This has been one of my most unforgettable experiences in the school. When I was in primary school, there used to be a prawn noodle stall in the canteen. It was my favourite food stall. The vendor, whom I always addressed as “Auntie”, was very kind. I would frequently arrive at school early in order to “reserve” a hot, steaming bowl of delicious prawn mee for recess. I certainly miss the good old days when I was in primary school. The Holland Grove campus was definitely a good school, providing me with much laughter and memories to carry with me for a long time.

Fun Moments @ Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ – Sarah Yu Xueli

I attended Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School as it was situated just opposite my house. In my school, there was a rule for all of us to keep our hair short and neat. I have very fond memories of my secondary school life as it was fun-filled and packed with activities. Some of these memories were funny, others were touching and a few were sad.

On April Fool’s Day, we swapped classrooms with another class, trying to confuse our teacher for the day. Surprisingly, our teacher who taught us for many years did not suspect anything unusual and we managed to trick her. Following that, all of us went forth to shake hands with her to wish her Happy Teachers’ Day. Little did she expect that we had more up our sleeves. Our hands were all covered with soap and when we shook hands with the teacher, her hand became soapy. She was a real sport and played along with us. She did not scold us even though we played pranks on her.

Another funny incident that I recall was when I was playing in the Eco-garden with my friends. We were having fun stepping on all the pebbles when I lost my balance and fell forward. As a result, I hit my friend in front of me and she fell into the pond. She was soaked to the skin when she came out of the pond. It was a rather hilarious sight. Even though I caused her to fall into the pond, my friend did not blame me. We continued to remain as friends after the incident and up till now, the memory remains etched in my mind.

ANG MO KIO PRIMARY SCHOOL: Melody Lee, Nur Anishah Bte Mohd Aidi, Chung Jing Chun, Aw Kai Lin

An embarrassing moment

Has your father had an embarrassing moment before?Well, Mr. Lee Soo khoon has. He was pushed into the girl’s toilet when he was primary 5.

One day, Mr. Lee was playing with his friends when the school bully-John walked by and had him into an arm lock. He tried to escape but in vain. When they reached the entrance of the girls’ toilet, John released him and threatened him to walk into the girls’ toilet.

He slowly walked into the girls’ toilet, but to his horror, there was

a girl inside! The girl screamed and Mr. Lee tried to calm her down. The girl did not calm down so he ran out of the toilet, pushed the bully, John, aside and ran away. He did not tell anyone about it but the girl did. The bully was reprimanded by the discipline master but he did not learn his lesson and continued his wrong doings.

He bullied another pupil by taking all his money and asking him to walk into the toilet again. This time, he was caned by the principal and he learned his lesson- to not bully anyone again.


Do you think older brothers are great cheaters? – Anathi Balah Krishna

It was the eve of Youth Day. I was busy helping my teacher so I was neither in class nor in assembly. Thus, I missed all the announcements. I rushed home after school and did all my homework and slept late. Next day, I woke up by myself and got ready to go to school. I noticed that neither my brother nor my sister got ready to go to school. My brother asked me where I was going. I replied that I was going to school. I then asked him why he did not get ready to go to school. Snickering, he replied “My school has a special programme so we will took the bus to school start a bit later than usual.”

Of course he lied and he did it so well. I rushed out of the house and took the bus to school.

On the bus, many people were staring at me. However, I was too engrossed in my book that I did not notice their stares. After alighting from the bus, I felt strange. The whole road looked deserted. Then, I walked up the slope that led me to the school gate which would take me fifteen minutes. However, the school gate was closed. I stood there beside the gate for a while not knowing what was happening. So, I walked back to the bus stop with a lot of questions on my mind. When I boarded the bus, the bus conductor kept asking me where I was going and why I was in my school uniform. So, I poured out my story to her. She explained to me that it was youth day, meaning school was closed. I put my head down the whole bus trip. When I reached home, my brother was laughing and teasing me. I was so angry at him initially for not telling me the truth but later joined in the laughter.



Homework ComplaintsNow a lot of children are complaining about that they cannot finish or have no time to finish their homework. They can complete it in an extremely short time like 30 minutes or at the most 1 hour.

Mrs Lim said, “Nowadays, teachers are not so strict with children and give them very less homework to do. The children make use of this and finish their homework so fast in order to play.”

In the past, a lot of homework would be given by teachers and it must be handed in before the deadline. If not, the teacher would punish the child severely. Mrs Lim said, “Sometimes, I need to do my homework until midnight in order to finish.”

PRINCESS ELIZABETH PRIMARY SCHOOL: Dang Chee Wen, Mao Yudi, XueTingkai & Lim Jin Feng

Nathaniel and Jia Le are the naughtiest boys in our class. Whenever they have the opportunity to be mischievous, they will run around and scream like maniacs. Despite their playfulness, they often help out. Whenever they see someone in need , they will always be there for them. They are smart too! Most of the time, they top the class!

“ Never judge a book by its cover!” I am sure there are many “good” boys like them in your class!

“Good” Boys!! GREENRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL: Nicholas Ting, Raynee Tham & Li Ying

Trading MarblesROSYTH SCHOOL: Randelle Ong

In 1975, there was a school called Bradell Rise Primary School. Most of the boy and some girls would bring their marbles to school and trade them secretly during their recesses. If a teacher saw the marbles being traded, he or she would confiscate them. However, despite the teachers’ warnings, they still continued the act as they loved trading marbles. Therefore, trading marbles became common in primary schools, including Brad Rise Primary School. Mr. Poh Kok Wee (Kyna’s father) was caught by his grandmother, and she confiscated all the marbles. It was an unforgettable moment.



Missing my Old School Days

“You will miss your school days the most after you come out to work” – How true this words sound when finally we embark on our career life?

The things that I miss most at my school are the numerous fun games that were invented despite the lack of modern technology gadget such as iPad, Xbox, PCs, etc. Games such as marbles, board games, tikum….Outdoors was always fun…catching spiders for fighting with others with their spiders, catching tadpole to witness their growth to frog, putting red and black ants to fight to see which is more superior.

My teachers are very strict then, use of cane and chalk flying through the classroom aiming at mischievous pupils are common and always are favorite topics during old classmates gathering. We sure get a good laugh whenever we chat about those moments.




i love homework!Whenever a teacher mentions homework, the pupils will groan as they dislike homework. They think it is time-consuming and a dreadful burden. In fact, just because of homework, some even attempt to escape from school during school hours. You may think that everyone in this world hates homework given by teachers. My sister, Nur Izzati, loves homework instead of being a hater of it.

She thinks of it as a challenge, just like racing against an opponent. She likes homework, but she prefers teamwork because she can do assigned tasks together as a group. Also, she can learn from each other, realising each other’s mistakes. There, she can also learn more about the spirit of teamwork.

You may be wondering why she likes homework unlike the other students now. She likes homework as she can practice the topic she just learned in class and homework also helps her to remember the lesson that she had learned. When doing homework, she can also practice managing her

time by giving time limit when she does her homework. Also, she must understand how important homework is as it would be able to help in various ways. Without homework, everyone will not really get to practice at home. With homework, she can know her mistakes and learn in a better way.

Even a hardworking student like her sometimes needs assistance when she does homework. In fact, asking is learning too. She gets the assistance to her family members like her father, mother, or sometimes her sister.

She has learned a lot from them and she is thankful as she is now better in studies than before. However, she thought that she cannot be depending on her family members only. She has to try doing her homework by her own in order to realise her mistakes. To her, it would be way better if she is able to do her homework without asking for a single assistance as it shows that she is an independent student.

EVERGREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL: Nur Nafisah Bte Nasharudyn, Amirul Astraff B Baharuddin, Ong Yao Zhi, Irvine, Wee Mu Yan, Muhammad Izzat Haqim B Zulkifi



School Memories 18 May 2012 – Friday ST. ANDREW’S JUNIOR SCHOOL: Titus

9:00am I got kicked while playing rugby. The opposition team kicked me in the leg, causing me to get injured. But, it was natural. You would naturally get hurt while playing rugby. At that moment, I felt very happy.

9:15amI was feeling slightly better. My injured friend tickled me and I started to laugh as if I was in my own world.

9:30amRecess time! I could not walk that well, but the support from my classmate made me continue to stay firm.

10:00amTime to return to class! While I was walking up to class, our form teacher, Mr Zhang, was also walking up. I did not have much strength, but I ran up to class as fast as my footsteps could carry me. I was laughing as my friend was telling me jokes as we ran up to class.

10:04amWe were doing some worksheets while Mr Zhang, our form teacher, was collecting some forms and money for the Science Center Learning Journey during the holidays.

10:10amMr Zhang was talking about some jokes to entertain us. One of the jokes was: Why did Mr Left turn Right? No one could guess the answer. In the end, the answer was: Because Mr Left’s wife is Mr Right. Everyone laughed to their hearts content.

10:30amMr Zhang was going through corrections. My friend, Brennan, was telling me that I dropped my green pen on the floor. I did not even realize that I was using a pencil to write my corrections. How dumb! While I was about to take my pen, Brennan tickled me and I started to laugh as if I was in my own world.

1hr 30mins later……

12:00pmTime for Mother Tongue! I was studying Higher Mother Tongue. So, my friends and I who are studying Higher Mother Tongue had to walk down one level and walk to the class that we were supposed to be in. On the way down, we were talking about some happy occasions that each of us had experienced. One of them said: I was watching a show on my home television and I was laughing until I nearly wet my pants. Everyone laughed and did not stop laughing for 15 seconds.

12:02pmTime to begin lessons! Our teacher walked into the class with some books, and her computer. She was holding an idioms book in her hands. I was thinking: Could she be teaching us idioms or idiom stories?

12:10pmWe were doing our own work when the teacher suddenly announced: Do your own work while I call some boys for corrections. At the

same time, please write an article about Chapter 12 and submit it to me by the end of the lesson. It must be minimum 200 words. You can discuss with your pair.

12:29pmOur class was ready to collect our work. I counted the number of words and there were 269 words. Though there was not a big difference in number, I still exceeded the number of words required to write. Our teacher was happy with us and immediately told us that we could be released! I was so happy at that time to be dismissed slightly earlier.

12:36pmI just finished my food. I was washing my hands, ready to play soccer with my class. It was a really fun afternoon as some of our classmates were going to depart on Saturday for some learning/training program/trip. That afternoon was meant to have fun.

END of story. Hope story/article attracts you. :D



My fatherWhat was it like in the 1980s? Maybe you could get the answer by reading this article. This is a story on my father who was now around 40.he was born in china. When he was a child, he studied in a local school in china for both primary and secondary. For university, he studied in the capital of china, Beijing. Those days what their snacks was something that had some cold cream on a stick. It is around 5 cents, according to my father. Those days, they do not buy food from school. They always brought food from home. That time, a dollar was a lot of money. It could buy a lot of things. At that time, they don’t play on computers like us today. As most people were poor, they could not afford to buy toys too. So, they played simple games like hide and seek and catching. Sometimes, their teachers would chastise them for being dirty as there is mud all over their playground and they would fall into the mud and made their shirts dirty. But boys are boys.

Their playground does not have any equipment like those today. They used to have a vacant playground. My father often climbs trees to play too. That time, they will climb trees to get the eggs of birds as there used to be many birds at that and they would built their nests on trees. Some naughty ones even used a catapult to aim at a bird and shot it down. Although it is against the law now, it is not against the law then. Although he did not have a chance to go to the schools, the memory will still be forever etched to his mind.


An Interview with Mrs. Chng

According to Mrs. Chng, 38, children nowadays are not as street smart, and are less adaptable and flexible, as compared to those growing up in the 1980s. She also added that back in the old days, she played many games with her friends during recess time that have been lost over time. Mrs. Chng recalls fondly how they even improvised and used old attap leaves to build an actual house - right in their school car park! The house was big enough to accommodate 3 friends. This was something she is sure that primary students these days may never even think of.

Mrs. Chng believes that children nowadays are more ‘study smart’ and would probably score remarkably better compared to children in the past if a project was handed to them. She also said that the education system nowadays is more competitive - students have too much tuition, but sadly not enough time to play together in a group. In fact, she is grateful that the Internet was invented or all most Singaporean children would spend countless hours in the library digging through mountains of books.

Now, with a few clicks, one can get access to whatever information is required for school projects. However, with less opportunity to pick up values through interaction, Mrs. Chng hopes that children these days can still learn to be disciplined, and that schools can teach things like right behavior, learning attitude and social skills.




the local newsthose were the days


XINGNAN PRIMARY SCHOOL: Pang Eng Ming, Wyzley, Cheang Yu Heng, Sze Shuyuan & Milim

Planting Trees

During the 1960s, the learning environment in classrooms was very outdated. The classrooms had no fans; they depended on the windows of the classrooms for lighting. The walls were stained yellow and the paint was peeling. Teachers also used blackboard and chalk to teach. The whole level consisted of only two classes, each separated by gender as there was shortage of classrooms and to avoid distractions such as boy-girl relationship. The boys back then were well-mannered, so teachers found little need to scold them often, unlike boys today. Unfortunately, there were no trees surrounding the school, only construction sites. This was not only distracting; it was also making the air more polluted and dusty.

The reason for the poor learning environment was because the school had very little resources and equipment. It had limited resources, so it was unable to repaint the walls or buy fans. The students in the school thought that the learning environment was not good and the school should put in more effort in upgrading the school’s aesthetics, making sure the environment in the school was conducive for learning. In the end, my father and his friends

decided to improve the school’s environment by panting some trees. They bought some seeds and borrowed shovels from their parents to carry out the plan. Every day during recess and after school, they would dig the soil near the school until it was deep enough to plant the seeds. They watered it every day and kept a close eye on its growth.

The tree was growing well and very soon when my father and his friends were Primary Six students, the tree was about three metres high. They were proud of themselves for planting this tree. They got closer as they worked together and their friendship got stronger. The tree was always there, and sometimes my father would sit by the tree, relishing the times of his childhood days.

Mrs. Tan Pei Shan, an ex-student of Xingnan Primary School and a teacher in Xingnan now, recalled that in the past, the hopscotch was in the parade square. The hopscotch in the past was much bigger than the current one near the Sin Nan Public School Heritage Museum.

There was also a long drain at the school field that had tadpoles in it. Mrs. Tan and her friends liked catching tadpoles and bringing it home to foster them.

Behind Block one of Xingnan Primary School, there was a row of bushes. Inside the row of bushes, there were tiny spiders. Mrs. Tan and her friends would catch them and put them in matchboxes and observe them before releasing them back to where they were. They liked doing that as it was fun and exciting.

It is rather hard to imagine that Mrs Tan is a teacher now as she seemed to spend her time playing and catching tadpoles and spiders rather than studying. Mrs Tan also admitted that she did not focus very much on studying. She considered herself as a late bloomer but was very fortunate to have patient teachers. She hopes that being a teacher, she has made her teachers who are now her colleagues proud.

Mrs Tan also mentioned that the Xingnanians now are very fortunate to have an eco-garden as there was no eco-garden during her times.




What a DAY! 27 August 1981 is a memorable date for Foo Piau Sheng, otherwise known as P.S. Foo. “That Thursday,” he recalled, “was bizarre.” He and his two close friends were selected to solicit for donations to help the needy. Expecting the wealthy to be generous, they approached them for donations. However, they were disappointed as they collected only a meager amount.

“My friends and I thought that nothing worse could have happened when we spotted a canine coming towards us. Initially, it appeared to be

harmless, but we were proven wrong. In the nick of time, we managed to seek refuge up in the nearest tree. Phew! Another moment later, we would have been dead meat!”Reminisce Mr Foo.

After the dog left, the three boys raced towards a nearby park rested on a bench. While they were thinking about how they could get more donations in the last remaining fifteen minutes before they had to return to school, One of Mr. Foo’s friends jumped up and said, “Why don’t we go to the shop with the mini

jackpot machine and try our luck?” All of them agreed that it was a brilliant idea. They rushed to the shop and used all of the money from the donations on that single machine. Initially, Lady Luck smiled on them. Alas, they left the shop empty handed.

Carrying their now empty donation tins, they walked towards their school compound, trying to think of excuses their empty donation tins. “The moment we lost our last coin, I knew we were in hot soup.” Mr. Foo replied when asked about his feelings at that point in time.

Reaching the school compound, they saw their teacher waiting for them. Mr. Foo explained the situation to his teacher while his two friends look down at the ground sheepishly. They received an earful from their teacher in the end.

The three of them were made to do housework for three days and the money they earned was used to pay for the money they had lost. “This is one experience that I would never forget,” said Mr. Foo.




Old School Days…Games played in the past:

RAFFLES GIRLS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL: Tan Hui Shan Denise, Vera Quah Li Qi

Mrs Anna Tan was in Raffles since 1949 to 1959, ten years as a Rafflesian. Her first impression of RGPS was clean and quiet. She highlighted to us during her school days, she recalled the picture on the school was the Queen of England instead of the portrait of our President and the First Lady. Back then, their examination to secondary school was known as Secondary Entrance Exam (SEE), unlike now it is Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Her principal was a British citizen.Mrs Tan would go to school by trishaw where it was located at

Queen Street. There were only female teachers and art class was taught at National Library that is close proximity to the school. Only a handful of classes were available with only two stalls; a drink stall and the other selling cake and fried rice. Tomato ketchup and chilli sauce was a luxury. Games played were Rounders, skipping, hopscotch and Police and Thief. These common games are free and can have the participation of as many students as they can.



Article about Mr. Lim Kok Kee – An old boy from St. Gabriel’s Primary and Secondary Schools and an ex-teacher from St. Gabriel’s Primary School

Mr Lim Kok Kee is an old boy from St. Gabriel’s Primary and Secondary Schools. He is also an ex-teacher who started teaching in 1965 and stopped in 2003. He started teaching again in 2005 and finally retired at the end of 2011. During his primary school days, he would usually mix with his friends and talk during recess.

His favourite subject was mathematics. His favourite teacher was Mr Paul Lee, his primary one teacher, who was a nice man and was very patient with his students. The Principal was Brother Emmanuel, who is now the supervisor of schools. He had learnt many lessons and virtues from the talks the brothers gave. There were fun fairs held annually, which Mr Lim enjoyed tremendously. He said that the school has changed a lot since his time in school. There were no such places like the air conditioned library, computer labs and other facilities taken for granted these days.

During his secondary school days, during recess, Mr Lim would always go to his favourite place without fail — the basketball court to play basketball with his friends. That was his favourite sport as well as pastime. He thought that playing basketball would not only help him to keep fit and healthy, but also help him to bond with his friends. Mr. Lim has no specific best friend, but his best friends are those in the basketball team. As a student, he would be very happy whenever he achieved good results in his examinations. Mr Paul Lee, his favourite teacher, inspired Mr Lim to become a teacher. Soon, in 1965, he started teaching his favourite subject, which was of course - Mathematics. After teaching for about 39 years, he retired in 2003. Mr Lim started teaching again in 2005 until 2011, when he finally retired. As an old student and ex-teacher, he would like to encourage boys to be honest. After many years, Mr Lim still makes phone calls to his friend to keep in touch with each other...


maggie lim (1988)

Maggie Lim, a sporty, vivacious woman, graduated from MCS in the year 1988. She enjoyed her time in Marymount Convent, along with a good buddy, Azrina and was always the butt of all jokes. She greatly treasured her favorite teachers, Mrs Dharma, her English teacher and her Literature teacher, Mr Siva. She strived very hard to be a top student, but competition was tough and she could only fare as an average student.

Maggie might be a DJ, but she was actually the netball school player and took part in both sporting and non-sporting ECAs (now called CCA). It might seen a tad too queer for a DJ, but maggie was the netball school team captain and actually excelled in sports during her time in Marymount Convent, it was also her favorite class. Unlike

the present PE attire, Maggie much preferred old PE attire which had shorts made of stretchy cotton and white trimmings.

When feeling down, Maggie would pretend to play the odd piano at the back of the former school hall, which gives her time to be alone. They used to have their sports days with St. Joseph’s Institution with the band being invited, where there were boys in the band playing instruments and the Marymount girls usually teased them. There used to be a sheep hill which led to the foyer, and many other staircases around the school, excluding a flight of stairs that led to the open-concept canteen in the basement. Maggie still remembers fondly the time when she and her friend went tumbling down the hill and she ended up having cuts on her knees! Making graduation a jacket in Secondary 4 was also one of the things she thought was memorable.

Lastly, she sends her words of advice to the present Marymount girls – Make as many memories as you can from Marymount Convent School. Live every moment here in Marymount with love and laughter. Study Hard and also, Play Hard.

MARYMOUNT CONVENT: Chloe Kuan, Isabelle Liew, Annie Yip, Elyssa Ng

In the past, Ang Mo Kio Primary School was located at the field next to its current site. The current location of Ang Mo Kio Primary School used to be the grounds of Mayflower Primary School. There was a field being shared by three Primary Schools in the vicinity. The current uniform of Ang Mo Kio Primary looks very different from what it used to be. The current uniform definitely looks better than before.

The classroom furniture was all made of wood and there were no floor tiles in the classroom. We sat on concrete floors in the classrooms. In class, once we had completed our work, our teachers would hand out cross-stitch kits for us to complete. We learnt how to stitch pouches, pencil cases and even curtains! Besides learning cross stitch in class, we could

choose as many ECAs (Now it’s called CCAs) as we wanted as long as we can balance our school work with ECAs. I was an active pupil and grabbed the opportunity to participate in numerous ECAs. One of the ECAs that I participated in was Malay Dance. We would often perform in front of the whole school during assemblies.

During recess, we could get a plate of nasi lemak for 30 cents and a piece of chicken for 20 cents. After recess, all of us had to participate in the tooth brushing drill. Each class will either squat beside the drain or stand along the basin to brush our teeth, guided by the dental nurse on the proper techniques of tooth brushing.

ang mo kio primary – Past and present (Elfi Mamli)ANG MO KIO PRIMARY SCHOOL: Nur Alifah, Ilyana Bte Kamsani, Hasmath Thameena, Teo Jing Ye, Tan Si En, Melissa


I Remember my School Days – Koh Eng KahWhenever I walk past the former Parry Primary School, now a hostel for foreign students, I remember my school days there. I studied there more than 30 years ago. Parry Primary was actually formed in 1980 by combining three schools: a Boys’ school, a Girls’ school and a Chinese school. I spent the first five years in the Boys’ school and my last year in Parry Primary when it was eventually formed. I have many interesting memories from my days there.

Parry Primary was a big school. It had a large field equal to the size of nearly two football pitches with huge trees along its perimeter. Almost every day, I would play games with my friends at the field, before class and during recess. We played football, “zero point” and “police catch thief”. Those games were fun. The big tress provided us with shade and some such as the flame of the forest had flowers that were very nice to look at. Now, sadly, most of the schools do not have such big fields.

I lived in the kampong. Every day, I had to walk to and from school either on my own or with other children who lived nearby. There were many “obstacles” along the way such as barking dogs, fierce geese and occasionally rain that turned the tracks muddy. Once, I even had a chameleon jump onto my back. It turned white to match the colour of my school uniform and I turned green with fear. It was scary. Now, most children have their parents send them to school.

The food at Parry Primary was cheap. A bowl of noodles was just 30 cents! There were only a few stores in the canteen. My favourite food was the “goreng pisang” with curry gravy.

Every day after school, I would buy an ice-cold treat from a small store just outside the school. I would either buy a “bird’s nest” drink, an ice pack filled with syrup, or an ice ball sprinkled with colourful syrup and milk. These were refreshing and tasty especially when the weather was hot!

In terms of study, I did quite well overall, but this was not so at the beginning. At the end of Primary 1, my results were not so good, especially myEnglish. I could still remember the teacher’s remarks in my report book that I needed to improve on my English. My English was poor because I mostly spoke in the Hokkien dialect with my family, neighbours and friends, and I only attended one year of kindergarten. Nowadays, kids go to childcare centres from as young as 18 months old! Fortunately, I improved from Primary 2 onwards. With hard work, I became the top in my class from Primary 4 to 6.

I miss my days at Parry Primary. They were thoroughly enjoyable. Although the lives of primary school children then are very different from those now, I believe they are equally, if not more, interesting.


Mrs. Lee-GoyI used to study at Park Road Primary School in Chinatown. Surprisingly, it is now a local hostel! I went to school in trishaws (less than $40 per month!).

In school, I was the teacher’s pet, the monitor and the head prefect. Apparently, my family was famous in school as nine out of twelve of my siblings studied there and they were all known for their outstanding results. I was very proud to be chosen to read out a script on “stop the breeding of mosquito campaign“

My CCA was the brownies. After every practice on a Saturday, I would play “crocodile”, the olden-days version with my friends. Usually, all homework forgotten; we just played!

We all looked forward to our sports day! Nowadays, children request for more on their Sports Day. Our Sports Days in those days were so simple. There were only simple running competitions-no long or high jumps. We always looked forward eagerly for the packet of biscuits they give to everyone!

The canteen in my school had only 3 stalls- an ice-cream shop, a snack shop and a drink stall. A bowl of noodles was 20 cents or so. Hence, to go to school armed with 10 cents is a blessing already!

Class picture of Mrs Lee-Goy at Primary 1

In those days, my family was very poor and all my clothes and books were hand-me-downs. When my skirt was torn, my sister would just have to sew it up for me. I had my first parker ball pen when I was primary 4. My pencil case only contained a pencil, an eraser and a pen. Forget Mr. Whiper (a branded correction tape). I feel that the students nowadays are taking things for granted. Most students aren’t satisfied with what we have and want more. If we could survive our childhood without computers and smart phones, I believe they could too.

Mrs Lee-Goy winning a prize (left) and with her schoolmates (right)

NORTHLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL: Lekha Bengeri, Zhu Hong Yue, Gao Sitian



My mother, Jean, had studied in Bukit Batok Primary School for 6 years. Although she stayed very near the school, she took the school bus to school because her parents did not have the time to fetch her there.

Her favourite subject was Chinese as she found it very interesting and her Chinese teacher was very aspiring whom always told them lots of interesting stories. She said that Chinese was very important at that time as her parents only knew how to communicate in Mandarin. My mother’s school uniform was white and blue. She liked her uniform very much as it was very comfortable to wear. She participated in the Choir CCA in her school because she loved singing very much. Till now, her singing was still terrific! She was a prefect in school. She said that being a prefect was a very important job as they needed to maintain order in school at all times.

Every day during recess, she would play the game ‘Zero-Point’ and catching. However, she preferred playing Zero-Point more than catching. She and her other friends would always play Zero-Point and challenged against the boys. The girls team always won the game as girls were taller than the boys and were all very good at jumping. The food sold in the canteen at that time was very cheap and it cost only around 50 cents. How I wish that the food now are still sold for 50 cents!

One special incident was when she was among the few selected to do a Children’s Day song music recording at Rediffusion Radio Station, which the end product was ultimately distributed to all primary schools in Singapore. She felt exceptionally proud and excited for having given that chance to do song recording in a professional studio setting. Through this, she gained the experience of how a song was being recorded.

My mother also had nice memories when she took part in the school’s Singing Competition in which she was selected to enter the final round. Although she did not win any big prizes in the final, she gained the terrific experience of performing in front of the whole school. However, I was still proud of my mother’s achievement and bravery to participate in those competitions.

My mother said that she loved her school life very much as she had made many friends during that earlier part of her study life. My mother said” Gone were the days when I can have fun with my friends and enjoy my school life. I really miss my childhood times and hope that I can go back to the past.”



ROSYTH SCHOOL: Jaime Pang, Wong Yoke Ting, Ng Shuo Ling, Amber Rose Pillay & Ji Xin Yi

School life in the past


1950s School DaysEx-pupil of Princess Elizabeth Primary School, Mrs Lim Choon Hui, talked about the school days in 1950s. At that time, she was a prefect and also a class monitress as she had leadership skills. Having this quality, she also had good academic results. She was top in her class for three consecutive years, Pri 4, 5 and 6. She received storybooks from her school. They were given to her as an encouragement to read more books.

Not only is Mrs Lim good in academic studies, she is also good in sports. Hence, she joined the school’s volleyball

team. After practicing for some time, her team participated in a competition. Due to their hard work and effort put in, they managed to clinch the first place. Mrs Lim was so delighted; it was her first time winning an award in volleyball.

Remembering the times during recess, Mrs Lim would play traditional games with her friends. Some of these games were chapteh, five stones and playing with marbles. “These games are fun. It will be fun for children now to play these games than playing computer games,” suggested Mrs Lim. Mrs Lim enjoyed these

games very much. She liked playing five stones. She found the game challenging and fun. She always had hard time catching all five .She hoped she might get a chance to play again. Mrs Lim’s favourite canteen food would be fish ball noodles. It only cost $0.10 at that time. But for Mrs Lim, it was quite expensive. Her parents gave her $0.20 daily for her pocket money. In order to save money, Mrs Lim could only afford to buy food. She did not have enough money to buy drinks. Recalling that, she felt that her school days were quite interesting.

A Hole in My Pants

INTRODUCTIONIn the past, most families had a lot of children, and the family income and intake was very little. Children wore hand me downs. The textbooks, books and dictionaries were handed from sibling to sibling, from family to family. Those books could last for a few decades. Sometimes those books could be very out of date. Since there was not enough income coming in, those elder children although having new books, had to sacrifice their education so their younger siblings could have a chance to go to school.


Mr. Ng Cheek Chong fondly recalls that his cousin, Mr. Jack Ng, wore hand me downs from his eldest brother and went to school in those pants. Wherever he went, people laughed. Only when he got home, he found out that there were two holes in the pants, one on each side. Even so, he did not throw away the pants. Instead, he mended the pants with a few pieces of cloth and wore them to school the next day. That was a great embarrassment for him. Mr. Ng still recalls that he was trying very hard not to laugh too as he was afraid that he would hurt Mr. Jack Ng’s feelings.



Top Gabrielite 2010 – Lennon GohLennon Goh is an old boy from St. Gabriel’s Primary School from 2004 to 2010. He was our school’s head prefect when he was in P6 and was also our school’s PSLE top scorer for that year. With his excellent results, he was admitted to Raffles Institution (RI).

During his primary school days, Lennon would usually play soccer with his friends. He considered it as an investment of sorts as it was invaluable in helping him to relax when the curriculum became too intense and stressful. It was also good for maintaining his physical fitness.

The most memorable place for him in the school was the hall. Almost everything was held in the hall. All his band concerts, school events and the pledge-taking every

Tuesday, every Reap the Laurel and even his last official event as a Gabrielite, the P6 graduation ceremony, was held in the hall. The hall had seen him through his primary school days.

Lennon struggles with his mother tongue language, Chinese, even now, Chinese was what always pulled his results down and he felt disappointed. He felt that no matter how hard he tried, he still could not excel in it.

To Lennon, all teachers had a significant impact on him.

Primary school is when most children are still very malleable and he was no exception. Teachers like Mr. Soh, Mdm. Shofia and Miss Woo, who were in charge of the prefectorial board, had a

significant impact on his personal discipline and character. The academic teachers, Mdm. Shofia, Mr. Koh, Mr. Goh, Mr. Sng, Mr Loy, Ms Woo, Mrs. Chee, Ms Koh and Mdm. Yes, all had a significant impact on his academic foundation and also helped him to excel in his studies and external competitions.

The most significant event that happened to him was the school moving to another location in 2005. This to him caused a repeat of the foreignness and nervousness of P1. He had to adapt to a whole new environment. The streaming also affected him, as essentially, every two years, it was almost like resetting the friendships he had worked to develop and built over two years. But in a way, it had also helped him to develop even more friendships and now, he has

“3 sets” of friends. Another event that affected him was the failure to enter RI via DSA. This motivated him to work harder and enter RI through results, the main door, and not the back door.

Lennon has a lot of teachers to thank, and I believe he would always remember someone - St. Gabriel’s Primary School’s founder “St. Louis Marie de Montfort”.


Although it is a long time after I have completed primary school, once I look back at my class photograph, memories of my primary school will flood into my mind.

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered even harder as I approached the school for the first time. What would happen in class? There was no kindergarten, so everything and everyone seemed foreign. Even so, I felt a tinge of excitement as I like to experience a new environment and I wanted to make new friends.

After some time in school, I realized that school was actually relaxing and enjoyable. There was a little homework and no project work at all. The lessons were fun. They were well explained

and the pace of teaching is good. Every word that was pronounced was clear and concise. In a short lesson a lot was taught, discussions always came along. However, when the teacher asks a question, it is always impossible to answer it. The teachers were kind and friendly but strict. She could also be extremely fierce. When we did something wrong, the teacher would punish us severely. When we did badly for a test, the teacher even made us carry our schoolbags over our heads and stand on the table for a whole period.

The schedule was also well-organized. Lessons started from 7.30am to 1pm after flag raising and there was recess in between. During recess, my friends and I

would play games like ”chapteh”, “zero-point”, hopscotch, hide and seek and catching. There were hardly any activities in school. There were only Co Curricular Activities (CCA), and netball was my CCA. Life was free, easy and happy. Our lives were rich in childhood. My classmates were extremely cooperative and generous. We treated each other like siblings. They were never jealous about other who was strong in certain subjects. Special occasions, special lessons like dance lessons as well as field trips held by school would always jazz up the fun and excitement of school. School was pleasing, but there were still some weaknesses. I disliked the way the teachers punished us and the lack of facilities in school.

Nevertheless, there were still some difficulties that I face. As there was no tuition last time and my parents were unable to help, there was no option but to rack my mind for answers whenever I was stuck in a tough question. When other problems, maybe at home, happen to me, I talk to my sympathetic family members, teacher and good friends to their advice. I also solved some problems myself.

As I keep my class photograph, I think school is the best place to learn after all. We should be thankful of school for bringing us up, feeding us with knowledge.

-Winnie Koh-

TAO NAN SCHOOL: Chen Jingwen, Loh Pei Yi & Jermaine Wong

My life in school





My father remembers his school days.

My father told me that during his school days, his teachers used the blackboard instead of the whiteboard we are using now and that notes were written in chalk instead of marker and when the teachers erased the chalk, the chalk powder flew in all directions. In the end, some teachers got lung cancer and skin problems and in order not to get these problems, some teachers quit.

All of the subjects, except English were taught in Mandarin while now it is the exact opposite and there was nothing like the projector during his times and they even had lessons on Saturday (half day, e.g 8-10) instead of us having no school on Saturday. They had class duty like sweeping the floors and cleaning the blackboard, just like us. The library was as small as a classroom, it had no air-conditioner and the resources were not advanced while our library is the exact opposite. They had no AVA room, no IT lessons, no computer and no CCA and if you wanted to do research during his times you could only read books and there was only one public library (at Stamford Road) which was the former national library.

In 1962 the school held its opening ceremony when it was relocated to Tampines St 11. Today, the school’s website allows him to look back at his primary school days with fond memories. By the way, my father’s name is Lim Yu Toh and he is 48 years old.



My brother, Joshua Chang, remembers his primary school, Anglo Chinese Primary School, fairly well. Now, at 17, he tells me about his life at school. Unlike my father, the school bully, he was a good boy in class. Though he was quiet in class, he was attentive and obedient. Always hardworking and achieving the best marks in class. He was the ‘teacher’s pet’.

As he was quiet and good, others constantly played tricks on him. But he did not mind, as his best friend always stayed by his side, helping him whenever he needed help.

My brother misses his school days, and he tells me to cherish mine.

I spent my entire primary and secondary education in Kuo Chuan Girls’ School in Joo Chiat Lane in the 70’s unfortunately, the original school building has been demolished and private houses are built on that site. Today, I am staying far away from there but I will never forget the memories there.

In 1968, I started schooling in Kuo Chuan Girls’ School. In those days, I loved to play hopscotch and five stones. We made five stones using pieces of old cloth that people did not want any more, put green beans inside and sew them up. During the recess, we would bring our five stones out and played along the corridor. In the morning, we would walk to school as it was very near to our house.

When school ended, we had to go to Tanjong Katong Technical School for technical classes. I remembered having lunch in school. A bowl of dry noodles cost only 30 cents. 40 years later, a bowl of noodles cost $3, $3.50 or even more. We were living simple lives. Definitely we faced less stress than the children of today.

Mr. Vincent Lim, a manager with 2 daughters and a wife. The most memorable time was during secondary school where all boys will gather to do boys’ stuff. (Not seriously studying unfortunately) However, that was the most memorable as it was fun, enjoying playing football, runs at the beach and play squash together. There used to be a canal beside the school and we used to gather during low tide when there are many mud-skippers. That is where we perfected our stone throwing skill until one day a teacher came by gently and speaks the right moral value into their hearts. The school also created opportunities to spend time with parent especially father. He remembered doing a school history project with his dad, building a ship model Sainta Maria, one of the ship with Christopher Columbus. Till now, he still remember, not much of the ship but the time spent with his dad.

Well, as for study, not much until it comes to examination time, they would gather at the chapel to study together, asking question to each other and finally getting it through amazingly. That was a bonding that they had & was the greatest memories. When he recalls all this, it is a good advice to the younger generation to put the priority right, Study first, play later & keeps your relation close with your parents.

Interviewed by Lim Yi Ann

Those were the days...... – Mdm Kwok Sock Tee

What did you do in old school that is most memorable?



Mama J’s School days

I am so lucky Mama J still have her old school day’s photographs. They were amazing and she looked so sweet!

YU NENG PRIMARY SCHOOL: Nurul Atikah Zulfeflee, Ong Yi Xin, Kelly, Tan Qing Rong, Ammar Ridzuan Bin Rahiman

Precious Thoughts and MemoriesBALESTIER HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL

Raymond felt very nervous, wanting his mother to be outside the classroom. During recess, his grandmother bought pastries for him to eat. It was his favourite pastry ever. When Raymond saw his teacher at first sight, he thought she was beautiful but fierce like lioness. He said that female classmates were very obedient while the male pupils were very mischievous. Some of his classmates cried, wanting their mother to be by their side. Raymond’s kindergarten provided biscuits and Milo for the students to eat. He found them quite delicious.

Raymond adapted quickly to his primary school. He found it beautiful and clean. Raymond saw the cleaners working very hard to maintain the cleanliness of the school. He got seventy cents as his pocket money every day. Raymond would save up all his remaining money so that he could get presents for his parents on their birthdays. Raymond would help out at the noodle stall which his parents own after school. He had to work harder than other students because his family had not enough money to give him tuition. They only had sufficient money for them to pay for their school fees.

Raymond found all his classmates in secondary school very rebellious because they often hang out at shopping malls after school. They had invited him to join them for once but he rejected their offer because he had to help his parents out at the noodle stall. Raymond had learnt more about filial piety and decided to provide for his parents after they retire.

Schooling in Kampong…

How are the toilets there?

Well...The toilets are far from their houses! The toilets are very smelly! In the morning everyone will line up in 1 queue! Why? The thing is that there is only one toilet! Can you believe it?

ROSYTH SCHOOL: Iqah Shakira, Katryn Asri & Nur Diyanah



I remember how proud we were when the Brass Band achieved a Gold with Honours award…

PSLE, “A” AND “O” levelsRIVER VALLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL: Aidan James Cheah, Bryan Low Kian Heng & Chen Haoming


“I remember very fondly the time when I was taught by a teacher named Mrs. Seow from Primary One to Primary Six at Gan Eng Seng Primary School.” said the 27 year old Phua Cheng Kiat (name has been changed to protect identity of interviewee) with a sense of nostalgia. He remembered her as a teacher who would try her very best to teach him, as he was very weak in all his subjects. He explained that even though he had been failing his subjects, she said she could see the potential in him to succeed unlike other students who never really cared about their studies. Mrs. Seow started to stay back after school and teach English, Maths, Chinese and Science when Cheng Kiat was in Primary 4 until 6 o’clock then she would send Cheng Kiat home.

Mrs. Seow would normally teach Cheng Kiat in a room at the school library which only closes at 7 o’clock. If the room was taken by someone they would use their classroom. For the first few days Cheng Kiat did not like the idea of staying back as he wanted to go home and play. So he would try all means to waste time by going to the toilet or walking around. Even though he wasted a lot of time but Mrs. Seow did not mind, she knew that it would take some time before he could settled down as he was a very active kid. Slowly, he got interested in her classes and began to look forward to it unlike other students, who always wished the teacher was absent. Even if the teacher was absent, Cheng Kiat would do his own revision.

When Cheng Kiat was Primary 5, his marks started to improve. In SA1 he got A for Maths, Chinese and Science but B for English. In SA2 he managed to score A* for all his subjects. None of his family members believed that he could do it except Mrs. Seow as she could see the vast improvements in his work. For PSLE he obtained a good aggregate of 272 that enabled him to enter Hwa Chong Institution. At HCI he continued to work hard and never lost contact with Mrs. Seow. Cheng Kiat scored 8 points for “O” levels and 6 points for “A” levels. Now Cheng Kiat is a very successful business man and through the years he has never forgotten Mrs. Seow.

After lots of tedious practices, the Xingnan Brass Band has finally done the school proud by achieving a gold with Honors award in the recent Central Judging (2012) for concert bands.

“I am really proud of them, to see them achieving a gold with Honours Youth award. And one more thing which I am also really happy to see is the change in the number of pupils in the Xingnan Brass Band. In 1982, there were only 20 pupils. Now, there are about 100 pupils,” said Mr Tan, teacher in-charge of Xingnan Brass Band and also Head Of Department for Chinese.

One of the Brass Band pupils who took part in the Singapore Youth Festival recalled that they increased their practice sessions from twice to thrice weekly. Although they were asked to take a break from their daily buzzing exercise the day before the Central Judging, they persevered and requested to have their routine buzzing exercise. Although all the practices were tedious, it was worthwhile since they were rewarded with a Gold with Honours award.

Mr Tan, the other teacher in-charge and the band members had not expected to achieve Gold with Honours award as one of the pupils had dropped his mute during the judging. According to their teacher, their marks might be deducted. So when they found out that they got gold with Honours award, they were quite surprised.

The Xingnan Brass Band has achieved many awards over the years. In 2004, 2006 and 2008, they achieved Gold while in 2010, they achieved Sliver. It was only 2012 where they achieved Gold with Honours.



Song-and-dance cultural treats for Ai Tong pupilsAI TONG PRIMARY SCHOOL: Low Geng Yan

It was a lesson in two cultures- by children for children. About 10 pupils of Chongfu Primary School and majority of them are Malay and Indian. Yesterday visited their sister school. Ai Tong. Complete with ethnic costumes and musical instruments. Their aim is to introduce their customs and cultures to the Ai Tong pupils who are all Chinese except for one, Malay. The Chongfu pupils presented an hour long show depicting various aspects of Malay and Indian cultures through skits, costume parades, Games, dances and songs.

Chongfu·s principal, Mr ChonagSui Tiam said that their school has a fair proportion of Indian and Malay students but Ai Tong has almost 100 per cent Chinese students. They thought it would be good to expose the Chinese students to the cultures of the other races. Ai Tong and Chongfu are considered sister

schools as both are members of the Hokkien Huay Kuan Association. Most of the Ai Tong pupils said that they did not have non-Chinese friends. One mentioned that all his schoolmates and neighbours are Chinese. But he wanted to make friends with children of other races too, for he hung around the Indian girls before the concert. He thought that the Indian girls were very graceful when they danced. Most of the Ai Tong pupils did more than watch and listen. A Malay singing item, the dikir barat, which involved creative hand movements, had many of the pupils trying out the routines too. And they needed little prompting when invited by the Chongfu performers to dance the ronggeng, a Malay dance.

The school currently conducts classes for Malay conversational to teach pupils basic Malay language and to learn their culture.

Never give up

Enjoyable times in school

I recalled the day my mother told me about her days in school. Every time she talked about it, there were sparkles in her eyes.

“I still remember that my school were divided into three houses for Sports Day – Gabriel, Bosco and Monfort. Each house has its leader. I was in Gabriel. My house members and I used to have names for the other houses such as “Monfort Redfort” and “Bosco Disco”. We created those names to tease them. It may sound silly now but it was our way to make them angry. I was very proud to be in Gabriel as we always emerged the champion.

Our Sports Day is in the month of December. However, I still remember how my friends and I would look forward to the month of October where the training began. I especially like the huge March Past. To me, it was like the Singapore’s National Day Parade. We would hold the house flag and marched tall and proud.

There were also performances from the band, dance groups and uniform groups. It was meant to welcome the parents, visitors and special guests. Some of the dance performances were slot in between the sports events to allow us to have a short break for refreshment. There were also stalls selling ice-creams, cakes, fruits and juices. I love the popsicles the most. Those who are not involved in the sports events would cheer for their houses members. The sports events include running races for 100m and 200m, disc throw, short put relay and pole vault. I participated in the disc throw and short put relay. I remember feeling so proud of myself for having won prizes for both events.”

That was my mother’s childhood story. And at the end of the story she would never fail to tell me that winning a competition is not everything. The most important thing is to participate and to put in your best effort. -Pranav


GREENRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL: Tan Xiang Ping, Dion Phang, Zosia Thong & Chan Jia Hui

On every Wednesday, there will be very interesting assembly! There was once when we are P2, the birds in Jurong Bird Park came to our school and those people in the photo above are looking at the bird called Sasha! It is a parrot and it could repeat what we say. It is very cute! As you can see in the photo it can perform many tricks.



A Wonderful Concert by…I was in Primary 6 when my school celebrated its silver anniversary. At the end of the year our school was having a concert and as I was the pet of my teachers. I got the lead role. I was ecstatic and excited about the concert as it was my last year in my primary school. The concert was going to have a drama, music and dance. The drama was about a primary one boy coming to school being very rude and rowdy.

As the years passed by, and the boy was in primary six, he was a polite and helpful boy. The boy had turned over a new leaf. My teachers had chosen me to play the lead role about the boy as I had boy-like features when I was young. When the day had finally arrived, I was very excited and thus kept checking the wristwatch to see if the concert had started and eventually after all the guests had arrived, the concert began. Soon, the drama team was asked to come to the stage to perform the drama. As I was nervous, I took a deep breath and went to the stage to perform the lead role.

As the time passed by, I grew less nervous and finally the concert ended. The audience cheered and clapped for us for putting up such a nice drama. All the drama members swelled with pride as we had put in a lot of effort. After we went backstage, I was very sad that I would not be able to perform again as it was last year in school and the silver anniversary comes in a lifetime. I can still remember that day clearly as this concert boosted my confidence and a wonderful opportunity to overcome my state of nervousness when performing in front of a large audience.

I am really thankful to the teachers who selected me to be in the drama team as this wonderful experience has taught me a lot of core values which I have been

carrying till now. Nowadays, a lot of opportunities have been created by schools to provide a platform for students to be self confident and practice the school core values.

Although I am in Secondary 4 right now, I still treasure my precious primary school memories. My fondest memory of my primary school life is the prank my class played on April fool’s Day. As young kids, playing pranks was the highlight of our day and what better excuse to play pranks on teachers than April fool’s? I was in Primary 5 when we staged the prank. We had discussed our idea with a primary 3 class and were elated when they agreed to go along with our plans. On the day before, armed with our books, we set out to put our plan in action.

On that faithful day, my class swapped classes with the Primary 3 class. No teacher was aware of the switch. Since the classes were far apart, we were quite confident that the prank would work. Soon assembly was over and we were left waiting eagerly for class to start and for our first prey to enter the class.

Before we had planned to change classes with the primary 3’s, we had ensured that the teachers teaching the class were teachers we were familiar with. As it happened, I had been taught by all the teachers before and was voted to sit right in the middle of the front row so that the teachers would be able to identify the prank. We sat awaiting the impending arrival of the first teacher.

As he walked, eyes on his computer, preparing himself for the lesson he was about to conduct.

“Good Morning class.” He greeted us, distracted.

“Good Morning Mr Goh.” We greeted back, in glee.

Unaware of the change, he started lessons as if it was normal to have primary 5’s present in a primary 3 classroom. A few minutes into the lesson, he looked up, searching for an unsuspecting victim to trap with a question. His gaze landed on me. Confusion clouded his face.

“Ankita, what are you doing in this class? Aren’t you in Primary 5? Why are you in my primary 3 classroom?” he asked, perplexed.

“Mr Goh, please look around.” I said, trying to hide the grin that was climbing its way onto my face.

He looked around clueless. Puzzled, he stepped out of the classroom to ensure that he was in the right class. Confirming the class, he stepped back in baffled. Looking around the class once more, reality dawned upon his face.

“I am presuming this was a cruel joke on your part to confuse the teachers?” He scolded in a mock stern voice.

“Well…. If your idea of cruel is just swapping classes then we are guilty. We admit to our crime.” I said giggling.

That did it. Everyone started laughing. Mr Goh soon left the class and went to where the primary 3’s were, just as our teacher entered the class.

“Are you trying to kill me?” Ms Chia asked, entering the class huffing and puffing. That just set off the entire class into another laughing fit.

It truly was an amazing memory, one that I will never forget.

PRINCESS ELIZABETH PRIMARY SCHOOL: Claire Low Qian Ling, Dhwani Umeshchandra Shah, Aiswarya Panda & Seah Ying Xiang

ST. ANDREW’S JUNIOR SCHOOL: Ryan Wong, Ethan Leung & Benjimin

A few hundred peoples were involved in the Prefects Commendation which was held earlier in the year. The school commended quite a few prefects as they were ‘sworn’ in by the Chaplain. As the prefects walked in, they were hearing the school hymn that was played as the students in the hall stood up and welcomed the prefects into the hall. When Zachary Lim, the school captain was sworn to do his duties, he was given a tie of office, otherwise known as a vest. This was followed by the vice-captains, the section and assistant section leaders and last but not least, the prefects of SAJS. The school was witnessing the ‘helpers’ of the school getting commended and agreeing to serve god and the school.

at the Prefect Commendation

Tens of Prefects commentated at commendation



A rewarding experienceAn ex-student of Catholic High School, Tan Tiong Peng recalls his days as a secondary Two pupil. At 50, he could still remember every vivid detail of his school life. He may no longer be a student now, but at the mention of things related to school, his eyes would brighten up as memories of a happy time would flash through his mind.

With a sigh, Tan recalled, “I can still remember what happened on that day. I was in class during recess and had nothing to do. Out of sheer boredom, I snuck into my friend’s bag and took his table tennis bat that was made of heavy duty wood.Due to the fact that Tan has a strong passion for table tennis, he claimed that he plays table tennis after school everyday. The only thing that is different, apart from using a proper table tennis bat, was that Tan used his textbooks as a substitute because he could not afford table tennis bats when he was young.

“Using a bat that I have never used before, I thought that it would be easier for me to play table tennis against the wall of my classroom. However, much to my astonishment, a teacher happened to be eyeing me for the whole time. But instead of reprimanding me, he chose me to represent the school in the upcoming national table tennis tournament as he found my table tennis skills terrific!” he exclaimed, in a gleeful and exuberant tone.

Tan, who personally found the teacher different from other teachers, notes that teachers in schools now should be more aware of students’ aptitudes

besides academics. He agrees that students with these natural skills should be given open doors to opportunities in life. If so, he or she would at least have something to strive for in their aspirations. After clearing his throat, Tan then continued, “Being in the school team does not actually mean it is a bed of roses. After school every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, I have to stay back in school for more table tennis training and they last for about five hours! But I persevered throughout these gruelling training sessions. On the fortnight before the tournament, I acquired new skills from the coach since I was always the apple of his eye.”

With the help of his patient coach, Tan managed to overcome many obstacles he encountered during the intensive training sessions. One of them was on how to be agile and swift so that Tan could swerve his feet and hit the ball that was approaching him in the nick of time. This was considered a difficulty to Tan as he would sprain his ankle almost all the time when he attempts to do that move, but with the right techniques from his coach, it was no longer an ordeal.

Finally the day of the tournament came. With a slight tinge of anxiety in his voice, Tan spoke, “On that particular day, I remained calm. I told myself that losing was not all. That seemed to do the trick as I did not start off with high hopes and achieved a gold trophy as a result.”

As a reward, Tan could still vividly recall that he was treated to the famous local delicacy “Sze Char”. It was definitely a feast to remember.



Jordan Chiang

While the lower primary pupils are not involved in the SHHK Combined Schools Sports Meet, pupils from all Primary 1 to 3 classes take part in the Mini Sports Race on the eve of National Day. It is held in the school campus. There are a total of 9 races; 3 races are held for each level. To prepare the children for the upcoming races, they usually train for a month during their P.E. lessons.

Besides participating in SHHK Combined Schools Sports Meet, the track and field members also took part in another inter-primary schools track and field championship.

She shared how track and field has progressed over the years, one of which was the facilities. Ms Jan and her peers did not have the luxury of training in the right facilities back then. She related that her form of training in preparation for the championship was to run around a field a few times.

She remembered a different aspect of the event too. In conjunction with the Youth Olympics held in Singapore in 2010, Ai Tong School introduced the torch relay which was similar to the Olympics. A few students who were selected to be the torch bearers ran around the track, under the supervision of a teacher. After which, the principal, using the torch would then commence the event.

That etched in her mind and it is without a doubt, a sporting event that the lower primary children look forward to every year.



Dzikri Adam, a Primary three student said excitedly that his best memory in Xingnan was in Year 2010 when his team won a trophy during Sports Day. During the interview, Dzikri shared his memorable moments during the Sports Day proudly. Dzikri enjoys his days in Xingnan as there are so many activities lined up for the students.

He hopes that the school will build an indoor basketball court as he loves play basketball. With an indoor basketball court, he could play basketball when it is raining too. Recently, the mathematics

times tables are painted on the staircase. This way, students could learn them while climbing up the stairs! Xingnan also has many colourful learning walls for students to read and gain more knowledge.

Dzikri has pleasant memories of his Primary One and Two teachers. He commented that his teachers were very caring and helpful towards him. He remembered he was very apprehensive to attend school when he was Primary One. Fortunately, his teacher was very patient towards him. He remembered how his teacher

went through the school rules with him and everyone is expected to behave well. The importance of school rules was also conveyed to him during the first day of school. He remembered reminding himself to follow the school rules closely so that he would not be punished.

Now, Dzikri is in Primary Three and is glad that Miss Azura is his teacher as she will include a lot of educational games to make lessons more enjoyable. Dzikri commented that the school has quite a number of facilities, and more things are being added now.

Meaningful Three Years in Xingnan XINGNAN PRIMARY SCHOOL:

Adri Faris, Jessica Khong, Ryan Yuen & Sim Zhi Kai

Fear- The bane of my life!EVERGREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL: Wesley

Living in fear of school would not be a fond memory but walking down the path of Madam Isnarti’s school life, experiencing her fear and relishing her success in overcoming it is something that we could do.

You would have seen pupils crying when they report to school for the first time. Madam Isnarti was no exception. She was terrified and went to class with trembling legs but managed not to cry.

Many would be afraid of their form teachers or subject teachers but Madam Isnarti was different. She was afraid of the teacher next door who went by the name of Mrs Tan.

She saw the way Mrs Tan scolded and punished her students and dared not even look that teacher in her eye. She would scamper away if she ever caught a glimpse of Mrs Tan heading her way. The best part was Mrs Tan did not even know that Madam Isnarti existed!

Madam Isnarti’s fear of Mrs Tan never left her. It was a fear that she was unable to conquer.

Nevertheless, she managed to conquer another fear; the fear of bullies. This incident happened when she was in Primary 6. A few annoying students started taunting their classmates by calling them names, hitting them on their heads and tripping them.

Mdm Isnarti also encountered this incident. She was a prefect then and even though she was afraid of him, she did not cower but took a bold step towards him. In her most authoritative voice, she told him off.

The boy shrunk away and never disturbed her again. It was then that Madam Isnarti realized that facing her fears was the best way to deal with it. She wished she had done the same for her fear of Mrs Tan.

Some people have the opinion that students should have a healthy fear of their teachers while others think that having a friendly relationship with teachers is better. What do you think?


Introducing Mrs Tan

Our form teacher is Mrs Tan Po Lean. She retired not long ago. Many students missed her and our class added her to our group on facebook to get in contact with her. On the last day, she gave us a correction tape and there is a meaning behind it. She said that when you write something wrongly, you can correction tape it. It is the same thing where when you make a mistake, you can erase it. We will always re-member her.




comics time!


Rose Virginie’s parents were banished to the island of Noirmetier for harboring a priest who had refused to take an oath of fidelity. Rose Virginie was then born at the island.

Soon, Rose Virginie was able to go to school, as the Ursaline Sisters came to the island and set up a school for girls.


MARYMOUNT CONVENT: Preethi Kumar, Aviel Tey, Portia Tan, Audrey Ng & Wong Chia Yun