media critize on racism

RASICM Racism in a simple term is the treating of someone differently or unjust merely because they belong to a different ethnic community. Racism involves the belief that characterized the practice, action, social or political system that consider different race to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other based on their abilities presumed shared inheritable traits, which was a justification for non-equal treatment which is regard as discrimination of member of the race. Racism originated from the modern of slave trade. Racism develop from the intense of belief that one ethnic community is greater/superior than the other communities. This kind of belief tends to change to abusive and aggressive behavior towards the members of another community. Also racism comes from our own perspective that we maturate as we grow, influenced by friends, families to change our view of others. Racist tends to feel frightened and threatened by anyone who is different from the particular race, culture or religion they came from. This is due to their ignorance that evolves from their fear which brought them to stereotyping. Racism can be of a direct or indirect approach; in the sense that a racist can be attacked in the physical way, and indirectly approach by the legal body given out laws contradicting to his/her race, color, or religion. In racism there are some behaviors that a racist might have which include

Transcript of media critize on racism


Racism in a simple term is the treating of someone differently or

unjust merely because they belong to a different ethnic

community. Racism involves the belief that characterized the

practice, action, social or political system that consider

different race to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to

each other based on their abilities presumed shared inheritable

traits, which was a justification for non-equal treatment which

is regard as discrimination of member of the race. Racism

originated from the modern of slave trade.

Racism develop from the intense of belief that one ethnic

community is greater/superior than the other communities. This

kind of belief tends to change to abusive and aggressive behavior

towards the members of another community. Also racism comes from

our own perspective that we maturate as we grow, influenced by

friends, families to change our view of others. Racist tends to

feel frightened and threatened by anyone who is different from

the particular race, culture or religion they came from. This is

due to their ignorance that evolves from their fear which brought

them to stereotyping.

Racism can be of a direct or indirect approach; in the sense that

a racist can be attacked in the physical way, and indirectly

approach by the legal body given out laws contradicting to

his/her race, color, or religion. In racism there are some

behaviors that a racist might have which include

Verbal abuse, stereotype comment, derogatory language,


Physical assault and harassment,

Incitement of others to behavior in a racist manner

Racism is of different types which are racial discrimination,

institutional racism, individual racism, economic racism,

internalized racism.

Racial discrimination: it is refer to the separation of people

from any group differently from other groups with the use of

social division into categories compulsorily related to races for

purpose of differential treatment.

Institutional racism(systemic racism):this occurs when

institution like; the educational system. Medical, government,

legal body an business. Holds a discrimination against some

certain group of people basically on their race, colour,

religion, ethnic.e.t.c. E.g.A film ‘Harold&Kumar’ and ‘THE HELP’

is an example of institutional racism. Where the black are

segemented from the white. In the movie of Harold&Kumar the

blacks were discriminate from the society, given them a separate

place to live and treating them differently from the way they

treats others. In this movie the white in particular, an officers

on a case investigating peoplen tend not to believe the black boy

because they were racist having a stereotype against black race

. This movie justify the segregation of the black and how they

should be treated.this movie will tend to change the view of the

white against the black that they should be quanratine among the


Also in the movie of ‘The Help’in mississippi state, jackson

United state.where the white also tends to discriminates the

black holding a prejudices against them, throught their ignorance

beliving that black are to be made their ‘maid’ serving them. The

film expose a lot of discrimination of the white to the black.

. This novel and the movie justified the believe held by the

white against the black, and this have had affect on the society

we are living in today.if our youngsters tend to watch this movie

or read the novel, this will change their perpective to the other


Although institutional racism doesn’t deals with race or colour

only.its also deals with religion. For example in an organisation

where they decided they will not give job to anyone who is not a

muslim. is an example of insitutional racist.this tends for

people to change their religion if they want to get job in the


see also video in

the disc.

Individual racism;individual racism is a direct and overt forms

of racism that individuals holds intense prejudices and act in a

decriminatory way. E.g Brad Paisley music is an example of

individual racism, ‘telling us that he cannot walk a mile in

someone else skin that he is a white man’. Brad paisley feat Lil

coolj music lyric(Accidental racist)

Am just a white man coming to from southland

trying to understand what its like not to be,

I’m proud of where am from

and its isnt that me and you can rewrite history

Our generation thisdidnt start this nation,

we are still picking up the pieces, walking on eggshells,

fighting over yesterday

and caught between southern pride and southern blame.

They called it reconstruction,

fixed the building, dried some tears.

But we’re still sifting through the rubbles

after a hundred and fifty years,

I try to put myself in your shoes

and that’s a good place to start from

(But it aint like I can walk a mile in someone else skin.

Cause am a white man livin in the southland,

just like you am more than what you see)

This music justify the use of racist in music, and in this era of

today were people listens to music always. This music will remain

forever, and the newbies that doesn’t know anything will tend to

listen to this music and the perspective of the individual will

change.the music has affect the society in such much ways.

Another example of individual racism is from a words said in this

novel called To kill a Mockingbird in Chapter 23 paragraph 38.

when a person is trying to tell his son about the supremacy of

the white. He says that

‘There is something in our world

that makes men lose their heads,they couldn’t be if they tried.

In our court, when it’s a white man’s word

against a black man’s word, the white will always win.

They are ugly, but these are the fact of life.’

The word above use in this novel, justify racism.the believe or

prejudices that white holds against the white,which also play an

important factors in the social norms and affect or colonlized

the mind of the people.

Lastly another example of individual racism is from a character

in a novel called The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn Chapter 15, a

journey to mississippi.Thischapter glorifies the white prejudice,

where a particular white man plays a trick on a black and hold to

it. The novel says that;

‘Huck (the white man) isn’t happy about having apologizing to a

black man,

but he does it.its super impressive for the time and place,

that he ends up apologizing to a black man.’

Another example of is the clark doll experiment on children,

where the children are asked to choose the doll that is good

between white and black, and point out the bad one. It is said to

be know that the children tends to choose the doll that have the

same colour with theirs.

see also disc for video

Internalized racism; is a personal concious attitudes and

stereotypes accepted by the dominat by the members of oppressed

groups and peoples, are taken for truth or inform about the way

they feel about themselves, and others from similar background

culture. Its is like an internal oppresion, internal colonization

and the colonzised mind. It is the belive an individual holds

against their race, colour. For example if I grow up in a white

country, it is hard to avoid the issue of colour, because we are

been told that the ‘white are always right’ maybe from our

social, school or even the media. internalized racism is like a

brainwash seeing ourselves through the white lens. Example is

‘Margret Cho’ that discuss how are childhood dreams were limited

due to the limited stereotyped ways Asians are portray by the

media. Another example is ‘Sammy Sosa’ a retired baseball player

that change his skin from black to white.

Lastly another known example is Micheal jackson that also change

his skin because of his music career. He tends to believe that if

he want to make a niche market that he should change his skin.

The above pictures justify the use internalized racism which mean

racism against oneself race or colour.the character above will

tend to lead people to do as they did because they are


The above advertisement held by Dunkin’ Donuts in thailand for

the campaign of their product with the slogan ‘Break every rules

of deliciousness’is an example of a racism stereotype of black

people that was held in american during 19th and 20th century.

This kind of advertisement will tends to change the view of the

society or the newbies that dark chocolate are made for the black

people. The advert will influences the society and change their

motive about the advert, because different people look at same

issues in a different way.

The social and cultural impact of this media products

The media contribute and constructs the social and cultural

problems for the numbers of audiences throughout the world. The

media is to be blame for the promoting of all kinds oppressive

social phenomenon such as, racial discrimination/racism.

Social and cultural problems impacts or joins bodies with the

media product to allegedly influence in a distress way upon the

society, children, and the youths. Racism advertisement, racism

books , films,songs are been produce within our community.

The social and cultural of the media products above, impact the

society based on the products produce. the racism products tends

to influence the people negatively;in the sense that if the

people keep reading or watching the movies, their motive and

views will change about the particular stereotyped groups

drastically and they will also tends to behave the same way they

saw it. They provide the images of prescription and decription.

The media products also show the impact of the diversity on the

people, how their mind has been colonlized by what the mass media

portray for them to see.

In the cited media products above, the social and cultural impact

of its is also is deal with the atroucious reality of racism in

the society.

The racial discrimination of race and colour where the black are

been constituted as evil and been killed, The cultural and social

impact of the novels, advertisement and film is to show the

discrimination of the white against the black and also go against

the portray of the of the media on the black race, bringing about

the civil rights of equality. It is also trying to binds us

together, trying to portray all groups has equal power, equal

cultural capital; in the sense that all stereotyped groups who

are abiding under the same law with the dominant race have equal

say, and that any conflict that seems to exist can and should be



Author (harper lee) to kill a mockingbird, chapter 23 paragraphs


Retrieved on 10th march 2014, from

Retrieved on 15th feb 2014 from

http;// dictionaries, Racism"in R. Schaefer. 2008 Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society.

SAGE. p. 1113

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