Monthly catalogue, United States public documents, May 1913


Transcript of Monthly catalogue, United States public documents, May 1913

Monthly CatalogueUnited States

Public Documents

No. 221

May, 1913





AbbreviationsAppendix..................Congress...............Consular..............Department...........Document............. ..........“Executive......... ...................Facsimile, facsimiles.............Folio.................. ...........House.................""............House concurrent resolutionHouse document....................House executive document House joint resolution...House report..................... ' ”House resolution (simple).......Illustration, illustrationsInch, inches.............Latitude..................Leaf, leaves..............Longitude............ .Mile, miles.............................Miscellaneous.........Nautical............No date.............. ” ”.............Noplace............/////'Number, numbers..................Octavo....................

............ ........... cons. ..........Dept. ............. doc. ............... ex. .........facsim. ................ f° ...............H. ......H.C. R. .......H. doc. ...H. ex. doc. ..... H. J. R. ........H. ip........... H. R. ............... in. ............. lat. ................ 1. .......... long. ............. m. . .mis., misc. .......... naut. ..........n. d.------- n.p. ---- no., nos. ----------- 8°

| Page, pages....................Part, parts.................... ’ ’ ’Plate, plates......Portrait, portraits............Quarto.....................Report.................Saint.................. ’ ’ ’’ ’’''Section, sections......Senate.....................Senate concurrent resolutionSenate document..............Senate executive document /Senate joint resolution........Senate report...................Senate resolution (simple)Session.......................... _Sixteenmo..................Statutes at large............Table, tables.............. .........Thirty two-mo........Treasury.............................T wel ve mo.......... .Twentyfour-mo............."Versus........................’’Volume, volumes...Year......................

......p. pt., pts. ........PL ....por.

...........rp. ...........St........... sec. ............S. ...S.C. R. -...S. doc. S. ex. doc. ...S. J. R. ..... fg- .......sess............16°...Stat. L. ......... tab. .......... 32® ....Treas........... 12®.--------24® ......vs., v. ...V., vol. ------ yr.

t DocuX document-free if unaccompanied by a price.


m Ration, but dogiven, octavo is to be understood catalo^ued- When size is notborder, excluding margin The Ze -°f ls measured from outer edge of with Senate and^doouJenVaT/X”rtu'X year, givenordered to be printed Usftallv the nrint^ tS’ are dates on which they were various causes’sometimeSe“Xgrven with the numbers ot Senate se““n.are notgress, 1st session, is to be understood^ H°USe documents and reports, 63d Con-


Genera l Inform ation

The Superintendent of Documents is authorized to sell at cost any public document in his charge, the distribution of which is not otherwise provided for.

Documents can not be supplied by this Office free to individuals nor for-warded in advance of payment.

Documents entered in this catalogue that are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., are indicated by a star (*) preceding the price named. A dagger (t) indicates that application should be made to the Department, Bureau, or Division issuing the document, a double dagger (t) indicates that the document is not obtainable, and whenever additional in-formation concerning the method of procuring a document seems necessary it will be found under the name of the Bureau. The Senate and House docu-ments and reports are issued in limited editions and, unless otherwise indicated, may be obtained only through Members of Congress.

In ordering a publication from the Superintendent of Documents, give the name of the issuing Department, Bureau, or Division, and title. If publication is numbered give number also. Do not order by Library of Congress card number.

Read carefully the instructions “How to remit,” found at the bottom of the next page.

The accumulation of publications in this Office amounts to several millions, of which over a million are assorted, forming the sales stock. Many rare books are included, but under the law all must be sold “ at cost,” regardless of their age or scarcity.

In ordering, it should be borne in mind that many of the books have been in stock some time and are apt to be shop-worn. In filling orders, however, the best copy available is sent.

No general price-list of public documents is available, but lists on special sub-jects will be furnished on application.


The Monthly catalogue is sent to each Senator, Representative, Delegate. Resident Commissioner, and officer in Congress, to designated depositories and State and Territorial libraries, to substantially all Government authors, and to as many school, college, and public libraries as the limited edition will supply.

Subscription price to individuals, $1.10 a year, including indices. Back numbers can not be supplied. Please notify the Superintendent of Documents of any change in address.


Numbers to be used in ordering the L. C. catalogue cards will be found at the end of the titles of the more important monographic documents. The figure following the card number (separated from it by a slanting line) indicates the number of cards required for entries suggested (title entry not included) on the cards. The price of the cards is 2c. for the first card and Ac. for each addi-tional card for the same title ordered at the same time. Remittances should be made to the Librarian of Congress. Cards can not be furnished by the Superintendent of Documents.


590 May , 1913


Beginning with July, 1912, the Index to the Monthly catalogue has been issued semiannually instead of quarterly as heretofore, and will cumulate for the twelve months ending June, 1913. That is, the December number is an Index to the Monthly catalogue for July to December, 1912, and the June number will be the index for the fiscal year 1913. Persons desiring to bind the cata-logue at the end of the year should be careful to retain the numbers received monthly, as duplicate numbers can not be supplied.


Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or New York draft. Currency may be sent at sender’s risk.

Postage stamps, foreign money, defaced or smooth coins will positively not be accepted.

To facilitate the payment of the cost of documents, the Superintendent of Documents will hereafter accept coupons issued by him instead of cash. Coupons of the value of 5 cents each are sold in sets* of 20 for $1.00. Address order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office.

No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in United States, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, or to Canada, Cuba, or Mexico. To other countries the regular rate of postage is charged, and remit-tances must cover such postage.

Notes of Genera l Intere stAdditional references on the cost of living and prices is a new list from

the Library of Congress, supplementing the Select list of references on the cost of living and prices published three years ago. In a Prefatory note chief bibliographer Meyer says: “That such a supplement was needed is very forcibly shown by the fact that the additional references make up a list fully as long as the original list. The interest in the subject is, universal.” The new list is sold by the Superintendent of Documents at 1'5 cents.

Report on conditions of employment in the iron and steel industry in the United States, by the Labor Bureau (now Labor Statistics Bureau), has been completed by the publication of volume 4, Accidents and accident prevention. This volume is sold by the Superintendent of Documents at 40 cents, and the set of 4 vols. at $2.05. These are the prices for paper-covered copies. Vol. 4 is profusely illustrated, and both by texi and pictures gives a vivid idea of the serious peril involved in the production of iron and steel on the great scale of modern operations. Many protective devices are in use, and these also are described and illustrated.

A new bibliography on an important subject not heretofore included in the Library of Congress series is Select list of references on commission govern-ment for cities, just issued. Sold by the Superintendent of Documents at 10 cents.

There is a new Medical handbook, issued by the Education Bureau for dis-tribution to its employees in Alaska. Others who wish copies can buy them from the Superintendent of Documents at 50 cents. The book is written espe-cially for the teachers of the Alaska school service, who often find it to be their duty not only to give first aid to sick or injured natives but to care for them through the entire course of severe illnesses. There are large districts in Alaska beyond the reach of doctors and where American teachers and mis-sionaries are the only civilized persons. The new Handbook, written as it is in language simple and plain, may be found useful by others as well as by the teachers in Alaska.

It was found necessary to recall some copies of the Census supplement for Vermont and issue corrected prints. In the first print the last part of Table 1, containing the population statistics of Windsor County, which belongs at the top of page 574, had been omitted. The error was righted by reprinting a single leaf.

Vol. 3, Court of Customs Appeals reports, covering the period from Febru-ary to February, 1912 and 1913, has been published in buckram binding match-ing the earlier volumes and is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents at $1.00 a copy.

The secret of the big trees, Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant national parks, is a revised reprint of an article from the April, 1912, Harper’s magazine, written by Professor Ellsworth Huntington of Yale University, who has been examining the annual growth rings of the California big trees to determine by their accelerated or retarded growth the climatic changes through the vast periods of the existence of these oldest of all living things on our planet. Many of the big trees are 2000 years old, and they indicate periods of rainfall and


592 May , 1913

fertility and contrasting periods of aridity. The secret of the big trees is now issued by the Interior Department and sold by the Superintendent of Docu-ments at 5 cents a copy. It is highly interesting and freely illustrated by full-page photographic plates.

Education Bureau Bulletin 17, series of 1913, is: A trade school for girls, a preliminary investigation in a typical manufacturing city. The investigation was made by the Research Department of the Women’s Educational and Indus-trial Union of Boston under the direction of Susan M. Kingsbury and May Allinson, and has resulted in the establishment of three trade schools for girls, which are now in successful operation in the cities of Cambridge, Somerville, and Worcester, Mass. Copies of the report can be supplied by the Superintend-ent of Documents at 10 cents.

Education Bureau Bulletin 14, series of 1913, Agricultural instruction in sec-ondary schools, is a collection of papers read at the 3d annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Teaching, at Atlanta, Nov. 1912. As a step in that progress toward more scientific and therefore more productive agriculture which is of such vital import to the whole country, this pamphlet has a place of its own. From the Superintendent of Documents, copies 10 cents.

Secretary Houston of the Agriculture Department has issued Rules and regu-lations for carrying out the plant quarantine act, as Circular 44 of his office, under date of May 26. 1913. Sold by the Superintendent of Documents at 5 cents.

Index to the reports and documents of the 62d Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1911-12, with numerical lists and schedule of volumes, being no. 18 of the “ con-solidated index” provided for by the act of January 12, 1895, has been issued by the Superintendent of Documents. It indexes the 4201 numbered publica-tions ordered printed by the two branches of Congress during the sessions named. These reports and documents are indexed by subject, by number, by the names of the Senators or Representatives presenting them, and by the names of the committees reporting upon them. 50 cents.

The new volume of Session laws, being those enacted at the 3d and final ses-sion of the 62d Congress, is now on sale, price $1.00.

The 35th (1912) issue of that incomparable reference book, the Statistical abstract of the United States, is now ready. 50 cents in paper.

The latest (5th) edition of the Street directory of the cities of the United States, prepared and published by the Post Office Department in 1908, is now on sale by the Superintendent of Documents at $1.00 a copy. It is a cloth-bound volume of over 900 pages, containing information not to be obtained elsewhere. Previous editions were published in 1881, 1884, 1891. and 1894. The edition now on sale is the only work of the kind that has been published since 1894.

A 2d edition of the United States Mint’s Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals is now on sale at $1.00. The active demand for the 1st edition exhausted the stock some time ago. *■

Sugar at,a second glance (Senate document 23k 63d Congress, 1st session), by Frank C. Lowry, is a caustic reply to Sugar at a, glance (Senate document 890, 62d Congress, 2d session), by Truman G. Palmer. Mr. Lowry is for free sugar. Mr. Palmer is against it.

An important new issue in the Water-supply papers series is no. 315, Purifica-tion of public water supplies, by George A. Johnson.

The Yearbook of the Agriculture Department for 1912 is out of press. The time has long passed since any one needed to be told what the Yearbook is like. Copies are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents at $1.

May , 1913

The 7th volume, which is the general index to the preceding six volumes, of Tariff hearings held during the 3d session of the 62d Congress, is now available, completing the set. Cloth, 25 cents; paper, 15 cents.

The Wakefield Commissions, so-called, were two in number, Edwin R. Wake-field, special attorney, Justice Department, having been chairman of both. Cus-toms matters were the subject of consideration by both commissions. One related to importations of Limoges ware. This was printed by order of the Commission in New York, and it is said that the entire edition was only 15 copies. The Public Documents Library has not yet succeeded in securing one of these for its files. The other was printed under the title Report of the Appraisement Commission of the Treasury Department, the printing having been done in New York by order of the Commission, the number of copies 250. This number not being sufficient to meet the demand, the Tariff Service Record, Washington, D. C., reprinted an edition for sale. The Commission was created for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon both the principles and the practices of the appraising work of the Government. The Commission visited 29 of the principal United States ports, and as a result of its inquiries made important recommendations. Their report is dated New York, Dec. 31, 1912, and signed by Edwin R. Wakefield, Guy Emerson, Joseph R. Nevius, Joseph R. Springstead, and Joseph W. Wheatley.

A history of the first half-century of the National Academy of Sciences, 1863-1913, though not printed at the Government Printing Office, is a public document’of the United States by virtue of the fact that the Academy is a Government organization. It is a memorial volume, and a handsome one, containing portraits of the several presidents of the Academy, contents of the memoirs it has published, biographies of the incorporators, lists of the meet-ings it has held, accounts of the scientific researches it has made in behalf of the Government, etc. It was hoped that a list of the more than 2000 scien-tific communications presented to the Academy during the half-century might have been included, but this was found impracticable. Dr. F. W. True of the National Museum is the compiler and editor of the work.


The Census Bureau is issuing the returns of the thirteenth census in a form not used in previous censuses, but likely to be found most useful and convenient by large numbers of citizens.

This new form is a bulletin for each State, in which are combined all of the statistics for such State, whether relating to population, agriculture, manu-factures, or mining, and whether for the State as a whole or for a county, city, or other civil division. The citizen whose interest in statistics of the census is primarily for those of his own State, is enabled to get them all in a single bulletin of moderate size.

The State bulletins thus far issued are now in course of distribution by the Census Bureau and the Superintendent of Documents. The Bureau does not sell its publications, but the Superintendent of Documents does, and his prices are given in the next paragraph. Of course the bigger the State, the biggei its bulletin, and the bigger the bulletin the bigger the price, but the biggest of them is not really big: .

Alabama, 20 cents; Arizona, 15 cents; Arkansas, 20 cents; California. -5 cents; Colorado, 15 cents; Connecticut, 20 cents; Delaware, 10 cents; Dis-trict of Columbia, 10 cents; Florida, 20 cents; Georgia, 25 cents; Idaho, 15 cents; Illinois, 30 cents; Indiana, 25 cents; Iowa, 25 cents; Kansas, 25 cents; Kentucky, 25 cents; Louisiana. 20 cents; Maine, 15 cents; Maryland, 15 cents,

594 May , 1913


CommerceExtraordinary demands on the appropriation of the Interstate

Commission for printing have not only delayed the issue of p r • abstract of statistics of common carriers fo^e^ pobltaZ ItPr^,ed the C““”'iSSimi fro"> -Wag free copies « X >dce 3^ cents be S°M «>e Superintendent of Documents

Jt^lOnfor 1M2 <171 P°ses) is similar in character to indades atatiMta ™tb" “ °' “*


posed reciprocity agreement of 1911 which was dXe^ ht S. .aOf the Canadian Parliament. defeated by the adverse action

This extensive compilation listed under Finance Committee is published as Senate document 80 of the 62d Congress 1st session in ™i Published as designated as Part 1, Part 2, Part 81, kT® and p‘rt 3C Te“

amounting to nearly 6,000 closely-printed pages. ’ ’ ®

Monthly Catalo gue

No. 221 MAY 1913

AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENTNote.—Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for salei will

be supplied by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The Department issues a monthly list of publications, which is mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports and Bulletins as interest them.[Bureau of Animal Industry] order 167 amendment 5 to rule 2 revision 3; to

prevent spread of scabies in cattle, [and] releasing from quarantine portion of Texas. May 13, 1913. 1 p. t

Food Manual of procedure for guidance of commissioned State officials, collaborating State chemists, and officials of Department of Agriculture in connection with cooperative work in enforcement of food and drugs act, June 30, 1906 [report of committee on cooperation between national and State food officials]. May 22, 1913. 8 p. t

Forest reserves. Amendment 19 to National forest manual. [1913.] 1 p.[Manual issued by Forest Service.] t

Notice of judgment 2216-2358, food and drugs act. Apr. 30 and May 21 1913. various paging. [No. 2300 contains Index to notices of judgment 2001-2300, supplementary indexes issued with nos. 2250 and 2350.] t

Quarantine. Notice of quarantine 7. May 21, 1913. 1 p. (Federal Horti-cultural Board.) t

----- Plant quarantine decision 3. May 24. 1913. 2 p. (Federal Horticul-tural Board.) t

----- Rules and regulations [prepared by Federal Horticultural Board] for carrying out plant quarantine act. May 26, 1913. 16 p. (Circular 44.) [Supersedes Circular 41.] * Paper, 5c.

Yearbook, [calendar year] 1912. 1913. 784 p. il. 1 por. 15 pl. 54 p. of pl. map.* Cloth $1 00 Agr 1035/2

Contents —Preface: [by Jos. A. Arnold].—Report of Secretary. Promising Dev fruits - by William A. Tailor and H. P. Gould.—Our meadow larks in relation to agriculture, Sturnella magna and Sturnella neglecta; by F. E. L. Beal. Handling of dressed poultry 1000 miles from market.; by M. E Pennington.—Some results obtained in studying ripening bananas with respiration calorimeter, by C. F. Langworthy and R. D. Milner.—Crop safety on mountain slopes ; bv J. Cecil Alter — Insects injuiious to onion crop ; by F. H. Chittenden.—Condensed and desiccated milk by Levi Wells._ How produce dealer may improve quality of poultry and eggs, by L . . parkSuccessful method of marketing vegetable products; by L C Cor^tt.—Chestnut bark disease; by Haven Metcalf.—Some useful weather proverbs; by W. J. Humphreys._ Some important Insect enemies of live stock in United States, by F. C. Bishopp., Relation of birds to grain aphides; by W. L McAtee.—National forest timoe ror small operator; by William B. Greeley.—Truck soils of Atlantic Coast reg^n^ Dy Jay A. Bonsteel.—Seed collection on large scale; by HenrjH Farquhar impiovea methods of handling and marketing cotton ; by Charles J “in publicrelation to agriculture in semiarid sections; by A. K. Risser. a . ‘nt rnri q hi-h schools • by Dick J. Crosby.—Settlement of irrigated lands; by Carl S. Sco- n jh —Some new crasses for the South : bv R. A. Oakley.—Raisins, figs and othei dried fruits and their use; by C. F. Langworthy.—Possible sources of potashi in United States: by Frank K. Cameron.—Commercial weather map of tinted States Weather Bureau ; by Henry L. Heiskell.—Appendix.—Index.

Note .—Appendix contains statistical and other information.94777—No. 221—13---- 2 595

596 May , 1913


p rcuiar 207.) [This is a revision of Circular 183.] * Paper, 5c.

?9„rwS.Ta“r, r “■ 19k '

Service announcements 73; May 15, 1913. [1913.] p. 39-50.36 p. (Agricul-

Agr 13—527 [Monthly.] t


Distribution and migration of North American herons and Wells w. Cooke. May 24, 1913. TO p. 11. (Bulletin 45.) their allies; by

* Paper, 10c.Agr 13—529




K2.?n .Ta’pei- £ * A' M“y 17' 1918- ”+^ ^(cT

Agr 13—492/3exp erime nt st ations off ice

1HSF£ • S»SSk X3 Sri””science which have recently appeared in all 3 Publications on agriculturalExtra numbers, called abstract numbers 1 ZOT’ esp?c allr the United States, almost exclusively of abstracts1 that is^’tlww Sit quarterly, which are made up limited number of current notes’ 1 1S’ they contain no editorial notes and only a

May , 1913 597

Experiment station work 75; Mar. 1913. May 20, 1913. 24 p. il. (Agricul-ture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 532.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 6—305/3

List of station publications received by office during Apr. 1913. May 17, 1913. 8 p. ([Publication] 1534.) [Monthly.] t


Annual report, [fiscal year] 1912. May 7, 1913. 91 p. il. 3 pl. 2 p. of pl. (Ex-periment Stations Office. [Publication] 1491.) * Paper, 10c. Agr 6—1359/4

FOREST SERVICENational forest manual amendment 165 and 166. Apr. 1 and May 1, 1913.

Each 1 p. tPith-ray flecks in wood [with bibliography]; by H. P. Brown. May 7, 1913.

15 p. 6 p. of pl. (Circular 215.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 13—498/4

LIBRARYMonthly bulletin, Mar. 1913, v. 4, no. 3. May 6, 1913. p. 65-91. * Paper, 5c.

single copy, 50c. a yr. Agr 10—620/2PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU

Alfalfa. Arabian alfalfa; by Roland McKee. Mar. 29, 1913. p. 25-30. ([Circular] 119 D.) ♦ Paper, 5c.

----- Artificial curing of alfalfa hay; by H. B. McClure. Mar. 8, 1913. p. 27- 31, il. [From Circular 116.] * Paper, 5c.

Apples and peaches in Ozark region; by H. P. Gould and W. F. Fletcher. May 6, 1913. 95 p. il. 1 pl. 4 p. of pl. map. (Bulletin 275.) * Paper, 15c.

Agr 13—500/5Belle Fourche experiment farm. Work of Belle Fourche experiment farm in

1912; by Beyer Aune. Mar. 29, 1913. p. 15-22, il. ([Circular] 119 B.) * Paper, 5c.

Canning. Girls’ demonstration work: Canning clubs; [by I. W. Hill and O. B. Martin], Revised [edition]. Apr. 29, 1913. 8 p. il. ([Publication] 870.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 13—532

Citrus fruit. Sites, soils, and varieties for citrus groves in Gulf States; by P. H. Rolfs. May 16, 1913. 15 p. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 538.) [This is a revision of part of Farmers’ bulletin 238.] * Paper, 5c.

Agr 13—494Corn. [Circular letter] to all members of boys’ corn clubs [including blank

form for report concerning club acre of corn]. [1913.] [8] p. 4° t----- Effects of cross-pollination on size of seed in maize; by G. N. Collins

and J. H. Kempton. May 3, 1913. p. 9-15. ([Circular] 124 B.) * Paper, 5c.

----- Inheritance of waxy endosperm in hybrids with sweet corn: by G. N. Collins and J. H. Kempton. Apr. 5, 1913. p. 21-27, il. ([Circular] 120 C.) *Paper, 5c.

Cotton. Behavior of seed cotton in farm storage; by Charles J. Brand and W. A. Sherman. Apr. 26, 1913. p. 11-20, il. ([Circular] 123 B.) *Paper, 5c.

——- Culture of Durango cotton in Imperial Valley; by Argyle McLachlan. Apr. 12, 1913. p. 3-12. [From Circular 121.] * Paper, 5c.

----- Egyptian cotton culture in the Southwest; by Carl S. Scofield. Apr. 26, 1913. p. 21-28, il. ([Circular] 123 C.) * Paper, 5c.

----- Factors affecting production of long-staple cotton; by O. F. Cook. Apr. 26. 1913. p. 3-9. ([Circular] 123 A.) * Paper, 5c.

Cow-peas. Wild prototype of cowpea; by Charles V. Piper. May 3, 1913. p. 29-32. ([Circular] 124 D.) * Paper, 5c.

Delta experiment farm. Miscellaneous papers: Work of Delta experiment farm in 1912, [by] John P. Irish, jr.; Silver scurf, disease of potato [with bibliography, by] I. E. Melhus; Dasheen, root crop for Southern States, [by] Robert A. Young. May 17, 1913. 36 p. il. (Circular 127.) * Paper, 5c.

Agr 13—525/8----- Work of Delta experiment farm in 1912; by John P. Irish, jr. May 17,

1913. p. 3-13, il. ([Circular] 127 A.) * Paper, 5c.

598 May , 1913

'‘Ethel C M Pm»v°T ?9,Ta-bZ D!?p?rthe batatatis; by L. L. Harter and 10c d‘ M y L W13’ 38 p- 1L 4 p. of pl. (Bulletin 281.) * Paper,

Agr 13—495/416 p. 11.Durum wheat; by Cecil Salmon and J. Allen Clark. May 2 1913

(Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 534.) * Paper, 5c. ’ Agr 13—490/3 harms. Miscellaneous papers: Some profitable and unprofitable farms in New

Hampshire, [by] Fred E. Robertson and Uwrace Gtextile plant fibers. [by] Lyster H. Dewey and Mar e aSSl’oe Ma? M 1913. 21 p. il. (Circular 128.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 13—528

Carleton R BalL Apr-

“taTb^w "1 '?./ [Wit" I?' puhllcatlmis concernin'gRicker ’ Mav io’ lOlfetai_son ’ Dlr®g!1011s for collecting plants, [by] P. L. Micxer. May 10, 1913. 35 p. il. (Circular 126.) * Paper, 10c.

experillient "ork of Huntley experiment farm in 1912 • bv ansen. Apr. 12, 1913. p. 19-28, il. [From Circular 121.] * Paper 5c

Marsh’’ Mav°9°19r3eedi;5bn 9 AYars11’ A’ B’ Clawson> <™d Hadleigh* Paper 5c ’ P’ <Agnculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 531.)

Tir ;. ’ ’ Agr 13—520/4M64Cndne/^iPtS’’ by„ G.eorZeC- Husmann Charles Dearing. May 5 1913 > 64 p. il. 3 pl. 8 p. ot pl. (Bulletin 273.) * Paper, 25c. Agr 13-518/3

Papaws. Grafted papaya as annual fruit tree; bv David Fairchild and Fd 7^®“ ' Mar- 29' 1918' »■ 3-18' “■ [From c“ular llTi

P°2tl“t°lf1raWlw flI“b/T2rli,'-11 ?e North ana West; William Stuart. Apr21,1913. 10 p. il. ([Publication] 884.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 13—512/4

e^)eGmeat farm; Work of San Antonio experiment farm in * Papery5c HaStmgS‘ Apr’ 5’ 1913- p- 7-20, il. ([Circular] 120 B)

Stock poisoning due to scarcity of food; by C. Dwight Marsh 4 p. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 536.) ”

Sudan grass new drought-resistant hay plant; bv C. V. Piper 20 p. il. (Circular 125.) * Paper, 5c.

May 1, 1913. * Paper, 5c. Agr 13—391/3

May 7, 1913. Agr 13—511/2

RP?,ri“f,Ut „of T™<tee-Carson experimenl fens• Pape;,’ 5c Headley. Apr. 19. 1913. p. 13-23. il. ([Circular] 122 B.)

Vetch growing in South Atlantic States; by A. G. Smith. May 17 1913 n il. ( Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 529.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 13—526/2

u"iana’,satl°n project Agriculture on Yuma reclamation project- bv Carl S. Scofield. May 3. 1913. p. 3-8. ([Circular] 124 A.) * Paper, 5c CarlAS%ecifiPlrtUSFff£!rS^AsriCUlture on Yuma reclamation project, [by] G N CoKd ? S V? cyoss-Pollination on size of seed in maize. bv fhvi t P o d 1' Keinptoni Experiments on decav of Florida oranges M-fv 3 191fT1°-9enb nChe^.W11? p™t?type °f cowp?a’ [by] Charles V. Piper’ May 3, 1913. 32 p. il. (Circular 124.) * Paper. 5c. Agr 13—496/10


PUBLICATIONS DIVISION ““^'^JpibficattonrTSSJ t' Agr,eultl,re Department], Apr. 1913. [1913.)

SOILS BUREAUOccurrence of potassium salts in salines of United States bv J W Turrentinp-

M.‘y rST’ nV' S L ?ar?r- A- R- and 7TS& iviay «, jyu. yb p. il. (Bulletin 94.) * Paper, 15c. Agr 13—497/7

May , 1913 599

Soil survey of Reno County, Kans.; by William T. Carter, jr., F. V. Emerson, A. E. Kocher, Allen L. Higgins, Charles S. Myszka and H. C. Lint. May 7, 1913. 72 p. il. map. [Prepared in cooperation with Kansas State Agricul-tural College. From Field operations, 1911.] * Paper, 15c.

Soil survey of Shawnee County, Kans.; by W. C. Byers and R. I. Throckmor-ton. May 10, 1913. 41 p. il. map. [Prepared in cooperation with Kansas State Agricultural College and Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. From Field operations, 1911.] * Paper, 15c.

Study of soils of United States [with bibliography] ; by George Nelson Coffey. 1913. 114 p. il. map in pocket. (Bulletin 85; H. doc. 1421, 62d Cong. 3d sess.) * Paper, 25c. Agr 12—2015/2


Meat inspection law, opinion of district court for eastern district of Missouri in case arising under meat inspection law, act of June 30, 1906. May 9, 1913, 4 p. (Circular 74.) * Paper, 5c.


Crop reporter, v. 15, no. 5; May, 1913. May 13, 1913. p. 33—40, 4° [Monthly.]* Paper, 5c. single copy, 60c. a yr. Agr 9—1417/3

Foreign crops, Mar.-Apr. 1913; by Charles M. Daugherty. May 6, 1913. 27 p.(Circular 47.) * Paper, 5«. Agr 11—850/3


Bulletin of Mount Weather Observatory, v. 5, pt. 5. May 15, 1913. cover-title, p. 295-364, il. 1 pl. large 8° * Paper, $1.00 per vol. Agr 8—85/3

Con ten ts .—Effect of atmospheric turbidity of 1912 on solar radiation intensities and skylight polarization ; by Herbert H. Kimball.—Haze of upper atmosphere; by R. O. E. Davis.—Dynamic meteorology; by H. Bateman.—Elementary problems in meteorology, 2d series ; by Charles F. von Herrmann.

Climatological service, district 1, North Atlantic States, report for Mar. 1913; Wilford M. Wilson, district editor. 1913. 14 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. for each district.

Same, district 2, South Atlantic and east Gulf States, report for Mar. 1913; Charles F. von Herrmann, district editor. 1913. 19 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review. Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 3, Ohio Valley, report for Mar. 1913; Ferdinand J. Walz, dis-trict editor. 1913. 15 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 4, Lake region, report for Mar. 1913; Henry J. Cox, district editor. 1913. 13 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 5, upper Mississippi Valley, report for Mar. 1913; George M, Chappel, district editor. 1913. 16 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 6, Missouri Valley, report for Mar. 1913; Montrose W. Hayes, district editor. 1913. 21 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 7, lower Mississippi Valley, report for Mar. 1913; Isaac M. Cline, district editor. 1913. 18 p. 2 p. of maps. 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 8, Texas and Rio Grande Valley, report for Mar. 1913; Bernard Bunnemeyer, district editor. 1913. 10 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 9, Colorado Valley, report for Mar. 1913; Frederick H. Branden-burg, district editor. 1913. 11 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Mar. 1913.]

Same, district 10. Great Basin, report for Mar. 1913; Alfred H. Thiessen, dis-trict editor. 1913. 10 p. 2 p. of maps. 4° [From Monthly weather review. Mar. 1913.]

600 May , 1913

S”t”et Mito? 1M13all?2m„iai for ‘V !M3: Alexander O. McAdle, dis- Mar. 1913.] ' P' p' of maps’ 4 [From Monthly weather review,

S“ffiS’rlrtSMlto?2, IMS "”16 o7POrt Mar- 1913 ■ Edward A. Beals, view, Mar. 1913.] ' P- P- o maps, 4 [From Monthly weather re-

Description or cloud forms. New edition. Jan. 1913. 1 p. 11 24X17 In »5c ^MonthTyf' etort Gr<!at LakeB’ J“Jy’ 1918- tl918-l 17-9X20.1 In.'

prevolllnesignal bell stations, Apr 1913_ Distribution locatlon of submarinecall letters for each.—Highest v^ocitv of wind m™7-tatl0nsGreat Lakes- and during July, 1900-12. S Ve °Clty ot Wlnd> direction, and date of occurrence, andJnSn ”?Ss“ anj’ih’o A‘'“”a%“”th 1south Pacific oceans, quarterly are issued hv^io’ south Atlantic anddistribution to cooperating shipmasters and alters Ssted m'Tcean meiSolo""/ ^Monthly.?1 Chart °f Ina,an Oceaa- 1918 [IMS.] 17.7X25.9 Im

Note .—Contains on reverse, Storm warnings of Japan“ShTy.?1 Chart °f north At,antlC °CK'“- I948- IW13-1 17.8X26 in.

stations aSng^Atiantic’and^Gul^coasts—RecordAran,tiC st7?mshiP routes.—Radio telegraphed during Mar. 1913, by vessel weather^stationsbservatl0ns taken and radio-

“fMont^T1 Chatt °( n°rlh Paclflc J“*- 1913- [1913.] 17.6X26 in.

Pacific Ocean and SAiaskin VPrSe’ 8torm warnings of Japan.—Radio stations of north

c~, p. 17«25,

tween ellmnto’o^”m^SjlneSSi, bygtol™,

SS TthrwSyt,n'AMPayS' ToiitE?-7-10 [19131- May 8-27’* Paper, 25c. a year. y’ Apr-“Sept” monthly remainder of year.]

SoutheaSem SUtesT,1^ ^[1913^^ 19X24 ^n^ rDa8-?™’$2 50aaSvrnd hd°-1(i-dayS-.] * Editi°ns issued at Washington, D.C 25? a nioiX loc5°a m^nth,^: “ ab°Ut 5° Stati°US throu^ut United States,’

Satey94Cmta?^g-i for^?sts for United States], May 1-31 1913 ri913 ition as the edkten’for week^ayl]^111011 UOt C°Utain aS mUCh informa-

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONforNthem7The Commission furnishes its publications gratuitously to those who apply

^variousepagteg,°4°eaCn?1faa^fOnS^ June 2’July 7’ 1913’ Apr. 29-May 27, 1913.

^annual report [with appendix], fiscal year 1912. 1913. 269 p. * Cloth,

Note .—Contains civil service act, rules and regulations. 4—18119Same. (H. doc. 963, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Information concerning removals. Apr. 1913. 4 p. fInstructions to applicants lor «h-class postmaster examination. May, 1913.

601May , 1913

COMMERCE DEPARTMENTNote —Formerly Commerce and Labor Department. Under the provisions of the

act of Mar. 4, 1913, creating the Labor Department, the Commerce and Labor Depart-ment was changed to the Commerce Department, and the following bureaus transferred to the Labor Department: Children’s Bureau, Immigration and Naturalization Bureau (now Immigration Bureau and Naturalization Bureau), Information Division, and Labor Bureau (now Labor Statistics Bureau).

For note relative to the creation of the Labor Department, see page 625.The Department of Commerce has a limited edition of its publications which it dis-

tributes gratuitously to those who apply for them.Manning of inspected vessels. Mar. 18, 1913. 2 p. 4° (Dept, circular 245;

Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat-Inspection Service.) [Supersedes De-partment circular 233, Nov. 21, 1911.] t

Oaths to expense accounts. Mar. 17, 1913. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 244.) [Amends Department circular 242, Sept. 6, 1912.] t

CENSUS BUREAUNote __The Abstract of the 13th census and the Supplements for the several States

can be'obtained separately from the Superintendent of Documents, the Abstract for $1.00 and the Supplements at prices which have been or will be quoted in the Monthly catalogue as the Supplements are issued. Limited editions of the volumes containing both Abstract and Supplement for each individual State are being issued. These vol-umes are distributed only by the Director of the Census.Cooperage. Slack cooperage stock, 1911. May 7, 1913. 10 p. (Forest prod-

ucts 3 [1911 series].) [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.] * Paper, 5c. Agr 7—233G/4

----- Tight cooperage stock, 1911. May 17, 1913. 12 p. (Forest products 6 [1911 series].) [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.] * Paper, 5c.

Agr 8—7/5Crossties purchased, 1911. May 12, 1913. 8 p. (Forest products 8 [1911

series].) [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.] * Paper, 5c.Agr 7—2367/5

Excelsior, 1911. May 5, 1913. 4 p. (Forest products 4 [1911 series].) [Pre-pared in cooperation with Forest Service.] * Paper, 5c. Agr 13 533

Lumber, lath, and shingles, 1911. May 12, 1913. 45 p. (Forest products 2 [1911 series].) [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.] * Paper, 5c.

Agr 8—43/5Mortality statistics, [calendar year] 1911. 1913. 142 p. il. 4° (Bulletin 112.)

♦ Paper, 25c. 13 35401Property. Assessed valuation of property, basis of assessment, and taxes lev-

ied, 1910. [1913.] p. 65-68, 87, 232-247, 4° [From Financial statistics of cities having population of over 30,000, 1910.] * Paper, 5c.

Pulp-wood consumption, 1911. May 24, 1913. 10 p. il. (Forest products 1 [1911 series].) [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.] * Paper. 5c.

Agr 7—2366/5Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census, statistics of

population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for United States, States, and principal cities; with Supplement for California containing statistics for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 727 p. il. 4° t DO 13 19

Same; with Supplement for District of Columbia, containing statistics forDistrict. 1913. 607 p. il. 4° t DO 13—20

Same; with Supplement for Georgia containing statistics for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 739 p. il. 4° t • DO 13—21

Same; with Supplement for Illinois containing statistics for State, counties.cities, and other divisions. 1913. 759 p. il. 4° t DO 13 22

Same; with Supplement for Indiana containing statistics for State, counties.cities, and other divisions. 1913. 721 p. il. 4° t DO 13 23

Same; with Supplement for Iowa containing statistics for State, counties, cities,and other divisions. 1913. 719 p. il. 4° t DO 13—24

Same; with Supplement for Kansas containing statistics for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 711 p. il. 4° t DO 13 25

602 May , 1913

Same; with Supplement for Massachusetts containing statistics for State counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 703 p. il. 4° f DO 13_26

Same; with Supplement for Minnesota containing statistics for State, counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 715 p. il. 4° f DO13--27’

Same; with Supplement for Mississippi containing statistics for State, counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 677 p. il. 4° f D O 13—13

Same; with Supplement for Missouri containing statistics for State, counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 735 p. il. 4° t DO 13__ 28

Same; with Supplement for Montana containing statistics for State, counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 661 p, il. 4° f DO 13__29

Same; with Supplement for Nebraska containing statistics for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 703 p. il. 4° f DO 13—30

Same; with Supplement for Nevada containing statistics for State, counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 643 p. il. 4" f DO 13 31

Same; with Supplement for New Hampshire containing statistics for State counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 645 p. il. 4° f D O 13_32

Same; with Supplement for New Jersey containing statistics for State, coun-ties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 691 p. il. 4° f DO 13 33

Same; with Supplement for New York containing statistics for State, coun-ties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 795 p. il. 4° t DO 13 34

Same; with Supplement for North Carolina containing statistics for State counties, cities, and other divisions. J 913. 703 4° t D O 13_35

Same; with Supplement for North Dakota containing statistics for State, coun-ties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 669 p. il. 4° t I) 013_ 36

Same; with Supplement for Oklahoma containing statistics for State counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 693 p. il. 4° t DO 13 37

Same; with Supplement for Oregon containing statistics for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 679 p. il. 4° f DO 13 38

Same; with Supplement for South Carolina containing statistics for State counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 663 p. il. 4° f DO 13 39’

Same; with Supplement for South Dakota containing statistics for State, conn ties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. 683 p. il. 4° f DO 13 40

Same; with Supplement for Utah containing statistics for State, counties, cities and other divisions. 1913. 665 p. il. 4° t DO 13 11

Same; with Supplement for Wyoming containing statistics for State, counties cities, and other divisions. 1913. 645 p. il. 4° t DO 13 42

Thiiteenth census of United States, 1910: Manufactures, [calendar year] 1909 comparative summary, principal industries, by States, 1909, 1904," and 1899’ number of establishments, persons engaged, power, capital, expenses, and value of products, industries, by States, 1909. 1913. cover-title, 245 p. 4° [This bulletin contains the more important statistics of manufactures by States which will be reproduced as part of the final report on manufactures 1 * Paper, 35c. 13-35345

Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Statistics for California containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-721, il. 4" [This is a repiint of the Supplement for California published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper 25c- 13—35315

Same: Statistics for District of Columbia containing statistics of population, agriculture, and manufactures for District. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-601, il. 4 [This is a reprint of the Supplement for District of Columbia published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 10c. 13_ 3531g

Same. Statistics for Georgia containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-734, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Georgia published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910- Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13_ 35313

May , 1913 603

Same: Statistics for Illinois containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-754, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Illinois published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 30c. 13—35342

Same: Statistics for Indiana containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-716, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Indiana published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States. 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13—35349

Same: Statistics for Iowa containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-714, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Iowa published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13—35314

Same: Statistics for Kansas containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-706, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Kansas published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910 : Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13—35317

Same: Statistics for Massachusetts containing statistics of population, agri-culture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divi-sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-698, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supple-ment for Massachusetts published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper. 20c. 13—35380

Same: Statistics for Michigan containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-714, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Michigan published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13—35424

Same: Statistics for Minnesota containing statistics of population, agricul-ture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divi-sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-710, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supple-ment for Minnesota published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13—35381

Same: Statistics for Mississippi containing statistics of population, agricul-ture, and manufactures for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-671, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Mis-sissippi published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 15c. 13—35422

Same: Statistics for Missouri containing statistics of population, agricul-ture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divi-sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-729, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Missouri published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 25c. 13—35337

Same: Statistics for Montana containing statistics of population, agricul-ture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divi-sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-656, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supple-ment for Montana published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910 : Abstract of census.] * Paper, 20c. 13—35318

Same: Statistics for Nebraska containing statistics of population, agricul-ture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divi-sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-698, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supple-ment for Nebraska published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 20c. . 13—35382

Same: Statistics for Nevada containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-638, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Nevada published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 15c. 13—35344

94777—No. 221—13-----3

604 May , 1913

Same: Statistics for New Hampshire containing statistics of population ™ri Sr\^"?„™rrr;.and sti,te- 'o™«^tta,Tnda& dfvb sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565—639, il. 4° FThis i« a rpm'int nt a i ment for New Hampshire published in connection with Thirteenth census’of United States, 1910 : Abstract of census.] * Paper, 15c 1Uirteenth

Same: Statistics for New Jersey containing statistics of population n<rripni ture, manufactures, and mining for State c^nties cities ,S r sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565^686, ih 4° [This isSL renrin^nf th^^f

T“rteenth rxg'BSs5 “SSB-S- MW

“srta^%?oak°4“sSSat“re, “etuS Tn?“i ’"V"'

sions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-688. il 4° [This i?a

'SS^S y g Ijgg8 BHSH mg

rnHplf<stSf0Ut^o?nlkOta Published in connection with Thirteenth census1 of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper. 20c imrtecUtn

^•j xcipci, ±uc. 23_ 35351

8B S£’ J-O oo4^.o

May , 1913 605

Same: Statistics for West Virginia containing statistics of population, agri-culture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-664, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for West Virginia published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910 : Abstract of census.] * Paper, 15c. 13—35425

Same: Statistics for Wisconsin containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-700, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Wisconsin published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 20c. 13—35386

Same: Statistics for Wyoming containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for State, counties, cities, and other divisions. 1913. cover-title, p. 565-640, il. 4° [This is a reprint of the Supplement for Wyoming published in connection with Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Abstract of census.] * Paper, 15c. 13—35336

Thirteenth census of United States, 1910, bulletin: Manufactures, 1909, sta-tistics for flour-mill and gristmill industry. [Apr. 1913.] 24 p. il. 4°* Paper, 5c. 13—35440

Same: Manufactures, 1909, statistics for manufacture of gas. [May, 1913.] 19 p. il. 4° * Paper, 5c. 13—35441

Same: Manufactures, 1909, statistics for rice cleaning and polishing. [Apr.1913.] 9 p. 4° * Paper, 5c. 13—35442

Same: Manufactures, 1909, statistics of boots and shces, including cut stock and findings. [May, 1913.] 20 p. il. 4° * Paper, 5c. 13—35443

COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEYNote .—The monthly Notice to mariners, formerly issued by the Coast and Geodetic

Survey, has been consolidated with and made a part of the Notice to mariners issued by the Lighthouses Bureau, thus making it a joint publication. The charts, coast pilots, and tide tables of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are sold at the office of the Survey in Washington, and also by one or more sales agents in each of the important American seaports.United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast: pt. 8, Gulf of Mexico from Key West

to Rio Grande [supplement to 3d edition]. May 12, 1913. 9 1. large 8° 7 8—35404/5

Same, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Washington [supplement to 2d edition]. May 12, 1913. 8 1. large 8° t 9—35664/4


[Georgia and Florida] Sapelo Island to Amelia Island; coast chart 157. Scale I : 80,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1913. 41.2X32.4 in. t 50c.

Kill Van Kull, N. Y.-N. J., [from] surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1912, New York City authorities, and other sources; chart 544. Scale 1:15,000. Wash-ington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1913. 13.9X32.5 in. t 30c.

Narragansett Bay, R. I.; with inset, Seekonk River, continuation to Paw-tucket; chart 353. Scale 1:40,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Sur-vey, Apr. 1913. 45.9X30.1 and 6.4 X 2.5 in. t 75c.

New Bedford Harbor and approaches, Mass.; chart 252. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1913. 35.1X35.2 in. i 50c.

North Carolina, Core Sound to Bogue Inlet, including Cape Lookout, scale 1: 80,000; with inset, Cape Lookout Bight, surveyed in 1912, scale 1: 20,000; coast chart 147. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1913. 40.2X32.3 and 6.5 X 7.1 in. t 50c.

Prince William Sound, eastern entrance, Alaska, south coast, surveys 1897- 1912; chart 8520. Scale 1:80.000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, May, 1913. 32.2X42.1 in. t 50c.

----- south coast of Alaska, original surveys 1899-1912, with additions from other sources; chart 8550. Scale 1:200,000. Washington, Coast and Geo-detic Survey, May, 1913. 36.6X35.1 in. t 50c.

606 May , 1913

Tyibe4OoSdS’wS^nn.ah RJ,ver’ and Wassaw Sound, Ga.; chart 440. Scale in. t 50c. hin^ton> Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1913. 30.1X39.6

Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay, Mass.; chart 112 Snip i -Rnnno w i. mgton, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1913. 37.8X31.3 in. t 50c. HS

FISHERIES BUREAUB 90c.tin’ 1911‘ 1913’ V’ 31’ pt' 1’ p' 1-544’ n- 1 Pl- 3 maps, large 8° * Cloth,

PhXfTnVsXKUwW pt8T^9/i3Same ' 1h ™ 7' ®fcame. (H. doc. 176, 62d Cong. 2d sess.)

of Fisheries d’„c.>774.) ”Sper, 15c +" P' 6 P' °f pl ma%,

DeWdsPhtiOMayn24V -/"/V'1,: by ^ewls RadeUtte and William W.pv . 1?.7aPiaX8 ([Burea“»f

narrow! (Statistical bulletin 286.) f ’ 1912J> [1913J XP-STn OfMa1y1VU191^eSn WQRLtril?iiOgraPQ^y^ 9y G< H‘ Parker and R- E- Shel-

[From Bulletin, v.'s/j ♦Pajier II “ °' Flsberle«Statement of quantities and values of certain fishery products landed at Bn«-

i n lm * oucester, Mass., by American fishing vessels Mar 1913 11913 11 p. oblong large 8° (Statistical bulletin 287.) t [1913,]


“S; Statea'----- Same. (H. doc. 957, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Daily consular and trade reports 1-74 [series 1913]- Jan-Mar 1913 rtitiP

pageand mdex], 1913. [1]+33 p. [Quarterly.] *’Paper,^ 8-30775/5

[1913-] P'5C1-1120-

POr7X‘aSetX" r^i [Fr°m Dal,y TO“Sn,ar MImports and exports. Exports of domestic breadstuffs, cottonseed oil fond

animals, meat and dairy products, cotton, and mineral oils Apr 1913 ’ 1913 12 p. 4 (Bulletin 10, series 1912-13.) [Monthly.] f 12-23979/3

~~^1 ROt4p Va[Mont°hlyJPOt°f StateS’ Apr‘ 1913‘ [1913^

Monthly summary of commerce and finance of United States Mar 1913- no 9 series 1912-13. 1913. p. 991-1094, 4° * Paper, 15c. 10-6205/3

Same. (H. doc. 938, pt. 9, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Statistical abstract of United States, 1912. 1913. no. 35; 836 p. * Paper, 50c.Same. (H. doc. 960, 62d Cong. 3d sess.) 4—18089/4Steamb°ats. Sailing dates of steamships from principal ports of United

S“S.?ldtSS;Xr “"I’shX'nr8^" ’vH+lT/"/ 'T'series 9.) * Paper, 15c. .* ™+127 p. il. (Miscellaneous

T71M3 1C° nP 49a£506ad Tpf’re.m dUtles in United States and foreign c!wrS session.] Pj 4" 5°6' [Reprinted from House report 5, 63d Congress. 1st

May , 1913 607


Statistics Bureau InReport on conditions of employment in iron and steel industry in United States-

' 1’ mC1?e?AS an? accident prevention; [by Lucian W. Chaney] 1913 350P. il. 10 pl. 40 p. of pl. (S. doc. 110, 62d Cong. 1st. sess. ) * 40c


Lighthouse Service bulletin, May, 1913, no. 17. [1913.] p. 65-68. [Monthly.]

Notice to mariners, weekly, nos. 18-22, 1913; May 2-30 [19131 paging. [Issued jointly with Coast and Geodetic Survey.] f

12—35121/31913. various


NAVIGATION BUREAUA15,ei913eUt12tl° N^PaSi?ei°5caWS °f StateS]’ WU’ 2d suW)leiueM- Apr.

International Morse code and conventional signals to be used for all general • Paper,Se£'Ce ^ununcatlou. [1913.1 1 p. r (Mto Sertce)

^lO*lpOn iutemational radiotelegraphic convention. May 8, 1913. 31 p. n < £ oi, oc. 35^1.*17

Radio call letters. May 9, 1913. 4 p. * Paper, 5c. 13—35435


ot available for distribution. 9thedition. May 1,1910. 63 p. , 12-35088/5


Bulletin, v. 8, no. 4. Mar. 1, 1913. [1]+611-742+vii p il ♦ Pa nor 9^ single copy, $1.00 a vol. (4 nos.). P' 1L S’707/4bv r NT«s X M’nR^-aaDdandizatIon °.f,potassium permanganate solution by sodium oxalate-

• McEride.—Eenzom acid as acidimetric standard; by Groree W Morev- Tiibuheavy currents; by P. G. Agne^.-T/ermoietrkYag; muthate mTffi; by wTlSm Blum ° manganese as sulPbate and by sodium bis^

Same, v. 8 [nos. 1-4, title-page and contents]. 1913. iii p. fSame, v. 9, no 1 Mar. 15, 1913. [1]+l-150+vii p. il. 1 pl. * Paper 25c

single copy, $1.00 a vol. (4 nos.). 1 ’uSeCd01lnErNaTd^S P2-I*? :?y P/ Nutting.-Instruments and methodsubeu in raaiometiy, 2 , by W. W. Coblentz.—Antenna resistance - bv L W An«Hn __

10SS^ 1? so“e con(iensers used in high-frequencv circuits’- by L w' Austin- Selective radiation from various substances, 4; by W. W. Coblentz —On' mn'flifiKm bv nachp Wnh r01' s.“oke.less powder and similar materials [with'list of references™ by H. C. P. Weber.—Atomic weight of bromine ; by H. C. P. Weber. j ,

Cement. Action of salts in alkali water and sea water on cements [with bib-liography] ; by P. H. Bates, A. J. Phillips, and Rudolph J. Wig. 1913 157 p il. 8 pl. (Technologic papers 12.) * Paper, 25c. 13—35368

Colorimeter. New precision colorimeter; by P. G. Nutting. [Reprint 1913 with changes.] 5 p. il. 1 pl. (Reprint 187.) [From Bulletin, v. 9]’ * Paper, 5c. 12—29908/5

Electric units. Supplement to Report to International Committee on Electrical units and Standards of special technical committee appointed to investigate and report on concrete standards of international electrical units and torecommend value for Weston normal cell. 1913. 34

Hydrometer. Standard density and volumetric tables.44 p. (Circular 19.) * Paper, 5c.

p. * Paper, 5c.12—35663/4

Apr. 1, 1913.13—35367

interference Priest. 1913.

3d edition.

in order of by Irwin G.

Interference (light). Simplified formula for change due to^changes in temperature and pressure of air;[1] +479-481 p. (Reprint 199.) [From Bulletin, v. 9~] * Paper, 5c.


608 May , 191

Micropyrometer; by George K. Burgess. 1913. [1]+475-478 p. il. 1 pl. (Re-print 198.) [From Bulletin, v. 9.] * Paper. 5c. 13—35366

National Conference on Weights and Measures. 8th annual conference on weights and measures of United States, May 14-17, 1913, Bureau of Standards, Washington. I). C. [program], [1913.] cover-title, 8 p. 12° f 13—35432

Rubber. Testing of mechanical rubber goods. 2d edition. Apr. 5, 1913. 39 p. il. (Circular 38.) * Paper, 10c.


Laws governing Steamboat-Inspection Service. Revised statutes as modified by acts of Congress. Edition, Apr. 15. 1913. 1913. 63 p. * Paper, 5c.

11—35015/4Pilot rules for inland waters of Atlantic and Pacific coasts and coast of Gulf of

Mexico. Edition, July 1, 1913. 1913. 29 p. il. t 10—35955/4

CONGRESSNote .-—The Senate and House documents and reports are issued in limited editions

and, unless otherwise indicated, may be obtained only through Members of Congress.Congressional record, 63d Congress. 1st session, v. 50, nos. 18-38; May 1-29,

1913. [1913.] 763-2086+[19] p. il. 4° 12—36438/3Note .—The Congressional record, containing the proceedings and debates of Con-

gress, is issued daily when Congress is in session, and indexes thereto are published fortnightly.

The Record is sold by the Superintendent of Documents on the following terms : Single copy, 3 cents, if not more than 24 pages, and 1 cent more for each additional 8 pages; per month, $1.50. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Prices for the bound volumes of the Record, 62d Congress, 3d session, and prior Congresses, will be furnished on application. Send remittances to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Stamps and foreign money will not be accepted.

Same, index [including History of bills and resolutions] 2, [to] nos. 9-20, Apr. 21-May 3, 1913. [1913.] 52+35 p. 4°

Same, 3, [to] nos. 21-31, May 5-16, 1913. [1913.] 40 +22 p. 4°Statutes passed at 3d session of 62d Congress, 1912-13, and concurrent resolu-

tions, recent treaties, and Executive proclamations; edited under direction of Secretary of State. 1913. [clxiii] + [562] p. 16 maps, large 8° * Paper, $1.00.

7—35353/6PUBLIC LAWS

Note .—Public acts in slip form in the first prints may be obtained from the Superin-tendent of Documents at a subscription price of $1.00 for the present session (63d Con-gress, 1st session) ; if only a few laws are enacted during this session this price will also include the laws for the 63d Congress, 2d session ; single copies are usually 5c. each. [63d Congress, 1st session] public [act] 1 and 2; approved [May 1 and] 22,1913.

Appropriations. H. 2973, making appropriations for certain expenses incident to 1st session of 63d Congress. [May 1.] 3 p. (No. 1.)

San Diego, Panama California Exposition, 1915. H. 4234, providing certain legisla-tion for exposition to be held in San Diego, Cal., during 1915. May 22. 1 p. (No. 2.)

1.63d Congress, 1st session] public [joint] resolution 2 and 3; approved May 21 and 22, 1913. Each 1 p.International Conference on Education. H. J. R. 82, authorizing President to accept

invitation to participate in conference [to be held at The Hague in 1913]. May 22. (No. 3.)

Post Office Department. H. J. R. 80, making appropriations to supply urgent deficien-cies for postal service, fiscal year 1913. May 21. (No. 2.)

CONFERENCE COMMITTEESFitzgerald, J. J. Conference report on H. 2441, making appropriations for

sundry civil expenses, fiscal year 1914. May 15, 1913. 2 p. (H. rp. 17.)HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

Address delivered by C. McD. Townsend before drainage congress at St. Louis, Mo. [on control of floods in Mississippi Valley: presented by Mr. Humphreys], May 15, 1913. 10 p. (H. doc. 51.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35408

Followers after strange gods, by Joseph G. Cannon; [presented by Mr. Mann]. May 15. 1913. 16 p. (H. doc. 48.) [From Saturday evening post, May 3, 1913.] * Paper, 5c. 13—35378

May , 1913 609

List of reports to be made to Congress by public officers during 63d Congress.Apr. 17, 1913. 28 p. (H. doc. 36.) 9—35340/2

Pure-food laws with Rules and regulations [adopted by commission representing Treasury, Agriculture, and Commerce and Labor Departments for enforcement of food and drugs act], public law 384, 59th Congress, 1st session, public law 301, 62d Congress, 2d session, public law 419, 62d Congress, 3d session. 1913. [2]+22+[2] p. [Consists of Agriculture Department Circular 21, 7th revi-sion, with additions.] t

Tariff Board and wool legislation, by William S. Culbertson, and Our wool duties, by Thomas Walker Page; [presented by Mr. Leuroot]. Apr. 21, 1913. 39 p. (H. doc. 50.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35404

Trachoma, dangerous, contagious, prevalent, preventable disease of eye; by John Joseph Kindred. Feb. 19, 1913. 12 p. 1 pl. (H. doc. 1405, 62d Cong. 3d sess.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35310


Abercrombie, J. W. Report amending H. R. 84, providing for members of Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee of 62d Congress who are Members of 63d Congress to continue investigation authorized by 62d Congress under H. R. 587, directing Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee to investigate methods and practices of various ship lines engaged in general transportation and their connection with railroad lines and other common carriers, etc. May 8, 1913. 1 p. (H. rp. 14.)

Howard, W. S. Report favoring H. R. 61, to pay Mary S. Mann, widow of Charles H. Mann. 6 months’ salary and funeral expenses of husband. Apr. 30, 1913. 1 p. (H. rp. 9.)

----- Report favoring H. R. 81, to pay Marie Smith, Hallie Vierbuchen, Louise Morgan, and Jennie White. May 8, 1913. Ip. (H. rp. 11.)

Lloyd, J. T. Report favoring H. R. 55, to appoint janitors for committees located in Capitol during sessions of 63d Congress. Apr. 30, 1913. Ip. (H. rp. 7.)

----- Report amending H. R. 56, to appoint laborers and janitors for House and also stenographer to journal clerk. Apr. 30, 1913. Ip. (H. rp. 8.)

----- Report favoring H. R. 87. to pay Mary C. Adams. May 8, 1913. 1 p.(H. rp. 12.)

----- Report amending H. R. 86. to appoint session clerk to Joint Select Com-mittee on Disposition of Useless Papers in Executive Departments during remainder of session. May 8, 1913. 1 p. (H. rp. 13.)

----- Report amending H. R. 85, to appoint messenger to Joint Select Com-mittee on Disposition of Useless Papers in Executive Departments during remainder of session. May 8, 1913. Ip. (H. rp. 15.)

Woodruff, R. O. Report favoring H. R. 54, to appoint attendant for ladies’ re-ception room of House during sessions of 63d Congress. Apr. 30, 1913. 1 p. (H. rp. 10.)


Henry, R. L. Report amending by substitute H. R. 97. fixing time for considera-tion of H. 32. for appointment of additional district judge for eastern dis-trict of Pennsylvania. May 10, 1913. 1 p. (H. rp. 16.)


Foreign tariff systems and industrial conditions, report prepared by Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 1913. 66 p. * Paper, 10c. 13 35355

Tariff schedules, hearings, v. 7. general index. 1913. ii+6347-6494 p. (H. doc. 1447, 62d Cong. 3d sess.) * Cloth, 25c.; * paper, 15c.


Brief for general parcel post; by David J. Lewis, addressed to Joseph L. Bris-tow, chairman joint committee, and Albert S. Burleson, Postmaster General. 1913. 58 p. 2 pl. t 13—35436

610 May , 1913


Railway mail pay, hearing, Mar. 27[-Apr. 221 1913 7 pl. map. (No. 2-4.) t 1913. [xi]+323-633 p.


PnT^- relatinS to methods of operation, organization and collection and distribution of news matter by Associated Press bv Fi-ini- r 27TS^aTr5? °f MiCWgan W 9 I dol’

&■« i ; ~ SI

Business in the public mind, address on attitude of the public mind toward toT DSC Ma^ iTl9?31hASwurti0nn°Vnipl0ying Lithographers, Washing M?vl6 i’9HyiOn C. Redfield; presented by Mr. Pomerene.May lb, 1913. io p. (S. doc. 37.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35379

Immigration and emigration. Article from American federationist Julv 1911 relating, to methods of State and philanthropic bureaus in schemes to dis-Fletcher^Mfr? 1913 ^7^ by91Sxm*el GomPers: Presented by Mr.netcner. Maj 7, 1913. 17 p. (S. doc. 21.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35377

nsurrection and martial law, opinions of Supreme Court of Appeals of West cases. state ex rel. Mays v. Brown, warden of State peniten-

tiary State ex rel. Nance v. same, and in re Mary Jones, Charles H Boswell Charles Batley, and Paul J. Paulson. 1913. 71 p. (S. doc. 43.) * Paper,’

, ‘ _ 13—35116Journal, 3d session, 62d Congress. 1912 448 p 4° ±


y i r. Root. May 5, 1913. 18 p. (S. doc. 18.) * Paper, 5c. 13_ 35375GaH?L Address on issues between United States and Great Britain in

fSS?0 A<q“?a CaDal tolls’ as raised in recent diplomatic correspondence, by doc 32 Y P* PapeT^c ’ pieSented by Mr- o’G°rman. May 14, 1913. 11 p. (S.

ZL>/Ad(^reSSAOn Panama Canal tolls legislation and Hay-Pauncefote treaty 25 diQi?ru A“?lacan1 Society of International Law, Washington, D. C„ April lOn 9A X q?\ar2r? ey;K presented by Mr- O’Gorman. May 14, 1913. AU p. (S. doc. 33.) * Paper, 5c. 13 35373

Address on rule of treaty construction, known as rebus sic stantibus dis- ciSna?nb°v TU1?er and Ha.y pauncefote treaties in relation to Panama 19 * o Tayl°r; Presented by Mr. Vardaman. May 14, 1913. 8 p.(S. doc. 31.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35371

law °fficer of Isthmian Canal Commission, Mr. Feuille, loin d if tolls an Panama Canal; presented by Mr. Chamberlain. May 20, 1313 62d Cnn<rrn'ct!dOfi 4(K)- [?ep5i^t of corrected print of House document 1313, 62d Congress, 3d session.] * Paper, 5c. 13—35043

—— Great Britain and Panama Canal, study of tolls question, by George C Butte, presented by Mr. O’Gorman. May 5, 1913. 30 p. (S. doc. 19.) (This article contains the essential parts of a contribution in German to the Jahr- buch des Volkerrechts, Munich.] * Paper, 5c. 13_ 35309

Pri°3thrt(S MAroh riai2m ATCreiory;A^oC0Unt of Pr°Perty> etc., in his possession on 13th of March, 1913. May 13, 1913. 6 p. (S. doc. 25.)

—— Letter from sergeant at arms, report of receipts from sale of condemned property since Dec. 2, 1912. May 15, 1913. Ip. (S. doc. 34.)

RecaH. Article from Legal bibliography of March, 1913, dealing with propo-sition for recall of judicial decisions, by Ezra Ripley Thayer [with article ?4 iQiQ P0i9ei °f/£dfeS’ S J3, ChiPmanl > Presented by Mr. Nelson. May 14, 1913. 12 p. (S. doc. 28.) * Paper, 5c. 13_ 3540'7

May , 1913 611

Sugar at a second glance, article on influence of our high tariff on sugar upon ultimate price to consumer and as affecting high cost of living, by Frank C. Lowrv; presented by Mr. James. May 6, 1913. 106 p. (S. doc. 23.) *Paper, 10c. 13—35406

Supreme Court. Article from Columbia law review of April, 1913, setting forth progressive tendency of Supreme Court of United States, by Charles Warren; presented by Mr. Lodge. May 14, 1913. 15 p. (S. doc. 30.) * Paper. 5c.

13—35370Tariff. Comparison of rates of duty levied by tariff act of 1909 and H. 3321

as passed by House of Representatives showing also corresponding rates in chemicals, metals, sugar, cotton, and wool bills of 1912, and equivalent ad valorems in all these measures based upon importations of fiscal years 1911 and 1912; presented by Mr. Smoot. May 26, 1913. [3] p.+144 1. oblong large 8° (S. doc. 45.) 13—35431

Women. Letter from Flora McDonald Thompson petitioning Secretary of Labor for establishment of bureau of woman labor in Department of Labor; pre-sented by Mr. Smoot. May 16, 1913. 6 p. (S. doc. 38.) * Paper, 5c.


Martin, T. S. Report amending S. J. R. 30. extending [with pay] leave of absence of Mrs. A. E. Grant. May 19, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 44.)


Smith. J. W. Report favoring S. 1294. to regulate hours of employment and safeguard health of females employed in District. May 9, 1913. 2 p. (S. rp. 34.)


Smith. Hoke. Report amending by substitute S. R. 37, authorizing committee to make investigation of conditions in Paint Creek coal fields of West Vir-ginia. May 26, 1913. 2 p. (S. rp. 52.)


Reciprocity with Canada, compilation of 1911. 1911. pts. 2, 3A, 3B, [xi]+915— 4321 p. ‘ (S. doc. 80. 62d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, pt. 2, 60c.; * pt. 3A, 85c.; * pt. 3B, 80c.

Tariff schedules, briefs and statements filed with committee, schedules A and B. 1st print. 1913. vi+70 p. J


Burton, T. E. Report* favoring S. J. R. 32, authorizing President to accept invitation to participate in International Conference on Education extended by Netherlands Government. May 14, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 39.)

O’Gorman, J. A. Report favoring S. 1864. for relief of contributors to Ellen M. Stone ransom fund. May 14, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 38.)

Swanson, C. A. Report amending S. 1620, for representation of United States in 14th International Congress on Alcoholism [to be held at Milan, Italy,. Sept. 1913]. May 16, 1913. 13 p. (S. rp. 41.) * Paper, 5c.


Hearings on H. 1917. making appropriations for Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes [etc.], fiscal year 1914. 1913. 118 p. t


Works, J. D. Report favoring H. 4234. providing certain legislation for Panama California Exposition to be held in San Diego, Cal., during 1915. May 19, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 45.)

94777—No. 221—13---- 4

612 May , 1913


History of bills and resolutions introduced in Congress respecting Federal regulation of interstate commerce by railways, etc., from 37th Congress to 62d Congress, 1862-1913; compiled by Samuel W. Briggs. 1913. 168 p. $


JUool?ia.,«C0Ae 1 luted States iu f<>rce Jan. 1, 1912, act of Mar. 3, 1911. chap 7o 1m36 includinS all amendments made priorto Mar. 4, 1913. 1913. x+149+xvii p. large 8° (S. doc. 1144, 62d Cong. 3d sess.) 23 35411

Chilton, \\. E. Report amending H. 32, for appointment of additional district judge for eastern district of Pennsylvania [etc.]. May 19, 1913. 1 p. (s. rp. 42.)

Clark, C. D. Report favoring S. 485, to amend sec. 1 of act to codify, revise, and amend laws relating to judiciary [so as to provide for additional district judge for southern district of California]. May 20, 1913. 7 p. (S. rp. 46.)

Fletcher, D. U. Report favoring S. 1689, authorizing accounting officers of .treasury to allow in accounts of marshal for district of Connecticut amounts paid by him from certain appropriations. May 26, 1913. 4 p. (S. rp. 51.)

Wateh, T. J. Report amending by substitute S. 99, to fix times and places of holding district courts for district of Arizona. May 5, 1913. 1 p. (sT rp. 31.)


Brady, J. H. Report favoring S. 653, for relief of William O. Mallahan [alias John Mack]. May 1. 1913. 3 p. (S. rp. 29.)

Johnston, J. F. Report amending S. R. 35, calling for information regarding ^QiVe idUty % which retlred officers of Army may be assigned, etc. May 1,


Tillman, B. R. Report favoring S. 2272, for increase in number of midshipmen at Naval Academy after June 30, 1913. May 22, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 50.)


Shively, B. F. Report amending S. 832, granting pensions and increase of pen-sions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and de-pendent relatives of such soldiers and sailors. May 20, 1913. 3 p. (S. rp. 47.)

----- Report amending S. 833, granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors. May 20, 1913. 59 p. (S. rp. 48.)

-— Report amending S. 834, granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors. May 20, 1913. 39 p. (S. rp. 49.)


Fletcher, D. U. Report amending H. C. R. 7, to print additional copies of report of Ways and Means Committee on H. 3321, to reduce tariff duties and to provide revenue for Government, etc. May 5, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 33.) [Cor-rected print.]


Chamberlain, G. E. Report favoring S. 1363, making lands within Oregon that have been withdrawn or classified as oil lands subject to entry under home-stead or desert-land laws. May 14, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 36.)

Clark, C. D. Report favoring S. 60, for agricultural entry of oil lands [in Wyoming], May 19, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 43.)

May , 1913 613

Smoot, Reed. Report favoring S. 540, for relief of Joseph Hodges. May 1, 1913. 5 p. il. (S. rp. 27.) ,

___ Report amending S. 541, granting to Emigration Canon Railroad Com-pany permission to occupy, for right of way for its railroad track, certai land now included in Mount Olivet Cemetery [formerly in Fort Douglas mili-tary reservation], Utah. May 15, 1913. 5 p. (S. rP- 40.)

Sterling Thomas. Report favoring S. 1027. for enlarged homestead [in South Dakota]. May 14, 1913. 1 p. (S. rp. 37.)

Works J. D. Report favoring S. 488, to authorize sale and issuance of patent for land [in Los Angeles County, Cal.] to H. W. O Melveny. May 1, 1913. 2 p. (S. rp. 28.)

___ Report favoring S. 487. for discovery, development, and protection of “^reamTsprings, and water holes in desert and arid public lands; of United

States in California for rendering same more readily accessible, and for estab Hshmentmaintenance of signboards and monuments locating same. May 14, 1913. 3 p. (S. rp. 35.)


Hearings on S. 48, to authorize President to locate, construct and operate rail-roads in Aska [etc.] and S. 133, for <construction of railroads in Alaska [etc.], May 2 [-16], 1913. 1913. pts. 1-9, [xvi] +1-467 p. ?


Hearings on S. J. R. 1, proposing amendment to Constitution of United States extending right of suffrage to women. 1913. 97 p 4

COURT OF CLAIMSAlabama Great Southern Railroad Co. v. United States; evidence for defend-

ants. [1913.] no. 31872, p. 51-76. tBooth. Olin R. Booth v. United States; evidence. [1913.] no. 27837, p.9-12. tCamden Iron Works v. United States; evidence. [1913.] Departmental, no.

157, p. 367-410. $Same. p. 411-414. t rinio iCampbell. Reuben A. Campbell v. United States; evidence. [1913.] no. 30321,

Carroll.0Martin Carroll v. United States; evidence for claimant. [1913.] no. 31629, p. 15-36. t

Cases. Calendar of cases for dismissal under rule 92, Dec. term, 1912. 1913.

_-P Defendants’ request for allowance of motions to dismiss [filed on Oct 1, 1908, under decision of United States v. Heinszen & Co.]. [1913.]3 p. 4

___ May calendar [of cases ready for trial or hearing], 1913. 1913. 13 p.[Half of the pages are blank.] t .

Erickson. Nelson Erickson v. United States; evidence for claimant. [1913.] Congressional, no. 15297, p. 5-139. 4 o

Gove. Arthur E. Gove v. United States; evidence. [1913.] no. 30583, p. 43,Hughes^Brothers and Bangs v. United States; evidence for defendant. [1913.]

no. 30547, p. 169-192. t .loder. William loder v. United States; evidence for claimant. [1913.] Con

gressional, no. 15296, p. 5-88. 4 qi qqqKatzer. Stephen M. Katzer v. United States; evidence. [1913.] no. 31888,Martha7 Luther L. Martin v. United States; evidence. [1913.] no. 156, Dept.,

p 21, 22. 4 T- ., jMonarch & Porter. Dana E. Brlnek rewlver of Monarrt * Porter, v. Lnitefl

States; evidence for claimant. [1913.] no. 319o4, p. 49 108. 4

614May , 1913

no.'si&ft’p.'JSs.8 Un'ted Stafesl evidence for defendants. [1913.]

STS ' ---ie^lK dS»T19Uf-V»lThn0^l2Y&p?2'9Va" SC11"iCk V- Unlted States; evidence for

no. 31396,

defendants.Winton. Charles F. Winton et al v a

Choctaws]; evidence for defendants. '[lOisT0Sgsojkn°Yn as Mississippi ------ Same. p. 2948a-56a. $ ’ P’ *—. Estate of Charles F. Winton et al v To,.).- a ^s2TTiUc2hTws; evidence for^~d intVvXT^

Same; report of Interior Department. [1913.] no. 29821, p. 2939-47. t


STS;^ ter“- 1M2- calendar calendar no. 12, salt no. 895; [opinion of court) Declterm- 1912,

CSnTi ‘™’ W1S' [19’8 < -1+154) ptL the pages are

Cliff Paper Companv v TTnitpd qm +ac < Ar , 35<22/3no. 1099; [opinion of court]. [1913.]’ 32 p 1913, calendar no- 62, suit

eco nomy and effic iency commis sioncussion of1 Information n£ ^nc^oFmetho ^CC°Unting and reporting, dis- producingit. 1913. 53 p. il. 4“ (Circuin33 * ^“ed as means oftvircuiai 33.) * Paper, 10c. 13—35437

geogr aphic boardDecisions, Apr. 2 and May 7, 1913. [1913.] 3 p. $


governme nt print ing officedo cu men ts off ic e

®i“iT'io+^ May,

- section by “

Depository libraries [19131 4 (r\'C~^^'X’us: 1911-12

926. 62d Cong. 2d ses“ • Sn 0^01llll,es' 191S- «; 385 p. (H. doeLabor questions, list of publications c,ol n 6—20448/2May, 1913. 41+[1] p (Price nstf°o3 ^v.,superintendent of documents.Monthly catalogue Uni ed t ’? edltl0IM t 13-35359

P. 529-585. • Paper, 10c. stag? copy,' $1 A?™?'/8’ n°' 220; Apr' 1918' 1918-Statistics Bureau, Agriculture Demrfnin + r + < 4—^^088/33d edition [publications for Sde bv tunoJint °a additjons to price list 47,

1913.] 3 p. narrow 12° ([Price listW^^r dent of documents]. [May, tix'nce list 47, 3d edition, supplement.]) f

May , 1913 615

INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Note . The decisions of the Department of the Interior in pension cases are issued in slips and in signatures, and the decisions in land cases are issued in signatures, both being published later in bound volumes. Subscribers may deposit $1.00 with the Super-intendent of Documents and receive the contents of a volume of. the decisions of either kind in separate parts as they are issued. Prices for bound volumes furnished upon application to the Superintendent of Documents.Brown, Alpheus H. In Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, Apr. term,

1913, no. 2531, special calendar no. 11, United States ex. rel. Brown v. Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of Interior, appeal from Supreme Court of Dis-trict of Columbia; additional authorities for appellee. 1913. cover-title 6 p. $

National parks and reserves. General information regarding Glacier National Park, season of 1912 [with bibliography]. [Reprint 1913, with slight change.] 9 p. il. * Paper, 5c. 12—35771/3

----- General information regarding Mesa Verde National Park, season of1913 [with bibliography]. [1913.] 24 p. il. * Paper, 5c. 12—35S06/4

----- General information regarding Mount Rainier National Park, season of1913 [with bibliography]. [1913.] 22 p. * Paper, 5c. 12—35855

----- General information regarding Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, season of 1913 [with bibliography], [1913.] 24 p. il. * Paper, 5c.

12—35772/6----- General information regarding Yellowstone National Park, season of

1912 [with bibliography], [Reprint 1913, with slight changes.] 30 p. il. 4 p. of maps. * Paper, 5c. 12—35856

Pensions. [Decisions in appealed pension and bounty-land claims, v. 19, slips] 14, 22, and 23; Jan. 27-May 3, 1913. [1913.] Each 8 p. or 4 p.

12—29422/4Public lauds. Decisions [of Interior Department] relating to public lands, v. 41,

[signatures] 27-35. [1913.] p. 417-560. 7—23651/5Sequoia. Secret of big trees, Yosemite, Sequoia and General Grant national

parks; [by Ellsworth Huntington]. 1913. *Paper, 5c. 13—35423Tieton unit, Yakima project, Wash., public notice. Apr. 25, 1913. 1 p. 4° tUmatilla project, Oreg., public notice. Apr. 17, 1913. [2] p. 4° tWatts, C. C. Equity no. 28207, in Supreme Court of District of Columbia,

before Justice Barnard, Watts et al. v. Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of In-terior, et al.; brief for defendants. 1913. cover-title, 50 p. t

EDUCATION BUREAUAgricultural instruction in secondary schools, papers read at 3d annual meeting

of American Association for Advancement of Agricultural Teaching, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 12, 1912. 1913. 51 p. (Bulletin 14, 1913; whole no. 522.) Taper, 10c. E 13—1028/3

Bulletin of bureau [list of titles of bulletins, 1906-13]. [1913.] 3 p. tMedical handbook; by Emil Krulish and Daniel S. Neuman. 1913. 179 p. 12°

(Alaska School Service.) * Cloth, 50c. E 13—1039Monthly record of current educational publications; May, 1913. 1913. 21 p.

(Bulletin 15, 1913; whole no. 523.) * Paper, 5c. E12—227/2Trade school for girls, preliminary investigation in typical manufacturing city,

Worcester, Mass., by research department of Women’s Educational and In-dustrial Union of Boston. 1913. 59 p. (Bulletin 17, 1913; whole no. 525.) Taper, 10c. E 13—1038/3

GEOLOGICAL SURVEYNote .—The publications of the United States Geological Survey consist of annual

reports (restricted to one volume each, beginning with report for 1902), bulletins, Mineral resources, Professional papers, and Water-supply papers; and maps, Mono- g£aphs, an<^ folios of the Geologic atlas (issued in Library and Field editions) and the Topographic atlas of the LTnited States, which are sold at prices ranging from 5c. to $11.00 each. A wholesale rate has been established for topographic and geologic folios (either Library or Field editions), whenever the sum transmitted solelv for folios at the wholesale price amounts to at least $5.10; that is, a discount of 40 per cent will be given whenever 34 or more folios that sell singly for 25c., or their equivalent in higher priced folios, are ordered at one time. Address the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington. For topographic sheets see page 616.Abrasives. Production of abrasive materials, [calendar year] 1912; by Frank J.

Katz. 1913. 15 p. [From Mineral resources, 1912.] t Paper; * paper, 5c.

616 J May , 1913

Copper. Production of copper, [calendar year] 1912, advance statement; byB. S. Butler. [1913.] 4 p. t

Feldspar. Production of feldspar and quartz, [calendar year] 1912; by Frank J. Katz. 1913. 11 p. [From Mineral resources, 1912.] t Paper; * paper, 5c.

Graphite. Production of graphite, [calendar year] 1912 [with bibliography] ; by Edson S. Bastin. 1913. lip. [From Mineral resources, 1912.] t Paper; * paper, 5c.

Helena, Mont. Ore deposits of Helena mining region [with bibliography] ; by Adolph Knopf. 1913. 143 p. il. 1 pl. 4 p. of pl. 2 maps. (Bulletin 527.)

- * Paper, 25c. GS13—376/3----- Same. (H. doc. 1240. 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Publications. New publications, list 66; Apr. 1913. [1913.] 3 p. [Monthly.] t ----- Publications of Geological Survey, not including topographic maps. May

1, 1913. 124 p. tSeward Peninsula. Surface water supply of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by F. F.

Henshaw and G. L. Parker; with sketch of geography and geology, by Philip S. Smith; and description of methods of placer mining, by Alfred H. Brooks. 1913. 317 p. il. 5 pl. 10 p. of pl. 2 maps, 1 is in pocket. (Water-supply paper 314.) * Paper, 45c. GS13—445

----- Same. (H. doc. 981, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Slate. Production of slate, [calendar year] 1912 [with bibliography] ; by A. T.

Coons. 1913. 20 p. [From Mineral resources, 1912.] t Paper; * paper, 5c. Sulphids. Enrichment of sulphide ores; by William Harvey Emmons. 1913.

260 p. (Bulletin 529.) * Paper, 20c. GS13—377/2----- Same. (H. doc. 1242, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Water-supply. Purification of public water supplies; by George A. Johnson.

1913. 84 p. il. 4 pl. 4 p. of pl. (Water-supply paper 315.) * Paper, 10c.GS13—438

----- Same. (H. doc. 1236, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Wichita River. Geology and underground waters of Wichita region, north-

central Texas [with bibliography] ; by C. H. Gordon. 1913. 88 p. 1 pl. map. (Water-supply paper 317.) * Paper, 10c. GS13—378/3

----- Same. (H. doc. 1238, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Topographic sheets

Note .—The Geological Survey is making a topographic map of the United States. The sheets of which it is composed are projected without reference to political divisions, and are designated by some prominent town or natural feature found on them. Three scales are ordinarily used, 1:62,500, 1 :125,000, and 1:250,000. These correspond, approximately, to 1 mile, 2 miles, and 4 miles to 1 linear Inch, covering, respectively, average areas of 230, 920, and 3,700 square miles. For some areas of particular impor-tance special large-scale maps are published. The size, unless otherwise given, is about 17.5 inches in height by 11.5 to 16 inches in width, exclusive of the margin, the width varying with the latitude. A description of the topographic map is printed on the reverse of each sheet.

More than one-third of the area of the country, excluding outlying possessions, has been mapped, every State being represented. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia are completely mapped. Sheets of the regular size are sold by the Survey at 10c. each; but in lots of 50 or more copies, whether of the same sheet or of different sheets, the price is 6c. each. In no case can orders be filled at the wholesale rate unless the sum remitted solely for topographic maps amounts to at least $3.00.Louisiana, Millikens Bend quadrangle, lat. 32° 22' 30''-32° 30', long. 91°-91°

OF 30". Scale 1 : 31,680, contour interval 5 ft. Preliminary edition. [Wash-ington, Geological Survey] edition of Feb. 1913. 17.3X14.7 in. t 10c.

Louisiana, Wilson Point quadrangle, lat. 32° 52' 30"-33°, long. 91°-91° 07' 30".Scale 1:31,OSO. contour interval 5 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of Feb. 1913. 17.3X14.6 in. 110c.

Maine, Buckfield quadrangle, lat 44° 15'-—44° 30', long. 70° 15'—70° 30'. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of Feb. 1913. 17.5X12.6 in. 110c.

Texas, Barnes Bridge quadrangle, lat. 32° 45'-32° 52' 30", long. 96° 27' 30"- 96° 35'. Scale 1:31,680, contour interval 5 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of Oct. 1912. 17.2X14.6 in. 110c.

Texas, Howth quadrangle, lat. 30° 07' 30"-30° 15', long. 96° O4'-96° 11' 30". Scale 1:31,680, contour interval 5 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edi-tion of Feb. 1913. 17.3 X15 in. 110c.

May , 1913 617


Partial report by Lucien A. Spencer, special commissioner to Florida Seminoles, on conditions existing among Seminole Indians in Florida; presented by Mr. Fletcher. May 22, 1913. 6 p. (S. doc. 42.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35414


Red man v 5, no. 8; Apr. 1913. Carlisle Indian Press, Carlisle, Pa. [1913]. cover-title, 313-354+[2] p. il. large 8° [Monthly except July and August.] I Paper, $1.00 a yr. ' 11-24446/3

LAND OFFICE, GENERALNote .—The General Land Office publishes a large general map of the United States,

which is sold at $1.00; and also separate maps of the States and Territories in which public lands are to be found, which are sold at 25c. per sheet. California is in 2 sheets. Address the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.Ceded Chippewa pine lands, Minn., sale of timber on lands both inside and out-

side of Minnesota national forest at Cass Lake, Minn., on July 30, 1913, in-structions, descriptions of land, estimates, and rules and regulations for selling, scaling, cutting, and removal of timber; approved Apr. 14, 1913. 1913. 19 p. (Circular 229.) t

MapsUnited States, showing extent of public surveys, Indian, military, and forest

reservations, railroads, canals, national parks, and other details [with insets] , corrected to June 30, 1912. Scale 37 m.=l in. Sackett & Wilhelms Co., New York, 1913. 59.4X82.3 in. *$1.00.Alaska; with inset, Aleutian Islands. Scale 250 m.—2.4 in. 14.6X17-2 and CanalX Zone°' with inset, Isthmus of Panama, showing location of canal. Scale Hawaiian islands, approximate scale 100 m.=1.3 in.; with insets, Guam or Cuajan

Islands, approximate scale 10 m.-=l in. ; Palmyra Island, approximate scale 4 m. O.o in. 5.7X9.1, 4.2X3.2, and 1.5X1.8 in

Philippine Islands. Approximate scale 140 m.=1.7 in. H.bXiu in.Porto Rico. Scale 30 m.=2 in. 5.8X12.6 in. „ . . „ tTutuila Group of Samoan Islands: Manua [Islands] scale 5 m.=1.6 ini, Rose i.,

scale 5 m.=0.3 in.; Tutuila 1st, scale 5 m.=1.6 in. 5.4X8.5, 2.9X5.2, 2.4 X 1.6, and 3.8 X 6.9 in.

MINES BUREAUBlack powder. Analysis of black powder and dynamite [with list of bureau

publications on mine accidents and tests of explosives]; by Walter O. Snelling and C. G. Storm. [1st edition.] [Mar.] 1913. 80 p. il. 5 pl. (Bulletin Al.) * Paper, 10c. 13-35360

Coal. Fees for analyzing coal and determining fusing temperature of coal ash. 1913. 4 p. (Schedule 3.) t

----- Rules and regulations to govern coal mines at Gebo, Wyo„ leased to Owl Creek Coal Co. 1913. 13 p. * Paper, 5c.

Electric lamps. Portable electric mine lamps [with list of bureau publications on mine accidents and methods of mining] ; by H. H. Clark.[Apr.] 1913. 13 p. (Technical paper 47.) * Paper, 5c. 13—353bt>

Electric switch-gear. Safety electric switches for mines [with list of bureaupublications on mine accidents and methods of mining] ; by H. H. Clark. [1st edition.] [Mar.] 1913. 8 p. (Technical paper 44.) * Paper, 5c. 13—353b3

Explosives. Permissible explosives tested prior to Mar. 1, 1913 [with list of bureau publications on mine accidents and tests of explosives] ; by Clarence Hall. [1st edition.] [Apr.] 1913. lip. (Technical paper 52.) * Paper 5c.

I ♦ >---- OiHvi)

Mine accidents. Monthly statement of coal-mine accidents in United States, Jan. and Feb. 1913 [with list of bureau publications on mine accidents and methods of mining] ; compiled by Frederick W. Horton. [1st edition.] [Apr.] 1913. 12 p. * Paper. 5c. 12 299^4/o

___ Same, Jan.-Mar. 1913 [with list of bureau publications on mine accidents and methods of mining]; compiled by Albert H. Fay. 1913. 11 p. * Pa-per. 5c.

618May , 1913

petroleum audits p?odSets °[wifh Hs/of^8 f°F determination of water in 13 An D%C-, A"«1 “«<> & A. pru2bJlc“tl?ns ?“ StL (Technical paper 25.) * Paper 5c 2d edition.] [Apr.] 1913.

Petroleum technology 8: Prevention If ' . « 12—10632/4wells in California, with discussffil o= sn/ci^^P? oil and gas flowing

Pubheations of bureau, July 1913 rand Pnm- a - 13—35362through Superintendent oi KS,?" »,"s ‘tat “W he obtained only

Quarry accidents in United States cnlenda J P’ T 12-35113/5 lications on mine accidents and method^ Jwith list °f bureau pub-Fay. IMS. 32 p. (TeehuMV^V'.pX^^''1^6^1^.

iapei, oc. 13—35364PATENT OFFICE

robllshes SpeeltfatloM ana catalogue, but may teXtatoed “f s.lnKle “Plea i7ohXari,?ty of indexes, giving a nomnUtC11 at the Patent XS&WS "! “rl& ToXa' 1 Offlee fromPatent laiS are S' njd aMPatent Office issues con non of .char$e upon application tn Pamphletcontaining 100 coupons 3?D«nners ln packages of 20 at $1 00°nSenfVeilt Office. The

Alphabetical Mat or patentees tnTh C'"k- Pate,lt °®“‘ 8e°‘zette0! 3p“ti0"s]- [1913-1 xclv“"'“la'Se'T' CIoltM 1918 [with Sek. I aper’ 10C- Si'^ in Prt^Ttt’UtkX"^

'From ’tpS' ’̂a 'l*8131 XXV1 p' large S"Same, on 27th or May 1013 rwftn u J . S,ngle copy' »1(» “ yr-

'From Official gazette, v. 190 n0 4]° lli'entl011sl. [1913.] xxiv p, large 8°

e SXdU1SS^S rrtS — t and

MfayCTiT13“CT5&f ‘n PatentSame May ^’imA1 ™Pe ''’ “ty, U) a8 [Fr0“ 0IBcIal

wo, no. 4 ] ’ ■ p- ™’ S00’ l°27-30, large 8” [From Official gazette, v."^SlT.^'ie Jeffe?y /“fo t ./ boxes"'taie^ to ?®1®’ Pato,t appeaI

1913. cover-title, 6 p. J ’ Doxes> bliet for commissioner of patents. 855, in re Motz Tire^mMtubber 2°lumbia’ APr- term> 1913, patent appeal no vehicle tires; brief for commissioner of pateS^l^n f°r uon“etallic Mastic

Official gazette, May 6-27 1913- v ion 1 1933' covei'-tlt]e, 7 p. $'eV! p. ,!. urge 8- 'We^y3]\TapeT10^1n^

62p.riargeP8°ge*p5e?,’ lOc.^ingffiw^^ V- 188’f 1913’ [3]+1057-subscribers. 1^’ winded m price of Official gazette for

I^he sin^^Ks of patents, both inA e ^C0.Pies are^not enumerated in this

Tral?’?iarks Published May 6, 1913. [1913 i 943 9^7 i-Official gazette, v. 190, no. 1 ] f Panor 243-257 +n’ P- d. large 8° [From

Sarne, May 20. 1013. 1013 771 7^’ S'T“Py’ *2 « » n'.zette, v. 190, no. 3.] <85+iv p. il. large 8° [From Official ga-

tlM31 1W9-22+- P- «. targe 8- [From officia!

May , 1913 619


Reclamation record, v. 4. no. 5; May, 1913. [1913.] p. 85-108, 4n [Monthly.]9—35252/3

Note .—The Reclamation record is sold for 50 cents per year. Subscriptions may be forwarded to the Chief Clerk, U. S. Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C., and remittances should be made payable to the Special Fiscal Agent, U. S. Reclamation Service.

Specifications 239. [1913.] 20 p. 1 pl. map, 4° [Consists of advertisement, pro-posal, and specifications for reclamation project.] t

MapsFort Peck project, Mont.; map 14135. Scale 10 m.=l in. [Washington, Recla-

mation Service] Dec. 1912. 7.5 X 9.5 in. t 5c.Minidoka project, Idaho; map 14495. Scale 3 m.=l in. [Washington, Recla-

mation Service] Apr. 1913. 7X9.5 in. t 5c.Strawberry Valley project, Utah, scale 1 m.=0.7 in.; with Index map showing

location of reservoir and tunnel, scale 5 m.=0.6 in.; map 14524. [Washing-ton, Reclamation Service] Mar. 1913. 14.3X14.3 and 3.5X6.2 in. 110c.

------------scale 1 m.=1.3 in.; with Index map showing location of reservoir and tunnel, scale 4 m.=l in.; map 14525. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Mar. 1913. 28.5X28.9 and 6.9X12.3 in. 115c.

INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIONNote .—The bound volumes of the decisions, usually known as Interstate Commerce

Commission reports, are sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Separate opinions are sold on subscription, price $1.00 per volume; single copies 5 cents each.Asphalt. Investigation and suspension no. 175, rates on asphalt and asphaltum,

in matter of investigation and suspension of advance in rates by carriers for transportation of asphalt and asphaltum, from points in Kansas to St. Louis, Mo., and other points; [decided Apr. 7, 1913; report and order of com-mission]. 1913. [11+614-616+ii p. (Opinion 2284.) [From Interstate Com-merce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Block signals on railroads of United States, and table showing use of telegraph and telephone for transmission of train orders, Jan. 1, 1913. 1913. 17 p. 4 (Safety Appliances Division.) * Paper, 5c. 8 35359/3

Cement. Investigation and suspension no. 212, cement rates from Pennsyl-vania to New Jersey points; decided Apr. 14, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 687-688+[1] P- (Opinion 2297.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Coal. No. 4947, Sheridan Chamber of Commerce v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company et al.; no. 5078, same v. same; no. 5079, same v. same; [decided Apr. 15, 1913; report of commission]. 1913. [1]+638-654 p. map. (Opinion 2290.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

___ No. 5015, Wayne R. Brown v. Boston & Maine Railroad et al.; decided May 6, 1913’; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 47-53+ii p. 11. (Opinion 2309.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

----- No. 5331, Central Coal & Coke Company v. Missouri & Louisiana Rail-road Company et al.; [decided Apr. 14, 1913; report of commission].. 1913. [1]+40-43 p. (Opinion 2307.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission re-ports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

Coke. No. 5008, G. L. Jubitz, assignee [of Loewenberg & Going Company] v. Southern Pacific Company et al.; [decided May 5, 1913; report and order of commission]. 1913. [1]+44-46+ii p. (Opinion 2308.) [From Inter-state Commerce Commission reports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

Cotton Investigation and suspension no. 157, concentration of cotton at Mem-phis Tenn., and Blvtheville, Ark., in matter of investigation and suspension of withdrawal of rules governing concentration and reshipping of cotton and cotton linters at Memphis, Tenn.; decided Apr. 8, 1913; [report of com-mission], [1913.] p. 585-594. (Opinion 2277.) [From Interstate Com-merce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

620 May , 1913

Cotton—Continued No. 4834, Janesville Clothing Company v. Chicago & North Western Railway Company et al., 4th section applications nos. 1548, 1573, 458, 1561, 1952, 2045, and 1530; [decided Apr. 7, 1913; report and orders of commis-sion]. 1913. [1]+628-630+ii p. (Opinion 2287.) [From Interstate Com-merce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Cotton-seed. No. 3966, Louisville Cotton Seed Products Company v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided Apr. 7, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 607-610+[1] p. (Opinion 2282.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Decisions, Oct. 1912-Jan. 1913, with table of cases cited in v. 12-25. 1913. xxv+863 p. il. (Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 25.) * Cloth, $1.50. 8—30656/2

Same, index. 1913. cover-title, p. 777-863. (Division of Indices.) $Demurrage. No. 5101, Duhlmeier Brothers v. Pennsylvania Company et al.;

[decided Apr. 8, 1913; report and order of commission]. 1913. [l]+4- 5+[l] p. (Opinion 2301.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission re-ports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

Electric railroads. Regulations to govern destruction of records of electric railway companies as prescribed by commission in accordance with sec. 20 of act to regulate commerce, effective May 1, 1913. 1st issue. 1913. 16 p. * Paper, 5c.

Excelsior. Investigation and suspension no. 170, rates on excelsior and flax tow irom St. Paul, Minn., in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in rates by carriers for transportation of excelsior from St. Paul, Minn., and other points to Chicago, Ill., and other points, investigation and suspension no. 182, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in rates by carriers for transportation of flax tow, flax moss, and flax fiber, between St. Paul, Minn., Winona, Minn., and other points, and Chicago, Ill., Peoria, Ill., Kansas City, Mo., and other points; decided Apr. 14, 1913; [report and orders of commission], [1913.] 689-694+iii p. (Opinion 2298.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Express. No. 5132, Parlin & Orendorff Plow Company of St. Louis v. United States Express Company; decided Apr. 8, 1913; report [and order] of com-mission. [1913.] 561-562+[1] p. (Opinion 2268.) [From Interstate Com-merce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Freight-cars. Docket no. 4906, in matter of private cars [circular] to all car-riers by railroad subject to act to regulate commerce [containing forms with questions concerning private cars]. Mar. 15, 1913. 3 p. 8 tab. 4° t

----- Same [circular to owners of private cars containing forms with ques-tions concerning private cars]. Feb. 27, 1913. 5 p. 6 tab. 4° t

----- Same [circular] to users of private freight cars. Feb. 27, 1913. 1 p. 4° tFreight rates. Investigation and suspension no. 133, class rates to Water-

town, S. Dak., in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in class rates by carriers from Chicago, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., and other points to Watertown and other stations in South Dakota-; decided Apr. 7, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 635-637+[1] p. (Opinion 2289.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

---- 1 Investigation and suspension nos. 112 and 112-A, lake-and-rail class rates from Pennsylvania points, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in class rates from points in Pennsylvania and New York to St. Paul Minn., and other destinations; decided Apr. 15, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 669-671+ii p. (Opinion 2292.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

----- Investigation and suspension nos. 130 and 130-A, lake-and-rail rates from central freight association territory, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in class and commodity rates from points in trunk line and central freight association territory to Minneapolis, Minn., and other points via rail and lake; decided Apr. 15, 1913; [report and order of commission]. [1913.] 671-674+ii p. (Opinion 2293.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

May . 1913 621

Freight rates—Continued. No. 4744, Middlesboro, Ky.. Board of Trade v. Louis-ville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.: no. 4745, same v. same; no. 4746, same v. same; [decided Apr. 14, 1913; report and orders of commission], 1913. [1]+14-23+iv p. (Opinion 2304.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

Furniture. Investigation & suspension nos. 126 and 126-A, furniture rates in the Northwest, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in rates by carriers for transportation of furniture in carloads from Burlington, Iowa, Port Washington, Wis., and other points to St. Paul, Minn., and other points; decided Apr. 15, 1913; [report of commission]. [1913.] p. 655-668. (Opin-ion 2291.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Grain. No. 4376, Southwestern Millers’ League v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided Apr. 7, 1913; report of commission upon petition for rehearing. [1913.] p. 599, 600. (Opinion 2279.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.) * Paper, 5c.

Iron ores. Investigation and suspension no. 209, advances on ground iron ore from points in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee to Boston, New York, Phila-delphia and other points; decided Apr. 8. 1913; report [and order] -of com-mission. [1913.] 675-676+[1] p. (Opinion 2294.) [From Interstate Com-merce Commission reports, vt 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Labels. No. 5009, Pacific Creamery Company v. Southern Pacific Company et al • [decided Apr. 8, 1913; report and order of commission], 1913. [1] + 578-580+ii p. (Opinion 2275.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Logs No. 4090, Memphis Freight Bureau v. Illinois Central Railroad Company et al • decided Apr. 7, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] L-3+ii p. (Opinion 2300.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

Lumber Investigation and suspension no. 213, lumber rates from Mississippi to eastern points; [decided May 6, 1913; report and order of commission]. 1913. [l]+6-10+[l] p. (Opinion 2302.) [From Interstate Commerce Com-mission reports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

___ No. 2713, Michigan Hardwood Manufacturers’ Association et al. v. Trans-continental Freight Bureau et al.; [decided May 6, 1913; report of commis-sion upon petition for rehearing]. 1913. [1]+32-40 p. (Opinion -306.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 27.] * Paper, 5c.

Meat substitutes. No. 5231. Kellogg Food Company v. Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada et al.; decided Apr. 15, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 611-614+[1] p. (Opinion 2283.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Plows. No. 4475, G. A. Kelly Plow Company v. Texas & Pacific Railway Com-pany et al.; decided Apr. 7, 1913; report [and order] of commission. [1913.] 581-584+ii p. (Opinion 2276.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission re-ports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Potatoes. Investigation and suspension no. 172, protection of potato shipments in winter, in matter of investigation and suspension of new rules governing allowance for stoves and lining of cars transporting potatoes from points in Minnesota and Wisconsin to points west of Mississippi River; decided Apr. 7, 1913; report of commission. [1913.] p. 681-686. (Opinion 2296.) [Irorn Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c.

Railroad accidents. Accident bulletin 45, collisions, derailments, and othei acci-dents resulting in injury to persons, equipment, or roadbed, arising from oper-ation of railways used in interstate commerce, July-Sept. 1912. 1913. 39 p. [Quarterly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 20c. a yr. 5—11-0J/2

____ Report of chief inspector of safety appliances covering his investigation of accident which occurred on Union Pacific Railroad at Gothenburg, Nebr., Mar. 14, 1913. [1913.] 6 p. il. * Paper, 5c.

___ Report of chief inspector of safety appliances covering his investigation of accident which occurred on Vandalia Railroad at Terre Haute, Ind., Jan. 8, 1913. [1913.] 7 p. * Paper, 5c.

622May , 1913

MS* act. etreu.t court ot ap. way Company, error to district court for and Terminal Rail-°f courtl J ^cided May 5, 1913 [1913 f 5 p °f TeXaS [oPiuioa

1256 law' ^ited States , ^di»“zrra °f decisi°n

ErebOa;1913B„Uo1' 51“ °19[re35ep“d 78^.°' ?!?’■“ roails in United States

Per, 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr. atistics Division.) [Monthly.] * pa- Preliminary abstract of stefi«Hnc 9 35821/2

— Tentnt1913' ! P' 4° (Statistics DiSnJ ^Paper, Ke June of steam roads'forwLdwXn^n'd'c?]- “h operatlng expenses

counting series circular 35.) f ’ n of 1933- 1913. 87 p. (Ac-RCo“P^r ^at/fdL'ded'lpr®^1 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

J®. P- (Optaion 228^P°%“^ °Tr< °J commission].Commission reports, v. 26.] * pap ™ 5c 86>) ‘ [From Instate Commerce iii+224 p. * Cloth^SSc.11011’ DeC’ 1G’ 1912 twith appendixes A-E], 1913.

— Same. (H. doc. 964, 62d Cong. 3d sess.) 9-14679/2oand. Investigation and suspension nn w *

in matter of investigation and suspension of arte™?11 ^and to Houston- Tex., transportation of sand and gravel from nointe inUr8S — rates by carriers for decided Apr. 7, 1913; report [and order! !2 • L?UISiana to Texas points;P- (Opinion 2295.) [From Interstate r commission. [1913.] 677-680+ii 26.] * Paper, 5c. terstate Commerce Commission reports, v.way Company^et Ia°S;4iio!lt469611)su1te-no Cbicag0’ R°ek Island & Pacific Rail- Qiimcy Railroad Company et al.; decided mTs in12hicag0’ Burlington & of commission. [1913.] 1143+m T m .y. 5’ ™3; rePort [and order] Commerce Commission reports, v. 27./’ * Paper °5c“303-) (From Interstate Chicago & ^rie^ilro^d Cmnpanv^? i\niliag .& Transportation Company v

com-T} [From

Kunsos City/somSrZllwy^^tVof chnrges onjontheraCRa ̂ Western Rafiwty on'lCalists’Ci°tyRailway and to and from noint a“? Jexar^na & Fort Smith2285^ fcnd °rder] of Emission [1913 ]’ eiTJpi + m Apr- 7' 1913;

> O.) [1 rom Interstate Commerce Commission reports t 26 1 P* p(Opinian Switching charges No ioq q 3 orcs, v. 2b.] Paper, 5c.

Western Railway Company et /] ° ^decTdeVvnP1 r Ci°m ?any U Grand Trunk sion], 1913. [11+24-31 p. &ni^ report of commis-Commission reports, v. 27.] *P;Iper 5C‘3° Fr°1U Interstate Commerce

paenyPetPah; ^idltfAp^T^ Pennsylvania Railroad Com-601-604+[1] p. (Opinion 2280.) [From intestate r COmUliSSion' [1933J reports, v. 26.] * Paper, 5c. irrom Interstate Commerce Commission

Francisco Railroad°Companv a/^/deckled01? C'~b1n St Louis & San mission]. 1913. [1]+630-634 p. 'h d/o finionPI22^ rep°rt of com’ Commerce Commission reports, v 26 ]' * Paper 5C2~88' [From Interstate

May , 1913 623

JUSTICE DEPARTMENTCoffee. Detailed report of transactions and facts relating to valorization of

coffee, by Wm. T. Chantland; presented by Mr. Norris. May 16, 1913. 15 p. (S. doc. 36.) * Paper, 5c. 13 35374

Collie, Henry L. In Court of Claims, John A. Hinkle, guardian of minor heirs of H. L. Collie, v. United States, no. 30397; defendants’ requests for findings of fact, and brief. [1913.] p. 28-40. t

Collins, Homer K. In Court of Claims, Collins v. United States, no. 30077; stipulation as to facts [and defendant’s amended request for findings of fact,, and brief]. [1913.] [l]+l-6 p. t

Durant, John. No. 30118, in Court of Claims, Durant v. United States; brief of defendants on motion of claimant for new trial. 1913. cover-title, p. 1-5. t

Earnheart, Robert W. In Court of Claims, Earnheart v. United States, no. 30775; defendants’ brief. [1913.] p. 24-28. t

Eastern States Retail Lumber Dealers’ Association. No. 1058, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Eastern States Retail Lumber Dealers’ Association et al. v. United States, on appeal from district court for southern district of New York; motion by United States to advance. 1913. cover-title, 2 p. t

Germann & Co., Limited. No. 30830, in Court of Claims, Germann & Company, Ltd. v. United States; brief for United States. 1913. cover-title, p. 19-26. +

Heinzmann Brothers. In Court of Claims, no. 30310, George W. and Jacob F. Heinzmann, partners as Heinzmann Brothers v. United States; brief for United States. 1913. cover-title, p. 600-710. t

Hughes Brothers & Bangs. In Court of Claims, Hughes Brothers and Bangs v.. United States, no. 30547; amended answer and counterclaim. [1913.] p. 194-201. t

___ No. 30547, in Court of Claims, Hughes Brothers and Bangs v. United States; defendant’s statement of case, requests for findings of fact and con-clusions of law, and brief. 1913. cover-title, p. 203-272. t

Indian depredation claims. List of Indian depredation cases pending on de-fendants’ motions to calendar, in which no steps in prosecution of cases have been taken by claimants since filing of motions. [1913.] 3 p. t

___ [Notices to claimants and attorneys in Indian depredation cases con-cerning dismissal of cases.] [1913.] 11 p. t

James, W. B. In Court of Claims, no. 29934, James v. United States; de-fendants’ requests for findings of fact, and brief. [1913.] p. 20-27. t

Kansas City Southern Railway. No. 1142, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Kansas City Southern Railway Company v. United States and Interstate Commerce Commission, appeal from Commerce Court; motion by United States to advance: 1913. cover-title, 2 p. t

Katzer, Stephen M. No. 31888, in Court of Claims, Katzer v. United States; brief for United States. 1913. cover-title, 20 p. t

Lexington Mill and Elevator Company. In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, United States v. company; petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for Sth circuit. 1913. cover-title, 7 p. t

___ Transcript of record, circuit court of appeals, 8th circuit, no. 3533, Lex-ington Mill and Elevator Company vs. United States; no. 3534, [same] vs. [same] ; supplemental proceedings in circuit court of appeals for 8th circuit. 1913. v. 3, cover-title, i+2150-64 p. t

Louisiana and Pacific Railway. No. 90, in Commerce Court, Jan. session, 1913, Louisiana and Pacific Railway Company [et al.] v. United States, Louisiana Western Railroad Company [et al.]; brief for United States. 1913. cover-title, ii+42 p. t

McNamara, Peter. In Court of Claims. George E. Johnson, administrator of McNamara, v. District of Columbia, no. 251, D. C.; defendants’ brief in oppo-sition to claimant’s revised exceptions to referee’s report, and in support of plea of set-off and counterclaim heretofore filed. [1913.] p. 43-^8. I

Maxwell, Alfred J. No. 31246, in Court of Claims, Maxwell v. United States; defendant’s requests for findings of fact, and brief. 1913. cover-title, P- 55-85. t

624 May , 1913

May Joseph G. In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, May et al. v. United States petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for Sth circuit • brief for United States in opposition. 1913. cover-title, 3 p. t

Schuylkill Haven Railroad. No. 670, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, William McCoach, collector of internal revenue [for 1st collection dis-trict of Pennsylvania] v. Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit; petition for re-hearing. 1913. cover-title, 5 p. t

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway of Texas. No. 1058, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co. of Texas and Ameri-can Surety Co. of New York v. United States, on certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; motion by United States to advance. 1913. cover-title, 2 p. $

Missouri Pacific Railway. In Court of Claims, Missouri Pacific Railway Com-pany v. United States, no. 24907; defendants’ motion for new trial. [1913 1 p. 1-12. $

Moist, S. E., Piano Company. No. 848, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, United States v. Samuel E. Moist [doing business under names of S. E. Moist Piano Company and Chicago Piano Company], in error to district court for northern district of Illinois; motion by United States to advance. [1913 1 cover-title, 2 p. +

Pacific Creosoting Company. In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Pacific Creo- soting Company v. United States, petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. 1913 cover-title, 4 p. t

Pacific Hardware and Steel Company. In Court of Claims, Pacific Hardware and Steel Company v. United States, no. 31187; answer [of defendant] [1913.] p. 1-4. t

Pennington, Alexander C. M. In Court of Claims, Pennington v. United States, no. 31962; defendants’ answer to claimant’s brief on demurrer and motion to dismiss. [1913.] p. 48-54. $

Postal Device and Lock Company. No. 28966, in Court of Claims, Frank Crocker, trustee in bankruptcy of Postal Device & Lock Company, v. United States • defendants’ answer. 1913. cover-title, 8 p. t

Regan, James B. No. 1046, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, United States v. Regan, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; motion by United States to advance. 1913. cover-title, 2 p. t

Rhea, John M. No. 1082, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Rhea v. United States, petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 4th cir-cuit ; brief for United States in opposition. 1913. cover-title, 6 p. t

St. Louis Southwestern Railway of Texas. No. 1121, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. of Texas v. United States, petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. 1913. cover-title, 18 p.

Self. John. In Court of Claims, no. 29822, Self v. United States; defendants’ objections to claimant’s request for findings of fact, and brief. [1913 ] p 11-15. ?

Shewan, James, & Sons. No. 30546, in Court of Claims, James Shewan & Sons v. United States; brief for United States. 1913. cover-title, p. 87-103. t

Slocum, Lillian F. No. 20, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Lillian F. Slocum, executrix, etc., v. New York Life Insurance Company; suggestion of Attorney General on petition for rehearing. 1913. cover-title, 2 p. t

Sorrell, Charles. Nos. <8 and 461, in Court of Claims, Indian depredations, Sorrell v. United States and Arapaho Indians; [same] v. United States and Shoshone Indians; defendants’ request for findings of fact, objections to findings of fact requested by claimant, and brief. 1913. cover-title, p. 1-38. t

Summers, C. M. No. 1045, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1912, Summers v. United States, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; motion by United States to advance. 1913. cover-title, 2 p. $

Swaim, Mrs. Jane. In Court of Claims, Richard Swaim, administrator [of Mrs. Swaim et al.] v. United States, no. 30568; defendants’ brief. [1913.] p. 19-21. t

May , 1913 625

Tunks, Silas. In. Court of Claims, no. 30668, Tunks v. United States; defend-ants’’ objections to claimant’s requests for findings of fact, and brief. [1913.] p. 10-15. t

Williamson, J. W. In Court of Claims, no. 30399, Williamson v. United States; defendants’ requests for findings of fact. [1913.] p. 25-30. t

Wright, Charles T. In Court of Claims, Departmental, no. 158, in matter of petition of Wright et al., for purification of White Earth roll; petition of Wright et al. [1913.] cover-title, p. 1-18. t

LABOR DEPARTMENTNote .—The act to create a Department of Labor, approved Mar. 4, 1913 (PubHc act

426) includes the following provisions: That there is hereby created an executive de-partment in the Government to be called the Department of l abor, with a Secretari o Labor, who shall be the head thereof, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; * * and the Department of Commerce and Labor shall hereafter be called the Department of Commerce, and the Secretary thereof shall be called the Secretary of Commerce, and the Act creating the said Department of Commerce and Labor is hereby amended accordingly. The purpose of the Department of Labor shall be to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the w®?6.United States, to improve their working conditions, and to advance their oppoitunities 10rSEC°2t Tha^there’Thall be in said department an Assistant Secretary of Labor, to be annotated bv the President. * * * He shall perform such duties as shall be pre-scribed by the Secretary or required by law. There shall also be one chief clerk and a disbursing clerk, and such other clerical assistants, inspectors, and special agents as may from time to time be provided for by Congress. * n,lhn.Sec 3 That the following-named offices, bureaus, divisions, and branches of the public service now and heretofore under the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and Labor and all that pertains to the same, known as the Commissioner General of Immi-gration, the Commissioners of Immigration, the Bureau of Immigration and Natural!za- tion the Division of Information, the Division of Naturalization, a.nd the Immigration Service at Large, the Bureau of Labor, the Children’s Bureau, and the Commissioner of Labor be and the same hereby are, transferred from the Department of Commerce and Labor’to the Department of Labor, and the same shall hereafter remain under the juris-diction and supervision of the last-named department. The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is hereby divided into two bureaus, to be known hereafter as the Bureau of Immigration and the Bureau of Naturalization, and the titles Chief Division of Natu-ralization and Assistant Chief shall be Commissioner of Naturalization and Deputy Commissioner of Naturalization. The Commissioner of Naturalization or, in his absence the Deputy Commissioner of Naturalization, shall be the administrative officer in charge of the Bureau of Naturalization and of the administration of the naturalization laws under the immediate direction of the Secretary of Labor, to whom he shall upon all naturalization matters annually and as otherwise required, and the appointments of these two officers shall be made in the same manner as appointments to competitive classified civil-service positions. The Bureau of Labor shall hereafter be known as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Commissioner of the bureau of Labor shall hereafter be known as the Commissioner of Labor Statistics; and -ill the powers and duties here-tofore possessed by the Commissioner of Labor shall be retained and exercised by the Commissioner of Labor Statistics; and the administration of the Act of May thirtieth nineteen hundred and eight, granting to certain employees of the United States the light to receive from it compensation for injuries sustained in the course of their employ- meSEC. 7. That there shall be a solicitor of the Department of Justice for the Depart- “^EC^l^That this Act shall take effect March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed.

IMMIGRATION BUREAUNote __Formerly Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. Transferred to Labor De-

partment as Immigration Bureau and Naturalization Bureau in accordance with act approved Mar. 4, 1913.Immigration bulletin, Mar. 1913. [1913.] [4] p. f° [Monthly.] fImmigration laws, rules of Nov. 15, 1911. 4th edition. Mar. 10, 1913. 69p.

* Paper, 10c. 12—35461Report on industrial conditions in Hawaii, with correspondence relating

thereto; [presented by Mr. Raker]. May 23, 1913. 46 p. (H. doc. 53.) ♦Paper, 5c. 13—35410

LABOR STATISTICS BUREAUNote .—Formerly Labor Bureau. Transferred to Labor Department in accordance

with act approved Mar. 4, 1913. See also page 607.Labor laws of United States series: no. 2, Decisions of courts and opinions af-

fecting labor, 1912. Mar. 5, 1913. 184 p. (Bulletin 112.) Paper,15c.LId —ov/4

Same. (H. doc. 1402, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)

626 May . 1913



Additional references on cost of living and prices. 1912 [1913] vi+120 p[Imprint date incorrectly given as 1912.] * Paper, 15c.

List of references on Federal control of commerce and corporations. 3d edition with additions. 1913. iii+164 p. * Paper. 15c. 12_ -35014/4

Select list of references on commission government for cities 1913 [21-4-70p. * Paper, 10c. '12-35017


Noth . Subscriptions for the Catalogue of copyright entries should be sent to the Supei intendent of Documents, instead of to the Register of Copyrights as formerly.[Catalogue of copyright entries, pt. 1, group 1. new series, v. 10] no 37-49

May 1913. May 2-31, 1913. p. 2S9-392. [Issued 3 times a week.] * Paper $3.00 a yr.; pts. 1 and 3, each $1.00 a yr.; pts. 2 and 4, each 50c. a yr.

12—35017/2|s ^sl’ed «n 4 parts ; pt. 1. group 1, relates to books; pt. 1, „roup _, to pamphlets, leaflets, contributions to newspapers or periodicals, etc lec-

tures, sermons, addresses for oral delivery, dramatic compositions, maps; pt 2 to periodicals ; pt. 3, to musical compositions : pt. 4. to works of art, reproductions of a work of art, drawings or plastic works of scientific or technical character, photographs prints and pictorial illustrations, motion pictures. 1

Same, pt. 1. group 1 [new series, v. 10, monthly index]; Apr. 1913. 1913, ix+25-26+xxii p. [Contains also list of copyright renewals.]

Same, pt. 1. group 2, new series, v. 10, no. 3. 1913. viii+187-304+xxx p [Monthly.]

Same, pt. 3, new series, v. 8, no. 3. 1913. vi+243-381+xxx p. [Monthly.]Same, pt. 4, new series, v. 8, no. 1. 1913. viii+1-152 p. [Quarterly.]


History of first half-century of National Academy of Sciences, 1863-1913; [ed-ited by Frederick W. True]. Washington [National Academy of Sciences] 1913. xi + [l]+399 p. 8 por. 4 pl. 4° $ 13_ 35434

Memoirs. 1913. v. 11, 298 p. il. 1 pl. 1 tab. 4° * Cloth, $1.00; * paper, 75c.„ . 13—35307Contents .—Agave in West Indies; by William Trelease.


American Samoa, general report by governor [with bibliography]. 1913. 40 p.1 pl. * Paper, 5c. 13—35353

Court-martial order 10-13, 1913; Apr. 1-23, 1913. [1913.] various paging,

General instructions for midshipmen’s summer cruise. [1913.] 4 p. 12° t General order 30-32 [5th series] ; May 5-13. 1913. [1913.] 2 p. 4° t


Specifications for inspection of non-ferrous metal materials under cognizance of bureau. Edition of 1913. 1913. 18 p. il. 12° t '


Marksmanship qualifications 6 and 7. 1913; May 16, 1913. [1913.] 4 p. and 1 p. 12° t

Uniform regulations. Marine Corps, with uniform regulations common to both Navy and Marine Corps, 1912. 1913. 104 p. 60 pl. * Cloth, 75c. 13—35418

May , 1913 627

NAVIGATION BUREAUInstructions concerning aviation and navy air pilot certificates. [1913.] 3 p.

12° tLeaves of absence granted officers of Navy subsequent to Mar. 1, 1913. [1913.]

3 p. [Monthly.] tMovements of vessels [and] Orders to officers. May 1-31, 1913. Each 1 p. or

2 p. 4° [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] TNavy and Marine Corps list and directory, officers of Navy and Marine Corps

May 1, 1913. 1913. 89 p. [Monthly.] * Paper, 10c. single a yr. ' ’


Not e _ The charts, sailing directions, etc., of the Hydrographic Office are sold by theoffice in Washington and also by agents at the principal American and foreign seaports nnd American lake ports The price of the Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other- publications is 50c. Copies of the Hydrographic bulletins reprints, and Notice to mariners are supplied free on application at the Hydrographic Office in Washington

nt the hrnnch offices in Boston New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk Savan-nah New Orleans, Galveston, San Francisco, Portland (Oreg.), Port Townsend, Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Sault Ste. Marie, and Duluth.Addenda to [Sailing directions for Bay of Fundy, southeast coast of Nov>a

Scotia and south and east coasts of Cape Breton Island, od edition] publica-tion 99, [edition] of 1906. [Apr. 1913.] cover-title, 38 1. i

Hydrographic bulletin, weekly. 1236-39; May 7-28, 1913. [1913.] Bach 1 p. various sizes, t , ,

Notice to mariners 18-22, 1913; May 3-31 [1913]. [1913.] [xiii]+379-525 1. map. [Weekly.] t

ChartsBritish New Guinea, Papua, Plans off east coast of; chart 2959. Washington,

Hydrographic Office, Apr. 1913. 21.9X19.5 in. t 20c.Alcester Islands, surveyed by G. W. C. Pim, 190m Scale naut. m.=0.73 in. 53 XGawa ’island, Marshall Bennett Islands, surveyed by G. W. C. Pim, 1905. Scale naut.Su“o^°Ha3rbSr, Woo^rk “island [or] Murna south Pacific Ocean, from British survey

in 1897. Scale naut. m.=4 in. 16.6X19.0 in.Hatibonico, Port, south coast of Cuba, from U. S. naval surveys to 1912; Baiti-

queri, Port, south coast of Cuba, from U. S. naval surveys to 1912 chart 2667. Scale 1000 yds.=6 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Api. 19 . 16.7X24.4 in. 120c.

Klrlwina or Trobrland Is., British New Guinea [or] Papua ,wutt P»e.«e ■Ocean, from sketch survey by Sir Wm. Macgregor, 1891; chart 2900 Scale auA m.=0.4 in. Washington. Hydrographic Office, Apr. 1913. 17.9X16.2 in. t 10c. .

Naikai or Inland Sea, Japan. Channels between Neko Seto and Mitsugi, from Japanese surveys, 1883-96; chart 2740. Scale naut. m.-1.5 in. 26 X 39.1 in. 150c. .

Pilot chart of Indian Ocean. July. 1918; chart 12603 Scale 1 '""S--®-2 >”■ Washington, Hydrographic Office, May 17, 1913. 22.4Xal.l i. L yPrepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.] t 10c.

Pilot chart of north Atlantic Ocean. May. 1918; chart MOO ftalle 1 tow.- 0.27 In. Washington. Hydrographic Oihce. Apr. 29, 1913. 21X32[Monthly. Prepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.] t 10c.° _

Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean. July. 19135/hart 1401. ^ale 1 long.-0.2 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, May 17, 1913. 20 7X35.3 m. [Monthly. Prepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.J i it) •

Solomon Islands, Anchorages in. south Pacific; chart 2908. Washington, Hydro- PavuvuC Inlands, ^Fussell Island^ from British sketch survey in 1880. Scale naut.

—-v-e « -t:m =2 in 13.1X19.4 and 6.4 X 6.4 in.

^'TngTon^Hy^drogra^pbuf (Iffice.^Apr^lOlX^lS.eXfilLS


628 May , 1913


the American® nkut7caianalmanea“erin paper^fo^V^^Sln cloth> is sold for $1 00

♦Paper, 5c° meriCan nautlc*l almanac, [calendar] year 1913. 1913. 25 p.



May 2^1^°wTi EachhFpS4r°°f[^ekly TeOfS materials’ etc-l ? nos. 372-376.

PAN AMERICAN UNIONprices usual?/ rangir^fro^Sc^o0/! 0t)1S Thn°W? mo,ntbly bulletins, handbooks etc at is 25c. a single copyor• $2.00 a vUr[ho °Lthe Wisb edition of the buliettanf a year> and the French ’edltionP75c n °viVr>n a !^° a year> the Portugueseof <jbe ,Pan American Union. ea T on 75c‘ a year- Address the Director Generaltendent of Documenta a^SSc/Vaek'011 °f the bulIetin may be obtained from the Superin-

Same. Same


Bne1“l.[T'[Mo^y.’]e'5ICS° POTtUgUe2a; Abr11- 1913- [1913.] lv+181-240 p.

11913.1' milt1 pS' 220-22°’ serciOn espanola]; Enero-Junlo, 1912 [Mice].

STpeortV- ^U’)8^6” eBMB0,a’ Abrib

BmSeS\\S]1’exx<vT°n ft“CalseI; J“Met-D«cembre, 1912 [table des

^-caise; Avrn. 1913. [1913.] Iv+iei^Ta

B"xvm p? 35 tE“g"Sb SeCtlonI ' Jo’r-Dec. 1912 (title-page and index], [1913.]

Same. (H. doc. 937 [index], 62d Cong. 3d sess.) 8-30967/2Same [v. 36. no. 4. English section] ; Apr. 1913 [1913 1 iv-Lasi nro n

por. 2 p. of pl. [Monthly.] HVld. J iv+481-652 p. il. 1(H. doc. 937, pt. 10, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)

[V(MoithlyJ EnS"Sh SKtlOn) : Mny' 191& I1919-! lv+653-784 p. 11. 1

(H. doc. 937. pt. 11, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)


to May 15, 1913.

temporary and doc. 35.) t

Ch1913°’ n1! S-fVTfp? Stati°n ^arFion’ Chica?o; corrected-tyio. p. l-2-t-1.3-165, narrow 12° $

Clerks. Communication recommending appropriation for auxiliary clerks in post offices, etc. May 15 1913 2 p (S

D“M3bU1X.lf SSiap“r 2SlPr alr^n1Ce’ V' ^nOS- May 1-31,Grav David u t • [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] tbAuSrjMJ5Grarfor credlt on acMm’t »f toss

by a^lsbm^Attonie^General^May^^^lPls.1111!^^)/»

May , 1913 629

Mail contracts. Bulletin advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails, including parcel-post mail authorized by act approved Aug. 24, 1912, in screen wagons at cities and towns named in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, July 1, 1913-June 30, 1917, for all except route 407012 at New York, N. Y., on which contract term will be Sept. 1, 1913-June 30, 1917. May 2, 1913. 43 p. t

Postal guide. United States official postal guide, 3d series, v. 5, no. 11; May, 1913. Albany, N. Y., J. B. Lyon Company, printers [1913]. cover-title, 47 p. [Monthly.] Cloth, $3.50 a yr.; paper, $3.00 a yr. 4—18254/3

Note .—No. 1, July, for each year, is what is usually known as the Postal guide, nos. 2-12 being additions and corrections. Sold by the printers, J. B. Lyon Company, Market Square, Albany.

Reports. Annual reports, fiscal year 1912. 1913 366 p. * Cloth, 40c.5—9500/2

----- Same. (H. doc. 931, 62d Cong. 3d sess.)Scales. Proposal and specifications for scales for parcel post service, June 15,

1913-June 30, 1914. [1913.] cover-title, 8 p. f° t


Schedule of steamers appointed to convey mails to foreign countries during June, 1913. May 17, 1913. 1 p. narrow f° [Monthly.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr.


Alphabetical scheme of Kansas for use of publishers in distribution of 2d-class mail. 1913. 25 p. $

Alphabetical scheme of Mississippi for use of publishers in distribution of 2d-class mail. 1913. 28 p. t

General scheme of South Carolina. Apr. 1913. 92 p. ?Scheme of Texas for use of Chicago, Ill., post office [standpoint]. Feb. 1913.

169 p. [About half of the pages are blank.] t

TOPOGRAPHY DIVISIONNote .—Since February, 1908, the Topography Division has been preparing rural-deliv-

ery maps of counties in which rural delivery is completely established. They are published in two forms, one giving simply the rural free delivery routes starting from a single given post office, sold at 5 cents each; the other, the rural free delivery routes in an entire county, sold at 20 cents each. A uniform scale of 1 inch to 1 mile is used. Editions are not issued, but sun-print copies are produced in response to special calls addressed to the Disbursing Clerk, Post Office Department. These maps should not be confused with the post route maps, for which see Monthly catalogue for January, 1913, page 370.List of rural-delivery county maps. May 1, 1913. 1 p. f° [Monthly.] t

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESCommerce Department. Executive order [authorizing Albert Lee Thurman,

Solicitor of Department of Commerce, to act as Secretary of Commerce during absence of Secretary and assistant Secretary]. May 27, 1913. 1 p. f° (No. 1781.) t

Helena, Mont. Executive order [transferring lands from Helena land district to Kalispell land district, and business and archives pertaining to said lands from land office at Helena to land office at Kalispell, Mont.]. May 6, 1913. 1 p. f° (No. 1773.) t

Hollingsworth, John E. Executive order [authorizing reinstatement of Hol-lingsworth to classified service]. May 7, 1913. 1 p. f° (No. 1779.) t

Klukwan, Alaska. Executive order [reserving land at Klukwan for use of natives of Alaska]. Apr. 21, 1913. 1 p. map, f° (No. 1764.) ±

Navajo Indians. Executive order [reserving lands in New Mexico for use of Navajo Indians]. May 6, 1913. 1 p. f° (No. 1774.) t

630 May , 1913

clerk‘d Mrs. Netherland from1, 1913. 1 p. r (No. 1770.) $ r DePartme«t to regular clerkship]. May

^sc ^nX M°y c«>j

Assembly of Porto TtiSTuring istton beelZ'e tT°“S .o'act“i by Legislative 1913. Mey 6. 1913. j ™Jan 13 and ending Mar. 13. acts and resolntlons referred to wtre not prhAedJ t tra"Sn’ittal oaly- TL‘-‘

to Post Offlc^DepartSm°striis7odomlt°MsI|f lnS ?'!!■ s.el'vlce rules. relating (No.' imoae» 1Wsltl0,ls exwPted from exninlMUon).

P°and Ortri3 1E<5?!"tlVe °r?cr taniemllng Executive orders of Nov 39 tons (No. 1776)’ T ’ COnCernin® Postmasters of 4th class]. May 7, 1913 I p r

^astXr'Z ST ipZ^No^T^lM? of <»«-sloe]. May 7. 1913. 1 p p (No.' 1778 ) v' by Clv" Servlce Commls-

tlry S^vaK^’^ert^^'f9J>8njd8 s p’r 1TO7 »T m,U’

^a&iS], E£y t «ct °f «•“* *SStl^StMieawTS” May's,[1913°r l‘p P "'™!o TW? >P°t Ho"

W~rTa£^^ pre-

SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIONPdblication^of^the'^^mitKsmiia^blnsHtution'sre^^ ^?stit¥lti<>n publishes this note: “The laneous collections; 3, Vnnual renorts • 4 a«^’ Contributions to knowledge ; 2, Miscel- for sale or distribution as most of Specml Publications. No sets- of these aretributions and of Miscellaneous collections^e* distrusted prJnt-. Tbe volumes of Con- to learned institutions and societies in this ?nnnt™ »nif t °nly t? public libraries and papers m these two series is printed senaratelv for c?id abload- A small edition of the reports are regularly distributed by the InstituHon > T?e Smithsonianand only a limited number of the volumes remaini t1zjbrariea throughout the world, sources. No general mailing-list of indivEu T*?°- sapplv demands from other by purchase from the Superintendent of Docnmen^s1"^11^' Jhe ^eports can ba had printed in the annual renorts are rmhiicn^ tmciinients. Washington. D. C. The naners should be ordered by thePserial numl ?>• heROmP4lately f£r tree distribution. PublicatFons sonian Institution.’ An applicatto™ from hr^8 HSh0>U d ?e “ade pa.vab'e to ‘ Smith-in the library and the date of establishment and have <thltate.ithe number of volumes of Congress.” The annual reports are th“ only Smithsonian ®nd?rsement of a Member larly issued as public documents. All the others are naid fFrbJ1Catl°+KS that are re«n- nf the Institution. otners are paid for from the private funds

NW«XZr ImTSJS byr2?nrIT-,W- (SU5?re-t.on 2184; Smithsonian .MscoHmmons eXttons, v. 61 nt 5Pj t Paw be


i x-aper, dc . 10—35963/3Saffordia, new genus of ferns from Peru - hv William i? ™

Smithsonian Institution, May 26, 1913 ’ [21+5 n il o'ni Tp^ki ^“o^oo1, Smithsonian miscellany eolleitiont v' e/no’^ j 2 t Papet'bt iTS

May , 1913 631


28th annual report, [fiscal year] 1907. 1912. 22 p. large 8° i 7 38073/6 Same, [with accompanying papers]. 1912. 308+[2]+xxxv p. il. 103 pl. map,

1 tab. large 8° (H. doc. 134, 61st Cong. 2d sess.) * Cloth, $1.25.Contents .—Report of chief.—Casa Grande, Ariz.; by Jesse Walter Fewkes.—An-

tiquities of upper Verde River and Walnut Creek valleys, Ariz.; by Jesse Waiter Fewkes.—Preliminary report on linguistic classification of Algonquian tribes; by Truman Michelson.—Index.—List of publications of bureau with index to authors and titles.

List of publications of bureau, with index to authors and titles. 1913. [1.1 + xxxv p. large 8° [From 28th report, 1907.] t 12—29925

NATIONAL MUSEUMNote ._ The publications of the National Museum comprise bulletins, annual reports,

and an annual volume of Proceedings. The annual report is included m the Congies- sional set. The editions of the bulletins and Proceedings are too limited to admit ol general distribution, and the volumes of the latter are sent only to libraries.Amphipods. Notes on certain amphipods from Gulf of Mexico, with descriptions

of new genera and new species; by Arthur S. Pearse. Nov. 20, 1912. [1] + 369-379 p. il. [From Proceedings, v. 43; no. 1936 ] t

Crabs. Descriptions of new species of crabs of family Ocypodidse; by Mary J. Rathbun. Apr. 30, 1913. [1]+615-620 p. 3 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no. 1971.] t

Crane-flies. Synopsis of part of Neotropical crane-flies of subfamily Limnobinte; by Charles P. Alexander. Apr. 30, 1913. [1]+481-549 p. 4 pl. [From Pro-ceedings, v. 44; no. 1966.] t

Diptera. Notes on some American Diptera of genus Fannia, with descriptions of new species; by J. R. Malloch. Apr. 30, 1913. [1]+621—631 p. 1 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no. 1972.] f

False date-palm. Relationships of false date palm of Florida Keys, with syn-optical key to families of American palms; by O. F. Cook. [May 14] vii+243-254 p 4 pl. (Contributions from national herbarium, v. 16, pt. 8.) * Paper, 10c. A§r 1^-629

Fish and fisheries. Descriptions of 2 new fishes of genus Triglops from Atlantic Coast of North America; by Charles H. Gilbert. Apr. 30, 1913. [l]+465- 468 p. 1 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no. 1963.] t

Foraminifera. New Textulariidae and other arenaceous Foraminifera from Philippine Islands and contiguous waters, scientific results of Philippine cruise of Fisheries steamer Albatross, 1907—10, no. 25; by Joseph A. Cushman. Apr. 30, 1913. [1]+633-638 p. 3 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no. 1973.] T

Horses Notes on some fossil horses, with descriptions of 4 new species; by Oliver P. Hay. Apr. 30, 1913. [1]+569-594 p. il. 5 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no. 1969. ] t

Hymenoptera. Descriptions of new Hymeuoptera, 6; by J. C. Crawford. May 22, 1913. [1]+241-260 p. il. [From Proceedings, v. 45; no. 1979.] T

___ Same, 7; by J. C. Crawford. May 22, 1913. [1]+309-317 p. il. [FromProceedings, v. 45; no. 1984.] t

----- New parasitic Hymenoptera belonging to tribe Xoridini; by S. A. Robwer. May 22, 1913. [1]+353-361 p. [From Proceedings, v. 45; no. 1986.] T

----- Systematic monograph of chalcidoid Hymenoptera of subfamily Signi- phorinse [with bibliography]; by A. Arsene~ Girault. May 22, 1913. [1] + 189-233 p. [From Proceedings, v. 45; no. 1977.] t

Insects, Fossil. Some fossil insects from Florissant, Colo.; by T. D. A. Cocker-ell. Apr. 30, 1913. [1]+341-346 p. il. 1 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no. 1955.] t

Jellyfish. Preliminary account of 1 new genus and 3 new species of Medusae from Philippines, scientific results of Philippine cruise of Fisheries steamer Albatross. 1907-10, no. 22; by Henry B. Bigelow. Nov. 20, 1912. [l]+253- 260 p. [From Proceedings, v. 43; no. 1931.] t

Mammals Errata [to List of North American land mammals in museum, 1911; by Gerrit S. Miller, jr.]. [1913.] 3 1. (Bulletin 79 [errata].) T

632 May , 1913

included Sin ttds’volume. ^Each9 frticte^also Thl: b[^rticles 1923^5 are vance.] * Cloth, $1.25. 1 C1 s also Published separately in ad-trossNmSv-i;r)TSCrlptioils of Alcyonaria collected bv T’ s v >, • H—20830/2 Nutting n ? J?panese waters, during 1906 F with HotAf8’fFlsberies steamer Alba- NVJ/mg.—Descriptions of new familv •> n™- „ lth llst of references] ; by Charles C StJles™-1'' ^‘‘"•“oc'STts’ot'pblnp:

"P1 a-"ptUwl.t? sor PhUlppta” H’e “,i iE'b’ib

andNvth A<Jner?ca : by T- D- A. Cockerell —Br^nT1?lmeS Tapplied to eucerine bees O«hn™°VaivSc0tAla’ cohected by Owen Bryant Iwkh8 hihi“ Labrador, Newfoundland, r»IoUrsn rrIsew American dipterous insects‘of famuli, v»blbI10Rrapby] ; by Raymond C.

Descriptions of new genera and snorioe or 2,,,*api! P 1Puncuhdie ; by J. R. Malloch_regions of South America ; by Charles II T Town®68/10!? Andean and Pacific Coast from Gulf of Mexico, with description o ^n^w ^n»rd‘~Nites on certain amphipods Fn<rP™rSe‘—Crinoids °f Museum fuer \atin-kunde Hr Hin ?n<?..n<"Y species ; by Arthur ing references to crinoids in collection of m Dde' I»erlin [with List of papers contain- bar‘ Clark-insects of diptero™ family'pho^ ’ by Austin Ho-Joch.—Revision of forms of great blue ++ a J National Museum ; by J. R. Mal- Oberholser.—Notes on occurrence of crustacean A.r,dea herodias Linnaeus ; by Harry C

species ; by Alfred A. Doolittle —New genusP»n?Ur America- with description famiiy Cyclogasteridae ; by Charles Victor TPirke —n^orirS-new ®Pacies of fishes of new genera, and 33 new species of ichneumon flies ■1hGvCrTPtTOn 1 new family, 8 meteoric iron from Perryville Perrv Connie teby J3, L Vierock.—Newly found genera and 58 new species of’ starfishes f™™ nute b? Geor«e P- Merrill.—Four new cas [scientific results of Philippine cruise 1 FiiV’J’1-116 Ialands> Celebes, and Moluc- no. 23] ; by Walter K. Fisher —One new genus F^lleorles Albatross, 1907-10, in National Museum collection ; bynlT'Manoch:-dIn8denxeW SPGCiGS °f dipter°us lnsecta

S”yeta“Ne“ctlc?l«le? °f of genus May 22, 1913. [1]+‘>65-<’sl n il riv Spe£ies of sa"’flies; by S. A. Rohwer.o..,. , L J^-o»-2bl p. il. [From Proceedings, v. 45- no 1981 1 t

16, pt. 6, plate 54 corrected.])’ t ( ntllbutl0ns from national herbarium, v.ottaSta0At8

305-126 p. Ma523'1918- ™ +GMlev." Apr™Wtioi3n0'|n+(MnU&?i<’11iS»eI?on ln “»'seum; by Janies W. 1975.i t ■ 1Jlo‘ 111+^49-6'04 p. il. 2 pl. [From Proceedings, v. 44; no.


tional act signed at Brussels. Dec " ‘ ’proclaimed Apr. 29, 1913. 1913 English.] f

as modified by addi- 14, 1900; signed Washington, June 2, 1911 JJ p. (Treaty series 579.) [French and

Diplomatic list, May, 1913. [1913.] 13—35438cover-title, 22 p. 24° [Monthly.] t


wan. Mayu, 1913. 3 p. (s. by.^pe°r'G^AnSea0^cbnS1Sd'Xre';s10a,? / ^re,"1 ? State »f t»and Nov. 14, 1912 to'which i f notes of JulF 8’ 1912’ambassador to Secretary of State 'pZsented^b^Mf^f2 d 1913’.fr0I“ Britisb 21 p. (S. doc. 11.) * Paper 5c ’ piesented b> Mr- L°dge. Apr. 17, 1913./ upci, uc. 1$_ 35128

Report covering reports of United States delegates tn tarn Tm- +- , z-, ~SSV)‘ A.X°^eat The S‘W ^^“Fp'

’ ' ' 13—35415

May , 1913 633


Hearings and arguments in matter of application of Rainy River Improve-ment Co. for approval of plans for dam [across outlet of Namekan Lake] at Kettle Falls [Minn]. 1913. 128 p. t

Report on Livingstone Channel [Detroit River], Apr. 8, 1913, recommendations in reply to questions submitted by governments of United States and Canada. Oct. 16, 1912, [under] treaty of May 5, 1910. 1913. 18 p. map. * Paper, 5c.

Testimony in re Livingstone Channel [Detroit River], on reference of govern-ments of United States and Canada under article 9 of treaty of May 5, 1910. 1913. 225 p. t


Report of proceedings of 8th International Prison Congress, Washington, D. C., Sept, and Oct. 1910; by Charles Richmond Henderson. May 23, 1913. 62 p. (H. doc. 52.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35409


[Journal] May 1-26, 1913, [slips] 102-110. [1913.] 200-229+[1] 1. tTranscript of record, Oct. term, 1912, no. 983, United States vs. Frederick W.

Whitridge, as receiver of Third Avenue Railroad Company et al., on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit. [1913.] cover-title, ii+84 p. t

Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1912, no. 1053, United States and Interstate Commerce Commission vs. Prairie Oil & Gas Company, appeal from Com-merce Court. [1913.] cover-title, ii+75 p. t


Decisions of Court of Customs Appeals: Wood pulp and paper, favored-nation clause, American Express Co. et al. v. United States, no. 894, [and] Ber- tuch & Co. et al. v. [same], no. 895; [and Canadian reciprocity, wood pulp, Cliff Paper Co. v. United States, no. 1099]. [1913.] 74 p. ([Treasury de-cisions] 33434 [and 33435].) [From Treasury decisions, v. 24, no. 21.] * Paper, 5c.

Letter transmitting, in response to resolution, reports from auditors for State, Treasury, War, Post Office, Interior, and Navy Departments relative to pay-ments to express companies for transportation of property of United States over lines of railway companies which received grants of land from Govern-ment, etc. May 19, 1913. 14 p. (S. doc. 39.) * Paper, 5c.

Proper disposition of certificates of deposit. Apr. 17, 1913. 3 p. 4° (Dept, circular 12, 1913; Division of Public Moneys.) t

Report of Appraisement Commission of Treasury Department. [Tariff Service Record, Washington, D. C., 1913.] [l]+x+112 p. t

Statement of public debt and cash in Treasury, Apr. 1913. May 1, 1913. 1 p. f® [Monthly.] f

Statement of Treasury, May 1-31, 1913. [1913.] Each 3 p. f° [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] t

Treasury decisions under customs, internal-revenue, and other laws, including decisions of Board of General Appraisers and Court of Customs Appeals, v. 24, nos. 18-22; May 1-29, 1913. 1913. various paging. [Weekly. Department decisions numbered 33349-464, general appraisers’ decisions 7457-64, and internal revenue decisions 1848-51.] * Paper, $1.75 a yr. 10—30490/3


Reappraisements of merchandise by general appraisers [on Apr. 24-May 21, 1913]; May 5-26, 1913. [1913.] various paging, 4° (Reappraisement cir-culars 2544-55.) [Weekly.] * Paper, 60c. a yr. 13—2916/4

634 May . 1913


BSatt%£.r PMt “n<1

” Wis"1 «vOT-trtie,MeC“?tlt1 COnS,r"°tlo“ o( P°st olII« BeOfoi’O City,

^covei-’ti ̂ f01' construction of Post office at Camden. 1913.

construction of post office at Cynthiana.

ncoverntitle!'55S^CrCatiOU construction of post office at Duquoin. 1913.

/OrtCO”str"ctlon °f P»st «™nd

Sf"?" for construction of post office at

nSiU>HaV?iLi Specification for construction of latrine buildings sewage K3fic,xurnek3rp%nKcta'piplng at qi™rantine

1 etc1<tn’nn<d '% Specificatl?n for new hoistway, electric passenger elevator, etc., in post office and courthouse at La Crosse. 1913. cover-title, 12 p. f° t

P1c0ouHehoiV{’n.!d Spetcification for electric passenger elevator in’ post office, ouithouse, and customhouse at Providence. 1913. cover-title, 12 p. f° t

Rcovlretifm\RS^>fiCVi0n for construction of post office at Rochelle. 1913. vw“title, oo j). i f

Sahn«n^C1Si-CG Cai‘ Specification for conduit and wiring system in marine hospital at San Francisco. 1913. cover-title. 10 p. f° t


Abstroot of reports of condition of national banks, Apr. 4, 1913; no. 83. Mav 1, 1913. 8 p. 4 [Issued 5 times a year.] / f

Bulletin 1046-49; May 5-26. 1913. [1913.] Each 4 p. or 5 p. 4° [Weekly.] tList of national bank examiners. May 13. 1913. [1913.] 1 p. 4° fStatement showing amount of national bank notes outstanding secured bv U. S.

bonds and by lawful money at beginning of business on [May 1, 19131, with changes during preceding year and month, also kinds and amounts of bonds on deposit to secure national bank notes and public deposits. May 1, 1913. 1 p. 4 [Monthly.] t


Market prices and investment values of outstanding securities [Dec. 1912]. Jan. 2, 1913. [2] p. 4 (Treasury Dept. Dept, circular 2, 1913.) f

Sa2neiQiqe?’ +9131‘ Mai‘ 3’ 1913’ [2] P' 4° (Treasury Dept. Dept, circular

Saini%[iAp- 1913L May 3’ 1913‘ [2] p- 40 (Masury Dept. Dept, circular 2, i»±o.) t


Distilled spirits, decision of Supreme Court. [1913.] 4 p. ([Treasurv de-cision] 1849.) [From Treasury decisions, v. 24, no. 19.] t ±reaSUIJ ae


Caveat list of United States registered bonds, May 1, 1913 [1913 ] 1 p f°[Monthly.] t

Circulation statement, May 1, 1913. May 1 [1913]. 1 p oblong 8°[Monthly.] t 10-21267/3

May , 1913 635


[40th] annual report of director of mint, fiscal year 1912, and Report on produc-tion of precious metals, calendar year 1911. 1913. iv+317 p. il. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2671.) * Cloth, 35c. 9—34686/3

Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals in numismatic collection of mint, Phila-delphia, Pa. 2d edition. 1913. 634 p. + [18] 1. 16 pl. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2612.) * Cloth, $1.00. • 13—35419

Monetary systems of principal countries of the world. 1913. 51 p. (Treas.Dept. doc. 2675.) * Paper, 5c. 13_ 35439


Contagious diseases, their prevention and control in children’s institutions; by James P. Leake. 1913. 7 p. (Supplement 6 to Public health reports.) * Paper, 5c. 13—35346

Country schools and rural sanitation. 6 sample public schools in one county, does this county need medical inspection in its schools? the country school teacher- by Ch. Wardell Stiles. 1913. 5 p. (Reprint 116.) [From Public health re-ports, v. 28, no. 6.] * Paper, 5c. . 13_ 35347

List of State and insular health authorities of United States. 1913. 14 p. (Re-print 123.) [From Public health reports, v. 28, no. 17.] * Paper, 5c.

13—35433Pellagra, report on its epidemiology; by R. M. Grimm. 1913. 48 p. il. (Re-

print 120.) [From Public health reports, v. 28, nos. 10 and 11.] * Paper, 5c.13—35421

Public health reports, v. 28. nos. 18-22; May 2-30. 1913. 1913, [xxii]+833- 1119 p. il. 4 p. of pl. and map. [Weekly.] 6—25167/2

Special article s .—No. 18, Poliomyelitis, further attempts to transmit disease through agency of stable fly, Stomoxys calcltrans ; by John F. Anderson and W. H. Frost.— Smallpox in Germany, 1908-9.—No. 19. Use of gases on ships for Are extinction and fumigation, by E. Kilburn Scott; review by L. E. Cofer.—Epidemic cerebrospinal men-ingitis, information relative to prevention of its spread and management of cases; by R. H. von Ezdorf.—No. 20. Friedmann treatment for tuberculosis, report on pres-ent status of its investigation by board of cfflcers of Public Health Service.—Water and ice supplied by interstate carriers.—No. 21. Soil pollution, chain gang as possi-ble disseminator of intestinal parasites and infections ; by Ch. Wardell Stiles.—Typhoid fever at Albany, N. Y., account of recent outbreak due to use of raw Hudson River water following flooding of filtration plant; by Theodore Horton.—No. 22. Paratyphoid fever, report of outbreak in hospital at Roanoke, Va.; by L. L. Lumsden, A W Free-man, and W. B. Foster.—Outbreak and suppression of plague in Porto Rico, account of course of epidemic and measures employed for its suppression by United States Public Health Service; by Richard H. Creel.

Note .—This publication is distributed gratuitously to State and municipal health officers, etc., by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, Treasury Depart-ment. Others desiring these reports may obtain them from the Superintendent of Documents for $2.00 a year.

Rat proofing, its practical application in construction or repair of dwellings or other buildings; by Friench Simpson. 1913. 11 p. 10 p. of pl. (Reprint 122.) [From Public health reports, v. 28, no. 15.] * Paper, 5c. 13—35420


Circular [of| information relative to appointments to cadetships in line of Revenue-Cutter Service. May 9, 1913. 11 p. t

General order 24 [2d series] ; Apr. 2, 1913. [1913.] 5 1. t


Monthly statement, paper currency of each denomination outstanding Apr. 30,1913. May 1 [1913], 1 p. oblong 24° t


Letter in reference to employment of clerks and messengers in Philippine Islands. May 9, 1913. 2 p. (H. doc. 46.) J

Letter relating to question of human slavery in Philippine Islands. May 7.1913. 3 p. (S. doc. 22.) t 13—35311

636 May , 1913

Manual of calisthenic exercises; [by Herman J. Koehler]. [Reprint! 1913 vii+54 p. il. 24° * Cloth, 25c. War 7—166/2

Response to resolution, information relative to nature and character of duties to which retired officers of Army may be detailed to perform under existing laws, regulations, and orders. May 13, 1913. 4 p. (S. doc. 24.) * Paper, 5c.


Army list and directory. May 20, 1913. 1913. 110 p. large 8° [Monthly.] * Paper, 15c. single copy, $1.50 a yr.


Note .—The Army Service Schools at Fort Leavenworth comprise the following- the Army School of the Line, the Army Signal School, and the Army Staff College. SGeneral orders 4 [1913]; May 20, 1913. [1913.] 1 p. 12° tSpecial orders 26-28, 30-35 [1913] ; May 5-29, 1913. [1913.] Each 1 p. 12° $


Sth annual report [calendar year 1912]. May 16, 1913. 34 p. * Paper, 5c. (H. doc. 49.)


Circular 11 and 12 [1913] ; May 8 and 15, 1913. [1913.] 1 and 5 p. 12° tGeneral orders 9-13

12° $[1913] ; Apr. 26-May 22, 1913. [1913.] various paging,

Kanawha River. W. Va. Report [of board] on preliminary examination of river with view to increasing height of locks and dams on said river so as to make 9-foot stage to Ohio River. Apr. 29, 1913. 9 p. map. (H. doc. 41.) * Paper, 5c.

Matawan Creek. N. J. Rejiort on examination of creek with plan and estimate of cost of improvement. May 1, 1913. 7 p. map. (H. doc. 43.) t

Missouri River. Report [of board] on preliminary examination of river at St. Joseph, Mo., with view to preventing diversion of river through Lake Con-trary and contiguous lakes. Apr. 14, 1913. 5 p. map. (H. doc. 14.) t

Newport Beach. Cal. Reports on examination and survey of Newport Harbor. May 1, 1913. 11 p. map. (H. doc. 42.) $

Officers. Statement showing rank, duties, and addresses of officers of Corps of Engineers. Apr. 20, 1913. 15 p. 4° [Quarterly.] t

Pamlico River. N. C. Report on examination of inland waterway from river through Goose Creek to Jones Bay, Pamlico County. Apr. 29, 1913. 8 p. map. (H. doc. 38.) t

Shoal Harbor. N. J. Report on examination with plan and estimate of cost of improvement of harbor and Compton Creek. Apr. 29, 1913. 9 p. 1 pl. map. (H. doc. 40.) +

Tradewater River, Ky. Report on preliminary examination of river. Apr. 29, 1913. 8 p. map. (H. doc. 39.) t


Note .—Lake Survey charts may be obtained from U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., or from U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y. Payments must be made before charts are sent, and if made by mail must be by postal or express money order payable to the order of U. S. Lake Survey Office, if ordered from Detroit, or to the order of U. S. Engineer Office if ordered from Buffalo. These charts may also be obtained, for cash only, at U. S. Canal Office at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. They will be sent by ex-press, the express charges to be paid by the purchaser on receipt of the charts, or free by mail at the purchaser’s risk. Purchasers should indicate, when ordering the charts, whether they wish them sent by express or mail. The latter will be used when no choice is indicated.

The bulletins and supplements of the Lake Survey may be obtained free upon appli-cation at U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., and at the engineer offices in Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Oswego.

May . 1913 637

Bulletin 22 [to supplement information given upon charts of Great Lakes]. U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., [Apr.] 1913. 435 p. il. 3 tab. 4° t

Note .-—Includes a special article, Compass and magnetism of the earth in Lake regions; by Thomas Russell.

Supplement 1. 1913, corrections and additions to Bulletin 22; to supplement information given upon charts of Great Lakes. U. S. Lake Suivey Office, Detroit, Mich., [May 23] 1913. 14 1.+ [2] p. 4° t


Circular [proposals for supplies] 776-778; May 15—22, 1913. [1913.] various paging. 5 pl. f° t

Manual of information concerning employments for service on Isthmus of Panama. Revised Mar. 16. 1911. 1913. 32 p. il. t

Proposals [for supplies 776-778, to accompany Circular proposals for supplies 776-778]. [1913.] Each 1 p. 24° and 32° t


Canal record. May 7-28, 1913; v. 6, no. 37-40. Ancon, Canal Zone [1913]. 305-340+8 p. il. 4° [Weekly. The Canal record for May 28, 1913. is in 2 parts, pt. 2 is Statement of construction expenditures to Mar. 31, 1913.]

i—3532S/3Note _ The Canal record is issued free of charge, one copy each, to all employees

of the Commission whose names are on the gold roll. Extra copies can be obtained from the news stands of the Panama Railway Company for 5c. each. Address all communications to The Canal Record, Ancon, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama.

Report of Department of Sanitation of Isthmian Canal Commission, Mar 1913 1913 51 p. 12° [Monthly.] t 6—13939/2


Bliss Fort, Tex. Specifications of material and labor required in construction of isolation ward at fort. Feb. 1913 [reprint, with changes]. 35 p. 12° J

Harrison, Benjamin, Fort, Ind. Specifications for plumbing and electric wiring in isolation ward at fort. Apr. 1913. 13 p. 12° $

___ Specifications of material and labor required in construction of isolation ward at fort. Apr. 1913. 36 p. 12° i

Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco. Specifications for plumbing and electric wiring in hydrotherapeutic ward, Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Apr. 1913. 16 p. 12° t

___ Specifications for plumbing and electric wiring in nurses dormitory at Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Apr. 1913. 11 p. 12° I

___ _ Specifications of material and labor required in construction of hydro- therapeutic ward at Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Api. 1913. 27 p. 12° t

1___ Specifications of material and labor required in construction of nurses’dormitory at Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Apr. 1913. 28 p. 12°* t

Reed, Walter, Army General Hospital, District of Columbia. Specifications for plumbing and electric wiring in ward addition A to Walter Reed Army Gen-eral Hospital. D. C. May, 1913. 11 p. 12° t

----- Specifications of material and labor required in construction of ward addition A to Walter Reed Army General Hospital, D. C. May, 1913. 41 p. 12° t


Description of Lewis depression position finders, model of 1898, type A, and emergency. type B, with instructions for their care and operation. Mar 13. 1902, revised Apr. 10. 1913. 1913. 20 p. il. 3 pl. t War 13—128/-

General orders 1 [1913] ; May 3, 1913. [1913.] 2 1. 12° t CA11 21/2Handbook of Colt automatic machine gun. caliber .30, with pack outfits and

accessories. Aug. 17, 1901, revised Mar. 20. 1913. 1913. 51 p. 8 pl. 8 p. of

638 May , 1913

Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for mortar carriages model of 99° vmQ aad-Of IQ9for 12‘inch mortars, model of lS9o’ Ml. Apr. 22, 1.109, revised Mar. 18, 1913. 1913. 36 p. 10 pl. $ War 13_ 133

fnstructions for proof of guns and carriages including star-gauging of guns and taking impressmns of bore. Feb. 16, 1905, revised Jan. 28, 1913. 1913. 14 p.1 • 1 P1- * War 13_ 131

Orders and circulars, 1912 [title-page and index]. 1913. 4 p. 12° J


C1i9oklr^1 a?d 1<3. [.1913] ’ [Apr’ 11 and May 20- 1913- [1913.] 33 p. and 1 p 12 (Circular 11 is Annual price list of clothing and equipage and tables of allowances with tables of allowances and price list of tableware and kitchen ll I (MIS 11$. j 4-

Roster showing stations and duties of officers, Mav 3 1913 p. [Monthly.] $ ‘ ’ [May J, 1913.] 12

7—31790Specifications for heating hydrotherapeutic ward, plans no. 4-1192 at Letter- .. ma.n General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Apr. 1913. 9 p. 12*uiau uenerai Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Apr. 1913. 9 p. 12° $

iheatin™ nur®es’ dormitory, plans no. 4-1195, at Letterman, O'-* 1111 LVl J' ] £J1CLJL1O 11V. —_L. „

General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Apr. 1913. 9 p. 12° iSpecifications for hot-water heating in ward addition A at Walter Reed Army

General Hospital, Washington, D. C. May, 1913. 12 p. 12° tSSfi?nd?n Apr 1913Wa^rph!2»int iSOlation ward at Fort Benjamin Harri-

Stoppage circular; May 15, 1913. [1913.] 2 p. [Monthly.] $


CSq S1 14f?r.,CLr/1Coula+r 7> 1912] Sigual b00k’ United States Army, 1912. [1913.] 12 1. il. 24 t

Circular 4 [1913] ; May 6, 1913. [1913.] 7 p. 12° $


ClSignal Office W SigU&1 C°rPS mauuals‘ [1913,] 5 L [Manuals issued by

Changes 23-27 [for] Army regulations [1912]. Apr. 5-21, 1913. various paging. [Regulations issued by War Department.] t
