Mantra & Mudrā

Mantra & Mudrā Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣṇu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha: | Guru Sākshāt Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha: || 1

Transcript of Mantra & Mudrā

Mantra & Mudrā

Gurur Brahmā Gurur ViṣṇuGurur Devo Maheshwaraha: |Guru Sākshāt Param BrahmaTasmai Shri Guruve Namaha: ||


Lakṣmī MudrāTo gain financial prosperity, comfort, power, beauty, fertility, intelligence to enlighten your mind, health and auspiciousness.

Mantra:-ॐ #ीं &#य( नमः ।।Aum Shrīm Shriyem namaha:

ॐ -.ं /ल.ं महाल34यै नमः ।।Aum Hrīm Klīm Mahā Lakṣmyainamaha:

The name Lakṣmī comes from the concept of auspiciousness and good luck, and relates to power and wealth.


Lakṣmī is the cosmic power that manifests your dreams into reality. At an individual level she is the awakened maṇipūra and anāhata chakra.

Physical plane - strength, material wealth, physical health, beauty and grace. Mental plane - peace, happiness, positive attitude, and inner harmony. Spiritual plane – siddhi yogic power, selflessness, kindness, discipline and selfless service.– the awakened maṇipūra and anāhata chakras

Mythology:-The Deva illumined beings and Asura demons formed an alliance to jointly churn the Milky Ocean for the nectar of immortality and, thereby, share it among themselves. Lakṣmī arose from the process of churning and the Devas and Asuras fought to possess her.




Milky Ocean - mind and consciousness

Churning of the Milky Ocean – process of introspectionLakṣmīThe ocean of the world propels us in two directions –

i) towards the higher self and consciousnessii) towards the lower self and ego.

Asura demons - negative thoughts, qualities, behaviours and egoic selfishness

Deva illumined beings - positive thoughts, qualities, behaviours, higher mind and compassion

Four Arms & Four Hands –

The four Human objectives - Puruṣārtha

Ø Kāma – pleasure derived through the senses and sensual

pleasure, desire, wish, longing, psychological values

Ø Artha – material prosperity and commodities, economic


Ø Dharma – living life true to your authentic self, moral values

Ø Moksha – solution, liberation, freedom, enlightenment,

spiritual values 5


Holding a semi blossomed 100 petalled red and white lotus -100 is the state of sādhana practice. Red is rajas activityWhite is sattwa purity Signifying progress in both the mundane and spiritual planes.

Gold Coins being dropped on the ground, where an owl sits -Prosperity used wisely.

Abhaya Mudra – fearlessness

Fully blossomed 1,000 petalled – divinity fully evolved

Wearing a Red dress - the colour of Rajas - creative activity

With golden embroidery – plenty, prosperity


Lakṣmī seated on a lotus - fortune, realisation, purity, prosperity, overcoming difficult circumstances, living in the world while not of the world, enjoyment with detachment.

4 whitish elephants in each corner pouring water from golden vessels drawn from the ocean abundant wealth and vitality coming from the universe and all directions.Dharma, artha, kāma and moksha are to be continuously strengthened with wisdom, purity and charity.

Lakṣmī Mudrā facilitates you to realise that ‘You are a divine being living a human life.’



Kaśyapa mudrā –clearing negative energies.Symbolises the tortoise.

Yoga Nidra with Kaśyapa mudrā



Mukula mudrāResembling a bud

Balances Kapha, Pitta, Vata

Saraswatī Mudrā - for intelligence, learning, clear speech and communication

Mantra:-ॐ ऎ ंसर'व)यै नमः ll

Aum Aim Saraswatyai Namaha:


Knowledge once earned, is eternal. The more you impart knowledge the more others are enriched.

Mythology:-After Brahma created the universe there was a great pandemonium in the cosmos. Brahma was bewildered when he realised that the cosmic universe was bereft of order, and therefore He created Saraswati, the embodiment of wisdom and art who emerged out His mouth.‘Saras’ means flow and ‘wati’ means ‘she who has’ Saraswati = she who has flow

Symbolism:-Vibration and motion was the first manifestation of the universe, known as spanda in Tantra. And from this Nāda sound manifests.Saraswati is the source of language, sciences and the arts.


Symbolism cont:-

Four Arms - Her immanence and transcendenceHer front arms depict the Goddess’ activity in the material realm while the back arms activity in the spiritual realmThe four elements of inner life which include mind, intellect, ego, and Consciousness

Veena - in addition to representing the arts, serves as a reminder to tune your heart and mind to live in harmony with others and the world.

Veda books – Truth, pure knowledge

Japa Mālā – discipline, concentration, and meditation

White clothing – pure, sattwa, transcendental state of being14

White lotus - purity and knowledge. Lotuses, because they remain untouched by the muddy waters within which they grow, also generally symbolize the need to remain untouched by the negative influences which may surround an individual.

Peacock - beauty and dance. Peacocks can also represent vanity and indecision, therefore, it is a reminder to curb these two expressions of ego.

Swan - beauty. It is also said to have the unique ability to separate milk from water with its beak, which discrimination and capacity to discern right and wrong.


Kāli mudrāTo deal with death, timing and change.

Mantraॐ /0ं का3लकाय ैनमःAum Krīm Kālikāyai Namaha:


Mythology:-Kāli cosmic energy as the kinetic aspect of of Shiva Consciousness is described in many stories as wild and ferocious. She is like a hurricane and tornado, demolishing the arrogant ego.

Various themes surround Kāli such as change, hope, courage, rebirth, joy, and cleansing.

The word Kāli means black. And perhaps she is like a cosmic black hole with intense gravity drawing everything in her vicinity into her.

Symbolism:-4 arms – the cycle of creation, life, destruction and everything in between.


Dishevelled hair – the fabric of time and space that organises matter out of the ‘chaotic ocean’ of quantum foam.

Garland of 50 human heads – 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, the repository of knowledge and wisdom.

Girdle of severed arms – arms and hands being the principal instruments of work signify the action of karma. She severs the binding effects of karma, cutting you free from the cycle of karma.

3 eyes - observing all modes of time, the past, present, and future

White teeth -Sattva purity

Lolling red tongue - She consumes all things, giving life and taking life, enjoyment of everything in the world


Right hands – Abhāya mudrā “fear not” and conferring boons, creative side

Left hands – destructive/transformative side, holding either a sword covered in blood or a decapitated head, her capacity to annihilate the ego. Liberates the consciousness from the illusions of the ego.

Sword –cutting away ignorance and opening the mind to knowledge, freedom and self autonomy

of severed human hands – hands that are the principal instruments of work and so signify the action of karma. Thus the binding effects of this karma have been overcome, severed, as it were, by devotion to Kali. She has blessed the devotee by cutting him free from the cycle of karma.


Vajrolī mudrā

Bhairavī mudrāLeft hand on top of right

Prāṇa mudrā with ujjayi prāṇāyāma

Sahajolī mudrā


Pushpaputa mudrā

Handful of flowers

• Promotes compassion toward others• Being receptive to receiving that which is offered to you• Promotes inner openness• Overcoming fears• For relieving negative feelings • Promoting a positive attitude

Arouse the feeling of gratitude


May all beings in all dimensions be comfortable, joyful, delightful, happy and felicitous