M. Rakocija, Early christian baptisterium in Mediana, near by Niš, Collection of works from the...

EARLY CHRISTIAN BAPTISTERIUM IN MEDIANA, NEAR BY NIŠ M.A. Miša RAKOCIJA Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Niš, Serbia [email protected] Key words: Baptisterium, Mediana, Niš, octagon, early Christianity Постојат две спротивставени мислења за целта на комплексот изграден во облик на октагон во доцноантичкиот локалитет Ме дијана, како резултат на што тој останал не познат за научната јавност. Анализирајќи ја архитектурата, доаѓаме до заклучок дека се работи за комплекс на баптистериум во чии рамки се наоѓа октагонална крстилница со простории потребни за извршување на крш телниот обред. Ова е единствената монумен тална крстилница во овие краишта, налик на крстилниците кои се подигале во западниот дел на Империјата, од Јадранскиот брег до Италија. Потекнува од периодот помеѓу вто рата половина на IV век и средината на V век. Нејзиното присуство во Ниш сведочи за шире њето на уметничките текови и менувањето на црковните околности. Латинските епископи и свештеници, од регионите од каде што доаѓале, носеле нови архитектонски идеи кои исто така можат да се препознаат во сликарството на ра нохристијанскиот Ниш. Northern-west from the antique palace, ex- actly on its side where the ancient Romans had built nimphaeum and thermae in order to show their re- spect to water and its blessings, the first Christians from Niš built baptisterium – a baptistery. Another opinion is that the palace was a luxurious housing building – a villa. 1 Due to the significance of this building, both opinions should be taken into consid- eration, expecting that this approach would reduce several decades lasting perplexity as well as that it would draw the scientific public attention to this ne- glected building structure within the late antique lo- cality of Mediana. (Fig. 1) The structure with octagonal base was partly dis- covered and cleaned by F. Kanic who, on that occa- sion, measured that professionally and good quality built walls of the octagon were 1,7 m thick, using bricks (40x20 cm) and good quality mortar. In the in- ner part of the octagon circular space, he discovered a damaged floor mosaic which, as he witnesses, was made of rhythmical decorative stripes consisting of brown and white small stones. Regarding the exter- nal decoration, he discovered segments of the cogged cornice, with several bands and with small columns 5 cm wide, as well as some fragments with fine stone plating. Semicircular room that is attached to the oc- tagon he wrongly locates on the northern, instead on its western side. His conclusion that this structure of modest proportions used to be extremely luxuri- ously equipped is correct. Although the purpose of this structure was not quite clear to him, he associates it with the early Christian baptisterium in Dalmatian Solin and he considers it to be an early Christian bap- tisterium regardless that before he used to think of this thesis to be too daring. 2 This doubt of his has not been eliminated even nowadays. (Fig. 2) Later, this structure was cleaned up by A. Oršić- Slavetić who considered it to be a singular structure consisting of two circular premises, without trying to define its purpose. Circular structure in the east- ern room for him is a circular plate, 2,40 m diam- eter, with a water gutter. Next to the wall, he found a smooth marble column 1,03 m long, 0,22 m diam- eter. 3 (Fig. 3) 1 Јеремић 2006, 153, 157. 2 Каниц 1985, 174. 3 Оршић-Славетић (1932-33), 306, Fig. 8.

Transcript of M. Rakocija, Early christian baptisterium in Mediana, near by Niš, Collection of works from the...




M.A. Miša RAKOCIJAInstitute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Niš, Serbia

[email protected]

Key words: Baptisterium, Mediana, Niš, octagon, early Christianity

Постојат две спротивставени мислења за целта на комплексот изграден во облик на ок та гон во доцноантичкиот локалитет Ме­ди јана, како резултат на што тој останал не­поз нат за науч ната јавност. Анализирајќи ја ар хитектурата, доаѓаме до заклучок дека се ра боти за комплекс на баптистериум во чии рам ки се наоѓа октагонална крстилница со прос тории потребни за извршување на крш­тел ниот обред. Ова е единствената мону мен­тал на крстилница во овие краишта, налик на крс тилниците кои се подигале во западниот дел на Империјата, од Јадранскиот брег до Ита лија. Потекнува од периодот помеѓу вто­ра та половина на IV век и средината на V век. Неј зиното присуство во Ниш сведочи за ши ре­ње то на уметничките текови и менувањето на цр ковните околности. Латинските епископи и свеш теници, од регионите од каде што доаѓале, но селе нови архитектонски идеи кои исто така мо жат да се препознаат во сликарството на ра­нохристијанскиот Ниш.

Northern-west from the antique palace, ex-actly on its side where the ancient Romans had built nimphaeum and thermae in order to show their re-spect to water and its blessings, the first Christians from Niš built baptisterium – a baptistery. Another opinion is that the palace was a luxurious housing building – a villa.1 Due to the significance of this building, both opinions should be taken into consid-eration, expecting that this approach would reduce several decades lasting perplexity as well as that it

would draw the scientific public attention to this ne-glected building structure within the late antique lo-cality of Mediana. (Fig. 1)

The structure with octagonal base was partly dis-covered and cleaned by F. Kanic who, on that occa-sion, measured that professionally and good quality built walls of the octagon were 1,7 m thick, using bricks (40x20 cm) and good quality mortar. In the in-ner part of the octagon circular space, he discovered a damaged floor mosaic which, as he witnesses, was made of rhythmical decorative stripes consisting of brown and white small stones. Regarding the exter-nal decoration, he discovered segments of the cogged cornice, with several bands and with small columns 5 cm wide, as well as some fragments with fine stone plating. Semicircular room that is attached to the oc-tagon he wrongly locates on the northern, instead on its western side. His conclusion that this structure of modest proportions used to be extremely luxuri-ously equipped is correct. Although the purpose of this structure was not quite clear to him, he associates it with the early Christian baptisterium in Dalmatian Solin and he considers it to be an early Christian bap-tisterium regardless that before he used to think of this thesis to be too daring.2 This doubt of his has not been eliminated even nowadays. (Fig. 2)

Later, this structure was cleaned up by A. Oršić-Slavetić who considered it to be a singular structure consisting of two circular premises, without trying to define its purpose. Circular structure in the east-ern room for him is a circular plate, 2,40 m diam-eter, with a water gutter. Next to the wall, he found a smooth marble column 1,03 m long, 0,22 m diam-eter.3 (Fig. 3)

1 Јеремић 2006, 153, 157.2 Каниц 1985, 174.3 Оршић-Славетић (1932-33), 306, Fig. 8.



Archeological excavations of the octagon and its vicinity were carried out from 1979 to 1983 by Bel-grade Archeological Institute, governed by Dr. Lju-bica Zotović, who, having adopted Kanic’s opinion, defines it as baptisterium within the sacral complex and, recognizing it as such, she records it in the log.4

The structure consists of two rooms 14,6 m length in total, with walls 1,0 m thick and preserved height of round 0,40 m. Both rooms were built by the same building procedure and at the same time. The central room with piscina, that is, a baptizing basin, is octagonal, with a horseshoe-shaped apse leaning on the western side, which forms a room in the shape of approximately 2/3 of the circle. (Fig. 4)

The apse is placed symmetrically, including one straight octagon side and equal parts of two adjacent sides in the range of 5,15 m, while it is 6,15 m wide in the middle. The preserved part of the apse vault is made of three lines of bricks connected by mor-tar with admixture of sand and pebble, 5 cm thick. Usage of stone is noticeable in the apse connection with octagon and in one segment of the octagon side wall, covered by equal mortar. The apse vault is

4 Зотовић 1979-1983.

1. Mediana, Baptistery complex, view from the west

2. Mediana, Baptistery base, according to F. Kanic

3. Mediana, Baptistery base, according to А.О. Slavetić



strengthened on the outer side by four massive but-tresses (contra-forae) (round 1,4x1,2 m), dimensions of which were conditioned by the upper construction of the building. In a rubble in the interior of the apse, two smaller fragments of a mosaic floor were found. (Fig. 5)

The central room, placed on the approximately circular base of the foundation substructure, is ex-ternally octagonal and inside it is circular (8,3 m diameter), with walls round 1,0 m thick, which are

preserved up to approximately 0,40 cm height. In its southern part, two fragments of the mosaic floor were discovered, having been destroyed by plowing. Usage of white and blue small squares is recognizable. (Fig. 6)

The interior circular shape of the octagon is transferred to the external shape of the inner built construction. In the central part, there is a circular construction (2,5 m diameter, 0,40 m height) built from round pebble, broken stone and bricks fragments, covered by lime mortar, which may represent a pedestal for piscina.5 In

the middle part of the pedestal, a recess was made by building process (40х30х25 сm) the purpose of which may be to strengthen the basin. Such an example we find in Majdan, nearby Mrkonjić Grad (Bosnia and Herzegovina), where the role of piscina, such as in Mediana, was taken over by a rounded built stand on which a basin for baptizing was placed.6 The baptiz-ing basin was, probably, plated by marble plating tiles, which fragments were found around it, and it could have been decorated by small columns 5 cm wide that had been recorded by Kanic. On the eastern side of the basin pedestal, spreads drain canal (24х20х10 сm) finely walled in bricks, which passes through the

northern-east corner of the octagon eastern wall. Sudden turning of the canal to the north-east is significant due to at least two reasons: 1. The fact that it does not go across the middle of the octagon side shows that there was the input opening, and 2. Water from the basin drained out into the in-ner part of the complex and not out of the structure, which means that it was of a special significance, unlike waste water, which is always drained out of the structure. In the canal, a coin of Constantius was discovered. (Fig. 7)

Piscina designed in such a way, without a dug in basin, could have served the pur-pose of baptizing the adults by pouring water over them – infusion, so that the canal for bringing up of water was unnecessary, the examples of which can be found.7 This datum also defines the construction

5 We can only suppose whether it was, and how much, above the floor level, since the floor level has not been precisely defined.

6 Basler 1972, 92-94.7 Such is the baptistery under Saint Marija of Rijeka

church in Kotor – Martinović 1990, 24-29.

4. Mediana, Baptistery, view from the north­west

5. Mediana, Baptistery base (Institute for preserva­tion of cultural monuments Niš)

6. Mediana, Baptistery, view from the south­east



more closely, as a pedestal of the baptizing basin, since for any other secular needs, such as fountain, for example, bringing up of water is necessary. The hole for water drainage, without the water supply system, is also at the very bottom of the octagonal piscina in Žitomislići nearby Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina).8 Its dimensions and, especially, water installation, are important elements that can describe the circle construction as pedestal on which a baptiz-ing basin was lying. The baptizing basin was over ground and surrounded by marble tiles,9 maybe the octagon with the recorded small columns (5 cm) on the corners, from which nowadays we can see frag-ments of the marble plating, the pedestal with a recess for strengthening the basin and opening for bringing up water in the middle.

The pedestal, that is, baptizing basins of circular shape are neither rare nor unusual. In the past cen-turies of Christianity, as the cross, the circle within the circle had readable, for Christians of those times, recognizable symbolism of the God – the external circle, and of Christ – the inner circle.10 At Medi-ana, the circular inner wall of the octagon with cir-cular pedestal for the basin, form a circle within a circle, which signifies the heavenly kingdom and the God. Sometimes, older cross-shaped piscina dug in

the ground for baptizing the adults (imersio), later was altered into cir-cular one, this time for the purpose of baptizing children, such as it is a case with piscina in basilica on Srima, nearby Šibenik.11 This is why the over-ground constructed pisci-nae, such as one at Mediana, maybe should be viewed as slightly younger compared to those dug in the ground. Their cross or circular shape, of the same meaning, cannot be used for closer dating, because they have been equally built during the whole early Christian period.

Fragments of the column trunks of larger dimensions and capitals that were discovered here could have

belonged to a baldachin which rose above the circu-lar pedestal with baptizing basin, or, to the colonnade that surrounded the baptizing basin, in a similar way like in Salona. We do not have data available about their purpose and only architectonic logics impose

8 T. Anđelić 1970, 144-145; Anđelić 1978, 294-295; Basler 1972, 134.

9 Over-ground octagonal basin had a baptistery in Nerezi (Bosnia and Herzegovina), built after filling in of the older, cross-shaped piscina, which was dug in the ground – Basler 1958, 51.

10 Circle, as well as cross, symbolizes heavenly kingdom and the God – Chevalier, Gheerbrant 1983; В. Лилчић, 2002, 636, 1086.

7. Mediana, Piscina, view from the east

8. Mediana, Fragment of a column

11 Gunjača 1989, 165-168.12 Зотовић 1979-1983.

their arrangement, both of the baldachin and colon-nade. The supposed purpose can be attributed to a part of a trunk recorded by Slavetić, longer than 1,0 m, but also to two smaller fragmented column trunks (80 cm and 30 cm) of the same diameter (22 cm), dis-covered by archeological excavation (1979), as well as fragment made of gray stone 30 cm long with 23 cm diameter. In their lower parts, these fragmented columns have a ring profile.12 (Fig. 8)

Baptisterium was completely, or mostly, built of bricks (40х26х5 сm), from which three lines of bricks are now apparent. Purposely baked bricks, which



by its size fit the octagon corners, are assembled by length in two rows, while the third row consists of across assembled bricks. Such way of building made statically stabile walls without the use of stone, which was discovered in connection of the vaulting room with the octagon, and can be also hinted in the southern side of the octagon. However, assembled in such a way, purposely shaped bricks reveal the builder’s intention to decorate facade surfaces by us-ing ceramic-plastic motives, which is so recognizable for later Byzantine architecture. The fact that the fa-çade canvases were decorated is confirmed by parts of the cogged cornice, recorded by Kanic, with sev-

eral bands.13 Pebbled lime mortar was used as bind-ing material, which joints were of the same thickness as bricks (5 cm), which equally serves the purpose of decorating the façade surfaces.

The interior wall surfaces were plastered and finely polished, and recorded traces of color confirm that they were also decorated.

Discovered fragments of the flat window glass belonged to the windows openings which should be supposed to be at the expected places.

Regarding the movable material recorded in the field log, it is important to conclude there is signifi-cantly small number of ceramic material pieces,14 meaning that it was not used on every-day basis, but there was presence of ceramic fragments with green-ish late antique glaze. This should also be considered when defining function and time of origin of the ob-jects.

In the earliest Christian period, baptisteries were often built, as at Mediana, north from the church, nearby thermae and nifeum.15 Monumental dimen-sions of the baptistery with mosaic floor, extremely luxurious examples of marble plating, imply that in their vicinity, according to the known historical facts, we should expect Episcopal basilica or Episcopal liv-ing quarters (episcopium). Previous archeological works discovered foundations of the premises walls that surrounded the baptistery, which includes prem-ises for gifts of the believers, porch for catechumens,

9. Mediana, Baptistery complex, situation (Institute for preservation of cultural monuments Niš)

10. Mediana, Katihumenum and auditorium, exca­vations in 1987 (Institute for preservation of cul­

tural monuments Niš)

13 Каниц 1985, 174.14 Зотовић 1979-1983.15 Khatchatrian 1962, 113-116, 122-125, 136.



and other parts of the bigger architectonic unit. This is surely the reason why Dr. Zotović saw a sacral complex in this architectural unit. (Fig. 9)

Supposing that eastern from the baptistery we should expect, among other things, a basilica within the supposed sacral complex, archeological exca-vations were carried out on this site from 1980 to 1983.16 Walls of the building complex were partly discovered, which the octagonal structure with apse also belongs to. Length of the whole complex (east-west direction) is approximately 50 m. Vertically to the octagon, the western wall of the complex spreads to the north, 24 m long, in which the entrance open-ing was found out. Two parallel walls in the shape of long corridor, which cover eastern part of the octa-gon, spread to the east, and are round 50 m long. The southern one, nearby the octagon, is with the entrance opening. In the eastern end of this corridor, against its northern wall, a rectangular room is leaned, from which, on its northern side, one can enter into an-other room of the stretched rectangle shape with, again, horseshoe-shaped apse orientated towards the north-east. (Fig. 10) Neither this part of the complex has been completely defined. Inside the complex, ce-ramic and lead water pipes are spread, found in situ, as well as a canal built of bricks. Without a doubt,

16 Зотовић 1979-1983.

11. Salona, Baptistery complex, according to Suić

12. Poreč, Пореч, basilica of Euphrasius

13. Mediana, Ideal reconstruction, base (arch. Mrs. Elena Vasić Petrović)

14. Mediana, Ideal reconstruction, length section (arch. Mrs. Elena Vasić Petrović)

15. Split, Diocletian’s Mausoleum



in this architectonic unit, whichever purpose it had, water played an important role.

All the mentioned reveals luxurious equipment and representative purpose of the building complex, the purpose of which is not quite clear. There are two completely opposite opinions that try to solve the is-sue of the octagon purpose. We will make an effort to point out its baptistery character, using the arguments available.

Therefore, we will try to put the Mediana struc-ture into the context of similar structures. Let us be reminded of the Kanic’s assumption that it has to do with the baptistery and the scientific observation about its big similarity with the one in Salona. (Fig. 11) Also in Salona, as at Mediana, northern from ther-mae, in which, according to Dyggve, first baptisms were carried out in Salona, a baptisterium is placed.17 The baptisterium of the Orthodox ones, same as the one at Mediana, is octagonal externally and inside it is circular with internal colonnade. According to octagonal shape of the baptisterium, Dyggve dates it in the middle of 5th century, which Mrs. Nikolajević also agrees with, stating that it was the time when many other baptisteriums of that type originated.18 One more baptistery in Salona, only without the in-

terior colonnade, known as the baptistery of Aryans, is octagonal externally and internally, it is of circular structure and it is dated at the beginning of 5th cen-tury. It is surrounded by the narthex (space for cat-echumens) and other premises necessary for a baptiz-ing ceremony.19 The baptisterium building next to the basilica of Euphrasius in Poreč (550), (Fig. 12) in its base is a simple symmetrical octagon, with columns in the interior, according to ancient records, and here, as at Mediana, with vaulted recess on the western wall, which was opened later. On each side, there was one smaller, vaulted above window closed by stone tranzens, and it is covered by a tent-like eight-level roof construction.20

Similarity of the stated baptisteries to the Medi-ana structure encourages us when stating that Medi-ana octagon is a baptistery. On the basis of the walls thickness we may conclude that above the Mediana octagon, there was eight-level wooden roof construc-tion. Above the apse room, which walls are supported by strong pilasters, we should suppose constructed semi-kalota. Its ideal reconstruction, based on details presented, would seem to be as follows: eight-level roof above the octagon and constructed semi-calotte above the apse room, which wall is supported by ar-cade connected pilasters. Windows are there where they are expected to be. Entrance is in the east, from the corridor. On the circular pedestal there ia a bap-

17 Николајевић 1966, 233.18 Baptisterium in the city of Poreč, irregular octagon

externally in Zadar, octagonal interior in Povlji (Brač), the

16. Gamzigrad (Romuliana), Mausoleum I (recon­struction arch. Č. Vasić) Mausoleum

17. Rome, Lateran baptisterium

site of Nerezi (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the northern nave of basilica there is externally rectangular and inter-nally octagonal baptistery with a cross-shaped piscina in the middle – Basler 1972, 106; Eastern from the basilica in Palikura (Macedonia), there is internally octagonal struc-ture without the piscina discovered, which was character-ised, without sufficient arguments, as baptistery from 4th century – see Николајевић 1966, 233-235, with literature.

19 Николајевић 1966, 237.20 Prelog 1957, 98, 99.



tizing basin, maybe octagonal, with small columns 5 cm thick, recorded by Kanic. (Fig. 13, 14)

Ever since 3th century, baptisteries had been built as independent structures and later, especially in 5th and 6th century, they were built next to or within a basilica, most often on its northern side. Originated at the time of Christian antiquity, it takes over and adjusts architectonic shapes from the Roman archi-tecture. This is the origin of the efforts of certain re-searchers to relate baptisteries to termae and nimpha-eum,21 besides the well known attitude of Christians towards the public bathrooms. Similarity of architec-tonic shapes of the baptisteries was correctly obser-ved, especially of those with octagon base, which are compared to the Roman mausoleums such as St. Con-stanca type,22 or, closer, Diocletian’s mausoleum in Split and Mausoleum I in Gamzigrad.23 (Fig. 15, 16)

Ever since the Constantine times, the octagonal baptisteries appear mainly in the western part of the Empire, especially in the north of Italy (Rome-Later-an baptisterium (Fig. 17); Ravenna – San Vitale (500) (Fig. 18), baptisterium of Aryans (end of 5th century), baptisterium of the Ortodox ones in Ravenna (Fig.

19, 20); Milan), but also in Gallia (for example, in Marseille) where the Italian influence spreads.24 The Italian influence was coming to our region over the Adriatic coast, so that first octagonal baptisteries were built at the coast.25 In the east, the octagonal baptisteries are rare (St. Maria in Ephesus), unlike those with four leaves, which are considered to origi-nate from the east.26

Mediana baptistery complex, urbanely and ar-chitectonically, fits into our knowledge about the first baptisteries. It is situated north from the recently discovered church,27 slightly above thermae and nim-phaeum, with octagonal base which can be found in the Roman mausoleums. Even Saint Ambrose point-ed out the significance of symbolism of the Milan baptistery octagonal base, as a symbol of resurrection and repeated birth, since by the act of baptizing, new life begins. (Fig. 21)

The Niš baptistery is a developed structure of cen tral type within the baptistery complex, which co-uld have been a part of the sacral unit.28 The baptistery

21 Алексова 1989, 47, with literature.22 Krautheimer 1965, 188.23 Johnson 2007, 115-123.

18. Ravenna, San Vitale

19. Ravenna, Orthodox baptisterium

is, by its base, closer to the western ones, especially to those in Italy and at the Adriatic coast. Maybe, in our regions, the unusual shape of the baptistery, as well as its monumentality, was the reason of separa-tion among the researchers in their attempt to solve the purpose of the Mediana octagon. (Fig. 22)

24 Krautheimer 1965, 187/8.25 Цвијановић 22.26 Basler 1990, 51.27 Васић 2004, 290/1, Fig. 4, 5.28 Maybe the monumental rectangular structure on its

eastern side belonged to the sacral complex – Петровић MCMXCIV, 28, Fig. 6.



Appearance of the baptistery in Niš, which shapes are typical for western part of the Empire, may also be explained by historical facts. Until 6th century, Niš was under the supreme power of the Roman pope.29 At this time, town of Naissus, with its bishops and priests, whose names were Latin, was inclined more to the West than to the East. The bishops of Naissus have direct contact with the Pope’s chair. The bishop from Rouen (Gallia) St. Victricie in 4th century knows Naissus as town where relics of famous martyrs are preserved – martiriopolis. Ideas that originated un-der, here strong, influence of the western Christians are specially perceived and are recognizable in paint-ing of Niš crypts30 while on mosaics, relation to the Adriatic coast31 can be recognized. This is a sufficient reason for us to believe that these same ideas, thank-ing to Niš Latin bishops and priests, were also ac-cepted when shaping the structures.

Naissus as the Episcopal center and famous mar­tiriopolis, could have had a representative baptiste-rium.32 It can be expected that it had been built before the town was destroyed by Huns in 441, at the times of famous Niš bishops, from the first one Caracus who was bishop before 343, and Gaudencius- round 343, Bonosus- round 391, Marcianus- round 409-414, and that it lasted, if it escaped destruction, also

at time of the bishop Dalmatius (round 467), Gaianus (round 516) and Projectus (round 553), longest un-til the final Avar-Slavic conquering of Niš, after 615 and before 618.33 Or, maybe, ideological designers of the baptistery architectonic shape, at times of bishop Marcianus, were Niš priests Germanie and Rusticus, maybe deacon Lupentius, for whose protection the pope Innocentius I34 got personally engaged.

Coins of Constantius were discovered in drain-age canal,35 decoration of mosaic floor, way of build-ing as well as architectonic shapes, historical cir-cumstances together with recognized artistic flows, are chronological milestones that place building of Mediana baptisterium in the period from second half of the 4th century to the mid 5th centuries.

Baptisterium, as a structure of the Christian an-tiquity, represents an extension of the antiquity ar-chitecture and artistic accomplishments, where ele-ments of the early Byzantine architecture can already be seen, such as building by bricks and tendency towards ceramic-plastic decorations of facades and thicker mortar joints (5 cm), but also the presence of capitals with Ionic vaults.

29 Грујић 1928, 95.30 Мирковић 1956, 69.31 Trovabene 2006, 144.32 In Episcopal towns Viminatium and Sirmium, bap-

tisteries were not discovered – Николајевић, 1966, 232.

20. Ravenna, Orthodox baptisterium, piscina

21. Mediana, relation of the baptistery complex with other structures

The octagonal baptisteries are not unusual ex-cept that they preserved antique shape and they are typical for the western part of the Empire. The first ones originate from Milan, Rome, Ravenna and, gen-erally from the northern Italy and southern France. On the Balkan Peninsula, they spread to the Adri-

33 Ракоција 2008, 51-57.34 J. Zeiller, Les origines chrétiennes dans les prov-

inces danubiennes de l’Empire romain, Paris 1918 = (р.п. Жак Зелер, Почетци хришћанства на Балкану, превод К. Никчевић, Подгорица 2005), 325.

35 Зотовић 1980-1981.



atic coast. Appearance of the octagonal baptistery in central Balkan, in Niš, is unexpected, which justifies the researchers’ doubt and caution when defining the purpose of Mediana octagon, but this is also a reason why this impressive building unit was beyond their bigger interest. However, church circumstances, to-gether with knowledge that the leaders of Niš church were mainly of Latin origin, and a fact that painting in the early Christian Niš was influenced by Rome and the Adriatic coast, doubtlessly point out to the strong influence of Italy, after the presented argu-ments to the advantage of the baptistery within the supposing baptistery complex, as well as to the archi-tecture of the first Christians of Naissus.

22. Mediana, Ideal reconstruction, exterior (arch. Mrs. Elena Vasić Petrović)



Bibliography:Алексова 1989 – Б. Алексова, Епископијата на

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