The end of term is always an emotional one for staff and pupils alike. This year is certainly no different. What a year it has been! I could not be prouder of the accomplishments of all our students this year. Not just academically but socially and emotionally too. Students have had to learn how to adapt quickly to a new way of learning. And adapt, they did. Their resilience and adaptability from our youngest learners in FS1 to our eldest in Year 6 astounds me. Whilst the past few months may not be an ideal learning scenario, it has meant that teachers, students and parents united to ensure progress of all learners was made. We have seen our children produce some amazing, self-initiated learning projects, their digital citizenship skills were developed and for many, their confidence soared. This newsletter will hopefully show you how much learning and fun has been had by all as staff and pupils share their highlights from the past year. As a final sign off from me, I would like to thank all of amazing students, supportive parents and fantastic staff for what has been an unprecedented year. For those leaving TBS this summer, we wish you a safe onwards journey and hope that you will remember your time at TBS fondly. You will always be part of the TBS family. For those of you returning to TBS after the summer, I look forward to seeing you at the gate on the first day for what I am sure, will be another year full of learning and fun. IT IS SUMMER TIME! A SUCCESSFUL, YET CHALLENGING YEAR IS REACHING AN END! Message from Primary Team I think we can safely say that learning will never be the same again. We plan to utilise the skills learnt over the past few months when we return in September and have a number of new curriculum changes taking place that will allow children to continue their learning journey in the technological age. The staff at TBS, as always, have given their heart and soul into providing a supportive, engaging learning environment for our learners. I am truly thankful to work with such dedicated colleagues. For many, the move to remote learning was as steep a learning curve for them as it was for the students. They too, showed their flexibility, by learning to teach using the VLE and Teams on the same day as it was launched to families! Many will admit to being slightly ‘tech phobic’ – they are the ones who have excelled over the past few month. Have a great summer break and stay safe, Ms Ross

Transcript of IT IS SUMMER TIME!

The end of term is always an emotional one for staff and pupils

alike. This year is certainly no different. What a year it has

been! I could not be prouder of the accomplishments of all our

students this year. Not just academically but socially and

emotionally too. Students have had to learn how to adapt

quickly to a new way of learning. And adapt, they did. Their

resilience and adaptability from our youngest learners in FS1 to

our eldest in Year 6 astounds me. Whilst the past few months

may not be an ideal learning scenario, it has meant that

teachers, students and parents united to ensure progress of all

learners was made. We have seen our children produce some

amazing, self-initiated learning projects, their digital citizenship

skills were developed and for many, their confidence soared.

This newsletter will hopefully show you how much learning and

fun has been had by all as staff and pupils share their

highlights from the past year.

As a final sign off from me, I would like to thank all of

amazing students, supportive parents and fantastic staff for

what has been an unprecedented year.

For those leaving TBS this summer, we wish you a safe

onwards journey and hope that you will remember your time at

TBS fondly. You will always be part of the TBS family. For

those of you returning to TBS after the summer, I look forward

to seeing you at the gate on the first day for what I am sure, will

be another year full of learning and fun.





June 2020

Message from Primary Team

I think we can safely say that learning will never be the same

again. We plan to utilise the skills learnt over the past few

months when we return in September and have a number of

new curriculum changes taking place that will allow children to

continue their learning journey in the technological age.

The staff at TBS, as always, have given their heart and soul

into providing a supportive, engaging learning environment for

our learners. I am truly thankful to work with such dedicated

colleagues. For many, the move to remote learning was as steep

a learning curve for them as it was for the students. They too,

showed their flexibility, by learning to teach using the VLE and

Teams on the same day as it was launched to families! Many

will admit to being slightly ‘tech phobic’ – they are the ones who

have excelled over the past few month.

Have a great summer break and stay safe,

Ms Ross

I have enjoyed teaching and getting

to know all the children in FS1 Coral.

It has been an amazing year

watching each and every one of the

children grow.

Remember all the fun we had and all

the things we have learnt but most of

all remember that you’re all very

special! Good luck next year in FS2.

Quotes from Coral Students

I enjoyed the online lessons and loved taking turns. I miss my teacher and friends. I cannot wait to go back to

school to see them all again! Ellen

I made sure to be the first one online to say good morning to Ms Nes! I had fun during the online lessons and

loved being praised for my good work. Seif

I love going to school every day to see Mrs Nes and my friends. I enjoyed the online learning experience

particularly the mathematical activities. I love Mathematics! Lara

I miss the outdoor learning areas, the slide and chasing zombies with my friends! I love and miss my teachers

and friends so much! Adam Hossam

I loved being Mrs Nes’ helper on a school day. I enjoyed garden time and loved using a red marker to practise

my writing! I also liked getting a lot of stickers! Adam Ashtar

I love to meet my friends and Mrs Nes online because I miss them all. I love being a teacher myself when I

play at home. Kenzy

I miss friends and teachers a lot. I loved being in FS1 Coral. Youssef

I loved going to school every day. I love my friends and teachers. I miss painting with my friends at school!


J U N E 2 0 2 0 | F S 1

FS1- Coral

Mrs. Nes

Stay Safe SuperCorals

We will miss you

It has been a fun packed time in Emerald class this year with lots of work and learning happening. When

we have been online, Emerald class have enjoyed seeing their friends present and missed those friends

who have been absent. The Choice Activities that the class have been doing each week have given

Emeralds chances to be busy, loud and quiet!

Emerald children have amazed me by learning their number bonds to 20 so quickly, making me proud

and laugh a lot. School was busy again this year with Sports Day and Book Week which Emerald children

really enjoyed.

Mrs McNeely makes learning fun. Lots to do. Youssef

I love Mathematics the best, but I enjoy our story time too. Fayrouz

I do not like online learning as I miss my friends, but I loves story time online and enjoyed Book Week.

Hala Basel

I now enjoy numbers and letters; I like seeing my friends online and am proud I can write my name.


I love my number work and the best thing this year was Sports Day. Hassan

I like to make numbers in playdough. I love my teacher and miss playing with my friends in the garden.


Emerald children have said thefollowing about their learning thisyear:

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | F S 1

FS1- Emerald

Mrs. McNeely

Stay Safe CuteEmeralds

We will miss you

I can’t believe how fast the year went

by! Next year, I will miss welcoming

your smiley faces at the classroom

each morning, but I promise you I’ll

go to visit you in your new class. This

will be one year none of us will ever

forget! We’ve had wonderful moments

learning at home and in our school.

You have grown so much that it’s

now time for you to move on. Have a

great summer holiday! It has been

an absolute pleasure being your


See you very soon,

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | F S 1

FS1- Amethyst

Mrs. Laura

Stay Safe CuteAmethysts

We will miss you

This year has been a very unusual


We started out at the beginning of the

year not knowing much English and

surrounded by strange faces. And we

ended the year at home and excited

about seeing our friends and teachers

in live lessons on the computer! I am

amazed at how much progress you

have made, and at how flexible and

resilient you all are!

You did a fantastic job! I wish you all

the success in FS2 next year! Please

keep in touch!

Stay Safe SweetRubies

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | F S 1

FS1- Ruby

Ms. Sally Rashad

We will miss you

‘I have many highlights of the year

because I truly enjoyed it when we all

gathered together to sing, dance and

share experiences with each other.

So, this meant that circle time,

birthday celebrations and dress-up

days were all highlights of the year

that I remember fondly.’

I must say that every moment of this year was very special to my heart. Even though I wish we had more time

together in class and at school, we sure did have a blast EVERY DAY!

If I must pick, I would say that event days were the closest to my heart; where we got to go a little bit out of

our shells and share moments with families and people we love.

FS2 Opal 2019/2020 was truly an amazing class. It would be impossible to forget this group for so many

reasons, not just the unusual circumstances of the academic year.

Last but not least, I wish each one of you the absolute best. Remember that you are unique in your own way

and never aim to be a copy of someone else. I wish you all the success in Year One and all the upcoming years

of your education.


Stay Safe ShinyOpals

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FS2- Opal

We will miss you

Ms. Aya

It has been an incredible journey and I am so proud of you.

You have worked so hard and have made so much great progress this year.

We have shared many wonderful memories and have also had fun learning!

I am so proud of how much you have grown in learning! Keep up the great work! Remember you can always

come back and say hello next year.

I know you will do a super job in Year 1.

I will miss you!


Stay SafeAwesome Pearls

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FS2- Pearl

We will miss you

Ms. Nahla Nagdy

My favourite memory of this year was our trip to the Egypt Museum together. We set off on the buses and had

a sing song on the way. When we go there it seemed so big and exciting.

First, we made Egyptian pictures on papyrus. The children were really busy using the carbon paper to trace

the designs and colour the pictures while I enjoyed watching their concentration, cooperation, patience and

fantastic ability to share and help each other out. It was so heart-warming to see how proud they were of their

designs and excited to see what would happen next.

Our next part of the adventure was the museum where the children showed their brilliant listening skills and

inquisitive nature. They were very polite to our guide and interested to find out what all the artefacts were.

Some of the walkways and exhibits were a little scary but the children were brave and had a positive attitude.

We even got to be archaeologists and hunt for real treasure with the brushes and trowels.

It was amazing to see the children so inspired and dedicated to the task. We ended the day in the park and my

little dare- devils and thrill seekers enjoyed the sunshine and time to let loose with their friends. I love

watching my little friends at their happiest!

Super Sapphires, my wish for you next year is that you remember how to be the very best you can be. You are

all kind, polite, funny, clever children and when you really focus, you really shine. I know that you will keep

listening well and working hard so that you can be even more super next year. I know I will miss you all very

much, but I know you will be excellent in Year One and make me very proud.

Stay Safe SuperSapphire

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FS2- Sapphire

We will miss you

Mrs. Emma Ford

Yusuf - My first day because I made friends.

Laila - I loved the dish parties.

Lara - playing with my friends.

Favourite part of this year was

What an eventful year this has been!

As this somewhat unusual academic year draws to a close, I would like to thank my wonderful students, FS2

Topaz 2019/2020 and their super mums for all their hard work during the home-learning journey. A huge

thank you to Ms Fahrija Balic, for all the ongoing support which she has given me throughout the year. We

have had an outstanding year!

We had fun learning together, we bonded and most of all we became one big happy family. Whilst the idea of

home-learning was challenging to us all at first, I thank each one of you for making it a huge success,

whereby our young heroes benefitted so much from this amazing experience. We studied Ancient Egyptian

History in Term Two and now we are living history in the making!

I am so proud of each one of you and I’m extremely happy to see you begin your journey in taking your first

steps into achieving your dreams but at the same time I feel overwhelmed with emotions. I have no doubt that

most of you will realise your dreams of becoming future Astronauts, Doctors, Engineers, Journalists and the

list of dreams goes on and on!

Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer vacation and I look forward to seeing those

of you who will be returning to TBS in the new academic year and please do drop in and say hello.

I wish all those who are departing the very best for their future endeavours I will leave you with this quote:

Stay SafeWonderful Topaz

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FS2- Topaz

We will miss you

Ms. Nahla Elzanaty

A child who reads will be an adult who thinks ~ by AnonymousSo please read, read and read some more!

I love all my friends and I

miss playing with them in the


He added that he wants to

see them face to face, and to play

and eat together!

Mostafa- FS2 Topaz

I am so proud I was your teacher. I have watched you learn and grow. We worked so hard and had such

fun. How fast the time did go! Our year was interrupted, and it seemed too soon to part. Just know that you

will always have a special place within my heart.

With love,

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 1

Y1- MA

Ms. Aziz

Mostafa- FS2 Topaz

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 1

I can’t believe this year is over!

I am so proud with all the dedication and progress

you have showed over this year. We have lived,

laughed, learnt and shared various moments

together. I will never forget your bright smiling

faces greeting me every morning and afternoon.

A little bit of each of you will always be with me.

Keep shining bright my little stars

and always strive to be the best.

Y1- EM

Mrs. Mroweh

I feel very blessed to have had the

pleasure of teaching you all as you

have been a wonderful, special class. I

will always cherish and remember my

time with each and every one of you

and only wish that we had more time

together at school. I am proud of

everything you have achieved and only

expect more excellence from you all in

the future! I will always be here for you

no matter how old you get.

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 1

Y1- MC

Mrs. Cummins

1MK YOU DID IT! What a fantastic

year, I am so proud of you! I watched

you learn and grow. We worked so

hard and had so much fun. How fast

did the year go? We had so many

special moments and I will miss you

with all my heart. I will also miss

your stories, your jokes and your

lovely smiles. Stay safe my lovely

shinning stars until we meet again.

Y1- MK

Mrs. Kafour

What a magical year it has been for Year 1NS!

I am so proud of every single one of you. Each of you has brought their special personalities and skills

that has contributed to every success of this year. We have all worked so hard together to create special

memories that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. We had so much fun experimenting with

our senses, making lava lamps, recording the weather and planting our seeds in Science. We have used

so many new resources to help us with our Mathematics like measuring using leg strides and hand

spans. We have played around with Legos, counters, string and so much more we never knew we could

use for numbers! During Topic, we searched and explored the wide seas with Christopher Columbus,

flown to the moon with Neil Armstrong and learned new brush strokes with different artists. Some of

you did not know you had it in you to paint portraits, yet you surprised us with your new talents.

This year we also had the chance to role play and present to the rest of the class the fun stories we have

read. We talked about our favourite characters and celebrated international cultures like Diwali and

Chinese New Year.

Never has my class ever been so messy and that only shows how creative and magical our experience

really was this year. I am going to deeply miss our morning dances and phonics games that we played

with so much energy. Although we have been met with a difficult change due to Coronavirus and the

quarantine, each one of you has pushed through to achieve all your targets by the end of the year. I was

very lucky to have you all in my class and I only hope you face your next year with the same joy, magic

and passion that you have brought to 1NS this year.

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 1

Y1- NS

Mrs. Shata

Well what a busy and fantastic year we have had in 2CO! We have made lots of special memories, from

giggling at ‘The World’s Worst Children’ stories, singing and dancing in our Christmas concert, fancy

dress days, Art Day, Book Week, our Walking Museum, parties, tasting hot chocolate and gingerbread

men as part of our English lesson and not to mention all of the hard work you have been doing!

My favourite thing about this year is seeing your confidence grow and all the effort you have put into

your learning. You are all so clever! I am also incredibly proud of the work you have been doing at home

since we had to stop going to school. Although online learning has been strange for us, most of you have

been attending lessons every day and trying your best!

I am going to miss teaching you and seeing your happy faces every day, but I know you will have so

much fun in Year Three.

Don’t forget our favourite words by Amelia Earhart and to keep sprinkling your kindness around!

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots

spring up and make new trees.” —Amelia Earhart

Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 2

Y2- CO

Ms. Owen

The end of the school year…the closing of one door and the opening of another. It has been an incredible

journey and I am so proud of all that we have overcome together. I want to thank each and every one of

my students for all the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared this school year. I

want you to know that you and your classmates have amazed me in SO MANY ways.

Although it has been extremely challenging and I have spent many a moment wishing to be back in the

classroom, there have been many positive consequences during our recent online learning experience.

Some of you have found online school to be your perfect match. Some of you are still learning what

online education is all about, and that is okay, too.

Working from home, allowed some of my shier students to feel more comfortable within their own

space, gain more confidence in their abilities and consequently show me a new side I possibly may not

have had the opportunity to see in the classroom.

With additional one-to-one adult help at home, that being your wonderfully supportive parents, some of

you were able to access the curriculum more easily and develop swiftly this past term. Family members

also helped bring out the creative side in some students and I spent many nights smiling or laughing as I

listened to recordings, read stories, and viewed videos among the many assignments you worked so hard

to complete.

E-learning has allowed me to stay connected with both students and parents more frequently and I have

been grateful to get to know some of you on a more personal level than I would in the normal classroom


I eagerly await the day I can return to school and see you face-to-face once more. Unfortunately for me,

you will have moved on to Year Three by then, but I know that you must move forward in order to

accomplish the great things that your life has in store.

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to teach you. Thank you for a fantastic year 2DI!

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 2

Y2- DI

Mrs. Ineson

I want to thank everyone of you for all the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared

this school year. I say THANK-YOU!

For when I teach, I also learn. This past year we have grown together. I will miss everything about you,

our morning Meet & Greet, laughter, smile and getting excited for Golden Times. A little bit of each of

you will always be with me.

Always strive to be the BEST that you can be!

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 2

Y2- MA

Mr. Attia

I am going to miss all of you so much and I am sad that I cannot say goodbye to all of you face to face.

However, this means that the next time I see you roaming around the corridors at school you will have

so much to tell me about your summer and your time away from class! I want you all to know that I am

so proud of all of you and the great amount of progress you have worked so hard to achieve this year. I

am so happy that I got the chance to teach all of you and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

Y2- LS

This is a picture of the Year 2 Christmas concert rehearsal. Some of you

were a bit shy to begin with but you found your confidence and I was so

proud of all of you.

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 2

Miss. Soliman

Ayoub said, ’I enjoyed Book Week and Sports Day the best because it encourages us to cooperate’

Daym said, ‘I loved Maths lessons they were very fun!’

Mikey reported, ‘I liked being on the Student Council because you get to buy and sell stuff and the

money goes to charity!”

Daniel loved Book Week because, “It took days for my friends to guess my word which was ‘Artistic’

but everyone thought it was ‘Art’ because I was wearing a t-shit with a paint pallet and splashes of paint

and musical notes and a picture of a camera!”

Hamza loved remote learning because, ‘I didn’t have to get up early and was never late for school and

you don’t leave your homework behind!”

Adam Tammam enjoyed Health Day and the Art Day ‘I loved running round the field people were

very funny and I enjoyed making ….out of salt dough with my friends.’

Abdel Rahman said, “I loved the Sports Day when the race began.”

Mohamed Basheer said his highlight was, ‘Writing stories and Sports day’

Hello all, this has been an incredible year! My

favourite memories are of Book Week. The

children enjoyed silent reading, dressing up, and

creating their own t-shirts with their favourite

quotes. There was one very clever quote spelt ‘ink

red’ ible which was a play on the word incredible

which was Boshra’s chosen word to use on her t-


Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

Y3- CM

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 3

Mrs. McDonnell

3AS my bundle of joy!

I want to thank you all for all the warmth, the memories and the learning that we have shared this year.

You tried your best and made me proud. It has been an incredible journey and I am so proud of you all.

You have worked so hard and have made great progress. I will miss your stories, your jokes, your smiles,

your laughter, your willingness to try and your desire to be the best you can be. Please come back and

visit me as you move to year four and remember that Mrs. Aya will be waiting to hear from you all. I

will never forget the joy you brought to the class and all the achievements that you have surpassed.

Always work hard like I know you can, and know your teacher is one of your biggest fans I will miss

our time together, but memories will last forever!

Your proud teacher,

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

Y3- AS

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 3

Mrs. Safwan

Great Expectations It is time to say goodbye, with a simple message from my mobile phone.

Goodbye to the four walls that was once our 8-hour home. Funny how our year has come to an end at full

steam. Yet we made cherished memories, missed a few friends and learnt a few tricks on Teams.

I have watched you all learn and grow and change from day to day. I hope that all the things that we have

done have helped in a tiny way.

So, it is with happy memories I send you out the door. With great hope and expectations of what the next

year has in store. So, soar on my little ones till we meet once again in the TBS corridor.


My highlight of the year was Book Week.

Guess the Word Parade Marching on the field and seeing the curious faces of children in total awe

and confusion trying to figure out the words and images on parade. Vibrant colours, and ear-

piercing chatter echoed throughout the corridors as children guessed words and gave clues to their

well-articulated labyrinth of ideas. I sat and watched my students in 3CR paint their shirts whilst

stealing a glimpse at their colleagues’ offering the odd suggestions of colours and words to write.

Y3- CR

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 3

Mrs. Royall

C O N T I N U E D . . .

I really enjoyed the trip to Wadi Degla because I always wanted

to explore and feel what it is like for the people who live in

Wadi Degla. I also enjoyed the trip to Sitara because I like their

shows and what they do. My favourite subject is Science

because I like chemicals and plants. I like doing experiments

like adding hydrogen to peroxide. I liked book week because I

like to read this series called Dogman and I got to make a big

Harry Potter book cover! Thank you for a wonderful year!


Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

Y3- CR Highlights of the Year

This year I enjoyed the activities that we did before we went to e-learning. Going on the Wadi Degla

trip was the most amazing part because we explored the fossils that we learned at school but now in

the field. I was able to find a lot of fossils that I took it back to my home as a souvenir from the trip. I

also was happy to join the trip with my friend Alan.

I was happy l that I learned about dinosaurs, fossils, magnets and body parts names. I enjoyed my

Christmas concert when we sang the Christmas songs and our parents came to see us dancing and

singing. Thank you, Mrs Royall, for all the effort that you did with us this year.

I was happy learning from you.

Hamza El Kady

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 3

There have been a few memorable moments this year, being told that we were teaching online has to be a

big one, but the one I have chosen is the 4AE Christmas Performance. We were going to do a play;

we tried it on the stage and, to be honest, it was a disaster. So, we went back to the drawing board and

started again. We came up with a whole new idea, about reciting Christmas poems and telling Christmas

jokes. We were running out of time and the children had to learn their poems and actions very quickly. We

had prompt cards in a rehearsal in the morning and Ms. Ross told us they had to go by the afternoon

and…….4AE did it! I was so proud of everyone. We tried something, it didn’t work, we tried again, with only

a few days to go, and, on the day, everyone performed brilliantly. Mr. Merrill awarded 4AE his music

certificate in recognition of everyone’s hard work and when I heard the applause for this in assembly, I

knew that this would be a highlight of the year for me.

Mrs. Elansary

What I loved this year was the trips we went was fun and exciting. I also loved that we learnt thing

that are so fun and learning about electronics was because we made comics about electronics and

lighted the light bulb with motors and other fun things. I did create things in Science like a guitar

when we were learning about sound and it was fun and cool to make. When we did the sports in

sports week, I had had the best day. We played sports but then I had to go to bus so had to wait and

when we were waiting, we watched movies played even had lunch and had a lot of fun– Hana

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

My favourite parts about this year at school was the trip to the

ancient Egypt village. We went on the river and discovered that

sand make glass. That was one of my favourite trips. My second

favourite part is when we learned about hieroglyphics it was

really fascinating on how much shapes make words. –


Y4- AE

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 4

Highlights of the Year

The Pharaonic Village in Cairo

This was another memorable occasion that

took place, shortly after the trip to the

Pharaonic Village. Children in Year Four

performed a musical, ‘The Last Pharaonic

Party’ based on Howard Carter’s discovery of

the tomb of Tutankhamun. Children

displayed not only, some of the items they

made on their trip, but also made their own

costumes using painting pasta cubes,

construction paper to make pharaonic

bracelets, belts and headdresses. They loved

the songs Gold,

Gold. Gold’ and ‘Where’s Me Mummy Gone’.

The musical ended with a pharaonic dance.

Afterwards, parents viewed the displays the

children had made. Samples are placed beside

the mummy and some homemade pyramids.

Y4- RM

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 4

Highlightsof the YearThe Pharaonic Village in Cairo

There were many highlights for the pupils in 4RM. The trip

to the Pharaonic Village in Cairo was certainly one of them.

The children of 4RM are at the front of the boat at the start

of their journey around the village.

“We enjoyed painting their items of pottery and

colouring in their sheets of papyrus.”- Farida

Mohamed and Nola Halab

“I was interested in the virtual reality show on

Howard Carter because I was acting him in the

musical.”- Yehia Abdel Fattah


There were some very spooky characters in 4RM during the

dressing up day. Nour, Nada, Razan, Kenzy and Youssef

were unmasked, but Hamza wasn’t. Or was that someone

else. That’s for him to know and you to find out. The man

behind the mask?

C O N T I N U E D . . .

Y4- RM

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 4

Highlights of the Year

Book Week

Eyad, Hamza, Kenzy, Farida and Lamar all agreed on how much they loved Book Week and in particular,

reading to the younger children. Nour and Haya mentioned they also loved dressing up.


Children had great fun experimenting in Science,

trying to make their own circuits. Did they go too far?

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

Dear 4 CT,

I have had the most amazing teaching experience this year. Firstly, coming to Egypt for the first time and then

teaching fantastic students at TBS. You are all so special in different ways. I have seen you all make excellent

progress in leaps and bounds. Keep up the positive learning and always challenge yourself and never give up. I

am going to miss you all so much. Be safe and keep learning.

From your teacher,

“My highlight for this year it is a

complicated one. Unfortunately, there is a

global virus which forced all of us to stay

at home, and have online classes, which

is so challenging and exhausting for all

the family members. I realised that

normal school days are much better. I

miss my school, my friends and mostly

the break times J I don’t wish this to be a

lifetime routine and we could all go back

to our schools and to our normal life

soon."- Adam

Y4- CT

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 4

“My highlight for this year was the

Pharonic Village trip because we learned

so much facts and the way they said the

facts was amazing. I liked the statues of

the pharaoh and the when we were on the

boat on the River Nile.- Karen

C O N T I N U E D . . .

Mrs. Torne

Highlights of the Year

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

What a year it has been, 4SH! I have enjoyed every second of it with you, whether it was in the classroom or

virtually. Distant learning was never a barrier to our strong bond and deep understanding to eachother. We

have had many highlights together this year; our trips to the Pharaonic Village and the farm, Sports Day,

Wear Your Words Day and a very successful Christmas dance on stage, along with all the day to day memories

which I will cherish in my heart forever. This year has unfolded to be truly rewarding and the most genuine. A

year which has shown your true resilience, hard work and commitment to learning during challenging times.

Go change the world with your perseverance. The sky is the limit!

Lots of love,

“This is the best year I had, and it was

full of fun. I love this school because it

gives the best

year ❤ .."- Sara

Y4- SH

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 4

“This year has been the best year of my time in

school! I wish everyone the best next year!"-


Mrs. Hany

Stay Safe .. We will miss YOU!

One child, One Teacher, One book, One pen can change the world…. Malala

This young girl and her story will always remind me of working with Year 5 as we read her life story together.

A bullet that was meant to silence Malala became the opposite, and now Malala has become an international

symbol of peace.

I want to reiterate with you as you go to Year 6. YOU CAN change the world. Believe in your ideas, believe in

yourself. Use your voice, Use the power of your words. If the world is going to get better, it is down to you. You

know how much PSHE meant to me. You know I was always on your case to do what you think is right like

honesty, hard work, responsibility, helpfulness, cooperation, fairness, forgiveness, determination, having

courage, generosity, integrity, patience, self-discipline, honesty, gratitude, respect for others and respect for

yourself. Continue to follow these virtues. Make yourselves proud of your actions! Go make the world proud of

you! Go make ME Proud of YOU! Go and be Proud of Yourselves!

Y5- AD

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 5

Ms. A Downer

Stay S

afe ..

We w

ill mi

ss YO


Dear 5HS,

What an incredible journey we have had this year! We had so many beautiful memories this year, I am so

proud of all of your achievements. Each and every one of you has grown and matured over the year. Most of

all, I am proud of your resilience. We spoke a lot about resilience over the year, little did we know that we

would all have to show resilience as our journey this year gave us the opportunity to learn online. I say

opportunity, because it was an opportunity, a great one, that we would have otherwise never have tried.

Learning online has taught us so many skills that we need in the real world. Not only did every one of you

learn how to use computer applications, you learnt how to use technology and tools you had come across for

the first time to create wonderful projects! You took the opportunity full on, and you did not let anything stop

you – you showed RESILLIENCE! Resilience means never giving up, even when you face a bump in the road,

and you did just that. As you move forward on to Year Six, I hope you reflect on your accomplishments with

pride. I hope you write your story down, about living during the global pandemic to share with your children

one day, and I hope that you learn how far resilience can take you.

I wish you all the best,

Y5- HS

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 5

Mrs. Said

Stay S

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U!“My favourite memory from Year Five

was Sports Day, my dad came, and we

won! After Sports Day I stayed with my

friends at the club. I enjoyed using the

hand signals that my teacher taught us. I

will share it with my new teacher."- Amin

“I liked the Christmas party because of

the Secret Santa gift exchange. I also

liked going to Ski Egypt and learning

about Earth and Space because it was

an interesting topic."- Yahia

“When we did the Christmas party it was

very fun. I liked learning about Earth and

Space. My favourite memory was when

we had the Ski Egypt trip, it was very

fun!."- Sarah

“I liked Art Day, where we did the

sculptures for Ancient Greece. We got

to do so many activities. I also loved the

Ski Egypt trip"- Rokaia

We are at the end of the year and even though I have only been with you since January 2020, I feel as if it

has been an entire year. That is most definitely a positive because it means that I feel as if I have known

you all for a long time and I am so thankful that you all accepted me and embraced me as your new teacher.

It has been a challenging year and we have been through and are still living through a difficult health

pandemic; however, you all have impressed me with your resilience and positive attitudes towards learning

online. Thank you for making me laugh out loud a lot and I am looking forward to seeing your growth and

being part of your journey. I am immensely proud of each of you and wish you success in the next academic


Y5- FY

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 5

Ms. Fatima Yousif

Stay S

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“The best moments in Year 5 was when we had the events like book week, health

week and sports day. I had fun working online and doing my homework on Literacy

Planet. I loved going on trip to ski Egypt."- Nabil

“Best moment in Year 5 for me was when we went to Ski Egypt."-

Karim H

“When we had art day (it was very new for us but also very fun). When the topics

of the subjects were interesting and lastly when we had fun homework to do.."-


Best Moments

Pupils of Year Six, with every ounce of feeling and truth I can muster, I simply THANK YOU!

Knowing you, working with you and teaching you over the past two years has given me so much

unbridled satisfaction. To say I will miss you would be a major understatement. All of you will

always have a unique place within my heart.

The memories come flooding back like soft tears on an open book : the fun and jokes we had in

class, our sincere reflections about our place in the world, the music and songs, the word games,

the poetry, the drama, the novels, the successes, the performances, our simple greetings, the

assemblies, the camaraderie within the Year Group. The list is endless – but all positive and

entrenched with hope for the future. My very last words are for the amazing pupils. Each and

every one of you have taught me something about myself and my place in the world. I truly

enjoyed every minute of being with you, of listening to you and of teaching you. I hope some of my

messages carry further than the classroom walls. Be at one. Be yourself. Be positive. Become. Be.

Slan go foil,

Y6- RM

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 6

Mr. Ronan O Marcaigh

Stay S

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Well, what a turbulent year! Some many changes, so much drama and…so much learning!

I feel blessed to have worked with such a vibrant group of pupils in Year Six throughout the year. Their sheer

energy, enthusiasm and due diligence were inspirational at all times. The wealth of talent and ambition I

have witnessed both through our regular schooldays and through our online learning classes almost leaves

me speechless. I am truly humbled by your positive attitude towards your academics. Teaching you has been a

sheer pleasure for me. I wish you a heartfelt, enjoyable summer break – you thoroughly deserve it. Through

your graceful and courteous approach to your learning, you have enriched me. I look forward to seeing you

around TBS when school resumes again. The future will be moulded by your hands.

Take care and keep safe,

Y6- PB

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 6

Mr. Peter Bassilly

Stay S

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To one and all, my brief message is one of thanks and hope!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" is a common saying originating from a famous

Chinese proverb. It is one short year since I began teaching in Year Six at The British School and I want to

sincerely thank all the magnificent pupils for their efforts, their support, their perseverance,

their maturity and their utmost integrity. You have provided a stunning canvas of talent and intelligence

which others must now follow. You are your future, you are our future, and you – are the future of our world.

In these matters, I trust your choices with unwavering confidence!

It has been a spectacular journey of intriguing academia, intense challenges and changing social

circumstances that we have undertaken. I am proud beyond measure of every single success I have witnessed

in the Year Six pupils both in the classroom and through our virtual learning classes. Indeed, with no doubt

in my mind, you are all digital wonders. I am astoundingly hopeful that your journey will continue with

positivity, determination and creativity.

With that, I leave you to enjoy your summer break.

I will see you around the school again after the break

Rest relax and rewind.

Y6- VW

Stay S

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J U N E 2 0 2 0 | Y E A R 6

Mr. Victor Wamurwa

Bonjour! Year 3 students,

At the beginning of the year, I could see

that behind your sparkling eyes, you were

keen to learn a new language. Now I can

say that I am really very proud of each

one’s achievement in French!

THANK-YOU! For when I teach, I also

learn. This past year we have grown

together. A little bit of each of you will

always be with me. Always strive to be the

BEST that you can be!

Bon courage

Have a lovely vacation


I want to thank you, all my lovely students in primary classes, for your great efforts and

active participation in French lessons. You have made good progress and have produced

good pieces of work. Despite the exceptional circumstances we are going through, you have

played a great role in organising the educational process smoothly, and have even made it

an opportunity to gain new experiences and learning skills as well as having enjoyable

moments in our live sessions in French. I would also like to thank your parents for all the

support they provided that actively contributed to providing you with the highest possible

quality of education. I really enjoyed working with you and I wish to see you all again at

school in September. Stay safe, relax and enjoy your summer holiday that you deserve.

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | F R E N C H

Madame Haidy


Mr. Mina

An activity for first lesson in Arabic of Term One, 2DI chose a picture for their favourite

sports they like to be a professional in the future.

Last day of term one, Y 1 MC in Arabic session do an activity for Christmas.

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | A R A B I C


In Islamic studies session Y1 MC do amazing an art activity at Art day.

The highlight of my year has to be Health Week. Health week incorporates

many aspects around being healthy, including looking after our emotional and mental

health as well as our physical health and eating healthily.

Health week included a variety of activities designed to encourage our students to be

physically active and promote overall well-being. One of the activities I enjoyed immensely

during Health week was Sports Day, watching the children participate with enthusiasm and

motivating each other was amazing.

Their determination, perseverance and achievement was priceless. I loved watching the

children and teachers complete the mile a day together - the perfect way to start your day!

I am super proud of what the children have achieved this year!! Well Done!!

Healthy Body - Healthy Mind

J U N E 2 0 2 0 | P E

Physical Education

A message from Ms Jo

Having Mr Ghormley join the music team this year lead to some really delightful

performances from our younger students. The progress these students made in becoming

tuneful, beatful and artful was exemplified in the Year 2 Christmas concert. Amongst the

delightful singing and dancing, there was one element that particularly impressed me: the

colourful scarf dance to music from the Nutcracker Suite by Pytor Tchaikovsky. Whilst Mr

Ghormley was leading the dance, it was clear from the coordination and synchronisation with

which the students performed this complicated sequence, that they were deeply listening to,

and feeling the rhythm, melody and structure of the music. It is always a sign of

accomplishment when something difficult is made to look easy, and it is as testament to the

hard work of the Year 2 students, and the enthusiasm they gave to their lessons with Mr

Ghormley that such an artistic performance was given.

Our final music assignment of the year was to create

a virtual school choir, we had some interesting

submissions, but Mr Merrill worked his magic,

particularly with the staff videos, to make a fantastic

performance of We’re All In This Together.


J U N E 2 0 2 0 | M U S I C



Useful Sites for Summer Activities –

whilst we recommend that you spend

the summer having fun and making

memories with your family, if you do

get a little bored, you can use these

learning sites to consolidate your


J U N E 2 0 2 0 | V L E



Education City

Education City

Purple Mash

Literacy Planet


Oxford Owl:

Big Cat reading ebooks

Click on Teacher Portal and enter:

Username: [email protected] Password: Parents20!username: tbs password: pen

Vocabulary Ninja

White Rose Maths: #MathsPartyIncrease your vocabulary with a new word a dayEasy to follow Maths videos uploaded daily along with an activity

Audible has made their stories for kid free fromhere