Citizen (Berea, Ky.): 1913-09-18


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Transcript of Citizen (Berea, Ky.): 1913-09-18




Vol. XV. Pive Cents ;i M»J

(Tub Citizenjvoted to tine Interests of the ^ouinteLin


Knowledge U pawn andtti*

way to keep tip

M to read a

One f n >i lit i a Tew V. II

A rii> Mrangei wii visiting Ike

i lalaim ami looking ;it "lii ThmhBMaMtlekt svilli all Iim «.iik-« ami

pun. I - i*. UM I a »*TJ MNMlll

tut mountain, a romantic sei tje."

la Mranga Hunt:" happen Umm,stranger, -mi I llli- -oh inn inoun-

lal i

What kin. I "I Hung"' Mfced "I''

nlv man With breathless eagerness

"Will. las spring a IlllglllV III).'

couple i.l 1'inir young t,.lk- Budan.) K.uinie. 1 1 1*- > walked up IMthai mountain, an wver rumI. a. k

TlM si rangci « apSS Inila-ed MM,an.l hi" vi.i.e was b.w an. I shaky an

he a -kc.l. What kWM f QMMfWal. WW) -ay IM Ih.v jes walk-

...i .i..wn i "ih'T akJg <>N hit mmm*lam an.l g"l merred, ami IK eout

IW Oklahoma



In every MMMiaM) within HImih" i.f hfN, >>.ii will Hud a tow

I. adlug fainili. ". anil in MSM MMM>.... will lln.l I hul Mi.".. leading

families lake Ih.- Cltiten.

III.' familv i" Hp in a

pleaaaM m.inn. i HUM a week whenHi.' UUm nrrrnt

I'h.' rhildren wanl to vt ai Ike

rhildren't column The) are legra-

niti I.. I. ...I an.l Hi. v want I" I" ail in

Hi.' new »|.a|..'i i'h.' Cltiten ha" a

i iduntn "ii purpose tor litem.

I In n perhaps an tdder bo) ">' flHwill r.'a.l I" th.' wlnde family whatI'll.' lali/.'ii ha« I" l.'ll "f Ike news..I ||M World II r>-l- Ihr father and

Ikfl iih>I her I" Hunk "f th.' thin*"

Mjtekto tkeic Hum nitty.

An.l UMTC i> th Ml vain- Th"

MOlkM tavei. money beCMI I UMIkkapj mm pets ii Tka CIIImm.

I In fath. i make* mom; beraiMe l»l

th.' IklMJi Ik' gets from Ih.' i Hi/. mi

Vn.l Ihr I.' la th.' .-.11 1.' a I ion Mid UM

i.ligmll "f it Ih"' in. ill. > Suudav

Si ii... . i Minn i mi.« rum down, an.l

ih.- preacher comet onl) once, a

nth, hul The Citizen comes every


i npreredented bonnet were paid

I.. Um .I.ii.l mayor "f New Y"ik

CM) in Liven I At Um newest..f town outkorHtoa Um h>.<i> ..f

Maym t.aMH.r. WlM Med al MM MMbrought sotom from ih.' itearner

Kali I.' an.l Rated hi MMM in Ih.'

I uw n hall al Ike tool of Ih.' grand

"(air . a".' I h.' Mat) WMI returned

t.i America tor Inn nil Dfl Hi*' -l.atn-

it LueftantaMeatcan Conditiont

It ik reported Ikal a largo numberof Americans ImIimMmJ WeMMfJ an.l

. il. have mmm mi.. Um hands

..r ih.- pmmn MorrM P. M....I.

Kii|wi mt.'ii.l.'nl ..f Mm. " al Tepie,

\va« h> han.lil" a- In »;i« \>v-

MMtMj I., .i.'f.n.i ih.' prapert) ..i

the romiteii) . Max l.amh. i I, aii"l h< i

Vn.'i n an MelMMM*, WMI l.-fl for

.trail with a eMMbeM "kull in hi"

MMMi AMmHMMM Me -anl I" l» - in

Ki.'at I'.'iil in \ain <ii" mnftere,

aim.ui i.liiii kwM deektod to Maym m.'\ ad i.h<"" an i" i»' reruoi -


British Army Short

I'h.' Brajllea *>M ..iii.-.' kM ia>

ereaalas dldleidl) in nktalaiag re-

rrulU keaeatedl) Um Mirteoaihav low. .. .I ih.- MaaMaN «i pkyM-<al i.'.|inr. ni.'iil. v.'t limy .1 t (f«'l

Um mm H i- proaMMl I" MMpI'

ii qMdtoM -f kv/ha] anktton "i

dHfereM raflMerdi parade Um-Ii.'.I- i" a.lx.'i I i".'in.'nl". Willi III.'

kope Dial Ike] max km JTMUMJ in. 'II

mi., th.- pan


Using Often a Suicide of

tt United

dent frost

by Presi-

illvTto" I "II. t:.- i ha|."| w a> in

full, a \. i > laraa numker <>f rfliiena

attendHap, .ii Um opasiap eervMeRundaj nipkl In apite >.f Ike arar-

ritj "' hymn booka Ike "uiKinti waaapiritod an.l * I, Prod It i»ci>> lead*

Iiaj in iiMk praad hymaa aa Hi i n>t


Iraj in th.' rtkeavaa, ftoM aM toin., v.-nna Mk. a.-.' ,

r. iiiplalloii an.l Hire Wna a Ponadb) Um aawa, Ike ator^ea, an.l th

brlgkl ikiapa thai an aaaaetoll) tov

ii.. in i».. % ..ii wlak n«tr larpar

kopi ami anl" I" I"' .'"III" nl.'. I ami

happj ai kaawe, then giv« Umm UmCUMaw.

\ t .in 1 1 1 v thai "MM BjM hav BMCltiaea i« aura t.< drop paktad


w . .ail »p«Tial aUoatMin hi I to'

n. w toatuna "i Tke CMMax page; . ataMMkad Ikia waol f-.i aaji w..-

MM ri-a<l.'i" ami f"i th.' \..un»f |-

p|a\ Th.' \\ ai»'« .••'Ilium will be

ropeeiaMj valuable to Um kouaewito,|i..iii m in* rh.. roltunai "f World Jehovah

ai In Bjukarla twaaJuriad Ike

keaj "i\<- IkiaaMi ami kjd m |ira> •


1 1,.' Tt m wat l /. ki. l ikmi Ckapnull. U-i and 32nd veraea Therefore

I will )udge you. 0 house ol Israel,

every one according to hit wayssaid the Lord Jehovah Return ye

and turn yourselves from all your

transgressions; so iniquity shall

not be lour rum Cast away from

you all your transgressions, wherein

ft have transgressed, and make you

a new heart and a new spirit; for

why will ye die 0 house of Israel'

Tor I have no pleasure in the death

of him that dieth said the Lord

Wherefore turn yourself


ii. -i tietivi

I h.


ai.' ill-

nl.'i lain-

itiner) a artirie

Aprtoullun tmwill I..' in\ aln-

ndei m



rtafiittan HmM|under Mountainaeleeling teed ronahh- I" tli.' fann. i

Wa i>i nit a teraw "f Dr .lam. "

M Oray, of Ihe M I) Bible laMilule

..n paae .'. "" "Um DraMjM ol


II i" Ih.' inn "f Hi.' CUM— I"

ariaj Malarial nek week wkiak vlHi f prarIleal vakte ami a » ea

of infortnalMMi and enlerlainmenl to



KditorMaVNewa "t th.' w nl"Why Will V.- in.-'

Waal Um Ciliaen i - top HiRea^kwa,

Caattoe'i Memorin Bath to ttoret

nil Was I" lajllMtJ « -• »ml


PAGE TWOI ditorialt

Ungnif) inn a tt i Trouktoikngtor Uookl I kna ntai Man

i'ack mnkaji i . 1 1 1 1 1 1


World « tor*

I'AUK Nawm


and live

Ih.- PreaideM "anl ia pari


Ood ptaaa |oj for ever) man itui

aotne mi"- Hn* kt) k) UmM owato'edleaan*HU >.r pervenily< ami «>.

th.' I," r.l a«k" th.' grtevad ami <ii"-

•ppninted quaMtoa Wk) wUI ye

dMfl.a»i NoveMket I waa tor mm

dayt in Nea York CU) at Um Maa-

kallaa Huiei elpfclaen ttorlea klpkDae Mar n th.- twelve kuaMndindpert wen knnKMl k) a aatokto.

\ rallnd ana) iiaVar. todged ia UmUiirleewlk atoey, lafl klawito m an

m. rnlend Ike batbruotn, raiaad

i,ke window, rlirakad to Ike Mil ami

threw hull".' If .nil "f Hi.' win. I..w

Down h>' I' ll. paM one Morj after

, 1 1 1 1 1 1 in- bod) wai uruak"

II III.' "i. I. walk am. .UK Ihe



tboueanda ..i i uto eoaunil

pven year. Pialola, kiuw.

. n. .ih.'

..I apt



-n 'nl.

MM hvf:Panaera' CkMiUtapin


UsfMMWMd ManNew si..i >


PACK SKVKNVmiag PewpMM an - Column

PACKCiuetuaali Maik.i-

l .i-i. iu K. k> Newt

brnely poidt ami poiana dn Ike work.

Ami i>4her Ikouaaada win. .1.. anl

. ad iii' H' Irin ia iaia Irapto hab>ion -nil dttrrlw UmM l i v k) dto-

hipatioa or diaMaiak Umm ia Hi''"'

pi) aad kappiaaM k) aia All tin*

diMiauMoM i" Mrtaial) a kMM al

itoalk aad grtovn mm ktoevoei)

PMher H.' tayt to kM ekiMrea

Wk) will y« iim'

Temptation is common to us all

p,ver) human being kaowt what it

I- I., deain Ui .1" a Ikiug he knowtI., in- bulk Fooliak ami a'roag. Uvea..'••"ii- Clirial when h«> -I I uponih. - piuuaele ol Ike !entitle had that

iuaaue iatputoe whi.h we all have,

when we -I. in. I in a hush pkMM I"

Ibroa jiimtrll dwwe. Ami wkea.i.-n- k ii. ii in th.' gard f Uatkaa>

man.' kf wa- bMapMd I" Meal awa>

ami avoid ii" - rrueUU Waeaw.' Mud| ike gnal -iih.i.'. i "i Uaapi>

all. 'II we al.' MUdpkag " limit

iu which w.< all kave an ml.'i. -l

Why will ya die' There it no

answer to this question. ItMre

ii. . reaaou whuli am tan give i

. uiiiiiiui. I ..ii l'a«. lite

"Pay At You Go."BenjpJIlin Franklin of Philadelphia, printer

statesman, jjave as much good a< 1 \ ice* as any one man in


Hy fuHoiVlng his advice thousands of families that

had never known comfort or <|uite paid their debts be-

came thrifty and prosperous.

And one of his best chunks of advice was this -"Payas you j?o." If you pay for a thing when you get it youknow just how much it costs, and you know just howmuch is left in your pocket. If you run in debt you are

bothered with the accounts and you never know just

where you stand. A safe and profitable rule, especially

for people who are not rich, is ne\er to spend their moneyuntil they get it.

It is a great deal more fun to save money for a pur-

chase we are going to make by and by than to be payingout money for something we bought a good while ago!

The largest business in Madison County was built upby a man who started to sell for cash when all otbarr

dealers around him were running on the credit system.

They all Mid it was impossible, but this man did it, andhundreds of families are better off because of his resolute


We notice that Hayes & ( iott, prominent merchantsin Herea, are just adopting this cash principle. Wecommend their stand and hope their example will be

followed by others. The cash basis is best for the

chant and best for the customer.

What is "Corruption" in Politics?

Judge Benton is attacking bribery and corruption.

What is the nature of this evil?

Politics is the management ol government.What are voters, sheriffs, judges, legislatures and

governors for? They are all to promote the general wel-


Now MaVaj any xoter usrs his xote, or any offitcr uses

/us ofiuf, not for thr general wlfare but for his own m-tit; idual gain, that U torruption.

Judge Kmory Speer, of ( ieorgia, is threatened with

imjieat hment liecause it is claimed that he used his pow-er as a I f. S. judge to help a business enterprise in whichhe was a shareholder. If this charge is proven true

Judge Speer will be removed from office.

But the same principle applies to all who have polit-

ical power. The legislator is elected to pass laws for

the general welfare. If he votes for things which help

him as an individual, or his town, rather than the country

as a whole, he is guilty of corruption, and has violated

his oath of office. The sheriff and governor, also, are

elected to serve the general welfare, and if they are par-

tial, or do things which are of advantage to their friends

but not to the advantage of the whole country, then they

are corruptAnd here is the crime of the private citizen who

gives or receives a bribe. 7'ki Vttt M a trust. Thevoter is a trustee for the children of his district, for Un-

people of his county, and for the Welfare of the whole

country. If he receives money for voting differently from

what he would vote if left to his own judgment and con-

science, then he has betrayed the interest committed to

him, he has gotten monev that he has no right to re-

ceive, he is guilty of corruption.



Si. w.' mounted a pair "i borrow-

ed horeea ami aped on our wa) hackI.. Herea, M) "l.l nlnai ami -•! up

bona* keepiag ia a uae room tog

building ai "i nrto JerauuT Ttoioip-

"..II -. a kouae n*».«l h> Umm tor an

..iii-ni.' kltokea. a" Ike mmmmi la

ktoatuek) Umn wa«.

We aevei bad kinder frtondaMkanI nrto JernMUi an.l hi" big hearted

wife an. I rea| iiul ekildna wan.ih.'v wen a | I esaaipto ••! Kaalurk) hospitality,

rto>) loaned ua rhaira, bedatead,

kiteIlea lakle, < km* utonaito, eie

rke i ""in ha.l a Hreplaee whore

we .lnl "in km*: ami war n

Here we huiiK out tor a toa

weeka wktts Um LagiafcMiin WMl..i Ming la. k". n Couat) ami I agj

ing ami naming ii- eounl) -.'at M.

w .




I'. 'iii

i- a



When thia

•.I iMiraelvei

rr) iii"'i

wa- M't'oflipliMieil

|a I hat n. 'W |..w ii.

Hapkl Ih. it V*d

-ii.' wa- . h"». ii I. .'. an-.' "I il"

il l< .ration in Ih.' CaMgjaP. "

>/> iii ti>- tpoia a Mptan MMp 'l

•i ilv.. I., iw.'iiiv aan*4

aaalliag rmmbj kigk lull- arktok k>

rton ii "ii all MaVa. v MMM mlami Iwu hraaatoM paajveiaaj al ItoM

ii. n wa- an MMatod laid aui-

livatod i>> ih.- fcargaar, ktotoMMj ftaa>

(ikraii wtol awgaM H. MM a haHikpjgj waa 'u> >vi..'i.' in lagal. mapl

.. huh' k«j rakta. tM what gto -

i. .ii- teeuer) all arouad it' Tto •

ar.' narrow vMtoyi MJ igjd

Ih.. raw \ an.l IMJ Ih.' kffaaMMM I'.i'

lion. "I >>#M w.i.' . wil'"

in an akpaik -i a mil UM Mara

Mr MMJMMH liml Hi''

veyed an.l laid Ml la Iowa toll rag Ij

tor -al.v When we moved Ihroughthr i. .wu Mta i" a naiad foom a

hul.' wa) up th.* Break, lb.- wall"

..I ih.' rourl bouse wa" Um aafef

building *'e mnemkered teeing

wiiiiiu ih.' village boundary, .\-

repling Mr Bekurn't Iiul.* eakin on

ih.' hillaide nenipa the rreek, shove

refered to.

Itui what ahOUl .larksmi C.unlv?

Wall, ii i- a tkapel) i.'i i it.. i s a- I.,

ii" biiuaaar) IMpm.Il wa" Inn I fn. in "|.ai".l\ aei-

h. '.i net - ol ktadtoM ami Milli<ounliet oa Ike Kortk, Lee ami Ows-to) "ii ih.' East, ckt) an.l Laurel miih.' goulk ami RoekeaMI i UmWaal


it- turfan i- broken all to pieces

w nh lull" ami valleys! High hills

ami .I. . >'|i valleys. Long rkkjn ami

long gullies, Rich lulls ami valleys

an.l poves, all rlnlhi'il Wilh UMaMBaSMreaia ..f great trees. Burh Inn<|u aid grow on poor groiiad Kvaaih.. ridgea an burdkaad with tkest-nut ami rh.'slnul agfe Ima of kg

ii".' growth i h.' hark "i Um Im>i. i i- n-.'.i tor laaaing Inlaar, TkMha.l tin ni«h.'.l n.. hill MMM I"

lb.' original teuton.

Ih.'-.' i. .i.-i- "in'., nwarmed with

wii.i .i.'.'i. ralllasankss aajMsMtV)

w iktoato ami toxaa, The gaat andail been kiltod nil h> kualsri ami

ih.' raltlem ha.l all he«m ealt'ii up hv

ib.. tones ami ih" paaJken ba.i all

Im i n M'uriil ..ii t" ihe moiiiiluina be-

lyaad krfcws laaksaa QmmIj wa*

i... in i aagar saw kaMaskaMagajg.ptos nt titkrr ih.- <i "i- ib.- siiak.'s

in la.i. ih.' ptaMraitog kaaan ha.l

largel) lived ufl th.- kasa ami Ike

wii.i gsaas "i ih.- WH...I- Taa)

toiajrkl all Umm |aga\ aggg

sugar, ami roftoe wilh Ian hark alii

wiih \. ni-o n ham" akirk Um) Mad


CongreM has pnatlialty settled

Ih.- Taraf reVMlog in a. N with

Pnahtnd WltonaTa baaasj ami is nowwnMIIgg with th.- kjMSJgM lax. andi h*' Ourreaa) proktons.

Death of Mamr OaynorTh.' vv.irhl was " hy lb."

sMskkM naalh M Mapar Gas an, Bnpi,

luih. who Ihr.'.' .lavs baton bail rn-

I. 'i.'il his nam.' as a .'amlnlat.' for

raetortlMl i<> UM gfjkaj ..f Mayor of

New \"l'k.

II.' was on Ih.' sh'am.'i Hallir mak-haj ih" trip i" hmjImMI saakkaj to

regain ins heaHk, Tka kaaM fNihy Ih.' winihl-hi' assassin a year

aK" wi'iikfiied hun ami ilnl inueli

1. 1 liliiiK this early ilealb.

Mis hnily |ir.'\i"Us In ils I'.'lurn

to America lay in stale in the townhail af Lrvarpaal, sa*Mead by the

Stars ami Stripes and the I nion


Perry Centennial

•fry Centennial was spenedI'land, Saturday Sepl. Ilth.

the arrival of QMgggaastor Paf>

" Miik "hip. ihe Raajata, Tkoun-


in r.l



amis walrhed the (iranil proceMionof naval Irammir ships, "learners.

garklS, and older crafts.

Tin" centennial brinus I" memoryIhe war of MM] tad the victories

won from Ihe British hy our youngnavy over the graMtSl naval poweri ii I h.» world.

Perry's Iggskip wa" raisi'.l from

the depths of Ihe lake ami rebuilt,

-.. ikal ni.w ii looks a- ii <lni a hun-dred years ;ik". I'h.' ropes for Ins

"Imp were from Kentuckyhemp ai Winchester,

Taft Elected

Ex-Pros, Taft. new a tectum "ii

law in Yale I niversily, has I n

StoCted President of Ihe Har ASOQeialton >.i A riea.

Gov. Suiter

The msiMgSTS for Ihe impeach-

ment ..f <i..v Injur sanouau t hat

Charles Brerseb, a salesman allied

w nh the brewer) Interests, testified

I., kavtag SsfcaSlsd nearly wti.noo

tor taMsr's saatpakfa, wktoh ha.l

MM I n declared hy the (iovernor

m ins statement at campaign eoa-i ribul koaa.

Qov. BukMff is ready to fact

impeachuient proceeding- andno intention af resigning as has

I n "iiggesled hv Ma f his ad-versaries.

Two Pacific Islands Disappear

News was brOUgkl I" San Krancis-

i" hv Captain I. H. Tank of the

steamer Son. .ma. thai Palcon and

(tope islands of ihe Prieadly or Ton-ga group in the South Pacific

• lean have disappeared The in-

ttrumenlt M Ihe Hjakiej naval sta-

tion recorded an earth, piake

shout Iwo Ihousaii.l miles uorlheasl

which BUM) have caused the sinking

Of the islands. These are part of

a group "I islands plolecled hv Klig-

laml. lahahtttd hy some MMMfinatives, musllv CkriMiaoised, anda few hundred while people.

Recent Rains

Reports from many points seamI,, indicate Ikal ihe drougkl is bro-

ken. Iii Okio, and Kentucky the

rams are light. In Alahama it has

I ii -" heav v Dial Mokikt has suf-

fered a Mat "f Ifcounads «>i aoltors,

Ihe km portion- "I Ihe city heing

ii led,


.Indue kVntofl "I Winchester, is

"ill wilh a gMM llmniugh andffweeptag charge in the Qraad loryto invest igale ami pniiish all MMMaf bribe giving or taking In eoanec-Iton wilh r ul primarv gtoCtiOlMII is a g.ioil day when a Midge lakesup this mailer in « rageuus and

Barker Not Contented

the PMueMkiaaJ Qoananillas of iheLouisville Commercial Ctuk MM IheI. llli and several iioleworlhv s| -li-

es were delivered. The key mile "fthe meeting was siruck hy .Judge

Barker win. tMehsnd that an KsntMsklaaa fall kaklad beeawM we areloo easily MMMSMMd wilh things asIhev ar-. Ihe man or stale whichkeeps up with SOIhceiilurv progressiniisl g.l up early ami work late.

Can we lei kentiickv (all bekiadr



Presideal ProM'i "i- h at itig

atone Qap, \'a.. oa "i'h.' l.idMsr "f

Success." winch appeared III last

week- CttUMa, is iN'lllg widely

ipioted and MMMaiI he InHow lug i- \ 1 1 .ii I In. Ill .me

..I the i. 'tiers "i appmiation whichwe have heard of is a sample of Ihe

roaponsr tkia s| h awskoaaRoup, I .'im . s.-pi J, MRS.

I have JuM read and reread Ihe

tp ', , Ii mi "The Ladder "I Sih i . --

and wish I" l.'ll Ihe Uitiieil howmuch I like il and kaa splendid mevery way I think il is. Ii is so

clear thai all can uiul. i -laud il and".. ireie Hial il SSJJMMl fail to ggpractical ami pcacl icahl.r II MaggJI., me I llli everv "eulelice wa" -"

carefully planned Ihaf il wa- . va. I

Iv the Hung I., publish. I kMit will never he hug. .lieu hy III"".'

win. ii. '.i i'ii ii aad MmI the putdndtod-peech will reach -I ill luilhcr and, ...ll il. lie I" .1" g mi I cvpe. I to gpnil iii my Inline work.

I hope you will have the

der of Success' put in pamphletI, • i in

Very Muc.rely your*.

HI, „ M Click

Saturday the Mtk was tka . los-

ing day ..I Ihe Colored A. and M.Kan al Lexington. II was a gnatsuccess all In. marred hy two days'

rant. Gontrar) to Ihe usual fair

custom "getaway .lay'' -aw the

largest crowds,

Judge Resigns

Appellate Judge John M. Lassing.

«.f Newport, resigned as a aMntberof ihe Gouri of Appeals rroM Um-iviii Appellate DhrtrieL His resig-

nation Weill tut" effect tile 16th.

A New Railroad

A new railroad is In Im Started

Ihis fail from K"\vling GrsM I"

LeitchfieM in order to open up the

rich coal, iron and asphalt deposits

which underlie ihe R|ajg acre tract

..I Ihe County Land andMineral Cmnpany.

Somerset High School Grows

n peniag sHeattaacs al the

BoSJMrsel High Scl I exceeded ail

previous records. The leachingforce has I increased In a staff

of eight instructors.

Bui ned City Gets Water

The city of Cochin is just complet-ing a fine new waterworks system.

Louisville Y. M C. A. Buildingtin Thursday, ti levenih of Sept-

ember, Louisville dedicated ktrsplendid new Y. M. C. A. building.

Despite heal over tfitO people werepresent. WilltoM Hapbura ihe

president of Ihe atMMkMtog and Dr.

K. L Powell gave addresses.

Better R. R. Service

In line wilh the slate wide move-ment for booMing our own state, the

L. ,V K. anoOUOCeS a new schedule

which gives Louisville an hour andtwenty BlinuteS advantage over Cin-

cinnati. Trams leave McKuherts al,

k:90 a. in and Hal MMMionawilh ihe C .v <». tram reachingl.ouisv die at 7 p. m.

State Fair Starts Big

'The Stale Kair al Louisville. Sept.

Ifi»ga\ siarls as I he great. -si ever.'

One new leal lire is the Bab) 'l

Health Congress. And Ihe Kair is

honored hy the alien. lance of highlone.i eaUto, sristncratio korsaSiathletic mules. |due hlooded swine

and sheep with untiring steps

Col. Durrett Dies at 88

Col. Raukaa T. Durrett of Louis-

ville was widely known and loved

a" a kindly and scholarly man. amiKentucky was grateful in him far

gathering up SO many Ol her half

forgotten histories and Ihe memori-al- "I her pioneer". He t.. nil. led t II"

famous Pilaon Club fur ihe prseer-\ alien of Ihese precious nltos,

Roosevelt visited kha when he waswilling in" "Winning <.f Um WaM '

|lr. "I BOTM was cotiper-

aliug with hun in Ihese liisliu ical

researches winch are of iataraM i"

all Kanturkiaas He had baaa fad-

ing iu kagMh tor BOBM weeks anddied en Tuesday sftomOOO.


Herea ha- glowed I his week w ith

gildings for new coiners and old

SiUttoakS reluruuig.

S| lal pains are taken for those

who are compelled i.y various musesI., he a little lale. but all such

should hurry up' Cine mi. and get

ready alter ymi are here!

Th gfaslasaal -Indents showsa gam over last year in all depart-

ments and i" today as follows:

College. MK, Normal. Ml; Academy;'.'.IX. Vocational, Kfi; FoundationScl I. .'.«>. Model Srh""ls, i'.V

\ large naaahM la toarg have galbeen « plelelv andmany oUMM have room- rfJSjgrVad

ISM w ill he III Ihl" week.

The FaU Term Ha» Opened. See Notice Page 7. Come Quick While There Is Room!

He Two bet i Kj tuiy

The Citizen

X'»» *••


*»e»* T>«*wi*y St Per* K


»»» & mosT um^m

Sjbscr d! on Ratesyo aBM n » v .


<>»• ^e»r- t *


- - - :.• « - V.: ••• - -

:er- •-«

T-r •• •• >'- •• »

w Sat tat* »kt p« . ut • pa -s t!

--.•-.r-' •- * -*»*-»»:

M -f -.4— - • • * l »•






r _ Ten of Many Strange H

was- -j? s*-«tc- e a :n n9* on Amazon rirver.

»cc-e*> •ni«s S a e


1 1«*

Now a St Loula

to have traced It

MB further ud finds that the file.

tbeia»elve« ar* lnfec'ed In the larva

ttage through Infected fowl*, says

th* Philadelphia Pre** We all knowthat the fly li to be dreaded, but wewou.d be loatb to believe tbat the do-

mestic fowl a source of danger to

tbe health of young children It

cannot be If tbe children ire protect

ad frcx fllea and If the filet themselves can find do waiting bee j>*

nure In which to deposit their eggs

In other wordi. clean!. n<-ss : tbe sot-

erelfn preventive of Infantile par-

alysis, u It U for many other dls-

eaao* Sweep up promptly and cover

aacuraly all klndi of foulnesa In which

Um breed and there will be no files

and the diseases which they commumeat* will die out <".eanilness Is not

only next to godltneea. it Is a condi

of LasUtb. while foulness Is the

agent of sir knew* an<

Waiter* tn restaurants In Homehate been warned against carrying

money to the cashier and change to

fwMM on plate* because lnveatlga

e; tier* are

Money, the Pans Matin says tbat with a Mew to aarer

taltlng whether coins were also un

cleave, sdectlflc summation* war* in

gtitotad and these raBBstJ obtained

"On a ten-centime piece bacter.a to

the eitect of IIMwt were found with

per cent mold, on a 20-cen

nickel lllylM and two per cent

mold on a silver two-franc p:-r~

1M.OOO bacteria and jU- per cent

and on a to franc gold piece

bacieru and no mold A

VA&N rv'»40 Qi, a TBO_Bi.ES.t/cdcbtedly the to-.blei .* tielay

look .arg- aid caute ut sorrow hat

after a a_. - T.a-.y of •-.-=. ar- .ost

tight of and finally forgotten We all

have cur IgwTsttSB, ani wa.> a: first

they ma? appear to be out of

M our d-serts and we wonwhy we are called upon to bear

In reality Haw] are but tbe ordi

nary incidents of life magnified moreor lev* by conditions *a>s tbe • taries

toe News and Courier Of course,

there ai» man> tnais that come to us

from time to time which are neces-

sarr part* of our en:-;. . and ta*»e

a* s rata are deep and poignant

enough to leaTe a la*-.:_« xjreasupon our character* The> retbapeour Uvea, as it were and mature ut

ind women better fitted to

lifes responsibilities It

is not these great sorrows, howerar.

that proxe harmful to us. but, rath-

er, the »ma:ier and more tr.rtal one*with which we are all beset A trou-

ble that happens to befall u* today

may *eem of much larger*

perhaps If we are not in the proper

•pint to meet It than If It came ut us

later cn when *e are beginning to

realise curaelvet A great deal de-

pend* upon our mental and pbynca!condition for if we should happen not

to be In perfect control of our feel

!ng». w. are very sure to magnify anytrouble that may come to us WeLack the strength of character to fight

against It or to crush It down, but

aceept H resentfully and allow It to

upen our minds If on the other

we were to dissect such a trial

In order to gam a better knowledgeof Its true character the chance* are

w* »hould realise the folly of gle

Ing way to our feelings

CtyI*> you the English writers of

-»»-. essay." asked the man. whoad nearly run out of conTeraatJonal

o: .'*

No. an»«*T-d the patriotic gin.•bey all abuse Amertc*. Do you like

h»x-Ye*. I am

hemI<nt you are a r"B i<

hey all roast Chicago*-

I kuow Put they see as to thina

hat ' h.cagn is Aierca. and they de-

">te the mo«t of "heir tptv*e to foast-

•i <"b:cago Why tboulda t we Ilk*


mi»e for

stTMM»»: a » eefc f <r -i.t \. t

he season here and dis-

rr.bers of the i» • j » hst un

aget. > ms mad* t£«president s presen- e in Wast.ngtonne-.e»*ar> Many tae expiana-'. n IhM ..' !»;*• Set from MetI I The co'.l tit, kept the preaidnico.

* - •— -

Waal :i-<n-A repor- reathedher*ihtx KvT i P Roo-. nepiew of Sena-tor Elihu Root, of New Tork. hawt-eea k e-l hf r-> | *• Ter.... MetNo ox sjgl confirmatiutt was receivedtt the state departsent. but d.tpatrhe*were sent immed^'eiy to PUgdlStates consular agents demanding afu I*-.g»-.oa Senator Root ts at

h.s country rt#.Je3 e »t Cl.ntoi N V

E"e:t «« P-eraeet."Boah"" wa.d Mr NerTepop. af'er

Mrs Nerrepop had -ipr**aed the wishhat a woman might be president of

-he fnlt-d States for Just oae could she do*"What could she do— retorted the

ady. 1 tell you this. James that Mcould ret into tho Whi-e Houae grKtl

i couple of good Swede* to help me ! 1

io more in a minute than any pre*>

tsM » - re had In 2'> yean with both

mmm *4 co-gress and b

lind timl --Harp-rs Weekly.

Old -- -«

"HaTe you got any old shoe* abouthe place*" said the tramp You see.

.be** I'm weann' has been around atood deal "

Well. I re got a pair of old tboesand they re been around a good deal

sore than your* " replied the man at


-YouGong Too Far.

nember the saying that arocker is bora every minute?""Oh. yea. SuU. 1 think thero It a

Imit to most peopl<

For instance*"Nobody has yet had the

o that he couldlike City —The fate of \<t>t Amer.can refugee* from Torreon i* causinggrave concern here T:.e Yankees. In-

..-id a number of women aad chil-

dren are reported to have fallen mtjthe hands of rebels »n..e proceedingover land to SalMlo The suthorttlewat Saltillo to take the retpensib.iity of ser. a force to their res-

cue, feanng. tbey say. that the rebels

might commit tlfMtgsM upon the refu-

gees, which would possibly otherwisebe avo.ded The report come* fromaa official source at saltillo. but hatnot been confirmed Tf.e Americanembatsay has been advised and hascalled Lp^a t-e Mex.,an foreign office

to invest. gate the matter and do whatever is possible to relieve the Amerleans, should the report prove true

Gen. Trucy Aubert. a federal com-mander, with MM men. who t* pro-

ceeding from the north to "ne relief

of Torreon. ha* passed faMBa He it

traveling over approximately tbe aarna

route as the Americans, and it is re

garded possible that the rebels

disappear before h.s advan




New Turk —Rev H*n» Schm.dt.pas:or of S: Joieph * R-imar. Catio .<-

church in West One Hundred andTwenty fifth street, confessed Ika m^rier of Ansa Auxu >r parts of wno»edismembered bod> »ere f'jjid :n "tie

Hudson r:ver anl i.-e aaa hi "be Hobokea morgue The g.r! * aa facing

matem.-r 'I k...ed her because I

loved her so much. ' he sa.d "Shewas so beautiful, to good. I could not

let her ..»e w.thout me Her besuty

drove xe mai ' had mile Up Bfmind that the and I BtjaM not live

jgetner I was a pr.est snd BtJlrema n »ith my church I could not

UN her go a»a> from xe •

N.w York - Pipe ail

mates, and listen to this gory tale of

the sea It tt the tale of the little

ateax-r Javary whi'h recently am»edfrom a voyac* uf : »>> miles down the

Axaic-n rtver

« a;-a.n A.nan 1- - v • ia- 4*r .» masM ' he Jsiao and many a trp hehas xsde up and doac Um AmaaonTt- first mat- .s "i N Huff the *e*-

ond K H rurneaut and the third J

a .ams All are fam liar wt*h the

• iters of the Amaioc. M moaquitoe*•* alligators snd iu blood sucaing

i *:: ;- *

On the second day out with Just

s whiff of brwete to temper the beat,

the Javary was c along tlowly

as all ship* do :n tbose waters at the

tart Mr Duff—they call all officer*

Mr on all well regulated ship*— wason deck A hag* alligator showed h.s

ucly head above the water near the

r.ver bank, then came with a ru*n •

to the steamer

h a bang he hit the side of the

ship and the force of the shockbounced htm back,

Mr Duff walked forward, looking"»er -he side, and the all. gator Mlowed him in the »at-r Wheo the.

got to the boa the attacking par;renewed the attack A k-d»e anchorhung over the bow for tn thowe water*they have to be ready al»a;* to drop

a book or throw it into the back to

• arp around a bend The k-dge it

let go by withdrawing a steel pin fromMa tastening Mr 1 "iff waited un! .1

the all. gator waa rushing head on at

the buw plates then p. '.led th- ; :.

With an awful bump the book smash-ed down upon the bead of the moatsurprised alligator ever seen in 'he

AmaaonThird Mate Williams plays the man

dolm One evening, shortly after tbe

alligator episode h- waa on decs 'r.e

veasel being at anchor under the

overhanging foliage of the bank Ashe played be b>-ard a whistling ad

compartment to his playing Hestopped puttied, and the whistlingstopped too He played again and ttMwhistling waa returned It was eerie

While he mat 'ry'-t.g to make up his

Much of suupon personal



.'- depend*and appear-

We can not all be fair of face aadperfect of form but we can ajl maka

"holly— I Jutt taved and she promisedMolly-Dldn t th


! haseal time for proa* or rhyraatiter* of ttagw.

Swg tha abtt? I r»adt pen tAe baawbai. page

Infringing Hit Pregrogatlva.New Parson i I>ead Gulch taber

laclei— I will close the service with

: rayer

I aa— Hold on paraonl It * all

-lght— pray if yer want ter. but terv-

c-* am t supposed ter clo*« 1& dis

a»n till Tough''lghu out —Puck.

Tbe world has pity and sympathyfor natural defect*, for acquired onea.

It has only the disgust they so rtchly

An annoying twtat of th* Hp* pe

culiar tone of the voire, mty nntag

tlbllltletTn* All-gator

' the throat fingertng

cloth«a or hair biting finger nalla.

Followed Mea In tn*


Bound to H• Have you heard

That t a foolith quettion for you to

ask. iJon't you know that I'm a mar-ried man and live onlyfrom Mr*. Plummerr-

Probably a Ouk*."I don't believe he 1* a real duke "

How about bia old family jaweia*"

DM he *how you any old fai

leweU?"No: but he showed me the p

lekaM for some '

klm to make ourwelvea

1* to other* We ran not Ilk*

even body We cannot be liked by

everybody In return but we can aa

mold our hablta and ways as to be

pleating to all

mind whether the sound was that of

a mermaid or a banshee somethingfell or ;umnvd from aloft and landed

>n bis backHe screamed la terror as a pair of

lain arms encircled his neck, androse to grapple with the whatever'

M was Sailor* ran to his aasisunr*aad found him tied up with a gibber-

ing. Jabber. ng whistlir.g monkey It

aas a species of the whistling mon-key of -he Amaaon which bad been

heard by those on board and

Right Impulse on Wrong Foot.

George— L»:dn t you notice that I

presaed your foot at dinner tonight*

Ethel—Why. it waan t my foot youpressed Oh. George. I wondered whymother waa smiling so

f -Judge

It Is not in the big acts and deeds

that we need to be most watchful

It 1* In thoae small secret every -day

doings of life that the wreckingMary Rowland

What weto be of any

too in vial and com-ma) la

Firmly fit In your mind th* modelsulv* to at

did Jinka sueto ask tha rtch

hand*"ha felt v.ry

The moon » surface contains K.Mf000 aquare m.les or nearl) four timesthe area of Europe

In th* number of building ataoriatlons Pennsylvania leads all the other

It was only a few days after -his

occurrence thst Second officer Fur-

iieaui who was on deck, noticed amust peculiar phenomenon in tbe aa-

,tar ahead The rtver had suddenlyturned black The officer called tbe

a plain and by and by. through the

glass they n.ade out an immenseschool of turtle* Thev were thick as

ogs :n a Jam In the mortbweat Tbemotor boat had to be lowered and the

' unles tboved off with pike* Just as

they handle a log Jam. to make wayfor the steamer The Jam ettonded

for nearly half a mil*

At Aqulm Hay ll the Javary look on

a deck cargo of dye wood Tbe nett

day it rained and the dye ran out of

wood, flooding the sea with a enmaenhas. so that the ship appeared to

sail with a sea of blood lu her a ah*

|The dock was stained with Ih* dye

F'lherman Had Nar-

row* Escape From Death in

Lake Pontchartram.

New Orleans i.a * Kle'n.

of No 1SI4 Euterpe


t narrow eecape from d-ain at he

tad finished preparations f .r • da> •

sport In f!*h:ng off tbe northeastern• '«• <er :ak> p -• .r-ra.a about

>oa feet from Vor»h t»h >r«

The presence of m nd >' J »bn I-an

dry a negm ' vug at No l'.» H Pat

I.bery *--e.t s*v~d M f Klein fromdrowning l*adry ras' a MM andhooked Mr Klein aa th > latter was• nkingMr Klein, accompanied b> his *on

am>ed at North Shore ab>>u' 'amand beg-aa walking the long Ml M>W>ea at- ,'. - *• i -he shore

th* croad gfhered on a small plat

form to perm t as tacoaing MBBltrain to pass Mr KU I 'are -i | . pole erst;—<3 sceaa his shoul

sttsntill 1 f tt•*•«* «* a aaaa>


The Draught

of F ishes

p, pfv ia.MI.1 M rjfiAl D f)

[Jeaa w M,eJ, MS. I«ea-w

• •'"

II (T le>'i'.. ' .Ml W* Is* tw|.. i .-. .... aatt f" s ir«

The atory of

the grttM 'Itaught

of n*bn* la ortg

Inal to I. like*

gospel arid !• one

of the n <>*t of Its

ti, -he NewI a noli' lesus

ti> -h. lake of

• rt-ntiessret. somelimes i ailed 'he

He. .' lialllee).

and 'he p«-*ipln


•it It




of <; mi

were Mstanding

flah'vxnien were

• si

igaM himthe word

Therevn boats

by thagone out

half neta

»Ok Cl4)-

dera This was Ml by the tender of

the Incoming tra n

The upholsterer ma* thman In the

,a«- 0hfl MSLd'Vl .- s.Je of the

brdge Landing la the eater some,what dated \ *»••• running at

the time carried V- Klein under th*

bridge and out into -he lake« mere -hroen to him M hewaa helpiews and was rapidly floating

from the bridge

John the negro fishermanthrew his Ashing line in th» direction

of Mr Klein fortunately str.sing himor. the leg Th- hook caught and the

almost I feira* body was brought ui

ai.d held at the surtacw

S>«*ral men who «ttn*eeed -he sen

satlonal rear climbed doan post*

and fas'-n-d a rope to the fisherman >

b <dy Mfl was heid there until s

smal. 'sh.Lg craf » aa brought to MrKleins side and later he aas BMWa*boi>

It was not jr.*.: some ';nie after hi*

aon and aeteral of the amateur pel

men worked on the prostrate form tha-

the man »a* revited

Mr Kle:-. suffer..! ;a :. as s res^i'

of the fish hook which caught In hit

leg when l^ndry threw the lucky line

The book aas deepu imbedded In th-

Seahy part of the leg and had to be


Utile Girl Wcggito sno" SquirmedLike Snss* Until tns Rsptile

Wss K.ned

Poughheepsie. N Y —" harmed b> a

big rat'l»-»t.aS» three f^e> long aith

nine rattles Helen, the three > »-ar t)Mdaughter of Andrea Iushe> of Anu ria

near h»re a ho aas aliali hed fromthe reptile b) her mother the other

ds) has caused much aatoiiiahment to

the residents of that section by her

strange actions The little- child arig

g'.ed and squirmed about like a snak-

and It aas nut until the reptile aasput to death by the father of the child

that the little girl stopped squirmingand returned to her normal condition

She aas not bitten b) Hgg anakeFor several days the moth.-r of the

little girl noticed that the youngsterpl*>ed around a stone door step in

front of tb~ house and dialiked being

Ifthafl *»»> from the spot Finally

the mother noticed the bab) playing

In 'h> >ame place and talking to someone ( reeping up behind the bah»

Mr* I-ahey aa* astonished to Andthat bar Utile girl aas bent ata* talk

lag to an object under the step Se-

curing an .run bar Mrs I.ane> lifn.1

up the stone to ascertain the attrar

Hon of the baby and much to her horror sbe d:a<i>>ered a huge rattler

rolled up under the step Snatchingtbe child and screaming for help MrsI-ahey attracted tbe attention of her

buabasd and he killed the snake lmmediately after the reptile aas put to

death the little girl recovered her nor

into one ahdh waa HI-

ami asked him t" thrust oat

a llttl» from the »hore. snl be eat

down snd laaflfel Ih* paaftk |i waa

ahen he ha<l Ml off speaking thai be

aald to MwMB l air- h BM into the

deep an-1 o-i Baa/i >mjr urts Slmooreplied -hai h« tad his partners had

•olied all t. itM and had taken noth-

ing but ne>erthe>«s said ha. "at

•h> aord I will let down the Bet


And ahen the> had done this they

it,, loa-d a great BMMtww* of fishes.

*•> that their nets brake And then

they berkoned to those who were la

the ,,-her boat to come and help

them end s. * mstter of fact both

th* ti.Mita a.-re .,. filled with flab that

the> t«e«an to sink

The rff-n on Pwtaff a as an over

aheiming rwartettafl of his sinful

net*, and he said liepart from mefor I am a tiBfwl 'nan 0 laaflw Norwas he laaa aaionlahai or impressed

than the athaga ahn aere with himHij' laaa* Pomfortad him hv saying

K-ar I at! henceforth thou

•halt catch men ind wh»vi they

had brought their boats to land, they

forsook all and holloa-.) him"

1 1 i We learn from 'ht« rharmlngtaetwwal thst j-«u« is a good pay-

n. aster II- tM.rroaed an empty fish

tag imark and repaid the owner of It

by firing It afh fl*h' In one of hi*

diai onra.-s to ht« dtwtplea on anotherorraslon he had said There Is aoman that l.alh left house or brethrea.

or older* or father or mother, orwife or (hlldren or lands, for my»ak-. and th- tJBBBBl s but he .

ree-lre an hundredfold now In

time ind In the world to i

-tertial life' In the praaent Instancehe « to have heen shoaing hi*

dlsrlples and showing us as aell

•us' ahat he meant by these word*,and giitng * demonstration of theirtruthfulneas

|*| V\e learn In 'he second placethat Jesus I* a wise counsellor Hetold theae fishermen 'ust ahere thefish aere and Juvt ahere to let downtheir nets alth the m<wt beneficial

r-sulta W- all need advice everyday In our buali -as affair* our do-meatlr affair* and the countless proh!ems that are c mlng up continuallyin our etlstence go to clalrvoyant* UM tn palmists and spirit

lallsis for such advice but otherawho know htm go to the I^ird their

QgsJ Ma h»* said In the Vth PsalmThe step* of a good man are ordered

by th» Ix>rd though he fall

he ahall not be utterly cast down "

i* > We learn also that Tesut las great benefactor They aho wereetmply fishers of fl«h nna b- ram*flsher* of men What would Peterhave amounted to had he remained Inlai-maum" Hut ahat did he nowbecome* Not only It hi* one of th*three greatest name* !n the historyof the fhrtcttan church, and nut onlyla he now In felicity with hi* Lordand Mas'er but -hat same l*.rd andMaster said to him and hit fellowapostles Te which have followedme In the regeneration ahen the sonof man shall alt In the throne of hi*glory )* also .hall sit upon twelv*throneg. judging the twelve tribes oflarael Is this promise likely toMM 'rue* fag Just aa certainly aath* lllble Is tbe word of God andJesus Thrtet Is the Hon of Cod Butther- ar- i orrespondlng promises forall aho knoa the true Hod and hatSon leaua , kjtag, and aho serve andtrust him In the llf* of faith Halift* 'he beggar from the dunghill te

smong prince* an -iperlenoethat la* com* to many a child ofOaf :n all th* cwDturte* long

Hut ahst waa the altitude of P»>ter that brought all thlt to iBhit case* The. antwar It simplyvteldedneaa

ft| »lj| Chrtst asked himfor his boat and be gave It to him hatold htm to launch out Into tha deaffor . draught aad he launched oat»hei, !„ »M aatlened with the matertal re.ult ha »M , f

J**u*. and h. left all andhimTo apply thl* to ,

to remember that the first sttha yielding of our will Is tbetaace of Jeaut rhrtet as our «... uland th* public ronfeaalon of him aa

Was It IK. Hsst'

Pan* Pollcemea aho found a via

count wrapped in a blanket itoafMion a Seine quay told bim to mov*on but apologlted when he showed

.. hl^





,P,4l,,*<, * C°Uld

IJjft" ,h* ' wt-Tltgl

our U>rd This should be „„ , . „ „telMgent and Irravaralhla on our part,truatlug God to fulfill hie


September tx. ioi.v THE CITIZEN. I age Three.


Type of Dutch

.It. <i «l (linns |

I In-. . .»•>!, original..) In Holland,several hundred yenrs ago. but wrri'

I iiiohI MUlMlMtUd during the great

IlollMiid wars Tlic In thnt MN

Ihitrh belted cattle are now to be

found In nearly every state of the

I'nlon and many havn bwnto Canada Mexico and Cuba

In color thry arc black with a

l<-rt f. ll inii, tin- possession of th» I of pure whltf around the body They

nobility and tin v bin e controlled ! also hsve white fore feet, white hind

thi ni eeaf since They have k<-|>t the feel anil legs up to the gambrels

MM pure and art-

part Willi 111. in

Fifty yeara ago. Iiarnuin MM ahowman. Indued the Holland nobility to

let him bring a IM to thl« countryfor show pmpaut He showed themMl r the lM< for awhile and then

plai.-d them on hia farm along the

Hudson rlyer, In Orange county NewYorkMm In < u I In them the moat won

Conducted hyPmf Frank 8. M.intgnmery

Instru.tot in Aniiral Husbandry, and

Special Investigstnf


SELECT SEED CORN NOWRveryom mmmSmw Hm trouli i

lln x Ii;hI wilh Ntw emu ill IMS, ami

\el xotx MM) fill Mill m liiok I'll.'llli'en

ia-i aprtng i • ii gelling * ' •'"'•n

from Hie ci ih nl plan! ing lime I'MprMMlirlka an UM • i •

•* tMriri

Whiter xxill he nun h RM It****

Hihii la«l w inter iiml II mn ih Mlmails ... g I llns Ml lis il w i-

a fmm \w. «" >"" *** I utr-oil In

lake IMMH ||,,s I ami ll JKWhave a g I 'Irani of POTH il fjonfl I

|ia\ In Ml I I from MM MM 'l-e

till II Hoc liaml. il >">i B*MJl

.mil eare for HWll buvifli 'f

il llii« fall >oii will In- -me ;..

have mm i.-- prtrvioVftl netirhbiifn


iii.ii Mm mm ••ell to in Im spring

at a gooil price.

13 Rules for Selecting Seed Corn

i. Scran fr»m Mm a • 1 1 * Im mi • -lalk«.

I, Secure from M ilk- In

or more ear-.

3, Secure ear- al pi>.|

fi inn grnuii.t.

i -..mi' shank* of iMdtoiti

length wild em hanging 'Iowii.

.". Kpraad oni Hie -C.-.I in a BFTi

«ram place

li. Select ear- ..f I I length

Selecl ear* Well nnill.le.l ..\.|

at 11

1• MMi

H. Selecl I II - large aroiiiiil.

!• Selecl small ear* Willi -iii. ill



Market of Long Fou Sseu

al ing I '.%<

to iahl

a white awltch. but I have

known one to have whit* at all


They are yery docile and Intelll

MM They are large, hearty, with

Hood ronatilullona The rowa weigh,,„, | k ,., ,„ ,|,

between Ijm and IJM pounds and

aotne biillM have eiceeded a ton In


lli.v are wonderfully persistent

milker* The. famous cow. Queen,

dropped in r Itmt calf when 22 months• dry afterwards

I a calf yearly

stand eijual to for 14 years She gave 70 pounda of

ur country for milk a day for aeven conaecutlve

dirful rattle In the world." and MrH (i Hi iiK. rw. II. load iMfaCtBI of of age bihI waa nev

UM llolatall lord b.s.k al North Hoi allhniigh she dropi

land, aoclarm Ththe bint cattle In

10. s..|oci . in - with wadaja ihapaa*

ear- Willi irtiM Hi

wiih mam ratbar

IU) 1 k


iik breeding or fall. tiirig


Plant Is of Great Value in Re-

Storing Worn-Oui Soils.

•adly Run Down and Abandoned Cot

ton Plantationa Have Been Re-

stored to Fertility and ProfM

by It. Use ae Mulch.

.11, H il W KATIU ItHTMNK i

8*1.1 clover la not a noilous »wdIt is of unquestioned VMM in restora

of worn and .r...l..l M> »»<1 "many oili.r linportnut uaes It

luiurlaiitly In roadanle ditches.

In the cuts of railroad* and generally

li. situations similar to HMM eronlonit

and ita ability to withstand theae ad

»erae cntidllions and often ev.-n to r tht re. Indlcatlim Ita avallabll

My aa a means of restoration of auch

waxle PMMMSw.i clmer has a verv wide die

irtbuilon throiiKhout the world, beln*

found on each of the contlnenta and

In man) of the Islands

The depart tit of a«rtctilturo for

South Auatralla rcporla that this

plant haa baajMM <h« barren

sandy waale of King Island Into one

of IM Mat pr..litabl« dairy reglona

of Atihtralla.

I he plant la found urowlna In most

cf the l ulled Stat.-H aa a wayside

weed and In large areas In Mlaalsslp-

pl. Alabama. Kentucky. Iowa. C«B>

MR Nevada, t'allfornla and Ohio

Hadly rtiiidown and abandoned cot

ton plantation* In Mls»ls*lppl and

im grass alone when fresh

wheat In midwinter when Ihe ground

la honeycombed, with oats In the

*prlng or on a well prepared seed bed

In MayIn thean latter cases the seed should

be lightly covered It may also b«

»..,!..) during August, as Is frequently

.lone with alfalfa The seed usually

germinates very poorly, owing to the.

preaeiue. of a large number of hard

seeds Kor this reaaon from 20 to 30

pounds of seed should be

Kv. n more of tha

As a soil ameltorant sweet clover

gives promise of great benefit to

farmers When used in this eonnec

tlon on areas deficient In lime, this

element should be liberally

An appllrtlon of manure or atraw

will aid the young clover In getting

Marted and hasten the work of res

t. . ration It la probably best to delay

the aowlng of other graaa needs for

twu or more \ears after tho swe*t

clover has been seeded The areas

should not be pastured, but the sweet

clover allowed to fall down and form

a surface taulch On badly eroded

ana* clover and Ihe yellow

lociiHt form a

If the land la

lug th« >oung treae should be set In


II >.|ecl

-tiainiii rowa,

It Select ea

-III. .. Ill ilellleil

|.l MMi MM Willi grailM plump

ami lir n I to- r«wV

Advantage of Selecting from Stand-

ing Corn.

Vou can raaitU} UM it aroaMtie impuaatMt i" av.ul younaif afl

i hi- ii'-i four rule* aajaaa jrott I \inir I limn >l.unduecorn. Il max lie xm-II to pmnl out a

l. w 1. 1 Hie re; i« lor IMM IMMrule-.

In Hi- lir-l place, mi ear thai MSIajn wo in a lull "i iw.i ar mart


atajka ami i» aajMttS fo»4 an*

oihor btm i>> Mali i* naiur-

allx a more VajaMM lellovx ami

sbotlld make heller -eeil, oilier

thinaji pcMj t-.pial. An.mi. if you

lake jrour ^ I f I •in -talk- xxitll)

Iw.i Mn "II Ho in .-x. u if lint .pule,

au kanjc a- arhara milx one ear gnuon a -lalk, xi.ii cm in a lexx xeai>

i|exe|.>p a -Irani "I corn thai will

alnoal inxanal.lx pi.nluce two .ait

Hie -talk. III. •lei. n led the

li.-l ear IroM -lalk- Willi Ixx.p or

ajora eai i.

I In n il i- "I .olx BOiaajC In have

ear- IfMJ I III ft- ami a li.itl le. t |o

live loot 1 1 fill Ille Cl-i. Illlll not olllx|

bacauaa it la aaaiat la ImmHi mi

eulliaj or -li ippniK' ami loppinctint bIm bMMM >our corn will

ripen more lUliforaU) Md all Mleaily In harxe»i at nearly Ihe >ame

l .i-ily, it i» a taraata aa wavJI M an

imsoiivraieMa to have am wbm-hank- a loot Imiw. Ami RMil M

Hie -hank i- -lo'i l ami -HIT. boldiiaj

il ar in an upriajM position, il

allow* tain waler to run in ami in-

line the ktram. Whereas, if the

-hank is leiatelx |o*jg Md lm>-

China. though agitated by political dissensions and rumors of revolution,

has other aspects of Interast to western visitors, especially those who are

collectors of brie a-brac. curios, old books, and objets d'art. In Pekin a favor

ite resort for those in search of such articles Is the market of Long Fou

Sseu. It takes place every ten days, round an old pagoda of the Tartar city.

All kinds of things are on sale, but good bargains, It

and the dealers only offer to tourists "faked" curioe.

Among the attractiona of the Long Fou Sseu market are reciters of

tures. jugglers, theater*, singers, vendors of fruit and refreshments,

toy shops, money changers, professional letter writers, barbers, second hand

dcil c rs, ac robwitBV-- in short, All tHs I nor I n d ust rl p* s t hit c*i n be I wno^tncd

Our 1 1 lustration it from the 1 1 lust rated London News.



(Py E O IBUI vparlmenl.t'htcaff.. i



I.EtOKPN TEXT K» »-»OCILDBN TKXT "Bly llttla children.

K.iard y.mraelf from Idols." I John Mi

It Is Incredible that theae Israelites

should turn aalde after gods madewith man s hands In the very midstof such a demonstration of the holl

ness, majesty and glory of JehovahVet Id life It Is always but a step fromglory to degradation, and one of th«easiest moments In which to trip upthe saint Is at tho time of his great



It la wicked and Is deaperately de-

ceitful, Jer 17:9. Following theglvIng of tbe decalogue God gave Mosesa series of laws and ordinances whichare an application of that fundamentallaw and whlcb form "the book of

the covenant " Then the alders of

larael are called up Into the mountain,given a vision of God. and given to

eat and drink In his presence, symbol! i g communion (Kx. 24). After this

Moses and bla servant Joshua leave

Aaron and Hur In charge of the peo-

ple and go up again Into the mountainOn the seventh day Moses entered the

cloud and remained for a period of 40

days during whlehthe pattern of the

order of worship. It

period of time that the

The first part of this

us tbe fact of the casting of the calf,

WW. 1-6. I * righteous anger andMoses' prayer of intercession, rv. 7:14.

Israel s boaat, 19:8. 24:3. 7, la now re-

vealed aa being but utter weaknessand illustrates tbe worthleasneas andunreliability of human nature. Thedrunkard s promlaed sobriety, the un-

clean man s promised purity, alike

melt In the fierce heat of temptation

Their aln was a direct, positive vio-

lation of the drat commandment, andin It they also broke the second. Theydid not want to substitute but rather

sought a similitude of God. Aaronhere appears In a poor light; ha did

not like their proposition (tt. 7, 8).

but did not have strength of «

sufficient to stand against It.

Is like those In the church and out of

Il who prefer to control a movementwhich is bad rather than to combatthe movement In ita entirety.

Notice Aaron a attempt to link old

Ideas with this newTangled religion,

thla "modern expression." "tomorrowIs tbe feaat of Jehovah." v. 6. Menand women are today attempting to




Alabama have bee, restored to fer I ^ J ^ ,.„,„.„„tlllly and profit by the u.e of aweet

( ( ^ ^ ^ >ww>( c|ov|,r

clover as a mulch and M^MW*|„tHrtrd (>I1 ,.roJ ,.d or v ,, rv ,hln ,„u, Hto traiiHplatit one year old plants In



An Knghah bank note expert hasrecently Invented a method that will

Insure the paper currency of

country against forgery

The principle of this Invention lies gloss evil teaching and open sin byIn the application to the edge of a associating with it the name of Christ,

hank note of a "pictorial" record of To call auch an association scientific

some specially arranged phrase A is a travesty. The fact, however, that

bank note so provided would, when Aaron gave the Israelites what tbey

placed In a phonograph, reproduce this asked for. shows that he had somephrase for the benefit of tbe bank idea at least of God'a attitude towards

jmanager or the person disputing the his people. We have here presented

genulnent as of the note also tbe fickleness of bumau gratitude.

Assume that the code phrase for a

£5 note Is "£5 note " This would be

extremely unlikely, but would serve to

Illustrate the point A pictorial record

of the oscillations produced during the


and a

the peculiar wave lines With this die

the edge of £T. notes would be per

forated The note then becomes. In

Mosea Is with God on their behalf

tlleb. 7:251. yet they

Hod wbo bad perform,

signs on their behalf, anew leadership (T. 1 and Pa. 106 21>.

of the phrase would be made Art has a place In

rut capable of reproducing a spiritual worship alone Is


shire. Scotland, where for nearly a

|g|| In allow 1 1 ai Ul MM century Irregular marriages were cele-

lit, ,1 iWnXVaM the huaU .ham ll« "rated by the local blacksmith or the

ml .lew all oil. and II ar'errymar

lu God,

It waa a sacrifice (vt 2, 3) of gold

to make possible this calf which wasThis Is the place In tbe famous addition to a unit In currency, a phono- doubtless a representation of the

Cretna Plana, a village In Dumfrlea- graphic record of Its own genuine- Egyptian god Apis and may or may

It Is being used in a similar way In

the hills of northern Kentucky In re

storing badly eroded tobacco lands

and aa a soil amelloranl in Iowa. In

the far west It growa In profusion on

the banks of Irrigation ditches and

In MMTta where th- soil la so alkaline

that other plants will not thrive

Throughout the world the large areaa

of aw.-et clover are usually to be found

on soils very rslcerous. showing th.

mon to alfalfa While

the spring This Is neither aa slow

....r as laborious as it might seem One

plant every four or five feet Is sumdent It possesses the merit of being

almost Invariably successful plants

ram an. I .lew

keep- pel le. tlx ill X oxen II left

standing out till winter.

Kxeix oil.. kll.'VX- Ilia! -exele

rrvwiiaj ittjuraa mm! mti il M Id

Bill thi'ioughlx cine, I ami dry. KVMllli'll It lines II llo pioil. So III' '"I

usually for the convenience

of elopers from Kngland In 1856 the

practice waa ended by the passage ol

a law requiring that one of the con

trading parties must have resided lu

Scotland for 21


A Texas inventor Is attempting to

make the wind drive a plow He has

succeeded In driving eight mlleB along

a road with the wind driven plow, but

as yet has not succeeded In operating

with the plowshare In the soil.

an. usually available In wayside sweet ,|,, Mfe ,,,|,. ajvd slme x. .1

clover .i. h


Should Bs Left .n Flsld Until Moist

ure Has Fully Evaporated—ThanHill Up for

There are several different melh

ods for storing and keeping sweet

sPotatoes when first dug. have a

large amount of moisture In Ihem.

which must evaporate When the

weather Is good they should be left

out In the field until this evaporation

Is otherwise, the moisture

and the Inteuse heat, generated by

i h. lr drying In a hill, will rauae rot

When this Is not possible, they should

be plied MMH In a dry house for a

week or two

They may Iheu bo hilled up for

bar tbe winter Select a dry place and

alfa and sweet clover ar. pile up dirt about six or eight Inches,

hose of one plant then cover over with vluee or dry

themselves to th. Laws I'tle the potatoes on this

Th^'makea Hwoe-t clover ploU foundation until the pile Is Bve or

of ureal value as a source of soil In six feet across l over with dry straw

for alfalfa Klelds which aud la) boards over the pile much

lu sweel clover for a few In tbe maimer of shingling leaving

ji usually be seeded to alfalfa a small bole of five or six Inches In

22 uJ .ucceasfully Hweel clove, the top he sure that yoor^ covering

Itself needs Inoculat on and wbea II laj

will shed all the water

being Introduced Inlo new situalluu. with earth The top

U. soil should be inoculated Ka.lure open so that tbe evaporation of the

to do Ihls is a probable cause ol many potato

*SmJm.m • - *J

Hsstorstion Completed—Tsn years

this picture was taksn It was

as bad ss sroded clsy field shown In

Illustration— it is now a profitabls

blue grass pasture, with about one-

third of the graaa In sweat clovsr.

wide soil adaptation, its most luxurl

ant growth Is Invariably associated

with lime The nllrog. n fixing

must be left

col ii in a xx arm. dn place such as

aloilll.l the clllll.liex up slaus in trie


q . t»««t^»i*tT a<o* ** **Q



Laxatives act in different ways,

and some are harmful than

othera. Salines, for llistmi. e In. heavy burdens upon the

ki.ine.M.. iM-l.les irritating the

(lOUe'.* When laM "*e<l UMIrmlii. e an obstinate lnle-t im. 1

. Bttirrh Laaatlva 4MM lataaaa1 1 n. llll. .li » hi. h I hex are sup

p..-ul to cure, while It Is altiio-t

aal>aiaaH| Ma that the m.wt

difficult .uses to i lire are those

III whl. h laxative drugs hava

MM Mad There are few physi

. MM »ho will deny Ihe truth of

Ihls statement Many |*>o| Mraiharttea aariaaa IMJ produce

an Immediate result without , on

sklarlM IM lsxjMM» MMthai must follow Many who

nave learned this from exp.-n

MM Ml I"! la MM »»« '»'e

use nf the . ileum will oxer nine

the Injurious effects of .oi.slipa

li. ui. but constant use of this

means, g.ssl for is afMMal c*

lief. U al st us MMMl as

drugs |M naturiil fttMa la-lng

sua, hl> Mi II M " MsMN to

Wonderful Iceberg Lake


MontanaLake is one of the marvels of Glacier National Park.

It I. a comparatively small body of MM lylna in a eeemi-gly bottomleaa

cup In th. main rang, .f the Rockies IU wMh the foot o a hug.

glacier from which cake, of ice aa lar*. a. olflce building, occasionally break

MIMti "oat on th. MM OMM the posseHul ray. gradually W £th«m Th.r. are always several of thewe Iceberg, drifting about t . a a.

nut have been life, size and may havebeen solid or only veneer, but neith-

er such earneataaaa nor sacrifice

saved them.

God's Word Immutable.

Mosea prayer of Intercession, vv

1114, la wonderful. It centers about

the Idea that laraal la "Thy people'

tv. Ill, and that Uoda word la Im-

mutable, It. member ' etc I v IS).

Moses was moved with pity and had apassion for the honor of Uod'i name.Aa Moses and Joahua approached the

camp they heard music, v. IT. Whata commentary upon the debasing use

of one of liod's ooblast gifts to man,

(be gift of music. Reaching the camp,they beheld tbe fullness of iniquity

and depravity which waa the develop-

ment of this disobedience, v 26 Seealso Hon I 21 26. Rom 6 23. Jaa. 1:16.

Moses pi

against their sin by

bles, grinding tbe calf to

compelled them to

into which It waa Hi

In order to

should call attention ivv SO-S61

Moses returned Into Godsmude a confession for the people, truly

taking the place of Interceaalou wbenhe desired to be blotted out rather

than have tbeir aln go unforglven. Goou into the uext chapter vv. IS, 14,

and read bis great heart cry and God s

answer of grace.

Ths Teaching. We have bare aatory

of tbe frailty of human nature and

the feebleuuss of human resolutions

We sve In Aaron tbe wsaknea of areligious leader wbo attempts to compromise or to yield to the clamor of

a mistaken people Thera la 1

eut in Ibis o-ssou ihe possibility of

prostllutlug right

ites made a proper request In

sire to gi

of de

I'age Four. I UK CITIZEN. |9jJ



Omc* OTer Berea Bank & Truat Co.

DAN HFire, IMr. Accident, ami Live

INSURANCEWill «««n your




Knoxville 7:00 a. m 10:5:. p. mBKREA 1:07 p. m. 3:5:2 a. mCincinnati ClM p. m. 7:43 a. m

South Kound, I.oral

Cincinnati t',::!0 a m 8: II p m.

BEREA 1S:M p- rn li-.M a. mKnoxville 7:00 p. m. 5:50 a. m

Kxpress Train

No. 33 will stop to take on

jrers for Knoxville and points

South Bound

Cincinnati *:00 a. m.

BKREA 11:.-.., a.m.

No. 32 will stop at Berea to take

on passengers for Cincinnati. O., and

points beyond.

North BoundBKRKA 4:45 p. mCincinnati 8:50 p. m.

—fctltc tarnKqg*. at WMrkl (»«)

Mm Gnea u Aagtifl «.f Orareville,

M.'iii . 1 1 visiting lew parents, Mr,

•ad Mrs, v. T. Rokert* at Hole, Ky.

Mr w i it it- 14mm c.f Red Boum li

\i«iiin»! IShstll** near tawa tin*


Mi . ami Mrs. Sam BMBfl Yal|e>

View . K\ .. were vtsHiag at Ike Ihmm..f Mr J. K Ifcik.-r Hi.- in-i ..f Hi-

a i-.-k.

Mrs, Laura June., solicits your

millinery trade for the cominjr season.

Special prices to students and former

customers. Chestnut St.. Berea. (ad)

Mrs M Mom* ol Leahnjtoa hi

making an UKIBmM rlsH With her

mother, Mrs. L C Oabbarsl

Mr, and Mrs. Orsnl Ismm and

bah) af Valley View. K>.. WW* trfc>>

1 1 1 nu in town M<>mla\ ami Tueedajr.

\|i<s Mai> A.lain.. \\ln> lias been

ai BlebBMad for mm tunc, returned

Sal unlay.

Wanted G I strong girl for

pantry work, Qood wagM Boone


The PriMitta Ouk m Begt tub.

betd iii.- iir-t ii Ilag bI Mm rear at

UM BOB t Its Vic- PfMWSBt, Ml*.

A \v BtcpkcM, Mrs. Magneton*

iMIubH i" id.- BUM Fsdsrsi at

MidaVshare la Jan**, ni"*i

interesting mpoft.

HBVS you seen Welch's BBW Dry

I Is.tad QbbU' I'unnshing Depart-

ment'? (ad.1

Til.- hot f Mr. ami Mis Went}

l^englellner nn the Kingston pike bmi n brifBMMMl i>> tin- arrival ol a

tin.- girl <>n Hi.- Milt,

lt. \ Howard H. HmJaofl prharbedai the Baptist chorea Btmdai Bsara-


Mi i it AbMM H RiekMMal wmin town hniarshvjr.

Mi ..nd Mrs, Jaka (lahhard aasoi

S.imlay with W. It. i.abbai.l and

family al then BMM BSM Walla


Our Kali and Winter Fashion dis-

play of novelities in Ladies' Hats,

Flowers and heathers is now in pro-

gress.—Mrs. Jennie B. Fish, (ad l

The MtBSM Nannie McWh.ulcran. I Bertks BriMighton left Iks krsl

of IBS week l..r North Dak. .la

Mi Laiekai OakaaM wka i- m *

tutfyiag AgriauttUM la KboxvIHb,

Tsaa «l» "l SSVMtJ day - m Bbtm\mtt Week.

Mi Qrswa Males ami In He son

rattled Mr tatea' parsass toe a

shod lime last week.

Mi Clare Gaatoafs talkat and

t If- 1- are makiim Inm an exl.-ml-

ad visit,

It - ii Id* what >on want you

ran liml it it Welch's a-l

OH tii. it nan ai vTattk'a (ai

t he Bares paMtr Mhaal wbtrhBM brea efnasd Mr Man* IMmopene.l MnMMJ

Miss Daisy i. ill. >-il fioin near

speeiiweii is etsMtag with Dr, andMrs, BntktS loi a lew gg| I

Mi ami Mrs Tom Lngsakm• l.llltllllel' VtSlted Willi fllelliN

relatives last week in Berea.

UTS, .lack l.a«\\ell ViStted rela-

tive., in Berea .hit SundayMi \\ ill Hi annatiiau hi BWBJ on

a xaeali.-n.

\\ m il BM I II lecelxeil that

RatMi MBMoa, a lorni.-r «iu.leiit

her.-, aad i Beakaa ..r Mrs, I, ll.

.i.i. k-on. wm r ntiy BMrrted la a

Mha Olla I >.f L.-rox. in

NiSS Mane BOWOT .'III erl a im-.l

gBHe a MMBMI of BM set 1

4-|iiiiii» at hM BOMB Monday SVSB)IIIK.

Mi-s Annie Martin of Cinrinna'i

will trim for Mrs. Laura Jones, Mil-

liner, this season.

Mi>< Brutah Towaj frosa near

Bskiwis, K> . ha* been visiting with,Mis- Maty Gnjrle f«>i IBM i>a«t week.

Mrs, s. i ayetch ami aaagkter,Hilda, lefl on the fa-l train Mondayf»r CiMtaaati, Bostoa aaal several

nther places.

Dr. and Mi- Hot km gave a social

Saturday ex. -nine in honor of their

visitor. Mi— Daisy oilbert, Several

voaag i ale were preseM ami allj

report a line I line.

Mi-- Rva hum .in is on a x fasti xx RiMrs, I'ai Kesrna ai Winchester,

Miss Marx loyle ha- returned

Btinte after a x.-ry plea-ant visit

of Ixxo xxeeks xxilli h.-r aunl.

Mr, ami Mrs, ThoaafMsoa ot Luwelli

K>.. x i-iteii xx iih Mr. sad Mrs BarakHaley Sunday.

Mis- Melisaa Ballard returaedkOBBS, B>p4. MR, from a summeravxax. She WM ill Detroit. Mich.f..i eight weeks, ami eajvyed siay-

nik' again in Ihal city. Her Irani

from the north missed the Ciaein-

BBli conn,tI i. -u- ami -he xxilh manyothers were uMiged l« apend most

..I Tuesday waRiag tot Hie eveniagIrani fas Iter.a.

Mrs, itetiy Samuel- of RiakmoadMM BMVtd to Herea ml of MrsF.arlx's collages on School SI.

Mr and Mrs. It. H. Barrii and Mr.ami Mm i i' BlekaeM returaedMonday from a week'- xi-il in Itus-

-••I Spring-. Kx

Mr, ami Mrs Rd Beats have

I.. aster, xx here Mr. S.-ah- has

purchased a barber shop.

Mr. J. M. Early i- -pending a few

.lax - al BOMB,Mr. and Mrs, Hoy C Jaekaaa af-

ter a three xxeeks xi«il xxilh Ill-

parent-. Mr. ami Mrs. J. ll iacksoa,returned to ilo-ir BSBM al Mor.-nci.



flM I.Xi-eiiin couise XX ill he hol-

ler than ever this year, a «lateinenl

lhai Ike OnaMitllee makes ahead Moften as |||e -ea»»»n CfMWS aroim I

and Hi. n -eelll to |ixe up |o prellv

For Hie fall seetHM Ihen- xx ill lie

three numhei's. Hie first, coming on

thinhei Brat, beiag tin- MadamSctiiex Muetral Ombssr) Tins

will in- one of die rteheM Mwsteal

li .-als exei In ought l<> Ifc-rea Ma-dam S.-oln.-x is an \iis|i aliau -inn i

•ii vered aad trained hx Ike a-.-at

M.-lha. om- >'| Hi.- worlds gi.-ah-l

BrlBM Donna- She i« al present i

iii.-ml.ei ol tin- BMfnR Opera i'.oiii-

aag| i<m is liiiimt a (ea Lyceumengagement* AeewcfaMed xxilh In-r

ace three nther musical srtista,

Rna i"l M kite, Has... and Violincel

list. Frank Waller. Mantel, ami hail

BnrleuVn, Violinist Bark al Ikese

Men i« iii to be the star nt a eaaa*

panx were n dht hw the preataeMof Madam Scoln.-x'« v.uce

1*1 wad aaaaher i- la lighter

Mha behaj lios- 1 ran.-. OBTtonatatftiuanrist, Qaj Mnhh r, ami general

entertainer, Me is said i<> be Ike

best behtre the auMtr alnag bis hueal I he pleselll lime, ami should bea great Ireal fnr Berea fun lovers

The exact dale tor him has not I n

lived, lint xx ill he xxilliiu a lexx day*The third number coming Nov.

l-'tll needs hill In lie Dallied III or-

der In attract. T.I lh>.». xxlm xx. re

in Berea two years ago Oil xxiii be

a name MVCT to lie f.u'golleii |I|

till will not gixe Sour lirapes'

this tune, bat ha- MBMthtlBJ exenLetter for his hearers.

Wii.-u one think- .-I beiag aide

I i|oy IhCM tin Ii.-al- only for

Fifly l>ats ll MMM truly Ihal thego.Ml things of life ai imiig With-


Trom Principal ot Public Schools

Bear Friemi-We imp,- that pnnr Intel eei in

jschool has not It ikk.-. I on MCtHtnlof the breal m oui Wnet caused hx

Ifear of diphtheria wr >f it baaIhal Xoli xx II BM III 'all HI line vxilh

lis ami xxilh. PCMWed inleiesl. help

ii- io Marl xoiu children la the Ranol march ami MCnmpllak end|..w ai d xx Inch xxe aiiu.-d

w>- hope thai in tin- nail} rmiline

..f duties and reaasSMfaWINtM whichMat bare fat meet al bmm thai

you will not loraet us at BrlMMWi do SOI see xolll f; s often e||-

ouwh iMide our school emmta. You• hoiil.l come and MS xxlial xxe BMdoing mr your hoys and girls * In i

ilo,,i-» mv evet open In xmillx x Betg xx,- can make

Ikht the best arhmd thai ws ka/e«'xei had lure. Your chihlien anM !•< ight and rspahte ot leaning as

anx . hildr.-n I liaxe exei had TMjhaxe a iu-1 rtgM to he grewd of

them. Hut BMM of paw BM ma'»-

haj a »er ous mhdake M> rermtrt-h-.xx |ha* ssMe aareeits nf tins .in

n set have i gUgewi la eensMa


then chihlr.-n to Ml I. dnuM-Irs* ui .i> hx ca es fan light regacae,

iiiu rlsasei at Mhaal max aptt) becoiiipai.-ii i<> i march, md bnjrn

and Kill- a- Ihe -<di 1 1. rs Ihal Hwli-I

up ihi- '-lie ol BMrch, Ml inns!

keep -lep nl the line i- liloken

W hen yoiu children lose a .lax Ihc]

are nut nl Msg and "ill <<f line xxilh

then classmates The leastins andevplauat ion- xx Inch the) BBVC un-<-

i*l are neee«s;iry Iii BarthM BSW-

gre«- If Ihe) I aevMsl .lax- it

i« .pule tmatuse iWe for them to Rb on

xxilh Iheir rbasses, and a- a result

thej he.oine dSSMStrafad and want

Wanted Reliable, energetic manto sell Lubricating nils, grease- sadpaint- in Madison ami

enuatiea Salary ot ObbmMm -

Duaa * ill .V Paial * :».. caevsland, t>

STOVESStoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves,

Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves,

Stovei, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves,

Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves,

Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves,


Hi other Kuiulil Who has | u BV-

lained ui Bppm hx the MJmm af Ins

wife slaiied I uesilax faj PMMMin- ext.i n work iii the easteea

eaasajhw gMrelan Mmlna artM

,. .- inpaiix Brathet RatajM m hkt

extension work fajf a few days this


Mi .1 i |l>. xx man hM I n eSCUS>

,.| frina I'-aching a f.-xx dax« to xisil

Ii Is in Virginia and Valhl.aioluia ,

Mi H. in x R IshjM h of WMS-bmw, Pa. a slmleiil here ht H, andl.-a. hei in W-HI. i. -lax lug at B»i>IM-

I ax era.

Mi hag ,,f Battle Orek, Michthe aiannfaetnret nl BnMnm amiHum- health IbraBa, VlailMl Hie I o|

i.-k.- 1 1 1 1 - xxei-k xxiih in- fanrnns

louring car arktch is | >| >••-•-• I In

he Hie BMM xxell >- ,p'i1

1 1| ...1 aulo-

iiiolole on wheels Me x\a- .n-,..m-

pa I b) Md POM ami Ml ami

Men Nurd and their daughter from

ii Woiiti Tngsi Mi Mard i- •

MtiVS of I lax l.oiuilv ami was f.u

mam rears a reshtenl .-t MadiMinl.oiuilx. not far from BBTM I In-

« i<i fairs eapri'ssed themsetvea mgreathj pteaaed with what Ihvj aaa

III t hell hi tef X kstl

Mi-- france* Ingram id Ike

lotnuiunilx HlHISe "I l.oiii-xill.- Kx

III.' chief Social Sellleinent ill thai

.iiv accumimnied hx bet friend Mian

Hie a iCBCl i PMjtl In-ti

lute. XXele gUSSU at I lie I'l.-ldeul -

IfaiUSe Sundax ami M lax

ilex .lame- I* Faulkner xxa- is

I'oxx u Tuesdaj nl (Ins week

Mi plejikea w RjraVt ahai«, h, fioin ifae Iterea \> .ul.-un

in RMR ami watered Tale I Bivec-

»ily. BM -nice MMUpleted -I tl h'gi

eal ctmrae al flea Buraswiri Then-

hwieal eVmiaarjr, n.-xx Jersey aadi- ana a missiufMsT) >.f ibe Refnrm-

fd I lunch in South Japan

The Citizen

Tells the News

In School and

Out of School

You Should Take It

Because It is Worth

$2 for $1

LOST OR STRAYEDOm- nd call, weight al I MM

pound-, long -harp horn-. Al Col-

|SRB baTM W .1 Flaiierx


SATURDAY, Sept. 27: Anniver-

sary Alpha Zeta Literary So-


MONDAY, ^9: Mountain Dayfor College, Normal, Academyand Vocational Schools.

MONDAY, Oct. «: Mountain I lay

for Foundation School,

lecture, TiM p.m. "Archaeology

and the Bible" hy Frederick B.


WEDNESDAY, Oct. Ii AaaiisiMtJHd Helta Literary Society

WEDNMIDAY, Oct. ii: lecture,

7 :t0 p.m. "ArU of Indians" by

Mi^> Mary J. Coulter.


.- ture, Kdward Amherst Ott.

Tar Wtaktna Rops.

Rope Is often tarr.-l to protect It

from the xveailier 't ills is a somewhat

|iabMai atasttaa » tu« m id in the

tar weakens the rope to hiicIi M Mtent Unit en glovers estimate tarred

g to be only two thirds as slroug

as clean, new rope No kind of oil

or other preparation lias ho far been

fouud that will not Injure the rope,

ci-,-1-1 tallow Tallow und graphite

are used lu making triiiisiiilsmon mpsaud for liil.rlcaUng It wh.-u tu uss.-


ui Hi.- reach of all.

Tickets \x ill i ii tale ms! weekil Poller- Moot es. Welch-. TheI'll lagsfBliIS Store and h> ag.-nl-

A Berea Boy Honoied

John •» .lame., who RvM oa Itich-

awnd st . is eii|..x lag • free trip la

the Stale Pair at Louisville this


The stale Dspartmeid ol Agricul-

lure seadi oui each summer a list

of subject! pertaiamg to soil fertil-

ity, crop rotation, care of |jys Mock,

etc. and the BSM slim I .--say from

each r.oiillty of Hie Slate elil Wie-

the XXIltel to a free lllp I" the

Slale Fair. ThoM Igl I...X - calup

8g Its* Fair ground-. Ik* camp he-

haj uaaVr tha ingsrvwina af age>

flMiif frsM II xperim.'iil -l.|lion

Jaka Mat m Iks bsei aapM from

Madisoa t'ouaiy, aaal M Is ba aag

gratuhtted upon rsesiviag MMa hon-

or a- xx.-ll a- Hie oppm liinilx ui

receiving such liberal educationfree m B WMl at the Stale Fair »f-


NATIONAL ENCAMPMENTA gu.Miiy number ol persona from

Ijm bm atlsadiag Mm Fmamp-Bksni oi Iks in and Rnu M Iks lt>--

pUbtW and the ting al the al-

Rliated patriotic societies, si Chat*tai ga. Toaa. Tin- at a aniahsi

uccMioit, a- being Hn- Ural liBse Hn-greal galheiing ha- been in a -lale

xx Inch leCestsA So lai a- xxe leal II

Hi-,-.- in attendance are Pruf, and

Mis Ikakje, Misdsairs Hsyes, I. I.

Maaaun, bsdus R Raasoa, UtsksJalki

kkuanajk OaBataMaa, Paiajkarty, Kat<

ly . BeOS nuig and t an is,

I" L ax.- Ml I

My friend-. Hie graBsMl drawbackany BBhaM can haxe is ui.-gulai al-

Isaaaaae. Bawl paa h..xx

bard il i» for x.iur h-.x- ami girl-lo cm.' ba.-k t.. the Mhaal loomwhen all then . la—mat.-, an- aheadof them ' I- there any WoadSH thatIbex plead with rOtl I., slax al

home ' Planar Hunk ,.| IkSM thing.,

my friend. Send your h>>x. andgirl- to ii. and I. -I lu .tail them na'he line of march, and hx xoin h.-lu

xxe XX ill keep III. Ill III line.

We all kii-.w I hat our arl I buMoVlag i- not g I enough hn xoiu chil-

dren ami ihal ii is x.-rx inadequate(or Hie last Ihal if put bsftlfS usIhi. rail, but xxe .hall aui iilleuipl to

make Ihi- a hiding place fm anx .f

• w.-akiie and xxe hope Ilia'

xou a ill not use u m an earmm hekeeping your iklhhsa '-Ui

I Me xoiu failkful friiiad.

Hardin Long


the College isdsiiag all in il . poxx -

• i I., mi lea..- the -npply ..I xxaler

b) asktiag aea apriags ami .toppingi.-ak. I ii.- w aha bm i...Meg.- boibsfi. being hauled flMM eistsraS,

Bstm i- batter nl than n- neigh-bor., hill there Is the UtggsM BB<ee..ilx In MVS WalM ill all po..|.

bis xx ax- ll.. not h-t anx taunt FUBMa gal use i...|| xxaler xxh.-ii xouan possibl) use xxal.-i 1 1


hi any


xx.-ii. aarkaj ai pkRaaat,

w ai. i i. kuraad al frma Sla 1 1 la

Hn- asnralag, fraM i la i bj Mai> xciiiug. and froM I al night I ill 5

in Hn- moi mug

Kntertainmenl* fit mu students

have baea m SMler Ike paai weali in Momfcs) night,- the tenaopem-il. pint llaim- gaVS a x.-ix in

lereMiiat i.-adiiig in Ihc College

Ckagel ami M'. Morion furnished

inn. ic IBs the othei occasions Ihershaxe been a ste pi icon . vhilnl a

baud ci it. ami a im.xuiK pictllM

Mesa Ob had Honda) night the

elect i inly gax I ami Ih.-te xxa-

a dioappoinliuent lln- m-xl entM-taiBMeai in Hn. »• gr i«.-. fas

be the best nf all ami collie, oil

at Hn- V. .per II Friday aigki

I to \ m u \ rendered bagori

Bill help I 11 n**\x Mudetlta and had a

rousing m.-eliuK Sundax iiikIiI xxilh

Mr l ax lot a- leader, a- well a. g I

meetings in the dormitories, bm it

hM had no B>l SI NigM and in gen

STSl .e.-iii. I.-.. xx isjs axxake than in

some previous peanThe N W < A ha. I ii active

in assisting n.-w students It. bmbUing sumiax aighi wm ask atleaaV

ed. and I llel e XXa. a leccplmu for

in-w Maahwta ai the LbMIm Mail

VI lax night

Hi.- Christbm Kaakwvor fkseietj

had a Biealing Hunda) muhi faeadai

Mi— Delia lb. lh. I. ix \ large uum-bet took paii Tkeaa assetiagi

BWM all other, in BttrMttVCMSt I"

Hn- average Mudenl


Saturday night September 13

Phi Delta had a p.iih il |inigraiii

>x illi pari, xx.-ll bix.-ii hx MOMHand ami Mean Stagte The WWpiaiSI xxa. dulx ui. I tile. I We.llicelelx hope ll XX ill ll'd p|o\e. .1*

often hM I ii ihe rsse IBM an iu-

lereM in BMsnj aVtrMts from the

interest in lilerar) pxceHeMe hsr

xx hi.ii I. hi, ii x sue let lea <-vi«i

ilphs Beta bad m iRMrarj «-x


Hn- two rsWegs kiiI. MeletlM

elected liaVen and accepted an ui-

1 1 llatlna In the I'res ident'a hmis-

Mr* I i". i hid espeeted an BsMrSMfa) Ml-. I : - lltgl I'll of | OIHS-

1 1He, iml a- Mi-* Ingram tailed kn

arrive Hie tune xxa. .pent in MSfat*

1 . 11 1 1 \ ami college aongaIhe MtiniBB - Ix had a pi"-

Igram m Wkleh music and readings

wen- given b) Mi. Ifaddenaaa, l.a-

itnia Cress, Rear! McCrnre and

l ililh I roMl i i Literal x Bocietj had a

creditable program tot n p.-u-

lag n»-. ting .Numb' i- wars raaatae>

..I b) Mi William I ax lot. Mi

Bowles, Mi. Iliddb- and nthSTS. Ite-

freshment . xx ,-i . mtv ed

Beta Kappa h.-i.l rssea parliBMaai,


\ pleasant fealnr

mng id t he tall tern

I mil In Ihe b"X


x arums doriuitoi ies

- of Hie beglll

x\ M I tie n p-

-I each nf the

to Ihe Kill- of

then department Partiee •( girta

wer Mhted thru ihe buildings

by teacher., and an in.p.-'tiou .f

'the room. xxa. BMBMi i.-x.-aluig

• .ti •fill housekeeping, after w hich

Ilahi refreM ui- wet rvad b)

Ibe h-.x. Mam M the x..uug |-

pi. gatla fed ht Ihe Tabs1rimeIs tar

an bant of fun at lln- rh*M at MM' r.-c.-pl MB


All rttiseaa m well a- Mudenti bmInvited Ui the ftdbeariag Ire* ant*r-

tainments III Hn • iillfge I'.ll ip.-l

Fnd-.x Bight, Sept MMJk I MHand Comeft.

Wedaeada) Bight, Baat Htk M,

Bteeeoptteos Lecture b) Bear) It

idgeciui. of Pittaburi mj BaMgjaWsMiBgl IS and the Marvel, of

Model ii Inventnma



\pple. Ttll cenls gM till.

Hidler 15 cents per poundI ks'- 31 ceuls per doxeu.• hiekens, hyaM. 11 saaM rm gauadMjBBM in cents per poundtllllun* SI ISl pel bll.hel

RMatOM HM pel bushel


Trade at the Cash Store

and save

15th we adopted the cash system;

let us show you how we can save you

on everything you buy at our store. We will

save you money on your shoe purchase* for


4 WALk 1



Seeing it believing you caa tee the truth ol our

m the thoe wc thow. We figure that a ulitficd cuMomer u our

beM advertisment m we leave "no alone unturned" in our eilorts

to ple»M you. Come aad Me


See Those Free Entertainmente, Chapel 6:45 Friday and Wednesday Nights!

September t.K iILL THE CITIZEN. Page Fire


,. •iiiiii 1 1 1 1 npr refusing In t|.,

Ihe Bf i senttag in In Hi.'

. v ii !!(••> .mix h.i\ i settees

line iiiiii -ax- VMi I ilnl wmiisI, Hi I XX a- templed Si. I- .-xelS.

.iiiii. i l.-mplol IwgJt i- li"l I rca


\II"IIhm -ax- V.--. I eaBMvMtod-hi. |ni> il Ml i. nl» i -mall -ui HiiI

.1 -mall i» —till n »iii Any ad. '.llimill'-.l Hl>m) lil.ll ;«|ttl run-cielnc gggMM II- .1 -luiu-l .111.1 I ll.ll-

|nf, In «l.';il tlx.- c.-nls is as truly

dealing M i" utml ;i thousand rf*H

I. lis, illnl It Ml.l\ lie .'MM Wnl'ir In

sell «• ri • • I «..iil for llxc rents than

In » li ii tor ii thouaund «•••• «

Xlmttler Will sax Ye-. I ill.


W|..|l". liUl cxcixhodx KM .|..| MM

Hi.' -aim- I lii nil tin- i« m<i ,i iv.i-

If oili. i pMpM ham Mm i\ - i. \. i i- ihu :i mm win a*kIhiuM km 'i


Tntnght we consider one sampleof sin the use af tohu ro I h. .

I« i MNMMMl nl in Hi.- Bible

III. "I -Null l|.» I MP f.i|i.,iin lint

there m ii .''iil II

-I. .ill n>>! kill, mill il |.. Ii ii i .i ~ I . .


i i

ma id.-, in iiniN ii. lam ii i- i-.-r-

iiiinli wrungIll' Ill- I ,, |. '

| |,. IV , ,,..|

. Bar. i .1 l« Und "i i 1 11

-1 « hat -- i

i- -ax- hsgaj .ii i Mmiini. I.. • km pan- i" iiii-« ajar*

11 >n V) lint i« II Beet "f lobaren

i.|h.ii buyaf mi. I WM i« ilo- .-ir.-ri

.-i lobarre team Mm '

TOBACCO TOR BOYSFir»t tor bo»» it sis/ays stunts

their growth The Popular Science

Monthly I.-. Vntu-i. WW MS - Ml-. lenttots iii.- am I I It il lli.< am Mi--i. :n b) ini.«l."» .-His (mm ii"t

Full) natural m injurious; |..u.-iii*,

I. nil.:- mill |.||\ -n olimilil

strive • iin.'-lh l>. warn xi.iitlis a-

Dr Seaver ol the Yale Gviiinasium

writing >< Ike Arnea VUft In ft

nnuning a ' tis- hi Vale (In. .null Mi.

' x.-.i- | dixul.-d III. -in iiitn all

-lain. '- lima* win. • i I li'li.ii i n

1-egUlart) tor at l.-a-l a x.mi. amiiii.--.- win. n-.-.i ii ii i is i ha

ttlMtainara stew ha weight Una amifiMii -t.-nHis par •••nl Mara Hum the

lubai m Uaeen ami «t\ ami »tx -tenths

i- i . til iiim •• I 1 1 i asmnal' -

1 i - In Ii.-ikIiI Hi.- al.-laim-i - «i> \\

. | " ' - nl Beam Mian lln- n->I- "I

I nbaren ami II pat .cut mhh.- ili.m

lln- ... . a-mnal user- In until nl

chest lln- abstainers ki.-xx .11 7-IO

re llM ii-.ts >.| Inliar. " ami:.' | i i .-nl Mora iii.ui il eraaiimal

' In hum capacilx III.- abstain-

• - gained pei aaaal mom lhaa

llie — rs ni lobarI'm and •'.• •>-i<' jaw..lit aaoya Ikaa Ika eeaaainaal

OSei «

Second it makes bo*s stupid I In

-am. ml hni MSTeV1

II liii* l«-.-n

-ii-.wi, riHarluaivrt) thai tin- ma at

|..|NM*ril |i> r. ill. iii- -IihIi nl- i> i |n«.-

Ij . ial.-.| Willi nil. -m-so. Ink "I

;i|i|i|lrale»M ami l"« -. Ii.'I.h -lnp

iTincipaJ hull fl Wv4 <>i MaiHuff, I'ahfiirnia. • I'l.'-ni.-ni

i ii ni ..i Mtanfiinl I uiverail) ha-ili i lar.-.l Dial liili.n i n u-um Imx-an ilk.- amrw) apa4i*i Phof aVafi

I "ilk' I." t lln- liai\. -l Him- l-. w

Bth HI- •' I. II •'!• >l IW II In .-IlliT rnll.'ll.-.

« wl Mm la-t M>) I I In 1 ifalv. ii \|\ .-x|»-i ii-iii'.' . nim iili-s vitaIHal ul In- J..Man I kava i ia

BMffM nf \ annus CallfMllia Ml I-

l..i' i-ialil.'.-n >fiir« mill itiMiruihly in i'\|i.'i ii'iii i' lln- hmMUM l."\. if

I \>-r i.aiiiiii tin' IhmIi arl I

•ii.i -ii ni ii armkmtal pondIt Inn,

NiM-i in Hi.-.' • -1 w 1 1 1 • -• - 1 1 v • • ; 1 1 -* liaM-

I wi a.lnal.'il ii Inliai'i'i. |m> frnin I lu-

ll iu Ii -ill. ...I wild siilllriint iIihMi'< K.iiii eiHUM a I" tin' Slid.- I niM'i-

• ily."

And third tohacro debmaii boy*riial is. il liik.-s :iwa\ lln-ii s.-ns.-

••! In. mil. ami lli. il I..M- "f liulli.

lin n riaM» h MMMWMm ami IM>pama Ih.-m lm .Innkinn. n.iml.l ni«.

•timlint ami niiii-i ri laaa

tudoe Black ot Columbus 0 - iv-

\|\ . \|.. i i«-iii-i- i« Dial nf iiix.-nil.'

.null iiula.'s all ..\i-i lln- pnttMr)win. aiini- Dial tin- i-iaai'i-ll«. is lln'

aaaal gmtrurlhrv luilui. tiuwi, Mi -

Napa, wer rel \,irr."

I II.- Ml|..'l IHl.'ll.l.-Ilt nl \\ t-sl ii.

M.I" ll.-lnl III S.'ll. ... I -a\ - "AlllmX--.-ni ham km mm mm* "i a»«


i II hiinl.-n. Sii|»-i nili-ml.-iil nl

PraMm mftaj M Hal I m FMiMMiM,-ax- Of .-mill lllltllll.-.l I...X- mi. i. >i nj mm MJ t4

«Ii..\x- I '.ni pet r.-nl ii-.- MBWIn lux mJgJW'nl lln' MNekim " r

• in. ii. ii. - i.x ii..\- ii.. in aiajM

I In eajHitefn x.-ai- ia lln- inm4 sui.ii.-

. I. -I i ,,x i-r ..( llu- linx - mMtol fai -

1 nllx

Out Unions Iriend Judge LiudseyI l In- jtiviftlle i-niiii sax »

"I ». .im-i iim-s arleh I putild give u|i

lit.- Ill-m il m ii xiar or lx\.< In pa• ni ami lni|. in a anil "( evangel la-

th w.nk iii mMlMg Hi' 1 MMM f

ii'.x- xxi-akm-ss. BjMaW) iiml i ium -.

Y.'ii in. ix '.-. I a-siiie.1 xx.- xx. mill Iiml

iiu- 1. • ii a. I., i t 1 1 -i a pari nf Law bwaat.

I in- rajw . it.- iiaini I- . .1


ii i nl \

• •i iiu- x.-ix xx.. i «i MeMli Hull iit-

i.irl iin- i.'.xi i ami laiaralnfa laa I ..f lln- nalmii. Ihare i« m>

iflieet UHi Iml thfll il i- "in- nf I In-

leatlim furIum In flu- rriiMananaj

• I a harm i'.-i .'.-tii '>r ymim h»y*in i.-fminafni x iaMitat - "f *||n-

nal mu

. TOBACCO rOB MEN\uii lm xx aii..ui tubafrn fur aamf

II. n- there i- a ilixisnm nl llfilDMiQ.

Muane imrlaera and pa^atotmhaa aaj

1 l.'li.i.r-. hurl- .-x.-ix man as

• iin-ly a- il Inn l» i n i x l.nx UMMNjh

Hu| ->. uuu'li. xx Int.- nlhiM- |ii-lmxr

thai -. .in. - gam am Mgaam'1...1I.1 al.-ly w Hln ml any hat 111 al all

\\ . .I.. 11.. 1 gam --ix that MhamoI ualng hint- i-x.-ix man. hut il gati

.-x .-I x tii.ii in ihingar

\\ hai i- tin- i x idaarat

Disqualihes for Fine WorkLuther Buibank. tin (real twirl I-

rulluraliad xxiitinu m Ihr \> xx N..ik

linn- -ax- I can |ii"X.- In x.m

Mag i-nniiu-ix.ix thai mag lag

mihl ii-'- i.f lobarai ami liqaam la

tar mUatV xxiiii w. ark mgjairnai

a. curat.- all. -nl iiml .l.-linili- cm..ulialmn I" a--i«l in.- in nix

arurt "f hnaWnaj. \xnik that i- a*

arrunata ami ;i- atmlhaj M wairh-

aoaktngi 1 have a nana al iw.-nix

mi ll i illa« hargr timn tin- lama ;it

iin- in -i alma wl iiewaaajaeleBcy.

giHiiel line ago my fnrf'Wiaa a-k.-.l nu-

ll i ua*b pahai i" Majaim MM Hat

prranaal hahtla •>! m> » Oa ha-

inti an-w.i ..1 in tin- m-»;:ilix.- In-

aurtiriaad at* i.x aaytag that laa

ii i t.mml iiaahla t" •'" laa «•»•!•-

, arwrk <>f haggMai iawarlaMi

lm ii.-.l "ui t" I..' Menken ami drink-

- is Tkam u whii.- gfcM in .I-.

tin- nniKii w. irk i.f haTMlaj I'Ull

maMing ami dalh-ata amrk imiii'i-

Indiffaraal nf -iii-nt Lai us kg namaatlva la hahji ynugg gam ami imx-IlKhl llu- I.attl.- nllu-is have

% ••ni- imiix iiiuai ii x . ih.' buaiaaMtin- Kind- Itusin.s- in xxliuh

\ mi wore enaag<*d. aral the men w n Ii

iiml have in ui\>. ii i ji

• .iwiiik baen m ii-m|.iinK Ihem, I..-I us know xxlmm ynu i ami- m inin-h


iREAL ESTATEMo, i on.- large, taroatory, concrete atore houm in

lu-st business pari ..I Berea. v\isi Sj,s<><)- M.«lx«'

us ,in offer.

N... a, i kw brand nea -i\ room dwelling Iwill be Imaa-

nl Septembi iIonl) one-ball iquare m public

gebool. All plastered, bniahed i" bardwood, loui

gratea and cabinet mantela. Uao a large baae

aaeai ahoul aaaa^ feet, and two porches. Cm be

bough) i"i Si, '"Ni.

No. v \N «- hnva M-wial ake ratadencea oa lawkaoa atreal

,n pricea form |i,aoo in s.<>«»»>

\d 4. Weaaaohave aeveral Hint - Graaa iaraaa Ui Mad-

laon and adjoining conntiea which we can »!«-

lixei worth iiu- anoney. Alao Mwaro| iiusin, Vss

propoamNooa hi riaydwara, Drj Gooda, Groeariaa,


Ti ll us what Mm want, ami M shall try Id pli-ase


Bicknell <8b HarrisBerea, Kentucky

maI" Inahllil) l<> ,-. mi '


11 1 ral.- III. 'II

Iterve hafaa, Even men who smokeone cigar a day I cannot entruxt

with some of my delicate work1 i«. 11. iii - xi ii 11 Managinglhaa Pgjgm, ami llu 11 us.. I.x x. ni nil

h-.x- is hill,, ggnrl "f 11 uniniil.


Iniures the neit GenerationCharles B Town, w lm MM .-xamili-

ad fins MMIar la thnaagadi >.f ca-.--.

in llu- Century Magazine lmMarch. IMS, slmxx mu Dial II laetlnl Inm tip*Hi men ace fnnaaaladami aVIayad, hat iill Iha ,ian-

iii'i'in. ami Mai :il llu- i-ml Bli'.'u*iii.'i - ii wnrae Ihan npiuM, aapn-

ciallx haaanaa ii- .-iT.-ci- a|ipaar x.-ry

aftag in lln- rhiWian nf the man xvlu.

gaaa Mtartn ami m gafraaaa Ikarace.

Tobacco for Athletes

The |. rai l ical il.-. i-imi nf all im-u

1- -Imwn hx Ih. nil,- iilxxay- laul

gaarg Mr ttmae win. aaMr 1 prkMhahl. nc a race, m Ml other MhtatiC• mi| " i il ' Whether it be a manor a boy. one who is in training andaims to be at his best always avoids


Aiixnne. Ihafaftnra, xxlm uaaa Ue>



n plvaa ui> hahgj at In- l.e-i.

.nil-. -ni- in kava In- rhanaea .a

-in i .--. ilimlaheeL hi* parraptMma In gagraa Mtaaait, hi- lifr gtm-aaaal fat tin- take al :i laaganrarj

cat nal m al nm I hai cmues fmui« kma ami ch.-xx laaThe Habit Crows and Enslaves

Tarn talker taiagi mu-i al-.. ha

ruaii inhi iiia Pint, the luaaernhahll gniwa In pwnrar ». that aiaaawin. ai ihiiix i- aala in aaaefta

aratelj ami alaa> h> tin- tun--

In- i- hart) lm- kafama 1 slave aminat - tnhnern aanee rnnalantl) thanIn- t-x.-i etpeeted he xxnul.l

in Ike aeenad plaee, Uibaeen

I. -axe- a man w.-ak in xarmii- pla-

ce- agalaal the time arkan -"in.' • t

•-.«-•- nr arrhJeal max avartaka Inmiii'ii' Omni hpd uaed hikaeen

ranaoanht) na i" Ike eaptura nl

K'.ii IkHaaMaun. Buana <>f ihe nexxs-

paper 1 rapnrtad ihai in- laagMthai kgMta an waaab "ti' 1 ha •earae-

i> Mnk in- atgar Iraan in- 1 ah.

People frwa - • t f amr lag anuatrj-. .,1 haa brae* nf rlgaum He xxa-

1 nahlr In reaial the teaajdatiwn aadii -.ui ihai Itme he began the exeea-

-ix. • -in. k 1 mi arhteb kili.-.l him laa

x • ,1 « before In- 1 haa,

I'leaidenl McKiul.-x mighl havereriivered front In- around hint it nni

been far kha fart that in- heart armliil eact) alfecl. il I.x Inliacc.

Kim lalxxani ni Fnglaad ami aw1 xi, Mark Twain in.- ai-. example*

1 man xxlm (Had premature!) thru

x..;ikm— raaaed I.x tnaaean.What Shall Schools and Parents Do^

Nnxx -inc.- the-.- Ma the fad-. BMraa College rana~1 dn Mbein i-<- lhaai>. prohibit the iiae id ItdMrcn naaagji"ic atudrMa We dn aat tavite In

Ii- na an) e\c.-|.l thoM xxlm ;ue ah-

stailH*!**, m xx In. an- lullx i

limit theae tlninr- iin. I xxatch

peal .mi

Hopes for Young Men

and limea mark iii-timi

life. \ luralna 1 >• • n 1


x%iii remember xxiu-n ynu xx.-i g

ind I lie

era in mykm. xx xnii


Three Big Chautauquas for theTarmers and Their Familial


I Blnmsl wish I were n \ ..una

Ml with xnu thai I roiiM expael

a- x.m can. In Mm M paM the mul-<iie nf tins -.lati ceniurx. Oeenliiniiu- ham kam aaaat are.-ii m-x .-ui mu- ham 1 n m.-iite. fmal m>r.uins elTecl.-.l Ami xmi wlm an-

aaMJ I" he ih.- -irmiK men >.f M-1 ri.xx can it., -till haW* Uiiiik-

111 mar dg) gad laaemtMg ir ranpram arorlh) Vmi ariN Mall aalhnmmn| xx;ir. xmi xx ill «.-.- h.-allh. xx.-allh. |H.--«

education made praci trail) untvar- 1 flea It

trial ai MeKee In tin- Ctreuil Rmirl

Mr ih,- nfMaaa <>f tnawi "HomMumawlm were imluleil f..r iMurMairadaftam gMrgbka H h htaratt*true UaM y-m ami Ihe ilnclrinc nf

Ihe llr.ilhi'i hn.i.| „f Man w.-re mi1

1mi ggam than the piraaai wha hadbam indieted for dMnrhtgg tin- ;i--

rarmera' ClMatarNMM will kgIn hi durtlgj Se|ili-inh.-i ami Ocluheral Ihe fntloWlga lilac- W acn. Igpt-'• Hi ami Irajglga, Mmt.-•H. W, :«> i I. .her 1; WhiteHall. OMaker :.. c. ami a.

Thaaa rMimia' CkaiataagMM will

kaM aii .lax 11 thaja tag Mamhajaaaatoa from in in if, with RgM

-al III III'' XX nl III :X nil XX ll

aVmht ii. lln- al.-. .lull-

anee nf Udmeeo,lli 1 nk .a ii Ktfly

everytamt) took aaaff, Nnxx smilT

hi- iiiiii! n-alix diiappearad fn.mih.- .-ix ih/. -it nrnrM H will |g nwiih tafagean; hut bafora thai thanmany im-n ami Inn-,> fninl-

h.-. will ii.- weakened, emjrnmdaad cuim-.i in tin- ratal palaea.

IM il aM he me, I..-I ii iml beXI. II

•embl) ai NrKee for worahip11 bnm frnN in... Me tha ennaa if 1 JrmoaMratanm after lunch, nfier-

lerly. free sj -h ami fns- n exercises fmat In t. andjiniihi prngrnai M < n'ehark.

.-. noamal lm ih.- defenae. Tin- sumhiy meetlnga xxiii in- ga-see, never iiskeil ymi if > oil illilnl |,e|u-\e III a Xi.leil In I he dhMUMiOfl .if fgllglgaidiaaapear- 1 "Higher Law," than Ihiw K"verninii


lupic* with partienlar rafereana toin iin- hand, ami what waald he raer the maatrjt church, whttn the gajgl

x.-ai- ago I attltiKle inxx:uii the laa of the Mad da) aaagMm xxiii laetad gattfai -

if the) ware m mialtrl with Ihe I Mtaa nf the Igadn "f nrktattam,"Nhjher Law." That Irtat, gad iMI 1 lermtMa, Uttnga gMtkadg,I In-.- ,|ii.-timi-. Hint y.uir gggwaw * t ami seeil klliaihgj, live slnck.

v.-. 1 ii.. bettare la the HajharLawiiml -I hi aha) it ami suffer the

penally nl llu- Inwer law with. .11!

reaieting It," are geepl) eag raaagmi lln- labtetl ..f ineinnrx Whatabout the fruita I ipnke oft

dairyim. rural aduanl farmgnamjM 1. baan*makhnti rn-

uparattm markethafi fraM graw laf̂nanital ion, etc, There g ill in- |oadmimic, hihmI entertaInmeM, an I


illustrated lectures, amuaemanl ami

BACK TO BEREAgaaaaaal <<om eir-. ra»»

and tided down and aoM Ui Ihe Blue


We iiecam. acquainted xxith onenf 11 iii hunters ail the men emf*j

hunter* l,iah ftahbard, a Baptist

preachei whn krtted ma kogitrnd

deer In nm year.

\\ ire Man nm Ihai ail al in- ehtl

.in -u canae in arhaal M her mi.- lime

all watking from kaana three miles

aw ax. all hiirelnnleil. ami BMSg n'

1 ii.'iu mreheagad, brlnalMj Mr then-

•ii r, kultetmifk, ami road an>dodgers, good fuod,

tine ..f Iheaa, a 1 Ix draaaed an I

nicely mi red hat) la nice bug-i:x several years hater net ami m«rigtniied and greeted Mr-. Candeeal Herea mi a I ...mnii-in i-m.-iil m-ca-

-i.< 11. she had Mndied iii Baraa amiwas ImXX hack to efljo) a I ii'lllltieiic.'-

menl Irent. A n I sample. Waxxanl In In-ar fn.m the le«l nf (hat

intereattag family. Baa f the

boys aauel k* preachera LM us

hear from ynu.

w i-h 1 ha. 1 aaam t" t.-n «»r the

surface and undergr 1 creaks

ami Mkjhl) boiliigj spriaga ol .tack-

aon OMMty. lm cum In risk it

llei .- goaa

These ainkim underaroaad areeks

have :i mrrespooding surface 1 e* «


for nxeiflnxx water in hnxh xxai.-r

seasons Our little MeKee creek

-ink- iwn nr tkraa milaa behaa Me-K.-e. hill line- III.) cnllle In tile SI I


lace again it probaht) emptiea in

i.. Band Creek uaaMr ar near lie*

in. mlh >>f il- -111 lac- bed,

The Clover Bullet areek i- the

mi. -1 IatereMing. M 1- hut ii larga

-i/.-.i raviaat where u »mes thraafh1 lover Unit. .111. II -inks a mile «u

two heinxx. loraakim 11- aurface

tux x.iuuk man wbo|< I,h,,l > 1 N "'> ,"»tl '

- .ti> purpoae la live nrak-| w»lw BWm,d'J"


mi tohaeco akouhl go '" -"me tdkai

AIm.iiI I. mi x.-ars later nearly all 1 ni-l ruct mn f..r oW ami ymnif.ihai pegioa ami all nf Kastcrn Ken- n i- mgfeated that every familyluck) enlisted In ihe rederal army. Iuuik a limph), IikIH lunch tot the\..l entlret) :i« a result nf what family. There xx ill he mi iiuhlic

xmi ha.i been leaching. Iml these I dinners. Everything i- free to all.

and ahailar event a, naenrrhai M tha Annum the srreai «;i.-aker* andtime and n tendency of ekryataliiing far xparta xxlm will ha preaeatpuMie BentimaM MT, and aKiini-l are:

tin- Nai i. mal sin. Preaideul w. i; I'm-i. Jm w/ina..1. w. VanWinkle. Dr. Wl m Han Dexter, Dr. Dar-

UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE 1 "^ '" tnapp, Dr. Pred Mulchlei.

EXAMINATION linn. .1. W. Newman, Prof. Frank s.

Montgomery, Dr. Ina Kasiie. Prof.

T ii. Bryant, -ia-. Speed, Prmhtaal

H. il. Cherry, Preaadeai anary "A

Maker. Prof. T. -l. Coatea, Prof. C D.

Lewis, Prof. K. 0. Clark. Mrs.

eott, Mias Yancey, Mm Cora WlMoaStewart, Mr, I. B McFerran, Dr. K.

Y Mutlin, lint MeKee ami manyi.| tier-.

I'n -nl. -ni ProM \x ill deliver the

opening address oa Baaday, at

Wain, ami Bafea will he xxell rep-

reaantad m Ike program at all nf

tin- Chautauquas b) Prof. Frank s.

Montgianery, Prof, C l». Lewis andProf. F. (I. Clark.


ai Berea ami Richmond, Ky . for

Madtana County, fkdurdarr, ontafcar

n. m§.t he United States Civil SarvlM

Cimimimion announeea an open eon-pet ii ix .- exi uiii an t he date ami

at tin- places nasaed gkoro, ;i- a m*-nil ..r w hu h ii is expected i ake

cartiftmtMa ta HI raeama) m Ika

poaitam "r rural carrier al BJgb*mi. ml. Ky.. iiml Other xacancies as

the] may nccur mi rural mutes at

poel 1'iiice- ui tin- hova-aggmdCiitinly. unless it is found In he in

Il lere-t Of Die service |n till all\

vacant) h) relnMaiemewl. Iraaafor

nr promotion, Tha usual rntranee

-alary for rural carriers i- from IKiaggtOB, Sept. 15.—The Misses

*i-rfMi in m uni per annum. lora and Ethel Plaaery, Lydia Youag,

\i:.'. i« i.. SB, "ii iin- date nf thelKva Lsrwia, Verna Parka aad Kdd

examination. The maximum aas is I I<awaon lafl Monda) tor Btohaaaal

waived in eaaa of paranm hoaoraM) "lien- Ihay will he la school tor


diarharged fr Use United siaies

military m mval service.

An appticanl must hava in- actual

domicile ui the territory aupplied bypost nfane in Ihe Goapt) f"i whichin. axaminalim i- aaaouneedlTI (amination i- nam t" all

Bade rilixens of the United States

xx lm can rouiplj xxiiii iin- require-

iii. -ni

-nllle lime.

Mr. iiml Mr-. Will Wiakam werexi-iiini! relatlvea In Riehi i sun-



Mr. ladaoa Barrotd "f Bemb city,

ohm. mw ii Mughal "f Barm Cat-

hgje, mml from BMurday until

M lay will. Mr. .1. C PtramM andfamily.

Mr. ami Mrs. Kill Parka of H.-r.-a

school Bern i- ii"t tot InmI i-l xt-.u re than lard hundred

xnnnc men were mrreaafuB) xx.-an-

.-.i in.m tin- inhacc. hahiti Bat

thagj in. > re than I Ii nl \ .li--

miaaad becauaa tha) xxnul.l aM kim-

ii aa aad wouM got i.-ii tke truth

ai t it Dmibtloaa there warnathars wlm played Hie part M iiml went gam) witbowl being


II. >xx can xx.- .In bettor tin- year?

Advice to the Tempted

Ta ma win. are toaaptad ham ia

four mile- I may I IT mi

these distances Where il rise* a-

Kiiui mi" ii- surface had >- a great

boiling spriga, fen or ixx.-ix.- feet

in diameter, makim good aland

creak wttk water rooaak la run •

sawmill; showing thai Its under-

ground -eel mil gWM I*' led fl'ulll

inatsigioiaad kramhaa "i r lam.i x.-ry bMnmil tog thiag k »•

lie. I wUh llu- creek is a -ink

hole in iin- surface bed mile aaamih.- -|.i iaa i waul gaara thai sink

hate agjM "i urn toM t" Maahispaaigg nil" llu- under current

xx here you can dip clear old xxal- t

in. in ih.- rapidl) lowiag stream ba-

Iowa thai -ink hate

aariag current "i xx a-

m- l.-.-l a lilll*

go under Ih

Application Form leMt. and full are spctxi i nif a few weeks with tha

information concerning the require-

ments ni iin- examination, can be

secured from iin- lecratar) "f the

local examining board or the imsi-

Duwtei iii an) "I the places namedabove ar fraM Hie 1 B, Ch il Bar-

vice Commission, Waakinaton. D, '•


h ' ,kx a* KiukIH-Suujdira

• iidx n i- Pint, clean Ihe poiaag

oat "i xniu kadtea i.x fraayaaal hathai

egarciaa to Hi" potai .-r P«trat»iro- 1 aad hear ttoI mn. and a frail diel. mak

K I Make the strongest resol-( |

ution that you absolutely will live |.-.,n% pr) bsdh ami see l/hat springwithout tobacco day after dsy un-

,,,,, |„,|,. -1 1


^ •

til the very desire for it is dead Hni.' an- ix other Rowing I

Third. C "I xmir itoanjhta l»" laprugss from suakaa itriami ia

u"i i»- where inha.-c. i - u-.-.i "i i jmdu sHutty. Oaa Uttta x.m win in- re led »r it. „,„ i,,w..r,i aaatam OMMh mbbm-

whera, run- aadar i IhkIi htH an I


cninc- mil on Ihe nppiiaite -nlc a- il

Ni.ine ha- i ii raaatvad ..f Ika

dentk "f Mr. Lee Baym a bight)

reapanted fat mar .-f Pnaa) T"xxn-

ship, ai in- hsaaa a MMrt gtotaaea

It. >in Kay - Chap.-I. mi Thursday


July SMh. Mr. Bayea had auffared

f..i maa) years from Iuuk Iroukta,

gad hi- d.-aih xxa- imi unexpected,

The timet. il service xxa- conductedi.x id x ti s MeNeeiy, ..i Pakayroal Kax » Chai'i-I. Willi Ihe assistance

"i tin- Bardinakurg teakja id Hi"

r Pythias.

later*! parents at this place.

The Mi-s.-s Mahal and l.elia Flan-

ei x entered acl I at Barm, Tues-


Mi-- Laura Bandlin "f Middletowa,

0., i- -pen. I mi! a fan xx e.-ks xx il h her

cousin, Buda Powell.

Mr- II I Ha/elw I and little

son, Cart, win. have bam visiting

Mr. iiml Mrs. Wilt llucker. left fur

ker home in Franklin. I).. Friday.

Mi— Jennie Qooek apaal Friday

until M lax with In-r parents at

Cxle. Kx

Poison Bottloa.

I'm ciiuituuu plus in the enrks of si)

bottle* markeii patSMSB, NtickiiiK then

tutu the bottom a tisl ullovviiit; tb«

poluts la prolru.le hey.nut the curk*

After goMg this yuu will never pick ug

aucb s bottle even iu the dark.


Pourth, Fill > •hi nun.l w ith cuua-ler-allraclinii-. he Im-x with ynur

-Indie,, xmir luK'h anil I*, thet . , | ,


IA£ .|,nn«. I ha- im BUrfWfrieadakip ..t thaaa nrhn ar.- pur,-, i,,,.,,

tbrt>U(n ,|, ;| , gm, ,, t eourae. Ih.\n.l. iiiih. when you kava d


lwvrground ihauuel « t" h.


I hint:- i..r yourself, a-k < todthese

ii. .1.. ih.- i eM

To Those Who Act as TemptersI in ic aic tkoan ui Berea, and

p.-i hap- ui lln- very runiu. wlm acl

a- attorneys tot tha devil xxlm

tempi xiuini: nun I" hr.-ak their

high reaatul - iiml -ul i t" MMslaver) "t this BMam Bk ymi

i. -ah/.- what > .mi are gakaft BUMcan a lm- -« man afford I" makea pawn) aattiag kva cent- nrartk nf

hdaari ii to i hall grow keg I I

believe our men h int- whm ata

call ihcu gMaattoa to a, xxiii all nf

Hi. in make ih.- reaoluttoa tkal

mn-i ni ihsm hava alraad) gad ->>

\\. will BBM im |. .hai I" -lu-

ll. -nl- ni in linn. >i- \ii.l I believe

thai ih..-.' gam iiml gagg gfha m a

km. I <>l -pinl al inischn l pul tohag*

ci. in Ihe faces of those x\ Iin |Mtrying to abstain will reulise how

daviiiak Ikatr ararh i- ami ifsm 11

And we wlm look mi. -ale BUM

larae enough tor all water supply.

.ia. k-"ii Count) - full "i iatofeel

mj -ceil.-- gad prukakt) tnii of aa*

tierground wealth.

I oil. -II wonder ll. XX I I luixe the

lih.-rlx ..I lln- i. nal CM) "t Uaatj I

-hail in- promBted to eoam hack and

xi-il Ihe xxn Intel lul MeBM ia 'ha'

part "' in- Trait—*J «.n> f Whyimi < ii i ham iin- -a Maim in

x i-il them Ihm lhal I imw hax.-'

v\ hai auussMaa nr prtouagjt gafaN

Ih..-.- w h. . MVa I' I know I htmBaal I kimxx it.- kevaa me kaaauMit.- luvaa ih,- arkuta grorld ul iiamm



Ml Ycr i. Kx

I am BMggggtod hi anln ipalnm "I

wlial ynu -hall wrile i nm el IHIOt

your eypei lelice in Jat'ksoU CoUUt)

III lln- County when- I wa- bafg

and i.n-e.1 is grggga >our lile ami

mine lunched, hi icily .1 i- H ue hai





ETTINO in touch with tke •hooting fraternity ell i

i • vary cur

10 want • HonahNvyenouahioi,

Cs country, aa we do, wa nntl a very considerable D

action rapaatar in a StfA - **>i«i I

any lypa di game that la found on thi* oonnneni.

Tha anawor to this demand ia tha new R«min||tun UMC ttmh Powar

SUda Action Repeating Kifie. Dunne the iew niontha these rulaa heeei

bean on the market, several hundred of than) hava been nut into sea.

Tha testimony of tha owner* le that iKay are emphatically • success.

I,.,,,,,, AraBs-Ualaa afassllls Caranass ' • • ** araaasvar. Nasi Teak

Parc Six. THE cmxi N.



RangerThe Great Conservation



Copyright, loin by Hamlin Garland

SYNOPSIS.nia Wetherford. who ha* been

t* an eastern arhool for years rtturnito Roaring Pork Her mothfr. a roaraa.aaascullne woman, Is running a ahabbyBoarding home. where whisky la sold

BciaaHiCavanagh. forest ran-


Wetherford. Ln i mother, become*#e eiarta in to Improve the charar-

of the boarding house. Cavanagh andcompliment her

Ores* a ranchman, threaten* cavanagh.Lea I* disgusted with her surroundings.Lira ceases her whisky selling, lira.

Redflrld Invite* to visit Klk Ixidgw.

Redlleld tells LaN nbout Cavanagh a In-teresting career and explain* th* workand trouMea of t, •

Te*"T* aeTlcliteil wltli Tli* cuTluf* *hownat Elk Ledge Cavanagh rides sixty mile*to *pend the evening with her.

Cavanagh* lova for l ee crow* Mr*Redfhid likes but dislike* her mothar and thlnka Cavanagh a lova affair I*


The doctor order* Uxe to erase workand dirt herself She rebel*. Cavanagharrest* Qfegsfl son and a stranger namedEdwards as tstarhrra.

Roaring Fork row die* attempt to rescuethe prisoners, but Liza and Laa armthemselves and help Cavanagh.They or Ive away the rougli*. and Cav-

arapti oellver* Ms prisoner* to JudgeHlKley for trlnl.

Edwarils whose fine ha* been paid.

Join* Cavanagh at his cabin. Ha tell*

Cavanagh he Is Ed Wetherford. Lavesfather thinks he la deadTT.P.-r.r.l .u.T! raiaiiagTTTTnd a sheep

herder with smallpox. Wetherford be-nurse Cavanagh find* two iheepmurderjd. _


himself and told his

Tin at Kettle RanchpostomVe. Now listen. Tbe limit of

the cattleman's ferocity tias beenreacbed. A« I rode down here to get

Into communication with a doctor for

• alck herder I came upon the scene

of another murder mid burning. Tbefire Is still smoldering. At least twobodies are in Ihe embers."

At last, tilt by bit. from hurried

speech, the supervisor derived the

fact, the location, the hour, and dl

reeled the herder to ride back andguard the remains till the sheriff ar-


"Keep It all quiet." warned Ross,

"and tret the sheriff and a doctor to

come up here as quick as you can.

What is this country coming toT' becried in despair "Will this deed gounpunished like tbe restrRedtlelds voice had lost Its optimis-

tic ring "I don't know; I am stun-

Bed by It all. Don't do anything rash.

Ross. Walt till I come. Perhaps this

Is tbe turning P"int out here. I'll beup at the earliest moment."Tbe lmliiltered and disheartened

ranger then called up Virginia,

and tbe sound of her sweet voice turn-

ed his thoughts to other and in aaense more Important matters, for

when she heard his name she cried

cut with such eager longing and ap-

peal that his heart leaped. "Oh. I wishyou were here! Mother has been worse

She Is asking for you. Can't• down and see us? She wants

to tell you something.""I can t-1 can t:" he stammered "I

—I-I'tu a long way off, and I haveImportant work to do. Tell her I will

come tomorrow Dear girl, there Is

• sick man far up on the mountainaide with M one to care for blm but a

poor old herder who Is In danger of

falling sick himself. I must go barkto tbem; hut, believe me, I will comejust as soon as my duties will let me.Tou understand me, don't you?"Her voice was fainter as she said.

"Tea, but I -It seems hard to wait."

"I know Vour voire has helped meI was In a black mood when I camehere. I'm going back now to do mywork, and then 1 will come to you.

Strangely beautiful and very subtle,was the vibrant stir of that wire as It

conveyed back to his ear the little sighwith which she made answer to bis

plea. He took hia nay upward in awhich was meditative, but no


Til decision which Cavanaghmade between love and dutydistinguished the officer fromthe man. the soldier from tbe

civilian. He did not hesitate to act,

and yet he suffered a inentul conflict

as he rode back toward the scene ofthat inhuman Ml ritice uu the altar ofgreed

"It will be hours before any part ofthe sheriff s po--e iati reai h the falls,

even thoiiKh they take to the swiftest

motors. .1 in l then other long hoursmust Intervene la-fine I can rule downto her. Yes. at least a day and a nightmust drag their slow course before I

can Lop.- to be of sen ice to her " Andthe th- light iliew a groan of anxietyfrom til in At mi li on. ii. ci. i» of mentaltress the trull Is a torture and the

mountain side an Inexorable barrier.

Halfway to the bills be was Inter

by an old man who was at

on au Irrigating ditch beside the

road. He seemed very nervous andvery Inquisitive, and as be questioned

a dog that fear* his master's„,, n ,|ere,l shout this afterward,

hut at the moment his mini! was busywith the significance of this patient

toiler w ith a spade He w as a prophetle figure In the must picturesque andsterile land of the atocknmn. Here,

within twenty miles of this peaceful

fruit grower." he said, "Is the crownIng Infamy of the freebootlng cowlioy."

He wondered as be nsle on whetherthe papers of the state would make a

Jest of this deed Will this be niiule

the theme for caustic comment In the

eastern press for a day and then be


As his hot blood cooled he Inst faith

to eveu this sacrifice. Could anythingchange the leopard west Into tbe lame-

ness and serenity of the 01? "No." he

<le« hied, "nothing but death will dothat. This generation these tierce andbloody hearts, must die. Only In that

way can the tradition of violence he

overcome and a new state reared "

At the foot of the toilsome, upwardwinding trail he dismounted and led

his weary horse Over his head andabout halfway to the first hilltop lay

a roof of fleecy vapor, faint purple

In color and seamless lu teiture

Through this he must pass, and it aymbollzcil to him the line of demarcationbetween the plain and the mountain,between order and violence.

Slowly he led his horse along tbe

mountain side, grasping with eager de

sire at every changing nspei t of the

marvelous mountain scene. It was In

finitely more gorgeous, more com pel

ling, than his moonlight experience the

night before.

As he led his horse out upon a pro

Jectlng is.lnt of rocky ledge to rest bis

lore for the range came back uponhim with sn l> power that tears misted

his eyes and his throat ached. "W here

else will I find such scenes nt this?"

he asked himself "Where in all the

lowlands could such splendors shine?

How can I leave this high world In

which these wonders come and go? I

will not: Here will I bring my Pride

and build my home. This Is myworld."

Rut the mist grew gray, the atiwsile

of fire faded, the sun went down be

hind the hills, and the chill of eveningdeepetieil oil the trail, and as he re

approached the scene of man s lnhumanity to man tbe thought of camping

there beside those charred limbs call-

ed for heroic resolution He was bungry. too, and as the air pinched be


"At the best the sheriff cannot reach

here before midnight." he said, andsettled down to bis unsought, revolting


His one relief lay In the mental com-position of a long letter to Lee Vir-

ginia, whose life at that moment wasa comfort to him. if such purity,

such sweetness, can come from vk.

lence and vulgarity then surely a newand splendid state can rise even out

of tbe ashes of these murdered menPerhaps this Is tbe end of the gfId,"be niused. "perhaps this Is the iWgln

ntng of the new." and as he ponderedthe last faint crimson died out of the

west. "So must the bate and violence

die out of America." he said, "leaving

tbe clear, sweet air of liberty behind "

He was near to the poet at the moment. for he was also tbe lover. Ills

allegiance to the great republic stood

tbe test. Ills faith in democracy wasshaken, but not destroyed. "I will

wait," he decided "This shall be the

sign. If this deed goes

then will I put off my badge and myuniform and go bark to tbe land wherefor a hundred years at least suchdeeds as these have been Impossible."

He built a tire as night fell to serve

both as a lieacon and as a defenseagainst the cold. He felt himself

weirdly remote In this vigil. Frombis far height he looked abroad uponthe tumbled plain as If upon au oceandimly perceptible, yet august. "At this

moment." he said, "curious and per-

haps guilty eyes lire wondering wbatmy spark of firelight may mean."His mind went again and again to

that tall old man In tbe dllcb. Whatwas the meaning of his scared andsorrowful glance? Why should oneso peacefully employed at such a timeand In such a place wear tbe look of

a hunted deer' What meant tbe tre

mor in his voice?

Was It possible that one so gentle

should have taken part lu this deed?"Preposterous suspicion, and yet hehad a guilty look."

At last, far In !he night, be heardtbe snort of a borse and tbe souud of

voices The law (such as It was) wascreeping up the mountain side In the

person of the sheriff of Cbauveuetcounty and was about to relieve the

ranger from his painful responsibility

as guardian of the deadAt last he came, this officer of the

law, attended dike a Cheyenne chief)

by a dozeu lesser warriors of various

coudltlous nnd kinds, but among them—Indeed, second only to the sheriff

was Hugh Itedllcld. the forest super-

visor, hot and eager with baste.

As they ro<lc up to the fire tbe officer

MMi "nowdy, ranger? Howabout It?"

Ross stated briefly, succinctly, whathe had discovered, and as be talked

other riders came up tbe bill and gain

end clos. lv uround to listen in wordless silence—In guilty silence, tbe

ranger could not help hcllevtng.

Redlleld -poke Sheriff Van Home,you and I have la-en running cuttle in

this country for nearly thirty years,

a hd we've witnessed all kinds of shoot

Ing and several kinds of hanging, but

when It comes lo chopping and burnlog men I get off. I shall persouully

offer a reward of $1.<««) for the upprehension of these miscreants, aud I

hope you'll make It your solemn duty

to bunt tbetu to earth."

"You won t have far to go," remarked Ross slgultlcaotly.

"What do you mean?" asked the


1 mean this slaughter, like the otb-thnt have taken place, was the

of cattlemen who claim this

Athat the ranger was convinced of thefact that in tbe circle of bla listenersstood those who. If they had notshared In the slaughter, at least knew


the names of the guilty menAt last the sheriff spoke, this time

with a sigh "I hope you're all wrongCavanagh I'd bate to think any con-stituent of mine had sanctioned this

I Job. Hive me that lantern. Curtis "

The group of ranchers dismountedand followed tile sheriff over to the

grewsome *|*>I. but Itedtleld stayedwith the ranger

"Have you any suspicion. Ross?""No. hardly a suspl. |saj However,

you know as well as 1 that this wasnot a sudden outbreak. This deed wasplanned It represents Ihe feeling of

many cattlemen In everything but the

eitra horror of Its execution Thaiwas the work of drunken. Infnrtnfisl

men. Rut I am more deeply concerned over Miss Wetherford s digressDid she reach you by telephone to



"No What's the trouble?""Her mother Is down again. I tele

phoned her. nnd she asked me to cometo In r but I cannot go. for I have a

case of small|H>x up on the hill. A ra-

tiro the Has, pie herder. Is down withIt. and another herder Is up there alone


with him I must go Pack to themRut meanwhile I wish you would go to

the Pork nnd see what jou can do for


Ills voj.e. BIM with emotion, touch-

ed Rodfleld. ami he said. "C'au't I go to

the relief of the herder'"

"No; you mn«t not think of It. Tonare a man rill a family Hut If youcan find any "tie who has had the

emallpox semi him up The old herder

who is nursing the patient is not strong

and Rat) drop at any moment ThenIt's up to me "

The men came back to the campflreconversing In low tones, some of themcursing In tones of awe. One or twoof thrtli were small farmers from Poor

Creek, recent comers to the state, or

men with bunches of milk cows, andto then this deed was awesomeThe sheriff followed, saying: "Well

there's nothing to do but wait Ull

morning. Tbe rest of you men better

go home. Yuu caii't tie of any use


For more than three hours the sher-

iff and Itedtlol.l sat with the ranger,

waiting for day light, and during this

time the MM f every man In the re-

gion was brought up and discussed.

Among ..Hies. Ross mentioned fhc old

man in the ditch

"He wouldn't hurt a bumblebee." de-

clared the sheriff "He's got a bunch

of cattle, but he's the mildest old manID the st it. lie s the last rancher In

the country to even stand for such

work What made ynu mention him?"

"I passed him as I was riding back."

replied c avanagh. "and he had a scared

look in his eye* "

The sheriff grunted "Ton Imagined

all that. The old chap always has a

kind of meek look"

It was nearly noon of a glorious day

as Cavanagh. very tired nnd very hun-

gry, rode up to the sheep herder's tent

Wetherford was sitting In fhe sun

calmly smoking his pipe, the sheep

were feeding not fur away, attended

by the dog. and uu air of peuce covered

his sunlit rocky world.

"How is the Itasque':" asked the

rangerWetherford pointed upward. "All


"Then It wasn't smallpox?""1 reckon Units what it was; it

sure was tierce. I judge It's a case

of Injun burial -no ceremony— right

here In the r». ka, 1*11 let you dig the

hole liui Just about ull lni. hut mindyou keep to I lie windward ull the time

I don't w ant ) M spotted

Cavaniigh understood the necessity

for these pro. am ions, hut lirst of all

came his own mmI of food and rest.

Turning his horse to grass, he himself along a grassy, suu-

ny cranny between the rocks ,iml there

ate and afterward slept, whi.e all alsiut

him the lumbs called and the conies


He was awakened by n pebble tossed

Upon him. and when he arose, stiff andfire, but feeling stronger aud In bet

ter temper, the sun was wearing low

Setting to work at his task, he threwthe loose link out of a hollow lu the

ledge near hy. and to this rude sepul-

ch.r Wetherford drugged the deadman. refusing all aid. and there piled

• cairn of r». ks above his grave.

The rangei took a hand at the endand rolled some huge how Iders upoutbe grave to insure the wolves' defeat

"Now burn Ihe ln-diling." he cammanded "ihe whole camp has got to

go. and your clothing, loo. after weget down the hill."

"What will we do with the sheep?""Drive ihem over the divide and

leave themAll these things Wetherford did. and.

leaving the c.unp in ashes behind him.

Cavanagh the sheep hefore himon bis homeward way. As night fell

the dog. at his i i.iiiinaud. rounded themUp and put I In in io hed. ami the menwent on down the valley, leaving

tbe brave brute on guard, pathetic tig

ure of faithful guardianship"It hurt* me to ihsert vou. old fel

low." called Ihe ranger, looking back,

"but thorcs u<> help f..r it. I'll comeup In tbe


It was long after dark when they

entered the . gsjygaj Just above thecal)

In. and Wetherford was shivering

from cold and weakness"Now. you pull up Just outside the

gste and wait there till I brlDg out

aome blankets Then you've got to

•trip to tbe akin and start Ihe world


all ovta


all over again." said Cavanagh "I'll

build n hTc here, aud we'll cremateyour

iist How abvut It?"

"I'm willing." responded Wether-ford "You cau burn everything thatbelongs to me but my wife aud tny

girl »

All through Ihe ceremony which foblow.

I ran this self banter "I'll be• II runger. burring a commission." heaid. witli a grin as he put on theolive yellow shirt and a pair of dustygreen trousers "And here goes mypast"' he a, hi, si as he toss, ,| ins con-

taminated rags upon the fire

"What a corking opisirtiimty to make• fr. si, stnrt. ' comm. nt.-d Cavanagh."I hope you see It


' I R. but It a hard to live up toyour mark "

When every precaution had beentaken the ranger led the freshly scrub-

bed, courod and transform. . I fug tlvo

to bis cabin

"Why man you re tit for the state

legislature' he > \. Iaiu..-d as they

came into the full light 'My finis)—

don't precisely meet every demand fi n

make upon them, but they give youn air of command I wish your wife

rould see you now " Then, seeing thatWetherford wus really In earliest |... "You can stay with tue as long

la you wish. Perhaps In time youmight be able to work Into the serrlce

By AUGUSTUS O SHtRMAN.Hy the bank* of a Hylvan stream

vacantly Into the far distancestood Hapgood Horsey Hi

called him Hap for short, snded those friends sorely Just now for

all that Hapgood Horsey wore on the

present occsalon van an umhrells"I'm done for. he stated lugubrl

ously. using the umbrella as a shieldW hat In the world am I to do?"It was a serious question Hapgood

Horsey, a young bachelor on hi* annual vacation outing two miles fromhis country hotel, night coming onno habitation In sight, had come outof tbe water after a vigorous swimto find his clothes missing

It was that tramp I saw lurkingaround Id tbe distance Hap now toldhltn.elf | don't care for the clothe*

it was an old suit and nothing of

value In the pockets, but how am 1

going to get to shelter?"

Hapgood Horsey did not rage or•wear He was a sensible, repufsblevoung msn rather shy and reservedespecially with the ladle*, but manager of a large manufacturing e»tablishment and on the way to furtherbusiness promotion

it s a mean Hick was the hardestMm, it he could find to say I can t

go hack Into the water and stay all

night. I can t walk into town In this

plight ra up a tree. or. rather. 1

wish I was!"It was some time before Hupgooil

DWM) could make up his mind ahstto do He had a dim Idea that In his

stroll from town to the prevent spot

he had passed a farmhouse He final

ly started In the direction of the hotel dodging past ike open spots betw. oh tree* and bushes and the urnhrella In constant playNever was a man more thankful

than he that It wa* growing dusksomewhere, he Vaguely reniellih' i.-.|

he had read a poem on The HyingDay " He wished this one would *tu>

dead with no afterglow Ala*, therewa* a line or two about 'the aable

garment* of the night Hap wishedthev might become tangible.

What luck'' What luck'" hechirped as he struck a barb wirefence and mad. out a hum and a house

bro «L


•• a guard,

ting more audalthough the «hlef la get

There wero tears in Wetherford*as be said "You cauuot reallxa

what this clean, warm uniform meansto me. For nine years I wore the

prison It Is teu jeurs since I

was dressed like a man '

"You nosl not worry about food or

shelter for tbe pr.-scnt." replied Cava-

nagh gently "(iruli Is not costly lu re,

•nd house reut is less than nominal,

•o make yourself at home and get

strong "

Wetherford lifted his head Hut 1

want to do something I want to re-

deem myself lu some way I don t

want my girl to know who I am. but

I'd like to w In her respect I can't be

wbat you say she thinks I wus. but

If 1 bad a chance I might show my•elf a man again I wouldn't mind

I. lie knowing that I am alive. It

might be n comfort to her Rut I

don't want even her to be told Ull I

can go to lo r in my own duds."• She s

iret i) k said I avanagl

"I telephoned I..-,. Vlrglula lust night,

and If you wish you may rule downWith me tomorrow ami see her."

ii Id man fell a-tremble. "I

daren't do that. 1 cant bear to tell

her w hero I've been."

"Hhe n.ssln't know 1 whi tell her

you've lieen out > f y our mind. I'll aay

auytlilng you wish. You can go to her

In tbe i loth, s you have on If you like.

8he will m i recognize you as the pris-

oner I held the other night. You can

have your heard trimmis!. and not

eveu the Justice will know you"All reserve had vanished out of the

conv a t s heart, aud with choking

voice he thankisl his young host. "I'll

never be a burd.u to you." ha de-

clared in firmer voice "And If mylung holds out I II show you I'm not

tbe total loco that 1 'pear to be."

( II APTKIt XVI. Mil IOW8 HIS i llll I.

M T breakfast next morning cava-

/\ mi gh said "| must ride back

/ % and take some bread to th*A aV jog | , au t go away andleave him there without saying hello."

"lA-t me do that." suggested Wether-

ford "I'm afraid to go down to the

Fork. I re. k<>u I'd better go back andtend 'lie sheep till Oregg to

one up to take my place."

"That might be too lute to

I.e. s voice showed great anxiety. She

may be ou her deathbed. No; you'd

better go down with me today." h«

urged And at last tbe old man con-


Pulling some breud in bis pockets.

Ross nsle off up tbe trail to See in.w

tbe dog and his ll.s k were faring Habad not gone far when he beard the

tinkle of Ihe bells aud the murmur of

tbe laml.* and a f. .munchls later

th. a-Iamc toward III 111 with the

air of a boy who. having assumed to

disregard t id.-rs of his muster, npeels u s. ..I. ling lie plululy said:

"I've brought my ijMgf to y..u hecuuse

I was lonesome Please forgiw in.1

Cavanagh culled to him . h.erily and

bim | pie. e of bread, whi. I. he

caught in I. is te.lh. but did uot swsl

low. On th. ilra.y. be held it while

leaping for J-y at Ike prais, he

In.bis new found master

/to as cosrisurn l

"I m u thankful man ha said I*

outly. and started down a traversedcountry road carry ing the spot of his

ruthless pillage well in his mind"This outfit looks as If It bwlongesl

to some old farm dame." hn rumin-ated. "All right She shall havo thaflne*t *llk gown and Sunday bonnetIn town tomorrow for this timely ac

niodallon Hello!"

Hap dodged behind u tree The.

hud come up and Just then with

a vivid scream a young girl turneda curve In the highway In

suit was a brows)vldual. whom Hup at

as his despoller at th

Hive up that watob' he was I

ing I'm going lu have It


The terrified girl must haveout Hap She ran frantically i

blmt>h. lady, save me!" she

clinging frantically lo HapHuh' an old woman'" roared the

tfamp I II demolish both of you if

you don t give up that watch'"

"Law go. please, pleaded Hap in anembarrassed way. and at his masculine tones his charge uttered • new«hrlek

A man'" she quavered.

i n, klly for you. and something of

an alhlele, vaunted Hap. ratherproudly biff'

DUWU went Mr Tramp, scientifically

bowled out and gasping for

pro»trute on last groundHun for some help.' Hap direct-

ed the bewildered ml**, and we ll putthis bold highwayman where he be-

longs "

He stood valiant guard over tin. lis

comfltcd thief with club uutll *h»young lady, running back to a n.oghbor s, returned with two men armedwith pitchforks In the meantime Haplearned from the thief where biscloth. * had been hiddenWhy. aay. Ml** Hose." exclal d

one of the men iimntlng to her res-

cuer. ' this one can t be right, either—a man dreased up lu U woman a

dreas"Yea.' fluttered Miss II llarton.

"and It looks like mamma a dr-s*.


1 will explain, observed Hap. andhe did

And then, clothed In his right mindand In his o»n attire. Hapgood pir-

acy felt It a duty to pay a visit to tboliurtou homestead the next day

I v come to return what 1 borrow. d, h, reported, handing a neat pa. k

Kg,- to Ho*- * mother after an IntroducHon from hi* blushing hostess Youwill find a silk pattern, also. Mrs Mar-

ton a slight acknowl. dgm, nt >f yourkindness In unconsciously aasistiugmy .scape

Young man. you did bravely last

evening.' ob*erved the prsr'lcal

housewife and I want to thank you '

only one thing could come of ubright, aensihle young man like Hapme ting a lovely, affectionate countrymaid like Ito.e

It was au engagement, and the silk

pattern came in flii. lv for •i

Mrs Hart. ,n at the wedding<C,.|i> right. Mr. by \\ Q < h*

beyond It The ph.... ha* u tenant -

Hap waa asaured of this as ho noticed

a great washing out ou the lino In

the yardIt required skill, bravery, and the

stoicism and endurance of a NorthAmerican Indian to get over that

barbed wire fen,,- hut at length Hapnegotiated the adventure successfully

He started a leap with an tiu. h' ' andhe ended tt with a tle. w hllllken*



but he waa now on its field std« andmade tracks for the shelter of the

barnSlipping through tbe open doorway,

barricading himself behind a heap of

hay. Hup proceeded to carry out his

plan to secure attention and succor

"Oo-hoo' ol.eo' all the halls

Hap had ever heard he now proceeded

to deliver, first In a feeble venture

some, voice, and then more audibly,

and with some Irritation

"Theres nobody at home In that

houae. lhat s sure." he decided at

laat "111 Investigate Maybe I can

hud some door or wludow opeu Just

let me get some clothes I don't mindwhose they are. 1 doul caro whatthey are Jumpers, overalls, tennis or

bathing suit. I ll grab them quick This

I* a horrible predicament, aud I ama desperate man'Hap and his umbrella made the tour

of the vicinity. No one was in tlm

house, us he had surmised nor wasthere any avenue of Inlet easy of ac-


Ml do It, 1 ve got to do If ' de-

cided Hap grimly, as he stood looking

over tbe line of family washing hunging up to dry 'There a a w hite one

no. that would be i,s, prominent Tb»blue oue Is bigger und becomes mel.elt. r Yes. the problem Is solved,

and I am saved Ha' ha'"

Hap became tragically Jolly and Ihe

oddity of the occasion helped lo uiuk..

him so He almost chuckled with re

lief as he took a blue dress and u sun-

bounet from the line and he smll. d as

he thought of bow he would recite his

unique adventure ul bis club In the


Then Hap repaired to the barn

When be came out he carried the

umbrella cloaed i be dress was roomyund loug. tbe sun bonnet wus comfort

Hens That Eaercise.

According to Samu. I I M , f

St Paul. Minn . the egg yield of a hencan positively be Increased If meansare tuk.ti to give her plenty of exer-

cise A dispatch the other day related

that Muhun hud established a sort of

treadmill in connection with hla

chicken coop says Ihe New York Sun.and comp. l|ed hla hens to walk th..

rungs constantly for teu or flf n

minutes at u time, so that exerciso spproxlmatlng two hour* dally waa ta-

ken A :iu i*t cent Increase in eggInn. - was r. iMirt.-d within a period of

hint. days.

When news of the achievementreached some of the college anajylsts

th. y begun to figure ou the likelihood

of change in the component parts of

the egg What the result will he as

sumiug tin, hen ex. rcl*.. story ' <• betrue. 1,-aves all kinds of room for

illation It is a will known fact 'hut

cuttle worked hard make toughereutlt.g wluti killed Hulldlng up of

tnusi le gives greater strength, but l|



IM1 the peasants of Vorder-thiers.e a remote village In Tyrol,

have hud a passion plsy of their ownIts text dales, however from the middie of the Hixt.enth century The lust

performance was given In IfeMl thonext one will take place In 191S In

preparation for thla coming produc-

tion, th,*.. peasant players reachedthe conclusion early this year that

they needed new scenery, a new stag*,

and also a new road that would bringvisitors In greater numbers to their

mountain festival To raise the

amount required they guv*, during the

months of luly and August a series of

performances of the drama, Judtt

Hen Ilur, drawn from ti.neral lewWallace s famous novel UJ one of their

in. -ml., rs, u peasant who appears to

have ptoducd anlory drumuii/atlon

Sulgrav*Sulgri... .

ancestral home of

fUllllly the I'. Ul e I . Iltenurv I olllllllt

bM llcblte lo purchase US a pla I

pilgrimage, bus unsocial ions not „n

liMt) ,.f a pcucerul character K ,rtli><

smiling Vol t humplonshii e village <o

ward the end of the eighteenth cen-

tury was the heudquurters of it gangof highwaymen, known as tho t'ul-

wortli guug * linf of the band wasthe parish clerk of Sulgrave. who al-

ways went to church fully ai mod. iest

Justice should catch him unaware Tb»booty was stored in the church, sothat the bold, bad clerk might be at

hand to protect It Hut treachery

stepped lu and four of tbe gang *. re

hanged lu 1 7*7 ut Northampton Lg>n-

September iS, i o i ; THE CITIZEN Page Seven

NEWS forlfc



R.aily Ideal Foundation Can Be Mad*by Ull of Concrete

Much Hard


Matarlala Naadad Ari Piece of

MM and Sevii

of BtrofiQ 8*>r>

vii. Blanket and Sivinty Flv*

i<- MIK.N I ltlX|..lll>iMoat MMMMM MMMM are an) thing

lilt MMMMMtMPJ l.i the pernio whodelight m UM PMM that a.lttittf

.f skillful play W here MM MMMM*It rouirt. aa tu eurfa. e. Indefinite aa Mboundary, and with MMMM that lip

tn all MPPttMM there la MMM . hancefur nm- playtnn

Hut on a grouii.l *nli perfect l> lev. I

surface boundary eo clearly <!• n n • <


MM there can be no MMMM for dla-

put* lo bringing in UM ball and»r< lira that ant ... firmly that tin )

cannot be dUplare.t l.y the Impact of

a ball and ran M depend' d on aa to

•h. atliount of re. (stance the) a III

git* to a ball dm. ii aitaliiat HumllM Rami* tak. s M a IN fam ilial ion

aj I |.«< 8MPM MM of r-klll

\^e..II> Ideal iroijui't ground ran^ I' l>) llM ii""' of I II

MMr,. . . «i.iia aMMaralla hardaork but thn hoy. who like to play

ro.iu.i *IH not let that prevent Ihrmfrom providing th. ina. lv. a with a

MM ground IT ib.y art about it In


rii<- MM thing to do li to MMNUM .oil to thr depth of atHtut eight

Inch.i Htakr out thr (round ami x >

..' It aa though you no-ant bualnraa

A li- . 1 a«a> thr aull aa fast aa It la

I i* up When ihr m at atlon la run-• n

A piece of ranva* unbleached mullln. a blanket, or any other piece of

•Mil and 7i MM of air. MJ «iali MMlafr all thr material, nrrraaary No-wing i» r.-iulr.d and Ihr outfit ran

IN erected in a few minulee It la

lirht and ran h* MlM anywherewrite, V W Killlrk of U* Angelea

fal . In Popular Mechanic.MMM two treea. or two polea an<1

tlr thr rnd of the nipr to oni of

ihrn run thr ropr around tbr

other Mir.-.- tltnae. dra» It taul andrun Ihr rnd bark to lb.- first aupport

and MMN It Thua two parallel cord,

at Ml| .Laired bright « til br

I-.I » m R I M IWO support.

* Column For The Children

Said I'.-l-l Hug to IVt-r l*e\\ 1 1 % .lo vou -tug so r»aaeh'S«ly *

In afteM ill-- mill I go my way,BMJ PM hum-hum (ho I i\>-|ong

.lay :

DMM Im.-i Hug. MM hkVtf H""I lo- t. MMl'l M't y plain lo

I,llir''l.i7r.l.'... of ,,, and 1 -'•'•li -»«'l" and >-.... for


so |m mo h*pplf*r iilim ii.ikt.


THE MOUSE COUSINSllo- pft'MuuM IHfm m a MMtPi

1 1 !•• gar den fihhim Ii \ in a how -

lh.- liMJM nm nolo, -f :i lullaby fall

Int.. MMMN in MmM ami still

K.«r Hi.- iHikiT. ItMMl ami MiRifM -w mmTi rail

Ami MM l»se-|eaf MMM IM< - 1 1 1 1 u ( t • • nm I —••II

I. |r r|o«.


Only for ih»IImm Hi- .lirafii »nn|.>

• lux «

Ami UM rMJntatfMM, MMJp) MjMfl ik- fMM,

I all i« Hi.- hour when taYMJ

i BMH *

\tiii D»von in tertbiwr'i

\i,Si rrad out thr r^loth on thr ground

MMN MM I... ropr. M that thr Mf*N KIW" 'xl: " 1 ! "" M :




,"of thr material to form thn innor part t»rllf«»n -loi nut llo- M.-M.-.m Waiof thr bammork u upp.-rnioat idf arlilrli rnmirHli in Itial Ihera afp

PM) UMl of thn fmMla and plarn th>-

.•.)«.- ov. r one of th<- rorda far rnoughto ovrrlap about onr'hlr.l thr entire

Vngth of IM nmt. rlal Lattl thr nppo

Ma MM and turn it» edge over In a

ie'« friPMH) «itli Hi.' froir* bMIMMM,

Ami « HM pi.-llv |il;uita ill!


•I.I MIMMff "f III.- GourtPf Tn* aHj MMMt* M*MM] ami

eMMPCiTh.' BBTaVl li NJM what

• all.

will n

SIX DOORSFOR ASPIRING YOUNG PEOPLE1st Door—Berea's Vocational Schools

Training- that adds to your money -earninir power, comhined withireneral education.

K)K Y'U N<; MKN Airri.ulture. Carpentry. Printing-,


FOR YOUNG I.ADIES-Home Science. Dressmaking-.Nursinir, Stenoirraphy and typewriting.

2nd Door—Berea's Foundation SchoolGeneral Education for those not far advanced, combined with somavocational training. No matt' r what your present advancement, wecan put you with others like your elf and give chance for moitrapid progress

MMM,I r Intl.

gni.lg.- MM seed* and

timid furry manr.hriatiana il'.««nu.

A QuicklyOnly Arfdei Neccaaary Being T*oSt.cKI and a Shiet. or Blanket

ike MMMf and b<iih edgna »lll over

Mf m the renter, aa ibown in the

laotefc, olni'li alio IMMMMM the »a>to mukr up a atrrtcher qulrkly Tbaw.-ight of tbr body on thr edgaa

MHMM MMMl enough tu prevrnt the

.loth from clipping

TWO Ktlika of miHil are placed be

gnrld | pin in all MtioM ami all

ppjfti "I 'it.- amrtd

RMMJ M i». l 7

1 1 • 1 1 1 ae > and ."Id. I trtpl I" "ii.



l "I III*' f"ii I" pll Hi UM MM*• Inn.-, and .it tbjt •nil.- IMM to -li'l-

|Pt Mjrpfll from lln- boMM 1 1 a . at w.-ir

Ittnig Oin k around in*' I looked

Ot, ami. MM of |MM hun-

di.-.i ». lid- tnm Mm fori. I mm ;i

Mralchae. th* M- \ in fnmale rBIT)rin| »at< i aiid

fiHie] la the MriHlMVd MMl of both

,, I mt hft ii." I.. -..I of wry high, and tfctrt

mi.- | i i.-ilow. gi\e him watpr. T" I id. ii lake a handkprrhir'f from


OMM MMl a IMM a MM lay un-

MM i I' lliu '' ami i ri.-d. i»h. d.-ar'

artMMMf anruM I Ml if Ho- MOfMiboilM PtMM I" an end."

V-«. tin- palm tfM fevtaf JTOWaYi

F or those who are not expertinir to teach and who are not thruCollege, hut desire more general education. This is just the thing-

for those preparing for medical studies or other professions with-out a college course. It also gives the best general education forthose who wish a good start in study and expect to carry it on bythemselves.


• In

-ad and MMending om ><

WaM h.i'k (or

»li»- u as

„ your ...ncrrtr for the bottom ,""»''"' " ,h "

of th.- cloth to hold thnn apart aa in

Thla ahould be mad*' of cr gravrl and i . no til In th

tlon of all parta sand lo onr part

MMMM Mil thr two »hllr dr>. amtarn add nat.-r rnough to BMM I

A the aMMMMMI of aoft mudOnly a aiuall MMMM| ahould ba

MHMJ at a time, aa thn aalatPMaria M hardena »rr> raiddly Apply

lo the depth ot an Indira, pounding

It Ml «ell aa >ou go along

Uh. ii you gel to thr pla< . a »hrrnMir arrhn arr to atand. mt iron

• " MM M PMM th.-in In tin- run

i ret. letting about an inch and a

lulf ritend abo«« It to bring thr

lopa of thnn MM mth thr finishing

la. uot alio* thr conrrrie to dry

raiddly Hprlnkle frrqurutl) or ahada

if the aun II hot

Thr flnlahtng rout ahould be madeif cirar aharp aand thr.n- parta. amon.' part MMMM Mil aa for conret. and uar rnough »at.-r to inakr


reluming I

of t\\o (Ull-

t.ue MM; aft.-r

a f'-w ulniKVl*** all wa» at ill RMw a- Mad I lUTMd M) <•>.- |.-

heaven, and Ihoiifht, '<» God! and


t.-i Hi d

a MMMatl Hare a pillow at on«

r-nd and rntrr. being careful not to

disturb the oyrrlapprd rdg.< of the lln- i- P/ar! I U II •! b*IM%'« Mil

rh.thIthai Hi.- -h -I w a- an an id.-nl al MM.

After banging thn hammock bed| ,„. n ,. V | ,).,, RMBiMJ ml" MMMM!

.ir. i.h another rope between the iup. ,

| iiaMed her tf>ad body. B MM

A Hammock Bed Placed Between Two•upporn and a Covering.

Like a Tent


porta, about two fnet above tbr par

MMl Hnn A sheet of MMM or

vtatrrproof material la tbroan over

H .. ft enough to run mhrn pour-d MM top. am] tbr hanging edgea am..or the flnl coat Smooth It «ltb -etght.-d ..r ataked to the ground,

a trowel and MMl » wllh a atralghl lii"-« M <ord flrat being attached to

• dg. to make aum ihat there ar» the aOPMPI »»ne of the illuatrationa

no IllflltTfTT of lurface »h..». Ma flnlabed bed and cover

The.e MMMttaM can fully followed.

,. , a groumi in..,,, ahMb TWO NEAT TONGUE TWISTERS


>ou PM calculate >our play alinoat

it a tall fruit li"". MM*Pi M Indian- I \il\a It.-", wi'h

MMt > . t>"fl fl lill.

Ju-I a- llo- MMN MM s|>"akiiig. a

. ta-li MMatM right l.y Ins sid i

Hi.- lug MjM l.-af on whii li Ml lay.

•'Hi.- pad MM '•"in", h" n i.-d. amirikahad mildly away from (lie apM.

II" m. t another hatv. - What is tlie

mallei"* .iied lh" s.-i'ond hare.

OM, MMMMM] th" lirst. "Th"\\oi Id i> CMMMJ I" M '-ml

I ion tba Iart MMK ll"d like mad.

A third MMd a UMl MMMMM MmMIllo- au-w.-r. and k>iMd III" MM two.

Mo -it .i fointli. llftb. and so on. until ham « • i• all lanng away

rNM Hi"i I "Id earlli — or at

!'-.i<l th.-> thought a...

What - the mallet ?" shouted a

deer to (In- hares.

Hi- w or I.I has MM to the

rraek <>f MMk" MMp shouted bark.

"Toaj 4om I Ml Ml Horror!"si-, lh.- .|e.-r trolled with the hares.

A arild bMW was the n.-xt to ask.

ami I" join the army of trotters;

ftdri aTiny piM i. -f salt i.. «u>r """ a " ,|k- * i""T:i1 "- =' **M "x


i Inn (..«. a tiger, an elephant. iii-limg from th"

4th Door—Berea's Normal SchoolThis gives the very best training for those who expect to teach.Courses are so arranged that young people can teach through thesummer and fall and attrnd school through the winter and spring,thus earning money to keepright on in their course of study.Read Iiinsmore's great book, "How to Teach a District School."

5th Door—Berea's Preparatory Academy CourseThis is the straight road to College— liest training in Mathematics,Sciences. Languages, Hi.-tory and all preparatoryAcademy is now Berea's largest department.

6th Door—Berea CollegeThis i.s the crown of the whole Institution, and provides standard

in all advanced subjects.

a .i-

>li ill hack, with llo- til.-ad

ok.-n gourd containing a fewof W.ll. l We loll led MM•how. 'i - of grape ami round

•i • a-io|iall> dodging a shell

•l\r MMUMVr, and e\|»-i-ling

ItiRUlP I" have aii'dhei gra»e

DOMESTIC ECONOMY•n making | ru«! u— little

had foM often.

in which beano ale put !•• «..ak

MMi Mt MM) -hoiild tie put III """P MPOM « il-l !•• Mil the juu ill.

\ piMM "f prMad MMMMJ add-1

la pot.iio rimparii mbPMwm anard pmmMmm :,: " mmMi mm

pio\e.| M MMMMm] a few da>< t» -

fora mm Im]

r.ioih.o ihnuM i


aa well aa the bllllardlat MM hla on

•I..- bi. Hard table

of course you will have no ruahlon

tm PMMM with, but there will be

ample < MMM for very ikillful playing

In a great many wa>a. and you will

find that thr games b. com.-a far moreattractive than It li poaaiblr for It

lo be when played on the ordinary


In MMMMf *br location for tbr

eroqaal ground. I would advlM having

It at one itdv of ihr MMM grounds

aiid MUewhat a. re. n.d from the road

or at reel aa It delracta from thr t>l.-as

nr.- of it to han- Ii M rt|ioar.l lo the

Typewriter la Ona Who Typewrites on

Typiwr.ter— Seeono Refers to

Mia Bitty Bolter

mgur twlaA reader au bulla thla


I >.-ar Sir A typewriter la one

who ryp.-wrltea ou the typewriter,

and llo' typewriter la a machine on

which the typewriter who typewrites

on tile tyi>e»r!trr typewrite! Now,he typewriter wbo typewrites on the .

lypawrttaf typewrite! on the t y pa

wrlt.-r until there la no more type

writing to be typewritten by the type-

writer on the typewriter ou which tbi

wie.-k "I il art Ii stretched three

mil.-- in h-iusHi from the bare in

front t.. th" elephant in tlie rear.

It mm grand sight Mr anybodywl hjo>.m| a laugh.

A I ion saw the rout, and was

PMMMl llo'r-" :""' r '" k ""w ""' r -»" !i" s" »" *av '"

,l l(>,i loud roar three times. All the

runnn- hall.-d. and trembled.

a bpw rMMM immjM M mm "WMM^ the n.atterr

( ,.i ut) MMMd t.. mmmM Hi- ',ri '" c "n""« l " a" end -

i iliililx of cracking *"

If ailYPT io ti.-x." xv..-h".l wilh "WM>MM ,1 coming to an end?

BOMp it Mil retain its lust.-r MM " '"I'I'ant.

wilh chain...- -kin "fPf"Wh.-n ii MMWlMMlVM 1 ,1" ,


l, "'«t s,r 11,11 Tn,>

llo- y\.-a\" of th" g.»'.l- and lion un- u *'''' ""'

til perfectly drv >l-ak. Iiger

Vii pk4Mm PfPM and draw.-io re

.lew ..f th- paaaer by thai It MMMM •yp. wrii. t who typewrite! on th*

aiMaM public property

IMM aaaajaM immmm and laaaMgrounda are larking In on.- Important

feature an far aa the lookers.m at

IMM gamea are

.lice a 1 1 1 - • i 1 1 1 to make -i,i .-

no dMapMMI in them.

If mM -l io mad" wilh warmwat"f and th" articles left in it

oxer night. MM) "-ill ir.-n easier

aad M mu.'li stilT.-r

V.-a-l will stand longer than usual

|if half a l'-.i»| nful pi soda is put I""' ''

la • . tnfortable a.-ala provided with

PMMM.The Mtl of the family rau make- AV .i hi hmall • ip. io.- uiid mil

•nlHgel much plraaure • ul of the

T < of them, but a good dual of

good eip.rleutr In the handling of

t.Hila. which will be beneficial in other

utidi Making!It,...- aea.a .an I,.- mad- by ..itlng TOY IS QUITE FASCINATING

four poata preferably cedar. MMakii ~- » of Hirmleu Spark,

for thi Eapicul Amuiemint of

thi Young Folk!.

ryp. wrlr. r lyp. wrltea

llli a.-. ..nd which ref.-ra lo a youngwoman called Hetty la aa follow!

Heiiy Hotter bought aome butlir. Illu it

but ahr aald thla buttrri bitter If 1 MM -.ill U> th" MMM HI <h" outer

put it in my batter it will make Mf I b»iler if you want to hury Uu> rook-

I he I hllio.-el'os told MM."Sp.-ak. ihim.reros."

T lie w lid "X told me.

And then th" li"ti in.pnie.l and in-

Bjllirad '-ntil Ii" fame t<> the bares,

ami MMM at la-l it was traced Mhale Number line.

"DM >"n Hi" "aitb going to

• ir.

W 'he .- did M*J II?"

A- I la> MMMM a palm lie.' by

would make my baiter ••ter. so abn

bought a bit o buttrr better than 'be

MMM butter and It made her bitter

bailer better, io twai better Hetty

Holier boughi a bit o


peeled a lUtTjclellt depth IB til

ground to make them Irui 1 would

sugg. at two frit for the width and•li fe.-t for the. length

Let the front post aland about alt

feel ut-ove thr ground, and llo- rear I

• io a about five and a half Thla will

|i*a a little ilupe lo the n>..f

At a ront.-nleut height fromground nail ilout atrlpa of woodaround tbe framework formed by the

pole., on which lo

• huh can be of board, or MMMcanvas

Kor the roof of MMstrip, of wood to the

Irngihwlii and rroaawiae letting Ihem

PTOjM t at luaal

In all dlrertlona

may be a.-cured

TkM lack on larb or alrlpa of ibln

POM in auth a inanoer aa lo form a

support for IM vinii that will bu

• raJii. d aval Ibrnj

Thi MM vine to tralu over those

MMM la tbe wild ri< MMM and (he

inoriiiug glory llolb of theae an of

satl rapid growth and taasy culturi

MJ mldiumiuir thn planla will

iwM thr roof and covered 11

batter bitter, but a bit o belter butler.

g... gnythlPM in th- dsKlMe Mil- ""' ' a MMrftll MMp. and

I parappd with my life.''

"ii. -nil. -men. " said the lion M OMMM "f the auimalo. "I trust youwill pMM th" mailer in my paws,

while I uy to get at the facta.

PMMM -lay MMM, and I will go with

my friPfld the hare and try M MM• mt what all this fuss is about."

MMMMMJ III" UttM bare jump on' - : . .ot kick, the king of beasts

1*4 ai a OMMk pace, and rMMMMwth.- irova "f trees by the shore of

III.- Indian oea.

V\ hel " is III." Spo( '.*''

'Oh. sir lion. I dare not go too

li.-.i It i- o\.-r by that \il\a tree."

Th.- h 'ii w.-nt to tbe palm tree.

Vm .ng the latest device! for amuaw-li a toy that

BEAUTY SECRETSI The lift oe.f.-t for having a

beautiful otupl.-Moii is !•» IH MMMllMMI MdMi warm bread and but-

ler ami I"" much m.-al.

.' The MM 11111* i» M have dailv

e\et. i.e thai will bl lllg pelspira-

Mmm:; Th" thud MlMi i- t" have MMi

. . ^. nlo for bathing a- vv ill

aMUre perfect i'|eaiiliii.-»-

k Th.- fourth thing i- the MsMjr*

MBM M pMd ait t>n" MMMM sleep

vviiti Hie vvm.lovvo ..pen or .nit of

KKRKA. KRIKND OF WORKING STL'HEN'TS. Berea College withits affiliated schools, is not a money-making institution. It requires certai i

fees, hut it expends many thousands of dollars each year for the benefit

of its students, giving highest advantages at lowest cost, and arrangingas far as possible for students to earn and save in every way.

OUR St llool. is I.IKE A FAMILY, with careful regulations to pro-tect the character and reputation of the young people. Our students comefrom the best families and are earnest to do well and improve. For anywho may be sick the College provides doctor and nurse without extracharge.

AH except those with parents in Berea live in College buildings, andmany assist in work of boarding hall, farm and shops, receiving valuabletraining and getting pay according to the value of their labor. Except inuintrr it is expected that all rifl MM a chance to earn a part of theirexpenses. Write to the Secretary before coming to secure employment.

PERSONAL EXPENSES for clothing, laundry, postage, books, etc.,

vary with different people. Berea favors plain clothing. Our climate is thebest, but as students must attend classes regardless of the weather, warmwraps and underclothing, umbrellas and overshoes are necessary. THECO-OPERATIVE STORE furnishes books, toilet articles, work uniforms,umbrellas and other necessary articles at cost.

LIVING EXPENSES are really below cost. The College ask* no rentfor the fine buildings in which students live, charging only enough roomrent to pay for cleaning, repairs, fuel, lights, and washing of bedding andtowels. For table board, without coffee or extras, $1.35 a week, in the fall,

and $1.50 in winter. For furnished room, with fuel, lights, washing of bed-ding, 40 to 60 cents for each person.

SCHOOL FEES are two. First a "DOLLAR DEPOSIT," as guaranteefor return of room key, library books, etc. This is paid but once, and is

returned when the student departs.

Second an "INCIDENTAL FEE" to help on expenses for care of schoolbuildings, hospital, library, etc. (Students pay nothing for tuition or ser-vices of teachers—all our instruction is a free gift!. The Incidental Feefor most students is $5.00 a term; in

$7.00 in Collegiate course.

PAYMENT MUST BE IN ADVANCE, incidental fee and room i

the term, board by the half term. Installments are as follows:


ntal Fee.


... $ 5.00i • • • I a I


Amount due Sept. 10, 1913 $20.0.,

Board 7 weeks, dut Oct. 29, 191:; |4|Tout for term $29.50

If paid in advance 'S29.00WINTER TERM


$ 6.00


$ 7.00





Incidental Fee .•••••a iiaie.ii


Joard 6 • iiiiiii**..

,f poaaiblP. ami wear no elotM .

,.^ ^....f,,,, .,,„„„ x,„.^

lilting the.

.; , . ..

Fiieinitlr.9 Toy

taraari of barmlen inarki

ahich are eipeclally eSiciiva la

illuuiluatiug a room in tbe

Th| of V.rtul.

The lea. her Vou lee. bad the

lamb beeu obedient and atayad In thi

MM it »ould nol have b«en »aUMi u>

• |„ wolf, would It?

,u,y .nrowiiU.) No mnui. It

wuuld have b«en ««U0 u, ui


TMMMI Tiafclel

Wilbar Do thir al<Mo/a win Mi LMMM

Mr. ( burcto I .e. by thla ^, 0B ^liouaebuld novelljt la a lifter for r» »« »•»• ZmZmovlui lata from high ibelva.

Hn fkithain Yea. M*M gol twa

of im

Papa— Tea. Wilbur

Wilbur I luppoaa tt is to kaap bar

nimu • aged aev»u aid Haia trom ,,kJ " n" MJJln (hU

g vvhii'b will ptevelil

ng- at .-very breath.

V I'he MMpMal and MM l"H"ii

for III" skin i- a hath of warm wat-

er in vv' a little wheal bran I*

MiMaVMl I" rMMMM fi.'.'kles Ih.-v are

iKvavo MMVpMpMl "tl UM pall* of

the llio.t exposed M Hi" »>'"

and .-ii MMM MMMMM disapp.-ar in

Winter The) seldom appeal oil

pMMTPM befole III" MM "f live, and,

uauaJly diuppiir in oM aa-"

MmmmMt ouik'es .-I r water.

U grams <>f i.oi a\

l-i MMMM "f d:lute aretl. acid

il grams <<f MlfMMMM lublimale.

Applv with a soft brush <>r lay,

kaap that y liaj tMtl »VPUlM| IM.

.ni .nue nut il Hie MMMMM d. -ap-


Caution Avoid Hie .un aa MMM]a- MkMible dui'in. lb" treatment

Avoid all Idist'-i ing

a .,. ti . . in MMM M MMM "i' any

ill. r irMMt M Hie ground. But on

i larM pMM l-af wao a btok.-n vil-

va ft 1 1 1 1 it- MMl *till dropping

ll.l' -aid the MM M himself. "I

r in vv hat cauoed the li"i«"

' Mount again.'' h" MMM* t" Hie

h it.- MMa so galloped olT

The multitude ot beasts wet"

anxiously awaiting tbe news.

TM |mm MMM Ml a word till lie

oi i in the MMM "f tbe 'i"Wd.

ami all lh" f..ur-foo|e.| i ajg w.-iv


Vou i MM) worry any MMM,"h. - ...I Hie earth is QMJM safe.

MM«Mfl"i do not follow u silly,

.lupi.l hale. win. Hunks (be falling

t>| a viM*, fruit is Hie crack <>f

MMM M) oaving. the lion gave a

terrihl" rMMf wtii.b aeut all the

annual- now Ihor.dy ashamed.

.. ul l > ing hack to their homes.

Adapl.Nl Mmm f. J

duil Stone*.

Amount due Dec. 31, 1913 $J0.O0

Board 6 weeks due Feb 11. 1914 9.00

Total for term $29.00

If paid ,n advance "$28,f

•This does not include the dollar


$ 6.00





$ 7007.20





•3 1.70





Sf ,,ng





7.50 27 00


Stenography and Typewriting

llookkeeping (regular course)

Bookkeeping (brief course) .

Business course studies for

it. other department*:

Stenography 10.50

Typewriting, with one hour's use

of instrument 7.00

Com I-aw, Com. tieog.. Com.

Arith , or Penman hip. each .. 2.10

in no case will special Business Faaa exceed $15 00

Any able-bodied young mat' or young woman .

MM if there is the will to do so.

It i» a great advanU/e to continue during winter and spring and have

a full year of continuous study Many young people » i.-t* time in the

public schools going over and over the same things, when they might be

improving much faster by conur.g to Berea and starting in on new studies

vith some of the beat young men and women from other counties and


Applicant* must bring or sand a t**tirnonial that they are

abovi 16 year* old, m good health, and of good character. Thi* map M..gned by *omi former Birea itudant or *ome reliable tiacher »r •> c»

bar Th* ... of tabacco >• MMMM* forbidden,

Fall TarM now in vessmn Hurrv up!


d. wai:

Eight THE CITIZEN r 18, 191

East Kentucky Correspondence

News You Get Nowhere Else

Mckee, it Circuit Oourl

egged a ikne areeki mriM ken mthe iiih Bkertf L G Utlta gemI

• I ftggkBirl Hi.' I tth (• convex some

prkmnan i" Um Pt aitenttary , .ins.

1 Mayi returned kmne taunt Ctare-

more, <»kla. Im4 Wednesday, II.' hail

.1 position m i."..kk.'.'|.<'i' in tankiii.K'. 1. 111 be decided ii<' ImmI rutker

he hark hi "LI K.'iihi. k\ I'll.' Ktnt-

Danghlers of Jackson Count) held a

ronventton hen Saturday, Mrs. Ste-

wart ..f«\ ill.' came I" attend It.

ii waa a very successful affair. -

Mm Marguerite Park ntede 1 trip

!.. IVivii la"t wi'.'k. I>. a Collier

in. 1 family in.' attending Ihe Ratafair tins week, h t Mister Rat re-

ggtond mi appointment 11* stnro-

keaget anil guuger, and Imm gone to

accept ihi- poeilton, II.- gmgjM I

hot se from 1 11. Jones tasl n nkMi«< Emma Bparki ban entered Br-

rea College la lake Ptoranl course,

Hugh Collier hai gone to Mate1 atveraitj at Leiinglon to lake 1

rouree "f Mechanical and Electrical

engineering. Mr. and Mn. Isaac

Meaeler gave :i social laal MondajihkIii. a niiiiiIi.t of vming people at«

tended and enjoyed • verj muck'I'll.' Miaaej Brace Bparka and DemaPros! have gone to Aabeville, If. r.

(.. ink.- ii taw venn Kernel rourea

ii tin' AekevHIe Normal fastitute.


Mildred, Sept, l-'.-lt — t ill continuesmtv dry, Jaaaa Ki.'liN has return-

ed from Parrj Count) an. I report*

things verj prosperous. 11.• layi be

will move there ;i« s....n as he ran

sell ins stock, com. bay, ate. Mi. Mrs. w 11. Cannon ol Lincoln

iVnint) are v 1 — 1 1 inn Mrs. Cannon*!amtfcor, Mn June Morrta, tat a

couple "i weeks. The Plat Liek aa-

Intioa yaaeed with eonaiderable drinking and had liehaMmir.

Duakjaa Brother! are lagglug onLaurel Fnrk for Ika Lhriagaton

Lumber Company. Thomas M >•

will atari f..r Illinois la amkeIbaa I n visitiag 1

in* future borne. W% bate t" lose ;IM ,| Chicago faueh a good ritiscn iis Tonunj bul

w ish bin Hi.' beat of | I luck

health. John Moore is very

with lung trouble ami not expc,i" live.— There bave 1 n twov 1. i.'.l i.. ih.- penitentiary tin

• ii.' tor muni,nils.' pratanaeing platanSchool bouae




.. eoneeuii


e iimi tiie athat for

There araa a mov-(ham al flat I. nkSaturday aigM eon-

11 11 Jones, Mr. and Mr- Kims

Blaigiin, ami Mrs. Jane Weils

Matte Brian mi Make visited

bet fatber ami gntker,Mi and Mr-,

i; w Moore, from Betardaj until

Momta) Mrs Margaral Hamilton,

win. ha« 1 11 beeping tamaa for her

-.••ii \\ s Rigga, at Livingston for

Hie |.ii«t year, ha« retnmed beme.Mrs Margaret Moore nave the youngtatki an apple rutting Prtdaj atgkt.

Oarar, the little aan al Mr. andMrs. Rd M v. nil Ins hand very

badtj while playing with aa ..hi

bUgf) in.' Mi ami Mr*. I». It.

Kan is ..f It. II County Viattad Mrs.

Karri- parents, Mr and Mr- llail-

rj Biainoun taat areek \ .1 Bemll-

loa has gene t.> l sviNe t-> attend

ih.' Btata Fair,

Gray Hawk»ira> Hawk, Bept, l.V Dry

weather -till continues ami there is

scarcely any stock water M'.sl

everybody is gum ratting aorn andsiivinn fodder, Joke Bugk) traded

two nudes I.. Hud Muff one day last

Week r-'i ..lie mule and MM hundredand mventy-nve dnttan - Mi**

Elorence Ragle, who is going t«i

Annville In sekool, paid home folks

.1 viail Baturday ami Sunday.—A.

l*. Turner and wife paid 1 11 Hen-ley's folks a visit Sunday.—\V. T.

rincher ha- 1 n hauling i"i W. it.

Bagte tins week from lt.

Pri vett

PHvett, Sept. IS, We are havuiKsnm I weather at pn's. ul MrsBillie Hamilton, accompanied hyher grandchildren, returned fromLivingston last week t.. viail friend!and relative! m this eommunily.—

Vim'. mii Anderson, win. has beanvisiting home fotki f..r the paa(

three weeks kaa Bone back to De-troit, Mickigaa, aaeompaaied bjins brother in-law, it..>.i rarmer,where ihej will r tvs emgloy«menL- 1.. .1. Paten purakaaad a rawfrom Mrs. Jaasea Jones hist we.kf.-r ill.' Km*:- Daugbtenheld a convention at McKee laal

Saturday.- The lt>'\. DeYoung, wImlatives in Mich-

t the laal mouthha- returned borne, The wheal at

Staj wild her sister of IMHRMRverj suberriher ..f The Cltiien-1 hi not fail to ram] Ike new-I... \ The Rnmat ikMgjar." 11 1- as

I slm v yon n ill sehlnm till.



.' farmers In

1 siiximt tan-

' plannins I"

< 1 11 1 \ Kan ill

Lothen holding rertllk atei have b*tn111 111 I i'lltl;i IH'

Kevef has there 1 11 iN-llor nl-

lendat and greater Intereal thanin ih.' work of tins Institute whichhas 1 11 in Ih.' hand- of it- aide

Instructor, 11 s Ruhanks, editot «.f



Poaey, s. pi 1.

tins vicinitj are

del Manx people ;\

attend the Owaley 1

Rngneville lodnj ami lomorronMi— Harmon's sister. Corn, ainl COU«-in. Mi— Lorn Hark-, oi Perryvllle,

nr.' M-itniK her al preacnl MlMRfge Hyden gave the young talks anapple rutting toot Saturday even-

ing. All (.ported a niee tun. \|i

and Mr- cm Myden ami children <>i

Jaekann visited in- mother \ii-

|jnriah Myden, toal week Mhm n. 1


he Jachaoa -peni km Baturdayit ik l>t with her grandparents, Mrand Mn 1. M Gurrel of Lei 1

H 11 mil I'll.

Make, Sept. II, Kaiiners BCg all

busily eagnged m ruiium coca andmvlng taddar Oarn i- vary ligMand beans are verj scarce Ih.-

debate iii Walnul Grove Inal niglM

w.i- a great sueceaa. Mr, ami Mis

Deo, Narvey attended the Kan iii

Boonevllle the t.iih fhm BtonPeters is spending a ton ila>» Ibis

week witii her cousin, Jan.' McDan-toL - Rjaheti Read of tataad CMy1 - viail ing in- sister, Data) Peters

from Knday till Sunday. MnLkniePaten is aick at tins arriting>

Bonie slock men passed thru

mntlhei n School .1

rommitlee on resolution! reman*mi mi. ii a longer school term, 1 loaoi

supervision on tke pari ol the trns-

i.'.'. and more sdocatioaal confer-ences in each neighboi 1 1

1 he 1 iHintj Buperintendent, Mr,

1 Han. in. I- 1., i nngralalatid onhaw ing the lushest record fog

building m w sekool I sag midr<|tlipping Ihem,

Then have 1 n many vistlon

this week, among Ihem an leaehen1inn Oneida, Richmond ami l<omb>n,

l*ati Roach arrived with an auto

mobile parly on ,1 vtetl to his

in.. ih. 'i' beton local ing In l<nu|g-

x iii.- Mr- LetMbi v. PnMmaa is

stopping at Mn Potter'i while

finishing her new 1.00k in Men!bw h:is been nsRed i<> MarkounlMe..ii prntomlonal bnalnew The newhank hinldinii for the linn of Menaley anil Urns will aaan Im' aomptot-.ii 11 is an attractive two itery

1.1 n k building, Messn Bentlej ind

Walker will soon have work l»-

iinn >n their n.-w houses, whichare pi I f the bwagnfon -ixle

Burning SprlngxHi ng Bprlagi, Sept i.' The

ndnrai at nwetlag to be keM at

Bki phi rdtona ih-vi Baturday, Bept

gMk, will he full of iatecest, Vwn

ducted hy Parmer ami Pierson with

1 vary g 1 crowd. Morgan sunp--.11 and family «.f Loutovilie bhmvisit inti home folks and attendingihe Aaaoeial from rridny nil

sumla>. Moors Hi"-, an doing a t,, v isil relativ

bustling business tin- hill with their improving toal

drilling machine, (food luck to The U ||,. and Mrs.Citizen ami its minis readers. ,.,| relatives in

Drip Rock.

Drip lt". k. Sept 1 1 Mr-. SarahHatfield of Kerb) Knob 1- staying!"i a while with her p Mr.

.111.1 Mi- John spark- Mi-- Besaic

Hall, who 1- staying al Kerb) Knob *teve Abrama, who ha- beenvisited home folks laturdag ami ror aonsi tun.'. 1- -mi.',y.-.las. C <:»x 1- -ii Ihe sick

in,,* wriiigg. - Married on Ih.- ixihii-t. hut is improMiiK \pple 1-

. m, j.dnm hwaea 1.. Mim

the lliiiT School I- progremiag nice-

ly with Rva Peten as teacher. 'I'lie

Mi-se- Belle and Lena Planer] at

tended Ihe aaaoeiatioa at Khit LickInal Saturday and Sunday ami t""k

dinner "ii Sunday at the hag I

1 hen- uncle. I.. .1. Patera. Meeara.

Tom Moyera, Chester Bento, and Hill

Shepherd and Ihe Mi—- MabelMoyera, Bertha Seal- ami May Belle

Shepherd, all Boonevllle, at-

tended ihe Aaaoeiatioa at Ptal Liek

PrMay, Baturday ami Sunday, —Mary Tillery baa gone t" Richmond

m.—Lucy Peten isJ

Henry Paten ami

HMirge I'eters \ l-ll -

lackson County last(

week. Isaac ami Kimber Bowleslefi had Honda) for Marna wknrathey will attend school.

Clover Bottom.

Clover IViiioiu. Sfiit it.—



ihe mill win. win-, is aa gseragaman.

\"i t • < t • I c on any parthrutol plan.

btoaaed wMkanpi ultor hstk,

lu-i steady, ami earneet, ami full «.f


Whea baked a igaeatton, he .1".'- ant

gueanHe kii..«- ami answers, n.. or ye-.

\\ hell -el a ta-k that I lie r.-l t


He bnektos dawn mi he put- >i Mans,

Here's tkree tkinga he's learned,

I hill I he man w h" t ri. -.

Km. I- ta\"i in In- ediptoyei - eyea;

Thai it pa\- i" know aaara Hunt awIking Well:

And it .I... - ii.-t pa) all h. know - 1..


So lie Works and wail- Salt "lie line


Than 1- ii 1. .'tier |..|> wiih batter


Ami the men who shirked, whenev-er the) could

Are ho I k) tke man wh.-e nJOffk

nag! ii"...l

Pur tke man who wins is tin- worka

Who neither labor aor Ironbhskirka,

w ho u-es in- hand, bis bend, bis

e> *'-;

The mail win. win- i- the man whoin.-.




lag! are all the go in lln- \ icinity.

Several from tin- pfoea knva 1 1

allandiag Cireuil Caurl at McKaet..r Ihe la-l three weeks ..ii aceouai"i ih.' linn. L i "i Jeka \l Moon onSlaitlaa day

jthey ha\e h. eu held as

witnesses Mim Annie gnIL who is

Ma) mi.' w ilk Mr. ami Ml - i .harlie

• "V. visited home folk- Saturday andSunday. Hud l«a.n - ami PramWi lli, have returned from Hamil-

ton where they went to workabed! three Week- ilK" lte\ . K MCos iilleii Ins regular appointmentai tin- place Uidn) Sunda) Hctowlal Ihe church hoii-e every Sumlayafternoon al J ..clock. Bam to Mrand Mra. John Thompson :i Kill;

her name 1- Viinnie. |aa. M. Kin-ney, ,ii 1- in vary 1 baaMh at

.in- writiiiK with bang trouble.

Than waa a bean buHiag al W, 11.

Moans' Prida) night. A tana

Matilda Isaacs, li 1- the weand aaV

Ventun ol each in the mill 1 u al

World. Mrs. Isaac Trent is verysick ai tin- arrittag with typhaidlever, ihe Mark viattad Has boam"I II V. Dana ami hroUKhl a -iv

pound hoy whose name i- Jam*!Ira. Mother and child are doing w. ll.

Born 1 • 1 Mi an. 1 Mn Buster Ise-

am "ii Ihe imli 111-I . a tiirl Bafname i< Buaaa Jane, JJfora la Mr.

ami Mrs, Jonah MTUd the 71k m-t.a Kill. Mar name i« Mav I W.Mn am- ha- a horse sick with .lis-

temper, s. a gngto'aakildrin, whohave had lyphoid for tke past twomouth-, are heller, tiar Haysami I Bald Allium- have I n Im

Ika tail fan days above McKee bu) •

tag rattle, w. «. Crnaa, ihe iravel-

lag dsnlsM. viadad 11 \*Hian a

fan dag! la-l week. Alice Druseha! been Maying with Lucy i»eaii

last week with s.

. ..w -. Hardin Pete

iiik with 1 hear I'

crowd WM pie-. nt ami nil report ,,„. ^.1 nice lime foam Itichaid-oii wasil will, Ins ll.l.lle


I viier. Sept. II The Weather|

continues dgy, Saapta have begun




iuk ill. 'ir fudMer, Cora is verishort,



paaaadcrowdiik 1 T Hamgang i" Illinois

I ill'.* home Mr

will make hall crop.

dket - won 1 make a fourthI'he ftarrrlalha at Plal Liek"If very ipnellv w ilh a laiv<*

ami pleut) ill k I preaek-and laiiulv

I" make lie 11 fu-

ami Mi- Waller

Camaaa ..1 UaeeJa Qasmty have vis-

li Morn-. Im the peat two weeks

OHito a aaandsN al fogkj fram

rel Con ill.v atlemle.l the a-snciahouii PVal Liek Amoug kkmnwen Mr,

K .:


Parr..!. Sept. |i.,„ Me,l|..i k ..I

iiiiu wiis in tin- vicinity Thursday.a it Qahhnrd ami famUy an plan*

iiiiik i" atari to Hamikon m a

l.vv .lav- I., make tkeis home W.M. Cunagin Jr, returned from QktoH MaSf dag, where lie had hgagat work Mi-- Luey Price, who hasbeen day lag with gar atetor, Mrs.Minnie ,,f fsams. M al hum.'

have and wiM enfor ad lauwa Mr. andMr-. Jaaaa MoCuwaa ..1 Laurel•...iiiiiy vtoning r talivm al

lln- place Saliinlav and TllggglI.aura Oggjgg i- -till v.iv | rly

gnvargj from tin- plage knva 1 1

attending the pratraetod gnaHimj at

11.1i lag gagsjggfod i.v mm imPrice ha- gam lo

me nice lookuiwl

1 - has bean ita) -

Ian lln- week —Mr, ami Mn. Charlie Seel) and MimI . ula Peter- ill lell. I.'.l I he dehale al

M/alnul Ctruva laal aight, Ikaweather continuea dry ami windy

WMk no nun W'al.i i- n-'ailv all

gana la Ikia aelgjkkark I


itankling, Bagt, i. Mara la Mrami Mn John Lyttto, a girl bakj


h. i name i« Mil. lied Irene. JggnMBtaka ha- been on the sick Hal tag

a few days. Parmen ia tkki meltoaare fllddariag and crops are IikIiI

becnum al Mm tang centlmtad

drouth i h 1 ' County Pair is bi he

held ai toionm .He Hie l.'th ami 13th1 . i. ii. 1 H> ni "i 1 lark County has

I n thru 1 lav ami ilw-l.v gUy-iHg . .till. Mi-- Miu > MeCoilum of

this [ilars and a H, Rupnrd ol M/in-

eheafor, brother of the galad I'm -

-..ii Rupard, ipenl a ptoaaanl 'lay at >

Hie home oi \ii ami \ir- Jaaaa

Wil gaj We.lne-.lav V. S.

Brewer of SI iu k 1 paid a recent

visa) i" relative- here. \ protracted

mooting WM keM at Athens church

i. i-i we.k. seaahsslad hy Raw. I "

Mi l.iml I Luuim die Mrs. Dr.C.

M Amlei-iiii ha- I n called lo

Ituckhorn tin- week Localise of Ihe

-eveie ittaees ol her aautker, MmPrank Akohoer. Kh 'lay lor save a

nalerasetoa treat sun.iav, gagj, gkeV

winch wa- igtrmnal) snenpakta Uall w ho parloiik.


can aol

lie KIMuTord I" mi— Hi.- a.l.Ii.— I..

11 by ih*' n. >ie.i write1 amilecturer, Mn l.. v Pullman Dr.

Hornaby ami wife an attending theHapii-i association oa tack- BranchMesdnmes l ee ban ami Reuben

MettanieJ, who have been anMe aiefc,

are reeoverigf, in «. < Maggnrdi» home for a week. A young -"ii

of Jaama Clarkatira 1- very siek with

pnau a - fkas Tks*mgeen amifamily, win. have 1 „ kg Mm waai

tat soaas tune, an at home repair-

tag their kauaa and visil lag Ins

pai. ni- Laal Tkiiraanj Aunt Ret-iy Lunaford dtod al the home ..1 bardaughtoi Mi - Rmma Baker latei -

meiit fook place on Bnturdny onJneki Branch The Rev. HannibalMorgan ronductod ihe funeral HeMibigised the deceased a- being a

faithful Chriatian, a devoted motherni'i a k 1 neighbor, she loaves a

large rami!) ..f adult- haasnm ii beetof friend- to skertok her im uiory.

.iik wMk her staler, visrted bemef"Lk- laal week Mr and Mi- 1 MMorris -,,eui tad Mdnj ggjM withMr ami Mr- Inn Sti,.| I t heLhraahers were la tin- communil)ln«i week, thrashing wheal ami ..ats

Mi and Mi- w ii 1 inn -ii. iv night with Mr. andMi- 11 11 Rtoe Mi- \ine Hurto)attended Mnglgg at Bttver Mineaakjaai kanaa tad standkg


Psint Lick

Paint Lick, Sepl It Mr .lames

Brown and Mim Mnj Camel -ur

prtaed their anmy frlrnda b) Mb>ping away lo Itirhmoml and gettingmarried fhursdaj Phe happ)

pi.' accompai 1 b) MiRum Hi"w 11. a brother "f the 1.1 ktogroom, ami Mi-- Pearl BotkiM wkoIlls,, Wen) WMk llielll mi their vve.l-

iIuik i"in in Letingtan w .• g leg

them man) happ) v eat - Ml amiMrs. Rat) went to CnWWgJ kaMs lav I., vi-it Mr- Ral) brother,i.e..iiai.i Winn Bun, ,,, gj, IM ,|

Mi- Ma.k Mutton, last Thursday, a

beg. Saturday amralng the bone..f ..l.i Mr, Lanm became frsyhten-ad al an ant., in PnUM l.i. k amik kisl Mr I asiuan "IT the -tiles.

kiMtag him inatmMI) lie wnav am - "LI ami 11 I 111. .11 ...|. lu-i . Heleaves bis aged wife to manm in-

death Ihe Mlases Rmma and iimi brother, Rd, visited

relatives at HikIi Bridge reeentl)•.in ii.- a number of ..ur young 1 pi.*

have gone I.. Herea to enter » i 1

kmong ihem iue the Mtasn Donmid Itrace liemry, Rmma and AnnaWallace Mn Mav tfohhnrd soM-ev.n stock hap iii m ggafo patpound ia-t we.k Minmn phi- andfaiiuiv ..I Barea visited Mi ueearOafclmrd Bnndny, ataa Ota Winklerami wife Cknrtsy Baker had a sreMdrilled bad we.k He struck plentyof ko.hI while sulphur water Ha—I'm -..ii- ami famtl) visited In-

father al II.nil Sumlav


Mtokery Plain Sap! M MrsMacgacel I f California la via-

itiag her amtkrr. Mi- .1 w AstamsMi ami Mn Charlie Rvaua spstU

Sumlav with Mi ami Mi- TMIIndersoB,

Mi aii.l Mi- Wall. (hiked•pent Sumlay at Mrs «. illicit s

pnnnta, Mr ami Mm 1 C Arm-Strang.

Mi- BnJIta Idnms ..f Reraa has1 n igendlag a tew days wuh MnI I. 1..1 n.'

A little Kirl arrived at the home••t Mi Mi- H r IV.nil reeent-hj

Mn in ace lagiia "f Montana baaarrived here tor an extended vi-it

WMk h.i parent- Mi an. I Mi- I

Robert!Mi-- 1 link "I Mill. 1 -I. iik. Kv . has

returned home alter ,% ptoaaanlvi. 11 witk h.i ranam, Mr- 1 wKerndan

Slats LickSlate I n k. Sepl It Mr ami Ml

Sam Eden an balk sick at tins


Mr, M H Snyder purchased somehav from it 11 1 brisman bad weak

Mr. w m >nvii. i ..I Riehmendvisiting home folks tin- week.

Mr. Rank Lunaford returnedhome bud weak from Jaekaua Count)Where he pill i ll.|.e,| ,| nice le.llli "f

mill. -

in Nam f sdver c k 1-

boardtag at amis Liek tin- week torin- baaMh,

Mrs. Joka Hallard an. I Mi- Ragnta CnmphaH wan Mate i n k visi

ton Sumlav. afoa Mi Cull Maupinami Mim Mai v HallardMr I M M. i SM iiu. k. vv laal ill iiik r..i in- mule- Bnlntntaj, cut ins

Rnger badty 1it « .>« aanggM \ i"

have several stitches lakeu. hut it

seems In |ie iIi.iuk lilcelv

Mi ii w Hamilton Ol Pan. hvin. 1 \ii-- • .ii 1 in- Button of Hereawen ih.- guest! ..1 Ren MeCormickSumlavm 1 1 f 11 n e ..r silver Creak \ is-

Red lom MeCormick foindgj

Mrs ' has Mel nrd ami little

taughtor of Puns returned h"ine

tad week Mn Met nrd - iwother,

Mrs. I \ MlCmMM k, also gggag*>

pm I her

Mi Ballard Park! spent Bnturdnynigh) ami Sumlav with home folka,

He hi- ruapto) ni with fargenteraal Paris, hv

Mi ami Mi- 1. W Ihackei nf

Seres visited Mr, ami Mrs w Dpark- Bundn)

riii.nia- h i'aik- i« sick at tins

Will iuk

A 3' "j. King.

In Hip tieni k "f Hie

Cfnlnry the now s.. paWaffM (Jerman

empire «n» astbtag in. to thnn the lit-

tle bfcaggsnt "f t in— in tiDTina pint

dragged Ra MMa of dnehy of Bnndenburs The esaetq eas very ixxir andthe military dkartpllMS very hnrsli

Ptadsitik MTNNam 1

au.l Mingy mill did

wbnt II «,,. t„

lagataUsa waa s.. widely aprea.i itiat

it fomma « bgwurd m -«y that * waaba.l » f,.r .!„• kli.| of

ne very tuirsli

mii* hard. •*

11,. I e»en A .


Wheal N» res! M'sONe. N" I

red 1 1 M a Sitae, No * red 7.t«ri;v,c

Pan No 2 (khllr "K'tU 7!»r. No 3

ehlle > u ;*'!<•. No 4 »hue 7«407Sc.No : >. ll,i» 7n it 7h No .1 vellowITHgTIt, No 4 yeltae TttafJTTs, No.

inii.'.i THiKs'a.. No :i inu.ii ::<-<i7h. No 4 mil..) 7^«»4l77^. VbttS am77 .i Hi'.

. >i-Ilo» .ur 7H'.iKlic. -..r

77 B 7'.»<

Ha) No I tlaMthy Mg alaniUrdaril 47'

. / 4-. N.. I w hits M <i 1 1•

No 4 while 444I44SC Ma I v. I

4ii.i4T., S.. ' ll.n.-.l 44.14.',, No 4

11. He, | 4 1 4r 4.1 S

Mm No i utaatfc) gig, atadaNitmetbi IM, No I Haiatb) IM, Ne ^

tUneth) tin. No I .Inter nine, | tl7-r17 iO. No rlover BSlSed |M.Mg}tt,No i < lover ttiti ii in. No : rlovei1MB ||

Kkk« Prune IMS L'S 1 ,.'. (Irsls

NH*. ardtaan Brats tie, aaaaad! ITaPaaltr) rartogan - iim» ami over,

IgB] uiulrr - Iba. ISc. ol.t ronaiers,

I He. h«n». over 4 'b». IS'sc. Ilsht, 4

Iba ami uiiiler. I4r, ducks, unier 3lbs. lie. sgrtag geeks, I lb> anil aver,

lie. while. 4 lbs and over II. . 'ur-

bagn ! Iba and over. He, old tamgjise. yeadgi isr

Cat I la Bhlppera t'iit. !>: tier

• leers, eilra 17 SHU 7 75. sou l '0

choice 1*1 .'.ii 41 7 Mi, common to fair

14 710* :••">. heifere. aura t- » i 7.

» 1 ta choice gg.lgiBg.Tl, common lafair »S .... .1 „,»>. ,»iia MM#t 7l.| I lo . hole MSOgJl i .. miu in loi.i ;r I.: n "...

. , aaaera KM *

liuiia Bologaa If. 3ti. eitra MM11(15, fal bulla HtJ«-MCalves Bain f i <• 7;.. rair to <<>od

MBta.M, OOCnmim mid large t4S0'd)III 2i

lloic* Selected h -avy nhippem IS .'5

il H .'.ii. in choice |iaiker< imlhatchers M.7I0I.M, maC parkeeall.MBt.7t, atasa I4ti« common to

choice heavy fat BOWS I4.V|7.:, -Itrat7 II light shlnners IS.'.i^ikHU, pis.MIU lb! l.s.i M«l


Sun I.... I'al -The Hij Dipper."most fumlliar of all (C.n.tellatloo.. be-

Iiik lln- one by whirh the North Alaru leeeted, i. .iowi> fnihnjc to piecse.In PMglM yeara the Kreal oaalgSrs

it will not egfot, ami,ml exist linn lion yeara' in- saaouai saaeal bjr

Peal H.ber ii Cart 11 astreaeeMr *t

i. M k ebaervetery aa! aasmhss of thefacalt) of the Unlvoratty or l uhtorsi in. tad em etsseversd i>> »iu.j

Ihe motion of .tars


ta. ii. a. i*.. as

In fact. It did

.... Such Iii

i, i i ne

torn t

at ' ll. -lel . Sepl I J Maliches-

i. i is Ihe "OS-ecu" lor all interest-

e,l in eilucalinii Udj week, for III)

liadituto convened ban tad M>.n-

dnj .Ml

N Sept. II Ihe .h I. .1,11

. .-ni Inues. Poddet ing i- all the ganow. \ii— Mattis Broe k i- im-

proving, Mi ami Mi- Levi penaiagi pent tad weak with reta-

ilvm hi Uarrard t! iiv Mr. w ii

liam Pennington ii vary gnarly at

tin. writing Mr ami Mi. Mad)Hacker are planning lo visit their

relative. Ill I nnd I'M Week I.

C Mark ina.le n hjgg trip lo

l.ol.l-Vllle la-l Week Ml- liallell

Mnreum i- task ansynnrlag MimMai v ll.ii nshv ..I ii,„,.e lac k i-

vtadtag h.r gnsmknaiker, MnMartha Hue. lln. week Mi ii I

Parguaoa purekaaad a muta immlerr) Uallikaa taal mmk i"i *i mKMMM I I IgU! "I .l.n k. nil v v i>

Ii ieadl al tin- place la. I Satin -I ited fr


Better Come and See Us

the New Metal Roof at

Berea School of Roofing


7 or 187 Tin.hop on Jackson Street, Berea, Ky

Farmers Rally atWaco Sunday the 21stto Wednesday the 24th. Everybody Come. sSee Page 5.