Memorial Service Book of Remembrance

The memory of the righteous is for a blessing-Proverbs Jacksonville Jewish Center Memorial Service Book of Remembrance Yizkor Services 5781/2020-2021

Transcript of Memorial Service Book of Remembrance


”The memory of the righteous is for a blessing”


Jacksonville Jewish Center

Memorial Service Book of Remembrance

Yizkor Services




This Yizkor Book of Remembrance is for use during Yizkor Services at the Jacksonville Jewish Center on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, the 8th Day of Pesah and the 2nd Day of Shavu’ot. We hope the use of this book will help worshippers find consolation and discover inspiration in remembering their dead.

The printing of specific names of deceased loved ones in this Book of Remembrance has been made possible by the generosity of many donors. We are grateful to them for their loving act and thank them for their generosity.

May all who mourn make their remembrance of the good guidance, kind words, and upright deeds of the departed into an ongoing spur for nobler living.

“Remember the days of old” (Deuteronomy 32:7).

“The memory of the righteous is for a blessing” (Proverbs 10:7).

Their Memories Illumine Our World

There are stars whose light reaches the earth only after they themselves have disintegrated. And there are individuals whose memory lights the world after they have passed from it. These lights shine in the darkest night and illumine for us the path.

— Hannah Senesh


This booklet contains God’s name.

Please accord it the respect it deserves.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Ted Latimer (Father), Jeffrey Darryl Anchel (Son), Dave Anchel (Husband)


The Anchel, Klingner, Kiepek, and Ewing families, and Martha Latimer


Yizkor Service

We rise as the ark is opened:

Lord, what are we human beings, that You have regard for us,

mere mortals, that You take account of us?

We are like a breath, our days are like a fleeting shadow.

Our days are as grass; we flourish as a flower in the field.

But in the evening the wind passes over it and it is gone,

and no one can recognize where it grew.

Teach us to number our days,

so that we will be able to acquire a heart of wisdom.

Those who know Your name trust You,

for You do not abandon those who turn to You.

Guard the person of integrity, and recognize the upright,

for there is a future for a person of peace.

Psalms 144:3-4, 90:6, 90:3, 90:13

The days of mortals are like grass;

we flourish as the flowers of the field.

A wind passes over them and they are no more;

and no one can recognize where they grew.

But the Lord’s compassion is everlasting.

God’s kindness to children’s children,

to all the reverent ones,

endures, age after age, unchanging.

Psalm 103:15-17


Responsive Reading

O God, in the synagogue at Yizkor time we sense the presence and continuity

of the generations.

Centuries of Jews seem to hover here.

We know, too, that even as we have come to this Yizkor service to remember deceased

loved ones, so, one day, we hope other persons come to Yizkor services to recall us.

At this moment we remember our departed loved ones.

Yizkor is for remembering what our departed meant to us and what they should mean to us.

Some of us remember a mother, a father, or both, who provided life’s necessities in our

dependent years and who wanted us to mature into responsible and ethical human beings.

We are grateful for the parental sacrifices made and guidance given, for the love that

comforted and sustained us.

Some of us recall a wife or husband who shared our hopes and struggles, our successes

and failures, our joys and griefs. We are thankful for each day our life was affectionately

shared with theirs.

There are parents among us who call to mind a dear child whom they cared for and

cherished. May we perceive that our love brightened our offspring’s life as much as our

child’s love illuminated our life.

There are individuals here who recollect a sister or brother whose affection and

comradeship especially enhanced the growing years of childhood and youth. May

these memories of shared concern and companionship be consciously treasured.

We all think of relatives and friends whose deaths saddened us, frequently leaving

gaping holes in our lives.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Roy M Baker, M.D., Audrey Baker, Dean Mitchell Baker, Robert Baker, Annette Baker,

Nathan Walker, Eleanor Walker, Irving Magid, Harold Baker, Shirley Ansbacher,

Jordan Ansbacher, Lila Rosenstock, Sam Rosenstock

By The Magid Family - Lenny, Claudia Baker and Gabrielle, and Scott & Mo Baker


We also recall many others who have died: known and unknown members of our extended family in this and earlier centuries; the many generations of Jews who have bequeathed us a glorious Jewish culture and tradition; righteous men, women, and children of diverse civilizations and religions, lands and skin-colors, who have added something positive to the human ascent; those who made the supreme sacrifice for the cause of freedom on land, air or sea while proudly wearing the uniform of our country; the Jewish martyrs through the ages who chose to die as Jews rather than live a lie as Gentiles; the Six Million who, in the “civilized” world of the twentieth century, perished because they were Jews; the Jewish pioneers, military personnel, schoolchildren, and others who, in Israel, were slain by persons who would not have Jews live as a free people in their ancestral homeland. O Lord, help us to find the will and strength to live affirmatively despite the loss of loved ones.

May we prove worthy of what the departed have given us by more effectively perpetuating the noble ideals, practices, and causes they cherished. For we know that the deceased continue to prove a blessing when their teachings and example prod us to righteous deeds.

Those we have affectionately remembered are also linked with us when we further the historic chain of Judaism and the Jewish people, in whose ongoing existence we too find a consoling measure of immortality.

At this Yizkor service, when the realization of life’s transience is so keen, may we resolve to make better use of each precious moment that is ours. May we henceforth live differently because we have remembered. Amen.

I have set the Lord always before me; because God is at my right hand, I shall not be

moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.

Psalm 16:8-9

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Harold (Hal) Baumgarten, Morris & Rose Baumgarten, Harry & Huneybunch Sneider, Jay Snyder, Bert & Esther

Snyder, Phil & Ronnie Sneider, Paul & Pauline Sneider, Joseph & Rachel Sher, Marty & Elayne Brown, Lila Nadel


Rita Baumgarten, Hal & Brenda Baumgarten, Karen & Leopold Sher, Bonnie & Ken Friedman,

and all the Grandchildren


Yizkor Prayers In Memory of Loved Ones

Each congregant silently continues with the appropriate passages among the following.

Personal meditations may also be added.

In Memory of a Father:

May God remember the soul of my father who has gone to his eternal home. In loving tes-

timony to his life I pledge charity in his memory. Through such deeds, and through pray-

er and remembrance, is his soul bound up in the bond of life. May I prove myself worthy

of the gift of life and the many other gifts with which he blessed me. May these moments

of meditation strengthen the ties that link me to his memory and to our entire family.

May he rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Mother:

May God remember the soul of my mother who has gone to her eternal home. In loving

testimony to her life I pledge charity in her memory. Through such deeds, and through

prayer and remembrance, is her soul bound up in the bond of life. May I prove myself

worthy of the gift of life and the many other gifts with which she blessed me. May these

moments of meditation strengthen the ties that link me to her memory and to our entire

family. May she rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Tricia Bettman, Henry Robert Bettman, Miriam Portnoy Bettman Ehrlich, Justice Raymond Ehrlich, Rebecca Idlene

Slaff, Norman Irwin Slaff, Walter Michael Slaff, Irving & Betty Kagan, Gordon Seth Kagan, Fannie & Joseph Kagan,

Carrie & Max Dinces, Lilly & Herman Littman, Esther & Morris Portnoy, Pearl Bettman Fletcher & Jacob Bettman


Jack Bettman and the Bettman, Bloom, and Kagan Families


In Memory of a Wife/Partner:

May God remember the soul of my wife/partner who has gone to her eternal home. In

loving testimony to her life I pledge charity in her memory. Through such deeds, and

through prayer and remembrance, is her soul bound up in the bond of life. Love is as

strong as death; deep bonds of love are indissoluble. The memory of our companionship

and love overcomes loneliness, for all that we shared still endures. May she rest forever

in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Husband/Partner:

May God remember the soul of my husband/partner who has gone to his eternal home.

In loving testimony to his life I pledge charity in his memory. Through such deeds, and

through prayer and remembrance, is his soul bound up in the bond of life. Love is as

strong as death; deep bonds of love are indissoluble. The memory of our companionship

and love overcomes loneliness, for all that we shared still endures. May he rest forever

in dignity and peace. Amen.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Riwa, Chaim, Yehoshua & Lippman Bielski, Ada & Joseph Sallick, Betty & Chaim Gordon, Saul & Frances Zaifert


Shirley & Abe Bielski, David, Carrie, Jamie and Allie Bielski, Talie, Dana, Reesa and Jeremy Zaifert


In Memory of a Son or a Brother:

May God remember the soul of my beloved (son/brother) who has gone to his eternal

home. In loving testimony to his life I pledge charity in his memory. Through such deeds,

and through prayer and remembrance, is his soul bound up in the bond of life. I am

grateful for the sweetness of his life. May he rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Daughter or Sister:

May God remember the soul of my beloved (daughter/sister) who has gone to her eternal

home. In loving testimony to her life I pledge charity in her memory. Through such deeds,

and through prayer and remembrance, is her soul bound up in the bond of life. I am

grateful for the sweetness of her life. May she rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Faye Setzer Jawitz, Melvin W. Jawitz, Elaine Joffe Blankstein, and Julius Blankstein


Their Children & Grandchildren


In Memory of Other Relatives and Friends:

May God remember the soul of __________________ and of all relatives and friends who have

gone to their eternal home. In loving testimony to their lives I pledge charity in their

memory. Through such deeds, and through prayer and remembrance, are their souls

bound up in the bond of life. May these moments of meditation strengthen the ties that

link me to their memory. May they rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

In Memory of Martyrs:

May God remember the souls of our brethren, martyrs of our people, who gave their lives

for the sanctification of God’s name. In their memory do I pledge charity. May their

bravery, their dedication, and their purity be reflected in our lives. May their souls be

bound up in the bond of life. May they rest forever in dignity and peace. Amen.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Marty & Elayne Brown, Sarah & Adolph Brown, Fannie & Joseph Kaplan


Their Children and Grandchildren


In Memory of Congregants:

We lovingly recall the members of our Congregation who no longer dwell on this earth.

They have a special place in our hearts. We pray this day that all who have sustained the

loss of loved ones be granted comfort and strength. Exalted, compassionate God, comfort

the bereaved families of this Congregation. Help us to perpetuate everything that was

worthy in the lives of those no longer with us, whom we remember this day. May their

memory endure as a blessing. And let us say: Amen.

In Memory of the Six Million:

Exalted, compassionate God, grant infinite rest in Your sheltering presence, among the holy and

pure, to the souls of our brethren who perished in the Shoah—men, women, and children of the

House of Israel who were slaughtered and suffocated and burned to ashes. May their memory

endure, and inspire deeds of charity and goodness in our lives. May their souls thus be bound

up in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Tricia Kagan Bettman, Gordon Seth Kagan, Fannie & Joseph Kapan, Carrie & Max Dinces, Betty & Irving

Kapan, Lillian & Herman Littman


Donna Kagan Buring, and Jonathan, Falyn and Lance Buring


In Memory of those that gave their lives in defense of our Country:

Exalted, compassionate God, grant infinite rest in Your sheltering presence, among the holy and pure, to all those who bravely laid down their lives for our country. Merciful One, we ask that You shelter them in Your eternal embrace. May their souls be bound up in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. We pray that their ultimate sacrifice for the cause of liberty and freedom lead the world to a time of peace, when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Then the glory of the Holy One shall be revealed, and all humanity shall see it together. And let us say: Amen.

In Memory of those who gave their lives for Israel:

Exalted, compassionate God, grant infinite rest in Your sheltering presence, among the holy and pure, to those who fought and fell in the line of duty as they defended the life of the Jewish People in its ancestral homeland and in the lands of the Diaspora. We pray also for the innocent souls of men, women and children, who perished as victims of terror attacks. Merciful One, we ask that You shelter them in Your eternal embrace. May their souls be bound up in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Jennie, Louis, Nathan, Pauline & Florence Schevitz, Alyce Zell, Oscar Cohen, Irwin Kane, Donna Kaye Zell


Mr. & Mrs. Albert Datz


Livkot Lecha (To Cry For You) Hebrew Lyrics & Music by Aviv Geffen English Translation by Jesse Rubenfeld

In Memory of all the dead:

Exalted, compassionate God, grant infinite rest in Your sheltering presence, among the holy and pure, to the souls of our beloved who have gone to their eternal home. Merciful One, we ask that our loved ones find perfect peace in Your tender embrace, their memory enduring as inspiration for commitment to their ideals and integrity in our lives. May their souls thus be bound up in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen.

A Meditation Our Creator, the Eternal One, delights in life. Because of God’s love for us, and because we are so few, each of us is a vital part of God’s kingdom. Though we are only flesh and blood, we are irreplaceable. When one of the House of Israel dies, God’s own grandeur is diminished. May the memory of all those we remember this day, in love, be an undying source of blessing to us, to our children, to all Israel, and to all humanity.

I’m on my way to cry for you; be strong up in the starlight.

My emptiness is like a door left open after midnight.

Forever my friend I’ll see you in the end

and we’ll always be the best of brothers. The friends I have are fine, but in the light you shine

I only see the shadow of the others.

In tearful times we walk the shore and salt the sea with crying. And tears will fall because

there’s nothing else to stop my lonely sighing.

And like the tide we crash, collide

with the rocks with real life.

Forever my friend...

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Linda DuBow, William E. DuBow, Anne C. DuBow, Sam Lovitz, Freida Lovitz, Donald Lovitz, George Cohen,

Leo A. Miller, Evelyn N. Miller, Joseph F. Asher, Helen Elsas Asher, Barbara Miller Asher, Florence Skop


Lawrence, Susan, Michael & Helen DuBow


Psalm 23

Mizmor l’David. Adonai ro-i, lo ehsar. Bin-ot desheh yar-bitzeyni al mei m’nuhot y’nahaleini. Nafshi y’shoveiv yanheini v’mag’lei tzedek l’ma-an sh’mo. Gam ki eilekh b’gei tzalmavet lo ira ra, ki atah imadi, shiv’t’tkha u’mish-antekha heimah y’nahamuni. Ta-arokh l’fa-nai shulhan neged tzor’rai, dishantah va-shemen roshi, kosi r’va-yah. Akh tov va-hesed yirdifuni kol y’mei hayai, v’shavti b’veit Adonai l’orekh yamim.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,

for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

The ark is closed.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Leanard & Jean Weinberg, Louis Edgar & Gertrude Weinberg, Peter & Fannie Shatkowsky, Toby & Joe Gruber, Rita Gruber, Kay & Adolf Lassk, Marvin "Sonny" Lassk, Perry Joel "P.J." Lassk, Julie Lassk, Ted & Frieda Feldstein,

Herb Shimansky, Helen & Andre Bialolenki By

Marilyn & Dr. Charles Feldstein, Sandy, Rebekah & Jakob Pollan, Edward & Gail Weinberg, Peter Weinberg


Mourner’s Kaddish

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba, b’alma di v’ra, kir’utei, v’yamlikh malkhutei

b’hayeikhon u-v’yomeikhon u-v’hayei d’khol beit Yisra-el, ba’agala u-vi-z’man kariv

v’imru amen.

Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varakh l’alam u-l’almei almaya.

Yitbarakh v’yishtabah v’yitpa-ar v’yitromam v’yitnasei, v’yit-hadar v’yit’aleh v’yit-halal

sh’mei d’kudsha, b’rikh hu * l’ela min kol birkhata v’shirata, tushb’hata v’nehamata

da’amiran b’alma, v’imru amen.

Y’hei shlama raba min sh’maya v’hayim aleinu v’al kol Yisra-el, v’imru amen.

Oseh shalom bi-m’romav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisra-el, v’imru amen.

(* on Yom Kippur recite l’ela l’ela mi-kol birkhata)

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Fred Frisch, Lilo Frisch


All Frisch Families


May God’s name be exalted and hallowed throughout the world that God created. May God’s sovereignty soon be accepted, during our life and the life of all Israel. And let us say: Amen May God’s great name be praised throughout all time. Glorified and celebrated, lauded and worshiped, exalted and honored, extolled and acclaimed, may the Holy One be praised beyond all song and psalm, beyond all tributes that mortals can utter. And let us say: Amen. Let there be abundant peace from heaven, with life’s goodness for us and for all Israel. And let us say: Amen. May the One who brings peace to the universe, bring peace to us and to all Israel. And let us say: Amen.

A Prayer for Those Blessed with Loved Ones Who are Living:

Almighty God, while many of us call to mind loved ones who have gone to their eternal rest, at this solemn moment we raise our eyes to You, Giver of Life, and with a grateful heart thank You for Your mercy in having preserved the lives of other beloved family members and friends.

May it be Your will, Our God and God of our ancestors, to bestow them with health and strength, so that they may be with us for many years to come. Bless them even as they have blessed us; grace their lives with richness even as they have so graced our lives.

In return for their love and affection, may we bring them joy and lighten their cares. Grant us the privilege to help them in every way that lies within our power. May we learn to understand and to recognize the duty we owe them so that we never have cause to reproach ourselves when it is too late.

Shield our homes from sorrow. May peace, harmony and Your spirit ever reign within their walls. Keep us true to You and to all with whom we come in contact that we may do Your will with a perfect heart. Amen.

—Adapted from Rabbi Arnold Stiebel

Mourner’s Kaddish, cont’d

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Minnie Morgenstern, Isaac Morgenstern, Etta Ella Schemer, Ber Hirsh Schemer, Nathan Morgenstern,

Morris Schemer, Siddy Schemer, Rosa Nabin, Abraham Shemer, Hannah Baker Shemer, Bessie Schemer,

Dorothy Schemer, Hilda Sigman, Irving Franzblau, Anne Franzblau, Ronnie Spiwak


Nathan & Linda Franzblau, Barbara Spiwak, Sandra Halpern


Life After Death

These things I know:

How the living go on living

and how the dead go on living with them

so that in a forest

even a dead tree casts a shadow

and the leaves fall one by one

and the branches break in the wind

and the bark peels off slowly

and the trunk cracks

and the rain seeps in through the cracks

and the trunk falls to the ground

and the moss covers it

and in the spring the rabbits find it

and build their nests

inside the dead tree

so that nothing is wasted in nature

or in love.

— Laura Gilpin

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Ilse & Sol Gottlieb, Anne & Sidney Rubens, Marty Gottlieb


Mel & Debbie Gottlieb and Family


Eva Aberle

Samuel Aberle

Sidney Abisch

Jerome Abraham

Jane Aides

Mary Aides

Nathan Aides

Bernard Allen

Bruce Allen

Martha Allen

David Anchel

Gladys Anchel

Jeffrey Darryl Anchel

William Anchel

Andy Andriesse

Clive Andriesse

Dora Andriesse

Dorothy Andriesse

Irving Andriesse

Murry Andriesse

Susan Andriesse

Jordan Ansbacher

Lewis Ansbacher

Lillian Ansbacher

Morris Ansbacher

Shirley Baker Ansbacher

Sylvia Appelbaum

Jon Appelman

Burt Aptheker

Sylvia Aptheker

Florence Aridas

Joann Arinsberg

Alfred I. Aron

Hilda Aron

Morris Aronowitz

Dr. Charles Aronsohn

Hortense Aronsohn

Barbara Miller Asher

Mary Baker Atlas

Max I. Atlas

Louis Avchin

Herman Axelberg

Ziggy Bachner

Max Bachrach

Sidney Backer

Yetta Libby Backer

Jennie Leah Bahme

Samuel David Bahme

Annetta Baker

Audrey Baker

Ben Baker

Benjamin Baker

Bennie E. Baker

Dean Mitchell Baker

Dr. Harold Baker

Harry E. Baker

Helene Sherter Baker

Dr. Roy M. Baker

Etta Pilton Baker

Gussie Baker

Harry E. Baker

Marx Baker

Robert Baker

Malka Bakhman

David Balter

Joseph Balter

Bertha Bandel

Lena Barber

Nathan Barber

David Barnett

Sadie J. Barnett

Henry Barrack

Carol Weil Bartley

Joseph Bartley

Maurice Bartley

Harold Baumgarten

Morris Baumgarten

Rose Baumgarten

Betty Baumstein

Harry Baumstein

Maria Baumstein

Abraham Isaac Bearson

Anna Becker

Beno Becker

Carrie Pilton Becker

Chaya Leah Becker

Dr. Bee Becker

Hattie Newman Becker

Jack Herschel Becker

Jack Jacob Becker

Mathis Becker

Rosalie Klavans Becker

Susan Balter Becker

Muriel H. Beissinger

Walter Beissinger

Lisa D. Bell

Richard W. Bell

Edith Bendorf

Clara Benjamin

David J. Benjamin

Sam Benjamin

Samuel Benjamin

Lenchen Z. Bennett

David Benwick

Laurie F. Benwick

Harry Berg

Razel Berg

Harry A. Berger

Lena Berger

Morris Berger

Ivan Berke

Sarah Freund Berkovitz

Frances Berkowitz

Sidney Berkowitz

Ari Berlin

Rachel Berlin

Perpetual Memorials

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Sylvia Hecht, Milton Hecht, Stuart Hecht, Beckie & Benjamin Hecht, Fannie & Harry Peltz


Larry, Rose, Benjamin and Jacob Hecht, Rosalind Hecht,

Faye, Dan, Milly and Ellen Hedrick


Samuel Berlin

David Randy Berman

Edith Berman

Harry W. Berman

Israel Berman

Joseph Berman

Milton Berman

Odell Berman

Rivke Berman

Ruth Berman

Samuel Berman

Rena Joyce Bernard

Suzanne Lissner Bernard

Adele Hackel Bernstein

Allan Hackel Bernstein

Jeannette Bernstein

Joseph John Bernstein

Leon Bernstein

Ray Bernstein

Samuel Bernstein

Raymond Berson

Henry Robert Bettman

Tricia Kagan Bettman

Chaim Bielski

Lippman Bielski

Riwa Bielski

Yeshua Bielski

Edith Biller

Morris Biller

Annie Biscow

Fannie Blair

Harry Blair

Louis Blair

Elaine Joffe Blankstein

Julius Blankstein

Fannie Blate

David Blattner

Jack Blattner

Jennie Blattner

Julius Blattner

Mary Blattner

Sidney L. Blattner

Joseph Samuel Blatzer

Minnie Selber Block

Robert L. Block

Avern Joseph Bloom

Bertha Bloom

Frieda Bloom

Herman Bloom

Jacob Bloom

Jennie Bloom

Lazar Bloom

Max Bloom

Sam Bloom

Sara Lieberman Bloom

Carl Blumenthal

Henry Allen Blumenthal

William Blustein

Archie Boatwright

Ella K. Boatwright

Minnie Boatwright

Abraham Bobroff

Hattye Bobroff

Louis Bobroff

Isidore Bodack

Rose Bodack

Sam Bograd

Yetta Bograd

Max Bohrman

Reba Bohrman

Liber Bokhman

Sarah Bolasky

Laurie Sandler Bonanno

Michael Bonnett

Anna Bono

Florence May Bono

Judah Bono

Louis Bono

Mesod J. Bono

Samuel Bono

Abraham Bork

Anna Bork

Philip Bork

Raymond Borkson

Tessie Portnoy Borkson

David Borstein

Morris W. Bossen

Naomie Bossen

Sarah Bossen

Alice Brauner

Kurt Brauner

Martin Brauner

Stephen H. Braver

Daisybelle L. Breman

Edward Joseph Breman

Albert Bressler

Linda Bressler

Dora Grossman Briskin

Gertrude Alt Broadman

Ralph Broadman

Stephen Allen Broadman

Leigh Irving Brody

Alan Bromberg

Benjamin Bernard


Dr. Emanuel Bronstein

Pearl Bronstein

Edward Brooks

Maxwell Brooks

Pearl Brooks

Ben Broudy

Evelyn Broudy

Miriam “Mickey” Broudy

Nathan Broudy

Rose Broudy

Beatrice B. Browdy

Larry H. Browdy

Mose Browdy

Adolph Brown

Elayne Brown

Gertrude Pulver Brown

Martin Brown

Sarah Brown

Esther Brozoza

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Shirley & Jordan Ansbacher, Dorothy & Irv Helming, Annetta & Robert Baker, Lillian & Morris Ansbacher,

Lewis Ansbacher, Robert "Bobby" Ansbacher, Dr. Harold Baker, Dr. Roy & Audrey Baker, Rose Robin Brown,

Marcia "Bunny" Brecher, Edith Saks, Barbara Baker Torres, Dr. Emanuel & Pearl Bronstein, Rachel Dora Baker,

Benjamin Baker, Gussie Baker, Ben Baker, Anna Cooper, Abe Cooper, Ralph Cooper


Donna & Harlan Helming and Family


Mendel Brozoza

Irving Brukner

Joseph Brumel

Sylvia Brumel

Sam Bryan

Betty Bucholtz

Clara Bucholtz

Louis Bucholtz

Annette Bursteen

Jack Bursteen

Marla Campbell

Rose Datz Carlton

Sam Carlton

Sandra Carpenter

Jennie A. Carter

Philip Morton Carter

Helen Roth Caruso

Enrico Caruso, Jr.

A.E. Cayer

Dorothy Zernes Chamison

Leon Nathan Chamison

Abraham G. Chepenik

Betty Chepenik

Meyer Chepenik

Charles Cherry

Sam Cherry

Abraham Zalman Cohen

Dorothy F. Berger Cohen

Edward J. Cohen

George Cohen

Ida Cohen

Jeannette C. Cohen

Joseph Cohen

Louis H. Cohen

Macy A. Cohen

Mamie Senter Cohen

Mary Sinreich Cohen

Melvin Cohen

Myra Kantor Cohen

Nathan F. Cohen

Rae Bertha Cohen

Raymond William Cohen

Rose Cohen

Rose Ortlieb Cohen

Sidney X. Cohen

Diana Cohn

Gertrude Cohn

Jacob Cohn

Leon Cohn

Frank Colb

Margaret H. Colb

Irving Cooper

Alvin Maynard Coplan

David Cramer

Jean Cramer

Albert Louis Crystal

Rose Crystal

Ethel Becker Datz

Herbert Datz

Israel Samuel Datz

Tillye Datz

Brucha Davidson

Isaac Davidson

Mamie Davidson

Bernie Davis

Charles Davis

David Davis

David M. Davis

Edythe L. Davis

Henry Davis

Leo Davis

Marie Davis

Mary Davis

Philip Davis

Rosa L. Davis

David J. Dayan

Latifah Dayan

Bernard Samuel Deutsch

Fannie Diamond

Frank E. Diamond

Helen Diamond

Joseph Diamond

Hannah Diner

Esther Dinin

Leo Dinin

Abraham Dittman

Anita Miller Dittman

Eva Dittman

Jack Dittman

Leslie Appelbaum Dobies

Fanny P. Donziger

Leon S. Donziger

Mary Blattner Drashin

Robert Drashin

Samuel N. Drashin

Milton Drayson

Rose P. Drayson

Deborah Aberle Dreher

Jack Shalom Dreher

Janet Driben

Milton Driben

Anne C. DuBow

Linda DuBow

William DuBow

Benjamin Joseph Dubrow

Joseph Dukes

Michael Sheldon Dundee

Harold Dundes

Isadore Dwoskin

Joseph Dwoskin

Julia Gindin Dwoskin

Louis Dwoskin

Sophie Dwoskin

Max A. Eaglstein

N. Fred Eaglstein

Alice Margol Eber

David Eber

Pia Echt

Helen Edelstein

Michael Eder

Sara Eder

Alexander “Al” Edwards

Benjamin “Ben” Edwards

Bessie Edwards

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Alan Honig, Hannah & Leon Honig, Celia & Salomon Bender, Hilda & Manuel Ginzburg, Rose & Howard Liebenthal,

Robert Liebenthal, Marilyn & Warren Sussin, Celia & Mario Arber, Mario Krivoshey, Irene Ginzburg, Saul Ginzburg


Miriam & David Honig, Steven, Sammy & Rachel, and Nancy Honig


Eli Edwards

Evelyne Rosalind


Israel Herman Edwards

Marcia Z. Edwards

Mildred Edwards

Miriam Carlton Edwards

Miriam S. Edwards

Albert A. Ehrlich

Miriam P. Bettman Ehrlich

Raymond Ehrlich

Rose K. Ehrlich

Leon Eisen

Minnie Eisen

Ethel Elkins

Edythe Ellis

Mimi Kay Elpern

Alfred Engelhardt

Claire Engelhardt

Dorothy Engelhardt

Sidney Engelhardt

Pearl Safer Englander

Rose Anne Entman

Sidney Entman

Morse Epstein

Rose Epstein

Selma Starkman Epstein

Stacy Wolf Epstein

William Epstein

Cynthia Estner

Stanley Paul Evans

Clara Ezzes

Henry Ezzes

Abraham Fagan

Lena S. Fagan

Celia Falis

Harry Falis

Joe P. Falis

Moshe Aaron Falis

Sarah Falis

Simon Falis

Charles Feigenbaum

Esther Feigenbaum

Louis Feigenbaum

Ruth Feigenbaum

Malka Feig

Shmuel Feig

Harry Feinberg

Tessie Feinberg

Harry Feingold

Jenny Feingold

Louis Feingold

Donna Feinman

Frank N. Feinman

Iris Feinman

Matilda Feinman

Dr. Charles Feinstein

Milton Felder

Shirley Felder

Anna Feldman

Chipa Mary Feldman

Eliyohu Feldman

Harry Feldman

Ida Feldman

Morris M. Feldman

Moses Feldman

Yitzhok Moshe Feldman

Israel Felhandler

Rosa Felhandler

Alfred Meyer Fetner

Charlotte Fialkow

Hymie Fialkow

Julius Finegold

Charles E. Fink

Frank Fink

Pauline Fink

Yetta Fink

Eliezer Finkelstein

Esther Finkelstein

Gabriel Finkelstein

Harry Finkelstein

Sarah Finkelstein

Frida Finker

Solomon Finker

Robert Fischer

Abraham Fishkind

Sarah Fishkind

Clara Fishler

Esther Fishler

Herbert William Fishler

Laura Fishler

Morris Fishler

Samuel Julius Fishler

Alan Fixel

Jacob “Jerry” Fixel

Lois Fixel

Mindy Fixel

Irv Flaschen

Ruth Flaschen

Albert Fleet

Benjamin B. Fleet

Dr. Jack Fleet

Florence Cohen Fleet

Jacob Fleet

Joel Fleet

Louis E. Fleet

Margaret Fishler Fleet

Minnie Mendelson Fleet

Samuel E. Fleet

Sarah Fleet

Sophie S. Fleet

Abe Fletcher

Anne Fletcher

Ben Fletcher

Julius Fletcher

Pearl Bettman Fletcher

Rose Fletcher

Sam D. Fletcher

Milton Foor

Ida Forman

Michael Forman

Harry Fraden

Joe G. Fraden

Maida Fraden

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Phyllis Strumlauf, Dora Zemin and Charles Krantz, Estrea Pardo and Salem Mizrahi, Sylvia Hecht and Leon Katz, Evelyn Krantz and Ralph Mizrahi, Frieda Margol Krantz Katz and Roland J. Krantz, Gertrude Krantz Palot Kehr and Herbert L. Kehr, Rachel Mizrahi Saul, Rebecca Mizrahi Selber and Abraham Selber, F. Molly Mizrahi Rubinstein, Julia Mizrahi and

Henry B. Halpern, Dorothy Leventhal and Joseph M. Mizrahi, David M. Mizrahi, Rueben N. Mizrahi, Charles H. Palot, Dorothy Krantz Golden and Harvey Golden, Myron Goldman, Deborah Cove Lilienthal, Edward Allen Mizrahi, Mike Mass

By Deborah & Alan Katz


Sarah Fraden

Anna Frank

Ethel Frankel

Frances Frankel

Samuel Isaac Frankel

Anne Franzblau

Irving J. Franzblau

Barney Freedman

Dorothy Iser Freedman

Ellen Freedman

Harvey Jason Freedman

Henry Ted Freedman

Kate Freedman

Michael W. Freedman

Norman Freedman

Norman H. Freedman

Rita Freedman

Gina Freiden

Phillip Freiden

Abraham B. Freidlin

Ann Freidlin

Ben Freidlin

Cecelia Drazen Freidlin

Harry Freidlin

Joel Harvey Freidlin

Sarah Freidlin

Alex Freund

William Freund

Phyllis Sinton Fried

Cynthia Goldring Friedlin

Nathan Friedlin

Barry Jay Friedman

Ben Friedman

Charles Friedman

Dora Friedman

Lillian Friedman

Marion Friedman

Martin Friedman

Mary Friedman

Samuel Friedman

Theodore Friedman

Bessie Setzer Frisch

Fred Frisch

Lilo Frisch

Louis Fruchtman

Ethel M. Funk

Irving Funk

Maxine Funk

Hannah Furman

Irving S. Furman

Rosalind Fursteller

Lionel Gaines

Esther Galinsky

Samuel Galinsky

Claire Gamse

Robert Gamse

Charles Ganson

Phyllis Garbose

Seymour Garbose

Ronald B. Garelick

Anita Michaels Garfinkel

Sidney Garfinkel

Eva Garten

Clara Gartner

Elizabeth Ritchie Gartner

Harry Gartner

Harvey Gartner

Ida Gartner

Isadore Gartner

Rose Gartner

Samuel Gartner

Lois Gefen

Israel Mihailovich Gefon

Vitya Gefter

Samuel Geisler

Martin Harry Gelhaar

Gilbert Geller

Irving Geller

Herman Gelman

Belle Finkelstein Gendzier

Harry Gendzier

Horty T. Gendzier

Irwin Gendzier

Rita Gendzier

Samuel Gendzier

Aileen Gersing

Harriet Kantor Pilton


Bernice Carlton Ghelerter

Irvin Z. Ghelerter

Morris Ghelerter

Rose Ghelerter

Benjamin Gibbs

Gussie Gibbs

Sam Gibbs

Louis Gillman

Maxene Gillman

Rosalyn Gillman

Ellis Ginsberg

Hannah Yoffee Ginsburg

Haskel Giter

Klavdia Giter

Alice Glazer

Celia Glazer

Martin Glazer

Samuel Glazer

Jeremy Glick

Ben Glickman

Dora Rice Glickman

Israel Glickman

Sarah Glickman

Murray Bernard


Rose Celia Glickstein

Bernard G. Glossman

Charlotte Glossman

Ayman S. Goffin

Nathan Gold

Carl Goldberg

Elias Goldberg

Eva Goldberg

Grace Mallinger Goldberg

Ida Goldberg

Jack Goldberg

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Mickey Kersun, Michele Levitt


Mimi Kersun, and Sam, Allison and Michael Kersun


Judah Goldberg

Louis Dewey Goldberg

Nathan Goldberg

Robert Goldberg

Sarah Goldberg

W.Z. Goldberg

Benjamin Goldfield

Jeannette Goldfield

Arthur Goldie

Nathan Goldin

Basil Aaron Goldman

Faye Goldman

Gertie Goldman

Gilda Sue Goldman

Joseph “Joe” Goldman

Louis Goldman

Maurice Goldman

Robert Alan Goldman

Robert Harold Goldman

Sol Goldman

Betty Goldring

David Israel Goldring

Harvey Goldring

Barry Goldstein

Bertha Beatrice Goldstein

Bessie Goldstein

Beverly Goldstein

Dora Goldstein

Gus Goldstein

Irving Israel Goldstein

Isaac Goldstein

Lena Goldstein

Manuel Goldstein

Maurice W. Goldstein

Norman Goldstein

Samuel Goldstein

Saul William “Bill”


Hyman Goldwater

Ida Goldwater

Herman Golieb

Scott Goodfarb

Judge Sam Goodfriend

Louise “Sandy”


Ralph Goodmark

Sabina Goodmark

Herbert Gordon

Lillian Gordon

Robert J. Gordon

Shirley Gordon

William Gordon

Abraham Jos. Gorlitsky

Katie Gorlitsky

Benjamin Gottlieb

Ilse Gottlieb

Martin Joseph Gottlieb

Sol Gottlieb

Sylvia Rosalind Gottlieb

Adele Graff

Larry Graff

Solomon Graff

David Grann

May Grann

Sarah Gratch

Marshall Grauer

Samuel Grauer

Tina Grauer

Alexander Greenbaum

Jack Greenbaum

Jennie Greenbaum

Miriam S. Greenbaum

Norman H. Greenbaum

Etta Dina Greenberg

Samuel Greenberg

Ann Greenburg

Harry Greenburg

Israel Greenburg

Leah Greenburg

Max Greenburg

Menochim Mendel


Sam Greenburg

Ethel Greene

Sam Greene

Dr. Carl Greenfield

Bessie Greenspan

Irving Greenspan

Gerald Greenspoon

Judith Greenspoon

Eunice Davis Gross

Gustav Gross

Nathan V. Gross

Samuel Gross

Seymour Myles Gross

Soffie Gross

Ted Gross

Beatrice Smith Grossman

Burton Grossman

Dorothy S. Grossman

Peter Grossman

Rose Grossman

Samuel Grossman

Abe Gutman

Harry Haber

Mollie S. Haber

Rose Haber

Sam Haber

Dr. Carl "Buddy" Hackel

Esther Hackel

Joseph Hackel

Rose Rubenstein Hackel

Larry Steven Hacker

Elisa Haddad

Dr. Melvin Haimowitz

Eugene Haimowitz

Florence Haimowitz

Herbert Haimowitz

Morris M. Haimowitz

Sam Haimowitz

Sender Haimowitz

David Halpern

Henry Halpern

Julia Halpern

Lulu Halpern

Anna Bertha Hammerman

Edel Max Hammerman

Maurice Hammerman

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Irving Legum, Louis Leon Schemer, Lillian Spanier Schemer, Clara Belle Spanier, Peggy Schemer Sussman,

Rose Spanier Schwartz, Miriam Schwartz Hollins, Irving Herbert Schwartz, Tessie Spanier Saks, Morris Schemer


Dorothy Legum


Yetta Hammerman

Dave Harris

Deborah Sharon Harris

Ethel Harris

Harry Isadore Harris

Mary Harris

Morton J. Harris

Rose Harris

Samuel Harris

Samuel Edward Harris

Stanley Harris

Toba Harris

Gazella Schultz Hart

Bill Hatfield

Beckie Hecht

Benjamin Hecht

Bertha Hecht

Emanuel Hecht

Isadore Hecht

Israel Hecht

Milton Hecht

Stuart Hecht

Sylvia Hecht

Miriam F. Henry

Jerry Herman

Marion Gottfried Herman

Murray Herschkowitz

Herman Herskovitz

Lillie Herskovitz

Bernard E. Heyman

Harry Heyman

Hattie Heyman

Muriel Bobbie Heyman

Myrna Diane Heyman

Harold Hilsenrad

Hugh David Hilsenrad

Allen S. Hirschfield

Eva Hirschfield

George Hirschfield

Shirley Hirschfield

Max Hochman

Nathan Hochman

Rose Hochman

Sophie Hochman

Abraham Hodz

Edward Hodz

Elsbeth Hodz

Eva Hodz

Marshall Hodz

Alex Hoffenberg

Myra Hoffenberg

Seymore Irvin Hoffenberg

Annette S. Hoffman

Debra Rae Hoffman

Jennie Ida Hollinger

Lottie Hollinger

Maurice Hollinger

Haye Risha Hollins

Joseph Hollins

Milton Hollins

Miriam S. Hollins

Richard L. Hollins

Claire Honigman

Dr. Joseph Honigman

Lewis Honigman

Bessie Rabhan Horovitz

Elliott Horovitz

Hyman Horovitz

Irving Horovitz

Roslyn Platock Horovitz

Walter B. Horovitz

Harry Horowitz

Lottie Simon Horvitz

Jerome Horwitz

Leona Horwitz

Annette Blanche Hubsch

Victor Hubsch

Ben Hunter

Sophie Isaacs

Edward Jackson

Rose Jackson

Anna Jacobs

Ethel Jaffa

Harry Jaffa

Brian Michael Jaffe

Clara Jaffe

Harry Jaffe

Libbie Jaffe

Lillian Greenbaum Jaffe

Max D. Jaffe

Rubin Janofsky

Leah C. Janow

Sol Janow

Harry Jarchower

Abraham Jawitz

Faye Setzer Jawitz

Feige Jawitz

Melvin W. Jawitz

Mendel Jawitz

Ruth Jawitz

Carl Travis Jernigan

Ethel Joel

Evelyn Joel

Hyman Henry Joel

Jacob Louis Joel

Judah Joel

Morton Joel

Pearl Joel

Rosalyn Jones

Fanny Kagan

Gordon Seth Kagan

Joseph Kagan

David Kane

Elizabeth Kane

Benjamin Kantor

Erwin Kantor

Fannie Pilton Kantor

Perry Kantor

Samuel Kantor

Bert Kaplan

Dora Kaplan

Fannie Kaplan

Frances Kaplan

Joseph Kaplan

Leona Wilensky Kaplan

Loretta Kaplan

Max Kaplan

Serafima Kaplan

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Abe & Harriette Levin, Martin & Calie Loss


Joan & Ronnie Levin, Sam & Michael Levin, Risa & Stuart Herman, and Dina & Howard Fetner


Max H. Karpel

Rae B. Karpel

Anna Magazis Kass

Arthur Kass

Max Charles Kass

Pauline Kass

Sidney Charles Kass

Stanley Herman Kass

Beatrice Katz

Chayshe Katz

Debbie Katz

Dora Katz

Dorothy Katz

Frieda Margol Katz

Harry Katz

Hyman Katz

Lewis Katz

Meinhard “Manny” Katz

Frederick Robert


Joseph Kaufman

Mary Kaufman

Rose Aides Kaufman

Zina Adelman Kayne

Jeanette Blattner Keller

Seymour Keller

Ruth Cohen Kellman

Samuel Kellman

Betty Kersun

Michael "Mickey" Kersun

Samuel Kersun

Betty Kesler

Ely Kesler

Bernie Kessler

Michael Kessler

Nicholai Kharchenko

Eli King

Jaqueline King

David Kirchik

Gutman Kirchik

Jack Kirchik

Rosa Kirchik

Norman Kleiman

Bernardine Klein

Eva Klein

Jack Klein

Joseph Klein

Rosalind Klein

Sally Rubin Klepper

Harry Kline

Florence Kraemer Kneitel

Milton Koegler

Herbert Robert Kolb

Lottie Schwartz Kolb

Ann Kolchin

Harry Kolchin

Bertha Ida Kolitz

Joseph Elijah Kolitz

Marilyn Konefsky

Nathan Konefsky

Rebecca Konefsky

Elaine Koolik

Sylvia Kornblatt

Eugene “Gene” Kornblum

Julius Kornblum

Matthew Scott Kornblum

Mitzi Kornblum

Anna Koropova

Esther Koslowski

Helen Koslowski

Samuel Koslowski

Julius Kovner

Esther Kraemer

Jack Kraemer

Laura Kraemer

Marcia A. Kraemer-


Samuel H. Kraemer

Walter Kraemer

Abraham David Kramer

Arnold Michael Kramer

Dobra Malka Kramer

Henry Kramer

Hyem Kramer

Miriam Silver Kramer

Moses Kramer

Sara Tobe Kramer

Charles Krantz

Dora Krantz

Roland J. Krantz

Doris Kessler Kraver

Samuel J. Kraver

Ethel Krestul

Joseph A. Krestul

Nathan Krestul

Estelle Hellman Krinsky

William Krinsky

Donald Alan Kriss

Estelle Kritz

Robert Kritz

Anne Krokow

Harry M. Krokow

Mollie Kroser

Jacob Krulevitz

Fred Leon Kupperman

Marilyn Kupperman

Jacob Kushner

Lillie Blair Kwart

Ben A. Laidman

Rose Laken

Anne Landsman

Flora Lasris

Morris Lasris

Phillip Lasris

Steve Lasris

Ted Latimer

Joseph Abraham Laufer

Annie Stein Lazarus

Bath-Sheba Lazarus

Goodman Lazarus

Hy Lazarus

Ida Klein Lazarus

Israel Lazarus

Jeanette Lazarus

Myra Thier Lazarus

Rose Kalin Lazarus

Sam Lazarus

Isaac Lazoff

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Israel Lezhak, Khana Poberezhskaya, Lea Radzikhovskaya, Ionus-Joseph Radzikhovskiy, Khana Lezhak, Khaim Lezhak


Mikhail & Natalya Lezhak, Ellice & Ethan Lezhak, Manya & Natalya Lezhak,

Eleonora Poberezhskaya, and Valeriy Kupershteyn


Samuel Lederman

Alfred Leff

David Leffler

Ellen Leibo

Meyer Coleman Leibo

Morris Leibo

Clara Leibovitz

Coleman Leibovitz

Lillian Leibovitz

Lt. Meyer Leibovitz

Sidney Leibovitz

Robert Leibowitz

Sol Leibowitz

Alvin Abraham Leitman

Anna Leitman

Grace Ruth Leitman

Harvey H. Leitman

Lena Mogul Leitman

Max Leitman

Nathan Leitman

Terri Ellen Leitman

David Lentz

Sarah Lentz

Aaron Morris Leonard

Leo Leonard

Miriam Leonard

Ina S. Lermer

Mitchell Lesnik

Peter Lesnik

Nicole Lessner

Israel Levenson

Sophie Levenson

David Leventhal

Jack Leventhal

Reva Leventhal

Rose B. Leventhal

Abe Levin

Abe Aaron Levin

Eva Levin

Fannie Levin

George H. Levin

Harriet Ziman Levin

Harriette Levin

Julius Levin

Rose Levin

Allan Levine

Charles Levine

Etta Levine

Hascia Levine

Liba Levine

Napthali Leib Levine

Wilma Levine

Mildred Eaglstein Levinson

Adele J. Levitin

Earl A. Levitin

Michele Susan Levitt

Albert Levy

Alix Schaul Levy

Lorraine Lewd

Beatrice Lewis

Corey Lewis

David Richard Lewis

Florence Lewis

Harold Lewis

Murray L. Lewis

Philip Aaron Lewis

Sam Lewis

Carl Joseph Lewit

Hilda S. Lewit

Fannie Goldstein Lewitt

Herbert Lewitt

Louis Lewitt

Fruma Libby

Gertie Libby

Morris H. Libby

Ida Lieberman

Israel Max Lieberman

Judith Lieberman

Miriam Lieberman

Rose Lieberman

Sam Lieberman

Rakhal Liechtenstein

Lorraine Lind

Martin Lind

Ted Lind

Helene Lipkin

Max Joseph Lipkin

Harvey Gilbert Lippman

Irene Haimowitz Lippman

Dr. Mervin Lippman

Fanny Lippman

Nathan I. Lippman

Aaron Lipsit

Hannah Lipsit

Fannie M. Lipsitz

Wolf Lipsitz

Harry Lipsky

Anna Saraga Lipson

Celia Lishansky

David Lishansky

Ann Lissner

Daniel Lissner

Harry Livingston

Emily Lloyd

Abraham Lodinger

Herman Lodinger

Elsa Loehner

Calie Lilian Loss

Martin Loss

Donald Lovitz

Fannie Lovitz

Freida Lovitz

Phillip I. Lovitz

Sam Lovitz

Arthur M. Lowell

Rabbi Immanuel Lubliner

Ranit Krinsky Lubliner

Charlotte Z. Lafer, M.D.

Benjamin Mack

Bertie Mack

Pauline Mack

Sidney S. Mack

Lilly Mackey

Oscar Magazis

Irving “Isaac” Magid

Samuel Maiman

Julia Barish Mallin

Wayne Mallow

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Rabbi Immanuel Lubliner, Ranit Krinsky Lubliner, Regina & Herman Katz, Johanna & Samuel Lubliner,

Ismar Lubliner, Rabbi Jacob Laks, Bertha Katz Denenberg, Esther & Al Terres, Faye Putter Glazer,

Dr. Arthur Schon, Alexander & Sonia K. Susman, Harriet Goldberg, Sylvia Novick


Sylvia Katz Lubliner


Edna Maltz

Morton Maltz

Efim Davidovich Man

Uri Efimovich Man

Jack Manasse

Caree Manilove

Sam Manilove

Saul Samuel Manilove

Israel Mann

Milton Mann

Ruth Brooks Mann

Annie S. Margol

Belle Margol

Bennie Margol

Melvin O. Margol

Morris Margol

Oren D. Margol

Oscar Margol

Wilbur Margol

Barney Margolin

Goldie Margolin

Jacob Margolin

Rachel Margolin

Dr. Harry Markovitz

Rose Markovitz

Vesey Markovitz

Frances Markowitz

Sam Markowitz

Abraham Marks

Bernard Marks

Blanche Pearl Marks

Herzlia Marks

Sadie Marks

Sam Marks

Cantor Abraham Marton

Joseph Mason

Edward Mass

Dr. Myron “Mike” Mass

Pearl Mass

Frank Matoren

Mary Matoren

David Mazo

Hilda Mazo

Janice Meisel

Leo Meizlik

Abraham Mendelson

Sarah Mendelson

Beatrice Mergner

Charles Mergner

Edward Allen Mervis

Sarah Metz

Albert Meyerhoff

Ben Zion Mibab

Chaia Mibab

Chaim Mibab

Herschel Mibab

Moishe Mibab

Renee R. Mibab

Ruchel Leah Mibab

Yenta Mibab

Martin S. Michaels

Charlotte Michelson

Mary Yoffee Michelson

Alexine Miller

Bernard Miller

Herman Miller

Jewell Miller

Joachim Edward Miller

Mark Miller

Minnie S. Miller

Paul Miller

Robert Miller

Tillie Miller

Tillie K. Miller

Ida Millstone

Percy Millstone

Abe Minkoff

Morris Mirkis

Michael Mitzmacher

Bida Farhi Mizrahi

David Maurice Mizrahi

Dorothy Leventhal Mizrahi

Edward Mizrahi

Estrea Pardo Mizrahi

Evelyn Krantz Mizrahi

Jacob Joseph Mizrahi

Joseph Mizrahi

Morris R. Mizrahi

Ralph Mizrahi

Raphael Mizrahi

Salem Mizrahi

Yakov Model

Beckie Moed

David Aaron Moed

Philip Moed

Harry Mogulefsky

Max Mogulefsky

Rebecca Mogulefsky

Isaac Morgenstern

L. Nathan Morgenstern

Minnie Morgenstern

Leonard Morgenthal

Byron Morris

Jan Morris

Sonya Heyman Morris

Harold Morrow

Dr. Seymour Morse

Lillian Morse

Eli Moscovitch

Lena Moscovitch

Bennie Moscovitz

Isadore Moscovitz

Jacob Moscovitz

Julius Moscovitz

Mary Moscovitz

Morris Moscovitz

Morris J. Moscovitz

Harry Moscow

Sara Moscow

Renee Baker Wolfson


Bessie Mosias

Louis Mosias

Philip Mosias

Sylvia Mosias

Ann Moskovitz

Bernie Moskovitz

Leo Moskovitz

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Sonya Heyman Morris, Byron Morris, Jan Morris, and Dearly Beloved Family and Friends


Morris Family


Olga Moskovitz

Ruthye Moskovitz

Joseph Moskowitz

Tillie Moskowitz

Al Moss

Betty Sobel Moss

David Moss

Fannie Moss

Joyce D. Moss

Leonard Moss

Lillian Moss

Louis Moss

Norman Moss

Raela Moss

Rudy Moss

Sheldon Moss

Abraham Nabin

Rose Nabin

Fannie Kantor Nachman

Harry Nachman

Ida Spanier Nachman

Barnet Naftulin

Debby Katzoff Naftulin

Mirella Naim

Hyman G. Nathan

Anna Neuman

Elliot Nevel

Abraham Newman

Annie Newman

Dora Newman

Fannie Newman

Jeanette Newman

Melvin Newman

Paul Newman

Ester Noihovna Neyman

Lenore Niedelman

Meyer Niedelman

Ruth Nurenberg

Marguerite “Kris”

Kristeller Ochs

Stefan Albert Ochs

Paul Oberlander

Esther Ohayon

Selma Oritt

Bess Ort

David Ort

Berl Osterer

Janet "Shendel" Osterer

Sarah Goldberg Packman

Charles Harvey Palot

Beba Pardo

David Edward Pardo

Ed Parker

Edward Parker

Abram Passink

Martha "Molly" Passink

Freda Paul

Freda K. Paul

Louis Paul

Nathan Paul

Harold Pausman

Mortimer W. Pearl

Esther Pearlman

Ira Peck

Fannie Peltz

Harry Peltz

Lois Peltz

Mitchell Peltz

Dorrit Perin

John Perin

Morris Perles

Abe Perlman

Gene Perlman

Rebecca S. Perlman

Sarah E. Perlman

Saul Perlman

Cantor Hyman Perras

Freda Perras

Israel Pick

Anna Glickstein Pilton

Elias H. Pilton

Ernest A. Pilton

Esther Pilton

Harry Pilton

Samuel Pinkoson

Dora G. Pinzer

Dr. Gerald Platock

Max Platock

Augusta Platt

Louis Platt

Yetta Platt

Irving Plattner

Julia Platzer

Philip Plotkin

Sara Tamara Plotkin

Ruth Elcabas Pniel

Julius Pollak

Sylvia Pollak

Daniel Pollan

Helene Lucak Pollan

Hyman Pollock

Miriam Smith Pollock

Ruth "Dolly" Polse

Bessie Portnoy

Esther Portnoy

Goldie Fletcher Portnoy

Isadore Portnoy

Joseph Portnoy

Louis Portnoy

Morris Portnoy

Neal Fletcher Portnoy

Walter Portnoy

Nat Pozin

Edwin Presser

Lillian F. Presser

Mac Presser

Neil Nathan Presser

David Price

Fayga Price

Isser Price

Jack Price

Joshua Price

Judy L. Price

Lena V. Price

Rae Price

Symme Price

Todd Price

Dean Prober

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Edna & Morton Maltz, Bess & David Ort, Warren Ort, Yetta & Louis Platt, Augusta Platt


Carole & Lawrence Ort


Celia Schneider Proctor

David H. Proctor

Frieda Proctor

Gloria Feldman Proctor

Ida Proctor

Irving Proctor

Jack Proctor

Judge George Proctor

Julius Proctor

Sol Proctor

Terri Lynne Proctor

Archie Puldy

Eva Puldy

Peretz Puldy

Rose Maza Puldy

Paulette Pulver Queen

Annie Rabhan

Nathan Rabhan

Harry Rabinowitz

Louis Rabinowitz

Rose Rabinowitz

Susie Rabinowitz

Helen Shirley Rademan

Milton Gilbert Rademan

Helen Raitt

Aaron B. Ralph

Sidney Ralph

Sophie Ralph

Gloria Lillian Ramsey

Samuel A. Ramsey, Jr.

Ruth Rand

Ceil M. Raskin

Jesse Rauchwarger

Kenneth Reich

Joseph Reiss

Madeline Reiss

Louis Resnick

Ethel B. Richman

Meyer Harry Richman

Minnie Richman

Arthur Ries

Joseph Rinzler

Leonard Rinzler

Betty Weinstein Rippa

Alvin L. Rittenberg

Mary Lourie Rittenberg

Florence Robin

Nathan Robin

Rev. Joseph Robin

Rose Robin

Albert Robins

Lois Robins

Ruth Robins

Abraham Robinson

Susan Roey

Hala Rogozinski

Jakob Rogozinski

Shimon Rogozinski

Harry Roit

Rose Roit

Joseph Romo

Rose Romo

Bessie Rose

Betty Rose

Max Rose

Dr. Jacob C. Rosen

Harry Rosen

Helen Rosen

Sophie Ruby Rosen

Samuel C. Rosen, M.D.

Ronnie Rosenbaum

Aaron T. Rosenberg

Anna Ethel Rosenberg

Edwin J. Rosenberg

Frieda Rosenberg

Gertrude Rosenberg

Hannah Rosenberg

Harry Rosenberg

Herman Rosenberg

Jacob Rosenberg

Jacob N. Rosenberg

Leonard Rosenberg

Mollie Rosenberg

Rose Rosenberg

Ruben Rosenberg

Ruth Rosenberg

Sam Rosenberg

Sarah Rosenberg

Saul Rosenberg

William Rosenberg

Zelda Rosenberg

Elias Rosenblatt

Florence N. Rosenblatt

Harry Rosenblatt

Joseph Rosenblatt

Louis Rosenblatt

Richard Jay Rosenblatt

Sam Rosenblatt

Willie Rosenblatt

Yetta Rosenblatt

Esther Rosenblum

Esther Mittleman


Ida Sarah Rosenblum

Pete Rosenblum

Sam Rosenblum

Sarah D. Rosenblum

Sydney Theodore


William Rosenblum

Morris Rosenfeld

Jacob Rosenkranz

Lila Rosenstock

A.B. Rosenthal

Dr. Benjamin Rosenthal

Dr. Samuel Rosenthal

Sarah Rosenthal

Annie Rosner

Marjorie Rosner

Rebecca L. Rosner

Sigmund L. Rosner

William Rosner

Toby Taxier Ross

Genevieve Roth

Manfred Rotstein

Beatrice Rothberg

Etta Rothenberg

Leon Rothenberg

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Leon & Jeannette Bernstein, Lois & Jerry Fixel, Berl & Janet "Shendel" Osterer, Mindy Fixel, Alan Fixel


Their Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren


Betty J. Rothstein

Irvin B. Rothstein

Jacob Rothstein

Lauren Rothstein

Martin C. Rothstein

Rose Rothstein

Betty Rotstein

Anne Rubens

Sidney Rubens

Ann Leibovitz Rubenstein

Wallace Rubenstein

Charles Rubin

Goldie Sylvia Rubin

Lucy Etta Rubin

Rose Rubin

Fortuna Molly Rubinstein

Harry Charles Ruby

Jennifer Rutansky

David Sabatt

Harry Sachs

Ida Sachs

Bertram W. Sacks

Richard Sadowsky

Nelly Gertrude Saenger

Abraham Safer

David Safer

Dr. Jacob Safer

Eunice Cooper Safer

Freida Safer

Frieda Safer

Frieda Leah Safer

Harriet Leah Safer

Ida Safer

Ida Gertrude Safer

Jacob Safer

Joe P. Safer

Judge Louis Safer

Marilyn Safer

Mary Safer

Max Safer

Max J. Safer

Moe B. Safer

Perry Safer

Rev. Benjamin Safer

Sally Safer

Alfred Sager

Bertha Ray Sager

Frances Sager

Joseph Sager

Neil Sager

Tessie Spanier Saks

Floyd “Five” Saliman

Alice Sall

Manuel Sall

Ada Sallick

Joseph Sallick

Barnett K. Salzman

Sophie Salzman

Rita Samson

Abraham Sandberg

Elaine Sandberg

Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler

Ethel Sandler

Herbert L. Sandler

Nathan Sandler

Lee Sapero

Manny Sapero

Rubin Saraga

Scott Lawrence Saraga

David Savage

Selwyn Savage

Harriet Sax

Beatrice Scharf

Saul Scharf

Jerome M. Schechtman

Ber Hirsch Schemer

Bessie Mollie Schemer

Etta Ella Schemer

Harry Schemer

Helman Schemer

Henry Schemer

Israel Schemer

Lillian Spanier Schemer

Louis Leon Schemer

Margaret Schemer

Minnie Schemer

Mitchell M. Schemer

Morris Schemer

Pauline Schemer

Phillip Schemer

Sarah Goldie Schemer

Siddy Schemer

William Schemer

Nathan Schevitz

Pauline Schevitz

Samuel Schevitz

Anna Schiff

Leon Schinasi

Shirley Schinasi

Rose Schloss

Paul Schnall

Ruth Schnall

Sheldon Schnall

Anna Schneider

Bessie Yoffee Schneider

Betty Schneider

Eva Schneider

Julius Schneider

Karl M. Schneider

Michael Schneider

Morris Schneider

Motel J. Schneider

Nathan J. Schneider

Rebecca Schneider

Sue Schneider

Thelma Schneider

Tobias M. Schneider

Sophie Schnipper

Arthur Jack Schoenberg

Harriet Feinberg


Edith Schraibman

Annie Leah Schreiber

Florence Schreiber

Joe Schreiber

Ruth Schreiber

Sam Schreiber

Leon Schultz

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Julius Levin, Philip Plotkin, Sara Plotkin, Robert Plotkin, Fannie Levin


Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin, Cheryl & Jay Plotkin, Jennifer & Ricky Plotkin,

Lori & Barry Blum, and Grandchildren


Samuel Schuster

Reba Siegel Schwager

David Ashley Schwartz

Ida Wilensky Schwartz

Joseph Schwartz

Judith Susan Schwartz

Sandra Ruby Schwartz

Fredric J. Scott

Felicia Segal

Max M. Segal

Victor Joseph Segal

Abraham E. Selber

Ada Hinda Selber

Alice Julia Selber

Bertha Fletcher Selber

Byron Selber

Hyman Selber

Philip Nathan Selber

Rebecca Selber

Roselyn Selber

Simon Selber

Simon William Selber

Alice Selevan

Bernard Selevan

Ilene Sari Selevan

Tillie Selmanoff

Abraham Setzer

Benjamin Setzer

Bessie Setzer

Charlotte Setzer

Eva Setzer

Hannah Setzer

Haye Rachel Setzer

Helman Setzer

Martin H. Setzer

Mayer Setzer

Rebecca Setzer

Zusman Setzer

Herman Shafner

Mildred R. Shafner

Jack N. Shamash

Anne Shapero

David Max Shapero

Abe Shapiro

Anna Shapiro

Joseph Shapiro

Julius Shapiro

Sandra Greenburg


Sophie Shawn

Jacob Sheitelman

Lora Sheitelman

Abraham Shemer

Cecilia Shemer

Hannah Shemer

Philip Mikel Shemer

Dorothy Shenkman

Murray Shenkman

Phil Sher

Beatrice Sherman

Harvey W. Sherman

Marvin Sherman

Mitchell Samuel Sherman

Steve Sherman

Martha Sherter

Samuel Sherter

Ann L. Shmunes

Joan “Joni” Shmunes

Nathan Shmunes

Bess K. Shorstein

Jack Franklin Shorstein

Norman H. Shorstein

Sylvia Shorstein

Beverley Shreiber

Leo Shreiber

Yetta Shulman

Sam H. Siegel

Sam Louis Silberstein

Emma Silver

Harry Silver

Leonard Silver

Sidney Silver

Ann Silverberg

Dr. Arnold Silverberg

Hattie Silverberg

Isidor Silverberg

Randall Silverberg

Cecilia Silverman

Eleanore Silverman

Esther Silverman

Jack Silverman

Mandel Silverman

Minnie Silverman

Molly Silverman

Oscar Silverman

Sidney Silverman

Esther Silverstein

Irving Silverstein

Jerome Silverstein

Bessie R. Simon

Max Simon

Sam Simon

Beverly Lila Simons

Dora Simons

Irving Simons

Isaac Simons

Sidney Simons

Matthew David Singal

Doris Singer

Barry Sinoff

Norman I. Slaff

R. Idlene Portnoy Slaff

Walter Michael Slaff

Roberto Slinin

Joseph D. Sloat

Rose Sloat

Abraham Slott

Blanche Spitz Slott

Celia Slott

Joseph Harry Slott

Louis Slott

Rose Slott

Benjamin Smargon

Edna Smargon

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Lillian & Coleman Leibovitz, Julius Leibovitz, Lt. Meyer Leibovitz, Sidney Leibovitz, Ellen & Morris Leibo,

Meyer C. Leibo, Miriam & Hyman Pollock, Ann & Wallace Rubenstein


Ronald & Marsha Pollock


Samuel D. Smargon

Helman Smith

Jane Smith

Mary Kramer Smith

Sam Smith

Harry Sneider

Rose Sneider

Annie E. Snider

Dr. Jack Snider

Grace Snyder

Matthew Snyder

Sarah Sobel

Wolf Sobel

Hyman Soclof

Ida Soclof

Betty B. Soforenko

Fred Soforenko

Meyer “Bill” Soforenko

Leah G. Solomon

Morris “Murray” Solomon

Lillie Sorkin

Jerome Sorkin

Samuel Wayne Southall

Clara Belle Spanier

Alexander Spevak

Irving Spevak

Minnie S. Spevak

Samuel Morris Spevak

Ida Spitz

Max Spitz

Goldie Spiwak

Janice Moss Spiwak

Joseph Spiwak

Morris Spiwak

Ronald Spiwak

Ronald David Spiwak

Joseph Gruschka Springer

Leon Springer

Bonnie Stachurski

Bernice G. Stark

David Sanders Stark

Florence Ralph Stark

Laura Deutsch Starkman

Fannie Starr

Murray Starr

Harvey Starsky

Jacob Stearman

Rose Jacobs Stearman

William Stearn

Anna Nabin Stegman

Alfred R. Stein

Arthur Stein

Faye Stein

Ira Stein

Lillian Wolfson Stein

Moses Stein

Reba Lewitt Stein

Rose Stein

Robert Steingarten

Bertha Stempelman

David Stempelman

Milton Sterman

Esther Scheinman Stern

Esther Stern

Ralph Stern

Henry Stillman

May Goldie Stillman

Mollie Stillman

George W. Stone

Marjorie Stone

Irving Stowe

Joseph J. Strauss

Phyllis Strumlauf

Cynthia Sultan

Alex Surasky

Hannah Surasky

Ida Surasky

Jack Surasky

Julius Surasky

Charles Robert Sussman

Martin Sussman

Saul Marvin Sussman

Frances Swartz

Jack Swartz

Alan Taffet

Max A. Taffet

Chana Rifka Talpalar

Joan G. Talpalar

Jose Talpalar

Max Talpalar

Joseph S. Tannen

Rhea Tannen

Louis Tarlowski

Betty Moskovitz Tarlyn

Morris Tarlyn

Nathan Tarlyn

Bluma Taslik

Charles P. Tatt

Sadie Jacobson Tatt

Ira Taxier

Louis Allie Taxier

Minnie Taxier

Samuel Taxier

Tessie Gross Taxier

Todres Taxier

Paul Tekel

Terry Tekel

Shana Safer Temel

Theron Templeton

Runny Thier

Samuel J. Thier

Walter M. Tichauer

Kyle Tincher

Bertha “Berte” Tobias

William Tobias

Dr. Sanders Tofield

Pauline Platzer Tofield

David Tondetnick

Jennie Tondetnick

Cori Townley

Bette Peltz Trager

Melvin Trager

Sadie Trager

Samuel B. Trager

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Jakob Rogozinski - Husband, Father, and Grandfather


Ella Rogozinski, Chaim, Jeanine and Family; Abe, Marjie and Family; Sam, Randi and Family


Shelby H. Trager

Emilia Turovskiy

Henry Tyson

Sara Udinsky

Diane Ulshafer

Wayne Ulshafer

Yakov Vaynman

Harry Verstandig

Bella Waitz

John Waitz

Sumner “Sonny” Waitz

Eleanor Walker

Nathan Walker

Marilyn Walters

Stuart Walters

Hilda Warfield

Marvin Warfield

Jacob Wasserman

David Waters

Harry Waters

Helen Weiler

Larry Weiler

Norma Stein Weiler

Jean M. Weinberg

Leanard Weinberg

David Weiner

Ann Weingast

Benjamin Weingast

Marx Joseph Weinkle

Fanny Weinstein

Herbert Weinstein

Joseph B. Weinstein

Leo Weinstein

Rita Weinstein

Sara Weinstein

Sophie Weinstein

Carole Weintraub

Fanny Weintraub

Jonathan Weintraub

Joseph E. Weintraub

Sara Weintraub

Anna Lustigman Weiss

Anna S. Weiss

Clara Weiss

Edna Weiss

Emily Witten Weiss

Herman Weiss

Isidore Weiss

Joseph Benjamin Weiss

Karen Elizabeth Weiss

Lena Weiss

Lisa Dawn Weiss

Max Weiss

Mildred Weiss

Molly Weiss

Paul Weiss

Samuel Weiss

Sidney Weiss

Sylvia Weiss

Martin Weisstein

Minnie S. Weisstein

Paul Samuel Weisstein

Bertha Weitzen

Joseph Weitzen

Moshe Welt

Henry Wengrow

Jacob M. Wexler

Miriam Wexler

Sylvia Wexler

Hyman H. Whitman

Sylvia R. Whitman

Dora Wilensky

Frances Wilensky

Jacob Tobias Wilensky

Joseph S. Wilensky

Reba Wilensky

Adele Wilk

Hans Wilk

Edythe Nabin Wilson

Morris B. Wilson

Ben Witten

Edward Jacob Witten

Dr. Joe Witten

Dr. Sam Witten

Dr. Samuel B. Witten

Gertrude B. Witten

Gladys Witten

Ida Safer Witten

Ike Witten

Jean Stein Witten

Joseph Witten

Lena Puldy Witten

Louis Witten

Louise “Libby” Witten

Max Witten

Rose Witten

Sarah Witten

Sophie Spiwak Witten

Allen Scott Wolf

Arie Wolf

Michael J. Wolf

Martin J. Wolf

Mary Hecht Wolf

Rose Feiden Wolf

Paulette Wolff

Ralph Wolff

Bob Earl Wolfson

Louis J. Wolfson

Mary Flax Wolfson

Murry Wolfson

Paul Wolfson

Rachel Wolk

Solly Zalmen Wolk

Howard Wolpin

Hyman Wood

Israel Wood

Sarah Wood

Rosa Worman

Samuel I. Worman

Benjamin Yaffee

Morris Yegelwel

Dr. Harry I. Yergin

Rudy Mack Yergin

Benedict “Ben” Yoffee

Bertha Yoffee

Harry Yoffee

Lt. Charles J. Young

Ethel Young

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Rae & Isser Price, Stanley Paul Evans, Israel & Pauline Schemer, Francine Schemer Kohrn, Morris Schemer,

Dorothy Schemer, Bessie Schemer, Esther Fishler, Judy Price, Daniel Shemer, Harry & Ida Gartner, Jack Price, Todd Price

By Gerald & Florence Schemer and Family


Ethel Cohen Young

Faye Young

Iris Young

Josef Young

Joseph Young

Marilyn Esther Yudowin

Alvin Lewis Zadoff

Nathan Zamostansky

Dave Zavon

Molly Zavon

Robert Zavon

Saul Zavon

Yetta Zavon

Harold Zeff

Meyer Zeff

Rose Zeff

Hilda Zeifman

Leon Zeifman

Morris Zerulik

Dora Zimmerman

Frances Zimmerman

Haskell Zimmerman

Isaac Zimmerman

Sophie Zimmerman

Sylvia Rita Zimmerman

Faye G. Zinn

Nathan Zinn

Al Zisser

Leah Zisser

Sara Zisser

Candita Zoske

Esther Zucker

Herbert Zucker

Jerry Zucker

Leon Zucker

Brian Zundell

Myron Zundell

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Leon & Shirley Schinasi and all of our Friends and Family


Marilyn & Ilene Schinasi


This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Thelma & Nathan Schneider, Rose & Albert Ehrlich, Judith Susan Ehrlich


Michael & Barbara Schneider, Lisa Schneider & Dan Karp, Ivy, Joshua and Nathan Weingram,

and Stefanie Epstein

Ivan Berke

Alvin Maynard Coplan

Anita Miller Dittman

Robert Fischer

Elizabeth Ritchie Gartner

Marshall Hodz

Norman Kleiman

Marcia A. Kraemer-Kalman

Herzlia Marks

Dr. Myron "Mike" Mass

Sonya Heyman Morris

Marguerite “Kris” Kristeller Ochs

Stefan Albert Ochs

Dr. Gerald Platock

Neil Nathan Presser

David Ashley Schwartz

Sandra Ruby Schwartz

Beverly Lila Simons

Saul Marvin Sussman

Sumner “Sonny” Waitz

Edward Jacob Witten

Bob Earl Wolfson

New Memorial Plaques

The following Memorial Plaques will be dedicated

during the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur, September 28, 2020


This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Marvin & Beatrice Weiss Sherman, Molly & Herman, Paul & Edna Weiss, Ben & Sophie Fleet, Charlotte

Sherman, Charles & Hazel Sherman, Murray & Dorothy Shenkman, David Turkat, and Mitchell Sherman


June & Bobby Shenkman

Window Memorials

Rachel Dora Baker

Samuel Biscow

Sete Bono

Esther Joel

Dobrish Moscovitz

Samuel Dov Moscovitz


Eva & Nathan Abramson, Dr. Warren Sussin, Marilyn Sussin - By Linda, Michael, Daniel & Sarah Abramson Sylvia Appelbaum, Leo Dinin, Esther Dinin, Leslie Appelbaum Dobies, Lee Adam Dinin - By Karen & Stuart Appelbaum Susan Aubrey, Alan Hanhard, Sally Wexler - By Stacy Aubrey, Jason, Scott and Abby Miller David I. Goldring, Cynthia Goldring Freidlin, Louis & Ida Goldberg, Harvey Goldring - By Ellen, Scott, Casey and Parker Balotin Mitchell & Lois Peltz, Richard Bell, Lisa Bell, Louis & Beulah Goldman, Harry & Fannie Peltz - By Norma Bell and Brian, Robyn, Madison and Levi Bell Ivan Berke, Albert Kemp, Viviane Kemp, Florence Blackman - By Danielle Berke and Avigail Barak Ruthye & Leo Moskovitz, Rena Bernard - By Edward, Carla, Larry, Sarah & Rick Bernard, Annette & Jerry Goodfarb Raymond Berson - By Judel & Charlotte Berson and Daughters Ronald Bloom, Harold Bloom and Renee Bloom - By Philip & Linda Bloom, Lauren, Gregg and Liam Wishna, and Sasha & Charlie Gibbons Harold Blumenfeld - Father, Fred Lipstein - Godfather, Rosalind Lipstein - Godmother - By Cathy & Leslie Blumenfeld Naomie Bossen, Sarah & Morris Bossen, Paul Bossen, Sara & Leo Weinstein, Herbert Weinstein, Yetta Shulman, Sadie & Sam Trager, Shelby Trager, Bernard & Bobbie Heyman - By Bob Bossen David Wolinsky, Harold Petty - By Allysondra Bottini

George Yellen, Dr. Stephen Broadman, Beloved Husband - By Ruchel Broadman & Elsie Yellin Colman & Anna R. Brodsky, Mary Dumont. - By Ernie & Harriet Brodsky Serafima Kaplan & Anna Koropova - By Yefim, Polina, Igor, Simon, Rachel, Liya and Eliana Brunfon Allen Twitty - Father, Lucille Twitty - Mother, Sam Cantor - Father, and Beatrice Cantor - Mother - By Andrew & LaVerne Cantor Betty Cantor, Harold Cantor, Allie Goldstein, Gertye Goldstein, Steven Jared Cantor - By Barbara & Robert Cantor Zelda & Jack Homans, Esther & Meyer Chepenik, Stephen Chepenik - By Lois & Alan Chepenik Gussy & Sam Cherry, Beverly & Leo Schreiber, Ilene Selevan - By Merle & Ron Cherry Albert & Rose Cohen, beloved Father & Mother - By Hyman Cohen Zelda Cohen, Irving Cohen, Sylvia Wexler, Aaron Leonard, Mildred Statland and Paul Zimmerman - By Norman & Susan Cohen and Family Alvin M. Coplan - By Lisa Coplan-Gardner, Carole Coplan and Susan Coplan Eadie & Bernie Davis, Jean & David Cramer - By Leo & Joanne Davis and Family Arthur Castleton - By Amy Castleton DiAngelo Archie Boatwright, Minnie Boatwright, Jonathan Weintraub, Ella K. Boatwright, Jeanette Boatwright - By Cynthia Disher & Family

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Stefan & Marguerite Ochs, Felix & Martha Ochs, Vaughan & Alice Kristeller


Beth & Mark Shorstein, Their Children and Grandchildren


Janet F. Driben & Milton P. Driben - By Sandi Driben Fred Eaglstein, Eric Bass, Max & Bess Black, Shimmy Kornblatt - By Sue, Mitchell, Brett and Emily Eaglstein Lester Edelstein, Linda Edelstein, Walker Whaley, Morgan Whaley, Janice Edelstein, Albert Kobert, Judson & Miriam Schnall, Samuel & Beatrice Cohen, Steven Cohen, Ira Cohen, Jordan Rosenberg, Michael Rosenberg, Renee Palmer, Robert (Bobby) Palmer - By Sandy and Bobbi Edelstein, and Mindy and Rachel Whaley Michael & Sara Eder - By Les Eder and Carol Eder-Smith Morris & Marsha Efron, Wendy Efron, Burton Seaman, Martin Zinn, Thelma Zinn - By The Efron & Seaman Families Nathan "Sonny" Sandler - By Marilyn Sandler, Holly & Mark Emas, Renee & Rick Janovitz, Suzy & Ricky Goldman and Arlene Gibbs Milton Felder, Shirley Felder, Gloria Lillian Ramsey, Samuel A. Ramsey, Jr. - By Lanny & Dorrie Felder Sidney R. Sisselman - By Debby Fialkow Edward Allen Mervis, Marilyn Mervis - By Missy Frisch, Eddie & Britney Norton Maxine W. Funk, Irving & Ethel Funk, Joe & Sophie Witten - By Jerry Funk, and Amy, Jordan & Abbie Petersen Parents & Grandparents Jacob & Lora Sheitelman - By Elaine Furman and Family Hannah & Irving Furman, Sylvia & Benjamin Gottlieb - By Paul & Gail Furman and Liza, Perry and Sawyer Grace Kale

Jack Manasse, Tracy Gare Kurzweil - By Ilana, Dorone & Lisa, and Gary Manasse, Karen & Henry Gare Fred Shapiro - By Vicki L. Gatewood and Norma G. Shapiro Irwin Gendzier - By Alois Gendzier Robert Goldberg, David Goldberg, Irwin Goldberg, Majorie Goldberg, Gertrude Nathan, Alfred Nathan - By Carole Goldberg & Family Mikhail Bekman, Volko Goldiner, Golda Goldiner, Igor Bekman, Bronya Bekman - By Yakov & Svetlana Goldiner Sol Goldman - By Hilda Goldman Basil A. Goldman, Robert A. Goldman, Jean C. Goldman, Benjamin & Rose Goldman, Helen B. Edelstein, Benjamin & Augusta Baletin, Ruth B. Kaufman, Mitchell Kaufman - By Irma Goldman and Amy, Don & Ben Levinson Dorothy Goldman, Mort Goldman, Dorothy Rogers, George Rogers - By Roy & Georgia Goldman David I. Goldring, Cynthia Goldring, Ida & Louis "Dewey" Goldberg, Peter & Anne Berg, Ruth Friedman - By Bruce, Stacey, Bradley & Jeffrey Goldring S. William (Bill) & Beverly Goldstein, Joe & Jenny Goldstein, Faye & Ira Stein, Sam Maiman, Phillip & Miriam Sussman, E. Allie Goldstein, Maurice Goldstein, Steve Cantor - By Doris & Jeff Goldstein, Janet Goldstein & Ilan, The Maiman & Severs Families Ellen Grossman Freedman, Mildred & Herman Shafner, Ruth Schaffner, Bessie & Manny Goldstein, Goldie & Meyer Redich, Sam & Celia Shmunes, Jonas & Ruda Rechtchaffner - By Rhoda & Arthur Goldstein

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Jack F. Shorstein, Stephen Braver, Joseph & Rose Hackel, Joseph & Adele Bernstein, Allan Bernstein,

Esther Hackel, Marge Carter, Tibby Panken, Natalie Haas, Dan Hackel


Judith Shorstein


Robert J. & Lillian Gordon, Nathan & Faye Zinn, Norma Gordon, William & Shirley Gordon, Herbert Gordon, Isadore Hecht, David Hecht, Martin & Mary Wolf, Stacy Epstein, Scott Wolf, Robby Leitman - By Renee & Alan Gordon, Children and Grandchildren Sollie Elfenbein - By Asenath Elfenbein, Lois & Dale Gosa, David, Rebecca & Jeremy, Joel, Juniper, Andrea & Richard, Elizabeth & Zack, Ava, Anthony & Preston Monte Graff, David & Myrna Margolis, Geoff & Grace Radford, Steven Graff-Radford - By Neill & Michelle Graff-Radford and Family Adele & Larry Graff, May & David Grann - By Jane & Ira Grann, Beth, Richard, Dan & Carly Exline, Renee and Kyle Haire Ann Berger Greenburg, Sam Greenburg, Beatrice Savadove Rothberg, Bernice Sternberg Rothberg, Dr. Max Rothberg, Sandra Greenburg Shapiro, Paul Rothberg, Richard Rothberg - By Chary & Michael Greenburg and Family Stanley Greenfield, David Safer, Sally Safer - By Gail Safer Greenfield Herbert Gross, Sally Traiger, Ruth Darlow, Sine Darlow - By Steven Gross, Sara Gross and Family Chuck Grossman, Ben & Esther Lubel, Ed & Rae Grossman - By Roz Grossman, Michael Grossman James Joseph Hamilton, Mary Hamilton - By Karen Hamilton Deborah Harris - By Alan and Matthew Harris, Melissa Zee, and Heather Fingerer Sylvia Hecht, Milton Hecht, Stuart Hecht, Beckie & Benjamin Hecht, Fannie & Harry Peltz - By Larry, Rose, Benjamin & Jacob Hecht, Rosalind Hecht, Faye, Dan, Milly and Ellen Hedrick

Beverly Weinstock, Martin Weinstock - By Laurie Weinstock Hecht Bobbie & Bernie Heyman, Yetta Shulman, Hattie & Harry Heyman, Selina Galkin, Arthur Tarchis - By The Extended Heyman Families Jack & Linda Bengels, Ben & Esther Gorevitz, Barbara R. Gorevitz - By Tracy & Ken Hilbert and Family Gilbert W. Chenkin, Audrey R. Chenkin, Frank S. Hill, Margaret L. Hill - By John & Helen Hill Henry Hochrad, Aida Hochrad, Suzanne Goldfarb, Sandford Goldfarb, Helene Bruml, Frank Bruml, Jeanette Leavitt Kay, Pola Jarushewsky, Jaime Jarushewsky, Tova Hochrad, Zvi Hochrad, Owen Hoglund, Lazar Kay - By Howard & Lauren Hochrad, Marissa Hochrad Kaeser & Chloe Hochrad Grosberg Marshall Hodz - By Elaine Hodz Dorothy Merlin, Dr. Samuel Merlin, Barbara Merlin Ferrell, Rose Holzer, Abraham Holzer, Dr. Franklin Holzer - By Aaron & Margie Holzer Alan Honig, Hannah & Leon Honig, Celia & Salomon Bender, Hilda & Manuel Ginzburg, Rose & Howard Liebenthal, Robert Liebenthal, Marilyn & Warren Sussin, Celia & Mario Arber, Mario Krivoshey, Irene Ginzburg, Saul Ginzburg - By Miriam & David Honig, Steven, Sammy & Rachel, and Nancy Honig William Horn, Rose Horn, Marilyn, Judy Forster - By Ken & Paula Horn and Family Herman & Gertrude Ratoff, Edna & Sam Jacobson, Gertrude Offenberg - By Leo & Sheila Jacobson

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Jerry Schechtman, Phillip & Rose Schechtman, Max & Rose Greunebaum,

Joe & Nelly Saenger, Margrit Schechtman


Robin & Michael Shorstein, Mathew, and Benay


Max & Libbie Jaffe, Sidney & Lois Gefen, Richard & Diana Bailey - By Larry & Barbara Jaffe, Sandy, Leah, and Brooke Zimmerman, Brad, Josh, and Samantha Zimmerman, Daren Jaffe, Andrea Jaffe Tricia Kagan Bettman, Gordon Seth Kagan, Lillian & Herman Littman, Fannie & Joseph Kagan, Betty & Irving Kagan, Carrie & Max Dinces - By The Kagan and Buring Familes Fannie Kantor Nachman, Perry Kantor, Martin Sack, Jr. - By Sharon & Stanley Kantor, Carol Sack Archie Boatwright, Minnie Boatwright, Leona Kaplan, Bertram Kaplan, Ella Boatwright, Jeanette Boatwright, Bob Phillips, Jonathan Weintraub - By Harriett & Sheldon Kaplan Meinhard & Dora Katz - By Charles Katz & Cindy Silverberg-Katz Bessie Lipson, Sigmund Lipson, Rae Kaufman, David Kaufman - By Mimi & Marty Kaufman Martha & William Kempner, Elizabeth Kempner, Bessie Setzer Frisch, Shelby H. Trager - By Francine & Jim Kempner Michael Kitay - By The Kitay Family Norman Kleiman, Max & Ella Wicker, Irving & Frieda Kleiman, Lyle S. Gelhaar, Martin H. Gelhaar, Eric S. Kleiman - By Marcia Kleiman and Beth & Michael Fleet Dr. Murray Steinberg, Frances Levenson Steinberg, Janet Gerber Steinberg, Moses Kleiner, Morris Sandler - By Gilbert & Carol Kleiner and Family Henry Klippel - By Audrey, Scott and Evan Klippel Robert & Charlotte Kopp, Stuart & Phyllis Fried - By Henry & Ellen Kopp, Lauren, Jason, Natalie & Nathan Rubin, Jessica & Chris McKorkle

Gene Kornblum, Matthew Kornblum, Martha & Bernie Allen, Bruce Allen, Mitzi & Julie Kornblum - By Annetta Kornblum and Family Marilyn Tanney - By Mark & Iris Kraemer Walter H. Kraemer, Marcia Kalman - By Sylvia Kraemer and Family Marilyn Annette Blank, Alvin Jack Blank - By Dorri, Mark, Paul and Arianna Kraus Martha & Edwin Kravitz, Harriette & Abe Levin - By Dick, Shirley, Eric and Hirsh Kravitz Nathan Krestul, Joseph Krestul, Ethel Krestul, Charles P. Tatt & Sadie Tatt - By The Krestul Family Klara & Simon Mezisko, Khonon Kufman & Rosa Usvyatzeva - By Boris & Tamara Kufman, Vladimir & Svetlana Kufman Lawrence Lazar, Rabbi Ben Zion Eliahu & Sonia Rosman, Dr. David Lazar, Albert & Olga Lazar - By Naomi Lazar and Family Doris Sue Singer, Irwin Levenson - By Ilene & Jeff Levenson and Fred Singer Irene Haimowitz Lippman, Harvey Gilbert Lippman, Fannie Levin, Julius Levin - By Phyllis & George Levin Bill Levine, Edith & Morrie Levine, Leona & Sidney Leonard, Shirley & Ben Levine - By Stevie Levine and Family Charlie Levine - By Mark, Christina, Ellis and Ethan Muriel Beissinger, Walter Beissinger, Wilma Levine, David Pullman, Allan Levine - By Mitchell & Susan Levine

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Jack F. Shorstein, Sylvia H. Shorstein, Bess K. Shorstein, Norman H. Shorstein, Mary Harris, Samuel Harris


The Shorstein Family


Sam Lewis, Beatrice Lewis, Max Karpel, Rae Karpel, Ethel Elkin, Ann Ragan, Jackie Guerra, Ellen Karpel, Evan Karpel, Samantha Katz, Michael Weinstein - By Ann Lewis and Family Betty & Donald Lewis - By Gary, Marla, Pamela, Steven Lewis and Rosi Lewis Max Joseph Lipkin, Helene Korach Lipkin, Lenore Lipkin Liu, Lois Lipkin Wright, Deborah Thompson - By Leonard Lipkin Suzanne Lissner Bernard, Rudy Moss, Betty Moss, Ann Lissner, Danny Lissner - By Michael & Deanna Lissner William Krinsky, Ranit Krinsky Lubliner, Estelle Hellman Krinsky, Rabbi Immanuel Lubliner - By Rabbi Jonathan & Susan Lubliner, Avichai, Itamar and Elior Jerome Fox, Veatrice Fox, Max Mandelbaum, Bessie Mandelbaum - By Stanley Mandelbaum & Carol E. Ross Herman Lodinger - By Jo Lodinger Milton B. Mann - By Clara Mann Dr. Bernard Marks, Dr. Bernice Scott Becker, Fredric J. Scott, Abraham & Sadie Marks, Julius & Anna Schneider, Sarah Marks, Herzlia Marks - Mother, Michael Levinson - Cousin, Dr. Jerry Linsey - Cousin - By Jeff & Penny Marks Blanche Marks, Sam Marks, Joseph Reiss, Madelaine Reiss - By Alan, JoEllen and Josh Marks; Stacie, Sam, Mel, Ben and Leo Linsky; Jennie, Mark and Chandler Gailey Dr. Mike Mass, Pearl & Edward Mass, Julia & Henry Halpern - By Marilyn Mass and Family Ethel Frankel, Carl Blumenthal, Mary & Frank Matoren, Louise Feldman - By Carol & Harvey Matoren and Family

Hilda Mazo - By Ted Mazo Beba & David Pardo, Maurice Eskinasi - By Charles & Ginette Mizrahi Edward Jacob Witten - By Bunny Witten, Alan, Mauri, Ryan, Zach Mizrahi, Laura, Matt, Shana, Theo Gittleson David M. Mizrahi, Carol & Maurice Bartley, Rachel & A.B. Weil, Mary & Avraham Bartley, Ralph & Evelyn Mizrahi, Don Bartley, Leigh Brody - By Judith B. Mizrahi Elizabeth Richie Gartner - By Jo Marks, Ruth-Ann Bachner, Vinetta Luke, Elaine Mack and Marlene Watkins Leonard Morgenthal, Edward Mizrahi - By Dr. Craig & Rachel Morgenthal and Family Bernie & Ann Moskovitz, Barbara Bierman, Maurice Goldstein - By Evelyn & Charles Moskovitz R. Idlene Portnoy Slaff, Norman Slaff, Walter Michael Slaff, Aaron Stuart Nathans, Irving Nathans - By Dr. Alan & Alyse Nathans and Family Sandra R. Schwartz, David A. Schwartz, Irene Neadle, William W. Neadle, Lori Scardino, Dr. Irwin Copnick, Gertrude Copnick, Isaac Schwartz, Rebecca Schwartz - By Jeff & Susan Neadle Jane Gonska, Henry Gonska, Jeanette Newman, Melvin Newman - By Pamela & Simon Newman Lincoln Opper, Beatrice Opper, Sam Silver, Stella Silver - By Phyllis & Loren Opper Raymond & Dorothy Cohen, Wanda Organes, Ida & Joseph Cohen, Macy & Myra Cohen, Herbert Berger, Edward J. Cohen, Bessie Eizenstat - By Peggy & Ken Organes and Karen & Todd Morse

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Alexander "Al" & Miriam Edwards, Gladys C. & David B. Silverman, Joyce Silverman Rosenthal


Judy & Steve Silverman


Yehuda Osher, Dalia Leah Osher, Levana Mirsky Osher, Horty Gendzier, Myra Thier Lazrus - By Tal & Manya Osher and Family Celia & Meyer Gilman, Mildred & Carl Paisner, Mollie Goldblatt - By Beverly & Michael Paisner Goldie & Louis Portnoy, Neal Fletcher Portnoy, Molly & Abram Passink, Rose & Sam Fletcher - By Rhonda, Richard, Ainsley, Lyle and Ali Passink Vivian & Sol Greenberg, Ira Peck - By Evelyn Peck Rose Cohen - Mother, Albert Cohen - Father, Rebecca Perlin - Mother, Murray Perlin - Father, Martin Perlin - Brother, Harry Becker - Uncle - By Donald & Rebecca Perlin Irving Israel & Bertha B. Goldstein, Benita Day - By Lita Poehlman & Bob Goldstein Daniel & Helene Pollan - By Arthur, Irving, Stephen & Edward Pollan Louis Portnoy, Goldie Portnoy, Neal Portnoy, Josef Young, Ethel Young, and H. Fred Young - By Barbara & Jerry Portnoy and Family Neil Nathan Presser & Loved Ones - By Pam and Jeri Presser Leon "Rabbit" Robbins, Wilbur Margol, Norma Margol, Moses & Raye Prystowsky, Arnold Prystowsky, Dr. Harry Prystowsky, Debra Halpern Bernes - By Kate Robbins, David & Kim Robbins Sophie Lyn Roey, Suzi Roey, Rene & Louis Roey, Rachel & Barney Margolin, David Benjamin - By Howard Roey and Family Robert S. Friedman - Beloved Father, Alex - Beloved Brother - By Marjie & Dr. Abe Rogozinski and Family

Israel Levenson, Sophie Levenson, Joseph Romo, Rose Romo - By Maxine & Don Romo Hannah J. Rose - Beloved Mother, Maurice Rose - Beloved Father, Rosenbloom & Statland Families - By Stephanee Rose & Branda Rose Leonard & Gertrude Rosenberg, Maurice & Jenny Ida Hollinger, Ruben & Rose Rosenberg - By A.J. Michaels, Jerry Rosenberg, and Sharon Michaels Herman & Zelda Rosenberg, Mary DeFalco, Joseph DeFalco, Jeannine DeFalco, Molly Rosenberg, Debbie Katz - By Joanne & Sandy Rosenberg, Lindsay, Whitney and Jillian Ester & Sam Rosenblum, Minnie & Max Steinberg, Ester & Bernard Rosenblum, Sidney Rosenblum, Ronnie Friedman, Stanley Stone, Steven Cantor, Ronald Friedman, and Carol Rosenblum - By Larry, Arthur and Sharon Rosenblum Jack Papick, Jean Papick, Shirley Rosenfield, Robert Greenfield - By Sandy & Martin Rosenfield Dr. Samuel G. Rosenthal, M.D. - By Elaine Rosenthal Jonathan Norton Roth - Son, Fay Schoenbrun - Mother, Hyman Rothenberg - Father, Cecile Norton - Mother, Wallace Norton - Father, Marjory Perlmutter - Sister - By Neal & Nina Roth Beatrice Hover, Michael Hover, Eida F. Rothstein, Henry L. Rothstein - By Lorraine & Paul Rothstein Anne & Sidney Rubens, Miriam & Jerry Herman, Tillie & Jack Dick, Jack, Marcia & Sadie Leibowitz, Rita Weinstein, Marty Gottlieb, Francine Fern - By The Rubens Family - George, Ellen, Marcy, Michael, Tay-lor, Sydni, Molly, Josh, Cara, Jacob, Zachary, and Levi

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Harry B. Verstandig, Jennifer V. Rutansky, Ethel & Gilbert Ginsburg, Herbert Sapolsky,

Irwin Rutansky, Lewis Gaines


Dot Verstandig; The Perez Family: Lauren and Dillon; The Rutansky Family: Joe, Elizabeth and Ja-

cob;The Sapolsky Family: Marni, Brooke and Gil


Harriet Pilton Gerson, Joe Gerson, Ernest A. Pilton, Sophie Rosen, Harry Ruby & Harry Rosen, Captain Danny Ruby, Alice Silva - By The Ruby Family Neil Sager, Beatrice & Charles Mergner, Frances & Joseph Sager - By Gaye Sager, Todd Sager, Jennifer, Andy, Alyssa and Ashley Zunic Floyd "Five" Saliman - By Bess Saliman, Jeffery & Robin Morris and Family Abraham Sandberg, Elaine Sandberg, Ina Lermer, Martin I. Glazer, Alice Glazer, Frances Glazer, Marion Glazer - By Rabbi Martin & Jeanne Sandberg Irma & Joseph Sandler, Mae Lockfield, Elaine & Jack Koolik, Laurie Sandler Bonanno - By Neil & Bonnie Sandler and Family Lance Sang, Herbert Fielman, Roslyn Fielman Cohen, Harry Fielman, Jenny Fielman, Alvin Fielman, Frances Fielman, Fred Fielman - By Janie & Jonathan Sang Herb Sapolsky - By Eleanor Sapolsky and Family Anna Saraga Lipson, Rose Hochman, Max Hochman, Nathan Hochman, Sophia Hochman, Rubin Saraga, Scott Saraga - By Frieda & Leonard Saraga Bertie Mack, Sid Mack, Pearl Schemer, Henry Schemer - By Vina Schemer, Bill Schemer and Amy Schemer Sam & Lena Goldstein - By Shirley Schemer Jerome & Leona Horwitz, Bernice & Alex Sekine, Loving Parents and Grandparents - By Kenneth & Sheryl Sekine

Jack & Ida Schwartz, Jean & Philip Selwitz - By Rob & Sandy Selwitz Marshall Grauer, Martin Setzer, Charlotte Setzer - By Barry & Ellen G. Setzer Hilda Aron, Alfred Aron, Larry Aron - By Debra & Leonard Setzer Bernard Jay Shainbrown, Lenora Fallas, Hal Steven Fallas - By Kandi, Mark and Zachary Shainbrown. Robert Drashin - By Sandy Shapiro and Heidi Drashin Erwin Sherman, Allan Sherman, Kevin Sherman, Bertha Peck, James Wallace, Jessie Wallace, Bettie Sherman, Sam & Esther Sherman - By Steven & Judith Wallace Sherman Samuel & Martha Sherter, Samuel & Pauiline Tattelbaum, Bonnie Lyn Gomberg, Johan Bessunger - By Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Sherter Joni Shmunes, Marilyn Esther Yudowin, Max & Jean Shmunes, Loretta & Sidney Neiss, Rob & Claire Gamce, Anna & Isadore Yudowin - By The Shmunes Family Rose & Harry Haber, Sharon Siegel Cohen & Joel Cohen - By Helen & Edward Siegel, Martin Cohen Beatrice Goldsmith, Arnold & Ann Silverberg, Lauren Silverberg Rothstein, Randy Silverberg, Ted Schlossman - By Cindy Silverberg-Katz, Arnie Silverberg, and Alex Silverberg Hyman & Mary Signal, Norman & Clara Katcher (Parents), Uncle Nathan Katcher, Cousins Al & Lorna Neuman, Uncle Ben & Aunt Lee Basman - By Elaine & Sheldon Signal, Robert & Diane Singal, Richard Singal, and Pamela Signal

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Sonny Waitz, Celia & Samuel Glazer, Bella & John Waitz, Barbara Brook & Sarah Lieberman,

Rosie Schloss, Grandma Freida


Joan Waitz and Family


Matthew David Singal (Beloved Son & Brother), Mary Singal, Hyman Singal, Lee Basman, Benjamin Basman, Fay Fegelman, Louis Jerome Fegelman, Fanny Ackret - By Susan & Ron Singal, Marc and Michael Ann Karow, Mack Karow, Robert Karow, Jerome Karow, Diana Singer, Joseph Singer, Norman Singer, Esther Singer, Doris Singer - By Fred Singer Dolores Skelly, Pauline Hoffman, Philip Hoffman - By Cynthia Skelly Sophia Wilson, Phillip Wilson, Sandra Pourmanaf - By Francine Smith George & Sadye Snow, Lew & Elizabeth Nadell - By Alan & Elinor Snow Yan Bardenshteyn, Peter Gusak - By Mark & Alla Spivak, Sonya Spivak Lena Tabor, Bessie Cassel, Morton Levitan, Benson Cassel, Betty Spriggs, Thomas Spriggs, Roz Cassel - By Tom & Sheree Spriggs and Family David Sanders Stark, Bernice Stark, Charles Senrick, May Senrick - By Kathy, Bruce, Aaron and Rachel Stark Helen P. Diamond, Frank E. Diamond, Rose Stearman, Jacob Stearman, Marla Stearman Campbell, Ivan M. Diamond - By Dr. Mandell & Rita Diamond Stearman Barney & Etty Weissman, Samuel & Florence Steinberg - By Randee & Marty Steinberg and Family Henry Stevens, Dr. Solomon S. Litt - By Drs. Barry & Rori Litt Stevens Phyllis Strumlauf, Roland J. Krantz, Frieda Margol Katz, Lewis "Sonny" Katz, Pauline & Milton Strumlauf, Dorothy & Harvey Golden, Ethan Price - By George Strumlauf

Saul Sussman, Perry Safer, Pearl Safer Englander, Sollie Safer, Sylvia Sussman, Jack Sussman, Rosalie Sussman - By Mrs. Marlene Sussman and Family Charles Sussman, Beverly Kruger, Paul Kruger - By Lynn Sussman, Stephanie & David Wilson, and Elizabeth, Scott Carson, and Mia Zweigel Joan Talpalar, Chana & Max Talpalar, Dora & Ben Glickman, Jose Talpalar, Trudy Aronowitz, Rose Levine, Louise Glickman, Marty Glickman - By Ben Talpalar and Family Herbert Robert Kolb, Sophie Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Mildred Kayman, Louis Schwartz, Arthur Kolb, Bertha Kolb, Louis Kolb, Lottie Schwartz Kolb, Joseph Sherman Tannen, Rhea Cooper - By Mr. Edward & Dr. Millie Tannen Marsha Makavitt - By Mark Makavitt, Shannon & Bobby Rawls and Family, and Stephanie & Howard Teitelbaum and Family Jeanne Baker, Joseph Milton Baker - By Lois & Robert Tompkins and Family Shelby H. Trager, Bessie Setzer Frisch, Alfred Frisch, Carmen D. Rowe - By Charles, Rexine and Asher Trager Rhoda Wall, Goldie Perler, Joseph Perler - By Philip Wall Hilda Warfield, Marvin Warfield, Edward Warfield, Becky Warfield, Jean Warfield, Morrie Warfield, Anne Warfield, Emanuel Tichauer, Berta Tichauer, Walter Tichauer, Patricia Tichauer, Ruth Spiegel - By Steven & Risa Warfield and Children Max & Libby Frishman, Dora & Morry Watkins, Janice Klor - By Marvin & Marlene Watkins and Family

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Debbie Katz - Daughter, Howard Wolpin - Husband, Herman & Zelda Rosenberg - Parents, Mollie & Sam

Rosenberg - Grandparents, Miriam & Carl Palenbaum - Grandparents, Blanche & George Rosenberg - Aunt

& Uncle, Dorothy & Milton Waldman - Aunt & Uncle, Jay Carl Waldman - Cousin, Albert Wolpin - Brother-in

-law, Ina Claire Wolpin - Sister-in-law, Esther & Ralph Wolpin - Parents-in-law, Marni Harris - Friend,

Renee Corson - Sister-in-law, Larry Corson - Brother-in-law


Carole Wolpin


This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Dr. Harry Yergin, Rudy Yergin, Samuel Kraver, Doris Kraver, Richard Kraver


Dr. Bruce & Cathy Yergin; Ilana & David Yergin-Doniger; Harrison, Luke and Ryan;

Mindy & Jason Margolin; Ronan and Dylan

Paul Samuel Weisstein, Martin Weisstein, Minnie Weisstein, Linda Weisstein - By Harold & Marshall Weisstein Joseph Weitzen, Bertha Weitzen, Sheldon Weitzen, Lorraine Kovaks - By Jerry & Dianne Weitzen and Family Marsha Wilf, David Wilf, and Edward Parker - By Dr. Larry & Stacie Wilf and Family Sophie Witten, Dr. Joe Witten, Sally Waldman, Sol Waldman - By Dr. Bruce & Sharon Witten Estelle A. Kritz, Milton A. Wohl, Robert Kritz, Anna Abramson, Max Abramson, Dora Kritz, Julius Kritz, Abram P. Piwosky, Elizabeth T. Piwosky, Mollie Schneider, Michael G. Wohl, Rose B. Wohl, Matilda C. Tubis - By Cindy, Daniel, Michael and Mitchell Wohl Muriel & George Woodard, Sadie & Elliott Coffman, Karen Fraser Magee - By Frank & Daphne Woodard Parents, Grandparents and Great-grandparents: Harriet & Arthur Schoenberg, Morris Yegelwel, Annie & David Fein-berg, Gertrude & Leopold Schoenberg, Rae & Abraham Siegel, Esther & Israel Yegelwel - By Arlene & Evan Yegelwel, Michael, Esther, Jack and Eliana Raffol, and Tania and Jordan Moser

George Yellin, Beloved Husband - By Elsie Yellin Harry & Rudy Yergin, Bernie & Wilda Lipshitz - By Leon Yergin and Caryn Kenny Isabell L. Shenker, Peter Gusak - By Lev & Lada Zilberman Scott P. Zimmerman, Leon Zimmerman - By Donald & Betsy Zimmerman Jesse & Lillian Zimmerman - By Lanny Zimmerman and Family Clement Soloman Schifreen - Beloved Father & Grandfather, Rita Fuld Schifreen - Beloved Mother & Grandmother, Al Zisser - Beloved Father & Grandfather, Sara Zisser - Beloved Mother & Grandmother, Leah Rachel Zisser - Beloved Daughter & Sister - By Carolyn, Elliot, Jonathan and Alison Zisser Herbert Zucker, Esther Zucker - By Daniel & Samuel Zucker


Some Questions and Answers about Burial Practices

Does the Center have its own cemetery? The Jacksonville Jewish Center owns and operates two cemeteries located at Evergreen Cemetery on the north side of Jacksonville. The original cemetery, usually referred to simply as the “Old Cemetery,” has the graves of the founding families of the Congregation. The “New Cemetery” is known officially as the Jacksonville Jewish Center New Memorial Park. In addition to the above, the Congregation serves as the religious custodian of the Beth Shalom Cemetery, also located at Evergreen Cemetery. The synagogue provides maintenance for both the Old Center Cemetery and the Jacksonville Jewish Center Memorial Park, while Evergreen maintains the grounds of the Beth Shalom Cemetery. The cemeteries are open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm every day except Shabbat and Jewish holidays. An annual memorial service is conducted by the synagogue’s clergy on the Sunday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Contact the office at 904-292-1000 for further details. In keeping with Jewish tradition, there are no conspicuous monuments such as mausoleums at the Center cemeteries. Instead, headstones, footstones and slabs are permitted, as are metal plaques flush with the ground.

Who may be buried at the Center’s cemeteries? Members of the Congregation may purchase plots only at the Jacksonville Jewish Center New Memorial Park. If one’s membership has lapsed, an individual may access the plot by payment of one year’s dues. An adult relative, who is not a member of the Center at the time of death, may be interred in either of the above properties upon payment of a year’s dues on his/her behalf. Those experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the Center’s Executive Director – all communication will be treated sensitively and confidentially. Burial at both Old and New Center Cemeteries is open to those of the Jewish faith. Affiliated and unaffiliated members of the Jewish community may purchase plots at the Beth Shalom Cemetery by contacting Evergreen Cemetery directly. In keeping with our Congregational commitment to Keruv (outreach) among intermarried families, and in accordance with the ruling of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Conservative

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Iris Tekel Young, Joseph & Faye L. Young, Paul G. & Terry Tekel, Lt. Charles H. Young


Charles H. Young and Joseph T. Young


movement, we offer a designated section at the Beth Shalom Cemetery for the interment of those who are not Jewish alongside their Jewish spouses. At all three cemeteries affiliated with the synagogue, the preparations for burial must be in accord with the tenets and practice of Conservative Judaism.

How is the price of a plot determined? The price of a plot at the Center’s Memorial Park is determined by the Cemetery Committee with the approval of the Executive Board, and includes the cost of perpetual care. There are no additional charges by the synagogue at the time of the funeral, although charges from the funeral home are incurred for services such as preparing and closing the grave site and for the grave liner required by state law. A fund for perpetual care at the above properties has been established with money derived from the sale of plots. This fund is invested in a very conservative manner. Although the Cemetery Committee anticipates that this fund will suffice to provide for future needs, it may be necessary to request voluntary contributions for capital improvements as circumstances require. At the Beth Shalom Cemetery, all costs associated with the purchase, preparation and maintenance of burial plots are determined exclusively by Evergreen Cemetery.

Is it better to purchase the plot now or wait until it is needed? The death of a loved one is a difficult time; purchasing a plot ahead of time, therefore, is one less decision to make when confronted with grief. Since plots are continually being sold, arranging for them ahead of time also allows family members maximal flexibility in deciding the number of plots they wish to acquire as well as their location. The cost of plots, moreover, is almost certain to increase in the future. If a change in circumstances makes it impossible for one to use a plot in either the Old or New Cemetery, one may transfer the burial site to another member of the Congregation with the approval of the Cemetery Committee. In keeping with Jewish tradition, it is not permissible to make a profit on the transaction.

This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Haskell & Dora Zimmerman, Joseph & Helen Pranevich, Dr. Marshall & Helene Z. Cohen


Seeman & Nancy Zimmerman


Payment for a plot at the New Cemetery can be made in installments, with an initial down-payment . When payment in full is received, the synagogue will issue a deed for the plot. The plot must be paid in full before it can be used. Inquiries regarding purchase arrangements for plots at the Beth Shalom Cemetery should be directed to Evergreen Cemetery. Please note, however, that by agreement with Evergreen Cemetery the transfer of plot ownership at the Beth Shalom Cemetery is subject to the religious guidelines of the Jacksonville Jewish Center and must also be approved by the Senior Rabbi as the Congregation’s mara d’atra (decisor of Jewish law).

Can I transfer my purchased plot to a different location at the cemetery? A member may decide after the original purchase of a plot to switch to a different location within the New Cemetery. In the interim, should the cost of plots increase, the member is responsible to pay the difference between the original purchase amount for the plots and their current cost. While the exchange of one plot for another at the Beth Shalom Cemetery should be arranged directly through Evergreen Cemetery, by agreement with the cemetery all such transfers are subject to the religious guidelines of the Jacksonville Jewish Center, and accordingly must also be approved by the Senior Rabbi as the Congregation’s halakhic authority.

Can I sell a plot back to the Center? Plots cannot be sold back to the synagogue. It is a mitzvah, however, to donate a plot so that an indigent person can receive a proper burial. Plot donations may be treated as charitable contributions. A letter will be provided for tax purposes.

How do we prepare for a funeral? Who may officiate? At the time of death, families are requested to contact the synagogue and one of the approved funeral homes (see below). A member of the synagogue clergy will reach out to your family as soon as possible and arrange a time to meet to discuss the service. The funeral, whose time is coordinated by clergy, the funeral home and the family, should be scheduled after death as soon as possible in keeping with Jewish teaching, but may not be on Shabbat or a major Jewish holiday.


Officiation is limited to the clergy of the Jacksonville Jewish Center, or, with the consent of the former, the clergy of another synagogue. Please note this includes funerals for non-Jewish spouses at the Beth Shalom Cemetery. The clergy of another religious faith may not conduct services at any cemetery associated with the Congregation. The Jewish community of Jacksonville is blessed to have a Hevra Kaddisha, a volunteer burial society, which assists in proper preparation of the body as directed by our tradition. The Hevra Kaddisha will wash and dress the body in a dignified fashion in accordance with Jewish teaching. The Hevra Kaddisha will also arrange for the hiring of a “shomer” (guardian) to sit with the body overnight. While there are no Jewish funeral homes in Jacksonville, The Hendricks and Mandarin chapels of Hardage-Giddens as well as George H. Hewell & Son Funeral Home are familiar with Jewish burial customs and cooperate with the Hevra Kaddisha. Because nothing should impede or hasten the natural return of the body to the earth, Jewish law prohibits embalming and the use of metal caskets. Traditionally, men and women are dressed in simple shrouds. A man is buried in his tallit (as are an increasing number of women). A member of the clergy will contact the family as quickly as possible, and will answer any questions concerning the religious aspect of the funeral. The synagogue is prepared to assist families with conducting home services during shiva, the seven-day mourning period that follows burial.

Can I pre-plan my own funeral? Yes. This is an excellent way to insure that your wishes are carried out in accordance with Jewish practice. The approved funeral homes offer pre-planning and pre-paid funeral programs. The clergy are available to answer any religious questions that may arise in pre-arrangement. Planning ahead and purchasing plots in advance will eliminate some of the stress a family may encounter at the time of a loved one’s death.

What should or should not be engraved on a tombstone? Since ancient times it has been the custom to mark the grave with a stone or monument. After Rachel died, “Jacob erected a monument on Rachel’s grave” (Genesis 35:20). The marker or monument serves to identify the grave so that relatives will find it when they visit and be able to honor the memory of the deceased.


Jewish tradition makes no stipulation as to the size or type of marker or monument. The Jewish teaching that all are equal in death often serves as a meaningful guide to the choice of an appropriate headstone. As a reflection of the Jewish character of the cemeteries associated with the synagogue, religious or fraternal symbols of a non-Jewish character are not permitted on any marker or monument, including those of non-Jewish spouses buried in Beth Shalom Cemetery’s section for intermarried couples. Markers or monuments generally include the English and Hebrew names of the deceased, the dates of birth and death in English and Hebrew, and the relationship to other family members (e.g., “beloved father/mother, husband/wife, sister/brother, grandfather/grandmother, etc.”) One often finds the Hebrew letters pay nun at the top of the marker, which stand for “Po Nitman(ah) – Here is Buried.” In addition, the letters tav, nun, tzadi, bet, heh, which stand for the phrase “May his/her soul be bound up in the bond of life” are often engraved toward the bottom of the stone. In addition to the above, the clergy are prepared to assist families in finding appropriate Scriptural verses to add to a marker. Please note that in keeping with the sacred dignity and uniquely Jewish nature of the cemeteries, organizational symbols and slogans, as well as sports team or school logos, may not be engraved on monuments.

When is it appropriate to have an unveiling? An unveiling may be scheduled after thirty days and generally before the first-year anniversary of death (yahrzeit). Unveilings are not held on Shabbat, holidays or other festive occasions on the Jewish calendar.

Is a minyan required at an unveiling? It is required to have a minyan for reciting Kaddish; the recitation of Kaddish at an unveiling, however, is not mandatory. The Center’s clergy will be happy to arrange for and advise families about unveiling ceremonies.


Are there any other issues regarding burial in a Jewish cemetery I should know about? Contrary to a popular misconception, while Jewish law prohibits the practice of tattooing, having one does not serve as a barrier to burial in a Jewish cemetery. Given the emphasis that Judaism places on the preservation of life, organ donation is not only permissible, but laudable – indeed, some religious authorities go so far as to claim that Jewish law mandates it. Accordingly, when harvested for the sake of transplantation, organ donation does not constitute physical mutilation of the body, but is a mitzvah of the highest order. While the taking of one’s own life is forbidden by Jewish law, the majority of rabbis understood such behavior as the consequence of extreme emotional distress. Because of the presumption of mental duress, those who commit suicide are not held accountable for their decision, and are accorded the same compassionate and respectful treatment that other deceased individuals receive. The Cemetery Committee hopes that many of your questions have been answered.

If you desire further information, please call the Center office at 904-292-1000.

DIRECTIONS TO REACH THE OLD CENTER CEMETERY Travel north on North Main Street to Winona Street. Make a right on Winona Street and go until

you reach Gate 5. The Old Cemetery is on the left.

DIRECTIONS TO REACH THE NEW CENTER CEMETERY Travel north on North Main Street to 43rd Street. Make a right on 43rd Street. The entrance is at

the next right, which is Liberty Street.

DIRECTIONS TO REACH THE BETH SHALOM CEMETERY Travel north on North Main Street to Winona Street. Make a right on Winona Street and go until

you reach Gate 5. Turn left into Gate 5, and go up the red brick road on the left (Durkee Drive).

Continue until you reach Cummer Drive. Turn left on Cummer and the Beth Shalom Cemetery is

located at the end of Cummer on the right-hand side.


Death and dying: two words in ordinary language,

An abstract noun and a present participle.

“Death: a permanent cessation of all vital functions.”

“Dying: the cause or occasion of loss of life.”

How concise is the dictionary!

How exact its definitions!

But death for us is a mixture of moods,

Tears, salt of self-pity, brine of resentment,

Anguish over things that never will be again,

Regret over things that could have been.

Bittersweet nostalgia,

Remembrance of that gray day,

A tear in the cloth, a handful of earth.

And now this moment

When together we cling to courage,

We who have the right to mourn.

It is the dignity of the soul

To hold on to the past

It is the dignity of the spirit

To take hold of the future.

To love and to forgive

Others and ourselves.

To rise from grief,

To sew the torn garment

To live, to love, to laugh,

And to remember

Always to remember.

— Rabbi Harold Schulweis

Past and Future