HARRYMEN Mayo,r Sweeley R« -Tender of ^ :_XONfiRBSMEN: J ...

, VOL. X^.NO/iO .T E N TH T ^R . TWliSIjFALLS, TVnNrFAiLS COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1915. ■. . 'SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR HARRYMEN -------- •• ..........Im JKuySiltlighlyJlcasingjo" Many ffief l d r i j e i ^ " " I; r.OMPI.KTyXV VIMUCATED BY AHA OOU>’TY JUHY ; • • - fj; , -------------xn FrosMutlon- FbIIb tu‘FroT«.uny Com*. BUeltf* to liefruud Stale In. JurJ , ■A . CMC. . , to ' . . ,01 ‘ -^•The-mftny-friends ot-Harry-P;.Alien at Jn U»1b cll)', rcJoIccd greatly WcdncB- lo moming when tho nowa of hlB yl complete vlndtcaUbti on tho charBo ol 1|| complicity to embezzle Btato "roceived. While no5o ol nw W codB n c r o - h a v e <itui . ljeHeTt d - 4>tB- a l jptUt In tho mattor; It w u ovidont tb at rc c an attempt -waa bolug mado to make iii Mr. Allon tho Bcapo goat becauso o! bo hla feldUonshlp to ©. V.‘AJlen. TUe ^ fact Uiat tho jury speedily brought pt Iq an acquittal Is a matter for furtbor ' cooEratulatlon to Mr. Allon as Indloa- ot tlTB of Cie cloarncHs of tho dcfeaso'a c( .'case dnd tbo woakabs» of the state's. Pt Thwfnitnwlny nrtlelo from thC States- lo w-ia*a=»iT^Ujt-W*lory-oX~tlie closia'g' ^ hours of tho caso and"tln'ffwr*some' —» raio pralso lo AttarneyB Quthrie, and Bowoa who'defonded Mr. Allans--......... w « a n y F. Auon'of Ttrfn W M . was- “ ucaultted-Tuosday-nlgbt oLcompUdiy. iJ In tho tmbealonicat of Btatc fundB by m _il# brother, 0. V. JVllen former sUto, U' treanunr. Throe btillota~wor(rm>ct»«' ^ ^gftry- to..atrlT e^t..a-yer<Uct.__On -the. H tlrat one lUo.vote waa.7 to G .for ao- ^ :laalttfll.L.t>a-U!®J«wid.lO to. 2,and on ^ . tbe third, leas than threo W ri af- ^ tor the caae went into' thelr hands, A “ QierjU^ feturnoaTTlmllot-mJsnlnioua " for a .vcrdlct o£ not guilty., « Tho trial pt thc caao. occupiod tho . dlBtUct court-.two days. .Judge Davto pr«fllded. Not a single wltnosB was _4>laced.0Q.-Jhft_fltwiii_roiL.tli0iriej:cnjp^ _ Attoraoya for Alien relying.on thetr ^ contontion that tho state had not pro- V flyMflPCC to varrflnt ~ ^ deeply aftectod by - t h g^^crdlct. •Whtra^ V -dld-n b u a h ^ S ^any- ffTi'At-Pmotlon durtnr tho trtal, be plainly showed the- susponao ho "had boon \inder when.the Vordlct was announced. Ho shook hands with all o •mombcm of tho jury and thanWd f< —them ior their conslderatlen of bis caae. *- ---------* ....... o While Mr! Bowen matlo'a powerful w . nhd.^ffooUvQ. plea for the.dofcnse, tho. g brief statement of the .ease'br. Mr. C Outhrle and his ations appeal to tbo ti Jbty. • undoubtcdly_waa a great fac- o tor In bringing tlio points of the de- t fenae bofore them, o __Thore-are tour. simllarlcaBoa pond- S Ing'Tdfore tho dlBtrlct-coun agatost * • J. JL Poterson, F, L. Huflton, R. W. ? . wark and.J..L. Long. Mr.-^lTena ^ not ready to say. Tueedtor night wh«T wfluH-ye abtt^-^th^oK riioto Plays of Merlt.at Orpheum Last <] Three Nif^ts ot Week. -Por~tbe last Uiroo nights of this -■'-wwk-the.managemcat.of the Orphfom. , , Uieatre Will offor an IntorcsUng^IiP* i ' ture program: “Mr. Stlont HasUns” ^ a dramaUb'masterpIece in two part^ , aait la'a wcf^rp ^ntlor Btorr asd Anaor" U VlCayBion'©'cofi5®’’uF ^ to tbe usual high stanflard.' “Tlio Mu- tual ■Wookly" is always popular with , ^_«h^ thiwitM golnfif pnbUe. .“SotUed at ( the SeaaJae*’-Ja a MffiWly wliWi wlH- j - "Pleaso oreryone. -The bill aa. aJwholo U an Interostlng one and will be sure, to please. , i iltMBHISHIP ^m nerelal Clob to Hake Crapiiign For Meabera, Taes^ May ll On’ Tuosday, May 18. « committee from the Twin KallH^mmerelal cldb K^Ul,BtMt-o»i to Incroua the member- ^^hlp of the club- Tboi.dv.wlll.JJ® known aa campaign day and the com- mittee will apend Uie day In-thtf good . _ wotKi-JTho memberahlp foe bOB. boen . placcd, at'a veiyn'offitoannm-BniHt • ' la-thought that a large number of new ; .n mraibora will be- aocurod lo .asslat In :^bw yilag^ a J E » iU ^ ___ i|MjllAaiCLAUmft 1^^A■ D w lg tt; ' ’wll>--iy f r - W a . lr : 4 .ractlclng medlclnA In thltr oily, for F>*two years Jiaa opcnAl aa ofllCB In tUn l)U8y‘1HUe'cltrnf WUr-ajW nan mow;!. r- bis family to Uiat plftV®/'Durliiit fliolr ^i^aldanflO brrn Dr. and Mrn. ?).\1t:l't . liaw mode, many frlin.Hs WHO lUR.il ' tbelr removal to .onoiii<fr i>piiufj..<t ^ctlv'.tv. UlTlMATUrtO 'C lill , r pun Endearorlnic to' Drltur'Cblnn to Terms. ' ‘ Toklo.-Muy'^.—Mlnlslcr' of JuHtfce lald-.ia .'QUQtcd_.by. nu¥iBpap<}re_‘v» . ring utinouncoil that the cablnel'linti cldt'd to.Dond an ultimatum,to China ging hor lo roconalilor ber decision TnakeTiO'furUier*contJ06iilon-to-’Ja^ — n.^ lflB-oxplainoa-bfflclfllly that - pnn has no deslro to-rosort-to toKO iL China '•mual be made it) realize -»>ntnrTTi|nrt| mjpg c accoplunctf of Itti program fo r aol* lIyJu^Uie_P«»Jl« of Uio OriCQL*- ^ ^ Tho-profla_cbnnrdcrB_ Uie^ ultfinotun; e proper atop. Tho Tlmea bollt-ves nnltrClriOTtrefusrsrio-yleyr^apan- - ould occupy .provinces uko Pantun inUl- Chlna-coaioB io-4i«r -aonao»^ -.- The . Yomiurl,.ln on extra edition. iclarea’Uittt thcT elder Btatcflinea. af- r leftgUiy oxjHanatlons by-prcmler >- icueta and Foreign MlblHter Koto, _ )proved the projoct.to acnd China T I ulUmatum. Tho paper nays the in* I rmntldn recelv«r icadu to' thp-con- ctlon that Chlna’a last answer oV ;cfi Japan to rcaori to tJils loi;!c»l plomaUc atop . ____________ Cralinulng Yomlurt saya tho conces- nnn Tnft^^e bv ^opnn. particularly tho ifltoraUon QC- iUllU' Cliuw. U>‘ Clilna^ _ iro crcated Uio l;(>llcf thnt China la |1 .Untied' and tlio matter can bc ar* '' ingod peacefully. Thore -Ik an -Im* _ ■esslon in Japan now that Proaldent uaa.Shl Kal doslrea an uttimatum In •dor to ■ju8Ufy Chlna’B_GVcnt^ual ac>- ^ iptadce. Accor<UDK to a n o th e r acii-H* ' iper marUal law will bo proclaimed l< , South - Mnneburhi. almultancouKly UhrthitniltliB#tm-=:rr:r=^r==:^=== = («..Bcltliih*Ajnerfcan NegotuuonK.. London. May 4;-Tho-Unlted'SUiten ~ id Qroat Britain, baVo entered Int^.no t< Tmal Jicjotlatloha bn Uie subjocCof _ rtan'a demdnda on Clilna. Announce- 1o~UiIfl"^WcnvaB-mnde in-the )UBC ofcomtnbna todny by Uio. Brltlah ifOlRn -ffl{al«ter._51r-..Edrard;:O jw __ e ^ a d ^ ^ ^ g t t h e on^^^ g, jTemmentn, lmd been a brlot, formal j,, nrrersatlon—ifr—FVbmary— beWostt; jn merlcan Ambaasador Page ^hd Oreot ^ rltflln'a • rnntcscntaUTc. Capital 0V8. . , }j, TW IN fAllS CHAMPIONS L: _______________ __________ - C( crtUlcaie laiined by War I>epartment _________ for Company D. n ‘‘This is to corUfy that Compaiiy.D, t fl^Hnnrfnmntfy -wair-thc"ytnner;of tf le na'Uonat troDby, roprescnting uio rizo for tlio mghObtTlgaroutTnottt- ji i-target praoUco.wlth-ihe rifle lb the j rganlzed mlllUn of the sUte of Idaho >r Uio. year 1914.'.* Abovo la the InscrlpUon appearing n a-bandsodiely-dcalgnoA corUficato 'hich woa' received at tho adjutant J onoral'a office to -bo delivered - to ompany. D' oW wIifTallfl. Jdaho, Na?. . lolal Guard. I f b'oars the signoturos r H«mry Brectcenrldgo, assistaot sec' olary of war, and A. L. Mills, chief » f Uio division of mllltla affairs; ^ The trophy .yon by tho Twia Falla * om^^iUiy WUM nm m Mmr uiUB um r ^ t ia a hahdsome shield ot mahogany ° ad' ellTor.— The -certificate-will, -be' “ orwftr^od lauaodlatOly on tho rotuni ° i Adjutant General Crow from north ‘ daliOj_where ho Is now_attondlng tho \ ' - — - • • I rnro Soiip«ds ArrMttd -and Stolen > QOodfl Recovered. * The Idaho- Southern depot J vaa broku into ‘Saturday night \ >r early Sunday moming and robbed * if two saUcaaoj and contents. - Two , non were- arrested for-tho eiwe-by * - igcnt with Uie contwts ot the suit »ao8 lOhep^sBoeBlon-aad at the im e ho dlacoTorod 'thom tbey were jih- in a w l J ii nnftttfflnr a razor aad iie-oUteis a -knife. They- w ert llOUl-1 Irlnklag and when arrested they had with them twenty quarta >of whisky in a sack. Wiey atonUy' denied lhe- Iheft butjtefuacd tnit ono of them a^d be came irom Buh), .Idsba Wben broosbt up for J5afftTTi“t»»r»®'oMmftUry-wULhe. placcd •agalhst them.-r-St*t«8maB. • --- ^ ------■! COURTBNBJIEWIKG eO . Fines totaling $3,600 and cosU wero [m^8C(fonlli~e Unlob tfrcwtng-CoHn- the'Unitod Statoa Federal court last v<eek wlioa the brewing company tor...railroad b v i ^ c u t i o a . . Accira* tng ttrtHcTnTOQStotrirtlhrDt-iBdtiir wrongly deserlbea goods ahlpped from the brewery. Apparentl/ -the. brewi mpAif mil , yrapfljatlona ..to, flgbt tho caae. aaiTlts Btfadeirapywr- oiicc In court with a plea of guilty, waa-onttrdy unretpecfed.. It.w asjln^ IJOO' en' eacb' count, the toul penalty being well over JS.OOO. - . Watcli forThc timea’^ ^ tT ina-wuelr: 11.00 por your." -,l. M.I II U ..................... I..I I M f APPora Mayo,r Sweeley R« -Tender of ^ TtuirmfSj:=5jtewMi ,_tpr JifH oppo<n{nn>Mt,. I’ollw/njin Alior appointment, promptly piHcoci hlH rcaf Swooley. BtiitlnR thnt he was moro Ii “ mlnlBtrotlon~Umn in-hiir personal odi the aieanu of bringing criUolam upoi will sloiid wKhout. chauKc. [O jm iA ii J] :_XONfiRBSMEN: treiily 'YatiDMl luviBfigirtois I llere :ONOKES9MAN 8M1TII^TITE8'A8- i SO A tK 8 T(/cITY ioiamlUMlAppojii^d-to-Qlre Fitting H J ^ ^ t l o ^ ti^lM tlngnlsbed Ylallora Ne^MMnr ...... _ - -3!wnnty-_rofll_drcd-ia-ttic-wool con- .. Tcsamen, freah from their nalfvo t lUUUtB- tir- Waflhiogtonr-at-B gni/ig .to, J 10 turned loose pn the people ot Idaho < ir»JTUie- o f i t bl9‘-year-.---TOf.,courBerrtba i vliole atalo Is uqiilvof wilh oxcltemcnt-1 ,nil Twin .Pnlla la gOlng tO llOlp <lp 1 lOT share -toward ffI vla^Uio proper ror 1 lepUon. Upon tho Invitation of Con- j [rosanian Addison T. Smith, the con- ] ^roBSlonal Jdnkot will vialt Twin Falls < 'oming'overland-by way of Joromo. rcbnufiUtet-conBlBttng-of-tho-ioHow- t ag haa boen appointed by tho.Com- i norclal Cltib to arrange for the oalor- i iitimient-p(-UioHtaeeU;Ulon-lAildlaoii.: [•. SmIUi,.P..H. Smith nnd J. McMll- : TJio Jato act for t]ie amvai oi ihr ' lunTOUggT Ummttui’ lu Twin-Pane-l» - lune 24th. SffllOR OASS PlAY 'She StodM' to ^CoBjl^^WedaeBdar ,Th6 aeniora of t ^ Twin S^lla high iChool will glve/lholr annual claas play at the blsn achool atidltorlum, Wednoaday oveflingV May'19: ‘ Tho play Bmllh;\an^wllt be aUged under, the dlrocUdv^f-Mlas -Helea. D. Port;or. The following la tho ca^t of cbarac- lora;: Sir ■Charloa:Jlax}ow„...Konacth. Brown y c n e g M aTlo ir .-:=::;-- -..-;.r.Ola r e n ee ISHteU- Qeorgft^HaatingB...... ^.„R*iph,;^ni©y. fl<rtlty>-Httwieafltl«.rrt.rm,^Davtd-rBlaaatt Tony.r..;....'.7................... :......-.UPnU.-KUllor Dlggory........ - .......... ........-Carlylo Piclrctt MrB. 'HardcasUo................Inea Pomeroy Kato HardcaaUo..................Iron'e Woods Conatancfl Neville............. Ruby.Bolmer Maid____ ........... *.....- ......J^clllo K)we SUngO............. _______ ;.Oaleh McMaster Sorvaata—Don Linvlllo, Perry Spang- ler, Eldea.Drackca, . Loafera—Verne Ooodrlch, Roy Stdrr, Chaa; M e a d . Bar=MaidBr'PotcB<kyie-«UJr=_— - SBUOitS MAWGin In acoordanco with .the cuatom f>or tho’past (Ire reara -the Senior olai>a-ot the'Twin Palla KIgE scKoorwlH 'prfr- sent two beautifal’ frieze to the high Bahool„tO-J>e-jaountpd In Uie high achool bolidlag w ltF' olher"tW^JSIWT already adomiog tho walla ot the mala Iiall. Tho«ub.;ect*, aiiJsucaJiy y^rougnl la plalter, depict the “Midnight Rldo of -Paul Revere," and "The Spirit of copied from two of the b « t Amer- la a nOaterpIeces'. .Ttse'kltts of Uie Senior claaif aro aow on exblblUon at Prlebe’a jewelrj; atore. BANQUn ipjGBBOir: F re il^ rln -MlsalosanrBodety-BiH • -.tertttlai Vlslton at XTDqeheon.. r, 'l^ielvli»ltlak^oabew^of^bhal8- elonery-eoetoly-ot .le la-EtiUUctea^ tery wore catortalaed. by tbeT^TwIn Palla membera .at jtJoacheoa al the^ TtogorBOO: cafe .Tdeeday of tbia .week. V«rti.fl -^hMi^ f o r t r -la«lto» seated at tbo table. aaTa aploaai.d jun- cbpon wua iiorvea. “ The lodleay*'ere lilgirifl' Uielr-pralae^bf tJ.o .eploadid Borvlcea rendered' under ilio cdpable msnagenicoi of Mrs. Arroll. nioaagot Itf lhu ntifa Tltft la'l'ew voted Mn. Ar- roll a rCHolution of iliauiu>. ' ___.L: J lllf f RESIGNS-||I :K m Accepts I i f o f Police i ij,'hoarlog .iiOHJt* «rlticl»m of lils ‘ ^tibn ln~Iie hiiiulH o f , Muyor toreatcd in tlio ouccena of the ad -" nntag^ aud wuR-not-wllliiiK io-J>«- It. Tho olbor appolntmuiita-tuade IWIN lAllii OMHITTKK Al'FOIMf!f» W OIT* LINK F110GKA31 ^wlB-aai!i_.Ucrchii:nts Will bo Hosts to the People, of the 'TwJiTTulls 'Country.- - - ■■ ------ -- lJL-F<>Rt'Lrfntilu:c.JYlllLdtti-JUiuJlLLU3-- im Twin FuIIb will cclobrulo the ‘ourth of July with all due pomp, cer- monlat anii Intcrmmgicu nrtr“Ttmt pnrtii*- 'At n mooting of Uio_Cammcr- iBl-cSb-Wednwdir-ofentnrHhe^tt;^ owing commlWoo-woH appointed lo Triiirgo'forTitr-tmnietnihrof-a-gctod- ouainR celobratlon: 'L . T. Wrlglit. A. I. Colwell. E. M. Swoeley, J. C. Sang- T and W. E. Nixon.' , Thla con>miU(;o acUag on Inslruc- lone - f ron»- the -Olub-wlll-rproceed-al- inco to appoint Bub-comnilUc'ea and itiirt acUve work for the colobraUon. Vhllo It Ih eartV.to make, definite ilans. Uio commJtlcir^ir-^*il8CtwtaiE tlw-lhe^ouy-aomtfching.a-lltua-hcu. IT Uinn-UBual aaHhe-reauH.------------ --- MAVORMAKKVAPiiNffiTS $ome Old Men Will Hold Over. Muny Applications. At lla flrat meeUng Wednesday ovo^ ilnglln_lho_CommoEcIal club rooms. InauguruUng Uio Idea of open sessions tor all crtUena, U»e now mayor, B. M. Sweeley. and Councllmen Bracken, Smith, Bobler and'Parrott-orgflalzod uid proceecfed to official buslncBS. Tho mtlfW uyiiuimiiliiani m itlr; wrri>,i tv*. tolloKB: Commlssloaer.ot Streets—William P.' Porter. ‘CHIef of Police—Jaa. P. Ahern. Did regime «rai probably hold over: ;LCiigwflghmhBtftr~A7r.-ai{>whray. -CWef“pf—Wre^epntlment=Erod Suporlatoadent of Park—E. A. Oldoa Plumbing ■ laapector—James Cham- bers. Electrical laapector—Chas. Hushaw. The offlcea of city attoraoy jmd aan- Itary Inapoctor will be loft vacant. , BAStBALt W ITTI SHOSHON t Game Keh^nl«d fof"!f«xt Soaiar at Ball rar^ r ' Shoshono Is comla'g noxt Suaday t»ct that Is ths ambJUoa of more tban oac--towa,ln BouUiem Idaho aad Bho- Bhone m a y a g^ ell-^ l^ ila a ^ wCBtlF er-or aot tbc visitors aro.ablo to lift any scalps'.tho game promises to b< Terr^nterestinr^aBdWaeti—The-looal fu s are-urged to glvo their usual mm VOCATIOll RtllBlT illfch ScIkkiI SludrnlK Kxhlhil Wnrk fur Schiuil Year. Tlir thirfj (UjniHiJ Vof/it/omir f?xJjir»lt ?lvc'li by tho lilgli Ht:liool i«tuil>?iiln-\sho irc imrHuIni; coiiniCH o( ii vociitlouul miluru. win-lio hclil In tho.hlKtj uchool iiudllorluni lu-xl 'lueadiiy nftiiriioon ;in<l i-_vciiln>{,_;^lny U . Tlio af^irnopn i‘xlillilt_wlll bo oi^n(;(rTil :J;00 o‘dot-l< iuid'^Uic‘cvetiihK uxhlblf'til T:HO o'- clock. TliP »Qnie«tic Siooiu-o deimrt- mt-nt wlll-fxlilhlt work thui Iiuk lioun nctwnpHnhpd-in-boUt-Hbt—«ewlii|^T«i»tl tluriag- Ujc year. S|ic»;rin dCiiioniilrallona unH‘'tttlltH lii cookinc will he given by the ntudi.‘iitH enrolled in tliiH dcDarlmeiii. The Man- ual-TrnlntiiK-deparlmoub-wlll -oxiilb'n arllclvH ot.furnJlurc.mnde durlne-Uui year: Thc exhibit of thla di-parliiien« hn» alwuya been Inleresllng and It in expecteil UiigMhc' dluplny thla ycnr v(lll cnual.tlml of formor yearH. ‘Slu- dents In the deiKirlment ure now aa- sem bling UieJr c’Xhih((« fo r Ui<? <U«pIoy. Many^UilngH tha t littvo‘'bci5n' <Tono by tlit iiRrlcullure boya will'bo uxlilbllcd. —Thlj^fclaaa. In »eo Culture Imve nr- ranged- to glvo-n iiimibcr "fif ' ItvcTiei domonHtrallons. 'The Dairy clnas will teat Hampl.ca of mllki crcam. whey, buttermilk. cJieeae, butter and akim- mod milk HUbmltted by vlattorti. Tbc r tcflg '-jt*— will rtojnoHHtrntc t^-pnty nip-Hiniia, of preacivlaR.j.ct:cti and oUior mattera of Interest to keep- ers of poultry. The HorUeulturc, Stock Judging. Farm Arithmetic, aad othur Agricultural'claasea aro also preparing exhlblta. * The dcparlincDt of pltyaloal 'sciences will participate a—ne>»^feal«ro-lo—lhe—exblbit.— Tho chcmlatry claaaea will exhibit aomo In- torcHting testa and. charta. ' These tC8tK-^tnTeH!o-do~wiUi-textllefl._nniipa luid-oiher'aubatancea of common Utic. Tlie.rcaulta of theao ^eat« will bc vulu- flbimioronly'toAhc-houso^vlfc but lo lUu-Conaumiir------ -----------------; -------- :— UOMMUNMmt- >elH DnrllnS W llfitelp Tm-fireoratnn'n- __________ilrW ork. Th<> editor of Uils and practically ev ery othor paper la the couniry, whoth or the two be big or lltUo,' la.worklnj ovary-day-and--«vory-wook,lwlUi othei unaoKlsh men of hla circle, to ad vanco Uio Interesta. of tho plaeo.it wJilch ho JJvM.; While getting.abeai ".’riiurirlr-Brmatt^inlnglUcj^ uadQ] ^ a d m ira b ly in Uiis, and uC'tli'U'Bami Tngtnnrdm;B 'iiut'teil to eiitertaiar-^* loavo ua bettor and fooling botiei Thla mda la Nelaoti S. Darling. who8' ability wo have ofton board of. Darling wua formerly a lumbd aalcaman oul of Minneapolis. Then h WOH M red'to. tako the fight: of th nortliwostom lumbor dealer agalns Uio mall order houaoa la,ilifi^akotai Ho apent aeven yoars wlUitHls con q.em ond Uc won—woa big, and b: methoda tbat woro bold and orlgiaa Ue had ovory morehant'put a null or der catalog on-tbelr ahelvos. and h i'luLthom hny_niall ordcr stuff aod pu it on thotr ^untors ol.ong81(ia Ulfl turn chandls6' of tho same line, which Uie sold. 1Vh» you put aiaail &rder ator or Biilt or nlhPr_ftHtp.lfi. nlnnga1da_ similar- arUcle the 'homo merchan Is alUn fav^j^_^he home^^rehM^ aunnottBi^Dur achools and -contribute to our cbarltles. Darling had the government aaalyi tho paint which Cbicago mall orde housea sold and proved It 2S por .cor water. Darlior also is la bad wit thc Larkla qlub. Whoa Darling comes, to 'town dro everything, you m<»r_and put in U) day with him. ISIS^OfP GOODPROfiRAN iVogram of MeHk for thi First Tii Klgbts of tbe Week. -'-^frr'VnTi'akv and Tuosdar-alghto i next week the manaiflilBeDl ut Uie Is will offer (show of excepUoaal meri ^IBwuBctum-Ot-Rlcbard Neal," U Wory 'ttf ' two hypoo«air=i*orkli a ^ n s t each other aad . la tall I UirilUag If, * ‘ Throe Slators" la a apleadld coiaeii famous cartooalst will abow. in ,oi reel Uio ‘'RulerB ofUie"W oridr trc ' a cartooalsU atandpolat Comiag We a ^ a y aad Thursday^ Charlea Chapi } In the two reol comedy 'The Trwai -^^NMTOiRllQt— ^ TTF::RobgijrA »- r ^ ^ *■" i : F.'TtobmaV'WWrnBpWnTyBgag lir tho transfer buslaosa la Twin Fa ror. Mvoral ytutr8;~faaa--pureheBert- new.BuIcK auto truck.for bln traUBi : line. The thick waa. placed.in.:co T tmsaloa—Wednesday and-worked. 7 Bftootn-aa-poiwibler-^- ^ Red. Vrliltc or'yollow-onlonaeta,.: qt. 3 for 2Bc at Blnkorta Cash O « eery.- 334 Mala avoane .'aoWi.^A DO NOT fAVOR BOOSTING PIAN 'Commerciar Club Comm ittee :~ M a te “ Repoftr^^ ::tl»VIMi*-A<ai*iS'I^KN'l’Km?i<+-HhV'----- ^— Iltl^lMtLiritY-ASj^H-IATWir-— T --------- I®ri^)li?trvFCTTrTwtirFalIrt^ "^rr~AmophUton *r<jr •IffurTfTIefTer"”' HesultK. " ■•IJc it rcHolved thut-thiH conimlttco , lit opjiOHcd-lo.lhti Twin F'ttlla Co'mmor- ^ clal club, or to Us aaklng mombora of the club, either Jointly or thdlvldually— lo bouonie members of Uie Idaho Pu b -' »c«rr7iB8<rcMfroB:'*— tiiTk ' rcsoiuHoa^'* WUH till! unanimous' report of Ui'o com- mittee of five appoliftcdcJo conaldor lho navlHnblllly of thc Twlu Falla Commercial club Joining in the move- ment of th«> Idaho Publicity Associa- Ing*^ h*old in**l?io^. H u b ^ o o M " ‘i ^ B n e s — • day evening and praqUcally means thb ', rofuROl'Of thc club; to participate In publicity work which Includea all of Southern Idabo. Tlie* commlttcc on Uio other hand,- advliUKl-Uio-fonuaUoo-K>f-a four-or flv»— county .asBocl^lon. embraclne the . Twin Falla'Couhti^ 'pr6pcr“ln ordorta~T^ fittingly ropreaent, Uiia section at tho Snn Francisco expoalilon. la or.ler- to-TJo-thlH.-lt-waa.auffgeulciLUjnt eacli county aid In keeping one man from e«cli_county_Uit}rc .duclns_<ino mo‘nth~ lo_bo_rj!UoY.cdiii)y_ anoihcr_maa.. froia_:_ anotlior county. In this way clio ex* pcnau can bo 'Tut down uud tho ob<ect accompllahcd. Tho men algning the • SwuclfS¥l.C.-uLBooi^and.J..A^.SIns_. “^ oeath « b1 airo ~ HV>^ 'y n o ir » - y ° '^ f w ^ 'Cg.Hwe* A>y/ At- ; fer iiOng Iltness. Jamea S. Baird, a well kno<^a tam - or. died at his homo onoimllc west of- mo'clty-WodacHday •afteraoott-after-a— 3nffpfl».'qJ»niin«--- .nBrigrwl ' ^ irts--irtfer-fouMtjrUuuMMme-lx>yUM^ - aides-hlajnotherand alx brolhera* Hls mother, Mrs. Baird aad one brotlior^T^ I Alex Baird,-'-wore ■proBcnt--whea - he passed away. Mr. Baird wai a • membor of the Woodmen of-tbe'Woria, I ,lioldlng Ills membership la.JHy, Ner-. I adn, where hls mother aad-brothera - . reside. Tbo funoral was held' froi^ , Uie-Crosby chapol-Thursdayattetnoob .... . Tlio aervlccs woro conducted'b)r-Rer;' • Walter B. Haraaa, pastoi* of the First . Christian churcii, wlUi Intenneat in . Uio Twla Palla cemetery. ........... ^lAST NyMBHI lKiyRtaHBSL ' ' ! br. Edwari A. Steiner at laTeffag ' i: ^ ' Satarday EveBlagf* • . I. I theatre-Batnrday evealarof tfaia-week.— ~ D'c:-1Eaw«fl:*rstolaorrairthorredticat--- ) or', lecturer. wlU deliver otfe ot Ills r spleadld lecturea. The Buhject wUL t be anaooaced later. Dr. Stolaer la » rccogalzed tbo world over aa an I mI b- . cator 8 Ad 'Is one .ot^the noat W Q lar ' >men' on the jjlattorm today, aa a speak* . a er hla aervlces are la'conataat - 4e-- maad. D r Stolaer wfll lecttve oae oa^ of the (oUowlag aubjecta: “On tb e ' Trail ot the Imjalgraat;** ”Th6 Rna* ^aa'Re’^ulloiu'r^lBtotrtfterlteiSic His Messue:"-"Aaarchy.'.iU .Oauaea * Bm .,' ]J Tbe Klm tw lr mill •chool. UiU »ho' * Ume a«o toruiet£ae.M.T^to71>i2rir L yetom tsine the thln^' so' that uotoer^caae wlU be ^ neeesaary.to.dedSe.whaUiBr.Itlmbedrr. ', Twin-Falla or Bnhl shtU-land the fJaarTloto^. ~ flRST CAROf tGGS .. . •a- — O- \ ’^ “ 1, y- V..A'rJjlHy5

Transcript of HARRYMEN Mayo,r Sweeley R« -Tender of ^ :_XONfiRBSMEN: J ...

, V O L . X ^ . N O / i O . T E N T H T ^ R . • T W l iS I jF A L L S , T V n N r F A i L S C O U N T Y , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , M A Y 7 , 1915 . ■ . . 'S U B S C R I P T I O N $ 2 .0 0 P E R Y E A R

HARRYMEN• -------- •• ..........Im

JK u y S iltl ig h ly J lc a s in g jo "

Many ffief l d r i j e i ^ " " I ;r.OMPI.KTyXV VIM U CATED B Y AHA

■ ‘ OOU>’TY JUHY ; • • - fj;, -------------xn

FrosMutlon- FbIIb tu ‘ FroT«.uny Com*. BUeltf* to liefruud Stale I n . J u r J ,■A • .CMC. • . • , to

' . . ■ ,01

‘ -^•The-mftny-friends o t-H arry-P ;.A lien a t J n U»1b cll)', rcJoIccd greatly WcdncB- lo

m om ing when tho nowa of hlB yl complete vlndtcaUbti on tho charBo o l 1|| complicity to embezzle Btato

"roceived. While no5o ol nw W codB n cro -h a v e <itui . ljeHeTtd - 4>tB- a l jptUt In tho mattor; I t w u ovidont t b a t rc

c a n attem pt -waa bolug mado to m ake iii Mr. Allon tho Bcapo goat becauso o! bo h la feldUonshlp to ©. V .‘AJlen. TUe ^ fac t Uiat tho ju ry speedily brought pt Iq an acquittal Is a m a tte r fo r furtbor

' cooEratulatlon to Mr. Allon as Indloa- ot tlTB of Cie cloarncHs of tho dcfeaso'a c(

. 'case dnd tbo w oakabs» of the state's. Pt T hwfnitnwlny nrtlelo from thC States - lo

w-ia*a=»iT^Ujt-W *lory-oX~tlie closia'g' ^ hours of tho caso and"tln'ffwr*som e' —» ra io pralso lo AttarneyB Quthrie, andBowoa who'defonded Mr. Allans--.........w

« a n y F. A u o n 'o f Ttrfn W M . was- “ ucau ltted-T uosday-n lgbt oLcom pUdiy. iJ

In tho tm b e a lo n ic a t o f Btatc fundB by m _ i l# brother, 0 . V. JVllen form er sUto, U'

tre a n u n r . Throe btillota~wor(rm>ct»«' ^ ^gftry - to ..at r lT e ^ t . .a - yer<Uct.__On -the. H

tl r a t one lUo.vote w a a .7 to G .for ao- ^ :laalttfll.L .t>a-U!® J«wid.lO to .2, and on ^ . tb e th ird , leas than threo W r i a f- ^

to r the caae w e n t in to ' the lr hands, A “ Q ierjU ^ feturnoaTTlm llot-m Jsnlnioua "

fo r a .vcrdlct o£ n o t guilty., «Tho tr ia l p t thc caao. occupiod tho .

dlBtUct court-.two days. .Judge Davto pr«fllded. Not a sing le wltnosB was

_4>laced.0Q.-Jhft_fltwiii_roiL.tli0iriej:cnjp^ _ A ttoraoya for A lien re ly in g .o n thetr ^ contontion th a t tho s ta te had not pro- V

— flyMflPCC to v arrfln t

~ ^ deeply aftectod by- t h g^^crdlct. •Whtra^ V -dld- n b u a h ^ S ^ a n y - ffTi'At-Pmotlon du r tn r tho trta l,

be p lainly showed th e - susponao ho " h a d boon \inder w hen .th e Vordlct was

announced. H o shook hands w ith a ll o •m om bcm of tho ju ry and thanW d f<

—them io r th e ir conslderatlen of biscaae. *- ---------* ....... o

W hile Mr! Bowen m a tlo 'a powerful w . nhd.^ffooUvQ. plea for the.dofcnse, tho. g

brie f sta tem en t of th e .e a s e 'b r . Mr. C O uthrle and h is a tio n s appeal to tbo ti Jb ty . • undoubtcdly_w aa a great fac- o

■ to r In bringing tlio points of the de- t fenae bofore them , o

__T hore-are to u r . simllarlcaBoa pond- SIng 'T dfore th o d lB trlc t-co u n ag a to s t *

• J . JL Poterson, F, L. Huflton, R. W. ? . w a rk a n d .J . .L . Long. M r.-^lTena ^

n o t ready to say. Tueedtor night wh«T wfluH-ye a b t t ^ - ^ t h ^ o K

riio to P lays o f M erlt.a t Orpheum L ast <] T hree N if^ ts o t Week.

-P o r~ tbe la s t Uiroo nights o f th is -■'-wwk-the.managemcat.of the Orphfom . ,

, U ieatre Will offor a n IntorcsUng^IiP* i ' tu re program: “Mr. S tlont H asU ns”

a dram aU b'm asterpIece in two part^ ,■ aait la 'a w c f^ rp ^ n t l o r Btorr

a s d A naor" U VlCayBion'© 'cofi5®’’u F to tbe usual high stanflard.' “Tlio Mu­

tu a l ■Wookly" is alw ays popular w ith , ^_«h^ thiwitM golnfif pnbUe. .“SotUed a t (

th e SeaaJae*’-Ja a MffiWly wliWi wlH- j - "Pleaso oreryone. -The b ill aa. aJwholo

U an Interostlng one and will be sure, to please. • ,

i iltMBHISHIP^ m n e r e la l Clob to H ake C rapiiign

For M eabera , T aes^ May l l

On’ Tuosday, May 18. « committee from the Twin K a llH ^ m m ere la l cldb

K ^ U l,B tM t-o » i to In c ro u a th e m ember- ^ ^ h l p o f th e c lu b - T b o i.d v .w lll.J J®

known aa cam paign day and th e com­m ittee will apend Uie day In-thtf good

. _ wotKi-JTho m em berahlp foe bOB. boen . placcd, a t 'a v e iy n 'o ff i to a n n m -B n iH t

• ' la-thought th a t a la rg e num ber of new ; .n m raibora w ill be- aocurod lo .asslat In :^ b w y i l a g ^ a J E » i U ^ ___

i |M jllA a iC L A U m ft

1^^A■ D w lg tt; ' ’wll>--iy f r - W a . l r :4 .ractlclng medlclnA In th l t r oily, for F>*two years Jiaa opcnAl a a ofllCB In tUn “ l)U8y‘1H U e 'c ltrn f WUr-ajW nan m ow;!. r- b is family to Uiat plftV®/'Durliiit fliolr ^ i^ a ld a n f lO b rrn Dr. and Mrn. ?).\1t:l't

. l ia w mode, many frlin.Hs WHO lUR.il ' tbe lr removal to .onoiii<fr i>piiufj..<t ^ c t l v '. t v .

UlTlM A TU rtO 'C l i l l , rpun Endearorlnic to' D rltur'Cblnn to

Term s. ' ‘

Toklo .-M uy '^.—M ln lslc r' o f JuHtfce lald-.ia .'QUQtcd_.by. nu¥iBpap<}re_‘v» . r ing utinouncoil th a t the cablnel'linti cldt'd to.Dond an ultim atum ,to China ging hor lo roconalilor b e r decision TnakeTiO'furUier*contJ06iilon-to-’J a ^ — n.^ lf lB -o x p la in o a -b fflc lfllly th a t - pnn has no deslro to -roso rt-to toKO iL China '•mual be m ade it) realize

-»>ntnrTTi|nrt| mjpgc accoplunctf of Itti program f o r aol* lIyJu^Uie_P«»Jl« of Uio OriCQL*- ^ ^ Tho-profla_cbnnrdcrB_ Uie u ltfinotun; e p roper atop. Tho Tlmea bollt-ves n n ltrC lr iO T tre fu srs r io -y le y r^ a p a n - - ould occupy .provinces uko P antun inUl- Chlna-coaioB io-4i«r -aonao»^ -.- The . Y om iurl,.ln on ex tra edition. iclarea’Uittt thcT e ld er Btatcflinea. af- r leftgUiy oxjHanatlons b y -p rcm le r >- icueta and Foreign MlblHter Koto, _ )proved the p ro jo c t.to acnd China T I ulUm atum. Tho paper nays the in* I rm ntldn re c e lv « r icadu to ' thp -con - ctlon th a t Chlna’a la s t answ er oV ;cfi Jap an to rcaori to tJils loi;!c»lplomaUc atop . ____________Cralinu lng Yomlurt saya tho conces- nnn Tnft e b v ^opnn. particu la rly tho ifltoraUon QC- iUllU' Cliuw. U> ‘ Clilna _ iro crcated Uio l;(>llcf th n t China la |1 .Untied' and tlio m atter can bc ar* ' ' ingod peacefully. Thore -Ik ■ a n -Im* _ ■esslon in Jap an now th a t Proaldent uaa.Shl Kal doslrea an uttim atum In •dor to ■ju8Ufy Chlna’B_GVcnt^ual ac>- ^ iptadce. Accor<UDK to a n o th e r acii-H* ' iper m arU al law will bo proclaim ed l< , South - M nneburh i. almultancouKlyU hrth itn iltliB # tm -= :rr:r= ^ r= = :^= = = =(«..Bcltliih*Ajnerfcan N egotuuonK .. London. May 4 ;-T ho-U n lted 'S U iten ~ id Q roat Britain , baVo en tered Int^.no t< Tmal Jic jo tla tlo h a bn Uie subjocC of _ rta n 'a demdnda on Clilna. Announce-

1o~U iIfl"^W cnvaB-m nde in - th e )UBC ofcom tnbna todny by Uio. Brltlah ifOlRn -ffl{al« ter._51r-..E drard ;:O j w __ e ^ a d ^ ^ ^ g t the on^^ g,

jTemmentn, lmd been a brlo t, formal j,, nrrersatlon—ifr— FVbmary— beW ostt; jn m erlcan Am baasador Page ^hd Oreot ^ r l tflln'a • rn ntcscn taUTc. Capital 0V8. . , }j,

TWIN fAllS CHAMPIONS L:_______________ __________ - C(

crtU lcaie laiined by W ar I>epartm ent _________ fo r Company D. n

‘‘T his is to corUfy th a t Compaiiy.D, t fl^Hnnr f nm ntfy -wair - th c " y tn n e r ;o f tf le na'Uonat troDby, roprescnting uio rizo fo r tlio m ghO btT lgarou tT no ttt- ji i- ta rg e t praoU co.w lth-ihe rifle lb the j rganlzed mlllUn of the sU te of Idaho >r Uio. year 1914.'.*Abovo la the InscrlpUon appearing

n a-bandsodiely-dcalgnoA corUficato 'h ich w oa ' received a t tho ad ju tan t J onoral'a office to -bo delivered - to ompany. D ' oW w IifT a llfl. Jdaho, Na?. . lo la l G uard. I f b'oars th e signoturos r H«mry Brectcenrldgo, a ss is ta o t sec ' o lary of w ar, an d A. L. M ills, ch ief » f Uio division of m llltla a ffa irs ; ^ ■ T he trophy .yon by tho T w ia Falla * om^^iUiy WUM n m m Mmr uiUB u m r ^ t ia a hahdsom e shield o t m ahogany ° a d ' ellTor.— T he -certif ic a te -w ill, -be' “ orwftr^od lauaodlatOly on tho ro tun i ° i A d ju tan t General Crow from north ‘ daliOj_where ho Is now_attondlng tho \

' - — - • • Irnro Soiip«ds A rrM ttd -and Stolen >

QOodfl Recovered. *

The Idaho- ‘ Southern depot J vaa b r o k u in to ‘S a tu rday night \ >r early Sunday m om ing and robbed * if two saUcaaoj and conten ts. - Two , non were- a rrested fo r- th o e iw e -b y *

-igcn t w ith Uie co n tw ts o t th e su it »ao8 lO h e p ^ s B o e B lo n - a a d a t the im e h o dlacoTorod ' thom tbey w ere jih- in a w lJ ii n n ftttfflnr a razo r aadiie -oU te is a -knife. They- w e r t llOUl-1 Irlnk lag and w hen a rre s ted they had with them tw enty q u a rta >of whisky in a sack. W iey atonU y' denied lhe-Iheft butjtefuacdtnit ono o f them a ^ d be cam e irom Buh), . Id s b a W ben b ro o sb t up for J5afftT T i“ t»» r»® 'oM m ftU ry -w U L he. placcd • aga lh st them.-r-St*t«8maB. •--- ^ ------■!


Fines to ta lin g $3,600 and cosU wero [m ^8C (fonlli~e Unlob tfr cwtng-CoHn- th e 'U n ito d Statoa Federal cou rt last v<eek wlioa th e brew ing company

tor...railroad b v i ^ c u t i o a . . Accira* tng ttrtH cT n T O Q S to trirtlh rD t-iB d tiir wrongly deserlbea goods ahlpped from th e brewery. A p p aren tl/ -the. brewi

mpAif mil , y rapfljatlona ..to, f lg b t tho caae. a a iT lts B tfade irapyw r- oiicc In court w ith a p lea of guilty, w aa-on ttrdy unretpecfed.. I t .w a s j l n ^ IJOO' en ' eacb' count, th e t o u l penalty being well over JS.OOO. - .

Watcli forThc tim ea ’ ^ t T in a - wuelr: 11.00 por your."

- , l . M.I II U ..................... I..I I

M f A P P o r a

Mayo,r Sweeley R« -Tender of ^

TtuirmfSj:=5jtewM i ,_tpr JifH oppo<n{nn>Mt,. I’ollw/njin Alior

appointm ent, prom ptly piHcoci hlH rcaf Swooley. BtiitlnR th n t he was m oro Ii

“ mlnlBtrotlon~Umn in -h iir personal odi th e aieanu of bring ing criUolam upoi w ill sloiid wKhout. chauKc.

[ O j m i A i i J ]:_XONfiRBSMEN:t r e i i l y 'Y a t iD M l lu v iB f ig i r to i s I

l l e r e:ONOKES9MAN 8 M 1 T II^ T IT E 8 'A 8 - i

SO A t K 8 T ( /c IT Y

io iam lU M lA ppo jii^d -to -Q lre F ittin g H J ^ ^ t l o ^ ti^ lM tln g n lsb ed Ylallora

N e ^ M M n r ...... _ — -

-3!wnnty-_rofll_drcd-ia-ttic-wool con- .. Tcsamen, freah from the ir nalfvo t lUUUtB- tir- Waflhiogton r-a t-B gni/ig .to, J 10 tu rned loose p n th e people o t Idaho < ir»JTUie- o f i t bl9‘-year-.---TOf.,courBerrtba i vliole a ta lo Is uq iilvof wilh oxcltem cnt-1 ,nil Twin .Pnlla la gOlng tO llOlp <lp 1 lOT sh a re -toward ff I v la^U io p roper ror 1 lepUon. Upon tho Invitation of Con- j [rosanian A ddison T. Smith, the con- ] ^roBSlonal Jdnkot w ill vialt T w in F a lls < 'o m in g 'o v e rla n d -b y w ay of Joromo. rcbnufiU tet-conBlBttng-of-tho-ioH ow - t ag haa boen appointed by tho .C om - i norclal Cltib to a rran g e for th e oalor- i iitim ient-p(-U ioH taeeU ;U lon-lA ildlaoii.: [•. Sm IU i,.P ..H . Sm ith nnd J . McMll- :

TJio J a to ac t fo r t] ie a m v a i o i i h r ' lunTOUgg T U m m ttui’ lu Twin - P an e - l» - lune 24th.

SffllOR OASS PlAY'She StodM ' to ^ C o B jl^ ^ W ed aeB d ar

,Th6 aeniora of t ^ Twin S ^lla high iChool w ill g lv e /lh o lr annual claas play a t th e b lsn achool atidltorlum , Wednoaday oveflingV May' 19: ‘ Tho play

B m llh ;\a n ^ w llt be aUged under, the d lro c U d v ^ f-M la s -H e le a . D . Port;or. The follow ing la tho ca^t o f cbarac- lora;:Sir ■Charloa:Jlax}ow„...Konacth. Brown y cn eg MaTlo ir.-:=::;-- -..-;.r.Olaren ee ISHteU- Qeorgft^HaatingB...... ^ .„R * ip h ,;^ n i© y .fl<rtlty>-Httwieafltl«.rrt.rm,^Davtd-rBlaaattTony.r..;....'.7...................:......-.UPnU.-KUllorDlggory........- ..................-Carlylo P iclrc ttMrB. 'H ardcasU o................Inea Pom eroyKato H ardcaaU o..................Iron'e WoodsConatancfl N eville.............R uby.B olm erMaid____ ...........*.....- ......J^clllo K )w eSUngO............._______ ;.Oaleh M cM asterSorvaata—Don Linvlllo, P e rry Spang­

ler, E ldea .D rack ca , . •Loafera—V erne Ooodrlch, R oy S tdrr,

Chaa; M e a d . • Bar=MaidBr'PotcB<kyie-«UJr=_— -


In acoordanco with .the cuatom f>or tho’p a s t (I re r e a ra -the S en io r olai>a-ot th e 'T w in P a lla KIgE scK oorw lH 'prfr- s e n t tw o beau tifa l’ frieze to th e high Bahool„tO -J>e-jaountpd In Uie high achool bo lid lag w ltF ' olher"tW^JSIWT already ad o m io g tho w alla o t th e m ala Iiall. Tho«ub.;ect*, aiiJsucaJiy y^rougnl la p la lte r , dep ic t th e “M idnight Rldo of -Paul R evere," and "T he S p irit of

copied from tw o of th e b « t Am er- l a a nOaterpIeces'. .T tse 'k ltts o f Uie Senior claaif a ro aow on exblblUon a t Prlebe’a jew elrj; atore. •

BANQUn ipjGBBOir:F r e i l ^ r l n -M lsa lo san rB o d e ty -B iH

• - . te r t t t la i V ls lto n a t XTDqeheon.. r ,

' l ^ i e l v l i » l t l a k ^ o a b e w ^ o f ^ b h a l 8 -e lo n ery -eoe to ly -o t . l e l a - E t i U U c t e a ^te ry w ore catorta laed . by tbeT^TwIn P a lla m em bera .a t j t J o a c h e o a a l the^ TtogorBOO: cafe .Tdeeday o f tb ia .week.

V«rti.fl -^hMi^ f o r t r -la«lto» seated a t tbo tab le. a a T a aploaai.d jun- cbpon wua iiorvea. “ T he lod leay* 'ere l i lg i r i f l ' U ielr-pralae^bf tJ.o .eploadid Borvlcea re n d e re d ' under ilio cdpable m sn ag en ico i o f Mrs. A rroll. n ioaagot Itf lh u ntifa Tltft la 'l'ew voted M n . A r- roll a rCHolution of iliauiu>. ' ___.L:

J l l l f f RESIGNS-||I: K m Accepts I ifo f Police iij, 'h o a rlo g .iiOHJt* «rlticl»m of lils ‘ ^ t i b n ln ~ I ie hiiiulH o f , Muyor to reatcd in tlio ouccena of the a d - " n n ta g ^ aud wuR-not-wllliiiK io-J>«- It. Tho olbor appolntmuiita-tuade

IWIN lAllii


^wlB-aai!i_.Ucrchii:nts Will bo Hosts to th e People, of the 'T w JiT T ulls

'C ountry.- - - ■■------ --

lJL-F<>Rt'Lrfntilu:c.JYlllLdtti-JUiuJlLLU3--im Twin FuIIb w ill cclobrulo the ‘ou rth of Ju ly w ith a ll due pomp, cer- m o n la t anii In tcrm m gicu nrtr“ T tm t pnrtii*- 'At n mooting o f Uio_Cammcr- iB l-c S b -W e d n w d ir-o fe n tn rH h e ^ tt;^ owing commlWoo-woH appointed lo T riiirgo 'fo rT itr-tm n ie tn ih ro f-a -gc tod - ouainR celobratlon: 'L . T. W rlglit. A.I. Colwell. E. M. Swoeley, J. C. Sang- T and W. E. Nixon.' ,

Thla con>miU(;o acU ag on Inslruc- lone - f ron»- th e -O lub-w lll-rproceed-al- inco to appoin t Bub-comnilUc'ea and itiirt acUve w ork fo r the colobraUon. Vhllo It Ih eartV .to make, definite ilans. Uio com m Jtlcir^ir-^*il8CtwtaiE tlw -lh e^ o u y -ao m tfch in g .a - lltu a -h cu . IT Uinn- UBual aaH he -reauH.------------ ---

MAVOR MAKKVAPiiNffiTS$ome Old Men W ill Hold Over. Muny

A pplications.

A t lla flra t meeUng W ednesday ovo^ ilnglln_lho_Com m oEcIal club rooms. InauguruUng Uio Idea of open sessions tor all crtUena, U»e now mayor, B. M. Sweeley. and Councllmen Bracken, Smith, Bobler an d 'P a rro tt-o rg fla lzo d u id proceecfed to official buslncBS. ThomtlfW uyiiuim iiliiani m i t l r ; wrri>,i tv*.tolloKB:

C om m lssloaer.ot S tree ts—W illiam P.' Porter.‘CHIef of Police—Jaa . P. Ahern.

Did regime « ra i probably hold over: ;LCiigwflghmhBtftr~A7r.-ai{>whray.-C W ef“ pf— W re ^ e p n t lm e n t= E r o d

Suporlatoadent o f P ark—E. A. Oldoa Plum bing ■ laap ec to r—Jam es Cham­

bers.E lectrical laap ec to r—Chas. Hushaw. T he offlcea of c ity a tto raoy jmd aan-

Ita ry Inapoctor w ill be loft vacant. ,

BAStBALt WITTI SHOSHONtGame K eh^n l«d fof"!f«xt S o a ia r a t

Ba ll r a r ^ r

' Shoshono Is comla'g noxt Suaday

t» c t th a t Is th s ambJUoa of more tban oac--tow a,ln BouUiem Idaho aad Bho-Bhone m a y a g ell-^ l ^ i l a a ^ wCBtlFe r -o r a o t tb c v is ito rs a ro .ab lo to lift a ny sca lp s '.tho gam e prom ises to b< T e rr^n te restin r^aB dW aeti—The-looal f u s a re -u rg e d to glvo their usual

mm VOCATIOll RtllBlTillfch ScIkkiI SludrnlK Kxhlhil Wnrk

fur Schiuil Year. •

T lir thirfj (UjniHiJ Vof/it/omir f?xJjir»lt ?lvc'li by tho lilgli Ht:liool i«tuil>?iiln-\sho irc imrHuIni; coiiniCH o( ii vociitlouul miluru. win-lio hclil In tho.hlKtj uchool iiudllorluni lu-xl 'lueadiiy nftiiriioon ;in<l i-_vciiln>{,_; lny U . Tlio af^irnopn i‘xlillilt_wlll bo oi^n(;(rTil :J;00 o‘dot-l< iuid'^U ic‘cvetiihK u x h lb lf 'til T:HO o '­clock. TliP »Qnie«tic Siooiu-o deimrt- mt-nt w lll-fx lilh lt w ork th u i Iiuk lioun nctwnpHnhpd-in-boUt-Hbt—«ewlii|^T«i»tl

tlu riag- Ujc year. S|ic»;rin dCiiioniilrallona unH‘'tttlltH lii cookinc w ill he given by the ntudi.‘iitH enrolled in tliiH dcDarlm eiii. The Man ­ual-T rnlntiiK -deparlm oub-w lll -oxiilb'n arllclvH o t.fu rn Jlu rc .m n d e durlne-U ui year: Thc exhibit of th la di-parliiien« hn» alwuya been Inleresllng and It in expecteil UiigM hc' dluplny thla ycnr v(lll cn u a l.tlm l of form or yearH. ‘Slu- den ts In the deiKirlment ure now aa- sem bling UieJr c’Xhih((« fo r Ui<? <U«pIoy. Many^UilngH tha t littvo‘'bci5n' <Tono by t l i t iiRrlcullure boya w ill'bo uxlilbllcd. —Thlj^fclaaa. In »eo Culture Imve nr- ranged- to glvo-n iiim ibcr "fif ' ItvcTiei domonHtrallons. 'T h e Dairy clnas will teat Hampl.ca of mllki crcam . whey, bu tterm ilk. cJieeae, b u tte r and akim- mod m ilk HUbmltted by vlattorti. Tbc r tcflg '-jt*— will rtojnoHHtrntc t^ -pnty nip-Hiniia, o f preacivlaR.j.ct:cti and oUior m attera o f In te re st to keep­e rs of poultry . T he HorUeulturc, Stock Judging. Farm A rithm etic, aad othur A g ricu ltu ra l'c laa sea a ro also preparing exhlblta. * The dcparlincDt of pltyaloal 'sc iences w ill partic ipate

a —ne>»^feal«ro-lo—lhe—exblbit.— Tho chcmlatry claaaea w ill exhib it aomo In- torcHting tes ta and. charta. ' These tC8tK-^tnTeH!o-do~wiUi-textllefl._nniipa luid-o iher'aubatancea of common Utic. T lie.rcaulta of theao eat« w ill bc vulu- flb im ioronly 'toA hc-houso^vlfc but lo lUu-Conaumiir------ -----------------;-------- :—

— UOMMUNMmt->elH D nrllnS W llf i te lp Tm-fireoratnn'n- — __________i l r W o r k.

Th<> ed itor o f Uils and p ractically ev ery o thor paper la the couniry, whoth or the two be big o r lltUo,' la .w ork ln j ovary-day-and--«vory-wook,lwlUi othei unaoKlsh men of hla circ le , to ad vanco Uio Interesta. of tho p la e o .it wJilch ho JJvM.; While g e ttin g .a b e a i

" . ’r i iu r ir lr -B rm a tt^ in ln g lU c j^ uadQ]

^ a d m i r a b ly in Uiis, and uC'tli'U'Bami T n g tn nrdm;B 'iiu t ' t e i l to eiitertaiar-^* loavo ua bettor and fooling botiei Thla m da la Nelaoti S. D arling . who8' ability wo have ofton board of.

D arling wua form erly a lumbd aalcaman o u l of M inneapolis. T hen h WOH M red 'to . tako th e fig h t: o f th nortliw ostom lumbor dea le r agalns Uio m all o rder houaoa la ,i l if i^ a k o ta i Ho apent aeven yoars w lU itH ls con q.em ond Uc won—w oa big, and b: methoda tb a t woro bold an d o r lg iaa Ue had ovory m o reh an t'p u t a n u l l or der catalog o n -tb e lr ahelvos. an d h i'luLthom hny_niall o rd c r s tu ff aod pu i t on tho tr ^ u n to r s ol.ong81(ia Ulfl turn chandls6' o f tho sam e line, w hich Uie sold. 1V h» you p u t a i a a i l &rder a to r o r Biilt or nlhPr_ftHtp.lfi. nlnnga1da_ sim ilar- arU cle th e 'homo m erchan

Is a lU n f a v ^ j^ _ ^ h e h o m e^^reh M ^

aunnottBi^Dur achools and -contribute to o u r cbarltles.

D arling had the governm ent aaa ly i tho p a in t which Cbicago m all orde housea sold and proved I t 2S por .cor w ater. D a rlio r a lso is la b ad wit thc L ark la qlub.

W hoa D arling comes, to 'tow n dro everything, you m<»r_and p u t in U) day w ith him.

ISIS^OfP GOOD PROfiRANiVogram of MeHk fo r t h i F ir s t Tii

K lgbts o f tb e W eek.

-'-^frr'VnTi'akv and T u o sd a r-a lg h to i nex t week the manaiflilBeDl u t Uie Is w ill o ffer ( s h o w o f excepUoaal meri ^ IB w uB ctum -O t-R lcbard N eal," U Wory 'ttf ' two h y p o o « a ir= i* o rk li a ^ n s t each o th e r a a d . la ta ll

I UirilUag If, *

‘ T hroe Slators" la a ap lead ld coiaeii

fam ous carto o a ls t w ill abow. in ,oi ree l Uio ‘'RulerB o fU ie " W o r id r trc

' a cartooalsU a ta n d p o la t Com iag We a ^ a y aad Thursday^ C harlea Chapi

} In the tw o reol comedy 'T h e T rw ai

-^^NMTOiRllQt—^ T T F ::R o b g ijrA » - r ^ ^

*■ " i : F.'TtobmaV'W WrnBpWnTyBgag lir tho tran sfe r buslaosa la T w in Fa ro r. Mvora l ytutr8 ;~ faaa--pure heBert- new.BuIcK auto tru c k .fo r bln traUBi

: line. T he th ic k waa. placed .in .:co T tm saloa—W ednesday an d -w o rk e d . 7 B ftoo tn -aa-poiw ib ler-^- ^

Red. Vrliltc o r 'y o llow -on lonae ta ,.: q t . 3 fo r 2Bc a t B lnkorta Cash O

« eery.- 334 Mala avoane .'aoW i.^A


'Commerciar Club Committee :~M ate“Repoftr ^

::tl»VIMi*-A<ai*iS'I^KN'l’Km?i<+-HhV'-----— Iltl^ lM tL ir itY -A S j^ H -IA T W ir-— T

---------I ® r i ^ ) l i ? t r v F C T T r T w t i r F a l I r t ^ "^rr~A m ophU ton *r<jr •IffurTfTIefTer"”'

HesultK. "

■•IJc i t rcHolved thut-thiH conimlttco , lit opjiOHcd-lo.lhti Twin F'ttlla Co'mmor- ^ clal club, o r to Us aaklng mombora of the club, e ith e r Jointly o r thdlvldually— lo bouonie m em bers of Uie Idaho P u b - ' »c«rr7iB8<rcMfroB:'*— tiiTk ' rcsoiuH oa^'* WUH till! unanim ous' repo rt of Ui'o com­mittee of five appoliftcdcJo conaldor lho navlHnblllly o f thc Twlu Falla Commercial club Joining in the m ove­m ent o f th«> Idaho Publicity Associa-

Ing* h*old in**l?io . H u b o o M " ‘i^ B n e s— • day evening and praqUcally means thb ', rofuROl'Of thc club; to participate In publicity work which Includea all o f Southern Idabo.

Tlie* com m lttcc on Uio other hand,- advliUKl-Uio-fonuaUoo-K>f-a four-or flv»— county .asB ocl^ lon. em braclne th e . Twin F a lla 'C ouh ti^ 'pr6pcr“ln ordorta~T^ fittingly ropreaent, Uiia section a t tho Snn F rancisco expoalilon. l a o r.ler- to-TJo-thlH.-lt-waa.auffgeulciLUjnt eacli county aid In keeping one man from e«cli_county_Uit}rc .duclns_<ino mo‘n th ~ lo_bo_rj!UoY.cdiii)y_ anoihcr_m aa.. froia_:_ anotlior county. In th is way clio ex* pcnau can bo 'Tut down uud tho ob<ect accompllahcd. Tho men algning th e •

S w u c lfS ¥ l.C .-u L B o o i^an d .J ..A ^ .S In s_ .

“ oeath« b1 airo~HV>^ 'y no ir» -y° '^ fw ^ 'Cg.Hwe* A > y/ At-

; fe r iiOng Iltness. ’

Jam ea S. Baird, a well kno<^a t a m - or. died a t his homo onoimllc w est of- m o'clty-W odacH day •af tera o o tt-a fte r-a— 3nffpfl».'qJ»niin«--- .nBrigrwl '

irts--irtfer-fouM tjrU uuM M m e-lx>yU M ^ - a id e s-h la jn o th e ran d alx brolhera* H ls

m other, Mrs. B aird aad one brotlior^T^ I Alex Baird,-'-wore ■proBcnt--whea - he■ passed away. Mr. Baird w a i a• mem bor of th e Woodmen of-tbe'W oria,I ,lioldlng Ills m em bership la.JH y, Ner-.I adn, w here hls m other a a d -b ro th e ra - . reside. Tbo funoral was held' fro i^, Uie-Crosby chapo l-T hursdayatte tnoob .... . Tlio aervlccs woro con d u cted 'b )r-R er;'• W alter B. H a ra a a , pastoi* of th e F ir s t . Christian churcii, wlUi In ten n ea t in. Uio T w la P a lla cemetery. ...........

lAST NyMBHI lKiyRtaHBSL' '! b r. Edw ari A. Steiner at laTeffag ' i: ' Satarday EveBlagf* • .


I theatre-Batnrday evealarof tfaia-week.— ~ D'c:-1Eaw«fl:*rstolaorrairthorredticat--- ) or', lecturer. wlU deliver otfe o t Ills r spleadld lecturea. The Buhject wUL t be anaooaced later. Dr. Stolaer la » rccogalzed tbo world over aa an ImIb- .

cator 8Ad 'Is one .ot^the noat W Q la r '> men' on the jjlattorm today, aa a speak* . a er hla aervlces are la 'conataa t - 4e--

maad. D r Stolaer wfll lecttve oae oa^ of the (oUowlag aubjecta: “On tb e ' Trail o t the Imjalgraat;** ”Th6 Rna*

■ ^ a a 'R e ’ u l l o i u 'r ^ l B t o t r t f t e r l t e i S i c His M essue:"-"A aarchy.'.iU .Oauaea

* ■ Bm . , '

]J T be K lm tw lr m ill •chool. U iU » h o '

* Ume a«o to ru ie t£ a e .M .T ^ to 7 1 > i2 r ir L ye tom tsine the

th ln ^ ' so' th a t u o to e r^ c a a e wlU be^ neeesaary.to.dedSe.whaUiBr.Itlmbedrr. ', Tw in-Falla or Bnhl shtU -land the

f J a a rT lo to ^ .

~ ■ flRST CAROf tGGS . . .•a- — ■

O- \ ’ “ 1, y- V..A'rJjlHy5

V . :; T W I c f c C W E E K T W I N F A L L S T IM E S F R ID A Y .-M A 'V 7. 1915. I . ..........■ ~ .y .

____Saving ab s u r i

suTMM preW juni." ' \vrilhout 'Uvini!. il nushl bolhtr youio

_ S»vt ; l Ihc T « m FalU B»nk »n.

Siivc iO tin t you need no»ct lUtioit S.VC 10 mvcil, f o d i f ' inwtMW n a p

T i r F a l I s M" T W I N f a l l :

' ' '■ " —

:ia il lM U j« r» ‘> » i S S ! ; = r ; : r = = 3 - r ^ T» WILBDB S. HILL to

Editor «oi> “• « .n.O cr o . B ,. t . n . A

m pE l’ENCEnT „

8t.b.«IpU0» K«W»

I X - m o a tw ...........■............... - oT B L .'t8 . :■ n

■ n . .n . t M lu r o o l th o 4 ) . t r l c t » » r t °to m«u« o u t coaca ngalnsl m osi o n f t j

■ _jnTyjtt>koB tho wholo dcM '■ n n » ^ ilire» n o b to e rrth a i^ -« e r.-^ ^ ^ »

ot thb tfbWfM u n d e r -wMch tad tj. t\ : a e a t a woro m ade looXod wptcBv^ly o

f ; s . e rltw to n o t UiO 09in - a

.innfcf- t f l l t th « t« m u tt .tw flf®-

. ro t . PO..UCU « rc . « . r . tra a iM jjy .Pemocn^g- . ' .

i -BSIAI.i.ER W I T P B E ra lU B tE . * THO iotloo o! Uio Comtabrdca club >

■ S ^ o 5 o t L l t , ~ « o c l . U o . . . t « ^ « b«L »ocbnil ..Uiounht,, *11! 2

■ MceJTcd aV orttb lr b ym o a t o t the cJU c -ioB,~WW lo soy ’rooTO whkU wlU I

^ > » ; r H ° i i r „ r t b r T r s | t

„ oroncnt to mitlsato «E»lii"t tile M- 1,r ta r « c o to Koo''"” ' ■«™ TtBOnoy. T1,o T « 1. M » c o » ' ' - t

' try mml. bora.no oi llinllo! '»<>'>•■ “ T , dUpo.M. n,.l.o i 'afflnallor u n it o t c o ^ p c m io n an d t e v. U rsc r ono. N atu ra lly U « vbotco ^ o u ld; ^ 7 „ p o „ . l . o , m . m ^

• «Uo«r oil mOR«^ te be »pept “ “ g -tl,fl'pr6«P«ilr o* ^ecttoa-rath k « r than b y »calWTlnS-th« P

' aota oviir Uic \>oo»anK oC tlio wUolcjH

State. , . — j j^

~ WhoV Yoiir B a te rr p------n o 'you lcnOAV“h1iniin<l hlB Uftko i iop o

BO Umt tho hrcM nnit pnniry youjli.uy 1; ~ b M -th e -p w p o t- iu m v u n - cuM M JXiJ?. „

InB&TO your pcftcc o f jntnd. You w an t to i »uro u m t every precaution- is J

- S k « th a t th e hrcQd Is knpt puro and d c lean until H rcachfl>r your lab le^ ^ ,

—tto n o t w ont th i3-TO Tte^f-the--p»»^- t iipoB tlia tal»l« H«R*vittcd w Ul a g c ^ a ^-J ^ io o b t an to Iw clcttnllncas. We

Dure food producu wbJcli «id ir make /o u r ^OlTo S a Wial. C»U ta and ln»vcct o u r j

THe Royal Bakery fPhono 877 ^ ^

■ ^ ' ■ - I ■■■ I i ' ini

S U f e l ^ JS i® = '= ™ ™ :


■ ' ■ ' V.i

fcccp your Insurance paym tnli. /ad Tru>reo^fPJl>r^or a time "'I'n '. “le f your policy br bonow on if- bt roteclion, never an inveilmenl. oo

' ot

I & ^ s l Co. =3, IDAHO

0nT H -^H J> -S O ^11 i= ¥?59^V E A ft9 ; = A li*rEtt, APPOMATTOX •

No celebration m arked tho (IftleUi. jn iversary of tiio cod ..of Uio Civil -;-rrrr:^ t^b ir-« T h o le -^u n try ,-8 .» -* d U :_ita 0bBCrvo7lm8'been nobO* tbOIOBr Indful of the events o M h a t fatefuJ j,p p r lV titty y ea rs f tgo-U io (a ll o f Rich- ond, tbo Burronder of U jo a t Appo- latlox, Ujo Ifltcr Burcndcr .of^JoUn- hrx, U io aaBaifsimkilon of Lincoln. InprfrrT llS7"thcrV “ f r T ^ c c a n ip ib tK10 Northorn imd Southom prosR thc im e pa trio tic prldo in Uio grontnosB f t!ro‘ reuaJt«J-aatioJi, t)i© w w o-patrl.t ic lovo o l a conimou couatry . Thc8<jfty y cara . wo aro told on every hnnd, avo flumced fo r tlio tlcfinllc. putting;ida f t t MilmoHtUca. tn New Y ork andr a ^ r g lB , c d l t o r s ^ l ^ - l f f i “e W * y :^ ' „srest tJje fac t Uiat the Bcml-ccntouTilBl t U o ‘a BurrcDdor finds In the White touBo Uic flr»t SouUJorn-bom Prcsl- j,j b n T fiinco -U»07C l v l l 'W a ^ t h e ^-Uh-tJ«o‘laame_Uienkfulizosa_t)}aPW9u r half-cch tu i7 of dooioBUe pcneo omt=3 to u t io w the-U nited Stated of pierJea Jb tbo ono world-Power notraw nH nto th e vortex o f a-‘Brcal-EiWOr j j

3 tronx a glancc a t Uie ^ I to r ra rc ^ u m n if t roprc8cnUllv<! nowBpapora th a t the .flfA ^ppfla)a»p;t!:..6X g« »fty yearfl ^!lopward.^do«#-not,.p<irbapa cim ..iot. _ ,iwrn tho-iatoii oii.faotf^ atdgg o f Maaoa nd P lx o n ’fl line. W blle 'the N ortl^n - ^r-m in ln ro t'th e -trlm n p h -o t-lb ia—uns.,«.. o m r robcllloo. .ccosiaoii, pcrhops lavory. to Southom era Appomattox 1 "the* Bcpulchcr o f a naUop.!' tho bur-»V p leoo -oU U S S b W \ T pi5 ? T ^ u H c r M orooTer-Wlitlo-=tor-tbo - M rtiioroer A pppm ^t^* l n m A o f-tho W at, the SouU icm tr ^ ompmbo^ l 'i a» -a i8 e - th e - t> o g iao fy —

lio dofeatod sc io ra l.ao d the rJclor-m t e M c L c a l . r a l 'o a .c . to rc b .d o w c J 'y roM bn o t O'* T lil i o m w im lm 'ly o t Qront. a »p trfy . t o o K ooil m crcltnl re«aiu>tm cot tol- . « l o j Uio ions »« r. At. lOw BCcmB to SouUiern writcra. S i t aya lator, they add, theao hopCB wontraahlB* to th e-sro u n d a a - A b r a ^Ancoln fcU by thc-Uaud o t Uio c ra t- d wnd rotanuldcd Booth. The South. ^ oclarCf* tho, Na»bvjuc uauu«»,Uc g f ^ U a t ^

[ d a i t a ^ T h e cnr!fi1nlv.UuiUHncolu> a d he lived, would huvc mltlgatod thc fvoritv of roconstrucUon and havo one niu“ch lo a l l a f ^IR. has, a « 'r tu c h aa-aoyUjlD* per- dining to hl« career. aUMtod thtf rnntnw ii of hin character." And wo . Ind SouUiern wrllorH-praialnK Ujo oneral who crushed tho; Confederacy, ^ tiUc, a s Uifi Charlcatofi (W. Va.) Oa- i-ttc put» It. "Uic adm iration fo r I.tn- 3ln In Uic South Ih balanced only by

p.l>^Tlrnllon In UlC Nprtll fOf 1^00-' „ U d fifty years after Appomnttox «or<Lf«n« thruuRh th e cdltoriiJ cem - itint on Uii« (innlvcruary the feollng f o common national lierlUgc. both ■orth and Soulh. In Uvo two R rcat onoralu whose cam paigns'c losed nl :imomattax-a»d-U ia attttoamiui. wilflSC - d f c '^ «»dSl ono_ a lio ri wociTlattrr. .

AmerlcanB in nil pari^ of the couu-

look upon the g rea t men of Unj war-»yg-4u^-jVii»iilfanjiJillt_wjmtovcr theo lo r of-thc unllormB thoy v.otc." And Ijo Goofglu dally rem arks furUier: ■"Aihcflcuna" In ' every section -t«ke rid e 111 U\c trlUUtca paid Uy Uic m oat ro in inenl cojuniandora of Uio' g rea t ,-Hr la Europo to the generals who ort Cnntwlcraui and Union armlea. I t j ^ g y of I.ce and Jackaon ■ awl }rant hns formed tlio study o t those bnuwftndorB-and-cvcn-under changod owdJtlons <ot pfcscn t day w arfare Is

^"of^^W lC. Only otcMfonaHy does tnybody juiy-VfJicX9_ ^ to m p t to revive. vnlmonUlttt o f tlio islxUca. and wUca ho loes h«! I« rerolndod Immedlately-froirf JortJi anrt South lh a t ho lif living In hc-pa ttt and -U iat-be J a ^ o s l l n g hta ircatU and hls energy. Tlio country B llvlng In th e presen t and tlio futuro,,jjd It draw s upon th a P®“* nsplraUon to mako ll more proapor- )U». Tnoio Jual, a ad to kcop tta Ideal*T TTEcrlT '^iBTy'iiB roro-ic----------------

•‘A t Uio h a lf-ce^u ry m ark a fte r tho ^ar I t Ib p leasan t to know, th a t Uto t

oun try -Ifldb inB -lla -bost-to^pcam oto . ic a c c ,-w h lle .lf l8 the ereatco i aatfoa. h a r iB"nol*cffgiiSCd-tn-u'torrlblo -war; ind It is a lso pleaaant to know th a t conomteally a&d commercially it bas «a«»l»ftd-an_onvlahin-pnlilU<\n ijimnng ho g roa tcsi nnlfbns,; with th e Jp ro b a - i l lttg H in td t^ d ilrk e - th e-woi’l d ^ a n k ^ r, and socond to*none in , p rosperity I to r Ujo w ar c6 di«. - "That; fac t Uint n soulhem -bom m an

nd-U i^-fottUwapplaud-iita., effarlo^to- obp llin n a tio n ’a t pcute, ab({W8 how s r aw ay J iro th e /ccJInga. th a t se t lorUt and Soulh to flghUng each oth- r-. P u t whllo tho aaimoBlUea have eon ‘Actfnltcly pul~iiWay;‘ th e-w bo ic ountry rem em bers Uils m ontli the end t Orncra} Leo’s flnaJ cam’paJgn, and t proud of th e flgUUng rocord of tho rtnlea, on !cach-Bldc.‘ —L iterary DI-CBt. • ............................ • •

T A L K S O N . T H R I F T ^

«i-(W1;1^GKEAT.YAI«DJFnQZ>!AVi: - ----r:i.:scS;nAW HS . t - - - ..........

Uic proBperlty of a community than w hen its anvlnga banka nhow healthy nnd growing dopbsita.— '

13urlington Hawkeye— -----— — -T ’oIIOT^ngTnTrhaJfTrdwen-outBlftnd—IB advairiflgCB ot-UHlnrii^TjavlngB- ank o r Uie savingu departm ent o f a ommorclal hpnk or tru a t compnny.1. ‘Safety*. .SavingB banka a re Uic

afoBt financial institulionn In tliluOUQtryr:^llCCOat.BlAtlBtl.CH^ShOWO<l,.thq.3lhriiablllUoffortallcd-Bavfnsi»-bunkB :> proportion to tho nggroga(o Qcposlta f a ll aucb banks to .bo only nbout six ob-thODBandthB -o f - -o n e ‘ cnt.<H)OG per cont). D educU on 'fbr tho m ount .realized on ,tho BubstnnKAl SBOtJi o l Uioso few un fo rtu n a te ' In- UtuUonH sUll furUier rcfluceB Uio al- W y.infln< tq8(mal losa to depoBnon*.

2. A bllliy to depoalt of'Wlthdra'W- ny am ount a t any time. Somo banks avc a m inim um for dopoBlt, although n ^ u l i d a i l y 'n'lovr-one--fr--«oati^-:25. oo'ta.-SO-ccntalarlaldonar, aa ttie case nay bo. * In different sta tes there is a iffercn t maximum for savings depoB.- U14 .ranging from >1,000 to $3,000 or fi.OOOr- O rd inarily - monoy— cim 'rbO githdntwn-wUhoi^ti any-floUco .w ha.tt vcr. In UmeH of panic o r poaaTblff lanlc. howpvcr, a 30 o r 60. day rulo

•3 . -R cK ular'Incom e'yr^cro-arflJcW /L a ^ ^ t h c r : laYCBtwfents \y herc I t fa >os»iblb to p u t In sm all, odd ambunlff :rafiy"tlm irnnd-have-yonr-jnoooy_bni. ;tn t o . ^ 1 Intcredt' protanUy^ U - It iocs la a aavlngB a c c o u n t' Savlnga lank IntorcBt Is someUitng y o m jaa dc* ^ ^ o a . ■ . -

4 . ' CompoUnd^lntweat-^'IUio-lavcst', J r Id bonds o r stocks m u st co llect h is

fir lUvtdpn^s. and It bo doca I ibt use OiS7rtono^~m uB t-aU oad-per-. - onaJly Id InrO Ttlug^trlnrtreel^H W *-. - fd by tn a a auk m Uiu tu d of tt auia a - icrlod' It n o t wlthdraVrn, fs p laced to, bo deposito r's cred it and Itsolf dravB j n to ro B t from Uiat. Umo on, th u s au - | om atleatly tiecotolog. p a r t a t tbe. do*. .1 loslt. T h a t meanB a conaum t Increase .1 0 -Uifc.flmQmtt-a t IntorcBt and In tho < n te re s t paymonts.

5. Freedom Crom Tax. In m ost lalcB'BavtngB banks deposKs a r e / r e o rom taxaUon by s ta te o r local au- j horltlofl. ■

Thq h ab it of Saving. L U I Dot ^ If no xocnn n M e n ^ of j

:allcd the reflex InflUQnccs on tiio "* iopoaltor bimsolf.' I t firm ly tixea In

irhich - v r i l l~ b ^ - l l te lo n K benefit ilm .:^T. D. MacOnEQOR . ,

SPECIAL RATES to Shoahono F alls, very SATURDAY via T r io F^lJs Sloctric U nc. TWENTV-FlVB CENTS ound trip .—Adv. Apr. 27-30 Ifliy <*7

T ake tb a t buated bike to QlbyBtein JroUjora,--thoy'JI-fIx. i t . .....M ar.. . 8 ^

“Going to the

M ~

Are You With

Bankers,ir :___ :

- -

r ----------- M en-^ h ^ dtt theiroi

I w ant a w r ihitf does iU; ■ T hey buy the Bu:

I V It is to ld 'o n facts,Vfroi

in -H ead M otor on tfiro

I . Titey .huy. lhe B uk— !■ mor.. fl'fln 'wut ol

; -^ th en -eap ec led r—A n d .i, ' pect much.

I ~ r ~ _

j — — .— ^

I ------------ - . Four* and-Sixc

i f « _ j ” T 3 7

-------------------- - o i d « f t ^ ; ^ g


>«st.Boll on f^arm Should Be Saleotsd ' r^flV-Ttmwr-Who-Oeslfe -C ueeM e-— j

PiQv;! Deap ■■ P ^ b l C -------^ •'

TSFA. J. fliUjUL’R. m i imjiB. a ”p ;»— - Tbe m an--»bo deslrea suecaaa In I

otato r a l ^ ^ ^ ^ o u l d select Uia beat uid On h la m a fo r tblB crop. . In th e I repsratioo of tho aoil, baekaetUot la , est. If possible, t h e sod ehould b* out>re disked a s early aa possible la |

Un aa soon as d ry enough te hand le i If tbe w eather Is favorable, tbe p »

tto'fts should be p lan ted as soon-aa ; osslblfl a f te r th e 2 0 t^ o f AJirll.Qet . good,-clean, bome-grown-aaad,-

twtlMfli oitf fho atrt-* »<> «■ave but one^eye^to^ eocUon.' When eady to p lant, plow ( a t le a s t six icbes) and drop th e -po ta toes lota very fmirfh ^nt-r^y. tf furrows a re arrow er thaa~ T ! IncbW, arop~seed ‘ jtq ovory flftb furrow o r so tha t th e ows a r j about 'o u r foot a p a r t Drop ne piece of sood • potato. In a place, v e n g ln g about flfteea to twenty iches a p a r ttf ono desfres ox tra fine potatoes,

tie ground shou\d be plowed as deep s iKJssJbla, a n d .th o potato aeed cot- red not less than six iochoB. -A s- 'S o o n rM -th ro u g h . plautlPBi irid' should bo liarrbwed. andTiMTow^ ig should not be neglected after ralna alll tho potatoes a r e ' Uto “ or ‘ alx- ichea high. H arrow ing sbould be dno eaoh tim e in a-dlrecUon opposite > tbo la s t previous harrowing. After 10 potatocB are UP six inches,-the n ro w B n o u iii db d|sciiTuoo-'BmF=lw: uirivaior-:u8od-aftor.;doep..rftinm ntll: 1)0 p lan ts nro in bloom. Tho first cul* iiH lloa-ftiom iL be . deep. but subse«- uont cu ltjra tio n s abeiiJd be aa Bhal*'

Tio.i.1^1/. fp fIv e ,rgpul{B—t^a t I, kllt tito woods and kcop tho mulch. ulUvations of tho ripening plant hould -no t bo .ao -o lo se -to -th o -p lan t.8 in early growth.The cultlvatD r’ will always leave

omo weeds n ea r tb e piantB. Thdse tiould bo cu t o u t carefully; but th e . imL-Bhauld nevBr by “billed up." aa 30 p lants do much bo lter wttb leveled’ ‘ ind. • ,•Potat9cB -can 'b e —produeed-OB-aod. .

md ir dropped intq (he furrow of-the reaklng-pl{(w,-provldod.-Uie^iUXd_1«_ . aft o r sandy;-but^tU k^ea»y .Jo lL U iB , . tnd should be broken a t least th ree . ichosjleep and then chopped up with

disk. A fter .disking li-sh o itld -b e-^ lowed about Ove Inches deep and lh« oUtooB dropped Into tbe furrow.

Less W ork and Moi^’ Money. . ^ Are we . learn ing t b a t ' there la a

ood deal m ore proflt with less work 0' Ue' m ad ^ra le ln g 75 busbela of com n ten acre«; th a n 95 buahela o a 100

B««4 tbMt W aat 44. . .

Contractors, D< ]Eiigineer«7Buii

\ n p r o r l r w l l— ...... — ‘"~Eleyeh"ycan

1 work well. , • head motors . (

tc lc~bccau»c. ’ ^ builder* o f valv

n the Valve*-----------------e levm yeari

pailicular“ uier It beeauK- il ; - . en y e in of puJ

limed— more ■_________iwt sand and

hf^e men cx-. _______ hill climbing. '

the Buick.

r B S i '^ ic c lo 'lc a tf t ’ B u ic k ^ a H tie r i r t r

•roadr^—D em onslration-givea-oa-iequct

^ o b i l c Cf l^ i i t tL A ti to n ^ n h ^ lg p i r m I n S f t^


< 5 r a y & — :E ie c ftn <

- S t a r t e r

- — ;— — — = < m = t i i e $ o n i

W e ^ m

_ ~ I

■ tr. F . BiUCKOr.j>r«eldiBat.— - - - - - im BA N TRA i

T h e l d a i i a ^O f T w i n I


D I R E C--------------------------------------- r - D A y mJjUBSS HcUlLLAN. F, a SMITH


_ i s . ' n e c e s s a r y i n “ ~

4)aSIc--aco 0 UiitZhela^- a r e a n x i f t u s : t o h e .

^ h ' a n t - w i l h . a l l t h e

' . w i t h s o u n d b a n k i n g


A repotltfon of yonr w an t aft. In tht E ouB e"6t7oor-«ne«t-tor-^i-cook,,jaK .

good polloy. ... .v

ictors, : ^j^ sT M en r^ ^ ^


o f buildinfvalve-in------- •' ' — ‘ --------

in fact, , the pioneer

^in-head moto'i; cars)

o fja tis^ in g th c .m o jt; ........

r 7 of*"aw ton— elev- ing ihreugl] Ihe hcavr .

T>ud. o f the steepest

N o 'Vbnder men buy •

: j ; — ; “

> $1650.00 ___-

i p m p M i y - -hemHaho “

: D a v i s« . . ...__ _________ _______

A r i i t e - G e ^ ^ ~

- .D t a .B .a c O T T . V j^ • _®Tp Caahler,

i t a t e B a s k -a l l s , I 4 a h o -

^ 0,000 ^N U M B - D E p b s i T S — — _ _

T O R SBBOjra_________ 0 . iiBBNllT '

0 . R. BCOTT O E B iN iS liO B T

i w T ' . ' ■ ~ ~

m s T n e w f — " I — g D 'o d - —

• F t h e l o c ^ l m e f - ' ‘

c r e d i t c o n s i s t e n t . '

N IL O O W I N . F A L L S ^

Good supply of w ^ l ' B a « nad Elflflce-Tirlae. KlopBy f-f

Mar. 2e t f i ^

^ " ■ B e g i S h i n ^ ' : F W a J ^ = t h f - l Q r S a t u r d a y - ^ ^ t l T 7 = t v e ^ 7 — ^ ■' . . l j

“ slw irihaV cv itrT irw d o -m o rtb u iin esrth an ^ev crb efo tec^ '-^^ --------.ir-'*^--------- --— --— " ' ~ " 'x v V i* ^ * • T ' • ' ' — ‘'don’l rock.ihe. b o a l." ; . ,.:■ ______L ' w i l L i n a u g u r a t e t h e g r e a t e s t w h i t e e v e n t i n i ' w m ' ^ ^ _ ^ ------------- ------------- ^---------- ------ - - d — — -

• ' W ' ^ ' r ^ ” '• . . -■ ; ■ 7 • ■■ ■ F a W h i s t o t y ; ^ W e ~ c l e c i 3 ^ ^ w e S s “ a g o " t h l F ^ t = — ■=— = - " = ? = t — — j — — — —

• ; ; : v v a s t h e t i m e t o d o i t - . . t h i s i s - t h e t i m ^ . S p e c i a l s I f l T O W G I s

B - :• ...................................................................... . .V c W e k n a w ^ y - l w i n r a i l s p e o p l e w e l l e n u r t o k n o w i 8 x3 6 in d .H cm u itc h c d H u c k W c U m ; . , . . . : i 2 i - 2 c "

: L : u | : : I p e U n b l e a c h e d M u s l i n 8 l c t h e y w a n t , w h e n t h e y w a n t : : : : : : :^;.:;9 l4-8U irch 'K -eivyblcachr*h^^ .....---------------------------------------- . 7 7 S cH cav y IurklshTo^y^U.M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^S c .

- ! , C r a s h T o w e l i n g R e d u c e d ..■;■.

B | ' / ......................- - 1^;. I ' •• ' ~ -■•■------- .....................■!— - - ■' .. • .. ■ • Ifl-incUBlenched Towel al , ' ...........................................7 I-2 c ____V - - • • ................................ - . ... • - • • V?. l .2 r 1 incn .■»« ......................' . ....................... lU c vd ' '

- J-i— ^ - . -r-rziiExtra^ChflpeiLShoweiJProQf.FQubgd 75c_-____ _j4<aj»cn.Cr*»)wt. . ,,, ,-^.:;^,-.-.-^U-l-2c_______- ' — - - _•

U n d e r m u s l i n s U n d e r • ........................ ............. ................ ................

^ z : : i ^ S P R I N G U m i T E G o o p s F O R L E S S D r a p e r y F o r ^ :

, A 20c ilaple in wliilc only. Look a t 2 5 c Voilcj and ■ BcaMliful soft C rcpc dreii fnb-■ .................................... ■” ........ . — ------ -------------- .—___H r . . • .Subitantiaj teductions in some inslanccs as much as 1-2 will on sale a t ............................. I5 c compare w ith ihis. • ric a t ... . . . . . 1 5 c 35 c 'B o rd ered Scrim . . . 1 5 c

" hi. tiBadeffl mu^irH tiridehv-eaf. 2Q percent o ff on all Prmcess Slips. • C B E P E 12 f-2c • _ _ _ S E E D .-V O IL E 2 5c .. 4 0 inches w ide.-plain md■ > . \ 7 5 c £ H l d ™ '! C o S 5 for s o t . -Child’, p tlticoals wiih tor 25c. S lrio t. .n d B a n a ..uiCri.ing ’ " ■ - ’ f " * ' 5 n ’" 4 ' .. J r- , • 5

■ Covers for. $ I . 2 5 . ; $ I . 19 D raw ers fo r 60c. F O R 2 5 c “ W e place on sale imported * W e :how Lnes in new fab- 4 5c Curtain Nets 35e H I sp w ia l values in Gowns and Skirl*, W e offer unsurpassed values fabrics of $ 1 .2 5 values, that * TTcs lhal equa l' offerinas at O ne iot 75c Cutlain N els 5 0c

_ . ... .......... ................... .............. . .. . . . . ....................... - , - i n V o i l ^ O rg»ndies. Crepes. ate wonderful in inpwy while- double, lace-cloth, organdies. Door panels an d 'la ce cur-. . . M r - . f I, ’ II.. . Ml I . I ■■ ■■ ■ . ■'■ — '■ ■■ — a)] n w I 9 J 5 good*. ' , ness. ' * ' e l c . ............ tains t -^ p r id e . ........... ......... -— -

^ J M - T a b l e L i n e n 1 0 ---------------------U n d e r w e a r — - S i l k Z V a i s t s A r t R d s R u s s , A n v T h a t ' s L e f t 0 _ _

I ' P e r C e n t O f f M a t e r i a l s J

. . f t , ; . ~ -------------------------— ^ ~ — — - S ^ r 2 5 — --------------------- - 6 x Q - C r e x — G i : a s s l I t u g s . ~ P l a i n o r r ;

' ;■ f t ' : : o n e ^ " n » p i i T i > f ^ faiicy K c h M O ^ ^ o u ^ k T S T n m ”f I b r i S ^ S . ' - o f t ’ ’S O T b e r e d ' ^ t ^ S f l_ • per cent off. . ' and white. Specially priced; 1 7 1 - 2 .

i W 'p F ^ S f T N V ' > - H i n n e r W a r e , P l a i n o r . F a n c y -■ - - ........F = : ' r ^ P - S E R E A P & . W J g R ^ ^ ~ - W l o i l ^ 3 6 - i a .h - . i » : i . | . . - , i 2 - l - ^ -------------t h e « - r , ^ ™ h .b ld ,v.i=B in m b r o i d - - — ---------T - -

■ O F F ■ 20-itid i. oo .ale « r . 7 . 1 7 T 2 c ^ ----- - ^ --------- " V --------------------------- ------------------■-----------------U » J J J T — r ~ ' .......................................... - -----------^M | . •• 40-inrh "^nr. vfthii* for 2 5 c ® ° oskmg

Icr, all sizes. alVprices. lO per c en to ff. .R ipellette— Special a t 10.-15. 17 I-2 c . only . . . . . 7 . ■ .■ ■ .■ .■ ■ . . . . $ l . 2 r ~ '

4 p f ~

■ ~ ‘“ “ f t :.' . ~ C S r i . C a v i r 'X a T K a r r y - a r l f c - - « - I N . . . F i Q U R C I N G . « ^ ^ ^ A 12 l-2 o s i ^ K I A i ; • ' ' . • - .V. H ‘ - : «„.) SO/. Both Cambric or Crepe, fcaiili- ~ |~1000 . yrtd#*or-rae;Swu»-oTB«i-:------------ ----------- -via«r?4ace»':ior.dicssca and underwear at 5 and 10c p er yard. W id e flouncing 18 to

------ ^ J a c a n d iU c . . , ^ l . l l _ j d l B J ^ T O - j m b i e J c i I ^ d E j i o b r o i d e . Q . , w ide- and ri.ttow .-------- ; ---------------^ ~ ~ ^ ----- ;------^ .1;- . . . ''— . .. . — E m trn fd crirr-T T rtM -frrl> r--v ^ -^ ^^^^ ^ '^^ ~ ^ ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' --------------- ------------- l l ' » l)i«-«mbr<>idi»v-»«a»)ll— ^ _ J 4 -in lh l3Jvide^a.L6 'je .-^ t.» e lu .lv e .a g a c y lo r j g T l a ce.. 'v h iA .ave 6 0 per cenTlniliorr a u i y r ^ ^ ^

L . . _ l _ . f t i ’ , . / d o e s k i n w h i t e P U M P S L I N E N E -. - P E R C A L E ' P E R C A L E . ‘’^ '^ B U T T G N S ' “ N C H A M . - R I P E L E T T E . . .. . • *. * O V P 5 * .......... . . . ._ . ~ I f c a l Pearls per N l^Kii»r\t.r*l o . _.*• ___ _~ ' -' ^ f t l - ^ ^ H n ~ G « . . . r - w i l l - b . - - A .2 0 c .-3 4 .in A .d .ih . ,U ,k .O |L d a r L ! b jd g . d o . .................. ’. . .5 c p j f . U e n , p r .U y ' N ew S p rin g -.D re .. A g « d , fine under- • . . , ;

, W ^ k a l le _ ^ - ^ p j „ „ . . . $ 2 .0 0 ‘ :fo r .........................15c at . . . . . . . . . . . .5 c l i i . or d a r t . . ,15c_ 2c '! '™ ■ • • ■ ■ • ■ • ' S ' " C i „ 8 h .m . - r 7 - . ' r ^ c - - w e a r - f J , r i c - . . . 0 O c - - - -

^ _ a s c h e a p o r l e s s a n d b e t t e r q u a l i t y . _ | .


' ? - ^ iS .S - ^ 2 5 ? S S i5 S ^ S 5 - 5S?:. ' . M l t m e Briit .l lo In th e OBllBl SUIM 5« -.‘ » » ^ * l ‘‘ ‘ ! u l t» . o rn ln a .- TBm i b j.t»«« lM a lla ia When c u l e « r l l « r . t o n IJla «>» I» r - O n r" • ■ » ■ . • .

- : --------- ' ' * ! . ^ ^ uTll'l*L* ! ° “ i i £ l f ‘ r T ' i l ' . ^ “ ^ a o ^ r rou n d g t t j f e ’'•>.< ■•>» c e n la tc o l » a t« r la lilthcr ^ . n j ^ o . ^ o t t o S p In t h i catUo J? . .

r z r i ; : r ; ; S i n ; a a a B i i i « t t i t » m 5 s c i h ! : ‘ ^ ^ lu u to m ' e o n u u o n notii in ou r V^iw— aod Btockmen. w *rB rectrt-*nd;» tt«*M «ar-«aW w «H fc n<nr a n J ' to -tfae-h< » ita o f Ut*-ooir«, lw « a -J ia rtenad_ iflto_ jflb r^_yhort ^ «^ui«-fllan* to-2ttft±i*li.DriciB® ol #J> T _ £ . ^ ------ -------------' v j i f t --------------------•—

•f .^Wh^roaTfir thU knowledge liis th«r» a g y g y O a t' cowa a ra neTer conaUpated o r only food v alu e t8 to mako bu lk for ThrouKh tho weak. X hotca ■tew« % n ■ ......... y j* K ~ ~ ‘~

■ ~ ~ .T~-t f*T y ^ { S lU K’ilH“ l ^ e n t , (tfrth iB-w a» ^ iBUy g n ^ n c t lM . ~ ^ ^ r fu M ^ iw ulflt- Bcrvod In Uio f e e in g of a» ag e la tq . aao th e r g»ln ~ w * , ----------- - - ------------------------ -----------------• can.Jio . lo n g w .n a cowe , 4 , , ^ o „ m u ij 1* n „ a eoUrely for ro t tuo to rag c n t.m e p n )» y < U iy uf -------s— . ■ .... : ? i l -------; ! « ------^

Mlnatr-Dlno Per cen t o f th e fsu n e rs b a r re e t w bat ronalD e o f -bla w to te ^ io i r ^ ' . ■" ■. “— ': m aturlty r tise com IC-iwuible, lO n o t . « « - i,_ - « m v to IB 6s "»»<»«"» an' -12? ». — —t T “** H f:. ■J’J*- r - ' -------- fw 8T e-»? itw V -w pttca l .a n r t .h a d ,^ J > f t . A few ago our, D etro it herd a la o n t any o tb o r anaiaW o forage tb a t g ^ n c o of 20c a ll,to ld . Demand 0*- i ! l o Vi ■ ■ 9 0 0 ......

.h n » n fh iif th e “BOor’Chopped earo'* JiaJroT tB eT6B r«W Iom w l luuat wa«"’wJUibatrTBnMff-''lnui);5w»Mi t - to l» -n o f- to o -* teen -« o d -itticy ,-aach aa-. -------- -------- 846 8 . LunbB . - . — ~ — 61 ».w .• . <ffiag«) WM fit foed 4of c o 5 « ..v l TO- lo r lly go Into t b ; producU oa.of 1 ^ Septeifiber. A ltboa«b tbey w ere care- green sorghatS . and . feed wjUi. about w n o a t to r - t a » i |e noge.

'" ■ ■ - S S e r .bearing, a m em ber o t tbo H eat’ T be lo w ^ m ilk tb iu Buat^ned heUthy*. tb e lr .'iandlUtin h a i r i u quanU ty of concontratM feeO r 'sh e o D m a rk e t holding d rm . Spring ' ] | 7 — -------------.........................................^ ■ S S S U ' l e S a l e t u w BV w h e n -f ir s t w o « l.U .ay :fa r th e MUre^keep^ Bbdwed laok 61 a u c ^ U f e e d . » Vougb Our tw enty-one herds. »«pP»y ” u 2 b a i r ? ! ? & . "n®^M “ p r m K r e L ^ ® *

- a - o T ^ n i l ' % 1

■ ■— ' ' ■ " ’ ' ” ” 1TT teed tag -an d a f th e aam o-tim e tend. -W hatever tho eondlUona b t ■ v •■.....• ab (w ed .ft.m arked .- laeroaae in, t h d r w eather o r kJnd^of to rage .g row n w e

' c \ W b lw H o w e ra f ir in o th e r in m ^ tT 'd e a r ^ ^ - ■. .■ - - ‘ - ■ ''' T W ' '

- ~ ♦ L - — - • •-■•_ ■ r ------- F o rage a lio u ld • be cu t for'IU oii.at'thB liJM t'ex p eM ^ '^ • " '• -

i t . - ' i - i ■■ n ' .■ — '■i - . A i ; „ . . ^ ' i. . . i . - - ^ j ' ' ............... — ■.. :— ■ .■ ■ '■— '-■' ■ ' ‘ ~ ^

__*- y..' .—. .— .- .......... ^ a _ A .OB m . ___.j— ^—‘ Ak. thft Bwt Annfr '/I# ^ -- — -

SfeJK iEatherW ilLIfeE

Circus Da; and Jenkini Get the Crowd

I B i O S P:: l e M K I i B i i i S I B

ZE^rced-Sale El—to—Raise—$20,

Hm ’s ClothesWc .hATC placcd on snlc tlic

stock of fine mciiV cloth bit, whi . . - clndes tho Hplendid "Soclelj

“ KuppenhplBipr" brnndn. r ic a w............ TItfiie cIothfR arc th e lat<wt I»I5

tU and aw an nnnal superior In- n n r of the m anr other P

Wc B»k yonr in«nccti«n oi ineir IlK The priccs h a re been cu t «

■ for thin rtale and a rc n o t.to nc to

Shoes Reduced

. „ y . -

A . W \

JenkifiT ‘Torcc: ■ Cfrcu* Day h T T ~ . .— r r t — WPrtr an<I~W0rr j j;

___ ___________ nhopplnir*___H e .n

S 3

W^Miist RjiiM’c'rc ' Rolntt

—Wc’rc licnt on Yihlch rountN nli and »ow. n c ’ic ]:

' ■ ’ yon. JuHt rcnicn . *■ _ needs in dry goo

T Forced Sale Pricf Ladies Ready-to-

In the dry ffoods sccHon ll— — • -loaded with (;<»»! thing?* a t

JuMt for C irrus dny. Butdi— ------dnri!» |f-H iIt.-..n lfr^«r««ddl

tbu t any one of thc dayn yoi— —Many lUdlan nro tn

low prifPH 01 our “Jun trld mny need som e,'if now in

, , F orced Sale Pr;

ine on

5 W ill ^


entire / ^fh l«T ' / - /’ and / i ' !note. / k .,4 ir. / • ymodi / . A

Aiory / / .inkcH. ■■■■. I '~prf —--- Sk----------1---- -leeply - v fcnlcn .' • • A . . • - . V /


Packard / J j i Shncs .

-{of-Hen— - - —%rani

id Sale” Everyth a tim e w j te i ia a a r o f to in i /oillt« <

iTljiryoiCiffic'omriHrTOlnBrp^Jwlble- for^fin and gpella Mg ecoaoplen» We iniy TboaBaBa(louar« and bo hare co l i ra-Tfln In an d lnnk-M-OTer. — ,


- ----------■ -Ottf’ m clr

—•------------ S c?M*«r^V lfn boys. We IJ V . l“ Tt«- m M "Bent E ver”

/Mi yV guaranteed...... ..«r than a«jr

r I b "Bat-Evw^ ^ . «r 1 p . , S t e t s o n Hi

ji'llL., - - - - •--

Tweiity T h o i ilo'{(o Home, d o rln ; ihCHc Hale daya to ra Rcttia? it—W cknoff th a t it Is "QoalJty’ Ih yoQ. Our s to re 1.4 noted for the-best lut prlccH whore theyVe boaad to h a fi liber Uiat yoo cnn Mare.your sood moi d», clDthI»7 , ha(N, and sh o es cte.

:s. Dry Goods, , Wear. Co'r<s(>ts / .1C buiitiiiii tables’ w ill bcextremely low p rices.- — — -un't fori^ct th a t cach day ^Bff—frw h —b a r in iin s rs o -----------------J fxI comc, there w ill bc fineking m lrantnga n f -tbo----------->" curHctN. I 'erbapx you 1 thc tim e to buy.

ices' on Shoes > Ladies’and Child’s

D uring UICKC sale daTii . you huTc tho cliolce of tlie llnent and biggest shoe stock in tow n n t rem arkably iow prices. Wc’tc a fine line of Ladies* Children’s and Boys’HhocH w h ir t a rc second lo Jnonr. You can sa rc on Uiom ' /b a ll. T here a re also.som c lots M of brokeii sizes being sold for w a trifle . This is a g rea t f p chance to Iny In s lo d i be- p rv

- c a u se - -th o — econom ks— a re - - - ,- *fr- Krtut ' ^

- i e n k in s - ^ ^ €or r

' y/', v j , ------------:........... n.

^ ^ or

------- ~ A lllllHmffltHlllHIBWi ~uaaI

H K B i^ M n B M B B I ^ H a l . ci

R H n M B i i m H H H B n l ■ M i H M i W B f l B B i • u

- n c<

j n M ^ ^ H D i n ^ K n l ^ B B k si 1 1 ? '" " . ' - J - - V ; - - ' I — D

*'51 f \ -7 r 1 - 1 "Iw

-------- ‘ pI ......... J. - . o1 J J t 4 C A " ll A fmink ^ /■W V’k' '

/ / \ \\ ‘ / I v i l . »'^ I ‘\ l^ M 'k r ■ . br V

» rV ^ ^ -I -. • c^ . h, g v ' - • • il» g \ _ J h

t\ I * *'' \ \ \ ' J ------ ^ I

\ i j i / b l . °

b g h r t i f e a ______ __________

ling; Rciducedcost A«fd« alle-»»^-dfr-tb»Ir-----------------------------rforrtWnialc-*-------------------------- ::> are anxlons . ^ ■nre~p'rice?Ton—

lie P ric es on Boys’ ;-Ever” Clothes jndf^ors-C iotM nfr l»-b’lg.------ —en Tbey are the latest 191G H u-^iuw at^aoqbt^hgiifav- T —

h*Te all sfaerand a rery ^tmcnt. And remember tbot . ■' clothes are all wool and I

The sale prices are low* - ■rwhere e ls e , .............

a ts a t iSale P ric e s -

f jT jL .1 ‘ . “"""-.N__ -~. - —\

fl ------I llfi—— .

lisand Dollarsline the money ” nnd "i»rlce^ of ererythlnge effect wpon •ney.npon any . .

■ '

l i l ^ ■' --- ----

I lA H K iH \lL if l Ij A U J U I i l iw c— ------- ---------- ----------;----- ;----- ;— d

■ .(C ontlnuod_from .P^e l . ) . , ^

I il <fa» the imprcBBlon th a t thoy c luld bo dropped. , U i s pouslblc-Umt c B AlLca-jauus—WULhc .appealed-hut, t;

Umt po in t M r. Olvcna wns n o t dc-, b led either. t

At tlHJ opcnln£ij>L-CQUtlJ-IU08da>L J jr'iiing'-'Jydgo *l>nvl8 ttnnouncctl -hlit -- cislon to overru le all tlic moUonB to p r t^ h n i t l t ^ l e fe aBe W owdny- n m u . | ..ju p jto g t-o C . a - r ^ u c j U - t a r - ^ j ^ n u U . - R n " f n B tr u c l« t 'V e r tk t j^ U p o i» - - U i Ia ^ un»cl renew ed thelr niotlonn ninili> ‘ tho beginning of tin ' trlnl for i^ k- Isenl o n ' tliH Rrounih thnl Un* of- neo, if any. was ron iniittoil‘In nn- her- coiinly.~tUnt-Utu-Ktatc-Ja\\>«Hit; ? it recoBnl*e uiicli u-m laH on ilT iic”- < mpllce. th a t the complaint w af fii- fficient and Umt nny .necomifjloc of T . Allen m ust hnvc been ^ a«-

clnto In p nb llr office. • iCourt tlnin.'.jm journcii. u i i t l l !. l ’:30 i

allow U ie!p repn ru tlon .o ( Inetn ie- j jn s to Ujo jury. • - :

Encli Ride wnu givcn_onglhQ uc^tQ • ;e»cnl ita .a rg u m e n t. -M r_G K tiU u )cn(td for U io-slato-. H e called a tte n - ,i on to th6 records In books of tltc win P a lls Seed Tnrm I'ompnny which io\vc(l th n t H. F . Allen was tho p rln - pal Htoekbolder. llo reminded the iry th n t tlio en trie s stopped Ju st l)c- iro Uio-Umo w hen tho firs t of thc oncy a la rtcd com ing irom O. V; 'Al- n. -Tlin niethodfl o f d raw ing tho m oney a s reviowtsd by Mr. dlvena a n d l io ^Red th a t tho am ount received In i ls .m an n e r wao much to o 'la rg o . to ISH w ithou t investigation when two ireonn w ere a s close In -Uielr bu'el- C8S rolnOons a s w ere tbe two Allen rotliorB. Ho naked Tchy no eecurlty aa Riven fo r U ie'A llen lonnw Nvlien icnrlty w as given fo r the onca ao- ired ftom ' tho' Buhl and T w in -F a lla xnks,.and sold it appeared s tran g e to Im th n t a m an who wan draw ing on la -p a r tn e r fo r am ounts cach m onth t g ren t a s tho yearly sa la ry of tho

>i^indl]‘ t l in t bln r j n r r fall tn advise him self o f thc bdUpcc ' tills Incomc.

Boneto Beplies.M r.’Bowen w as th o f irs t speaker

ir tho defense. H c reitilnded tho try th a t tbo defense was re s tin g Its tae on tho Btatc’a proof, believing i a t ' l t Utd n o t n o ^ re filLaUon.

:Fann Lands su = = R e s id e n c e

s w i M & :B ank & T h

iiid th a t iC K 'y U lc a 'waB a ’f n ^ 6p~ ra to r on a la rgo acalo and belittled io sum. o t.m oncy . whlclf ho had re - e tv ed . from h ts broUier to a id In

ary tho s ta tem en t o f 0.' V. A llen -to . Ua affoc f th at— th o dofcndant— hod omo to him wlUi an offer to m anage Eio p ro ^ s t t io n i t 0 . V. A licn 'co u id rran g o to flna&cc 11 and prom ised to Ivldo a a y pro flta half and half. As ft-Uio-<»iBtom-oC-drawlnE- »600 a t n Ime, hc said th e Inferenco woa th a t i:T ."A iron-ajd 'no i'w iairrcn jur< icn 'iij8 iro ther w ith tho pa>*mentot any utore n tc rea t Umn woa nocessary.

No A ttem pt a t Secrecy Tlioro w as no effort m ade to avoid

>ubllclty. Mr. Obwen sold. Tho Irafta w ere p resen ted and handled In h o 's a m e w a y 'a s orainarlly; " a g ia r^ n g IncoDsistoncy with tho possIb liUy »Cr;;aoyUilng— Delng~:wrt>n^r.''. ■'"Hd' itat’ed It w as b is cxporlcnco th a t w hen I m an wna doing w rong_ iho -mcm- )cr8 o f hlu fam ily wore tho la a t ones O 'b e to ld of It luid inqvlred w hy i a r ry Allen hIiouUI have quosUoned h c ab llitv of liiB brother to rnlnc- thn, IID11C7 hboaud will'll lie had boen ablo o-do I t when tUfy Imd .bccu aHHOCinl-.•d In o ther dealii.... ....... ...... ........

Guliirle’s Tolnt.Closing fof~Ut^iIcfcnBo, Mf. Q uihrlo

lalled tho a tten tion , o f the Jury o T R c T S c rU m t^ U iT iy 'V c r i rT io t - try ta g " ). V. A lle n ' b u t th a t tbo ata te w as mdeaTorlng- t o - faaten a pa r t -o tM h » )lamfl>on a n o th e r ' man. Ho sa id ho vas unnblo to see anyUilng s tran g o in hb buslneaa-- transacUona. . .H o .l a id >apcclnl_ em phasis on tho fa c t th a t (eleven of Ute drafta wero re tu rn o d inpaid and oaked why, il H . P . AHen mew th a t 0 . V. Allen had a ll tho rc - lourccs of U>o stato of Idaho a t h is llapoBal, ho should not liava-cxpoctbd l ia t nil d ra f ts would bo honored as iiey woro p resen ted .. Nothing indl- »U ng guilty knowledge on tho p a r t )f Uio dofenddnt had* been produced >y Uio a ta to In Uic way of ovidenco. to said Ofld . (jimUonod_ _the Jury against Uto d angor-o f -convicting on lU Bplclon.

A nothor po in t on w ljch Mr. G uthrie Iw clt w llh Bom e cinphasis w as tho LesUmoHy o t O. V. Allen. T hls wit- D08S, he aald, tcsUfled .that bis b ro ther did n o t have nny Idea o ^ th e sburc6-drTIie.ji\oncy s u p ^ . Mr. A r Jen WAS pittccd on the atflnd b y th e Btntc, ho said, and the s ta te vouchedfor h is Integrity . _______________ ... . 't ir i 'c ’nH CIOHCS

Sir. Olvens cloMod by cnutlontinf; th e ju ry ag a in st bi-liig affoctc<l by any p leu fo r sympnUiy. Ho dwell

I." V.J A llen'S • “anana l • s a la ry - waaEaOTi_(uiclLJttonUU>X~KftOZ-Allon r ia w k e d -w b y Uila w as ao t^w ortB F f consideration. Tho fn«t'> th a t no ceurlty wnn glvon for tho loan , -he onsldorcd a stroag"poln t becauao ho ould n o t understand why. oven liougU -H .JtA lleiL ,hnd .pw m lacd .lilfl. rother- haU of the profits o f .tho ven- ure, ho ahould^ not ^renli z o ^

he klH'd'OrHecprlty-rccinlreaafafffcthg : non5/” TB"borrowed and m u at havO gnllzed th a rltw a s 'c o m ln g from soma itbcr Rourrc Ihnn t hi; r<^»lnr eimn-

ualHl=ltTxWould:-Mt-Jic-rcafldilahlc_ia- rom w thariio -tt'O H lff’n o t InvenHgBtc.-

M lS S I O N A M n V HIEISC onTwHiRjit'TrM bTtcrian-eh«rch-.»n-

ToMdny of TJil.H Week.

' On' Tuesday of th is week Uto mlnslon- iry Hncilcly of thc F irs t I'resbyterlnn :h u rch ..o f this clly, en tertnlncd the t ifU i.an n u a l.m eeU n g 'o f tho .'^jomnn’R Missionary Jnclejy of i t Twin knlla. ffilp re tbnn fo.rty;in- ilics w ore present from-Ueybi^cn, Duhl, W cndells-Jerom or-Twln-FftllHr-noBor- nonr GoodiuBi 'B ollovuo ‘i^nd Durley. Tho following la the program .ri-'ndor-

MOHNING SRsfelON MeeUng ot BxncuUve Committee. Hymn and Prayer.

GreoUngs from Tw in F a lls society.... .................................... .Mrs. H arvey

Response.-......Mrs. Adams, A uger F oIIbGreoUngs from Uio Board .Mrs. Aldrich—M lnut»e-o(-AnnuaUMeeUng.-------------An H our Wlth Our Ofncers—

Sec. of Correspondence.S ec.-o f .Literature.- Soc. of Young People.T reasurer.Music. _ ------- • -7-

- Measoges from the Field.■TJfc of David Livingstone".......-...........

..... .................................... Mrs. MitchellAppointment of'Committees.

Devotional Momenta._...Mr8. McBurncy Luncheon.

AFTERNOON SESSION ?tll1l m il nf SoelQtlnb, P r nnlHmhi-f t n ^•ponding. - - T- - ..................-

W orkara’ Canfeccacc, led b y Mrs. Me- Cluskoy and Mi's. Ford.

DovoUonal.,MrB. FN-jr. Adnms, Heybum "W hat KTlsBlon Study Menns to Mo"

.............- ...........................„,.MrG. GambleSolo..........................................Mra. PetersAddr^s8„..^^.,.^.^,^.^^^..„^^M^B^ Aldrich

; 0 L O A N I

ad Twin Falls

u t

H ym F ’liy 'K in g T ’D aughtora.R eporta of' Com m tttoea.' " ' ---------P ray o r for Newly E lected OfBcera;

EVENING SESSION.. . ■mri’ninmir..T....._..T.r...T....ur. snopncn Addrostu....,..„...... ...„„._7.-.Mra. Aldricl3 tgrgqpucpg - i:ccn ir f t ," 'MUatonB' tn~

China"..— ........ Rev. Chaa. ThojapaoiOffering.Hymn. - Benediction.

^ ------- n o t ic e ------------------- . —On nccount of m any requeata fo r re

duced raU58 o t Shoshono F a lla fo r'p ic n ic parties, Uio Tw in F a lla Railroai C on^any will mako a S pecial R ato o TWENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r Uio rouni itrlp o n ' oach SATURDAY coaimcnc In g -M ay -f lrs tr tn a tll- f a r th e r - n o t lc i Theso Special T ickets w ill be good fotransportaUofrnotrSATUR& ATSBNLl—Ady. Apr. 21-SO Majr 4-7.

a m

' tiio now la rg e lioghom a, Qage

fo r s tre e t and aoml-dresB. Med

' ' fo r older women. F u ll llnoo f

------------------------------------ all-RilOB,-Ol

Ciilren’s TrinimBd

One table, of Trimilieil J Small and Heilluin Size;

^ ■ All o L t h e - E a r l i e i

U n t r i m m e d ,


m m m i ^

TO-SE e U f lE ^ jG ^ I U f a ^ l^Hena Have No P a r tc u la r U y ln a 8*«'^-

- ~ ^ ^ w 'o a ~ ta W f ti l^ h lrh in ta -g > T B n . below wilMnBur«-a-saUafaclory supply-: of.cggs during tho w ln to r : , , .. Never exposing the fo w ls-ta biu#-"-

te o ’. snowy w eather, .rem em bering T B ar'a cdld^’un'WflTfortabtorhmircin^rcrT: not bo expected to be u jirolUabla one. • Therefore tbe houses m uatlbe of gen- - croUB sise. , ' .

Early batched pullets. :S tronfcJjcalU iy lyearllng hens. ____ '

_H oo!it?T-co^fort«blorTPO »=V flntnalea^bousesy'. B eg g a r feodlng of food rich In nl*•iro 6 M o u rq n ap c t^ > = C ----------------TT' • S cra lch ln rf^ sh cd ff-an d -th o —f o w l r ^ inade to bunU for tho g ra in among the .-' litter.'. Each yea r brooding from the strong [est and bost layers and never inbreed- .in*. • -: Using trap neeta- i.by.-TffWeii t in —T drones can be detected. .so a s to glT« ;th e room and feed tg the-.workers._______

Never, overfeeding, ^ t given ja t l ..

Hopper fo r Feectlna Grit, Shells «P Mash. ■ -

- a r -m n c h -a s - th ^ -^ l i l - tw iH y" ea t tip ' ~ clean and n o t w aste o r allow to.BOnri.y-

N e v e r ~ ^ l f D s ' hens. b u t rather,.-keepljigfthem tam e ao that.U^«y_Tril|__have confidence in the-feeder and

—K ecplng-U ifl-houaea-perfectly..dt a . ' ■ and cheery, bo tb a t good health t u j ; ' be m aintained, and th a t lice' may discouraged In m aking ' the ir beadt

—ileTM -av e rc ro w d in tJ Iw _ fle * i^ M _ :j_ *aalt:tam U le»-.iriU -do.ipore-w oTk—le -^ - is b e tte r to keep 16 'bena In « booas

ira ll t f o r - t e - tb a i r i e - l t t - t - h o i i s e - o n t t ^ ;blg enough fo r IB. ■' I f theae w arnings a re carefoUybMd*•d tber« w ill b« no dllBoalty.to M cur* winter eggs. Hena have no parttadai^ laying aeason: t h w uanallv U*

. f t» j> f l t tc iy tJ a .q p ig .th f i jQ B ltq u a a i i - -to snpply u e a e . ].

;WINTEBjRODVCI^t^FrEC«^OuesUon of Keeping 6 id Hena During '

Cold W eather Seaaen Sbould i « . r -* Decided by Conditlona. ' |

* Tbe h en m ore tjj^n a year old tt tio t a. w in ter p r ^ n o ^ o ^

egga,_’b u t .a s abe_geU o l d e r ; . b a r .. son o t egg pfb<lnctIon ' I » 'l a t « r . ' ' 'n « '' q u estlo n -th en 'la w b e th e r-it l a .p r ^ t ^ ' '

m f l r a o ^ T ^e a ^ U yM,

spring and atimmer. even though ym j bny th e food, and decidedly yes, I t o n t growa th e 'to o d fo r 'tK e fowla. I f t h a . m arket In th e aprlng and anmmer l i JW i^<00<i,rtb«^tf^riU=B0^^yrto=«ibfP== t e r tho-old-henB. ao tha t, a fte r ilfe i r ” la n o t a .qaeaU on o t management, b n l . oae of being govem ed by cbqditiooa,In feeding j i i t old hens during tb^ w inter, economy m ust be practicedi and tb e bea t:w ay o t doing thla la to <

ibave all theae bens b y th em selv u and f e ^ ' t hein a Tlg h t rittIon.~....... r '. ::

~ W atch . lo r thT rim ea* bargain weekT^ $1.00 p e r year.

blocks, tbo poptUar largo saiVora, -

um and sm all s ized 'brim m ed hats

trim m ings In a ll styles. Panamas,

to-rv-blg-Uno-of--------------- ^ -

Hilts, 75c to :$3.50 _

? l$ l .5 0 B a c ! i-Hate'r-Trim m ed-and""------- "I t CUT PRICES

■----- f—:------------T\tac£-A.WEEKTWINmiXSTlME?fRIDATrMAy7n9ir---’ ': , - - - -- ------- ; - t ....—

• • A real H on 'C -^arlislic ,'I

■ no greakr coil thaa the old-fashl

__ Consult our" Service Dc|:

- our “ 1 9 l5 " .P r iz c Plan* for Ml

^ : . ; ^ s t r a n d j B i

' C o m i_ _ T H F

■ 0pp. O. S. L. Depot •

local and P e p a larfl^

. .Jn.JtoB«worth...ylflllln«^w^roU4lTM

Mrs. A.. E. Mb&d w a s In ’ tho cltjr — .W «dn«d4y-£rom .horJiom 6_nc*r

P ^ u tv Rhftrlf7~ThomP60H TW la HtBsen WnlneBiSfty morntns on offi­cial boBtoeee. _________

' Junes Fltzgenld was a business

Shoiitt PrtBk Kcndall-made“a. trip____toJlie.ahoflhoat.fewlnJ?sdnMdiij_Rt

t«inoon on oftlclal b u s i n e s s . .v- • --

Oa Tharsdajr, Aprtf 29, R«t. Walter " a HannAB, p ts to r of tb«rFlrat Cbris-

' tiaa ^ o rcb . ttntt«d in n ap U ss,_ £ , ^ -r-lU y m o n d 'r'fl^en T O r o f^ o l i l . and

. Mlaa Orel Pwsball, o£ Chelan. Wash-____inT<* n The ceremony was perform-

ed a t teb ftpdy of tbe ch o rc t

~ flrp b n T te& em iu M aS . I « i w • “ I ^ i n r i l i r

* ' M r. S ilen t H ask in s r

w eatern ' i M n a ^ S ^ • • featnring Wm. S. Hort and Rhea

i Mitchell,

Love a n d A rm o r

T he M n ta a l W e ^JU t^b arf*>"'"ff1 the ,Wf>rld_

S e ttle d a tth e S e a s id e -_ _A _-K oalqJ g o i ie •

:-------- : — A a -8 i f e n e n t, I n t f r / i i t l f . Eb-tertalalB g P le tn re P r o p a a .

_______ Doora open at.7;16. coDtlau-:; ' • ‘ oua Ull 11 o'clock. ’

Matthee Every^Sattir- — : - d ay a t2 :3 0

■E7UHi#^< MEuKr

' *. ___!____ * '

Seaiitiful, convenient-—and at

oned "box car" ty p e ^ f hoiiie.

iartmenl. Wc wiH show vou •

idem Homes—

c tu j r ib e rp a n y- » y t i = B E R S - ^ —

T w i n F ^ l s , I d a h o

‘ . 'A tlcm oy P. -.W. Stoaiiliao traa sac t- ed business In tho couaty ecat for a day tho la s t of tho wook. ,__

-tfae-ine rc^ tilf f - .bustees s ‘s t" c a r ry -wa8' A business v ialtor 4 n tho city .W ednes- day. . • . -

- l!ra .'.Jlob£srtJff^ .S paJJ« ler departed W ednesday B u rn in g to r S a li-L a k e ' € ity ,-U tah .-to -b e -ab sen t^ to r-so v o ra l- days.------- ------- - ----- . ■

J . H, MoreliouHO 're tu rn e d 'th o f irs t o t the week from S alt Lako City, w here ho had been fo r Several days on business: ' . '

" J . ‘ 0 . OatoB sp en t several dMrB~ot tb ls week In Idaho Falla, w hcro ho b M ” T>w a~looi{ ln5rnitter-am onioblio business. __

L. P e ttit; ftsslstnn t'T naaag e r of - the O eip-B tate-Lo mber~coiByShy, w as tn- spoctlng th c y a rd s on th v branch 'Thursday. •

_ Oa_Tuc8day.,of IhlaJffcekjUia-county. recorderisB ued a TnaPriage licence to Athftrt. P . Rohorta and Emely Swan-

G. J. O strander, til th e O strander Lumber company, lo f t W ednesday eve- niOB for* S a lt iMko C ity ,-to bo gono for several days on buslnees.

'C. A. Sawtolle re tu rn ed Wednesday

the-d la tric t-cpu rt fo r Ada-w un ty .

-“ R .-P .-5 W ab y rw Ifo -an d son a ro -I i tbo city from EllBWorthV K ansas, and

day on h is w ay 'b o m e tro m - 'B o ise where, he bad been for th e p a s t w « k

—LnXUoa-retamed-W ftdncndas^JiC^^ trip -In -W ash ln g to tt-aad Owg«Su=-Hi alBo Tlklted- tb o ~ P ^ a m a 9P S d fie -o x position In San FranaaatfT 'w hlle away

n i i i i a Dora p a :^ o f Colta?; Iow a, le t Tuesday m o m in g to r San P ranc lso and o thec po ln ta In California,- afta m aking ft aho rt v is it >rith Miss U>1 S tew art ' ■ *

r :T h T :K S 3 ® * T « l ib b 9 ;^ > t% ) c r I c will hold th e lr n e x t reg u la r moetln a t L 0 . O. P . h a ll F riday evening a eliiht o’clorv - ^ y i viftttlnr mpmhct W Sliom e,-........ .. ......——

Mrs. Ray Jo n es and daughter r( tu rned Uio f ir s t o t tho. week, froi Boise, w here th ey had been vlalUn IriendSi :T liay .le ft.fo t- the lcJiom c-i B orger,Tuesday;-;----------------- ------------

“ jihnT^^ffim oylana-T fnoT rSm ftlto ; both of Bulll, woro m arried Saturdn

ctaUngT^l^ ^ m ^ r

C. p i TJosgritt leit'W ednM d'ay mori . l a g * ^ ParUaad^-OrM Pn;. w here . 1

wUl m eet Mrs. Cosgrlff and baby, w l bav© been v isiting w ith relatives 1 B votett,W aah. T hey w ill re tu rn Sm day- __________ -

. .Tohn Pfttcrnon. wbo h f ty b e g n J I gonlnlNpy c lo r^ ;a t tbe Hotel Rorchk for tJio p ast y e a r’has realgned hl» p sltlon. He will engage In th e bake:

" bnslnons-withTArchfe-<3raham-in-Sli slibne. ' • • *

O n'T hursday of la s t * eek Hot. C r Bent, pastor- o t tb e F ira l Motbod) churcb untied In m arriage, Henry

. Brown and R u th E. Lundgren^ both Paul',.MInMokiLCOunty,:jrb«-Ccreinp]

_ was porformed n t the p a i« n a g e .

' 'T h o Aii«itlnrv" ' ^ i * s Board: o t MIsslonsv w ill- ho

the lr noxt reg u la r m eeting F riday i tem oon. May 7, a t 2:30 p. m. la t church parlors. -A good program li been prcpift-ed. - Let-all-TnemberB presen t aQd any lady o t 'th o chut

« especially Invited. . -

M. Levin transacted business in Twin FnllH WeJnflHrtny from hlH home n ORklc>^—- V -• ■ . .

. A tto rn o y I>oon C a lh o u n l« f t^ * d n c B -lay for UoIhc,'wliorc. hc.'wau cnlludTon^

ic g n l-b u a ln cBB. -----

_E.LP-lLdgaa_jipcnt_Thuradaj-_ai_illl- ner. wh e rc -h o -Jiad .-b o t‘n—coUcd-nn- buBlncBB maitdrn.

''iTuhbircr~'0t5cn^^f We'^WoiindiJn" Stiitea Telephdao compuny. trannacted buslnons In-Kim berly T liu rsd a y ,------

rT r_N .--u iirIE bzirtiiuficiya->niK iuuB r In-the-clly r-tor-flovero l-dayB -of-th ia- weeTr from hlfl-lH>m»-at-t>»t-n igar«ldc. tc r ty .. . ■ " T -

F. C. C arr, re p rc sc i^ n g Uio Ameri­can • Typo Koundors. 's.-aH a . buslnoaH .vUltot.-ln.Twln;-Ealluyfor.^imyeral,da}'8 of thin week. • ■

^ udgo J. M. Sliank ro lu m ca Wcdnijs- dny from Boino. >'«» liml.bL'onifAg. HGVvral aayH ucting aH n ' wIthcaH Jn th6:All<!h-;oaBo,-V.'---.r _____

, H. C. Holght: a w ell known mcr- chnni of Oakloy, wuh lu lhe city tor

-se rc raH lnys-o f-th lirw ocriooK Ifigancr huHlnnHH iiffiUra. ■____________ ;______

• H. 0 . Brown nnd C. E. Allen raudc a t r ip to tho wcntcrn p o rl of Uid coun­ty Thuraday, Tho tr ip wus mudo In Mr. B row n's .auto.■< ■ — -^ir-JT-Weaverrtho-wfllMnowa-roaL CHtAto m nn o f 'F l l o r Ih in th o T w ld F a l l s lio p s lta t, w h e re ho u n d e rw e n t un opo raU o n fo r up p c n d lc lU s. .H o Iu gct- tlng -Jtlong -n lce lyT ------- \ ■■■ --------- ^

Eov; L. B. F rank , rcc tb r of tbo Epia- copul uhurcK loft Wodneaduy for Boluo to attend Uip cpnyocuUon j>f tho.B.oluo dlocoso.' The m oetlog Is held annual­ly In the Capltol C i ty . \^

—Tho-WttrerJy-JiotoJ has been rc-opcn- ed by 0. C. Mlllon, who arrived In T^vln F n ila f a m ily 1nnl ni»»U-Tho hotel hM been .Te-docorutod In- aldo 'and new fu rn itu re dddud.'

;.TH.-A . JT u m cr,. H._ B. C om dl nnd W. B. Cole, e n ^ n e e rs fo r th e stato highway commission, woro In and a round Tw in F a lls fo r B w em l days oT Uils woek'on,highw ay business.

W. B. Amsbary, B. L . Macvlcar and ■C.Jju.l^g^ ^ ^ w e r e ^ n ^ n

farm ing Inloroata. I t la underatodd thoy had somo fino fishing In the Bal* rlvor.-L-—------——----------------- T ~ ~ ~ -----

: " ^ ^ S 6 EI . '

[ - i 8 h M liT rran r^---------- ------------------prccauU oB.iQ jiav

Wo are using'fll • .°3“ ' carbonate

- Wo are aorvlng » W ate r (Vesta WU

■ . B0<U customers.

r- --1-------------- --------------W o-know ,oucj:> such serviced

r . A T IPPE E


. CiTYPHARMi L ----------— " T H F J K Q I

n - • - • ---------------------------dr ' P a t Sarford waa bc to re Police Judg- W J , _

fined 110,00 and costa wblcb bo^al<

t a . StetUer; wbo' h a s been repalrin tho old Lyric thbaU o ’to be used as

a m eat m arket, w ill soon h iv e h is mai S' « t InTOsIllnoas-Jorr-Businw. tto-: t f n o w -in s ta llin g --m a c tiln e ry _ for hi y. p la n t • .

^ 'N elson Ja rv is an d M |aa 'H oda Bt ^ 'a n o p , both o l th is c ity w ere un lu & m arriage Tuesday m o m in g .o t th wtelc. Tho coromony w as performs b y ^ c v . F a ther H ahn a t Uie CaUiol

_ > .K ..^h In jh q» tivofl o f the co n trac tin g parties. TJ

young couple w ill m ake tbe lr home I “ uiliicH y. .

. Tho-PIoaeor D istric t Fruit-Grower associaUon, tb e T w in F a lla local, he tts annual mcoUng M onday aftorooi

im electod tho-fo llow ing director »? L. 8 . AyotW, D. H. H lckllag, J. a*- C o rd ^ -W i-B . St«Inott*v-I.^A.-anyd(- - s . 'T C T fe b i i r a n d - j .-A T w a u s ra rT !

drrcctorsVHrlll m eet F riday to elect c fleers. ^ 1 .

ii'- —penneran d -C o m p an y iin ilf .ttn j c,ni m ission d e a le rs . o f Chicago, wl

^ ■braaeh-botisefl-tiifougbout-ttoe-Koti ' w e s t has oponod. a -b ra n c h In T n

F alls. Tho buslncss of the. now cc co ro -w m ::iiO o ak fi< L .a f tf lt:,b tJL _

"® K om . who a r r lT ^ h e ro ' from- t W indy City la s t w<^ek. Th() compa w ill socuro tbo larges^ warehouse Twin F alls for*tbelr place-Ot bt^slno

:h6 . - - 7 :. ^ - ' ^ '" T "'

r S G C l E T Y N O T E S1' "-i-ii . . . . . '.~ i ■■■ • —

— Society '-K etna-for-thls-eolnB iB -a b« gladly received 'by .T ba Times. ..

^InvTtaUoniT’have been 'lu'ued: for ‘‘li; <<nncing .b a r ^ to bo glvon a t.th o bo P ; o f .Mr. and M rs. W. H aaee ne» t Thw

diyr evealng fo r U \elr son, W illet^

- J ~ M r‘ Mcl -Mrn. r : n -R i> £ M L U ^

^ T n r no l o r t a a " , w ^ t e d ^ ^ ^ W Rowberry serTed dellghtfnl re tre

th ijhi.tfil. ‘

. . Phone « 6- C e a tn l BaOojac.

Wken You ^ Go to th e__

------ -Or-Sli ~i^l5»^ »>»ai’Ipraa.iu>t^^rnvf» y f» ir Inw n frt t nWn 'm>i> n f "

■ Job w hen.you come iiomo and will Rpoil tho lookH o f i t for U i(^ re s t oC Uio suinmorf L e t .mo tnkc ooro of -ic and-whoQ:^yoU'-coa)Q homo ft w in loo^. uy., n(cc w hen you lo f t I wll) tnko caro

— ot^'ouMttW tt-iinrU m erthls-aum i>—• racr. uupplying ull tools needed.

Phone -287 o r le t m o know a t 2^ NlnUt avcnuo cast! iand I will cnll und rIvo you niy prlceu,

R ussell W eav e rT. P . H. 8 . STDDENT

monta Pairing tho ovoning. P resen t wore Mr. and Mrs. J. llTHeJn'or M i^nnd M rs. karlfl, Mr. und M rs. W olfo..Mr. and Mrs. G. S tettler and Mr. nnd Mrs. Stji^ucl .I-Jurt__________.

T he WedncDduy AucUon l^ridpc club waa -deUghlfully -eiitertntnod ity- Mrs. H oward SJtcolfl WednCKday aftorhoon, Mrs'. 'E^rcrctt Swccley won tho-prU c foi

MrsTTScaiuiiiimn ^vaH~hostCBB-to Uu M omlogalde cluh W ednesday aftor- noon followed by delightful re fresh ­ments, The nex t mooUnt' o f thfl-clut will bo a t Uio homo of Mrs. S lrohk o t th c f ir s t Wednesday In Juno.

Mrs. F. I t Cox was hosteas to Uu m em bers o( the Cozy 600 card clul Wfldaosday-oftorooon.— T ho- prizo ,- (

by_Mrs. H. B. Johnaon. A d a ln ^ two courae luoch waa aorvod a t Uio close 0 tbo session..

»o~arb tak ing ovory - •;_ourp_parV. •tored w ater In m ak- :I w,a!tpr and jx ru p flc ____a g la ss .o t D istilled lor) tp«cach of ou r ■-

»8tomorg_appreclate ______ • , __ ^

e k - a O v iO o t tn w o L __— _

Lb i 8UKDAE ,

\C Y COMPANYlA K S T O R E ..... - -

B Mrs. W ; H. D w ight very gracious- ontfertalnod Tuesday afterncyn compi

s D w igh t T he house w as-beauU ful : d o w riiS a wIUi tt p^otusldn .ot sp^ll

blossom s and Miss lo n e MaHln ren t orod a num ber o t nosS ca l selocUoi L during tho 'a lteraoon . T hebostess .w . assisted In aervlng delightful refros r ments-br-rtlsB-qiBdyB-Dwlgbt-andJll B loBO M am a, The la s te d g^ests'W e

M bV dam es-W atson rM ctatn rW alto i W arren , Parsons, Spanglor, Oco ai

. D w ig h f , .

J Com plim entary to Mrs. Otla Wli

dot W inona, M issouri, Mrs. Chaim P arsons ao'd Mrs. Orlmos, enterUiln a t a vory pretty K ensington Wedn« t a a T W r ^ n . "A ' gfl0fl8!gr~ tP at« was a spcclal feature o f tho aftoroo In which Mrs. peL ong won f ir s t pri:

woll carrlod off sccond, a vanity c« V and'thq^^gaest’s prize, dainty, sa lt a „ peppers, w as glvon 'to Mrs. Wise. T “ hostossos w ere assisted In serving i deT lclouanunch'by Mosdamcs McLs

S ta rrh and SuUilltf. lO ~ ...... •:

- T— e H O R e H E S —

^ '- 'W rs t-C h tJ r tlrn M a ir is ti -SeieBtJsl ^ 280 T hird avonuo' o a s t Servi'? r ijiflidiiy.- r i l iy ' tf. n't i i ' iL lu. ailbjt^ “Adam and ' Fallen Maa." Sun< n scbool a t 9:45 a. m. TosUmonlal roc fi- In r-W c d n e sd a r a t - 8 -p: m .- Read

room In church open from 2:30 4:80 p. m., oxcep)! Sundays and le

J“ hoiunyn. __ ___ ■ .

1 , . Cbnreh of th e B rethren- - r flmiday school a t . 10 -ok)look—n

Sunday.....C lasses w ill bo callcd ciJ to givo Ume for a fow ./ippropri ,,t Bonga sn d a sbo rt ta lk in honor ^ "M btncr."- A- Burmuu 'by-Blder-fiby

Payetto . a t U o 'clock a. u . and ^ - r TOr-ChrisUan -W ofT ters '-m oettn i-l ® p. m. Communion services-w ill be

“ ® served on Saturday evening a t 7 clock. All. a re Inv ltod .to ,these ho

. - . c o i _ ^ -J. •

[ii? S. A. MarUn, auperlh tcnden t Prci- Ing -a t 11 d. m. aod 8. p. m ; Mld«

prayer. meeUng W odnosd^.-«t. 8 .p TJiemo- J o r -mom lng'.v.«ennbn, t " T h ree Decisive B a ttle s o t th e Wo: T h era wUl be a Bpeclal servlc,e In

evening .-T ho B. Y. P; U ..-are holding fT- dehnto upon thu rolatlvo valuu ot mi«nlon«. home imd foreign. TIiIh Ih worth whllo and intcresUng. A, cor­dlnl InvllnUon.Itt oxt«;ndcd to the pub­lic to ultcnd Uicac Burylcoa. ........ _

- MeUiodlRt EpiHcopal Church Siindoy school a t 10 u. m. l»u\>llc

-w orohip-ftt-ii-ttnTfr-and 'frTnnnnnth-' era '. Diiy »«rvlco ia lho morning, «or- nion foe niolhcrH )iy Uio pnutor. AU -n\pUi«rn^titiio^nHKiffaUon^ar4-uxgii- od to bo proHoni. '^lo^^^h.lAI^llIB0n■ T. Sjhllh. TM. ,-C.. will apoak a t 8 . .p. Subjoct, "Child L iih o rf Uuruca clans

icaaiiiiisuniifty ui 7 t>. iii;...ponio-cari^ and ■'liioy . Uuisc Hcrvl<n»B.-»-cordlnlwclcomo-to everybody. - . ..............-

C. L. BENT, MlnlBter.

Klrht ChrlKUau Church . .."Mother, ihal.Sucrcd-Nonie". ^-Ill liotliL' UicHio of U)'c n iornJcs ifurinon »tlhu . ClirlRUiin church nex t Sunduy. Mr. J.. G. McGlnnttf, who huH rcccpUy.

'bccn'.uiiiiiloyud to tuko chnrgo oY the music, wilt render a aolo. Speclnlmualc hy lho Hiolr n l s o . ___ *

Bible HUhool n t 10 :00 -u. m. Thii "Mnkfl ll n Tliouxund” -campaign Ih gctlhiR under hi-udwity. Kucli in ln ■ Irr cnrefiilly^plnctnjphtR-ltoutoir- nnlH n n Jn u ii^ tl^ m n k ln K p r foPTlitj'HleK'!- ' A ijruul Ulblu HCtTOOl will bo Uic ulUmnto ro jiu lt L«l every member of Uio Hchool plnn to ho prcH- cn t next la rd 'a dny.

Loyalty C. E. u t 0:00 p. m, Kv<t > boy und girl from 12 to IG Hhould hi ,ln-,ihLL,Kndeti^.-Il^lrJJlOb<L.^'.»unt llfo for (ut'uro work.

Senior C, E. n t 7:00 to 8:00. A prnc tlcul' and vor>* helpful aorvice foi

w ere prcHcnl'lnat Sunday.. Evening aervlcc a t 8:00. I'nator'

HPrnion Uicmo, "Tho A bundant Life.Thcrc'V-crivn snltjndld aditltlonB t

tho church inat Sunday and 10 addl tiona Uic Sundny before. .There hnv

- been 17 -the luat Ihroo Suodaya. nl adult*.

-.Thc.pubH i: lB alwaya wolcomo a t jh* tjiirihilttli enu rcii."" ! ' '

WALTEll B. IIAUMAK, Mlnlateir ..............— ____


1 Different Breeds Show Some V«rla(Ioi Jn Fat Contentp-Lamb Needs Qood

LaxaUve a t F irst,} -----> An analysts of ewe milk shows 1 ^ J ll- tc:.vgty M g M ln -tiiL c o n liia L T h ’ different breeds show some variatlo: f Iq th ls-regard .'and tbe re -ls a conaU

erable variation In th e fatty content c Uie milk of a slnglu owo a l variou Umes. All ewos give richer milk In 'me'dlate ly 'a f te t 'lh e-laTnbIs bom tha tbey donator on. '

'Ths- porfeRjago of ta l BomoUmc rens as high mij 11 Pof cen t a t tbi Umo. Nature m aJ^a iris arrangemon no doubt, bocauso-the lam B 'needs

IsxettveTit-flrst-to-set-ite-dlgesUee-a. paratus In.moHon a n a j r e e th a t havo m llp rtlng durtnr 1I —-n a t^ growUi. --L .

Crop e f Lusty tam ba. Proper teed ^ d care-w lll Insure

h s ty lo t o t iam bs in J M aprlng. ' .

Twin Faflg Man ^ a im w U en Aecei

"1 would rkUier go tb Jail for cc tcmp'C'df cou rt th an servo as a w noss before tb e A da couaty d lstr court in a case w here th e witness a ro oxcludotf,” s a id a prom inent d zen of Twin P a lls , who w as In Bol to tcaUfy In th e AUdn case. .

"It would b'o more comfdrtable W<- Jiua.niflnAnA- trnm . th e COUrtja J jwhlch was qu ite proper, out to n<- Us“ l l t s “ a* lbn jt-T ocpnceau»dos,-;,

commounlcado, w ithou t even a pis,7 to s l l on between m eals w as notbl

sho rt of cm elty to anim als. Onely

? no condlUon to stan d up all day s we had to take ta rn s giving him

“? s c a t Thoro is a lltUe bench U to p o t ih o sta irw ay w hich wo worl ovorUmo. The ra iling around

“ j t a i i j »a j_ a f f0rd ca— pom a- .r ellrf ------------ ' • ' ~


Si - 1 9 - 1 ^onee,

. F R A N Ch e ■Ig.lhc'^TH

“Tlie Return, A story o t tw o .h ^ a c

absorbing story which gives CCS , recuon. A high ciasTJroc

I I Z ^ H R Eto . , .

• W ilK. A n d T he ,Woi

,»x t -------- -----------^ -^

lato ■ Jb c - fa m o u s cartooii:• • showing The R uleri o f Ihe

” ' G e i m n g - W ^

r?i- ' .c h a r g e ; c i v

Wrs.- - T------—»ch- • ' . " 7

? £ •: L-a. Three.aclB rpadw a^^^'TM X'-.rld."-ithe l y r

T he best plafic tc:-' B k huvc your Jcwelrj- r * ^ J M tmlred ifl a t th c leudlRcr j p g

______ luunufnclurlnK

Bnnk & T rust Bldg. TwfE.J-;>.Ui M

I __________ .. ’ " ~

• F B S ^WATCIt e i m

. OCCASIONmr ■\ A watch will run^ w::r;«nfr./»n

or, cleaning io a p sr I - o ther plecc of machine^.-;, hut.liw;

“^oodB bouToccaslonaiiY;r ------------------------------------- ----------------s If you w ill cenalddf-••.Urirrt>9- 't rim of tho balance- * fifteen miles a day..

""grggyffT P tn ry ftigg r a - > r-.i \ w r t J" ro iT an d -a .c lcan ln g one-.

— ^ c r e a s e 'th e - ITCr tw ~ ;accurancy of y ou r waicli n ^ w * 3

J jrouc.watch-wlth-u87*»odn.-pr.-----

I TUB J e w e l e p :

” K aln A v e a a e 'E lii trB r th e Sign of tber


Dg a room whers We coidi&iUUtia— W ot fortaMy while waiting t-

od T hc officials ihoyreitixB e v q y < — — .a and wo r e : " ' ' e a jo y o d '- 'o n rn A M Mhe Boise, B u l Ufe m e...... .. n m i l ffii — "ed founded 'lltU d bench wlU< g l B M ^ a he backache ever:^ Ume I t m u & i C I K ^ m t S tatesm an. -. j _____j . . . .

i m m m -IS y c BUSHMANT...... - ■ -^-4t e ^ S c T E n n a r S p e d a K '

Wr. B u ih M n a cole iKat. Hts.-IumUCtlOtT ^I'UUgllOUin------------------------------

r a s T E R S T ^Comedy '

U lllc .M a r rP ic k fo rd ^ . ^Id .F dm C o ip o ia t s o a .p ^ n ts * ^ '

n P R r . art in o ne - ^ecT- -of

SpSadid-'ProBrcm: 'D o S O l U

i ie s i la f - iU il 'rS lp ir ^ ^


11 r'lriiWliiWiHilMM '^^W”

..................................... _........T W i c g - A j v ^ T 3 y i N ^ ^ ; T i M E s _ F R i p A Y ; _ M ^ 7 i j 9 i 5 ^ j _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^

1I F o r 5

■ ~WhBe=aH=the■ o n sales a n d m a i■ t r a d e 'h e r e , th e 1 I o n e w ^ k o n ly

______ J ' • ' • • ■ • __ _V B e g m n i n siKSfeySttipI Night a t sI W e w ill o ffe r t

y p i

L Q ld , su b sc r ib e rs o f M a y cai


T h is o f f k w i ~ ~M id~ thbse w h ^

:“to p a y th e fu ll ]

.■ r n r n m m m m m

.... '-• ■ - ■ ■

1lu b s c i ip l=mer€hcints=of=the=e d n g i t a n o b je c t foi r im e w ill a d o p t th(

y ^ a t w d a y ^m d E n d i t i g ;[_•_____ ________i ______1

> 1 X 0 d O C K y l

h e T w i n F a lls 1 S ubscribeirs for


b v - p a v in g ^ r r e a r a t n rO Tew th e ir subsc

$ 1 . 0 C

ill p o sitiv e ly c lo se \ p t ' l T T a t ^ l a t e r ^ a f price o f $ 2 . 0 0 p e r


f *,

—;____- f r r r r r - L::. . ' ‘.r —

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d o n s ^>

...................... ... ■-

aty=are=puitiBgr: r th e p e o p le to e s a m e p la n for

M o r n i n g ?S M u r d a y ^

rim es to N e w lA

f e a r;es-- to "the ;::fcst= :r ip tio n s fo r

i z r

A^hen a d v e r tis e d « w ilM 5 e^ b lip d “ y e a r .

W — 1

. / T l j E M T t m- .TidBhcrMOTTitnlii*. ■ - : : : ”

A' lllU e - 'w e r ’ ono hunOrcd m llce t >rtU of Nunipa, Idaho, on thc Ore­m -S h o r t .Llno'B Lakeporl bronch,.58 PftyoUo Iftlco, which no*t to Ja c k ­in Jake Ih the 1nrgo8t lake In:.lbe ?arll) Fbi'cfit aorvJco-cHsttJct Pay- , l6 n u W n r t^ t t i ic f l : lo n p .‘j i ! l i t a ^ c ta - q a n ' 2 mllca wide, with a large arm i om th asu p p o r'o n d on th5 easte rn • tip BO thfttH t rnvprH'8 Bauaro'm lloa l iloVer {sTowacrcH. Twenty-five yeara 1

rtv ln^ tftwn tlml li( fl grftwn uTf nbogt. J ,m and bonr« hla name lujm Jta boc- j »l etecUon on TMCBdhy. When Me- ftU locatcd, doer ljn<Lli'.aJinWl-0 D:0mr. - IB (town Lo il»e iak t to drink, nnd a unlor whp kiioW ,th e lr liaunlH could r o u t ondTcfll nn Mtlk. nny dBjH—Knrly elK>'tr>>« lo W arrcn-oflen-«nw razlntc with ilu'lr oxen in the m orn- ' IR. Ac.roHit Uil- htki! (rom McCall the uyi-ttu t^iki' club huH laid uut rounda and iff bulliWng an ultracllve ir^-e-Htory-olnb liou«e. North oC- ;»1o' uil, cin.the;faHl Hide. Ih Picnic P oinf here--ll -lloiB«.-nrm_huii_4i_camn_in., h ich about GO leiilH nrc rontnd t n r - . iBhcd. On Oio oaoliiru arm of Ihe lako ■“W ?T5<n^U 155Jlu5rTnltl7T)ui-^^ - u t no huililinRB Im vo'jw y e t- l ic t-n '• rcctcfl. N'car "the narrow a," Js S;;'l- iin -beach , un Idi'itl hnlhlnR reiiort, licro a th letic iiwlm'miTH uhow their rowoHH by croHing the lake,, hero a uar^cT of a mllu wldo. Here u larRo mu'uli iH-kcpt-to-CTnVey-partlM com - * iR hy <‘rahi lo McCall. In all uboul 0 boatM on the lako fn the aumnier, lany of launi-hOH or boata eiiuip- ed w ith a motor. The “ Lyda" hav'.of; ecome unBoaworlhy. Qaplnln Dodge aa b u ilt a now 60-fool Htoamer.- Thctlta-hnw f,1|lt>|y.nrpKt Tnllnu-ftf-ilnimiiULroodcd Hhorclinc.A t Ihti lower end- thc uliorea o t the

xko rinc Rradually, like the -outer pa rt f- a 'g rea t iiauccr, bul above tho N'ar- owa they aro abrupt, high, rocky pro- aonloHca exlent Into the w ater, and he ro n r ot calaroctti can bc heard niJ-Hrcn-en-^lher-Hldor—Tijo-Enyxllc. Iver abovo Ihc lako' la navigable a t Ilia HcaBon of'liic year for somo {IIh- i\nco if a .a h ^ p lookout Ih maintained bat Uic m otor of l|io boat la-hol-foH)- d by n aubmcrged. log. - .Here horae- hoo bonda, wealth of foreat to the mlor'B edge and rocky cJIKs obound. ifhcn nonr Uic ahoro on the lake nnd n tfic—rlvw~t^Ca^lflcd L rp u t~ tr5 n n r nchoa to ‘i root m tuifS ttr 'dart frum ' lonoath the l>oat frcqucnUy, and ducka ind te rn fly and loona dive .aa Uie loat approacliOB. Toward evening l8h nro HCcn loaping from the water.

B ul tho Ume to catch flah Ih qbund- [nce la y hcn_ tliey_ Vrun,". _thal t a j y ^ ;oo4 ''up‘*the-riTcr- from -UiB '^ttttarno ipawn. Thcac aeasonii aro usually In func fo r tro u t and In Soptembor o r Oc- ober* fo r whitcfisli. Tlio flaherman nuut bo on hand for Uiero iu jjo f tlm c

:;liarllo Ziunwnll, who runa Uie McCall kOiK W arren Ktage line, and OcurRc Ihapnuin came lulo McCall fo r Ihc, lUi of Jul>'- Camping a l lho falla be- ^^rec^-Wr*nt^'2lttle-Pnyett«^oko-Uloy• •Ut an aapen.pole andTWCd Uifflr luck.' One lAiltcd Uio hook and romovecl thc fidh whllo UiQ other Uirow Uicm out. [n a ahort Umc they had boUi alforjaa. Df Uto pack aaddle full, and the lr camp row vcry..popular-durlmc.Ui(i-cclcljca=. tto ir— l3ii«t-fall-a-m aa-caugIit-au££U> H cnt whiiofiah in two afternoona lo. Balled down; supply the Halfway road houao during tlio >flnter. . - r T ^ T F T ^ r f l i n r iSZaaiiim rtrrti n r n « r daho naUonal- forcHt. which, except- Dg ft fow aectlona o£ Blalo loiid' con-

Uguoua to Uio lake ahoro, aurrounda tho Inkc on all aides .but Uio aouth, a nd haa a half million acrca tackcd on th e northcaat, l^ln'g next lo the *tnnln Salm on rivor nnd between iia aouUi 'dad miadlo forR a.'^IcC all la' undoubU edIr-U io most .appropriate hcad<)uart- e ra town in tho d istrict. .Acroaa Uic lako tho amoke from F rla r’a aawrolll is visible from the aupcrviaor's w in­dow. four-horao loada of aawod Uca fr**** i iw mlU. fou r tflnea ~weal.' a n d 'h e w e d U cs'from tho U<i.ynnil>g a ro jtjQuc^ucnBgBjBSi-whiio-iwu^oo- roel oTTloia 116 lir'BlHllllB'UUU llliU.UUU foot o f aawcd lum ber In piloa ju s t be­low the window. Thd hum of the H off nnd Brown aawmlll is heard ear­ly and lato, having begun on Monday I ts Bcason’B run .o f about a . million f c o t And there la inapicaUon' in Uio Abougbtp-when-^B—ralBlog—Uio- ayw occaalon&lly from UiC' dOsk ' tho bie l o g s 'a r e Been going up the InclInc from Ihc lake, aoon lo emerge In Uio form bf boarda. dimension atuff and tlo« tha t Bcn afcCaU, chlof sawyer, and-C afnU ro^nr-cagC T nm arrliav feJft -oppo i'tunit}- UJ- lu iiu n r - an dauwro?. ^ a d o _albcU, OH It muBl .bc.*almoBt in- s tan tly .' , ' v ------


M rs. ra u lk la conflncd lo her-bcd on account of lllncBB._ jfiu-CflCffDbayerJs tbe purdiaM LO i a now Roo car.- Mra. MarUD. Mrs. JonoB, Mra.:ChaT- le y 'S h ro n and MrB.~and Madamo Ball woro Twin Falls shoppers Saturday.

G randpa Wilaon la nblo to bo aboul again aflor hla roccnt lllncaa.7 T n ^ tlBBes "TOIthr Nottft^ -Anna- airc ’H cu ric ltr l^ e s ljlt apenl the sTcsing-tt* D. F . C lark’a laat Friday. ,

Mra. n ichafd B a g n was Uiken U iho hoapltal la s t wbek. and-on Sattir day operated on fo r appcndlclUa; Re po rta aro very favorable conccm inj h e r condition.

Mrn. Frank Wilaon and daughter IttllO KnUilocn. wero Twin Falla call o ra Saturday. ^' Mrs. Ocorgc a racn 'ca lled on frlendi hero la s t week._ J . A«.yonnfffl, o f Rogorson, »a In tl>i netghborhood. gathering a herd o cntUe for aummcr range In tho basin. * Mra. D. F . Clnrk la nu ra lng a css

Bt-thfl.imunpa— ---------- .......................W. H. Wottvor, a bro ther In law a

W n rT v n n c . Brico.-w cii-W iow trherirnpnyprjpc fmm nn nporafton./of-ft|i

VendlclUs li»Ht Thuraday nt th e Twli Fnlla hOBplUI. .

F arm ers ore buay planUng boot and nil other crops hnvc already-bee planted, ^ilprtng grain lo (^ lag e t t r well.

W atch for tho Tlmea' bargain woolj] nfl por.ynaE^------ -

M M K S I W L l :PMMPCDC M ip rn

OliiWrjtet Irvm S. F. Siamntr, A fr. 17.1015) M rs. Jo a c p h lu o H b lm cr h o a juB t b v n

:u rcd o f o p e n , Uaiing,- b ro tta t cn n co r . ivTitcJi- a , MiniillJum pf ln ' Ui»STCnnt^-wo Jcam«niiQi-nor-nU*t-Owi'nviKhbor, M ra. M o d e a u i. A v cry . 2<3« JOth a l., n c u r V ork. at.. S a n F ru n c lsc o . Imd b e e n ^

qi^fffliii«y'M.lylm»l- P la n L -P a in lc B>i I^ln»- ttr~coTTtf^Wf=n^'hoinbl£SM fcuehaaR*r tiiiiri-T«i-‘untllnairalrr.Thl»-lff?thB-phyal- i)lrt»-wto-ciirt:dJXUcKyjni>Jdwin; -tli6 n illllono lre horxcnm n of a o u th e rn rornia, ao b n d th a t HurKcoiia ^vollla n o t

X’o rllin 'CBtcrn r iu jlllo j l . i l .- S u ii 'l . . now n i K ureU a. Cul. in iiirtrodn o f o i l i o i l<rom(iiot(t--i>oo(>|(}-ftfy> («ir«<},-«it— nolx 'Roa r ick u r< l-n t VuUoJO, w h o m H ur.' Ki'oriH toUl w-oiiUl d ll' IfrMhc. (IliK not Imvo b o th IjrciiHtfl c u t off. D r. iin<i Mra. C h iim loy n re th e m o a t aticc i'nafu l »|)cciiiUntii In tlic -U . S.— m e d ica l jo n r - niilii' an il now xt'npc rs m iy i!u> h.-iii Ininw n' f ro m th e ••A tlnntlc to l!ic I’ae llle ." 'ru - v ncml rnvi lxv)lc d o sc rl l '- In s n il cnnco ra nnd tumrtr.ii. ■\vni'’li h rin v 5 7 an y ‘tum w rj-lum [i-or-*«r*-«tt-U io- iip , fac o o r body long is c a n e e r S in -

iiMmio«-i.. i -,. llm t “ flny lumn in w o m a n ’B b re .is t i5 e aneo r.-’ u r Chuink-y oiTtT Jl.i 'oo i r . th o y f.ii- lo cu ro a n y f . 'in c -r tfn-y t iv m ln 'ro n ' I lin b o n a ili'op cl;iiii!s n r iitliirhc ti I 'i bom- wUIj K iiiinuUt i-, Or. <!liinnloy'H cinic:'. Ik a t < 3 ^ a n d •ISCC V . l l r r r l n nt.. Sun l'‘raii£*l5i-i> On,- tconmii I'li t-:'»TV ; i/w'j il/ ni/j.'.'j.—

- - - - - HOlORIOPieS-^Orfffof the nlacua whero' proKrcfla in

i fR o r cnr <n!iiBirutuoini»"moBi ovT dent to thc user, is In the top and cu r­tain construcUon. Fow ronllzc Uiat only fou i' yearH ago not on ly lop and curtalna^.bul euch csacnllala ao wind- Hhleld and tnagho'U>'u‘bro all regarded as "ex traa ." Today "one-man" to p und “Jiffy" cu rta in s aro piVjving ' Ihem- BO»yow-Ui<t-lmit-«rQfdJn-aecu rity ._coni- to rl an d case of opcraUon, as supplletl IIH HUindard equipment on tho g a rm o n

....................... . ..F o r inatdncc. on Uie M armon “41 ’

It tnkea ]uat five mlnutoa to chnngo trom Uio protected luxury of th o lim- ouatne lo the open phaeton, b a lm y cYJnlng .Htylc., TIilB-la-made-poflBlblo parl>' by th c convenient oao-m on top, prayT 5rtlin -T O inrenIen t^ao .ittan_lop . curlaina, ono from each bow a n d nno inaldo Uio.frQnL..visor..and. p a r tly .Uie clcvor " lif t the dot” ' faatcnora, which a rc .B n a p p c d on nnd off aa ea s ily aa an elcclric push button, but realat any -oU ier. tcndcncY lo looaea Ih^m. A n o th e r-fea tu re Is Uiat-.curiamu_cdti till bo lowered or ruiacd from wltliln.- Tho location of Uie apark p lu g In Uio cylinder, haa a - / f r ta t deal lo dc wUh am ount of power to- bo recclvcd

I'o r InHlance In tho “T" .head type ol m otor. If Uic apark la placed o v e r th ' inUiko-vttlv«,,Uio-8parkJbccuTfl a i om sldo o f t h e combuBUon c h o o b c r 'a ^ t •the -• gag—can—bt>m—fn—ono-<i I rooUo: only. ■ • • ‘ '

In o rd e r to ig n ite Uio gasos 1n. U>i c y lin d e r with g reater r a p id i ty , tli< m any uaera of Uio.“T ” h c ^ type o m otor have p laccd .two B p o r k - -plugt -whtoh-flr&-,slmulUma6ualy nnrt. Ignli frnm thf. fwn Rxtronic cndB of t lio com buHtlon'chamber.

The dcalgncrs of 'the M arm on **41' filT ovHntlpr onyinn hnvft dlv>»rto<i f roB

plugs over UiQ.valro ond .havo placc' it In Uio contcr o f - th o , combuaUoi cham ber. Thia. allows the Uomo t aprcud to a ll parts of th e gasscs equal ly and conacquonUy com pleto -Uio ig Ditlon of Uio‘charge qu icker a n d glv m oro powor. .-. T he placing of tho sp ark p lu g in lh ccn ta r o f the cooibuBUon chnm bor, nl BO tends lo keep thc apark p lu g cor free from oil.'T- i- To- Ihoafr o? ua who liavo- been i

Im ich-w lU i HYnitallon a ll o u t livg

lulliuuj Liulu, Uiu ^^U u irU M iU eiC ^ Uic telephone, Uio’w iroloss tolegrapi Uio aiitomnilo and Ute' flying machlm Im agine,'though if you can, bo lng a old m an and Bcelng all those th in g s fc lho f lra t Um& in a period -of Icaa Iha tw o weeks.

T hla very thinis woa oxperlcnccd few -daya ago-by-a-m ftn-ua-yearB-oii Tho m an'a namo is Mnny T all Featl ers. Ho Ib a full-blooded In d ia n an a m em ber of Uio B lackfoot tr ib e , wUoi rcKcrvation adjoins tho O laclor ni Uonal park.'M any Tall F oathora Is ot

Pacific oxpoalUon to toko p a r t in U dcdicaUon of the g rea t N o rth e rn Rai way company’s b'uiraing.

A b ig Blx-<yllnder. Bulclc valve-Ii lioad autom obllo took tho p a r ty , coi aiaUng o r U ttoy TaU P«attaera,--Gli{ E aglo Colt. C hlof.M edlclne.aw l..FU W olf Robe, Paul W hlto H orses , JoHi n le Red Eagle, two sQuaws ani\ pB pooser~out-Uirough-tha’ Pcesld tp^ Golden Gate park, thon o u t th o gro highw ay .-where-Oj^Cfiriatoftozson giL Uio s trango vloltors :an exhibition .

; flying In bla new ro l l lu ry -blplau ‘ A fter Uio exIilblUbn fHglit,'CliIoT Eog , C a lt askod to bo takeir u p a s a paase '■ gor, and It is safo to aay th a t tho e<i| , !fcalliera_w hlcti_ionnod,.hl8.-m asB l

h w l d reaa novor flow faa te r w hen th wigre gtineWBa -W Uict i- 'o r lg tu a l own i

A t Uio end of ib e tr ip , a f te r golUi* ouL of th li blg.BuIck,.ho,w»llced_Blp:• ly a round It sovoral Umoa, InapocUi ■ every th ing cloaoly. a n d th e n Baldf Uio In to rp re te r: " If tho g re a t BpI

w ill on ly give me a m achlno llko U ' w hen I reach tho. happy hon ti 1 ^ ro u n d J -w ilL h o ja U f lll t t l! :________

: - GA»fUNTS ^r • ' --------- ■

All good, sturdy stoVk. P r ice s r.< c « o n a l» f t .~ E rli; T o ln ian r—J26-.P 01“ ■RTKtfT'Tenjinrswrssi-T. “ Ai>rii 21

z . , W h^.UicfJjicat.toiB<d>iuaog-C»M Q in years Is ope nto you, you’U get I

new s tn tbo “Real .E s tate F o r Sal a . *

a W atch for tho Tim es' barg a in we »1.00 per year. - "

c. W ant ada pnlt. Did yoo ever

^ ■rh6 W<atem Aalo^Goiin- _• p u n v A im c n in c e a a ' ___

l i i w '

B 4T E 8 ” ,Te neilb ter .................. —

. . . . ... —

rz ::5 p B « rM B “ ~Barley .......... ..................H.OO, •

--------Oakley—------_ _Hansen ........ ............... f-MKeck Creek . . . . ---------

r_ . .^nJm nn J )a m ' ..-W alling Umc. cliarKcd for nl

"SOc'po rhour. . ...Tax] SerTlce Inside City I<Io*

|(A lionnded.by Rock Creek, n ine Lakes Uonlerard and AddlBOO .

• A tenne, 23e per PasBcngcr—Day .. - o r M g h t

l a S g e I t i N S U R ^ r ' =


—i N ^ - • - :

T w i n F a l l s C o u n t y

INSUUTSCE~tOiWTS- i ' . .I'F o r—

- Royal of London. ^London &• Liverpool & Globe Sun of London/

-A otno-flf-H artford .... .. . London Asauranco.

' ScotUah Union & Nalionai.S t. P aul Fire St Marino.ConnecUcut of H orlford. ,

• Pj;ovJdenc6 W ashlngion.A morrcairor Newark-.------------- ------------Colonial U nderw riters

_EIdeUti.EhoflnU_Lloyd’s Plato G lass Co.United Slate# Fidelity.

.H r l l & - T a y l ^ -

fARM A N D ^M-- -LOANS _ _ _ _

ABSTRACTS; ' .TwlnFaiisritlB&libsnact: — — _JoinpaBy-_._ IL . ■ .^ llr ta l.P « rriw -B tiild ip g ------------

' * - -- - ' ' tA

: CLOS BOOKSTORE! B ooktelleh « ad S U lio n m ■


B argains m ; R ebuilt T ypew riters

’ .W e H ave P ic tu re s

" p S a S l i S -n SMD AND WEI


5 — _____^ ______i I .Jl you have a Cistern to I put.in call anii see_our.

» I way. Yon win lilte it.I- I ,le I _____'0 I •.<T { " .................. ............

J A c r o s s t h e S t r e e t f r o m '

? r O s t r a n d e r L u m b e r Y a r dto 1■It I *is 'IS ~ ~


tf< soroen and rep a ir w ork dono a t

Glizini I S|ttciilij -

b n Main S t N ear P ost-O ffice

n Tako tha t busted bike tOiUkiystoln'; ' | p r u a iBrtr tB6>Tr m - '!L ■ m r o“ t c

: . . : ' ^ : 7 i ^ c E - A r > T O E y : ^ i i ? F A U ^ T i M E 3 - F R i i ^ ^ ............. -V ^ v ^ . ’ . ■

' - B I G

^ : i i

|g o o' . Perfornuiig Jungte-Bred Lions. T ig____lar B ears. ElephantB. Camel*. Zebn

C him panyts, Monkeysj M ountain (

S ^ - 4 ____M I S S - H A V E r* T O M . D IC K ,

B IG B IL U m-___ ...................................M L L E ...F L D R 1

T O T A N D T J m m ^ A E R IA L D O G

. E l ' B O B C H O C O L E L * T O M . J E R R Y

— :____S E U I i K 4 l H E. ' r o m e o T w a i" — D A N G E R . D V, K P W O R L D ’S O N' W R ID IN G . D R r

• Mm : • m a j . T H O R N

: 9 >1“ FULL - a■ ■ W o


' - 4 0 A N IW A L C L 6 JOO a n i m a l T R A IN

!: Z 3 G B $ 5 5 n $ Z ] K_ P c r fo m a iic n R u n « Sliinc «t

Z ____ W lT iT l

T « H |l 1" ' V V E P N i t E


" ' t ","' ., — ' “ K ftriih ; OF i m B i tF B S,».B OF

, Oiderol8<a& . 'a A. McM«»uir, pliiUiUlf. »». P e t.r

* . 0 « n n r, A. M, H *irl.. Mw. A. t t H » r r U . R . m .B r t l o K t t . H r » R . E .

McT ^ Indah McCoy.~*~*agd'TBoK'B;

ONDBR AND BY V IR T nB O F AN O RDSR O P BA LB .'uia 'D «crBo : o t

. F t o i ^ a u r o aad Sale. te«ued o a t o t tb e d is tr ic t c o a r t o t ttao F o u rth Ja d l-

__ ^ bv T>t«tVii»t o f tho 8 U te o t Idaho, 111----- ina"M » -T w iir 'F W tt-* t3 0 M i» ,-0 B -« i0----- ftf-AnrU. A. P . m s , In th e■ AbOTB o a t i t l ^ . » c U 6 H r w h B « t o - 0 r ^ — H c H B W rtb O ’ aJw T iN M e d -ili to U tff

'■ obtajattd ' B jn d s n e o t a n d 'd M rM ot tM « d o au re .aiid aale as ii& a t P e te r A.

; 0*rn«r;^-M ,-H arri» ,-M w <-A ,-M .- ria .-R . B. B n m le tt . M rs..R< J L Bram-.

le tt , Jam ea McCoy, In d th H cC or and' Thoa. E . M unballr defendanta; o n th e

— >l8th-d«y ot-A pril. A.,T>.. U lB M tor.ibft aw n o t T h ree T h o o su d Seven H un-

------dred*T1iwe-ead«7W OOOon»rerPrlnftt-s e l , Intereat, attom era- feoa- and m on-

" e r a ~excKitided, iindor th e " 'te rm a of m oH sage m r a U o n S I n sa liT ^M ree , a n d -to r th e rom 0 ! ThlrtyTBoren and •IMOO Dollar* coala of th is au lt, law -

------fa l -monoTii of- the Unit«L 8 U tea,.bealdeaIn te rea t and.coato. whl«J» aald d w re e

1#1B, rocorded lo Judgm ent S. — of-tho-aald DlBtrict C o u r t .o a j) a g M « .

X u n commanded (0 aetl ttia t-ce rta ln ro t, ploce. o r parceV o t l ia d , altoate . ly ing and b m g In Twin Falla county. S ta te of Idaho, aod bounded and des­cribed u followa: .

— giWAi»n I1K\ Bint fl«»la 'B lo c k o m Hundred T h irty QSO); C ity irf .T w la-r8 ll8 .:idabo .-accb iiU ng to tb e rocorded p lat thereof, together

___ with. all:_and B lngularnhe tcnen ienuber'edltam enQ ^ an3“ appurttaiaacee

belM gtag. ' J

■ ^ THAT, on Tueaday. th e 18th day - o f ‘ M ayr A .-D .; m e . a t- K h-oiotook-A

. M. o f *b> td ay .^ ln ;fro n t o f th e ^ u r l

' F a lla . Id a h o , ' I will, In obedience tc aa ld O rder o t Sale and D ecree o t Foro* e loau-e nnd Sale, ae ll-the above des­c rib ed property, together w ith iall. th<

. r ig h t, title , .claim, a nd Intereat « t t^u «ho r« defeadaata Id a a d to the abov« 'deacribed rea l e au te . q r ao m act m aaeef aa..m aT.hn hnfWiMfT Tn Hnt la fy aald Judgm ent, w ith In te rea t anc coata thereon , at' public auction, u th e b tgheat bidder fo r caah, law fu

W i l d A n i i n s j S h o w (

3-k lN G -W IL D lA N IM /y


600 [ 165crs, Leopard*, P u m as , Jaguars. Grizzly as. Zubas. H y fiia s , Sacrcd Cattlc. Kani ^liats. &ogs. h.(c. ^

'S M U S IC A L C A R R I E R P IG E O N H A R R Y . K 5 R S E T R 1 D 1 N G :S b A lE S T L IN G G R IZ Z L Y N E 'S P E R F O R M I N G L E O P A R D N Y , W O R L D ’S .S M A L L E S T P E R S A N D M O N K E Y S A T E A N D B L A C K K N IG H T . T f A N D L O U IE . H O R S E R I D I N G I G O O D -N IG H T P O N Y

r H E M A T I C A t r P O N Y - -----------N A M IT E ; G U N P O W D E R . - j u s t L Y E D U C A T E D B E N G A L T I G E V W C . R A C IN G O S T R IC H F -S • T O N 'S C L O W N .P IG S

l O W N A F R I C A NIN O N E A C T --------- -----

rld 'i^h a lien g tf G roupe. V a V $ 5 0 ,0 0

^ t E R t e t ^ O N i i d e v ^ b a l l ^ ^ M d it aniazm g.w ild amrnal a c t cx tw t.

[i-School. R iding. D a n m g and Milita

------^ O R S E S - A N D P O N I E S ------r* Premium S tock . , Every O ne an A<

^ N S ’^ ^ 0 6 P E O P L E 6 CC [E R S , 2 B I G S P E C IA l. T JIA K

- L o i ^ ~ S t r e e t ^ P a i2 and 6 p. m.

^ l e l T A T " ' ~

I ^ L L S>A Y , M A Y

D A T E ' ' M A R K I

m oaey o f ‘th o ^ U n l t ^ t a t e ^ ^ ^ > > : ^

By W . G. TH O H PSO N r~' — . ....... - • :Deputy.

'W arner B ro thers . A ttoraeya for P lala- t l f t . i- ■ Apr. 20-27 May 4

^ uS e E U C ^ I O N a t 8HEK- lEFTS S U E -

-S x ecu tlo n r-O en e ra i^ K » C » ir» i*jj& aflB aiji iL!nC T rg ttie« rInd., p la in tltf, :t8. T . 'V. Jord im , dofead-

• -BY -V IRTO B'O F-A S-ED CBO U TIO N isaoed o u t o f th o D iatrlct C ourt o t tho Fourth. Ju d ic ia l D iatrlc t o f th e -S taU o f - J ( la h o .- . is - .s a d ^ r .tb e ..C o a a ty .^ r T w la w horeln_The_C eatral Na­tional Bank, o f A ttica, Ind .. plaintiff, and T. V. JoVdan, defeadaat, upon a^iirifnmttt th ft d ly OtD o c Jm ^ i; a Td . 1914. fo r th o a u m o tS E H B ndred 'S evcn toO rB atrW iW O D oU ^ law ful m oney o f th e United SUtea, be* aldea coats and in te rea t; by reaaon of

‘o * «eu tlon riM aedT nr-the-l8 t-day of A pril. 191S, w herein I t aets forth th a t there Is new , due, n t th e da te of

from and a f te r A pril 1st. 1916, J did; o a the 1s t day o t A pril, i n 5 , levy upon all tho r lg h tT 'a tlo ; 'claim u d 'la t^rca t q t aald defendant. T. V.. Jo rdan , of. la and to - tha t ce rto ln rea l p roperty ait- uato in th e C o uaty of T w in Falla aad B u te of Idaho , and m ore particu larly

- doBcribed aa fo llow a,.tc-w lt; ■ •Lot 80Ton~'(7')7T»‘ocic one huhaftfd

: forly?Biae; (H 9 )" in Tw in Fallr.T ow n- ’ alto, according to th e U hal and'asaead- I od p la t thereo f, ;City o t Twin Falla, r C o u n tro f-T w in R a lla ,- su te of-Idatao.

Said ToaJ- p ro p e rty a taad lag on .thc• fAgftrda X«1P- W l a County. SUU ■ o t Idaho, i ix 'Uie namo Qt T., v . Jor-r dan.—■-»..»».»p,. __I I’UBUC N OTICE 18 HBREBTrpW EN, r lM H " 'w l lh - e ih ‘th e ^ « b - d a y .e W la i t f A. D. 1916, a t 10 o 'c lock A. M> of

day. la f ro n t o t th e C ourt House. Dooi• o f tbe County o f T vin .F alla2 S U te ol I Idaho, aell a t Public A uction, to r law- } rul m oney of tbo Unitod SUteii; al! ) tlio righ t. tlUo, claim and in te rea t 01 I aald defendant, ,T . V. Jo rdan , ot. Id

f 'S ^ l M> aary to ralao sufllcient m oney to aatla I t r aald Judgm ent with- InUroat, costa

o n E a r t h : 1 I

■ ^ • 'th

a i. . . . .

r Q


u s• .................................r.r,..-

[ E N r r —g - S e n B f t t io n a l .7 Ij i i m a l A c t s ' v i J

i 1

ys.'C innamon. Siberian a n d -^ o - _ I igaroos. O urang'O utang*. Ape*,

1JS ' ' • f ' r n o N s ---------------------- ;

)S ‘^ F O R M IN G H O R S E S -----------

A N C O 'D A N C IN G H O R S E S . L IO N S

^ U l S “ ' “T ~ ~ T 7 - ^ •R S

n a o N s 2 4JO ^ *

rounded-b jnhooting 'ik rfod****-— • '

F i ^D N C ^ f ^ R D S — T--------------^iJIS . 3 C A L U O P E S

rade ~at~:10V30r " Ooow^ O pen a t I i n 3 '7

IT O N Y O U R C A L E N D A R -

etc.. to th e higheat and ^ea t bidder. Dated A pril 20. ins.

— -

Jam es H. Wise;


in tho P ro b a te C ourt o f th e SUte o f ' l d ^ o . In and fo r th e Coanty ol

' ■"R "tB«TnatteiTjf-theestate-of-^«ofgfl laaaca, deceased..

I --H -aanaarlna :-tQ _ the_aatlBfactlon ol i the cou rt f ro m th e Torifled poUUon Cl > F ran k W. K uka, adm intatrator. of thc r eaU te of Oeorgo Isaacs , deceased, on . f l le lJ e i^ n t h a f l t la n e c e s s a r r to sell , jho~wholo- o t -tho-eaU to- of- said do- I ceaaed, to -w it: T he SW% of .tho SB^4 t of aectlon 20 , townahip 10 sou th , rangei I t n i ’ B. M.----------- ---------------------------7 ~ It--la -.o rdercd -by -^e .cou rt._ tho tj> l' . poraona In terested In th e 'e aU te df aald f Ge6r8fo‘ 7 8 a ac8 ,: 'a ecea8 te ;"ap p ea r^ ^ ' r fore-the- P robatft-C oott-of- th e , CouSfa 1 of Twin Falla . S U te o f Idaho. a t .th« t conrt rooni theroot la aaid county oat 1 aU te on th e Ib t doy .o f Ju n e ; 1916. a< 1 te a '6')il6 ck i& th e to reab « n ~ b tB aid d ay ; then npd th e re to ahow cauae. if an; i; th e r Wivo, why t o order, aa prayea aoi 1 ia thti peU tioa, ehoQld n o t be graate* t to th»-»sJd-ad»Jn iatratorrlo-B ell-th< 1 real eaU to of aald deceased, a t elthoi . publlo or. p riva te aolo. to r th e purposci 1 m entioaed la th e petition, a s ho ahal r Judge to b e o iM h o .b ea t laU rca ta o

l ^ d eaU te aad o t th ^ tn tereated there

: -it-ia fu rth e r-o rd e re d .'th a t a-«opy.Q . ih ia o rd e r be. p u b lH h o d 's t 'lc a iro n D I, ^ woek fo r fo u r (4) aucoeaslTO week

la .tb (L lw laJU ls .!Z lm es..a .nevapaR O 0 p rihted -aod publlahed la-aoid coanty. e D atod 'th la 30th day. of A pril. 1915. r I— I ‘’■-sm ueu,”‘j . " M!* HHA>rR ;i'____ of.aald P roba te CourtI, & L. DeLong, a tto raey for adm loll fr ' . M n v 4-11-18-81

r U T cralde B «ate

r- . Follow the, w d arrow s from EnM t It R lteralde. .tbe oaly good. r o a d .. F in )f c lu a - acccunmodatioa. 0 {lrage, ator a ond good meala. lUVERSIDB FE rtR l r. - • • M arch a t

jl Take th a t bualod blko to Oldyatel a; Drothera. ^ e V n i 'f tx ; it.' Mar. 3 t

I T - . : HAXHKN M m -K - 7

Mir.'OcorRo D avcnporr. nianagcr of ) Farm um ' Equity Society reporln u DWing buuincBH. Um com pany'buyn d sella both w h a t t(io farm or rattsca d .aU o .Uial whicli. ho ,needs on Ills nu.: AnioDR Home o t thc UiIq^h th a t Bj'^avU"8ljipp««J“ln'ttre=T»cTBml-’cnt*' '• Ida. of coali corn un»l barley. Ui«y VO alBo HliJppcd lu HOino farm Implo- strts:— A~ KPOd -ld c;.i ot Ute - buBlnewft- - ad led by Uicm cnn bo dm wn from 0- rocolptn-of-oao-wcuk'aZhuul&CSB, ilolrainountud: tu r» 3 ;f i0 0 r3 ! rm r :7 " - C drT O .T fe ldv l, o f I’ochIoIIo, ownor • id manaRor of KrcJilci'H Stcaiu Cak- y _ o t-U ia t cUy,-madv--iu.uliort- vlult Ith hlii, HiHtcr. Mra. C. Edwunli), rIday. 7 I0 8a>'ti tha^ peoplo linvo no lilac to com plain fo r bUKinciiu la bct- r th an It bun boen for ucvcrul ycnrn. W. E. Hubbnrd. UBcnl of l|ii: 0 . S L.

liavlnK IiIh ran ch flxod up for ji >mo. m il ban. becu "on Uu< Job".for lone Unio nnd f^ntlH Unit bo iIcHcrvcsie ijIsU t to . r ea t aw lillc ., ____... _ _A freo ('iuployu)ciil (iRonry Jmn licon

lUbUaliwf-nt I1i« Ovorland-InD, UIIk. IS been needed -fo r a lonR timo nncl iouia‘*in!“ m jn )nR iirn^ tr-nu -fa rm iiT ir )wnB."'A. M. Wnlkor Imn been sotiliij; n Kobd

la fnmiiy vncclnntod w ith typlinlil an- •toJrin. l!ilfl^poraUon_ta-nol_pniiifw l. o r bxpenalvo* aud ra re ly mukcH the, a tic n t alck. b u t It Ib belter to bo XLdor-Uiu.^vciiUnx-£oE.'a-IiiivJiQiira_aud. e p rotected fro m tlic ilromlctl :mdanKcrauu fo v o r.' - ................... .......••Among llione roRiHtcrSd ul tlm Over-

lick Smitb. A rlln SmlUi, Wiu. Haker! I'wln Falln: B. N .-B uck, Klmhorly; drfcl-K fank-,T «rrlU ,-A rl«<iltta-C ay4- Jarl Kroidol. poca to llo : A rthur Budge. Jear Lake.

MarRuurlfo Edwuril« lott Friday ligh t for 'I 'o c a tc l lo . w here ..iihc will I'iil spend fl tew wwkH with relatives.• R ay Vandorpool will take a party it flnborH to lho Wooil Ulvor iliHtrlcl n h is Ueo UiU week.-—WooU river la m e of thu bcnt tro u i Ktreams In Uio ita tc . tills and' tho nlco Bcunery. draw - ac_tourl6tB_ d u rln g tlilu summer.

Mr. and M riT H . M: •VnnilcrpobntirG’ n Cbicago for an extended vlult w/Ui h o ir m any trlcn d s and relaUvos. Mr. l^andorpool w as callcd to Clilcago to llsposo of h is la rg o bond of fa t lambs.- lic had an cxcepUonally (Ine bunch

_ A rthu r who ’ Ir ftni;>ralHlnfi;ita t< flan d fo r auctlon^saloB^ was in x>WB-Sunday,--hC'haa-boon doing thia vo rk for Bovcml ycara and has been iw ay fro m .h o m o for more th aa a no n th on Uils tr ip . Ho will ro tu m to lia homo.io B car.L ako for a few dayB. :_lkTr..nnH P ro hllch in going to Twin E^alla-this .w eek to . b ring out nis now lUto. Ho purchaabd a King "8.”

T he Hannon b a ll team crosBcd baU with M urtaugh la s t Sunday a t Mur- L^^neh, ~^Bldo from a few minor caa- tta luea aulfored Uy ftJtirlaligl). "\ivey B n lr 'lo f t UJO"ganiP”b r a scoro o t -28. to •« .~ N oxf S unday Uicy will-come to Hanaen. we d o n 't wlah ou r dear noigh- bCi«.aaj£rba4-;uUUiut-WiJ-WfluldUJHfl ooV boya 'to w m tho g&mo.

•L“ _ I-iliU B X A U flli-J<E W S--------^• ' •

Miaa Noel, co un ty Buperinteadcnt

iU nc ou r BChfenla. ■Maxine H ooper Ib a t hono and pro-

grcBslng nicely UWhVH & C0nrpHJtiTTC=

Cbaa. b il lo n w aa a Twia Falla vlait- o r W odneajiayi. r^ u m ln g w ith hla wlto. who h a s been III for tho paat-aU weeks. _ •

R. B.' K enda ll w as a poascngor tr T w in .F a lls W odnesday. iP -T heliad les! A id -m e to t the bome ol Mrs. Faoy T hursday and will moei a«a la la tw o weeka wlUt Mra. T rue Ther;:'K >ted_^-pla8tcr-U iff rooma u p atairs o f th e paraonago. ' WHUl PtmmuiuTu hmj ^ery ut t l w ith a cough -laat w eek ..

Tna Jo h n so n -ap en t a couple’of dayi In J fan aen tno.,yilfeatfl Dt' tlie 'Colne'

—M r»uElekfitt .spen t Friday a n d Sat urday in T w in r a i l s iliopping - nm viaiU nr w ith relaUvea.

Soveral o f o a r clUtona woro .in Twh B»btr«inv hHt nono o t thCB

b ro u g h n io ta e - th e a u to .'- - 'Han'aea an d .M u rtau g b played b'as

ball here S uaday . Hansen waa vie torloua.

Mra. Goorgo Tracey, who has’ bee th rc a tia e d ■with. aooendlclUB. 18 muc Improved^, Sho la ^_dor D r^M orgaacare. ........ . —— — -

Mra. W alton ta a t tho-P. and S. hof treatm ent—for— ga:

atonoa. ---- ------ --Chaa. M iller la m uch Improved an

lo ft S a to rd a r evcoIng fo r Nortli Idah to .rcaum e. hlQ. dutica as forem an o th e aU te highw ay.

MiBa G raco Songcr apent Sunda w tth relativcfl in-Xwln Falla.■ B. P . J a fn . auperfntcnfcnr - Qf IT iUalon—T8undrtT--schooI»—appolnlcd- tcommlttoe consisU ng o t Mrs. Hun Mra. W ekUJcrly. and Mra. PembcrU to“ p reparo -n --p ro g ram -fo r Children day. w hich la the socontLSunday I June.- -M ra.-Batos o f OaklnyrJs- Ji<aon. LImon ond talm ly and dailp itc

Mra. W a lk e r had her lltUe aon Twin F a lla W ednesday tq tocclvo mo Icftl jCttention. ........ 7 " ........


- L l a to t iB tte ia ren a lo ln g onclalmi . J n -u A -g y ln P a lla flflrtpm aU & iLtj week ending May 3. 1916. ‘ ParU T R lllm r'-fo r-these le l le f a 'w l i r p ies aay ■■advertlaod May.^. 191C."■ Courtney. W. B.■ Camp to o T f O u C N a IT .'a e ltc r.l

^ t ^ w y d a , ' ..

F laer, Jam ea ;^ rJo n jjm rA Jo o B . . ' ........ : •. - M illar. LoutBo: > - ■— w ccT p y r o nu ." *..................— ■

R eeves/M rs. M aggie . Reod,rM ra. Nellie

I - - .Schaoehtor, Otto • •I .- W h e e l^ . M rs. .Vera . •} Yo>iBg & LytJe, (2)

; ('uMURe'.duo «n afior* betters o

J 1*10 dofli' •M. A. ST R O N K ,_^atm aat

^ P n c e = ^ ^gel to r wl

^ lig h l’weig' ' * - n o t spc

b u t parta iI. . ..■ ^ - C5t qualit) - ^ -------- :------ neither, mU # ■ T l -\ w 'P " « - •O ig M oon________________Wfl Features Arc-.

It . B<auty andF^5 Luiurioumct*

i X ’ n - w « k . p u f . s u . t t

m i l- A - cti««d I. n u c — {r'lhjii*.!:

WlA'i n y /rtV ■■ .' FuH-Ro»lini

bcpome th e nfTpe.w........................■' u lU ity “in -c i t> '-n n tI

m cfu lncH s 18 p a r t ■ ■ ■ • tho-pco^lo^ throug:

>^ico w ith universal----------R e ta il- b u y e r s ol

_ — .•------ A u g iis t -1314-10 A upro fits if 300,000

------- ^_Aak llfi for pnrticn l_ sim plicity in open__ ______ rupkcop—less tFan ;I R w abou t

• Town C ar, $690; < $975; com plete ly Iroit. •

: - ■- O n DiBpIs

t _ ^ T ^ T M Ut T m n fa lls ■ -

I - - - n i in m i- f lP - aX L E ----------

^ ^ ^ I B Falla D 'M ir a 5 a ~ T r i i r C o a Dany, a corporation, p iB lam f,'va . Jo n Jannoy, defead aa tr- —fl salo a a d decree oT forocrofloro“ i . sa le . IsBued o ut o t Uie d ia tr lc t court

tho F o u rth lud lcla l d ia tr tc t of I a sU te o t Idaho, ia a a d fo r th e Cou h of T w in FallB. on th e 29lh d ay o t A l

I. T ru a t company. A , co rpo ration , ;II above nam ed p lainUtt, obtained- ludiment.im ,a,decrco orTforoclOTd a n d o rd c r o t sale aga ina t Joiia '^janr 0 defeadaa t. on Uie 29Ui d ay o t A t a 1916, for th e aum 0^426BLlQ.Jo^.e

or-wlth-»200.00 a s a tto ra e y -fe e a - j iv coats to tho am ount o t JIB.60 w ith

to rca t aad coata on tho w h ^ e ther<iff law fnl- m onoy~of^U je-O xiiw d_flU J l jfli}ch_sald decree w as d u ly rew rdfr t; aW commandea'TJ> i r e in i l t 'lh a t cerl in lot, p iece or parcel o t la a d rs l tu i ‘s lying an d .b o ln cJa -T'aMn JP^Ili_-coai In SU to of Idaho, and bounded afid"?

cribed a s followa, to -w lt:• r Tho undivided ono -ba lf Intereat T \ / i i Nlnotftcn-nH) i n -B lock One H

' drod and P'our (104)-ond L ot One [ J In'BlofiK Ono’ H u n d red -aad ;T w o -il d- in th e Cily-of-Tw ln Falla.»-!daho,- -P U B L IO N O J I C ^ S H E J tB B t Q

^:N. T h a t on FViflay. May. 28Ui. 1' a t 10 o 'clock a. m . o f tho aald day

■ fro n t o f the cou rt houao d<*>r of. ^ County of Twin F alla . IdaHo. I ^ In obedience to said o rd e r o f aale^ d c c re o -o * -fo re o lo su r« i-« id - ia lc_„ the above deacribed.proD erty, togel •* w lU t"airU ie-H ght,-tlU e. claim and

te rea t of the abovo defendan t in ' to the-abbve descrlbod -r«al- eataU

' puli]ic< aucUon, to ? th e h ig h es t bU fftr wt^h. law^ l 'm onoy o fU i-y P a

•r- S U to 8r - t< rT » tt f l r r ^ a iu - iB a W l« e plaiaUfCB decree, togelhoV w lljvin

■ ■ ;-Bb«■ By W . G. T H O M PM

, Jam es h I Wlao, a t to m iy fo » pl Off, otflco. and residence , Tw in F

S : IiUho. ■ Mw W

'W asblagton B eaiif 'f o r gal«. -K h or. W holetale Co. ■ — iCarr.J

$ 1 5Z 5 ..is rcm arkaU cJiecause o f ■yvhat y o ir a t you pay. And w b at yourflret i s * ' ' ■ It su^cylioder car o f s tan d a rd p a r t» ial cheapened p a r ts to fit the price;. • fiat an y o n u lftio w src iffe sen fth em g tt-. A ca r thc like of w hich hcrctof<TC- . -fliuUly-not-M inpletCQcs? of equ»i>«- - been offered o t anyw here wear thi*.

--------- ^ T H B - ------^ ^

S I X - 4 0 -

rf»i1 Hif»e cood«n»«lrlidt. ••loniJiiiie v»lue you Bel mr. Imt feail nn'l wfigli Mcli Jtatiift—Ui*n u . e.ll of ynur compaiuon.llin* Body. - Crown Penflert.Moon Motor. ^4.inch L»C Xoom in r ^ <tie .Suttinc. Sc«l.1 Icnltjoii KullATtntitftlina R*ln \ a-.i — --- —Wind SliUld.-------------- --------Cenier Cot»lro!. 12J-inch Wht«UI»«f.' - '•Rear Axle. 3**< Tirc»—<Jcffl9umi Ie— ^

:uum F«d. '^urttini. «

emirclr ili»>ppcariii6 *'»'» S-5--TJie Moon F®u»-a»- ilSSJ________ ____

S m T M , J ' . - m n S . a \ U , S d L l i i i --------

Buiifby. • ' ’ - - - ’loon M otor C ar Co.. S t. L o u it ^ •

B j i i l l ® I % . Ii'

— I 'I •

J . . . , r a g LRi-.it.v f o r e v e ry b o d y — a . c o u n try . T h e ir g r e a t - ,

>f th e d a ily l i f e o f a l l [I - g f V T g g ^ i f e M l '^ c r ^ T — ;------^ | | K rceonoM y.

n o w P o r d c a r s f ro m . 1;uB t-1915 wilV a h o rc in • ^ . iro Bold in t h a t t im e .ir s . K een in m in d th e _________ _.tio n a n d econo m y in w o c cn ta n m ile ' !!

_ T o a r i n g ,C a r . $ 4 9 0 ;)oup c le t„ $7 5 0 ; S e d a n , q u ip p e d , f . 0 . ,b. D e ­

m a n d Bale a t

I AUTO CO.,. . . . • --------------I I

- • ...........- ........ . No. .00. :^ n z r o BT o y T i iE . t w tflra iO H m

^ _T he Twin F alls B ank a a d ‘I R K “ compimy. a t ‘T w ln ~ P a lfs r ltr t lw S te le

- o f Idaho a t Uio close of buslaoa* K aji 1, 1916.

r i R g S QTmCE S-— ■ ------ ^““ Cflfih on hand .................. 274M.TS

Duo from Banka -------------- ez,SCBja^ Checka aad D rafU o a o tb e r ' rJ , B a a k a ...................... ..— . 2 , m * l

OUier Gash I te m a .................. M JBf t m iu ia 'ttuu u i i eocutB'g s . O verdrafU - -------------------;--------U O & X

Stocks, Bonda and W a rra a ts 66 ,0041

f e .--TotaL.................. LIAB ILITIES .- :Individual Depoalts aubject .• . j

to checTc .............. J ........S a r ii< e e -D e p o s ite .-= = :c = = = r tT ,» l«Postal Savfnga D e p o s its ..... S fiU MDcm'iha ■■Ccftiflcatefl'‘or~D6=~------- -^08lt ............ .- - »,1SCH

^ T i^ -C c rU f lc a te a _ o £ J D e p o 8 - ._ _ ^ ^

CAahlcr'a "ch cck a. ....... .. f.OSKTICorUflod C hocka '..................D u o ~ to ~ o ih c n sa n » r (dcpo8-

i i ! '!*;.■■-..................... .........,v /I^oUl DepoalU ...........—

C ap lU l-S tock ^ a U -inSurplua ............... :--------------- 25,OOM<Un41vlded -P rofits, leas ex- ,

. . i , penaea, In w rea i a a a u x e s ■ •* :?} . paid ...................... .......... ........ 4 . W X

Bllla H v a b le .ia c lo d ln g ob-'“Ui. — llfcatluiia lepfftsto tlfli, ' ''}®‘‘ - m oney b o r ro w e d '___

OUier LlablliUea

s u t e of Idaho, Cottatr ■ o r ■

n i t -thla tin 4 ^ d t - S i S ^ » u | ^ f f i S U i> t'I;ifN O T

« o f thla-batik."' -

$ s — -


E w w f

^ ^ N ; e x T r S A T U R D / r M A Y 8TI

S S iA O -T " H....... ............... \ H y t h c -abo te w e m eat

r"M!ry“ 1 2 l t r x i i a u we ivei 4iav


^ Men's and Yo$ 2 0 .0 0 S U IT S . » |e price .

> - .$ I5 .0 0 S U IT S . sale pricc . — H — f 1^ *^n t : r t T T y- v;if.- pYi ;;-

- V; ^ ___ ______ C L O T H C R ^&-! . ' ' ■ • ■ ' “


• . $ 1 .0 0 Dreflr«Shirts. sale pric< $ J . 25 D rew ShirU. talc, prit S 1 .5 0 D ^ s ShirU. la k .p r i

, $ .bU .W ori Shirt*, sale pni - - r - ^ >'75-W orlrSiiir«»,-sale pric

: . . ? : t E X l r R A S P I

3 3 R

jsood, C lo u . apKoUsing tuoa) ,

c 'a a f tw i l l tnako you fool contont 'SHM 'IUkPPy? IC ybn havo nQTor< voiH laa a t our- cafotoria, ' come. :ii'V ^«ee-U io.foo<l before you buy. '1 9 B a rtiooM what'TOD -vaat, o n d - £ 9 iiB r m eal t iU your appoUto or

p a n e —o r botb. Tko "cafo-' a s i i t a h<btt“ i8 tbe chcnpeit and c t t « 'beet. Come And see If you ' ■ x iu im . W W witlt' UB.- - - " - - " " - " ;

T l j Q M P S O N ^ ;


. - .ja ia K U HATES to Slioaliono Folia, . - 5aA.TURDAY via, Twin Fallij

^ i^!aM3Bae^L nlr ^ n v EN yY »Ftvg«0B^a»■ . tr ip .—Adr. Apr. 27-30 Moy 4-7

. ' fo r llie Tlmoa’ bor/cnln wock, - ■ m ^ LWer y ear.--------- ----------------- -----------

* '• 2 ^ W c guarantee V- •______ defeclivc malcri;^ 3a te a n ? a g t« lo rcplacc

' tiva. _____________I This guaranlcc is

— uion a l least once every ll

. F R E E S E R V Htw elve ( 1 2 ) monlhi. w<

' ^ F ' juslments, including ratll_ J 3 | i k ________ iod o£.nmcty,,(9Q)-dayA

for any work done outsi__-'- guflranlec i

____ ___

|iJB |f(l Prill

E i lI W L I E S1 1 ^ W ■

7 T^wbH / -

n ’& —J we are goihKn'o'^spll-inore good! nexrS

ung Men s Suits................. .............. . ' . . . . $ 1 4 . 7 5

............................................... . $ 1 1 .5 0 -v : : " V V :7 v : : t v :- :7 v : : v$ 9 .5 0 ............

^ F T C L O T ^ ^ ^ - ' • ~

25 MEN^S S

..........................................................7 5 c

.......................................................... 9 5 cc e ' ................................... . ^ ^ 1 5 . _:e .............................. 40c 'e - . . v . - . . . . . . . ; . ; . . - . . . . . - . 6 0 c '

e c i a l p r i c e s

S 3 0 I■ / . • / I

A cilVtRi-CipCIHai^

llf ttT t'O lT and 'Y oun^ i

A Itno of clean. wliolCHomo. rio v fr !oiiicUy lu -fioncrouHly tntorupDraQd lirpughout tlio progrnm glvon by .the Uomofl •'Wild Animal Clrcua. Tho aURlilng p a r t o f Uic hIiow Ib ono of its liRtlncUvo features.' F o rty comical clown bcnrH. doga. jlepliantij, monkcyB, goats and ponies, 4upply placcrt througliout the en tcr- lalnm ont. where Uic v isito r m ay relax nfter nocing a "BlUviit}-" wild animal act. and have o good hearty laugh.

A quarto lte o t mulea—Moud, Dan­ger. Dynamite and Gunpowder, prcHC>)l if>mftiV<irif,lfliitfbftbla HltiinUnnB ..A. dollar por mlnuto is paid to anyone who can nUck on pangoi; o r Dyna-

the coin, b u t th e o'ne rcau lt Is Inovll- dble—they go away w iser and w ithoutnreissw ^y:---------- ^---------------:----------------T tie blg-foaturo acU on Uie' Doracs

program are glron w ith wild anim als In-whleh-lBrBC-gronpB-DMtotrertnrcrBr leo p a rd s .. beara nnd Jaguarii , aro sh<!^vn. Tbeso acto are am azing and Uirllllng, 24 full grown. mnn-Gotlng A frican lions being handled In one a c t by one mnn. -

, DomoBtlc anlmnlH also tak e -a p ro m ­in en t p a r t In Ui'e enterla lnm ent, among H'YITCll n in Uie DnriieB'ohalUDS«4taui% es and ponies, aald to bo th e finest co11ocUon"over asueniblod. ThOBoTjors- CB nre all actora, in fact, th e entire entortA lnm ont proTldcd-by-tbc^anusB .

J A R A N T EiU D S O N motor car N o .........................ll and workmanship for a period of lv : w th o u t charge lor labor er material an;

. conditional on ih is car being brqught 1 hirty ( 3 0 ) days, which - inspeclion wilF

Z E -i-Irj 'addition lo making good all c 5 will for a period of ninety ( 9 0 ) daya es and stjbeaks;.such adjustments lo be

ide of our own shops.docs not -cover-tires-or accessories which

T h e JohnsojQ A u t_______ l^ 4 -2 n d N . T W I N F A L U

cess Go-Car

V r e ^ G o i n g l S r M i

R e d 1In the History

Saturday, M ay 6 th. and Circus D ay. I

itg_M crrhandi8c is poing to do it. [ ’

~ Blue SeiSuitable for Croi

$ 1 5 .0 0 Young M en's Suits, sal........... ■••$2ftOO- Y 6urf6 'MeM‘rSm iy. sal— St.lM -sal ......... BlOc Serge,SnitsJqr^O ldcr,


■ S 7 ;5 0 B oys- N o rlo lk -S u its ,^ $ 6 .5 0 Boys' N orfolk Suits, sa $ 5 .0 0 Boys' N orfolk Suits, sa $ 4 .0 0 Boys! N orfolk Suits, sa

= = i i . i O b 5 s ' N f l r t i l f S u lu .w $ 3 .0 0 Boys' N orfolk Suits.-so

> S A T U R D A Y . ^

J S &r w i N f A i ^

fthou' Ib given wltlvcdutftlftd anlnittlB— over 600 of them . Slxty-flvc feature act#- a re - presented,- b y t h 08(T 'antnlar

—Rarforrotincwf-are glvcii-at-2-and.^p- m . . 'a n d 'tb o nuw feature, mile long 8trcet-pffra4e?at-H h30:—T lie -tla te -fo r Twin KiUla.liCKi‘dnABdAy, Wny , 12-------

. WORK ON STATE HIGHWAYS;M'urk-TrogrcjiMlng Nicely Accordtiiff lo

C halrm nn Urodbrnd.

Chairman'- W. ^ .B rodbcad..ot-tbO Stato H ighway commission returned yeaterday from a few day 's trip of in*BpoeUon or th e a ta te highway. ..........^^Chal rm ^ ^ P rodhy ^ lef^

bo by Stato Highwajr-Enginoor Ed 9. Smltb. A t Shoshone they were m r t

-by ,H. ,C om oll,...d lv la loh .loB g laaac^ Uie Biiite highway.

Tlvo p arty le tt ShoHltone 'Wedaso^ d a r-n igb t-io r-T -w ln- FallB' via Hi g t r^ mnn and Owaley’a'Ferrj* . T h 6 :no* t day they traveled over 'the iiUitb h1«b~ uay-atone-tho Tw in FaUB CoUntrrHno.- Froni. there tticy_w £at.to A]b)Bn a n ^ held n n 'In te rv iew witli tho'cdniSHe* alonern o.t C assia county on rood m at- tcrw.

The p arty then 'vlaltcd Burley' nnd w ent from Uiere lo Pocatello. On Pri* day they w ont to B ancroft and <lrQTO m-ni-, twn nroDOBod new ./outes- In Bnnnock county.“ TJhTUmaiT^Broah-caa—•btatCK-Uifl.'rronBtructlon w ork Is now goln;; fo r- -vrnrd o n -over 400 miles of Btato roods-

. . M o d e l ......................tfcly£_(i2 ) m pnthi-from --------—ly parts that prove defec- ,

lo 6ur shop' for inspec- r -b e -without chargc.-........—

defects for a period of s. tiiake all necessary ad- ': charged for after a per- T W »wance-or-<r«di»-be-made------------

h -a re -g u a ra n te e d b j^ r ir -----------

to Sales C o. - ^S .- ID A H O -Phone50 - . W -

■ to — T h e B E1“ H O O S l E l i

. f ------

K ^ '

r e t te r r Io f T h i s S t o r e

T h is is a sale on N e^rr4 J |

and Summer 1915 business, good

ge Suits ~luating Exercises ; price . '____i . . . : . .$1 1 505 pricen ,-..vv^ -v .;-..v ...^ l.4^5 .-* t • jtt. ip rice $ 18 75 • -Mi?" go a^ Ihc S m e rr i tL j " ■■

h i f r o m $ 1 5 t

i i i i t s - — — - l e .p r ic c ..............................$ 5 .4 3le price .$ 4 .9 5 •le p n c e ..............' . . . . . T$3.65le o n c e ..............................$ 2 .75le p ri c f . ............. ■, r . - : : S 2 - ^ -------le pricc . .’$2.'25"

i A Y ~ 8 T H A N D

i J t t . A N D BU H I

n ^ u t l ic m Idoho. Thoy • ato* . nU itw d a rd d irt rontlw. and thc g radefl ire liclng“ 6ullt wlUi a view lo tho fu- j i ro , -» o -Uia t-4 tttc r ,-w b e a -th o -^ U to - »n -affo rd . th eaap cn ao , hard ^urfncca. :nn bo put on tliem. All cu lverU ^ d

mtl rnnrrnli^—Hal!ny-KoH-a.Mlnnr,

M B IT ■M n . Itlehw d Ford '0 Mftid Elopen With

Neighbor’s Coachmftn. '

-T lie re TviU-groat'excUem ent- In ' the Ford bouaebold whon It w as dlBCover- Dd that' E llen, th c mnld,' had eloped tvlUi the neighbor's coachman. Mrs. Ford ai^ld to h o r bro thor, Bob. wlio

to r's hom e,'"W hy. you-know . Bob, a m a ld ^ iu ^ e n i r lett- mo w ltbout worn- h i i Ueftjt e ." lu a ll l u j ' cjcptikn tjcy t- '‘N.oorly alx wooks,” atnpUfled Bob,

nyoi]^r° i^ tn now. maid, whose* attracU ons and loyo

w ltR «1iab~«> nf* nlalh~dtrier roung'lii'dy,' m ake up one of Uio -nIfUoet-com odleo -th o -p eo p le -o fr tb ls city have ever been prlvUeged to

And to make ll eyen m ore ottracMve, thta splendid, pldy will bo put oo by tho Boy Scouts; assisted by eomo of Uielr h ig h ly ta len ted R lrl friends and d lre c M by Uio ^ y d F ullers. Tbo af-

Tuesday evoning, Mny 2E>tta.Tho work of Uio Boycl F u lle rs st

•w ^U Jauutni a n d j t Ja jiJo rc E o n p ic o n - elusion th a t tho play wUl be bu i'j> f tbo ordinary In the h o m e 'la lon t'IIner

T here will be speelaU lea between th e 'a c ts , showing tho boya In some of U i< n ilu n tiru i« y n a ira“ la-lfioIr-B-cout work, f lrs l aid drills , otc. _ A lL n ro ,fa m U Ia r wlUi the aplendld w ork bolng accompllahed by tho Boy Bcop t Tnorement-and-tfae- boya-wl H-qp- doubtedly rcceW e' tho w hole hearted support of tho wbolo community. They aTM lannl ng aBpther~eaMptng-trtp~tDr th is sum m er and will uso tho proceeds of Uie enterta inm ent to belp finance-mCTnqu yncr ------------- -

■ WlllWraTDlDAitJnatlee IlnKhes WIU Not Ron for Of-

_______ nee of P realdepC_________

-*.W a8hlncton,-May-i.—ia - vlew-of-4h« toccnt.refer?poc8.U>-lUfi.Dnmo.of Asso­ciate JuaUce Hughes o t the supreme cou rt a s a cabdldate fo r tho prealden- cy, the following auUiorltaUvo atato- m ont waa mado In his behalf and wltb his approval today. “JuflUee - H u thet wholly dlaapprovea - Uio- u a e -g f—hli j o niu In connocUon wllb tho proaUlen-

io slre^ 'to ru-ehlfir poitiicA T)\ii“Tra~B m em ber of tbe . suprem o court he li

)T on the Mark<N E W & S E C C


3-to-D atc Clotliing.' Furnishings,, H als,

s from ' the best koo^v^ mtfnufnctureri

~ Men’s imd You$ 3 0 ’.d b S y iT S , sale pnce . $ 2 5 .0 0 SUITS> sole p r ic e > - ..-. $ 2 2 .5 0 S U IT S , sale price . . ; .

~ T ?1 R S C H -W IC K W 1 R E & SC I

6 $ 2 5 TO G<

Poroslcnit-’Umon-Stiib a t - . . B rV r lX S iy le , Unipii Suili a t 7

• 75c K ibbed Union S a it* 'a t — ■‘; j e " M & h Umon SuiU a t . .

~ $ ! '.2 5 ':M c h V U n ib n * S u iU -W -


A U In o t available. He Is h o t a candldato ■lg-hDy.>Bfinfl&-tmd-caniiot-jermlL.hlfl mime to be used."—Capital News.

"prsTRirrTniiriN sfssinN-'Jadge i r . A. Babcock Bnsy Hearing • ' . C ItII Aetlons, , • . .

D is tric t cou rt Is again in ae&lon af­te r n recess of Bereral weeks,jwhlU Judge Babcock w as.bolding w n ii 'I n oUier eounUos. The week .has be«s spen t In l i e ^ n g several clyll ciu_eB.'_

A repetlUon o t your w a n t ad moj bring a be tte r offer fo r th&t second­hand artle ta .

C la s s f f lB i l M » 6r l l s e n iM i t s _

u i j t iE m i im uiffia n » b e u , cujiijmuet

------------. i r o a - B i f « ........ ... — ~

■ T O n ^ L M a » I l q f t _ | t » - > * a l l o i lo t s , '20 cen ts per gallon casb. Lln< Auto C a A pr. -9 tf

POR' SA LB r-lSK Modol, tw in <7 } Ind^r, 2-spoed, 8 hp. motorcycle. B ar gain for qnlck_sal&_phono..8?W 7_g) w a t MO &th BTenuo N. .A pr 8 0 ^

plete.” T b r o o ~ ^ t* carS'*.*£tfti, om floor and tw o hangers. Varney, ihi U t o Candy. Man. - - - Peb . -»> -if

- O ood‘s e p p ly o f-W ool Bagr~-*ani Fleece Twine. Kinney W holesale Co ______________________ . Mar. 86 t

FO R SALE-OfUco safo. typew riter add ing maoblne, tyiiew riter desk Phone 62 . 'atoart-H H rty lo rrM ar.-8 -ti

—ro il-8 A I^ = E n ro k a -8 M d 'P o tiio e « P a trick W ynn, two miles w est,(oni south of town, pbone S17-K8.-------- --------------- ,. , ■

TO R SA LE-1914 Ford In splendid cnodltlon fui'~8ulu cboap. Ltntf~Aut Co._____________ A pr 20 t

. F 0 R ' SALB>-1»14 M u w ell, goo runn ing coDdlUoii, f so o .o o rx in d Ant C o_________ • • •_________ Atfrtl 20 \

Tom ato and CabbagiB p lan ts, fiO centa hBM T- F. Pli»k«.t, Kra re n a e wa t . • _____^ 7 p<

FO R SALE^Now plaao, stoves, sn a ll o f OUT furn iture o f a . six-root houso only used one year, and is s good a s BOW. Our home fo r salo>o rent,; aa wo oxpect to leave tn ton dayi C .'A ; DoWXter, BSf 2nd avenue'tiort) r nouu a o M . ; ---------M a r n

363 4th avonuo west. - , . May*,7^1*3

;t—“Fit for Ae ' >N D H A N D F U F

- - ■ W - -

- - i i .


IShoes, 'E tc . ; bought for Sprmg •

af clothing, e t c / on the market. __

Ig Men’rSuits ~r . T . : . . $ 2 1.7 5 : • -

$10 .75$ 1 6 . 7 5 , : ■; '

IL O S S f lR O S . C L Q T H E S ■ \

r AT $ 5 .6 5

j S e m e a r 7I , . , . . . , . . 7 5 c . . _______

........... '.% - .7 j . ;v .7 - 7 V .- . r . ; . - . ; .9 5 c -

m a y .

rockor, bod sp rin g m attroaaes. china, giasBwaf p,

• |P O R aA L^ A g ^

320 8th avenue north . May 4-7 p a .:

WANTED—-To biiy o r trade fo r F ord automobile. ,B . F.-.Prator Orocery Co., e a s tM a ln .s tree t; , ,A p r i t t L " "

snd fan n e r. A daress ‘'J . S." care o f - Times. ■ • . Apr.-80 May 4-7 ■

_ W ^ B D 'Competent, dderly-.w6^

Apply 188 lOUt aVrotie norUi. May-^t p d . •

, •yAlVTfcn—tftT .rsB f-pianfl.T for t h s " ' summer. B o s t« a re glyen some. Phono ,t04-J a fte r e p ..m . . . . ,Mat.*I pd.

■WAMTwn.>pf^- ry, p lastering , stone, b rick o r cem eot - . » o rk f o r f l_i;ooaTi6q«t:8laiclB drtvlB»:r: horse. Prottymasfcan^ —pbone "«y^X —iCirtn FiUls,. Idaho. •

■ ■ May, 6-7 pd

W ANtED—A g irl fo r g en e» rh o tis6 work In th e co u n try .. inQulro:,at:ihe.'ng??.--.


w h a r t t o r ^ i w r

' TO TRADE—d ood c i ^ property lit Montrose, Colorado, fo r property In

. l a d n J a U s c o a o t e y . - B ^ - P a r a e s ' - -----• ...........: ................ April -80-tf.r

! ~ 8 E S C iA J« 'R A T ra to.8b o s b o a » .M i s ^ erery SATURDAY vU ; Twin FWls

: Blectrlfi Une.-TW BNTY^FIVB“CBNT 3 ' " I rotmd trip .—A dr. Apr. >7-80 May 4-7

' ,

r —TOR—RBWT—H ottso-W ith aofo oC ■. ground. 1% m ile from post office. Box 1 M l. n r phoaeJO ST j^____— .May-:7.pd.—

[ ~FO I^R H N T --6^room modem house. *-. ( See S . A. JdooQ, a t shop d r phone SI.'

L_TO R_.RBO T—F urh lsbed o r n n fn ^ l , nftHod spactiBenU. Blue Lakes t e t t l -

W orks.- - . M ar.-a t t :


I ‘'Au'tlj j»r*lc«' ’ phon, ias M. ( l iW -; . kinds of au to -liv e ry service- P rices - • TeaBODftblgr^ ' TiOy ’T 7- a - i r ^ ’

' STR A Y B D -B m all bay ^ d l t f / p o w ; *

. North o r-p h o o e 62B:W , M v

N I T U R l I :