ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

Director’s Message / निदेशक का संदेश The year 2019 brought great hope and high aspiration for the Academy. The Academy welcomed 32 ARS probationers for 3-month foundation course as 109 th batch of FOCARS (Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service). Apart from this, we conducted 20+ training programmes/ workshops for research professionals, technical and administrative officers, and professionals from agribusiness industry. More importantly, special customized trainings were conducted for agri- and non-agri- graduates in entrepreneurship. Several dignitaries visited the Academy during this period. We also started new academic programme viz. Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology & Management (PGDETM). The ICAR and Sixth QRT of NAARM had stressed on the role of NAARM as a Think Tank for ICAR. Though, the Academy has been serving as a Think Tank for the Council, but for very specific domain related to ICAR functioning e.g. Training policy/APAR formats, Research prioritization, PME, etc. However, renewed expectations from the Academy is much larger. For this, the Council has given consent to further strengthen the Academy with the team of professionals with high-caliber and highly-reputed credentials. All these activities would be brought under “Centre of Think Tank Initiatives” at the Academy. Networking with all leading think tank and exchange of ideas and views are essential for the brand building of the NAARM as a Think Tank. Hence, apart from high quality policy research, regular Workshop, Stakeholders’ meetings and media engagement would be given high priority in coming years. *** वष 2019 अकादमी के लिए आशा एवं उच आकांा िकर आया है। अकादमी ने 3 महीने के फाउंडेशन कोष यानी FOCARS (फाउंडेशन कोष फॉर एिकचरि रचष वष) के लिए 109बैच के 32 ARS ोबेशनष का वागत कया। इके अिावा हमने अनुंधान पेशेवर, तकनीकऔर शाननक अधकाररय और यवाय उयोग के पेशेवर के लिए 20+ लशण कायषम / कायषशािाएं आयोजित कीं। इे भी महवपूणष बात, उयलमता और गैर- नातक के लिए वशे तदनुकू ि लशण आयोजित कए गए थे। दौरान कई गणमाय िने अकादमी का दौरा कया। हमने नए शैणणक कायषम भी शु कए , जिम शैक ौयोगकी और बंधन नातकोर डिोमा (PGDETM) शालमि है। आई॰ी॰ए॰आर॰(ICAR) एवं नामष (NAARM) के छठे QRT ने आई॰ी॰ए॰आर॰ के लिए थंक टक के नामष की भूलमका पर िदया था। हािांक, अकादमी पररद के लिए एक थंक टक के ेवा कर रही है , िकन आई॰ी॰ए॰आर॰ कामकाि ंबंधत बह वलशट डोमेन के लिए िलशण नीनत / ए॰पी॰ए॰आर॰ (APAR) ाप, अनुंधान ाथलमकता, पी॰एम॰ई॰ (PME) आदद। हािांक, अकादमी नवीनीक अपेाएं बह बडी ह। इके लिए पररद ने उच-कै लिबर और अयधक नतजठत े डलशय वािे पेशेवर की टीम के ाथ अकादमी को और मिबूत करने की हमनत दी है। इन भी गनतवधय को टर ऑफ थंक टक इननलशएदट” (Centre of Think Tank Initiatives) के तहत अकादमी िया िएगा। भी अिणी थंक टक के ाथ नेटवकक ग और थंक टक के नामष के ांड नमाषण के लिए वचार और वचार का आदान- दान आवयक है। इलिए, उच गुणवा नीनत अनुंधान के अिावा, नयलमत कायषशािा, दहतधारक की बैठक और मीडडया अनुबंध को आने वािे उच ाथलमकता दी िएगी। (Ch. Srinivasa Rao) Volume 8 | Issue 1 | January-March 2019 ISSN No. 2320–0472 ICAR-NAARM NEWSLETTER

Transcript of ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

Director’s Message / निदेशक का संदेश

The year 2019 brought great hope and high aspiration for the Academy. The Academy

welcomed 32 ARS probationers for 3-month foundation course as 109th batch of FOCARS

(Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service). Apart from this, we conducted 20+

training programmes/ workshops for research professionals, technical and administrative

officers, and professionals from agribusiness industry. More importantly, special

customized trainings were conducted for agri- and non-agri- graduates in

entrepreneurship. Several dignitaries visited the Academy during this period. We also

started new academic programme viz. Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology

& Management (PGDETM).

The ICAR and Sixth QRT of NAARM had stressed on the role of NAARM as a Think Tank for

ICAR. Though, the Academy has been serving as a Think Tank for the Council, but for very specific domain related to ICAR

functioning e.g. Training policy/APAR formats, Research prioritization, PME, etc. However, renewed expectations from the

Academy is much larger. For this, the Council has given consent to further strengthen the Academy with the team of professionals

with high-caliber and highly-reputed credentials. All these activities would be brought under “Centre of Think Tank Initiatives” at

the Academy. Networking with all leading think tank and exchange of ideas and views are essential for the brand building of the

NAARM as a Think Tank. Hence, apart from high quality policy research, regular Workshop, Stakeholders’ meetings and media

engagement would be given high priority in coming years.


वर्ष 2019 अकादमी के लिए आशा एवं उच्च आकांक्षा िेकर आया है। अकादमी ने 3 महीने के

फाउंडशेन कोर्ष यानी FOCARS (फाउंडशेन कोर्ष फॉर एग्रिकल्चरि ररर्चष र्र्वषर्) के लिए 109वें बैच के 32 ARS प्रोबेशनर्ष का स्वागत ककया। इर्के अिावा हमने अनुर्धंान पेशेवरों, तकनीकी और प्रशार्ननक अग्रधकाररयों और कृर्र् व्यवर्ाय उद्योग के पेशेवरों के लिए 20+ प्रलशक्षण

कायषक्रम / कायषशािाए ंआयोजित की।ं इर्र्े भी महत्वपूणष बात, उद्यलमता में कृर्र् और गैर-कृर्र्

स्नातकों के लिए र्वशेर् तदनकूुि प्रलशक्षण आयोजित ककए गए थे। इर् दौरान कई गणमान्य

िोगों ने अकादमी का दौरा ककया। हमने नए शैक्षणणक कायषक्रम भी शुरू ककए हैं, जिर्में शैक्षक्षक

प्रौद्योग्रगकी और प्रबधंन में स्नातकोत्तर डडप्िोमा (PGDETM) शालमि है। आई॰र्ी॰ए॰आर॰(ICAR) एवं नामष(NAARM) के छठे QRT ने आई॰र्ी॰ए॰आर॰ के लिए ग्रथकं टैंक के

रूप में नामष की भूलमका पर िोर ददया था। हािांकक, अकादमी पररर्द के लिए एक ग्रथकं टैंक के रूप

में र्ेवा कर रही है, िेककन आई॰र्ी॰ए॰आर॰ कामकाि र्े र्ंबंग्रधत बहुत र्वलशष्ट डोमेन के लिए

िैर्े प्रलशक्षण नीनत / ए॰पी॰ए॰आर॰ (APAR) प्रारूप, अनरु्ंधान प्राथलमकता, पी॰एम॰ई॰ (PME)

आदद। हािांकक, अकादमी र्े नवीनीकृत अपेक्षाए ंबहुत बडी हैं। इर्के लिए पररर्द ने उच्च-कैलिबर

और अत्यग्रधक प्रनतजष्ठत के्रडेंलशयल्र् वािे पेशेवरों की टीम के र्ाथ अकादमी को और मिबूत

करने की र्हमनत दी है। इन र्भी गनतर्वग्रधयों को “र्ेंटर ऑफ ग्रथकं टैंक इननलशएदटव्र्” (Centre

of Think Tank Initiatives) के तहत अकादमी में िाया िाएगा। र्भी अिणी ग्रथकं टैंक के र्ाथ

नेटवककिं ग और ग्रथकं टैंक के रूप में नामष के ब्ांड ननमाषण के लिए र्वचारों और र्वचारों का आदान-

प्रदान आवश्यक है। इर्लिए, उच्च गुणवत्ता नीनत अनुर्ंधान के अिावा, ननयलमत कायषशािा, दहतधारकों की बैठकें और मीडडया अनुबंध को आने वािे वर्ों में उच्च प्राथलमकता दी िाएगी।

(Ch. Srinivasa Rao)

Volume 8 | Issue 1 | January-March 2019 ISSN No. 2320–0472



ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

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Scientific Meetings

Expert Committee Meetings to Review Scientific Cadre Positions of NAARM

The National Committee to review the cadre strength of

ICAR chaired by Secretary, DARE & Director General,

ICAR, in its recommendations pertaining to the scientific

cadre positions for ICAR-NAARM, envisaged that the

Academy shall strive to evolve as a Think Tank for ICAR

in the field of agriculture, in addition to its role in building

the capacity of individuals and institutions under the

NARES. The Council constituted an expert committee to

review and determine the cadre positions, disciplines and

roles, as suitable for the Academy.

The Committee was chaired by Dr. B Venkateshwarlu,

Former VC, VNMKV, Parbhani and the members were

Dr. RRB Singh, Director, NDRI, Karnal; Dr. RN Chatterjee,

Director, PDP, Hyderabad; Dr. Suresh Pal, Director,

NIAP, Delhi; Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Director, NRRI,

Cuttack; Dr. OP Yadav, Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur. Dr. P

Krishnan served as the Member Secretary.

The Committee conducted a detailed review of existing

cadre positions of the Academy interacted with the

scientists of the Academy and the Senior Officials at the

Council /ASRB. The first meeting was held at New Delhi

following which the Committee met twice at NAARM,

Hyderabad on Jan 29, 2019 and Feb 18, 2019. The draft

report was presented to Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra,

Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR on March 03,

2019 in a meeting held in the Committee Room of DG,

ICAR. The meeting was attended by Shri. Sushil Kumar,

Additional Secretary (DARE) & Secretary, ICAR; Dr. B

Venkateswarlu, Former VC, VNMKV & Chairman of the

Committee; Shri. Sujit K Mitra, Director (Personnel),

ICAR; Dr. PK Ghosh, National Coordinator, NAHEP Unit,

Education Division, ICAR; Dr. A Arunachalam, Principal

Scientific Officer to Secretary (DARE) & DG (ICAR) and

Dr. P Krishnan, Member Secretary of the Committee. The

Committee has finalized its report on the Scientific Cadre

Positions for NAARM including a road map to aid in the

transformation of the Academy into Think Tank of ICAR.

Technical Committee Meeting–cum-Workshop of NAHE Project

A technical committee meeting–cum-workshop for the

project ‘Investments in Indian Council of Agricultural

Research Leadership in Agricultural Higher Education’

under National Agricultural Higher Education Project

(NAHEP) was held on March 30, 2019 under the

Chairmanship of Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Director. The

primary objective of this meeting-cum-workshop was to

make the stakeholders and faculty members of the

Academy aware about the project and its modalities.

Apart from NAARM faculty members, representatives

from SAUs like Deans, Directors and Professors of


participated along with Dr. VP Sharma, Expert Member

and Former Director of MANAGE and Dr. Prabhat

Kumar, National Coordinator, NAHEP Component 2A.

Dr. D Thammi Raju briefed the house regarding the

overall project objectives and activities in general and the

role of NAARM in the project as partner institution in

particular. The lead centre is ICAR-IASRI and another

partner institution is ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi. Dr. SK

Soam gave a gist of discussions held at headquarter with

World Bank and expectations from the project. Further,

few general issues pertaining to implementation of project

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

Vol 8 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2019 https://naarm.org.in 3

& other concerns were also placed by the SAUs


ANGRAU) and NAARM faculty members. Dr. VP

Sharma emphasized that technical committee of the

project may start their work with establishment of Career

Development Centres at Agricultural Universities and

Faculty Development Centre at any established

University. Dr. Prabhat Kumar suggested to conduct

study on inbreeding of faculty members at SAUs. He

stressed that the project’s priority should be student

centric, followed by faculty and infrastructure

development. Following this, Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao,

Director, NAARM expressed that ICAR-NAARM will

always be ready to create a positive environment to take

up such kind of projects of national and international


Internal Review Committee Meeting of Niche Project on TELAgE

The internal review committee meeting of Niche Project

on Technology Enhanced Learning in Agricultural

Education (TELAgE) was held on March 19, 2019. The

meeting was chaired by Dr. K Sudha Rao, Former CEO,

Karnataka Knowledge Commission with Dr. Neeraj Raj,

MedRC as the expert member. The progress of the project

during 2018-19 that highlighted the development of

digital courses besides MOOCs was well appreciated by

the committee.

Other Meetings

• Brainstorming session to discuss on ‘NAARM as a Think Tank for NARES’ was held during January 10-11, 2019.

• Institute Joint Staff Council Meeting was conducted on January 23, 2019.

• ICAR constituted Screening Committee meeting to screen the proposals of new ABI in ICAR institutes was held

under the chairmanship of Director, NAARM on March 2, 2019.

• Quarterly Meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee was held on January 22, 2019.

• Meetings of pensioners registered with ICAR-NAARM was held to discuss issues related to pensioners on

January 22 & 28, 2019.

• Meeting to decide the Annual Training Calender for the Academy was held in which Dr. AK Vyas, ADG (HRD)


• Meetings with senior officers of Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) was held to discuss issues of

developing training module for SEDP for Senior Officers of ICAR, on January 11 & 19, 2019.

Research Projects

Investments in Indian Council of Agricultural Research Leadership in Agricultural Higher


The World Bank Funded National Agricultural Higher

Education Project (NAHEP) titled ‘Investments in Indian

Council of Agricultural Research Leadership in

Agricultural Higher Education’ has been sanctioned to

ICAR – NAARM as partner institution along with IASRI,

New Delhi and NIAP, New Delhi. During the next two

years of the project, the Academy will focus on

establishment of partnerships with globally recognized

agricultural higher education institutions; promotion of

career development centres at agricultural universities;

improvement of curricula, review processes and methods

to consolidate and disseminate global best practices in

agricultural education; assist agricultural universities in

strengthening their linkages with industry and

structuring dialogue with state government to catalyze

their participation in raising the quality and relevance of

agricultural higher education. The project team consists

Drs. SK Soam, D Thammi Raju, NS Rao, Alok Kumar,

Surya Rathore, VV Sumanth Kumar and Sanjiv Kumar.

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

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Adoption of Natural Farming and its Effect on Crop Yield and Farmers' Livelihood in India

(NAARM-CRIDA Collaborative Project, Sponsored by NITI Aayog)

Natural Farming (NF) is contemplated as most potential

crop cultivation method to drastically cut down

production costs by reducing dependence on market for

purchase of critical inputs. It envisages that the farmers

may prepare the essential nutrient and plant protection

materials with the home-grown natural resources. The

practice of Natural Farming includes the addition of

microbial cultures to enhance decomposition and nutrient

recycling; use of local seeds; integration of crops, trees and

livestock (mainly cows of native breeds); effective spacing

of crops, contouring and bunds to conserve water;

intensive mulching; extensive intercropping and crop

rotations. The present study is proposed to be conducted

in three states: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and

Maharashtra. From each state, 2 districts having higher

proportion of farmers adopting Natural Farming will be

selected through expert consultation. Similarly, soil and

plant samples will be collected from at least 3-4 treated

field and 3-4 untreated field of same crop(s) from each

village. The study would have basically two components:

a) Socio-economic study and exploration of scalability;

and b) laboratory tests of soil, plant and the materials used

in the natural farming. The Specific objectives of the study

are to understand perception of the farmers about Natural

Farming and estimate the profitability from its adoption.

We will also analyze the properties of the soil and the

plant parts from the adopted farmers’ fields to examine

the sustainability and scalability of natural farming. The

Duration of the project is for one year (Jan – Dec 2019) and

the project team comprises Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao (Project

Leader), Drs. Ranjit Kumar, P Ramesh, PC Meena, Sanjiv

Kumar and BS Yashavanth from the Academy’s side.

Other Newly Initiated Projects

• Project on “Entrepreneurship Development through Farmer Led Innovations – A Case Study in Plantation

Sector” started under the financial support of NASF, ICAR. CPCRI, Kasargod and IIPM, Bengaluru are the

partner institutions for the project. (Team: Drs. Senthil Vinayagam, GRK Murthy, M Balakrishnan and P.


• Project on “Competency Analysis among faculty of Agricultural Universities in Technology Enhanced Learning”

started under the Extramural funding from ICAR-Education Division. (Team: Drs. Senthil Vinayagam, GRK

Murthy and Surya Rathore)

• Project on “Establishment of Skill Development in Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility on Agricultural

Biotechnology” was started under BTISnet Programme of DBT. (Team: Drs. M Balakrishnan and SK Soam)

Academy developed Mobile App

The Academy in collaboration with CDAC,

Hyderabad developed a mobile app 'm-

PRIORITIZE' (Problem Prioritization

Technique in Agriculture). m-PRIORITIZE is

used to prioritize problems in a scientific

manner. It is calculated through a Value Based

Index (VBI). m-Prioritize helps in: (i) Prioritize

problem statements of one /multiple locations. (ii)

Systematic and step by step data entry and analysis to

get accurate ranking. (iii) Comprehensive

Summarization of results based on customized needs.

It was tested on field by the 109 FOCARS trainees

during their FET. App can be downloaded on

mobile from the Google play Store.

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Training Programme

109th FOCARS: Commencement and Successful Completion

The Academy organized its lead flagship program

‘Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service’,

109th in the series, for 32 ARS Probationers during 4

January – 3 April, 2019. The programme was organized in

three phases for 73 working days. The probationers

belonged to 16 ARS disciplines. The sessions were

organized on core research skills, personal effectiveness,

awareness and use of IT tools, database management,

awareness of research environment, orientation of

organization and other skill components. Innovations

brought in this FOCARS training included module on

science communication and encouraged the probationers

to prepare book chapters. This initiative brought a

publication of a book on ‘Challenges and Emerging

Opportunities in Indian Agriculture’.

(Programme Directors: Drs. S Senthil Vinayagam and

PC Meena).

SEED Programme for Coromandel Retail Store Managers

The Academy, in collaboration with Coromandel Retail

Learning Academy, organized Skill Building and

Employee Development (SEED) Programme for Retail

Store Management Professionals. Twenty-Nine Retail

Store Managers underwent training during January 21-23

and March 06-08, 2019 for IV and V phases respectively.

The objective of the training programme was to impart the

required competencies to retail store managers for taking

up higher responsibilities. The programme was designed

to provide knowledge and skill in technical, operational

and behavioral domains. The IV and V modules covered

critical nutrient management, pest and disease

management techniques for field crops, horticulture and

floriculture crops and integrated pest and disease

management in field crops. The participants were exposed

to business strategy, competitor analysis, market research

besides inventory management and farmers’ buying

behavior. Organizational Behavior sessions on Role

Perception, Group Dynamics, Emotional and stress

Management were also conducted for the participants.

(Programme Directors: Drs. KH Rao and Ranjit Kumar)

Entrepreneurship Development Programme for Student Entrepreneurs

The Academy organised an Entrepreneurship

Development Programme for the students of Agriculture

and allied discipline during January 21-25, 2019. The

programme aimed to shape the students’ business ideas

having a potential to scale-up in agribusiness sector.

Besides, it also envisaged to scout for those students who

have presented his/her ideas at different forums. a-IDEA,

with support of Caspian Impact Investment (CII) took this

initiative to catch the college students at early stage who

have some interest in entrepreneurship. Total 25

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participants with different educational background from

7 states attended the programme. The 5-days programme

had mix of pedagogy with sessions by domain experts,

business game, activity, field visits to CCMB & T-Hub,

and interactions with successful startups.

(Programme Directors: Drs. Ranjit Kumar and K Srinivas)

ICTs for Empowering Farm Women

The training was held at the Academy during Feb 01-06,

2019 with the objectives to sensitize on prevalent ICT

models using traditional and modern ICT tools in

agriculture and their scope for gender sensitive

information sharing and agribusiness; to identify the role

of pluralistic media and skill development in agriculture

information sharing and entrepreneurial development for

farm women; and to evolve strategies on sharing of

experiences on ICTs use for empowering farm women in

agriculture. Eleven participants including seven women

participated in the programme. The content of the

programme included gender sensitive ICT models and

their scope for information sharing and agribusiness, role

of pluralistic media including traditional/ mainstream

media and modern digital media in agriculture

information sharing and entrepreneurial development for

farm women, m-extension and e-extension evolving

strategies for empowering farmwomen in agriculture.

(Programme Directors: Drs. N Sandhya Shenoy and

VKJ Rao)

Geospatial Analysis using QGIS & R

The training was conducted at the Academy during Feb

01-06, 2019 for the Scientist/Faculty/Technical Officers

working in the area of Natural Resource Management

from ICAR Institutes, SAUs and KVKs. The main objective

of this training programme was to enhance competency

levels of NARES professionals in understanding GIS, GPS

and RS along with QGIS and R software applying these

principles in Agricultural Sciences. Fourteen participants

including 5 women attended the programme. It had a

blend of lectures, self-exploration instruments, case

analysis and hands on exercises. The training class

schedule and topics covered mainly on introduction to

geospatial technologies in agriculture, relational database

and geodatabase concepts for GIS, Introduction to GIS,

GPS and remote sensing, exploring data from open source

platforms for geodata, spatial database design and

implementation using quantum GIS open source

software, spatial analysis like clipping, joining, buffering,

interpolation, krigging etc., image processing and land

use land cover using R open source software.

(Programme Directors: Drs. PD Sreekanth and

BS Yashavanth)

FDP on ‘Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in Teaching, Research and Extension’


The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) was

organized at University of Agricultural and Horticultural

Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka during Feb 04-08, 2019.

The objectives were to reflect on and renew the knowledge

and skills of the faculty of the University for improving

the quality of higher education and human resources

management and to impart knowledge and skill in

teaching, research and extension. Areas of deliberations

included Student Centered Education, Effective Teaching-

Learning, Evaluation and testing, Positive thinking, Stress

management, Personality Development, Motivation,

Interpersonal Relationship and Role Perception, Scientific

communication, ICTs in extension, Research Project

prioritization, IPR and Technology Management.

(Programme Directors: Drs. KH Rao, BS Sontakki and

Alok Kumar)

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

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Emotional Intelligence for Personal and Work Excellence (Off-Campus)

A training programme was conducted for the senior

faculty members of CIFE, Mumbai during Feb 11-13, 2019

at CIFE, Mumbai. The Major objectives were to facilitate

participants to understand their own self and personality

dimensions, to enable participants to learn and develop

emotional intelligence, to strengthen the emotional

orientation of participants for personal and work

excellence. The major topics covered under this 3-days

training programme include: types of Intelligence (IQ, EQ

and SQ) – an overview, assessment and interpretation of

EQ and SQ, effectiveness to greatness: an interactive

discussion, assessment and interpretation of organization

effectiveness traits, emotional intelligence for work

performance, layers of personality & self-awareness,

personal and work excellence through self-actualization,

relationship management, stress Management and

positive thinking.

(Programme Directors: Drs. P Ramesh and RVS Rao)

Entrepreneurial Skill Development Programme for Agri-Graduates of ANGRAU

The Academy imparted a first-of-its-kind training

programme to orient young minds towards

entrepreneurship through a 21-days intensive residential

training programme during Feb 14–Mar 6, 2019. The

programme was specifically designed for agri-graduates

who were willing to take up entrepreneurship related to

agribusiness. Forty-five students of B.Sc. Agriculture /B.

Tech (Agricultural Engineering) disciplines from five

colleges of Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University

(ANGRAU). The programme had a right blend of

pedagogies including classroom lectures, hands-on

practices, exposure visits to institutions and industry,

experiential sharing by entrepreneurs and group

assignments. The young minds were given opportunities

to brainstorm to identify the problems with opportunities

for entrepreneurial innovations, working with their team

to validate their hypothesis, got feedback from startup

experts, refining the business plan and finally making

pitch presentation. The students got opportunity to

interact with more than 10 founders and CEOs of new and

established enterprises. They also visited different

agricultural markets and interacted with the market

functionaries. The participants visited 4 villages and

collected information from about 100 farmers to

understand the crop cultivation and marketing patterns.

(Programme Directors: Drs. Ranjit Kumar, K Srinivas and

N Sivaramane)

Capability Building Programme for Agronomists of Coromandel International Ltd (CIL)

A capability-building programme for agronomists of CIL

was held at the Academy during Feb 18-21, 2019. Fifty-two

agronomists from different zones of the country attended

the programme. The programme was aimed to expose the

participants with current trends in agriculture, soil health

and nutrition management and to provide knowledge in

Coromandel product portfolio. The topics covered include

agricultural scenario, basics of plant nutrition and crop

production, importance of soil and leaf testing and soil

health based nutrient marketing, SOP for agronomic and

promotional activities, Coromandel unique Product

Portfolio and ICTs in agriculture. The softer aspects such

as personality development, values and ethics, and public

speaking were also covered during the training


(Programme Directors: Drs. KH Rao and Ranjit Kumar)

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Workshop on ‘LexisNexis Total Patent One ’ and ‘LexisNexis Patent Optimizer’

A half day workshop on ‘LexisNexis Total Patent One-a

Patent search tool’ and ‘LexisNexis Patent Optimizer-a

patent drafting and analyzing tool’ was organized on Feb

20, 2019 under ZTMU project for faculty and project staff

of the Academy. Ms. G Tharraniiswari, resource person

from LexisNexis India, described key features of these

tools and provided basic training. Need for patent search

and analysis for research purpose using Total Patent One

tool was highlighted. Practical demonstration on patent

drafting and analyzing using Patent Optimizer tool was

carried out.

(Programme Coordinator: Dr. Manju Gerard)

Koha for Library Staff of ICAR

A training programme was held at the Academy during

Feb 21-26 2019, exclusively for the technical staff

associated with library and related work in ICAR

Institutes/ Hqs. The programme aimed to make

participants understand the application of Koha in library

automation, to provide hands on training on various

modules of Koha related to acquisition, cataloguing,

OPAC etc., and to provide the knowledge on broad

aspects of Koha installation and customization as per

institute requirements. Thirty-seven participants from

different ICAR institutions participated in the

programme. The trainees were exposed to Linux,

Installation of Ubuntu operating system, Installation and

configuration of Koha, Configuration of Apache and

MySQL, Introduction to Koha modules, Administration,

Acquisition, Patron Management, Cataloguing,

Circulation, Serials, OPAC etc.

(Programme Coordinators: Drs. N Srinivasa Rao and

SK Soam)

Digital Teaching Techniques

Two training programmes on ‘Digital Teaching

Techniques’ were organized by the Academy; one off-

campus at UAS Bengaluru during Feb 25– Mar 2 2019, and

another on-campus during 14-20 Mar 2019. The off-

campus programme was attended by 30 faculty of UAS

Bengaluru and the on-campus programme was attended

by 25 participants from various AUs and ICAR institutes.

The objectives of the programme are enhancing

pedagogical methods with digital technology and

sensitizing on digital learning management. The

participants were well exposed to the latest trends in

digital teaching and learning that included concepts of

whiteboard teaching, microteaching, digital content

production, editing and management.

(Programme directors: at UASB: Drs. VV Sumanth Kumar

and GRK Murthy; at ICAR-NAARM: Drs. GRK Murthy

and VV Sumanth Kumar)

MDP for HRD Nodal Officers of ICAR for Effective Implementation of Training Functions

A Management Development Programme (MDP) for

HRD Nodal Officers of ICAR for Effective

Implementation of Training Functions was conducted

during March 14-16, 2019 with total participants of 23

consisting of 19 men and 4 women scientists from 23 ICAR

Institutes. The objectives were enhancing competencies of

the HRD Nodal Officers to provide support and guidance

in the implementation of capacity building programmes

and training functions. The sessions covered topics like

Systematic and Competency Approach to Training,

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Vol 8 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2019 https://naarm.org.in 9

Training Need Analysis (TNA) of employees of all

categories, Design and development of training

programme, Development and Implementation of Cadre

Training Plan and Annual Training Plan for all categories

of employees, Evaluation and Monitoring of trainings at

the Institute level, Impact assessment of training. Finally,

different practical ways and means of developing

leadership characteristics were suggested in order to

enhance one’s own personal and organizational

effectiveness. Apart from class room sessions, regular

early morning yoga sessions were conducted for the


(Programme Directors: Drs. RVS Rao, KH Rao and P


ICAR-NAARM and Coromandel International Ltd (CIL) Collaborative Capability Building

Programme for Young Agribusiness Professionals

NAARM-Coromandel Collaborative Capability Building

programme of 5 days (Phase-II) was organized at the

Academy for 84 sales and marketing professionals of CIL

in 3 batches during March 04-08, 11-15 and 17-21, 2019.

The objective of the programme was to provide business

management skills and to develop personality for taking

higher responsibilities in sales and marketing. The topics

covered include agronomy aspects of major field crops,

Balanced Nutrients Landscape, Rural marketing,

Agribusiness and marketing plan, competitor analysis,

channel management, market research, field survey,

farmers buying behavior and customer feedback and GIS

applications. Participants learned target setting,

delegation and creativity, inter team interactions through

experiential learning and advanced analytics through

hands-on exercises.

(Programme Directors: Drs. KH Rao and Ranjit Kumar)

Workshop on ‘Competency Framework for Agricultural Research and Extension Scientists’

The Academy organized a one-day off-campus workshop

on ‘Competency Framework for Agricultural Research

and Extension Scientists’ in collaboration with Indian

Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (IINRG), Ranchi at

ICAR-IINRG, Ranchi involving 40 scientists from 4 ICAR

institutes including regional stations located at Ranchi


NBPGR on March 06, 2019. The purpose of workshop was

to make discussions and deliberations to identify

attributes of different competencies required at scientist,

senior scientist and principal scientist levels. The major

competencies were discipline orientation, research

attributes (cognitive), research methodologies, project

management & governance skills, research

communication skills and research application &

extension attributes under the category of functional

competencies. The behavioural competencies included

managing relationships, leadership and networking.

(Programme Directors: Drs. KH Rao and Alok Kumar)

Developing Winning Research Proposals (Off-campus)

A tailor-made off-campus programme was held at College

of Agriculture, Indore during March 07-09, 2019 for the

faculty members of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi

Vishwa Vidyalaya (RVSKVV), Gwalior, wherein 30

scientists and assistant professors representing different

colleges and research stations of the university

participated. The core content of the programme included

elements of research concept writing; preparation of

project logframes. Most exercises were through hands-on

mode and participants were exposed to the research

management software developed by NAARM viz., AHP

Analyser, Research Concept Writer and Project Logframe


(Programme Directors: Drs. SK Soam, P Krishnan and

Ch. Srinivasa Rao)

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Motivation, Positive Thinking and Communication Skills (Off-campus)

An off-campus training programme on ‘Motivation,

Positive Thinking and Communication skills’ for

Technical Officers (T5 & above) of ICAR Institutes was

held at Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,

Dehradun during March 13-19, 2019 which was attended

by a total of 24 participants from 17 ICAR institutes

representing 13 different states. The main objective of this

training programme was to improve the skills and

efficiency of the participants in discharging functions and

providing constructive technical support for meeting the

organizational goals and targets. The programme

consisted of a blend of lectures, interactive sessions and

visits. The training programme included topics on role &

importance of technical officers, communication skills,

motivation, time management, personality profiling,

socio-psychological issues and use of tools like MS Excel

& MS PowerPoint for better communication. The

programme also included experiential learning through

visits to Sainji Watershed, Mussorie and Indira Gandhi

National Forest Academy.

(Programme Directors: Drs. BS Yashavanth, P Vijender

Reddy and PD Sreekanth)

Other Training Programmes

• Off-campus training on ‘Enhancing Efficiency and Behavioral Skills’ of Stenographers Grade-III, PA, PS, PPS and

Sr. PPS of ICAR Hqrs/Institutes at NBSS&LUP Regional Centre, Kolkata during January 07-12, 2019.


Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers

Welfare, GoI Interacts with Farmers, Scientists and other Stakeholders

Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Union Minister of State

for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, participated in the

interactive Session held at the Academy on March 09,

2019. During the session, Shri Shekhawat accentuated that

the government’s priority is for making the agriculture

profitable by reducing the input cost and increasing the

remunerative prices for enhancing the farmers’ income.

The Minister strongly said that by listening to the

stakeholders will help in enhancing the government’s

functioning and decision making process.

Shri Shekhawat had an interactive meeting with the

farmers, farmer associations, scientists of all the ICAR

Institutes located at Hyderabad, officials, students, start-

ups and State Agri-Allied Sector Universities, etc. The

Minister also released a NAARM Hindi publication titled

“AgRIM” during the occasion.

(Event Coordinators: Drs. Bharat S. Sontakki, D. Thammi

Raju and Alok Kumar)

Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) Addressed the Scientist-Probationers

‘Science Communication is important for agricultural

scientists’ said Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary

(DARE) & Director General (ICAR) while addressing

scientists -probationers undergoing the 109th Foundation

Course for Agricultural Research Service (FOCARS) at the

Academy on Jan 18, 2019. He called upon the young

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scientists to come up with innovative ideas to undertake

research with proper prioritization for the benefit of the

stakeholders. He also shared the importance of new

frontier areas like artificial intelligence, block chain

technology and IoT in agricultural research in the areas of

precision agriculture and post-harvest management. Dr.

Ch Srinivas Rao, Director emphasized the importance of

positive thinking and outlined the profile of the FOCARS

109th batch which comprises 32 trainees from 16

disciplines in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

from various states in the country.

(FOCARS Coordinators: Drs. S Senthil Vinayagam and

PC Meena).

Dr. Nartaki Nataraj Performs for SPICMACAY

Padmasri Dr. Nartaki Nataraj gave a

scintillating performance at the Academy for

SPICMACAY on Feb 11, 2019. The programme

was the first one rendered by Dr. Nartaki after

receiving the Padmasri Award from the Govt.

of India on 26th Jan, 2019. She started the recital

with Sollukettu, followed up with the piece, Bo

Shambo Shiva Shambo, in Rag, Revathi. Her

delectable movements, fleeting feet and her

emotive eye expressions kept the audience rooted

and spellbound. The programme was organised

and conducted by the Sanskriti Club of PGDMA

students of ICAR-NAARM alongwith students

from PJTSAU, PVNR TVU, MANAGE and from

other neighbouring institutions located at


(Event Coordinators: Drs. M Krishnan and

D Thammi Raju)

International Women’s Day Celebrations

International Women’s Day was celebrated at the

Academy on Mar 8, 2019. The whole day celebration

revolved around the theme given by United Nations,

‘Think equal, build smart, innovate for change’. Different

activities organized for women by the women cell of the

Academy included visual quiz and games on women of

eminence, expert lecture by Prof. Pari Plavi who talked on

‘Balance for Better’. She talked about how women can

balance their dual and triple roles & responsibilities with

minimum stress. On this occasion, Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao,

Director released a book on ‘Women in Agriculture (The

Invisible Partners in Development)’ and applauded the

womens’ role as managers in home and work. Around 75

women from scientific, technical and administrative cadre

participated in the programme. As a part of charity work

to the underprivileged, members of women cell of the

Academy distributed soap, hair oil and clothes to 120

inmates of “Aaramghar: A home for destitute”.

(Event Coordinators: Dr. Surya Rathore and Mrs.

G Aneeja)

Secretary, DBT Visits a-IDEA of ICAR-NAARM

Dr. Renu Swarup, Secretary, Department of

Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, GoI and

Chairperson, BIRAC visited a-IDEA on Feb 21, 2019.

During her visit, she also interacted with few start-ups

who are being supported by a-IDEA in different areas in

agri-value chain. She also visited a-IDEA partner, Agri

Biotech Foundation (ABF) and inspected the wet lab

facilities and work of Start-ups. The Director briefed that

the Academy is a unique institute engaged in capacity

building of NARES scientists, Research Policy (think-

tank) of ICAR and Agri-business management education.

Dr. K Srinivas, and CEO, a-IDEA briefed the delegation

about the activities and progress of Incubator and Agri-


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ICAR-NAARM Organizes National Science Day

The Academy celebrated National Science Day on Feb 28,

2019 commemorating great contributions of Noble

laureate Sir CV Raman. The theme was: ‘Science for the

people and the people for the Science’. More than 100

students from Zilla Parishad High School, Shivarampally

and Budvel participated in the celebrations. Essay and

elocution competitions were also conducted for the

students. While addressing the students during Closing

Ceremony, Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao, Director, said “Science

has made strides through various inventions for ease of

living. The young generation should use technology

wisely for the benefit, and should not addict to modern

electronic gadgets”. Dr. SK Soam, Jt. Director explained

about the importance of science in day to day life.

(Event Organiser: Smt. G Aneeja)

Exposure Visit of Skilled Support Staff of ICAR-NAARM to KVKs in Telangana State

A visit for 27 Skilled Support Staff (SSS) of the Academy

was arranged during March 17-19, 2019 to have an

exposure about KVK system and technologies developed

like Azola production, Vermi-composting, Dall Mill

processing, Sericulture Unit, Fish culture, plant

propagation methods of Mango and Citrus etc. KVKs at

Madanapuram, Palem and Gaddipally were visited

during these three days.

(Coordinators: Drs. BS Sontakki and P Venkatesan; Visit

Facilitators: Dr. Laxman M Ahire and Mr. M Shekhar


ICAR-NAARM Participates in AQUAEX INDIA 2019

The Society for Indian Fisheries & Aquaculture organized

‘AQUAEX INDIA-2019’, an exhibition, at Hitex Exhibition

Center, Hyderabad during January 31– February 2, 2019.

The Academy participated and placed an exhibition stall

highlighting the NAARM activities. The event was

attended by policy makers from various Governments,

Researchers, Decision Makers, Banking Fraternity,

Aquaculture companies and farmers. Dr. S Senthil

Vinayagam initiated and coordinated the event.

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme

NAARM participated in the live webcast organized at

ICAR-IIRR on February 24, 2019 on the occasion of PM

Kisan Samman Nidhi Launch Programme. Farmers were

felicitated during the programme. Shri Bandaru

Dattatreya, Former Union Minister graced the occasion

and felicitated the farmers.

Visits of Farmers and Students at NAARM

140 farmers from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and 547 graduating students from 11 Agricultural Universities visited

the Academy during January-March 2019.

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Academic News

Successful Completion of 9th Batch of PGDMA

The Academy has completed another successful season of

campus placement for the current graduating PGDMA

batch of 2017-2019. The academy proved as one of the

premier B-schools of the country for providing

agribusiness management professionals. This placement

season received a good inflow of 24 companies of which

16 visited the campus for the first time.

PDTMA 2nd Term Contact Programme

The 2nd term Contact Programme for the students of

PGDTMA 2018 batch was conducted at the Academy

during January 19-21, 2019. About 27 students attended

the programme, with most of them working professionals

from various organizations such as Coromandal, DuPont,

Syngenta, KVKs etc. Various topics on intellectual

property prosecution & enforcement, rural social

structure & institutional innovations, innovative business

models in agriculture, business plan, and

entrepreneurship were taken by resource persons.

(Programme Coordinators: Drs. Manju Gerard and BS


PGDETM Kick Started

The Academy has started one-year Post Graduate

Diploma in Educational Technology and Management

(PGDETM) with the objective to develop capable and

competent teachers/potential teachers/trainers of

universities and academic institutions through distance

education mode in collaboration with UoH. The

programme of PGDETM-2019 was launched from March

01, 2019 with the enrollment of 48 candidates representing

various organizations and states.

first time covering various sectors of agribusiness.

a-IDEA (Agri-business Incubator at NAARM) News

Events @ a-IDEA

Sensitization workshop at College of Agriculture,

Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh (January 08, 2019) to sensitize

the students and make them realize the importance of

entrepreneurship also exposing them to challenges and

opportunities in agriculture.

Startup 360 at ICAR-NAARM (January 23, 2019) for peer

to peer learning & mentoring sessions for incubatees of a-

IDEA & Agri Bionest.

Start Entrepreneurs-2019 in Hyderabad (January 24,

2019), in association with Indian Chamber of Commerce

(ICC), for providing a platform for a-IDEA supported

startups to pitch their idea in front of Agritech investors.

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Pitch Perfect at ICAR-NAARM (February 16, 2019) for

pitching idea by the entrepreneurs in front of the jury and

mentors to seek the incubation support from a-IDEA.

Startup Samvaad at Almora, Uttarakhand (March 25,

2019), in association with ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya

Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS), to sensitize and

motivate the aspiring entrepreneurs, Agri enthusiasts and


Visitors @ a-IDEA

Discovery Channel Team, to get oriented with BioNest,

Agri -Biotech Incubator of a-IDEA (February 20, 2019)

Mr. Rajesh Sinha, CEO, NeML (February 25, 2019),

discussed the progress of a-IDEA in building agri startup-


Faculty Achievements

Honors, Awards and Recognitions

Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao is selected as Chairman, Committee for screening of proposals for new Agribusiness Incubation

Centres in ICAR Institutes under Component-II (Incubation Fund) of NAIF Scheme sponsored by ICAR.

Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao is selected as Member, Executive Board of International Dryland Development Commission

(IDDC), Cairo, Egypt – 2019-20 sponsored by IDDC.

Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao is selected as Member, NAAS Sectional Committee for NRM sponsored by NAAS.

Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao is selected as President, Association for Management of Agricultural Research and

Agripreneurship (AMARA), Hyderabad

Dr. Sumanta Kundu, PhD student of Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao received ‘The Mosaic Company Foundation Award for Best

Doctoral Thesis’.

Dr. MB Dastagiri won ‘World Championship-2019 in Agriculture (Foreign Trade Policy)’, and is recognized as ‘Father

of Modern Agriculture (Foreign Trade Policy)’, and has become ‘Fellow’, Directorate of Agriculture, International

Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR). Also, IASR recognizes Prof. MB Dastagiri among World's 500 Most

Influential Experts in Agriculture for the Year 2019 on Earth.

Dr. MB Dastagiri won ‘National Award of Excellence – 2019’ (with medal), a distinction of being one of the ‘Best

Scientist’ in the country awarded by Global Management Council, Ahmadabad, on February 26, 2019.

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Dr. Surya Rathore bagged ‘Excellence in Research Award’ during ‘International Conference on Advances in

Agriculture and Allied Sciences Research’ sponsored by Samagra Vikas Welfare Society (SVWS), Lucknow (UP) held at

Rama University, Kanpur on February 24, 2019.

Dr. Surya Rathore performed as Chairperson of Technical Session IV during the ‘International Conference on Advances

in Agriculture and Allied Science Research’ held at Rama University, Kanpur during February 23-24, 2019.


Research Articles

Abhilash KR, Sankar R, Purvaja R, Deepak SV, Sreeraj CR, Krishnan P, Sekar V, Biswas AK, Kumarapandiyan G,

Ramesh R. (2019) Impact of long-term seaweed farming on water quality: a case study from Palk Bay, India,

Journal of Coastal Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-018-00678-4

Dastagiri MB and Sweta Mishra (2019). Expectations from 2019-20 Union Budget for Indian Farm. Indian Farming 69(01):


Mathyam Prabhakar, Gopinath KA, Reddy AGK, Thirupathi M and Srinivasarao Ch. (2018). Mapping hailstorm

damaged crop area using multispectral satellite data. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences.


Prashanth P, Laxminarayanamma V and Laxman M Ahire (2019) Online distance education in agriculture-A case of

PJTSAU, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry (SP2: 496-500).

Pratibha G, Srinivas I, Srinivasa Rao K, Swathi, K and Srinivasa Rao Ch. (2018). Effect of different drying methods on

quality and economics of Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.). Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research &

Development, 33(2):50-53.

Ravisankar H, Shreedhar U and Srinivasa Rao N (2019). A web based expert system for identification and management

of insect pests of tobacco. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 7(1):803-807

Sharma KL, Ravindra Chary G, Sammi Reddy K, Indoria AK, Suma Chandrika D, Munna Lal, Kusuma Grace J,

Ramachandrappa BK, Mudalagiriyappa, Srinivasarao Ch, Gopinath KA, Boini Narsimlu, Satish Kumar T,

Thimmegowda MN, Chandrappa M, Vasanthi BG, Devaraja K, Vasavi M and Haindavi P (2018). Effect of

integrated soil management practices (ISMP) on soil properties and soil quality indices in hot moist semi-arid

red alfisol soils of Bangalore region. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research & Development, 33(2):54-62.

Sharma KL, Sammi Reddy K, Ravindra Chary G, Srinivasarao Ch, Singh DN, Munna Lal, Promod Kumar, Indoria AK,

Srinivas K, Sumachandrika, Kusuma Grace J, Gopinath K, Vasavi M and Haindavi P (2018). Effect of long term

conjunctive nutrient management practices on soil quality indicators and indices in oxisol soils under Rice

(Oryza sativa L.) – Black gram (Vigna radiate L.) cropping system in Ranchi Region. Indian Journal of Dryland

Agricultural Research & Development, 33(2):01-09

Sunil Neelam, Srinivasa Rao N, Chikkappa G Karjagi, Chandrasekahr Javaji and Om Prakash Yadav (2019). Decision

support system for efficient utilization of maize germplasm for hybrid development. Journal of Pharmacognosy

and Phytochemistry. SP2:501-506

Thangavel Ramesh, Nanthi S Bolan, Mary Betch Kirkham, Hasintha Wijesekara, Manjaiah Kanchikerimath,

Cherukumalli Srinivasarao, Sasidharan Sandeep, Jorg Rinklebe, Yong Sik Ok, Burhan U Choudhury, Hailng

Wang, Caixian Tang, Xiaojuan Wang, Zhaoliang Song, Oliver W. Freeman II. (2019). Soil organic carbon

dynamics: Impact of land use changes and management practices: A review. Advances in Agronomy.


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Training Manuals/ Technical Reports

Murthy GRK and Sumanth Kumar VV (2019). Digital Teaching Techniques. ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural

Research Management, Hyderabad.

Prabhakar M, Maheswari M, Sharma KL, Vanaja M, Srinivasarao M, Srinivasarao Ch, Sammi Reddy K, Ravindra Chary

G, Bhaskar S and Alagasundaram S (Eds.) (2019). Climate Change Research Infrastructure. National Innvations

in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture,

Hyderabad, 79p

Conference Proceedings / Policy Briefs / Book Chapters

Madhu Babu Karra, Laxman M. Ahire and Basith MA (2019): Climate Variability Impact on Agriculture. Extension

Interventions for Farmers Education towards Climate-Smart Agriculture. Farmers Orientation Towards

Climate Smart Agriculture, First Edition, Pp.68-77.

Manju Gerard and Srinivas K (2019) Rising Startups of Agri-graduates: Journey of entrepreneurship, ICAR-NAARM

(ISBN: 978-81-933781-5-1)

Parisa Punna Rao, Laxman M. Ahire and Mahadevaiah M (2019): Innovative Extension Interventions for Farmers

Education towards Climate-Smart Agriculture. Farmers Orientation Towards Climate Smart Agriculture, First

Edition, Pp.119-113.

Prashanth P, Laxman M. Ahire and Arunakumari Ch (2019): Climate Smart Extension Strategies for Agricultural

Development. Farmers Orientation Towards Climate Smart Agriculture, First Edition, Pp.53-67.

Rathore S (2019). Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Extension Programmes. In Souvenir – cum –

Abstract International Conference on Advances in Agriculture and Allied Science Research, Feb. 23-24, 2019

Edited by Jyoti Swroop et. al. Samagra Vikas Welfare Society, Lucknow. Pp. 5-15. [ISBN 978-93-5351-407-5]

Rathore S and Joshi P (2019). Status of Women in Agriculture. In Women in Agriculture (The invisible partners in

development) edited by Surya Rathore and Pratibha Joshi, Jaya Publishing House, New Delhi, Pp 1-12. [ISBN:


Rathore S, Rao VKJ and Sontakki BS (2019). Sprouting Startup Culture among Agri-graduates: Way forward. In National

Agri-Business Entrepreneurship Conclave – 2019 from 9-11 February, 2019. Agri-Business Incubation Centre,

ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya. Pp. 293-296.

Sajag Ved, Nadiminti V, Srinivas K, Kalpana Sastry R, Manju Gerard, Arghyadip Datta, Nitin Puri, Srinivasarao Ch.,

Accelerators in Food & Agribusiness, 2019, ICAR-NAARM

Sontakki Bharat S and Praveen Kumar R (2019). Capacity development and skill development needs of Agri Startups.

In Ayyappan S, Kataktalware MA & Letha Devi G (Ed.), Agri Startups for Smart Farming (pp. 73–86). Delhi:

International Books and Periodicals Supply Service.

Books/ Edited Books

Giri SP, Mahesh Chandra Jerai, Dhirendra Kumar Roy, Sinha NK, Mahendra Kumar Verma, Sivabalan KC, Laxman M.

Ahire, Varsha Rani and Brajendra (2019): Farmers Orientation Towards Climate Smart Agriculture, First

Edition, Weser Books, No.79737, Aussere, Weberstr. 5702736, Zittau, Germeny (Pp.1-194.)

Rathore S and Somani LL (2019) Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education (As per 5th Dean’s Committee

Syllabi) Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur. 324p. [ISBN: 978-81-8321-486-5]

Srinivasarao Ch, Senthil V and Meena PC (2019), Challenges and Emerging Opportunities in Indian Agriculture, ICAR

– National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad.

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

Vol 8 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2019 https://naarm.org.in 17

Popular article

Manju Gerard and Monika Gupta, CRISPRED Crops: Realm and Challenges, Agriculture Today, pg 50—52, March 2019.

Srinivasarao Ch, Ranjit Kumar, Meena PC and Sanjiv Kumar (2019, January). Raithu aadayam penchadamlo ankunra

sansthalu. Annadata (Golden jubilee issue), 51(1) 40-42.

Faculty / Staff Participation in Scientific Events

Programme Name Venue & Date Scientist Name

Meeting with Consultative Group on International

Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR) to discuss their

ongoing activities with India focus as well as their future plans

in 2019, organized by Organized by DARE, Ministry of

Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.

NASC, New Delhi

Jan 24-25, 2019

Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao

ICAR Directors’ Conference NASC, New Delhi,

Jan 31 – Feb 01, 2019

Executive Council Meeting of NAAS NAAS, New Delhi

Feb 19, 2019

NAAS XIV Agricultural Science Congress : Innovations for

Agriculture Transformation.

NASC, New Delhi

Feb 20, 2019

90th Annual General Meeting of ICAR Society NASC, New Delhi

Feb 28, 2019

Dr. Bharat S. Sontakki

Workshop on Agronomy, agriculture, food process organized

by Embassy of France in India

Hotel Vivanta, Hyderabad,

Feb 5, 2019

Dr. Ranjit Kumar

Workshop on ‘Bio-fortified Crop Value Chains’ organized by

Tata-Cornell Institute

NASC Complex, New Delhi,

Jan 31, 2019

Workshop on Dual Vocational Education and Training

organized by Steinbeis Centre for Technology Transfer India

and Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge

The Plaza, Hyderabad

Feb 16, 2019

Dr. D Thammi Raju

One day Workshop on ‘Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2020’ Institute of Cooperative

Management, Hyderabad

Feb 15, 2019

Dr. Surya Rathore

Dr. PC Meena

Dr. N. Sivaramane

Brainstorming Meeting on “Fisheries Informatics” NFDB, Hyderabad,

Jan 11, 2019

Dr. P Krishnan

First meeting of the Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) to

review the implementation of the projects commissioned by

Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT) and Department of Space (DoS)

on biodiversity characterization at landscape level using RS-


New Delhi

Mar 07, 2019

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

https://naarm.org.in Vol 8 | Issue 1| Jan-Mar 2019 18

Lectures Delivered/ Invited as Key Speaker in Scientific Meetings

Faculty Topic Event Venue Date

Dr. Ch.

Srinivasa Rao

Synergy of research-


implementation for

resilient rainfed-Dryland

production systems

13th International Conference

on Development of Drylands

- Converting Dryland Areas

from Grey into Green



Feb 11-14,


Novel Approaches for

Doubling Farmers Income

through Sustainable

Agricultural Production


Annual National Conference

for PG Students (NCPGS-


Sri Venkateswara


College, Tirupati

Mar 07, 2019

Dr. Bharat S.


Student Centred Learning Training Programme for

Newly Recruited Assistant

Professors in SKLTSHU



Mar 18, 2019

Basics of Scientific


Dr. Ranjit


Farmer buying behaviour

for inputs

Marketing of Agricultural




Jan 14, 2019

Scanning of agricultural

input marketing


MDP on Agribusiness

Supply Chain for Corporate




Mar 16, 2019

Dr. S


Big Data Analytics for

Crop Yield Forecasting

21st annual of the “Society of

Statistics, Computer and

Applications (SSCA)”

SV College of



Jan 29-31, 2019

Nonlinear Statistical

Modelling for Pests and

Diseases Forecasting

World Bank funded project

“Modelling and ICT

Applications in Forecasting

Pest and Diseases: Current

Status and Emerging Needs”

GKVK, Bengaluru Feb 12-13,


Big Data Analytics in


Dr. KH Rao Role Play – A training


International Training

Programme on Training

Methodology for

Development Professionals



Jan 31, 2019

Dr. P Ramesh Psychological Principles

of Teaching and Learning


program for the

lecturers/Assistant Professors

of different degree colleges

and Universities

Moulana Azaad

National Urdu




Jan 22, 2019

Dr. D Thammi


Application of ICT and

Social Media for effective


Recent Advances in

Livestock sector



Jan 22, 2019

Application of ICT for

effective livestock

extension services

Feb 01, 2019 &

Mar 01, 2019

Innovative Teaching


Training Programme for

newly recruited Assistant


College of




Mar 15, 2019

Curriculum Design and

Lesson Planning

Mar, 19, 2019

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

Vol 8 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2019 https://naarm.org.in 19

Faculty Topic Event Venue Date

Dr. Surya


Monitoring, Evaluation

and Impact Assessment of

Extension Programmes

International Conference on

Advances in Agriculture and

Allied Science Research

Rama University,

Kanpur (U. P.)

Feb 23, 2019

Entrepreneurial Process

followed by

Entrepreneurs: A Case of

Indian Agri-graduates

What is and What ought

to be the Status of ICT in

our SAUs to be World


National Conference on

Strategic Approaches for

Developing World Class

Agricultural Universities

Dr. NTR College of




Mar 20, 2019



Digital Teaching methods Workshop on Exploring

OER, developing econtetn

and creating online courses

using MOODLE

DRW College,

Gudur, A.P.

Feb 07, 2019

World of MOOCs Workshop on MOOCS, E-

Content Development and

Open Educational Resources

OU, Hyderabad Feb 13, 2019

Digital Teaching Methods Orientation programme for

the teaching faculty



Jan 19, 2019

Dr. S. Senthil


New Dimension in

Agricultural Extension

Management: Innovations

First International Training

Program on "Computer

Applications in Agriculture”

under Indian Technical and

Economic Cooperation




Feb 20, 2019

Sustainability Issues in

Agriculture. & Food


International Training


on “Participatory Planning

for Poverty Reduction and

Sustainable Development”

NIRD, Hyderabad Mar 14, 2019

Open Educational


Workshop on MOOCs, e-

Content Development and

Open Educational Resources



Mar 15, 2019

Dr. Manju


Innovations & Intellectual

Property Rights

National Seminar on IPR St. Teresa’s College,


Feb 22, 2019

Dr. Sanjiv


Advanced Data Analysis

using MS Excel

Workshop on Research

Methodology and Data

Processing in Social Sciences



Jan 30, 2019

Data Analysis using Excel Workshop on MOOCs, e-

content development and

open educational resources

Mar 14, 2019

ICAR-NAARM Newsletter

https://naarm.org.in Vol 8 | Issue 1| Jan-Mar 2019 20

Training Attended by the Faculty/Staff

Dr. Manju Gerard attended training program on “Gene Editing in Agriculture: Science, Policy, Story” at Cornell-

Sathguru Foundation, Hyderabad during March 24-28, 2019 and training program on “Management of Creativity and

Innovation” at Management Development Centre, IIM Calcutta during March 04-08, 2019.

Staff News


• Shri B Ratnaiah, CLTS has been regularized against the vacant post of SSS w.e.f. 22.02.2019.

• Shri D Babaiah, CLTS has been regularized against the vacant post of SSS w.e.f. 22.02.2019.


• Dr. PC Meena, Sr. Scientist has been promoted to the grade of Principal Scientist w.e.f. 24.04.2017 under revised


• Dr. P Venkatesan, Sr. Scientist has been promoted to the grade of Principal Scientist w.e.f. 05.05.2017 under revised


• Dr. N Sivaramane, Sr. Scientist has been promoted to the grade of Principal Scientist w.e.f. 28.03.2018 under revised


• Smt. V Shailaja, Stenographer Grade-III has been promoted as Personal Assistant w.e.f. 28.02.2019

• Smt. S Shanthi, Stenographer Grade-III has been promoted as Personal Assistant w.e.f. 28.02.2019

Financial Upgradations under MACPS

• Private Secretary: A Mercy, T Vanisri

• Assistant: B Padma Saroja, P Srinivasu

• Personal Assistant: T V Ramdas, Y Anuradha

• UDC: Y Gayathri, M K Samson

• LDC: M Narsingh Rao, C Bikshapathi, M Ashok

• SSS: B Bharatamma, S Jangaiah, G Pentaiah, G Dasaratha, J Chandraiah, C Chandramouli, M Krishnaih, R Sattaih,

L Satyanarayana, I Bharatamma, C Kausalya

Additional Charges

• Dr. S. Senthil Vinayagam, Principal Scientist has been appointed by ICAR as Vigilance Officer of the Academy w.e.f.



• Shri Phool Kumar, SSS - Retired on superannuation w.e.f. 31.01.2019.

• Shri Ashish Roy, Joint Director (Admin.) & Registrar - Retired on superannuation w.e.f. 28.02.2019.

Published by: Director ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research Management Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500 030

Phone: 040-24015070; Fax: 040-24015912

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Editors: Dr. Ranjit Kumar, Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Dr. BS Yashavanth, Smt. G Aneeja