media release- kampong gelam a journey thru time.pdf

A Heritage Institution of MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release KAMPONG GELAM A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME The Malay Heritage Centre presents Kampong Gelam’s past and present with a special exhibition on the precinct, and a fete of arts and culture at Malay CultureFest 2015 Singapore, 4 November 2015 This November, dive beyond the surface and immerse yourself in the heart and soul of one of Singapore’s most vibrant, and well -loved, historical precincts Kampong Gelam as the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) presents its annual special exhibition and its iconic Malay CultureFest (MCF) 2015. Take a closer look at Kampong Gelam from the 60s until today at this year’s special exhibition, titled Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town; and then, sit back and enjoy both traditional and contemporary Malay cultural performances at the festival. Centered around MHC’s theme for 2015 of Bangsa (or Nation), both the exhibition and MCF reflect the diversity of the Malay community in Singapore, and by extension, Singapore’s rich multicultural population. 2. Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town, and the Malay CultureFest 2015 will be officially launched by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, on Saturday 7 November 2015, 8.30pm. Please refer to Annex A for a calendar of events and details on the launch. 3. “MHC’s theme of bangsa is very appropriate for 2015, Singapore’s Golden Jubilee year. Too often, we are not fully aware, nor do we appreciate, the cultural backdrop of a neighbourhood even if we visit it weekly for brunch at our favourite café. MHC’s exhibition will help us gain a deeper insight into how place history also reflects a nation’s history, while the exciting line-up of programmes at the Malay CultureFest reminds us of the many different ways we can get to know and enjoy Singapore’s multiculturalism”, said Ms Trudy Loh, director for Heritage Institutions at the National Heritage Board (NHB). Kampong Gelam traversing beyond the port town 4. The Kampong Gelam area was once well-known as a bustling port town. This started in the 1800s when the British East India Company, Sultan Hussein and Temenggong Abdul Rahman signed a treaty that introduced free trade policies and establishment of ports and factories at Kampong Gelam. The Sultan’s presence attracted regional trade, and this continued well into the 20 th century with ships bearing goods from the region docking along Beach Road until the 1970s. 5. MHC’s special exhibition traces the growth and changes in Kampong Gelam from 1965 into the new millennium. Through a showcase of multimedia exhibits and artefacts, visitors gain an understanding of Kampong Gelam through the eyes of residents, shopkeepers and visitors to the area, and what it means to them. The exhibition highlights the cross-cultural interactions that defined the lives of those who lived, worked and played within the precinct, and those who still are deeply involved with the area today. 6. Visitors to the exhibition can experience a juxtaposition of Kampong Gelam’s past and present through recollections of former residents, tradesmen and patrons, current business-owners and visitors; as well as a specially created visual showcase of archival and modern images of Kampong Gelam. The latter features the photography of award-winning Singapore artist, Noor Iskandar, whose works have been exhibited in London, Valencia,

Transcript of media release- kampong gelam a journey thru time.pdf

A Heritage Institution of

MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release

KAMPONG GELAM – A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME The Malay Heritage Centre presents Kampong Gelam’s past and present with a special

exhibition on the precinct, and a fete of arts and culture at Malay CultureFest 2015 Singapore, 4 November 2015 – This November, dive beyond the surface and immerse yourself in the heart and soul of one of Singapore’s most vibrant, and well-loved, historical precincts – Kampong Gelam – as the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) presents its annual special exhibition and its iconic Malay CultureFest (MCF) 2015. Take a closer look at Kampong Gelam from the 60s until today at this year’s special exhibition, titled Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town; and then, sit back and enjoy both traditional and contemporary Malay cultural performances at the festival. Centered around MHC’s theme for 2015 of Bangsa (or Nation), both the exhibition and MCF reflect the diversity of the Malay community in Singapore, and by extension, Singapore’s rich multicultural population. 2. Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town, and the Malay CultureFest 2015 will be officially launched by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, on Saturday 7 November 2015, 8.30pm. Please refer to Annex A for a calendar of events and details on the launch. 3. “MHC’s theme of bangsa is very appropriate for 2015, Singapore’s Golden Jubilee year. Too often, we are not fully aware, nor do we appreciate, the cultural backdrop of a neighbourhood even if we visit it weekly for brunch at our favourite café. MHC’s exhibition will help us gain a deeper insight into how place history also reflects a nation’s history, while the exciting line-up of programmes at the Malay CultureFest reminds us of the many different ways we can get to know and enjoy Singapore’s multiculturalism”, said Ms Trudy Loh, director for Heritage Institutions at the National Heritage Board (NHB). Kampong Gelam – traversing beyond the port town 4. The Kampong Gelam area was once well-known as a bustling port town. This started in the 1800s when the British East India Company, Sultan Hussein and Temenggong Abdul Rahman signed a treaty that introduced free trade policies and establishment of ports and factories at Kampong Gelam. The Sultan’s presence attracted regional trade, and this continued well into the 20th century with ships bearing goods from the region docking along Beach Road until the 1970s. 5. MHC’s special exhibition traces the growth and changes in Kampong Gelam from 1965 into the new millennium. Through a showcase of multimedia exhibits and artefacts, visitors gain an understanding of Kampong Gelam through the eyes of residents, shopkeepers and visitors to the area, and what it means to them. The exhibition highlights the cross-cultural interactions that defined the lives of those who lived, worked and played within the precinct, and those who still are deeply involved with the area today. 6. Visitors to the exhibition can experience a juxtaposition of Kampong Gelam’s past and present through recollections of former residents, tradesmen and patrons, current business-owners and visitors; as well as a specially created visual showcase of archival and modern images of Kampong Gelam. The latter features the photography of award-winning Singapore artist, Noor Iskandar, whose works have been exhibited in London, Valencia,

A Heritage Institution of

Pingyao, Belfast and Bandung. In addition, 36 artefacts, including personal keepsakes on loan from former residents and business-owners of Kampong Gelam, further support the exhibition and offer glimpse into the multicultural, social and commercial life in the precinct. Please refer to Annex B for a list of the exhibition highlights. 7. The exhibition runs from 8 November 2015 to 3 April 2016. It also marks the first time that MHC and its sister Heritage Institution, the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, are staging exhibitions which look into the background of the neighbourhoods in which they reside, namely Kampong Gelam and Balestier. Kampong Gelam - an ode to the nation 8. The exhibition is held in conjunction with MHC’s iconic annual Malay CultureFest. This year’s CultureFest will see more than 12 performing groups from Singapore and the region take the stage at MHC, enlivening the precinct over a period of four weeks, from 7 to 27 November 2015. Visitors can also look forward to workshops, talks and movie screenings. 9. Curated along the theme of Bangsa, the festival showcases the diasporic communities from throughout Nusantara (the Malay Archipelago) who have built their lives in Singapore and contributed towards nation building. Kicking off the festival is an overture by Orkestra Melayu Singapura (OMS), the only orchestra in Singapore which performs Malay music with both traditional and modern instruments. Teaming up with household names such as Jatt Ali, Hasnah Kana and R. Ismail, OMS will take audiences on a musical journey through the history of Kampong Gelam, and by extension, the Malay community in Singapore. The performance will cover popular genres such as folk songs (1950s – 60s), popular radio songs such as Pop Yeh Yeh and Rock (1970s – 80s), and an interpretation of modern songs to reflect the Singapore of today. 10. Festival highlights this year showcase up-and-coming local talents, namely performing arts group Kaizen M.D. and NADI Singapura who specialize in drumming and percussion. Kaizen M.D’s The Path to Revival is an emotional multi-sensory performance combining dance, live music, vocals and film, on how the songs and dances of Aceh have helped its inhabitants deal with the ravages of war, internal conflict and the 2006 tsunami. NADI Singapura leads 9 Kotak 9 Rentak, a commissioned piece on the drumming traditions from throughout the Nusantara (the Malay archipelago). This rousing performance is the closing highlight of the festival. As always, the festival continues to work also with regional partners through programmes such as Lintas Nusantara – a cultural collaboration between Indonesia and Singapore dancers via masterclasses and performances. 11. In addition, the festival promises an intriguing range of activities for all ages including live performances of traditional music, wayang kulit and story-telling in MHC’s permanent galleries; Fonik Ria, a creative phonics course for pre-schoolers who are taking Malay as a second language; a Dikir Barat workshop; and a perfume workshop led by Johari Kazura, a third-generation perfumer from the Kampong Gelam area. Also, enjoy performances by young angklung players from Sri Warisan, and student groups from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Please refer to and Annex C for a list of programmes and performances in the festival.

- End -

A Heritage Institution of

For media queries, please contact: Keith Kay DID: 6220 5010 Mobile: 9628 4263 Email: [email protected] About the Malay Heritage Centre Officially re-opened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in September 2012, the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) showcases the history, culture and contributions of the Malay community within the context of Singapore’s history and multi-cultural society. MHC’s permanent galleries focus on the history of Kampong Gelam and showcase an interesting collecting of artefacts from the National Collection and the Malay community. Through its exhibitions and programmes, the centre aspires to be a vibrant destination of historical and cultural significance for both Singaporeans and international visitors. MHC is under the management of the National Heritage Board in partnership with the Malay Heritage Foundation. About the National Heritage Board The National Heritage Board (NHB) was formed on 1 August 1993. As the custodian of Singapore’s heritage, NHB is responsible for telling the Singapore story, sharing the Singaporean experience and imparting our Singapore spirit. NHB’s mission is to preserve and celebrate the shared heritage of our diverse communities, for the purpose of education, nation-building and cultural understanding. It manages the national museums and heritage institutions, and sets policies relating to heritage sites, monuments and the national collection. Through the national collection, NHB curates heritage programmes and presents exhibitions to connect the past, present and future generations of Singaporeans. NHB is a statutory board under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth. Please visit for more information.

A Heritage Institution of


Calendar of Events

A quick look at important events for Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town and highlights of the Malay CultureFest.

All events are open to media.

Date Event


Wed, 4 Nov 2015

Media Preview Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town Malay CultureFest 2015

Media event – a briefing of Kg Gelam: Beyond the Port Town and Malay CultureFest 2015, an advanced tour of the exhibition, meet the curator, people involved in the exhibition, and programmes manager.

Sat, 7 Nov 2015 Media registration 8.00pm Programme begins 8.30pm

Launch of Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town Special Exhibition and Malay CultureFest Performances Orkestra Melayu Singapura Dian Dancers Jatt Ali R. Ismail Hasna Kana

The launch of Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town and the Malay CultureFest 2015 will be officiated by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister/MEWR. Photo Opportunities of GOH with the welcome procession, at the launch of the Festival & exhibition, and during the guided tour of the exhibition.

Sat & Sun 14 & 15 Nov 2015 8.30pm

The Path to Revival by Kaizen M.D

Media preview/Meet-the-performer Thursday, 12 November 2015


Fri & Sat 20 & 21 Nov 2015 8.00pm

Lintas Nusantara Showcase

Media preview/Meet-the-performers Monday, 16 November 2015


Fri, 27 Nov 2015 8.30pm

9 Kotak, 9 Rentak Media preview/Meet-the-performers Wednesday, 25 November 2015



A Heritage Institution of

Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town Special Exhibition 8 November 2015 – 3 April 2016 Malay Heritage Centre Galleries 1 and 2 Free admission

Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town examines the ways in which the precinct has influenced and transformed the lives of those who have lived, worked, played and visited the area. This exhibition is a collection of shared memories and experiences captured through a series of personal interviews, recollections and personal belongings. It documents how cross-cultural interactions have defined the lives of residents, tradesmen, students and visitors of Kampong Gelam and depicts the emergence of a diverse community of varied economic entitlements and social standings. Journey with us through history as we present Kampong Gelam and its development in the last 50 years.

Highlights of Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town Multimedia highlights

Gallery Description

1 Glimpses Of Kampong Gelam

Multimedia projection

<4 minutes


- Husain Alias (former resident of Haji Lane)

- Richard Thong (former resident of Arab Street)

- Hajjah Supiah Ali (former resident of Bussorah Street)

- Calvin Seah (Co-founder of Shophouse Hostel and Working Title)

- Prashant Somosundram (Founder of Artistry)

This short film captures the overall sentiment of Singaporeans towards the historic

port town of Kampong Gelam. It features multi-language interviews with former

residents, former and present business owners, as well as visitors, to establish

the diverse cultural life that surrounds Kampong Gelam. It also emphasises

differences or similarities in the perception of the area by Singaporeans from all

walks of life and across generations.

A Heritage Institution of

1 Vestiges and Vibes


Noor Iskander, National Archives of Singapore, URA Archives

This photography showcase juxtaposes images of the old against the new. It

offers us a glimpse into the transformations in Kampong Gelam and its environs.

Archived photographs from the 1960s to 1980s are set against Noor Iskandar’s

reinterpretation of the area in the present day. The showcase documents spatial

similarities or differences and also allows viewers to ascertain the spirit that

surrounds Kampong Gelam.

Noor is an award winning, multidisciplinary artist whose works have been

exhibited in both local and international arenas including London, Valencia,

Pingyao, Belfast and Bandung.

2 Coming Together


A 3-minute clip featuring former residents of Kampong Gelam

This short film, featuring visitors and former residents of Kampong Gelam, affirms

the vicinity as a gathering point for locals and non-locals alike. Generations and

diverse groups of people situate Kampong Gelam as a site for socialisation and

exchange of ideas, adding colour and character to the overall landscape of the


2 Archival footage, multimedia

Get to hear firsthand accounts of life in Kampong Gelam from the 1980s to the

present day from three persons via archival footage and oral interviews – a

Chinese roadside barber, chairman of the Malabar Mosque Osman Abdullah and

Ibrahim Tahir, co-founder of Wardah Books.

Artefact highlights

No. Image Description

A Heritage Institution of


Self-made Huadan (Chinese Opera)

costume using textile from Arab Street

Unknown | On loan from the National

Museum of Singapore

Arab Street is known for its array of

handicraft goods and most of all, for its

selection of imported textiles.

From silks to lace and woven pelicat from

South India, numerous customers from

within and without the country flock to the

area for cheap or upmarket textiles mainly

owned by the Gujarati, Sindhi and

Malabari community.


Woven rattan hand-carry basket for

peddling food such as petai (long flat

bean) or nasi lemak (coconut-flavoured


1970s | On loan from the National

Museum of Singapore

Since the 1940s, a wide range of wicker

baskets, cane, bamboo, straw works,

rattan and other handicrafts can be found

along three to four shops at Arab Street –

mostly owned by Indian businessmen.

From table or floor mats to side cabinets

and baby cradles, these items offer utility

and fulfill decorative purposes. Numerous

basketry styles are available as some

were imported from neighbouring

countries namely Malaysia, Indonesia and

Thailand, whilst others were woven locally

by hand.

A Heritage Institution of


Silver perfume container

Unknown | On loan from the National

Museum of Singapore

Attar oils, or alcohol-free perfumes crafted

from high-grade essential oils, are an

important part of Islamic culture. Kampong

Gelam was where generations of

customers have headed to for high-quality

fragrances as they are often preferred for

use during prayers. The perfumer, who

typically has over 15 years of experience,

also concocts custom-blended fragrances

according to the demands of the

consumer. From woody, to floral and

spicy aromas, a combination of two or

more oils is usually required to achieve the

desired scent.


Singapore’s former First Lady, Puan

Noor Aishah’s green selendang

(shoulder cloth) made from lace bought

from Arab Street

1950 – 1970

On loan from the National Museum of

Singapore, National Heritage Board

First Lady, Puan Noor Aishah, the wife of

Singapore’s first President, Mr. Yusof

Ishak, would buy fabrics from Arab Street

or High Street and make her own

selendang (shoulder cloths) and clothes.

She is often depicted in photographs

wearing the sarong kebaya (an open tunic

fastened with brooches worn with a

sarong) with a selendang draped over her


A Heritage Institution of


Balancing scale for weighing jewellery

Unknown | On loan from the National

Museum of Singapore

In the early 1920s, Banjarese intan and

gemstone dealers and Banjarese-owned

jewellery shops, were common along

Kampung Tembaga (Bussorah Street),

Kampung Selong (Jalan Pisang), and

Kampung Intan. Later, more and more

Chinese goldsmiths plied their trade along

North Bridge Road.

Customers from various ethnic

backgrounds sought out handcrafted

jewellery in multiple designs suited for

special occasions.

Every stage is a painstaking process that

requires expertise and utmost patience.

Their mastery of the material was

apparent in the speed and fluidity at which

they worked to cut, smoothen, polish and

set the pieces.

Exhibition Programmes

Event Description

Curator’s Tour Saturday, 28 November 2015, 2.00pm Friday, 15 January 2015 7.00pm

Gain an insight of the curatorial perspectives involved

behind curating Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port

Town as well as a deeper understanding of the

various sections found across both galleries. The

session invites visitors to reflect and question the

changes and similarities found within Kampong Gelam

the past 50 years.

Sketch the Streets Saturday, 12 March 2016 11.00am

In collaboration with Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya

(APAD), Sketch the Streets allows participants to

unleash their inner artist and explore the Kampong

A Heritage Institution of

Gelam environs in a completely different way.

Sketching their way through the streets, back alleys

and historic landmarks of kampong Gelam, the

participants will also be given a mini-history lesson of

the significance of each area within Kampong Gelam.

A Storytelling Journey (Working Title) Saturday, 12 March 2016 11.00am

A Storytelling Journey encourages participants to be

more cognisant of the types of trades and activities

that can be found in the area from the 1960s to the

present day. Conducted in collaboration with the

Storytelling Singapore, participants will be entertained

with original and engaging stories. For a unique and

wholesome experience, participants will be involved in

an interactive storytelling session around the

Kampong Gelam precinct. Exclusively designed for

students from 6 to 12 years old, the programme is

sure to entice the younger audiences through

reimaginations and thrilling tales of the illustrious

Kampong Gelam past, weaved into the present.

All information is accurate at time of printing. For more information, visit or email [email protected]

ANNEX C Malay CultureFest 2015 7 - 27 November 2015 Malay Heritage Centre Free admission The annual Malay CultureFest is back! This year, the festival spotlights Kampong Gelam and presents the theme of Bangsa, meaning either “nation” or “ethnicity” or both. Held over three weeks, the Malay Heritage Centre’s signature cultural festival will celebrate the diversity and progress of various communities from the Malay archipelago who have integrated their rich heritage within this multi-cultural diaspora, in true Singapore style. Enjoy the fusion of traditional and contemporary through cultural performances, workshops, lectures, and view our latest special exhibition – Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town, which examines the growth of bangsa within the precinct. Come journey with us as we travel through the last 50 years of Malay culture in Singapore!

Festival Highlights

Event Description

Launch of Malay CultureFest & Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town Special Exhibition Saturday, 7 November 2015 8.30pm – 10.00pm The annual Malay CultureFest is back! This year, the festival spotlights Kampong Gelam and presents the theme of Bangsa, meaning either “nation” or “ethnicity” or both. Held over three weeks, the Malay Heritage Centre’s signature cultural festival will celebrate the diversity and progress of various communities from the Malay archipelago who have integrated their rich heritage within this multi-cultural diaspora, in true Singapore style. Enjoy the fusion of traditional and contemporary through cultural performances, workshops, lectures, and view our latest special exhibition – Kampong Gelam: Beyond the Port Town, which examines the growth of bangsa within the precinct. Come journey with us as we travel through the last 50 years of Malay culture in Singapore!

The Path to Revival by Kaizen M.D Saturday & Sunday, 14 & 15 November 2015 8.30pm – 10.00pm Kaizen M.D. is a resident group under MHC’s Arts Incubation Programme 2014-2015. As part of their final showcase, Kaizen M.D. will create a performance which portrays the various movements of ideas that took place throughout Singapore’s history from 1965 to the present. The choreography will infuse traditional and contemporary movements, which highlight the evolution of Malay dance forms over the years. This performance is in collaboration with performers from Aceh and will incorporate multimedia into its narrative. Limited spaces available. To register, email [email protected]

Lintas Nusantara Showcase Friday & Saturday, 20 & 21 November 8.00pm – 9.30pm Presenting Lintas Nusantara, a cultural collaboration between performance artists from Indonesia and Singapore. This session comprises dance workshops, live performances and discussions on the various dance forms among professional performers and students.

Limited spaces available. To register, email [email protected]

9 Kotak, 9 Rentak Friday, 27 November 2015 8.30pm - 9.30pm Today Kampong Gelam is a microcosm where various communities come together to create a togetherness that is diverse yet unified. In their own display of the symbiosis of these communities, NADI Singapura presents nine drumming traditions from throughout the Nusantara where these drums engage in a “dialogue” of beats before eventually culminating in a crescendo of one united rhythm.

Other Programmes

Event Description

Credit: Mini Monsters

Fonik Ria Sunday, 8 & 15 November 9.30am & 11.30am The popular and highly successful Singapore-made reading programme is back! Fonik Ria - Cepat Membaca is a creative phonics course designed to give children, who are learning Malay as a second language a good foundation in reading and understanding Malay. This programme uses songs, role-playing, exciting word games, as well as interactive videos to enrich all five senses for these young ones. Learning Malay can be really fun! Limited spaces available. To register and for more enquiries, email [email protected]

Credit: Sri Warisan

Angklung Si Cilik Sunday, 8 November 8.30pm – 10.00pm Bring down your families and friends for a cultural performance with our young angklung players from Sri Warisan! Swing to the beats of old Malay songs and dance together with them for this wonderful evening performance.

Kampong Gelam Tales: A Dramatised Tour Tuesday, 10 November 2015 11.00am & 3.00pm Take a peek into the lives of several historical personalities through this interactive tour at the Malay Heritage Centre. Join us for the Kampong Gelam Tales: A Dramatised Tour and be captivated by pieces of Singapore’s history!

Neighbourhood Sketches Wayang Gong: Tuesday & Wednesday, 10 & 11 November Gamelan Melayu: Tuesday & Wednesday, 24 & 25 November 8.30pm – 9.30pm For Malay CultureFest 2015, the Malay Heritage Centre will present a wayang performance and Gamelan Melayu for visitors to reminisce and reflect on the importance of ensuring the continuity of our rich traditions. Join us as we bring back these performances synonymous to historic Kampong Gelam.

Sifr Perfume Workshop Thursday & Friday, 12 & 13 November 6.00pm – 7.30pm Grab this chance to create your own signature scent with Sifr Aromatics. Follow Johari Kazura on this journey of scents first started by his grandfather, who used to own a small perfume shop near Arab street.

Limited spaces available. To register, email [email protected]

Credit: Singapore Film Society

Movie Nights @ MHC Friday, 13 November Singapore Heritage Short Films 8.30pm – 10.00pm In partnership with Singapore Film Society, the Singapore Heritage Short Films Showcase will feature 8 short films that zooms in on the various communities in Singapore, their trades, culture and rituals. This movie showcase will also include a sharing session with the filmmaker of the winning film entitled Kuda Kepang: Reviving The Culture. Limited spaces available. To register, email [email protected]

School Performances @ MHC Saturday, 14 November Dikir Barat by Satria Sukma Sunday, 15 November Malay Dance by XPD Tari 3.00pm & 5.00pm Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Malay Cultural Club presents two special performances of Malay dance and dikir barat. Join us for this interactive session as we learn some new moves and more about the two art forms!

Dikir Barat Workshop Saturday, 14 November 10.00am - 6.00pm This workshop focuses on the different aspects of dikir barat, comprising writing, music composition and hand movements. This programme is open to schools and members of the public who are interested in the various components of this traditional form. Limited spaces available. To register, email [email protected]. More information can be found on

Ransang Rias Mini Exhibition 17-22 November Ransang Rias Workshop Saturday & Sunday, 21 & 22 November 10am – 6.00pm The Malays in Singapore consist of several sub-ethnic communities, namely the Bugis, Javanese, Banjarese, Minangkabaus, Baweanese and Malays from the Riau Islands or the Malay peninsula. Each of these communities have, at its core a number of cultural identifiers such as the keris, tepak sireh, craft works and textiles. This mini exhibition will examine and highlight the similarities and differences between these communities through a display of these traditional artefacts

Galleries Alive! Traditional and Syncretic Malay Music Wednesday, 18 November 10.00am Wayang Kulit Thursday, 19 November 10.00am

Watch the Malay Heritage Centre’s permanent galleries come alive with live performances of traditional music or enjoy a wayang kulit performance as our dalang tells the stories of Sang Kancil and his adventures.

Credit: Malay Heritage Foundation

Warisan Kita (Our Heritage) Mural Installation by Malay Heritage Foundation Saturday, 21 November, 10.00am A special mural installation will be unveiled at the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) this November. Entitled WARISAN KITA (Our Heritage), this specially curated mural is a collaborative art-making process involving more than 170 participants from all walks of life, both Singaporeans and tourists. It is curated by potters and ceramic artists from Jalan Bahar Clay Studios and Temasek Potters.

NUSANTARA: The Archipelago Crossroads Sunday, 22 November 8.00pm – 9.30pm

Mixing modern and traditional instruments and different genres, the NUSANTARA ensemble, led by Zulkifli Mohamad Amin will feature traditional songs, syair and pantun with a different sound using mainly acoustics instruments. Venture on amusical journey as

Credit: Nusantara Ensemble

interpreted by the youth of today.

Limited spaces available. To register, email [email protected].

All information is accurate at time of printing. For more information, visit or email [email protected]