M3nim qiin $eydan aziz mnim xal$tmdw, mnim Z/atanidir, mnim

For me, my native hd, my M o t h r h d a d my peopk are precious above a l i


'A' - u P ~ Y ~ * / p' !'-;-'?. I A , I

Miistaqil Azarbaycan dovlatinin qurucusu, iimummilli lider, xalqrmrzln yetirdiyi gorkamli siyasi va dovlat xadimi Heydar aliyevin adrnl dagryan Fondun

yaranmasrndan iig il kegir. Azarbaycarun dovlat miistaqilliyinin barqarar olmasr va miihkamlandirilmasi, iqtisadi inkigajnm tamin olunmasr, milli madaniyyatimizin qorunub inkigaf etdirilmasi,

vatam@ camiyyatinin yaradrlmasr, olkamizin diinya birliyinda & layiqli yerini tutrnasl iimummilli liderimiz Heydar aliyevin adr ila bag'lui~r. Darin zaku, uzaqgoranlikla

hazrrlanmrg va etibarb biinovra iizarinda tamali qoyulmzq bu ideyalarrn miistaqil diivlatimizin inkijaf emasi iigiin diizgiin yo1 oldug'u ham1 tarafindan etiraf olunur. Heydar aliyev Fondu, ictimai tagkilat kimi, yarandlgi giindan hamin ideyalarln reallajmasrna oz tohfasini vermaya fabpr. Fond iigillik faaliyyati dovriinda bu

istiqamatda bir fox iglar hayata ke~innigdir ki, taqdim olunan kitabda bu barada malumat alda eda bilarsiniz. insanlarrmtzrn sag'lamhg'r, ganc naslin talim-tarbiyasi, milli madaniyyatimizin taraqqisi, ekoloji miihitin tamizliyi, sosial problemlarin halli, valideyn himayasindan

marhum olan qaqlarrn maigat garaitinin yqrlqdlrllmasl, xiisusi qaygiya ehtiyacr olan vatada$ara diqqatin artirrlmasi, Azarbaycan haqiqatlarinin diinyaya yayllmasr va digar sahalarda ardrcrl layihalar hayata kefirilmigdir. Taqdim olunan kitabda hamginin, xarici olkalarin Heydar aliyev Fondunda olmuj dovlat

xadimlariqin, gorkamli gaxsiyyatlarinin qeyd etdiklari taassiirat va raylari da yer almrjdrr. Hamin raylarda Heydar aliyev gaxsiyyatina va onun faaliyyatina verilan

yiiksak qiymat har bir azarbaycanhnln qalbini boyiik qiirur va ijiixar hissi ila doldurur. Sevindirici haldlr ki, Fondun faaliyyat cog'rafiyasr artrq olbmizin sarhadlarini qmrgdrr. Diinyanrn bir fox olkalarinda layihalarin reallqmasr Fondun beynalxalq

alamda artan niifuunun gostaricisidir. lnanrram ki, Fond genij ictimaiyyatla alaqalarini miihkamlandirmakla faaliyyarini daha da takmillagdiracak va Azarbaycanrn hartarajli inkigaj, olkamizda vatana'q

camiyyatinin barqarar edilmasi ijina & tohfasiin veracakdir.

Mehriban aliyeva Heydar aliyev Fondunun prezidenti;

YUNESKO va ISESKO-nun xofmaramh safin'

Three years have passed since establishing the Foundation named ajer H.Aliyev, the founder of the independent Azerbaijan state, our national leader, our people's

distinguished political and state figure.

Establishing and strengthening the state i d p e d n c e of Azerbaijan, providing economic development, protecting and developing our national culture, establishing a civil society, holding its worthy place by our country in the world community go with the name of our national leader, Heydar Aliyev. These ideas, relied on great intellect

and reliable foundation, are acknowledged by everybody as the right way for developing our independent country. Since its establishment Heydar Aliyev Foundation as a social organization does its best in realizing these ideas. During its three - year activity the Foundation

has implemented a lot of work and you can obtain information about this in the presented book.

The Foundation has implemented systematic projects in the fields of population health, training-education of young generation, prosperity of our national culture, solutions to social problems, improvement of living conditions of the children deprived of parental care, paying great attention to the citizens needing a special care,

spreading truth about Azerbaijan throughout the world, etc. Impressions and opinions of statefigures, famous persons of foreign countries who visited Heydar Aliyev

Foundation are also reflected in this presented book. High appraisal given to Heydar Aliyev's personality and activity in these opinions impregnates every Azerbaijani's heart with pride and dignity.

It is pleasant that the activity geography of the Foundation has already outreached our country. Implementation of some projects is an indicator of increasing authority of the Foundation in the international world.

I believe that the Foundation will improve its activity with strengthening its relation with the general public, and comprehensive development of Azerbaijan will make its contribution for establishing of civil society in our country.

Mehriban Aliyeva President of Heydar Aliyev Foundafion,

Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO

'Zhe lve and akivities of ~eyafar , !.. - Aiiyev -i

;;- # !:i ' ,(


HEYDaR aLlRZA oglu aLlYEV 1923-cu il mayln 10-da Azarbaycanin qadirn Naxqi- van pharinda anadan olmu~dur. Atasr da- miryolqu, anasl evdar qadin idi.

Heydar aliyev Naxqlvan Pedaqoji Tex- nikumunu bitirdikdan sonra 1939-1941-ci illarda Azarbaycan Sanaye institutunun (indiki Azarbaycan Dovlat Neft Akademi- yasd memarl~q fakultasinda tahsil alm17dir. 1941-ci ildan Naxqivan Muxtar Respublikas~ Xalq Daxili i$ar Komissarl~glnda va Xalq Komissarlar~ Sovetinda 7oba mudiri i$a- mi5dir. 1944-cij ilin mayinda Naxqlvan Vi-

HEY DAR A. ALIYEV was born on May 10, 1923 in the old city of Nakhchivan in Azerbaijan. His father was a railway mi@ and his mother was a holrse~ife.

Institute of Industry (c the A z e r b a i j a x z 1939-1~QIn * - the and as

He~dar aliyevin Izayr 1.2 faaliyari / The I@ und acri~ities of HewIar Aliyev I

onun taleyi ila yaTamq, doijrna respub'li- Deputy Chairn~ctrl of the Council of the I

kanln yaln~z ke~rni~ SSRi makan~nda deyil, USSR Ministers and was then one of the ham da dunyada tanld~lmasr i i ~ i i n alindan main leaders of the USSR. He was the galani etmi~dir. deputy of the USSR's Supreme Soviet for

Heydar aliyev 1987-ci ilin oktyabrrnda 20 years, and assistant to the chairman of ~ o v . i K ~ MK Siyasi Burosunun va Saxsan the Supreme Soviet for another 5 years. bas katib Mixail Qorbaqovun yeritdiyi While in Moscow, Heydar Aliyev

t Azerbaijan. He Hved wazifalardan istefa vermi~dir. for the future of his homeland and did his

k t to represent his home country not

I Heydx ali~1elC hayat va faaliyyati 1 fie Ive and acriviries of Hqvdar AAliyev

b +. lavat Partiva Komitasi tarafindan dovlat

tahlukasizliyi orqanlarlna i>a gijndarilmis, Leninqradda (indiki San kt-Peterburq) xu- susi ali tahsil alml>dlr. 1957-ci ilda Azarbay- can Dovlat Universitetrnin (indiki Bak~ Dov- lat Universiteti) tarix fakultasini bitirmi3dir.

1964-cu ilda Azarbaycan SSR Nazirlar Soveti yanlnda Dovlat Tahlu kasizliyi Komi- tasi sadrinin muavini, 1967-ci ilda isa sadri tayin edilmisdir.

1969-cu ilin iyulunda Heydar aliyev Azarbaycan Kommunist Partiyasl Markazi Komitasinin birinci katib secilmigdir.

1976-CI ilin martlnda Sovet Ittifaql Kommunist Partiyasl Markazi Komitasi Si- yasi Burosu uzvluyuna namizad, 1982-ci ilin noyabrlnda isa Siyasi Buronun uzvu se- qilmis, SSRi Nazirlar Soveti sadrinin birinci muavini tayin edilmi? va sovet dovlatinin aparlcl rahbarlarindan biri olmu7dur. 0, 20 il arzinda SSRi Ali Sovetinin deputatl, 5 il isa Ali Sovetin sadr muavini olmu>dur.

Heydar aliyev Moskvada igladiyi vaxt- larda da hamisa Azarbaycan~ dusunmug, onun taleyi ila ya>amlg, dogma respubli-

Council of the People's Commissars of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan. In 1944, he was transferred to the state security bodies by the Party Committee of the Nakhchivan Province, and completed special educational courses in Leningrad (currently St. Petersburg). In 1957, he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Azerbaijan State University (currently Baku StateaUniverslty).

In 1964, he was appointed to the position of the Deputy Chairman and in 1967 - the Chairman of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR.

In July 1969, he was elected the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party.

In March 1976, he was a candidate member to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist party and in November 1982 he was elected a member of the Political Bureau. At the same time, Heydar Aliyev was appointed to the position of the First

qo$unlar~n~n Baklda toratdiyi qanl~ facia ila alaqadar ertasi gun Heydar aliyev Azar- baycanln Moskvadakl numayandaliyinda siyasi bayanatla CJXIS edarak, xalqlna qary toradilmis cinayatlarin taskilatqlarl va icraqlarlnln cazaland~r~lmas~n~ talab etmis- dir. Onun bu bayanatl takca Azarbaycanda deyil, ham da butun Sovet ittifaq~ maka- nlnda yeni siyasi eranln baslantjlcl oldu.

Dagllq Qara batjda yaranmls kaskin munaqisali vaziyyatla bag11 SSRi rahbarliyi- nin ikiuzlij siyasatina etiraz alamati olaraq, Heydar aliyev 1991-ci ilin iyulunda Sov.iKP slralarln~ tark etmisdir. 0, bununla alaqa- dar SSRi Nazirlar Sovetinin partiya taskila- tlna unvanlanml~ arizasini bu sozlarla ta- mamlam~~dl: "Xalqa aqq va duzunu de- mak laz~mdlr ki, olkamizda kommunist eksperimenti va sosializm yolu ozunu dog- rultmad~, zorakll~qla yarad~lmr> va saxlanl- Ian respublikalar ittifaql dagllmaqdadlr.

Bu bayanatdan sonra qaryma qxa bilacak qatinliklari tasavvur ediram, har cur hucumlar~ va manavi zarbalari qabaq- cadan goruram".

Heydar aliyev 1990-CI ilin iyulunda Azarbaycana qay~trn~s, avval Bak~da, sonra isa Naxqvanda yasaml>, hamin ilda da Azarbaycan Ali Sovetina deputat seqil- mi~dir. 1992-ci ilda Yeni Azarbaycan Par- tiyaslnln Naxgvan ~aharinda keqirilmis tasis qurultaylnda partiyanln sadri secilmisdir.

1991-1993-cu illarda Naxqvan Muxtar Respublikasl Ali Maclisinin sadri, Azar-

H e y I ~ r aliyevin hswr I

only in the territory of the former USSR but also internationally.

In October 1987, Heydar Aliyev retired from his office in protest against the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee's policies, and the personal policies of the General Secretary Mi khayil Gorbachov.

On the day following the horrible massacre perpetrated by the Soviet troops on January 20,1990 in Baku, Heydar Aliyev made a political declaration at Azerbaijan's diplomatic mission in Moscow demanding punishment for those who had organized and participated in the crime against his nation and people. This declaration heralded the beginning of a new political era in Azerbaijan and the Soviet Union as a whole.

In protest against the hypocritical policy followed by the USSR Government on the critical situation in Daghlig Garabagh (Nagorny Karabakh)*, Heydar Aliyev resigned from the CPSU in July 1991. He completed his applecation addressed to the party organization of the USSR Soviet of Ministers with the following words: "People should know the truth, that, the communist experi- ment and the policy of socialism have failed, and the Union of Republics that was established and maintained by power of force is now collapsing.

I can already imagine the possible difficulties that may emerge after this declaration and can foresee all kinds of

*,ali?:vati / The l(fe f e d ncriviries of Heydar- A l i y~v I

* In Russian - Nagorny Karabakh

Heydar i3/iyevin hayat vafaaliypti / T71a life and activities o j f i eyhr Aliyev

baycan Respublikasl Ali Soveti sadrinin muavini olmu$dur.

1993-cu ilin may-iyun aylarlnda hoku- mat bohranlnln son daraca kaskinla7masi ila olkada vatanda9 muharibasi va musta- qilliyin itirilmasi tahliikasi yarand~qda, Azarbaycan xalq~ Heydar aliyevin hakimiy- yata gatirilmasi talabi ila ayatja qalxdl. Azarbaycanln o zamankl rahbarlari onu rasman Baklya davat etmaya macbur oldular. Heydar aliyev iyunun 15-da Azarbaycan Ali Sovetinin sadri seqildi, iyunun 24-da isa Milli Maclisin qararl ila Azarbaycan Respublikasl Prezidentinin salahiyyatlarini hayata keqirmaya ba~;lad~.

1993-cu il oktyabrrn 3-da umumxalq sasvermasi naticasinda Heydar alirza oglu

attacks and moral influences I will be subjected to".

Heydar Aliyev returned to Azerbaijan in July 1990. He first stayed in Baku and then in Nakhchivan and was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan in the same year. In 1992 he was elected the Chairman of the Yeni Azerbaijan (New Azerbaijan) Party at the party's constituent congress in Nakhchivan.

~ h r d u ~ h o u t 1991-1993 he was the chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan and the deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

By May-June 1993 the nation was collapsing into permanent crisis and there was a tangible danger of civil war and the loss of the independence of Azerbaijan. At this critical point the people of Azerbaijan urged Heydar Aliyev to return to power. The Azeri government of that time responded to the demands of the people and invited him to return to Baku. Heydar Aliyev was elected the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan on June 15th, and began fulfilling the duties of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 24th following the decision of the National Assembly (Milli Majlis).

Heydar Aliyev was elected the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the national referendum on October 3, 1993. ~ u r i n g the inauguration ceremony on October loth he stated: "As I undertake this high and responsible position, I first and foremost put my trust

He!d>r t3li~erin hayu~ 1.a j>a l ipa~ i 1 The liJe trnd actiriries of Heydnr Ali?ev

aliyev Azarbaycan Respublikaslnln Prezi- denti seqilmi9dir. 0, oktyabrln 10-da andiq- ma marasimindaki nitqinda demi5dir: "Bela bir yuksak va masuliyyatli vazifani uzarima goturarkan, birinci novbada, Azarbaycan xalqlnln zakaslna, mudrikliyina, qudratina guvaniram, arxalanlram. Azarbaycan xalql- nln mana basladiyi umidlar mani bu vazifa- ni uzarima goturmaya macbur edib. amin etmak istayjram ki, bu umidlari dogrultmaq uqun alimdan galani asirgamayacam".

Heydar aliyev 1998-ci il oktyabr~n 11-da xalqln yuksak siyasi faallrgi 5araitinda ke- Can seqkilarda saslarin 76,l faizini toplaya- raq yenidan Azarbaycan Prezidenti seqil- mi5dir. 0, 2003-cu il oktyabr~n 15-na tayin olunmu? prezident se~kilarinda da nami- zadliyinin irali surulmasina razlllq vermi2, lakin sahhatinda yaranml? problemlarla alaqadar seqkilarda i$tirak eda bilmami5dir. Heydar aliyev 2003-cu il dekabrln 12-da miialica olundugu Klivlend klinikaslnda (ABS) vafat etmi7, dekabrln .l5-da Baklda Faxri xiyabanda dafn olunmu$dur.

Heydar aliyev bir slra beynalxalq muka- fatlara, muxtalif olkalarin universitetlarinin faxri doktoru adlna va digar yuksak nijfuzlu adlara layiq gorulmu$dur. 0, dord dafa Lenin ordeni, Qlrmlzl Ulduz ordeni va coxlu medallarla taltif edilmi?, iki dafa Sosialist amayi Qahramanl ad1 alrnl$dlr. Bir cox xarici dovlatlarin orden va medallarl ila taltif ollinmu$dur.

and hope in the intelligence, wisdom, and power of the people of Azerbaijan. It was the trust that the Azeri people placed in me that made me assume this respon- sibility. I can assure you that I will do my best to justify your hopes".

On October 11, 1998 at elections, characterized by a very large electoral turnout , Heydar Aliyev gained 76.1% of all votes and was elected the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the second time. Later in responce to popular demand he reluctantly agreed to run for the presidential elections that were scheduled for October 15,2003, but in the end his health did not permit this. Heydar Aliyev died at the Cleveland hospital (USA) where he was undergoing a course of treatment on December lZth, 2003. He was buried in the Honorable Burial Avenue in Baku on December 15th, 2003.

In his extraordinary lifetime Heydar Aliyev received numerous international rewards. He was the honorary doctor of different universities around the world and had other highly prestigious titles. In Soviet Times he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of Red Star four times and received other numerous medals. Heydar Aliyev was also twice named Hero of the Socialist Labor. He was conferred to orders and medals of several foreign countries.

Azarbaycan~n 1960-CI illarin sonun- dan ba~lanan va XXI asra adlayan tarixi- nin otuz dord illik bir dovru ulu ondar Heydar aliyevin ad1 ila qlrllmaz tellarla baolldrr. 0, Vatanda~, Saxsiyyat, Lider ki- mi butun bu illarda Azarbaycan~n masu- liyyatini oz qiyinlarinda darjlmls, onu bir dovlat va xalqlm~zr bir millat kimi tarixin aglr va sart slnaqlarlndan qlxarmlS, mua- sir Azarbaycan adlandlrdlgimlz mustaqil mamlakati, onun bugunku haqiqatlarini, i yq l~ sabahinln etibarll bunovrasini yarat- m15drr. Bu illar arzinda Azarbaycan xalql- nln ictimai-siyasi, sosial-iqtisadi va ma- dani hayatrnln butun sahalarinda d i r ~ a l i ~ mahz onun ad1 ila alaqadardlr.

Heydar aliyevin biitun Suurlu hayat~nr hasr etdiyi, ovlad mahabbati ila sevdiyi Vatani va xalq~ qaryslndak~ xidmatlari haqqlnda indiyadak az yaz~lmarnr~d~r. Lakin bunlarl halalik ilk ta$abbuslar kimi

H e w l ~ r ali) lrnvur 1-J j>aliyv~ti / Tl~e l$e irnd acrivirics oj Hevdar Al iy l .

For 34 years starting in the late 1960's = and passing into the 21" century the history of Azerbaijan is closely connected with the name of the great national leader, Heydar Aliyev. Throughout these years he was accountable for the fate of Azerbaijan as a Citizen, Person, and Leader. As a state and national leader, he guided Azerbaijan through all the difficulties and established a reliable foundation of an independent state, its present truth and bright tomorrow. He was behind the revival in all spheres of the social, political, socio-economic and cultural lives of the nation of Azerbaijan during these years.

Many things were written about Heydar Aliyev's contributions to his home country and nation, to which he dedicated his whole conscious life and which he loved as if it were his child.

Heydar aliyawfn h a p t vsJoliyyari / 1718 lffe and activities of He&r Aliycv

sariyyalandirm.ak olar, qiinki Heydar ali- yev saxsiyyatini, f enomenini, onun gijr- duyii rnisilsiz i~lari hartarafli, bljtiin dol- gunlugu ila taqdirn etmak i j ~ u n uzun illar qoxsaylr va qox~axali ara~d~rrnalar apar~l- mal~d~r. Ona gijra da bu yaz~da oxuculara Boyijk Azarbaycanll Heydar aliyevin bu-

I gijnki va galacak nasillara Grnak olan afsaqavi hayatrn~n son qarinasi arzindaki nahang faaliyyati barada y~gcarn ~akilda rnalwrnat vermaya qall~acatj~q.

Heydar aliyev 1969-cu ifda birinci da- fa respublikaya rahbarlik etmaya ba~la- yanda Azarbaycan sosial-iqtisadi hayatln biitun sahalarinda gerida qal~rdl, ona SSRi-nin perspektivsiz ayalatlarindan biri kimi baxll~rd~. Ssvet rahbarliyinda hesab edirdilar ki, Azarbaycan~n neft yataqlarl artrq QZ keqrni~ ahamiyyatini itirmi7dir va onun nefta jfijrraldilrni> iqtisadiyyat~ ela

However, his many accomli~hments should be seen only as his first steps, because thorough and comprehensive research and long years are needed to provide a complete description of the personality, phenomena, and merits of Heydar Aliyev. We can try to present brief concise information regarding the tremendous activities carried out by the Great kerbaijani, Heydar Aliyev, during the last decade of his historic life, which can serve as a striking example to the current and future generations.

When Heydar Al iyev ascended to the leadership of Azerbaijan in 1969, the country was undergaing a severe social and economic depression and was viewed as an unpromising province of the USSR. The Soviet leadership believed that Azerbaijan's oil deposits had lost their

Heydadar aliyevht h d w r 1 - j faal~yysri / The life and croi15iries of Hexdar Aliyev I belaca surunmaya mahkumdur. Alman fa~izrni iizarinda' qalabanin tamin olun- masrnda an halledici rollardan birini oynayan qadim neft saltanati bela bir aqibatla uzla>mi>di. Respu blikanln avval- ki.rahbarlar-i tanazzuldan qrxr~ yollarr ax- tarmaq avazina, manfi meyillarin daha darin kijk atmas~ ila bar1~mr5 va hakimiy- yatda birincilik ugrunda gizli mubarizaya qur~anrn~@llar.

Bela bir vaxtda Heydar aliyevin haki- miyyata galmasi Azarbaycanrn tarixinda donu~un ba+lantjrcr oldu. Respublikanrn dinamik inkigafrna dair kompleks proq- ramlar i~lanib haz~rlandl. Heydar aliyevin tagabbusu ila ittifaq hokumati Azarbay- can iqtisadiyyat~nrn hartarafli va intensiv inki~aflna yonaldilmig be? xususi qarar qabul etmigdi. Bu, garunmami~ bir i? idi va respublikanrn, xalqrm~zrn manafelari baxlmindan tarixi ahamiyyati vardr. Hey- dar aliyevin yuksak ta~kilatqrlrq bacarrgr, yorulmaz faaliyyati sayasinda Azarbay- canln hayatlnrn butun sahalarinda vusatli dayigikliklar b a ~ vermi~di. Azarbaycan Rusiya Federasiyas~ndan sonra, ittifaq budcasindan dotasiya almadan yaSayan iki respublikadan biri idi. Hamin dhvrda Azarbaycanda guclu iqtisadi potensial yaranmlgdr va o, bu gun mustaqil ijlkami- za xidmat edir. Ciinki uzaqgBran, mudrik ~axsiyyat Heydar aliyev ox gozal ba~a du~urd: ki, har bir millatin siyasi musta- qilliyini Sartbndiran asas amil onun iqti- sadi azadllgldlr. Bu baxrmdan, indiki mar- halada Azarbaycanln dovlat suverenliyi va iqtisadi mustaqilliyi, dunya iqtisadiy- yatlna getdikca daha darin inteqrasiyasl

previous importance and its oil-oriented - economy would never flourish again. This was the fate of the oil country whose resources were key to the victory over German fascism. Instead of seeking alter- native routes to the development and prosperity of: Azerbaijan, the previous rulers of the country meekly reconciled themselves to negative propensities and began to secretly struggle for top ranking in power

Heydar Aliyev's coming to power in such a period was the turning point in the history of Azerbaijan. Complex programs concerning the dynamic development of Azerbaijan were developed. Heydar Aliyev initiated the government's adoption of 5 special programs for the comprehensive and intensive development of the Azerbaijani economy. Nothing like this had ever been done in Azerbaijan before and, as a result of their success, this came to be seen as an historic moment interest of our republic and people. Thanks to the organisational skills and indefatigable activite of Heydar Aliyev, wide changes have taken place in all fields in Azerbaijan life. After Russian Federation Azerbaijan was the second republic that lived without receiving state subsidies. The great potential that was established in Azerbaijan during that period is still continuing to serve our independent country. As a prescient and wise leader, Heydar Aliyev clearly realized that economic independence was the factor that would determine and sustain national political independence. This is why it is difficult to disagree with

prosesinin hala 1970-ci illarin sonu - 1980-ci illarin awallarinda tamali qoyul- mu? potensiala asaslandrgrnl deyan tad- qiqatqlarrn fikri ila raz~la~mamaq mum- kun deyildir.

Hamin illar Azarbaycanln haqiqatan muasir intibah dovru idi. On be? il arzinda Azarbaycanda 213 iri va orta sanaye muassisasi istifadaya verilmigdi ki, bu da awai ki 40. ilda yaradllmrg muassisalarin saylna barabar idi. SSRi-nin neftgxarma sanayesi uqun avadanlrijln 70 faizindan ~ o x u Azarbaycanda istehsal olunurdu. Cihazqaylrma, elektron, elektrotexnika kimi yeni sanaye sahalari yaranmr7dl. Azarbaycan neftinin avval ki gohratini qaytarmaq usun boyuk islar gorulmu+du. Danizda neft va qaz hasilatrnrn artlrrlma- srnda diinljg yaranmls, 70 metr darinlik- daki sahalarda quyular qazmaq uqun qazma qurgularl, nahang kranlar, ixtisas- la~dlrrlmi$ gamilar neft~ilarin istifadasina verilmi~di. Bu gun neft strategiyaslnln utjurla hayata kecirilrnasinda xususi yeri olan Darin daniz ozullari zavodu da mahz o illarda tikilmi~dir.

Aqrar sahada misilsiz iralilayiS vardr, on ilda mahsul istehsall 2,7 dafa artmi~d~. Bu mijddatda uzum istehsalr 272 rnin tondan 1481 rnin tona, pambrq istehsalr 335,6 rnin tondan 831,2 rnin tona, taravaz istehsalr 410 rnin tondan 850 rnin tona qatmlgdl. Respublikan~n milli galiri 2,5 dafa adrnlgd~. Sanaye istehsalr 2,7 dafa artmi>dl ki, bu da awalki 30 ilda buraxrlan mahsulun hacmindan 2 dafa $ox idi. iqtisadiyyata awaki 50 ildakindan 1,4 dafa qox kapital qoyulmu>du.

Hepdar i3liyevin hqai va fwliyyati 1 The life and activities of Heydor Ali-yev I

researchers stating that the present state sovereignty and economic independence of Azerbaijan, as well as its continuing integration into the world economy are based on the potential that was established in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

That was the period of the modern renaissance. 213 large and medium industrial enterprises were put into operation in Azerbaijan in fifteen years; this was equal to the number of the enterprises established in Azerbaijan over the previous 40 years. More than 70% of the oil field producing equipment in the USSR was manufactured in Azerbaijan. New industrial spheres such as the production of tools, electronics, and electrical engineering were established. A significant scope of works was accomplished to regain the previous famous status Azerbaijani oil production. Offshore oil and gas extraction increased, and oil industry workers were provided with modern drilling equipment, giant cranes and specialized ships. The Deep Water Jackets Factory, so crucial to the current exploitation of Azerbaijan's large offshore oil and gas resources, was also built during that period.

At the same time the agricultural sector was also experiencing an unprece- dented pace of development, within ten years the production increased by 2.7 times. During this period grape production increased from 272,000 tons to 1,481,000 tons, cotton production from 335,600 tons to 831,200 tons, vegetable production from 410,000 tons

Baktda, respublikanln :,ahar va rayon- larlnda boyuk quruculuq va abadl~q i>lari gorulmu~du. 1971-1983-cij illarda taxmi- nan 18,3 milyon kvadratmetr manzil tikil- mi:,di ki, bu da 1920-'1983-cii illarda istifadaya verilmi:, manzil fondunun 33 faizina barabar idi. Ba:,qa sozla, 1,7 mil- yon nafar, yani respublikada har 4 nafar- dan biri manzil :,araitini yax>lla~dlrm~:,d~. Azarbaycan kandinin sosial manzarasi- nin, hayat tarzinin tan~nmaz daracada dayi~masi da mahz bu dovra tasaduf edir. Hamin illarda kandlarda 4,8 milyon kvadratmetr ya:,ayl:, evlari istifadaya verilmi~dir.

Azarbaycan intibah~nr :,artlandiran muhum amillar slraslnda tahsilin, elm va madaniyyatin yuksali:,ina xususi diqqat yetirilirdi. Cunki mudrik Heydar aliyev bilirdi ki, madaniyyatin, manaviyyatln taraqqisi ila mu>ayiat olunmayan iqtisadi

Heydar i3li~erin hqvat ra faaliyvati / The lifi! and activities of Hrydar Aliyev I

to 850,000 tons. The gross national product increased by 2.5 times in the republic. Industrial production increased by 2.7 times and exceeded the produc- Y tion over the previous 30 years two times over. Investments increased by 1.4 times compared to the figures from the previous 50 years.

Wide-scale construction and recon- struction works were carried out in Baku and other cities as well as regions throu- ghout the Republic. 18.3 million square meters of apartments were built during 1971-1993, which comprises 33% of the apartments built from 1920-1983. This means that 1.7 million citizens, i.e., every fourth citizen in the Republic, improved his/her living conditions. This period also witnessed a significant change in the social outlook and living conditions of Azerbaijani villages. 4.8 million square meters of

Hqddr i3liyevin hdwr \.a fda/i?yati / The life and ai?ii.ifie.s c f l Hqvdar Alixeel.

inkigaf biitovlukda camiyyatin davamll dwelling houses were put into commission yuksaligini tamin eda bilmaz. Heydar during those years. aliyevin butun falsafi konstruksiyasl The closest attention was paid to the xalq~n milli dirqaliri, milli qurur hisslarinin maintenance of the educational. oyanmasl ideyas~na asaslanird~. Subhasiz scientific, and cultural sectors, whose ki, kommunist ideologiyas~n~n hakim ol- development are crucial precursors to dutju bir camiyyatda bu ideyani aqiq national prosperity. Because Heydar gakildagerqaklagdirmak rniirnkun deyildi. Aliyev was well aware that economic Lakin Heydar aliyevin miidrikliyi, siyasi development could not ensure steady maharati bunun yollarln~ tapmaga imkan social growth unless supported by vermigdi. Bu yollar isa ilk baxtgda $ox sada goruniirdii: Azarbaycanin gorkamli gaxsiyyatlarinin yubileylarinin respublika va ittifaq saviyyasinda qeyd edilmasi, onlar~n azamatli abidalarinin ucald~lmast, indiki Bakl Dovlat Universitetinin 50 illik yubileyinin bazilarinin iddia etdiyi kimi, 1970-ci ilda deyil, tarixi haqiqati asas tutaraq 1969-cu ilda keqirilmasi, yeni ali maktablarin aqilmasl, azarbaycanll ganc-

cultural and moral progress. Heydar Aliyev based his philosophy entirely on the national revival and the idea of the awakening of national pride. It goes without saying that it was impossible to implement this idea in society as long as it was dominated by communism. Heydar Aliyev's political talent, however, helped Azerbaijan to find salutions to this problem. They seemed very simple a t

Heydar i3tiyevin hayat va faaliyqati / The life and activities of Heydar Aliyev

larin ittifah~n aparlcl ali maktablarina musabiqadankanar qabul olunmas~, ada- biyyat~m~zda, kinomuzda yeni ruhlu asarlara qadaga qoyulmamasl va s.

Subhasiz ki, bunlarrn he$ da harnlsl asanl~qla baga galmirdi. Daxildaki "bolse- vik ruhlu ziyal~lar", an qox isa tarixan Azarbaycana dugman kasilmi~ ermani rnillatqilari respublikada bu prosesa mane olmaq uqun butin vasitalara al atlrd~lar. Bu baxlmdan xalq~mlz~n an gorkamli ogullar~ndan biri Nariman Narimanovun abidasinin qoyulmas~, o vaxtlar xususila ganclar aras~nda populyar olan "Qobus- tan" toplusu, Azarbaycan kinosunun an yaxy numunalarindan sayllan "Bir canub Saharinda" filmi ila bag11 manealari xatlrlatmaq kifayatdir.

Lakin bu angallar Heydar aliyev kimi sozu va amali butov gaxsiyyati tutdugu yoldan, iradasindan dondara bilmazdi. 0, aqlq va gizli manealari maharatla aradan qald~r~r, ozuna xas damir mantiqi ila haql~ oldugunu subut edirdi.

Heydar aliyevin milli'dirqali?, tamali ha- min dovrda qoyulmug azarbaycanqllq ideologiyas~ ilk novbada ganclara istiqa- matlanmitjdi. 1970-ci illarin axrrlarlnda

first sight: celebration of birthday anniversaries of prominent people of Azerbaijan at the republican and all- union levels, the erection of monuments to them, celebration of the SOth anniversary of the establishment of the Baku State University in 1970 based on historical facts, (not 1969 as suggested by certain political figures), opening of new higher education schools, free admission of the Azeri youth to the leading higher education schools of the Soviet Union, lifting the bans on the introduction of a new spirit into the works of cinema and literature, etc.

It is certain that none of these steps was achieved easily. The domestic "intellectuals with the Bolshevik spirit" and especially Armenian nationalists playing their historical role as enemies of Azerbaijan, did their best to prevent this process. It is sufficient to remember the obstacles faced by the erection of the monument of Nariman Narimanov; the creation of the "Gobustan" collection that was very popular among the youth at that time; and the production of the motion picture "Bir canub ~aharinda"

Heyd~r aliye~tin hqvtzt ra f~uliyvati / The l!f;. and crctivirie.> of Hejd~rr Aliye~.

SSRi-nin muxtalif ali maktablarina har il 700-800 nafar, 1980-ci illarin awallarinda isa har il 1000-1400 nafar gondarilirdi ki, bunlarln da aksariyyati azarbaycanlllar idi. Bu yolla Heydar aliyev iki maqsada nail

I olurdu: respublikanln elmi va kadr poten-

I sial~ yuksalir, istedadll ganclarimiz xalqrmr- zln madaniyyatini, milli-axlaqi dayarlarini tablig etmakla Azarbaycan haqqrnda ona laytq olan ray va tasavvur forrnala~d~r~rd~- lar. Hamin ganclarin bir hissasi tahsil aldlq- larl yerda qallb i~lamiydir va hazlrda keqmi5 sovet makanlndakl Azarbaycan diasporu- nun ijzayini taykil edir.

Respublikaya rahbarliyinin birinci dovrunda Heydar aliyevin xidmatlarin- dan danqarkan Cam>id Naxqvanski adr- na ixtisasla~d~r~lm~s maktabin a~llmaslnr xususi vurijulamaq lazlmdlr. Xalqln milli harbi kadrlarr olmaslnln ahamiyyatini yaxy ba5a dupn general Heydar aliyev

("Once In A Southern City"), which is now considered to be one of the best examples of Azerbaijani cinema.

However, these obstacles could not deter a man like Heydar Aliyev of his word. His strong logic successfully overcame both the hidden and open obstacles, and with rigorous logic characteristic of him he proved his rightness.

Heydar Aliyev's concept of national revival and an Azerbaijani national ideology was, first of all, targeted at the youth. Some 700-800 worthy young students in the late 1970 '~~ and 1,000- 1,400 persons (most of them Azeris) in the early 1980's were sent to different higher educational institutions throughout the USSR. In this way, Heydar Aliyev accomplished two of his goals: an increase in the scientific and human

butun manealara va qatinliklara baxma- yaraq, keqmi~ sovet makanlnda ilk bela maktabin aqrlmas~na nail olmu~du. 1970-ci illarda Azarbaycandan harbi tahsil muas- sisalarina oxumaga har il 300-400 ganc gondarilirdi. 1980-ci illarin awallarinda isa bela ganclarin say1 800-1000 nafara qatrnlgdl ki, onlarln da qoxu azarbaycanll idi. Heydar aliyevin faxr etdiyi bu maktab hazlrda harbi lisey kimi ugurla faaliyyat gostarir.

Heydar aliyev xalqln milli dirqali~i, milli ozuniidarki masalasinda Azarbaycan dilina bijyiik ahamiyyat verirdi. Onun qayijisl sayasinda Azarbaycan dilina uzun iltardan bari davam edan qox soyuq munasibata son qoyulmu>du. Mahz bu biiyijk Saxsiyyatin iradasinin naticasi idi ki, respublikanln 1978-ci ilda qabul olun- mu? Konstitusiyas~nda Azarbaycan dili dijvlat dili kimi tasbit edilmiSdi. Sonralar,

Heydar Elliyevin h ~ r va faaliyyati / The life und activities of Heydar Aliyev 1 resource potential and the creation of a positive impression of Azerbaijan by the promotion of Azeri national culture and moral values, which were propagated by the youth. Some of these students stayed in the places they were sent to study and came to form the core of the Azerbaijani diaspora within the former I Soviet territory.

When we consider Heydar Aliyev's many accomplishments, we should particularly emphasize the opening of the Jumshid Nakhchivansky's Specialized School. General Heydar Aliyev was well aware of the importance of ensuring that the country has qualified military armed services and achieved the goal of opening the first military training school of this kind in any post soviet territory. 300-400 young persons from Azerbaijan went to study in military academies in the 1970's. This number reached 800- 1,000 in the early 19801s, of which the majority of students were Azerbaijanis. This school, of which Heydar Aliyev was very proud, currently operates as the Military Lyceum.

Heydar Aliyev attached great impor- tance to the Azerbaijani language as a pillar supporting the national revival and national self -consciousness. It was through his efforts that the Azerbaijani language, which had been neglected for many years, regained its earlier reputation. Heydar Aliyev insisted that the Azerbaijani language be accepted as the state language in the Constitution, which was adopted in 1978. Heydar Aliyev, did

Heydar aliyevin hayut va faaliyvari / The life and activities of Heydar Aliyev

mustaqillik illarinda respublikaya rahbar- lik edarkan olka hayatlnrn butun sahala- rinda Azarbaycan dilinin movqeyinin mohkamlandirilmasi uqiin boyuk iqlar goran Heydar aliyev <~x~slarrndan birinda demi~dir: "Azarbaycan dilinin dovlat dili kimi yagamasr, mohkamlanmasi, inkigaf etmasi bizim an boyuk nailiyyatlari- mizdan biridir. Bu, takca dil masalasi de- yil, ham da azarbaycanqlllq masalasidir".

Heydar aliyev hamin illarda gorduyii iSlarla ziyalrlarrn, butun xalqrn diqqatini ta- rixi va madani qaynaqlara yonaldirdi, xalq oz milli madaniyyatinin qatlarlnr sanki tazadan aqr va yenidan qiymatlandirirdi. Qatiyyatla deya bilarik ki, hamin dovrda Azarbaycan ganclarinin butov bir nasli Heydar aliyevdan as1 hayat darsi alml~dlr. Bu, dogma Vatana, mansub oldugu xalqa, onun tarixina, qadim va zangin madaniy- yatina, adat va ananalarina sadiqlik darsi idi. Ona gora da tadqiqatqrlar Heydar aliyevin Azarbaycana rahbarliyinin birinci dovrunu milli ozunudarkin oyanmaslnrn, oz kokumuza qayldrgrn va muraciatin yeni marhalasina dogru aparan proseslarin baglanglcr kimi saciyyalandirirlar.

Heydar aliyev Moskvada isladiyi dovrda da respublikaya daim qaygr gos- tarirdi. Xalqa, dogma Vatana baglll~gr onun yuksak vazifa salahiyyatlarinin ver- diyi geriig imkanlardan istifada edarak, Azarbaycan 'uqiin boyijk iglar gormasini yartlandiran amil idi. Bu illarda Azarbay- can ozunun inki~afr uqun SSRi-nin mum- kun olan butun imkan va vasitalarindan maksimum bahralanirdi.

everything he could to strengthen the position and influence of the Azerbaijani language in all spheres of national life, and stated in one of his speeches at a later stage when he was ruling an independent Azerbaijan: "One of our greatest achieve- ments was the approval, strengthening, and development of Azerbaijani as the

Artlq bu maqamdan baSlayaraq, Heydar aliyev 15 muttafiq respublikadan ' birinin rahbari deyil, Sovetlar ittifaql kimi

i nahang bir dovlatin rahbarlarindan biri idi. Onun nufuzu yuksalir, iSinin miqyasi da, ahamiyyati da fovqalada daracada artlrdl.

Sovetlar ittifaqlnln siyasi idara~iliyina daxil olan, hokumatda muhum yer tutan ~ e ~ d a r aliyev sosial-iqtisadi kompleksin an vacib sahalarina rahbarlik edirdi. ittifaq ahamiyyatli 15 boyuk nazirlik onun t a beqiliyinda faaliyyat gostarirdi.

14 illik respublika rahbarliyi, ustagal 5 il da nahang bir dovlatin ali hakimiyyat e5elonunda yorulmaz faaliyyat boyuk enerji talab edirdi. Balka da onunla faxr edan slravi azarbaycanlllar he< tasavvur- larina da gatirmirdilar ki, butun bu ugur- lar hansl gargin zahmatin, hansl hayat va i5 tempinin sayasinda ba7a galirdi ...

1990-CI ilin yaylnda Moskvadan Vata- na qayldan Heydar aliyevin Naxgivan Muxtar Respublikasl Ali Maclisinin sadri i$ladiyi illar Azarbaycan~n istiqlall yolunda xiisusi marhala olmu~dur. Onun rahbarli- yi altlnda muxtar respu blika Azarbayca- nln dovlat mustaqilliyina dogru iralilama- sinda bayraqdar rolu oynaylrdl. SSRI-nin saxlanmasl uqun ke~iri lan qondarma referendum burada boykot edilmi$, Azarbaycan Xalq Cijmhuriyyatinin uc- rangli bayragi dovlat bayrag1 kimi ilk dafa burada qabul olunmu!, rus (sovet) q o y n hissalari muxtar respublikadan ~ i x a r ~ l m ~ ~ , 1990-CI ilin 20 Yanvar faciasina haqiqi si- yasi qiymat verilmi5dir. Naxqvan haqiqa-

From that time on, Heydar Aliyev was not just a leader of one of 15 Soviet republics, but a leader of the authoritative country like the Soviet Union. This led to a significant increase in his authority and the scope and importance of his activities.

As a part of the political adminis- tration of the Soviet Union, holding a senior position in the goverment, Heydar Aliyev was heading one of the most important sectors of the socio-economic complex. 15 large Soviet ministries were operating under his direct supervision.

14 years as the leader of Azerbaijan and 5 years in the supreme authority of Azerbaijan demanded great personal energy. The ordinary Azerbaijanis who are proud of Heydar Aliyev may not even imagine how much hardship and heavy life and work regime were the cost for these major successes.

When Heydar Aliyev returned from Moscow in the summer of 1990 and became the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, a new and special stage began in the process of Azerbaijan's liberation. The Heydar Aliyev-led autonomous republic was in the forefront of Azer- baijan's move towards sovereignty. It was in Nakhchivan that the referendum was'held to continue the boycott of the USSR and it was also Nakhchivan which first accepted the current tricolor as the state flag of the Azerbaijan Republic. All Russian (Soviet) troops were withdrawn from the autonomous republic which

H e y d ~ ~ aliyevin hayat va faaliyyati 1 The life and activifiies of Heydar Aliyev 1

tan milli azadl~q va rnilli dovlat quruculu- gu numunasi gostarirdi. Heydar aliyevin muxtar respubli kaya rahbarlik etmasi Azarbaycan~n bu qadim diyar~nln ermani i~tjal~ndan xilas olmaslnda baql~ca rot oynam15drr. Qar$rla+d~@ butun qatinliklari daf etmi? muxtar respublikada sabitliyin, amin-amanl~tj~n tamin olunmasr mahz Heydar aliyevin mudrikliyinin, siyasi tacriibasinin va iradasinin naticasi idi.

Ona gura da 1992-cu ilin yaylnda Azar- baycanln "olum, ya iilum" dilemmas1 qar- ysrnda qaldrtj~ bir vaxtda, xalqln takidla Heydar aliyevin hakimiyyata qay~trnasrn~ talab etmasi hec; da tasadufi deyitdi. Ha- min il iyunun 15-da miidrik siyasatqinin, tacriibali va yenilmaz iradali dovlat xadimi- nin hakimiyyata tarixi qayrdr~~ ila Azarbay- can tarixinin Heydar aliyev duvrii 6zi.nun yeni, daha ~arafli va azama-tli marhalasina daxil oldu. Bu qay~dr?la olkanin ictimai-si- yasi, sosial-iqtisadi, elmi-madani hayatln-

enabled a time of an accurate accoun- ting of the tragic events of January 20*, 1990. Nakhchivan rallly set the example of national liberty and the establishment of a proper system of public manage- ment. Heydar Aliyev's leadership in the autonomous republic saved this ancient land from Armenian occupation. Trans- ferred to the national stage, it was successful repetition of Heydar Aliyev's brilliant policies which had succeeded so well in Nakhchivan enabling the entire nation to survive. The Armenian threat to I i ts very existence - to answer in the rousing affirmative the question whether post-Soviet Azerbaijan is to be or nut to be a successful independent state. This was the first and irreducible goal demanded by Heydar Aliyev upon his return to power in 1993. On July 15m of the same year, the return to national leadership of this wise, experienced, and

Heydar aliyevin h ~ p r ra fauli??.ari / The lifC and acrivities rrf Heydar Aliyev

L ' A i

da, beynalxalq alaqalarinda donu:, yaran- dl, elmi asaslara, beynalxalq norma va prinsiplara uygun mustaqil dovlat qurucu- lugu prosesi ba>landl.

Butun bunlara nail olmaq u ~ u n ilk novbada olkada ictimai-siyasi sabitliyi tamin etmak lazlrn idi. Gunki bonsuz, dagrlm~> iqtisadiyyatln barpasl, xarici sarmayalarin calb olunmasl, dovlat quruculuiju ila ma:,gul olmaq mumkun deyildi. Heydar aliyevin qatiyyatli saylari sayasinda bu istiqamatda ciddi tadbirlar

strong willed state activist and politician marked Azerbaijan's entrance into a new, more honorable and glorious historical period.

His return marked the modern turning point in the socio-political, socio- economic, scientific, and cultural life of the natian as well as its involvement in international relations, and heralded the beginning of formation of an independent state in accordance with international norms and principles. In order to achieve

fiydar aliyevin hayat va f a l i y p i / The !if2 and acrivfties of H@r Aliyev I

g6riildu, Azarbaycan diivlatqiliyinin varll- g~na blijyiik tahluka olan 4994-cij ilin ok- tyabx vg I9%-ci ilin mart d6vlat qevrili~i cahdlarinin qar9ru ahnd~. Ayn-ap~ daxili va xarici qijwalar tarafindan Prezidenti fiziki cahatdan mahv etmak @@in dafa- larla ta~kil otunmu? sui-qasdlar zararsiz- lqdirildi, d6vlatfiHyimit qarunuh saxlan- dl. Silahlt yolla hkirniyyate gailmak cahd - larina birhfalik son qoyuldu, 6lkada mijhkam, Qavaml~ sahitlik 'lamin dildi.

Heydas r3liyevin hakirniyyata galdiyi d~vrda an iimda masalalardan biri Efims- nistan~n getdikca genislanan txavtizij- niin qaryslnl almaq idi, Gjrnvmmilli lideri- mizin hayata ke~irdiyi Paxirasal~nmaz tad birlar ruaticasinba bir tarafdan, atar- bayan~n milli maraqlarln~ qorumatja qa- dir olasr nizarni silahll quwalarin yaradll- maw, torpaqlanm~zrn mudafia olunrnas~ ila baa11 mu hiim addrmlar atltdr, digar ta-

all this, it was mast important to prcrvide socio-political stability in the country, without which even Weydar Aliyev could not have restored the ruined economy, attracted foreign investmnt, and h i J t a public manageanent system. Understan- ding this, Meydar Aliyev immediately directed his most resolute efforts to attaining these goab for the nation. The attempts to overthrow f he gwemment in October 1994 atxi March 1995, which threatened the statehad in Azerkijan, and several attempts upon the life of the president were prmrrtd and the state sy;tern was With Heydar Aliyeir's tatal defeat of the attempted military coup d'etats, a strong tong-lasting stability was established.

One of the priority issues to be solved during the perid when Heydar Aliyev returned ta power was to stop the

rafdan, ata~kasa nail olmaq uqiin butiin siyasi va diplomatik vasitalar iSa sallndl.

Naticada ayrl-ayrl xarici markazlardan dastak alan Ermanistan silahl~ quvvalari- nin a z g ~ n l ~ ~ r n ~ n qarysr allndl. Guclll aks- zarbalar alan du~man danryqlara getma- ya macbur oldu va 1994-cu ilin mayrnda ataskas haqqrnda saziq imzalandl.

Heydar aliyevin faaliyyatinin an mu- hum, strateji ahamiyyat dayyan istiqa- matlarindan biri bazar munasibatlarina keqidin talablarina uygun iqtisadi siyasat hazrrlayrb reallaydlrmaq, olka iqtisadiy- yatln~ bohran vaziyyatindan qurtarrb dir- ~ a l i ~ , sonra isa inki>af yoluna qxarmaq idi. Bu baxrmdan ilk va hayati ahamiyyatli addlm mustaqil Azarbaycanln yeni neft strategiyasrnrn iglanib hazlrlanmasl ol- mu>dur. 1994-cu il sentyabrln 20-da dunyanln aparlcr neft $irkathi ila "asrin muqavilasinnin imzalanmasl ila Heydar aliyev nainki neft strategiyazlnrn tamalini

Heydar a l i ~ e v i n hayfer va faaliyyari / The Ilfe fend acri~iries of Hqvdar Alive\,

gradually expanding intervention of Armenia. As a result of urgent activities carried out by the national leader, Azerbaijan began the creation and training of highly disciplined armed forces capable of defending the national interests and territories of Azerbaijan. Simultaneously Heydar Aliyev employed a wide range of political and diplomatic means in order to achieve the ceasefire, still held today.

As a result, the aggression of the Armenian military forces, backed by some foreign resources, was stopped. As a result of strong Azerbaijani counter- attacks, the enemy had to enter into negotiations and a ceasefire was signed in May 1994.

One of the main strategic directions of Heydar Aliyev's activity was the creation and implementation of an economic policy for introducing a

qoydu, umumiyyatla Azarbaycan iqtisa- diyyatlnln inkisafrnln ana xattini muay- yan etdi. Belalikla, Heydar aliyev dunya- nln diqqatini Canubi Qafqaz regionuna calb etdi, Azarbaycan~n iqtisadi cahatdan dijnya birliyina inteqrasiyaslnln tamalini qoydu.

Lakin "&in miiqavilasi"nin imzalan- mas1 he5 da asan basa galmamisdi. Ermanistan-Azarbaycan, Dagllq Qarabag munaqisasinda ataskasin yenica alda edildiyi, bazi qon7u dovlatlarla munasi- batlarda garginliyin oldugu, Xazarin hu- quqi statusu ila baij l~ mubahisalarin kas- kinlasdiyi, olkada ictimai-siyasi sabitliyin hala tam barqarar edilmadiyi, Azarbay- cana kanar tazyiqlarin artd~gl bir 7araitda

market economy, pulling the state economy out of its post-Soviet crisis and ensuring economic development. It was therefore of particular urgency to act upon Azerbaijan's new oil strategy. As the Contract of the Century with the world's leading oil companies was signed on September 20th, 1994, Heydar Aliyev did not only lay the basis of the new oil strategy, but also defined the future of the economic development of ~ ierbai jan. By doing so, Heydar Aliyev attracted favourable international attention to the South Caucasus region and started the process of Azerbaijan's integration into the international economic system.

bela boyuk muqavilanin imzalanrnasln~n mumkunluyuna ~ox lar l ;ubha edirdi. Ancaq buna takca iqtisadi deyil, ham da strateji siyasi masala kimi baxan Heydar aliyev ozunun damir iradasini, qatiyyatini va mudrikliyini bir daha numayis etdirdi. Bununla da Azarbaycanln galacak inki>a- f ~ n l prtlandiran silsila neft muqavilalari- nin imzalanmas~n~n baslanglcl qoyuldu. Xat~rladaq ki, indiyadak 30-dan cox xarici sirkatin i5tirakl ila 25 muqavila imzalanmlsdlr.

Heydar aliyev neft strategiyas~n~n maqsadlari barada demi7dir: "Azarbay- can 1994-cu ildan ozunun yeni neft stra- tegiyaslnl hayata keqirmaya baslam~sdlr. Bu strategiyanln asas manasl, mahiyyati

However, the signing of the Contract of the century did not simply happen. Taking into account the newly signed ceasefire treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the strained relations with some neighboring states, disputes on legal status of the Caspian See the internal social and political inactivity, and the increasing foreign pressure upon Azerbaijan, most observers thought that it would be impossible to sign this con- tract. However, Heydar Aliyev regarded this as a matter of not only an economic, but also of strategic policy, and demonstrated his strong determination, will, and wisdom again. Here with the beginning of signing succession of oil

Heyd2r aliyerin hayor 1.2 fmliyvati / The life and ucri~.ities of Heyrlar Aliye~,

. , va prinsipiari i4lk~nin tabii sarvatlarindan, contracts that characterizes the future neft va qaz yataqlarrndan development of Azerbaijan was given

arbaycan xalqrntn rifahi namina daha rise. It should be noted that 25 contracts amarali &fad3 etrnakdan ibaratdir'. have been signed with the participatian

Hr.~iI>r i3liwvirz I I J ~ U I v~Jhali?:\.ali 1 The life utd ucrit3iries of' Huyckrr Aliye~r

Heydar aliyevin yeni neft strategiya- slnln hayata keqirilmasinin zirvasi, 7ubha- siz ki, Bakl-Tbilisi-Ceyhan asas ixrac boru kamari layihasidir. Onun realla>d~r~lmas~- na gostarilan tazyiqlar, bu yoldakl manea va qatinliklar qoxlarlna malumdur. Lakin Heydar aliyevin casarati, qatiyyati va mudrikliyi butun bunlar~n qaryslnl ald~ va artiq afsanadan reall~ga qevrilan bu ka- mar yaxrn vaxtlarda i7a dupcak, Azar- baycanln va umuman regionun inki7afln- da boyuk rol oynayacaqdlr. Daha bir iri layihanin, Baki-Tbilisi-arzurum kamari- nin realla>d~r~lmas~ ila Azarbaycanln tabii qazl da Avropa bazarlna ~atd~rllacaqdlr.

Prezident ilham aliyev Azarbaycan~n yeni neft strategiyaslnln olkamiz u ~ u n ahamiyyatini qlsaca bela saciyyalandir- mi5dir: "subha yoxdur ki, agar 1994-cu il- da Heydar aliyevin uzaqgoranliyi, casa- rati olmasaydl, biz butun bu nailiyyatlari alda eda bilmazdik. Umumiyyatla, indi tasavvur etmak ptindir ki, agar biz xarici

The implementation of the Contract of the Century brought its first results rapidly. The first oil from this project was produced by the end of 1997. The Azeri, Chirag, and Guneshli offshore projects will produce 50 million tons of oil annually after their full-scale development com- mences. Approximately billions USD in investments have already been made into the implementation of the Contract of the Century and thousands of new jobs have been created in Azerbaijan.

The implementation of Heydar Aliyev's new oil strategy is epitomized by the construction of the main export oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. The prob- lems, obstracles and pressures complica- ting the project and many engineering political and financial problems which hindered construction of the pipeline are well-known. However, all these difficul- ties were overcome as a result of the courage, resoluteness, and wisdom of

1 Heydgr aliyevin hajrrt va fsatiyyari t The life a d activities uf Heydtar ~fi.yet+

$irkatlarla bu slat-a ba$lamasaydrq, Azar- baycanln indiki vaziyyati neca olardl".

Heydar aliyevin rahbarliyi altlnda ha- yata keqirilan iqtisadi siyasat Azarbaycan iqtisadiyyatlnln davaml~ inkisaf ~ n a yo1 aqmlgdlr. Regional inteqrasiya prosesla- rinda faal i5tirak etmak Heydar aliyevin iqtisadi inki>af konsepsiyas~n~n tarkib hissasidir. Azarbaycanln Sarqla Qarbi, Si- malla Canubu birlasdiran asas naqliyyat dahlizlarinin qovusugunda yerla>masi qloballa5ma baxlmlndan olkamizin takca regional layihalarda deyil, ham da bey- nalxalq layihalarda ahamiyyatini artlrml5- dlr. Heydar aliyevin tasabbusii ila GUOAM ta5kilatrnln yaradllmas~ bir slra dovlatlarin manafelarinin siyasi va iqtisadi cahatdan birlasdirilmasi yolunda ilk add~m olmu5- dur. Azarbaycan Avropa Birliyinin dastayi ila hayata keqirilan TRASEKA - Boyuk ipak yolunun barpas1 layihasinin tapb- busqularindan biri va onun faal i7tirakq- s~d~ r . Heydar aliyevin mudrikliyi sayasin- da Azarbaycan Canubi Qafqazda lider dovlata qevrilmisdir va onun i7tirak1 ol- madan burada har hans~ irimiqyasll layiha hayata keqirila bilmaz.

Heydar Aliyev, as a result of which the pipeline was transformed from dream into reality.and it will play its significant role in the development of Azerbaijan and the entire region. One more important project - the Baku-Tbilisi- Erzerum pipeline will be used to deliver Azerbaijani natural gas to Europe.

President llham Aliyev provided a brief descri~tion of the importance of the new oil strategy of Azerbaijan to our country: "There is no doubt that we could not have achieved all this, if it hadn't been for the foresight and courage of Heydar Aliyev in 1994. It is even hard to imagine which state Azerbaijan would be found in, if we had not begun these works with foreign companies".

The economic policy followed under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev paved the way for the long-term development of Azerbaijan's economy.

Active involvement in regional integra- tion processes formed a part of Heydar Aliyev's economic development concept. Azerbaijan's location at the intersection of transportation routes connecting the East and West, North and South, increased its importance not only in regional, but also international projects in the context of ongoing globalization processes. The establishment of the GUUAM organiza- tion; initiated by Heydar Aliyev, was the first step towards the unification of political and economic interests of several countries. Azerbaijan is one of the initiators and active participants in the TRACECA - Great Silk Way project, which

H~ydar aliyevin hayu va faaliyyati / The life and activities of Heydar Aliyev 1

Heydar aliyev siyasi hakimiyyata qa- y~daraq parlamentin sadri kimi faaliyyata ba~ lad~g~ vaxtdan Azarbaycanda huquqi, demokratik, dunyavi dovlat quruculugu- nun asas vazifalardan biri oldugunu ba- yan etmi~di: "Biz Azarbaycanda demok- ratik mustaqil respublika quraraq, sivili- zasiyall camiyyat utjrunda mubariza apararaq, umumi dunyavi, bapri dayar- larin hambs~ndan istifada etmaliyik ... Bizim yolumuz demokratiya yaludur. Mustaqil Azarbaycanda demokrati k, huquqi dovlat qurulmal~dlr. Azarbaycan dovlati demokratik prinsiplar asaslnda faaliyyat gostarmalidir, oz tarixi ananala- rindan bahralanarak, dunya demokrati- yas~ndan, umumba~ari dayarlardan sa- marali istifada edarak demokratik dovlat qurucuiugu yolu ila getmalidir".

is implemented under support from the *.bS, . I - * European Union. It was due to Heydar & Aliyev's wisdom that Azerbaijan became a leading country in the South Caucasus, without whose participation and approval no large - scale regional project would have been possible.

When ~eydar Aliyev returned to the political scene as the parliamentary speaker, he proclaimed the establish-

I ment of a constitutional, democratic and secular country in Azerbaijan as one of his key objectives: "We must utilize the whole range of secular and human

I values as we establish the democratic and independent republic in Azerbaijan and struggle for the formation of civilized society ... We shall follow the path to democxacy. A democratic and

Hrdar E!liyevin h w t r.a faatiflati / nte life and nctiroities o$EJeydar Aliyev

Bu maqsada qatmaq uqun isa ilk novba- da demokratik qanunlar qabul edilmali idi. Hamin qanunlarln tamalini isa Konstitusiya ta~ki l edir. Mustaqil Azarbaycanln Prezi- denti Heydar aliyevin rahbarliyi ila hazlr- lanrnl? va 1995-ci il noyabrln 12-da umum- xalq sasvermasi yolu ila qabul olunmu> ilk Konstitusiyasl bela bir bijnovrani tamin ' etdi. Daha sonra hiquqi d6vlat qurulmasl- na yonaldilan islahatlarln aparllmasl maq- sadi ila Huquq islahatlarl Komissiyasl yara- dlldl. Prezidentin bilavasita rahbarlik etdiyi Komissiya dovlatin huquqi bazaslnrn yara- dllrnas~, mohkamlandirilmasi va inki5afln- da, yeni mahkama sisteminin qurulmasln- da, huquq muhafiza orqanlarlnrn i7inin takmilla>dirilmasinda, Azarbaycanln hu- quq sisteminin Avropanln kontinental hu- quq sistemina inteqrasiyaslnda muhum rol oynaml>d~r. Heydar aliyevin uzaqgoran si- yasati sayasinda huquqi dovlat quruculugu maqsadi ila siyasi, iqtisadi, sosial, huquqi islahatlar hayata keqirilmi>, camiyyatda de- mokratik dayarlarin mohkamlandirilmasi yolunda~muhum addlmlar atllrnlgdlr. Olka- da demokratik, azad, adalatli va gaffaf seqki sistemi, siyasi partiyalarln va qeyri- hokumat ta~kilatlarlnln faaliyyati uqun har cur >arait yaradllrnl~dlr. Kutlavi informasi- ya vasitalari tam .sarbast SakiIda faaliyyat gostarir, malumat azadlrgl tamin edilmi5- dir. Camiyyat va dovlat hayatlnda ba? ve- ran day@ kliklar, Azarbaycanrn Avropa hu- quq makanlna qo>ulmaslndan irali galan realllqlar nazara allnaraq, asas Qanuna dayi7ikliklar va alavalar edilmasi uqun 2002-ci il avqustun 24-da umumxalq sas- vermasi yolu ila Referendum aktl qabul

constitutional state must be established in Azerbaijan. The state of Azerbaijan must follow the principles of democracy, derive benefits from its historical traditions, and effectively utilize the world's democratic and human values on i t s way to the establishment of a democratic country".

It was necessary to adopt democratic laws to achieve this purpose. The ~onit i tution formed the basis of these laws, Such a foundation was laid by the Constitution of independent Azerbaijan, which was developed by Heydar Aliyev and adopted by national referendum on November 12th, 1995. The Commission for Legislative Reforms was established at a later stage to conduct the reforms aimed at the establishment of a constitutional state. This commission, chaired directly by the President, played an important role in the formation, strengthening, and development of a new, more democratic legislative base, formation of a new court system, maintenance of law enforcement authorities, and the integration of the legislative system of Azerbaijan into the European legislative system. These far- sighted policies have enabled the realistion of political, economic, social, and legislative reforms and the implemen- tation of important steps toward the strengthening of democratic values throughout society for the purpose of the establishment of'a constitutional state. A democratic, free, fair, and transparent electoral system was established in Azerbaijan and the appropriate environent

ISTANBUL SUMMIT olunmu>dur. Bununla da insan vavatanda7 hiiquqlarl ucun taminat geni$landirilmi$, onlarln daha yiiksak saviyyada qorunmasl- na prait yaranml~dlr.

Umummilli liderimizin rahbarliyi altln- da Azarbaycan dovlatinin xarici siyasati, dunyanln aparicl dovlatlari va beynalxalq ta>kilatlar~ ila alaqalari milli maraqlara va uzaqgoran siyasi perspektivlara asasla- nan xatla inki5af etmaya ba>lam~$d~r. Heydar aliyevin xarici siyasat masalalari- na mustasna ahamiyyat vermasi, beynal- xalq miqyasda etiraf olunan ugurlu va casaratli add~mlar at mas^, milli maqsadlar namina-an nufuzlu tribunalaradan baca- rlq va maharatla istifada etmasi Azarbay- can dovlatciliyinin bu gunu va galacayi baxlmlndan son daraca ahamiyyatli 01- mu~dur. Onun faal diplomatiyasl natica- sinda Azarbaycan dunyan~n demokratik

was provided for the activity of political parties and non-governmental organiza- tions. Mass media operates freely in a climate in which freedom of information is ensured. With a view toward the changes that must take place in the life of the society and state as well as the realities arising from Azerbaijan's accession into the European legal system, a national Referendum on the introduction of alterations and amendments to the Constitution was held on August 24Ih, 2002. The changes made by the people further improved the standards of observation of human and civil rights.

Under the guidance of our national leader, Azerbaijan's foreign policy and relations with the world's leading countries and international organizations began to develop in line with Azerbaijan's

Hpvdiw alivevin hnut va faali\.vati / The lik md ~rcriviries o f f evdar Aliver.

dovlatlarinin va aparlcl beynalxalq ta~k i - -1 latlarln olkamiza, onun zorla calb olun- dugu silahll munaqi~aya munasibatinin asash suratda dayigmasina nail ola bilmi>- dir. Heydar aliyevin xarici siyasatinin asa- slnl sulh, beynalxalq huquq normalarlna, sarhadlarin toxunulmazl~g~na, dovlatlarin arazi butovluyuna hormat va qar~l l lql~ su- ratda faydall amakdazl~q prinsiplari ta>kil etmi5dir. Azarbaycanln xarici tarafdaglarl ajlq etiraf edirlar ki, Heydar aliyev dov- latin xarici siyasat konsepsiyaslnl duzgun va daqiq quraraq, onu dunya inki>aflnln qlobal meyillari ila alaqalandirmi>dir.

Heydar aliyevin xarici siyasat faaliyya- tinda Ermanistan-Azarbaycan, DaQllq Qa- rabag miinaqipsinin halli masalasi daim xususi yer tutmuridur. Muharibada ata5kas alda edildikdan sonra o, asas diqqati xaric- daki havadarlarlndan har cur yard~m va dastak alan Ermanistanln harbi tacavuzu naticasinda Azarbaycanln du~a r olduQu balalan, munaqipnin asil sabablari barada haqiqatlari dunya ictimaiyyatina ~atdlrma- gal olkamizin uzlagdiyi an agt-111 problemin sulh yolu ila aradan qaldlrrlmaslna yonalt- mi7dir. Bu masalalar Prezident Heydar ali- yevin Azarbaycanda va xaricda dovlat va hokumat baSqllar1 ila goruslari va danl~lqla- rl, BMT, Avropa $uras~, ATaT, NATO, is- lam Konfransl Ta5kilat1 va digar beynalxalq va regional ta$kilatlarln tadbirlarinda i~t i rak~ zamanl daim diqqat markazinda ol- mugdur. Taassuf kit tacavuzkar Ermanis- tanln qeyri-konstruktiv mijvqeyi, habela dunyada hala da movcud olan ikili standa~tlar siyasati Canubi Qafqazda davaml~ sijlh, tahlukasizlik va taraqqiya an

national interests and with Heydar Aliyev's f ar-sig hted political perspectives. The exceptional importance that Heydar Aliyev attached to foreign political issues, his successful and courageous steps which garnered international support , and the effective and competent utilization of the highest international tribunals for the sake of the national interest, were all extremely important for Azerbaijan, currently and for its future.

As a result of his active diplomacy, Azerbaijan produced positive changes in the attitudes of the world's democratic states and the leading international organizations toward our country and the conflict it was forced into by Armenia. Heydar Aliyev based his foreign policy on the principles of peace, international legal norms, inviolability of frontiers, respect for the territorial integrity of states and mutual cooperation. Azerbaijan's foreign partners openly agree that Heydar Aliyev's foreign policy concept is the best one for Azerbaijan and well-conceived to advance the country into the emerging global pattern of development.

The resolution o f the Armenian- Azerbaijani conflict in Daghlig Garabagh (Nagorny Karabakh) occupied a special place in the foreign policy o f Heydar Aliyev. After the ceasefire had been established, he focused his attention on informigg the international community about the troubles that Azerbaijan was subjected to as a result of the military aggression from Armenia, and on finding a peaceful solution to this

Heydar i3liyevin hayat VJ faaliyyati 1 The life and activities of Heydar AIiyev I boyiik manea olan bu miinaqipnin hallina imkan vermami>dir.

Bu istiqamatda faaliyyat Prezident ilham aliyev tarafindan davam etdirilir. Ar- t ~ q dunyanm bir s~ra d&vlatlari, beyndxalq ta~kilattar, o cumtadan Avmpa Suras~ Er- manistan1 i~gaIq1 dovlat, Dagli~q Qarabaij rejimini isa separatq~ rejirn kimi tanlylr, Azarbaycanln wazi butijvlijyunu dstakla- yir. Beynat~lq ictimaiyyatin bu prabkma diqqati getdikca at-ftr va arninik ki, Azar- baycanln haqq i ~ i qatib galacak, olkamizin arasi but6vtuyu hrpa slunacaqdrr.

Tadqiqatqrlar umummilli Iider Heydar aliyevin Azarbaycana rahbarlik etdiyi uzun illar anindaki xidmatlarindan dam- y k n azarbayclanglhq ideologiyasm~ xu- susi vurijulayrrlar. Azarbaycanqll~q milli ha- yatin, konfessiyalar~n harmoniyaslnln $~xasrlik ananasi, olkada yawyan bfitun millatlarin va etnik qruplarln qarda~l~g~, qar$rltql~ alaqasi va tasirinin tarixi, onlarln umumi taleyi va rnustaqil Marbaycanln butiivliiyu uijrunda birga mukrizanin ta- rixi txrubasidir. 0u idwlogiya unitar, hu- quqj va demokratik dSvlat kimi Azarbay- canin mljhkamlandirilmisina va inkipf ~na yonaldilmi~dir. ideologiya kimi azarbay- canqrlfq mustqil Asarrbaycanrn falsafi-so- sioloji doktrinaslnln sosiomaciani va etno- siyasi cahatlarini- ijzunda 'birla~dirir. Heydar aliyevin azarbaycanq~lrq ideologi- yaslnrn aSas~nda Azarbaycan xalqrnln tari- xi, manavi-axlaqi, madani anandari zami- ninda birlik ideyasr durur va nainki indi, ham da uzah galacakda azarbaycanlllarin bir cox nasillarina xidmat edacak, rnusta- qillik, milli eyniyyat hamin nasillar iiqun

conflict. These issues were in the focus of Heydar Aliyev's meetings with state and governmental leaders in both Azerbaijan and abroad, as well as during the meetings held at the UN, the Council

I of Europe, OSCE, NATO, Islamic Conference Organization and other international and regional organizatons. Unfortunately Armenia's aggressive and nsn-construdive piositi~n, as well as the policy of double standards, which is still often encountered around the wr ld, have presented agreement to a solution 1 to this conflict, which remains the greatest obstacle to long-term peace, security and progress in South Caucasus.

President llham Aliyev vigorously pursues this very wise course. Many countries around the world and interna- tional organizations, including the Council of Europe, have already recognized Armenia as an aggressor and the Daghlig Garahgh (Nagorny Karabakh) regime as a separatist, and expressed their support f ~r the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The international community is paying increasingly close attention to this issue and we are confident that Azerbaijan will one day win its fair case and will have its territorial integrity restored.

Social scientists are particularly emphasizing Azcrbaijanisrn as an ideology as they talk in terms of Heydar Aliyev's activities for the sake of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanism rejuvenates the country's historical experience of harmony in national life and relations between various confessions, ancient

hayatl, azadllg~ dark etmayin ayrllmaz at- ributlar~na cevrilacakdir. Heydar aliyev azarbaycan~lltq ideologiyaslnrn baqlrca prinsiplarinin - d6vlatcilik, ana dili, din, mil- li madaniyyat, milli-manavi dayarlar va s. inki5af I va camiyyat taraf indan manimsa- nilmasi sahasinda ardlcrl va maqsadyonlu add~mlar atrn17dlr.

ijmummilli liderimiz ararbaycanq~lrq ideyalarrnln yayllmaslna va butun dunya- da yaqayan soydaqlarlm~zln birla~dirici bir amallna cevrilmasina xijsusi ahamiyyat verirdi. 0, xarici dovlatlara safarlari za- man1 hamin olkalarda yaqayan azarbay- canlllarla goruqur, onlar~ tarixi vatanla six alaqa saxlamaga ~aQlrlrdl. Xaricda Azar- baycan diasporunun taqkilatlanmas~ sa- hasinda gordlan iqlar tadrican oz bahrasi- ni verirdi. Bu isi duvlat siyasati saviyyasina qaldlran Prezident Heydar aliyevin far- man1 ila ayrlca struktur - Xarici ~lkalarda Yaqayan Azarbaycanlllarla IS uzra D~vlat Komitasi yaradrlmlqdlr. Bu - istiqamatda an mijhiim hadisalardan biri Heydar aliyevin ta~abbijsu ila 2001-ci ilin no- yabrrnda Bak~da Dunya azarbaycanlllarl- nln I qurultaylntn keqirilrnasi olmuqdur. ijmummilli li@qimiz hamin qurultaydakl

traditions, the history of fraternity, mutual relations and influences of all nations and ethnic groups residing in Azerbaijan, as well as their joint struggle for the future fate and integrity of the independent Azerbaijan. This ideology serves to strengthen and develop Azerbaijan as a unitary, constitutional and democratic state. The ideology of Azerbaijanism unites the socio-cultural and ethno-political aspects of indepen- dent Azerbaijan's philosophical and sociological doctrine. Heydar Aliyev ideology is based on the idea of the history, of the nation of Azerbaijan and i ts moral, spiritual and cultural traditions. It will serve not only the present generation, but many generations to come, while the indepen-dence and national equality which Azerbaijanism propounds will trans-form into a consti- tuent attribute of life and liberty for future generations. Heydar Aliyev made consistent and purposeful steps for the development and popularization of the key principles of the ideology of Azerbai- janism - state system, national language, religion, national culture, national moral

Mustaqil Azarbaycan~n beynalxalq birlikda oz yerini tutmasr, Azarbaycan haqiqatlarinin dunyada tanrdrlmasl mahz Heydar aliyevin xidmatlari sayasinda mumkun olmu7dur. Yalnlz onun yenidan siyasi hakimiyyata qay~tmaslndan sonra Azarbaycan ozunun geosiyasi imkanlarr- nl ger~akla7dira bilmi~, olkanin beynal- xalq alamdan tacrid olunmaq tahlukasi aradan qalxmrSdlr. Heydar aliyev dunya siyasat meydanrnda carayan edan pro- seslara tasir baxtmlndan hami>a oz sozu, sanbal~ ila se~ilmi~dir. Azarbaycan xal- qlnln yetirdiyi nadir dovlat xadimlarindan olan Heydar aliyev vatanin an a$r bir dovrunda xalqln galacak taleyi uqun ma- suliyyati oz uzarina goturarak, bir cox si- yasi xadimin eda bilmadiyi va bilmayaca- yi iglari ger~akla$dirmi>, qloballasan dun- yanln an aktual caglrlSlarlna cavab ver- mak bacar~gr numayi? etdirmi>dir. Butun hayatl boyu daim xalqrn~, vatanini du7u-

Azerbaijani diasporas in foreign countries continued to bring results with time. This task was overseen by the State Committee for Work with Azerbaijanis Residing Abroad, which was established under a special decree of Heydar Aliyev. One of the most important activities of this effort was the holding of the I Congress of World Azerbaijanis in Baku in November 2001. There the national leader particularly emphasized the importance of Azerbaijan's state strategy of Azerbaijanism: "The key idea of independent Azerbaijan is Azerbai- janism. Each and every Azerbaijani must be proud of his national belonging and we must immortalize Azerbaijanism, which is the Azerbaijani language, culture, national moral values and traditions".

It was due to Heydar Aliyev's vision and efforts that Azerbaijan occupied its proper place in the international community and conveyed the truth about Azerbaijan to the world. It was not until Heydar Aliyev regained political power that Azerbaijan managed to realize its geo-social potential and prevent the isolation of the country from the international community. Heydar Aliyev was a unique political figure in the history of the Azerbaijani people. He took the responsibility for the people's future destiny and demonstrated the ability of accepting the actual challenges of the global world.

Being a person o f innate talent, Heydar Aliyev could foresee the course

Heydar 8lfyevin hayat va faaiiyyati / The iqe and acrivities of Heybr Aliyev I

nan Heydar aliyevin qalbi Azarbaycan~n of histarical events, act decisively and rnurtqilliyinin m~hkamlanmasi, xo~baxt demonstrate patriotism when making galacayi uqun qtrplnmigd~r. decisions which were a matter of great

fax nadir f itri istedada malik obn importance for the people's destiny. Heydar aliyew uzaqgaran siyazi xadirn ki- Heydar Aliyev who was the founder mi tarixi hadimlarin gedi~ini iralicadan and the builder of the independent Azer- muayyan eda bilir, millatin taleyi uqun baijan Republic occupied an exceptional boyuk ahamiyyat daqryan qararlar qabul place in our centuries-old statehood. At edilan zaman asil vatanpamarlik gestarir, the same time the positive impacts of tam qatiyyatla harakat etmayi bacarlrd~.

Mustaqil Azarbaycan diivlatinin me- marl va qurucusu kimi Heydar aliyevin faaliyyatinin qoxasrlik dovlatqiliyimisin tarixinda miistasna yeri vard~r. az ahamiy- yati baxtm~ndan onun faaliyyati Azar- baycan~n hlidudlarlndan qox-$ox kanara qxlr. Bu sabaMan da takca mrbaycanda deyil, ham da bijtun postsowet makanlnda, elaca da dunya miqyils~nda gedan proseslari Heydar aliywin gaxsiyyatindan va faaliyyatindan kanarda tasawvur etmak miimkiin deyildi. Heydar aliyev ilz parlaq

Heydar Aliyev's activity expanded far beyond the Azerbaijan boundaries. Thanks to his brilliant wits and talent, Heydar Aliyev created the new

I Azerbaijan and i ts current reality, made our independence eternal and deter- mined the course towards our happy future. Heydar Aliyev was known as a political figure and the greatest leader of his people even before his death. Therefore, Heydar Aliyev's personality always attracted attenti~n, many people, including well-known political

zakas~ va istedadr sayasinda yeni Azarbaycanr, onun bugunku ger~akliklarini yaratm~s, dovlat mustaqilliyimizi abadi va donmaz etmis, onu iyqll sabaha dogru aparan yollar~ muayyanla>dirmisdir.

Heydar aliyev boyuk siyasi xadim, xalqln saksiz lideri kimi hala satjllglnda can11 afsanaya cevrilmi3di. Buna gora da Heydar aliyev fenomeni hamisa diqqati ca~b'etmi~, dunyan~n mashur dijvlat xa- dimlarindan tutmus muxtalif pesa sahib- larina qadar an muxtalif adamlar onun haqqlnda heyranlrqla sohbat aqrn~slar. Ona gora da Heydar aliyevi Azarbayca- nln baxtina dusmu:, Tanr~ pay1 adlandl- ranlar, onu Corc Vasinqton, Franklin Ruzvelt, Uinston Corqill, Ataturk, $arl de Qoll, Konrad Adenauer kimi mashur sax- siyyatlarla muqayisa edanlar, siyasat na- hangi, dijnya siyasatinin patriarxr, siyasat sahmatlnln ustas~, virtuoz adlandrranlar heq da yanrlm~rlar. Cunki o, haqiqatan dahi saxsiyyat idi.

Heydar aliyevin dogma Azarbaycan, xalq~m~z, butun region u ~ u n gorduyu misilsiz islar ozluyunda na qadar boyuk va ahamiyyatli olsa da, bunlar~n azamatini oldugu kimi dark etmak bizim u ~ u n balka da hala qatindir. Yaqin ona gora ki, bu dahi insanln muasiri oldugumuz uqun butun bu nahang i3lar biza adi gorunur. Ona gora da "Azarbaycan xalq~ Heydar aliyevin boyu k- luyunu hala bundan sonra daha darindan dark edacakdir", "Heydar aliyevin xalq qar- ys~ndak~ xidmatlarinin as1 qiymatini gala- cak nasillar veracakdir" deyanlarla raz~las- mamaq mumkun deyildir.

figures as well other people of various specializations, talked about him with great admiration. Therefore, Heydar Aliyev was called Azerbaijan's charisma and those who compared him with George Washington, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Ataturk, Charles De Gaulle, Conrad Adenaure were not mistaken considering him a giant of politics: the patriarch of world policy and the master of political chessboard. As he was, indeed, a great person.

Although Heydar Aliyev did a lot of unparalleled work for Azerbaijan, our people and the whole region, it is still dif - ficult for us to perceive the magnificence of it. The reason for it, perhaps is that we were the contemporaries of this genius and all the great things he did seem casual to us. That is why we must agree with people saing: "The Azerbaijan people will feel Heydar Aliyev's greatness more deeply after this", "Real value of services of Heydar Aliyev before people will be given by future generation".

Heydar Aliyev's granite monument stands in the Honorary Alley which is located in the upper part of Baku. It has become a place of national pilgrimage. When looking at this monument, it seems our national leader Heydar ~ l i ~ e v ' s proud gaze is fixed on the bright future that he left as a legacy for us. This great monument is a real master-piece created by the national artist (sculptor) and academic Omar Eldarov. Still several monuments to our great Azerbaijan hero

Heydar i3lixevin haydl \la f2nliyvari / The Itfe (and ucri12ities of Heydar Aliyev

Bakln~n dagustu hissasinda, oz faaliy- and leader will be set in various parts of yatlari ila Azarbaycana va xalqlmlza $an- our country. However, the largest ~ohrat gatirmi5 neqa-ne~a gorkamli insa- monument had already been set by this nln abadi uyudugu va artlq umumxalq greatest son of Azerbaijan when he was ziyaratgahlna GevrilrniZ Faxri xiyabanda still alive. This monument is in the heart Heydar aliyevin qranitdan yonulmu~ of every Azerbaijani who loves his gozal bir abidasi var. Bu abidada homeland and people. Therefore, as long umummilli liderimizin magrur bax17lar1 as Azerbaijan is independent and the uzaqlara, sanki bizlara amanat qoyub Azerbaijani people exist, the great leader getdiyi miistaqil Azarbaycanl gozlayan Heydar Aliyev will remain in our hearts. iyqll galacaya zillanmiZdir. Xalq rassaml, akademik Omar Eldarovun son iZlarindan biri olan bu azamatli abida haqiqatan as1 sanat asaridir. Hala bundan sonra da olkamizin muxtalif gu7alarinda Boyuk Azarbaycanllnrn neqa-neqa abidasi qoyu- lacaqdlr. Lakin Azarbaycan~n dahi oglu

mustaqil Azarbaycan

aliyev uraklarda ya

The objectives of the Heydar - : i Aliqev ~oundatiun - '

L&/ ondarimiz Heydar aliyevin hayat

amalr, zaman va makan anlayryna srgmayan faaliyyatinin asas maqsadi azad va mustaqil bir dovlat qurmaq idi. Tarixa mustaqil dovlatimizin qurucusu kimi daxil olan bu saxsiyyat hamip Azarbaycanr ozuna gijvanan qudratli bir olkaya qevirmak istayirdi. Bu yolda qati addrmlar atrr, amali i5lar gorur, iqtisadi inki7af yolunda olan Azarbaycanrn etibarlr galacayini qururdu. Xalq onu sevir, iyqlr zakasrnr qiymatlandirir va inanaraq ardrnca gedirdi. aslinda Heydar aliyev omru Azarbaycan xalqrnrn XX asr tarixinin 35 illik bir dovrij ila SIX baglrd~r va onlarr bir-birindan ayrr kontekstda goturmak va izah etmak miimkun deyil.

Bu gun yeni camiyyat quruculugunda faal i$tirak edan Heydar aliyev Fondu Azarbaycan xalq~nrn oz dahi ogluna sonsuz ehtiramrnrn daha bir ifadasidir. Ulu ondarin ideyalarrna, iyqlr amal va maslakina sadiq qalan Fond ictimai taskilat olaraq hayata keqirdiyi geni7- miqyaslr layihalarda mahz xalqrn ictimai faall~arna va dastayina arxalanrr, Heydar aliyevin iylayib hazrrladrQr, ozunamaxsus azm va irada ila hayata keqirdiyi mustaqil dovlatcilik strategiyasrnr muasir dovrda layiqinca davam etdiran canab Prezident ilham aliyeva bu 7arafli va gargin igda

(-f 7 national leader Heydar Aliyev's

lifelong ideals and the main objective of his activities, which far exceeded time and space dimensions, was to establish a free and independent state. He went down in history as the founder of our independent country and always wught to transform Azerbaijan into a self- confident and powerful state. Me: was made firm steps forward and strave haxi for the safe future of Azerbaijan m its way toward economic devetopmnt. The nation loved him, highly appreciated his I talents and fondly continued to follow I

safarbar bir ictimai quvva kimi o r komayini gostarmaya, dunyanln diqqat markazinda olan genig miqyasll sosial- iqtisadi inkiSafa tohfasini vermaya qal~yr.

2004-cii il mayrn 10-da - Heydar aliyevin dogum gunu, aqrlq marasimini keqiran Heydar aliyev Fondu umummilli liderin milli dovlatrilik ideyasln~n hayata keqirilmasi, onun zangin nazari-falsafi, siyasi irsinin darindan oyranilmasini ozu- nun bagllca maqsadi, vazifasi hesab edir. Fondun yaradllmas~nda asas maqsadlar- dan biri mahz Heydar aliyevin mustaqil dijvlatimizin mahkamlanmasina xidmat edan zangin irsinin hartarafli tjyranilma- sina va tablitjina, Azarbaycan~n taraqqisi

support as a social power for llham Aliyev who a worthily continues the independent state strategy, which was developed by Heydar Aliyev.

The Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the opening ceremony for which was held on the great leader's birthday anniversary on May 10,2004, set as its major objective the implementation of the national ideology and ~zerbaijinism ideas of Heydar Aliyev and studying his rich theoretical, philo- sophical, and political heritage. When the Foundation was established, one of its main objectives was the comprehensive study and propagandizing of Heydar Aliyev's rich heritage, which serves to

va xalqlmlz~n rifahl namina ondan isti fa- strengthen our national independence, and da olunmaslna yonalan genismiqyasll the implementation of large-scale prog- proqramlarln va tad birlarin hayata rams and activities aimed at utilizing this keqirilmasidir. heritage in the name of the progress of

Heydar aliyevin ijlka iqtisadiyyatlnln Azerbaijan and the prosperity of our nation. hartarafli inkigafr, qloballagan dunya iqti- Strengthening of the independent sadiyyatlna inteqrasiyasl sahasinda faa- Azerbaijan's economic power and main-

Hqdar aliyev Fottdunun trlsqsarll~ri / The objective.\ of rhe Hesdar Alivev Foundorion

liyyati naticasinda, olkamiz suratli inki5af yoluna qadam qoymugdur. Bu pxsiyya- tin ad1 ila bilavasita bag11 olan yeni neft strategiyasrnin uourla hayata ke~irilmasi, bazar iqtisadiyyat~na keqidla alaqadar geni~miqyasli iqtisadi islahatlar oz bahra- sini vermakdadir.

Fondun yaradllmasin~n asas maqsadla- rindan biri da miidrik rahbarimizin bu yon- daki arzu va niyyatlarinin gerqakla>dirilma- sina xidmat edan beynalxalq miqyasl~ layi- halarin hayata kqirilmasini dastaklarnak va onlarda yax~ndan i~tirak etmakdir.

Ulu ondar Heydar aliyevin qox>axali faaliyyatinda elm, tahsil va madaniyya- tin, sahiyya va idmanln inki7af etdirilmasi da ahamiyyatli yer tuturdu. Fond oz nov- basinda, bu sahalarda layihalarin hayata keqirilmasina, xiisusila da, milli-manavi dayarlarimizin qorunmaslna va tabligina, boyumakda olan ganc naslin saglam, hartaraf li biliya mali k, layiqli vatanda> kimi yetigmasina yardlm edit-.

taining its international authority were the important corner stones of the natio- nal state system strategy, as developed by Heydar Aliyev. There are major suc- cesses with the new oil strategy, which is directly connected with the name of the phenomenal personality of Heydar Aliyev, the development of other spheres of economy, and ongoing large-size reforms envisioned by the transition to a market economy.

Another major objective for the estab- lishment of the Foundation was to support and contribute to international economic projects that serve for the implementation of the leader's dreams and intentions.

The development of the sciences, education, culture, public health, and sports also played an important role in the manifold activities of Heydar Aliyev. The Foundation in turn provides compre- hensive support toward the implementa- tion of projects in these spheres, and

Fondun asas faaliyyat istiqamatlari The main activity directions of the Foundation

5% 11% - i" 24% I

. Sahiyya/Public health . Ekolagiya/Ecology SosialJSocial f rekl . Idman/Sport Elm va texndogiya/ . Tahsil/Education hence and technologies . Madaiyyat/Culture

Fond ictimai tqkilat kimi, qaqqrn va macburi koqkun, aztaminatll ailalarin, elaca da, valideyn himayasindan mahrum olan u>aqlar~n problemlarini diqqatda saxlamaga va onlarln hallina komak et- maya qallyr.

Boyuk siyasi xadim Heydar aliyev mustaqil Azarbaycan~n beynalxalq alam-

especially in the flourishing of the Azer- baijanism ideology, preservation, and popularization of national moral values, and the upbringing of the younger gene- ration into competent and worthy citizens.

As a public organization, the Founda- tion also makes its best efforts to resolve the problems of underprivileged citizens,

da tanlnmaslnda, olkamiz haqqlnda ha- including refugees and IDP families, as qiqatlarin dunya ictimaiyyatina ~atdlrl l- well as orphans. maslnda, Vatanimizin dunya birliyinda The great political leader Heydar nufuzunun artlrllmaslnda va ozunamax- Aliyev made an unprecedented contri- sus yer tutmaslnda misilsiz xidmatlar bution to the popularization of the gostarmi~dir. Fond bu yonda gorulan independent Azerbaijan throughout the islari davam etdirir, Azarbaycan~n bey- international community, conveying the nalxalq nufuzunun artlrllmasl ila bag11 truths about our country, strengthening tadbirlarin keqirilmasina daim ~al131r. Azerbaijan's authority in the world, and

Azarbaycanln mustaqillik alda etdiyi forging i ts deserved place within the son bir neca il tarix baxlm~ndan uzun international arena. The Foundation con- muddat olmasa da, bu illarda respublika- tinues on the path of Heydar Aliyev and mlzda gorulmu~ islar artlq bijtun dunya provides all possible contributions to the olkalari, beynalxalq qurumlarln dafalarla activities aimed a t the strengthening of qeyd etdiyi kimi, olduqca ugurludur, aha- the international authority of Azerbaijan. miyyatlidir. Even though the period since

ijmummilli liderin hayat amallna, si- independence was established is not yasi kursuna sadiq bir qurum kimi, Hey- long ago from a historical view point, the dar aliyev Fondu, bu tarixi saxsiyyatin range of activities that were carried out

Heydar aliyer For~dunun maqsadlari / The objecti\.es of the Heydor Aliyev Foundation I

Azarbaycan Respu bli kasin~n Prezi- Mr. llham Aliyev, the President of the denti canab ilham aliyev Fondun aq1I17 Republic of Azerbaijan, said at the marasimindaki nitqinda demisdir: "Bu opening ceremony of the Heydar Aliyev giin Heydar aliyev bizimla deyil, amma Foundation: "Heydar Aliyev is not with us


?byday 6%iy& m s h iirnakohn p~$(i omiir yohnu, z q i n elini- nazari, [email protected] irsini idyahnnzn iiym~msini, tadqiqi, ta6l@,pbcak nasiusra ptdVrlmassnz umda wzj3 f s ~ qarjlsznu q s a d qoyan Fond, fsalwta 6a$n@z diizlrda 6u mksiyanuz Iiayata @pidimasi

ntuhm &bgormiydiir. Fondun %dar afiyezrin' ideyahnnz rallibar tutarq xa~rrmzzn madd, mmwu; soshlr$& hlia ya;yszl@mm,

d i mdani dayarkrimizin qomnub s~hnlmasznu, diinyada .

?lie Foundation aimkg ac aptinc@h questioq to shuiy, investi&atei and6riy to the fituregeneration ttk lionordh way o f l i , rkh -

scient~k-theoretical politicalhitage, dm o f %dar Aliyev are mode[togeneration, has utqall?mtdsi&nficant activities to


' c a y out this &ion since its estdli/iment. Governittq 6y thi of%dar Hiyev, the wronm6utwn made by this Foundation in the

fili.6 o f improvement of matetiat moral sochlwe~izre o f ourpqkd

p r e s t m q our ~ 1 l t z l r a l v a l ~ , ' ~ p i i g t h in the %er6aFs -, .: 2

society and thoyliout the worH Dreetdwith undnsta this factor inspires th team o f %dar Him Fundation to

Orta tahsilini qlzll medalla bitirarak N.Narimanov adlna Azarbaycan Dovlat Tibb institutuna daxil olmugdur. 1988-ci ilda M.Seqenov adlna 1-ci Moskva Dovlat Tibb institutunu farqlanma diplomu ila bitirmigdir. 1988-1992 illar arzinda Moskvada akade- mik Krasnovun.rahbarliyi altlnda Goz Xastaliklari Elmi-tadqiqat institutunda iglami>dir. Falsafa elmlari namizadidir.

1995-ci ilda Mehriban aliyevanln tagabbusii ila hal-hazirda onun rah barli k etdiyi Azarbaycan Madaniyyatinin Dostlar~ ion- du tasis olunmu>dur. 1996-CI ilda Azarbaycan madaniyyatinin geni5 tablig olunmasl maqsadi ila qap olunan "Azarbaycan - irs" jurnallnl tasis etmigdir.

2002-ci ilda Azarbaycan Gimnastika Federasiyaslnln prezi- denti secilmi? va hamin vazifada ozunu gozal tagkilatqi kimi numayi5 etdirmi5dir. Onun beynalxalq alamda artmaqda olan nufuzu Beynalxalq Gimnastika Federasiyaslnln Badii Gimnastika uzra 2003 va 2004-cu il Dunya Kuboku yariglarlnln va 2005-ci il Dunya Gempionatlnln Azarbaycanda keqirilmasina dair qararln qabul olunmaslnda halledici rol oynamigdlr. 2007-ci ilda Mehri- ban aliyevanln ta~abbusu ila Badii Gimnastika uzra 23-cij.Avro- pa Gempionatlnin Azarbaycanda keqirilmasina nail olunmugdur.

Azarbaycan xalqlnln umummilli liderinin zangin irsinin oyra- nilmasi va hamqinin Heydar aliyevin yaratdlgl milli dovlatqilik

Heydar aliyev Fondunun prezidenti ~ L ~ Y E V A MEHR~BAN A R ~ F q ~ z j

The president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation MEHRIBAN A. ALIYEVA

She finished secondary school with golden medal and entered the Azerbaijan State Medical lnstitute named after N.Narimanov. In 1988 she graduated with honors diploma from the I * Moscow State Medical lnstitute named after M.Sechenov. Throughout 1988-1992 she worked at the Eye Diseases Scientific-Research lnstitute in Moscow under the leadership of academician Krasnov. She is candidate of philosophy sciences.

In 1995, by the initiative of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva "Friends of Azerbaijani Culture Foundation" which is headed by her at present time, was created. In 1996 founded "Azerbaijan - Heritage" magazine, for the purpose of wide popularization of Azerbaijani culture.

In 2002 was elected the President of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation. Her growing prestige in the international world played an important role in adoption of decision of International Gymnastics Federation on the realization of 2003 and 2004 World Cup competitions .and 2005 World Championship on Rhythmic Gymnastics in Azerbaijan. On the initiative of Mehriban Aliyeva the 23rd Europe Championship on Rhythmic Gymnastics will be held in Azerbaijan in 2007.

Heads the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founded in order to study the rich legacy of the nationwide leader of Azerbaijan, as

ideyalarrnr yeni nasillara daim aylamaq maqsadi ila 2004-cu ildan Heydar aliyev Fonduna rahbarlik edir.

Mehriban aliyeva ictimai, mesenatlrq va xeyriyyaqilik faaliy- yatina, tahsil va madaniyyat muassisalarinin inki7af etdirilmasi- na gora bir qox faxri adlara layiq gorulmu~, mukafatlar almr$dlr.

2004-cu il avqustun 13-da Azarbaycanrn $fahi xalq adabiy- yatrnrn va musiqi irsinin qorunub saxlanrlmasr va inkisaf etdiril- masi sahasindaki yorulmaz saylarina gora YUNESKO-nun Xos- maramlr safiri adrna layiq gorulmu~dur.

2004-cu il dekabrrn 28-da Azarbaycan Respublikasr Milli Olimpiya Komitasinin IV Ba7 Maclisinda MOK-un lcraiyya Komitasina uzv seqilmi7dir.

2005-ci il noyabrrnda 6-da Milli Maclisa keqirilan seckilarda deputat seqilmi7dir.

2005 -ci ilda Azarbaycanda keqirilan sosioloji sorg uya asasan "ilin qadrnl" ad~na layiq gorulmu$diir.

2005-ci il iyunun 9-da ictimai, mesenatlrq va xeyriyyaqilik faaliyyatina gora, u$aq muassisalarinin dastaklanmasina, Rusiya va Azarbaycan xalqlarr arasrnda dostlugun mohkamlanmasina tohfalarina gora Rusiyanln "Yuzilliyin mesenatlarl" Beynalxalq Xeyriyya Fondunun "Yaqut Xaq" ordenina layiq gorulmu~di~r.

2006-CI ilda olkamizin tahsil sisteminin inki7afrnda xidmat- larina, milli madani irsimizin qorunub saxlanrlmasrna va dunya- da tabligina, xarici olkalarda xalqlmrzln musbat imicinin moh- kamlanmasi uqun gorduyu islara, badii gimnastika uzra 27-ci dunya qempionatrnrn respublikamlzda yuksak saviyyada hazrr- lanrb keqirilmasina, geni!jmiqyasll xeyriyyaqilik faaliyyatina gora Mehriban aliyeva "2005-ci ilin adaml" elan edilmi>dir.

2006-CI il noyabrln 24-da Sivilizasiyalararasr dialoq daxil ol- maqla, muxtalif sahalarda geni7miqyaslr va fadakar faaliyyati- na, qaygrya ehtiyacr olan u~aqlara diqqatina, onlarrn yasayr? $a- raitinin yaxylaSmasrna, tahsila, hamqinin islam alaminda goru- Ian islara boyuk dastayina gora iSESKO-nun yegana qadrn Xos- maramlr safiri adlna layiq gorulmu$dur.

2007-cis il yanvarrn 29-da Dunya Sahiyya Ta5kilatr (DST) lc- raiyya Komitasi-nin Cenevrada keqirilan 120-ci sessiyaslnrn yek- dil qararr ila ana, usaq va aila saglamllgrnrn qorunmasr va moh- kamlanmasi i$inda mustasna xidmatlarina gora bu beynalxalq ta!kilatrn mukafatrna layiq gorulmu!dur.

2007-ci ilin mayrnda Mehriban aliyeva insanlrgln an yuksak ideallarrna xidmatlarina gora Rusiya Federasiyasrnln "Qlzrl urak" mukafatlna layiq gorulmu>dur.

well suggest national statehood ideas of Heydar Aliyev to new generations.

Due to Mehriban Aliyeva's philanthropic and charity activi- ties developing education and cultural institutions, she was awarded honorary titles and prizes.

Due to her hard efforts in protection and development of Azerbaijan's oral folk l i teratl lr~ and music heritage, \Alas awarded the title of Goadq~li imh3ssador nf

August 13, 2004. - On December 28, 2OCI.r

Committee of NOC in IV be Olympic Committee of the Rep

During the election on N member of Milli Mejlis (Parlia*

Was awarded the title of "Woma the sociologic poll held in Aze

Was awarded on June 9, "Philanthropists of the Foundation of Russia for he activity, support to the ed worthy contributions to between nations of Russia and Azerbaijan.

For her services in the d of our country, protection the works she implements world, organization and r Gymnastics Championshi activity, Mehriban Aliyev

On November 24, Ambassador of ISESCO in different spheres including the dialogues among civilizations, the attention to the children tn need of care, the big 511ppot-t to improvement of their living conditions, education o works carried out in the Islamic world,

Was awarded the prize of World Health j a n t z a ~ ~ l I I "4 I ler great contributions to the gratectionand strengthening o f math- er, child and family health upon the unanimous decision of the 120th session of the Executive Committee of Organizations held in Geneva on January 29,2007.

In May, 2007 Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded the prize of the Russian Federation "Golden Heart" for her services to the highest ideals of humanity. t \

t :r-v#-q. y$- =Tx r ...k.

Heydar aliyev Fondunun iarisrl sahasindaki faB8i&attt 8 8

.- 9;. '

The activities of the Heydar ~.liye.y.-~&hdation in the field of education I


zii!3 n iqtisadi inki7af yolunu tutan Azarbaycan camiyyatinda barabar tahsil imkanlar~nln yarad~lmasl, ganc naslin bi- liklara yiyalanmasi, olkamizin dunya tah- sil sistemina inteqrasiyaslna dastak veril- masi Heydar aliyev Fondunun prioritet sahalarindan biridir. 2004-2007-ci illar arzinda bu sahada hayata keqirilan bir neqa proqram va layihalar tahsilin saviy- yasini yuksaltmaya, valideyn himayasin- dan mahrum olmu> u:aq va yeniyetmala- rin hayat 5araitini yaxyla7d1rmaga imkan vermi$dir.

quai education opportunities in the society and assisting the country to integrate to the world's educational sys- tem are one of the prioritized activities for the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in econom- ically growing Azerbaijan. During 2004- 2007 some projects and programs have been implemented by the Fond, to raise the level of education and to improve the life conditions of children deprived of parental care and the orphans.

28 fevral 2005-ci il tarixinda Heydar aliyev Fondunda "U:,aq evlari va internat maktablarinin inki:,afrW Proqramlnin real- lasdir~lmasinln gedisina hasr edilmi:, dayir- mi masa keqirilmisdir. Gorusda Bak~daki usaq evlari va internat maktablarinin rahbarlari, alaqadar nazirliklarin va bey- nalxalq taskilatlarrn numayandalari i7tirak etmis, proqramin daha samarali hayata keqiritmasi yollari muzakira edilmi:,dir.

Fondun prezidenti Mehriban aliyeva 2004-cu ildan ba:,layaraq usaq evlari va internat maktablarina mutamadi olaraq bas qakir, u~aqlarla goru:,lar keqirir, onla- rln yarjayly va problemlari ila maraqlanir- dl. Natica etibarila, Fondun proqrama

"Development of the Orphanages and Boarding Schools" Program

On February 28, 2005 a round table about the realization of the "Develop- ment of the Orphanages and Boarding Schools" Program was held. The heads of the Orpha~ages and Boarding Schools, the officials from the related Ministries and international institutions also took part in the meeting where the more efficient ways of the program realization were discussed.

Starting from 2004, the president of the Fond, Mehriban Aliyeva regularly made visits to the Orphanages and Boarding Schools where she met with children and became interested in their life and problems. Consequently, since

He>dar aliyev Fondunun rahsil suhasindaki faaliyyafi / The ucriviries of the fleyrlar A&ela Foundarion in the field of education I

baylad~g~ 2 itdan afi tq mijddatda qax mu- hikri F$ar g6rulmii~dQr.

Proqramln birinci marhalasinin gedi- $and3 yaradllrnl~ isci qrupu taraf indar? Bakrnln iyirmidan $ox uSaq evi va internat ma-ktabina baxq keqirilmi~, bu tadris mijassisalarindaki mijvcud sarait ~yranil- migir. N6vbati marhalada respubli ka)nrn qalan Elgalarindaki ugaq evlari va inter- nat rnaktablarinda da monitorinqlar

the time when the Foundation started to aperate 2 years ago, very significant tasks within the program have been carried aut.

At the first stage of the pragram, more than twenty orphanages and boarding schmls of Baku were examined by the assigned team and the current canditisn af these institutions were carefully studied. The next stage of the program was to conduct the manitorins

Heydar a l i j ~ r Fondlrnun rallsil sahasintlaki faalijyati / The uc-rivities of the Heydur Aliyev Fourldarion in the field rfeducarion

apar1lmi7dir. Apar~lan monitorinqlarin naticasi olaraq, respublikan~n butin re- gionlar~nda yerla~an uqaq tarbiya muas- sisalarinda problemlarin hallina yonalan dord asas istiqamat - texniki dastak, tahsil, sahiyya va ictimai faalliq muayyan edilmiSdir. &u muassisalarin boyiik aksa- riyyatinin mahz tamira, yenidanqurmaya va texniki tachizata daha $ox ehtiyaci ol- duau muayyanla$dirilmiSdir.

in the orphanages and boarding schools around the other parts of the country. As a result of this monitoring four main directions on resolving the problems in educational institutions throughout the all regions of the republic have been iden- tified. These directions are as follows: technical support, education, health and social activities. It was cleared that most of these institutions just require renova-

Proqram qarqivasinda Fondun ta~ab- busu ila respublikada yerlapn 29 u?aq muassisasi asasli ?akilda tamir edilmi?, alava yardimqi binalar insa olunmu?, kommunal prai t yax?~la~drrrlmr>, muassi- salar yeni avadanlrqla komplektla>diril- mi;dir. Proqram yalnrz tamir-tikinti i~lari ila mahdudlasmrr. Har bir muassisada zanginlasmi? kitabxanalar, kompyuterlar- la taminat, elaca da, apar~lan treninqlar

tion, reconstruction and materials more than any other provisions.

29 of these children's institutions have been renovated as a part of the program, additional auxiliary buildings have been constructed, utility facilities have been improved and new equipment has been installed at the above mentioned institu- tions due to the initiative of the Fond. The program is included but not limited to the

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Ffeydar aliyev Fondunun tahsit sahssinclaki fwl[yyati 1 The activities ofthe Heydar Alijvv Foundation in the field of education I

tad risin sa~iyyasini y D ksaltmaya k6mak renowtiion and ranstmction activities. The edir. Sosial sahadaki d6ni.i~ bu kimi rich libraries, camputer provision and the rnuasisalarda aila rnijhiti qurrnaija, silij- trainings help *b improve the education lam va hartaraf li inkigafa garait yaradlr. levd in every institution. The soda[ impmi- Ugaqlarin asuda vaxtlar~nin iarnardi ke- sation has helped these imtitutiom to

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I Heydw allyel. Fnndunttn tahsil sahasidaki faa/iy~ati I The rrctiviries ofthe Hetdar Aliveis Foundarion in rhe field of education

"Yenilasan Azarbaycana yen] m a k t a ~ ~ Proqramr

Heydar aliyev Fondunun tahsil saha- sinda hayata keqirdiyi an boyuk proqram "Yenilapn Azarbaycana yeni maktab" Proqramldlr. 2005-ci ilin iyun aylnln 3-da "Yenilapn Azarbaycana yeni maktab" Proqramlnln taqdimat marasimi keqirildi. Proqramln maqsadi tahsilda olan prob- lemlarin aradan qaldlrllmasl, muasir tah- sil komplekslarinin yaradllmas~ va camiy- yatin muxtalif tabaqalarinin, yerli va xari- ci $irkatlarin, beynalxalq ta?kilatlarln, diplomatik korpuslarln bu istiqamatda birga amakda$q imkanlar~nln muayyan edilmasi idi. Fondun prezidentinin rah- barliyi ila keqirilan dayirmi masada res- publikan~n rayon va ucqar kand maktab- larinda aparllan monitorinqin naticalari nijmayi> etdirilmi: va 132 maktabin tam yararslz halda olduou muayyan edilmi7dir. Bununla da, Fond camiyyatin diqqatini halli

"A new school for a new Azerbaijan" Program

One of the most immense programs implemented by the Heydar Aliyev Founda- tion is "A new school for a new Azerbaijan" Program. The presentation ceremony of "A new school for a new Azerbaijan" Program was held on June 3, 2005. The program aims to eliminate educational problems and create modern educational complexes and identify joint co-operation opportu- nities in this direction for different strata of the population, local and foreign compa- nies, international organizations and diplomatic corps. During the round table organized under the leadership of the President of the Foundation, the results of monitoring held in schools located in regions and remote villages of the Republic were presented to the participants and it has been determined that 132 schools have entered into an absolute out-of-use and

Heydar a l i ~ v v F a n d w n ~ d ~ s i l sahuindaXifaafiyyati I The activitie.~ ofthe He+ Aliyer Fwrrdation h thejeld of educa~ion I

vacib problemlardan birina yonaldarak, ya- obsolete status. In this regard, the Founda- rarslz vaziyyatda olan tahsil miiassisalarinin tion initiated renovation works in outdated yenidan qurulmas~ i$na ba$aml:d~r. educational facilities by mobilizing civil

Proqram~n hayata ke~irilmasi maqsa- attention to the resolution of one of the di ila 100, 200 va 240 >agird yerlik yeni important problems.

1 Heydar aiiyev F O ~ U ~ I I rahsil sahgsin$aki faaliyyari I The activities af rhe W d a r Aliyev Foundation in the field ojr~ducation


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maktab layihalari taqdim edildi va camiy- yata unvanlanan amakdaSllq taklifi bu sa- hada ciddi i5birliyinin mumkunluyiinu gos- tardi. Xususila qeyd olunmalrdlr ki, olka arazisinda vusat alan maktab tikintilari mahz Fondun tapbbusuna qo~ulanlar ila birga amakda$q sayasinda mumkun oldu.

Ugurla ba7a qatan birinci marhala qar- qivasinda olka arazisinda 132 yeni maktab binas~ i n ~ a edjlib istifadaya verildi. Rayon va kandlarda olan bu maktablarin bir qoxu idman zallarl, muasir avadanlrq, istilik sis- temlari, zangin kitabxanalar, ayani vasait va kompyuter avadanllgl ila tamin olundu.

Birinci marhalanin ugurla ba>a qatma- SI Heydar aliyev Fondu tarafindan "Yeni- la5an Azarbaycana yeni maktab" Proqra- mlnln ikinci marhalasinin keqirilmasina takan verdi. 2006-CI ildan ba3layaraq ol- ka arazisinda daha 100 maktab binaslnln in7asl nazarda tutuldu. ikinci marhala Ba- kr va Ab$eron, elaca da, respublikanln muxtalif regionlarlnl ahata edir. in5a edi- lacak maktablarin 2007-2008-ci tadris

New school construction projects with capacity of 100, 200 and 240 pupils have been presented within the implementation of the said program, and the cooperation appeal made to the society shows the possibility of serious joint actions in this field. It should be noted in particular that large scale construction of schools across the country became possible only due to the joint cooperation made by engaged stakeholders on the basis of the initiative launched by the Foundation.

Successful completion of the first stage resulted in commissioning 132 new school premises in the territory of the country. A large part of these schools located in regions and villages have been equipped with sport facilities, contemporary equip- ment, heating systems, vast libraries as well as visual means and computers.

This first successful stage completion enabled the second stage of "A new school for a new Azerbaijan" Program launched by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

tteydar aliym Fodunun tsh~ii sahasiadakifadiyyati/ I aai~itits QJ de H-r Aliyev Fsrundnrion in thej7eld ofeduention 1

itinin baglantj~lnda ieifadaya werilrnaij nazarda tutulur.

Hanrda Azarbaycanln butiin region- tarrn~ aha& edan 52 rayonda 190 yerri maktakr tikilib istifadaya verilrnig, an rnijasir avadanl~qlo txhiz edilrni~dir. Bu- nunla da, 2005-2006-a illarda 38 rnin 964 ~agird yerlik maktablarjn in~aslna va yenidan qurwhmslna fiaii ~lunmw$dur.

It was envisaged to build 100 more- SC~QDIS nationwide starting from the year uf 2006. The second stage cowers Baku and Absheran, including dif femnt regions ~f the Republic. It is planned ts rornrnissi~n these schools at the beginning of 2007- 2008 educational years.

Currently, 190 new schools have been submitted for use in 62 regions which

"Ysnilajlan h r b y c i l n a yeni m&BbU Fraqram~ @ryIvasind;e rNkilen mdctsblarin fnp tempi Rate af growth of x h d an-n within "A Hew S&ml far a New Azerbaijan" P r a g m

Ht-ydrr dise i , Fnndunun iahsil raha.sirulaki faalipar~ I The urridtier ojtllr Hrydtrr Aliyr Foundation ill rhr field ofrdur~~rion I

I n p edilan va asas11 tamir olunan maktablarda pgird yerlarinin (9.y.) say1 Schoolchildren capacity (s.c.1 In the renovated and constructed schools

100 yerlik maktabtar Schools with 100 schoolchildren capacity

asas tarnir olunan maktablar Capitally repaired schools

300 yerlik maktablar Schools wlth 300 schoolchildren capacity

200 yerlik maktablar Schools with 200 schoolchildren capacity

240 yerlik maktablar Schools with 240 schoolchildren capacrty

100, 200, 240, 300 va daha art~q ?a- cover a large part of Azerbaijan. They gird yerlik maktablarin har birinda labo- have been equipped with the most ratoriya, kompyuter otaqlar~, idman sophisticated equipment. It means that meydanqalarl, kitabxana, yemakxana, during the period of 2005-2006, schools ayr~ca istilik sistemi vard~r. with overall capacity of 38.964 pupils

were constructed and renovated. Each of these schools with 100, 200,

240,300 and more schoolchildren capa- city disposes laboratories, IT rooms, sport facilities, libraries, canteens and dedicated heating systems.


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