lOH'S BII! SGH - DigiFind-It


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J ^ C t t i u r k

D ’l


First Edition,lOH’S BII! S G HIntenit Unabated in the Famou

Baooarat Sensation.


Ml., t^ w it QrMu u 4 Mr,. W1I,od C,r- n lw im t. U t. TaiUioaiij of Forpuir W llaw M CoBMntlnf Ui* ChuT** AfmloAi etr W IUIui Gi>rdon Cunnuln.. T b . FHno. of Wolfl,*, Counlen

bjr th. Jurjrmto,


lAKDOK, JUD. A~Oa t.lA lb, anil d tro f tb, (till Qt 0>* fliiDtitu m n d .l lUU,

known m UM ,uit lor dunmiM brontbi br Sir Wlllltn Uonlaa Cummloi ,gOu<t Mr. niid Hn. ArUiur Wltaon. Mr u d Mn. LflwU UriM «id Suk,l*r Lh *U, U»n WH , n |i,ll‘ itm, imkl* u d oould* of ih* Qumu’i Bonoh Dtritloa of Hw llA laif'i Hl«n OmirtofJut'Un, of tb* pMSltu m D ,. wblota btv* tmu HlUMHri dnitnt lb* bmr dtjn’ [wt. Inwwl la tbtl MiuUkiiul u n do« not area to dialnlib la tb* aUdbun d*ciw*.

dir WlUlam Uocdoo vunralof w tt aoobai- raiilad b. bla bPHber, Lord Hlddlatoo, wbo,U HMia, bad rtaolTM lo npporl lb* anfurtuB- ala Bannat wUn bit praaenoa. Tb« Pnnct oi Wala wtt abo Hnotw tboa* wbo arn,«l and took ibolr ttMa bafer, tha offlelal opanloi ol lb* oaurt

Tb* eoutt obtnad firoBptlr at lOM bolork,Tb* |Hoo**dlnia war* npoa lb* pulutolcooi.nieiKdDiwicb lb* rtiuiobtlo* ofibActotMtiautbaboobf Hn. LyooU Oiwoo, laadauchtur at Arttaur Wilton. Mr., and ib, iiairt of fouBi Mr. WllaoD, wbtn tb* fort- taao of Ui« Jorr, *ddr*nln( tb* bold Cblaf Juailoa, u id tbat tb* Jnrfawn wan dtaltoua of ItupacUof tb* coonlan mod wall* plafInt haooant at Tianbr Ciolt In d*l>- loiabar laat, and whlcb, aa abown bf jroubi Wllaw'a tatllmofif yntaidaf, wan tb* pro*- artf of tba ITluc* odWaiaa and wan catrlad bf bln wbll* mdilog tb* ootinlrr houHt >if bit hmio,t* tnaoda Tb* catmtoit, bjr ih* dl. nctioa of lb* Lord lbl«f Juauoa, nan than paatad Into tba Jnrf-boi, and tha Jurriaen, panieultrlf th* bold tabjaot wbo bat bacom* an butortcal panoottalbp aotdallr ■darina” to iinatUuo lb* ITtim of WaMt wbll* tba Itttrr wtt In tb* wllnttoboi. *aaiulo*d lb* did, St and t t nprataotaltooi with Born iDlanit.

Wmo lb* lurr bad ooinpiewd tbalr liiapao' tion *f tb* Fnora of Wtlta’a prlrala ooubtan, tb* arcat.rxanila*clan of Hia L r« u om n waa rtauintd. Hn. Onan wtt pBa and bar. nnia and Mrmad wmblT luiiioat to l*t tbniolb with brrabara of tba trial Bit Edward Clitka baittn bit iinti.txamloatKa bp maklti lb* jtouni ladf to taaln all orartb* anwod wbleb aba bad IrtTtnao ynttidar in rtfard lo Ib* poaltloB of tba t^dtn, of lb* pUyan at tha laUaa and aa to tba Inaiancaa of chaaUbd upoB Um part of etrW illita Goman Cnmnilui. and ai to tb* aDoibarertliiia* tb* obaallnf had occnrrtd, aw. BIr Edward Claika, addmaHOf Um wIinaM. than u ld t

’• You don't know nncb about tba |ioi* do fouT'

" Ob. r* . 1 do,” tnlcklp and IndIfnaoUy npltad tba yooo* lady aa tb* dm rlppl* of laiBbiar of tba day twapi orar tha baooani •olbaatwti aatambltd.

Tb* Bollotiof;Oaoaral than branobad aff Into an asllnly » w lln* of tbontbl and aakad Mr, Lyatb Oiaan itn ra l gnaaikna a* to wbalbet or not Um waa anqnainiad wUta a man natnad BowHi. Mia. Giwn tapUad In nbataina that aha did not know a man tuadad Bowlea, and attnad aurpriaao that laadln* odiuimI (or tba plaintiff aboold tak bar lOch a qnaation. Afiar aoBa nrU tr quaillooa Mn. AitburWUao*. tba ■otbarafyoun* Artbni etanlay Wilaon, waa cttlladioUM winaatataitd, and Hn, tycau Grat* namsad baraaat In lha aiidat of tbo tronpol dalkndania bablod Mr Cbatlaa Knf Ball, Ikolr li|*l onaaplen.

Mtii Aithor Wilaon, nptyliv M Hr Cbatlaa RaaiaU't quatIUMa, aaU Uial abo waa paaaani u Tnbby CrMt in tha room wbam, on daptau- b a titb * Prioea of Walat, bit WtUlaaa Oordnn CnoBiliiC and tba daBnduta ^ayad bao- aai*L Mia. Wilaon dWMoUynoaUad bar aon, Artbur Bttnlay Wilaon, lookln«4Ub*t wKb* ptiHltd oipiaaalon on Ida liio*, and tbat bo afltrwaid mad* a “ hoiTibla ooBaun. tcatlon” to bar. It WB lo ibo aflkot tbat bo bad aea* tba plaintiff Bir WlilUn Gordon CuaBinc, cbaat wbila play tnq eaida Mn. Wllaoo than raponlid la datall tb* nbMie* whiota baa atiwady baan gtran *• loibaaaoaarlu wbteh tb* Earonat cbaaiad t r tUpplBd an addlttonal counlar out of bla hand or fljpptnt It acroB tbo Itna wltb a pan, cti wban tba raid tamed up waa htrorabl* I* biB. Ml*. Wllaan. In addlUoo, waa moat am- pbatio In bar dlaolalaiai* tbat ttaar* bad baan any Mmamanl aotarad Into by tb* WUaon fkinlly to watch tb* plalntur a play on tba aaty ond nUbt (Baptambat t) of lb* baaaani pHy- l u at Tnnby (bidt.

AntwarliiB oUMt qiMaUana put to b « by l*ad' In* oaomal tw tb* plaintiff Mn. WUton raid IbatonUWBltbtofBtplBsbw* UtoMnOiot Wall* aikBl h«r U It waa not poaaibl* to ntoTld* • ptoptr baoaai«l labt* Mr lb* nltbl foltowlD*. TUi, Mr. WUaon aiplalnod, waa btfbra tba Prtnea knaw of tb* allaqcd cbaattiM apoD tb* part of BIr WUlbun Oofdon CuBmUwa Onaaquantly, IW tb*nmod nlfblTl play, tbat of Saptambai », n fnah tabi* wuproTided. but tWa waa not don* on eooni *f Mr WiUiain Oocdon Onmnlit, Iboof b U waa bop*d tta i tm on* woold p n n o t a i*. oomnaa *rtb* *1*01* of tb* ymylooa nlibt

Tb* wllaaaPt bnabnad, Aitbni WUaoo tanlor. ab* ooatlniMd, bad objaotod to baoaaial playing b*a*n*a, in hW o^nton, U» pl*ytnifbi baaiBM bigh "aBonff bat-b**dil boya''ilaugblart. On * piaiTtoii* oaonnon, aba nai> llnnad, tb* anin 01 ABN bad *ot >atn tba bank, wblob amonat bar bnabaiid Ibeogbt w u looUklMa

"W hydldnat yon W1 U* Wao* of Wala* tb it yiwi btabaml ottlaaMd to baaoanir aakad Mr Idwaid Ctorkm

"BaaMH*," tepllad Mn. WOaon, “ n m n aueb aataM, no* gimhHnt party that at* did not think that than aaold b* lanob barm i*> aalttag IBB A tow qntot gasB Atbaoaant.'’

“Aad,” aatitlnnad tb* BoUeuonGanattl,■'alibaiwb yon bad baan told tb u ant of your goMtabadbom abiatlni, yoau t u lb* nait aJcfet^ lUij t **

'•Tan" asiw uid Hit. WUaon qnltUy, " I bad piuU onto) By Bind, Jbadalotof olhti thlnji to think a te n t’*__________

JUfOISMB totMMMB OOHTAMY YAIU.An AppUinttM tow n Baoataar (or

Gawtonl Balliaf Oonpaav. TUnON, fuM A—Anolbar nkbar otapany

buaiwtOBhad. VtoadamnotUor Mid ytB*^ daygiaatodn mto to ahaw oauB wkyara- aatrarakoiild not b* appontod tot tba Oeniral TtnMwf taUlng OoBpuy. M M niomaht* on Tatoday. Tb* appUoaUaa aru Bid* mb*-half of tbalekitoln Wblt* load CoByany,

Inthaappllaattontbaynvtbit tb* wniifftkmpaay awB tbam n balanaa of |L,0fT.kl) 1 Hill lln nawiiiiiT bat andonid loibaaxlaot of tUffW for tb* tuolTaBt Itw SaUar Coa. pany aadtolb* axtant af MtOCn tortbalB aolYut HtBUton Xobbo Oampanyi tbu aaatooMbaSaliioaOtitopaar **■• •» I*"!*In Boatm « ii l la y M ,* iid lh a l* a lt* y tt* fadlwubagwagnliattlMfflbyHiyiiaA land * do., of Maw Tort. Th* appltoanuitato^ UabllMiiof Ih* ooDpany to b* o n t MlfflOt, of wblah niffdH to riptiiantod W donaBOBl* an aoninaioUl pnpar of Star and fflBUton nibhir ooapiBUn now lnlbobtndio(i*«alT*iA Thau UiUUttoi ir* tolUai do* dauy and th* aouptay b u ao fnidawltbwhtobloBaaltbaa. ItHfluiJMi itatodtbnl tfaanaonrauof ib* aoupany *r* DMbiw bat otoea tomltni* and HOi naalnkb ffon ollwi ooBpatdu to wbou U b u aBd m d i, and tt H tbaUffbt many of tbau an owlagby tbaSMi and Baautan. Tbaear pany owu » rati aatoto tb* « » P ;h I .laioliaal and b u no ftmda to aaay an th ordl- nary bnitoaB, and U b u bun oaittod m *1 a graailaB totba ptoohhaldut Owtof toib* ■r*udaptanUon tn boafiMBand waganm l uiwarulalt u toibafstnin thaow PW «a> not b* oondnciad ao u M pay.lta JnB dahi or cony an opontloni with pindt to It* aioek' hoioiin.

Till issilMobiMr iiuiitb*UonofbwnoM ttytneBobberwUI tMMl to »#lr ttUW«i*UnBk £ b i » e e U « M ^ b M m d i n j ^niitfMbto 00 XoiKMiF m i «beo eiyium t

ibntaAOoa t e ivkblOMUBeh

K bO U ^pe 10 ib i IttU* ifriM liwal <Mli|e « K *w inm ieK wiU bi «**• hooiitc^Mtoir.Horn f *--**:*J^J*

wul bo eoo^MM bf Cooitf •opw iiifiS o t of •ohooli Obirieo IL D M aty loM oiM aooiW lltM K. B«nloinea4 V, tr, cB ii^rfO iinto

Fhyitclitoiit 111 CoBftultatioo Agrt« u to tbe Koturo of l^twyar Hortioo't NolofljaAfoiroY Faxx. Jk-'TiM cue of KietutM

B. Beriini, ibo lioyer of tbli town wbo to drint et fail ootUie ovxf in I'todi Arbniir frwa liM ot K rot Mte, U tbe neiQ tofoc oi eooremtUon at rh« pfvrfal reeorti oo ibU por- 1100 of ttM New Jeinej EylM aoti ii‘U»n aotl tolearaiari uf i|riupaUiy and idvica ate pouriiiH lb frotu N«w Yori, Pbilodalpbia, Jfiicy Cltjr, A foeklyti and otbar viitMk

Dr. Jofanom, one of tbe ittendiDR (ibrakiiant, •am lilt DiRUt tbat ib«ra waa on quaiDon that Hr. Harlioe’i illom waa cawed br tha DaiiaHiiii ul bla baud by tbe clawi aotl Uwlb ofaralncirly Hint nuiubN ago and that hii conduinh waaerltlnal.

Dr. KlUTiKkUib aald that If kir. Harilnu wu notiuBtiiof from bydruphobloiba phftb'iaiia in aiteadaoce did tmt know wbat ailed biui.

Mr. Hertine'i kpleodid |>hyalqiM and fata tnDperair babtta are cerUUiiy lo fall lavor," Mid Dr. Kinoaoiiin, *^but b« to Tery 111. Tba nonfuiiiorai are trowint •ironr’r. Mo bu diO Mleu ordruoa anything ilnoe Tutedty after* noou, and n loelng flefh and aieedily alnk- iwi.”

l r. iHiTid lA, Hartint, of MmbantTiUe. ar* rlTod here Hit •TaoiQg md waidrirau to bla briktber'i boiiet. where be met £>rt. Kinmootb, JobuHoit aod Wlibor. Tbe hiitr idiriiciaui were in codioUathm bnuL late tait olgbL They ooQciuded that Hr. Martiue bad genulut bydropbobu, add that bM cbanou of recovery were extremely d<mb<lui.

Two men tmm UieaMTtog iUatimi Na 6 have bteh enployed aa cuniUat auvodaitia at Mr. Bardne'i bedaidd lo leiiraitL fain) wben ba to arijtod wliboenvuUiooa


BEFORMKD CUUHCH SYNOU*Beporte BmmI wnd Htanding Committwee

Appointed n t Teetwrday'i Oeaetoni A u c ar FiiA* June ft.~Xhe lecoivl day'*

MiiKiu of cbe elfbty-alxtb annual roeellng of the ReJormed i'burcb Oynod In Atneilca <Dotcb) opened yuterday mnrtilng wtih an ai* tendauce of nearly KOU delfgaira. tepiwitiatlng tlmoit every Mate In tbe Viuoii. Thr bui]* beu tmneaoied waa principally rootine.

Tbe report of tbe oommlUoe on foreign and domeetio m(»ak>tM w u the ioo»t important* inowlog that 1110,000 bad beau received dur* log the current year, and of thlt auen fi;A,000

been expended. The appoioLmeat of tbe usual •iendinc comtnlDeeeioIlQwed,

Tbv quudon al lyncdioel ualoo will not be bfoiight bemre tbe raaeung till the end of Ibe •eMiou. An amiMbie undatilandini to oon- fideniiy predicted and the early untou of ihe aavtral apitto ecooapiiibed at no late day la expeflted. , _

GENERAL M:BOFlKt4 > TO MARHT*The OommABdevwlwwoblef of the Army to

Twhe » Yoanji Bride.CRlCAOO. June A^Oeneml John M. Brim-

Aeld* Coanmanderln-chleforuie llDlted Aielu Army* who la a widower aud to now m Ibe Weal* will aocm be married to Mtoi Oeornia N. Kllbuurne of Keokuk, Iowa. Tbe date baa been flx^. Int to oot girce out iOf tbe pieeeht Tbe wedding will take place either m Cbioigo or in Keokuk, U wDl be a bifb eiam mUltAry alibi r.

Tbe lallabl (Tuom to a veteran well along m yeare, but illll itronjr and vtgoroui. The bride

tba aebooitnaie of Ueoerai ecbofleld'idaugh' Utoa KUboume wav a great favorite with

tbe llitt klrv. uebodeid dunng tbe laUer i life* The ktlbounw family to (iccvnlDaDt In Iowa •ocial otrelM, and to welbknown lb New York and Waibtnaton.

BURGLARS AT BBORT HILLS,BUvairwaret Jewelry* Money nad a Check

Stolen-*Tbe l l i i rd Bouee Bobbed, Special Dlapatob to tbe Nswi.

TOlOiiT,. Jose 6,-^Tbe raildeoM of H. if. Hortou, of SlMWl mile, wae eciered by barglerv iaei n t^ t. A large quanUty of allverware wav •toien.

A gold watch and chalB and valuable jewel­ry were taken out of Hr. Uortna'i pocfcvto, te- letberwlth tato portmahtowto; whien oomalned about tlOO, ntow a cbeok lor IROO. Tbto li toe third booM that bai been robbed In tbat local­ity wllbin tbe laei two waefci,


Tea CrnitoB«y«iw

i & r

Th* ^ l* K * a r« of * CdujiI* of Mlalltol Bh *A • U f* .

Fiob lb* Yoolb'a Guspulnn.I t w u In Indl*. I)lnu*r w u Jnit ta>

hhad la tha noB-room, and laYrral Eo- gliab offloen waro aitliaf abaut lha tobla. Thai; hroniMi facu bad tha aat. but not nakiadlT, look eoniBoa aBoag nlUUip Ban, Tba oonTanatlou a t h**t had act bean aninated, aod (ntl now th a n w u a loll, u tb* night w u too hot fo. tB ill talk. Tba major of tb* nflm ant, a rlraa- caim an of Sfip.fi.e, turned toward bla naxt oaightwr al tba table, a Young anbal- tirn wbo w u lu n lag back In bii ckair with bit banda d u ped behind bla band, itarlng tbrongh tb* algar amok* at tha oaillng.

Tba Major w u alowW looking th* man OYcr, IroB tala taandioni* Ibcadown, wbao, with loditan alertoMa, and in a quiet, itaadT ,01 ra. ba u ld :

"Tloo’t moye, pteau, Mr. Cbrtuthart. I want In try no axparim*at With jon. Don't move a muMle.''

"Ail right. Major," rapliad th* (nb*1< Inn, without CTtn turning bla ayaa. "Hadn't tba to u t id*a of moTing, I lau ra you, Wfail'i tbe g aB ef

B r th iitlm a n ll Ihao tben w en llatan. Ing tn a laaily expectant waj.

“Do you think," oontinnid the Uijor, and bli ynica trembted Jnat a little, “da /oo think yaw can keep alwolulaly atm for, « y , two m inntu—to n , a your IlfeT"

“A n you Joking?”“On tbe contrary, moya a aiuicte and

you are a d u d man. (bn you ttond th* ilraie?''

Th* •ubaltarn Partly whiiparad “YaA" and hi* race paled illglitly.

"Burke," u id th* Major, addrautug an oflloar acroaa th* tabla, ” pour aum* of that milk Into a lancer and aat it on tha floor b e n ju ft back of me. Gently, man] Q o ia tr

Mot a word w u apokan u tha oflictr quiatly filled the uncer. walked with It eanfutty aruuod Ihe tablA and art it dowD whan tba Uqjor had indicated on the floor.

L tkt a marbl* atotue a t tbe young *nb- nltorn In bla white linen elothea, wbll* a cobn di npello, which bad been crawling up tha lag of h it tronaen, alowly raind Ita haad. than tnrnad, daacendad to tha floor tad glided toward tba milk.

Suddenly lha alienee w u broken by tb* r*port nf tbe Major'* reyolyer, u d th* anake lay dead on the floor.

"Thank yon, Major,'' u ld thainbatlam, at the two man ebook handi warmly. "Yon hxye uyed my Ufa.''

"Yau’n weloomA my boy," npllad lha Mnlor. " But yod did yonr abtn ."


Th« Board of Public Works Dlwmu Heunrfle of Uoneral Merit


Tb* G n a t Maglakwr Oot Bom* Hint* Fawnn a Tarrado Warm.

FIOB tb* FhllaMptal* 0*U.l l b u b*0B *ald tbat th* optratlona of

tbe ipider anggeotod tb* art* of apinnlng u d wuyiBf to m u . That Bay be doubt- fid, bnl It t* qolta onrlain tb u to a bint froa u iaiaot w u do* lha Inyaation of a macblna initruBaalal tn acoompliahlng on* of tb* moat itapandoui work* of Bodern tlmaa—Ih* axoayation of tha Thamu tunnel.

Murk laaBbard Brunei, tbe gnat acgl- naer, w u atondtng one day about threa- quutaia of a eenUity ago In a ablpyaid wateblag the Boyamanta of an animal known aa the taindo naynlea—In Engilab, Ib* naynl wnod worm~-wh*o a brilliant tbongbt raddenly ooeoind to him, ayp tba Kaw York lYerklir. H* uw.that thla eraatora befad Iti way Into tb* place *( wood npoa whloh It w u opeiating by manna of a yary extnordiiury Bachaoical apaantnn

Laaklag al tbe animal attonUya|y through a mleroaoop* h* found that ll w u aoyat^ tn front irith n pnlt af yalynlar ihall*; that, irith Ha faot u a purchaat, It canimnniaated a rotary motion aod a for­ward lupulte td tbu yalyaa, which, acting upon th* arood like a gimlet, panotntod Ha anhalane*, and that, u tbe partictu of wood war* looaanad, they pnaaed through a fluat* la tbn thol and thonca through th* body el tb* borer to Ita mouth, wban tbey ware axpallad.

"H ar^” aiid Brunal, to blmaalf "la tba wrt af t ^ g I want. Can I nproduae it in aa wUflelil foraY' Ha forthwith aat to work, and tha floal ruu lt of bla labpn, after many fbi1nn% WMthe I'linon* boring ibitld, with whloh thoXhamutonnal wu axonyatod.

Thia (tory waa told by Brunal bimuifl aud tbat* ll no raaaon to doubt ita truth. Tba kaan aburrar oau draw utafnl Ituon* from tb* humblaat of th* woika of God.

The Wanderful Heenary Along th* Hnnki of tbe African Biyer,

From the Uwigrapblc*l Maguui*.Little by littl* tbe banka g n w higher

and flrmar, ta d the gloomy miugroy* thickata ar* left bobind. On either lida nf tba natrowlng riyar nugepillar-llk* naibaa (oottonwood treat) with ywt bnttre**- ahapad toot* twenty or thirty feet highi atand ranged along th* eloping ridgu Ilk* giant leotlnala; and b r In the dIaUaee the mighty pyramid* of the Oameraoai HanotoioA 13,700 feet iboy* tbe *u, a n aaen looming darkly agtlnat the werm dreamy hue of tbe tropical iky.

la front of Aoqua Town wo c u t anchor and ar* latlantly aurroandad by Hora* of cane**, while the air ring* with a clamor of boaru yoleat, offering for n ie at nb- anrdly high, priau Bonkay* u d pu ro lt (wbdae ecreecblng tw ellt formidably the yaltlng chonu), frnlla, yogelablea, g n u Beta, wood oeryiaga and qnaar-looklug aanaical inatmmaoti Itka an oyargrown comb tied to a llato. Boma el tha ctryiog* —Bora aapeclally one of a crocodil* dm yarning a anake—a n wall eaongh ex- ecnlcd to b au out wbat wa bay* haard of tbo DualUa't inpeilor dyilliatloo) but a proof of tboir lingaring batbatlam Baata me tbe o rx t momeot In tbe ahipe of Fetiabman (a gentlemin akin to tbn "B edldna mao” of tba Indiana) officially a rruged lu a moat eltraordinary wig or hood of fu » y black hair, with a topknai u big u a plate.

H n. Kar at once beglea to ekeleh biro, but apparently the profeaaor af witchcraft b u BO mind to ba Imwitobed bimaalf, tfaia balag wbat tba taking of a portrait m eua to yyary Weal Afriean uyage.

"Wblto num i" (woman) he acraiBA " no put ma in book I Ho no had man— me good man ; wbat for put mo In bookf'

And tbau ha abruptly cloau tba aiUlng by dnoking down In the bottom of tba canoe. Looking after him 1 eapy an eyen more atari] ing flgnr* In tb* next boat—a nun with negro build and featnraA wbou etiap waolly hair la rad, wbll* bla ^ In b u

•tranga oruge-taw ny eolor, not a wblt darkat than B iny a Spanlntd or I ta llu . I at onoe guua him to ba on* of tboao myatarioua "Wblto A frlcua" of whom Stanley b u told mo ao many atrange ta lei; butar* 1 can iprlng to th* lida to ball him he U gone.

8 0 W B R BIRDS.

Ha Raeoiuinanda th a t mor*k**p*n B* rn e c n le d trem DepaalUng Ifwccplnga an th* Kfrc«u, th a t EIccIrIc t'nr* It* Hiinnded KArly, and T*lka of Privat* Ncw*r* » HupcrliLlcndvut Mareh'a Ba- port—CdId m I Ptio* Writ** to a Rail­road Compauy but Raoelvea tfo Reply.


Lamouad*, lag ■aamuatry^ naatibayflid.


tnggaaftona Caleolatod to Add to th* CatBfbrt of Tesyollan.

yr*B th* UdlaF Rom* Pontoal.Nanaaa, from tb* motion of th* caii,

may ba pnyented iu tbe fallowing way i Tato A aboal of wrlting-papot largo anangh t* oovat both the cheat and •toBub, and pot It on undar tb* clothing, H i t to tba paiaan. I f on* ab u t la not b ig* anougb paat* t t* adgu af tw aar ttra* tagattaar, Cbr tb* c h u t and atoBieh muit b* waU nattrad, W *« t t* papal ttna aa to aV tt Y tt iiM -tnUfllag, and ahaaga tt a r try day if yaui jotmay ia* b a g BM. Tboat wh* barn triad Itaay ll b a parfaot daftaoa.

T boa*M w boB tb*toiB “ tlu p a r’* b nbalbw maekaiy aaay prHI» tv tt* aiperi ana* af aal**B*n tad a t ta n wbo irayel fraqaoBlIr. nad bnv* tt* bad a id * ap wltb tba pillow toward tt* loeomotiy*. Jnal why t t b ibonM mato atopp u t b r b • a t axpblnaS. but t t* plan b highlynnoBBandad,

If y«n ar* ey*r i t atialU far a claan handkaroblaf or two when no wuhor- woman b within anay oall, tty t t b plaai Upon HBOfalng your batol lato all your aollad baadktrublafr, waib and r lo n t l ^ umI apsaad t t a u oot aBoolbly on t tu window panat. B a io ia tta ttta ia a t* M ertauff u d that tba ooratia form right uagiM, W bw dry u d MMffilly foMad M DM o u ld toll tbat fbay had not baan IiotmA. E b tflly ambruldand bu d k a i' dbblk Wilt not laok u iBsatb h plain a n u , but wlU certainly dalY dataetlaa u r a i a a aaxnlkle. __________ _

luwUgniltow u d Ib* TbrtffCongiaBBU MaAdentn th* lom n.

I HBolad* that A yary Ugb or ntobnllally pnnlWlaiT tariff in tb* Doliad BtaiH b honwl b l a ^ la apib *( nil mau rulrbUy* nau- Br*a,ai*i|a. nnbaalttiy. nndaalrablt, abnor­mal iBBWnUoo of tboa* who ear* noWng, and daalt* to knuw baa abaut atucUlBciililpi u Imaalgralton wblob b Inimical lo AoMrlou bbotand a u liv y to tba but Intaraaia nf tba whab aouatry. I eoanlad* alto ibai It wUI badayaainally to n du ttron t alba ewntr- ibtoofA Barleupnpartlu u d toaUaaooa- tori af ear iadnawtoa and doBaMtacoBnucea

All tb* W«U-drau*d Man Abatl town will waar tbbi dnok ■ Mauaiilu TBia ManbaU A Bniiuy* anuunuae Itna,HW itgh a T tt, B, *1. Ht-Ady.

du w u M u d ciuiM* j B m i Hb*

Th* VnrIoni Hp«cl*t of yVInged Taitoful Uld Ornam ental Arehltacti.

yron Iba Detroit Free Frru.There b n nombai of yatlatlu of bowar

birda different from each otbar in imall waya but all ilibe ia tba main fu tu re cf building plOMure bon iu and groundauid decorating thorn with wbat tbey oonaldai ornamental ubJecta. Parhap* the moat u - peit at thaae buHdera la tbo epoltad collar bird of Auatrnllt, which b a beauUfril bird with a collar of long fmthara abont tt* neck.

Tba n u t ol the collar bird ta a yary oidinarr affair, for th b tn* tbllow keep* all bli akill and ideu of baauty for tb* building of tb* bower where be u d hb frianda may dbport tte ran ly u .

Tbi* bower b built by Aral making a platform of woyeu twig* about thro* foM long u d two foot wide. Along tb* aidu af ,tlib -ffu r iBg u ia H rtu g c d b u g tfriga held In place by balag alnck In tba aartb nod by atone* laid agalnat than. Tbcu twig* are 'curyed Inward to moat u tt* lopi and otbei tw l^ ar* Intorwoyn to glyo added tlten g tt and ahaltar from tt* rain. Baalde* t t b t t* latortoi of lha bowar b lined‘'with tall, loft gnw, ao placed that the beadi alniott B u t at tb* top. StoDH p i a b tg* lb* keep tt* graaaoi in poaltlaa, u d c u e b taken that no ipur of tb* tw lp naad ahall torn In­ward, u d t b u make it poBlUe tar a eaia- lau marrymaket to iq jn n k b taatbera.

The bird* now aanreh tbe aountry for m ilu around for ornamMtol ol^oct*, ulool- iug ooly andb u a n p u n white or brtl- Ibnlly oolortd, Sbalb, pabUaA ftatbnra, apt**, blaacbod boaaa, U b af ghiA >)*>- rtta, u d In litet u y th iag b rtg b ttad pretty a n b nogh t and plaood abont in au artbtin manner.

Pathwaye a n martcad out at aaeb w d of th* bowai by B * u | ol pabUai, wbll* littl* biUaok* a n enatod bufore aadb utrano*. W b n all b aamplatad a futiy* gatharing b bald. Tb* Bale* atrut about a ^ axhlblt tto tr flne f e a tttn and graeatnl oanliga, wbila t t* famalea lu k an in albnt td- mlinUan. Tbas d u d n g betlo*, tb* malai and fimataa d u o isg Hugly u d marat In pH n. ,

T e -n tem « ‘a " Yawn Ib tb ."A - aryGm. pcraali at a ropobt amataur

aatraB and a waU-anown jiaiitaad B U will apciear. Town Talk b lb* only paper that enunuu *U tb* wnddlnp, anaataBaotA an- maty aawa, panoula, *te» and m oonuaodan nitb all IB dapartoianb and Uluanattnu u lha graauai paP*' pnMlabad Mr tr* otnia. H an U d*liT*r*d*yiw weak t*_y«it nil- dana* br yonr aawtdaalar. Towa Tklk la aim tba bail adnttbing Bedtnm talb* g ^ R>t ta b from Capa Hay to Gnanwuod tab*.—Adr.

JautnAniitb, Jr., In* wUtia hbB bat and xray iprltia piunuxe. rnwntad an unu.uallj Jaunty appcer.not wUan ry.tcrdar afit-rniou he railed hU roHaafUi nf Ih* Stmt and Wai*r CummtMlon to erder and tUa maatliif ut lha niDinltiaa un FliiaiKia b«aan. Cbal^ tu n PBntb oidered Clitk Huuyou to mad <b* flnauriaS report (or Hay, wbirh i>h.iwed that thaierelpU nrte g»,(tWiOd; tba aipaadllart* tTP,'j•b7. and tha tolatic* In hank to lha tnard'a rtadit III7.W0.1T. Hr. Smith nilemd to Uia praotioC of Broad and Harkat Urscl ilorekerwia, nlio alwf Hum Ihiifouxhfarc* ar* cleaned, each morntoa iwaep paper and other reruto from tbatr 11x1)1* Intu ui* iiKlent He abo ylfot- uuttj eofldemncd (haatutminatila praoUa* rag- picker- bav* of rakuig up to* oootoni* of gar- bagti and icrap ttarrelr, loarlng fllihy Itucr ■ lung the curli* Ha tbuiigbl the city •rtvao- ger ihinild look aher Ihu matter- and that official elH beto lustrucled.

Mr. Hinlth minplalnod that the **1001 u*ed by Eaboicra employed tiy lha chief icayengor arc not properly covered dmlug rollecttun houn. pniniiiig mil mat tha aklmpy UUIe rag* of cauraa ihoy pteieiaiedto hide th* garhage uiiitar oflen Irll it erpoaed. ta olfend th* noatrtli by lauervky. Ha ilao propoaed 10 have the |-ollca enlorte Itia i-rdmanoe pro- hthuinn the icaitenng of adtartitlng dodgem about tbe aireaia, ta the tumnandi o( thoM hindt-llla gave the highway* * diirepatal»le appearahoe.

When the general Iward wu called lor work Fteaidaiu Kmith inggMied Hut a rornmuclna- Uoh (Tom lha Boaol nf Health relating tea pro- pcaad lewor In F tat ktieei, hei»r.‘n W*tren aud Dtekenon, abould tn rctemd to I leap propriaie commltlee, which wu dene. Hr. SmUh alin Inumated that lha fommlielonon ihonld a m f t the Fir* CniomnaloDct*’ lovlta- tfon to iwylew ibn parade of that daparlmcnt from the n ty Hall on Jiiua lA and hta ciil- laaguea aeqiileaced. He niao uid ha hei laved human Ilf* wu endangered through lha cere- launtM of aleclrtc car men, wbo rarely ring their warulng gong* tiefore their rehiclea were on lUeet croulnga. aud drew a graphic word picture of me startling Qlleol tb* gongs have on tklltlib hone.. H* dmlted Ib* oauiwal of tbe bawd to nofily lh« mauigertoflbe two Mna* of electno ntiwgya that it their employca do not rihg tha gongs heftm rsschliig a stresi ciosttng the Wrci-t and Water Commlaelonem would have to make those carpuraltons put fligiaan it every nrow street the electric cam pass, colonel I'llo* war losirucic-t to act In me BStler.

Hr. hulth, in referring lo tba many eppllca tiovt the hoard rccelred for pcnniislon to holld prlyal* stweik. said thil hetetlUr It would b* well not to grant any such requests until lha proparty-hoidets Imarssted In each agreed to pay for a city Inpccior tooyarhxik in* eork, and he added that such Invnectnn ihtaild give hnndi. A motion (0 that olteci was adoplod. I'midoul Smllta then onk up ■pidl- eatloos for sewers lo Fifth *,*11110, lielwecn NUin and Eleventh atieeU, and Nurtb Ninth Ureal, beiween Fuurlh and Fifth uvcnuei. say­ing that intsmuah as all prlvaUi sewers would evantuaMy rtvart tn the oonlrol ol tba Hoard ol Works, ha Uiooght it would ha well to hind Ih* bulldars of snch coDdnlls looarialn fair ooudlttona.

Hr. Hmlm, eontlnnlng on Ihli suldocl, eg. plalnad that tnar a privata sewer Is huili and It WB KMind naotisanr to pot to basins, which, in nearly every caee ooil b much is th* dewn, tha etty at larg* waa ia**d fov toe sinka This he did not oonsldrr fair, boldlut tkal raat Biate owners in the neighborhood of the Bwer should pay tor the bBlni. To carry out IhaB Ideas he reoommendcil tbit tba board's counBl iiid engineer pnpam ati agminent that petiUoneia lor private sewers must sign before their ippiicaiiom will he grsnted. This doournem, Mr. Smith estd. must make ibe properly-owuen Bklng for* drain pay tor *u Intpecu and tor any hasin nr hafliHi that might Iheraailer b* built, and tbat they must wtilye ill right of inalalano* against dty amenments lor sewers that mey talar he built lu Ibair neigh borhonda presl. dent Smith ■nhounned tbat ha would uni vote for any prlrala saner, tbe projarlota at which would not comply with tola egreeemint, Tbe hoard adopted Hr. Bmith's plen.

Fnsldcnt Pmitb reported thai, acting under tutitorlly of bis tellowi of the commliilhii. he ylslled Engineer Ftalev, of the New Turk Aqueduct Boerd- who had oftored to act as ooosoUlag engineer on Newark'! new water works lor K,<iao a yair, Eiiginoer Flrley sard llBt lor that pay b* would Tl.it Newark's waiar works ocoa a month, or olianer if th* work lequlred hi* prwehce. Thh waa gAO a day tor twelve tripe, which Ur. Smllh con- Iidered high, and ha came away prnmulug to itDd the New Yorker an ana wer In a few days.

Mr. gmllb said ha la aware that K.eity la a competent mac, but queetloued whether It would be wiee to engage (htoi for a year, ai bis sarvtcea might not be needed that long. Mr. Smith suggested that be he authorised tooflbr Fleley I2S0 a month If he eouBnu to rliit Newark's works one* a wBk, if reqaliwd. Toe JTeatdent explained tbat by Ibis arrangement tha board would notbe ctanpelicd to keipihe engineer longer iban be Is actually needed, Th* required saihoriiy WB givaQ.

KupennlcDdant Marsh prefaced hts pert tn th* prcce*din*snf the bMird by itylng: "What 1 pudding tbeee eonirsetnis miuld hay* had at 1100 a mile for slreet claaning We cleaned ■bout twoinllei last nlahl and It ecst Ibe city necUv IW.'' Mr. Marsh repurleil tbeee ex- pendiiuraa in his dtpirtmeat in Hay: bireata and highways. K-tW.M; lewera and dmins, tg,772.U ) public groQDds, (ittlT? ; sidewalks, n il. and ciuBwayA MTil; totsi, Sl.iin U. It WB adopted. Hr. Harsh reported that the New YtwX and New Jersey Heleidtone <kim- piny had erected eeven pulei on Bmnivick •treat without ecnwoi ol me heard or * ithuut regard to m* ordlnanc* goverclog euch ereo- Uoni.

TTie tuperlBiendenl addad that a carriage WB lati week dBiroyed by haing forced ■galuit an eleolrie win pel* and he spent three daya betore ba found the namt *i Ihe ••mpaoy that awnad tt. Mr, Hush uld a city oidinaoea makes It ueceBiry tor all tele­graph and talephou* ootuiraalB to paint tbvir polB Uld ettaoh to aaco a algu plata, beerlcg lha rume of th* ocrpcgatlo* owning tba pola Th* oomrsiulB have nevar oompllod with allbar *1 Ita piartalona. Tb* natter w b Uld oyer.

GoloDtl Frla* pul In gup*rlDt*iid*nt Manb’i bond tor RO.ODA with William Corbett and Mtehael MeOnlnaB *1 aUitUoa TI)p„t:qLouel

AI.MDNT A HI.Af'K ItlAMONII.A Heinarkable *i.d Valualil* C-em Wllh

a I'ecitllnr History.From tha Jcwai Iris' W- skly.

A gem as remarkable as It Is ytluahl* wts recently eihiblled t* a lapreaeutatlv* of tba li rrtly. It It a-llsmuiid wrigbing 4 raraUi, lees S X t. aud ia brill laat cot. The Slone it to hsrrl that in polithlaf 11 black laitl or twrbuu waa required, and, unlike any ulhrr colored diamond of ila ■iat, it IS almost perfect. All aiparts who biva aitnrluad it prouoaui'a It uoe of lha flaeat coloreil stones uf ita lixe aver cut. Tbe Work of |Hiliahiug wm cunipletrd Iasi Fehruary.

Tbe tutor of Iba diamund hulh in or­dinary light and in gae light It an unnsu- ally rich golden bruwn; In itrong eun tight ll Is limuet black. It It ninryellaaily transparcDt. and when moved iu tb* light rwyeali Ibe moat brililant vsriilluet (row golden to liruwo, mingled with prismatic tint*, lla ili'hnes* of color Is uucqiialFsd, tt Is claimed, byioyolher diamond knuwn to Ihe irsdc.

Thestiine was found, as nearly as can ba aacarlainrd, alsiiil Iwu years ago in tba HiUM lie raei dill net of Urisil, aod ila tauloty ia Intrrvsliog. The Under "wta a naily* wbo did uut knuw that the etou* was a disuioud, but frotn fla peculiar color and richneif, even in theruugh, wncluded that It w u a " gold ilo*a,'' that la a charm by which he r-ould discover gold. Tbe fact tbal within ■ week he " panned " lav- aral nnnecs of gold frum tha aaud in the bad of tha altram where It w u fnund con- flruied hi* I'ailli lu (be chkrm. which ha ■ftarwsnl for saveral daya woietn a little bag xttfarhbd U) K MrinfE farufatid bM ntek.

TI)a dlatuund, It iv viM, reaihcd a rarr- chant la Kiu da Jvnalru tbrougha pai'uliar accldeot. Tba Dative nbu had fuuiid It WU JoornajliiK ta a canjp of trad rn with bln gold duvt, wUvn he wan N imh b j a •erpent. Applyiau tbe autiilote known (o the peopla of that ixiuRtr^s he ptooeeded on bla way, but bid not gone far whea he WM again hittea. He treated htmMlf Fur the Mooad wound aud ronliniied r>a hta Juuraey. Wblli* uluupliig w drink from a brook tbo fiugi of a auiko wetv> faitencd lu the btg which conlaiucd the vume. <>u reaching the caiup be wai found to be iuccumbfog rapidly to the cOocta of the venom, and when qurtainuNl by tbe ramp •nrgnon Wid bow (he imHke bad veiat. (be big at hta throat.

Tbe iiirgeoii wia prrmitlvd to iee tbe •lone, and, euNpoi'tiog lit real character, be told Ibe native that it wav eitremely dan- gcroai to have it about blm, a« It attracted veaoQjuni reptilev, and advleed him to iiuk it in a aaighbofiug brunk. Tii« lU' pentitioue flqder of tbe diacnoud acted apua the inggetlion,'aiid tbe covetoua Kur* geoDs having watched the proccedlug, availed hiuMlf of the flmi opportimUr to flab tbe lem from it« hhilug place. Tba diamund wai porebaaed recently from the cutter lu Europe by Edwin A. Thratl, of New York.

c u n eu sig n in t e k r h *

He See Hiw epadWl adVe* fege S,


y g i | a twam Biw WtmUm

r^ iM d that, in obeHRye te tbe Irutructfon# of the buud, ba bad wmlen a ouuriaoua letter to the offirtali of the Delaware. Lwckawamia an* Wwtorn ttailroad, tailing tbam Ural they must place SagBin at all Nawarfc auaeu ensa- log Ibatr line, but bad raealved no reply. Hr. Friee alio Bid Ural arguaient oa Ibe vaUdlty ef Iba law craatug tba Board or Works ended 00 Wednesday law and ba axpeata a deeinon dtini^ th* tanxlay term or tba Court *t A[i- pcals haglnBlng Jun* lA

Dr. Handry piaaaatad a isaaluUon authoris­ing tba CoBmlsBouem to apply to tbe tllroult Court tor anilKxIty to eoudaniu land for me pipe line and water work* to Mrty out any •giBminl mad* betweeo tha water oumpauy a u lha old aqoeduot board. It wb adoptod,

8h* T « k Two B**ta.rrem lha Naw York Ocntlnaoi

A baauUnl wamau to a BIkan gosrn wim flauacu of lac* fMtooned wilb atraoBan of apple-groan valyat ribbon hoarded a Broad, way ear y*atttday, and baring dtaeoveead tbat Iban waa *0 vaotatiaal and that no uo* wb going to giva bar ana, took up hag poaltlon In Iba uantra of tb* ear, with bar paiHoi, a fear fully and wundtrtuUy-lkablatMd aflxlr of green and biMik, k*ld botlioauliy under her arm, bix passengen I* her ImBwdtoi* vtcliiliy Jumpw to thalr Ikat b If worked by ilectrle wires, and with buaM* Blan meekly pgnOkted her malt aaait. Sha couldn't tak* rii, but ib* took two. ^

ChlldgBV* D*pBrtB*Bt.•* .M Bwi ffAdO.

Wb are niu dnto« gnat tblags at thei* prtaB In ebUdren'e solia. Tbe brokan lots ul M and Msulia flod tbalr way Into this lale. TUr (aturday w* bar* tb« most aiitacilve atylaa and gtaataM ladnuaBtala eg.tba toatoa. Maibai* will ba ptacBd to know that w* an a lila i a paUut oblUFa walB to wblob the ton looMinfouaBtaed iMd toooBaof) Kvety tblBf nobby lor otaUdeam «v*o to WBh itilct,

firjaad q M rtin to* ebil- dieo’i oMbUig, TM to HI Bnad ai-Ady,

Hay* yea *•■■ tba dna Htw ■erg* Imia tbat wa an aelling for tUT Tbey ar* aud* to tba best maonci and araliidliOBluaa. Kflpatnok, Baus A gipp.-Ady. ^

A Gi^rman Cunot Who n Md M«mof Hli KnglUhe

frum tba rblctio Herald- The ufabappieat man in all Cbieagu y<M-

terday waa a youag OernDan couul, who bai been at tba Efchelieu for a few w«ck». Ho made aeveral tripe from Ihe ofll» to the cafe, and wandeffd alm b^ly abonl ibe boMlp exclairaing nuw and then :

' Efferytimelupeniiny Hherman monlb 1 Myi •rxaedlDg."

Tbe Count apeakv KngUab fecklaaily, and be vndVred Heturday fur a mielake mede the eventog before which w u qaUe aiuaitng to all but him. He wa« une of a jolly theatre party tbat vUtled tba revUu- raat after the perfuroiaane. A very merry time w u paikody and before tbe eupiwr waa over a aoundayianebeou wai plaaned for klonday.

Of coorte the Couat w u one of tbo Ant to ba Invited^ and that honor wutolruvtad to Mrv. Woodrow, of the Hotel WoodrulT Tbe young man waa deligbtM toaco^pt Iba kiudueiH, and auiwereil with adj«i> livea prufuiteiy, Preaeotly be aaid to Mrs* Wuoilruw:

Yoo vlll pardon me off 1 got tome ie> fermatOti T"

"With pleavurCg (.Vnints"“ D u luDcheou du kora at noun V “ At 1 o'clock*"“ 1 doan lofe to u k , but av I'm ioaociv*

turned to Amexicaa vaya 1 vaut to leara •ontediug."

“ f wUt be only too happy to inform you '

"liH ilk about mine appearance at d it nOQO luDcboofaT '

" I will toil you."“ PaidoDp bol fill I veir nty night

drcia T"All eye« were turned toward Mri* Wood-

row, aod her baadaome face w u a trifle colored. It wav quieter around tbe Cable than a Hunday la PhliadoIpbiiL, only to 1)6 broken by arepetitluaof theum^YjofaCioD by tbe Cuanty who waa ealirely uucon* k Ioui whit a little word bad dune,

Urt.Woodrow wuequal^o tite occaiion* and wb«Ti tbe Ouuat uked tor the vcoeDil tim e! “ Pvrdou, but fill 1 vear my uiglit dre«M?" ibe replied: “ No, yon might gel tbo grip," and tbea hurriedly uked the Cuitut wbat be tbonghtuf ihe Tbomuconccrls

When the party bad broken up and the geatlemaD eipialaed to (be foreigner the difference keximn ^'bigbt drevi" and “ evenlug dreu" he w u ou ibe verge of being driven 10 drink* ^

Moirletown Newv Itfitna*An Inquiry lute the mental condition of

Aleiaodcr Cmper* the deacon la the Prenby- leriaa cbnrcb et Hierllng, who recendr •( templed lo emaoit Ntu Iwooanl, a yning woman ol that place, and who wu lloaliy tekeototbe Morrlv Plalut AarhiBi. w u iumuu yeeterday In tbe eoimroum In Hrimilowa br tote Ifareo cufnmlwionerti and a Jury, kuvtjral wlloewwM were eiamloed, and it wu «nuwn ClearlY (bet tbu dcMN>a bed boeo a man of good inorala A vetdict wai mderud m bc< ourdauf.u with the evldeace and pepen were undo oui (0 pnxect bt« male. I>r. Uarrin. uf tbe iityluni, exprened frar tbat Mr. r'Atnpur Wdl not recuver. He li iroybltd with paralyi]i,

Jfg f^ck end » fit-- "^Wtltiien Of tfaeUoiHitown HIcyellKi'Club wUl acooqupany tbe atmuainu) of (be wbeelmea IrtNs Newark lo 1*btladeipbla on katurday week*

FcMter A Vnkfl have void a ioC, TllxinO foet. enmer of (Oliee and Wotmoro avenuM, Mor- rlitowb, to Mri. Anoa If. Day, daugblarof General Urrea ; ptu» 11,900.

Ifae yeariy ibicement of ike Board of Rdn- eatlon of Morrlvkiwo ahowt lotel fWcetpiv of

toUd dlibuieemeol^ 119,234.64 ; beiaiJOi in ireavorr, Itl.dSi-M. Tb«ro li a biiaoee h> tbe ereditof ibe Ifaduvtriai licbool Amoantinfr to ItM/M*

Bev, C li. Ha Faonell, of Brooklya, will, on Sunlay, occupy the piHpli ol (be Uenietpwo Coftirefttkiiial Cburch,, fata ftwoMrcluuge.

Boiled Tkent TogetiverqFrotn tbe VotiUi'v Compaalua.

Wcnddl PbliUpf, bavliMt bean announced to iecture In (be partib ioveUng*boqet, found 09 bla arrlvai (bat tbe eoiamUtee waa aot egreed u to IM vufaject of Ibe lieo(uro,

•» Dow many lecturei have you brought, Hr. PbiilJpt?" Uked tbe ebainnen.

"All of them am hero,"aoiweredtbe iec* tUKr, tapfdfag bU Eorebead.

•'Will." CQoUnned tbe chalmaoy “ we'll uk ihoM in ibo aodlenoe whicb one ther praH ter lo bear."

Tbe aodlenoa wm aUo divided, temM celled (br "Xouetalol I'Ouverture,''oUien aiked tor ■*Tbe Ituit-Aru." At lact ga old menaioae aad aald;

“ n* poet we have boib. CoaldnU yon give Qvbotb, Mr. Phimpef

Yeia“ aniwerrd the oralor, (eklag In Um bttnor of Ibe •ttua(teH'>two ieoturea lor ocm tee.

“He gave both, winding from one to tbe o(^r,“ t6Ml fate Mcgraidwr, Rev. Carloe Har< tyn. “ with aaohdaftacaa tbal Iv w u ttepoe- •ime la detect where tbey were Joined. Tbe audleoce rtUrtil leeUng tbey had got ibeir atoeef ■ woftb." ^

WIUuMit KxeepUon The lineal •took of light veeu lo (own li now on tbe eouiilenof Uanfaall A fieli | T ^ , 91.00 and ti.Mi beatulhti maierialf; elegaatiy wade.—Adv.

PitaB away duvni inia montti t taiBl Vary | • a y . tD ib j iu tC ol-AUt.

LAW AINU UUIIEK MEN K E nfrE r.lt.Irvington's Trualn** Will Net Help Them

lo MalnUlM (he 6et)b«tli'i Haiirtlty*Tbe Irvington 1-aw alnl Order l.ckirue U lu­

ll ey mouraiiui over ■ pile cf erothed bopee and rwmvd expmednia The tfaaiierttii blow wa« mceiYud et me haiMla «<f the hoard of Villaga Tiuhletw, (x'fore wfaum the cuwmllieecf iha W e e ( ) v . o l J J i nveii, F^hI Puwl#, Jiwfl'ph teitckinaa ai.tl Will lleedley, ap- pF'iivd ia«t night and IVuni whirb the ouoi- nilttee expected waiertel aid. A large crtiwd wa* on han'1 lu ex peiMatIun of (be ten. boi Ike rH-imretiK-e wea lo lale in poltuii In enaiiwer* aiicr (hat hurl were eiproaUil (bat the metier wuuid zK)t ciwue up

A moilini u> ailjiiiini bed breu Wide wb*B Mr Ftkwi* iRkad pvrtniMloti tu be beitd. He ■ettl that tbe leefoi*, whloh repieeeoied Ibe fa(kticr clement nfttie vUlea*. wShe«1 ihe ct> op*rauoii cf th* T»nneei loobUiii beliercrdvr, tt-iM cially 00 the public blghwaya and In the •aiiRtiii. Tiwv alto wbhed ibe ateppege if kl«gHM runtilug between tbv vIHm * and illKua on Hunday. The civil babbelb wu ntH^ary 111 tfae RtHPl Dflbi village and tbe wulfern uf all witrklnaracn. lYpeaiaUv, be Cflinipmlneilihffit Aloe* fallprotniaenMlu (be Iaw and Ordet nitiTcmeni fata appearebM on tb* atrtwl bed itit«n the fltael for a gmatlbg of citeeUi. Tbut, be «e|ii. ihnuld b* atopiied.

Ur. I'uwle bad no aouaer lai down than lAwyer Andrew FiUalmBuni waaca hta ienL.Ua Diedu a red-hid ap«Kich in oppcaliion to wbat he termed a ‘'nrnvecdent nf narrew* iniiidwl fanatick" " I jnI iia have au bin* lawR,' ha RtiMiiied, "lam a laMyer, bnt w aijcfa am atbamed Hut loob oartiuncle on a njibie |m>r*oak>n vhtmld not luug age have Iwcbcutoff. Ddfouwanl todrag down the PIT*perlty Id your Iowar If an, aiUonw three lawa. male U Impnmlble tera man m leiy a pint of milk or • cigar, or read the paper on the HebhttS. The ( burofa tbat needs (lie lATkitig Ol a Jaw and Order lAamic m kwp it uplud (letter be allowed toorumlil*." Mr. flttelmuioiii^v ipeecb wu wimily apptaudud by the aiillenoe. Mr ftiwle, ofteodwl liy ihW, denounced UKwe prrweui Ibr tbelr evidetit •yiuttatby with (be Iiitcrel eahhath Iip Iiom.

Prcaldeni (Vf Ifae Uw and i^rdff Headley nUn aiiemplHd teaciere Ur. FUsUtn monis but wai cillud to older by l*re*llratnr TriuHeea iHcrteUi. Hr. iHnrlaui aaked for Bpcctfle cbargei. Aa te the auffw, he tfaoniht It would be a clear tnjuattne bulb id theu owner* aM the rMWecU of HiUpo in emp tbfm. With regard (nolhcMDaUer* they moat have apti'lAr (bailee- Thea Ihe I*w and Order pcnpti had (he aam* ngbla u iho Trua- MM and dM not need Uieir tieln.

Hr. Headley tugre«ted (bat ll wbr part of (be diitlM of a Tillage preeident lo go iniu •alnniM on Huuday and iMain evidedoe. Hm wiiuW do ao. Hr. GlotletK replted mat hn did not couMder tt toy part of htidniy peraou* ally to nbteiT) evideiice agalnn panlea who w«i p guilty of ItitrertHm of tbe law. "I ihall oerlajiily not do any lurh thing," nc lahl.

Mr. fowle wanted lo ayeek egalii. but Tnintee rbruUeDMld: "Hr. FrealdBiil Idoom we any good puinl to be atialocd by turn Ing 1 lie RimiQga oflbitboily inicadebaiiug ecinicl, aod I movetfaet we adjourn." Aud ad}nurn the teiard did. leaving the Uw and Order pwkiple bUH talking. Ther were evldeaily iPurK chegnaed at the rvPiiff Which Iboy re*oelveds

l^vlouitcHiaappearance oMbe Uw eml Order oomniUtee the foHcwtug bu«]u«M was di«|)CMed o f :

HaWborne A Co. having failed ic file a (Mind for hiifllment of tkeir contract lor ateoc, lha Clerk win Lhatrucled to niHlfT tbe next lowrit tuliK-n* HpiAtLiwuude A Ca, that (heir hid waa ac(U|itfd. A oooiittUtee from the flluinn IfiWDNhlp f'ommltlee appeared and Rlginhed lha wlLlingncMol ibat body te rerl IU halUo tho Tciii(c«es and tbe next meattag cf the VH* lagc friwtee* will bt held in tba Town Hell.

Tfae committee appointed to wall oa fMiper- lOtendcnt A. Reiaoner, of tbe Delaware, I,ark* •wanna Railroad, reported that they bad aecn Mr. Kcaeoner, and (bat be hadfleleired •cilou 00 the matter of an extenaion of ibal mail in Irvlagton until after he end the rrAd'a an- Rlne«r ahould have gone over the proposed route. The bid of Thumaa Retlley lor tbe lay­ing of Ndewalka waa aocepied It the foIJnwIng prtooi: Hidewalki, fluen mnu per rquare feet: rmeiwalfei. iblrty-Ave oenli per iquare lout; IteifflaD binckv. 91.W par«quara yanl.

M. K fWake and J. L Cbapeian wera reap- pc1i)iM<l membera of tbe Heelth IkMrd. Of- dltianoet wera peteed opening Howard atreet, from Cllnten aventie te (kiliaffe iireei, ead rioiriBomit avenue, ftom Lyun evfnue. A rommittee waa appotutud to aJiaBlne thu cou> dltlonuf Hcdwfll avcDCtev Tbe Airnci ('um' tnlHee were tnatrucuvl icctnptoy Hr. rtcarluti lo make a TMurvey nt f'lairmciiDt avanuN and Howard vireet. A nun mil tee wae eppcloted

FROM ABOUT THE ORAN0ES.Kappralwg* ami Ollier Mattora «f Intar-

Galherad In WuhurlMin Vlelda. ir%f krif.Vf.VF> Vgir.«<A<MffJteWiM eftmnfA

fV /.tedWrtr owmom, irlfA >.'1

fhm-nHtr uiU *« rWf af <#cn. ()r6pn fi>rikttiM deti‘1 try ( W o a g p « * r (

tiiN nWfH/fcjfffc, iJrtalfrl, unJ w t •*iwi M'4ti te neg>lin1 te tfiWtei>w:awUAaiv(^4re4 ekuMter i*rfMVKri.|

rtankUn W. Giffin and Miw Harr Jay IlnlntM lianwia, iicpdaugbter of Hamiwl U H«n«ou. of OrauiK. were nianUl ai Hr. Ren* ajit’a raaldfUt'C ou Wi-dnrmlty pfVPing. Hi'V. Df, J. R Hfaipman perturruwi ibo tvn'mony.a*^ •litwd b> Hvv. hiikulffy White. Hlw lleUm (iansou waa tbu ocuild nf bunor, acd me luiicra were Normau W. Want, William H. (i<aalwtu, It. W. H. <1. IteWQ end J, W. Garnea. TUe iH'st wan wai fjr. w, r. liiUer.

Mr. and Hni. fhariM r l4ffaihlpe gave a DUiioate M Ibclr rMidentw, ronier cf Main and Ncrih JrftiTMmainwla. Oraugc, l*M nigblq lu faoikir cf 11 U« Itewcil, of Horaiilun. I'a.

(hi W>dnc«1ay mgfal Uri. Kve ApinU, of IM Wiwhiniiiot) mrv«tv Orange, bad iinr gami ti nttite’d iifa tel ut vugutablvB. lAataiKblane waicbcit I t and luw (hrtH> rn«n deiipolMiig K. hhe fuihiwed thi'in to Juhn (jonit'R iiai rui-uiry on Ka»( iMiy Bln>«t and poiUit'd (HI1n<r Kully, wblt artMiiHl two men Uimrd Krauk KIrfiiau, uf hhfrlden ai,ri*«i, Oratmu. ami WdiUtn Ho- t'arthy, of Nawark. Thin morning a lormal oumplaint wm rntcred agaliut tfaain.

Mra William I lyaoD, wUo 1»V0« at (bu curner of Wbila ami hprtng atraeiit, urangf. wUure ihe mip|>oru faarteH aud l.mr rfaddrac, baa a fane- hand Mho Hvoa lu Hrooklyu. WhtmSbrgi’ia dfuafc he nMneioulto (tratigr and terrunaua hU wile. Yciterday wax mta ef hli *iaiunx diya, and hla wiM bad himarrwteil fay uir)- iwri H(y«| and Hvyker. on a charge ul loaklrit Ibrcaiii4iwar.il her. He wit favlU nntil facbe- came Mdwr aud then dltubargcd.

Ihci Hut. teanteT White. uF tfae IHIlaide IlMbyterlan fbuTch. arango Valley, ban r*- liiranl fyurn hia wudillog trip aud wlUocvnpy hi* pulpit mi Rtiuday oaxl.

'thr marriaga uf Mtei l.ui-v Hanger he Veen, daughter uf Hrv M. M. Iht Vaen. id Waabltig- ifiti plttcr. Crtek fhturh, lo William M, Her* Iholoittaw. ul HtrnidshnTg. ra., lonli plaoe ai tha lUMJim ol KiURbip ol (he HwsVl«uU>riai n huoiely, fUeex ATunue, Orange, ai o u'cliM k yMierday aflernoca, Ibtt Ui'V. rfaarlcfl 11. Kann. paalor 6f tfae rtnirck. utfaclaicd. and ibe uibeia wart iHr. Frank Mufau, C. Kiburg Hann and Kiebai^ Hualey. 1 faura waa nu Iwat man uJ bridvemaid. Alcnit I'iH unaeU UHiti preto-nt am) ifac uburi’fa wee prctlUy avtMraied.

Tba Weet oranee TMwnauip OnaoiKtaa laat nlgbl ai)poi9Ud John Wecfal* w inipuncr of tbe work of laying the irerka ul ifao Neaark PtfMiicar Hallway along Vaiuy road ai I2.M> perdav, ibc tuwiuiMp te lake lu abanavt in geUlng (ba xama bai’k ftuii) the owspacy. tigurgu Mi'rkHa waa Kranlcd 4 rcuewal u( b1* lalmni licvniw. Ordihaneafi were intrcdiiofd te lay mu ami opau atockniaii Mrcft and tlNduley avimnes TbaaeUimul (lie laat inMiiim iiiuulvringa aeitlawalk laid iwi ifae nurth »IiId uf Mi* I'li'aa' am avuuiM waa rccumddared, a>id ibn walk wucfilerud laid on tfae acptiih ante fora dle- tartne nf Jflh Hrl wrai uf Isongflcw avuiiuc.

The Eteil Orange JaM utfhioleiicd a board of truUcM aa lollcwa : K- jW'. Keu-bam, Jr., C* H. Franrb, Ganrgu H. Grabaui. Cbarlee H. hootb, Frank L Kuigur end Frvaldeiu li. H.HBilUi, Vioe-freanleBi A. A. Hakcr. Aeirf- terv A. ». Meeker ami Trea*uc**r William Uootfa.

Tustnorrow anetnooD the ftranRe Athielw nufa will play ihu Uuuirlair ('tub at Mitoi* niter, Ibe Jeffitrvmi, oi orai4 e* will piay (bt Wait Uracjgc Kurn ai Wail France, tbe Oraaga rlqb will play tfae 0 . N. T.>, of New­ark* al Orauga, and tfae Omi V. M. A.will play Iba Bmup Grange Kiel*) Club In Orai.ga. ___ .____ ^ _____

ttl>Y19 niRTI Kll A HKKTING.

MS m m cm.The Honorary Committee for tha

Sixteenth Nationkl Snogirfeifc


Twn Hundred and Flfly o t Gui VwllMi Hlwgera Ja la In ** liac Kvemlv to Thule “-T h e Pitiable P llfhl n t QwMW I'hen* mhI Hia Cnm pm nr

Uia Aoad Board wltb reforcDOo to build­ing a bridge on AuguaUitreei.

The Htiutb Orange TowBvhlp i!nmmltlecat laHniffara meellng received ooamutilraHitei rrum W. l^•Oold*ta1th. of IHIlon, and Wtllieia

Haadler. pwldetit of ibe I.«w and Onter l/tague uf Irvington, rniupialnliig of Itaii xamci and dniokon rowK in Reokrf'i HroVv, la KtitcNi, every bunday, aan of ihe dlannii rW cundnrt that prvvtliN eacb Kabtnilb. UfMrt, (teldumlih and Headley aaked ibermnmmco

taka action u» Trrtivefal dlicrder, aod !ilr. Heatlley gtiaranleed tbat the Iaw am) Otdi'r Ijcagiieof Irvtnticn would aMim ifaecoinmliife In cinvliig tfae grove on Hundaya.

••«PIKK'R“ VICTIM AT MHKItTV.A. W. W inter Cornea to the Beiriia of ibe

Isiiekleaa Dane*Martm Jobiumi, the ycudg Dane who ba

been held m ifae wiiqeit-rooiu of Ifae coutjiy Jail aliice May A last aa (he comptalniTig wltDMH la tfae caau nf (fae Btatr againvt Kdgar fhandlrt. allae “ faplke,'' wa* releaecd yenpfr* day afternonw. Aiiguvi W’. Wifiter, a re«liuniit- keeper at H3S MarkeL itreel, gave b*i) lur Johnwin’i apiiearanoe when aanird in (bo Bum i f 1100.

hhorily after B c'clnck Winter, iba only man lo Fewark whom Jcfaninn knew, niterud ifae uince of tfae Cuunty t-lerk and qualified betor# Tteftety Cleik KfalngfaBiiaen. A ball ihp WM Mbt tc Ihe Jail and Job neon wav rc- icaird.

f'handler la mil) In ratreat, atthoogh Mii hnndHraan. Frank Rlrciiax', MyN be la mil) lo ik- Ing for “ Kplke." Nfirfaer Pioiepuior i‘r«nH nor AieteUtti Woacciiter H<nj J rteild be Imiod today, and It wax imp'MRibie lu team wfaelDer tiir- C'lM wraild be iniNfaed or nol Acfiuahit- HiK't** of tfae abaent chacdltr My thxt birouie will iw reimburatfd. __________

HfltevIHfl Hrteri.Al (fao mcetipg of iiia BcIlavllUi TowiiRhlp

Ojtiimiltec WvdneMlay nlgfai ihe oonirirt lor comiructiiig tbe drain cu John aireet te tbn river waa awardvd to Arifanr BaauirfJ. fivveral ciMwot typhoid lever hava recently bMQ re* punod in tbe uclghborbuod of DaWiU avenue and Jerviomaa airwl. A conmiUoe wm ap* puintM to iavaatlgate tho matur and report Minliary neMures lo praveni a recurrfacu if Ibe dlat aM. Tfae CulJnwIng were etacied Fife coaialMlOfteni; J. U. Yen KeiiiMlaer.I, K Baker, William OlUaon, A, Jerotemoa tadJ, falaUery. After tbe ufgac nation of lb# duw board laat oighi Jufao Uwreucc wm elH-te<i rtilef uf the Fire Depfrunentanfl Ed l.’nilanl, AMUtant CfaieC

A w«U*atteaded mreiing wu held In a hall nai Mala atrut lu t nighl fur ihe purpou ul urgaiilidiif a branch of Ibe Golden Hiair Fra* Urnlty.

A bow owned by f- Ackertoaq. aft Bella* vtUe. ran away la BlnocofieJd yeelerday, aad rvrfQplaiely wrecked Ifae vehicle U> wfaicli it wan Bttacfaed.

(ouftiabia Janiee Delfhba and Jamu Mo* OoDlfle, wblie goluf (Iowa Jobiiarrectyemer day uw a buy lying direcily acroaa toe ratl- ruad ireck making Fraatle eftom iu move out uf the way ol bb afipruecblag frelghf Iralo, The n«n rau to (be ipM aud wUfa difliculty putled the lad (rum off the track Juav a« the •‘Oflua rvached tbu crueaing. Tfae boy had got bia fool oaugiit m tfau track aud wae unafalo to eairycate himulC.

Hev, Ds H. Walla luuodercf the Uuloo Amarioan Kpiicopal Churefa, baa beea Irnmi' farrvti ig D. A. M. K l.'hitrcb la Han KIgbLy aitfa Btrcet, New York. He H aucceedud by the Hev. A* J. GMton, uf Vineiaud. Mr. Wella leavee tho beilavIlU ckarcfa to a fliijur I abiog condition*

Ifae quarterly uoloo metong of Xtu'- King'i Daiiihieii wu held te tfae chapel of tfae He-

formed chunrhyeatenlay iIloriindD*

Rallgloua Hervlue Hrokeu tip lo a l.u<'lt Nlreet MiHilon.

A number erf young meu uf tha Hilary Hh ok M. K. Cfafarcb ouadw'ta mUalun at 12 fuck akrtf(, Uld every Tbonday night tlMjr fated a nllgloui meeting lor hoy«. laat aightwbllo Renjamln F. (lark wm addrvulng the buyx. ■nme ev1l-dHp<iw<l JuvenllM on tfaeouteldeof the building began Ifa rowing itnuet through the ofito wlndowa Thte dtairacthd ifaa atteo* tiun ul Ifae buyt In the nM>m and they iwgaa U> laugh at one UlLle flallow who wu airudt mu the bead with a atoHO. luck atreet buya am aot i»eied g(MK) dlaclpllne ead ihey look Mlvaolaee of iha uoouten to hava a hiltrioua lima. The rrJlglou* lorvliwn were etnppud by the uniiie and tfae teadttra imind it iieceMary to call a pnlleemaii tO(|ncil tbe dbnnrhatH'C.

Thomat f'ieary, a^venteea, of lilN ir- folk •ireei: lAwivur’e Uag, aptetl ulneiaeu. of2:1 Nurlolk itreou ami John ConBeily, «x<h1

fliteet), of IW lludeon »treel, were arrested und locked np over night al the Nwtond I*rec1itel B iIKm hlattna, This morning Vrllitara b. Gwlnnell, ul Ilelny •treet. wfao appeared agaiiiNt tne bo>e, duciinod in preu rhe cnaritB. and Juatlce (oulou diu'harKCd thecn after lec toring theia na tne emirmiiy »1 m«lr crliue.

lllsOOHFlEfsn'H TrAClIKRR.

Ao Kapeotaut Poet.From (he rhlladelpbla Udgor.

Down U) HoliDOQtee, (Antral Auierira, there ll a puet named AteAiidro de f rrne Jlmenea wfaio wania te (x>jitrlMite, lor H.faQU, a poctn 10 the t'btpaico EkpoaUion, Itaii puta h epiOi cumpOMd ot Lweoty-teveD oaiitoi, cf ninety ilaaxM uf eight royal Uoea. Duu Jlmeacx u y i he fau bcca iwenty«flve yian wrUtug 11* end while ea a mobutacai “ U H not • uiperb Elflbl Tower, ll ia boTufad doubt far aupurlnr (o li." It U emitied tbv " t*tullad" or the Coo* vereluD of KL H u) the Apoetla." The tk,(W be want* Iminedleiely to pay bli expeiuwa to Cbirago, and tf the puam la not Mldfaciory he te not to be uked 10 reiwni tie money.

For RatorAarfl Jwaa 6 . 1S9 I> TokeepeuripeeU) Mle uf kfeii’a Buitiiem

aod Iteeve Salu, at 110,912 lod 9l9 eompleie, we have been coopelted te reduce fur lUtur* day'a trade a etwee bfcwB'aiiaed »uD, alio ftay* ttom I 16 to IIJ* and the tamatiful «llver-

aray check ftoei Ua (0 9tA- the Iqifat aod •rk gray cloth dlagChtl luiti. in irockii and ucki* at 919, ibow 111 the btib an oi teUonnir- Htoateobanrh A Ou.. Newi

to 806 Broad UtML-Adv*rark (‘hithiena 799

BergBim)Ous-Adv. nAMttoDntt** BPslAUler

AppolotmcnU Made fur the f umliig V aar.High ttehuot (.'ummciirmnicnts

Tba Hloomflald flnard of F>]itea(lon haa ap poUiied iLh iollnwlDR tnachurN In ifM'varlnuk iirh'H>)i h r Ifae CDiulng yt'ar:

High Kfifarx)) a»lliaiiiM. MlM Klla I.. l)ra;K>r and MIm Jetifate fluHWter; teaiperof draw­ing, Mtea LMiIm KiiNU'il, uf GlcM Kklgu . f'Dii- mauKfaip, J. H. I’rflutori, III NVw York; aratn- TnardeparitneiiU Hiv« Hamanma Vthvi'ter. Mtea Fadltfa £. Ilutlu, Him h. Ariua H-iln), Mm Mary J. iluat, Him KUa V. lIohiieR. HIm Kiura Van f'ainpvn atid Kate F. Iluhhanl.

fetilFc iTlmary-Mary M. Dirtte-f, l.iiieteOtla. Ida K. Kufateaon. Kva Hall. Miia Mary 1* FsDiuwoiid, Ji‘])i)le II. Kuaby and Mluutelte Martin.Bcrlirlty Iti'huol- Alice I'adruilt. Itefit-iu Hiuphvn, Arvllla Marun. Mabel (JltuMrad and Halite H. l'elmiiN«i.

Hn«k»lda hchoiji—MIm Jana F. Baird and MIm Ida M. Tiiua.

The tuird haa ditelded to hold ihc annual puinmcfauement of (hit lIlghHclux'l 'fa thr Flrit prcahvii'rlan 1 finrr'n on WcdiiHMluy ntelit, June al k rVcInck. B*‘V, lie u ^ A I’anll, of the Wektmlnaler Prcahyiorlaii Cfaurrh, wlllde liver Ifae addrtaa arid WllHHtn A. Iteidwiti. uf (fae fv«ru, will prvMiit Uie mpiouiea te ih,i gftdualc". ^ ________

Hluoinfauld ami Muiitrlair,Active Iluae (omiway 2, of WaUfttlng, hi>M

ila annual tnevimg lui nrafat ai d eivi'rH offlrten fur ifau year a» ffillnwa: I'rti«ldunt, William h. lUNfa; vlM-prvNldeiil, Arifanr Kllur; H‘('rr>iary, WllHau) HofTmait; imahurer, Ihoinaa Aiklrnwni; ter^inin, Jtilin WidL-n j aMtetaiit fotemaii, H. W.Glidftntenvu ; IriirdKc*, Willianj HufTinan, John H W'Jltte and E«lwiir'i r (fNclJ.

A mevlJng te dlirnaa Ifao iiropMd of vatal)- lUiilng a liraiicl) uf the YoiiEig Mcu'i ' farivUan Auuclalteu in MoiiU-iaIr wu held kt ifau rent' dance of A. II. MoxfrifSi latl rnght.

Tho Women i F« ■reign Mimlnnary hiclely ol Ihis hfeifaiNlitt eburte), MonU'Jair. Iteid a (larlor meellng ai ih« rettuteuce uf Hr*, t- !. }U!0VB on Cteremout avcmie, laat night, and wu ad- dntued by Mre. BeranUm. a returniKl miml'Ui ary from Orrua.

Mr, aud Mnf. Krt-dorick M. llaTrtnon, of Hootclklr. gave a wdldlug «.-ce|eior) ai tliolr 'faoma at tfae oorrwi.af- FuilenmivaiMi Clar#' DODl avenuaf, lait niglU.

Ffi'deru'k El. (iibUirie treuiirerof ifae Dult' ware, Uckawaima and Wiwti'rtt Haliioad (^toiMtny. b u taken op fate leelOeuuc In Muui- Clair lor the aumDier.

rhiilp DoremuK, of Monirlalr. hu rcuiruijil homo frotn hli frlp to ftetroll, Mich., wiierv fa# bad been attendiDg thv I'rwbytirlan Gcnorai AHembly*

JteljcrtH. Kudd and Chtrtei If. lUtfp^nuy, tha (kimntlitee ua Howerage in Bltoiaftald have eiiKaged C. F. Hawetl, ihn engltietr, te aiwarlala (ba area of tfae tnwii and utimr data uecuMiry for tfae loir«Aluc(inu of a KyNictn «>r Bewerage In liloomhvlO. A public mealing to tfifcuM thla matter will tie uaiM ly ihe Town- ifl;p f‘otomli«e next wccii.

n r r a at Kail Ornuge.Th* Fjwt Oraagf) Fife Di-parto|ent wtw

I'-alled uui yedunliy afiermain (u Iwu drci, both harni. am) famh or whU-fa art uipf)u«!'l w have !>*#□ Mt on lire. The Aral occiirrud at 3 i/clock, being the Iriirt) of (!harlHi W’, Fowler, on Grove etmel, near Hueiex avenue. The water prcMure wu inNufliutent, and tfan beni w u endri’ly deelri!»'>yl. camtega liBAuf tl.noo.

At 8 o'ei^k (fa* ham nf William MtiGian the ooraar of Gnn'o Hirvat aad t enlral averme, and but a abort dlatauo* ftum the Fowler pLaue. waa found ta ftemn. ll wae badly Um>^, tba ioie being aUul IHOO. Tfae pollre believe tbat both rjarutwere luion Are aad by Uu) aame indtviduala _ _ _ _ _ _

Trying fur Tearbura* Cartlflcatee*Tbe quaricriy axemloalloa uf caadidaiee (far

teachcM' ovrtiHcaiaa began thU taorumg 1q tbe Iligb ftofaool building In Hootolair for ail gradea. Tbti ie tfae oaly Htne in tbe rear when all grade* ire examiaed. Two hundred teaubera Will be examined, a maJorUy of thorn te*raorroWa (.bounty SuperlntetideotDaviawlU coodoct tbe examlakiiona.

Marahall A Hall Ray Tlilai Tbtt their new line* of iiimmer vMti, dootile and Hlagte-biwaitrd. t>i plain and fancy duuke aiid Hanelilea, atTSo., II.on and 91*60, are the bandeceaeeiend eheapeBtevoroffhEed here*Ad.

rrtwldeiii f.:ail liaali bav appntaled tto ^ luwthi reprewtetatlve man l»«t tbH toy* (imugaand JUriDraugepBOD twooravT mlua* to the Miteeatb KalMiaa] I n iu beheld hero00 July A 4, 9> lu d T t

Hernhu Ltbibeeh, Judia t>tvid A. P*p% f onleivU Parker. Judge Andrew lirhpaaM t Fntterink Frtlteifauyiwis Bobert f . lIhUhiv line, JaiBM T. Bail, Jukn U. BalteaUiH Bt* ward Halbach, Jr*, JUMpb Heoalar, Prato 1» haataer. Mtreue L. Ward. Frank fan Hwitop* Fvudfrteh Kubm ftlohatd Wayne fartwi, m * tnuud U Joy, IVtav Lowenuwil, HesrfA. llauBillaf. baasMl KUiti, Ja»M R BoMini» Jamea U HayA CbrUiten FotoBapaB, MM«to A Hlotiardk, Cfaftellan Kn«rt. nwMCntarbvbi Vf, <'ran»s J. m*»k F«ft, wnUuk R WH1H«% (Tfaatiea Borcbarllbfq Jamei totHh, Jr** Alav> Qiau WiU(ain DUtiuby, Potlea OMMBtotoNt ^:dward HaiNre John B, Bohirato PrM to iiregttier. Bernard M. ifawnley, Jtoa R M Ito iKte R Van Gebren, Dr* leaHe D. Ward, kmm Y I>ryden. wmiaia H* Ctinia, T h o u W. i.ruoki, CfaarieaA* Petek, Fvaderlek T* Reft Miawe ihrMUB, Bevnard wtrauto HiineB Behewto Hev. JoMpb Leiwhtq Tax ooeBHeHoeee Pkdtto* lAwy. Aueitn H. HoQrogor, Heary BihMlt* bacher, Henry Uaiger, WllUaoi BoMto, tof Hetirv H. Jturemua, Jobn J. Burkhardt* to to ji- III. Edward J* JH* Arnold Vegts Ctorka W* Haiea, Heraiwn Rchiiia, Hebir Hen, AdOB TurkM, Janub HUinp!, Buie TteeeitfW OMVto R. Gray. Jtev. Aloyitiie Wenhev, M mi % ^ bauQue, Jaliw flteffaiM (Hri T leto, Oeotti % pwain, Allen U toiwetl, Itev* John O.Ofletw' ibpi, Kev. (tofffe Hehambweh, Cbartea M. Ito* beraihs teuauol Kaltech, LuoH HnoA, Tax miaeloner l%iil W. Roderq Beaeto Htetohl P» Harnui, ( hartee P. UaiT» JuUue A. Itow kuocberi Gsorge Eniwais, Heritaa IntUer, l>a.i) M. )vwii-n*r, Ahtorma* G*ar«« HeUltol. Jsoub Key. L'eptoto LOertos Glerl, WiUtotoHtmrer. WliUem U- ffellnu, Fiudertet B, antotoolJUttli, Ittflertok a G. «M ( UoMrtG. r. DtoflUotaeta, UermeuG Bl«yl*|AiUurr.tpf, (Uailes J. Kipp, Chartee T. 1. UOlWtofc, Emil rnuator, Kruola UlwaglMr, ('Kaoeff Voglar, Huaarlahiudant o( Fo(toa WUllam Ib UronB, wmtaia H. t . Haalas. Martta le ttr . President Kdoird Uoaltof. fft»n*(i H. I l y r , l*ti*r naool, Is*** Itonentaii. WllHaae KU). ihHOk* w. wi*d*uaaT*r, ffnak RwWer,, FrwIertoX IJltoweXU Poeun**tof ltdw*ft L Uidkilii, XMerman Xtoxandtt H. M m r son, aldermaa Jamee A. Dempaay, I'ulloa (iimmtatonit llaary Wily, A lttt* man Bouedict Virteh, Aktormaa ntaffl Uirlob, fir* OoaaaMlonar UFUlfl Mlkik*i beus, Osaaf A. Nenmogar, Hejeg !!**•■•* Hi.|i*ab. Kuipma Vaa beyfrlad. laiU Kiaaaller,. Iton U Ku*«, O i«t wmigemd, «« tr< l

aptaib. Cherlte Lawronx Jeaab lotanalt, Jiitru Ruobalsbaui. John Retto Aoffuat ffitofr leanri. Prsdarlok HalbeaeSeto, Fttak U ffahid. aldetiaaii Lymaa ff Kao* aad iaa i Taak, of (Ma nty ; lleary A Fwtar. ol laR Oraa** I Erauk H. tMaMmao. ytedarlok ■*(» Caarlaff Btiunet, DlrvOMr Idgea* tl**tot, U w art W, nine tad Xiifuat Kottalar, of Oreba*,

Iiireclor Krank Van dot stockanTadaahura* of JU nwraban or Ibe DulM blnaeto tb4*« heersal al Vwiier Hell last BlghL f ia M M rehearer.1 wer* "Der Koenlf la Tkato* aaffi ■tie “ Ketigniende."

A mveiiai ot Ur* plaos eomailwa la ttlita litid *1 PtHanli Hall this altoraooa, rt *«* « tlia nwoett or balia wher* illigtfe will bff qitsrieted during Iba ftsengarlitl a n Meivtaff liutruoUau* in ragacd to tb* amDieaientA

* . . a . . -A rAMit.Tto BAD n j o a r .

HtulwaA Dytoi. aad WU* asiA C U M tM WtUu.nl ffovd or Bh*U*r.

Two wotaeu. wftb ttra* ebUdNO, aifUafl Iff (■•Plato Olorl la* nl|bi to* todftaa. Tbwff■to no accotoiBudatlnne at Ib* lUurtt ffrad einol and in* parly wae seal to pelloff bssdquerton. rblef lloppat, aftat baannffi ibeIr story, penallled Ibsai 10 k)d|a ta UM botpital and wlhie* nomi aod fum lttaa Uirm wllb load.

TUe youoeer woman gave bar Bamaia1lito| rioorge Fhuua l*ba i* only Iwaatf yaan e i turn and two ut Ibe ctindrea an baiW MS mouUu ego li*r busbaod, srbo now Uvai wllh bis Bivtber. a widow, al 9 * raasOMI sireel, was taken 111 end WOM Iff rae boepliil, when coosuBpilob dasi lnffarty bbo .ban wanl wltb ber obUditb iff Now York aod slopped wltb bar atottaffi wbu, Usi, u a wMo* With a bbbf to car* lor. Wtaai UUIe fbadi Ob* bid w*iff soon axhauslod an.1 yaetarday they oeya* 4 Neaark,

I'bou* b u but« tbw daye to Uva, aad b* ral qiieitoil to ta token to hie mottaaP* hoau Iff die. Mrs. Pbon* Is loo pow M 0*» fw IB# yoiiiid wibaud thechlldnnaad Cbigt Soppaff wciiiwl a periaU fnna Oratsaer ol tbe Nooffl Melornleii uid tbey wUl be sbeliered e t tlio Aliusbniise When Mn, Phoa* epphtN Ibe orerteei retosed ber a pem it Hrff Pbone's raotber uid ber eblld were sent hboH lu Naw York.

PIGHTINd OH BYLVAH OBIHntlfcThe 1I*..ley-Arllngl.»rr Mill MargaA latff

a barul-rlutous IGaae*.A shady spot In Heoker'i Weods, near ib t

binik, marking th* boundary lln* Mlwatl (Tiiitoo and bnetta Orange townabipA wasibd tilting grtjnbd ol en outdoor priia light yeeW.diy afternoon. Tba eoa.P'sienU were dobo Hantoy and fieorga Arllogiaii, bIIh " Boll," bolb of Iblg I'Uy. Tbo tormer's preilig* ftiraie UUtalk or Ihe "Tammany Hall" ollqo* am tA'srreii eirsei. end Ihe lellnw with tb* bovtag mokiiam* won ibe eecond' prise ft,tho Weit End A. A.'s tourniraenl a few ■go last Apt ft, aiKl la ooiuddersd a "boig liruleer." Netther man te mueb orar Iwaatpt flr* yosre old.

In lb* tniirtoenlb roaad both men welff " ttfoggy." and ir louked at If gdiiish was d<*e st band. BillArlington, kteplog up bit nnlaii taollCA shoved Iltnley to * onrnei *nd bit blur below th* bait, Tbg reterne declloed in allow a olstoi of leal. Then Hanley leftisod to ooiiunin end tbff homeward trail of the parly we* mtrfcad bff disappointment and eh^rin.

Tl.* Carriers’ PTag Kun.l.Ftiibeorlpllons to the rund to be applied to tbff

purrflaso of *■ Aioerlosn fltg Ibr UW lettep .'■rriei* of Newark, end w tie cerried by tbeff In lh« big parade to New York Lily oa July A como iu lAidlly. Yorteidey Ibe Nxwi so. kiiowlodged th* receipt of UW toward UM fund. Today the ftiUuwIng oontrlbattoaa wetff reeel red ;ft. I'. JobusoD....................................... .. • 11lady Friend........................................ 31Taolfih Word ttoboolhoy;.................... HPoor widow................... MPrevlouely acknowledged................... . 3 ■

Toial to dale.................................. t$ II1'he o«; of a goodwised ilLk lUglseoa*

Ibibg like tlbO. It will beswn rroin Ibii Ibff tboee wbo with to help tinole ftam's boys |( gray to express tbelr desire should send tf their Btitacriptluns.

Btlll Lonklag for Juitle*.Mrs.

wes eharged y« neighbor, Kra. Urldgel I'unnlngbea,'wbl lire* In the same house, wes glyanafunbff bearlog last nb|bt In the HaeoDd Preeloff IVdlee Court. Hbe wes not w, yotnbU as fl thy morning, but took ocoeitoa to agalo eff prm bet diBsatlsrtoUan with tbe way itg oourt waa run. bbe wsa tenitneed to papi flue of no. and lb* money wai baadedb Clerk Lomax by her husband. " Ueeran wD give me Juitiee yet." sbe ciclelawd, and eti looked at Justice Oonlon in a laannar calM latod 10 trightaii him Into ramltung Ibe t a ^

Annie Klernan, of II Jay street, wW ■tenlay with itanderiaff bw

Batnrday Warmer auA ffafr- Werroet, fflr wssUter, with yeriaNe w1afl|

ie predlei^ tor New Jariey to-morrow.


Haying to lay a new fUior, w* mual sell all tloofc U tt mouth. B, D. L^dW tt>-*Allri

By reqtwat, th* oponiiA '* UUla Keff RU ing Rood,” aad the dreuia, "(indaiMla, which Ware producad by toe pupUa ef itoi ntouih Street Behoel, at Ssengei Hall, a maal ■go, will again Da preaented at th* mato tfaiiD-moirDw Bight.

Tha Rrl* Hallway |fl eicuielaa fl«ei M ' city on Saftuday, Jiui* Iff will ba awM ff . companye atooigenieni. Tbo trail wiffi 1 mad* np to start lyoin Ntwark, aad em^ llmttod nniatar ef Bokala wUl bteeU. Tbi < may be e*oured tat adyuMi at tha iH M i IS Market etroet.

Cm L Handtaae* Vtals.

IleilotLld. New Biytoa-My.

Suoh ehanoie as wa eOn IbM m M n n b . k IA UiUN Oh-AffT.


Y (

B O W L I N G A M D S H O O T IN G .

! ^ v | ( t l 0f T h o M W h o So c k to L n n i

T h e n to R u in .

, | | B . C EU M Y ’* S O C IE T Y 'S W O R K .

1 ^ a ( Um C4)M« T l'iilr ll K . t p r m u .

M l o lM .r r * '* " " - '" " " * W ® i» .n p . m j l l V II# Ih-H* » " ■ K r p l

M rH i« M ri *« Tli* Xp#<Ir u w t o l C a r* .

( M p w d n M at ib f ^ .g g n yOBt, ^UB* 2,--" G u « hM IKTfP

I 1 uttentun (0 >b« ^M « l it T t M Wm ib nuti^t-n U»

! la d youth tfO runeiin'lfK % i i ( M T lM I» Et.lrUl# I"**'-

dM lo(llw M «w Vori iKirtelif l u f l U l i e . ' " -■ ■ » « i a « » l U l e 'T »fn ..n > mr>-

g i bam ** TuttoiT. v lw prowl . 1“pUI i p # r H M M t r e#r » » e •'*•*< in###''''’ “* oPiw i#'’

fS ilia # . W l ih l« if c w j# * « l* - l* » * ' ‘ ' " ' ’*“' k X n r Tofk *0 in iitu a lir lint# PDinia'r nl

eedi ■ #•#. UK)# f<rl> iw clfr lo iliP 'cn roan ••4 U T# b##a ait#rt#<l on i h# t in r u bjr mon trflfe i B in i t lo i kMing. pit# «IU< # m##'* l#r wUMliInt, man wHIi • R#n'# "w Poiil'n#' I M B in ib > m#"l* * « ctilUn# ‘ '0 to -lIv K in l- •() #1 lb# llulaon##' lu ir .ts o im ii wl'n# MWl# Hr IbrowiMI In t ni»n iPt'r 'lr«#wa Tk*r« ta# not b##a B a c li kulnippm t I#

' T a t ■ ■ •# # O H O l# * ‘ "nt a manilaail In lb#• ^ . ■ T M l k au##! aunn# lor # iianinlliik

. a M f#B # b 1** I* * " '*1M f !■ p fit iB L

** Hal JoBf OfO Mir foonit 4 fM* In. n M A « y o a n t l in o f lo c h in f• tfoftlMTM In lb* ftun44ywi«KH ot *wfil#' kfPfrAM ow b, tii*rn M 4«triT b j in e h

•Wtf M l i t«4 i*h4r# *bo |rt*rwuRVIn(f b«r to ro- : I b m M iM ttjiipto/tM iit IB * dryfomli Mart

$ m p M hOF dijm In 4 nn KlTlnftua itrtot, H M n iw 1#BM » i •WM lo n .r |#r#iiit. who

Um i tfct ptrhih «( h»r nhataoe b«J b tm d«r9**d to work. Evory minttaf b v U d M ta d iM rtetnytr. 4 m*b o fiu n d in v I n t M e h w ^ wMt to hun4 *y#Mhoni 4 iMl Ih#

C tt*4 UM ifNtpt«tir« « i M 4. I mivht rt-m$9 T E<f w*r4 UD(lFrhnl. •

BMDi hTf<l wlib bta w9 * 4nti tb H0Oq4:aa, wber* b« w*i btfhir

4m M u id WM lb4 <UMon n< 4 church. At S ^ V H M 4b4*anof u » < lc « > y » |t iia i« if lc * Q

o i T « « l1tb MrMt h i « u irretUKl W i y iw iw tta talib io 4 b t win i«nt ip W it i

A R iin liir o m k m tb it A IM k iiU - H i WM i i * n v 4Jkiii«

tM BUMi wttb ft rtry yonn< f ir i bf one ol <mr «|ift lillP W id blm t« ft retort on 1 biM

h f v M ik Uh o v u IHi Im vMibiMU to taft* the v t e lift pflwte ftrreeted bUn. 11m wnis'U-

f iW r M if t ww b «i friiftw u yeert of ere- IM iM ^ t e r o f Wfftitfty ftixl pronttiiut

tlft*v H u ll 4tuiie*ii at ilo m * niid A b riM B .It«<'ln| Ml K lo rr li I ’nrh#

f BlitAtn JftfU'" iri<l Cih'ftlh Krb'e tM M nlihu AH Ih iu ii fhifthiif I lub ftili T»iftT ftnotber ■ ia e In a i»f Mvr#tt nn |loQ(foeMr)i’pa llcy i tcfnicht. l i Jaflt't tcim lt««a t<»#iitfbi II IB Mi have to pft| flit RU euiiiur to (ir*aft<»oo4l 4ikc.

Ker. Th*. 3 . tleiftfTit Prenrh, i iM mlarr nf ID* Hlvottiite AibUfiir < liih. in flv* miroRMin yanic* OP the riub'* aUayt lft*t PrWftf# w*<U (h i Inllotrtui b lfh n eu w : OB, ’2:29. 'Ut, M

lh a aTtratfi l i 2(4 U'l#The Kaat Orari&c ftod UninivtcM fUn eluN

w ill ft team nairU ftt hiiN raekiov tba^TYwmli of tiM rw w if 10 7-ftaroe u»*Biorrow ahamnuiL oifcniwatpRtakeftabojtlnc WiU bft hfldi atter tha aiaicti.

A tlu> <log hftiidloap win be run ai iba Ktam y Athii'iia fruunhann July 4. 'Ibe Heal hr RtR Will t« run <it) July B.

Tba N iw irK A lh la iirt wit! ctnai baN wffb toe I>oae Bfan. afotctedi i(*aio, no iba Adana ktrtwi 4TPUi»i)i to-merrow aiiamoon.

Tba Alhleiica will |>laf tba Bad9 l«R.‘klDie»<M Iba JroqiniU'i enfilntarf frouBila# rYiraar ol Klimey ftiid Jaflatton atnat^ to^iior'

1 III! n ir a Kaaa nail Hub. which, w lib (he 2faauut, are tba twohnaHi caftiui m ttrnokirb. ar>- UA7iad forthe toliowlDf haturdef. J qdoU i

Tba Muaneb Aihiaiiea Htll play ib a Y . M. r . Ja. A., ar pliiahelb. eai tba I ’oaaiopolltftn I’ark grounda beat huiHlay altcnwofi.

Ib a IriJiixIdM, at RowviUa, will play tba AiDbai, of lirfioalyn. ou ibe ItoaaTUia groondakhOt'iTTOw aiiarbiMin.

Tlie rrtulH M ibe #'«a(lohal lAierue ganM r>M tanlay were r

At New York-N ew York 4. Cinclnnett 1At HrwAlyn—CiiletBo 17, Krookiye 7#At Kuntou-nevalatnlft. Ibainn i.A I I'bllftcielphla—rb ila d ri )<h la i ; PltUburg 1

ka tio k a l l k a u ix

riulw.rbicait^.........be*w Vt^k . . • riiMidaipiiia#.. n o itfia iid ......I-rwtuD............I lu a la in i.......U roiikiTii.......1 isrlunail...

A l E m f f l T H B I l I N

T h e G r e a t M a o W h o s e M in d i s N o w

H o p e le s s ) ; C lo u d e d .


A r iim n .r l« rl# U c C o n T # n « tla # Iw a H « l| .

raw l r # r r l# t # and a n iim p * # a t HI# W h ll# K ara at i l i# W lh d a w .-la a U jrp<j

I'a m p In tli# H nnnlafn#.

W'nn. Irtt . P*r n .,. i!ft 11« ‘S i l.> M l,. !2ll 17 .Ml. 19 10. 1ft HI ,400

1ft 1ft #ft71.. 14 23.. U SB .B7I

Th# ihiadp plarlPg of th# kl. Ixnl# Club ha# bTfMjgbl tb.m wbblu lhr«# point# of IM l##d. cn . Ynl#rd#]' '• M»na were:

A l ( lnrlnn#ll—tHnolon#tl A AlblalH# LA ll oliuabui—(KiliinibiuV. W##ntn|lo# S.A I Louti.lll#—U n ltf llla <1, biMon ^AI Sb Lonw-bt. IxM li l ‘A kaltlinnt* 1.

a k u tc jta ia u n A T iu iinuta.

IbwKni... .......HI. t.nUH..........lla llin u m .........Utidm i#ll„......I obimbii#.........A lh lFlIr.............].nit«rtll#..........ttaabloiioo .

Wtm. LfflN. PprCT.... 3ft ]« .AM

. Kt 1ft. . . !b( IT ,Mlft... « ■J* #471!... Jl 'A .487. .. W ‘JS #40ft.... ‘Jl 9K #4'i».... u . m

R '1

l i M i V InbaaaRliT lo womto It pro- S I # M IM M # n H u r w#ui#B Ui# biui.« r w h a t life II I* |a Irait nouns I'rl#

Thtp aooo#t Ihna o« ib# # in#l tnd Ml# Inwbl# In ktwpUil Uitlr own #ud ISM full of »r#tnhtd T0UHf WDinta- n a r a r o t the## plart# lb# snaarit

tad la d lta u m arr p ra n liid b ; th# upon tba wrafrlwl lnm#i«a oflbl# kind nil tiilrktf# ilrM I

vd 1 f i l l vbo. afirr lo iio i bar w#p In S had H#o # n ik id lolo >1 uwlrr lb# s ff lT lB t b w ihtlH ir lu iill ih# rnuU

MMSd M hrr b o w . tnd who had btrn 'B H a a pfHoonr Cof # tn m l w ttki, dnniM

ilBBd Bipn# H o##Bpt, wblrli alwBpt rt- a h a btint miwpiartil, isknn tack Nh bad fo llta ttr ^ # a ih i honw. ainl r btaiBn Tba prnpriairM# id ta li

t la a U a lB ttMaod airttiftb "Hand' ^ a s i ia l id n a a n I# •liipninf miaai l» o

BM Ita rtark nakad aao nan) in f tbam aaMlllOB taio tba baekrard, wbara tba

a a d n I ha k p d rin i and It i u s w ld ■ u a a Uiaffl, and ib h o n a ltb u wban

>r waa dowa to a m ^ a sa tw h a u la illa r n a waa bmigbl lo

I S M hr Ib stsca p tn S s l in o f tbirtsao s a l M iu o a m o n os Iiaiamn-r t irta t

M O ils d U t l barhalFr. Iso p a a n nldar. s n id tH ln a d llM is . T b n am U an iilab ad

brayfbi ban br U itlr pamnia and bad p asaim d b> walk oui by Ihnnaalraa lo

•a ally. That wtndarail Into a dim# an tba Bowary. wbara may w an by b ataH inity nlatMoi, notbarly

s k s kindly idbrad to ibow ib a n tba Iba look ikaai In bar dm, atttpml

a# Ibab eintblof. Awnad tham to duo ib d than akirla and aaiuiwllnd ibain to

Haai ai la ia a y . Matey M arriali'i atoiy W SU H CoiU a^iD ottl a r ih a 'K tw U iid s -

,__ IHB Mbiunanbls rountargaru n f h i btra4B X a w Y a tk ,a s d Um d im to w blflbflrla afw

d lfM td and ihaa P « w ii. bald iw iw iian and ■ M d ad . a n by no tnatiw coabiiad to Hit M H IH eiatraia of W hom iii)

“ C b lu n D dad no distniuly In oU Blnltiiib s y b a io iit lu QDi pr ihe RtuH (HiQ.

____ _fta iftrtt^ e f all noai, ftwl Uuilr cdmva:p re » M ie rtU ir « 3Wc«icd (h it U lid iO o u K to ' * lOfaJBaleBt e rM aen against them to ■ »■

U»fttr ooaricUoft. Our noclaty hai had If M M Pt ftrla whu bare tNMn liftrled

___ ■ titlB'4 breftd rout l»y ibeir loorht'r'am m U b c tbea on a s ercaitd to a ( bluaia Uuti- 4 I7» If ftflritMCofuM irdcm teil ififtt'lilua#

Ikft UaDiadlftleljr tcarbea her to amoka a fittv . fthd ibau ibe ta euatuy^d bnly iin l lo iil. Owe of the muat plilabie caaeairf H>U fctwt tlMS wo ivur hftil wa» timt of a imiattilr* Mefi']riftr*tAd f ir l tiBipiloye*l Ui uha i»f iba largo 4 iytiJ0da Htiia. M e wa.atlUcliargtHi lor lomp oblMab riftek. ahd bclog afraid to go homo w n 4 m i ftoout ifae atraeia o il ah« waa ao> M t id tv B CbloatutB, whopemiidiid her to BiKMifBliianr b ln tp tita libuO ry. Oece ihar* be ottilwwl oonplaii poulhji over her, aiHl ah« M bath Urlog wUb him fbi levaral niotstha vbeti Ibe M e waa broujriit to our uiHu'p.

obi who read! the nrwipatwra konwa bow wbettiTar a C^loeea opium JoI im la raided by tbe k Um a nuiubar <4 CautmNiRQ glrla arp BlWiM Awad. efieo ibe daugbiara ut rnireeta MapafiBla. A htekmao wai iba mcaiM of baaeaLng a girl tram tbe rhucti«i ol a Ooiha* — g a abort time ago. Wun t.uu« had da n»red ber iram a boiutof lu iu ry ntid rahne- iN O t Ib Frarkiaboe. Ou v rlv ln g in OiU m y be to* bU viQum into a carriago uutl told tur b eraM ai to drlye to hti iauudey iu Unit atreel. la iiead of douig ao ibe barknmn droTB (0 i polkw i Uu Imo aud iuh I'Ultiamau waa pUoed babi&d the iron tiare. uiiUa tiia girt ««• loatond to bar pareuia."

*T( la the daslra fur flua nroia (h it IcmiIn Mcaiyounggtrla dawn ll)« hmO u> ruiu.'' Iha opotEerwaajbJpiiliiteudaai liia k t oi the petuaeBl ot CbarUlaa luct I'orrrcdnQ. w im iur yean baalwan bruiight in <UiJy OHiiteri w iui a greet Bomber or girla uf the "urifuriunatf" cNiae. *‘H aiiy ol lUciu w ill du anyihuiit in order (p gratify thla wUh, )u*t at a i\ml1tined tlniDbafd w ill raauri iu aiiyiliUiK lo Miiitiy h it fraviDg ioc liquor.'’ kir. IMaliui vouihiUiHl. *'Pa(M)b| acbooU and ibv public lsiIIr ami daiieaa glvon b r yarmut MwMuh-iiiLw end i>r< ganuailohi are a it i« i HuUnc lui’ih i n? l-ad# lug young waioun h> ruin, l i b itie biitlncM of paceolttoguida (tu' locxt'Pinanccil ii'ui of their Oblldrvu tbn»ugh ihclr yMre oi ku u iB' turily.

" A great v a o y tnore girN ttar; nut on tbe rdad IP rum Inluuuncf ilian in lli.- w iiu ir. Tba hutuSay'aoboui pU'iilc. iiu> rf)''(uii]jl>l p ic­n ic and ezoBmimi, ibi> cvGuiioi sirails III ibe parki led oibar Minittr iMvcrsKina i>«ci]Uar lo •UBinar ire m ponbibli ju r ih h . imgciuuu# b if of tlioR# who emcr ihe rimd tu ruin in large Litlea are uouuiry girl*. I dct i-kiuu to the d iy lu icarob ol uiuployiutui nud laii lu And lu

*'Bet l l te niH ohly if r l i tor wlinin |ilir«Ui. ireiptcad and who era to duntti’i in u hirifu cny. There are wrm licp lyu u m vluU f'»r ili<* boyialaot There waK ihoca'n m lu iie Fink* yiulbnarn, who was c,.ax#''l itin irriy h li '«rrry eJlmlDai who W iiilid Ui make ii ih if j ut hmi and wiki iralliud him )ii«l hr Jkckciip (iPAcrlitiei fbe tralQlsg Ilf Hide Oilrcr I'u i>l t>'. Ingui. K'beii hlscducalmu n%n iUK>im-tl (‘'ihipicie he watMOtoul eTtry d iir to ali'al, iti d if he rc- turufd emplydiamlfU bih Imue. UMslvt bnntled nlui wUii a n^i-hiu iron.

( nrteRporhdenrc oftlio Krue liowNr.’ *. KngtAnd. May H . IhOl.—Tbe aniira

year ikTlP"'! will by tu t in wamicflugamong the paaRAuin of Itelatid, with tbeea- capHou of a few daya’ visit with frlt Tvla In Nnrdiarn Unctablre. Engiarsd- JcHirnayitig irnm (larnloriti lo L'lrtriiioii, r tnuirWd a rath WR) rArrtan Ih which Mt a inar), mbffiidui h ll can in wrapa aiHl nugi. Xiy prtMson aiPl atticclally P ir haviitii ir(( r |>all tba wlrwUiw iif iha ckPe nwipirlinanC made n iB tiiK-esy. Hn animml ai>d lUltielvd for a (im#. oonvcyiiiR by iiaitcoiibla (okiti M l Intmiai' diapieaiure. Then, tnahlmr a dallbtrar# grab at tba wlo- dow*«irap, h i hiirlt*! (he seah Itack Ip Its piice w lilia rrash. and. •« he gave bn w rapplnpa icTupaatuptis tw irl 10 replare tbaiPs loarlod at

Tim •,•(» pemma at ko rrn Perk yeetarday were iiirprlwKl lo we the Morris iwo*year-oldi K(. rVulan rdA (ieorgla beaten in Ibe Oalllard Htakes, by a brown colt called Veaiibuk^ owned by H eite Lonliaid. Tba auMBartea 1b tba raOfi are i

n m Hapc'Tirr all egff, a ewaapatakae, of HOgaeh, wUb 11,000 adiltd, of which tJOO lo wrofHl and HOU (o ihint, wlDBar nf d n i race on Diet Of aacnnil da? w eerry Afea. extra, of |» ih , 7^ ix ire , onn wHioer* o f | l,000t t i l ^ and u n allowed BiM., flyeand one^haiffer lo o fi: 1* T u rn dervlM aeoned.Key Went third | llmr, 3 043^. Beltlni-w U T o < i 7 m ft end 1 Ui 2, F ir I I M im re Bervioe 4 all417(0 ^ Key Waet SUaud m ftluuuili pa»d %MM. •?.«.

k<«rond Hane^Fnt lliR>r-yeer>nMa tod up­ward. aawcrpitakM of |M eaeb, with ll.UOD added of which UOO to se<<oud and IlM (u third, welgliU at aOlM. ebove tbe scalp, nou- w liia cn In IWO or i m of C1.000 gllawed 1%t** otil.OOO, If three yeen old, 1A « ., If touryBaie old or upward JHIsk., one B lie : boowhell won, liw ii iMnee etcond, K io iB abe r third i ti»tp 1,41^ Balliag-Hnow ball 10 aad 4, liMtg im n w 10 aou 4. Kingmaker 10 arul i Mutualapaid |A4 to. 91LQ6. M tO.

Third Kufw^Tret baaiHcApiwcepilakaa for Itaree-yaaMdila mod upward, | 3& each, ir not d e c la ^ out, * 9 h 11.40 added, of which MiO lo Mcond and HAO lo tulrd. eniriaa lo Bade op T ueiday. Jniie'A w alibutobeannoynoidaB d derlaratiotN te be Bade on WadoMday^ Juua ft. ciD« m ile and a mrlong | MadaiOBa woo, Heuotlta apnood. Ippaald th ird ; time, l.Bft. Brntlag-MaditorMOaod • (bft RenorUa tren and 1 to ft, ],apanlo » and 1 Mutuala paid |CS.(^ ft. IQ, 17.00.

ruurtB Rpce-<iamiird Rlftkaa, tor l«o#ya4r- Ohts. a Bwcepeiafte* tortoll,Wlib tl.rjQO added, of which 9»0 lo Naoodd and tftkl Id tblrt. wtonere of 13,80) to carry 8to j twlMofftftftOOorouoeof 10,000 fito; Iwloe of tb,OilOoratiMoftlO.OQO, Ttoextra; etoiad JaiH tMit % IM I. wnh n BBtrlat, flya mrlonga; Veallbula won, Be. Ileinaa aecond. Inugblux Water third | une. 0.60^ beutnf**VHatibala 10 and ft, M, Fiorlan 3 toft atto out, lAugblng Wairc • and I ii> 0. ftiuluila paid ftO&lft. 17.40, UBO.

Viitb Haoe—ror Uim-yeat#oldis a iweap* ■ laltM of tJi) each, wlih tl,(IOl> added, M which UOO (oeooocd andtlOO lo UUrd, wtonen at any tlBB ol Ib.QuO, twtoe ol KCOO or uiioa ofilOrOBt, 12^ extra, nou-wtoneiiorWOOtiDM Mar t altowed, If EKmaWlnnen at any tima uf M.0Q0, Tfhk. uf 11.000, 12* 1 . i l s lurlunga; l \ m v A woo. L 'lu ir iia a p ie •eoond, KlarMla n u rd ; lime. 1.11# B e lU n g - lW r a AI and ft. L'Jntrlguaute 11 to ft and 4 to ft, FlavlUa ft w d ft. U u tu aU p a b l|41, | i & 40, | lH .40.

a k ih lU p e -F o r uiM-yearHilda and upward, a Rweepetalteiotftfti) each, wltU tl.(W added, ot which ftSQft tn MM»ud ami ftlOO lo (bird, the Tvieucrto beaold a( aurtinn tor fSaMO, if fur tosfs l it allowed tor etch UOO down to luOQ. uoa jiilta; K iq ulnaii w.m, Klryka lacood. Kemp* laud (h iid iU roe, L 4 I. heitliig'-KiquiiDau ft and even, mirykt Oand 3, Kempland ft to hand • toft. Huiuala \ t M ftftftAQ. M .0A, ftll.BP.

The pigeuii'ibM ilQi n»aich between (apU ln A. W. Money, of Kogland, and Edward Ulbbi Murphy, of Kaw York, ior fti.OuO a side took jklara un tbe new irm iu d i at Molljrwuod, Unig Biaucli, yaiterday aheinuun.

Over nu.oQO bad Iwcn wagered on tba raeuU, The eondiuuna were thirty yardi nae. twenty' one yards bouudary, five iraps, uaa of both birraia altowel and luu blrdi for aaon Baa, Jobu I . Uoev waa reieree; Philip Daly, Jr., (ratuwr, a u d ^ a lta r U, Murphy, aeorer. Tha MladbUw Nlrnogly acruat iba flold aodi ibe M idi were quick to Mae and unuMiaUy rapid dyeie#

iaiitn ii) Money won iha malcb by k ill in g m i»lM« to Uiirpby'a K i

A. M. Uorolliy arrisod at Riauifnrd, Conn., yosicruay a}tormxKi. cooling i l l ihe way floin Fnmioat, 0 ., Ills btoycle. ftPi heat run for one day WA* IQft .ullaa, which ba made In Ihe Tvasleru |iait of PenUfylTanU, Me left Fra* moui on May ft, and made ibe run to KiaBrurd in (wcnty-fiwr daya He will go difocl lo New York, wheru tie will take a ilaamer to Haw - burg, -to Ro to li li home lu CtoneawaMeln, Hun- Rsry. Where m* micDdf to take a «hoit n id Afiur that Ho Will make a tonr of Boutbern Europe, Having planoed a irip of 4,000 B t la .

1 he Aiiiovtiuur Cornell U olvtnlty i ia eon- siclYMAbly alerm^sl at a ilx -m ium n article oe aUiliMics by Hr. H u ii ci. Welders which ap*

, pi'sm l in a Ivtal paper last night# The doetor propiMcs i(» atxiUsbell tuiorcollvglata ethiM la, n\ lar nt< rocueU l i ftiMioanicd, alter paving all mdcOredDiwi the alhlollo aMhClslloii, lur aUlub it iie r purpuae be lubirrlbes IDO.

A Law yer's Itcu vy I fr#F ra n tbe (lumnwn'ial A dvi-rdu^

la th e tueiicrni Icrs a J'hitu f ^ nla Inwycr. now dead, who lisd a iiuImuhI ii-pumtidn, having becu hotiureJ wiiU hiRh |hi>itiuns ol

T tiI H im O n lo a Oootl T iling*Froin lliHiiotediHaiocrai#

lo m y oun knowledge tbree of the greatoit gn'eiiDoms on earth made ibe ilnbeat huda 1 have avar aevn, Rlumblldg upon (lieni by sheer good luck. W'neu 1 waa Ant oul with a puviyni pTi^lifciWi 111 IiJaho an old Yankee caiDc up lo OUT I'Hnip oue siiUry afietnoon and Askoi]; "i^ar, isiiyaou w toil mu where IbiT* l i agoo<l iilscc ( u in lu e f Wo Ihuughi we would haw fotne «i>ori at Iha fellow's oa|tei>ae, auil HU pimuLnri up u>e lu ll lo where aloneirea nu«xl, t.aiJ ; "Hlgbt under 111 'sbaUn of mat i.i's )u ii will find Ion otguld. pig down abuui li'u k'ci* Aud Jivlien yoti g^d M,"»d,rert In ih& Rliadaor tbe irui'.’' Iia weu( up thetv ‘and HU i(k uork ac a pisri* ihal showed no ludUm^toa u1 K<ud. and whudi we had i'wwad by. W« iluMjRlil wo had I'tg^l a luckrr. He workoil ftu iwo day* very induilMouaiy, ati»l Iheu tn ihi* evening Rlrollliig Into uur camp.“ Miu'li ulillgiwl, •crftuin<r/' he said, " yn gsva iiiegU(K.1 advuv, imd 1 II mike It squar* u ltli Viin. I'ra run setia* a uhota ba.'-kelfbl ot ll)» e h i( le lutupa ul gold," H i exliihliod a du,!.ui augKcii' as hig a i niarbie*. and later on.

truaC hotb at WHsliiuyinu aii'Ul.irri-Liiu'g, uiN | wiieii Hu'mine n e i t|,-iu)uiHHl. U turned K itiU BO U itorhii (remvudoui rliatg.-. otu uay a cilaat fur whom he hod r.,in'i-U’d !l,.Vt0 Mik'd at bia ottira m rec-c.vi thi-te’ur.uy. and ' tba Im y a r bmuh'd bJtjG II clioct fnr !;i'' l l ie < cbeul l^ k ix l a i it end rciumiK I inui tiiti lawyer must have made a iinriiikf auiI I'a 1 , f lvea h lu UlO ciua?k vblrU Ij« inraunu Li-up I aocklatot. "LcHOH'liKlk ■ ( llu-rhucli.''*uld I Iha athwiiey, aud gUuclug uvtr it, im ilri-laiHd i tb a llt waa aU Tight ami uoumtaki hAd iweu i made. Ib e ndeut kU'kiM vSeo <iuHiy sgbhisi n faeodi.itlU tor rollM lliig 11,'iUO. iM. wi>ll, ■ KyiM waul to he a — Ih, n N iu O i. uke I thaL'* laid tba maa of la in , luiiHitienilv, . M d ha wrote out aumber u was tur 'H a k a n d w llh that the eili<nv U ta tobeuon# tMts the lawyer pocketUii ft],S.iO. I

wuuilioiifiy iicb. Wu a il iid i a Htlla 11 hull lie Miw 1 lio cx Uii i of bit fl od.

M s W T l l l X f i S I N s l K W K L U Y *

A Kewtneky ManH Had Flia VroB the Atlanta CmiaiHuilon. |

Mr. Itotly, af IWity Oouniy, Ky.. tv a very j tMitortunela Taan# A aliort Umc nro i ’oHy I

liiitadatBMD, andthe trial uf nix chno was > Iranaltrred to Clark rounty, Tbo dub'udanr waa agt on ball# and (be oUi«r day aiaried lur i d a rk OMBtf to Head trial. On hb way be

, M ih f t b a d lu u k t o k l il a a a u lu HreHiliUt .CotBliy, l i l t hard to heiteve, UU It U nvve^

. ^ la M a l iB , that tna HreaMilii umnty peopia | ,:.,tM ih artllr . ftlQUy^itrlp, Aod lodged bim in :

wltbomhatl# Mr. Polly, wbouughi toU-» | CtoBMl It ha M tM)t nlroady ono. pulliely

M, and urged ibo iiu|>oniDne of his |• iB O ark ikruRty, but bixcaotorv waia

The pfedtoantool ta pocuUarlv • 1 ^ Ml. Poliji'a Clark County btiiidi* :

. m*t M will lie hangeO in iB a ilt would irra ltyre 'I wind up bU oarver in

IMft*wg^s faatawd m luak-p o n b if ' w

A iiaai stamp li>x u made In tba torm of a I'inLnl yiacflR iiinll luui.

A ring to oTldiM'd i!lTorrepreieptaaeem# lumi hall liGin iui>i a circle.

A silver riny iJiat is ratber DOfvl m desl|« la III (be li^riii of a ilrap aptaireQUy bJidclod •round the

A hroiKb Is made In the form of a larga |iiuiky In cimiiuH, wHh a bug aal wlib im til tlluiuuuds cr^'epini up ihe h c l :#

A krarfpUi raprceenis ibo bead of a apbliiv, the faie iwlnf out lu mocmRlane and (be heed# tlreu lu guid, urntmenltd with dieuaocKlH.

Hold and silver uiouiilrd card aud ieUex ca^si are made uow m sen of ihreotiiaa. They Kti* madf In a variety ol fancy loaibaMUid uiuaHy OQtno in a pluih or laatbsr ctow.

A ll 0( l1 coin pursn t« maile otAmnleikln# It l i the Ditural il«e of the •tiimal, tha head and tore ieat being imishad (o annulate life, awl •liver claap bvliig atBxvd to the Ktad quarten. Uii tbe InrIde of tbe clasp ia etolled Iha quota' t'un; " lie who sioaia u y purst ite a li iraah."

Dr. Ketinedv'i FavorUe Reinwly 1« a htcaa- Ing. H iia i live d tbuum idi bttd It will u v g y u L II yuu aiu Mak arul mMertble. weail# vl<ic yuii to tpitod one dollar fur tb ii King of Medicines. ***

(Aomen with pato, ocdonaai lacas, who JM weak and dt»uouragM, wlU reoBve both |u jw

i S n l S l

talatid bodily vigor to uM{« usilaFa Irott r i m hirh are toada luc uta , Barrel aadi

Do all ABartoans lira oiii-ar-doonf*All." J rrepnuded rheaMly, "M VttbOto

living in lepaas and toou. Wa havaD'i lime to liuii't boiitoft. Wa Ilka i l Jt'i our way."

My cuniom oa lu ila o ily ib o l two ip art Jags Ida a lorE out of I he rugs. leaiiMl a thin body

and lir a far ioraahl as If to Bake iH i pas# aiouare glare tka more eflartlve; and, cum itf a awia large circle in tha drmauiant of tha rouNiy cu«ui#arirnont with tba ladaf dogrr nf bit sklnof Mgiit hand, pipod Iq a vocnarauv iraMe:

‘ l i it not your way, sir; It la Oort'i way.You Aiuarloaua wouul asRuma tba creriU of CfiaiWNi'i Dcatoto pJau# Kvrn If you lived ta you faiaaly aatarr. you would ha UBawwra of ihr -ligalty you unooustionsiy, or Impudeniiys aaRiimed. Bapreme ln(alli|ehda wedded to iiiprcme slBpItoUy a iv akma eoBpaiant to Uia reatliaur>B of alernai Truth I"

I iccaclod toali tuU a cq ale klyand eagerly (hat II seanifd in a tuanotr toshaltoroiy narvoui coBpaatoo. II* slid back upuo hia Rvat la lu rh a beiplob« sort of nay m a il a*•ora wKbhUl apoliaty gaihrrwl (be man and bta wrappings h«tlbar. irxNfaingly ailju itrd tha iatlar, and w m raUaved of somo auxm iy >o nndtoalltU a lime, a* Hvldenopd by oertaln rha|M)dtoa1 im oiinia that Im had paioed orer, ir IhiI Irinpt>rai1ly, Into the poppy-land ol drcAua. Tbka gave me an opiiortunuy to grant)- ao aiinuai impaiative riihnsHT. 1 want RU lar a i le examine bi» hand-luggag*- The plain Roman Ittlllala " f . K." was a ll 1 found Hampedi upon aaiiquitcd poiimanneau aud ruailar bautlbag. llu i over lu the oorocr ui h ii leat Waa a nrat brown pap'jf fiaroal which might hare held a t«l( u4 unloiiched lUMh. and 1 MW 00 ihH the starling leqendi

*‘ >br Jfjv Jfaatuk"hcD JotU) Ruakin awoke wa eould kotb

lunk out of Ihe compartment window and sea U iaiida iweejUng m from Moracomba Hay aciM i Iha Levan Handa. It leeiitod to pleaw' him. and hla large gray eyaa AasUifl hrigbtly uniter li.a griRly Uow» with a light tuai trails* rormed bis pinched Itoe Into sumaihlnx Uke kindly radiance. Home imiiuiBe of coutran* luukhip Jed him to queitlon me rioanly and withoutcervoiohy rvgonltog myaolf aiM p it thCQ literary work in Irvlaqil. 1 answvradii lB liiHivally. BtldrcaHug him tiy liiRnamo,and eir>TRHlag ragral tbal Knglliluncti Ilka him would not do ax 1 had doae-*vlati lowly uf Ireland In avery pafi Itolaud wlib an liuiMwg iHifpriae cd diacovprliift tnt-goTcrn* meat awt Ita deplorebla reauUs, aad protoat# log agtiBit It lu high plooes where U would he boar'1. Tola threw him into attoi bar r a ra x y m of raga In wbleb ha gara rent to U a g u a if 1 would oat cato to rapeai, Uin tenur of which mar iw abuwu by om cluaing objuntatiou, rw paaiad again and again.

*‘ Uuna Dol rjvernm ent, (br frelainl I"Hr, Ruaklo, or no Mr. KwkiD, 1 would unt

au lUent under that, and, at all Mticisde- p ounc^ hh barbarous Torylam so rouudiy, polDtadoetblaown luezeuaaUe and wholly igBoraPt maUiuity With auch daring, aad il# lu iu a t iil hla lec^ of hoBaniiy, white Jkmottii beftwe tha wend aa e prophet oi llilniltobto tendaineM eud charity, the Logical otugrowib orb licu d iM s beUtof'Ur Iba wofxblpoi nature, truth and Uod, with nioa itiiaparlui reoklaaa# mwa that lu vary audacity, or amae Baouar of kindly iyitoipteiiw i, oalBod b lB , just aa tbo Ire in t V k e u o d Its speed at UlTetsion. Hare, wlMB 1 haailly la li the carriage with a curt “ Quod day, sir I" ha oalied to me to ralura. heachiog hla ib lii hand out io me be gar* my owu a hearty greap and aald, moat graclaualy and irlendllly :

Bear away a klodtr thought of m*. You have beah vary plalu air, hut you have done me gutrl. 1 am not wtH. i i r ; not well at all- But i like eny man who la not alrald of me. IMl iltink about Ireland. Ciooia to my bom* at Braisi wood, any lima at your ptoaaure.' .

The gnu le d taca had eTaryihiog good la U avhc ipcike. 1 ihankod h liu ; aald t would ronia. and hurried away In the crowd; imt wttii Iha than many oouBicutig cmotlona tn my miud I aald to my welooBtoi frieim ai ITvcrston. u t mentioned jny tide with ih r tomotu Fngltiiiintti. l( It had noi been John Kuskin I abould hav#» ragarded the man is - Mnc."

‘‘ John R iw kInT' he aided acatenitousiy. "Ob, fTcryiMidy up lAoiwaliUa way know a ha s alwey* baen m a y !"

Aailoie I ouuid vldt flrantwiKkl It wax known to a ll that tlw cloud which la aKdoiu littud h«1 diioniud the graai nttu'a intollncu But a iKtla lime ago tbe cable told AmrricaQ |woi>ie that hr bad attempied to take bUowu life. ThiHigli his own luritailoti liad tr>«a rat>CNtod by otbrrt wbi> stand iiir bim et ihe beautiful lakmki* huim', L Ooiild not Justify its eccaid# auoe. UmiMt u ith a ib c llo r w b ii had bsid a ire a ltp lr lt and hoJdiug a non oJ literary an# topay *>h Its d 'fhnuelew tciunJitA aaoBod a UoarilAsa thing to do. Yet, trying ao uear him here la tha English lake rvfiuu, I fuiiud my- aell i'uuiloualiv yielding to a kuIHIo feM lusHon which iBfielU d me to go wburu the uiau Kits# k ie bed itweli,

l i 1i but a liiUa walk oTer Ihe fell from Amblaxide Ferry to Braalmtod ; a lunger etie, Lull au cvapivin-Mna QNd JiUiTiicy, attuiud by Hawkshead, where WonUiToriO's early aebrnd days werr passed, thruuib the Utile hamlet of Waierneid, ieaviug Ike town of (.oiiltiou aiid C'onUion Okd Mali Momilaln lo Ihe left. Tbim'e to Ihe south, along tpeoavtoni shuro of i oiiiii- inn W’uier. It is hwrdlf threw in u m lo Biaui# wixxL The surrouodiiiga era oi the greaieat natural huauly. Tl)o ConiiioQ tVetcr stteiclies lu Hie nuMli and aouih lniUied)sii#ly In fiuul, WKh Waluay rear anil C-unliton iild .Manbe- yuOil ihs' oppMtie shore, ami granu but Iosnci scori and irlla IwcakUig a n a y In (illlowy reaches to ib» west ami soulli. 'Cotb* north, alBoat twildc llrautiTuml on Uic Astern iliuru,

Ti'Ui laalKe, for i tlmv thu homo of Tennyson, and Just b.’low aft* (ha ll'ie sahts ut Dotlfteoa Wood. Watrrpatk and ihe bold hlUur lltgti Ntbiliexti*.

BrsBiwcnd Useif, ax m e from tha highway, sHvoiM Jlk a a ilu g la laoede of grey old iioav. set lu a liauKlng wood agaluit ihe veidure- cvivered tuouniahi i#si'arfvmetii# It U loug. tow, but iwo-storHil, wt'h au ahiuisc tUt S'alf nHif, thumeh which ptojaci ibrva tiers of hn<a doubta rn im uen. Oo tUc (1r\i Qofir llie enlire fremt lx alraiisl whully occupied by ibr«« lowbill wuta bow wlndoiY*: (he one to (he tight furiilRiilug light to Ur. Kuxkin's xtudy ; ami Ihe only one (u the second xiory M Immediaia-

above Iha study. This IlgLus his eapaciuui 4'tianlicr. At tbe other CkWiicr ot ihu houxa is an cHii-lhiilht. tov^erdlkti Mruelure, sufEBoiint- i>h1 hy ■ touk#otU wludiuv hnnaihlng afrer ttto style of ihc baruxan of cm aiiciau l in w r. The •linre Iront H c o m iH wllh W r ntarlv lo the eaves; atid tho uissiivc road nay well hmnlng Iha epekwore. j^bkh was ihuH by rusti c none mawina under M r.^usklirx pi'raurial dlit^'ih's,IS now as Ikheiicd, musav e n 1 gray ex tlie (clj# skla ruclia mu of which lU htoiies were liewu.

AI 1 fluod there Inr e tliun driuking lu iha t^ikiiiy ol the s|Mit and ibe qiiaiDt HiiopiUity of ihc oiruciura a face appeiiml at iha wiuitow. Then another was seen Ncatde It. The taitor was big-aud rosy- U was ib r lace of a teuiwr. The fut nut WIN deathly white, ibatiires, hkir Slid bvnrd. ti wms pTysMiHl ngaiiisi the pane as if vrilJi Iha niaAuJiigtexB nniiuliw oi a Uihc. In a moment mure two white clawdike hands w«T0 rais*<l. Thew vUi'cbtHl iw rvKi'ljf at Him h srso fih f HAxh. "Iha ivhoiapicUira wasas if Mw Uvnig sbndi' of Huikiu lur au lUKitnl Uuplor^a tor lelcius.' Irmu iniprtsoNincut; despairing y , RxertHl a lust feeble KiTiipgIo tor Itbarty; vnlccK.a bui etoqiwni erlod not lo ihui flir (Uatd beyond lim mtxiy I'lirplcs ot tha tar Ruumiaina lo ihe I'lilin a Thule nl eiarual rest,I could tio( la'ftr lo nki l l kmger: aud heart- pick from tha irig h ilu l pioiiirc end Ur dutorouv siigccsttoiix. mmhi ha^iy flight from Hraiu- womI ; forsaking the ]vJcai>Mut highway ami pUiiiRlng bravely toward 1A mdehucre orarlba rugged Fnruras PeUs,

In ihrea huun' Unie t auddenlj rxtnc lo ihe edge of e c l in i let doll or ding Ir, a i me wctu'ru desceni lute iMlaperk. abotii I we a illie irum Urn souiheni red of Kuhwalto Water. In tha lUila doll, nrsiicd a lung altbar iida pf iha fiMUitag ‘'force'* ib r R^uad, browa-hoo^hd (vms or ibfl laigest ftypry cainp 1 had uv«r oome npon tn KtJxlead. Av lor upward of a quarter uf a panuiry any lypa.v ivimp lo any laud Of idluia where I bavo found U h « i b.-eu my boBiQ as loug as I wished to tarry, and i i wae aireaoly lata in lbs afiernoon. 3 was o<>l

, loog In ctauberiiig dewnih* sidaa ol the little gloii entrantw, and w i'iinug a beariy welrome iTum tboaai>rmylawDy Itouatty itiands who «tre l» d iu g beside ibu nuuldcrmg eemptlrea.

Ihcre were uui tkw In camp at ib is h K iro f tbe day. Tbc«a ware the very old m enu ho w«re puUivTiuf at alt Banner of llukartog U|4m broken donkey caria-doDkev gtarlliRt rc«|iilre(t mending ami paoa pMs and kelUca whiuh wene boini rensTred Id in M liiM a lih tiyie Cur peasant bouiewlTav roiitxlabout j u ap y youug ebauvtoa (gypay ehlkdraol that were at a ll sortx of n w la ^ H dnus* gaesea, tod Ub lau nt old ip aa*iirai^ too oM (dr Iha laben

ani afiifleas of iha road, vrhn allii always aerva I" hold Iha rvlua of gYryrrnni»-ntln ■by fVftvyoeKP w^H ill beiHi. ehlia brayoly protairiBg the aveulug meala aKalut *ha yvuofer waouerer^ roturn.

There ware ilzidaii icnis. I itnaw lhat iDvaut hi'uslng for from a Rcorr to twa-aoora gv|i#|et. Ihcphina i‘bi>ieu fw ibe camp was alwayia pa'chol suiiUrM, whichgyinlcsdra^ lylova A ong the |•Btohrxof ctq^wood and xbriil^iry at ihet-ir-img cdijes ut Iha dioal*. a* w<-'l as hare end (here iloog up Pi sunny i.4j<w, was graalmr loahundaiuwioMJiailun' ker# w blcndnir Iha gypaiC'’ caili'. From any Ijoriion ot Ihe ramp uoa bad in Hill view ihe luwar ww-h ijI Falhwiina Water. Wimlcnnrre tpeyond to ilic ras(, niib (ho (owns uf Howocm ir.cl Windrrmtr*' Irrmltig igeiiixl 1h« cmcraH side* Ilf Hrahtfoli U)im>l;aod yoL (be wan- df’rvrs' eiH'xiiipmciii um whopv Invlsthle to iJiv spyiuR r<>ii<’:ilmiari' iM'di tba highway', or loo' atid potjy T'-s b* iba >skfi loaiun.

jUru wrrt# rcpiv- ■mallva'i of aJi lh« Kii|IUb gypsy (XQliua tri uu;c ^iba SVbaiPms, Iharjlcy. Kf.iiohls, hmlihx, Hrewir*. and the Kails, Rallays and iPxwvM*. dv»condania Iramtba N'lAtwh gyi*{*==' of Veriiolqi br inlcrmirrlMca ufgcmraiuna ago, lo w wers all urlglniuiy Imau-is ami IWH-krrs. Their h .m rr pemunviil hitmevMs lu Wrxiruurciand and ('timbrriaiid- In uhlan llrnav ihcr inxde nil Hm rU'ts (tvifl wara 11X111 l<y Iha rtubilaii pcasxniry, nml by FHi.n«ying iiJlii r tnlToMxtorH hmuahi l>*ck in iitair ( i t f over ihc nUl LivrriO'jl, Mau< 1ic*i>t and f'arildu ii»ai h rued much of liir Uucr n irn ; avao iradKiK in '‘ Minions" ami " d idgawouds" ai ih« houses orihc rmhrian gmiry aiir] uoWIHy. Now they l.avs their wilder huatiix In J ivcrpu)!, HiriuliiKhnia and fjiHCuiiter, and b*'iura ibu xuowrlruivi xiid priiuriHM>M presliovslug (heir pnle I'U'rcs icxld* tJu' lingUxU liikM, ihegypelcsara bai'l: liore in ihviro-d hanuu ; tnaiiv unha luan dicirsring aiir] iradiiig at thn I'mbriau fairs, and ofian blit leg and siupptoa liomw to HauchRiirr ao<l Liverpool; somu purtoing ibnir audeot call­ing af ilnlcurina and un.cr work ; add Uie wumrn •ailing willow WNta and iMnktli snd r»‘apitig nch harree-a a t mikkmtig (loriiim- toUliir) among tha Vmbrlaii ilNnKw and tha b u cnHiiilunx, bill iMiif goiieroUR, Uwirlsla who tbruiig the luvely rcglou.

1 liftil not bccu ill a gvptf caenh since my Jait year's brlct itHudoilcigs wiMi tba Romany In ourown Jand. and It waa Ilka a ilrludnus h- imc-coBing lo sou the geimlne gy|ixy twluu^- mgit that Were beru. There were iha rmic forges tUathouLd bh slung under tha creakiug <iaria; liiarr, miiuincrabla udJs atid ends ul ihe real linker's m n ; <berr, tbe cimpflrcR, which, Jow as they may siuoJdrr, are never aluiweil to uhoUy got>q*., b>'rsiiie thny rapre# ssnl a tlhgcruMC lovni tnurt of ol<l«a Aryan Are wursQip; llierv, i riaicbius by cart, or tent, ur Are, or ou hauuchux at the gieu euirsuoc. ae If Hentinclllim uh' tied eventide niiunt of sl#cnt oixtlan were tba briive, lu) al, gaunt and toIch- lus- gypay doga Hero nud itiero the kvitio# sileki—not ihea'.agu iMpodx which burlesque gyp«y reality, but tba mrong, xacrad-prbitd. ('Tuolind iron kaitla-atlckir-'Sruh ih«lr flxallng |s*ia bunealb. While hare and tberr, but always facing «ach other aud Iha firaj baiwern. Were the rexi tauia of Ifao Kumauy : booda rather thao wotdlen blaukrti, 11k« our fraaiimuthcni' ihhii old sbeeta s(ra(ohi<‘d over oakae bowsi aud (aatenod wllk polubed oakco ■kewera ; all sn inug aud aljuna that no ortU# i.ary storm esu wrnnk ibte liny gypsy borne. And I knaw ibat iny bed thia nlgbi aotiM be Iwnaath one of tbeee, im pitas ol swcot ruibri irom ihp sIleiK tarns abovv. mingled wUB Ira# grajit Irupds of lamb asd fir.

EiXiAR h. W a rM a K.

I T W A B R K A 1#

A O m lii I^HWcntwior Wb*» M istook ■ OoJis lo r • HoguaM w w €*•• O n to iu en t.

From tha F iu ttiu ri Dispatoft- Tw o weeks ago, whaD (leorg* W. Forter,

tha welJ keow B g ra is n p e n lu r of U iR o a - •polk waa In Now O rira D i. be bed so affluilng adveDluxa In a Jew elry alorc. 11a was w alk ing down Oana) street, near tba Ht. Cbarlrw U etcl, when a (u ta fs H y ar> r ia g rd window display iR a ie w e lle r 'a ito ra ■ itraciad b l i attoailon, T h a n waa a big Duthountnl wblto atone la tb a a o a t n of Iba window, w hlck Mr. To rU v thought would make ■ capital p r« a D t to N Bd t* a feliow-mambar of tba M inpcapulla Dotrd of Trade, wboee ( a iU In je w e lry , t i« , tro iiic ia and tbe lik e la H>mewbat outre.

U w u tbe sort o f a jew el t b it a oagio m instrel n iig b t wear w ith good rffrc l. C h u rk lfn g i t tba idea, Mr. P erfer itepped Ihto the a u re U prlee tlie rIo m .

" ]r (!.e chunk of ctyatal coale $5 I'H buy U for •'~-*,** aald Mr. Porter lo him# self, adrliflg aloud to tbn aalesmaD, " I wsnt to look at that b ig lu m a Intbaabow# caic."

T h a lew eller tB itcd , Im t he d id n 't move toward tbe window, *'W e never t ik e that atuae out of tbe catCf a ir / ’ be

" Jlu t 1*11 lin y It,*'yfjftibert M f. Portsr, tak ing out a $5 b ill aud la y in g U oo ibu coiiuter. T h e je w elle r rajweied that the iteue waa never taken out of ib e window exerpt at v lg b ti wbaw It w ei teantferred lo the aife.

" W all, what ts the blamed thl&g wnriU 7” aakad H r . Porter, fom ewhul D ittled.

" F o rty thouiiT id d o lla r s / q u ie tly re­plied tbe Jeweller.

*'(lraat H co u ! T b e a it'a a diam ond T" " U a e of tfav t b n « dneat lo the U oiled

Ntates,*' waa tbe rep ly of the dlgiilfled je w elle r,

A a d thea U r Porter learned that what he had taken (or p site o r o ry ita l and a lu H ab le m e d lnta io ran A p il l fool Jo ke waa a jew el of w orld-w ide fame, w hich the Naw O rk-anaflrm keep In ih e lr ahow window* aa ao advertUemebt# T b e Jew eller rg - p lah ifd further tb s l It w iu a good bostocal policy to keap $40,000 locked up la a ila t l* lio o e . bccauto the prica of dlamoud* la a^eiullly id v a h clo g , and dorlug tbe last two yrara th is atone baa earned a pimhI rate of In le re it ud tbe money w hich it reproaente#_________________________

Hood’ Mo other medlctne aver plweed before Ute pubihs

Sarsaparilla X>#T»!I7U deoM #0 U ucoiigU ir •• llaod'# 8» ™ -

iw rill*. r t « a • tsttU b s f ln o liii tills D A A i i l l a v w s t lc lM t« # #t#adllyr v v U l l i X r u u l n p id ljr Ine nM H i In

n « t l r a « x * -

r * M > >i V I. V A « 1 A rtA ll.H H A H - f l i l t •uuKisnl ritlW iy ot Aunrim .

fitoli aud bInHt 2*- iia*. (rains

u 111 b-evf U.i rkrt Ulnwt metlvii, Nawerk. aa ful-

iliroujiuiut hy thalriicriortruw-........ , . ^Rigtiftl i)u auit iiflcr Way_2*. Iw*-

u i * o l u y preiHirsUoa of It* kliuL # . l f I t i •iHK-e#* l l to# won slisplT

bOffiwM It Is c o n stu tly p ro r liii1 ^ Ihot It |W#*«SMO po*ms# BH riL

dOM M aoBpttsIl « m t is oU lB w l lo t IL

0 * H u n n 4 l * '"'*• " * * "“O i r o n ^ r i f liu o d ’s S n r u p u ilU • ji b y tbe f ic l Ui»t Itc c o n o m y f i , pr«p»rtd b y »j s • PoenlJar C s n t U u l k n , Propoi^ AnO U oa F r o e e u known only to # S . . . A « t u A H o o d 's Itoruiierillma UrailVX? a m i t y whlcb Uia full f l - - , , - - m edlclim l power of a ll tb# r O W O r ingrotllenu usod Is rstaliiod. ■ TlH DsaDdsofToIuntiiryw U BH U sI w w / aU orer tho oowitry teitlty to f f V u a d a a wondertBl benefit d c r i« il I j O S O S from It. I I you lu a e r trom

One Dollar affection caoicd

£ ■ # # • & '’T ‘“ P * ™ **'“DO OUrO flood's Banapw lU k.

I I.-': A. N . b jd lliM w 1UiFullsn#d v##tKnil# u r. lor Klui xW»*plui <er*, ii»lly ftir llUatburg. iVI'Uij-I b)»,i'wvitiaiRl«iKliM. Jjflilx, dAliy Riorpt naturMkiY lu -I •<l>a%fliiuA'l\4eLta. ,

r.je I'. M . UfWern Kvpraaa, wllh lu llin m i Vf*nliii1r-l*«pliie''arii and d'ului ear to Uiii*- . ft.r I'uioLBfiL c tiew'io, t letlMuoH: aii.fHt. 1.ou(x, dally exi t-pt ttoturrtar

knC, TitjRiJu, WiJlleiaumrt. Hin h «l*r, fRitfxlO i an t Mararn S'BtK

K t i I'. M.. int-lbf! Kipieaa. e'ltii t*ul1iiiaavi-sOktilaaiMihiixeert, daily ft«r J’liU'burx, Chi* i<ac>i «wl T u l ^ tUlly exoapt Boiunlay fcv flfvfland. . . . . . .

F<if BilhnwEf, Woehtnoion awe tlw 11(7 14x.S.i5. sATA.M. llJo illw l man parlor « a « and iUniiur<s<T. HUM A. M j. 11.:^. i.;«, LVi. AJ4 aed SJa I'. M. On RoikUx . tL^. amlM TA. M .,4AS.4.naBd •#» I ' -«• K'W W il- UinrH utUy, I.S . 7 Js M. Nunrtep, 1.31 F. M.

V tt t'liSliMltlidjla, Fxii'^sa. l - ^ i A*S|CAT.V.'JJ, OOJe rjDilUnl Kxurww. FullMien fariRTnl l»(uinff tWri. l i . ' i r a . l L i l i 4»l. I.M. lAl. l. -S l .» .U \o . i l .a . '7.A a a n d * J l lM I. Onhun- iJaV.1ft#T.ttW,hA7.» .» , IA3I A. M#;tW.4.» . CV*. a i . a B t iv J jr . i i . *. AA « uA.s»n«. II.44A. M.j A,eaaud TJftF. M. Oa Bua rlay.A3^i*mi j.B J* M. _

Atr ’lYRiUoiK 11(7. «.*a. y-W*. 7A9, A5*. ft#j7. Rri (10. M Llmltrsl KinreflBxml .iln liir fftYi. H -» a W M.4j X. .q .i it « . i .a . ia s - A’ii.A ak37iA :^ TrJR. s.£:. aud U.4L1 u . v(uB«iar,i'#:.47.a.w. antliaai M : 4,t \ .'kJ7. 7J 1 cud

For .M iaiuii-rUy I N 1*. M#iwltiitiiniURhlrt»fl«l paiiorr.ii BMi| «|*v t ' U R i ' h w a v k day*.

j | k n m « t i t i n i t * w

M i N M i s T m m s

S a t n r d i ; i f U in o o o , J b d « 6 .

Tba (’umnientfiuttut J'.x'«*i«.i by the f‘hil- flrvil pf J'H'fl'**Or I*V|JimII'>'* |bn-.<«cqviii at if'c lov-k. brvliuihig at '2:-Ubi]«f|x a frw rvevrvad Mats ami tw-» upfK-i '-p mn h.* ba l at r. D. I,euicr tki*s uf 22 Wi-u p - < air-al. __________ ^l I

To C e t’*‘b y a ll druRitl#IA. C .M IO O U R O U . lo v c U , Msaa. Hood’ s

for (-'alia *lav, (.3 1'. W- a«rk dn/a r’ur ■*« Ihia I'uy amL uc**ui i1iy» ^■ »ir ami UC**ui i l ly . K. SL

Wo*k dJiVflfo r i <iiw Ursm h, KViwrutt, ne«.»u<tn>sc.abnuii

I. ko\HM>aOlit. .MauoviU.ui. PuliiL J ’liMsa'li and iK.liiUftii Iha Nf» Y<»rkaii4 l^uif 1*;V‘rasrt.3ja .i..e a . i.Ui,: .j*^au'i A * I''. M. rtaliv.

X x c u r w t o i i s .

' F k S l t D l B l C i i T K t . C i L

H n n d a y , # I n u t ’' 7 ,

i l O D l

Our N iw rea-goliig ti^trawvr


ttU l toare C’ommvrvbU Wharf. .Market TiSO A# M*. A llA K P .

4^ Balt, 1*1 imh and RalresbiocnUi o n pr#AUircd uQ tbe bu^i.

FA R E, - « 0 CEN TS#}'2 IJ. K A Y H K ? . hup’U


RViaoiHundHy, t»n>aimiav. Id li A. M* andfrwW. M. liobiuLptiioaUXeau iiruve «r AtUiry ll ir li


KKW A KK, It. »,A III7 I D O n n . - - r r# # 1de#!.A «i.iio * rte tv# lo ## >J»ii. I.ISSI He,iWi,t£MJ LUbim ic# H. Y. «ml Krua

f u r p i" . . . . . : . . . . : . ............................ i iMjrplii#, by fonnnr S-T.Pt#nd*Td

(Aio. Bx. t s pc# cect- Ktterroi *.a»J,«22 B) l-.l>cu]» AfeM*l«l#lr K o o -1'##l#lta01# AU#.'

de re nd Vee-v#In r u i or LArm( me J oUcy is ro iw isoiD in

vox 'B aa Uma as itr value w ill pay fur i or#<t preferred, a I ’uld-up FoUuy fo riU lu ll value, i SeaNUu ejtcbaiiqe.

Alter dbe aecuid yeur Kollelea e it rioow TKaTAeLR. iRcey( es at;eia*t Jaienitoael (raial. eed a il rtM iic tw m aa to ftautoiMf, fraeri or i«ee# enhon erv leMoratk

i oau IsOAM ere B«dc to the extern of U per fcoL of the Ti ocrva vetue, w b m v * l« awlgB- Biom^ of (be I'oUciea eau be made t* cdlatorai lecurdy.

Uxiwta fwM immwllateiy npoi eooplotMM eo(t approval oi pnooM. ________________

on i*un(lajvFor IkjKUm, withinit rloAUf*. MT F. U. dallr. For Ai'WXIvu. S. Y. All lliruurh !f*lns uni-

w tta l ritv ivUti lNNAU#»f • ilrwuliiyn Air-net." liifid'JIrtvdire,tUiimfrMib uml fr'in hvii-(mipii'i>el.avA'dlHg dutihla farne^o aud jouruay Bcrena Iba oily. .

Ht»h NKW v o riKl*ave ll;trkpl ntre*i Ht'oliiiu, 'tie. S- T. a.co.Ml,

Mi.T.no. 7.U 7JR T ,» ,7Aa. Sift. AlN.X»l.i.M ,A«.M l. R ' i B.xi, •.•'(>, io.4Mi.nu, h - it

A.M .llUiC. lU M AO , IJS.I.B. iUl.JtjakiW,lfiA. t ' X M K iia ,4 « .M a r k « ..V 4H,aiii, « a K 7J*. T.tv. 7--2», TAX, X-.ih, m i, a a I0,id. M»Jb W.,eibd lltiFalg ht Hueday troJuR.ata, MT, t-W,eon. M l. 1002, loje, 10.« . tiAa, ii.M a . M., i2.«,i.to. i.ri. W 7, tSM. 241, ari, 4.id i » . i*n. \ 4H,iut.7,m. 7.XJ.T.tt, yJR aoi hj4, v ‘S , laoa. im d p. m .,}'.:00flighL

I.«as*t('vnKra Hirt«t.‘btH'Jna. Uft# totA, AM# 7.0A 7.iT.;.w ,a3.i, Mu.ejT, hur. uuo'*. i i -« a - m.; rjJsi, 1133. LOS. Iia ,lA A 4.(2, 4.21, 4.0S. MU. S-H. *Ks 7.1k 7.W.4.aVt.2t M.wpck deyo.

A. M., ! i i « uoim. I l i a


S m K M Y , JUNE 13.All olay ^ l1ldav ui lln l'‘sl'X. No li»t ol h'l'i*

nets Luiira l.luiniHlniirulvroflloXfl'*; dpeo.-H Ua-ii, a■ llinr, curb rppsTVPii Ilu" «duw. 'I'rao.i

i l l Icnvr I'A iif(h sYfuuLj riia^iuit, V w a rk . 7 { iw-k V. M. &Au;(tiRV. Ju'io Id : airlvc at (i e iil im o'chM’lc Sunday tmcnlmt. leave a l u clock ^imdav evrn i:ig : nrrlf* NewarW 7

j 'c Iak'* Md’Kiay u in in iu i, June Ift. TicNc.ii a n i hU iDfonneiioo a* city ofiliM. INJ: Mar# kctai.

T H E A N I T A .tA4, 4.lii' 4i l , “4Ja. 4.IL 4.*, a.'»b A 4A, 7 T.fti', 7,4*; X-'Ji, MU. IlMXi, |fi,4S J*. i l . , Mini l i . ...........................

MULLINS A CO., ilftAND^aftMAFKKTFTIlKKT##....................................„...,NEWlRK, N. J

T lie R ouih la F ro a p crln g .From Ihe foriina.

FlDinclally the Botutiaru Hlalca am glowing with ticalUi add promtaa and rvjnlcioi in Ibe ('otitoiousucei uf tbeir wwentlal gr«’at5cai< N'i luiuf tiax bM'ii crcftled by scnrailonal adrar- U«lua, bm th » world hex been raeouH i^I Qr (be letcid aiRtiatiai of wunderfoi grnw'a aaiJiowo In tliu National f 'risns ot 110(1. Tha lum of ell lx ID tbe fact ibai Ibe axi*ws>«d value of prop- •rty lo nine R(«iea Is eettinarad by iha cenaua nfllclali u> have grown iri>m 13,000,000.000 In IHAO (o 1(10110,000.000 tn IWO. Tho leitoriiof tbe cetHUS efi>ry where tail of enlarged and ea# larging eraai uf ctiUlvadCNit of new mloei ef <xial and iron. ez(WlleBi Itt quality and mex- haiistiblc lu quautltv, of new inniiufioiorlfi in every denertinaitt uf bnuian indutlrv. all iho louai of wealth and of wmad aud seitsfac'ory nnxace are bare ; aod m my uiiinlfM Kiuihcru enlarixliies are enimaiMl, nuiaioad nud furll- OinS by BR sincere aud bigb ■ regurd lorrom- marcial cmdll and perwmal bnm>r, and bv av prolNind a coijvlcttofi of the iMM'i^ty oi fiir

a i are to be round euywbere.

R A P S A T T H E M E A N G I B L .

Pbe iblAa bet bmduni on the ihoulder* of oibers.

Hinge loudly when the reM of tbe eboir are nnging low.

rbouxes for her opponeut some one weakerUipu benwr.

Hays Ibe w ill, end eouvenlaiitty forget* pa koep bar word

Never hirgets (o remind her frionda ef the fbvor* nbe has bvsiuwed.

Is coutent to speiid Ibe time end mooeyof tbo*e w bacam iid eflbrd to kwe It.

I^(s har hmhibx imiure and xtlna ing tongue play faiae Ui (bnee who have befrlanded her.

Keep* the bliter ratcuorlra of othart in a healthy atate ol cxlxiauca by ber couil&u'atl ebon#

Buys a bat Ilka her d e em ' foe's best one, aud gives U away lo tbeearvtm a forlTilgbt later.

( imirMU Ibo happlneis or goo<lntsf ol ihe third |ier<on dugular wUb Iha lot o( the per- ■ on «<ldraw«L

llav no real frlenda and, after all, dcservei our pity bei'auw oi the weeaneM cf her ebar ec’cr,—TI/pobE'J <fUA>r.



G O O D G O O D S . E A S Y T E R M S . L O W P R I C E S .


Id iiUhi. ruuilay. M n Att, VJI. «.«. 10.1.1. idtT, 1 l.w A. M-. 123X, \ ^ \ 1..11.KS1. 14ikX.24,l.AH. 4 X3, 1^ 443, til a, *ja, l.lli, 7.2J.Vi**.9.»,XW, KkjlNBd ll.W r. , ,,

Lniva ICiritnxt Htiwt h*oil*r!i, *M. •®l,**#'i, 4.'^ T.«I,H.U\S.2.YX.(W. V.I3, f.Xo. avL UtURml iLSt A, M., iv.2i.i.':i.a.i>4, i - : 4, l u ■ u a .ija .a w .a v u JK , a'?ii y-'iN. iO.H ('. M. anri Jibi uichi. Hmma.v, H.ISI. A64, n .X 9.iA, lU. •}, J1.4C A M.; VZM. 12&2. lJU,lu ii. iu . A;n.a.V4, 4.au. a m , m i . *.ia,4>H T.a«.si,143 ami I I ' l l H M.

FIlOiM M A U K FT KTHKKT HTAlTpN. ro rriliA lK 'lh anU llahwny. tU l.7. ^ l.Ja^7J^

M l.xai.xM , I'k*. Il.*$ A. H.: ItS i. I.S*. AftA•3 . 14R, 4.a , *?5R, a.iw, i».jsi, a.«i, *‘3?#


«J1 K(i; lu i, 7.07. Ms. ikuif. t.ta, av(. ig w. i i . c i*. u . niHli-Mtauil 1147 iilghL hnrMlay, l l 47,a il .A g 1. M 4, lo.l*. 11.0 4 . M.1 lias. l-« . l a . ( « . LKS. AM. 7.rtt, 7.14 T.ftV, g « . AM, dO. XR). JUW ami iL ir K .M.

For .'rw Bruiuwh'k, Itff. ft(A7J», T.»,R.v.'aiwr li. iV A. M _ J J - ' J ’

3uVs k '£. a i i ?#^. *J0 and W.lt P. MMiindftv, I'4 I7. U4{li.K&7.*.44 uioU lajL A. M.; 1114 I j.1. .i .at. 9M and u.3W P. if . . „

For WomlbrHgpami IVrth Amlioy, aJil, U I amtli>.4ft A. M ,U ;i4, 3.W, 4.HI. aW, 7.0T P. M.. end I2 |T nlriit. On nuuulaya, i a i3 aud ILM A, M.. aae and iiuu P. M.

For y jM Miltiioae, 7-00 A. M.; 12.4B. 4 .9 and gto p. Jkl.. daily, eai-anl Hutvliiy#

For Jblnamoii sml hOi'ky H ill, TJB A. IL ohd fcOTi P. M. daily, rveept Kuuduy.

I'oir Pldllipaliitrk-. V^RtoD am) ^ v to e rr, rjB, ll.b i A. i t wmI SJft. * .r P. 51. barfeUi-. 5.»»P. M.

For Uiinhartvllie. t.m . 1L9 A. M.. 231, U l andft.»»*.M. Buiinay.l.WP, M. ___ _

For FJtmlngtou, 7J3J, 11.9 A. M. and I B P. 5L.

$ 6

Waiolies,$ 1 0



$4.50IceUiil ReMunlis, $2.50op.

T h i s S t y l e H U le b t M t r d , A n t i q u e O a k , X V I . C e n t u r y , e t c .

S 1 5 .0 0 . REDUCED PROS! a2S.OO.Alin • lu ll# #ii>l #le(*ot UU# of DININO KOOM CU AIRS. Id le#Ui«r, iD lliia e o tk #Dd X V I

OsDUiry, ffnm eA.M D|X

■f C K R PE T S.We take pride in liavlug tba large:,t ami ih itit ■ Aforimanl of Carpetx m tba Su ie . riur nock

of EJ/tXiANT V K L V E f C A R P ET Ji larger ihan wp anllrlpatpd, To r^ n c o our stock W E M A KE A H PEt'iAL O FFER , aud have marked ourieguiar Sl.U A Velveta down to • L lO per yard#WuouDiiaue torellI N O l t A I M S a t 3 A c . P e r Y a r d .

T A P K 8 T K Y H K l ’ S S E L S a t 6 0 c . P e r Y a r d .

B O I > Y B K U H S E r i . H a t a i . O O P e r Y a r d .A lto# M l iiD ^ o rn rcB , u a t i >. u a t t i n o . o il o ix )TU8. « ui.


T lio jiorputuiitin*! of Mm. niiklutm ** woirk wsiH ii'J a n ir il by licr f(:r iiii;;lil from llio P ta n . K \ cry sulTerliiK otiiAii ap iily lnq lo bor rO''f*lvpil persoiinl at- tPiiMoii, nut! *iio olrtnilH ol evnry nise worn rw 'orilc.l. Tbcao r<H i>rila nro to- Uny 111* Id fS P a t 3l i flHM Vorld* ron- tuiti f.u'ta not fu iim l elsowbero, now o|mn to a ll women#

T e (b «v e deelrleg C f t E D iT w egtve Ih e b e a iT e ra x A T T i l K liO W £ .S T € A M H P IU C B 8 Upvu tvenlnia untb \ Haiurdays 10 o'clock#

dally, PnwptHuiMay. _PrliHwmn, 7.(4 Aft?, n « A. U.: JJD, U t,Fl>r I • lil^^urit# #.!*#, #»•##, #| -^ «w# -##■■ -

ftOH a»rt.M» 1'. N .. ualiy# vxcapt Hondav.Fi>r BortlPiitown, liurlinqUin atm tr'imdaQ. L A

arined li.4fl A-M ., 1,9 . 24' . -VJ8 ind K li P. M-. dully, pirp)itsutHtay. On Hueday. iOJl A. If.,

For Krielielil, Fermlof date# JfAn09qutiii and Hen (HrL via MoiiiaoaUi JaDctton, T.U and 11.41 A- M., 4.9 V. ftC. week dayo.' Per Freabold oob. 6.05 P. II. »e«k daya , _ ^

NF.W v fm K TO N EW A RK.For Newark. 4.00# «J», aJO. aao, 7.to, 7An, 7,4o.

ftlOL AB, V.9 . lato. ML40, tl.lU# lLft0 A .M .:U ld and llts) noon; t.oO »JP# U L 13D, ajxi#I.Ji. UO, 4.to, LiO. 1 9 . 410, 4.40, Litt, 610, 6 9 , I t t 6 « , LU,Loit:aid' l Jl l b .' a 'aH, 7.o l7.b sjn,a lA. ia.K it.to. . . . ^ ................................11.44 P. N.#‘ aiMl iftiOnldalgtiL itomlayuains LU, LOO, LOU, Mft. ILO LU LBllua. IIJ ) A. M.J;:#G0 D«inn, dao. LOG. 1JV, 3.(b, 3.41. L B 4.«n, 4tl, 6 d>. LJ3, 6 i i , Ltt. B,4L TAS>. 7AG, 7.4L LOG. L B LQL tto ULl.Vll.ai F. M..pnd 1113 midnight.

Formrther inatnnailou see iima-lableii, lobe hei a( (iw tlckrt Ofllowx Tlukrit tor all nnluli vndm PpiMNylvaiila Hellrood aaduonupt.'tloiiLandbertha, •evtlooa and havTnge rheok# a l (baooBf pepy'colTloe, ?((i. fia Ha*d Breel,or at tlokvl otfflw at Maritet Kiraal BIa Uoil_______ _

/C E N T R A L R A IL R O A P OP N&lft JSItAPV.^ ArroJtgeiuaBtaol uwtnarotnBwcQlDf N o y BIBL

N m VA RK AKT) K U Z A R R T H BRANCH. TraUit leuva Ilioad Mreat rdatton tor Kllixbeib

and KoMiSe at L U 7-to.7Ad<L3ft Klitahathpor* only) L U 634. ».», 10 IUB&, IL B IL B A. U.{ ILU i-B I B LB 4 to T ^ La*, LB UL1 14, l.UO, i.ao, x,*F, W.V-, ••#•*, W.W, HL U 7.1ft. 746, DO, L B u.tt r # u hundoyLLB L4L Lift# f L 3J Kllsebetimoit DOly B B A . M.tllb i. hiO# U L L(A. 410# 440, iL B KlltobelbponObly), 64U.L(K.LSLLU L B B IG P U

A ll iraiDx etot) at i-arry xtreet and JEUaahatlF port and nt Kuit Party a im t on xlguL

For PlalnflelA,LUT.]a. 740. 146, ILOS, tl.B A. M.; l.«# !.» , 340, L U 4 QS. 4B , 44L L m , 444, L U 7.16, 7. B LSG, LU, 11.B P. i t

LU ILflV tl.B A.

For ttoiuuWtUe# Lift, T .B lJ iL IL0LH.SS A. U ;106,1ULtU.49Z.L«LLQS, L B U I, LU 7.3V LB L U IL9 P. If.

f^ r KIvm:iiiton, 7.1ft Lift A. If,; U U O L U ft

A. M. lor Main Mae N. J# C DMrien. HighBrldKaBnuicbaiidAllftatowii.

7.1'iA. M.. tor UoLn I4on rf. J# C. DtVn fietbla' hrm. Atlantowu, Mawih Chunk, etc.

661 A. M., Pir Main Lina S . J. G* I>lT.,Laka Ifopolrong, High Hrklga Brectcb. Allpruoau, Rvading# narrShurk, wraitiou. WIUlaeimtQrt, Tamoquo, Pottiwtll*. Mohaooy Oty# i^nbury, aio,, xM ihroaghroueb How Yorkand WtUlooiepor6_

l.asF. Bl., tor Male Una N. J . C XTlv., Allan* town, NaucU CTtuiik. J A ^ In g . Ifarmburg,TunMiiO. luintntiT and Wllllohuiport, etc#

I P - .................... " ‘

f n u u u i f i s & C O .218 a 880 M A R K E T S T .,

N E W A R K , N . J . T E L E P H O N E N O .A lio .lore# In Fnt#i#an,'}«n«T C lI;, K. J., in d Brouklfo, N. V.

9 4 0 .

V r a i i b i t n V o t n n a i i l p f l a l i c t * . I V r a i i k l i n W n m n a k i p j i t a t l c M .

X T lIT H 'K OK BA I.K r o l l V K I 'A in T A X k » .-S O T |l ' i i IN H K R K B V < t lV K N .T U * T UY V IK D ii of #w#rr#nl Ipti,#.! tir lo##pl, K(i.i«r, JoM#pii N#arl#. John If, Wuit#, J # ,# i |.'r«#uinti #tk1

J.IU#. W. Nur,«Mt. l 1i»Town#lilpl'oiutiiUl,..M th# TtnoiMUp uf }'r#nlcltTh Ui th# i^untyot til' nmkP ihH liDimlil taxpii aewavNl on laipH. tar^pmauls, l<iiKHti(«nicat)i and rnal iHlhl* Itt ilipiRlainwiialilp. In the yrar IxW. thn Mitbe-rlh«r,<’Dnpr(iir t r 'i'axi'‘i tor the Mild townKhl|i.«1|]. mi Nalnrdav. thf iWDiitleth day ol #luno, next, at th«< hniir of [baiwean 13 AI. and 6 i'# M.j hi A llliia iy ila il, in mlft1iiwiinbl|i, sail llie lattdx. ([•up.upmIh, UuredltaniviMixnd real e^tale liPi'einidPrdxnTUted,at irtil^lu dm* dir tlip ahorioxt Iptiu inui oTiTedlox Ihlriy want) tor whirl) ar>y i>(T4titi or iwimoih wUl tun lake Hip rtme tuid |W>'such tn-iel willi liili*reBl lherp<Mi al the r»ie of twdve imr I'eniunt rroni ilia

md hloirty, lo.'BlImr with coeu frt a.

vrn- oaree to

iw •■ mirth day 1*1 (M-iubar, A. ll-, one Ihonaand el|bt bmidrad i I'liari^eK and sAjieaaaa

Name ori^wiiero. DeRor1|vtlon.Mto. Manila Pauilxon- 3 acrexol Iniid. more or le»R.x1limtefl on

Avuiiilale rowd. adjulqtng iiruperly nf itoU. Ijtw imd .Mra Wm.Imwar............................................................................................

Nivih lia ll-t jiil H. Aidvl'onlre Ht and J:Iuat Millar at., «dJulii1ojf



Coxm Btid Total lutottDt Atmniat

lnJm iB '41 line.

l i t SOpiiiporiy ofOllo Mllhtr.#...

IMuii'Hn jJuimfHrlurtng (U —Mill and lot N. hIiIi- of t.'tirBUiiii sL,

LOft P- H., Main iiiiie N. J . C. I^v.. Kanch Oiunk. Heariliijt, Harrlxburx, WUkaWtarra !tcranMm,rollMi!le,Mliani©klD,eift ^

4.?'. r . M.. way tor Main Lina N# J. C. Dtv., Klab Hridge Krancb, i ^ a Uopaic^ig. Kaslwzi, Helhleheni. Ailviilnwn. ^

lAft P. M.. tor Main D M K # C mvIMom Soft tM, Alleiitowu, Uaafting, liarriabargaod Maoctr

:.6S i*. M.. tor HaWom Betblahads and Allan*town.

740.ft4ftA.M.. I B . 7.13 (11.9 P.M., VXOejM HiV unlay nlgbi) tor Mibberv, LewiabUfianO tinU-lamapnn. Kuudaya.Lto P. M.

muvOHve Way for Mauoh Chunk and q iu ! L4U A. KL.way for Bomarviliei a. U., tor houiarvlH# 5 L to way tor Iluuailtn: l l « P. M., w aybr Itoaellfo; 1.N P. M..way tor Utah HrliLn hrem'h. ItoMUTig, Jlarrlabuir, Moueb niMufc anti ivutaTlMa ) S.ID M., way tor Honkr-niMitfc anti I ’nitarlMa v illt: Lin |M 1. , y ~ ington; LW P. Mvilla: Lin p. M., way tor Bmnarvill* and Ftonv

. . . . Chuiikt l l i^ l i igand Harrtaburg: a u P. M., way L . . _____L B way ibr ttonianrUla, ILift P. V#, way tortMuo

iiuuH# xvwuliqtor IHiaellan

arvUia.For Panh Amhoy, LU, L B 7I.B 4 . M.: T#B#

L ^ ^ ^ & J f ip L U f U F.M . buiidayLLia A .IL :

For Atlonilc Uigtalaaflaaifil IfYeaboU via Mala* Wau.LXV U.-JftA# H .; V3L L B L 13 P. M. MndaA'L LSft A. M.; |4.in P. M#, esceptFreabold).

For Long Rumen. Ooeaa flrove, aio.. L S , U.3ft A. M.; I .B L ia * .A LU P- M. toimlavatixoviN lo (xman untva), r .6 A. If.: Lio P. M.

Fitr ‘i'onix HIver. Uariiegai Park aud ”*Tntf^i L '.1 A. M.- lAV 4Jf# P. if .

I'or S iDi'Uiid and llndgetctii, LUto*M.ojB aV b ; 1 j l l b r . m,ly , I . » K M.

plito atid Trentbn# 744, LU, laOftfor 3 iikawum!# OJB A .b ; 1

or A thm ih'aty, I .» P . M. in- Hhlhiddplila and Treiv

1661 . 646-7 Si,; I B 4.» lid Waabhifti p. M. huiHla

u<l|idiihisi prnfwriy tAt. J. Alulwraiid Third Klvci'.IL McKnmi -11 t-ltoaviM laud ft), vide urCacial i4 .. oUJennm;;

Suii'iei llnuiier...#..#....... .................................................................}flMi t liiiln --! Hurr l#tiiil aliuaiatl nil Lhiml Rt.,adK"iilitK hropeny

LYDIA LPINKHAM’SCompoaadla the o n ly f.rf>qU1initin ami rosH Irn Iteiutoly for three p c rn liiir noakiiewos and (kllincutx iiit 'ld c iit lo wnim'U.

Hiibt by n il UruifKlftti aa a a t o iir ia n l A rt ic le * iir acru by m a il, in form of. M lla y r Liinmigea, on rccuipt of S l.W .

Ptnd atamp for ‘ 'Oulds l<i Tlaalth and fettOiiaLUt," a beaulitol llluatratad book.

Lyd ii E# Pinkham Mad. Co.. Lynn# M iu .

John Heath.


ISelween Maebanlc amt Mirkei HK

J ll. AiiK'ri Mama................................Mr.i.’llinmKX li. Ttoitertliwaiia 3 iu-r«Mi lu»d adimiqiijC proiHrl.v

hxUA. J. Ntagnr ............................................... - ......... ...i.........Mr*!, t'arpm (iiMiy PagR-Int and (Iwettlug sUiiaiti! nil Knmkiin

ave.# adjolmng rirDjwj^ i>1 r. ' I. Ihtruty.............-....... <........ ......M rK. Man'UH lhMjnnnn-7 a4'rea to*ul. dwtlllnc nud IwrnA, siiuaI)^

nn KraukOrj «ve.,aid)Dltilu< luoparty Ml»« Mary i. Voujin.... ...llciiN-rt iniNltn-er-iltit and awellitiK. oUualad on iiarrlwn) it., ad

hi.ntiiB nmiHirly of John L>a VmiSimy. 1 Ihiidel J.Vret' ' ‘ ' ’ • •••

mg I'rap^rti Ira f.l - ‘

l#.,nilij #,«VIWII#I #.### # MM ................................ . ....retflaiid-tot tm«l tlnelllng. N.mUJq Mtwhunic si..lujjrilit- *rtv Mr", JaLidj Kleiwtaao................................................

in Mra. i.hsu ehelrieti-H mnea laml, boiixa and bariuadjiiiiiiug urup-arty ol -Mn. Carroll.............. .........................................................

J M. I..'Raiidliirit - Hfi'iws land. K and tV. lUvunklo A/rive. nearhiHafliiMtHMity Him......................................................................

IteW iU r. I iiiiey ocrax UitU. K and W. lUvsrstda itnve.ad*

JlinHM'it'llHI BMll AlVJUsni# 0.^, (WW, 3U.DOA.M .; ).U-.;.II6 L0-* 6 ftV64A.741. 11*31 P.M. Ooti-(Uyx.0-i*7 b “ a . M,: ios. 4. » vto }\ u .

kv>r llAlumura and Woabhlftnu, L B 11B A.) S.UV t a \ Lav 11.3ft p. M. ttuiHTa%’i,« .B U B A.Ltd. LiVk 4A I1*# M.

Itrawitiir'nioin <eirx on all day trolna and alaeiv Ing inrs on iilehi tralhi hvivreen New York, Phllade)tPda#lUitl[n(H«aoit Wiultliigtmi.

N EW .kllK A M ) NEW VuoK.From Hrnkd nml Forn,' KtreatM atIm ia-AtLB

LW, lLa^ ».«>. 7-0). 7.SII, 7,to, »AIO, «,4(V Lm. 6 B V.M, lo.na lU.D. 10.40, 11.(0, U.»t A. M.: IK o il#: UW. I.IU. I.B^UU.X.10, L U L L B 4W .L U 4 U K 1L L«I.L(Vi ulU.L«I,LAL t l 0.T.6Qh LUy9.Kt,«46 lOU'•-TM# Ihtri. IhJU, <hVl, TViy# t.4<i# liWJ B.i.rf] *.W, 8.IH, ■WU'all . ’ju P. H ; i:.a#; I.-.IO nlghl. euiulhya - 74i), LuG, 6 ^ 10,QLJ1.IM A. M j K M N,.; I.Ul. LnUr MO, 400;6ai#a.uv T-iiu. v(u. lod. iu#og, i iA ii l iw f . h ,

1 eava .\ew V >trk fmm Dml or Liberty xtreet#-AtLfti. LOO. (LB 7.00, 7-14, 740, (LOO. Lift. LB. *.«LV.1V 610. lauG, lu iL 10an, u .4h. i l s i a , m utio M .: 17.30# 1-to. IB . r.nO. XB, Lun, -4 B V A LtoiLU L K LBLSN .V6 l.(LQi.M J.LlRl74Q. 74u#LU VM. «.4(L Ki-tG, IIA-V W n p. H . tdmilay*-Tun# LflU. L iA U*.(0 . 1l iluA. M .:ll il0 ef.:L(IL 1(10. ML ftB, {jOL LOO. 7.10, LUh 8.U0, 10.MJ. II OU, ItflO P . ^


U H )K U I:T YXjn T U E A N IT L lO T H r

t . v A x r js M L ir n n ’K T ii a v e n c e a n dK K X n I I Y DlM'K A I 6 A. M.

J A C O B H A R T M A N N ,rtol>‘ lTu)>rieiar.

OM ( lt(> L t;i(A IU N H '4. - iT ls n lor heivicKi r«a lAiMfiau ami L'l'Mn

MUid. bieatuer j . jf. Senujrlar lesves K ran iliu fl. piLT, Naw York, daily (i( A. M. Fii-nr* i#loD ilck e ii 6 iwhU (ditalubU at Prie ajhI

hiixTlvania iLoiirmui lte|HiK bu-.itny, Uk-i Brur7:)#M. or Penuirlvaiilu V 4U lia iuL Itoit, flahmg tackle aad choiisu rcIrvxtimRut,! at cuy raiOL J. W. H a K IU X .

C I I O L K I l .4 A N D K IK H IN G n .lN K M .^ Dailv 5*'i(iMir1avi eveci-tid) ilmihle mn*

h .iled iltHtmuoal JOAN.NAhm\#< 1‘ierii. Norm Kiver, at A. M. KxiiirNton lic k H i i>oiau)e(t at I'enlral a U. 7 :3(1 dally. Ruiflsyt 7 A. M, RiilrcsameiK* at c ily jmeta Mr# L O C n ilU N ______________

LADIES!CAftTU'8 Siluffw WOlut• > uufl 1M 4j N V (r» Ha t> k{Sa 11 #TOi'rTumx-4 fc94\r«}'«l fijb

_________ flTiKaJlilMilWHwnihiet. I'wff#idW lw 1mr>laMl!eiJr ■ i^Uiba>iinmM«ir.gWiH«lM4. AlI>i*jcsb‘'-«*»»dl*«dS* Se i r « ^ *f I 1.s*xa4 L. t .liat.) Lfgall nariireUMXwi ► . aw**e- ^

it lC # il£ D lC A I» 4 U . Eaot Kloaiblaa, Coaa.

C i t Q 3 L a u * r l ) « c m c n t » .

rp H IH T H K .S T U A V K S IK A M I i l lU m iS X avenue x^wer--Ar*fwnjetjt for beuefiL*'.

Ifrth'eiaberebealTen. that an aMwaRmani npm all tha im narinf all tha )an-l« und real ONtatti potnillolly broedtad byitaa o.>na(rU''llu;i ul ib« amor InT H IK T K E N T K A V F N F J; AND MORRIH

A V K N IIh ;fraui Bnire iirw t Ui Hank atrea(.ac*.'Ordin: to the provixiona of an ordtuance uf ihe d iy of Kawfirk, ojitlUeil dq ordliiumw to provide for tbe conelnjctlDn Of a aewer UiTUlin'k:K#NT11 A V K N C E A N D MUJtIUH

A V L-N U i;tomn Brncaatreat to Honk aireai, approved ik'to#tw rli. itoo:

IlMf baan precwradbyUtaandervIgowH'oiDmlR#atoiterv, ap^lnted by tlia I'ln o ll lourt o iju # (itMiuiy of r>4_____ to make aald a-KManiHita, andfthsia reportby acartihiwle In wfltlnx, with .tn aoruicpanytna map ami atdieduia, aljuwlna (ba ptvereJ asaaMmenungAiuM tho aavarti uwiterT pcH-ullHriy tanedbaft ax aTuieffaUl, i>w W i i de pouMO In tha oBoeof (be City ila rk of xheUty o r > 8wark# foraiamloatloo by Iha pnrilaa laufr- a«te*t lUereljL .

Hald juawxAraeut rxmipHiea all lota. tracU and parreUiif land and raal natate lUMa to ha oa# maad m aforesaM, lying on Ivdb sJdas o|

MUKBlH AVKNUtw rom Hank ntraet toThbiei'ntti aveima;

On the north WdaolT H IR T F L W T II AVBNUK.

from Brace ointet W Morris avaoba ;On (ilia souLli elda of

T H IR T F iL K T H AVKNUri. from Brare H(reet lo a point iwanty-tlva feed west af Murrlaavantw. , , ^

A *'lol" nrpraiano an anllre plot of land, whathcr lufoe o? sinatl.

A ll twmMii iniaraaiod in aotit aaswmauto mayha baard before aald CumoslstdaoerH on T U U IU ^ A Y , TUM U om 'h.JGN 'IlI D A Y OF

JUNK, l)«l,a tt P# M., at tha (Yirnmiiaiuiien' room, N a ftttUlrd 6w>r>. l l t j j l o l l .



d a n k O TK E ET FAVINO,-AFan#>!lMM(CNT JyforhaiMtflUi# Nntlcali bccebyBieesaiuent upon all toe ownemuf all tba laud-#and real aetato peculiarly beueflWd l>y tba pavlug

** B A S K STR E ET,toon Plana atreai to lllRh ■ tieft, aroorillnfr lo iba ptovhdonaoFun onUJiance of (b adly of Naw- arkiancltlettauordliiant'eloprovida for paviog

^ B A N K im U iK T ,from Ptanaxtreatto High Mteoi, approvadkep* Wttilier 34 DftG: ^

ll.'ift bean inttieued by the uudeiwlerian Com miaalonarK#aki{Mdi)1M bylbaClrnult Obartottb#

ofKaxaz,tujnakaaaul aBBaaomciiU, andC o o D l y t - --- ----------------- ------------------------------- - V -lhataraj*oribyart«tlttC4teln w rllliif, with aa accompvsylog map ami orhedulo, aaowlpftna MTcrHi atfwawuanto ugalom Iba lavenil ownersporoUarlr baoelUe l m aforMakl, box bean dr* u iA U atlntheo arao Tib ailtT dork ottbneUy of Newark, for axomlnatloo by iha parti«alntu> ■ irtad therein.

Weld Aiiwiamaiit comprises a ll tots# trecu and parrels of land and raj) estate Ibible to no aaoMd aa aforesaid, 1-vlng on both eldea or

BA N K i-T llK K r ,from Fiona Blraet to H l ^ street. « .

A 'Mol” repcawnta an antira plot of lAikd* wuatber targe nr xiualL

A ll persona Imerewtad in said awwaxmant may ba beard batora wkl ConinkissioiierN# ou , T U K sD A Y , T I I F K IX T K K N T U D A Y OF

JUNK, 1WI, ^at 3 F. M.. at the i'oiiuolMinneii' room# Vdrd Umr. City Ifall.

DatodJunaLlftSLT I !0 «, J. r iB A V ,H# OR JOUNU l^T. F. LkMAJ^AKNA#

a(f CmnaiwsUinerL

H A$’B R «T . rA V T N n -A A S E ^ M W N T t'*0 » haiient.i.-Noikwt«hereby aivnnutai ao as*

iiuaiit upon aJliliaownera or all thn lands tmtiwaV Mtala'ponuiVirly Wnentad by the pavlugof

M AVfM K—........ .. h t h k k t . foOTD BprhwflgM Kvauue to enoih Oranta ave* nue, aonirdrng to Ujr provlxloiiR of an ordlnun^w

' Vewark, snUiled an ordli.... .. ""I paving ofH A V fe i MTRF.vr,

u rtb o d iyo f Newark, snUiled an ordinunce to ■ ■ for ‘yrovida tor tha paving

H A V ft ... frAin Hprliiftltld avinioa to Hnutb OroUga ava*nue, a|)jiroved ewplniilwr JLt*4Ai>liW4 been piO' p*ra<l bj.................. ’ .........uiKlrrHigned 4'iHnmlMloiK*rs. ai puhitad byUia t'irnilt Oxirt of the (e^nly nl Riewx

InlihnrT iiMnaTiy nf M'lnintn * 'aiimuo . WViioiii van Zar “ " '* 'I Zaiidt-(i*t a<'r«a lifiinL iloea IMrk ttntel and harn#

l \ blue Rlvuniiaa (Tlv*™............................................Km. John Turner 'lot and hrmaa, K xlila Mvam^to |)vivi!. tuljoln#

n if pioiwriy of >'6t. A. ll il ll iiw -....................................................Kr(L«nia n. 'i.v^er^t xc.'a laml. •'or. Vraelan.l aod I'rnupei't avoM.,

luljolnlng pi-o|>«ri)r iW U. A. tyionolly,............................... ...... ....UerniHii KhrlH'li~>i>lut ami daolMnir,H, aide Vrealhod ava„o>t#

hiinihx pTui»Tty Vnilhitn J. VreeUnA............................... ....FAi,-Mor> A> tiermbraiit luiereb laud, house, barn mid uuUnilld#

niv«#oor. V ill ley and Meebahic aio## adjo^uldg property or Jabasl-■ |e♦ Jl1:u1,................................... ...... ........................................... .

AIh'Ih. Kiuhxlsml- :u UliM&rresof lan>1,dwslllugiuiKbarua,vor, X kIIi'v and I'enlib sia, adfolnliig |iraperiy of 'niomoa l(,kl:iE"hind.......................................... .................... .......................

yibi. liArntotilus JorHleiiioii • toerex land K bide ValWy si., mi#jotuUia* hro|ierly runt'* Jocub (’'le.vmaii........... .......................

Kfllnie # Iary Jane iK>nnhl>M>n-l(.( and liuiisa, b. Ride WIMlom rL,jMlIuhiing prtiiwrly uf Mm. ((eorg*.-AnOnw................ ............

Jeh» la Itnw -nd Viatjft, dWvllluK and eivrr1aHi*-htium>, J£# aulaWalnut at,# wllulntlnt onuwrlr ((vorga It. HID ...........................

A. It. iMnuil-pfot e.hliia Mt pla p1.,cor. VraeixiHl avo.. a ^ ln * in* PrDiM»riv i>f ?Hsb ft M. t'nspirlR...

fill. M.Ca#ii ' ------------- ----------

4I K


M i« IV M. Ca#|tMr1«',ulotand dwalHuf, K. vldeMapiapi. adjoin­ing p«ij>ertr nf A. II. lllrnTd...................................

M. 14 }««U4Uord *-lam1 K. auto VVaililnaUni a\e.,«m l i% ol K liifielaml at., adJuliKii* pmprrty of Jnbii F, i*aarlpii___ ____

A 1*vaiiiter Kchu1tX;-2 aerea laml, olit stone bempo, \v. itda Rlve^3 73 90 43blrlodrlTU. mljotiiltix pru|terlv WUllnm (ladtaiiR.............

IMymentmuxthamada bafora the couctoxlon of tha aaUi; ottaerwtoo ih* proiwrH-' will tpi bn* m f’llaiely reanhi. r vwiii>«aa my hand Ibis DItaeoih day ofMay, iflH.

_____________________________________________ B# to C U N lfim tH A M . Oftllerlor ofTaatL

e t t g

l lW ir O t lO S T llR K T l>AVIN(«.-A(»t|«to J P u irn t for heuelKb. Notlca la harab/glvou,


10 H 0 3 S o u t h O ra n g e A v e .

lAiaa D in a x tA TitM'ilONKSrftL

We prnikiaadevolliigtiirecial ftlKmltod (olbs Trade.

laiuh an>i raal aataM penuliariy bsnadtad by Iba iiavliig of

BKDFOnD BTRKJrr.from springtleUl nvenua to Fqnrtetntb avenue, aitTinlinx lo ihe provisions nraii oidnuiiiiA of Ilia r lly of Newark, eotllled an urdluiinra to provlda lor paving ot

HKDFDRD NTBUKT#fonm KprliiKtlsKI avenua to Fixirlecbth ivattue, ajmravLNl An*imi L l*wi;

Max Ivan prapmred by |]ia uaderaiEnod Oom-iul«iiiini*r>>, Rt'pnluial by tha <‘ln^ lt Ctourt of tha t’ouniynf Foaftt to maLe Reid onXff'RMliantiv.anilthat n report by aoertllh'ate In wrltlag.wlth «u mTumpanvliig map and M-1io<lu1e. Riiowing ina oeyerai uaaoMiiiiDnta asjaliiat tha •’fveral oa iiargpviwUarly IwnatUtsI aRaforexahl.liaR boen dep^ ilod in Ilia ollicA of Un; <1I.V Ch'rkof lliacHyofNewark for axemiiiadoii by tha partita Intar eatad Ureraln.

Haul aM'Rnmem reimprifeox alt lola. (rarhand tmrcRisof laml Ami real estaia llahia lo haoiwrasedoatforasald, I,t1u| ou tlia Imth aldeaufilKiIr ..........—l ‘r)|(B Hl’KKJCT.from HprlpgiialO at eiiun lo KottnetDlh avenna.

“ lot '* repr - - -repri*HaniJi nn eutlra plot of laud, whptlier laroforsinaU.

All perauu* liiiMraMed Inoald asoBaamaat may be lieilM itelbn* aald < Xiimnuwiunarx on W RIJNIM DAV.^'ITIK H K V K N TK hN TH D A Y

OK JUNK, I4M,a l2 p#b(.. at tha ODruuiHdotMrV raoa. No, 1 (ihlid rtoar'.tlly llolL

Dated Juna4,tStl.tllUN,.T. O KA Y,H. naJH N tlK

T# Y, UEM Ai^r#N.\,Corasiliawoan*

e t t t i ^ a « » f U « t m c n t * .

A HARM HTHEK.T B ItW K II- for beuellia -

- - ....... ... ANH7MSMCNTNotk’a t i tierabyaUTii thatan

aasMainani upon a ll tbeownarHor all the lands and ^ n laaiala (imiiliarfy boaafl(ed by tha «oa- Biructluii of a aawer Id

a d a m h w TiiKfrr,from Ufoyeita atraai to KJni Rlraat.

A<N-otolMinthepvorMoiiaafaq orfiinabceof tlw rfiy of Newark, euligctl an ordliMUiia to rra* >‘M« tor ibauQitiarwctioitorAHewaf tn

ADAMH bTltKKT,U tayatU slreat to Kim nraei# approved

Jolv U UuoiH m biwn prrparad by Iha ondaralaiwd Oim#

mlnRtoiiorv eppoirti^ hr tha •Hnutl ( krtiri ol the i Vtunlv nf VMaex tomakft xald aMMaatuaate. nudthat a report hy a fmittoatu In wrilluXi with an arconimnyln* niap and aHMslnfo. iliowlnx iha

ll oRaesMuenlaacairisl Uia atw ral owneraseveral oRoesMuehlaacairisl Uia atw ral owners l«viilinrly bfu^Mied ns atomaaid, Iiah bamt da- poalMHl In Uiti oOleaof Uto < lly tl«ek of (be rity «>f Newark foraaainiuattotibythaaarilas l»iar# ealeatharaiu.

Maid aweaeatem comprhea a ll lo u Irartx and imroatiorianclMid reaie»(«te liable tftbtaaaMaad •a afgrraald, lying mi both of

A D A N H HTU khT, froDi lA h ja l it aireat to KUn Hrewt

A ** io t" repreneiifo an antira plot ol laod, abeiihtr largo i>r«uall,

AKpanjimx iniaroatod In aald oaseaaroeDt m i^ ft' heard bcftire aald 0 )iuiol^HjDni<in , Tm JU *il)A $\ T H j- j^ ^ lU l^ K IC N T J l d L y OF

ai > 14 M.. a l the Unnualaalorwra' room. No, ft it liM D oofi.nty Hail.

Dated June L im .t H R I iT I A N WOLTBXA,



I « v # .\i'«#rk lor u n. s n

MIT TO#I l>. M.UIII l l i n A. ri,; l ia ft ‘‘y y"):'.. Jt- **. #11(1 is j* l u , j.ut.. lu ll !■ . .H.

I#»v# i>(iiTmn tn i Newtrk—DJ>. S9 , s a l T,sj,T.fT, IT I, «.1A TOUS 1 1 A. M.i l.as iM ,n n S A i

N K W A h K A SB N K W ' YORTf.

l 4*uve N’fiv YoTk f<?hainhare stl-LOO, 74o, ln,oe.ll.ai A. M.; LOU, LJLftja.LOO.ir '7.JU, U U liW i.i»

— '~ l. I L I i P. 11.biMHluV. ti.<D. K2.IXI A. M.; Lift, LM, LO). IItonnwtlna tralux leave Newark oa Joilonat

>nr Iha WcpU Hay Kxpraw.L04A# M. 'Ruuday T.V A, M.’ij Vastlbnla iTniltad. leava NswarkTw F. it . irsiurday 'L67 F. M.k Uw iuI Truak Kapr............... ....... f.KUnsmI Truak J^nratM.leavp Newark P # jt

KrprtNo, i«ava Newark s ^ F . M# (Hub'direLftl r . M.)

iror - Hc4*eK liairvaga oherlrailewplng car Idea-Mons, tlmoiablca Tuapa and wllAblR lonruMitUHi. Cell at IKS M AIULKThT.. or ataUUon.

to imska uaki aartMjm#enls,cud iim m r - port bv a oerhllrHlo in wrlt'iitf, wpb no wV'oru panjrliik UMpajid v'heUuie.Rh'jwItig the nawfal awa«Rm»nti aaalriM iliascTertilowm'ia prrullarl.v baiiet|ledaaHlureRakl#luu.1is«rHlapo»lte(l 1i> thn afocaof thaf'lly Uerlror ihes'ityuf Newark for eaamlnatton by IbODartluAlnieiaatoitiHs*rein.

held ■ MRwnsmmitc'OiupriM kit Iqia. frocia and panvilBof laml amt rani Mkaln Inhia 10 ba os- aasnal oa aforeoHl-l. lying on lR>th atdm of

HAVJ'M 1 1 lUwKl'.from ^prlMgflelil avamig (u huuili Oreiigaav^nba.

A represuiite an antira ptol of landswhftber larga or muail.

■ Hoas 1A ll paraons inierpatadItisild abnewmeut maybe heard Itrforu wld I'Dnnnl'ialpnprLOtK iU A $ % T I lK TW K 1.? T K 1' u a v o rT I lK T W K l.l

JUNK. IWl. „ ,at 3 to M.i at the UnniUlMloDfua' rOOfos NA « lan'oiid floorl, ( l ly lla lL

Dated Juha 1, DftLTH O toJ.U BAY,K DKJOTfnR,T. to LffM-VbillCNA.

a s t'ornfflleitonara

, ( A m iK N K T.PA VIK U -A H H K H H M K N TfX inL f iMnailtA-#1(01100 is liereUr Jtivati tl«ai wi

Bcxamenl uiHuiall ibi> idsnenf othII (belRndsandnulaaiaiftpemliarfy uei^erimd iw tua p anag of

<4ARf>KN HTIlKIS'r, _from Poclflu urfOi to MiiWhortariUwet, lug tn the pruvlHioiis of an otdlnanca oft thu city of Newark, antiUed an ordlnoura lu provhwloe tha paving of

OABUKN HTItICBT,froou Poclflo street to MuWhoiiar oinwi. q. . . . . . . . ^i*tuva»i Fehrimry Il#lw«i,lia4 twen preisirw » IhannderRlgiiadlVimmlRRniuara appolnwlby

^PIANOS___ . T L i m o w m e p r o i lroNFir^KJKAlfiLi-hi

m o i y e b a t e p r i c e r .EASY TERMS, EXCHANQtO.

ITOIlnndft#* wltblti S) n llm o f N#w York CHI'. IT iu lM # # H id l* S •• A v H in t lw ,

110 Fif& Ave., Gof. 16th St,NKW VOBK CITY.

N C r ic K T O ABNRHT B V F E N O A N t.« IN CUhiH'ery of Non- Jaraay. - To imnlal CWr i

Tiy \nrlita uf on order uf the ctHirt uf il in c a r y of S«w JerMy, mede un Uia day of tha dale hefp> or, hi a iMoas wharel 11 Manasrai U irr to ramnlalu- aithaadyoiiiwadaraadaoU yoa ara rooulrad lo Mpnaar, ptewLonaweror deiJiurtoUioWliorram. aId i nf Mill eonijilalDant od iw betora the twnntydhitddayof jR ly iW jd, ar iba raU U Iln f midpiatui will iM taken aa confoaaRij ataiuti you: Hud jK^-h ueurpH w ill lit mode aa ilia UiiohraUor


>ii#ll iliiKb ftiim aM tkiKifim .TA# >#KI iiUI 0, 1-nini.hilnv la Sl#S # t#la,i tw i

for # a lvsn# fftiiu lb# boiiA o t KW4rtm»iijr on lb# iro u a a a lSM trllM ,

F R A N K r , W tU fO K ,------------------- ----- * « * £ * .LffiA ifCIM JO , 1 “ W J* m t n o t o i ,

. 'n iw Ilg ip iiK , I E k M H W K '. l« S , , , 4 W

\ ' - ' r

rirm ni o#on of Ih# i-oiinlif uf K##m lo nitU* «#rt Bieewnnenl, Kiwi li ia in report hy a I'evtlilcoia m wrltlbg, with Hll occump-inylHginap aiiiiM iiH '- (lie Utvwring Um' sev«ratngae*imeiiui against Ih i Mvarul owiksra i<aculLariy la'iiafiiaJ oa nU>r^>^], lioit iiaai) dpposdad in tba offltHi of the City o l Ilia t'Uy or Newark for examltMUon ny tha ponltR iHterwsteil Ihere'n, .

Halil aaReement nompriae* a ll lolL iracMond parcela uf ioinl und raal raiatu llawa to waa* isaaed Ol aforaxaid. aiul lyliw: on imth etdaa of

(lAHBKN hTIIKH T, frtim PanBc RtraaC lo McWhorter iLraaL

A "kA " reprnwnu on ebtUa pkW Ol tondi WliHthar lorganrainRlI, :

AH (wrraiistDierexinl In said axesaweentwy tw heard bailaraiwlitt.'DmmlaBtoitRrL 00 U g N U A Y , T i l K F itofKK.'S lH J7A T OF

j r s K , wfti,at 3 P. M-, at tha fVimiDlsaloiarF roams

oorliatod J UM ft

TflOto J. OKAY# to D K J O S d J ; . T. F# IJCIJAHOKKAs


_ _ _ roTlO»*’^.rTba fltioi owimaM fov ilia foPJsftnp.iracuw iu ba pviaantad to tho Board Htraa*O m C K OP nT$'«DRVBSYO R.-J T ..................... - -

and Waiav (vwivmli^nem far aawtnarvm g** TU IdID AV, J U N K L 191. /

iractiui the toliowiiiq m h n n : lADIN TN gTUKIri'. /

Via,; FVkr **R* *from V a n r MraH'ib D a f s v ^ wiaai JBIUKLOW V T U L K '^ N U ICtD,kT

from niKahaihavanoBlo&fovt horl MraaLaodln

KO t'Tit C A N A i; RTlUCf froiD Ma newer in feijrpod plnoe, m i

A u A V »

(tniD tha newer In naiiraad plnoe, m ■ Itrw of the property i.yak Rrpwlfl Elan IK U»a pavMur iw the folfowliig «

u i^ 'K H b T r t K } ix i

'J & t

f i t n Mtgh aftiwel lo kprlntlUild arb U m iV H llN K l/H H T n g d

fraoi BUkavlIta avanne tn Broarl r R A N KIN i^ T liy jl

Kakl LVOniM to h oa lotha I vrito i lay# rad ? !

fraaaflAll ft

R T S ;

F]f i h k l n L l



g*W !WUI

F#### * tJd#r#MH u w u l

prlat# *

0 )rrMI««llAlKBOII.

,iw#r> •»touiblof ° u tivINp# •uflb * ° ‘t ' (*]rt#f. Al „ Aii« wat *ud liflB >tap irtliH .bwltrd, lo ,i« e < l lo Id, , U oao g4tp lia4 <tM Binitie bUDi oof ll sbulu# m Tb# bttui tmiH'liJi 1 IMbloii of (WOOtiiif (M b U S tt , I |1#W. O l Irbt‘#p#r ft •unb, poo,

Witb #uii SDW Ttnm n n l.o o n (or th« con two lo#t u il it i i <lHtr eooblnatk ttoiai (bito ride and ot ira i materl adfi Hk< ■ anicba. Ml kaepibeat and a knot tn u itb e a woda of bl of buDchaa red of Iba]v lib a Sou larga blue poppK oc irven bark orer 00 e a' praiif 40W vartaty m they ouftl)wwpaiiF.ben lo batlUk m tw< ihing and

“ llluaai ior ana nf IM il be( mpoDdiDInded a witbiDk Ibe bra ibo fill Wfy qo« paihy tor i vbo And from nba arer# vba paibr, gog Ml idoUm that wood beet itrcDi my fair rei ire slow k to the iDdI lbou|h hi forgolien ( •lly vary 1 u eotbuil Iha mas il Sfeniiiall} which she Importaoi should OOT •t fim t| Misery of< a diap a world cam wMrewitb havlor to 1

Of ooura laoeralJyi qciUty Id ibej bate Hold 11,1 It, w ill a tortof lUo Wf Bbot b ftonnoa; n i l deny firad folly ■ eao zee rilly womi tot aud «] iroBO etland thenfonxeriovitRpond (4 very llrad •baorUng

'trrttabto. wona, a fi cumsa aei prixed iDi thoufhUei « i tbe p ii tooDy a n ' Wlib a lU toigbt hai

I f ooly (bey ca n ;

I lUUatteai OnUdtiT I a long wi two peop loUMto, I kbow a V

'lodal pm wealthy lll•tampmB iD lly Ubar treat him# is b no btsch;

^aalihe d I'wnd abac

'•Dd hla hind, ^1 ha rlb aii boi whU al^leclnai

Tboroa 'koown I •imosphf wbtcKla fate me i wseful, a &o;iee of lowed th>

I'V o n r , p | . the mart

Ifyoo tu i without [ gncious I litlCDt I I Y im iiao

thio|s m adveno,

[ OblirlOD f lolden, I .[ bytha fli [ftny grei I CxiUDe >

vifli, **( I the tnlda I imtiiig I land anil I lualy t< I UtiBberI lorluBBtiI womaa I hacouu [heard o iMuataiK Iftad gasI Haoa lii:jiB t io w iI bez ircm[h e raii i jk tsp m l« R H wItotba bIdvraiiip jveaw al |» * T d f«

How l

lifter will I their dp] lia tb e M |ft(n « lii; Iftn a ta t IttiRKifh I wuarpi[ u nelth


M r.i,T a t « rlO ttB t

■ OfftI W w.J hb'ae d

ftaea mII thxtor, Mr. J

^ ■ iw :

Whar c

• erdaW it h ,P'p ai'

I wftwn Iritowrii]• ?* * 0ri

^ R K N E W S , F R I D A Y , J D K E 5, 1 8 9 1 .

ifi gl Diut do&ks ud the Latest Panaola from Paris,


!»»U« of 1114111 M*n«K« Ui U t« I Kv4a W ith Salflth »nd Ineon-

iid#nil4 llujbik4td««-KiMK Huttibert*i lIUKlMBltjABd K lBdntM —HdW to W »ih piiaU aad FomUid*.

QMpdDdfDM of lfa« NKWI> loKWii. MW » --A p n itr Soil clotk h n t

i ln in 11 « u r iS lat hi nm |iu>, wbttbet ])ou|&l or mode *( b o n t; but u cvctidnijr ii go todiipettftble lien lit « lad;'* au miner •utfli, •D'1 ** pvLlculftrlr uOANled «l thtt time V yttr. Ai dwi cloeJci ftre not Mlled upi^n to ta elM netorpwo^ ^ «* WT iWu^ U f b t m 4ieniU preferred ibaii* rlrtoelly iB se rf l^ to dnil. A Bice on* U tnede of

to Aiir derk or iljtbt color, ctnlralr nr* TieRtfd Ip JKoUe UUlDfi, or eci rUiiMi pie»t- 1oif IB 0B4 covered wub^ p l f b i o f toe n n e widib, «od tbe re«i of teccaeDiio li eet.oo lo tbai tti# upper edie turoB out Uk4 a ftili TLa same arrujiKt'meut obuluB rouud tba neck and l«« tlolBb to it. fbe beauir of tbii kind of cloak Uealnlti eHsucitr, wbicb U oooa»qu«Q( on ibe pleaiad IMbtou of lU coiistructluu, thus eoabliuK It to jto out and ooTor a debt puffy d ttn wUboul g f i^ ia tn . Tbit mantle mi^ht be Tuadula flpwct. or eMO lo batlite. or brown bolletul if cheaper fahtlot are dtilred than fuuUrd, surab. ponf oe or tuMMre tilka

With lummer inindea, t reaUr tblnk t maf new veDlure 10 ebat about parasols, bir thur mast toon be Tised, aod ere airvady piv|«ru<l lor the comiDf hot dayt. X bare tatelr seen iwo pa t oama from fir lk and a n uniqua In ibair deatfQ and beaitaj. Tbo fir*t U a lovel f ceoblnallflnof buttercup yalloH-, and petunia tkoat toll*. IcUow belof iippennoat. In* side and oub It It corered with ibcte epbwm- trai mttenali both of wbicU are IcA fullattho e<tga like a tdff lUUe fluunc^ tbai almost forme a rueoe, to buibr la lb Kan of t m u barley keep <b«eQ(imit«rlaU down in ibelr placet. Slid a knot of nbboa in ibe cocnbtnod Colc^ tniBi P e atick (d tb i auMbade, TJm other la made of black foolaad printed with a deiifo cl buDcbetoftmall Bald Boweri lo which tbo rel of Pa popplaa pc.^donuuaieae It u edied wlpaflouuoeof poppy red chlffbo, and a

bUDcb of mixed field bloeaumt such ea pij-rtif, corafloaren. buttercupa, dalaiaa aod |ri.en bwley, la made Inio a trail (bat ipniada L f'-r ooe tide. Any one cati reeily latbiun a praity iaaibada now, for they admit ot endlesi varlciy lu tbtlr materiel end trimmini, but

ou|bl alwayi lo naicb Ibe dreai ihey aC' nompeDy. U you can not mauago thU, it It brw to hare aome plain eo tout cat of ibot Mik m two dark ebadei that wnl |o wUb any- iblof and ererythlDk In Ibe way of a toileite,

» 111 u e^ WoiMti la a curloua Uile to like lor eoe of my pefairapbi, but I itn templed to u>v It beciase oJ rarloua remarki from oor* RtpondeDU ou the JaoktoD cate lo which 1 ei< luded a week or two tfo, Tboutn 1 conl««i I ibink iho ia%to ibai can dreit under pubbe do- U,f< the matrimonial dUficultlaa of iwo people

(joetllonahle, X have Iho ireatosk aym- pet’hy lot kboa« who ate misprebiy mated, and who flhd everylhlug turn wit aodlflureutiy from what tnoy eipecied Knowing, how­ever, wbAt e tn be done by pertUient tym-

itby. good lemper and diplomacy, which ispan. ,MiiBDOther word lor taci.and ebove all, by that wooderful quality wbtun is a woman't ben tireDgih-patlenoe^l would beg ihceeor mj fair rtadert w tw are wlvet to tee that they ire slow to anger and very plenteous In mercy mthe lodlTldual who b u broken bit promise*, tkough he U Ibtkr bmhand, it mail not be forgoUen (bat of the (wo saxee men arc g joar- ally vary Btieb mora human than women, aod ae eoihuiiasUo bride Is so yety apt to Id ^ lae the man ihe maniee, end then binme him hir eveniualiy falling abort of the piiisacle oo wblcb iha has eet bum But there is a vary Imporiani thing to be remembered ; if death should cone aud lake away the one who was at first the )uy, and later on parhepe tha misery of one's cxlsleDce, there will be found a diep end lasting tallafacklon which the world cannot take away, in bavliu boibiog wherewith to xeproacb oneself lu one's bo- havior to him.

Of oonrsf, there are good and bad men, but leoeraJiyipealciDg men lack moral oourage, a gaallty In which women are oot so defldeal ; they bate aaoepc, and would do anything to If old II, and frequanily. if obliged lo iao* k, will aaaume a viuieitt demeanor, as a lortofittimulant to help them through IL But we moat ba fair and look at both tide# of the goMDon: I am sure that do mielllgenl woman n il deny that the mambert of bar aex can be teadfhily axaspenuing if they like. Many of ■ can itcalilnstaocao when wa hare aeea a liliy woman devoid of tact, beot on demand* ittgiud etacitug OemonairiUlOoi of i€«ctioa tro« oer husband, wbo la weary and wonted, and then bUlerly reproaching him with no longer loving her if he does nca Immediately itjipond to her advaneea. When people are very Itred, very anxiouf, or Immersed lu some ibaorblDg they in* apt to be eiio very

' Irritable. If an unimoaiaary iaiermptlon, lUH worse, e foolish anaoyanee like the foregoing eumss acHMi tbenit ena ean hardly be sur- prlmd tn a they loae paileuoe. MiiUbuew, tbougbkleauMSB and lack ot aympatbctlc u c t on toe part <k the wife are the explanatloDf of Buny an uantcamary domestic explosion, that wlibA lUiie mofe asif-oonuOL on her side might have bean everted,

If only people would try to remember that they can make tbemstfrea whai tney like by a lUba steady detarmlnailoo t Even la the moit ordlaary raiatlooa of Ufa, pleasant manoeta go n long way toward preventing friotloD between two people. A Mft aoBwer and poUwnem cost 10 UUle, but they otiea do turn away wratfai 1

I know a vary iweet and baantiful lady of hlgn ' mdal poeitioii who la marrlod to an extremaly wealthy mas who li abcait Ibe must aelflsh,

I Ill-tempered, codtamptible little piece of ho* B SD llyU hM fm hetaisrlbck tom eot. But her treatment of him le perAck Bho*bowa him, as her husband, every reepaet, and inilsta OD hw cblldrea dotug the aetne to thdr faiber,

' as It he deaervea li. And when bia setflihDees and absurd peraooial vanity are too obtrusive ' and hla tempeT Vexailoos, abe Is parfecUy kind, but very dignified with tbet quiet man* her thai glvee him notblnf to find fkalt wittx, hot which baa in It neither the fear nor the abfcctneaa of e lyoi^haDL

Tborooghbred p ^ i e , fucb at the Is, are 'koown by their graceftil tect, and the calm atmosphere of feeling they bring with them, wbldi la very InlecUoui A wIh friend once gave me some bliiia that I bare alwayt iboutiu nserul, and which I may iwcommend to tbs bokiee of any of my fair readers who have fol- lowid these remarks of mice wlthlnUrest In WniTy, or any tronble, ** avoid anything like the manyi air nod look. Adopt nheenbloom If you have It noL Iweetoem, and patience without lapoalug anpertoniy are great and gnaoua solvanu of docnMtio tmubta; p>r- Hvient ibeughkfUlDcaa lor othen ia haed te ItUhkiand ; and the fecnlty of lorgctltng things Slid and done by people in ftactlodi, adverse, irrUable, perverie or bdnded m ood^ Milivton inrcwent, end starling anew, la a golden, all g^deo rule."

A ktag’i kiodTieei certainly hai been abown by tbs doverelgo of Italy. Than never ueenrt toy great eiddenito, ecddsal,or public mu* fxtuM of any kln4 that ba and bla lovely wiA, **thaPsart ofSavoy»" are not found In (hemldtf of their people^ eooouragUig» eoa-

, M u g and lycDpaihixlng with ihait lornnvi and anllerlnga Hie teirtble expioaiCHi that lately took piaee near Rome, breugiH King Humbert lameOlaiely to the resciu of bla ub-

iiQrtuBite in&leotB, ahumgat wboa waa a ^roman who had been terribly burtt and bad kacome en ta iled in tha rolna. Be no sooner keard of u than be at oooe itarted to her aauatanoe, oUmblat over the broean taftera knd general debrla. daws a dangeroua ilo^ng hUoaiiUbooaiBeiowhanihelay. Then he Ml to work, and gredoalty with help teieasod kerirona her vary pertlons poaltlon, ehoariug her all the while, and doing nil he oooid to keep op her eooraga. Onoa Mftly biooght ant, It wai In bla own oamagetbat beaeot her to the hflfplial, with atrlot ordan to the aid*- dweamp wbo aoeompanted ber, to aee that ah« aaswell itHndedto. What a very praotlcai tray o/«naotla( the Good Bamarliam

How to Wiah pririta and ftralarda to a vwy ■eeametythlni to know, now that (hto anm- Mar will b«if« thoee Into our dally wsar, and lhalt QfttoTt are often roliMd when anbnitttod to (he Mndtr awretoi of the laundreaa. Have tone luko>«ani water ready and put a Httli ktaa into t t } wwh yoot pHtt dg aUk qqtokiy through, tiMB as r a ^ l y Hssa It In eold water and hang tt to dry hi a loom where (hen to oeithef H>TtFahiwe nor fire. Iron it with a rather eoD llm oo the wreog hide, and II 1*

C U I R C H A N D C H O I R .

A hetival of moai wUt be bsld In (be fifth Pieabyierian Cbnreh next Wednesday, from a (0 Id cfclock, by the Ledwaf kid M e ty .

Tbe fd s t Methodist Pretcilant Church 8un* da74ebooi, Hill street, near Broad, will eoi«- brate lu thmr-eeeoad anniversary qexi Bun-

Ulai fanny J, Crosby, iba ftall known blind wrltor of 'A900 hymns, will lead (he meeting for (he Allsees Hinky aod Duucen nexi ffunday at 4 cicofc at 23 Clioion meet.

There will be a praparasory eervLoe In the Third pTMoyCarUn lharch to*nlgh(, and on Huaday mornlRg the comoiunlon of ib t Lord's Bupper will be adminlsured ami new mem* bert wlU he racclvud mtq (ha church

A itantl operatic ooocert will be given by W. Ward i^tovens and Q. Kraasi IHaiwdeld at tks I'burch of the Redeemer, Rroad and Hill street*, on Juno t 'J hey wiU be amistod by Miai MsroellOBUonulca Bus Jacoblne Wkb* maim, U FraucakCo Kabaltm and William f . looker.

The KDcmbcni of (hs Epwortb I^tigue of the Bavli MctiiorUl M. K. Cburoh, Uarnsoo. have IpHis on a picnic to*dsy to UilLimru. On the invitation of Mr. OsIlm (bay are spending the day ou bis laroi. They iHt the paieonage tnii tnoroluK. iccoojpeulod by the pastor, tn big carrynJIa

There was an eniertalnmant Monday night In lb* Ueihcl MIhioq, fouioi U nal street, for the benefit of the Sun>iay-aobooi, under ibe aipplcct of the cumbtnnd Young People's bocleUes ol Cbrisiiah iCndeavor. The enter* letUEuent consisied of an eddreii by the foa- mer superttiUndrnl of tha miastoo, Mr, Dorrtuce; a leoitaiioo by Bnff IHerendorf, a duet by Misare ili'Ddry and Young, a reading by Mis* Ullto Heed, a recitailon by El- wood McNsbb tiMl a Punch end Jody show. JiAvfrcsbmcuts were served by (be mambert of the muMvou.

The monthly memlng of the Nawerk Metho diet Prem-'hen' Acetal fiutoii was held last Moiidsy afiernoon at (he realdehce of Hev. & K. l>ooiittte at irvlngton. A repast was pn^ vKled by Mra Doolittle, who ww amlsted by Mim Kettle VqH. Rev. J, P. Purt read an in* toreetiug paper on " Sotuu Old-ume Methodist l^ruacher*." Ills lemlniacaaoei awakened dA^p Intvrmt, and laveral of (h« preachers fni* lowed wiih abort talks loucUIng vartouahls- torU' jieraoni that they had anown. Rev. J. K Brady gave an Intoreating ac<»uDt of some old'ilmc Mc(h<idlsli on tbe other akle of the Atiaimc, The oexi meeilog will ba held on the (tral Monday ktlemoon tn Ortnbat at ihe residunce of Hev. C. A Woodruff, iiaiior of tbe ElKbih Avenuo i.burch.

l*he MIsiIod for the eolored people of hueevlMa w hich was started In iTvbruary leal lu Temperance Hail, to MeadUy advandag, aud ta inoreasiog In nanbsri from week to week. Services bavi been held every £uoday ntghi, with preacblhf by colored preacheit frutn Dreog* and Kswark Last tituuday night ibe Rev. D. F. Bradley, Of Um Eannlogtoa Btnwt A M. £. t'huicb, delivered a lermoo from tna flm verses of tbe Twenty-third Pialin. A buQdey'tobool wai started last kon* day afiemoua, wlib a membenhipof fiftoen scholari aod a promise ef many more lo Ihe luiure. Friends of <.'hrlatiaouy, of whatover color, are requested to aid the good work. Dijuaiioniof papers, books, cloiblDg or cash can be Him to klra Juhnsoi), 19 duuth Tbir- U'eath sireat, vlce'ptrsideotof ihs W. C. T« V* of Koae villa

At the annual meeting of ibs Ereex Couniy Cbrlstlao Endeavor Uniou on Monday afier- uoiD those ofncori were elected: President, Hcv. l*f, J. Clcmeni French, of (be Perk Pr^bj'tarlan l.'burob; first rloe*prceldent, hev. U £, Lepp, Ft(Ui Dspilsi Churcb ; second rlue- presiileui, F. F. Vartyn, Flnt heformed Cbnrch: third vtce-prcsldeut. E N. Benjamin, R<«evdle rrpsbyierlanCbutab; recording seor^ tary, Arthur Meta Third I'reeb|teiiau Church { cr»iTeapoDding secretary, f. W. Hnneo^ High Bireet PraabirterlaD Church: aastouiut oorre- itNXKting secretary, Mlu A. McHagh, North Heformed Cburcb. The exeentlve oommlltoe Dunstota ut tbe uffleen already aimed and Miti Mne IJolmra Helonusd Cbnrch, BeUevHle ; J. A. £ardf n i I*reabyiet1ah Cbureh,Montclair, and W. J. Uimiltoa, Dsltoviile Ave­nue (.loitgregatlooal Chorch.

The l i l t mceiiQf of the Newark Dtotrict Preachera' A»ocU(lon until after the lummcr monthi was held Monday to tbe parlors of H, I'aul'i M. E. Church. H»v. Nelaon A. Mae- Btcbol, paMor of the llalaey &reat M. £. Church, delivered an address on “ Row to Reach Ibe Mesaas.” Ue condemned the een- Muooal mvthnds reaoitod to by many pnacn- araln tbeiruffbrti lo atiradt crowds to their churches and to entertala them alter they are icctiired. Tbe address awakened a general discumioD, which was parti(*ii)ai6d in ^ Rav. Jimce Boyd Bradv, Rav. J. A. Qutierldge, Rev. Dr. X & Hamilton, Rev. J. XL fikyan and oibera, J>f, HamiUoo then gave an addresa on tha subject of “ Our Veieran Preacherv," in Which be spoke totllngly of tbe old preachers wbo bad worn ibemaelvei oni in the aenrloe ol tbe church, and arged ibe co-operatlen of tbe paaion and o ttceno f (he m lods cburches ta eflbru lor ihelr support ia oonfirenoe alatm- ania It was decided to bold a pabUe mteting for tbe purpose ol awakening an tntareat in the fu t |M la tbe Central M. lA Chnfdk week.

Against many discouragement tbe Broca Etreei Mtsaloo It boldlag its oam. It to in charge of lobn H. MaUitwa, who de* vokes almost bis entire Urn* to (he work and wbo UMJCbes iu a eloec penooat way the llv « fit many In that dtotrict, Tha chapel la so sii- uaied (hat a ctrete drawn around It wiihln a radlw of balf a mile would Include more than gl.OOO peoi^. Three yean 'ago tbere w u one cburcb to every AGOO aoali and one saloon to every 163, flnoe iben only one new cbnrch and many saloons have aptiMred In tbe dis­trict. Mr. Mathews to a practloal cliy mission- sry, and he believes in lookiog to tbe eomlori of people's bodies before shewing theiu great roDoem about their smUa; so the sick end wretched are personally stisoded to by him, and on sundavi he talks" or preaches morn­ing and ewntug ut tbs obapel, besidea ooo- ducUug two Raudiy'«chuol ttfirtoai. Then are also a temperanoe and pra}e^Baa«tlng every week. All through the tummer. when th tie to no eveulDf aebooV he davnus Wedoeaday Digbu to a boys' club, when ihe boys meet for games and Blaglng. Hr. Malbewt nays that two great blbdraooH to bis work are the need of Nsneihing attractive lo hold the young men and womeo who drift nfTjnsi at an age when they need good Infloenoes. and a proper place and recant to dtopoure the food and eloibiog which come to him. HiS’ pUo Inclndea a building which can be used for fyreiUHiiiea, fames, workihopN readlpf-rooin and the teaen- ing of useMi tblogi lo the girls and boyi, such as slBOOgrapby, book*kaeplDf, KWlng, etc.

A U T f f i J f f l S I M .

JsunfrThllda'i Pnttr Btoty of %M odorn C t id e r d U .


How t b . B n n k C u r M th . I te la lr Foot*. B o d d k h 'b ro w . Shoo J u t W haro tho (M U ilt F rl.00 Fooad I t . Tko J o o la u KMar H ito r OMl C nH t H a tb e r Disappointed.

|<tcM. Y oam H tiM iM m pU itt.BntT S H

A C o . t l> f n t B«]tUHt.I T tm Iko BoMai Cooiler.

X,. JltfiOO-'" M t* . I *K»ti to pMobMO do I W f - — pi* kio' ^ 'TOtd. M P-x <l-< y x i 't t||(itlaU i.«o^l« ."

*>Bato--Dlfgrao wiiwt, okTI r n r w l h b o d t r o n b l t l "

Xr. DM’d In ■ Uttlo pitW nuI tm’t r do iMkMMttaMA «>i « • tiilo’t docio

t a n IU ls H fa * .ii« tl» e r in .b « rw » T T ll.’’J« * ^ _ "W lu tl Kot mwritd Trt, »nH -tk*

a t lor diToro. ^ u n r 'Mi . J , - ‘*Dii', d t «MA !«!»». ta t Jif

" a f wlnCir lo <tko * pvUMt iw if wt*Yi — • • a M 'lk ' lo mlM ater tB tb* lowUU’t »kw oMM a a l ( b t | m 'lB , W 1 « tn u IM ta nhor 1 fca Jot n o r b in ', on 't a . 1*B • t i d m fttnum oona Mieauu, <>**

I arltboi la d* M uhuM 'Jn Uaor(b ra n t,’ ai^ I p n lm w b a b doia

I -otkwioOT’r wbw I bln (brmr'bnUdi i t M r : ^ d l a tir tm d a M r - v n au ah n o a t. o r ; L -x a W e » n f (Mta’t bn n pnw * dal I «n(Mb VMM M l w M IT m Sii, aa* Il « u u M « • J

F lirtod with H I. M other.f i tm tb . CtflTclafld World.

A TowId .octMr wom u b u p ! .r« l . fobd }ol» cm ber ton bf u a ix lln l » iw tll p n n ia iDt..urr.dB and tUowibc b lv to filfi with bar; d*t, a m , atk (W a'klaa wliiiiHiC Ibg JunM l EOiptclan w Uw rctobf mao', part aa to who iba fair .b a ra .r wai. U» followwt bar about Ibfl enllra rranloA and wbra tba USM for buaarkiiK « a t waa a t bar rtda read! id » ic h lb . Ant illmpaa. laia(lM hit cbairtn. ^

S T A T E N E W S N U G G E T S .

Tba ■irawbonr ibtq) In Allantte Oosntr will b« almort ■ latal (Uinn- 0«a ta ra rn lo m tab amlra crop, rtluwl at WMt Tba hookltbarrr crop b aaonboua

Fiom n in llT o^at plaoea dMrtbotad ai captial to tba aebolan of lo t Itoamtown M«a- briarlan Sandip-Mbool a p m a«(v ntaiip | m wa, loaaBilp remibed ai iba naolt ot Uwlr tn- Taitmaam

Tbe balcban at W. W. Onlall't a u a t Baikal In jnatD lM all want on a Hilkt paaiaidap and damandad that tba propriaior dtaMaita ibalr tonniati, Hairjr Bowa, wbo had boebaa ob- noTloin to Ibam. Oarlall ralnaad to dbniMEowa, and tba ililaan man b a la a bodp.

n a kaapait a ttba Caodan OmmlpiaU anp tbep do not kaow wban SoBlolao Phllltpo OooA Iba Iiallta anidarar, ilaapa. At all bou iio ftbadap aod o ltb tk a paoaa up aod down tab eeU tnutwruic lo Umaall^ and an Iba appioaob of anp ona plaoM b b banda w bb tb io a tan d ap i, “ Hope. lopr,”

Tba tblrtr-aaianlb Annlm taip Dap paiada Of Iba Mndardoboob of lowai danap Clip waa bald pntardap •ItarsooiL Abou AOH abll- drao warn In Una Tna la rb w u ii ataad waa ticctad oppoflta Van Voiat Park, and waa oo- onpM bp Iba paaum at Iba ebaiabaa aod In. Tltad r b t t a Amoof tba la im w m Ootta- aorLaoo Abbatl ^ B t-aoranar Joatpb IX Badia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l - E I t S O N A U

r a m It about to sake a u n r t t Iba Briibb inoTlniw witb M m MaqM ilta d i Vnab- mana, ih . plaabx

MifB. lAiAn Bmnnaniir baajnat boopbl bp anbla n im ia tiart ot land nt NaoUlp, * w borb otFaiB, (br|U.<llD,nUDidaduiii>(Aacrtaaot A n arlcu loor. 11 h aild ibat aba wltt boHd apoilinliidpalan altai aba baa knlMad M r lnp»la

M U LOSAA bat told bat Intenai tn Iba Oan a m Dowd tarm of MO oaHa adjololnp Mur pbptboro, III., (br eMW. to T. M. bo itii aod J. C Ctaik. Tba irtex ta lo ha opabad Mr boUdliic porpOiM. la tba ponif ellp b ipnod in ( r a ^ p .

IIM. Botwaon S u in tn la tmiaiop bai ta a ll ton ■ a Jotmalbl. Vlrlan Bwnatt baa taadp an aditottnl ebtii. Mb piPM. naMKM, baa ooip laaenad aeiiaiUatlon of iwootp-aiabt, bn liu p o u iii preprtaNtbhptaif to B a k ao d t aaodaip Joomal to anmnlala Iba aaiMubto dolngaol aaull bopa lb knlakartnokan and llu la (f ill to abort ftaeki.

MAA lAnxmca B o p ia m , wbo dtod ta VwnnaraoaoUp, waatbo n b eao l BMtbmas. At tba tibia ol bar w aW f daub to iHff aba wnaonlpaaptapHUi id a tb •«_<*• •u tT P litd im lln ilM a rU ii i . n b O b lp i iMof ootonawllPind at VboiA wbo aitoodod ■ H ibom Pt tonaril, baarlp pann•ML b Df. MmulbMWOo « Man * aM- deal at aadielbr. and a . a bop of tinttan waa d a llp in atteadaoaxU tba a ^

That Bonilas tba llantnb Gaaptrd waa •trotUDb at to aartp hour lu Iba park. Ba waa tbluklDf of lb . baantp of Va'-touiu, wham be wbbadto make btawtb. VtlattUna’a dowry wia of m aU Inponanoa to btin, a t ba waa rich; but ba wti d.lifblad wlib tba hlaa of rn ii.nliif tbta laiBtuaa park wblcb p a rtiw arip piaaaad him.

Ba had 001 pat dtclaind bli lora. Ha wall knew ibai he would b. neairad with Jup by Valantloa'a notbar, ano that at the dial word Ihrp would Diao. In bii tba white band of tba pouDf cbateltbie. Hut be waa In no hoirp to apeak, and, aaa nombHofylatian waraai the BaiHH bouM, bla praaaoco would oataproBlaa Dobodp.

UMpard w uenjoplbf bb aoUinda, drlnktoi In tba fteab air ta d tb . patfuma of itat plnka that bad |fo « n In lulta upon tba ok) wall i to iba dlttanoa waa h m d to. btaaiaa iM t of ib . •rptoa that w u tbaptup iba maadona, rtinw- Inr Itt wap with a Itoa of prtM.

Cvarpiblna irew Iniiulaut.ip to tba park, and Oaapaid,aatr baylop walked loitlanK tliaa. lott btoiaall In a labprlntb ol lantUd allapA t.'f downa hlddoc bp tall oake, of pladca inundatod with .uoliiat aod aurroundod bp brtaia; bowaver, ba ibou|bl tbai at to aa turn of a path ba would train laa the Hmawbat Unpoatoa torrait of toe ebalaau loom up In Itaa llmptd atcioapbtre.

But ba haaid water runnltg btnaatb tba laapei, and, ibortlp altaiwaid, Mw tba biwk, tba bllibe aonr of wbt'-a t>.A. raachad bta a tit. Ib a W».» , *-*P" atbumid Torduro; It pluoiad bansatb, tba (roen boutba, (DmiiBr Hr tiny ripplaa upon a bed uf pabbtaa) Ulna and ibm b. dipped tbalr flowercluatait tn tbta Intpadod itraamlax and Jnat u tba Mtrgnta oait d.ilabtadfltncai armnd blm ba aottoad an abjaat wblcb m td t him uitoi annrlanattOD.

A lUppar, a lltllt rtddlita-brawn tUppor, wai (oUawIbfl tba CQuiM of ibo walar; tt leaped orer to t pebblai, yanlibad amonp tha aouatlo Itenu to nappaar lurttarr down tba b « ^ w.It tm o ad to Iba Harguta Otapaid tbai ba had nayer aaan anptotoi uore ^arm lop. After baytof allnibad oral the trunk o ft willow that iin iob id acton lo tba oppoalu bank, afiar hartaip run itaiuopb Ilia damp tfatn. ba armed biBualf with a lonp lUck, drtw lni tba alippar to blm, oiled It In tba rnn. Then ba put It to bta pwkel, aooa found bli road, and raaohed the manor hoUH Juit aa tbe lin t broakfait bell rtnr-

Valenilna waa walttap for blm npoo Iba p lu ta ; It b rl|b t flnita moaDlod to bw cbeeti whoa ib t poicolfod toe man whom iba aP roadp rtplod tba oetrolbod uf hto droama bba waa a biuDcita, tall, ilandar. charmtof dooptta bar lolM, wblcb waa too rich (Or tba atrip maintop hour, bul tba would cbeerfUUp bara acknowladped that money wti not wortb hay- lap If oaa w an ooinpollod to watt dntoea nicb aa poor plrli wort, titipatd landony kbned bar baodx and, dtawtop Hum bta poakai tba ■Upper, .till a u lll. Uamp. pnwniad II to her.

*'Bibold my trHiuro-tntya,” n td ho, - and aa you alona in all toe wmdd ooutd waar tbii lltilo tUpper, I bet Pmi to lot mo keep lx It will be a taltnntn and a bopa loi me." ba added to a lower tona

VaioDllbo ftownod and bar apto luddanlp prow bard.

That old .boa dou'l belong to mo." an- ■waifd tbe, with a htnpbtptlr. "a#nca I hare no penntaaloo to piyw jotb Kewp II if you want to.”

Pbt latned twap tod went to bar molbar, to whom aba burrlodly told t few worda 1 tan both tba ladle, p tueed aUbapounpmaii, wba, abtobOd. waa .tandiDp In Ibo a tta r plana whoia VtlenOna bad left blm, tba tlipper in bta banda

W bit an Imbadle I am I" aald be to him- talf. " I tea too late that bar foot could nerar be foroad la toao iaalla illppaf. But wbo tba detioe can It balonp to P'

Aa Valaatlna and bar tontbar wme tba onip ladiaa a t tba ebaieaix Otapaid did bat path bla loTaatlptitoa tbnber. He rtrowa to pat back Into tba pood pracH of Ita young ptri, and •ameadad ao wall tb it ta tba eyanlop abe para blm a tknrer tn m bar bouquet. That nlpbi ba fall talatp paacefbllp With the flower preatod to bta llpa and Iba nddUb-biowD lUppar w u torpottoii.

Wban ba awoke tba (oUowlnp morotop bla a p u (lU upon the objaat that bad oiuuad blm lo oomoli ao areal a plaoe of awkwaidnati tba dap taflira. Ut qnloklp Onmtd taluaelf and want ont Into tba park, taklup tba path ba bad poanonalT fltliowad, lolly raaotrod lo retam tba rtippar to tba walai’a adpa,

- Tha peiwn wbo l« t It will aoina to uaiab tor It.’’ aard ba to bimiell, “ and parbapa 1

tbatl flnd oat wbo aba ta."Be found bit wap ttrp aulip aod w u about

n a c b l l f tba brook when t a auddeolp pauwd; pome one w u atnalnp a little tu rttai away; the Toloa w u pan, tba aaop llyalp, aod ba- iwtib (be tall oaka amid tbe lonllpbi of dawn, wttb tba tooompaniment of Ibe baN bilDp waiar—ad toll bad a k U ctaarm. lull of poatrp, Ba approaebad Mjfllp aod aaw tbroopb Ibe b ia iu ta i a pounp pin, who, with ta r tk lrti illpbUp drawn nn, w u tatUop tba walar with ta r bare leak Her Blppanand tloeklnf a lap oo tba daw-aoraiad pram, aba w u pled la a d rtit of bliia maiariaJ, and laiMbad at iba moUoo ol iba e lm ripple, teat ueaiad to b u r away bet feet, u wbtie u tba Iow an that adorn ibtfouiiittotol tba npmptu of BaUcoo.

Ber fltx tn loaki floalad In Soodi ofar her ibouldtra, and bare tod Ibere amonp Ihtm tbs bad iBMaDad luft. of ipiliipaa Uupard u w ta r loop latbea her b tu l epu and too poldtn I b n ^ icaltond otar t a r forabaad; ■be w u llaianlnp to tna bltd. that tilled the all wlib a toower of Toul ■ptrlu i anA amid I ta imlla of bar ted lipt, b«r wbIM tertb .bone take a motbet-of-pml blade plunged Into tooe frnit.

But ruddenlp aba baaid tba laaraa attirad not l u Inm ber, and inroed around to nir. prlM; eta u w aupaid, wno w u cootemplat- top ber, bobHat bit bn ttb , and, with a cry of indlfliiatioo, her ebuka purple, apranp upon tba p im and loatanUp .Upped on bar aiook- Inp. and aboea

Tbeit tba Marqula went to her, bta bat to tala hand.

'■Madataotaalla,’’ u id ba, bowing rarp low, ’’pardoo me It I nay. bad tbe mlaftornnolo tHgbtan poo. I am IM Mtrqota Oaapard, one ol tna pneata t t tba cbaaMau. and I b a n ooma bare lo brtnp you back your alippar ”

* I am yaip mueo oUipad toyoo, Monilaai,” antweiad eta In great oottfuiloa.

‘■But how w u It, Htdeuolmlla, that you ware abit to m orn to toe cnataau witboui pour tllpDerf Tbe toupb path m uu bayt Houndad poor Ibotl"

“ X d b 't Ilya at tba obataan, Motuiaur, but Id that aoUapt poo t u down iban amonp tha boopba”

And lilt itaw id to Uupard a ibatabad roof that t a bad not notloed.

“ Do you I m with pour paranta, Hada- m ohellor

"Ob, DO,’' npitad aha with ambairaBmanx " I IITO at my num ’i bouae.- ^

" WlU poa allow n a to u k pour n a ra a f ^“ Ctotalnlp. Tbay oall» Marta."“ Tonr Boihai mnal ba yaip unbappp at ba-

top l u away Ihwi yon, Madamatotba Marie."“ Oh 1 maffliM lanoi larawapi b ta ta u ib a

obataan wlib mp atater VaiantUiai'’Tba pooDp man leattatoad Ita Cry of turppba

tbai m a M bla llpa“ Honalaur,’' addad ita , claipliip t a r banda,

wbUa praat latia flowad down bar panlla tI.- apA ’’ you eona irom Iba obataan, apeak to a a ol Bamma; entreat bar to aoina to BP lu n a ’a botue u abi nad to. I aaauia yon lliat 1 bare d m notblnp lo laaka ta r anprp with Be. Ah t bow I woald Uka to k la barl"

“ Madamotaalla," napoadad Oupaid. taap- >r tottobed, "1 will aaaauta ponr oocoBiailoa; hot at* poo not aflntd that Madase y o u boMi- a t woald ba otaplauhl to m a t t r in iu Bad- dla wttb bar fainllp aHhirer'

“ Yon IN rtpbX" napoodtd Marla, praailp dtaaoaitied, "B p neiolnp to Dam Bai Ma would blame ma kar Ik"

" Bat I out talk to pour tlrtar t Uadtmol- •d la VitoBtliH ta tappp, Indulpad, ninWDd. ad with biBiapa,”

■’ Oh t Mta waU daaatau haa bapphtam r* arIcA Karla, toiweaallp, ” BP dW u M to baaaUhill la It in a to d aba ti Bottii to ta d an iad loM t t ta p a y ib ln t ta aatthbor- bood)”

“ Bwbapi,” anawarad Ita poanp nua- taalp . “ But poa, MadaBOUailo Marla, will pottiM iataaial m atriadioBadapr"

g ioaed ; she lesoed sgsioM s ire* tgai abnDOC MU ; all tbe goesta ot iba cb«lean

feed h>lioirtd VshMllite.arerereaved tbegiri, **BaeiBt,

iH gm re a rAndq as lie reMbar srsa about (• ipflng

wsrti, Osspard stoppsit her vrub s gasture i Ibert be kiKU on (be greia batore Msrta-

Frer soiblog. O n en e to lt mM," asld be IfiS ftna voH*. " Pmiee C ham liit bM sworn to wvd (be lair lady vtMW tbe mile gisre slip* p tr fits I ’ JgswMt Ttiiu**.

Aw A lrr D nde.Fiore Iba Kaw York World.

A (yplcsi dutla eswrad sn Esit Hrasdway islsob ysiterdsy and eelkd fix a o f bear. When U was sbovad S4 blin be carr- relly podrud Gu; all but a uurebi*(ul imo a CftsiadoiT sfiKl Ibt'ti drank the ouuiaiiis alih avidlvul relish aud laid dow nlro rrnu. 11s ihen walked cvvr to Ib* tugtbptrk-bDldsr. wbleh coniaiiMd about filly spiinis. Drawing ■ fsntle-loaaing cigars t(a from bii poi'kat h« proeeeiltd to ■craicti vach aitd evtry loiHbpirk on boih tods re lUCOasalaA uatU vrry Lrei was reasbed.

Ai fast aa ba scratebed Ibem be flung ibcre dll (ba floor, and wbeu iba boidar waa einptU^I ha draw a parlor uatch from hU purkar, faked ii aloog iba sole of brt sboe aud appllud tba flarea (o bis clgsiau* wUb a smile oi satis- IseiHre.

"F-l-trl-atir' blosrd (hi barkeeper, wbo bed been watching hire.

Ab>i ihadude lloated out of (ha door and up (be atrert as aofliy as a godsc-feaihar blown uu Iba vregB of a sure mer brm e.

Tbe Frlee o f a T eoor Voleea from tha New York (Xretluenr.

Tbeguardiman on tbe *' L " toad tralna may oHen ba rather Uud( ia Ibeir mautw*r, but peo* pia who bava beard llLem uatl t-ui tnu name of a stilUm will oever vtusu Uictn of being plain ipokco. (I'upyrlgbiad.) This, by tha way, nialDdi re*of a story UiatCbauscey M. Dr- p«w aoHaeUreos tells. A law year* ago bo tc- calved nuroerous letters from yiaiiwDgets on tbe New York Cenirat road compUining that tba brakaman never called otu the namf-s ni tba staiioAt plain rDougb U* ba uiulent^Kid. 11a tmmedtstaly orden (hat Uia brafcrroen. ofl Qaarltig a iiatian, aboiild euier Uio oar smi rwll obt the Dauir u( tba tu ilen “ l a a e ^ r tenor voice." Tba niali n ivw days lairr brougbt blm a leitvr, signed '* A Itraki-tnan, ' which aaXod (his prruucui question; "bay. bow much of a tanur vuioe du you expect Jur t ^ a a o o t h r

A Ifovelly la L*ather«*From tbe Albany Journal.

8*iat4*ao( anew kind ftf bide hav* haen tecslved from Australia by tbe Jiooi Qwt i<hot TVodes JpwnMi. Ilte Auslrallan correspoiidmt w rttai: “ Tots new luarher iiaapcoiatiy suila* ble for laacblDs bandi and laces, military belts and crore straps. I t la also used ((ft (be reenaficittre ot soidieni' and Orvtoati's hrl- reata, being cfpi>claJly light. The matorlal ts iiKl (0 resist a rifle Uiliei at 100 yania li Ishto oBueb (o iDtlcIpaie ibat titme dai L>qrwsr- rlon will, nnilaa (bote uf ancient times, wbo were Qiad lu ouais ot mail, be eiad In cuats of leather, awl thus glva ua a le il proofofUie old adagfip that tbar* la nothirg like it,"

F O L K S Y O U K N O W .

>—J. H. Walket eelabraied hU forty*n Ini b btrlbday analvtntazy at bla raaldence, 96 Bel- moiu avenoa, yretenUy.

» A trlpla tdrtbday aotilvcmary was calr- bralad at Pfrlfer's Hall In Ranry street last a^h t. Tha eelabraiun were (ortrad Bchwira, Albert Kraia aod Uuitav Fackrnberg. Main- bare of the Newark Zither Bodety, Turttverela Vorwawlsaad Nuaark Tuimernln were prc»- euU

WbeaBaby waaitck, we gaveher Caatoria. When abe was a Child, abe cHed for CaotorU, When she became Mtas, she clung to Oaalorla. Wires aha bad CMdren, abegave (here Caatorlre

^ W e l t) W a n t e & - - S n a l * B .KOTIt'K—TrH>*laat *avcri|* lea l« tb*

HRH’rt reasi Iwvarlablv be paid iar la atl* vaace.

N*mcc*atMM will be •****<! te r *acb*(V* advcnlsctacai will be rcralved aver

Ib*(r1fpb*n« rv rrq f rb*«c *eal b r aatbar- laedegcHis.

\ IIRKIM ANU UKMIW.Al. AUKSIV* TO mU fHir Hiiot' Inhwet

illftmtc Utili II.I ntht-r “ Lir;) at pr< j>«r*t1<itis: «C(xl jirom. bl.t-Il.-. ElLK MMi. (V*.. V«SM.1i' a?*,,KuHvj'. N !. »*f

W-tMKU. A FKW_ u> (ur UMrUc tlRn. tall atnhiiim Ml.. sl;.--sll ftsianU’ b*tw»wn hi■nd iZGVIfK-k. K u.ti'KlN. JR . Msiiirear. 1

VI .S XfclW tl.NKbcUlel-.kiM liiAi itvirurwl.

i iiUw In hv tr i .73) imwdat.AimKit WaM KDF 'H 'KTrnii.VY AMV

lufay t'lfR HKI.l.KVlU.I-: AN1>R 'U n i AV M I

IN .(XU CAMHlAnS:, ............. ........... , . A, iiiW'ina. .kppiy taXn, f. hmilli. N«< Mrtin mi.. K, i nwngtt. Kir

{OOK-KFU'KII ^Ul'NuMA.V TO HKl.Pon uHd di> i-Grri<«]Hin')i>niT . nniRl b*

giHpd pciiTkiMii, »)iil w'tkgcs )rt« Li iXimTivaiM-tt Itn.Addre-JM wUn WHiC'S w*>ii«xU NVUliLk^ a I.K, HoxJ. NfWInflloi’. _ 1

Boy w a m kii. ,i m iu m it . A m v F ivtv,itMjwLH'W Hhiii UiM MAri.Hn.\ o nkwh

ArANl), UU’M'hIMp , ;:no MUd IINm Iu Ktioei'tDe prcfrrrrd. i\g

flo tiM w re V a X w U

.viv I liiMfUaat ft, le roosiA hfW and caM awiart ire vtirklinb, I’lroomA h'Aand tv.ie waren IS WMkviiMii aya.^T

JiHiulnKDWAHD II. LM 'nV I^srt rerean i


VO y s T >lU-tlVU JUI



PltL'Ii1 sr.At'KH.tUttl VVAOI pnlAckRtitlUi iir ,

Hoy- WAjrcKirwirMitid, to lifUi ttiiikm-i’i

hors*. l^RnViatT. .1 lIlKhit.

l i

( M» KUl. IM1V IflI'H IS *ml Uko iwmol

IOYH 'WAN l’HI lOHKT.I.- TVIW.N TALK " rM«liinlNy. '.:6t U.VHKKi'hT. 1

Afk'iy tu M ta n i r i i iu o

IS lT T lIfc ll \S.\MKO AT OSl'K. YOU.VOI riusn tnstutiilcrMmiilR ilic hit-inpM; wlUhig

to drive a W'seon : miiM l>f si'fjUJkiiiU'd Ui Flurri-mn and Ksuro). ........bT., Kearny-

^ )lbrue yi-iu'V rnt'-fitnitr. weiiled I'vr tUvmer at ARlitiry .\iMri Miotti.g aelarve iyc icd . t ‘iiKHmi. ln>s K. Ni'Wf<uflif*. ivvxrtiNK hii wrr.Li.Mi i o tx* i iih hwn F jflrlng and makp lilui-'-T gi'i-rraUy iixotul

sruunfl fjwinrv : -l.'lr r#rt‘n*n'v:; ntni lAHun WKtiiad. Addrere FNUiNJiJ.H, tin i u. NfWR ofthP. \

II X !» K H I f: N r K 11'jwelitoil, Ai’plyio W 4.


HIM'HII bH\Wr.P<KIHXtlN d c a , am

bs<A WHIKIt M.iN* W lin T-NDF»“

iire«i(Wfly altiis- F. BKlUiA i'o.,orna4e ValitoV, Dg

1;^|RKMAN ..' ilandii nis bnsiufsi i-sti

( lo o n . itoN O T, rnr.H T w cm rnv m a vtsseoilfH'itireiid Mlt Mmsii in Newark |br New

York pnblWnnti houMtt; SMUrjr aud I'uimaiiMilon; ■ecurily reoulrnl. AtMrem ur call ou U. UkVK- KK^ :T Waftaa, Viirk. Ir APPKIt AND hll.H H M t Ijateady work. WIM.IAM Hrcad St.. KlIialretYi, N J.

w a s t k h }Fl.SCk, IIS


MAWJN-WANTKD. Yhaeworkedat tUMLatlMa >hortthuc

ply St ttie job, v l/x.'K Kl’.1'N<* MAN THAT


J f(>lWV\VANTI:l' - I'tpCAN VAMH SV»HL^lBdUttirtal l>'|irM luaurani-e; raru chau<a fnr gtNid men. lii<iu|reiirilKA JT'Y A lluvJ), roHii- afvrs, UTl and «?( Hruad hi d7g

A.Nl Kta,

First-class drygnoilR n>aii; mnM( niiitrnland thelmsInMN tiioniught.r: Only *iu-h imkhI apply pi'iKiiimlly or by iMitar to

r'KKUMAN.PAMi f'Tirt 4 (-O.. ti 'jxtaii'l JL\ Market h.■\irANTKD AT TIIK MKlimiviUTAN vv Kmploympril fXtlfv - fit mi hsinlM ami a t>i>y

Ibr aasnileirimira idafv, tn luilk a row j ud make LuuirtatruM-hil: nttat girls for all kiiuta ot wurk. Apply re M(tM, WTKV K.SH. -V - - ‘

hariicnaatiil-uiih]l(>rv hodre : Oru- witu has hndcspcriRtirolnUicbuHincaii. Addr^aa uJ-Ka V IfAltNKHN U).,OlcBli. Y- 3le■ \irA N T rn a v d l m i m a n -vu takmvv m rent iu'iracM ainl make iiiiuat*|fuM’rul hi

xriMvrv ; muttC imvc InsI rt-l«ri'ii< |(iiiulri-li>:u.icvii.i.y; avh . i

nrsK m i.hrr -ȣ nnoAn-rr.: a roomaa<vi iwUar :rM l M per mnnib nnweieiiMi

UiiniMttalP . Apf4y re /• R MUKKtIul'A. ure-> IS and il Aitannc m. lie

n iUHR TU l.KT NO. it MuNTthiMMIV •L, near lllch aX: • roMua and hathrrom: rent t1>k Inculre xTOUTKNHritUll A O l,

repaoA Hmaft ^1U t u -


ytrU-k dselllnir* etchl rromt. al( improxwinenlK very reairmOy Imvireil, iietyhbnrbood.

J. II. 11A< li)-;(.MCR, . 7w> Hk u a D ht.. rDomalsaHil

VltMl e«l«t» Var a«u.HALK

It w frhv re build bouiiec when you <vin buy ai ■ui'li (irtira

Jan*aa»i.,7 renres lei BvITn Is «m.f'uluiubli^ tat. I •' rwnni*, ta U i m ninvciiit*nMii |S.3noL Artlngren bl, re ivaunta loi S4,rei}.A bcaa* on NVl- ’ii pi lor tT xbi a dr-

r^dail Imraalui74a WHA.IaM a . HIRII a TT llL avl at,

I.’MmUAl r n.KilANT fvM NI'lfV linfJSK teu riMuni. Uiin, fitiU)uUdi!;,.a **i>' -■xlct-n

aoreMg.'x.;ii.d . mtuawl hiir mtif- Nnwark ;fiuu tif ah ileei'Ti|duu): m:i wlaiUi:-xl r- vd» airmn lighicU ; Mikhi iQltuhe! frt-m ruMnmd de|tad ; ^Ul Iw old t licai> Had on i-UMy renii* Ai!dr««i Bus II, Kvidlng Ncutodli-p. big1,'UlR HAI.K-A VAI.r.AHl.g m ip K IilY P V'xniinii VVttai Xhuw.t Mi : > ! - 3 and nr'i 4- Mory huuiw. wlUi warer ami sewer iwni«m uoua, _. . . ----TthiirU tar* |ii=~ 1lu‘ tlunr

Pfxti l.KT* INSTH WAHI^TOkMAU.ItASII.1 llisionlYl New M and Is Ikiwland at. each

x<«uiBlnKaf<\ »u nMUIu all intiirxtveuiMiiis: ()iea* heuwRan* lluetl with brW*k. im expense hsilnc hapn H]si)sd In ilictt i^vnairuiTUtii, aihl are Uiu Rinot citmpiBi* lltlie homes In ihe 11iy . inwrly new. kof r«‘rit)iiaarel id'ier lainrmahnn Sitpiy

owner. Nu. J« llkl.'LbVlU.ft: AVR. K.-nf, g A _ _ ______riMM.KT -A M i’K n oO K . IN L;h I-I tl'xi), wiih all liLit re\entcuia re rent in ■ kihnI

tenant at gld rx mi.uvh. Anpiv to tHuU.V(« N Ili^NHA, 2.'i'llaloh <et.. or l i^ broad sb. l

Out of Town.HKNT

AtMallsun, Iuhu*, II ruoiiiaro ll HAI.K

AlMadiBuu, lianw sMble suit k>« ecnlonsreu Fanil plara.


AAUON p, WNhTT.m flread St.

;nNimth;n t a h w >\m hicnt atIbdiusr'furmertv (Nssan Heachl ami ('utiu*.

iitatu and cahilireuea pildreoa U Ui'DKH- - ■ “■ J _____dW

j ' ! '>nr mat-,; miTi'. iv IniBr. N,

l i p i iM p * 9 A n t w 6 *-.-a.-.’liyANTKD T«MIKNTA ilOr*^K rtF SOU VV TTfitunHend ImiiruvcmnilH. between Hfsitli

Orangs uvA ami i:ilh ev«., l.ltile*un hvs. aud HiUJili Mil el. Addraai D. JjAUCK. d iUdiiuuiL ave.rlly. Me

at a harMBlitApph III hli'l pahli B. c.. sluii|p n U half

Lit# nteiri'.V spriiiu

TUi..............FtVK OF TllK rH O irh-T

(Ylfitun 1(111 lius. aertli -Idetiraiul iisar Avtm avt\; aisi* PvH lnu un haluitaiii uli- . eu Hue uf

TrsusH M li ; rttat iMiyet. h-wcel prlrc. J (i i\V K Vh I'F [ N. »)w1 iiMneia ave. TI t

1N0H hALK M>T m Nl'HMKR AYKe MR. Ironl. SIR. ur l ^ In driAh; teran aatUlw

Inry. 1ui|uir3 W. II. tsikorne dt I'tv. K M. and K. K k a re .. ot W UucMi avA PKRD M FAI l^R^Tlt lav

1.VMH K\IK, f7U> 4'4H|| *-*1 MiiNTIII.V huvitht^ last urihiiea new hon-et. auitsbiH tnr

1 Ibaihle*. JUJIN ll. l»l’NK. im. nadeu wild iirleulalsia I•\\T ll.t, HFI.I, A I pkl TKK FiKlT IF w'H.h TV ImUiWtlislttliy tr-i IV*t 1

raseaU' aL. uv' ftwt di*et>. A.ImUiWtlislttliy tr-i fiwt lui (Wilrii st.,mrusi ul . .. ---- ' . 8. A\I(M ,M s<»s 'I'‘m

Out Of Town.


f l o a m * A h B V t « l * VTo C r t

A I(Iria flour ; rmh | | \

\ HL1N0TUN NT,. 1 for light hi»i«s*k(N>pini;.T IB WANHINttlVlN NT., (.vmXRK OF Warmaitisre la I bmilalredi and J unhir- shle

nisliwl rucMii re let-rCHNTHHKlt RlNlMKATt.ANTn'«T....................... ........ .

WkUi Ijath , front parlor ; use ol ptauu. Uy

4 l*AA m.

l'AHTMKN l>H 111 l.KT AT MIngulf* al 73NU im iA HI'.


TWi) FrUNlHllKlJ FKtlNT , JmoiUiS.iH>ii'>Hs-tltiM, aululda Nir 3 gsaUtmien ; bathroutn pnvll*a^: oue rodui furCVOl'HT NT., W-

/Itwu fontlemen ; refrrctii'e.


I.vAHTORANOIB-Tn l.KT. ft IMhiMll. NKW %li<»iiw, tunderii IniuruTmieubi; flA tpll >>r

aiiorroi LU AH U F HKt' Ml'. 77g

1;(LATH I ttlklMN KACU. ]« ItRirNNWirK’ it., first atulse'smd flj»r |U a4_id fl'J;

also iarK* dwrillnaun wiiringficld and IVrkavs*.. Jrvliiftoii. leiH'lM FKI.HKH, ars (iruad si, ?hi

,1, FAMIUKrt*.. ___ - - -.ry tiile; rau( |I3

to ltd ; S nlie ruomw in baaement, 17.JANIToK VAi Uigh at., romtr Arsutsmy.

|;»I.A'I1iTO LhT I'D KM A I. . F Four llithl itMimA statuinary

W A N T K D -A k Uuw

DEATHS.BOCK'Relativesand friHulf, and llaymeala

Ji*aceND.44. nauthlareof Hcbei’ca.arercHpet-t- fully iQVtred re attend the funeral from ber lata reakletHW. Nn. Plane street, an Matnrrtay, Junat, Jan ,ail F. IL Jatarment In Falrtnoujii Oereetery,

DnNNELLY,-*-On Jana 4, Margaret Pcnoellyi aged M yfwro. Helatlvaa and frletHls f*t thi< de- oaaoed a n respactruJly tnvlw*<l to attend the fu­neral fniin the reslueace uf her sut)-ln-;sw. Mr. TbonoasMorrla Blvemew avenue, Upren Tow n ship, .m haturduy. Jutie a. at fi A. M lo wi. Feloi^iCbatotL Hellevllllv, Where a IligU Mom ofHaqulMiwin beoffisredlhr the repute »f her •ooL inremrent Id 84 FataFt Cemaiery.

LAWRKNCX.->On Jane i 1 Wl, W'alrer O.. only rbild of Cyrui F. and BdnaU. ifawrtnce. M*d'Jl yfanand 0 montba Funeral aervicia troos lile Mnat*’ realdemw. No. tl<2 broad eueet.qn Fri­day ovenlng al I u'clock. ftelalU'ea and Rletula are Invited to aitend. Final servjros and inter­ment at Hiug bkugi Y.| On Halurdey at 'JdS F.M.

W^lIHITr.-OaTbereday. June 4.lW!,I/w(sa H., wire of Otiorpe Hcdimiu. lit tbe Tint year ot her ega KftlatlveeaDdfrleuda are Juvlted ineiurml fcbellbneniier'rrloaafroCD hot UU residence, Nn. KSIfielleVlIlaavfiiua, on TuoMkaT, JaneVoaitP. X. JntaRDeat IA M i FlMaaDt uemetery.

■ULUVAN.-CX Jao* 4. CVreiteliua Nalllvane e n d 44 yeare 10 moniba KalallwM aud friends afthederowiedare reeirectfuily Invltod reajrend the ftiaeral tm n bla late realdeacs. No. SiJ Tlilra

VOI 111 VVilJl MiMK iK» f>r t>ook-ktri‘j«itig. Apply with

refSreni'es lo R. F. Mil.I.Lb,-Vi I'ulluii , tiw iWevn 7 ami K tu-o Igbt. I

W a n t h d - a oOf>ii I'FAiii, H rrruN - hiekci In lake I’liHriu' uf umi’in shop in the hrnitb. Adilrew IsriTUNN, ire* h , Nsxv*

cilice. rid

W ANTKD-A I’n A rm tl.M (N TO WORK Oil a tmek (arm near Newark. Adtin-n FAIIH, Hui K, News uflliw. 1ANTED KXPKHTFNCS D K INS’VKH IN w<M-1 cHse tnanuffMiury. Aiiply tl.

'] Jaiv*h «L Xlgt a NTFD a man I'll RI-FAin AN OH

I.^LitTTD l.KT ON Mri.IVKUHY MT., NKAlt Walhui Ri., ronUltilnr 4 rtuuns. balk, smtlon-

sry lube, all cotivealeiireM \ rent fU- Auniy aiij aFi.ViiMT,L I.ATi* Ti> l.KT, 3 KLATh, NKW Horui-:, ^ f’or.OltlKN I AL hT. aud OHHvNTAt.TI’D HACK.



A riN'K KtTK Fvm HiUT.I.iThree mlnuiea thun HUm'alnk Kumm of Ihe

(Mutral hailriMdiif New Jeraey :Om ihitiiMuJ lc«t sImivu title water; luu sntiv>,

nr tn anil jiutx-hsRcr;F im W l’C VRHV t.lDY.

and on kanv tkrmk ,

J, wahd k m it ii.Recri'isry Hlnnlalnk IMrk iWm|i*ny,

pii nHOADRT., urmmavamia

n .^LKHV FOUKALK A mtwNP o r P f ^ uuiiy l‘*f n.a:e**»Ha Lek* r «ci*i-l re m a n * -I’ iV A.M..--MAV: ire* It N.-aBBl.r. 9

IVI.H k,M.»-him! \e •

Ixx . lital >>■ 1 h .r.ifV: i ■» ■' SUqft hi Or.t’.,.ii|«u. ■ ■

K n « n LAH.MHrn'UJ%mtM ft* •'e MUii'rti', lieni wm. l rivmrevt.nr.^r« Iiui WrWIUtta illrr-*>-rt* e-iim: r>‘iu ■ u-tamer'-<Hitnr

stilMfW -rery '. 1 ^

g„.t..v . - - ---------* »vF. Uj:».NMAHI'- reJ lla JW d .«'Uy. «I 111 -X t M: - M I* -\ r M A lilt FT, Hi iHhk .v n (>

: vt.ih fc-i-ttl ’irder route, dom# rn*d f.iili hti'i.i-, ■ Btr..i reawma fbf filing- K., Xl-i» J. Ni’n-R-*ni<w. ^lIlV |'r-T . Ftill KAl.K, 4 HtH’HIr o f 14 J I Iita-ius ell fi»nilih«U'««nj»leU-. imrlur. mikmI itityM* bar wlj RanfcawHJsMv, %* rtvf naf Is gc'Af Itvlu Other

Fi>r inflirtualtou iKliJiwre ihf iDtTAI., fret-*, Newaanoa.

K lMH.lNtl WOOD MI'HlNF-vH FOR bALf. Inquire JOHN F. KCLL. UroomeatlN





M MARRRT at.w.q,. w il.l. RKU. AT A HA'*RIVI(’B A .vlW?-fatiHsliod leney gondw poftfri-treoe^

amt li'. <-reein and natJtui aton | (aevlag city, <■ H. Ilov ii, Newanflli’e. at ’ l'imK l ANIlV AMtl K’R l'KK*M taAlOOi; ^f'lT axis i-imap on wcwuul uf aU'knres; gong imam*-ihuwhty Jmielr. FKUHY Rf. mg

ANDx*|u«K-IVtNFfXri'lUNKHV ^atoi'i- ibr eala el aa*‘rtih#- Inquliw


V o r e « u .1 WAI'KIW l’*)*lffl -HI fl!\ceitur rnclng rtliuli. Own be

l•ueUlun•abe(wwall iamlTeyerRig Jt)|4 riAtll.Kit rp H im iT PIANO, XltTALLIO

*\lranie, lull airltuwU brand uewi fMA (bll• I ukn't h a l a V k _____ Mg

KHBI.L; AlMQ A la Been et laailtuU

jtT i7 N * n 'I in .v .

/ x h a Nok . n . j . t h ie v i h n i t y . Ki'rH>v/lakty : pinuMUi-fur iwle eml rent hUW. r. iTAMlt.’hJN. Hi Itroailua), N, Y.__________ re

1 WILLOIVK |3JWi*('AKH AND A HKAD1I- i.fUl liiiUdmg lot. iVisreu. luireaevtlle fiir ailralr-iT.i ------ - " -__ ’uutelnlng 7 nice■ tauiira, with'(mprdvcniems: ronyenlant re rslFMMlN. AililriMHi.iivlug iMsrlli'ulan, I'AHlIe irev l>, Ntwioftliv. _ 4*f

IIOCRU,? 1'*'> Id fi>uiiu4 s1l Iniprovenienvi; lot finviiv ;

nlKaaaulIvsMnabsl, in eliher OrauKt’, IliUk niiirch urtir«ii|rc. rent uuMlaratc. with nrhl lege ol iMVtni If •vatlalactury . nul over five lu tni mImili-R fr«>ni deput. Addresa p. J. H., tins s. Nt-WM olRi*e_______________________ 37f

C d M r d tn g *A ND'K rl.KAHANT PRiiNT HnriM l'<»H V

fl\g rn 11einan, ntilyiwu mluMres‘ walk pi ■‘enie svivenia eniltbulral HnilriHut iisraia; with ur wlituiMi hoeid. 'M-ol.UHHlA Ki. i'<s

4 FINf— Iremlng

llu.Ml-:. Ih*/il. Newtofftio.

|iro|K'rty in Uu*4v|]lt, rooms, will '■.......... .........



HII Vri.K tMIl BAI.E BABIlAlttl flllM- mli-r I .mli-m I »«,H / MW I letoet eew w ;

iifU*. tl::-': Itroru'o nafrta,i mw*0 uMjuooto iQricw J r i : c ii.: n . toki. K to itm tliK tt, riwuiton. 11.1 TiiuiiiXiM mom Or»«|m I^ le r . tt. J' mi

n lCVVl.ll TimwALtt.’lAt'KrT Ble'VCTjil .liur,.l iww I b.11 ta.Tlili*: fto WILI.IAM

J’.IMtaKHMA.-J.eBBruwert. ____ If .iHtlimATIllN BIXUAIlIl ANUPOOUTA.I i.j,',e ...o .iio i!< l’>itvK>U'' _ ^

« ,1 ., ^KA VI N<I -TltKI-ITY Wl 1.1. ilU .li . _. H sacrifice all tbe nirollure. uwr|M^ *’***0- Iriflaihts M lireM utiew l —'-I..ply al nui'e at Idf »J*lll'i*iC Hi . i |,vm iN A I,E -

r al ai S T f u r V i

ami pleasant ruoui li.v sddremlric

LAHY WoFI.D MKR TW(]f IriB re hoard : hunie l urii furls t '•>11


\ FRW ttKNTI KMFN UOAIHiKim WANT • il: temli rrvuderaU'. 9 I'l.LM M'f. A**

A wiili tHiarl ; alau Intite hoard. is;i


Hank KT,.men : houu;' rtuururt'

17LAT 'IVJ l.KT, OF s INtjFtHK' 4T( 3. KKI.NI'K h'l',; Cm Ij'H'I'

1vm'R I'l.KAHANT iUMiMH f l\ HKtXJND ' flnor; all tuinruveiuenta, ISi AltFlt HT. l


TV rtiealrliiii et Uiwn, 1, JIA.ND.MAN. 47*1

W ANTKD- A KTItitNn MAN TO WlJllK on a drop. IW M.( H K KT i*l\ :»d I


dalr. N. J.Mild \v, Hunt-


t i v l p S 0 a a u t * 6 - 'T F n i a I « « o1O0K AND CAllVKIt U'ANTK!J-<i\K

-v,,-'lhat undvrststnlsoming raw tucuta. 14 UAH- JllHON AVK., llarrlsuii. i

DUKre<UAKKIt WANTt: lUHUOVKHH |only guild erwers iiet-d apply.


WHNIHHKD lUHrMH -FOH JJtJJlT Hot HK- r kMeuliiK, or oeBtlemen, fl : lAlihKY HT., near MarsNall. _ AwlAI HNlAKKn FJIONT AND bAl'K hlMlMH.

7.UI11KI--N HT. ____

MK> IIANK'HT .M-T NlfRI.V inlRNIMU ei] ruoiUM fur llgiit (lunaaki-eplug. 1......... Ft'ltNlHHlCil IUK>M TO LKT.jirivab'' fkiuiiy: rof*ren«<ee refjulred. 43



|P.|IX K U JAFKMJN, iruHUin, V*d

{II.EARANT KCllNlHUKD FRONT DOOM (orgenlleniaTi at'jr? WAHHINUTO^T. *ig


IMtAHIHSil ' >U liK.NlLK*hwiltliy lorelUj'. >**tl

VsOAIID AND FI.KAMANT, AlllY'?Kt>Nr I yruuiu, with twtb, lur twu ■eiilli'men Ik .vw wamjmn4jt(in k t^

M4 MIlDAh.TWU YOI'NOLADIFN riHiiu loMMiher. Kl.H IUit>HK, ^ I


TAlll.ElPJAHD, ALSU WAIIM....... “ 1>*J(

VFKWf.V to V itrlvab'' family ; rv'fvrenuee renul MUI-HKUHY aT..oiw dour tfum Park.

N IFHI.Y FFUNIHIIKD fur IlghUiuuaekeepiaK.

IN 4 lo t rutiius

RT.. »1 rooms Hir ilabt UuuaakeepinKruoiut fur gvnileiiiaEi,

HikiMR r o n l.ItJMT HOl'HXKlEIMNdi alau lUigle and duutiJe roome

V\Rf3HAJdAKKH WANTH (DHL Wl'iH KX- I F^rlauiih. Oall al SU TUDM Ab 8 1 fruoi a to

Mr. broad RT.

•treat. HafTiaen,os Reiurdey, Janed, a l l A. H.. to tha Charrh Of the lluly <Toaa,wb»ro e High Mjlm of R*4ulem will beoflbred vir iberep t^or

IVA.NTKD n>K rK*Kl(ATIN<J AND 1‘VfiiilRiiliiM wurk un lailici* I’lrmk'i; i nluyuneuL RLUVKN'niAL BllDH,

liMemtl. Joiarmeailatheoecnateryoftha Jtaiyt^ulcdire.

TAYIiOiL—On JeneAMayvIn Heacack.enn n| Charlasl'. and Kiame & Taylor, egvd 4 inmults and V days. Itelallves aad frlaads era rcsiMcl* fillip invfled to attend bit lunerellroin hiv pa- canii' mddatMe, 9 1.tberiy aireetion Raiiinlny ut 3 H. li. Iniermeot et Xeulfloii e t oobveulance of tbe fikinily.

WOLBRB.-Od Jon* 4. after a brief lllriMs. Mery E. wolber. nee Wlrts, Iwloved eifa or ciiariee Welker, aged M yaara aad B muatb*. Helatlveaand friendaarereaBectfully Invited to etreiad th* niiMrwl from her leta tvaidence. No. art Ralesy glreac od nnndey. June 7, at t P, hL 1 ntermeot In iWrixLonnt CemeUry.

Meath n a lM t Pwtd Im N ewark Te*dey br M«tre»*lttaR Llfb laoe ('0. ,

Prem. Amt.flornslbMRulllvmB, 211 5 . Third st..,M .39 |24U onJainea fiplea, Mechealc i t ....,... ....^0... .KbThotoiaaWarphy. 9 K. Day X.... .. .10ManaietDoDnellv, Rlvar med....M...,- .3u c h a i^ King, speedwell ave.----- - .re

I’lrmks; Bteaily em>........ m . :«1

l>ONKVir.I.K- I'LKAMANT APAHTMKNTN llr e is ta t 37Mouth IHb at. luQiitr* SSWJt.'TH ■ITII^T. _ 3l7


4Sg 41f: ronl SJ.V inunjirfi

I Kami' KINNKVHt .

f iiHLM Wa n t ed on f in k f o .atm;[Tjnarlent'fd Iiauij only neel ajmjt’. If.

PFKIle, Wllllwm and Klitprunn sia.

QOCl'il ORANOR AVK.. Irt Kl.ATTO l.KT; 1 11 moma, wIUj ttaiurouai and ]>lsasa, fur edlilta only. B7f

/ 11 WANT K11 -Tt ISK W AT DlL>>frtH A K •I t lug. ItJB WAfilirNOTON hT.

th e m > 4 * m , 4*4 N. 'rhird at........ .SoH an r Waodan. US nraen at.....wHto>.<-.>Janiaa ^Iger, 40 Janbraoii at....mm. ........OuAUtaAli U BaUKKTT, Muui..

(Jqr. Broad and Market Rta.

141 OliJt uo Hi W W 6U 711 (lO H 00

W n a t a i t A k c r * .

T ? •- BOLLCI 4 SON,PrecUoat DaderiAhart and Kmbalmnrs,

___ _ and Wertrootta. No. J2 Bridge x.: Mannfrctory and Horoua, No. M JanM at; are Intre- dwliu noveiase lb CetkeM end Furalahlogs at rediuedprkm Keeping out «f nombioeiloaa re put up prkwe and roetrol mir bu^tiaao, we are making atieclal rates lor hiareot and coachaa aa lollEMead dMancOta OaUereepecimUy aallcUed. Telapbou* Nts IX

H at THlMMKIlM » TKIMMKJIM (JNbuminock lialH,: a'teuUy Murlc_ at advsnneil

n OlHKWfJItk ' WANTKD, UlUL FDR geuerhl huusework. pinin ccok und Inun* drSM ;alii>smiin irirl mIhuk twelve ypara uid tu

land door and niaka hurself uaeiul. Fall ten days IX ( J.iN'JXJN AVK. IIfOUMKWimK - W ANirir, A MiDm.K- I leged wuiuaii tn do larwral hEmaMerork In a imeSl finally lI two persu'eA Acldi-««B MHh,

So Faintly__ _ _____ J

n DUHKWORK^-WANTKD, A VdvNDTJIRL 14 tu 10 yeara of bcu to essiRt In bousewurk in

a fkui lly uf iwu; Ut^ruian preterrvd.flfi IXJiA'MWA ^T,

T fOL'MKWUUK-WAXTKD, NKAT VorNwI 1 I kIH fi>r acnerat l.oiJ'M’wnrk ; bitiitiy *( Ihrea ; refrrenc'tti riHiulred, 3B FI’LTi^N KT, j

n nrMKW'4iJtlC-W'ANTK», AN KLUKULY wiiDian lur g<‘neritJ iiuusewnrfc ; (>vruian tir*>

farred. Apply 4.J WAV'KRLV PL, 4tgllUSKWllRK-WAN'rlni A dlllLAJinUT

Jil lo du aeiicral he miiAHlTmuJ I'L

ri> J,KT TMRKK HfhtMN DN mKHj SU floor: rent lA-V)usr niimtlL, Alan (wo rooms;

Ikf. Apnly lit Wilimni at,( . J. KRANi’Jrt KOKLLllOFFKH, Afl......... W1(IDilYBT..|lA NO. 34 WItKIHTsi.,twti«nry fra:na houae, R**veu rern-. airy

roinnanewly sieluti*!!. Iiujulfe m. H. JAFlifP>«, (‘uumwMnr-at-law, Kruod st.

f |1 0 l.KTmuCutrHeiLirr-TIIA T IJUHIKFUOST »CKiM ON 1 auuib slit* uf i»ur ball, first finnr.

aiy ___ Kl. 39 HHOAH NT.rr i> LKI’ U>WFH PART OK IIOKHK. 'ii I Brrnu’ii Btn>ri; r»n( |a.m; lymvsnloal ImwtUy.

Fail on JAM KM K 110J,U)^.I37 Hrtje'l rt. a,fp tJ Lh'f-HKVKN JU>DMM. HAV WINDOW. 1 narinr and ibtiluv-rnom*. l>at k plaua and use rbaUi; rent il•'•.4nFLuVK KMT. 4uf


HOAltInNU-UFVTI.Kll ANor Single gaiillHnsD, w i"

BOAHDlNO-TAlll.Kl ilhinsia fllilLLPsT.

Sj^llDAD mt„ itv

211 CLINTON mT.daudinu .>7e _________ _

IFHNlHllHD HIHIMM with iniard ; aiautnl>l*> IsjanJ ami rUiiueixiiia

U.IN'IUN MT., -I?' •UfKlMA M'lTIf IIOAltl).7lg

/il.jR T o N Kf. 0' LAllOK FCHNIMlIKh I riMuii fiir ivm gvitrieta>‘iv: bulb. I4f

( ir^MMiiHFR HT.,mi DKJ’ lil.lHLI’: IPAJ.Mk ; ■ faol atul cold wsbT, gumt Isiufil mIh

I.^KHHY Kl’ 47, ('ORNKH UNION I.AlUlK ' fiirnlsSetl /rout rroiii lor two genth'iuen:

ttoiMnl Ifdi-alrod.v.’vtRHT rl.AKH HIKjMM ANIrl'AHLK IPia HD r atTIIK AK|||.ANlJLK3Afid Hl.llnUmsk

I.MtONt iMMird;

Dttc am ft p. ibn\ ne.Iwo 100 h . P. Kiiflne,

TwuldaH. r JiollankA leu lirorera, Pusiim, air.

Mt NEWARK & L .4 F . Manhole1, 1 M IT leATHR FOH haLR PflRAP. WITjg I* ftnerr wheuls, sio. Addrata LATliK, Box B«New snfiti’n. _ l |

vniiMAIeW FHAMRF,lim'IT,f12] RKFItlf*' erawr.««;Na.fnuuhirevAH H W iL L U X

1 SI it-u m UK FonhAl.K KNTIhB IIOIMM. I hold AirnHura end utansILs in ftel df M r wKimsveryclMUH* » l WAMlUNOTtiN NT. Rt*

SALK * rj-ODHliC BXOllwtOHK lNDLINil WOOD FORharrels, I&c.. e l RlitoinReht. ■. MANrKACrVKKKe Munis Chiw!. Hloi a_ve, _____________ ^_____ » *

OTtflAN FOH r*4T,K-(lK?flHMIl MAWlN A MainUu.4aet r*eds; neartyjtaw \orm«Ta;

LirhefU. Atldreei UlUIAN. Rnf (X Maws «T- B«v. _____ n t

HKFHlOKHATOh FOlt NALR CHKAP- Vislllile rofrlgerator fi»r I^Mrdlng houre ef lame r.Guilj. InejuirolN WAVkliLVPIto Mg

iJ y F j ..........■r iliii’Siuol enl sbaot musUi gi'niiltte rowwoMi ooer, gr egl.'AUK, Ikii K, News uAl«w,


ARin p ia n o FDR BALK. ONLY- • • ■ pigi'niiltte roBi'wnMi ooer, jtndd

>la^ itT o ^ v a ,ton*. Addrww

UTif ' t.'s


A y

W t o n l e f t . _________.OLD CTUNfiRiiuiMIT AND ItOUl AT

VKI(M(l’H‘i*, JW Rroedit,I SHOP PRKW WANTKD, WITH T* OR ifl(h I /pimiw lieuiiuer ; state price slid when It cMui

la* levii. Adilresajh H.^lPis K^NeWI ufnro. ysg

O’ u i OOLD, fill.VKU AND JKWKI.RY ItuughL MAItlTN, 91 M erk si^__ Be

W ANTVD~1t> PDRCUAPtB HRM FOftL uble, 4xs: iniiat he lu guud rondllluai witb

all eltachmenta ruiuplete. Address Mix 11M>L fA HLK, Box K. N aw ieH ot^

WANTKD-TO BUY * M«FON|VH41f B in(irli«> sni| tennnUig mantiine in auodoais-

d'llut); inuat Iw Lbwp. Apply J. PAVU. MlFimrtecnili sve. lfi|\ i r A N T K n - T f l ITRCJIaHR WBLJj- v \ trained guai. Addresa C. J. W. Box R,

RfMiM. WITH Dll WITIIOMT miMlarals, 70 FRONT NT______ ^

IAl'HNlMllfcll IIOOHM TO r.l T, WITH OK ' wllluiul lHl.nl. Ifi UHKIITY Kl'. aIw

room fur ligtit housHkespIng. with water U rocMtt, *flif

jTURNJMIiFD fPHiMN FOR ONK OR TWO ■tdiiril.*j Flt(»NTMTyuiiag tiica. with ur withuui I

l i t

IArnNlHJlKD lIOnHM Ti) l.l- i'. WITH OR * wllboiitlioard. • k DDANOKAVM. Sis

IAUli.MfiHRIi HtHI.MM TO U-rr, WITJI * tioard . rafireiicas. «l HAl>tK) N’t', IRgtRNTLKMEN AND THKlR WIVh>4 OH

t wMl acniinnKMlailims. lUKAHNYH'l. Ill^ i K4‘'iiii‘inru nan Ihid

Willi use <jf bath euJ aaa.lOD IPi.xKD AT MOOKHA'I'K PHlCFX

217 WAMIIINOTON KT , alHtVB Market1 HfiVK NT. 3S, KKAR

r p o 1 1

HOI.ts Or Jil lo du

femily, ----------

LKT-MS I’l.ANK KT., TEN HOOMK; .fo o d loiwiluii. at uiica tu IIOi.UKN,

real esiale, *!7 iiroad »i. ____ri30 LKP 4 lUMrtlK ! Al.l. IMPROVKMKNTM: i , rant fid Imiulre 3s] H UUt n i‘. 41grpWD NIFK Kl’RNlKIIKD l>K I'NWR- 1 niaberl front ruuDia with um and hath, to Ul

fi>r ladles ur geuiieoiau at the loweal prli*'-*.1 40 y. K1N N K V bT,. bear UruatL

eiicral housework lb xumllI4(



OUKRW'DltK-W'A NTI:D AT ONCK. OI \iL du gRiu-rul huusvw'trk. Apply W.M

NK. Vra N, N*-VfbHi aU g7xir.*., rilflL TO DO

T. JJJtyKll. «1 wretbmji' m

PURNlHIfKD RfMJMtv HUITAHLK fur light liuiiM'keepiDx ; referencea giveu ami

■ l4SWARJtKNMT. 1f|lWOrei|Ulre)i.

n fHJRKWO liK - WA NTED^light Imuttowork.

sL, Woodalde, N. J.

WKMlHjrT HT. * JUKJMK. IMl'IPJVJv »>sJmeiilH , HI mlaulss from llruad at.; m-W

" huuae i WHikC'Sliig, Morris and Fast's K. II.,'.5to r*. D, JAi KHtJS, Niii HrtMidit,^

I'UrjHt’KlT AVK-i 4Sf

t^KOBBTAKKR. _OfflReeiid RMUemw. 040 BROAD HTRtCi;

Next deor below jCvantag Newa omLW. ParfMiel aueikdenoa dor and nighc Telepbone No>. KM.

e a » l n * a » W o t l c « * .'te l t i’BNTKR A s n JOBllKB-T. F. OAK-

Lr Y. ibop. 13 Compiiell ot.q Nawartc Job- pmmpuy attended re pMwonaiiy.

^ ’(ARY A KEN N Y'lt ART bTOUR-WR M A K K Vyfieefreyon portrait with hsndewtie ffamee aFWrowgwwrksfit agdap, H9 BROAD BT.Hs

CU N L im A WILKINfiON, BAM CARPET waaveit, 404 Brood at, t doors from Brldga sL

ordafvflaUadlbratsbortMtaotiue. VA

J ; rocoa

r iA

I rOimKW'OKK - WANTED, HRLt'AltleK I IwuoitoU fi>r gcaeral huurework ; good wagrri

_______________ hoUTjll HTXTJI KT.

n opHKwoitK-Wa n t e d , a g k um angirifhrgeneralhuUMewurk. Apply

4Al, w a l n u t KTe

HOLMkWijRK •rol BcrvanL.

I .ii:WDllK«‘M-WASTKTp. A FfUNT-FLAHHjpeiitral latinditiw fur strom laundry.

i l ituoMM, NO, wi illro a t fill iwr muiith.

i 1 Hf»VK NT. V, KKAR rvHniTHnr’KV-. V f Board for agaraiietiua, K a «rok. a'ij|[

n AIrWry HT. M Ft'UNlHlIKD mKIM”*, wlUmr wMhoul ijoartl; rcCafcm-M, mn[

n ILL fit., 3ft iHHtMM WITH BMAllD.TA- lile iioard ami dlhiH<ra. ft lg

TIOWARI?KT..a7-TWOOK.NTLKMKNFA.V I J ohialu hckhI iHiard and |ileM>»aii liiiibs, 4kIN HOhRVIl l H •FI'RNMKF.lJ liiHiM.-i TO; wiih ur allhuutlioarili.


I ADIkB OH DHNTLRMKN (’.\N HK JtimililMlslud with lK»afd, m’» N l-.VY NT.

OAK NT., till 0<HID MOARD. ' uUlfurta, lor gvril iKbinn

HANOK NT.. )W NKWLY riMiibs. wUh tiuar<).

V n il iiuMKjugFFRM hlli; r>


Iyl.tAMANT. NKWI.V-FFHMKHKD fPEOMfi with liral-cUsa liusrd : ale^ Uhlo iHt rd.

He ir7 DANK H’J '.iu r Wsuihlugum.Mil w niD H 'T li^MMl.atNo. |S(’Ml,DMi([A N|‘ -^y


n riOMH w m i KIRH'I'4'LAHN llUtllD AT-« f.OMHAUD PJ>. '.liV


I >OOM WANTKD-rNKFHNlHJlFDFRONT llahoVH room fur tight huiieskiwplux. nut near

ftrulimtus'walk from I’siii/Hl R R. Ih'l'UU A<h cl rare H. H< A i'» &171 iriuiuc •(., ftg

-WANTKD, A (HKIJJ CJKN- Apply l.^;iHaiKN nT. i«

d rrai J. h. A h re I'liecdweLi ave. N. J.

, AfLMorriatuwn,


wcer. Only siis'ricRciul ImmlN jimkI apiuy lo ' BouLl'Kit A ati) ave.,cr»r.

KAUK>linNtNn» 7fi OKNTH FIUl S-il-Blil.AUIlW WA.NTEJ) ATU im W HAl.K'H, « l DfOldlL

I AD10' CT-OTH H.irFXato. tw i 1 CARFET tolloMm. tao.; taOta.' duoful* boiton, i l :

“ i r eneleunefl ita , wub b p n tU lM Ib . "W bo wonW • tM b M .e p o to ililw ilb m ln • flotorr, who know, oototaf w ta ie rto t No, Heodear, bat U Vttanttoo ean«ata I will to ta l op te r chUflieii. Ob I taw 1 wilt hne Ifaetor' e ta totfled, withm eiflCenoDo(Mb- M iso ta " Velentine will (o to Ita boile, lo t ta leieit WKl eeMbodir wUlberoto leob ifler Ita beU ta n S r

O utard tiM d tther. looetafl b r t a t Iiniit- oeeieBfl tarfiooe. While wieMlDfl e ta bea ■ a te eeTernl Uifle bonqiMli o( wild Bowen t ta t S tohed (M iend i » n c Itaflteto; bee ■bln dMoeeinat le ber Mid ouliaed bor ex. qsM W ebdta t n r r netoW ita itaew taek Ibo l u w enrt* tbei mU ever her ofeb.

loddODlT ther ta u d toe eoood oTTeieet f to y a tH iho to tieafle wen n» iofl lo i ta •fo i w hen thef Meed, i ta feUnf* wM foned •ad ValeoUBe'i e iflir eosoieneaoe qpearofl O m m b Ita MochM.

"IlMbeii* ecM ehe, wttb w aeeeot ol Itamod Mliofl, ead toe total ibli (tn ta detaflC

KbMtintoweiir eelef Ibe flotooe tow held t o M StM (HM dovb hto dteto w .lho

JJalLppers. 30c.; udlar dung

hao* ai.Ullliasoe OiJcfc______

CiTIp roCO..

sewed CungreiH .'NNKY’BBHOn

□eit direr re the In* 14f

:blr^ acCX>RMAPK --baixihi M pMKatbwka,aireeMi#boal _

load truDka of ear owa mahofra-

lugwo park.


Tba UDHl4nftri|n*d wlah th* public lo apderotaml tkot they bavam ared oU egonectren with MH. OWMII jL OAHILL, wba boa bean aaioctetad wHb thioa m maiiasn



ai&ani] 317 Mxrkut at. Ml

13BN m illR WANTKD TO PaNI'JS .salesatNu. re ALYLA HT.

WANTKD-OOOD, KX/'EMIRNDKIi NRW- er.atflfeaamalOng. M PHANKi.lN BT. i

A iTTcipKlUKNCKD DOOK K K K PRR 4 \ wants poaitlon, eiti^xlug |>ert nr « hole of hla ilrtke : books wrliu-rt up and iratanrod ; refkremsa fiirolsheil. AdilrftaaH.. Box F. Nt-waoBce. A!g

A' TOU.tO MAN DKMfKRH lUBirJfJN AH driver : ttmleintamU to n uf hnrass iiior-

OQgbly; ra^ fiiruiah reference, Acldr*^ L. H., 1V4 Hldge SI.

_ _ daoroor flirra ; rgo milk, drive and (ekecere of tanlHi. Addnos JOHN MikiUlNJUtH. Avomale F. O., N. X

U to rc B o IC c itl* , f t t . o T o % t\a.

Aff.w F u n ;r i’; i if n im -vm iiiKrMH onand Dilr'.l firAjr uf usw liUildWig :

Ileum lii-aU‘'l. i-torTllciit llghl.FID-K J'Ls'l F“ lt TJlRKF. MONTllH

If) (Ifl-slrahito lutiaute, iWl llmofl s t . nvar Frau« A (uuuat; iifilrua from ali> |>sr trNiiith up: siiUHi’la fur lUiillu. e'liuul, dw’lor.lawyer. ialJor, IrcsS' lojiker f»r light manufartarlnx, Apply JCLU'MJ.<sMIKN,aiViJireht 74f

w rr i i i"fiWKH, m i . T ' i i.kt . i .Vo J : Wluare reft hi iiSiv huthlmx ituruer uf Wli.le' IAji aud hUlFMAN H m «Ta

ARKKT fiT.,ft40-TO LF.T, NIFK LAIWiR aren and iwu rooms, raiil fU ; al».i I rooms

F» . ______ j

>fKW'DKAl.KK, FDIAR. MWAM. WARK I dealer wanlMi fiir n««r stora nu > 'lintnn er*-,, Xnar nsw l^tnp. !L J(. Htatma ; uu coiii|*vtMluii, llarher wanted to rent nsw iPirs uti rilutnn

avs.,near new Fsum It It, ataUod : noromiwlt' tinn, „ ,Hahsr wanted tn rritt new at-ors nn c,'1ltih)ii ave., ww i'^Au. i t JU itatloii : riu oomnstilkiii.Kkl Apply ai 0Tb BltDAD KT._

OVKIl TAYUm A WILLIAMH'H HHDK Mure. What’a nv«r their ah<iesuirsf Why an alegaul place |0 IH for any light Ires nfSHT

nfiliv. I'uiiio anrj look at l(. IftTMAHULl HI. l*tat«’ glam wioflowa _________ &lfr i 'o Lf-rr PfiH l id h t m a n u f a it u k in *.1 purpftan nr storage, uiie Infi, atHpit 4bxl0u:

gWHiUghlj^ronverilmA J-and lia NKW JLHHKY HAILftl>AD a



iT k A Yit WORK-A kfw rw rrA n u ? w om an ^ Jwuaid reke washing, ai ^oiim ntjct^oiUby the7lV’


neat fioutli Orange avo.;

_______ ___ nr gu; earubblna nr cleadloi amkodlrowptfc.'

mTw. KKa DKH. » Ferry e t

DAVR w ork OBWABUINO ANDJRnif. tag token boiire. ............. .

ipey I tMHH. JUNErt, No. 97 lUL

HitlMoouoQ guofau*

M^T D M B 4 OO’B

• f u M 0A nraT o iX b iritoa w o r m , to MBOHilinO WTKUT,

X *w uk.ir.J.TMeptane tri.

BltoTMtolltoto OtoW---MMleimv ead ortotloe; flebtof red.

WdbHIMriTO)l IT.. Xewuk. V .j,

BTKtoW HAT rBXHWtltO'LADlBi OAto henlOWrheiepietoert Imo mxrM imIbeile •o l lA |teriH 0r« l to All color, ead biuiuiollr

.GSibarowiiM aieii'. B »w b ji. j t a retautad •Midieiiew. J. H. HlUilHitoli.^ t o WHMttobm l i . betweeo H u k ie u d fcent

Ooea enoiiw i

TToi«l£W Onlf-OIRt. (tATHLY JUAtoMIUn X XwatiU rttuatinn to du general hoaeework. ao UiaTHAL AVliM repfhior. _ _

H OirnKWOllK-HlTCATION WA7fT|ID BY girl redo light boueework. u t CRNTRAfd

.. _

F ATIUK WANTKD BY ODOD XAM A* bmaa, or take rare ot horosa ________________ U. K., i l Bptlmfteid ave.

FTTO MANUFACTUKCrta JKWKLLERH-. X Enameller wtabet to (she chargs tifeesaieP

UM dspert^n t. Addreoa A. J i. Box J. oBce.

Ut'BRWDBK*-(iKHMAH OTHLluuaiott re du gBMral bourowurk. -t i l THLNCK HT,

• r ru ir l o i t

S u t o t r u c t l n n .

•TllAW MAT BLCAl'tlK ttV-U-

"cS-nA totoT A W D 0B»A)(ii Tujrttn.UieMniB, HIM i«to>ta,ele.i nlta-

L ta n ro n re rd e n u(to K C T tt-n iproMMiwi. lioifal jiam ai

OwSIm K h W t> , « MartW M.

e to b to to ta to k ta ia .


Nehoolao^B W A R K ACADEMY.

Ttwone hundredth year opera Heptanher?!, IM, Thornoxli preparatloa for aivy ouUsge ur fcleiitlfiv ecbuol ur lor busluaea Dfb. Cotaloguea

ri A. FAttttAKiy Mtaer.

Mmrtbande_____ JIY AND TVFKWBITINa

i^tr-ruuiu win ransiva tb* pereonxl atten- . .. fpraotlrol itanopspber. B.M.PAVV.»a BrgadK.ruumtL__________ aw


, Rawoit,

A u e l l o n B a l tR to



D. C. I1ID0I,NH, Audvioneer,

will aallatsalMroonitMT MATiKETHT.

0 duoni h*U)w Mulberryji on

BATUHDAY iTo-iirerrowj ■( B crtT/K'K,

Klagaut Parlor halls In Itrocwtstlla, hltk Plush end Half drrth, Ohaoibof Hulta In tl»k. Walnut OTMl Cherry. Hldehoards, Dining ('Italn. Rat. TablM, Itorengsa. (^chea. Pier Mlrrori, B<s»k Caeae, Desks Id groat variety, Beoiaiary, Folding RadieWardroiWH, CtalfTbnnlare*. Ha11Randi,Frlba, PradlsR, Rod-ksra. f ^ t r e Tables, Hedateads, BareaiM, Woahsiande. Mattraeeea. Pillows, Bprlnga, Oil PalnUuf«, nangea, RA/Hgererera. Crocksfy and uiber gooda; aioolOMW and leiv oud-baM Carjwu In Velvet, Brueeeta and Ja- gralnaon 4Yotb» LInoleuan. Rags. Matilag, Art fiquaiaa, Cortaias Plan**, Organs, etc., ere.

plOAKB AT AUUTIOH-laojOdO Impofird Kev Wu* kbd DemefUe C lfiri

will beawd rogardlMB of roeUa lota ot om oox and ppwarda at

K Je (yCONKORW AVOTlOlf ROOMli.Ufe m a r k k t r t .

Pommrodni Ha(urday» in ra «. 10 A. M.. 2ami r;» P, M. ““ -------- '■Th* rel# Vlircontfnue'iof oil#week only.

M J. fPCOBJiujL Awitonear.ejgeclal s l ta wary atfbt»

V^lriiJ: uM liiipruv -iNfiiii

; T ' ‘

■I'D U«»AKI» FK\. . mH DUi»AD n‘1 . 1

VWO UKNTI.FMKS iHl H .A IH I-.n i '» N Ife Kcrumcuuduieil vith <>''•1 l)<«uril at»d liuiril rijum lu a private’ famil^'

< (lltANT MT,riiWO ilKNTi.F.MKN FAS HK AFi'DM.(i'>- 1 dut«<tsll1i bu*M; lelsu lahle IxMrilcrR

7g No. it KAKT pa rk NT.' ' ^ TAIM.KimUH i i U i ltDAli(> AND i*P4toWUlmar-lfH- ID PLANK -I.

B o a r d tK Ia i i t tO *

HnAIUI WANTKD I S rlH V A I K FA M1 L Vlur mull aii'l wlls : uuihi >fe wHhlii iiva ur ic-n

mlriuiea nf hreUituMli pi. MILI.I-IH, Ift7Himiiull ut.___


7 1 i t a a i r l a l .

VJiVKUTlMFIi AHUFT huuw wr drrtos J. D. II, . ................ . TF DFK.D A (flMifhdtiiw woulii like t(k Itoirrow hIhmH A>i*

Hoi F. News urflc*' vif

f l o r R t R e fiC a rrt4 k g « * c llffttor^DRMAT.K I WO MKDIItmVi K* HORnI* F Miltahlr fiirlixhtertiresanrarorory boMnoao. Applv m’fiiraV A. M . llKuHiiK W, WIKDKS- MAYFK. llrvwsry.aM Market st.______

FINK IMiDRLK t r u c k a hergal n. Miltalile (br any pu rpcoe.Ma firfb-

ilis^unier .MrNAMADA, ournar JoJia and llamllren aU. llorriBiiD.N. J. I*g

FOlt BALK 4 (tllDNKr B ttlU i HORRIB. gift e«i-h; alw oiiv guutie tilw-k laSire, food.

driver. hariec'M and sMf i^r huggr. 040.1 lUJTUH KR mlUF, Vellabkrg,



h a i.l - onkhorses; they ars

jtauitiils ;y ars fi yuers old, weialit

aulUhls (or brsweryrmm ur trai^kafi^ triquireat W (*I.aNK aT.

INORMAI.K -a f in k MIDKllAH BUDUY AT n «H-riii(to'; .leraey make. O. W. THOMAS l.ivttryHIaUh', N. iC, cor. Humatar and Biooauflflg

aviM- IL|i.voii HALR [/>W- ONK HIDKRARnimfni 1 uti« "hli'lMr huxsy, oils pbaaiou, city makel 4illvarsL W, K.-miYk KU.

I.-’OR HALF - A VKRV YOPNO IfOTWK AND ' lauguii tor sale, luquIraattJIHPUNUFlJCLD

AVK.. I'or. uf Mogmilla si. Mit MAI.B-A \A n OF JKHHKY

lirivers HUd wurkvra. luuuire al ............... ilLFT '

1.V1H MAt.K-BAMKKT ______eiiiglily uvurhaaleO. newly tiamWit

OrA RJ.........I I OKMtoS

lIORBEa,AHi(L.tND KL'AHr.KH;KaSt O nn^,

NOR BALK-A FAItMlAD OF BUDdiM and waguiia Corner Mulberry and Oliver. II. TIDUN. aqg



Fruni ?.( in ilo head r»t WssHarn and fbnoda hfUNis. AuciJitii eveiy Tuvelay and Friday »l ivuiu A< M. S)ier|i. umlwr rot ur si

Ultl’ AT iCAMlKKN KI AHLim,(■re HrtNul BL, Nswark. N. J,

r have Mimesarea jMireand singledrtvanmit> able lur tlie rusf], Kvery home oa repraseuied or lilt) muney ruAindatl, Horses auil rorKagae r*. leiYcil Irmii alj pnliila tolMeild uri (t>mralMorL Fherres 4* iwr b«ud «iui ilfiy route per day

■■ pu*piitr ‘ '■■■kH ],. ’l(>|t‘|iiiuu* 41/.JOHN n. mdukhodh,

................ irrtaNutitretowr tn Johu W. MorrisKXCUANuiUCHU-tkre FI lit h a l f and

hy A. Itol'IPLIN.Ktsiilas Ml and I2A (kuHral ava,

cur Actiui, «L, h w canal tirldj|a^i ilerilra] a*0»aedirt Jamraat..

FI m MA LK, DO* ID. HOUN D HOKBI Full Tan WaHlflNOl tiN HT„urTUige. 3


JOHN M.tiWiNNKI.L. lTraltr«nt.


tilwsrd KaiiCMise, Utourge Imiic, Henry Itouia. Aleiaudrr Oraol. Jurui 1'. r'DiitrsiJ, y^lwanl N.Frami, J{ihii U Hwliiit«;i.

UAKtoUt aa:(v'ttarlcaH. (trshaui. Juliu V. |j|cr*'»iiliH«lcr, ^ilwaM U FiiiiXlirtjllertieri lh<tt'tfs. l->twlu M. IlntlglAS,J. wsrtl WcHt iruif,Vt tllltoin M. Uc.



MO.SKV1VMAJANOS IDMJMICPIOLDFIHtN.ituru, piiMirw, organs xihI prrsoiial pru|ieriy

wlthiHit removal: pHrilrs hunuralijy dmli wiih. aod fan niakr repayinuula hy lu’iulmsuia : «ll liusinraiitrli.'tly roandPiiilaL Write urualluii K. W FlU,*jVb’t>RD, iUium u. 746 Hru*<i vt. ui» u evvuljiga.'

ONKY TO I/IAN ON IHiND ANUMfHTl'- -gage In any antotiril. Nn txflUtuilaaiuii ur iiuaaskod. KKUIt, 464 Hnwd st. 7i>y

,ru ifOAirtji4”BOND an1>uortgage at 4 and a psr

__ __ |>«ru>f1s to suit thv horniw-fir; uaboiiDi or romnilsshm rhargad. |l,ixn i« lean on eluHrel mnrtgMce la aiiiiu re suit, wlDirei (ttDinnaalua, JlIiiWAiTd K llLACK, ceuoaeJIoi 01 law. liaBroad et. Nbwork, N. J. Tulcphuu* No. 407.

» J 5 0 . 0 0 0 ;leaL. m aumaaud kir

/Y/Y/kTOU>ANON BONDANII ® lU U sU y U m o r lk a a w ot 4 aod I psc rouLlasumtsod for bsrluaalo suit th#i«r;*^wfrt Mu BOM CM MOlt UUMMifimuN EXA CfTKI/i all aecessary papers laratully preporedc UHAULBB A. f UC'o^tKiaeeUor at law, TW Broad ^ hiyS T fs ^ Ul‘ T(} ANY AMOIJNT PWJMPrtiY

IjOANKDu N^ IIODHKFIOJ.D FUllNtTURK Ifi use. WIUtfNJt miiuvah Ibrivat* ami nvilshlei, feOW ralM ami easy repayufinia, tm>ii evcnhiKS. TSy KKim,R4Broa.laL

p t r t o b n a l .


UoloUifrEKN.tbe uiubfolla uaii,breiiae. MarkL'L at kav* unibrellM sekI money. 4lv

1HAVK TllK PLBAHUHK OF NlfTTFYINd my frlemU Diet I havn rtturiied Iroin Uive* laud. 0„ and taken a |M<siiluii with Norsloiil 4

Hall, the WHiLknuwa clotblvra oh Hroad feL Ejf Krspecitfutly, A iHrLlHl WKIK.r AD1I-?HA FAtKNO IN MKKD IH A


n IHWKFull 7a_______

£ \ h DLN a lUJDD, aV a u»27 Irlvlsion st.. Nawork. N, J

1 Hrgv display of Hiicktuhirda and Fain^ Traps, I'hui’fuits. Hurrays, Fnnrluhitn. Ih- wh wageut, A|/>iii|lus, Uutul Wagarift. linuaiMMUa. eto.

AtJUt,Itii - Wagnna, w(ih iit wHimnlUM*'* "Ultohla

li;> iHuuiDymcn, xrurors, mllKfiiiuj nr liMkara,U'A mru alrifi JddH og^iiU In \aw«rk lur the role*

hrsml MUtJiiru Farm Waguiia _ kHr

WFINDI.K Fa KHIAUK ANDHKL' OF IIAIU h«ri-- IsHli Haw. fi>r suls ch«Mii, t __ W.U v m :.\U.|S Mulberry pi,

^TAHLK TO LK'V, PLANK. NEAR lUNK “ si. rail SITU CKNTI4AL AVK, Isifbru g A.M . ____ _______I7|\ \f lL lif l4 A IUKHKtcM.mvtTFLAHM !JV- TV cry mid lH>s/dlr4g atn()la. 0. 11, 13, 16 I'KAHL

‘I bh iMist nr I'sro xivsu, ws aim lo study»s/(tlr4g atn()lB. 0, 11 13, l6 I

i)*st nr esru xivsu.ihv intHreMt ut oar {lalruus. (ivjitle bm lufth’to in drive, ‘I'vlepliuJM *14.

DFTM HOIPSK, BlMKir ifAllNnW;aiiu }iarhf>|B oiid

PU. near Wlllla^a^ •rrtD F Y M HOIPSK, HVaO rls /B iu h iiy tq ton wireruilurw. twll at u laundIEy

UI anti harhui V PU.nearW

w* v | I Ut W rT.L BU V THFl’ tTroTfV, OF I 1. . . . .. _ horsiHi ttuliuhia fur any kind of work | twodtays' trialalJuweo. Imjulroat



voiJtrt limiAD HT., Newmk, N. J.I’ublidiers end propriulura of (b* Wetld*g MrlniilHlc Herald.I'anuwtn 4 HHis*-PaUnKm Naklunal Hook ihiU^ log. Market at.ii,iir<fpi.-ari llroduiiariero I/rewlon, Uerroany.

K lb HllKIlMAi4,CVnitiofllor-at-ljaw.ero ID__________

I I ArKN'IV . DHAK R 4~C( C HnllciLonnf Amertcaii and Furolga fRieela

Ait'yslii patent cosea Iwlbre tiia U. B. (JeerUi Meckaxieel aud Klactrirol Kauiaeero aaid IwruL (bnsultailea froa 7i4 BKUAI> mT. 'rhg oiliest roLnldiausd tuHNUi in ibe Mtat*. Twaat-y fivtysar*'siDerteneWk Usrruan spoken. |> A T k H iie - ” ■ " "■

FTIKDERICK TTpRARNTTMle IHueueasor to CRmpbell A Ca.0

QLOBB BUILDlNfr,afHimOAD HT. Rewpsaa airttiv

p ra lto to to lo i i to C ./ . v T T iim ouT--totaVioK~Vttitic: i j o f Y huMneas nruGuptly tratiaorted ; accounts, *(&• rullvciu'i : laktl cUK'uinema diHwn : urectiro In alt 'iM le ami i nltinl Aiorea ( loirta of- New \ ork and New Joriry ; rlahiM fi/f damages for bodily Injurieaagalmi railrqivla, eli;^ Lirumiitly pro*v r-tileil : ■’'iiusuilaUuas UiUtCtlANlVk AMOUk ijU n i u i Ltow urriuM ). » i ite rk itu .,near Druod. iM


AMalytoeanf watero.ill, . . . . . ___ y e( guWr (diver oe

oilivr orm, Jeweller*' *' eweepe," olUVA to BKAVRIl BT.. M,

ll^ iiflrM o Wellik . .

C o f t t R i td y t t u t t o -HDUND HRTbRR qhandb AM]{; eliltn. Owner can redeem by oddntoBfig

_ fUHACKe U FwRrt.

J UMT Oft KTHAVRD-nT. BICRNARO 00(1, jurotigerolur, white neck and «bee(> A Ub- ---------- " ......................... V-eelleral raworde 4ppiy ot KODlt Ikietoti ■Ul|


R .

• A I L Y , I X O I P T S O K O A V t,

E m m l e w i P D b W C D m p r ,At N». »U broad street

■•w ark ,( - - ---- -

Mlvarwl by cirritri in tny pirt of tho etty, in^ Orango. Hirriion. Keimy, Sum- nK, BoJIovillo. HontcUir. Bloomfiold, *nd •H paint* in Ei**« County.

Mail lubacription*. fiv* dolltit a yair, or attg* fr**. Singl*

' cirrianRfty cant* a month, pcuUg* fr»*. oepiaa, two «*nU. b*li*ar*d by in Nawarti, tan cant* i waak.

Ordinary advartiMmanti on third and hurth paga*. tan cant* • lina agit*.

Advartlaamant* undar h tid io t Wantad, Ta Lat, Far Sat*. Panonal, ate., on* cant a word, but no chaiga law thui tan cant* aach imaftton.


a P H AW4T PWRT llk o r l l l ik w «'** BATK TM> jm W * ”

■ a iM iB * • TWKM rwM a* i 'K u n a■ • i m t . aSDBtW* WILL BKcw u rw B B * a b btc n *■ b m i b b b .

B alnuunds G lrsn liM o ln ts P o v o r

by th e New C h l l i u Congress.


Th* T««ac F*ai*l* C«ti»|«oloii af m llA nisd Hah HoHidij nrMlMKl l»y IIU KarAffM] Wir*«A HarUm Youlb Moallowa Ra*part «B ai-CItp TrtiMRirar Bardilar*!Aeooniklt,

' c m BALLOT-nox rR A rm *All that la m b Uft to Ika alaettoa

iMeat* aaeaMad of lUiflBt ballot-boia* tad lU aU ^tf letnra* at Janay City pro- Moali to tb* alaattoB of Nornmliar, 1R8IA ta lha t i |h t to appeti la tha Ooart of Kriara. Tb* daeltioa of tb* Rupram* Ooart ta tha aatt at Hotobnll. Falloii, Hart ■ad DaiiBey, tfleara ta tha Fliat praciaal a f tba r i n t DIaUlet, aoatn thoaa of tha atbai riaaaa aaa ataaialtd, aantonoad ta alfUaaa woatha’ iBprommaul and BOW a* libaaty aa ball paodini Uw Saal dadataa aa tha appaala Tha Oasrt aSnaa tba coialctloiM, •aar-n llag aaab of lha InitalouB aaaaptlaaa lakaa by eauaaal. Tb* lattaa ■Uagad daSwta la lb* ladlatBaala fat eaa- tp irav , ahlaotad I* tbadrawlaf t f alrock Jarl*k bald that tb* dafandaata arar* da- pliatd af Ihait rifhia la b*la( Ulad Joial' ly aad Bat ptrahaad la wab* ladlaidatl abaMaagMMd waialtlatd that a t ptaaalaaa d n « * Wtfli Ibajarora In rtgard to tbalr aptbla* *( triwaa aialBat Iho purity of Iho la ll*»-b*« abowad btaa atainat tb* da- fcadaata.

rttlf-lw * af tba B*B ladtatad for oaa> aptney af Ibia Uad Ittra tB l j* l baan

I aa trial, tb* Hadtoa Conaty rrota- I btalag tbanght It tdalatbl* not to

hrlag tbalr tta ti baforo jartia nnttl tha appaalaar tba waa prarlaaily aanatatad had btiB dttpaaad af. TbaaaManoaaitlBtt lb* SAy^ta* la lald ta b* atraaf, tboagb Ibti* at* H tay itaaona t* balltat tb it In tb* ttpy *T tbalr aanaklloa abataclaa whitb tauM B*l b* iih ly latarpoMd BhtB lb* waBory of tbalr ariaaa WH fiaibar la lb* pablla Bind will ba Ihraw i. Baow af tb* Baa aiBBatltd by tb* tlotaal tlw altb lb* btl- lab-bas ataShn baa* IbrlTta by poltUeai Staar alao* tha Ittl party of tbalr tool* trai* m ttB aad, aad tbaw wba aaa t to h**f tb* balltbbaa atuSbra out t f jail Bill baUbaly tab a .iaa aby la i Iw bIb i tbalr baadi aad tbalr batdi tban thay Bar* wUI* tb* tbrBat IrU i Ban | oId| on aad baSm th a t bad b * |t t to nab* lb* dia- g ita t tad trlUalny af ih* erlBinala a t old iSoty.

S* t a thatM a Bba bar* baan aonTictad baan bald tbalr t*B|s*a beralatlly. That tb ay B trttb * lu tn ia a n ti ot coatplratora B tn p tB tr fa l aad y n n U a tt tban tban- •tlant a* oat donbta Tbay baaa abonn aaMgaa af a dlapoaitloa to batray tbaao Mta. Wbatbar tb* iadnetnanU which baa* kopt tban g ila t aaa b* made to arall ttbaa aaltbar UByan aa t bacdaoaa trill •ay leagar b m powti to a a m th aa tad

I tbalr Ubarly iaaqattilOB. Th* I a r t that anoh a rraafta ta ta baa*

b a a aada h will ladoc* thaaa naa , U they B a a ti* t* JtU, to tafrala froo try- lag I* drag gnilty aad powatful polilloat

Siiulh ABtnoaB BalM hart Joai haaa ra- OKlTprl Mit Hurtiu ot Atooncio Hftpubllci M WMhMtf loti aikS u* of htirrvailrtM talli lha rb lilu ciril war. TtM mw UilUtn oi«4irPNi CNMVaoail try BalmaibMlA, wblcU U TK>w In tiKl 1b wbiBh, BolMOmU'ifrwDd* cUtcRr tU but twa pirirlDOwi t«p<

bit plMKl •IwAuta p«w«f In bUfauwLfe.

]t hw in tbnrM Mnir ' ‘pnidlfil tb« pAelfW oAttiiii of iti# tvjufiir;,’' lo arteil And irAMtvtit pAnbum Bi wiM, lo AUtmanl ib* laud iitf im loreih. totipehii tha vahlk; rwrpDMa, without fYKird 10 lUt ■Mliuilu. (o phicQn monpy hr piodflDv ib« erwdUor (ii« KuU, f«nil«rlTur ao AeomiQi to ContrcMy aM >o tu«puad ibt rtfhi o( moetlni and lb* Ubirtf t f lb* pr*«f

In puniUABO* of llHM pnw*n dtofeM Art piibilib*(l iB lb* fhorf* relvtiiDA ImirproruiaoQt cliUtfli mpYoitd ol tftnpAtbjwith lb* OomroMiontl rtroltmoalit* lo* pn*onn*fi( in ib* fiAQittto PtnitAniiArf. oa (Dtlr dopiofiiAi IW.OOt «**b la lb* VtliArAlto NAiKinAi h*nk» loib* or<l*rof fh* tocMtnr nf lb* Interior, floodiiiontd on th«tr noi tAltbf port In tb* rvvoluiinn. lb*f ai* (Urtber r*> qiilr»d to rtrtd* in Knrop* And iifrt to i*Uira 10 ( blit wuboot ipAiLi: pommioa oTtb*<^T-ArUMAflfc.

Tm or iw«l<ri otbor dllMBt at* aIm r*li***i fPom Iftipmoitnirm on Uimlir oooditloQA tbrir bonat rtntliif fWiiii 91,001 to Mb,om, imt with fMbfmfaiikin to r«mAlA In CbllloA 1*1111017 pr«TUl*d ui*y do not "tAk* ptrl In politic*.''

1 b« ViiltAd B(At«t MlnUtrr, ^Alrlek £«iAa, And All tb* ia*mb*kl of tb* plplmaAiie C^pa AAV* Ih* <krmAn Ami IlaMab Mmituni, At- i*Ad*d th* optniof ol BAl«iAQ*dA'i Coitf rwit. Tb* hmlAb. FrvDcb. (JoroiAa aa4 UaIiaa OoTeronaou, U u umlemood, bbvi protoaitd AAilul Uk* dtOTM eiodioc tb o*nin«re* Ih*porti of ('JiAbArAJ, failAla AnlotaptiU, Tom' pltlA, IqUMlOfl, C*i*rA, MmiiA, JuMOaPtmcQA At^ aU lb* 1bt«rmidtai« bf >porti now held br lb* iHuiffoaUL

Famln* prki* wtr« Mkl to b* piwVAlItTif At Iqiiiqiie. N«At wai lokltuf At lAVAnlf r*mt A pound, poiAiOH At tD A b*i and floor aI MO •

liBMdlAMlpAVOttMr WtlllABA A rAbl*f rA», 1b jr*plr u> wblob b* acai d * a ltu«r d*riArmf i ________bimMirtnioe*DtpAudf»TkntbA would flfbito | KnUriAitiUif Oo*«lp Ahomt F«opl*tb* blU*r*Dd.'


COWniDBD BT A WOllATf*An Knrik(*4l Wif* lorpM*** ll«r RooliAnd

nnd HI* VAnDg Conpunlaa*Un. HAItittA LAAf. Wito m TDAISMi II. TrAAf,

• pnNp*rotii Inrbrt of WllilAniburA. N. Y.« lit* lAAl niAbt flowtuded Hhi JoaI* T)rvm*, * pnUr Mvei)Ui«n T*tiM>ld blood* wbop* Mih«r h*«p* A rMtAUTMloil H wib Fifih PtTMta Mra l4Ar bA» b*a* mAiTtod lik r*Aii And tuii thro* oblldrtn, il*f lAtbtr u A wili'koovD atlAin of WilllAniiburf.

Owl Agio IjmCi AiiootlotM tooUk*r woman lb* foubg wlft'i ilfA n il ooi A bApf7 on*, A»d icMBA Urn* Ago LAAf (lN*rlrd brr. dbe lOAdA ■evtrAl AU*nt>ti lo g*i blm to mitirti wlibont

On hobdir Blgbl. while ptalng Ui pioei of b«iiifi*«i, lb* look*d In And mw bin in con* pAsj With ADoibor wqibaa. iUnw ihAtilm* Mr*. iM f bA» kepi Aifbdf watcb o(tb* pUoe, nntii Imi Qigbi. wbin, in eoiopAQ/ with two

AhA MW b«r boibADd eotu* out of bit ihop At It (fdoek to roapanr wllh kiln DatIo* *od proOMd to A mIooq m Uoopar •Uwk Tbf floupi* •ol*red Lb* pUe*.

Mr*. IdQAi lAld In wall btblnd A Irt* natll they oan* out, tbeii iprloflng forth gav* iim girl Atilbgini blow aotum th* fio*. Leif rin Away. And lb* «Drt**d wtfo ebAAed ibe Devin* girl for lour bJoekn Tlrnraoly Appljriog tb* lA b.

AittM^ofna* or llAtrliOQ avoom HliAD«*rlovfoil In A fklhla wbll* lb* bieodguihad from her wound* A poilcemin. who *p* fWATod 00 tb* iMOA th* whip aw*j and ■lioHod Ur*. L*«nii|oboiAt, whil* ih* girl «MtAk*Q to A cAmAgA U) tho boat of her pwonu.

Mr*. LMf itid t u t If her hnibAOd did not b*h*f* hiioMif bou*r »b* wonld glr* btra amore MvAr* eowhldlug Ibui ihal *b* adiaia* utemd to UMi Devtn*.


Mr* MeKt&lAT Ia a reeani Urtff ■peecb pliebid xpoo the g liii tnmhler AiOAAof tbA th tn p wHh wbleta to UlnrlrAiA hie KMaMIoa thAOrUo. He AAHrtcd thAt If th td ikY Af ibrtT pot oAot. on g lu t turn' hlen wore rA4«c«4 to elghlHn or Iwooty par AAOIt, th# InportAilobofglAMtnBkUtn w tiM h i qaidnipled, APd th* ImorietD O iiktn woald htdrlroA out of th* buai- Atm. Now the f1*M detlora In Boeton m ekndkitnf orer tbA proBtoble abiurditi of •Aoh AA irgnmAAtp and point out that pTAAwd |lA « tamblort at« made In thU ooimtiy ohoAper than Anywhere *Im Id tba world. InAieid «f imporiiag, the oonnirr It exporUng glAU tumbtem and ehalltoglbg eompetHion in foreign mir* katt* Tha Ably atfirct of (h* i l i t j prr OABt. taridT impost, thorefoi^ li to eoahl* tka donabllc mADnractdren to add to iho pticAOf tumblira aold lo Amorlcan m q > AAtMn» who have the honor^ll can not hotbApteeanre—of peyldg more for borne UAAfattnred good* tbab tb*]Hiaprr labot paopla p i j for good* from the saiue matiu- faet^io*.

Seeretarj Keatci ItM bad oceMlon to obang* hie tiewt in Tegtrd lo th* tu ile ty ef the New York bankora bolding some $33)000,000 of tbematiiilDg four and one- half per eea t loAbA toeoattuue to invest la that direeAlon, irmpcftlve of ItileTeil aoaild*ratloiiA He learued yealerday that two par eea t wi* tbe lowest that coold be lletened lo. Ill* aonuuncement of a new system ef book-keaplDg, which oaabled him to claim aa assets all the money aod •AMritlea In view, and ptacvid him fu poo- oemlMi of $50,000,000 of avitlable funds, did wot aetre the benkori wnrtlk a cent* Thay were ready to be paid ofTifneoetB ■ary, tmt IrUmated that tbe ix>alrHtion of the eurrency must foltow any heroic tnatm ent of Ibem. Thn Heerotsry baa PAW game fraah ideal to mm Id ate upon.

Wminm Nnrtia's raoUly Aantensg Bat n « Ve*U Ho iaepiiveolance.

A greel deal of Auiwir W fell by tb* fAnstly ofWiiUamA. Id nr Lib. e promtntnl bnildertn Hsrlsm. ovsr an soddsat that happuned re* osntly 10 hw soa George* Tb* boy was ttken III itx we«kf RgQ with an altsek. It was foareo, of typhekt fovsr. The aiienditig phyaicmu placed the theriaosMtrr bsa*«U) tb* peU*ni'i toaga* to oMaIq hU Mmytrator*. aod wblls wai ling tflf Che retuii young BarUa was Mlsed with A flt of oonihlug, and lEe ihansoioaiar 0lMppe*r«d.

Tbe phyilclaa Aad mirM iMked aroniHl for It wlihout dUMveriui atrecaol me fBitmaMOt untIt ihs paiisn. larped tALbat laibtiyr Utink 1 swallowed u.*' Tb* man* eould betdly believe (his at Ant, but wh*n an addktioaat search tailed io (vvesl tbs raWsinf tbernkome- ter, and the buy ft t reied (hat be hid fell Its smooth fiotkilar tiirlAos iHditw down bh ihroat. bis phyilelaa became alarmed and look messuret al once to regAln ib* Instru* n en t TbepatlcK « m placed iaamcllning puutioo, bead dowawsxd. nut was bindled at tbe sAin* lltB* vim much oue, i* avoid soy vtoknos (b*l might iTActunt tn* deli­cate laitrument wbinh be had swetlowel-. Va­rious toetbodi war* trlsd to dUlcMige the lhsr> nomeier, but wfihoqtAvaU. Tb* patient corered from bti Arer sympioma, but was kepi in lb* bouse for mors thAD a week ny ibe fibyilclsn. With lirict nrden to retosln .per- lectly qulrL

Ke lias not y*t Ml auy bad teeull from Ih* ibHruiometer, and t|i0 pbyslclMU who haYti been cNlhi.t to vooi^c lu tbe eas* have as yet bticn iioablu iu iurai* 1i, alihough now i l l weekR have ]«Mb*tl since the iDiirumi'ni die appeared, llarium pliyNicisns are dsepiy tn- tfTcxUKl in (lie csn>, Which is almost wllbuul preceUrnt. The IKenuomolsr Is several Inches 1 -ug. Young ^ertUi wems lo tio in gcMid hcellh. II* Is «t|bieeii yoan old and itinids whoot, but isaligr of unusual sIm , being nearly iis feel lall.

llAltUHI.KV'B nttlO K K ir MKTIfOllti.

The Doniual ooiupliiDcnt bf*towrd by th* UaioB County Uraod Jury uponOI&rer Edward B- Kelly, of gnmoiit, iu formally adopting resolutions tbatiklng blm lor hi* capture of tbe burglar, Jnicph Hal- wltb, Is wall de«irved. Mr. KdJy in this CAN and tn many others has diiplayed XoUble enercy and ability. He Is the haadleal kind of a man to have atouad a towm like Summit, and in hit new poel- Mon Al Chief ol Police there he is likely to do aiore ifltcioni servim tban ever.

tl*|Mirt <»f RvimHn tVliii HsbV* ttecH In vesdgating tti* as-Tr«nsur*r*a Arcuiiihis.The icpurtuf Urn exisiri scouuuiauU who

havs Inwii iDvmlitrailiig ibu sccomits of ox lltr liveimrvr llaritsivy was intUKinltUMl lu illy CtmiK'llN al Witlmlulphla yc»Myrday snor noon by Ma>or}<UiATt Th rtiurtsbuvvi lhai oil May !jl, atw*o’(l)iitr tulW IxMikier the City TrrnsiireF'i Ibtsre waa uii hand Iu;. hl7,-6(V1,50 twlotigliis lo lbr> city. Of Ibis aiuuuui ihc tvjoks ut the City Ttvesurvr siiue lUst iborc UM OIL dcjioslt 111 tbe Keystou* Beuk 94&7.&j4 iiU. 1'lifl re[«rt says that ibo iruc l>al- ai.eu uf thv ciiy lu tb« Keysteu* Is 9c::ii.iWi.UV This bslauct issbowiitti ibe te}Hirt hy Agun* to be tlio eArrcci uii#.

Tiitouiy oiiib'f ev)d*ni« of aujr crimlusl act of Berdslcy wllb ih* city ruoney Is a mbHo- propneiUMi i>l lUU.bTit lliil uiuiioy brloiigvd to cuoiraciors uuUcr IahkIs lo lha Hiy, aod Banlsluy withdrew It Irutu bank uu liLi per­sonal (dit»ck aikJ imsd 11 hi luaks up part ur ibe •lKi,<kJU tliai bh required lo make giKMl bU lial- aiic* at the K.ey«it>ue.

lu ouuciusluu 11m roi'orl nays: "W* further repor. that su Itivieliiciitioii is now tu iirtwrew wnirh a 111 r«wal the dii-pusUInu niado tiy JuUu Jhihl'ley of Htate funds by him rc 'ulveil, ihe iMittii'Ulars ot which will be embodtiid iu A NiN>ri Al Ibe csriktii ixmiln* aioraenb'*


The TbliApooeA prevented the steamer Bio Panoa from linking i couple months ■go. CoaiidsriDg the Tsllapoona'< career, tbia is tba moet remarkable achievement OB TAOOfd since the old hen rescued her braod ofduckUogi from drowuiug.

Th* Board of itreel and Water Commit- sioaerata diAooveriDg that even the cor* r*spAadlagdet*^B>*iii ihe D., L. &. W. Bailroad U ran on Delay, Linger and Wait prlactpiefc

Cbfoago la a quMr plica; tbeatrea era open AN flODdsTt but consnieutioqa scrupica arc vrfAd against opening tba ExpoalUon an tbs4 day.

Tboae deatiDg-boase documentA of wbleb *'HonAit John^' Bardiley prAted ira NOW callAd *'do billx

Tb* Afleers and crews of the ItsU and C&AfliStoD imm I* hava boon nclng for M r baaltb.

M a t s Mr, * Bplki Cbaadiot has gona la play baecant.

His lirolber Gives Ills Thenrj Aboul tli* Alleged t'lieatlng at lta<'c»raU

Sir Wilhum Qonluu Cummlug, wlm hu gained notoTlely throusb ihi haccerai itcaudsl, basabnithiT lu MaryUml. He iiAluHtAr r. Gordon i'umn»hi| and la Ibe pnipriutor ul a two-buiidrcd-acre farm near ATkcsvIll*. in (Arroll Couiuy, Mbsia heltre* with bii wife, fufiuerty MIm Auuw. of WaHhitigton. About bnevu y««n ARo lie Cline tlia Unhed kities, aud hnslly si-ttled in latruU Couiity. Me in su unu^ueily huudicotnc mBii, over ix fi«i iti brishi. AltoQUKh a inrmber of an old and dlRiltiKUished latxilly. he li d#muor*tlc In hli inauncri and U a iMvorlle a hvrever be cops. Hois AtucflOfiial isrtber. Atnnug Uie sorkty of Bellia^ora and ^Vashlngimi he Is a laviHltfl. Korh ' aiimmer 14s oamlsoioo uount In thitinged with vtsliors, whuin im emerieins quietly, but cbsrmtugiy. Itubart ilarreu vrsi one uf hlR moil irequoni visitor* twlure he left BalllDluie.

in eu Interview tsit evening Mr. rummlng Mid he tbougbi the l^nce'i lesiimouy ai the iriai In London was tiiOuat.

tlev« you any ibenrv as regards ibe aflcu-- SAtUrn against Sir William, or have vonthttught 'fll Ilia alleged mode of pJsyf wai sske l,

y louiher saUt lAtber was affurled wUb Bu Vltai ’B dspoe. 0lr Wiluam inlicrl'ed H< IJo always had a fhlKaiy way ivllh hii hends, My moilier used lossy lo btmt ' For goiflneas

sake, quit fldgetitJK.' If Air WlTllfon played St cards b* was conttsnUy bAUdllnu dOIui like many man do at Uri> libiw. Air William would repeeledly hAak tbingi In haDdllTig iheio. 'I uo wltDeisos may bsvs ihought ihi'y uw my brolbey choadug when be was atmply nervtitMiy bawl ling hit cblta as I bava da- surilK'd. Thai Is my lUioiy,"

" Uflwdu you ibiok the aflblr letk*d out f^ “ 1 haven't ibashgbtestijea. Berkeley Lev-

eti, of whoa you raid. Is a miserable oed.'*•• WpAt aboiutbe Wllsonsf

Ibe WileiiDi ar* oxirsusty ordlnery pee- piA. Wb*a 1 retii of tba btAoatAi sbliod* 1

HuUd A ikletesB ha Will Flgav* J* IbeOrang* CTiib's Games.

Tbs Itslof rmrtei Air ibe openiof summsr iAmev nf liw Ckenge Aiblellr Giub,*fD b* hehl Khon rroA slternoou un Orang* Oval, iiirhid*i Kwneof the taaM knoau eibU MAln New Vurk and virioliy. To* ilM. wbicb ooataliis nver MOoprnei for in* vsrit.iiBsvenii li as follows:

Une-hui)dred Yanli Join, rlanOlcaiK’-WlDneTS to ruQ in KOunil trial heat, Thocnai 1. Los, N.Y, A. i\ r u K La MiiNf‘r»nA Oreoge a. i \ : J.M. Voutis, M. A. 1'.; 4'. B. Kell, Kaglawuotl V. r. ; W. J. Buiier. N. A ; W. J. yaiib. kait Orause; B. M. Mrr lun-. Mouiciair r . A. A. : r. T. Bte?*a*J, S. V. A. tV. VaiKlurkielt, Orsug* A. f- 1 S. K. Kilwerrls, A. A. A.; A. I. Jonta, N. y. \ . .‘I. f. A. ; K brovllle. J r, N.Y. A- 4. and Yila ; W iolier, llriMiirlTn A. ; Inward Dtiiaik, Mohican A. i G. K. ( ugli'Ch.W. K. A. A : K Vrvflenborfb, N. A. 4. and Princeton; tlerUii (plmtibon, Oraujr* A. ; C.F. ttllsu NSW YofS : F. L PblU N. V. A. C ;G. I* t atllo, Jr, N. Y, A. i . ; W. J. Itium, M.A. 4,.; K ( Jhittrr, N. J A. 4 ,; T. U. KSf. W- E. A. A.; Vksior Hep**, B*>rieiA7 A. 4',; (ieorg* Bchwrgler, K, T. A. 4 .; H. 4'. Fivl^r, N. Y. A.4‘<; a U Liucll. N. Y. A. U end Yale; J. W. Me- Aullfl. W. E. A. A : A. U. IlitiiFtl, Orengo A..|

A. Emuia, Orongu Y. M. C. A.; N. Wsllts. Orange A. 4'.; w. W. Auferman, K. V. A.

; WUbour Kyle, OratiK* A. C.: M. P Hal- lu. N. Y. A. 4 . : J. T. O'Hara, W. K A. A.|

w. H. 4b«er. N. Y, A, 4!.; J. T.Brooklyn A. 4l. ; J. N>uma •, M. A. i'. i J- M. Ol4M>, firiNiklya; J. A. Ilosiord. N. Y. A, C And ITiniAioii; J. J. lilcwea. W. IL A. A.; J- M. baudersuD, N. A. A. ; A. H, Jmica, N. Y. A. C. and Yeie; K. Kisber, Hroi>klyfi A. i\ : i\ J. Mc4lrs(iy, VoruuA B. F. W. Gulwiix. Rlv.A. ( \ : f». U Fste*. H. A. C ; J. IL Jeuup, Hvrkeley; A. 4*.; N. li. Lmd, Berkeiey, A. i\ ;

Msobll, Berkeley A. (*.; X. IV, lynao, berkeky, A. C.| W 4*. K. Y. A. i .

Jtair-ffiile Run Nnvlce :«trb-H. B. Bailey, PailsAUe W.; J. R (Kiuwald. Newark Y. M. U.

G. C Ftnith, Elvenikla W.; K, 41. Hmwn. Jr., roluobiACo]ies*| W. F. BinUb, Jr. Kiver- ■Id* W.; A. V. Waling. U. A. u : J. MtiNeo. U,T. A. C.; W. Spain, Wohlran Jl 14. Kyle, Orsuge A. (L; 4. L Nswby, Uoblean A. 4’.; W. W. I*arn»«n4af, Newark Y. M. C A ; I t R iJirendoD. Herkrley A. i\t J. P. Reilly, A, C, i. N.; W. A. I/»d, Orange Y. M. C. A.: A. Kms- lle, Onngs Y. M. A ; Thomas James, H. A. C; FariibaiD Ysrdly. Orange A. t'.; W. Vender* kl*fl, Ortng* A. 4'.; A. J. netgsii, Orangs A. C.J F. rolMni, Nermry Harricra; T. Hellnr, I* A. (i. A Utrlecb. Brooklyn Y. M. 4'. A.; U. Kruai, A. A. A.; il. Glgerlch. Bronklyo A. f'.; W. K4*r, Braok^yu A. 4!,i K. Riidoipb. Jr, Brooklyn A, V.', if. TulH*, Now Y w i; V. D, Hmlth, Barkaicy A. W. H. Yard, Berkeley A. 4 ; J, u. Graei, N. J. A. C; W. Tlghe, V*- rona a 4'.

Due mie Mftty Rloycle llan.llflap—E A. Powers, M, A. C.; Ooorse iioBo, Uraeg# W,; W. A Pal«e, Hudfnrt 4!.; 11.4'. Wheeler, Or­ange A. 1'.: F. Pternburg, Knickerbocker \V.. Aukiln Kulgbi, Oranir* Y. M. C. A.; W. Town- eatid, K A. W.; ('. W, Youog, Kings 4'fiunty

f. A Wituti. Brooklyn ; K R. Heiimon, Madlsoo N. J ; W. H. W’clK N. J. A. < I'euI (iroeeh. Oreako W.; J. W. Jisdgc. H. A. ( R- Hawiburna, Orange A. 4'.: H. B. Baliur, Fall- sadt W.; A. K, Innee, Hrooklyn : V, T. 4'uggoi' bail, OrxAie ^.iGna Ncbw*ri, Brooklyn.

Two* ilundro^t -and - Twentv-Yerda-RaA, flandlcap—TbomAS L two. N. Y. A. r.; fl. V. McGurmack, Uohiein A. C; J. t. Kyle. 0^ aitge A. a i J. M. Youni. U. A, F. U I'ell,N. Y. A. Cl K V. Kcbeider, N, J. A. W. iX W. Autcrmeti, N. Y. A. 4',; A. U. Ulnoil, Or­ange A. C.1 J. F. Hustonl. H. Y. ^ C. and Prlnceiani CL Pretalea, flylva A. U.; F. G. CbrUti*. A A. A.; Georie Bcbweglet, N. Y. A. ClG. K. (ksfblafl, W. ft. a. A.; A. A. Uagar, GraenvIliaY. If, C A.; MaaLmHifDpaon.4>range A. &i M. P. Halpln, N. Y.A.i'.i W.J, Knowles, Mntileao A. U; U. H. Maiu, W. K. A. A ; Vtc- tCNrUapN, Bsrkalay A. U; W. ft Coslsr, N. Y. A. C; W. Vandr-rklefr. Orange A. C.; S. ScovtUa, Jr, N. Y. A C. nod lYInoeion ; a 0. Woodruli; N. J. A. a ; W. J. tMxoQ, M. A a ; Kdward DoJeit, Mohican A N. Wiilb, Oratite A. C.; F. Vredenhurgb, N. Y. A. a aod Yals; W, (Mtion, Brooklyn A. C; f t ft BsruAs, N. J. A, Ui A. U. Joau, N. Y. A C. and Yalai U. Hawthorne, O rinn A C.; J.M, (ilan, Brooklyo ; J. F. O'Bara. W. ft. A. A.;V. ft Hllvt, New Yurk ; B. L. Iwaull, N. Y. A. C. and Yala; J, Flaherty. L A U; F. Fltber, BrcKiklyn A 0.; J. Nvuman, II. A. a ; El. I. Dollus, Rlvenldu A a ; U. Lb ftnea M. A. C,;J. II. Jersup lk>rkeley A. C ; ft U. fA>rd. Herkeief A. Ci U Uacbll, Berkeley A U; f tW, Tycin, BeiUley A. 4‘.

One-mil* Run, Handicep -<\»ni4 Harka, M, A. U: ft OollyHt, N. Y. A. C; L. L. Bohn. Clark’* 0* f t T. A. A 1 J. Flaberty, U A. C.; W. H. Kranch, N. Y. A. 4.\; 0. Y. Gilbert. N. Y. A C.1 J. A. Oakes. Bloomfleld Y. H. U A.i F Djlan, L. A. (X; J. P. Hleliy, A. C. ft N,- Farn- ham Yard ley, Orauge A O.i F. a Rayiiotdi. Orenge A. C.; W. B, Bawiborn*, Orang* A. C; U. ft Bli lings, Jr. N. T. A. C; J. U. Tbomp- eon, ». Y. A. C.1 A C WilliAms, N. Y. A. C. aod Yale: J. P. Uoyd. N, T. A C and Yale; W. W. Kliwunb, f t Y. A, C. and Yala; J. E. OBrlsa, L. A C.; W. A Orange Y. M. C. A.; J. C. Beyer, Orange Y. U. C. A ; Q. Rortlem A A A; ft Edwards, A A A.; M. ft Bailer, A A. A; ft ft Dcamund. Brooklyn A G.i ¥, Rook. Brook­lyn A. C.; G. Hands, N. J. A C.; B. Adsmi, Hylva A. C; H. HebneiiA, Wayn* A C,; ft Tborp, B. II. A Cl ft lljanbcrg, N. J. A. Ut J. D. tutd, U. A. C.: R H. C'4>mDi, Yeruua ft C.i A. J. Birfan. Orange A C.j A. D. Tomp- klni, I t A. Ui P. W. Henan. R. A C; U. Hornboaiel, Berkeley A. (X

Four-hUPdred-and-rorty-i ard Rub, Hlndicap ->J. M. Yount, M, A. eXt C a Kbit Engie- wo(4 F. C.; Mast in Blm prop. Orange AC.; J. a Kyle, Oranio A C ; G, L. C^illn. J r . N. Y. A C.; a Markf,|V- A. C; IL ft Bilhogf. Jr„N. Y. A. C.i ft noward, A A. A.| FeroUam Yerdloy. Otangv A. C.; W. ft Franch, N. V. A-

ft Thorp, It. 11. A 4X; V, D. Hmlib, Itetke- ley A. C: C. M. rarboneil, M. A. C.; T. 11. Fay, W. ft A. C.I F. T. Wood, Tfftniy-uoond Regi­ment A A.i F, u Pall. N. Y. A C.i B. L, Blau- Veit N. V. Y. M. C. A.; J. W, McAuJilT, W. ft A. A: W- J. Dixod, M. a, C.i J. ft Huafurd, N. Y. A. C.aud iTlncoion; J. C, lievcroaux, M.A.L’.; W. Venderklea, Orense A. iX; T. Uowsril, Jr , A, A A.; J. ft OMIara, W. ft A A.; W. It Yera, Bockuiey A. A.: ft C. Ueynoids, Orang* A.*4'.i 0. U Mcng*. Ksit Umug* 4X; tV, ui, wMglit Jr, N. Y. A. 4 . and Yala ; J. II. (Xm-

A. A. A ; J. Ntturoan. M. A. C; M. J. Huiili, \V. H. A A; M. rohim, N. J. A. 0.; 11, lliwIhMiie, 4>ra»ge A, 1.'.; H. Buhluri. 4'-ulum- bl* A. W'.; ft liriikaw, N. Y. A 4'. and Hlncaiun : ft A. Cawilily, Kyira A. C.; 0 . 1.. Km*n, M. A. 4',; H. liirke, K A i ’-i J. H. Jipnp. Berkeley A. ft; J. A. Jsiilu, llerxeley A. 41.; V. 4'. Tlwirne, Bi'rkeiey A. C

OaT-mH* Oidlnary Bicycle Race, Haudlosp— W. 11. W'ulli, N. J. A. 4 .; a muM'b, lAst Orangii; C. H. Cunkllu, Oritanl F. ( (;T.Cuegjsball, Orsiige XV.; A, w. 4ira>abnir, Pall* wd* XV.; W. r. llydcckct, N. Y, B.C; J. L. Jdlllcf, M. A. 4'.; ft li. BowoiMn, N. V. A. L'.: J. W. Juilge, M. A. 4'.; 4' y. W>lsuran, Oraugc XV.; U U lloppi*. UtHlIurvI, r. l',; O, 4'. HiUilli, HlyopiiUc XV.; 1.. H. Itn'iraril, XnlckrtlNH-kar XV.; i\ P. iorau. N. Y. V, M. C. A.; VV. K I'utgr, Lhnllcnl 4. 4 .; I. D. 4 ulc, hccklnud 4'uuflly XV.; N. 11. Hsil, Jr, Berkeley AihlcticI'lUl-.

Twfl liMQi1rv'l-Jiiid-lii*iiiy-ydTd llitrdlu Ract>. llau<iii‘a(>—Gcorgu bchnvgter, N. V. A. 4 .; Herbert .Mbih-r, Ib-rkeb'y A. l\; ft 4!. Puffer, N. J. A. C.i t'. M. rarboucM, M, A. 4'.: II. H. Usita XV. ft A. i\; it. G. VYuoilrutr. N. J. A. C.: Ji ft llurriiiuu. Orange A. C.; il. JL Wlii- lanl N. Y. A. i .; K. ft Itinica. N. j. A. J. J. Bl4tran, XV. K. A. A-i K. il. HhasfVr. .M. A. 4;: H. T. Lrittis New York ; N. A. I'aniptwll. M. A. ('■; U. KWI, Kiiglowuu:! ft 'L A. I'oiJtwr, M. A. 4'.; J. A. llupi'ucll,

A. A.; U. ft MrlioK IkitksU-y A. C,; W. ft Huilih. B-rki'lay A. 4?.

Ouc-iulle XVsik. IlHiitilrap G. Gcusen, Hylva A. i\; It. XVesirM'k, Jtruoklyu A. 4',; L. Giiu- U0[>oii, X'eiuna B. W. Kf Hy, B. A. A. ; J. bhcHy, A. A. A ; 4'. tiHfl1SHi*h, A. A. A.; T. V\ lAtwrii, N. Y. Y. N. i ‘. A., ft i , A. Mcla-'l, N. Y. A, 4 ; auil 4\duiubl(i i 4'. Audretle, A A. A.; Arthur Ur4ihn, L A. J. Ridnv'<Wi»l O. (-'.I’XV. icon. N. i A. l\; K. A. Bon?li- t-rJIuB, N. V. A. C. sud E'rluuuloh; <’. XV. On- ley, N. Y. A. C. snd I'rJm’ClUti; C, L, Nic dl,M. A. 4'.; ft i>. Lflnirc. M. A. C.

liiminhg firoail Juiup, Kauilicep—C, K. l.s- Msut'na. 4jrangu A. 1'.; H. N. Bradley. Urange A. C.: A. M. Mloott, Orange A, 4‘.; c\ T. W'le- gaud. N. Y. A. C.; ft ft PcU. N. Y. A. 4'.; U, Hchweylcr, N. Y. A. ( 'i M. ft llalpiu, N. Y. A. 4‘., Thoiuju I. IjAc, N. Y. A. VV. It Cutler. N, Y'. A. LI. ft XVlIJletn. .N, Y'. A. C. ami Y'aio; XV. J. FaPb, Orauge A. W, J- W. Harper, Brtwk- lyu Y. M. 4', A.; Ir. UPoiDl, llobokel) A. 4',; It Cuming. A A. A ; t(. 1'. i-yous, New York ; ViPU»r Maptw, ll.-rkdcy A. 4",; M. J. his-b, XV, K A. 4‘.; ft 4, J’nflfr. N. J. A. C.; R E, llurno.*,N, J, A. I'.; F. Kdusn^. N. J. A. ft f- Har.rwoii, 4)ratijic A. 4'.; ’L. A. iXxiper, M. A C,; C, J, ilciiratiy, Vanma It C,; \Y. liar.Mjtan. K A. 4\; A. M. MaUiewi, Orauge A. 4; s Bnnulng HlHiiJuiup, LiDudicap-H. Hcrilcli,M. A. V.\ }l, XV. Biddle. VsU A. A.; Jt ft ila^ riem. Orangi- A. A. M. Maitbcwx Oinhge A. A. Nlckciioli, S. V. A, C.; 4). T, XVicgaiid, N. Y'. A. fti J. Jl. Jluby, In- siKlUi' A. 4.; J. iimllb, Jlobflkcn A. 4'.; J. T. KHiiiernId. Brooklyn A C ; F. C. Pnffer,N, J. A. c.; E f t iUrnes, N, J. A C,; ft. Ed- wanU, N. J. A. C.; ft. II. tichaeler, M. A. C.; J. A. Hopewell, A. A. A.] R Hurke, Barkeloy A. C; J. A. Coopor, U. a. U

llAppewlega of lotAroel.I Tb* trlAl Aod 4»*vMieo A< LxwynWlUJsm i P, Millet, AT*'nil" MUJ*f,Asb#1a famiUAny

tmlied, for eosapiiifT. bai bnogbi eat many ; aioilaa aboul blmi. lllaeafMrbAibtaa Jraugbt ’ wlib ffoamrlcttlea, aoil ihtra bava been bmaj I locklanu in bn iugs^ praoilo* tbai bava I aniiuwd bis arqualntancea. At oo* ttiWA I Bill ff ai a Juet lot of tb* Ptoce. and bod

viry oocnforteblaufllfleaHiabAnktiuildloc. Ue had tworo*a>s,ofMof wtairb wiiosadafAjury- ramL 1 bey were divided by a board p*rt1tkiA» blit ai tbe pertllhm did not nacb to tbe esiliog ererytmog ihaiwAsaaidafaAirAAwbiapafiuib* Jury-ruom couid be heaid In lA* Amirtroooi. m e Jury could not agrea and ib* rcn lt of their brtt vuu eooM ba beard intheonart- ruum. Ib ry sloodMX ioMa Tb«u th* Jurors got into a quarrcL t.'bairs war* used is weapons and Modsmonium raifo«d for a UiD<*. ffos man wai haard lo ixclatm Jo a Tidea ibat Ukdicaiad ibai he waa brief choked. *‘ 1ik« your baud elf of my Itaroatr In a miDuia eauihtr voica waa ha«id lo sty : " For baaveD'a iske, look ban I" Tbrr* waa a iiraDg* busb, aed tba l^b i ww Cot noewed* Tbe iwleuffs In ib* otb*r ntwu Itarrd tbai acoa* one bad bean lU M or mortally wooed* ad. Afltr awhliA tb* lormt flUd imi aiMi gave ibelr vardici Jot the defoiulaDt Ibouab tiiAbiDf bad beeb beard dfa vote or ao argD* metii OQ Ibe case, Nolblog w u aald a b ^ i ibe BUJd«D eemalioc ol ib i DAtin to the Jury rcKjra. but wbcD ' 'B i l l ’* warn lo ib«re be fjund two empty wblakry boUk* aod be r*> mrmhered ib it be had b t^ h t two bottles 4>f wbUkoy at M a beitla foe biaMck wifSi *bd ibejuron bed iMDd iiiem.

'* It Is lUange/' Mid beent Ifotvlct Oflioei li. M. Uurnatt ymterdey, **wbat cotlons acHDe p*opt* hart of Ihedulireodbe Brcrai BfrvkM Burueo. the country t* Ailed with ibe circo- lan (if tmugoods mca, aod lo keep track of 1 beta all weutd requ lns aeparsi* bureau. Aa cnir special tAilUMe Is looking alter couniar- frlien wa oonsaquaeily do noi pay rauefl at- lenttna to then. About a uonih ago 1 re­ceived word Irom (be Goferameut logo to Ikllo Plaiba N. J , AS It was mhI ibai there eare atiUDLwrof oouhlemilen there, end re- questing ra* lo look them op. Al ibuugh 1 was vary buiy I parked op my grip aod want. When 1 arrived aod fauhd ay m«a be showed ma two circuiaia sdvertlimg greengooda Not fully undcrtlaedlng ihaM circulars be tiKHight the mfih wars makiag oounierfailx 1 told blm lh«ni waa &o txxinterfkUera oonctrned in It. and cam* bom*. Tb* plao* was not *aar acneoi, and tba trip look m« two daya the expansaa being about M lhad posocmer arrived borne iheii 1 rertlvetl anMher dls- peicb togo u MUiviliA as tbera wer* oouaUi- (eiienUtarv. 1 wenidowuaod, atierdrlvlag two ur thra* milea. 1 found lha man I wanted 10 sea. Me waa a lelagrapb lia«m*n, employed by tha Waal‘rn Uofoo CompaDy. 11* hari beea woiklQg ou bla lloei ami hail conaeciad ao initrument wiib aw lrelqtb* woods, praper** biry tu rspelrlng (b* line, wh«a 11 began to click, Liitantog be beard a tfllcgram a mau In Hell* Piilui ai<lr*as*a to lU* PreaP dciu of tbe Gflited HUtex tb e Bell* Piaiiis man tokt iba HealdaDi ibal (her* wm a crowd of cuuDlutleiters about which ba could tell tb* l‘resldant sumeihlag, Afier a daw queatloas w«j* aaked Ofllrer Buroetl found ibai It w u tb* MB* manage which bad taken blm a few days b«far* to Belle Platoi, and had luroed cMil to be notblcg tu t grraiiKnoda ctreularx Tbe Difuaga had wwd sent to Waabtogbin and (ben teligrapbed her* toOAilbr bureeli for invesHgarioii. H* bad eranl two days In loiog lo buha Fiaini and back, and anotber day 1a going to HlllviJie, ataouit lothaOovemnieDt ot About 112, and lb* srarcb bad b*eb A iruit- leia oho. OlBoer BurMit made a few forcibl* ramsrka to tba IlDemaa and came bum* by (be next train.

Tlia tour of Impaction vf tb* Graed Jory, on Wednesday luu WM not wltbonl tocklcnt. On lb* Icritiiiun of Bberlff HeuMling Jacob IlflitinianD, or, u h* la b*(t«r kDOws,' ' Jaa* (be Berber,*' accompanied tb* party. "Jake" edmlied tb* lail aud lb* ioasn* wytum ou Bomb Orani^ avenue, but wu •specially plesaod with tb* p*nit*ntiery. M* ibougbt CAldwell wu a On* plaoe, and viewed wKb woudertb* way to which tbe h*w nitroad wu being built. Wlib tba rest of Ibe party "JaXe" want ihruugh the peultonltary, and one*, whan ftotioe ftuparlnteudeDt Brown got " J ik a " bahtnd him to a<i*H, exclalmAd: "1 WM oxplcletM of you fellows," aod Jumped out bailee the door could be suappad abut upon blm. It seemed to b* ihe crowning amUUoD uf the wbola party to lock "Jake" lx a cell. As tbay w m paotag along 00* of lb* OATridota " Jake" pmeivAd In ou* of the oella a man to wnom ho bad aarvad beer. He itopiwd In front of tb* ceil and began 10 guy ibu prisoner. Tba prle- oner and " Jake " gut Into a Wftrdy dlipma. While ibeir longuei wer* clattering and tb* barber wu atoorbed In barsllog ih* man. Begutar Cogan, burrofata Doaonberry, ttitrlff Hanastlng and Bupertotaudenl Brown auo- Deeded la getllivg lb* whoJ* crowd out ol tbe oorrldnr *xeept ** Jake." Wban tb* laac csm baa goo* out '*Jak*" beard ib* doonabui with a snap and h* wu a prMooar. He got jed in the beck wUb lodigoation and bcgiu to shout at the ii>p of bla vole* lo the guard to ra- lease blm but no on* beedei). Heiirore likaa plraiakiDgailbecrowdouind* to* doors. The prtaoneri seeing " Jake’s " pligbt began to guy him. HU «TM SDappod dr* and ba dared tb* prUoiHTV to com* out In itie corridor on* xl a time. At last tb* whole crowd went away and IrR ** Jake" al<me wJtb tb* erim-Inaks, They eojoyed an exoellent dtn- tier while Jake" alADd ipaid* ib*boi coitkior perspiiiog freely. When they luid Bnif bed ibeif dmoer one of lb* Jaltota raleued ' Jakt," who bad b*eD lockad up over an hour. Ue w u complelely exnauated and hungry as w*lii bm " Billy" firotra Informed blm Ailb calm UtdiffomncA that th* party was about to start lor bom*, and tmiea* b* wanted lo walk aloe mile* 10 Nawwkbewonkl have 10 accompany Uwm. Tba party clambered into tbs carriages sod "Jsk«" w u given lb* alisrnative of wslking hooN or riding wllbou t ills dinner. He sullenly chore ih* latter and irtih much grumbling climbed Into tbe e•^ riat*- All the war home be grumbled ai (bf pariy« but patlieularly at Buparlniendeal Brown. Ai tbe flm re«taarant iheyesm* lo *' Jake " alighted and uma home tbe rant of the way In a bor^ car. Jak* " rays he will uev«rgowltA anstbfi party "BlUy" Brown Is in.

A parly ef Orang* baitera aiw grtonlaif stUi or*r Ibe way they trteksd tba poUea of ibai city on Deeoratloo Day. Il wu an laam ttkal ib«y worked and ibereforo dm broader Ib* grin. Tb«| aurteo ou ««r1y in tb* noru- itig, wllh a wagoa Uulan with refreabmanta. ion)* on* plaotd a dummy or straw, dressed lo aault«if«ioibaa, lx tb* wagon. Golnt up Halo afioel they |•*•a■d an oflosr. lanedi- Aiely • Mvage fribl bcgkt o u to ib« w^fWi» AppershUy (be ADdra party full on ax* nofor- tunueand were beallng bun xamercifallr- Tb* policeman gav* cbXM tail to* drivtr w b ip ^ np bla loam, and after taeding tb* " ceplwr" A w*iyy ebau for thr** blockx dlaianoed blm.

Tb* poficemsn repnriAd too matter, and a relay of two oAcrra lay In wall for ib* party on its r*mrn. Coming down tb* mooniAix aids, lb* billers cneouDteeed th* poluwmcx. An(Xbcr flabt WM UninedtAlrly itarted. Uroam, curses and cilea of peln oam* frnen tba wagon. All wars pifod 00 one max. pounding ind kicking him, and tbt pUeeui thiwls (bat aroM fiou the wagon mad* tbe efltoeri bs- IJsTe bloody murder wu being don*. They cioo*d in oA tb* wagon, but agnln tb* driver luhad bla bori**. li* w u ordarad tu hall under penally of baing abot, but some oa* Jim tb*o tflraed out oC tbe wagon what looked to (be dost Ilka lb* JiitUMbodyof emao, Tb* pplic* ttoppad ibeir obasA and stooped to pich np tb* oorpee. Jt wu tb* badly-brulsad dummy tb*y lound, and a paai of leagbwr from lb* wsfoo. wbo*a ratUa was grawlng lalaier ilown tb* rood, madt tb* odtoAri fstl bow badly Ibay ware irokad.

The Jersey Csar** Own l*xrty«From ibi.'Jullssbelb Hurald.

bauator Blodgett 4ha other day leR It to be Interred as bis opInlDn tuai Governor Abbott Lad left the rauka of th* Ifomocrecy suti «•. laLUsbcd a iblrd parly of New JorMy—the party of Leon AblwH.

WUat t t CoatsMini becarefollyconsiilarAd by tbegreetmi- Jofity 01 r>*o[>ls lu buying even iioDeiaUiei of niti. tluud'sBsrMpaniiacammcudaliMirwiin tperlai loriH- 10 tbp gn-at middle elftiaws, b«- causa it romhinei poiUiveaeonomy wlihgruai luirdlctoe) power, it ta tb*only medlHne of wbinh <«» irulv bn raid ** lUO doses una dol­lar," and a Uiltia token acooidltm todirocxioni w|U iftrasa to Iasi a miwib, ***

I’uarualsirew Beal, uf X’sibitHirg, b u to ber ;,ioM*Mluit a lUble of rrmarkable antiquity Slid excelicnl pniervailun. Il wu pnatod iliirlpg tbe relguof Qiieta Eltsabolbof Kog- Isitd. and la UhioU in «ak huards, covered ullh li^vy side Irithtr, and ihlaagaiit stud- dad sud onruured with iron. Tbe bi>dy type In abmti the file of mo(l«rn uilulgiq but to aid Hiiillib toll. Tbfl muTginal dou« however, are lu nooporall rmsai). Tbe style of priailuf Is t'laliorm**, liping ambulluhNl with toltlsl letiprsofa florid type and cuts of grotesqu* h< bgohHo.4 alto gargi»ylcL

Ou the into pego la Ibe rotlewlng tinscrip- ifon; "Tb* lllblf, iranilflod seenrdinga to iUp KIwpw aiul GPtoko UiniropI ajjd eunforrtd wi!L itii-U-lt trauHiilonfin dlnciT latigvigef, wlilipuifl iinilltobl* emuHaftonr vpon all to* hsril plnraf still other tblngf of greet Import- laiii-e al may apiwsre lu (be epJfU* for tba M‘sdpr.

f Aud alto a iiiflfl proflisble cum*unlauce for (hun^aJtolHidlUf orloUtiytblog lu tk« fame iH>i)iliivad.

flnpLra 1, 8.lAnd Ivl uol tbirboi>k of tbe law* dapari*

uTi uf thy muTib. tml lueiHieteday lud night itmitboT iBsyeR ubrvrue soil do aocordlug lo «li I'lai If wrliiau ibeifln, for then fbalt tbov iiiske iby wav lo ba prorpoptol and Ihen fbalt Ihov liBtia good frrccBi.

Dmiirtati'd at l/>Qitun by the deputlef of rhriuotiiipf Barker, prmtar to iha (^veene'a Moil KxreltotUo klsimc, IMP. CVm grailf and jirlupU-Klo reglat malafUtii.'*

Tba varloiM tox>ks arc profaCdl by a synop- sit under tbe rap<ion " Tlia Aig4im*nt">~iner (ho style ot lha lireek piayi- iud each column basal 111* head a short doMrlptlito of what is eoptolui'd under }(. Tb* Rihl* coutelnsiba hooks of toe oUl and upw Tealamenta u prlni- «h1 to lb* priMwm eaUious, ami lb* Apocrypha and Ibe L'inircb aairicc, with a rhorl couo^- sne* "of Ui« incomraraN* tmhfyr* of ibe Hoiy bcrlplvrtw, with a prayer for Ib* true vfo of lbs fsma." There la also a large ehtn ebowins " How (0 take proflt lx reeding of th* Holy Bib)*." The ptinier bsa not be*n con- tfiiivdwUb making parsgrapha, but uats the sign at too rOBimencvmrntofea^.

Urs. But baa sIky a* daacribed In tb* pref- ■up. "Two righle proflUbl* and fruUiull eon- I'urdattooi, or lanre and ampel taUca eiphabtl- icall." troin Ibe prau of lb* aam* printer and beerltig ihtt dale 157(L

Thaee books wpre orlftoally lb* proparty of Rev. William Nest, who rras rvcior ot Great Tblcket^liam, Norfolk CXHinty, Euglaivl, to 16W, and of ahniu Mrs. Beal is a direct de- icaivdaab

It is not aa uacummoA thing trial* tose* padtstrlanl bn Broad iireet groupicd during tb* DAOO hour In front ofib* Frudeailsl (mji id- log. Whet caichn tbolr *ar sud oalli a halt Is a serls* of itraoft Xfondi waited Irom tbe raar of (5* building. TL*a* npisst are tuneb kMUki "airsfrum fUaveo" than liks "blasts fr«A tbe other pltM tueo Honed by tlnwt- M la bis dliect examloaixoa of hX favbcfts aplrU. To toe aoditar on Bread atr*«i they come tbattoriDg (be air moieeiHes ami crowd- 1D| IMIS upoi) to t ear drum In fragmani* that cut Uk* broken gleai. Nla* out of every ton Jin*u*M atiribute ibe sounds to a prxcthdaf ronoeii saloon slogar ov X b*ftoner on tbe cornet, who,,, 4d ib« flnt flowol a n i b o a t u d r > t i , brings ib* lostnim ni to paella* e l midday. But tb«r ar* mistaken. Upon InvMilgstlCMi y m toiday two yuaeg men were found blowing into (hlrtf-toot lengths of iron inch pipe, ktvaral 4Hs4lDoi DUiieal daIm w o ii mad* by ih* btowan. end mioy dUibict notes thai w«re ooi mnikai. One BomeDt th* listener might My It w u I-Avy; ib* n«xt swear li w u rrain tb* lafarnel ragtroia Y’uierday tbis mnsloai team triad "That Is laiv*" and ^tomrades" wlih alermlng elltcl. His un- dantood tbe partormert xr* opsn to eogage- m*nL

e * *FoUoa OAcer Atbsrt Koenig Is to x bllmfol ttxtt of mind. Ua rateived docnineuii yetter- day, siftitd by Grttn B. Rsnm, lofnrmtng him that ba w*s eoiUled to, and wouki reovlv* a paiislon St lb* rote of M p*r munlh, paymexii to data from July. IMO. Offli-nr Koenig w u a piival* In i,oa>paoy L, NtoUt iDfsotry, New J*ruy Votontetrt. During an ixchange of euurioslea Mr. Koenig got lo tb* path of a rebel bulltt wbicb lort (dTseiRiDUi of DM In­dex and Moond iSogsr on bit right band. Mr, Koeolg asyi u w u ouoh an easy matter to ob- lain • peneioQ, Ibat b* rvgTAts that b« did but apply for his v ears ig a

Diiig*r seems to Uirk tu all tbe new of *lec- iricliy. buttouifkr ihe uveriMad wirsayitem Aluue b u figured In feral aocktoali to ;thli cily. Ouiiida of iblalhe elvclri* Hghielkave set fir* to a cumber of ufflax end bulldtoga. On Wtdneedsy moraiig a u*w danger was die- cliiMiL Tbfismp fastened to a pole protrud­ing from lb* second Kory of tbe furnliure house buioxflng to NcMshm Brotban, at Mt Market i(r<et, foil to to* ridewalk. A passer­by «ecap*4l, by a hair's-breadtb. having tb* globular sod bulktog mass of glass■nd carbon light npnx bit bead. In Its dew*Dl n skimmsd bis ear, and, landifig on the hard pavemvoi, crashed Into a (hownnd plsocs. Tbs ladutHan w u •pparemiy bappy b*csoS4) bt lived id view tue br«aki^, tnd f«U Of hta lopkot^ dlilrust- fully as If bis cnmdm heu bun bore down utwn. That bU ibinklng apparatus had not brou disturbed was proved by iho way in which bs phlinoopblMd to g Niwi i*pori*r sitorward. " t bsvs th* greetest admiration for TJiomu A KdUsn and all bis tuventloos," be said, *' but tlfo Is too short to b* bondl- copped by such impending Aeogera. I think U idviskble that tbe cliy fatbtia appotui an ixsi Attor whCN duiy cowlsii or uXAdaliv ns*

T H E P O I N T .

“ A


rrom • CMliol]« AiOk. down to Ul*

P o o r* « t « f t h « P e « rtU UMlf)', Bflt OlUj to lb*


ST. JACOBS Ojl.T h $ f f n a t R a m u d f F o r P a in ,

bul to Its sapcrlority ovar aU srtbAr r*m*4llN| expeeserdthti;

t t C i r e i P ro x p t l f , P in u B C iiU f ;wblefe inHni ilrlFUir, th*t t in pclD-ttrieken M k * prcmiBl r»lUr with p* ntum of th . jwlB, *nd Ihia. th*)' Hjr, St. Juob* OU win llT*. Thli la IU *io*Uue(.


Shamrock B itte rsFOR I 0U I6 U D O U .





heuraloia, rheumatism and piles.

P r i c e , 5 0 C e n t s .Rcnnilwt Ih* BJIAHROCE PLABTERP.

FAN weather cor­responds with the al­manac this year ex­actly.

Of course everybody ought to have a new faa We calculate that of Newark’s 190,000 inhabitants not more than one-half will buy one. We should be

all Ours are Japan­ese Fans, an endless variety, most of them beauti^ some ugly; all good.

T. M. WARD, 687 Broad St

WliyDiiii’tYfliMoftlifiCrofil?T H E Y a r e a l l c o m i n c t o t h e

' N e w S h o e S t o r e " o f E , A .


OpptollA Tttnlly CBvrelL

v o n J* A* B . _ IK ira XHOKfi.



Haw# gecUty nxxg*from tbe loetoB BerxM.

Jilsoorionaloniu wbAt vitlgArUmi Atotp into the Amerioeo Ixiigatr*, even Uw tofi- f OH* ttjokCD by w*U-sduCAi*d, net lo Mf cul- imsd, peepiti. Jon Si prownt tbe ear w bar- towAd by a pbnw, ot lAibtr i word, much wad by our belles wbo iMiit tf1«niuua broP euMat that iudci d celled "Mydeer." wysonegltl tu enutber, "I'miDviied to ptiur fur Mn. (kammunwealLh n*xi Wednea- day." "Ob, Stoyoa? XX'ell, ab* uked me to ton), but 1 bad inwher engiMmineDt." Hcavmm ■od eorib, I tbougkt. wbst Utb* m«ani(it i f *'pour" and ” turn " t Jt was auma Umt be- fora il>* verba and tbeir Implied nuuu msde e eoctfisclioa in my brain, and ibcA ib* deatr* to stand (beat young women in e miruet wu ao totoni* 1 retired lo avoid A demonKrslion. Tbe eeoiury bos Indeed grown omI and iuy wbera tb* inogu* dsdi so smxU sword w **t*a" drlBcuil of udersnec. Tr> piur tests about sA Km p * s pbrew» u can be apokeo, and to drop ib* final word t*s la lu rendar It Id- toiersbly voigsr. Tb« emum u lerae aftc^ nnoA rce*p4toni bare uf haring twirgont'lnok- ItiggtTla parlorq) tbii service, generally lm<

& T . S . M I L L E R , * e g B r o a d S t r e e t , t o b u y t h e i r F o o t w e a r , a a t h e y h a v e f o u n d o u t t h a t t h e y £ a n b u y w h a t e v e r t h e y w a n t i n t h a t l in e f o r a r e a s o n , a b le a m o u n t . W e h a v e t h e c h o i c e s t l i n e s o f L a d i e s ’, M i s s e s ’ a n d C h i l d r e n ’s S h o e s in t h e c i ty , a n d a la o h a v e n o t f o r g o t t e n o u r M a le P a t r o n t , a s t h e y w i l l t e l l y o u t f y o u a s k t h e m . C o m e a n d in a p a c t o u r s to c k a n d y o u w i l t b e t h o r o u g h , l y s a t i s f i e d .

poM on aerraoU In wall-appointed bouiss i»Londc '■ ......... ... " ‘ ■■— idou. U ibemughly Amertexo. end so, Ino, IS tn* abomlMble fiult which bosgrawooutor It.

Tb* OxAxt rw efo lly M ^F pWoSi lb* Toronto Uxtl.

Cxrfout rvoaiwch** heve been mod* fr4»Gtofi to lime into u-e lUaBea niiuwy of MAuintMlrox Mask. A paw ibeory oo tba futjooi m now fenilletoiS by M. Ulr, Author of a raceDliy-pobllibAd vikumaon Fouquat* wbo died Afwr nUtotoen yesra' lttpns')DD«At In ib* FurtreM of Pigneroi lo ICSu. M. Ulr opin«a that Iba ManiD Ibe Inm Mask was nellher tha ilkgUimeta brother ot Looia XlV , nor ib* Duke of Munmouih, nor lb* Duk* *4 BMinfori, nuribi CdUAt de VermAndoia, nor count Mot- ihtoH. He was almpiT an humble valtt namod Etriitc ba Danger. Tbt" toau b*i1 been to lb* •crvloA of a spy called K aux of Manllly, wbo travelled about for lorelgi) goreromfots—1n« eluding that of Saglatid—in orderto waicb to* movM o( tb« King of ftixnec. Roex or Uantlly waacaptured by M. d* ftioxn*. a Minister of Lonls XIV., and pul to ibo wQe*l. Uls valet w«a imprWnod At fTgnern], where b* ualtod ox Fouqtirr. In IflM Danger died Id tor fortreix, attnt having been tnceroaraied tbera sIdm I6KL H. |.oii's tneorv wMl banJIy Im sivwpled in France, at leusi. M. Girolll* Houmar. oTibe l^ncb A ^em y, held that tha priaunt-rio (be mask wa* Count Modhlmi, Frims Minuter of ibi* iHik* (it Mantua, wbll* tho poptUor mind hotdi vlfwa of its own.

i ig b e t t of i l l in Leavening P o m r .— U . S. G o r’t R e p o rt, A ug. 17 , jSSg


MISFIT CARPETS.1 Valfflt Carpet, itaa llflil? ............................................................................ $ 4 1 -2 01 Body BruiiCii <hrp*t, rUe ll.Sxft................... ........ ..................................... 2 2 .0 $1 Eaira Quality Tipe^lry Broioeh Carpet. 11 !Ut&............ ............ .............. ..... 2 1 *26'i Extra bnpai All-wool iuiraiu (^pet, 16.6xl‘J................................ . ^ 4*30

PARLOR SUITS.X Pitub J'arlorBuit, Walnut ftvn*. apfooes, rogtiiar price foO.OO, will sail At...$ 6 0 .0 01 ftug and Hilk Pluab Forlur Hull, rvgulor prioe VTo.OO, will be sold at...... ........ 6 0 .0 01 Farior bull. Walnut frame, in LiniMk, 7 plecuk, ouiy.................... ........ 6 6 ,0 01 Parlor kYiU to kuik Tapntry gnl ftUaib. ragiiiar proa fW.Cl, will be aold at.... 7 6 .0 0 I ftarlor Rult, & plecaa* Cherry (ratoe, upbolsiered la piuab, regular price flSO.00,

will be sold At............................... ..... .......... ........ ....................... — 1 0 0 .0 0

BEDROOM SUITS.1 Ash Bedroom Suit, fl pleflft. marhle-inp, regular price |7!i.OO. will b« anld aft $ 6 0 .0 0I (Cherry aud Uobogaiiy Bedroom Hutu mirble-top, 2 ptaooa, ooty.,......... ....... 3 6 .0 01 Walnut Bedroom Hull, marb1*-tup, Spiccefu only...,,..,,.,,,.................. .......... . 4 0 .0 01 Antiqu.) Oak fiedroum dbilu S regular pnee930.00,wilt be aold at 2 6 ,0 01 Throc-plcos Antique Oak HedtiMun Kuit, large gleta, teg. pricu t^ , wli) a*!! ol 1 7 .0 0

LOUNGES and COUCHES.1 Bod Loongvto Jiemosk..,,,............... ..................................... ........ ........... $ 4 ,6 01 Bed ftaioae Iti (Xrpet........................................................................ ......... 7 ,0 01 flipglu l/mnge, Oak frame, Moiiiiett* Carpet.................... .................... ...... 8 .0 0I Couch In flush........................................ .......... ........ .................. ...... .. 7 ,0 01 Smgie Loubga in Pluto, Oak frame.................... ......... .......... .................... J 1,00

t have about 25 Beds In ^'aUml and ImlTatlon of F. H. fitegcr siook, in price from $ 2 .6 0 uplo a ta .o o - 1 have ilao abnu' $ 3 ,Q 0 0 wnnb of goods In tbe room, token iroin every deporiffleot, marked In plain flgurvs. at HALF TllEftt VALUE. Nu Duplicatj*.

C rs itit G iu D I t T b tse P rices . Goods D e llra red F ree o f C h a r f i to l o j P a rt of tbe S ta te .



B E J tB P IA M B S T .,_________ K E W A R R . R . 3 .


T o all purchasers o f O ne Pound o f T ea o r B ^ i n g Pow der we will present F R E E a brass-bound C edar Pail. T h is is a S P E C IA L induce­m ent, and one that we shall no t be able to dup lica te after th is lot is gone, so we would advise you all to come a t once, as they a re go ing very rapid ly .

BUTTER AWAY DOWN IO n Saturday we shall com m ence to sell th e very best E lg in C ream ery

B utter a t 2 5 C e n t s P«r pound.

GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO■I731-740 B road S I , and 107 l a r b t S L , co r. W asblD ltoD .

BRANCH S T O R E ,2 9 3 M A IN 8 T .,0 R A N G C i


Bsv* nmoved (heir Brood vtroet buslneas Info largerpremlasiat NO. 6 7 3 teleoboe store),

i l l l a r k e t S I S till H eadqaarto rs .Otdsnfor loe Crvstn reoetved at ell ber store.

Ice ta, lie. fer M leetaSdiSc.

AT fA IR rRlfKB.

New Wholesale and Retail Bedding Hoose of Newark,llslr, ( ottob, Fibrs, Eicelalor and Juls

l a t t r e s s o a , E tc .,F ea th e rs and Dress P il lo v s ,

F o ld ing a S pring Beds k CotsA iPEClALTY.

A(t kind* M ittraue* Made Over, F ta th e n and Hair Ranovated.

Upholitering, Carpet*, etc.,HADE AND LAID.

A Line o f R efH gera to is and H&tting,Brerythlng In our line at loweitt po<ailila “'**•. Tb* b^t work done. We i ' tU«i (0 all wbo irli I glv ui s call

D e V a u s n y & C o .BOO BROAD ST„ cor BRIDGE.

f U T PE RSO IS i r e tn doubt I b a t th e ir a ;e s s h o t ld do to r

' them . A le s t f i l l se t ;o n rig h t.E X J l I I I T iO I S FREE.

PURESick n w t ^ M i d n iian *11 tb«u«uM*itw!l. ^ n t » • bUlou* Hat* of th. a^itaiii. .uch u

DrowtJnw^ Dtati*.* t:\af III tb* SM*. Ac. While clHlrnion

rsmorkohl* saocesa he* beea ibotrn Itunarixf- - — — -- ■ W1.1* M4UM *• ,

SICKrt«nil*i!h*, j f t t . i r m ’* Lrm;i Lira* PiiA* « * cqiuUr fsliialil* In CoMUpation, curtnc ™ piam Unf thl. aiinojrln* coniplafnc whil* th*r alao eorrait all dbionler. of dw *toniacl>. .U m ul^ tbe llrer and ncutat* th* bowala.lU thepr-'- -Ena I r emir cured

HEADt lw would! b* alniiMl prioelss* to tboMBurrer ' ---- -- -----

av JT tiiDu vwtn* wj uimi wui nil*toas* UtlJ* pills valuXbJ* In an many ways thol Um will not b*vrilliiif to do wtuout tbsiaBxi xfter on riofc b ^

ACHEb the b w W to niuiT Ihw ih tib ll! li wberi

Doxst. Our pUlaeuniwe mak* our great whil* other* do

C.ma'B L m ut fa rm P itu no “ ^TeryauTtaiak*. O nw tw o

b l ^_makieod d«X do**.' They ar* o ^ t ly wiSabl______

^ ir lp a o e wirge, to t h j their iMtle acUol E |j“ -C i» l»»* them. In TLale at M erat. Btaforyi. RoMereirwImiaoraeiitbraial

c u m tas icu n e«., t i« Tnl

SGiepee Ii St oesFOR WOMEN’S WEAR.

663imLiiuQiiammii BroidstGRADUATE O PTIC IA N .

A m erlo a 'sL M ttD t• ® « T H B * » »



W aH akalbaC tcn, Tmi MaNathaNinnk*., IbaUwt t]|er, eau, uaoh, 1 w t-ta pw bundla a.* ’ fuurdaalar tuiibaa,

L MlUJUt AfUMHHlCktiAaH DU A X, HinuMiiMm




SATURDAY.C loN ing O u t E n t i r e N tn rk ot

H p r lu g a iH l S u n i in e r


will S e ll T o -m o rro w IW ill S e ll T o -m o rro i [

leO ladlai' Terr en. tac* anil Htik Vtnia ■ <o4t tnnt, were tUOO aait tI9.00; ts-motn. IT. 19 aiu) iB.Th,

MO L.mef' l^blrt Walila m 2bilifl',i«Ml.i,{|a (o-numua t t :Ac., tLi., Uc., tec., 75c., Ma w iL a .

ew Ltdier T u down and W npcai.!. a dUterent tinea, -arih lueo . ih) H&i ; .m ^ Kild to-murrow at ILW aod :L)A

ra tJ a ljr i j , 1I9*.Uallt* OHiar AdhitlabI* •hat* a i aali Lullwr I* laaa.iMlinU} DamlatUbl*.

A Narrawar tli* Warn OLOVI riTTINO 1

N lV in tm tA D D I kM|t.l vhm Mm in Vim

UDIESr"®""*. . appealt I* . la 7« r aania

.. —Cl- rant -_ jB t lanibMiIdu. «o* j W Mara kujlnt

—itr Uada. Thep an


« rV L I . OOMNORT aao DUHAMILITV, PapalarlaPtlH. *aUMu«w QBamaind.


7b Ladle.' « t r . So* All-wool dnln. tbe i. m*(Tl*s, f*ai wolitli istlor-mode. gokJ or vilvrf irimmlikA were fU200; oar Drtoe for v»morrow 111.00.

290 Lsdtetf Beaded Hboolder fjap*gi to»modTi4wt1.00. WOO, •2.*0upio|*4A ^

l&O Udifs' very Am AU-wonl lYimmed f«r. sen Id 1 ^111X10 1*1x1*1, were lomorm ILIA

IflO l^ i*s ' flutii 1e Frtach OlngbimE, Pi«e(a «ookk>n and Challlc*, is plitdi and Biribci trlamied with l*ow osd stlka etoei 90, 94, to busu at tl9A K75 odnI |b.iM.

UO Ledlai' very fto* All-wool !(*«(•» to4 Blhiers in btock* pMri end Iod. weiu Roo; la morrow gLML

SOD ChlldrtiYs Drsaies In wbi(*. «1tb exhttoa dery: mrtucker, wUhplelDOoabintnuiLM.wluma.nvn ufAika a.InOm On -Na .m__J t >«Mkcuv.mMa, Ttaau |Aieiia wui UAilMUlLfl, BQgsiDftiim, wish ulalx colon to mticb.tlA i m H.7ft*Dd|l20k

To-uitov Miiii,F R O M 8 T O 1 2 O ’C L O C K ,

YsM-wlds Black sod White Pteld Aeriei teg. price lie., at y artL

Pure Bleak Nobetr BrUlIxatiiiet, 4S-)dc OOe. quolliy, at S9e. yard.

Best qusllty fMirab Dre*s Silk, all colon, r«f, price 7fio., at bK, rerd.

Floe quiUKy llreei Ctaslltos. Ac. qualUr, 12^ 0. quality, J-Ui., «i 6c. yard.

Superior quality Frooch Oaliog Fisqisl( 12,41c; qiullty, i i i ^ y i n l .

Kid ( oahne, til colors, at yoM.Ijonsdsl* MUiliD, foil yard wfo*, lOe. quslk

ty, at 09io< yefd.22-lD*h CMtoti DUper, worth Tftc., at 4

pleos.Lswu aud Nstonok Stripe*, worth lAc kl

9 ^ yard.liookwnod 10-4 Bleached Bboedug, reg, prW

17c., It Uc. yon).Look at cu( Figiired Cbtoe Bilk w* will mi

to-morrow morumg at ffta. aod Sflo.; w«th 9fo and foC' yard.

DAVID STRAUS,ft36 and 637 Broad, Cor. New St

Bargain Value On Fans I

ioa—Larv*- lie PorcbmeDt Foox deU**li cotorint*, Isu efibcl slds*.

15«a—Bfsi qoaiuy rsrehmeut, riehd«w tioof, ekgsflt stvioi.

tooa—Block ParobmeiU Fxfto, loMworth aoc. _ ^

S^-ftfiOOfltfo I4rchia«ui Fob*, lace cVmAldeR. .

0g*.-.F1nR White and Cream Rorab Haw rtlnleo Fans, fine fUeks, wor<b tz-

Faranol Fir* Boreeno, fine »hsp*a


S I L K W I N D S O R T I E Sa ^ l u pric*. fnta Mo. lo eOc., oholn

iEN’s' ARFS!Naw Itihl eBbcH Ip Tbek BotrA,'' uttp- f | |

Iipad goodAitf. Ste. lo Wc. fobda *<-

B e e H i v e B e l t s-F O R -

U l i x , f ie n tln n s n t n d ChlldrsnB071’ CUtoD Balu Id itrii)*, and plala S >

00ton, with u t i t bwkta, at only.....Udieil nantad Oaur*. Ball* In while,

DtvT, otnllDil and Maah, with raalw bnaaU. tL.................... I k



U d M Rwl teal Bodiu Bella -lih Bna ■ilrar-hlaled bupela., la* i her-IlDad; aho Ad* Velvet BuwItlH BellaBtiHided wliU iteel u le u , eli*d« «>maioh lollliMa *1........ - ............... ...

tafUee’ Real Alligater Bella Innaallriiee ODlr, nfoJer prl« ?t<i, for........

Ladle.’ beat quelltf Silk Bella plel° colon end ti(1|j*a MW tnoklea at—

LadtaV Gilt and Hllver Itoportad Haul TjBelli, fa ir itrUah. at........ ............... 'Koralllei tbai tmilode ovajrtlilni dailwo"

la n a n of ptloe fmci ao. lo s l .M . .Spaclal pricaa no Bella lo uBilonPan el“|<»

*<a L.dlai' and Oaotlanaii'a Bilk and A*- ■oar* !<uhet tn lull variety.


— r. r_ '-V.* Miiut RtiMii* M*a.Hpll KAIdK lP<r BBWAEK RV

HERMAN HOTZ,S S * M i u k e t * » . , O o r . H u lD e r r y ,


LiPtABTiCO,707 to 721 B roaff S t n i t

SEWmiiAFSiLi:l « v L ohster P a th o f 1S9f ,

J u t B i e e l n iOroMt k B laokve lT s P lom

At ITa, lo oloat tot A lalt kUpDab;Bplaodld vtlo* In TEA. all kUiBa

a pouDd.Spedil3 lb.BoxG<»dTVRF«*^


•Weifttm Ibe I

Maoj fH tka cB' tBiflwal*. ia In Mtr fpjo theaiuibaaal wilu a lt TUi. »ro' ll«A 11fiwl in Th* fiv mile wIi*luPii, B< (hr (tepm Calironiii Stern Klt l ’. Itrer*i»«l Ih* firm

aboDt Tha Art diiiur el Ulavera

IVbrn the dim WM ladThar* a* Uarlpuaa in drama Tm'lomt t'uuntj, etofT ( t ftoin sn 34 feat il that hav to antiq

Tn* O era thaim m ll’l j(rava 31 IIWA Wl hern 45C It wntand diohollow Kide,'' uiiuo Pn lliroucb

Jnatl on. of tl rlrenmb warked through .lump, I ■ooothi bean del iutmanc ailed tl ihrre.

Ooe li Ul mctfi Grolefir real in c fret at ■

SEH. Thera V

From tin In thl

than thl are the! Call lorn of Hoot art of N Hill anf Korlh Ifqttire« JetMT • torn at mer i n :

Next h ire el I’eapiyl aach; I we,Gao ginia wl and Dal nolA H« Lafotlhi etch, t i Alabim land, hi one nat

Fobt only fat tbe Uni torn In linatr f wall, il Jouaa, c .hire, I'luridg

BA Sleai

From lb A yoi

with « pain tl aroBBtf by hia i coal all than hinpiioM they ki aE tltan thl

tome I fwl ba that ht nmeh, I apply I oametl

Sudd coal etI imeU, I BiMto Tb* IIISOI* 01•mull c

She' tllH fol of tbe Ike *v ivbleh


Fron t Tbei

yeslerliMpqpoexi 1log)*.

"So was tr aud diuuei dinloglUID*. diolng the bil deufts itflwai ' You’; yuu I lu|« I tberft*i foeitfsuch puny,’

"•V lln’t a overst off th(

T/om I Too

2ajur1( happll reoeat rood si »r«*i •vked pliAd, iourdi «rsekt todiiw acrid* ihougjdSQlplldcaii rid IS blip a bscooi foCOCB roiuiu *a6h

X T 3W A H K E V E X r x a X E W S , F R E D A Y , J U N E 5 , 1 8 9 1 .


Oliwile o f the Forovt T lio t A ro Coo- «hl»rtKl Uio a lo ry o f ColHornlo*

fp w 111* OM ur.phlcI ] |iQ j ( U ir o rn iu . r«f*rd iheU U tltn M

PI lb* cht* ( l l i r y o f the Th* !■«•( nlfbrtiw l of tb« bl* t f » tinivM, or fom U , it ia litrlpOH O ouat;. tb u u l iw to ty tolli* fioo ifao ToMuiiia V.tloT, th irty iuIIm louibout of tbo l« « o of H orlpoa. u d 140 la ilu .ln io if duo coat o f Boo F nacboo . fbla tttovo la cotupoaed of OTir 400 fianC !,(*«, (b* Ia r(s it of vh icb o n 30 fncl in iliuno ter and 300 foot blob. Tb* fro** ooTen ■ apoo* o f half a „ ile wide by Ibtoe-qnanot* of a n llo 1una. Hotaulat* call tbo Inam notb Ira* the bfqutdo tl |o o U a . I l u fonud oaly la Ctliforitio. ou lb* w oaten alofM o f tbo Bterrt Nevada*, b o tn n n la t l tu to 34° and 41°. I t ia a ooDo-boarlng avartracD, and reraieod Ita botanical till* from Endltcbor, Iha tirrm an boiantal. I t growa a t a baight

abont 4.500 foot aboT* the i«a lovol. Thi Aral apMumoat diaraverad war* a diiiter of 03 ooToriDg a apao* af 50 acca* In Ulavera* Oonnty.

When lit* Californiai)* Arat annonnoad the diarovery of tbo big tree*, tb* world waa Inclined to doubt tbeir ealataac*. Th«* ar* **»*» b'» t'** gtoveo—thro* in Uaiipua* containina 134 t r a n ovarlO fao t in diamalar, and SOOimaliu tn o a ; uu* in 1'iii'lunne ( ’ounty, one in Oalavaru County, and two in Tulara County. In arnry crov* tbanarag ian lc loud-aw aapeit from 3T5 to 376 feel blgb, and fbuni £5 to 34 feat In diaioeter. Boue Of tb* la^ycit tin t have been felled ahnw by tbeir rlngt an antiquity of f^om 2,000 to 2,500 yean.

Tb* tb la re ru gray* attract* nior* vlilt- on than tba otbera, becaua* It 1* more acrratible. Tb«r* are U n traea in tb ii g run 30 faet In d ianuler. Ou* of the liwf, wblrb la down, la eatimated to bavo been 450 feet kilgb and 40 foot Id diameter'. It wae tbe boery tnouaicb o f the grove and died of old ag^ aay 2,000 yean . A hollow tru c k called tbe "Uoraebaek Ulde,'' aeventy-Ave feet long, geta lie uiiue fVoBi tbe tact tb a i a man may rida lliroURh ft upright on boraebaefc.

Jnel after Uie dlicovery of lb* grove ou* of the lirgeat of the treea, 02 feet In cifcumterenoe, w u cut down. Five men corked tw enty-tw o dtya In cutting through It with larg* angera. On tbo •lump, which waa planed olTnearly to tbo imooLhneM of a ball-room floor, there bare been danciog parliea and tbeatnoal per- iunuaooea For a little tim e a newapapet tcllad tba B ii T m Jhiffafi* w u printed ibrra.

Cue tree in tb e Tulare grave, accotdlng to tneunremeuta by membera of tbe State (jeolufical Hnrvey, 1a 276 feet high, 100 fret In clraum fnnao* a t th* bale, and 70 feet at a point 12 feat abov* th* ground.


There W ill Ue T hirteen Oona of N awTork In tb e Next S«nate.

From tb* Evaoiog Wlmnain.In the new Senate there will be no l**i

than thirteen nativea of Now York, Here are tbair name*: Stanford and Felton of California, D arla of Hinnoaota, Siodcra of H ontana Paddock of Nebriaka, Stew­art of N evada U ePhenon of N ew Jen ey , Hill and Hlieock of New York, Caaoy of North Drkotn, Dolph of Oregon, and liqaira of W uhlngtcu . McPbeiaon oINew JetMy and Ciaey of N orth D akota were born a t York, Livingiton Cbonty, tbe fet- mer in 1833. and tb s la tter in I W .

Nazi to Naw York alnndi Obto, wbe will have e ight of her lona In tb e Senate. P e a o iy ln p la and Kanlncky will hare liz each; Vetnaont will b a n A re ; Tanoee- tee, Oaorgii, U usaobuietta, U alna and V ir­ginia will each hare fonr; N orth Carolina and D e law in wilt bare three each ; IIH- nola, New H Bm pibtre,BbodeIi1aid, Booth U folina and w «at Yirginln trill have two u c Ij, and each c f tbe State* of Arkanra*, Alabima, CouneOtlcnt, LonUlina, U ary- lind, Uiasouri, low* and Indiana will bava one native in th e Bennie.

Four membera a t the cew Senate, and only fonr, were born beyond the limlta of tbe United Btatea. Senator U cltillan waa born in Hamilton, O n t, aod B eiato i Qal- lingtr f lra tu w tbe light o f day a t Cora- wall, in the imbo FlOTtoee. Senator Jonea, o f Nevada,'waa bora In Herafotd- ■hlre, Euglaod, and Senator Paaoo, of Florida, w u bom in luindon.

r h e x ih a t ic r e m e d y .


Th* In te rca tlag Hwdy P re ti rM U I* rn w tle a llr P a n u ad .

Iram at. Nlebotu'i EaaaalnaL Uoal young people And botany a dail

itady . So i t ia, u taught from tba te i t- beekl in the aoboota; but itudy il y o o m lf In tb* AeU* and wooda and yen will And t i a too re t * f perenntal dallgbl. Fiad your Anwar and then nama tt by th* *M of the bolaoT. There la lo m nrh la a name. To And out w hat a tbiag la called ia* great help. I t it tba beginolog of knowiMlg*; It ia tba Aral atap. Wbao wa Me a aaw parHO who laM nat* n a w* with M know b it or h*r name. A bbd, a Auwer, a plac«-^tb« drat thing w t with to know abont il It lu aam*. l u nama b^pa to claulfy I t ; ft g lv u n i * handle to g nap it by 1 It tbedi a ray ot light w hen all b*- lot* w u dark. At toon t t w* know tba t tm e n f iU i ln E wt team to hava aatab- Itabtd to n e aort of ralatlati with la

Tbe otbar day, while lb* train w u de­layed by aocidant, I waadtred a faw yard* away from it aleag tha river margin M cklngwlld dowon, Sbenld 1 And any nhoae name Id td aMknowT Wblla tbua loluring , a yenng Eogtlab girl alao lif t th* train aod cam* la my dUootloa, plucking the dow en right and left u th* cam*. But they wer* all nnknown to her; tb td id uot know tbo name* of *ae of I hem, and tba wlibed to m id th a a home to her fathur, loo. With w hat aat- Uftctlon aha heard tbe n a a u ; tbe wordt uemad to be fall of meaning to bar, thoogb •bo b*d never b a u d them before In ber life. I t w u what tb* waa ted l i t w u a a IniriMurtlon to tbe Aowaii, ta d ber lnt«r- •el lu them increued *1 oooe.

'' T b it oraug*-«olorad dower which yon Ju it plucked from tbeedg* of th* Water, th a t ia our Jewel Weed," I u id ,

" I t look! Ilka a Jewel,” the replied.“ Yon h iv e nothing like It lo England,

or did not hava UU la te ly ; but I bear It ia now appearing along certain Engliak • tm taa , navlng b u n brought from ihia eonaty.”

* Aud w bal b th b F’ aba Inquired, bolding op a bloe Aonar with a vary b tiitly leaf ta d ittik .

" Tuat ta viper'a-tmgloia or bloewaed, a plant from your ilda of tbo watar, ana th a t b m aking lualftboroughly a t borne aloag tbo H udH o aud In tb* valleya of •ome of i l l triboiarlH ttnoiif the Cabkill*. I t b a roogb, hardy weed, bnt lu lower, with Ita long, conaplenou purple iMment and blue corolla, M yon ae^ b vary pretty.

” H e n b another emigrant bom aeion tb* Atlantic,” I u id , bolding op a d o i- tar of im all w h iu low eri, e u h mountad upon a litila iida ted brown bag or bal­loon—the bladder camplot. ” I t abo m n i riot In lom t o f onr Aelda u I am t a n you will not aw It a t borne." Sbo wont on Ailing her band* with Aoweta, aud I gave ber the namea of each—iweot dover or melilotni, probably a nativa p lan t; vervain (foreign), pnrple laoMatrifa (for- algo), load-Aaz (fo n itn ), cbdona or tnr- tie-head, a native, and the purple mimn- lu i or monkey dower, alao a native. I I w u a likely place for tbe cardinal duwer, hot 1 could no t And aay. 1 wanted tb b hearty Euglbb girl to ana one of onr native wild flower* a* inteoH In odor th a t It would td r iy au k a ber eyea w ater lo gtae npon il. J n i t then tb* wfabtl* of the engine lummoned n i n llib ea id , aod in a moment we were olT.

A Sleepy Wife Mlatook In k lo r Cent Oil aa a Lliiluient.

From tbo Baltlmcxe AnMrtcau.A young man who b aomewhat affllctod

with acnio rhenmatlani anlTeted ao nincb pain th a t be w u nnable to aleop, ao ha arouMd b b good wife, who w u tleeplog by hia tide, aod u k e d be t to m b him with « m1 oil. The wife, who wat no t more than half awake, arot* aod cot w bat abo luppoaed wai tbo coal all botti*, which they kept for th e t barpo*^ >nd beg** to ta lf the aching llmth A fter m bblng for iOme lim e abe aaked whether he did not feel bettor. H * n p ib d th a t he believed that he did feel aomewhat better, hot not much, *0 tbe honeit toller ooatinued to" apply th* fluid and rnb w lthaven more urnaatneea.

Suddenly th e biuband notlood th a t lb* coal ell d id n o t give forth th a t naoeaetioi imell, and rem arked: " T h a t b the ftan- nietl coal eil I ever n w ; i t h u no amell.” Tb* ileepy wife railed the bettle to ber note and fonnd th a t th* bottle did not amell of cod d l , bnt Ink.

She had made a m btak* and had taken the ihk bottle and applied the Ink, instead of tbe oil. A fter the Ink w u w ubed from the aw dlen lim b th* oont oil w u applied, wbleh aoob gave td le f



A Eody W ho MUIoek a C lergyaian fer nP lek p o A e t.

Fren tb* Vonib't ('vmpwtoo.A wealthy ledy of New York w u going

down town in aa elevated ea t wUb e cun- •idetabl* amouet *f money In her para*. At 00* of tb* autlona a maa earns Into the car. a man by whaas lae* ah* w u attack, and aba Inatantly u id t* b c ie tif that he mnat be a pickpocket. When be aat down beald* bar ik* Ihonghl of bar well-Slled pnrH and leaotyad to watch bim.

Suddenly her iscplckrn* nefabber pal h b hand down a t bbaiil* . Bb* felt It

elide down nalll It lonehad her pocM aed Inatantly ah* p a t her hand down and aaiaed lb* atranger by th* w rb t. He did not i tn ig le , and abe w u In aoma pai- plexlty aa I* w eal abe ebeold do nezt, be t abe Ihonghl thnt If be ihonld attem pt to get away the coaM, a t b a it , abew that th* had him by tha w rlit w ith b b h an d lu her poeket.

Sb* u id efterwerd th a t th* ee'old not te ll why *h* d ld n o tg ly e a n alarm at •n e t, bat tb* *ai q u b tly , w iltleg for her n*lghbor to lOtke the Aiw move.

They rode fa tb b way for iom* dit- Unee, when tn bar amaaemont lb* atran- gor at one of the down-town tta iioo i pre­pared to ibe.

" I f you will le t go 'o tin y arm , madani,'’ he la ri, with tbe utmuat coolntaa, "1 will ra t out bare.''

It* half row u be apokt, and to her o tte r ooafuilon the lady dbeuvenid that h b hand, iu taad of baing In her pocket, w u throat Into tha packet o fb u own uliter. Tba garm ent huog down ao that b it band hod protanl agalnat her purw without baing In ooulacl w ith it, and she bad been holding bim by thn wriat with no apparent eicuM w hatever.

She w u overcome with confiitioo, bnt managed to u y that ah* bad thooght hli hand to ba in ber pocket. T be atranger tm iltd and went out, w hile n gentlnmaa near by bausd lorw trd to u y i

" Don’t yhii know who th a t it, madam t T h a tb a s y Dr. B lank"

The nama waa th a t o f on* of tba beat known clergyman in th a city.


Alteration Sale!J. 6ASTHMAN, 697 & 699 BROAD ST.,

W i l l b e g i n t h e G r a n d e s t C l e a r i n g S a l e o n R e c o r d T o - r o o i r o w M o r n i n g . T h e r e i s n o t h i n g m o r e s u c c e s s f u l t h a n s u c c e s s , a n d t h a t h a s b e e n o u r g o o d f o r t u n e . A y e a r a g o w e a d d e d a M e n ' s F u r n i s h i n g a n d T r a v e l l e r s ’ O u t f i t D e p a r t m e n t . N o w w e w i l l a d d ( i n t h e n e a r f u t u r e ) s e v e r a l o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s , d u e n o t i c e o f w h i c h w i l l b e g i v e n a t t h e p r o p e r t i m e . T o m a k e r o o m f o r c a r p e n t e r s a n d m a s o n s , w h o w i l l s o o n i n v a d e o u r e s t a b l i s h m e n t , w e o f f e r t h e

G R E A T E S T • B A R G A I N SW e q u o t e h e r e a f e w p r i c e s o f o u r S h o e a n d M e n ' s F u r n i s h i n g B a r g a i n s .

T H E S E G O O D S , A N D H A V E S A C R I F I C E D P R I C E S T O O F O D D S I Z E S a n d S U R P L U S S T O C K .



; $ U 7__________ . . [•

iliHDioiiil patem o nL ir Tftuinr t--V> ^ | , g /



n K een

When M odeat M ntton M aaqweradad naChoice W ild UattM.

Freni the FIKiboig OUpalch.Thera waa antelope on en r MU of b ra

yetteiday a t dinner, atva to A rkanaueor- leipdodeDk A H lnoeapelb m an who aat nezt to me im lled when be u w tb* tn lo- logie.

" Seme week* ago,” he m id, "w hen I w u trayelllog on tbeCbioago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ballroad I chanced to tdfco diuner with th e >DpetloUodenl of the dlnleg-oac aervlocu He la an old frleod of mine. A i noon u we were eu ted In tb* dinlng-oar and tbe waiter had handad n i the bill o f faye I ootieed th a anparintoo- dent'a bo* grow dondy. He called tb* ateward lo bim and nddreteed bim w itb t ' Yau’ra oretdolng It. aren’t you T Hera yuu have menntnin theep, yeniaon, ante- lu|« and b u r on tb b bill of b re . Barely tiiera'a no call for fanr vHld m eab a t one meal, and ibere e aa 't b* any mbaey In •ueb eztrayagaat catering b t tb b oom- P*iiy.’

" 'W ell, air,' replied tb* ateward, *U bn’t ao bed H i t look*. Yon *** we'y* an oterrtook of m atton and wVtn w orking It ofl tbe beat way w* can.’ ”

Tile RallriM d Bhoek.From Iha Evenlog WfaeoHln,

Too tendency urpeopla lo H agfartt* tbeir H uile t when caught In a i*lln-td tmathup H. happily act oO by Chaunosy M. Depaw to a rtotnl talk with a Chleago repmter i “ Ball- rotd ohoek la tbe wont lifluty ImagtnaUa. In * recent aocidanl a man In a Waguar oar WM liked II he bad barn Injured. ‘ No.' ha R- pllad, * aod a pcooUar thing about It b laetof tour donen egga I had In n b u aa l not one r a etteked.' A iilUe la w a mutnal frbnd ealbd and Mid the man bad raoeiaed a ahoek lu CO* aocldani that preranted hb ootleeUng hb ihonghta or alaeplBf. I rabiad tha agg loot- dent, but that dtd.oat m atw . He gate ear* tihcatM flea two promItMat Ifcw York phy- ric lu i elating the lioib ol hb elatm. I gar* him a chaok Air 17,UP. Th* mao grnmIMd hacaoM 11 WM not enooib to ybid Dim a Ufa tomme. Hot be took th* check, want South, ttiu n id In three w e tla n d m iiinad bnalnaag •nd h u ODI had a a Ink day aliton"

A FoQF'footf^l ftentlavl W ith for Ifllii11«tie

From tb* UomiM JoiuimL On* of tbe atriklng flgnn* In the Roa-

alao palace of OaUohtne b tb* g n a t Den- bta bonnd th a t atretebaa b b powarhil frame in tb* ball leading to th* prlfate apertmanta o f tb* C au.

T b b g n a t dog, aald lo be the largeat of lb apeclet In tb* world, w u p rau n tad to the C aatlut about fonr y u ta ago by ber b tb t r , th e K in g o f D enm uk. I t b u id th a t tb* C elt took * liking to tbe animal fVem Ibe atart, aod neyer goM on any pro­longed Jonrney w llbont l b oempeey.

Haying bnt little eeofldenc* In the** abont him, h* aoema to e e n tn h b lU tb In tb* dog u a guardian *t n n b lllag fldellty, tn d tbe dog ip p a ran tly tad p raen b i tbent- laebment. I t waa r»ported 1a*t anmmar when NlhiUat rnmora w a n r i b and doon- m enb of n Ib ru ten ln g natnre fonnd their way to lb* yery b b b o f tbe Char'* p riv ab oaUDel, th a t tbo A a to en t of all B um lu parm itbd Iha hennd t* aleep b tb* ball adjoinlDg b b bednora. For aom* nnez- plained reaaon lb* dog beeanm yary ana- plelona of oa* of Ibe guardamen and growled oontlnnally when tb b men w u pot on du ty u a MUlnel lo th* palace.

Nothing eoold b* ibown and notblng w u inapeeted aiiaiaat the man, bu t t* lai^ b ly the dog b* w u withdrawn bom n t - try duty. In the ouo o t another n n tin o l tc b reported In Bb Pabrabuni th a t tbe hound looped npon him and nearly Io n him to pbcea tbe f ln t t la u fa* u w him, T be Char, h e * rla | tho eriM fbr help, went to tbe door of b b apartmont and baalUy n lle d the dog. wbieb obeyed bbanmmooa.

T be oeittnel w u b n a d to be u d iy laocrated. T ba Oaar d lne ted th a t th e In- J n e d man ataoold be oared b r and com- penuted, ba t tlaoerd*t*d th a t b* n a tv r he permitted to enter tbe palace again. The u t o c r u appanatly b u b ltb In the indcmpoi of tbe dog, whom bo b u named Paler, after tha fenndar *r Bnaaia’a g r u t - ■***. ___________ ____________


HI* 600'* A d n lrn tlex for B ee ik jgeek R u n to Ik* T k m tre ,

Finm lb* New York Bun.Da Wolff Hopper In k b yonnger day*

waa paiiionnuly fond o f tb* tb u lm i but owing to tbe n iig loaa tcrnpba of bla Quaker b tb e r and tha Qn*k*r ooatoui* be were, be w u lom ew hu handicapped in the ^Ifllm eni of b b dmhe*.

Bnt It appu ra th a t th* b a l ly butler w on citiaeo'a clotbea, and abo th a t he w u abont ibo u n * build u Da Wolff. Ac­cordingly, b e tw n a them they ecnooeted a little acbem* w hanby Da Wolff donaod tbe botleFa e lo th u end tb* b n tb r donned Do Wolff'E Thing* w eat awhmratngly with ycneg Hopper ontll on* fetal night on* of fall fatbaFa acqnaittBncu bappentd t* apy b lm a t tb e tb e a tn a a d n m w k ed In a c au a l way to tb* old gentloman th a t be bad aeea h b ton a t the play.

Th* b tb e r eallad tb* n ab rtn n a t* yM th Into b b atndy and n id t "Son, k ia t I b u been to the p layhouuF’

"Yan, b tb e r .”"H ew many tlm u fatal I b u b u n la Ibn

p la y b o n u r’" S e n o ty H ix4 b tb e r.”• Whom fa«U Ibu**m i u r u t y N m u r ” Booth, tabor.*"A n d than b u boea aeventy tint** to

tea tb b man Booth f '"Yaa, ftthar." '” Than i f tfaoa b « baen u r e i t y t lm u

to a u c o * m in th e n mnat b t uaaathlng b him. I th ink , u n, I will go myu l t . ”

Bwap'plng a H lfa.From tti* Boayer Ealb Trltninc.

A few montlii ago a man namad Zimmer- m tneirltad lo Oaillngtoe, tab conntr. wlib a held cf lonba. Anuiug thou who looked longingly ou a parOoalu pony w u Uooeg* Divb.ayouog auRlgit man *1 that ptow. OaTM bad no manajr, hot ba ptfomad a wib, whom bo oShrtd to excbtogt for th* u lm i t and a money eonetdiratinu. Tb* with wna eontolled. and tiiar a faw dtyif dickering Zimmgtaaii um ed to Mra tbe pcoj and a deed to 144 acraa of land In Honiana In *i- change lew tn# woman The papaf* w*r# daw n upend Simnwrutn iw k the woman and DzTbthe pony, b e cowboy ead hire, parbw an t Waal, ta t »b* aoon rapeptad and ukad tobataM u bank to ber 6rn tor*. By ta b tlau Darto-dmeuaiad that Ztmmtiawn dU not own a flnt of land m Maouaa or toy other pitot. The lani:ent-looklDg pony torned 0*1 to ba ayarythlag that w u bad, tod when MiL D trbu ilV M Mm*

Th* Peculiar HoUliy o f an A rdent and Jaduitriou* NKt«.r«llit»

Froa lUitfiUftied Amerletui.Tb«ri il ft nftturnUit whow hobbf cod*

siiU in ooHftCtlog tbft iltift dost with which thft w iftp of muthf ikftd huUerfilfB iro eoTortd ftod fortnlftK At mu!<t ftr-tittle tnd plctufruyio doiigDi.

Ho QouaU oiieh liaglci gfoln of doit •oporfttolF, M t i to m ik e bouqucM of flowerta fero Imto« »nd huttoifliM hover* iag foand. T hli he does in « ipioe vcca- pied b j tho iightb o f » ineb.

I b ftaotbor deitgn be bftO ft Tooe of pftitioB flowen mwlft o f apw ft^ o f500 gnUfti of dOKiftod ftgftin bft bfts ropre* ftonted ft pot of fbcbelaft* w ith butberfliei ftsd birdiy in tkrM -iixtftftOtbt of ft ftquiio Inch.

Thif n a rff ilo tii m otintfag In miDlfttnre will be more rn d tlF ^adcritood when U te menUoaed tbftttbetviftre eo tnftn^ iloglo grftini of d i» t oa the butterflr^B wing that oo maa basHcoeedod ia ooualfng tbeoi,

Tbtft tamo nau ira iitt niou&led a coaple o f bnodred of the tia lee t eggs of the •DBRlloit ioiectft po ftft to iDftkft ft perfect geometrical deivgDp y e t the wbote old act cover tbe ipcce of a qQHrterof ao inch in d lim etor; while Bnolber arden t natarallit •elected u d nrranged 3,660 yoang o jite rs w llbittft circle a h ttle leoi then three- eigbtba of id inch in diam eter,

X a t i e w w .

W pain of l-fttika' Ootipola Huiion, dmmiud p>iU’n: leatber upe, wiih Tiew Diilitnrjr liiie!, Miir tinu Hbue. TliUMie ..to........... ......

•00pftlrse< ied ie i' Dutivola Button, in bnV'Nw, lUib low or hiifh iitW'V, our tS.W Hhoc. Ih u mht.

t&O palm o f !« Ue«' ftouUui Kid Hut* uii»,kouher iipk, mir bbOv-. 1'htn Mle.

2t0 peln of 1*adle»‘ Flue Ikititoia fiultou, m ill <U«mrHid pat. kMiil]- frtipe, lu low or btub heels, ouc 18.00 Ib liM ie.... ................

44 of BiirtU end other mHikec •f1 French Kk) BuUon, linuia XV. beeiii, uiir prict*ib were tHkOO aud 17,00. This WMe-..,a...... a*.............

1A5 polrt ot BurVit and \VeU'ii traku*. Ia'JM Frimch K:d Buriun, the Onefli Bade, ft Pvlvijdid listrlH'''Uit Bior, wpiv! ARii Fi. Thin Mle.

)7A imlni i»f lAtlk-.t' Oilufil't, eitb dtamond p*iertt iAauier upit. qiirrt'gubir ftiMiOxiuiiift. IhiB baW....

BOO palm ol Uuieei Oxft'rd*, uHL diftinomi tlr* id Mun«i luft* terial, hantl-uiade, diir ri'fiiilar

m d IV Oxii^rdi. Ih ti sete

$1.10 ■i $1.19

son pair* oi hn« KFMixftintii, with ilUmoiid {Micnut'iihi'r with fifiw Biiillunr heel, inir nftitJiir 9i OftKwl*. TAuimUi’ .........

460 uftlrn lyf liWlltt’ t.rnn Kkj ptMh, hi ('uoiuion leiiite, bnitoe ■ nd bnx(<H' Mhtt dittanod (utUiiit ^■iher iitir m fo Oxfi>rd^This Ule-..w.M..a..,................

A vnian qiitntUv of rtiltdN Shoes, 111 Ooujftda end iimlsht with befh, our prliv fl Ibis ISlS................... ......*............ ..........

Our youth's Veft. ' 'But*Um iwh. .Adn,

jg rug-81-50 KliiMa ibUsalc.-M.a.ra.e-.eBo)i' YeftI (*a1f lace snd Huttnn

Htoet, our reftUlNr pri(« fit ’J'bw talC«,.-.............. a................

Men'StlKXll, salv-

Oemlemen's Ftnest Oiir Bnitwi and rongreMfl, lu Kreiit’h and lorn, with Uivs wtiirh ue fKjkJ st LianilfiL ILU Mle.................. ...Mcti's Ftennh i'alt (rquuIos hand” wtilili hUnes, Id buis.. huiion ru>1 f'uDfreBa our li.53 8hus. Tbis sale,....*,.....a*..*,............. ..-.-I...... .



$1.29 $1.46

I'lt VeftI f'eif lace and Hutinn 1 0 Nuikuur regii’sr pru'e li. lliw [K |,4{)



l.flOO KinWliiff Kiiii NtH'kUsi, Wielie Iff tiiipwi Bill 111 liku lali’Ni lishlnii,our ikV. (UiiJ 'Ho. ThU i»aU'..,

Srirffl, iti ‘fViwiw tMir ik'M', ■ml 4«9i'. Kk'Hrf,Thu omit.............................. a........ ..

lOO dtiien UriiU' libirih, all wild £fiir-plv bkiiHiiit nu'i n’luWt'uti,wuiib75(V 'J'bW Niio............... .....

M down Fivuch IWtlJiiictftn ■loi l>ravbA‘rn, our 7'k‘. utHNla TliH»sie ..................... ............................

30U dl inn idiuii' litwe, 111 lUiKlen eiiil UulK, pIsiM «iid elock, (MirlioMf. TUIt<«sl-’.................... -........

ion dnst'n lVtrl*itw| ihmdkerehMfs nintnnii Iro.u 'jOc, U) 1 hli

bO dotuii iiiatlc uf U‘'Xtaoriuii' iii'vv luttfot MdJuNl*■tiW* iHU'klM, mir 1. *. nndsierk. iiittf sale .........................

MdaMn id'UUf ShlrtH. Ui Hx*Ktnl 4'ttttb ei)tl MwiiftA. Kiianiu* liHtl flulufr t l iumJ II .Ml-<ibirl-sThis lull'....................................... .

loodi'xen Mi'u s Iiomi'i wiihidHlii fttid pisitwi iKWoms, tor tmt»ftU>................................... ate......... ..

Our Fine Br4irl!i sud Teeks ihsi wereIto. tad 7iV.. ilih Mle,.,..........


39c.4 8 c .

S T O B K O l ’E N T I L L « O ’C L O C K K V E K Y E V E N I N G I k U l t l N O S A L E ,

OME PEOPLE haYe an Idea that lo be properly dressed requires a great deal of ready cash, but the

knowing ones know that hy opening: an account with us, and paying a small amount weekly, two-weekly dr monthly, they can always be properly dressed and need not worry about the ready cash.

We keep eiery requisite in wearing apparel and Children.

Men, Women

J. BARTHMAN, 697 and 699 Broad St.

fictnirw rr«m«ft**0 « to thw Mftnamot> orsn. Cftry A KeDor* KA3 Brosil stre«L ibr foae Pn’iorc Ffftfflcs, tM chefti>est u id dmi pii ttx tha Axle. Fail iLuft of An Matcriftli.


It Ibay had merit, they woiiM noi claim to to u

gotid u aomeihlng clae.


BMki on Blood and 8kln DlHaau flea.



W H Y ?Because they are original in all they do.Because they give everybody a square deal. Because they lead in high qualities and low prices.



W H Y ?Because they have won them upon their merits. Because they have revolutionized the clothing trade. Because they lead and o thers follow.

of Clotig!567 B R O A D S T .

SlierfliaD, Safli'dels & Go,


f a Hat$!I F Y O U w a n t t h e l a t e s t in

S T R A W H A T S f o r t h e c i t y ,

c o u n t r y o r s e a s h o r e , s e e o u r

A M A , O P O R T O o r S E N N E T

b r a n d , a l l n e w s h a p e s .

Y A C H T H A T S f o r L a d i e s ,

i n b l a c k a n d w h i t e b a n d s . A ls o

B o y s H a t s i n v a r i e t y a t

to r D e tn K .ffiom tb a Dotroll Free Fma.'tV uan told tqr • dtaUnguiabad UlnttiA In

the geld of comic opera that tbe oafnetty ol tb* poltotman for inaocaiit fa)oym*ol a Joal •a great aa any otbar uan ’i. Tbara ft a t leaat one on Uia t « « lo tbla d ly who bat a da- tUWfnl aaoae or bun)or. Yeaietday mornlnt. II totog elacikia day, aad all Ibe laknaa gn- •unatilr oloaad, be waa Man to tm trge fo r tiraly t o n ib« aida daot of a pnanlnaol dHnkiiigalaaa^wam ■mand lo Ibaftoaiand eatenutMuaIr ra iiit tfag T/gti of Iho ltnat 2Mf. irtiflll rig l ■ l l t o l a iH b fl, wbtia ba ta tojt a s t o i a ^ j r j ^ l i i s ^ ^ a M i b s mna-

Cor. laiiet ud lolborry Sts.

ISBURI PIRK, R. J.‘ • S U N S E T H A L L . "

ftpnnaeotli neawHi | cot bloek tnm Ocean Open Jiioa 15. For tanna, daKitpilca, amp ami circular addma

JOHN B 0C K A F IA .L *«A 601L

^ H E m » I I O f l S ~gU Third Bvantie, Aatary f'urz. H. J.,'aeeaad block Inim Oeaan nut »••( iuuael Lake ■ aiNSTOCfl t JAMW.

ikMostlA D L E R & M IT C H E L L ,


W H Y ?Because they spare no expense to beautify them . Because the fine quality of the goods give them tone. Because the low prices give them a finishing touch.

To Whin Do too bok D) LilesI ?A D L E R S M IT C H E L L ,


W H Y ?Because they get them direct from Paris, Because their Ideas a re those of young men. Because they lead in everything they do.

A t e & Mitchell,umoi TEH PER CERT. CLOTHIERS,



ImmftnM FhUutb of Four Jafinw Wholmlft FirtPK. The hr,d.n ttvc-Mlory huiMlPB, CiC7HHDAD ST., Newftrk. ruuQiux Uirmiftb fiotrlT tbp emlre Yiliock, Iru beea h in^ by ibu AMigULK) fiprpBfU fuf ihi |>ur]Kjso 4i( tbii gnist tale. Th« sio«k of ilip Imir CniM «’OtisisU uf ueiriy irrF'i.OUiMifnnri of Meu'-s IVitm* aud llhlldniu'i FiDu h|irluf( ftnd Sumuicr ( lixAiltii. tUM aihI luraUiiuift iroodft, ftnd, by i>rdnr ol ilia MMlAoov, ibe oiiUre Hock wtll be »nld ftl rPtftU at per lc«a ihtn ftruml ctwt, itMl Ibp **- Iftia mvwi ba sftilisi up In lu dayi. Ib lt hike 1i u(»w gouiK un and wllli (xisllirpty Iral fur Id dayn oiiIr> As ibp iltno rf ihti ftreai oale lx huU o^ ev^rylblufr will gi> nff npidlra suoli an laU hotDover Wlore Ukao plac>9 fu inta clijr. aud pon- tivalf lyliJ never orpurn^lu.

lit order to »btm Hbut hviTBlniwill bp otT''n‘d, a luMi iiriih s wiJI be uiendoned', ■ml reuiPDiber, Hhtj urc iifarly ID,(Kb oRiit (tootle tvccAfi mK muuUuu ben* I'ui tble oui, tritig H with yuu. an l ■>>■ jo.- tliu ri>llu>rliif niPii;|4Hii«d aplpiuh, ■'.ct iviui'tnliui', rblAMit) MiUunly Jm I l.'xJays; A si lt'iidiili .'‘uit ofSrlPU's CJ4>tbDi nlM tHJ, worihfUluO. 'J'Iuh HbJviiii u well made, huv quAlity, ialPH •lid ([uarauUHHi uortb tlU. 'Hiis tl.Biinili h« ■llivnr vou Ui Keep JiGine 4 ftndlf roudno't Yblnk U itohn Whl, 4>r If yim aro not ftftils- Ap I lyltb tY, no mailer wb.il lUu cftiite. If Doi )>olled, we hereby hirsl ourNi'Ivcs uud agioe lu D'turu lb" t4.liii. yioir*i Fluo Tup <4jftii At lAjii,

] wocIhFA.lk). Men's KietftiilSpriNK UvonioftiN,I MUk and ’atln IIiihI, att7.!KV \MirUi Meti'a

Fine Huibi nt ST.WJ, wortii T fiiit itliiimM Btid buUbuil In el'^ftani vM*' aiul is vtiry bnmUmne. Alan uvt'i liAUOa differant styJea nf FiuuruNtum-iiiaile Miliband r'pniiK Ovureoai\ •quatly aitihraii, all ujuhl gu.ittuuruleM or Dull or qmuliy. Kxira pair ut Mi'n'a PmuIs, for iprtni Heur, Ht ftl..'N'i, itiiirnntivoi] lo t>«i wortb $4 «r nmliey n.*tufu.!d. 'J’Ihiap|15i> I'litui arfl inft'iB of ubuvlnl plGtb, vnrr liftntl*4>me. And if yo i dimUthink tbpy nr« Honb brm^ tiu.'Qj ijorkand ifci >»ur ipouoy. A spluGiilO tini of It lyi' Cloibui M si.b'i, ViTV huridanme, amt WoriJi14.00. 1il6:rM L'ilugftiit ivinJirntdorod Siispcodem.100., womIi ' lOt'. t'hlKlrpii'i KrievPaiitahl 1{K‘., ■utJ 100.001) tJifliTviit uLliii'r gijodh, wbicli wu hiVR nn ptai-'G u> m'iidmi bon.-, Ihiu't lail lu mil aud exaiRinu g-Hyls aud firlces at thii ftj'eai a*i!>ftni‘p oale ut reuill, ic Aiii enst^ou ouebiug ui I'ftlt iHul Jndfc for yminiclf, bikI you wul Und that tuo ubuvu e r ' |himIuvii

I Jocia, A chancp (n apt *in:h IwrgiiM ihP- t rlsra oyee in u )WY>(iTDC. Uemember iho

■fjllPtoi, W7 miO.kl) M . .Newark. Uur- Ins IbP liTL'Hl ■^4)iinec lurlu lOij huiiiJltiK uiU Ini j GlKiii iroiii 10 o'clock 111 Miu Tiiuruijiu iiiiLil V ut ! iilshl. n u tbla oiil, bring Hill with yuii* '

I and reniHmiier. TIiR IlK‘ ('l.iWr.D OUT IN’ IfihA^S. Jjfm'l fiKTgiH rho J pout, .'iC7 Broad «v. threuduor.’i above fantrai 1 aVL'., Ndwark, N. J. Car fiira paid |o alt [lUr- j chasnrf! rcHldlug mu of (lie eUy. . fal;i‘ no iiiD'

Ukv; be aiiie you gel to (Uu right plac«> TiO? Broad ab, kwtwi’en <'«ritr«i avu. <uii Waihiug- lou plan, Nuwftrii, N, J.

r O R M E N , W O M E N A N D C H IL D R E N ,

2 0 5 H a r k e t S tree t,N E W A R K , N . J . , N e a r M l n e r 'g T h e e t r e .



n-MHagleCliiiiBiivIs,. 25c. e a c hRegular (9c,


15 CentsCentsCents

ContaiinlRg lOB. rod in tbrae p \§ ^ . braN mounifd. oft# palprt real aod Unp |l)kt«, |0lt. Ilib Uiw, tbroe flfb tookli uae final, uDo ilnkrr.

rppiftltilDg one lOfr. tbrev-pleoe rod* atftined and bnifti rnmMib'd Mml gulden, one ptieui r«flt, SDH. Une, tbre* lltJfer Iwuk*, GUM flOftb <1110 itPker i «lt In ftcVAb fang.reiitiiining 9fl* irout or 10)^0. bava mdp. luiipttvruou <ir hurn liBaia tjn, |•ftl6llf n’pl hti ilffl or ihrne doublu inrilal bou h<wkf, dilft. iluou IIh%

iblt feiuLoa.»tr* anoila^

oup doit, uti« plDle^

biWLe,gfb»iaMFtoa«»nN'ff Aa*aY«r'l Oarlhl NtoM • nag 111 ifMt g. am n4g lb 6i I iir.tfltYOlbUik.MaMM miWtol ( Mm, lb M. *MMt Mkr««1II TM.4MUMi UtoU UH *

M *

ife-*— - i?Jh o [ s ia iB K *We bays ftlao complete nulflh fi>r Trout or Rum ot gtiioril fiakliig af ibe foliowlog to w ill

98c., $1.49, $2.26, $2.98 •'»• and $4.91Th*M! ftiT Iha mnai r<m)ptf'(n nU'Oia pul im, and Jitar the tb ln t fo toko with ynii to thft roua*

irv. TYii'> are |>*t!ke<l lu u n u i 4,r b«gi, with comrloie daacrlpllve Hit gf oi»iiont$i m ftftcU* (XKD8 aud look at them.

H E D E H B C W 5.Hewftrfca FTtdftF* Jupe &

O u r G in g h a m S a le o f fine im ­p o rte d g o o d s h as b e e n so succesiiu l th a t w e h a v e d e c id e d t o c o n tin u e it. S u ch d isp lay o f s ty le s , sales an d p rices h as n e v e r b e e n k n o w n .

MBroWlttmet.W . S . H E D E N B E R G & C O ,

ftM l bn mu*' IWatgoaUsa; im g |3 l i iT i

_______________________ rtiiiR to rwm giadir wtlooaMd bg barritliiinl iM tonil

Haorr sT iS itr . aCbatnun, W. 3.. t« manr raam nltlitto laM ueantoteg Bank ef ffairaill, X. J., «m at- g^M dfor e n r » l} w n wu* OMairta lo tit laeH am invatel atat maUgnent lotm, Ha cuiMiiiaSaouBitotof p h g a n j^ amt irtad* ■attuoito af maownt* w tlto it a w . Iwl ataW two T**«t age waa agato tlir «w«4 to i i ja uM * f4< s« rltoW pH Mto t o l g i i j j t o MA «atiitr«tea<, wbara it yav tolenra nceofohaig* l l a n t A. M. to7 F. M- on***b to r s -

«b e » waag. netvim got ataag-

K E F R i a E R A T O B S .M B L Y a iS r a t e n t

■ *T « « u n T s n w o t t f w »BANISTER* POLLARD

gan i i a x i c n ■ n u o n .

236 Maiket,Cor. Mulbiny St., Nrnrk. N. 1.

lalisl SUlB, B s I f t t A M f r i i H .

R E M E M B E R 1

W« cBD 5BY* yott from $1.00 to $2.00 per Pair on tbe Broad 8L Prieet oa any fine Shoe of name make,


Oil i Mm Si of Jas. A. fiailef s Hi's Sies,« I T w it DO OtAISI TBAT W« w ilt , OOMTINtl*: TO HfiU, THIU, AND AT TN«


III OirGeiiiliii: mi F a u Leatlier t e at $$00 Fur Pair.n e w a b k u a k jl _______

A G I ^ F O B W . L . D O U G L A S S H O E S , R A c y A D A in * o o .’i i a i m i i o n , e 6 - M a o r u a D K 4 L iM O B A u s t i« * a f l« .H A .



M i i l i .i t is also a s p len d id re s to ra tiv e to

th o se suflTering from w eakened e n ­e rg y , a n d for a l l n e rv o u s troub les it

w ill lie fo u n d a m ost w liolesonic

rem ed y .


“Old Homestead”H ALF AND HALF.

A n d if y o u r g ro c e r d o es n o t keep it s e n d you r o rd e rs to



TOILET SETS.uw OCEANIC TOir.KT5 KTS, tOpii'Cea. lutlw*-.............................................. .n,S TOII.CT RKT.'i, 10 |ikeef, new ilin|>a ami nanriwl decorailoni............. .7S New RTlPFLIf TOII.Br RBTS, large v**. to p ltru , uantltd leooratlont...

• L R S•2 .4 9• a . T t t

HAHNE&CO-, Broad, Halsey, New & W. Park Sts,


flToUdy miReran-KO IIHIAK' ffoOIM. Kino •ofttradriMtil alt flKArJIiEsi aOiiet. Fti Ilka a

•love. miVToKiA Sail# lACK. kiW; SFIUKU SIUBb, CtW

aFoUr apicmatoit l>r m an-n 1«1W BimlMt, u m a V lu n lUireaAATMOUT.‘ r . H. rn H iN K „ ,

m i b su a u it . K««niia l U .



n'e will lei tbe public know that wo am oloarlug out brokan Up tola of Mgbl CulonA Sell* at bairibnir value. Tna brni opportiiulijr for poopla lo get a a in iummer anil nt a varr tow Suiire. aiid w* aw t l « gl'to* awa, a gtNgl STIFF OR SOFT HAT with averg men". *011 ot etotbea Iraa of rbarue. tVUb Boy.' aisl CbllOnin'i Sulla wa an giving away a nlea CAt'a 1'bwe an a law of UK pHwa Ibai you « u gel Uu gooda fai i

a Fine Ail-wnol Hint for,............................................................. ..ffil.M, Worth llUXkA Fill. All-wool suit for....... ......................... v.oo. Wvctb iinu.A Hiio All-wool Hull fur................................ H.UO. Worth 1A60.A Finn All-wool bull for.......................... H.rw. Worth H On.A Fine Ali-»«il Hull lor................................... o.iw . Wiirtli U>.W,A Fill* All-Wool Suit lor....„............. .......................- ............ 10,00. Worth ISBI.A l'’tiie All-wool Suit tor......................................................... .. 11.00. Worth 1AM).

Como aud rxamlno ibe broken lut of BOVS* and CUll.DRKN'g RC1T6 of Uia very fliiavt luatea tliiw and tbo Iwal ourtoin niwlo, of wuirh ibrni an leu only * lew of etob Uae Uut w* uW offcriu* at nOe. on iha Uollar. A tow of tbo prlee* we wilt neeilon b-low:

A Finn buy'. Sul', long panlA for.„.................................................ns.!®. Worth fAWA Fliio Uoy'a Suit, luui panit. to;.................. 4,aa, Wiirto T.lkl.A Fin* Boy'a suit, long p*nia, tor........... ........... 0.00. Worth SiAA Fluo Hoy'a Full, long pat’ll, tor.................. O.W. Worth *(Wt FtM Hoy’a bull, lung pania, tor.................. T.IHt, Worth lO.ta,Our culldrtu'i Suit’, In knee panu,hH...».>......- ................. Me. Worth hro.Our Cblldren'a Hula. In kne* pania, for............................... t.oo, Worili 1.7A>Uur Chltdrea'a Sulla, In kiae pant*, fur...;......I....... ............. l.SO, Worth &H0.Our ChihtraD't suliA lokoM pania, for............. ..................... l.M . WiviliOur Cblldrea'i Sulla, lo kne* pania, Im............ .......... it.00. Worth AT.AOtir Childran’* SulU, in kneejMnlr, tor......................................... S.OO. Worth 4SW

OUB XKElfl'AliTif W8 *ra iilnuat giving »w»y-A Pairnfilnod Ht run Paula lor......................................... ................. ................... lltn,A Iwir of thaat Wuallen Italia ............... ....................................... .......... . aSr,A {’all of Fin* All-wool ItalUi tor„._.„.„.................................. ............................. ftOe.

D o n ’t I i ’o r g e t t h e iP l t tc e a n d N u m b e r I

S . H EY M A K T,;cLOTi4*i?o Mouic, Springfield A v en u ^ ,


i h s w A B E i T B t n ^ e ir t s w S . f b i d a t , r o i r s s , 1

i lN t f J tR C l l?Efi' HIVE.

|lot a Day Passes but What We pind j^eui BargainsTo Place Before Our Patrons.

Upstairs Dept Spediltips.

SSe.jdoucM^aMt Itc jd

.......................... .. skB nn rum w oott. ;•«VIdUu, ittiiM rttd.

C knU lt €^n i> —WM •«, W............Mm 11.4, *1............. •a.M

two GREIT SPECIALS- I K -ft|t ORkiv Tiimii.

K»l. alLinnl. M |«|tWOt,Ml addltri

iTWS5i*iS'iSt a r k H f KMt UH i f <7W*‘ ‘ '

Wiih Solti, J«nw7 Mti ud NoTBlfy Com-

binotionSititaStrik* ingly Lov.


k ri' StiM, f iliU, Iwkfut, Ete.“O U IJ A ,”

f k « l l r r t a r i a u M U i l f T>M«.



^iSSsri^**Dwptrr # lk —tU ix * PUlB u d Kit- Ijl* i d

B n d u k tw tU k iV .................. .... BoCiJU

W M «« I M u - t a l lealebdliitihMHotliiHl, buiifeitii lollMi, 71*

UaU IHofi, ...........—« t T u u trT-«M 0i> t r m mtk | j { _|ie.«H rasls-D vek l t « a w Tmakt, m il • ( | |

a id t, cimputimatt, •>«.,«....... f ■•>0L «m f l u FH klof Traak, fnebl* I1.TS

Silk Windsor Ties,R arm r ftWai froa vo. lo He.,

SPECItyilLOESFirst-Clin Timekeeping

CLOCKS.Vhik«‘nrd Tub# d«abi, fosmotMtl iQn

•om it, .....................urn.* VvCt

ALARM CLOCKSB nt Tluiekaepan....... ?9c.n-hour TIom AUret Claou, nprliht,

niekiillM l,ela*)»UaBie«,«onk ( JH-bmr T i a e k a

SitsM takrort Clucks ftjr irtroUlni.i.dijr »a*

BloktlM, *t................. IfC.BOTir, Q iiiiir a)<d ladijw

l S S - C ' -iMtL

Parasols.BLACK lATtM TKIH. m 1......


FANCY COACHINOil "LYON” HAKK........... ............. - ....... ..

UnN DB CBUtB "LYON"^MAKK........................ ...... .

, si.eowefa HH

. $1.89trofUl M.O0

$t.eo' ’$ i!60mliH»


100 Trimmed BiU, $1.10100 Trimmed EtU, $1,98audten'i Fuel Stnv

lAILOa BATS, all eokn , at.____ _ lOc.Cblldna's Trimmed

lAILOKHATAkl............ .......... — m e .

Gold Brtldi,M la 1 IH IM «lda, ttt pUla, fcaer-

llaiuail. DenltnM a ad e u in ; mreA|t,i .A Ha. laTSt;, UM ClwM al.......__

lllllien Onusenti,la tnahf. batf-rlua aad olhar jiU-

HfBa; n f . priatHo. loMo., cbom

l i s scarfs.Hfw llffbt f f c i l i ts TVok ftotrti,

S& 'eooS W U iu afic. 10

** Dtirablfl " Cludii SuspendersAt w aH h M «4 ak M a.. *#€111 at.

O N T H I S C O R N E R F IX Y O U R E Y E S M c W H I R T E R & W I L S O N .

The B a r ^ n Creators of tlio Newark Trade.9 8I1TURDI1YT O

12 MORNING. Worth UKd. Hr.

Y A i-raraUDlSUNXgaal la anrth in t u td alM ahna

at To, a j u i , lo r .................. ..

G u tm and Russet Leatbep Shoes for Ladies, Gentlenien and Children.T R C M S AND BAGS FOR TRAVEL BY LAND OR W ATER.

Summer : Necessities : of : Aimost : Every : Sort.

L 8 . P L A U T & C O M P A N Y ,7 0 7 TO 721 BROAD STREET.



Ladna' Wort B liim . s lih flidla, iila a ILH,F O R 9 8 c .

Tkrtlal Wool Blaim, W mand all ataaid with eoed, hoiw aellir, lilua H n

F O R $ 2 . 6 9 .AlWwool Tin tnodi m tm n , h tm -

ibgft iollBr. Ilk SM ito M d iiw I u A ftnll*. wontatLU,

F O R $ 3 . 0 8 wttAW Riidbrf, OlMlr SniAtd, MiHc ind

tin , wonb H 6aF d R $ 2 . 9 8 .

Ladlai' Kanay Ctotb Baefcn, e tb w la A ei-roQ cloth, h I’Idi m alar al H,

F O R $ 4 . 5 9 .Lidltt* Beided CipM, nifh thmi^vrii

worebF O R $ 2 . 9 8 .

ChUdiaa'i Ikaar clrth XtHM , i la lA latk- laryiiM lI,

F O R $ 2 . 9 8 .Itmoa' Karr Blua Baalafa. with aaahai’,

in n h tl.M ,F O R $ 1 . 2 9 .

Id Uce DepartoteDt We Offer for Sitordai;

B l a d t S i l k D i B i - f i o i m o e ,

In MW d n tta , wortti SSe.. it.* ,..........BIaA Silk D r a p o y Nst,

4t-lmeh wld«. m w detifnt. wurtb Ho. tfl* iOd BSCa, i t ............................... . OW.

B i i i n k S i l k L a m F l o a n e i s ; , FoltwkltJLtiaauUfnlMttajiiaaeiaallr 24 IB

»«rth UHlar n.9A m . .................... .. f l . » lE m b r o l d t n d C k e m i M t t t B .

W« atww a iMat n U M lia Uaa of than tm- Mnabla prod* I t axua low prloaa wbtoh aiaiT lady ilKiDld laA

L a m a n d U n m i O o U a nIkw M m , iniitei is 4 cBiidmi. f im rtk tn f MV tn4 liMliifwble i t sp id il lov iitiM

A F a n o r T w o .» a Bwai Ux a«aart,klwi. Han a n tba lalata

.HU In and H a t '•d. P inhnw ntl


Cm » In and H t the o r tn ; it «U1 pa, >00. •d. Pinhnwnt F ^ n r 4~Ha. IkM tainai Faa* I H d (Y nm Bad Fam I

rfci._ tlhrUB.

. Bad Fam n r ihc.

. FilnM Untn Fana nr 3So. «*. ( i n , K n u rr fa m Hr H a And Irta aitra |u tt aa ahaap.

' O N

PA K A 80L8.E xtraord tiiH ry laducBm eiitB In TIiIb D ep w rtm en t fo r BM ordny.

P in o S i lkB o r d e r o d F a n c y P a n tB o b ,

aitaa analH,. tn all tba leiT M m it aliidit, mtnA btiillM, ivdliMid ntM H 1$te....a_________ _ W -W

F a n e j g t r i p o d P a r a a o U ,wUh aonHaatHK) hotdaia aad hasd-

aanad handlaa ban n ,,]iut uaM.ndutnd fran I lH m _ . _ , B l . M

B e a u t i f u l B i n g T o p a ,la all tnitai H aMUh oantaBH, boafctd

kaadl** and panam tranaa la- duaadBoas tAHia. . .— BLOB

W e lU n B to n B tr lp o a , in tln l, mw. all aoMa, larr lira arMK

ttj. haat (raaa «*nh ILIIt a ,■Fatdal.Mi—........— BBa.

Bl| Llae tf le in lit Finiols VERY SFECUL PRICES.U E h tY r o l f h t U n d o r w e a r ,Wi haiatun»ibalM*lMii«k wa aiar had. bat- Hr In law u iial and nliia, and Ikan ata

i w s M m m T .M e n 'a B a l b r l g s a n S h l r U a n d

D r a w e r s ,for.-------------------------- ---- ■»«.H e n ’* F i n e J e a n D r a w o n ,IOfiia..aam.>''ara*a*aii»H..i*.aitM,a„,ainaa..,,aana,M ®$BaMm ’« Fiw m Ii la lb rig id B Shlrta ta d

D r tm ra ,■ham of thiih loot or paal

lalM at...— -------- ---- --------- BOo.M n '» SiMNBar MbtIm M Irto Bad

D r iw fn ,han loM al ISa., thr...»w....—.... —-L a d ie a ’ S w la a B i b V o aU .iha|itd hotliia IKHr, Hf...................... U 1 -BaL a d le s* Rw Ibb B i b V e a ta ,nbtoa um aud nadi tad •ham .ralw

wo., hr...— . ,___ ______ iBa.O n y x B l a c k B o a e ,Bm uof*. itHiihak t M r .............- B l.MS choppoT *a B a l b r i f f a n H o a e ,Sc.; W i n r . .—.......aia.C b ild T o n ’a S ta in le a a H o o e , (H lb lacfc .tim atoq (T rtw »a,lh t.. 1T«. M e n * ! F r a n e b F l a a n o l B h lr ta .irtth aU Bapraaarjxnh. . Ya*.S IcQ 'a H a r v a r d B b lr ta ,ohaap at tLN, H r..._.„...___ _ BBe,

GLOVES.l i in iiM 1$ ottr OiuM 4*i»rtiMmi Ax MOor'

<tej. EutniM ■Dd ttrmpmni iMaa.

A U -n lIk B la c k O lo v e a ,ArtaaJt, worth llt„ at...................... The.

C o lo r e d a n d B la c k H llk O lo v o a ,All saw ihadH. worth ISO,

A n - iU k U l tU .AU oDlon tad hlaok, flora thiuBbtU’

tra Wflftir, Mr.....................................8 1 1 k .b a c k T a f f e ta G lo v c f ,

All tiaH aad eolm, wartli Uc., lot—F a a t - b l a o k T a f f e ta O lo v n a ,

BlU-hoirt, all tiH^ r,orth the............Eiua BH OloiH tod Hit'., at

BO t u n eoH.MlBBea* T a ff e ta G lo v e a .

Thnaipaolal ftfm ;




Worth....— Uo. nr. Be,rot... h.IM tfo. SM

LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS.|AiiJt>inlot PannI Dapartonot.)

F l u e C a m b r ic W a in ta .Flalnd Irool and kaok, latuidttad ool-

lat and coOi. worth No........... ......... . e ta .F r e n c h P e r c a le W a U ts ,

Alau Iti too latMD, all Dow itrim, gain Boot and bam. wcjrth nui, ILIA

W h i t e lA to n d e re d W a te lB , Caaibrte, tuckod and pUliad fnmi an)

haat, re». ralna tl.n, for................ .P e r c a l e N o r fo lk W a tiit



Kailrcl, MW paharna, wiwth nialot.I , (LH, Mr.... .......................... ...WL1»

6R0S GRIIII SILK RIBBOkA |im t offtfUtf lur ftklvrdikf onlj.

C o lo re d B lb b o u ,FtmiUk, Hoa I T P II M

Wtrth £ Ifc iie. lift lo tFor I t Po. l i t

L in e n - b a c k B lb b o u V e lv e t ,All wldlba radnmt Mr tomonaw ou.,. Tho

fataaitis ihuorOH!Noa I I 7 « 12 »Wrn Tc. For H«a.

l i t »D. £M. H tto. 170. l i t Me.

A n d B i g B a r g a l s f i s S o r a k S a s k e B .

“THE LEOIUD GLEiliBLG."That II twr ReMterator, ihe oo« wa elaloi h

not OBlT tht ofoal, m Um oniiortw of ao , otharSaftlftwotnada It poMOH. aU the boat hatana of an, oihtt and oobh addiUooal c m poMnoed br BO otaar, aad bnlddo It eoala taop Hoaa, U hoofht of DA

B o y a ’ B lo u a e S u itu In b lu e o r o n tliiK fliM inet, d e e p c o l la r , 4 t o H i y e a n , H illy w o r t h 4 1 .7 5 ; f o r t o ­m o r r o w

Boyn’W hite Lawn Blouaea, eiubnit- dered IWmt, Hi tot 5 yeant, fully w orth 41 .5 0 ; (br to-m or­row

Boya’OuUiiic F lan ­nel, Oanibric o r D ark Blue Waiat, 4 to 14 yeara. fully w orth 35c.; fur to ­morrow

Men’a O n 1 1 n j F launel Coats, ele- want atrlitea, fully w orth $ 1.45 ; for to­morrow

B o v s ’ $ 4 H trouK a n d E le g a u t ly M a d e 5 u t t« , 4 to 1 4 y e a r s , f o r t o - m o r r o w

B u y s ’ Z o u a v e - J a c k e t K l I tN i i l t s In l a t e s t s ty le s o f Ik n - c y C h e v io ts , 2^ t o O y e a r s , w h i te b lo u s e i n c lu d e d a n d fu lly w o r t h $ 5 ; f o r t o ­m o r r o w

Boys’ Clothing. S B oys'H atsandCapt

Boys’ W aists. | Men’s Summer ;

Goats andVeshj,

O nii 98ci O ni| 98c . Onlj! 19c.; Onlj! 69g4 O nl|

Onlji $2.9iBALL AHD BAT

F R E Ew i th e v e r y s a le a b o v e 118c. B

C lo th in K D e p n i^o u r B o y s ' m e n t .

t59, 161, 168, 165 M A R K E T STBEET* N E A R COR. BROAD 8TREK''

OLD& BOUILLON, f o g yB road St., N ew a rk , N. J.

N E X T TO H E A T H & D R A K E .

S p e c ia l /^ i^ i^ o u ^ e em ep t.5HM fact that manufaoturera and importera are overetooked by from

the backward eeasone enablee ue to place on sale some of the finest goods made for less than ooet of production. "We are well known In Newark as the leadere of LOW PRICKS, not for a few speolale or traehy etufla BUT STANDARD GOODS.

S l T E E N S r U N r i l ^ V i j r G H A l l S , ET C .• «HM IMFCKTSh SATlim, In all lb* hwdlai rtyla*.........W oacN nnSA H SUITINO. In tU Km lirtlliif iiy**......... .......M ta iH aCUUHTONG POMUKK aiHMIblJii vary n tw ............ .Sboatea PR»»OJNOBASia........... ........... - ......- ................................ aH«-ij ta a m bkavy apron o in q iu h K............... - ........................... .....SB placM lainnh wMi OoIockI BtJCilsr TABLS OAUASK..........L........... .MOdcaaa damask KIWRLS, kaouad Iclaf*.........................................WdOHDK ALL-UKKH NAPKINS........... ............... .................. ...........—Hc*Mw»lnch BLKACUED TWILLKD CRAEH lOWELUNO..............IPdOMii WHITE lUEKlSU YOWKI.S. oiliA ilH faaiM IM WHITE MARSEtLLKS RESSFREAIie.M()*mUTll.A SLEACHED MUSLIN....— .—.......Id bal« VNBLEACKKD SB EETINU. axu* batvT.OutlAlIO LACE CURTAINS for Ui* oiailni weeX......................... ......... .

...»........Sl^a., So,, Add 3f e. yard,

.................. .................. ISo. yaid. Rcfalai prtn Ita,

.............. ...... ...... tSc. yard. Would In cheap al M.. lOn.* ISe. and Sflo. Worth Silly n per oenl. non,

................. .......................... .......So. Rofolar prim a^o.

.....................................aOo. yard. Rtpultr prim Me.......—......................~.lSHe.*aob. Kofular prtH 180..................................eLSS doa.p. Roiulai p lm II.7A....- .............................*H«- yard. Kifular pnc#7>(B.

Aflo. aach. Rrttolar brioc ilJc. e i.M . RofOlar prim ll.fS,— ............„.,.a34ip yard.

W40. yaid,........,.es.4pptl,.

D R ES S G O O D S , S IL K S , V E L V E T S , ETC .

C L O A K S A N D S U I T SI» LADi Eg' BLA IKR JACKETS, Id UW a&d Mrlpad Chrib, budaonaly tMbi'd.,. e i.a s . RodDcel ftoui............................ .. fj-jd.174 LADIKV ALL-WOOL BLAZER JACKETKta BlaDk.Tin and BlaCiVlUi (lidlAai.. l.CS. Piwmerly cold lo t........................— f pKSMLADJEH'DOUBLE.flRKAarKDRERFlNO JACKETS............... ......................... S.4B. CDl doini Baa........ ...................... KHUlLADlElf IMPORTED BEADED CAPES.. ....... ............. ...... ............. S.BS. Forrotrly wid for APB,W LADIES' ALL-WOOL SUJTB. popular ahadm. baudauowiy triatowf. a t ...........e t.M . ItS.Of aad ea.IHAMduatu LADim* SHIRT Waiinv, plaited bach and Ibool, al................ .. SBo. and 49c. Worth...................„, BOc.andIbo.? *HIRT W A im , irith halt..................... Tto. Bold elaoahen a t ...... .......................asc

M-IDrti TBJ COT CLOTH, all food oatoca aad Blaak, a l - . . . . ......aa-taob AU-WOOL CAailMXBK M an aud Blaak, at..■f-loeb HENRIETTA, all Iba moat faafalanabla oolon and Bitok, a!........................................DOUBLE-FOU) IBJCOT CLOTH, all ooton add Blaok, at................. ........................... ...........4P-lnah BRUAJANTINK all rtyllab ooioai and Blaok. a i........... ........................... .................URfWORAlN DKSPI SILKS, la all th* aawOOMn and Blaoa. at......... ....................................FAILLE FKANCAISE SILKS, all laahtonablt colon and Black, at.........................................SURAH flLKR, all th* aoai datlrabla oafoct aod Blaok, at.....—...........................................CHINA snjtH, all vary .lyliab oomia and Black, a t..................ttratt Tirlaty in MOUKNINO UOODR, all th* Icadlnt itylaa and makoA at rery low piiccABILK VELYKTS, In ill ibe new nrion tor iriciMiDt, a t . . . . . . . . —.... ...................................... .N-lnah PLAID AND STRIPED NOVELTIES, all OPlara, at..

. tlo ., worth tpR,490., mmta 490.

Iftfo., worth ISO.SDo., worth aic. **o., worth ape. kOo., worth 11.2a, 69c„ worth 1,00. Sic„ worth aOc.530., worth fOo.

dOc., worth IBo. T!4o„ worth 19^0.

71 LADlEir CLOTH CAPEf, la Blue, Too and BUoa____________140 MISSES' REKFING JACKETS, all-wool, bandaotnalF trlcaated.... .................MO pair BOYS' ALLWOOL PANIS............. .............................. ................... .edoat* LADIEH WHAPPKHg, In Uinahama and BnfUata Cambrio.................H d aM LadMY Oplorad USLE THREAD U08K fpaelal tirtoe Me................. .aidamOaSH' LU O thread HALF hose. SiMChl ptMe Mo................... ............ ...................................... i^,WOdaaaaCblldnii'aCBaMBEAY UAH, WbMe, Ciaau, PiukandBlua gpeoul prlmSfo.» daaaa IM M Whna " tiiBiMr" fXIRUKTS, Ipaoial prloo 4!le....................... ......... ..

MO yard! 4b4ncb BLACK RILE DRAPERY NET. Speolal ptloe 4Be.............. ................ .

■l.MHnd Bf,IS, Cut down Imn HJOandfAM, ■l.M and B1.49, Keduoed fniiii 11,74 and

aoe. and 7hw> Wortb.......... ......Tar, and Mr.BBo. and BI.M. Worth........ ...tl.8 and Il.t0.

..ftodumd from AOu. R c ^ id m<n Ur. Rm S m Rod 030. .RaduardfraaMo.

. . . - ■ w .......... ...........’ ..................... - ...............Redhood Inop hto.ilda*ca (MaW Fancy OMpad BATBKN 8HIB1K RiMelarpilw 4fo............ ................ ...........................1............Roduend l»m 8»n.

40 donan GeaM' Efypilan Hlbbad gBtBlS AND DBA WEIta SjMclal prlw SSe................................................... .......„ RediHwd fioB aae.

VIEWSThe fact is that the suits we are now

making and selling are better fitting and have more style about them than any­thing you could buy of the best custom tailors 15 or 20 years ago.

We dress men from our stock every day so perfectly that we will defy even an expert to say whether or not they have been attired to order.

Our men’s suits in Serges, Home- spun, Thibet, Yorkshire and Dundreary Checks and French Silver Gray Diagonals will prove our claims. These suits range from $15 to $25; yes! even as low as $12, and they are elegant

If our boys’ clothing was like every­body else’s, we wouldn’t say a word about it, but let it take its chances with the other dealers; but it isn’t We want you to look at a new lot of boys’ suits in cheviots, serges and Scotch stuffs, which will show the superior merit of what we make. For $3 or $4 a boy can be dressed as well as a boy need be for school or vacation wear. It’s an old fogy idea to spend money on imaginary benefits.

m a r siia llX b a l l ,-807, 809,811 and 818 BROAD STREET.





THE “ BQGHESTER” LaWP.D m * M o i i r a l c a a a n d b l w . i w « r t l * ^ B a * i L * B i | * a K N J O Y A f W p D

U O B T O f f f O U a i l l l i m i l M a . tM O d W a t l a M f l l k M i h l l l M I k l M ^

E D W A R D M I L L E R & C O . .W uaB I f Cdllaf* n -b*4 ,naaB n,* iM I ■k«tarBA,N**rT*tk

ObIf BMW MiBauv waiktMM UMfowaAon MaA M* AafcmuMatarlMU *a«Uhaa*flfe*it • « |



to no other aale, hut follow tho crowds to-morrow and come to the only gemiino' sale in Newark, where yon can get the Pineet Clothing in the World at YOUR OWN PRICE,

. P'^*''a*S°tOOD Worth of Elegant New and Nobby Spring and Summer Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, to be immediately Sacrificed At 33 Per Cent, on the Dollar of Original Coat of Manufacture. Failure « two of the Urgeat Clothing Warehouses in New York City for over One Million Dollars last * J ' Worth of this Stock has been sent here to be sold at once and turned into cash, inorder to settle the Clamu of the Creditors, who mmt be paid in ten days by ordeis of the Supreme Court. C H nnx ^ never before taken place in America. And remember, it lasts only for aSHORT TIME, The g ^ are of the highest order of fine Tailor-made Clothing Only, manufactured for Fifth avenue and the Broadway trade. And they will be sold at Just One-third Their Actual Value. We name a few of the many thousands of Bargains to be had:

Mm ’« Tw*a4 SpriiHi aHito,Mkii'a Cutaway Dp«« Suite,Man’s Meltaa Bprtug Ovarooate,Man'* &ilk-N»a4 PrtnM Albufte, * lO.M, worth SI.OO Man's Sllk-mlxad Osw. Froek w ite , 7 .3S, worth 21,90 Mnn's Sooleh Cbavlot Ontte, - 0 .00, worth 17.50 Man's ln i» |o O yt FlaiMOt Oiitte, - B.40, worth 19.00 Man’s Oatin-ltnodSpHno T op C oats, 0 .71, worth 90.00

$9.40, worth $12.90 6.00, worth 20.00 4.79, worth 11,00

Man’s 9trtpe Cass, Trouisrs, - $1Mtn'i A(t-WMi PliM Trou$ti*$i » IMen’s Fanov Otriped Troossrs, - 2Man’s Imp, Worsted Ortas Troussrs, 9 Boys’ SIIK-mIxsd Csss. Suits, • aNobby Suits for Younp Mm , - 3.Boys’ “ Oonfirmstion" Sulla, • 4Bays’ Worsted Cross Suits,

10,000 Msn’s Mfc • Fair. a9,OM Boys’ Ponte, wortk $1,00, at IS«

One-Thipd • Their * Value.

.00, worth $2.60 .90, worth 9.79 .79,wiorHi 9.00 .49, worth 7.90 .09, worth 1.00 .79, worth 10.00 ,99, worth 13.00 26, worth 19.90.opilr. 10,000

thev iJ S 2 1 * b^ ' k E C M W orld, sad

sarprimoRfy «««jo u ’ll be smplv leosld. c S t**” *?• •* w f th m it^ u b tth e amstest oppoitunilF tooet FiMCIottaiDo ftw a bodup$0|d$ o f N$w J u H if an d •am )iu»d iiin i Don’t v n i i Onaw Rt neoB* Com« in and 1 . op th tef 10 . » « t e . t h . stack. F oul? Bateaman will abd ” « u 2 ! Z i d . ^ r u « l «

« . , - - - b r t e f r P r l i S M c m O M - t h u d t h e« i i - - ~ t 5 . ^ * * ' . * * • ' • I * » < » t ' u n l o u a . K r a t Y t h l n a w l H r o

r o d ta l l a a a n d Y o n ’ I I t m p l v r s o i l d . C o m e H a l o o r S b l n a N e t a f m i n dg f i i r a s o n a t h a t b m a v e r b r ^ a f f e t e d

* '*5* *“ i***® “•«> ’’'•f'i M t e F o o t a m u m s o t I f y o u v a l i o y o u r m o n e y . B r i i « t h t e ' w i t h y o ^ u d X t e a s ^ ^ ^ u r * * * f c * * * t £ l i

Bisfe-” ''*' oo «■■->«■ !-<»» ib-'liSl. K'siS,:’MokWii

ASSIGNEE BANKRUPT S A L E ra iN G CLOTHING;36, 38,130 InlboiT 8t , cot. luket St, N n u k , N. I. 'p O H » T m s s I T . € K > M £ A T O l f C E A N D G O M E E A B L Y .

Mo Braiicli tto roB Ctennoctod urHIi This Q reat Sola.



106 tM ns Hultwiy at,oe$,i

UBBIIION & H0A6Ban ismneu t» til* Jantt atora



W m .M u n g l ia a i x t v n a r

KoBnii'a FlanaU Baddt*., Oalnrv Am* • Jtittfi, Qic|er OHdltL llaaBherty to

(M aas ^ MaO IFvtmplF I

W M . M U N Q M76


f i

‘i n


' f, "

J i1 '■

.rf'I V; » ' J O

K U M B E R 2 , 8 9 4 . K E W A R K , F R I D A Y , , T U K E 5 , 1 8 0 1 . P R I C E T W O

T h i r d E d i t i o n .

bt«CM ( UnjJwtMl t a tk a I ^ u

. B u e u i t ScBiatlim,


■H. I4«*M Ow — k»4 N ni WU«— OM> w>>OTti tM lesMewsr oC WtaMH* OaaMvabif tk* Chaq(M AgBkMt ato w u k w Oo«4m C w M tat. T ta F il» u *t Om b Im* lk>bbJ«*4 tyr Hm JmrrBMB.

tm ta /i J«M a -o ii (kik <M f ill d tr o(Uw kW t i th. ta u n t knootm w iu ta Hit, Itf iU l kM im *■ tiu Mit t e kfgacktbr Hr WUlUa Oocdcn CMmtnt tftlBtt Hr. nat Ho. kitmir WUmm, Hi. wil Hn. I f t a i OiMO u 4 HirkHtT Lm H t a n wn • NfMl. t ta d n U tu d moidnctife* ta W y B ie * OtrOM at Hh H ta tr 't B ta Omrt t t An- u«< c ttaa tN iH i tMMt v b ta bknbtta w ltM w 4 d itas ta ta td « ^ fM L InMMt ja IkM wundOMl out daw q*t (Ota to diolalA )■ t a •UtfcOtt dofna.

Or WiniHi Oonaa C n o la t wu uaow- fM ta t r t a ta iN i, loM imaoM*,K ta ta ktdrawiTtd OfO^tanikamOrOu- ■M Iv taC « U bu piionn. 1M M om « W taiOliahatiHao t ta iw to a o t ta nod(ook tatrwiHr boOrata ( ta tu afanta o( tbi coatt

th i ootnt aaoBOd taoptlT HWJItfilMk. Tba ftootHlliip van npoatapeUteteaia- D*setat«tatM THUBpllaa afibaanwux. intattaotH BL I«oWt Qiaao, uu diu(htar at J u a u WOnn. O., «oi t a taw of f w i t Hr. Wiina, v b n t a !(«•- OH of t a ju r, iidiMiiii t a u*a

A otta wU t a l t a Jurtaii tow* taiiooi ol t a t a t a f t a aawinn ta d v iU tp te rta lW M ntatltub rtaA In MO- tm ta >ta u d *Ueb, M A tm br Tiwi( W lltat iwloonr rttOrdv. «M* t a t a t - tfty o tta n ta to tW ik a u d (ttn otirltd br bbo wbllt twMhi t a otantij JmonI at bM inOBM b ta d t TA Monita br t a 4>- rtctta ot t a Lord CbW JnAati m n t a a rtwtd Htt t a Jaqrdwi, tod t a Jnnrom, ItfonltdrtaW M iaboaivbo bw bMtwt u hOMrUbt tmotaitAT totaUr ‘ta im " to (taOtlMi t a Prlaot of Wtta wbUt t a iMOr WH IR t a trttaaa-bob, axunliMd tA lU, Ubad a n p n M tu ta i bHb o a tb OtwMt-

Wbe* t a JWT Ad nwtdMA tbMr fetao- tiM of t a rnoA at M W i Alut* ARRMli, t a two tbf iat rtoa at Kra. Lroto Oitta TH NMud. Hn, am n ww b ta tad oir. root ind wmA toirtblr ntsiOai lo f itlbieR|bw*eb»AirtafW lrOL M rHondCtab# b n * bOem tubetaHoa A taU bs ta r td b ite d r AA H b bU a w t a pou d w bitb ta badtrbTWM nttwdbr A n(tn l totaboAtob at ta ib b ta o t ta p l i i t a t t t a HNw mi t i ta t a tBttttmt of obAdat apae t a iNMtt Hr Vubbo SoKta Oimaiab, am H A ta aanbarttMawtaabaatlBf w rwBnan, ato, HrMwtid Oaiht, idaiawO t t a wltaan ta e mH i

" Tmdm^baav oaA abaot t a aawa da ra a f '

“ Ob. rw I da,” vdcUr aad laditnaBtir fatiAltayoaagbtdr at t a dnl ^ p l t of l a ^ M a f t a d t r nrt»t a n t t a baaatw MtfeViMtt MitHbML

Iba dMilMHOtafnltao Aaaabad Iff lua ao eeSelr ww U* A taaeA tod aAA Mu. Idaab Onaatatana yaaitloea m to wtattac ataatAttM tattwAwdwUht t a b wwad ■awlN. Hib dwta lapUtd A AbttaBia Aw A ad M m kawrbAaa atawd Bowlw aad wtwitaatlirtodtatlaadAtaowwi Iv t a plaAMtwaaldaAbwiaabtaawoaa. bOit M ta tAAar aoaadm I t a Aittaa WOwa, Uia ■aftit at paaatirtbdf SAbHr Wdaao ww wUtdAlbt wilt IQ dial, tod H it Ifatit n i i ia o iio i l WriwI A A t oMO at d» p a a m buOadwlt labM At ChifM Baa, wn,tbalrlaial n io iiw

HwAlAwWAWi, itpiTAf AlfeCHrtw batatl't w t t oaa. w U t a t t a ww jnaaw at Twald Ontt A t a wan wAta w HfWat- D M A t RAW A WtMt dHHHiHW dwdea DWAdta am A t daAoAobi aliatd b ta S n B r n l M t t A M i |M t £ A M r biAOHaalof « m a t w M orw ow w tw a mmad aniiiiA i aa Ml A w tad AMbi tf tirw M d tn lt « .bwOWa twbada. taUad” bt bw. H aw w t a

b t lad twb t a fMAltK

Mdbttt. V (Wf t a a t a ndw tab» aaa btoU, mUAt t a a b t a t i w __AHtft.artBtrTOw illwlj twnwwn (bt wwMn AlMAattttfUaotlr It w attot wiA t a wofW am « w r btdi watttitd wilt H lAwwdittwd U t a n iiitb w Ooot twt, wow t Ufb aoWr, i Hw tM wbot wtUlo. wMW ww tatdt ita ilia iw bp An talHwipanW ta Aaataw btoatl Wb ____

Tbt Alt. wiA t a nanw p ad boota. owb n , w t Md Am dwtalA itTM taW ApMnbw a M I ttab , Cbad, broMI Urn*. bObw WIV- Wot ato4D.ltw.wUad bua A oottMtwd tuda a tatAiirtwiwt it bin wblab bt.Ho dnw, bU.mtd WHaWd u tuot of u ta tn l Oww W iiilut tod at btatall •ad ot In d Uwod AmwiH. OapUla (• ta t am A ltar OtaOr HUtw. Tbt wO ■AMt t l AO WAwaWwita wtt AM Hr VUUMt Owdaa OwawAb bad. hopaad bar MabhltdaiH, btia (Ota by wiwal wiwew it abwt wboa pUpAa bainiot wMfc t a Mwa at H ilw wd t a pttit ptAattd bt Ttubr Craft At taDaiMmtHitwoaatAo

Lord CattBlrp, A aeattauiuab, hW AM w t a RAW of Wilat had te n to r pwn boa. and Wr WUUto Gordon Caawta wfth bit tnanatbA, Acr <ut laitp nOtrad l<4 All Am MIm whM bid (mbit phot tap ooukl Btw tlitw AM (ntaWtlp A toaiAM wtAow *wi pM m Ul ftapM BlibiitM A pomoMB of A t AoU. IttiMHbta A All t a t tlm wbart UA dtAnoAt- Uta w w uTtiM tiiM dtbttai.lw (taw tt- nttft MW t a pAAUf tad AM A n pAIMp Am bt wM t otaiat t f btrlof tbtMtdM aw dadaftaptattw A paf ttpAwbarltail It naaiilBttftAnpIpMld:

" I to t ilw H b ttrao riH a itn r 'Tbt wtlatM Atddtd Am bt Atn mM Or

WlUitn OoMoa Cbnoini Am bo tewtM wait Lpetu Onta am biAw IubAp HUtta.Tbt pAAMK MU t a WIAIW AWtiftftMdl

"D apaabtUttata lu tnuat ot b parnl at Intxptnwttd b tp ir

^ wt A t* ww ttA raut pwMBt wbta t a pAAUff ww t a RAot at WaAb t a Alta bMif A toawup wlA tml Owaa WlUnob Hr WQIAta On- doD CaowAb, t a ' wiiaiM aoniAtad,Aaa wwotp piotMlal AM ba ww taooant at t a ibbiw braagu titliM bW bp t a pntWauB bPOMd, am addtd AM bb t a pAtali^ bw ti AM bb Aa RAai at H tta woaM aat badara A t ftaim w A wblab bad two awda waiaft bio. Ta AU t a PiAat, aotaidAt A Laid Ontalrp, rtpUad;

“ Tbora an flpa Wttaaatta ipiAit POB.’Lord Cuftoup, oabdanlai, nU t a t Ganaral

WIUIHA aad t a wnatM albwwaid loM pAmtUT Aat Lpwu Oiwa. blAiu WOna'a AodiWaw, ladaM artaiaauaaM aababad win aaaad t a aaw oanpAntd at bad aw DOBiind AMbadaital AbtoaatoaAd WMb Mr WUUan Oocdw ow nA f.

'‘• dl” Bldad t a wlAaia atalp. " t a pAlatUr dw aol axpiaM aap daftn MaaaM Hi, anworAbataalrw AdalA aopatlwn Ol fediOOMMI '

DwtaaDataiptMAaer Ul Aatlnoap At Bad at Oapwtrp ntd AM wbea Aa pl^Off wu abewa t a daannaai wblab b t ww aat«d A Mta m A t prict at adaact ntoa

put at t a T iuA Cnti ptitp, MU A wkub bb At pAAdB ipatd ntwtr A plbj wrda wtA, Hi ffUUut t tu i

THAT O nnU N O bftb HIU .

; ahwiwhUt pAp,dMU

WIUOA 4«dW IA t aiuwob wMA hM tim d r ban Mwa u M taftiaftM A whMbAt Bh m M dIWM bytlOMat aft idAdwtl waWwaat t t hA h tal artHppAftft tuaM t a bat wftft a pw- atlwbaata taadtawad apw w A finbA A An. Hu. HUnD, A mdUbft WM ambWM ptaaiAAbtr tiiei t a rn w u Aon bad bwo asp abtaaniiit toAnd a W bp t a iniAo lanllp A wata t a pkAUTi pAp an t a warDM U ta (hpAwbatO a t t a baiaw i piiR AfM TA ^Ciaft.

C batM ta Va *1Bm iMt AM wbwbaraw AMbai Am taM U allf bmM l in r iT i t a paU i” Qft,pwi bAM amapaak a t A Wa am t .aat baaa a dll n n r baaab" OuAt Aa wA a tM taa plop (ApAnbar A Aa dldaM bataa ' ----------*

.WWW Hlawbl 'IM ivt

_________ aapiOai naftl t a noMtad aoaAwiftAabrhar laataAw, Lptaft Onaa, AAnaMbaratAa ftaA ba MU d A aw MT tb a eS p iadt a ' ------ — ‘dMAallpaaaoHr abaaftaflwAb I bipAatib taj>aAlii(aft|klMHdaott|iA9

‘ HwtMhw Wiliob Aaa atid ilu ita M d aa IbAtrAw wttbAa M awM V tA aobta tnHtMaa takOowtapdcr. M d A M taa i- MMta Oa* AM Mr tab AiAiat Mbata iru.aaa, waaU aHMr now t a atAr tatAatwhM W aw bH alaw A fw tiA tA atatbabadbaaft t a l m piww AotUatAadMi A t a» ; AA t a MM, A a R A w a tb ^

btaU t a bad A atpaa AHMlisti atU Aaa HM hab A Aa Madwt aasaar pwnt eA ibw A w iw w fteieedta Iwieiw tftip.

■ a ^ Q u U ^ m i i n l t a ^pip A t a iiiiA iiR ltaara data»at fta< tbM tabw aatdiftidapBfar t u d a ta t t a taUAwaM . taadiM Hii A attkaM aw atWMtabad tWad baraei a wp tajA bu aboDitadUb, Hn UllwbboaaM tdAS aBdapiwAarlta didaW amaAUlarbw. Mftdabaw ta taeam aw wbOhbftiaMndA » a A dHMott taabrC M b MAM* Mt lli.WlMai,lr.aftBa Abad npaaAttwaM tWt M • AM btPb aaU t a AwfM u ban aalA iN iH abH ii^taB aiE idbr.

jtawftOe eAii dwMew pw A b ^ l w * lad«>tad O r t a pWUW Hn. w » w ^ IlMIftbAftalMMttMpUAMrf t a R M M Walat aabad Mf It llw w t a ^ y i ^ . A

A i n M « |M t a ( ti n Aa M aw ja tW a fA r t a ^

p a p w ta p tr tM O iyalHftiAMiat t a a i a c Cmiai|bwHp, A> taaead aUbta. pAp, AM ■taiAbW R b ftaA AbA ariTlilil Aft ftdt WH Bot dona w . tta a ia ta r TMiwa Ondjo oannAi, AMmI

AJlS-g lS i> SR&. |■5& p^iCM l i Maliw, . ta .p A t

vb bpnwbftr (

“ Wbp, Ala A tanlin wibt Aaa ado lntab of ftA IwaHftpnA* 0-"TotbAwwnpiAd."aaM taBvl.ptpwtp

imamAfttAwlp,-AMftaat bW Aaw A aa ' tttfT OtaMitt,*

ItpIpAa A aaa at Hr (tailM Ranaii't dpaa. Dab t a u i l aaid a m A m wm atAInc A It mUAn Ooflw Oanalifa daaitaaat at

bobaMoi Anaabtol Aaaa pmwiltlaia wbAb A MV wap itaMAd AM bt bad ” A lltli ' Md."

IM Aita WwbM badanaot tad aa ta ta l paad bp Mr HUUm S a t ta Conadai, t a ail at Otwaiip itld AM bb pantaUp,

OrwaHtd St A t a R ta i at Waltb Aat bb A t wttaw Mh nada lAaftadan A Ui awn onran

wtAbatb of t a prAoiptl artaft whiaa wea •tlMabpOraftH ■apAnbatlaai Iba n b w u ta n p ia taMi bp M Bb I M

t a ngbaM at Mr Obata Mftiili Tbi ■((■ tllAAailiii If A tM atO orin .

Itpww fbABdad A iftWdMatli laa»tb. tut aiOAb OlAaiBf ta ItaAAat BOttia wM daraAfta daw t a AadMoap whtw AAwA

■ a f ta .e u i aeeeladea t a etM Mr t a delww. aad b OhwAa Wa ftan, a t baaaltat AadaAaab HPW M addnaa a t a jatp. Or Oat Aftaaowd M tftOMs t a MMutHa at nr paMMaAta A wbM ba aA IMP ” alnna Afti* at pAAftTi abn OH iMtdtwMftraaiiHat bathtaa f t a a A

OmiattadMbadaaw ntpAMMin htpM

ta p wtra tow abaft bat AMH ppaftOlb i t' at Hr Cbaftw Iw m ii apaatb

■BWaafti HmM^


Mr. Htn WUhdraw MA iw aadw tab aa ' H. suUMK Uwtaaftaa.

laabobtaaaft—TM MU praaMta M ta Atm tl ta ndtf A toaftfti pithWiM t a A b ta tl attlaABthatabM bp brlAb |iA Itaib Aao(b b nimbiaopat aiwoto ,

wftb IM amtftitoa M dAi-om A p mo, wbt iRi KAptwIaOti iiwItAB at AaUHi- m wtw bw baptwuand t a -

OKTOttlO OOOtltttMMMlOO AOi VBOMAt m ap pwn. JUi

rw ptillHAIIp dMpMd aiaAM Aa olaoat AAp haiLaanalat AM t a TUAd Mutt afttU bid* TM> bWA W At

to t ta iu A a d tn d a ita A tU o twi A m b t a taAM otaftt tfUaat AftWt-

doatt taA «a8ibaa«A tadW aabA bld. m at Am t a wwdt “ tf c a tid t wawtu” bt addW Atota. D uA t A t w ata M bA aptaW Hb lA tn itd AM ba Md natlvtd t w nM w M ta ftoA Cbaata A itltdH a

wjuao*Htntp laaltft tM Oorattinial Aadtr in At Boaw. Ataad icaitat t a tnatd. auat, biftnc kA oppatuioa ta li to t a fttl Abt t a QtwiaAaoi hm MHddpabtlaid AtMWBtalQttuta A A t MIL A lAwot Ala aAADtai ap Hi. Inlll). Hr Bin irlAdnw bA lOiad n u b aad Aa MU wWwhMvmUp band. Thonw baxAft tamhtr ta Wtat WON, taiAd iba attaUoa a t Aa Hobm

to t a aitttala at t a Uw otnatta A waiaagihiii wtA tMMA tad aipim adta hapa AM t a Ooiatniaaat wooM tppnaUA ta b lorbaaraaM to oA nai aa appoaUSoa to K AHalAwtof taO tfarnatM to ptMltaaM Slid aaettoi wftbaw dalep.

t r o u tfBOM i>Hdi> U b f m f tA R u taHoa Clttbc a t Vtahlaaboa b r­

ad QtaOwtl HA BolH., Pma A-.|br atTMai waabi

put u baa bata awpaatad bp t a cbM at A t JAtd Uuar BfttM at Aa naASot papan- MaMAMa(Wa qatto]>A aAM WM aaaltot ataatp latAaBitb b ww dntannd AM oat tf t a Anar optaara nadt noob Aaa tt- iBiHtttooaap Oomiadam A fttittabhu aiaixAAi' Tbt OMt ww npoiAd to At bbAt MiiaOat Aapiaitr A lta t r Our dtpa tao. [lupKlan baanb am Trap wtat daulltd >o to-

aputO wttb Hr. IMbbaidt, t a iopaiAlwd> m o t t a Dud Lauar OBw and t a mail wu AM ptaAidap irAoa B. bapba wm ai.

,miad wftb a%M AKAw to bA paaauftoo, two at WbAb wan taMAlAn aataiip t a laapw ton aadaoBUlnlaa maibtd aUftap.

eaplaa oonOaatd bA padt ftt toaAllnt, tt la aaU. bapAa wtat to t a Oaftnl XaUaoM aamampMn iwa m ail iiaAt wlAnuntp

baw Otirn Aft Aanlai. Two narktd M aoMb ww» fcoad to t a bub,

. aat bt Aa biak odtotn WMtfdad ■u Im u t a ooa wM paU

oarnd iicMa lo Aa bank. HyrAi wu appHnltd Hank t r , UW bp aitilluliaa

t t a CHrtl anttot CWaukHae. tIAdu Atmaad AMbtnuan bptU laedKwM M huatoAa about Mod tad It k utlaiaAd Am M kunktoMHaMIMMl lataailfMta nap pobahlp ataw AM M u a Afcau aaaw Aaa

tat. ^: oo im cT H B

M m s m G O Y i N

Tkd fioud itf PnUia Wodv DiMOM Kduira of Qdaanl Htrtt.


Ikab t t u a k aapaaa t a Piwwwwtm b w PtptaHtoa bwaiplapa ua Ika MmwA, U ta Mattaa Oatt t a lonm m taUpi aim Talki wf r i l ta lt ■awart — bw|Miial«idtBt M aitk't ta* pat* O tltail m at WrUtt M a taW* ram Ct u paap kWHitMwil Ha Htpbp.

OmaArwaftm Orar Uu bwprwua Oowrt ItoMalaa CAw H aa Barrandarad.

bpmtinkpMob to t a Mxaa.la m r Cirr. tnat k —Tknt A oanAnit-

tton iMant A t Hodaea Oounip baUoi* box aniBkn wboaa ooavlMMb wu tUintd bp t a SapiuM Contt ptaAntop. Oat tf AtOb Jlem HotubtU, wu nm odtitd bptx-ta liiiApnta Holdiapbba, hft baada n tft AA nonftat; aad a bow a tba Otaaip ML II A band bp Ad aannl bOBtontB AMa faionl aftbdn at t a tnarAAd «A* tMR ataata will Ata pAat. am A t Oraur MM MpM I#- tMQM ibMMllTtl l$lRkMIpft-

lAbn OtntAoB. UBior etawAl Ibr t a aw* Tiaudoaftatra M ftou BM know wMiMi

'P b U a p ^ to t a Oota M Brma I abAwnft Panaontw VtobtU Hit bt MW path t a ludlaiatiua aplnn t a

ttiMt flSOMliMifldlF M PMIMm.

rftlftXA BOH COHFAHT HTAD.dakp » A tp ,W taw OAOd W at K tum bp

ad ftk a pd Baft W aaA P a u a p u .^ afthM tiaa

I,aft ta - Mawaak

ItuH daftA Tr., to t wblA klpk kM aadfnp awta r'---- i~ pn n tAd aa uawaallpwmtp appaaiaau wtaaa paftMdap atarnwo

lOad hO lottaitaH t t t a imM and HaMrOanaAam AMdai aaa tM oatllai at A t Oouultiu aa Itotaot Mata. Otar- bubObIA oidand OAtfc Raapoa w itad M •aaoelal npon Or Hap. *bAk abowad AM lha laotlpu wan MlMdWi t a axpiadlo m nbHt.M, aad t a btltnot to bm t »

bHM<t antH Ht.m,tT- t a bnlA Nd A t a pruttot at Brom aad

HaikW ttm i atortkaaMn who attar AM itotmarhAiH aw BAaaad, aaab tatrwtatavtapptpat lad aAta laluw ta n AaAUitaAA t a balAW la aAa Tlaai* aatlp laadiuaad taaM to ta kA pwaUw aat* pAktn Mtc of wkiap ap m twAait at aar. apt aid tarapbarwA, Aartap llAp IhiM

a l ^ lha eorta, la Aonpbl t a otip twraa* WoDid kMk aftir AA awtAr, nal AM

dal attl M •• AaMMad.Hr. HA1A wnplUBod AM Aa wapon aaat

bpAMattawtpiapmbp t a ahAt tatiaaBtr an BM praptHp aaraiad dnilap oaBaalkin haaiftinAiaataMtal t a wAapplIuAMtl otaaBiatAappwABitod A btdn taattM aa nudar otAa Aft It «poatd, A tibad Aa mbAIA bp wtaawhp. l a t in pt apn i l A hart t a pellet wArot t a wdlaaoet paw hitolAt t a aotitKlap at adrtnIiAt dodptn tboM t a tUMft t t t a Aouatodi at A m haadUlApara t a blpbwapt t dAnpoAbU

^ i w t a ptiMHl board w u wlM tor warb Pnaldtiu Inuh aoppalad Am b aeftnaadet- ftoQ tton t a Btanlaf il•alAnlMllltto•ptt> p ^ NWM to f-At HwaL buwtta Wamb am SAkiitnu, abould M nitm d lotAap. mprUit connttwt, wMab ww daaa. Ht bniA alu inttiuAd Aat t a OenBAUnes* ibaaM bowftHMfiwOnouio taiA f AMtu Hoa ID wtAw AapattcAafAitdtpaiAMBl flan IM CIA Ball m Tam Id am AAaM Aapau aaqniaaatd. Ba aAo nU M Ml Arad hanaa UA auandaiMNaad Aiouph t a atta-

ran at lAabA ear naa, wbo MfUp lAp Aaw waiHnx pi»ti MOW A m rahAAt wan I n ta tti enaftw, and dww apwphto word

Wtawat t a atarUlin afttel t a poma bartw ■klttAk banal. Hadtaliad AaaoaiAaior iM

d A aaotp t a naaiww a t t a twouaM tf aAetiM aUlwara AMtf MniranplapMdt bot itop t a poopa MIM fuabtop a atwrl uwdap t a BAut •aaWaAtttwBUnAaan wanU M ft to maka Aon aotpawllOH pbl RttaAB M trarp laanatnattatiaairtatan

, Cataal Rlet WM lutraeAd la aol to ta ta t i t r .

Hr. talA . to raftiTlap lo t a naoy appUoa. ttou t a Kuid raoMrod tor panaAfton A

t pitraA ttwMt, aaU Aad karwlAr tt wtaUMwaUuat to pwaianp abokiaqaam aniU t a pHftadp-boldan iMantud to oaok W itaA parbw a otp toWdOAt Atnriaek

work, ta t ha addad AHiaabtowaaWtt Uwold poa boaPt. AnadoatoAMtdMtwwtdopwL RaridntBalA Am A a b a p ^ A euAn tor ttwan to Mftk aWoot. bMwtat - ibandBaiHtb aiiptn bad 1 WiM, baiwtw PoarA u d fifth a Up t a t taunnMi u all prlrbA ttwan wtaldarwtallp antatMiMaopimoribaBapit'^ Haiha, M Aoapbl II waaU M wall tokwd

hoUdan at tath oHdalAtooarAto tUr aaadltlam.

Hr. talA , eaotleiitDt on Ala tabA**, t » plMtnd AaiMAtakrWMtMwwAAiasiad ttWMObodiwataarTWpifttoHata, wbAh,

BXFOIdftTIftN OT HOKH.Ttaa auaa W iuaa PPAa AtTapoatp aaa

T aa n B u Itopalim Plft Ttaeta.in x m u i,H .e , Tttmk-Hn. ftuahHtaa,

aMbrAmarCkatp Bmaab, Ibaa.. aflbedt a aliania am of boat uWAtloa. Dr. T. E.

, of Camp kraaok, uplatoad t a •'tptealtor dIaaanM t a itoaatnni.

Alp o t ta NoiA CAtwIlM HadAM iaiatAAw to AA dtp. lib broopbt a aaiMt uuhal at boBH tlA which to rubmiiiAA bA aam- AaatoAdaotuot baaa axMUUoaba towR*

tUo ot t a atuan'a AUp oaty A a ta itd . Ma Atarteiraaa paanatata, ar a rtio tt halphL and wolpba UD poanda Btoapt t a aftaaw ■aattiam, aha A to paod boalA ibm t twaatptoMpun atoabaturoMd ta a m o t ta to d a x b ^ o B Mr Aft band, am Ab iM

I artalut ooa t a Mata Sa|U an a pAot ktoa. Tba Blpiit ililtoatap t a waaad

I a n piaM pain, to aaab t a t aM waAad iM 'tUalpM.

TM OUDwInp oorMBp t a dotu wu racp now tool An m i A t owiAla pran tdad Aaw

ktoitadiiatr. TbA wu HtaCwIlh n. TM oaaiulw AA a p tn d thwt fal­

low ptnplu WbAb m tatatd all t a pu t a l t r t t pBAarod In t a atpw.

b it taWnd town it t paU Ar two ntaAi, MwblokdmlatoiAttaaMato, lifln iam . A tta td ia ta pbalauau M t a lawn. —* wt a d ln tu irowtmd t a A tum beeaeee to- TOlTad. tn l pbaAopaa Aaa BMAaarpw wr* put, ndlna aluk aad of raaaMptanaaapultt am tottttor auiUlarp kara baw Arolred, TM bam ru bM wot bam aPbtAd. ibOBlAa oiaaiM Min t uMAftm Ahn pAm t a pa. lABtA aalatd wla Inaaau pata, wbtobaaa. Oaou aaal A t boat A tipalltd.

Oaewnoiaitot tadoatot wutaUad torn Mtt ntd m ba u ttr tl M tomM a beat to hoi AruL Bt itaiand t a boot tad wUAM

, abt am iwaiitwm lao bmu nwrioH w httarrlrM. HhlA Mtililt *m Ulklap A Mr . Arw about oat loob la Anptb taiM Ton bw

AA mr. TM attubtr of boon txptUtd to tup A t a pauentllmA

tAatbubtm a wouu at food tooftlladM atarwAt, am dortop hm ItO b u Akaa t a r HtiA toatmtp,f l n n r o n c a h o r h t o h o t h o h u .TAjUatoan to CAmadtotloe Apdaa aa ta tka HrAuw at luwpar EArttm’aHatodr. itaoiT TaiC, la u k—TM t u t at BAAaid

ft Itnuto t a Aopu of tbtt town wbo A dpint M bk oMApt owr to Loah Arbou ft«a

Uamola cuH n,A t a nato Apat ol nartw idw m t a Mratal reucw m ibA pot* don o t ta Raw Tantp ooMi,a>d Attara am Alaprant utapupMbp am mrAo ato poadop to fWn Haw Yorli, BblAdolpHa, Jmap Ottp, Brwklpa am Otar alHw

Dr. Tobwoft tan at t a tlABdlnp pbpaAAift told lu l Bipbt toM t a n wu no puaailaa ibM Mr. BaritoPt tUaau wu OMmd bp lha maapltoi ot hid ham bp t a oAwi im Aath •taaM aaaripata naadM ipeam t a t bkwrUtoiliLtba UflUflftl,

U, Klmwiai rnkAim H Ut. B«nM WM AM raBHlop ft on bpdnipbobA t a pbpalolau

1 amadiiiu dU wm koow wbal ailad bin.> Ha Banta'a ipkadld pbpalqua am bk

AttpeiaAhabtA an ouAtolp to bk Oror," ■tU Dr. Ktowootb. ” bat haftrarpllL Tm ouaraiftaad aw giDWiiip anonpic. BabuDia

I or druak uptbtop alow Tuitdap atAa I, am A Aftop ftatb am mal l Ip Bibk* ,

Dr. DwrU 1r. Bukab. at HarebuAlUa. ar. ilrad hm Aat trtnlap and wu drtrtn A bk bwtai'i boau. wkm M ual Dia Xtonoatb, Jobnaob am WUbor. Tba tour pbpaAlaM

I ta aoMilAtAD aniil Aa Int bigbl. IMpaoBMadtdtal Hr. Bnrttna had amolna hpdwpbabA, am t a l bb otawaif at waararp wtw txirtatip denbilui.

Two bWD feta UA-wtSm Oatim Hk t bar* baaa aatotoped w amatinl atAnduA M Ax. Bantoab hadalda A natrail bln wbaa M li mImA wtUi MUtoMooi.

AHOTHBIl HDIUUUICOHTAHI tU U ki n ippUonUan far a OBmlrwr tor Iba

C u tnd BwUtop Caupaap- TaxNTca, tout (.—ia a ta r rubbai (aupanp

bu luoeunbad. VMtnjhaaaaUar blad pnaar dcptnaima iwA la aMw n u b wipaia. td ru UoaU Boi M appniAd tor t a cwaiinl Bntar bauiap taupwp. li A latuanbA aa TAudap. TM ippJiaattw wu naW m ba- battaltaBakiAH Wbut Im d t ta p aap, at CtocIntalC

In t a applloaiton ta p au t a l t a Btlltop Onoaaip own Ua u n Mtoma al Hi*T.H j ta ttaN o p aap hm aaiaaud w taaaatal BflUftW ArtatoBlrm llNr Ihibbwoeei- paap am AIM uw at at HfttM o r ta to . ••Irani Baniiim Babbit Otapaapi t a l a B iA ttta la llta O tapup waoi le praAM to OaMW H H a p I f t ia d ta lw H a r H a •an WM bapia ipitoM t a n bp Bapaab law* ft Ok, at Bow Yaw. TM appilw aA awA t a UaAIIUuat t a nnupwp WMerutUftblft ot wbiW lUftM A I ipniiWH I t m.

of t aMar and Baalhoa rabbtr toaipwlw aaw in tbt haadatl noatran. thaw llittlittn iw AiUtf dw datlp am t a ampiAp bM aa OidiwiibwhAA AntM tban. liAtWIbtt •uAd t a t t a anwrt n at t a tonpaap aw ■otAw Ml oftu tonUan md bUAnaftrahA fttaii Mbw eantanlM la wban h bw atid atuaa, and tt A iMbpM awop at IMM an owiat bp IM Oh aaft BaotUm TM aaat. pup owaa M wtl MAA. TM aouamp A latalrml ifed Ml aa ftwda Aaanp aa lA Bcdl- n u r '—'im md M hubtm aarrAdoaM a piwi im A t a t toakbaUin. Owtop to Iba twaldtpMtftm to bu lam md ta a m a rai bowcitlatp M AlhalBtBta t a wnpttiyaaa naiba wadaaud w w ApatlO iwftdaaitor

tpatbUtw wuh paon w tta iiatATba

tt«will ______ ____ , .tAdm. CbUWIAr Aodill Ml pnA itwwbAoa Tutdtp ntbft wMa i T“1 bt Mtrd.

W k '^ ^ p r YlOUnT ftTOHMI OPT YnBR,H to tu ftlawB Dawa la UlAitli aad HA- mart Tnwat M w t TataltMm Batattod. Pioau.liL.Taatft—IM Mtaw tAttttoM

lAtm lortug IM Aft iwadapt bw d am nuh dapApt. Ltai aiMlot t a wbArwatUpbiafe IM aiailoc WM ttrabk kp Uphtotop aad Iwa lau at twk ta il nriaaw A ipjond. Ofti ww h ilt^ bUadfd. la TanwtU Otdotp, Jaat aftan t a nru, owp MtUa wara tlUtd, am Bra bartw wtwkiiAdntwHofAn. Tidatbam* tiam. topbMrabtfbwlw Haw M DtArw wua t in klUm, TM wtod, wbliH BtaMtl awom A* Attpoleakdidtpwat dial at daaapt la iTRli uiM aat iwwup nopa m t a UphUadt •aft ot tbh #p.

b dhpaAb Ban HarttimlUa, Ind., Hpa t«a ptopia an wputwd kUAd bp t a Anado la lohn

WHft TtaM »"amwt OBWaMunii • —"lA fttp Wd totallA laM lAtaL IM ■ imiift WM doaa lb tbt aoAklrA of rn am Ift End H. todlk wbtn Ibwt

lobaaoo OtdBip.Bl. Lovft Titaft-dUl Inftnl bbiTloabarto

■Ad lUt ................................. .......•waAatdib# tovitdwtiiiwbtalW a toaicirp am a aonbu of ibada wan Howb lo asllbiaia, larwal koUd- toll unroaiU lA* daw btowb down. Tortoo- •Atf BO om aw wtowd.

Tcon ratAw polBA to WuAni HAaoiui am wparu ibM a apoAita Tbuadap bipbt

did aooatdatoUa Bbiita' So tarMMIpM OatioUen ftiur howAi wan pardaitf d n i n ^ u d all bam wUralp danouabad. Bt Dru wan Icai. Ttainp itolA M t a lair proouda wtw blawB dawa, whOA Btida at wbaH wan AH law nud amak d tn m wh oooa u otabarda. i l BoatnuA ta la M ru HtakwH anaaaM w U ta feawef a drup- MOW WM biawa la. Bt am ww hark IM oociupotiiAet M Mmoft Hft, npam Hwi wheat wu daniftba to lhat npAo to la* aa itnlofHl llw.

W il BBH ft

i . f t HlMbtp HBBa, lawpatk ban giadt a B * n 4 « w W Ha ditw ii i .m t a Muwak

aim ’ Hpptwa b a Chtipnp, ol Oadn

WIXX BKA H ta ftn How "■ ’- • - T - ib a o t tha

tAwwAalaftaagAlp of TnnitaIn u A ito tw Hna k-TMiapon

ban ftnnOuAnabp ptmwadrAu tatOoT*«nWHwla,«f OUtaMft a innai ladiam

D, hMiME OflMMi t y*flp** M OommI^•aaoP at IboaAMtoidtnof laiBbpPMai-

®a * * a p a n a atI Wtt Mttliir 'HMff

___ p RAta * ato paw aid bap,•arm t a lAatl btbtm IM wtfOB M Iba nx* Mf atBlpklb a n a m . TWt u ba bnitaaM atA t watahMa attadM M alAMd oat am Hll mtft bln.

TMbap wwomHmwtapttiam, Baww pAbtd aa aiiawanliu aad wmad A bk boftnMirtpAUHnat.

IbaabtHY fe^wm wan iBAraal tm M dAd t a Btxt dnr. B»W ba A tar, Ta XUap, iwki to n aw n for t a An of t a bop, am BAAn a m t a aaeddtx t w u atand bp

.tb ilw p rtb a to ip aotBttpnoaiad.


t f t t a for t a hftUlBP



Tpatli^lM iwiB cap RbpH TMftfti onapittp Blad anm n at tontperaftaB MwTtUiUiip wttb taCArit at Palm Opgitp. TM totaipMaAn mdtAtkbaldtnan: OaMpa lU f t tf ta r tw iltln ft M l Qioilt ft Cot, biilHiH « f t a i wiiAaa fc iliHiaHttlmal iiiwft «aw Ybwt Hwrp « . tABBW tad ft lEmaadr Tad, Haw ToWi CAwM Wa- aHM MaanBAntittai Tbanat £«wt. Hlaaa- tpaUa, aad n-aom m m m Toba KWft Tr,, pw U B iitatta WBHaM Haw In k , 1 ^ bath. TMAfAdAMa wUldtM to ahwi nil- wapboaMtad atoabh bm uintAait am op-•oftamaMWimn to M. Paalam IHoBt-•pMto tfeaftniUliUA pAwd M tmwlUbtBtowttb^MMdft TMptMHpal oUw wm bb to M Hataul lAA Baak bpUl* topiaBafttath.

tpMtol totaHwbtoMBtow •atoaftpaft Hna ft-TM HbIrb Wtodow

ftton Wttaa (tawilAt n u to taa utpiwAtt Bap w U iruitou HiUwft at uiqriiA, •bbip M ft aad Tanpftimtak tftkA alu, nan- tmf- lanidaat HtwbM*k at t a Baaouat auwtoitiea. wtobaa f t * nettoap, Hft mU wMim tat MiMt a tlliip iW o t to i f ta im tA k WnAtamB XaKbn

iwsnbiMH ^nil I Miiiaaaa OUT aa 1T**.lat wkiek « * a piAa lift ftp t a Mxt l i * m a M aitoftpm Raftdml ImftiHH rt- padtoB awrtpaU tu to r* to taaatA ta tad aaftowadbuAMaaw toblatft ladwtu aaa. Aaat w apia tot AMflibAtowib. Oidm aw pAftlM am «aaft Upki. Ybrr uttA naiiiiBiilillI watowin M w nM a m t *

b paiW Baad f t * ilAiAdlapi CAwwIHmt ippalattd ab TaoMrdap’i

iabOBT PibE, Tan k —IPt ataom ppp'a n*tot dttaal|bip-ftxtbaBaBai matuui at t a ' t a M t * d ^ o n k to in n iw (BotobtHitoft* WetdepiAPAlop wlto'lB (to ADdaoet Ot awilp MB dalapaiaa, npnaaottop atoMtianirtiatoto . t a DM* TM kta> M in iia tW w m H to a A ^ _Ibonp*R{ttYaioBiBSlMem Umlpa am

BbUiiito nitoatow ww tM iwu mporAai, •aowinp lhat BUdiH had bttu wbalTod Btf. tot t a aniimi roar, am or ibA ton IIWIN* hm baw mpramd. TwawotottaeBtirm qntliaaadlM opomliAwiallowod.^

TbrbouilDaortpBiidtealbninwItl an ba brinpm baton tba natliax lUi t a md ot t a

bb aa)inddt pw ti^toad^ A a^ JJ,'a pSi^-Udi . _

ttUli 8<teoMFUi**4 M M Mitt ^

•KHHBift ■O T O m g.P TOTM fAranaadarta-aAlat of tha ftn m to

taA aaT w w af * M t.f i e mo, ttnn i. am ami Toba H. labo-

BaU, (AwnaodH-to-afeiaf o t ta DalAd K a* im p, wbo A a wHowai atU A bow la iM Watt, Will aom M naiiAd to BM Otorpto R- KUbowaft t t JCmkaft lawa. TM dna An baaa Bxtd, bat A aot piTU oat w iM pn wat. TM waddlup will taktpAoaaUMrto Cbieapoor to laokiL Will ba a-bipb bApi tollMaip adklx

TM aalAot pwoti A t roArao Wall aleop taputt, bM atm afeotoraAilrtr----- — - — -n t a aobaotiBaA ofmaarai

bSailm oor* WM agwH tonrlA wIBtt a amHtowttoaaiddariRptaiajttmiUA. TM Kllbmim MaUp A.pmatotqt tolawa toidal dwAftam Awaft-InmtailtwToikpot WaaMbptoo.

BCBftUlHt i * ktoOBT Httftft

It aaulp trarp a * d * a . t a CAP MWBa t a

TWA M dM aot tonddar Bor,IbM WM *ato wpam to t a aMU t t iM Ham IMAM PIP dw ta b m a a . Tt

Mh tdaM M rrwam tiHad tba* [■• ooontt) am aaptaau prrpnnao l IMi patnioun lor pcIrtAaewtn I, baHw t a l l appimtuaa will to

_____ Ttfi Bo wl vir. tak b atU,nan uWe IM praptrlr-owiMit ubtop B it dtato pap * m totpMur tm te ta r b t t taatoa ibM mlpat uwiwtur M Milt,WM ta p nant wMrt tU rtobtafraafttotw a n d * (dtp amamtak * uawn t a l nap toiu bt AOli iDlMtratlpbbOtaoda. dwtHaUhtaannwid that M would aot row * i n prtnto atwor, toe preJuAn ot wbAb wooM BM oonplp wUb to A •pnotBoit Tbt bnm tdapAd Mr. Bwitot pUft

PinHmt toMlb nportad dial, atlliip aadar aetarApet bWAflMWof taeawmlMk*. M rlium 1a|Awa Yaap, otlM Haw York

HtBoaid, wM baAp mM a**;HtW M b‘iitow..wM«

w « k a* |l.lijia rw k HipiAitr P ^ p i toM * IbM a # W wmia rftttHenark'a watoiftolta woaanoatli, to Mwatt IlM wdtk npattad bA prutata. TMi wu HU

'dap Ap taalrt ttipa, w b * Hr. Bnltb ooa-______ bibb, aa»M to* * i p pcowAtoa toam dta Haw Torktr ab aotwu toftlaw dppft

Hr.l»ttkaMd bt A aW«n thatTAItp A I ootoptABt a iu , but quuitoatil wMiMr wabtt hi w * A tftptpa tkAa h r a pw , w * nrrM t nAM * M a ttdad toM hang, tta feaidi tan tu td OM M M mthottam to tiA PAApBW a nmto U M m am a wrAtl Xtwukfa worti tarn a wttk, H wpalnd, T m RaftdmiaxpAlamihM tapUAamaaHMtl tabwidweaMiMtomtoptlAdA h n p ta mptoau Auptt ibaa M A aetuallp atadaft IM H p*m aaiMtiip t a pIrwL

KHWiBKH BtBHCT H ilftW iT C i Uiigwaamt m tka ippUoaltow Bar aa

Jaanltoft ifftlaal tka Htpid Trmatt, kpaolal DApitob A t a BlWft

TM4DR eprr, Tout ft.*CMoaaIlar KoOlO hand t a a rtitan t thk norotup oa t a ap.

riton or toa H ew * Pamiwn tun- vrap to laatratu iM Bwld T n»ll 0 * . pwy ftaw epauttap ftlMd on TUAwto ar*. BOft UWWMO Btlnoai arfiwn aM Barr

M, i . ’ f t Btubtp. Who appi tor t a tttfamiAa, ualttm ihH R* Atato in ao t wu yaetlAI to IpntwatJa artaw thraopb whtahtapHmipu toupanp tp m m a nlinm , aad n iwfett t a Bapto R a ta CM panp oooH DM opantt Ibk n m totta andat t a Aw.

Chant* W. I lu r , Air t a lApId Tnuiit JoiipaoT. ooottmm IbM t a two armuu wm Bot puaUtl. am that tba Uw whiOh tor- bade roada patftlAUap tack otoar. quoAd bp Br. BMatop, w h anemitinittouL Ttw Ctaaotnoc ru ttn d bla daebdoa.

rftin t woKAXTibatwB Hww* OtaaftMeMd bp a T nA t~ i Dam a t BWaMa,

Iptrdii A tot I n n m H m lu u n r f tT « B t f t - i wtUUnaatd w au a ,

about tblrifftro paan old, Hww battolf t t ftoni at I into M HiwBMIwito tboBt IP ittafc tob totnlap pod bm bwtowitap

« t tdS TM body t a wawrtd to t a bwptpa-ioen, but at bwb aU wiaihiid ORldtanltd, aiumph bwaBwBa TAwtd twraiutaa,

itAUmi|M t a w m aa wwherabM Ab luUtaiotiwwbrtb tom a t pat h tn u p * toitmpHwMr. Ib tw w RrtlbMalxtodMt All,wtlpbm ahodt W P ta to a td b M W II la iwrpminiboak am iwodtorltopt. BMam ou a blast d n n littaaMd wllk td ta ralrw am tblatkM nw kM. Bk< k * W * aMaefc bnapnidadaifcoapa wttbtmilbboaa, T * MpAaowHTtMtBAnraiab TMhtmA niiM d to a Httr< tb* <kt AaAfeA an aot woopniwbA

TM aaptotw of iM Htwark ABta atpi t a BbtoruniaA wanaa lAppid odT IM pAitorn dailAmitlp ta ttwBl of t a tapfat, WAAk dow not atop u t a UttA bnoabittUon wbtn aM WM itndbif. u It tooBtrlp dU, but haokt BTtf A iht iBton dtpek__________

C E N T S ^ i

i T i i a i . r B t i o ^ lO BHnakaad Dpta«> « * aad OhIliinHi

If IthMt >Md t t BAalltr.Two wonaft with totet ebSHttn, appUad A

CapAto a * l Aft uAbl tor lodtta. TMrt art M aeoiBBiiodMton H t a Hntib Pre-

It am t a paitp war aaal A poBet bampoatAn. CkAt Hopiitr, attar htarlap toatr itoip, ptmitAd t a n A Mt* in iba bmplial and wtbwto ro o t aad ttuakam iMto wttb Aoft

TM pawpit wo*R part bw aant ta Bra. Otoapt BAnaft * t A oalp lan tp pttr* tf apt aad - Iwa .or t a eklldiu an bna Itx n o a ta wu bat butbaad, wbn Bow llrw with iA Aotar, a wMow, H M candta altarV wm laku Ul am wtat a IM botplnl, wMn eeoinTiMn tmAptd. ■a ibm wtol wttb bw WlldMa A Btw Ttok tad ttOHnd wtto bw netMr. who, tok A a WMow wttb a Mbp to naaw * . IfbH UliA Hndt aM hm wm •eoft axMotAd tad pttAidip Ibap w n t A Mtwwk.

PbWAbM but a Aw dapi A lira, am M m nnaiB to to Abtb tt bit iwtotr'a botn A OA Alt. newt A * poor A tan * iiA ponai wttb abd t a obUdran am Obial Boppat •annad a pwAtt f i * Orwmr ot iM h»i KtLorltu am tbtp wflt M tMiArad H

I tla*niMi. H bu Hw rhota applAd I orar AW wluaad bw a pamlL Hw

Phoat’i nolbw am hwabUd wm mO Mob *® York.


C W S f l l S ’

A raaiw tbftt PoRtmitir OgnkUi'i|f Brtkwtft of tbt iBonvt ia


Tha tomftawan m Ifta 1 to t ta f ta * o f lh a K aiap (Maw lAqiapta ,

On tk a Haato o f tka tfR U nir t tl** OiA

tka Hap tea Bopi-oaSp

t i i


Ta OtHtjnM Uw Ydaidil ^ Ui oaiaaaiHw. '- n w t h k ,' Tam 'fta-b HAtAftift-ptftft. itotfftBul tibtltoWB tout* MKtptoOniit b t a abft Wbt* Ml II ipiaiftt tto f ttp w . HbM fUi* i i * Bt * BBomnwp of t aG i 5 i d r 5 5 i ^ to i m p m o o i ^bW lftlBft taiktfttABHtamw IM O *

b m b i* IkM i lA w w a lb * * * » to-

I bi« bow * • R * w *m pbof p bktotB*Tiftftft«.SRbapw

a * .ptowd • two broatopf Map, tatafc toot aaphadp

' hat hoR-


iwfeippMl at H i pmaabB HtmfMHBftWlBPlfBtMA btfaA , I m a ^ haftiMbBHB to PM im f t * iM lot. APT i r Madftip to <Mm1 th A w k * I k * Hit MtBiPMItoW w iwAw

HiMBpw of t n ftrlppa itidtoUw,■ Sts » * ■ ■ * * * ft~1kB W bw * (L f .K bW bO im .bm BAtoXBBftk. ilMw.

W Hlw p i t tM ta p ^ A ta d mpMWt katoftMMftp -tM atflfw » to * m Sato OM M tM fW ttb ftHMpbfdtr., f ^ t n IJI Iliift* m iTr r~~f n td aB * HiiT* ria BMMIlrM * M to taUkAbi btodbklptaaa-

SfiSSSa£"‘ “^*'

tBiBi'aftW, ftawBiip,lteM pa*aChBali HBlwatTAa TbOrd ■BtaHtbbBft.

Ipardai Dbuttoh to t a H m hnofiT, Tbm ft—Tm twUtaai at H. H.

Botton. otlAoct BUlft t a aaAnd bp bacplm UaiaUbl. i la tp t pBiattipotUStorBwa t a Muira.

ifaHwttabdadthMBBmralnahAjBwU'IP wm Atoa sat of Hx HaWoa’i pwk* , bt- udMr with btf pfaraiMitoift w b * MOAtoad ahmiPtoialwaBbaek * IM ft Ikb ft t a toM b n * t a t hw O ta nAbtd A tkM Aoit. titf wUbla IMAM two wwka

CeftebiwpPftrtp * B ta to A r * r HnrWrBmumaoti. Yt. Twao ft-Aanaklip parrp

mamtopotDr. aM Kn. YwBwtaDwaft Hr. aad Hw ft 0. Taadwpwd, Hw Watt* Saaumk. of Haw York, aadtaoMM lAnbftit Onapft f tf t, WbAb MU Bu lam W aduite IporBtaantrmhwwmonaiapMftfft IM

itp n ta itaA to Bar Balkw, wbtn Hn. ^^noetfithlbw, How Twm ft |!tlaft hw bk aomtar wUdtaift. Oa t a War t a n •ApawlUhtdBbdtM I t t * , MntftMW paw Abip Jatantburp. utiAtoo, B. tt., udHaift Ht.

al'lUl) a nUt M alntt tAanlop Wt oAaotd about (WO nOn I * a l* t and It o * t a otto natap m .” H t Hank wpHiid tbm ax- paedttomlatadipM tnwtlnHapi B ut* u d Mpbwipa, Bftdto.Hi mw* aad dwm.

pdUA pfoudi, M ftn ; Hdtwalki, n il. tm m w ira |i,M l.tt| lo ia l,fft* tft It ww adoptod. Hr. Hanb naomd ibM t a Btw York am Baw Tbotp Ibitplwat O *.

b e * m Bliiwalto, imM wUhotowBaaBt HIM beam waAbaai npaM to t a w dtantt portialsi MSh traa-

m .IM npwlW adnt tidal t a t a MRApI

JW I * wtMr doanoptd bp M ta ftHotd tpoAM M aAotoa w * p * tad ba total IhntdBptbiftft M toaad t a a im otiM wnpwp t a t twaad It. Hr. Hanb ntd b attpwBiaWBttobkMttaananirf Ibr Mi AA- dUpA u d wltpboat wnptblti to p ttb ttatr prtaudattM b tobM bttlia pIMt, bttotip Ib ta im tfta tw p o n tlw twalai tap o A TM to ippu* hbto attw BBtopUtd pith amwwwpiii'itdiAA IM naMw wwAM

* pM to BatortRAm tbt Knab'i f t * wUh wililan CBfbibtm lor nfttok wUh HiliWn CtoMu u d

HAbAM H«attl'.* HP a m t * TM Opoul rapotAAibat, AtMOAototo tbttoaliaoilow •f tabotld, MbnlwiUWntBBintMM AMr totaotBoAAotta DaAwaift M to w tu t ud . Ww*B ktUnm, AUap ta a t NbM ta p n * p ii* a w n u it Ml Maarb im m WHt- ibltaftHBa, batkbdnmrwdao nplp. Hr. PnMi*tMdlbMa«awMM * talM H Itr o t ta Aw w tattopta Band « W otatadt* aaWtAnaadapimMidMtxpt* a BiAilw danap t a Andtp A * m taO bw to lip . pwA baphntBi tm * Sft

a m otutta aatborA. Aappip A t a CMBlt

M twattoa lam M iM___ war* A wtop out aap____ ___u d t bMwtn t a warn tD a*iptndtaoM towaduei betrd. li wwntopwd.

Di. lu d ip lop w t C Oeon lorrssiisir'

i BwOt* DrmmtO WhOt HfiiBbft awaaiMi, TAB* 'Be-^IbBmBiMf kw H

■kYlatoaiM tffiA ll


w y l* b m «f t a d M tiM to kb fk w Y *

pH * .p t a

, WtowmAnd taaup, Bimf<Hbi*f .iM n ,a m d n m « . * * * 4 ^ -----------f i to f tta r trw atar t a wDbWX__atibt Ba ww a am a tA m in w wto.iBk aaHTMWBtpl n y t a wH H itH jg jB m t catobbAUenart bOtabJkt.Hfc tkp.

■**aautoHltabm**to*-bto*iWN|ftfrHi:piimtfli Cm* ]

■talal A t a B fm m B m l E i b W f t T B m f t - J - ^

S T J l r J S i s r w ^ J S•Oitotok.

ThathMabaMmof taJA h * Omatr Rtow. i top Oonaup ABtto aitrapaabY Ball, awaw etOMtotabd MwPtkatoH ift totlwtpAtud eltetm ibm *w elw i ftodtaaed TAttf, ‘ nrtbaMwoW, CftaclA Htn. YMl W .|T. bthwaidft M b Wap* Bwwm M w. . Ttka iHrw B. aw M ,.B /«u bar f t ; H y a .

■tpAtotoa MMa HMMrl* ITwoUHbMwkia

b u r'.‘l-

g s *

■ ^ is a r flE a B e a r - ’tok

Coal fAw gbottorod Into PropiaMaA ood T iartl Dolopm for Ptraral Hwon.

FLaOtmui, Taatft—i bat wnrheeawnd on t a Btw Stmts Cbutra! fiallroad nwt iba CUahn araa* amalop A ihA eup at u awlp boor ihH AWatop. WWBlep in (he pUlop Dp am aplIaiHAp nf a dnau Bonl ea» am t a deApinpot uaHoorw Ibeitm MtbA pMnt MaararMboan

Bo(ta Bo, Hft attubod A a Into of traptp ooM 0* Waa point w * wbaa t a laala brott iBlwowadowavrmt am t a rew taotlon onubPd AM t a iDf ward hoiAb wttb Anlflo Awft ■ktoWlBP t a am tow ttM<amft tm ittlltotop t a dabrA atoop t a iwekt (bra Aap dAtmoft fonaadAip no potue rru to- Arad. 1 * 0X101 onwa wtw wot up IlAabtUi.biitltwqottmBtrawl boon of bard labor A opoii t a roM tor mrot apaln.

NSW Ooniutiton and iW on itpi. Tiiiitaft Tu b ft-TM Mlowiog aitonitpa

wm naW toUtoallorr lo tbt bumme Court pialanUp ; (Itom W. iatAnaa, of Iocmi. rillt i PMmW Dnoft Chtnaoar f t Fuktr u d neoapt W. W. ItoAft toBtwiit) ft Addi- •oa PwUl tad TttooWr H. Btllp, of BAatoUi Toba ft MoMuAft ot Ttnrp Clip; Howaa Bobaitoa, of BtpBttatl HMdwlBk i . Bn, ot Oandtli t Hoorp W. OAdbUl, ot Rtanoa. , TMhltaWlap wow BdwttAdwtaMr: Bob- tn ft Oma, Tx, et BUaaboibj Tbomaa T. (TBritn, ot IfarriAowo ( Rmariefc B. Cook, of

I Bbu WblUior, 01 CandM t dMo- m a f t Aaard, ptndUlpMiiupi TbaaauB. Ho. CwAr, Tr., of Bawark i baatual i . iitluou ta i c k n * X. CAmMift at H out Bollp j Tmofc i . Bwhid, ot Fawun i nuuaoi i . Coddlsim, of nolblBldi Tokb ilbwl Mo. OowD, Gerald ft Coahnu, Toatpb E. Truxi aad Inuai V. i . Mlfblto, of Bawwk; Toba i . HoatfOiMrp. of RtaAa. aad Bawott ft Hood- wonb, of Otaopa.

BBtarMu l* ’ I d tu Ai FttU.Dw Honw Tom ft—Twb baadim dtapouM

tXooitAota on ronw fern CMar Paltt A Do KoiBaft hm u oxbHibp bdtoaMw m TsArA pwisidBp. HMt a la * aM a tbai iiaUMtMpawfpiwsaadbBum u ta r a u of orM Any n l * u bow. i torob ww ttlL tauMuakook ooBTuhlrolp kod ta o b«xu lo xo bunptop onr t a Uta TM pnatu. paw Mid ibitf towtk tor • wAAOt, taow- tap t a l tf t a into tniaod arar tap wm It hradwpHBAasaduL tbaum i- AtpwM SOI Amatd H t a r Art c n r t hridpe ttffe tael loop, u r did tktp bnt lln Httlp uutMbadtpdtiowiUHd UMa. t a otn wram IB Ml dtnoiloM but rlpkialdt op, aiopptd awrlp HO puH Bust tin tpot wlnm totud. taralAbodwowd tbt ttadw ud bar can A Atm t a feteh. IM ABowottra olup to t a nlA am palAd t a toatp pim a p * to laittp. BotMdp wa* bAid, but aartwl wootaAtoAft . '

TwwIAlldrwa HooMBdftHn, pmwnnTRMft-TMdwHtAip of Hhimi

ft Mopnft b .Mtolann ArAw bf fM * u TowbMi* AdtoiltpwdaAt Rl, wwbtoAbito tbaneudo* to tfotook A« Bipbt, aadtso W iHttB,ain tad MAworf. ainftaiUBBd twMrtpt* iBtoMttnt/, wtottRoH* Tba H ta p ita ttw to d S p ta ita fetokawBooni. p m bmip BMBPbd la taw MpWtooibw mpB Biu s e d fu weena wow bmpaim a

DP tren a im m Attotr wlap*. Mtym irM todipborkid, bW wlH woowr. R A on baowa bow t a H* * 1*00* .

| t o * t a i i f t a WB* lirltB BipHt a.lUBoMIBiHdAM ft'ttw w aiH tiif ha

•lAniooo to Bo*dtr t a flaack* to bi 'ftikaMdkAlta WM Itld to bl nadt Mtowfnp t a Baftd TtwoMt to m PMlnap Cm mat to top tta tnaka to OwuM a n e t* finn t a prmnt ttm law to Omapt. TM uitwtp a n p u p tpplAd * ptmAAoa A top taw IruktatuiMwfBka tpo andT. i . Bwohtr, t a botaftt aoBAWI, wm taMromd lodnw ap laeairtrft Tbh An beu eotopltitd u d t a

toachMi«lUbtnBtolBid,tnadtiltp at iptfSaAAdaatrA-nWBW. <A


;HWa* ObatoJartoBd. -iAMnNRbnftTl* li-RtdBrM fttoAt* Aoft B JwdUf JawtoAP bwtt ntd a proiMatpi huU M A taB totoW Had At HA l* ib A

■A * mm «■■■■ m wmwm \nfBMMtouhaiabBHl ta w daimlBx law Mtwr will ba Mid lo

dtluB HnwMai, Who Plathm g iorpa Htwwa, to Btw te fttA u,

OttMt totwn, wAnd. bM th t* d M lBopbl* oolewd, i f .11 Howard atmft wUb bariapsM blnw iH aniw Os CMt*M oAbl, IB a ww w loward lAMft teawa ww tligbw aad tl WM tbsupbi M woMt dA atbk iB h m Ba waMrad a W MpM Mabw Aap l i ta U d u m w d w e ib t r w t le b aiAodmtawiatoAnpHafbAiaw, im u u i H m wwka ipa wu to t a OAp UoaplUI.

HopkAaAAtaattp oa t a alpht of t a MW bat nwiwad HA itaiwliia Ht bad act bau to t a oAp u bow bo Are DtAowra Twptta lu d td Mn M aoUn bampoaiAia.

■aittom aad Xoarap. TMdtaPtook to HtBtnAw Beard tf Ua-

UAW ttw t a tAoAw M a p tm u w l Ran.tl warn i t a * Ao. i DOw-

hMdamadtwwm RwMaaft u d

•AbL TM auaM t u t o l a t t * A a ttw to btpit am ttA Dteat. •arp t a tm u m W w U b t anwHid. Dam Ml MFpislMtMi k lroi|itt tfattttikttiUin' ittM M ditpBinitatin w i t M i f Itoa ttaw oaaaM b t pwrtoid ba. Ba t a r t * itfwM Aoatbtf w in * dot t a twtbwttbm Abttor.

TM aubeUi Toow MtP’i iUHtalAM tf Bantoao, b u t atmtad IM w ir* at t a * r . TmAw B. T. lirtUt, fttM of to Paiileb'i Ctuwlttl, Mtw Turk, to dtUrw t a tddmaa t t tea Mxiauth u lln ru rp wAAM* et taa* tto lto a ,ta It bald Jaat Ift

i , ft talib, tttrp taw , t f Btwark, wbm wlA h u n m ta tm p ltu i of dtwHAt, wu arwmd bp Dtitnln CanoU, of Mawwk, w b * M ww H w * pwAidap m ia M atAt’tWapM * iT* « aad fanaA arw aaw

TM MtonlAuMrlBi bam eanpAAd to t a p laM * tam oA w o t ta Baw iwwa Hall tor lUnAon, t a anbiwet bw tiaatd tb m wrwM t a t m CArkH taoHotw BwiAu a rm *

Tbt B a * * L tw b ttf ta Dtrli HtnoHal M. ft CAatoh, Harrlaon, Udt naawtop AA la Ataatto*topAuAM Miubara.

Kwrap Vaioa Madapwtaoi MM m Aa am abawkwip teMrM AM alpkt to t a

b t a aaw of teiMMtor OwkHa' tb t budaw u of CAaaw iwft ta d s wptnawadu t W t a nau p aWW ■aoft l a t a f in * Bf CAaaawp.HadtfM WM nquwl HA a w i ^ bp I *

I «r. Xalahft wM |Wsm M a ILiQlMmtti H BWnH BMWAtobft w H t ttVlwwoUtm to IftM. Me B tabT tatod .^ Joohdw to ihow tbM t a aMw * tow bpwbtabliftOwUtebttvwHA MMBWWwa ;__waatto u d waaM tm stia t o d * * If Itonal WbAgkwlotoulwMftm fMM M f bwa A b u bp Ann

Oaabwtt MMUtod ba bm * * • w I,A u a t i M b s th i a f t a bw itf tidw d tp a * n o * a * t a p Mw*d t a l aiAtod at t a mm ti tmft i a u i * a * b t o ba an*, to dAaam m t i i a a * w M ta r aapMasap ww mA la p ta ia tto f tfa rw W a b ta dt b i dw l - - * u d p f t t a baad. * nW j

I I * H a a t* af t a IWmMw t a to im r ww iiaAa w m *

aad M MMd w m w abwnWM* to I . of bb Aanwaap. TM t a p * ix U ta a a W I ilMaAatloa m aaa* to tl ,M iaatool tf t^ a •ftto* li* WM onn-MuMatd bp T. I taA ,'B Rm, bot aotoxaf B u ta t at i * * w i w * ■ I

tbapM M DarA am I A lm ta i

i l t a to W * | a t tin W A tIIA TbWMUpOonuilUm WadtMdap algbi IM ooatrtM uk tODtiraonip t a dlitti oo M a alisM t t tM rtrn w M aw artm io irH n tlu M d . dartwl aamailpoBoHtorwr bars rtoutip brmra- porttd la tbt aMpbbor&tad of DaWiit tr to u t u d T m lo au ttttM. i oonadntt w u ap. ponM to InrtaUpato t a im m i am nport lanltarr MM uru to p r t ru i a reouiruoa of IM a* * t m tillow ta wort tltrim Plf* CMnxMoatn; T. M. Tan ttnaoiAar. I ft lAktr, WHIAn flIWm, ft. Tttolotoea am i, MatttiT, Afltr I * arputaUnn of t a ww boaril IHI lAhi M a L tw ruet ww aAeim (3ilaf of H t Rm Dtpwintal tm >d CMIard, iiaW ut CbM

OnMaHt T u * Dripbu tm TantiK t. OonlpA, w b* point d m 36ba irnM pwior. dapaawabopIptopdiTWtlp mnm tm nil- raid Inrk naklop f e u * tkiirA to aw«t eat of t a wap af n tpptweUax fttlphi into. Tbt m a wo to IM apM u d with dlHooito poUtd (M lad trow et t a Iraek ] * M t a up lo t wubod t a totnlap Tha pep had m toatoMtaapbito t a t n a k lad ww ontUt to tx irto* h tm i t

Rtp. D. M. VoIA, loamw of t a Valoa in ttU m BpAeoeal ChoKb, h u b t u l n u - Ibmd A V. A. U. f t CboiMI A Bnt Mpbtp- ifih tkow Baw Totk. Ho A iBm t dtd bp t a Bar. A. T. Outoo, af VlnAad. Hr. WtIA AtrM t a BoUtrUA sbureb U • ltD ^ liulopaoedHtea,

Tba tuwAMp n l u b w Hbi M t a Xtofti Dupbitia w u AaU la t a tapM of t a Ht-

tonud otaarob ptittrdap MtonoDt.

T hlsttt TAit a Oaol O S n .TM * w tf •totwWD ft Hant, aoBl

d u u n M t a m aw af - B abanu u d Atuaptoa oMaara. wu aaimd bp btiplan . All BltbL bul lOHlBf ww •Mau. Tba katb al t a a

I bau prAd off wtia a plabait am tba blnpw niBOnd. u d prapatawai trMaaUp bad bau mad* to blow tt' apat, aa eouiAp Of powdor itm toawd aa tbs lioor. Tba ptekaxa wiih wblOb t a work ww does wu lakm (h t a ttobA, t a door of w ttu bm

n bteku tpw. TM bonw watt abaapm feomaw *11 to u o ta r, amanrpIbAipww ibmwii araam la auAiatoB, bw MtUap *w

i ftudglag baata Bad an Bbrt. "IM Ibbof llaa*” a todptof.bomM2H

Hatai tutm , wm n a * baU «rw wiH tp. MAmat AM wipni bp u bmpAnt aw j i Pm t a npt of i nHiM liBp taband tbroMih t a wtedow of u ttpptr iw

m t a laipw ww aaiaptd bantiDX t a WMSt dA nrb* af bk Hup, uHopoiMip wum “ MidAH.” W h* tha Adper ww auUdlHtop hA tow t a aMW Ampit h u m wan wHhliatlap t a b * Machw The * n WM exHapnAMd attu Urtip dpht. _________

Tiptop t a Taaohart* Cor tU u lM.TM pabiuMpaxantaMlw afwmUoAa *

Ateteia’ an ttaata A«an thla nsmtop la t a H«b laboM Adidlap to Mastotott * Ml pitdat, Tbh A IM only t t * to Iba Padf whao Ml piadw aw w tn laa* Tawbasdwd


n p o * m adia af Saab am IMS' darOonpanp l af Btiiliw Am otpU, M wbtoh two MW awnbm w * adwilttad, e b tr* B * aw, a nmbar af t a oaaptiPp, IptAtd bk A * « taAteto Ab *H teliMton HM had bwa anpuaii dowwaun to atAbrtw bA laawt nawApe.

ft Ttowltor TIskst TraowoHu.WAAt B Mopw, af in PprliiMAM a rw *

tbatpiii bp Twob Mlobuft of M l*BB* nrUb nlllnp b * b wotHl* tiabw w b Boaipau tiwnn.wf a bp A wrup- IbUpMta td . fc. IA .........................

Oruw R n Dtpbrtmnl ww rtoAidap 1*10000 to two Proa,

Hr. f la d iu a a n 'a paatiw ar . iamto I. HeXIurWh, Of t a l l |b H Warp,

tortaartppealMaM* u o n M I IrM aiBU ta MwaM Baw Yitk aad HattAptm, Ma baaa a f t * * bpptaiaB bp * i * w * ft U (Aak* IA t t aoMaW IWM UAdtoAtao, t a pwa lUpaiAii bdWit Bf t a atad dapntaaut, w b * m diaiBu wlU taka a f t* u tew It

W uftnaft A m p ftm t t a n a . .HalAn, (XWAH Bad tbaW * ,TW>a Htltot,

Of 11 in o t tuttft a baUdtteaatod naa, wmm dmdtwnrPHabAiRNWM Stnioakpahm daptftwasmwidhwBMntktatd. t M i * Up kM nyoftoP Ha auMH to t a poMot.

Tkoa* i W u * WM wlAd. Oa i I andmoa t aA te Itad 1 ^

MMtotetoto taSTidsai to a tu a to i « M

n a a n u i * o b h dw a b • bo dbd . IM HMMdp-iHteptaHUI Bdiftl* C i* |

t thadp no t teBMfcwA towda jok ta iM * Ha Aiantorp t t*

C U tttA a*kaoib*a*a Awtoklp* wwtAbji hiuat piswBd at u aoM ppht paHaidap afAu aiia

ti^B W i Mw MuBi|i AfUlBMViY iUM Mila'* tr, TM tarma'a paHUpt toiaw k af t a “ ThnattAip Itoll” aUpw

Hwwa atowt, a * t a AlAw w * t a I — WU t a H * Bad i .•U AN ipett, M krotoar.” MMlbat i

. Ibmt dwAm HM Mltb- • blAitd bopu thikat feoA

T M Pm itttekof lA btU i w t a souAnar HatabHft UMl •ad H.W| bauUiut naArtoA i mda,—id r .

to wawAaowl |» 0 « #

R ltn (M fto w a HA m ewbt i Hir, ftA LaanaO b—idp.

iYStaaiaS^ii^ f t f t lBB*I. LtatttrOtmAdfk

pmnbtwd t au h ^ a a tw d etoabw* wd apmd to pap Ip* HtohapA tM AdwthtwbBdttad IM y * to PV * t a * k u u d tpitMl IMtkt, HMhtate NtaU ntotba* Bwtr bp wttfcip ptpAdato TMlAktiwMdMtd Htplft lisft tad did aot Mar B * i'a a t * It WM lot- WbMAd A b felud of Httbbtto'a In IM oU eogatfr. TM pticp wbt wat txMoAd

I ptnipt ttinttta.AiAdtodoao. J iiMDadtor pwnpt m t a fltkM a told HM tt waa worthlaai. Mr. Naaw

stolaab HM MIebMkiUllowMhImtft Otoa. baw liM Att lawn, tad HAbwh baa wteU Btpii*t an u t,

n t t a a t H u t Oiwapt.TM But

wUad out pattar bgtb bars* am 101b Of wUob * tnppoatd A h b u bau m OB Pnt tm Pnt aooonod at t afbAab, hatop t a ban af Cbarta w, lowAt. u Oran alrwl, nwr Poanx bTuow Tbt Wbtor pritniw wm imoPAAdl u d tbt bars WH uUiMp dtattopid, oanaluf a Ion of ll.dld.

i t d tfelHk t a ban of WUUam Uarpan. M t a BtlKtc of OiOTt tlrtat and CtnUl aruiH , •m bot a abort d i i tu n Pan t a Tow* plaat, WH toaod to Paana It wu badly [iniwft t a Ah OalOf about 1*00. TM pallet b t * r t Hat bMb barn wtw tw oo Art u d bp t a t i n t indutdiiaA. .

A n tr lrh ip H n tM iaM olatlM .Thirty atw Btoiabm wm titotm am iwan-

Ip w tra oaadida* ptopnad at lati Bipbfi aamunp of t a Horra and Bmx kmUrom EmMopaa’ HotoM MaaPt ianolalleo. TM BaiDbmblp ta Hap 1 ww 1.IW I nTantao irera aAoAd, tto n n dropped am ana dlad. Iwylnp t a Btotobmbip ou Toot I, i,dm TM

Al iwpiirt tboRid (bt MAw. lap I fttIuM 00 Hap 1, ld,iito.ai i rtoatpA, H,bl).M; aipndltnraa n.ISlTI i batoaw M m a t. H ,n .lft rsnM i airugt- Mu A w* tatdt Sh tot unoM u(!u»Aa of HthwcidMlni.

HbM * p p e r t ftto O bfldm .Tnitlot Bapta bwordtitd Oaorpt W. DolbAr

to pay bk wut If.N pat wnb ftir t a aapportof bA tb m OblAren. DolbAr deaarAd blf Wttb to UH. In UdT, attw obiMulnp a dl- Toret, Kra DolbAr tunled C b ir* fn ib u p , of TtelMt tinet. RIb(m UH aM bw band lei tU dblldna. Id t a iianlnatloG befon Jnt. ttw BapM DolbArtMd M wu wllHtif tt top- port t a obUdrta If t a r wart dtlliarad to tala eoMtdp. T a tt* BapM. In bk opAlon, rUAa bAlnAlllplodM idtHAIM ajatadpof t a t a l d r u __________ __________ _

Tho Ptnto Chriatlan Xndwnror.Tba PtaiaeonoiUAa of too auAtiao Ka-

dUToraAtlo t a Yonni Hw’a CbrlHiu JA- a U H lu partoA paatardap aOdRiuoa. It ww daoldM tt bold IM auuM Ptato RnranHaB lo t a R n i R *pA rlan Ctaunbu Oatobarto, M, to. It ww rapuiltd that uHAottrp rail- m m WTUfoiiieDA nad baw nadt tor t a M to f t* U lM tottrwUOMl oonreatAn M HlaBwpo* to Jalp. TM foUotlax pu tlt. a m will rtprm at t a Bt**'b aorABM at IM o u e ta tttn i Dr. T. ft Piueli. ttav. Du a I Hartta, CUtaaot Pobtotk am Biwttd Rna- amp. . ,Fraft PtpBdte’i Ctow OomoiHiwMal.

Tha ootomsanatat aianlaw bp t a etall- dim of Fred * or I- ft PtpadA’a daoMop olaowa will ba Mid at Hlotr'i T bum lo- aaonww MAraaao. TM wotrauiBia ambtani dan atoa w u art, m btna body ouliota am puttdM. im u p Ibm tta a naaibtr of tM preibwi r't own mapmitoa. TM esoclodlnp Bonbtr will ba IM ” laAmtttoaal tea PttUaa FotoaMM,” wttb |BMd tablau bp awnMn of tMoAdaH *a * t t l a r TbroWB Front H tr Bnppi,

Adaophttcof ttobart baliAr. ool Actor tor Krinaan bnwaip, bm a narrow am p t ta a lOMwap paaiadap. dMwwdtlrliuian Waab- topMA itm t worn Mt bam baetna (iHbi- a u 4 aad daahaddown AarketaiiML i t i b t n m a to f lr a a d iim ita b n u p oollMedwiih ap m . HttaPaCIArwwtoroWiittihtattond w d dripitd a abort dlrtanoa. Bar IMnr* w m ill|bi, bowtrar, am t a wu aUt wg rtta to hubOAi.

A ftoUtpt Ptadtal MAitap.SotAit RonaMIp. ■ pnpM m HM

t^t Mnntn OotAlt, wbtd t t M taowol fern t a mAea pettttdtp nwBlRp Ba npow wHpruMd tm M did adl rtiaiB a wbul w to hkbm t. at * Wtr- l u tbttft BA noibtrtbA tfitnosn aoettAd HH prtitt rt hii flIwppoifiBoi.

Fan h ta m v U 4 .Tdtto Boplu, of 49 Bukin atiut, iifttAd

H HbAdmP a ”hmA U A AWUtTWtWtAto*

PetpawiMftT h * who t t * t b d H t Itp w * thy

BBBtF tMoWik PMCUUtt9 IMUMI I •b*M w a. CHtatlUr t a r wm af t a ” BtDWu AHA* AMOtAtM”” Mhial t to a ta k tf m Am A *Aohtd to tM n h to * t o t a l *• a n * ^ i MM* Tm Up a tt*•towa’a ” Taw ur HtU” M » n wtiap. PHtownt bpo M tf *w l bodi*. b a u * u d wdpa* ft«p anw* took m t a * * • • tf a w pliM Adaililiil laMrAw. IM P ta M tttwdAn to tottuaMny iwAft i t tu tiT t fet id* Ptthttop MP WM pat *

iiddy " MeOiitaw, t a w U * pp ■ * tw , wtat hahta BuAr, who m fiiiftlft IH puaf i t aadi, tBwaM, nttoup feuaTbttateamdatiafbAta D arto p ta e w to w w a a * Ha Ate PIP Aafii haH dow B uaaahaibarn aA ptofhiblBHi t a bpiUBdau TM A t * ptaPa* H * a * a lia daiAttt wA* u d 4' tM apm * H atl i * tafe.

iMoiadio pM to M M td* bank*

s r s . • r « ‘* . . r s " t a■an. Tka w taiim - t o . M i f m AS* h*BM t a * MMftdnIM IM panaaM lanom au wu HmAoldL A d*oA hUowm btiw iu a iUMd HaDomaM asP a .JtaThgwo. faidy Haflnuu

waa A ltaan w d f' l'apom akaAttu.

bit h tn Mow lafena dasUoid to i TMa HaeAy ja fm d .. _boenw m tn a of Iht party diM ppeiam ut u d dhtprlk.

h AohadB M . htl

ap hA u ta A *2TIW a elaln tf

to anattoat ANi t W |p|4 1

Tftn f ia n itn ' f l a t Fan*.lohmlptlau to t a fkim to MI

pntebm of m AbaiIpm d p i ourAn of Btwark. u d A fat atnltp 1 Id t a top pu id t to KtwTotedtydttTMyftl

tn ludlly. YwHtday t a B m t m knowtodpad H t rtttlpt t l Iftip toward itepi fuad. Tmap t a Pntowlopeoatrlbmlou warartMlrm IH. ft taM oa...-..-..a—..Lady fiAod,.......TwMM Ward tebadiAir- Poor tthlatr.......i.....RorttawyufcBawAdatd......~«..........« la b

Toth) toddtoe.— ....— « • »TM a * af a Rom-aiiad Hlk MpAMAbM

IblBpSItotU* Itw lllM n u tton Hit HU ibanwAowlati tobMp SIMA l * ’i b m * im p to t t * * HeR dtaln ta a ld imM Ift nwiTiBbantoMoot.

Phafft Ratkar l u H u PoA ta Tall.Kdwaid X InlH , a tonaw baaktaapw te

t a Ctaifc Tbiam Weakft wM Hiwlw M aAbl to feUtop topioetoa to IA w * M obiidndL In lta ilett wlH bk n o ta r at htolAlArtltohiuM. Pha appunPbaftmTiuttoB fiapu t l* norolop tad adnUAd HM bid propaity WM woath HA.IKI1 PM latond t« plTt bail tot bar aoa'a ippuipm AratantoM iionbtoaoM tabM l bead nqotfw Hat IM ballaa nnat M taeniitp tor t a papnaai af toy •Dioiiu t a aourt abould m It tt udar Rtoift topBpte hAwitoto t a ttaaiaf kAaoat* lion. Aa aiaupimwt wu afiarwatd BihMb bp wblab ba wm nAand.

•UR lAofclwr lar TuHaa.Hie Aaala KAtnu, of If Tap final, w *

WM attaam yMtordap wlH ***1111 ha* ’ nattbbor, Hn. BrUpti CwiototbUL wM U tw teH a Mata twiiia wu ptomataribaf ' baartea Am wpbt to Ha P tN * fbaobwl foltob t a * . Pba WM DM B> Total* •• * t a BWra Inp, but took oecwloo to apito ate*

b u PAtatlih eHu with H t wop 1* toon ww rao. to t ww waitawd m aw a Pu ol put, u d H t nuHwp ww b u * p m CArk toaou bp hw bnaband. •< B u m wlU a ln iu la l t la t yat." <M axMMntd. wd • * jookm at juMlat OoDloo la a n au w oakBp Aitd w Sip b tu bln inio ranimox t a Pn.

■ataHtey Worwatr and Bait.Waiaatt, ftir wnataft wtH larAbA wtpdM

AandtondtorltowTaanr kNBomw.TM moat ot irntwiMart hr Ibt PM iwaatye

tour bOBOi a a e o r^ 10 Ha rtcord Mm bp

, H., K P:»A ,it,l7»i to todn a r t n t t ^ a ^ A La. w te o a d j i ie H *IA .H ,,70"ibP.Halg»,

I * SIpbt fay OPtttr Bwaomo d ebam of IHordttiy oondneL wu Padd HO bp Polio* TdMtod R a* l to dODrt HA norMiip- WMn am U td iBcflu WM topaptd In H t pMttow of matotol ttotaaboid foiolttud am icodtot A ' ta ted tawlMtow. ^

■ an iia ll ft BaU lap Tlilai11* of aiunaiai pwA, dooAt

■ taJIMn am ftnep d a ta 1,0 O ' . fftb. dad ft Jo. an iba im dbuputrtroPbftd k triid .

UarlM to lap a aaw door, wt uiMatU Ml Itph toS M teft f t A f ......... - -

c i T i r m e w s k o t b s .An Inpalip WM iude brPm Tnrtlt Hldittl

T. lodwtth at t a OowHoun Ibu oononK into t a loaaay of Harp Aon OraMn, of up ittrH oaahldBtat.

Joim H. Cany, of FhUadttobA, nuM to lowB pMtteap attanKBo wUn a prlpauH eoaialtdop etotblnp and tU. tUa aan teto after A aSpbi'a drank, M nm dItTu odhbF AR. Toatlot fthpudlaebaiitd htoL

ftoton w LMoaid PaIH. of t a Tn H u 'i chiAitou AnodiMtoa, wUl tohd 1 ppMudan ttoam oa utdatpalwdapi af t a iMtlao UHBWnv. Tht aarty wfU 1 t t BaptoBatP Md todoi|atoill*A M a Attte

Bp npnaaft t a a y * * , ” UMa Bad ! lop Road,” aad im diina, ‘'Olar wbnHmiBoradiuad bp tot nioflt of . b m h MttTptAini M AamriHL I l if t will totto bt pimnitd M t a t t * I tiHBtortwttllAi.

TM Bito laUwkp • axanntaa tom elip OA totmaoy, Taat ift win M a m R e o n f u f t aH um taat. TM In * M Tl nadt ny t t nwt toon lAwwft t * 1 ~ Uoittod Biaabtraf tidktA wtol btitU.'m tt kMtotoiwl kb idTHMt M ta lAhH fUPKtrfcMaoMi

Tt a * PtoiA, bfTtbkttttUiwt pads Bantemy, aflN Baw York ai«daE Al_ Vtduatay, had itotin*ep*t Rat yipi d ixtonm DMib wu bDBittd H |l :~ e b ita d i* H uteiltt tm teSAto- 'Btpu pAtitoam u f t h «mi h a m bww tayplfaa tf t a atyuMBift

-----*.■■Bduwt V w * .


iSftl '-A

N E W A R K EVEN IN G NEW S, F R ID A Y , J U N E 6, 1891.

IlfflS FOR m I(A i t i f l f T k o w Wbo SMk to L s n


tfllRY'* •OCtETY’S WORK.

■m m f t Cm m W kM t I U » Cm h Ca M r n , O k H m tiM i-T « u « W m h b

VB* B m * K .p*i VMM M V tM M r s -T M *f

I C w .

1 OMMpMdMM •« tb( M m i n « T « n , J m » l - ' OM • b . ta in c ? «

■ M aM M U MHUM to IM ■o'lbiM M f •» . MV Mi MtdMol ib.d*nc.n lo vbtob

t m Vi ato **P*^*^’ m tfM I Mm a*T/' Md DdtUlfi (trrn ■«•*- 'M M afUM llM T « t ie to ( f Mrtbi !*«»»• iiM a toO M lto to CiiMrm. •‘TiHM tn a r t -

M kOtoU miW to Vho pmwl ibnul Ih* ’ M ««iiW lirM d k M b l laiwnhiMdiildiik

lllWli W k JM lM riU iM tn lw n iu dl l MtW Tort » • l*M BUOltiM of

'■MkMM. l in lii i i i i tw tiT ito ilK o m T .u , .•rtkM M M kU M kiil wikoiNM U k, b »

MIfc k M kt* (Of kUttnc, tow wuk ■ B ulk * (to itkllHiii Dkk ouk k muil* kxnlr.r,

■ n wtik k tuBlk lot ootUnit IM d.p«>d- m l of tk« littik omi' bair, kad bob wUk a BkkU M Ikioiritw Ink npi* ibklf d t t « .

' noMMkMkkitB BMh kldnk|i|<lii( Ik M.w tTartMMikMiaBlttafkkc a nan «kk4 in IB«

n v rm iw w M«M kBUaa too attooipilaa ' IkM M H ktnr |« B ( ( 0, bM IDU tkaUan- kmrMniBBL

•K at Mm M *kw •«*•<* a Okkk In ’ t o lM a r tm f latafktiM k, Harttiv aoMaa

■rakM na la Ika taadar-takool « awall- fcwnM M kfe. kadkokBikd kfiiar B fn a l- m rtr m M MMhar, «Mi pamadrt k.r » » •■m M ikiaantofiM i la'3y«alI *« a bar <k|a M a «aa aa lUf Uifua k tm t,laMnMfkaBMM BWkt to kw panna, who

1 bMauilkailha parM of kar akaaaaa Bad knadawtod to konaatwort. Baaiptaadap

- MbrtamdktobatrarK. a ataa ofMaodiai • la«kaaaaHh,*aa>la Inadap-aakaol and la-

akM HiM riatfaaaaa alnaak I m«hi ia> lawMaptellariaaak. M n id UndaiMlI, a

~-MMtkM|rt aaaa, Ufad «uk kM wtM aad ■■ep la Baaekan. wkara kaaaa kJfblp la- apaatod aad aiai tka daaeow «< a akortfa. da ■a waa eadaaaartai la deear a ililM toottoaa M aadaam raaink auaai Inwaa aimtad. WapnaaaaMkiaaadha waa md to Mala ■M aM taapaaia AMBtlar aatovaa ikal afana k M m ia Ba aa. aaan walllat oa

I ttaainaivllh a raar poaa( |M k, aaa of <nrI klBito a naart oa Tkird

vaMk ka naa (boat la toka tta ' fMwhaBMaOaafHiaaifdbiM. mawookl. t laaMaawaaaalpat (aanaaa paan a( aia. 'kadtkadMMM'af waallkr aad pnUkaaa

,» p i a( '

akatoaaMp ta aaaaaa M pre- kHonBaar vaaaaalM knot-

bib H ta M Mad jonat fMk

da la tkrtlnf Mwlt oan aad 0 a iaiakid paaac woauu- af rtaaa piaaaa lha tfnaat

llaallM an paaodaad by (ka iMMaa aaaa tka amckaJ laaaadaa. apMaa afihia Hadaalidrtifa auaat

idiaN aM dadavaa,aflar M a ib a rn p Ik aikdaMaMvkadkaaaaattoadliitoilaadn tka CMHdaa ifitaMa bnMalm aadlikaaaald fM aMvad to bar botoa, aad irta bad baaa ' MM a alaaa patontor ka aaaarai waaka, daaada (diKiaalail a*M to aaoapa, aktoa alaapa ra- aalMd to bat kalit faoapiand, ukan baet

I bateaikahadaaNaa MtbimiHi daaN,and Tba ptapflaifaa «f tola

t# alaaaad iiiiii|ib hand aaaa la mipidiit oaaat i«a

atortaahadand aalrriaflbaa la IM aaadWaa Into too baekiaid, aban aha bdMlbaaaadailbakparaai aad lai loa aald M a r ladtB laadhiBd toliaiiaj(fck vkaa

' tkatbiBMtoaiatmtdawaioaani t “A totoatobaitotoUar aata wad Mmaihl to ■i tm aaMbby toaaiaapaara ilnaf toiitoaa

Iktoa akbUliaaaBa naan aa Salaaafy iMaaL ■aa aapanadikat bardaiat, laoraaa oUaa, naa (tin t i M i l lain TkatoUManrMIud

I baaa baaailK baa bp tbatr panala aad bad .a a a a pmiaiad M walk aai ay thaBaatraa to

rtPi Tbap wand Bid tala a dkaa aa tba Itowary. wbara tony won

id bp a aiatolBflr ataaaaai, natharly I wha kUdly onnd to akaw UaB ika

to bar daa, amppad alatoloa, feroid lhaa to doa

Mad Hatodt auaar, Ib n r Maitlak’a Maty la WniM OaUaa’i aorat af iba ' Maw Maada- lia* bal laaatoltami ranwarpana ttpht ban lallawTart, aodlbi dlnaw whlobgMa an

1 aad torn auno. hold pmonaia and ’ falid id aaa bp M anaaa aaBAned la toa

iM rta PiM an of w acuuia *( l t iatoaa<adBa dUboalty la et*alni»|

aMtato, ntopkatoatwaBaot Ibaauaiann- alataad artbil af alllaaai. and iM r obma anaaartbMirdaaoatod uai ItUdiSoiiltia diartiaMMiaat andaaot aaaliad toaaa loaa- aan t i i r aoanaaoa. Oor Bclaty baa bad ■ (• r M ai at KIM wbk ban bau nailed

' aaan ■Ma’a Mad nad by toair toaihefa SfMHRkf ■toaaaaaa anaad u a rnloan lan» [ 11 apitl baaatoaa Inlamtod la a Cbtaa>

' • iMadlaMly laaokki bet to nwka aad ibaB Iba li anIlaTad body and

b n af Iba nual pidabla oaaaa a( tbla ad wa arar bad ww toai of a mua iblf> tdold pUi atoployad in om of ilu laipa

Sfaa waa dbebaiftd tor aomanaildtok rtoaMrand baina atnto to go tuaoa waadiidd aaonl toa dnaia UU atu waa no-

ya oatoankki whopaiuadad bat to •p bin to alt Mnndiy. Onoa man ba> aoaipMto aoeiTOl ortr boi, and aba

1 baad'IMap wtfltJilm An aannlauiBtoa tdlhamaiwaa MoklM to aw nodoa.

‘ViafP nw wbanada Iba oawtpapantnowa


■ a u Ball flaiBH at H u m awd d b ta a d .lU rloa a t Marrla F ark .

Oipialn Jifl*'* and moialji Mrl/i taaan at Ika kllltovaBowllntUiibiHUpM Tawatoei paaia in a w lw ol n n a cn Moataotoaiy'a alMya lo-nMkt. II litM 'i Man tona iwolphl II will b a it la pay (of u w U at to Unawwnod la k a

Bar. Dr. 1. n a ae a i IVearib, a toaaibar of lha A lrtnldi kihMlIe Quh, In tea wiimaiilya

H Iba ciabio allayi Ian Prblay. mada lha toitowloa klta KaiM! M , OB, MT, PH. M . Tba a n n aa a M l-b

Thi Kan unitoa aad BtnanrMt n n alnba will ahoot a laan natokal btoi raetiaodlbo •n an d i of toa totnat la Xaaroy to taan aw onetnoow. Upan iwaapaukaa ohootlaa wlQ ba bold a im lha amcb.

A noo <t<« bandloap will ba n a at tba K iany AthM UairantdiOttlalyd T k a laa l keata will bt nin on Joly d

Tbo NOoirk AtbMitoi will anal bala wtib Iba Im a Man. a oolotad uwa, oa too Ad aaa •iraatfiwndo lo-mottow alunwaa.

Tba tiaqiwla Atolalin will ptay Iba la d HuallaiioallM Induolfa oatoiad p odkila, (v n a i af Xlnaaj aad J tlu ao a a tm la lamar- io».

The cuoa leae Ball Oub. wblah. with Iba Kaataua, a n toa Iwalaaat laaau to Bnablya. a n buoatd foe Iba Mlowtof Battuday, Inoall.

Tba Maaaab AtoMiiea will play to t T. M. r . L. A... af ■liaabalk, aa Iba OoaatopoMaa Park fimiade h a il Mwday tntttwoa.

Tba IrowldaA af BoHTltla, win play tka Alooaa, at Braaalyn, m to t Botarillt (ronadt lu-nhjmw tlltiaoaD.

Tba teettUa of toa Matlona] Ltapaa l a a t t yaa- larday wan i

Al Haw Yotk-IftW York 1 CmdoBaU tAt krootlyti-Chloaio Btookiyi 1.Al Bnetoa OaTtlaod d Boaioa I.AlFklladalpklt-Pklladeiphiad I tU r to i i l

i in o a i i . u M in tWon. l u l l f b r a

____ a u .«T.... V U A71......... M IT .kfl____ 11 I t toot____ l i 11 tod*. . . . . . Id U .dTl.... .. U U .Mt... .. . 14 ■ . i n

The itoady playlBf of to t Ik Iddla Onk M bnxtohi Ikem wUiia tona potow i f tka laad> an. Yeattrday't (aeni w an i

At Clnetbaatl-CIneiBoall L AlbMtMl kAiUoiatokDk-OalBtobatd WaaalaaualkAt LooloTlUa-LoajaHtM I, ItoMB dAl M. L eo»-dt Loom Id 10111*010 L

AiOBBaa A iM n in n t Oabk Waa. t m

Boelon..M......H..».......... H IdIL Im w __ . . . . . . . . _____ n Ik a nMaUtoHot........ .....................S IT M(.liH ilnattl..__ .........< » l i I t . i ni Muabni — n I t .diTAtbleda...------------------ n «Im itT U Ia .. ..„ ~ ., .. .. .~ - n Tf


N«W10^ ..urn

BCMUlll „..4nae~.> niujb(ifi.uu.u. lU^lTU n.......


. u .111Marktopled....Tba d in ptnont al M tM Part paalardap

wan aarprltid la no too Horna lwa-patr«lda I t Ploetoa aed tiaeaile baeiee in UtoOiUlaad Btotaa by a brown eoU otUad Totubald owntd by fla m Lonlltid. tba Iktotoarlaa In toa n o n an I

Ptm Btow-hr ad apia a twaapax had al in ta th , «ltb ILMP addad, of wbM I M to

tobd, wlattrofdtoiiaaa t to otny MMl eairt, of

tnh, 11a, tana, aat-wiBBaai at M M 1> law N allowed H n, I n and onttoalffbr. La Tbeoa waa, Oird lanM t ttaaBd,

b y Trad ih M ; iM , L « ) i BttUaa..U TBtoaTlalind 1 tod ClrUteiflaaiwrWa 1 u d T ie d Mat Wtol WandU. UbtoaMptid m .n , M.«, MW.

liaand Baoi— Itana-yaaMMa a a l a v ward, aewtopalakit of M ateb, wHh M.MI added, ol wblah HN la item d aM MW i t Iblid, welfbii at M o, ikara tba te t ia ,« « »

to UH or IM of K M allawad Tie. ofMWd U tone yean aU, Idha., V to a tp a tn old nr npnird MMa, tM BlM i MawbaU wan. tong Otnea toeond, Klogaiakal to M ) lltoa, 1, ^ baitlkt-lkiawhan U dad d tong l i u e a l l a n d d KIagnia k ttM o k d d Mwaala paid W ild WUdWkTt.

Tbiid la a e -P n a kaadloap iwaapatohaa Mr thiaa-yalr^ldland npwaid. t f M aaah , U daeland ont, aito M.TW added, i f wblah I M w aiaaw dakdtlN M M lid .aanltt to ~ Tnaaday, Inoa d walgkB to b t ukonnaad bad daalwailona to ba aada aa Vadnaeday, la m d awa B lit and a la rM g | Mddmaa wad, •anorlto m e a d U p u to toUd | tttoa k id M n tla i-llad a iao a liad llo d M ao id id tra d a r t 1 to d koputo W aad d Mniaald ptod M « d W.H M.W.• PooRb Baoa-ailUtod Wabta. Mr twa-rabr oMa a ewiapalakao of W taah, Ml lorMd wiibM,1Waddad,of wktekM illawtoed uod ■m 10 tbUd, wlaatB Of K W to aairp M i: iwldtofKm ocoodaotIdW d A t Iwloa of fd M o r a n o a o fM n d T ln m i aWwd laa> oarr k IWl, wiia n aanltd Ira fariongi i Viittbala non, M. tlonan aaoead, langklat Warn to M ) uiM, otoMi Btidn*—Tatubnla U and d M. ploriaa i io l t a o r n l , Imafainc Wator I aad I la d llBtoala paU IM.W| W.dd H.W.

Pilto Baea Pot tona-yior.aUd a twaap- atafcto a(|W tort, with M.MO added, of wblok t m Mteoead and MM la toUd, wtaniM al u p ilBia al M,Wd HA, twka o fld M or oaaa of MtoWi UM. ntn.BOO'nlnndBortMdaai Hey 1 allowaf. tf ao»w lnaan at aay Uito of PkWd tI a, ‘of iLWd UMa, tlx hntongai i ta w n won, k’la n ig iu io Boaod, f la n ila toitdi IMA I II. laU tag-rM ton Wand d k'lniilgiuhta 11 lo t aad 4 to d TtorUla I ta d 1 HnluaM paid Kk tiddd M M .' Mito Ban-M il tona.ytaFoiilataddpwaid, a iwtafautcaaCMD aaeh, with tkWl addaf otwbichtfWUaeaoiidtadtlW to iMid, to . witoei to btaold al ancUon tor IdBM, U •> ton, ilaUewadftooaobMWdowa lo W d o m ntioi Einiilniu wiB. Mryka i t aaa 1, b a i p

IbiKt; liBW. L4L B tiU ng-liqalian I

llRRTDIGWmiRmn i 0 r « i t M u W k e w M tad !■ N o w

Hopilaulf Glonded.


A tlharartorlatto Caaearaatlaw ho a Ita ll. road C arrU c t a ad a (lllaipH a t Mto W hiia Warn a t U u W la d aw -la a Oppay flatop la tb a Haaatalwa.

by tka ptUtoklWipifeWld,

I k tbloaia optoB Jultii M n idad a numbtr of Canoaalaa aMM a naftontbadauabianof nanoota.

lA A haekmu waa toa Dtaw of totoiilng a girl M b tooolntobooBfaChtna. toa* a abari iMe igA Won kiug bad da aoypdbn M B a bOM af Uxory and ndna- total to fioaktoiMA On arriTtag la IhM any boaatldaytotuitoMBMrtliga tad told iba kaoxtoaa to drlra to bb lanodry In Hoit am tk Ikitoad of dotaif to tba baekiaaa dn ra w a poUoa atoitoa and too Cblnamao vaa plated bebiad toa Mu baiA while tht gdd WM itotnnd 10 bar parentA"

“It B toa dMM lot loa dreta U u laide IHat yoaag plrM dawn ibe load to lulo.'' Tho I PM her ww dapatlnlandtiii Bitke oi tba Da. p ittiiaat of IJhdrUlei and Cornoiioil. who lor p a ta h ii btuMOttgbi m daily ODUlact wUta a gnat aaatoto af girii of ika 'TiBfortuuto'’ Cltto, ‘‘liany ol ibam will do u y to u g Ik •rdartomiiUP toll with, jB itu a oonArmod dnmkiid wUI naorl to luyihlax la ucUiy tala anting lor Uqooi." Hr. Blikt oonilnaad. "OtMfig aaboela and tba publlo btila and daniii gtran bp yaitoai eoelil ciuM and or- BMIaatlOtn wa a nwai proUllc ineane of Ind- lag yoang weiMb lo nila. li li ib t biuloeu af panala to giuda tba loeitierieDi'ed feel of tboir aiUdna thiougb toeir yean ol tuuna- tnniy,

" A gtoit B U y Dore glrli tiail w t on the road to n lo In wfflBH'f tbw to lUe wlolor.

iD f-liqiao4 m s . SirrkM « tad a, ZMmpUad I id A u d Itoh. ManuUtpiid|M.MifM.«a^lll.H^

Tb« pifvoit^oDiikc m * ddd CapiMlB MoDff.Df^iiiMlp u A *a«art Qtbta

Murptait of Kiw York, iof ItpOU addtlD okpiMD OS th i MV i r o f ^ i M AUUywDDd, Loof iriDob, itiDtooon,

0 w m , OQO U dtetB w ifw ai M tbt ranll. Tbo coDditlou WON tbtfty 7iiOi nM, m t« t^ otiorordi boundorr, frro trapOp iM of boU Dmtoii iltowid u 4 lOA Ufdo te«aDDN«n. ioba t. fioor w u r t l im i PWUp Jr,, iripipor. Md Wtitor Q. Mfirpby, tdONt. Tbo

Mow ainraglj acnwoi tbo ttold u d tho Nidi won qukk |b rteo aad u u m Uj rapid fljron.

Chpiata llODtr won iba maXoh bp k ttllP tITkdtrtiUiUttrplip'ilL

A K. Bomihr am iad a l Kaafvd* CoUe«in u K ia f tdotsDoa. aoNiai all iba way in m rNmoet. 0., on bk Merits MU ‘

Tao aondiP'DebouL picolc, tbo Biori iilubt pio- ado a id o iD v^ iie ibo otodIdi itmtli in thoparko aad oitatr timUar dlronlotti ptcuUar lo ttttaiaof aia ta^sooilblo for Ihla A lirganum ' bor of iboM who oDior tbo rood to ruts In laffo cUtai ara oounirj |lrls. Tber ooato to tbo Nip la laaftb o( onpUiriutoi and fail lo in d lu

iMt ft li DM oQlT firla for whom pitjbUt Dfoopnad and wboaf<>lD dangvr Id a largo cltf, Tboif a n wretebeo Ijing in « aU for tho boyialaa Tnere wor ibe c«w» ol lUtlo Kddlo Malltotni, wbo wa Cseoxod awar U7 a Bonrorj cmnlDOl wbowtDioa Mmaka a tbief ol him mod who trotnod him Ju*l aa Dlckcoa doafrttioi TtM iralniBg (f lluie OUfor t tui br Fagto. ^hfQ bUs^DMtma WM deotned ooiapidio bow aoaaatou tanrr dajr (0 abiit. aod if ho ro- tamad oiBpl)r*baDdod bU bnital Dooalor

' b n o tM filJA who a red>bot iron.

A liaw]ror*a Urowy I'ooppyom tba Cocnnon'.ial AdrrnUcr.‘ lutho luikUcr 01 low a iliilitiJoiphia lowror, feow daad, who bod a uatumal rajHuoUoa, bavlDg baan butiiired with blfb )N>dii()oiMi of imat. bath at Wwblaitoa atid UATrbbunip ona •uaoaa lot hi« itnsondout cbargsi. Oi>« day k oiloDt for wbosa ho bad lobocUsl |],6M tatltd at hU oflLco to roooivo tbo rroncy, and fboU ayar basdod aim a chook for ( 100. 1*^ dlloiit looked at U and remari^vl that tbo lawyer luiut bav* n a d t a miituke and bid S ln a h la tbo ebook which lio mcaut loksop fDrhkfba. ** Lbt mo look al the Check RAid Iba atUartioy, ond glancuig ooar H. bo df clored that ll waa ^ ngbl and no muiokc bsd bten

(NW day wat lOt mUoiip wbieh ha mada lo tba waatoro part of raosaylraalk Ba laA fro* DKwt 00 May % and mada tba n o lo Bumftxd lo IwoaiyANUdara. Bo vtUgodlroct to Kow Yorkg wban ba wlU laha a i ia w w lo Haia biiigp to fo to bla bona la OonnwaidaUi, Mob* gary, wnara ha inioAdi l i laka t abari totl. Afitr that bo wiU aaka a law of Botaibam £ntupa, bavtiig ^ o a d a frtp af S^OQI n l ln .

Iho Maaouta of Coraall tUTitilty aaa aa»> Bdorabiy alarmed at a Bz-oalnnA aaOeW oft atblaiiea by Of, Burt 6. Waida^ wbhfl ftp* pearod ta a local papar laal olgbA Tba doom protKOoa lo •boltanall UiiirwllagUla aiblMki, ao lar M Cornaii Li ooooanwd, aflar payi»t lOdcMadufai nl (ho atbUtto aaoMdailoo, mt Which lattar parpoaa ba auboarfbn IW.

____ Tbo rbeot kicked TlfO'oosIf araJoRi s«aaQl91,4>b fur ooDocUng ................

PQt IlliD On to ft Qoad Tklftfi rrom tbo Qteba*DeBKKraL

To my nwD knowiadge Iktoa of tha gNataB fncnborni on eartb mado tbo tlchaai floda i boro OTor aaeD, alutnbilDt wpoft Uwm tit ihoer good luck. When I waa dm ont wUh a party ol pruapeetor* Ic Idaho an o>d Yankaa cuDo uptoourcampoRf tutiry afiatoaoii and aiked: “bay, can yoviiw loll me wbata ibaiw liagoud place toDittwr We thought wo would havo Romeapwt at tbo feilow'a okpento, M d 10 pointing up tbo bill to when akNiatroa oMod. Mid; ^ 'B lfit under ibe ibada of that tfoo you will dud low of gold. Dig down aboat ten loot, aud wbna you get Ured roat In (ba made ol tho iree." Ua weut tip lharo and aot to work al a place that abfnsod ftp lodtoauoa of gold, aud wbinh we bid ptwad by, Wa thouabi wa bad raged a auckef. U§ worked for two dare Tery lodnstiloualy, and than la the oremug came atraUlug Idid out eamp. *‘Mncb olMigod, eiranRor/' ba aald, ** ya gava IDO good advice, and r u mako It •quar' with you. r r * run acruai a wbola baskotftil o( tboif iKtio lumpa of gold." Ho oxhltlied a doaau nuageiR aa big as raarbioa, and later oa, When the mme waa developed, U turaad out wondmutijr nek. Wa all lelt a litUa waak wbeu be mw Uv« exWul of hii dod,

K E W T H I N G N I N J E W E L B T .

------------ --- --------- , “ Ob, well,wyaa waot to ba a — bo« about u, uho thai,'^ aaJdrtha man of lawA ImiwUentlv, anO ka wiola ooi miolhec cheex. it wai (or MID, ana wito Uiat the clleol bid w be oun* toat, tha towyar poeketloi tl.HO.

A MatAaeky Haii'c Bad rix .Froea tot Atlaow CtmiltuUau.

Mr. Folly, of Ferry Oouotj, Ky., la a rery nntortohato ttoo. A thon time ago Polly kiUad a Ban, and tot liiel ol bit ciat wti tianaBnH to Clark Conniy. Tho 4elnidaD> toll am on hill, aad toe other day aiirud lor O ttk County to (UDd uML On bU way he lud Ibe bad loak to UU a nan In Bieailiiu Cionly. D M hard to bcllerr, bht U U nayor. tbaMii a laei. that lot BroaiMU County poople

. tod iboit Mr, Polly’i itIa and lidged him la PC |aU wtihoul bail. Mr. Folly, who ought lo b,, 1^^ a Cfltoial 11 ha le nef ulraady one, politely

' ' d, aad tiiged tot uapudear* or UeI la Clark Coamy, but hi, oaplon wen

TIm brrdleaucDl le peoulltrlr■** tbet ll ^ ’**''*’■

A Boat atatnp buk It mada Ift tba form of ft Vniied btottii mall bat.

A ring to oxidiied iilYei lepNaamaseafo- lucn Ball beui Into a circle.

A ailver ring that la ratber ootel is dorigm la In iho form of b iirap appanaOy buokiad vound Ibe Otiger.

A brooch ia tnada to tba form of a lgr|a pnnay In cnarDei, «Ub a bug atiwtlhaBaU dlamooda crouolng up tbo nom.

A acartolo Npnoesu ibo head of a aptilns, Urn fare being eut la maeoitoM nod lha bead* dtma In lold. omamoniad ^itb dlamoida,

(iuld and iilver mouatod card and latlet coHi are mailt sow Id aela of ibreotlata, Ihay are made to a rarloiy or fancy leatbtr and uiuaLiy coma la a pluab or laaiher oftia.

An (idd coin purm ia mada of a moJeiklna l i h tbu uRluiftl iIlm of too animal, iha bend and lore laet belsg dulsbod to tinulau life, and a ■tlvor ubMp twine aibxed to iba hind quariati, Ou tot iDildtof too Qlaip la olcbtd iho quoto* iHHi; “ U« who itotU my jpono luuia iroah.**


Dr. Kennady’i FavorUo Remody lali has aaved tbouitodi and u will omw

ib ti

will bo hangod in 1 (WBiw t i would grtailyro- i iOm wind op bli eemor m

.aiamir^ loKoMS at mak­

ing. ______ _ ________________you. If yuii aie atek and mfoarablih wood ti>«t y ^ to iptud oDi doUar for ibiiUedUdpia

pBtfhiy wb___ _|ilasl(m.~Adr.

Crwiatpeadenoc oflhe Niwa Bovam , Ihifltnid. Hay M, IML—Tba aallN

year of 1M4 WM p— ad by laa to wtaderlDg aaiong ih* peuantrr at Irtlaud, with tb« » • otpnou of a few UayY ekll wMb frtoade In Nortbem laneiwblre. BnglatA, Jaurmyttig Iroia rare Ionb to UUenbai. 1 entered a rati, way ramaga 10 whlrb aal a auii, unlBad to hu aari la wniM aud riBA My paeaaaaa and eipeclaliy niy tairiai Mtl opau uia wtndow i< the ctaiet oompertBaul Bade hlB uaoaay. Ue inoned and Idfrlail Mr a llBt, aanyeylog by nndtiilablt loktn bit lattiua dtapleaeuA Then. Bating a daltbariia grab at tha wla- dowwlrap, ka burted tba taeb bart In Ua pUea wlltaa eraeb, tad, a. he g i n ha wrapplngi a toBpmuoot twirl M nplatia ibiB , aaarUM at Br.

“ Do all AiMrtearw Hn aal H doorif*"All," I reapoodad obaarlly, "a an U H a t

liTtng la leptM and laniA Va bareu'l ilB t to bulU heuetA « t Ilka Ia IF, one way.”

Uy mtpaaton lailaailr (bot two apai* Bgi wtdaapanoniolibaiuga, letauda Ibia ba^ aod Bra far ibrwMd at U B aaka bh paa- ttouaia glan iht a a n albMIea; aal, aatuia a iwllt laiga elreia ta tka OnaaBMai t ( Ua Biaay taBpariBaol wllb ika hedan la n r o f bla ealiay ngbl biad, piptd ta a PtaiBHiUi InbM:

ll M aal yarn way, etr; 11^ QatTi way.Ton ABorlotat wonMI u n m a Iba andll rtf oraaUoa't m ib M pBa. I n n tf yaa Urad at you M ttly atMTl, yon woild banaawnntf Iba digatty yon nnooBitloiiilr, aa iBpndntly, n atiBoA topnaw IntaUIgtBaa wadi ad to •npnae tfajaieUy aia atooi atBpoBnl la laallmlan tf atarail Trnthr

I eooeded M alt ihH lo nilokly aad tagarly that II NeBtd ID a Btoaot toabaltoiBy tw m w ooBipaaltn. Ho all4 bart towubla

I la laok a balptato ten af way u a i I al aaoa wllboui apology gaUand tba aun tod hit wrapotart tageUar, loothiwly adjuitad lha latlar, and waa rtlland of asiM tnxioiy ta

in a mua Ub a aa eiManead b j oartaln rbepaodlaal enoiliigA tbit be hid paiaad one,If bnl lenpurerlly, tnie tbe poppy.land a( d n iB i, Thli gan me an opp^onHy u gratity aa tiBoat iBparatm aottoaltT. 1 want

tar ai la ixtBlna bu baod-luggW*. Tba bUtn Baaun lainala "1. R." w ti all 1 (Mad

I open au lq u ltd ponaBoMM aad n tU a, htadbtg. Dot oral )a lha aoraafol bla m l WM a neat bnw t papa, parotl wblob Blgbl b m bold a Ml of miotwbtd laatn. aod 1 BW aa Ian Ue atiCUnt lagtnd I

“ Ar JH>. AwMia*TTbaa lobn ■oKlo awoka wa ootM bou

taxA am of Iba m ap tn am i wlodow a no m Ibt Ma ewaepUf la D«b Itorem ba Bay

Ua la n a laadA It B ta ad M pb blB, aad bM laiga gray eyu birtod MlghUy miaar Iba giMly bruwi with a llgbl tbtl tta |» fm a d b li plurbtd Mot inoaoBatUnt Hha kindly ridltnoa lama ItapoMa of oeeapaii, tonabip ltd kiB B quHtoB mo oloaly and wiuoul oartBoiy rrgaidmi n y a li and art U fa tltorary wort la I n la id .' 1 itiawtnd biB boOHiiy, addnaaitig bln by bla m b a and iipm tlB g irgnl itail lagllabeMn nka bln would aal do H i baddoot—elell tho lowly of Iretond In Oyary pan aflnMnd with an hobaar purpoM of dnmnrtni mtegoirtn. Boat nad in deplorakit ruatli, and praBnta lag agelaM it In high plaetl Whom II wnild bt htara. TUi Ui«w bin into inoikar parexym of rtga la wblob ba gara etnl to laDgnagal would Bat o u t 10 lapatl, Ua tenor of whieb a iy ba Bboab be bn ttoiuig oNuniaUoai paatad again aod agaliA

“ Ouia, aMgeeariBavl, Ibr liaiaad r’Hr. BuakB, or no Hr. Euehlu, I would aot

HI Hlaat nndar that, and, al all ilaN,do. Dounead bit btibtm a ToryMa ao roundly, poiatad out bla own Inexeniabia and wholly Igneranl aailgaHy wiia niak daiiug, and ||. luauMid bla Itat of baatalty, whlla Maoui baftm Iba world u a prepbal of llllmltablo Bodaman aad bbailly, Ibt logBil aolgrawU af tall andiaa balUa Aw iba woiablp ol aatuiai tralb and Old, wua nwa naiparliit itokMai. DM. that Hi eary indielli, or a iaa maanar of kindly latmapeetloo. oil wed hla, )ait h the Irtio i ackenad He ipaed l l Dlyamon. Han, when I hattilf Itli iht ottAtgt wllb a otirt " Good day, lb r' ba ctllid to aa to ralora. Kaaohliig bla Ihlii band oni lo aa ba gaet By kwn A baaity g lu t and raid, Beat grtotoualy and itMudllly:

<• ■ •« away a kinder aonykt of b a Too bXTe boon n r t plain ah, bn. yon bkya dime ■aa goa l 1 t a ual wiU, alt; not areU al all. >01 lU k a t n Ban w boUkettliaklofBA I'll ibink about Inland. CaoB to a y bom at Inntwood, aay Hub at your pltatun."

Tha g m ta d iboi bad aTtryUiag good to i tb o Mnke, I iktnkad h la tM ld I would MBA ta d burled away to u t orowdi but wlU Uo ibon B tay eandKiing enodoot i i M y aiad I b M to my weleomlot IrleiKl ClTCBton, M t .Baniioaed my ilda w lu Ua Baieui CugUUmaB. “ If It bad lo t b a n John Xuibia I iboold b a r. ngudad Iba a m in-

ino.""Joba Kaiklnt" ba added itatonllOBaly. Ota, tteiybody up Laaotihltt way kaowa bge

tlwayi baaa etaty I “•eiura 1 oonld rtadi liu lw and ll wai kuowi

to all Ual Ua aloud whlrb la h Ihob luted bad dlniMd Ua giMt a tn 'i tolalkaoL But a mut itoB ago Ibt oabla told Aatiioaa ptopit Ual tat bad altamplad u ltH t bla own Uia Thoogb hn own tnyuauoo bad batm rtpatiad by otbon who Hand tot talu al lha baauuiul laktaldi boaMi, 1 eunld natJiiiiUy iti aooape

Oorag to Iba iball of whai bad bald a gitai tplrlt and balding a io n o f litaiMy to . topay 00 IM dehooeleti rtiailaA uawwd a baanlAia thing to do. Yat, bting an a tu bla bare la u a Kugllib like nglon, I tonad sy* •all MoUbually ylaldug le a labila (Hfliailoa wblob iBpallad ma to go wban Ua mau How k u kad dwali.

It li but a Ilttla walk oyar lha Ml noa ABblBlda Triry to Bnulwood) a longai oia but an •far^wlntom lbo< lourMy, around by Uawkibtad, wham Woidawonb'i tally afiboul dayi wart pbaad, Ibnaub Ua UtUa bamlal al Watarbead, laaTlng Ibe Iowa of Coolaroo and ConlMonfMUaalfeoiiUlaiathaleA Tban« lo tbo mutb, aloof Ua aanern abota of Oonla- too Wtun. II li baldly tbraa miiaa to Braoi- wood. Tba Himoadlnai art or Ua greatai natural beauty. Tbe ConieIbB Waler'altetobB to Iba oanb and aralb touMdlanly to float, wlU Vtlnay beu and OonlHan Old Man ba- yood Iba oppHlla ahorA and grtiHl bat laaior Mali end lella bmakbit away to bluowy reaebaa B Iba weei and aonib. To Iba north, nlmoat baaide Brantwood oa iba aattam abort, MHlai Ttui liUdia, fbr a Hat lb* boat of Tanayaoni kad luai below an Ua dna Mala of Dudgeea Wood, Wtlerpuk and tba boM bill of Hlgb NiWhwailA

Bnatwood iMif, u te n Ihoa tho bigbway. Mama Ilka a alngta Itoada of gny old ehiUA Ml to a banging wood agaliut iba eaidura- coTared mounttln aaetrpiiiani. It |i iooa tow, taul iwuHorled, with ta alnoat l i t aiala nmf, Ibrougb wtaleb prujeot Urea Uen of buge duoble chinMTX- Ua lUe dm Boor lha toiiid liooi It alDOd wholly aoeupied by U na tow hut wida bow wtodowi s ibo out lo Ua rlgbt fumlttaUig llgbl to Ur. Kuikto'i atudy ; and lha OBiy o n to tba tteoad eioty h tmaedlato- ly abort iba iludy. Thli llgbia hit eapaeluui ohaBbar. At tbe lUtaer enruu of Ihe hooea la an oubjuulni. luweMite elriieiora. eunaount, ad by a loobtoui wtoduw lonniblog afiat tba (tyla of Ibt banlian of aa aaciaui tewar. Tha •nliia hunt U oonreu wlU try aaarir to tha •atet; aud tbe tniMlTa roadway wall tonatog tba enelMum, wblen w u built by roitl o iieiM inuoDt under Hr. Huakla'i petauual dltMUoA le now H licbtiied, Aaety a ^ gray aa iby (ed- aida roebi out of wblob lU tloon ware hawn.

At I itood intia lot a Ibaa drinking lo Iht baealy of Iba epot and ibe qaatol tliap<teliy of the lUuelute a btoa appeared al Ua wiadew. Tben anoUar wu leeB bialde to The toller ww big end nay. it ww tbe faoa of a taaper. The Awnu'r wai daattaly while, ibilune, balr add board. It ww preeiad agaliut tha paoa at tf Wllb Ua ntaDluglew Irapulw ol a babe, in a Donent man twu wbita otow.llka baodt ware ibihiI. Tbme clutobed neryoukly al tba ban nfihetaib. Tba wholeploiura w w u ifine Melng (hade of Hiiikln fbr an Initanl Inptorad for relewa lium ImprlaeomoDt; dwpainngiy •xanrd a Iwi iMbto iirugila for Hbnity; yoleeliw bat aloqoBal orlad out to God fbr diibt beyond tbo winy purplea of iba fbr mountalbi to tbo Ulttoia Thule ot ew nai neA 1 cmtld nni bew to tee It hingB: end hurt- eick Com tbe trlgbilul piomre end lu dolorout Buggei|janA nede bwiy Otgbl from Branl- Wood ; loruking the pleuant highway anri pliinilnf brareiy towaid Wladinmre orey tba rugged Furnra Pnlto

In three boon* lime I nddenly eoB* to Ua edge 01 aHicatordallor dingle,at the weatem daaoaal l iB Dalapark, abooi iwa aUw lenn Ue aonlbeni aod of Bubwalia Waiet. la iba hula dall, nwilod aioag eltbar alda of the fniBlag "Ibtoa'' the roaad, tatowa-booded lenw 01 Ua ItiieH gypty oamp 1 bad orar ooiaa upon la Unglate, Aa for npwaid ot a duaruiofacanturyaDygypay eaop la u y land at oUma when J baya piuad ll bw bean uy boBO w long w I wM id la lir a , and It wai already toie to Iba atiemoon, I waa ooi longtocltmberliigddwniattldwollba Uuie |louanttaDoe,'aad Bcunng a beany waloooia tr«u Iboae of ny lawiiy RomaDy Maodt ryuo were biding bertda Iho iBulilrrini camidlrw.

Ihna well vnl Ibw In owop at Tbli hour of Iba day. Thera writ Iba yety old awn who wan poUMlof al all aabBaf of ctokatlng upon btokio doakay cane doakay gaarUat reunhad Bbodlng and paaa pM and kMItoa which weia batog lanawad to im t ilnuaUh aiyto dw paaiul hOdtawlyM roaodabouti B u y young ebwtlaa (gym ataUdnu) Ual wg» al all eotte of miila oblldmu' gaatA andUa gidBl did vaa-wtyab ua dM toe Ua laboft

aad trtilow of Ua road, who Mill almya •a m lo hoM lha iHw of gaad gufrinBeelta

r gTF<y aaBD well Id band, nblU bratwly praiwrtof tka tyaalni nuali aaataai ihayaobgar W|nd*nnf ratorto

Tbam wiiw ilxiw a tratR. 1 kaaw tbal B tin i hoailof tor (Ma a eoBatotwoHaB grptlea Tbeplaoa cbowa for ibeoaapw H •Iwayeapaiokoliuiiliilii, wblobgypiindM P le toya Aloof U a pata-Jm of oopwwaod ta d •hiubbary at Uaciroltog adtw of Ua diaalA M wall H bora lad ibeia aloof aptia ran oy ndoA wH ftaH ni to abniidiiioa lag Ue doB k e n wtaton draw the gypalee' oarU Free, any paruoa ol Ika oamp out kad la full TBW Uo tower rw ebof b ib went Water. Wtodegum beyond le Ibe eaei. wub lb# lowet of auwnete end WmdFrarre toealog tg ilw l Ue oeoeiald f id a of Braollell Iwblid j end yol U t wen- drrerf aaetB paam wet wholly Inybftile to to* tpyieg ooutiabulwy iru a tbeb igbm ya u loo' end pooy p a u i of Ibe lake ragtoa.

Herr wAe tepreeralailrar <4 all ibe tngllab gypty (ba Ibw ol gbie—the Wbinnae, toaBtoyi, Iteruoldr, hialiba. Biwwwe, end the Falto Balleya and Boaaalle, ftoreaadtala tn a i Ua Healtiab gypetea of Y«bolw by laaacaanTggB ol garwintica* aga They wart all originally pollen aad paekorx Tbeir taB or piiBanonl botta WM to Watiiaoialand and (kiBbatlaad. Inoldan tliMa they iiada Ml tb o n d a d tin w ait uwM by Ua liabrlan yawaalry, and by Jaanwrliif into Hudorduire brdngbi back lo ibelr ru le i n r Ua old lAfnpool, MiaclieaWr aaa CaiUal* ooack rood n m k of Ua batlrr' w an I atao trading la -HMWM” and

WRltawaoda" aiU abnaiB afU aU B brlan gaoiry aad noUllty. bow Uay kiya Uair wmier hosaa to Ltrorponl, M raingbaa aod lAtMotBr, aad baton U f aaeadrapi and prlBnwee a n ibawlug ibair pala lu itra titlda the ■ogUita tobH, Iba lypHeetie beak ban in Ibotr a<d benaie i m a r or the awa dlokariDg •ad trading u tba Dubrltu fatra. tad eftan boring and tblpplig homa to HaMhaattr aod Uearpool; aiuo ponalog UMir aw kn l tail. iBf a i ttohartog aad eaiar w o rt; aad iba woaan Mlllng willow wan aad lilakeia and laaptog rub bomaia at ankbam a (tortune- talitoii iB onf Ua CnlrlaB daBta and Iba 1«H erodulouA ont B an gaaanoA UwIMa who Urana tbo ton ty ragtoto

1 bad not twea to a gypty oamp daea a y ton yaoi't briel waodaringi wllb itaa l o B u y to oor own toad, aad H waa HU a dtlietoai

It WB leg B wa U* ganntoa gypty baloag- 1 tbn t Wert b a u Tkon wan iba rnda

furgoi Ibai ooaid u Hnag nodar U a m aking aarUi ihorA lanuBarabla odto and aadt of tbo n a l uokaFa « t f t | than. Ue Mmpdna, wblob, ww m Ibay may aiwldat, a n naver aliowad ta wholly go out, bM iuwtbay n p n - n o t a lln g an it loyal Inca of oUan Aryan i n wonblp t U an , rronaUag by oaii, or lanA or Ore, or on taaunobee el tbo glen etiinuor. M ll eentloa lllag u e glad a e titld t n toni of abacni BBtan, w an Iba braya, loyal, laaa t and yotoa-

trp iy da ta Hart and than Ua kalUe- •Hebe—not Ua HAge tripode wbleh burleeqne gypey naltty . bot the ktnmA lemd-prlKd. noebed m n kaitlAHloke—.wllb tbeir tlixiing pole beneotb. While ben aod ihero, but alwaya hotog taeb oUar and iby tow batwaon, w m tba n a l w ou of Iba Romany i booda

•er ib H lanli i woollen btookaW, Ube our graadBotberf etoui old ibaaia. errelebad oyar

a a bowl, le d duMoad wtU pobehed oateo ib tw en 1 all w anug aad (hoot u a l no ordb nary eBrai Ota wreak Uia ttny gypty koiM. And I knew U al my bod tbie nlgbl would ba b ta a tu ooa of tbaie. on pllH of n a a l toU H ITom Ib t tilaai u n a rtey o mtogtod wllb tn> fiao i trunde of larob and to.

c t a t i 1 . W xiB ua.

urtia M IM ialia Moattoy « B eget ggww C o u OrwoaieAt.

Tram ib t Fluebarg Ibapatob Twa wetfct 1( 0, wkoo ftoeyfo W. fo t lH i

tho weibkaown grain ep an to i a f H laato apellA WH to Raw Or Ira u , he kad aa kB atlog ad y ea ln n la a Jaw alrj Mata H a wat walking dawn ChaM a tn a t, a a u th e Bt, Cbarlea Balel, wban a taataDillY ar- rtaged windowdtiplaytoaiawallat'aibOTn oilricM d b it itlan tim . T h a n WH a Ug in B o n ite d whlla a tanala ih o o ea lio Af tho window, Whkh H r. Furtor ihonghl w tild Hake a eagital pnatA t ta H »d la a feltow-mOBbH adUw M laiHpAlli Baaid o f T fida, wboH Bata Is Jaw alrr, t l i i , t r o a tu i and tba Ilka la aoHawhat aeitiA

I t WH lha H i t of a Jywol th a t a aaitfo n ln a tn l B igh t waai with gaad tiaae. O iark ltog i t tha U i a H r. P arta r atapiMd Into Iba i t e n U pplea tba ittAA

" I f tba ih a a k af otypial aeata S> Fllhay It t o r ----- add Hr. Portor to h la -H lf, addlag aland to tba aalam aa , " I w ant to took H th a t Ug ttoaa ia thaihaw -

TtoH 0 0 d * W itooad b rta ra tha laMto

S a r ta p a r llla X ^ -I Xd w H aa UM Bi^hlFga UtadW i tn a -

■ D i h M . IYb r a m tia hagltintiig lUa

DMbtfXiillArV ^ D C U I I a r a ad rap ld lriam aaed la

N M tlrM B iM .UKup-TMM

m e M Aiaena. FroWeBa A obiM rltcbiiaiawim M Waek Oniml>AatHay « . UM. IraJH MUWmMatiaA Mawark.HM-

IHWH YLVAMl ASAI railmr ol A ..

sUOwt by t o hiiwrllc6li« ■wfteft-Til iMTt MaJftalliVYRI ... _ . _----- 0 Mr. fom Hoo wMb rqumwi y rnfoulDjaD

H m E R ' S T B M T I ^

SUilii llbnm, lu i L

^ 0 p tpaim tT a m i now I th a t the largHta iia c t any prapom iaa e< Mg hiod,

I V - - I f IIS eueeiH It has wan etoipty I W D I I haBBailtlaaaM taatlypCTTlag

loaUtya H filt, aad tartt.

I - t h a t » PMI n diHaHiMrtiMhwtBtMM ^ B A B B a w + la 'Yhto rwartf. M gtren o x r e n n i l y B o e d i la ruparU la

h r tha Mat that ItEconomy,T a o n lta t'

M a C i H aw aM


Srk fH g a n d h r a

PiwtaM kaaWB o a lj to H a o d ’a Raiei gaiin a, a ad t f 'WUdb BMfnU

Tha OnanonoeiMiil Kxerele* by d n i of Pmhauw Ragadki't C1t

M .r^r«eera RxprtB wHh reMIbiikiileaalHfan oH diuliia aw

apaa « t «(olaeb, bwrtoatng at T;U ■ harp. I Mw raaarrad Haft and iwn upper boon c u u. IMd H k D. Lauiat Oo’e or » WeM P .n

enl UA laoit, dMir ox«U iolordor ItoAtWoilrA ff'llliBiriTtl ^MU JtUcan ^dU*. _ .^.o—

^^uTUMtlBiirA W aeaiiM Bo tor? xexA&AtrA.tiu iU b Ix mouiartoreiaaoe

^ ________ u adlelnal power of an tbar O W O r l^rodlaaM a n e d V r iM la ti

T he lo a th k Tiwaperlag,From Qm romm.

Finaoolally iba Rantbain itaM an gtowtng wllb bn lih and promla aod niolotog to Ua eouwlaanwiB ofthalr etttntfal fteaiBaa Mo tutor hH uaan creaWd by wumllooal adrar. Uainc. bul ibo world ba>baea aetonlUed by tba lateal iiaUMiea of woBderlui gruwto u ibown In Ue Mattonal oeoiui ot IM, Tbe ium of Ml ll in tbe Met tbal iha tam ed yMHofpeop' tfly lo nlH Ru i b W ntluaM by iba eeont eMotola le bara grown itm M,Od0.m.Hd to UK) Ih M.aM.an.lM in UN. TI» nperta of tbo oeniua orerywhera tall of enlarfed and an, larging treae of enldratlaa, of oaw mlnar af Dual and irao, exnlleot n qnebiy and Inei- banettble to unantlty, of new montilUoiorlH to erery depariMM of buiwn luduiirr. All Ha bare, of weMib and of Maud aud •ailaMo’dry flnaaea a n ban ; aad n ay aploloa brmtbarn •nItrpfUH tea uimMad, avtilnad ead fuitl- flod by ee eloean and high a regard for com. mareial ondll and panouM boo«, aud br H

Tha fawallH aallad, ba t ha d U a 'I B ora towaid tha w lodtw . "W a a ty a r taka H u t atoaa aot a f tha ib m , air," ha Mid.

" B n l r n bap n ," refdlaad K i. Partar, tak ing ont a |6 bill aad laytag I t <a tba reuntor. Tha JawaH** i*ptatod IbM tba •tana waa aayar lakaa ao t af tha window o ieap t ot nigbk wbaa l l w h traaofornd to the b Ca

“ Wall, w b tl k tb a blaa i d thing w orth r lih ad Ur. Partor, a tH tw hat nattlad.

" F u t j tb a a ttsd dalla it," g a k tlF ra- pitod tba jiwMIar.

"Q raa t iooU t T h a t l l’e a d i tn a a d T" O ia a t the th iaa fliaat In tha Unltod

StotoA" WH tba raply a t tha dignlflad jtw o lltr .

A ad tbaa U r Portor laaraad th a t w hat be bad lakea for paoto a t aryou l aad a aaltobla laadiiim loraa April M jo k a waa a Jewel o f warld-wldafbBa, whtek tba Haw O rltan t H ra heap la thalr thaw w lodom aa aa ad iartlH m aak T b t jtw a lto r ax- plalnad furthar tbal It w iaa goad bd ila iH polley ta kHpStO,000 lacked ap to o Magla itonA baoanto tba prtoa a f d toa aa d e U ataadllp a d n a e lig , ta d i a t l a g tha k a t twa y ean Ibli rtnoa haa ta n u d a goad ra te of InWratt an tba B saaF whwh 11 r a g n a a n t A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

1 0 0 a a n a the abuiirr

DOftCftOne Dollar ^ Be Sure HfnT?

Amti>.lLflA.i(.j.X«iiii TMF.ll. Onana

fo lau&K UltaMiiftlUA

To C ot’*''by an dfiMglatA 0,1, HOOD ■ 00,,lBw M I.]lltA H o o i T s

The Mntnal Benefitl if e WSURANOE COMPANY,

RRWAIUC, X 1.A m t DODD, • F i aMdaB.

■nrplua, by toraar M.T.Waawd (AtiTbk iii per eeiH. IlHiryM . k.MRB M

FiUBwa AhUntely Nop-torialBAto AfteriDCaMCP LAiH Ihe rolwyta oormiuxBii

yoldX a lent aa lU rM mjrtQ prt.fbr i or ltanienad, a FMd.np fbllay Mr tta full tMoai b u d to a ^______ csohiiiti.

Aflar Ua B lind y w Fm B H om nrota- nRAklk. acoipt H MatnK inioatlaMl Itoud

' rwatcBMi Of lo m U m H ttatA or moo

t u n Loom a n aada B U aoxM ntofW yBeeot. oftha rmeryt vitoA w hen ritld .ladga-Binia of U t FolHti can ba Boda H oallalanl MWirltfe

L oaa paid laaMItotolr apoi ana plaiiH and appiorM of prooM________________


G e n u i n e W o r t h !ILL GOODS OOmilEED 18 REPSESEITED.

F U R N I T U R E , C A R P E T S ,

B A B Y C A R R I A G E S , R E F R I G E R A T O R S .a o o o 0 0 0 0 8 . C A 8Y T E R M S . LO W P R IC E S .

jjwtuoart t conrfotiev^nf tbt u c ^ t y m folri l i ^ is m to ta foued xtiyii&Mi.

R A P 8 A T T H E M B A K G I B L .

Ma ib llli Dm baidcne on U t ibonMaa of

Singt loodly whan tba n D of Ua eboir a n tinging Isvr.

CfooQsii for b«r oppoMol lomt ooi w itk « th ia ta N ill

Siiyi tta win, wad taavroitBUy foritli Ifotm p i f f vurd.

K iv tr foifBU lo Tvmlnd ta r BliftBi ef Ibi fovori i t a bta tattowiiL

l l ooBirai to vpsnd tta Him Bid ftwevy if thOfi VrAO UMBOt iffDfd lo kM IL'

l i i t i ta r Jvi1otiiiHinir« tod itidiirtnr fooiUi pliT fkiii to ttaM vrta ta w tafrffndvd tar.

K w ta OMm^iii i f oitarv is ftbwHfty lUfo oi isfttiSOi by tar Meltioid t f l ^

B ayiftta tU Y i b«r d itrN l (ta*l bml iiiig ■od iiTN li ftwmy io ib i fo m a i t fortnlftlBIftter.

f 8is,u dviL

M r Sit$ 1 5 -n p .

FiliiM, $B-

WarliroliiB,s p .

CouttHfi tbe bipplHM or toadnea ol the thiid poimi lingular with Ibalot of Ua p a r■on addraacd.

Hat no teal friandr, aud. altar alt, deHiaa our plry bteiurt ol Un weeboOH ol bat Chat- •car.—lUroiUo Gfuto

"N l n u u iL i K n m n i n t . "The parpu-'iiit'ui'of H n . Ptnkbaoi’a

work wax puirded by lier forrrlght fromthertotta Ereryanfferlngwoinati applying to lior renlred pononol at- tentton, and tha rletMla of ayory oaaa woTO neorded. Thau recordt a n to ­day tho Isrga tt In th e yyarld, con- tain facta not found elaawbtn, now open to all women.

LY D IA E P l N K H A i r S - ’ “ ^ ' ^Caoipoondk tbo only I.,ngltlaiato and Poiltlye llemody for thoae m eultor weokooaoH and nilmenta Inoliumt to women.

Sold by oil Draxglata u a i t a n d a r d a r t ic le , or M at uy mall. In form of PiU i or lAHongea, on reoeipt of S1.0(L

XMuuU B ,''M k I- P

np fir *' Bnlds to Ksslfta Md sMMfcttul lUustrtasd tabiudibaia Had. Oa Lyai. Man.

$ 1 0 -s p .

FiraCto,75»$I0IBill Us,

M s a dup.


In Mail Billlntois, $2.50 up.

T lt lp S t y le S U le b a a F d , A n t l q m O rJc, X V I . O n t u r y , e t e .

$ 1 5 . 0 0 . S E D U C E D F S O H S S S .O O .AIwi a krga and e lnan i Itot cf DIRniG-ROOH CBAIRa. to laaU «. in ttoM eak and XTL Ommry. hum Dk-oa up — a. , , .

AtSliiiikf)iWrraiip.QLSunday, J u n e 7,



Mmiftu. - ________^ A im nitcd trlii........ .......- ........ --

fa r Isis Uiy « ta O toh W a IM«k ftdi^

F s 'UP P’ K-

^'stleinc ftrsMh, Lefts. ftssUir

' issnltarmSeUi, %MA.>tAM*MKT¥i EiTf . IL . . PVLWMMsnfoy. OnHamtoe lftlft-A.Meeii4lifo^ V. ta n o is to ta O n if t u m i tafoitairy.Pufti s HanddUr __ ^ ^ ^%ir'Bosiw. ritottt ftisftfie U t t , M. ftitit.

yv rftrYkrtkljm, N. Y.-wftll Ittwaift IMM «M- «MM lemer V

(is ci&,FOB 1«1W YORK. .

iM w Mitkfl etrsst flUtlon, 1,% !.<

SVR," SfTopni)|| tilFiM iTHlUMbP t« sad I r to vaht o stm i. sTiMiic taftftte ftrrtat* nim jtaawT


2t m -

Lm w Csntrs e in tt H______

l i l t

s KmiMt WrssiHULHJA

8eaB.U«,ft3A».fo,lft.11,U isndll.H lF lf.



__________KBT mUEBTfF«r UlMtaUi Md Bshwur, AIL.

Ml, UR, flLd 114L 1 l.ti A. Ua l l E ^ I H 3 UU. MA iSi, 4eCuL MA CM. MMoau c n.«L ^ c ^ fo 4 ft4 lJ t« r. A

tH,xa.Ahi. OK, ajd, aad Mon p. M.Miiidar. ixrt, aa . anr. a x and hlb a , S i tail, tataiin. Ma M raae a a F. it.

.‘i i a r ' . s i i ' v a r k n . t f :. Oi HoftdWft tU iA .

For Wovdltrl ftDd M4k A. M,ind lit? nIbIi i .Mm M|«t>d 10.00 r. 1C _

I fw h H miLifoity TAD A. aCt ML CM Md k«KM..dilly.sicwltaailikf. ^Fde XtfttMWita hqsiiylitt, Uft A. Jfo Md

CM V. SMM4 ftiniiifeU .« i

For TVtUPVDTHIVi depy. A___tfS F. M ^ bOkT. u

nfXtftfMisMsItiqFftyMlV, Mft A, Jfo Md

lAeM stalSpClTPlE. t a ^ T u r p . l f . 9rl4wtanTlll*JM.lL»A.MeaUCAfo ftta

Fir FltmlnctoJJOgl dsHy, txcipi HODd«y.

wlCftOdClITl ICeFIm'Prlniito. Tui ftMe M4ft A yu iafoL IM sDd.lM F. M.. dilly. UMM ftftftdM.For Bontaitown, HatiinfHuii A«a URUndta. Cfo

taUjr, Mgr^ m m u j. Oft ftnprtWTr Uuu A* M..Fsr FiMbifoi FomkifdAlVe lf»taft|PM ita

ItoIHrt. rmModsm<iettwN»mton, T M ** ll.« A.MniMF.lLwstadiyft FsMTrwM • 'CM F. M. wwft Omt%, ____NKW Y O U TO NEWARK.

Fir RiwftrC, CM, UC Uft. CM. MC UC CIC CM MB. MIC ICM. ll.lu, lUftAp Mel iiKl UM MoailAft UC 400. CIC iB . il&iiMa C«A CM,CMCM UCftBCMi .........U.M P. o P •“ - ClCCQOil^CiIKHTb, ______CICCMCtl,CM. 7M, 7fo, 7.UiU. l im P DC,PiiillUmldal

ForfortlHir iDtbrmaUoa hMsttoUcksiollKis T UisPsnMylTuliRiillreid _ . .bsriltc mcUoM Md l a n n ehycfti «i Uhp pur's uOot, Vo. ?M Erisid MiisA * t ftl diiBVt iO is M Msfkm iitrsiceiAUOb

iCta hctc


' 5 ^ e S E J S 6 t i S K ? t^BNTJUIp RAKL1 V ' Amofiniiifti «t

MAWARK AKD VLOAlBlYf Trslns to w Brood BtciM ktaU*

Ud Bossllf > i T.fo,

-A T.IA T,_C4MKfo(CM RU utaU iM ISAC I.IC CM. cm. U 1 4 A .OBkr), CM CM. MC Uft CM.

All irauw_sMp u i«rry itow ota —

» V «t«

toim bto Lift CM A. X.1 U C ^ Y foCUAe K.fo»llftlftIiiiiftVel.e

jfridta tapoM U d A iit ir to ^

+ C A R P E T S . +J aoeBiaaorunenlaf Clrpattln tba Stota Ouratockof EIiBQART VELVET CAttMtT Is tkririv tftco wv loltciMisd. To redtins onr iniuk Wft H AKR A HPRIYAL OFFEII, and bart matkad our ngular ■l.XS Velyaiidoirn to D L U pvyiid . wa eonilota lu tollI N O R A I N S a t S A c . P « r Y a r d .

T A P E S T R Y B B U S S E I A a t 6 0 c . P e r Y a r d .B O D Y B R U S S E L S a t $ 1 . 0 0 P e r Y a r d .

Alio a fWt H n Of RVQi, HATg, H ATtTKO. OILCUHRA ato.

TalbaekdaelrliM O H au nrH agtralhabH lT aratA T T H R lA)WKRTCANSPKIORS OpiQ trairtngi aniu A Baluidayi It tf clock.

m O I l I l I N S & C O . ,S 1 8 A a s o M A R K E T S T . ,

N E W A R K , N , J . T C L C R H O N E N O .Aho en m lo Fawnoa, Jenyy ctiy, N. J., and ■rwklya, X. Y.

F r a n k l t ia C o ta w D lt lD M o t ic a w . j F r a n k l i n S a w n a l i l t i S a t i c a a .


.oT . wemnt laoed ly. i W . ImeoU d « ^ loMi H. W w ii j S e . y ^ S lg ^ 'iS i . Tuwjwtaln (Jemml^e « theTowi^lp of l^oklla. In Ua ttfunijr of Uaex,T M » W .earH at,^TUwnH lnO iwm l^rt lUeTowauiip or m aklln, to Ua (tfunirof itoeaU nutki ita uesUi texsa ummsd «n iiaU,t«iimSNMMrsditiimiats u d Fsidsstau to ihaaTm

^wiwUip.Ip i)isr»M IMC thiN gbM r^O T S^ T*5# fat tbiSid townsh^TJia 5 , * lb« lYfHiUfltb dir M JniTS, next, «i tta t»Mr$r [bttwwfl n S i.-" '** “ ‘tOWlkSblth s

‘ fhsIbeiwen li a .m e ) r>. XJ u*iJiiiSS^‘3 a!Ltotl& Uw lMdO 1»ni.oe»ie, hwailimB«uiMie.te.i iMIe iiarMBdardeiihJili:." ! “

John Heath.

JOHKHMTH,1 4 0 M a L K R A v t r . >

Bi tw in SlMfocato oni Virftit ftu.


101-103 S o u th O nu jge A n .iolve ItaTCRGI TBefrftOlVft ftftc

WipntMMtatotliitMtaoifttftUi&Uaft fottaWhiliniii Tiftdft.

dta for fhs jbiitsit ($rm (not «Mtodto iftirtr r*on) tor whtoh u j ppr*oa or psrsuiU wTlJ s S i to JhFs srA t»xsi w(ui lotorcit tlutrsom h1 ths wis of lw$1vs per usotuos from tbs

iJto W UiouMd slfbt hutidrsd ind nt&scy.uic^r.wlitaooita, to<L

Ka K(wn$ifOw«jrc Swertatloic \M Ifm. lUmiiHraklMKi-ftiHTaiar lind.iMra or taftgsUiHiM $•

A v ^ ^ rood. ftiUolBlitf oroptrtF oi Bobc. Low aud Mrs. Wm.Kdwb AsidiCinM Xlmd

propsrty of Oito HUto............................ .......Nmcin HiiiattuNurloft Oou^lilll Md 1ot.N,atdsiif('taatuuf M.•d^tliiE proftPF KM J. afokr uta lIUrA Hlv$r»D-1>- MeKoon -11 MM o m iC ttd E. aldli of CftMlI MaOdiobUoiHunotl Hoppi........ ............................................................... .Mto Itolln—I Mve Und altiwtod e« tooM M. adjoinlac $ropsrtraa---1 - -w w r ”

I*Kit. Aioort Minis......... ........ ...................................................

sdjQtolllNMr*. Oiriip tolly ri|i-loC im«1 dwsUIrMf fttotsd oh ft'nmktia

$v$M idyolBtng sroiwrlF otU. ' t - .... ...................... .... .Hn.Mirt’ua I’M lton -fic iw tod . dvWJlDdsuil tariu.iUttUMvi^IP*®'*'*'? P W 7V M l^ ^ ry J. Younf JtonH HiMhtnsr^lol stid dWsUfnre «Ui$i$d on itirrlWMt OL, id-

jointojiropsiV'Of JihQ to VuMsy,-.,....................................Jtolil /.Vrselitkd^ioi ioil dwslllnf. N, side Mwdiioio iU, idtolii-

incitroporty Vtn. luob HtonUiid.*.....................Krc klist RlidM0R~l MfSR told, bMM ind tarn, ndjolnlof prop*

•rty of Ufa. ......... .JLM. Ja. tamllora-g mtm Mud, K oni W. iuwrilM m n , ttor

Puiasii’CtHinty Itns....... ......................... __DaWIttUCoitsy-f $pr«i Isied, K $»d W.RlWKtds livtv«.ftd>

JolalM pwpsrty of Whlton ..................WytaiilViuiCMidH^iorwtodpAMW Ifork HoM u d tarn.RM Job n Turnpr-.loi snd Ikhiw, K Udn HIwiiJta tolva.

lni property i!d fm A. tlilJUvi,.,..............EvMtiup . Ty>$r-4 HOe-M told. tor. Vwttod i

lulfouifok p rii^ ly of K. Aa itondUy...........„B s ^ u ■airltob-^ot ind dw$lllic,Kifd$ Vrsitod nvifido

toainit propsitF Wldinm j. Vnadind.....- ................... .Rm Stow A. torto tw iH -i norta told. tois*. tan* oni onthtiUd-

Mvetanio its., adfolnjua piotariy ot JitaiAtal Nh jl io iie m 'ir

v7l**X tJiito ifo, taJoMJusi propirt/ g fT to ii ii u.KliWBiiid' * NNwown propsri/ or inouw u.Fm. ifirmoniMi^urahimM-v'ftpito_jaibing anpyriy e«,iie I ta *

1, lent uo.iiilfl(iiii-lot ene hw a. a M e VniUam aL.ill Mpk eimfiwma A ia.^1 i la 'fttam|B _

......Jnhn to Isitw- lot Mxttt. ttoslllnir u d wrflif$tMajw. JC Mdn

W ilnvtsu *d|olnlPii w , . _ _ _

UlM U Me(Vimrti-plotind 4 '^ “ '**- . ........... ■'-•I'w--fond fo ito W k to to ^ »w.*Md Vo4 Kiliti$

4 AtoiPnyinfni

otoiliUKiy rssolti.witommybftftd KUnAttiMi«b4iy^irii«r,ttiL





tUM N N INNi i i >N • N

a i » 447 NtrH N ftH VHI N I N IN

N « IN UNN N 4 N NNN N «U HHH N t n a nft« CM u n

N N 4 4 N «U N I N UNN N 4 a v ma 9 $m MNTN l a UN


N N d « NN

N N TN N NTN t«l ttfif 9 ftu « «

u a t N B N$m IN IN

• U « K' N N i n MN

_ o H •? 1 W » D ewiH tht proparty wtD bt Im-

R. ft. OVKHiyoMAM. GiUistir Of TftXic

C U g j M « a F t l a * n i m t » .lEDFURD t-TUBBT PATINO.-AeB*£7— ---—. _ __'unvnt fb# beneftln, Kolto la hnwtafti'Vsn, iMipMSfunniftygm alt tos owners $r iU lta_ MiiMiSfaeniaygmaltUiaiWBei-^,

k ^ a N il eiileto piwlliirlr fttooftfod br ItaSiCDrORD OTRRCT,

fosM KpiliftaM iw nni to rourtioelB e r m i , icoordto to tta pr$vl«t$na oftn •rdUmliM or ita ottr^Ljf^wtbrkyiumisdiD (adlauiotta fr iv lii

ftivn ftpHtaiftil )Ved AuRiiporoved _____

Km tas« prSpaied by Ita OuAftOitUH Com- SBtotosra, appolftlni by tta <lnvll UMn ot tta ^DBly of Vaiu ill iito$ Raid iSMaimenta. nad

BFDPORl> ATKKKr,' iw ota M FMRiiatb I

tliatirsimrt br i cerllHmlt to W|Wi«,wlift u , — ' •--------- - wtadafog all - -NinuMBylmr mfti *iid ____wrs4 nNBOsmsili utaliiMtta

r taiMflttnl M iforeanVI. baa botnaftiwlQg tta

Meld iMMrntot pomiwIlBS all lotatnwtanftdparOMiof tokd aud r ti l eiuiiUnbJi in bi um asdas afoiiiaiia lyjjpftta lbs boMi i ^ o f

ItoU iL ta o0le«4d lbs CBy CBoMlOf ita Ktwork for iutulftMloi* oy Um — aoto) itarsfo.

Ibt bolbftoe AnrliifftBld awnus lo Fowwooift ftvNm.

A “ Ml “ Noroatita an sntttw pioi Of Iota,wbsUwr t o f i ar somili

All nvrsofls IntoN M ln iftld IDAY.,

al3P.tC., at ita(iiSre------------[HA(4 aetri.uir Hi


ikWTCDAT room. Mo. t

faH B lA n w i.

■trocitoi df a o$Mi> lo A D 4 '"

lAdtortr bnotflud for ibi eoft-- owarlAllft ynUBMT.

frtn U H a m iifaet to Kim Biaet, AMrailigtOlfctprnIMonioflu. areinmMot

itf hewerk. wrtilee an omlaaiH B pea- vie. sir UtatuMractUii o f» mwot i lT ^

i T i i i s r * *

t^ a 'im tb y a cerU a a o b U wrltfag,^____

panllarty UtiHied aa u a T u ?

•Mm ihente.

lUea loDjntle etree. B Un. ilreaLwbeUii


— “ ■

K 9 K H « ' ™ “

’ ^ A1& - W t e i ^ M W i -r a ww.

fomn^n-Jjantory and

fttOe AIJ$*d$VVfte * ' ' IM, AUMfovna, I

OjuirtL741 PeMnlta Xutift. miilitaipi #4follft»>fowiL

for ---- --- ------' - — ■ ‘■w yeiHilkJHi nSnJrU nBa grtg Kklik ead tUimtUe kS F. M., w o y te U iB ie; ew r. M- wey w HemorrilM aue fiaiD-

Ington; X« F H . mr MeocU CburTReMIlagCwg 'Nta for Homirvuw, hlxi r jCi wftr Jfti ftNsr


Par Teuw mvar. 1cSAeM.; i j c

ftocViM t^ .......i^swpod, ciB A a^i

htT AUeatlu C ty, iM P U.Sta l»bUitalr"‘“ -----

tolumorqi^»Y>r BalumorqiL.- .i a i 5 : a ^ r - *

UrawlaKHToomlof fsrt K U ^ j

‘ iSni'ARICFrom Brood anio I

‘ f S ?

loara Xiw Yiiek t

» r a A S a , ’KSk‘'i il^ ^


Mr toe

C xC IX rBtBM B.

Ow Raw taft-fetof StouMrrM A S T I C O K B ,

iru i knra O m B tnIal W buf, b e t Harkat fe.TiW A. K , kUADP.

JVRaK, LlDM to e RaAtibBeita oan pmoniae aatbakoiL

r A R E , • SOUg

C E N T S .B. r . AYUU, iup'i.

s s ^ o .


SATDBDAY, JUNE 13.Alt (toylMUslay at M)$ Filia. iNo km oibu^e

. Hibodrc Limited Romtar i f UcAvia. dosoial (nip, tart itn$r oan rtsarvod for lodtoi. Tram vili Wort Ft-arib avtatw fttotoB, H^warb; y o'riocJi Pe M. MiuMay, Jau« J t; orrlri u ita fiUi ft o'olodk foittday montlufte Lean at $

o'eloeft Sftndty smUBf: criiro Kowtrk 7 d^ekici Monday ■oralofo Ftitw lA. Tleftet* ftpd all loforfiftlloo ai iky oOew, 113 Hs^ ta(M. Mr




JACOS H A R TM AN N ,iota Fropeietor,

F LuniNG OR CUULVRA CANK4.- FrliM lor bearleit mo U tatlW au'i (,'« Id guitf. h iiu ie r J. E liohuylar Inyoe Fneklin

•I. pm . Nan Ygrk, 4aHy al k:3D A. U. Rtcnr- Moo Uoatta I t eenia, obtalnod al Rue end FenuaTlTaoia Railtuad Depota. eoiKtay, taka Rm TfJL or Frnnrlyanla .'Uth iialiia Xtii, Mblng uokle aod rtoioa mfraebiDenU at rruy

--0. J. W. HANCOX.

CHOLERA AND T IM IlN a BANRH.- Dally (Uanireayi aictulod) douWa <nps- Uuiltd MMiabMI JOANNA UtToe Tier 4, N<,nD

Klyat, at 130 A, H. Excumlon Urkrte tM.. oMtiDid etOauiralE B.)3DdAlly. Uindey. T A. H. RiDyahniaBia al eity pcloca Me- UHIOUUN. tut

U R s n M a f k tV H MHHfDNM*lS«1 gnltal*;bVlt'T Um TsmvC fow.rtkjAl MSi

_ MidlkwUfSkeairtD*. Peek.SeeBWi* n i leei ts ftweisto ef Htow

KSiSWWhrWWliML AlDrtoto>.Srw«*illWi4S« MfifwwiUyiwwriyiDr |tiisMfc«Wwsi)ta

THIHTRX.'VTU AVRXt'R AKX> MOhlim avvatw Kwafe—AiaaBUUMl for bwriliA.

K ^osfs tawAiy slwn, that aa aMMaamsat upiir all tta ownsnol ftU vba lan«1t and raal tntats

eoasiriotlon nfaa T U ntU B iT U

paeiUlaliF bvaaitad for t ta oamiractiooT S im S K T H A V r^ rS ANX> HOBlUil

AVRNUK,from Brncf ttr$H Ut Bank straaCaoDordlnt to tta priTlWooi of as ordluaooa of iba i.'Uy of Kswnrlt, oodilMl an ordloanco ioproTldaftK t o-----“ — *- -iworiR


Aon Bract sUOMliBank MrootyipprovodOrfo ^irJlglW:Bat boMi ttatarod by UM««darM|Wid ('-otanfo •fonsTi, apMUitad for tho Circwli tUSit ot t o toaaty of K tx , lo stoko to d aMSHinaPta, aud tbkl a rvpoft by « osrtilieaW In writing, wllb so aMtanpanylns map and astiaifoto, ahowing tta savfltoaMMSBBntHO^aM t ta sowfal owaorN paonllarly bonoflwd at a l to tod, haa bton do*ptolsd la tooMos of t o OfF <1arft of ,Ujs ilty wTSowanL fovoaatooatloa ly V•aSod torMo,

Iho partWa latar-lota tfftvbi andJ ^ o t

rtoid eaw iw n t ooeprtars alt .. pamusid land and roal aMaU Uabl_ sowimoi aforasati. Jrlot ou ftoih ildoa ot

MUUlift AVICKIIII. vMR Baak ilroot to TtJ n avtah iTsanitUb ita nohh aids iJ

THfr-------HTRiKTH AYBKtFS,fhoeBreoestrsotlulleirliaTiette i

Oft V ‘ ‘ ■t o south tooof _T H O tT m urrs AVKKmfo

from Bwos Mr oat lo a pelit iwonty-dvo foil if i tl of KwnitowtMa

A “ lii" n prsashfo u i ta tf i to * oi tody wftotor laivs or wialL

AU ponwoa InlSTstiod lo to d iwmiwsrifoi mor bo board tafow e to Coeimlialieero oe THUBftBAV. M R KlGHTABKl'X BAT OF

J0KR. IMl,•11 Fe M., a l t o CbnunloMomiV rooot« Km ft (to ld ftoor), ou r HalL

*****^“ * ' CKBWTLAD WOLTERHJu u ^ '^ ^ ^ U H o ia o a

fof roiLuultoinsrs.X F ^ K B T B in FAVrKG.^jUflmCJCNT J>for bsBOflta KoUco lo Iwiwby ftlvoi* tbal ao

iRtMpooall iMowwonof all t o tod« iMaispiiposnlliriy taiwitoa forto pavloff

" BAKR BTRERT,from Ffoni Mrto to U to atiwsi, oMordlaf fo t o pwvWoooofao ordkMoooofttaoUFOf Now* tataftfttUWdiftordtaaDotloproTido fof PavtOf

B A K g g W ^. appfomdBip-tarnffoBoitatoto ;

watar M. IfiN tHid bsin W Ufo ondorMcRod 0»fo-■ lilfo M ri^P p to to l^ to C lro u lt O sorr^iL-

OooBtrifihmi. tsoNikoaakl amMUMonia, ota thaiafosortbyaosiUfttoolti w ftU u wlift as------------ --------- iodardiediilofSBdVlag tta

---- Mvoral owairtd, haa bsta ^

cfork o tto o iiyyy»R»( AUPg H—eegf WHM igf t o POfUiO ljllOr>

siioditarYdD,Bafa inmiMuiit cimtoaas all M l moo* ood

rtfti to ta i U tata li taah-Jtf oaiiMUakNoor

xaasatipaciDy aoianiasroM w m ftMwmpsijrlac mop aod acbtanlOy •srona imamnoabi m i t t o t o mv poouBBrlrtataftted O to raH M , |M t a i In t o ofoci i f t o CU of K svarka for oaamli

par«ifoif tMd aad lift! fftWi

hm m VlM iktaTfo Riifo litoM,A rtpvismfta in ooUn pM i f Isidt

' j V S f l S t l S . A , m fum am m oof^orta ftoaid bsfon said i'ooUBtaslsours, oo TUKoDAYi T H K ^ a irrR w ra "^ F . K . ^ tha Uoa^iaBunanf

DAT OFtbire

rRI iT^FAVlRG-AMBegltJUIT FDR ,iila.-tM lm G barmy glvan iboi an ■•- lit upoa all iheewwra aTalt Hie laBiltaaA

I oMato pseuUariy tniiwftlort for t o pavl<« ofHAYKB^KKKTr

foofti ftprUicflald avtmio \« vfotiLh Oriofd its* nut., aorntfoif Ita iMrswiaioiis of an.oraloanfto f t o t o h f Aswarky ojMHod aa iftoaaeo to paivWs for Ibo ftavlM of^ JIAYBS STRRrr,fofiii ftprtifttaW avenno to ifotKh Orftnii av$

I tapWwbir 1

lOMBX fo nako void uanManwitSaand Uiaio r$- port btftesfftftosis In wrWtai J

t o w howark Ita


RDWaIUC A l^ 'A T m R M . .tD .eocro • ( OB. aiUU Jh. ,■ .! g_B *e. H PU-"~-~

^ only. Hub

Haua . caUilM

4 fe P U M »r o N ? r a f l i { l l L mr o N

U O D f c B A T B M U C E 8 . lA iy TKRMA KkCMARGtO.

IMtyomi IlH wIlblB 9t mllBOdtaw Yort Oby,C a iila n a *‘ *‘—* ^ iMmu ,■

vroT iiA.W fllUalj n viytuoofan__S t e r - R S T n ________la^'K l !«• an ertwiaet, yio

ytua of III oetar oftha Coiwt itfuunm n^Hfoiiplala

K i- t k ir t f e ly * y ^ " » , t , 8 S aT S eT a l^oomi

-toffoia tiftfMMdildoOTrtafti _ . .i M I ^ ol eom plolnaa?B lS^ aPlllSSwV.


, - _______ _________________ an iocon*pa»Ptarina»atavtodu>S(Oftswlii| t o sprtaal swiMmfoWataltotbesrToraleXwiwrs pfiatttalybsnofltta SI NfofTmlii, hta to ft doposltta lit t oodto of t o CUy ilork t o city of Kowavk foe ftsaniJBiUoft by ita twrUta lafonifod tor«la.

taldssiwauufatooaaprfoM oil httf, traota aod paevsUiof iMid snd roet OBt«to Hablo f o ^ ta omMaiatorwald, lyiitiq!) toft MAot of

lUTliBVrHKKT,. ApriacftrUTavstitM fo ifoiik OianiiOTfBiA _A “irt'' rsprcssim ju OfttJro plot i f i*i4i

sdiNtor larfi »e tmaJl All poMftiaN WsfiMad laoabft amsiMid

^VKJe, BBT, m i F. ^ . f t l t o Oomsstoeaetif r ito g Bft' *“ s s a n ’w ■■

b a r OF

THOgLl.GnAT, e. DX i(lN6X T. r . j^ a n i lE N A .

QinualwloiieroABDBNHT. FAVlNa-AWlDBinCNTFbR

tTbeiHllw-l(oU«,|a nerror gtn a tbr--------eyilieMlijiei. ejl jJh o w n n i^iiU tlw l

inilw-l(oUee,|e 0error g tn a that ■■ ao ' iMaaaihoowHnafiiUtliilawiioge

(»m FagMe rnoei to Mewiionn-________ _iH ia iko Bvyiehuieorai) o teioohO O O tlH ^ « Q (e iM ,^ U e d on oitflawMO to peovMo le"______ ^GARDEN RTRimF.

BBwma.ll, an* U i u n r e M ^ a lertWoeM In

•eveni owMri eemiiorly beneHiee H o lb n e ^h a a ^ a e a l i ^ l In d itH leeo f th o ix iy ae rtol ^ c lirW H a w k (br yiamlaotieM by Ihe p ^ n IniereMea therelii, .weldaweeieee. oompriiHall lei% tnoBoiM M ^ c t f ta n l (lie MAniioM UnBe^lo H H -

(kom Fncige Mne. to MoWbnrter i t n A "lot* npnoMW on eotire pH

HOMuI t , THE F lI fT N lI lllf BAT

pMt at Dree,

r # r « ; u .Mf

THj Th - ruEw >A y,jt


A6f l lb ^ W « ™ ^ B rtrt I *•

A T »e g M a t m ^ a y e * I t l b Del o a r* e< AIrtH

ftw i BiUtaiUs ay«uii.i4jfoiid ifiim i


ewte.lxB' UK DOE

■tny> *•)m e » °"tn meiapt •UIH. aail tfl»«- ■*; H aha waitaeugb liIppHylodiloular*, lu IlMfi lu mil UI OM leipletiMiHBUtlaHOI aot llgbuioi 10 Tie bHuigjiiurUy,' gekuo of IB out IB ■ntbuigti llpn0k,«< timiie' h pinb. poa

With iuige« Teolu■toll toon gwUiaocin iwetui or biuaealg pOitlllialk tlolaliDJIt (deend a ual meteri rdge Ilka i inBOeki reap rbe a pdaknoi iiiai Ibe ■ lideelb l (tun the. •dtfibe] t f ih i tw life buoc *pplai,oi pMu berli eeioee • leuynni liitity in key ongb ompaoy. •Mto bat llkn tw t bUrg and"lU-DHI

if aH or •• ll bMwpondee oCcO a *1 Irak Ibe ke iba mi try qtiH ailiy lot rko Anil

wba wba

mby, toe luitaoUM bat nnid MM unn) gy flic »i iretfOP b otbelndl bough bi krgoiun I Hr Mfy I ■ kplbuii Hmaatl iHoioally Iklcbilkg iiporttiil l ^ d 001 t Ant tl Aery 0(1 1 deop X Hrid ouiiIbetenltk ITtortoi orouoni

pbbfaUyi (Mllty lo brybeto mid u, I

wm a - lofktiD nmuat b p a hob; all AiayiMtdAiUj icaano

I then rioy

npondu leiylliod ibiofblDg nttabib.o«it,t(<


teiroa hw«u 1

> u •rt.ltw toibe h aotaop *Bwal •lyofa


OrteoltaibtnHmaloJ^ b t

» k ^

► A Y , J t T K l

^ t i n g D n i t Q o i l u a n d f h t L a t e i t

P a n M l a { c a m P a i i « i .

C H A T A l O U T l a - U S E D W O M E N S

U *« Imftmem K n * W l t k I c U U l i u 4 l a w w - • 1 4 « n l a ■ u b u d , " I C u g ■ n m t iw , ’ *

frliW Mid ITMlardM

^ D O K H*r V 6 -X Itnliy « « t oIm Il k acttw in i> *Mk “ «— i* * »lw»i«fM i l m MHli u b o u t ; bui b outatn lj u M inaiM HiiM * tiiB tn i tidy 'i lu u m it win, u d k iMrileulutj bwmIwI i t iba U ni d n t - A i d i a l s t o i k * m n « g t I M upon M w ^ * ik r * r a B a *hiT a V b t t l u j tdla ! U u(M MMWd p i l im d t i i t a TlitHillT M p t i T l « » >0 d a n A a t M t n i I t B i d i i i f Milird, ui u , dick or Him Mlar, in ilii l , if> iitiid Id bBlM kUttait. or iwnM nn pitn* IW IB bui k iitta . Tbi yoki la toTtnd in tal i i i l a i i t i t u u i t i n i a l d e t a , u d u w n t i o fM a u » * k l i t ua t o Uut ilw appir i d t it w a a a t U k t i I M L T M M B i t m u i f t a t a t

m w d U i i a i d i b d u t H u Ii p t o k . n t b M iU y *1 t k k k l i d i f o k a k U h l a U i M icur, • b l o b k o o n i a q u n l i a Um p l v u d W t io ii o f l i t o a o t a n ii t lo ii , Ih s a u i P H o t i t t o

g o t t a d o o t a a U i b t p u d f d n a t a t U i o a t j j w k l a s i h ' I b u k i o U i B i g t a i b o m i O i l a

^ p a o t , « n p i I d b d t t i t i , w t w i w n b o l l i o d IX g p n i K i l i k c t a i c i ( M n d it a in f a n l w d , n n k . p o i i i i O f t a i i o n n l k a .

Witk lum nH coaattai, I rtiUy tb ia t I any ,0* Temim td tb i t about pamoli, lor tb tr

_ t* ( loos b i and , i i d H i iicndy pnpand pf tba oobung bot diy*. 1 b a n laMy tHD

'^ t p i i o n a i AomPicM and t n aDlqoa to iiirdH kiaidfaaaidr. Tbt A ntlaa kntly

pnUDaitoB of batliMop yiUoir, and paionla ixati toJlt, tfeiyiHow batar appimoaL Io> pla Bbd oak t> k o on iid arttb ihwi ipb ia* ifi> matenak botb ofwtaiob t n k it tu lla ith i lilt Hkt a a ttf lUUi tH o n ibw alatwt fcm t in iia aao b iM k y an _ B an o t m a n barky mp iht ton iia ia rlik down in ibtlc plaoH, ■ dakno tst ilbb io ln iha am U ntd aulpn baitbaaU okoltk i iunih id i. Tbaotbit k I l i a if hiMic tmlaid prlnlad wltb a datlgi f bubcbatoftaudl Oild Howtrtlt wbleb tka t i of tbi popplti pradoinlualia It k td iid riihtfoniMiaiif peppy n d abUBw, and a ina boDcb of lab M Mid bloatoma ancta u •pplai, eon>ll9in n , battatoDpi, dtiplaa and pMo barky, k B ida tnto a trail tb it apraadt aei » a alda. Any ooa oan m lly laabloa a nity MBabadl now, far tbay id a tto f andleaa lattaty in tbitr blatalal aod tnoDoloi, but bay onybl alwiyi M m aub tba dian they ao- anpaof ■ If yon can not maniiit tbli, It k an to b a n looa plala an toot oti of ahot Uk ID two dark abadn tbai will pa wllb iny- i l s i tod eyerythlni In iba nay of a loalaiti, ■lUaitadWonMi'’ kaenHoot ttUa to tik a

trm o fn T F a iil lk p b a , but 1 ana tampM l» aa It bacania if a ^ o n a lan irk i (niin an- atponoanu on tba Jackaon oaaa to wbleb I al- oied a weak or two b|0 Tboupb I ooBtaat I biik UiB laata tbai cao dray nitier pubUo no- Ira iba nattlaioaUi dlkouiUaa of two paopta ary quattloiiable, 1 b a ti Iba fraak it pyB- aiby lor iboaa wbo ita mkanbiy matad, and rko Usd ikiryiblD i turn out todUhraotly

n i i t Ibay anpactad. KBOwinc, bow- aw, wbal pan ba dona by panlatent ayni' Mby. pood tampai and dlploniacy, wbich la aiianotlwr waid M tpM, and a b o n t l i by btt Boodarfol tnallly which la a woman't lati u ran ^ ~ p a rtan o a -I would bef thoat of •r fair rtadaia wba a n witea to tea that ihay ira alow to aagtr aad n ry pknlaont In matey tiba IndlTidul Who bat bcok*n bit paankea boufb be k tbalt hntbaud. It matldiol ba tnoiian that of tba two ta ita mao a n taoat- lUy Tiiy mtiob w m bomaa I b u nonaa, and a uibndatUo betda k to yaiy apt to IdaUlit ia maa tba m anlti, and Uiao Uama b la lor moioatly fbllinc abort of Iba p to iack gp iblcbiha b a ia a l bin. But than k a n r y nporttntUund to ba ramtDbacedi Ifdaatb lould oonw and la te away Iba oiw who wip t I rk tba to j, aod lila t oo parhapa tba iktry oaoiexlaitnet, thera ntll ba Anad

daap and latUni tautfacuoit wbleb tba Mrldetnnol uka away, in iwTlnp oaiblon ibartwitb la taptuaob aaaatu in onafi ba- nrlor to bim.or oooiM, Ibara a n peod and bad man, bat

paanllyapaatuif ann laikmonl aoun(a, a imUty In wbleb wamen an not to daddanl | key beta ntoena, and would do anytoliiglo mid U, and riaqiiaally, M oblipod Kt ta n

will *«■*<■»** m tliMllU dMD*MM3fi wtofitliniilantlobalpIbiW iUiiM abtt, But n mbit ba k tr and look at bath im m of tba pNUon; I am n n tb it DO intallliaol wotnan nil daoy that tba maabtra of bat n a aan ba kadftiityamapataUnf ifibayhka, Many of acaoianliloaiaaaaaw baaw a bare aaaa i

w ckM daifndirfpirii Wat po lamdad' and aiaaUup ttaarpn tnuew of afM ueo

MrhthfMPd, frbbAwaniyiDd wdrftpit, tbao MKtily npreaaktBt Um wkfe wo

lo rup bar if ba don not ioimadtalaty d to bar adtanaaa Wban people a n

Iff tired, Ttry anxleua, or Immerud io |ikMtiiii(,wtatHi, tbay p » apt to ba aiao n r y

la. 'I f a i natkaamaiy iniairnptloa, aull a foolkb antM^anoa Ilka the loragotni u n m ttwB, ana n o kardly ba iot- ibat they kaa patlaDoa. PeUbhoeai,

Oiblkaaaaaa and laeli Oi lyiapaUiaUe tact tea part a t Iba arlpi art the a g n a t i o n of ly t a unnaeaaaary damaatlc axplnioo, that l a Uiua meet mlfdoatrol on bar mda :M ta in baan afartad.

obty paOpM wanU try ta runamber that a u laabi tbamialTai kbai uwy Jlka by • ■UadydaWnolonUoal K nn In the maat

nlaOaaa of lun ptaanoi mannen fo Kmt way toward pnvenljni Otadoa batwean ' opaopk. AaoftaniwacaodpoUitnamooat liula, bat tbay oliaa do taro away wratb. 1

a ta ty im a tM d b a a aa fn U id y o l U tb pMiaab Who k mantad ae an animBily

liby maa who k akeni tbemekmUab, i-ki^ttad , atnaamptlbla mtla p ftn of bn- •B ity libatafp tb ianm yloeklo iiiaat, But II baakaakt Ol fiHp b porfaet Rba afeowa m, ta bar b a t i n g an ry napaat, tadhuU lt bu ohUdm didiip tba Itma ta aUtit Caibar, U b a d ea H t^ k , Aad whan bla milbbnaai

abitud pa^anal Taabiy art too obinw in tail ttm pal ,axaUoli^ tb t k pttmoUy , but vary fkaldad with that dntat H a i

that t i n t b f ta tk iu i t W ind tu U witb, |bol which baa In tl nalihai tea Ibar not tba

ajtetoaaa of i

T B C H A V D C H O IB ,a r m b i t I t a i b a r i M

( a a x t W a d a a a d a y , ___ _ .anUHaloak. bytaaUdMf Aldtaakty.

T b a F l t a l H a l b o d i i t A t n i a e l t k m b I n a - d i y - t a n a o l , B i l l l u a a i , n t a i M o a d , w i n o t la - b r a t t t a ib t r ty -a M o a d a n n t m a a r y e a i i I w - d a y .

Fanny X, Craby. iba atU-knawi bind wTttar ex t,W bymiw. arlll lead iba maatini he ta t Mkni Uhty and Duncan naxt Innday at t (Xetcok at a Cbnioa Kraal.

T h a n w i l l b a a p r e p a n u o r y a a rrle a l a tb a T b i r d F r a t b y t e r l t o Ctan rcb t o -a l p b i, a n d <m S u n d a y n a t a l n t tb a e o u i u i i l o n e f ib a U w ^ a h i a p a r w il l b a a d a i a l i h r a d t a d n a w p a a M - b t t t w l U a t n a t l T e d ink) t b t o b e r a b .

A pnadapanUccnaoanwUI baplna by W.W a i d d t t n a a a n d 0 . b e a M B u o a d a ld a> tb a U i u r c b oX t b t B r d a a m t , B r a i d a n d H i l l a tra a m . o n l a o a I T b a y w il l b a a n k l a d b y a u r a I t a r a a l U a O o a a a l t b k u a J i c o U i r a W l c b - m a n a , L , F t a n c a ic a S a h a ta lll a a d W O u a r a F . lookkr.

Tba nembart ol Iba Bpwonb Ltapna if tba Daidt Keocrlil If. It Cbureb, lUmran. b a n font on a picnic to-day to HUlbera, On tba inalinUoa of ui. Otfcaa tbay a n ipaodliif iba day oa bk Ikrm. Teay laA Iba paiaeaiaa tkk raomlng, tocooipaoled by tba paator, la bif earryaiia.

Than WM in aotteWnaant Henday nlfbt , n Iba Balbal kliiun. ibet ol Canal Knat, Ibr ika bcnadl of tba kmoiy-Hbool, nudartba awpkna of the aoratlnad Yaunf Feopk't ioelailM of Cbilatied mxlMnr. The toiar- tabimtnt eonalittd of an iddnu by tba tar-

tapanatendanl at Iba mlKlaa. Mr. Pomooaj a raaitatmn by Dorr IHataadorl, a duet by lliaaa Hendry tod Yonof, a laadlnp by Hka Ullla Bead, a hellailon by Zl- wood HeNabb and a Poneh and Xody abow. bolrubmanta a era lam d by Iba aeabera of thapokiloa.

t b a B c n t b l y m H U n f a f t b a M a w i r b M a lb o - d k t P n o a b o t ’ l i w ia i U n i o n a n a b a l d le a l I f o o d a y a O e r o o c o t l I b a r W t d a U M o f B a r . A K . D o o l l t l l a a t I r a ln p lo a . A n p i u W H p ro - T i d a d b y H r a . D o o llU la , w b a w i a tra la la d b y M l a i N a m e O M t , B a r . X . F . F o r t n a d a n I n - l a n e t l i i t p a p e r o n " S o m a O l d - U o a M e lb o d iM P r a a e b e t a .'' I lia la r a lD k o a a e a a iw a k a n a d d a a p to t e i M t , a n d M T a t n l o f I b a p ra a o h a ra A n - lo w e d w i t h a b o r t la lk a t a p a b l a f r a r to u a ta k - lo r l e p a n o n i t b a i t b a y b a d k n o w n . B a r . X . a B r a d y f a n p n l o t a m a a t a c e o u t t o f ao raa a k l - i t m e U e t b o d l a t i o o tb a oitaar k d a o f ib a A i i a n i l c . T b a n » i n t a U n e w i l l ba b e U o n I b a d ra t U o n d t y a t l i t n o o n I n O c t o b a i a t tb a r e a td e o c a u t Rer, C . A W o o d i n g p a a to r o f tb a X U b i b A r a n u e t b u r c b .

Tba Zion MMoo hr tba dolond paopla al Botaruia, wbleb WMituttd in hbcuacy Hat to Tampmoct Hall, k aiatdlly adTUdap, and k Inraeutof In nurabaia from weak to week. lefTloei ban baao bald traiy Rnaday Dlfbt. wlUi praaoblni by col and praieban from Orinft tod Nawarb Laa Bunday nlpbt tba Bar. D. F. fitadlay, of Iba PannloilDi Stnat A M. I . Cborcb, dallrand a aamoa iPoa UM dill raitaa ef (be Twanty-tblcd Fttbn. A kuodayaeboelwia Marled k « ton- day aneoiooD. wllb a aMMbaiibJp of dAaan icbolari aad a pcoralra af raany mm In Ibt lutvca. Fikoda or CbtlatianUy, of wbaianr oalor, art raquiilad la aid Iht food worb. Donailona of papaia, hooka, OmMof or each can ba not to Mta. Jotanaoo, U iootb Tht^ leaath luaM. Tloa-praudantcf tbt W. Ct T. U. ofBoaetlUa

At the tneoil mMtlHf of Iba Bnax County ChrtaUan Ennaaror Union ott Monday aIU^ ooew ibaia ofSotn wan alaelad: Pnafdanb ben, Dr, X. Ckmam Fianob, al tba Park Praabytartan Cboraai Im Kewpntldtnb Bay, C K. Lapp, PiftbBapIkiCtauebi ateondrioa- pmidaoi, F. F. Minyo, Flrat Batanitd Chwab i Iblrd yloa-pnKdaai. X. N. Baojamlii, BoaawiUa Preitylaitan Cbniab; laoordura aaoca- tary, Arthur Haut Tbud Fiaabytanan OttiKbi eotraqiondlDf aaoratary, F. W , Plnntb Ulfb Biretl Fraibyterlas Cburob; aarilHol ecna- iponltik aecntaiy, Mki A HeHuta, Ilanb Befeniad Church. Tba txMtUlTi oomralttaa oootkla at tba cfBcata airtady oaratd aad Mira Mat UolauA Batonnad Cbarcb, BalltfllJa) X. A Bardt. rd. Fiut PiaibyitNai Cbureb, Moaielali, aod W . X. Uinlltoo, BallarlUa A n ­na! uoagittiuoul Obanb.

Tba liat maailni af Iba Htwark Dlacrlct PmacbtiW Axocltlion noul altar.tba m raair mootbi W M bald Monday tn tba ptrlotl aX Bb PtuXa K. X. Cbnreb Bay. Malaon A Mao- nlcbcd. paator of Ib a Uakay Biraat M. X Cborcb, dallrarad an id d M on “ How to Baach Iba Kmum." Ha oeodamcad tba md> uooaal maiboda ratoMM w by many piaaeb- m ln tbairaibria to attract eiowdi to Ibaic abntcbM and to antartala Ibaai ante tbay an •acuied. Tbt addrora awakanad a aaotral diaeuMloo, wbleb w M ptikapaiad la Ira Bar. XaioM Bayd Brady, Bay. X. A. tiBttartdfe, Bar. Or. X. & Haintlloa, Bar. 1. X Btyao and otbeia Dr. Hu i11km ibaa i t n an addnn on Uaa labjyct of "Our ValciiB Fnaodati," In wUeb ha apoka kallOdlr of tb t aU pnaeban who bao w en ibanealTM eat in tba auttoa ot tba cbureb, and Uriad tbt eooptnilaB ef tba paatott and oacara of tba n rtaai abnteWN In eXbra lot tbMr rnypoet M oeafkiaaat tinta- anta. U w n daetsad to bald n pnbUa raaaanf Aw tba porpoaa of awafeaalnf ta Inramtln

■ ■ - - r m l t X

AJ « u u w - T k l l A i ' f P n t t f S t a r r o f a

l o d « n O i i d t r s i U .

W t N N I N Q H E K U t T E K t L O V E R .

. p a d p l A lo e b M a b a la , a r tI k o o w u b y t h e ir f i i o a O i l t a o t , a i d ih a o a lm

e p b a r t a f t a t U m t b a y b i < 'v • H b t b a m , l i b l c b la T f t y In t a o H o s a A w k i I r i t i i d a n e w

' ^ r a a i M i t a b l M i t h a t 1 b a n a t w i F i t b e o i b i I d . a n d w b k h 1 a n y n a o r a B a n d to t b a

e f a n y a t m y i t k n a d a c i w h o b a m fo i- ' w t d t b M a w n a r k i o f m i M w l t b t n t a i r a t , . l n t r t y , a r a n y t r e n b le , " i T O f d a w y t U a i H k a

I b t K k r t y i a l t a a d l o o k . A d < ra t o b e a rfb b a n B n o t . I w n i a a i A u t d p a U a n o a

U Ir a p a M n g n p a r l o n i y a n « n a l a n d I n n u tt d o o t a H a t n a i b t t ; p a r -

I b a K f b t l b k i r a i A l t o t t a n k b a l d k l U w t o d I a n d i b t la o a u y o f t a r g a t U n f

i B i o f i a t ld M N l d i M b y p a e p le I n f r a e t l i k k , i d a t m , i n l l a b l a , p a m n a ac b U a d a d m a o d a - • li ln t o n M i a r a n k , a a d a t a e U n f a a a w , k .n

ilo ld a s. a U w o M t i t n U . ' 'k k t o i > a k i a d b M M a n a t n i r b N b d t a i b o w n

r a i h a M n n i t n e f i a i T . T M n a m r o o e a u r i ■ d m M a p I d a r a k t a a e ld a n t, o f y o k U e ra ra -

'fettuoa a f a n y k l a d t b a i h a t a d b k l a n l y -‘ U r a P a a n o f i a T O n “ a r a n e f f o o s d t n

I W i a U H a f t b a t i p k a P k , a n e o a t a t l B t , a a e t - ■ " l ir a ( I d t y r a p a i l ^ n t w U b t b t r a i M M I r i 1 ^ i u f l b n n t b T b a la r ilb l a a i p lo a la o C b a t jk la ly t o A p la g a s e a r B o o t , b n o i h i X i n g ^ b a i t t r a i a a d l a i M r M t h a a r a e i t i o f b k u k -

| W t « n i i a n m i e k , a n e n t N w b o r a w m a ■ e a a o w ta o b a d b a a n t i r r i b i y b o r t , a n d b a d k h m a t n l t i X l a d l n l b i t B l n A B a n e te e w a t " • I d o t I k i b n n b « a t o n o a K i f t a d t o h o r M M a n a t , < U r a U a « o y a r I b t b t e k a n la U e c a M i a M r a a d f k k , d a w * a d a < « « « « M o p lB g y U m u i i b a a t M a t o w h a r a t b a l a y . T h a w a t ' N k w i n t . t B d i i M a a H y w l i b a t l p n U a r a d w l r o r a b t r y a r y p t r O a a n p M l t l o e , a t a a td n g • k b U i h a w b H a , b a d d e n g l U b e a o n ld to m p u p b a r t a w n g a . O u t l a k l y b n w t b t

I t W M I n b k e « B M > c A w a I b a t b a a w l b a t ■ha b o i i t k t , a r itb w w i e r d m n U r a a M a - ~ > p « b « A M i r a p M k d b M , t * n a t b a * i b w

w a U M k k B i d t n . W b a t a t a r r p r a m e a l ay o f n a a t M i i b « H a a d B a ra a r tta m

, B o w M W M b p i l a l a M d b M la i d a k i p t r y N r a M i y n t M I l o k M W .B O w t b n l t h k a b r a - ■ k f w i l l b a l M t b e M l n i a a a t d a l l y w t i r , a n d * > > t i a o l a r a « i o d M r b ln a d w b t a l o b r a t t t a d k i b t t t n d i r g M i A a f ( b a k a a d r a r a . B a r e N ta a i n b w w a i m w a t a r c a i d y a n d p o t m i K t I a w i s t a B i w t i h y M K f t l a t w M I X « B l a k l r W o o i A T b n M N P A U f ito a a i t t n e a td « b k t b i d b a n t f t I n d r y W • M O M w b M t ib a e a k o a l t b M H M b l a t k r a S t W I n n I t a r t tb a h U n r l o o t I n n o n I b a i n t o k i l d b a n d U k • M b T i B r a B M M i n d i e t F M X _ _ '

^ * I^ImT 8we

A C w k l t i i i ir a l •V M iik e M .

y w w i n M k v t m m t k t n i h a a o ’ M , ’ ’

ibp antfaei In tba C n tn l naab.

Agaleal many dIaeoniif*8uiili 0 » Banoa Btreat Mlaaloo la boUlag Ik own. It k in a b iw of Xobn X Mathawi, wba de- TDlM alooK bk eatln Uiot to Iba werk and who loDcbM In a elraa panonat way tba ttyai (i waBy tn ibai dMilak Tka abapalttHwA- ualed Ibat a Orak drawn araiiad It within a n d m of balXa lalla woold laelDdt men than K.dDd peoplo. Ttaret year* ifo ibaia wm ooa eboreb to anry bOOO aouk and ooa talooo lo arary in , Btnoe ibao only one naw eburab an t fanny laioaBi bara appatiad la Iba dk- ttmi. Me. Malbawt b a ptadiidal oily mlailen- ary, and bibaUaTMlaloakltdtotha oomlbtl ofpaople'k-bbdlMbahN ibawtnitbeM m at nwoerii aboot tbtit toulii to Ibt alok and wretebed an panonaily akaiMiad to By tdm, aod 00 BaDdaya ba "talki'’ or pniebM morn­ing and ann io t in the ebapti, bamdM ooa* daallattwaBaadaywotaaMiirfleaa Itm aara alto a wmparanca aad prayaMmaUnf a m j woak. All throofh tba anmintr, wbto tbaia k no aaeoltii leboel, ba darolM raaV***'’*F nlgbaioaboyf elDbwbid tba beyi meet h r gtmaa and HndUif. Hr. Mp'-bawa aayi tbai two m a t blodraaoaa lo bk weitt t n tba H id MramietiUni atmctlTi to bdid Urn ronng man and wowan who drift ofrjMiM ta aga wban they an d leodlntHDMa, and a pnper plaM andneaba lodlipenia iba Mod tad alotUng i ^ c b OMna to bin, Bla plan Mclndna buUdlig whioh can be Died h r lynaMikb ■amcb workibopb rudlaF>cuMaa4 tba ttaab- IngofnitfbUbtiiMtoibeflrlaaadboyA tnob t t ilanompAy, book-ktapug, HWHg, etc.

FUrtad with HU MaMiar.From Ibt O tTilud World.

AToiedoioelMi -Traia baa playad a good joka on bM nm kr tttaading ntwail pcitaia ranH|i)Mada aad allawtog him M lU l wlib k il l nay, moA Mk fcr a fciM wliboat tba faiulmt loaidelon tn Ma nong m a 't part a ta wbo the Mt ebaiwar wal. He loUowad bar abeot Ibt anUrt avanlag, and wbea tbt UnM hr immMliteg eama wm at bar aUa ready to omeb the Him gllmiMi laagtna hii obagrta _

S T A T E N E W 8 N P G G E T B .

The timwbarrr atop lb AlUslk Conniy wUl baalmoalbMiallbUvo. Ooa tbrnarloiaa bk anUpe aiopi ralord al |VHl TBa hmdilafaafry b^kaaonbaua.

FnM m In In rae it plt«M dktilhntad i i anptrai to thaiMelaii ortot HoanetewnFma- bytaiUM BbndayMbaei a TMt a tb naartF mw waa neanlly riMinad h Iba lacbllef tbab fn-

Bm Iha Hrwab C arried tk a XUInra FaaWa H addlak -braam Ib a a Fata W hara Iba O a llaa t r m a a F an ad K. Tka Faalaaa KM ar Maiar aad Crwal H a tb a r D U apF ila tad .

That BornlBg the Micqiik Oaapard wm tU oU tagatanaarlyban ito ibapuk . BawM ibluklag af tba baanig a t TiMBiMt, whaM ba wkbtd to make bk wUr. Taknttnt’a dawty WM ef iMall imponanee to btin, m be waa rlok I bat ba wm daligbtod wlib tba tdat of PQMtrtbtc iMs im m q m pfeik v^loli ptfUoo* K r p i w i h i i i i ,

M ebadnoi yeldteUrad bkleyb Hawaii knew Ibat ba m o ld b t raoairad with pra by ValaadaFt MOibar, and that t l Ib t M wead tbay weald plaoe In bli tba wblla hand af Iba yoang obaialaina- Mot be waa in no burry to MMX lod, M a nowiber of Tkitoia wara u Ibt manor boorai bla piManoi waold earaptoMlH nobody.

Utipaid WM etdeglng bk loUinda, drlitaMg M the Mpb ab iad ihepecflira te fibep laka Ibat bid grawnUiiaBi upon tba old wall; In ibadlM aaetwaabtaidlbabkiM M M M of Iba leyiba that wm abating the Mtadowa, aoaw- Mg k i way wllb a lM aofgnan

Braryibnig grew litxnilaoEiy la (ba piA. and OMpMd, attar ta rin g wblkad kw tM ot Um x tom biratilt lb a labyrtoui ef tgotko tllaya, of dawaa hlddao by tall oaka, of gladM mnadiktad wUb aanlight tod annaadad by brltiai bowayay, ha ibangbl tb it al aomt u m af t palb ha yrenld h Mo im tb tM tu w ta t IrapoKog to m u ot tba ebatoan toom np In tba tlBIltd ftdMtlAMN;

Bat b t beard water nranlag banaitb tba hatat, aad, abortly alkarwud, law tb t brtot, U t bUtba aoBf t f wbleb b id n tob td bk lara. Tbw WMM gIMad bMWtea bardaia ot humid yardntai U plnogad baoaaib tba green boMbX knarag Ik uny tlpplM npoo a bad of ptbbiMi UUwi aod ibiubi dipped tbalt tow ir ohatom M ibk Impeded airtamkb u d ) a d l t t tba Varank atm dallnbitd glaneM anoad bIm bd BOUdod an tbjdct wbleb made biM n iur an

A allpPM, a Uttlt raddkb-brewn allppar. wm Bdlawliif tba m a m of tba watar i It laapad Otar Ita pabblai. n n k b id among tba aqaatle phitM M mappaar laiU cf down t ie mttdow. It iMKtd ta iba U ttfo k OaapaM u a i ba bad M Tti Man uy tb lb g mora obaimleg. After biylag ailMbtd o n r tba tn n k af a willow tbit atoaubad aoroM to tba appoHto banx afte' baring ran ihrangb ina damp gnax baknned hlM M lfwIlbi Amg Mtok, and, drawing tba allppM to b k x dfiad U In the ana. Than ba pal II In bla poekai, ao n tauiid bk read, and laaobad tba manor bonM }oa( u Iba d m kraaktHl ball nag.

VakbUna WM walllrai O f ><■ bpen Iba ptoMt! a betibt daib moanled to bar obMka wban aba parealTid tba mao wbea aba at- nady alyltd Iba HltetbedofbM drtanN. Bba WM a branalto, tall, ilaadar. obarmtof dtaplta bar udlat, wblth w m »a itob mr tba airly tooialng bout, patt aba woold abattfliUy b a n tcknowladgad ibat maaay wM not wettn bar- Mg If ana wara compelled Mwaar dm n a itch M poet gkb wen. Qtapii* <*ndayly kkMd bM baodb and, drawing laon bla peakat tba

)r, tCIU a irld* damp, pnHOtad It to b«. •bold my intaBra-tiewa," aaldha, "and

at yen atone to all tba weald endd waay tbla HtUa allppar, 1 bag ywn t o tot me keep It. It wUl be a tahamaa and i b ^ k r m b " k« tdd id lA A kwW

ViiMilna (towiad M d bar tym inddtnly gnw baid.

That <Ad dboa d « ’t beloog to me." u - a n n d ibe, n i u n hiegfaiyatr. "H an n I hK yenapetitom loatogm you. KMplIUyen w tetM ."

She tarned away and waol to bef metber, to wtaom iba butrUdly m M a tow wank. Then balb Iba ladtoa glanead t l Iba yenagane, wax abHbtd. WM itondiig la Iba itoaa plaea trbara Tilanttna bad left Um, tba allppar in Ua Panda.

WbM an ImbeeUa I a a r raid b t to Um- M i x . " I IM too lUaibM bat toot could n e n r b a in td la to to tm b U aaU p p ti: BMWboiM deed* onft It belong toF*

Al ValtalUia and bar motbar wara the only ladteial tba ebaieaa, H aaparddifnalpoibbu loyaitlgaTten fuibac. H aM can to ia i haek into tba good graoM of tb t yaani gtrl, and aaoeM dadM m tllbatln ibaayanlagM iaitTt b la a flower from bar boegdel. Tbra nlgbi ba fa lltito tp paaeafUly with the Bowar pniM d to b k H p a o d t i e caddiab4aewoiBpptrwHtorflottML

Wban ba awoke tba toUowlng monilng hta PTM laU npon Ibe ebjael tb it bad eaurad Um M aoBmli to graal b ptota of m w knndaai tba day baton. Ha dulokly dram d bUnMll tod want pot Into tba parX laklng tba path ha bad prartoiUy tolwwad, tally mUyad to raiatn Iba M pfar to tba wMM'a M fx

"Tba penes wbo LoMIt will oenra loiearab tor Mid b t to bnaatl( "and patbapt 1 ib ill And ant who A a to”

Ha Amnd b n way ra iy aMVytbd w ii about n i tb la g tba brook w b n jb e nmdanly paoied; ■oma ana wm towing a tittle turUitr away; tba rotoa wai port, tba eeng Uraly. and he- naatta Iba Mil o«kb amid tba inalidht of dawn, with U t aoeempanliunt ef Uw bab­bling w atei'-«a Ibla bad a h Xe ebarm. full ol ppatry. Be approMhed aottly and idw uraegh Um biaaebH a yoang girl, whb with bar ■klili lUghay drawn Oto « u kaatteg tba wtoar with bar bora toat H a iMppamud iloeklogi lay on Ua daw-onyaiad grtra. Bba WM aUig Id a diiM of bJoe minrlto, aod langbad at tba moUon ol tba dear rlpplM IbM Mtmad lo beat away her feel, h white h Um towam U i t adorn iM to a ia lH o l Ua aympbi efHeUeoo.

B ertaw n toeka floatod la Boodt ertyber aboUdato and b a n end than a iiu if ibtm A t had ftMtoed tuftr of lyrtogaa (kanard aaw bar long m h ax bar baarl ryra and tba golddk fbnato Natottad oryx her foiabaad; told WM Uaumlat (a Iba Uida Ua* flilad tba a k ir tth a A a w e ta f yoitl M*>kb I *oA amtd Iba (m ilt ef bar n d Upa, bat w Un totthiboM like a motber-oApaarl Widt ptnagadlatoiGMa tmiL

Bot nddenly aha baud Ua Iwtm lUnad no* tot tram bar, aad lorntd ttonnd ta la^ prlMt ibbtoP Oaqrard, wba WHOoetonplai- lira ber, baUUk tala braaU, and, wkh a ary eftbdipiatlaa, ber obaakt purple, ipraoi npon taagM n and inatiaUy totppad an hat enak-Injt EOd fVff*-

Tban tba Marqula w n l to bar, bk bat in bk

. |M | to t t o p a t b a g it o i k k t n o t t o l l ; a i l t b t I

I to lto w e d V a l a W i n a .

t t a l e b a ■ k k a to a u


Akd, H Iba Motbar w m abeot to iptotg he- wMd, Oaepud Mapped ber wiU agntaNi — 1 i t knali m tw gtiM baMra Meik.

Marnoltalbg OewafaeMta. ato," tali ha t o t f l i M i o t e a . " P i t o a a C ta ty m tn g b a t i n n n to wad tba totr Inty wkoM the Bnk t>am tolp- p a rtia r ' Xaunra-IknjM.

A n A i r y l i m d a ,F » m Iba Kiw T «k Wutod.

Alyplealdnda w urad u But Brnadway ilMnytMarday and ralM tor a "paoy” of lar. W bn It w m eborad a* h i m ba eait-

tolty pmiad opt all mu a Ulmbleful into a auiiadara abd Ua drank l ^ ooaituii *itb a rld u l n ikb and told dope lea eanto lie Ibea walked orrr w tba tooihplek-boldai, wklab eeoiainad abonl Sfly ipitbto Dtawipg a gmUa-leoklUf otgareua (rom bit pocket be pmaadA to eenieh eerb end erery lootbplck A beU Ada la ineaaitoA unlU Ua n r y laet Wtomabad.

Al Met M ba acratobed tbam b t flung Ibam A Ua Boor, and wban tba bolder wu empUed b t draw a parlor » I A ftem bk pwkic raked tt atobk iba eolt of bk iboa aad applied Iha lama to bk eigantto with a raiili of eatie- ledtloa.

” P-H-Po.hr' bkatd tba baikatpar, wbo had bean watetaing him.

And Iha dnda IPai A « l af Ibt doer ted ip Ibt tonal ae euftly n a gnm aiitkar blown oi UewUgieratnmioer Eraeat.

Tba P rlA ef n Toner Toleo.f y o m U e N e w Y o r k ( X m t l g n l ,

T h e g a e c d r a M n a t h e " D " le a d t r a i n m a y a fto n ha n U a r ta lu a l I n ih a i r m t n n r , b u t n o - p i t w b o b a n b i u d u a m c a ll ceit tb a n a m e o f • i t a l l e a w i l l a e y e r t o a u M U a m o f b rin g p la lu i p o k a x ( C O p y r i g b i A . ) T b k , b y th e w a y , la m lo d e m e o f a a to r y ib a t O i a i i B M y H . D a - p e w a o m a tlin M l a l l a A te w y e a r ) a g o b a r a - N l r A a o n a r e o a l a l t a n b o r n p a a a iiig e n m t b a H a w Y o r k O a n t r a i n a d c o m p la U ilD g th a t tb a b r a k a m A n a n r c a lle d A t th e a a t B M o l I b a to a n e n r p l a i n r a « g t a t o b a n a ile iU u n d . U a I n m a d l i M t y b n u a d o m i n t b a i U a b r i k e i H i i , A n e a r l n i a a t a u t o , a n o u lit a o ta t tb a e a r a o n a l l o M l M D a m a o i tb a M a lia n " l o i e M a r ta a o r r a l r a ." T A n a i l a la w d a y i l a t r r b r o n g h l h i m a la t t e r , i i f u f d " A B t t k r m a n ,' ' w b ld b a A o d ib i a p a r u n e n t q u a e ilo n : " b a y , b o w m n A o f a u n o r n l a a d o y o u a i p a c l lo t I k l a i n A U r

A H o n l t y b a L t o U w a , f r a r a t h e A l b A y X o o r n a L

B a m t o M m a no d r k in d o f b ld a b a n b a a n la e a ly a d f r a m A a t t r a l l a b y tb a A m a n d M m n w d r a X aw rw at. T b a A n t t n l l a n e o n a a p o n d a n i w n u a E " T o k a a w t o a i b i f k a a p a e u l i y m i k - b la t o r m a A l n a A n d i a a d la o a i, m il it a r y k t l U a o d C TO M i t r a p a , I i k ^ m a d ftw tb a m A D t u W r a o l M d l t c t ' a n d M a m W a b t P m a to , t M i i g m p e a t o l l y l I g b P T A r a a ta d a l U m i d to r a a lu a r i d a A l l e i a i 100 y t i d a I t k t o o la u e b l o t n i l e l p a r a t A t » m a d a y o u r w a r - t l o n W U L k n l l i a U m m o f a e o k o t H m M . w b o w a r n e la d In o o i u a l m a U . A o ia d t n o o a k o f I ta lb a a , a n d U h g i n n i a t m l p e « f o f U a a U a d j ^ i b a l i A r t la n o t b i c i It A I L "

F O L K S T O U K N O W .—X. H. Wtlkai Hlabcaiad bk farty-nUlb

hliUmay aBairaaary at bk naldauaa, M Bu­rn A t annox yaatanUr.

—A trlpla tfitbday anulniaary w u atla- hntod at PflHtot'a Hall In Farry utaai lait MgbL Tba n iabn ton wan Cunrtd Bcbwirx Albtrl Xn<a and O nuy FankAbiig. Ham- ban nf Iba Nawatt flit A r Bniaiy. Tunyaraln Votwnrto and Htwark Tnintaiwin wart prern WL

W bA B ik r WM todfc, wa gara bar Chtoorh. VbM aba WM b Child, toa atoad for CAtorta. WhA tou btatoaa Wax * a nhng to Oaatorto V hA tow bad OUMraii, aba garatbam Caatotto,

D E A T H S .B O C X ^ I t o i a U T M a A fr ir o d a , a n d B

t e M iSrilftacbttn of nnfilwttiTiEed !• *M«kd ttw t a n ^ r fo m

■fid H«itD0bi4 m niigw t"

CmpHiit .DOmCBlatT.-'.‘ l»7«u«i Ite]

Jin, S u S w i t w . M H A M rd a jr. fttSF. X. lAtefRMit TtalEmoiuil

laviM (0 lUMikd tb* fit* U m r w M M m o r b « r • m lB -lA w . H r .

f M iB iw tla l tnd At IM Tf|4M

, jniy KxktrfMKH>< aiH i A M r r k i i t r o n

r x A W l l K 1 f C ] | . - 0 l i Jaaa 4, I M l , V a l t t r 0 .(^Ud o f Q M r and MS S S i S S l t e S l ^ x ^ r o a d t o r a r L o i ^d i u r t v t & i i i f M l o ’ c io e k . i w a U t m a o d f H n i * i m l n v l M d t o a t t M d . i i r v t r a R a n d Ititaref l S M t a t fil iic W jM e Jfa Y m O b d a tu r d a r a ( k i d P.IL

acHicnTyM>a Wlto oftiMW

t n . kaiaUTni

M t l |» a i t o H t t d — M t t l wra.KOTlCllnk1muMla«t Mv«rUsla« ta tka

R S W A wtwl ta iaF laU r b* m d ta r t a a 4 -

Wa«MV«aaan wRl W tat>«««kaI f * a < t T « r t t R a a i « a t w l U a m

i W t a W k k a a a a a f ^ r p i c l i n a « a a t b r b b i k v i Nt o a d a « * t a i a . __

^ i ) i t ! r T A a n t i a i c ? a c it a J i A i i i - T i « T no u r <»labra(f*tl

H r a t o S K r a V k E a t . M t a l K t o T r a t * T H r < r a l g .


f o * . b a i a e d e e l i 1 M n aM aad wlA aN a f B e u d U M t M , S r

Hat Mb w uY un.lli p a^ ia kx« iF ax U fk’ak»ni4bD a n . T iiiocQa

ib^uu* iD #A iu> u.

n M A itrr .; • hcm

WtApiti'*' Jainat fi

n t7 M b tilM hw M M i w b « a m n b a r a i m -H

OF. bawa f f M o a i

rilfkah 1

Hd _________

H' u u s r Trt fe«T- a n d o a lta r

UanadlaMkv. ________b M » a n d U A U a t i M f iM.

taal tM jMt atowb __Anl7 ta a E MOKKtfUl

atataiSiinl U U t A t a a -

ras taai l o lu m b U M L, )'J rauniio » l l lu ; j> n > v *(n «a ta , f A M .I ’ M s . r & i ' M r i o ’ S ' s r i i j f l i f r a . c

rVdad tNErialnt.T ta w i L j e U M A . n i n i ) A t :

atanaatft Ati.lI j ta a d b V l k i *h

a n , S l i U a y . K . J .

ara(i^ «k«i Mmosnfhtor ('bsmtcal prapankaAtu; I * H U K H M i l i . g u , F M M I o

u t

I J T P - I f a I I K O T K i n i l l t H Y

■pWlllPAt.U -

I S W. i l A

lU tia d M .TENUrKGU

o l i N T P . W A H t t i x A r « w a o i » n .a e ll v * a i v u i a r a r M t t k x i l M oaU a t 9

__ jta B Mai itK im I I ! p «n b v lw a t n ifla a d t t F . k l A i Y l F , J R , U a o a f a r . I

, O K J f T O - - M K A A F n w n M X N i ^ I t V L I j r i k k o w e b u id n B a d s ln s l tv i M u t M .I _U>kwtN A i a ,7 » Broad M.

^ K B E H W * F T l i » F ' R h A T V I l l > A Y A ^ n _ S u n d a y , p o k , B C I . L K t I U . RdiPBTir Ay»A

» L A < v i u i ' n { M 'A < )U 9 r A N D C A F H I A U B lU Kt it -rirre l io bbinn- ^.. N * t M d a M.a K . H fa n n ■ <

B o o k - k y k i ' F H - t o d n o ¥ A » i n h k l pM IM bfvtki del isrrrN'

p a a w a a , aai) w a ^ M taw ^ iw n i

r j M > L I T - -

RnadM.- r t - F U A W T ^ n r i r r B Y h o i ' f l i .

tan n>-'iiia, haifii. * ti-.: nlxti^rna e rta d r o u i H l , fOtnAtad a x ir m l tax froTn N x w a r ic i Irull nf ail ditm unnu; UMAMdaa'.iitd r aitj} t i r a a t x H rk ta rt t v i i a i m tn u taa 0 \< m rm lH n a d d«t>u«L vlU ta iQiii chraii and nn MrniA.

- JtaHMl Bai^ >1. BvtaTag Viwt

n p

n o n Ut»oi| I u

i ’ i m s . i i . E ~ t o i a i 5 * a * x r i \ H U B H K A .W Ut ' . S ( . . W llb i S S w tb e r raat# dftiii ------— •>— lUlaf.

LViB M 14 ^ .r iiMtiIWfhAitoi'l ^ -harnr*». yWii MrtdiiJi Orni taiUHg.

I'toRhK . Ib > i J, F r w t. • a e r * * * * ^

« ATUimOBTra

B r i c k d a a lh n a . * t a h t r a a ta v a U I m F w r M M a k T t a y c a a t r a iij | « « d a a tfk J w tlta a d .

J. ]J- BACHKleLICB, m B l t f U D T i e n m t i a a d k

w ,aJkAt ____

J^ O I l A t a E ^ A V A L U A I L I P F O r k R T Y' in vlO d n n Wwht I l n i M T i T ; o»«^ I a iM n n r b-

a w y l a w t w iLliw iflta i a tid w w a t a t a M irs iT h ; l U i ’bl T r iih « lt >mrR l m a h lh « d O fif- A F P l 7 ( * ' H K ' i U K ] » l l l k b U W A U k » , M l l F r l ! ^ '

a v a , BhiM « h » ra 7oat , ^ O U A A f . K K t V K r>K T J I R I ' H O l r e P T A ; O ltailoa H ill a o K h « l d * e f a a il u « a f A W i aa v tk ; ftltoii A m Itita on fta lm o a i a v « . o n llita o f

•pid B r t i b o f t r , Id'

iiadMifw: mtwt ba wlUk.fmd paawaa, aad wmm taw Ij iwnMmw w

A d d it a w w lt b w » a t a vrauLad. B 't f U > L I I L A : B o x Ja N « w i o fllo r.

| > O Y e ^ W A F T i r > t A R H l ^ n T . A m V U B O Y , I j b H W l H l A a l lb » K A .l t .H < I A l > N I W H r T A H U . H e t a V L lt a ; o u * w b o U v M l a lu a a v llif i i v a n m a . M ir

l i O T - W A F V J l l » . A U M K r U l y n O Y U O H I A J j j r a a i ' t u l d j t o M u i n i l h n u n au d i w a o t f a u t

rn o v iF tf /f i Htfu M. 1

T l) iaiEir"-iF r r n WAiDrrotaMAiXFaMi- U r a o a ljr ) N o a , I I a iH l U H o w ta a d SR., swuti

« a n ia la s savati M in m a a U iM p ru ta u k H a ta j U m m h o u t n s r r U u « 4 w U b b i i c l . nu « T F « n t a H a v ta c M « a sfMirsifl ta i h r lr uoitsiihti.'Uoua a n d a r a l h « m n i l o u m p ta t* IMtta b o d ita ta U m e t t f l m w I f a « « r . F o r p u m i u i s a d o l ^ a r Iq in r s ta U D B apttur ta o a a a r , F e . i m B l L U i ^ l L L B A V J R

» l O L i r r - A F U ' R H O O l r l N O O O D L D C 'AX U*Tj|. with ailluintavMnstittk, ta i«tit ta -----• “ l a monik Apj^TtaTHOb

in i xtoiiMt IT. O l , OFtog ( p i r v i , giiTwraD W K N H T k l N .M n p r t l W l l a K I I T X

p r i mtif

n n Y K l . - F O l l i a l . t o A F i r m , e to W l U lU m l a M a a a m p la t . : la ig a ito a h ia

P s i i o r i iw u e p e y l M b a r a l t o c b a J i . . w U t .t o H r n w n e h l y . • * a w a f S t o a U M kato-^ X k r a r a a t t o

C f A i f v m r i B b a l x , o x b a f . o h x O '^ 1 aroA r a b a t o a M A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


noR P A i.k -u rr Hi niiMHKit A V ixaft. tr9nl.t3lfV. sr 111 itapth; Wrm4i saU^iur j M i i i ...................

. H . iM b f tr M A IT H . a n d R f l B U k Y a I-


ta ita n t a i W a R if> n lk A ^ t ta l U U « B V a t T c i U i t o a i t . , o r iM ^hoU s L

I I « k 1O M A H A .


l i i cr t

i * ^ . in < ittir » W .m ta Uawla sva

T l i m A A 1 .K , I7 W r a » » H M O T r i f L Y J T t a v i Ih s Uuu 4>r thiHM e r w hsutm, s iitla b ta ta rI f b A k U t a s . J U U N a . X » U A .\ p m u . O ^ d n u a m io r i s i U a] M a __ _________ _______________ I

W I M . H M U * A T M F K M F f H i T I F t a L L Hl i i i U M i l I j ^ ; 171 M l

F O I A A I AM h a r k b t v r .

BOTA WAHTUnx)A|tl.U*‘tOWH t a l i * Hatnrdaj’. 'At MAKlOvT At. 1

H U T C H R R W A b T i n A T < W r iC , Y O T I F C I n a a t l M t n n d s n n a i K l s th a b o a t a w i : w i i t i n *

t o d r l w a w a f o n n n u s ih s a c q u a ln ta d b i l U n i -& . ^ aN O U T U T I U U I >

T ' k A p O C L A R K ( J I ' N I O R ) , W I T H T W O O H i / i b r « d ihMk-B'« « tartaut-SL umMtad l<ir U m sunv- b « p a i A s t m r r P a r k . A d d rw M , <M aUn| s a ta ry • i p a e t s d a C H K M i R i . H o x P . _____ 1

O W N ttta fu l

W * I ! a L I N a T O D O H i t j A i I n f a n d n a b * h l n v l f kW iSralEv

a r o u n d tufM r i RiAts r o t a t o n M a u dw a a ta L Lofltaa.

A fk U o a s K R U l M t o L H a B o x 0 . S im

X F B A l X H r R D D R A W r . H A'jw n a b s d . A | > b l 7 t a W M . L f k O M * C a a « «

-U iU . M eET T ' I A S V A . Y ^ A R O R R R M . i l l W H O m D A R " [ ; SMtada b ta b ttS lnM a r o n s M S ir a s M a d f s i t u v

K ^ ^ T a K B U A l A A , O r t A i o V a liO ? . i l g

H « N « R T , T R l ' H T W ' O R f H T M A n ' flir a n d s a lM ia a n la n t w a r A l » r N a w l i u t M H M p iH iftrjra iid o m n iu ls s lo n t

r a q u i m . A d d r s w i i r o aU o u M . B A C K "W a i T t n , H s w Y o r k .

A F P I E A H L P U L I H K F H W A N T C U : 7 w o r k . W i r . L l A X Ce T I S C I , i t f . B I M a b s i b , 2f 3. W

M b *p l y a l

A A O H - W A N T K D , Y O U N l * H A ^ I T H A T■ S t w o r k * d ...................... • - - ■

t b « ) t ^ l

Y A N ____ __ __________ _______.« d a l i h s i r a d s a U t a r b l lia a . A p -• i x k : k a t . i

£ J Q u r f T O I ^ V A ? r r £ l > " - T O O A H V A A H F O R K ^ i B d A B U l a l F i r s lO B u ra iK ’* ; ra re o h ig o a re r

t n q u t r S n r R A A l * f Y A f a f i r a , t a f a n d t a l ^ o a d sL


' ^ A j n i u

f l r a b ^ a a s d r f f a o d i B u r n : m*»Rt g n d s r s t a M tb a b a s b iM R t h o r o o t h l k i a o l r M ta * n s a d a M M r F w e a a a l J F t r b j t a ti tr i «

b H K B X A F . R A M U X U 4 0 0 ..I t l U a m l M M a r i i s i s t .

B m pr r i D A T T H E M R T R f l F O L l T A R ip k ir r a f n t O f T V o a l ta ir o h a n d * s n a a t a /

R m a la o O a n ik a n 's plans, to m i l k s « * w a n d n w b n b i m M f u f s f u l i s J f ^ i U f t a a ll k in d s « * n r k . A p p t / t o U R f k H T ^ r e N R , M R r o s d s L


A R T R D - A M a m T O T R A V E L F O R A h a r a n a s a n o saddletir h o o M : o n * w U o ha s

S x p s r tn n M I n th n b usinsak A d d rs s a u L K a N H i T M O a .O t a a n . N . Y . ______________ m

T O T A I Ris lfu w iftilW A M T I D - A Y O U M O M A M ^ .

e a rs o f h o n s B a tu ls a o k r h lm s s lf uw iftil tn g r o c S iT : m a s t h a s * b s S ln t a f s u o s . ta q o ir e A Hb r l l e v ; l l r a v j l i

W A M T B D w - A T O . - _____k n g w lo d t P o f b M k 'k r w u ln c . A p p l y s

rs ta ro a ro ii lo X . F . M l L L l u E , 40 F u H u n s L , t w

W I T H 9 0 M R w l i kk n g w l o d t f

roartai lo S . 1« 7 a n d I tota lg b l._________________

A^OllOD we* HI, BUTTON- b ta A s r ta ta b s e h a r n * o f b u iio a s ho p In th s BUTTONtt, Box M. Raws

R d

^ A y r t J }• m U lo b 1(

A d d r e m

W A ! f T E l b - A P E A C n C A L I C V M T O W A R K o n a tr a c k l i n n n « a r H t w a r k . A d d re s s F A H X q 9o% M r M « w i o A o s . . 4

W A N T X D - S l P R R I R M r R D R A W r i R I M w o o d cass m a i u t t a e w r / . a p r I / l o h .

O B I K M M K K L i , n Ja c o b i u _

W A l t T X D - > A M a M t o A R F A T H A M O I L d ta n tr lo A M o n r a L B A M D M A M ,

B r o a d Bk

W A N T K t X ^ A R T R U M O H A N T O W O R K o a a d r e p o t a t M A U t JE T H T r a m ioo f . I

W O O D T D R 5 1 E W A N T R D . W . U . I > H W i r r , D s a r D . , L . a u d W . D s p n k M o n i- e U l r , N . J,_________________________ mi

u s n m w^ m & d j I se rra n i

ria /y J s n a A l t a t .L o t t A A li lt , m t h * j w 5 ^ t a |

________ ___ __________ ta s li M l t o a t i f ft tt b « fiu is m l s e r T w r e t r e t a M l J a t * n s Id S D O S , M b l a B h U ^ U * A F ta O S b M T i M S i i v , J u D * k a i } r . I f . I n t s m e n t tai H i A w w a t o s m « t a r / .

• t l L L l V A N , —O b J b m < Orm selm s A u tll-rs fi. S M H / n A r s l O m o t a h A g « la U T « s s o d frta n d s r f l h s d s o s a s s d s l d r e s p s p lt tiU / lu v ita d t o a t ta e d

- * ' ' -------^ ' l i a i o n a l d a a c s . N a S i I T h i r dU is fa n e r a l t l U s i ie m l f n o l __ ______ _ _ . - - ____i i r « ^ B a i ^ ^ .

H u ^ r c l

' A

. . . . H o J / C n s a i i k s r e a n i f h j Is b b W lU ha o flb re d a m * i t a repore o f i b s r i A s a l l B t f a t O s « t f t a r y « r i k * l l o l /

. r t n R a a o e u k .s o p p f____ - F l o f a AttA 4 in o n lb si t a t t T * * a n d trls a d s a re r * s p « e v

a U M id h i t tb D s re l tr c M his pa-

t a i b s m M a s s o fIlls s o a r ,S s p a l^ v d k

T A T L Q C k a i t e O . . .a n d I d s j r f L A s k lf b U / L B r U M W * 1 ------------- ------------ ---------------------nnW TuAMheA, H U t a n / s tre a t, o n R s iu rd B / a t S p , M . 1 n t a r s ta tit a t M a d is o n a t ooDrentaiion o f t t a m n n l l y .

W O L B m . - O n j q a * A k fta r a b r ie f W nsss. M b i t Be W o t t w r . m s W l r t a , be lo ve d w ife o f d i A r i s s W o U M f . a n d H y e a f t ^ » i ^ n tbs. R M S t lT a a M M m a a d s a i * r s s M r t f a i lr I n / H s d l a A t M B d a a n m r a l f r o m b a r w # n B b t a d o *, F a ■ H l a M a r t a r * ^ « « d is a d a y * J o n s 7 , a i S R I L I n t a n e s o t I n M s w u t O B ia s M r / .

I t a a t h r i i l w M i t o R n s n ir lc T d - i n / b / t f a m t a l h M U l b l a t a O n .

F r e m . A b LC b m e U p t f lc U l lT a A S l l R e T b l i d H . . . , . , » «2« oo Ja is d s H a ^ [ i t a j t . , . _ . . . » w . » 200 UQT h o t i u w l i t i r w , ■ E. D a y J OM a t | a i « t l t a M i 3 j r a A l r e r ro a d .---------- V

B u r r f v r « v u « n , W S f l r M B l L . . . . ,„ . .e __ .O tJ a b w s m Ja flb r s o n ii,.,raraaaai,-re MA L L A H lb E A t a U t T ^ a a j k ^

141 m IMOU 4fon>g oo

00 U U O

v o a d S lid M a r k s t lua.

W n S w t i k k M t o .

E B . S O L l ^ g . B O N ,

m a U i y a n d ) l o r y u a , . l f x M X w a r a t o i te a t a lM - a u d a g a o n l l i a i to O u k M a a u l F u r a k b l n g f a tiw d a o a b p r a w x IC a ap tn g o a t a f o a m b la a llo M to p o t a p p r i e H a a d O D a t m w t n u l u m w a a r a to a k to g a n a o U l n i t r a » b e a r i i w S f f o ^ b a i M " I U a n d e i i t u o x C h a i i m p a n f i i l l y m i i d i a d .

Wp a B a r a d r a y o K m

> * b X - r J l b » b l , D a t ‘ B l M a U t l l a p g a W m i ‘ « < f f l - M b * M H B l r a , g e t M b f eie g t o k t o « r a 4 a g h g e k W g r m a t f i r a ( i |r e a e - F « I A H o t m a n i a d y a b u t o

y t t .”t o e g t o kJWBb-- . . .^ • o r i U y o r a t B i u a r

M r . X . ~ « I i a i ’ r S i t g b F * ' * 5M w u i g r t o t i k i a p u t o M m itt, a s ' ^ l a n f t v l a m m b m 1b U m l a w J a a ’ i

« « * n l » » l B * ( f M ’ l b • * ’ I f W M < * » •

i S f d o t B B u m i B n n i flU a ta to to J e d B * . d U " ■ W to a M d b « M < h a £ ' a i U M M t m » i

feg w g f ,* to P I M a i l i H m l u b

T b a b d U b a r a a t * . W . O i r t a l l ' i m a a * m a t k a i I n F t o n f l t o d t U w a o l M a N i t k g F M M t d a F a t o l d a n u m d a d t h a t t b a p c e p i t a t o r d M w t g a toralr t w t a t x B b O T ■ * * • , w b a b a d bi aara a e b - • e y t O M M t h a i x O ra ia lX l a f i n a d l e d k a to ra M w x * B d U i b i i z i t g a M Q to ft U a b e d y .

n a k M N U e t l b a { k to d r a i O m i y M M F M f B e B e l k n o w w b a n D e r a U l a e f k l l u p e O d o x l b * H t o t o n to o r d a r a x to a a g x X t t U B o m o f t b a d n y o d n l i b t b t p m n p a ^ d o w n b k M i l m u lM t o n g to b t m a a l t a a d a b t h e a p p r o a e b M a n y a n a y b a r a U i b a n d * l o b i t t h r a a t a a d a b r i , t B o p x r a p * - ' *

I M u m y - t o T M i b A n a l y a m i i y D a y p a t a d a M I b e B e n d a y a i b i i t o i l le w a r X t i a i y O H p w * b a l d y r a ia a d M a f t U b o a o . X b d o i g ^ i - d r a g w a n t ^ n x T n a r a y l t w m g e i * t o l w aa a i M M d e b P d t o t o T n V m k F a r t , a n d w m e a - e n g M d k r U a f t t o d i a o l U m t o w r t o M a b n d t o - a j E d g u a t o x * m « b g f t * to a a g m m 9m m b S l m k g b b r a l d b i a m O t y M b a r X o m p k D . M I X .

F E B S O K A L .

P A * l l t a a * e M » r a M a a M W g j i m i y u a M w i u W k x l U W H t l U 4 *f l a n s ; i t o i f t o i i t o

M b J g r a e t o i i t o ," b U d b t , b e w U ig f a i y to w , m a u l b a y a b a d t b a m l t b r l u n a l o

___ ito n y o n , I a m tb a M a r q a b Q ia p a c d , a n aM U a g n t a to a t t h e e b a a t o t a , t o d I b a n a e m iMM to b t o n t y o u b a c k y c a ir tU p p a r "

• I a n t a r y m n e b o b lra a d to > 0 0 , U n o i t o w .” i M w a r a d i b t a s r a * * o o n f t itooki.

" B u t b o w w a a I t , l l t d a m a t o e lt o , U a l y o a w a r a l U a t o t t i u n i to t b t O b a to a e w u h o n t y e a r to ln o a r r T b e r a n g b p a t h m m l ta ty a w o n i d a d y e n r t o e l l "

•‘ I d o M t U r e W t b a o b a t a t x H n t i l a a r , h o t t o U a t a o U a g a y e o M e d g w a U r a a a a o m ih a b o Q f b i .* '

A f l d M i b o n a d u a a i p t f d b U t t o b e d t t a fD m * b a b a d D O * n o l le a d .

" D o joa l l T t w l l b 70a i p x r t b t o H i d a - g u t o l B a r *

" O b , n x " r a p lla d i h a w i t h a f l d t o O M n u f l L " 1 I t y a a t to y n n ta a > i b o M x "

" W l U i f l D b i t o w r a a t o a a k i M U s a r a a r " O r a u U i y . T b d F M l l b M t o l x " " T o M f l K H b M m n g b t y a t y f l n b w p y a i b a -

to ra to g n w t y W o M y e w , K t d e i i t o ^ K t r l x " w O h I g M in m a t o c e t t o r s w a y l I b t t o l l tb a

a b b t o t n W l U m y a to to t T a l t a O n x ' ’ , n t y a w n t m a n r a a t r a l M d U a M y o X i r e g M

d t o t m t l ^ t t i t o , V o ." U e a M a u b " a d d e d t o M .t o a g p I b c b a r h a n d b

w b l l a g n a t t o i n t t a w i d d o w n b e r g a o t l a r t o - a g x " y a w m b m f t a m U a a b a to a u , r a a a k to P H M n r a n m a i a a t i a t o b r a t o a o m a t a m y i M t o a b a M M a b a B u d l x l a r a a i t p N W d I b t r a d e a a n a l b U i to M a k a b e t a n g ry w ^ b m a A b l i W w l w o s l d U k t t o k t m b t T l *

" H a d a i M t o a U x " t a t p o a d a d O u p a r d . d a a p - l y t o q g b t d , " I w D I a x a e n to y n d r e o r a r a w te w ■ M a r a y e n f lo k a tt fl td H t o t M a d a a a r t o K m e U i - A l ^ b a d t o p t o a r a d t o a a i x i b U B M f l t o d - d t o r a t t b b M * t t o » t * « U i w r : . _

" T o o a ra f l f b b ’ ' n a p o n d a d M i i l x i t a a U y f lt o o a u a g a d , " a a y a e U l n g to r a a r a m a t a b a w o o l d H a m a m a i t B . "

" l o t I e a o t o l k t o y e u a M t r l M i d a m a i . u B t V M m t t M k b a p p r , U d u l | i 4 , M B M a a d - g d w t t h b b to a g a .”

" O h I I b a w a n d ia a m i b M l

X t a M t o M t o b Jr n g N t d a u d d d d u r i i i t b t y M M o i

_________ r a n r . I t b a t o i I b a t a l a w A t M ip a to e a a t ta r n a b a t U M M r e

t o A F b R b ' 'KM. iMtoB btotold r e I f l to iM lb UjaOM

a n l I i w a a t o n e a f m a d t o i a d b d f l t o l H o r

i T c , a a t k . n t f l a g * la m b a . a p i i ig d MbtoeegjM tpM A w w je e w «“ f to

' t h v s z s r s i ^ s s ^

S S s S s b Z n S S i .

i S A B i r ' . i T f f i X s r sd o in g a a l 'a m t U b M H i t o i U g m t o m H t o g r e

• n x D o e o r r a a B o M u m m , w b a d to d - fla V i a n t m a t t a A l F . ■ ■ * « « f l W i a d W M B i a y .

r j i B S f t t t & S ' s a| t o | i | i f l g a f a t t r a m a V n t o t o l H b i B * * f g g f *r e V S - i g a n p i A ' « B ' < O w » » . r e

t H M < i } c l g t , ^ r a i W _ < W W ^

S i £ r > T r L , a i . " i . < et o g f i t o d a t M l n t y a a g M t i t b a a B t b b o e . b a e d t "

" I M h a f i , " x n a w a r a d t b g y o a n g m a a e a ia .m T ^ m M r t aaiatoto t o ^ B Wy e a n e i a t o o g a f m a t i i a d i e m a d a y T *

" i r agelatoMd tax wttb » M |t r lM |h . " W l e flWBid w a a g to x a ir a n iu w illw tta • d o n i y , w h a t o i o w a i w u i t o g w b a t o t g e f S x H m M n x Im * U T a t o a l b w m am * t W U S d # IM ebUgran. O b tW fT w lU tow O a n P a b a a d d e d , i ^ M t « p h » M M i ^ diraara. "V a to a tu t will f t.M iH IM llb to U a t o i a x tobd a i t o a t n d y w U l b a y a W t o a t a *t o r i l u b i A t o i i k r * '

O r a ^ ^ a t h g f t W M b t l b p l M i t a t a K - aaaa a a d b a r f t t a x W b l t o a p a a a la g i b a b a d ■ a d t a t y r a w l b n g i l o w i M i a a X a l J d d e w tr a t t w r e b q d • M b a H d i f l W W i t o r a t M S - r e m a M M M M a t o d a b t U g d i i l U r d »

t o a * r a i l m e b a t ,_______ _ r a to ta « d t b a a e o a d a f y t t o t t

vary bM l UHM* wHN IW M to UM• M S t p ^ t l g a T M d r t W a l S | M M «

s u t i s s a

IT 4 M I t o j

j g l B . W O O D A U F F f

O f l l c t s n d t a S i S s ^ K t a M f S a J l D A T R B V RI V s x t 4 M r b s ta w n w U a x V —j: N g j l o O loA

V t o t o i i i R H R 9 l o t t c * * w

S A R F I N T S E A N D J O R B R E - T F . O A K ­L E Y * sbBpe f t C s a p M l S A , J N s w n r E JfrP -[ p n w p t i / a t t A n d s d i o p t r s o o s U r ,

/ ^ A E Y 4 K M N K Y *R A E T h T U R J \ j H » c n y i M B o r t n U ts w U b s T f U B W i s w s f i : • i M i s p . m

« J R K -M V t aH I B I U

W X M A K E i m i * fta m s s K O A D A T . U s

s ( s b o r tfs t

Em K d U O K l N t f m , n ^ O B i m F B B

• T .

N 'O T I C B -

n a a a d a n l i a i a d w i t h ib a p u W It te n a d a n ta o d I b i d t b t r b a y a t e t a n d a f t ttn n a e llo n w l U M B , O t r a i f X . O d M X t X , arb a b a t k a ta ataoc ltle a

I a F b r r o i m s x a nV M L T R j n . i * w L a p u d c r a i i a c t T T i b h -

^ i f n m x o o ' f l

i m t v o A H n n o o u m H a v o B n M K H B x i i t a n u n ,

t t o w e r X M . X

W w > | > W m i k t e 6 » ' " y t « n a k l * m .

O O K A N D C d R V B b W * i i T i D - - O N B t b » t u D A s r fte w lB r t i u lo x is w m isKlA U H A Y » 0 K A V E . l U r r t B u A

)B R e A X A X K E . . . . . .001/ f o o d M w s r e i m * 4

W A J A T U . U I F B O V B E H | s b v n O A D t r .

T ^ R R M l f A K E R W A J ^ £ * r r * i i c A , c « U S t IU

W A N T 4 C U R L W J T R E X - ~ T t X O M A N 8Tra f t P A 0 I p


U i i l o f T b w a pE R N T ^

A t M sd to o sa taHisSg 13 r o s A iA F O E E A L B -

A i H s d t a o a , b o u s i. sts b ls s s d M i M r e s ; w t i l it e s t a d . F s r ik ta lA r s ,

A A I O E F . O O N U T T a731 E r o s A s Ip

F u ts s lC Bla, N D <lw p . A i -i M i

A Y. . . . cTiriwi- oiV R t a b g t a lO ip lv n


o m i toa r r a a o i a a d araltoa a i a m i l e i r l a t a n ,U . B . , B o r I I . M a n o m « L ___________ at J T O R I C - V i B D Y A N D I C S ! ■ » ■ * > * a X U l O I I ? W fc , u t o . Iiaaw a n r a t o w til o f f t j i M S i i ^ ^ db u alaaw l ^ a l l i y . I n g t o r a M la F B t t K Y B l , gkaO j l I l K l I - l w j r F T O T l O M B T a n d O I O X B ^ ' * ' h V 9^ * * ' * * * a a c tU to x l i i q i i u a r H U t o

p oO j U t a f T o w n ,

Ig T V K N I B i n c D I T r r T A U l f i M m f t R E N T A T

E s l m s r > f> ra E«r}/ ( k W M A s s c h ) s s d C B m o . lit to iu M s « d e w U is t ta s A d d rs s s C H o D l R - ( i T T V l M P i s r , N . J . ______ ^

H d u e e * V l R n t i A .

W A N T E D - T O R E N T A f f O r R R O F « O R f r o o t u i s n d la i B r o v m s n t s , b s iw s S Q I t a n I L

O r s B x a svS" B b d u i b S T S .. l i t u * i u n s v s s b d R o u i k ta k taa A ild r e s i I X L A U < ^ f B s l m u n i » \ A , e l k r .

U n

K H H I t l H w s M s r e « p i .

D I C M Y B T . , i m - r O D I t B O O M S T O L I T l o o r ; rs H l | 1 A ______________ ___ ftt

M I N N I M N K T A R K O r > M P A N Y ,l a r k U U l ' A l O i N U g N . J .

A P L Y K A i r n F I V E K O T E t a l

T fa rs s u tiitiis s I r e a H t a n lM s k A ls i io R s f i b * g s a l r H H s a r o s ii o | pYsw J t r e s /1

O m tbo osAud f * s ( « h o r e t k l i w s i s r ; lo ts H i Uby « r 10 suit iw p 'h s s s r ;

F O R b a l e v e r t UtW,A N D O N R A A Y T E R t i f l ,

J . w a r d B M I T H .S e tr e t a r r M ln n lU o k P s r k C ta a p s a jr ,

b » B R O A D F T . , R i w m i t s iw ilLJ . ~ T 1 U I ! V i r l N l T Y , R P E g i

R *r r e ls ta id r e a l , E D W T r . fresdiws^r, N T . t o

/ \ R A N l / E , W , S

4 E L t N O T O N H T h I t - F U R N L R H K D R O O M J \ re r l l f t i t b o u s s k s s p iP i. T l f

A T I M W A R H I N U T O .N F T . . ( X > R N E E O F / \ W s rre O a U w re Is I f t u q U I i t a s o d 1 n n fP r - pisufd rpem ta Isl Ms

_________ l l ^ P C R N t H H F - D E W M H .W iU i b s ib gfrop k p s r ta t iu s s o i p is iw . H /A T IaA N T IC AT,.W iU i bikib i £ t ^

A F A R T M K a V lH TO LI .WL i p . i n t r e s i T I N l C J t C H E A T

K T A T m K I C H O I A I 7 «

C l O r S T B T . . M - T W O F U R N I H H K D F H O N T / r o o m s , o u i iP M ia / ^ M l t s n t a lo r I / A s U s t o s a :

■ r o o m p r i v l l s v * 3 s N s o a * r o o m t o r s w * o r f s a U s m s B ; r e ta r *s o s , M r

b s th i t w o f s a l

C J ^E A W F O R D BTap t o - r U A N l A R R D K C K > M

I T I A i r r O R A N U l r a > T O L E T . ft E O O H l . N E '..............I s m to ip re rSB SS ttts i | H C k U '

C n A R K Y H T . T 7 t

, l a A I B - f t E O O M R X A O R . U I R B C N B W I C K ' s L , i r « t s s d ssuond no o r ;_ r*D ( t | l _ s u d < f l r

U i v * d w s lU p c u n MtirlrijrAeld s o d F o r k s t s s . , t m o f t o i L U > C » r K L I > K R , • o e f l r o s d ^ ~t a f

i M J V T I T O L E T T O k H A L L r A M J L l I E - ' K iM ir r o o « A s is lta s s r / Ittfas; r a n t f U

. . | U 11 a l f s n o o M tn b s s s m s D U | 7 .H f J A N l T u R 410 H i t b ■!-, M C P S t A o s d f r a r .

TN L A T t o 1 . X T O N M U L B E R R Y N T . , N E A R W f i n a t s tr a n o o t a l ii lo r ir o o i t i s o s i k , s t s E o s '

s r / t u b s , s li o o s r e i t a n e i i i r o u i H A 4 lS * 1 f W «

F I A T R - T O l e t , t F L A T R N E W H O f W R . n o r . U E I E N T A L B T . s s d U E ^ K J w ' T A L T E H -

E A C E . H s

F l a t t o l e t , o f » r o o m b . i n q u i r e4 7« ta F H I N O E B T . ; Vd4ij%rA.

F I . E A B A N T R O O M R - a Nflo o r I tail la p r o v s t s M lS a ta A R U H B l '. 1

C ^ V l i N t H l I B D R O ( » M 8 - F O R L T O K T H O U B R .f s t i U c i n i n . | U o f l ? ^ r w soka I t a

t M i r M s r e lis li i t ot e v " w . :

F C B H I H H R D F R O N T A N D B A C K B O O M X T t O R R M B T . ta g

f l g t t l S w i t t t g W r a w I t S .

T W I U , I l i V l f l A O U ’A A H A N D A B K A i m - J|.R )4 b u lld ih g lo l. re xlO A [ n H o M v U N re r s U *s 1r> s o ls p rO T W tir IS R tw s r u iS i i'g B ts Jn iiix t nlos

A w iVh m p r a r a m s n ls : r tm r v u t a ii lrWMBi , rutods Artdri 0 , R sw so lU o S a

iw totruxtoiiuti rgrnwgrurmuB t o / S l ^. f i v l o f p s r tis u ls r s , U A M lIq

■ ^ A 3 T n t D " * A M f l D l C R N R O I T R P 1 .T W 10

toiiU 'll I

_ j t b u r li u i .M lt w l M ^ f r m a (IspiAi

rta uns, slJi Im p ruTotrtsiita t tas M x io o t s s i iU / H it u s t a l , Itv tl|hi>r K s t o t O r s n s * . U r ii 'k. -y_ . . .a -------- _ - .^ a'iiu rr ii o r <irHiur«

Ifls * o f bu' M liw t a s i . . . K < *w * offloi*.

e K reil(i a i KI ru o lis re ta . w l r l v l -

lovsr flvr ta tan F . J . M e. B o x N ,

r f

1 ^ S m i w .

O A H I . N H O r f t K I H T P I X N a M E T A . ................................., b r a w l a a w I M m .

A O A H L N H D P f t n i i r

. ■ S M I M b t t y t:1g

r n nH i c t c l k m ta r 1

' s f t l E l- . . . M S t i k s ___________s u d T o u ip k T o s HBra P r a m s V i J J i J .l ^ a j m a a , > m k l , _ _ P , f c n i l l « ^

H A I . N - m X I U l A n t t P B »

.%KbUm'«1233lf f a l t a E W i * _________________ 1

O U R I M A T I P N F O O L ' ^hltd i t a s p s U t a k P R O c E f l T a m

H f r t C L E - s ln iM t nm

U M l I k H M A N a

I.'^AMILY LEAVIkQr s 'l s S s r r l R r a s i l l l i * K S S f t a « ! * •

I ^ O B B A L E - ^

O s * m n r , i N i t n s .

s y . l ^ ^ & B U e l s

T Y W I L L I E L L O S I I M to B S to *



S a f t r S t n g .

A NICB rLBABANT FftONT ROOM FOB A nnllaman, only twamlantaa'walk le Pann-

ayirltoui u d Oaairai Na'lrnMl iinaw i w iu or a tllbM ltoarjT M m L U H B lllIt tfe

a Y O U N I l L A D Y P A N F I N D N O A B D A N D,/ V p t o a a a n t ro a m liy artdraadiif _a o t ____ _ n o i l g . B o a ^ N a w i a M o ^

' L A D v ' w o U L n U K B T W O g l d i i a b u t d I b e m a e o ra fu d a C a ll

u a M O N B u B S T .

A r e w OflHTT.miflN IMAUDICHn WANT-■ ' ----------------------L a d i t a n s i n e d a r u x M P L O M W T .

- F L K A ^ A N r' b o s rd .

E O O M RI t *

B A k K R T a . U i - R O A B D r N O f S ) R O E N T I . I C " m s ri I h o m * r o m t a r t * ; h s s U b y lo c n lli/ i ta d

k O I K D A N D r i a R A E A K T , .• ' A U t , r o r t w p v s n u p m .. . ___

“ > W A k f i l N O T O N C T ./ rtlu a it w JU i b s tt

A I H Y F R O N T for tw o v s n i k m s n

« Q A H I > ^ B H U A p a T W O Y O D E O t a i P I E R ro o m k f s i h s r ^ k I k ___________1

B O A R D I N O - P K W T L k M A V o r si i f l l * irsDitamso-

B n A H D T N n - T A R L J I B O A I D . A M O d l n n * r e i t H I L L R T ,

____ A N D W I F Eta UJ.INTUN BT. M

W A R Mi t o

M B C T L 4 N 1 0 N T C S i ;s d r o o o u Ib r l t | h ( noo ssksopii

N T C S I a Y F U E N I B H "


E W L Y ? 1 7 R N 1 R f f E I I E n O M T O L E T , iv s ta fls m t i/ i re fs ro s n s s rao tilra d a f l

A E H H T h T . . o n s d o o i Brom J

X T l U E L T - F U R N r A i n a D ^ to r l l i k l b iH u s k s s p u iia

A O n i u T O L E T m W A H H I R O I ' O N

I H a l a r y R T . - N R W A P A K T M E L 4 t a ft r o o m s : t a * | 4 L R B. J A O E k O N ,

N T K_______________ ::■»P l . E A B A N T T U R N I K H K D F R O N T R O O M

to r (S D U m o s n m taT W A k H l N Q l ' U N « T . to g

P L U M B T .g Ift - F L E A R A N T F V E l f U S n a D r o o m s t o f lls k s b o n s s b iN ip la f; s ts s t a n f io

roocits to r e s n U s m s n , I t oX I O O M B F O R L I O H T H C I O B E K E S H N Q I J t V s l i o ito g ls stkd dsofals ra u o ra

m B R O A D B T ,

1 1 ^ 1

/ ' i t R L S w a n t e d o n f i n e O O A T a j E X ws Y p e r i s n x T d tasnilu o n ly n «s 4 s p p ty . H . rt. F F u U W I U I s o B i M l M I p m s i i i t i . ta s

( t r R U f t W A N T j m - T n s B w a t d r j s r w u j T-Y i n « , tta W A r a r N U T O N H T . m

n & iSr l r M . 1


t h i m m s h b - u o c k

ta T K I H M E R A O N____ ________ h s ta r w o r k s i s <1t s o o s 4w ire s . W l t K E L l O l A H V m tth , f S r r y s a d

T J O t m E W O H K - W A N T E D , O I R L F O R X l f s t M f s l k o tu s w o r k , p ls ln r o o t an d Isurv- d t s t a a S J s o s n s U s i r l s b o u t iw v lire r s s r s o ld 10 ts tid p o o r M j l m isks b s f s s if s s s tiiL U s U ( * r o d s / A 4to a j N T O j r A V E . 1

H O U B E W O R K - W A N T E D , A V i n i l L R a M t o i w o m s n t s d o f t a s n d b p a is w s r k Id sja a ^ r'

m K r R f f r r f oc i tw o bsrsofis, F s t r t t .

A d d f s s s H u r t .

H O V B R W O E K - W A N T E D , A Y n U N G O I E L 44 t a u j s s r s o f s f ■ t a ssslxt In h o u s s w o r k l a

s f b m i l / o f t w o ; Q s r m s n b re ta rrs it,1 I t U O L U H B I A A T .

t xranii

O U i j n i ' D E K .g ir t i b r g o n s rs i t i M w w o r k

ra a c e s re g ju lrto , t a F U L T o n f :W A N T E I J , n e a t Y O U N H.. . .. I t h r s o

T J - O U A E W O B K - W A N T E D . a n e l d E r l y J j t w oK Usn to r flSTw rsI h o n a s w o r k ; G s r m A ii p r*> C l ^ . A p p l y a W A V E B L Y F L .T J 0 U B B W U B K " - W a n t e d , a a i H L A E O U T

Y T O IO U A E W O l t K ^ W A N T K D A T O N C E . O I R L d o n o c r s l tta U M W o r A A p p l y W M .

N S .f t T f t E . l t a r s n m i L __________ _ E gT l O i n l K W O H K - W A M T E D . P I R L T O D O C l ^ b t h o u s w o r k , T . A K Y E H , U W I s t iL r o p

B L . w o D d o k lo , N - 3. M l

U O U B E W O A H ^ W a n t e d , e r l k a b l e i l w « a a n

T Y O C B « W O B K ~ W A » T * n , X O B I ^ H .g l r l J b r g e o o r a lb o u is w < ^ i^ .


U T i r r .

H 0 U B R W D B K * W A N T R D , a g o o d Q K N a « r a I i s r r s o t A p p l y M 7 W D R N A T ,_________________ ______________________ is

A t J E i m i W A " " W A K T E r i . A F I R R l W ' L A f W j p t n o r s J U i i s d r r e i to r s tra ta is n p iir T , s d «

. ra s Ja J L A U h R i U U K p w e d w t l U v A .H o r r i s t a w n , N . I . . W lId n

T F B M E E k W a N T H D o n T E F A N T R * X wrar oiilr *Tporlf>no«d hsntUnsod sppiv (9 T O O B W I ( L L , ^ U L r i i : H * C U . , B 6 « l h S Y e . « Wi n r b 0 i

C A L V U i A D I l A W A N T E D A T O l O O T T f l C K A L K ^ H . ta i B r o s d sfc,

T m i H E B R A N D J O I f f ] ^ W A N T H D O N D U t a A --------------- --------oorisli sad

“ “ s q d i T— wsisls. _ 137 MsrkHlt.

AUTE CUtaUirr t t t

L Y b A a T . IN.

W X r X X T K l M l O o n , K X F B l U X N f i f l l ) B M W . W ar,aabraaaroakliit. It faaN K lJM air. *

J l m t f t l d V t t i E i i t U t a t s t t a i .

' T l T T t t P l C M K N V l S B O O K - h T A W M i t a p r e lU o n . s r ir a g ln f p s r t o r whi u r n s f b o o k s w r U l s a up iiu d lim s D o s d 1 r t . . . to r a lt a w d . A d d r s s i i t a l l a x F .N s w s o t a i i S a

K E E F B Rsrhofs O f h is i rs to to wore

T O U N O H S K D F R I K E R F O B I T I O N A ta I r l T i r t niKi*nd sM (1s ra re o f h q rsss D io r"

fiiru ls b r a t o m o s . A d d re s s J U R . .

O T { M } D E E I H M P O B I T I O N O r n m T E T o r J u m 1 r e a m D k | d r t r o l u ^ rndto

* E N h o o G I e ;T k O T f W 1

S 4 Y ^ k W O R E ' A B W E O T A B L E V O X t a J f' »WSi^i;mkonMor|toOMtlto<^ f o r o M is m b j s o d « ■ (< {

, H B A b i B a W U s t F s f t F t o r

■sr m, _______ Ifl

SC K W E W b « T - O I W y ( L A T E L Y L A N p E D )

i M ^ R K - 4 m a T i ( m w ^ w r r j ^ i T to d o U a b I b O D ia w a r X U t O B I m t X l L

l ^ y K S S i x d a k la g la d a

r a x s a n t o m f n - iia a a a fc . s i x

a c t B r e m i n t mB y P S ? M W ° » « F era

“ ^ ■ W X B B W H F l

^ ^yS lrB S S A m B in umaw i ^ B i s 8 r = * = “

i ' x i r & o H t t x i w i ' ' M n ^

M C d i S L f f i S S 2 S M * i i W ^ S

f l l T t r a T I O N W - X N T B D 1______________

a t t u F a o T D K i N O y r a w B L u a u i I l a t i n a b t t M ta k a e k a ig a a f a c n a l - U i a a l . X d d n a a X M . l a n X t t ^

So p n r a o B K - w B i i M x i f o i i t i , w x M n

^ f t d o

f M t f t t t t l t o t o w

" m £ ^ ~a W X f t K X C X D B H T .

___ O H S b ttk d fs d ib f m t oi

JSwSM-------------------m m b s D D lto e iie ^ " ^ ^ ^ A w F J U U U l H H k b d lC s t o k fc

• R o r t h t a t a d .A F H Y ^ A N D T V F E W E l T I i r o « ^ l i w U l r s o s ir s p s r t o B V

f t a a o f l t s p b f r . R l L ] ^ ? a t o l

O h M V 1 L L E " - F L K A F A N T a f a rt a ^ s t S t ta d o w U i t i U i SI, lo q u lr a ^ L t t O U f f f

| 2 fU i x E O O H B T O L E T ^ O N M i t l l O N D F L O O R ,k I h x « » " * I " B V * ! i ' . . ^ ^ ' t r H s ? E y V r .

B i i A n t i i N a . H a H o L i N T o n i r r .

B l n i i A D N T . , M l - r U B N i a n U O R U O H M w i l h iKiArd a s ito ts b l * bMurd s a d d ln n o raitas

1 L I N T O N FTra 4 7 - R O O H k W I T H B O A R T X^ ____________ ____ _ . I U

( I L I N T O N F T . . I D ^ L A R ' I E i r U B N W H E naf ro o m tor tw p g i s U t m e a : b s ih . t i g

T T p M H K K O e V . , U n - P E H T R A B L E R O O H R t s fu l W M W i t a f ; good b o s id .________ M s

.Yjvxa.ag a"i.. la. OORNEE UN10N~LA1WBI furnisiind frool room tor two gsattamooi rard Udmtrsd. w

taT.j 47,

F I I W T C L A M } R O O I W a n d t a b ;S t T H E A P H L A i r n t a s s d H l l t i

F H O T 4 T R O O M , W I T H O R b o s r d : ta o d s rs ta . M E H a M T B T .

L t B0AK1> •41

W I T H O U T « •

F U R N I P U B D R 0 0 H 8 T O I J T . W I T H O R wHkimt bosrd. ift LIHERTT Ahw

room lot llglii bouaiAotplndt wUk w sur In r o o m - _______ _ M g

F U R N I H H V D R O O M F pv>H O N E O R T W O y o s m s i * n , w lih o r w iilu m i b s s r d .

» o ta F R O N T B T .

41/ mULAia O U T H O R A N C i l A V R , 1 1 7 - F L A T T O L E T j O^rnomi, wild bsULrodm s«d pltms, tor Sdo|^

T ? o _ . . - , .J . „ . . . _ ,IS A S . A p p i r f i T w r f iJ s n i St.Kg J. FRAMCIB KOELLHOrPER, Agi

U r r - T R R E R R O n H t a O N F S C 'Q N D r s u | J 4 ^ ^ r m n n ik . A R o tw o r o s o u ij

T O L E T - W R f a f f r f i T . . f t l f t < N a W W R J O B TsL.twotaoryfr - - — ------ ' —r o o iu s B s w i / i w n . . . .CtosnsoDoT'S^W, VO Rrosd SL

L s L . t w o d t o r / f r s m s h o tiM , t o r s o i s r i e , s i r / --------------- I n n u ,r a t a . B , J A ^ * « ,

T O L E t - ~ T l U T l a A l i a E n U ) N T R O O M O N BMrtti s M s o f o u r b s U , f l m i o o r . a / ML i t a B R O A D F T .

r r m l b T - i a )w r r p a r t o f h o d i k . 1 |A E r e m s d s e r r a t i r r a l l M U ;w o v s s l s p t i o r a m / .

l O L K T - t a K V R N R C O H * . R A Y W I N D O W ,f T I O L — . - .Il psilor SJ»d liin ln rroou bnok ptaus siid ure

ofbs5i| rant 114 «rc LOVgti57. ________Wr p o L E T - 1 f o o o t a

r a s r s R s t a ,(

_ , PLANE FT*. TEN ROOMit a -s t to n . A p p i / S I O M * t a - U O L A i k

f t a H ro s d I t . in v i L E Y « " 4 R O 0 1 | H : A L 1 . l K F R O V K f t l E 2 < T M l X raw ftPX iaqulratai UJUUFT. __ 4i«

T WOp iib „ - _______ -

to r ta d to t o r fs n U s u M M i s i t l is l o w s M p r io « « ,1 4 n r K [ N N E Y » T a , h s a r R r o s d .

. . NICE FURNimiKD OR VNFUR- ulibsd fysntrocFStwIthgsssnd bslh. ta lsl

T W O F U R R I B H i n fo r l i f b t h o u to k s s p d r e r |u ir a d * m W A U H k :

nOOMR ItVlTARLE ^j^rsscss givsk ssd

t o o WKHOO'IT HY,-t HOOKK, lHFiUlV]& s j ^ m s r t l s ; IQ ra in u ta s ttoai R r e s d s t ; o s w h o u s s ; W s l s * i S l n f , M o r iis an d R i m i H . r tas K k JACKMOWaiionrasdst.

6 R T > f » I S , N a n H T a F H O F P E C a T A T X . t r o n t |I 0 p * r m o n th ._________________ to f

S l o M i t t * , n u t * . C f c - r W i i m t * S .TyOOM WANtKD-ltNrUlinibKKDFIinnTI S s ir e v s r o o m to r lig h t ho itsiskssplog' o r s r

* m ip u ta s 'w s llc fr o m L -o n irs l R K . 1 ^ ]drSSB P. H. ta P.i Bft7 Orsos" st., city.

Wpot. Ad"

a ;tls s i

s t a r t * . S o I I * , S t g . . S o S » t .F K W C l I O J f l K U l ' H l N E ' d t U U O M t t O N F*fond Mid liiird llnor of ^ww building | m tis s ta d . s r r e l k u t iJirhE,K i m O J l l K h T F « ) B T H R E E M a N T H F ‘

to dM linsbis rs n s o ts , m B r a n d s l , u * « r I 'r a r a s ta i^ o s ii s t : rvilii'C’s f r o m l l u psc m o n tb d p ; lu ilts h l* to r s u id lo . s rlio o l. do o tafr to w y e r , U U o r . .trassa r e s k s r o r lig h t m s nn & tniirla pe . A p p l/ J v L J J , t t i J I K J f , ft* ( A o l r a M . ___ __ ____________ ^T T t l a O U B W I T H P O W E R , E T f L T O l . K T . 4 A « J T M u s r * f r e t In r » s « N iU d in g o o r a s * S T w u j . - l A i d s s ^ l l l P M A W __ ___________ f •

A A K E T » T . ’ f t t a - T O T . R T , N T O E L A B O R--------------- s l i O l fo o n is

1w a r e

_ , ................ ........................................... .. . . . O f I S T IiN is r Dd<w P s n a . A . B . M s u o s 1 s o e o m p r a lU o n .

D s r l w r w s & ls d t a r s u t d * w s ta rs <m C l lh ta a p s s r n s w P s p a R . R . s M t l o n ; d o o o m p ttl-

t l o n . _B s k s f w s n ta d t a r s n t o s w s t a r * o p C lln t u p

S Y K , h * w P * n n . f t J 1 s ts lta n 1 n o s u m p s litta m _ 5 9 7 a l « I H I t O A D O T .


N K W H D K A L K R j c i g a r . B lfA LT a W A R E dratar wsstad rer now star* 00 lYiDtod sts..

SaVnEat n b J. way-” fV I.Pal IStar* sod tws raoosA rent fU


O V K H T A Y L O B ta W I L L U M B ' d B H O P * M i>rv. W b s t 's cn*sr U is lr w o s s to re ? w i i /

■n s l s s s 'i t Pirn'S fn tor fo r s n y ilg liV b irs'Bsw * r>r « f l t a s . ^ W n n s n d to o k to I t J l T M A H K J C T W f . r i s t a gis t s w in d o w s ftl f

TiA ijr r-F o n i.ia K T M A N D F A cn ^ iN d p s r p o M o r s ta ra g s , o u s l o f t s b o s t l o x i t f u

S n c t l o n

' X B O C B X L f l Off O O O D f u b i u t u r i c ,

C A K r m A N D B B l i D I J I a .

D . Cl. m o o i N X A a e U e c a a r ,

w il l aaU at a a la a ie e n , » l M A B X n n .

(I boom naia* MbUmmt). l a

■ATDRDAT (Tunoyaew) al U CfCMCK,

niratm Farlor dalla in Bn»iMla,*Uk Fluah ta d Hair CtaU, oaaeakaa IMM In Oak, Walant tag Cbaary. UdabMada, BIntira tb a lix B it. Tablax beongax Oawbax FUf MUtaix ■eek OaaaxnakaIngyaat nfWy,MeMtaiy,FgUUngBa^Waydiabax cb llb a iitn x HaUauadaOblix Clad Laa, Barken. Oaa*. Tablax BadMetdx BnraaiX WeebiUiKx Mi li raKia. PUlaan.flflHagX Ou falnungx BllltlX IMMganlafa, ( ^ k « y nad Dinar geodat altDlbaawnndata- oad-liand Oaryain U, VKrax Bramala and la- gninx Oil oieib, UnolHin. Bnax KatiUg, Xrl bqaaraxCkXaUe naaaxOftaBxam„aae.

S j i a X T x i i c m w -

a n * aaaaarda AMl 1. oNKiif HOB'S x u o r io i i a o o m ,

U I M X K K I R B T ,

m S T y S n ^ Ea a l F .

M . J , o v o n o B , x n a f l a a t a r , flg a c ia l ta la a a y a ty a lg b b

■ K i n B N H H K D l U I O M * T l ) b l T , W I T H 0 « r aattboul I n u i l . » K n n A N O i X V l L t i e

I P O O T I aA T H R I O R F t a U I

1 , - « i ' H N m ' y i B F O B i A i . M - M H T i B B i f n t r a t t -■'■T.j.'igz tf jaMiBix*ea v a ___________ raaA b o a H y n i l M I , X - « K H « T b f l M A B Q N t J x H t i n i b v I M l r a j A a ; n a a d r ■ a j ’ I jm jm ^ r a t n A d d M a a O M A N , B a n C ,m m ^

1 } B F K I I ) B I I A T O R F O R B A I 4 , Q I l Maftbla raWieraler S , M n ila i.

X r a a X m i l y , J w i u l n N M X V * H l , r r i

Q K B X F - -.h o a ta ^

t y O I t A H R K A H n F O B U L B . O H L Y | M I n i T n « « o i i l a a d ab e e l m u l o i r l a b a l a T o e U n , r e n u le e r u e a w w H m a x j e a d a a o x A d d i a m b O U A l U i , B u * B . H a » i araii x m gQ M A I X M Z B I I A F B F O M N A J U Bp o m ' S . a H O B f t , o a r . r a n n i n g t o x

a f I J . CfAi.t.s


J R ? * ™ *a m . old l a a i *

. I U I F P R I M W A N T R D . W I T H T l O M M R 1 hsomsc I s M Briosjiifl wIm U mAddr e w iL R ^ t K, W «^ ^


O L D n O L D y F I L T E R A N D I R W I L R Y ho^ U t J i A B W W , l l l M s r t l M S t m$

f c W r a r a - e j ,_ R S O O N J V H A B I f t

nortijw snA tainmliv WisasIm In mofl sbto Alitos t must b* sktttai taptalF ^ A A V lItJ! F m j r ts s D lh S Y S . I l l

■WrANTRD-TO ID T 4 W mo ■

W A N T E D trsingd

N s w i o i l l 'A

TO p r iU 'H ^ K g s s t A A A r s s t C a J . W „ B s « W g

3H o r * * * . S u t r l i i t * * . O t r .

TfiOft aA i'K ~T ^'M T O lirii J : aolMbla Ibr light 1X01 1 , |

■TNOR aA tB -A 'rrfy F ftoeliLR TBVtncl ^ , j ‘ : . S r t r s ? f t Y A r s , i s s r ? a %M a u l l i o n a l x . M e n l e n x l f . X _____________ j i t

n flXL»;4 OMUHXT BDIUI MOfliflgy

/ I K N T L g M g H A N D T H W B W l V K f l O RV x it o 'itit tm s n SSD f l n l g>to4 s o riH u a i< x 1s llo n s , ^ I r k u s e o f b s t l i s a d its s t t K E A R N Y W . f i ff\ itO U W A R D A T M O D F . B A T E P H I O E B . H SS7 W A H H J N O T O N k fr a • * « t s M s t k s i . Wg

g 'l BOVK BT.a M* REAR fXTURTHQUHE. ^ a r a ra to rsgsatJsiB sS tH *^^" » g

n AlWRY HT.. I1-FUHNI»HED ROUMH. with or wlthsttt board | rstoniKW^ Wu

n n .L irr„ »>Jujnif!N w it h RuAtVDyTA"blsbosrastal Aliuwrt. 03g

H ow ard FT., r -TWoorNTi.KMKN canohitio iroud posrfl stta ptosisat kuWA

IS IlfJ-(Kyil.i>E""FliilfNldUED HOOMk TO “ ■ - bokri.I t * : w lt b S I w ith o u t b


I A m U O E OINTLEMKN CAN HE A (\ ^m m odstad wtth b6sM. jft NKW HT, ftf-i

VAKNr.ell'<IOOD HOAHD, W ltU HOKE1 ... -------------------- . ^


/\AKNr.ell'<IOOD HO AH ^cuitUortg^ lor gsBiltittau/'UiANUE BTra US’\ /rtiDiiu, wllb to)sr(l.I >LKAFANT. NEWLY F 1 w B b AtgtrcUm b o s M : s


situ tshto liusrd- KT-.m Wsskittgtait.

YkOOMk IH) LET. WITH OR WITHOUT Xti^f<I.«tN o. U0l)LUMlll4 KT._______ tay


SiNOlfF UWMH, WITH HOARD: CRN. trs l ; sll toiproT^uiMtls Ml HiUJAli MT. I

rpW O OFWTLKMRN UR TWO leAlH K>* Ca N . 1 bS wsM iiom sdsiDd w ith o m h I Im s T iJ s s d

pMimumt tiMiui Id a privAta fsially st H i » GRANT FT.rpW O GENTLEVEaN 0AM RR AtK-'OHU X d«t*d wllb bosrd t sbio rsbls hr>srdBr«.




H o n r f r V l u n t t d .

B O A H I ) w X m t k u i n p h i V A I K f a m i l y fur lusn sM wlis: miuH witlilu 11 vs or 1*D

mImiM tif Hrsliitiittll pi, Addrsre OEOBUli MlLLKFjftTFiimrultsL anf

A DVEHtiFKH ABOUT TO 4M1ILDAr>»E J \ pouw would iiks to barrow sbout |4aM. A>1" flrsss J. 11. B„ Jtai Nsws oAflos. fuf



f i S P U F l T F D R A W I M T E B E A T F i l O K T H E I F T U F E A C H M O N r U .

Kdwkrd Ksdoum. Or«rss lesur, lltfury Isritf, ^ s M c r Hnot, joutt p iViiitrsii, IflJlwsrd N. OrsuN. John M. OwIhuHl,

lOltarlrek. Orshsm.tolui V . lik to iiE lm ^ ls fg Ulwsrt IxCviikllD, HlsrtMrt Hoyg*.

Mlwln M OfiuxlA*.J , W s n ) W o u itru ft. ^WUltum 11. L ^

T N V E B T M F N T F K C U H m i C F

P H I L I P I f , J a C E F O N .


'Rta*^23CV TGIAIAMON JIOUFKHOLI JUitart.pisnosabrgsoi gpd psrwasl wuheut rsmorn) ", psrtliw hoDsnbly 4<._ a - - ’ ly ^ p g - i--------- —

Ejr ooripi iKDy II


ptMtmm MriottjwT CBaWfoisiTsDlngs.

rsbly dAsHwRiL In s ts lm s iits a s llss4 rsn msk* rapsynumto by ___ . . . . .

BdaoUsl, Writ* tNaOion P, Ita s o ^ A B n i s d it. u p s n


....... ..................... .gigs In sd/ smouBL Ns ououulseloa or disilrsd. KEHHy4ft4£ro^K.

, D* bosu* or tosB «F ehsUSi acommisMso. el ^ I sw^mJlrasd

T O tltA N O N B D N D a n d . ft s u d ft p * r

psriodi ta wit tita Borrow-oamffllmtoD ohsrfsft. pAIO ta

ftttsjifSf*taio«s*tamlL wIshMl E D W l B D to E l e A U K g e S k w l t o r

' to, Nswftrke Na Ja Tftl«pkoak

*25 ” ffilfcSr^ houfihoxJd fuK jflTO R^g usk wTihfsit rsBoonu. rovstasM

PflitaSSMt____ __________itsUsbiA"^“5'Sbx*’I M 'r

p i» » * » t t r a l .R u in YOUH OMl vmiMsua 1

a aM m a R iX Baraambralianiiriix y B Ytt* r u u b u i t i i o f B o r n InT iW iik a n will

SAfl moitay, 4lf O T t l P Y l N O I

M ..-J

u (D I B nitt

I ______________ t u r r c i B n t a i l Q A V n l l a b i

f-yilB nXlXl-ONli TEXM 7 X h i r s t a ; ih a y s r s ft y s s r s o l d , u itu u d s i u l t s M S to r b r t o r f y s B s D q r l i K s _______ I n q t t t f s s U t a P L 4TNOBFALR-A f in e fid er s s s r f l A r e r J t o w y m i A * . u . w . •________ ,| j vary rumcOs, N. K. m . m stsw l StaieSklw

F or F1 L I LOW-"ONB FtDIBtal} BUoni sliister bMMya *ps p]

(jIlTsrtt. W lCro&kElt.I p h M ta D i c

Ig -M IF F a L N - A V E R Y Y O E H n ._wMsiiutor^ i^uiitstM ftBF;

H O M Em N u F J


AVR7ebr. of My retfit ra ----------------T^'^R FALN--A u h Of 3EIURT H G lim , J ; d r l v s r i s tid w o r k s n ^ H k k E f t £g ABHLANlJErABUM, MM Dittos.

n n B A L R - A C A R L O A D O F E U G G i f M4 w s g o a s , O s rju s r M s i k k i r y m k I Q U m .TIPUN. i i i


O i l A N O H N Hi \ 0 f t B A L R " - R A * K E T F t f A R T ^ ,

D u g h ly o r s tb s u ta d . n s i r t y j ^ n ^ ^

1 1O l t a E B a t A a e n u N AJKH m T A T N

■ A L E .F r e s s 7ft M i n b « s d « ( N f s t a r a s m l f R im f l k

h o r t a * . A u i ^ o n s w r y T u a s d s y s o ft F r i d a y aft to tal A . I f . sLsrpb u f t M T r e r t r s l

O R I C A T E A F T E K N « T A I l L l % t » fir o s d staa N a w s r k y N . J .

I h s * s S o fa * s s i n p M n i s s d M ag to d iiw s rs a M b s b ls to r lias r a s d , E V s r y lio r s i m f s p r s u n t s f l * r t i l * m u A s y r e f h n M t L H u r w * a u d ( .w r rta s w rre i-stvsd frr>m s Ij p o in ts t a b s sold o n r o m m is N o n a L 'l t s r c f f ift p « r bsdtd a n d tt f t / s a s ts p sg 4 k F itosLib I t l s p b o n * 417.

J O H N E . H O R E I t O I T R .I M Btt(iraps o f to J o b u W . M o r n sj ^ £ o u i i j t a F o b K A i g o „ 4 N D e x c u a n r N

F t o h iMVa,a w A e tto fi s L , Jis s r iw iis l b r U t o s s a O t a ' l n l M t o i ___________ s s f t M J s m i i B t . 7 w . V .

H O R F E - F O R F a l e . O O O D , h o u n d h o b r hI ' . i i a t W A m i l B u ' i ^ a f l t . , u r a r a m . I

( ),UUEM ta BUOl, B u o a

N t a i r b i * M o t M .. N s w a r k , N . S*, leSFHS d ts p ls y o f I k v A b t t ^ s o d F s s d / T i m P h o r l o n * . F u r m y ii , O s o r lo l s ii . it o p M W s g i i S i ip iu fU s A Jta s il W s ff i lM . B « M » b o O I * i S t «b p iu fU s A Jta s il W s f f i M . B « M » b o O I * i S t «

A L S O ,W s f o n A w it h o r w lt h o n l to p s , nK italitaHnviM f]

ib i 'U u n d r y o jH r t , xro f'S rs , m ll k iu s u o r b atk srs W s s re s ir e re fs s g s n is l « N « w s r k to r l b * cMre

b ra is d h U ilju r n F s r i a W a g o n s _____________ ^l ^ P i N D L K C A R ^ U E A N p H R f O F H A I L r F iism . b o ib r a w , to r « w c A r a p .I ______________ W . 0^ V O U M O , ift W k t b t r r y p t

M ,___________________ W |

W l l - D X . a r y a o d IX B I B B M L - H B i T - C L X B d U V ------- 1 la j a r t S u a m i A . X J l , I X W P B l f t l .

. . . T h e h a * M e a i a a lT a ii. V a a t m l a e t a d y 1)10 I n ie r ja l o l o a r p u r o u n _ O a n i l t b o r i a t b t

Ui d r l y * . T s t s p k o a s S f t t ______ ______ ^N O M H l U O a r , N A R i n M j

sid>l B r e s d staa __ ftig

' S O r t ' ' ' ’ t « W l l b b u t T H l C H O T C B O F g y o lla M a f o r u i y k i n d o f w o r k ,

F l A i t g l b T .

; ^ . , t y h o r i i a i ( D lla M a f o r u i y 1 awii d x y a ' tr ia l l U o i r i x l u q u l r a ^ i

- i . v r f l t t M x T i u B a i D x ' y x t r r O F F i c B , * O A B T M K R X O D .,

T t+ ra t B E O X D S T . , H a a r a r k , I f . J.

P u h iiiiie n i a n d y r a y n a t o n o f t b a W a r l d B • r is n i lit a i ls r M d t

I 'e l y i n i i o l b o a - F a t a a O D B a t l i s i a l B a a l , B n U d - In g , M n r k s l s ).

A T K r O f t ^ K X I t B * t » . ,M o iio iia n o r x m a a ttn a ) a n d F a a a l n t

A l t 'r a l n m t a a t m a a i m f c r t ^ t b t t j r l . M x - b a a l m i a n d X f i r t r L o a l B o a f n aaa i ai y a n a C o o a tl iM la a f t a x T t g M B O X D b f

i ldaal rtie h lla b a d bouaa in i b i i ' ~ r a y a a i F a t o a l l m o x 'C a r m a n ag a k a x

i p X ' I ' W I ' t * -

. F B B D l a . i t _________ . . .to C h m y b a U

„ A C O B B B U I U I U K X B i t O X D B T T Ba a

F B S D B B t O i ; a F B x m a T t B f a---------------- ” u X E x T

W F « l * * * t m t m l .

S ' T K I B O t r r - X D V T O B F l I B B , I X W

m i H t a t a u d U s I t s i i t a M O a i r t f t f t f l i b w l M s n d N s w J s n s y : c t a l i u s t o r d t s u * ^In ju r ls a s g s lr a fl r a ilr r a d g , s t a - r a e u t a l ! t o e i u l t a B O M 6 s fc j u B B C o l sN b i m x H i u r i x w i t m o u x i n :p s s r B r o s d ,

^ U R A N l T w o o D l i A X Y ^ tu O ,

n N X L T T I O X M D T N C O T t I U I , C f f l W W r , n n e ly a a a o f m a t w x A t o u i a f f o l d , H ly a e a n d

M b o r o r a x ) a f ,t i l a t F ^ n n a p x " a U a g x a M i■ B B X V B I I f l ; . M . Y .' B B I T . M .

t t a m w a t t i

____ S v « t « t f l S V * « m S .

I c m OB ITTHXYkDlilT.j o r a o g * c o lo r , e a M to a a e k _

a a e l r a n a r t . X l i g y a t X y C B Y ' i

I X O I I ^ T S U M D A Y t,


m r iu i i f

P iffri—* ky evricn in «ny p«rt «f th« d N m 4 O w e* . Huriton, Knnrny. Sum-

t BIsomflnM, t n iwit, Id M Ita , d i m M i in Em u County.

I M outactiptlo"*. f l» dollon • y « r , Of0 month, pottijo (mo. Sin |lo

boliionolhond by ctrriontwo «»ot»,litl#wwh,lonoonta*wool<.

OrdiMfy id w t iw n w ti on third m iMfth pegio, ton eontt o lino in to .

Mfortlotwiont* undw h*«diof WonW, To U t, fo r Solo, Potionol, tte., ono eonit oiod. bot no ehorio lorn thM ton conltooeh hwortion. ____


« o n « AW AW r o B COM MOTM

n s -■TM M IM O MMWO”■ * n M » * • n « i M B M fBM IB ^■•M OW . « U OBBBMO* W1I.0. BM •■OMOtMK 0 0 •OTMM 0 0 BBOtBBB.

ITS OF 11111116.hiOnilolilyiwitOIrWIIMMi o«»l<im B,lo loMrtowoitbfeo mot bo o Wm iOm U ^

laooooat, n d Mytai ho vooM l(M W tOoMWtoal." ___________

BsbMosdB GiTM A lao tg li f n n ttb s N n r (n tiliM O iag iM L


H w Yooom P ib o Ii Oooopooloo of •■ b f tM Mao 1»— f ly n u w M *y m o ao io fo o WMo-A JUflMB to o tk ■woU on o TIim bo o m Ib V ipiiloBo>oortoo n-OMr Troooartr B irioley^

loatb OBortooa aoUt boot JOB koto to- oBiod by tbo la io n of OBOcMoa tooablki 01 WothiiBMo osd l i t flul i f tniiroiiint Oo- uliosruwCkUlooolTttnoi. TbOnowChllua U B im t MOT food hf Bolawnfo, oUch toDOW iB 0W4M 004 Is okloh, lolsiooolo'finoodi Bola, oU bot two ynnrlaOB on top- taoBiod, boo yloeel oMotolo o m f I* hB

MoOoSittblitooWbo w iu P l f o n lo t to OnoMO OaVo daotoo.

T lo ltta fo a tilw lot iho opoolsf H of tbo OfOMO Atblotlo Usb, to bo boM oaow oflotoaoB no Onoto Otol, lailodtt loflbobO BlM oailbloM hi How York

__ TWoUy. Tbo Utt wblob ooMolw otbIN nuioB t o tho Toitona t n o i i li w M lom i

Ooo-boinlrod lord! SoBiilaiiOlcsp-Wloooii to mo 10000104 iriol bool, Thaooo L Loo, 1*. Y. A. C. 1 C. B. U MBOiimo, Onu(0 JL R ; J. H. Yoosi, K. A. U. iC. B. KolL Bu^wood F. R t W.J.BnUtr. K. A C i V. J. Follb, loot OroJNt; « . H. HoCliuo, Boa tomb R A A i R T . Wlaioof. H. T. A. C l « . VtsdorkloR, Onofo A R l ). B. Edwordo, A. A A i A I. Joooo, M. T. Y. M. R A 11. IcOTlIlo. Jr., H. Y. A R nod Yolo; W. CDOor, bnotlTB A R i Edward DiHoD, Uotanoa A R ; 0. X. CofOlOA W. K A A I r. VndnboiiB, M. Y. A C. oad FctDcolobt UoitlB Moiptoo, O tufo A R IR F. FtllB. How TotkiF.L.lbU,H, T .A R i O. L. COUln, Jr., N. T. A R ; W. J. Duon, H.

R i F. L. P iftt, H. J. A R |T . H. Fof, ”

It On ooUwotiod btB. toadlBf tto poctA oodoD of ISO fwmiry." to omot oad Irootpott pomm ot will, to oofnoBt <bo load oodiootoeoi. to oipoad tbo (oiWlo rowboot, wHbool rtftra

g t m u n f l i r t u u o t -b o x f e a it im .A n t to t ta BOW loA to tbo oloBleo

•Mono oobtMoS of tuM ot bolM-boiot M S feW drligyoMtft i t JonoF O ty ptw i M i i b tto olitMtb of KoTonbn. USt. It t t b i tfh t to tw ott ta ibo Ooorl of A m m Tbo l ooMtb of tbo flbprOBO O M itto Ihb ttN of MotobolL FtUoi, Hoit •oS P o tto IF, oMdon to tto T lnl ynolaot • I Mb fM B H BfM .«ofoB thB t of tbo •IfeflItIbTto BOO m BoM . ooitooood U tY ~ " ~ Bontbt iapnoHNool otd■0* • • Hbortr Ob boil |ood lD |

Tbo Oodlt oNi b i Ibo oooTirtlooi, • m imMbH iMfe of tbo Ibfootood obomMm b lohBi by OMnooL ThoUUoi bAwblAM bilibitholBdM BO bNftroto-dM*t«r» iWiBtS to tbo fnwlmi of B m k Joflat, koid tto t tbo doindoblowondo- •r iw d o ftk o lf tlih lito b o ib f ltM Jo lo t- ^ to d OB FBBtNrd to Noko iodiTtdool dhbBMHBBBtBdloWlbod ttotooptoBlto i4 w m iM tt tto J tiM i lo n p a d to tbolf •S ttilb i f «bPB t |o liB Ibo MTltT of Ibo

10 tbo oottantn. le praonio nooiy by plfdoinf tbo endliof too Wolo, nodotlnf to oaoonm to Cnn|iBo ond lo iBipooi 'bo n ib l B Boottsf u d Ibo bbony of tbo pnoi.

In itonuiioo of tlwH powofi doooB ifo pnbitaiiod lo wo JNorto dfUto n b iS iif loof prominont dtlioM oopMlod ot lyiapoitiy witb tbo Onofnmoobl nrolBiloDlolo IrBa tn* pnoDoiogl Is Ibo RoniU«a Pooilfotiiry. os IbBr dotroBUot IttBB ooib <bo Vtlpumlio Mouoool liooki to tko ordw tf Wo doonitry B iko latoiNt, oobdltwood oo ihtii sot kikinf p v i In Iko nnloltoki Tkoy bo toibor ro- quind to 1*440 m Eoropo nod oot to ntnni to rom wllkool ipoeto: potaMoo of Wo Oot- ■ninoDt

Tm « iMolre Bhw Btioeoi o n klod nloetodOB Uninoooioml o« lUaiior toadiuooo,

Umu koaiu rojoflof floa lOtN to IN,OB, bat wltk ptmlodM lo n aala In QUUu toirltoy pmndod woy do DM ->100000110101)11110.1”

Iko DflUod Botot XloIBn, lotrtok Buoo. oadoUtkoBOBboaDf tko DIplaOMllo Onpo M«o Ibo (toBOk ooS Itollai MiBWofO kt- loodod tbo Dpontto B BtloiiB do'i Ooncita. Tko bntitb, Tt*i«b, Oonuk nod .IitUoo OaniBBMio. It u oodomiood, kon pmtootod k|OllB Hit dootoo oloildt <0 OOB BBOt UW

ot Chosorol, TtItoL AoMbfiBo Toofr- ptlla IqoiqM, Ooltro, ■dodo, Jooln, rbtooo u d OU tko lotoBodlBo by-porW now hold by l i t Iktoitokla.

FoBiM pnoB WOW Hid to I t y n m ilo i ot Iqnkiiio. Mob wm mHIb i u lorooly oMlo 0 mnul, poUBB B SM o bog Hd Spot B M o tof.

TIAf too of Iho BM M lB tS t o too- oWmmt W IhM k M t o n oot jo t boon | l l t l lM M tl , th o H iS iM Otootr Pnbo- •M b th o fla t tkoochili odrlooUo oot to I r iH * B t M w hotoo Joitao ootU Iho OffoaliW Iho BW iiotim iIf oooTieM hod boon diopotod of. TboorldoaooofBoB tbo SftF'4*# M mM to b o ittw E tb to ih t h t w H W M j iM U i lo M Io n Iboi lo Ibo MW o t tbolf omtIsUoo obBoolH

M l bo m Ii If lotorpOBdlaory of tkob o r la t t wot

M t v k tbo pMMo Blod will | | MHMIM. SBM of tbo BOS

.MHBdttoS by Iho oIobB tto wNh tbo bol- In -h M dlHkfi hoTO UriToo by poltttol ktow ik ao tbo to t ptrty of tbolf tooM ttlPOIttSBMol, kod tboB who WMt to JbdM tbo bolMAos oloibn out of JoU will

’ toU boly lo h o to itk y io ohowlof IbBt IhwSi osS IbBf boodo thoa thoy wuo oBUkthoSHBttIriolawon g B a to o to d bB kn tto o hod kt(iio to aoko thodlo- MOooibS TllWay of tbo ertolaohi oo old

f k o h 000n i n i k i

■o k r koMO* who hoyo boot oosTtood bstw btM lbM rloofM i borotooIlF- Thot Ik Y WM tbo toBtSMosto ol aiooptfotoii ■ oto yowMkl u d yw B lou t t h u iboB- •oiWB M oso d to b k Tboy boro obowo M l l p i of 0 dlopoBlti s to bolfay tbon M S . W bitbw tlw tadaooBoolo wbloh I s to k o tltb o B goto tto booB dokoto ll w ta s Hollbof towyon oot hoadOBos will ooykaflM b o n powbf to oono thtoi oad I M M itb d i t Ikofty loofooBlao. Tbo

^^ibNitodfoltod took omafOBMto b o n .-b tn toodt M will iadsdo koto b m , if tk lp k W d io M JtO, to fobolo b iB tiy-

, i n t k d n e pD br t u ppwariu to iitto i

Ho. MdQotoy lo o fottot tetUr n a n h fitobid wpos k o ftoo toBUor oi 000 of Mb tb k fll with wbloh to lUutrato hto ffotoaMos Ihtorto. Ho OBottod tkol If dtw dsly s t i lx ty p tfc M lo o i lo B toiO' btoo W M n l o W to «l|bwoo ur tw w ty y « oscO, tbo iBpoitktloo o ffliB tuioUon toosld bo go ilio i^ol, oad tbo ABorloan ■nbeiat woald bo d jln a oal of tbo bail> h a s Jfow tbo f to o dooltn io Bootaii o n •hodU ioi o n f Iho pnSloMo tboordlty of booh a s tf is B w t, ood pBol oat that yfOBto | l iB tOBblofl 0(0 o u d o la tb lt o ta o u r nboopor ibtoapywhora o to lo tho v o rU . bB oad of Importloi, tbo ao n to y It «oponlo| gloB toabloro ood aboHos(iB( ooBpotltioo io to e ltii mtr* kola. T how ly offto of tbo l ii ty por aost. toitff boptol, tbottfon. It to u o b l t tbo dotoiolk BOBabolonn to odd to tbo ytloo of toB U on told to AomtIom «oo- asBW% who bofo Uit bOBor—It coo oot ba tboylottart—df poyloa b m for bomt ■ saabetofod foodt Iboo tbo ponpof loboi poopio pay for foodi fion tbo isoia nuan- k otorlw

OOWMIDXI> BY A WOllAH.As t o r oflod YPItoaoipiiiMMowMoobo

ood Mlt T o so f Oosipooloo.Hn. Borrloh loot, wth B TkoBH H. tsoL

o praporaao botboc of WUlloauturf, H. Y. too to t BiM OMrbidOd HtioMBo DoBot, o pntty BnotoH-yHtwtd Uoado wboB htOoi kfopt a m t u f u i w MiaW lUtk Sin t. Ibo Loaf boo b m BOHlod do yoon oad hoi thioo oh ild tn Hortothot wo wou-mowsoiu of Willtonbon.

Owtoito Lh I*! oitoatton lotIbBWM Iho yoona wift'i illf WH oB a boppy ooo, ooa

s tlBo tae Loof dowrlod bar. Ibo b ‘ B ioni oUOBpIt la aB b la to BM n wllboai

Oo Soodoy olabt, wbtio ptalna Wo plooo of ■bo looSod la oad BW bln to 0

p u y WHO oOMbOf woMoa.E o llAoroao kptoiaouy woioooi Ibo plooo, ooHl liB Dlfbi, wboB, to ootopuy ollb two Wotoan, ibo h w bar hoBsod moo oat of bw ■bop 01 11 (I'olaak la n a p io r wlio Hto DotM whI preoitd lo a Blaoo oo Ha

(OM. Tto ooopio ■•toad Ibo plow.Mn. Laal laU la wall boblod o Mo aoHt

War n o w Ml, town ipilDaiBt to t t i o n tto tirl nMlaaioa blow tBOB tbo to o LMt nn owny, u d Uwoofoiod wlBttoiOd tbo Dootoo girl t o tool Wotta, ylgnfoaoly opplylog tbo ' dA ,

At Ibo aortof ot b r i t o o oroaot U s Ot- rlaoMI In o MoL wbllo tbo Mood goohod

WDBodo A pottgoMA wbo op- pound « IM •oaos Mob Iko w M pinnytsdtikmod Hio LaortoaohOBO. wbllo ibo giu wB tak u to 0 oomogo to ibo kowM of tooponnOL

■ n LaoriBia uwi if bar battood dMtobat* htoBolf honor oto woold gtra klB k B an 00*0(0 oowhtdlof Ib u ihB oho odais- Morad to Mia twrlso-

•w A L U tw xD A T m auiO M rrm A .WUUOH tdsrN s'o VoBlly A oolou t M st

Ho Vh Io Hs Isaw an sto saa .A front doal of uxM ty W hU by W otoBly

ofWUltoa A. H utto, 0 pM Blkul bolidor U dtorWB, OTB OB o e d d u l Uut bopptood to- aaouy to b lo o n OooifO. Tto hip w H ta k u 111 4X watko ago wub u ottooA 4 woo to » 4 , of lypboM krof, Tto ouoodlof pbyotou plood IM IhorwiOMlor toaouh tto p B lu fo wogoo to oktoio h li wnponrato, ood wkllo waWaa lor tko Itto u yoona Hbido woo Mlaad wnb 0 at ol oBoghtoA u d t to ib w to a alooip ion d

T to ptayatotoa u d ooiB li t tod tn o o d t o It wtuioat dWoOTorlot t in to ol tbo iBUiuioBt mrtll Iko p o ttu ; aorpod totbB huatly i iktok I awaUoovd it.” Tto dotb ton 14 bndly tolioto ikw u a n L km w h n u nddW ■oorah hllod lo (oroal tto nWOso tbomono- lor, and tto hoy n ilxoiod thol to hod h i t lu ■Bowth g lo ta lu anrhM aUdlna dowo kW ikrobi, hW pbyoioloa boMBo k lo m d u d took Baonnoa B a n a lo ngkla Ito (nauii- aaoL Tto potion waa piMOd lo a (ooUaiog poadtoi. h**d downwiril, kul waa hoodlod at tto aoiM UiH with aooO ooio, B n B d any Ttotanao tto t BUght frtotnr* tto dull- io n loatm om l wOliO to hod awnUowod. Ta itooi Botboda wart Mod to dlaMga iha Ibas aaonatcr, hot wiihoot arolL Tto patient w- ■oraaod ( n n bla h ro r ayaplaoH, h a tw u hapt In tto hooao t o toon t h u a waak oy tka pbyatilaA With aiRM oidaa w n au lo t p u

: itoUf q o l^Ha to t sot yoi h it u y tod (aaolt A*a tto

Unmooioter, and tha phyattlaaa wbo to ro kaon otUad to cokatili to Uw e aa b o n « yet b m usatuo to locsia tl, klibontb new ilo w n k t b a n poaaod alMw tha ikttrtinaai dit- ■ppHrad. H u ian phyalunDt are dtoply In- trtaatod to Iho ooao, wbilk la atow t w luunt ptoBdaoL Tto Itonw naiar la Broiot tbctoa Inni. Y ootf Hartlo tBOia lo ha In good taHitA Ho la o t f n i l s yat(a old u d atnoda •cbool. bat bo la o boy ol osoauklaM, betog oeuly a n h a t lilL

H R o n 0 B A K 8 I OVAL


Hspwowkau of tsOBOwA Tto Hlol osa uukioHU of tsw pB Y ukon

F, H flJoi.O fH U * h u b , B b o h hBlHony

K A A ) Ylom Hopot, BerkoloyA RiOaorg*aohwtflor, K Y. A R ! A R fubB. H. Y. ARIA L Ltonll, K. Y. A R ood Yolo; J- W. Mo- AnllAVr.A A A i A U . HtOMi. Orango A R i A laa llt . Onogo T. H. R A s A WnilA Otww* a R i W. R W. A o h ra u , H. T. A R ; Htlbour Kyta, Own a* A R ; H. P. llol- ,Ui, ». Y, A. R i J. T, O' Hu*, W. A A A. 1V, A CoKlor. A Y. A C ; J. T. Flistofold.

Btonklyo A. R ; J. Maonoii, H. A R i J. M- Olaii, Hnnklyn; J. A Hiatod. A Y. A R u d PrinotcOD; J. I. Uiwoo, W. K A A.; J. M. toudoraoB, M. A. A i A B. 1mm, H. Y. A R ■ad Y*lo; F. Flibar, braoklyo A R ; R L HlOrtoy. Varuso A RJ f. W. Oulwlla, Rlr. A C. I A. L. JCatto K. A R ; IL JaaniA l*tto l*yi A R ; A. U. Lord. Buk*l*y. d. R |

Maohll, Bnkalty A. R t A V. Tynon, JMHuhy, A R ; W R Doha. X. Y. A. C,

HolAioUk Bun HOTlia Icrtieb—A A Bailor, PkiWOdo W.; J. A Owbwold. Nowort T. H. R

a . R pnnh, Blrontda W.i A U. btowA Jr., Ooluioliki OolloiBt W. r . InUk, Jr., B»«r- Bdo W.t A r. Warlag. H. A R; J. Motlio. A

R | W. tpun. tiobkm A R; W. Xylt, Owaao A Ri 4. L Xowby, Hobima A R;W. W. FuiUBiK, Mowirfc T, IL R A ; A A Lkroodio. Betkalay A R; J. F. Aeliiy, A. R A M.; H. A Uwd, Onngo Y. N. R A sA fa u - Uo, Ontogt r . M. R A ; Tbomu JaoM. A A RI

■loftB aboot bla . HI* ouoB b B ba u Moght wlth*aouwioiUas*BglboB to ro b tU B M ytoBduM Is U t lagtl pBgHoo tbM baro iBoaod hh kogoalottsoot. At *so Mao ■‘m t* WB s JaBha B tto Fatoo, owd tod Ttry e ta to wMa aMoB to o h u h bldl ill kg Bo tod two rooos oso If whMh WBoaod 000 Jay- taoDL tto y woiodlTldodbroboofdpsitUlco, tot 00 tto pittltua dH kB looeh 10 tto ooillng Boaytblog ttot WB paid aboooowbWger B ibo Jory-onaao ookW to btsad Is tto ootowocaa. Os* Jory is sU s B ogiB is d Ito n n U o t tholi g(M row OMld to bosrd la tto aosiv rtoa. Tboy aioadttaiisBg. T tosito joroo got into o gnairoi. Cbohi wot* wtod m WHposa ood pondoBoBiiai rolgood k» s ttsio. Oot B u WB bosrd to OMlala Is o tBoo ibsi tsdicoBO ttatbswBbwisg diokad. “ Toko you hosd aC of By tbiwotr I s a W nsiiouwUM rTOieownhfM loasy; **fB haaru'a aoko, look howl” lAoro wB s ■usago bnab, otd (to ig U wga s « asowod. Tto llaWBon Is ito olbB odob fastad tkai aoBO oso bad b tu tUlad b Borttlly wosad- ad. AlUr awblw too Joaoio glad oat u d U*o ttow rardlm h f ibo dohstaoL tbsagb intblag bad ban board of STM* or a s aniw B u t on th* n o s Nothlag w b acid akosl Ik* awldto eoaiillu flUhosowelo itojB y- rooa, but wtoo ' ' lu i* w m Is (tors to fosDd two onptr wblokty boUha asd to i«- Bmakortd tbu to bod boogbt two bottlB of wblakty B | | a tottl* Aw Ua Bab w ik U d ttop u M hod toond ttoiL

” It W atrango,” laid f tti*t Sorrli* OdlBr A M. Borstu yaalaiday, ” wbai soHooa toa*

.......................... ;{m sI

I * U potto TtoTBigM

■ ApatlrsfOnWtobaiBaoaa* grlsBag aMB " ' • * poBt* ofSIB tto WB May tilB ad tt* poDoo

oily u BmubMu Soy. Itirg* u Bd goa*

I lb* Hoerot barrtoepoopw to r* of Ito dotlBuruo. Tto oasaby I* tllod wUb tto outo-

ttogrbL TtoyBoilodOtoOBly lo tto :b«, wllb t S t o u t td u wUb iBBol SSBOSsophtof o d s M V B atasaa, . h o H b a U o t t to la lb * WMA Oo Mole iM B ttoy petood IS oB o b . Ii galT 0 B TM fobi bath* oM M lbsA ppaatsU TttoosttsfoatrhIlu OM ksMo- naoWasd WB* hoouag t o s sontesUSUy. Tto potlooaau gor* aSiB bsl Ito ddrB wkippu gp Ut w*to wag ofiB taadtsg tto

0 woofy obon h t Ibng WotkA oov

Tto padoattn rvporttd tto b oBoa »»** Blay 0 two aOwaa lay Is wBt hr ib* pony H Ut roots. Cksitig daws tto Bosoioia BdA Ib* hatloB oatotB Wtod Ib* polMatsiA AsoIbB Sfbi WB twiBidhtaly wortoA OroOBA oortB asd erlB of pats ootM haiB tbs wsgas. All nor* pUoi os so* aau, poasding Odd klcktsg biB, tad tto pMoM bowW ibM tm o fioa Ito w tgw atads tto oBaatt ba­ilor* bloody Biudor w a bolsg detw. Ttoy clottd is to ibowtoOA botM loibodriT B Uthod Ua bauto B* was oadotod ta boU uidB pooalty of bolag obsA Iml aona as* Job tbto iM d M af tto w«gas wbu laofctd Is Ib* d i u Uk* tbo U h la B b a d y a fo a u . Tto polio* tlappod iboir sMb ssd tuopod 1* pleb wpttoootpto UwoottotaOly-tnlM d doBOV ttoy b ssd , sag a pool at lu g b lB irok lb* wagoA w bM isHI* w a grswtog lotatB daws Ito rood, a u a tt* oMiao h B tow kslly ttoy w an mokod,

i m sB OB mwaBBtu tU i«*n*M W B* padtawtsoa w Bkoad aiitB gioopad dorlng Ib* Bgoa baar Ip ftoal Of ib* p n dm lol buOd-tiA WhAi ooinhB ttoir o B ssd io lU a tu ill

B h od H otottig it

iby w*U-«I JBIOtl

b f t ptoaOA B H ttB r mi toilB wbo oBht i

oMloByenl- oar It bar-

l ifT s to a tA " H ttB o.rrotd. B teh

Ian If graonrooda M A and ta kB ptraU of ttom lU would nqoli* o tapuatt bonoA At oar apadol botlnoa la loaklog altar oonoltr- h lion wa aostagBoily d« set pay ipnck ot- Wndoo to IhoB. Atoot 0 BBsib ago I (*■ BITod word boa Ita O arttniuot to go to toll* tTalOA A J., u It w a sold iBsl itoi* «*r* a bqbOb or eosalonnion tsai*, u d iw- qooatlj g B* I* look iboB op, Aihaiigb IWH Tuy boty I pooksd sp ay grip sod wtsi. WboB 1 aiTtrod osd taosd ay lu o to 4uw*o tM two cUodlui tdrorUtiiig grBogood*. NotisOy F---------ogtbg Hu b d re o lu t to tbsoght

won BSilsg esOBiorfolt* I told bin

h a SUM M ttrsDgt oottsdo wolwd In a tbobotldlsg. TIm b seitB ot* BOlb

ysrutom Ttrdly, Drug* A R; W. VoidoFi t t o n w a m eouW thlun OMMorod 1* Aklafi, O noi* A Ri A. J. Hu**n, Oreni* A R i f . (Mllst, Hamiry fbrrwrt; T, Hollar, U A Ri n. A OoTlub. Bnoklyo Y. M. R A.| 0. Eratt. A. A A; IL Oltarl*li. biwnklya A Ri W. F.id«r, Bruktyi A R | A Ewtolpk. Jr., Bnoklyn A R; A TottlA Now Y in i V. D. holtb, Borkolty A R; W. A Yard, BrrktWy A C.I J. A OftSA M. L A R; W. Tlfto, Vo- i s t o A R

On* MUo ftttty awytl* His.1letp-E A Wwon, A A R | Otosit Oohs Otoog* W.;

W. A M f S B U te d C R i H. R WkBWr. Of:tag* A R i F. gursburi. Knlikorboiktr W.i A m o Aolfbt, O nsi* T. It. R A ; W. Taws- ttsd , L. A. W.i R W. Yoosg, AiogtCootrty W.I F. A. WklHS, Brookly* i A A Mimas,

A J.i W. A W ilAN.J- A Ri Ekn' OroMb, OnSM W.; J. W. Jadgo, A A Ri A BawUnfDA Omni* A C.t A A tolWy, Pou­nd* W.; A A iDSta, UtnklyD i R T. Coggoo- baU, Uioogt W.I U w febw sii, hooklrs

Hsodrod -and - Twenty-YtrUt- Saa, Boitdlo*p-Tko«M L Los N. Y. A Ri *>- V. HotiOrtuBt, HahlMB A Rt J. R KyA Of- u g * A Rt J, A Yosoo, A A Ri F, L. n i l , N. T. A R i A V. iibMdor, A J. A R | W. R

A siB n iA N. T. A Rt A M. MIsal, Of r* A R | J. F. liottud. A T. A C sad

PtIsaoMS I R Fn b I**. g y ln A Ri F. U. CkriotM, A A A.; Ooorg* iehwegiB, K. Y. A. Rt a A Ooghltu, W. A A A i A A LAStor. QrourUloY. A C A; Mhuq Unpm .O nof* A R | A r. Hklpts, M. Y. A R i W. J. Koswlot, Moblau A. Ri U. H. Mtuii, W. A A A: Vie- lot Mopts DttSBoy A Ri W. A OoBot. A. Y. A R | W. Vtsderklsn, Oruf* A Rl A loOTinf, Jr., A Y. A R tod FHowloS ; A a WoodniC N. J. A Ri W. J. Dlxoa, J<.

Rl Bdwud IM u , Mokltu A Cj N. WoUl*, Orosf* A Rl P TndtDborfli, N. Y. A. R ood Yttoi W. 04100. toookiyn A R; A A B«m*s M. J. A R; A A Joim, M. Y. A R and Yalo; A Bow ioans Onngo A Rl J. A aiaa. Braoklyo t J. F. O'iUra.W. A A. A; R r . PllUt, Atw York; A L. ISHOU, A Y. A R and YoWl J. Flktotty, L A C; F. hotor, BnoUyo A R;'d. Nanaui, B. d, R | H. 1. M B A Blrwtkl* A Rt 0 . L. Buts M. A R; J. H. Jottap Btrktley A. R; K. H. Lord, BKholoy A R] R HteUI, Bnlcoloy A R; E. W, T ysu , Bnulcy A. C

Oso-ailo Boo, H udlcop-C w nd U uks M. A Rt F. Collyu, N. Y. A Ri L> L BOOS C lo r r ta A T. A A.i J. Ftahorty, L A R ; W. A F ru tb , N. y. A R i 0. Y. QUboil, K Y. A C.; J. A. Ookas BloonAild T. A R A ; F. Dulu, L, A Rl J. r. HJtUy, A R A A; Ftro- bsB Yotdlty, Onogo A R; F. R BtynoUs Onsgo A Ri W. A Bowtbont, Orsog* A R |A A Blllbigs Jr., H. T. A R; J. A Thoup- too, N. Y. A R l A. R WiUltBi, A Y. A R oad Yoloi J. F. Lloyd. A Y. A R and Ytte; W. W. Eliwunh, A Y. A. R UU YtW; J. A O Brits L. A Ri W. A toril, ortag* V. A R Al J. R A«yu, Orsng* Y. H. R A i R Butlttl, A A. A; A H w tid s A A A i A A BtUtr, A A A; A A CtoaoOd. Bnofclya A Ri F. B « S Btook- lyn A Ri 0. foods A J. A R; A Adtiiu, gyir* A Ri A uakitod, Wsyn* A R ;A Tkorp A B. A R! A HJorthHI. A J. A R; J. A Brld, M. A. R i A A OoUbU, Vorost A Rt A J. Hirgso. Orang* A R; A A Totip- k iss A A R | A W. Ptatoao, A A Ri B. Borsbonel, Berktioy A R

Foiu.bBDdtTd-sad-lo(ty-ytrd Bns Boadlctp If, Yoono, A A R: R A XiU, Engh-

■oatshny Fosnr hot tod Mssttos to B bslg* big *i*rig la tagud to tha u i l B y • tIb o H a w Yarfc bankars hoMlsg aiai* •n,06AOOO of Ib* nntnrtni fosr ood ooo- b U f par oogs lo ta s u> oontiso* to Is t b I ta that dlrootioa, IrrMpoctir* o f lotaigat iwsBIoioHnoi Ho Itornod ynlordoy that twd p B n o t. wot lb* lowest that ooild to tiitoao l I s Hit unooDoaioeBt o f t Sow ty t iM o f book-kraplog, which Mobisd b in ta dlAlB u BBOli *11 th* n o a ty and aotorltlB la *l*w, ond pluod h ln la poo- kktBoe of |B»,OO(b00O af knU iU o fbods did M l n i l* th* bukart worth t o u t , Tboy WM ready lo bo paid o ff lf naoto- m t j , bat Irtlm ifal thol tbo oontiictioo of th* rmnnioy mnit tallow say hotolo troolnm t of them. Tho Soorotoiy hot MW aono frott Mott to rnialBaU epoA

Tbo B n n t l oompllnont bottowed by Uw tJakin County Onnd Jory upon O Sl«r Edward £ . Kolly, of Stmialt, In fom tily adtpUat toMlvIioat tb u k la g b ln tot b h toptois o f th* bargltr, Joiopb Hoi wUb, h rroU dtstrred. Ur. Kelly In tbli tote ta d la n u y alhtrt hat ditplsyod aatabl* asBgy u d oblllty, Ha io the baodlotl blad of a aiaa to h*** aionad a tow s Ilk* BooibA oad la hh aew pod- M totoC hlorot Polio* that* k t l i likely Is da b m offlotoBl Mrriu t h u orot.


Koport of Aaport* Who Hat* B u a la -r*fltlga(l*g tb* u-Truunm -** Aeooool*.

Th* lopoitot tto oxisn aMOBitan!* who h*r* boon InmUgaUDg th* aMuuiiu of e i- Cltr T rtannt Bsrdiley woe tratumliled M City Uoaoelli M Phllsdolplila ynirtdsy afitr- nooo by Noyor Blurt. Th* ttponihain that OU Hay B, socordina lo Itaa book* of Hit a ty Trtuurar'o olBar, (bat* w u oo hand tUSlI,- tOAH btloDalng lo Iho oily. Of tkl* aoouui ( to (look* ol tto City Tioaouror mow that (her* wtl DO dopodt lo th* KtyiloM B uk iIliT.IM U. Th* ropori i*yi (tol (ho Iru bol- SDO* of ih l Illy la tbo KayeBno b MAOIU.W. Tbu talSDOO (■ ebowo lo (to report by dgtuco 10 h* tb* oMiMi oM.

Tto only oiiiar cridooot ot iby erlalnsl oot or Budtiey with tbo ally aioiioy 1) * mhui- ptopcistioa of MibTA TbU luoay bdoogtd to aooiiwion uad«r twod* to Ito diy, sod Budiloy wlihdmw it iron haok on hit peb 100(1 iheak *i>d uaod It lo loAko np pu l of Ito tlM ,M ttot bo roqolnd to m*ko good bli hoL ■too i ( Ibo KoyMous

A oooilu loa tbo roportaayt! "WotarthB npnri that in InreoUgoilan la now In pragim which will rtvejil tba dlapceiuoa niado byJohn Bordflty of Stott niiidi by him reottrwl, the pemouiui of wbtoh will be tmbndiod la* report t i tto o u lln l powlblt mooent,”


n * TUMpoHa prenotad tbo lU ta a t S i* P a n s* Croaa d ik ln f * eoupl* Booth* ■flo. OlBaldatlni th* Taliapoon'o u m r , this h th* Boot lanarkibl* lohierooiaal o s ftsotd ataet l i t *11 h u roieaad b u brood of dobklloga trom drawolog.

Tb* Board o f Stieol u d Water Ooioaolt- thsora M dtacororlng that troa Ito eor- MPOWitagdMfUosnt u th a S R A h W . U lt e a d h IBB u Dolty, L lagu u d Walt pal s ol pit * . _______________

Cbdngi B s gaou pioooi tboalna a n a p ts sa ■oadoF, to t eonelmlloia a o r a ^ a n wyad ogaioit opulog tto Bspoaltioa a a llu A day.

Tlwgt Ctooriag-hoaB dooomulo of w bkh ‘‘Bebott Joka" Baidalay protod giSB*w «olM ‘'do*’ bilA

T h o i

ib iit bnitb

l u d erewi ojT tb* lU ta la d a n I t h a r t b o n taalB | h r

"■ plkt* O h U d b rk H io a* I t o p l y b MMf gl.

H li Bm ther 01r*o Hla Tlwary Atowt th* A lltged Choatlag at HoieaniS

hr WiliuiD Oorton Cummliig, who baa gained Dotoritly tbrmiab >ha baaouai Kaodai, baa a brother la Huyland. U* a Alwiar P, Uordun i'uoualiif aid la (ba pnprieior o( a Iws-hundred-acia fknn noar bjkaerllls lo Curoll Cuuuiy, wbai* ho liioijtsllhhla wlh, formerly Hto Amos K WMbltigtoa. About gftieu yetn ago Lo camt to ito Tlaltad States and B ully latuod in OuraU Uooaly. H* la a i vmoaatly btodHime mao, orer tlx hat In beiglit. Altboofb a membu of an old asd dlillognlatod lamlly, be la democtaUi in tala mannets aud la a htarll* wbvrertr to goes H* bi a aDboattml latmer. Amubg l u aoclaty Ol Baltliaon and Waiblbgton ba ti g-greu ISTurlM. Each auminn bu budaomo boiu U ibrongad with nrirois whom bo eniottalH qnlollT, but tiharmlbgir. BobtitCunii waa 090 of bla miit troqurat rUlloa htbxa ha lift Baltiuoro.

In an lutarrlow lu t eronlog Mr. Cnmalog ■old to tbiuf ht tto Prloca'a laatimaoy ol tba tilaJ In London waa uniiut.

'< Haro yon any ihaorr m regardi ID* oooB- laiion agalnai Sir William, or bgraraatJuiiifbtof hla allagad mode of play f waa aakod.

>' Hy uoilwr aald fattor wai sBbetod with n, Vluu'a dkDie. Sir William luharliod IS tto tlwtya bad a fldgoiy way with hla bands HymaUuroBadloaiytobimi -ForgO'.doan ■ake. quu fldgoUng.' If sir William playod at oaida to was oooiluliy handling iblia Ilk* m uy Ban do t l taro tables wr William woQld lapaaladly brook ihliiga In baodilng ibom- Tbo wltneBB may bar* iboogtal they » w my bnUiOr ohwarlDg whan ba waa anaply Borrotuly bandUnq ale ibipa u I toaa da- aoHbed. Tbatlamy ibaory.”

" Hnw do you think Uie affklr laakod oat V' ‘'IharM 'l Ito illgbwt Idas BarkolayLt*'

fit, ofwlwByoa nod. laaadsanU* oad,”” Wbat aboot Ihi WltonaT'■< Tto Wilaoaa a n ninm aty ordloary poo-

I p is Whoa I toad M tto toooaiM ophod* t

wood F. R i Haailo gtopioo, Onaga A R ; J. R Xylo, Omni* A R i <3. A CUbi. Jr.. A Y. A R i R H u b s H. A R; A A BiUlOfs Jr., N, Y. A R l A Howard, A A A ; Funtom Yotdiiy, Onngo A, R ; W. X Fraoeb, N. Y. A. R i A TbotR A A A R | V. D. Bmlth, torko- h y A C : R A OrbonoO, A A. Rl T. A Fay, W. A A R l F. T, Woud, TwontyMooud Bagb b u I A A.i r U M l , A Y. A R; A L Blan- r«ll. N. Y. Y. U. R 4.1 J. W. HlAndg; W. A A A i W. J. DixM. M. A R ; J. F. Uosbifd, H. Y. A R and Prliwioioo: J. R Daroroau, A A R ;

VaodorkMA O ran* A. R i T. Howard, Jr., A A i J. F. O 'Uars W. A A A ; W. A

Yarn, imrktiay a A ; F. R Kayooldi, Orang* R ; R. L Hengs Ewt Orang* fii W, A

Wrlghl. Jtrf K. Y. A R u d Yalo) J, H. ooo- atdins A A A I J. Naomas M. A R; A J. Huah, W. a A A ; A Cobe«, M. J. A R ; A Bawthoeiis Onaga A R i A Sobits Uolum- blo R A. W.i F. Brakaw, M. Yi A R u d Frlnoauw; F. A Cawldy, gylra A Ri O. R EiUS A A R l A Fuk*. A A Ci J. U. Jaaup, Barkelay A. R iJ , A Janlo, Bsrialay A R i V. C Thnrao, Berkoloy A. R

Onv-wil* OnUoary Bliyclt Boos H tndlaip^ A WtlA N. J. A R t A Bkch, E*4

Orangei R A UookHn, Q rituI F. R; R T. Ooogeetoll, Onngo W.t A W. Grustaoff Fall- M dt W.I W. R Uydeoku. A ¥. A C.; J. L. Minor, A A R ; A A Bowmu, N. T. A R; J. W. Jadg«, H.' A Cl R h W olniu , Orang* W.I L> A Boppr. Hodlord, R R | 0. R Kmiin, Rlrrrelde W.: L A B vnud, Kntakerbockar W.i R F, f e n s K. Y. Y, H. R A,| W. H. Falgr, Bodibnl R L A Cols AuiktaDd Cooflty W.1 N, B. Hail, Jr., Berkeley AihUllicmi-.

Two-buidreil.ind-twtnly-yard Hurdle R kis Handlotp—Ooerga tcbweglar, N, Y. A Ri U n b irt Hapes Borkelay A R iF. R PuBkr, N. J. A. R i R H. CarLoaoll, H. A Ri H. U. H alls W. A A R i A 0. WoodraC A J. A R ; A A Barrlaon, Orang* A Ri A A Will­iams A V, A Ri A A Barnes N. J. A R; J. J. Skaao, W. A A A ; F. H. Sheahr, H. A Ri A T. Lyons NaW York; M. A Campball, U. A O; R A Eill, Koglawood F .R t A A 0»per, M. A Ri J. A Bopewell. A A A i 0. P. mihota, BwkeUy A Ri W. F. Sealtta, Berkeley A R

Oae-mtlr Walk. Handieap—0. Qeaten, g y ln A R ; A Weetnok, Brooklyn a. R; A Onn- DWuo, V aro u A R; W. Xtlly, A A A G; J. Kholiy, A A Ai R Bardueb, A A 4,; T. W. Uuon, N. T. ¥. H. R A: F. R A Holoel,M. Y. A, R *Dd Coinmbla; R Andrads A A 4.1 A rthnrBrabs L A R; J. Hiw*s Rldit- wood 0. R ; W. kootl, H. J. A Rl r . A Boreb- orttng, N. y . A. R and ITioaaiao; R W. Oit- lay, N. Y. 4. R and Frlncrtw l R L Knoll, H. A R ; A D. Laugo, H. A R

BuoDing Bcotil Jump, Habdlcap-^f A Ia Haeaeoa, Orange A C i H. K. Bradley, Drug* A. R ; A. M. Mlsotl, Drug* A. R; R T. Wlo- gand. K. Y. A R; F. U 1*11. N. Y. A, RiQ. gebworlii, N. Y. A. R; H. F. U ripis H. T. A. R i Tbomaa L Lwi, N. T. A R; W. A roalw. N. Y. A R; a L, William. N. Y. A. R and Yaloi W, J. falib , Onngo A R; J. W. Harper, Brook­lyn Y. H. R A ; U. La M at, Ilotnikoa A Ri a RamlBg, A A. A ; a T, Lyooe, New Y«k i Vlelor Hapes Berkeley A. R ; M. J, kiieb, W, & A R i F. R FuBkr, N. J. A R i A A BarnesN. J. A. R : F. Edwards N. J. A C.; A L Har- niou. Orange A C.; Z. A Cooper, H, A. R | R J. UuUnity. V uim a A Ri W. Hu- rUnn, A AwRi A H. Metbews Onngo A. R |e Runolog High Jump, Uandioep—a Herrick, M. A R t H. w. BKMis A R A. A.i A U Hu- rlaop, Orange A R; A H. Uatthews Oraege A. R ; A NUkatioo, N, Y, A R | R T. W itgud, M. Y. A Rl J. U. Kiibr, In- Ktiuie A. R i J. Bmllb, Boboken A R; J. T. FUagirald, Braoklyo A R; F. R FaBhr, I). J. A A A Barues K. I. A R ; F. Bd- wards K. J. A R i F. a Bihaelu, H. A R i J. A. Uopawen. A. A A i A Burks Batkalay A R ; J, A Ooniiar, H. A R

Tb* plai* waa a « oaay of anan, and Ib* trip wok an two days thooxpaiuMbowt atoot IS I to d noaounor arrlTed lioaa* man 1 neatrad uotfair dh' poieh to go B UUtrUle, m ttor* won oooator- fabonttors 1 wont town and, anoa drirlig two or Ihrao mllas I fonad tb* awa 1 wutod to an. Ha waa a lolagitpb llnaauiB, rapteyad by tb* Waahra DdIu Compuy. II* had b tu wocklag H ku Uoao and tod runaoiad u B s ln n u t wiih a win in Ik* woods pnpark- Wry w tepktrhf ito IIM, wMi u btgaa lo gUoA Lwoolng ho beard a laitgnB ftorn a nmo la Ball* Fltlni tdruaaaod lo tto Pnai- d « l of Ilia Ontlad Maws Tto Ball* Fhlaa man laid Ito Fraaldabi Uut than waa a crowd of oouoMtlsilin aboot wawb to oaold loll Ito Fneldmt aoBOihtOE 4tor a hwqooMow WHO lakod OBlou BuiaoU wood ih u U wb Ito BB* noeBgo whJcb tod la k n blB * hw dayi boJhm w Boll* Flolos u d bad luaod am to fa* aotblPf bat greobroedt dnoian. Tb* Biaiaga kkd lu n aoiU to Wnatagtok u d tb n wlogTaptod ben W OHoot BaiMlt h r loToetlgwlso. B* kod apoot Iwodkya In gotaag W Bab* PlabB tad fcaeS and u o tto r day Ik goJag w MUtrllls at* ooK 10 tto Oortrakital r t obmi HE mid tto aokreb tod bon a IniK- loa on*. Ohoer Butioii Bad* a frw htmbl* roBiarka W Ib* llkoanu sod oaau hiB* by tto aax tuals

0 * 0Tto Worif laapooiloaurtto O rabdJoty .u WodtMiday laws wb oot withom taoldooi. On Ito Inrliaihia of StoriB BuBinbg Jaeob HoltaiaoDn, or, la ba U btMr ku w a, ” Ja t t tb* Barber,” aiioupulad tto patty. ” Joto" kdmlndtto |atl and tto loan* aayliim n Boatb Onaga a ru n s to t w u npodally pleaatd with tb* ponllgnuary. B* ihoarbt ColdwoU wao a g u pitas and TBWod with woodor lb* woy In wblcb (to bow raltiiad wo* brtDg bulls Wllb tto nm of Ito party "Jo t*" w u l Ihnngb Uw p u ltu ilary , U d ODOS whoa Fotteo SupariDteodooi Bruwo got ” Jako” bound blB la aeoll, oxclilmod i ” I WB oxptelooa of yon hllows" u d Jaanpod m i bawraiudoor oooJd ba aaappad abot apoa him. It aaeBid to ba tbo crowoteg aBldUoo of tb* whola party W lock ” Ja to ” lb t laU, 4a ttoy wan paaMg bloag ra* of tb* oKtUoas ” Jako ■ poruiTOd la OM of Ito oalli a m u la wbaa to bad aarrtd baar. fla atoppod In b a i t af tto sail u d b t f u ta goy lb* priaiaui. Tto prla- loot u d ” Jag* ” got Into t wordy dltM is Wbllo their loagum wen rlotMrlBg and ib* harbor woa abmrM ta bonlinf ito aMus Bagtatat Cogan, bnmgole Doaubatry, ghtrUf Dtaiwitat tod guperuuaodant Bnnro nw- oaadtdiBgoulng th* wboW aow doaietuw rw rida oioapi ” Jaks" Wtow tto hwi ao* bMgooa out ” Jaka” taaid tto dooBibat with a snap tad to war a prhuaaa. Eh get rod lb tb* Dock with tadigoatiw gad bagtD to akoal t t tb* lop of bla roldt W tto goard tora- teas* him bat DO on* baedad. Baawvrallto* plmiaMngaltbaonwdiiaKidaib* doors n * prloonon atedog ” Jakafi" plight bogu to gay hto. Bla *y« auappod Sr* ood to duod tto pnaotwila onm* oot la tb* earridor oo* at a urns 41 laai tto whold enwd w u i dwty and left ” Jtka” tlona with tto crim­inals Tboy ibjoyod n axeoHoat dla- n « wbil* " J t to " itaad Intid* (to hot bonidor pomptring fmiy. Wton ttoy had ftnitbed ito lrdm urum oftbo jauu i n h a n d ‘•Jaks" who bod bon loctod op orar u boor. B* waa coaaplataly ubanatod tad hungryuwait, boi ” Billy" Brown taftmoed him wllb oolaa iDdlSknna* Ihal Ita party waa aboDl to atatt to hamt, and onlaB to wuwd towalkBlnamliaa lo Nrwukb* woold hart to aoeoBpaby (bam. Tto patty Clambered tu(ottoetm tgtt and ” Jaba” w u g iraa tto niwraatlro of walkiog booB or rUlog Wltboot bla dlDiiat, Ha nllfoly otaoto lb* laitar u d with much grumbUBg cUmbod late tto ou- nags All the way hogw he grata blod at ih* ptrty, but puHcnltriy at Baptnaioadoai Brow A At tb* dm retiaaiaDl they atm* to ” Jako ” alighted end am e home tto ib i ot tto way Id a biwM « r, ” Jak* ” aayt to wtll Dorergowilk tiietber party ••]IUty‘> Bnwn lain.

a * 0FDtlnia!i«ii Beal, orVultbfliA too lo bor

teoinelen a Blblt of nmukabl* uttqolty ond oinllobi pneorratloa. It wai primed durtng tha nlgn of QnrtD Ellubolb of Eog- land, u d la bouod ta oak Imoids oortnd wllb hoary aid* letihor, and Uila agato aiud* dud tad omuaiad wnb Iron. Tto body typa b about tbo alB of modem mlaloo. but U old EngUahlOxt, ITiOBatflaal notes Mworu,

(OU of Uw boUdlBg.WBSk* ■atrafranaotroB” th u Hto " Naan Crew— tto attor ptaoa tkuitond by Urn- 14 la Ua dtroet au m laa itu of bit laitoF* tpliA I* Ito todtior Ob Broad atroai (bay oom* ahattartai tto air DUlacolea and crowd­ing Uom o p u tba * u d ia a lo fragmaaia ibol m l Uk* b tebu t i t i s Hint oot of orary tw lltiODOlt aluibol* lb* aooBda to a pmrtlilog oooaarl ta lo n Mogtr a 0 bogianor u tt* oonoi, who. In ib* Brat glow at uibabw ila matlcal ambUtoo, twlnfa tto loalniaani to praodta at midday. B«t

Dpoa lorBUgalioa yoa- today two yoaag a m won Mind blowtog Intt thlnydeol Uaglht bf Iran lorb pips Borani Clnlaet Baiioal Bolaa wan mad* by tb* blowtis *bd Boay dbiliwi notoa th u won not Baaiaai. M* au m u l Ito toioaar BlgUaayltwnoLfTyi ttoau iaw o o rtt w u

lb* n g la is Ytaiwday thU- - h bmI

by tw ho itow to *b Iu *ft*nou bo*t- fMlt At AlMUflK Cftltod A ItA.** ** Myd « w ," tM M g ld t* *u>ttot, "rm lBrlw dM pogtItrXiSOM BUW Ulib nilW*dD*».Ml." "RkranyooT WoU,(to*u«dwwta twra. bat I tod aamtor •ngaguMm.” Buruia •ad *h iA I tbDogbt, w bu la tto mosaing vt " pong ” u d ' nna ” t It w u ana* llm* b*- kr*ibatMb*aa«lb*ir tapHad bom Bad* * •agBOgbu lb By bnw, n d tb u tb* datin BataadltoB yogag« o b u hi * eiini«t w«* •siB U aBi ratlnd to ( toM b daBnutraitaa. TtobtataiT tab todoad grown old u d laty wbu* tb* lo u u d*da b (boU * word u ‘- (u " dHtoolt of aimruMS To poci l*«la ■ but B atopl* « pbnot« o n to apokoo. oad to drop lb* Baal woad l u I* lo raodu it l*- taJonhly raigu. Ttoaowom U larg* a1tt^ M U nerpitooa ban of harlBg two g»d-loak-

rti pariarB Ibl* Mrrtos gonorally IB- u aatrula IB watKoptlatoMd booM la IS le iboraagbly AwerleaB, and eo, tos

I* Ib* ebenteeUe gtOU WblOb PB gt*wa HitOf It.

T to floaU F r u tH fT>F M ttoT toU loH H L '

Oatlou wtoitobB tor* t o u B*d* t o n ItoM w t t u MB Ito atnai* blitoty *f tto M u to to a lru HaaA 4 *«w tbuay u tto uH iot m saw rtaiilalad by H. Ldi. U tta r <f * teaulty-psUlobog m lna* U Foaq**L whd dtod aitor blnotoM y u tf hapogoBBam la tto FotuaB af FlUMTol to liM JL Lair apiara tte t Ito M u ta th* Irw Meok w b oalttor tt* lUnlUBU* bnitor a Linia XIY., Bar tto Dok* of Mooumtt, nof ib* DOto kf Boutwi, aoritoO nuid* VorBaodoto, bar Ctoot Hu- ibwll. SowuriBplTuhiUiHoraltiDaBM d EawMbaDasgu. TbW Bog bad b o u la ibt ■torttoofaepy e*ll*d Bonxet HattUIr, wb* trorauad •bout tor fomf(i gonmmwrta-lo- toodiDg t t u *f Eoglaad-bt ordar la wamh IM wmoto of tto King of IT *au Bonk or Nanllty war up tund byH .dtU oaB S*H im ««’trLeaH XIF., rod pot t t tto wlotL Ble ra lu w*a imprUrntd at FlgnaraL when to walwd u Fnoqwt- >■ <*** >4>W*r dird ta tb* AwtiMS aitu ta r lb f bran lacaraonwd tbon d a u IBfS H. LMlH tboorr iri'l hardly ka aooontM in Frann, at laM M, (biolll* Bnuot. ef tb* PTooib Automy, b iu ibU ito prtoaou In (b* i^^rw aaC m nl HoRbhdl. Fria* Mltlrioref ibe Puk* of H utto , WUI* tb* popuUr mlad baldi Tiowa of lb DWs

K l ^ « r ■& ia LgEwenlBg F o w g r ^ U . E. G c r ^ lU pO ft, A ng . 17 , tSSg


turn letag "TbU la lor*' uoandao" Witt atoiBlag *g|et. IIH on-

dontood Ito ptrlotBon at* o p u t t aogaga- BOOS'

0, "irdtoOHurAlbartKoidtoli lo a Mlaifbl I of BiBl. U* racurod daimBrnli yattot-

day, itgMd by G n u B. Banas lolartilag blB A butow taaaililod lsb ad wooH n o t m 0 prntioQ M 1*0 rata of H por montt, poyoiut* tt date fkoB JoJy, IHS OHcor Xaeolg waa s Nlrai* l i Uompuy le Mlub Infantry, H*w J u ly Voignire is Dialto an axosug* of xinitBlu Ht. Xoanli gni to tt* path of * nb it bnltti w biu tan oXatoUou at bB la- dnt and Boond Ingtr on big right bud. Hr, Xoaalg •gyi it wg* mob u m at m um u Ob- la lg g p o n te , IbgItoirgtw attU todM u t apply tor hit r u n *gs



Fran b GgtboUo ItH b Mabop down to tto

P e e r e e t e f t h e P e e r•UtomUp.BOtoiilytotbb


ST. JACOBS OIL,T h t O m tt R tm td f F o r P a h t.

Mt to iM wiporicrttfgvir ill othtr mairttMjftpftprrt thm;

I t Cnrei f r o i ^ T y h n a M i t t r ;which a n u nWr-ay, that tb* paloatrtcfcan iu k a proa pt roUof with an n n in of tto pain, u d this tboy u y , gt. Jacob* 0 0 wU0TS TUgl*lli*xaill*B«Sjuto|ttt

D R . M IC H A E L D O Y L E 'S

Sham rock B itte rs' n i lont UD (ID.

an In noopanli lomao. Tto uyla ol prinilng la elaboiats being •aholliebod wltb tnltuil leticn •( a BoiM lypi and cola of grotttqoa






P r i c e , 5 0 C e n t s .k ta n ib H III* SBAHBOCK FLAgTERi.

T to don oy Ganr>i Own Fnrlg,From the Ellubett Strald.

Bonator Blodgett the olbit dty left II to be Iniurod u bb opbiloa that Ooretiuf Abktti bad left tto tanka af (to Democracy and aw UblltbwL a Iblnl party of Naw Jeney—the party ef Laos Abbed.

tybbt I t Oula Him to oanflUly ocntldBod by Ito grut ma-Jortiy ol poople In baying own nocHuilea ofm s Hood'* goiHpHUlaoQSiniatttiaolf witsipeolal lOtoe la the gnat middio alantr. be-the g n ucaute II camHae* poiUtr* omnorny wbb gnat totalclDil gowor. It la lb* only madlctue of Wblok o u trnly to laid "im d lu," and a butut taken tmet will gratu* to In i bm w iA

OdOMt onedol-

bobgobtlne u d iUgoyto.On tb* uUi peg* 1* tto inlawing iBicrip-

Uon: "Tto BIbts UuirUled acoordlng* to Ibr Ktmw aod Oierk* tongiuf nod oonfemd with the tori tnaflailoer In dioetf laogrogoC with moft proBiabJo annotorioof rpon all tt* bard placef and other ibingf of g n u Itnport- lano* af nay appotn In Ito optlU* tor tt* ntdet.

TAnd alio a molt prodtabla cnaoordanct tor th* nadlo flodlDf on of u y thing in tto fto* oantlnrtd.

lia p b ra k tj Aod let IMI tUf beak of tto IbW* dopbrt*

o n of thy m a n s but modiuut day and ngttt t t u ttor raaycf) obtom* and do oceadlng to ill tbU If wrilieb Uionls tor than f u l l tnor mika tty war to to protpatmit u d t t u limit ttor baof good [rooms

Tlmpribled *1 Loodu by tba dopotiof cf Chmtuiihn fiarktr, prlnloi to Ito QTbonWt Uofi EiotUanlt HaUUs U£g, C m g i ^ and prlMleglo icgln mattnaUi,”

Tb* rarioui bookj an protoo^ by n •yno^ 41 uodot lU eapnoB ' t t o 4ibaBttbi”-^ n*t tbo tty I* ol Itaa Ureck playt—u d oaeb eolnmn haa at tto bead a abort deacriprion ot wbat It ooQtalned undu It. Th* Bibtt oouminilto booke of tt* old and now ‘rBlamont* u print- ad In tto rnteoi adUioas aod Ito 4b*o>lpbe u d tba CbiiKb mtrlos «l>b a than oonoord- u o* "of (to inoamponbl* tnofri* of (to Holy bortptries with a pnyor tot tb* tin* r h of lb* buDS” Tbon b oNo n t a ^ chut ibowma ” How lo lab* predl In loading or tt* Holy Blbls” Iht prinwr b u not bobs coo- lu iod wltb making puagraphs b u tu n tt* ilgn at tto comaoDOtiotni of a n ^

Mrs Bool b u alas ** dOMribod In Ito pitt- u s ” Two riiii* ptodlabla u d Dalltoll eon- oordsooM, u lira* aod ampal tabloi olpbatoi- loall."liDBttoptaBal tto u a w prinntand baulng tto data UTS

Tbaee hooka wan otlglbUly (to laoparty e f Bor. WUllam Neal, who w u roMor ol Orau Tbiekangtom, Korlblk CWiBly, Snglasd, In IBM, u d al whom Mrs Baol M s dlnot do- anod ul,

0 * 0Dtogtr aoemi tt lurk In gll Ito naa otbUn-

triouy, tniftbua tor IM onrhgnd w in Miiom alou h u Bgund >■ fk»l anldoal* to itua city. OotaM* of Ibl* Ito ciletrB Hgbii b an act B n to* Dtmbuof oBhn *wd bnlidtoM On WooMaday ueratag a saw danger w u dla- cloud. Tb* lamp fiattnod 10 a p ^ pntnd- log bom tto BooaS atwy of tto flunliiin hoWB batoiglbg tt HoXunt Brottots U W Hukat ilm t, toll tt tt* ibtowals A paaur- by oaopad, t j a hatr'i-hnndUi, barlbg tto fttbtiiu and bolUiif b s b ot glaa and wboB tlghl Opto hN head, In HI daaout It aklmaod Ua ou . and, landing on tto bud u n ito n i , craobad luio b Ibownad phots t t o yodautlan w u appam uy happy beoaota to urod toytaw tha hnakags u d lalt bf bN tapkbotdtotruat- folly ao tf bk tmoiOB tod b «B botn down npas That bN tbloklog apparaW bad nu beoD dbuiibod waa praiwd by tto way to which ha phlusopblBd to a Niwg lopMtai aitarwaid. ” 1 bar* tb* grooiaol admUkUw tor ThioMt A. BdNtii asd OU hU tunnlttbs'* ba laM, ” boi Hto la no abon 10 to hsodl- coppu by aoob Impaaidlog dongtis t tbiok itadriuU * ibU tta eliy to ito n sp so to tu laap*ilocwheg*dlbrooaatt(U eanodsUiba.

FAN weather cor responds with the al­manac this year ex actly.

(H course eveiyhody ought to have a new fan. Wecalculatethat of Newark's 190,000 inhabitants not more timn one-half will hny ona We should he pleased to supply them all Ours are Japan­ese Fans, an en ess variety, most of them heautiM, some ugly; all gooi

T. VL WABD, 687 Broad St

MISFIT CARPETS.1 Taint Carpot, a lioU lilT --- -------------------------1 Body BmaaoN Carpat, d » IL Iill......1 Exm Quamy Ttpeatiy Bnaaath Carpal, llb iU — 1 Exita Bbpw All-wool loitalo CupaS lA Ix ll— .

-----$ 4 1 .2 0----- 2 2 .0 8.— 2 1 .2 8 ----- 1 4 .3 0

PARLOR SUITS.t n ii tt Pariw 8.11, Walaai fiamo, f plaoas rogattr prio* M N , trill b II W.~ $ 8 0 . 0 0 I Bng u d U k Plnah Fulor Bull, rtgulu prioa DSW, wQl bo raid U . . . . . . . 6 0 . 0 01 Fular gall, Waliratfnm*, In Oomuk, TpMoas only..................... 0 8 .0 01 Futtr fntt In tUk Tnpoauy ami Roib. rogolu prioa NSM, will ho told at... 7 8 .0 0 1 Tkrior ini*, D pNoes Cbiiry trams npboNtoiod ta plnaS rognlarpribotUSOS

win b* Bid .... ..... .— 1 0 0 . 0 0

BEDROOM SUITS.1 i ih BoBioca talk I pttocs marblb-top, lognlu laloa tffiBS will bt mid at, $ 6 0 . 0 0 I Q m ti and Hahoguy Badnoa Bolt, raublo-lop, > ptans only-— 3 8 . 0 0 1 Waloni Bodraom Bolt, niublodas I pttoas o n l y . . 4 0 , 0 0 1 Aotlqn* Oak Bodraom bolt. 4 ptacos tognUr pneo gnM, will bt mid *L..„_« 2 6 . 0 0 1 Thioo.plaeo AnMqti* Oak Hidraou Bolt, largo gloas tog. ptioo ga, will mil U 1 7 . 0 0

LOUNGES and COUCHES.1 Bed LoiiBgt ta D u ia a ------ -— . . . . . . . —t Bid Lonitt* In tXrpot_____ ______ ______1 BIbgla Lotmgg, Oak ftm e, Hoqnotl* Carp*L„.1 Oopcb In Fliatt---------__________________1 HitattLaitti* In Platt, 0*k (him*------ ------

$ 4 .8 0T.OOB.OO7 .0 0

11.001 to n *bow Jfi B(di In Wilnnt u d tmliMloii at F.. H. gttgu woek, in prio* Itam $ 2 .8 0

nptt $12 .00- 1 tor* (Nn Ibom $ 3 ,0 0 0 wartt of goodi In tta room, taku boB *T«y atpaitn*nl,aiuk*d In plain Bgutaa at HALF THEIR VALUE HaDopUoblis

C ndlt 61t61 I t T lic« Prlcts. Goods DellTond Fno o t C lu fe to i i j

P u t of the Stito.t b l x Fh o n e ssB. b le v a to u , no RUMBINO d f b t a ir b .

A M O S H . V A N H O R N .in iK H .y u L if B ST.f

7 3 M A R K E T S T .9E W JL B K . H . J .


T o all purchasers o f O n e P oim d o f T (» o r B aking Pow der w e w ill pretent F R E E a braag-bound C edar Fail. T h is ix a S P E C IA L in d u ce­m ent, and o n e that w e shall n o t b e ab le to du p licate alter th is lo t b g o n e , ■o we w ould advise you a ll to com e a t o n c e , as th ey are g o in g very rap id ly .

B U T T E R A W A Y D O W N IO n Saturday w e shall co m m en ce to se ll th e very best E lg in Cream ery

Butter a t 2 5 C ^ n t s per pou nd.


TtS-740 Broad S t . u d iOT I v k e t S t , cor. V isb litU n .B R A N C H S T O R E , 2 2 3 M A IN $ T .,O R A N G E |


B an HMor«d Itolr Broad atract tatrioBa Info tiignprem hatl N O . 6 7 3 (Faablu't lala ■hat aioN).

I l l l u k t t S t Still B u d q u r ta n .Oidwiair ta* Oraaib i«MlT*d (4 MtlMr aloes

VIlDi'tlaMiTtliMT H E Y a r e t i t c o m i n g t o t h e

** N e w S h o e S t o r e " o f £ . A .f t T . 8 . M I L L E R , 609 B r o a d S t r e e t , t o b u y t h e i r P o o t w a a r ; a a t h e y h a v e f o u n d o u t t h a t t h e y c a n b u y w h a t e v e r t h e y w a o t l a t h a t U n e f o r a r e a a o D - a b le a m o u n t . W e h a v e t h e c h o ie e a t U n e a o f L a d ie a ' , M ia t e a ’ a n d C h l ld r e n ’a S h o e a In t h e c i t y , a n d a la o h a v e n o t f o r g o t t e n o u r M a le P a t r o n s , a a t h e y w i l l t e l l y o u i f y o u a a k t h e m . C o m e a n d i n s p e c t o u r s t o c k a n d y o u w i l l b e t h o r o u g h ­l y a a t l s f i e d .

Ice Cm, k1a M lai CrnSeia, St.I t iH'iiailc QnUnri


Nev I b M e and Retail Bedding Hoase'of Revark.Hair, ODtton, Film, Exoririot and Jnt*

olattnssN, Ete.,Futlen u4 Dms Pillovs,

Ftldlsi a Spring Beds A Cots4 fPXClALTT.

AH kind* MatIrgiH* Mad# O vir. FtaHigr* ggd Hair Rgnovatid.

Uplwtitbring, CarjigU, gto„ Made and l a iu

1 U s e Of B ifr lg d r a to n and la t t l i i g .

t a S T ' i S *toaitta tt*U

ib eor liM *1 lowaai powlbl* hot vnrk doos Wa gliw Brit-

tt ail wb* will glTa Da a bilL

DeVausny&COaip o IHOAP 8T ., dor 8RIPQE.

CURE■kk H a a td ^ aodlwUara oil tha trabbtai hael-deal to a blUoua atata af th* gyiUB, lueh ai*>«...4---- ---------- ------ -------^ ^Ktuaas Dronlnaas D l4rm ^

WUI* tliair morntwtartobi* aonca h u h«u abewa ta

SICKBwutaitos yet (U aru a U m * Lnwb Ftu* am equally raluabia hi ConiUpatios eurtne and prarontag thia annoying nnipl*liit,«bll* thay alao oonv4aU dlaoidm of the Boaiaofc,rtlRtulat* tba Hth- u d tniulatt tto E iu lf* '------ *------- '(t^oajyciirad

HEADA ^ ttoy woold b* abnoal prkMltB 10 ttd uwho auffar from thio illafraering coantaalnr but forhnately riaali- goedtoBdoii wet m i

tto tboM who OBoa try them «U1 Bod1 ^ kdito ra%hl* In ao many »»ya ihM th u win not b* wtoof lo do wtttout thaab Bbt gftar tn tttk baad

ACHEli tto hgn* of a* BUT a*M thatwa m a ^ e o r g rto T b o M Owwhll* olbera do not,

G w iu'a L im a U n a PiiM amand mrr mgr W tain. Oh or two * ® * r “ » *010% ngatal_______

Ifw torft. Bold MTwiMre, or sent Rkido i m i skmoan i n t«i

Diftkitad df

b l E f a i l l l M M k k



SATURDAY.C lo a in r O u t B n U r e B toek gj

S p r i n g a n d S u n i ia e r

sons, CLOUSiM TEA eons,

V in S ill T i - n o m v I

VUl Soil T o -n o m i


J^ias^oatl Of lUra-------------Wart IBM ; oot ntta t» «,■aanww glAOa ^

aw Lodtai’ Brbdtd Bbooldar Oapati baariDwlLtA tAm B.M aptol*M . ~

ILIAIMLodtaf Solia lb Fmoah GtaghaiB Saw

■oofcart u d i billlas lb ptaldi ato aulM* tttmnto wUh tana *ad talk. Ham ta 4 , btoi,ot|g.tt^KTIaiidM-SA —

Ud ItoUB' vary lao AU-wnol baalaia ug ncatn 10 bl*dk,p*ariaadtaswwattttito toorraw I l l s

IN Chtidntaa SnaaB In whUs wltb amtn*M, VWW.H - . .. lu WW WKWdiary i aatmokar, with plain eoabtaution, ud ringbam. wltt Plata eottn to ■aaiab.lLtata lk tu n and i i i r ^

Eia 8P1MTo-imv Inii

F R O M S T O 1 9 d>C L O C K .

S<3ieijee ip SlicesFOR WOMEN’S WEAR.

L U T .S . MILLER,8 0 9 9 R 0 A D $ T R K I T .

OppaalM Tritaty Ghalfh.

JW * Agu tdFOB 4 . A. u X n i m c i n

MBIIta dMONg. tA IBD , bOMOBBB JLAIB& bOMOBBB S J ttT C m H V a ,i f l im g B V K j^ jp n n m o x * «o.

r u i P E IS O IS i n l i doabt

l i l t ( M r t |« i sboold do for

> tliE i tut wiU sit T «t

lid M .

B U m i T t O l B f lB E .

A m e r h w ’s U t M t o o e T H B * * *


S63I t lV C U liQ I IO I l lU ll ) B n ad S L


Wb Btaka Ita ia ilB r, Tow M

m m b n Mm a i ,M % ^

MotraUtabouaw.(bfjir, I jM *116,


Puisiull F tL Jolyij.iSps

S iBI g|

saihar Afjkltabta

Mil LggilHr•N S

IbilgMtf.eiiglu lablsA Narr*w*r gta* Warn•L o y a f iTTilia I . N iv lN aFNBAlthtagslwtoattea art W«k

U D I E S I »

"PEIFECTIOritlWliH'lllllt. w—w -T —u b iiY uusapea-.«« ..i.

•T T L a . COMFORT bob DURABILITY..Fapatarli Frias AattatoaNflo OHiuwaA

M N U L M nD WHt 0 4 , SlitH Lwib. Bw rpta n a LB IN NBW ABR BT

H E R I M A N H O T Z pa a $ J W ark et S b , O o h M u lh o R y .

C O R . N E W I T .

r o R

IH VtaydwUaaoilgllkW ntatoU M u d IIAOO; to-Bom!

taaOdlATS.M Ladtaf Sblrl WtJala ta tadiaknnt otH

Ms, M s, 14s, Ms, Ita. Ns u

Ml LadJaf Tto Oqwpl u d Wramri la u.raolttylas ~ w w .»■ u I tt-aarrow at tLM u d UM.

Ti LtotB* txlr* Bb* AU-waoi Soils lha latu

IM ItalMr n iy t t o All-wool Trimaad to — In g dllRnnt atyllS woro M.M; i* non**



lltnw tortttR ryrdrrt uus Ja ward I Kiawn yiadait mnod Kioctat jauMlsBIcb fi. rr* CbarlB man v IdWlK Braftri Otto Xr. pryCrocksHowaiBar- J< L»*y.bacb*r.BaorrIII. Ed'Hawo.Turk**R. Ut»:iiiooosgaaln,mar, Bbantt,■laaioiBarrenlaMtaFaulOJaoobibni*tiontw0, F.Dpt 'EmilVoflarkruwbrntldiFetorOWillyradrittokuMO,PolWmanlUrtobbaiSFtcballJubagpaklk John I maan, aldari mlt Cl Fraak Ibiuu HIM I

Du*uf ttd baaraanb**r t t * “ l

A *btkl I lb* * iiurla

Taid-wtd* Bitch and Vbitt FUU gerpa rig. f i lm l l s . al IKS yard.

Fbo Btaeb Hobair BriUluttOB, IbiHb H sqaslttr.M W syaid.

Ijm ltt^ tara^ n M 80k, all wtota rag

f l u qnailty Dreta CtoRles ta qoalliy, i^ i m t s qwuiy, B-ta, at ta yanL

gnparlsr qnaUty Freoob Oottag Flaoto It5<s quUly, at ^ raid.

Kid ibBtaM, all oettrs s l lK s T*>d. Loo(d*l*Mnaln,<blltai« wids ids qaab

(y,atgK syaid.S-teoh OoMoa niapar, wettt Ms, al Ua 1

Lawi u d XataKOk gMtab w ttu Us, I•Ms yard.

Lcokwoad IM Blatchad (toattaig, tog. Bla U s, MMs yaid.

LookgiearFlgBid CUna IpwawlllialBacaibg*ll

aid Ms yard.IS su d M siw a rth llt

DAVID STRAUS,«R6 s s d 637 B n n d , Oo7. N ev St


Loai Ppiees


Bargain Value On Fans I

BOVS’, Q im .6’ AND UO IES'

S I L K W I N D S O R T I E SB«gol«pfttB(M BHsttlgs,ahta<* 15C

AtxHu iaJa*MH.»a»aui»-»*i IIIMobd IM FBi n uai IMT**

H E F 8 S C A R F S !: d l . » d a l n j r i * j ^ S ^ j | j ,BbwUgl

Itaad goedAiog. Ms

-F O B -

Ml«, GoittleioD ud CbildNR

Salta Witt lutbM-


OAXBlAatt add SB lOOOlM.

U S .P L itlT MmtomBnid stmL


Sa-~lA ii*riB FBOtmMot Fan*. daiMi oakirlDta, lao* eAetaldas

U s —Brat qogilty FanttBant, rtchdaouHost, elegant aiTias _

• s - B lu k Pan fount Fisa, lamworth Ms ^

^ ^ a^ lJU bdu ParahBAgt Ftnk, lata eftiRldw. _ *

e t e — whti i andnilntwi Fills, flet wStetw. woda 8.

P iiisti ftte e i i e w mu riwi*

Bee Hive Belts

belers slip* kssed

Ohti tOOd« lUf fo Pur i i(Odftjrtiie es$PCP«S<wiH a

Mr, been] uosbh b$u«r its wi lobrh

M ilsfism And pi f«r nc tltSSP

B elli


\mxipimli^ l•i'OtsHn.olhU

Mr tb$ 1 preti pru» hii I Hspo And' taU.


•Dd IiMtl’

BotV CoUM M ts (n itifpas KfifloioR, w)Ui a m bowsTM fluly.....

iHdifli'WartM CioVAw BilM In DtfY. eifdltis] Add wltb lusfce m bookb. ------- a J _______ _

Itamli a lu £h Vriret grioightJNIta ■todded Witt Mc*l petals ibbdta to DUWBhBjnSi 4ndlla»B mb _____ntiQb lam pA A t - - -________

Lcdtaf Bmd Altigattr to lls In go*l> }M 4 b c only,ngoJafpriNN*.tor.— ..

lAdto’ bari qimltty glUi B ^ ptatt l U noictaaiidaulpastowbBdteta—

Ladttif Gill udwiTBiBporiad Kami TRiBUisr*(T(tylkA.al.........................MorUiiaa that loolad* n ^ b l p g drib***

ta nna* of priu firogi S*. tt flt-M - ^ 8 p i ^ pricN CO Ball* tt irallana^^'L'S

«(S L«litt'uidaNtlaia«a’l SUk aodtata] UM* taabaa ta tall rartaly.

Thi«UnJamOtwly aHaacomi Bak cf tt peril ■kak K Ji nan mad*DeCme*■oa


uaii Huq Uiul lug. tors W1* a bo bear blm


Rif (Miemr Sinn ‘ jIn Utotir hek iHili .

O N M A n t e k w d T t FtiD>AlIfSttocIgMegliiBNfMFRR''*'

ApliDdid vabta I* ***'’ * '

B p i ^ S l b . B u t flood

GSOBOSO t a t f c S ^ j


N IIW A B K EVEliriKG ITBWB, P K ID A T, JU N E 8, 1891.

K o ru ia o m E u i s i i n niM ta Mu m Hw WM u ry

Om m IM U h * th * ■ w iiprMldaai l« * u kai (ptalBM l I8a M -

n p n H O U n n m o 6m MH (Mr, 0 ,u « « u 4 S * u O n i t iM o a h H a m r pltM))>tk*8*alMih]I>itMiil fc—twM

M k«M M t <• Jalr A A A • a < T: l l t r a u M illM li, Jo d fi D tn d ATfItpM,

U gnlM dinvkw .JodaiA odnw K lrtfU fM . tirdrnak fr*lli«koyi*a, Bahnt F. S u lu - ,,u . Jh m T. M l, Jukn a k l l u t M M-

lo l l* * , Aatph U«nMr. I t u i t. K uurr. H ucia L. Ward, m o t Ho docpOT, M JvW k *»»»• BJeOoid W o rn fa rton W- Hand L le t. IdwetMaat, a n t r A

r W illi XM a JiiMo a BtnrlU, j u i m U Um a C kW aaoH piiuaioo, H a m I RIcbifdA CMlwtao a H W t F iw n iM rllT ta m rm w . A m a k io n , WIIUm i . w unaw , to iriw Bofckwllo*. fa M o MMA Jr., A M » ^ a WiUMB KUtoibr, M U a UoMaMonar law ud Mawr, J a ta A B ch n n , Piaaoii fiiMuiar. B m aid a Bkaolay, Jofea K M Iia ruto K. Vao Oabna, Cr. Lh Jh D. Waid, Joka * prrdaa. WlUiM a Coma, tfew aa W. noalu. Charm A M ik . Ftadailak X. Bar, ■dOi M ww . B w w dK iam a, M MaMMoar, ■a«. JoNfh l a o * t , Ih a OM BiW amr m i t* LaaT, ADHla a I M m p o , B aair MaaU> laclar, Banir WUUm Do h B, Ia,Utarr H. D onaai, Jaoa J. •arkhaidt, lo aau 111 K dnrd J. HI, Aroold Vo«fi. Chailaa W, H«i«o, Bcnaan lahaJi, Kaorr M an Adas Tarkaa Jaao** IkhMP*, *m a Ttaaaoiar Oaoiia ft, uiar. Hit . Alojwai htoakar, Joaa A Sm laaoM, JaUOi iMl kni, COrl F, Hatta OM n A la iln , A im L. Bw i i t , Bar, JoM a Oihb- tmr. a»T. OKOtalahM t aBh, Charm a Tba- banik, hm aal KaUaeb. L w h Beod, T u OoB- • m m a r Foal W, Bodar, haaaw Hlckaai F> Birnii. Charm F. Barr, JaU a A Ub- tuMkat, OMHVI K ra m a n Bannaa b a lim , roul a Boakkar, A ld an au Oacna Balnlnl, jaODb Hit , CljitoUl Obariai Qlorl, Wmian jbcaiafi WlUiaia a KaUoar, Fiadarlek D, guotaaboqiA FNdaiMk 0. a M ha a a h a n a p. DiFmohash. B w nao G. Blapla, Artknr jinC Charm J, Blpp, CaaHaa F. J, LahlbaeA Kail PtaoMar. Fraacli lo h u e h a r , Charlaa Voflir, aoparloli Daw l af PMoa WUIlan a ktuwa, Willlaa a F. Fladlarv Mania m iai, piaitdant Bdward Qoaim. FraaW a Mifar, paiar iiaoik. iMaa Daauhaio. WlUlan uui, (iaaifa W. WladaoeaTW. F ru k Boalilar, Twltrtak U m n k A FaatawMar Xdward L todklln, A M arnu Alaxaodai a M u - MO, AldarsM Janaa A Hanfaar, Pi>IW C oanm m w r Haorp Dnip. Aldai- nan Baoadlat Uirleh, AldariMa h ia r cirlah, Flia CMaiamioaaT Id o ard M lck- luiB, Oinar A Manaintar, Ma)ar U an au Hrba)k, BaaaM T u BapMad. l o l l Craratlu, Jnhu L Koaar, Oaaar WlUliaiod, Bdwaid ApaetA Charm la w n o n J n a h Bam adl, jabn Kockabhaiia John Waila, Aotnit a m - naan, Ftadartek Balhaaatain, Frank L Falod, Aldanaaa L p n u A JCaM and Jaan Taok, a t inlt e i f ; Hamr A nitlar. of i m O tU fa i Frtak B. SoUaaaa, Fradarick B u t, Charm Ihiuur, DIralior E atam Tiealar, Bdoatd W, Hlaa and Aatoat KaakMr. of Onako.

Hiiaoiot Frank Van dar Wookan lad of dH> mankara of tba U nlM Bliitan In m- baanal a l thanfu Han laat nlcht. Ih a aooii n u u u d oora ‘’im XnaUt la .n a la ''a n d iha " Fm(TMnilo"

A nauiot of iha^aaaoM Blm alahaliit nald at Phmiiz Hall Ihia anamoon, at ohldt IM ownaia of halia whan dntari wiU ha ijuartaiad dhrlnt iba 8ioa(arm i an aioalplat im initlM a ID n«ard to tb aaaianiaaitnla

"kPH lM B " T l C n i i AT

A, W. W M ar Can a l to tb a B a ta w a fth o

MartiD Johnaon, Iba poonf O a u Whs k it toM haki m Iht w Ananroan of iha Oonnip Jail atam Map t laat la tba tanplalaiiK wIiMii la Uw m at of Iha Mata ifa ln ii E ^ r CMDillCT, a im '^ itk ab '' wai wlaaaoil patter- dap afiuaooh. A o |a t W.Wlalar, a laatamant- kM pu at III Marine ftn a t, ( a n hiil m Jobnaon'i a d o a tu o a whan w ulad la tnt niiButtlOOi

OkotUp Altar t i^olMt Vtaitar, iha u tp m a la Htwaik whoa Johaaoa kaaw, aam ad Iba ofloa of tha Cooatp Clart and (imiBad M ien Dopolp Cm k B dafbaoniL A ball a l ip w ia tia tla th t JaU ta d Johnoa w n n> maed.

Chindm M atm la n tn a t , aUbonih kh M odtaua. F n ak Btrooie, lapi ha li actu look- luf Ihr "Bplka" H uthar FtaMMUor Cmaa Dia Aadataal PioaMaioc Hood eoaM bo ta n d IS dar. And II w n laroailbla to m ra whothn tiir oaii woaid be iMbod or aoC Aodulot- anno of Ibo iM n t Cbaodm n p that Mnoat will M taliabaiaid.

Mr. Mnoat raid lUa iliarBooh tbal ha bad hoard that "lidca'’ wia la PiltMnri, knt n il unabla toTorUp tba iiatatnan>. Ho biiutif haitared urn " IMht" wai ih Haw York dtp, HawaaHUl aaanMin I v U n , n ba dadrad lo brlnt hha lojaaim.

Johntoa w n at Wlntar'i n a tao n at Ihlt AfiatDOOB. Ba h orartopad at hatac ralattad and pn>|oata to le t work bad Hap la Mawark fH auH Una. 0* •* lo rn ODIU ha It waalad bp Iht

lABF AhD w m — I

lro ta m a a tTrhalaaiWMIHadMol»Thaia to Malahala tha ■aMWh‘1 laaam p.

11a tnladtaa U w and Otdar U aam h mdar M u n la t ofte a (Ua af araahad hapoa to*nlaadakiMlaUam. Tha ihaiiatMi blow wai Moatnd at Iht badda of tha Bmid t f v iu tia tnW M , bM n whaai Iht i— mat of Bn bntatt i U ftli d of J. J. Clanh, Fnd FaalA JaatAAtooltaMB and WIU C UtHUap, t»- im tid m t alib i and 0am w hM Iha m n- ■Itm tzpaoMd Buienal aid. A I titt onwd waatabaadinaxpaemtooeflbatah, botiba oanwliiaa waa ta Ala ni pouiai A u apbaar- anoa that Mart wan aape w ad that Ih a u u a r woaldBtiflOM up.

A ■oMh M adjunra had b a u auda whan Mr, Powtaaibad pew m m i ko ba aaaid. Ha aaM UiM Iha laafot, wUth nFraaeaiad tha bamt olanam of tha Pidawt, wtahad iba oo> apaiatwa of tbo Trwwaa to obtala barnr ardor, i iMiiallp ea iba poatM bubwapt and ta tha •aloon Thor alto withad tba H0|>pa|i ol

naiolaf buwaw tha ttllaaa tad UUtoa aadaadap. iha etrU Babbeih waa aaeawep ta tba load a< Iha pUMta tad tha welfua of all oorUnanm. Ptnahallp, ha oataptalMd that Maot hA rm tlM M Iatba U w am IMw tai t Wi i At bli au talOBta an Iba iiroat bad btadibadioal ta r a iM a n tlf aateaUt. Tbb, hatalAMtaoldbaiitmad.

Mr. FUwA had ao hhooar tat dawa Ih a U wpit Ahdnw FltMttataooa waa a hu m e Ha Mda a tadAsI tpaaa In apteHtm to what ha itn itd a “ m oniaw i of aamw* taltidod Maaim.'' “ Lot aa b an on bloa mn." ba ihoDlad. "1 a « a lanpw, bat aa Km aai aabiaad Ibat aoW oirlmnola o* a mhla proMauin abuold aal m « afo ban boaaoatoff In p a want tadnw dswo iba aroapomp or poor town t i r a m m a Iboaa l a a ) aaka K apamW a h o t m o is bap a piBlor aiilkoraoiliBr, e rn a d tm papar a ibt BtHiMP Tm Chofob that aiida Iba baebini or a U w am Ordar lAuna is hatp it aphad bsttit ba aUowod loarotabla.’’ Mr. FimbaBKn^t tptath wta wanalp apptaodad br Ibt aodlaaob Mr. FowIa oBkadad bP ibA dtiwuooad ibaaa ptiaaBi tar Itaair aUdani •ptabilbp w ta Iha UiiiBl dabbaib faolUBL

rnm aat at tha U w a d Cbdu U atm Baadlet alas attadtprm ttaotta Hr. Floalta- • o a bat wai eaUad toardar bp Prad loai of Trawatt amituE, Hr. talatlam aikad fer tpaoMoobarta Ai la tm a t( t t , ba Iboatht UwooM ba a tlear tajmhet both to tbttr

_ .oatdaaH t f Hita» ta wop tb aa With rnifdioolbartaaiiaftlbD pnut ban ipacido o lo m a Ttaaa tba U w and Ordar paopia had ihgaanarkihiiaatbaTroa- tan and dM Ml atm ihtie blip

Hr, HaadApnniaaltd that It wai part of the dorm of a Ttllawa pnaUant lo |o tato atlnat on Hoafap am oMaia aTidoaoa. Ha wmM do u , Mr. aiorianx rapUad that ha did not coaddai it tap pan ol hlidotp ptnoo- Blip lo ohciia aTMaooa afalnai paitm whi wuttoUtp of lainmtaa of ibo law, “ 1 taaU aattatalp not da mp aom thinf,’’ ■* thbl-

Mr. TowA oahtad w apaah a(ala, hot Tnwaa ChnrtlaDiild;"Hr. Fioaldtat, Ideaat •N aap (Ood polBl la ha aualaad bp tarntat tha lualtiifi of ihM hodp tu o a daboltai kohoot, taa,^AD«n that w am joan.'' Am m joon

did, AtTlag IBS U w aad Oidor Mill laUitap Thar wan arHaailp

tandB enatrlaad at Iht rabiiB wbleb lhap ta- aalnd.

Fm leoi Is tha appeannat af Iha U w am Otdar ounnlllta tba taUawAt hniliiaM wm dApotid o f:

Bwtrtotoo A Op btTtaw tal Ad lo BA a bom fer lulUiMBt of Ibnr •oatraai tar m at, tba Clait wat laauooltd A aolUy tba a tzi lowatt Addrnt tpoUAwodda A OA, tbal IkoA bid wtt aaeapiad. A oonallteo fran tba Cllatoa Towaihip OoDnMta aapaarm and Miatdtd tba wllliocBoHal tb u body lo iap tm ball ta tba TnwlttA am tm aaitnataiM O f ibaVU- A(a m m a t will ba baM n Iht Ibwa Ball.

TbaMtataltiaa appotntad la watt ao Bipn- itlaiidtiit A Baaaomr, of Ibo M Awua, Lm * twaaaa Balirom, lapaiwail Ibat Ibtp am aata Mr. BeatDon, aad that ha bm dim iod aottaa an Um taautr oAao txlaialaa of tbal rom la iTTiBfito tmlU afAt ba am tba toad’t a n (Umr iboald haia (oao o w tba pnaoaad ■DBA. DnW dafTlH auaBaUApm tboAp- m of ildawxlkt wta tecaptad at tm tallowliif ptAni fMawalkd ditaa atoA pm adain Mat; aroatwalkA ibtatpAn etnn pat aqaaia loot; Bel(Aabloehx,tI,ta par n m n paid.

B. h Draha and J. L Chapnaa wara nap- palBlad netnbeta t f tm Baalta Board. Or-

e w M o e n i f l r«HB a

Mdal Bwwoah u d Iha Twolltli V ard Wapt Claaar CeWmoaleetlna.

i m n aeiniB i ta t a now Addia aanm tlfePmaA, Iron FOurtb utaat, Harrhoo. la a patar to FuaaA aranoa m ar Itt Jonotloo wlih Markat im ai, n taaA oa feat aod kaiuf M hed whh Pl|or. Ttia itataaap M tm TWaUlb Wawl wuk h and tm pt apli iW ilaipb ta t irarttA pnuferim *raeiionu ttM hru ia ,v A aM M lim haa Man appalBiHi Bo b Kearap la tom a m ipint bam, T m B sduo OnoMp FtaabaMan a n WtlinaaiU h Mid, In a a n p Ibt wAbai at U im a a aad E n rap wKh a ^ pronl wmn tbap a n ahown Hut a pp-mAa of •BMW awaili Iha aw raaaw . and It A m d tha m anarlnnABaUrom will ( » • aaiarAI mbdatOA

Ooa of tm im A it mpoHmanA thal bao Mood la im wap ol im aiaatruouan a f ikA propeMd hrtdaa h u b n a tm . baatp ao« af aa appioam OB Ih t Hamtoo iMo. Tha AAA Aw iapi Ih u Iha laaBtrlpaHtp ta uip aaowqr wbtio a brlilpn ihAl and ibail, at la axpaoM. tainlab im kPiUMb. At Fuanh Knal, Uarihaa, im rt im baiwaan taa nU nad m ek am tm bank of ta t r ln r aararxl hna- drtd pardt of n h inaadow Aod ib tt A oitaa R b a u ia d with wane. I t k ti been oaUaAlad hp aapoiA Ibat to naka a bard road aeron ibk oHadow and M oHa a p a r 'd ap- paeaaitA t Ind ia at taa r l n r would ooal ndH A IlanlKn oau aoi wall ataail aosb aa axpam iuup l a ta a n ad ulaailona a n not foiA n,HiilOO. Tba ottlaeu eouM not ba taxed bw ibta aBoonl la addlUoa to tm A ift aMooBl taap a n nouind ta pap lor taiaron- BKiah miiig B tda tod tm l u a t a i tzpouM of tm town.

Hbao ta t (orKlan w u Bnlatutad (WP paan h(0 of kadidinf a brldpa at Ibu paint am natl- Uona wan penaniail u im Hodaon Caunip Board ol FrtiaaUrgi ta apptoptAA Aoaap lot that patpoat a majontp uf tbal Mdp raid i -• Uaw poo an ktuo aad will foroAh an ap, pruaA 10II and a ixkl|* will ba eonHrncla'I." At ta il a m BMlinipi w in bcM oa bolb aidai of tm rlnr. Tha Ktip af And fortba Bpproaoh waa oA nd tea of eoit bn Iba onnor of Ibo nmlow land, aad halbioa A On, al tah oilp, atTHd to lumUb 1 acow hod af "ilm " rmm ibtlf RMlUof WQcki dillT to n«ke • bird b«d tor tbi id^fOMb, Ermuiltif for urm pcunwid toTonbir, bgiib*ii«tUMr»i<iroppid twoewe.owing to tbilwovroQit, U«i« ooiMkSirwi lapnctlM ' to*. IhAi It WM oemtdamd » paHle noowr M f. Two fMIl bOT<} pMWpd itMl u « DOCiHttr tor i brtdfi fau tnew—ed.

It ii now mU mac th« town or Rofrtoon will •iMonrIytUw Hbow tbo Fnofeolden tbit it wifl be ibii to famiitk * iMOppronoba Tb« otfbn or two Venn tgo to initiiib iM itnpuf lend Mid too ilig ettli to ti goodp nod It tt

tbo PfonerlTOBli «Bil)rnMl coMpoAfp whlob weoid torgflr W twoottod. U tbuol 10 oOtr gnM tod, Tb# HuTifM Mtoion on

rood li i t Fowrtb itrret nod n biidgi to tho toot of thot itrioi wuoVl open

to tbo conltory Id Uut dtjr tflng MQthot (b« ICorkto ikreot D^pot TJw MdlbtiOQMpinrliibonito offer ii todaiop' Iftlatoidi of dirt «Dd oebor AUtof-la Bitorint to th« fonitb itTMl OMMlnt u d Milft In fi)b tuff In lb* roodwnr. Tlil» UMiBionCmncril of Bin-won wUl M to to* mm, ood fUM igood pitod rotdwiir to tw mod* fhw* Ibo rtoIxDtd trnu to Uw n?w.

A Cm v m m w ** Wlokod WnjOaPttoib F, TraHod. n euvnto tr tomiirtf m *

t o o ^ bp Oooif* A WtoMo, orJinijriU jr, wosMTOMod to Jen ty d ry ttdt moralng bjr QoUnbi* Mooiyidt*. of Joftle* Dmo ' i <xMirt, on • obtopo of toi|irra Tb* oompitontwii

bf Ml*. /ru o M Ftonoy. of id iUitor On Decombef i, 1980,

wid Mtc. Fioiwf two win­dow fbidei tof HfiA Mn, Ffoner

oub tor the g o o ^ bot m b * tine 1m m fraa TnMtd * ood iprtog on lb*

liWitoMOto plin. Mrm Honor oude WMily pOTtoonll ou tbo bod ipritig tnd bid It paid IbrwbM iMooBpnuy ooebontod bor wliOi blU for tbo window ibndoi. Tbo WIi w « In Ibo torn of i toiN beortog ber B«mo. Tbo

I o u Ml writo bor own Dtm«. Wotioii'i OM wero irnwndi ind bo diaoovcRd

toJogod poonloUoDitolboPWKiiiQtoflM, Ue ponmodod ton. Ftooty to w*ko tbo ob«iio. JoMtoo Hmn bold Traitod fer furtbtr r to w

A l t e r a t i o n S a l e !OAIITHNAN, 697 H 9 9 BROAD ST.,

W i l l b e g i n t h e Q r a n d e e t C le a r i n g S a l e o n R e c o r d T o - m o r r o w M o r n in g . T h e r e i i n o t h in g m o r e e u c c e e s f a l t h a n e u c c e a e , a n d t h a t h a t b e e n o u r g o o d f o r t u n e . A y e a r e g o w e a d d e d a M e n '* F u r n i s h i n g a n d T r A v e l le r t ' O u t f i t D e p a r t m e n t . N o w w e w i l l a d d ( i n t h e n e a r f u t u r e ) e e v e r h l o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s , d u e n o t i c e o f w h i c h w i l l b e g i v e n a t t h e p r o p e r t i m e . T o m a k e r o o m fo r c a r p e n t e r s a n d t n a B o n s , w h o w i l l t o o n i n v a d e o u r e i t a b l l e h m e n t , w e o f f e r t h e

« B A R G A I N SS is , M s H i e s sil Toi

W e q u o t e h e r e a f e w p r ic e a o f o u r S h o e a n d M e n ’s P u m i s h i n g B a r g a i n t . W E M D S T S E L L--------------- G O O D S , A N D H A V E S A C R I F I C E D P R I C E S T O D I S P O S E

O P O D D S I Z E S a n d S U R P L U S S T O C K .T H E S E

SOME BARGAINS IN SHOES Ian pton to Udtof KtoofftoA Bottow,

dtoDMWd ptocnt l*Mb*r wtfh n*w tulliiiry beto, our HOO B b u TbJiiAkn........ .. „

•MIptonto Iwdiu' Drmttoi Button, ID wUb tow or biwh betoii«ur fffOO SbMa Ibtoitoa............ .

IM piln nr Lbdtot' itoi^nii Xtd But im, fcui'iriff, ditoumd p*t*ni totobw iipi, Qtir legtoir 1!.'“ BbM. Tbw liii....Ha.>Bk...a..........

M piiR *f f la t Dobtb’bBiUton, »tlhdlu)n*d p*L to*Ui> * rtip* itt tow or b l|b bwito, cku IbM S mw IbWl«W..,Mta

44 pain of Bqm'i ind oUmt iwltM to Frencb K\d tutioo, Lnnli XV. Awfiii. oar pnetf wort MLOQ u d ff.CiL Tbls .......................

IM piln ot Bort'i «Dd Weil'i iwtl Fr*nrb BuUoo, lb* MwMaid e , i iDl«D<Ud liMrttor' 1Vtlb< iDg were ID u d tX Tlila ato.

m p«U* of Ltoltor Obiords ilib dtosKfod piUfel toiuwr up* our ngotoi P1.M OxbH4i. Ibto m W—h

IN twin or EiuMt (toil OxferU

; $ i . «

IMT1 1<->1 ; (1.98

With dtilM ld dM Ol tortol. Diod-mM*, w nftiiir fL7bMS4 IBOxfoid* ThliM ii....

18.48$ 1 . 1 0


•M p iln to fln* Kkl Oxhird* wttb dblBDud p iiu t Icitbcr n a , wiib flow mllllMT b*0l, cmr regutor t2 Oxiordik Tbttai«a».,.aM........... ....

400 fAln to Lidtoi' Lyot CU Ox* Afdf, 111 eoouacw wwa, boxio* •Dd MxUw wliD dviaoid pitoil toicbir dpt, our |x U Oxtordi n w atoL....................... ...............

A tabll qouiliT of Cblld'd I bi donroto iod wriLihl wdb hoeli, our pno* H.M

Oat Ymili'a Vaal Calf tana aad But- u a thiM, b m Kboot U m

g n e . tLMj^liw, ThbulB........Bar*' Yatl Calf ta rn am Baum

WoiA •aA.

out m oA r p rin f t Thu

HbbA Vaal Calf t a o and Ballon BtioH, oar tifuAr pnuaft lliu



11.89 11.W 11.48

Outtoatd't Fttotit Ciilf Bultcn ind Oodgriw. to fireui'b ind LnodoD too* WHO UPx whtoh wt «uld tt fe ind 9b Ibto ato-'-r,-------- --N*u'i Frraeb CbU (gmiuloe bu d W«Jl) BbOM, to tMi*. buiuw u 4 Otoftva, our liM bbu*. TbU113.19


1,ON Flowing Knd }lrcXtle* Bid* offiOMl diitrub* liiFM lithlon, ZoLa our SRa. i&d bOe. TM. TbliiilP.iR

IkONOotloi rtoirfc, to Windsor Tin flf a orEuwii, iHir Mr. ind 40r. toirr. a I I i.U lilia lt.................... .......... a......

100 doan (toiito ftbirt*, i l l wild Iftmftxir-pir UuMicn tnd reluioftml, liZtka worlE 75c. TbW NUe.....aM mma.....

AOdoan freunb rs lb rlg g ii ih im ■r^ iHiWffrs, our TV. grwirti Tills T u ti

aOO dnan (toots' Ilua, to duiIm tmi J A « tibft, pliln *n<1 silk olook, uur fee. 1 HL.

i s dbtoa BtKdstfd Uindksichtol>a rsiuiuff frooi Ifec, to 3V, Tbii r ii|i.

10 diiMu SiM|»ikd«rt, lud* of bn( gorlog. wiib MW **toal idjiwl* lA j. •bl* DQCbla, our !£nl ibU Mo. IHl}, •toet. This ftl* ..........................

M doasi (touto OutlMgablrti, lb Ox*(bid doth tnfl toidiis, iuiiuo* AQatoed ooior*. I I 33 «qdi M-H3bin* gQ li,Tbls m M.................... .............. ..

INdoMo Mens Duotoi Phlrti, witb pUln ibd ptiiL«d Ihjsihbs, for itiii

Our PId* SOirli ind TeOki ib«l W*lu tow iXkd TV., tbll ul*m,...a..m.......


S T O R E O P E N T I L L 9 O ’C L O C K E V E R T E V E N I N G D U R I N G B A L E .

J. BARTHMAN, 697 and 699 Broad St.

R lie a iM f M e t l e a s .

HOYB s u m B B a U M w ra ia ,

B a llflo u Sanloo B m koa V f la a ta«k

i inimm, at yona( ta u o t Ua Halny BCnkt M. K. Ckuichhomooia tahaloe ol U LMk ttiMt, kad aWF Thmitar alfhil Ihfe boM a RlAloD* Datttac ta, hori. laM Dt|ht wklA BrnJamlB F. CAfk waa i MiiiMm Ota b«n anma oTU-ehpMKl JaTxftAa « imwiMtoof tha bolldliv htgaa thrawtaf itooaaUinnib the open wladam. TBA dhinatm taa Miao- tlan of tm toff la tho taoa am th«r timaa to AnfbalmaBlUafeUorw «m waftlriwk on UM mm »tUi a IMaa. Loft alimt bofe ii« not MMd tar (Ood dAothUm am tmy look adnahw* of Um okuOoo a UTi a blAilom tliiia Tm rallilom wnitaa xan atopinl hr tm doIm aod ta* Aadan knoA B aieataiir A aaU a taOMtam A 4MU taa dhtorbaBoa. .

Thoaiai Claarr, i(M aanhAM, of 1 0 !lo^ tea Knot t UVAOM IxAf, *(*d DliAAm, of }2l Hartalx Kzfft anf Joha OMUASr, AAl l iA u , of M a m im aCMOl. ««A artAA* amIwkadopofW Bi^ at tm Baoata FraotaatFolAa SAhoa. Yhb taonfet WlUAta B. Gwioaall.A f t HatMT •<>•*1. w m atm andaxauHltao koft 4«hBa«d A (A A fta thaim,•ud JoMfA Oohloa eAehatgm « • ■ alAr laeiBtlmtantaoataamomHr Athahorttak.

A FOBOMB a r a p r o THM BAMI.

Charim Jm a* Fhie ft* T l i g lae WHh a

tea iaA M a araam A Co*A(t kliaat, hi ClalrtaOBal an tac, t e a Lfm n m M A ootataliAa waa appotnAd ta «raxiA» taa oan. dlmo A B odnll aaona*. Tat BitaA Coa- BliAa w«a loitnA m A amplor Mr. BaaiAtl A Bam a Maonar A CtanBoonl aamo* aod Honammmt. A entaH taa wia appaCaim tOAatmaom Beaidwlta iahw m i AhB»d- taa a AAc* aa AtunAta Aiaab

Tha loalh OnfeA TaaaahBp O ow ttA* A im alata'a aMtUae raaMrae eoAnaaAatloaa t e n W. a . O A m m a, m autaa, am VlUlaia C. Baadlar, pKaUAot A U* Law aad Oidtr Um AAIrrta>Aa. anaiplAal a i A haaakaa (am * am dnakaa BUM ta Baofear't OiDT*, laHimn, ***fr m m ar, aa« a tm dAornwir agaOaAtaatpfanlla aaah l i hm iE MaifMdtaillliam a*m A f amm th* e*ta(Uil*a A A m aatAa a m m M WAmfe, am Mr. Btm Af laaiaaAaataAtaa law am (Mat Im ia t A IiTtaa Aa woSA hAM tat ttaBAU ta «am« tm M fttaitr*.

Flotar* Ftaim a-O a to taa MaaataA- m n . UtaT A Etoar, f t l Broad Knau tar jam FWtataFnaaa. Iho ohaapaat aadaiA tataaBlau, Fall lu a A An kliteiAia.


W H Y ? %

Because they a re original In all they do.Because they give everybody a square deal.. Because they lead In high qualities and low prices.

Wainat OaoA Vfllltaa am Baamhl BraaalanaarlrbottlUiBtatBiat anaiAdCmrlw Joo*iai**BaqAAtaqmTprttanm hyMia Illi*h*lhB*ha,AtIW rTHN*i Ja**E wm botidm wtta Mn. Baho, had haan oA A * » pirauattataaaNltimam waaioBahM tohh laadladr tar lodflu . Oa Hoadar m lapta- a-oAd A b n (kM b* bm mao tA fttrm hr Mn a . A loiHh. A f t Chanhwi Ktaai, aad ATatman. B ahoiam ak tarfH dn w nA lta aidar by a n lAlta.

Mn Haba eatam taa AiaAh ilTta( Jama tha mitBaadoB btai. Abaa tm pxpA wA !>reawAd A ta* MaiAbal BAM Bimk It wA hruaoaaema taBary. and M n Haba hu artan Vban amMaad briar* JaatM* HayA tabiaontaa Jomam Almd Ua raU andw A «B ialum A jftt la dataoM A ftft (all,

TbAacmeka« « • ftctad InJm Aa paAA- aaowbwanAAd. Thar a n pootly wiHAa, aod all b iu Aa ham A Maty 1. (Alta. Da- Acun BAlotay a ikllaM, bowfw, tmtJoBApAAdbAttataittotatam am ak.

J * * * ^ M. Badar’a MaaoBt.Tmmnaat tajimpb S' M ar. wboNataMlT

nUrtd m u ta* Aoai D iaagaA tu tA B B . JacoWi im tlK , wUl b* |1T*B A ta* Qtaad OtwaBaoA A «l(b laadpiO A laA A m U i|a- If Ataadad aad iBnnaMhI. t T. BAAta, Hia Haaiii* H. liwhua aad Mr. ftaem'a cDmraay will appaar ia ta* itnng Boglbb luaimraAfi," Tm BAck Yiag,'' am a aosbA AtoealanAtonaad aoiA Aarar TaadeTlIA toH M A nw lum A*n ta Moga, noBattana. AatcmiamdHABh Mr. SadA bA haaeft a JuabF*ngni*DtMA*hikanwMM*taA naoBgat baeto boaHAM ta bawaik. B* ba, aitdonaarfH aadaim a waa taanly by ba rijtnallo wAk U A taa buidlog •• Ua m * Ui«i(n w u taroogtat abmt. H a b A a A W - a in a A d h h t i lw tarttalAaaat

Oa Trial Ba ** l i k * ^ (b* 9a**r.ColAppl Flaamn Wba w u

Hni ago br Dtpiny UalAd BbiI M aoBntiAWiiat, waaHniAdftkiA(MiAbaliiiAf------ — .lot. gaaant wUaaaaH Atdmd IkA day tarirn* a difakUif ptair. A whtab eaM ptt WAomAlbaJaadUgagana. BoaAoaagat*

bur, baidoiaepniaAlad imbaybAta bimaaUtA *Abu, wbAbA

. htaAi MiiahA

) Blaia bAB

■ Wbn

H A feK raE U F * 'nUCaUEMfe

Appobataaeato s m * tor ktaaCaBametearv Htah Baba A Ca u u aaaAKaaA

i m BtaaAtold Board A M maKoahuap- polaud tat MIowtai lateban ta U* TtAoA acboAttrrtaeaaaotag y tu :

S ‘« 4 ^ a r « ! 5 5 i : , * A % 5la c .a m i m m t a t u . a ^ U d ft i mo-

Atta. J- B q g i m A Myvjom,:danauatat. a G tm a a a tm W huAr, a iA

Edita F HAUL I M a . i m a b ^ . a m try J. UtaaL V._BAi*tt, Mm FAU


If ibty am n tta , tbarwould bA AalA A httat

* ’ goad u atwAlilgg aba.


Bafta hh Wa A wdftkiB GtataiA tea.

t b ib w if t BramFio o a , a t u h t a , b a .


W H Y ?Because they have won them upon their merits. Because they have revolutionized the ciothingtrade. Because they lead and others follow.


5 6 7

'u Catapao . HobbaA.

^ M re^M anm ai-K lM Jam a BaM *mHba MaM-IUm.

ib t Maid bw 4 M M ta batata* amnA w a m w a w a t A ta * H ftbasboA ta tm n m totabyiailaa CfetMa m - W irtaadw olgU, JootM, Atolataefe. Bat. Bacaga A Fanil, A ta* WtatailiialaxFntmitM O b o ^ ^ Itrar ta* addlau tadW IlUauABSdwto,,A

Straw N ats!itlieMostI


. W H Y ?

ta< hotta,«lB ta* AgMuta ta im

BATioMAi. r tm K r m m m ta m in .I l l — ftada bF Maifeban m Fita*

Tarabag.IballaHoaA T m ira n ta , Batarttmtaaftiig

tttla d tp m a tB llIm A gym m M u ib A t tb ItUorlm; M m t taom A ag ta feuab tikblp. T rA raaiW fetfebata m r* ataotad *m a n _____ M ItA Blgferaatat-In g a tm balloa 'liaataU B naB *. Y bateae- d A RPon fer Hay I t ; S tta lp f t f t f t f t ; f x p a o d im f t f t f t t kalama m baad, f t - n t n , P iaiU tat H ttp ta o m a em in laK a- tlM M im llo n b f td ilu B T a n ta ’i gyahaacta tx h n U M M J a a tB . I iw a aaaa im d to F a f

la lb* tataiag. Mbatbu a M l tb a U lb* liiainaiuBt A f t* (iaw m u

____ A Bnohlya m lo rn JA Tbb aoai-Blitaa w u ugA otad ta i n a m .a Bag; M aM

■ ‘ ‘ — Lobabofi am

T b ah rla tUBtag MA laaa lb abowad haUar l u o u a ^ bantafeta. ItM taM nam to m i* ■ a ia ta feitawa: Im g fntafe B a ^ U li.

p . ' v f l . r i s s i . n ^ s s

Tm labUC Mga A n a u d lb * atartM ftaya Faffend.

i m * boBHi g*dwagom bam bam i '- i in A ta tb r r tM iiy tr S * rm -

• f e watAand datag im pm s* 'M tam afem a tip m m

bun afelm Tm rift b a n all bam feobd, SiMbM ta MM am ptafe ta taamt-•k a n Oa M«mayBtarBtagaMfcCm|WMBbM bam aitadtag aau a * feAkat. *bR t‘ vta Im ia. FAroMma Wabu feam im tatwta m d M a BM w rititaa aitt feta Ham*y

X -

• hoy m iu d QrtiAl taTW em it ta

10 m n iio p a rB w im ta a

U attad w bfIBg baOk ta* ebaaga, Wbn taa tny aua* bmb atta ta* AnMa tew im dollkr Ftatna HniaadiAtly |pS ta*ta'iy. Tb* tm SwbdiwUibdbutdtm tata r o r M ftVavm.

Taa ftw C a r ftaMaiPM dtaiMimdhftftayaurAlBM Baok— a, m old OafiaiA

ba» hne tatUand A IM d tfpboan Of Ma h aiw aD aoftpgta t f tatoAir, AftH afty pMafed ^ S p ^ tafetot TuMday, wbaafeiparliitaDdiA WU- •HI raiiaad to iiga* wita hiia, flamoua A- tanpiad to taiow hln Into a pit Bartnaa wM wuond topeMm btadgaam n and ilta ahHAag Jaktafe BtaU onuaittad hlia M im’^mAybdrUt AMCydayitadafeAl U aft* ■aa, , _______ .

F ^ ,0 a m l a t ifea Watar Warfet,t m WaiNfk FMMMetBtloAOtb MM tarlt

tanaA «Kawargi

m A tag f t p p f t i i i id l e w taa f t p n m

_ _ Abaol ftataiaftM M otahttan*s s s u ^ t ^ . W a i r s s r x k ' * ' "ieee'COM iDk** lAHffhig amtowfet C tM a


I—.iai»» I_ _ _ _ J u S I lm 'f e « t a * f tm etnaaai b i* t l iw u ghat, md


IbhhitaaA agtftbtalkm A adddfttaia fer

T it

Because they spare no expense to beautify them .IF YOU want the latest in B ecauseihefinequality of thegoodsg ivethem tone.

STRAW HATS for the city. Because d ie low prices give them a finishing touch.c o o n t r y o r s e a a h o r e , s e e o u r

To l o i n Do Ton Look for Latest Sl|les ?Y I C H T H A T S f o r L . d l e > . a B k | P Q A D | | T P | J F | |inbuct.i>dwhi<,b.i>d.. A1.0 A U L tn & H lllunkLLa

W H Y ?Because they get them direct from Paris. Because their ideas a re those of young men. Because they lead in everything they do.

ItoiDDiu* 7<U1tire of Four Iraiipi WhnltwiVi Firou. Tb* laiv* Uva-vlory ddUhle buildlug, 347 BROAD flT., NeWirk, runniat thn>u|b aearlf Ike entire Uoek, luu been hired bj ibo ezprMlv ft* the narpone nl this treal sale. Tn* Uook of lb* flmM DDOSIato *f noiflr 97&Q,OQU wonsof Utn*A Bdyt* and Children** 71m Spring ind Htuniaer Ctoiblnx, Kata ind Kwafahiif «twdiib end, b| omer ol (b* MilfiMri lb* entire itock will be sold at retoll i t II pre MD1, I*M Uiao MtUAt 60A, «IMl tlto «W til* raoit be Milled up In 13 deyi. Thla ■il* H now gf>lnK on ind wlU poalilVDly La*l fur U days only. As lb« him of ibU vreto sele k Untied, *Ysryiblng will |o off npKUy. no Itnicasab* nie butMvez hefere token pUo* In toil oUy, and poto* lively will never occur agatp,

In order to abow wbat itesnUa bergalM wlU be odcred. a few prion Will be raentlonatf, u d remeuitNig ibere ere nearly 10,0(10 otlier l»eda we bao not menil<ja beru. Cut tbt> uui, DriDf U with yon, ind ask tm ib«f feilowfiif iMBiloBed wnLol**. and remember, tkii great itl* will only last 16 dayii A spleudli duit of Mcn'a CkrUtoi at HdO. worth tUOO. Tbu Kto •OK M wall made, tto* quilUy, JatoK iiyie, and guartntoed worth fU. This 94.60 itiU we albrw yPd to t**p botae 4 days, and If you don't tbiak U worth IlH, or U you are not reds' (led witb It, no tosttcf what the cause, If net lolled, we hereby biod ouaeiTes aud egroe to returo tb* M.ftX Man's FId* Top ()uaat M«l4.b6,

j worlb 9AI.0UI Uen'i Clexeni Hpno| Oierooats, fllk and salla Une<l, at 97.W, worth Iffi. Ifen'a Ftae Soils at FT-SS, worth 931 This lult to ilned aod dnlibecl in elegant Kyle and to «ery bsndiotna. Atou ov«r Kiuoo dlfTersni itylai of line (?Uiton*tDade Haiti and 9pnui Oiereoati, •qually la cheap, all BUM go,r*gsn)l«« nfueet or quality. Extra pair of Men's feriprlng wear, at tl.bfit KuaranUM to be werib 14 er money r«tdm<jd. Tberefl.tt Pints are mad* of ebevlot eJutb, very handskinia. and If you don't think they are wunh |4<00 bring tliem bank and gat your money. A splendUl luitol B jyif Clotbci at 91.96, v«rr bendw^e, aod w»Mh tiOO, Mw'i Ei^anl Etnuroldareil b^upenderi, ]9c.. worth 90c. Cblldren's KiMfPauuat 19c., and 100,000 dUlbrvut other gnodu, which ws bav* DO ptooB lo mention ben;. Ihm'llali to call aod *xaiDine goods and prliM al this great are%no« aaJe al ratotl. It will east yon nothing to nail aod Jodge (or yoaiNU, and you will find that Iho above are poslUv* lauta A obanm tn gel nich bargtioi oc* eurs once Id a IlfeiiiDe. Hcraeraber the ftddlOwi, 667 BROAD HT., Newark. Du^ Ing tb* great arelgnre relo ib* building will be o|K!n trom 10 o’clgek lo the mornlog aiull 0 al nlfbt. Cut tbbi out, bring ibis with you, ■nd renumber. TBR 9AUC klUKT RE (!fX)SED OUT IN 16 DaTR Don’t feciet (be piaot, bCLBread M., three doors above Central av*., Newark, N./. (tor fere paid to alt pur< chMrs residlug out of tn* eliy. bfeke no mlv taka; be Mte yfiu get inih* r1|bt plant, 667 Broad at., bftwteo ('enirel avA aud WarbiDg- loQ plan, Hewaig, K. J.

L e g is A C o .,fer. lukit ud nitorr;

W f t t s i s fettS R t t t i im g v W s fe e r lf t .

ftSBURT nflK, R. I‘ • S U N S E T H A L L .”

ftaoHaaiita a*M» i «** Moek te fe Osaka. Oia> Joa* IE few taafea, daantpilaa, IMF •malnnWfaddiHa



unEHS in nuisBEiE,

OPP. TRINITY CHURCH.„THE fIM lU I|l,aiT hlm anaaL iv k , N.

hlaot t e n Onto am i»*f aoniiA Ltka,___ COaSTOCB ^ JJIMBli-

HCbCHBCRQ’S .. . M*wiTX,M*ay, Jm aS

b « G in g h u B S a ls o f fin e i b - parted g o o d s h s t been so lu cce ftfiil that w e have d ec id ed to c o n tin u e I t Such d isplay o f sty les, is te s a n d p r lM has BBTCt b een kaow D .

•ft Snad 111X4.w . S . H E D E N t t ^ G & T O .


“ O L D H O M E S T E A D '

DOME PEOPLE hafe an idea that w to 1)6 properly dressed requires a

great deal of ready casli,l)ut tile knowing ones know that hy opening an account with us, and paying a small amount weekly, two-weekly or monthly, they can always be properly dressed and need not worry about the ready cash.

236 Haiket,Cir.M AiniStM lriifM sl

latiit EDOiil Dtlta, I m t P i i n

R E M B M B B R SW c e a a u v e y o a f r o m * 1 . 0 0 t o $ 2 . 0 0 p e r P a i r o n t l i e

B r o f t d S L P r i c e * c m f i n * ( U io e o f « n a * o u d u .


l i i i E i i M i i i f M i i i i i i i t f

Trr Oir G a W la ip H u i M d M i r t o al U N P E r M .

w r‘.V: !:o;;p eiery requisite In wearing apparel for Hen, Women and Children.

Shennao,Saffloels & Go.


S O S M a r k e t S t r e e t ,N B W A R K , N . J . . N e * r M in e r ’s T h e a t r a .

BKOiD, HALSEY, l E l AHD T O T P A B I STREETS.Large Dinner Pails, -12o. EACH

BagtiUr 94.

17-Ml Hai dlOIlIlii Mil!, 25cJEACHF I S H I N G O U F I T S

C O M P L E T E .

25 Cents Cents Cents

ConUining ion. rod In mrw ptocM, bnre inomtH. turn ftoiant real Dud Im* gtoklD, I0(L flib Um , t&rs* Aih bonkihuM float, on* etJJk«r.

(kmtolDlDg one iQff, lbre#^M*6D nd , aUlMd and fareii iRMintod aiMl fuldni, (re* pniaoc reel, lOfL lio*, (brea fliki Imokr, 00* float* uu« iidJu p ; ml Id a «lotb bag.rontoiniitf wr, iroui or lOf^. bxm rods, double fernlM, jjmeewood or horn bran Up, lautut re*la six anailM boEki or (hn>« doiiblu anelltd base hookf, 60fL llcwn llMe, nnq 4o«r, oa* alok*’.

* null’s AftgUF'XfetfH^.7sir.T ;rssxstx^.sss:tss^ aa tmtJ ' ii.

O d s a iw * *W* bar* alto eooplat* outtlu for Itoulor Bvaor Itnaral fehlogal Uw Mioirtn, prUH, lowitt

98c., $1.49, $2.26, $2.98 and $4.98.Tbrer an lb* mont domplata mi'Ai* pui up. aad Juit tb* thing to Uk« with you lo tb* ooun*

try. Ibayaro paukwd Id boxot or baigi. with utnupfei* daacrlptlv* Hit of contaxti Maacb,, Con* aad look at ihom.

It is also a splendid restorative to those suflering from weakened en­ergy, and for all nervous troubles it will be found a most wholesome remedy.


“Old Homestead” H ALF AND HALF.

And if your grocer does not keep it send your orders to


S O L E A O E X T S .


I«dr 8u Ar«n-NO HKIUK- ...UIN. rtattadiiDtlnawO Ktl gUBLBW ihoM. Fit Ilk* a-----------^

IIOEe, BM___ hr BinvjNOmi* or uiTaui

TOILET SETS.IWOCRAKIC TOILKT*BT!I, lOfirtaa. ftilUii'.................................. Sl.OSm TOII.rr SETH, 1» pt'ow, »** ahai* anit "k t IhI doofMllm............................... * 1 1 .4 *W N.K 8T1FPLE TOILET PKT», largo H*«, 10 plwoa, aw stad d*eanUo»i.,.._,„.,.,.,.. $ 8 . 1 *

HAHNE& CO., Broad, Halsey, New & W. Park Sts.

S . H E Y M A N ,T H E A M E R I C A S C I X y T H I S G H O U S E ,


W. will M tha pnMn know Ibu ire a n elaailoa out bniiaa ap loti or Ligbi Cokind Suit, at hilTlIielr Tiloa. Th* bui opponuaUr for paopia ta gal ahtaa u m oa; lolt * | • vaiy low IHnra. aud we ar* alio giTing away a good STIFF OR SOFT BAY will, arary aiaa'a mil otoM bu (raa of aharga. With Boyi' iDd chlldroD'a BnlU wa art gtylng away a oloa CXP.Tbaaa are a taw of iha prleaa Iba* you oau goi taa good, rar:

A Flo# AIPwnol 8mt for................................ - ........................ ..-tfehO. Worth NI.0ILA Fine All-wool hull lor....-......................- ..............- ....... . T.OO. Wotih liuaA Flue All-wool holt H .... ............................. ....... ................... ; ».0*. Worth U.60,A FIDO All-wool hull f-rr.............. - ..... .................................... OMt, Worth It SIXA Floe All-wool hall hw..,.,_.......- .................................... ......O.IW. Worlb lAllo.A F'loa All-wuol Suit lor____ ___- ............ ........ ........................ 10.00. Wurth M.OO.A FUia AU-woot Suit (or........... ............................ —................. 11.60. Worth »09,

Cuma aod axainloa <ha bcokau lot of HOYS’ and (:||1LDBEN*1 MJITd of (ha vary la tit uuM. riaii uHl Iha heal cwioai made, ol « moh ihain a n Wu only a law af aaah aiae Mat « • iia oterlBi at dOa. on iha dollu. A few uf IM prioaa wa will aHultaa balaw ■

A Fine Biiy'a aui’, lonrlwnti, Tor....................... ..........— .......... XS.tS. Worth f t f tA Flue Boy'a Milt, long pawn, fo.*.............. _...i................... O.IU. Worth f.M.A Flna Moy’a holt, loof piota, lor. .......................... . 4 .00. Worth S MA FliW Boy'a Sun, loag panit, lor................... ....... — O.M, W «U SMA Fidi Boy'a hull, 1 ^ paota. 6*.......- ..... T.S*. Worth lilKi,Our ChlMpen'i Suit., lii anal piou, lor........... TOo. Worth l.'O.Our tSilldrth’t SOW", in kneo Plow, tor..................... l .o e , Watta J,?AOur Cblhtnu', holla, Ip koat pahta, Air.......- .......... I .M . WwUt too,Our ChiMria'a Dull., in koaa piuta, lor — .— — , 1.1*.Our chtidnD*a Aulta In knee pinu, tw._.........- ........... 4.00.OurChildnu'atali',niknaapanlAte...,------ ----- ----- t .M . Wurth AM

olmBKBEl'ANTh«uare alnoMgtirlitaaway.A Palrof Oood fefom Pinia Kw.................................- ....................... ... He.A PairoffHiad Woolfoii Paula ho,.............................. ......... ..A Pair of Floe All- wool Pauia ibc.,..................................... r,...............


i i N i v J i

BEE HIVE.flot a Day Passes but CUhat UUe pind fleut Bargains

To Plaee Before Our Patrons.



M (Utlv h-im.t ti a *««

cfeoM___ _ iO-wd. * »S!n™' . .m» t ti a *«a «4siar; ii.

c M * HU-— ___________- **■B t f / i i i a I* . fMM a (M M in ,

w d T riu aa ir.a»t im U yjBon’ Widi Suita,

wta tod Novell biMtiOQ Salta Strik


tagly Low. G O O D V A L U E S

-IM -

B«7i' non, flilts, leekf ur, Etc.« ^ T - X T T A 99O U I J A ,

O u K rd h rlM u W k l^ « tM i,

^ i i £ HIVE

Upstairs DepL Specialties.BH^nu R n ,a i’l M* M f ) n .

aa<!M i wM^ It.... f i . l o

23e.jdOUcImk—Ikitquslllr TnbU OtlelMh JQ* ..11 J«f4 wWfc a.....-... .... 1»U JUb M q u u if rton CDidsa, :*u «g«

VldUM, MOUt rull,„.».............CbnlU. Cww.iMa Rl, a..-............ . •1.1*

Hm 114. >t.............................. .. M .W


DniitrT BUk—U-lMh Fldn *Bd flfof.d likiiiaiuk ■!.....»...»..... ..

Wtednr B m hi 1lw> koMb-fls Wwl Bdiwd, buMioni RqUM. h w .r UMB DittiB .... ..

a a TM>Mi(T-«Haai k in i a a b fM ay a-..M.........

i M c b rtw B m b a k w itr i i <

n tiB t.—DMk WMiMf Tranla w*n MM., «, (ODpulBMia •«., a ... . . . .

t«n* ilM pHktnf Tnak, dnobtai««k, Wh.— --------- ......— ......

Silk Windsor Ties,irMM Inm ■«. to iSa., tfU


SPECWUALUESFirst-Cltn Timokeeping

CLOCKS.Ki«k«iiMt Tim« ci»«n, |A |,

•OTM, ........ Biw*

ALARM CLOCKSHe.B«i Timolutpon........ ............... .

K-limr Tbno dlwia Cltnlo. uiidiiht.ol»*1wMoiiii»a*iirlb

B. »!...._........ ..........................•0-kovr Tim. Alum. iipi1«bi. kUTilir

W .k.IM.ilIl (not, b m . b u i^ .,tU a d0«, wonh BM. at._____Mlawmra ctoo.. ftoinTalHof.l-dif1lm». nlokolM, at.............. .......BOTB, dilur AMii) jubiir

tutt illlie.

WILL orrcR;too TrlmnH Hiti, $U5100 Trimmei Bits, *2;. .“:"; $!.9SChililm'iFtBc;Stnf

MILtlE It ATI, oil eoton, 1 Ot-

Cbllilnn's TrlffifflidlAlUlB IIATA At..... ...............— tS»6.

Gold Briidi,M M I InolMo wMa, la plaia, Mb v -r «d. hontaroil udaulRol anttlla fA

tons.. UHOtMlMAt______ iuC.JU

liillBer; OnunesB,In tnnke. c«d' oUmt pM*tome: r«f. tD|io.,ol»ol«i


P a r a s o l s .BUCK lATtll n O L MO. 1 $1.00


!CT^U)ACH1WQA "LYOM" b __ _ _ ..__________ " wan; RMO



Maw HaM aSAoU a IkoR Inrii,AAtlD-llBAIt RAORA, lACUlAT X a W iO.1Itl. ROtKa __- ...... . 1*V.

Unrelile ” Chain SuspendersA. RRa., n t« R abm a t fOs,, watth BL

. ^ 4

O N T H I S C O R N E R F IX Y O U R E Y E SM c W H I R T E R & W I L S O N ;

Tlie B a i^ n Creators of the Newark Trade.9 8HTURDI1Y

12 MORNING,F I t iC H m il O Q r t V J YAi-fIDl U n V i lO m S F L i i l A ^ Y ( ] B L E iU D lS li [ ) ( ; Y f

w T V i X M lWortt MSttaf I0t.a-|>...4I,*A... ■awu fa AsrikKw wU aiawbrn \w 1 JL \ an. A raia, lar... ......IN D&m i LBiBEIIS!


URIAa' Wool Bl.lAlt, Wia RlldlA, TAtM tUR,FOR 98c.

Itiwfto Wool n ia < ^ in n n td all aimad■ c<ihwtU) cord, korto't) >!• culUr, tiIim H.II,

FOR $2 .69 .LaRlAi' Alt-wwil Tab CKak biaaaa% Raha-

■boi AOtlU, All RBA AUtmidtAAd ASd (lldlA, wonAbM,

FOR $3 .98 .U d M RMain, BlOAlr taWiAd, blAtt lad

IAS, wonkFOR $2 .98 .

ladtow* Kmajr Uotoi Bwfim odwa !■ tfwr* ttm oloik, mBUiv tvtftaiaf at H

FOR $4 .59 .ladiaa* B«a4a4 Ctapm. talgii iktoltfan,

wonbH^FOR $2 .98 .

OUldna'i VAoAf CMR BAtMai, d M lA itfB' IaarM aH, '

FOR $2 .98 .IlMA^ Kat, BlUA BAwm «Uk AntiMAWRcthlLli

. FOR $1.29.

and Russet Leather Shoes for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.TRUNKS AND BAGS FOR TRAVEL B Y LAND OR WATER.

Summer : Necessities : of : Almost : E very: Sort.

L. 8. P L A U T & C O M P A N Y ,707 TO 721 BROAD STREET.

In Lace Department We Ofer for Satnrdij;

Black Bilk DeBl-floimoe,4k


la RAW daUfO, wortR Rte., a t . _ . __B b M k S i lk D n p c ry N e ^

O-ltadi wlda. M « 4«»ifita. vurib I$q. and MCa« at..*............ ...............

B l u k S ilk Lao« Floanolsj^,r a i Wldtl kAABUral pAllATBA aaUlAllA «A

wolU KHIAY IL«a tkr___________B o b ro M e n d COieiiJssttM.

HAAROTAMMiAalMAtTAllH of IBaIAMA- aadaUa toadt At ix ta Imr atlAAa wUetaAmr tMYlIMIIllCAAa.

L ace an d U n tn O o lla nYsc lAdItt, iniMAi Aad ohUdno. Brai7<hlA( Mir AB llAlllnBAblA At A|IA«I«1 li»W RTHIR

A Fan or Two.Bawam far ilAiirtKlM. HAtAAnthARifaiA

lA b a T b ' ”D A M naiR irW rM M A M lR rlla

U ata Fam far afa.


P A B A S O L S . *E x t m o r d t iu u 7 I n d n c m i i e i i t a i n

T h i i D e p a r t m e n t f o r S a t n r d a j .

F t n e 8UkBordered Fancy Paraaols,

AxtnqatUtT. la *)i IbA tnrMWAAt ibAdraamoAM bAAdtaA, lAdaatd faM ilIt*tA.— ,.ZL ---------ei.d»

Fancy Striped PatasoiR,

GLOVES.laffalM itaaBraiam^apartamifar taatnr-

daj. ***Tf** and ooiBpafa itoita.A U -a U k B l a c k G lo v e a ,

doiuAil, werU He., aL.........—~_.... TRa.Colored and Black Silk OloFfe,

I iamHbum. koidAn Aad bAid- ITM btadlw bAii Ittf U bM ,iBOAd ftom tiflO -

BeautlM Bing Tops,Sl.M

la All Aot«> fa BiAteb enAttiMAi, hankad kABdlAA AAd AAIAM. kA.AA lA-dmad n o . B.ea e iJw

Wellington Strtpea,AOtlfAtr BAW, aU OOlAM, TAIT Sba OBAVHr, MAi DAM woHB iltr: mr

Bi| Lint of loinlid Faruoli

VERY SFEtm FRIGES.U g l i t w e l g l i t C n d e r w e a r ,Wa bAM DOW IbA bAAi Afask «A ATAT bad, bA|. ter la iHArtDMBt tad yaIba. tad tb«A aia •amaaIIM

SFECUU TOE SITDBMY:Men’a Balbriggan Sblrta and

Drawers,fflr,>»iAaAAAAAr**A-AAtAAAAraAAr.A»A.AAAAMA*a*AMAaM*AA*»AS SttarMen’s Fine Jean Drawers,far.------- -------------------- ------tSa.Mrr'r Fnnsli SsIbriggSR Shirts and

Drawtrt,AteATM ot ttlrte lo if Of ibart, n ra l

aaIda i I...— SSa.Mdi’i Suflimar M triM Shirti aid

Driawra,kATaABhlAlOa,kr...„..-....„„._,., ssa.Ladles* Swlsa Bib Vests.AbapAd boRoa Dial, far._____ 1-SaLadies* Swiss B ib Vesta,Dbboa MaiBAd BAdk nSatebnaTAiM

iSa. faf....^^_______________ ISa.

to . t o r PkatbAt lb » IRr 1dSdloteiI bten hut RiebiAa

Onyx Blaek Hose, lM|bbfA,itenlAMlTAlr~,...__ «ieeSeboppefs BaUkrlggan Btoae,llAiAUA SUiOblldren’s S f tn ie i i Haee,lM tkhaa.iteM llaqkralwM a,t*,. D a.Men*! Fianob f l a a : ^ SIdrki.«Sb bU iMblOTAaAbG, iM..-___ Tsa.Blen*! H arra id tb lr ts ,abAAAAiRi.niAA..—— ... sea

AU SAW UudAA troHta Ua, ai„...AUtedlk Mitts,

All OAioiA ABd Na<R, tfafA IfaBBaai.tot toR ii. ----- -BItk-back Taffeta OloTes,

AU Atat and ooIobs ttoitoi tSa,, far._Fast-black Taffeta Oloves,


sut-kaek. All Sat, worth 4fa..b to tsa Okara ao. UituM Me.aouuaeo tt.

M isses* T a f fe ta O lo re s ,TRaa MAOtAl sum .!

W o n b - . U a S o.r » „ ISa. IRa.

LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS.(AdJabilBf rartAOl ItepAtuiaAA}

Floe Cambric Waists,FtelMd IroAi ABd bACA. JauudAiad oob

ter tad nifl., wottb Wo...____ _____ _French Percale W aists,

Alio IB flat MteAo, All PAW AtriH, gAla Croat Aod btet, worth foUj

White Laundered Waists,OtabriB taokod tud idAlud Doot tod

book, Ilf. lAlu n.96, _____ _Percale Horfblh W aist

SBRnlT M* iwuAnif, worth tomlACIr ILM, ___ __ _________




fiROS GRAIN SILK RIBBON.A sm s o * rtit Rte ReterSito oelf.

Colored Bibbon, rBatoUt, Hoi, t Y s u 11

Worth Rb Ufa, Ub. Jfa. Itot For 4 ^ to. *0. lib

Unen-back Bibbon Velret,All wtdibi, iwtiHid fat la-aocibw n o

b tean te ib iie iaa tMoa 2 » T t U IfWon To. Uo, Xfa 230.For tHo. lo. ITo. ltd.

7)0. no.Sfa So.

A id B ig B a r g ib n i i S n n h S u ite s .

" TIE LEOlUO aEUiBLK."Tbol to ta r BADItAtAUr, Um am wa tlAia to

Bol coir iba tqatl, b a u a abbtiter a a nB tb u B tM f tA ta a d A to t-------------- U»bat hau n t of bar Mbar aad taa t AddiUOMl oMA roaUMd hr BA teaaoMrllboafbi

MbarAbdAsaA AiMilfanAl ' otiAi, Abd katf a tt —


Boys’ Clotiiing. Boys'HatsandCapB

Boys’ W aists. Mffli’s Summer

Coats and V esk

Onlj! 98c. Only 98c.

Boys l)ii

Blouse Salto In blue or ontlng flannel, deep collar, 4 to U years, tUUy worth for to> nrorrow

Boys’ White Lawn Blouses, embroi­dered front, IH1^ A years, fliUy worth (1.SO ; for to-mor­row

Boys’Outing Flan nel, Cauibnc orDark Blue Waist. 4 to IB ye*rh foUy worth Soc.; for to­morrow

Men’s D a t i n g Flannel Coats, ele­gant stripes, tully wortb $1.20; to r to­morrow

Boys* $3 Strong n n t ly M a d e

Suita, 4 to 14 years, for to-morrow

Boys* Z o n a T e- Jack e t KUt Salto inlatest styles of fan ey CheTiots, 21 to 6

white bjoaseT ears ,inohided and fnlly


$1.19worth $0}morrow

for to-


h Abmtontoia maAl ffbdd nwrlth every sale above OSc. la ea r Boys’ Clothing Depart­ment.

159, 161^ 1 6 8 , 165 M A B K E T S T R E E T . TSTEAR O O B . B R O A D S T R E E '4




Ip all

& B O U I L L O N ,775 B road S t.,N ew ark ,N .J .

Isr E X T T O H E A T H & D R A K E .

S p e c ia l / ^ p p o u p e e m e iy t5 HS jETACT that manulactureTS and importere aie overetooked by from

the baokward eeaeons enables us to plaoe on sale some of the finest goods made for lees than cost of production. We are well known In Newark ae the leaders of LOW PRICKS, not for a few specials or traehy etuffa BUT STANDARD GOODS.

I 4

S A T E E N S , L IN E N S , G IN G H m S , ET C .



I t AMU UIKBTBD ■ atxen, lb aU ItaA biAdlnf itjrteA......fatMAA m ssA H R U irm a, la i i i uia le A d te rs r a ..............Maaam RCBODTONa FOxYORE. luoAtblnt tait h w ._.......St AMU DREStI GIMOU AMR................... ...............MAANA HXaVY AFRGM GIKUIU.Ht„....... .... ...... ----------- .........a ptecM SMiHib wtdA Onlorrd Bonier TARLX DAM ARK.............tWtAfn DAMARK ’(OWSLH, knotoAd IrinfA ...-----------— ......WdOATAN AJ-L-LIKKN NArXlMS.... ......... ....................... .........2t oAMigt-UicU BLEACUKD TWILLXD CRASH TOWEtUNQ.......ttdoao WHITE TUUXlliU TOWEU AXUB Ala______________ICAiAAllte WUITE HABBIlLLn fiEDBrRXADB.............-^.___« CUM UTICA BLBAUHED MU«UH....»,_____ _____________U btoa Db'BLKACUEto RIIEETIMU, AktoA bAAn.----------- -ObtKtO UCE CURTAIMR r<x the coining week.....____...........


.......... .............. S ) tr- **>. k*Hb., IRc., Rdo. tod RRa i tH .

................ .................... - .......... ISA jAfd. Ref Ater p rtn lie............ ............ISA fcid. Would be rboAptlYSo.

10e.| Itl^A i I Re. ind RSe. Wortb Itillj 3S per o ra l moiARcfolnr ptIoaRi^a

............................................AOa rtrd. ItAfulAr pHcc CPo....... ..................................AA«R. RefmAr prtCA ltd....... ........... ...................BLSR doAW. RAfnlW prln U.TR................................ - ......jAid, Ui.folir pnoA....... ...... ........... ...................Asa AAcb. ttefOlAr prln Olfa......................................... ..SI.RS. RefUter price II.M................................. ....... .. ....... - ...................ama ,Aid....................... ........ ................................... tj.............sY4a yerd....................... ..... ....... - ..... .............................a*.A* pur.

D R ES S -G O O D S , S IL K S , V E L V E T S , E T C .M-iicb TBIOOT CLOTH. All food OAlon And Wtek, At....................................................AAtoeb AU-WOOL (JAAQUERa All ooloiA And Bteek, aL....... ................. ......... —.......... ..M-laek UENRIETTA, ell Uii ten t iMblonAbte oofan end Bitot, At...............................double-fold TRUOT cloth, aU colon Aod Bleek, At..................... .............................ADAiiOb BROJJAM'ilNii. All tWltob colon And Hteek, t i ..................................................GROR (JRAIM mmiH MILEB, In All Ibe new colon tod BIaca, m ................................ .......FAILLE FRAHCimE PlLKd. aU ItthloOAbte colon end Btecfc. At.......................................lUBAfi RIUtB, Alt tbA matt dtidrAbte colon Abd Black, t t , . .......... .. ................. .................CalSA RUED, All eery ttyliab colon And BlACk, el...... ....... ................................... ....... ..OrcAt TirlAtT lb HOUKMBQ QOOOB, ell Lhe lAAdlof Kylii And i ^ e t . At rery low pn«A•ILK VBIVEIS, In tU the saw oofan far trlB>mlng. At.... ..................................................M-laeb FLAID AMD BTRIUED NOVELTIES, All oolon. At...................... .................. .

tie., wmtb Wo. 49c.. worth 4Pa

. ItyiA., wortk 2bo. *oc., worth Sic. RSc., worth DM. Me., worth 11.24, BSe., worth l.oa HSe., worth Mfa Rite., Wortb 49e.

ttOe., wortb IPe. Yt4»., wnrih 12)^0.

C L O i ^ K S A N D S U I T Slid I.ADIIR’ BU2ER JAIXETS. In Kuo and Striped Okitb, handAOtnAly ABbr'd... Sl.AP, RrdnOAd Dod.....ITS LADIES' ALL-WOOL bl a z er lACKETRIn Blaeli.TAn end BlUA,wllb flHlfaei- l.Bit, E.imierly irrld tor......WSLADlRMUOUBLE-RKKABTEURKEFlbO JACKETS............... ............................ ».4R. t;ui down ttom..........MRLADJEFUU'ORTED BEADED CAl'ES.................. ....................... ........................ RoR. ForinArlf told lor.. ...■W LADIES' ALL-WOOL MJtTg, pupultr itaAdgA bAndAoniAly WimiaAd, i t . ............■4.US, Bd-OR »nd aa.tlR.WdriAAn LADIER* dBIKT WAIRTS, titeiled baet And ftent. A t.................. ........Stie. mid 4De, Wsjitb.» dean LADIEIT IMfOETKD BAXEEN SHIRT WAIRTR wUh belt........ ................ Y8o. Bold elwwhere a t ......nLADItW CUITIl UAFKI, In Bme, T«n end HUo(.................. .............................. Sl.DRitnd aR.BR. Cutdown

U» UtlWIA’ RKRFiNO 4A4.XKTR. All-wooL htadtOHAly totndted....................... .. ai.RS end al.4B . Redtiued*8 Pill BOTT ALL-WOOL I'ANTR.................................................... ..................... .. 4Be. audYOb. Wortb........WdnaALAPIlWWRAri'EIIS. to OiDkbAiB* and EiifltebOAinbrle..,....................... BRu. And t l - W . Worth.....Wdbaen La4Iw’ CUertd USLK THREAD HOSE, tpertei prtee *•«................... ....................... ...............................WdMAK GAntf LIRUS THREAD HALF HOSE. Rpcrtel prior RSe........ .............................................. .....................mdoMA CUUnn'i CBAUBSAY HAW, Whilh CtAAn, Pink and B lot RpeeJa) price RSe...... .......£............ .......ttfeeARIbdteM White 't-RiwaM " am sE T R RfACiAl price 4 » e . . ....................................... ................... ....

•WyAidadMiwb BIACK RILKDRAPERY NET. Bpeclal ptlce Mo..,-............................. ............... ....... ...................• dbAHawtorAnoTSiiiiiAd SATEEN BUlBTf. Bpeetel p rtn M s

W4tiAAnO«itoEfTptten«Ui;^RHIElSANDDRAWKfiA Bpecltl price » o .....______

.......... tOe, AUdYhA

...... ...............We,Iron WM and I4.M. from H.TP and tblll. ....«.....Ytr. and We....L.41.inui4tL60...■■Reduced toon 44e, ...Itot^id ficnUfa ....ReiSart from SSe.


.Redneed tocoi SPo. ....Rednoed from BRf. ...itedaetd Don We,

•)D t t u t s c h a s G o s c h a e f t .

T h e f a c t i s t h a t t h e s u i t s w e a r e n o w

m a k i n g a n d s e l l i n g a r e b e t t e r f i t t i n g a n d

h a v e m o r e s t y l e a b o u t t h e m t h a n a n y ­

t h i n g y o n c o u l d b u y o f t h e b e s t c u s t o m

t a i l o r s 1 5 o r 2 0 y e a r s a g o .

■ W e d r e s s m e n f r o m o u r s t o c k e v e r y

d a y s o p e r f e c t l y t h a t w e w i l l d e f y e v e n a n

e x p e r t t o s a y w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e y h a v e

b e e n a t t i r e d t o o r d e r .

O u r m e n ’s s u i t e i n S e r g e s , H o m e -

s p u n , T h i b e t , Y o r k s h i r e a n d D u n d r e a r y

C h e c k s a n d F r e n c h S i l v e r G r a y D i a g o n a l s

w i l l p r o v e o u r c l a i m s . T h e s e s u i t s r a n g e

f r o m $ 1 5 t o $ 3 5 ; y e s ! e v e n a s l o w a s

$ 1 2 , a n d t h e y a r e e l e g a n t .

I f o u r b o y s ’ c l o t h i n g w a s l i k e e v e r y ­

b o d y e l s e ’s , w e w o u l d n ’t s a y a w o r d a b o u t

i t , b u t l e t i t t a k e i t s c h a n c e s w i t h t h e o t h e r

d e a l e r s ; b u t i t i s n ’t W e w a n t y o u t o l o o k

a t a n e w l o t o f b o y s ’ s u i t s i n c h e v i o t s ,

s e r g e s a n d S c o t c h s t u f f s , w h i c h w i l l ^ o w

t h e s u p e r i o r m e r i t o f w h a t w e m a k e . F o r

$ 3 o r $ 4 a b o y c a n b e d r e s s e d a s w e l l a s

a b o y n e e d b e f o r s c h o o l o r v a c a t i o n

w e a r . I t ’s a n o l d f o g y i d e a t o s p e n d

m o n e y o n i m a g i n a ^ b e n e f i t s .

H A B S IL L h BALl£807, 809,811 8H0 818 BROAU STREET.



m L ' J o p T E R " m ? .u « s ^ ‘ (!:.r“o ; r a i ^ i a ’ ' * R S i - . ? s M

EDWARD MILLER & CO..to mW IR OoilARa ML,bd4.Fnfan.Att« WAtAtoFRt-Mew Xotli

..................................................WtoWWlitoRfcOpip A te« B i s i ^ WAik tN w >to dotototewB 4.■r- AiknmiAAtwfaU ARltaRRMOlbw.


In Newark Is Now Taking Place a t the


to no oversale, bnt follow the m w di to-morrow and come to the only geranlne sale in Newark, where yon can get the Finest Clothing in the World at YOUR OWN PRIOR

Wewth of E le ^ t New and N6bby Spring and Sumisei' Clothing for Men, iBoys and hildren, to be immediately S^nfioed at 33 Per Cent, on the Dollar of Original Cort of Manufacture.Clulton, __ - - - - - -— , ... j j ™ u,c uviuu ui viiginu won 01 manuiacmre.

Failuto ^ two of the Clothing Wartooiaw in New York City for over One Million Dollan last week. Over f 250,0^ Worth of this Stock has been tent here to be sold at once and turned into cash, in order to settle the Ckum of the Creditors, who mutt be paid in ten days by orderv of the Supreme Court.

P**« And remember, it lasts only for af TIME. The g ^ s are of the highest order o f fine Tailor-made Oothing Only, manutottured for Fifth avenue and the Broadway trade. And they wiU be soW « Just One-third Their Actual Value. We name a few of the many thousandi of Bargains to be had;

( 9 .41 , Yrorth $12.90 f .99 , worth 2 0 .0 0 4 .29 , worth 19.00

Man’s Twood Spring Suits,Man's Culawav Ortts SuHs,Man's Matton SprliM OvRfooatR, -!!•"!* ■ •••••.doHJi 92.00

7.29, worth 2i.soMan’i Sooloh OtMvIot tidta, • S.SO, worth 17.90" - ........................................... ,g_QQMan’s Indigo Dyo H oiumI Sidii. - 049,’ worthMto’kOatlii-linadSprlnaTopOooti, 0.79, worth 30,00

[ton’i Strips Cast. Trouiaiw, - Mon R All-wool PiRid Trousara, - Man'iFanoyStripad*Mor's tmp.Wortnd

IR* SilK-RiIxsd’Ow


TrooMra, - 2,... ------— Drsu Troaaari, 3.

Boys* Silk-RiIxsd’OMt. SRita, • 2.Nobby SuHt tor Young Man, • a.Boys’ ” GORfirniRtlon' Salta, - 4.Boyi' Woratad Draia Suiti, > 9.

fiorgRlRi not nuntlORod boro, oil aoUing ot

.00, worth $2.90

.99, worth 9.79

.79, worth 9.00

.49, worih 7.90 ,M, worth 9.00 79,WOPlll 10.00 99, worth 12.00 .29, worth 19.90

190. R pair. 10,000

One^ThiM ♦ Thcit* ♦ Value,BEMEUBER t 7%Al It • Itrictfy GhHiiilttt ]

tbey Alt told At BANEBUFX PftlCEd. Betr in mind, tfate Firm bat filled, tnii didUAwlMto rtluaaaiiul ^1-- —*■ —-—I i.1. x.i W|lAl4lVtr win b itn ^ ^ P rle e a m (hip-thud ttieprliw^iRad alaawbera Mr paomr kwIR th»o thaw. Don’t mla tbit tale. I biing. Prieea era thifrAhud the

tlw tlm up ErerriUiui will po

^ » R O d taka tb a a rwrt, Samauifat, t h u t W Damad and axaetly as advortltPd. Earh and cvsrT artida toU la dnamiiaBd

a i t a t o k o r l i S k to r I m r je B e d ^

The World Buniw n tor, ^ « o » a R i soon m jor«w. Oormbawfirstroe worm an baifa Oomr aad taka tbaa mrav, SamambBt rtmt ara^uin« ii itidtoptteie


ASSIGNEE BANKRUPT SALE OF ^ I N G CLOTHINGm , 118,180 I g l ie n T S t , cor. l u l i i t S t , N e i u t , I , i ,

lA tea.u»te.m i««vted .r.,H U iU liaM . O w iinA iM r.4fa«iurtm «,«a«faA opaianmomanuitm . ■ a a d .r .d t iL I>OIf*T MX8S IT. COMB AT OKOE AMD 0 0 MB BA BLTi

Wo Branch ttores CkiiineiRod tilth This Great Bala.


BIND STEELm m u m m

H)6 and 100 Muherry St,OOlfi

H U B i s a f t H o aBan awfand fa iha fa«w ifan


too And a t M l Ida at

■■'4'it.''-.i.I - lyiM 'll* "

lieliraD’) 1tlifaJal.

au H iev Iii^ tomato Mg |b d l

W M . MUl

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