Michael-Silk-Vince-Stanzione-Millionaire-Trader-Home-Study ...

A lot of people are going to be very disappointed... because... Only 25 People Are Going To Be Selected To Be Mentored By £987,000.00 A Year Financial Trader Vince Stanzione... ...And those select 25 people are soon going to be making an extra £7,000+ (tax-free) each week. The question is -- will you be one of them? Urgent from: Millionaire Trader, Vince Stanzione Dear Reader If you would like to make an extra £7,000+ (tax-free) each week from the financial markets… and do so even if you have zero trading experience, no knowledge and virtually no time at allthen this letter will show you how to do it. Here’s the story: My name is Vince Stanzione. In 1984, when I was 16-years-of-age, I left school to work as a junior at Nat West bank. If I remember correctly, I worked 12-hour days and, my “pay packet” was just £100 a week. Today I’m unemployed. And to be honest, I think I would have a hard time getting a job at McDonalds. But I don’t care. Why would I? After all, today (in 2009) my average weekly “pay packet” is… £18,890.00 That’s a tax-free income as well.

Transcript of Michael-Silk-Vince-Stanzione-Millionaire-Trader-Home-Study ...

A lot of people are going to be very disappointed... because...

Only 25 People Are Going To

Be Selected To Be Mentored

By £987,000.00 A Year

Financial Trader Vince


...And those select 25 people are soon going to be

making an extra £7,000+ (tax-free) each week. The

question is -- will you be one of them? Urgent from: Millionaire Trader, Vince Stanzione Dear Reader

If you would like to make an extra £7,000+ (tax-free) each week from the financial

markets… and do so even if you have zero trading experience, no knowledge and virtually no time at all… then this letter will show you how to do it.

Here’s the story:

My name is Vince Stanzione. In 1984, when I was 16-years-of-age, I left school to work as a junior at Nat West bank. If I remember correctly, I worked 12-hour days and, my “pay packet” was just £100 a week.

Today I’m unemployed.

And to be honest, I think I would have a hard time getting a job at McDonalds.

But I don’t care. Why would I? After all, today (in 2009) my average weekly “pay packet” is…


That’s a tax-free income as well.

And do you want to know something funny?

I no longer work 12-hour days. I don’t work 6-hour days. And I don’t even work three hour days. Not even close. Instead I only “work” 20-30 minutes a day. Tops. In fact…

I Flat-Out Refuse To Work More Than An Hour A Day

There’s no need, anyway.

See all I do is log onto a few websites (normally from my palm-held computer) and do a couple of simple things. Namely...

(1). Look to see if my proprietary software is “screaming” at me to buy, sell or

hold… and… (2). Depending on (1) above, place a few trades online... or... do nothing else at

all. Either way, it takes me all of 20-minutes a day. 30-minutes at most.

The rest of the day I “hang out” at my private villa in Majorca… soak up the sun from the deck of a luxury boat out on the Mediterranean or… enjoy visiting different countries as a “world traveller”. My bank account doesn’t care.

See all the time I’m relaxing and enjoying myself…

The Money Continues To Roll In

It doesn’t matter where I am in the world, either. Take for example the time I went to Japan.

The flight to Japan is about 10-hours. And like most people on the plane I watched a film… enjoyed a glass of wine… and… well… slept for most of the flight. But get this:

From time of take-off from ?? to time of landing at ?? (approximately 10 hours later)...

I Banked £15,677.00 In Tax Free Profits

Sounds like something out of “fantasy land”, doesn’t it?

Hey, I understand. Sometimes I have to “pinch myself” and remind myself this is real.

Of course I’ve had plenty of people that don’t believe the kind of money I make. I’ve even had a number of people who’ve probed into my trading figures and tried to discredit me.

Especially the media. As you probably know, there’s nothing the media loves more than to “find someone out” and then “dish the dirt” on them to millions of people. And the media have taken a very keen interest in me (and the money I claim to make).

The result?

Well, I’ve had “glowing” write-ups in a number of highly respectable newspapers and magazines (in the U.K. and abroad) – including: The Observer, Guardian, Independent on Sunday, The Times, What Investment, Shares Magazine, Investors Chronicle, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Self-Made Millionaire Magazine – to name a few. I’ve even been a featured financial trading expert on Bloomberg, Sky News and BBC Radio 4. Plus, the Growth Company Investor journal has “snagged” me to write a “from-the-trenches” column on financial spread betting each month.

Why do I mention all this favourable media coverage?

It’s not to show off. It’s simply to demonstrate to you (if you don’t already know) that… as far as making money from the financial markets is concerned…

There’s Very Few “Lone Wolf” Traders Who Have Been As Consistently

Successful As Me Over The Last 20-Years

Especially when the financial markets tank.

Take for example September 2008.

September 2008 was a month that decimated the global financial markets. It was the month that US Investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy… it was the month US mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were “shored up” by the US government... it was the month a rescue plan was drawn up to save British mortgage lender Bradford & Bingley... and…

It Was Also The Month I Banked A Tax-Free Profit Of £314,377.81

Here’s proof:


(Put more examples/proof here)

Anyway, here’s the point:

There’s Now A Way For You To Be Personally Mentored By Me & Shown How To “Siphon” Money Out Of The

Financial Markets

Here’s what that means in a nutshell:

As a member of my new Vince Stanzione Protege Programme you will be “taken under my wing” and have exclusive access to all my new proprietary (and until now closely guarded) trading strategies and secrets.

Remember: These are the exact same trading secrets I use every day (right now) to make an average tax-free income of £18,890.00 a week. So that means you will be getting the exact same trading secrets – and even see the live trades in action that have been solely responsible for…

Making Me A Tax-Free Income Of £987.000.00 Over The Last 12-Months


That’s just shy of a MILLION POUNDS a year. And that’s “working” just 20-30 minutes a day.

As you can imagine, no matter how many trading “guru’s” you talk to… no matter how many financial trading books you read… and… no matter how many high-priced trading seminars you attend in your lifetime…

You Simply Can Not Find My New Proprietary Trading Secrets Anywhere

Else On Earth

Not from my previous courses.

Not from my previous seminars.

And most definitely not from any other financial trading “guru”.

And while I cannot divulge all my proprietary secrets with you in this letter (for obvious reasons) I am going to give you a “glimpse” into a few of trading strategies you’ll be able to take advantage of as one of my select trading protégés:

Take a look: One of my proprietary trading strategies is...

How To Legally “Rig” The Global Currency Markets In Your Favour

The trading “arena” I’m talking about here is called the Foreign Exchange Market (or FOREX for short). The FOREX is where the world’s currencies are traded. Until relatively recently the FOREX market was the “financial playground” of corporate traders – like hedge fund managers, giant institutional banks and the like. In fact, at the tender age of 18 I was a FOREX dealer working for large UK and US banks. Most days I would make over 600 trades a day – with many of those trades being $100 MILLION+ (and that was back in 1986!). Actually, $100 MILLION is “small fry” in the FOREX market... because... truth is...

More Money “Changes Hands” In The FOREX Market Than All The Other

Markets Combined By a mile! I mean get this: the average daily global turnover in the FOREX market is... $2.7 TRILLION. Which is about 200 times larger than the New York Stock Exchange. Maybe you’re already familiar with the FOREX market. After all, there’s been plenty of “pretend experts” hawking their FOREX trading systems making a pretty penny off a lot of gullible people. See one of the “main attractions” of trading the FOREX market is the amount of leverage you can trade with. Which on the surface sounds fantastic. Especially when you can leverage your trade by 400:1. In other words, with a leverage of 400:1 you could turn £100 into £40,000. But here’s what nobody else is telling you: The FOREX market is a “rigged roulette wheel” controlled by about 20 banks worldwide. One of those controlling banks is the bank I used to work for making over 600 trades a day. Do you know what this means? It means I am one of the handful of people on the planet who knows how the FOREX market really works.

In fact, I still trade my own multi-million pound personal FOREX account and, when you become a member of my protege programme you will get to see how I trade currencies with strictly limited risk and maximum returns. Let’s just say -- once you know the “insider secrets” to currencies trading...

You Will Be One Of The Very Few People In The World Who Knows How To “Rig” The FOREX Market In Your Favour & Profit Handsomely From It

Don’t worry. It’s 100% legal. And don’t forget: In addition to the money you’ll make -- there is of course a “side benefit” to knowing the insider secrets of the FOREX market. And it’s this: you’ll never fall for any of the “hocus-pocus” FOREX trading systems being hawked on the Internet. But hang on. We’re not through yet. Because when you become a select member of my protege programme you’ll also be shown...

How To Piggy-Back On The Ultra-Secretive Trades Of The Multi-Billion

Pound Hedge Fund Managers

And do so with just £200. You’ve probably heard a lot about hedge funds recently. After all, hedge fund managers were getting a bad rap in the media when the financial markets went into freefall in 2008. But the truth of the matter is hardly anyone really knows how these hedge fund managers operate. Why? Well, they’re an ultra-secretive bunch. And they only cater to the super-rich. In fact, if you want to invest your money with a hedge fund manager you need to be an accredited (qualified) investor. What this means in plain-talking-English is you need a net-worth of at least £1 MILLION. Plus a “yearly salary” of about £200,000 (or £300,000 if you’re married). You get the idea. Typically you can only take advantage of the astonishingly profitable hedge fund managers if you’re already seriously rich.

Which means hedge funds are “off limits” to 99.9% of the world’s population. So why mention hedge funds at all? The reason is rather interesting. See there is a certain “loophole” that exists that makes it possible for anyone with just £200 to their name to “piggy back” on the investment strategies of aggressive hedge fund managers. And therefore – on a percentage basis – it is now possible for virtually anyone to reap the same astronomical returns normally enjoyed only by those using the services of the ultra-exclusive (and ultra-expensive) hedge fund managers. What is this “loophole”? Sorry – the only way to get all the details on this exciting “loophole” is to become a member of my protege programme. What else? Get this: You’ll also be shown:

A Proprietary Way To Trade Commodities For Maximum Profit And

Minimum Risk The last year has seen dramatic price increases in commodities such as Oil, Gold, Silver, Unleaded Gas, Zinc and Soya Beans etc. But what about the next 12-months? Well, over the coming months all my indicators are “flagging” increased volatility in commodities prices. This is good. In fact, those who have my proprietary trading secrets for cashing in on the fluctuating commodity prices are going to make some truly serious money. In fact, consider this: I have a simple commodities system – that anyone can follow – that has made a 136% profit over the last 5-years. And here’s the really neat thing: You only need a minute a week (either on a Monday or Friday) to check on a simple number to know whether or not to action a trade. And the real kicker is...

You Can Make Money From Commodities If Their Price Goes Up...

AND Down Imagine: When everyone else is moaning about the price of petrol and the cost of gas – you could be cashing in from those commodities like there’s no tomorrow. Anything else? Yes there is. Because if you become a member of my protege programme I’ll also show you...

How To Know For Sure Whether To Buy, Sell Or Hold ANY Share, Currency

Or Commodity In Just One Minute Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? It’s not. Not when you have the “one minute secret” software and know what to look for. In fact, I’ll tell you what’s crazy... What’s crazy is sitting for hours on end with your head buried in reams of market research, financial data or those confusing intra-play graphs. Who has the time to do all that, these days? Of course you won’t have to worry about any of that “hard-slog” research. At least you won’t if you become a member of my protege programme. But just how accurate is the “one minute secret” software? Well, get this: In less than one minute I was “alerted” to an otherwise overlooked trade that enabled me to “morph” £30,000 into...

A £174,282.32 TAX FREE Profit And do so in just 34-days. Anyone could have done the same (if they had the “one minute secret” software and knew what to look for). And you wouldn’t have needed a £30,000 stake, either. You could have made the same profit (on a percentage basis) with £500 “on the line.” Anyway, there’s a lot more proprietary trading strategies (and tools) you’ll have access to when you become a member of the protege programme. Including:

How to “keep tabs” on where the BIG winners are putting their money in the financial markets (so you can follow their lead and cash-in BIG-TIME)... when to trade “outside the box” and make as much as 203% profit in just 15-days (and do so when the market is plummeting down)… why you should never follow the advice of any financial “talking head” on TV, newspaper tipster or market analyst… and even…

How To Make A Killing From “Forgotten” Metals

I’ve made 100% profit in 4 months from “forgotten” metals – and I’ll show you how to do the same.

But look, I won’t just teach you a bunch of trading strategies.

See the truth of the matter is this: the trading strategies are only half of my “success formula”. The other half is a winning mindset. So if you become one of my trading protégés you will also get...

“Immersion Training” Into The Thinking That Goes On “Behind” The

Trades I Place

This is super important.

Because when you see the “thinking” that goes on “behind” the trades that are currently making me an average tax free income of £18,890 a week -- not only can you copy my trades “blind”... you will also very quickly start to think about and react to the markets like a super-successful trader. Again, this is KEY. And it’s part of what makes my protege programme uniquely different (and better) compared to every other type of financial trading programme, course, or seminar out there.

See there’s a “mindset secret” shared by all super-successful financial traders that gives them an “unfair advantage” over the “dumb money” crowd.

For example, some notable examples of financial traders who attribute a large part of their success to their winning mindset include:

Legendary stock investor David Ryan. David won the prestigious U.S. Investing Championship 3-times on the trot with an astonishing return of 1,379%.

Michael Marcus, one of the most famous traders in the world. Marcus has made an amazing 250,000% on his portfolio in just 10-years. That’s enough to turn a $10,000 stake into $25 MILLION.

Paul Tudor – ranked by Forbes as one of the richest people in the world. Paul has made triple digit gains as a trader 5-years in a row.

And let’s not forget Ed Seykota.

Ed Seykota working out of an office in his house turned $5,000 into $15 MILLLION over a 12-year period. Anyway, as one of my trading protégés you will have this “winning mindset” drilled into you, too. And once you have the “winning mindset” (together with my proprietary trading strategies – which I will be spoon-feeding you)...

You Can “Clean Up” No Matter What The Financial Markets Are Doing

As long as the markets move (which they always do) you’ll know how to make money on the price movements.

Okay look, I could go on and on about the secrets and strategies you’ll have real time access to if you “make the cut” and become a select member of my protégé programme – but let’s breakdown the “nitty gritty” components of the programme.

Check this out:



You will have my private e-mail (normally reserved for my high-paying clients and closest business associates); and, for an entire 12-months you can e-mail me any time you have a question or you get a little stuck trading.

I always reply to my e-mails. And, barring illness or being away speaking at seminars etc., I’ll reply to your e-mails within 72-hours.

Of course, I understand that sometimes e-mail does not allow for the most effective communication over a problem you may be experiencing. Therefore, you will also get…



For the entire 12-months of the protege programme I will be available for FREE one-on-one telephone mentoring and support. This alone is worth its weight in gold.

If you are accepted onto my protege programme, you’ll be given a private “red phone” number that has my top priority. Save the number into your mobile phone -- and you

can use the number to call in for up to 30-minutes of mentoring – whenever it is deemed necessary.




(AND WHY): This website will be password protected – and it will be like an “online inner sanctum” where I’ll reveal my up-to-date trading analysis... commentary on the thinking behind the analysis... and... even the exact trades I myself will be making. So you’ll see exactly when I place my trade (and why) as well as exactly when I get out of my trade (and why). Do you understand what that means? It means you can (if you want) totally “switch off” mentally and just “blindly” copy my exact trades. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Of course not every trade you “blindly” copy will make you money. That would be impossible. But remember: Last year I made a tax-free income of £987,000.00 – so my “batting average” on successful trades speaks for itself.



This is the exact same virtual trading account I use myself to place trades. It’s very easy to use. Easier than ordering a book from Amazon. There’s nobody you need to phone up and talk to... and... you can trade from your computer (or laptop... or even palm held computer) any time day or night. You don’t even need to risk any real money right away. In fact, I recommend you “paper trade” your first few trades to get a good “feel” for the system and... see the money “you could have won!” This way, you’ll be a lot more confident when you trade with real money on the line.



There’s a lot I could say about this workshop but, the long and the short of it is the select group of people who attended walked away with what amounts to a “licence to print money”: Take for example what’s happened to John Turner: “After an amazing few months and since my original attendance at your trading day, I have made over £50,000.00! I wanted to take a couple of minutes to thank you for all your help and advice. I always thought your comments sounded too good to be true, however, the results when I finally took the plunge and attended your course, have been incredible and I am most grateful to you for your persistence and for all you that you have taught me since. Many thanks and best regards.” (John Turner) Or see what Lorna Holmes and David Prydi had to say about the workshop: “Wow! What can I say that was a MIND-BLOWING day on Friday. Dave and I thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience. The last hour was absolutely amazing. It is awesome to think that you made in a few minutes twice what Dave makes working an 83 hour week!! You can’t imagine what these extra earnings will mean to our company. Dave and I thank you once again for a fantastically informative day.” (Lorna Holmes and David Prydi) Anyway look, I could go into a lot of detail about what’s on the DVD’s from the recent £?? workshop I did. But I’m not going to. Why? Well frankly, all the attendees had to sign a confidentiality agreement not to share the trading secrets I revealed at the workshop – and therefore, it would be inappropriate for me to “blab” about the trading secrets I revealed in this letter. What this means is – the only other people who get the trading secrets I revealed at that ultra-exclusive workshop are those people who become a member of my new protege programme. Anyway, let’s just say, when you become a member of my new protege programme and you get the DVD’s -- you’re going to be on the receiving end of a money making education… the likes of which… is rather astonishing. And get this:

When you watch the DVD’s, the quality is so good you’ll think you’re right there in the room. And it’s not like you’re just like a “fly on the wall”… it’s more like… you are blessed with the almost omnipotent power to see everything… hear everything… and know everything from an insiders viewpoint.

In many ways you’ll have it better than the attendees. The attendees couldn’t hit the “pause button” and go to the bathroom, or get a drink of water, or re-listen to something I said. However, if you miss anything… or need to be reminded of anything… all you have to do is “rewind” and “re-play”. In other words...

Just By Watching The DVD’s Over And Over… You Will Suddenly Just “Get” The Information At A DEEP Cellular


And your financial life will be changed forever.


FOR YOUR ONGOING TRADING SUCCESS. This CD-ROM will be like a “potpourri” of information and resources to get you up-and-running making money from the financial markets as fast as possible. Including an easy-reference electronic workbook outlining the exact trading system covered on the DVD’s. Anyway, here’s the bottom-line: Altogether you’ll be getting all the tools, systems, and personal help (from me) to ensure you…

Make A Tax-Free Profit Of £7,000+ Each And Every Week

Think about what you could do with an extra £7,000 each week...

Maybe you’ll buy a top-of-the-line sports car... maybe you’ll move into a luxury house... or... perhaps (like me) you’ll choose to spend most of the year soaking up the sun around the Mediterranean.

It’ll be entirely up to you.

After all, when you’re pulling in £7,000+ every week you don’t need to work a job or have your life dictated to by other people.

Instead you live your life on your own terms and your time is yours to do as you please. Spend just 20 to 30 minutes a day trading... and... the rest of the day...

You’ll Have TOTAL FREEDOM To Do Exactly What You Want

There’s no rush, either.

Because when you make your money as a “lone wolf” financial trader you wake up when you want. It doesn’t matter if you get up at 11 o’clock in the morning. You choose. Because it doesn’t matter when you “squeeze in” the 20 to 30 minutes you’ll need to take care of your trading business.

You may even choose to take your laptop to a coffee shop... relax into a comfy chair... sip your coffee... and take care of your trading business in less time than it takes to finish your coffee. Then you can read the newspaper at your leisure.

And the rest of the time is yours to do as you please.

What will you do with your free time?

Maybe you’ll play golf... or tennis... or go to the gym. Maybe you’ll take up a hobby or interest you’ve just never got round to – like maybe painting… or writing… or sailing… or flying lessons… or whatever. You choose. Money and time will no longer be of concern to you.

And when people see you driving around in your brand new fancy car... or hear about all the exotic places you’re either just coming back from or going to... they’re going to want to know what you’re doing. Tell them you trade the financial markets. You’ll get instant respect and admiration.

And when you bump into one of those annoying idiots you used to know that was always flaunting their wealth… you’ll be able to let it drop that…

You Now Out Earn Them By A Country Mile Without Doing A Fraction Of The

Work They Do

Then watch their jaw drop. It will be a moment to saviour. Now listen: I’m not going to “hard sell” you on becoming a select member of Vince Stanzione’s Protégé Programme. There’s no need to anyway – because even if you’re already got your credit card ready to sign-up…

I May NOT Be Able To Make Room for You On My Protégé Programme


Well, for starters, there are 3 strict conditions you must meet before I will even consider mentoring you.


CONDITION 1: You must sign a non-disclosure form not to “leak” any of the proprietary trading information I will be sharing. Even if you get bribed by another so-called trading “guru”. Doing so will result in severe legal action. CONDITION 2: You must have a least £2,000 to trade with. So if a £2,000 stake constitutes “hurt money” to you… or… you have to scrape together the money from friends or family… then…please…

Definitely Do NOT Attempt To Sign-Up For My Protege Programme

CONDITION 3: You must commit to my protégé programme for the full 12-months. In other words, if you have any doubts whatsoever whether or not I am the right person to mentor you… or… you have concerns over whether or not the protégé programme is right for you… then... again... please do not attempt to sign-up. I’m not joking.

Vince Stanzione’s Protege Programme is definitely NOT for everyone. And I suspect a lot of people reading this are going to be severely disappointed. Especially since…

I’m Almost Certain To Turn Away The Majority Of People Who Try To Sign-Up


Simple – only 25 people will be accepted onto the programme (unless I have a sudden unexpected change of heart).

And to be honest, even if you do meet all the conditions above… and even if you’re itching to sign-up as a member… chances are…

You Will “Disqualify” Yourself

See my Vince Stanzione Protégé Programme is not cheap.

How much?

The fee is £2,997 (plus £99 per month membership fee).

But, listen…

If you show me a serious financial commitment…

I Am Prepared To “Fund” Some Of Your Membership Fee

What does this mean?

Easy. It means if you commit to £997 today (plus the £99 per month membership fee)…

You Do Not Have To Pay Me The £2,000 Balance Until (And Unless) You Make

£10,000 Profit Within 12-Months Of Membership

That’s how confident I am in the information and strategies etc., I will be sharing with you in my protégé programme.

Like I said, I’m not going to “hard sell” you on this unique (probably never to be repeated) opportunity. Why would I? It’s almost certain more people are going to try to sign-up than there are places available.

Think about it. I’m currently averaging £18,890 (tax free) a week from my financial trading (clearing £987,000.00 over the last 12-months)… so you either “see” the value of what I’m offering you here, or you don’t.

If you do “see” the value…

Here’s What You Need To Do Right Now:

Actually, it’s very simple. You just have to be one of the first 25 people to click the link below and register your membership:

Click Here To Sign-Up For The Vince Stanzione Protégé Programme.

Click on that link immediately if you’re serious about me mentoring you. Wait even another minute and you may find all the places have already been taken. See you here. Warmly,

Vince Stanzione.

P.S. Something else that’s important: Stay on my protégé programme for 12-months and be mentored by me (Vince Stanzione) and if you haven’t made back more than the £2,997 by using my trading strategies… just let me know…

And I Will Give You A Full Refund On Your Membership Fee & All Your

Monthly Fees Paid

In other words -- there is no way you can possibly lose with this offer.

P.P.S. Remember, as it stands I can only accept 25 people onto my protégé programme. Therefore, if you wait even another minute there’s a very real possibility your registration will be declined because 25 other more motivated people got in before you. Don’t let someone else “steal” your place on the protégé programme…

Click here To Sign Up For The Vince Stanzione Protégé Programme

P.P.P.S. One last thing. I know even with my trading success record... my credentials... and “can’t lose” offer... you’re probably still somewhat sceptical you can make money from home with my trading strategies. And I totally understand. So below are a few more real testimonials from people just like you who have already made money by following my trading strategies:


Click here To Sign Up For The Vince Stanzione Protégé Programme