Gujarat University Admission Committee (GUAC)


Transcript of Gujarat University Admission Committee (GUAC)




Gujarat University Admission Committee (GUAC)


(2021–22) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) /

Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC)

For the Academic Year 2021-22

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY ADMISSION COMMITTEE Behind Gujarat University Library, Near Gujarat University information Center

Gujarat University Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmadabad- 380009.

Visit us:

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From the Desk of the Vice Chancellor

Namaskar and Season’s Greetings! Many congratulations to you on your excellent academic journey so far. You are warmly welcome to the Gujarat University family. Since its inception in 1949 and banking on our glorious alumni tradition, the University strives to excel in various disciplines like Humanities, Management, Law, Education, Sciences, Medical and Paramedical. This e-booklet details various courses following the UGC and Government of Gujarat guidelines. The credit system for each subject is the core component of the education system at Gujarat University. This will be especially beneficial for those who wish to pursue higher studies at the institutes and universities of national and international repute. These programmes include wide range of core, compulsory, core electives, subject electives and soft skill and foundation courses. The motto of Gujarat University is Education-Innovation-Skill with Culture. The Gujarat University also provides a progressive platform to young entrepreneurs/researchers/scholars/faculties. The University has a strong and innovative initiative like Gujarat University Startup and Entrepreneurship Council (GUSEC), Gujarat University Consultancy Cell (GUCC) and an upcoming APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Extension, Research and Innovation (CERI), Research Park (RP), DST- Technology Business Incubator (TBI), Atal Incubation Centre (AIC). The affiliated colleges of this University also provide various opportunities and a platform to the students to blossom in curricular and extra-curricular activities like cultural, social, sports, NSS and NCC, etc. We encourage and strive for all round development of the students for a better culture – individual and nation. Let me put some light on a few key and remarkable achievements of the University during the last year. GU became the first university in India to sign a cooperation agreement with the Indian Army to collaborate on innovation, training of soldiers and solving challenges faced by the Indian army. GU also signed MoU with Canada's Launch Academy during the Vibrant Gujarat Start-up Summit. During the year, GU also undertook a program named her START to boost women-led start-ups and women entrepreneurship, paving way for more than 35 women-led start-ups emerging from the program. These initiatives are only a few out of dozens that the University has taken in the last year, and your joining in this historical and the largest University of the state will also make you a part of this family and your contribution will be a part of such ground-breaking innovations. Gujarat University has a strong and inspiring legacy. You all are welcome once again to be a part of the unique combination of tradition & modern innovation to make India more vibrant. Prof. (Dr.) Himanshu A. Pandya Vice Chancellor Gujarat University, Ahmedabad – 380009, India

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From the Desk of the Pro-Vice Chancellor

નમસ્તે ! સૌ પહલેા તો જે મમત્રો એમની શાળા અભ્યાસની – ૧૨ વર્ષની લાાંબી યાત્રા પરૂી કરીન ેકોલજે જીવનમાાં પ્રવશે કરી રહ્યા છે તમેન ેઅને તમેના માતા-મપતા તથા તમેના સ્વજનોન ેગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટી તરફથી અભિનાંદન સાથ ેઆવકારુાં છાં. મમત્રો ,ગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટીના િવ્ય ઈમતહાસ તરફ નજર નાખીએ તો ૨૩ નવમે્બર ,૧૯૪૯નાાં રોજ પ્રારાંિ થયેલ આ ગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટીના સ્વપ્ન્દ્રસ્ટામાાં મહાત્મા ગાાંધી ,સરદાર વલ્લિિાઇ પટેલ ,આચાયષ આનાંદશાંકર ધ્રવુ ,દાદા સાહબે માવલાંકર ,કસ્તરુિાઈ લાલિાઈ જેવા ગૌરવશાળી અનકે મહાનિુાવોના નામ ગણી શકાય ,જેમનુાંદીર્ષરષ્ટટ અન ેકાયષની આહુતીએ િારત દેશની એક સમયની સૌથી મોટી યમુનવમસિટીને જ્મ આપ્ન્દયો છે તમેાાં તમ ેજોડાવાના છો જે તમારા માટે પણ ગવષની વાત બનશ ે. િગવદ્ગીતાના બીજા અધ્યાયના ૫૦મા શ્લોકન ેગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટીનો મરુાલખે બનાવવામાાં આવ્યો છે, જે તેના લોગોમાાં દશાષવલે છે જેનો અથષ છે “કમષની કુશળતા એ જ યોગ છે” ,મતલબ તમ ેજે પણ કામ કરો અથવા તમારી જે કામ કરવાની જવાબદારી છે તમેાાં શ્રટેઠ કરો એ જ યોગ છે અન ેકૌશલનો અથષ છે કોઈ પ્રકારના લગાવ વગર ,સખત મહનેત અન ેલાાંબા કલાકો નહહ પરાંત ુિક્તતિાવ પવૂષક પોતાનુાં કામ કરવુાં .મમત્રો કામ કરવાનો આ અથષ તમ ેજીવનમાાં ઉતારશો તો હુાં ચોક્કસ પણ ેમાનુાં છાં કે તમારી કારહકદી તમન ેએક એવી જબરજસ્ત ઊંચાઈ પર લઇ જશ ે,જેની કદાચ તમ ેકલ્પના પણ નહહ કરી હોય . હડજીટલ ઇ્ડીયા તરફના કદમમાાં ગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટી દ્વારા ૨૦૧૪થી તૈયાર થયેલ આ ઈબકુ તમન ેતમારી પ્રવશે પ્રહિયાની રજેરજ માહહતી આપશ ે ,જેનુાં મખુ્ય ધ્યાન તમને ઓનલાઈન એડમમશનની સમગ્ર પ્રહિયા કેવી રીત ે કરી શકો ત ે છે ,જેમાાં એક બાજુ ઉપયોગી Abbreviations અનAેcronyms પણ છે ,તો સાથ ેજ ગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટી સાંલગ્ન Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) , Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC)ન ેલગતી કોલેજના નામ ,સરનામાાં ,મમડીયમ ,મવર્ય ,સીટની સાંખ્યા પણ બતાવલે છે ,જે તમારા એડમમશનના મનણષયમાાં ખબુ ઉપયોગી છે. અંગે્રજીના મહાન લખેક અન ેસાહહત્યકાર જ્યોર્જ બનાષડ શોનુાં એક સરસ વાક્ય છે “Progress is never possible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”. જે બહુ સરસ સમજ આપ ે છે કે દુમનયામાાં પહરવતષન જ કાયમ છે માટે તમ ેતમારા વ્યક્તતત્વને સમય સાથે જોડતા અન ેબદલતા રહજેો ,તો જ તમે પ્રોફેશનલ લાઈફમાાં સફળ થશો .કોલજેકાળમાાં અભ્યાસની પરુતી સમજ સાથને ુાં સારુાં પહરણામ ,કોલજેમાાં થતી મવમવધ પ્રવમૃતઓમાાં િાગ લેવો તમારા સમગ્ર વ્યક્તતત્વન ેમવકસાવશ ે.જે છેવટે સમાજન ેઅન ેમવશ્વમાાં ખબુ મોટુાં યવુા ધન ધરાવતાઆપણા િારત દેશને ગૌરવ અને પ્રગમત અપાવશ ે. આશા રાખુાં છ કે તમન ેઆ ઈ બકુ ખબુ ઉપયોગી બન ેઅન ેતમ ેઆ ગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટીમાાં એડમમશન લઇ અમારા સૌ કોઈમાાં જે મવશ્વાસ મકુ્યોછે તને ેઅમ ેવધમુાાં વધ ુમનિાવીએ અન ેતમારા જીવનની સુાંદર પ્રગમતમાાં વધમુાાં વધ ુફાળો આપીએ .

ડો .જગદીશિાવસાર

ઉપકુલપમતશ્રી ગજુરાતયમુનવસીટી અમદાવાદ– ૩૮૦૦૦૯િારત.

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Content From the Desk of the Vice Chancellor.................................................................................................................................................... 3

From the Desk of the Pro-Vice Chancellor ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Key Words .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Gujarat University Admission Committee: 2021– 2022 ...................................................................................................................... 9

1. Preamble ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12

2. Admission Rules ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

1. Short Title and Commencement ................................................................................................................................................... 13

2. Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

3. Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

4. Admission to Various Programs ................................................................................................................................................... 15

5. Seats Available for Admission ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

6. Eligibility for Admission ................................................................................................................................................................ 15

7. Reservation of Seats ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16

8. Reservation for Physically Disabled Students ............................................................................................................................. 18

9. Reservation for the Children of Defense Personnel and Ex-Servicemen .............................................................................. 18

10. Distribution of Seats between Students of Gujarat Board and Other Boards .................................................................... 18

11. Supernumerary Seats ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19

12. Preparation of Merit List ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

13. Correction of Marks .................................................................................................................................................................... 20

14. Registration for Admission .......................................................................................................................................................... 20

15. Admission Procedure: .................................................................................................................................................................. 22

16. Fees .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

17. Documents to be Attached with the Application .................................................................................................................... 23

18. Ineligibility for Admission on Production of False Documents ........................................................................................... 25

19. Cancellation of Admission and Refund of Fees ....................................................................................................................... 25

20. Vacant Seats ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

21. Penalty ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

23 Interpretation .................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

3. Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging ............................................................................................................................................ 27

4. Format of Affidavit by the Student (Pass out student other than 2021) .................................................................................... 32

5. Fees Details & Instructions ................................................................................................................................................................ 33

6. Important Instructions: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 34

7. Screenshots and steps of ONLINE admission process for registration ..................................................................................... 37

8. SEAT MATRIX FOR THE B.A. / B.J.M.C. PROGRAM - LIST OF ALL COLLEGES ................................................. 61

9. Schedule of Probable Key Dates: ................................................................................................................................................... 67

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Disclaimer clause

1. The printing of e- booklet of BA/BJMC programme makes every effort to ensure that the provided information is correct. However, not all errors might not be corrected in time, and the e-print will not be responsible errors, omissions or misstatements or /misrepresentations whether expressed or implied.

2. The e-print is not responsible for any accident accidental error omissions, negligence, interruption, errors in transmission or reception, computer virus infection, defamation, contract damage, copyright or intellectual property rights infringement and any loss caused which by our website information directly or indirectly.

Please click on following link for Registration Form

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Key Words

Bank A bank designated by GUAC for collection of registration charges and tuition fees

Course Course under which student would be offered a seat

Counseling Counsel the students for admission process

Help Centre A college or an institute providing help to the student for training, registration, choice selection, looking etc.

Intake Sanctioned seats as per Gujarat University

Inter –Se- Merit

Merit list prepared by the colleges on the basis of applications received by respective college

Merit Number (Rank)

Unique position of the counselees

Mock Round Trial round shows tentative admission status

Open Category Seat available for all student participating in the counseling

Participating College/Institution

A college or an institute participating in counseling

Reserved Categories

SC, ST, SEBC, (Sub Categories - DS, PH); EWS

Seat Matrix A table showing the available seats and its bifurcation among different categories as per the reservation policy of the state. The seat matrix is prepared by college or institute, course and category-wise.

Stream Various streams like General / Commerce, Science

Web based Counseling

Online form filling and submission of choices from any internet print

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

B. A. Bachelor of Arts

B.J.M.C. Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education

CCR Central Control Room of GUAC, I. A. S. Training Centre, Behind SBI Bank - Gujarat University Branch.

DS Defense Service ( Ex./ In Personnel of Defense Service )

EWS Economically Weaker Sections

GEN General

GU Gujarat University

GUAC Gujarat University Admission Committee

HC Help Centre

IB International Baccalaureate – International School Board

ISCE Indian School Certificate Examination

MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development

M. Marks Merit Marks

NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling

NRI Non Resident Indian

PH Physically Handicapped (A Person with Physical Disability)

PI Participating Institute

SC Schedule Caste of Gujarat State

SEBC Socially and Educationally Backward Class of Gujarat State (Including Widow Candidate and Orphan of Any Caste of Gujarat State)

SF Self-Financed

ST Schedule Tribe of Gujarat State

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Gujarat University Admission Committee: 2021– 2022

[B. A., B.J.M.C. Three Years]

DEAN (Faculty of ARTS)

Dr. Dharamsingh Desai

Officer on Special Duty


Prof. Jayesh Solanki

BA Committee Members

Dr. Gnaanesh N. Jani

Dr. Nitesh Solanki

Dr. Nilesh Sathwara

Dr. Ranjitsinh Zala

Dr. Harshad Brahmbhatt

Dr. Pankaj Shrimali

Administrative Staff Members

Ganesh Bhosle

Siddharth Savaj

Pinal Monpara

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ગજુરાત યનુિવનસિટી પ્રવેશ સનિનત ગજુરાત યનુિવસીટી ઇન્ફોિેશિ સેન્ટર િી બાજુ િાાં,ગજુરાત યનુિવસીટી કેમ્પસ ,િવરાંગપરુા,અિદાવાદ-૦૯



Student Support Mobile / WhatsApp Numbers

(Contact hours: 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Except Sunday & Holidays


Helpline No 1: 917 328 6923

Helpline No 2: 917 328 6929

Helpline No 3: 917 356 3349

E-mail ID for Student Support

B.A. / B.J.M.C. [email protected]

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NOTE: The schedule for the online counseling session will

be announced separately on website

Students’ Online Counseling Program for Students & Parents

On account of Covid-19, this time GUAC-BA has organized Online Counseling session for the eligible students willing to take admission in B.A. (Bachelor of Arts). In this counseling session the GUAC-BA team will explain the students regarding the flow of admission process and will also counsel the students about difficulties faced by them during the complete admission process. The team will also discuss the FAQs related to the Registration, Merit, Admission and process after Admission allotment.

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1. Preamble

The Gujarat University is established in the year 1949 by The Gujarat University Act, 1949. As per the powers conferred in the said Act, Gujarat University has constituted “Gujarat University Admission Committee” to regulate the admission of student to the certain programmes as mentioned in “The Gujarat University Admission Rules, 2021 (Arts)”. The mission assigned to the Committee is to carry out the counseling process in a fair and transparent manner. The admission process is conducted by this Committee strictly on the basis of merit and the preference of the student. The functions of the Committee are as follow:

The Committee shall supervise, monitor and control the entire process of

admission to the student seeking admissions to the affiliated colleges or


The Committee shall prepare the merit list in accordance with the provisions

of the rules made there under.

The Committee shall advocate the Government, Grant-In-Aid or Unaided

seats in accordance with the provisions of the rules made there under.

The Committee shall ensure that admission in the Government, Grant-In-Aid

or Unaided seats are made as per the merit list prepared.

The Committee shall perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by

the Gujarat University.

Gujarat University has launched online admission procedure since

2014-15 and performing successfully. Online web-based admission

process proved to be most accurate, transparent and time and cost


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2. Admission Rules

The Gujarat University Admission Rules, 2021- 2022 (Arts) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 read with Section 22 of the Gujarat University Act, 1949, the Gujarat University hereby makes the following rules to regulate admission to various programs mentioned in 1.2 as follows, namely:

1. Short Title and Commencement 1.1. These rules may be called the “The Gujarat University Admission Rules,

2021 (Arts)”.

1.2. These rules shall be applicable for admission in the first year of the

following programs:

1.2.1 Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) 1.2.2 Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication (B.J.M.C.)

1.3 They shall come into force from the 1st April, 2021 and the earlier ordinances, rules and regulations will stand null and void for the programme mentioned in 1.2.

2. Definitions 2.1 In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:

2.1.1 “University” means the Gujarat University constituted under the Gujarat University Act, 1949;

2.1.2 “UGC” means University Grants Commission constituted under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

2.1.3 “Rules” means “The Gujarat University Admission Rules, 2021 (Arts);

2.1.4 “Admission Committee” means “Gujarat University Admission Committee” framed for centralized online admission of Gujarat University for programs mentioned in 1.2.

2.1.5 “Admission” for the purpose of these rules means admission of student in the programs mentioned in 1.2.

2.1.6 “Gujarat Board” means the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary School Examination Board established under section 3 of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary School Board Act, 1972 (Guj. 18 of 1973);

2.1.7 “School” means a higher secondary school (XII, 10 + 2 Pattern);

2.1.8 “University School” means a “University School” as defined in the

Gujarat University Act, 1949; 2.1.9 “Department” means a “University Department” as defined in the

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Gujarat University Act, 1949; 2.1.10 “College” or “Institution” means a “University College”, “Degree

College”, “Constituent College”, “Affiliated College” or “College” as defined in the Gujarat University Act, 1949;

2.1.11 “Help Centers” means the centers notified by the admission committee for facilitation of the student for off campus online admission process;

2.1.12 “Theory Subjects” means those theory subjects which are considered by the respective board to award class, grade or percentage;

2.1.13 “Merit Marks” or “Percentage of Marks” means the total marks obtained by the student in his/her board in theory subjects (papers) only, which will be divided by total marks of theory subjects (papers) multiplied by 100;

2.1.14 “Qualifying Examination” means the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination, (Standard XII, 10 + 2 Pattern) passed in the General, Commerce or Science Stream or equivalent examination and English as one of the subjects;

2.1.15 “Website” means the official website of the Admission Committee to carry out campus online admission process;

2.1.16 “Supernumerary Seats” means the seats which are termed as such by the University, UGC or other statutory body and which are over and above the sanctioned intake of the programs;

2.1.17 “Unaided” means self-financed; 2.1.18 “PI” means participating institution;

2.2. The words and expressions used in these rules but are not defined shall have the same meanings as assigned to them in the rules.

3. Abbreviations 3.1 B.A. – Bachelor of Arts

3.2 B.J.M.C. – Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication

3.3 CBSE – Central Board of Secondary Education

3.4 CISCE – Council of Indian School Certificate Examination

3.5 EWS – Economically Weaker Sections

3.6 GU – Gujarat University

3.7 IB – International Baccalaureate - International Board

3.8 NIOS–National Institute of Open Schooling

3.9 NRI – Non Resident Indian

3.10 PEC – Provisional Eligibility Certificate

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3.11 PIO – Persons of Indian Origin

3.12 SC – Scheduled Caste

3.13 SEBC – Socially and Educationally Backward Class

3.14 ST – Scheduled Tribe

3.15 UGC – University Grants Commission

4. Admission to Various Programs Admission to the first year of the programs mentioned in 1.2 shall be given on all the government, grant-in-aid and unaided seats on the basis of merit list prepared by the admission committee.

5. Seats Available for Admission For the purpose of admission to the first year of the programs, available seats shall include – 5.1Government, Grant-In-Aid or Un-Aided Seats

5.1.1 All the sanctioned government, grant-in-aid or un-aided seats

of the programs mentioned in 1.2 in the government, grant-

in-aid or un-aided university school, department, government

college or institution,

5.1.2 All supernumerary seats of the programs mentioned in 1.2 in

the government, grant-in-aid or unaided university school,

department, college or institution.

6. Eligibility for Admission 6.1 For the purpose of admission, a student shall have passed the

qualifying examination in the subjects prescribed by Gujarat University

from time to time from –

6.1.1 The Gujarat Board;

6.1.2 The Central Board of Secondary Education;

6.1.3 The Council of Indian School Certificate Examination, New


6.1.4 The International Baccalaureate;

6.1.5 National Institute of Open Schooling

6.1.6 A student who has passed the qualifying examination from

any State other than Gujarat;

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6.2 A student who has passed the qualifying examination after appearing in the supplementary examination conducted by the Board shall be eligible for admission in the current academic year on vacant seats declared under the Gujarat University Admission Rules, 2021 (Arts). A student who has passed the qualifying examination from other than Gujarat Board and other than CBSE school of Gujarat State shall be required to obtain Provisional Eligibility Certificate (PEC) from Gujarat University before registration from Room No. 14 - Eligibility Section, Ground floor, Gujarat University

Tower. The Link is

6.3 Following shall be eligibility criteria for admission in first year of the

programme mentioned in 1.2,

6.4.1 All Students who have English as one of the subject or English as medium of Instruction are eligible for admission. The Student who has studied in English Medium and English was not the subject in 12th standard, then he/she has to produce a Certificate from school that he/she has studied in English Medium.

7. Reservation of Seats 7.1 For the purpose of admission, the seats shall be reserved for the

students who are of Gujarat origin and falling under the respected

categories and in the following proportion, namely-

Scheduled Caste: 7 %

7.1.1 Scheduled Tribe: 15 %

7.1.2 Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, including Widows and

Orphan of any caste: 27%

7.1.3 Economically Weaker Sections 10 % (Out of 33% for Girls) (As per the

resolution of Gujarat Government)

7.1.5 Sports / NSS / NCC / Cultural Quota: 2% Super Numeric Seats

7.1.6 Physically Disabled Candidate: 3%

7.1.7Ex. Serviceman and Defense: 1%

7.2 A student seeking admission on reserved seat shall be required to

produce a Certificate of Caste;

Provided that the student belonging to SEBC shall be required to produce a certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in creamy layer in addition to the caste certificate. Provided that the student belonging to EWS shall be required to produce a certificate

17 | P a g e

7.3 No caste certificate / a certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in

creamy layer / EWS certificate shall be valid unless it is duly stamped,

signed and issued by the authority empowered by the Government of


7.4 A certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in creamy layer issued by

the competent authority shall be valid for the period of 3 years from

the date of issue.

7.5 If a student fails to submit the certificates as required within the

stipulated time, his/her candidature shall be considered for admission

under unreserved category.

7.6 If a student of reserved category gets admission on unreserved seat in

order of merits, he/she may be given admission on the unreserved seat

according to his/her preference.

7.7 The admission of a student from a reserved category on a reserved seat

shall be valid on the subject to the verification of caste certificate by

the authority empowered by the State Government on this behalf. In

case the caste certificate is found invalid on verification, he/she shall

not have right to claim his/her admission on reserved seat and if

he/she has already been granted admission, such admission shall be

cancelled. Admission of such student may be continued in case of

availability of vacant unreserved seats, subject to the condition of

eligibility of merit.

7.8 A) After granting admission to all the students of reserved categories

on respective reserved seats, the remaining vacant reserved category

seats of Scheduled Caste (SC) shall be transferred to Scheduled Tribe

(ST) and similarly the remaining vacant seat of Scheduled Tribe (ST)

shall be transferred to Scheduled Caste (SC) by the Admission

Committee after having obtained sanction from the competent

authority of the Gujarat University.

B) After granting admission to all the students of EWS categories on respective reserved seats, the remaining vacant reserved category seats of female students (of EWS category) shall be transferred to male students (of EWS category) and similarly the remaining vacant seats of male students (of EWS category) shall be transferred to female students (of EWS category) by the admission committee after having obtained sanction from the competent authority of the Gujarat

18 | P a g e

University. 7.9 After granting admission to all the students as mentioned in 7.8 above,

the remaining reserved category vacant seats (if any) shall be

transferred to the unreserved category seats by the Admission

Committee after having obtained sanction from the competent

authority of the Gujarat University.

7.10 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College, Silvasa reservation quota

of Seats will be as per Union Territory.

8. Reservation for Physically Disabled Students

5% (Five percent) of the available seats in each category shall be reserved, in accordance with the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996), for the persons with disability who can perform the academic activities in the respective programme. A student with disability shall have to submit certificate of disability issued and duly signed by the Civil Surgeon. Explanation: “Person with Disability” means a person suffering from not less than 40 % (forty percent) of any disability as certified by a competent medical authority.

9. Reservation for the Children of Defense Personnel and Ex-Servicemen

9.1 One percent of available seats shall be reserved for the children of

Defense personnel and Ex-Servicemen, for admission.

9.2 A student claiming admission against Ex-Servicemen category shall be

required to submit a certificate to that effect duly issued by the

Director, SainikWelfare Board or by the District SainikWelfare Officer.

In-Service Defense personnel shall be required to submit certificate to

that effect duly issued by the Commanding Officer of the respective

unit in which they are serving.

9.3 The seats remaining vacant against the category of Defense personnel

and Ex-Servicemen shall be filled up from the merit list of unreserved

category students.

10. Distribution of Seats between Students of Gujarat Board and Other Boards

For the purpose of admission, all seats shall be distributed based on the merit list prepared in 12.1:

19 | P a g e

10% seats, of all seats for admission shall be reserved for student who has passed qualifying examination other than Gujarat State. (CBSE, ICSE, NIOS, Diploma, ITI and other equivalent board)

11. Supernumerary Seats

11.12 % Supernumerary seats will be allotted to the student of NSS, NCC, Sports and having cultural achievements. The criteria and verification will be done by competent committee constituted by Gujarat University. (Copies of supporting documents along with print of registration forms must be submitted to admission committee before the date specified on GUAC website).

12. Preparation of Merit List The merit list of the students, who have applied for admission in the manner prescribed by the Admission Committee, within the prescribed limit and who are found eligible for admission under these rules, shall be prepared in the following, namely – 12.1 For the students who have passed the qualifying examination from any

of the Boards mentioned in the 6.1, percentage of marks up to four

decimal points obtained in the theory shall be the merit marks.

12.2 The criteria for deciding merit order in case of students having equal

merit marks shall be based on the following sequence, namely –

12.2.1 Aggregate marks obtained in qualifying examination

12.2.2 English subject marks in qualifying examination

12.2.3 Aggregate marks of SSC Examination or equivalent examination

12.2.4 Date of Birth (Age)

12.2.5 The Boards / Universities who have the mark sheet with theory and practical

marks must produce certificates issued by School / Board / University which

clearly indicate classification of theory and practical marks otherwise their

registration form will not be accepted. The merit list will be strictly on external

theory marks only.

For students other than Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education

Board, Gandhinagar and Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

12.2.6 Those students whose mark sheet include CGPA / Grade only and

does not produce marks / percentage have to produce equivalent

certificate issued by the School / Board / University showing the

conversion of Grade / CGPA into marks or percentage otherwise

their registration form will not be accepted.

20 | P a g e

i. In subject of statistics 40 marks are for theory and 22 marks are for

practical should indicate in the following manner. Statistics: 40 / 70

(Theory) 22 / 30 (Practical) 62 / 100 (Total) 14

ii. If there is inclusion of theory / practical as well as external / internal will

be classified as follows: 40 Marks (out of 70) External Marks : 25 (out of

50) 22 Marks (out of 30) External Marks : 15 (out of 20) Internal Marks :

15 (out of 20) Internal Marks : 07 (out of 10)

13. Correction of Marks 13.1 In case of change in marks of a student in the qualifying examination,

such student shall produce a letter to that effect by the competent

authority or the corrected mark sheet issued by the Board, before the

Admission Committee at least one day before the commencement of

admission process (counseling programme) but not later than seven

days from the receipt of letter, or as the case may be, corrected mark-

sheet. In such case he/she shall be placed at an appropriate order in

the merit list.

13.2 The student who was declared failed initially in the qualifying

examination, but later on declared passed after rechecking of marks by

the Board, such student shall, not withstand any time limit prescribed,

be allowed to apply for the admission, provided he/she produces a

letter to that effect by the competent authority of the corrected mark

sheet issued by the Board, within seven days of the receipt of letter, or

as the case may be corrected mark-sheet. In such he/she shall be

placed at an appropriate order in the merit list.

13.3 If the mark sheet indicates the combined marks of theory and practical

then student has to produce a certificate from the school Principal

indicating bifurcation of practical and theory marks separately.

Otherwise form cannot be verified.

13.4 If the mark sheet indicates grade or GPA instead of marks /

percentage than student has to produce equivalent certificate indicating

percentage of marks.

14. Registration for Admission 14.1 The Admission Committee shall, by advertisement in the prominent

newspapers widely circulated in the State, by web-site or by such other

21 | P a g e

means, as it may consider convenient, publish the date of registration,

the list of Help Centers, last date for submission of registration form,

programs offered and such other information as may be necessary in

this regard.

14.2 A student seeking admission shall apply on-line, for the registration

of his/her candidature, on the web-site, within the time limit specified

by the Admission Committee.

14.3 For the purpose of registration, a student shall be required to make

payment of such sum total towards the Registration fee, etc. as

determined by the Admission Committee.

14.4 Only after successful payment student will enter in the admission

process and he/she can take print out and save the admission


14.5 Where a student has made more than one registrations, the registration

made at the later stage shall be taken into consideration for admission

purpose and the other registration shall be treated as cancelled.

14.6 A repeater, reserved category or other board student shall be required

to obtain the print out of the registration form and shall sign and

submit the same, along with the self-attested copies of the requisite

certificates and testimonials as specified in the registration form, at the

Help Center/Allotted College. An acknowledgement receipt for the

same shall be given from the college which is authorized by the

Admission Committee.

Note: No admission will be granted without online registration

22 | P a g e

15. Admission Procedure: The admission procedure shall be off campus and will be conducted online in the following manner: 15.1 The Admission Committee shall prepare merit list of the eligible

students who have applied under 14.2, after verification of the

documents submitted under 14.5.

15.2 The merit lists shall be displayed on the web-site of the Admission

Committee and by such other means, as the Committee may consider


15.3 The Admission Committee shall publish the schedule of online

counseling programme on its web-site or by advertisement in the

prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State, by web-site or by

such other means, as it may consider convenient.

15.4 The student shall be required to indicate at least 10 college in his/her

order of choices of programs and university schools, departments,

colleges or institutions, online. Allotment of seats shall be made on the

basis of merit, category of the student and availability of seats. The

allotment of seats shall be published on the web-site of the Gujarat

University. The students are required to obtain the print out of the

allotment letter and bank fee receipt copies from the website.

15.5 The student shall be required to pay such fees, as may be determined

by the Gujarat University.

15.6 The student, for securing his/her admission, shall produce at the Help

Centre (Allotted college), the allotment letter, receipt of fee, all original

documents and testimonials, for verification, within the specified time

limit. Such student shall be eligible to participate in the successive

rounds of counseling provided he/she has given option for the same.

In case, the student fails to produce the aforesaid required documents

within prescribed time limit, the admission offered to him/her shall be

treated as cancelled. Once the students have reported to their

respective college, cannot take part in the subsequent rounds.

15.7 Where considerable numbers of seats fall vacant and it appears to the

Committee to fill the vacant seats, it may conduct the on-line

admission process for readjustment (reshuffling) of seats. The student,

who opts to take part in reshuffling process, shall be considered for

23 | P a g e

such admission. The student may either give option for up gradation

of choices already given or submit new choices. If the student gets the

admission on the basis of up-gradation or new choices, then his/her

earlier admission shall be treated as cancelled, if reshuffling round is

done by the GUAC.

15.8 After completion of second round of admission by the colleges, the

vacant seats of reserved categories will be transferred to open category.

16. Fees 16.1 A student who gets admission in the government, aided or unaided

university school, department, college or institution shall have to pay

such fees, as may be determined by the Gujarat University.

16.2 If a student, who has paid the fees after getting admission, gets his/her

admission cancelled, his/her fees shall be refunded after completion of

the admission process after deducting 10 % of the fees paid, if

permitted by GUAC to do so.

16.3 In case of admission, benefits of Free ship card will be availed to only

un-aided (i.e. – self- financed) /higher payment programs.

16.4 If a student who has paid the fees in first round after getting admission

and does not report to the respective college, his/her admission is

liable to be cancelled.

17. Documents to be Attached with the Application 17.1 The student shall carry original documents and submit the self-

attested copies of the following documents along with the print out

of the registration form at the respective allotted College. namely –

17.1.1 SSC Examination (Std.X) Mark-sheet.

17.1.2 HSC Examination (Std. XII) Mark-sheet.

17.1.3 School Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate or

Migration Certificate

17.1.4 Caste certificate for a student belonging to Scheduled Caste

(SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Socially and Educationally

Backward Classes (SEBC)issued by the authority empowered

by the State Government in this behalf. (if applicable)

24 | P a g e

17.1.5 Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) issued by the authority

empowered by the State Government in this behalf.(if


17.1.6 A certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in creamy layer

issued by the competent authority having validity for the

period of 3 years from the date of issuance or as per the latest

amendment made by Government of Gujarat with this

regard.(if applicable)

17.1.7 Certificate of Physical Disability, issued and duly signed by

the Civil Surgeon/competent Medical Authority, in case of a

Physically Handicapped student.(if applicable)

17.1.8 Certificate of Ex-Serviceman, duly issued by the Director,

Sainik Welfare Board by the District Sainik Welfare Officer.

(if applicable)

17.1.9 A copy of certificate of In-Serviceman duly issued by the

Commanding Officer of the respective unit in which he/she

is serving. (if applicable)

17.1.10 A copy of Provisional Eligibility certificate for student of

other than Gujarat Board (including CBSE school situated in

Gujarat). (if applicable)

17.1.11 Such other certificates as the Admission Committee deems


17.2 After getting the allotment letter, the student shall have to produce

registration form, original certificates and testimonials/documents

along with the allotment letter for verification, at the respective

allotted college, within time-limit as may be specified by the Admission


17.3 The colleges may retain any original certificate or testimonial, which it

considers necessary until the admission process is completed. Such

college shall return the original certificate or testimonial to the student

after completion of the admission process.

17.4 The student who is unable to submit original certificates and

testimonials necessary for the purpose of admission within the time-

limit prescribed in 17.1.2, may be granted provisional admission,

subject to the following conditions:

25 | P a g e

17.4.1 On payment of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand) to the

Admission Committee as security deposit by the student. If the

student submits the required documents within a period of

three working days, (before last date of fee payment)the

remaining amount of the security deposit shall, after deducting

Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) towards the administrative

expenditure, be refunded;

17.4.2 In the event of failure to submit original certificates and

testimonials within the time limit as aforesaid, the provisional

admission may be cancelled and security deposit may be


18. Ineligibility for Admission on Production of False Documents During verification of documents or subsequently, if the Admission Committee or Help Center finds, any certificate or testimonial or information submitted by any student, incorrect or false, the studentship of such student shall be cancelled for that year and he/she shall be disqualified for admission for the period of next two years.

19. Cancellation of Admission and Refund of Fees 19.1 In case of cancellation of admission or transfer of student by the

Admission Committee, due to administrative reasons, the university

school, department, college or institution in which the student was

granted admissions shall refund the fees collected by it, (after

deducting 10 %) to such student. He /she is not permitted to take

admission in any college included in admission process after

cancellation by GUAC.

19.2 In case of cancellation of admission due to failure of student to get

himself/herself reported at the allotted college before due date, such

student shall be refunded after completion of the admission process

after deducting 10 % of the fees paid.

20. Vacant Seats 20.1 After offering admission to all the students whose name appear in the

merit list or after completion of the admission process, if the seats

remain vacant, such vacant seats shall be filled by the university school,

department, college or institution, in accordance with one directions of

the Admission Committee, in the manner prescribed in 20.2.

26 | P a g e

20.2 Such university school, department college or institution shall, invite

application from the eligible students and prepare an inter-se merit-list.

20.3 Admission on vacant seats mentioned in 20.2 shall be completed

within stipulated time period prescribed by Admission Committee. No

admission shall be granted after that.

21. Penalty Any breach of any of the provisions of the Rule or any directions issued,

by the Admission Committee time to time, by any person shall be liable to penalty which shall be decided by the admission committee.

23 Interpretation In implementation of the provisions of these rules, if any difficulty or question arises as to the interpretation of any provision, the decision of the Admission Committee shall be final. If any dispute arises, it will fall under Ahmedabad City Jurisdiction only.

Dr. P. M. Patel Registrar

27 | P a g e

3. Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging

Objectives: In view of the directions of the Honorable Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of

2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009

to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by

any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has

the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other

student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students

which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to

raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any

student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and

which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or

embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or

any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing

off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other

student, in all higher education institutions in the country, and thereby, to provide

for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, of all students.

What Constitutes Ragging: Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts: 1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or

by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a

fresher or any other student;

2. Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student;

3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary

course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or

torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of

such fresher or any other student; 4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular

academic activity of any other student or a fresher; 5. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the

academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.

28 | P a g e

6. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students;

7. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual

assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm

or any other danger to health or person; 8. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults which would also

include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student

9. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.

MANDATORY DISCLOSURE: 1. Ragging is totally banned and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting

ragging is liable to be punished. 2. The Appendix-I should be filled up and signed by the candidate to the effect that

he / she is aware of the law regarding prohibition of ragging as well as the

punishments, and that he/she, if found guilty of the offence of ragging and / or

abetting ragging, is liable to be punished appropriately.

3. The affidavit-II should be signed by the parent/guardian of the applicant to the

effect that he/she is also aware of the law in this regard and agrees to abide by

the punishment meted out to his/her ward in case the latter is found guilty of

ragging and / or abetting ragging. 4. A student seeking admission to the hostel shall have to submit another affidavit

along with his/her application for hostel accommodation that he / she is also

aware of the law in this regard and agrees to abide by the punishments meted out

if he / she is found guilty of ragging and / or abetting ragging. 5. The first year students should desist from doing anything against their will even

if ordered by the seniors, and that they have nothing to fear as the institution

cares for them and shall not tolerate any atrocities against them. 6. A student securing admission to a particular institute shall have to submit

concern affidavits to the principal of institute. Actions to be taken against students for indulging and abetting ragging in all

Government, Grant-in-Aid and un-aid Colleges/ Institutes and all schools

and departments of the University:

29 | P a g e

1. The punishment to be meted out to the persons indulged in ragging has to be

exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent against recurrence of such

incidents. 2. Every single incident of ragging a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed

without exception by the institutional authorities with the local police authorities. 3. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate

decision, with regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each

incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging. 4. Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established the possible

punishments for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any

one or any combination of the following,

a. Cancellation of admission b. Suspension from attending classes c. Withholding / withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits d. Debarring from appearing in any test / examination or other evaluation

process e. Withholding results f. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional,

national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc. g. Suspension / expulsion from the hostel h. Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters i. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission

to any other institution. j. Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime

of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers.

An appeal against the order of punishment by the Anti-Ragging Committee shall lie, 1. In case of an order of an institution, affiliated to or constituent part, of the

University, to the Vice-Chancellor of the University; 2. In case of an order of a University, to its Chancellor. 3. In case of an institution of national importance created by an Act of Parliament,

to the Chairman or Chancellor of the institution, as the case may be. The institutional authorities shall intimate the incidents of ragging occurred in their

premises along with actions taken to the University from time to time. Note: In addition to the above information students are advised to see for latest provisions of it.

30 | P a g e

APPENDIX - I: AFFIDAVIT BY THE STUDENT I, ________________________________________________________ (full name of studentwith admission / registration / enrolment number) s/o - d/o Mr. ______________________.

1) having been admitted to _________________________________________________________ (Name of the institute) ___________________________________________________(address)

have received a copy of the UGC regulations on Curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations.

2) I am aware as to what constitutes ragging. 3) I am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I

am found guilty of or abetting ragging, actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to

promote ragging.

4) I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) I will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under the Regulations. b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be

constituted as ragging under the Regulations. 5) I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment according to the

Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any

penal law or any law for the time being in force.

6) I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the

country on account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote,

ragging; and further affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am aware that my

admission is liable to be cancelled.

Declared this ___________Day of________________Month of _________________ Year.

Signature of Deponent Name: _____________________________________________


Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. Verified at _________________________________________________________________________________ (place) on this the _____(day) of _____________(month)_________ (year)

Signature of Deponent

Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the ______(day) of ______________ (month) ___________ (year) after reading the contents of this affidavit.


31 | P a g e


I, Mr./Mrs./Ms. ___________________________________________ (full name of parent/ guardian) father/mother/guardian of ____________________________________________ (full name of student) having admission /registration/enrolment number _________________.

1) having been admitted to ______________________________________________ (name of the

College or Institution), have received a copy of the UGC regulations on Curbing the menace of

Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully

read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations.

2) I am aware as to what constitutes ragging. 3) I am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against my ward in

case he/she is found guilty or abetting ragging, actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.

4) I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) My ward will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under the

Regulations. b) My ward will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or

omission that may be constituted as ragging under the Regulations. 5) I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, my word is liable for punishment according to the

Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against my ward under any penal law or any law for the time being in force.

6) I hereby declare that my word has not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution

in the country on account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to

promote, ragging; and further affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am aware

that my admission my word is liable to be cancelled.

Declared this ___________day of________________month of _________________ year.

Signature of Deponent Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Telephone/Mobile No.: _____________________________________________

VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. Verified at ________________________________________________ (place) on this the _____(day) of _____________(month)_________ (year)

Signature of Deponent Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the ______(day) of ______________ (month) ___________ (year) after reading the contents of this affidavit.


32 | P a g e

4. Format of Affidavit by the Student (Pass out student other than 2021)

(This format must be printed on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 20)

For the Students who have passed 12th standard Exam before March 2021and seek admission in [B.A. /

B.J.M.C.] through centralized Admission Process at The Gujarat University. I, _______________________________ (Name), Son of ________________________________ (Father/Mother’s Name), _____________________________ (religion), and aged _________ (years), Resident of _________________________City/Village, do hereby declare on solemn affirmation as under: - 1. That I have passed the Examination of 12th standard from __________ (Board) in _________ (Month)

_______ (Year).

2. I declare that due to the following reason after having passed my 12th standard exam, I could not apply for admission in _____________ [B.A. /B.J.M.C.] semester. I, in the subsequent year:

Reason (Please Specify the reason in short) ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________. a) I hereby declare that I have not taken admission in any stream of the Gujarat University/other

University after 12th standard and my terms of any program is not in continuation at any university. I

also declare that I have not been debarred from admission or restrained to appear for university Exam

by way of punishment for having caught in the misconduct/copy at the exam by the competent

authority of any university

3. I further declare that after having passed my 12th standard exam; I have not taken admission in any stream

at any other University/ after having taken admission in ___________________ (specify) at

___________________University, the same has been cancelled by me. I declare on oath that at present I

am not pursing any other program/course in any university.

4. I state and submit that I am fully aware of the fact as per the Gujarat University Centralized [B.A./B.J.M.C.]

Admission Program Rules 2021, I cannot apply / get admission in any program during continuation of

other program at the Gujarat university or other university and if I am found to pursue other

program/course in continuation of the BA program offered by the Gujarat university, the admission

committee will be having full discretion to cancel my admission/remove my name from the merit list or

take any such other action against me.

5. I also declare that whatever stated here in above is true to the best of my knowledge, information and

belief. I am also aware of the fact that to file a false affidavit is punishable as an offence

Solemnly affirmed on this ________ (day) of _____________ (month) of the ___________ (Year) at _____________ (Place).

Signature of the Student

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5. Fees Details & Instructions

The Fees structure will be in accordance to the norms of University & UGC guidelines. (The Fees structure in Self-Finance Colleges may vary)

1. The admission will be subject to intake sanctioned by the Gujarat University,

Ahmedabad. 2. There is no tuition fee for female students in Government and Grant-in-Aid colleges. 3. The above information is for reference only and subject to change. Latest

information will be available at GUAC website :

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6. Important Instructions:

For students other than Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar and Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

1. The boards / Universities who have issued the mark sheet with theory and practical

marks must produce certificates issued by school / board / University which clearly

indicate classification of theory and practical marks otherwise their registration form will

not be accepted. The merit list will be prepared strictly on external theory marks only.

For e.g.

i. In subject of statistics 40 marks are for theory and 22 marks are for practical

should indicate in the following manner.

Statistics: 40 / 70 (Theory) 22 / 30 (Practical) 62 / 100 (Total)

ii. If there is inclusion of theory / practical as well as external / internal will be

classified as follows:

40 Marks

(out of 70)

External Marks : 25 (out of 50) 22 Marks

(out of 30)

External Marks : 15 (out of 20)

Internal Marks : 15 (out of 20) Internal Marks : 07 (out of 10)

2. Those students whose mark sheet include CGPA / Grade only and does not include

marks / percentage have to produce equivalent certificate issued by the school / board /

university showing the conversion of grade/ CGPA into marks or percentage otherwise

their registration form will not be accepted.

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ખાસિોંધ :Contact Detail for Inquiry: B.J.M.C. program (3 Years)

No College Name Address & Contact Number

1 Institute of Journalism & Communication Institute of Journalism & Communication


Chimanbhai Patel Institute Campus,


Prahladnagar, Opp. Karnavati Club,

S.G.Highway, Ahmedabad 380 015

Phone: 079-26926429, 099200 21406

email:[email protected]


2 National Institute of Mass Communication &


4th Floor, Sapath-1, Opp. Rajpath Club

S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad- 380015 Phone :

079-26870443, 9898016308 (M)

email : [email protected], [email protected]


3 President Institute of Journalism

Shayona campus, Shayona city, R. C.

Technical road, Off S. G. Highway,

Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad-380061 Phone:-


email : [email protected]

36 | P a g e

EWS અિાિત અંગેિા નિયિો

ગજુરાત સરકારનશક્ષણનવભાગિાાં નિયિોિે આધારે રહશેે

(1) ગજુરાતયમુનવમસિટીનાસ્નાતકઅનેઅનસુ્નાતકકક્ષાનાાંઅભ્યાસિમોનીવર્ષ2021 -2 2નીપ્રવેશપ્રહિયામાાંઆ ઠરાવનો અમલ કરવો.

(2) દરેકપ્રોગ્રામમાટેદરેકકોલેજનેકાયમીમા્યતાઆપવામાાંઆવેલવગોનીસાંખ્યાઅનેમવધ્યાથીનીસાંખ્યાનાઆધારેઆ૧૦%અનામતનીજોગવાઈકરવી.

(3) આઠરાવનીબાબતિમાાંક૫નાઆધારે ૧૦% જગ્યાઓ પૈકી૩૩%જગ્યાઓમહહલાઑમાટેઅનામતરાખવી.

(4) ઉપરની બાબત માાં િમાાંક ૩ માાં દશાષવેલ ૩૩% જગ્યાઓ મસવાયની ૬૭% જગ્યાઓ માટે ટકાવારીએ/મેરીટ ટકાવારી ઉંચી/ બેઠકોની ફાળવણી એટલે કે મહહલાઓનુાં મેરીટ નો સમાવેશ ૩૩% બેઠકોમાાં કરવો.

(5) બેઠકોનીફાળવણીકરતીવખતેસાંખ્યાઅપણૂાાંકમાાંઆવેતોજ્યાાંઅપણૂાાંક ૦.૫ કે તેથી વધ ુ હોય તો તેને પણૂષ બેઠકો ગણવી અને અ્ય જગ્યાએ એક બેઠક ર્ટાડવી , એટલે કુલ બેઠકોની સાંખ્યા વધી ન જાય.

(6) કોલેજ દ્વારાએકકરતાાંવધમુાધ્યમો,એકકરતાાંવધમુવર્યોપસાંદગીમાટેઆપવામાાંઆવતાહોયતોતેકોલેજેપોતાની માધ્યમ મવર્ય ની ૩૦% બેઠકોમાાં૧૦% મા્યતા ધરાવતી બેઠકોની વધારાની બેઠકો પ્રમાણ ેફાળવણી કરવી (બહનેો માટેઅનામત) ઉપરાાંત૧૦% બેઠકોમાાંથી૩૩% મહહલા ઓ માટે અનામત રાખવાની હોવાથી તનય ઉપર મજુબ વારાફરથી બેઠકો વર્ષ બાદ ગોઠવી અને ફાળવણી કરવી.EWS વગષની બેઠકો ખાલી રહવેા પામ ેતો76% નીવધલે 33% માાં અન ે33% ની વધેલ 67% માાં જરૂર જણાય તે પ્રમાણ ેતબદીલ કરવી.

(7) બાબત િમાાંક દશાષવેલ બઠેકોને તબદીલ કાયષ બાદ પણ બેઠકો વધ ેતો SC-ST-SEBC બેઠકોની જેમજ કરવાનુાં રહશેે .

(8) ઉપર દશાષવેલ િમાક 1 થી 8માાં કોઈ મવસાંગતતા જણાય તો ઠરાવમાાં દશાષવેલ બાબતોન ેકે્રસ્થા ને રાખી.

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7. Screenshots and steps of ONLINE admission process for registration Students who have passed qualifying examination i.e. 10 + 2 higher secondary

examination or equivalent examination have to login to the system which can

be accessed from link provided on Gujarat University site or to open student login screen, click

on the “GU Centralized Admissions – 2021” URL

બી.એ. , બી.જે . એિ.સી.િી ઓિલાઈિ અરજી કરવા િાટેિી સચુિા

જે મવદ્યાથીએ જરૂરી પરીક્ષા પાસ કરી છે ,એટલેકે ૧0+૨ ઉતચતર માધમમક પરીક્ષા અથવા સમકક્ષ પરીક્ષા પાસ કરી છે તમેણે મસસ્ટમમાાં લોગઈન કરવાનુાં છે,જે ગજુરાત યમુનવસીટીની વેબસાઈટ પર

આપેલ ભલિંક દ્વારા શક્ય બનશે.


ઉપર દશાષવેલ આકૃમત મજુબ વેબ સાઈટચાલ ુકરતા જ એડમીશન ૨૦૨૧-૨૨ ને

પ્રદમશિત કરત ુાં એક બોક્ષ જોવા મળશ.ેજેની પર ક્તલક કરતા પ્રવેશ પ્રહકયા મા જોડાય શકાશે. As per the figure shown above, as soon as the web site is launched, you will

see a box displaying Admission 2021-22, clicking on which one can join the admission process.

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પ્રવેશ પ્રહિયા મા જોડાતાાં પહલેા યમુનવસીટી ના અભ્યાસિમો નવા જોડાનાર મવધાથીઓ માટે સચૂનાઓ

જોવા મળે છે.જેનો મવધાથીઓને અભ્યાસ દરમમયાન ચસુ્તપણે અમલ કરવા નો રેહશેે.

Before joining the admission process, there are instructions for the new students joining the courses

of the university, which the students have to follow strictly during the study.


ત્યારબાદ યમુનવસીટી દ્ધ્રારા સાંચાભલત મવમવધ અભ્યાસિમો નુાં પેજ જોવા મળેછે.ધોરણ ૧૨ પછીનાાં અભ્યાસિમ માાં પ્રવેશ માટે UG કોસષ પર ક્તલક કરવાનુાં રેહશેે.

Then you can see the page of various courses run by the university. For admission in the course after

standard 12, you have to click on UG courses.

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GU કોસષ મસલેતટ કરતા યમુનવસીટી દ્ધ્રારા ચાલતા મવમવધ અ્ડર ગે્રજ્યએુટ અભ્યાસતમો ની યાદી જોવા મળશે .જેમાાં AB માપ્રવેશ માટે AB લખેલ છે .તેની ઉપર ક્તલક કરવુાં. You will see a list of various undergraduate courses offered by the university after selecting the UG

courses. You will have to click - BA to get the admission in Bachelor of Arts (BA) course.


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GU કોસષ મા AB પર ક્તલક કરતાાં ઉપર મજુબ ની સ્િીન તમારા હડવાઈસમાાં જોવા મળશે ,જેમાાં (BofciicdrpAdisiimdA)AB/AMJB ૨૦૨૧-૨૨ લખેલ બોક્ષ ecsmfdAs બટન પર ક્તલક કરવુાં.

After clicking on BA in UG course, the above screen will appear on your device, you will have to

click on View more… (Under Admission process for BA / BJMC 2021-22).

STEP – 6

ત્યારબાદ ધોરણ ૧૨ પછી નાાં અભ્યાસક્ર્મ માાં પ્રવેશ અંગ ે ની અગત્યની સચૂનાઓ જોવા મળે છે. દરેક

મવદ્યાથીએ ફોમષ િરતાાં પહલેા સચૂનાઓ ધ્યાનપવૂષક વાાંચી લેવી જેમાાં જમણી બાજુ ઉપર ના િાગ પર New

Registration બટનનો ઉપયોગ કરવાનો રહશેે.

There are important instructions regarding admission in the course after Std-12. Every student should

read the instructions carefully before filling the form. Then, click the New Registration button at the

top Right.

િોધ:- પહલેી વખત િવુાં રજીસ્ટ્રેશિ હોય ત્યારે જ આ બટિ િો ઉપયોગ કરવાિાાં રહશેે.

Note: -This button will be used only when new registration is to be done for the first time.

જે મવદ્યાથી પ્રથમ વખત રજીસ્રેશન કરાવવા માાંગ ેછે તેમણે જ New Registration બટન પર ક્તલક કરવાનુાં રહશેે ( જે નવર્થાદ્યીઓ એ અગાઉ રજીસ્ટ્રેશિ કરાવી લીધુાં છે તેિણે આ પ્રક્રિયા કરવાિી રહશેે િહી( Students who want to register for the first time will have to click on the New Registration button.

(Students who have already registered WILL NOT have to do this process.)

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STEP – 7

New Registration બટન દબાવતાાં ઉપરોકત સ્િીન પર મજુબ ની માહહતી જોવા મળે છે જેમાાં I Agree બટન પર ક્તલક કરી રજીસ્રેશન ની પ્રહકયા માટે આગળ વધવુાં. By clicking on the New Registration button, the above information is displayed on the screen on

which click on the I Agree button to proceed with the registration process.

STEP – 8

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જે મવદ્યાથી ઓ પ્રથમ વખત જ રજીસ્રેશન કરાવી રહ્યા છે તેમણે Quick Registration પ્રહકયા માાં જોડાવા નુાં રહ ે( તેિણે છે લીધુાં કરાવી રજીસ્ટ્રેશિ અગાઉ જેિિે Already Registered login બટિ પર ક્લલક કરી, રજીસ્ટ્રેશિ પ્રક્રકયા િાાં આગળ વધવાન ુાં રહશેે) Students who are registering for the first time will have to join the Quick Registration process.

(Those who have already registered will have to proceed to the registration process by clicking on

the Already Registered login button.)

પ્રથમ વખત રજીસ્રેશન કરાવવા માટે Online Registration ફોમષ માાં તમામ મવગતો િરવાની રહશેે., આ

બધી માહહતી ખબૂ જ ધ્યાનપવૂષક આપવી, આ માહહતી એક વખત સબમમટ થઈ ગયા પછી તેમાાં કોઈ પણ

ફેરફાર થઈ શકશ ેનહહ.

In order to register for the first time, all the details have to be filled in the Online Registration form.

All this information has to be submitted very carefully. Once this information is submitted, no change

can be made in it.

STEP – 9

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અહીં ઈમેલ તેમજ મોબાઈલ નાંબર મવદ્યાથીએ પોતાના જ આપવા ,જેમાાં િમવટય માાં બધી જ સચૂનાઓ

આપવા માાં આવશે.

In this step, the student has to provide his personal email and mobile number as all the instructions

will be provided on this email/mobile no. in future.

અગાઉ ના ષ્સ્કનમાાં આપેલા ઈમેલ અને મોબાઈલ નાંબર ઉપર યમુનવમસિટી તરફ થી OTP આપવા માાં આવશે .જે OTP ઉપરોતત સ્િીન માાં આપી વેરીફાય કરવાનો રહશેે ).જેથી તમારો મોબાઈલ નાંબર સાચો

જ આપવો વેરીફાય થઇ જાય છે(

The university will send the OTP on the email and mobile number provided in the previous step. This

will have to be verified by giving OTP as shown on the above screen

STEP – 10

44 | P a g e

OTP વેરીફાય થઈ ગયા બાદ જોવા મળતા ઉપરોતત સ્િીન માાં માાંગવામાાં આવેલી તમામ માહહતી ને ધ્યાન

પવૂષક િરી સબમમટ બટન ક્તલક કરવુાં. After the OTP is verified, fill in all the required information on the above screen and click the submit


અહીં શારીહરક ખોડખાાંપણ, જામત ,જે્ડર ની મવગતો જોઈ ચકાસી ને િરવી, આ માહહતી ફરી થી સધુારી શકાશે નહીં Check and fill in the details of physical deformity, caste, gender here. This information cannot be

corrected again.

મવગતો િરી લીધા બાદ મવદ્યાથીએ પોતા નો ચોક્કસ પાસવડષ આપવાનો રહશેે .જે બે વખત ટાઈપ કરી કનફમ કરવા માાં આવે છે.આ પાસવડષ પ્રવેશ પ્રહકયા સાંપણૂષ પરુી ન થાય ત્યાાં સધુી યાદ/સાચવી

રાખવા નો રહશેે .પાસવડષ શલૂી જવાથી પ્રવેશ ફોમષ ખલુી શકશે નહીં .પોતાનો પાસવડષ કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તતને આપવો નહહ જેની ખાસનોંધ લેવી. After filling in the details, the student will have to give his exact password which can be confirmed

by typing it twice. This password will have to be remembered / saved till the login process is

completed. You will not be able to open the login form, if you forget the password.DO NOT share

your password with anyone.

45 | P a g e

એક જ પાસવડષ બે વખત આપી સબમમટ આપવા માાં ઉપરોતત સ્િીન જોવા મળે છે .જેમાાં ઈમેલ તેમજ મેસેજમાાં આપેલ મોબાઈલ માાં યમુનવમસિટી દ્ધારા આપનુાં યઝુર આઈ ડી તેમજ આપેલો પાસવડષ જોવા

મળે છે .GUAC દ્ધારા મોકલવામાાં આવે છે. પાસવડષ અને યઝુર આઈ ડી પ્રવેશ પ્રહકયા પરુી ન થાય ત્યાાં સધુી સાચવી રાખવો. The above screen is seen after typing the same password twice on which your user ID as well as the

password given by the university can be seen in the email as well as the message given in the mobile.

Save the password and user ID sent by GUAC until the login process is completed.


અગાઉ કરેલ બધી જ પ્રહકયા Quick registration નો િાગ છે .જે મવદ્યાથીએ આ પ્રહિયા કરી લીધી છે તેમણે

Already Registered મવકલ્પ મસલેતટ કરી ઉપર પ્રમાણ ેજેવાાં મળતા સ્કીન માાં યઝુર આઈ ડી ,પાસવડષ અને captcha આપી સાઈન in બટન દબાવવુાં. All the process done earlier is a part of Quick registration. The student who has done this process,

can select the ‘Already Registered’ option. Enter user ID, password and captcha on the same screen

as above and click the Sign in button.

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STEP – 11

Sign in બટન દબાવતાાં મવદ્યાથી પોતાનુાં પ્રવેશ ફોમષ િરવાની પ્રહકયા શરૂ કરી શકે છે .જેમાાં પ્રથમ સ્કીન

ઉપર મજુબ માાં પોતાનુાં નામ કઈ શાખા નુાં પ્રવેશ ફોમષ છે તેમજ એક્પ્ન્દલકેશન નાંબર જોવા મળેછે .તેની નીચે

ના િાગ માાં મવદ્યાથી એ કરેલ પ્રહકયા નુાં સ્ટેટસ જોઈ શકાય છે , જેમાાં સૌ પ્રથમ બધી જ મવગતો પેષ્્ડિંગ જોવા મળશે.

By clicking on the Sign in button, the student can start the process of filling up his / her admission

form. On the first screen the student can see the name of the branch for which the admission form is

and also the application number. In the lower part of it, the status of the process done by the student

can be seen. At first, the status of all the details will be seen as pending.

આજ સ્કીન માાં ડાબી બાજુ ઉપર ના િાગ ેબીજા નાંબરે Application Details લખેલુાં જોવા મળે છે જેની ઉપર

ક્તલક કરતા ફોમષ િરવાની પ્રહકયા શરૂ થાય છે.

At the top of the left side of the same screen, the second tag will show Application Details. After

clicking on that, the process of filling the form gets started.

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STEP – 12

ફોમષ િરવામાાં સ્કીન ના ઉપર ના િાગ ેબેભઝક , પસષનલ ,એકેડેમમક ,ભબડાણ, ચોઇસ ,લોક , પેમે્ટ અને ડાઉનલોડ લખેલા સકષલ જોવા મળે છે જેમાાં કમશ :એક પછી એક માહહતી આપી ફોમષ માાં આગળ વધાવનુાં રહશેે.

At the top of the screen you will see a circle with tags like Basic, Personal, Academic, Attachment,

Choice, Lock, Payment and Download. You have to fill up all the information gradually and proceed.

નોંધ ને ફોમષ માહહતી આપેલ અહી -Lock ન કરવામાાં આવે ત્યાાં સધુી ફરેફાર કરી શકાય છે માહહતી અમકુ .Quick

Registration વખત ેિરેલી છે તે માત્ર દશાષવવામાાં આવે છે ,જેમાાં કોઈ ફરેફાર થઈ શકશ ેનહીં .

Note: - The information form given here can be modified till it is locked. Only some information filled in at

the time of Quick Registration is displayed, which cannot be changed.

48 | P a g e

આ ફોમષ માાં લાલ કલર (*)કરેલ વાળી બધી જ માહહતી આપવી ફરજીયાત છે .જે જગ્યાએ આ સાંજા આપેલ નથી તે મવગતો મરજજયાત છે.

It is mandatory to provide all the information in red colored symbol (*) in this form. Details, which

are not marked with this symbol, are optional.

ઉપરોતત બે િાગ માાં એક જ ફોમષ ની મવગતો આવરી લીધી છે .જેમાાં યોગ્ય માહહતી િરી Save and Next

બટન પર ક્તલક કરતા માહહતી Successfully સાંગ્રહ થઈ તેવ ુએક મેસેજ બોક્ષ જોવા મળશ.ે

The details of the same form are covered in the above two parts. Fill in the correct information and

click on the Save and Next button to see a message box where the information has been successfully


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STEP – 13

બેઝીક માહહતી િરી Save and Next બટન આપી પસષનલ મવિાગ માાં જઈ શકાય છે જેમાાં મવદ્યાથી ની બીજી

જરૂરી માહહતી માાંગવામાાં આવે છે.

Fill in the basic information and go to the ‘Personal’ section by clicking the Save and Next button in

which other necessary information of the student is to be filled up.

૧ )અહીં અગાઉ જામત ( Caste) Open મસવાય આપી હશ ેતો જામત ના પ્રમાણપત્ર અંગ ેની મવગતો ફરજીયાત

િરવાની રહશેે.

1) If the caste is other than Open category, then the details about the caste certificate will have to be

filled compulsorily.

૨) મવદ્યાથીએ ગજુરાત બોડષ મસવાય અ્ય કોઈ પણ બીજા બોડષ થી અભ્યાસ કરેલ હોય અથવા અ્ય રાજ્યો મવદ્યાથી હોય ,તેમણે ગજુરાત યમુનવમસિટી માાંથી PEC (પ્રોમવઝનલ એભલજીભબટી સહટિહફકેટ (

મકુવાનુાં રહશેે .અને તેનો નાંબર અહીં દશાષવેલ ફોમષ માાં અચકૂ આપવાનો રહશેે.

2) If the student has studied from any board other than Gujarat Board or is a student from other

states, he / she has to submit PEC (Provisional Eligibility Certificate) from Gujarat University. And

its number must be given in the form shown here.

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ઉપરોતત બાંને મવગતો જે મવદ્યાથીને લાગ ુપડતી હશે તેને જ જોવા મળશે .ગજુરાત બોડષ જનરલ કેટેગરી ના મવદ્યાથીને આ બને માાંથી એક પણ મવગત િરવા ની આવશે નહહ જેમને આ મવગત

િરવાનુાં દશષવવામાાં આવે તેમણે ફરજીયાત િરવાની રહશેે અ્યથા ફોમષ િરવાની પ્રહકયા આગળ જઇ શકાશે નહી. Both the above details will be applicable to the concerned student only. Gujarat Board General

Category student does not need to fill in any of these details. Those who are shown to fill in this

detail will have to fill it, otherwise the process of filling the form cannot go ahead.

િોંધ -:Quick રજીસ્ટ્રેશિ વખતે ખોટી િાક્રહતી અપાઇ ગઈ હોય તો નવર્થાદ્યી ફરી િવેસરદ્યી ફૉિમ ભરી જરૂરી સધુારાઆવા ખાસ ક્રકસ્ટ્સાિાાં જસનુાં ફૉિમ તદ્ય .ફેરફાર કરી શકે છે/ાા તેિી નવગતો રદબતાલ આવશે. પ્રવેશ (િ હોઇ કયાિપ સવમક નવગતો આપવી જેદ્યી કોઈ પણ યોોય. પ્રક્રકયા િાાં તલુ પણ ખોટી િાક્રહતી આપવી િક્રહ)અાયવસ્ટ્દ્યા ઉભી િ દ્યાય

Note: - If incorrect information has been given at the time of quick registration, the student can fill up

the form again and make necessary corrections. In such a special case, the old form and its details will

be invalidated. (Do not give incorrect information in the admission process. Fill in all the details

carefully to avoid mismanagement in future).

51 | P a g e

ઉપરોતત ફોમષ માાં બધી મવગતો ધ્યાન થી આપી, જોઈ, ચકાસી Save and Next બટન પર ક્તલક કરતાાં Successસ્કીન જોવા મળે છે .

All the details in the above form are to be checked carefully and the Success screen is seen by

clicking on the Save and Next button.

STEP – 14

Save &Next બટન આપતાાં એકેડેમમક મવિાગ માાં માહહતી આપવાની સ્િીન નો િાગ ઉપર મજુબ જોઈ

શકાઈ છે જેમાાં ધોરણ 10 ની મવગતો આપવાની રહશેે.

After clicking Save & Next button, the Academic section opens on the screen, on which the details of

standard 10 have to be given.

52 | P a g e

એકેડેમમક માાં જ ધોરણ 10 પછી ધોરણ 12 ની મવગતો આપવાની રહશેે ) .ધોરણ 12 નો સીટ નાંબર અગાઉ કમવક રજીસ્રેશન માાં આપેલ હોય માટે અહીં ફરી પછૂવામાાં આવેલ નથી (. The details of standard 12 have to be filled up after standard 10 in the academic section itself. (The

seat number of standard 12 is not asked again here as it was given earlier in quick registration.)

એકેડેમમક મવિાગ માાં જે મવદ્યાથીઓએ Ex. Servicemen કે NSS, NCC અને Sportsઅંતગષત કોઈ લાિ લેવા માટે પાત્ર ધરાવતા હોય તો તેમણે ચેક બોક્ષ ઉપર ક્તલક કરવુાં. Students who are eligible to take admission under Ex. Servicemen NSS, NCC and Sports should click

on the respective check box.

53 | P a g e

ત્યારબાદ ધોરણ 21 ના મવમવધ મવર્યો ના મથયરી ના માતસષ મવર્ય પ્રમાણે આપવાના રહશેે .અહીં ,

આપેલ ટોટલ નદ્યયરી િાલસમ અિે ટોટલ સરવાળો િળતો હોવો જરૂરી છે .અન્યદ્યા ફોિમ િાાં Error

િેસેજ જોવા િળશે. .

Then the marks of theory of various subjects in standard 12 will have to be given according to the

subject. Here, the theory marks and the total sum must be matched. Otherwise, an error message will

appear in the form.

િોંધઅંાેજી નવસય સાદ્ય ેપાસ 21 ધોરણ -: કરેલ હોય તો જ તેજ નવર્થાદ્યીઓ પ્રવેશ પ્રક્રકયા િાાં ભાગ લઈ શકશ.ે Note: - The students will be able to participate in the admission process only if they have passed Std.

12 with English subject.

ઉપરોતત મવગતો ચોકસાઈ પવૂષક આપી Save Next બટન ક્તલક કરતા આપલેી મવગતો માાં કોઈ પ્રકાર ની શલૂ નહીં હોય તો Success મેસેજ બોક્ષ જોવા મળશે If the above details are submitted accurately and there is no error in the details, then the Success

message box will appear after clicking the Save &Next button,

54 | P a g e

STEP – 15

એકેડેમમક માહહતી પરેૂપરૂી આપી ત્યારબાદ એટેચમે્ટ મવિાગ માાં ફોટો , Sign તથા બધા જ પ્રમાણપત્રો JPG/JPEG કે PDF ફોમેટમાાં )એક કરતાાં વધ ુફાઇલ હોય તેવા સાંજોગોમાાં માાં જેતે ધોરણ ની બધી જ માકષશીટ ની PDF ફાઇલ બનાવી (અપલોડ કરવા.

After submitting the academic information, upload the photo, sign and all the certificates in JPG /

JPEG or PDF format (In case of having more than one file, create a PDF file of all the marksheets of

the same standard) in the attachment section.

55 | P a g e

જરૂરી ફાઈલ અપલોડ કરી Save Next બટન ક્તલક કરી કરવાાં choice બોક્ષ જોવા મળશ.ે

Click the Save &Next button and you will see a choice box after uploading the required file.

STEP – 16

હવે ચોઈસ મવિાગમાાં મવદ્યાથી કોલેજો નીપસાંદગી કરી શકશ.ે

અહી ઓછા િાાં ઓછી 10 કોલેજ નસલેલટ કરવી ફરજીયાત છે .

Now students will be able to select colleges in the Choice section.

It is mandatory to select at least 10 colleges here.

56 | P a g e

કોલેજો આ સ્કીન માાં એડવા્સ સચષ ની સમુવધા પણ આપવામાાં આવેલ છે .જેના ઉપયોગ થી મવદ્યાથી હફલ્ટર

મકૂી સચષ કરી શકે છે,જેમ કે કોસષ ,કોલેજો સમય ,માધ્યમ ,ડીસ્રીક વગેરે.

On the screen, there is a facility of advanced search, using which the student can search by putting a

filter, such as course, college time, medium, district etc.

ઉપરોતત સ્કીન માાં AB કોસષ ચલાવતી બધીજ કોલેજોના મવર્ય સાથે મવકલક પો આપેલા છે .જે કોલેજ નો જે તે મવર્ય મસલેતટ કરતા તે નીચે િાગ કરતા તે નીચેના િાગ માાં મસલેતટ કોલેજ સામે આવી

જાય છે આ િાગમાાં જમણી બાજુ ઉપર /નીચે આપેલા એરોની મદદથી ચોઈસ ની ને ઉપર નીચે કરી બદલી શકાઈ છે.

On the above screen, options are given along with main/core subject of all the colleges running BA

course along with main subject of the college is selected; student can rearrange choices using arrow

keys given on above screen.

અહી મસલેતટ કોલેજમાાં પ્રથમ દેખાતી કોલેજ પ્રથમ ચોઈસ ગણાશે ,જે મજુબ ચોઈસ તે પ્રમાણે િરેલી બધી જ કોલેજોની ચોઈસ િમાાંક ઉપરોતત સ્કીન માાં tleleS ,tleleS 1 મજુબ જોવા મળેછે .આ બધી જ

ચોઈસ ને ચોકસાઈપવૂષક જોઈ મવચારી િરવી ,ecel કયાષ પહલેા પાછળ સ્કીનમાાં જઈ ચોઈસ માાં ફેરફાર કરી શકાઈ છે .ચોઈસ કોલેજનુાં મખુ્ય મવર્ય સાથે મવર્ય સાથે મસલેકશન ફાઈનલ કરી tval &Next બટન ક્તલક કરવુાં The college that appears first in the select college here will be considered as the first choice,

according to which the choice number of all the colleges filled can be seen. It will be seen as

displayed on the above screen as per Select, Select 2. All the choices must be selected carefully. Also

finalize the selection of the main/core subject of your choice and College and click the Save & Next


57 | P a g e

STEP – 17

ફોમષ નુાં Preview ની બધી જ માહહતી જોઈ ચકાસી ફોમષ નુાં Preview ની બધી જ માહહતી જોઈ ચકાસી શકાય છે.

To review your data, click on Preview button before submission.

ફોમષ નુાં Preview ની બધી જ માહહતી જોઈ ચકાસી યોગ્ય જણાય તો મવદ્યાથી Lock મવિાગ ના નીચ ેના સ્કીન મજુબ માાં I Agree ચેક બોક્ષ પર ક્તલક કરી આપેલા કોડ ટાઇપ કરી પોતાના પાસવડષ થી ફોમષ લોક

58 | P a g e

શકાઈ છે.

If all the information in the preview of the form seems to be valid, then the form can be locked with

your own password by clicking on ‘I Agree’ check box as displayed on the screen below in the Lock

section after typing the given captcha code.

એક વખત ફોમષ લોક કરી દીધા પછી તેમાાં કોઈ પણ પ્રકાર નો ફેરફાર થઇ શકવાનો નથી. Once the form is locked, it cannot be changed in any way.

59 | P a g e

સાંપણૂષ ફોમષ િરી લોક કરતાાં અગાઉ જે સ્કીનમાાં બધાજ મવકલ્પો પે્ડીંગ જોવા મળતા હતા ત્યાાં BooelevSlcp scta tSvSoF લીલા કલર માાં FoeelFFcoe જોવા મળે છે.

Application Form Status is seen as Successful in green color on the screen where all the options were

seen pending before the full form was locked.

આ િરેલા ફોમષ જ્યાાં સધુી જરૂરી ફી ઓનલાઈન જમા કરાવવામાાં નહી આવે ત્યાાં સધુી પ્રવેશ પ્રહકયા માટે

મા્ય ગણવા માાં આવશે નહી .પ્રવેશ પ્રહકયા માાં જોડાવા માટે જરૂરી ફી ઓનલાઈન અચકૂ િરવાની રહશેે .

This filled up form will not be considered valid for the admission process until the required fee is

submitted online. The fees required to join the admission process must be paid online.

સાંપણૂષ ફોમષ િરાઈ જાય તેને લોક કરી દીધા પછી મવદ્યાથી એ TBEJAYAP મવિાગ માાં જઈ જરૂરી ફી

િરવાની રહે છે .અહી ફી માત્ર ઓનલાઈન જ િરવાની રહશેે . મવદ્યાથીએ કોઈ બેંક ,કોલેજ કે યમુનવસીટી માાં જવાનુાં રહશેે રહશેે નહી.

60 | P a g e

Once the complete form is filled up and locked, the student has to go to the PAYMENT section and

pay the required fees. Here the fee has to be paid only ONLINE. The student should not go to any

bank, college or university.

પ્રવેશ ફોમષ ફી િરાઈ ગયા બાદ પછી મવદ્યાથી પોતાનુાં ફોમષ ડાઉનલોડ કરી તેની મપ્ર્ટ કાઢી શકાશ.ે

મવદ્યાથી આ ફોમષ ની મપ્ર્ટ કાઢી પોતાની પાસે રાખી મકુવી . After the admission form fee has been paid, the student can download his/her form and print it.

The Student should take the print out of this form and keep it with him/her.

61 | P a g e




College College Code

No of Division

Total Intake

Type of College

Mode of Education

Shift Medium Subject Intake 2020-



F D Arts College for Women F.D. College Road, Jamalpur Gate, Ahmedabad-380001 Phone : 079-25322098 email : [email protected] website :

184 2 240 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 45

Gujarati CC-Hindi 30

Gujarati CC-English 70

Gujarati CC-Urdu 50

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 45


MP Arts & MH Comm.Colg.for Women M.R. Ashram Buinding, Outside Raipur Gate, Ahmedabad-380022 Phone : 079-25453128 email : [email protected] website :

215 2 240 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Morning

Gujarati CC-Sociology 100

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 60

Gujarati CC-Economics 80


S L U Arts & Comm.College for Women S.L.U. Arts and H.&P. Thakore Commerce College for Women Gujarat Stree Kelavani Mandal Bhavan B/H. V.S. Hospital Ahmedabad-380006

Phone : 079-26576197 email : [email protected] website :

158 2 240 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Morning

Gujarati CC-Sociology 45

Gujarati CC-History 30

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 35

Gujarati CC-Geography 25

Gujarati CC-Economics 30

Gujarati CC-Hindi 25

Gujarati CC-Home

Science 50


GLS (Sadguna & BD) College for Girls Opp. Dinbai Tower, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad-380001 Phone : 079-25506977 email : [email protected]

706 3 360 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Noon

Gujarati CC-English 70

Gujarati CC-Hindi 70

Gujarati CC-Psychology 75

Gujarati CC-Economic 70

Gujarati CC-Scociology 75

62 | P a g e


Umiya Arts & Comm.College for Girls Umiya Campus Near Bhagavat Vidhyapith, Opp. Agrawal Mall, S.G. Highway, Sola, Ahmedabad-380060 Phone : 079-27662424 email : [email protected] website :

232 2 240 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Morning

Gujarati CC-Sociology 50

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 50

Gujarati CC-Hindi 30

Gujarati CC-English 60

Gujarati CC-Psychology 50


Ahmedabad Arts & Comm.College Near Telephone Exchange,Vasna, Ahmedabad-380007

Phone : 079-26605559 email : [email protected]

website :

65 2 240 Grant-in-

Aid Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 80

Gujarati CC-Psychology 80

Gujarati CC-English 80

7 Arts & Commerce College Smt. A.P. Patel Arts & Late Shree N.P. Patel Commerce College, Naroda, Ahmedabad-382330 Phone : 079-22816582

204 4 480 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Hindi 60

Gujarati CC-English 120

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 240

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 60

8 Bhavan‘s R A College of Arts & Commerc

Khanpur, Ahmedabad. 380001 Phone : 079-25600312

email : [email protected] website :

085 2 240 Grant-in-



Education Morning

English CC-Psychology 15

Gujarati CC-Sociology 40

Gujarati CC-Psychology 35

English CC-Economics 25

English CC-English 50

Gujarati CC-Economics 35

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 40


BVD Arts & Commerce College

Surjit Society, Thakkaerbapa Nagar Road, Near Vidhyanagar Highachool, India Colony , Bapunagar, Ahmedabad-382350 Phone : 079-22771100 email : [email protected]

71 1 120 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 60

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 60

63 | P a g e


C U Shah Arts College Opp. Dinbai Tower, Laldarwaja, Ahmedabad-380001 Phone : 079-25506703 email : [email protected] website :

36 3 + 1 480 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 35

Gujarati CC-English 40

Gujarati CC-Economics 60

Gujarati CC-Hindi 20

English CC-English 70

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 35

Gujarati CC-Sociology 110

Gujarati CC-Psychology 110


Gujarat Arts & Comm. College Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-38006 Phone : 079-26447295 email : [email protected] website :

206 5 600 Government Co-

Education Evening

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 84

Gujarati CC-English 86

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 86

Gujarati CC-Hindi 86

Gujarati CC-History 86

Gujarati CC-Economics 86

Gujarati CC-Sociology 86


Gujarat Arts & Sci. College Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-38006 Phone : 079-26446939 email : [email protected] website :

207 5 630 Government Co-

Education Noon

Gujarati CC-Sociology 60

Gujarati CC-Political

Science 60

Gujarati CC-Psychology 60

Gujarati CC-Urdu 30

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 55

Gujarati CC-Persian 30

Gujarati CC-Economics 50

Gujarati CC-History 60

Gujarati CC-Philosophy 50

Gujarati CC-Hindi 45

Gujarati CC-English 60

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 40

Gujarati CC- Drama

(Theater Arts) 30

64 | P a g e


Govt.Arts College [KK Shastri College] K.K. Shastri Educational Campus, Khokhra, Maninagar, Ahmedbaa-380008 Phone : 079-22932516 email : [email protected]. website :

384 3 360 Government Co-

Education Noon

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 30

Gujarati CC-English 40

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 40

Gujarati CC-Psychology 55

Gujarati CC-Indology- Indian Culture


Gujarati CC-Economics 55

Gujarati CC-History 40

Gujarati CC-Geography 40

Gujarati CC-Political Science



H K Arts College Opp. Handloom House, Ashram Road,

Ahmedabad - 380009.

Phone : 079-26585429 email : [email protected] website :

022 4 480 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Philosophy 35

Gujarati CC-Hindi 35

Gujarati CC-English 50

Gujarati CC-Computer

Application 45

Gujarati CC-Geography 40

Gujarati CC-Economics 35

Gujarati CC-History 35

Gujarati CC-Psychology 40

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 35

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 35

Gujarati CC-Sociology 35

Gujarati CC-Political Science


Gujarati CC-Indian

Culture/Indology 35

65 | P a g e


L C Mehta Arts College Opp. Dinbai Tower, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad-1 Phone : 079-25504755 Email : [email protected] website :

18 3 360 Grant-in-

Aid Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 60

Gujarati CC-Psychology 60

Gujarati CC-Sociology 60

Gujarati CC-History 60

Gujarati CC-Hindi 60

Gujarati CC-English 60


L D Arts College AMSOM Campus, Opp: IIM, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 Phone : 079-26306619 email : [email protected] website :

5 4 480 Grant-in-



Education Morning

English CC-Hindi 15

English CC-English 110

English CC-Economics 45

English CC-Political

Science 45

English CC-Psychology 25

Gujarati CC-History 20

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 20

Gujarati CC-English 45

Gujarati CC-Sociology 20

Gujarati CC-Economics 25

Gujarati CC-Political

Science 20

Gujarati CC-Psychology 45

Gujarati CC-Hindi 15

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 10

Gujarati CC-Geography 20


Shri L V Upadhyay Arts & Commerce College, Sabarmati Arts & Commerce College, Near Fire Station, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad-380005 Phone : 079-27506851 email :[email protected]

105 2 240 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 120

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 120

66 | P a g e


MB Patel Rashtrabhasha Mahavidyalay M.B. Patel Rashtrabhasa Arts & Commerce College, Hindi Bhavan, Nr. Nagri Eye Hospital, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-380006 Phone : 079-26469782 email : [email protected] website :

205 3 360 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Hindi CC-Sociology 80

Hindi CC-Psychology 80

Hindi CC-Hindi 80

Gujarati CC-Sociology 40

Gujarati CC-Psychology 40

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 40


R H Patel Arts & Commerce College Behind Shrinath Apartments, Nava Wadaj, Ahmedabad-380013 Phone : 079-27644878 email : [email protected] website :

190 3 360 Grant-in-

Aid Co-

Education Noon

Gujarati CC-History 60

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 60

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 60

Gujarati CC-Economics 60

Gujarati CC-Hindi 60

Gujarati CC-English 60


S V Arts College Nr. L.I.C. Building, Relief Road, Patharkuva, Ahmedabad-380001 Phone : 079-25508617 email : [email protected] website :

032 4 520 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Sociology 80

Gujarati CC-History 75

Gujarati CC-Hindi 70

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 30

Gujarati CC-Psychology 75

Gujarati CC-Economics 70

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 80


Sarspur Arts & Comm. College S V College, Campus, Relief Road, Ahmedabad-380001

Phone : 079-25508755 email : [email protected] website :

56 2 240 Grant-in-

Aid Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 60

Gujarati CC-Hindi 60

Gujarati CC-Psychology 60

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 60


S R M Arts College [Navgujarat]

Smt. S.R.Mehta Arts College, Navgujarat Campus, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-14 Phone : 079-27543459 email : [email protected]

058 2 240 Grant-in-



Education Noon

Gujarati CC-Economics 50

Gujarati CC-Psychology 30

Gujarati CC-English 80

Gujarati CC-Sociology 50

Gujarati CC-History 30

67 | P a g e


Shri Sahajanand Arts & Comm. College Opp. Panjrapol, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380015 Phone : 079-26305058 email : [email protected] website :

96 1 120 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 30

Gujarati CC-English 30

Gujarati CC-Psychology 30

Gujarati CC- Sanskrit 30


Swaminarayana Arts College

Shah Alam Tolnaka Geeta Mandir Road, Ahmedabad-380022Gujarati Phone : 079-25396749

email : [email protected]

26 4 480 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Economics 60

Gujarati CC-Hindi 50

Gujarati CC-English 50

Gujarati CC-Sociology 80

Gujarati CC-History 60

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 80

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 50

Gujarati CC-Psychology 50


Vivekanand College of Arts Opp. Raipur Gate, Raipur, Ahmedabad-380022 Phone : 079-25453220 (M) 9426344040 email:[email protected] [email protected], Website :

110 5 600 Grant-in-



Education Noon

Gujarati CC-Psychology 100

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 100

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 100

Gujarati CC-Sociology 100

Gujarati CC-Hindi 100

Gujarati CC-English 100

68 | P a g e


Sr. No.

College College Code

No of Division

Total Intake

Type of College

Mode of Education

Shift Medium Subject Intake 2020-



Shri P.K. Chaudhari Mahila Arts College,

Opp. Central ST Bus Stand, Sector-7,


Phone : 079-23232097

email : [email protected]

website :

211 4 480 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Morning

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 240

Gujarati CC-English 120

Gujarati CC-Home Science



Uma Arts & Nathiba Commerce Mahila

College, S V Campus, Sector -23,


Phone : 079-23240443

email : [email protected] website :

191 4 480 Grant-in-

Aid Girls Only Morning

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 50

Gujarati CC-English 55

Gujarati CC-Hindi 55

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 55

Gujarati CC-Psychology


Gujarati CC-History 55

Gujarati CC-Economics


Gujarati CC-Sociology 55

Gujarati CC-

Geography 50


Desai Chandulal Manilal Arts &

Commerce College, Mandal Road,

Viramgam - 382150, Dist. Ahmedabad

phone: 02715-233613

email: [email protected] website :

47 3 360 Government Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 60

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 60

Gujarati CC-Hindi 50

Gujarati CC-Psychology


Gujarati CC-Economics


Gujarati CC-Home Science


69 | P a g e


Government Arts and Science College,

Model School Campus Rajoda Bavla , pin 382220 Distric- Ahmedabad

email: [email protected]

668 2 240 Government Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Sociology 50

Gujarati CC-History 50

Gujarati CC- Economics


Gujarati CC-Gujarati 50

Gujarati CC-English 40


Government Arts College, Gandhinagar Sector-15, Gandhinager

Phone : 079-23224237

email: [email protected]


199 10 1200 Government Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Hindi 120

Gujarati CC-English 120

Gujarati CC-Geography


Gujarati CC-Economics


Gujarati CC-History 120

Gujarati CC-Psychology


Gujarati CC-Gujarati 120

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 120

Gujarati CC-Sociology 120

Gujarati CC-Political Science



Government Arts College,

C/o Government Higher Secondary School Building, Rampur Road, Mandal,

Dist. Ahmedabad - 382130

Phone : 02715-253001

email: [email protected]


658 2 240 Government Co-

Education Noon

Gujarati CC-Sociology 80

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 80

Gujarati CC-History 40

Gujarati CC-English 40


Shree Kishandas Kikani Arts &

Commerce College, Dhandhuka - 382460,, Dist. Ahmedabad

phone : 02713-223020

email : [email protected]

77 2 240 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 120

Gujarati CC-Economics


70 | P a g e


Maniben Bhikhabhai College of

Commerce & Shri Goswami M N Lalji

Arts College, Dehgam, Dist:

Gandhinagar Phone : 02716-232652,

M: 9825484882 email:

[email protected]

095 5 650 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 130

Gujarati CC-Psychology


Gujarati CC-English 130

Gujarati CC-Hindi 130

Gujarati CC-Economics



Shri P.H. Goswami Muni., Arts & Science College, Ambica Nagar Highway,

Kalol -382721 (NG)

Phone : 02764-223279

email : [email protected]


046 6 780 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 130

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 130

Gujarati CC-History 130

Gujarati CC-Psychology


Gujarati CC-Economics


Gujarati CC-English 130


SMT. R.D.Shah Arts & SMT. V.D.Shah

commerce college, Mithi Kui, Kheda

bagodra road, Dholka-382225

Phome : 02714-294874

email : [email protected] wed:

64 2 240 Grant-in-



Education Noon

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 80

Gujarati CC-Hindi 80

Gujarati CC-Economics



S. D. Arts & Shah B.R Commerce

College, Mansa, Dist: Gandhinagar

(North Gujarat) - 382845.

Phone : 02763-270191, 270132 email : [email protected]

website :

038 5 600 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Hindi 120

Gujarati CC-English 120

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 240

Gujarati CC-Economics


71 | P a g e


Samarpan Arts & Commerce College,Samarpan Education &

Research Campus,KH-7 Circle,


28,Gandhinagar-382028 Phone :

7436069996 Email : [email protected] Website :

224 4 480 Grant-in-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-English 120

Gujarati CC-Sanskrit 120

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 120

Gujarati CC-Economics



Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Govt. College,

Silvassa - 396230

Phone : 9825424411 [Admin] email : [email protected]

website :

713 2 240 Government Co-

Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 72

Gujarati CC-English 72

Gujarati CC-Economics


72 | P a g e


Sr. No.

College College Code

No of Divisi


Total Intake

Type of College

Mode of Education

Shift Medium Subject Intake



Smt. R.B. Patel Arts and Commerce college, ITI campus,

sanand viramgam high way,


Phone 02717-294919

email: [email protected]

337 2 240 Self-



Education Morning

Gujarati CC-Sociology 120

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 120


Seventh Day Adventist Arts &

Science College, 132 ft. Ring

Road, Haripur, Maningar

(East), Ahmedabad – 380008. Email:

[email protected]



742 1 120 Self- Finance Co-

Education Noon

English cc- English 40

English cc- Economics 20

English cc- Sociology 20

English cc- Psychology 40


Nalanda Arts & Science College

(228), Patelvas Tarpoj, vavol ,

Gandhinagar - 382005

746 2 240 Self- Finance Co

Education Noon

English CC-English 50

English CC-

Psychology 30

English CC-Economics 40

Gujarati CC-Sociology 40

Gujarati CC-Gujarati 40

Gujarati CC-History 40

73 | P a g e


College College Code

No of Division

Total Intake

Type of College

Mode of Education

Shift Medium Subject Intake 2020-



Institute of Journalism &

Communication (IJC),

Chimanbhai Patel Institute Campus, Nr.Shapath-IV,

Prahladnagar, Opp. Karnavati Club,


Ahmedabad 380 015

Phone: 079-26926429, 099200 21406

email:[email protected] website:

727 1 60 Self-



Education Morning

English /


Journalism &





National Institute of Mass

Communication & Journalism 4th Floor,

Sapath-1, Opp. Rajpath ClubS.G.

Highway, Ahmedabad - 380015

Phone : 079-26870443 email : [email protected]

website :

715 2 120 Self-



Education Morning English

Journalism &





President Institute of Journalism Shayona campus, Shayona city, R. C.

Technical road, Off S. G. Highway,

Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad-380061 Phone:-

07935624822 email :

[email protected]

726 2 120 Unaided



Education Morning English

Journalism &




NOTE: 1) The entire seat matrix is tentative and subject to change.

67 | P a g e

9. Schedule of Probable Key Dates: PROPOSED KEY DATE SCHEDULE OF B.A. / B.J.M.C. PROGRAM


No. Activities for ONLINE ROUND – (1) Date

1 Online Registration & Choice Filling and

payment of application form (After 07:00 PM)

06/09/2021 TO


2 Declaration of Provisional Merit List 16th September - 2021

(After 07:00 PM)

3 Report ONLINE at [email protected] email

address, if any discrepancy found by any

student /Nodal officer of college

17/09/2021 &


5 Declaration of Final Allotment List (College


20th September- 2021

(After 7:00 PM)

6 Deposition of Token Fees ONLINE (Payment

gateway) / Deposition of remaining Fees &

Reporting with Original

Documents/Certificates at allotted college

21/09/2021 &


**Excluding Public Holiday &


7 Announcement of Re-shuffling Round

28th September - 2021

Note: -

1. The entire above schedule is tentative and subject to change by GUAC. 2. The final document verification will be done at the time of endorsement of admission. 3. The admission may be rejected in case if any wrong information or document uploaded.

67 | P a g e