IPA Newsletter Jan-Dec 2017 - International Police Association

IPA NEWSLETTER COMPILATION 2017 IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 7459 863196 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org IPA NEWSLETTER COMPILATION 2017 Jan-Dec 2017

Transcript of IPA Newsletter Jan-Dec 2017 - International Police Association


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 7459 863196 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org


Jan-Dec 2017


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

We wish all Newsletter readers a peaceful and colourful year 2017!

This beautiful photo was the winner of a photo competition of IPA France

January 2017



Another year, another opportunity to wish you all the best: May your year be filled with health, happiness, love, joy, success, friendship of course, and many other nice things. I sincerely wish you will encounter all of these during your journey through 2017. I will, however, point out two aspects that we might sometimes leave on the side, as we rather like to focus on the positive side in our lives.

As I know that many of our friends are also facing difficult times, illness, loss, critical situations, as well as many other troubles, I would like to wish all those of you who maybe do not see the beginning of the year as a blessing or a good period of time, a lot of courage in adversity. May this new year give you strength and support to face what needs to be faced, and may the solidarity of the IPA friendship be a solid help and strong pillar to you. I would like also to wish us all the ‘wisdom’ of knowing to take time. Time is flying so fast. More often than not it can become a burden. Therefore may we know how to give time to time. Time to make decisions. Time to think before giving an answer. Time to spend true moments of friendship. Time to say no to what consumes us too much. Time to forgive. Time to forget. Time to be. Time to sort out what is important or not. Our lack of time is creating many misunderstandings and many decisions that we might regret because emotions take over, and many bonds are broken. Our association lives through friendship. Friendship takes and needs time. A Happy New Year to all of you, as well as courage and time. Servo per Amikeco Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President



The IPA in Poland will soon be 25 years old and counts around 10,000 members at present. The statutes of the Polish Section of the IPA stipulate that members may be actively employed in the Police and Border Guard, or pensioners of these organisations. Membership is voluntary, and each member is required to participate actively in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the IPA. Every 3 years, during the national congress, delegates elect a new board, with the President of the Polish Section at the helm. Such elections were held on 26 November 2016 in Solec Zdroj. Delegates from 17 provincial groups, representatives of the Polish Section’s NEC, the Audit committee and the Statute committee met at the ‘Malinowy Raj’ (Raspberry Heaven’) Hotel. In addition, the invitation to the congress was also accepted by representatives from the national sections of Austria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the UK and a representative of the UN. We were honored by the presence of the IPA President, Pierre-Martin Moulin, and the Chairperson of the ERC, Alexey Gankin. The highlight of the congress was the election of the new board of IPA Poland. After several hours of deliberation, the delegates decided that the current president of the Polish Section, Fryderyk Orepuk, would continue to perform this function during the next 3-year term. Thereafter, the remaining members of the NEC were elected. The new NEC of IPA Poland consists of Vice Presidents Aneta Sobieraj from the Łódź Provincial Group, Krzysztof Skowron from the Silesian Provincial Group, and Piotr Wójcik from the Lublin Provincial Group. Krzysztof Kapturski is the new secretary general, and his assistant is Radosław Skubina. The Treasurer for the 2016-2019 term is Adam Pietrzkiewicz, and the Assistant Treasurer is Robert Literacki. Hanna Wachowiak is also on the board as an NEC member. The new board faces major challenges. The President assured everyone that the main goal in the coming term will be the activation of young members. The new NEC wants above all to involve a maximum number of police officers in international professional internships and training, as such opportunities are a fantastic way to gain professional experience and broaden horizons. The NEC would also like to increase the recognition of the IPA among all uniformed organisations. Aneta Sobieraj, Vice President IPA Poland


High honours for ERC member

Monsieur François Hollande, President of the French Republic, Monsieur Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior at the time, as well as many further dignitaries attended a ceremony held on 10 November 2016 at the Police Headquarters to award colleagues who intervened during the terrible attacks which took place in November 2015. Jean-Marc Riss, Police Commander, DSPAP (Direction de la Sécurité de Proximité de l’Agglomération Parisienne) member at the Police Headquarters, IPA member and member of the French Professional Commission, as well as member of the International Commission for External Relations (ERC) and liaison officer for IPA France at UNESCO, received the Medal of Interior Security (highest level - gold). On 13 November 2015, Jean Marc Riss was responsible for an intervention unit before the arrival of the specialised

intervention squad (BRI), and was among the very first intervening forces who risked their lives by entering the Bataclan with BRI, at a moment when terrorists were still active inside. They were able to evacuate the first victims, which included a child. Many colleagues, with bravery and an extraordinary sense of duty, took enormous risks to save many of those who were wounded by the terrorists’ shots. In their speeches, the President of the French Republic and the Minister of the Interior underlined the exemplary and praiseworthy behaviour displayed in these dramatic circumstances: behaviour, professionalism but above all, bravery, thus honouring the French Police. In addition, during the IPA World Congress in New Zealand in October 2016, an IPA Certificate of Recognition was presented to the DSPAP, for their services during the terrorist attacks in 2015. IPA France expresses their congratulations to all officers involved, but to Jean-Marc in particular, for his bravery and self-control, making IPA France very proud: a perfect example of the meaning of the verb ‘ to serve’ in our motto. Rose Lourme, President IPA France


Gruppenfoto in Bukarest

Making Dreams come true …

The collection and payment of the funds for the 61st World Congress’s chosen Charity – Koru Care – has been completed. www.korucare.co.nz Donations collection at the World Congress totaled $NZ 8639.16.

Thank you for your contribution. Each of the 6 regions within New Zealand along with IPA New Zealand contributed $NZ 350 each. The grand total raised was $NZ 11089.16. Billy Lawrence, Region 1 Chairman and Congress Committee member, presented the funds to Koru Care at the IPA New Zealand Region 1 Christmas function. Thank you for your support of this Charity. Ross Pinkham, Vice President IPA New Zealand

IPA Funkamateure reisen nach Rumänien Beim diesjährigen Bundestreffen der IPA-Funkamateure in Mommenheim bei Mainz luden unsere rumänischen IPA-Freunde Eliodor Tanislav (Eli, YO3AS) und Elena Tanislav (YO3ES) zu einem Treffen in Bukarest im Oktober ein. Erfreulicherweise fanden sich viele IPA-Freunde, die dieser Einladung folgten, und so machten sich am 19.Oktober von drei deutschen Flughäfen und bereits Tage zuvor mit dem Wohnmobil startend, neun IPA-Funkamateure mit ihren Partnerinnen auf den Weg nach Bukarest. Es gab ein herzliches Hallo am Zielflughafen und später im Hotel. Gleich abends kamen die rumänischen Funkamateure (YO3AAS, YO7HUZ, YO3GA, YO9FNP, YO3HOT, YO9XC, YO9BMB, YO9IE, YO3CWZ und YO9CAB) ins Hotel, um uns zu begrüßen. Bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen mit rumänischer Livemusik wurde gefachsimpelt, und es wurden natürlich QSL-Karten ausgetauscht. Neben deutschen und rumänischen Funkamateuren waren auch Eddi, ON6ZV, und Carine aus Belgien der Einladung gefolgt, und so war es eine sehr internationale Runde, die in den folgenden Tagen gemeinsam das Land bereiste und immer auch das Hobby als Gesprächsthema hatte. Dank der sehr guten Vorbereitung konnten



wir in den wenigen Tagen sehr viel vom Land sehen und erleben: So waren wir im Schloss Peres, in der Burg Bran (Draculaburg), in den Karpaten und bei den Schlammvulkanen in Berca. Letztere waren bei leichtem Nieselregen und rutschigen Wegen eine Herausforderung und forderten uns einiges ab. Belohnt wurden wir dann aber durch deutlich blubbernde, wassergefüllte Vulkankrater.

Die rumänische Küche lernten wir nicht nur im Hotel bei den toll hergerichteten Buffets, sondern auch auf den Ausflügen in den urigen Restaurants des ‚Hinterlandes‘ kennen und schätzen. Der stets zur Begrüßung gereichte Palinka und der begleitende Wein schmeckten allen sehr gut, und da keiner selbst fahren musste, konnte man diese Tröpfchen auch ohne schlechtes Gewissen bereits zum Mittagessen genießen. Zum Festabend gab es noch einmal besonders ausgewählte rumänische Köstlichkeiten am Buffet, aber natürlich auch die offiziellen Grußworte und Geschenke. Dank der Unterstützung durch die Landesgruppen Brandenburg, Sachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Berlin konnten wir auch offizielle IPA-Gadgets

überreichen. Die kleine deutsche Reisegruppe hatte aber auch für ein besonderes Geschenk gesammelt, das den Bezug zum Hobby in Form einer Morsetaste mit den ausgesendeten Funkwellen als Holzrelief für die Wand darstellte. Zusätzlich hatte Hubert DK3EU, der leider nicht mitkommen konnte, eine IPA-Uhr angefertigt, die nun sicher auch einen Ehrenplatz an der Wand eines IPA-Funkamateurs oder im IPA-Raum erhalten wird. Die rumänischen Freunde überreichten jedem Paar eine liebevoll zusammengestellte Geschenktüte mit IPA-Emblem. Am letzten Tag hatten wir noch Gelegenheit, einen Einblick in die Sammlung historischer Funkgeräte zu bekommen, denn Radu, YO9CAB hatte eine kleine Auswahl mit nach Bukarest gebracht, und jedes Gerät kurz vorgestellt. Danach besuchten wir das Parlamentsgebäude, das Ceausescu hatte erbauen lassen. Die großen Räume, Hallen und riesigen Kronleuchter beeindruckten, warfen aber auch Fragen auf. Den Blick vom Dach des Gebäudes über Bukarest ließ sich keiner entgehen. Anschließend ging es in die Stadt, um im Caru`cu Bere Mittag zu essen. Alle werden sicher lange an diesen sehr schönen Besuch in Bukarest denken und in ihren IPA-Verbindungsstellen bestimmt anschaulich berichten. Wieder einmal konnten wir erfahren, wie sehr die IPA Gleichgesinnte verschiedener Länder unter dem Motto ,Dienen durch Freundschaft‘ verbindet. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit unseren rumänischen und belgischen Freunden im Mai 2017 in Holzminden zum 36. IPARC-Bundestreffen. Servo per Amikeco Horst Römer (DL1GBP), IPA Deutschland


IPA Greece celebrate Christmas and Friendship Days in the beautiful winter city of Trikala

The 12th Friendship Meeting of IPA Greece was held from 2-4 December 2016 in the city of Trikala. Around 170 people (IPA members, as well as family and friends), from 41 Greek regions and the members of the National Board attended, which also provided an opportunity to debate in depth about the Association, to experience the beautiful sights of the city of Trikala as well as the entire county. All members had the chance to have fun in the beautiful Christmas Park, and visit the Holy Rocks of Meteora. A varied excursion programme, prepared by the local region, included a tour of the city of Trikala and an excursion to the unique winter resort of Pertouli. The opening ceremony of this 12th Friendship Meeting was held on Saturday afternoon in the City Hall of Trikala and was attended by representatives of the local authorities, institutions and organisations of the county. During the next day, our delegation participated in the unveiling ceremony of the monument to honour fallen Police officers, and placed wreaths. The closing ceremony of the meeting took place at the ‘Gallery Art Hotel’, where greetings were read and plaques and awards were handed out. The evening ended with live music in a climate of friendship and camaraderie. The NEC of IPA Greece would like to thank and congratulate the board of the region of Trikala for the huge efforts made for many months in order to achieve this perfect result, the local sponsors for the warm hospitality in their beautiful city, and finally all participants for their attendance in large numbers, which proved once again that our association is united and creative, nationally recognised and rightly ranks high in the minds of our colleagues and society. The next meeting has been set for 2017 and will be held in Piraeus. Servo per Amikeco Ioannis Karapatakis, President IPA Greece, Spyridon Fotoglou, Secretary General IPA Greece


Concours Photographies 2016 de l’IPA France Le Club Photos de l'I.P.A. France a été créé fin 2014 par la Commission Nationale Culturelle. Un premier concours avait eu lieu en 2015. Pour ce deuxième concours, nous avons choisi un thème classique mais techniquement difficile à réaliser tant il fallait jouer sur la composition et l'imagination. Le thème était : « Le coucher ou le lever du soleil ». Les participants ont répondu présent avec de très belles photographies. Je remercie tous les membres du jury qui ont parfaitement rempli leur mission avec un grand professionnalisme. J'espère que ce concours perdurera pour que nous puissions partager, participer et voyager. 1er Prix : Thérèse HEDDEBAUT

Une photographie prise sur la plage du Nord. Les membres du jury ont souligné l’excellence de cette photo : « Les silhouettes des bateaux se reflètent dans la mer. Le soleil émet de belles couleurs rouges orangées qui contrastent avec le bleu des nuages. Les petites vagues au premier plan donnent du relief à l’image ; photo qui invite au rêve par la tonalité de ses couleurs. Le soleil couchant vient

donner de l'activité à ce paysage qui semble endormi ; Cette photo nous invite à l’apaisement. Elle nous fait voyager. On peut presque entendre les petites vagues s’échouer sur le sable.

2ème Prix : Jean-Luc ARBOULD Pour cette photographie, les membres du jury ont poétiquement commenté ce « magnifique soleil couchant comme dans la première photo et aussi la mer encore présente dans cette nouvelle invitation au voyage. On y trouve un juste équilibre entre la partie sombre où se trouvent le bateau et la partie éclairée où luit le soleil. La photo porte la sérénité. Les couleurs sont belles et naturelles. La technique photographique est parfaitement maîtrisée. Merci à tous les participants. Alain Massou, CNC Past Président, IPA France


John Major and May-Britt Rinaldo; Photo courtesy of CSC

ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB The Journey for Change for Street Children

As the Patron of the Consortium for Street Children and former British Prime Minister, The Rt Hon. Sir John Major KG CH said at a reception in the River Room, House of Lords, London, UK in November 2016: ‘When children are not cared for – we have all let them down. By we – I mean governments and individuals. It is – to me – extraordinary that they have been left so far behind for so long. Extraordinary – and indefensible. It is as if they are invisible to the conscience of the world...’ ‘So we all need to make sure the General Comment is implemented fully… although we may cheer this advance, we cannot yet celebrate a victory.’

The International Police Association, through the Chair of the Professional Commission, was one of 11 visionaries to make a crucial pledge to improve the lives of children in the context of the forthcoming landmark UN General Comment on Children in Street Situations. Others in the room

were inspired and made their own pledges of investment, expertise and influence. The IPA pledge in full is as follows: ‘The International Police Association (IPA) supports the Consortium for Street Children (CSC) to globally raise street children's voices, promote their rights and improve their lives. We pledge to inform the Police Services within our 66 Country Sections on five continents and our 400,000+ members worldwide in 100 countries about the recommendations of the General Comment for children in Street Situations.’

The eleven pledges will be announced to the wider public, beginning with the Consortium for Street Children’s new partner, the leading international law firm Baker & McKenzie. Many more will follow in the coming months. The International Day for Street Children is celebrated on 12 April. Every year hundreds of events and activities take place across the globe. The day provides a platform for the millions of street children around the world to speak out, so that their rights cannot be ignored. Over the last few years CSC has been key in advocating on behalf of street-connected children at an international policy level – in particular at the United Nations, and the IPA is pleased to be a recognised CSC partner in this process. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chairperson of the Professional Commission


Arthur Troop Scholarship 2018 The Arthur Troop Scholarship (ATS) is now open for applications from IPA members worldwide. Arthur Troop Scholarships are awarded annually and at least one will be granted to each continent in which we have member sections – Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and Europe. Each scholarship consists of a bursary of up to 2500 €, to be used for a seminar at the International Conference Centre IBZ Schloss Gimborn, or at a comparable institution. Applicants must have been an IPA member for at least 1 year before applying, and the scholarship must be taken between 1 January and 31 December of the year following the awarding of the scholarship (extensions are not granted). Arthur Troop Scholarships may be awarded to any IPA member in the police service, but are predominantly targeted at our younger members. Applicants are required to submit an application form setting out their reasons to support their selection. Applications must be processed through their national sections and forwarded to the International Administration Centre (IAC) at [email protected]. All applications must be supported by a written confirmation of membership from their sections. The Chair of the Professional Commission (PC) will process the applications. After the assessment of the PC and the decision of the IEB, awardees will be announced during the World Congress in Bulgaria in September 2017. For an Application Form and further details, please contact your national section. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2017. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission

Ethnic Minority Police Group

On 29th and 30th November 2016 the Open Society Initiative for Europe, OSIFE, hosted a meeting in Paris, attended by police officers from France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The officers either lead or are involved in groups for police officers from ethnic minority backgrounds within their country.

This was the first European meeting of its kind and was designed to bring some of the more established groups together to explore how they operate and their challenges, successes and aspirations. Superintendent May-Britt Rinaldo,


Chairperson of the Professional Commission of the International Police Association, shared her reflections on the opportunities provided by international policing organisations. Attendees felt the meeting was a great success, saying they were ‘inspired’, ‘emotional’, ‘challenged’, as well as seeing potential in the similarities and differences in their experience and recognising the opportunities that future collaboration could bring. Some great new connections were made and we will follow up with a more detailed report in due course, as well as reflecting on how best to harness and progress the energy and enthusiasm contained within the meeting. It is hoped that this initial conversation can develop to illuminate the benefits of diversity within policing and the positive impact it can have on safety and security for all citizens and police officers. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chairperson of the Professional Commission Nick Glynn, Open Society Foundation


IPA House Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, capital city of Portugal since the conquest by the Moors in 1147, stands on seven hills overlooking the Tagus River and is surrounded by a unique atmosphere. With the Pombaline downtown buildings displaying their tiled facades, the typical narrow medieval streets in the neighbourhoods of Alfama and Bairro Alto, where at night you can hear fado and enjoy a fun nightlife, as well as the numerous museums and shops, Lisbon is a town with many options to explore. Lisbon, a city built on hills, with various viewpoints installed at the highest points, makes for stunning views. Alongside the ancient city with a very rich heritage, Lisbon is also a modern city that has been renovated according to new cultural and leisure proposals. The IPA House Lisbon is located at Rua Professor José Sebastião e Silva, 1, a residential and commercial area. It lies at a distance of 15-20 minutes from Lisbon airport and is a mere 9 minutes’ walk from the subway Colégio Militar / Luz, Colombo Shopping Centre, 15 minutes’ walk from Benfica Train Station, 1 minute away from the bus stop located at Rua Professor José Sebastião e Silva and 2 minutes from the bus stop located in Benfica Road near the Fonte Nova Commercial Centre.


The IPA Lisbon house offers members a residence with 23 rooms. Also housing IPA Portugal’s headquarters, the building consists of 4 floors.

• The first floor is occupied by the office, the reception and the bar. • On the second floor there are 4 x double bedrooms, one triple room, 5 x

double bedrooms, one bedroom with four single beds and 2 x bedrooms with five beds.

• The third floor has 2 x single rooms, 3 x double rooms and 5 x double rooms. • All rooms have private bathrooms.

Additionally a bar, kitchen, dining room, lounge and laundry, as well as rooms for conferences and entertainment are available. The House has central heating. Sheets and towels are provided. There is also a large covered parking area. Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Contact IPA Portugal • Address: Rua Professor José Sebastião e Silva, No 1 • Tel: +351 217157206 • Mobile: +351 217157205 • email: [email protected] or [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipa-portugal.org • Enquiries : Enquiries & bookings can be made electronically on the website • Tariffs: Available on request

Information provided by Anabela Alferes, President IPA Portugal


Beauty sometimes comes from simplicity. When out on our New Year Walk in the muddy North Nottinghamshire countryside, I came across little puddles, covered in ice. Whereas my husband quite happily jumped onto several of these to enjoy the ice crack, I had a closer look, took a picture, cropped and then enlarged it. Have a look – I love the simplicity of the ice frozen over the different colours of mud. The IPA started off from a similarly simple idea: friendship. It did not need to be cropped, but it was certainly enlarged – into the family of 66 sections and

nearly 400,000 members we have today. Beauty from simplicity in my eyes for sure Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Austria 28 Jan-4 Feb 2017 Ski Week Nassfeld-Hermagor Poland 8-11 Feb 2017 VIII Int. uniform int’l football tourn., Warsaw Macau 18 Feb 2017 Launch of Asian Affairs Bureau Germany 22-28 Feb 2017 50th Carnival of IPA Cologne Finland 28 Feb-4 Mar 2017 IEB Meeting, Äkäslompolo New Zealand 11 Mar 2017 Social Lawn Bowls Competition, Tauranga Croatia 31 Mar-1 Apr 2017 Conference ‘Security of historical cities’, Split Austria 20-23 Apr 2017 XIX National Congress, Pörtschach Croatia 29 Apr-13 May 2017 IPA Dubrovnik Friendship Weeks 2017 France 12-15 May 2017 Motorcycle Rally, Perpignan Spain 12-21 May 2017 Barcelona Supermotor Event Romania 18-21 May 2017 Meeting of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Bucharest Canada 21-28 May 2017 Cruise to Bermuda Germany 23-27 May 2017 IEB Meeting, Gimborn Spain 25-28 May 2017 XIV 7-a-side int’l football champ., Tarragona Spain 28 May-3 Jun 2017 Barcelona Golf and Leisure Week Estonia 2-4 Jun 2017 Nordic Baltic Meeting USA 11-16 Jun 2017 Young Police Officers’ Seminar, Green Bay Czech Rep. 11-17 Jun 2017 Prague Friendship Week USA 19-28 Jun 2017 Pacific Northwest Tour Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 23-27 Jan 2017 Interkulturell kompetent in der

Zuwanderungsgesellschaft G

30 Jan-03 Feb 2017

Flucht, Migration und Asyl – Deutschland nach der Flüchtlingskrise


13-17 Feb 2017 Gewalt im Spiel – Ultras und Hooligans im Umfeld von Fußballspielen


27 Feb-03 Mar 2017

Berufsentwicklung – Alles ist erreichbar – auch für Frauen bei der Polizei


06-12 Mar 2017 Fasten? Trau Dich! Heilfasten im Oberbergischen Land


06-10 Mar 2017 Ethik unter Druck – Werteorientiertes Handeln auf dem Prüfstein


13-15 Mar 2017 Zeitalter der Populisten G 17-19 Mar 2017 Qualifizierte Vernehmungen im Bereich der Schwer-

und Bandenkriminalität G

20-24 Mar 2017 Aktiv in den Ruhestand G 27-29 Mar 2017 Die Macht der Bilder oder Bilder an die Macht G 03-05 Apr 2017 Unter Druck – im Konflikt handlungsfähig bleiben G 03-05 Apr 2017 Führung in Aussicht oder den Rollenwechsel

meistern G

05-07 Apr 2017 Wut im Bauch?! Möglichkeiten im Umgang mit schwierigen Kindern und Jugendlichen


18-22 Apr 2017 ASP Instructor Course E 24-28 Apr 2017 La contrefaçon – Une menace sous-estimée ? F


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

Flying the flag for IPA at any time of the year!

A beautiful winter photo from our photo competition 2014

February 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION What a gift! Today, I received my IPA membership card 2017 in the mail, together with a nice letter from the secretary general of my section. In addition to the gratitude I feel for the great administrative work put in to deliver it, what a “treat” and pleasant moment! A simple card, nothing fancy, but what a meaning behind it. It recognises me as a member of the International Police Association, the same as nearly 420’000 other members around the world, without distinction to rank/position, gender, race, language or religion, as quoted in our international statutes. Find me another organisation with such equality, gathering members from all over the world who all receive the same card! This little piece of paper really means the world and is the best passport you can dream of, a guarantee that all bearers have the same understanding and belief in Human Rights, peace and friendship. A wonderful feeling!

I know that some of you are not happy with the colour, the content, the form, the location of the logo, the writing, the back of the card, the absence of a photo, the printing, the material, etc … And I also know that this topic has been on the table since the very beginning of the IPA, and that throughout the decades, people keep on complaining.

But guess what? I for my part see no problems in this respect, especially when I consider that I might show this card two or at a maximum three times a year. I am extremely happy to own this card and be able to share the honour of IPA membership and all the values attached to it with so many of you in the world. Long live IPA. Servo per Amikeco, Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President



Abdullah Ahmad from IPA Pakistan reflects on the benefits of his Arthur Troop Scholarship award 2016

I have been a member of IPA Pakistan since December 2012 and was lucky enough to gain an Arthur Troop Scholarship for the year 2016. It is indeed a matter of great pride for me. I opted for a course on ‘Force Encounters Analysis’ at the California Training Institute, USA. I registered to attend the course in December 2016 and left from Sukkur, Sindh, on 28 November 2016 for Islamabad to take a flight to Los Angeles, USA. It was a long journey of 15,000 kilometres, and it took me 36 hours to reach Los Angeles. The weather was pleasant, and I felt refreshed when I landed at the airport. After a sound sleep, I visited different places in Los Angeles the next day: Hollywood, the Griffith Observatory, Universal Studios, Santa Barbara and Venice beach were all places worth seeing. The course on 'Force Encounters Analysis' for my Arthur Troop Scholarship was hosted by the Santa Ana Police Department, under the supervision of the California Training Institute, and I was received by a smiling and welcoming police officer Marty who accompanied me to the classroom to meet the instructor Mike Tosti and the other course participants. Altogether we were 30 participants, from police departments of different cities in California. The introductory session was an interactive and interesting part of the class. We shared our life stories, and everyone was amazed to find that I had come from Pakistan, which is 15,000 kilometers away. I was welcomed warmly and found everyone very friendly and supportive. Mike Tosti had a wide-ranging experience of policing in the USA: He is a nationally recognised law enforcement instructor with 28-years of law enforcement experience and over 20 years of training credentials. He has experience as a narcotics and homicide detective, hostage negotiator, SWAT commander and traffic officer. Mike is also a veteran of the US Army. In the introductory session the objectives of the course were explained, after which the first module – Error Management – began. We learnt to manage errors in critical conditions. Different scenarios were given to the class, and the instructor divided us into groups. The first day was full of class activities, including videos about police officers involved in shooting. All in all it was a good day and I enjoyed every second of training. Commander Ruben Ibarra of the Santa Ana Police Department was very kind and helpful and afterwards took me for a visit to the Santa Ana Police station where I observed the American police at work. On the second day of the course, we learned to manage stress during critical situations. In particular the module regarding fatigue was very much relevant to my field. I learned why fatigue and working efficiency are co-related. Decision-making in


critical conditions was also part of the module. We were shown videos that kept the attention of the participants. In addition, I took part in a ride in a patrol car with Sergeant Rodriguez. It was a unique experience for me to work with the American police. The third and last day of class began with an interactive session. The fellow course participants asked me questions regarding Pakistan and the Pakistani Police. Their inquisitiveness was a source of encouragement for me. I tried to answer their questions and cleared their doubts regarding Pakistan and the Pakistani Police. This was followed by modules on reaction time, the biodynamic of shooting: officer vs. suspect, reaction time and memory were taught. There were simulators and real- life situations which meant classes full of knowledge, activity and adventure. During the lunch break we visited Santa Ana Jail. It was again a learning experience for me. I observed the differences between Pakistani and American jails. In the last session, we presented our assigned topics and answered questions.

The course ended with a word of thanks from the host Santa Ana Police Department, and I was given a badge of the police department as a souvenir. I thanked the course instructor for being so kind and supportive and said good-bye to all with a heavy heart, but I was happy that I had made many friends in America. I will not forget Mike Tosti, the course instructor, Padilla, Sergeant Mel Sarabia and Artoro

Carranza of the Santa Ana Police Department, Alex Bello, instructor of the Los Angeles School and last but not the least John of the Sheriff’s Department in Santa Barbara City. I was happy to be part of the class and have taken knowledge back to my country. I was ambitious to share my knowledge and experiences with my colleagues and subordinates. I am now able to comprehend human psychology in critical conditions. I can reduce the loss of police officers by teaching them the way to respond in force encounters situations. Although it was a long journey back to Pakistan, I was energetic and was feeling changed and enriched with new ideas and thoughts. This training experience will go a long way in strengthening my policing career and this was only possible due to the Arthur Troop scholarship. I am highly obliged and thankful to the International Police Association and IPA Pakistan for giving me the opportunity to learn from international policing experiences. Being a police officer, who is posted in far-flung areas of Pakistan, it was a lifetime opportunity to travel abroad and learn from experiences of seasoned police officers in America. Conflict- and terrorism-hit countries like Pakistan need to learn from the world’s best practices in policing and public safety. The legacy of this training course is the lifelong friendships and a better understanding of policing systems around the world. Abdullah Ahmad, member of IPA Pakistan For the full report as well as other Arthur Troop Scholarship reports, please have a look on the www.ipa-iac.org website


IPA UK Youth Exchange Programme The National Executive Committee (NEC) of IPA UK are pleased to announce that Section UK has taken the decision to run its own International Youth Exchange Programme (IYEP). The International Executive Board (IEB) coordinated an International Youth Holiday Programme for all IPA sections for many years. In recent years, however, several IPA sections became worried about legal issues relating to safeguarding of vulnerable people, including children and young adults. The IEB initially ceased its coordination role in 2015 stating that individual sections could engage in their own arrangements for youth exchanges. Subsequently, at the World Congress 2016 the International Executive Council passed the IEB motion to cancel the Procedure for the International Youth Holiday Programme. Mick Luke, President of IPA Section UK advocated at the World Congress for retention of the programme, as did delegates from several other sections. Section UK suspended its engagement in the programme for a period but followed through with a full review on the Section UK position. Pete Connolly, Secretary General for Section UK produced a position paper offering a range of options on how the Section might proceed. This was the subject of a lively debate by the NEC of Section UK, which voted in favour of establishing the IYEP on a formal footing. This in turn led to the development of a new Directive for Section UK on the subject of the 'IYEP - Section UK' and an invitation from the Secretary General to all members to volunteer for the role of 'IYEP Coordinator - Section UK'. IPA UK wish to thank all those who volunteered for the post, showing support for the programme. The volunteer chosen by the NEC is Edwin Sutton. Edwin is a serving police officer and is well known to many throughout IPA Section UK and further afield, having served previously as Secretary General of IPA UK. Section UK has circulated its new position and guidance to all Sections of the IPA via the International Administration Centre (IAC), and all sections that will partner Section UK in reciprocal visits for children of IPA members are invited to confirm this to Section UK by email on [email protected] Pete Connolly, Secretary General IPA UK


ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB PROJECT BEST PRACTICE ‘Listening to their Voices of Bravery and Heroism’

This police psychology book is the first of its kind. It illustrates case studies of police officers who have shown bravery and strength in the line of duty. The author, Konstantinos Papazoglou, is a psychology doctoral (PhD) candidate (clinical forensics) and a Vanier Scholar at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is a former Police Captain of the Greek Police Force and the European Police College. His book is now available at Amazon’s website: https://www.amazon.com/Listening-Their-Voices-Bravery-Heroism/

IPA members are able to benefit from a 20% discount by ordering the book via emailing the publishers at [email protected]. Police work is challenging. Police officers are sworn to maintain peace and order in our communities. However, police officers often jeopardize their own safety and lives in order to serve and protect civilians from imminent threat. The current book presents the testimonials of police officers who have survived from uniquely severe life-threatening cases in the line of duty, such as terrorist attacks, hostage situations, mass shootings and shooting incidents. All the cases presented in the book have been extensively covered by national and international media, amongst them CNN, NBC and CBC. The aim is to explore the impact of exposure to such unique cases in officers’ lives. What gives officers strength during a life-threatening situation? What makes officers thwart a mass shooter or a violent criminal when civilians try to escape from the critical incident site? What helps officers survive when they are severely wounded and bleeding on the street? The analyses of the officers-survivors’ interviews enabled law enforcement professionals, health professionals, early career researchers, and university/college students to understand strength and resilience among police officers despite exposure to extreme stress and life-threatening situations. I encourage you to read this book. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


Other IPA Accommodation One of the strategic objectives of the IPA internationally is to establish and maintain IPA Houses for the benefit of our members. At present, we are pleased to be able to offer 55 IPA Houses in 18 sections. Due to the cost of running such facilities, IPA sections do not always find it financially viable to establish new IPA Houses. For that reason, many sections have over the years entered into agreements with owners of privately owned facilities at which accommodation is provided to IPA members at a reduced cost – known as ‘Other IPA Accommodation’. These facilities vary from hotels, accommodation at resorts, guest houses, camping sites, private homes and apartments, etc.

The Socio-Cultural Committee of the IPA is at present in the process of compiling all of these into an easy-to-use reference guide, and making it available to all IPA members on the International Website, as well as in the IPA Hosting Book. Although there are already many such facilities available internationally, it is our objective to grow the numbers. The only condition is that the owners/management of such facilities provide accommodation to paid-up members of the IPA at a discounted rate.

There is no cost for the owners/management to have such a facility registered as ‘Other IPA Accommodation’. The IPA in turn commits itself to market such facilities as ‘Other IPA Accommodation’ on its Website, in Newsletters and other forms of communication to members – locally, within sections as well as internationally. Many of our IPA members already have access to such facilities and probably know the owners and management thereof. It is with this in mind that we call on our members to support this drive, and if you come across any facility where the owners/management are willing to provide accommodation to our members, please forward this information to your Section, so that we can register the information on our Website and in our IPA Hosting Book. Thank you for your assistance! H. (Vossie) Vos, member of the Socio-Cultural Commission


Consortium for Streetchildren Research Conference 2016 Is it time for rights-based change or changing rights? Is there a need for legal, social and practical strategies for street-connected children? These questions formed the core topic of the Consortium for Street Children’s (CSC) 4th Annual Research Conference, which took place in London on 3 November 2016. After an introduction by Lorraine van Blerk, University of Dundee and Chair of the CSC Research Expert Forum, and a welcome by Sarah Thomas de Benitez, CEO of CSC, two panel discussions on children’s rights and strategies followed. In addition, the research conference had three workshops: In the first one participants were asked what are human rights – what do we need to know – what do we need to show – what research do we want? This workshop was for practitioners and fundraisers to discuss what research they favour in an era of rapid change, and it explored the different needs that drive research projects and determined ways to pin-down exactly what those needs are.

The international children’s charity ‘Railway Children’ presented using research to improve policy and practice in an international NGO. This second workshop explored different research methods and approaches taken by the organisation to improve their policy and practice, and discuss the strengths and challenges associated with each. The Railway Children charity www.railwaychildren.org.uk works with street children in India, Africa and the UK and has helped 270 000 children over

the past 20 years. It focusses on children who run away or are forced to leave homes where they suffer poverty, violence, abuse and neglect. The third workshop was entitled ‘Resilience: bridging the gap between research and practice’. This workshop explored the relevance of findings from a three-country study on children’s resilience to sexual abuse or exploitation (the Bamboo Initiative) http://oakfnd.org/childabuse to the experiences of street-connected children. It also looked at how to bridge the gap between research on resilience and resilience in practice. CSC conferences feature high-quality presentations and research. The IPA is a welcomed and appreciated NGO, and our contribution is recognised. In many countries around the world, the Police lack knowledge regarding the rights and needs of street-connected children, and they are not given any tools by their governments to support the children or transfer them to social security. The IPA’s presence in 100 countries therefore ensures that the street-connected children’s’ voices will be heard and acknowledged. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


IPA HOUSES – YOURS TO DISCOVER! IPA House, Altes Rathaus, Walluf, Germany The IPA House ‘Altes Rathaus’ is situated in the town of Walluf and only 15 minutes away from Wiesbaden, Mainz and the tourist attraction of Rüdesheim on the River Rhine. The IPA House – ‘The Old Town Hall’, renovated in 1993, was built in 1412 as a half-timbered house and served as the town hall until 1972. Today you’ll find a branch bank of the ‘Wiesbadener Volksbank’ on the ground floor. The IPA facility, which accommodates 5 people, is situated on the upper floor and has two bedrooms - bedroom 1 has a double bed with an additional bed, and bedroom 2 has 2 single beds. A cot is available on request. In addition, there are two toilets, a bathroom, as well as a large living room with a television. Oberwalluf - called Walluf, is known as the ‘gateway to the Rheingau’, and is located next to the city of Wiesbaden and the town Eltville. The historic centre of Eltville is famous for sparkling wine and roses, as well as for its castles and scenic lanes. The inventor of the printing press, Johannes Gutenberg, is highlighted in a museum close-by. Other local attractions include the Rheingau, the Taunus mountains and the Golden City of Mainz, founded by the Romans two thousand years ago! There are good public transport links available to all cities in the vicinity, and the airports of Frankfurt-Hahn and Frankfurt-Rhein-Main are nearby. Contact Details & Bookings:

• House Manager: Knut Schneider • Address: Marktstrasse 18, 65396 Walluf-Oberwalluf • Reservations: Knut Schneider • Tel: +49 (0) 1717621958 • Mobile: +49 (0) 6722 6003 • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.ipa-rheingau.de and http://www.ipa-deutschland.de • Prices: Accommodation costs: € 20 (1 x night), €15 for 2 or 3

nights per adult per night, and for longer bookings € 12.

Compiled as per information received from Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany


IPA Apartment, Thessaloniki, Greece The IPA Facility is a 6th floor apartment situated in Thessaloniki, some 250 metres from the Central Police Building and has been in operation since 1997.

Thessaloniki is the second-largest city in Greece and the capital of Greek Macedonia, It is nicknamed the ‘co-capital’, as it acted as the ‘co-reigning’ city of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, alongside Constantinople. The Greek port city on the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea saw much of its centre

destroyed in the Great Fire of 1917. The rebuilt 20th-century city has a modern European layout, and is a hub for international trade and culture. The apartment has 4 double rooms with air conditioning, TV, as well as blankets, sheets, pillows and towels. There is a shared bathroom and second WC. The facility has a kitchen with a refrigerator and all necessary utensils. There is free Wi-Fi. The apartment is close to the centre of the city, near public transportation, and is therefore ideal for sightseeing in the city: the White Tower, the Royal Theatre, the International Exhibition Centre, as well as archaeological sites and Byzantine monuments, museums and the city harbour. No pets allowed. Accommodation at the Facility cannot be extended beyond 15 days (except for special reasons). Contact Details & Bookings:

• House Manager: Christodoulos Christodoulis • Address: 28 Sigrou Street, 6th Floor, 54630, Thessaloniki • Reservations: Christodoulos Christodoulis • Tel: +306975909909 • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.ipa-gr.org • Prices 2016: 15 € per person per night

Kyriakos KARKALIS, International Relations, IPA Greece



IPA membership is what you make of it … Earlier this month, I dealt with a request from Sweden: an IPA member had applied for a position where French was required, and she was now interested in getting into contact with French IPA members to prepare for this. A few email exchanges with IPA France, IPA Sweden and the Swedish member later, I received a short happy email back, explaining that she had now more French contacts than she could ever have imagined! Shows me two things, really: Firstly, despite the IPA being a large organisation with a fair bit of bureaucracy attached to it, requests of any type can nevertheless be sorted quickly and satisfactorily. Nice to see Secondly, membership is what you make of it. This request illustrated to me that IPA can be so much more than receiving your membership card, and discovering a list of events or invitations in your email or on your social media. Taking the initiative to ask for IPA contacts to improve language skills might not only open the door to new friendships, but could also save this member a bit of money: no need to go to expensive language classes for her! Seems to me that it is the same as in any other walk of life: The more you put into your IPA membership, the more you get out of it. Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Poland 8-11 Feb 2017 VIII Int. uniform int’l football tourn., Warsaw Macau 18 Feb 2017 Launch of Asian Affairs Bureau Germany 22-28 Feb 2017 50th Carnival of IPA Cologne Finland 28 Feb-4 Mar 2017 IEB Meeting, Äkäslompolo New Zealand 11 Mar 2017 Social Lawn Bowls Competition, Tauranga Croatia 31 Mar-1 Apr 2017 Conference ‘Security of historical cities’, Split Austria 20-23 Apr 2017 XIX National Congress, Pörtschach Croatia 29 Apr-13 May 2017 IPA Dubrovnik Friendship Weeks 2017 Croatia 6 May 2017 Precise Shooting Tournament, Stobreč France 12-15 May 2017 Motorcycle Rally, Perpignan Spain 12-21 May 2017 CANCELLED - Barcelona Supermotor Event Romania 18-21 May 2017 Meeting of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Bucharest Canada 21-28 May 2017 Cruise to Bermuda+ Tour of New York Germany 23-27 May 2017 IEB Meeting, Gimborn Spain 25-28 May 2017 XIV 7-a-side int’l football champ., Tarragona Spain 28 May-3 Jun 2017 Barcelona Golf and Leisure Week Estonia 2-4 Jun 2017 Nordic Baltic Meeting USA 11-16 Jun 2017 Young Police Officers’ Seminar, Green Bay Czech Rep. 11-17 Jun 2017 Prague Friendship Week Italy 15-15 Jun 2017 7th IPA Motorcycle Rally, Dolomites USA 19-28 Jun 2017 Pacific Northwest Tour Russia 22-25 Jun 2017 Northern European Forum, St. Petersburg Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo and Lichtenvoorde


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 13-17 Feb 2017 Gewalt im Spiel – Ultras und Hooligans im Umfeld

von Fußballspielen G

20-27 Feb 2017 Islamistischer Terrorismus – Europa im Fadenkreuz religiöser Fanatiker


27 Feb-03 Mar 2017

Berufsentwicklung – Alles ist erreichbar – auch für Frauen bei der Polizei


06-12 Mar 2017 Fasten? Trau Dich! Heilfasten im Oberberg. Land G 06-10 Mar 2017 Ethik unter Druck – Werteorientiertes Handeln auf

dem Prüfstein G

13-15 Mar 2017 Zeitalter der Populisten G 17-19 Mar 2017 Qualifizierte Vernehmungen im Bereich der Schwer-

und Bandenkriminalität G

27-29 Mar 2017 Die Macht der Bilder oder Bilder an die Macht G 03-05 Apr 2017 Führung in Aussicht / den Rollenwechsel meistern G 05-07 Apr 2017 Wut im Bauch?! Möglichkeiten im Umgang mit

schwierigen Kindern und Jugendlichen G

18-22 Apr 2017 ASP Instructor Course E 24-28 Apr 2017 La contrefaçon – Une menace sous-estimée ? F 08-12 May 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

08-10 May 2017 Europa in der Krise – Herausforderungen in der Flüchtlingskrise // Europa in crisis – uitdagingen in de vluchetlingencrisis

G and D

22-24 May 2017 Zeitalter der Populisten G 29 May-02 Jun 2017

Cybercrime – Kampf gegen die Bedrohung aus dem Cypercrime



IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

IPA and IBZ Gimborn in perfect harmony

Photo supplied by Rimvydas Eidietis, Arthur Troop Scholar 2016

March 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION Time for Innovation ‘No innovation, no future’ was the theme of a conference I attended recently. What a statement for an association like ours! I am 47 and I already think I have been ‘sticking’ around for too long, that it is time to open the door to the young generation, to trust them and let them lead our IPA towards a promising future. I know this will not please some of you, but once again, think about it: Arthur Troop was 36 when the IPA was officially launched! I already mentioned this in one of my previous introductions. I was pleased to read recently that several IPA sections had circulated a message, encouraging young police officers to join the next IPA World Congress, in order to participate and hold a meeting to gather best practice and ideas on how to develop and attract younger members. I am convinced that there is nothing worse than when people hold on to positions for too long and don’t give a chance to the future generation, for innovation to become a central principle in the IPA. It is always nice to recall the memories of the past, but let us recognise that the future is not in our hands. Let’s give a chance for a new sunrise, for new dreams to become reality, and let us encourage those who wish and desire to do this. If we don’t, we will miss the target. The IPA is a living association and needs a permanent adjustment to today’s fast-paced world. What used to take 20 years to change only takes a short time today. Trust the young ones, invite them to participate, to be involved. Listen to them, breathe the fresh air they offer and don’t close the door. Lay back, smile and laugh while the next generation takes over and ensures our future…. I believe that this is the way to go. So dear young colleagues, show up, get involved and share your visions and ideas. We need you. The future does not lie in our past, but in your dreams! Come numerous to our next IPA World Congress and be loud, so that we will hear you! Servo per Amikeco Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President


Gaètan Papillon, Thato Makoteli, Doreen Tsabedze, Neo Bodilenyane, Emmanuel Morris, Momosa Hlao, Jared Ojuok, William Dlamini, Vossie Vos, Tessa Deyzel, Kibet Wilhelm, Outam Kumar Guness

AROUND THE WORLD African Chapter meets in South Africa

The African Chapter of the International Police Association (previously known as the African Task Team) met in Pretoria, South Africa from 9 to 12 February 2017.

The Meeting was attended by all 6 active IPA Sections of Africa with each represented by the following delegates: Botswana: -Ms Neo Bodilenyane

-Mr Emmanuel Morris -Secretary (co-opted) -NEC member (co-opted)

Kenya: -Mr Jared Ojuok -Mr Kibet Wilhelm

-Secretary General -IPA member

Lesotho: -Ms Momosa Hlao -Mr Thato Mokoteli

-2nd Vice Pres. – Admin. -Secretary General

Mauritius: -Mr Outam Kumar Guness -Mr Gaètan Marie Papillon

-President -Social and Cult. Comm.

South Africa: -Mr H Vos (Vossie) -Ms Tessa Deyzel

-AC Chairperson and President -AC Secretary and Sec. Gen.

Swaziland: -Mr William Dlamini -Ms Doreen Tsabedze

-1st Vice President (Dep Comm.) -Secretary General


The mandate of the African Chapter is found in the initial Memorandum of the International Secretary General dated 6 June 2012 and entails the following:

• Responsible for promoting and recruitment of other African Countries into the IPA • Monitor activities in the various Sections with the intention to promote visibility • Assist other IPA Sections within Africa to promote projects such as the Police

Exchange Programmes and National Youth Seminars • Assist with the re-activation of inactive and suspended Sections

Discussions during the proceedings were open, frank and transparent with a critical emphasis upon the African Chapter being a conduit in Africa for the promotion of IPA activities across all Sections, but acknowledging that committee decisions will merely be recommendations to Sections and not instructions. Following in-depth discussions during the meeting, the delegates agreed that in

alignment with the original mandate the African Chapter will act collectively to:

• Assist and guide Sections in the discharge of its duties relating to the aims and objectives of the IPA across Africa,

• Guide and advise Sections pertaining to the continuous review of national IPA constitutions (statutes), rules and other relevant governance principles in order to ensure that they are appropriately aligned to international amendments, the respective national legislation and/or other relevant requirements,

• Launch projects directed at marketing the IPA in non-IPA countries in Africa - the aim is to grow IPA in Africa,

• Develop a holistic marketing strategy for African Sections, • Improve communication and cultural relations through various initiatives, • Establish sub-committees for specific events/projects, • Develop strategies for fundraising for Chapter activities.

With only six active Sections in Africa, everybody was in agreement that there are great opportunities to grow the Association on the continent – not only within the active Sections, but across all other countries in Africa. Various initiatives are following and further analysis will be undertaken to promote the IPA in countries where the IPA is still unknown, as well as in those countries where IPA Sections have become dormant.


Funding of such initiatives does, however, remain the most critical dependency for the Chapter in fulfilling its obligation. Sections in Africa do not have the required funding to undertake cross-border initiatives to trigger IPA awareness and re-activation of dormant IPA Sections. All Sections represented held a strong opinion that as a collective, it will not shy away from the challenges, and that it will do its utmost as a collective to make the IPA light shine across Africa. The gathering of the various Sections did, however, once again prove that within IPA there are no boundaries regarding race, gender, culture, religion, etc. It was wonderful to experience once more the true spirit of friendship that exists amongst the IPA – irrespective of who we are and where we are from. The association amongst the delegates was an experience that was second to none – it was truly a few days of work and socialisation that we will all foster forever. Africa is undoubtedly unique, but within the ranks of the IPA we all share the same IPA motto, aims and objectives. Friends we are and friends we shall remain for ever. Servo per Amikeco – Friendly African Greetings to All! Vossie Vos, Chairperson African Chapter

29. Skiwoche der IPA Österreich

Exekutivbeamte/innen aus 10 Nationen (Deutschland, Italien, Irland, Kanada, Norwegen, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowenien, Russland und Österreich) haben sich Ende Jänner 2017 zur IPA Wintersportwoche in der Region Nassfeld-Pressegger See getroffen, um das Skifahren in der sehr schönen Region zu genießen. Die Skiwoche wird seit 29 Jahren von der IPA Kärnten/Oberkärnten organsiert und bietet einen

unvergesslichen Winterurlaub bei Freunden in Kärnten. Neue Kontakte wurden auch bei dieser Skiwoche geknüpft und Freundschaften aufgebaut und gefestigt. Die Skifahrer wedelten flott über die ausgezeichneten Skipisten und setzten schwungvolle Spuren in den Schnee. Die Betreuung der Wintersportler wurde von IPA Mitgliedern aus der Region übernommen. Der Bürgermeister der Stadtgemeinde Hermagor Pressegger See Siegfried Ronacher zeigte als ausgebildeter Skilehrer den Gästen das Skigebiet. Für ausgezeichnete Stimmung sorgte am Dienstag beim offiziellen Unterhaltungs-abend im Landhof „Zum Waidegger Wirt“ der bekannte Musiker Robert Lexer. Für


die langjährige Teilnahme und Treue wurden Rüdiger Schaiba (10 Jahre), Martina Schandl (20 Jahre) und Marlene Richter (25 Jahre) geehrt. Die Quartiergeber und die IPA Oberkärnten überreichten Präsente als Dankeschön für die Teilnahme an den Skiwochen. Gemeinsames Skifahren und gesellige Zusammenkünfte mit kulinarischen Schmankerln aus der Region wie Spanferkel, Gulaschsuppe und Kaiserschmarrn bereicherten den Urlaubsaufenthalt in der Skiregion. Die italienischen Lokale mit ihren Nudel-, Fisch- und Muschelspezialitäten waren auch Stationen zur Mittagszeit. Gestärkt von dem vorzüglichen Speisenangebot wurden die Skiabfahrten in Angriff genommen. Dienstags eine Fackelwanderung und ein gemütlicher Abend, und Donnerstags in der Apres - Ski Bar „Zum Alois“ mit einer Perchtengruppe als Überraschung standen auf dem Wochenprogramm. Das Organisationsteam freut sich über eine unfallfreie Skiwoche und bedankt sich bei den Teilnehmern, Betreuern und Quartiergebern Landhof Zum Wirt, Hansbauerhof, Hotel Gartnerkofel und dem Alpen-Adria Hotel. Allen ein herzliches Dankschön die zum guten Gelingen des Winterurlaubes für die IPA-Freunde beigetragen haben. Die Vorbereitungsarbeiten für die 30. Jubiläumsskiwoche in der Zeit vom 27. Jänner bis 03. Februar2018 wurden bereits in Angriff genommen. SERVO PER AMIKECO Ewald Grollitsch, IPA Österreich

IPA Friendship Weekend in Scotland The Tayside IPA Branch in Scotland ran a Friendship Weekend in Kingussie in the Cairngorms. 68 IPA members from the four home nations of the UK, plus Ireland, Germany and Sweden joined together for a memorable get together and a ‘Ceilidh’. The IPA Whisky Forum met in parallel with the Friendship Weekend and there were outings to the Speyside Distillery as well as whisky and wine tastings in the hotel. The Scotland-Ireland rugby match was watched with partisan interest on the Saturday afternoon, with cheering and silence, alternately from the opposing supporters depending on the scores. Henry and Ursula Mayer from Germany seemed rather bemused by the action on the rugby field. A few of the many memorable moments of our IPA Friendship Weekend in Scotland can be seen in the following selection of photos:


In the evening guests gathered for the ‘piping in’ of the Haggis to the dining room, followed by Scottish music and dancing. On Sunday, the participants also took the opportunity to visit the Highland Wildlife Park with its polar bears, tigers and red pandas and the snow covered top of Cairngorm (the blue mountain) via a funicular railway. A total of £1370 was raised for the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance during the Friendship Weekend. My thanks go to UK Vice President Yvonne McGregor and her husband David for organising a superb event in the true spirit of the IPA. Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration and member of IPA UK

IPA South Africa’s West Coast Region supports Fitness Day

On the 8th of February members of the South African Police Service in the Vredenburg Cluster launched the new Fitness Policy of the SAPS. The day started with a 5km walk and mass aerobics. The rest of the day was filled with various sports activities and finally a potjiekos competition. The IPA of the West Coast Region is proud to support the SAPS. The IPA provided a trophy and medals and also some prizes for this event.


We were also very fortunate to have two German Police officers, Frank Stephani and Krissi joining us for the day. They participated in several of the events and took the time to chat to some of our police officers. A big thank you to Melvin C. de Bruyn for his hard work in organizing this event. Also thank you to the Community Police Forum of Laaiplek and 7 Stars who helped to make this day a success.

We look forward to the next event! Service through Friendship Elbie Gore, IPA South Africa National Editor

ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB Review of Arthur Troop Scholarship One of the objectives for the present term for the Chair of the Professional Commission and the IEB is to update the Procedure for the Arthur Troop Scholarship and to improve the application form and assessment Matrix. To achieve this, the appointed temporary members of the Professional Commission Marie Daly from IPA Ireland, Jan Tore Hagnes from IPA Norway and Mick Luke from IPA UK met with the Chair of the Professional Commission on the weekend of 27-29 January for a 3-day working session.


Photo by R Eidietis, Arthur Troop Scholar 2016

Marie Daly had kindly organised the venue for us in Templemore, Ireland, and on Friday afternoon hosted us at her home where we started with a free association session. The assignment was to bring our thoughts together and to come up with ideas to make the ATS more appealing and comprehensible. On Friday evening we were accommodated by the Irish Section at the Templemore Arm Hotel. The national President Denis Dunne together with representatives from the national and regional board, and local members entertained us with a delicious Irish meal, conversations and background music. On Saturday we assembled at the Garda College in Templemore. The college was bursting with life as physical testing for recruits was on the schedule for the weekend. The commission was able to work through the Arthur Troop Procedure, the application form and some basic ideas for the assessment matrix. In one of the few breaks, Marie Daly guided us around the premises amidst lovely sunshine. The college area is full of appealing art, green areas as well as the Garda museum and IPA office. By the end of our working session on Sunday we had examined and modernised all documents with the aim of facilitating an efficient management of the Arthur Troop Scholarship, taking into account future requirements and a global perspective. A final screening will be completed before presenting our new documents to the IEB for approval, and thereafter for submission as a motion for the World Congress 2017 in Bulgaria. From a successful working session, May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission

Stop Violence Against Police Officers

IBZ Gimborn offers over 30 seminars to IPA members and police staff each year. All seminars are organised at Gimborn castle in Germany. When looking for seminars in the programme for 2017, please note that the country flags represent the language/s each seminar is conducted in. If the seminar is bilingual, simultaneous translation between the two languages will be provided for your convenience.

From 27 November to 1 December 2017, the seminar ‘Violence against Police Officers and Other Representatives of the State’ will examine if there is a new type of violence against police officers and state representatives. Do members of staff in the police forces, in public service or in schools have to serve as punching bags for those who feel disadvantaged and marginalised? Are extremists of all sorts happy to execute violence against state representatives? The seminar deals with current developments, presents attempts of explanation and looks at preventive and


restrictive measures to fight against violence. It is supported by the Chair of the Professional Commission. To apply, please follow the link: www.ibz-gimborn.de The Diversion Center, headquartered in Marietta, GA, USA has recently begun to offer de-escalation training for police and correctional officers, and they offer an affordable, online option that I think many police departments around the world would be interested in investing in for their officers as a preemptive measure to protect their officers, citizens, and improve public relations, especially with the recent incidents of police brutality in the past few years. Please visit their website at http://www.thediversioncenter.com/de-escalation-training-for-police-officers.html May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission

Nominations welcome for the IPA World Prize 2017 Each year, all IPA Sections worldwide are invited to forward nominations for the IPA World Prize to the International Executive Board (IEB) of the IPA. This prestigious IPA award recognises and rewards contributions by individuals or organisations for special and lasting commitments through a project for the benefit of society on matters of Human Rights or the preservation of World Peace, and consists of a monetary award accompanied by a certificate. The IPA World Prize is awarded during the annual IPA World Congress, and an official press release will be issued. As a norm, one prize may be awarded per year. In 2016, however, the nominations received by the IEB were of such high calibre that two prizes were handed out: Maria Appelblom, member of IPA Sweden, received the IPA World Prize 2016 for her outstanding contribution to policing and other humanitarian projects over many years. In addition, several regions of IPA Greece received the IPA World Prize 2016 in recognition for their exemplary efforts in providing humanitarian support and services to refugees and immigrants during the refugee crisis. The nomination period for the IPA World Prize 2017 runs until 21 April 2017, and we would therefore like to invite all IPA Sections to forward any nominations they might wish to submit as soon as possible to the IPA Secretary General, Georgios Katsaropoulos at [email protected] , with a copy to the IAC at [email protected] as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you! Elke Schülpen-Roberts, Office Manager International Administration Centre


IPA HOUSES – YOURS TO DISCOVER! IPA House Velem, Velem (Vas County), Hungary The IPA House Velem is situated in the village of Velem, Vas County, Hungary. Velem dates back to 1279 and is situated in the Kőszeg Mountains, in a region known as Alpokalja (Lower Alps). It boasts a picturesque environment and healthy climate. Velem is a well-known tourist resort and holiday centre due to its favourable climate. The clean air is excellent for treating respiratory diseases. One of the sights of the village is the House of Crafts which showcases traditional folk arts. Nearby are many towns with historical centres, such as Sopron and Kőszeg in Hungary, Lockenhaus and Lackenbach in Austria, as well as spas and thermal baths at Szombathely, Bük, Szentgotthárd and Sárvár in Hungary, Lutzmannsburg and Bad Tatzmannsdorf in Austria. One of the best known annual events is the famous Chestnut Feast in October.

Set in a large garden on the edge of a forest next to the Austrian border, the IPA House has 2 bedrooms and accommodates 4 people. The house has running water, electricity, TV, waste removal, sewage, gas, bedding, towels and laundry facilities. The property also benefits from gas central heating and air-conditioning The living room provides a TV, a DVD player, and a TV broadcast UPC Direct satellite

Contact Details & Bookings: • House Manager: Attila Ribes • Address: H-9726 Velem, Fenyves u. 15 • Reservations: Attila RIBES • Tel: +36 30 9164137 • Mobile: +36 30 9702242 • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://ipa-szombathely.hu/hu/kedvezmenyek/ipa-

hazak/ipa-haz-velem/ Article compiled by H Vos (Vossie), SCC member


IPA House Altes Schäferhaus, Büdingen, Germany The IPA House is situated in the grounds of a farm northwest of Büdingen and 40 kilometres north-east of Frankfurt/Main. Büdingen is a medium-sized town in the German state of Hesse on the eastern edge of the Rhine-Main area. It is located in a wooded area close to the Seemenbach at the transition of the Wetterau / Vogelsberg. The city is famous for its medieval old town with a castle, and has one of the best-preserved city centres in Europe. The surroundings are beautiful: woods, lakes and castles, as well as opportunities for skiing in winter. Translated into English, 'The Old Shepherd House' has a large recreation room with a radio, television and a well-equipped kitchen. On the first floor there is a small living room with a television and 2 divan beds, a double bedroom and a bedroom with bunk beds. In addition, the IPA House has a bathroom with a shower and toilet. A washing machine is situated in the cellar. The House accommodates 6 people. Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Friedrich Schneider • Address: Domäne Erbacher Hof, D-83654 Büdingen • Tel: ++49 6042 950394 • Mobile: ++ 49 170 4151034 • email: [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipa-deutschland.de

Compiled as per information received from Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany


The contents of what I write for the ‘Last Word’ tends to be determined by how much space is left at the end of the IPA Newsletter’s last page … and looking at it, this month I have got to keep it short I had a wonderful trip meeting an IPA member this month, but I guess this will have to wait until the April edition! For now, I would like to encourage all IPA sections to send articles of your events to me at the IAC – it is a fantastic opportunity to promote the Association Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Finland 1-3 Mar 2017 IEB Meeting, Äkäslompolo Spain 4 Mar 2017 10th Meeting of Police and Firefighter

Collectors, Madrid New Zealand 11 Mar 2017 Social Lawn Bowls Competition, Tauranga Macau 25 Mar 2017 Launch of Asian Affairs Bureau, Macau Croatia 31 Mar-1 Apr 2017 Conference ‘Security of historical cities’, Split Austria 20-23 Apr 2017 XIX National Congress, Pörtschach Poland 29-30 Apr 2017 5th IPA Open Table Tennis Champ., Radom Croatia 29 Apr-13 May 2017 IPA Dubrovnik Friendship Weeks 2017 Croatia 6 May 2017 Precise Shooting Tournament, Stobreč France 12-15 May 2017 Motorcycle Rally, Perpignan Romania 18-21 May 2017 Meeting of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Bucharest Canada 21-28 May 2017 Cruise to Bermuda+ Tour of New York Germany 23-27 May 2017 IEB Meeting, Gimborn Spain 25-28 May 2017 XIV 7-a-side int’l football champ., Tarragona Spain 28 May-3 Jun 2017 Barcelona Golf and Leisure Week Estonia 2-4 Jun 2017 Nordic Baltic Meeting Austria 10-17 Jun 2017 Hiking Week, Nassfeld USA 11-16 Jun 2017 Young Police Officers’ Seminar, Green Bay Czech Rep. 11-17 Jun 2017 Prague Friendship Week Italy 15-18 Jun 2017 7th IPA Motorcycle Rally, Dolomites Spain 15-18 Jun 2017 II Champ Intern. Football 7, La Coruña USA 19-28 Jun 2017 Pacific Northwest Tour Romania 21-26 Jun 2017 1st Int. Police Women’s Mtg ‘Danube Delta’ Russia 22-25 Jun 2017 Northern European Forum, St. Petersburg Germany 23-25 Jun 2017 22nd FlyIn, Bonn Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Spain 7-10 Sep 2017 IX Champ. Int. ‘Ibérico de Fútbol, La Coruña Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo and Lichtenvoorde


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 17-19 Mar 2017 Qualifizierte Vernehmungen im Bereich der Schwer-

und Bandenkriminalität G

20-24 Mar 2017 Aktiv in den Ruhestand G 27-29 Mar 2017 Die Macht der Bilder oder Bilder an die Macht G 03-05 Apr 2017 Führung in Aussicht / den Rollenwechsel meistern G 18-22 Apr 2017 ASP Instructor Course E 24-28 Apr 2017 La contrefaçon – Une menace sous-estimée ? F 08-12 May 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

08-10 May 2017 Europa in der Krise – Herausforderungen in der Flüchtlingskrise // Europa in crisis – uitdagingen in de vluchetlingencrisis

G and D

22-24 May 2017 Zeitalter der Populisten G 29 May-02 Jun 2017

Cybercrime – Kampf gegen die Bedrohung aus dem Cypercrime


23-25 Jun 2017 Fortbildung 2017 Funktionäre IPA Deutsche Sektion G 26-30 Jun 2017 Interkulturell kompetent in der

Zuwanderungsgesellschaft G


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

Finnish patrol ‘guarding’ the IPA House!

April 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION Meeting of the ‘Dirty Seven’

Between 1st and 3rd March 2017, we gathered for the IEB meeting. George, unfortunately, could not join us. The meeting took place in Lapland, at the IPA House in Äkäslompolo, property of Section Finland. A beautiful, warm, cosy, charming and very functional house. Four friends of IPA Finland stayed with us at the house. They took extremely good care of us. Thank you Kauko, Essa, Markku and Eija for making the difference.

To meet in such a quiet and beautiful place was positive and a good team-building experience as, apart from the work sessions, we had to help cooking, setting the table and cleaning. May-Britt volunteered to be the ‘Chef’! Well, she deserves a 5-star award. If she ever opens a restaurant, make sure to visit it Thanks May-Britt. Between the morning and the afternoon sessions, a long break gave the

opportunity to each of us to discover the magical snowy surroundings. No need for many words. Although our agenda was quite long, we covered it, and I believe everyone was very happy. There is simply something magical to gather like this. A great IPA experience. Thank you Section Finland. Servo per Amikeco, Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President


AROUND THE WORLD IPA New Zealand Region 2 holds lawn bowl competition

Saturday 11 March saw the first ever IPA New Zealand region 2 lawn bowls competition, with 10 teams on the day competing for honours. The weather hadn’t been playing its part up until that point and the day started ominously with rain clouds over head. To give the rain some time to pass we started the day with a bit of a quiz which was taken out by the Cams Guns team, who were setting an early pace with their dress attire for the day as well.

We fired up the BBQ and started the competition with a bit of indoor bowls to get everybody warmed up. The smell of sausages and burger patties wafted through the air causing a wave of hunger amongst players. After the first round was complete, we broke for lunch and by this time the rain clouds had cleared and the sun was beginning to shine. Whilst players enjoyed some refreshing beverages it was all hands to deck as we worked to clear the playing surface of any remaining water. Just after lunch, the sun was out, the BBQ was going strong and the beer was flowing, so it was outside to the green to get down to the serious end of the day. Teams battled for national titles; there were tears, jeers and laughter all around as the competition was fierce throughout the day. The final came down to the quiz winners, with Cams Guns taking on the local heroes Kellies Army. It was nail-biting stuff with the game coming down to a sudden death, winner-take-all final leg! Cams Guns came out on top and took away 1st place. 2nd place went to Kellies Army, whilst Husbands Army came in a strong 3rd. After the competition it was on to our prize-giving and we had plenty to give away thanks to our generous sponsors. A great day was had by all and everyone is already looking forward to next year’s tournament. John Goddard, IPA New Zealand Chairman Region 2


Toasting Arthur Troop on 15 December

Kevin Troop (1st left), Alan Carter (2nd on right) as well as other IPA UK members enjoying the day

Celebrating Arthur Troop Day with Section UK

IPA UK celebrated Members’ Day on 15 December 2016 at the Arthur Troop House at Fox Road in Nottingham, where the archives were made available for members to look at and enjoy. The date is significant because it is the birthday of the IPA founder Arthur Troop. The day started off with a toast to

Arthur Troop at 11a.m. not only in Nottingham, but across the IPA

regions in the UK. The celebrations at Fox Road were greatly enhanced by members being introduced to the International Administration Centre and the Section UK staff, thus being able to ask questions and in many cases renew friendships with Michele, Cathy and Elke. In addition, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to have a chat over a buffet lunch and talk about their own experience of the IPA. As the largest friendship association in the world it was fantastic to experience the true spirit of friendship throughout the day where genuine friendships were renewed and in quite a few cases started afresh. We were very privileged to have been joined by Kevin Troop, the son of Arthur Troop at the celebrations of his Dad’s birthday. He very kindly donated several books which were co-written by Alan Carter who was also present at the celebrations. One very exciting moment occurred when a set of Arthur Troop tapes were discovered at Fox Road, where Arthur spoke about the formation and running of the IPA. Along with this fantastic discovery I was handed further audio tapes by Alan Carter. These will help me greatly in managing an oral history project where the history of the IPA in the UK is being recorded on audio and audio-visual equipment. I am working very closely with Phillip and Vivienne Powell on the project. Phillip is the National Archivist for Section UK as well as the International Archivist. While the celebrations were going on, IPA member Brian Kennedy very kindly offered to record contributions from members present at the event, several of whom knew Arthur Troop personally. The Members’ Day ended with a fantastic meal which was organised by Gurmit Kaur, Chair of the local Nottingham Branch.


In 2017, our Members’ Day will once again take place on 15 December, when a similar format will be adopted so that more IPA members will be able to sample the hospitality of Fox Road and continue with recording and making IPA History. A Gala dinner will also be organised. If you are planning to come over to the UK, why not come and join us in the celebrations where you will be made very welcome. If you would like further details, please email Sean on [email protected] . Sean Hannigan, Vice President IPA UK

IPA Italy Member enjoys Maltese IPA Hospitality

In December 2016 I had to travel to Malta due to my daughter’s studies, therefore I asked the President of my local region IPA Agrigento, Vincenzo Iorio, to provide assistance for me to get in touch with an IPA member from Malta. I was immediately put into contact with Joseph Cilia, who readily offered to pick me up at the airport. On arrival in Malta, Joseph welcomed my daughter and me and drove us to our hotel.

The following day, he accompanied us to visit the Police Station situated in Valletta. In 1850, during the British occupation, this building was used as a General Hospital. A shelter was excavated underneath the building at the beginning of the Second World War, and doctors used it to carry out surgical operations to avoid having to move patients during bombings. Sergeant Joseph Manno, on duty at the Police Station, kindly enabled us to visit the Police Museum: uniforms, badges, medals and decorations, weapons and many other interesting objects were on exhibition in the first hall, as well as tools and vehicles from different periods. In the second hall there were reconstructions of crime scenes that happened in Malta in real life. To round our visit off, we were taken by Joseph to the fishing village of Marsaxlokk and were treated to dinner in his home, where Mrs Manno encouraged us to try the local cuisine. I would like to thank sincerely IPA Malta member Joseph Cilia for his kindness and the warm welcome that I received during my stay in Malta. Francesco Carbone, member IPA Italy


The culinary delights of the IPA

IPA life has many facets: travelling and hosting, sports events, collectors’ meetings, the International Youth Gathering, friendship weeks, the annual IPA World Congress … the list is endless… IPA means being able to share common passions – an example of which can be seen here: Have a look at this beautiful cake prepared for the general assembly of the IPA Switzerland region of Valais! Food, like music, like sports, is worldwide – without borders. Easy to ‘translate’, easy to share and love – like the IPA in effect

So if you would like to inspire others with ‘IPA food’ from your section, feel free to send photos or recipes to me at the IAC, and we can share the culinary delights of the IPA. Elke Schülpen-Roberts, IAC Office Manager

Traditioneller IPA Ball beim 52. Internationalen Treffen der Verbindungsstelle Bruck-Mürzzuschlag (IPA Österreich)

Vom 02. bis 05. Februar 2017 fand das 52. Internationale IPA–Treffen der Verbindungsstelle Bruck–Mürzzuschlag statt, an dem auch rund 30 ausländische Gäste – aus Deutschland, Italien und den Niederlanden – teilnahmen. Am Freitag wurde eine Getreide- und Kernölmühle in der Südoststeiermark besucht, im Anschluss genoss man eine typisch steirische Jause in einer Buschenschenke. Am nächsten Tag fand der Empfang bei der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bruck/Mur-Mürzzuschlag statt, bei dem auch der Bundesminister für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie Jörg Leichtfried anwesend war. Am Abend dieses Tages fand schließlich der 52. IPA–Ball im Veranstaltungszentrum in Krieglach statt. Zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Wirtschaft sowie von der Exekutive, der IPA und von anderen Einsatzorganisationen konnten herzlich willkommen geheißen werden. Neben dem steirischen Polizei- und IPA-Seelsorger


Peter Weberhofer war von der IPA-Sektion Österreich Generalsekretär Martin Hoffmann erstmals anwesend. Dazu besuchten uns viele Freunde anderer Verbindungsstellen aus der Steiermark, sowie aus dem Burgenland und aus Tirol. Der neue Sekretär der Verbindungsstelle Peter Scherr eröffnete mit ‚Alles Walzer‘ offiziell den 52. IPA–Ball, der mit der Musik der Gruppe ‚Die Zerlacher‘ wieder ein großartiger Erfolg wurde. Am Nachmittag des 05.02. waren wir über Einladung des Herrn Bürgermeisters Stefan Hofer in Turnau zu Gast. Nach dem offiziellen Ende des Treffens luden uns die italienischen IPA-Teilnehmer in ihrer Unterkunft im Weitental in Bruck zu ihrer traditionellen Pasta-Party. Alle freuen sich schon auf ein Wiedersehen, spätestens im Jänner 2018, wenn das 53. Internationale IPA-Treffen stattfinden wird. Walter Rosanits, Verbindungsstellenleiter Bruck-Mürzzuschlag, IPA Österreich

IPA South Africa’s beautiful Timour Hall hosts the annual IPA Classic Car and Bike Show

There’s something to be said about waking up at 5 a.m. on the morning of the first day of the Annual IPA Classic Car and Bike Show – a Timour Hall Villa fundraiser – after 8 months of work that is culminating in one weekend of motoring celebration. Over 270 vehicles and stall holders start to arrive from 6 a.m., pouring into the grounds to get set up before the gates open to the public at 10 a.m. From around 8:30, though, there are already motoring enthusiasts keen to buy their

tickets so that they can come in and watch everyone arrive. The thrill of listening to V6 and V8 engines roaring down the drive is too hard to resist. To see the hot rods in motion, hear the Mustangs purring past. The air is filled with the smell of fuel and you can feel the excitement building. Soon the early morning air is filled with talking and laughter as members of different car clubs wander round to greet old friends and ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over new cars or modifications. Before long they’re joined by members of the public who wander round and talk engines and paint jobs or simply take photos. Even young kids scurry round with phones in hands taking photo after photo. All day long the food court buzzes with activity and the beer garden offers a shady refuge for those that just need to sit for a bit or perhaps catch their second wind before finishing their walk around the event. There are stalls, an auto jumble sale, a toy car display and vehicles of every type to enthral you, but before long it’s 4 p.m. and the day is over. Clubs pack up their picnics, their gazebos and blankets and by 5 p.m. the grounds are strangely quiet, day one is over and finished for another year.


It’s not quite over though. Not at all. In fact the busier day is still to come. 5:45 a.m. on Sunday finds us standing at the gate ready for the first of over 420 exhibits to arrive. Over 100 of those are motorcycles. Many are trailered in, but two of the oldest cars on display drive in under their own steam to the delight of all who’ve gathered since dawn to watch the arrivals. Although the gates officially open at 10 a.m., by 9:30 the grounds are already alive with spectators and drivers alike, chatting and reminiscing over the good old days of motoring. Families continue to pour in and the sounds of volunteers cheerfully calling ‘get your tickets here please’ fill the air. Crowds gather around vehicles examining the technology that moved us 100 years ago and from time to time – with permission – a car will be started briefly to demonstrate the engine. There is so much to see and experience and time flies by quickly. Before you know it it’s 4 p.m. again, and the 17th Annual IPA Classic Car and Bike Show is over for another year. Drivers hoot and wave farewell as they pass volunteers and members of the public in the driveway. Happy, exhausted kids ask their parents if they remember driving cars ‘like that’, much to everyone’s delight and somewhere the squirrels and guinea fowl start to come out to forage for dropped food. The show may be over, but the work is far from done. For a few days after the event, suppliers come to collect what they delivered. All is removed and by the end of the week everything is back to normal. Now comes the handing out of donations and the winding up of all the Car Show business. This can take until the end of March to accomplish, leaving only 3 Car show-free months before work starts on the 2018 show. We wouldn’t change a thing though! In 2017, Timour Hall Villa selected two main charity recipients to share the donation – the first time this has ever been done. Donations of R5 000 each will be made to Volunteer Wildfire Services and Enviro Wildfire Services, both of whom provide volunteer fire fighters to assist with wildfires around the Western Cape. Both are registered non-profit organisations and worthy choices. In addition R5 000 will be donated to the Disaster Risk Management Volunteers, Ottery Unit and R3 000 will be donated to the Red Cross Ambulance Services. Finally, R5 000 will be donated to IPA Western Cape Region to ensure that they have sufficient funds to attend the NCM and R1 000 will be donated to Timour Hall Primary School as a thank you for allowing us to use their fields for parking. Any remaining funds go towards the upkeep and maintenance of Timour Hall Villa which is a National Heritage building. Jo Huysamen, event co-ordinator for Timour Hall, IPA South Africa


ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB Street Children’s Day 2017 – ‘THIS IS OUR TIME’ The international day for street children is celebrated each year on 12 April. The day provides a platform for the millions of street children around the world – and their champions – to speak out so that their rights cannot be ignored and their voices will be heard. The motto for 2017 is – ‘This Is Our Time’

Reports of police brutality against street children are not a new issue. Eyewitnesses reporting on beaten and shot children, children pushed into rivers, leaving them to drown and using tear gas on those that tried to escape are extremely upsetting when you know that behind the action is the political decision makers’ unawareness of the rights of these children. Police officers are their tool and are forced into situations where they themselves will be traumatised by what they have been told to perform. The children on the other hand will develop a fear of those who should protect them. Since the XVII World Congress in Trondheim, Norway in 2003, the IPA recognised the situation of street children. In addition, the IPA pledges as follows: ‘The International Police Association (IPA) supports the Consortium for Street Children (CSC) to globally raise street children's voices, promote their rights and improve their lives. We pledge to inform the Police Services within our 66 country sections on five continents and our +400,000 members worldwide in 100 countries about the recommendations of the General Comment for children in street situations’.

We, as an association, can make the difference. Please note that information will be sent out separately to all IPA sections to advertise the Street Children’s Day on 12 April 2017, and I would like to encourage all sections to organise activities or participate in events arranged around the world on the very day. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission Images by Consortium for Street Children



IPA Apartment – Cork, Ireland The IPA Apartment is situated in Cork, a beautiful city of narrow streets virtually untouched since the 19th century. Cork is situated just inland from Ireland’s southwest coast and is surrounded by the River Lee creating an island which can be accessed by many bridges. The best way to experience this hilly southern seaport is on foot, giving you plenty of opportunity along the way to meet many of the city's talkative residents. Pubs, restaurants, markets, shops, churches and theatres are all within walking distance from the apartment, and Cork airport only 5 miles from the city. Attractions close to Cork include Blarney Castle and Gardens, Fota Wildlife Park, The Jameson Experience at the Old Distillery in Middleton, The Queenstown Story in Cobh, Charles Fort and Desmond Castle in Kinsale. The apartment sleeps 5 (2 bedrooms with 1 double and 1 twin, plus a fold-up bed). There is a bathroom with shower, a fully equipped kitchen and a lounge with TV. The apartment has access to landscaped gardens and terraces, a tennis court and secure underground parking. Towels and bedding are provided for guests. Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Chris Cahill • Address: 35 Brook Square (East), Infirmary Road, Cork • Tel: ++353 1 8302907 • Mobile: N/A • email: [email protected] • Website : https://www.ipaireland.ie/acc-cork.php

Compiled as per information received from Chris Cahill, IPA Ireland



IPA Apartments – Berlin, Germany The IPA Apartments are located in a traditional Berlin building in the north of the city.

Berlin, capital city of the Federal Republic of Germany, dates back to the 13th century and is situated on the banks of the rivers Spree and Havel in north-eastern Germany. Around 6 million people from more than 180 nations live in the metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg. One-third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers and lakes.

Reminders of the city's turbulent 20th century history include its Holocaust memorial and the Berlin Wall's graffitied remains. Divided during the Cold War, its 18th-century Brandenburg Gate has become a symbol of reunification. There are two apartments:

• Apartment 1 has 2 beds (sleeps 2), kitchen and shower / WC. • Apartment 2 has 2 bedrooms (sleeps 4), kitchen and shower / WC

Both apartments have fully equipped kitchens. Bedding is provided for guests. Note: Towels are not provided

Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Thomas and Petra Wendt • Address: Schlieper Straße 76 II, 13507 Berlin • Tel: ++49 30 4372 6375 • Mobile: N/A • email: [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipa-deutschland.de

Compiled as per information received from Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany



Fancy the chance to try something new? The IPA house Ylläs in Lapland gives you ample opportunity to do just that! Run completely by volunteers, the IPA house in Äkäslompolo boasts a beautiful and peaceful location - opening up the magic of Lapland one can only dream of. In my couple of extra days’ holiday I added to working at the IEB meeting, I was able to try out cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, kick-sledging and fat-biking ... in addition to enjoying the relaxing effects of a Finnish sauna and witnessing the amazing northern lights. All of this was made possible for me by the genuine IPA

spirit displayed by Eija, Kauko, Essa and Markku - all of whom gave up some of their free time to give me an experience of a lifetime. Thank you a million, IPA Finland! I would like to take this chance to encourage as many of you as possible to go out there and discover the wealth of opportunities any of the IPA houses and their volunteers will give you! Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Austria 6-9 Apr 2017 ERC Commission Meeting, Vienna Austria 20-23 Apr 2017 XIX National Congress, Pörtschach Bosnia & H. 28-30 Apr 2017 II Int. IPA Meeting (Car Slalom), Bijeljina Poland 29-30 Apr 2017 5th IPA Open Table Tennis Champ., Radom Croatia 29 Apr-13 May 2017 IPA Dubrovnik Friendship Weeks 2017 Croatia 6 May 2017 Precise Shooting Tournament, Stobreč France 12-15 May 2017 Motorcycle Rally, Perpignan Romania 18-21 May 2017 Meeting of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Bucharest Canada 21-28 May 2017 Cruise to Bermuda+ Tour of New York Germany 23-27 May 2017 IEB Meeting, Gimborn Italy 24-28 May 2017 18th Adr.Trophy, 5-a-side football, Giulianova Spain 25-28 May 2017 XIV 7-a-side int’l football champ., Tarragona Spain 28 May-3 Jun 2017 Barcelona Golf and Leisure Week Moldova 1-6 Jun 2017 Mediterranean Sections Meeting, Chişinau Estonia 2-4 Jun 2017 Nordic Baltic Meeting Spain 2-4 Jun 2017 Moto Pirinaic’s motorbike event, Pyrenees Austria 10-17 Jun 2017 Hiking Week, Nassfeld USA 11-16 Jun 2017 Young Police Officers’ Seminar, Green Bay Czech Rep. 11-17 Jun 2017 Prague Friendship Week Italy 15-18 Jun 2017 7th IPA Motorcycle Rally, Dolomites Spain 15-18 Jun 2017 II Champ Intern. Football 7, La Coruña USA 19-28 Jun 2017 Pacific Northwest Tour Romania 21-26 Jun 2017 1st Int. Police Women’s Mtg ‘Danube Delta’ Germany 23-25 Jun 2017 22nd FlyIn, Bonn Russia 29 Jun-2 Jul 2017 Northern European Forum, St. Petersburg Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Poland 24-27 Aug 2017 19th Int. Football Tournament, Poznan Poland 3 Sep 2017 Int. Open Police Cup Half-Marathon, Piła Spain 7-10 Sep 2017 IX Champ. Int. ‘Ibérico de Fútbol, La Coruña Italy 14-17 Sep 2017 4th Trophy Riviera della Palme, 5-a-side

football tournament, Grottamare Netherlands 18-23 Sep 2017 IPA Netherlands Experience, Limburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo and Lichtenvoorde


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 03-05 Apr 2017 Unter Druck – Im Konflikt handlungsfähig bleiben G 18-22 Apr 2017 ASP Instructor Course E 24-28 Apr 2017 La contrefaçon – Une menace sous-estimée ? F 08-12 May 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

08-10 May 2017 Europa in der Krise – Herausforderungen in der Flüchtlingskrise // Europa in crisis – uitdagingen in de vluchetlingencrisis

E and G

29 May-02 Jun 2017

Cybercrime – Kampf gegen die Bedrohung aus dem Cypercrime


09-11 Jun 2017 Motorradkultur und Sicherheit – Training für verantwortungsbewusstes Motorradfahren


19-23 Jun 2017 Islamismus – Mit dem rechten Glauben gegen den Rest der Welt

23-25 Jun 2017 Fortbildung 2017 Funktionäre IPA Deutsche Sektion G 26-30 Jun 2017 Interkulturell kompetent in der

Zuwanderungsgesellschaft G

26-28 Jun 2017 Zeitalter der Populisten G 03-07 Jul 2017 Aktiv in den Ruhestand G 05-07 Jul 2017 Eurasische OK in Deutschland G 10-14 Jul 2017 Prostitution in Europa / Prostitution in Europe E and G


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

‘Children for Children’

An event organised by IPA Montenegro in recognition of the International Day for Street Children on 12 April

May 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION Thank you for your IPA Time!

At this time of the year, many sections hold their annual general assembly, an opportunity to gather delegates from all over the country, together with the national board, in order to exchange views on the present and future of the IPA. In addition, many sections have recently elected or are in the process of electing their national presidents and/or board members.

Other meetings, organised on a more geographical basis are taking place during the same period of time. IPA friends meet and discuss their common interests, projects to develop and ideas to propose internationally. I would like to seize the chance to greet and congratulate all IPA members who take time to ensure the ongoing development of our association, in line with our aims and values. ‘To take time’ has become such a key expression and challenge nowadays that I believe it deserves a mention. To those of you who accept to carry the responsibility of the presidency of your IPA section, I address a special mention. Leading is never easy, the winds don’t always blow in the same direction around you and it takes charisma to unite and take the best out of all and everything. Therefore and again, a special thanks to all of you. And if out of all these national and international meetings, you feel that an issue could or should be brought to the attention of the delegates during the next IPA World Congress, don’t hesitate to contact me. I would be glad and thankful to place and add items of international interest for our Association on the agenda that the IEB will discuss in a few weeks’ time. In the meantime, stay safe and enjoy every IPA moment. Servo per Amikeco Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President



Liebe IPA Familie Liebe IPA Freunde aus der ganzen Welt I m April 2017 durfte ich das Ruder der IPA Sektion Schweiz von unserem jetzigen ‚Past-President‘ Ronald Wüthrich anlässlich unserer Delegiertenversammlung in Bern übernehmen. Ein Ruder, welches mit viel Verantwortung und noch mehr Initiative geprägt ist. Voller Stolz und mit viel Gefühl werde ich versuchen, dieses in den nächsten Jahren auf offener See in manchmal turbulentem Wellengang geschmeidig zu halten. Die IPA Schweiz ist eine gesunde und moderne Sektion mit vielen aktiven Mitgliedern. Hier ist es für mich in erster Linie wichtig, dass ich unsere verschiedenen Regionen und deren Mitglieder treffen und kennen lernen darf. Denn als sogenannter ‚Newcomer‘ liegt es mir sehr am Herzen, sich für JEDE Region einzusetzen und somit ein Präsident DER und FÜR die Regionen zu sein. Der Kurs – UNSER Kurs – wurde bereits seit einigen Jahren eingeschlagen. Mit meinen zum Teil neuen Kollegen im Nationalbüro gilt es nun, in die vorgegebene Richtung weiter zu fahren und im Verlaufe der Zeit, die eine oder andere Richtungsänderung anzupeilen. Wichtig ist es aber auch, dass unsere Sektion sich weiterhin auf internationaler ‚See‘ zu erkennen gibt und ZUSAMMEN mit anderen Sektionen für Neues und Innovatives wirbt und sich auch dafür einsetzt und stark macht. Denn unser gemeinsames Ziel muss sein, dass die IPA weltweit weiterhin an Fahrt gewinnt und sich bis tief in alle Landesregionen niederlassen kann. Hierzu möchte ich allen Kollegen und Freunden auf dem internationalen IPA Parkett zum Zeichen geben, dass die IPA Sektion Schweiz offen für konstruktive Gespräche sein wird. Denn ‚dienen in Freundschaft‘ ist nicht nur UNSER Motto, es muss auch zu unserer Leidenschaft werden! In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch und euren Familien einen schönen Sommer 2017 und ich freue mich schon jetzt, euch alle in naher Zukunft bei irgendeiner Gelegenheit persönlich kennen zu lernen. SERVO PER AMIKECO Jean-Pierre Allet, Nationalpräsident Sektion Schweiz


Montenegro marks the International Day for Street Children

On the occasion of the International Day for Street Children on 12 April 2017, IPA Montenegro and the Defendology Centre for Security, Sociological and Criminological Research of Montenegro organised a social event with children of police officers, IPA members and children of the RAE (Roma, Ashkaelia and Egyptian) population, as well as members of the Defendology Centre.

The event took place at Gorica Hill in Podgorica, a popular recreational area of the city. The children took part in many activities prepared for the occasion. These consisted of the presentation of the police unit’s work with police dogs and horses, as well as the work of the traffic motor bike unit. After taking photographs, the children visited the adventure park on the hill, and had the opportunity to use the facilities of the park and enjoy the hospitability of the park owners, our IPA partners. This was the opportunity for the representatives of the Defendology Centre to present their activities related to the support and educational work with children who live or work on the street, and raise awareness of their status in society in order to promote their rights as well as improve their lives. This year the centre marked the International Day for Street Children by organising a week of activities which consisted of distributing leaflets and posters to the citizens inviting them to avoid giving money to the street children thus stimulating them to stay on the street. Instead, they are encouraged to help them in different ways by donating clothes, food and organising educational workshops. As you can see by the photo, children don’t differentiate amongst themselves, having the same needs for love, joy and appreciation, but they do make a huge difference in making this world a better and happier place to live in. Ivana Rabrenović, IEC Delegate IPA Montenegro

IPA UK member Swasie Turner fundraises worldwide Having served as a front line police officer for over a quarter of a century, my beloved career was brought to a premature halt when I was run down by a high powered motorcycle. My injuries were such that I had to have major surgery on both of my legs but, sadly my right leg could not be saved and it had to be amputated high above the knee. Consequently, after spending a lifetime in the gym and indulging in martial arts, boxing and pumping iron, all such activity was brought to an abrupt halt. After this incident, I began my new life as a ‘wheelchair pilot’. Shortly after, to make matters even worse, when I needed her most, my beloved wife of forty years succumbed to cancer. When I finally managed to crawl out from my grief, lethargy


and self-pity, I decided to become an ardent fundraiser to assist research into the ruthless killer that had taken my wife from me, with a view to one day bringing about its cure and eradication. From the start, I was a ‘one man band’ and intended my fundraising endeavours would always be a ‘first’, whatever arduous or ‘eccentric’ form they would take. My first ‘long distance’ push was the 15 mile ‘off road’ Wirral Coastal Walk (push). At first the authorities wouldn’t hear of a wheelchair taking part but I eventually convinced them (and myself) I would be able to do it, even though it was an extreme endeavour for me to undertake. It was certainly an arduous task to complete unaided, however, somehow I did it. I had a cycle milometer fitted to verify my success and as from then, my long-distance charity pushes were born. To date, I have completed 38,901 miles and have successfully topped the magic sum of £1m raised in cash, medical equipment and other much sought items for hospitals throughout the world. This is where the priceless and fantastic IPA was to manifest itself to help me bring about a totally unbelievable fundraising scenario worldwide which to date has been beneficial to many poorer and needy countries I have been privileged to visit and help. My ‘long distance’ pushes went on to include the London Marathon, the Robin Hood Marathon, the Great North Run and the marathon of marathons – the lengthy John O’Groats to Lands’ End push which took 44 long days, each day consisting of between 25 and 32 miles nonstop. My international fundraising forays began with the lengthy push from America’s White House to the Pentagon and on to Ground Zero after the destruction of the twin towers which resulted in the tragic loss of many thousands of lives. From this moment on, the IPA came into its own with their unhesitating assistance to ensure the whole endeavour was a huge fundraising success. My push raised over $38,000 to assist those affected by the tragedy. I also managed to complete a 108 mile push through the infamous Death Valley in Nevada accompanied by the former Las Vegas police chief (and IPA rep.), the late Tom Savage. This endeavour raised $6,000 for American cancer research. More international pushes followed in Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, the Falkland Islands and even as far away as St Helena and the Ascension islands. The successful raising of much needed funds has been brought about by the able assistance of the untiring and benevolent International Police Association, without whose kind and ongoing help I would have been at a loss. The Association lies quietly in the undergrowth, but the generous, professional and kind assistance is always at hand to its many worldwide members, should their expertise be needed. I will always be grateful for such benevolence to ensure nothing but total success has been the outcome of each and every one of my foreign, worldwide charity fundraising ‘missions’. Due to their ongoing, kind assistance to me and those of a similar ilk, many hospitals, schools and very needy establishments are now in a far better state than they once were.


My recent foreign venues have included the outer circuit of the island of Malta, where I also gave addresses to generate funds for the island’s charities and a push to the top of the famous Rock of Gibraltar, again, under the watchful gaze and kind assistance in one way or another by the IPA to whom I remain eternally grateful. I have been a fiercely proud member of the IPA since the days of the old stamp bearing cloth membership card, and I certainly advocate any members of ‘the cloth’, colleagues and former colleagues to join such a highly beneficial organisation whose members’ welfare is always paramount no matter wherever they may be anywhere in the world. God bless the IPA and long may the association reign supreme. Swasie Turner, member IPA UK

1st International Conference ‘Security of Historic Cities’ organised successfully by IPA Croatia

After the successful conference ‘Partnership for a secure everyday life’ in 2016, the Executive Board of the IPA Regional Club Split-Dalmatia initiated a new project in cooperation with the Croatian Association of Historic Cities, resulting in the 1st International Conference on ‘Security of Historic Cities’ from 31 March to 1 April 2017 in Split, Croatia. 130 experts and scientists from France, the

USA, Canada, Romania, Spain, Slovenia, the UK, Turkey and Croatia shared their knowledge and experience as well as their vision of a secure environment in places rich with historic and archaeological heritage. Furthermore, the conference was attended by representatives of IPA Croatia, IPA Bosnia & Herzegovina and IPA Montenegro. A large number of the IPA RC Split-Dalmatia and police officers from the police administration Split-Dalmatia used this extraordinary opportunity to gather and exchange experiences with their colleagues from different parts of the world. Since the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia was one of the conference's organisers (besides the County Split-Dalmatia, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Justice), the attendants were greeted by Predrag Brkopac, the Police Assistant General. Slobodan Marendić, President of the IPA RC Split-Dalmatia, addressed the Conference on behalf of the organisers. Police officers and other experts specialising in the protection of cultural and historical sites had been invited. This combination of expertise made the conference more dynamic and more interesting for all participants. New perspectives were opened regarding more efficient cooperation and a more active role for IPA members to achieve the common aim – a secure community.


Police lecturer Dr Peter Tarlow from the USA, gained the full interest of all attendees during his presentation of various models of the police work in the community. Chief Police Inspector Stewart Brinn from Lincoln, UK, shared his valuable experience in organising public events in Lincoln's historic centre, in coordination with the local authorities. French practice and experience from Paris was presented by the Police Attaché in the French Embassy in Croatia, Chief Police Inspector Stéphane Tijardovich, while Dr Saša Kuhar, from the Ljubljana Security Faculty in Slovenia presented various models for the protection of the art pieces. A fire protection model in the Romanian historic city of Sigsihoara, presented by Ioan Feodor Pascu, the Heritage Manager from the UNESCO Heritage Department, received the full attention of everyone interested in a modern fire detection system in an old city environment. Serge Morin, Commander of the Police Department for Operational Support in Quebec, Canada, interested the participants by a whole spectrum of his experience gathered during events in public areas and the models of protection of cultural heritage based on concrete examples from Canada. In addition, Alen Ostojić from Zagreb, Croatia, Chairman of the Urban Security Committee and President of the Croatian Association of the Security Managers, presented Zagreb's practice in fighting vandal graffiti practice, which many participants saw as an interesting base for developing similar models in broader framework, especially in historic city centres. Using bad and good practical examples from various parts of the world, the Spanish expert Rand Eppich explained in detail the importance of security in historic sites in correlation with the economic aspects of tourism. How to react when things go wrong in historic sites was the topic of Dr Zeynep Gul Unal, Secretary General of the ICOMOS ICORP in Turkey. The use of modern technology in providing safety and security was presented by Tonći Buterin from HIKVISION in Croatia, and last but not least, Marko Doljanin, Paško Ugrina and Slobodan Marendić from the Police Administration Split-Dalmatia and the IPA RC Split-Dalmatia shared their experience at the conference.

Besides the work part of the conference, this gathering, as all IPA gatherings, had a social part, used for connecting people and developing a network of friendship and partnership, where all participants can share in the benefits of joint work for the prosperity of the community. The representatives of the Croatian Association of Historic Cities enabled all participants to spend


Friday afternoon, before the joint dinner, by taking part in an organized tour of the fortress Klis, close to Split, embodying all the lessons learned during the conference in practice. The fortification, the Uskoks' Guard House and the watch towers, as a historical heritage directly connected with security, left a huge impression on all guests from around the world. Enjoying an extraordinary view of the cities of Split and Solin from this mountain fortress, the guests were entertained by an archery competition that enriched the whole event even more. Feedback from both experts and the public confirmed that the subject and timing of the conference was a success, and we also see it as confirmation of the potential of the IPA RC Split-Dalmatia and the Croatian Association of Historic Cities, in organising such a complex and demanding event, which acts as a base for further development of similar partnerships in the interest of our community. Slobodan Marendić, President of IPA Split-Dalmatia

ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB Welcome to our brand-new IPA Hosting Book! The IPA is the proud owner of 52 IPA Houses around the world, for use of all IPA members. In addition, we are fortunate to be able to offer discounted rates at 152 Other IPA Accommodation facilities. In 2016, the Socio-Cultural Commission (SCC) of the IPA commenced with a process to consolidate all official IPA facilities (IPA Houses and Other Accommodation) into an IPA Hosting Book. We are now happy to announce that the first version of the IPA Hosting Book, containing information on all our facilities, is now ready for you to use, and we therefore invite you to look at the following link: IPA Houses and Other Accommodation. The Hosting Book will be kept updated and circulated on a regular basis; therefore we would be grateful if all IPA sections could send any changes to me at [email protected], with a copy to the International Administration Centre at [email protected]. It is our objective to grow the number of Other Accommodation, and in this regard we call upon all our members to obtain more such facilities and contact your section in order to have them registered officially and thus make them available for all IPA members worldwide. For now, I leave you to enjoy our IPA Hosting Book! H. (Vossie) Vos, SCC member in charge of IPA Houses



‘Shadow’s Law’ by Simon Häggström If there is one book every IPA member should read in 2017, it would be ‘Shadow’s Law’. ‘This book exposes the inhumanity at the heart of prostitution and vividly outlines the work of men and women who combat it. A fast-paced and engrossing read’ according to Rachel Moran, author of ‘Paid For – My Journey Through Prostitution’. The author, Detective Inspector Simon Häggström is head of the Stockholm Police Prostitution Unit. Every day, he meets those who inhabit the shadowy underbelly of Stockholm – prostituted women, and men, who try to keep their business hidden, and the punters who at all cost want to avoid being caught. Even though Sweden has a strict anti-prostitution law, business is thriving. ‘Shadow’s Law’ tells the true stories of the people Simon Häggström and his co-workers encounter every day. He tells their stories as they have never been told before. In the

meantime, we as police officers and IPA members, all together, owe him a huge thank you. To get a closer glance of what to expect please read the article by Monica Mazzitelli at http://www.monicamazzitelli.net/en/a-man-who-loves-women-the-hell-of-prostitution-as-recounted-by-swedish-policeman-simon-haggstrom/ The book is available worldwide through Amazon.com. For more information please visit www.bulletpointpublishing.se and contact marketing director Cecilia Ahrfeldt directly at [email protected] if you are interested in a larger quantity of books. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chairperson of the Professional Commission

SEMINARS AT IBZ GIMBORN Interested in learning more about Cyber-Crime? If you are interested in finding out more about cyber-crime, why not attend the seminar ‘Understanding Cyber Crime’ at IBZ Gimborn, our educational facility in Germany? There is a conventional crime attached to almost any sort of cyber-crime. Despite this, cyber-crime investigation and the prosecution thereof tend to be left to the auspices of what could be called ‘computer nerds’ within the police force.


This seminar will reduce ignorance and uncertainty attached to cyber-crime, and will also unveil the myths behind it. Cyber-crime laws and the evaluation of computer forensics in investigating a crime will be presented and illustrated with examples. Summary details: Seminar: Understanding Cyber-Crime Date: 20-24 November 2017 Chair: Sean Hannigan,

MSc Student at Bochum University Costs: IPA members 300 €;

non-IPA members 420 € For more information on the above seminar as well as the entire seminar programme of IBZ Gimborn, please consult the IBZ Gimborn webpage on: www.ibz-gimborn.de Information provided by Petra Kreuzer, IBZ Gimborn

IPA HOUSES – YOURS TO DISCOVER! IPA House Bork, Selm, Germany The IPA House is located in Selm, a town in the district of Unna in the vicinity of Nordkirchen and Cappenberg - approximately 25 km from Dortmund,

The IPA facility is situated within the quiet area of the police training centre. Castles, museums and mountain scenery are nearby. The House provides accommodation for 4 persons and has a living room, small kitchen, two bedrooms with two beds each, a bathroom with shower and toilet, central heating and television. Parking is available for two cars.

Contact Details & Bookings: • Manager: Manfred Bittrolff • Address: Muehlenweg 28, 59379 Selm • Tel: ++49 2592 62166 • Mobile: ++49 171 9249253 • email: [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipa-deutschland.de

Compiled as per information received from Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany


IPA House Lëtzebuerg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg The IPA House Lëtzebuerg is situated in Luxembourg City, the capital city and most populous town of Luxembourg. The city is situated just over 200 km from Brussels, 370 km from Paris and 200 km from Cologne. The IPA House is situated in the centre of the city, opposite the Police Headquarters, with various hotels in the vicinity where meals are served. On the 2nd floor there are 3 bedrooms sleeping 6 persons - 2 double rooms and 1 bedroom with four beds. TV, radio, coffee percolator, fridge and cooking plate are provided. A bathroom and toilets are on the 2nd floor. The National IPA Office and Clubhouse named ‘IPA-STUFF’ is situated on the 1st floor of the House. Parking is available for 4 cars. Bed linen is provided. Hand- and bath towels are not included. Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Yves Schmit • Address: Address: 84 Rue Adolphe Fischer, L-1521 Luxembourg 1 • Tel: +352 4997-1(central) (w) • Mobile: N/A • email: [email protected] & copy [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipa.lu • Enquiries : Enquiries & bookings can be made electronically on the website • Tariffs: Available on request

Compiled by H. (Vossie) Vos, SCC member in charge of IPA Houses


This month I would like to share a photo of a painting with you which has travelled 36,026 km around the world to make it onto the IAC office wall. At the IPA World Congress 2016 in New Zealand, our Austrian delegation presented the IAC with the beautiful painting, dedicated to the IPA, that you can see on the photo. Whereas Lesley and I made it back to Nottingham a week or so after the congress, our favourite painting took a little longer to reach us with a parcel sent back to us by


the conference organisers – and has now found a place next to my desk up on the wall, where we can enjoy looking at it on a daily basis. Martin Hoffmann, President of IPA Austria, was more than happy to give us some background information on our new ‘treasure’ and its creator:

Karl Moderer, who Martin got to know last year, has long been a supporter of IPA Vienna. He offers painting courses for IPA members and donates some of his paintings to the IPA on occasions. He has also created the labels for the bottles of wine which were served during the recent police ball in Vienna, and he is known worldwide for his stamp designs.

For those of you who are interested in finding out more, please follow the link https://moderer.jimdo.com. Of course if you would like to see the painting in the original, you are welcome to visit us here at the IAC Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Croatia 29 Apr-13 May 2017 IPA Dubrovnik Friendship Weeks 2017 Croatia 6 May 2017 Precise Shooting Tournament, Stobreč France 12-15 May 2017 Motorcycle Rally, Perpignan Romania 18-21 May 2017 Meeting of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Bucharest Canada 21-28 May 2017 Cruise to Bermuda+ Tour of New York Germany 23-27 May 2017 IEB Meeting, Gimborn Italy 24-28 May 2017 18th Adr.Trophy, 5-a-side football, Giulianova Spain 25-28 May 2017 XIV 7-a-side int’l football champ., Cambrils Spain 28 May-3 Jun 2017 Barcelona Golf and Leisure Week Moldova 1-6 Jun 2017 Mediterranean Sections Meeting, Chişinau Estonia 2-4 Jun 2017 Nordic Baltic Meeting Spain 2-4 Jun 2017 Moto Pirinaic’s motorbike event, Pyrenees Austria 10-17 Jun 2017 Hiking Week, Nassfeld USA 11-16 Jun 2017 Young Police Officers’ Seminar, Green Bay Czech Rep. 11-17 Jun 2017 Prague Friendship Week Italy 15-18 Jun 2017 7th IPA Motorcycle Rally, Dolomites Spain 15-18 Jun 2017 II Champ Intern. Football 7, La Coruña USA 19-28 Jun 2017 Pacific Northwest Tour Romania 21-26 Jun 2017 1st Int. Police Women’s Mtg ‘Danube Delta’ Germany 23-25 Jun 2017 22nd FlyIn, Bonn Germany 24 Jun 2017 2nd IPA March, Stuttgart Russia 29 Jun-2 Jul 2017 Northern European Forum, St. Petersburg Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Germany 18-20 Aug 2017 18th Int. Biker Meeting, Speyer Poland 24-27 Aug 2017 19th Int. Football Tournament, Poznan France 30 Aug-3 Sep 2017 Rhône / Alpes Motorcycle Meeting Poland 3 Sep 2017 Int. Open Police Cup Half-Marathon, Piła Spain 7-10 Sep 2017 IX Champ. Int. ‘Ibérico de Fútbol, La Coruña France 10 Sep 2017 Collectors’ Fair, Lyon Italy 14-17 Sep 2017 4th Trophy Riviera della Palme, 5-a-side

football tournament, Grottamare Netherlands 18-23 Sep 2017 IPA Netherlands Experience, Limburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo/Lichtenvoorde Hong Kong 7-12 Nov 2017 Hong Kong Friendship Week Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 08-12 May 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

08-10 May 2017 Europa in der Krise – Herausforderungen in der Flüchtlingskrise // Europa in crisis – uitdagingen in de vluchetlingencrisis

E and G

29 May-02 Jun 2017

Cybercrime – Kampf gegen die Bedrohung aus dem Cypercrime


09-11 Jun 2017 Motorradkultur und Sicherheit – Training für verantwortungsbewusstes Motorradfahren


19-23 Jun 2017 Islamismus – Mit dem rechten Glauben gegen den Rest der Welt

23-25 Jun 2017 Fortbildung 2017 Funktionäre IPA Deutsche Sektion G 26-30 Jun 2017 Interkulturell kompetent in der

Zuwanderungsgesellschaft G

03-07 Jul 2017 Aktiv in den Ruhestand G 05-07 Jul 2017 Eurasische OK in Deutschland G 10-14 Jul 2017 Prostitution in Europa / Prostitution in Europe E and G


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

‘Our IPA flag standing proudly amongst all national flags’

A beautiful moment captured during the recent IEB meeting at the IPA Education Centre Schloss Gimborn

June 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION Gimborn – or a few days in Paradise

The IPA International Executive Board met in Gimborn at the end of May. This second IEB meeting of the year gave us the opportunity to check the status of ongoing projects as well as draft the agenda of the forthcoming IPA World Congress and examine the motions from sections. All in all, it was an interesting agenda and

working session, and a great chance to spend a few days together and reinforce our team spirit. Unfortunately however, the Secretary General and the Head of Administration could not join us this time. I don’t want to bother you with all the details of the meeting, but I am keen to let you know that the more often I go to Gimborn, the more I fall in love with this place. For those of you who don’t know, Gimborn is an independent training centre located near Cologne, in Germany, a castle well hidden in the hills and woods. The IPA founded and continues to support this education centre where about 40 international seminars on all kinds of security and policing matters are organised each year. For a start, Gimborn fulfils perfectly its primary purpose as training centre, offering great seminars with key speakers and the unique chance to meet participants from different countries, allowing exchange of best practice. Should you wish to organise a seminar or a meeting, this is also possible. Secondly, the location of this facility, the peace and quiet you feel when entering the property and during your stay is amazing and certainly welcome in our busy times. Last but not least, you realise just how much Gimborn is part of the IPA history and how important it is for all of us to ensure its future, as an essential guarantor of our values: friendship and service. I had my doubts along the way about the necessity to keep supporting such a centre, thinking that it should find its own financial strategy. I was probably too blind then to realise the value of this institution and that what you can give also has the capacity to make things priceless. You can become an individual member, and your IPA region/branch or section can also become a member if this had not already been arranged. Take the chance and sign up! Thanks to René Kauffmann, the director of Gimborn, and to all his team, for running this place so well and with so much effort. Try Gimborn, I bet you will ‘adopt’ it! Servo per Amikeco, Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President




Queridos amigos, En primer lugar, me gustaría dar las gracias por todas las felicitaciones que he recibido con motivo de mi reelección como presidente nacional de la Sección Andora y a la vez agradecer a mis compañeros de la Junta Nacional que sin su apoyo y constancia no lo hubiéramos conseguido i por supuesto a los socios. En esta nueva reelección como presidente ya van más de 12 años sumando las dos de vice-presidencias al frente de la sección, consiguiendo poder pasar de Agrupación Andorra, a Comité Fundacional y finalmente como Sección Nacional, han sido días muy largos, muchas reuniones y en definitivamente mucho trabajo que finalmente llego su fruto en Hungría 2005, cuando llegamos a ser Sección Nacional y lo mejor de todo es aprender día a día y crecer juntos. Después de estos últimos años con la crisis económica que todo el mundo hemos pasado no ha sido fácil llevar la dirección, tanto a nivel personal como profesional hemos padecido muchas circunstancias ajenas a nuestra voluntad las cuales nos llevaron a perder capacidad de gestión y socios. Es una Junta de continuación en un proyecto de trabajar en conseguir remontar la perdida de socios que sufrimos durante los pasados años y potenciar al máximo la hospitalidad de las visitas que tenemos por las características de nuestro país que cada vez son mayores. Seguiremos aportando con nuestro trabajo, constancia y espirito todo lo mejor para nuestra gran familia que es IPA. Gracias amigos SERVO PER AMIKEKO Toni Pujol, Presidente IPA Andorra



Vorweg möchte ich mich bei allen Delegierten des XIX. Nationalen Kongresses der IPA Österreich für das mir entgegengebrachte Vertrauen sehr herzlich bedanken. Es ist eine große Ehre für mich, zukünftig die verantwortungsvolle Funktion des Präsidenten der IPA Österreich wahrnehmen zu dürfen. Ich bin 46 Jahre alt und begann bereits mit 15 Jahren als Polizeipraktikant meine ‚Exekutivkarriere‘ bei der Wiener Polizei. 2001 entschloss ich mich für einen Ressortwechsel in das Justizministerium und wechselte in das größte Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Österreichs. Nach verschiedenen Aus- und Weiterbildungen bin ich vor 3 Jahren in der Strafvollzugsakademie Wien angekommen, wo ich die Planstelle des stv. Leiters der Abteilung Grundausbildung

bekleide und bei der Aus- und Fortbildung von Strafvollzugsbediensteten mitwirke. Ein kleines Jubiläum hatte ich heuer mit der IPA zu feiern: am 14. Mai jährte es sich zum 30. Mal, dass ich der IPA beigetreten bin. Ich blieb 15 Jahre lang einfaches IPA-Mitglied und entschloss mich 2002 als Funktionär mitzuwirken, zuerst 2 Jahre als Sekretär, danach 13 Jahre als Verbindungsstellenleiter. Anfang 2016 habe ich die Funktion des Generalsekretärs der IPA Österreich übernommen. Eine große Ehre und Herausforderung, die ich ich gerne angenommen habe, so mal ich jede Unterstützung von Otto König, dem vorherigen hervorragenden Generalsekretär erhielt. Vielen Dank, Otto, für deine außergewöhnlichen Leistungen für die IPA Österreich! Reinhard Moser stellte sich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen sich nicht mehr zur Wiederwahl. Diese Entscheidung wurde selbstverständlich von allen respektiert. Herzlichen Dank, Reinhard, für Dein großes Engagement für die IPA Österreich in den letzten Jahren. Weiters möchte ich mich bei allen IPA-Funktionären in den Verbindungsstellen, den Landesgruppen und den Sektionen für ihr ehrenamtliches Engagement für die IPA bedanken! Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich bei Veranstaltungen im In- und im Ausland neue IPA-Funktionäre und -Freunde kennenlerne und sehe, mit welchem Engagement und Freude dort gearbeitet wird. Diese positive Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit will ich künftig im Sinne unseres Leitspruches stärken, nämlich in Freundschaft dienen! Ein weiteres, mir besonders wichtiges Anliegen folgt Arthur Troop, dem Gründer der IPA 1950, der größten Wert darauf legte, dass die IPA eine soziale, kulturelle und


berufliche Verbindung unter seinen Mitgliedern ist, welche frei von Diskriminierungen aufgrund von Rang, Geschlecht, Rasse, Hautfarbe, Sprache oder Religion ist. Auch in besonders schwierigen Zeiten wie diesen, wo Terroranschläge, Kriege und Flüchtlingsströme nicht nur die Nachrichten, sondern mehr und mehr unseren Dienstalltag prägen, sollten wir nicht den kollegialen Zusammenhalt und die Menschlichkeit außer Acht lassen. Ich freue mich auf meine künftige Aufgabe und ein Zusammentreffen mit allen IPA Freunden im Sinne unseres Leitspruches: ‚servo per amikeco!‘ Martin Hoffmann, Präsident IPA Österreich

IPA Bosnia & Herzegovina stage successful ‘Bijeljina 2017’ On Saturday 29 April 2017, IPA Bosnia & Herzegovina held the second IPA meeting ‘Bijeljina 2017’, which was attended by around 200 participants from at home and abroad. The day started with the slalom race ‘Bijeljina 2017’ for cars, which involved fifteen racers in three categories: up to 1200cc, up to 1600cc and over 1600cc. Placement by category can be seen in the table below. The event was rounded off with a gala dinner in the evening where a fun cultural programme was performed for all participants.

This included folklore group performances and the promotion of the book ‘Putešestvija’ by the writer Špejtima Sojeva. During the festive dinner, a Charter of Cooperation between IPA RK Bijeljina and IPA RK Nis was signed. The board of IPA RK Bijeljina is grateful to all guests and participants for visiting and taking part in the event.

If you would like to get an impression of the day, you are invited to have a look at the following video: Bijeljina 2017 Miro Sučić, President IPA Bosnia & Herzegovina


IPA Malta Thanksgiving Mass

IPA Malta Pistol Shooting Competition

IPA Malta: News from a busy section! Time passes quickly, and here we are celebrating our 53rd Anniversary. An anniversary is not just a celebration which is organised on an annual basis, but it is a yearly milestone which the association achieves together with its members and friends. We try to make the IPA experience an unforgettable one where our members enjoy their time in a safe and healthy environment. With the kind of job we have, everyone needs those relaxing times amongst friends. Events organised by IPA Malta have become very popular and are attended by the majority of our members and their families. This year, as Malta is also holding its turn for the presidency of the Council of the European Union, we tried to spread our events over a whole month so as not to disrupt police operations whilst giving the opportunity for our members to attend during non-busy periods. These past months have been very busy for the Malta Police force and it was not very easy to fit all events into the calendar, but I am happy to say that we managed, and all events were successful.

Activities started on 17 April with a Dynamic Pistol Shooting Competition at the Police Shooting Range where a good number of IPA members participated. This competition also paved the way to start our preparations for an International Pistol Shooting Competition being planned to coincide with our next anniversary in 2018, to which all IPA (worldwide) members will be invited to attend.

For this important milestone, IPA Malta has teamed up with the Easy School of Languages www.easysl.com who will be assisting IPA members and their relatives visiting our island to study English. IPA Malta, in collaboration with the Easy School of Languages, will also organise an innovative event next summer to which all of you will be invited to attend, have fun and learn English. As is our custom, on Sunday 27 April, a Thanksgiving Mass with refreshments was held at the Police headquarters. A Buffet Dinner was also organised on 5 May, to round off our events. In September 2017, IPA Malta will be organising a weekend-break to Sicily. IPA members, who wish to join us or have further information, may send us their interest on [email protected]. This will be our final event for this term before our National Executive Committee elections planned for October.


Group photo of participants with the president

Finally I wish to inform you that as from July, we should return to normal business (as the Maltese Presidency term for the Council of the European Union will be over) and will once again be able to assist members visiting our wonderful island. Neville Mercieca, President IPA Malta

Section Lesotho holds successful IPA Structures Workshop From 21-22 April 2017, IPA Lesotho held a structures workshop for the National Executive Council, regional committees as well as district secretaries at the Lakeside Hotel in the district of Maseru. A total of 26 IPA members had the opportunity to receive a refresher on a variety of topics, including the purpose of the IPA and its benefits, roles of IPA structures, communication and report channels, report writing and presentations, the IPA logo and its protection, as well as IPA merchandise production and IPA work plans. In addition, the constitution of IPA Lesotho was reviewed, and amendments will come into force after adoption by the national conference in November 2017. The objectives of the workshop were to assist the IPA structures with recruitment strategies, provide a ‘refresher’ regarding IPA roles, increase knowledge of merging IPA and police cultures and to review the constitution. Furthermore the action plan of IPA Lesotho for 2017 was produced, detailing a variety of events and actions throughout the year. To give an impression of what IPA Lesotho has planned for 2017, here are a few sample events: On 28 April, IPA Lesotho organised a cleaning campaign in the streets of the Maseru district; from 26 July – 2 August an educational tour of Botswana (Gabarone) has been planned; there will be sports competitions on 25 August at the Police Training College in Maseru; retired IPA members will be honoured and celebrated from 21-22 October during an event hosted in the South Region in Mohale’s Hoek district; plus there will be fund raising activities – Back to School – Thaba Tseka – on 27 October. The annual congress of IPA Lesotho will take place from 22-25 November 2017 at the Mmelesi Lodge – Thaba Bosiu. Further information can be circulated to IPA members interested in celebrating together with IPA Lesotho. Thato Mokoteli, Secretary General IPA Lesotho


Top left: the draw; top right: Stavros in action; bottom photo: the closing gala

IPA Poland holds successful Table Tennis championships The 5th IPA Polish Open Championship in Table Tennis was held from 29-30 April 2017 in Radom in the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre Hall. As always, the event was a great opportunity for ‘IPA integration’, as well as making table tennis as a form of active recreation more popular, and for selecting best IPA teams and players. In Poland, the IPA brings together exclusively police officers and border guards. The championship, however, was open to all ‘uniformed services’. Therefore, we were glad to welcome teams and individual players from the Radom Fire Brigade and Regional Directorate of State Forests. IPA teams came from all over Poland, and Teams from Ireland, Russia and Romania had also shown an interest. Eventually, we hosted two new colleagues from Nicosia, Cyprus: Stavros and Marinos.

As usual, the tournament was organised by the Radom Region of the International Police Association together with the Provincial Board of the Police Trade Union and the Radom Table Tennis Integrative Club. Fans were able to cheer for 13 teams and 32 competitors (including two women). Following an initiative of our Cypriot colleagues, an international IPA team was also formed, with the participation of the main organiser, the ‘godfather’ of the event, Mirosław Guziński. The competition had been entered into the sports event calendar of the Polish Table Tennis Association. This time we were honoured once more by the patronage of the Provincial Police Commander, the President of the Polish Section of the IPA and the Mayor of Radom, who were also the donators of the cups.


The organisers had made every effort to conduct the competition safely, in accordance with the rules of fair play and to provide a pleasant stay in Radom for all players. I dare say that we faced up to the challenge! As always, we were able to count on the logistical and financial support of our supporters and sponsors. Without them, organising the event would not have been possible. We would like to invite interested foreign teams to contact our IPA colleagues from Cyprus to find out if it was worthwhile for them to come to Radom. A special thank-you to our friend, the President of Section Cyprus, Michael Odysseos, former International President of the Association, for making the participation of the IPA Cyprus representatives in the championship possible. Individual and group results can be found on our official website at www.ipa.org.pl. Text by Krzysztof Kapturski, chairman IPA Radom Photos by Dama Bajbak and Krzysztof Kapturski

With the help of a simple travel form: IPA UK member enjoys Hong Kong friendship

A couple of months ago I decided I would go and see a mate of mine who was living and working in Hong Kong. Despite having been an IPA member for quite a few years, I had never sent a travel form or asked for assistance. On this occasion I decided that, because my friend was working for a few days when I was out there and I’d have a bit more time on my own, I would see if any like-minded locals wanted to meet up and sent the form.

The response from Hong Kong section was fantastic! I was met at the airport by a couple of IPA members, who made sure that I got to my friend’s apartment in my jet-lagged state. A few days later, I was honoured to accept their offer of a dim sum lunch at the Hong Kong Police Recreation Club; the sort of facility that British policing could only dream about. Following this, I was taken to the Hong Kong Police HQ and made a visit to their Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. As a Cybercrime trainer, it was great to learn that the issues around investigating cybercrime and training non-specialist officers are common across the globe. We agreed to stay in touch and maybe even do some work together in the future! All this from just sending off a simple form.


Foto de familia, con los escudos de la parraquia d’Escaldes-Engordan y IPA

Nacho Zuñia de IPA Barcelona, obsequio a la Hblé. Cònsol Major, con una taza de la Guardia Urbana de Barcelona

Generally Hong Kong is an exciting and fascinating place and I had a fantastic week out there and would recommend it, and the hand of friendship offered by the IPA, to everyone. Steven Atkin, member IPA UK

XI Encuentro de coleccionismo de la Sección Andorra El 6 de mayo, celebramos el XI encuentro de coleccionismo de la Sección Andorra, con una gran participación de socios venidos de diferentes países. Dicho evento se celebro en el Prat del Roure, un centro deportivo-socio-cultural, en la parroquia de Escaldes-Engordany. Fue un dia especial, a parte de las visitas de curiosos y interesados que aprovecharon para visitarnos, recibimos la visita de la Cònsol Major, Sra. Trini Marin (maxima autoridad en la parroquia), a la cual des de la Sección Andorra queríamos agradecerle la colaboración recibida des del Comú en la session de la sala para la realización de este evento durante mas de ocho años.

Que sin su colaboración y la participación de nuestros compañeros no hubiéramos llegado a la XI edición. El Presidente le hizo entrega de una placa de cerámica y un pin de plata con el emblema de l’asociación, por su parte la Hblé. Cònsol Major, hizo entrega de un libro de la parroquia y el pin de plata de la parroquia d’Escaldes-Engordany. Tuvo un bonito detalle por parte de la Hblé. Cònsol Major, entregando un libro a todos los participantes en el encuentro

de coleccionismo. Finalmente en agradecimiento a participación la sección IPA Andorra, ofreció un pica-pica a todos los presentes. Toni Pujol, Presidente IPA Andorra


5th IPA RC Split-Dalmatia Sharp Shooting Competition held in Stobreč, Croatia

On the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the IPA Regional Club Split-Dalmatia, the club continues with its ambitious annual plan. Following a series of successful events earlier this year, the Regional Club organised the 5th International Sharp Shooting Competition on 6 May 2017 in Stobreč, Croatia. The competition attracted 72 competitors, representing 6 IPA sections and 10 IPA clubs. They were joined by representatives from the Ministry of Interior of the Herzegovina-Neretva County, Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the sharp shooters from the Special Police Unit BATT Split, Croatia, the 2nd Police Station Split and the Border Police Station Trilj (Croatia). The German Section was represented by 2 teams from Stuttgart, Section Slovakia and the Czech Section sent 1 team each, Section Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by 6 teams, besides the above-mentioned representatives of the Ministry of Interior of the Herzegovina-Neretva County, Mostar. In addition, IPA Montenegro was represented by the IPA Shooter Club, while the Croatian Section was represented by a further 3 teams. For the teams representing the Ministry of Interior, the IPA RC Bijeljina and the IPA RC Banska Bystrica this marked their first participation in the competition, helping us to spread the idea of the sport gatherings even further, with the final aim of sharing experiences and knowledge, as well as increasing international connections between colleagues working in the same everyday jobs. Showing high-quality marksmanship and handling of police weapons, all competitors displayed a responsible and disciplined attitude towards the shooting sport’s rules. Winners were awarded in three categories: women, men and teams. The women’s category included 10 competitors and was won by Jelena Božić from Croatia. Gold and silver were won by Jasmina Halapić and Mila Anić from Bosnia & Herzegovina. In the men’s competition, Adrian Eliaš, a police officer member from Slovakia won the gold medal. It was Adrian’s first participation with his Slovak team, and the performance of all three Slovak participants highly improved the quality of the tournament. The ranking between the 2nd and 4th place had to be decided by a shoot-out, with Željko Krpan and Stipe Barać from Croatia winning silver and bronze respectively. As for the team competition, the results showed changes in the ranking in comparison with the previous tournaments, with the team from IPA Montengro, who had won last year’s bronze medal, winning gold this year. The representatives of the IPA RC Western Herzegovina County, Livno (B&H) became silver medallists and last year’s winners IPA RC Zagreb from Croatia won the bronze medal.


der neugewählte Bundesvorstand

After the competition, the evening was reserved for a dinner and gathering around a table in the hotel Fanat in Split. In a relaxed atmosphere, with the fire arms safe and listening to the Police à Capella band Saint Michael, all participants had a good time and an opportunity to exchange their experiences and enhance their knowledge in the areas common to all of them. Clubs’ souvenirs and memory plaques were exchanged led by a famous journalist and friend of IPA, Sandra Barčot.

The 15th anniversary of the Regional Club and the 5th anniversary of the competition presents an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to all those who are responsible for the success of this project, and our gratitude goes to the Shooting Club Centar Split, to the shooting instructor in the Police Administration Split Dalmatia Mr Joke Matković and to our tireless member Mr Jadranko Rusić. Special plaques of this 5th tournament

were issued to the best competitors, and a ‘gratitude plaque’ was presented to Damir Gabrić, representative of the Split-Dalmatia County, which supported the organisation of the competition. In addition, the Secretary General of IPA Croatia, Željko Turk, who had also competed in the tournament, received a special jubilee competition plaque as a competitor participating in all five competitions so far. An added value of the competition was the opportunity to establish good working relations and contacts and to be able to share new ideas for future projects in accordance with a motto ‘something for everyone’. IPA Regional Club Split-Dalmatia, IPA Croatia

XIX. Nationaler Kongress der IPA Österreich Vom 20. bis zum 23. April 2017 fand in Pörtschach am Wörthersee unter dem Motto ‚35 Jahre Prävention der IPA in Österreich‘ der XIX. Nationale Kongress der IPA Österreich statt. Kongressteilnehmer und Gäste wurden auf den Pyramidenkogel, Kärntens schönsten Aussichtspunkt, gebracht, wo die Polizeimusik Kärnten sie empfing. Mit einem hervorragenden Abendessen im Hotel Werzer’s klang dieser Tag aus. Am Freitag wurde der Kongress feierlich im Kongresszentrum in Pörtschach eröffnet. Zahlreiche Ehrengäste aus dem BM für Inneres, dem BM für Justiz, der kath. Kirche, dem Land Kärnten, der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Klagenfurt, dem BFA, der LPD Kärnten, dem IBZ Gimborn sowie Vertreter von IPA-Partnern konnten begrüßt


Verabschiedung Reinhard Mosers

werden. Weiters konnten Abgesandte des IEB und der Sektionen Deutschland, Italien, Polen, Rumänien, Schweden, Serbien, Slowakei, Slowenien und der Tschechischen Republik willkommen geheißen werden. Die Veranstaltung wurde musikalisch vom Polizeichor Kärnten mitgestaltet.

Am Nachmittag trafen einander die Delegierten aller neun Landesgruppen zur Delegiertenversammlung. Die Funktionäre des Bundesvorstandes erstatteten ihren Rechenschaftsbericht über ihre Tätigkeiten der vergangenen drei Jahre. Einige Änderungen der Statuten (Zusammensetzung des gf. Bundesvorstandes, Änderung der Funktionsdauer und Ausschluss von Mitgliedern) wurden beschlossen. Die Ehrenpräsidentschaft für den aus

gesundheitlichen Gründen zurückgetretenen Präsidenten Reinhard Moser, sowie die Ehrenmitgliedschaft für Otto König und Herbert Stammer wurden beschlossen. Anschließend wählten die 80 Delegierten den neuen gf. Bundesvorstand und die Rechnungsprüfer. Bei der konstituierenden Sitzung am Samstag wurden die Vizepräsidenten sowie die Vertreter des gf. Bundesvorstandes gewählt Im Laufe des Festabends übergaben der neue Präsidenten, Martin Hoffmann, der LGO von Kärnten, Wolfgang Gabrutsch, und der Vorsitzende der Sozialkommission, Friedrich Herzog, einen ansehnlichen Betrag an die Mutter eines schwerst-behinderten Mädchens. Mit einer Saxophon-Musikgruppe und dem Kärntner Polizeichor klang der Festabend aus. Während der Eröffnung, der Delegiertenversammlung und des Festabends wurden zahlreiche Funktionäre der IPA Österreichische Sektion für ihre Verdienste geehrt. Am Samstag stand eine Schiffsrundfahrt auf dem Wörthersee mit Begleitung eines Polizeibootes auf dem Programm. Beim Abendessen wurden bestehende Freundschaften gepflegt und neue geschlossen. Am Sonntag erfolgte nach dem Frühstück die Abreise der Gäste. Besonderer Dank gebührt der Landesgruppe Kärnten für die Ausrichtung des XIX. Nationalen Kongresses der IPA Sektion Österreich in Pörtschach am Wörthersee Robert Neumann, Generalsekretär der IPA Österreich

Interested in Public Relations? Anita Kovačič Čelofiga is a Police Public Relations officer in Maribor, Slovenia. She would like to hear from you, if you are also a Police PRO, or Press Officer, with the aim of perhaps forming an IPA interest group. You can contact her at: [email protected]


ERC members with John Brandolino (5th from left) and Tofik Murshudlu (2nd from right)

ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB Meeting of the External Relations Commission in Vienna

The IPA External Relations Commission (ERC) meeting, chaired by Alexey Gankin was held in Vienna, Austria, from 6-9 April 2017. Andreas Niesser, with support of the executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria, took good care of all participants, and we would like to express our thanks to him for his efforts and hospitality. We would also like to congratulate Martin Hoffmann, President of IPA Austria on his recent election.

Alexey Gankin opened the meeting with a short initial speech and voiced his hope for creative work of the Commission present as follows: Alexey Gankin ERC Chair Sofya Delaporta ERC Secretary Alex Sosnin ERC Legal Advisor & IPA Rep. at the CoE (Strasbourg) Jared O. Ojuok IPA Representative at the at the UNON (Nairobi) Andreas Niesser IPA Representative at the UNOV (Vienna) Judy Duff IPA Representative at the OAS (Washington) All ERC members introduced themselves and confirmed their readiness to work for the benefit of the IPA. Subsequently, the attendees approved the operating procedures and practical arrangements pertaining to the functioning of the commission.

A. Gankin presented the strategy of further work & development of the commission and the new prospects of this strategy, which had become available due to the upgraded IPA status in a number of International Organisations. He also indicated the new prospective lines of IPA cooperation with International Organisations and introduced the main strategic projects focused on further enhancing the IPA external relation development. Furthermore, he presented the smart data pertaining to the main trends of further development of the IPA ERC international cooperation strategy.

Following this, the ERC took part in a meeting with Mr. Gogolashvili, Chief of Protocol of the UNOV, who briefed everyone on the mission and objectives of the UN Office in Vienna. Mr. Gankin was advised that all discussions had been very


The dove of peace in the ERC chair’s hands

productive and Mr. Gogolashvili had been pleased to receive the high level delegation of the International Police Association.

In addition, ERC Members had a meeting with Mirella Dumar-Frahi, Executive Director of UNOV Liaison Department, who expressed an interest in cooperating with our organisation, signing an initial Protocol of Intent and a partnership agreement. She also expressed her willingness to have an initial visit and meetings at IBZ Gimborn for potential cooperation and utilising the site under UN auspices with the call of funds raised for implementation of the UN law enforcement-related training programmes.

The following meeting with Mr. John Brandolino, Executive Director of the UNOV Legal Department was crowned with success as well, resulting in a proposal for future multilateral cooperation with the IPA. This meeting was also attended by T. Murshudlu, Executive Director of the UNOV Law Enforcement Programmes Department.

During all meetings at the UNOV, Mr Gankin informed all attendees about the IPA, its fundamental goals and objectives and tentative projects in the sphere of external relations cooperation. Commemorative IPA medals and souvenirs were presented.

In the main session of the ERC meeting, the commission members discussed questions of the current agenda, including the development of all items of the ERC programme. Regarding the ‘IPA Partner Status’ project, a working group (WG) with the following initial participants was established:

Alexey Gankin WG Chair Wolfgang Gabrutsch WG Deputy Chair Hong Po Lei WG Curator of the project for Asia Andreas Niesser WG Curator of the project for Central Europe Eamon Lynch WG Curator of the project for Northern Europe Alex Sosnin WG Curator for the project for Southern Europe Sofya Delaporta WG Curator for the project for Eastern Europe Jared O. Ojuok WG Curator of the project for Africa Judy Duff WG Curator of the project for America and Canada Finally, we would like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of the ERC meeting. Part of our hearts has been left in beautiful Vienna! Servo per Amikeco! Alexey Gankin, Chair of the External Relations Commission


IPA HOUSES – YOURS TO DISCOVER! IPA Biggesee, Olpe, Germany The IPA House, Biggesee stands alone on a hillside plot and is located directly on the Biggesee Lake, close to the town of Olpe which can be reached easily by Motorway via the Olpe Intersection or the Federal Highway 54/55. The region is ideal for those seeking relaxation, hikers and winter sports enthusiasts.

The IPA House comprises 7 rooms and accommodates 18 people. Room arrangements are as follows: 2 x four-bed-rooms, 1 x three-bed-room, 3 x double bed-rooms and 1 x single-bed-room. Some bedrooms offer a view of the lake. IPA Biggesee is fully equipped with bathrooms, shower, toilets, kitchen, central heating and there is a sheltered grill outside.

Bed linen is available at a small extra charge or you may bring your own. Additionally, the IPA House has a clubroom, a large reception, bar and barbeque. Swimming pool facilities are available nearby. From October to May an additional cost is charged for the heating. IPA House Biggesee is ideally situated for walking, water sports, cycling, as well as fishing, and ski slopes are within easy reach.

Contact Details & Bookings: • House Manager: Stephan Clemens • Address: Ronnewinkel 2, 57462 Olpe/Biggesee • Reservations: Stephan Clemens • Tel: +49 (0) 2761 3883 • Mobile: N/A • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.ipa-deutschland.de

Hubert Vitt, 1st Vice President and Editor IPA Germany



This month, I am really quite proud regarding the contents of the IPA Newsletter, as I feel it shows a good representation of what IPA stands for: Internationality and Friendship. In the ‘Around the World’ part of the Newsletter we have articles from 9 IPA sections in 3 IPA languages, covering several continents. The topics range from new presidents introducing themselves to car racing, from a table tennis tournament to the general activities of a section, from national congresses to a shooting competition, from the experience of being hosted abroad to organising a collectors’ fair, and last, but not least, we have an IPA member looking for contacts. The whole breadth of IPA activities displayed on 11 pages! I would like to thank all those who not only have taken the effort to organise these events, but who have also in addition chosen to write an article about it, thus enabling me to share their activities with the rest of the IPA world. Thank you – Danke – Merci – Gracias And keep your articles coming! Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Moldova 1-6 Jun 2017 Mediterranean Sections Meeting, Chişinau Estonia 2-4 Jun 2017 Nordic Baltic Meeting Spain 2-4 Jun 2017 Moto Pirinaic’s motorbike event, Pyrenees Bosnia & H. 3 Jun 2017 IV Football Mini-Tournament, Posušje Austria 10-17 Jun 2017 Hiking Week, Nassfeld USA 11-16 Jun 2017 Young Police Officers’ Seminar, Green Bay Czech Rep. 11-17 Jun 2017 Prague Friendship Week Italy 15-18 Jun 2017 7th IPA Motorcycle Rally, Dolomites Spain 15-18 Jun 2017 II Champ Intern. Football 7, La Coruña USA 19-28 Jun 2017 Pacific Northwest Tour Romania 21-26 Jun 2017 1st Int. Police Women’s Mtg ‘Danube Delta’ Germany 23-25 Jun 2017 22nd FlyIn, Bonn Germany 24 Jun 2017 2nd IPA March, Stuttgart Russia 29 Jun-2 Jul 2017 Northern European Forum, St. Petersburg Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Mauritius 30 Jul-4 Aug 2017 Friendship Week (250 years police Mauritius) Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Germany 18-20 Aug 2017 18th Int. Biker Meeting, Speyer Poland 24-27 Aug 2017 19th Int. Football Tournament, Poznan Russia 27 Aug-2 Sep 2017 Moscow Friendship Week Germany 29 Aug-3 Sep IPA Motorcycle Tour, Southern Black Forest France 30 Aug-3 Sep 2017 Rhône / Alpes Motorcycle Meeting Spain 1-9 Sep 2017 Catalunya Motorcycle Tour Poland 3 Sep 2017 Int. Open Police Cup Half-Marathon, Piła Spain 7-10 Sep 2017 IX Champ. Int. ‘Ibérico de Fútbol, La Coruña France 10 Sep 2017 Collectors’ Fair, Lyon Italy 14-17 Sep 2017 4th Trophy Riviera della Palme, 5-a-side

football tournament, Grottamare Netherlands 18-23 Sep 2017 IPA Netherlands Experience, Limburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo/Lichtenvoorde Hong Kong 7-12 Nov 2017 Hong Kong Friendship Week Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 09-11 Jun 2017 Motorradkultur und Sicherheit – Training für

verantwortungsbewusstes Motorradfahren G

19-23 Jun 2017 Islamismus – Mit dem rechten Glauben gegen den Rest der Welt

23-25 Jun 2017 Fortbildung 2017 Funktionäre IPA Deutsche Sektion G 26-28 Jun 2017 Zeitalter der Populisten G 26-30 Jun 2017 Interkulturell kompetent in der

Zuwanderungsgesellschaft G

03-07 Jul 2017 Aktiv in den Ruhestand G 05-07 Jul 2017 Eurasische OK in Deutschland G 10-14 Jul 2017 Prostitution in Europa / Prostitution in Europe E and G 01-03 Sep 2017 Motorradkultur un Sicherheit – Training für

verantwortungsbewusstes Motorradfahren G

11-19 Set 2017 Flüchtlinge in Europa und das Schengen Abkommen // Refugiatii în Europa si Acordul Schengen

G and Ro


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 115 945 5985 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

IPA is …

IPA Kenya showing the joy Friendship can bring

July / August 2017




The blue eyes under the police cap Are the eyes of your friend

The brown skin in the uniform

Is the skin of your friend

The red hair under the helmet Is the hair of your friend

The strong hand that helps you

Is the hand of your friend

The words SERVO PER AMIKECO Are the words of your friend

Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany

(entry for the 2015 IPA Poetry Competition)



Dear friends A new term is beginning for our National Section. The work of the 33rd Pan-Hellenic Congress, which also included elections, was successfully completed. Trusting your colleagues is extremely honourable, and at the same time it is a great responsibility to continue the successful course of the Greek section with the same enthusiasm. For me personally, as well as for the members of the National Board, the new term will be creative and we will work effectively for the best of our Association. The new administration is determined to serve our members, with vision and strategy. It is a moment of hope for a better future. In this climate of optimism of our members, we invest in and create an even stronger Greek section. In this context, we are preparing actions to reach young police officers in order to encourage them to join the IPA. I pledge to work loyally and, with the cooperation of all members and friends of the IPA, we will stand effectively side-by-side next to all police officers. We will continue our work through the history of the IPA, our experience and the traditions of our ancient Greek culture. With feelings of respect, I want to thank everyone for the honour to let me continue the work of the Greek Section. I wish everybody a good summer. ‘It is Love that gives It is Friendship that unites’ Servo per amikeco Ioannis Karapatakis, President IPA Greece


Join IPA France in their initiative to bring happiness to Erwan!

Erwan, 12 years old, has stage 3 cancer. His dream, since a very young age, has always been to become a policeman, and he keeps his eyes firmly on entering the police service when he is grown up. His motto is ‘Courage, Force and Honour’. The Police of Northern France were able to offer him a guided tour of various police services in Lille, including the forensic service, the dog section and the mounted section.

Erwan’s cancer was diagnosed following his grandmother’s death, and he currently receives very strenuous and intensive treatment, explains his mother, adding that they almost lost him several times. His passion for the police can be explained with these simple words: ‘I like uniforms, I like to stop criminals and going on patrol, but I also like the camaraderie with colleagues’. During his visit to the different police services, he received small gifts and badges. The healing process is strongly dependent on the mental state, according to Erwan’s mother, and days such as the one spent with the police are very important to stay happy and keep up the spirit. It will be a full year until it is known whether Erwan’s cancer has gone into remission. You can help to bring happiness to Erwan by sending badges and photos of colleagues holding a message of support, in order to create a photo album for Erwan. Sébastien Delbaere, member of the IPA Nord branch was asked to be in charge of coordinating the initiative, and all badges and the photo album will be presented to Erwan in September. IPA France joins this initiative in the spirit of solidarity and fraternity, and therefore invites our French and foreign colleagues to participate. Please send your police badges by 25 August 2017 to: IPA Nord for Erwan, 20 citée des jardins, 59200 Tourcoing, France Your photos of support can be emailed to [email protected] There is nothing more beautiful than the smile of a happy child. Thank you in advance. Sébastien Delbaere, member IPA Nord / France


IPA Bosnia & Herzegovina hold Mini-Football Tournament

On Saturday 3 June 2017, Section Bosnia & Herzegovina organised the by now traditional International Football Mini-Tournament of the IPA West Herzegovina region for the fourth time. The competition took place in the sports centre Lovrić, Posušje. With 8 teams from Bosnia & Herzegovina as well as Croatia having enrolled, the first semi-final saw the team from IPA Bijeljina win

against IPA Zagreb. The second semi-final was played between the teams of IPA SD Sinj and IPA Vukovar, with the latter team winning the match. In the match for the third place, IPA Zagreb gained the upper hand, while in the final, IPA Vukovar emerged as victors of the tournament with a score of 1:0. Darko Gaševuć from the IPA Bijeljina was declared the best player of the tournament, while Marin Lovrić, forward from IPA Vukovar scored the most goals. Stjepan Purić from IPA Vukovar was awarded as best goalkeeper of the competition. After the completion of matches, all participants were invited to the ‘winners’ dinner’ featuring live music and local gastronomy. Miro Sučić, President IPA Bosnia and Herzegovina

IPA South Africa’s West Coast Region gets the ball rolling On 17 June 2017, a group of under-20s soccer players from Saldanha and Vredenburg were given the opportunity to show their talent against Lifezone Soccer International, based in Pinelands Cape Town. This initiative was made possible by Vusi Mcaba and Muzi Mkhize from Langebaanweg Airforce. The project was adopted by IPA West Coast, and the junior players wore an IPA-sponsored soccer kit. Our juniors didn't disappoint as they won the game by 2-0! The players hope to get many more similar opportunities in the future. Special thanks go to Sthera Zikizela, Luks Mhlamanzana, Sizwe Siyothula as they also assisted. A further thank-you to Jeremy Wyngaardt, director of Lifezone Soccer International, for allowing our juniors to play his juniors. Vusi Mcaba, IPA South Africa West Coast Region


IPA Austria would like to share information about its new ‘Membership Administration Online’ System (MAO)

IPA Austria has more than 31,000 members. Fourteen years ago, the section started using a Membership Administration Software and, as a result, we have gained long-term experience with this form of administration, as we have constantly updated our software. We have invested a significant amount of money in both our hardware and software. Now our IT-team has developed a new product (MAO) together with the company MBIT Solutions. We introduced this system at the end of 2016 and now have a modern administration system at our disposal to help us manage our membership, budget and organisation.

During the Northern European Forum meeting 2016, the idea to start a software-sharing project was born, in order to make professionally-developed hard- and software affordable for small sections as well as to develop and fund new projects in cooperation with the IPA community. This means that our software is available for any interested sections, provided they enter into a contract with our provider Netvoice Data Security as well as the software engineering company MBIT for maintaining the software.

In conjunction with both companies we have developed a highly attractive and tailor-made offer, as costs for each section depend on the number of their members plus their MAO will be hosted on a reliable and efficient component system. Another possibility would be to buy our software, in which case you would need to contact MBIT Solution directly at [email protected]. Here are a few highlights of the MAO:

• The structure of each association can be represented • Safety is important: encrypted data transfer; sophisticated authorisation

system • Flexible data handling, including online-registration • Easy-to-handle correspondence options • Generation of ready-to-use statistics • Cash management

To be able to share our project and new software with you, we would like to invite all sections who are interested in this project to contact us for further, more detailed information at the following email: [email protected] . Gerald Hatzl, IPA Austria


XVIII Conference of IPA Sections of Central & Eastern Europe, Romania 18-21 May 2017

From 18 – 21 May 2017, the Romanian Section of the IPA proudly hosted the 18th Conference of IPA Sections of Central and Eastern Europe, CEEC, in Bucharest, gathering friends of the following 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Hungary.

The conference venue was the ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ Police Academy in Bucharest, and the conference session, held on 19 May, was opened and chaired by the President of IPA Romania, Univ.-Prof. Dr. General (res.) Costică Voicu and followed three main professional themes: Romanian Police, Romanian Police fighting corruption and Formation and ongoing specialised training of police officers on a national level. Speakers and guests of honour for the aforementioned themes were official representatives of the Romanian Police and state institutions: Daniel-Costel Torje, Rector of the Police Academy ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’, Deputy General Inspector of the Romanian Police Virgil Spiridon, Deputy Inspector General of the Romanian Border Police, Dumitru Haralambie and Magda Mirea, Police Subcommissioner in the Romanian Anti-Corruption General Directorate, thus giving the participant countries the opportunity to have a wider picture of the Romanian Police work, structures, functioning and formation. After the conference, the fun part of the programme followed, with guests being invited to visit the Palace of the Parliament, also known as the House of the People, which is the world’s second largest administrative building, and continued with a busy Saturday visit to the two legendary castles in Transylvania, the medieval Bran Castle (or Dracula’s Castle) and the neo-Renaissance Peleș Castle, standing as immutable proof of Romania’s unique culture, timeless traditions and strong beliefs. Many photos were taken during the trip and the entire group of IPA friends had a fantastic time.


An official dinner party with traditional Romanian music in the host hotel, Rin Airport Otopeni, where compliments and gifts were exchanged between the Romanian organising Section and each of the guest sections, marked the closing of the 18th Conference of IPA Sections of Central and Eastern Europe. The Romanian Section of the IPA has been once again honoured and contented to welcome and gather both old and new friends from the 16 participant countries, under the aegis of a common IPA motto ‘Servo per Amikeco’. Cristina Marin, event organiser, IPA Romania

IPA Kenya Friendship day a full success!

On 6 May 2017, IPA Kenya organised an IPA Kenya Friendship Day at the Kenya Police Pavilion South C estate in Nairobi. IPA members were encouraged to bring along their children and other family members, and all activities took place at the pavilion poolside, complete with a children’s playground and bouncy castles. In addition, face painting was offered as additional entertainment for the young ones.

The emphasis of the Friendship Day was on team-building and forming bonds of friendship amongst the participants, with many activities such as team exercises, competitions, challenges, jokes, music and dancing having been planned for the day. In addition, new members were registered and IPA-branded merchandise was for sale. 156 participants, including IPA friends, attended, and photo and video shoots had been organised by IPA Kenya members to cover the day’s events. Speeches were held by the President of IPA Kenya, Alfred Osur, the Secretary General, Jared Ojuok, IPA member and businessman Mukhtar Omar as well as retired senior police officer Pauline Aringo who talked to young police officers on the challenges of policing in the 1970s and today. We were happy for 15 street children, who had arrived unexpectedly, to join us at the event and we treated them to lunch. The IPA Kenya Friendship Day proved such a success that all members present requested for such events to be held as frequently as possible. Jared Ojuok, Secretary General IPA Kenya


Melanie and Sven with members of the Colchester Local Policing Team

IPA UK’s Region 10 welcomes German Police Officers as part of their successful Exchange Programme

IPA UK’s Region 10 (Essex and East London) have for the past four years arranged a two-weeks ‘internship’ for student German Police Officers from Brandenburg, in the spirit of Section UK’s ILDEP (International Learning and Development Exchange Programme) scheme, and 2017 was no different. This year we welcomed Melanie Vrede and Sven Mosig. Both spoke excellent English and were excited about their attachment to Essex Police, based at Colchester. Over the years I have tried to arrange the students’ itinerary so they get as

much varied UK policing experience as possible and maybe a chance to experience duties different to their usual tasks in Germany. Their first three days were spent in plain-clothes with officers from ‘Operation Raptor’, a divisionally managed local drugs enforcement team that specialises in investigating local and travelling drug dealers. Both German officers joined in with the team and were involved with local arrest and drugs warrant operations. Sven spent a day with Crime Scene Investigators at Clacton Police Station, where a dwelling burglary examination took him and CSI Gareth Jones to the south of the county. Melanie was deployed to accompany a CSI to a burglary scene, where a car had been stolen, and she assisted in taking fingerprints with the CSI. At the weekend both Melanie and Sven did what most of their previous colleagues have done and went on a ‘whistle-stop’ tour of London in glorious weather only returning home due to ‘exhaustion’! The start of the following week saw them for two days attached to the local policing team at Colchester, patrolling routinely with uniformed officers in marked police cars. Whilst there, they were shown around the town hall and met the Mayor plus their staff, plus visited Essex University and its campus as well as the remainder of the Colchester area policed by the team. All exchange student officers have to prepare and deliver a thesis, allocated by their supervisors, upon their return. As this year’s subject was ‘police corruption’, I contacted Essex Police Professional Standards Dept. where Melanie and Sven were granted a day to find out about the complaints procedure and corruption investigations. Whist at the Police HQ they also took the opportunity to meet up with IPA South East Essex Branch Secretary Ben-Pedro Anido. Ben is a serving Essex detective and the differences in German / UK policing methods were compared.


The next day the pair were warmly welcomed at the Essex Police Air Support Unit and very soon each was ‘scrambled’ to accompany the helicopter crew to locations including Basildon to search a park area, Hertfordshire for a man with a knife, and Peterborough for a vulnerable man who was missing. Melanie hadn’t flown in a helicopter before and was most apprehensive but luckily took to it like a ‘duck to water’ and enjoyed every second! Sven, a seasoned ex-paratrooper took it all in his stride. Both were then able to take a flight over London. After describing their visit as ‘wonderful and fantastic’ the next day they were safely delivered to the airport – another successful internship completed!! As usual Region 10 would like to thank the Command Team at Colchester Police Station for allowing the visit to take place, Det. Sgt Andy Stott of ‘Operation Raptor’, Senior CSI Gareth Jones, Sgt Lou Middleton, Det. Inspector John Walne and PC Paul Roberts for their valued assistance in the visit itinerary. Already we are looking forward to next year! Steve Hunt, IPA UK Region 10 Secretary

Nordic-Baltic Meeting 2017

Representatives of the IPA Nordic and Baltic Sections met in Rakvere, from 2-4 June 2017. This is an annual event, held this year in Estonia, and the Presidents and Secretary Generals from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia and Estonia participated in this meeting.

IPA current issues were discussed, experience of recruiting new members were shared, and everybody provided information about activities and events in which police officers from other countries could participate. Furthermore, a joint statement regarding the participants’ vision of the ideal representative of the International Police Association was adopted, which will be published on the IPA webpages of the participating sections. In addition to the official part, there was also a cultural programme, including the visit to the Police Museum and Rakvere Castle. Servo per amikeco Ain Lepikult, President IPA Estonia


IPA Israel and IPA Cyprus make history with a joint meeting 144 members, including chairpersons of IPA Israel branches and all NEC members visited IPA Cyprus for a mutual gathering, meeting and ceremonies. On 15 June 2017, all 144 flew together to Cyprus on a plane filled entirely with IPA members. We were hosted by our friends from Cyprus, led by Dimitris, the vice president of IPA Cyprus and formerly the Nicosia police chief, at the Hilton Hotel in Nicosia. The group was accompanied by traffic policemen, patrol, a special security unit and members from Nicosia and Cyprus. A gala dinner with the NEC of IPA Cyprus, the deputy commissioner, representatives of the Israeli embassy in Nicosia and IPA friends from Nicosia had been organised for us. We also had some special guests, such as the former commissioner of Cyprus and Ivana Rabrenović, the IEC delegate of Montenegro, who is now serving in the UN forces in Cyprus.

On Saturday, we had a mutual meeting between the sections and also between both NECs. These meetings and the social events allowed friends from both sections to learn, meet and prepare for future events. The IEB and our NEC representative

was Adv. Gal Sharon, the international Vice President and Vice President of IPA Israel. This historical meeting was arranged by Dr. Eran Israel, Secretary General of IPA Israel and Demetris Demetriou, Vice President of IPA Cyprus. Eran Israel, Secretary General IPA Israel

IPA Croatia’s organises a beautiful Dubrovnik Friendship Week The ‘IPA Dubrovnik Friendship Weeks 2017 – The Croatia Islands Tour’ was organised in the period from 30 April – 13 May 2017. A total of 44 participants from the following 10 IPA sections around the world took part: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Israel, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, as well as the host section Croatia. The tour started in Dubrovnik, ‘the pearl of the Adriatic’, as quoted by George Bernard Shaw,


Herman Burger, Jakkie van Litsenborgh, Alfie van Litsenborgh and Jan Jacobs

and continued along the Croatian coast, visiting the cities of Ston, Podgora, Split, Šibenik, Sinj, Opatija, Pula, Otočac, Zadar and Trogir; the islands of Koločep, Lopud, Šipan, Korčula, Pag, Rab and Visovac; the two largest peninsulas, Istria and Pelješac as well as the Brijuni Islands National Park, the Krka National Park and the Plitvice Lakes National Park.

The highlights of the tour were two friendship dinners organised at ‘home-hospitality restaurants’ in the surroundings of Podgora and Zadar, where members of the local IPA regional clubs joined in an atmosphere filled with good domestic food, wine and music, and above all friendship. This year we had the pleasure of celebrating two birthdays amongst our members, one of them being in Opatija, the seat of the national section, where the group was hosted by the

president of IPA Section Croatia, Miljenko Vidak. We thank everyone for joining us and ensuring that the friendship weeks were another success. We look very much forward to seeing new and old friends in another friendship event with IPA members from all over the world in the near future! SERVO PER AMIKECO! Vlaho Lujo, IEC Delegate IPA Croatia

‘The IPA Long Walk for Technology’, South Africa: supporting charity projects in the West Coast Region

On Saturday 20 May 2017 the non-profit organisation RAM (Rescue among Many) and the IPA West Coast Region launched the Long walk for Technology project in Goodwood, Cape Town. The International Police Association, West Coast Region supported this initiative from the outset to raise funds for the Ashbury Primary School in Montagu, to enable them to set up a computer room. The aim of this project was not only to assist the School but also to raise awareness of the plight of poor and deprived children and elderly people in rural Montagu. Pedro Kruger, a well-known local artist, was the master of ceremony and kept the crowd going while local artists such as Louisa (Lt Col in the SAPS), Wouter Van de Venter, Llandi Beeslaar, Minnelie Minnaar, KayCee, Granville Michaels , Charmaine,


Members of the IPA and Carol Bruton (RAM) received by pupils of Ashbury Primary School

Mienke and Michelle Louw, provided entertainment. Thanks to Pedro, whose father is a retired policeman, all artists performed at no cost, in support of the project. On Sunday 21st May 2017 a team of four IPA members (Jan Jacobs, Herman Burger, Alfie Van Litsenborgh and IPA South Africa Vice President, Jakkie Van Litsenborgh), accompanied by Carol and Stephan Bruton of RAM, set out on their long walk of more than 200 km from Goodwood near Cape Town towards Montagu in the rural Boland area of the Western Cape. The group covered the Boland towns of Klapmuts, Paarl, Rawsonville, Worcester, Robertson, Ashton and Montagu and were well received by the local communities along the route. Police stations were visited en route and IPA-members were recruited.

On Monday 29 May 2017, a tired group of IPA members finally reached their destination and were received by enthusiastic members of the community and the local police of Montagu. After a welcome by the local tourism board, we continued the walk to Ashbury Primary School on the outskirts of the town where we were pleasantly surprised by the school children who formed a guard of honour for us. At the school, RAM could proudly announce that as a result of this project, 9 computers could

be handed to the school to start up their computer room. More computers will be arriving soon. Thanks to the IPA West Coast Region, who received a generous donation of fifty bags of clothing (worth more than R30 000) from Shoprite South Africa. Warm pyjamas, jackets and other clothing were distributed to residents of Lingelihle Old Age Home in Ashton and to Sakhikamva ECD in Montagu. This project, driven by RAM, is ongoing, and thanks to the awareness made by IPA West Coast Region, we expect more donations to follow, all of which will be distributed to communities in need. The IPA, in support of RAM, is making a difference to the lives of those less fortunate. We pay tribute to our IPA members who came up with this initiative and who were willing to sacrifice for the course: those who took holiday leave, supplied their own private vehicle and all the necessary equipment to assist along the route. We salute the group of IPA members who took up the challenge!


Jakkie van Litsenborgh, Vice President IPA South Africa



IPA São Paulo is in mourning. One of its most dedicated and altruistic members, Dr. Jose Amaury de Rosis Portugal, passed away on 2 June 2017. Federal Police Chief, president of his respective union and director of the São Paulo region, he attended several international IPA conferences, notably the one in Paris, France in 2010, where he widened his circle of friends.

His death will leave a huge emptiness among those with IPA in their hearts. Servo per Amikeco Jarim Lopes Roseira, IPA São Paulo


IPA House Kloeke, Beemster, Netherlands IPA House Kloeke is situated in the town of Beemster (North Holland) – a World Heritage Site and adjacent to the Fort at Spijkerboor, built between 1889 and 1911 for the defence of the North Front and only 30 km away from Amsterdam. Unique to Beemster is that it forms part of the Beemster Polder - a cultural landscape dating from the early 17th century, providing an exceptional example of reclaimed land in the Netherlands. The Beemster Polder was created by the draining of Lake Beemster in 1612 with the intention of developing new agricultural land and space for country residences, and to combat flooding in this low-lying region. The Beemster Polder was the first large project covering an area of 7,208 hectares. Today it is a well-ordered agricultural landscape of fields, roads, canals, dykes and settlements. The IPA House consists of 2 parts: The larger house sleeps 9 and has a living room with dining and seating facilities, a fully equipped kitchen and 3 twin bedrooms plus 3 rooms with single beds. The smaller house sleeps 5 and consists of a living room, kitchen and 3 bedrooms: 2 twin rooms and 1 single room. Both houses have bathroom facilities including showers and toilets and benefit from central heating. Barbecue facilities are available, and bicycles can be used free of charge. Bed linen is provided. The IPA House Kloeke is open year-round.


Please note that there is no public transport available – the use of a car is therefore essential. Contact Details & Bookings:

• House Manager: Richard Bos • Address: Westdijk 46b en c, 1464 PC West Beemster • Reservations: Richard Bos • Tel: N/A • Mobile: N/A • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.ipa-nederland.nl and www.kloeke.com

Compiled by Vossie Vos, SCC member responsible for IPA Houses

IPA House Europe, Bensheim, Germany The IPA House Europe is situated in Bensheim, a town in southern Hesse and in the Bergstraße area. The town with 39,000 inhabitants lies at the edge of the Odenwald mountains. Darmstadt is the nearest big city and lies 22 km north of Bensheim. Other towns of interest in close reach of Bensheim are Heidelberg (35 km to the south), Worms (8 km to the west) and Mannheim (32 km to the southwest).

The IPA House is situated in the centre of the town, close to the police station, where guests report on arrival to get the key.

The house has a living room and kitchen, bathroom with shower and toilet. 3 bedrooms with a sleeping capacity of 6 persons.

Linen is provided; pets can be brought by arrangement.

Parking is available on-street nearby.

Contact Details & Bookings: • House Manager: Anne & Jupp Simon • Address: N/A • Reservations: Anne & Jupp Simon • Tel: +49 (0)172-7675482 • Mobile: N/A • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.ipa-deutschland.de

By Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany



The IAC is full of little historical treasures. In view of the Agenda Pack for the World Congress being circulated to all IPA sections at the beginning of July, I thought it would be nice to share a little piece of World Congress history with you:

I’ll take you all the way back to 1986… well, not me personally, as I was still at school then In 1986, the 21st IEC took place in Adelaide, Australia. It certainly looks like a grand event, as golden tickets were handed out for those that wanted to attend the ‘International Police Association Grand Dinner Ball’! I had to look up what ‘Dress – After Five’ means ( ‘semi-formal’ apparently), but I am sure everyone who participated would have ‘dressed up to the nines’ Apart from the golden tickets, I simply love the sumptuous menu. You cannot see this in the photo, but the menu was spread over 3 pages and displayed in detail all 3 courses in the IPA languages at the time: English, French and German, making it possible to combine Boeuff Stroganoff as a starter with Roast Beef as a main course and Apfelkuchen mit Sahne for dessert. The icing on the cake, so to speak, for me is the autograph card! What a lovely idea – as it gives the opportunity for each participant of the Dinner Ball to create their own little piece of individual IPA history – by collecting the signatures of the friends that this grand event was shared with I wish you all a lovely summer, and to those of you attending the World Congress, I hope the gala dinner in Bulgaria will leave as many memories as the 1986 Adelaide ball! Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Estonia 14-16 Jul 2017 IPA Estonian Summer Days South Africa 29 Jul-13 Aug 2017 International Youth Gathering Mauritius 30 Jul-4 Aug 2017 Friendship Week (250 years police Mauritius) Germany 11-13 Aug 2017 1st Int. Motorcycle Gathering, Hamburg Germany 18-20 Aug 2017 18th Int. Biker Meeting, Speyer Poland 24-27 Aug 2017 19th Int. Football Tournament, Poznan Russia 27 Aug-2 Sep 2017 Moscow Friendship Week Germany 29 Aug-3 Sep IPA Motorcycle Tour, Southern Black Forest France 30 Aug-3 Sep 2017 Rhône / Alpes Motorcycle Meeting Spain 1-9 Sep 2017 Catalunya Motorcycle Tour Poland 3 Sep 2017 Int. Open Police Cup Half-Marathon, Piła Spain 7-10 Sep 2017 IX Champ. Int. ‘Ibérico de Fútbol, La Coruña Spain 9 Sep 2017 III Basque Country IPA Police International

Collectors’ Meeting, Bilbao France 10 Sep 2017 Collectors’ Fair, Lyon Italy 14-17 Sep 2017 4th Trophy Riviera della Palme, 5-a-side

football tournament, Grottamare Netherlands 18-23 Sep 2017 IPA Netherlands Experience, Limburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo/Lichtenvoorde Hong Kong 7-12 Nov 2017 Hong Kong Friendship Week Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona UK 22-25 Nov 2017 IEB Meeting, Nottingham UK 7-10 Jun 2018 Notts Branch 60th Anniversary Celebrations


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 03-07 Jul 2017 Aktiv in den Ruhestand G 05-07 Jul 2017 Eurasische OK in Deutschland G 10-14 Jul 2017 Prostitution in Europa / Prostitution in Europe E and G 30 Aug-01 Sep 2017

Alle Macht für Erdogan! Politische Entwicklungen in der Türkei und die Rolle der Deutschtürken

01-03 Sep 2017 Motorradkultur un Sicherheit – Training für verantwortungsbewusstes Motorradfahren


11-19 Sep 2017 Flüchtlinge in Europa und das Schengen Abkommen // Refugiatii în Europa si Acordul Schengen

G and Ro

16-18 Oct 2017 Rocherbanden und organisierte Kriminalität G 18-20 Oct 2017 Predictive Policing – Vorbeugende

Verbrechensbekämpfung der Zukunft G


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 7459 863196 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

IPA can take you to …

… beautiful sunsets such as this one,

experienced during a Friendship Week in Sri Lanka

September 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION Dear friends, In about three weeks from now, the IPA World Congress will take place in Albena, Bulgaria. I know that our friends from IPA Bulgaria have done a tremendous job in order to guarantee that every delegate, observer and visitor is able to get there and also to turn our stay into an unforgettable one.

As usual, the conference sessions should be and will be the key point of the gathering and all delegates received the agenda pack with all relevant documents at the beginning of July. I hope that by the beginning of the congress, all participants will have had the chance to read the documents in order to ensure a smooth and productive congress. Many decisions will have to be made, based on proposals raised by the International Executive Board and also by the sections. Let’s all keep in mind, when debating, that we need decisions that can apply to everyone for the good of the IPA.

There are still a few sections facing internal problems. It won’t be the duty or the job of the delegates to solve these, but I am certain that the World Congress, as the main yearly IPA meeting, shall help us to find compromises as well as constructive actions in order to see our organisation grow in the true spirit of our founder and our motto ‘Servo per Amikeco’. I am very much looking forward to meeting you all again in Albena so that we can serve together the cause of our great association, in order to provide the world with a fresh and peaceful testimony. See you soon Best wishes Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President



Three, which seem to me very quick years, have elapsed since I was first elected as President of Section UK where the National Executive (NEC) and I set out our National Strategy of ‘Next Steps’ to take the Section forward to ensure we have A VIBRANT IPA here in the United Kingdom. I thought it appropriate to explain what we have tried to achieve in the three years that have just passed and what we seek to achieve in the years ahead. The ‘Next Steps Strategy’ in 2014 sought to build upon previous strategies which had shown some notable successes, but equally the aim was to address some areas where the strategies had not delivered long term sustainable benefit. With the newly elected NEC now on four years terms, it is essential that the new Four-by-Four Strategy covers not only this term but the presidential terms ahead so that Section UK has a clear direction and sense of where it is going, in order to improve, be successful and maintain its place at the forefront of the IPA world. As a brief reminder, the ‘Next Steps’ Strategy entailed the following:

1. A balanced budget utilising finances for member activity 2. Merge branches where needed in order to maintain identity and aim to have a

foothold in each Police area. 3. Recruit more members from the wider ‘Police Family’ increasing overall

member numbers ensuring we maximise retainment. 4. Increase events and establish ‘iconic’ events under the social, cultural and

professional portfolio’s each year. 5. Identify a new ‘key’ benefit for members each year. 6. Income generation – maximise the opportunities available. 7. Support our staff at HQ on all matters to deliver what our members request of

them. 8. Internationally, to maintain our strong links, sharing best practice and be


Any overall National Strategy needs to be underpinned and supported by a number of other documents which detail how the Strategy’s work streams are to be achieved.


A number of these important documents have already been put in place over the last three years. Traditionally the NEC Strategy in the UK has been divided into the four the key areas of Communications, Finance, Membership and Structure but will now include a fifth, Partnerships. The Four-by-Four National Strategy, whilst highlighting the key areas of business, will aim to sustain this momentum across the short, medium and long term until at least 2033. It is not a wish list, but should be seen as an ambition to achieve. Finally I just want to say a big thank you once again to all the members in Section UK for allowing me to be their President over the last three years and I look forward to working together with them and our international IPA friends worldwide over the next four-year term. To be re-elected as Section UK’s President Number 10 is an honour and a privilege. Until next time, have fun and keep safe, enjoying your IPA activity wherever you are. Yours in Friendship Mick Luke Proud to be President of Section UK

Section Germany invites you to download their new IPA app

IPA Germany has introduced its first IPA smart phone app. The app can be found in the Google and Apple stores and is free of charge. Search for ‘IPA Deutschland’, follow the link: http://ipa-deutsche-sektion-e-v.heise-apps.de/, or scan the QR code. Users will find information about IPA Germany's meetings, IPA Houses, news, as well as email and internet addresses of our branches. Further to that we keep the users up to date with push messages. IPA Deutsche Sektion e.V. hat ihre erste IPA Smartphone App erstellt. Die App, die kostenlos in den Google und Apple Stores zur Verfügung steht, bietet den Nutzern u.a. einen Überblick über die Termine, die IPA Häuser, die Neuigkeiten und Adressen der Verbindungsstellen der IPA Deutschland. Ferner erhalten die Nutzer aktuelle Neuigkeiten als Pushnachrichten auf ihr Telefon. Einfach im Store ‚IPA Deutschland‘ als Suchbegriff eingeben, dem Link http://ipa-

deutsche-sektion-e-v.heise-apps.de/ folgen, oder den QR-Code scannen. Oliver Hoffmann, Vice President IPA Germany


IPA Österreichs Wanderwoche auf dem Nassfeld in Kärnten vom 10. – 17. Juni 2017

Das Familienhotel Gartnerkofel liegt in einer Höhe von 1.550 m in herrlicher Alpenluft mit einem Blick ins Tal wie von einem Adlerhorst. Im Osten der imposante Gartnerkofel, der Hausberg der Region. Am Samstag begrüßten die Hotelchefin und der IPA-Ehrenobmann Ewald Grollitsch die Teilnehmer der 4. IPA Wanderwoche und informierten die Besucher über die kommenden Tage, Touren und Ausflüge. Als Berg- und Wanderführer war Vbst. Leiter OK Georg Rindler mit seinem Team und Mitarbeiter des Hotels Gartnerkofel im Einsatz. Die Kärnten-Rundfahrt auf den Pyramidenkogel - Maria Wörth – mit dem Schiff nach Velden am Wörthersee und anschließenden Besuch des Faaker- und Pressegger See begeisterte die Teilnehmer. Die Genussrundfahrt brachte die Teilnehmer nach Kötschach-Mauthen zur Kaffeerösterei San Giusto, dem Feinschmeckerlokal Edelgreissler Herwig Ertl und zur Spezialbrauerei Loncium.

Am Donnerstag starteten die Teilnehmer, auch 35 IPA-Freunde der Vbst. Mittelkärnten waren dabei, von der Bergstation des Millennium-Express den Erlebnisweg, der Jung und Alt auf jedem Schritt der Natur näher bringt. In 1.900 Metern Seehöhe lädt der Aqua Trail auf 1,5 Kilometern zum Erleben des Wassers mittels Speicherseen, Wasserspielen und Ruheplätzen ein. Diese Highlights sorgen für pures Naturerlebnis. Für alle, die den

schnellsten Weg zur Tressdorfer Alm suchten, gab es die Möglichkeit mit der längsten Sommerrodelbahn in Kärnten - dem ‚Pendolino‘ zu rodeln. Bei einer Länge von 2,2 km - von der Bergstation (Madritsche) des Millennium-Express bis zur Tressdorfer Alm, legte man mehr als 400 Höhenmeter zurück. Die International Police Association (IPA) als Freundschaftsvereinigung lebt es vor, wie internationale Freundschaften und Hilfestellungen funktionieren können. Die unfallfreie Wanderwoche ging mit netten Gesprächen und einem ausgezeichneten Fischbuffet-Abendessen zu Ende. Die 5. Wanderwoche findet vom 16. bis 23. Juni 2018 statt! Ewald Grollitsch, Ehrenobmann IPA Österreich


The unique spirit of IPA Lithuania’s Summer Days event Have you ever felt like this? When you hear the news about the Summer Days event of IPA Lithuania, the first thought that comes to your mind is that ‘this year, I am definitely not going’, because it’s too far, the Lithuanian summer is too wet, sleeping in a tent is no longer convenient, you are concerned regarding the organisation of the event in general … and maybe, it would be better to spend the weekend at home with a book! Still, once the event is approaching, you start gathering your backpack, tent, sleeping bag – Okay, you will go there once again! So what attracts people to the IPA Lithuania Summer Days? The answer is the exclusive, almost tangible spirit, which is created by your colleagues who you have known for many years, the relaxation and community, and the feeling that you are part of the organisation. Perhaps this is what Police Commissioner General Linas Pernavas meant when sending his greetings to the participants of the festival: ‘IPA gathering - the only one where I come voluntarily.’ You could for certain feel this familiar spirit this year: the event took place from 30 June - 2 July 2017 in the district of Trakai. The organisers of the event, from the Vilnius region, had chosen an excellent campsite on a lake shore. As usual, the camp was attended by a number of teams from IPA Lithuania, as well as by guests from Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and our well-known friend from the USA who has Lithuanian roots: ex police officer Larry Kiceina. ‘Sport spirit – in our hearts’ – the motto of this year's Summer Days set the tone for the whole event. The Summer Days started with a 5 km race and the lighting of the Olympic flame.

The event was opened by the president of IPA Lithuania, Vytautas Pliuskus, the Deputy Police Commissioner, General Edvardas Šileris, and the Chief of State Border Guard, Renatas Požėla. Sport always forms an important part of such events. Many members of IPA are interested and involved in sports, and are therefore very proactive. This

year's competitions were not too intensive: team leaders participated in shooting competitions, team members played beach volleyball and water football. Our younger participants were fascinated by an attraction called ‘Sweeper’.


The sports spirit also prevailed in the artistic performances on the campsite. With the theme of ‘These sportsmen promote our land’, everyone was impressed by a bodybuilder from Panevezys (who instead of recovering from major championships, was on a diet all week - what a nice sacrifice for the team!). Equally impressive were the performances of the women from the Public Security Bureau. It’s impossible to count how many times the region of Kaunas became the winners of IPA Lithuania’s Summer Days, and once again they showed that the strength of their team is in its unity, inspiring them to be simply the best. Servo per Amikeco. IPA Lithuania

XXIV Conference of the IPA Mediterranean Sections held in Chişinău, Moldova

The meeting of the Mediterranean sections was held from 1-5 June 2017 in Chišinău, Moldova and was attended by delegates from Moldova, Cyprus, Slovenia, Israel, France, Spain, Bulgaria, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Italy, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, San Marino and Monaco. The meeting was chaired by Section Moldova and conducted by Michael Odysseus, the president of IPA Cyprus. Dr Eran Israel was appointed as secretary of the meeting, approved by the delegates. The official opening on 2 June 2017 was attended by Vasile Batcu, president of Section Moldova; Alexandru Jizdan, Minister of Internal Affairs of Moldova; Alexey Gankin as representative of the IEB and president of IPA Russia; Michael Odysseus, former international president and co-founder of IPA Moldova as well as Florentin Scaletchi, president of a Human Rights organisation in Romania. The major goals of the conference were to create an infrastructure for professional discussions, exchange ideas, create international co-operation between close sections and lead professional discussions about the motions that will be presented in the upcoming IPA World Congress. The delegates suggested that the discussions should concentrate on professional issues and not on formalities and procedures. Communication and media are major issues especially for young police officers and for recruiting new members. In that matter, the delegates exchanged ideas such as: new websites that will appeal to young policemen by adapting them to smartphone-use; new IPA apps; visibility in all areas by posters, advertisements, accessing the recruitment offices, police academies and choosing young IPA members to assist in recruiting; sports activities in police units; social activities for young police officers and much more.


One problem discussed was that the sections having discussions about motions within the NEC or internationally, are experiencing difficulties in the process. 150 days, required at present for motions to the World Congress, is almost half a year before the World Congress. In our opinion, sections need more time and 110 days is deemed sufficient for the IAC.

The hosting of Section Moldova was outstanding. Thanks to IPA Moldova for their warm and friendly welcome! We will all meet in Nicosia, Cyprus in 2018 for the next meeting of the IPA Mediterranean sections. If you would like to see more about the conference, you are welcome to follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/IPA Med Sections Mtg 2017 Eran Israel, Secretary General IPA Israel

IPA Greece’s Karditsa region has had an active summer! 1st IPA Niš – IPA Karditsa Friendship Cup The first annual IPA Niš – IPA Karditsa Friendship Cup took place recently, as a result of a deep-rooted friendship between the two IPA regions of Niš (Serbia) and Karditsa (Greece). The story began with a visit of IPA Karditsa to Serbia in 2016, during which the members of the two regions shared many memorable moments. The visit to Serbia was deemed so successful that the colleagues of both countries agreed to organise a sports event that would contribute towards a long-lasting friendship. This initiative will take place annually, with the locations alternating between Niš and Karditsa, and started in Niš in 2017 with two teams from each country participating in the event over a two-day period. The choice of sport will be decided each year, with possibilities including popular sports such as football and basketball. Ultimately, the decision will be taken by the organisers each year. During the first tournament, football was the chosen sport, and the four participating teams were IPA Police and Gendarmerie from Niš, Serbia and IPA and Firemen from Karditsa, Greece. The winners of the first-day matches were IPA Karditsa (against IPA Niš Police) and Gendarmerie (against the Firemen of Karditsa). The Gendarmerie emerged as the victorious team of the second day and established themselves as the first overall winner of the IPA Niš – IPA Karditsa Friendship Cup,


winning the match 1-0 with a last minute goal. IPA Nis Police came 3rd, also winning by 1-0 against the Firemen of Karditsa. During the four-day trip to Serbia, the members of IPA Karditsa had the chance to visit the beautiful city of Niš, guided by their friendly Serbian colleagues. They also visited the capital city of Belgrade. The hospitality certainly lived up to the famous standards of the Serbian nation, creating everlasting memories. The 2018 event is already eagerly anticipated and will take place in Karditsa. One more thing: … the twinning of the two regions is already underway … showing that it’s not all about the sports after all! See you in Karditsa braća! Trip to the Dalmatian coast IPA Karditsa members and friends recently enjoyed a memorable trip to the fabulous Dalmatian Coast. This is a part of the IPA Karditsa annual visits to neighboring countries. The first stop was the historic city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, with the old city being the highlight of our trip. The Secretary General of the local IPA region, Mr. Vlaho Lujo, did an excellent job arranging our itinerary in the best possible way, in order to make our visit both comfortable and informative. During our stay in Dubrovnik the members and friends of IPA Karditsa had the chance to visit surrounding attractions, such as Ston, where we received a warm welcome from the local Police Commander Ante Beader. IPA Dubrovnik had arranged a delicious dinner, during which we were presented with a Croatian Police uniform, now gracing the Police Museum of Karditsa.

The second and final part of the trip took place in Montenegro. After a short stay in the incredible Kotor we visited Budva, a city well-known for its busy nightlife during the summer months. A night out made clear to us the reasons why. Finally before making our way back to Greece we paid a short visit to the famous resort of Sveti Stefan. To our surprise we discovered that the owner of a restaurant just opposite the main

resort, Mr Fanis Stathis, was originally from Karditsa! Mr Stathis’ feelings of joy to meet us were there to be seen!!! In summary the trip was deemed a big success by all participants. ‘The proof is in the pudding’ as they say so the plans for next year’s trip are already underway! ‘Servo per amikeco’ Kyriakos Karkalis, Head of International Relations IPA Greece


IPA Tarragona (Spain) organises the XIV International Football Championship 7 in Cambrils

From 25-27 May 2017, the town of Cambrils was the location for the XIV International Football Championship 7 for police officers, organised by IPA Tarragona, bringing together 23 teams from around the world, with a total of 310 players. On Thursday evening, the mayor of Cambrils, Camí Mendoza, and the president of IPA Tarragona, Anton Casas, were in charge of welcoming the different police delegations as well as the highest authorities, along the Passeig de les Palmeres and the Parc dels Pescadors in the town of Cambrils (Tarragona). Each participating team presented two uniformed police officers, who paraded the flags of their countries at the opening ceremony. It is worthwhile to point out that the tournament is entirely made up of police officers, ranging from the speaker, through to the referees, and the players themselves: all are police. The qualifiers were played on Friday and Saturday, and the tournament finished on Saturday at noon. All matches were played on the municipal Cambrils football fields.

On Saturday night the gala dinner with the awarding of the trophies took place. In total there were 23 teams at national level, such as the Mossos d'Esquadra, the National Police, the Civil Guard, the Autonomous Police, and several local Police forces. At an international level, police delegations

from Italy (4), Romania, Poland, and Ukraine were present, as well as a representative of IPA Canada, a member of the Mounted Police. The winning team was the Polish Police, second came IPA Lviv from Ukraine, followed by the Policía Local de las Rozas from Madrid. The rest of the classification was as follows: 4: IPA Tarragona; 5: Local Police Cambrils / Mossos Cambrils; 6: Guardia Urbana de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat; 7: National Police Aeropuerto Barcelona; 8: Club Esportiu Mossos; 9: IPA Pavia - Italy; 10: Local Police Salou; 11: Guardia Civil Roquetas De Mar; 12: Polizia Penitenziaria Di Novara – Italy; 13: National Police Tarragona; 14: Tenerife Police; 15: IPA III Delegazione Liguria – Italy; 16: National Police Galicia (ACD); 17: Mossos d'Esquadra - ARRO RPMB; 18: Mossos d'Esquadra Tarragona; 19: Local Police Albacete; 20: Guardia Civil Tarragona; 21: Local Police Murcia; 22: IPA Ravenna & Lecce - Italy 23: Politia Caracal - Romania. In addition the following special prizes were handed out:

• Goalkeeper conceding the fewest goals: Polish Police number 1 Woiciech Dziura; • Top scorer: Polish Police number 5, Rafal Gnap;


• Team fair play award: Tenerife Police; • Award for the team from furthest afield: IPA Lviv from Ukraine • Friendliest team: CNP Galicia (ACD). See you in May 2018! Anton Casas Salas, President IPA Tarragona (Spain)

IPA Montenegro organises international gathering From 23-26 June 2017, the Southern region of IPA Section Montenegro organised an international gathering on the occasion of the establishment of the Sub-Region Bar, as well as the continuation of the successful project ‘Together Against Drugs’. In addition to members of the IPA Section Montenegro, about 50 colleagues from 13 regional IPA clubs from the IPA sections of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia joined the event: IPA Banjaluka, IPA Bijeljina, IPA Doboj, IPA Dubrovnik, IPA Kruševac, IPA Kragujevac, IPA Nova Gorica, IPA Niš, IPA Podunavlje, IPA Priština, IPA Sarajevo, IPA Trebinje and IPA Veles. The local hosts organised a diverse cultural and artistic programme and a scenic boat trip to Ada Bojana, a famous tourist attraction, for our IPA friends. The programme was complemented by a sightseeing trip to the coastal town of Bar and its ancient part, Old Bar, where the Old Olive tree, estimated to be over two centuries old, was visited.

The central event of the formal part of the gathering was the signing of the Brotherhood Charter between the Sub-Region Bar, IPA Montenegro and the Region of Podunavlje, IPA Serbia. The Charter was signed by the presidents of the two regions, which officially became brotherhood regions.

The event also gave the opportunity to our IPA friends to take part in a traditional football tournament on the occasion of the ‘Day Against Drug Abuse’, organised under the auspices of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. Compliments to IPA Dubrovnik, the winner of the tournament! We are very much looking much forward to future occasions for friendly gatherings and professional cooperation! Valentina Stojanovic, IPA Montenegro Sub-Region Bar


IPA members from ‘down under’ go ‘down under’ in Cornwall, Section UK

Members from the Cornwall Branch of IPA UK were pleased to welcome IPA members Ross and Cheryl Pengilly who were spending six days in Cornwall as part of a longer tour. Ross is a ‘time served’ Police Officer who completed 30 years with the Western Australia Police and has been a member of the IPA for longer than that. Born in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and with a surname like Pengilly, it came as no surprise that Ross’s ancestors arrived in South Australia from Cornwall back in 1827 in search of mining work. During the 19th century, thousands of Cornish miners left their homeland and sought out work in the hard rock mines of the world becoming part of the great Cornish diaspora and came to be referred to as ‘Cousin Jacks’. A very full day was arranged and over 20 members and partners joined in a tour of Cornwall’s Penwith ‘Tin Coast’, now UNESCO-recognised with World Heritage Status accorded to the whole region. The trip commenced with a visit to Zennor, a small village with a very ancient church. Zennor was the sometime home of writer D.H. Lawrence who stayed there whilst writing his famous novel ‘Women in Love’, published in 1920. Moving on, next was a walk to the ‘Mên An Tol’ – Cornish for ‘the holed stone’ - a nearby ancient site with a granite stone with a hole as its centre piece. An unusual and attractive place, the Mên-an-Tol is believed to belong to the Bronze Age, thereby making it over 3,500 years old. It consists of four stones, the most memorable being the circular and pierced upright stone. It was then on to Geevor Mine where proper home-baked Cornish pasties awaited the group! One local member declared his to be ‘just like mother-made’! Sadly, Geevor closed as a working tin mine back in 1990 but has been taken on by the proud former miners and maintained in near perfect working order. Capable of being worked once again and now a UNESCO-recognised heritage asset, Geevor produced over 50,000 tons of tin during its working life, with tunnels and shafts extending deep underground and even out under the sea. A fascinating visit was arranged and hosted by mine manager Mike Simpson, himself a former miner not only at Geevor but at several hard rock mines about the globe. The dark and wet conditions brought home the skill and bravery of the Cornish miners who worked in often hazardous conditions, many starting their careers as young as 12 years. It was obvious by the looks on a few faces that life underground would not be a job choice taken by everyone. The whole four-hour experience which included sight of the many beautiful minerals mined and the various processing and milling machines and a film, ended with many


photographs being taken, with the mine that day set against the moody and misty backdrop of the steep cliffs and dark seas. The final leg of the tour took in Botallack and the cliff-top mines visited by Queen Victoria, the late Queen Mother and current Queen Elizabeth.

It was then back to the nearby pub, the ‘Queen Arms’ for a pint or two and a well-received evening supper during which there was an exchange of gifts between Ross, Cheryl and members of the Cornwall Branch. Summing up, Ross said, ‘Today has been a great day and my thanks go to everyone for the organisation of all the memorable activities and sights Cheryl and I have so enjoyed taking part in.’ Branch Chairman, Colin Gameson,

himself a serving Police Officer stationed in Bodmin, said, ‘The books we present to Ross and Cheryl are about Cornwall and its history and strange place names and words and we hope that when their travels are over, they will find time to sit and read them and to enjoy the memories of their stay here. Our IPA motto and ethos ‘Servo per Amikeco’ is very much in our minds here in Cornwall.’ Mike Chappell, member IPA UK

IPA South Africa’s West Coast Region supports young talent in crime hotspots

The West Coast Region of the International Police Association (IPA) supported the South African Police Vredenburg Cluster’s Hopland Got Talent competition for the third consecutive year. This competition was initiated by Capt. Van Reenen (SAPS member and Chairperson of the Meeuland Branch of the IPA West Coast Region) with the support of the IPA to identify and to promote talent in less fortunate communities where the prevalence of crime is very high. The idea behind this project is to give hope to the youth and to nourish young talent in crime hotspot areas. This project not only identifies, but also showcases talent in the community, showing the youth that there is an alternative to drugs and crime. The ten police stations in the Vredenburg Cluster, on the West Coast of South Africa, each identified the talent within their own stations’ crime hotspot areas and


organised a talent contest in their own community. The winners then went on to take part in a Cluster competition.

On 23 June 2017, a special prize-giving event took place at the Protea Hotel in Saldanha Bay on the West Coast to acknowledge the winners’ talent. The IPA, one of the event sponsors, was represented by the Vice President of IPA South Africa who is also the Chairperson of the local West Coast Region.

The winner in the singing category was Kiechaan Smith of Piketberg and ‘Die Stof Trappers’, a group of youngsters (Christopher Engelbrecht, Hakeema Engelbrecht, Kelvin Van Der Westhuizen, Morshia Swanepoel) won the dance category with their local folkdance! The International Police Association South African Section once again showed that they are committed to improving the image of policing and to support initiatives that promote law and order and safe communities. Jakkie van Litsenborgh, Vice President IPA South Africa


Patrick Tsang from IPA Australia reflects on a unique event Aaron Allen and I were honoured and privileged to have been selected as the IPA Australia Section’s delegates for the 4th IPA Young Police Officers World Seminar held in Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA. This was a 5-day seminar from 11-16 June 2017, where we attended lectures and practical exercises each day, as well as social and networking events every evening. Approximately 60 police officers from 30 different countries attended this event. Classes were held at different training locations each day with instructors from multiple policing agencies from the state of Wisconsin. All instructors are respected and knowledgeable in their field, making them exceptional representatives from their


agencies and came from a variety of institutions including several Police Departments, the IPA International Executive Board, the IPA United States Section, Northern Michigan University Criminal Justice Department, Wisconsin Department of Justice, Appleton PD as well as their SWAT team, and Brown County Sheriff Department. Apart from the formality of the seminar, we also had sightseeing trips around Green Bay, Madison and its State Capitol, visiting popular American restaurants, shopping centres, university campuses, pubs and bars, shooting ranges, tactical stores, and many other points of interest. There were many enjoyable nights networking and socialising with all the other delegates back at St Norbert College where we stayed, which were extremely memorable and unforgettable. This base of operation was where lifelong friendships were forged and built.

I cannot stress more about the friendship that we’ve made whilst on this trip. Although we learnt a lot from the lectures, I believe we’ve learnt and gained more knowledge from each other. This was through chatting over meals about how each of our countries conducts our law enforcement, the ways our departments run our operations, our countries’ cultures, and through finding

out more about each other. I’ve found that it does not matter where you are policing in the world, we all share that same common purpose and bond, whilst keeping the peace in our individual societies. I highly recommend to all our IPA members, if they are eligible, to apply for these opportunities when they arise. This week has been one of the best weeks I’ve had in my policing career and until you have experienced it, words cannot describe how meaningful, enjoyable and worthwhile these events are. I want to take this opportunity to thank the IPA IEC, IPA US Section and all sponsors, in making this event possible, as well as IPA Australia, for allowing Aaron and me to attend this seminar. Lastly, I would like to thank the New South Wales Police Force and South Australia Police for authorising us to wear our official police uniform on this trip whilst representing IPA Australia. This YPOS seminar represents what IPA’s Esperanto motto ‘Servo per Amikeco’ is about very well, translated into English as ‘Service through Friendship’. I have made lifelong friends from this seminar from all around the globe and am extremely proud to be part of this fraternal organisation of over 400,000 members and 66 national sections. To all my friends out there, stay safe on the thin blue line, wherever you are protecting the citizens of your countries. We will definitely meet again. In friendship, Patrick Tsang, NSW Region, IPA Australia Section


ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB The UN formally recognises the rights of Street Children I am pleased to inform all IPA sections that on 6 July 2017, the General Comment on Children in Street Situations was published by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Rori Raquib from the Consortium for Street Children provides the following explanations on the CSC website: ‘A General Comment is the UN’s legal advice to governments around the world on how to ensure that street-connected children have access to the same rights as all children. At present, many Governments simply do not recognize that street children have the same human rights as others – and this is the first time in history that street children have received this level of recognition. This is a momentous occasion for street-connected children. It is the culmination of seven years of dedicated campaigning, ground-breaking consultation, and collaboration between street-connected children, the street child NGOs, the private sector and the UN. The Consortium for Street Children brought together member NGOs, academics, advocacy specialists, politicians and more to work towards this – and it’s taken more than a decade. The work included organizing direct consultations between the UN and over a 1000 street children around the globe, to ensure the UN listened directly to the views of the children themselves. The UN listened, and now, for the first time, the UN has issued much-needed, authoritative guidance to Governments, informing them on how best to bridge this gap and realise street-connected children’s rights. Our work is far from over, however. This guidance is the beginning of a new phase of our work to make sure the guidance is implemented and becomes a reality for street children around the world.’ The International Police Association is one of the few NGOs who have been part of this process and are the first to deliver a pledge to make the General Comment known among Police Authorities around the member sections. The full-size document can be downloaded from the link below: Link to the United Nations General Comment No. 21 (2017) May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


IPA Socio-Cultural Commission Meeting 2017 held in Athens

Beautiful Athens welcomed the IPA Socio-Cultural Commission for a joint meeting on 23 June. All commission members were present: Zina Gantcheva (Bulgaria – Travel and Hosting), Anabela Alferes (Portugal – Special Projects), Denis Nadeau (Canada – Recruitment & international cooperation), Vossie Vos (South

Africa – IPA Houses and Other Accommodation), Dr. Eran Israel (Israel – Secretary & Media), Manel Castellví (Spain - IYG), Vytautas Pliuskus (Lithuania – Sports and IPA Games), Kyriakos Karkalis (Greece – International Social Activities), Kikis Perikleous (Cyprus – Video, photo and website competitions) and Denis Dunne (Ireland - Hobbies). The meeting was led by Adv. Gal Sharon, IPA Vice President and Chairperson of the Socio-Cultural Commission. The president of IPA Greece and the IPA Secretary General joined us as our guests. The main issues the SCC dealt with were programmes and ideas for recruiting young police officers and professional seminars for liaison officers. In addition, the SCC discussed hosting issues raised by motions and suggestions in Auckland. Iceland had suggested developing home exchanges between IPA members. A further idea had been to look into the area of caravans and motor homes. Section UK had raised the topic of promoting Other Accommodation, while IPA Sweden had suggested including hotel chains in Other Accommodation. SCC member Vossie Vos will be in touch with all relevant sections to progress the issues further. The international website, under the responsibility of Head of Administration Stephen Crockard, requires improvement and revival. The hosting book is already uploaded and also sent to all sections by the IAC. Vossie Vos is in constant touch with Elke at the IAC. The Hosting Book will continually be updated and promoted. IPA Games and sports trophy for 2016: The winner of the 2016 sports trophy will be announced during the World Congress in Bulgaria. The IPA Games are our major project for the years 2017-18. Decisions taken regarding this will form part of the SCC presentation in Bulgaria. IPA hosting book: We now have a complete Hosting Book, to assist every IPA member wanting to travel. Vossie has dealt with this large project perfectly, within our timetable and according to the commission’s work plan. It will be an ongoing project requiring regular updates and promotion. IPA Houses are advertised in each IPA Newsletter. To turn the Hosting Book into an interactive tool necessitates a dynamic international website. Photo competition: Kikis has been in charge of the photo competition for 2017. 69 participants from 13 sections took part. The results will be announced in Bulgaria. Zina was given the 55 best photos for an exhibition at the World Congress.


Recruiting young police officers: The outcome from the workshops in Auckland is important to the IEB and to all sections. Denis Nadeau presented a summary of the suggestions. The main ideas centred around using the IPA Games and other sports events and social activities, being part of the programmes in police academies, offering free membership during the first year, sending young police officers to professional seminars and more. IYG 2017, South Africa: 40 participants from 21 sections had registered. Manel gave an update and presented statistics concerning age and gender. The programme was very rich and many items were subsidised by the police or municipalities. The participants would take part in a community project, painting and fixing a school, donating their sleeping equipment as presents to the children of the school. Hobbies: Many of us are collectors. This year there are several gatherings of collectors, not initiated by IPA. We thought that an international ‘market place’ for collectors, via the international website, would be useful for our members. Travel and hosting are the main activities for IPA members. The Hosting Book will make a big change worldwide in our sections. Zina referred to the idea of home exchanges, as suggested by IPA Iceland. The idea is to start this on a personal basis and between sections. An agreement between sections to start this project is needed and how to manage this project will need to be determined. Social activity: IPA Greece is a leading section in initiating international social events, such as the Olympic seminar, the Seminar for Women in Policing, philosophical gatherings and more. Kyriakos is the real engine behind most of these initiatives and presented the idea of an event that could be initiated and promoted internationally: The town of Marusi in Greece is willing to host an international festival of folklore, music and dancing. The IPA has many folklore groups and most police forces have dancers, singers and folklore groups. Kyriakos will contact all sections to check the relevancy. Anabela updated the commission on the IPA culture book. Details for almost half of the sections have been completed and she is waiting for replies from the remaining sections. The outcome will be presented during the World Congress in Bulgaria. Gal thanked the hosting section, Greece, for the excellent hosting and friendship: ‘Thank you all for a fruitful, important and efficient meeting. We have a vivid and hardworking commission. All of you contribute to the team work, and I am proud to present the projects and achievements that really contribute to the IPA. We are a friendly, warm, fun-to-be-with team. I enjoy working with each one of you. I want to thank Kyriakos and the Greek section again for the efficient, warm hospitality.’ Dr. Eran Israel, Secretary of the Socio-Cultural Commission


IBZ Gimborn Trustees Meeting 2017

IBZ Gimborn’s Trustees Meeting 2017 was held at the Cologne Police Headquarters on 14 July 2017. Including the IBZ Board members, IBZ staff and trustees, a total of 28 partook in the meeting. The Chair of the Professional Commission is the IEB’s representative. The Trustees were informed about progress and the financial situation and were invited to comment on the seminar plan for 2018. They were also welcome to suggest new topics to be added to the seminar plan.

After Rainer Furth, Chair of the Board of Trustees, had welcomed the participants, the Director of IBZ Gimborn René Kauffmann presented the progress achieved over the past year as well as the financial situation. The costs for maintenance of the castle and surrounding buildings were discussed, as already a lot of actions had been taken to lower spending. It was decided that the Trustees Meeting would include a workshop on ‘How to save money’. René Kauffmann was able to report that the goal to bring in over 1,000 seminar participants had been reached in 2016, and the same positive prognosis was expected for 2017. Information regarding the working year 2016 has been circulated to all IPA sections via the Agenda Pack for the IPA World Congress 2017, and René Kaufmann will present the further details at the World Congress in Bulgaria in September. A number of seminars had to be cancelled in the current year due to a lack of interest or too few participants, however, to counteract, other seminars had been added with new topics of interest. The IBZ YouPo seminar 2017 in October, for example, is fully booked, and a waiting list is in operation. The Seminar Plan for 2018 was presented and discussed. A total of 43 seminars were suggested for 2018 including 9 English, as well as 1 each in Romanian, Spanish, French, Polish, Italian, and Dutch. The Social Media Management seminars in German with professional lecturers are very popular and bring in high revenue. Among the ‘international seminars’, the Nordic IPA Sections will manage one on ‘Understanding Terrorism’ and IPA Finland on ‘Environmental Crimes’. The YouPo seminar 2018 is planned to take place twice due to the increased interest especially from younger IPA members. Last, but not least, recommendations on seminar topics were forwarded based on the IPA sections’ annual progress reports; these include terrorism, digital crime, environmental crimes, the refugee situation in Europe as well as globally, Evidence-based Policing – Predictive Crime, minority police groups in Europe and a Balkan seminar. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


10th International Conference on Evidence-Based Policing The 2nd meeting for ‘Minority Police Groups’ was arranged by the Open Society Foundation Initiative Europe (OSFIE), a partner-organisation of the Professional Commission of the IPA, in Cambridge, England between 10 - 13 July 2017. The initial meeting was held at the Institute of Criminology in the Sir Anthony Bottoms Room where Professor Lawrence Sherman introduced the Cambridge Police Executive Master’s Programme. This programme focuses on Evidence-Based Policing (EBP) with Targeting, Testing and Tracking, known as the Triple-T. The Master’s programme mainly attracts police officers from the UK, Denmark, Hong Kong, Australia and Canada. The Minority Police Group participated in the 10th International Conference on Evidence-Based Policing. The framework for the conference is based on presentations of the latest research within the area of EBP by the master students and academics. Academics and practitioners jointly present topics which this year covered: ‘Targeting Investigations and Tracking Patrols’, ‘Domestic Abuse’, ‘Crime Harm Index Evidence’, ‘Traffic and Terrorism’, ‘Policing Hot Spots of Violence’, ‘Police Legitimacy and Vulnerability, Risk and Evidence’. At the conference the 2017 Sir Robert Peel Medal was presented to Darrel Stephens, Executive Director, Major Cities Chiefs’ Association of North America, for his contribution to the rise of research in policing in the USA from 1969 – 2017. Commissioner Cressida Dick CBE QPM, of the Metropolitan Police Service delivered a well-received talk on ‘Policing London: From Traffic to Terrorism’. The Minority Police Group incorporates police officers from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK with an ethnic background from other countries. May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission

De-escalating Conflicts – Tips for Police in a deadly World

Police have a tough, unpredictable job. They provide us with a service that many do not want or appreciate, and they often walk into situations that their training has not prepared them for. Training can only do so much to prepare officers for the unknown, so experience is the best way to learn. That being said, training exposes officers to new tactics they can use when they interact with the public.


Derek Collins, De-escalation Instructor at the Diversion Center

In 2016, according to the Washington Post, 963 people were killed at the hands of American police officers, but it is unknown exactly how many of those deaths were due to excessive use of force. A number of high-profile cases have raised questions about excessive use of force, and departments have paid out millions in settlements to the families of those who are killed. In the last 2 years, city and state police forces have begun requiring de-escalation and use of force training for their officers annually, although their requirements are often grossly inadequate. For example, the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council requires only 2 hours of de-escalation or use of force training. It should be noted that de-escalation tactics are not reserved solely for police; they can and should be utilized by individuals in management positions, healthcare, education, and first responders in general. The Diversion Center, headquartered in Marietta, GA, USA, has developed curricula for those in each of these positions, and stresses that the first step in de-escalating conflicts is preventing them. Derek Collins, de-escalation instructor at the Diversion Center, also notes that verbally de-escalating noncompliant citizens takes less than 5 minutes in most situations, compared to nearly 20 minutes for traditional physical de-escalation. Mr. Collins offers both a live and and

affordable online training option so officers around the globe can learn these proven methods for verbally de-escalating conflicts without needing to travel. In order to properly de-escalate a situation, verbal and non-verbal components must be utilized, and the officer must be aware of the factors that lead to escalation. The officer must be conscious of how the other individual perceives them, and must work to ensure they are not asking for conflict. Factors that lead to escalation: Loss of personal power Fear Failure Attention seeking Displaced anger

Non-verbal Techniques Verbal Techniques • Appear calm and self-assured • Use a soft, positive tone • Maintain limited eye contact • Do not interrupt • Maintain a neutral expression • Be honest and sincere • Position yourself for safety • Respond selectively • Be alert • Apologize and empathize To sign up for live or online training, contact Cindy Han at 1(770)690-9622 https://www.thediversioncenter.com Recommended by May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


Call for papers: Journal of Cold Case Review

The Journal of Cold Case Review (JCCR) is published under the auspices of the non-profit American Investigative Society of Cold Cases (http://www.aisocc.com/), a volunteer-based organization of expert investigators and forensic specialists whose sole mission is to assist in solving cold cases by offering a free, interdisciplinary, and non-biased cold case review. The JCCR is an open-access, interdisciplinary, and peer-reviewed

journal that publishes scholarly works consisting of research, commentary, or practices on any topic contributing to the advancement of cold case processes or awareness. Considered for inclusion are topics such as, but not limited to: Criminal and crime scene investigation, physical and psychological forensic science, criminology, law, victim support, research, and communication. Among other professionals, the Editorial Review Board includes Dr. Henry C. Lee, one of the world’s foremost forensic scientists. While not a member, the JCCR will adhere to the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers of the Committee on Publication Ethics. Find our manuscript guidelines at: http://www.aisocc.com/journal-of-cold-case-review/. Daniel L. Robb, editor Journal of Cold Case Review Recommended by May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


IPA Apartment Málaga, Spain Our IPA Málaga apartment is located in a modern building with a lift, a 5- minute walk from the Paseo Marítimo and the Misericordia Beaches, and has a swimming pool in the summer season. The chiringuitos (restaurants) on the beach offer typical Malaga gastronomy, featuring fried fish and skewers. A Supermarket, shops and a pharmacy are in the direct vicinity, and the municipal market of Huelin is a 10-minute walk away. Strolling along the seafront, the town centre is a pleasant 30-40 minutes’ walk, and there is a bus stop (nº 16) just ten meters from the house, which will also get you to the centre. Málaga, the fifth-largest city in Spain, is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in a privileged natural setting. Situated next to the Mediterranean Sea, the mountains around Málaga form a natural barrier against the cold. The city boasts numerous historic monuments: the Alcazaba, the Gibralfaro Castle, the Cathedral, the Roman theatre, the Customs Palace and the Episcopal Palace.


Málaga has become an authentic city of museums, with a total of 36, mostly located in the historic centre. Recommended day trips from Málaga include Granada, Córdoba, Seville, Gibraltar, Ronda and Marbella. The IPA Apartment Málaga has three bedrooms, (two with a double bed and the other with two single beds and a baby crib). The maximum occupancy is six people plus baby. There are two bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, laundry room, living room and a terrace. The apartment is equipped with a satellite TV for international channels, heating devices for winter, ceiling fans and tower fans for summer, and provides all necessary appliances. In addition, the apartment has a garage. Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Francisco Ruiz • Address: Sor Teresa Prat Avenue 59, 3ª stairs 3º K, 29002 Málaga • Tel: N/A • Mobile: N/A • email: [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipaespana.org • Enquiries : Reservations only in writing / email • Prices: Available on request

Information provided by Francisco Ruiz, IPA Spain


Just a short note with a photo this time Last week, our jobs in the IAC became ‘hands on’: while our landlords, Section UK, are carrying out maintenance and redecoration of our office, we moved across the hall to a new temporary home. As we are a small place without in-house expertise on logistics, this meant we all ‘mucked in’ with the move of our furniture and computers, with a little help from IPA UK handyman Tony and our IT support. I am pleased to say that we are now all settled in once more and are happy to respond to all your enquiries and requests as always. Just a short reminder for you all: when contacting us by phone, please use our new number +44 7459 863196. Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Spain 1-9 Sep 2017 Catalunya Motorcycle Tour Poland 3 Sep 2017 Int. Open Police Cup Half-Marathon, Piła Spain 7-10 Sep 2017 IX Champ. Int. ‘Ibérico de Fútbol, La Coruña Spain 9 Sep 2017 III Basque Country IPA Police International

Collectors’ Meeting, Bilbao France 10 Sep 2017 Collectors’ Fair, Lyon Russia 10-15 Sep 2017 25th Anniv. Friendship Week, St. Petersburg Israel 11-14 Sep 2017 ICT 17th Conf. ‘The Terrorism Maze’, Herzliya Italy 14-17 Sep 2017 4th Trophy Riviera della Palme, 5-a-side

football tournament, Grottamare Netherlands 18-23 Sep 2017 IPA Netherlands Experience, Limburg Bulgaria 19-24 Sep 2017

24 Sep-1 Oct 2017 62nd IPA World Congress, Albena Friendship Week

USA 1-6 Oct 2017 6-10 Oct 2017

NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo/Lichtenvoorde Greece 12-15 Oct 2017 Balkan-Adriatic Meeting, Veria Hong Kong 7-12 Nov 2017 Hong Kong Friendship Week UK 11-12 Nov 2017 COPS-UK CPD Training Weekend, Exeter Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona UK 22-25 Nov 2017 IEB Meeting, Nottingham Austria 27 Jan-3 Feb 2018 30th IPA Ski Week, Nassfeld-Hermagor Belgium 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary celebrations IPA Liège France 6-10 June 2018 Rhône/Alpes Motorcycle Meeting UK 7-10 Jun 2018 Notts Branch 60th Anniversary Celebrations


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 01-03 Sep 2017 Motorradkultur und Sicherheit – Training für

verantwortungsbewusstes Motorradfahren G

11-19 Sep 2017 Flüchtlinge in Europa und das Schengen Abkommen // Refugiatii în Europa si Acordul Schengen

G and Ro

16-18 Oct 2017 Rockerbanden und organisierte Kriminalität G 18-20 Oct 2017 Predictive Policing – Vorbeugende

Verbrechensbekämpfung der Zukunft G

08-10 Nov 2017 Alle Macht für Erdogan! Politische Entwicklungen in der Türkei und die Rolle der Deutschtürken


10-12 Nov 2017 Die Schreibwerkstatt für Polizisten G 13-17 Nov 2017 Burnout – Ausgebrannt – Existenzielle

Erschöpfungszustände G

17-19 Nov 2017 Fortbildung 2017 Funktionäre IPA Deutsche Sektion G 20-24 Nov 2017 Cybercrime, Cyber Threats and Cyber Terrorism E 20-24 Nov 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

27 Nov-01 Dec 2017

Gewalt gegen die Staatsgewalt / Violence against Police Officers and other representatives of the State

E and G

08-10 Dec 2017 Qualifizierte Vernehmung im Bereich der Schwer- und Bandenkriminalität


11-13 Dec 2017 Reisende Täter, Bandenkriminalität und Eurasische OK in Deutschland



IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 7459 863196 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

Travelling from North, South, East and West to celebrate IPA Friendship

Thank you Section Bulgaria for organising a fantastic World Congress!

October 2017


the participants of the 62nd IPA World Congress

with the representatives from Kyrgyzstan

WORD OF INTRODUCTION Dear friends, The 62nd IPA World Congress just ended in Albena, Bulgaria. 65 delegations out of our 66 sections participated, and we were also joined by one of our Sections in Foundation, Colombia, as well as the representatives of two further countries showing a strong interest in the IPA: Kyrgyzstan and Iraq. Blagodarenie na nashite bulgarski priyateli za gostopriemstvo! Thank you to our Bulgarian friends for their hospitality. Dear Motherland You are heaven on earth Your beauty, your loveliness Ah! They are boundless Countless fighters died For our beloved nation

Mother, gives us manly strength Continue their path. These are the lyrics of the Bulgarian national anthem, and they deserve to be quoted in such circumstances, as I am convinced that there are significant parallels between what the national anthem of Bulgaria states and the true meaning of our presence at the IPA World Congress 2017.

Friendship is our Motherland, a Heaven on Earth, one of the most wonderful values, the beauty and loveliness of which are indeed also boundless. Do we not often say that the IPA World has always transcended national borders? No soldiers died for it, but for sure pioneers and idealists worldwide have believed in it and developed our friendship to achieve what the IPA represents today. It is up to us to continue along that path and foster the values and principles of the IPA. We had a great week and enjoyed every moment, in and out of the congress hall, a real achievement in my opinion, as we were certainly in need of spending positive and friendly time together.


with the President of IPA Bulgaria: thank you Zine!

the International Executive Board of the IPA and IAC staff during the IPA anthem

I had written the following in my congress report: ‘I hope that this congress will become the epitome of our mutual friendship and respect. In such a turbulent world, in which security forces pay such a high price for human stupidity and fanaticism, it is vital that we pull together more than ever.’ I am convinced my wish was granted. Alongside a rich agenda centred on administrative subjects giving an insight into the activities of the past year, we also managed to open a window into the IPA’s future by sharing experiences and best practice through various themes and presentations from the sections and board members. This enabled everyone to get involved in thinking together about realistic as well as feasible projects and goals with the potential of increasing the IPA's scope for development. I would like to thank the board members and all congress participants for their positive, effective and constructive participation.

Above all, I would like to express my gratitude to our hosts, IPA Bulgaria, to their national president Zinaida Gantcheva and the entire organising committee who committed themselves fully and permanently in order to provide perfect conditions for our stay, the working sessions and the general atmosphere of the congress.

Servo per Amikeco, Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President Thank you to Eran Israel and others for all the photos taken and shared.


AROUND THE WORLD Travelling with the IPA - Section Israel’s way Beautiful Ireland is one of the countries that IPA Israel has recently sent groups to visit. The idea is simple: IPA Israel’s foreign affairs commission, including the travel secretary, decide on a destination, which is followed by the section putting the trip to tender with several travel agencies. After a tour operator has been chosen, a brochure is sent to all members and every IPA member is entitled to a 10% subsidy towards the cost of a trip once a year. Over the past 5 years IPA Israel sent more than 12,000 IPA friends on trips all over the world. The usual practice is that we contact the sections beforehand and inform them about our travel plans. On special occasions or on request we arrange meetings with the NEC of the section, visits to the police and meetings with friends from the police. In Malta, for example, we arranged a visit to the police headquarters and a reception for more than 1,000 IPA members who visited the island. In Portugal, we organised a meeting with the NEC of the section and a large reception and dinner with dancing. In Romania, we arranged a visit to the police academy and a meeting with the commanding officers of the districts. In Cyprus, we met the NEC, the commissioner, the Israeli ambassador as well as others. And recently in Ireland, we joined up with the NEC members and the IPA president Denis Dunne, the former president, Billy Saunderson and many other friends.

By using this method, all travel is arranged by our section, and the hosting section is only required to arrange meetings with IPA friends and sometimes with the police, if the members are professionals, or high-rank officers. Sending more than 2,500 friends to travel each year is a very demanding project, especially in Israel, as all of our trips are made by plane. It is not as easy as in Europe where often you can take a bus and travel to many countries.

In addition, the Israeli section assists more than 500 friends from all over the world each year, some individually and some in groups. We hope that all IPA members continue traveling and hosting and spending time amongst friends. Eran Israel, Secretary General IPA Israel


‘People Do Notice’ IPA South Africa supports the Yzerfountein Cycle Experience

Due to the fact that our West Coast Region of IPA South Africa Region is constantly involved in our communities and that people notice this, we were approached by local members of the Yzerfontein community to be involved again in organizing this prestigious cycle event. The IPA West Coast supported the Blue Ribbon Yzerfontein Cycle Experience to raise funds for the Darling Trust, Jenna Lowe Trust and IPA West Coast. The Darling Trust was set up to assist the previously disadvantaged communities of Darling. They aim to empower individuals to help themselves, mainly through participation in the sectors of education, skills development and health. In 2012 Jenna Lowe, then aged seventeen, was diagnosed with an extremely rare lung disease called Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. This little-known, degenerative and life-threatening condition changed her life forever. Bright, beautiful and extraordinarily eloquent, Jenna demonstrated exceptional leadership and courage throughout her three-and-a-half-year battle with this debilitating illness. She helped raise much needed awareness for Pulmonary Hypertension, opened up new treatment options and brought global expertise to South Africa. Tragically, Jenna passed away 8 June 2015. In her short life she made a massive social impact, most notably with her internationally-acclaimed and award-winning Getmeto21 campaign that significantly increased organ donor registration in South Africa. The Jenna Lowe Trust honours her legacy in all that it does and it supports Pulmonary Hypertension, Organ Transplantation and Rare Diseases in South Africa.

40 local IPA members braved the cold in the early morning of 11 June 2017 and took up their positions as Marshalls along the 74 km route from Yzerfontein through the West Coast National Park to ensure the safety of almost 1000 riders who took part in the event. The IPA was also responsible for managing the registration process and performed duty at the finish to marshal proceedings. Two of our IPA members were on the steering committee that was responsible to organize the event. Our members did us proud as they acted professionally and friendly, and lived our motto ‘Servo per Amikeco’. We are proud to be associated with the Blue Ribbon Yzerfontein Cycle Experience in the organizing and hosting of this event, which was complemented by an array of stalls and entertainers, bringing a festive atmosphere to the small West Coast town. Jakkie & Alfie Van Litsenborgh, IPA South Africa West Coast


IPA Romania hosts its first International Women’s Meeting:

‘Danube Delta 2017’

The term ‘friendship’ was the focus of IPA Romania’s first International Women's Conference. Friendship gives the power to believe in us, in our ability to build a unique organization, in the hope that through courage we can achieve true personality. From Sri Lanka and Israel to the UK and Romania, women exercise their role and importance in the public order. Different approaches bring forward other ways of

thinking and perceiving the problems encountered in the public order sector, from women in the home environment to women at work, integrating into a wide range of social structures. The purpose of the visit was to promote the exchange of experiences in all areas of interest, as well as to link friendship and collaboration. A tour of Bucharest, including the majestic Palace of the Parliament was followed by the wine tasting and hospitality of the Macin winery, whose hosts brought a touch of flavour, charm and delight to the delegates. Last, but not least, navigating the stunning channels of the Danube Delta, Romania promoted the friendship amongst the participating countries of Slovenia, Serbia, the United Kingdom, Israel, Sri Lanka and Cyprus. A number of Romanian meals organised in the ‘New Hotel Egreta’, a series of dances, displays of the main traditions, as well as the unforgettable contests delighted the audience. All delegates also experienced the cultural and tourist attractions in Tulcea County, plus the beauty of the Black Sea, an occasion in which they showed both interest and excitement with regard to the beauty of the visited places, as well as the hospitality of the people they encountered. A national and international meeting, such as our Association's event, is always an opportunity to meet friends in the spirit of the IPA, to socialise and shape friendships that will become strong and alive. Strong people build powerful organisations capable of consistently promoting the most beautiful principles of socialising and communicating in the line of friendship. Florian Safta, Treasurer IPA Romania


Cadets had a blast in Germany with the help of IPA UK

A group of eight police cadets, Supervisors and Police spent a weekend in Leicester’s German twin-town, Krefeld, and swapped their police berets for driver’s helmets as they took part in the town’s annual go-cart race, the ‘soapbox derby’. In Krefeld, the cadets visited the local police department, met with the Oberbürgermeister (Lord Mayor) and designed a Leicestershire Police soapbox ready to race in the derby on 3 September.

Volunteer Police Cadet Josh Stone, 14, said: ‘I feel very lucky to have visited Krefeld with the cadets. I had an amazing time from start to finish, but especially enjoyed the soapbox derby. We managed to get the go-cart to go quite quickly, and finished in fourth place overall. It was also really good to visit Krefeld Police, and find out about policing in a different country.” Volunteer Police Cadet Lydia Chamberlain, 16, also went on the trip and said: ‘It was a brilliant experience and I got a real insight into Krefeld policing and culture. I had great fun making friends with cadets from Germany and Poland, and we’ve swapped details so hopefully we can stay in touch on social media. The trip was definitely a success, and an experience I’ll never forget.’ The trip followed a challenge set in June 2015 by a visiting youth group from Krefeld, but was only made possible due to some generous funding from the City of Leicester European Twinning Association (CLETA) and the International Police Association (IPA). PC Simon O’Connell organised the trip, and said: ‘As an active member of the IPA it was brilliant to help the Leicester and Krefeld branches reconnect. I am also thrilled to have been able to involve the cadets for a second year running, and hope that they will help to maintain the relationship we hold with our German twin-town. The cadets have made both German and Polish friends, and this gave the cadets a chance to learn new cultures and meet people from different counties.’ The cadets will be sending messages of thanks to those involved in the trip, and we would like to thank the IPA and CLETA for making the trip possible. Text by Ellie Jeffries, Leicestershire Police


3rd Half-Marathon International Open Police Cup organised by IPA Poland

On 3 September 2017, 3640 runners from Poland and many other countries took part in the 27th Philips International Half-Marathon in Piła, which also acted as the 26th Polish Championships in half-marathon. As part of the championships, the International Open Police Cup, organised in cooperation by the Police School in Piła and the IPA group of

Greater Poland, took place. 142 policemen from Poland and 16 other countries, i.e. 7 from Latvia, 4 from Malta and 5 from Romania, participated. The Police School in Piła was represented by Arkadiusz Bajerski, Mateusz Pałys, Artur Pinkowski, Radosław Słabaczewski, Adam Blajchert, Grzegorz Lewandowski and Bartłomiej Olbrycht. The trophies and other prizes were donated by the Chief Commander of the Polish Police, the Commander of the Police School in Piła, the International Police Association, the Trade Union of the Polish Police Force and the local authority of Piła. Every runner who finished the race received a race medal with the image of Leszek Bebło, a famous Polish marathon runner - the Olympic medallist from Barcelona (1992) and Atlanta (1996). The classification of the International Open Police Cup in Half-Marathon was as follows:

Women Men Teams

1. Monika Kapera (PL) Andrew Grech (MT) State Police of Latvia

2. Kitija Valtere (LV) Anatolijs Mackus (LV) Police School of Piła

3. Liga Girgensone (LV) Rafał Stachowski (PL) District Police HQ Złotów

The trophies were presented by the Commander of the Police School in Piła, Colonel Beata Różniak-Krzeszewska, the President of the IPA Group of Greater Poland Witold Drzażdżyński, a representative of the Polish Police Trade Union, Mateusz Przybyłowski and the leader of the Police Trade Union in the Police School in Piła, Przemysław Zublewicz. IPA Greater Poland region


A thank-you note from IPA France In the July/August edition of the IPA Newsletter, an international appeal for 12-year-old Erwan who has cancer and who hopes in the future to become a police officer was circulated with the help of IPA France member Sébastien Delbaere (IPA Nord). I would now like to thank all those who responded and donated so generously:

• Michel Camy Portenable, retired National Police, France • Regis Tabeau, retired National Police, France • Monique Pottier, President IPA 56, Morbihan, France • Jean Marie Molina Treasurer, IPA 76, Seine Maritime, France • Bruno Ursch, President IPA 35/22 Ille et Vilaine and Cotes d’Armor, France • Francis Thiry, former President IPA Tournai, Belgium • Michael Luke, President IPA United Kingdom • Lorenzo Ricato, Treasurer IPA Australia • Pascal Duriez, President of IPA 21, Côte d’Or, France • Clive Wood, Chair Region 5 Midlands, United Kingdom • Gérard Lachaud, Treasurer IPA 37, France • Sylvie Jourdan, Police Officer IPA 75, Paris • Rune Jathun, Norwegian Police Mobile, Norway • Jean Pierre Grassin, retired National Police, IPA 75 Paris, France • Brian Adamson • all members of IPA France Nord

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the anonymous donors who sent us their patches. Thank you to all of you for your generosity. Thank you on behalf of Erwan.

Paul Lourme, President of IPA France Nord

IPA Serbia takes part in the 13th Carnival of Ships in Belgrade Please follow the link below to enjoy IPA Serbia’s participation in the 13th Carnival of Ships in Belgrade on 2 September 2017, with the ship ‘Vatrogasac’ (Fireman) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. IPA Serbia won 1st place. ipa.beograd/videos/carnival Marija Kozomara, IPA Serbia


Experiencing Burning Man 2017 from a police point of view

The annual Burning Man event in the Nevada desert is the largest cultural and social event in the world with an attendance of around 80,000 people. The temporary Black Rock City is built each year in August and a complete industry is associated with it. Burning Man has a local police force, and a police station is set up to provide services to the residents. The police are

Rangers from the Nevada police. Black Rock also has volunteering Rangers, participants who volunteer part of their time at Burning Man to help guarantee the safety and well-being of the Burning Man community. Rangers act as non-confrontational community mediators, providers of reliable information, facilitators of public safety and navigators on the edge of chaos. Day or night, pairs of Rangers can be found walking and cycling the streets of Black Rock City, engaging with the community, enjoying the art, and always ready to help sort things out. The following public agencies are on patrol: the Federal Bureau of Land Management Rangers, Pershing County Sheriff’s Office, Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, and Nevada State Department of Investigations (NDI), Nevada State Health Division and Nevada Highway Patrol. The police rangers belong to Pershing County, in the rural pocket of northwest Nevada. Even though this is a huge event, which has been going on for 31 years, the founders I met told me that over the years there have been no exceptional criminal or violent events. The police reported 40 arrests this year, all for possession of illegal drugs, the result of a police search. The fine for such cases ranges from $ 100 to $ 500. The police also stated that there was no violence or crime of any kind. Tens of thousands of vehicles moving on the route to Black Rock provide employment for businesses all along the way, but there were no road accidents. Until a few years ago, the rangers stayed in the ‘Playa’ after their shift. It was recently decided that police would leave at the end of their shift, so as not to be involved in the celebrations and parties of the Burning Man. I asked some of the policemen I met if it is fun to be a ranger in such an exotic place like the Burning Man and received the following reply: ‘not much policing to do, it is hot in the desert and we are the only ones with full uniform. But this is a special experience that is not taught at the police academy’. Eran Israel, Secretary General IPA Israel


IPA UK members enjoy taking part in the Airborne March

14 members of No.2 Region (Northern Ireland) had the greatest pleasure in being able to attend the Airborne March in the Netherlands. This commemorative march relates to the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944 and takes place every first Saturday in September. This year close to 32,000 people took part. We all set off on Thursday (making it a long weekend) from Belfast, flying into Amsterdam and a short journey to Arnhem. After settling into our hotel we all had a walk around the town and had

a taste of the local hospitality, well it would have been rude not to . We also had the pleasure of speaking to and taking photographs with some of the Netherlands’ mounted police. Friday brought a few shopping trips and a fairly early night for the big day on Saturday. IPA T-shirts on, fed and watered, we set off on the very short bus journey to Oosterbeek where the march was starting from. This was my first time taking part, although some of our other members have been doing it over the last 20 years. And what a privilege it was! Everyone was so welcoming and pleased to see you, it filled your heart with pride to be a part of it all. There was a choice of 10, 15, 25 or 30k, and we opted for the 15k march. After touching base with IPA Netherlands in the field we all set off together on a very pleasurable commemorative march. The Airborne March is in homage to more than 1750 British and Polish soldiers who lost their lives in the Battle of Arnhem and who are buried in the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek. It did your heart good to see all the locals out remembering this day, from babes in arms to the elderly walking with sticks. On arrival back into the field we were entertained by a variety of bands. It was a truly amazing experience! Spike Elliot, IPA UK member


XIX International Football Tournament IPA Poznań

From 24-27.08.2017 the 19th edition of the International Football Tournament of IPA Poznań took place. 14 law enforcement agency teams from Poland and 2 foreign teams from Serbia and Hungary took part. The first semi-final between the teams of IPA Poznań and the Military Counterintelligence Service was decided by a penalty shootout, won 3:2 by the IPA Poznań players. In the second

match the IPA Podunavlje team from Serbia defeated the Poznań City Guard team with 2:1. The teams of the Military Counterintelligence Service and Poznań City Guard played the match for the third place, which was won by the latter by 3:2. The final, despite of the teams’ ambitious play, finished in a tie and the victory was to be decided by a series of 3 penalties. The first shot by the players from Serbia hit the bar. In the end, the IPA Poznań team won 3:2, meaning the hosts of the tournament received the cup! In the evening, a celebratory evening including a barbeque was held, in the presence of the President of the IPA Polish Section, Fryderyk Orepuk, and the Deputy Chief of the Wielkopolska Police, Col. Konrad Chmielewski, who – together with the other guests - presented cups and certificates to all participating teams. In addition, the players of the three best teams also received medals and further prizes. Awards presented:

Best goal scorer of the tournament: (with 6 goals each)

Arkadiusz Korcz (IPA Poznań) Goran Pavlovic (IPA Podunavlje)

Best goalkeeper: Maciej Lubczyński (IPA Poznań)

Best player: Janos Szigili (IPA Gyöngyös)

Final classification (Top 10):

1. IPA Poznań 6. County Police HQ in Jarocin

2. IPA Podunavljie (Serbia) 7. County Jail Poznań

3. Poznań City Guard 8. IPA Gyöngyös (Hungary)

4. Mil. Counterintelligence Service 9. Poznań Riot Police Division

5. Convoy Department of the Regional Police HQ Poznań

10. IPA Gostyń

IPA Poznań



Nathalie Schultz shares her thoughts on the YPOS 2017 In June 2017 I had the utmost honour to be a participant of the 4th Young Police Officers’ Seminar in Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, which was hosted by the US section of the International Police Association. 52 police officers from 29 countries had the opportunity to work, learn and train together for a week. I have thought a lot about what I should write in this short article in order to give credit to all the amazing colleagues and supporters from the US and worldwide, who offered their free time in order to take care of us, teach us, train with us and just befriend each of us. No words are able to transmit how much this experience has enriched, encouraged and benefitted me, as a person and as a police officer. Police work nowadays is not limited anymore to territorial borders and state lines. As crime is becoming more and more global, policing strategies have to adapt and advance at the same time. The Young Police Officers’ Seminar offered a unique possibility not only to attend lectures regarding topics such as gangs, drugs, coping with stress or public relations, but also to have avid, insightful and profound discussions with knowledgeable colleagues from all over the world. Of course we share the same principles and goals, but talking to a police officer from the United Kingdom, for example, who has never even held a gun in his life, whereas in Germany it is a profound part of my education and upbringing as a police officer, has opened my eyes to the diversity and different approaches to policing in countries and communities all over the world. Before I had the opportunity to come to Green Bay, the International Police Association and its motto ‘Service through Friendship’ had been an admirable construct to look upon, but I had no idea what this organisation and the heartfelt words through which it defines and identifies itself would come to mean to me. I have no doubt that I have formed friendships for life during these seven days. I am looking forward to travelling the world to visit the people I have met and explore how they work as members of the police. I can’t wait to welcome those friends and their families in my home country. Not only to show them how the German police operates, but also to create new experiences and memories together. My deepest thanks go to Joe Johnson, Vice-President of the IPA USA section. During this week he made each and every one of us feel like a brother or a sister. He brought together 52 people and created an amazing experience. Thank you to all the police officers in De Pere, Green Bay, Madison, Appleton and many more, who were


with us each day and offered their time, experience and knowledge. Thank you to May-Britt Rinaldo, who gave us her support and encouragement along the way and captured the most precious moments with her camera. I am sure we will all see each other again soon. Nathalie Schultz, IPA Germany


‘Citizen Security versus Human Rights in the 21st Century’: A critical analysis by PC member Javier Gamero Kinosita

The shocking acts of violence perpetrated on September 11, 2001, will remain engraved in mankind‘s collective memory. They signalled that global terrorism will be humanity’s scourge in the 21st century. Since that moment, the world has no longer been what it used to be. Acute tensions between citizen security and human rights arise from current counterterrorism policies. From the Terror Discourse to the Psychology of Fear in the Risk Society That day, the dramaturgy of terror was installed. A new political discourse of terrorism gained

popularity. It was a massive discourse, propagated by the media, full of metaphors like “Axis of Evil”, “Era of Terror”, “War Against Terror” or the “Existence of Arms of Mass Destruction”, which instilled a psychology of fear among the people, an impulse of traumatic disorder. This, along with postmodern society’s social changes, spawned uncertainty, anxiety, insecurity and collective fear, hightening the sense of vertigo generated by the society of risk described by Ulrich Beck, who maintains that the very progress of technological and social development produces inevitable risks, such as organized crime, nuclear threats, etc.1 Crime Policy and Human Rights: Paradoxes, Ambiguities and Potential In the risk society, politicians are pressured by social demand to make concessions and accept that citizens want the most secure rules for communal life, even at the price of compromising fundamental rights and freedoms. Noriyoshi Takemura of the Toin University of Yokohama points out that we are facing a trilemma among “safety, freedom and justice”. In a society with high crime rates, risk and terror, the confrontations and contradictions among those three poles increase. “At the critical point” – Takemura continues – “chaos, complexity, contingency and criticality appear”2. That is precisely the point at which post 9/11 society encounters itself. Criminal policy is unable to operate outside of this context and confronts the dilemma 1 Kunz, Karl-Ludwig. Kriminologie. Berne, Stuttgart, Vienna: Haupt, 2008, p. 304. 2 Takemura, Noriyoshi. “Beyond Criminology: Emerging New Paradigm of Complexity Criminology – Chaos, Contingency and Criticality”, in: The Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Stockholm, 15 - 17 June, 2006.


of whether it should maintain current human rights standards or boost security measures applying tougher prevention and crime control strategies. The past decade saw a gradual replacement of the humane and liberal crime policy by a much more drastic neoliberal policy, at the cost of human rights. This raises concerns about the future orientation of government policies: Will their prevention and crime control strategies safeguard human rights? Change of Focus in The Criminal Justice Security Approach after 9/11 In post 9/11 society’s security logic, the focus of criminal justice has shifted from the traditional post-crime orientation to a pre-crime orientation. This constitutes a new preventive approach in current criminal justice, known as preventive justice, which poses new challenges to human rights. Fundamental rights, such as the presumption of innocence, the principle of proportionality and the right to due process of law, formerly guaranteed the observance of limits in the post-crime security approach of the justice system, but the relevance of these rights has been diminished in the new preventive doctrine. The high degree of insecurity makes the presumption of innocence appear less important. We also observe gross human rights violations in the context of this new criminal policy, such as restrictions of the freedom of religion, freedom to worship, freedom of association, freedom of speech, personal freedom, freedom of movement, the right to privacy, and the right to property. With deep concern, we see measures of permanent telephone and internet surveillance being taken without judicial approval. The recent years have brought the development of the “surveillance society” with high costs, such as the loss of privacy and the erosion of the individual autonomy, as the surveillance technologies are becoming more widespread, sophisticated and intrusive3. We are told of arbitrary arrests, people being stripped of their citizenship, arbitrary extraditions, unlawful entries by the police, confiscations, seizures, access to banking and financial information, blocking of accounts, DNA data banks. In some countries, we also witness a weakening of the legislative power in favor of the executive power, an instrumentalization of the judiciary, the creation of super-minstries for internal security, a disproportionate increase in the power of the police, the appointment of special military courts for civil persons suspected of terrorism, as well as deplorable prison conditions. Anna Maria Getos of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, underlines that these counterterrorist measures have a negative impact on human rights4. Jean-Claude Paye warns us that “democracy is in serious danger”5. The Democratic Concept of the Police and Human Rights The police is one of the basic institutions of modern rule-of-law states, where the defense of human rights is a key maxim. However, due to 9/11, we increasingly observe that in certain countries the interior policy is dictated by the military, which takes over tasks that normally correspond to the police. At this point, a clear distinction between the terms “defense” and “security” needs to be made. The defense is the domain of the military, which focuses on combat, external security, uses deadly weapons and is governed by the rule of armed conflict (ius in bello). The police, on the other hand, centers its actions on law enforcement. In democratic 3 Brown, Ian and Korff, Douwe. “Terrorism and the Proportionality of Internet Surveillance”, in: European Journal of Criminology, vol. 6, no. 2. California: Sage, 2009, pp. 119-134. 4 Getos, Anna Maria. “The Missing Dots in Terrorism Research: Violent Radicalisation”, in: IX. Conference of the European Society of Criminology: Criminology and Crime Policy Between Human Rights and Effective Crime Control. Ljubliana: 9-12 September 2009. 5 Paye, Jean-Claude. Das Ende des Rechtsstaats - Demokratie im Ausnahmezustand. Zurich: Rotpunkt, 2005, p. 235.


states, the police does not have any internal enemies to fight, but citizens to protect. In the context of the battle against global terrorism, many dictatorial or autocratic regimes have imposed old military concepts on the police, using it as a power tool to spy and provide intelligence for the government, thereby converting the police into a source of conflict and social desintegration. For this reason, the doctrine of the police in this day and age must be inspired in the philosophy of democray and human rights. The police must be a civil body and act as a service of a civil nature. Human Rights as a Core Element of Citizen Security Citizen security plays a key role in the development of human rights. Its goal consists in the protection of the persons on the basis of the constitution and legislation. It is essential to abolish the old concept of public order and national security, which sees the police as a tool of the state whose task lies in maintaining public tranquility, independently of whether the order that is protected is actually a violent or injust one. The concept of citizen security, by contrast, works to the benefit of the individuals. It is not just limited to the fight against delinquency, but goes further aiming to create an environment that fosters social peace and development. Final Thoughts The 21st century requires a sustainable security, i.e. a broad, objective as well as subjective security comprising 4 levels: collective or global security, security of the state, security of the institutions and security of the persons. The culture of human rights does not only constitute one of the philosophical pillars of civilized Western societies, it is also an essential component of security. Currently, stricter laws are very popular as they promise heightened security. However, a battle against terrorism based on the assumption that every person is a potentially dangerous subject undermines the validity of human rights. The attempt to achieve the desired security by eroding the very values and freedoms that terrorism seeks to destroy is counterproductive. My opinion is that an idea cannot be shot, an idea must be fought with a better idea. In the battle against terrorism, the human rights values preached by the West all over the world must be respected, otherwise the West will lose credibility. Without credibility, there is no legitimacy and without legitimacy, there is no success. The action of the police is a key element for finding the point of equilibrium between security and human rights, provided that it adheres to the principles and rules of the democratic state. Let‘s not forget Benjamin Franklin‘s words: “Those who give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety“. Javier Gamero Kinosita, Professional Commission member and IPA Peru



IPA House Nymfeon, Florina, Greece Nymfaio is a mountain village, situated at 1350m elevation in the densely forested Verno Mountains. It is 3 km north of Sklithro, 5 km west of Aetos, 16 km west of Amyntaio and 17 km southeast of Florina. Nymfaio is home to the Museum of Gold and Silver-smithery, Folklore, and History, which opened in 2000 and is located in a traditional building in the village centre. Furniture, jewellery and silverware are on display, as well as costumes, photographs and other memorabilia. Arcturos, an environmental centre runs a protection centre for brown bears and wolves in the area. There are 6 hotels in Nymfaio, as well as an Orthodox Church with an old cemetery dating back to the 18th and 19th century. For the more active, the ‘Vigla Psideriou Skiing Centre;’ is around 40 km (around 1 hr driving) away.

The IPA House Nymfeon is a traditional stone house, in harmony with the architectural style of the area. It has 4 rooms and sleeps 8 people. • One twin room with a private bath and

kitchen • One double room with private bathroom • One double room and one twin room with a

shared bathroom • A kitchen as well as a dining room

The House is open throughout the year and additionally has central heating, parking, and a refrigerator in the dining room. Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Anastasios Pamamichail • Address: Nymfeon Florina, GR 53073 • Tel: +30 6974773146 • Mobile: +306977096777 • email: [email protected] or [email protected] • Website : http://www.ipa-gr.org • Prices: Available on request

Information provided by Kyriakos Karkalis, IPA Greece



Perfect preparation, perfect location, perfect weather … Thank you so much to Zina and her organising committee for turning a week of work into such an enjoyable experience Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event USA 1-6 Oct 2017

6-10 Oct 2017 NDC Meeting, Charleston Friendship Tour Charleston and Savannah

Netherlands 9-13 Oct 2017 35th WPIST, Eibergen, Groenlo/Lichtenvoorde Greece 12-15 Oct 2017 Balkan-Adriatic Meeting, Veria Germany 4 Nov 2017 IPA Radio Club Contest Hong Kong 7-12 Nov 2017 Hong Kong Friendship Week UK 11-12 Nov 2017 COPS-UK CPD Training Weekend, Exeter Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona UK 22-25 Nov 2017 IEB Meeting, Nottingham Austria 27 Jan-3 Feb 2018 30th IPA Ski Week, Nassfeld-Hermagor Croatia 28 Apr- 12 May 2018 Croatia Coast and Country Tour Belgium 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary celebrations IPA Liège Sweden 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary IPA Sweden, Malmö France 6-10 June 2018 Rhône/Alpes Motorcycle Meeting UK 7-10 Jun 2018 Notts Branch 60th Anniversary Celebrations Germany 10-19 Aug 2018 VIII International Friendship Meeting, Bork


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 09-13 Oct 2017 On Terrorism – Europa im Visier der Islamisten

On Terrorism – Europe, a target for islamistic terrorists

E and G

16-18 Oct 2017 Rockerbanden und organisierte Kriminalität G 18-20 Oct 2017 Predictive Policing – Vorbeugende

Verbrechensbekämpfung der Zukunft G

08-10 Nov 2017 Alle Macht für Erdogan! Politische Entwicklungen in der Türkei und die Rolle der Deutschtürken


10-12 Nov 2017 Die Schreibwerkstatt für Polizisten G 13-17 Nov 2017 Burnout – Ausgebrannt – Existenzielle

Erschöpfungszustände G

20-24 Nov 2017 Cybercrime, Cyber Threats and Cyber Terrorism E 20-24 Nov 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

27 Nov-01 Dec 2017

Gewalt gegen die Staatsgewalt / Violence against Police Officers & other representatives of the State

E and G

08-10 Dec 2017 Qualifizierte Vernehmung im Bereich der Schwer- und Bandenkriminalität


11-13 Dec 2017 Reisende Täter, Bandenkriminalität und Eurasische OK in Deutschland


08-12 Jan 2017 Linksextremismus – Die unterschätzte Gefahr? G 15-19 Jan 2017 Islamistischer Terrorismus / Islamic Terrorism E and G 22-26 Jan 2017 Gewalt im Spiel – Ultras und Hooligans im Umfeld

von Fußballspielen G

29 Jan-02 Feb 2017

Scientfic Examination of Documents E


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 7459 863196 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

On eagle’s wing …

A beautiful entry to our IPA photo competition 2017, submitted by Ashvin Munisamy from Mauritius

November 2017



Happy 1 November or Allhallowtide time to all! Allhallowtide is known in the western Christian traditions as a triduum celebrating All Saints' Eve (Halloween), All Saints' Day (All Hallows') and All Souls' Day, which lasts from 31 October to 2 November each year. Apart from what Halloween has become in many countries, with kids collecting candies and pumpkins becoming the most popular vegetable for the same period, Allhallowtide remains the time to remember the people who passed away. One of the tradition linked to it is to bring flowers, especially Chrysanthemums, to the tombs or graves. While celebrated on 1 and 2 November in the Christian culture, all cultures have their own similar traditions and celebrations across the year. I have friends who do not like the officiality of these celebrations. They approve of the fact that, at least where I live, we get an extra day off at work, though . They consider it hypocritical to have an official day to remember the dead and claim that to remember the ones you should grieve for does not require such a day. I understand this point of view, but to be honest, I tend to be someone who needs such a day to remember and to take the time to visit the cemetery. Every year, I am surprised to see how many more people I used to know have left us. This can be very hurtful: remembering everything that you miss about them, maybe sometimes the guilt of what you never took the time to do, and many other feelings. Thankfully, it can also be joyful, though: remembering the good times shared, the laughs, etc. I certainly see it as an opportunity to ‘remember’ in a more general sense. To remember that you can’t change things once they are labelled ‘too late’. To remember that to give is a true path to happiness. To remember that friendship is not only a word, but a state of mind and of the heart. So my dear fellow IPA members, let us serve not only through friendship, but let us simply serve friendship Pierre-Martin Moulin, IPA President


Piia Vuori Murto (chairperson IPA Häme), with Jari Liukku (Europol)

The visitors with René de Brower (front)

AROUND THE WORLD IPA Finland members visit Europol

The Häme region of IPA Finland organised a visit to Europol in The Hague for its members on 18 August 2017. One of our members has been working at Europol for four years and acted as our excellent host over the whole weekend we stayed in the Netherlands. Our programme included several interesting presentations. The Head of the European Serious and Organised Crime Department Jari Liukku, who is also from Finland, gave us an overview of the Europol organisation, as well as the key functions and tasks of his own department. The Finnish liaison officers described their work,

and we learned that Finland is active in using Europol's secured information exchange application (SIENA) system.

The Europol Operational Centre is striving to be the principle information hub by providing real-time and relevant services to its internal and external stakeholders on a 24/7 basis. We also enjoyed excellent presentations of the European Counter Terrorism Centre and the Digital Forensic Laboratory's role in cyber matters. On 19 August, we met René de Brouwer from The Hague. He is a member of IPA Het Groene Hart Region. Rene took us to visit the ABB Protection and Security Division, the police station responsible for the protection of embassies and international organisations. In the evening, we visited the famous Scheveningen Beach. We were lucky because at the same time, a spectacular International Fireworks Festival took place. Our team is pleased and grateful to all those who made this interesting journey possible. We will always remember the kindness and helpfulness we received. Teija Koivunen, IPA Häme, Finland


Winners IPA Košice with their trophy

Francesco Prunella, President of IPA Ascoli Piceno, presenting the participating teams

4th Riviera delle Palme Trophy won by IPA Košice

IPA Košice from Slovakia won the 4th Trophy ‘Riviera delle Palme’, a five-a-side international football tournament, by beating the team of the Penitentiary Police of Ascoli Piceno with 7:1. The tournament, which took place at the Eleonora Sports Centre in San Benedetto del Tronto, saw the participation of 12 teams, 5 of which came from Belgium, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, in addition to several local police forces’ teams. The competition took place in a festive and peaceful atmosphere, apart of

course from the competitiveness shown within the matches. The spirit demonstrated during the tournament was the one shared by all members of the IPA: friendship and collaboration amongst the members of all Police Forces around the world. With pleasure we point out the positions of the other participating teams: 3rd place: IPA Łódź (Poland) beating the colleagues of IPA Szombathely (Hungary). 5th place: IPA Timişoara Regiunea 2 (Romania), beating the team of the Guardia di Finanza of Ascoli Piceno. The further ranking is as follows: State Police Force team of Ascoli Piceno, the Capitaneria di Porto of San Benedetto del Tronto, IPA Giulianova (Teramo), Virgo Fidelis 1996 of Ascoli Piceno, the Local Police Force team of Fléron (Belgium), and last but not least the IPA team of Ascoli Piceno. The prize awarding ceremony was attended by the National Secretary of IPA Italy, Laura Giacomini, the Vice National Secretary, Milco Cipullo, the President of Region 15 Marche, Pasquale Manente, and the Treasurer of the Local Branch Macerata / Fermo, Claudio Collina. The Fair Play Cup was awarded to the Fléron team, while the best player was Maros Miskovic, wearing the number 6 shirt of the winning team of IPA Košice. See you next year! Francesco Prunella, President IPA Ascoli Piceno - Italy


10th Anniversary Celebrations of IPA Serbia

On 7 October 2017 the central ceremony for the celebrations of the 10th Anniversary of the International Police Association’s Section Serbia was held at the National Theatre in Belgrade. The ceremony was attended by more than 30 foreign delegations, including the IPA Vice-President & Chairperson

of the Socio-Cultural Commission, Gal Sharon from Israel, who spoke to the audience on behalf of the International Executive Board. Delegations from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Romania, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Albania and others participated in the ceremony, as well as regional delegations from Montenegro, FYRO Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, plus representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Provincial Government, the National Assembly, religious communities, embassies and other prominent figures. In addition, for the foreign delegations, the programme included a formal parade of uniforms in the city centre with the flags of the IPA member sections, the playing of the hymn of the International Police Association, performed by the Police Orchestra, plus an exhibition of Police equipment in the Serbian Army House and last, but not least followed a Gala dinner in the Serbian Army House. Grateful for the numerous congratulations and praise received, IPA Serbia celebrated its jubilee - the 10th Anniversary of affiliation. The activities of IPA Serbia make a significant contribution to international cooperation, as well as to the promotion of the Ministry of the Interior and of Serbia in the World. Please take a look at further photos of the ceremony by following the links: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ipa.beograd/10th Anniversary Photo Album http://www.ipa-serbia.org/Activities 10th Anniversary IPA Watch the IPA hymn being played: https://www.youtube.com/Serbia IPA Hymn Or a video clip of the Celebrations: https://www.youtube.com/Serbia Celebrations Marija Kozomara, IPA Serbia


A moving ceremony: IPA France presents IPA certificate of recognition to DSPAP

On 28 September 2017, we had the honour of presenting an IPA Certificate of Recognition to the Commissioner of Police, Jacques Meric, at the Police Headquarters in Paris. As all of you will remember, the Parisian police forces (DSPAP) have been faced with a number of terrorist attacks from 2015 onwards. The certificate, awarded by the International

Excecutive Board of the IPA, was announced to all delegates during the IPA World Congress 2016 in New Zealand, is a testimony to the understanding that police forces across the world have for each other. During the award ceremony in Paris, the Commissioner of Police was joined by all Chiefs of Police from the Paris region, as well as by police officers on duty during the terrorist attacks. A large IPA delegation, led by the French IPA President Rose Lourme, participated in the event. Introducing the International award, Rose, speaking on behalf of the IPA President Pierre-Martin Moulin, highlighted some of the IPA’s values: ‘Each police officer is concerned when colleagues have to face terrorist situations. They all know the price of life and the price of duty. Only Police cooperation can stop this international blight and as IPA members, again and again, we try to encourage peaceful co-existence between peoples and preservation or world peace.’ Daniel Condaminas, National Advisor IPA France

World Congress 2017: the Film

A big thank-you to Eran Israel for producing a fabulous short film of the IPA World Congress in Albena, Bulgaria. Follow the link and enjoy! https://youtu.be/IPA World Congress 2017


3rd IPA Balkan-Adriatic Conference in Veria, Greece The 3rd Balkan-Adriatic Conference of the IPA, which took place from 13-15 October 2017 in Veria Imathia, under the aegis of the Greek Police Headquarters and was co-organised by the municipality of Veria, was a resounding success. Delegations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italy, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey, plus the hosting section of Greece participated. The event was furthermore attended by the local authorities, including the mayor of Veria, the General Regional Police Director of Central Macedonia as representative of the Greek Chief of Police, the Police Director of Imathia and the Commander of the School of Further Education and Training of Northern Greece. The IPA Secretary General, Georgios Katsaropoulos represented the IEB, and representatives of 23 Greek regions also attended. The official opening of the conference took place on Saturday afternoon at the School of Further Education and Training of the Greek Police in Northern Greece in Panorama, Veria. The Greek Chief of Police, General Tsouvalas Konstantinos and the IPA President, Pierre-Martin Moulin, addressed the participants via Skype.

The following topics were discussed during the conference:

• Organisation of the IPA Games • Assigning the next conference • Scheduling of conferences and Gimborn seminars • Review of the IPA World Congress

As part of the accompanying programme, visits were made to the Royal Tombs of the Aigai in Vergina, and, following in the steps of St. Paul, the old town of Veria and its cathedral. The Greek Section’s NEC would like to express its thanks to the President and administration board of the Mathai region, who contributed greatly to the success of the conference. In addition, we would like to thank all delegates and visitors for joining us. The next Balkan-Adriatic conference will take place in Bulgaria in 2018. SERVO PER AMIKECO Kyriakos Karkallas, Head of International Relations IPA Greece


Prestigious award for IPA Croatia’s regional club Split-Dalmatia

The ‘Security of Historic Cities’ Conference, organised in Split in March 2017 was declared as the best project in the category ‘Partnership in Security’ at the Croatian Security Days Meeting, which took place in October 2017. The winning conference had been organised as a partnership project by the IPA Regional Club Split-Dalmatia and the Croatian Association of Historical Towns (CAHT). The Security Award was handed to the President of the IPA RC Split-Dalmatia, Mr Slobodan Marandi, and the

President of the CAHT, Mr Jacob Velma, on 11 October 2017 in Optima, Croatia. Since the award comes from the Croatian Association of Security Managers, and as the decision who to award was taken by a committee of well-established and renowned experts in the field of security, academics and police officers, this award has a special value for all members and friends of the IPA. The decision of the Committee took into account that the conference had attracted more than 130 experts and the lecturers from nine different countries, who had come to Croatia following the recommendations of our friends and colleagues from the IPA sections of France, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Canada, Portugal and Romania. A valuable aspect of the conference was the fact that the majority of lecturers who came were practitioners: former or active members of the police or from closely related services, experts who present an enormous potential of the IPA in an international environment. This remarkable award is a confirmation of the good work and a challenge for all members of the IPA RC Split-Dalmatia. It provides motivation to follow the direction which was started with the organisation of the ‘Partnership for Secure Daily Life Conference’, organised in Split, April 2016, and continued with the organisation of the 1st Conference ‘Security of Historic Cities’. Preparations have now begun for the 2nd ‘Security of Historic Cities Conference’, scheduled for March 16-17 2018 in Split, Croatia, and we can expect even more international participation from other IPA Sections. If you would like to know more about the Conference, visit www.shcconference.com or www.ipa-split.hr, or alternatively contact us by email on [email protected]. For participation in the 2018 conference, please reserve mark 16-17 March 2018 in your calendar. ŽeljkoTurk, Secretary General IPA Croatia


At the British War Grave Cemetery Allerona

Retracing history with the help of the IPA: IPA UK’s Glyn Bull on his father’s steps in Italy

During my early teenage years I had badgered my father to know what he did and where he was during the Second World War, but it was only with great reluctance that he eventually told me that he had been a member of 46 Recognisance Regiment captured at Monte Cassino, Italy, in December 1943. In spite of many requests from me over the years my father would not revisit Italy, but thanks to a combination of circumstances and tremendous help from the Umbria delegation of the IPA I was able to visit Italy earlier this year

and retrace many of my father’s footsteps. A friend of mine was well aware of my wish and reasons to visit Italy and approached me, telling me that his daughter was getting married in Sorrento earlier this year and then followed up that news with the suggestion we should attend the wedding and then hire a car, and seek out the various locations of interest to me. In the months leading up to our journey, having approached the Italian IPA delegation, I was contacted by Pasquale Murchese, IPA Secretary Perugia Delegation, and thanks to him and his colleagues I had a truly unforgettable experience for which I shall be forever indebted. Having been captured by German forces prior to the battle for Monte Cassino, my father was taken initially to a holding prison camp and subsequently to Prison camp 54 in an area known as Fara in Sabina, north east of Rome, before being loaded onto a train for transporting to Germany together with 1100 allied prisoners. On 28 January 1944, as the train travelled north approaching Allerona, Umbria, it came under fire from the American air force whose mission was to destroy the rail line and with it the main communications line between Germany and southern Italy. The bombardment was so intense that 4 box cars were blown off the bridge into the river below and resulted in the loss of more than 400 allied prisoners whilst another hundred casualties were admitted to local hospitals. My father was lucky enough to escape without injury and spent several months being sheltered by local farmers before returning to the U.K. the following year. On the morning of 7 June 2017 I met with Pasquale and several members of the Umbria IPA delegation, including Paolo Rossi, IPA Umbria President and Maggiore (Chief Constable) Marco Rovaldi, who then led me on a fascinating expedition. First stop, after morning coffee, was at a memorial commemorating the lives lost, where I laid flowers as a mark of respect. The memorial is set close to the scene of the bombing in a very rural area of the municipality of Allerona. It depicts the different aspects of the bombing and the unity of those involved in the aftermath. We were joined by Fabio Roncello, mayor of Montegabbione, an authority on the bombardment of Allerona and Signor Gioubattista, a published author on the subject from whom I learned so much about the villages having been badly affected by the


Meeting Giovanni Muccifora

prolonged American bombing campaign, the consequent medical assistance given to those injured and the subsequent searches by German forces for those lucky enough to escape from the train. Fabio also explained how he takes part in local history lessons in schools to ensure the children are aware of their heritage. Our next stop, the British war graves cemetery at Allerona, was for me a very humbling and poignant experience, particularly so, as many of the head stones contained not only the name of the deceased but of wives and families, which emphasised for me a far greater sense of loss than each individual grave ever could. I was honoured to be able to pay my respects and sign the visitors’ book. The six course lunch which followed had to be seen to be believed. Each course devoured at an ever slower pace than the previous as we swapped notes about policing. Italian cuisine at its best, exactly as the holiday adverts seek to portray it. A very enjoyable occasion during which I was presented with an Umbrian IPA pendant and cap. Saving the best until last, our final visit of the day was to meet with retired farmer, 94 year old Giovanni Muccifora who well remembers his parents taking in and hiding escaped allied soldiers following the bombing. He explained that his very large kitchen-cum-living room in which we met him had not always been that size and that one end of the room had previously been a cattle shed in which soldiers had slept. As this was being explained I suddenly remembered my father telling me of the many nights he spent in a farm cattle shed, laying alongside the animals in search of any heat from them. For me the question remains, was I present in the farm in which my father took shelter all those years ago?... Following my visit to Italy, I have an arrangement with Pasquale, that I will meet him in ‘The Bull’ in Bedford when he next revisits relatives. Glyn Bull, IPA UK

IPA Cyprus runs an IPA Workshop on Community Policing

IPA Cyprus organised a professional Workshop on ‘Community Policing’ on 6 October 2017, at the Miramare Beach Hotel in Limassol. The Workshop was addressed to 60 Cypriot serving Police Officers, all IPA members, but it was also attended by 18 further IPA members from Israel, Greece, Italy, Romania, Poland and Ukraine, who had been invited for this


purpose. The Workshop was opened by the Chief of Police, Mr Zacharias Chrysostomou, who was also one of the speakers. The main lecturers were Dr. Eran Israel, Secretary General of IPA Israel and Dr. Maria Constantinou a professor of the Open University of Cyprus. Both are specialists in the subject. Short speeches were also given by Mr. Stavros Neophytou and Mrs. Fani Araouzou, both coordinators of the Neighbourhood Watch Programme, who spoke about the usefulness of the programme and the experience acquired from the project. During the discussion which followed, Dr. Eran Israel and the other speakers responded to the questions raised. I am pleased to conclude that the Workshop was very successful, and I believe it will prove helpful to all participants. I am convinced that everyone present benefited from the event. Michael Odysseos, President IPA Cyprus

IPA NZ Webmaster - and his cat Tia – go viral

IPA New Zealand President Ross Pinkham shared a video with the IAC a little while ago, featuring the section’s Webmaster, Kerry Morrell. Kerry, who works for the Porirua Police, recently became world-famous, with 2.9 million views, when he and his work partner Tia, a 6-year-old Tortie Seal Birman cat, appeared in a post of the New Zealand Police Facebook page, as well as on a

variety of online newspapers and TV shows from around the world, including New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the USA and Canada. Purrfect promotion for the IPA as well hopefully If you would like to find out more about Kerry and his feline helper, please follow the link to the video: www.facebook.com/NZPolice/videos/1182210625246252/ Elke Schülpen-Roberts, IAC Office Manager


IPA Italie: Tour au cœur des Dolomites La réunion réalisée du 15 au 18 juin dernier, organisée par le Comité local "Fiemme et Fassa" IPA Trento (Italie), sous la direction de l'infatigable président M. Rosario Giuliani, a enregistré la présence de 130 motocyclistes associés IPA Européens: Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Luxembourg, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suisse, ainsi que plusieurs représentants de délégations Italiennes, sans omettre les organisateurs et les représentants de la XXIIème délégation Trentino (Italie).

Un immense remerciement pour nos ‘Anges gardiens’ de la Police Routière - Station de Predazzo qui, dès la première édition, nous ont escortés pendant toute la manifestation pour assurer notre sécurité. Un remerciement spécial à Donata, Mauro et Diego, propriétaires de l'Hôtel Panorama de Panchià chez qui, depuis des années, sont reçues ‘en famille’ tous nos collègues - amis ‘IPA FRIENDS’. Deux journées fantastiques, sous un beau soleil nous ont permis de découvrir des panoramas extraordinaires, entourés de montagnes et de vallées. Le premier jour nous avons quitté Predazzo en direction de Moena, Passo San Pellegrino, les villages de l'Agordino, Alleghe, Passo Giau, Cortina d'Ampezzo, le Lac de Misurina et le 3 Cime di Lavaredo. Au retour nous avons choisi de monter jusqu'au Passo Falzarego, Arabba, Passo Pordoi, Canazei et, en dernier, Panchià. Le lendemain nous sommes repartis de la Place Centrale de Predazzo où nous avons reçu un bon accueil de la part de Mme Maria Bosin - Maire. Sur nos motos nous avons emprunté la Route panoramique ‘Val di Fassa’ direction Canazei, en plein soleil, pour grimper jusqu'au Passo Fedaia. Nous sommes entrés en Veneto jusqu'à Sottoguda (Belluno). Après Colle Santa Lucia et le tortueux Passo Staulanza, Zoldo di Sopra. Et encore vers Passo Dura et Agordo. Au retour nous avons traversé Frassené, Agordino, Forcella Aurine, Passo del Gosalto, San Martino di Castrozza, Passo Rolle et le majestueux Cimon della Pala qui le domine, Parco di Paneveggio (connu pour ses sapins: fameux pour leurs résonance acoustique, utilisés par les fameux luthiers comme Stradivari, etc…) et son lac, jusqu'à Predazzo et, enfin, Panchià.


Lunch at the Granville Island Hotel

Pendant toute la soirée nous avons continué à fêter la réussite de cette randonnée en partageant et en dégustant avec du bon vin, un savoureux buffet/dîner préparé par Chef Alessio et ses collaborateurs.

A la fin de la soirée nous avons eu droit au discours de bienvenue des Autorités, et pour terminer nous avons en reçus les remerciements et les témoignages de satisfaction des nombreuses délégations étrangères et Italiennes qui, toutes, ont échangé des petits cadeaux en se souhaitant un chaleureux "AU REVOIR" en différentes langues. Au nom du Président de la XXII Délégation Trentino, M. Antonio Saggiomo, le

Secrétaire M. Salvatore Zanza, a pris la parole. Le Vice-Président Giorgio Ropelato qui a été présent uniquement le deuxième jour, a adressé à son tour des mots de sympathie, de satisfaction et des remerciements à tous: ‘Arrivederci all'8° edizione – 2018’ A la fin de la soirée l'associé Faliero Favilla nous a donné de moments de musique et harmonie bien appréciés par tous les présents. Au nom de tous les membres du Comité j’ai remercié tous ceux qui ont permis la parfaite réussite de la 7ème édition du ‘Tour au cœur des Dolomites’. A la prochaine / Ad maiora Rosario Giuliani, President IPA Trento, Italy

IPA UK member David Rendall enjoys IPA friendship during a trip to Vancouver and the Rockies

In September 2017, Dave Toomey, a fellow retired Police Sergeant from Devon and Cornwall Police and I, together with our partners, visited Vancouver to start a journey through the Rockies, visiting Victoria, Whistler, Lake Louise and Banff. We were met in Vancouver by retired Sergeant Larry Yip, Ambassador for IPA Canada Region 9 who gave us the grand tour of the City followed by lunch at the Granville Island Hotel. Here we met several other IPA members and there was much discussion over a


David (first on right), Dave, plus Anne and Sue meeting the Mounted Police at Stanley Park

hearty meal. It was revealed that Larry was the lead singer for a local band and was well known for his Elvis tribute talents amongst others!

In the afternoon a visit was arranged to the Royal Mounted Police Branch at Stanley Park which was another highlight of the day. A full and great day was had by all before we started our drive to Vancouver Island, then north through the Rockies. Other highlights were the wonderful waterfalls en route, bear watching, snow-capped mountains and of course the fine wines.

Our thanks to Larry and the IPA for a memorable holiday.

David J Rendall MBE, member IPA UK


Bartlomiej Majchrzak on the Happiness of Friendship Two years ago I was completely heartbroken: I was sitting in a library, studying police law before an important exam on my higher education police course, but my thoughts were in Warsaw – where young police officers from the whole world had their YPOS meeting. I was a candidate of the Polish Section for the YPOS 2015, but because of the timing of my exams I could not participate. I did not think I would get a second chance. Life however can be full of surprises, and when I received an email informing that I was chosen as a candidate of IPA Poland for the Young Police Officers’ Seminar 2017 in the United States of America, I promised myself that whatever happened, I needed to go. That was the moment when the programme started for me, because the YPOS was not only the 5-day event - those days were the cherry on the cake -


but it also involved all the things that had happened before and - I hope - will be happening after the programme. Thanks to Arcee Kaine from IPA Chicago and friends from New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Spain, I and Rafal Gula - the second delegate from IPA Polish Section, had an opportunity to visit Chicago before the Seminar, where we were able to go on a ride-along with Chicago Police Officers – an absolutely unique experience. The actual YPOS programme was held in Green Bay from 11-16 July 2017. About 60 police officers from around 30 countries attended the Seminar. The organisers, and in particular Joe Johnson, were very focused on the task, taking care of every single detail. Everything was planned perfectly. We were accommodated in St Norbert College, a great place for socialising and building friendships with other delegates from around the world. We came from various countries, different parts of the world, spoke many languages, had a different life experience and perception of the world, but we were all members of IPA. And guess what? When we met more closely, it turned out that we have a lot in common; the thin blue line with the message ‘Servo per Amikeco’ goes around the world. The friendship on the Young Police Officers’ Seminar 2017 woke up every day early in the morning and lasted until late at night. I started my days jogging with friends from Mauritius, Cyprus, Sweden and Canada, played ‘kartoshca’ with Japanese, Estonian, Finnish and Kenyan friends, and my days ended with interesting conversations. This was the time when friendships were born and established.

The programme was very diverse. Every day brought new adventures in new places. We visited Fox Valley Technical College, the Public Safety Training Center in Madison, the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, the Academy University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and Green Bay High School. All classes were led by experienced instructors with extensive and impressive knowledge. Each day featured a theoretical and a practical

aspect. After the classes we had the chance to visit shooting ranges, tactical workshops and do some sightseeing. There was something interesting for everyone. During her introductory lecture, May-Britt Rinaldo from the International Board of the IPA mentioned the different life lines of police officers - we all have some bad moments. Participation in the YPOS 2017 was one of the highest among my police life lines. I highly recommend participation in this programme to all my IPA friends! I think the YPOS is an excellent example of a project that fulfills the motto of our organization ‘Servo per Amikeco’, and I would like to thank IPA IEC, the IPA USA Section, all the sponsors and our national IPA, as well as all police agencies involved for the wonderful time I had, without divisions according to rank/position, gender, race, language or religion. It has been an honour for me to represent the Polish IPA Section and the Polish Police at the 4th Young Police Officers’ Seminar. Bartlomiej Majchrzak, IPA Poland


ON THE TABLE OF THE IEB Advice on travel to Turkey for members of the IPA If you are planning a visit to Turkey, please be aware of the following: The IPA within the country no longer has official recognition from the Government and has ceased to operate. The delegates at the World Congress in Bulgaria gave their support to the IPA Turkey members living abroad. Our advice, if travelling to Turkey, is to not seek any IPA support from local police. Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration

A thank-you note from Arthur Troop Scholarship recipient Teboho Simon Ramontsi from IPA Lesotho

IPA member Teboho Simon Ramontsi from Lesotho, who serves in the Lesotho Mounted Police, applied for an Arthur Troop Scholarship back in 2015, and was one of 12 recipients of the 2016 award. Teboho used his scholarship to further his studies with an Honours degree after the completion of his first degree in Policing Practices. The Arthur Troop Scholarship helped him finance the part-time course in South Africa, entitled ‘Organisational Behaviour, Leadership and Research Methodology’. I am pleased to share a thank-you note from Teboho, which he sent after the completion of his studies:

‘Good morning. It is my great pleasure to submit the qualifications of Bachelor of Policing Practices Honours. Its duration was 1 year and 6 months, enrolling with Southern Business School in the Republic of South Africa. It is with great thanks and honour I thank IPA for sponsoring my tuitions. The graduation was held in Krugersdoorp at Mount Usambara on 13 September 2017.’

May-Britt Rinaldo, Chair of the Professional Commission


3rd ‘Gimborner Gespräche – Gimborn Talks’ We are a group of enthusiastic young IPA members who want to make IPA more attractive for younger people throughout the world. To do this, we try to develop activities that young people like. The main issue with the IPA is that people think that it's ‘a bunch of old people’ playing cards and doing ‘old people’s pastimes’. With the new activities we try to get the new ‘young’ members more active. IPA is not only for senior people, it's for everyone! Some of the activities have already taken place; some of them will take place in the near future. So far (new) members are very positive! We are also working on a promotional film to attract new members. In addition, we are working on an app for smartphones which will bring members closer together and highlight our personal interests. When we plan new activities and think about the future of IPA, we are bonding as well: making new friends and having a good time, this is what IPA is all about! We hope to see you all taking part in our new activities and try to keep you posted. Servo per Amikeco, Niku Shams Zanjani, Thomas Buchegger, Fabian Payr and Rutger Sauter, on behalf of the Junior Gimborn Talks Goals of the Gimborn Talks:

• Promotion of the IPA • Build a bridge between Senior and Junior IPA members • Recruitment of junior Police officers • Increase interest among junior IPA members • Identify activities • Offer activities which attract junior members • IPA network for junior members • Future communication

Past Gimborn Talks gathered junior members from 10 European IPA sections. The meeting in October 2017 was about producing an initial promotional video to attract and recruit young members. Support from the local police with a patrol car brought one new member to the German section when she met the juniors in action. Rain didn’t stop the recording, and we expect the video to be released in January 2018. Many ideas and activities were forwarded and 2018 promises to be an active and attractive year for the younger IPA generation. May-Britt Rinaldo, President IPA Sweden, on behalf of the Senior Gimborn Talks



IPA House Gävle, Sweden Situated in the very centre of the town of Gävle, on the Swedish east coast. Sweden’s fantastic railway museum is located nearby. The House is situated 4 km from an 18-hole golf course. Furuvik, the beautiful amusement park with a zoo (the park goes down to the coast of the Baltic Sea) is a mere 10 km away, and a famous salmon fishing area can be found at around 20 km distance.

Gävle is renowned for the 'Gävle Goat', a giant version of a traditional Swedish Yule Goat figure made of straw. It is erected each year in December in central Gävle. The IPA House Gävle has 2 bedrooms: one room has 3 beds, the other one is a single bedroom. Both rooms have a TV and radio. The bathroom is shared. There is a fully-equipped kitchen with

a stove, oven, coffee machine, microwave, fridge and freezer. Bed linen and towels are not provided, but can be hired at a reasonable cost. A bar is also situated on the premises, and is frequented by IPA members on Thursday nights Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Kjell Timmerholm and Gudrun Unogård • Address: Address: Kyrkogatan 7, Gävle • Tel: N/A • Mobile: +46 70 201 14 38 • email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.ipa-sweden.se • Tariffs: Available on request

Information provided by IPA Sweden



Next month, IPA UK will celebrate ‘Members’ Day’, which each year takes place on 15 December, to commemorate Arthur Troop’s birthday. If by chance you are nearby, you are more than welcome to drop in and visit all of us. Both the offices of IPA UK and the IAC will be open from 1-5 pm on the day, and you will be able to have a chat with everyone around. If you have not been to the Arthur Troop House before, this might be a nice opportunity for you to come and explore: memorabilia from many IPA sections are on display around the building, and the archives, containing Arthur Troop’s membership card amongst many items, will be open. IPA UK will unveil a Blue Plaque, cementing the connection of the Arthur Troop House with the association’s founder. In addition, you will be able – for the first time ever – to listen to a recording of the ‘Arthur Troop Tapes’, which were discovered by Section UK last year. While you are here, make sure to venture into Nottingham: the photo you can see on this page was taken on my cycle ride home last week about 10 minutes from here – there are lovely walks along the river for everyone to enjoy. Of course with Christmas round the corner, Nottingham also boasts its own Christmas Market and Winter Wonderland – all only a short bus ride away. It would be lovely to see you in December at the Arthur Troop House, and we’ll make sure there will be some tea and biscuits on offer as well Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Germany 4 Nov 2017 IPA Radio Club Contest Hong Kong 7-12 Nov 2017 Hong Kong Friendship Week UK 11-12 Nov 2017 COPS-UK CPD Training Weekend, Exeter Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona UK 15 Dec 2017 Members’ Day, Nottingham UK 22-25 Nov 2017 IEB Meeting, Nottingham Austria 27 Jan-3 Feb 2018 30th IPA Ski Week, Nassfeld-Hermagor Germany 8-13 Feb 2018 Cologne Carnival Spain 22-24 Apr 2018 24-hour IPA Cycling Challenge, Barcelona Croatia 28 Apr- 12 May 2018 Croatia Coast and Country Tour Belgium 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary celebrations IPA Liège Sweden 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary IPA Sweden, Malmö Portugal 13-18 May 2018 IPA Games, Lisbon Croatia 18-25 May 2018 IPA Dubrovnik Diving Week Hungary 24-27 May 2018 Conference of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Rackeve Cyprus 31 May-3 Jun 2018 Conference of Mediterranean Sections,

Nicosia Belgium 4-8 Jun 2018 COPS 2018, Antwerp France 6-10 June 2018 Rhône/Alpes Motorcycle Meeting UK 7-10 Jun 2018 Notts Branch 60th Anniversary Celebrations Austria 14-17 Jun 2018 Northern European Forum, Vienna Sri Lanka 7-14 Jul 2018 International Friendship Tour UK 6-19 Aug 2018 International Youth Gathering, Sherwood

Forest Germany 10-19 Aug 2018 VIII International Friendship Meeting, Bork Netherlands 19-23 Sep 2018 63rd IPA World Congress, Rotterdam


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 08-10 Nov 2017 Alle Macht für Erdogan! Politische Entwicklungen in

der Türkei und die Rolle der Deutschtürken G

10-12 Nov 2017 Die Schreibwerkstatt für Polizisten G 13-17 Nov 2017 Burnout – Ausgebrannt – Existenzielle

Erschöpfungszustände G

20-24 Nov 2017 Cybercrime, Cyber Threats and Cyber Terrorism E 20-24 Nov 2017 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

27 Nov-01 Dec 2017

Gewalt gegen die Staatsgewalt / Violence against Police Officers & other representatives of the State

E and G

11-13 Dec 2017 Reisende Täter, Bandenkriminalität und Eurasische OK in Deutschland


08-12 Jan 2018 Linksextremismus – Die unterschätzte Gefahr? G 15-19 Jan 2018 Islamistischer Terrorismus / Islamic Terrorism E and G 22-26 Jan 2018 Gewalt im Spiel – Ultras und Hooligans im Umfeld

von Fußballspielen G

29 Jan-02 Feb 2018

Scientfic Examination of Documents E

01-02 Feb 2018 Social Media und Recht G 05-07 Feb 2018 Unter Druck – Im Konflikt handlungsfähig bleiben G 12-18 Feb 2018 Fasten? Trau Dich! Heilfasten im Oberberg. Land G 13-16 Feb 2018 Rocker- und Motorradbanden – Gesichter OK G 19-23 Feb 2018 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und

Öffentliche Verwaltung G

23-25 Feb 2018 Rücken verstehen – Schmerzen entgehen! G


IPA Newsletter International Administration Centre Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 6AJ England Tel: + 44 7459 863196 Email: [email protected] Net: www.ipa-iac.org

Season’s Greetings!

We wish all IPA Newsletter readers a lovely festive period

December 2017


WORD OF INTRODUCTION IPA Games 2018, Lisbon - Portugal We embarked on a new project that continues our main goals: the recruitment of young members of the police into the IPA and the promotion of our association to all police officers. Sport is one area which nearly every police officer in every country is involved in. So far, police officers could participate in the World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) and the European Police and Fire Games (EPFG). We found that only a few of the participants were IPA members. The IPA supported these games, but the benefit to the IPA was limited. Therefore, we decided to start a new project in which all participants will be IPA members, an initiative that will encourage members of the police to join our association and, beyond this, will encourage IPA members from all over the world to take part in a great and happy event that expresses the spirit of the IPA and the friendship amongst police officers around the world. The first IPA Games will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 13-18 May 2018. You do not have to be part of a team or be an active sportsperson, as the Games are open to all IPA members from all sections. We chose 5 sports disciplines: football, volleyball, shooting, running and basketball. These are the main areas police officers practice in every police force in the world. The running event will be divided into competitive running and walking. In addition, participants will be able to take part in a non-competitive run. The IPA Games will be a big international event in the spirit of IPA with a great opening ceremony and a closing ceremony. It is not only a competition, but also a friendly meeting between IPA members from all sections. IPA Portugal, with Anabela Alferes as president of the section, will host the Games. She will be assisted by the SCC sports project leader, Vytautas Pliuskus, the president of section Lithuania. I would like to thank both Anabela and Vytautas for leading the project, and I also want to thank all SCC members who assisted with ideas, discussions and the will to be involved in the IPA Games with their sections. Information and registration forms have been sent to all IPA sections, and can also be found on the international website. All participants and teams will receive a warm welcome at the Games in Lisbon. It will be the first edition of our IPA Games and will be a historic event in the heritage of the IPA. See you all at the IPA Games! Adv. Gal Sharon, IPA Vice President and Chairperson of the SCC


AROUND THE WORLD NEW NATIONAL PRESIDENT IPA Australia October 2017’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Section Australia was wonderfully hosted by the Australian Capital Territory Region in Canberra. Approximately 60 people attended the event. This is an election year and it was with enormous pride and honour that I was re-elected as the National President, to serve our membership to the best of my ability. I am pleased to announce the elected positions within the National Executive Bureau (NEB) for the next term of three years as follows: Geoff Rodda: President

Jason Brewer: Vice President Fred Wojtasik: Secretary General Julian Taylor: Assistant Secretary General

Lorenzo Ricato: National Treasurer

The NEB will continue to strive to improve the services to our members and advance and promote IPA. During the AGM weekend the hosting region provided a wonderful snapshot of their Federal Police facilities and resources including an exciting tour of Lake Burley Griffin aboard their Water Police boat, tours of the Police Museum and Headquarters, visits to the canine training centre, the overseas deployment scenario village and a presentation of the capabilities of the police drones. We were delighted to be joined by two young serving members from Section New Zealand along with their President, Ross Pinkham, who attended as our invited guests.


OUR VISION: To promote and encourage camaraderie, the ideals of IPA and Arthur Troop’s philosophy of ‘Servo per amikeco’ throughout our police family. GOALS:

• To promote and expand IPA throughout Section Australia. This has been highlighted with the recent re-formation and reinvigoration of the Tasmania Sub-Region into a Region.

• Offer more to members to ignite interest and attract new recruits. We are in the process of initiating interstate themed tours throughout our Section such as the Ghan railway journey from the Southern to the Northern tip of Australia with side tours at each end.

• To work closely with our neighbours including Section Macau and the Asian Affairs Bureau (AAB) to expand and promote IPA throughout the Asia Pacific region.

• To work diligently as a temporary member of the Professional Commission to initiate a crime conference and friendship tour in the Asian region.

Servo per amikeco, Geoff Rodda, President IPA Australia

IPA France organises international IPA presentation

IPA colleagues from the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Belgium and Austria, accompanied by Florent, Sylvie and Rose from IPA France, came to the National Police School, ENP of Roubaix, to meet the students of the 245th class of Peacekeepers. During 2 hours, they presented the IPA and the Police of their countries in a pleasant atmosphere.

The stay began with a welcome and a visit of the ENP Roubaix, followed by a trip to Lille to discover the city with its Christmas lights, the Grand Place, the Old Stock Exchange and the Ferris Wheel, all this unfortunately in the rain. We enjoyed a delicious dinner at the national president’s house, which had been prepared by Paul, President of region 59, before we returned to the ENP to spend the night.


The following day, we left for the DDSP (Direction Départementale de la Sécurité Publique) of the North in Lille where we were welcomed by Captain Caroline D. who gave us a presentation of the facilities. The command room is impressive; from here the security of the entire department of the North is managed, with around 2500 calls on any given day, of which 750 require action.

We were also given a tour of the shooting range and a presentation of all the weapons used by the French police force. Many thanks to everyone involved in organising our visits at ENP ROUBAIX and DDSP Nord, as well as to the colleagues who welcomed and guided us, and provided the presentations of their service. Thanks to Sylvie F., our colleague from Paris and IPA member of the Communication and Development Committee, for interpreting, allowing everyone to express themselves in perfect understanding. Last, but not least, I would like to thank the delegation of IPA France Nord who organised this programme and who took care of the expenses of our stay. In the context of international meetings of working police colleagues, the IPA has, once again, shown that the large Police family has no borders and that we have a lot to learn from each other. This type of event is also part of the development plan of IPA France, a plan that applies to everyone, from the grassroots members to the national, regional and departmental elected representatives. Rose Lourme, President IPA France


IPA Greece Art Exhibition

IPA Greece held a major art exhibition in cooperation with the Greek Police Headquarters, displaying works of art by Greek police officers from 17-20 October 2017 in the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre in Athens. 31 artists exhibited more than 60 projects. Our profession is not an obstacle to visual expression, an inner creative

need that comes to light, leaving a mark of social sensitivity that distinguishes us. Greek culture has always highlighted the arts and literature, the values and principles of life such as democracy, equality, justice, dialogue and freedom, highlighting the harmony of art, dignity and the creative participation of citizens. The exhibition created a high degree of public interest, with a large number of art friends visiting. The talents of our colleagues are widely depicted in their various works of art, with distinct shades and bold colours. Without unnecessary ornaments, but with a genuine creative mood, Greek Police officers presented images of everyday life, modern art as well as hagiography with paintings, mosaics and sculptures. Sincere congratulations to all participants who portrayed their thoughts and emotions through their remarkable work, talent and skills. We congratulate all of our fellow artists, as well as everyone who contributed to the organisation of the exhibition. We thank the leadership of the Police, especially the Chief of Police, General Konstantinos Tsouvalas, for the co-organisation; the Culture Foundation Stavros Niarchos and the curator of the exhibition, Mrs. Leoni Thanasoula. The Greek Section will continue to support such pioneering actions and promote the human and social face of the Police Servo per Amikeco Ioannis Karapatakis, President IPA Greece Vasilios Papas, Secretary General IPA Greece


Der neue Vorstand der IPA Deutsche Sektion

Scheckübergabe an den Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst Hannover

21. Nationalkongress der IPA Deutsche Sektion

Vom 20.-22. Oktober fand der 21. Nationale Kongress der IPA Deutschland in Hannover statt. Neben zahlreichen Gästen und Ehrengästen aus dem In- und Ausland sowie Vertretern aus Politik, Polizei und dem Weltvorstand, waren die 149 Delegierten aufgerufen über eine neue Satzung und eine Anpassung des Mitgliedsbeitrages abzustimmen sowie einen neuen Geschäftsführenden Bundesvorstand zu wählen. Mit 95,3 Prozent stimmten die Delegierten ,en Bloc‘ für die Mannschaft

um Präsident Horst W. Bichl. Dies ist ein sehr großer Vertrauensbeweis für unsere Arbeit in den vergangenen drei Jahren, sagte Präsident Bichl und dankte allen für ihr Kommen und das großartige Engagement im Sinne von Arthur Troop. Der Festabend endete mit einer Spendenaktion für den ,Ambulanten Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst Hannover‘, bei dem insgesamt 3.000 Euro gesammelt und noch am Abend der Vereins-Verantwortlichen, Frau Brigitte Sudmann, übergeben werden konnten. Nachträglich ging noch eine Spende über 100 Euro ein, so dass insgesamt 3.100 Euro für die Betreuung schwerstkranker Kinder und ihren Eltern übergeben werden konnten. Bericht: Horst Bichl, Präsident, Fotos: Klaus Gesser; IPA Deutschland

34th Annual Congress of IPA Cyprus

The 34th Annual Congress of Section Cyprus was hosted this year by the IPA Region of Larnaca, from 2-5 November 2017. The Congress was attended by the members of the National Executive Board of the Section and representatives from the six IPA Regions of Cyprus: Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, Famagusta and Morphou (Chairman, Secretary General and Treasurer).


Foreign delegations from Greece, Israel, Romania, FYRO Macedonia, Poland and Austria participated in the Congress, and the IPA Vice President, Gal Sharon, attended as our special guest and addressed the delegations from Cyprus as well as all other guests. Besides the work of Congress, the programme included guided sightseeing tours, visits to archeological and historical places, and all our guests were given the opportunity to get a taste of the Cypriot culture, as well as of the friendliness and hospitality of the our people. They also had the opportunity to discover some of the beautiful sights of Cyprus. The congress participants were briefed about the IPA’s work and other IPA activities which were carried out by the Section and the IPA Regions during the year under review. The heads of the foreign delegations addressed the congress participants and expressed their thanks for the invitation. During the meeting, the President of Section Cyprus and the Chairmen of the six Regions briefed all participants about the IPA work achieved during the year, and the decisions taken by the National Executive Council were approved. Future plans and projects were also discussed and decisions approved. It was decided to promote the IPA ideals in Arab countries, and a beginning has been made in this respect with Lebanon. In addition, we are also following the development of the situation of the IPA in Turkey; however, unfortunately there is no way for us to assist at the moment. Servo per Amikeco Michael Odysseos, President IPA Cyprus

OBITUARY IGOR BOGORODIZKIY It is with deep regret that we have to inform you that on 17 November 2017, our colleague, Igor Bogorodizkiy, passed away at the age of 67 years. Igor, a retired colonel with a PhD in Law, held the post of Secretary General of the Russian Section of the IPA from 1999 until 2011, and in addition was the Vice President - Chairperson of the permanent professional commission of IPA Russia. He was a real founder of the international police brotherhood, an undisputable authority, a wise comrade and mentor, and a professional of the highest class in the field of law. Igor was awarded numerous awards by the Russian Ministry of the Interior. We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Igor Bogorodizkiy. The bright memory of our colleague and friend will forever remain in our hearts. Alexey Gankin, President IPA Russia


IPA Estonia supports breast cancer prevention

The women police officers of the Estonian division of the International Police Association joined the Estonian Cancer Association in a breast cancer prevention campaign, ’Give yourself a sense of security; every bit of you is precious’ from January to November 2017. It's essential for women who protect the security of people in Estonia not to forget their own wellbeing and health, and it was a good opportunity for women police

officers to have mammograms taken in their workplace. The Tartu University Clinic's mammogram bus made a trip to police stations in Tallinn, Tartu and Rapla, availing the policewomen of the opportunity to check for breast cancer at work. The aim of the Estonian IPA division's campaign is to support the Estonian Cancer Association which has for 25 years shared our concerns and joys. We organised awareness raising days in precincts by having specialists – surgeons, radiologists – speak on the subject. Plus by distributing pink ribbons, the symbol of hope, we spread our message of caring for oneself and those dear to us. In support of cancer prevention in Estonia, we participated in the benefit concert 'I love you, life’. The campaign and the activities would not be possible without support and working together. Maret Tamra, Member of the Executive Board of IPA Estonia

IPA UK’s Vice President Clive Wood shares his experiences of IPA Twinning Arrangements

My branch, Leicestershire, is twinned with the city of Krefeld in Germany. Last year we managed to reignite our relations by taking a group of police cadets to take part in the annual soap box derby. A similar group took part again recently, and it was great to hear about the young people enjoying the opportunities the trip provided. I am sure you will recall the article in the October edition of the IPA Newsletter.


At the beginning of October, at the invitation of the Lord Mayor of Krefeld, a small group of people involved in the town twinning, as well as IPA members went over to help celebrate the German reunification day. We had an excellent time and were shown fantastic hospitality! The Lord Mayor made a big thing of our visit in his speech during a music event, and we were invited to join him and other dignitaries, including the assistant British consul, at a drinks reception. The Mayor also made arrangements for us to be shown around the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, and we were given a guided tour of Linn Castle. Some of us returned later in the month to help our IPA Krefeld branch friends celebrate their 60th anniversary. This proved once more a fantastic trip, and one I might tell you about in another Newsletter. Finally, I just think it is worth finding out if your local branch has any arrangements for Twinning, as if they do, I'm sure you will have an excellent time! Clive Wood, Vice President IPA UK

III Encuentro Internacional de Coleccionismo Policial

El día 09 de septiembre tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Bilbao el III Encuentro Internacional de Coleccionismo Policial, en el Palacio Euskalduna. Como preludio a esta jornada, el día 8 celebramos una cena, con algunos de los participantes, en un ‘Txoko’. A esta jornada asistieron coleccionistas de Cataluña, Castilla y León, Madrid y Euskadi en la que los compañeros además de intercambiar diversos objetos de coleccionismo, (parches, placas, gorras,

etc, pudieron compartir experiencias y reencontrarse con algunos compañeros amantes como ellos de esta afición. Por cierto, cada día más aficionados se van incorporando por lo que auguramos un futuro bastante prometedor a esta disciplina que tantas alegrías da a sus aficionados. La jornada finalizó con una degustación de ‘Pintxos’, tan típicos en el País Vasco. IPA Euskadi, Spain


IPA-Funkwettbewerb im IPA-Haus Ramsbeck

Am ersten vollständigen Wochenende im November findet weltweit der traditionelle IPA-Wettbewerb der Funkamateure statt. Im Jahr 2017 nahm zum 12. Mal eine Mannschaft von IPA-Mitgliedern vom kleinen Ort Ramsbeck im Sauerland, aus dem dortigen IPA-Haus, am Wettbewerb teil. Donnerstag war Anreisetag und bis abends hatten alle Teilnehmer das IPA-Haus erreicht. Die IPA-Freunde Gerd

Schuba (DF6KY / Vbst. Düsseldorf), Hans-Jürgen Olsowski (DJ7PX / Vbst. Hochsauerlandkreis), Hubert Kreutz (DK3EU / Vbst. Bremen) und Udo Hornfischer (DJ5QE / Vbst. Recklinghausen) mit der Clubstation DLØIPA nahmen am Wettbewerb teil. Unser IPA-Freund Hans Olsowski war nicht nur der Organisator, sondern er brachte auch die entsprechende Funktechnik zum Treffen mit. Nach der ersten Begrüßung wurde gleich mit dem Aufbau der Antennen begonnen. Da jeder wusste was zu tun ist und die Handgriffe saßen, war diese Maßnahme vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit zügig beendet. Nunmehr musste noch die Funkstation eingerichtet werden, danach begann die wöchentliche Donnerstagrunde. Der Abend klang in gemütlicher Runde aus. Es gab viele Neuigkeiten zu erzählen, denn das letzte Treffen lag schon einige Monate zurück. Am nächsten Tag folgte eine kleine Exkursion durch einen Teil des Sauerlandes. In der Abtei Königsmünster in Meschede wurde ein Zwischenstopp eingelegt und ein vorzügliches Mittagessen eingenommen, und am Nachmittag fanden sich alle wieder im IPA-Haus ein. Nach einer Überprüfung der Funkstation sowie des benötigten technischen Equipments klang der Abend aus. Am Samstagmorgen ging es dann zur Sache, denn der 1. Teil des Funkwettbewerbes, in der Betriebsart Morsen, war angesagt. Die ‚Frühschicht‘ musste somit spätestens um 07:00 Uhr lokaler Zeit an der Funkstation sein. Bis 11:00 Uhr konnten schon einige europäische IPA-Freunde bzw. IPA-Stationen gearbeitet werden. Leider verhinderten die schlechten Ausbreitungsbedingungen Kontakte zu außereuropäischen Ländern bzw. IPA-Freunden. Nach dem Ende des Morseabschnitts und des Abendessens wurde bei den Gesprächen in lockerer Runde über den ersten Teil des Wettbewerbes resümiert. Ein erster Überblick ergab, dass 57 Morseverbindungen mit 16 ‚Funk-Ländern‘ und 21 IPA-Freunden getätigt wurden. Am Sonntag hieß es dann wieder früh aufstehen, denn der Sprechfunkteil des IPA-Wettbewerbes stand auf dem Programm. Gleich zu Beginn konnten schon einige bekannte IPA-Stationen gearbeitet werden. Bis zur Mittagspause wurde abwechselnd Funkbetrieb gemacht, so dass jedes Crewmitglied mal rufen bzw. die Gesprächsdaten in den Computer eingeben durfte. Die Funkstation wurde zur Mittagspause mit einem guten Zwischenstand und der Hoffnung ausgeschaltet, dass es am Nachmittag auch so gut laufen soll. Der Funkbetrieb am Nachmittag war jedoch sehr unterschiedlich, denn auf Zeiträume mit geringerer Aktivität folgten auch wieder sehr aktive Phasen.


Neben der IPARC-Klubstation, DLØIPA, der Deutschen Sektion, waren auch viele in- und ausländische IPA-Freunde, die sich mit ihren Heimstationen am Kontest beteiligten, sowie auch wieder mehrere IPARC–Klubstationen aus den Landesgruppen und Verbindungsstellen am IPARC-Kontest aktiv. Letztlich waren doch alle Crewmitglieder zufrieden, als dann die Uhr 19:00 Uhr schlug und der Wettbewerb endete. Eine erste Auswertung ergab, dass 157 Funkverbindungen mit 19 ‚Funk-Ländern‘ und 50 IPA-Freunden im Logbuch standen. Nach dem Ende eines solchen Wettbewerbes stehen noch einige Nacharbeiten an. So müssen die erreichten Verbindungen sowie die damit verbundenen Punktestände zur Auswertung eingereicht werden. Jedes Crewmitglied möchte auch die Daten seiner eigenen Funkverbindungen mit nach Hause nehmen. Unser IPA-Freund Hubert Kreutz legte uns auch seinen Entwurf der Funkbestätigungskarte (QSL-Karte) vor, die später für jede Verbindung dem Gesprächspartner übersandt wird. Das Fazit des Wettbewerb-Wochenendes war schnell gefunden, denn auch mit verkleinerter Mannschaft hat es allen viel Spaß gemacht. Für uns Teilnehmer ist festzustellen, dass wir im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten alles gegeben haben und der Wettbewerb innerhalb der Crew sehr harmonisch abgelaufen ist. Gerne würden die Teilnehmer auch im nächsten Jahr zum Funkwettbewerb wieder nach Ramsbeck kommen und hoffen zudem, dass dann auch die diesmal verhinderten IPA-Freunde wieder dabei sind. So hoffen wir, dass im November 2018 alle Crewmitglieder wieder an Bord sind, wenn es heißt: ,CQ IPA von DL Ø IPA‘ Udo Hornfischer, Vbst. Recklinghausen, IPA Deutschland

Hong Kong Hospitality at its best

I recently returned from an incredible trip to Hong Kong and Beijing. Although both destinations were awesome, I have to mention the special time that my wife Colleen and I had in Hong Kong. Being a member of the IPA, I reached out a few weeks before going on the trip, to my IPA rep., who in turn made the required request to the National Travel Secretary who then made contact with the IPA Hong Kong Vice President.


What I was asking for, were recommendations for a hotel and sites that might be of interest. The reply that I received was unexpected and very much appreciated. Not only did I get a great hotel recommendation but was also advised that I would have Hong Kong IPA hosts for two days while in Hong Kong. The first Hong Kong IPA host was Ray Lau, a serving sergeant. He met us after his shift ended and took us a tour of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters. Very impressive. It rivals any police headquarters that I have seen during my 33-year police career. During dinner at the police headquarters' dining room, Ray explained the Hong Kong Police organizational structure and how things work in Hong Kong. What was also nice while having dinner, was the opportunity to watch the evening light show along the Hong Kong Harbour. After the visit to the police headquarters Ray took us on a walking tour, on our way to the subway station, and pointed out a few very impressive buildings and gave some background about each one. The subway! The Hong Kong subway was a trip in itself. Very impressive. We ended the night with the sights and sounds of the Temple Street Market. Truly a night to remember. The next day, we were met at our hotel by retired Hong Kong Police Inspector Frankie Wong. We started the day by having tea and dumplings at the Hong Kong Police Recreation Centre. What an amazing facility! Besides the formal dining room and bar with a band, this facility offered just about every type of sport or activity that you can think of. While having tea, Frankie took the time to share with us the history of the Hong Kong Police and we each talked about our families. The rest of the day was spent walking the streets of Hong Kong visiting many of the shops and street food vendors. The afternoon was wrapped up with a visit the Ladies Market. It was an excellent day. I hope someday I can return the hospitality to the Hong Kong IPA and to Ray Lau and Frankie Wong. A big thank you to all for making this a most memorable trip. Peter & Colleen Abi-Rashed, IPA Canada



At first glance: Affiliation: 3 September 1974, IEC Graz Sponsored by: IPA Section UK IPA Membership end 2016: 1429 Current President: Mr. P.S.B. Jayasundara

An insight from the section: Completion of 43 years in Membership IPA Section Sri Lanka was formed on 14th January 1974 and officially recognised as a self- governing National Section with international affiliation on 3 September 1974, at the 13th IEC held in Graz, Austria. In September this year (2017) our Section reached a significant milestone by completing 43 years since the formation and recognition of our Section. Newly refurbished IPA Office Complex The newly refurbished, state of the art IPA office complex with modern amenities was ceremonially opened by the President of IPA Sri Lanka on 11.08.2017 in the midst of a large gathering of members and special invitees. It is with pride that the Sri Lanka Section of the IPA records that the refurbished and newly constructed IPA office with two floors now meets international standards and provides a fully-fledged working environment in comfort.


Flood Relief Donation Programme Upon a request made by IPA Sri Lanka, Emergency Aid financial contributions were received from the International Executive Board (IEB), as well as from the IPA Sections of Norway, USA, Austria, Slovenia, Kenya, Italy, Switzerland, Cyprus and France. The total contributions made amounted to 13,800 Euros, 650 USD & 238 CHF, all equivalent to SL Rs. 2,468,477.90.

The Section, through a process of screening, identified 80 families of Police Officers, including members of the IPA, who were affected by the deluge during the month of May 2017. The amounts received were disbursed to the affected 80 Police Officers at an official ceremony held on 31 October, 2017 at the Police Headquarters, under the auspices of Mr. Pujith Jayasundara, Inspector General Police/ National President of IPA Section Sri Lanka, attended by the National Secretary General and National Executive Council Members. On behalf of IPA Sri Lanka, I wish to extend unequivocal appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to the IEB and all Sections who sent contributions of Emergency Aid and for the unstinted cooperation extended by them during the hour of need. IPA Members Day The National Executive Committee of IPA Sri Lanka held an ‘IPA Members Day’ on the 25 November 2017 at a beach front hotel in the outskirts of the Capital City Colombo.


This event was attended by a large gathering of members of the section and the day’s programme covered several events of fun and games, followed by a fellowship grand lunch and an opportunity to relish the day. It is the first time an event of this nature has been organised by the section, and the occasion undoubtedly enabled a greater fellowship amongst members to strengthen mutual feelings of understanding.

Looking ahead: University Financial Aid Programme - 2018 January 2018

• Award of 35 financial aid university grants for children of police officers, including IPA members

• Financial aid will be provided for 2 years (uninterrupted) from January 2018 IPA International Friendship Tour - 2018 7-14 July 2018

• To enhance mutual bonds and links with the other Sections • To enjoy the hospitality and the beauty of our Nation – branded as the ‘Pearl

of the Indian Ocean’ IPA ‘Sing Along’ Musical Programme 7 July 2018

• To coincide the commencement of the IPA Friendship Tour • Enabling also the foreign guests to attend the Musical Programme FOC and

keep themselves entertained Servo per Amikeco (Service through Friendship) Asoka Wijetilleka, Secretary General IPA Sri Lanka



IPA Apartment Glück Auf, Essen, Germany The Apartment is situated next to the Gruga-Park, in the town of Essen. Essen was founded in 845, is situated in North Rhine-Westphalia and comprises a population of around 589,000 people. In the Ruhr Valley, Essen is a name that used to be a byword for German industry and the Krupp family, now ThyssenKrupp. The Ruhr region offers many opportunities to discover the industrial heritage of the area, and Essen, with the UNESCO world heritage site of ‘Zeche Zollverein’ was at the centre of activities when the Ruhr area was the European Capital of Culture in 2010. The whole Ruhr valley and beyond are easily accessible by public transport.

The Apartment is situated in a former Police-School and has:

• a club/living room, • kitchen and toilets, • 2 x two-bed-rooms, • 1 x four-bed-room, • shower and • central heating.

Contact Details & Bookings:

• Manager: Brigitte Gottschalk • Address: Norbertstraße 165, 45133 Essen • Tel: +49 201 740200 • Mobile: N/A • email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.ipa-deutschland.de • Tariffs: Available on request

IPA House Information: Hubert Vitt, IPA Germany Photo of Zeche Zollverein (copyright): Clarissa Strömer, pixelio.de



The end of a year invariably provides an opportunity to reflect, as well as look ahead. I am sure there would be a myriad of things I should consider in this respect … but I thought one way to look at it in the context of this Newsletter is to concentrate more closely on a couple of articles that are close to my heart. Looking at the Introduction, I am extremely happy to see that the IPA Games are becoming a reality in May next year, as sports has always played an important part in my life – my entire youth was taken up by training and competing in handball and volleyball, and my husband and I would not have found each other were it not for our common passion for football! Consequently, I made sure that all of my kids were given the chance to fall in love with sports of any kind, and am happy to see that my oldest daughter now enjoys playing football for her university team, while my second daughter has become a full-time athlete. Sports to me is essential, as it unites my family and keeps all of us happy, no matter what else goes on in our lives. I am sure that the IPA Games have a huge potential for everyone in this respect: 6 days of gathering like-minded IPA members, competing in 5 different sports and spending quality time together. Surely, it cannot possibly get any better than that! Therefore I hope that many of you will enrol and travel to Lisbon in May to take part in the first IPA Games! A second article close to my heart is the contribution sent in by Maret Tamra from Estonia on breast cancer prevention. Breast cancer is close to all of us. My family and many of my friends have been affected over the last few years, and this topic is never far from my thoughts. I recently went for a routine scan myself and would encourage all of you to go and get yourselves checked out regularly, or encourage your partners to do so. Mammograms save lives, and therefore I am very happy to see that IPA Estonia is involved in a breast cancer prevention campaign and wants to share their initiative with everyone in the IPA Newsletter. Elke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please find below a list of IPA events for the next 12 months: Section Date Event Spain 2 Dec 2017 17th Int. Trader Show, Barcelona UK 15 Dec 2017 Members’ Day, Nottingham Austria 27 Jan-3 Feb 2018 30th IPA Ski Week, Nassfeld-Hermagor Poland 7-9 Fen 2018 Lt. A. Struj IX Int. Futsal Tournam., Warsaw Germany 8-13 Feb 2018 Cologne Carnival Kazakhstan 4-10 Mar 2018 IEB Meeting Croatia 16-17 Mar 2018 Security of Historical City Conference, Split France 24 Mar 2018 Bordeaux Marathon Spain 22-24 Apr 2018 24-hour IPA Cycling Challenge, Barcelona Croatia 28 Apr- 12 May 2018 Croatia Coast and Country Tour Russia 8-13 May 2018 Mayskaya Week, Moscow Belgium 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary celebrations IPA Liège Sweden 10-13 May 2018 60th Anniversary IPA Sweden, Malmö Portugal 13-18 May 2018 IPA Games, Lisbon Spain 17-20 May 2018 XV 7-a-side Int. Football Championship for

Police, Tarragona Croatia 18-25 May 2018 IPA Dubrovnik Diving Week Iceland 22-26 May 2018 IEB Meeting Hungary 24-27 May 2018 Conference of Central and Eastern European

Sections, Rackeve UK 25-28 May 2018 Photography Seminar, Gimborn Cyprus 31 May-3 Jun 2018 Conference of Mediterranean Sections,

Nicosia Latvia 1-3 Jun 2018 Nordic Baltic Meeting Belgium 4-8 Jun 2018 COPS 2018, Antwerp France 6-10 June 2018 Rhône/Alpes Motorcycle Meeting UK 7-10 Jun 2018 Notts Branch 60th Anniversary Celebrations Austria 14-17 Jun 2018 Northern European Forum, Vienna UK 22-25 Jun 2018 Walking weekend, Gimborn Sri Lanka 7-14 Jul 2018 International Friendship Tour UK 6-19 Aug 2018 International Youth Gathering, Sherwood

Forest Germany 10-19 Aug 2018 VIII International Friendship Meeting, Bork Russia 27 Aug-2 Sep 2018 Spasskaya Tower Friendship Week, Moscow UK 17-21 Sep 2018 Writers Seminar, Gimborn Netherlands 19-23 Sep 2018 63rd IPA World Congress, Rotterdam


FORTHCOMING GIMBORN SEMINARS Please see below a 4-month summary of seminars with vacancies, offered by our international education centre IBZ Gimborn in Germany. If you are interested in taking part in any of these seminars, please follow the link:


Date Seminar Language 11-13 Dec 2017 Reisende Täter, Bandenkriminalität und Eurasische

OK in Deutschland G

08-12 Jan 2018 Linksextremismus – Die unterschätzte Gefahr? G 15-19 Jan 2018 Islamistischer Terrorismus / Islamic Terrorism E and G 22-26 Jan 2018 Gewalt im Spiel – Ultras und Hooligans im Umfeld

von Fußballspielen G

29-31 Jan 2018 Soziale Ungerechtigkeiten im Sozialstaat – Gefahr für die innere Sicherheit?

29 Jan-02 Feb 2018

Scientfic Examination of Documents E

01-02 Feb 2018 Social Media und Recht G 05-07 Feb 2018 Unter Druck – Im Konflikt handlungsfähig bleiben G 12-18 Feb 2018 Fasten? Trau Dich! Heilfasten im Oberberg. Land G 13-16 Feb 2018 Rocker- und Motorradbanden – Gesichter

organisierter Kriminalität G

19-23 Feb 2018 Social Media Management für Polizei, Justiz und Öffentliche Verwaltung


23-25 Feb 2018 Rücken verstehen – Schmerzen entgehen! G 05-09 Mar 2018 Wenn die Stressverarbeitung nicht mehr funktioniert

– Hilfe durch Stressmanagement G

12-16 Mar 2018 Social Media – Best Practice Police Social Media Adaptation

E and G

19-23 Mar 2018 Understanding Terrorism – Nordic Seminar E