Letters of thanks - Freunde Waldorf

Letters of thanks

Transcript of Letters of thanks - Freunde Waldorf

Letters of thanks

Dear Waldorf students all around the world,

Once again I am delighted about your incredible

commitment that you showcased on WOW-Day

2014 and would like to thank you for your efforts

on behalf of all children and young people in Wal-

dorf institutions worldwide.

I am always amazed how creative and different

your WOW-Day activities really are! Last year,

some schools have organised harvesting activi-

ties, flea markets, or music performances in the

pedestrian zone. Other classes chose to work in

a company or help a neighbour in the garden and

thus got a bit of a taste of what it means to „really

work hard“. Furthermore, students baked biscuits

or waffles and sold apple rings and apple juice from

the school garden.

Of course there were a lot of craft activities offe-

red again, such as the design of annual calendars

or greeting cards. Since a considerate treatment

of the environment plays an important role in our

schools, some facilities have executed exemplary

cleaning or garbage collection activities and thus

ensured the beauty and care of the environment.

Bicycles were repaired and the entrance area of

one particular school gave the impression of a real

car wash. The cars of the school community looked

spic and span again after the student’s thorough

cleaning treatment! Sponsored runs were again a

popular activity at some schools, and circus per-

formances with various tricks (such as juggling

or diabolo) revealed some special talents. In one

school, students, parents and teachers alternated

on stand-bikes for a period of 24 hours, cycling and

sweating all day and all night (!), ultimately raising

an impressive amount of funds. Respect for that!

All together you have certainly had a lot of fun and

by 30 Juli you have collectively raised € 353.608,71

to commemorate the 20th anniversary of WOW-

Thank you!

Day. The total amount was used for the benefit of

61 Waldorf and educational initiatives in 25 coun-

tries. 192 schools from 31 countries participated in

last year’s WOW-Day campaign. A grand total of €

3.327.415,11 has been raised in the past 20 years!

Like every year we have compiled all thank you let-

ters from around the world for you so you can read

what a difference your effort has really made. With

your commitment on WOW-Day you create friend-

ship and show awareness for the interrelatedness

of today’s world, which is more than ever depen-

dent on our good human cooperation. Indeed it is

the real, deeper meaning of WOW-Day: to create a

world in which every child can enjoy their right to

holistic education, to later on act as a empowered

self-confident person in society, showing respect

and dignity for each individual person and the trea-

sures and diversity of all cultures.

I wish you a lot of positive insights while reading.

You can be very proud of yourselves!

Best regards from BerlinOlivia Girard

ARGENTINA San Fernando, CultivArte

On this occasion we would like to sincerely thank

you for always believing in us and supporting us

on our path. During the course of 2014, we have

completed many different activities.

Next year we will return with renewed strength to

start our work, hoping to continue our growth and

offer the opportunity to more and more children

and young people to participate in our workshops.

We continue to strive towards our big dream: to

build a Waldorf educational centre in the Santa

Rosa district. To do so we have set out this year

to find a new place to set up the workshops, build

a schoolyard and a garden, and to strengthen our

links with the community and the district adminis-


We are delighted that our task has already produ-

ced visible results and that even small things can

make a big difference.

We are participating in the process of transforming

the world; we worry about our environment and

put our ideas into reality, because we understand

how important it is to make changes today, for a

better present and a better future.

We want to thank you for being a part of this task.


The members of CultivArte

ETHIOPIAHawzien, Waldorfschule

Dear students,

We were delighted to receive your donation. On behalf of Dr. Atsbaha, the entire Board of Direc-tors and the children, we would like to sincerely thank you for your efforts. Hawzien is a district with more than 100,000 inhabitants and a city of about 15,000 inhabitants in the province of Tigray in northern Ethiopia.In no other region of Ethiopia one can find as many Christian rock churches as in Hawzien and Geralta. About 80% of the population lives from agriculture, the rest mainly from service, retail and crafts. The main event in the province is the weekly market. The lack of kindergartens, schools and vocational schools, however, present a great challenge to the region. In this context the biggest problem is the high rate of youth unemployment.Magdalena Bächtle had the idea of building a school in Hawzien more than 6 years ago, when she was still a Waldorf student herself. She then raised enough money that together with the Friends of Waldorf Education she could apply for BMZ funds (The German Ministry of Cooperation & Economic Development supports the construc-tion of the school with 75% given that the funding of teacher salaries can be guaranteed for the next 15 years).

As a result, the new school opened its doors on 29 September 2014 with a big party, after construc-tion had begun in 2012. The school building has four classrooms, a teachers‘ room, a small multi-purpose hall and sanitary facilities. The school association „Finks Hawzien for Intergrated De-velopment in Ethiopia“ invited 350 guests for the occasion, who first inspected all facilities: the sta-bles, the bakery, the kindergarten for currently 120 children and the brand new school building. The festival opening was conducted by the chairman of the association Dr. Atsbaha and was followed by a welcome speech from the local mayor, before the governor of the region as well as the priests and the Iman of Hawzien took to the stage. Fol-lowing the opening speeches came the first major appearance of the 45 first-graders, the actual main characters of the day, as they performed several poems and a song.The subsequent banquet was prepared and paid for together by all staff, parents and villagers. Tasty local food was served, prepared with traditional spices in carbon furnaces of the surrounding villa-ges. A cow and two sheep had been slaughtered especially for the event. Anyone who hoped to be able to enjoy a home-brewed Ethiopian beer for

dinner was not disappointed. After dinner there was live music with traditional folk songs and a lot of dancing.It is planned to expand the initiative to include a complete primary school up to class eight by 2017. Already today educators from Germany regularly come to share their knowledge with the school’s two teachers and to develop new ways of learning for the children. The school sees itself as an inde-pendent school, which together with the teachers is searching for appropriate forms of learning for Ethio-pia. The opening of this school is a further milestone of this project and shows how much can be done when local people get the right support in order to realise their own ideas.

On behalf of the Ethiopian Association I send my best regards,

Olin Roenpage

BRAZILSão Paulo, Associação Comunitária Micael - ACOMI

Dear organisers and supporters of WOW-Day 2014!

Into what a great initiative WOW-Day has developed

in recent years - an example of cooperation and inter-

cultural participation! We admire this commitment.

Congratulations to all who have helped to make such

an event happen and did so in so many different places

around the world with so much success.

We would like to express our gratitude that we were

selected to be among the organisations that bene-

fit from of the funds raised trough WOW-Day. You

financial support is more than welcome and eases our

concerns about the funding of the project “teaching

ways”, which in 2015 is currently undergoing stage II of

its development phase.

The project “teaching ways” exists since 2011. It aims

to provide beneficial social pedagogical offers revol-

ving around topics such as art and culture for the

children at Jardim Boa Vista. Besides, makes Waldorf

education accessible to those who have less opportu-

nity to enjoy quality education.

Our sincere thanks, on behalf of the children and their

families, who benefit from this donation.

With these words of Goethe, we want to close, as

in our view they illustrate the solidarity activities of

WOW-Day very well, “Only all people together make

up make humankind, only all forces together make up

the world” - J. W. Goethe.

With this in mind lets hope that WOW-Day continues

to develop a viral effect infecting more and more peo-

ple and organizations to join forces in the campaign.


Antonio Marcos Tibério Vallim

Executive Chairman

Embu Guaçu, São Paulo, Aramitan

Dear pupils,

First, we would sincerely like to thank you for your

contribution to Aramitan through the WOW-Day

2014 campaign. This was the fourth time we get

a WOW-Day contribution with the support from

Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners. As

many of you may do not know much about Aramitan

Association, we would like to introduce you a litt-

le about this institution and share with you recent

news. Aramitan means „the child who unites Earth

with Heaven“ Our Vision: Creating trust and hope.

Aramitan is a Socio-Cultural Development Centre

focusing in Education, Culture, Environment and

International Exchange programs.

Today we have lots of people helping in all activities

in Aramitan. It’s being great to have new children

and families coming and to witness the development

from the older ones and it’s humbling to participate

and to take responsibility in their ongoing develop-

ment. The youth study group has started and the

new music project is finally underway. We have also

continued with the Youth Program once a month

for the community and friends, the meetings with

the coordination board and special weekends events

to consolidate the team. We are also running an

important project together with the SOS Atlantic

Forest Foundation where we responsible for analysis

and monitoring a river near the Aramitan monthly

together with children and young people, preventing

this river to be contaminated and polluted. Our work

is done with great difficulties and challenges.

Without the involvement of people who support us

we would not be able to continue ahead. Thank you

for helping us help the world!

With gratitude,

The Aramitan Team

Barra Grande, Escola Anael

Dear friends of Waldorf schools around the world,

It was a great surprise when we received your dona-

tion from WOW-Day 2014. It represents a huge gift

for us! MANY MANY THANKS! We would like to

describe to you briefly, what we are going to do with

your money:

In February our new school year started and now we

have five classes whose classrooms could be funded

through a substantive donation. The BMZ (German

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & De-

velopment) has supported us to build a kindergar-

ten with two groups, which has now started (fully


Many children were joyfully and excitedly awaiting

the first day of school! A big problem is the poverty

of the population in Várzea da Roça. Unfortunately,

the majority of our parents cannot pay school fees.

The financial support from the city is politically de-

pendent and therefore unpredictable.

So we have a very special Waldorf school in an

extremely difficult environment. Every year we have

to find support in order to continue operating the

school. Our existence relies entirely on donations

from open and caring people!

Fortunately, we have found such people in YOU,

that’s wonderful! So we will use your contribution

for the running costs of the school, for salaries and

learning materials. Our employees can get as a small

supplement to their minimum wage and the children

can work with the beautiful Waldorf materials. You

can be really proud, because thanks to your help, it is

possible for us this year to continue our school and

to expand!

Once again on behalf of all our children, staff and

parents thank you very much!

Your Doris Knipping

São Paulo, Monte Azul, Escola Básica de Resiliência

Dear colleagues, dear students,

On behalf of the children, youth and families at

Monte Azul, we thank you for your wonderful

commitment on WOW-Day 2014 and for your

donation. As a thank you we would like to tell

you a bit about the children who attend our small

Waldorf School „Escola Básica de Resiliência“ in

São Paulo. Unfortunately, the public schools in

our district are very poor. Sometimes up to 50

students sit in the classes at a time and the child-

ren go to school in shifts, because there are too

few teachers and too less space. Some go in the

morning, some in the afternoon, and some even at

night. This is very difficult for the children, espe-

cially because most parents have to work all day

and cannot take care of them or check whether

they are really going to school on time and do

their homework. Some children therefore simply

stop going to school.

In our small Waldorf school we try to do all this

differently. We offer educational activities all day

long and our kids also cook, eat, play and do their

homework with us. We care for them during the

entire day.

We would like to tell you the importance of this

approach with the following story about José. José

is nine years old and attends class four. At first

glance he is no different from the other children,

he is neither more aggressive nor restless or “more

difficult”. But José is one of those children who get

up on their own in the morning, get dressed by

themselves and go to school without their parents

accompanying them. There is no one who wakes

him, fixes breakfast for him and or tells him when

it is time to leave for school. José is a small „mirac-

le“ for us and that‘s why we would like to tell you

his story. About one year ago José had basically

stopped going to school. He hung around in the

streets of the neighbourhood and had begun to

commit petty thefts along with an older boy. Several

times the two of them had broken into a shed where

sellable bulk waste is stored. The employees of the

garbage disposal facility waited for the thieves to

return and eventually caught both of them. José

immediately claimed the older boy had instigated

him to commit the thefts. Later it turned out that

the opposite had been the case. Dona Helenita, the

head of the garbage disposal facility, invited the

parents of the two boys for a meeting. José’s parents

did not come and so Dona Helenita visited his home.

José and his family live in a very simple dwelling, it is

basically nothing more than a wooden shed. He lives

with his mother, her partner, an older cousin and his

grandmother. All five live together in a single room.

Only his mother has a job as a shop assistant.

Dona Helenita told his family about José’s “pranks”

and asked them to take better care of him. Unfor-

tunately, she did not succeed with her request. One

day, she asked Mario, our headmaster, if he could

do something for José. Mario knows just as well as

Dona Helenita: if one does nothing, small mischief

will sooner or later lead to more serious crimes and

José might become a real street kid, because he has

absolutely no one who cares about him. Such child-

ren are involved very early on in drug dealing and

often end up being victims to a violent death.

The parents of the children attending our Waldorf

school, do not have much money and often cannot

pay any school fees. Therefore, the requirement for

admission is that parents are willing to learn so-

mething about Waldorf education themselves. The

idea is that they come to the events and parent eve-

nings and help with the maintenance and renovation

of buildings and property. Mario asked José’s mother

if she was ready to commit to the school, but José’s

mother did not answer. Mario wanted to give José a

chance anyway and decided against better judgment

to admit José to school anyway. And the miracle is

happening: since then José comes to class on time

every day. Not without problems, he finds himself

adjusting to the school rhythm, but he manages with

the tireless help of his teacher. His family still does

not support him. We very much hope that José has

turned the page and will remain on his good deve-

lopment path.

Thanks to your support, we can continue running

our Waldorf school and help children like José.

Once again our most heartfelt thanks and

best regards from São Paulo,

Yours Renate Keller Ignacio

São Paulo, Circus Stars‘ Bridge

Dear WOW-Day students,

The football players were sent away after the

World Cup, now children are sitting in rows on

the floor on old carpets and exercise mats. Ea-

gerly they are looking forward on to the football

field, which normally belongs to the population in

the southern periphery of São Paulo and which is

now the stage of a circus performance.

The curtain opens and children in colourful costu-

mes come on to the stage juggling with colourful

balls, rings and clubs.

The children in Campo Limpo do not have much

variety in their daily routine. The rough life in the

favelas does not offer opportunities for theatre

or music performances. They are not used to sit

quietly and to be attentive. But suddenly it is very

quiet in the ranks. The children on stage are tel-

ling a story. A stewardess explains to her passen-

gers, how to close the seatbelts. All passengers

sit down, and the plane takes off. The captain

even makes his announcement in English. The

children laugh, because who knows how to speak

English on the outskirts of São Paulo?!

Each year, the educators and participants of the

children and youth circus PONTE DAS ESTRE-

LAS (“stars‘ bridge”) work out a program that

they present during the holidays at schools, the-

atres, cultural centres – and sometimes even on

public football fields. Today, the children perform

right at the place where they come from them-

selves and where their families live.

They are traumatised children from the slums

and streets on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, aff-

licted in their everyday life by chaotic families

without structure, abuse, child prostitution, drug

trafficking and general crime in the immediate

environment. What it means to those children

to perform on stage and to be an actor, juggler,

bear tamer, unicycle rider or acrobat, can be seen

in every training session. Every day before or

after school, the circus performers practice in the

rented facilities of a day care institution, as well as

on weekends every 14 days with an overnight stay,

to implement what every individual has learned into

group performances and choreographies. To partici-

pate attending school lessons or at least the desire

to return back to school is a mandatory prerequisi-

te. In addition, there are offers for tutoring, music,

art, main lesson classes and art therapy. And then

costumes have to be sewn and requisites have to be


Twice a year the circus goes on tour. We go to

schools and theatres in and outside of São Paulo,

where we perform, but sometimes also offer circus

workshops and then stay overnight. Everywhere we

receive the feedback that circus work is educational

and therapeutic not only for our children, but also

for our audience. Whether it’s the splendour of the

sparkling eyes of children on stage that transmits to

the audience, or the unseen effort and silent trans-

formation of a captain who could not even read and

who suddenly confidently speaks English, or the

bear tamer that came to us as a dumb child and now

gives proud instructions to her bears.

The kids on the football field recognise their

schoolmates and can hardly believe it: school failu-

res, stuttering classmates, poor children from the

lowest social class, who were bullied, the sad favela

children have turned into stars, and the audience,

even the proud crowd from the private schools are

applauding because what the performers do on

stage is just really good!

This is the bridge that we are trying to build every

day. This is our social work for children and young


circus is always dependent on the support of third

parties because we receive no government support

and every year we are once again looking to make

the impossible possible. So we are deeply grateful

to your efforts during WOW-Day and your donati-

on towards this on-going circus year!

„We want to build a bridge from here to the sky,

a bridge out of trust for us and the whole world!“

(Verse from our circus song, sung at the end of

each performance)

With a hearty OBRIGADO from São Paulo,

on behalf of the young artists and employees of the


Regina Klein

GEORGIAGremi, TEMI Community

Dear students,

We, the children and adults of the TEMI Communi-

ty, would like to thank you very much for the dona-

tion that we received from you. Now we can finally

get the music therapy room renovated (it despera-

tely needs a new floor, as the old one was broken)

and rearrange it with cushions, which we sew by

ourselves, and a sound couch that we are building

in our workshop. We also look forward to a holiday

trip to the mountains and the sea, where we camp

out and cook on an open fire. We can only make

these kind of trips with the help of your donations,

because most of us do not have parents and get no

financial support. If you are planning to make a trip

to Georgia, or perhaps want to do your agriculture

internship in our vineyards (our vines need a lot of

maintenance work), you are more than welcome to

visit us!

We are a large community of about 70 people

(children, adolescents and adults), and study, live

and work together on a large property with a few

buildings and gardens. It is a very big help to us to

receive the funds that you raised through your acti-

vities! We hope you continue to work with a lot of

energy and imagination in the coming WOW-Day

campaigns and you will find more and more do-

nors and friends willing to support this big project.

Because through WOW-Day you are truly sending

light rays into all corners of the world and straight

into many people’s hearts!

With kind regards,

on behalf of the TEMI Community

Susanna Reinhart

GUATEMALA,San Marcus La Laguna, Escuela Caracol

Dear friends,

In the name of our entire educational community,

we want to deeply thank you for your efforts with

WOW-Day. You support came right in the middle

of a very challenging financial situation at Escue-

la Caracol and helped to improve our bearing for

2015. With the money you raised we will be able to

cover half of the food expenses for our school year.

As you might know, we are in one of the poorest

regions of Guatemala, with an extremely high ratio

of malnutrition. We can continue to provide each

children with two nutritious meals a day thanks to

your WOW-Day efforts!

Our students know all about your hard work with

WOW-Day, and some of them contributed as „Es-

cuela Caracol ambassadors“ writing the beautiful

letter translated below expressing their gratitude:

„We would like to thank you, here from Atitlan Lake in Guatemala, for the GREEEAT help you gave to our school. Our teacher told us that there was a fest to collect money for us. We would like to thank you from our heart and send you on behalf of the Escuela Caracol and big hug to all. With love.”

I‘ve attached pictures of the students writing the

letter. We are excited to report that we are gro-

wing so much, we began the 2015 school year with

21 new students!


Jorge Benito - on behalf of Escuela Caracol

ISRAELTiv’on, Ein Bustan Kindergarten

Dear friends,

On behalf of the Ein Bustan bi-lingual and multicul-

tural kindergarten we wish to send a

huge thank you to the students and families for the

generous donation raised during the WOW-Day

activities at your school in September 2014. We were

truly touched and impressed at how your school

community got together and set such a productive

fundraising event for the goal of helping our initia-

tive, and with such success. We are so very grateful

and humbled! Your donation will be used for several

essential and urgent needs: amongst them, essential

expenses necessary for the opening of our bilingual

nursery (ages 1-3 years old) next year! And also for a

scholarship fund that will enable us to help subsidize

tuition to families with lesser means who wish to

send their children to be educated in our kindergar-

ten and nursery.

Ein Bustan is helping bring Arab and Jewish children

and their families together in a warm

and nurturing educational environment that helps to

bridge the divisions that set us apart.

We are delighted and proud to have you as our part-

ner in this project, in actions that lay the foundation

for mutual respect, friendship and peace.

Thank you very much once again - we look forward

to staying in touch, and keeping you

updated about developments!

In friendship and peace, Shalom and salaam!

Gal Mosenson-Niemeyer,

Resource Development

Shfa’ram, Tamrat El Zitoun Waldorfschule

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for your donation to our school.

We greatly cherish and appreciate your efforts as part

of the WOW-Day campaign 2014. It is a great joy to

have your support, as valued colleagues, students and

friends, for our school to continue with its vision and

efforts for social change.

Our school is named Tamrat El Zitoun, which means

the fruit of the olive tree. The school has a vision

for equality and understanding among the different

cultures and backgrounds and for a unique education

based on freedom, honesty and love both within the

Arab community itself and between Arabs and Jews in


With your continued financial and moral support we

are confident that we can plant the seeds to spread

this vision within the entire Arab community in Israel

and to other Arab communities in the Middle East.

We consider you vital partners in these efforts and

much welcomed guests at our school and in our

town. We look forward to the day we will be able to

participate ourselves in a WOW-Day, and contribute

towards the success of other Waldorf schools world-


Thank you once again for your valuable support and

all the best!

Tamrat El Zitoun

KENYA,Kakuma Waldorf Project, Emergency Education

On behalf of Waldorf Kakuma Project, I would like

thank you so much for your very generous donation.

Your contribution makes it possible for us to conti-

nue providing psychosocial support for traumatized


Since its inception, our project has provided refugee

children at the Kakuma Camp in Kenya with basic

quality education and trauma recovery assistance.

Beneficiaries of this project are children aged bet-

ween 3-17 years. These children are facing different

kinds of traumas brought forth by war, natural disas-

ter, flight, displacement, accidents, maltreatment,

torture, neglect, sexual abuse.

Your generous gift is going to make a difference in

the lives of these children. Your donation is going to

be used to purchase class materials which are nee-

ded for the smooth running of child friendly spaces

within the refugee camp.

There is no way to fully express our gratitude but

we are continually inspired by your dedication and

generosity. Because of you Waldorf Kakuma project

continues to open its doors to deserving children

experiencing psychological trauma. Thank you for

your support.

With kind regards,

Bellah Wairimu, Project coordinator

Internvention in Gaza and North IraqEmergency Education

Dear students,

We have learned that you collected donations for the

emergency education mission of the Friends of Waldorf

Education in the Gaza Strip. We would therefore like to

take this opportunity to thank you for your great support

and your commitment!!!

Surely you have all heard about the terrible conditions

in the Gaza Strip, where many people were injured and

have lost their homes, or about the dreadful civil war

in Syria, where thousands of people are on the run, for

example, to northern Iraq. As you can probably imagine,

such an experience not only leaves external wounds, but

also results in severe mental wounds for those affected.

Especially for children, such experiences can have drama-

tic consequences.

For this reason, there is an urgent need to make educa-

tional first aid locally accessible to affected children and

adolescents. And that is exactly what we do: We help

people to handle bad experiences, so they do not suffer

from psychological illnesses. Painting and drawing can

do a great deal in helping people to process their expe-

riences, because feelings can be directly expressed in a

picture. A regulated daily routine with morning circle,

lunch and final circle helps to regain inner balance. For

many children movement helps with overcoming the

shock. That is why rope jumping, eurythmy and other

motion games are important activities during emergency

pedagogical missions. As you can see, your commitment

has made an important contribution to helping a great

number of people in the Gaza Strip. Your donation enab-

les many children in different places to benefit from our

educational care.

On behalf of our team I would like to once again thank

you very much!

Warmest regards,

Lukas Mall

(Coordination Emergency Pedagogy)

MOLDOVAChisinau, Waldorf School

Dear friends,

We, class 11 from Chișinău Waldorf School in Mol-

dova, as well as our parents and teachers would like

to say a big thank you to the Friends of Waldorf Edu-

cation and all students who participated in the 2014

WOW-Day campaign and supported our student

exchange project. Thanks to your donations we were

able to visit the Waldorf school in Luxembourg at

the end of April 2015, our partner school since eleven

years. The aim of our partnership is an intercultural

student exchange and cooperation for the mandato-

ry social internship. The Luxembourg students have

indeed implemented eleven projects in our school,

but our class was only the fifth visiting class to their

school because the travel costs are too high com-

pared to the standard of living in our country, and

it was not easy to get the visa three years ago. Our

wish to travel abroad was very big and we did eve-

rything possible to collect the money, because we

wanted to travel as a whole class. Our class had or-

ganised four bazaars and two concerts at school. Of

course we did not raise a lot, but with your donation

we had enough money for travel insurance, costu-

mes for concerts, food and drinks, and partly for the

hostel stay.

Early in the morning on April 24, our journey be-

gan. 18 young people (6 girls and 12 boys), our crafts

teacher, our lower levels teacher and our class men-

tor set out on our journey to Luxembourg by bus.

The trip took a long time because the driver needed

to rest in between. We drove through Romania,

Hungary, Austria and Germany. In each country, we

were able to admire beautiful places. In Germany our

first experience was the night in the hostel in Heil-

bronn, where we stayed on the way to Luxembourg

as well as on the way back. In magazines and on the

Internet, we had read a lot about hostels, but none

of us had ever been in such an accommodation. It

was a really great experience. We were also very im-

pressed by the beautiful landscape in Germany and

in Luxembourg. Most of us have climbed mountains

for the first time, which we did in Mullerthal the so-

called „Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland“ and also

when we visited the Neuschwanstein castle. It is

hard to put into words, but our eventful impressions

will remain in our memory for the rest of our lives.

Many thanks to the Waldorf School in Luxembourg,

the host families, the teachers, students and all

those who have welcomed us so hospitably. We are

also thankful for the opportunity to realise a practi-

cal project, to work artistically (clay modelling and

drawing), perform a concert and also for the excel-

lent trip. This trip was very important for us and we

are convinced it is very beneficial for other classes

as well, because one learns to support each other

as a group in various situations, connects to each

other, gets to know other cultures and people, and

what is also very important in our time, one gets to

practice foreign languages and experiences toleran-

ce towards others.

We are sending you some photos of our project.

Sincerely and a thousand times thank you!

The students of class 11

and our class mentor, Lidia Directorova

NEPAL,Kathmandu, Shanti Waldorf School

Dear WOW-Day participants,

When you put in that big effort for our school

last year with so much success, no one could

have guessed how we would look back on it to-

day. We are deeply grateful to all of you for your

imaginative activities, your perseverance, your

creativity and your strength. We all are amazed

how much money you were able to collect.

Many of our students indeed have no parents or

they have parents, who are illiterate and there-

fore so poor that they cannot send their children

to a school. Schooling costs money and school

uniforms must be bought. Currently 160 children

up to class 6 attend the Shanti Waldorf School.

From your donations we were able to buy shoes

and socks, underwear and warm parkas for win-

ter, as well as some sweaters and caps. As you

can imagine this made our students very happy.

Especially because it is very cold in Nepal during

winter and there is no heating. Since 25 April this

year everything has become even more difficult

for Nepal and thus also for the Shanti children.

On that day the earth trembled so strongly that

the school, the boarding school and the home for

severely disabled children collapsed. The buil-

dings are so badly damaged that they have to be


Fortunately for us we were able to move into a

clinic where we can continue with our teaching.

However, two classes do not have any windows –

but at least they have a solid roof, which protects

against the heavy monsoon rains. 5000 schools

have been destroyed throughout Nepal, and

many children are sitting under tarpaulins. We

are glad that we also have a water filter in the

yard, which supplies us all with drinking water.

You can hardly imagine what a green-gray broth

most people have to endure in Kathmandu. And

this contaminated water causes illness. We do

not want to give up hope for better times and

with so many hardworking supporters like you, we

have reason to be grateful and confident.

Heartfelt greetings to all of you,

Yours Marianne Grosspietsch

(Founder of Shanti)

PERUCusco, Kusi Kawsay Waldorf School

Dear WOW-Day Friends,

Thank you so much for the snacks. Thanks to your

kind donation, we are able to prepare a healthy,

nutritious snack. They give us strength, they are

delicious and nutritious. We are serving our stu-

dents nutritious and delicious warm quinoa, habas,

and kiwisha drinks with whole-wheat bread and

fruit. They are enjoy their rich sack during their

first break of the day, which enables them to eat

healthy and have a productive day at school. We

are truly grateful for your support and appreciate

your kind donation. Each day, when we are able to

provide our students with a healthy school snack,

we think of you and are very happy for our ongoing


From the bottom of our hearts, Urpillay Sonqollay!

Danke! Gracias!

THANK YOU to all the students, teachers and staff

of Kusi Kawsay

Lima, Pro Humanus, „School on the move

Dear students,

Taiteri mauwene - Gasonki! In the language of the

Asháninka indigenous people of the Peruvian rain-

forest this means: „Good day to all and thank you!“

Yes, we - the children of Panguana and the teachers

of Pro Humanus – would like to call this out to you

with joy and from the bottom of our heart. Because

thanks to your remarkable commitment you enable

us to work with the children and their teachers in

the small village school Yotatsipanto this year and

are able to provide them with much needed school


Panguana is located in the jungle along one of the

tributaries of the Amazon, Río Yuyapichis (Huánuco).

It is a nature reserve and a research station, led by

the biologist Juliane Köpcke, who since her youth,

when she was the only survivor of a plane crash over

the rainforest, promotes the rainforest. „The rain-

forest has saved my life and henceforth I will help

to save its life...“ (if you are interested to learn more

we recommend the following book: Juliane Köpcke

(2012) “When I Fell From the Sky, Titletown Publi-


Deforestation and pollution caused by illegal gold

mining threatens the region, including the settle-

ments of the Asháninkas. We cannot prevent much,

but we can make a contribution to a decent educa-

tion. And we are trying here in the jungle - as we do

in other places in the disadvantaged regions of the

country with our „school on the move“. In Panguana

we additionally try to make a difference through a

reforestation project with students from the af-

fected area in collaboration with Peruvian Waldorf

students. The morning begins with a rhythmic part,

followed by a school lesson and arithmetic exercises

as well as some wordplay.

We do this type of educational social work for seven

years now in three regions of Peru: in the high Andes

(Huancavelica, Cusco, Arequipa), in the coastal

desert (Ica, Chiclayo, Lima) and the rainforest

(Panguana). It started with relief efforts after a

major earthquake in 2007 in southern Peru – which

happened in the deep ditch, where the continental

plates slide over one another - and after months

when the aid organizations had already pulled out

of the region, we were still attending to the child-

ren and their families. At that point the inhabitants

of a remote Andean village told us: „It is now no

longer the disaster itself, nor our material poverty,

but it is ultimately the inadequate education that

makes us live in a permanent state of emergency...“

These words and the request of teachers for more

training, gave the impetus for our long-term activi-

ty within the framework of our project „School on

the Move“. It is not the children who come to our

school, but we go - at the request of teachers and

parents – to each of their communities, accompany

the teacher and train them within their social and

cultural environment. We do this in each place for

at least three years.

If we are not travelling with our school, we care for

children with cancer in the capital Lima three times

a week in a hospital with music, painting, fairy

tales, games and much more... Within the sterile,

non-child friendly environment, the children are

often left to themselves. Through our activities,

we try to provide a space to the children where

they may simply be children and we can experience

how art and education support the healing process


Once again we would like to warmly thank you and

send our greetings to you from Peru:

Jatana mauwene - Hasta luego

Bettina Vielmetter

Tarapoto, Sauce, Estrella de Sauce, Curative Education

Dear students,

The community of Sauce in the northern jungle of

Peru looks like a paradise and in many ways it is

with its palm trees, a gorgeous lake and skies free

from chemtrails. It is a noted tourist destination, but

the tourists do not see that there are also difficult

situations below the surface. In addition to problems

of alcoholism and domestic violence we found that

children and youth with handicaps are very often

neglected and there are no government programs to

help them. They are often refused entry to classes

in the public schools. Realizing this situation we at

Estrella de Sauce have made a beginning over the

past year to offer a refuge, a place where this neg-

lected part of the community can come and receive

education and care.

This program for children and youth with disabilities

is in addition to our regular after-school enrichment

program of art, handwork, music and English for

children of the Sauce community between the ages

of 3 to 12 and our senior citizens weekly group. We

are also developing a 2 hectare bio-dynamic horti-

culture project with bananas, cacao, fruit trees and


We are extremely grateful to all the pupils and

staff of the schools who have worked to provide us

operating funds by participating in the WOW-Day

project. Without your help we would not be able

to offer all that we do. A big THANK YOU to you

all! Please come and see us!

Martin Stevens

(Ex-pupil of Kings Langley Steiner School in Hert-

fordshire, UK and ex-student of Emerson College,

Forest Row, Sussex, UK)

Dear students,

From 2005 until 2010 we participated in educational

and social projects in the south of Peru under the

name Cultural Association Estrella del Sur.

In May of 2011 we moved our location to live in

the northern jungle of Peru in the community of

Sauce Lake. I was planning to read books lying in

a hammock, do knitting in the afternoons, go for

walks in the mountains and swim in the lake. Can

you imagine the life we were dreaming of as a pair

of Waldorf teachers? - a dream life, but the reality

was different. In the first place I was held up at

gunpoint by six men wearing masks. They assaulted

four cars until some soldiers showed up and there

was a firefight with bullets flying. In the second

place I suddenly became a popular figure in our

new community for having lived through this rare

experience, and in the third place people quickly

realized we were teachers and soon we were set up

at a table in front of the door of our house helping

out with homework tasks and teaching some hand-

work. After that we began helping the teachers in

the public schools and introducing them to some

basic Waldorf methods and anthroposophical ideas.

We heeded the suggestion to form a new Cultu-

ral Association to be called Estrella de Sauce from

which to begin social and educational work in the


It is only possible to do the work we do in this

community because we have the help of young

volunteers from the ‘Friends of Waldorf Education’

and because Waldorf pupils work during WOW-

Day. The funds that you send us directly enables

us to develop our social and educational projects.

For this we are extremely grateful. Without the-

se funds all we would be able to offer is hugs and

hugs would not replace the eyeglasses needed by

Max, Zarca and Efrain or the special shoes needed

by Jhondey or the medicines needed by the ladies

older than 60-70-80 years. The bedroom (built

by us) and bed for Flor, the bicycle for Jhon Ken-

nedy. Because the work done on just one WOW-

Day supports our projects for a whole year and the

benefits last for a long, long time. We don’t need to

buy eyeglasses every month or shoes and mattresses

every day.

We have been invited to receive financial help from

non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), but we

like to only receive money where we know from

where it comes and whose purpose is social deve-

lopment and not evasion of taxes. It may mean we

have to wait longer, but that doesn’t matter. The 14

children called “special”, the 24 older ladies and the

20 children from 3 to 12 years old we receive every

weekday all know that there is one day a year when

many, many pupils work to raise and send the funds

that we use to offer them a drink and snack every

day, to buy materials for their handwork projects,

art materials for their drawings and paintings and to

address their urgent needs to enable them to live in

a dignified way. They express their gratitude for all

of this.

I say to you all MANY THANKS and all of you are

welcome to visit this magical place in the northern

jungle of Peru. There is much work to do here, but

nobody to pay for it, we say, “God is the one who


Lourdes Jibaja

Taray, Huandar, Escuela Intercultural Wiñaypaq

Dear WOW-Day participants,

Wiñaypaq (pronounced <winyàipach>) is a school in

the mountains of Peru. About 85 children of Que-

chua farmers attend the school, most of whom live

under very poor circumstances. Therefore, their

parents are also not able to pay school fees. Private

schools such as Wiñaypaq do not get any govern-

ment support either, so this school is dependent

on donations. For the children it represents a great

opportunity to be able to attend this school, be-

cause their native language, Quechua, is spoken

in class and their culture is not suppressed, but

instead promoted and seen as an important basis

of coexistence. The students are very happy about

the WOW-Day donations. We do need these funds

urgently to pay our teachers and the other running

costs of the school. Below the students of class

5 and 6 have written a letter of thanks to you in

Spanish and produced a number of paintings. I have

translated the letter for you and also say a big thank


Gerhild Mayer

Dear friends,We, the students of Wiñaypaq Wal-dorf School, send you our cordial greetings. With this letter we want to thank you for all of your activities that you repeatedly organise in or-der to support us.We want to tell you also that in the sacred valley the harvest of corn, potatoes, quinoa and amaranth has begun. In our school a small Lama was born recently, which is very sweet and has no name yet. It would be nice if you could help us find a name for it. We send you a photo. (Suggestions can be sent to the email address of the Association: [email protected])We say goodbye for now with a lot of joy and gratitude. We hope that we stay in contact.Many greetings from the students and teachersthe small school Wiñaypaq

ZAMBIANdola, Sodalis Project

Dear students,

I could not believe my eyes, when I studied the

overview of the WOW-Day donations to Sodalis

- Partnership for One World. I am overwhelmed

by your energy and your commitment to our work

in Zambia. Thank you very much for this valuable

gift that will benefit the girls and women who are

in need of support in our project! It is not easy to

always find the right words to thank you appropri-

ately, as your support is so overwhelming!

With your help, we are now able to realize a large

construction project, on which we have worked

for two years. As of March 2015, we will build a

school and training centre in Zambia, where girls

and women will be offered training opportunities

in addition to primary education. We will also build

a counselling centre, which will provide experi-

enced psychosocial support to women and girls

through careful discussions and therapies. This is

something new in Zambian society, because tra-

ditionally people have learned to cope with their

emotional needs by themselves. As a result our

offer is greatly appreciated by the women and girls

we are trying to help.

Dear students, our local project partners want me

to convey their deep gratitude to you. They as well

can hardly believe that you managed to raise so

much money through WOW-Day! Many thanks

to all of you and I will continue to keep you up to

date about the difference that your donation ma-

kes to our cause!


Gunhild Daecke

Dear friends,

We are very delighted and grateful for the donations you raised on WOW-Day. It is very encouraging for us to be able to count on your support, and to be able to cover several months of our running costs in this way. With this letter, which the children of class 5 wrote on behalf of their classmates, we send you some pictures from recent months. The first picture shows our lamas. The little male lama was born during the holidays and two weeks ago, as is custom here, we sheared his mother in a ceremony accom-panied by music. Now the children are busy cleaning the wool, spinning yarn and weaving the wool into ropes.We also want to reshape our outdoor area. We have started several years ago with the reforestation of native endangered deciduous trees. We use the compost from our composting toilets and irrigate it with used water from hand washing or dish cleaning. The children care for their trees, which are alrea-dy between half and two meters tall. Now we are going to plant more trees to protect the slopes from erosion.This school year we have planned to engage in in-tensive work with parents. We organise meetings for all parents on various topics, for example Education without violence, healthy diet, the risk of genetically modified seeds, the production of wooden toys and Waldorf dolls and the importance of good toys for the children‘s education. In addition, monthly class meetings are held, where we reflect on the work of the last month, the planning of the new month and the peculiarities of our methodology. For most parents, Waldorf education is a novelty and there are many questions, such as why we are writing with wax crayons and not with pencils in class one, why the children do not learn how to write already in kindergarten etc.We would appreciate staying in touch with you and thank you again wholeheartedly for your valuable support.

Waltraut Stölben(School Principal of Wiñaypaq Waldorf School)

SOUTH AFRICAMadietane, Lesedi Waldorf Centre

Dear pupils,

We would like to say a heartfelt thank you for the

funds collected at the WOW-Day 2014. This gift will

provide for something special, that otherwise would

not be attended to. Last year WOW-Day collectors

were told that teenagers from Michael Mount Wal-

dorf school were planning to go to Lesedi to create a

playground for the Kindergarten. This has happened

and here are some pictures:

As you can see below it still looks very barren and

there is no shade. Therefore the team has decided

to buy and plant some trees with the help of your

money. It will be great for the children to have some

shade and - like true Waldorf children - to be able

climb the trees one day in the future. Next year we

will be able to send you pictures of the trees plan-

ted. We hope you like this idea!

Should there be some money left we are planning

to buy some material for the building main lesson

for the class 3, who last year made some beautiful


„Ke a leboga“, „Thank you“

Greetings from the Lesedi Waldorf Centre

Manenberg, Ikwezi Lokusa

Dear students,

I am writing this on behalf of my colleagues, my

children and my community at large.

l want to tell you that you do not know how much

and how great the difference you made to us all. By

getting these funds,~ lives of our children changed

by receiving different environment that we are ma-

naging to create the way we want because now we

can, ~ the service that we give to our community is

more productive because we are trained and educa-

ted for what we are doing.

~the nutrition that we have is the best and helpful

towards our children‘s development.

~we are meeting the requirements and demands of

our Governmental educational sectors and we are

recognized as the best because of our way of child

development, different educational material and


l want to tell you that by getting these funds you

are making a huge great change, not to the kids only

but to us as teachers, we are working with passion

and interest because we are having opportunities to

get training and knowledge.

These were challenges we had and you overcame

those challenges. Now we know what to do when

we are talking about budget and upgrading of the

service that we give to our children.

I thank you all! deep from my heart.

God bless you always

Zoleka Khutshwa

Mc Gregor, The Breede Centre,

Dear students,

The Breede Centre is a skills training centre in the

village of McGregor, South Africa. A lot of young

people do not finish High School and so are left

without skills and without chances to find a good

job. Some do finish High School but are also finding it

hard to find employment. At the Breede Centre these

young people can receive practical skills training

(woodwork, handyman, cooking, textile, building and

gardening) and learn how to set up their own small

businesses. Added to this is a life skills programme

which further empowers them as they now have

the tools to create a better life for themselves and

their families. The children attending the holiday and

afternoon activities will also be able to use the new

toilets. Being able to finish the toilet block of the

building will enable the centre to finally start wood-

work/handyman training.

Thank you Waldorf students for your generous con-

tribution to our project.

Katleen Verschoore

McGregor, McGregor Waldorf Primary School

Dearest students, teachers and parents,

Thank you for helping us come to school every day!

53% of children coming to the McGregor Waldorf

Primary School and McGregor High school depend

on transport to come to school every day. They live

in either Nkqubela or Zolani Townships and their

parents choose to send them to a Waldorf school

because they appreciate the way their children are

taught. The children themselves love to come to

school! But most parents living in the townships are

only earning little money from which they not only

need to provide shelter, food and clothing for their

families. They need to pay some school fees. And

they need to pay for the bus. Transport is not cheap

in South Africa as the petrol price increases steadily.

So thank you for helping the children come to school

every day… it is a relief to know that the Waldorf

Community worldwide cares.

Warmest Regards,

Katleen Verschoore

On behalf of the Primary School

Onrus River, Puppetry in Education

Dear school children of WOW-Day 2014,

The Enlighten Community Puppeteers would like

to say a big Thank You, Danke Schön, for the do-

nation you gave to us from the money you raised

on WOW-Day.

Where we work, here at the bottom tip of Africa,

a lot of change has been happening over the past

20 years. That was when everyone in our multi-

cultural country was given the right to vote. At

that time of hope, we thought of ourselves as a

rainbow nation, our nation with 11 official langua-

ges and four state religions… Nowadays we think

of ourselves rather as a mosaic nation, where all

of us are learning new ways of living together, and

creating a new society. For this reason, mosaics

are popular in South Africa. Unfortunately, howe-

ver, there are still many, many poor people, living

in ‘townships’, or shanty suburbs, on the edges

of our cities and towns, without enough educa-

tion or social advantages to lift themselves out

of their poverty. Sadly, these people are not only

not finding their place in the globalised society

that Africa has adopted. They have also, over the

generations, slowly been losing touch with their

own African stories and traditions.

It is amongst these poor people that our six pup-

peteers work. They visit 22 kindergartens, primary

schools, children’s homes and churches, bringing

stories through puppetry to about 2000 children

every month.

The stories are told in the children’s home langu-

ages. Many of the stories are traditional African

stories, to help the children to remember their

roots, but we also tell some European stories,

because the children have a hunger to under-

stand the ways of the globalised society we live

in. All the stories help us all to understand that

human nature is the same everywhere, even if it is

expressed differently through different cultures, and

that the wisdom in fairy tales is timeless and eternal.

Above all, the stories bring joy to children whose

lives are limited by poverty, and they develop the

wealth of the inner world of imagination, that can

enrich everyone’s lives. Thank you for helping us in

our work.

With warmest regards,

Lila Nicholson

on behalf of Enlighten Community Puppetry

Kapstadt, Zenzeleni, Waldorf School

Dear students,

We would like to sincerely thank for your generous

support of our work here at Zenzeleni Waldorf

School. I would like to tell you for what we have

used your donations. We have a kindergarten class,

but since it is smaller than our school classes, the

new first graders partly come from outside kinder-

gartens. It shows that these young children face a

big challenge when they come into a Waldorf envi-

ronment. Those children who are new to Zenzeleni

need to get used to the facilities, teachers and other

children and thus have much more difficulties get-

ting comfortable in the classroom and to concen-

trate. That is why we are planning to start another

kindergarten group so that all children can get used

to the school before they begin with class one.

Now we have raised enough money thanks to your

help to build an additional building. It will first be

only a wooden building that later, once we can build

another stone building, can be used for handicrafts

and eurythmy lesons. Also with your help we were

able to fund the trip to the international teachers‘

conference in Dornach for two of our teachers, Busi

Vimbi and Yoliswa Mashiyi.

Thank you all!

With kind regards from the whole school


Johanna Oltmanns

Cape Town, Educare/Early Childhood Development Programme

Dear students,

It is truly impressive to see what you achieve to-

gether each year and how many projects can be sup-

ported globally through the WOW-Day campaign!

For this support, we would like to thank you very

much. Here at the Centre for Creative Education

there is a lot of change happening with regards to

kindergarten teacher training. Three of our groups

will complete their course later this year. Also Zane-

les group, about which I have told you in last year’s

thank you letter, will complete their training within

the next six months. Two women from this group

had to face a particularly devastating reality in the

past year, when all of their possesions burned when

a fire broke out in their home. Together we were

able to help them rebuild their homes and equip

them with the basic necessities. Others from the

group had to contend with floods last winter and

became very sick because of the dampness. They

had missed a lot and had to take special lessons with

their instructor Eefka, to make up for the lost time

and still completed the programme with their group

despite everything that happened. In January, ano-

ther group has begun with their training program-

me. George Gosa is the only man in this group. His

wife Veronica has completed her training with us

three years ago and now runs her own kindergar-

ten: Kideo Kids Educare. During this time, George

was able to observe the changes in the develop-

ment of the children. He was so impressed that he

also wanted to become an educator to support his

wife in her work. And through your support we can

allow him to follow this dream - because he is not

able to come up with the training fees by himself.

For the kids in her kindergarten it will be something

special when they will be jointly educated by Vero-

nica and George.

Thank you for supporting our cause!

Kind regards,

Johanna Oltmanns

ZIMBABWEHarare, Nyeredzi Waldorf School Initiative

Dear children and teachers,

In the name of our school I thank you for your

WOW-Day donation for our little school – if I’m

not mistaken, you already sent a donation last

year?? That’s wonderful – we seem to be in your

hearts and minds and that feels like friendship!

In the beginning of this school year, in Janua-

ry, a new teacher and assistants have joined

the school and we have decided to separate the

classes into a Nyeredzi – farm (in Kufunda) and

a Nyeredzi – town (in Harare). Our farm children

from very disadvantaged backgrounds are now

going to a school near their homes, in the bush,

on a farm full of natural life and animals. They are

13 kids from age 6 to 10, all in one class. Elizabeth

is their teacher, she lives on the farm now. Any

problems with the children can be solved thanks

to being so close to the Kufunda community and

kids’ parents. Once the kids reach class 5, and

have a good command of English, they will join

the class in town. The house of the Kufunda class

– had its largest room renovated (pillars eaten up

by termites had to be replaced by brick pillars,

thatched roof had holes from rats, walls needed

a coat of paint) in December and January. It’s a

lovely class room now! In the background of the

second picture you see the containers for rubbish

selection and separation into recyclable materi-

al – it’s one of Kufunda’s projects to protect and

raise awareness for a healthy environment. Five

children moved from kindergarten to first class

– in a little ceremony with new and old teachers

and parents. On Fridays, the Kufunda children

go to town to join the others for music, painting,

movement, crafts!

Many items are still needed for a proper class-

room: we have no running water, so far only one

toilet; a compost toilet – and no screen door –

which means, the classroom is open for dogs, chi-

cken, people in after-school hours, all of which is not

acceptable. We need stationary, materials for crafts

and painting, therefore: your donation is sooooo


In town school life continues in the same rooms as

in the previous two years. Once a month, the town

children go to Kufunda for nature and farm experi-

ence, walks through the bush and to the farm ani-

mals. There is a school garden in town, but disco-

vering bush life between the rocks and Msassa tree

forests is a special experience! We had some challen-

ges end of last year – besides turning our dilapidated

office into a classroom: our school bus was confisca-

ted and forced to undergo very expensive changes

and a different kind of registration in order to allow

transporting school children. We don’t have the

money to pay for all this, instead we take the older

Kufunda children with private transport in Kufunda’s

and some parents’ little trucks, which can turn out

to be a wet experience as we are in the rainy season

now! And it’s a major effort to organize from day to

day – the cars are needed for many other trips as


Secondly – the roof over the classrooms in town

leaked and damaged the carpeted floors and – due

to lack of money – we couldn’t start taking care of

this disaster until after holidays. The kindergarten

had the worst luck – floor and roof had to be remo-

ved completely, and the first day saw the teacher on

the naked floor trying to do her best – with all toys

stored away and the rooms in almost constant con-

struction site mode – that is: no access to toilet and

water, dust everywhere, noise from the workers.

Our student numbers are still changing: new stu-

dents came, others were lost due to the parents

moving away too far from the school. Some of our

poor parents are glad to get a job somewhere – the

children have to move wherever the new job and

home are… this is Zimbabwe reality! But new child-

ren still come – from a more diverse background

culturally, which is good for our school! So much for

today – with many thanks and heartfelt greetings to

you all! Best luck and a good star over your school

and all its students and staff!


Florence Hibbeler

VIETNAMHo-Chi-Minh-City, Vietnam Children‘s Project

To all students,

On behalf of the Vietnam Children‘s Project orga-

nised from Australia, we send our heartfelt thanks

for your generous contributions to the Waldorf

inspired kindergartens we support in Vietnam. It is

truly wonderful that the children from Germany can

help the children of Vietnam. Life is very difficult

for many of the poor children living in Vietnam,

the Dieu Giac Orphanage takes orphaned children,

some who are left at the gates as babies and provi-

des a home until they are independent adults. The

Steiner kindergarten is situated in the orphanage

and has recently met many challenges and needs to

build new premises and refurbish water damages

equipment, so the WOW-Day contributions are

very much needed and appreciated.

Wishing all the students a great school year,

Warm regards,

Shirley Bell,

VCP Educational Mentor

CultivArte, Social workBahia, Fundação Pavel, Social workBarra Grande, KindergartenCapão Bonito, CREAR, Social workSalvador, Project Salva Dor, Social workSão Paulo, Associação Comunitária Micael, Social workSão Paulo, Aramitan, Social workSão Paulo, Guainumbi, Social therapySão Paulo, Monte Azul, Social workSão Paulo, Ponte des Estrelas, Social workSerra Grande, Dendê da Serra, Waldorf SchoolVárzea da Roça, Escola Anael, Social workSantiago, Kaspar Hauser, Kindergarten+Social workBogotá, CES Waldorf, Social workMedellín, Arca Mundial, Curative educationHawzien, Waldorf SchoolGremi, TEMI, Social workTiflis, Day careEscuela Caracol, San Marcos La Laguna, Waldorf SchoolMajoka, Social workStart International, Countryside schoolsShef´aram, arabische Waldorf SchoolTivon, Ein Bustan, KindergartenNairobi, Rudolf Steiner School MbagathiKakuma, Refugee campProject Lebensblume, Social workAdazi, Waldorf SchoolKishinew, Waldorf SchoolWindhoek, Waldorf SchoolKathmandu, Shanti Sewa, Sozial workKathmandu, KRMEF, Social workOcean CleanupLahore, Roshni, Social workLima, Chincha, Pro Humanus, Social workLima, Aynimundo, Social workHuandar, Winaypaq, Social workTaray, Kusi Kawsay, Waldorf schoolTarapoto, Estrella del Sur, Social workIloilo, Waldorf SchoolDavao City/ Turburan Institute, Waldorf schoolFreetown, Goderich Waldorf SchoolCape Town, Centre for Creative Education, Waldorf Teacher TrainingCape Town, Puppetry in EducationCape Town, Vulamasango, Social workJohannesburg, Inkanyezi Waldorf SchoolKhayelitsha, Baphumelele, Social workKhayelitsha, Zenzeleni Waldorf SchoolMadietane, Lesedi Waldorf SchoolManenberg, Ikwezi Lokusa, Social workMcGregor, Waldorf SchoolMcGregor, Breede Center, Social workEmergency Education/ GazaEmergency Education/ IrakDoctors without BordersStart InternationalChudsand, Waldorf SchoolDar es Salaam, Waldorf SchoolHo-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Tho Trang, KindergartenHo-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Dieu Giac, KindergartenSodalis, Heidelberg, Social workHarare, Waldorf School










Sierra LeoneSouth Africa






Support WOW-Day 2014

Statistik 1994-2014

Page 1











0 €

50.000 €

100.000 €

150.000 €

200.000 €

250.000 €

300.000 €

350.000 €

400.000 €

450.000 €19





































Erlös und teilnehmende Schulen 1994-2014(Stand 30.07.2015)

Erlös teilnehmende Schulen

Statistik 1994-2014

Page 1

0,00 €

90.000,00 €

180.000,00 €

270.000,00 €

360.000,00 €

450.000,00 €







Erlös und teilnehmende Schulen 1994-2014(Stand 30.07.2015)

Teilnehmende Schulen

aus Deutschland

aus dem Ausland


Successful results WOW-Day 1994-2014

Participant schools

From Germany

From other countries


Revenue Participant schools

ArgentinaEscuela San Miguel Arcángel, Buenos AiresColégio Rudolf Steiner, Buenos Aires

AustraliaMilkwood Steiner School

AustriaMichaelischule KufsteinRudolf-Steiner-Schule Salzburg

BrazilEscola Waldorf Rudolf Steiner, São Paulo

CanadaHalton Waldorf School, Ontario École des Enfants-de-la-Terre, Waterville (Qué-bec)

CroatiaOsnovna waldorfska škola, RijekaWaldorfska skola u Zagrebu

Czech RepublicWaldorfská základní škola a mateřská škola BrnoZákladní škola waldorfská České BudějoviceSOS waldorfska Ostrava, p.o.Waldorfska skola Pribram

FinlandTammisaari Mikaelskolan

GermanyFreie Waldorfschule Aalen Freie Waldorfschule AugsburgFreie Waldorfschule BacknangFreie Waldorfschule BalingenFreie Waldorfschule BenefeldCaroline-von-Heydebrand-Heim, BerlinFreie Waldorfschule Havelhöhe, Berlin Freie Waldorfschule Kreuzberg, BerlinFreie Waldorfschule Berlin-MitteWaldorfschule Märkisches Viertel, BerlinFreie Waldorfschule Berlin-SüdostRudolf-Steiner-Schule BielefeldFreie Waldorfschule BiberachRudolf Steiner Schule BochumFreie Waldorfschule Böblingen/SindelfingenFreie Waldorfschule BonnJohannes-Schule BonnFreie Waldorfschule BraunschweigFreie Waldorfschule Bremen-NordFreie Waldorfschule Bremen-Osterholz Freie Waldorfschule Bremen ToulerstraßeFreie Waldorfschule CuxhavenFreie Waldorfschule Lippe-Detmold Freie Waldorfschule DinslakenRudolf-Steiner-Schule Dortmund Freie Waldorfschule DresdenGanztags-Waldorfschule DuisburgFreie Waldorfschule EisenachIntegrative Waldorfschule EmmendingenFreie Waldorfschule ErftstadtFreie Waldorfschule Erlangen Freie Waldorfschule Essen Freie Waldorfschule EsslingenFreie Waldorfschule EverswinkelFreie Waldorfschule EvinghausenFreie Waldorfschule Flensburg Freie Waldorfschule Frankenthal Freie Waldorfschule Frankfurt am MainJohannes Schule Friedrichsthal-BildstockFreie Waldorfschule Sankt Georgen, FreiburgFreie Waldorfschule Freiburg-Wiehre Freie Waldorfschule GreifswaldRudolf-Steiner-Schule Loheland, FuldaFreie Waldorfschule Göttingen Freie Waldorfschule Oberberg, GummersbachFreie Waldorfschule Haan-GruitenFreie Waldorfschule HagenFreie Waldorfschule HalleRudolf Steiner Schule Altona, Hamburg Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Hamburg-BergstedtRudolf-Steiner-Schule Bergedorf, HamburgRudolf-Steiner-Schule Harburg, HamburgRudolf-Steiner-Schule Hamburg Wandsbek Freie Waldorfschule Hannover-BothfeldFreie Waldorfschule Hannover-Maschsee Freie Waldorfschule HeidelbergFreie Waldorfschule Heilbronn Freie Waldorfschule HeidenheimHiberniaschule Wanne-Eickel, HerneFreie Waldorfschule HildesheimFreie Schule HitzackerFreie Waldorfschule Jena Freie Waldorfschule Köln

Freie Waldorfschule KrefeldMichaeli Schule KölnFreie Waldorfschule LandsbergFreie Waldorfschule LeipzigFreie Waldorfschule Ludwigsburg Freie Waldorfschule LübeckRudolf Steiner Schule LüneburgFreie Waldorfschule MagdeburgFreie Waldorfschule MainzFreie Waldorfschule MannheimFreie Waldorfschule Mülheim-Ruhr Rudolf-Steiner-Schule München-DaglfingRudolf Steiner Schule Gröbenzell, MünchenRudolf-Steiner-Schule Ismaning, MünchenParzivâl Schule München Rudolf Steiner Schule Schwabing, MünchenFreie Waldorfschule MünsterFreie Waldorfschule Neuenrade Franziskus-Schule Neunkirchen-SeelscheidRudolf-Steiner-Schule NordheideRudolf Steiner Schule NürtingenFreie Waldorfschule OffenburgHeilpäd. Schulzweig - Freie Waldorfschule OldenburgHort Blumenhof, Freie Waldorfschule OldenburgFreie Waldorfschule Westpfalz OtterbergFreie Rudolf-Steiner-Schule OttersbergGoetheschule, Freie Waldorfschule PforzheimWaldorfschule Potsdam Freie Waldorfschule Chiemgau, Prien Freie Waldorfschule RendsburgFreie Georgenschule ReutlingenFreie Waldorfschule RosenheimFreie Waldorfschule Saar-HunsrückFreie Waldorfschule Saarpfalz BexbachFreie Waldorfschule Sankt AugustinRudolf Steiner Schule Schloss HambornFreie Waldorfschule Schwäbisch GmündFreie Waldorfschule Schwerin Rudolf Steiner Schule SiegenFreie Waldorfschule SoestFreie Waldorfschule SorsumFreie Waldorfschule StadeMichael Bauer Schule, StuttgartFreie Waldorfschule Harzvorland, ThaleFreie Waldorfschule TrierTübinger Freie WaldorfschuleFreie Waldorfschule ÜberlingenFreie Waldorfschule Ulm RömerstraßeFreie Waldorfschule Vaihingen an der EnzWindrather Talschule - Freie Waldorfschule, VelbertFreie Waldorfschule Wahlwies Freie Waldorfschule WangenFreie Waldorfschule WiesbadenFreie Schule Blote Vogel, Witten Freie Waldorfschule WöhrdenRudolf-Steiner-Schule WuppertalFreie Waldorfschule Würzburg

HungaryNapraforgó Waldorf Iskola DebrecenVáci Waldorf Óvoda és Iskola

IndiaAmor Pune Steiner School

IrlandRaheen Wood Steiner National School

ItalyScuola Steineriana Maria Garagnani di BolognaLibera Scuola Steiner-Waldorf Novalis, San VendemianEducare Waldorf FVG, Cormons, Bognano, GoriziaFreie Waldorfschule Christian Morgenstern, Meran

JapanFujino Waldorf SchoolYokohama Steiner School

LatviaRígas Valdorfskola

LithuaniaVilniaus Valdorfo mokykla, Vilnius

LuxembourgFräi- ëffentlech Waldorfschoul Lëtzebuerg

MoldovaScoala-grádinità Waldorf Chisinau+Waldorfkindergarten Chisinau

NorwaySteinerskolen i Haugesund Rudolf Steinerskolen pa RingerikeLillehammer SteinerskoleSteinerskolen i MossSteinerskolen i Indre ÖstfoldSteinerskolen i Vestfold

PolandWaldorfska Szkola Podstawowa im. Janusza Korczaka, Krakau

PortugalEscola Livre do Algarve

RussiaSchkola Ewrika-Rasvitiye, TomskANNOO Schkola Raduga, Woronesch

SloveniaWaldorfska Sola Ljubljana

South AfricaHermanus Waldorf School

SpainEscuela Waldorf La Marina, Benidorm Escola Waldorf Krisol, Premia de DaltCasa Waldorf, Altea

SwedenEmiliaskolan, HöörLunds WaldorfskolaMartinskolan, Stockholm Ellen Key Skolan, StockholmDjurgårdens Waldorfskola, Stockholm

SwitzerlandRudolf Steiner Schule BaselRudolf Steiner Schule Bern Ittigen LangnauRudolf Steiner Schule BirseckÉcole Rudolf Steiner GenèveRudolf Steiner Schule OberaargauScuola Rudolf Steiner Rivapiana-LocarnoRudolf Steiner Schule Luzern

ThailandPanyotai Waldorf School, Bangkok

UKElmfield Rudolf Steiner SchoolSteiner Academy HerefordRudolf Steiner School Kings LangleyThe Waldorf School of South West LondonMichael Hall Steiner Waldorf School, Forest RowSteiner School York

USAAcademe of the Oaks, Decatur Housatonic Valley Waldorf School, New-townPasadena Waldorf SchoolDesert Marigold School, PhoenixSunfield Waldorf School, Port HardlockPrinceton Waldorf SchoolThe Waldorf School of San DiegoSanta Fe Waldorf School, New MexicoSanta Cruz Waldorf School

Participant schools in WOW-Day 2014

Get involved!During WOW-Day, students cycle and run, barbeque and clean. Together you can make a difference and dedicate your efforts for better education worldwide. Participation is open to all students in grades 1–13 in Waldorf Schools, as well as to people in curative educational and social thera-peutical facilities. To register, simply fill in the online form with the name of the contact person of your school/institution. www.freunde-waldorf.de