Mildred Elizabeth Gillars Treason 12 February 1949

.,: United state. v. ;;. S1sk, alca ll1..ldred El.1sabeth OJ 1 J ara BeOll1pt. .1a acknorladged at 7OU1" letter or January 24. 1949, 1D wtJ1cb 7011 .tate tbat 11IA'¥ be poe.aMd at 1Dfona- Uon mater1al. to tbe p1"08eCUt1oD at the aubject C&SO. Tho intarDlu.aa wbad. tted b7 ,.. aDd ;your intereat in tb1. attar are V'fJr1' much apprec1ated. CC Records v' ehrono 1.1J. s s }-:amlin Internal Security i.2' 0 ;:el1e:; P.e a pect1" J For the Attorney General

Transcript of Mildred Elizabeth Gillars Treason 12 February 1949


~:.e1 United state. v. ~d ;;. S1sk, alca ll1..ldred El.1sabeth OJ 1 J ara

BeOll1pt. .1a acknorladged at 7OU1" letter or January 24. 1949, 1D wtJ1cb 7011 .tate tbat

11IA'¥ be poe.aMd at 1Dfona­Uon mater1al. to tbe p1"08eCUt1oD at the aubject C&SO.

Tho intarDlu.aa wbad. tted b7 ,.. aDd ;your intereat in tb1. attar are V'fJr1' much apprec1ated.

CC Records v'

ehrono 1.1J. s s }-:amlin Internal Security i.2' 0 ;:el1e:;

P.e a pect1" J

For the Attorney General

, v

J,j v/



~r;LL .Lr:...::-

I t,:,(rr~~cr.c' L-:.C • .,Ce, [.ro .:i;c':" to

tr~" ...,.,:·.i!:.: ,.cL_J·ccr trr:o.;;JOn.

1 U =~lCr G i,-- c ~'~ Li:~_ :J&l1 here. -;-.,i1O ilL~ 1:016 mo rCJcutouly <:ltODt .ii:~i8 .:.clly. ':':'0 heart 11.GI o:rton in lJort.i-~ ~frica unC: ItG-ly •••••

JrOhl snct he tells 20 shc sus ~orc ~r:vustoti~g than u ~ivi~ion of ~or~an ~oldiers •.•• I ae s~re thrt ha ~a~ld be only to Zlod to ~osti~y ctui~st her.

~ U;4. r- (hJ~ c: 4~/«aA


~~ a- ~d..v-/ , ' - - /' - I '-J /') ;,/, , ! i-. .I . ___ I (..; _

~~ U1<t£j [,~ J;;_ C C4'~... .

,- ----------:------',--1:(': I

I' .),~ -,,--' 1949

'Il: .lni teet ~:tat,c!J v •. il<1red :' •. ~isk. aka ."il~ro<.i 1'liwOoth :;

In.fol'lllfJtioIl !:~IS l;een received iro~ J:r. John _0 ,'olloy, Jr., th;!t you wiJ.l apporu- and to t!.fy in tho suuject case us a roveru::-.ent witn8SS, aJiCl that you 'Will leave Lew York on ~dJly r:.orninG, february lS, 1949.

For 'your 1.:.88 tnore i8 enclosed Govern.Qnt 'l'rarusportlltion Re­quest J-725,l42, 'I'rh! ch you can present at the ra1J.rt)ad ticket offic. and re~1ve thBretor a round-trip t1cl<:et to ~tl1.'1gton, D.C. IJn the lino above your na::e, followinr tho worci3 U!loqus'lt.s tile •••• " please insert tr,o IlR.oe of the rnilrond you "'ill \.USe nnd Q~O insert the l\Il.I.r.O ot U:at rocd After the word "via •••• " on the sixth line of tAle fort:l. ,please also a.&cortaj,n fro::. Ll:o t:1 ckot Arent the amount of tile fare MO iU8f3rt that (f;1Ouzrt. on tho ninth liue, f.:JllowiIl;: t.t18 word "Value tf atc. In t~ 101Mr r:: ;,-i'lt ;1.Bud. cornor of t .. t:t [m'Tl insert /lijaw YOT'.t., :l.Y," ,at Lh. date of fillillfl out trw. blnnk on the lin. nmriced tfplAce," nnd belowr that your simtature. ::'ullOlfin[; thfl '/ford. "Title, n please wri to the word. "\'l'1tnes8."

En clo!l un Ho. 375416.


cc: ~:r. Kelley Mr. Franke Records V" ehrono. Int. Security nas llamlin

For the ,',ttonwy General,

ALI::XANDM !.!. c.U~pm:LL,

A.5istnnt Attornay General.


TO Mr • Salvador A. Andret ta, Administra ti ve DATE: February 12, 1.9.49 Assistant to the Attorney C~neral.

FROM Alexander t. C am[b ell, Assistant Attorney AMC : J1lK : JFC : tillS General, Criminal Division.



. ::: T. OF JUST;I~;'


:EB I ~ 3 13 p~ 't1q I - - -. • - - -- - -- - - - :I _. - -

is an essential witness in the Gillars treason case -IIIHISTflf.f!'I'E A'tSI900tion above - which is now on trial in the District aT Columbia.

~OTHE She is a citizen of the United States, but was a resident of Germany ATiORNEY GEHERJt the t:iJne the acts occurred wl:ich are the subject matter of this


was subpoenaed as a witness during the presentation of the subject tase to the grand jury, and has cooperated fully with the governnent &t all times, including aiding in the role of interpreter and analyst in connection with the interrogation of other German speaking mtnesses. Pursuant to my memorandum to you of August 20,1948, authority was approved to p~ for her attendance at the grand jury at the rate of $10.00 per day in lieu of statutory witness fees.

The testimony of . is vi tal to the subject' case and it is most necessB.ry that the cooperative attitude of this witness

, be preserved. It is, therefore, requested that authority be issued to pay her for her attenclame at the trial of this case at the rate of

I; $10 per day from ani including the day of her departure from New York L to and including the day of her return there, the same arrangement

/ ~; that was made for her attendance on the gram jury. This is the same 1 I arrangement that was approved for i ~ who is in the same category as am who recently testi-I ' .fied at this trial. f ~ .

It is anticipated that nil be required. to remain in Washington for a period of not exceeding seven days.

Enclosure No. 375417

I am enclOSing Form 25-B to cover this lIitness.


11. CI~ 'r~: .. _ : Penonnel

j aupp]y Div •• ~ I Records niT •. _

Mr. CoittMil _ Mr.I...mren~ &at. Div • ...;""..,;,..

liR !4AIL-BPlCllL Il1LI"nRY­RXGIsmq;D

1ehI'u&ry 18, 1949

~. UNIttD STJ. '!IS T. MILIlR!:D I. SIB(, aka. 11ld.t!4 lllyRtth QUlV' - TrtalOn

'!here i. _olo.ed herewith a ao .... rnm.nt !.ra..,.i a.queat nth which you can purchue a round trip oo&ohtiaket betwe«:l .and laah1nrton. D. C. Your appurance i. nqua.ted in 1Ia.idJ:i._ on 1IIoo.cS&1', 'ebruary 21. 1949, to te.t1ty in conneotlon with the

.• -.,.,. oa... line. it will not be cecun.ry for you to repon eulT Monda,. mndn,. it 1f1ll be po •• ibl.. tor You ~ 1 ... ..,. at UIT UJu the 1IOrn1nc 80 that you w1l1 uri..,. in 1I&lhincton c!m"1nc the earl;r afternoon. Upon arrival hG"'e pi .... report to Mr ... thall haw, !Doll 221), Departaen~ or JuaUCM Bid 1 d1n" 10th " 'emqiftDia iTenue, N. I.

Ind. au No. T7~', 713

'LU.&1ItIR II. ClUIPBILL Alai.tan1. Attorney- General

cc':-' RecoM~ neu. t1ll 1n .... ot raUro&d. ued aM 81&1\ Chrono at lower rilbt before to tiruc.t otf1~. Mr. Franke Mr. Kelley, Room 2724

J. A. Andretta, Ad.m1niatr&.t1ve A.l5istant to the Attorney General.

Alexander hi. Campbell, AsEistnnt Attorney General CriJIlinal D1 vi sian

UlU'l'ED 3'tl'V.....s T. lULDRED E. SI&, aka Wildred il.iu.beth GUlar. - Tr.ason HOi ~&=wrt ot !it,

hbruary 18, 19i5

AllCaNH1'Ifj ..

(itJ, r

. h8.8 been requested to appear in Waeh1ngton, DC on Monday, February 21, 1949, in connection with ta.t1ty1ng in the aboTe caM, the trial. of "hich 11 pre.,ently be. h.~d in the U. S. Distriot Court. ):,

It i. r.qU.'~ thAt the United states Marshal be author1ud to pay at the rate of fJ.O.OO (ten dollar.) per ~. It i. e.t1 •• :t.d that h. w111 be in f. .. ahington for a. period -of from 10 day. to two ... .u.

cc;V Records Chrono Mr. Kelley Mr. Franke Mr. Andretta Int. Securi 1q'"


(ELI;.w.N) 11 1.1. A.1.1.

Al.J:, : .. lFC 1 t.r.w


F'obruHry 15, 1949

ALEXJJWER :~. C~ Yura.L, Assistant Attorney General.


Yr-. Kel1e7 lIr. h'anke lWocrda v Chrcmo. tnt. Securl tT

; :oll ,

February 21, 1949


AUXAliDElt b{. C; JiPBKLL, lOO.m.wr lt1'OS!fn CKlWW.,

Uml'::D ~AnlS . ., AllmICA.

, "!."~ ,


.~r,Memm vlfzdum • UNITED STl,. ES GOVERNMENT

~ '\C 'B"Ifa \G:l53~r!.' indretta, Administrative Assistant to DATE: February 21, 1949 . . ~I' r \ the Attorney General

"PR0~r.f!Y[ ~"~eXander. Campbell Assistant Attorn<=>v General "o1HfU" ., ~" AT-;ORNEY GEKER.o\, Criminal Division



;1 ~ XILDRED ELIZABETH SISK: TREASON - 146-7-51-1708 ~ Re: PlIY)lIent of German rttn •••••

Sa.lJ.J", n

In connection with the trial of the above case which is being held ,in Washington, ,D. e., it Yi11 be necessary to have the follorlng German witnesses t~stifY. Accordingly, it is requested that the Uni ted states Jiarehal in the District of' Columbia be authorized to pay each of them at the rate of $10.00 (ten dollars) per day Which. amount includes subsistence and all other expenses. It is estimated that their attendance will be required for a~:rl.matel:r three yeeks.

1. ., ... ,.:.--: ... '

~ .:.,.: -~

2. i" " . ,"

3. ~,. , , . . ~';'

,,:' .. ~ .. li't;~~~:;·1J'i/ .f;,;:~,I;: ~;':~':,' ;:i:?::~' ; .. "';';,~ .• '~ ":~ •.. ~' •.• ~ .~t· .. " .:\ ',. ." "


, :' ... t: : .... I , ~ . ..,. .. :'0 "'," ~..~ .. '," .. '~.'


146-7-Sl-1708(:~. l.bruar,y 21, 1949

Hoaorable JCe"'.neth c. P.oya.ll Sec.:-ete..ry or the J.rtJJ:r n~ 25. D. c. HOLLIE

Attention, Col. N1chol.a.3 R. Voorhis, RIl • .3-C-4S8 Pentagon Bl.d&.

Hac ~ed L. G1llus, .. a •• , -.Axis •• TrealtOU - t\lmESSl.3 -

'fhrH adri1t1on&l Ger-n rltne., ... 1rill be required ~.d1ate17 to te.t.t.17 in the tr1a.l or the aboT8 cue. &.nee th. trial. 1. t'I01I' 1n proere" 1D the nt.tr1ot, of Colmab1a, it 1. TarT Hect.1Al that, the ettendance ot th ••• nta ..... be secured at, the earllest. po.a1ble date. the JWIe. aD4 &d.c:Ire.... ot the 1f1 tn •• ee. are .. foll.o1ra.

It 18 alao requeated that. the .. bow " w1tBN ••• be noYD to 1taahiDiton, 1). C., either T1a aU1t.aJ'y a1rcratt or oa .. re1al a1rl.1.Ma wb1ch .... r can be aoaoapUabe4 fir.t. '!be Departaent ot Jutice will proTide tor the ... .uar. of the ntis ••••• upon arrlnl 111 thi. COUIl~ &Z1d tb.,- wU.l be ,paid the wa oL tel dollan (tlO.OO) per day in lieu cd aubaiat..1ce.

the Departa_t ot Ju.t1ce dll. re1al:m'u the ~'bnant. ot the J.nt:f tor all expe ••• ot tnmlPOJ"t&t.ion and O'm"ln1cation.

ti. lett.r rlll confirm the telephone aonYeraaUcm ot Saturdq, ".bnlaly 19, 1949, between 1Ir. latban B. l'ran.Ice or rA7 .tat! nnd Colonel loorb1a the .. boTe _t.ter.

eel "'Reoo2rd.a -~

1Ir ....... ttta Wl"-JiHuab

lor the At.torney _~-!.

AT.nAlDD L C~. uWUat .l,tozu;r o..nJ..

;":.e:w.n •. (.'l· .• r~~pL61.:, .::;~;:'ot[.l:t. J,t"'l.d1l0j·

-:';f')r.ara.1. CrL:i.w.l .,ivisiOJ •• r\ .. f I .,i ... c. I JfC J tc.JI

C~.·:·_. ~, .. r:J.T~_:: 1y. ; ":'~~r_l:lJ ........ :~~, cl:.Ju ,-I~;~s.; ;1.I:-.j.;;'::T~. :l:::LU\:.:~ J T'~L,.~Sli.

llr'.1 .~en..S){~ c i t.i~·.ens l-i!lO Ij l"U ooiIlI' t.e .. ill':r in tlHJ ai.lOve ~tyloo CrullI.

l'<'. tnes,os will. bo tonuwrou t.o t..!le ;.Banin!~on ;"nd j;~ 1. .. ii\) .iroo t.h::t. t.I\e ;-".D.:. 1t~l!tdiatflly UOOll t!l6ir l1s -..u1C1~r~tou:.. two of tbfUJ1,

brol.Actlt to the Jnitau .. Ult.u to :::'t iLl anticipat.ed. t.:1Rt tnus

ue1'eruse a!tor their nrri val in tl;S), Od intervicwflo by r:'euts of arr-i val in the Jni t.ed. "tAtOJI. ::t


d9p~ ted from Gal"a,ar.y ami are CU(I to lIrri VtI in fi04to .... r j',. ua-~CbUB.~t.8 this "o.K-enu. It i., pO:lsiule that is accou.p~lyLjg t.nem altllotlgn dei:i.nit.fI iaformnt.ion .. t,g t.hi3 na. not be<ln reo"i v~'<1.

l.'!!ll :,)rou pl&AS. authorize a .3p~ci:al agent in ~1'a.hin&tcm i~,,:~d1 .. t • .ly to faJdlj t!rl.~e h..1.t!lael! wlt.h the bncicgl"Ouai a1' ti1i8 cue, ;>U"1.1ow..arly wo!ar a. it iuvolv .. t.beee wit.nees •• , kid arrllftge t.o !ly to noston, l.;u,.achu.let.t.., today and brier a".nta in ilotlt.on on tho f~c1i8 in toe cane so that they will bft ?repared t.o :Lntl!!rrl .. tnes6 wituenna im:lcdlat.ely &It-a%" tb&ir lU'rlval in j~.lItovor ifiel.d, ~s.chutJ.tte. An 1a:led1at.. report an this int.ani .. w i. ot ~ •• rje~ired.. r'ollowing the 1nt.srrlew t.ll. n tne ... ea .. ill be brou,;ht t.g ~h1:lgtQ!l by a repre1Jeabt.1 va at the Iamigrat.ion Service.

Records / l4r. Cunnin rham Int. ~ecurl ty Chrono.

)u-. Kelley


/) / (i V /

•. .,~"'! r " "', ...-'" . : ~."'- ....... -., 'I':'"".-:-~:' --:-, .

Office Menu. andum o UNITED S1 ._rES GOVERNMENT , ,

TO Nr. S. A. Andretta, Adr:inistrative Assiswnt ·to the Attorney General.

ctI!£' ~O~~.AJ. der H. Campbell, Assistant Attorney eneral, Criminal Division.


DATE: Jarruary 3, 1949

Al,:C : JMK: tres

146-7-51-1708 l ... f.c':

r-' , .~< . ,\' ~

,~~ 'r;' It is desired' 'th~t \.he·neces;~ a:r:.renge:r.ents be:d~;" ~ .. : as soon as possible to assure' the atternance of the three Dutch .. :itnesses "'ho vere previously brought ,to the United States in con­

,nect.ion wi t:1 Grand Jury proceedings in the above styled matter. The names and addresses of these witnesses, and the n~,es and ad­dresses of their respective employers are:

Witness Employer BOLLI:

. ';: ' ..


(A) Per Di~ of ~lO.OO, w~~~ included sub8istence ~~d wi tness fees, effective fro::1 the date Q::_d hour of depcrt1..:Te iJ1 Eolland to the dc::.y am: hour of ret-urn to Holland.

(B) $40.00 per "ee:: to defra::- loss of ec.rnin:.-s - fc~l=r expense, etc., the s£!.~e to be effect;. ve for the sru:;.e period covered in (A) above.

(c) Yne su= of ~O.OO to defray the cost of tay~S, tele­gra'":ls, :.:eals at stop-over -:.:oints, Q!1d ot::~r expe!1ses incurred in the course of travel.

At the me of the Gre.nd Jury proceedings was flown by the Army fran where he then and .mere he now reSides, to Frankfurt, Germcny ~ From ?:r::!nJd.'1;rt .. vas ~\m to New York City via American Overseas .Airlines, said trans-portation having been contracted;for by.} I dealing directly vi th the Washington, D. C., OfficEtof American Overseas Airlines. Mr •

. . received no cash' EUrope~. bu't following lis. arrival in the United states, an agreement was reached where'Oy:he wspaid on

1:' the same basis as . . . i:,~._.- .. '.~;y ..• :~ ,J. :t·

On their return journe:...- from the United states to Europe all three witnesses traveled via Royal Dutchlirlines, having been

, ....

paid the established fare (no tax) in cash. . .- :.

\,':"; ~ By letter dated Decenber 22, 1948, this Department requested each of the three witnesses, (a s:iJnilar request was mailed to their

. respective employers) to so arrange their affairs as to permit .their arrival in Washington', D. C., not later than February 1, l24?'~: ,The convenience of the attorney conducting the trial vould be most··served '.,'''' if ~. flight reservation can be se~edYhich W'ould assu;r_e~E<p!.~sence ." \ of sa:fd witnesses in Yashington, D., C., sometime during the ·ctay. of .~'-.

, ',_ • ..,.. J •• ,. '''~''~~'''~ .. ,.~. ,".. "

Eonday, January 31, 1949 .-'f • ~ - '.-, ','- ".' I '-':""::'~":':~~!;":';'~:; c",' .';

.... , <f.) -:tl ~ "/1.. ..:, ~",,_.. "'-::t" .. '; .:;-:' i: ..... ". ~;,,-.::.;hJf ·'f~·~;'~"':"~'~~~~' .:))'.0, .... 'tl.;' , '. ~~. '".J ~ .: -' •• ;.~.. , ..... ,." .. ~ .. ' ..... : "~:"~~I"':: ,;.;.t • ' •..••


. /. :~:::;.. : Each of said vi tnesses has expressed a strong preference to -~" fly vi'a Royal Dutch Airlines. 'Especially is this . the case."as:re'spectS .

. . \Tho is anployed bj their si?ml'any, and "fhose ··#i>loi,er. has" .. :.~ I been Called on'to cooperate by gran#ng'a le~_"!!e ':)f absence 'to Mr~' :~c:: ' .. : .

to permit his attendance •.. \';:': ~ .. ,,:._,;:: ._» '. "'~-::~ ,-~i~,':i ... :,-·,"-" L: • ~ ,~.- :, ... ~... .. ., ,} ~ -.. :.~.!~ "tr ~ ....• 1 ,1 • \, -' ... ~ ~v-), - ... ~~~ ~ .' ""~~-!~~.; ;: ... ,-. ~

.. , ' ~l, ~,;,~~:,:i:;:~'<, SiDce' their- return t~ Hollabd ~ 'r.~~~s-t bas b~en.~:!;~d-to '. ""'Yf"''''''''-~:':", _ :~;~~:'~~h-srld loIftrie'sses 'ld tit a i-ea8ona:bi~~amcittit'" of a'cC1denlf' ... y ...... aiice"· -;';_ ,-

'.' .,,(,.~,~t,-$~9~~i::.them during~he 9V~r~easf1i~t:,.Wi~- respect to:~~~ request .... ....... . ~:.;: ;~~~:-~~"C)pl,y be .,r.e,i~er~~ed th,~t the_cooperaU,,:e good:-~ ot:;.t.hese :.-c .. ', . ;,:·'''>;~~¥.nesses fs essential to the case and to this end ~ t ~s believed an

~~"~~!-' . ."..r~Jc'::t=~;~~Ti~T'·".'·',::<",. ..... - ..' ·'!,~;k.; : "



outri;;:~t rci':.:sal of thei::- reques-'c, ,,:ould not be well :::-eccived. Sub­ject to ~·o~ o.pprovd tt.c following arrE.nge::-,e:-lts are suggested:



Tha t air-li!1e trc..:J.Spo::-t.:::. tlon be con-:'X'3.cted directl~r bet,'Jeen this Depc:rt."4ent and the ",{ashington Offi ce of ROyZll Dutch Airlines for the transport.:.tion of

f::-OT,1 k::.sterdC!:!~ ::ollanc. to J:e'H lor~: City and fJr t~:c trans:)orta tion of .:'ro::;: HWi.ich to Ee',[ ~ork City (vi;' i;;nsterdam), all t.u-ee to crrive in lJew ::-orl: Cit:;r on l:onday, Janu~ry 31, 1949..

That the St.:: -:e Depct:-:.ent crrange throuGh the Ar.-.erican Consul at ill::sterd::s to furr.ish the necessary visa or sci table travel permi t covering 1 " , _ • insofar as exi t froD Holland and entr-.r in the USA is concerned (including proper notice to the IrmUgration and Naturilization Service to assure clec:rance in NYC). ..".,;r

That the Department of the J:.rmy 1?e. contacted to provide"",; "::i.!i';;:, . , throUgh the European Theater Command, the necesseI7 ~~iL_.-i.i':,I.!~.'~:, ,', permt to . entitle . . to d~,~~;,~~ch~v~,~t~~l'lft.:~~}}~::'r:,.:' for !ITC .'. " .~,.' ,. • ~~.' ~~.".:,;"

. '. . '. '~:~:'.:, "'. : .' "::,,:~:r§~'·:!,' .. ~~r'.·::r;· 4. That the Consul's Office in Amsterdam be authorized to ·~va.nce .. ~'

• , . ...... '1Ir. ~. '" , • ',' ,"

to each of said wi. tnesses the sum, up to $50 cash, in. case . ::'" said witnesses request such advance and that the ConsUl <:on- . tact the employers of said .d tnesses to urge their c6opera.tion in granting the necessary leave of absence should it develop that the suggested date of arrival conflicts Yith present: ,,' ~;,., york schedules.' :' ;;': .~... . . ';,c.::i-;';;" ,~,'"

. . ri',,;' .... '-':'.,. ~., ... i· '.~(.~ .. ~~.-:. i

5. That Hr. John N. Kelley, Jr., of mi sta£f, who is in direct correspondence wi th said ~ tnesses, • be info~ said Yitnesses that they' are 'at'liberty to cident insurance to cover their over-seas flight,


event' that the:, do so, follO'lnng their arrivel in­States this Department -will reimrur!39 them for the .. Di-em::(Ui!f's paid up to but not exceeding the sUm .. of$lO .00 '.'O",'"·,r',,.

when the date of arrival of said witnesses' inNmr --:~j""="'ToI has been definitely deteITined the,Uni ted States, the Southern District' of Nev -:torkbe ' so'naUried

_,to assign a Deputy to meet .said v.i.tnesses arid assi_.¥"_,,, .. ~,*,;; . departing New 'York for Washin-gtcin; ':D. C. , :

. ;:':::"'::7,~, the required transportation. for. suAA j C?tU"Dei~' >;;.') ,

, <g~~fi'?:i:':~;\~"!!'1~}j"::~:~:'i"S~~W~~~~;~:'!~;"::' .. , .

" .:, ~~_.:., ;' .<:tf.~'.>"~::~ .' , -', ,,",

',{ . .. : . .,.. .. . ,:.:." ;~? ..

.'~ ':~~~~~~~:;:'h~l:,"',

'!be trial or tbo imtal!t !'3Iltter v1ll coar.enoe on J8DUIlI7 2.&, l'lCDrt. In at"'dcr tho. t eaapl1 a& t1cm. r!li:1 be I1T01dcd it. 18 reqneeted thftt ~~ f:lAt.~ DOt forth in th1a ::IIDOrendum be cmsa1.1ered .. eooa aa posa1b1e.


'!'h. D1 reoior. Ted.ral Bu1"elW. of InTesUgatlon


1h. attached letter from

. 1" fOnNlrded herev1. th for your In!onaat1on.

~nclo.ure Ho. 43764.3


Chrono o

Mr. Foley


P !l

~tit, ~~ df '( ~ ~~/~~7~

'"hi I~ ~-~ /~~~~ , .~~

-rJ,J 7. ~ ~ ~'- ~ . ) I ~

~~ ,??' '~' ,"t"~/T> -;)"'j7--r;71.· ~ :'-"'''''''''')0''''_1',;1

yf1f r"T / '7. r;t.' (' 'u-rl!'-/ h-u01. 11' It.

I) I ' f! / ~ _ ,2.. l

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ky' r~..-4 Li>--'/V ;-," ") rrr v~ rur-.--r',i £.1 ~ 'Tn->;? I ~;'1 ~.r>p~ 7~" f:ir Yr~'

:--'~~/r'-Q/' 7~' .7 :~, 7>~, !)~ . '1?-,.. fL~- ~v1.1"-'7

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( 7 J\m, __ ,1961.

·: .. '.The President, . T'ne '"hi te llouse. I .

~,i:y Dear 1.T. President:-The accompanyin[ new~-~aper cliDJing does not

tell the "newa behind the headlines 'f • ~f you knew t~e true story of this Girl's life; how she Viall a child from a broken home and souioht r. 1i veli­hood in several countries (Ganada,United states and Cermany) , you would understand the so-called "treasonable acts" were false and dug up by 8

minori ty ;:;rou:~ which sought reveni:e on "one who BJlolce the truth" and it stung them so dee,ly they were blind with madness to get even.

As an InternationiUfigu,re, who found herself in Gern:liny when,:orld -:iar II broke out, she beeame ::.~ German 01 tlzen and \'i8.S employed to work: on the German radio. In one of her comxentaries she stQted.a stinging truth which none ot us can denYi -"Soosevelt and his ;rews got Unl ted states in the ;::::>.r against Germany." This,iaa feet cnd could have been stated several ways (since TIar with Germ&ny was inevitable).i.e. it could have been st<::ted,-"?oosevelt c.nd the Bri tiah ~ot .dlIleriea in the Gar against Ge~y. I The fact that she mentioned a Qertain minority Crou, was the reason she (a German Citizen)wus broU€~t from Germany to ITashlngton D.C. to face a Nazi £an& of SQum and paid-otf accusers.

All this has laased now and she is a'out to 8e released. My great­est concern and tear for the satety ot this ,erson when she ia released. The least Our Country .can do tor har is to see that sha has pollee as_art to her plaee ot employment.

It an enraged group can kldna, a man :f':rom .d.rgentlne and bring him to justioe, there ls no assurance that this girl would not meet a similar ~

fate. If the U.S. Parole Board (through their offiolal action) haTe seen tlt to state that "she has paid her de~t to Society" who is there to oontinu. outlawed practices? An-eye-for-an-eye •• has long been outlawed.

God forbid that any race or reli6::ion in ~'.mer1ca could be at odds with any opposite ~rou~ within its boarders to mushroom to i:an&ster proportions. Since we liTe By the law we would expect all persons to abide by its decisions,-but recent a.tions in the South have left alarming soars. Still we pray that they might speedily see the light.

I believe you will do what is right ~d pro,er.

Gratefully yours,

-.. - ,- .... -~~ ,- .~- .... -. ~ '(,-"":.',-, - ~ ,,: !...;.,.:-'

INTERNjl,l S~CUmTY lil'.'ISlml


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KiRCH 4 1949

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!<Ii s s Hamli n Hr. P~j.sley Mr. John lelley


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146-'1-B1~ '108 ha!eh Ie, 1949

o.or .. JIom. h7, -..w,re t1D1W aa," .l'~ VaatD«tcm. 'I). a. -Dear Hr • ...,.

h. 1IJdW 8ta .. Y. HS.l.ttI'e4 1:. II1*. a1ao k'rnm U N1CU4 IUp"th MUan

vtth ntenaee to tDteJ'llaUOII wbldtwd too J!r'. ~

nl.a~ ~ the nb~' .... then

~ by Mr. JI.raBk ~ or 117 .tat!.

btlpeOtfall7 •

00: llacorda./ Mr. 0unn111&hUl Obrono tnt. 8ec'or1 V

~ tbe Atto~ GeDaral

.AL.U.UmJm I:. ~t AHla'-:n.t Attcft187 GeMrcl

Dept. Form UB

11Bepartment of 3f U5tiU

................................. District of .. Calllllb1a ................................ .

,...b.J,..~ll.,.D.Q .. J_ .. ~·.~ .. ~, .. ~9.lll ................. _ .... .


Washington) D. C.

(Place and date)

Sm: Authority to incur the follOWing-described expense is hereby respectfully requested-fire' 'JL, . UJIm) CAm Va VlIJlRJ!J? Ii. QUirAM - .I:ftU='Hl-1708

To pay the .uo!:RICAR Ovrn...~ l.IRLINFS for exC.IIB bagga{;e for

, Witnea. in the aboTe ca •• , who 18 returDiq

to· thi. date. bad a ot ll.5 l~ of baggagt Lelia 66· &llowed

49 • $1 • .20 a pouD4 49 lbe to t.

Estimated total expense, $ . .58.80 .................. . pa14 far on th1a *- autbor1-Rt.1on •.

mu"~_;_~t:~u~_m ___ u ~_u ___ ;; Contract No. . • . . ................................ ~ , .. 0 ~

NOTE: Unless the instructions on the reverse hereof are tull~~Hl'M,ll~~=. DiT. (Do not use thiB torm tor authority to incur expense ot prtnting_Use lettel".~ - . -_. - -

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) ,1 v-·"" -; - ":';" /.


lIAR 24"949 29

,"_ r"

.I ,/ U ~i"'''

I Approved: L-.._ e· _._- ----------1 You are authorized to incur the above expense.


Transportution Request ;;0. 7Z7 ,063 was lssued in favor this expense.

.: ' .. - --~,"", ... ..,-----



Office' M~,,!!oran'dum- · ,!


TO : Alexander M. Oampbell. Assistant .lttorney General,oATE: Harch 18, 1949 . Oriminal Division

~F~OM ; J. JI'. Onnni neham m:eld 146-7-51-1708

A },UCBJECT: United' S~tes T. Mildred E. Siek, also

tt1 known as Mildred Elizabeth G111ars llOLLIE ';",~;,~'lle;(erencei8'lI8de' to 'telephone" o'onversS:tioll'today betvee :Mr. ~~tY and. me, in which Mr. Wb.earty. said information had come to attention from the United States Attorneyls Office that an unknown perso representing him­self to be a reporter on the Rev York Sun had been in co act vi th two of the Jurors in the subject case and had made inquiries of t respectiDg the .. deliberations of the jury. Hr. 1fhearty suggested too I get in touch with ~Be ~~rs" identif~ed. b~lO~, and: ascertain the /,tB relating to tl1i1l ~tter.

I called ajur<;lr in the Glllars case. ¥hosa1d,that yest/rday a1?out 5 p.m.' a ~ came

.to her house and identified himself as

..... !., She told him that she re'co~ed. hiin·,.'DY hi's"picture-,ana:-inTited lil.·~~~expr~.s8ed ~rfse 'Aj~ "&Bked-.·~t ;,fc-ture;'~ ;8he .. ~~l~~.~!!~~~~~,sh~ .. ·.~, ,' .

• n'l;ul=;.LU.~ed' him as beilU!' the man ~ _ ' . -". .'" . __ ~ . _ ._ :, ' - .,' ;\<,."..",,',-,'

- 2 -

A man came to house about 9 p.m. night before last and asked him to talk to him about what went on in the jury room when the jury was deliberating on the Gillars case. The man told he was a renorter with the liel': York Sun. !the man asked whether or not the foreman of the jury in any 'WBJ' influenced the menbers of the jury in reachir.g its verdict, and told him the foreman in no "W in-fluenced the jury. The ~ wanted to know what the immediate attitude of the jurJ was, whether the men or the women ,,~re first of the i~resBion tha t she was guil ty. The man talked on in the same vein for some length of time, but does not remenber the different questions asked. He SBJ's the man a!J!)arently was not sa.tisfied with his re!!!,onses as he said no influence "ms brought by anyone in connection with the ver~ict and nothing of an improper nature ,,-as commi tted. The man told that Laughlin thought the Court might have influenced the jury by h::.s charge, and said something about the f~ct that the Court had conferred secretly wi th the government attorneys.

The man said he was of German ancestry and that he met Miss Gillara on one oooasion when she went out to dinner la.te and a dEr9Uty marshal let her come to the gate and SJ)eak to him. The ~ also said he had been out wi th . ~ drinking beer.

described this man as being arount 45 - 48 years of age, a.bout six feet tall, and weighing about 200 lbs. He said the man was dressed in a black coat and a light colored hat. He said he did not re­call emctly ",hat the man's name "'8.8 but he remembers it 'WaS a German name. He said he had talked to about him, and that she knew his name. Ltball:.a8kea· .u-:;it:was and he said yes that was it.

...arct. 29, 1949 , .' ....


;~e: i.Jniteci ~ta.t.QS ....... .;.kraJ. .:.. ,;u,,,"-; also kn'ilHI w:J I •. lkrcci Elizabeth Gl1lar,; Trenson.

There ia oncl.o8ed herewit.h cOPl ot a cl'S:.:.unication to your employer rel£ t1 V6 tu J'our lrot't: with ..:r. John

• .;. t. ~l.ley , .Jr., ,If t.y Qtii.!!, on the :lubj ec t caae.

Tl~ you very MUch for your cooperation.

Encla:.ure No.4l9870

Records J Mr. Curmingham Chrono. Int. Security 1!r. Kelley

Re,pect1'ully ,

}I'or tne Att"rney General,

~!l4Lf.n "'. CA..J'l.£U., A.aalatant Attorney General.

J. Frank Cunninr.ha::, Criminal Divi8ion

John Ii. Kelley, Jr., Special assistant to the Attorney General.


lW.rch 31, 1949


llOLLn At 1 P.l.!. today in the Glllar:s C&JIe

telephonically informed the writer that afew days nGo vallod at his house and remained from 8115 to 10145 P.1J. It wafS dif-ficult for t.o ret rid of him but .finally, in an effort to end the interview, typed up an original and carbon of a short staten;ent. retained the carbon and while cleaning his house. the lIext day lowld that had not taken the ori­c1nal with him since he found the 8&ae lying on the settee.

had with him an eight by ten envelope out of which he obtained certain papers and showed the same to during the interview. On an occasion -..nen _ went to the telephone in an adjoining hall, made a hasty examination of the contents ot the envelope for the 801e purpose of ucertain1ng 11' the papers 1'oWld within would reflect whether or not the name was the true nane of hie, etc.

adrl.s .. that &J:lMg the articles thus observed was °a Union boole, papers "tram all over the United states" and some letters from

made no Ufort to read these letters or study the contents of these documents. consta.ntly referred to the defendant as "Uildred" and in referrini:; to the case always used the word "an. He al.lo made the remanc "I guess you know that I'm a friend of the amily." Also stated. "I am merely trying to make her sentence "horter. II that Z1e had sat many tiz:::s. as a juror and that the GU.lar. case waa an out­standing example in his experience of complete, thorough ani coo.o1-ent10Wl discussion 01' the evidence on the part of all jurors. The chief point of inquiry on the J:&l't of seemed to center around the 8tated that IIsomsbo<iy told me" that the selection ot ' was cut and dried and Uta* his subs1tution u an alternate was a plAnned ani calcu­lated occurrence.

also stated that at one time called hill and red ted that .he had been visited by understood) to stat. that represented hillsel! to be connected either with the FBI or the IY.rshIJ. '8 ot!1ce. He .tatled that _ appeared to be very much upset by' the occurrence.

The writer inforad thM. he ahould presern the written atatements abaYe referred to and that it waa po .. ible in the near tuture that an FBI igent might call upon him and obta1.n a written statemnt. ot the above ter.

1tecords j ~.Kelle~ .', Cunrungham

J. flWl~ aJlfJtING!lAli

JOHN 11. KELU;Y, .m.

JUR.CR!) - IN REI UHITED t.:T1.TES v. ~RED E. 5ISK, UKa 1.!IlLH.r1) l:JJZAB:.7H G!l..l..ARS t TREA5.:Jf.

At. 12 noon on Thursday. l!.arch 31st.,

:.anrch 31, 1949


who served as _ . in the G1llars cue tel.ephoned the w11. tar nnd stilted th:~ t he ~d been viai ted lJY that:. _ referred to hi;-.08.U &II a tamer Uepubl1can leader in 1; .. York} daniod havinr; ruv official connection with t.he cue, den1ad being a rapreHll~t,iY. or tb.:.a Depnrtment or llr. Laur,nlin, and. a~ tnut hi!! intereat. in the motter wu vho~ personal, me.nt.1on1ng incid.ontally that he h1z:uJolt h:£d frequently cade publlc dAn'"ocat.orT o! P'rea1ctent Roosnalt.. He 1n1i­cated !U.rther t.hat. he plallll8d to contact aa. COI1gnI::sional. Comm1t.ta. in w1.t.h t.h1JJ cue. 1"IIlat.ed that troa othar juron who have been contactac1 he luamecl that had actYanced thQ thoutbt t.hAt. htId bNn Aplmted- on t.ha jury (tlli t.boue.nt. ev1dentJ.y atenPd ng !'roa the taert, that. we t1rat qu.all-tied aa an alternat.e. lat.or qualU)'ing ... regular juror md ulU-matel¥ beau:. atat.ed t.hat did not. aWfRUt. diractJ..1 t.o h1s& an;y aUiCMtion or . 18 beill4: "piant.od ••

nat. .. t.l»it. he puaed on tho above iD!crmat.ian to Jud.p Curran • .. tat ... that. 81.noe the eIX1 of the trial he has moneta Hi. DI1r

addres. be1ng ~. _~ l18 -.y be reached bT phone at tho t.e18phone c 'Elperv -

Tha writer thanla d . lor COllVey1n{1 the above intoru-tim and stated tb"t it 1. poenbl. that at .OM Mure elate Agcta ot the FBI might oall on h1JI fer a wr1:t.tGn ataterant. oOYering tba .bOY" tact., etc:.

, ! ' , ~ '-"

DJ...nct.or, Federal Uureau o! Iln'Ut18&t.1oll.

.u.~ l:. Caqlball, Au1.tant a..ra.l, CI1a1Q111 D1..-1.1on.

UJUrED STATl;5 Y. ~IlmtED r.. SIm, al..o knoml .. lLIILRKD ELI1.J..IETH QIu.A.R.S, Tfi.BAS()N.

April 13, 1.949

uc • JJa. JIC .tL •

At.t.achDd .u let.ter datAd warch 6. 1949. !ra:t __ rti,at1 yw to the

abo ..... t.yled cue. it ia rttqu •• tAd that. tlU. Bu.r'Nu- tr.n.late and turn-1.ah to J.Ir. John u. Kallay, Jr., ot :;q, RoGa 2724, 2 copJ. .. o! the eace, t.o get.her with t.he orie1nal la t tar in order trurt. reply faT be made to lett-ere

CCI Recorda Chrono. )lr. IeJ.l.q, 2724 / Mr. Cuminghll'l!, 2722 Int. Security


, /1/\ r

v I (,.

.ile.xandor .;. (eu:.plJ8.J..J.., .. 8:1.. 5t.a;~t Att,;rnoy :Jenornl., (" r -C!.Iw.l .. !. vis!. all

.JL:.:Itrl.l ,i..I . .I\:.l.1' I C.i~H.J, was ~:~:~.'J., cIt

J;mo 1, 1949

P.o.faronco :'a l3Jde t.v your ::4t:.OrruxiA to r::o o£ .arch G, , urClI 14, Hl'o/J. ;,..Ily 2), ~14), rol ... ti '''0 to the ulloV't1on b:,;-fand' tr.l~ t Fa j ,~:.ll"'J Tal:!

cQr.:.i.:i:. t.ed 1J;r ill ~113 tU~It.ll.Ol1Y ill t.!l.u :I ub,)oct. c.:aae.

Cunsidurat.iu16 hOou baULl 1:iven to ~ho Ll!.'or!:li!t.ioll rupor'''eC., aa1 :.t. ':'3 C ~.lC~U.UO<1 t;'.ht t!l.O 1 acttJ rolatod d.o ~>ot. m&rrmrt.rooocutiGll or furtl;cr i :i.Vo8t.:..~t.ion.


Records / Cur.urLnghau--Rm.2722 Chrono Int. Sec uri ty


JUN, 2. 194~, '.;.. .. ,

I" ,.·r . . '7 ....

Jjj~ ~-,i' Memu, andum o UNITED Sl11.TES

JUN B~" GOVERNM'tkt·lf-;



Peter c. Brown, Special .A,ssistant to the Attorney General

John H. Kelley, Jr.

DATE: June 1, 1949


SUBJECT: Mildred E. Gillars, wa F ~ L~Sl- 708

, £7 He 0. MAR _ ~O 1954

Reference is made to your recent note, with attached copy of memorandum from the F .B~I. dated May 24, 1949, asking my opinion . as to whether or not· investigation should be instituted into the activities of persons who have contacted, or attempted to contact, certain members of the petit jury who sat in the subject case.

Shortly after the verdict was rendered in this case, various jurors reported that a man called on them, representing himself to be a friend of the defendant and her sister, and questioned them in detail about haw the jury reached its verdict.. how the .foreman was-chosen, lI'hich of the jurors was most anxioUS to convict, etc. :, ~~" _.'. ' .. F.B.I. was requested to aacerta~ the ident:f:.ty and connections .. ~\J .. this indiv:f.dual, and it was learned that'hilS'name 1mS .. ~~:~"

and that after talking to SOmB of the 'jurors' he went· to tbe liw. ....;. '.' . ormes of James J~ Laughlin, attorney for the defendaIit. uter~'dl18~ .... :.~ .. J. :~.:., '

/" \ _ , ..... ,~ .,.. . ... 4' ,

... :'.':,:;i.(; ;".' .. cpnsideration it was d~c;i~~d(~~t no}.'Il~~~ .. ~~t1~~~~ of>.:t.l~.f~ .. ;i·':~';:1~'·;;\'~ . • '.' . . matter 'WaS desired '.. . "; . 'I< .~ .. ..' .• ". ,,'1.' -,,'I.; .< .... ".. ..' . ·~'~~·"·i·····t·r"' ...... , .\ .;., '.' ~,. . •. ·::-:;····\ .. ::\:}::~~~:·:·r-·.· ":·:::\c~.':~.~;:?\~:.,:~· .. : ··.'~;'i!;~$ft{:~<;~::~;,~; :~~.:~ ...

. . Mr. Clifton E. Greaves, the juror refe~d to in·the Bubje~::~:.'.\ ;:.:;;'~.,;~.~~ .. F.B.I. memorandum, called me. DIl May 24, 1949 relative to the visit·· ._J ••.•••

of . at his home.: Jie stated .th&t,. ;' . . claimed she liaS writing a book OIl CtlJJars and wanted''--, \ .

him to read the script and see if he could add anything to i t~ ., ... , ... Whil.e he reports that they questioned. him at some length, he' ," .

. ~-- . \ ,.' riot indicate that any effort was . made to'gEit: hilD. t9:f'alsify·· .. n .. r •. ~,.a..,

,.'.:.' : .. ~.~~ facts ~ .. tbat h~ was ~. ~ ~i,~oe,rce~~; .. ~: .. ~~·:~~! ~.~ . :f'~:' ·.'{l ';.: T; .. ? _:~·:sR.:);~~~ ~'.' ~i .;. ~ ;"~~.;; .;';-~.~ :~~~>(~~t,:l~·!,;}~:·~~~);~{.~~;t~:~:1{%~BKt?~6:·~ . . .

','.. :" ' .. ' '. .:.~ .. The jurors in this ca~e have been most cooperative .in """"Tw. ..... . :~,.» .'~:':. :"": 'Buch ocCurrences 'as the· foregoing;': and-Whue'X;t.Il:tDk 'we .' ::.r:-"~~~~"!J~~:;"M\~. 'f;'" ..... • . . ;. . . .'f. .\ .• , ....

: .. ~<·~:·~..;~ ... ·""· .. ··\ continue to give careful consideration to .such .reports I /~>~~.~~,;: <;~~:::.:.: \ believe the t'acts so' far .. known '1.ridicate· sUc~ ,posS!bill' or: .~ ';>\:: .... : .. ::::,.~~ ~. laUon' 01." law ae 1fOU1d·£·'·:' . ··1rito· " i~~i~l1)~~~';~.

;~~ t:,::--~1,:3~~~;, ."',r..: .... '!.,.."...

NY :PJ.ffiJ ck


typed 2/19/62

'I1l:1a 18 to aclal.owl.edse your rocent l.etter to this Department in Wich 70U reque.ted a copy o-r the of the trial. at: M:lldred 01l..1.An, alao known u "Axia Sally," end other 1ntormaUon reJ.at1n8 to thia caae.

I regret that lie do not have avaUable for puhUc d1.atribu­tion a qy or tb8 t.raDaaript ~ the G1.ll.ara tr1al., or other inter­maUon !:or publlc d1 ••• ' n

a t1on. '1'!wnI 1a, bowver ~ 1D uur reoorda a cop)" at tbIt traDaOript, CGll8l.1t1nc ot 31 volume., vb1oJ1 may be ftXm!!1ned in the ott!a .. ~ tb1a .Departaent. In tho event 70U v1ah to review tb.1a tn.uar1pt, ,w ab.oul.4 canw"n1.eate With lIr. Mv1n O. Outbmazl, Bpec1al Aaa1ataat tor l'ubllc Int~t.1on, t1D1te4 stata Departutut ~ Justice, Wu.b.1DstOa1, D. C., to the appropriate e.rranpmenta. For:TOUl" f\IrtMr 1Dt'ormt1on, the compl.ete tnwtcr1pt of the tr1al 'IIIA'¥ be exam1 ne4 1n tbe recorda ar tba Un1 ted statu District Court tor the tl1a:tr1~ ot Columbia 1lbere the detaant ,.. tried &D4 cam1cted. An7 1Dqu1.rJ 7O'l rta7 ba.,. ~ tMae reaorda should be directed to tbe Clerk o:t the court tor tbat jur.U41ct.1an. We voul4 &lao au_at tba" 10U D&7 v1ah to re:ter to the op1nion ~ the Court, o:t Appeal..a tor the ll1atr1ot at Col.-ta, aft'1.DI1na tha 0GIl­

tiction., which IIIB7 be tOUDd in the WUt Publlah1na ~ lep]. report1ns .)'!Ita, the ledelwJ. Reporter, 8.eC<I04 aer1u, ~ l.82, begjrmt"i at page 962, cited u G1.l.l.a.ra Y. United stata, 1.82 7. 2d 962. ~ publ.1cation can be totmd in e:rJY ltw illil"U7.

I hope va have betm or ua1.atance to ygu.

cc: Records'/ Miss Beatty Section copy

S1Dcerel.7 ,

J. WA.UrER lJ:AGL1!IY Au1.atant.. Att0m87 a.a.ral Intemal. Secur1 ty D1 V1e1on


January 28, 1962

Orrice of the Attorney General Washington, D.C.


Fbr some time I hav'e bee- ~erested in the case or Mildred GillarS~~A;is Sally. I un­derstand that she has been released from the Women I s Federal Prison and is now living in Ohio.

If it would be possible I would like the foll­owing inro rmat ion a

--A transcript of the trial

~Pb.otographs or Axis Sal11 . , . ;.. ", .. ,_.;-" 'C';; c.'.· ."

-Any' other non-confidential material in your riles on her work before she vas tried.

!hanking you in advance ror your oooperation on the above, and hoping to hear rrom you at your earliest possible convenience, I remain,

. ---. ••• _ ',-:-; __ ' J

. ,."; . ,";"

.. ; ........ ~~ .. . ': .. ' -.. ; ~

I RECEIVED " ," '. ~ ," fl,


__ "-5--. '.:..:..~.r'

.. ~ •.. ::~ . .-,_.~ ;J:,,:!.,l..... . .







146-7-51-1708 .April 6. 1949

. ,


.. --.,' . - /

Your Ie"er ot l4arch Z7. 1949. to the Prelldea. hal bHn referred to thl. Departaen' tor acknowledc8en' aDd con.idera,loD.

!he Prellden\ IlPPreol.' •• TOur co.ru1aatlD& with him.

iieeordJ Chro n~, '.' ~ ,. ' ,,-Mr. KOff'~' \)'./"0;' "f

1/ q ,"

~ 14. CAMPDU A •• l.tan' A"orn.., General

4.r. :::.iry . .:' v.Tr~,l;:.ln, :rC~l~~:lt _l!L~ :lJ..i te ._'-'

. ' .. ' lI.,l~c.:.r :~.r:. _-r.;si~3nt;

..--,.( -

" ' I -' , 1/

:': ... e ~Jl·~t~r 15 not ~;: ~..:.!...; ~::'f..J.uit::.:' Jr-iti...;i~_:-.. :.; :!'J..-2 ~v:.-.~~. '"' .. 1 t :~')T JGJonG. ::le t.:: c;.Q ..... r ... ~·t;ilIlc :....:.:.:~ :. 7.. J:lt ''''~i~!l ~..:~. u2 .:....,. Y(! ':i is lit e t:.: . __ .. d\.~ t~_i~ 0"": Wl t r~' .:'::-e~ :'-::\.0. ~~l:':; 1..:.. ::'.;! ... I.~~i~ ..jc:-l~i.l?---.,;.iv~n l. .... tc 0..;"'; ~,":!~r3 if: ;:-!'i~cn ~;:. ..... \',':'1':' :..~ in. -' iJosition_t:J i;j.';!<.:.Q fur : ... : ;::r:;-l.~ :c.t t::e e:c;ir;,..ti:Jn .::l.l'

Il...! ~··, :....150 DOc.,;l:L:s ,;,ii ... n ..... l·.!l' -'-u .... ~uueri; ;j'.!st u:: Gl.· ... ~" \ iii"': il~ ~r~~on. .T~len '.!:..:."':!1 S_~.) ......... I..I.. :J~ .J~~n ---.n6'eu.

I _:,1 n:Jt "10..;',,, tI!i~·st~·. nor ""';; I · •• ibll to see .... n~·vn~ "wf-=r ulljl....vtlj", .;t.,;"t in .. l~· ~~il:':".:;n ',i1.lj" .\_~ r.i.~t tlle~e ir::..J.. vl~'u.:...l:. , ..... ~lt '.Jlt':l in :...lJu~r ... ""n\!e ' .. ·it;! ~~~:~ :" __ tV W .. lw. t.~~ ~v:~~~_~:"?:l;:' '" iIi. !_l~' v):"~:ion it ';,ill .. ,u.i(-:; _ LlCJ;:er~: i-' ... ' cJ:TjT:~: ~!~v.. _

1.4l.::::r ~~~r·...:. fer tlH~ ..L ..... \;.

:~i ...;0Yb ,tdU ~t!rv!.;!1..L l.!~ . .j l:-st .• ~l' ,.;ri:..!u' vl~.ell t':' .. 'J~: 1 <:'.u.. :':..1.';

6~nt3n~'.:: _n'-4 t!!.e.l· t;:~il' i~ no Jl::~I~:; ~!lu. I \o{'\.4it:..: _ . . r"e 'tll ":1'1" 'or .~, .... '1'''01'''''' ~l'o-ril ···"VO" '~i~r"o "';'L ~ l.... •• J. _ L.o .. ~ ... l. i4 ... ~~ ~1.L ........ \" •. _~_ ::l';_ 'oJ .1.'''' '-' '00#

/Wll.. t;J.':.! ,'or..l~ .1'-".1' ,rl, _r ... u ~ rt:!tl.reu. J.l.,::, ~ ... jerc./:.!:l.J'y

1,,""'1' "~r '11' ~'1'~ Vut"y .. ~c \<ri,';",i· tr .,.i ~n l'n"1...~"S t" ' .. " , ... '

l"'~ . .l. :;, .... ~ ~Q w."~. l~ ~ ... ""'~~" .~~~~.:'~~ .. .J.;~u J ~~ >..1-... ..., l~-';. •·• .... 1


.:J.,Y .L.~j,.:J ...... _t,;J,nv_ .~",.l.~ ....... l I ~""',wr~s..;_",", .... n~J..~lt!1..o. t .... l:.;vt;~~.~ ...... \,.1. •

; ",t ::.; ",,,,;.;(;t:t:.1e s'.'·~r.t;. .::11110ns ~r~ :..1:.,(:"'"0:. 1.·:.:. ... ~· 1t ~;)~"

Inct s"t ';n';/ \·/c1:..·. ..-'


! / '- 7 ~ /

31 19~9 / I:

I '::;:: f ,-l:~TEr:~\_.')..l. ~EC~~~. SEC:.


Al£ .J:~.JFC • .,j-April 1(3, l:)L&


Ro, lb1ted state. v. ~ E. S1ek, aJr..a llU.dred E.l.1Aabeth 01]] an

Heterenee jJ to your telagrul or Apr1llh. 19h9 J

ill 1Ih1cb yw uk QIl .. t ~ Mr. Ul.rJ.oh Haupt; 1. permitted to rema1n 1D tba lh1ta4 state. dnoe the coacl.utd.aD ot the trial of the subject cue in 1Ib1c.b he teat1.t1ed .. a Goft1'DIIont Wit-DeS •• .

It is undentood that 1Ir. Haupt .. born in tba th1ted State., that he l1 ... d here tor 15 yurs bdant retum1Dg to Ger­many in 1930, that be appUed for and .a granted c1t1senah1p in 1946, thst he came to t.he IJn1tcd State. 1med1ately a.tter obta1D-1ng hie pa:ssport in 19h6, and that be is remaj n1 ne hera under lIla right. al an American ci. tiHll.

~ ~~ Records / u:!.alf. Mr. Kelley ijN'V'"" Mt-. Cunningham

Cbrono Int. Security

Reapecttu.ll7 •










904A APR 15

27 USA USA II I 515 22.


'. ;


PLAY :z=,.. -0 ~

---:...r. --. ---:.,= -.. ~,


,- -:: -~ ~::. .~ - -::I::» , ,

3: -:: ...

-=-:...D --.


Reoe1pt u aek:DoIrladged at your letter or .1uDe 8, 1949, n.tern11c to the tert1~ ot the lI'iu.. Ulr1ah Haupt 111 the noeDt ... of t.b1t.ed Statu v. ~ I. 011]8" (81*) •

cc Records i ehrono Internal Security JMKel1ey JFCunningham

. ~. Jart b Attamq CJeauoal

AWlJIDD .. COJIIIILL An:t..naId .ttaarM7 0eIwn1


JU;'i 17 ''34~ EA



....' 1.1148


---lit' 1 ............ ot 70V le,tel' ot M7 a. 1.MI rebUn to the ..,t.,r,-, ot ICI.J.tI'H X. Qlllan 1a Dl.V1o\ ot C:O~I. JaIl ,....aM .. "",21 tn. .. oorwtottoa td ___ •

I0Il' Ill...., 1. nt .... w 1Ir ...... , ........ .,..... •. _ I • .t M .... -.,..-• • t "'-'lee. trw ~ .taM tM .... bftlftt ............ ~ ot Ida .tn...

ft\ll nt .... to .,.., s • ...., ....... Wi w ••• t .. MS. .. Olllan ,.H..-1IIar *H-l.plea. __ atrteM ...... an ... __ ~ ldl la • _, .... 1M ....... Iaa .1817 '" the ~ 1M tU dIWt Sa Ud.. lutaue • .,.. ... Steftac Ua. """.,iM. wa tha, WI. ....,.. __ tal84 at ala , ....

...... ttaJlar.

j,YUllUl JI. 0UIPuu. .lad .... ' A.UonIF 'Wanl

eel I' .~.

necorda Hi. B Hamlin Internal Seeu--i ty .. Mr. Ielle;y. f}

- )(r. 0unn1n!?'e Mr. James V. ;~nnett.. Director

Bureau ot Prisons



"The Attorney General" AMCJJlI'Czej'W 146-7-51-1 ?O8

Dear Sir:

Attention Mr. Alexander M. Campbel1-Your reply of July 18. to mine of June 28

certainly didn't answer any of the points set out in my letter.

You speak ofl _ :coming appeal. as if this alone is important. present comfort 1s important to her and to those' of us Who love her. I think it is sadistically cruel to keep anyone contined a second ~er in that district jail, when there are cooler accommodations as near as Acco'qwm, to say' nothing of the friend­lier atmosphere and the dozens of opportunities available there for one 18 stud1' and advancement. Which ~s entitled to enjoy_ Mildred vas taken to Accoquan short~ after Easter, but was returned to the jail about nine ~8 later. Why!

No ... I happen to know that sevoral prisoners are allowed butter for the1r meals. I think'

ialso needs butter, and lots of it. even if the jail phy'e1cian doesn't agree with me. There are other things she can do without, but I know you can make arrangements for her to have butter at her meals. Even if it means our pqing for it.

t do not speak on~ for JllY'selt' when I say the Justice Department should have a houss clean­ing. All Y'OU need do is pick up ~ of the latest papera.lIB8&zinea or tune in to the news broad­ to see ... hat I mean. Why' should bond be denied -' and granted to Jud1 th Coplan 1 Even if" '~"ere guilty of the crime she is ehsrged -vi th, it -couldn' t poBs1 bly me&sure up to thi. miserable woman's vickedness.

needs dental wrk done and her eyes examined and !wuld ver,r much like to bring her home to have these things done. I am 8Ure there are some of you there who are more interested in clean justice than climbing at someone elae e:r.­pence. so don't just push th1e letter to one side. There 18 mnch 7cu can do and if you don I t do it. you wnt be 1"uU'111tng ,.our dntiea. 1.

Yours re epee tf'ully •


Reee1p' 1. ackDowl~ ot your l.".r ot JUly ~. 1949, 111 lthtoh TOll ... furth.r ret.naa. '0 tho 1.'.~ ot corn ... b.' .... ,.. &ad \h. ])epanan' of luUc. r.1a'he ,. ,be crlataal )tI'OHC'4Uoa ot Hr. O'lrtch Rap, vbo , •• Utl ... 1a t~ ""a' ot UpU!4 b",. T. Mil'", J. 2111 m.V

'ftuI lafonaaUoll ?Glu' .. ", ill TOUr OO'Maica'ha. w1~ the Depart ... , of h..UM •• , _11 .. tha, fu.l'Ill._ 41reo'q '­a«"" of ,he 7ed,ra1 BG.reeD. ot 1"""UpUOIl, hal beet Ch •• caretul Madden.UOII. It 1. 001l.1114e4 that the tac', repene4. 1a thl, ca .. cl.e IIOt ia4lcat. the Tlo1aUea \7 Mr. lap' ot uq :r04..ra1 cnalaal lav.

!It..~on. me ltftHCa.U •• er ."., t.nhel" laT •• t1pUOD. I)t the charp. aado b7 70U 1. b.lli« 00 •• 14.", a'. thl. U •••

cc: Records / Chrono. I

Mr. J'oley Mr. Frank Cunningham Mr. J.M. Kelley

He Q4tC'tull7 •

fer tlut A"el'M7 a. •• ral

AtXXdDllt K. (W(JI~ZLL Ald.'g' A,"'1'H7 o.a.ra1

Department o~ ~~stico, 1;'lashint;ton, D. C.



JUL 6 -1949

July 5th, 1949. (Jpmma.l DiVlBion

ATTENTION: Mr. Alexander Campbell, Assistant Attorney General.

I have your letter or June 15th, 1949, which was in reply to cry letter of June 8th, 1949, and note that you say that the information contained in DY communication is receiving careful consideration.

I am not satisfied TIith your reply inasmuch as the Federal Bureau o~ Investigation in New York has had this information

. since early March, i'Thich information must surely have reached you long before my letter of June 8th, and which, by'now, should have brought concrete action from your department in Washington~

I repeat, I do not like,and most assuredly, do not seek any publicity attendant to this case, but now I have reached t~ point where I no longer care one way or the other.

First and roremost, I am an Am0rican, and do not intend to sit idly by while this traitor Haupt is at large. If you do not do something about bringing him to justice at once, I shall take this story to every metropolitan newspaper in ......... New York and I am sure they will be very happy to help bring ..r - J-this man to justice. ''! ' Please give me a definite answer to the question in my first letter berore I take further action •

..,. T -,., / JI" _ I- ~ / . I h .. r-.... ~,r. ~ .. -- / - / , ':_~! - ~

Respectfully, . {\

-----"'I~~,. _~.-"1 J

146-7-51-1708 July 1B, 19U9

Be.tvanoe 1J .. to 7'OV letter d JuDe 28~ 1949, 1'el&'t1w to tbI at tIllWd 8t.'" Y. I4.ldred I. m 1] ara.

Aa 7I"l pN'bab.l7 __ , w.. ... 11 111 tbI :pI'"OMU

at beUIc appee'M to tbI 1Id.ted Stat. covt. of ~ t= tile m..t.r1o\ at Col_Ma. If a;q ...,.. .. -.t"'-d 111 ta. ple •• outd._ at tb1a ... , I __ 1\ wU1 be ... ~ bI'OuaM to t.I» attatl.cll of b appen.te id.-...1 fait ....s.. aD1l Gal"­ftOttca.

cc Records /

JUN 2 ~) 1945 \ - c0r?--"

._tt~l.Jen. -:::':x::. a::..rl:c -1~!ORNEYG~0~ , " Jrb" ~ ~ .:ashin.;toIl,' J.C. -=---, .. - 'i~J.I,~r-~ :Jcar ~ir: - v,

,~ .. " j ~ /~ 50::' nany ~[eeks 110'.1 I llU 7e -"'een -\;ai tin.; for ~ ~ '.If)

tQke 3teps to indict :Jlll'ich :::aut'u :'0::' treason or dis-bilr SH

;rial J udt;e, ~jd\,l. Surran. '------ :~upt ',1as in the same radio 2Jlay Ll.j _. ",laS con-

victed on. i:e ddnitted he ',faS coerceu b~r the ~'-;azis dnd his fear of concentration forced ~lim to do their bidding; ',[hich ';/8.S e::actly , situation. The difference \/as, the Government used and upheld ~:aupt' s testimony, but allo':led the trial Judge to rule out the fear of a concentration CaI2lD in the judging of uy sister. I personally talked '.lith of the Jury since the verdict and the consensus of opinions vias that' the JudGe l@.§. aetina tely biased' !

Ullrich Eaupt 'I'!aS born in .:.merica and is nQi.!l ad ver­tised as a dravling card ut :';e\,l York City's Barbizon-Plaza Thea tre • The one j.s no fJ.ore guilty than the other.

l,len have !ought and died to protect America from this sort of injustice, therefore you, in your high Government capacity must make these several investigations at once, lest you reduce yourself to the same cheap, un~~erican level.

has been pushed around and mistreated for nearly four years. Just last Heek I received another anonymous letter from someone or persons vlho had been detained in the jail, telling ne about conditions on the inside. About the un­clean under current in general. One of these letters took me dorm to,:ashington about a month ago. _i.t that time I toolc the matter up rrith Col. Reed and Senator Bricker's offices. They both seemed genuinely surprised. The Senator's office offered to make a thorough investigation if Col. Reed wasn't able to put a stop to it, which apparently Imsn't been done, so copies of this letter are being nailed today to those I feel are inter­ested in Jus tice, the .--'lmerican vray.

~-- . 'lis a very sweet and charming person. If needs be,vsne'll serve tioe, but surely, since 'she isn't a trouble maker herself, she should be protected against the proverbial 'Needlers'.

The Judge "louldn' t allO'.'1 any veterans or their folks to take the stand in defence, but there are dozens of our boys -.-rho are pretty hot under the collar over the vray Mildred has b~cu treated and are ready to sign a petition if this letter of mine is ignored. They don't like it one little bit the "day the F.B. I. has allovled the Nazis over ,.,-' ..... -~~"'"!"-.lI:.-___ _ place, but to give them their freedom in our coun y and lock ~ up I.Ir. Beckman, who I'JaS never a Nazis is an outra .::? ~/-

Trusting this I'lill receive your immediate IJt ~~~F:JUSTICE I remain '_ JUL 5' 1949 P.. '

Yours very truly, "IVIS':lN Ur REU ,. ,.: ...

(''Rn;; - IXTEP..::-::..~ SEC

---....... "' ... A'll(

--- - -- - ---,---

It, VQtted S'ft". y. H114r.4 Is g111.[1

l.eo.l1»' 11 aoDowl~ of yov 1.".1' .f Jun. 3:>, 1949. 1'1Q1l .. UJIC • o1aJ'1flCSAtiOll ., 'h. oUt_ ... Ihip '-tatlll ot Mr. Ul.rloh JIaap' • .,Uu •• 1D 'h. ftlJ.ft oa •••

Katter. rtl&'lnc to applioA,ion. tor el'lltn­.lUll. tnm n .... _'0., •• .,Uh1a \h. j1ari,41oUon ot th. ~art.en' ot Stat •. and it 1, ~e.'e4 ~~, 7~ a.maun1-ea ,. wi 'h 'hA' DepAI'Uen' tor 'b. lltfol'llA'1011. YGU 4.dre.

~ ec:Records / , Chrono !.~,f~ Kr.Paialey

(JJll(~ Hr.Cunningham


-'or the .oU'on.,. a ... nl.

~:a K. aAJCn~ • ... t.'an' A'~~ O ... wa1.


JUN 23 1949 AJ


A Non-Profit Organization

. ,oJ •

,'.e:,..'err:i..:: ~:0 ~"'-)"":~ lctt~;l' c::.. :cnr2.1 l::t:: :'2~'~rr1,in~ 0~,lr l'Cr:l~'.c:S-;::' _or ir~J.'('2.'! ,Zll,ioi:' 0n ,~r. ; l:'icj' ':11.':"'" ',:8 ',:,J~ l(~, 'J8r~r ;,:uch :1"~'l'8C2.Q.te your cl2.rL,.'~rin ' t}r? :,,'012.01,:i11'':: '''oint::; lOl' us:

,~ccor(;i:,- - :~O t;1C tcstL:OV:r 02. ,To >:aunt ,~',s a ','it:10SS ~'" -""r, "l'~ all-, +-rl·.-,' "Joe ·,"-·"-'e1';' c-::1~rJ' ',','",;,}-:-, >.r.' "":'''''';'' __ • '..I!~' ..... • ~ __ .;:) ...I ___ .,: l.I :..4_, ,. .:. . ...!.... .... ~.J ..I.. ... .;c._\. ___ ......... ~1...1

bro,J/cast i'or::Oeb~)els ' radio, 2..nc1 l'that he ',::13 ,'1.t t >8

nicronhone 1,-j.t;-;in 25 fect or' ~ .iss Gillars (:nrin~ the 19L:-l~ ;') O~· 'visions of invasions' -,-'r01:1 .J.''}2r.~an studio. I: C;'ashin'~ton ?ost ~'ebruar:r 2, 1 <)L:-9 ) • In other ';'orrls, ::r. ::aupt participated in Jcrce .u::;t c;cs­:)icable ant i-;unerican broadcast of t~'le 11az:L ;"0..0.1.0.

:,:e are at a loss to "Jnderstand hou such an ener:-:y alien, cordn: to the United 3tates in 1946, cOl1.1rl becone a citizen the sa.:.,e yc;aro ITormally, after an a·:plication for citizenship is filed, therp. is a vraitin::; perioc~ of frou three to five years. ',:e 'v:oulc" there.i'ore, 3.')nrecio..te ::no;':in"; under ',:hat section 01 th'2 1:l'.1 such 9.n' eXcGT)tion ~jas :lade, and Hha-c circLU:istances ~mc on ~:l1at sort oi' travelin~ 2lapers ,-,as a visa i::;:,ued co ;;auDt for his trin to the United Jtates 0

Very truly :,rours,

JOCE'l'Y FOli TIE P~:"':;V::LTIOH OF ',:Oi~LD ',-AI( III

: .. -",,,': :L r

F. -A

--------~.-----..., ','" '_} I ro,r Ee.

-n"rl:..L-I.l~T;'P-...L<1: .. 1.: l J~~_ .... ~ ... _..L
