June 4 2017 - Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer

June 4 2017 The Great Feast of Pentecost سّ أحد العنصرة المقدANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA Diocese of Los Angeles and the West ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER 380 MAGDALENA AVE, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024 PHONE: (650) 941-1570 FAX: (650) 948-6045 www.orthodoxredeemer.org V. REV. FR. SAMER YOUSSEF, PASTOR

Transcript of June 4 2017 - Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer

June 4 2017

The Great Feast of Pentecost

أحد العنصرة المقدس


ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA Diocese of Los Angeles and the West




PHONE: (650) 941-1570 FAX: (650) 948-6045 www.orthodoxredeemer.org



The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaimeth the

work of His hands. Day unto day poureth forth speech, and night unto night

proclaimeth knowledge.

Refrain: Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us.

There are neither tongues nor words in which their voices are not heard.

Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends

of the world. (Refrain)

Glory… Both now… (Refrain)


The Lord hear thee in the day of affliction; the Name of the God of Jacob

defend thee. Let Him send forth unto thee help from His sanctuary, and out

of Zion let Him help thee.

Refrain: Save us, O Good Comforter, who sing to Thee. Alleluia.

Let Him remember every sacrifice of thine, and thy whole-burnt offering let

Him fatten. (Refrain)

The Lord grant thee according to thy heart, and fulfill all thy purposes.


Glory… Both now… O, only begotten Son and Word of God…


O Lord, in Thy strength the king shall be glad, and in Thy salvation shall he

rejoice exceedingly. The desire of his heart hast Thou granted unto him, and

hast not denied him the request of his lips. Thou wentest before him with

blessings of goodness, Thou hast set upon his head a crown of precious

stones. He asked life of Thee, and Thou gavest him length of days unto ages

of ages. (Now sing the Apolytikion of Pentecost.)


Be Thou exalted, O Lord, in Thy strength; we shall praise and sing of Thy

mighty acts. Save us, O Good Comforter, who sing to Thee. Alleluia.

Now sing these apolytikia in the following order.


Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, Who hast revealed the fishermen as

most wise, having sent upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou

hast fished the universe, O Lover of mankind, glory to Thee.

على اللحن الثامن طروبارية أحد العنصرة

مبارك أنت أيها المسيح إلهناا ياا ماظ أتهالص اليايازيظ ايالم الإذمان إ أنالات روايهل الال ال ا

.ذونن يا مإب البشل المج لك بهل اصط ص المس


When the High One descended, confusing tongues, He divided the nations.

And when He distributed the fiery tongues He called all to one unity.

Wherefore, in unison we glorify the most Holy Spirit.

قنداق أحد العنصرة على اللحن الثامن

لما نال العوي مبوبال األلسنن كان لألمل م سما لما زع األلساظ الناريان زراا الجميال إلاح الو ا اتف قبا اا

الل الذوي ق سه .األصواص نمج

TRISAGION HYMN-THE ANTI As many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia.


أنتم الذين بالمسيح اعتمدتم ، المسيح قد لبستم. هللوياGlory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and

ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen

اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الداهرين، آمين واالبن والروح القدس، المجد لآلب

Have put on Christ. Alleluia.

.هللويا المسيح قد لبستم Dynamis!


As many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia.

أنتم الذين بالمسيح اعتمدتم ، المسيح قد لبستم. هللويا


Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the

world. The heavens declare the glory of God.

The reading from the Acts of the Apostles

Acts 2:1-11

When the Day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one

place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, like the rush of a violent

wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Then there

appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and a tongue rested on each of

them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with

other tongues, as the Spirit gave them ability. And there were living in

Jerusalem devout Jews, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound

occurred, the crowd came together, and were confused, because everyone

heard them speak in the native language of each. Then they were all amazed

and marveled, saying to one another, "Are not those who are speaking

Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?

Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and

Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of

Libya belonging to Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,

Cretans and Arabs; we hear them speaking in our own languages God's deeds

of power."


.إلى كل األرض خرج صوتهم, السماوات تذيع مجد هللا

فصل من أعمال الرسل القديسين األطهار

سل كوهل معا قي م اماوت كياوصت رياح لما ل يوم الخمسيظ، كان الل ان صاوص ماظ الس ة ذاان ا ا قإا ب ب

اظة ناار ، امن كننهاا مت نن م س ف، مأل كل البيتت الذم كانوا جالسيظ قيه تهلصة لهلة ألست ست قاسا لصة ش ي ا عة

ظ الل ا نهل قامأل ا كوهلة مت ل ا ت، ت اوا يذوماون بوااص أ الم، كماا أرطاارل الال روح كل ا مت

اوص اجمال اا صاار راذا الي اماوت قوم ان إات الس اظ كال أم أنة ينطت وا كان قي أ رشويل رتجال يهاوز أ يااو مت

هااور قإياال ا ألن كاال ا اا كااان يساامعهل ينطت ااون بت بااوا قاااويظ بع ااهل الجمة وتااه ق رتشااوا جماايعهل عج

ااه الااي لتاا قيهااا نإااظ ال اال ييظ لتاابع: أ ألاايؤ راالموت المذومااون كوهاال جويوياايظع قذيااف نساامل كاالت منااا ل

از كياان باانطؤ سااين قليجياان بم يوياان المااازييظ العيالمياايظ، سااذان مااا باايظ النهااليظت اليهوزياانت كب

نيظ اليهااوز الاا الو الذااليييظ العاال ت ناا ال يةاال ان، الل مااانييظ المسااو متياال نااوا ي ليبياان رت

نتنا بعظاتلت هللا .نسمعهل ينطت ون بنلست


The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint John.

(John 7:37-52; 8:12)

On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and

proclaimed, "If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes

in Me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living

water.' “Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him

were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not

yet glorified. When they heard these words, many of the people said, "This is

really the prophet." Others said, "This is the Christ." But some said, "Is the

Christ to come from Galilee? Has not the scripture said that the Christ is

descended from David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David

was?" So there was a division among the people over Him. Some of them

wanted to arrest Him, but no one laid hands on Him. The officers then went

back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, "Why did you not

bring Him?" The officers answered, "No man ever spoke like this man!" The

Pharisees answered them, "Are you led astray, you also? Have any of the

authorities or of the Pharisees believed in Him? But this crowd, who do not

know the law, are accursed". Nicodemus, who had gone to Him before, and

who was one of them, said to them, "Does our law judge a man without first

giving him hearing and learning what he does?" They replied, "Are you from

Galilee too? Search and you will see that no prophet is to rise from Galilee."

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who

follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

المقدس اإلنجيل

فصل شريف من بشارة القديس يوحنا االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر.

ش ، كان يسوع اق ا قيا قاتالأ إنة رطت ظ العي ت لت العظيلت مت أ قوينصت إتلي يشل مظة قي اليومت اآل ت

مظ بتي قذما قال الذتا سجلتم مظ بطنتهت أنهار ماو ي )إنما قال رذا رظت الل ت الذم كان

عيظ أنة ي بووه إ ة للة يذظت الل ال بع ف ألن يسوع للة يذظ بع ق ( قذثيل ن الملمنون بتهت مامت ة مج

ف قال ل نأ رذا رو المسيح ل ن عوا كالمه قالواأ رذا بالإ ي نت رو النبي ا سمت ظ الجملت لم مت

لت زا ز مظ بيت لإل ال لينت يث كان زا ز قالواأ ألعل المسيح مظ الجويلت ين ي ألل ي لت الذتا إنه مظ نسة

نهلة يلي ن أن يمسذوه، لذتظة للة يوةقت أ ظة أجوتهتف كان قوم مت ين ي المسيحع قإ ب شت ا بيظ الجملت مت

يسييظ، ق ال رلموت لهلأ لتل للة ن وا بهتع قنجا الخ ام إلح رؤساوت الذهننت ال ل امأ للة رويهت ي ا قجاو الخ

ظ يسيونأ ألعوذلة أنلة أي ا ق ضوول رلة أ مت ثةل رذا اإلنسان قنجابهل ال ل يذولة قط إنسان رذذا مت

ا رلموت الجمل الذيظ م يعلتقون النامو قهلة موعونون ق ال لهل يسييظ مظ بتهتع أم ظ ال ل ؤساوت أ مت الل

نةه أ م نتي وزت يظ إنسانا إنة للة يسملة مت نةهلأ ألعل ناموسنا ي ت يمؤ الذم كان ق جاو إليهت ليال رو ا مت

، إنه للة ي لة نبتيت مظ الجويل ثل يعولة ما قعل أجابوا قالوا لهأ ألعوك أنت أي ا مظ الجويل! ابإثة انظلة

ي قي الظالم، بل يذون له نور الإيااكوم نتي قال يمشت .هلة أي ا يسوع قاتالأ أنا رو نور العالل، مظ يبعة


DEACON: Again and again, on bent knees, let us pray to the Lord.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.


PRIEST: O Most merciful Lord and lover of mankind, hear us when we call

upon You, and especially on this day of Pentecost, on which, after our Lord

Jesus Christ had ascended into the heaven, and had sat down at the Your

right hand, the God and Father, he sent down the Holy Spirit upon his holy

disciples and apostles, which also sat upon each of them. They were filled

with his grace, and they spoke with different languages of Your majesty, and

they prophesied. Blessed are You, O Lord, Master Almighty, for You have

lightened the day with the light of the sun and have illuminated the night

with flashes of fire, and have made us worthy to pass through the length of

the day and to approach the beginning of the night. Hear our prayer and that

of all Your people. Pardon us all our sins, receive our evening supplications;

and send down Your great mercy and compassions upon Your inheritance.

Fortify us with Your holy angels. Arm us with the armor of Your

righteousness. Strengthen us with Your truth. Guard us with Your power.

Deliver us from every adverse circumstance and every plot of the adversary.

Grant us also that all the days of our life may be perfect, holy, peaceful,

sinless, harmless and without fantasy, through the intercessions of the holy

Theotokos and of all the saints, who have pleased You throughout the ages.


DEACON: Again and again, on bent knees, let us pray to the Lord.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.

PRIEST: O Lord Jesus Christ our God, You granted Your peace to all men.

And while You were still on earth, You granted the gift of the all-holy Spirit

to the faithful, as an inheritance that shall never be taken away from them.

Today, You send down in a more visible manner this grace upon Your holy

disciples and apostles, and you place tongues of fire in their mouths, and

upon their lips. Through them every human race has received, through the

hearing of the ear, the knowledge of God in our own languages. We have

been enlightened by the light of the Spirit, and we have been set free from

delusion as from darkness, and through the distribution of the sensible

tongues of fire and their wondrous operation, we have learned the faith that

is in You, and we have been illumined, so as to praise You with the Father

and the Holy Spirit, in one Godhead and Power and Authority. Wherefore,

on this day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, I, the sinner, implore Your

goodness: Grant me whatever I have asked for salvation. Yes, O Lord, the

good and abundant Giver of every benefit, for You grant most abundantly

that which we ask. You became without sin the compassionate, merciful

partaker of our flesh and to those that bend their knees before You

graciously bend down and become the propitiation of our sins. Sanctify them

by the power of Your saving right hand. Shelter them with the shelter of

Your wings. Do not forsake the works of Your hands. Receive the prayer of

all as an acceptable incense, rising before Your most-good kingdom, by the

good will and goodness of Thine only begotten Son, with whom Thou art

blessed, together with Thy good and most Holy and life-giving Spirit, now

and always, and unto ages of ages.

People: Amen.


DEACON: Again and again, on bent knees, let us pray to the Lord.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.

PRIEST: O Christ our God, ever-flowing Fountain of life and light, creative

Power, co-eternal with the Father; You have most excellently fulfilled the

whole divine plan of the salvation of mortals, You broke the indestructible

bonds of death and the bolts of Hades, and have trampled down the great

number of evil spirits; You offered Yourself as a blameless sacrifice, and,

through that awesome and inexpressible act of sacrifice, you granted us

eternal life; You went down into Hades and broke down its eternal bars,

showing forth the way up to those who sat in the lower world. You

manifested yourself a great Helper to the oppressed, and enlightened those

that sat in darkness and in the shadow of death; You are the Lord of

everlasting glory, the beloved Son of the Father most high, eternal Light of

eternal light, Sun of righteousness: Hear us who pray to You, and give rest to

the souls of your servants, our fathers and brethren, who before us have slept

the sleep of death, and our other relatives after the flesh, and Your own

believers who live in faith, whose commemoration we celebrate today. For

in You is the power over all, and in Your hand You hold all the ends of the

earth. O great and most high God, You alone are immortal and You dwell in

an unapproachable light, in wisdom You have made all creation. You have

separated the light from the darkness and have made the sun to rule the day,

the moon and stars also to rule the night. You have made us sinners worthy

at this present hour also to come before Your presence, to give thanks to you,

and to offer to You our evening praise:

O Lord, lover of mankind, direct our prayer as incense before You, and

accept it as an "odor of sweet fragrance", and grant that we may pass the

present evening and the coming night in peace. Endue us with the "armor of

light". Deliver us from the terror of the night and from every terror by

darkness, and grant that the sleep which You have appointed for the repose

of our weakness may be free from every imagination of the devil. Yes, O

Master, Bestower of all good things, may we the repentant upon our beds,

remember Your name in the night, that, enlightened by meditation on Your

commandments, we may rise up in joyfulness of soul to glorify Your

goodness, and to offer prayers and supplications to Your tender love, for our

sins and for those of all Your people, for whom You care in mercy, through

the intercessions of the holy Theotokos.


PRIEST: May CHRIST our true God, as good and lover of mankind, have

mercy on us and save us for the sake of Your goodness. For You emptied

yourself from the Father's bosom, assuming our human nature wholly and

making it divine, and ascended at once into the Heaven and enthroned at the

right hand of God the Father, then sent down the divine, holy, consubstantial,

and co-eternal Spirit, equal in might and glory, upon Your holy Disciples

and Apostles, and through Him, illumined them, and through them, the

whole world, by the intercessions of His most pure and all-blameless holy

Mother, of the holy, glorious, Spirit-bearing Apostles, and of all the Saints.



OFFERED BY: Kh. Julianna, Dimitry, Damian and Dominic Youssef for

the good health of The V. Rev. Fr. Samer on the occasion of his graduation

with Doctorate in Ministry from Pittsburg Theological Seminary.

Congratulations to the new V. Rev. Fr. Dr. Samer Youssef! Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Hala and Osama Elmasu for the good health of their

granddaughter Asmahan on the occasion of her first birthday (June 5) and for

the good health of their son Michael on the occasion of his birthday (June 8).

For the good health of Elmasu, Kazaleh, and Zuniga families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Faten Mansour and Lara Hanania for the good health of

their families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Marlene Kakunda for the good health of her husband

Bishara on the occasion of his birthday (June 15), and for the good health of

the Musallam and the Kakunda families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Faten Mansour and Lara Hanania in remembrance of Mom

Margo Mansour on the occasion of her Birthday (June 7). God bless her

soul. Memory Eternal!

To all our parishioners: if you wish to offer holy bread for the good heath

or in memory of loved one and you are unable to make the actual bread

you can allocate a $35 donation to the church instead.


Sponsored by: The Parish Council (To host the Coffee Hour, please contact Norma Hanani Alhadad at

(408) 225-8372 or [email protected] )

The Orthodox Church of the Redeemer Honoring the

Graduates of 2017 We offer thanks to God for giving our parish such educated members who

graduated from different levels of schooling. The Church is so proud of you

and your children. We pray that, Christ our God give them a bright future

with faithfulness to His teachings.

The Graduates

- V.Rev. Fr. Dr. Samer Youssef: Graduated from Pittsburg Theological

Seminary with a Doctorate degree in Ministry.

- Philip Segal: Graduated from Santa Clara University Law School with

a Master’s degree in JD/MBA.

- Jessica Joudy: Graduated from Valley Christian High School with

High Honors, and will be attending Santa Clara University.

- Rawan Khoury: Graduated from University of San Francisco with a

Master’s degree in MSN/RN.

- Natalie Khoury: Graduated from University of California Merced

with a Bachelor’s degree in Management and Business Economics and

pursuing her Master’s.

- Christopher Jildeh: Graduated 5th

grade from Los Alamitos

Elementary School and will be attending 6th grade at Castillero

Middle School.

- Jerik Mogannam Straetker: Graduated from Virginia Tech. with a

Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering.

- Serena Alhadad: Graduated from 8th grade.

- Maria Dibs: Graduating from Mission College in Santa Clara (AA

degree, Psychology) as valedictorian of her graduating class and will

be transferring to Sonoma State University as a junior this fall.

- Clarissa Newman: Graduating from Crystal Springs High School and

will be attending the University of Southern California Major in

Global Health.

- Rami Haddad: Graduated High School and will be attending Santa

Clara University.

- Rita Haddad: Graduated Middle school and going to Hillsdale High


- Catherine Gannage: Graduated from Brown University with a

Bachelor’s degree in biology and will attend the Alpert Medical

School of Brown University to study medicine.

- Ramah Awad: Graduated from Stanford University with BA in

History and Anthropology.

- Mona Batmani: Graduated from Northern Arizona University with

BA in Spanish and SBS in International Affairs and will be pursuing

her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice next fall.

- Alfred Batmani: Graduated from Valley Christian High School and

attending University of Merced with Scholarship.

- Joseph Stroud: Graduated magna cum laude from Boston College

with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a minor in


- Melina Matar: Graduated from Middle School and will be attending

Sacred heart High School.

- Alice Dalo: Graduated from University of California Davis with a

Bachelor’s degree in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior.

GENERAL PARISH MEETING JUNE 4, 2017 The Parish Council has scheduled a General Parish meeting for June 4th

following Sunday Divine Liturgy. The meeting will take place following

coffee hour. A light lunch will be provided by the Parish Council. It is very

important that each family be represented at this meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and approve the County Conditional

Use permit conditions and to present and approve the program for the

Church Hall/School Construction.

It is important to have consensus and agreement within our community on

the proposed Fellowship hall and Church school. As most of you know some

of our neighbors have opposed this project in the past. We believe that this

compromise is an opportunity to reach an agreement with them on the

proposal and avoid costly delays going forward.

We look forward to see all of you on Sunday June 4th.


JUNE 11, 2017 The Holy Fire will be brought to our church on June 11 by Simeon Kwon,

Joey Stroud, Raphael Murray, and Jeffrey.

The Holy Fire was brought to America via plane by the Russian Orthodox

Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). It arrived at noon on Pascha Sunday of

2017 at JFK Airport. It was then transported to St. Seraphim Memorial

Church NY and Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady "of the Sign" on the same

day, and was greeted by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion.

From there, it was taken to several ROCOR monasteries and parishes across

the East Coast, one of which was Holy Epiphany Russian Orthodox Church

in Boston MA. Then on April 20th, Father Patrick and several parishioners

of Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church of Allston MA was able to obtain the

Holy Fire from Holy Epiphany. On May 23, the group will be driving from

Holy Resurrection to California with the Holy Fire, and by God's will, be

brought to Church of the Redeemer for Sunday Liturgy on June 11.

ALTAR ROBES DONATIONS REQUESTED Dear parishioners, we are accepting donations toward Altar Robes.

We need $3000.00 donations for white color.

Young Adult Professional Educational Class

There was a low turnout to kick off a discussion on the topic of Marriage

in the Orthodox Church, so that has been postponed. Dn. John will be

polling the young adults to ask the best times and meeting location for

this summer. Also, any young adults interested in forming a team for the

Bible Bowl this year at the parish life conference in Los Angeles (takes

place this year on Friday, July 7), please let Dn. John know. “In Christ, Dn. John

Parish Council Members

The Parish Council members’ of 2017; Henry Veizades (Chairman), Rabih

Filfili (Vice-chair), Mazen Manasseh (Secretary), Roula Haddad (Treasurer),

Sana Eideh, Jad Bateh, Sal Hanhan, Marwan Akkary, Hadi Barghash,

Bassam Khoury, Maha Elserougi (president of the Ladies), Victoria Mapar

(superintendent of the Sunday school).


Our SOYO (Youth Group) is being active through the leadership of the

advisor; Laila Kreitem, officers; Serafina Alhadad, president; Dimitry

Youssef, vice-president; Taline Kassis, secretary; Gabi Elserougi,

treasurer; Zena Fasheh and Damian Youssef, Public relations; Barbara

Altawil and Serena Alhadad, Historian; Jonathan Juha, junior treasurer;

Dina Kassis, attendance tracker.

SOYO UPDATES: Camp: CAMP ST. SAVA is scheduled for June 19-23, 2017. Please feel free to

contact Laila Kreitem ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns.

UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE CHURCH - June 18: Father’s Day Picnic.

- June 30: Paint night. Signup sheet available at the hall, $40 per

person. You can also contact Maha Elserougi to sign up

@ 408- 981-0880

Three Holy Youths Camp June 19-23, 2017

Three Holy Youths Camp at Camp St. Sava located at the Burial sight of St. Sava. Diocese of Los Angeles and the West’s very own Northern California Deanery brings you

Summer camp 2017. Starting June 19th to 23rd. Monday through Friday, Ages 9-17. Regularly the cost per camper is over $300. The

Churches in Northern California have agreed to generously cover the majority of the cost. Therefore making it

$100 per camper. You will be saving $200. For registration

please contact Ghada Zarzar @ 650-773-5150 or Norma Hanani Alhadad @408-230-5358 or

online @www.norcaldeanerycamp.org

Phase 6 of Iconography

Icons are available for donations for the Good Health or In Memory of

loved ones.

The Name of the Icon The Location Donation

St. Euphrosyniaus (September


Back Wall Over The


$ 1,000 ea.

St. Ambrose of Milan,

St. Theodore the Soldier

St. Susannah (December 15), Back Side Left Wall $ 1,000 ea.

St. Dorotheus of Gaza (August

13), Back Side Right Wall $ 1,000 ea.

Church of the Redeemer New Website

Dear parishioners, (www.orthodoxredeemer.org) has undergone an

upgrade with few features that we hope will serve our community.

Online Giving so parishioners can securely donate online using a

credit card or bank account.

Pledge & Census form can now be filled out and submitted from

within the website. To do that navigates to Stewardship-Pledge &

Census Form.


Thank you to all the members who submitted their pledge form either

using our online website or filling out the paper form.

"Members, who had a recurring pledge donation setup online against

the "2016 Pledge Fund", please setup your recurring donation again

against the new "Pledge Fund". Going forward, your recurring

donation will apply to the following years automatically, unless you

cancel it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Members pledging online 2017:

Mazen Manasseh John Mogannam

Henry & Sheila Veizades Maria & Mitchell Segal

George & Mae Skaff Dn. John & Irena Dibs

Dania & Jonathan Baker Roula Haddad

Fr. Samer & Julianna Youssef James & Gretchen Stroud

Members pledging Offline


Members pledging Offline


Members pledging Offline


Abboud, Nawal

Aboujudom, David & Hala

Aboujudom, Edmond

Ajlouni, Amal

Ajlouni, Basem & Maha

Ajlouni, Nabih & Mariana

Ajlouni, Yacoub & Adla

Ajluni, Alice

Akery, Philipbia

Altawil, Charles & Abeer

Amireh, Nahida

Amireh, Daad

Araj, David & May

Asfour, Jeannette

Asfour, Salim & Wardeh

Awad, Marwan & Mona

Aweiss, Salem & Samia

Ayoub, Basim & Amal

Azar, Karim & Kristen

Azar, Nicholas & Sonia

Azar, Bill & Nina

Baba, Lenore

Barghash, Hadi & Suzan


Bateh, George & Nahida

Batmani, Spir & Jehan

Bechwati, Nicolas

Dakwar, Kamly & Sagia

Damouny, Nadia

Daya, Anis & May

Dirar Andom & Almaz


Dughman, Sami & Amal

Dumitru, Valeria

Eideh, Hanna & Suad

Eideh, Sana

Elmasu, Johnny

Elmasu, Osama & Hala

Eways, Marwan & Lisa

Fasheh, Diana & Suleiman

Fasheh, Maher & Dimah

Fattaleh, Nahida

Filfili, Rabih & Marisa

Gannage, Michel & Rima

Gillett, Stephen & Aisha

Godfrey, Richard & Nancy

Goitom, Tsegie

Habib, Yousif & Amal

Haddad, Sami & Ramza

Hagen, John &Wong,Agnes

Hanani, Elias & Wardia

Hanani, Fadi & Rana

Hanani, Maher & Randa

Hanhan, Juliette

Hanhan, Sal & Laila

Hanhan, Simon & Yvonne

Hanna, Margaret

Hanna, Dorothy

Hilweh, Jehan

Hina, John & Nataly

Jaber, David & Julie

Jaber, Najla

Jaber, Nawal

Jammal, Mary

Jildeh, Elias & Fadwa

Joudy, Pierre

Juha, Jimmy & Sahar

Kakunda,Bishara& Marlene

Kakunda, Michael

Karam, Sana

Karanas, Catherine

Kassis, Samer & Rana

Kattuah, Suad

Katwan, Reyad & Eva

Kawwas, Charlie

Khamis, Johnny & Joulyana

Khechfe, Amine&Andalusia

Khoury, Bassam & Dima

Khoury, Sami & Kamilia

Kotite, Roula & Nicholas

Kreitem, Ibtisam

Kreitem, George & Adele

Labban, George & Ghazal

Liwi, Adrena

Liwi, Doglas

Louis, Joseph & Najah

Manasseh, Christian&Zeina

Mapar, Kevin & Victoria

Matar, Eyad & Sally

Mawla, Shawn & Carol

Michael, Rizik & Sylvia

Mitri, George & Mona

Muaddi, Salwa


Naser, Nuha

Nassar, Luai & Rasha

Nassif, Fares & Mabelle

Newman, Cynthia


Nicholson, Nick & Lydia

Nystrom, Andrew & Alia

Omran, George & Jeanette

Saah, Najwa

Saah, Riham & Ramza

Saba, Tony & Marianne

Sakkab, Hilda

Salah, David & Mary

Salah, Paul

Salameh, Amanda

Salameh, Basheer & Majida

Salameh, Elias & Wissam

Saoud, Issam

Sayigh, Basim & Sonia

Skikos, Steve & Ida

Sleiman, Nayla

Sohoni, Sophia & venkatrao

Srouji, Almaz

Strickland, Douglas & June

Tanasa, Bogdan & Kate

Tarazi, Subhi & Widad

Theologides, Athanasios &


Voydate, Eve

Zarzar, Walid & Ghada