Grosse Pqmte News - Local History Archives

---~-. -~'~-""---- ..e. ~~ ~ inside See SHOW HOUSE, page 3A rlU~ II \01 14 'I h, lUUlllll llld 111d ~pelldl "',,",I(m Oil \~ edlle~dV :'11m 15 to d"tll mllll IIh, ther or not to gl.lnt th, ,]U'"01 udgUt thl lalldnll" Illldtd to hdH' the Sho" Bou,,- In tht pru k Thl' tounul con"ulted with l dletll "ho "dld thdt the Ipdg1ll hdd df,~lld to "ork "Ith h" dtp.u"tment dnd follow It., Othu Bhhop "'Ide It" lttld ... Lf( l\ (,OIlLl'lll.... Ilul 'onclel (d II J1\ th" h"d to I" ..r till bU! ll! 11 of h,11 mg 23000 y ,ltOl' to th. hlolk III a thl l't. \ lek IX llOd 'I he (Ounul ,hk,,<! ,JunJOI LeJgut repl e"entdtll"S to meet II llh publll ~dlH, JlIllWI Hllh lld Cd,ettl ,1Ild BL<hop ,e~ ldlllh to -,et If th", LOJld lion out ,1m ploblem" Ulllcel mng Iidfli, •.md othpr lOne. I n" on L, 11'11' to h" , ,t, "h,,,, /Iolh< Oil til, 10IXI hicKJ, 01 J, II. I 'Oil rOllllll I'.nk lountllllllIl Ddlld (""kill II ho III Jl ht ,ldl~ lo"~l to dlO\I I ShOll !Iou" In lh, P,ll h dnd Ill' II II, ( 1101 ,I lll'llihu 01 th, JUIlJOI I, dgll' ,pok, out dgdlll"t h.1I jHh lJh. ':-'1l\H'. JlUII~ ou UI .... tW}J. lItlllg t, dllil pi ohl, "'" ,lIId 1,llk oj 1l0ttlildt'Oll "Ild lOll~ult"tlOll Illth Bhhop Il'ld"llt" "" J( ,I "on to dpn, thl 1,0,.1110 '>evPr>11 )P'ltiPPt' "f '!" !nnn block of B"'hop dpprOdlhed the Park city councd .It It" No\ II meetmg and a"k,'(/ wunuJ membel" to not to allow the --- ---.:...~.:....:.:aM~ 7~~-1------- League drops plan for Show House on Bishop By Jim Stlckford Staff Writer Cltmg nelghbOl hood 0PJl'N tlOn, the JunlOl Udf,'Ut of D" tlOlt cancelled plan~ tD h.IH Ih 1996 Sholl How.e at d hon1l' .It 1007 BI~hop m Crros,*, Pomte Park Your Commu.flity Newspaper ,'" '1\ Grosse Pqmte News Vol. 56, No. 46 48 pages Gro~~c POllllc. Michigan ~ince 1940 lIome Delivery 56~ • New!>stand 75~ Nmcmhcr 2~. 1995 Peter Gl1ezan "'I'I' (O .... H [( I pig, 1, \ mg the dgenn ,In ddl ant age ovel otrel (,I o,,~> Pomtl dgen Cte" Thl" "ould ,11,,0dllntll.lte an, que"tlOn' of th~ dppedl ance of a COnnlCt of Intel e"t SdIO" \\ .IS not t)lI onl\ Ilal estate agent ,It thp councli meetmg Selewl othel., fr om dIfferent agencJe~ \\ el I' on h,md to emphdSlze thdt h... \\ .I" not "peakmg dlone A "poke~man fOI n lmount "dld thdt II hen th, compam cho",-, Champion & BdU to market the pIOjelt III (,Io",e Pomte Shulel Kennedl had nothmg to do \\ Ith the d"cl'lon Rathel Ch,lnlplOn & Ba'i \I ,l' cho<,en becdu~ Skip Bdp, ,md Cathl Chdmplon COllimc,d T" mount e,,'<-utne John VInl(ntl In thur pItch tlMt thel II (l I' the dgenC\ 101 the lob (,IO"",P PrHnte Pal k once the, ~old IL"tbl pi opert I "long .Jefflr'on m, d,d to ,omplete the condo pi r~,'I h ,d n'thm" to do with \\hlch dgenC\ "a'; selected to mdl ket the plOjelt ~dld BIlan ::,t'l'ch or rll!I10Utlt 1111 \ Imltlt, II"" lmp"",d 1\ Ith ChdmplOn & ]J,IPI " pltlh Thdt, \\ hI thl I II U l "Iu t, d - not b'C,llht th, utI ((lunul IIdnted u~ to ,dut them Olll' III' hdd th, pi opllil th, ((tun cll 1\,1' Otlt of thl plltm, P,1t k utI IttOltll I Hu old !\IcC 0. hon ltl .1I1 UtlU-u,1i mOl e "cheduled I pi t\ ,Itl met'tmg Ilith Iv nm ,11 'lIld thl medld ,It -! p!I1 on Thill "d II Nm 1b to \l "p(JIld t) "l,1t 'h <;.,t<ltf'nlt nl ... De,hon m d pH p,lI pd ,t.ttl mlnt ,aId th,lt th, qu"lwn of a poll ntltll l{lnfltd of lntll t. ..... t lId' tholoughh Il-' lI,h,d Plen IxfOil ",\10, (,tin, 1>110" thl coutlcll D, l"on POltltuj out th It th, Clt\ tnll]('(i 1nto ill 19-1tt.ll1t..lll to -l'll TI tmOlmt It~ p' OptII I Oil Jeer" -on fill 1h, purp'''' of n, \ eloping l(mdOllllnltlTll t11l1t .... The] (' \\ (1'-. (nh .Hll .... tlpultllon th .. Cltl plHld Oil TllIlIOUt\! III H ~md to thIng I 11 11 (-t Ltl' dgt:.'l1l\ to n\ 1I h.l t tht undo unit ... TIlt' lIll t<'lh 110 P'b,tlOll 1\11h ""1" (( 10 I h, m 11 h, llI1g Igllll1 I)" I-Oil - lIn \\ It h tht. l.'\.Uptloll tt It Illmnunt 11 ..... ( I 1l1ll1llx I of Ill( (r!o ........ t, !We ... ton, pagE' 4A Park denies conflict condo project In POINTER OF INTEREST Peter Gilezan Homt>: Gro~~e POlnte Wood~ Age: 67 Claim to fame: Lonh'ilnl, \V(Jod" counclln1l'mhpl I ('c('nth Ietlr('d Famil~: :'l.Jn led t 110 chlld'en OccupatIOn. RPl Il.. d Ch1\ ~lel .. 'PCllt IH , 11\ 11onment,t1 ((ln~u lI,mt Quote: I don t Intend to ru~t out r pl.m on \\{'.ll mg Otlt By Jim Stlckford Slaff Woler In a statement Issued on Nov 16, Grosse POlnle Park of ficlals strongly demed that an) COnflIct of mtere~t eXI~ted be cause developers chose to u;,e .I real estate agency that council member ShIrley Kenned) works for to market a condom 1 mum project m the CIty At the regular cIty council meetmg on No\ 13, Grosse Pomte Realtol Jim Saros, speakmg on behalf of S€I eral Grosse Pomte real estate agen Cles, asked the Park councIl to reconsider ChampIOn & Bael's exclUSIve deal to market the Jefferson condommlum project "All we want I" to be treated fair." 'laId Saros "We've heard from a number of people and they've been asking hOI\ Chdm pIOn & Baer can be In charge of marketmg, when ShIrley Kennedy I~OIk" at the agenc~ and Is a member of the council I'm not saYing that anything unethical has happened, but the perception of unethical be havlOr IS very strong m the commumty' Saros acknowledged that all of Grosse Pomte's real estate agencIes can sell condo umt~ But, he ~ld, the marketmg agenC) ha~ a great ad,antage m II hat he termed 'spm off~ • When the open house \la~ held m city hall a couple of weeks ago, ChampIOn & Bal'l was able to compIle .I lI"t of over 100 prospect III' bu) er~ saId Saro~ That'~ 100 lead~ the) can follo\\ up on If tho<;(' people decIde the) don t \lant to purchase a condo ChampIOn & Baer has the opportumt) to "hO\l them other hou"e~ for sale m Grosse Pomte The ~pm off potenttal I~ tremendoll~ We re talkmg ,Ibollt mllhon~ of dollar, The <;olutlon to the plOblem " ~Imple. Sar()'; 'Xlld Tnmount Developers, II hlch I' buildIng the condommtums, ~hollld pldce a Iepre-.ent<ltl\ e at the ~lte to an~l\er questIOns dnd to Iefel potential bm eN to theIr 01\n real e_tate agenc\ Th" \lould aliOl1 ChdmplOn & Baer the opportumt, to ~ tI condo uml.." ,md not IX' PUll ",hed b\ emplo\ lng l\enn(',11 \I hli .. at the ~ame tin'" not g1\ PIlot<>o hy Leah \ artltnum If the ba~Jn fill, IIp 1" nlll hon gallons of comhlnl d 't \\ .11'1' 1\111eventualh hme to ht 'tnl 10 DetlOlt for pi OCI'~'lIlg 111 nlllhon gallon~ m th, P1~t tht Clt~ \\ouldn I h'1\' hid to p.l\ for prOCP~~tng So \I hen thl (11\ h.ld I( .... I Ilater rate' fm Ih, It (I th, lItl ~ comptroll.) (hfT \1 ,,,on had to p~tlm II' ("0 P)O" "1Ilg" (O"h Illtholll h II mg ,111\ fig" Ull'~ to comp,!1( t IWrll to So <;'11d:-.omlth, "Iu n \l,n ~n made h,- "tlm It< ot C'ht~ no onl' kne\\ If th. fll\' " lX'n"€~ II Oldd ,ct 11 ,I II ('1' l Ii tho~ C'o .... t.., \ It\ll\\ III tht fil,t qu,n1, 1 und, , Ih, nr II hllhng '\ ,t. m hI' -hOIIn Ih It dctun) ro .... t .... h 1\ l hl:! Ii 1(1\\ EI th"n (' .... 11m It. It (11.... 1... Thl.... I..... hood III \\.... ... no :-Jm It k. 11 t h. ... (o!ld 'III \li' , lo~I" .111 I()II. I tll 111 (-tlnlll, d co~h 'I ,_ iM"hl< Ih,! th, ("o\lnlll \\111 \nt- I~ 1(1\\ll \\ Itpl ~ 111'1~ all <;llrface \later I~ .... nl to DetlOlt for prochsmg 'Ild NO\ltke So II hen Itram" the \\ 000, p,l\" fOl th" II ater that g()('~ t(l DetlOlt \ la the cltl ~ "t(111ll ~\\t'l- l'nttl 'ecenth th, llt\ h.ld .1 !X'Imlt to 1" (O1ll hltw.rl ...,( "age O\C'rf10\\ .... 1l1-n \hlh Rl\l" Hut th, ,t<lte D, p.1l1n1. III "I .... "tlll,Ii Hs.".()lllCl~ h.l' 1M' 11 ("I Ich.lng- 00\\ n on comnHlIl1I It..., t h.l1 ,!Ix h,lI gl' <- so., ~nd 01 du,d Ih. WOOO~ ,tnd HIlVll \\ ,.J<I, to ~top dt-.chargmg Th, m(( r< Oil 1111 dram hoard Ih <I lll< the 1\'\0 ('"on1mllnltll .... ~Inl m ~ I\('r dl'Cldpd th, I.-I II II to ,nd gt" II I' 1 hll,ld m Il'mllhon 1'111011" tl n11011 h,l"'lll Io..,n dtlllnf.- ht"" 1\\ ...,I011ll \\ ht n ...,Im rn .lnrl "',\l1It 'l \ ... ( \\ I I oUlllol" 0\( 1\1h,lm IhL -\ \\11 ...\...,1, III Iht t \.(( ........... \\ II P\lIllP~ d to lhl IPt( nl101I hi" It\-I, Lei ,,11. 1lIg" (h~h( ,"_, d II \lllh Ell" "J<l( '()l}.~)]}S --------c...c::..-- _ Holiday Preview The Junior League 01 Detroit held its Holiday Preview fundraiser at Jacobson'. in the Village Nov. 15. fashion deSigner Oleg Cassmi. above right. was a apecicz) gunt at the ben.lit. With Caasml ISDeborah Dohan. preSident at the J1.D. Below. Grosse Pointers John and Evelyn Strader look over a colorful display ot Christ- mas packages, Proceeds Irom the eighth annual pre-Christmas event will benefit the Pe- diatric Mobile ream and annual Christmas parties for clients 01 Adult Well-Being Ser- vices and GoodWill Industries. By JIm Stlckford SlaffWrrter Gro~o,e Pomte \'ti 000, 1l''1 dent<; put off h, thl' 131g" \\a tel anci '-,.(\\\("1 Hill' InCIC[I'-,('''' H centll l'nacll'd hI the CIII could Ix getttng ...:,mt' g"ood nl '" III thl' fulm,' \\ocJ<l, n1<l10l Roht'l"t "()Ilth( Illnollnc, d 11 th ..... 0\ b ((lllll cll mHt1l1g Ih.ll 111.'1111'flom th, fil~t bllllllg ]llll,Jd thIng th( np\\ ... \t It In dlHI Ihl nt'" ...\\ Cl ..... ( neOlll IglTlg NOllth, 'aid th It Ih, l\( II II aIel htll~ II( n h.N d on Ct'l Idln 1 ....... lllnptwn tOI1('( l111ng thf' anmunt of trllm \\ ItPI ,1m,mg Othll f.ldo," th, \\ ooO~ IImIld ht ....nchng to III t I 011 fm pi 0('(" ...... 1 n~ (nd" th, t')lll' ,t Ilu Ih'1(('m,"t th, "II Il I" 1IIIh D'A' olt" II ,tll Ind" I'" <!, p.llim, nt tn, \\ ood- '" ,h,lI h' d hn tht unOllll' of .... , \\ Il!l 11 ... ( no ... 10 1)( 11011 flit Pl0(l ........ n~ B" Ill" th. "II ,I<. 11') h Lit ....1'"'1' -11m 1111 ""1111\ Woods checks record to find out if water rate reduction is feasible 6A lOA 19A 23A 24A 26 6B IC 6C Opw ron. Autos Schools SenlOn Ob,tuanes Busllless Entertainment Sport, Cla"l>lfled adl> Week ahead News con c)ppeor onp doyo ,j be qorp the nexT [l,,1 rhp r0;:>' n('w~ '> pr .... rprl Of (~( 'J' d \h,ul(11 ve Or' Lust yPfJ ..... () P In (jnp,' r I ,I all U" opw'.(l' " Nn\ rpc,., [ J A()r1 rhor ~Un t f'r L.. qru.N lq ('v( r)- ily P,yci 'j A \th( 0Ct .-. woyWP(l"j( .f' d ql .... ( V)0 V ~.od rr (g t nd~ lt~ .." ~.cycl.. Monday, Nov, 27 The Grosse Pomte Woods Lions Club Will wear red Santa hats whIle they sell Goodfello\l newspapers In dddltlOn to newspapers, many local bll~messes WIll sell LIOns Christmas candy and coloring books Proceeds from the fundralsmg projects WII! go to more than 30 char Itdble orgamzatlons. mc1ud mg the ChIldren's Home of DetrOIt, Newspapers for the Bhnd and Leader Dogs for the Blmd Friday, Nov. 24 The Village's 19th Annual Santa Claus Parade begins at 1030 am at South HIgh School and Winds up In the Village Thursday, Nov. 23 HdPPY ThanksgIVing The Grosse POInte New~ office~ will be c1o"€d Grosse Pomte Woods resl dent and DetrOIt Ney, s col ummst Pete Waldmelr IHIl SIgn copies of hiS new book, . LIttle Beads of Blood," at 6 pm at Marge's Bar. 15300 Mack, In Grosse Pomte Park Waldmetr WIll also SIgn COpIe" of hl~ book on Wedneo,dav, Nov 29, and ThuI><!a) Nov 30, at the GroShC POInte Yacht Club Chfl"tma~ BoutIque EDITORIAL: 882-029.1 • DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 882-3500 CLAS lED: 882~ • ClRCUI.ATIOI\i: .'4J-5577 PRODUCTION: 882-6090 I __ 4 )r ,

Transcript of Grosse Pqmte News - Local History Archives

---~-. -~'~-""---- ..e.



insideSee SHOW HOUSE, page 3A

rlU~ II \01 14'I h, lUUlllll llld 111d ~pelldl

"',,",I(m Oil \~ edlle~dV :'11m 15to d"tll mllll IIh, ther or not togl.lnt th, ,]U'"01 udgUt thllalldnll" Illldtd to hdH' theSho" Bou,,- In tht pru k

Thl' tounul con"ulted withl dletll "ho "dld thdt theIpdg1ll hdd df,~lld to "ork "Ithh" dtp.u"tment dnd follow It.,

Othu Bhhop "'Ide It" lttld... Lf( l\ (,OIlLl'lll.... Ilul 'onclel (dII J1\ th" h"d to I" .. r till bU!ll! 11 of h,11 mg 23000 y ,ltOl' toth. hlolk III a thl l't. \ lek IXllOd

'I he (Ounul ,hk,,<! ,JunJOILeJgut repl e"entdtll"S to meetII llh publll ~dlH, JlIllWIHllh lld Cd,ettl ,1Ild BL<hop ,e~ldlllh to -,et If th", LOJld lionout ,1m ploblem" Ulllcel mngIidfli, •.md othpr lOne. I n" on

L, 11'11' to h" , ,t, "h,,,, /Iolh<Oil til, 10IXI hicKJ, 01 J, II. I 'Oil

rOllllll I'.nk lountllllllIlDdlld (""kill II ho III Jl ht,ldl~ lo"~l to dlO\I I ShOll!Iou" In lh, P,ll h dnd Ill' II II,( 1101 ,I lll'llihu 01 th, JUIlJOII, dgll' ,pok, out dgdlll"t h.1IjHh lJh. ':-'1l\H'. JlUII~ ou UI ....tW}J.

lItlllg t, dllil pi ohl, "'" ,lIId 1,llkoj 1l0ttlildt'Oll "Ild lOll~ult"tlOllIllth Bhhop Il'ld"llt" "" J( ,I"on to dpn, thl 1,0,.1110

'>evPr>11 )P'ltiPPt' "f '!" !nnnblock of B"'hop dpprOdlhed thePark city councd .It It" No\ IImeetmg and a"k,'(/ wunuJmembel" to not to allow the

--- ---.:...~.:....:.:aM~7~~-1-------League drops plan for Show House on BishopBy Jim StlckfordStaff Writer

Cltmg nelghbOl hood 0PJl'NtlOn, the JunlOl Udf,'Ut of D"tlOlt cancelled plan~ tD h.IH Ih1996 Sholl How.e at d hon1l' .It1007 BI~hop m Crros,*, PomtePark

Your Commu.flity Newspaper,'" '1\

Grosse Pqmte NewsVol. 56, No. 46 48 pages Gro~~c POllllc. Michigan ~ince 1940 lIome Delivery 56~ • New!>stand 75~ Nmcmhcr 2~. 1995

Peter Gl1ezan

"'I'I' (O ....H [( I pig, 1, \

mg the dgenn ,In ddl ant ageovel otrel (,I o,,~> Pomtl dgenCte" Thl" "ould ,11,,0dllntll.ltean, que"tlOn' of th~ dppedlance of a COnnlCt of Intel e"t

SdIO" \\ .IS not t)lI onl\ Ilalestate agent ,It thp counclimeetmg Selewl othel., fr omdIfferent agencJe~ \\ el I' on h,mdto emphdSlze thdt h... \\ .I" not"peakmg dlone

A "poke~man fOI n lmount"dld thdt II hen th, compamcho",-, Champion & BdU tomarket the pIOjelt III (,Io",ePomte Shulel Kennedl hadnothmg to do \\ Ith the d"cl'lonRathel Ch,lnlplOn & Ba'i \I ,l'

cho<,en becdu~ Skip Bdp, ,mdCathl Chdmplon COllimc,d T"mount e,,'<-utne John VInl(ntlIn thur pItch tlMt thel II (l I'

the dgenC\ 101 the lob(,IO"",P PrHnte Pal k once

the, ~old IL" tbl pi opert I "long.Jefflr'on m, d,d to ,ompletethe condo pi r~, 'I h ,d n'thm"to do with \\hlch dgenC\ "a';selected to mdl ket the plOjelt~dld BIlan ::,t'l'ch or rll!I10Utlt

1111 \ Imltlt, II"" lmp"",d1\ Ith ChdmplOn & ]J,IPI " pltlhThdt, \\ hI thl I IIU l "Iu t, d- not b'C,llht th, utI ((lunulIIdnted u~ to ,dut them Olll'III' hdd th, pi opllil th, ((tuncll 1\,1' Otlt of thl plltm,

P,1tk utI IttOltll I Hu old!\IcC 0. hon ltl .1I1 UtlU-u,1imOl e "cheduled I pi t\ ,Itlmet'tmg Ilith Iv nm ,11 'lIld thlmedld ,It -! p!I1 on Thill "d IINm 1b to \l "p(JIld t) "l,1t 'h

<;.,t<ltf'nlt nl ...De,hon m d pH p,lI pd ,t.ttl

mlnt ,aId th,lt th, qu"lwn ofa poll ntltll l{lnfltd of lntll t. .....t

lId' tholoughh Il-' lI,h,dPlen IxfOil ",\10, (,tin, 1>110"thl coutlcll

D, l"on POltltuj out th It th,Clt\ tnll]('(i 1nto ill 19-1tt.ll1t..lll

to -l'll TI tmOlmt It~ p' OptII I Oil

Jeer" -on fill 1h, purp'''' of n,\ eloping l(mdOllllnltlTll t11l1t ....

The] (' \\ (1'-. (nh .Hll ....tlpultllonth .. Cltl plHld Oil TllIlIOUt\! III

H ~md to thIng I 11 11 (-t Ltl'

dgt:.'l1l\ to n\ 1Ih.l t tht undounit ...

TIlt' lIll t<'lh 110 P'b,tlOll1\11h ""1" (( 10 I h, m 11h, llI1gIgllll1 I)" I-Oil - lIn \\ It h

tht. l.'\.Uptloll tt It Illmnunt11.....( I 1l1ll1llx I of Ill( (r!o ........t,

!We ...ton, pagE' 4A

Park denies conflictcondo project•In


Homt>: Gro~~e POlnteWood~

Age: 67

Claim to fame: Lonh'ilnl,\V(Jod" counclln1l'mhplI ('c('nth Ietlr('d

Famil~: :'l.Jn led t 110


OccupatIOn. RPlIl..dCh1\ ~lel .. 'PCllt IH

, 11\ 11onment,t1((ln~u lI,mt

Quote: I don t Intend toru~t out r pl.m on\\{'.ll mg Otlt

By Jim StlckfordSlaff Woler

In a statement Issued onNov 16, Grosse POlnle Park officlals strongly demed that an)COnflIctof mtere~t eXI~ted because developers chose to u;,e .Ireal estate agency that councilmember ShIrley Kenned)works for to market a condom 1

mum project m the CItyAt the regular cIty council

meetmg on No\ 13, GrossePomte Realtol Jim Saros,speakmg on behalf of S€I eralGrosse Pomte real estate agenCles, asked the Park councIl toreconsider ChampIOn & Bael'sexclUSIve deal to market theJefferson condommlum project

"All we want I" to be treatedfair." 'laId Saros "We've heardfrom a number of people andthey've been asking hOI\ ChdmpIOn & Baer can be In chargeof marketmg, when ShIrleyKennedy I~OIk" at the agenc~and Is a member of the councilI'm not saYing that anythingunethical has happened, butthe perception of unethical behavlOr IS very strong m thecommumty'

Saros acknowledged that allof Grosse Pomte's real estateagencIes can sell condo umt~But, he ~ld, the marketmgagenC) ha~ a great ad,antagem II hat he termed 'spm off~

• When the open house \la~held m city hall a couple ofweeks ago, ChampIOn & Bal'lwas able to compIle .I lI"t ofover 100 prospect III' bu) er~saId Saro~ That'~ 100 lead~the) can follo\\ up on If tho<;('people decIde the) don t \lantto purchase a condo ChampIOn& Baer has the opportumt) to"hO\l them other hou"e~ forsale m Grosse Pomte The ~pmoff potenttal I~ tremendoll~We re talkmg ,Ibollt mllhon~ ofdollar,

The <;olutlon to the plOblem" ~Imple. Sar()'; 'Xlld TnmountDevelopers, II hlch I' buildIngthe condommtums, ~hollld pldcea Iepre-.ent<ltl\ e at the ~lte toan~l\er questIOns dnd to Iefelpotential bm eN to theIr 01\nreal e_tate agenc\

Th" \lould aliOl1 ChdmplOn& Baer the opportumt, to ~ tIcondo uml.." ,md not IX' PUll",hed b\ emplo\ lng l\enn(',11\I hli .. at the ~ame tin'" not g1\

PIlot<>o hy Leah \ artltnum

If the ba~Jn fill, IIp 1" nlllhon gallons of comhlnl d 't \\ .11'1'1\111eventualh hme to ht 'tnl10 DetlOlt for pi OCI'~'lIlg 111nlllhon gallon~ m th, P1~tt ht Clt~ \\ouldn I h'1\' hid top.l\ for prOCP~~tng

So \I hen thl (11\ h.ld I( ....IIlater rate' fm Ih, It (I th,lItl ~ comptroll.) (hfT \1 ,,,onhad to p~tlm II' ("0 P)O" "1Ilg"(O"h Illtholll h II mg ,111\ fig"Ull'~ to comp,!1( t IWrll to

So <;'11d:-.omlth, "Iu n \l,n~n made h,- "tlm It< ot C'ht~no onl' kne\\ If th. fll\' "lX'n"€~ II Oldd ,ct 11 ,I II ('1' l Iitho~ C'o....t.., \ It\ll\\ III thtfil,t qu,n1, 1 und, , Ih, nr IIhllhng '\ ,t. m hI' -hOII n Ih Itdctun) ro ....t .... h 1\ l hl:! Ii 1(1\\ EI

th"n ('....11m It. It (11....1...Thl.... I..... hood III \\.... ... no

:-Jm It k. 11 t h. ... (o!ld 'III \li' ,lo~I" .111 I()II. I tll 111 (-tlnlll, dco~h 'I ,_ iM"hl< Ih,! th,("o\lnlll \\111 \nt- I~ 1(1\\ll \\ Itpl

~ 111'1~ all <;llrface \later I~ ....nlto DetlOlt for prochsmg 'IldNO\ltke

So II hen Itram" the \\ 000,p,l\" fOl th" II ater that g()('~ t(lDetlOlt \ la the cltl ~ "t(111ll~\\t'l- l'nttl 'ecenth th, llt\h.ld .1 !X'Imlt to 1" (O1llhltw.rl ...,("age O\C'rf10\\ .... 1l1-n\hlh Rl\l"

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t h.l1 ,!Ix h,lI gl' <- so., ~nd 01

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Holiday PreviewThe Junior League 01 Detroit held its Holiday Preview fundraiser at Jacobson'. in the

Village Nov. 15. fashion deSigner Oleg Cassmi. above right. was a apecicz) gunt at theben.lit. With Caasml ISDeborah Dohan. preSident at the J1.D.

Below. Grosse Pointers John and Evelyn Strader look over a colorful display ot Christ-mas packages, Proceeds Irom the eighth annual pre-Christmas event will benefit the Pe-diatric Mobile ream and annual Christmas parties for clients 01 Adult Well-Being Ser-vices and GoodWill Industries.

By JIm StlckfordSlaffWrrter

Gro~o,e Pomte \'ti 000, 1l''1dent<; put off h, thl' 131g" \\atel anci '-,.(\\\("1 Hill' InCIC[I'-,('''' H

centll l'nacll'd hI the CIII

could Ix getttng ...:,mt' g"oodnl '" III thl' fulm,'

\\ocJ<l, n1<l10l Roht'l"t "()Ilth(Illnollnc, d 11 th ..... 0\ b ((lllll

cll mHt1l1g Ih.ll 111.'1111'flomth, fil~t bllllllg ]llll,Jd thIngth( np\\ ... \t It In dlHI Ihlnt'" ...\\ Cl.....( neOlll IglTlg

NOllth, 'aid th It Ih, l\( IIII aIel htll~ II( n h.N d on Ct'lIdln 1.......lllnptwn tOI1('( l111ng

thf' anmunt of trllm \\ ItPI

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Woods checks record to find outif water rate reduction is feasible



Opw ron.AutosSchoolsSenlOnOb,tuanesBuslllessEntertainmentSport,Cla"l>lfled adl>

Week ahead

News con c)ppeor onpdoyo ,j be qorp thenexT [l,,1 rhp r0;:>'n('w~ '> pr ....rprl Of (~(

'J' d \h,ul(11 ve Or'Lust yPfJ .....() P In

(jnp,' r I ,I all U "opw'.(l' " Nn\ rpc,., [ J

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P,yci 'j A\th( 0Ct .-.

woyWP(l"j( .f'd ql ....( V)0V ~.odrr (g t nd~ lt~.." ~.cycl..

Monday, Nov, 27The Grosse Pomte Woods

Lions Club Will wear redSanta hats whIle they sellGoodfello\l newspapers IndddltlOn to newspapers,many local bll~messes WIllsell LIOns Christmas candyand coloring books Proceedsfrom the fundralsmg projectsWII! go to more than 30 charItdble orgamzatlons. mc1udmg the ChIldren's Home ofDetrOIt, Newspapers for theBhnd and Leader Dogs forthe Blmd

Friday, Nov. 24The Village's 19th Annual

Santa Claus Parade beginsat 1030 a m at South HIghSchool and Winds up In theVillage

Thursday, Nov. 23HdPPY ThanksgIVing The

Grosse POInte New~ office~will be c1o"€d

Grosse Pomte Woods resldent and DetrOIt Ney, s colummst Pete Waldmelr IHIlSIgn copies of hiS new book,. LIttle Beads of Blood," at 6pm at Marge's Bar. 15300Mack, In Grosse PomtePark

Waldmetr WIll also SIgnCOpIe" of hl~ book onWedneo,dav, Nov 29, andThuI><!a) Nov 30, at theGroShC POInte Yacht ClubChfl"tma~ BoutIque

EDITORIAL: 882-029.1 • DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 882-3500 • CLAS lED: 882~ • ClRCUI.ATIOI\i: .'4J-5577 • PRODUCTION: 882-6090

I__ 4 )r ,

Water rates :.::::.:.::.:.::.:.:.:.:: ::..::..:::.:..:.:.:..::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~: :.::::.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.



- John MinniS

10 years ago thiS week• The Park faces two de

mands for a ballot recount Earher, mayoral challenge! JohnProst, who lost by 42 votes outof 3,900 cast, sought a re<.ountin le~von"." IIl~LlUlbellt P"Jm"lHeenen also requests a recountCity Clerk NunzlO OrtISI comments, "Technically. I'm notcertam \\ hat It means ..

5 years ago this week• DeSPite the efforts of the

Grosse Pomte Historical 80cJety to save the hlstonc Cadieuxfarmhouse, the oldest structurem the Pomtes appears doomedafter local bUilder ChriS Blake,who vowed to save the house,finds destructive mvaders -carpenter ants

• Re~ldents meet With theschool board and urge It tomove ahead With plans to buJ1dan elementary ~hool at Kerbyand Beaupre and a combmedelemental') and JUnior high'cpeal 3' Vo~."e~ 'l°cl \1'lcl(



25 years ago this week• The City of Grosse Pomte

asks the school board to seek a$200,000 recreational facJ1lhesgrant from the state for 1m.provements at Elworthy Field,such as tennis courts and a re~troom shelter bUlldmg

• A negative accreditatIOnreport on South High School bythe North Centr.ll Associationadds further eVidence of theneed for a $3 6 mllhon bond ISsue to refurbish the school

An Item about the GrossePomte HlStoncal Society's50th anniversary celebratIOnon page 7B of the Nov 9 ISsue should have IdentI1iedthe party chairmen for theevent as Mr and Mrs Leonard Jacques, Mr and MrsBob Petz and Mr and MrsAl Moran Party coordma-tors were LISa Gandelot, JanRehmann and Jane Meade

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

Corr'ctwns ulll be prtnted onthIS page every week If thereIS a~ error of foct In anystO'7' call the newsroom at313-882.fJ294


~esterda~'s headlinesFrom Gro~se Pomte News fIles

50 years ago this week• Slxt\ seven lakefront prop

erty OWlers m Grosse PomteTo"'n"lll~ p'''j)dJ'' W Ul",-l ""ththe Mlc11gan State Tax Boardto get a further $3 5 mllhon reductlon m property valuatIOnsEarlier. the property ownerswon a $1 3 mtlhon reductIOn

• To address mcreasmg mlschIef 1:y young people, theheads 0 the five Pomte mumcipahtJes and the Grosse Pomteschool Jlstnct and the five po-hce elllefs form the Committeeon CltJrenshlP Development forthe pu.'"poSe of "Improvmg andadvancmg the responslbJ1ltlesof good Clt12enshlp among theyouth vf the commuruty "

In the EntertaInment seebon In IdSt week's paper, thecost of Detroit News column1st Pete Waldmelr's book,"Little Beads of Blood,'should have been hsted as$1595

Photo Nov 26, 1970)

for people not to get therr hopesup too soon.

The hike In water rates wasvery unpopular, SBld Thomas.City offiCials received manycalls, but most people, whenthey heard the city's explan.tlOn, were able to accept thereason.

"I can't say as they werehappy that therr rates went upso much," S8ld Thomas "Butmost people understood why.But we must be careful not tolower rates only to have toraISe them agam In a fewmonths "

Mr Thomas' adVice IS wellworth talung," S8ld NOVltke."The low costs of the firstquarter under the new systemcould be a fluke, and weshouldn't act In haste to glVethe reSidents of the Woods goodnews, only to have to gIve thembad news three months later"

But If the second quarter IS

SImIlar to the rtrst In regard toactual costs vs estimated costs,NOVltke said, then It IS proba-ble that the councIl wIll vote tolower rates But that's stillthree months off, Novltkeadded He said It IS Important

NewsThey believe books are here to stay


PIIOlo by Eddte McGrath

PIctured above WIth d1redor of libraries ROBERT ORR are, left to nght, JANET KEYDEL,Umverslty-Llggett, PAUL BROOKS, Grosse POinte South, VICKIE MORGAN, Our Lady Starof the Sea, KEITH ENSROTH, St Paul's High and MARY MANDICH, North High SchoolThey recently attended a Fnends of the Grosse Pomte Public Library meetmg and dtscussed"Have Books Been Replaced by Other Media?" The Fnends were dehghted to find that theteenage youngsters felt that whtle other medJa are unplementmg books they are not replacingthem Program chamnen Wilham B Hall and William Hurley inVIted the teenagers to attendthe meeting In order to better acqwunt themselves WIth teenagers' VIews on books and therrvalue to the new generation. What they found was a group of VItal, alert, Interested and Interestmg teenagers who feel books are an Integral part of therr hves

From page IAand sewer rates to more accu-rately reflect real costs Rightnow our btlls are based on estl.mated costs "

Malson and City admtmstra-tor Peter ThOlnBS urged thecouncil to W81t another fiscalquarter before deciding on ad.Justlng water rates ThOlnBSPOinted out that the first quart-er's CSO output mIght nottruly reflect what the city's fu.ture expenses Will be, and thecouncil could find Itself haVIngto raIse water rates only a fewmonths after lowenng them

"I think Mr MBlSOn's and

~. - _._. ..- .. ~--- .....- '.

e if'sSINCE 1900

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,~. • ....-........ ... •



by which the pubhc hbrary cancreate a plan for the future,Bruce saId Goals mclude Increaslllg availability of elec.tromc databases

The cotrumttee first met earher thiS month to look over mltlal purchases for about 10 new,umput"I~, ",h"h h .. " ..budget cap of $35,000 Brucesaid he doesn't anticipate thecost will exceed $20,000


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edmund t. AHEE jewelers20139 Mack Avenue. Grosse Pointe Woods

btand alone"The technology committee

studYlllg the matter COnsists ofBruce, mterlm hbrary directorVlckey Bloom, board memberFrances Schonenberg, hbrarystaffers ConnIe Roberts andCllldy ZurSchmlede, and comffio..lnltj n.cmbe...r~ Rk.l... &.hott.Kerry Bishop and Bob Klacza

The second role of the commlttee IS to develop a process

• Windows• All Types Of

Exterior Siding• References A'allable

VINYl. RFPI At F\H 'TWI'I()()\\ ..

Fellow Bishop reSident Stepheme Kmgsley said she wassorry the league cancelled theproJect, and If It weren't fortraffic concerns, she wouldn'thave opposed the project

"Next tlme the league shoulddo Its homework," said Kmgsley

Joanna Garrett, who also op-posed the Show House onBiShop, said that while theleague may hke having theShow House locatlon a big surpnse, they should have consuIted With neighbors

"Surprise shouldn't be themost Important thing," saidGarrett "People who have tobve WIth thiS burden shouldhave been consulted "

eqUIpment to better serve ItSpatrons Bruce added that someof the PCs are 7 years old

"The first role of the committee IS to look at purchasmg mdlvldual PCb, CD ROM players,and create a local area network," he saId "As long as~~~i~ d'HBI5 it \..,th thi l.L ;",un1puters we nu~ht as well expandItS utlhzatlOn to four or fiveStatIOns mstead of each bemg a

Shores HomeDesign Center

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was not dlsappomted that theJumor League decIded not togo ahead With the BIShop pro-ject

Krebs satd that he learnedthat the league was gomg to aIlow organIzatIOns like theGrosse Pomte Board of Realtorsto hold events at the ShowHouse

"They were gomg to allowcocktail parties III our neigh-borhood Without consultmg us,"said Krebs "As I learned more,I dIscovered they were plannIngto have an event WIth a tent mApril and they didn't knowwhere they were gomg to placethe tent They should have hadthell" ducks III a row beforegomg to the council"

Pomte Newb y,ent to press, waspxpected to dlSCUbS purchaseplan" Bruce bald

In the long term, the hbrarylIQuId hke to mcrease theavatlablhty to the pubhc ofelectrOnIc databases and Internet connectIOns and create anetwOJ K lJetween all Llu"", IIbl ary branches

In the short term, the hbrarywould like to replace outdated

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St.CWrSlu= > 774-1300 THE GROSSIPoINTIS>

~ Home of Women, A" Jnd "8" Travel Team ChampIOns ~

News Deadlines

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

The Grasse Pomle News wants 10 helpyou publiCize your ~enls To ensure thata II It~1o ~Ye an oppcH1 uMy lo gd Intothe p.apet' In .a timely manner deadlu''!4!'s forreceipt of copy Will be prlnled Mre each.....

Ait .'ems lor .he Features andE "lltJ1atnment 'Secllons mUSI be In by Jpm Fllday to be conSidered for the followl ng wl"f'k s paper

AII,lems for ttle Sports section must beIn by 10 a m Monday for lhoar Wffks

poperAll If'm~ (Of .he New'S sechOf'l l",dud

Ing letterio to ,I\e td tOt' must be In by )P m Monday lOf lhal ~ 50p.1pef

Thl!' Grexst Pomle Ne'NS Will flY 10 8e1:at! 11~m"5 nto the paper tt\al .ut fumed In

by de'adllM bu. ~lrT'l(IS s.pace ~n t

allo¥v tAny qlK'st ons) Call lhe I'\eWS depart

menl.l1 a82..o294

Cl..... tfied1>loplay Advent.ln.DeadUne.

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All mMr CI... lfled Adve"lalng must beplaced by noon Tuesday

• Tile _line ferDloploy,,_lIlllng__ ItIon IS 5 00pm Friday

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Call 882.6900to place you ClasSIf1ed Adv&r s ng

Call 882.3500to resel'\le Drsplay Advefl SIng soacf"


NewsLibrary plans for the future, begins with computer upgradeBy Shirley A McShane 'Thmg, an begmnmg to bleakStaff Writer dov.n on a regular 00"" fhp\

In \ lew of the high numberof computer ghtches and break arp oldel techno!o!O and not ,h

downs m recent months, the fabt dnd ab efliclent a" they canbe We need to replace some of

Gro'lSe Pomte hbrary board has the eljUlpll1€nl But bdOl e wedecided It'S tune to replace Itb replace It I\e nppd 10 make ,ureCUIrent eqwpment OUI decI'lOnb arp appropnate

I ThClo compute-rq 9-re 1\('3nng \o\.lthu! Llh.. t.uHlt.'xL uf It-}JldLllih

day, n, the CD ROM players are all technology m the llbl ary "breakmg down," smd library The boaJd, \lhlCh met onboard president John Bruce Monday night, afi€r the GrOSbe

Show Houseeasy task hoy, ever, <;aId KeirnThe houS" must be largeenough to permit decorators touse a varlet) of styles Thehouse must have some hlstoncal Importance The 1007Bishop home was once ownedby the man who mvented theMurphy bed And finally, theleague must find a homeownerwho IS wllhng to move out ofthe house for five months

Juha Scott, who hves m the1007 Bishop home, SaId thatshe and her famIly were lookmg forward to the project Shecalled It an adventure and saidthe family IS dlsappomted

Bishop reSIdent Wilham HKrebs attended the Nov 13councd meetmg and said he

From page 1recommendatlOns on parkmg,and he had no problem endorsmg the request

Mayor Palmer Heenan saIdthat after much diSCUSSIOnandm the SPlnt of compromise thecounCil voted 5 2 to grant thevanance With certam condltlOns

The League would not holdIts "Peek" weekend, where for99 cents, mterested partiescould VIew the Show House before decorators and workersmade the Improvements ThecounCil also said that theLeague could not serve hard h.quor, only beer and wme, atany fundralSmg events held atthe Show House

Verne Hampton, theLeague's legal representative,said that the conditions set bythe Park counCil were not outof Ime, and that the Leaguewould have no problem followmg them

But m the face of contmwngneighborhood OpposltlOn theShow House co-charrs decidedto cancel the Bishop project

"Without the support of theneighborhood, we were afraidthat we couldn't raISe enoughmoney to meet our goals," saidevent co-chalr Julia Keirn"When problems anse thatcould Impede our fundr81smgefforts we have to have secondthoughts We don't want tohave to worry about anythmgthat Will decrease fundralsmgfor out ongomg projects."

Keirn smd that she wouldhke to thank the majonty ofthe Grosse Pomte commurutyIthat tS openhearted -enough to-support the Show House Shelsald that they've had thIS eventm the past and that the com.mumty has always responded

"Right now we're lookmg fora new house," Keirn said "Weusually make our announce.ment m January or February,but thiS year we wanted totlme the announcement Withour Christmas fundralser, sowe still have a couple ofmonths to find a new house ..

Finding a home IS not an

I_ h ......

4A News November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

Retirement presents a new set of opportunities for Woods resident





Tap Water

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veloper!> and helps them develop em lronmental strategies

'Manuld.'turers Me prettygood about the enVIronment,'said Gllezan But de\ elopeI'<,butld first, then WOrI) aboutenvironmental concerns Theyare reactIve Instead of active"

Gilezan has an eclectIC set ofmterest.q He el1JOY5the outdoors, as well as tenm!>, gUlland collect1Og stamps He andhIS Wife are refurblshmg theIrbasement for their three grandchildren, all under 4 years-old

Gllezan also recently servedon a CongressIOnal Office ofTecr'lOloglcal Assessment commlUee, whtch ISSUed a reporton the effect of technology onlocal commumtles

"I like to keep busy," GIlezansaid "I Intend to weal out, notrust out"

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sldered from the begmnmg, notthe end We became actIve Instead of being end-ofthe pipeenvJronmental control"

Gllezan has been InvolvedWith cIty government for about20 years He saId It goes backto hIS days In the Navy wherehe was taught the value of pub-hc service

"I served on the planmngCOUUnlSSlOnand the cIty councII," saId Gllezan "I always felta responsIble person gives backto hIS community By servingIn government, I have beenable to help mamtam the qualIty of lIfe m the Woods "

Gllezan recently rettred fromChrysler, but that doesn't meanhe's gomg to slow down Hehas started hIS own envIronmental consulting finn HewOTks WIth compames and de


ADULT AND PEDIATRIC SERVICESInfectionsSprainsLacerationsFractufesBumsPhYSicalsAerosol TreatmentsX.RayLaboratoryAnd Morel




Gilezan, European tourended In 1962, and when thefamtly returned to the states,they mo\Cd mto a home InGrosse Pomte Woods GIlezanand hiS y,Ife hve m that houseto thiS da\

Dunng the 19608 GIlezanbroke out of finance and became wrector of orgamzatlOnplanmng and adnumBtratlvesystems In 1970 he went Intothe manufacturmg dIVISIon,",here he ran source planning,mdustnal engmeenng, computers and admlmstratlOn

In 1980 Chrysler took a boldstep 10 terms of Its envlronmental program, Gllezan saId Company offiCIals recogmzed thatenvIronmental concerns wereanother factor that had to bereckoned WIth So from planmng to productIon the companyIncluded envlronmental cancerns m the process

"There were enVU'OnmentalregulatIOns," saId Gllezan"But we brought together Ideasto create a process where enVironmental concerns were con

Parentingworkshopat Children'sHome

I, '.:1 The need lor 0 volvl!r,! ~'f""\(,~' ~ )';I)"lIv Ir:c!',at"d by cr:

~."Cl.r~,' ~'~~ -~,,~~ ':~'~',nr~;e~~e;(>'d


The Chtldren's Home of De.trOlt m Grosse Pomte Woods ISpresentmg another parentingworkshop on Thursday, Nov3D, at 7 pm at the home'smain faclltty on Cook Road Inthe second floor conferenceroom

"Is your chtld runnIng onempty?" IS the theme of theevemng presentatIOn ParentsIVlIIlearn about how Importantgood nutntlon IS for chIldren,and how they can get a balanced dIet

Fran Slbug, a dIetICIan at StJohn HOSPItal, IS the featuredspeaker For more mfonnatlonand for reservations, call (313)885-35l.Q..--.___ _ _ __ _ ' • •

FWJ~~~~'M'S~~~~~.~~~~~~'&"~~~~l SANTA IS COMING TO THE VILLAGE 1IQCI Gcnd l SANTA CLAUS Pevu:ute J,,,ur ar l BEGINS AT 10:30 A.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24 ~

~ f I ~:D=~~_I~Iiby Tom Fraser & Bob Hoover I n.JAC08SOl'<S .. r :Isales IIgr service IIg. i ~ I I' ~

ADJUSTING 'iII1 VALVIS i u~~ :I• Santa's Route t '" iJ

On some cars, a valve adlustment JmIght be underta.en With onGO<:>SS<PO<NT'''-VOawarenen that tight valva. {valve,

~~~':Pb~1~~:nn~~~~~:)~~ • FEATURING NEIGHBORS WHO WILL GREEr SANTA ON KERCHEVAL. BETWEEN FISHER & CADIEUX :Il:ium out prematurely It IS also true it ~that valve, that oro too loose can do I ~ jthe"own "ndafdomoge Asldefram ~ Hosted By' The Grosse POI'ntebelfl9 annoymgly nalSYI 100,0 valve, •IYClIv8. operahng With c earances tf>at :Ii':e~aoThw,:~~c~~~~~ ~r~~ __ I __ Village Association iJpounded Into the" seat, the valve, • VILEd S . 1 S :Ici,~II~~'~edndTh~I~~~ il LAG an pecla ponsors ~IS all the mQ<e lIkely If the enSlOe" ~ GROS~E POINTE- ~operoted at high rpm', If the englOo" ":f:f.~~:b"~~t~~a~~I,'3ea~ Y~_~ __llr.__ YWy~~~ __WW~~have iI1e valve, ad,usted 0' soan a, I --1po."ble IIf yOUf cor makes disturbing nOISoe'Sdon't wa,t ta b"ng It In - all yaumIght need IS a SImple adlu'lmen' AtRlrqKE TOYOTA aur p"'" are mOl"e TRI-COUNTYthan campeh!lvo Th'nk al u, when ~p<ircho"ng a new car GIVe u, a call URGENT C'ARE """{,/,,,"at 758 2000 or sJop In and see us at rt. ~ r7i. a\";"/,25420 Van Dylce We VB given '~ ,notch servICe ta thIS community lor 22900 REMICK (810)465.9500 Tn.Qlunlyeve< 78 yea,,1 "- Core

~ 21900 Rlmki


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• Labrlu.Jon (when llpflll<ahl<) I• ( IM-<kall Ihuri I

len,l, I818.95.

lZ "Jahnnv" Randall Kane13 Troop217 51PaulsGirlScouts14 MaJOrs Trolley15 Cnme Stopper Van16 Brown.1I M,ddleSchool17 Lak •• ho .. F.nuJy YMCA) 8 Troop 462 Monteith Browme Gul Scout8

19 ~hdntght RIdersZO Pack 74 RJchard Cub Soout&21 Troop3254 1T<1mbl)JuruorGulScoula2:2 Troop 3556 Mason Browrue Grrl Scouts23 Race<ar24 Troop327 GPSchoolrhstnctSeroorGorlScouts25 Tram FI .. 1 GPS Sophomore CI...26 Troop1623 BrownellGirtS<outs27 Troop 716 & 1986 Monteith Browme Girl Scouta

""5 UC1C8 Pompon75a Anchor Bay HS Marchmg Band

76 P.ck147 DeferCubScoullj j Troop 1092 Kerby Juntor Girl Scouts78 Chn'ltrnas Carol 1988 Mustang Convertlble-79 POlnte Girls Soccer AssoaatJonfW Gnnch Float GPN SenlOn81 'ITamlCostumed Chlldren)82 51elghmoblle w I'M rs Ciaul83 Santa Claus Float

28 SouthLak.HSMardung Band29 ?ack 85 Montelth Cub Scouts30 Home<omlllgQu .. ", dnVlng 1995 Re<I Muatang31 Mml Grand Pnx Race C4rs32 Troop303 '" 3350 Staroftll. S<a JUlUor'" BroWTUeGIrlScouts

323 Neighborhood Club RoUer Blade Hockey Club31 GPSchoolD,slnctSafelyPatrol34 Troop 3090 Defer Jumar Gut Scout

55 Troop3718 KerbyBro..",. GuiScouts56 SwmgBlke57 Troop2908 1T<1mhlyDIWYGuiScouts58 Reglna Clown \1 LIUlIUy

59 Pack399 CubScou,"5t Cla,eofMontef.l",60 Umcyc:lLsl61 Le\\'lston Iuds

61a Fire Safety House GPCommurutyEduc:abcm

6l P.ck451 Our Lady~n ofP,a"63 Bruegger Boy64 Pack 86 Trombly Cu.b Scouts65 HarperWoods H5Man:hmgBaud66 Troop1166 TYrone JumorGirlScouts67 Kenny Rehab68 Troop843 MIU...8roWTU'G"IScouta

688 Amencan Heart Assocatlon Jump Rope"

68b CalliOpe69 Troop 887 "ason Jumor GuJ Sc:outa:70 Walkmg ChnstmL!l Trees71 NatJ.\"Ity Float• 2 Troop868 TromblyJr G"tS<outs73 Chnstma.o;; Box74 Troop 1838 "sire Jr GLrl Scouts

748 Troop 919 Mon~lth Jr Girl Scout.-

\\ ORKI\(, \1IRAlLF'i E\ FR) DA)

n,py d tell yOll Mw mue~ they re loved

T~p r rrw owners a'e among tM 7 240 249 people wtlowerp helpeod last Chnc,trnas by The salvation Army

35 rJ nderella Carnage36 Troop1455 RIchard8roWTU.GulScouta37 GP Hl!llClncal Soaet}38 As!lUmptHJn Kal080mattca39 Pack 481 Kerby Cub Seouu40 (7P ArtIst! Aa8oc1aLlGn41 French Back to Back42 Troop940 TromblyBrowmeGirlScouta43 Troop 907 Ferry Juruor Girl Scout844 Troop1996 RIchardJllJllorGulScouts45 Troop 3259 M&1reGirl Srouta

~t-~len Park HS Marchmg Bandi-::' :'-;o\~j~r:'e~e~,"a 1936 De.soto AIrstreamb Camolet_c lllgBugd Jumpm Jaclo:!l<Ul• Waliung D1sney characters

49 Troop 850 and 1451 Beacon Browrue Gul Scout850 Grosse POinte CIGwn Corps11)1 Troop 1214 RJchard Browrue Girl Soouts52 Gf'08.S4:'POinte Gym.n.utl~ Club53 Troop" 05 Mason Junior Gin Sooutll54 Winnie the Pooh Float GPN Frel.hman Float

By Jim Stlckford By malung enVIronmentalStaff Wnter concern;, as Important as qual

~Idn\ people knO\\ of Peter Ity and cost, the company hasGll"zan s \lark on th" Grosse been able to become a leader InPOInte Woods CIty CouncIl, but the automotIve field m regard Gllezan entered the Navy mthat IS JUqt a !>mall part of thiS to enVIrOnmental Issues, Glle 1945, and when he got out hehu,y GIO","'"POIntel 'q life zan saId was eager to get on WIth hIS

GIlezan, 67, recently retired Many people mIght be sur hfelb ChlJ,ler's director m charge pnsed to learn that GIlezan wd "Working at Dodge Mamof plant!>, fuel economv and al not <;tart out'!" 'In e'Cp(''1 on was hard work" Said Gtlezanternate luels environmental Issues He began "There was the heat. the bare

'I m proud of what Chtoysler 10 the company's fmance de hght bulbs and molten Ironhas done 10 terms of the envi partment. Well, not exactly runmng down the floor ButIOnment,' saId Gllezan "We "My first Job at Chrysler was when a person goes to the em\lere the first automobIle com working m the old Dodge Mam ployment office he asks forpany to recel\e a preSIdential foundry on the thtrd shift," GI work Grosse Po1Ote IS full ofay,ard for envIronmental excel lezan saId "The plan was to go people who got therr law orlence One thing that we were to school dunng the day, work medIcal degrees while workingable to accomphsh IS the Inte- during the mght and graduate on the assembly line Thosegrabon of envIronmental con from Walsh College m down JObs aren't there these days forcerlll> In the baSIC planmng of town Detroit In less than the kids, but It was very commonproduct and In the productIOn SIXyears It would have taken If when I was young"proce'lS' I Just went to mght school" Needless to say, Gllezan's, :;:;-__ -;;::--;--:--=-=:--_:-_--;---: --, grades suffered whIle he

Grosse Pointe Village Association worked full time and went to1995 Grosse Pointe Santa Claus Parade Line-up school full tIme, and he eventu

l\1 PoheeCarCltyorG""""pom'"D"kChuk. ally had to leave the assemblyZ ('010' Guard MountedDIVISIonDetro"PoheeDept hne Gllezan was called back to

_ J F".'1hlck CltyofGros.. Po,"", naval seI'Vlce In 1950 becauseGr.nd \I....h.l. Ca.tfrom W,zard of0, of the Korean War He served~: ~:~6O:~~p~~%llw~~~1~~uts two years on a destroyer that

" GPWar'l.monalFloat performed escort duty for~ fV'':.I: \l~~'~~~nScouts Umted NatIOns operatIOns

10 DelroItHSr.,tIleFln.&P.rlonnmgArts "When I came back from Ko-1~~ :g::~~~6MS~~l~';}'~o~~!~u:rowrue Gn"1Samta rea I started down my career

path," said Gllezan "I workedIn the Chrysler tank plant InWarren m their finance department In 1954, Chrysler wentthrough a bIg decentrahzattonprocess, and I Jomed the corpo-rate staff In 1957 I was namedassIstant chIef accountant forChrysler

"1 was 30 years old and anon-CPA With a degree fromWalsh m accountmg and lawIt was an unusual SItuatIOn"

Gtlezan was posted to Europe10 1959 when Chrysler wasstartmg Its mternatlonal WVlSlOn He was sent to the Neth.erlands and then Geneva as thecompany's assIstant comptrollerof ChrysleT internatIOnal

"It was a wonderful expenence," saId GIlezan "I learned'restaurant' French, Germanand Dutch wwn had beenoveT fOTonly a few years whenmy fanuly ftrst amved, andyou could stlll see what thewar had done It was a goodtIme to be an Amencan In Europe The dollar was strong andmterestlng thmgs were gomg..Q.n"

...... ........ • • _ • cd --..-...~-

I'HJV~U IUC:lI LoVI I oJ"...,Grosse Pointe News





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Back stabbingTo the Editor:

I was appalled when Iread Farms councll member (Peter) Waldmelr's chiIdish remarks about EdGaffney after he said hesupported Gaffney formayor pro tern

Apparently, Waldmelr IS

of the view that If you donot agree WIth hnn, thenyou are wrong

I hope somewhere mWaldmelr's growmg upprocess he learned that ma democracy, members of agovernmg body d1scusstheIr dIfferences and reacha compromise posltlOn

He should also reahze hewas elected to the FarmscounCil, not the schoolboard There IS no need toengage m back stabbmg 10the press

S.W. BrownGrosse POinte Fanns



882-6090 •M L ValCf\cc. \-tanagerVaJc:nc: Encbefl'. t\S$ocJa(L~\Wugc-r

Sys.tems and ProoUttlonShawn Mutc-r. AssOC'ulle \1..uuger ,An DJrcetlon and Commumcauo[u ~

S~~ -.~CuoIGoI<Ia

Dtanc 'iorclhCarollbddle L\..PatTapper~

served by showmg any mercy to theseconfessed kIllers?

In Its appeal, the prosecutor's office saIdthat when an attempt to wlthcbaw occursafter a sentencmg record has been madeand sentencmg has been entered, a b7U1ltyplea cannot be Wlthdrawn unle;,s thecourt finds "an error m the plea pi oceedIngs"

The prosecutor's office contends therewas no error m the takmg of the guiltypleas, and the judge cbd not Cite any mordering a new tnal for the kIllers

In fact, Roberson knew the prosecutor'soffice would appeal smce It had successfully apl'W!lIr>d hI" flrlg1nal prflhat1(ln ""ntences Roberson IS makmg a mockery ofJustice and, In effect, offenng eVIdence toremmd us that JustIce delayed IS Ju;,tlcedemed

The appeal also prolongs the agony ofthe Grosse Pomte famIly whIch has lost alOVIng husband and father, and the contmumg concern of a commumty whichstilI mIsses a promment busmessman


The Grosse Pomte Newswelcomes your Letters tothe Editor All lettersshould be typed, double-spaced, SIgned and IIrmtedto 250 words Longer let-ters WIll be edIted forlength and all letters aresubject to edItmg for content Include a daytImephone number for venficatlOn or questIOns.

The deadhne for lettersIS3 p m Monday

Send letters to Editor,Grosse Pomte News, 96Kercheval, Grosse PomteFarms, Mtch 48236; or faxthem to (313) 882 1585

6) Rescue boatIn addItion, I bet the

marmas have a muchhigher tax rate than ourparksl Karen Jeffrey

Grosse Pointe Park

said, among other thmgs, "the tnal courthds clearly erred the court shall sentence the defendant as an adult" In theMiller case, the court had saId, "the na-ture of hIS delmquent behaVIOr IS likelyto Hender hIm dang;:;lOu,;; to the public Ifreleased at 21 "

While both men are stili held m theWayne County JaIl m downtown DetroIt,Roberson m effect defied the appellatecourt m grantmg them new trials, clalm-mg to use a court rule that allows aguIlty plea to be withdrawn before sent-encmg "m the best interests of Justice "

Ho\\ are the "best mterests of jusilce"


Anne '!ulbCTtD Sd ......, ManagerIda Bauer

Shuler Cbotklid ..... Mahooey

IlJck PansseShernIbnnljube Tobin

F..... VelardoCIRCl.JIATION

34J-5S77Deborah Grerne \btlJ.gcr and

A1s.!sunt(Jasslfied \tanagerFran \'dan:Jo, o\5~Ls.t.ant \iana cr

113RR'{, ~ a.1N'mN, I rxM'T IfAt> EtliU8Hf"

Private marinashave overheadTo the Editor:

TIlls IS m response to theletter from Edward Kotzregarcbng the cost of boatwells m Grosse POinteFarms

Mr Kotz obViouslydoesn't know much aboutoperatmg boat marinasThere are several differences between mannas mthe Grosse POIntes and pn.vately owned, full semcemannas m the area LIstedbelow are some of the serVices prOVIded by full-ser.Vice mannas wluch JustifYthe higher pnces theycharge

1) HOIsts to put yourboat m the water and takeIt out at the end of the season

2) Wmter storage faclllties

3) Gas4) PumIKlut station5) MechaniCS


]ohD Muuus, EdltOf 343 5590RouId] Bernas. """WIt E4Jtor

MarJIe ......, Feature E4J'Ot H1 55?olChuck 1Ooake, SportS Ed>to<.341 5591

Wilbur ElIloo, Ed>ronaJWnce" H1 5597e-,. P Laduop, CoPl' Edlto'

CblpCbo_ StalfWncer, 341 5595Sbuiey Mc51w>e, Staff Wnter 143 5591

, ..... M. 5aeId'ord, StalfWnce, 141.5591Thea L Walker, Photognpher


PWoluI>cd Wedoly by_PIIblloho ..

~ttA::m.. "'II 4&2]6 JoA:u1e Burcar. Consultant

RobenG EdgarPubhsher

• •-InIOn.~ 1;~ f~

d."-,,--' \ -~ .",FI,,,..~~~ 1k&~ t" ,'~ iff,!

degree murder charges for shootmgGravel on Feb 8, 1990, as he was dnvmghome from the BaYVIew Yacht Club mDetroIt

Asked for a comment on the new Rober-"(In orders, George Ward, O'Halr's chIefdeputy, told the Grosse Pomte News tlusweek "The new orders are totallygroundless "

He POinted to the fact that the Michl'gan Court of Appeals had the full sent-encmg record of both men before It whenIt reversed Roberson's onginal order sent-encmg both Juvemles to probation

In Haynes' case, the appeals court had

by Wilbur Elstol'lYoung's inauguratIOn, Pete was almostrespectful and gave little hInt of theWaldmeir-Young confrontatIOns to come.

Instead, WaIdmeir offered the obviousVIew that the election had "ushered m anew era in Detroit politics," with the vic-tory of the CIty'S first black mayor

But It dIdn't take long for Pete to takea tougher VIew of the mayor.

So when Young bowed out m June1993, Pete wrote that the media and eventhe mayor's friends gave "a Iond of collec-tive SIgh of rehef," addIng that "the timenow has come for reconclhatlOn."

By that time, most CIty as well as sub-urban residents agreed Wlth that conclu-sIOn.

WhIle Pete expressed. some doubtsabout Dennis Archer, the new mayor, hewelcomed rum to office on Jan 4, 1994,because he had "SaId the nght thmgs,pushed the nght buttons, tugged all theheart stnngs" to get romself elected Andthen Pete added:

"Let the future begm."That's stJlI not a bad slogan for the

Archer adrmrustratlon.Pete IS a many.sided man. One minute

he sounds, acts and writes like a toughguy off DetrOlt's streets, the next likeother sofues often found among new8peO-pie.

HIS compassIon comes through espe-CIally well m columns about old DetroItscamps, old asso(aates, and all the othercharacters who populate Pete's world -and help make "LIttle Drops of Blood" agood read.

Roben B. EdgarFounder and Pubbsher


books when current stars become available

The TJgers' blggest lack IS pltchmg DeSPite that, they dealt off theIr best pItcherIn a 1995 trade. but got httle pItching mreturn for DaVid Wells, the lefthander,who went to the Cmclnnatl Reds

However, the TJgers have JUst acquiredMark LeWls, an Infielder who reportedlycan hit, to complete the Reds' deal on ahappier note

With stadIUm plans movmg forwardthe Tigers' owners and theIr new man'agement now ought to focus on theteam's most Important need more newtop grade players

Gros~ Pointe News

A newsman'sbeads of blood

Unbelievable!Judge ordersnew trials forGravel killersAfter mOle than five years of litlga

tlOn, It IS unbelievable that DetrOItRecorder's Chief Judge Dalton

Roberson has ordered ne\\ tnals for theconfe<;sed killers of Grosse Pomte hU'l1

nessman Benjamm GravelFortunately, John D O'Halr, the

Wayne County prosecutor, Immediatelyannounced that his office IS appeahngRoberson's order to grant new tnals toKenmt Haynes and Cortez MIller

The pair, two of SIX charged In a car-jackmg that led to Gravel's kIlling,pleaded guilty before Roberson to first-

1" Vol. 56, No. 46. November 23. 1995, Page 6A

A view from the sidelines

Tht DetrOIt Tigers' management fortunes <;eem to be lookmg up, Wlthplan" for a new park finally gomg

fOl \1 ,lI d a ne\\ general manager m place,,lOd Buddy Bell succeedmg Sparky And!') ">Onon the field

But ....hat the Tigers stili need IS an mfuslOn of new players who will assurefan~ thdt the team can be somethmgnth( 1 than .In al<;oran m the E'lStern DI\ I-Inll ( f tl1(' \m( Ilcan Leah'll!'

, r( 1 ,g,'1 ~ man,lgement mu,t do moreto devl lop t"lent m Its farm clubs, but, tomake "w'e the\ don t have to walt toolong fOi proml~mg rookies to prove out,the\ 1\111 al<;o nero to open their check

Belatedly. WIth the approach ofChnstmas, the ancient ISSue of theseparatIOn of church and state has

been ral<>ed m the Grosse Pomte schooldl"trlct agam thIS year

At last week's board meeting, however,the board retamed Its current poheywhlch, m effect, bans exhibItion of rehgJous symbols m the schools dunng thISyear's hohday season

At board members' request, Supenntendent Ed Shme had prepared a reVISIonof school policy that, among other thmgs,....ould have permltted "Public dIsplays oflehgJous svmbols at appropnate timesof the year. whIch reflect the vanous rehglOn" of the student body of the schools"

By a 43 vote, however, the board reJected a \\alver that would have enabledthe board to omlt the reqUired two read-mgs of a new pohey and Immecbately ap-plOve It

Pete Waldmerr has just published acollectIOn of hIS DetroIt News col-umns that often mform and some-

tlmes amuse us about the DetrOit metrerpolitan area and many of its characters.

A former sports wnter, Pete follows Inthe footsteps of many successful columnISts who started therr careers m what wem other departments a was hIS colleagueas The DetrOIt News' edltonal page editoruntIl 1978) loved to call "the toy box "

Pete admIts he stole his book's name,"LIttle Beads of Blood," from a conversa-tIOn wlth Walter "Red" Smith, famedprlze-wmmng colummst for the old NewYork Herald Tl'lbune and later for theNew York TImes

In hiS mtroductJOn, and along the way,Pete pays tribute to such Detroit news-paper characters as Doc Greene, JackManmng, JIm Trainor and Ned Batche-101, and to a good many other charactersoutside newspapenng, too

The book IS but "a samphng , of hIS columns, Waldmelr says, but It'S a goodsample, mcludmg some of the best heevel wrote about the former DetrOItmayor. Coleman Young, who becameWaldmelr's favonte punchmg bag

Pete's attitude and tone toward Young,DetrOlt's first black mayor, changed overthe years In hiS first column about themayor, Jan 3, 1974, the day after

Ancient issue arises in Pointesgroups and report back on Feb. 15.

If those discussIOns answer the ques-tions about how the schools could legallyand appropnately observe both secularand religlous holidays InsIde and outsIdethe classroom, the door would be open forpoSSIble future adoption of Shme's reVIsedpolicy proposal - but not before nextyear

In our VIew, public cbsplays of rellgloussymbols wroch, as proposed, reflect theschool body's vanous rellglons ought to beacceptable at appropnate times of theyear

But the board and aclmlmstratlOn oughtto have begun consIderatIOn of the Issueearlier That would have enabled the pub-hc to have been mformed In advance ofthe board's plans and glven the boardtlme to have conSidered Shme's recammendatlon on Its regular schedule

However, If a new polley IS adopted, Itst1l1 would have to clear poSSIble legal

Ho....ever, the board cbd ask the supenn barners, m view of the warmng last yeart{.ndent and admmlstratlon to consult that a star on a Chnstmas tree IS quesIllth the commumty and local rehgJOUS tlOnable as a Chnstlan symbol

It's time to seek new Tigers

. •• '1 rt rt ••


Comedian Jerry Semfeldonce SaId that when people attend a sports event, they aren'tcheermg the player as much asthey are the uniform This ISdemonstrated when a playerfrom your home team IS traded,you no longer cheer for him,you now cheer for the playerfor whom he was traded

With <0 m'lny un.forrr.changes happemng lately, It'Sdifficult to know what umformyou're supposed to cheer

I reahze not every professlOnal team can have mce, neatpnmary-colored umforms Somemust wear purple, green, orange, brown and other less eyeappeallng oolor schemes

The Chicago White Sox, "hohave had red and white, red,wlute and blue, and black andwhite, change uruforms moreoften than Larry Kmg changesWIves

They seem to hdye ;,attled onthe mal ketable black and sllverlook - alWd) s popular With thegdngsta <,et - that the OaklandRalden, made fd<,hlonable fortroubled urban youths

Throughout the hl,tory of,port, tedm;, umform change.have OC~Wl ed from time totime but latel}, It '>Cern, moretedn\.', are chanb'lng ,trlpes (ordddmg pmstnpes)

The NatIOnal FootballLeague, New England Patnotshad pelfectJy mce jerseys, redand whlte wlth blue tnm TheydJJ>O nd<1one 01 my lavonte helmet Jogo, - a 1770s patnotready to hIke the ball

A couple years ago, that wasdll >Clapped In favor of a blueand Silver deSign Their logonow has a patriot head With astreaked tall as If It IS flYingthrough the sky like a comet

The trend now In the N atlOnal Basketball AssocIatIOn ISpmstrlpes - wItness the latestcreations worn by the HoustonRockets and Chicago Bulls Often tearns that have had trouble wmnmg bring In new um

Chip Chapman

forms to SIgnal a new era, aswas the case With the PatriotsThe Rockets and Bulls combmed have won the last fiveNBA titles Now they decide tochange their champIOnshIp lookm favor of black and PinstripeSAlthough the Bulls haven't to-tally abandoned their old look,the umforms that they and theRockets now wear look hideous.

The "change for the sake ofchange" trend has done noth-Ing to help the recogmtlOn levelof the NatIOnal Hockey League,m my opinIOn Anyone who hasseen the new umforms wornthiS season by the WashingtonCapItals and New York Island

ers know what I meanThe Capitals abandoned the

rPd whltp '1nd blue they ha\ eworn dunng theJr 20-year eXistance m favor of a light blue,black and white color schemeThe Islanders no longer wearthe orange, white and blueWith whIch they won four consecutlve Stanley Cup champIOn-slups They got nd of the "NYabove a map of Long Island" illfavor of a logo featunng a guywho looks lIke the Gorton'sfisherman

If a franchISe moves, Itshould be reqUJred to leave theunform design and franclusename m the onglnal CIty

When the NHL's QuebecNordlques moved to Denver,they had the good sense tochange their name (to the Colo-rado Avalan~he) and umformdeSign When the Kansa, CItyScouts moved to Colorado mthe late 1970s, they became theRockies They kept the ;ameUniform colors, but changed thedeslgn When a.trer a few ,hortyears, the franchise moved toNew Jersey, the umform andthe name changed Of coursethe New Jersey DeVils have<hg}>'I) altered thell w:"'l~, Lutfor the better, gettmg rid of thegreen pants and tnm on theirred, white and black uniforms

The Atlanta Flames wronglybecame the Calgary Flamesand worse, kept the same colordeSign for their umforms

The Los Angeles Kmgs alsocashed In on the rap market,changmg their colors a fewyears back from purple andgold to black and silver tomatch theJr former L A neighbors the (Oakland then LosAngeles then Oakland again)RaIders

Not long after football'sSteeJerq and baseball's Pirateswon world champIOnships mthe late 1970s, hockey's Pitts-burgh Penguin' SWitched fromdark blue, light blue and WhlUlto the black and gold of theirSteel City brethren

Black seems to be the color(shade, actually) to whichtealTlli SWItch Shortly beforeheadmg south to Dallas, theMmnesota North Stars changedfrom green, yellow and wlute toblack, yellow and white They:lIS() dropped the "North" fromtheJr name

The Vancouver Canuckswent from green, blue andwhlte to black, yellow and or-ange

There are plenty more exam.pIes of unnecessary UnIformchanges I could mentIOn, butspace allows only so muchdromng

I used be mcredulous whenthe guy selling programs at thestadium would shout, "Youcan't tell the players WIthout aprogram" Now, you can't eventell the teams

Holiday workshops at War Memorial

"He got a lot of cards and let-ters from the colwnn Item andhe's been dOing very well," S8ldDr Rappa "One local storeowner even said DoInlmc couldcome In when he was wellenough and pIck out a bicycle"

Surf bardIt's November and where's

mternatlonal smger of songsAlex Suczek and hiS lovelybnde, Marybelle?

Answer The 68 year-old retl.ree, who never slows down, ISmakmg waves as usual - offSouth Padre Island, Texas

When he tells me what he'sdOIng, I reahze there's a Side toour local POinte troubadour Inever suspected

Wmd surfing?"I started 10 years ago and

lost 20 pounds that first summer," Alex says "Since thenmy coordination and balancehave come back to where theywere 30 years ago My doctorsays I'm the only patient she'seyer seen who has reversed theaglng process "

When the weather turns mceagain, you can expect to seehim back here, nwng the surfoff the Crescent Sail YachtClub "I launch the board everydecent a.trernoon," says Alex

Now I know how he candance every dance at the Vien-nese Ball

If you have an FYI tip orthe secret of eternal youth,call Ken Eatherly at 822-4091.

Village Toy Company's NancyRenick

"It looked like Chnstmas,but the calendar said It wasonly October, when a carload oftoys was dehvered to the haspltal," said hospItal spokesmanJanette Duster

Janette said some of the toysare meluded In the permanentcollectIOn of the pedJatnc unitand others are given out m theEmergency Center to helpbrmg smJles to SIck, hurt orfrightened young patients

Nancy tells FYI the hospItalonglnally just asked people tobuy crayons to keep kuls occuPled "We were mOVIng fromour old location then and I hadall sorts of thmgs left over -httle wooden puzzles, gamesand mterestlng pencils - and alot more, so I Just gave them awhole collectIOn of things," shesays

"I always remember our ownhospital experiences and Iwanted the children to havesomethmg to help them thInkthere's more to being therethan just the painful parts ..

•Speaking of patients, Dom-

inic Damore, son of Pomtedental BSSJstant Kathy Da-more, finally returned homelast weekend a.trer a two-monthstay III the Children's Hospitalburn umt

Domlmc was Injured m a go-kart accurent and dentist Dr.Richard Rappa tiPped FYIthat the 13 year-old could usesome mall to cheer him up

lI_i _A visitorwith style

"How are the people ofGrosse POinte treatmg you?" Iasked Oleg Cassini


groggy fashIon deSignerwas at Ja.cobson's lastweek, autographmgCOpIes of Iusnew book, "athousanddays ofmagIc,"(With unusual modesty, titledall ll\, lower-i:aBe letters), whIchshows and tells how he dressedJacqueline Kennedy for theWhite House

"I've been here before andthey have always treated mevery well," he S8ld "I have akind of kInshIp WIth the peoplehere - It was Jacobson's thatbought my first collection ofwomen's c1otlung"

He was tired, but gameWhen a blizzard canceled hisflight from New York, the 74-year-old world-class coutunerwho had been born a count InCzanst Russia hopped on atram and got here VIa Toledo

The tnp took 16 hours andOleg made It Just In tIme forthe 8th Annual Jumor LeagueHohday PreVIew Benefit thatdrew over 1,500 patrons to bothof the Kercheval stores

Once Installed m the dresssectIon he charmed the crowd,sIgning a small mountain ofbooks and speakmg to every-one HIS warm Sffille made ItobVIOUS he was surrounded byhiS two greatest loves womenand the clothmg he designs forthem

The men were there too, butI noticed Sparky's Darrell Fin-ken was standing off on theSIdelines

-'Have you met Cssslm?" Iasked

Darrell looked apologetlc"I'm weanng an Armam SUit, 'he said

Taking careof kids

Children at Henry Ford Cottage HospItal are Just a bit hap-pier, thanks to a gift from the

to resemble an authentIc German gingerbread house Thekit mcludes graham crackers,assorted candy and decomtlOnsplus a box m whIch to take\ our keepsake home

The workshop fee IS $25 perhouse for one chlld and oneadult or adult only $10 eachaddItIOnal person Plea.'le brmgtwo pounds of powdered ,ugar,<IX medIUm egg whites at roomtemperature, a large, deep mixmg bowl, spatula, 'IpOOn and aheaVY-duty electnc rrnxer Alsobnng a sack lunch

Advance reglstratlOn " requested Call the War Memo-rial at (313) 881 7511 for addltlonal mformatlOn

Who's to say the brotherwants to be found? That's aquestIOn Linda can't answerShe offers the thought that heshould have access to hIS personal medical hIStory And thathe's mlssmg out on knOWInghiS family, an only child de-Prived of hIS real Siblings

But thiS IS not a man whohas been haunted hill whole lifeby fantasies of a family whoabandoned him ThIS mandoesn't know hiS parents gavehim up All he knows IS themother and father who raISedhim

Lmda IS undeterred She hasa name to go on, the name ofher mother's lover To be sure,she doe,n't know exactly howto spell It, but she's persuadedthat someone, somewhere, wJ11recOgnize the family hIstory ofCharles (or Casimir) Chlelewskl no" deceased

If you do, contact Linda atPOBox 536, Interlochen, MI49643 Think It over

mother, I t1unk she lied to me ..It's a tough call If the

woman Linda talked to IS thewoman she thinks she IS, thenthe woman has always l1edabout the baby Glven the chmate of the 19405, the enormous SOCialstigma agamst Illegltlmate babies, the he III

understandable And Jf she hasnever told the truth to her son,she Illn't hkely to tell It toLinda

bon WIth which to practIce Theworkshop fee IS $20

On Tuesday, Nov 28. from 7to 9 pm, create a beautlfulhohda\ \\Teath USing a frawant 14 to-16 Inch natural balsam ,peclmen, you WIll personahze a wreath to your taoteand decor WIth a chOice of nbbon and ornamentatIOn TheregJ<tratlOn fee IS $25 and melude_ ~llpphes Bnng 'lCISSOT<and" Ire cutters Wreath makmg \\ III be repeated on Tue'dal, 0E>c 5, from 9 to 11 am

For a delightful parent/childproject construct a grahamcracker house on Saturday0E>c 2 or 1)(>c 9 from lOa m to1 10 pm The house IS de<ll!(l1ed

er's name She perused tell'phone books and tried unsuc.cessfully to obtain offiCIalrecords

Her glrlfnend, who IS mterested m genealogy anyway, became intrigued by the searchLinda blanketed the state WIthletters and phone calls Eventhe people who dig up the Infofor ambush appearances onSally Jessy's show got willd ofIt and called her up

But Linda IS Stymied Shedoesn't want to be on televlslon "I'm not askmg for anythmg other than to kno\\ thISperson," she says

Her poking around led to awoman she believes to be thesIster who adopted the babyShe even called her up - butthe woman denied everything,saYing her son J<; her own child,not adopted

Linda IS afraid of what qhehas started

'I "ant to find hIm, but 1don't \\ ant to approach hIm dlrecti}, , ,he Sdld "I don't wantto stir up somethmg or embarra»s people But I feel hurt be18U<;C when I talked to hIS

A tno of workshops allowyou to exercise your creatIVItythl~ hohday 'leason while addIng charming, 'lea<;anal touchesto your home All are taught byPeggy Ventura at the WarMemonal and offer a chOIce ofdate' and tIme, during th"bu~y tlme of vear

Learn 00" makmg on ThUNda} No\' 10 from 930 to IIa m or from 7 to 8 30 p m Durmg' the workqhop, Venturateache~ ~hmquC" for makingprofe,slOnal looking' bows toadorn !nth trl'e< wreath~ andgarland~ PartiCipants are requ€<ted to hnng <;C1~r< Eachrerel,e, a 300 foot bolt of nb

Lmda Zak wants to find herbrother

She's never seen rum, although he's more than half acentury old by now But she beheves her life, and maybe hiS,too, would be better Jf theyknew each other

He's really her half brotherHer parents' marnage wasn'tworkmg out even before herdad went to war m the early'405 While he was overseas,her mother met a man fromDetrOIt, a man whose marnagewasn't working out very wellat the moment, either To-gether, they got pregnant

Lmda was a toddler whenher mother took her from Che-boygan to Detroit to stay WIthan aunt wblle she dehvered thebaby WIth both parents stillentangled m unsuccessful mar-nages, It was decIded to glvethe baby to the father's sisterto rBlse as her own

Lmda never knew on a conSCIOUSlevel that she had ababy brother Her father camehome from the war and some-how the marnage was patchedback together Her parents hadtwo more daughters and a son,although her dad was filledWIth SuspiCIons, not only aboutthe mlssmg baby, but aboutLinda as well Not until thefamlly doctor explained aboutfamIly relatIOnship throughblood types would her fatherbeheve she" as h" chIld, Lindasays And by that tIme she wasgrown up

Well, the famlly bumpedalong, as famlhes do untIl theparents wed Then an auntdropped the bombshell therewas another child <;amewhereAnd Lmda <aIred on It

Her m,tmcts a< a ""ter adetectIve and ma) he <;amebodywho hke~ to have a projectwere arou<ed A' adult, her~Ibhngs aren t a- c1o<;('a~ ~he dlike, e~peclalh the hrotherMaybe the ml''-'lng brotherwould be a (Allah,t to bnngthem back to~ethel And, ,heargued he dec,erve- to k nO"hIS family

She went to \lork on helaunt Bit b) hit _hi pned outPleceq of mformatlOn, Includmgthe m()'lt Imp0rt"nt thl' fath



November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe NewsOpinion

American Initiative Committee readies legislation for 1996SA

New Electees to talk Women's GOP club



Grosse Pointe News(USPS 230-400)

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comnuttee wlll then set out toorganize a natIOnal grassrootseffort to make the natlOnal"Right of Imtiatlve" an mte-gral part of the 1996 natlOnalcampaign, startmg WIth presI-dential primaries Other organ-IzatIOns mvolved are Phlladel-pii1d Il, L S T~JiU UllliLbt rueNatIOnal Referendum Move-ment and AmerIcans for TaxReform

The goal IS to have natIOnal"RIght of ImtlatIve" leglslatlOnIntroduced m 1996 and to ultl-mately gam ratificatIOn ofthree-fourths of the state legiS-latures AIC membership cate-gOries are $25, $50, $100 ormOle For more mformatlon onthe natlOnal "RJght of Initia-tive" and membership priVI-leges, Write or call The Ameri-can Intlatlve Committee, 1320Old Cham Bridge Road, Suite200, McLean, VA, 22101, (800)30mICK or (703) 883-1355

emment"The nationally syndicated

'AmerICa the Beautiful" radioshow, hosted by Foudy, offersfree market solutlOns to prob.lems and deals With the "peo-ple and Ideas that make thIScountry great" It currently airsr...C"....., 4 to 6 p T fE'Tl 'fcnrl'lythrough Friday and has re-cently expanded ItS broadcastto 47 AM stations natIonWIdeGuests on the show have in-

cluded Michael Deaver, formerhead of public relatlOns forformer PreSident RonaldReagn, former Sen WilhamProxmlre (I)-Wlsconsm), SenKent Conrad (I)-North Dakota),and Grover NorqUISt, preSIdentof Americans for Tax Reform

The American ImtlatIveCommIttee and other reformorganIzations are workmg toachIeve a consensus on thewording for a natlOnal mltla-tlve by the end of 1995 The

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StateWIde initiatIves are currently pelmltted In 24 statesThe\' al e Alabama, Alaska, Ar-IZ()IHI, Arkansas, Callforma,Colol ado, Flonda, Idaho, Ilh.nOlS Mame, Massachusetts,MIchigan, MISSOUI1, Montana,Nebraska, Nevada, North Da-Ire" .... nl,1" (),k.l"lh",..,.,"l ()""f!(T(Y""

South Dakota, Utah, Wash;ngton and Wyommg

Gravel asserts, "There eXistsa myth that people lack thecompetence to share m theirown governance The century-long leglslatlve record of thepeople In (these 24) statessho\\ 5 the people to have a ma-turity and mtelhgence equal tothat of their elected representa-11\es m state legislatures and,10 sor,le areas, to be conSIder-ably more progressive There IS

no JOstance of the people bank-ruptmg a state by mltlatlve asour elected representativeshave done to the federal gov-

hiS committee directorshIp, Arnold IS also chief executive offi-cer of national Voter Outreachand pubhsher of the Initiativeand Referendum OrganizersNewsletter He IS conSIdered aspecialist m the mltlatlve andreferendum process by theYearbook of Experts and hasrecently been pubhshed In theMay 1995 Issue of Campaignsand ElectIOns Magazme

He mSlsts that, "Untl! weget the right Imtlatlve at thenatIOnal level, the people WIllhave no effective way to putAmencan back on the nghttrack"

"Each electIon, fewer Amen-cans bother to vote Amencansare convmced the electoral pro-cess has become a meanmglesscharade," Foudy says

Accordmg to the AmericanImtlatlve Newsletter-

The natIonal debt has grownto the pomt that each of usowes $16,000,

• Amencas bIggest exporthas been good Jobs,

• Fifteen states have passed"Term LImits" only to havethem rendered Impotent m thefederal courts,

• Our trade deficits hassoared,

• It has become ImpoSSIble toraise a family on one 4O-hourwork week, and

• Governmental change hasgenerally been for the worse,and the VOIceS of the peoplehave been consistently IgnOred

receptIOn at 6 30 p m Theforum takes place at 7 pmThere IS no charge and refreshmenta WIll be served

For more mformatlOn, callpreSident Alice Baetz at 3138829260

CALL 882,3500

melT, Grosse Pomte WoodscounCilman Thomas LeFevre,Grosse Pomte Park muniCIpalJudge Carl Jarboe and HarperWoods councilman Cheryl Cos-tantinO

The everung beglns Wlth a

ment comes from the people Infact, under the current system,people can exercIse theIr pov. elonly by g1Vmg It to somebd)else," saId former Sen MikeGravel (I)-Alaska) In Waslung-ton, DC, at the Sept 18 Capi-tol HIli Amencan ImtlatlveForum The purpose of theforum was to serve notIce toCongress fror the enactment ofa constitutIOnal amendment tocreate the national "RJght ofImtlatlve "

Other supporters of the"RJght of Imtlatlve" are PaulJacobs, executive director ofU S Term LImIts, BarbaraVmcent, dIrector of the Na-tIOnal Referendum Movement,and RJck Arnold, AIC director

"Voters in many states haveused InitiatIve and referendumfor 100 years. Lawmakers 10

states (without mitlatlve andreferendum) Insulate them-selves from clt1zen control byrefusing to establish petitIOnprocess. No petitIon process ex-Ists on the national level de-SPite Fu'St Amendment guaran-tees," Vmcent says.

Referendum IS a process thatenables voters to use petitionsto reJect or approve leglslatlOnpassed by elected offiCials.

"The Uruted States IS consid-ered a world leader m democ-racy, but It IS one of only SIXdemocratic nations that doesnot have the right of lrutla-tlve," Arnold says. Along WIth

The Women's RepubhcanClub of Grosse Po1Ote lDVlteSthe commuruty to an ele;.1;lonwrap-up Wednesday, Nov 29,m the lounge of First EnghshEvangehcal Lutheran Church,800 Vernier, 10 Grosse PomteWoods

New officeholders will express concerns, goals and challenges regarding theIr respec-tive cIties

Scheduled to appear are Cityof Grosse POinte councilmanLarry Dowers, Grosse PomteFarms counCilman Peter Wald-

The Amencan InitiatIveCommittee (AIC), a McLean,Vlrglma-based group, IS organ-IZIng a natIOnwide campaIgn tocreate a national "RJght of 1m-tlatlve"

The "RJght of ImtlatlVe" 15

the process by whIch CItizensc:m propose a law or COI's!ltutlonal amendment by petltlOnand ensure Its submiSSion tothe electorate

"No mechanIsm currently ex-Ists for the Amencan people toconvert their consensus on termlimits, balanced budget andcampaign finance reform Intoreality," says AlC founderMike Foudy "Amenca is onthe threshold of some Impor-tant changes, but the reformpnon ties of the Amencan pe0-ple don't seem to be reflected Inelected bodles."

The committee was formed Inthe summer of 1995 Its effortIS for "the American people touse the electoral process to of-fer and enact solutlons to theproblems confrontmg theUmted States Independently ofCongress and the ExecutiveBranch," according to the AlCNewsletter The committee cur-rently IS organizing petltlondrives, CapItol HilI forums,newsletters and synchcated ra-dio programming In order tomake the current system a"government by the people"

"In theory, all inherentpower in our system of govern-

O~8a~ - "Ihought-Pnwoking

~ Relationships"~ Apnl 24 NvJy 4 1996---

"Singing & Dancing For Days"June 4 15 1996

All performances In beautifulFrle. Auditorium at the Grosse

Pointe War Memorial.

"Riveting Courtroom Drama"March 13 23 1996

HAMLET"The Laughs Never Stop"

January 24 February 3 1996

(.r()','o(- Pointe Theatre

Tickets? Information? Membership?(313)881-4004Z.

People are still talking about The Secret Garden.Reserve your seats ~ for our remaining shows.

The Kresge F\e Inlnrul,' 01 \\ 1\ III "w, L 111\1Nt' P Irt 01 fhl 1)1 Tn.11 \Iui!, tI

1\ olfenn" hIt r "'lOn l orr" !lOll Ih It , III Ul \[11 rttl"lC f clllllllltl rhl

"ld"" or tOllldllluhl' lh, prottdllfl "hlth h both hfl,1 111.11,,,,,1,11tld tor


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t Eyens I u e

-.._---_ ....._-_ ..._-_..._- . , ...

November 23 1995Grosse Pomte News 9A


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November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

chIldren, he IS assured noone IS go1Ogto make a qUickeXIt Without hIS expresspermISSion For some of US,thiS system IS a tyrant I feargettmg locked out of the carIf It'S runnmg whIle I mallletters Mike saId It won'thappen If you don taCCIdentally touch the "lock"button on the door (all otherdoors stay locked untIl the'unlock' button IS pushed)He then admItted thIS hadhappened to hIm while hewas running a productthrough a local car wash,and he spent several precIOushours on hIS day off secur10gan extra set of keys so hecould get m agam

Also not to like thIS babyruns on premIUm unleadedfuel, which Increases fuelcosts by 25 to 30 percent. Thegood news IS It doesn't havea dr10kmg problem LookslIke ItS hIghway number ISaround 25 mpg, and the bIg17 8-gallon fuel tank Willkeep you on the road whIleyou fumble for your creditcard - even If a tire IStotally flatl Ah, yes

Sunday12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

November 26and

strmg of thIck sausages

In closmg, here are someother thmgs we liked aboutthe new ContinentalSentmel headhghts turn onwhenever It'S dark Theseare espeCIally good forforgetful or lazy dnvers, andthey're kInd of a safetyfeature, as well. Rear-seatreadmg lights are set 10 amcely deSigned pod aboveeach back door along WIth agnp handle and a coathanger hook Up front, eachsun VIsor has a full, hghtedvanIty mIrror, there IS anauxlhary visor on each Side,so the larger one can sw10gover to the SIde wmdow andthe second WIll stdl prOVIde

shade from light commg 10the WIndshIeld. TheattractIve mstrument panelhas mce big buttons andknobs

Things not to like mIghtmclude doors that lockautomatIcally when the carbegtns to move m gear Fordpubhc relatIons expert MikeMoran sl:ud he loves thatfeature WIth two young




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The 1996 Continental will offer a new RESCUemergency/security system that usescellular phone technology. It will be available later in the model year.

message also appears 10 thevehicle's message center Ifthe tire pressure contmues todrop (Just what you needed,rIght? More messagesl)

Those of us who are long-tIme Motor CIty reSidentscan brmg to m10d anynumber of mCldents whendrivers have traveled somedistances on extremely flattIres Wheel makersencourage thiS kInd ofresponse to flat tIres, we'retold

The run-flat concept hasbeen around for severalyears It seems to be one ofthose goals like dlscovenngthe fountam of youth - wenever qUIte pull It off. MaybeMlchehn can A colleaguetells me he wrote severalstones about a run-flat tire tnthe early 1970s that would fillWith a foam If puncturedBut, he said, the centnfugalforce of the turmng wheeltransformed the foam mto aJelly whIch moved around In

such a lop-Sided manner that,well, let s say It Just dIdn'twork Then there's thesolutIOn favored by so manyWalt Dlsnev characters a

8 'file8 Mile & GratIotAll Rnnd" 1"(',,dTn

lJrumml/ OldJo"

By Jenny King

example, has a 98 4-mchwheelbase, With wheelsranging from 13 mches to 15Inches m diameter)

Overall weight, whencoupled WIth high-techsuspensIOn and steermgsystems, adds to theImpreSSIOn of luxury andcomfort The Contmental hasfront and rear shockabsorbers that can be set bythe driver for a plush,normal or firm TIde Speed-senSitIve steenng tends totighten at hIghway speedsand become easier m low-speed SituatIOns hkeparkmg WIth steenng, thednver can choose from low,normal and high-effortlevels

A 4-door Escort weIghs2,378 pounds, the new Taurussedan tIps the scale at 3,326pounds, and a Contmentalregisters a pre-holidayweight of 3,911 pounds

The standard - and only- engine IS a 32-valve 260-hp4 6-hter V.8 Sorry, nomanual transmiSSIon ISavailable, only the 4-speedautomatic



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AutomotiveContinental adds safety to luxury image

Chmb10g 1OtOthe new metal Intenor door handles And Lincoln IS planmngLmcoln Contmental, one of or higher-quality headliner to Introduce some new •the lirl>t thmgs hkely to come and other mterlOr matenals perl>onal safety and secunty _ • ~~to mmd ll>, Ah, yes It s thmgs like handsome systems on the Contmental

Thll> Il>not a yel> 10 front .eats that, If removed later 10 the model year\\ hlch ) ou high-five anyone from the car, would look Lmcoln RESCU will put theor prance around like some attractive 10 most homes It' dnver 10 touch with aof those Ill.mannered football subtle thmgs like additional re'uon'p cpnter whprp A

playerl> who ao II oe~aUl>e, soundproohng and bigger tramed operator arranges for _ ~ \~"Ith the shoulder paddmg tires on 16.mch "heels help, when neededand all, they can t reach to running on a 109-mch WIth RESCU, there are twopat themselves on their wheelbase (an E,cort, for Signal buttons on thebacks Contmental s overhead

No, thiS IS a refined' yes" console, a pOSltlonmgtransmitter 10 the trunk, anantenna and a cellularphone Pressmg one buttonsummons roadSideassistance The other buttoncalls for appropnate help Incnme or medicalemergencies

Through globalposltlomng satellites andcellular phone technology,the system pmpomts thevehicle's location -typically wlthm 100 feet-and puts the dnver In vOicecontact With a responsecenter rf necessary, anoperator at the WestmghouseEmergency Response Centerstays 10 phone contact untilhelp amves

And how about thiS?Secuntlre With PressureAlert IS a system deSIgned tokeep motorists from bemgstranded With a flat tIre 10

an unfamIliar area or on theshoulder of a busy freewayAccordmg to Lincoln,dnvers can safely drive up to20 miles at 55 mph With atotally deflated SecuntlreThiS IS a Mlchehn ZP (zeropressure) With remforcedSidewalls, mounted on aspeCially engineered chromewheel Dnvmg at speedslower than 55 mph mcreasesthe dIstance the tire cantravel, Lincoln added

To head off the need to usethe tire's run-flat capablhty,a tiny Pressure Alert sensorIn each tIre Signals awarn10g light on theoverhead console when tIrepressure IS gettmg low A

You could subtly give a littlethumbs up, but your handsshould be at your Sides

Yes means thiS IS betterthan expected It means theContinental has a quahtyfeel and luxunousappearance It means theseats are unusuallycomfortable It means youfeel speCial, not to mentlOnconfident, as you dnve downthe street 10 thiSconservatively styled, qUIetand roomy $43,000 productthat was re-deslgned for the1995 model year

What IS It about a luxurycar that differentIates It fromless expensIve but otherWIsewell-mtentIoned vehicles?Today they probably sharesafety features like dual airbags and antI-lock brakesBoth types have rear-wmdowdefrosters and power locks,Windows and outSIdemIrrors Most have plenty ofcupholders and 10Sldecontrols for trunk lids andfuel doors

The difference IS anJlmber of little thmgs, likeetgantlv curved Silver-toned

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November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News Opinion 11A

The Committee to Elect

accessones, extensIVe readIngand hsterung pleasures, bothfun and educatIOnal toys, gour-met and casual dInmg, beautycare, fitness salons and a broadrange of housewares, from elec-tromcs, tools and office suppliesand grocenes to fme arts andantiques

For those faced With a "whatto buy" dIlemma, the GrossePOinte VIllage Assoc1atlon hasthe problem solved Vl1lage GiftCertlcates can be used like cashat stores and servIceS m theVillage Certificates can be pw-chased at NBD Bank branchesIn the VIllage, Mack and Mo-ross and RIvard and JeffersonCertIficates are also avaJIableat Jacobson's In the lower level

For more InformatiOn, callthe Grosse POinte V dlage AN»clatlon at 313-886-7474




:Jjou and your chIld arec"rd.a1ly IIlVIlLJ I" JOin llil atthc s.,muse! Co!kchon for a",,,mlmus HoLday e,elll

All old-fash""'cJ EngLshlea Party WIth Santa.

Y"u U "n/Oy magJC1ans,

mImes and 1"l1l1lers~Iouthwa!enng menu

de~hts (for young and old)from SeLasban , Gnll. PIll!.a pcl"<mal VI"t WIth Santaand a ,pc..,a1 gift fromThe NIItIn Company Iv

m~.llaY7l~re~ ''"1 ~D~~at~~ fDecem!..r 9th .1AJ p.m'-

£-' 3<10 pm. ' ~,riJt.1'}~-4'i4 '"

Village prepares holiday activitiesWith the ChrIstmas tree

IIghtmg ceremony last Sunday,the hohdav sed~m m the VIIlagI' offiCially kicked off

On Fnday, Nov 24, the VIIlage'; 19th Annual SantaCldus Parade takes place Thepdrade begm~ at 10 30 a m[10m &Jute. HIll!. &llwl ~lolethan 100 groups WIll marchdown FI~her Road len turnsouth on Kercheval to the VIIlage

On Fnday, Saturday andSunday, Nov 2426, the VIllagemVltes everyone to Jam openhouse hospltahty at mdIvldualstores "Shop Among Fnends"at more than 43 stores offenngspecial sales, events and comphmentary refreshments

VIllage merchants offer awealth of chOIces that mclude aWIde selectIOn of apparel and

hIm away for d few days and the patlent's care wlil not becomplOmlbed No personal InformatIOn hJ.b been vlOlated dndthe patient IS forewarned and not del.'pl, dlbdPPOlnted to St-'(a :,ubstltute

Because of the extraordmary demands on the medical pro-feSSIOn, It IS not unusual for doctors to make rounds early mthe mormng, too early for most famlly VI~ltors to be allowedm the hospital ThIs makes It difficult for relatives to a;kquestIons and consult concerning treatment Couldn't fhptamlly member put a request m wntlng WIth specificsspelled out and have It attached to the chart, where It WIllbe seen by those m charge and answered by note or phonecall at the doctor's convenIence?

As WIth so many things, commumcatlOn IS key An enormous problem IS how can we help a person to let go, whenwe are unWIlhng to let go ourselves? We are often needed toact m the role of patIent advocate ThIs 1; a tremendous reSponslblhty and we need straIghtforward infOrmatIOn to allow us to amve at edUUlted decISIOns It IS not helpful to bespoken to hke a chIld, assummg we wouldn't understandSkIp the big words, Just talk In SImple terms, but talk Wehave to hve WIth our deciSIOns

At what POint do we mtervene when It IS obvIOUSthat further tests wIll reveal httle, other than to help a researchteam? TIlls last IS a tncky Issue Someone has to be wIl hngto allow students In the patient's room and permIt certamtests to be nm However, I feel that the patient, or If he ISunable to respond, the family be told up front exactly whatwill transpire My bet IS that most would agree to pennltmedIcal students to be present A patient or family memberalso has the nght to know how invasive specific tests maybe and to make a chOice WIth some basIC know ledge

I realIZe that my comments may anger fnends and acqualntances In the medical professIon My mtent IS not toanger, but to remmd them to lISten closely to those who depend upon them for guidance_ We lay people also have a reSponslblhty not to take advantage of busy profeeslOnals WIthwhmmg and stupid questIOns When one IS Ill, or thmks hemay be, hiS world narrows and he hangs on every syllablehiS caregIver speaks TIme constramts and stress are com-mon maladIes of those who treat us They too are humanbemgs WIth fanuhes and we should be careful not to takeadvantage of those who try to adVIse us Our requests shouldbe concIse and reasonable It helps to prepare ow questIOnsm advance

Deahng WIth health related problems IS somethmg we allWill have to do at some time In ow hves, doctors are not exempt If there IS any way that we can open the lines ofcommUnICatIOn to soften the expenence, we ought to try

- Offerzng {rom the ro{t

Health care: It's a give and take relationship

YOU CAN ADVERTISE TOOCall Display Advertising At (313) 882.3500 To Reserve Your Ad Space.

The subject keeps recurrmg We fret about It, do our bestto comprehend what's gomg on, and muddle through a;, bestwe can The subJeCt IS elderly relatives, fnwds dnd tho,<,e,ofany age, who are Sick or mcapacltated

It certainly Isn't new to anyone that thIS country s healthsystem IS m a state of chaos I dm not quahfied to speakabout It and won't My concerns are far easier to address because they are relatively Simple to correct This might be agood place to state that I am fortunate to have chosen a carmg, ,ompa.,."IOIUl~ t<:ulll 01 doctors as my personal physlclans However, I do my research and ask questIOns beforechoosmg those whom I depend upon dnd whose Judgment Itrust Others are more casual m their approach, but no lessdeservmg of fair treatment It IS on behalf of these peoplethat I speak

Three times m the past week [ have talked WIth friendswho are feehng frustrated and exhausted about family sltuatlOns over whIch they feel they have no control I assumethey sought my shoulder because they knew our family hadwalked m smular moccasins on several occasIOns

Spealung from the vlewpomt of laymen, yet as compas-sIOnate human bemgs, our comments echoed each other'sexpenences There IS no "how to" book concernIng theproper way to deal With senous health problems as a nonprofessIOnal It would be ImpoSSIble to have a defimtlvesource as people and CIrcumstances are mdIvldual Wbatnews one person can handle must be Withheld from anotherwho IS too fragile to hear It &lme want all questIons answered, others wJ1l never accept reality and choose not toThat IS their right This IS where fanuly members can be-come mvolved and could be benefiCial to the patient and thedoctor

When we are Sick, hospItalIZed and feelmg lousy, there IShttle a patient looks forward to CertaInly It ISn't the foodOur eyes and ears are aware of footsteps In the hall and weWatt for our datly VISIt from our doctor We are captIve andself-absorbed and thiS IS normal for someone who IS III Oneof the thmgs that my frIends and I have expenenced IS theevasIveness of many caregivers and the solutIOn IS so easyOften a well meatllng nurse wJ11fill In the blanks For In

stance, Ifyou have a good relatIOnshIp WIth your doctor, youfeel betrayed If he or she sends m a partner who IS takmghIS rounds that day There are always exceptIOns whIch areexplamable, yet few are gIven The mBJonty of us knowwhen we are scheduled to be away for a conventIOn, a vacatlOn or other bUSIness-related matters It IS none of the pabent's bUSiness where the caregIver IS gomg, but he shouldbe Infonned that someone else wJ1l be taking care of bUSI-ness as usual and that the caregIver's comnutment WIll keep

Robert E. Novitkewishes to express its gratitude


the Votersof

Grosse Pointe Woodsand other Community Leadersfor their confidence and support

in the recentre-election campaign.


Robert E. Novitke, MayorMarsha Novitke Robert B. FrederickDan Zintsmaster Tony Miserettdilto

Jean Rice Jan Duster Robert A. BreadonPaul Mumma Joe Sucher John Bums Gram Gilezan

Al Dickinson Fred Prudden Jack McClory Laddy RiceR. Burke Fossee Ernest Buechler Michael Shaheen

Paula Koueiter Ron Kefgen James AndriotakisPaul Guaresimo Debra Novitke-McCarthy

Thomas J. Fahrner George Shammus

When our shelterwas bm:glarized,

they stolecomputers, faxes,

typewriters, phonesand cameras.

Luckily, they didn'ttake anything valuable.\ Ihl' ILII th~ .U1 I III Ii, running again and pTO\\dlng carealone But T1~hlno" \\~ wuld u,e lood and lodgmg for a 101 of anlmal~\our help \'11\ dl'dulllhic ~ Plea'C \end your donallondonation 10thl \lldll~,1Il to the addre~~ below Too\nt\ (ruelt, ,>,);. letl \lould tho,e of }oU "ho have alreadygo 11mard gc'lling our 'helter donated thank you

MICHIGAN ANTI-CRUELTY SOCIETY13569 Joseph Campau Detrort MI 48212 313-891-7188

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12ANovember 23. 1995

Grosse Pointe News

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everyone who makes a donation to GOOOFEU.OWSWillRECEIVE a ]OOA> Discount on a single itemof then chOice

the carolers, the lights and the holiday Sptrit

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'Tis the seasonThe H1ll business dlstnct

1n Grosse Pomte Farmllkicked off the holiday sea-son with the annual tree.Iightmg ceremony at theRichard Place gazebo.

After the tree was deco-rated. Iltudents Irom SouthHigh School led the gath-ering singing carols.

At right Is Farms MayorJohn Danaher.


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November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News




14A November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News


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QUEEN ~PIece $1799 $69995

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November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News News 15A



placed In each box g'IVmg thedate of the collectIOn, the exactlocatIOn, the proper WDe (marl,peat, muck) and the name ofthe collector

For more mformatlon aboutcollecting fossils, contact theMuseum of Paleontology at theU M In Ann Arbor at (31JJ 764-0489 For more mfonnatlOnabout thlB book or others aboutMichigan publIShed by the U-MPress, contact Carol Novak at(313) 7644330

adVised that pnvate collectorsshould not keep vertebratebones and teeth Teeth andtusks of mastodons and mammoths, for mstance, tend tocrumble and/or flake apart andneed special attention, evenbones may dISintegrate unlessthey are gJ ven proper care

Once the "find" has beenmade, each type of fossil,snaIls, clams, seeds, wood,cones, bones, should be storedm a separate box, a label

Standard Features • 4 6-hter SOHC ¥8 engme • Dual arr bags• 4-specd electrOniC automatIc overdm e transmISSion. Speed-sen-Sttl\e, vanable-asslSl po\\ cr sleenng • 4 wheel power dISC brakes• CFC-free air condllloller • ElectrOniC AMIFM stereo radIO Wlthcassette. 6-wav po\\ er dmer's scat. Heated po\\er outsldc mIrrors

GS Preferred EqUIpment Package IS7AFmgemp speed control. PO\\ cr lod. group

• Front and rear carpeted !loor mats• Illummaled eDIT) system

• Lockmg radtal spokewhecl Co\ ers

!i \\I"'~"'"'I ll",\ " .... ~lI,II""f\~\nnlh ....,ln~\nl., '1"1 \1 .....'

l j .. i (I' 1 l .. ,I ~!'t( ~ 1~ h'\, h r" ~ " ~ r 1" r rl '1 ~1'

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10 \ l~ rn l~ ,l 1! t r \1/ ,I lhl' Ih. I r ~rl"T1 j t .....I IIh \ I-..,h '1" I ... 1 ~n ....1 "l hIp, lInpt, .....t."dn,,1 .....11\



bones, HolDlSn recommends hstenmg to the sounds as theprobe strikes DlStenal In themuck "A rock makes a'chmk,'" he says "A piece ofwood makes a 'thunk: and alarge bone makes a soundsomewhere m between"

If tllllllteur L'OlJet.W11:I !Indlarge vertebrate bones, Holmansuggests takmg them to a museum, or a geology or zoologydepartment m the area forIdentificatIOn "It IS strongly

24 \1 n h u"",'329

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F088d ven.eDrateS usually con- clay, sand and hmestone) from8lst of bones and teeth early poat..g1aClal swamps, and

So, where do you fmd such m shallow baama.f088ds? Holman suggests rock The number and typelI ofquarries where many kmds of tools necessary for a "dIg" de-ancient plants, IDvertebrate pends on JUst how senous theshells, and fishes (scales, teeth, collector wants to get. A geologspines and bones) Dllght be lcal pIck, geological hanrmer,found embedded m CjuarIJ crowbar, shovel Ill1d a m~talwalls, the large blocks of bme- probe will tackle just about anystone surroundIng a quarry or situation When usmg a probethe quarry floor Other hkely (at least seven feet long) m aSites are low areas filled WIth bog and pokmg It downpest and marl (a nuxture of through the peat for large

ANN ARBOR\ l10llp

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Fossils: When you find one, what should you do with it?If not m your back forty,

then maybe In your neighbor'sFossils can be found almostanywhere In Mlclugan Whe-ther what you find 18 a foot-pnnt, tall or bone, there aresome regulations as to whatand how to collect fOllllls

All f088l1s are considered nOn-renewable resources, says JAlan Holman In "AnCIent Lifeof the Great Lakes Basin," pub-lished by the Umverslty ofMlclugan Press And they areImportant scientific objects

''To the paleontologISt," saysHolman, a professor of geologJcal 8C1ences at MIclugan StateUmvel'lllty, "fossl1s are neverrmportant as ob,lXts by them-selves, but only m the light oftheir relatlonslups to the sedi-ments that contam them and tothe other f088l1S that occur mthose sedrments A smgle fossllfrom a critical time penod canchange geological and evolu-tionary tIunlung "

So, Michigan rell1dents whofind or collect foss1ls may ham-per scientific research If theyfall to report their d18covenesto an mstltution where theycan be properly exhibited forthe public, as well 88 for 8C1en-tific studIes.

Most states and provinces InCanada have specific laws thatgovern the collectmg of fOllSllson their lands. Local lIbranesor natural history or paleontology museums or departmentsare a source for MIchigan's reg-ulatIOns One of the prereqws-ites for oollectmg 18 to checkwhere you can and cannot"hunt" and obtain wntten perIDl8810n to collect fossIls

"F0881ls of entire plants oranrmals are rare in the GreatLakes regton," Holman says.

The fossIls found hereusually consist of various mdI-VIdual hard parts of plants andanJms1s. Plant fosslls includewoods, roots, seeds nuts, conesand leaves. Fossil mvertebratesusually col1.Bl8tof the externalhard parts of anJms1s 8llch asmollusk shells or the hard,modified wmg covers of beetles

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';onflict f~..... JIIC8 1

Pointe Board of Realtors Be-yond that, the Clty'~ po81t1onwas, and remsms, the companychosen by Trimount is a pri-vate matter between Trimountand whomever they chose towork WIth. The counal took theposition that the governmenthas no business telling a devel-oper wluch agency to use or notto use"

Deason added that Kennedyapproached Ium m October ofthIS year and sought Ius legaloplnlon as CIty attorney as towhether or not a confhct of m-terest eXISted because of her re-latlOnsiups WIth the city coun.cil and Champion & Beer

On Oct 25, almost threeweeks before Saros went beforethe counCll, Deason sent Ken-nedy a letter outlrnmg Ius opm-IOns on the matter.

Deason wrote that the Citycharter prohIbits the malung ofa contract by the CIty WIth anyentity that "employs the em-ployer of an elective officer as asales representative unless811ch officer cbsc10l1eB such mter-est and the members of thecouncil haVIng no such mterestshall unanrmously deternnnethat the best mterests of theCIty WllI be served by malnngthe contract "

Deason wrote that all pnoraction of the coUllCll concernmgthe sale of the property to Tn-mount was taken bef<re any re-lationship eXisted betweenChampIon &: Baer and the de-veloper Deason also noted thatstate law reqwres that a pubbcservant not take part m anynegotllltlOns between the gov-ernment and the company mquestan

Deason concluded Ius oplmonby wntlng, "It IS my opJnlonthat the councd may acceptyour recusal m connection WIthfurther COD81deratlon of PomtePark condomInIUm matters,and further, that the councd'spnor actions Without such recu-sa! were coDlll8tent W1th apph-cable City charter and state lawprovl81ons, and remam validand 1Jl force today "

16ANovember 23, 1995

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What's happening at City Hall?Read the

GrOS~ Point~ News

\ersary of the corps on Nov 10The Grosse Pomte War Mem

orIal ASSOCiatIOn was estabh~hed m 1949 WIth a two-foldpurpo~ to serve as a perpetualmt monal to the 3,500 GrossePOlnters who served, and the126 who died, m World War II,dnd to provide a center for theeducatIOnal, CIVIC and chanta

Newspast and present at breakfast


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Offr~ r u..h 1, 1 ~l \m,rl h \l t r ntd

Veterans Day speaker Ray Laenen. center. with War Memo-rial president Mark Weber. left. and War Memorial boardmember Frank Sladen Ir., who spoke at the 1994 Veterans Daybreakfast.

rRd) I Laenen of 8t ClaIrSholes, who concluded his remdl k~ bv leading the audienceIII d 'tlrn ng rendItIOn of theStdl ~pdngled Banner," a per

sondl tnbute to hiS fellow vetel am The mornlng'~ programrecol,'lIlzed all local veteranspre"",nt Includmg members ofthe U S Manne Corps, whichwa, celebrating the 220th anm

lEarae ••Matchbox1Ca.XW611'. Silver R..... rKeaD llr N\I.t&rd,_hi .Jl1.ery"" ... yxr Moonliwht110 R.eplyOCtopu. '. Q.arde.nOld Brown She.Ooh My SoulPi.anoPini••P B I Love TouRainReYOlut1onRevolv.rSheilaShe Love. YouSh. Said She S.1dShout81. Liebe PichSitarSlow ltiDll'1'.......Tell Me What Tou s ..n. End'!'hi. Boy'1'0 JtDow B.r 'I. 'I'Cl tooT. HerwaitWhat Gee. Ify Quitar Gently w.. p.Kith It. Little Help "rea My P'r1and..-Yellow SulaarineT•• :It X.Tou Like lie Too -.ach

Copyright 1'he Puzzle ~ l!i!U

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

War Memorial salutes local heroesMore than 200 Gro.%e Pomte

veterans, fnemis and familymembers gathered for the thirdannual Veterans Day breakfabtat the War Memollal Nov 10The breakfast IS sponsored b)the War Memonal as a tnbuteto all those who have served mthe US armed services

Special guest speaker WID.World War II veteran RemleI

OCT 0 I' 0 S S 0 A 1l DEN X A THO I N D 0 0 0 U J S


D 8 0 N I I' B B L S Y L NOM I R 0 SOli E T H I N 0 a

B II 0 II L J B I H B II I N I\: I MOM B D RUM S E 0 0 S



Y T D R It V L I\: H D tI J N W CAY L A II N ,. II S II It I!: 0




B B U B '1' V G II H L X E B IOU J 0 tI 0 lOA L I II H S


II 0 S L 0 0 ANN A L J U or II: P 0 H H H B It J A A I!: R I

S 0 a SRI' T C I Y H N A 0 P GAB 0 U A J B U I C B D







D L IRe II: L '1' '1' J: L N Y RUE H S U II I\: X N I' II L 1l E








8EAn.18 !lEQlI-!!OIlD SIMC!l

In bOllor of -'lb_ Beat.l.e Anthology- •• rie. on TV thi ..... k 1Mpreaea.t: to J'O'II • word eearcb puz.le with 10 it_ relet.eeI t.o'The".t!... It._ include .011.9t.itl •• (reI••• eeI anduuel ... ecIJ ac.eof t.b. 11l8t.%'1meot.l!I played ia. t.he eong8, e1pificalLt plac •• "I1ved......"1dted, ....eI Oil. db ... UUe. !heywill be fO,,"el borilOlltelly;:uI't.~~~~J"and diagonally, fOl."Vard or backward. Cirr;l •• ach it.~


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Glycolic Treatments

metro DetroIt as well as Jacob-son's In Toledo The tape sellsfor $12 and the compact dISCset IS $20 All proceeds wIll goto the J P McCarthy FoundatIOn to fight blood dIsorders

The memonal retrospectIvewas made possIble through generous grants from ProducersColor SerVIceS, Ford Motor Co,Amencan Sound & VIdeo DuplicatIOn, Jacobson's, BrooksGroup PromotIOnal Products &Apparel and Lakeland PrmtmgServtce The cover photo wastaken by Lmda Solomon anddeSIgns for the cassette andcompact dIsc were done by Sepanek & Leder Advertlsmg Inc

McCarthy memorial on saleFor three decades, WJR's

J P McCarthy mtervlewedworld leaders, captaIns of mdustry, entertamment lununar-II'S, sports champIOns and Ieg10ns of lISteners H18 lIfe wastaken by a rare blood dIsorderon Aug 16

McCarthy's producers assem.bled a tnbute to JP, wluchaIred on WJR the mornIng after Ius passmg, featuring hIghhghts, special Interviews andmemorable moments from hISstoned and SIgnIficant Tacho career

The memonal retrospectiveIS aVaIlable on cassette or com.pact dISC In the men's department at all Jacobson's stores In

~~ HEJi~~ ~ ~~

t:J..,~ 'r' ~rJ:J Celebrating 16 years en

19797995A Grosse POinte tradition

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313.343.5425(Ask 'or GNg "NeCkt

Rake Sparky Herbert.s the place to holdyour corporate holiday party thiS yearYour guests Will enjoy a complete 6

course meal. appetizer wine With mealentertainment, dessert and cash bar



.~1 • Ho's d oeuvre~/

~. fe, / • Delicate potato gnocchl With:>iJ' • Y butler & herb sauce

• Roosted egg~ant & gMc soup• Elegant greens sundned

M chlgan chemes roostedfomato vlnagretle

• Roasl Rack of Lamb• Van 110 bea'"\ Ice cream


Catch a lucky star XIVOw Lady Star of the Sea is balding its annual raffle to

benefil tbe elementary ac:bool. First prize is $10.000 witb22 olber cash prizes: only 900 tickets will be sold. Thedrawing will be held at a hollday lIOCial In tbe parishcenter on Satwday. OK. 2. from 7 to 9 p.m. For more in-formation or to pwchase tickets. call the rKiory offlce at(3131 884-5554 or Ibe school office at (313) 884-1010. Hold-ing the "big ticket" are. left to right. the Rev. 1.1. Mec:h.associate pastor. Mary and Dennis Zak. chairpersons.and pastor Monsignor Dennis Harrity.

Postal servicemail deadlines

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

North, South to coordinate math programsBy ShIrley A McShane The plan will Introduce alge slstant superIntendent for cur fort!> at both schooh hdYe beenStaff Wrrter bra and geometry earher, pro rIculum and eVdluatIOn "So cdrefully built dround a com

What's the dIfference be- VIde a coheSIve curnculum for they ga\e us one year to get man core of obJectlve~ thattween Algebra 1 and math II? the mIddle and hIgh schools, something done on realignIng y.ere chosen and agreed uponAfter thIS year It won't matter and UnIfy course names and the currIculum Into one cohe dunng the K 12 math cumcuanymore deSCrIptIOns for both hIgh slve framework of courses" lum !>tudy In 199192 The

A comnuttee of teachers and schools Par!>Ons descrIbPs the pro- packagmg of these obJectIve,admmlstrators m the Grosse "The school board dId not gram, set to begin for the 1996. mto separate cour~s IS slIghtlyPomte schools has worked over like the fact that Grosse POInte 97 school year, as a nch and different at each school Howthe last year on a proposed North and South hllrh ~h()()I~' Rccl'ler"t"r1 p~"grRm thflt '" pr :Jl! nccc=J.l) vbJ,-~t",-"plan to "tn;'Ulilme Lne graue t> math CUInculum; were dIffer beings In the middle school Will be met m eIther progrdm,'12 math curriculum ent, "aid M8IJone Parsons, as WIth algebra In the eIghth accordIng to the program of

grade and geometry m the studies descriptIOn wntten bynInth grade Gifted students the math department chaIrwIll study algebra In the sev menenth grade and geometry m the As of thIS year, ;tudents needeIghth grade to complete 210 credIts to grad

TradItIOnally, algebra IS m uate, ",hlch Includes a mInItroduced In mnth grade and mum of two years of math Pargeometry IS studIed m the sons saId the dlstnct trackedtenth grade the class of 1995 over a four

Under the curnculum, by year penod and It turned out10th grade, students can take that 90 percent of those stualgebra 2, then advanced math, dents at North and South tookwhIch IS a pre-ealculus course, three years or more of maththen pre-<:alculus and calculus "A questIOn for the future IS,

"Although attempts at educa should we make math a threetIonal reform have led each year requIrement?" ParsonshIgh school down somewhat dIf. said "That IS somethIng for theferent paths, restructunng ef school board to decIde"

When maIlIng overseas forthe 1995 holiday season, thesecret to sa vtng postage costs IS

to use the suggested sluppmgdates from the ~ S Postal SerVIce, saId consumer advocateYvonne Maguire

"MaIling early IS always thebest way to save money whensenchng gUt packages overseas," saId Magwre, who suggests that people WIth mendsand relatIves overseas get acopy of the Internabonal andMIlitary Mall Chnstmas DateChart to help get those deals

"Of course, Amencans canshIp overseas closer to the holI-days, but It WIll cost more,"Magmre SaId

Last mInute shoppers alwayshave the optIon of usmg InternatIonal Express MaIl to getthose Important last.mInutegIfts overseas Another money-savtng tIp, accorc:bng to Ma-guIre, IS to consIder senchngbooks or Items that weIgh under two pounds

MaguIre also renunds Amencans that all overseas lettersand post cards now travel byaIr There IS no longer a sur.face card mallmg rate Sheadds that, when l1I8IlIng Itemsoverseas, It IS always a goodIdea to check WIth the localpost office about any weIght,SIZe or Item restnctlOns thatmay apply and whIch customsfonns are reqUIred

Last year, she saId, morethan 166 5 mllhon letters, postcards and packages traveledoverseas, and thIS year thatvolume wIll mcrease by 4 percent

Opinion November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

Tllrning TV off is first step to curb violence in America

SII, II HI, 01 Bo\ S, ( ()[R~

\\1) Bo\ S, (01 H~ BO\RD m DIRu:TORs \\[) AnMI\I~TR\TIO\

BON SECOURS HEALTHCARE SYSTEMProgressil'e 111edicinewith the human touch

Thank ~ou to our family of Employees,Medical Staff, Volunteers, Support Groupsand all \\ ho help u~ prOVidethe finest health care services to our community.

Shane l.Reeside,( 111 ( Icr.

of program." thdt dIe cdUldtlOndl a~ OK 01 elt n d little

bettel" fOl u. dnd OUIdllldrenthdn othe .. 1\ I' need to bPa'\ dre of the chOIce '\1' <III'makmg \\hen \Ie deude towatch TV In.tead 01 domgsomethmg else

Ulteu, \\e LllUUbl. \\~lUUllg -

lIantlng to be entelidllled -m~tead of domg beCdlL-e ",e'retll ed Aftel \I 01 h 01 '>ChooI.palents and k)(iJ, ollen flop downto "'atch TV, hopmg to findsomethmg mtere,tmg '1heyhdve chosen to \\atch TV, nomatter \\ ha t shOll 5 at e onrather than chOOSing a partlcular sho\\ fOl It~ content

WIth only eight how" of"free" tIme each da) \\ hlchmust covel house'\ 01 k, yal dwork, home\\ ork, laund!} , cookmg eatmg and c1eanmg up, carcare, personal hYgiene, dndshoppmg as \\ell as many otherSOCialactIVIties, ",e must carefully choose a few actlvlt,e. tofit IOto our remammg hoursthat reallv are free tIme

The CouncIl accepted the Report of the Board ot Com a"er' forthe General CIty ElectIon held on November 7 1995

GP/'. 11/2\f9~

THI- \If-XT RF-C,ll AR \11:-1:-T1,\(,Of- THt ( In (01 '\( 11Wl1 I BI- HFI J) 0\0 \1O\lDA't III ( I \111! R II 19'1<; \T 7 I()1'\1 !\o THf- un COl '\C 11 (Il \\1 Bf-R'> 901\1 RIl) f<O \D

John E. Danaher,\11\tlr

Upon pr0per motIon m"de ,,'ppelfled md lmlld thl \1< 'In'adjourned at 9 10 P m

Thc Coullcll adopted a re'olut,on that Imrnld, III II 1,,11'"l1ncadjournment 01 the Reguhr Meeung a ( I""d '>""on 'h <IIheheld for the purpo'e 01 dl'LU"lng Lcrt!lll kc,ll ,llld rL ,I "tltLmalter,

In accordance wllh SectIOn 44 of the Clt} Charter the Counlllelected John E Danaher to serve as Mayor. for a t\\;O }ear termexptrlng In November, 1997

In accordance with Secllon 44 of the Clly Charter the Councdelected Edward J Gaffney to ~en e a~ Mayor Pro Tern for a 1\\0year term e~pmng In November 1997

The Mmute~ of the Regular Meetmg held on October 21 1995were approved a~ submitted

The CouncIl actmg as a Zonmg Board of Appeal\ apprm ed theMmute~ of the Public Heanng held on Oclober 23 1995 3'ld fur-ther, granted the appeal of Dr & Mr\ Myron Barlo\l ~9 Wa,erlyto m\tall a Circular driveway onthe front }ard of tbel[ home granted the appeal of Mr & Me> Robert Valade 37 W,IlOI\ Lane toconstruct an addItion to the" eXIsting d\\;ellong granted the appealof Mr & Mrs Scott D Bade 229 McKmley to conmuct an addllion to theIr eXlstmg d\\ ellmg

The CouncIl accepted the Audit Reports for the year ended June30 1995

Statement of Rc'enuc 8. E'pend'tlIre, Budget 8.ALtual General I-und for the three m"nth, endlO~<;eptemher 10 199~

b Pub ilL 'iafe!1 Departmenl Report lor thl Ilwnth 01 O,loh"199~

Mr Edward J Gaffne)Mr Peter W WaldmmMr Ronald V Knel<erMr Edward W Wllberdmg II

The follo",ong Report~ "'ere recelled h, the Counul ,md "rderedplaced on file

The CounCIl appoonted Counllllloman Ga,l K,le" l' (ounLlIRepfe~entatlve 10 the Clly ~ General I:-mplo\ee\ ,lOJ I'"hll' '>"let,Retlremenl 'iy~tem Comm""om tor a term endm~ \Ia, 1'190

The CounCIl apprO\ed the re appomtment of \11' Joanne 1eonardof 351 HI1Jcreq and Mr~ Jo~ephlOe Beard~lee ot 1'S~I'rolenlalRoad both of whom have ~ef'oed In thO' Lapaull 'IOLe 197~ 10theCLt>'~Board of Cama~~el'i each to ~ef'oea four )ear !lrm

The CounCil approved payment of the Statement of Anome' \ hc'from the law f,fm of Dld(lO~On Wnght Moon VanDll\en &Freeman Coun~ellol'i at Law In the total amount of $16 (,72 24for vanou~ legal sen. Ice~ rendered on behalf of the C'II 01 (,ro"ePOinte Farm~

The CounCIl approved the 101\ net bId from Tro} f-ord for thereplacement purcha~e of four pollce pac~age ,ehlcle~ and oneadmlOlllratlve lehlcle 10 the total amount of $77 581 DO

The Council apprmed the appeal of Dr M S Arun of 462 Clo, mstall an 18" Satelhte Dllh Antenna on hl~ property located althe foregomg addres~

The Council adopled a resoluuon to adjourn the requeq ot Mr &Mrs Stewart, owner<;of Jumps Re~taurant for nell CJa\~ C QuotaLIquor Llcen~e for ~Ixty days, glVlOg Council \uff,clent tIme toascertain the Impact 10 vanous a~pect~ of the ~urroundlOg cqabI"hmems who pre~ently hold lIquor hcen~es

In accordance wIth Ihe provlSlOn\ of Secllon 5 6 01 the Clt}Charter Ihe CIty Clerk admInistered the Oalh of OffiLe to the fol-lOWing persons who were elected to the Off,Le of CllyCouncllper~on at the General CIt} Election held November 71995

The statistics tell us an average adult spends half of theremammg eight hours watchmg TV There are many \\orthwhile TV shows - shows thatbrmg some benefit for theVIewer - t'Speelally on pubhcTV, the Learnmg Channel andDiscovery

Even though we may thmk


City Of~rOSS.eJloint.e ~ arms \lllh ~,j"

NOVEMBER 13,1995The Meetmg was called to order at 7 30 p m

Present on Roll Call Mayor Pro-Tern John E Dan.ilierCouncllmember~ WaldmClr WllberdmgKae~~,Gandelot Knel<er and Gaffnev

Also Pre~ent Messrs Burge~s Clly Attorney Sola~ CllyManager, ReesJde Clt) Clerk FerberDIrector of Pubhl Safety Def-oe DJrectorof Public ServIce

Tho~e Absent Were None

the hves of the chIldren m theSItcomS, but they were realChildren's ll\e. should givethem opportumtles tc practice,to make mistakes and get better, to try new thmgs, to develop their 0\\ n talents and III

terests TIlls takes tIme and ItuUl t 'ut: dl.Ulllll'lt,nl'tl oy WdL<.1I109, only by domg

All of us have the same 24hours, and although we may beunder a lot of time pressure, liecan choose ho~ to spend owtime

Around eIght hours of everyone's day goes to sleep Workor school take up another sevento eIght hours for most people

lenee m TV today Although I\eare all exposed tc the mfluenceof \\ hat TV statIOns choose tobroadcast, TVs are eqUIpped\\Ith off buttons

We can Just say no Restrictmg our cluldren often md udesrestnctlng ourselves, but turn:ng off the TV offer. u., th" opportuDlty to get our hves backThere aren't many of us whocan remember life WIthout TV,With no TV to entertam us, wewere forced to th mk of thlOgsto do

Instead of watchlOg kids andtheir parents hve through Imaglnary events m SitcOms, welived our own real lives Sometimes we were bored, but weplayed games, ran races,skated, read, cooked, sewed,swam, told JOkes and rode blCYdes

Most Important of all, weccmmunlcated With our brothers and sISters and parents andfnemls We learned how to getalong and how to settle dlsagreements

Our hves weren't always asexcIting, funny, or luxurIOUS as

\\ Ithout consldermg the underIymg messages about VIOlence\\ e receive and pass on everyday

When we watch vIolent movIe•• SportIng events, or TVshows lie are admlttmg VIO-lence IS entertamment, worthour time Even If pAn'nt. l'E'nsor the shows their childrenwatch, the message 18 often,adults hke VIOlence, when yougrow up, you can el\Joy watch109 It, too

Just as we are sure only theother guy falls prey to the prop-ganda of advertlSlOg, we arecertam wau:hmg VIOlence doesnot affect us

However, even If mdlVldualsdo not conumt more vlOlentacts than they use to, they tolerate, even condone Violence("LAPD," boxmg, hockey) andhave come to expect It - m,some cases, look forward to ItCrowds of all ages watched theunbelievable horrors m "SI'lence of the Lambs", many sawthe movie more than once

Fortunately, there IS an easysolutIOn to the overdoses of Vlo-

d", I\l"h ch,mneb 1ppla; Cll»eSIn \mu Jt" "nd alJl Odd

\ 11'\1PI' ,Ill ollt Il a., fascl1l,ltU.!b, thp "uJTelIng of lealhI, 'ICtlm- ," thp\ at e b;I\,l(lhlllg altlll, ,uffel 10 liarmOl Ie, 01 na(l\I al dl>!lsters

In ou, zp,,1 to po'"lray mo' ,es,h 11',,1 hfp \\e In~,.t on mcludIllg el PI I unpleasant detaIL ofthe mo,t ,hock 109 Climes I\eIan Imagme

Be(l\een the' IOlent entertdmment and the leal new~,ad ults and chtldJ en wItnessthollbdnds of mUIders a year~o 1\onder mwdel IS a fact ofhf.. fO! teendge gang members,chIldJ en can, guns to school,and states are eagel tc passconcealed \\eapons laws Wetake' 101ence for granted Manypeople thought somethmg hkethe Oklahoma bombmg wasJust a matter of tIme We haveseen too much TV and movIeVIOlence, we have begun to expeet It m real hfe, too

We reluctantl) acknowledgedrive by ~hootmgs, bombmgsand kids carrymgs guns toschool as SIgnS of the tImes

b the perfect timeto e\Iwess our gratitudeto all of the Bon Secours people\\ho put the "human" in "human touch."


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',' November 23, 19954i Grosse Pointe News

STUE\fE\lT OF CO\fPU.\ 'ICE \\ITH rWf R \[ \'II) ~1 \ n [ \\\ II 'Ih( r,1111 I It \\ ((( !I'IIII ",()1I{!ln age 'C\ hLighl \\clght m,lIltallidlu, JI\dhilill (11 rillilildl illilldlilln II bliid ,h,dl b, Ill',l'nllll "

\1(ndll~l1f 01 olhcmN he ~uhlelled to dl\lrJmm llhln In l~lrldl mIni I In 111 rll\~1 1111 1[ lelll III I, r Iii II

""'I,lance Irom Ihe L, ~ Deparlment ot hJllldlllln /1'/1111\ "I, "\1 d hI rhl II '/1111 ( 11/1/\ ( (1/1/1111/111\ (III , I

on thl ha'l\ (11 Idll ll\ll\[ 1,11_1l I II II

1\1 ,\Liudld I 111m r Iftllil\ ill 'II 1 I I 1 I

"flI'n\lhk I1f tm II ~i11h 11 II" II" 1 ,(If [nil,/( \ ~~\ In fll[l,d ~I i~


\\ I II, ( 111I ( (,_

h \I"III,,! hI 111,\ fill (, I'

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22A Schools November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

The annual Grosse POinte North and South highschools' Pops and Pastries concert was held at South onNov. 10. Some 300 instrumental music stud.nlll per.form~d to a standlng-room-only crowd. Desserts wereprovided by the commercial foods class.

I J v,v I." ~dJL ~.u ....lUdll

Pops and pastries

1Nith a little







EIQht of the top teams from last year s NCAA too..mament WIll be

bppong off the season WT1t1 a two day shoot -out at The Palace

TICkets are avaIabIe at TlCketmaster outlets The Palace box

office or by calling 810-377 -0 100.

r r Ht r T\, I Pp c;.or<l 1M TV i1. (nil 1 1[1'" r~<; of OIRECTV Ifle a un,! 01 Huohe~ F pI Or'1I{<;rorpa <11onf T


19950 RFrl

•The Southeastern High

School class of 1946 IS holdinga 50th reumon on Saturday,Oct 5, 1996, at the GourmetHouse Call Dick or RosemaryDean at (313) 886-8683

Ulmer Monteith Renl'l'Rhodes, Poupard Sa:,h<l Sa\ I

no" Trombly

ReunionsThe Deat born High School

cia". of 1956 h hnldm(! It~ 41Ji hreumon on Aug 4, 1996 Contact Arlene Wencel at (3IJJ561-6530

vtT:7 ....---- ... t-nll-

The Grosse Pomte Newswelcomes stones and piCtures about tlungs golllg onIn the pubhc and pnvateschools But we also rely onreaders to keep us mformed.

informatIOn about upcornmg school events, results ofevents that have taken placeand stones about enterpns-109 students should be typed,double spaced, on 8-1/2 by 11lllah paper 'I'hitf is caDe<t a ,.11news release It also shouldanswer all relevant ques-tIOns Who? What? Where?Why? When? How? It mustalso have a phone numberfor clanficatlons

Color and black-and-whitepnnts are acceptable PolafOlds, shdes and negativesare not PIctures should beclear and close-up of smallgroups of people The enttrefourth grade hned up agamsta gym wall and posItionedmore than five feet awayfrom the camera IS not acceptable All people In photosmust be Identified from leftto nght

Subrmttmg a news releaseto the paper does not gttar

antee It Will appear EdItorshave the final say aboutwhat goes In the paper aswell as when - and In whatform Items announcing UJrcommg events Will take pre-cedence when space IS hm.lted

As a general gmdehne, releases should arnve at theGrosse Pomte News at leastone week before pubhcatlOnEarher submiSSIOns are aJrprectated More specific deadImes are usually pnntedeach week on page 2A

School reporter ShirleyMcShane can be reached at313-343-5591



Why didn'tyour story run?

Students of the month:November

Safety pdtrol :,tudents .Ire onduty at mtel:,ectlOns near:.chools, helpmg their peerscross the street Sen Ice squad"tunen!" "e1r ",t!' "ofot) ~'I!eoInsIde the bUlldmg and a:,slstm the office Students In the hbrary club help the Iibranan b~shelVing books and dlStnbutmgaudiO-Visual materials Eachmonth dunng the school year,students who have had excellent attendance and ha\eshown superIOr dedicatIOn totheir volunteer Jobs are recoglllzed In tlus column

SafetyMichael McGUIre. Defer,

Andy Cooper, JackIe Oska.Ferry, Bobby Clarren, LaurenSokohk, Maire, Joseph DaBoul,Mason, Jeffrey Gurney, Jenmfer Makowski, MonteIth, Brendan Russo, Angela WeiSS, Pou.pard, Charhe MacKmnon,Trombly

ServiceKerry O'Loughhn, Defer,

Maggte Lentllle, Elyse Schmidt,Ferry, Chnstllle Gunn, KatleMcMillan, Matre, AlIson Ward,Mason, Ehzabeth Holland, Ste-phen Szabo, Monteith, TomSimon, Trombly

LibraryMegan Linne, Molly 0'-

Loughhn, Defer, Anne-MasonAnthony, Tnsha Tar:Jeft, Matre,Anthony Karpmskl, Charles

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.---.' Pete waldmeir'8"Little Beads of Blood"Pe.\f . A collectIOn of ovel l(X)columns byawald wmmng~a\dmell\\Dellolf News fealuled colummsl Pele waJdmel1

I _ ....". "' 1o"*,,..~dJm:1, aIIr-/""'"

4» \Menllon /hISad when oldellng and have YOUI book~ pefsonaily signed by /heaulhof

- Pw.liWd by Gold lnf rr...

Th(, SeniOl Men's Club ofGlO",>('Pomte '" l!1hold ItS nextlunlheoll meeting at the GrossePomte WarMemollaJ, 32Lake~hore,Oil 1ue"Jd~ ,Nov 28, at1115 am

The guestspeake r \\ l!Ibe Mrs NoelVanGordenof the Burton Hlstoncal Collec VanGordenhon at the IletrOlt PublIcLIbrary Her tOPICwIll be "Howto Use the Burton CollectIon ..The presenter wJ11be Joe Callahan

The collectIOnIS a legacy ofClarence M Burton, of BurtonAbstract and TItle It IS VISItedregularlv by people from allover the country who are Inter-ested In phYSIcaland hIStory of the area VanGorden's mterest IS In makmgthe pubhc aware of the extentof the tremendous asset locatedIn Grosse POInte's back yard.

On Sunday, Dee 10. the Sen.lOrMen's choral group Wlll per.form as part of the annualChnstmas concert at the As-sumptIOn Cultural Center mSt ClaIr Shores The concert,under the d1rechon of clubmember Mel Stander, IS from 3to430pm

Members also should plan toattend the final meeting of theyear on Tuesday, Dee 12, whenthe South HIgh School choralgroups wJ11perform


Burton curatorto addressSenior Men

Wlth no reductIon In SocJal Secunty benefits The amount aperson can earn and stlll reocelve benefits Increases eachyear Wlth Increases In averagewages Of course, If you are 70or older, your benefits will notbe reduced no matter howmuch you earn

For addItIOnal InformatIOn orto make an appoIntment to dIS-cuss your retIrement plans, callSocIal Secunty's toll free number, 1-8~772 1213. any buslness day between 7 a m and 7pm Our hnes are busle~t earlyIn the week and early In themonth, so If your bUSInesscanwalt, It'S best to call at othertImes

celve retIrement benefits at thesame time, It could be to youradvantage to have your benefits begm In January even Ifyou don't plan to retIre untillater In the year ThIS wouldallow you to apply eanungs In

excess of the annual hffilt tothose months and poSSIblyaVOIda reductIOn In monthlybenefits for the rest of the year

For your applIcatIOn to beeffectIve In January 1996, youshould file for benefits any timebefore January 31. 1996

In 1995, benefiCIaries under65 can earn up to $8,160 WIthno reductIOn III Social Secuntybenefits, and benefiClanes aged65-69, can earn up to $11,280

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

~da recent m.. Ung. the SeDlor'. Men', Club of GrOllH PoInt. Il18talled offIcers andmembers for 19$-96. Ahove. In front from left. are Carl Bergsr, Arthur Bodeau, Jo-

seph Callahan. president Sheldon Flynn. Frededele Lang. Edward Haug ClndRobert Barr.In back. from left. are Robert Brown. RIchard Stahl. Ivor Cart.r, Lampton Cardwell. DODD

IlpkCl. Edward MOODand Mel Stander. Not In the plctwe are Joseph Fromm Clnd EltonBamford,The SeDlor Men's Club Is In Ita 31th year and numbers over 1,000,

Senior Men's Club installs officers


Retirement on your 1996 calendar?By Verlyn RebelelnSocial Secunty ManagerDetrort East

If you're approachmg age 62and you're thInkIng about retlrIng next year, you should contact SocIal Secunty now to d1s-cuss your plans

In some cases, your chOIceofretuement month could meanadd1tlOnai benefits for you andyour famIly Because the com-putatIOn vanes based on yourearnings for the year and themonth In which you file, it's agood Idea to check Wlth a S0-CIal Secunty representative before makmg your decISIon

Because SocIal Secunty rulespermIt people to work and re-

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Don't let the flue ruin your holidays,The holidays are heche, exatmg and filed wrth all !he nght III1elIIions Often. it's your first dIance III relax wiIh

•• \ j. family In fronl of a aadltlng hre But, before you strike !he fnt matdI, don'l forget 10 open !he damper fllf proper•• ; :' .., venblohor "" the flue And remember 10 fallow 1hese aIher cornman sense • fllf a safe and happy hoIidar.,..

I •••- ::::'.:.: <: • freplaces-llaYeytlUTdHmneydeanedandinspeded Nmrbumll1lSlJorbrvshaskmcling• or fuel Instal glass doors or a Iight-frtting saeen, and keep a firs exl1ngUisher handy And, d yGU

own a gas /nplor:s, make sure IIcomplies wrth IacaI safely codes• CoaUg .. IwIs - Whether baking holiday CookIeS or raaslillg a lurkey, never wear loose

do4hing Use po1holders. CaolIJums under tald water Nnet put butter or grease 011 a IMn• Food p.... - Always dean and cook lurkey IharoughIy hp8f1s say it's best 10 toOlt

s1uff1ng separately Refngenrte ~ IIIII11IliaIeIy• foxk rt.h -1\angIIIg misItetoe IS ... but poisonous. Even poinsefI1tr leaves, d swallowed, all

cause severe stomach IIIIS8I CaI PGI5OI1(ontroI- 313-745-5711- at the IistSlgll of IrdIe• 0ristMs Trees - Fresh frees should be deep 111 color and fragrant Woter dciIy 10 slow neecIe

lass and reduce the 1M of lie• ~ .. Oecomiotts - Use only UL-appI'aved 19IIs deslgned fllf tndaar or ou1door use

DlS(ard those wrtl1 fruyed wns or m.Ped SCKkels Always drscanct before changmg bulls.Iecmng horne or !IOIIlI1o bed Make sure decarvtmt IrITIs ore flame retardont and kepl out ofthe rm af ClKlllUS children IIfId pets

Don', put a damper 011 yGUI' ~ Keep them bnght by handling wrtl1 care And remembef, theBon Set:~ EmefgeIKy De,artment IS open .aund-1he-dadl, aI year long ta help yGU and yourfamily - shauId you need us

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24A Obituaries November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

Mr Ward, 70, was born In

Pittsburgh, and was a graduateof the Detroit College of LawHe was a staff sergeant In theEighth U.s Army Air ForcedUring WWlI, and had a pnvate law practice

An aVId golfer, Mr Wardalso ellJoyed collectmg fine automoblles

~L \Vani I:; oW VIVOO by hlbwue Carol, two daughters, Ehz-abeth Snuth and Mary Pfeiffer,a son, Harry T Ward ill, a SIB-ter, VIrgInia Brophy, hiSmother, Vlrgmla, and SIXgrandchildren He was predeceased by hiS father Harry TWard Sr

Mr Ward WIll be mterred atCalvary Cemetery m Pitts-burgh Memorial donatlonsmay be made to the D J Jacob-ett! State Veterans FaCilitySpecial Needs Urut In Mar-quette, Mlch Funeral arrange-ments were handled by Canale.Tonella Funeral Home InMarquette

Rev Gerald Bauer and RonaldBauer, one step-daughter MaryMorns and eight grandchJ1dren

Mr Bauer was predeceasedby hiS first wue VU'glnla

Memonal contnbutlOns maybe made to St Paul Evangehcal Lutheran Church Funeralarrangements were handled byA H Peters Funeral Home mGrosse Pomte Woods



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Harry Thomas WardJr.

A funeral service WlII be heldat Old St. Mary's Church mthe Greektown neighborhood ofDetrOit on Fnday, Nov 24, at10 a m for former GrossePomte Park resident HarryThomas Ward Jr

Mr Ward med on, Oct 29, 1995, at the Ja.cobettl State Veteran's Hospitalm Marquette

tdught at Grosse Pomte ell'mentary schools for 20 years

A history buff, a golfer, abow ler and a fan of sports III

general and football m partlCUlar Mr Raupagh was a vet-eran of wwn He always enwuraged people to be the bestthey could be, and earned the!Iust of the young people het~H':J''ht

Mr Raupagh was a memberof the MEA and the Sigma ChiII .termty

William A, RaupaghMr Raupagh IS SUTVlVedby

hIS wue of 55 years, Seva, sonsTony and Paul, hIS sISter Katherme Snedaker, five grandchll .dren and five great-grandch1ldren

Memonal seTVlces WlII beheld at a later date. DonatIOnsmay be made to the Knox Pres-byterian Church, 27000Crocker Blvd, Hamson Town-ShIP, MiCh., 48045 .

Everett J, BauerA memonal seTVloe was held

at St Paul Evangelical Lu.theran Church m Grosse PomteFarms for Grosse Pomte WoodsreSIdent Everett J Bauer onTuesday, Nov 21.

Mr Bauer, 84, med at hishome on Saturday, Nov 18,1995 He was born in DetroIt,and receIVed a degree &om theDetroit InstitUte of Technology

Mr Bauer was retIred &omChrysler Corp and was a member of the Grosse Pomte SernorMen's Club He enJOyed boatmg

Mr. Bauer 15 SUIVlved by lusWIfe Madelme, two sons, the

James Campbell Stewartmand College of the United l

States ArmyMr Stewart aclueved the

I ank of Lieutenant Colonelservmg over four years m theSouth Pacific He served III theArmy Reserves for 26 years

Mr Stewart was a memberof the Country Club of DetrOit,the Detroit Athletic Club andEconomiC Club of Detroit, serv-mg on Its adVISOry board HeWas an aVid golfer

Mr Stewart IS SUTVlVed byhIS wue Lillian, four daughters,Diane Magary, Lmdsey Peabody, Barbara Stewart andNancv McCourt, rus brotherWllhim and SIXgrandchildren

Mr Stewart WIll be mterredat the Grosse Pomte MemonalChurch Colombanum. Funeralarrangements were handled bythe Chas Verheyden FuneralHome m Grosse Pomte Park

Memonal donations may bemade to the Salvation Army,16130 Northland Dnve, Southfield, Mlch , 48075 or the char-Ity of the donor's choice

William A. RaupaghLongtime Grosse Pomte

Woods resident William ARaupagh, 79, med on Saturday,Nov 11, 1995, III St John Hos-pItal m Detroit

An educator, Mr Raupaghgraduated from Grosse PomteHigh School and received hisundergraduate degree from Al-bIOn College and hIS master'sdegree m educatIon fromWayne State College He

Equestnan Order of the HolySepulchre of Jerw,alem

Mrs Tracv was most closelyaSSOCiated with the GrossePomte Academ) m GIOssePOlnte Farms and the Hol)Childhood School III Hal borSpnngs She and her husbandEmmet, became founder trustees of the academ~ when It became the SUCC€b"or school tothe Convent 01 the SacredHeart The academy's fieldhouse b named III honor of theTrdl) ~

Mrs Tiacy was mstrumentalm helpmg the School Sisters of'\ olrp Dame stay m Harbor"'prll1!ib when the Holy Childhood School \\as closed m 1987-\ davcare center IS now operdted - by the Sisters at thetOl mer bChool Site

\-Irs Tracj viewed charity asd personal commitment andhad a great enthUSiasm for themany projects that came to herattentlon She fought hard forthe thmgs she beheved Ill, andnever heSitated to express heropmlOns to the powers that bPMrs Tracy sent Carmelite SplrItual Treasunes to rune UrutedStates preSIdents

Mrs Tracy IS survlVed by twosons, Emmet Jr and Thomas,two daughters, Mary Kay Far.ley and Demce Summers, 19grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren She was prede-ceased only a week earlier byEmmet Tracy, her husband of64 years

Memonal donatIOns may bemade to the Monastery of SamtTherese, Discalced CarmeliteNuns, 35750 MoraVian Dnve,Chnton Township, Mlch,480~!'i

James CampbellStewart

Funeral seTVlceS were heldrecently for James CampbellStewart at Grosse POInte Mem-onal Church who med on Tuesday, Nov 14, 1995

Mr Stewart, a reSIdent ofGrosse POInte Farms, died atCottage HospItal from a cardJacalTest brought on by comphcalions of Parkinson's DISeaseHe was born In Hartford,Conn, and was a graduate ofthe General Staff and Com

Frances Ann TracyA memonal service will be

held on Monda) Dee 11 forFrances Ann Tracy, at 11 d mat St Paul's Cathollc ChurchIII Grosse Pomte Fa! IllS

Mrs Trac) , 87, died onThursday, Nov 16, 1995 andwas educated m Detroit Catho-hc schools, gJ aduatmg fromMost Holv Rerlt't'n1l'f HIghSchool In 1924 After !,'l"uduatlOn, she WOIked m the bankmg mdustry until shp nMrrlPdEmmett E TraC\ on Fpb 111931











FraDC8S Ann TracyMrs Tracy was an active

member of the Grosse Pomteand Harbor Spnng communitles, where she and her husband kept homes She was amember of the Chnst Child S0-ciety, a long tune board member of the Catholic Youth OrgamzatlOn, the Samt FranCISHome, the Milk Fund of theSarah FISher Home, Right toLue of Mlclugan, the DiscalcedCarmehte Awnhal') and theBon Secours ASSIstanceLeague

Mrs Tracy was a past mrector of the DetroIt Grand OperaAssocIatIOn, the DetroIt Symphony Orchestra, the League ofCathohc Women, Umted Wayof Greater Detroit, the DomBosco Home, the Grosse PomteWar Memonal and the natIOnalboard of the Northwood lnstltute

Mrs Tracy was made aKmght of Chanty m 1988 forher many chantable efforts, as

~_ .'Qa!lJ,.. /11l .,.11 _ Dlime of the





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November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News



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26A Business November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

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penses also mcl ude co"t. fOItax-planmng books and semInars, as well as fees paid toprofe«10nal' to help vou respond to an IRS audit

CPAs pomt out that mlscellaneous deductIOns are subJect tocertam phase-out rules All taxpayers With AGls above$114,700 ($57,350 If mamed,fibng separately), must reduceItemIZed deductIOns by 3 perCt;nt of the amount by whichAGI exceeds thIS bnut, up to 80percent of otherwise allowableltenuzerl deductIOns Be ware,too, that excess miscellaneousItemIZed deductIOns may besubJect you to the Alternatl veMlmmum Tax


WHO CAN BOOST PROFITS AND PRODUCTIVITY?Would a results oriented leam leader who ISskilled In QS-9OOO

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Please respond In confidence 10 Box 397 • '8350 Mack AveGrosse POinte Farms, MI48236

Three after lunch presenta.tlons WIll feature' Judith RTrepeck, CPA, pre81dent of TheTrespect Group, LLC, South-field, Jules R Rappaport, Rap-paport & Assoctates, Bummg.ham, and Paul F. KozoWJl2,CPA, CFP, preSIdent, Gordon &Co , PC, Troy Trepeck's presentatlon WIll address CPA ftrmadmlnstrators while Rappa-port's WIll address law ftrmadrrnnstrators KOZOW1cz's pre-sentation WIll address supportstaff of CPA and law firms,

PartiCIpants may choose from13 breakout sessIOns mcludml\

- Bob jacobsonStore Manager

Harmony HouseGro~e Pomte


\OUI resume, and travel 109 to threshold, you may want toand from Job mten lews, even If boost your expenses before the\ OUI )Db huntmg doesn't result end of the year DeductiOns forIII a ne\\ Job To qualJfy for the the fol1owmg generally havedeductIOn, your Job search must been Ilmlted to your current field • SaflHiePOSlt box rentalsof employment that are used tAl store taxable

FducatlOnal expenses The l'lcorne producmg bond.. Rndwst of educatIOn to mamtam or stocks certificatesImprove skills require m your • Legal expenses inCurred toemployment or neressary to help you keep your ,JOb, producemeet the expressed reqUITe- mcome or deal WIth a tax matment of your employer as a terconditIOn to retammg your )Db • Investments pubbcatlons orstatus are deductible software that help you track

Expenses Incurred for the and manage your mvestmentsproductIOn or collection of m • Investments managementcome or property management feesof property held for the creatIOn • Travel and transportatIOnsof mcome quahfies as a deduct I to Inspect mcome producmgble miscellaneous expense propertySmce you can control the hm. • Custodtal fees for your mdlmg of many of these costs, Jf VIdual retirement account andvou're neal the 2-percent other holdmgs

Helpbuild the

arcASSOCiationfor Retarded Citizens

Thl' holid,lv ...e,l',on, come" H.lrmony House the bIg httle musIc storem the \'IIl.lge And pet Nipper on the way ml

One tlung Il.l,n t dunged, though We're stIli the same great store WIth the samegre,1t "en ICe (.lnd .I good selectIOn of dasslcal) Also, we're happy to

order anythmg you mIght need

H.lrmony Home In the VIllage has changed We're not Just claSSIcal anymore Ourc\.p.tnded ,electIon now mclude'> all kmds of musIC, even CD and cassette smgles

Need .I t shlrt of your favonte band? You can get It here

GROSSE POINTE IN THE VillAGE' 17116 KERCHEVAL' (313) 417.9530GROSSE POINTE WOODS • 19683 MACK AvE. • (313) 882-4674 "~'~~"'~C"



The MIchIgan Association of \\Ith the program runrung fromCertified Public Accountants 8 35 a m to 4 30 p m. The con(MACPA) IS presentmg Its an ference IS deSigned tAl benefitnual adrrnnstrators and support firm admmstrators, office manstaff conference The conference agers, secretanes, receptlOmsts,WIll be held at the Sheraton paraprofessIOnals and otherInn, NoVl, on Tuesday Dee 5 staffRe,pstratlon begms at 8 a m

street wear or e\ eryday u '>CThis defimtlOn prohlbltl> }oufrom deductmg Items such a.SUitS and Jeans that you pmchased for your Job

Umon and assocIation due.MembershIp fees paId to umonsand profeSSIOnal soclct:es dlrectly related to your employment are generally deductibleHowever, you may not deductdues paid to SOCial or athletiCclubs

Books and pubhcatlOns UncleSam also WIll help to subsidiZeyour efforts to keep up WIth mformation m your Ime of workFor example, you can deductthe cost of subscnptlOns totrade Journals, profeSSIOnalmagazInes and research books

Job huntmg expenses Youmay deduct the cost of obtammg Job counsehng, preparmg

CPAs present Dec. 5 conference in Novi


percent threshold, you canmo\e some mIscellaneous expenses mto 1995 and take fulladvantage of the deduction Todo so, ho\\ever, vou need to understand \\ hat qualifies as amiscellaneous expense

What makes such dIVerseItems lall mto a smgle categoryI~ the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) defimtlOn of "mlscellaneous expenses," that ISemployee COl>tsthat are "ordlnary" and "necessary" to theconduct of your busmess Thesecosts Include the follOWIng

Work clothes and umformsThe cost and upkeep of workclothes, Includmg laundenngand cleanmg, are deductible Jfthe clothIng IS reqwred as acondition of your Job and theclothIng IS not swtable for


Gro~se Pomte Farms resIdent PeterSchweItzer, preSident of J Walter ThompsonUSA Inc , was the keynote speaker at a sermnal fOl college students sponsored by The Ad-CIaft Club of DetrOIt held Nov 11 at the Chrys-lei Technology Center In Auburn HIlls

Sc:hweltzerelt\ of Grosse Pomte reSident Steve Gagne, presIdent of Dana •••••••••••• 111~~.~~~~ .....

CommelClal Credit In Troy, receIVed the 1995 MIchigan Quality PATRICIA A HEFTLER, A C S WLeadershIp award The award, g1Ven annuall)' by the MIchiganQuallt\ CounCIl, \\as presented Nov 7 by Gov John Engler IS Pleased to Announce the Opening of the New Offices

ELDER CARE OPTIONSPrOVIdInggenatnc care management for semors,

thelf famIlies and to medical and legal profeSSionalsAssessment & planmng for home care or placement In a facilitySupportIVe counseling for semors & families In home or offlCll

16610 Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte Park, Ml 48224313 881.3001Grosse Pomte Farms resIdent Larry Stephenson, M.D., was

one of t\\O Wayne State Uroverslty doctors named holders of en-do\\ ed chatrs

Stephenson, chIef of cardlOthoratlc surgery at Harper HospItaldnd professor of surgery at the WSU School of MediCine, wasnamed holder of the ForcLWebber Endowed Chair In General Surgen The chatr \\as made possible through the Webber Advanceme~t FU'1d and the estate plan of Mrs Beverly Ford Under Ste-phenson s leadership, Harper HospItal and the school of medicIneha\ e been recogmzed as a center of excellence for cardtovascularlesearch and chmcal sel'Vlces He IS recogmzed as a leadmg mvestlgatm m the field of cardlOmyplasty, an alternative to heart tran-plantatIOn for the treatment of sev:Te heart failure

Grosse Pomte Park reSident Michael G.Cumming was recently elected a Fellow of theAmencan College of Trust and Estate CounselThe college IS composed of more than 2,650 ofthe finest estate planning and estate adrrnmstratlOn lawyers m the Uruted States, Canadaand several foreign countnes CummIng IS amember of the DetroIt law firm of Clark, Klem& Beaumont

FOI the trurd consecutIVe year, Grosse Pomte FarnlS reSIdentsPeter and Elaine Schweitzer have JOined the hst of honorary co-chdllmen of the Amencan Red Cross Rhapsody m Red benefit,\\hlch \\111 be held May 25

;.,tr SchweItzer 1<the preSIdent of the J Walter Thompson Co

Business Notes

CummmgGIO."" Pomte Park reSident Beverly Beltaire, founder and

longtIme preSident of PR Associates Inc m Detroit, was recentlymducted mto the Pubhc RelatIOns SocIety of Amenca

A member of the executive board of directors of the EconomICClub of DetrOIt Beltalre \\ as the first chairman of the GreaterDet, mt Chamber of Commerce and the first female dtrector of theAdclan Club of DetrOit

In additIOn to her recent mductlOn mto the Jumor AchievementBu<me<. Hall of Fame, Beltalre was named Humanltanan of theYt'ar b\ the March of Dimes m 1991, Woman of the Year by theAmencan Lung ASSOCIatIOn In 1985, Headliner of the Year byWomen m Commumcatlons Inc m 1982, and DetrOit's Advertls-mg \\o01an of the Year by the Women's Advertlsmg Club m1')78

Beltdlle IS ple<;ently a senior consultant at PR ASSOCiates

G'O,<;e Pomte Park resident John M. MaIone Jr., M.D., hashE'en appomted \ Ice preSIdent of the DetrOIt Medical Center Aca.demlc Affairs and associate dean of Medical Center Mairs for the\\ d\ ne State Umverslty School of Medlcme

\lalone \\'111 \\ ark WIth Wayne State University and the DetrOIt~tedlcal Center to mamtam and Improve reSidency and f(>l1owshlpplogram~

:-Olalone \\'111 contmue hiS practice as a gynecolOgiC oncolOgist atHutzel Ho~pltal \\ here he has been on staff smce 1981

-\ ~.,aduate of John Carroll Umverslty, Malone receiVed hiSmedlcal degl'ee flam Wavne State Umverslty m 1977

Grosse Pomte Park resident Meg Brophyha~ been promoted to l>emor vIce preSIdent,director of strategic plannmg and research atthe DetrOit office of the ad\ertlsmg firm ofYoung & Rublcam Before her promotIOn, Bro-phy \\ as semor Vice preSident, assoc1ate directorof research responSIble for the dl\erslfied LmcoIn Mercury accounts She began her career\\ Ith Young & Rublcam 13 vears ago as a re~arch manager on the Ford corporate accountFrom there, she left the firm bnefly to Jom thefirm of D'Arc} MaslUs as group research dlrector on the PontIac account Brophv later returned to Young & Rublcam as vice preSIdent,<;E'mor consultant for Sanders & ASSOCiates, amarketmg SUbsidiary of Young & Rublcam,and then became \ Ice preSident dlTector of con_umel mSlghts In 1992 ,he \\as named semor\ Ice pre<ldent

(,I o~-.(' POInte ~hores res1dent Christ Da8-ka .. recel\ I'd the 50 Year Service Award fromt h, '\atlonal A'<;ocJatlon of ~eat Purveyor< attilt II llInllal con\entton la<t month 111 La.Jolla( a Itf D'l<ka' 1< \ lce pre~ldent of KBD Inc 10

fl, It Oil Da~ka~ fir,t \\01 ked for hiS father at1),11011 )"m-,b & \eal Co 10 1941 In 1953 hepill (h l-t rl ht< ()\\ n meat compan\ ChicagoR, ,t (0 "hprl' h(' bought <;old cut and dell\!lul hI' (1\\n proouch Tn 19/10 D.t<ka< bPcameI p 1]1 lit I "Ith fll\ld H K1r-eh and KBD Inc

t, till rn< d

'I uu Ill.!\ be 'Ible to deductth, «ht 01 pUI Chd'>C\\ ork Unt

1m nh obt.!lmng C.}Ieer counsellllg m hll1ng a CPA to assist\ ou \\ Ith \ear-end ta>. plannmg Th, :-otlchgan AssociatIOnto Celtlli,d Publl, A(countants",' th,lt the,*, seemm",hUnt el,lted co,ts fall mto the categol\ oj nUl>CeIlaneous expen,e, \\ hlCh .Ire deductIbleto the e,tent the\ exceed 2 percent of \ OUl adJu~ted gross mcome I.l,GII pro\ Ided you ItemIze deductIOns on vour taxllltUlll

The (lnl\ \\ a\ to determme\\ hethel \ ou'Jl quail£) for thenll,cel1dlleous expense deductlOll on \ ow 1995 tax return ISto t 111\ all quallfied expensesfor the \ear Do It now Here's\\h\ If \OU re clo"" tn the 2


'ovember 23, 1995rosse Pointe News News 27A



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HERALD WHOLESALE20830 Coolidge Hwy Oak (lark Ml 48237Hours 9 S 30 Mon/Fn 9 3 Sat (313) 398'4~

W f{ f ~ ,~------------ -----


Torch ignites blazeFirefighters from GrOllSe Pomte Farms. Grosse Pointe Woods. Harper Woods and tbe

elly of GrOllSe Pointe worked to exllngulsb a Nov. 14 bouse hre on Vendome m tbeFarms. According to Farms fire marshal Sam Candela. the blaze was starled by contrac-tors working to repair leaking gUllers. Contractors began working on the house around 1p.m. using a propane lorch 10 dry out the gullen. Around 3 p.m. Ibe workers smelledsmoke and began searchLDg lor the source. When they discovered that the wood underIhe gullers was hot 10 the touch. they cut a hole 10 the boards. creatmg a backdraft inIhe allic overhang. and causing the smoldering matenal to burst IDto flames. The work-ers attempted to put out the fire with a garden hose but called 911 when they realizedIhe fire was out of control. Firefighters arrived at the house around 3:30 p.m. The fire wasconfined mostly to the third-floor allic. but burned through to the second floor In onearea of the bouse. No one was home at the I1me of the fire but hrehghters were able toretlCue a pet bird and dog from the house. As a rule. the Farms discourages contractorsfrom using open flame on combustible paris of houses. In this case. the contractor willnot be charged with any wrongdoing. Candela &ald.

SPree4i Photofnzmt, Por!Illlt It Gift CmIa'

20229 Mack Ave Groase Pointe Woods

881.7330Men. Fn 9am .7pm Sal9am-6pm


TRANSFER YOUR HOME MOVIES TO VIDEOIBnng In your SUpe<"8. or 16 mm moVIe film

and we'Ulrall$fer the firsl 50 II 10 VIdeo tape ~Bnng 'n your 35 mm color slides and we II

ttansfe r the first 25 slides EBWAll you pay tor rs the VIdeo tape Stop ,n lor delalls


.. _._. ..' .. ~ ...- --- .


Hu1so'\ <; JCPennE'Y Montgomt'ry Ward and over 130 ,r' clalty storesEight Mill' Road Jusl West of I 94 3'3371 '10


- ShIrley A McShane

four pages and mcludes at leastfour charges of Oun.. or operatmg whIle impaIred HIs lIcensewas revoked almost 10 yearsago He also has had numerousSuspensIOns for failure to ap-pear m court, the charges ongJnate from DetroIt to Romulus,Allen Park, Ecorse and LIncolnPark

Cmne Stoppers lnc offersrewards of up to $1,000 for In'formatIOn leading to an arrestof persons responsible forcrzmes Callers remain anony-mous and Will be assszgned acode number Call (810) 445.5227 or (800) 831-3111

Driver infatal crashbound for trial

Police nabjob-hunting thief


The 33 year-old DetrOIt manwho crashed a rental truck Intofive cars on Vernier last month,ultimately klllmg a 25 year-oldwoman, waIved hiS nght to aprelImInary heanng on Nov 15and IS scheduled for arraIgn.ment In DetrOIt Recorder'sCourt on Thursday, Nov 30

Grosse POInte Woods MumcIpal Judge Lynne PIercegranted Ivory Lynn Herron'srequest to waive hiS prelImlnary hearmg and contmued hIS$500,000 bond Herron IS bemgheld In Wayne County Jail oncharges of second-degree murder, operatIng a vehIcle underthe Influence of liquor or drugsand drIVIng WIth a suspendedhcense

Herron IScharged m connectlOn WIth an Oct 17 aCCIdenton Vernier and CharleVOIXInthe Woods. Herron was drIvmgeast on VernIer around 330pm and exceedIng the speedlimit, crossed the center Imeand cra~hed mto a GMCJlmm) dmel' by Regina ba,ketball coach Chnstma ComItoof St Clair Shores Comito waspronounced dead at St JohnHospItal

No other lnJune, were reported

Wltne,<;e<; told police the)'Xl\\ Herron drmkIng from a 40ounce bottle of beer which po-hce found m"d(' the truck cabBut te, .., on blood sample'taken from Herron revealed notrace~ of aleohol

Wood, pollce detectl\e BohKWJatko\\,kl 'laId !nv(',tlgatoNat the MichIgan Stat(' Pollcecnme lab In Lan~mg did findphenocyclidme (PCPI and hdocame (admml'tel('d through IVm th(' hospItal I m Hcrron'blood

KWlatko\\,kl ,peculatl'd thatth(' IV could hme flu,h('d thealeohol from H('n on' hlood'tl('am

H('non, dnvmg l('Cord accordmg to Wood, pohc(' fill'

Park public safety officersInvestIgated the theft of astreet SIgn on the tra.fl'icJSlandat Jefferson and NottInghamThe then was dIscovered onTuesday, Oct 14 Pollce arestIli Investlgatmg

- JIm Stlckford

Sign stolen

Grosse POInte Park publicsafety officers were called to anoffice m the 15000 block of Jefferson at 445 pm Wednesday,Nov 15, to investIgate the of.fice next door When officerschecked the office m questIOn,they dIscovered a suspect whocl8Jmed he was lookmg forwork and had heard that somewas available at the office

A background check of thesuspect turned up a couple ofbench warrants, and the suspeel fit the descnptlOn of someone who broke mto other officesIn the Park earher that day

The suspect was held at thePark cIty Jail untIl taken to acounty faCIlity whIle aWaItmgarraIgnment

......_---------_...------ ------ - -- ------- --- .


November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

, (I \

, J ' t f !,'FiGf,

t 1 j; j

I ("t- ) 7\ I<~j\/'\~

'/1) f JI \./t/

by offering a Lithograph ofworld renowned French Impressionist Artist Pierre Bittar

Grosse POinte Yacht Club Grosse Pointe Academy

War Memorial Fountain - Grosse Pointe St Paul Church - Grosse Pointe

Many of his Lithographs and Posters as well as his recent original oil paintings from France, Northern Michiganand the Caribbean are also permanently displayed (year round) in his gallery during the following hours-

Tuesday through Friday 11-8:30 p_m. • Saturday 10-5 p. m. • Sunday 12-5p. m.

PIERRE BITTAR GALLERYComer of Maple and Bates

296 West Maple Road, Birmingham, Michigan, 48009 Tel (810) 433.9917

Is Impressionistic art simply a style of art we enjoy or is it also a wise investment?\1 \( loll<.lT( p, nl Impn."'IODII"r1( UT ~H1'" It hU.lll\t ,ht\ en,m the ocaLHv ot rh<.. rn1n[Jn~ Ifo\\'\lr

11l11l\ Hl\l ,wr TlllT r dill Ille to hm ur ot dn'i. ..n Ie.. l'i ont at rhe mO<,,1Imp0rl.lnr 1m t.,tmlnt .. thl'l.

lOlild (Hf nl1~\..

\T1lllllll,h III \JIll rhllrlltnr nj Imprl"lOllI<,m (lUH.h \1011CI \'\.l,all\~ onh "I.lHnt\ HU" H. ...l lI1ddl{ dl{oth"puIHlrll,,,!Jl\t 111 H.I\U.lh" W )"'Wrliliohlni., rt.nthOlJ"'dndtlnH.'" Ih(lIlt<rt\llnl,~jlt\f1ln

\ .... tll \\ ...lId /11\ j1U11111l1,\ b "\lll 1\ odHr JrTI<,['" ot rmprC\\IOTll"'m c,Hn lioO mudl "allle In "tLth I rdlt \<.h""Ill! pt rind I [!nil I tH " .. Of+..." ot [/11\ l \Cf Inrdln In ...1\ It of ra.niln~ nO\.\. ...c.11 tOT million" 01 I..!olllf<,( H1 \llll "Ilrl~ ot 111 lI\c.'.lrn<.nr (h It L,1 l'l \011 rHOTt pJt.l ...llr<. lnJ grU(Cf ftrtlrn'

It \...nuld h<. tl"'tlr1HlllL. to It un thl 111\\Hf to \\h, lmpre~'i.lOnl'i.[Jt an hv;. ...uth l,great lprc. II lnl.l~( IIflrlllt \ f( ll'IH ..., ~1(( 11 \ 111lC. I III .I1\\\t T lould pO\"i.'hh, he \lImmafl71.d In IUli( ("\\-0 n. 1'1,011\ Ilr ...rh'fll lmpT .........I( I I\{ j'il1Htr\ Ht rift if ( r \..orld IOd,n md \\,11 moq hkch hculmc non t\l"'Hnr , .. dlill

1\.....1 (\ \t If" \\ tl\ \..ill Th \ Il,lIT \ rnph ht ...HI"t (he. ...{"It nf Imprt\\IOnl m e.Jnnnl ht rHll,hr [0 \( Inl,

HII " r ",11 III fr \ ,"'pl\,lll till II If \(T\ It\ .. HTI<,['" r("(('r\t 1nd chl\ mnltc lhllll\ rc.qilIH'" ~I III \

\{ tr" (It p( r,,( n ,I I \ pc. nt II c. I 1 ...liI!! 11c. I h{ irll"! nlll"T O\<. d,uh''' th It m 1\ H1\t \d ~t

pllrlllH. ... nIU (t d(( r" Ihl" I lit rold ()~ 1I1rd ..\nrJ,.. md pCT'C\('r.m{c dl"c.ollrlp'" mu\ \(111 I d! lit 11I~ d Hll"!" d I ld l\ I pI t Illh \\ IH 11 !Ill H {\ 1\1" "'urt r H[I\(I{ rOllfC\ In chI'" nn\ IC.c. hnflloL,l~ir \\orld11 \\ f "I \\ l l"c. 11\ Ill. ;l I 11 1rr \1\ Ht ,hll T( ('prt ....\ rht m ...{h,c\ through ~rdrhh. Hf \ f.-l UH111"1lll r, Old

... 11 h l"llrld of I I Ih md 1 { n tOil lhlt 11\lOl. \p ,hi'" rClhno!ogll~1 agt 1"1hiring voung laJrrllln 1 It\'o

dH{ t ( 11

,",clondh Imprt"\Ionllim 1\ an art V.hlLh come"i. trorn (he anlS(S hean That 15 why thiS stYle evol..c~ ~omlJ(...h ('moO on In rholic Ywho \ lev.. It Again there lS another lmponam reason why rmpresS[On1sw .. art",II Ii" 1\' be chembed h, art I",e", To dearh understand the wonderful mystery of llS appeal ,oum"'1 !I", knO\' more a!lou, Impre'5lOmSm It " different from othet art m two dlstlnc, way, MOl'Imporl1nd> "" 1 ,t\ Ie of p1'n1mg that mUlt he performed outdoors m communion Wllh nalUre 1 he""" not onh ralOtl "h" he 'eel hilt Ulel all hll \CnICS to accomphsh hIS fmal masterpiece 1he arm,

01 Imp,,,,,on,,m doc, no' pam' the \I,b,ed hut ra,her palOts the lIght whICh lOuche< that ",hleer andth, n rCl< he' Ihe H""' e\ e wllh Ihapel and wlor' Th" ISwhy when people observe rhe art c10seh ,he;e lnnOl dlltlng,,,,h the 'Uh)Cll II" not un,,1 one \leps backs that one can fully Ident'fY the ,ub,ell dnd,hcll "Iere ,he pallltlng enlllcl, 1he' ,,,,",eel C}e collec's all the polOtS of lIght to shapes and coloT< andIh, n "n""eel Ihe \"h,e, t 1 hll a, me proce'" that the VIewer unknowlOgly execute< explaLIlI ,he plea,,"eIh 11 " (XP' "coeed 1\ ,he l"mmOl" world of Imprc""omsm unfolds before hIm

In tI" 'nd "p,ece' 01 lmpre'''on''m hegm '0 hde m thell aVallab,llIy they w,lI never tade III thell"onh I h" ",11 onh he",me ",ore 'oll~h, "fter and milch more valuable .., the yeaf\ P"'" I 'pe,"l1v1\ Tht HtI ....' '" of Imprc"'''10nl\m hccomc fc ......C'r and then work.~ rarer rhc"C glftc-d patnrer~ Will C"ocntualhI, '" '" In" ,hn ",II h lIC left hehllld ,hclI mdel.hlc mark throllgh the pamtmgs '" ma.Ilerf1llly done '",lit IT un Il.ptt mode. of CXPfC\\I0n1\m J mprc"i.\lOm\m


Section BNovember 23, 1995

Grosse Pojnt~ N~ws Features Churlhv>l ntcrt.lJflllllnt


le;,cent, pedIatric allel gy, and donce a month urology/podlatrylENTlophthdlmology clImc

In additIOn to prOVIdIng rout mepatient care, the chml also participate::. In ::.everal ;,peclal progJam~,IncludIng tl ansportatlon for needypatwntb, dietary educatIOn, prenatal educatIOn. breabt and cerVIcalcancer screemng and a readIngprogram for chIldren who are waltIng fOl appoIntments

The readIng room IS stocked WIthcrates and shelves of PICture booksand paperbacks, a chalkboard dndcolorful posters of PJlgrlms and IndJans dnd ThanksgJVIng turkeys

"We have volunteers and someformer teachers who work part tImereadIng to children who are waltmg," MacGlIlIs said "Recently,;,orne kids from St Paul SchoolraIsed money to buy books for thechIldren who use thiS room"

The goal of the Fontbonne Auxillary's "Vlute ChrIstmas Ball thISyear IS to ralse $150,000 for theclImc The Fontbonne IS a 47 yearold volunteer orgamzatlOn thatcontnbutes hundreds of thousandsof dollars each year to the hospItalThe ball IS ItS major fundralser

Honorary celebnty charrmen arpGov John and Mlchelle EnglerHonorary chairmen are PatncJaConnelly and the late Edward BConnelly General chairman IbGrosse POInter Jenmfer SomesBrock

Cocktails are at 7 p ill DInnerWill be at 8 pm, followed by musIcby the 12 piece Stanley Paul Or-chestra TIckets are $250 a personTo get an InVltatlOn to the ball,call Leona LUlZZOat (313) 3433675

preSIdent for Urban and CommunIty Health at St John Health SYbtern "ThIs tl uly "UppO!tb our values of service to neighbor andcompassIOn The lesult \HIl be mcreased access to CaJ e for high rIskmothers and chJ1dJen Thlb Ib agreat way to kIck off the Ul ban andcommumty health focus of the StJohn Health S)Stcffi "

The OutpatIent Cllmc ISopenfrom 7 30 a m to 4 p m fh e days aweek, MacGllhs saId "but we'rerarely firushed b) 4 Located onthe glOund flool In the northeastsectIOn of St John HObpltal, theclImc employs 18 people and ISserved by 12 pediatriC rebldents, 22surglCal H'~ldlente,and about adozen OBIG ..11" It hds one of thefe\\ Pedldtll( Ie~ldem) pi 0hTJ am~In Michigan ~he addpd

OBIG) n dnd pedldtllC patientsare seen 1'\ er) ddy, !\!dcGJlII" SaIdPlus, thel!' all' mam ~mallel clIn-ICS- surgen, 10\\ I ;sh OB, highnbk OB. l:Olpo~cop\ pediatriC ado

Katrina Sayles holdsher son, MarcelL 17months, during a visit tothe St. John OutpatientClImc. as Barbara May-berry. medical assistantand chnical office assiS-tant. looks on,

Gov lohn and MichelleEngler are honorary celebnty

chairmen 01 the FontbonneAuxiliary's annual White

Chnstmas Ball. Shown Withthe Engler triplets are the

ball chairman, JennllerSomes Brock, left, holdingMadeleine: and publiCity

chairman Ann McCormick.holdmg Hannah. MichelleEngler. center. holds Mar-

garet,Proceeds Irom thiS year's

ball will be used lor the ex-pansion 01 the hospital's Out-

patient CliniC and Its ser-vices.

Fontbonne Auxiliary's White Christmas Ball is Dec. 8Annual fundraiser earmarks proceeds for St. ]ohn's Outpatient ClinicBy Margie Reins SmithFeature Editor

The dnnual WhIte Chll~tmd"Ball, a black tIe benefit bponbOledby the Fontoonne Am.lllal; of StJohn HO'lpltal and Medlcdl Centl'lWIll be held on Frllwy, Dec 8, atthe RItz Carlton m DedI bOln

The theme thiS yedr I::'"VI~lOn::.of Sugarplums," from ClementMoore's well known, well lovedChrIstmas poem fOi chJ1dren

Proceeds are earmarked fOi StJohn's Outpatient Chmc, a faCIlitythat logs neaI Iy 19,000 patient; IbIts annually Most are low IncomechIldren and women, MediCaId pabents and people who may have noother acceb~ to medIcal cal e

"It IS our hope thdt the chIldl enwho will be bettel served by thiSpe<hatnc and OB/Gyn cIuuc expanblOn WIll have 'VISIons of sugaIplums' all year long, through happIer, healthIer hves," said JenmfelSomes Brock of the CIty of Gro::.sePomte, general chaIrman for thiSyear's ball

"We are exceedIng last year'snumber of cllmc VISitSso far thISyear," bald Mary Ann MacGIlhs ofGrosse POInte Woods, cllmcal manager of the OutpatIent Cllmc "Weneed mOle space SometImes pabents have to walt up to twomonths for well-baby checkups"

MacGIllls SaId expansIOn of thecllmc doesn't necessarIly meanaddIng more space, but redeslgnmgthe eXlstIng space - convertIngwasted hallways, for Instance, mtomuch-needed consultatIOn roomsThe renovatIOn project WIll costabout $400,000 and lS scheduled tobegIn as soon as money IS avallable

"We are very pleased \Vlth theFontbonne AUXIlIary's deSignatIOnof support for our climc," saidVermce DaVIS Anthony, semO! vIce




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It) ~. ANtHTt(,lO, n.OlAN .... <;.l\IIn<;fR"' ... RA,ff<;.

Raffle1995 Jeep", Wrangler


FESTIVAL OF TREES\ H, nt tH tllr "- ~llIJTt n ...H'''''r'II,1! nf \ih h,)

November 19-26thCabo Center

Irlc\ • \\ 1(.llh, • \.llH,ll.lIld • ClIlgerbre'ld VdlageIldd; Bur Brundl • D,lIl\' I ntcrtJmment

'Al(E~"NDl HH I ''''1' [I ,



by Rosahe Vortnede and a du,play of "I'll Never Tell" jewelryand "Look Alike Handbags"begInmng at 12 30 pm ForreservatIOns, call (810) 399 1698or (810) 678-2335

ers, Harold Saxman, Dan Beckand Peter Ohver for their horti-cultural achIevements CertIfi-cates were awarded to BIll Gro-gan, Dan Beck, Peter Ohver.Russell Hool and Robert Og-denson for the presentatIOns oftheir gardens on the July tour

Cockuuls Will begm at 7 p mand the cost of the evenIng IS$88 a couple, mcludIng themeal, valet parkmg, a cham.pagne toast, dancmg and moreResenatlOns are necessaryCall Bruce and Carol Becker at(313) 884-9729 or Mark andLaura Krueger at (313) 8819073

the preparation of the decoratlOns, which WIll be m place In

tIme for the Moross House openhouse from noon to 4 P m Saturday and Sunday. Dee 2 and3 The house IS located at 1460East Jefferson In Detroit.

director of the DSO, WIll wscuss the orchestra's goals andexpenences

TIckets are $25 and mcludedInner To make a reservation.send a check to Ev Montgomery, 932 Washmgton, GrossePomte, 48230, by Fnday, Nov24

The Grosse POInte Newcomers Club "elcomes couples newto the Grosse POlntes The clubputs on a variety of parties durIng the year, from casual gettogethers to formal dInnerdances

The group Will celebrate Its50th anmversary WIth a Hohday Ball on friday, Dee 8, atthe DetrOIt AthletiC Club

The Grosse POinte League ofWomen Voters will hold Its hol.lday meetmg begmnIng at 6 30p m Fnday, Dee 1, at CrescentSail Yacht Club, 276 Lakeshore

Neeme JarvI. director of theDetrOIt Symphony Orchestra,and Mark Volpe, executive

Maneke Allen 15 dIrectIng

Members of the DeeplandsGarden Club made decoratIOnsand ornaments to adorn the 11brary of Detroit's Morass Housefor the hohdays

School of Government Inc. plansfund raiser on Wednesday, Nov. 29

Men's Garden Club holds banquet

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe New..

League of WOYinen Voters will Yineet


CALL 882-3500 ~;i~~~

The Men's Garden Club ofGrosse Pomte held Its 43rd an-nual banquet on Oct 19 at Alcamo Hall m St Cla.rr ShoresSome 100 people attended theevent, whIch mcluded dInner,danCing and awards Awardswere presented to WIlson Rog

The School of GovernmentInc Will hold Its annual fundralsmg event from 2 to 4 p mWednesday, Nov 29, at thehome of Ida Mae Massmck InGrosse POinte Shores

The e\'ent Will feature musIc

G. P. Newcomers Club marks 50th

Garden dub decorates Moross House

Grosse POinte News & The Connection90 KerchevalGrosse POinte FarmsMichigan 48236 AttentIon Display AdvertISIng

A receptIon will begm at 6 30pm Refreshments Will be<;erved and there IS no chargeFor more mformatlOn, call AIIce Baet7 at (3131 8829260

Women's RepublicanClub offers forum

The Women's RepubhcanClub of Grosse Pomte InVItesthe commumt~ to hear wmnmgcandidates to CIty offices In

each Grosse Pomte The electlOn wrap up forum "vl11 be heldfrom 7 to 8 pm Wednesday,Nov 29. In the lounge of FirstEnghsh Lutheran Church, 800VernIer In Grosse POinteWoods New office holders who\" III diSCUSStheIr concerns andplans mclude Larry A Dowersof the CIty of Grosse POinte,Peter W WaldmeIr of GrossePOinte Farms, Thomas A LeFevre of Grosse Pomte Woods.Carl Jarboe of Grosse PomtePark, and Cheryl A CostantinOof Harper Woods

Send photoand$8 00 to

#____ __ _ _ fxp Date. _••Please Prrn'

Slgnarure________ _ _

Childs Name /First & last) _

Parents Name (First & lastl _

Date of Blrth, IHospltal Phone. _

Thank you ~nd please return no later than Dffember 22nd 1995December blnh photos accepted unlll January 6 1996L_~ ~ ~

The Grosse POinte News and The Connection Newspapers are planning a special edition featunng theDabres of the past year We hope you land the little one) Willparticipate by supplying us With a recentphotograph of your child (Only 1995 babies please) fo' use In thrs section

ThiS tablOId section Willbe pUblished In January 1996 Your childs prcture along With other 1995 areababres Willbe the main attraction News and advertiSing about clothing feeding educating and canngfor your child Willalso be Included It Will be very Informative as well as a commemorative editIon foryour

Please send a cute clear photo Icolor or black & white home or studiO produced preferably smallerthan a 5x7) to The Grosse POinte News & The Connection 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte Farms Michigan48236 Attention Display AdvertiSing Complete the informatIOn slip With your childs full name. date ofbirth and hOspital and return It with your photo Please print your name on the back of the photo soyou can pICkIt up at our office after printing

Your picture must be received In our office no later than Fflclay December 22nd and earlier wouldassist our produetlon schedUle ILate November and December birth photos may be submitted untilJanuary 6 1996 I

We look forward to prodUCIng our annual -8aby Edition- and are sure you want your little one IncludedA limited number of extra copIes Willbe available to gIVe to family and fflends

The Grosse Pomte News & The Connection requires a S8 00 fee to cover production costs PleaseInclude a check money orde, or credrt card number With your photo

carr or Drop byThe Grosse Pointe News & The Connection

96 Kercheval. Grosse Pointe Farms. Michigan 48236Anentlon Display Advertising13131882-3500 FAX 88Z-t585r------------------------------------------,

Scholarship awardThe BetCIIXi chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma presented

CII scholarship to Christian Van Farowe of Grosse PointeWoods. at the left. DeltCi Kappa Gamma is an intema-tionallOdety that promot .. education. Linda Khonle. Cltthe right. is the group's scholarship chCllirman.~'ln..Beta Xi chapter will hold its annual Christmasauction on Saturday. Dec. 2. at the Grosse Pointe HuntClub. Proceeds from the event will be used to providescholarship money for anoth.r d_rving student.

Women Realtors plan auctionThe Women's CoWlcll of Realtors will hold its ClDDualluncheon and Christrnas tree auc-

tion on Wednesday. Nov. 29. at the Grosse Pointe War Mernorial. Local real estate corn-pallles. lenders and title companies will decorate 24 Christmas trees. which will be auc-tioned by Doug ADdnui at tbe event. A portion of the proceeds will be donated toGrateful Horne. a shelter for homel_ women and their cluldren. The rest of the rnoneywlll be used for education of WCR members.

From left. are Katherine WlllUord: Sue Dungan: Delores Zamboni: Myrna Smith: KathyADalow; pam Gudaen. chclirman: and Gerry YOWlg. Not shown are Marge Phillips. ChrisKuhn. Judy Crt and Barb Flood.

The WCR is a national organization decUcated to serving members by providing oppor-tunities for personal and career growth. For more information. call Flood at (:11:1)882-0087.


KKG alumnaeto meet Nov. 29

Members of the Detroit EastSuburban Alumnae Associationof Kappa Kappa Gamma WIllmeet at 10 a m Wednesday,Nov 29, at the Grosse PomteYacht Club for lunch. Boutiqueshoppmg WIll be aVlUlable Formore mformatlOn. call SharonMertz at (313) 886-2439

Volunteers neededfor Make-A-Wish

Members of Pear Tree Ques-ters WIll meet at 11 a m fri-day, Dee 1, at the home ofMrs Fred Wicklund for theU"armual Chnstmas auctIOn andluncheon Carolyn Eckert willbe the co-hostess

Not surewhat to givethis year?



Pear TreeQuesters to meet

The DetroIt Garden CenterWill hold Its annual hohdayopen house. "In the SPirit of StNicholas," on Saturday andSunday, Dee 2 and 3, at 1460E Jefferson In DetrOIt

The center's headquartersare located In DetroIt's oldestbnck hC'lI"e o\ll 'ts rooms \\ IIIbe decorated by local gardenclubs For more informatIOn,call (313) 259-6363

Kannanos CancerInstitute endorsesbreastself-exaYins

Garden Centerholds open house

The Make A WISh Founda-tIOn of MichIgan. a chantywhIch grants Wishes to childrenWIth life threatening Illnesses.IS lookmg for new volunteersThe next meetmg of the councllwI be Thursday, Nov 30 mRoseVIlle For informatIon. call(800) 622 WISH


There has been SUbstantialdebate recently concenung thevalue of breast self-exanuna-bon

The Barbara Ann KarmanosCancer instItute endorses BSEas one of three components ofproper breast cancer screemngThe other two are phYSICIan'sor cllmcal breast exams, andscreening mammography

Aceordmg to Dr Cheryl Gn-gonan, director of the mstltute's Berkely detectIOn center.dIsnussmg BSE as a detectIonmethod confuses women andIgnores the facts

"There are thousands ofwomen nght here In MIchIganwho are alive today becausethey found theIr own breastlump," Gngonan saId "Askthem If the procedure has anyvalue"

While lIttle SCientIfic data IS

avaIlable either supportmg oropposmg BSE as a detectIOntool, opponents of the procedureCite the hundreds of thousandsof lumps fOllOd each year thatturn out to be not cancerousThese berugn lumps, they say.cause unnecessary anxiety

"Sure, finding a lump thatturns out to be bemgn WIllcause some anxIety," said DrWilham P Peters, director ofthe mstItute "But you can'tcompare that WIth the chanceof saVIng a lIfe"

Both Peters and GngonancautIOn that BSE must be performed properly to be effectiveFor more mformatlon on BSEor breast cancer screenmg, callthe Cancer InformatIOn Sel"Vlceof MIchigan and Indiana at(800) 422-6237

Amenc:.wn Reel Cros.

&lie blood. liM.. gift of ....C811-800 8M LIFE.

...... 1IrIIII- .. af LA

•... ..---_ ....~

-November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 38

Christ Church plans /Greens of Christmas, I wassail party



821.3525VALITY NlJRS1NG C -tRE

The Merrill-Palmer Institute celebrated its 75th annIversary recently at ~he Pon~chartrain Ho~el. Founded in1920. the mslI~ute is part of Wayne State UniverSlly'sgraduate school. II provides interdisclplmary programsin chIld and farmly development and conducts research.advises on policy and provides professional training anddIrect servIce relating to children and famllles.

Among those who auended the celebrallon were, fromleft, Ann Garberding of Grosse Pointe Farms. co.chalr-man of the event; Eli Saltz. Merrill-Palmer execullvedirector; Neltle Seabrooks. deputy mayor of Detroit; andMarla LucarellI of Grosse POlDte Park, co-chaIrman.


75th anniversary

Pa n 115t 1 j r>,..... -j 11 j "I n 1 I'ov. ~1

L)n(1 t('1

Aff_abIe Ace RId.lrlo< fnclos"","• 01; j j I, ~ j I

'" ,• i'-. q i 'I WI ~

• P' ~( 1

IrKO :~~~~t :::~:MMKJlaclurng Co Inc3564 Blue Rock Road C,nc.",.I, ONo 45247


The Parcells Middle School PTO will hold lis 20th annual Holiday Bazaar from 10 5 p.m. Saturday. Dec. 2, at the school. 20600 Mack in Grosse POInte Woods. Proceedsw111support PTO activities.

More than 150 exhibitors will display handmade craft items - wood carvings. ceram-ics, floral arrangements, jewelry. painted sweatslurts. Christmas ornaments and decora-tions. A cafe will serve food from 1l a.m. to 5 p.m.

Advance tickets are avallable at the school between I and 3 p.m. the week of Nov. 27;or from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 27 and 28.

A $3 "Early Bud" ticket (available in advance onl~l .. llows shoppers to enter at 9 a.m hour betore general admISSIon. General admisslAA ~l!etS arll 52; budget !lekets are $1and allow shoppers to enter after noon.

Chairmen and commiUee members are, from left: Sandy Panagopoulos, Nancy Burns.Thelma SOCIa, Kathy KasIborskl, Paula Staperfenne. Kathy Byron and Linda Farmer.

Holiday Bazaar


The 14th annual Detrol! InternatIonal Wine Auction, a beneht for the Center for Crea,• live StudIes, recently raIsed more than $250.000 - the highest-grossing auctIon weekend

In its history. More than 425 people attended. Chairmen of the gala were Grosse PomtersAlphonse and Marla Lucarel1l.

From left, are Richard L. Rogers, president of CCS; WIlliam C. Brooks; KeIth CraIn.chairman of the CCS board of trustees; Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer; and Alphonse S.Lucarelli. chairman of the 1995 Detroll International Wine Auction.

Lawrence fetheroU and PaulaGrabowski

ment of theIr daughtel P llliaG1abo\\'kl to La"rmc(' ~\ th('Iolf -.on of Mr and Mr- LIII

r< nce F"lherolf of St (,1,111

Shon>' An Octobl'r wedding I-

plannedTh" nlld(' I~ an office m,m

al(er \\1tn G & G Floor ('0

The i,'l'oom " a pollce officI"w ~'armm~on HIlI,


Mr and Mr' Robert (,1 abowskl of Gro<;.-,ePomte \\ ,Xl<!,ha\€ announc('d the enf(.lf(e

- Margie Reins Smith

should be left on the donors'front porches before noon Dee2 Lakeshore OptImISt Clubmembers WIll pIck up bundles

All donatIOns should be cleanand (If possIble) Identified as toSIZe

Clothes are f'armarked forhomeless and needy DetrOiters

"We are confident that thewarm offenngs thIS year WIllagam show Grosse Pomte'sheart," saId Terry Olson, presIdent of the Lakeshore OptimIstClub

Thomas graduated from Bo>ton College WIth a bachelor ofscIence degree and from theGeorgetown &hool of Dentlstry He has a dental p' actlcem the Boston area

Cod, Mass, and Flonda AnOctober weddmg IS planned

Echlm graduated from M.amI UmveNltj WIth a degreeIn marketing She IS a market-Ing specmh't "lth Putndm InvestmenL~

bachelor'~ and master's degreesm electrical engmeerlng He ISa telecommumcatlOns engIneerWith NYNEX Corp

Christ Church Grosse Pointe will hold a wassail party and auction on Thursday. Nov. 30. Itsannual "Greens of ChrlStmas" sale will be held on Friday and Saturday. Dec. I and 2.

GettIng items ready for the auction are. from left, Margie Ogden, co-chairman; YolandaTurner. general chairman; and Judy Duffy. volunteer.

Walter Paul Martin Jr. andHeather Kristln McM1llin

Loeher-PeriardMr and Mrs Charles Loeher

of Grosse POinte Woods haveannounced the engagement oftheIr daughter, Barbara MaryLoeher, to Mark Bradle\ Perlard, son of Mr and Mrs RonaId Penard of Taj 101"\ Ille. IIIAn August ....eddmg IS planned

Echlin- Thomas

Warm up: The LakeshoreOptImIst Club's annual "Coatsfor the Cold" collectIOn WI)) befrom noon to 3 pm Saturday,Dee 2

Donations of warm coats,gloves, scarves, boots, mIttensand snow SUitS WI)) be dlstnbuted through Fort Street Presbytenan Church's Open Doorprogram

People who would lIke to do-nate Items should call (313)882-2498 and leave theIr namesand addresses on a recordmgBundles of donated clothes

Barbara Mary Loeher andMark Bradley Penard

Loeher gI aduated from theUnl\erslty of MIchigan "Ith abachelor of "Clence degree In

engmeermg She I~ an analy,tWIth AndeNt'n Con~u1tml( Co

Penard graduated fromNorthv,e~u-rn Um\eNlt\ v,ltha bachelor of art.~ degree In !'Co-

nomIC" He" a la\\ ~tudent atthe Um\er~lty of IIhnOl~

MI ancl MI' LR"1_ H Echhn III of GlO,<;e Powte Farm~ha\(' announced the ('ngagement of thell c1aughter TraC\Anne Echlm 10 Or Ke\mMark Thoma' -.on of Dl anclMr' f~v,m M Thoma~ of Cape


Mr and Mrs Fredenck CStrand and Dr and MrB Kenneth A Goodman, all of Kala.mazoo, have announced the engagement of their daughter,HeIdI Yvonne Strand of GrossePOInte Fanus, to Thomas An.thony Sha.... of Groo;se Pomte

The "Greens of ChrIstmas,"Chnst Church's kIckoff of theChnstmas season, has anadded attractIOn thIS year - anold EnglIsh ChrIstmas wassaIlparty and auctIOn

The event WIll be held onThursday, Nov 30, and thesale of greens WIll be on Fridayand Saturday, Dee 1 and 2, mthe Church's Undercroft

Proceeds from all threeevents will benefit the church'syouth rmmstry

Honorary chairmen are theRev. and Mrs, Edward A,M.Cobden and Mr, and Mrs. J.Thayer McMillan n.

General chaU'IIllU1 IS Yo-1anda Turner; e<K:hmrman ISMargie Ogden.

The wassail party Wlll begmat 6 30 p m Thursday and meludes an appetIZer buffet, splr.Its, entertamment and an op.porturuty to bId on Items lIke aweek In Bermuda, four days ata bed and breakfast In Italy,tIckets to Red Wmgs games,fine Wines, furnIture, personalfitness trammg, pottery, crystal, SIlver, paintings, fancy foodand more

For tIckets, call (313) 8854841 or (313) 886-8007 ReservatlOns are lmuted

The "Greens of Chnstmas"Wlll offer holIday greens,wreaths, ropmg and gIft Itemssuch as hand smocked andhand.stltched elotlung, homebaked goods, Jams, JellIes,works of art, books, crafts andgIfts

The greens sale Wlll be from5 to 9 pm FrIday, and 10 amto 2 p m Saturday, at thechurch, 61 Grosse Pomte Blvdm Grosse Pomte Farms

McMillin-MartinDr and Mrs Charle~ Joseph

POJlO"kl of Ludmgton and Mrand Mrs Kenneth EdwardMcMillin Jr of Grosse POinteFarm~ have announced the engagement of theIr daughter,Heather KrIstin McMIllin. toWalter Paul Martin Jr, son ofMrs Walter Paul Martm ofRandolph. Mass A July weddml( I~ planned

McMIllin graduated from theUnI\e~lt\ of Mlchl~n With abachelor of arts degree m economlc~ She I~ completmg a certlfied financ'al planner de~lgnatlOn at Breton UniversIty andl~ a ~t(J('kbroker WIth Fldehtylnve~tments

MartIn I(raduatf'd fromNorthea~tern Unlve~lty WIth

Thomas ADlbony Shaw andHei.di Yvonne Strand

Farms, son of Mr and MrsAnthony R. Shaw of Perrysburg, OhIO A July weddIng ISplanned

Strand graduated from theUniversIty of MichIgan WIth abachelor of science degree andfrom MIchigan State Umverslt)'Wlth a DVM She IS a vetennanan WIth Harvey AmmalHospital

Shaw graduated from MIamIUniversIty WIth a bachelor ofscIence degree and a master'sdegree In busmess admlmstratlOn He IS a financIal analystWIth Comenca Bank

---------_._---- -

48 Community November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

SIIlU 1842lnd'p,nd,nr A"~LJc(Jn

8 30 a m BIble Study

9 30 & 11 00 a m WorshIp

9 30 a m Sunday School

Pr Troy G Watte

lIOn at the Grosse Pomte Yacht( lub

The bride wore an IVOry-.atm gown that featured palepmk appliques and a cathedral-lenl,>thtram She earned a bou4Ue1of roses, lIlIes and alstrom.LIla

The maid of honor was Beth';. ;:;f!...::~"c C.t) I SC

Mr. and Mrs, Richard. PolkWagner Jr.

BridesmaIds were thegroom's sISter, JJ Wagner ofHilton Head Island, AnnaFranCIS of Grosse Pomte Park;Sarah MOlTowof Grosse PomteWoods, and Amy Rochester ofHighland Park, m

Attendants wore floor-lengthrose colored gowns

The best man was thegroom's brother, Zachary Wag.ner of St LoUIS

Groomsmen were the bnde'sbrother, Ted Swarthout ofGrosse Pomte Fanns; JohnStrickland of Goldsboro, N C ,DaVId GarcIa of Clucago, andMark Snyder of Charlevoix

Readers mcluded the bnde'sfather, the groom's father andMrs Bernard Harkms of StClair Shores Janie Knoll ofOkemos was the vocal solOistand JJ Wagner was the ViolinsolOIst

'The bride graduated from theU11lverslty of MIclugan andtaught school m Japan

'The groom graduated fromthe College of Charleston, theUmverslty of MIchIgan and theLondon School of E<bnomlcs.He attends Sl.aDWrdUniversityLaw School

5t James Lutheran Church170 McMillan Ad , near KerchevaGrosse POlnle Farms. 884-0511

ALL FAITHS WELCOMEThe 1928 Book or Common Prayer

SUNDAY8 W a m Holy COMmunIon

10 1~ Adult Bible StudyII 00 Holy Commumon

Church Sunday School and Nursery

THURSDAY12 10 P m Holy Communion

Mann". 'on Htllt 1'/twJDl Ih. Trmn<l

I"r .. I'llrlmlg • Ford GtJrtzg.Enl" "I Wood",otd & }.jJ.rsnnThe Re> Richard W. Ingal1s,

RectorKenneth J ~.. felman,

O~nist and Cbolrmaster313.259.2206

Christ the KingLutheran Church

Mack at Lochmoor884-5090


10 DOamRandy S. Boelter, Pastor

TJmoth y A. Holzerland, Asst. PastoJoseph P. Fabry, Pastor emeritus


"God Has MadePeace Through Christ"



Rev E.A Bray, Pastor

(;1"o"e POinte 8aptld: ChU1"ch..A CkriJt Centered, Carinfj CkurchCommilled to youth and Community

Sunday School Q 45 1,1'"

Sunday '\X1o,."hlp 1100 AV,

'21330 Mack Avenue Gro,ce Pornte WoodcPhone (313) 8813343

Nursery ServICes Availablefrom 9 00 a m to Noon



Sarah Nicole Swarthout,daughter of Dr and Mrs RIch-ard Swarthout of Grosse PomteFarms, marned RIchard PolkWagner Jr, son of Mr andMrs RIchard Wagner of HiltonHead Island and Good Hart, onSept 1, 1995, at the GrossePomte Academy Chapel

'The Rev John Corrado of theGrosse Pomte UmtaTianChurch offiCIated at the 7 30p m candleltght ceremony,which was followed by a recep-






, ~. Kercheval at LakeJlOJDle-~ Grosse POinte Park 822 3823Sunday WorshIp to 30 amTuesday. 11mfl Shop 10 30 - 3 30WednesdayAmazmg Grace SeDJors 11 - 3 00



Pomte Shores, MIchael Mooreof Williston, Steve Marsh ofMontvale, and Randy SlIver ofTrenton, N J

'The mother of the bride worea tea length hlac suk pleatedgown

'The mother of the groomwore a tea length sapphire blueseqUined gown that featun'd 'l

handkerchIef hemSolOIStswere Margaret Ahee,

Tracy Ganem and WIlliamDrummy Scripture readerswere Susan QUIlter, AmyWayne and JIm Kuser

The bnde earned a bachelorof SCience degree In nursmgfrom the Uruverslty of Vermont She IS a nurse at Children's HospItal m Denver CISCO,and Ahcla WIlcox of New

'The groom earned a bachelor York CItyof SCIencedegree m engmeenng The best man was thefrom the Umverslty of Ver groom's brother, Mark Lamarremont He works for Western of Boston and KennebunkportStates FIre ProtectIOn Co Groomsmen were the bnde's

brother, TImothy Simonds ofChIcago, 'Theodore GIlman ofSchenectady, NY, Enc Katz ofBoston and Kennebunkport,Robert KleIn, Stephen Gleasonand Dr MIchael McLaughlm,all of New York City, andThomas McLean of Los Angeles

'The bnde graduated fromPnnceton Umverslty and Stanford Law School She IS an at-torney With McCutchen, Doyle,Brown and Enersen m SanFranCISCO

'The groom graduated fromHarvard College and StanfordLaw School He IS an attorneyWith Pillsbury MadISon & Sutro m San francIsco




Redeemer UnitedMethodist Church

20571 Verrner JUS! W of [-94

(j Harper Woods884-2035

10 30 a m Worship915 SundayBlb[eSchool

Stepharue NIchols SImonds,daughter of Mr and Mrs. GNICholsSunonds of Long Lake,Mmn, formerly of GrossePOinte Woods, marned DaVidRichard Lamarre, son of Drand Mrs GIlbert Lamarre ofLongmeadow, Mass, on Aug26, 1995, at St Ann's EpISCOpalChurch m Kennebunkport,Mame

'The Rev John M Alhn, re-tIred bIShop of the EPISCOpalChurch of the U11ltedStates, officlated at the ceremony

'The bnde wore a candlelightstlk satm princess-styIe gownWIth an of'f.the-shoulder neck.lme tnmmed WIth satm roses,Vines and leaves Her cathe-drallength veil was tnmmedWIth roses and nbbon and sheearned a bouquet of wlute r0-ses

GeorgIe Boge of New Haven,Conn, W!l.Bthe m81dof honor

Bridesmaids were thegroom's sister, Martha Lamarreof Minnetonka, MInn., PamelaBonme of Hong Kong; AshleyFarmer and Kathanne Wey-mouth, both of Washmgton,DC, Mary McLean and JdlRobertson, both of San Fran-

1000 EducatIOn for Alll\ 45 12 15 Cnbffoddler Care



Baptism and Holy Communion

A" TFPHt iii Mlllil<;TRY and I.()(',os conVfllatloo

Grosse PointeUNITED


A Fnendly Church for All Ages211 Morass Rd.

Grosse Pointe Fanns886-2363

900am-1115amWorshlp10 15 a m Sunday School




20475 Sunnmgdale ParkGrosse POlDle Woods, 11844820

SuDclay8 00 • m Holy Eucllanst10-15 a m Church School10 10 a m Choral EuchanSl

INurstry Av"labl'l

First English Ev. Lutheran ChurchVernier Rd at Wedgewood Dr

Grosse Pomte Woods884-5040

8 30 a.m & II 00 am Worslup9 45 a.m Sunday School

Dr Waller A SchmIdt, PastorRev Barton l Beebe, ASSIX:lale Pastor

Grosse Pointe UmtananChurch t

"Melt's IUIIl ~Btlllg I'S. Dourg" ~

1030 a m SeMCfl & Church School17150 MAUMEE

881-0420Rev John Corrado,MInister

St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church881-6670Jt 375 Lothnlp at Chalfont.

~~lr 900& 11 15 a m WOrshiP~ 10 10 a m Educatton for All

Nursery AvailableRev Fred Hanns • Rev Coileen Kamke

"And ent and ModernNecromancy, alIas Mesmerismand Hypnotism, Denonnced"

First Church of Christ,Scientist

Grosse Pointe Farms,282 Chalfonte Ave.4 blocks West of Momss

Sunday 10 30 a mSunday School 10 30 a m

Wednesday 8 00 P rn


\ ~ CHURCH 19950IAad«betweenMorOSS&v:m~r~

~Nov.239'15a.m ThanksgmDg Eodlanst 9'00 a m Contemporary

GoesI Preadler Mary Ellen Rdiert.m WorsJu pEuadive lMdct oUlallllelS Inn 10-00 a m EducatIon

SalIrdIy, Nov.25HolyEu:banst for all ages

~Ncw.. 11 00 a m WorshIpSill 30m Holy ED:hansi9'15 am. Holy EochanslIt-THE UNITED Io-~a.m. Educalloli for All

~I METHODIST CHURCH 1115am MorrungPraver9'OOa.m I~~pm ~~~

ASTEPHENMINISTRY" 81 Grone PoIn1e Bhrd.and LOGOS Conllreaahon - (313) .. 5-4841

The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church

t61.akeshore Dnve. GI'OS.WPointe hnm


Mal garet Mary Brady,d.mghtel of Mr and Mrs Edmund M Brady Jr of GrossePmnte Shores, mamed RobertLablb Hlshmeh, son of Mr andMrs Basem L HlShmeh ofMont\ ale, N J on May 28,1905 4 C ..u ~ .......:, SL.dI of theSea Cathohc Chlllch

Mr. and Mrs. Robert LablbH1shmeb

The Rev Robert FISher offiCI-ated at the 5 30 p m ceremony,whIch was followed by a recep-tion at the Country Club of De-tt OIt

'The bnde wore her mother'sdress, made of candlelIght peaude sole With Alencon lace tnm,and her mother's headpIece andSIlk veil, whIch featured match-Ing Alencon lace tnm She carned a bouquet of white JrIS andwhIte roses.

'The maid of honor was SarahHaggarty of Grosse PomteFarms

BndesmaIds were Stacy Alter of Baltrmore, Sabra Dalbyof New York City, MlIJ1l Car-delho of Toledo, Sarah Watts ofAnn Arbor; and Laura Watts ofthe City of Grosse Pomte

'The flowergrrl was PhoebeZmllnennan of Grosse PomteFarms

Attendants wore short slateblue silk wrap dresses and carned cascades of pmk gardernas,orchids and Ivy

Seth Emerson of Wl1hston,Vt, was the best man

Groomsmen were the bnde'sbrothers, Ed Brady of Chicagoand TIm Brady of Grosse

Rev. SeIl8Ca S. Foote

Air Force AIrman Ronald J.Johnson graduated from baSICtrammg at Lackland AIr ForceBase m San Antomo Texas HeIS the son of Dr Joseph andRebecca Johnson of the CIty ofGrosse Pomte

MIchIgan State UniversIty andIS the son of Gerry R Hambnght and Chnstme Relf, bothof Grosse Pomte Woods

•Lara LeBrun Strong of

Grosse Pomte Wood~,daughterof the late Mary and the lateGeorge Strong. and Julie Eliz-abeth Smith, daughter of Mrand MI"! Gregory C Smith ofGrosse Pomte Farms. wereamong the wmncl"i of D!>m'lOnUniversity's alumm award

The Pastor's CornerFamily mealtimes

By MonslgIlOt' Dennla Kan1tyOur lady Star of the sea Cathoic Church

I look forward to ThanksgIving Day each year because I remember many happy ThanksgIVIng Daysfrom the past. They began WIth the morning tnpdowntown to \\atch the Hud:.on'" TII,;U Lhe lei.atlVes gathered for the trawtlOnal turkey dinner, all ofus around the table, catching up on the family stonesand sharmg new ones

A fnend of mme and I were remInIscing the otherday about the "good old days," I wonder If the "goodold days" were really all that good or wd they Simplyget better WIth time and selectIve recall

At any rate, my friend was bemoanmg how seldomhIS fanuly sat down for dinner together We remem-bered that when we were groWing up, the farmly gen.erally ate togther Now the pressures and actIVIties ofmodern socIety seem to lmllt opportumtles for a wholefamily to gather at the same time for wnner on a regular basIS

My mend's family was an example of what IS hap-pening to many Amencan famIlies "Mary and I bothwork," he said. "The two oldest children attend collegedunng the day. They both work mghts to help pay fortheU' schooling. One of them works every week mght,so he 18 never home for dinner Monday through Fn-day. The other one has two week mghts off but workson weekends. So when one 18 home, the other Isn't.The one who could be home on Tuesday and Thursdayhas another dIStraction: a grrlfnend. He often eats outwith her or at her family's home Our ll-year-old hasno college classes and no Job; but she does have balletlessons, GIrl Scouts, softball or baskethall practIce,sleep-overs at a fnend's house, and other thmgs to do.

As for Mary and me, we have a tendency to comehome from work exhausted, IODglng for nothIng morecomplicated than a fast food munch Mary glides off tosoak 10 the tub while I fmd solace in front of the tubeThe message to any children who happen to be homeIS clear: please do not make too much noise when youserve yourself from the fndge "

As a bachelor, it may be presumptive of me to com-ment on family life; but it seems to me that the loss ofthe fanuly gathered for dinner is a great loss It isreally the only consistent place for the famJly to be to-gether for commumcatlOn. Other hours of the day findfanuly members even more scattered than at dmnertime, and in the evenmg hours, you can't have famIlyconversation with the TV blaring

Dolores Curran, a family lIfe sociologist, researchedwhat makes families healthy. ProfeSSionals who workWIth farmlIes rate "values the family table" as one ofthe most common characteristics o~bealthy fanulIesWhen families do not eat together ..~y start losmgcommumcatlon, phySIcal and emcticM1al closeness andrelatIOnships.

"Before long," she wntes, "the famlly operates lIke aboardinghouse or a household of roommates, ratherthan a fanuly. Once upon a time, when a familybought a house, they asked where the dinner tablewould go. Now they wonder where to positIOn the tele-VISion set. So desIgners have begl1n elImmatmg fonnalwmng rooms In favor of large rooms tied to thekItchen where TV IS the focus "

How many tunes 10 the last month has your entirefamily eaten together WIthout the TV on? Mamtainingthe value of the fanuly dinner In your home may takegreat sacnfice on everybody's part and be achIevedonly a couple of times a week; but It IS worth the trou.ble to make a tune when parents and chIldren converse, argue, counsel, laugh and learn whIle they passthe potatoes

Guest speakerto visit UnitedMethodist Church

Claudia Lucia DeLorenzoof Grosse Pomte Woods andRobert C. Brown of GrossePomte Shores were elected toWayne State Umver!lIty's PhiBeta Kappa chapter

Pride of the Pointes

Navy Lt Jeffrey T. Griffin,son of Joseph and Barbara Gnffin of Grosse Pomte Park, IScompletmg an overseas deployment aboard the gUlded mlsstlecrU1ser USS Pnnceton He IS agraduate of the Uruverslty ofNotre Dame, where he earneda bachelor's degree In bUSinessadministration

'The Rev Seneca S Foote,preSident of the Uroted Method1St Retirement CommurotlesInc, WIll speak at the 9 and11 15 a m sel'V1cesat GrossePOinte United MethodistChurch on Sunday, Nov 26

Foote IS an expert on care forthe agmg 'The Urote<!Method1st Retirement Commumtlesowns and operates two centersm southeast Mlclugan 'Thechurch IS located at 211 Morossm Grosse POInteFarms

Matthew R. Hambright hascompleted trammg at AnnyROTC Camp Challenge at FortKnox, Ky He IS a student at

J€!jPi U .1 .0SA. FlIt m'_

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News Health 58

18348 o1IIaci c:l!ue • g~o~u.Polll1e 'Jawl1'Jo~.::S"'ed~ Ca!1 (313) 884-3380

qjE.nuaf :Dumalofc5!J •'lf)£~~klll {!ana~ :DdEdian andCluahruni

{!~OlU'lf}£t!Jof' • dfa/~ and .::Naill

oVtofu • 1EfJ CU:uu • d?aJ',£~ • cIICIU

announces the openmg of

Dr. David A. Scott

Anorexia? Enjoy Thanksgivingbut don 't ignore the problem

Antl-depresslve medIcatIOn ISalso often helpful, combinedwith cognItive as well as emo-tive therapies

If you have a frIend or a relatlve With an untreated eatingdisorder, by all meallll ddvlsehim or her to seek profeSSionalhelp Much IS available and ItIS now more effective than ever,with the grOWing experience ofmental health professIOn ,J" andavailability of the newel II , dlcations

AnoreXICS can be spotted bythe eVIdent underweight andbulimiCS by the behavIOrs of"hinging," In which the personWill consume huge quantitiescandy, cookies or Ice creamThey might even consumelarge quantities of vegetablesto proVide a full If not stuffedfeeling, to produce the Impetusfor vomiting

Eating would seem to be themost normal of human actiVI-ties, and It IS hard to belIevethe extremes to whIch personsWith eating dISorders WIll go,but for some reason these pe0-ple become fIxated on food andIts connectIon to body Image,SIZe and shape

Eating dIsorders Includethose who are grossly obese,another Ilfe-threatemng condi-tion In thIS case, people be-come addIcted to food, Just asothers may become addIcted toalcohol, cocaIne, herom or nICO-tIne ingestIon produces ashort-term feeling of relaxatIOnor rehef, whIch IS hIghly prIZed,and longterm morbidIty IS over-looked or demed These peopleare In need of mtensIve medIcalcare and longterm superVISion

The best way to deal WIththese people IS to gIve fIrm andrepeated adV1ce WIth a compas-sIOnate and non Judgmental at-titude Thelf problematiC be-haVior should never be thesource of cruel JOkmg AVOldmgthe subject altogether IS "ena-bhng" of the troubled behaV10rand does no good The problemWIll not go away by Itself

Eating dIsorders are qUItecommon when one Includes thelarge peroen~ of overweightAmencans Most of lIS ratIOnalIZe our excesses and try towork off the extra weight WIthexercises at home or m gyms

It IS a long struggle and adehcate balance, but for thetune bemg, enJOYThanksgIvmg We are lucky to hve m aland of plenty and peace Wehave a lot to be thankful for

Memberot• """,,,can Academy 01 Familv Phys,,,an,

• ,\mC"r (,)1"\ ~\('dl( l{ A~o:;.(X~a~\on • Amencan Oc;,tropattllc As.sooatton

'1ha~c c1 spenal Interest In health, nutfltlon, sportsml.'dl( me. and preventIve medICal care to help

your family stay healthy"

You may call 881-5001 for an appointment

Grosse PointeFamily Medicine

at111 Ker<.heval, SUite 300

Cros~e Pomte farms

Victor Bloom, M DSpecial Wrller

ThanksgIVing IS turkey time- ~tuffing, mashed potatoes,cranberry SdUce, sweet potatoes,md pumpkm pie, maybe WIth',Orne whIpped cream To thoseof us who love to eat, It IS a JOYou~ tlme

But beheve It or not, thereare d growmg number of people\\ ho g"t SIck to theIr stomachsat the thought of stuffing them<;elves They are afthcted WlthanorexIa nervosa, a debIlitatmgand deva~tatmg condition m\\ h Ich persollS could literally"tal, e themselves to deathSomehow he or she, (mostly, "he") IS repulsed at thethought of a milluneter of faton her bones and IS trying totraru.form her body mto theshap€ of "TwIggy," or the pre-sent day models who are almost6 feet tall and under 120pounds

These Vogue models havebecome the standard of fashionand beauty for some, especzaIlym Amerzca, but also aroundthe world These anorexIcsmamtam the behef that such abody IS necessary fOT approvaland love, they want to be "at-tractIve," but IrOnIcally andtragIcally, they may get to lookhke concentratlon-camp survI-

vorsOn the other hand, bulunics

may Jom m the hohday festIVI'tles With vaned body SIZeS andstuff themselves on all thegoodies, but then secretly retireto throw up, so as not to gamany weIght Excess purgmg canlead to severe mmeral Imbal-ances and stoma~h aCId cancause erOSIOnof teeth There ISterrible guilt assocIated WItheatmg and confhct about mg-estlng and purgIng

These are now classmed as"eatmg-dIsorders" and researchhas shown that there IS lISuallya famIly hIstory of mood dIsorders, which mdIcates a neuro-chemical Imbalance whIch IS often heredItary

It used to be believed that.v ~these conditiOns were dae-1tl '0"childhood emotIOnal probler88,ufIbut expenence has shown thatpsychotherapy alone IS seldomelTectlve In cunng these condI-tIOns Nowadays psychotherapyI' conducted m collJunctIonWIth famtly therapy, medIcaland nutntlOnal care. supportgroups and penods of resldentJal or mpatlent psychIatnctreatment

cReb-E(!CaCampEn! o'Vt.!b,!Boaui (!.e~tifuJ in fbe'U1'U11ofo9!J


CALL 882-3500 ~;i~~~


whIch can be treated Some ofthe major symptoms of depresSlon Include Loss of mterest Inthings you used to enJoy, feelmg slowed down or restless andunable to Sit sttll, feehngworthless or guilty, an Increaseor decrease m appetite, orthoughts of death or SUICIdePhYSical or psycholOgIcal symptolns that can accompany depression Include headaches,sexual problems, digestive problems, or bemg arunous and warned

If you have symptoms of depreSSIOn, seek help Contactyour doctor, who can check tosee If there I" a phYSical causefor your depreSSion and may refer you to a mental health speclahst for further evaluationand treatment You shouldnever try to self med1cate \ ourdepreSSIon by usmg seddt~ves.alcohol, or stImulants to makeyourself feel better These efforts Will only help to mask thereal problem and may In factmake It worse

It may seem hke you are theonly one feehng thIS way but,m truth, you are not alone Thehohdays can be stressful tomany people Help IS availableTalk to your doctor

Szngle, free copzes of "Depre~slOn" are avaIlable by sending astamped, self-addressed buslness SIZe erwelope along wlih thename of the booklet to TheAmeru:an College of Obstetrlclans and GynecologIsts Resource Center, AP106, 409 12thStreet, SW, Washlllgton DC20024

For our newestphysiciaffiwomen's healthis a natural.

WOMEN TO 'WMEN HEALTHCENTER IS pleased to announce the 1dditIOn ofDr\. Anne Mane B MlCarren and "'me Lm De Vne,to our praLtlCe Each ISboard-eb~lhle m Ohstetncs andGynecologj and on stalf at Bon "tlOurS Hospital "nd likeDr Michelle Schultz, each completed her resldencj at Hutzel HO'l'ltll

At Women to Women Health Center, Ouf phllo,ophl I' 'Imrieto proVide dignified, comp;>>SlOnate lare to women ot all age' 'V.e ,)ner a\\Ide range 01 r~urces to SUppOlt JOU through the )0\\ and lhallen~e'ot hfe From ch.ldblfth to menorau..e routme exams to 'f'ClIlh:edneeds As \\omen oUflehe" I.e realll understand you and thl lhll1~e'jour hodj expel1ences throughout hie Otten, that bel ,'I ..en'ltil 1tI

can he as Important as the ,are jOll receiveFot your COl1\-enlence e\enlnl; and Saturdaj hour, are 1\ 1111He

('-all UI to ma~e an appomtment \11th Dr\. McCarren (lr lIe\ne- H


~tC1nC\ & GYnecol~19611 E.1.~ EJghl \hle Rood \t (Jail ~1lom \II ~ROlli) RII~ -1 n~)

A place for childrenA new Pediatric Short-Stay Observation Unit recently

opened at Henry Ford Cottage Hospital. The facility 15

staffed by pediatric nurses and a pediatrician on-site 0: day.

From left. are Darphine Johnson. pediatric nurse cHm-c~an; Dr. Michael McMillin. emergency center medicaldIrector; Lawa Conklin. clinical manager for the unit.and Deborah HlggiD8, administrator for patient care 88r:vices.

How to deal with depressionduring the holiday seasonBy Dr. George D WilbanksPrasldent The Amencan College ofObstetnclans and Gynecologists

Temporary blues dwmg theholIdays are not lmcommon,but more serzous symptomsmay Slgnuy clInIcal depreSSIon,which affects nearly 11 mllhonAmencans each year

It's a myth that chmcal depressIOn occurs more frequentlydunng the hohday season. butthat's small comfort to thosewhose suffenng stands In starkcontrast to the gaiety of theseason FeelIngs of depreSSionmay be tnggered by the remmders of loss that many expenence durmg thIS tIme NothV1ng up to Ideals set by SOCIety and not bemg able to purchase gifts may aggravate depressIOn

Women are estimated to betwIce as hkely to be depressedas men~ because of differentbIOlogIcal responses to stress aswell as dLfferent types of SOCIalstresses Women tend to bemore prone to seasonal aff'ectlve disorder (SAm, a depres-sive syndrome which IS probably tnggered by mdlVldualsensitiVity to varying amountsof daylight

SAD typically stnkes m theWInter - WIth up to 10 percentof those hV1ng m the north affected - and lifts when the season changes

Chmcal depreSSion IS ahighly treatable mental Illness,yet many people are reluctantto seek help It IS a medical dlsorder JUst like diabetes, highblood pre~e or heart disease.

Donald and June Veitch ofGrosse Pomte Park Paternalgrandparents are the late Charlotte and Roman Mozdrech

Matthew RyanBrei ten becher

Michael and Kel1v Breitenbecher of Lawrence, Kan _ al ethe parent.~ of a <;on Matthe"Ryan Breltenbecher born Oct30 1995 MatRrnal grandparent' arp Mr and MN Da"dAHault 01 Gro~se Pomte ParkPaternal grandparents are Mrand Mr~ Ronald Breltenbecherof Gro,<;e Pomte Park Greatgrandparent.~ are Mr~ .JohnBeirne of thp C,t. of Gro,,,,,Pomtc RoIx>rt Breltenbecher ofGrCK<;(,Pomte Park Mr andMr' Gl'orge Touchton ofGro" ...e Pomte Wood~ and Mrand MN Rolx>rt A~rault of StClaIr ShOi p,

Zachary ArthurHasenbusch

Ron and Anne Hasenbusch ofGrosse Pomte Park are the parents of a son, Zachary ArthurHasenbusch. born Oct 14.1995 Maternal grandparent ...are Mr and Mrs Donald BBassett of Port SanIlac Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Ha"y A Hasenbusch ofHowell Great grandparents areMr and Mrs Vmcent Buccellato of Shelby Township andMr and Mrs Harold Joy ofHowell

Stephen MichaelMozdrech

MIchael and Cheryl Mozdrech of Warren are the parents of a 'IOn, Stephen MIchaelMozdrech, born Oct 7. 1995Maternal KTandparent~ arc

New Arrivals

By Dr Walter Mark HassIg~181 Wnter

It's the holidays - time for famIlles to gather 'roundthe table and give thanks for the year's bounty Butsomewhere m between the sumptuous turkey and thetemptmg dessert, you start to feel a tIghtemng m yourchest You hold your breath hopmg It WIll go awayThen you wonder "Is It hc::utbUl n vI h"al t aU.d",k?"

If you have assocIated shortness of breath, sweating,fatigue and perhaps even nausea and vomltmg, thecombmatlon of these symptoms could mean a heart at

tack If that's the case, don'theSitate Head straIght for thenearest emergency room andlet a doctor confirm the diagno-SIS for you

Symptoms of heartburn, onthe other hand, can typicallymclude a burmng pam m thecenter of your chest that trav-els from the bottom tip of thebreastbone to the throat, asour taste m your mouth, fre.quent belchmg, or a lump myour throat Recurrent heart.burn IS caused by a backflow

Dr. Walter Mark HCIlllIi of stomach aCId mto the swal9 lowmg tube And once you

have these stomach aCids where they don't belong -you have heartburn.

So how can you aVOId heartburn? The best way tocontrol heartburn IS by changing your habits Are youoverweIght? Do you wear tlght-fittmg clothes? Thoseextra poWlds and tIght clothes put pressure on yourabdomen that could be forcmg stomach aCids back mtoyour swallowmg tube

Do you eat nght before gomg to bed or he down assoon as you've eaten? After a bIg meal, you should al.low at least three hours for your food to chgest beforelymg down Remember that when you he down imme-chately after eating, your stomach aCids WIll start toflow backward, and that's not the way you want themto go

If you know that you are more prone to bouts ofheartburn, you should try to avoid foods WIth onionand garlic CIgaretteS, coffee and alcohol should also beaVOIded. All of these Items contaIn chemICals that canlead to heartburn.

A common mIsconceptIon IS that mmts and gum wIllhelp relieve heartburn Unfortunately, rellef WIll onlybe temporary Mints will actually cause the lower8wallO\Vlng tube to relax, allowmg reflux aCids to backup. Chewmg gwn Wlll also aggravate heartburn be-cause you swallow lots of aU" when you chew gum.

So how do you decIde whether or not you should seeyour doctor? If you find that over-the-counter heart.burn medIcatIOns such as Tagamet HB and PepcId AC(which Bn! about one-half prescnptIOn strength) are nolonger e8S1ng your symptoms, or If you are more than two epIsodes of heartburn a week, youshould see your doctor. It could be as SImple as pre-scribmg a prescription-strength medicatlon and/or mod-Ifymg your lifestyle Others may reqUIre chagnostIctests to find out what IS causmg the heartburn

Endoscopy now allows doctors to use a tube-like m.strument Wlth lenses and a light source to see exactlywhat's gomg on in your stomach and swallOWIng tubeEndoscopic procedures usually don't reqUIre anes-thesIa St. John Health System also offers 24.hour pHmomtonng to evaluate the levels of aCId In the lowerswallOWIng tube

If medIcations and lIfestyle changes don't help to re-lieve your heartburn, laparoscoplc laser surgery maybe used in cases where a hiatal hernia IS present Ahiatal hernia pushes a small portIOn of the top of thestomach up into the chest, forcmg reflux stomach aCIllsmto the swallOWIng tube Through the use of laparos-COpIClaser surgery, a surgeon can wrap and tIghtenthe swalloWlng tube so that the reflux aCIds won't backup any more LaparascoPIC laser hiatal hernIa repaIrgenerally results In a shorter hOSPItal stay and aqUIcker recovery than traditIOnal herma surgery

My best adV1ce to you thIS hohday season and everyday, IS to learn how to do thmgs In moderationThere's nothing wrong WIth a four, five, or even SIXcourse meal as long as you use good healthy commonsense and sellSlbly sized portIOns

If you have any doubt about whether It'S heartburnor heart attack, see your doctor Here's WIshmg you ahealthy hohday season

Dr Walter Mark Ha.sszg /.S a gastroenterologlst onstaff at St. John Hospital and Medu:al Center He /.S aresident of Grosse Pomte Woods

Heartburn or heart attack?


EntertainmentNobody does it better- James Bond is back!

The latest James Bond villainess Xenia Onatopp (FameJanssen) develops a crush on the newest 001 (Pierce Brosnan)in "Goldeneye," the 17th film to feature the adventures of theworld's mast famous secret agent_

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

The Wmter Gallery CrawlWill leturll for the beCOnd timeunder the auspices of theYWCA of Metropohtan DetroIton Fnday, Dee 1 The popularhohday event, once sponsoredannually by the DetroIt CouncIlof the Arts, has attracted morethan 3,000 people of all backgrounds mto downtown DetrOItfor 11 years

The Wmter Gallery CrawlfunctIOns as a market develop-ment tool for over 35 partlClpat.Ing gallenes and surroundingshops located between theRIVer and the BOulevard, andfor DetroIt generally It IS a fa-vonte shopping opportunIty forthe holiday season With De-trOlters, suburbanites and tourISts PartICipants complete thell'gUt bUYing WIth purchases ofongInal art, while dIscovenngsome of the new addltlons tothe gallery scene

The Gallery Crawl WIll trans-port partlClpants to upwards of40 gallenes featurIng exhibI-tIOns of pamtmg, sculpture, ce-ranucs, photographs, functIOnal,wearable and enVIrOnmentalart Tour buses WIll CIrCulatebetween the gallenes on SIX m-drVldual routes at 15-mlnutemtervals from 5 to 10 P rn

Jazz Forum at C.P. UnitarianWednesday, Nov 29, 8 p m atGrosse POinte UnitarIanChurch, 17150 Mawnee, GrossePOInte

TIckets are $10 In advance,$12 at the door For InformatIOn, (313) 9611714

. Gallery Crawl returnsTour buttons are $5 In ad

vance IIml ~7 on thll clliy 01 theCrawl Cluldren may partlCIpate WIthout charge Buttonsmay be purchased m person, bymaIl (YWCA 1411 E Jefferson)or the mght of the Crawl atselective gallenes

The YWCA IS located at1411 E Jefferson (the Old Un!verslty Club) The YWCA hasfor over 100 years proVIded ser\Ice to women, chIldren andyouth through health and fit-ness classes, cancer prevention,sheltermg abused women, pnrvldlng youth leadership trainIng and much more

The Gallery Crawl servesmultiple purposes, benefitmgthree drfferent sectors of theDetroit communIty The partlClpatlng gallenes Will realIZe mcreased sales from the holidayshoppers Proceeds from theCrawl's tour partlclpatlon feesWill support YWCA programsThe City of DetroIt WIll receivemcreased posltlve VISIbIlity as acultural destinatIon pomt TheYWCA IS colIlIDltted to the reVItalIZatIOn of Detroit and seesthe Wmter Gallery Crawl as aposItive effort toward thiS goal

For addrtlOnal mformatloncall (313) 259 9922

1V001d's most famous secretagent He looks good In a SUItand can be seriOUS or comedIcwhen the part calls for It

So people who hke JamesBond movies should enJoy"Goldleneye " The film sets outto entertaIn, and succeeds Theplot IS serviceable, however, acouple of plot deVIces were hardto understand

But people don't go to Bondfilms to see the secret world ofspys That's what John Le The Paul Keller/Cary KocherCarre mOVIes are about People Quartet Wlth guest clarmetistgo to Bond movies to see some Mike Jones and vocalIst SunnyactIOn, beautiful women and Wilkinson revive the classIClisten to clever one-hners small band SWing era sounds of

If that's your cup of tea, by Benny Goodman and ArtIeall means see "Goldleneye " Shaw at the Jazz Fonun,

, I



Onatopp (thmk about It)Dutch actress Famke Jans

sen plays Onatopp over the topThe villamess kills men bycrushing them between herlegs When she machmegunned a room full of computertechlclans, her face had a beatIfic expreSSIOn

There must be the good BondgIrl In tlus case a RUSSlllncomputer techmclan played engagIngly by SwedIsh actress lzabella Scorupco, who IS morethan mere decoratlon Hercharacter, Natalya Simonova,sums up Bond mcely - a boyand hiS toys

As the new Bond, PIerceBrosnan does Just fine as the

against a RUSSian City, and tosee If It poses a threat tc theWest

Of cow-se the weapon poses athreat'

Bond's pursUit of Goldleneyeand the mastermmd behind Itstheft takes him from St Petersburg tc the Canbbean Alongthe way, Bond finds old ene-mies useful alhes and oldfnends deadly enemies

One of the difficulties mmaking a fresh and modernBond mOVIe IS that the audrence IS so famlhar WIth the formula that they've come to expect certain things

You have to have the Interestmg VlUam - In thIs case amystenous RUSSian gangsternamed Janus, who played anImportant role In Bond's pastThe VIllain must have a lackeywho kIlls In Interestmg waysIn thiS case, It'S a renegadeRUSSIan woman named Xenia


Rated PG-13. some adultsubject matterStcrnng Pierce Brosnan andSean Bean

B]1 Don't Bother2 - Nolhlng Spec1al3 - It Has Momenls4 Better Than Most5 - Oulsland,ng


By Jim StlckfordSiaft Wrrter

The last Bond film was madeIn 1989, an eternity by filmstandards So producers knewthey had to come up with awinner to answer the questionof whether Bond still has It

The lS yes "Cklldle-neye" starts off ""th two excellent action sequences The firsthas Bond bungee Jumping off a700 foot dam In the old USSRThe second has Bond followmg,on a motorcycle, a pilotlessplane off a chff to get awayfrom a gaggle of RUSSian soldlers chasing him - and allthat's done before the openingCredits

The mam story takes placeIn the present When we nextsee Bond he 18 drIving hlS c1asSIC Aston Martin around theroads of Monte Carlo with awoman, when he gets Into arace with the beautiful drIverof a red Ferrari

Bond's passenger !lU'IlS out tobe a psychlatnst sent by thenew M - a woman! - to evalu-ate 007 to see If he has a roleto play In the spy world of the19905

When Bond gets back to London, he and M argue aboutwhether an old Cold Warweapon called Cklldleneye, de-Signed to knock out electroniCCircuits, still eXIsts. Bond ISproven nght, and IS sent to StPetersburg, RUSSia, to find outwhy "Goldleneye" was used

DSO rings in an expanded Christmas Festival at Orchestra Hall

'American Buffalo' opens

FollOWing last year's sell-<Jut Ben Huys of the New Yorkconcerts, the Detroit Symphony City Ballet WIll take the stage,Orchestra WIll tlus season offer w,Iule during the evenmgan eKpanded Chnstmas Fest! oorfllrmances of Dee 19 23, Sanval at Orchestra Hall, featunng aFranclSCO Ballet stars Evelynan even greater selectIOn of CISneros and Anthony Ran-concert presentatIons, WIth dazzo parr up for pas de deuxmore performances Like pre- (Showtlmes vary TIcket pncessents under the tree, the DSO's range from $17 to $27 50, anddIverse Chnstmas Festival con- matinees are halfpnce)certs hold a specIal treat for The acoustically perfect envt-every kmd of musIc lover, from rons of Orchestra Hall WIll re-pops, Jazz and rock, to famtly sonate WIth YuletIde cheer beevents and youth concerts, and glnmng on the fIrst day, andof course - the classICS ending on the last of December

For more than two decades, The "VIenna ChOir Boys," onethe DetrOIt Symphony Orches- of the world's oldest ensembletra has supplied MIchigan audr- tradrtIons, begIn the FestIvalences With one of Its most cher WIth their performances on FnIshed holIday happemngs, day, Dee 1 at 8 pm and SaturTchalkovsky's "The Nutcrack day, Dee 2 at 4 p m For overer" ballet, With Its luxunant 500 years, the VIenna ChOirsets and costumes, and magIcal Boys have inSPired the worldspecIal effects WIth theIr angehc VOIceS They

This year's performances Will are only vocal ensemble thatagain be held at the Fox Thea can count Mozart, Haydn andtre from Thursday, Dee 14, Schubert as collaborators asthrough Saturday, Dee 23 Pro- well as fans (TIcket pncesvldlng superb choreography range from $15-55 )and danCing, Jacob Lascu and Next, the esteemed Tales &Dance DetroIt WIll collaborate Scales children's theater troupe\vtth some of the finest dancers reVIves a tIme-honored fairym the country On the evemngs tale,"The Pled P1per of Harne-of Dee 1417, Darcl KtstJer and 1m" ThIs chanmng and In

See 'Nutcracker and More!'

concert Saturday, Dee 30, at 8p m TIcket pnces range from$15-$60

And finally, thiS CIty offersno finer tradrtum than theDSO's armual New Year's Evegala, "NIght m Old VIenna,"whIch IS sponsored by the Detrolt EdIson Foundation Revelers can step out In style by JomIng the 080, conductor LesheB Dunner, soprano Karen Chftand profeSSIOnal ballroom danc-ers at tlus snazzy OrchestraHal! SOIree Afterwards, aud!ences can take a whirl on stageto the straIns of the Mack PIttOrchestra Sunday, Dee 31, at9 p m TIcket pnces range from$20-$85

TIckets for all of these con.certs are available at the Orchestra Hall Box Office or bycalling the DSO at (313) 8333700 TIckets are also availableat all Ttcketmaster TIcket Centers, Includtng Hudson's, Harmony House, and BlockbusterMUSIC,or by calhng Tlcketmas-ter at (810) 645-0666 TIcketsfor "The Nutcracker" performances are also available atthe Fox Theater box office

the Little Leaden SoldIers" and"Sleigh RIde" A VISIt fromSanta and the tradItiOnal carolsing along WIth audience partlC1pabon WlII conclude the pro-gram

The 8 p m concert WIll takeplace at the Macomb Center forthe Performing Arts. M-59 atGarfield In Chntcn TownshIpReqerved seating tIckets, pncedat $20 ($18 semor/student) canbe obtamed by callmg the boxoffice at (810) 286 2222 or TIcketmaster

pm, Sunday, Dee 17, at 3pm, and due to specIal de-mand, an added 7 p m. show onSunday ('llcket pnces rangefrom $15-$55 )

ClassIC rock fans also havesomething In their stockmgfrom the 000 thlS seasonRockers Blood, Sweat & Tears,led by DaVId Clayton Thomas,Will take the orchestra, conductor Leshe B Dunner and adventuresome audrences for arolhcklng nde on the "spumingwheel" of popular rock classiCSplus a few holIday tunes Thisconcert takes place at Orches-tra Hall on Saturday, Dee 23,at 8 p m fficket pnces rangefrom $10-$50)

Audtences can make thatspecml tIme between Chnstmasand New Year's even morememorable WIth a VISit to Orchestra Hall on Saturday, Dee30, at 8 pm, when the mcom-parable Jimmy Dorsey Orches-tra SWIngs down memory laneAnd for all those concert-goerswho couldn't keep their toesfrom tappmg all mght, a Dorsey Orchestra dance combo WlIIprOVIde the musIc for an onstage dance party folloWlng the

"Nutcracker and More'" WIllbe presented by the MacombSymphony Orche<;tra, ThomasCook. musIc dIrector, on Fnday. Dee 8

The Romeo Cmc Ballet WillJOIn the orchestra In excerptsfrom the "Nutcracker"

An old fashIOned Chnstmastheme WIll prevaIl the rest ofthe evemng Anas from "Mes-Siah" WIll feature sopranoMana Cmlarelh and bantoneMark VonDrak Orchestral favontes WIll Include 'March of

Class serves up holiday toastChampagne and sparklmg class IS a companson of the

WInes are subjects of a tWl>-part French Duetz champagne andtasting class Mondays, Nov 27 Its Amencan house, Malsonand Dee 4, from 7 to 8 30 P m Duetz Dunng the second week,at the War Memonal the class studies a number of

Bonme Delsener conducts the dIfferent Brut styles fromsessIOns, whIch proVIde an op- France, California and Spainportumty to sample a vanety of Delsenser bnngs eIght year'sstyles whIle learmng helpful teachmg expertise plus expeninformatIOn that allows you to ence In the wholesale and retaIlselect and serve champagnes Wlne bUSiness as well as In caand sparkhng wines Wlth confi tenng to her presentatIOndence Study the hlstcry of The class fee IS $35 for twochampagne, the geography of weeks and mcludes WIne Forthe groWIng regIons and how more mformatlOn, call the Warthe dIfferent styles, extra dry, Memonal at (313) 8817511Brut, and rose are made Advance regIstratIOn IS re

The focus of the first week's quested

earned themselves a perrnanentplace on Amenca's radro wavesand Jukeboxes, and they Willperforrn popular hits plus a fewfestIve favoTltes Toppmgthings off, the DetrOIt Sym-phony Orchestra and a full gos-pel chOIr WIll proVIde able ac.companIment on Saturday, Deeg, at 8 pm and Sunday, Dee10 at 8 p m (TIcket pncesrange from $15-$65 )

New York's Pops maestro,radIO broadcast host, composerand TV bandleader - every-thmg conductor Skltch Hender-son touches turns to gold Thisalso apphes to hlS holiday popsgIg WIth the DSO - "Chnstmas Pops WIth Skltch Henderson," whIch now Includes anadded date due to enorrnouspopular demand In addrtlon tofavontes such as "Meet me mSt LoUIS," "March of theToys," 'The Chnstmas Song"and "Carol of the Drums,"Henderson WIll lead a merrysmg a long AudIences can alsoexpect a special VISitor fortheo;e Pop Senes concerts scheduled for Thursday, Dee 14, at 8pm Fnday. Dee 15, at 830pm Saturda). Dee 16, at 8 30

structlve story uses fIrst rateprops and lots of musll:al fun tokeep the wee ones enthralled,offering them mUSIcal ullllghtsmto groWIng, playmg, andlearrung Leslie B Dunner conducts thIS Young People's Concert Senes event, whIch ISsponsored by The Detroit Newsand Target Stores Two performances Wlll be gIven on Saturday, Dee 2 at 11 30 a m and 2p m (TIcket prices range from$7 $26)

Orchestra Hall's gold leaf or-namentation WIll be complemented by the golden tones oforgan, brass and stnngs dunngthe Hohday Chamber MUSICCelebratIon on Fnday, Dee 8at 8 p m Popular conductorHenry Charles Smith from theSouth Dakota Symphony, leadsmternatlOnal orgamst BrendaLynne Leach and the orchestraIn a feast for the ears (TIcketspnced from $10-$40 )

The followmg night, the 000shows off Its mUSical color m"The Colors of Chn~tmas" starnng Roberta Flack, Peabo Bryson, James Ingram and MelissaManchester on one ',QuI filledstage The~e art ht, ha\ e

The explosive expose 01the darblde 01busIness Is revealedIn David Mame!'s "American Buffalo" at Wayne State'. StudIoTheatre on Nov. 30 through Dec. 10. Starring. from left. areAndrea Lauren Iral8. leu Cutler and J.D. House.

cross, assaults Bobby, JUst be-fore a phone call that proveshIS mnocence A fight eruptsbetween Don and Teach, whoargue over the turn of events,but make peace awkwardly after the emotIOnal stcrrn BobbyIS taken to the hosplta I and theheist becomes "much ado aboutnothmg"

Heather Lechner, a thIrdyear HJ!berry Company member and an MFA student In tbrectlng, directs thl" productIonThe talented cast mcludes J DHouse (Grand RapIds) as DonDubrow. Kelr Cutler (Montreal)as Teach. and Andrea Krass<Southfield) as Bobby

The scenery for "AmencanBuffalo" WIll be designed byChns DomanskI (Garden CIty)costumes by Mary Jackman(Carleton), and lighting by FredFlorkowskl

"Amencan Buffalo" WIll runIII the studiO. Nov 30 Dee 1,2and 7 9 at 8 p m and Dee 7and 10 at 2 p m Ttcket.~ rangem pnce from $5 to $7. WIthspecla I dl'lCounts for groups of20 or more

For tIckets or more mforrnatlon call (3131 577 2972 <NoteThe play contains <;trong Ianguage not SUItable for chIldren)

The Wayne State UmversltyTheatre Department bringsDaVid Mamet's popular "AmerIcan Buffalo" to DetrOIt thISfall Capture Intngwng facetsof the bUSiness world at theStudIO Theatre on Nov 30,when small tIme crooks go forthe big tIme

The story of three pettythieves who try to pull off ahelst has been mterpreted as amicrocosm of the AmencanbUSIness world Sometimeshumorous and often mIrroringthe dark SIde of busmess, thegnppmg drama creates a reahstlC SituatIOn based on the simster forces that pervade Amencan socIety

The play features the shopo....ner. Don Dubrow, hiS fnend,Teach, and Bobby, an employee Thlnkmg he has bE>enbuffaloed out of a valuable com,Don Dubrow plans to steal thecom back, usmg Teach andBobby to help Teach. an opportunr~t persuades Don to dumpBobby from the heIst

Plan~ change, hOWE'ver.whenFletcher. Bobby s replacement.doe~ not show up for the robbery and Bobby, who appears.I~ Imphcated In the disappearance Teach angry at Bobby forwhat he assumes IS a double

Grosse POlDte War MemonalAdmISSIOn for non-members is$4 Can (313) 881.7511

• ••


mAPPENINGSThe DetrOit FilmTheatre pre8enh

"Double HapPiness" at 4 and 7p m Sunday, Nov 26, at theDetrol t Institute of Arts Call(313) 833.2323Lakeshore Family YMCA, 23401E Jefferson m St Shores,has Big Band Danemg at 9 pmevery Saturday AdmiSSIon lot$3 50 for non. members, $250 formembers Call (810) 778-5811•••A book slgnlDg by Grosse Pomte'sPete Waldmelr wl1l begIn at 6pm Monday, Nov 27, at Marge'aBar Call (313) 881-8895• • •The Cranbrook Inatltute ofScIence WIll hold Its aClence book,software and toy festIval from 11a m to 5 p m Nov 24 and 25, andfrom 1 to 5 p m Nov 26.AdJn18BlonIS $5 for adults, $4 forcluldren and semora and lDcludeeadmISSion to the museum Call(810) 645-3200 for hours• • •The Edsel & Eleanor Ford HouseWill hold an exhIbItion, "TheSport of Games," a selectIon ofInstone games and toys from theLawrence SCrlppa WJ!lcnBoncollectIOn Tours of the house.wluch has been deeorated for theholidays, are aVB.llable throughDee 31 Call (313) 884-4222•••Stewart McMIllin WIll present atour, "The History of DetrOit'sAuto Industry," from 930 a m, to4 30 pm Saturday, Nov, 25,Lunch WIll be at the Poloniarestaurant, and 18!Deluded m thetour pnce of $28. Call (313) 882-9940 or (313) 445-4416• • •The Lakeshore FlUD1lyYMCA inSt ClaIr Shores IS takingregIstration for craft tables for Itsannual Chnstmas cal'Dlval andcraft show from 10 a m to 2 p mSaturday, Dee 2 Table rental feeIS $25 Call (810) 778-5811•••The Detrol t Institute of Arts'annual Wassail Feast, WIll beheld on SIXmghts, Dec 7-9 and14-16 Feasts begin at 630 p.m,and last until about 10 p mTickets are $150 a penon andInclude valet parlung, receptionand commemorative giftProceeds support the DIA'sgenent! operatmg fund Call (313)833-4005

16600 Stephens (9 112 Mde, oneblock east of Grahot)

AudItiOns are from 7 30 to 10pm There are roles for 13 menand women of vanow ages, m-e1udmg two teenage boys

For mfonnatlon, call YvonneDuleckl (810)772-6429

•••Meadow Brook Theatre on thecampus of Oakland Umversltypresents "A ChTl"tmas Carol"Nov 24 through Dec 27 Call(810) 177 3100

•••The Golden LIOn and RodgerMcElveen ProductIOns presents"WlIJ You Still Love Me m theMornmg" Saturdays, Nov 25through New Year's Eve at the,",oleJcn LIOn, ~~J!lU Morass mDetrOit Dinner and show IS$2295 Call (313) 886.2420

•••Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Josephand the AmaZing TechmcolorDreamcoat" will play at theMasoOlc Temple Theatre fromNov 30 through Jan 28 Call(810) 6456666• • •Henry Ford CommuOlty CollegeTheatre for Young Audiencespresents "A Chnstmas Carol" onFndays, Nov 24 and Dec 1 at 7pm, Saturdays, Nov 25 and Dee2 at 3 p m and 7 pm, andSundays, Nov 26 and Dec 3 at 3p m Tlckets are $8 for adults, $7for students, $6 for semors andclnldren under 13 Call (313) 845.9867 • • •"The Tlme of Your Life" runs Dee1-17 In the Earl 0 A SmithTheatre on the Umverslty ofDetrOIt Mercy's McNicholscampus Curtam times are 8 p mThursdays, Ffldays andSaturdays and 2 pm SundaysTlckets are $10 reserved, $8 forstudents and semors Call (313)993-1130 •• •"Forever Plaid" Wlll return to thestage at 3 pm Sunday, Jan 28,at the Macomb Center for thePerformmg Arts Tlckets are $24for adults; $22 for semors andstudents Call (810) 645-6666

~----------------,: DO yOU... :I want to be included in The MATCH box? II Then fillout thiS fOmland tum It In at 96 Kercheval, Grosse II POInte Famls by 3 P m the Fnday before pubhca~on II Event -------------- I: Date Time. I

Place II Cost ------------ I: Reserv-at-io-n-s-&-Q-u-es-t\-o-n-s?-C-a-n-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ I

Contact Person I~----------------~

riI~h~:"~"~l!JPublIC Library'scentral branch wIll present twoThanksgIvmg mOVIesfor clnldren,"A Charhe Brown ThanksgIVIng"and "The Mouse on theMayflower," from 1 to 2 p mFnday, Nov 24, at the lIbraryAdmISSIon IS free and noregistratIon IS necessary Call(313) 343.2078•• •The Grosse POInte CtlleD\'aLeague WIllpresent a 35 mm'Slideshow, "Lands of TurmOIl ltf'lHeMoslem World" by RufusMcGaugh at 8 p m Monday, Nov27, m the Fnes Audltonum of the

AuditionsEa'tpomte Players an

nounce, auditIOns for the ongtnal scnpt Counterpane,' am, stery on Tueo;da} , Dee 5and Wedneo;dal, Dee 6, at theEa'tpomte RecreatIOn Center,

The Concert Band WIll bnnglo the hohday season by play109 March Of the Toys" andSleigh Ride' along WIth hIgh

lights from "West Side Story,"ProcessIOn of the Nobles" by

Rlmsky Korsakov, and "Fhghtof the Bwnblebee," featUrIngmanmba solOIst Brett France,who IS a semor percUSSIOnist atGrosse POInte South and amember of the Grosse Pomte

Community Band at ParcellsA free concert WIll be given Commumty Band

b, the Grosse POinte Commun FollOWIng the concert band'sIt) Band at the Parcells Middle portIOn of the program, the&hool Audltonum on Thurs- Dance Band WIll play severalda), Nov 30, at 8 pm selections to mclude "NIght

TrillO," DIZZy GIllespIe's"NIght In TuniSia," and "ThePmk Panther Theme "

The Grosse Pomte Commun-Ity Band IS offered throughCommunIty EducatIOn, and hasopenmgs In every Instrumentalsection for people who playband mstruments

For mfonnatlOn regardIngthe band Or the concert, callRalph Miller, wrector, at (313)3432240

T HEATERBroadwayVideostage, a new

form of hve theater located at21517 Kelly Road lD EastpolDte,presents "The Sound of MUSIC"Fndays through Sundays throughDec 31 Call (810) 771-6333

• • •The comic whoduDlt "ShearMadness," the longest-runnmgnon-mUSical m Amencan theaterInstory, runs at the Gem Theatrethrough Dec 31 across from theFox Theatre m DetrOit Call (313)963.9800 •••The HIIberry Theatre at WayneState UnIversity IS presentmg"Prel ude to a KIss" through Nov30 and "A Midsummer Night.Dream" through Jan 18 Inrotatmg repertory Also, EugeneO'Neill's "Beyond the HOrIzon"runs through Feb 8 and"Amencan Buffalo" WIll run m thcstudiO Nov 30, nec 1, 2 and 7T1cket pnces and showtlmes vary('all (313) 577 2972

other mUSIcal Instrument., andmany partICIpate In churchchOIrs and choral "".oup'

Proceed, of the concert areu'led to support the War Memo-nal, programmmg actl"tle'For more mformatlOn call 13131881 7511

• • •Grosse POInte Gallery, 19869Mack lD Grosse POinte Woods, ISfeaturmg a collectIOn of 18th and19th century RUSSIan IconsdUTlng the hohdays Alsofeatured hand-blown coloredglass perfume bottles and vaseshy WIlham Glasner Call (313)884-0100 • • •The Oakland Commumty CollegeRoyal Oak Campus PottersMarket WIll hold Its annual showDec 1-3 The benefit preVIew onThursday, Nov 3D, from 7 to 9pm IS $10 AdmISSion IS freeFnday through Sunday Can (810)544.4955 •• •"Wlldhfe and Their Hahltats," anart show, wIll be held from 10a m to 6 p m Monday, Dec 4, andfrom 8 a m to 5 p m Tuesday,Dec 5, In the Ontano room of theWestin Hotel m DetrOIt The freeshow features award-wlOntngwlldhfe artist DaVId H Bollmanof St Clair Shores Call (517)224 3108 or 131319~3 1528

this gothic armor. dating to 1485. Is part of the Arms andArmor display which bas been permanently restored at tbeDetroit Institute of Arts. 5200 Woodw<Ud,

Hv 2 no p rn Fndny


Father and daughter. together in song. Grunyons foundingmember and musical director, Bill Gard and Noteworthy mus-ical director. Martha Gard Corbin, relax after a joint Grun-yons/Noteworthy rehearsal. The popular Grosse Pointe vocaleDSembles <Ue preparing for thair holiday concert Fnday,Dec. I, at 7:30 p.m. in the War Memorial's Crystal Ballroom.

Corbin Anne Robert, andTracy Thorpe Arrangement..are pro\ llled b) Martha herGrunyon father Blil GardAnne Roherts a nd other"Ource. It.<;member<;hlp I' nchlr1 mU'lCal talent Several werecollege mUSICmaJo~, some play

THE MATCH BoxThe Lake St Clair Symphony C 'I d b M 'Orchestra w111 perform "The ompl e y argle Reins SmithNutcrdcker" at 8 pm SaturdayDec 2, at the SchauhllnAuditorium 21100 E Eleven MdeIn St ClaIr Shores The concertwIll feature the dancer. from LoRu S( hool of Dance Tlckets areava"dole dt the door or by phoneCall (llIO> 776-1012

I1RJ-The Ashley ChnsGallery, 15126

Kercheval In Grosse POinte Park,presents new works by POinteStudIO Ten, a group of womenwho explore a vanety of medIathrough Dec 30 Call (313) 824.0700 •• •Ambleslde Gallery, 375 Fisher In

the City of Grosse POinte, ISpresently exhIbiting "The FoxHunt," a collectIOn of horses,nders and faxes In bronze by Ney,York Sculptor Manlyn NewmarkAlso, new watercolors by PhIlHobbs and Nigel Pnce, pastels byMlclngan artists Bdl Hosner andMary Beth Koeze, new works bywIldlife artISts Richard Sloan andMatthew HIllier The gallery wdlalso offer a three.part lecturesenes by Michael Farrell, "TheTradttlOns of Landscape, Still LIfeand Portrait Paintings In Art ofthe Western World" The last twolectures are Nov 28 and Dec 5, at730 p m Call (313) 885.8999•••Postenty A Gallery In the City ofGrosse POinte, presents the workof Grosse POlDte artist GregTlsdale HIS etchings of theEdmund Fitzgerald, the RIchardReISS, the Iowa and the SouthPark are Included ID theexhIbition runmng throughNovember Call (313) 884.8105• • •The DetrOIt InstItute of Arts,5200 Woodward In DetrOit, ISexhibitIng the Pame WebberCollectIOn of ContemporaryMasters through Dec 31 Inaddition, the DIA's armorcolleetlon has been restored to tbemstltute's Great Hall, Ioclong ofTa senes of MedIeval lectures andprograms Also, an exhibitIOnfeatunng the work of ArabAmencans runs through Dec 31Call (313) 833-4249

• • •The Scarab Club, 217 FarnsworthIn DetrOit, wdl present the 26thannual Michigan PhotographyExhibition through Nov 25 Inthe lounge gallery, the art of JackOld. WIll be on throughNov 30 •••The art faculty at Wayne StateUmverslty WIll have ItS annualexhibit at the CommunIty ArtsGallery at WSU through Nov 28For more mformatlon, call (313)577-2423

• ••The Center for CreatIVe StudIes'Center Gallenes IS hosting "TheHohday Show Objects for andAbout the Hohdays," throughDec 16 Call (313) 874-1955

• • •Scenes of Grosse POInte areamong the pamtlngs of PierreBlttar on display at the PierreBlttar Galler~', 296 Maple InB,rnungham Can (810) 4339917•••A collectIOn of Ehzabeth LaddLee's photographs from theAfterhfe Senes Will bp offeredthrough Dec 15 at the ShadowBox Cafe, 2917 Trowbndge mHamtramck Call (313) 3651004

109 WIth two ongmal members,alumnI from 10 other collegesand an age range of approximately 35 years, the ensemblecontmues to offer Its spec181brand of a capella close harmony and entertamment toscores of audiences throughoutsoutheast Michigan and beyond

Like the Grun'rons, the hiStory of Noteworthy IS SImilarlyrooted 10 the college smgmgexpenence In 1978, after leadmg a small smgmg group forIBEX, a local women', fine artsclub, Anne Roberts WIth AnneParcell' committed to organIZmg a smgmg group SImilar tothose they had heard and sungWIth at SmIth College Today,Note"orth) has 17 members

Known bnef1y as "TheBird, Noteworthy meets 10

member<; home. on TuesdaveH'nmg' for rehear-al, Thegroup entertam. at pn\ atp partll>' fundralsers. nUf'lDghome' church gatherings and,lnnllal club meetmg' Smce1(jRR Note"orthy ha. performed -.everal tIme' a., Grun'ron. gue<;t at 'Spnng SlOg alarge gathering of Ilmateur ~ocal Jazz en.<;embleq tLquallv held10 \anOll" pa,t coa,t locatIon"

'IIotp\\0!1h\ , CUITl'nt lpadpl"J" " 'II II (cl h\ :'1,l1th. (',1I d'h

November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

The Match Box IS a Iistmg oflocal events To be mcluded,fill out the form on thISpage. Call (313) 343-6293WIth any questIOns

Noteworthy, Grunyonstogether for Christmas

Grosse Pomte's O""1lNoteworthy and Grunyons \ocal ensembles penonn a cabaret styleholIday concert m the WarMemonal's Crystal BallroomFnday, Dee 1, from 730 to9 30 p m TIckets are $9 Doorsopen at 7 pm

Noteworthy and theIr malecounterpart, Grunyons, arecompnsed of local reSIdents,who slOg for the love of musIcThe groups, entertammg separately and together WIll perfonn beloved Chnstma, favorlteS, from Santa tune, torehgiou. songs, 'lOme <;enous,some lIght, and onglnal mu'lCas well

The Grunyon, were e,tablIshed m 1949, when eIght localYale graduates WIsh109 tocarry on the smgmg tradItIOnof their uruve~ltv 10 thp .tv]eof the famous 'WhIfTenpoof"came together to form thegroup The Grun) on. '-OOn expanded to a more \er"Stilegroup of 16, drawmg In menassociated WIth othpr llnl\erSIt) mU'lcal expprlencp. To-day, they remam aCllve In 'up-portmg and perfO! mmg vocalJazz," a mUSical IdIOm 10\0"109 the adaptlOn of m.trumental Jazz technique, to thp rend,tlOn of vocal comJlO"ltlon.

:'J"O\\ II Il.., lG II

"l[Iu _S J_ cTorn SaundersDetrOit JaZl All

::>tars plays Dll(leland Jalt andSWlDg musIc from 8 to 11 p mevery at Marge's Bar &Gnll on Mack at BeaconsfieldCall (313) 881 8895

•••The Michigan Opera Theatrepresents Humperdmck' "Hanseland Gretel" at 3 pm, Sunday,Nov 26, at Hlstonc TmutyCh.urch Tlckets are $7 and $10Call (313) 8748750• • •The ArchdlOcesan Chorus andOrchestra presents Handel's~Messlah" at 3 pm, Sunday,Nov 26, at the Cathedral of theMost Blessed Sacramen t TIcketsare $10 lD advance, $12 at thedoor, $8 m advance for studentsand semors Can (31d) 865.6300• • •The Grosse POlDte CommunItyBand concert wIll be at 8 p mThursday, Nov 30, at ParcellsMIddle School AudItonumAdmls810n IS free Call (313) 343-2240 •• •Ars Nova WIll perform at 230pm Saturday, Nov 25, lD theplaza of the Henry Ford Museumm Dearborn Call (313) 271-1620• • •The Madngal Chorale ofSouthfield will present Its 15thannual hohday concert at 8 pmSaturday, Dec 2, at Instonc OldSt Mary's Church m GreektownTlckets are $10, $8 for studentsand semors Call (810) 445-6199• • •The DetrOIt OratorIO Society,Wlth the DetrOIt Chamber Wmds,wIll perform Handel's "Messiah"at 4 pm Sunday, Dec 10, at theFirst Uruted MethodIst Church. ofBirmingham Tickets are $18,$25 reserved, $10 for studentsCall (810) 650-2655• • •The Beaux Arts Tno WIllperformfor the Chamber MUSICSociety at3 p m Sunday, Dec 3, atOrchestra Hall lD DetroIt Theprogram Includes Mozart,Adolphe and Schubert Tlcketsrange from $6 to $30 Call (313)833.3700

j(ll .1.The Grosse POlDte CommumtyChorus Will present Its 45thannual ChrIstmas concert at 3pm Sunday, Dec 3, In the FnesAudltonum of the Grosse POlDteWar Memonal TIckets areavailable at the door or madvance at the War Memonal for$8, $2 for cluldren

• • •The Fort Street Chorale andChamber Orchestra WIll performHandel's "Messiah" at 7 pmSaturday, Dec 2 and at 5 p mSunday nec 3, m the sanctuaryof the church, 631 W Fort Streetm DetrOit DIrector IS EdwardKmgms TIckets are $12 Call(313) 961-4533

• • •Bnan McKmght With speCialguests Brownstone & D'AngeloWIll be at the Fox Theatre at 8pm Wednesday, Nov 22 andSaturday, Nov 25 Tickets are$25 Can (313) 953 3300•••

88November 23. 1995

Grosse Pointe News

Bkathleen stevenson

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at (313) 343 bS8?by 200 P m Fridays

At ThankSgiVIng tIme we are grate-ful to the educators who give tIme andenergy and patience to Amenca'sTreasure - its chlldren . UmqueOffice Supply and School Bell26433 Harper Avenue, St ClaIrShores, (810) 774-5270

Tammy Tedesco, an expenencedhair stylist in the Grosse Pomte areafor many years, has JomedFrancesco's Salon Call (313) 882-2550 for an appoIntment ,,~.. a com-plimentary haIr consult. 1 at17007 Kercheval in-the- 1gelook for the black and Whi strIpeawmng.

The hohday season IS fast and edmund t AHEE Jewelers hasthe perfect gIfts for that speCIalsomeone. somethIng to please every-one on your gtft-gIVIng hst ThIS yearthey have a larger selectIOn than everbefore - so stop In, enJoy a cup of cof-fee and pastnes whIle th{'Jr sale;, pro-feSSIOnals assIst you Why not see foryourself what IS belIeved to be themost extensIve collectIOn of fine Jewel-ry In the mIdwest edmund t AHEF.Jewelers 20139 Mack Avpnu(' atOxford (between 7 & 8 MIle Road,,)Grosse Pomte Woodc; Hohda} hoursare Monday - Fnday 10 00 a m 9 00p.m Saturday 10 00 a m - 7 00 p m(313) 886-4600

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!Somethmg to be thankful forKarastan, Lees, MIllIken andCustom Weave are on SALE nowat 21435 Mack Avenue (810) 776-5510.

grosse pointeflorists, inc.

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Let our photographer capture themagical combInatIOn of your chIldrensnuggled WIth Santa In a real studIOportrait, not the Polaroid Santa Isnapshots the malls are known for.

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Holiday trim.the.home seminar.Meet representatIve Judy LoomiSStore for the Home and Children'sStore, Thursday, November 30 11'00a m. to 2'00 P m.

Berndes Cookware DemonstrationKI.tchen Shop, Store for the Home andChIldren's Store Saturday, December2, 11:00 a.m to 2:30 p.m.

IBreakfast with Santa, $7 per

person. Entertamment and a VlSltfrom Santa Claus R.S VP. (313) 882-7000 extension 415 Saturday,December 2, 9, 16, and 23 Jacobson'sSt. ClaIr Room Restaurant 9:00 a m.

~btl haip co.

The GIft That Thnlls Every TIme I Lagos Collection Show. FmeWe VISIt For a gift certIficate call Jewelry Salon, Tuesday, December 5(313) 885-3360 111:00 a m to 600 p.m

i Swarovski Crystal FashionJewelry Collection Show FashIon

I Jewelry Department, Wednesday,December 6, 10.00 a m to 4 00 P m

II Chanel Holiday Eyes. Meet: makeup specialist Fran Forkin.i from Chanel. ComplImentary eyeI color demonstratIOn CosmetIcDepartment, Wednesday, December 611 00 a m to 3 00 p m.


I Buffet Dinner Every ThursdayAll You Can Eat!, Adults . $9.95,

I LhI1dren (under 10) l$4.95. ::)t ClalrRoom Restaurant, 4:30 p.m. to 7 30pm.

To mamtam your hair color In net-\H'en VISIts may we suggest TheArtec System ThIS fade preventIOnshampoo and condItIOner IS a umqueblend of botamcals that ennch &pr(ltect color trE.'ated half Now enJoya $J 00 ~avmgs on Artec color or cus-tom color shampoos ThIS offer goodthru November 30th VISit us today<it 1;)229 Kercheval, GrossePomte Park (313) 822-8080

Chnstmas Hours for your shoppmgconvenience Monday - Saturday1000 - 500, Sunday 12.QP - 4.00until Chnstmas at 5 Kerchevalon-the-Hlll, 313-882-0164, fax (313)882-6904

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cosmetIcs and receive a $35 00 gift MarqUIS by Waterford Fme China1< J:{t.,t., - while supplIes last ... at and Crystal Department Store for theTHE NOTRE DAME PHARMACY ... Home and ChIldren's Store. While16926 Kerchevalm-the-Village, (313) SupplIes last885-2154 Fahrenheit gift with Purchase.

A $65 value WIth any $35 or greaterpurchase of FahrenheIt Men'sFragrance Counter, beginnmgNovember 24

BOri-LOOTOn thl" our fir"t annIversary, Ahce,

\Llllf('<,n :\Llrlene and the entIre"t.df .It BON-LOOT wI<;hes to expressth.ll1k" and ~ratltude to all our cus-IOIlH r" To \IOU who advocate a crea-t 1\( ppr"olHd "ty Ie, who want moreth"n f1f.,'1dfa"hlOn dlctate<;, w£>salute"011 !md th.lnk you

In honor of our anmver<;ary and tokIck oITour Hohday sca"on we Will begn lIlg 1O<~ OFF any full pTlcepurchd'-!' S,lturday and Sunday duroll1g our Hohday opE.'n house at17114 Kercheval m-the-VIlIage,(;,o..,,,!' Pmnt(. (,'313)886-8386


--------~~-------------_.,,!.~._? ITV' sr.,@.M;DM,~

Section C.November 23, 1995

Gros~ Pointe NewsSports Prcp bd,kctball

c.,PHA roundupUd,»lfied


See COACH, page 4C

I;,hed 10 a tie for 10th place mthe state meet

The ;,electIOn of Berschback,whose South tearns have finIshed m the top 10 m the stateevery year smce 1988, was nosurpnse to athletIC dJrector

'He's so organIZed and becau<;e of that the kuu, have confidence 10 hIm and respect hISJudgment," Lake saId. "Kids goto a Loach who gives them confidence And he shares hIS en ..ergy WIth them He gives partof hIS lIfe to hIS players "

Because of Berschback'seasy gOIng manner, Ius playersare usually calm and colle<:tedm Important matches

'He's so together that heputs the kHIs at ease," Lakesaid

Berschback was an outstand,Ing high school tennIS player atold Austm HIgh and was offered a scholarshIp to DetroItMercy But by the tIme he gotthere. the school had droppedtenms, so he SWItched to fenc'mg

Tenms remamed Berschback's first love and m 1980 hebecame the tenms coach atGrosse Pomte North

In 1988, he moved acrosstown to Grosse Pomte Southand was Don Zysk's assIstantfor one year before Zysk re ..tired He took over as headcoach of the Blue DeVils m1989 and has been there eversmce

Berschback has complied aremarkable record m dualmeets HIS teams have posted a13624 mark, and It becomescuero more ImpreSSIve whenonly league meets are consldered In league competitIOn

By Chuck KlonkeSports Edllor

It ~ IrOnIC that "Ith all ofTom Bel,thbdck'b buccesscoachIng the boy" tenms teamsat Grosse Pomte South, he"hould be remembered by hiSpeer~ for one of hIS bIggest dlsappomtment;,

The Blue DeVIls \~ere the favonte to wm a stdte champIOnship m 1990, but ;orne upset;,In first round doubles matchescost South the title and It finIshed second to Ann Arbor PIoneer

It wa;, a bItter dJ;appomtment for Bel '>Chback, but hehandled It WIth the class hehas dIsplayed throughout acoach 109 career that began atGros;e Pomte North m 1980

'It was dlsappomtmg but thekIds tned," Berschback saId '1Just had to tell them 'Guys, It'SOK ThIngs lIke that happenI \e always tfled to teach mypia) ers to wm With class and tolo>c \\ Ith class They look to mefor an example

"It's kmd of funny that that'swhat a lot of people remembel,but I guess It'S an honor to beremembered lIke that"

Berschback WIll re<;elve another honor soon when he accepts the Coach of the Year tro-phy for boys tenms He wasselected by members of theMIchigan HIgh School TenmsCoaches ASSOCIatIOn

Last spnng, South gradudtedthe nucleus of a strong squadthdt fim'ihed eIghth 10 thestate but that dIdn't mean arebuIlding year for BerschbackThe Blue DeVIls fimshed 8 1 Indual meets and had a 6 0 re

Tom Caranicolas won Macomb Area Conference White DIVI- cord 10 the tough Macomb Areasion and Class A dlStrict htles with his Grosse Pointe South Conference Red DIVISIon Southgirls soccer team last sprIng and the Blue Devl1s gave lavored tied "Ith U D JesUIt for the reTroy Athens a scare in the regIonal. glOnal champIOnship and fin

Tom Berschback has bad bis boys tenms teams at GrossePointe South finish in the top 10 at the state meet every yearsince he became coach In 1988.

till It \\,L, .I big thmg fOi meto \\ "tth the pI Jltlces '

ell dlllCola;, became so the gdme that he came tothp Umted State, to play forAddphl Unnerbltv 10 Ne\\YOlk \\ here he earned AllAmu Ican Ie<:ogmtlOn

After earmng hIS master;,degree In 1973, CardnIcola"took a Job In Chicago andpia) ed for some of the top semIpi a teamb In thdt area FIveyears later he moved to DetrOitto \\ ark In the Ford Motor Codd ta proceSSIng department

He coached soccer at LIvonIaFrdnkl10 dnd Bentley hIghschool;, and also played onteams In Llvoma and refereedIn that city's youth soccer ass0-

CiatIOnCaramcolas thought he had

letlred from coachmg whenBentley closed, but then he gota call from South athletIc dlrector Jo Lake

. Somebody ;uggested thatshe Call me and she dJd," Caramcolas saId 'That was fiveseasons ago and I've really enjoyed myself at South"

And South has enjoyed success under Caramoolas Last) ear the Blue DeVIls won theMacomb Area ConferenceWhIte DIVISIOn champIOnshIpand also took the dIstnct tItle

South's state tournament runended at the regional level WItha 32 loss to perenrual powerTroy Athens The defeat was adisapPOIntment, but It provedto everyone that the Blue DevII;, were ready to take theIrplace among the elIte teams mhigh ;chool soccer

"Our next goal IS to wm theregIOnal,' Caramcolas saIdAnd then we'd lIke to \\ m the

~tate chdmpIOnshlp - hopefulh ne"t year'

By Chuck KJonkeSports Editor

Tom Caramco]a& I' a blulcolldr coach 10 d \\hltp wl],11town, but hIs method, ha\ ebeen hIgh I) ;ucceo,sful 10 mak109 Gros<;e Pomte South; gu I,»occer team one of the best 10the metropolitan Detroit .Ilea

"My baSIC coaching ;t\ Ie 1&'ample," said Cardnlwla,', \\hov. as voted Class A coach of theyear by the MichIgan HighSchool Soocer Coaches A"SOCiatlOn . You trap, )OU pas;, andyou supplv the ball to the openpeople If you do those thmg,well you're gomg to be &ucces;,ful

"We don't behe\e 10 a lot offancy dribblIng and we don tsupport Indll Iduah&m on thefield We playas .I team Wedon't \\ant an} spectators onthe field Ever) one has a job todo and that makes for a good,solid team'

Caramcolas dlso believe; musmg all hiS players

"My belIef IS that If you regood enough to be on the team,vou're good enough to play, ' heSaid "We want everyone topartiCIpate That way they allfeel responsIble for the outcome, \\ 10 or lose And we ve\\ on games by weanng downthe oPPOsItion"

Soccer has been a big part ofCaramcolas' lIfe smce he beganplaymg the game as a 5 yearold m hi. natIve Greece

When he was 10 hIgh schoolhe played on farm teams forthe Greek FIrst DIVISion squadsand tried to see as many of thetop games as he could

'1 loved »occer. Caramcolas~Id "I used to Inflate theballs chase loose balls - anythmg I could do to get close tothe field and watch the prac

~~ ......SIII'ftllll ••••• 1l1i,.. h:~~/ ..~~ ")r:e'Mt~~i.~~ h ',1 ""'itS tr 7 esn_ n..._\t,....~.

South coaching pair honored by their peersCaranicolasmolds a winner Berschback's net worth high

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2C November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

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Regina sends North, South to the sidelinesNovember 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

they did We fiDlshed second mthe league <Macomb Area Con-ference White DIVISIon) and ourworst loss was to Regina ..

Decisive winsin hockey league

There were two convlncmgVlctones dunng last week's aclion m the Marge's Bar SeDlarHockey League

Sequoia Industries movedmto first place WIth an 8-3 wmover RElMAX 10 the PomtesRElMAX JUIDped ahead 1'() ona goal by Phl! P1tters, but Se-qUOla scored the next fivegoals Frank Coates had twoand John DaVIes, John Kmchand Bob Murray added oneapIece

RIch Carron scored tWIce forREIMAX and Murray's secondgoal and two by Shannon No-wowleckl completed the Se-qUOla scormg

John Patterson had fourgoals and an assIst and DanPaolUCCI collected three goalsand an assIst to lead Glass Re-cyclers to an 11-4 WIn overMarge's Bar

Matt Costello had two goalsand four assIsts, whIle MIkeBaker and Jeff Qumlan addedsmgle goals

John Raft tallied tWIce forMarge's, whIle Mike Stapletonand Jeff Komasara added agoal each

the mark as time expired"East Detroit really played

well,' Bennett said "They competed right to the end"

SImmon flmshed With 14pnlnt< 2() n>bounds :md fi;esteal~ JennIfer Pagel added 12pomts and II rebounds, whileRobyn Maples had eight re-bounds from her guard positionand SIXsteals

'Robyn was Jlll>t mcredlble,"Bennett sald "She played ashard as anybody could playWe'll really miss her mtenslty"

One play Maples was mvolved m stood out

She dove for a loose ball atthe baselme on one end of thefloor, missed It, but hustledback to the other end In time tostop East DetroIt's fast break.

"Robyn ISn't gomg to beouthustled by anyone," BennettsaId

Maples and Sarah Men: arethe only two semors who'veplayed a lot for North thiS year

me and ~a1d 'I want to play,'''Bennett saId "I ~ked Ray (co-coach Ray Ritter) what hethought and I checked With ourtramer (DaVid Grevemeyer) Hesaid she couldn't do any permanenL Jam"!;" lJ)' lJi,,)' Ulg '>V \\<.

told her she could go In"Just havmg her on the Ooor

was an emotIOnal hft Theother kIds picked It up andplayed hke they \\ere excItedagain"

Peters scored SIX POints Inthe third quarter and It wasn'tlong before the Norsemen hada three pomt lead East Detroittied the game at 39-all on athree pomt play WIth a httlemore than a mmute to play,but Lindsay Simmon, who hadan outstandmg game, scored ona putback WIth about 40 seeonds left

Smunon then stole the ball,but when another North playerwas fouled she mIssed both freethrows

The Shamrocks also rmssedtwo free throws With 11 seeonds to go East Detroit got therebound after the second mIssand another shot faIled to find

were outrebounded 40-21South's Carne G€er led all

scorers WIth 20 POints, mcludIng three three-pomt goals Caltlm ShapU'o and Molly McKenzIe each fimshed Withseven pomts

The 6-foot 1 LaBelle led Reglna WIth 15 POints

The game left South With anoverall 10 11 record andmarked the final game for sen10rs G€er, McKenzIe and Mere-dith Wolfe Another seDlor,Amy Wendt, missed most ofthe season because of Jllness

G€er and McKenzie havebeen South's SCOring and re-bounding leaders all season,but Wolfe's contributions willbe missed, too

"I don't talk a lot about Meredlth because she's neveramong the SCOring or reboundmg leaders, but she doe~ thesmart things that make a teamsuccessful," Van Eckoute said

And Van Eckoute felt thatthiS year was a successful sea.son, despite the final record

"I was really pleased Withmy kIds," ~he said "All seasonthey dId what they had to doWhen we started the season 06, I didn't lose them Instead ofthem saymg, 'It'S gomg to beone of those years,' they said'we're gomg to show peoplewe're better than that' And

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bemg dble to score, you J~t falldeeper and deeper Into a holeWhen we tried to work sometIme off the clock, \\e'd commita turnO\er

Rel(lnB wa~ Just better att...\.d) j)U:)!tWJl Lilau we W~Jt

WIth Molly at only 50 or 60percent we couldn't match upWith them anywhere But I'mglad \\e got a chance to playthem We'll use thIS for nextyear so our young kids can seewhat It'S gomg to take "

Peters led North WIth SIXpomts' wlule freshman ClaireKotwlck had five steals

The Norsemen reached thechampIOnshIp game With athrll hng 41 39 VIctory overEast DetrOIt last Wednesday

North trailed 32 22 late Inthe thIrd quarter, but outscoredthe Shamrocks 17-7 m the finalperiod

It was Peters, who didn'tplay at all dUring the firstthree quwters because of apulled muscle m her hip, whoprOVided the emotIOnal 11ft theNOI~men needed

At the end of the thirdquarter, Molly leaned over to

Inside game beats Blue Devils

Parnf1f1g and Drymg Dmgrsm

'~ ....II- .........\ '\d HI! ~:' \ ) \ \ ~.


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By Chuck KJonkeSports Editor

It was an Inside Job thatrobbed Grosse POinte South ofIts chance to reach the finals ofthe Class A district gIrls bas-ketball tournament

"They outsIZe<! lIS Inside,"South coach Peggy Van Eck.oute SBId after RegIna beat herBlue Devtls 59 38 m the dlstrlct at Grosse POinte North

"We didn't have anybody toguard (Renee) LaBelle and(Sarah) Judd And when we

I blocked them out, they JIIStreached over our heads to getthe rebounds We moved theball around the perimeter well,but we didn't have anybody towork It IDSlde to "

South trailed 29 14 at halftime, but the Blue DeVils puton a spurt at the start of thethird quarter and closed thegap to 11 pomts' forcmg Regina

Ph,,!, h, Th,a L \hlker coach DIane Laffey to call atimeout and SWitch to a half-court preo;s

That seemed to work as theSaddlehtes boosted their leadback to 15 pomts and mam.tamed that margIn for most ofthe second half

"We didn't play badly andmy kids played hard the wholegame," Van Eckoute said "RegIna was Just better "

Even though South was oftengettmg posItion under theboards, the smaller Blue DeVils


vanced to the stdte quarterfinal~ before 10~lng m overtIme toDetrOit Kmg

"ThIS was a great team to\\ork WIth,' Bennett said'They listened and theyYo vJiu.-J ~1,~Jl~ U VLdHI •

North fell behmd RegIna 2110 at hallhme and the Saddlehte~ Just kept addmg to theIrlead 10 thl' '>€Condhalf

'We pla)ed fine defenSively,but \\e Just couldn't >'cOle,"Bennett ....lld And b) not

Crane scoresin Spartan wins

comes an anllual thing," Gutowsaid 'And If we have enoughmterest, \\e II expand beyond16 teams next year "

Jumor left wing Brian Cranescored a goal 10 each game recentl) as Michigan State'shockey team posted 6 2 \ ICto-rles over Notre Dame and Cornell

Crane notched hIS first colleglate shorthanded goal m theNolre Dame game

In seven games thl<; season,Crane ha~ two goals and an asSISt to boost hiS career total.for 64 games to 10 goals andeIght a~sl.ts

Crane. \\ ho has tallIed threegame \\ mmng goals for theSpartan~ h a Grosse PomteSouth grad


overall mark, And If Molly (Peters) hadn't

been hurt, I thmk we wouldhave won thobe two games mthe league (UtICa and AnchorBay) that we lost The highhght• "f tf]l' ye:lr \\ erc bC:ltmg(Grosse Pomte) South tWice andbeat 109 Fraser So far, we'rethe only team to beat Fraser"

North went mto thiS season\\ Ith only one starter (Peters)back from the team that lostonly t\\ lce 10 1994 and ad

Saturday, Dee 30, from 10 amto 9 pm, and on Sunday, Dee31, from 10 a m to 2 pm Eachteam Wlll play one match onFrIday and two on SaturdayThe finals and semIfinals WlIIbe held Sunday

ApplicatIOns may be pickedup at the Woods park begmnmg at 6 pm, Monday, Dee 4The first 16 teams WJ11gam entry to the tournament Anyothers go on a waltmg hst

One player from each teammust be a Woods reSident, butthe other partner doesn't haveto be named until Dee 26 Thedraw Wlll be avaIlable Dee 27

Players must have their $15tournament fee and show theIrpark pass when they pIck uptheir applicatIOn

For more mformatlOn, call3432470

"We want thl~ to be a funtournament and ~ e hope It be



By Chuck KJonkeSports Editor

Grosse Pomte North's tournament trad was a lot shorterthiS season than last year, butcOach Gary Bennett had nocomplamts

"At the begmmng of theyear, I said I'd be ecstatiC If wefimshed 500" he said afterlast Friday's 54 25 loss to Reglna In the Class A dlstmtchBmplOn~hlp game at Northleft the Norsemen \\ Ith a 12 11

There's a dual purpose forthe first Grosse Pomte WoodsPlatform Tenms Tournamentnext month

"We're trymg to expose ourfaCIlity to the resIdents of theWoods," sald tournament dJIector Ken Gutow "A lot of themdon't even know It'S open durIng the wmter months, but wehave to platform courts andthey're among the finestaround"

Gutow would also lIke to m-troduce people to the sport

"It's a spmoff from tennis,"he saId "But a lot of peoplehave never seen It or played ItWe're gomg to have free les-sons on the Fnday and Saturday of the tournament We Justwant to mtroduce more peopleto the sport and show themhow easy It IS to be good at It "

The tournament Wlll be heldat the Woods park on Friday,Dee 29. from 4 to 10 pm, on

Grosse Pointe South defenders Meghan McGahey (SOland Caithn Shapiro (24) get into posi.tion to stop Regina's Tiffany Traylor during last week's Class A district tournament girls bas.ketball game crt Grosse Pointe North, Coming up to help is South's Molly McKenZie (4).

Woods to host platform event

The firllt Grosse Pointe Woods platlorm tennis tournament will be held Dec. 29-31 crt theWoods park building. Committe. members, from left, are Jack McHugh. parks and recreatlondirector Bill Babcock cmd tournament director Ken Gutow. CommIttee member Ken Meek ISnot pictured.

- __ -.&0 ---_ ..- -

4C Sports November 23, 1995Grosse Pointe News

Scores, highlights from house league games

The Pointe Girls Soccer Auociation Mustangs '85 took first place in the under-ll diVI-sion of the Michigan Youth Soccer League. In the front row. from left. are Betsy O'Arcy.Katie Hollerback. Beth Mumaw. Suzanne McGoey. Hillary MIller. Mandi Marsh andLauren Michaels, In the second row. from left. are Beth Sanders. Meghan Brennan. Sle-phcnue Rose. Rebecca Brandt. lillian Karlik. Molly Zeller. Nina Carlisi and Amanda Mari-nello. In back. from left. are Rick Sanders. Jim Brennan. Lisa Miller and BobKarlik. Notpictured 1$ Kristin Shelden,

Flyel'li 5, Jaguars 1

Goals BreI Faber 2 Paul K06Sa1<Tory Fortunau. Andy Redan <Flyersl

Assists Faber Kossa!< 2 (Flyers)

Roadnmnel'8 7, Canucklll

Goals Ans Karabetsos 3 IUcJue GtfflD 2 ,,",ck Andrew. Tom Tavery <Roadrunners~ M1chael Mazzei (Canucks)

AssISts George Murph) 2 Andrew 2,Kyle Breckenndge Tavery Giffin, Karabetsos (Roadrunners~ Wilham Lee(Canucks)

Comments The Roadrunners re-ee.ved ...,hd goaltendIng from StevenSwancoat and good defellSlve play May lIIatt Lowsell, Evan Scottand Kns Ste.. G<Jahe Palnck Schafermade .. ,ero! fine saves for the Canucksand teanunates W.lham Moran, Ryano Keefe Jack Stevens and J T Gagealso played well

Roadnmnel'8 5, Bnnns 2

Goals !bchle Giffin 4, Nick Andrew(Roadrunners~ Brad Lenard. Tom Solo-mon (Br1llllS)

AsslSls Andrew 3, Kyle Breckenndge 2, Ans Karabetsos. Joey Youngblood <Roadrunners)

Comments. Giffin scored tWice ID thelast two nunutes of the second ~nod tobreak a 2-2 lie The Roadrunners gotgood games from forward Gabe Kome-c:zIu and defensemen Tom Tavery, MtkeMay, Matt Low.sell and Evan ScottGoalie Craig Onderbeke made severo!fine saves for the Bnuns and teammates M1chael lUcks, Damel Lathamand R>chard Braee also played well

Graves collected a goal andthree BSSlSts, Day had twogoals and Abraham scored theother goal. Taylor Ryan andBrown also had abSlsts

Grosse Pomte scored threetImes In the second penod andonce In the third

Midget divisionThe Century 21 East Grosse

Pomte Bulldogs opened the LIttIe Caesars Hockey League sea-son WIth a 4 1 VIctory over BIl'-

"mmgnamAdam Gilrczyca, Bnan Bres-

1m, KeVIn FIsher and MIchaelCurlS scored the Bulldogs'goals, whIle MIke Trewyn, BIllGmelner, BreslIn, ChrISSchulte and Jay Lambrecht col.lected assISts

DefenSIve standouts wereNIck Conely, Andrew Shlpronand Lambrecht, whIle C J WIl-hamson had a strong game Ingoal

Matt Gilrczyca scored an un.assisted goal and Cuns talhedthe WInner from Gmemer andBreslm as the Bulldogs ruppedthe 5t ClaD' Shores Rage 2 1

Conely and WillIamsonplayed strong games for GrossePOInte

Cuns scored three goals andDevon Allard collected. threeassIsts ro lead the Bulldogs ro a5 2 WIn over Port Huron

Shlpron and Adam Gorczycaalso scored for Grosse Pomte,whIle Matt Gorczyca, Gmemer,Breslm, Trewyn and Cuns hadthe other assIsts

DaVId Presnell and Pat Ballplayed well defensIvely andehns Moy chalked up the VICrory In goal

Avalanche 3, Flames 2

Goals lIIatt Scarfone 2 Bob Scarfone<Habo~Pal Schaefer (Canucks)

Assists Matt Scarfone, Bob Scarfone2, Nick DeBlouw 2 iHabo); Jack Ste-vens Brad DetWiler (Canucks)

F1yel'li 4, Stars 1

Goals Tom Klick, Bret Faber, JohnOzog, Paul Kossa!< (FIyel'll~ JIDIm)Pranger iStars)

Comments. Klick and Faber hadstrong overall ~rformances for theFlyers who got a good game fromgoshe Matt MJchels

(Bru,ru.)Comments Cobr..., goalie Nate Mm

nick madf" se\ eral outstandIng saveswhile the defensive play of Joe A-lcGmms Nick McGmlUB and Horrnk keptthe Bruma off balance Lenahan andllelllJll>ke scored their hnll Pee Weegoals Fletcher and Wargo played wellfor the Brums, while goahe Angelo Patrona had a good game


Habs 3, Canucks 1

Goals John Gaohem Jim RoneyJ P Champme (Avalanche) RemyFromm 2 (Flames)

AssIsts Jarred Champme C.caIliaiAvaJancher Palnck CISCO2 (Flames)

Comments Goalies Holhfield of theAvalanche and Troy Casey of theFlames played well The Avalanche sTom Thne had a good defellSlve game

The game was tied 2 2 aftertwo penods, but Brown brokethe deadlock early m the thIrdpenod and Sherer completedhIS hat tnck 19 seconds laterafter he stole the puck from aFlags' defenseman

T1gnanelh, Solomon, Day andAlfonsl also had assISts for theBulldogs ZeIlke stopped abreakway attempt by Port Hu-ron m the thlrd penod

The Bulldogs played a 5-5 tIeWith the Mount ClemensWolves In the first game of ahome and.home senes. GrossePOInte Jumped out ro a 4-1'leadand stIll had a 4-2 advantageafter two penods, but MountClemens scored three straIghtgoals ro take a 54 lead

Sherer talhed the tymg goalWIth a httle over two mmutesremaInmg Brown hlt Day WItha pass and he shpped the puckro Sherer, who used a Wolvesdefenseman as a screen whenhe scored on a shot from theslot

Sherer had three goals andtwo assIsts, Day had a goal andtwo assIsts, Graves had a goaland an BSSIst and Brown addedtwo assIsts CurtIS Rozelle, Solomon and T1gnanelh also hadassIsts

Defensemen Drew DaVIS andAaron Hynds played well mfront of goalIe Zellke

The next day was a dJfferentstory for the Bulldogs as theyblanked the Wolves 4-0

Zellke had ro make onlythrE* saves - and dJdn't havehIS first untJl the final mmuteof the second penod - as thedefense corps of Adam Abraham, DaVIS, Hynds, Rozelle andTIgnanelh played an outstandmggame

Cobras 3, Brums 2

("",), Paul Brady 2, J,mmy BogenIFlanung"", Matt Honuk (Cobras!

A>Slsls Robbie McCurdy Ryan HassIflP ~!mnn RohPrt TlPhg'lRnl'- 'F19mp',gos!

Commenl.> Goahes Steven Stock of.he Flamingos and Nate Mmmck of theCobr..., each played well Top skatersmcluded Gabnel RaInone of the Flammgas and the Cobras' Bryan Brayman

Bnnns 3, DeV>ls 2

Goals Brett Fletcher 2, Jeff WargoIBruons); Joe Perye (Dlm!a)

Assists Jeff Maaoerang 2 (BnullS)Comments Kyle TannheJmer and

Ton' Gathff anchored a solid BnullS de-fense Paul Georgandelhs played well ID

goal for the DeVIls "hlle DaVId Beardsle) and Matt Lombardo also had goodgames

F1l11111l11l0S 3, Cobras I

DeV>ls 3, Cobras 2

Goals Joe Perye Bobby DanforthMatt Lombardo (DeVils) Chru. Ca.>aZZa,]\,Ick Hoban (Cobras)

AssIsts Jacques Perreault PeryeDaVId Beardsley (DeVllsr Jeremy Damaske (Cobras>

Comments The game featured finegoallendIng by Paul Georgandelhs ofIhe DeVIls and the Cobras Nate Mmnick

G<Jals Mall HOrnik, Jeremy Damaske, Ryan Lenahan (Cobras~ BrellFletcher, Andrew Beer 1Br1llllS)

Assists Chns CIISlI22lI BrendenWells-Reid Demaske (Cobras>; JeffWargo DaVId Sp.cer Dan Martm

Mite Bulldogs get rolling'The Grosse POInte Hockey

AssocIation MIte AA Bulldogshave recovered mcely after aslow start In the LIttle CaesarsAmateur Hockey League

The Bulldogs have threeWIns and a tIe In thell' last fourgames ro Improve theIr recordro321

The unbeaten stnng beganWIth a come-from behind 4-3VIctOry over the St ClaIrShores Samts Three goals Inthe last four minutes of thegame lIfted the Bulldogs pastthe Samts, who led 3 0 4 112mmutes mto the second penod.

Sammy Sherer opened thesconng for Grosse Pomte WIth58 seconds left m the secondpenod, but the real comebackstarted WIth Junmy Solomon'sgoal WIth 341 remalmng m thegame The Bulldogs then got atwo-man advantage after a paIrof tnppmg penalties on theSamts and 10 seconds later,Sherer tied the game

St ClaIr Shores remaIned aman short and Jon Graves wona battle for the puck along theboards and headmanned It roJack Day, who fired m thegame WInner

Day also had two assISts,whIle ColIn Brown, Tony AI.fonsl and Andrew T1gnanelllcollected one apIece

Goahe Jordan ZeJ1ke and hISdefense held the SaInts score-less for nearly two penods

The Bulldogs had opened theseason WIth a 3 2 loss ro theHoney Baked Ham HockeyClub and a 10-1 defeat by theWarren Panthers

Sherer had three goals andan assist on Brown's tally asthe Bulldogs edged the PortHuron Flags 4-3

0<>a)' Paul Brodv 3 IFlanungo>!(omments Angelo Patrona had a

good game In goal for lhe Bnu ru. whJleMeredllh Horstkolte anchored the de-fen"" and Jeff Wargo and BrettFlelcher led a balanced offerblve attock"Ie.. n Stock pla~ed well m the nets forthe Flanungoo "'hlle J,mmy Bogen andJoe, 8,mon also had good games

Comment.... The :F'lame~ got solidgoaltendlng from Tro, Ca""y Andn>"VI"""k and Matt LampklO played welldeferbl\e!) and (hnstoan C,awle) Nalhan Wealherup "-nc D1ehl and Joe~Bogo';>an also had good performan"""

Aval8llcbe 5, Flanungos 1

Goals Jarrod Chan,pllle 2, J PChampi no Chns Welgland R>cky C,Cclalla IAvaldnche. Bob Brody (Flammgos)

A"",sts Jarrod ChamplOe 2 J PChampme 2 John Ganhem (Avalanche!

Comments Backup goahe StuCooper played well for the Avalanche"hlle Tom Ba.'Cler led a fine defensweeffort Flanungos' goalie Steve Stockpla)ed "ell

Brwns ~, F1anungos 3

teachmg"I like the more mtlmate

contact from workmg WIth 20kICIs Instead of 140," he saId "Ilike watchmg them Improvefrom March ro June and I enJoythe camaradene between myself and my assistant coaches

"It's mce to do somethmg dJfferent from teachmg It's a dJfferent kmd of stress than whatyou have m the classroomCoachmg IS kmd of a make behe ...e world It s Importantwhen you're playmg the matchRmd we make It Important -but It'S not the end of the"orld"

It's that attItude that hasearned Berschback the respectof hIS pIa, ers hIS opponentsand hIS coachtng peer.,

F1ames 3, Whalers 2


Sabres 3 Orange Crush I

Goal> Adam Rod .. Phil Ilo>oonne) ~(Sab"",! Scotl Jarbot> IOrdnge (=hl

AssI<ts Ih.-.onnev Pet,'r \\atson1\1",""( ""r ,}.on .. ,. q"".1 ') ~,3\.. " '

ham F.tzgerald lOrang, (cu.,hlComments Dd,e Altshuler Dan

Ta~rt and ~lJke Pag'In" dbpla)ed fineteam~\ork fm the Sabn.>:. ~ho got exceltenl goalk""plI1ll from Mark Bellz EneW,erda and J,mm, M.lrShall pla'ed"ell for the CYU,h

Avalanche 3, Maple Leafs 2

Goals J I' Lhampme Tom lhneJarrod Chdmplne IA,olanche! JoePerye Bobby Danforth IMaple '.eafsl

Comments Hogan Stu Coo~r andTom Baxter pla'ed "ell defenslvel) forthe Avalanche. "hlle Banda)k MallLombardo and Sobzypk \\ ere defensl\ estandouts for the Leafs

Goals Alex Nlkesch 31FIames)- KurtFaber Steven Max"ell (Whale ....)

AssISts E\ an Thorn." 2 PalrJckCISCOTrevor Clor IFlamesr Adam Ful'to, John Lam.a (Whale ....!




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... ,.."(~""'Cl'. '- ... .......-1" l"'"e1o'loI4'rm"0!'C1"" "fI"'''

$21900 a month.

In typIcal Berschback fashlon, he shares the CredIt for hISrecent av. ard

'I've had some outstandmgassIstant., - Jeff Hodges, DrDetrOIt, who handles the doubles teams, MIke Klewlet andJudy Flowers I couldn't do thISalone," Berschback said

Berschback saId that hIStoughest Job IS puttmg togetherhIS doubles teams

"A smgles pla)er IS gomg tohave ro realIZe that at sometIme, he's gomg to have to playdoubles," the coach saId . Ourfour smgle<; players are almostnever the four best On myteams, It'S an honor to pia) NoI doubles"

Berschback enJovs the contrast bet\\een coaching and

Soccer champions

Sab ...... 5, J nguanl 4

Goals. Dan Ta~rt PI,,) Bossonney 2Adam Rock, M1ke Pallhno iSabres rMax Buke, Brad Lonstane BrenlBroW&, Ben Ooborn (Jaguarsl

AHm8ts M1ke Rock 2 Mark BeltzTapert 2, Paglmo Oa, e Altshuler<Sabres>; Brown 2, Krrk Feyse 2 JayMcNamara 2, Joe Herman (Jaguars)

Comments Laura Danforth, Ph.lTOIlU1ll:lJewsklM1ke Rock IUchard Ra~and Adam Rock p18)ed "ell In fronl ofSabres goahe Eme1~ WIHlams H:lT~LSOnMatthews, Josh Finnan Stephen Sa)duk Ore" Casazza, Warren Kendel andTony Ross had good games for the JagIIllnl


Orange Crush 7, Whalel'li II

Goala. M10k Bassell 2, Jeff Hawluns,DaVid Goebel 3, Haarz (OrangeCrusb~Tropp 3, Gul. 2 (Whalers)

AssISts. Goebel Haarz Enc W",rda2 Wtlliam FrtzgeraJd, Bassett 2, ScottJarboe, Scott Lenard Hawluns (OrangeCrusb~ Tropp 2, D Ralhff 4 K SOlute(Whalers)

Comments Alan LaTour was theCrusb's WUllllng goahe MacKool andAlt Morawslu skated "ell for the Whalers

CoachFrom page IC

alone, Berschback IS 1012 Helost hJs first league match m1980 ro Fraser and dJdn't loseanother untIl North beat SouthIn the final match of the 1994season

When asked ro select thelughhght of hIS coachmg career, Berschback had ro thmkfor a moment

"On only three or four occaSIOns every year, a match ISstIli In doubt after all but oneof the SIngles players or doubles teams have fimshed playmg," he saId "That's eXCltmgbecause the whole team can getmto It and root for theIr teammates Matches hke that makea season

'''l'akmg four double!> teamsro the state finals L<; excltmgIt's rough ro play doubles be-cause the kIds ha\e ro learn toplay rogether and commUnIcateon the court If" excltmg forme every time I <;ee their! AllState) pIctureS hangmg on thewall (m the school) .

Free clinicThe NeIghborhood Club IS of

fenng a free volleyball officlatmg cltmc Wednesday, No\ 29,and Thursday, :'010'1' 30, from 7ro 830 pm In the club'" hbrary

The chruc "Ill conclude WIthtwo ObqervatlOn 'leSSlon" atBrownell MIddle School theweek of Dee 4

Classroom ~"SI0JL" ,,111 In

clude rules and regulatIOn., ofvolleyball and the rule., u'led Inthe NeIghborhood Club league<;

RegIstratIOn WIII be acceptedthrough 4 30 p m on MondayNov 27 For more 885-4600 The NeIghborhood Club IS at 17150 Water100, m the Cltv of GrossePOInte


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3Il!~Cn f64801ft'-~ .._-_II!< " OOlolbl*\l_ lCll ~e:- IIS6 CIoooo : ==:'7t'"--- ..- 1IS6_QI'SI AAlE~_ ... , u. ~ ...

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ANNOUNCEMENI'S"10~SIIII 71)1 HlllFoAl'll .. IlooIO.,,- lQI-, lI!7~

100_.. 121l11c.Ml:III ---- .. C at 0 ......

10' ....... .,3 ...... ~ Jal _ .... c..ny I!!llirloll'Q! taI".,,_ ... -EoMnot ""--

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ANDIALS 108 ~WrildIr::lAn :n::"'lCIl .... ""' lOl_kir ...1llI_s.- 501~fo'Slii 11O_Wftlld "" '"'-1llIe- W_kirSlll 711 ~StniI'- :::=:::r-..::.,101 e--o lCl_ ....kirSlll m~ __.._- ..._- 713~AlirIII :: i:"t~::.,-...109- So:6l4ll .... _

114 lM'lgC'a.dn;Ir::I&M110 iEtra"4s..a lllI,,",_ 1150 .... ~fO'AlI'lII

040 __

111 "'AdI 1C1,,",~ 116_kirRoo t4,Gloolllpon _112H1i1lt1.~ lllI,,",_ 117~Wri!Id :~--....113 ...,~

Atn'OliIOTlVE I'. "-r'--1IC"'~ llli fWII.~b9wr ... Go-.1l~""'__ fill Nil; 1lO_"'Roo !ll5 ......'1' Sth::ll* lOt ow,w 72' \IIc:M'l~FbdI III '-111 Gf<llI Tl2~Alrtll-OlIC11St* ::::....~111 IuSra

llll __ 713 ___

119T~_f1Jl_ - ..._-120' ........ _ IICI Foo9'

11' ____

96 Kercheval, INDEXGrosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

Grosse Pointe NewsThe Connection



C\IssIfied Advef1IaIng313882~



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CJe88't'edsW@[.J.[{ 11@[J ""@Q"; u.w ......... -we.

~TYl'lNG- Resumes bool<Iels, ~-~-

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Weddng SPecialsBBsl 9Ol.nd. vanety & pnce81M68-1481

SANTA lor hire Chrislrnas &oIIIce par1Jea R8lI&OIllIbleCd ArtIu at 88Hll86 lormore Infam&bon

NOVENA TO ST, JUDE MAGIC 01 J R McAtee AllMay the Sacred Heart of agBSI AI 0CClISl00S Plan-

Jesus be adored, glon- ning holiday shows 81G-ned, loved and ~ 2B6-2728throughout the world, -~-UlY--Godi-I-lXI-IllI'--llVlII-lable-now and fcr'e\Ier Ott, lor enIBrtanng at ehidllltl'SSacred Heart of Jesus, paI1I88 ClIII ChantaIe, 331.pray for us. Worlcer of 7705miracles. pray tor lIS. 51 "'Q-A-SSlC..... -A-lL-I11USIC--.,.for-any-oo--Jude, helper of the hope- caslan Solo, duo, 1nO, qUI)-

Jess, pray for lIS tel. glIlar, WHlds, vace 81D-5ay this pnsyer 9 times a 661-2241

day By the 8th day, your INKY THE Q.OWN & Oftf<Yprayer WIll be answered TOOl Face p'lntlng, ba!-It has newr been known loons, and magIC 521.741610 fllJI, never. Pubncatlon ---------must be promisedThanks, SL Jude forprayer answered SpecIalthanks to our Mother ofPerpetual Help G S

NOVENA TO ST. JUDE THANK you, Sl Jude for T1iERAPEUT1C massage & to-May the Sacred Heart of prayers ~ M.J P tal body nur1unng The Lb-

-------- male In ~ refl9f 8er.Jesus be ador8d, gIon- VIces aYallable In FuIIlied, Io\Ied III1d preserved Service salon roughout the world, 3311now and forever. OIl Sa- 'WcrtId Heart of Jesus, pray T NURTURE yourself W1th a

massage from Betsy Bleck.for lIS Worker of mua- Initial ConM.lltatlon Free llfs. YOUt home or my olftcecIe8, pray tor us St Debra Arlen Blackburn 884-1670 Women only!Jude, helper of the hop&- Attorney & CounselorJess, pray for us 821.1100

Say thIS prayer 9 bmes a ---------day By the 8th day, yourprayer WIll be 8fIlIW8ItldIt has never been known10 fail, newr Publlcationmust be promisedThanks, 51 Jude forprayer answered SpeaaJthanks to the Holy Sptnt,the BIes6ed Virgm Maryand SL The!llsa J N

JHAN( You Sl Jude and SlJoseph tor a favor ~GF

A SafeAnd Happy





~e\.ebratia~ May your holiday

be rich in the thingsthat make lifeworthwhile.




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WE are looking tor distUlClMlgrfls for children made bylaIenled llItJStS or craftsmenIn the Grosse PoInIe areafor possible caI8Iogue mer.ch8nd1Se PIeee 8llIld PIC"tur8 rl possible of your cratIor call, 882-3358 Vintage v,POBox 'J67'Zl, G_Pomte Mj 48236

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e will pay you 10.00 OIl most beauhful ffower of8lICIl tor your Oct I NoY Mt Cannel, fruilful Ville,

1995 Modem Malunty splendor ol h&aveo,8~~~ ~is Blessed Mother of the Son

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DOU Reper- Old & new, Queen of Heaven andeyes re.t. aI body repllIl'S Earth I humbly beseech

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place thIS prayer In yourhands Say this 3 hmes for3 days, publISh rt II WIll be

granled 10 you D DNOVENA TO ST. JUDE

May the Sacred Heart ofJesus be adored, glorl-lied. loved and pnlSeIYedthroughout the and IoreYer OIl,Sacred Heart of Jesus,pray for us. Worker ofmiracles, pray tor lIS SLJude, helper of the ~less, pray for lIS

5ay ltllS prayer 9 hmes aday By lhe 8th day, yourprayer will be answeredIt has never been knownto tail, never PubllC8llOnmust be promisedThanks, Sl Jude forprayer IIIlSWeTlld SpeclaJthanks to our Mother ofPerpetual Help C T C

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MInimum 5 yearsexpenence IS deslred

CompetrlJve salary withbenefits send resume to


ar- Pointe. MI. 48236IEDICAL receplIonosl/ bier,

pedIaltIc pI8Cboe, DeI10cIMedical center OulstandingIIllBrpenJonaJ sIoIIs, krIoW-ledge at medcal tenrnnol-ogy & billing EJcceIenI c0m-pensation Sand resume toP a Box 808150, 51 ClairShores 48OIlO or Fill< 313-9Q3.8738

Grosse Pointe NewsThe Connection



60 years reliable seMCeNeeds experienced Cooks,

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HOUSEKEEPER needed forlamlIy 01 4 Approlarnately20 to 25 his per week Gen-eral help which lllCIudeS,cleaning 'rorIIng laundry orcllIIdcaJ8 Call Ryan at 810-2ll3<l6OO

WANTED: IocaJ person 10 as-SISI handicappe<l man IndI9ssIng, 8 30 a m 7 30a.m, 5 days per week. Ex-oeIent for slLdenl Honestyand dependalJilIty vety 1m-pOOanI 1110-77&-2Q9() 313-8821893

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seeks highly motivated I!experienced sales person.

Send Your Resume To:Grosse POInte NewslThe Connection

96 KerchevalGrosse POInte Farms, MI48236

:. Atten: Advertising Manager



CARING ~er needed forrry ~ ~ Call alter5 882-8188

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Culllomer service Rapfor Fort .. roa 100 company

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(313) 372-8507Equal Oppo<1vnofy Employo<

ThiS POSition s pllmaryobjecIrve IS to seMce re-qUirements and prOVIdegeneI'aI suWOfl 10 themosl Impol1an1 people Inthe world our custorneI's

Key functIOns recelves andprocesses customer or- seCRET ARYl Hou8ekaeperders, Intertaoes WIth CU&- Part bme Oil W. If\ lull limetorners, shippers, and IrI- CeI Weelcdays from 9 am 10ternal departments, 2 pm 810-293-7171

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In gu lflIlS, dU11E1Sfor oorrmerclal RealmaJntalns prbng & deliY- Estate Inves1ment Corp Inery

ReqUirements 2- 3 years RenlUSSallCe Centercustomer S8MC8 expen- Typlng reqUired, 50 wpm,ence, pt'ofesslOO8/ tele- proficient wrtIl WP andphone etlquette. 1n1erme- lotus, (Windows & Dos)dlale computer skills. Minimum 2 years relatedabove averag e math worlc: expeneoce Please

ab411ty I send resume, saJarycompetence, 0 hIStory and references tomamtam positrve altitudeIn Slressful sltuallOnS ReceptlOnlSl posrtlOn. 100SalaIy $21,000- $26.000 Ren Ce~I-~ Detrort,per year Send resume! _cover letter to WI!Jyer- RECEPTIONIST. expenencehaeuser, At1n DaVId prelelallIe for busy GD*eWall, 12850 E. NIfllI Mile, Potnte saJon 313-884-8090Wanen, MI 48089 or CAREER POsmONSFAX 810-771-9046 AVAILABLEOeadllflll November 30 Experienced peopleWeyerhaeuser IS an needed for long andEqual Opportunity Em- sholt term 8SSlgf1mentsplayer. some are temporary to

CARET AKEA for cheetfut 81 pennanemyear old Woman, 24 hour Legal & ExecutJveshtfts, nonsmoI<er, Harperl Secfetanes12 Mile area. 313-&3-4613 Word processors

SOCIAL WORK Re::~:v~~ mManage care clinical Pleasant Worlang

spec1allSl In behaVlOfal atmospherehealth to P/'OIIlde dU'ect RUTH PARADISE TEMPSpatient care and on-caJl managemern _

SBI'VIC8S10 Identified chern General OffIcepopulations MSW/Cfm or 2 posrtlOnS, tull and pan

MAILlP reqUired time Ideal for respotlSlble (810)228-4600CompelJt1VesaJary wrth IndIVIduals WIth basIC

excellent benefits Resume compu1er skills and a FLEXSTAFFto JulIe a nffith. 20811 pleasant phone affilla1ed with ST JOH N

Kelly Ad ,Ste 1, persooalrty Mt Clemens HEALTH SYSTEM, EO EEasIpoInte, MI 48021 area. Call Jan

DISHWASHER! 8100792.e0D3 M~~STOCK PERSON CLASSFJED Large surgical group WIth

To start mmedlalely, tull ADVERTISING malO offices located In thelime Monday- Saturday, (313) 882-6900 Detro. MedICal Center andstaltJng $5 75 Benefits --------- m NOI1ttwestpackage after 90 days ADMlNISTRA TIVE 8S8l5lanU Detrort IS looking to hire

APPLY AT: secretary needed for Allor IndIVIdual to per10rmTHE ReNTAL PLACE ney Strong WOldpnx:ess. vanous medICal office

22400 HARPER lng, II8Cr8lanlII and 0IQIIl1t0 tasks Including greetingST. CI.AIR SHORES, =:x~ =::';: pa!len1S, lIjlpOlntment

Ml 48080 resume 10 885-2474 or eat! scheduhng, someSix bIockI8OUth of 885-7500 bookkeeping, etc

9 Mile OFFICE seRVICES Applicants must have aCONSTRUCTION helper SPEQALlST strong and posrllve worlc:

needed for roofing, Sldlng ethIC and excellentplaster and PII/I1lIflll rep&/I'S Energetx: faCllJ1les person communication and lime= have raiabIe ~ IS needed tor a busy management skillS DISCOVERY TOYS has ex.$8 00' ~ Cell 313- Ren Cen office Expen- CompelJt1VesaJary WIth panded 10"1dude computer892-9060 ence 10 Inventory control benefi1s Send resumes to software Reps ~ 313-

CASHIERS needed pat1IJme ordenng and stockJng of. RECEPT1ON1ST 343-0090Good & sale WOflung <:ondi- ficeJ kJtchen SUppilElS, P.O. Bolli 36250 An You Serious About Abons Apply MacW Morass sor1Ing and posting mail, Groeae PoInte, MI. 48236 career In Real Estate?Amoco 19100 Mack Grosse p/'IOlocopy1ng, telephone DENTAL /iy\JenosI needed (of We are senous abou1 yourPomte F8ITOS,M, 4lI236 relief operator and other olfice thai pniCbCeS 8Xlllll- successl

I1lJSC office c:1JIJes Hours Ienoe In denllstry T1Iursday- • Free PnHlC8I1S,ng8 15 A M to 4 45 P M permanent pc:l8ltlon open at- classes

' ler Thanl<sgMng T8fTllOIllIYM-F Full benefits and posi1Jon open m March lhru • ExclusIVe SuccesspaJd parking Send re- 8eplember 1996 on Man- Sys1ems Programsumes and saJary ~ day TU89day& Fnday lor • Vanety Of CommISSIOnqUilements to matemlly leave CaI Iofich. Plans

elIe 810.751-3100 Jom the No 1EXPEJENCB) Medical BIer Coldwell Banker affiliate

{of busy Eastsode Or 's of- In the MIdwes1Ilice PIe88e send re&me Ie Call George Smale III18530 Mack Ave Bo. No 886-4200375 Grosse Pomte Farms, Coldwell BankerMi 4lI236 SchweItzer Real Estate

PART TIME AeceplJonost for ,..-----IIi!!"-.Physcan's olfice E>cpen- ......... n.. "'_~._I fi£!.eoce pIllferTed Please send ., ..,.... • ....--. .....resume lit 18530 MackAve Surte 280 G.osse The PrudenbaJ InsurancePoonte Farms MI 4823S Company 01 I\menca IS now

accepmg applCa~ons for anDEN TAL asslsta nl Need e,Cltlng and challengmg

pleasant pe<son 10 8SSISl In po5Ibon The IS ooe 01

grow,ng praclIal E>cpen- ~ =..~~'~r=ence preferred 81ll-n1- a tranng allowance up to S6000124 per wee!< (plus CDmfTllSSlOOsl a

HYGlENST needed for pleas- comprehensive 30 rnontl1ant Groese PoInte office ITaJnong program full employee

F ~ pad<age andPart lime ~ & n- management opp<lIII.nI1les Forday C8I Bartl 881-&4015 addrbonaI ""ormabon please

contact Betty Carpenter orPART lime medical office as- slbM your resume to

SISlanI needed ,n Grosse The Pruden1JalPOinte Farms phYSICIan Altn 8etlv CarpenterpnlClIVe Typmg skiIs _ 3m 18 11,1& lloBdsary Please send resume Sterling Helgl\ts, Michigan10 18530 Mack Ave SuIle 48314280 G..- ~ Farms, 8::~:~~~Jroj~fMf 48236

MATURE, raiabIe ~(of Ianderganner & secondgrader, 1- 3 bmes per ~830am tl330pm 885-2194

BABYSITT1:R needed 1- 2days per ~ Ill- 4 for 2toddlers Own Ir8nSPOl18-bon references I8qUlredIlOn-SmOker Please call8&4-0079


NANNYFUll & part I1me313-769-5265

The Nenny CorporatIon

I Full time e~penenced legal <e<.retaryneeded for dOl'illlownI law office M,OI01umof 2 yea" legal e'penence re<:jmredSlrong typmg & <ecrelanal <krll<nece'<3r) \!Icro<oft Wordfor Window, a plu, Medical bencfil< a\aJlable & parkmg

I allowance pr"'lded



HAIR stylist WIth expenenceS2SO guarantee plus com-ITWl8Ion EJcceIenI opportu-nrty for 1he right person CaI81G468-4157

PART bm. Early I1IOITWlQ$1<10 per ~ New8pIp8fmotor route Call 884-2430CaI 1-8llQ.6:llXi031, arry-bme 16113 Mack Ave

WAITRESS. b8ItendtIr, IJUS.person AfipIy at TeUy'ePlace, :m91Mack, G.-POII1le Woode

CASHIER8I SUIs hIlp lorRen8Iseance Center IW-IIlII/l( Shop, UI ~rne lW1dChnstmes Call ~ 10-4,31~162

NEEDm- I'I'lOnla IcokIng lorextra lnoome, PlII! bm8 fn:lmhomel Make your ownhours, ~ ~ CIlIl.Jz, 810.77&-4274

RECEPTIONIST. pari bmeShould love pels Awti at15612 Harper

*WAITSTAFF, Cool< & PorterApply- Soup Kitchen saJoon,FllII1ldjn at Orleans Ea8l ofReo Cefl 2- 4

HAlRDAESSSl Ae&stanl- WIIlaln, Ilcenge IlIqUIIlId C8J1882-6240


SCHOOL SYSTEMCounselors tor Summer

Camp O'Fun 96 Looklngfor Elementary Ed llI8jOrSand college studen1s WIthexpenence In recraaboncumculum, gytnnastK:s,Tile Kwon Do, swimming(current life guard cer1Jfi.eate required). tennIS,sports, 1llU8IC, drama,science PfllllIClS, cook-Ing, ete 6-7 hours a day

Director and AssIstanls forSummer Camp O'Fun96 Prefer degtee In Ele-mentary Ed or IlICIlla-tJon Good SUpeMSlOOand OIganil8boo skillsreqUired

Latchkey care GIVerS andSUbshtutes needed$6 6OIhour Expenencewith children grades K -5 a plus Apply 111 personat 389 S1 amr Ave,Grosse PoInte, 2 blocksE of CadI8llX, off Jetfer-son Office hours 8 - 4


Due to an /Ilternal promo.bOO, GeotgI8r1 East IS Inneed of an AdmlSSlOOSDirector The po6IIiOO ISfull bme and reqUires ex-cepbooaI verbal, wnttenand organlZBtKln sIo11sMarketing expenence ISalso helpful Dubes IrI-elude COOfdll8tJng d8iIyadmlSSlOOS of paIlents tothe faCIlity, !JV1ng tours,ImplementJng the centermat1c:e1IJlg plan and c0n-duCtIng IT18I1<ebng callsto refeIraJ sources In thecomrmmrty We otter anexcepbooal saJary andbenefits package Includ-Ing 401K and a beaU1lfu1woriang envronmenl Forconsidel'abon, please for-ward your resume to

Tammy HartleyGeorgl8ll East

21401 Mack AveGrosse POInt&, MI 48236


MIOlmum OuahfiC3!10ns

• Bachelor < Degree from ana~credlled college orUOlver<l.Y


• 90 hOUr<of college credItand enrollmenl In a ..chool ofeducation

(or)• (crft,!Icallon a< a M,~hlgan

Public '\chool Teacher(or)

$ '\8 00 10 $64 00 per day + bonu<e~




Plca,c fornard rc'ume and leuer of Inlerc'llo..... 'h Lak. "'hoo/<

Pr",," 1II<pa I1IM"'H700( ' •• '\fa<k

1lI ( 1.1. 'ill ,M I<hlJlll" 4lMJlIO

People PersonalityMarketing company looking for several key

people wno like to tiave fun and help us wrIhmassIVe growth High Income potential


RECEPTIONIST needed forg&netlIj oIlice dlAIes, ap.proAlmale,y 24 hoursweeldy $61 hourly Phone8loIs a must Please sendIespotIS8 to Grosse PoonteNews Bo. M3lO, 96 Kercheval Grosse PointeFarms MI 4823S


HospdaJ based fitness ~gram seeks part brne fit-ness COOfdnalor Bene-fits Included

We offer a variety 01 fitnessclasses prenatal, aen>bics, Slap and sculpl &SBnIOl' fitness

GARAGE -ooant. PleasIngalIJlude 7 am. 2 pm, luIbme $6 00 Ie start. VillageMarathon Kercheval atCadI8UlC Grosse Pomtesee PhIl

200 H(l~ WANIID GEN!Ul

COURIER/ClERKLarge sul'QlC8Jgroup withmwn orflCeS 1OCa180 In 1I1e

Detrort MedICal centerComplex IS looking to hire

a tull-tlme couner/clerkWill require travel to

offices located mostly IntrJ.county area Must have

own transportalJonApplicants must have

strong posrtNe work ethIC,good communicatIOn andtime management skillsCompetrtlVe Salary WIth

benefits Send resume toCOURtER/CLERKP.O. Box 36250

Groue PoInte, MI. 48238NEWSPAPER deIMlry We

are CIJITIlll1Iy acceptng lIP" Send resume topIca1lon for eerty morning Peggy Murphy Kurzahome deIMl<y motor JOU1IIS Bon Secours HospitalMonday- Fnday, weekands 22300 Bon Braeand 7 day routes 8YlIl1abIe S1 ClIlJr SI\ores, MI 48081

~~~~' MR.C'SDElJA rvIiabIe vehlde a must No expenence necessaryMust be 18 years 01 age CashI8fS, COOks, clerks,No bllJng or collecting or stock help Must be atsales Involved It ltIIe<8sIed least 16 StaltJng peycaI 884-2~ ~ 3 based 00 expenencea 01 and 5 Born. any day or Apply at Mr C's Dell1~1 You may ,~ In person at 16113 18660 Mack, GrosseM8CII Ave bIIIween 3 30 PoInte Farms, Mack ata.m and 5"00 a.m E Warren, 881-7392 Ask

COOk wanted 5 tlIghts SmaJl for John or 20915 Mack.RlIS1auranU' Bar GrtlSSll Grosse POinte WOOds,Pomte 822 7523, caI be- beIween 8 & 9 Mile 884-_ 12- 5 pm 3880, Ask for DebbIe

NANHYI hou8ek8eper, Grosse WAJTRESSeS. WlI 1raIn PartPoon1e 2 children Non- bme, full bme /It¥t III per-smoker WIth references son Insh Coffee Bar & Grill,lJve In ~1632 18666 Mack Ave, G_

Polnte FarmsNAIL TECH needed A vile

Salon 81ll-41s.8888 FALL CleanI4>" Leal taIuHselC snow plow cIri'ioanl and

lilt shoveIels ll82-3671lT SNOW plow dnvers needed,

MAMA Rosa s Plzzena needs experience & V8id dnversCoolls, WMslaIf PIzza Mak license necessary, $101ers & Phone Help Apply aI- hour 885-2248tar 4 pm 15134101ack. ASSOCIATE TRAINEE

DElJVEAYpeople needed $8- Immediate ~Ings for.$10 per hour /It¥t ,n per_ nous, career minded Ind~son after 4 P m Mama VIdual capable of partJcI.Rosa's P1zzena 15134 paling on a dynamICMack. tearn People onented

CARPENlERS. rough, I8Sl- organlZ8tJon offers on thedenbaJ, new h,res, own jOb IraJnlng, above aver-1ranSpoI\alJon Benefits. 313- age earning and chOIce884-5311 of IocallOnS call Va-



Be a nanny Full bme! part-I1me Must have expen-ence Good saJary andbenefits No fee

Nanny NetwOItl 73&-2100BASKIN RobbIns- Day sIift

12 NootI- 5 pm Call 313-343-CI64ll or 31~

LOCAL contractor _langparHnne helper Dependa-ble onlyf Expenence 118085-sary Must have own trans-portabon $7j hour PleasecaB 81~7~199

HAIR UnllmnBd has openmgsfor a SIytisI and a ManlCur.1st We oIfar oomll\lSSlOl1and a great team to ~wrth 19609 Mack, 881-0010

APPI.JCA TIONS accepted forc:astoer clerk, stock, meatCUll.... Must be 18 Yorkshill Food Markel 16711Mack.

HAIR SlyIiSl to Jom lucido'sHalr care SllIff Ask for JoeOil Sheia, 810.773-«>44

OflILl cook, waIImsses Fullor PlII! bme AW1 WI1tIn20513 Mad<. Grosse PoonteWoods Closed Sundays!

URGE Cadilac dealer lookingfor 8llp8nIInCed sales c0n-

sultants Great benefilsgreat Iocabon, great oppor.l1Jnrtyt Immediale openl/l9SPlease sand re&me toPOBox 749, Warren, MI~749

DlSHWASH~ iI.nIor«l's Res-lauranl Grosse POinteWoods31~


Immecl!ate opentrlgS Otherlabor work available


Security OfficersImmediate openings Over

16 benefits Must havecar, phone NlQhts and

weekends Wilt lralnTRIAD PROTECTION

(313)881-1200WA/TlIESSI W8Jts1aIf wanted

Expenenced Please applyat 15102 KerchevalGrosse Porile

• for qualified IndMduals


Send resume toJohn Hancock Financial Services

Motor City AgencyPO Box 68

I'll. Clemens, MI 48046-0068(810) 792.3939 Ext. 234

Temporary position commencingmid.December will look great on

your resume.Please call (313) 882.6090



lUMMI. HELPIntema1Klna1 marbtlngcorporation expandtng

Immedl8te posdlOllS aYaJINo expenence necessary-lrall\lng plOV1Cled Great

resume Expenence$1025to start


November 23, 1995


RetaIl rnatlagement expen-ence preletred DutJeslIlclude staffing, SChedul-Ing, PUrchasing, mer-chandlSll'lg and overallrespon$IbIIIly tor all tunc>bons except finatlClal re-porting Absentee 0WI1eIlIneed take cIlarge 'ndMd-ual to operate 2 estab-lished video SIol"8s Greatcppcnurvty b light per.son Send resume toVIdeo Store Manager,19th Floor, One Wood-ward Ave, DeIrort MI48226

TEACHEI't A9soslanls neededPlII! lime afternoons Earlychildhood edUC8llOn pte-ferred 81ll-n2-44n

TAX preparer, 3 years expen.ence mlnlnun H & R Qual.Ity controlled preferredGood pay FIexille hous81ll-ma350


Our Harper WOOds Busl-ness Office (Est 1968)Seeklllg ptllllOOIIble, sm.0llr8 & dependable IndI-viduals who possessgood telephone skills toCJVlKS9lI our salesI orderdesk clept CustomerlAsp c:ontact enhancedWIth some sales back.ground, however, will!JaIn Managementop-portllnlty aVllllable MinI-mum hours are 5- 9"30P m d8iIy 9- 3 P m Sat.urtiay Safe, pleasant,profitable WIth base sal-ary, commiSSion andgenerous bonus Incen-bve plan Leave mes-sage for Mr Blyanl(313)886-1783

COOI(S. p8It bme, full lime,wil IraJn /It¥t In pe<sonIrlsh Coffee Bar & Gnl,18686 Mac:II, G_ POII1leFIImIS.

ItOSTESS- FllII Part tmeD8yB Grosse PoirM AISlau-1lIIll.~0

GENERAL Help Will 1I'amMusl ~ Salurdays De-pendable AfipIy at GrossePOJnle Laundry, 21138Mack, Grosse POinteWoods.

John Hancock Financial Services IS currentlyconducting IntelVlews and hiring select

IndIVIduals for the position of Account ExecU1lveIdeal candidates Will possess a recent college

degree In BUSiness, Finance, or Marketing Thisprogram proVIdes the followmg benefits

Individual with strong keyboarding skillsto work in publishing environment of

prestigious Eastside suburbancommunity.

1(..-UTTLE I1aJy's PIZza needs

phone pe<son, pam mak.ers, cIeIiIIlIry dnYet's. Qlll81Q.469.2935, 52&0000

$6.00 PER HOURMust be 18, have Md'l1Qlll1

dnver's rlC8llSe. Must beavaJIable 8- 6, any dav ofthe week. Apply at MrC's Car Wash, 18651Mack Avenue

TEACHER A9soslanls ~Infantl Toddler programVanous hous. 881-2255

• Comprehensive paid training program.- CompetrtlVe compensation- FUll benefit package, Including pension and





Grosse Pointe NewsThe Connection November 23, 1995





ARTIFICIAL Ctlnstmas trees4' 1/2 round tree hangs onwa.l lIldudJf1Q iqIIs $25 71(1 PIne, oxceplJonally IIAI,$50 313-822-8159

lITTLE likes, playpen, '-llhchaJ r etc Call 88lXl355

CJe.'1'IedsW0lJIll ~@w. W@I!)

~PING POflQ table WTtI1 pad-

dlee, herdly uaed $75 881-9726

KI TCHEN .AID prolesslonal350 watt oountor- top standrTHxeI Model KSM50 whileenamel finlsh stainless steelmixing lloll4 POIIMll!>hleld,lIa1 bealer, dougI1 /looI( andWV8 wIIIp AskJng $325822-1144

HOME Ownersl- Only $251annually lor $100 OOD allnsJ< Insuranco on yourhomo, $250 deduC1JbIe Alsovery low f8les on aut~boles For qUOlalJOn Call AIThoms Agency 81~ 79().660D (days) or 313-882-5397(Oyorllngs)

SElF propelled 24 sn0w-blower, 5 ~, 2 5lage $10081o-773«i39

BUY, sell, 00Il8IllI1 any Instru-ment Jony UlCI< Studios,211ln Gratiot, Easlpoonte81~77S-nsa

SUZUKl D9laI ptanOS, mLElCWOI1< ll1atJOnS and poI1abIokeyboards lowest pnog 'nthe ,ndustry Exclusively etJerry l.ucf< Studios 211 03GratIOt, Easlpoonte 81~775-7758

USED PIANOSUsed Splilets-Consoles

Upnghts & GrandsA8BEY PIANO CO





~amntta t4state ~aleseo.pletfo Estate A 80....... Llqaidad8ll!i1UY0CIrS , 24 HOU1t UOUIDATION AVAILAILE

We buy 'ndMdual1y Refngerators Washers. Ga.

DOlL HOUSE lor etmstmast1y Real Good Toys d9lux9No 2007 Tho WooclandYou build 313-884-0410

WASliEA & dryer $100 plllrGold ro'"geralor, $50Sleeper/ ~ WIth stor.age ottoman, $100 Ollkcabnel/ bOokC8lIe $100E'ntor1llJnmenl center, $25. 5PIOC9 wicMr .. $75 882-6692

MIl.TERN1TY wardrob& Bus!-nessI e~, 8lze 12 10d_ at $150 Of best 0I-ler Call ees.8700

"TIT AHlC" pnnl by JamesCleaIy Slored Ilat, _ITamod $8DO Cd 884-7763

MENS oxtra long matchedpel! natural I'8COOf1 fur 0081,excolent COIlltlIon, $4 200~ $900 finTl Il19o ~_ beaver and lox 0081,

unoque sIyImg, $600 ffnn313-881-8929

CHRISTMAS trees- SCCIchPine You cui, wrap & haul$3 50 aach lor 100 Of more61&972.2632 Of 3130884-9243

COMPUTERS- IBM PS/2 286,20 mag, $375, Packard Bell386, 40 mag, $575, colorl1'IOn<tor WOfdPoIecI, Lotusand more wllh both(313)886-6730

BtJRTON Snow Board WTtI1flex bmd'ngs I'ke new$290 810.263-6650

IlAKAMA Qu__ 5 daysl4noghlS Undetbookedl Mustsell $27lII couple lIl1111edbCkels 1-8ll().935.OO99 ext4711 Monday thru Saturday,9 am to 10pm•RACOON coat, 3/4 ~,medium, $lO!ed & cleaned,$850 810-~161


Selected books boughtand sold

1100am -6.00pmTuesday through Saturday

4928 Cadieux RdNear E W8ITen884-7323




696 to Coolidge, Right 10 Catalpa (111/2 Mile). Left toPh IlIIps, 23 mlnlllaa from 1-94 10Moross

WHOLE HOUSE ESTATE SALE FEATURING Trad~lonalupholstered lurnoluro Maytag new dryer Amana newupnght lre.zer; ch'na & glassware, loads ollulchen aamsSO's mahogany bookcase 40 s blonde double bedroom selwalnut smgle bedroom sel color tv's, tasteful lots 01 costume Jewelry 1000s X-mas pressed oakcha"s many IlguMes, craft ,tems palla lurnlture fikerQueen vacuu m, and much more Siroot num bers honoredat900


SAT, NOV 25TH(9.00 -3 00)

WHOLE HOUSE ESTATE SALE FEATURING Wondertulmahogany Ch,ppendale slant-'ront secretary 2 old oakchests of drawers mahog8J1Y low poster bed, mahoganybed room pc!> drum tables, bookcases huge assortment ofIad,es clothmg from the 40's on linens Jenny Lind bedold maple dresser hand,cap supplies onantal rug largecrock!> old Ice cream chairs ladders, hand tools k~chenItems plC1ures & frames lots of old books oak diningChairs and more A real d,gger sale Easoest parkmg acrossChar1eVOlx or on Mack NUMBERS 7 30 A M SAT


)'3 &856604




1800'S HAND C8IVed 3 doorarm<lIro, $1500 810-725-ll639

sevEN PIOC9 I8llan set greatoondrbon, por1ect lor porchIFlorida room, $225 882-3568

NICE IooIong stereo & 2 1Mf1Qroom chan make ofltIr,31362&3471

WROUGtfT Iron pelIo fumI.turo 00UCtl oocl<!!H tableIamjl 1abIe, utiIIIy Clbinetllete Must IIlllI1 Friday & 881-urday 8to-776-t318

POWER lJft chair ocean blueUI8d one year, ~ke ~810-247.1664

HENflEDOH Scene One bed-room Ufld WIth annoues andlogtlt C8I'lOflI' $3 OODOf bestoffer 882-3289

MOVING selel Must sell every.tI'ong AOOques, fumlul9, artWOfk 1ctcIlenware, sportslKlUtPll*tl, MY bike, moun-1alrIgenng equpmont dott>-'ng and much more 345 R>-vard BIIId, Gro$so POInteC,ty Fnday November24th,10to5

EVERY Ttlurmay Flea MarketEagles Hal 6 MlielW. 01Gratiot (810}n&32ll9

HEATED garage sale! Do yoorCtlnstmas shoppong tlorelQualrl)l boys & women's do-sgner wears, 2 small wealrugs from TflIITlbljI _3-D camera 2 bikes, Spree,oxerasw machne with stairmaster, mIscolIaneous In-ducfong Chane! look J8webySaturday, Nowmber 25th,11- 3 only No presaJos 424WuhnglOn

oIOBL£SS antique IoY9f mustsell Furnllure, framedpmIS, pIarU, bOOI<8, !In,cfl5lles much Il1Ol8 1433Somerset at Cha~evOlxNcMImbor 25, 26, 9- 4

WATCH 18K Solid YelbwGold Mens "PlagoI Polo"Gold bend W1lh dale, modelNo 458307 BeautifUl,heavy dlllSll pioco IBlalls1llt $23,000 Mole prestl-gious than RoIex S&/domworn lIke.-, pnce rtegQ-1labIo a1 tromendous sav-Ings, leave message MrCoyIo 313-S86-1763


~o~fU~NII URE,






& Antique Shop)506 S. Washington

Royal OaIc, MI(5 Blocks North of 696

Freeway at 10 MileTake WocxJ.NlldJ MalO

Street eXII)Monday through Saturday

lito 530CI088ll Wednlllday

and SundayAFTER



20% OFFAnbque Grandfather clocks,

Chtppendale mahoganydining room table, Shera-ton mahogany diningroom table, Regencymahogany dnlng roomtable, HeopIewhbe ma-hogany dining room ta-ble, Duncan Phyfe ma-hogany dining roomtable, GBOr9M mah0g-any breakfront by Baker,Georgian mahoganybreak1ront by BeaconHili, ChIppendale mah0g-any breakfronts galore,tradrtJonal chma cabinetsQarga & smaIJ), slde-boards and buffets byKittinger, Saker, Berkey.more Servers, bachelorchests, c:onscles, end ta-bles, handmade andmachIne made 0nentaIrugs ~ncIudes runner forslall'C8Se}, unusual rampsfor the botJdolr, rMngroom, bedroom atc $0-fas, wing chairs (most Inexcellent condlltOn, someneed reupholstenng), stu-dent desks, GovernorWinthrop secretarydesks, Chippendale andQueen Anne highbOys(made of maple, walnutand mahOgany woods)Sets of mahogany diningroom chall's (Chippen-dale, Queen Anne, Dun-can Phyfe and more. 4-12 per set) 01\ pemll1lgs(pastorals, Sbll hfe, por-traits, ImpreSSIOnists,landscapes, sea scapes,more) Too much to IistlWedeaJl


1119 sale you have been W8Jllng for now,s Ihe bme toshop 10 r Chnslmas Early Sa Ib.o s, clothes & accessonesIdeal Effllf1beo dolls ,n boxes Revton doll & BarbIeclothes on box Bartlle Theatre, Dream HouseFash,onshop 2 DoIlhouS9S every lund 01 fumllureaccessory & kJts More Chn51mas decoratIOns thM Jac'sBooks Pr 01 H~choocI< rush seat Chairs WIth handpalntedChnstmas scenl!lS - 1985, 86 Anbque pnnts, small copperand brass rtems French brass Wag on the Wall clockDocoy woodon prlctlors Large glided blrdcago Prw'ngbecks, mahogany lables, wnllng desk Lg pine roomd,vK!er/pl8J1ter Other furnl1ure Black "on and brassfourposter bed Mallogany chests, nlgllt stands lampsmIrrors p'ctures and so m8J1Y decoratIVe rtems Clothrngshoe!> acceS!>Ones, 50-90'5 jewelry, i1nell crafts Chlldrenslays games 'rom 50 s-60 s, many neve r used K~changarage basement FULL Come ear1y stay late PleaseJam us ,n the Chnslmas Splnt of GlV1ng by bnnglng a can offood 'or Chnstmas baskets

Numbers gIVen out Ttlurs al3 30 PM ANDFn at830AM

Moro ,nlonTlatlOn nexl week


:.'l(fztfierine !J/.rno{i .: Organize Unlimited

and associates Ann Mullen. Joan Vismara-'DtateSa(t.,5 (810) 331.4800• ",rOllin./] Sa(t.,5

771-1170 MOVING SPECIALISTS •• J1pprmsafs• '1(rferen<t.,5 • Son and Pack ••• Coordmale MoveEXPERIENCED. PROR:SSIONAL SERVICE . • Unpack & Organl7c •••... ..

RitngeJ TV's (Work,ng Onlyl Iledtoom Sets,Ctle.tslDnessen. Bulk General Hou~oIc1~

O,>$E PO/Iv€".-II (810)807-4381 "'nydn ...

0-- M " +1-0 LillIIDJ -<-v Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc.{;S '> \t/fOl.O s....\.~

• E~late • Household • MOVingP",TRICI'" KOl.OJESKI HOUSEHOLD Mary Ann Boll Renee A. Nixon313 885-6604 EST"'TE • MOVI~G 313-882-1498 313-822-1445

101 flRIWOOD





Fiaesl NonberD HardwoodrUCUTI""ALLY FIHt"]

Oak • Ash • HICkory• Maple. Wold Cherry

I 1 J Ye.J/;j1d' tiw"""'"-lJeIwryoo.ded-1Ll<0'Jg_


aJrdI ... rwr-. ..... All ......

The LittleThriftShop


20475 Sunmng<laleGrosse POlnle,M,ch Igan 4823E

QUAUTY seasoned hardwood(by !he taco 00td) eJIorde..tile, defNered free 1-810-375-5731

SEASONED ~1'9WOOCI- $55 per1ace $50 lor 3 or f110IlIFroo deIMwy VoseJ MasterCard llOC8pled BIg Daw sTree 810.727-4489

BEST firewood, ITlIX9d herd-woods ()ejIYeIy 7 daysGueranteed to bum $eO de-IIWred & 8Iacked 313-88210611, 313-824-8044

Phone TUXedo 4-7&40

~HQPOI'E"Wednesday alld Fnday


42 "X 72" glass dlll!l'1Q roomtable, beveIod edges, b<assaccents Now table andMilS1 seIll $600 881-1359after 6

SOFA & Iovesoat Hudson'sBernhardt cream/ lightbrown Excellent CXlllCfrtJon$750, must sell 81~2581

DINING mahogany rnlald labIe'" la,d buffol 4 chllJlS$2.250 Mahogany 1940'sexec\ltlVe dosk, $2,000Mahogany breaklront,$2,500 Fine 1930's Frenchbedroom set $2,000 810-850-4397

CONTEMPORARY, comlortable, casual 90" sola, $25065" dem>- sofa, $150, neu-tral colors Il86-8299


15302 KERCHEVALG.P. Park

Oak Jacobean 9 pteee d,n-ing room set, walnut halltree, 1860's walnut chestof drawers, mahoganybuffels, mahogany serv-IllS, mahogany DemiluneCUrIO calxnet WIth ,nlay,Ch~IBfS, mirrors, odpalnnnga, DreXel mahog-any bfeakfront. mah0g-any bedroom set, Chip.pendale style cabinet,could be used for TV orstereo Small oak labie,Art Deco chandelier andmorelMonday, Wednesday-

saturday, 11- 6. ClosedTuesday & Sunday

822.3452We also have everyth'ng In

our basement 50% off!





-JOHN KING3 ..3-9&" -0&22

Mlchrgan.s LargestBookstore

$.nca 1965

• Clip and Save thIS ad •


407 ARlS I (RAfTI

The affordable 'howShop where

.he dealers shop'Furnllure glasswareJewelry dolls toys

postcards pn m ItlVes

pottery Oouhons eleNext 'how Jan 13 & '4

I.C. WYNO'SWinter



Dearborn CivicCenter

15801 Michigan(corner of Greenheld)

Dearborn, MI

Sat. 10-6Sun. 10-4

Admission $3.00


810-772 •.2253

SOUO oak 9 Pi&OlI d1rof1Qroom SOl (CIrca 1920 5) WIthC8Mng and applied deco<a-tlOn excellent COndrtlOll$3 500 Days 81Q.680-7458EverlIngs 81()-751~7

R£D Barn- ~ to 26 Mde to4950 KJ ng CI1<na TownshipClmstmas Lay-a-way An-tlque cIocI< I'lljllIJr Dealer~ ConsIgnment Fn-days salurdays Sundays &Mondays 1~ 4 81O-76!i-9453

ManchHtlll' Antique MallAntiques & Collectibles

116 E Main, MancheslerOpen 7 Days, 10 to 5


FURNITURE refinished re-P8lnoo slowed, any type 01canmg Free llS1Jrnates 34S-6258 661-5620


In Belle River PlazaOpen 7 days, 10-5

(810)765-1119.ANTIQUE wooden C8tOU59I

hoIses, from the 1890 sAbsoIutoly beautiful canhold lor CMstmas 810-751.8078

ASSUMPTION Clmural Cen-her 111ursday, November3Oltl, 41» 7 30 SpeaaIGifts for yD<n8lI and 0Ihels




ATREUCS In Hamtramck10027 Joseph Campau

(313)874-0500Open 11- 6, Tues thru

SatTradrtoonal tumrture, acces-

sones, anllQues & coIlec-hbles Good quality at af-fordable pnces

~;e~ E4eate Sak4

Excollent ComPlete ServIceRel",ences Glen and Sharar Burken



News &




: ;~>.:, , ::-- ~ ,

" "

" '

~ .; ,,' ,,;" Y A ' , ,,' •

Can HelpYouPinpointExactly


If you're tiredof searcnin~

To PIJce An \dIn Our





lEAVING FOR WINTER?Recent College graduate

relocab ng to Grosse POIntelook'ng to +,cuse art lorwinter season Mature,

nonsmoking, responSlbleExperienced wrth ammalcare & house work Dan

61 &-382-5175

CAREGIVERS- Jam & lilliannow avaJlable Excellent ref-erences and care 313-892.6314 313-a92 7456

Or Fax Your"Help Wanted"to us 24 Hours

A Day


~\u .r \ v RE L\ A~OSITIO\l TO HI! E, CHECK





, Employment]





A+ Live.inst Ltd.24--houTll"~~mPe=nal Care

CI,anong C""kon8 l.aund",Bonded and Insured


.. 14B ..• 61 our.Live"In CllreUp 107 dayslweek I,v. ,n car.for the eld.rly In Ihe" homes

Very reasonable pllcas• BONDED'


:. 313 8 -7 00.:

POINTE CARE SERVICESFull or parttlme care

24 hour live InMealS housekeeping

Insured & eondedMARV CHESQUIERE


EXCEPTIONAL 'ncome opper.tunrl)l Reputable IntemallOfl8J 00SITlIIlIC finTl, Fortlnl500 sub6ldarv No .'pe<l-ence necessary Ten 0pen-Ings 810-m-3831

nc for Ihl- elderly In Ihe<ehome Grosse POInto rotoreoces Caliri 343<l649

UVE-lN Of hour1y help WTtI1yoor pofSOOaI needs Care-

!l'V9rS R9gl5lry Call313-881-4565


Hou r1y, overmght ratesExperienced In theGrosse Pomte area ll-censed and bondedSally {B 10)772-003524924 Lambrecht, East.pointe


GUTTER c1ealllllQ, fall c1ean-up Tims Handy 5eMcesInsunoo 88$8224

lICENSED aayc:aro mom tlesfull bmel part bme open'ngsIn tlor St ClaJr StlQIesIlome Mea, snacks acIV>-bas provided CPR cortJ!iodBlo-779-5577

I ""'0 I IVI IN.., "T1 /'«'" S4H ~467

GENERAL clean'ng- Free estl-mates senlO< dlSCOOnts, re-sponsibIo cIep9ndabIe 810-771-5141

ClEANING- Excellent referenoes Reiable Man 810-296-1629

I'M a number one housecleaner f\easonaDle Exper,enced WIth roforoncesW99k/y Of bo-weeIdy 313-872~7


Profess,onal, Bonded andInsured teams ready to

clean your homeor buslness

Carpet CleamngExtenor Windows

$5 00 Off With Th,s AdFor F,rst Time Callers'

Serving the Grosse POintearea for 14 yearsMember of BBB

582-4445FRfENDl. Y Qeanong SoIVlCe

I1SUrM & Bonded Call 810-n4-5400 or 313-881-8480•SHEILA '5 hu~v Clean<ngreasonable dependablerNef 8 years expenenceReferences, free eslJmalesB1o-~11

AAAA good general cIearongby Gen & Lesloe MatureResponsIble Gelbng readylor the Hohdays call 810-778-6171

ENGUSH lady after 7 yeerscleanong homes In GrossePOIntO IS expendlng tlortloslllOSS Nways a reliableand thorougtl JOb Excoll9nlreferences 810-775-1902

CIasslfled AdvertlslngCALL 882-6900

For Your conventence InlIfllI<:e resefVlIIIon P'-

MYe your VlN orMasterCard 8V8I18ble

HOUSEHOLD SAlESTr~s' your sale to us knOWing that we ore n,. mos'~-<:>----------------...., II experienced moving ond e,tole sale compony 'n ,he

• • Per,on,.11 ( Me Gro15e POf~te area

• HOIl,eku:pmg For the P' sl l5 ~ors we have prov ded flr,1 quollty_1_"__ ',_,_,_",,_,_,,_,,_<",,, • Meo11 Prepo1ro1tl<m ,erv,ce 10 '"'ver 850 satISfied c1'ents

• rH r) I\11 Need, ( \tl TIn 24 11m R HOTI r, f ~H, t410$9(\ per ,IIi fOR tP< O\11'r. ~AI • I'fOR\IAllO'

-November 23, 1995

Grosse Pointe NewsThe Connection

714 VACATION ~!NUImowrl

•REASONABLE weekly ormonlhly rates CIlOlC9 01 2beautiful homeS on the Im-panel RNer belween FortMyers & Naples In BonrtaSpnngs 3 & 4 bedroomsWItI1 garage, pool & hot tubWlttl,n rronut8!l of The Gull01 MeKlCO Call lor n1Of9 ,n-fo<ma!Jon 941-9!12.()744 or941-992-8073 Or wnte C FPowell 27090 Aossmoor DrBonIta Sprrngs FlOrida339ZlINVESTORS REAL TV


MARINARent before you bu y I

Wat&rtront & GoII Coursecondos Villas & homes1,2,3,4 bedrooms Week.mon1h, seasonal aV81~ability Call For FREE If}-

1ormatJon, ask lor USA1.800-448-3076PUNTA GORDA, FL

HARBOR Springs HarborCO'Ill lUXUry condo 3 bed-rooms Indoor pool skIweekends available Call81 ().626.7209


Harbor CoveCondomnrums

For Sale Of Rent!!Sleeps 2-12 people The

Indoor pool wrth a sauna& hot tu tl IS Jus1 one ofthe reasons 10 stay atHarbor Cove after a dayon the slopes LocaledJUst minutes from BoyneHoghlands & Nubs NobThese fUlly furnishedunrts are Just the place tocome back to for r~axlngIn fronl 01 the fireplace


1-800-678- t 038HARBOR Spnngs T>1ree becI-

room Condo fifepIace Moo-LIles from sklJng shoppongE\/lInlngs 313.a85-4142

To imlI iOll \mlQJfV«:'\110\ HOllE 10K 1lll\ ~11l1l\

l\D 1JjJ: hlill Of 1996

*HAflSOR Spnngs area homesand condormnl urns Holidayl sIo seasonweekend to full season rentaJs 616-526-9671

HARBOR Springs Cozycondo Near slopes sleeps8 many axtras 823-1251

BOYNE! Petoskey skJJ snow-moblle ch9Iel 314 bedroomweekday or weekend rentaJs 810-778-4367 or 81D-954-1720

LAKE Huron home fOr rentnear lexmglon $550weekly 313-426-4526

P\JERTO Vallarta BeaLJllfuIbe8Chlront lUXUry COndoLarge 2 bedroom 2 ba11lunrt Ideal lor 2 couplesGionous ...- pOO dIlItymaod S9MC9 Available bylhe W99lI Call ~looask lor Susoe


HILTON Head, South caro-fin&- 2 beOroom condoShipyard Plantation All

ameM!es DIscounted golfVideo avaI1abIe 811).294-2929

SKI V8I1 Cdorado- February17 24 Mamot s StreamsodeAI V~ Luxury 2 beOroom2 betI1 villa whIrlpool Inmastar sUite 'treplace$~ 750 810-771-8220


HARBOR Spnnge- Large VICtonan home and two 4 bed-room Villas Day! weel<s$la, golf reunions Free bro-chutIl 313426-2507

BOYNE Counlly FamIly chalei, 4 beOrooms fireplace 2full baths. 30 mlnLlles to alltype skiing By week orweekend 882 5749


(508) 22B-4449B Federal St.

Nantucket, !\fA 02554

Cal/YourRental Specla/lst 81

~ ,~ . ~ ~.&EAL£n.loU;

NEW Port RICheY 2 beO,oom2 bath pool No pelS AV8l~able DecemIlef JanuaryMarch & April $1200month Call after 5 81G-59&-1641

MARATHON Key. FIOrida()oean !Tort oondo at eo-NEFISH TOWERS" 5th1loor one beOroom $2 800monthly 31~-5701

MAACO Island Aonda Beachtronl conoo al T rea ....WInds 11111 1loor 2 bed-room $3 lXXl monthly 31:r882-5701


711 liVING OUUII~~10lHUI

*NAPLESChoIce of mon1hs SIlIl ava,"

able- 2 bedroom :1 batI1oondomtmum, fully fur.nlshed Avaiable lor sea-90n 810.574-3042

716 OfflClS COMM!~CIAIfO" ~INI

MARCO Island FL Southseas IV March Apnl$1 1551 week total(904)694-6828

NAPLES- New spllClOUS penthouse condo panoral'lllCGIAf and sun S9ls

Tenl1lS board walk $3 000monIt1 Rrm. 810-254-7296

MARCO IsIIlIlcI- 2 beOroomcondo on Ileacl1 from $1100per weal< 3 bedroom wel.9fW8¥ home WIlh pOO from$t3OO per week J,mlKaren ~ R99Ily1-800-494-B836

MARCO Island FIonda SouIhseas Tower 4- 1612 luxurycondos on gulf OpenrngsDecember January F9Illu-ary Marell Call DIanel.amg 810-731 766 I

LARGE room U111~les In-cluded. household pnv"leges 5ecu1ty deposit S6o-$75 weal< 810-758-4029

9- 5 Weekdays882.0B99

GROSSE Poi11e PaI1<. Jeffer.son AII8lUl- ~ or 2 roomsurte- at _ IIVlIJIabI&-

r8lISOlllIbl9 Call 313-8220012. 9 am. 10 4 3(). M0n-day Ill", Fnday

0FF1CEI WIlI'Ilhous&- 2,lXXlsq n All, Harper 51 OaJrShores 81lJ-852.6222

COLONIAL EAST51 Ollr SI10resI 9 mile &Harper 150- 950 squarefeel, new carpeting, all

utllrttes, 5 day Janrtor, nearexpressway, reasonable

810-778-0120GROSSE Porrta Park- Jeffer-

son Avenu&- 2 room officeSlJlle. second 1loor- very po-_ $3501 monlh C911 313-822.()Q12- 9 am to 43().MoncIay 1l'vu Fnday

GROSSE Pon1ll Park- OfficeSlllICe 81 $100 $350month Redecorated Onemonlh FREE rent IIVlIJlable313-82407900

GROSSE Ponte Park. EastJelfelSOf1 A\/9llU8- 1 000squlII8 feel. 3 or 4 room de-luxe office surte- aecretanaIspaca- complele minIklIl:Illln- Iav- supply room-you c:ontroI heat & 8Ir other_ IMIllabIe- plMIte

parfong- open tlr lnspecbonC8II 313-<122.()Ol2 9 a m to4 3(). Morday thnJ Friday-ReaaonabIe _

POINTE Office C8f1er, lOx101 lOx 20 CompIeIe office5eMces 881.2000


IIAIPII WOODSVery OIce sUlie (2) ofollices- comfortab,eand convenient InHarper Woods 1 600square feel each Near1.94 and Vernier forea'o/ on/off X WaySpec18Ileatures Includeconvenlenl palklng.enlrance wailing aleaspecral luncheon/snackarea With completekitchen Great neigh.bors-<:ome Vlsd'

3IW'''1763 llot- sm.)

110.5400.001 rn- SiMWrI


EAS~NTE PlAZAVernlerl 1-84 location

AVlIJIable soon- 3,000 sq hseveraJ oIlice6, confer.ence, receplIon, laY Pf}-

vate paI1<Jng lot, 5 clayJ8l11tor

AVlIJIable now- 2 su ~es 01 3rooms each or can c0m-bine lor one large sudeLots 01 W1nclaf1S


707 HOUIEI fOR ~ENTS {S M.comb (oun1y


70. HOUm FOl ~!NTDf>trolt Wayne County

701 HOUSII FOR RINT".lnfes Hltper WGods

LIVE on the water' Share IargfI3 bedroom COIonI8I $380pillS secunty Includes aJ lkil-rtl9S and cable 810-7718155

NEED A AOOMMA TE?1\1\ ages OCCUpatlOllS

Backgrounds & lifestylesSeen on Kelly & Co '

Home-Matll Specl8IIata644-6845

701 A~TI FLATS OU,lIXS ( S Mlcomb County

LAKESHORE Vi~ 2 bed-room lower apartment stylecarpel drapes 8If washerldryer $62S KatI1y 313-5323883

ST 03." Shores- 3 beOroomranch appiIanC9S garagabasament SouthlakeSchools $77S Relerenoes885-0197

EASTl'OlNTE. 9 Milel KeIyImmacula1e 3 bedroom Ik.n-gaIow WItI1 finlSlled bas&mefl1 fully carpe!ed anddraped 2 1/2 car garageWIth ~ I9nC9d 101 gasba rbecue appliances In-c IudOO No pets $795monl~ plus utiItles SllCUnIydeposrt One year rrolllmumIeare A'IlIl1able now! Call313<l85.()588

FOUR beOroom bnck ranch 11/2 baths ~ Ga-rage $900/ rnon1I1 3130&&-7947

New 2 bedroom,2 bath apartmems WJ1houlstand Ing lake VIeWS

FIreplace, washer & dryerhuge wood decks,

boatwells aV8JlableHarbor Club NOl1h


'ST OaJr ApartmenIs 22545 PRIVATE home must beTwelve Mile Ad • Spac10us 1 WOtkIng references, non-bedroom Ve<1lCles ceo~ng smoI<e< 884-6l!iOfiln carpeted carport ---------heated 811).l!9&-1912

ROSEVILLE. Ch.ppendaleApartmanls CHRISTMAS EASTPOINTE Fot IeasII -SPECIALI S200 OFF finIt or otrlce I lXXl squat8 tealmontIls rani One beOnxwn 810.a79-1964 or 81().949.upper appll<lllC8S pnvaIe 4813basements cbget -f\j-RNlStfED---oIfioe---'-50-sq-ftnew carpel $485 per on N",e Mile Sl 0aJ,mornn ~ 58C\Jmy 811). Shorea Air conditioned772-8410 larms apply partong j8n11or U111,lles

1-941696 Speaous one bed- Near exptll88W8y 77&<1120room appiIanoesI ~ In- KENNEDY BUILDING:' ~ pll OpP06lle Eas1Iand Mall_________ 2700 sq ft aVllJIable

9 Mile & Jelterson- 2 or 3 b8d- Finlshed 8IlllIS Includingroom, newly decoraIed ftIe- ccupet & remodeled restplace & garage $750 Heal rooms Reasonably~ Call laVon T13- pnced Includes heat

________ lights & 81r oondlbOl1lng

LAKE ST. CLAIR CalI81~77&S440

700 A~lS flATS 'DU'I!X ~'om'ts H1rllel Wootls

70 I A~TI JlUS DU~lEXDe1r.r1 Wayne County

70 J A~TI FlAlS DUPLEXD~trOit W.yne C.lJntv

SPACIOUS 2 bedroom town-house 00 Rrvard Hardwoodl\ooo; ~replace basementpa/long $750 plus UbIrtJes49!l-1694

11D7 MARYLAND 2 beOroomupper hardwood leadedglass App!lIIIlC8S ~pa/long $510 88&0657

HlU.CREST In the Farms 2bedroom I4lP8f bIlSeme<1t9""'9" ~. 'e"'gera\e'$850 313-88&6423 313-~190

TWO large 2 bedroom IIats Inthe Pari< Apphances In-cluded 1 uJlIl9I $550 1lower $560 4 00- 8 P m885-0673

HARPER Woods- Clean 2 b8d-room lower uM, fu! bas&-mant garage Heat & watll!Included $100 ~

619 SNOWMOftlllS



!Now Available!'All \lewly Renovated

I 1~St¥e~~Downtown

Easy Access 10 Lodge & 1-75

l.",g<> ~Tudlo 1 ... 2 Al'droom loft,Som" W,Th Pllrtmm Al'droom<

Fully EquIPfl"'1 Kit, nrn< & [)"nwd<h<'"I dundry h, i1,lv f rN llghtl'd Pdrkm~

C, hi.. Rl' "" ~tud 10 loflsSt,1rt'"~ 'I S),OOO

* ~'J", SpUI4!4 *Phone 963.8400 or 964-0333

"W~h approved cred t nnd 1 year lease

700 A'1I flATS Dumxrom1ei HQIPU Woods

701 UTI HAll DU'lIXDetrOit W.ynf. County

NOTTlNGHAII South of Jelterson 2 beOroom Iowelquoet 4 UI11 tlUiIding Awl>-ances Included $500 81I).


807 Nell- Elegant & 1JIldmonaJ2 bedroom IargfI familyroom, lower flat $1.250 a NOTIlNGHAM lower 2 bed-month 82"'7900, Pager - rooms off-$lreet pal10ng313-257.1191 V&r>/ clean $465 881-5618

GROSSE Poonla Perl<, _lJW upper 5- room flat, car. BEACONSFIELD 3 beOroompeled, very clean, appIi- lower Vary clean. updatedances COin laundry In kitchen & bath. off streetbasemel'It, oil- street pwk- pa/long $800 monlh 821Ing $415/ rnDl'IIfl and secu- 1628 attar 6my deposl. No pelS 843 LOWER flat 3 bedroom no8efIconstietj 8ll&482O pets $850 per month, plus

2041 VERNIER, Groeae PoInl8 deposit referllllCElS 313-Woods 1 beOroom I4lP8f 1 ~ ask lor Gregcar garage Appliances 95 Vam"". srnaJI, 'mmacutal8Newly deooraled No pees, Ires/t"' ","nted 2 bedroomno smoIang. $525 plus ...... '1 ..-

bell 31J.a81-6780 SIX room ,........ f1al 2 1/2 bed- SIngle level home Great 10-......... ca1JOn dose tl schools, 1 11LOWER two bedlQOl1lo Way- rooms $275 month, $275 2 betI1 waJl.Io-waI carpet.

bum Newly dIlcofal9d, ap- secunty deposl1 313-571 Ing central IlIr, 2 ~replaces.pllances washar, dryer _53_73_______ finIShed basementI we! bar$415/ month 824-0068 APARTlIENT. MORANG- one krlChen appr_ plus ~

SPACIOUS 2 bednxlm apart- bedroom, appiances heal washer and dryer huge eev-ment pklnly 01 storage walar, laundry faCilities ered 'Illranda 2 car garage$575 IncludlJS waJar Invne- CIed~ check $375 313- wllh automal,c opener

~ 88~~ The Blake -AP-:r..--4_1_:a--one--bed-room-- = No petsl 81G-380-

,"X:l ,)I apIIaOIIS 1st ftoor, Cedl8Ull GRO$SE POInte pam- GrMI~""i! MackJ Warren Cr9dJl check. IocatJon near parf<sI schools.,.i"~-< $425 313-al:!-4132 Freshly paI1led 3 bedroom,

H£AflT 01 the Farms, daJ1lng2 HOLl YWOOO near 7 Mile & 2 112 ba1h bnck CoIonoaJ,l>IIdroom flat, ~ dacO- Van~ 1 beOroom upper dining room dan. pofCh, P&-rated. no pelS. $Il5OI monlh $335 Gal laVon m-2035 bO, all filQlllelle, aupets, 2AV8IIaIlle _.... December car garage Furnshed or882-3756 -- '1 TWO bedroom upper newly unfurrushed $1,.2901 montil

_________ palnted & decorated $385 313.821.5130, 519-253.FUll. Y fumoslled 2 bedroom per month. call before 8 9163

lower on Harcourt ScpIis1I- p m ~ 7lIll7 HEAR Lakeshore, 7 roomceted dIecorabng RrepIace, ---------garage, central 8Ir, FIonda CADIEUX! Waman Modem 2 Ranch 2 betha. fireplaceroom No pees A\I8iIabIe bedroom apaJ1mant, appl" air fin<shed basement, dolt-0ec:erTtJer 1st $1,150 per ancas & heal Included ble garage $1 250 884-mon1fl secunty daposrt.. Across St Joe's NLmllng 2147qUired 884.()6(l(l Johnstone Home Days 31:rB72-2719 FIVE monlh tease Bl8J1 12111& Johnstone lMlfllngs 313-881-5764 95 2 montI1 S9CUnly de-

920 Harcourt- 3 bedroom, 1 MORANG! WhlttJer/ Harper posit No pets Owner paysba1h lower Fireplace & Aor- area Modem 1 beOroom t/brltl9S exC9fll long dis1anceIda room All 9pIlianoes apartmenls, appll9JlC9S and phone calls Complelely fur.$975 A\I1lIlabIll l:lecerrber hll8t Included From $3IlO nlShed modem krlChen M1S1 81D-986-5859 days 313-331-1610 bath In basement $1,1001

810-258-9645 evenongs BEDFORDI Buclongham- 2 monIh Cal TapplII1 RIlaftyATTHACTIV£, 1 & 2 bedroom bedroom upper flat $475 884-6200

renlals Inclooes apph rnon1l1 Ga'O & water In- 130& HAMF-.ON 3 becIrOcrn.ances, most utit1Ies. pnvate eluded 313al11-5111 1 bath completely redeoor-parfong, can laundry From --------- aled, no pets BV8I1ab1&De-$435 886-2920 camber $1 0001 month

DUPLEX, 535 Neff. Io'IllIy 2 885-1034bedroom natural fireplace, NEAR Grosse POinte Woods-$8851 monthly plus ublibes. Speaous fillll floor one bed-secumy deposl1, one j'99J room apar1men1. cen1JaI daSlrad 31~ ample llIorage Qullll builcl- FARMBROOK, 011 Mack. Mod-7274 Ing Occupancy December em 2 bedroom, 2 ba1h

CHARMING 2 bedroom spa- 151h $575 Includes water home,2 1/2 car garage AllClOUS upper washer/ d,.,..- The Blake Ql 313-881 appliances $500 paroff street parfong $500 6100 month 81Q.684.5752. 810-rnon1I1 313-331.7359

ST--.-OaJ-r -Shore&----Large--. -, 435-2026

HARCOURT. excIusl\I9Iy cus- bedroom apar1menIs near MOflOSSI BalIour area- 2tomozed at $l,300Jmonlh shoppmgl transportatIon beOrooms tease, 1 1/2No pets Secunty deposit Heat Included $47S- $500 month S9CU'I1y Credrt repor1and crecil report 2 j'99J 81Gal7.1880 reqUired S550 per montI1lease or more 824-7879 810-33&9265

SHORE CLUB Apartments &BEACONSFIEU). 2 bedroom Manna. Luxury apaJtments 0UT8'I Dr area E warren!

Chatsworttt For tease orupper ~ kJ1Chen and ear- on Lake St CtaJr now aII8J~ sale 2 family fIaI. extraspel Appiances, street park 8bIlI F9lIll.rtng 24 hour sa-'ng. nonsrnoket" $575 AII9iI- CUlly Wll!!tler/ dryer hool< NegotJabIe 882-2079able December 1st 31 ~ up & prM!Ie manna Cal HOLLYWOOD near 7 Mite &331.0725 now lor )'9llT. end rI1O\I&- '" Van~ 2 beOroom, base-

HARCOURT. Spaaous upper 9peCl8Js 810-775-3280 ment garage $475 C8Jlduplex, 2 bedroom den 1 LaVoo 773-20351/2 belhs, fireplace, garage ,.----111..,1 NEAR 51 JoItn- 1 beOroomhardwood tIoors. appiances ST. ClAIR SHORES .... $325 First last & secuntyNo pets $Il8O plus deposit 8 1/2 Mila & Mack area 811).776-7ll88AV9J1abIe December 1S1Call 822-4197 close to all shopping On IlERKSHlRE ~ WarrrMII

bus line clean one Mack. Three beOroom CipeGROSSE F'ante PaI1< Wa:y- bedroom units New Cod $450 plus depoSl1.

bum, 2 bedroom upper ap- appllancas and carpetrng 822-8577phances. carpel $500 Ceiling lans plenty of off ---------monlh Security $600 :~:I~~~:rk~~nt~~~~u~eVsLease No pets Credrt haal and excellentcheck. 313-864-4666 maIntenance seNlce A

FARMS- Beerutrful area In- nlca qurel place to callcome, 3 bed!ooms up 2 home Open Monday lhrubedrooms down. lirepIac:es Fnday 910 5In Iloltl unIs $750 & $790 $465313.881 9702. 810939 Sec. Dep. $200

_'266_______ m.7840CHAPOTONAPA~NTS-.. ,..~ ~

POLARIS 83 340 Ioqutd .-clutch Good condlliOn$16ro' best 810-743442.

CUSTOM buill class A molorhome, 33' very low "..\eeog& One ClMlllf WrdaNMust 9911l.Jk8 ~ rnec!laIl-<:ally Intenor. extenor and~res excellenl Many extrasIncluding 2 rool lop 81r con-dIIlone!li C8 mlCfl>W8V9/convectlon C1>'8Il 3 W8¥ re-fngenllor & treezer hot we-tll! healll! 2 ""'-. tronlcaplaJns chaJfS 5enous par.'.es~.!', 31:J.~'2&l




MARINE WOOOWORKCustom designed & bul~

cabinetry Repairs dry rot21 years expenence

Have portfolio& Re1erences(810)435-6048



JEEP 1991 Comanche 4X4loaded Sllowroom oond"!Jon Reduced to sell 1I11sweek $7.995 31~882.9167

1994 PatI1~nder SE V-6, excaIlent condition loaded offroad package $19,500, lowmLles 88S-3865

1995 Chevrolet Suburban LS4x4 Frontl rear 81T! hll8I,4lXXl miles ll86-4682

BACK-UP $9995SENDNAL......- 1M hOW doll ,.. .. kilt! objIKt

GrNl fof IrUl;b, .... orflN'.,. trIin

!UMl1WES~ GUESSMG 1ft neac IIpota or In _ o.n~ ACCIDEImI ~QN!S 1l£ACt: ~ a.«)

AUO• Auto Alonn Syst .. nu

• IlAtmol .. Storti

AdvancedRadar Technologies(810)415.8780

1972 Chns-<:raft )(l<.22 0f9I18Iowner axcellent condil1on$20 000 Form 810-725-6111 ask lor Larry


CIas8lf1ed Advertising882-6900

1987 Che\Iy Blazer 4 X 4 2 8,Vo6 loaded 90 lXXl mdesOnglnal owner $5800 313-885-8431




1986 AERO Honda Mopedmany ..- parts Call 3 t 3-881-3206 aftll! 4

MOPED -Elite red axcellentoondttJon $500 882 9181after 600 pm


ALL caJS wan1ild\ The goodlThe badl The ugly' Top d0l-Iar paldl $50 $5 000Seven days. 811).293-1062

AUTO Insurano&- Low downpaymenl $125 Doesn'tmatter wI1aI )'O\K drMng ..cord s Irke Partners Insuranca 795-3222

1994 FORD ExpIorel XLT.leather 17.lXXl miles ExcepIJonaI condrlJOn $22,800313.a85-1035

CHEVY BIa2sr, 1990 Full SIZe

fully loaded Good condition$10900 881-6766

1986 Chevy e-l0. 67lXXlmiles, new trres somedents/ rusI $2300 881-3960

1987 FORD 3 yard dumptruck In1ematJonaJ dieselengone Low rroles $11 lXXl81().776-2390

1992 Honda Civic OX4 d()()(, auto al r, Cruise,66,000 highway miles

New Sony <Xl player, 4-100 watl3 way Kenwoods,

plus amp New tlrestbrakes Excellent

condltlOO $9,300 This IS amce carl 1-81ll-616-5030

11191 VoNo 2400L. 4 door,ACI sunroof extras Immac-ulatel $10 400 firm 313-5611325

MERCEDES, 1976 200 SE.exoatlen1 condI1Kln $5 600or best 810-17S-5319

1987 HONDA Acoord LX~ 4dOOI automabC champagne ExceIeo1 condition$4 800 884-2162

1928 Model A Roadsle,Pickup Grll9ll WItI1 blackfende<s $9 250 313-8811961

CHEROKEE, 1993 Country4x4 4 door 20 lXXl nules,loaded rare antdock l>raJ<es$16,800 313.a86-793(){ ~7979

1993 JEEP Grand W~Loaded. 18,000 miles$20,995 ll86-4682

1986 CHEROKEE 4x'" 2 door,nfNi ~res. good body. roos.WIll need engine WOO<$1900 811).29&5285



GREAT Dane Rescue alwayshas Oanes 8V8JIal>Ie loradopIJon Don8lJon reqUired313-372-4255

VOLUNTEERS For Animalsha'Ill dogs & puppoes aV8l~able Cd 313-882.2535 or81 Q.468.8927

IF you''''! lost an anima! atty-wIle<'e ,n lhe Grosse Po",tescall the Grosse POln1ll An"mal OLr'IIC at 3f3-<l22-5707



1986 I'fymoUh ColI, ~ brasneeds 8rlgInB work. $450810.775.6822 810791.3845

1992 Daytona, 31 lXXl mileS,autornalJc, au, slereo ClI5-SlllI9, sunroof, wtuta $55003130&&-7947

11188Grand Pnx SE Solve<sunroof alarm phone59 lXXl rroIes $4 500 810-773-4950

WANTED- I 994 Cad1~ Se-"'lie STS d18mond whrte810-778.a216



11191Lumina Euro 3 1 whrte.- Goodyear bres .-bnikes Excellent COIIlibOO73.lXXl mIles $6 000 313-881<1051 ll\I6Olngs

1_ Berel1a GT 28- WIolenfNi brakes! roIorsi axhaust!struts! shockS 886-6213

1993 LuJTlln&- GOOO BUY'Sale SITlOOII1 ndlng smartlooking 4 door gold Excel-lent COIIlibOO $8 995 313-81l6-39Zl

11191FleeIwood 4 door pIab-num wrth VI nyI 24 500ITlIIes loaded $15000 810-296-9176

1986 loaded 8<JoCk Pari< A~nue RebuM engone IUlSbeauufully Looks greatMust see $33001 best 51OaJr Shores 81D-772-0648after S

1990 BuICk RM9lll 40 lXXlmLles dart< bIua metallicLoaded montcondItIOn 313-881-4283

1990 GEO $loon Great bUy'New balteryl clU1ch1 exhaust $2 225 882 5395

1985 BUICK Somerset Regalumrted 24 500 mrles vawry good oondttJon $2 900371-3937

1988 8<JICk Regal llrTllled-ROOy 'ed ~ mtenor aApowa r cruIse & more49lXXl miles 881-3647

1976 ElDORADO COOVllI1IbleBeaLJl1fuI car Healed ga-rage kapl Good 2nd Fiondacar $14 lXXl 313-822 2222

1985 BUICK RMera Excellan1condrtlOl1 Dr Gear 810-296-6924



1985 LJnooIn Contmental 519-nature. 72 000 rroles, exce1-lent condliion. loadad$4 800 313-584-2700 810-294-1978

1985 MBItUry Marquis 4 doorV6, ~ nfNi trans & 1IIre Ot/lerwJse In goodshape Best offer 810-n:r1869

1994 Taurus LX, 25K SIlVergray. loaded Private$13500. alter 7 pm 811).296-5414

1992 Taurus SHO 50 lXXlmiles, translerable warrantyLoaded fNfMY opIJon COplayer. JBl sound systemleatha< lmanor moonlOOf$14 000 884-0069

1986 Ford FesIJva. runs grealgood tor generaJ transpol1a-bOO $7001 best Leave mes-sage, 313-a85-7867

1919 Taurus, 8Ir, power lockssunroof. V6 A real gemlMust see'l $3.5001 Best313-881.7525

CAPRI 1992 convertJbIe, 36Krroles. whrte WT1h black lOp,

toeded. m." $79501 best810-650-1851

1990 Probe Gl., dark blue 81ronly 37 000 moles $5,2001best 313.a85-6885

DOG run 2OX20X6 wrth houSe$250 or best 1.01 ust sell 1m-medJately !l84-1037

COCKER Spaniel PlJPPlllSAKC wormed sl10ls 7weeks black, $150 & $175811).2fl6.0978

HUGE exollc gokffish trop-caIs, 5 aquanums 313-4170214

AKC yellow l.allnidor pupsMust seel 81 ().46S,5437

TOP dog rescue- Pets 011 pa- 111112G rand AM fUlly loadedrade Every saturday at the low mileage 8H).776-8002Hampton Theatra In Roc!>-es1ll! 12 3 81~1426

HAND led Cocl<allels all typesInckldlng WIolalace. Solve< &Fallow spI~ a'IIIJlaIlle 81I).771H483 after 5 p m

OfFICE desl<I computer exten-5Ql file drawers o.n1ngroom table BotI1 exoeIlentcondI1lOn 8100488-9866

OAGAH A beaulrIul Chnslmas!Jft fOr a laved one 811).751-4862

GUll MS, ba'ljOS and mand0l-Ins, uJ<es wanted Collector8864522

~ walnut console byFI8CIIef. be8utJfu1 condItIOn823-1251

GRINNELL cherry consoleWItI1 matel'llng bench Good_ poaoo \h,. lllIIe ~


Huge selection, quality,used & new Choose h'Sh

gloss, mahogany, walnut &oth8l'S StaJ1I ng $1,995

MlChrgan Plano81~548-2200



WlI1tld to BuyllTooLS'l

Power, small hand tools,elec1nc etc

81G-296-0288AIle for Mitch.

GUITARS, banJOS and mandoI-lilli, uk8s wan1ed CoIeclor8864522

UONEL 0 • Gauge I18Jns and~ In good concj.bOO preterabIy wrth box882-9307




PEARL JEWELRYWill travel for deals in

excess of $1,000Evening apPOintments


22121 GRATIOTEASTPOINTE81 G-77400966

WANTED- grand poano repr0-ducing player type CallKen. 517-223-8417

SHOTGUNS, niles and hand-guns, Per1<er BlClWrllhgWincheslel. Co~. lugerolher5 CoItector 47&-3437


CRAHBSlRY glass 'ThumbPrfnt' domer plates 313-138106147

8UYM china (cornpiele orpaI1IaJ sets) C8JI Jan 810-73108139 after 6 P m

WISH LISTNeeded lIQUId laundry d&-

1argent Papa!" Towels35MM ~ 200 speedMAKE IT A BE KIND TOANIMALS WORLD


13569.105. CAMPAUDETROIT 48212



ALL Bread Ae9cIJe. Want apurebred? Call 313-273-4317

NOFITHERN Suburbs AnI1Tl8JWelfare I.eIIgue- 754-lI741KiIt8n5 only 173-6839



An altered patlS a healthierand happier companIOnAlso, d spares you thegneI and pam of haVingpuppes and krttens d&-stroyed when no homescan be found Coo n1lessnumbels 01 sweet, Inno-cent IdlIe ones are eu-fhanlZ8d llY8IY day Inshettels across the OOUf)-try beCause a pat wasn'fspayed or neutered Ifwe cut down on thenumbels cA unwanted Irt-tetS bemg born, we Willalso cut down 00 thenumber of abandonedlost and uT?Nanted an"rnaIs to destroy




891.7188Antl-Cruelty AsaocIatlon

ANl1IAL WELFARE SOCIETY543-1150 Monday- Fnday 9-5 754-lI741 weekends

, POODLE Rescue has T0fSM." and Standard POOlIesready lor adopIJon 255-6334puppy OBEDIENCE

10 wee\(S-4 1/2 mon1hsALSO, ADULT

DOG OBEDIENCEFor InformatlOllcarolyn House

884-M55TAl CoIJnty Colle Rescue

Collies lor adopIJon Fencerequred CaM lor Informe.tlon (313)326.2806(810)526-2442

Grosse Pointe NewsThe Connection November 23, 1995

Directory of Services



'4' HAUliNG


OwnerM.P.S.C. l21290




BY TIME.p~rIf~nced qUiI!llywor~ Mpe!nd4lbl~

lOwest price




Bob Breitenbecher





ALL WEATHERt1eatt ng & Cooling,

Sales, ServIceInstallation.

Resklenttall COmmercllll.Grosse Pointe.


l ,cen",d In'urcdlnlenmll'xlenar Se", lec,* Plaqcr Rcran, *

(, P Refcrence,"]nee 1979 ~H2 H212 ..

At PGi~tiIntenorlExtenor

Special Plaster RepairWindow CaUlking

and Pu1tylngExtenor Po_r Washing

and PalnhngAlummum Siding

Wood Fences and Dec:t<s •FREE ESTIMATESAll Wotft & Ib/ervI~

Calj Ryan Palntll''Q Co


PIANO Tuning by Al McaoudFor 8ppOIntmant call 81G-7314596

In1effOf!Extenor Includes

,epam"9 "" maged plaS1.,cracks peelmg patn1

WIndow giazmg caullQngpamt4ng alljm num song

Top Quality malenalReasonable Pn<:e5

All work Guaranteed

~ call Mike anytime



944 (,UTHR'


'46 HAUIIN(,




BIG Dave s Tree Fully MOVING-HAULINGeqUiPped tully rnsuled DEPENDABLES:ui11p, ~_ •", ...TIo EXPERIENCEDNew WinJe rates VtSaI Mas-te< Cani aa:epled 810.727 LOW RATES4469 INSURED



Specializing In •Planting, trimming REMOVAL. OF ALL

Free estimates. AppliancesMichael WUlllI/ll8Of1 Concrete! 01 rt

810.739-5484 Construchon DebrISREASONABLE Garage DemolitIOn

Basement C1eanou1STUMP Can Movel Remove


882-5204 823.1207GUTTER cfealUng- Snow re- MOVING-HAULING

moval, carpenlty work Appliance removal to wholeReasonable rates 521-5425 house moves Garage,

COMPLETE Lawn & Garden yard, basement, clean-servtceS- Weekly Cl/ltlng outs Free esTimatesweechng shrub lt1mmlng REASONABLElandscape design & Installs- RELIABLElion, power rakJng aver REFERENCES~ng and sod Fall clean- Mr. S's 882-3096ups, Resldenllal snow ---------removal 810.776-4055 81G-m-4684


• Sma. Home Repairs.. Guner Cleaning & Repairs.. SmaR Roof RepiJlrS

:~~~~~al• Siding & oed< Inslallallan


GUTTER clearnng We bagand haul away ReasonableIlIl8S GrQSSIl Paln1e lII8a

313.040-4633 JohnPOINTE Gutter Cleaning

Servmg the Palntes lor 15years Dependable Lowestrales references Todd824-1847

SEAVER'S Home MaInte-nance GuUllIS replaced, re-paired, cleaned roof repairs882-0000

FAMOUS MIIn1enance Win-dow & gltter c1eal1lng lJ.censad bonded InsUredSInce 1943 884-4300

GUTTERS Installed, repaJredcleaned SCreen InstaJIatJonFR EE roof ms pa c lionPower Wastung FREE flSl>.mates Reasonable rateslJcensed & Insured I'lor1n-eastern 1rTl"tMlmen1s, Inc372 2414

Local &Long Dislance

Agent forGIobciI Van Lines

Cl8821-•• 00

• Lorge and Small Jobs• PIanos lour specialty)• Applianceso Saturday Sunday

SeMce• SenIO<' 01scounls

Owned & OperatedBy John Steininger11850 E. Jefferson

MPSC-l19675licensed Insured

SCHNEIDER'S Home RepBlrsP1ulTlbong,eleClncaI carpen-try, paln1Ing, code I/IOlalJons88&04121 pager 810.903-6351

NORTHEASTERN Improv •ments, Inc 0fIars. ln1enor! ~extenor painting Tuckpomt., Power carpen-try electncal, plumbIng Quality PaintingKitchen & bath ntmOdeIing Inlenor SpecialistsVInyl, ceratllIC lJle Installs- In prep worklion Code IIIOIalJon repairs DrywalVplasterExcelie'l1 references FREE repairEsllmates. lJcensed & In- Wallpaper lemovaJsured 372..2414 Wallwashlng

OlDER Home Speaahst Q& Dependable, excellenttom Carpentry P1umbo"lg references WorkT"m, Electrical Plaster guamnteedFloors, Baths Kdchens I810-296-2274 Lowest J m...886-7057Pnces ---------




Wmlrr Ral ... 15% on• ~Iormfhmage

24 Hr l)C"f\KC• "\cnlOf J)II,,-ount

i'<egollJhl<.. ( ounCOU'l, l;)cn Il..~

• r rcc 1"\!lffi1tClii

(,nll RI("I\('\ the nOT~ I rOil' lI(lnd~

810- 774-4757


Grfffln Fence Company• All Types Of Fel1C1ng

• Sales• InstallatIOn, Repairs

• Senior DISCOUnt822-3000 800-305-9859

MODERN FENCEWhrte Cedar Specialists



A Complete Line ofLandscaping SeMces



COOSCl8f1llOus effort andsale, quality products "

FREE EST1MATES313-no. 3606

PROFESSIONAL floor sandingand finosllng Free estl-mates W Abraham, 754-8999 T8fTY Yllfke, (810lm-3118

KELMFamily owned SInce 1943

Floor laYIng, sanding, ..finish Ing Old floors aspE!Clalty We also refin-ISh banISters


FURNITU RE mn,shed, re-paired, stnpped, any type ofcaning Free estimates 345-625B 661-5520


COMPLETE WORK '!'j;Reasonable rates, quaJrty GUTTER ~ "F

S8MC8 Call Tom ner mates C8Il :ke ~4429 81o-n4-&24


(R8SldenhaJ)Sign up Nowl810.m.t949.


• Tree & Stump Removal• Land Cleanng

licensed Insured81o-n6-1104

FALL c:lean-<4l shrubs 1rimed,~ and dallodlls pIan1edCall Derllls at 313-831-7231


Trees tnmmed, removed,stumped

SNOW PLOWINGTopsoil & grading

Firewood $60.cordFree EsbmatesGeorge Sperry

171h year810.n8-4331

M & E Landscape, Inc.Complete landscape &

lawn care Fall clean uprower rakrng & seeding

Tree tnmmlng Freeestimates Insured


W~DY~STREE SERVIr.ESTllmml~ .. A&nlOVal" St>.....'TIpS

uecnsed .. InsuredL (810) 979-5697

ServiceCalls forndfather

ClocksI~ Sat !().2

929 ORYWAll




BOB TOMA LicensedMeater EJectrlc8I


Hours Man Fn

(313)372 ..968519888 KEUY

Harper Woods South 018 Mile

I ""rung The (ommu",l, I SERVING THE-'"<'1' '"~. GROSSE POINTESTIME CENTER SINCE 1965

'V,pert ProfesSIOnal CUSWORTHWatch EL.ECTRIC INCClock Mester LIc:enMcI &

Jewelry InsuredSERVICE 0 Residential. Comrnet'Clal

• Fast Emergency Serv1ceSENIOR cmZENS'


886.444815215 MACK

CUSTOM Made s1lpctMlJl1anddrapanes Guaran1eed wor1<mansl1lp Expenenced Callnow- Ilemice 521-5255CUSTOM DRAPERIES

Blinds, carpet, wallpaper,Bedspreads, & decoratIVe

AccessonesVISrt our Showroom at



THE SewIng Basket customplllows, valances & cloIhongelterallon! Reasonablerates 810-773-7231

AL TERA noNS- mens & worn-ens Reasonable pncas Callus, 810-294-2601

AUTOMATE your home Custom con1roI fromany room uses eXlSlJng Wl r-'ng Full delaJIs call Home &Office Systems 3130000-0933

PROFESSIONAL DrywaHersMinor repaJr or m8jOI' reno-vallon B'9 or small- We dort alII 10 years expenence InGrosse Paln1e and HarperWOOds F"", _as CallMrKay31~14

RelllOlllble RillesFree Estimates.

Commercial ResidentialNew, Repe!1lI,

Renovations, CodeViolations, Servk:e


S & J ELECTRICResldenbal-Commercllll

No Job Too Small885-2930


Ranges Dryers, 5eMCeS,Doorbells



LICENSED ELECTRICIAN.SpeclallZ,ng older homeeIecIncai repaJrl updahngNo JOb 100 small' FREE Es-tJmales Call Gary Mal1l n313-882 2007


JOti N. UcelllledMaster ElectrIcal


ResIdential CommercialServIce Calls

Doorbells, Ranges,Dryers

senior CItizen Dlscou nt



'1] CIIl1NG, ~lA\HRING



• Chimney Cleanxng• Caps andScreensInslalled

• Mortar andDamperRepa"

• Animal RemovalCertified Master Sweep



Stale LalnS6d5r54

~CieaJle<ICaps Sae«ls

/nsIaJIedAIIImaJ Removal


ALL CONCRETE NEEDSWaterproofing and

tuckpomtlng All workguaranteed QUalrty work,reliable 1-81o-n2.9228



CI1rmneys repaPred,rebUl~ re-II ned

Gas flues re-llnedCleanong Glass Block

Certrfied Insured795-1711

CALL (313) 882-6900




EXPERT pIasler and drywallrepaus YoOOdwor1< and tnmdoors refit John Pnce 88:>0746

PLASTERING- Free Esl'mates "* types wet pIaslarand drywall Grosse Pouttereferences All wor1< guaran-leed 25 years expenence

loti Blaci<weY 81G-n6-ll687or 81D-38Hl970

PLASTERING and drywall re-pal rs TeX1"'ng and stuccoInsured Pete Taromlna469-2967

PLASTER repaJrs palnt"'9Cheapl No JOb too small'C811 anyllme Insured n+2B27

PLASTERING, D<ywaII Tapong& Sp<ay Textunng SpeclaI-IZIng In repBlrs No JOb toosmall Free E5!Jmates In-sured 30 years expeoenceJim Uploo 773-4316


Foo'mgs, Garage Ra/$Ings. PorchesBA'lEMFNT WATFRPROOFING

1 [(<,n'>Cd & In,urroMAR TIN Rm GARY [)JrAOI.A

775-4268 772-0033'<.'<.'<.'<'<'<'<'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<'<'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<.'<:




Basement waterproofnngSteps

Tuck ,PolnllngNo Job too small IFree Estimates







ALL types at IIome I~

ment Kilcheos basemeI1lSt>_ elc F're es'T"'.a!eSlJcensed COurteous proles-SIOnal service 81G-725-8094



Fumdure RepaJr'Wood Boat Parts

Any SIZeiShape• Custom Wood Cablnelry

• Ant"lue Wood CarParts Duplicated

SeMce 0i'Iered November It1nJ MaJth14033 EaSl8 M'1e Rd

WIrTOtl ~ GraIIoIiSd1_".m810/777.7799



AND REBUILDINGRepIac:e Rotten Wood

CrlIck & Cement RepalrTo P.. CIty Code

GuarwrteedCall For Free Estimate

LIc:eMed InsuredJohn Pr1ce 882'()746CARPEHTRY. Porches, OooIs,

Decks Firnsh & Rough Car-penIry Repelrs & SItIlilJobs Free estnnaIes 20yeers experience 885-4600

MICHIGAN Carpet UpIloIsleryCleaners Frne Esllmates22725 Grsater Mack. PleasecaD 1-6QO.Ell6.1515

MAGIC STEEMER CetpetJUpIloIslery CIesnIng Ae8I-denIIaII Commencal Truckmount. $19 95 per room(810)78&-9964, 1-600-5077766

CARPET IIlSI8UalJOn and reptlIrseMCe Call lor a ~ estl-mate SeMng tll& EastlIdeSInce 1969 3130027-9084

PROFESSIONAL caIp8l andllinyl .nstaJIalion and repairsFree estrna18S 10 yeaISexpenence Installallon guaranteed fl86.5492

GARY'S Catpel seMce In-staIIaboo restretcI'ong Re-pairs Catpel & pad avatI-

;':: SEtM:e In- 884-7139stallaIIon, restretchlng & ..\lllU'lL Sena dIIIoourlt ,cw""---------pel & pad available 77&- TUCKPOlNTING Expert re-3604 P8" porchas chimneysS & K CARPET HAPPY HOUDAYS' The

A Fu~ SeMce Bnck Doctor RICIIard PnceCarpet Company lJcensed 8112-3804Stressing Quality

Shop at HomeCAll GENE, 885-5730

SEAVER'S Home Ma,nte-nance Plaster, drywall, lexlures, 16 years InGrosse Po4nte 882{l()()()

*E • J PIasteMg D<ywaII plas-ter stucco 81G-598-8753313-71~131

CElUNG repaJrs waler dam-age cracII1s, palnlJtlg, pIas-ler, texTure or smooth l.I-censed contraclor Joe 881-1085

PLASTER & dIywaJI repair ofaI types Grosse POIn1eref-erences ' OiIP' Gibson884-5764

AHOY SquIIes Plastenng &Drywall Stucco repa"Spray textured ceilings755-2054


• H"""'ood FkxMr.Tik&M..t>Ir

• DrcL.....fI.4,T~hf'\

VITO J. SALVACCIO, INC.General BUilding Contractor


.M.lI~• OIilI\.1',.,".....vr'''AACi'~."'c1d'~fA• 11001<

Qu./,'!! You Can D'P'nd On(J1J) J4J.U65

"l\?N.rl.¥~o;s5f POtNU

882-0628YOU KNOW



I I !

CornmtrcW • ResultnaalKI!d1ens Addmorn

~ROOI!ll,~Bryson 882.2436


o Add,lIonso 1(,1chen & Bathroom

RomodeI,,'9• Arduledurol s.n.c:es


QUALITY WQRKUcensed & Insured


NEW DESIGNS, INC.----Cus""" K1tdl ...... BoINUceN.d.. Insured

References19155 Eastwood Onv.

Harper~. MI3) 884-9



l..1iIOeftMd1 ........

"I01'~t.Hl'• KTrhf" & ~1It.lIr~l"",• f 1...Mt:d 84....Wf om.• '5~~• P~I'«I"'G

EXPERT Ilncl< Repu TucI<.pomlJng chirtIneylI, porcheesleps HAPPV !'<OL'OAYSIThe Ilncl< OocIor RJdlardPnce lJcensed 882-.3804


All masonry, bock, water.proofing repairs

Specializing In tuck.POtnbng & small jObsLIcensed & Insured

Free estimates 881~seAVER'S Home Maln1e-

nance Tuck PomtlngSteps, Ct'omneys, StoneWOfl<, Porches Insured,ElcpenenoId fl82.OOOO

BRICK Repairs, Porches,SI8pS, lUck pomlJng, glassblock vMdows, code VIOla-1JonS 81G-77lHl226, KlI\IInJ.W. KLEINER SR.


POlNTES for 35 YEARSBnck. Block, and Stone

work and all typesof repairs

Bnck & Flagstone Pabos& Walks, Porches,

Chimneys, Tuck,Polntlng,Patching

VIOlatlons CorrectedSpecIalIZIng In Small JobsFree Esbmatesl1.K:ensed



90, Ar~lIAN{( ,UVICE



with RepalIlICourteous ProfesslOllal

Serv1ce on allMlIjOr appliances

oe.J direct with Owner776-1750

911 'RIC~ .lOCk WORK

BOB'S Home care pt8mUMllICing, CISOm tnm __ gutIerS repaJrs 15ye8I5 expenenoe 313-822-2808


Mark W. AndersonBASEMENT


FREE EsnMA TES881-8035 526-5684




A 1t-e *""e- ?Nue



Modemizabon oAJterallOnsoAddlbonsoFaml!y Rooms

• Kltchens.RecreahOnAreas


RENOVATION & Remodeing-hoghesl quality wor1< by li-censed builder Reoater eon.strucIJon, Inc 31~81()$3.6149

THOMAS KLEINER 1-800-441.BATHBASEMENT Bathrooms, krtcI1ens & all

WATERPfIOOFING home remodellng Owneroperated Q111 Anthony

o DIggIng MeIhod M,nauro for free estimate• All New Drain Tile• Peastl108 Backfill ADOR1ONS, Kitchens RemlJd.• Spolless Cleanup eIIng & ,. RepaIr Wor1<.'. Walls tened & Free estIlI1Il8a Slev9n SIo~ ,.. man BLlIde!s lJcensed &

Braced Q( Replaced Insured 31$3430021o Foundations Underpinned• Bnck & Concrete Work EQI nwnodeIIng Idtchenl bath,.18 VealS Expenenoe ~ door~• 10 Year Guarantee lJcensed I18Ured 81Q.<IIl9.

licensed & Insu red 8592

A-1 Quality RESIDENTIAL remodelingWorkmanship basemanls, rec rooms,810-296-3882 doors hung and trimmed,

carpentry JoIYl Pnce, 882St. Clair Shores, 07046

~I. IERfELL QlnstrudIon Sp&o--------- aalizJng custom ~

lng, JotcIlens, bathroomsWIndows, roots H91 quaity188Ul148






884-7139ServIng CommUnity 26 )'1'$



f2.:' AND REPLACED~;t: .10 YEAR~\:»GUA~~EE


TOtlV 885-4612


BrIck, Flagstone Walks& PatIOS

Porches ReotlltlPr&-Cast StepsTuck-f'otnlmgQlment WOfI(

Basement Waterproofing~ II1MII'ed


Expert Tuckpolntlng-BI1ck

Repelr. Mortar Texture &Color MlIIehIng

ftMtOt'lltlon & EateWOftl. Deep DIImond-CutTucIcpoIntIng for 8trengttI

• LongUfeIWIR mIIke your brlctcwort! look Ilke MWf

Porch RebulIdlng... reIIltcldng

UcenMd IftlUredJOHN PRICE 812041748

November 23, 1995Grosse PoInte New.

The ConnectIon

Placing An A. • • •Call and speak to any of our friendly ad-visors, whowill help you with the wording of your ad. Payment

can be made via check, money order ormajor credit card. (Pre-payment Required)

litDeacllines • • •

Your ad must be received by Tuesday noon to appearin the Thursday edition, or Monday noon for Real

Estate for sale.

Fincling An Ad • • •Each Classified category is dearly identifiable.

Writing An Ad • • •When composing an ad, it is important to include the

following: name of item for sale, price, condition,color, model, brand and times to call.

Hours & Locations • • •We're open to accept your ad via phone or in person,Mon. from 8AM . 6 PM, Tues. - Fri. from SAM . 5PM,

Sat. from 1DAM - 1PM. Youmay also fax your adat any time.

313-882-6900/313-343-5569 FAX

Grosse Pointe NewsCoaCTIoN

The ClassifiedsMade Easy.








ROOFING AI types 01 reeiden-baI roofing, qua.IIIy & crllft8.mans/Ilp 1I1 INeIy dalaIIProfessional & campeIllIYeRough & ftrll9h C8IJl&fllrY,gutllllS KlMn Slmon, 882.6539

ALL Pro Rooting ProIeIIionBIrools gutlors SlCIlng New &<8P81red Reasonable, re1ia-ble 20 years expenenceLicensed & Insured JohnWINrams 81G-77&6167

SUo TE roof rep8II8, l'lllIlDraolIOO 81l).296-2274



EastvIe'1r Exlerlonl, lng, lIInyt replacementWindows, storm WIndows,.Joers & seamless gutters17301 Mack Ave, DetroIt

313-881.1060Uc:enaed & Insured

TUNE.UP speaaJ ,n yourhome $9 95 All makIIs, aIages, aI parlll Illock8d 38)'ll8III experience 31~7437

IN home tune ups Cleen, 01,adJust Iensoons. $4.95 IUnlaXes llI1d models repall1IdcaJl Joe Kaufmen at homeanytime 81l).77ll-5403 or8S4-6293

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,. :)SOI/B tull'SlZespaE 15 a!U"Tl wh<; AMfMslereocas5. p",r ant lollcOOlngp~g ~'W1nd p r "k5. lflt crus.(l ttr'ledg~ Srx _S050

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----."";;;;!i'<l!l!;jjIlY .......1l1"li,.lIil •••••••• "t IIllPV-

-0----Page 2 Grosse Pointe News • The Connection Thursday, November 23, 1995

A bird brain twisterBird watching 1S an activity that's

educational for cmldren and relaxingfor adults. Learmng to identify birdsand bird song, and learning how tofeed them can teach children to carefor, and respect, nature's other crea-tures. For adults, watching birds is asoothing activity after a hard day'swork.

Attracting birds to your yard is eas-ier than you might expect.Goldfinches, chickadees, cardinalsand other small song birds arealways attracted to a source of food,especially now, when naturalresources are scarce. Though simpleto make, a small feeder or birdhousecan be a time-consuming project.Large, fancy birdhouses or feedersare rather costly and usually used bymore experienced bird watchers.

An easier, inexpensive option wouldbe to buy a product such as the LogFeeder from Easy Gardener. Thisnew feeder combines the naturalbeauty of a forest log with durable,rugged construction, allowing foryears of use and enjoyment by noviceand expenenced bird watchers alike.Easy to fill and deSigned with a roofthat protects seeds from the ele-ments, the Log Feeder comes com-plete with an all weather hangingWlre and four perches which permitbirds to feed from all sides.

As you prepare to jom the ranks ofAmerican's millions of bird watchers,Easy Gardener mvites you to test

your knowledge of our fine-featheredfriends:

Questions1) In which direction do birds fly

when the weather turns cold? a)North b) South c) East

2) True or false: Most birds thatstop to eat at a bird feeder do not flyoff with the food?

3) Cardinals often sing duets inwhich the male will sing one part of asong and the female another part.What is this tune sharing called? a)Prophonal singing b) Communalsinging c) Antiphonal singing

4) Three baseball teams are namedafter birds. Can you name them?

5) Different types of birds oftentravel together. Is this because a)Some birds are better than others atspotting food. b) Some birds are bet-ter than others at sensing threats c)Many birds simply like companion-ship or d) All of the above?

6) The peacock is the proud symbolof which television network? a) ABCb) CBS c) NBC

7) The loon is the state bird of a)Minnesota b) Alaska c) Georgia

8) Who was the star of the filmclassic "The Birdman of Alcatraz"? a)Rex Harrison b) Burt Lancaster c)Marlin Brando

9) Do birds like peanuts a) Raw b)Cooked c) Salted d) All of the above

10) If a bird feeder has run out offood, 1S a bird smart enough to let youknow it's time to refill the feeder? a)

Yes b) No.Answers1) B. Birds, of course, travel south

for the winter in an effort to findwarmth.

2) True. Generally, birds tend tostay at a feeder while partaking ofthe food, unless they are bringingfood back to the nest for their young.Some birds, however, among themchickadees, blue jays and nuthatches,virtually always flyaway with theirfood.

3) C. Bird watchers who alsobecome bird listeners will note thatantiphonal singing increases as mat-ing season nears.

4) The baseball teams named afterbirds are Blue Jays, Orioles andCardinals.

5) D. Many different kinds of birdsget along and, when they traveltogether, each can bring a differenttalent to the party.

6) C. For many year, the NBC pea-cock was seen in black and white.With the advent of color television inthe 1960's the plumes of NBC's pea-cock took on a rainbow of colors.

7) A The ptarmigan is the statebird of Alaska ,while the thrasher isthe state bird of Georgia.

8) B. Lancaster starred as the pris-oner who raised birds while servinghis sentence at the legendary prison.Brando had a pigeon coop in On theWaterfront" while Rex Harrison con-versed with birds in Doctor Dolittle.

9) D. Birds eat peanuts any whichway. While peanuts are high in calo-ries and a bird favorite, young birdshave trouble digesting them and theycan go bad when it's very hot.

10) A. Birds used to feeding at aparticular feeder have been known toinform a homeowner it's time to addmore mix. They can accomplish thisby pecking at a window pane untilyou respond. By the way, birds willgenerally not tap if you're not homeand, if you are, they'll find a way totap on the window of whatever roomyou are in.

Once you've purchased a feeder,hang it where cats, squirrels andmice can't reach it. Also, hang thefeeder so it can be seen from a win-dow or porch. Avid bird watchers sug-gest using two or three feeders in theyard to ensure attracting the broad-est selection of birds. Easy Gardenerrecommends alternating feeder sitesto maintain the interest of returningbirds and entice new ones. Anotherway to attract birds is to add a birdbath to the yard. This provides birdswith a welcome rest stop and a placeto cool off when summer arrives.

Now that you are a whiz at birdtrivia and knowledgeable about usinga feeder, you may want to considerbuying a bird identification guide sothe entire family can learn the namesof the fine feathered friends that willsoon be eating and chirping away inyour own yard.


20439Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe ON THE COVER




t.FIRST OFFERING - PERFECT" ~COWNIAL So much to offer you .. ~ ..Nearly 2800 square feet 18 th18 four•bedroom home featunng newer furnacecentral aIr, newer kItchen refinished .•hardwood floors newer' decorat1Og......throughout. BEAUTIFUL! Just move 10' .'

lil ID. ~ 886-6010 ~'• .~~ ~ftOOI 114 Kercheval ••

II_EO (]II GIlOIR ~ oo.utI (]II1lEAL.- AI<D IW\.nUrT IUVICI. _. cotlltl'\' ASlIOCIATlOlI <1r1lEAL""" M1C1IIOAIlM1JLnpu: U!nHO SI:'IrV?<"1.. MfC"'HJQ,Uf A.!!IOCL\TtnN' Of' 1tIA1.TOItsAH'D 'ft(I: NATIOHU A..lII8O('lAn<w at IIl.,u:roa


NESTLED ON QUIET CUL-DE-SACPicturesque custom. two. bedr~m ran~h surrounded by park-like, professionally

lan.dscaped .grounds b~mmmg Wlth a vanety of flowering trees and imported maples.EnJ~y the VIewfrom e.lthe: the .cove~edflagstone and slate patio or the splendid brickpatio ..Impecca~ly mamtamed mtenor features a living room with fireplace, paneledden, kitchen Wlth eatmg space, hardwood floors and a finished basement that can bedescribed as spectacular. $180,000.

.....~t",'"i*1.o ; HARPER WOODS BUNGALOW~.~ Truly another pnze IS thIS welI loved

home Updates throughout as well as. .. newer kItchen, furnace, central aIr...~t",'"

Farmly room-nice floor planNew construction - 4.250 sq. ft.6 brand new homes - GP Woods2nd house off LakeshoreFamily room. library. laundry rm .Freshly painted. newer kltch. NFPDeslsner Show House ..1994"

1-112 Baths3-1/2 Baths2 Baths3 Baths- 2 Lavs3-1/2 Baths1 Bath7 Baths-4 Half Bath


3 Bedrooms4 Bedrooms4 Bedrooms4 Bedrooms4 Bedrooms2 Bedrooms8 Bedrooms

r FREEMARKO ANALYSISDo you know what your house is worth? ~


886-8710"Where Soles and Fnends Are Mode- • Each Red Corpef office IS mdependenrfy owned and operated


Iefftrson CoIomal 3 Bedrooms Waterfront Fam room. 1st floor laundry.Well decof"ated

Human Ranch 3 Bedrooms I Bath Numerous updates

BenJamin Two Story 3 Bedrooms I Bath Fi rst offering-<:anal


HIdden Cove Ranch 2 Bedrooms Harrison Twp First offerlng-Iakefront-boatwellRMerA Garden Lev. I Bedrooms St C1aJrShores RMera Terrace CondosUncoln Ranch 2 Bedrooms St C1aJr Shores Large kitchen.

attached garage. deckArtllur 2nd Floor 2 Bedrooms Harper Woods Co Op-dean. deanVIolet Lane 2nd Roor 2 Bedrooms St ClaIr Shores rnce reduced

S of 13 Mile on Jefferson

Newast"~ ColomalEdgemont PMk ColomalGoethe ColonialS. DeepWMIs CoIomalBerkshire New Const.RIdgemont BungaloWWebber"'ce Tudor

- • ••





YOU MUST SEE thiS three bedroomBungalow! Updates throughgw vinylwindows, new 0 . ce, rdwoodfloors, 0 er tank,camplet c n, cove ceIling mthe Iivin m & dining room, 2-cargarage.18912 WOODCREST, H.W. - REDUCED.CUTE starter home w/three bedrooms,formal dining room, newer furnace/stormdoors and roof, 2.5-car garage.11 WILLISON, CPS - CUSTOM bUiltRoman bnck Ranch In the desirable 'YachtClub VIew Sub.' ThIS lovely one ownerhome offers a hvmg room with naturalfireplace, formal dinmg room, kitchenw/many cabmets, countertops & eatmgspl1ce, family room w/ralsed fIeldstonehearth fireplace and a vIew of Lake St. Clairthree bedrooms, 2.5-baths, Circular dnve,2.5-car attached garage.2073 BRYS, GPW - CUTE HOMEAWAITS your inspectIOn. ThIS threebedroom, l-bath bncK Bungalow offershardwood floors. cove cellmgs, andImmedIate occupancy - In addItion thereIS a vacant lot on one Side of the home. \whIch offers pnvacy. j1127 BEDFORD, CPP - ENCHANTING IspacIOus three bedroom. two and one-half IIbath home With approximately 2,246 square Ifeet of living area. This lovely home featuresnew designs and renovatIOns. oak panelledfamily room, formal dming room, newkitchen, master sUIte With private bath andhislher closets, the lower level con tams aMcCoy saunalspht spa JaCUZZI,gas fireplaceand JUIce bar, plus outside you will fmd aprofeSSIOnally landscaped yard.968 WESTCHESTER, GPP - RELISHTHE ROOM you'll have in this spacioushome that sports four bedrooms, two baths,large kItchen With an eating area, first floorbedroom with full bath, natural fireplace 10

the family room, situated in WmdmlllPointe SubdiVISIon.20291 BEAUFAlT, H,W. - OPEN &SPACIOUS describes this fIVe bedroom,three bath Ranch/Cape Cod home whIchhas an open floor plan, large family roomand hvmg room both With naturalfIreplaces, updated kitchen, tiled basement.profeSSIOnally landscaped WIth m-groundspnnklers. Grosse Pomte Schools.962 BALFOUR, CPP - ENDLESSEXTRAS come With this quality buJltEnglish Tudor With four bedrooms. threeand one-half baths, newer 'Pella' Windows,hardwood floors, chlldrensplayhouse/worklOg train track thatsurrounds the backyard, plus!829 HARCOURT, GPP - INVESTMENTOPPORTUNITY - Perfect for owneroccupant. This 6/6 Income offers separatebasements, natural fireplaces, two bedrooms,Flonda room, dmmg 'L', hvmg room, kitchenin each umt. Three car garage.

Page 3-~ - ------ -- ----- -- -,~ '--1

A FIRST OFFERING 820493 Washtenaw, HW I

_-':_"L-- - -

Grosse Pointe News • The Connection


872 CADIEUX, GPC -IOLUTELYCHARMING! Broad ~t od WIthtwo natural a ,f dmingroom, II,I creen porch,perfect g to autumn, 2-cargarage, c ral aIr, pnced to sell.14 HARBOR CT., CPFEXCEPTIONALLY APPEALING is thiS twostory entrance custom built home boastingof four bedrooms, two and one-half baths,updated kitchen With bUilt-ins, sub-zeros,first floor laundry, large family room, den,central air conditioning, full basement. twoand one-half car garage and priced at$449,000.16355 JEFFERSON, CPC - UNIQUESouthern Colonial set on a country sizelot! You're bound to love the inside With Itsmarble floor entrance foyer, livmg roomWIth oak floormg and marble hearthfireplace. library, formal dming room,family room with a marble floor & marblehearth fireplace, four bedrooms, two fulland two half baths.

IF YOU'RE Looking for a great Coloniallocated on a "treed" lot and a half, with a'Mutschler kitchen that is fabulous, anewer roof, central air, formal dining room,large living room with a natural fireplaceand den ... yet needing decorating - thenthis is it!! Once you select your own paint,wallpaper, carpeting or refinish thehardwood floors, you'll have turned thishouse into a "Swan".

Thursday, November 23, 1995

, {

'Pedal(9pen 9lOtl&3


1-4777 ANITA, GPW

•MAKE THIS PART of your shoppmg plans - Come see this open & spacIOus threebedroom, one and one half brick Ranch whIch boasts of beauty & refinementthroughout! The hvmg room has a cozy natural fireplace & full murored wall,dining room, there is a lovely sunken family room w/nautral walnut panelmg &plcutre Window, kItchen WIth appliances, m-ground heated pool and beautifullylandscaped.

412 ST. CLAIR, CPC - LOADS OFUPDATES have been done throughout thissharp three bedroom, 1.5-bath Colomal.Th1s lovely home offers a formal dmingroom and living room with trac-lightmg,updated kitchen w/parquet flooring, islandcounter and eating space, plus newappliances, master bedroom has a II2-bath,new windows, plus! Reduced to $129,0001312 RIDGE ROAD, GPF - QUALITYLOCATION, SPACE & PRICE! If these areImportant to you this four bedroom, 2-bathhome has all of them. Family room plus2nd floor den, modem kitchen, finishedbasement with wet bar, wine cellar and fullbath (makes 3 total). All this in a greatFarms locatIOn for $179,900.20324 VAN ANTWERP, HWABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL three bedroom,2-bath Ranch in G.P. School system. Thishome features a master bedroom With aprivate master bath, large rooms, finishedbasement with lIZ-bath formal dmingroom. central air, 2.5-car garage andsItuated on private grounds.

-----..-..."......--- - - - ---- - ---{----


BEAUTIFUL completely remodeled &decorated three bedroom, one and one halfbath Colonial. This home is bright and cleanoffering refinished oak floors, living roomwith natural fireplace, new oak kitchen, newfamily room with cathedral ceiling &natural fireplace and a window doorwall thatleads to the in-laid patio, finished basement,central air, and much morel720 S. OXFORD, CPW - ONE OF G.P.'sFINEST Streets! This immaculate Centerentrance Colonial offers an updatedkitchen wlbuilt-ins, large family room,living room, dining room, library, powderroom, second floor has four bedrooms,master bedroom with separate 13xllsitting room and a laundry room. Beautifulnewly finished basement with carpetedfloors, drywall, kitchen and half bath.829 WESTCHESTER, GPP - Brickcenter entrance Colonial features customdetails throughout! This beautiful homeboasts of four bedrooms, 2.5-baths,hardwood floors, library, formal dimngroom, breakfast nook, screened-in porch,finished basement and recreatIOn roomwith a natural fireplace, 2-car garage, plus!419 LINCOLN, CPC - ABSOULTELYCHARMING five bedroom, three and one-half bath Center entrance Colonial featuresa new 'Mutschler' kitchen WIth ceramic tilefloormg, built-in appliances, 19x19 familyroom with pan ceiling and new slidingglass door leadmg to the rear grounds, twonatural fireplaces, den, basementrecreation room, fabulous location andimmedIate occupancy!617 S. HIGBE, GPW - REDUCED.WANT IT ALL? You can have it in this threebedroom (plus two bedroom/bathexpansion upstairs possible), brick ranchwhich features an updated kItchen, liVingroom with natural fireplace, den,recreation room, fueplace and a IOxl2bathroom with oversized stall shower inthe basement, two and one-half car garage.1750 VERNIER, CPW - SPACIOUSCondo offers a large living/dining roomcombination, pool, laundry facilities,carport, pets allowed.19682 FLEETWOOD, H.W.BEAUTIFUL Townhouse Condominiumfeatures new carpeting, lovely oak flooring,fmished basement, private patio, twobedrooms, 1.5-baths and 2-car carport.

19138 KENOSHA, H.W. &FECTSTARTER home! I~m f threebedroom y roomw/glass ped lot, 1.5-car garag riced at $59,900.726 PEAR TREE, CPW - IMPRESSIVETRI-LEVEL home offers three bedrooms,two and one-half baths, family room with anatural fireplace, spacious kitchen, formaldining room and new carpetingthroughout - near Liggett Schools.


Page 4 Grosse Pointe News • The Connection Thursday, November 23, 1995

- ------

+ + + + + + + +- + +



Bedroorn/Bath Description Price Phone Address


Bedroom/Bath Description Price


2050 Roslyn




Open Sun. 2-4. Bungalow,comfortable Or plan. Ownersready. leineke Realty


Price Reduced



Address Bedroom/Bath


Description Price Phone

Address Bedroom/Bath

884-6200 1357 Buckingham 5/3.5


21158 Van K

20065 Baltree Ct.

676 Peach Tree

1810 Norwood


3/1 5


3/1 5

Open Sun. 1-4. Br. Colomal, Fam rm,fIn basmt, alarm, spnnkler sys Call

Central arr, newer high efficiency (urn ,sun porch, all 2 car gar. $162,000

Beautiful Colomal WIth family roomTappan & Associates $359,900

A true Colonmal' BeautIfully decoratedFIreplace, F R , double lot, all garGinny Damman, Coldwell BankerSchweitzer Real Estate Call




1142 Audubon 4/2.5

Description Price Phone

Eog Tudor, Hdwd firs. throughout,newer kit .. $330,000 884.3890

Immaculately mamtamed EnglishTudor With extra lot A must see.By owner. call 882-1206



+ + + ++ + + + +Thursday, November 23, 1995 Grosse Pointe News • The Connection Page 5 I



VI. DETROIT VII. HARPER WOODS (Conrd)Address Bedroom/Bath


Description Price Phone AddressHollywood


Description Price PhoneC.P. SChools Ginny Damman 886.4200,Coldwell Banker Schweitzer R.E. $48,900 610.704-6005


For moreinformation on advertising

please call






Price Phone

$81,900 810-775-4900

$179,500 810-778.5319




Open Sun. 1-4. Brick TownhouseImm. occupancy Stieber Realty Co.

Open Sun. 1.5. 2nd floor condo



.'~ f r ( 'f f f f I~:. I) [ .. <.., ..) . , ... '.L. \ )




Address Bedroom/Bath

1246 Woodbridge 2/1.5

109 Windwood Pte. 3/2.5


Classified Advertising:313.882.6900

Display Advertising:313.882.3500


'Tfie Staff of tfie9rosse q>ointe ~ews and

'tfie Connection neJvspaperslvould like to J;visfieveryone


Feast Your Eyes OnThe Real Estate Deals...

Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone

20549 Hollywood 3/1 Open Sun. 1-4. C.P. SChools,camp. remodeled, new windows!roof/sidinw'kltchen/bath. $82,500 881-1882

20895 Country Club 3/1 Meticulous home. Newer dec ,CFA, CAe, kitchen! Ownertransferred. R.G. Edgar & Assoc. $102,500 886-6010

19825 Arthur, '139 2/1 1st floor co-op with park-Itkeview Immediate occupancy.Tappan & Associates $48,900 884-6200

19985 Damman 3/2 Brk. New wlndwslelec Remodeledthroughout. Red Carpet Keim ACE Call 810-779.0200

206% Lancaster 3-4/1 Rec room w/flreplace newlydecorated. Ginny Damman, 886-4200,Coldwell Banker Schweitzer R.E. Call 810-704-6005

-Page 6 Grosse Pointe News • The Connection Thursday, November 23, 1995


ImmedIate possession homes 10 and around the area! Call for that list'


Two bedroom, twofull all tiled baths,

marble ftreplace. Airconditioning, two carattached garage. New

appliances, stove,refrigerator,

dishwasher, washerand dryer. All custom

drapery and blinds.Laundry room plus

full basement.,


Call Inn Kuhnleinat 88&5800


CONDOMINIUM- 1st floor,qUiet, secure ConvenientWoods location. One bed-room, 1.5 baths, largerooms, pool, carport. Mid$8O's. Appointment, 822-9640 or 881-5763

WINDWOOD Pie. 2nd floor, 3bedroom, 2 bath condo. Callfor appointment. $179,500.810-778-5319

LAKESHORE Village. Buyingor seIling? Call Diana Barto-lotta, Century 21 Kee, 810-751-6026

TWO condominIUms, SunsetPlaza East Jefferson, St.Clair Shores. 1 bedroomshown by appointment only.$44,900 Call after 6 P m.884-2371. 886-9065 after 6pm

RIVIERA Terrace- 2 bedroom,2 bath completely updatedCondo. 810-n8-10 9 or313-343-3360

glace a realestateadvertisement in the

"¥ourHome" section of theGrosse Pointe News and

The ConnectionNwspapers and reach over150,000 potential buyers!Monday, Noon deadline(313) 882-6900

FAX (313) 343.5569


First offeringMackNemier 3800 sq ftwith parking on corner

highly visible,competitive.Lease Rate

Andary 886-5670.A FIRST offenng Income op-

portumty, commercial 2building package Chester-field Township. 6,400 S. F.U C terms. $239,900. Askfor Joe Sowerby, Anton.Zorn & AssocIates 81~8888




NEW LISTINGSmart & functional. 3 bed-

room brick ranch, 2 carattached garage, 1 1/2baths. Fireplace, familyroom. Offered at$205,000.


Three bedroom Bungalow,newly decorated, newcarpeting, side drive, ga-rage, gas heat. Only$49,900. Terms.




Large, updated brick Colo-nial. Kitchen with eatingspace, formal dimng, nat-ural fireplace, walk-incloset in large masterbedroom, finished base-ment, 2 car garage.$69,900.

HARPER WOODSBeautiful 4 bedroom bnck

home. "Great Room"concepts. Newer fumacewith aIr. MotIVated. Ask.Ing $88.900.

Stieber Realty810-775-4900

11 Milel 1-94Three bedroom brick

Ranch with full basement,central air, SO'x123' lot.$79,900. Must be sold.

Lee Real EstateAsk for Harvey810-771-3954

HARPER Woods- GrossePomte SChools 3 bedroomcorner ranch, large krtchen,enclosed breezeway, 2 1/2car attached garage Fin-Ished basement, central alf,spnnklers $123,900 Eve-nings, 884-8688.

HARPER Woods, 20549 Holly-wood Grosse POinteschools- Open Sunday, 1- 4.3 bedrooms, 1 bath, c0m-pletely remodeled, new WIn-dowsI roofl Sl<:fIngl kitchen &bath. $82,500. 881-1882

GROsse POInte Woods- 3bedroom, 1.5 bath bunga-low, central alr, 2 ear at-tached garage. $162,000.881-8011.

Harper WoodsFour room Ranch featuring

full basement, 1 1/2 cargarage. $55,000 FHA! VA



Resource PagesFor A

QUICKReference GuideTo



CONDOSThat are currently on the

marketl!!!'Call 882-6900 for more In.


EASTPOINTE- bnck CAPECOD, 3100 square feet,One acre lot, LC terms$159,900 John Kurczak,810-771-1211, century 21AMClassified Advertising

313882-6900BY Owner- 5 bedrooms, 4

baths, English Tudor, newerkitchen, hardwood floorsthroughout, full basement, 2car garage $330,000 313-884-3890 for appomtment

OUTER Dr. area. E Warren!Chatsworth For sale orlease Two family fI extrasNegotiable 882-2079

MINT CONDITIONHome In one of Grosse

POinte Woods bestareas. 3 bedroom, largefamIly room, office orden, large deck, finishedbasement, new kitchen,wood floors & new car-petmg. Approximately2,000 square feet. 891Roslyn. $213,900. OpenSunday, 2. 4. No bro-kers!

Hurry on thiS one' Recently reduced! Three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, famIly roomoverlookmg large yard! llvmg room With fireplace Newly decorated throughout!

Attached 2 car garage.

Value packed Cape Cod! Owner loved thiS home but IS retiring. Three bedrooms,could be four. Newly finished hardwood floors Beautiful kitchen. RecreatIOn room

With natural fireplace and raIsed hearth Move right IO!

CALL (313) 882-6900

To ChargeYour

Real Esate Adll!


BY owner. Very mce 2 bed-room starter home WIthbasement In Harper Woods$53,000 886-7597

Economy your priOrity? ThiS darling ranch IS waIting for the small famIly who wantthe Grosse Pomte school system and still budget minded! ImmedIate possession.

for more Information regarding any home for sale, please call Ginny Damman,Coldwell Banker Schweitzer R.E" 886-4200 or Pager 810-704-6005,

24 Hours Availability


Or fax your ad copy to(313) 343-5569. Include

Visa or MasterCardnumber, expiration date,name, address. phone

number & signature.

21158 Van K, Open Sunday,1- 4 Beaubful 3 bedroom, 3full bath, center entrancebrick Colomal GrossePOinte Woods Other fea-tures Include: family room,library, 2 story martlle en-trance foyer Finished base-ment Alarm system, under-ground spnnklers Must see!313-882-9869


EASE of Irvmg, 'M>I'kabIe floorplan, motMIted setters canoffer to a Juct(y buyer a 0IC8place to can home, beautmllnetghbortlQod 2050 Roslyn,3 bedroom Bungalow OpenSunday, 2- 4 Pnce reduced.l8lneke Ae8JIy, 882-9655

GROSSE POinte Woods, 1667Llttlestone, English colomal,$154,000 Open Sunday~1768EAST ENGL\SH AREA

3 bedroom briCK Colomalbasement, garage Needs

T L C andprrced accordly.Only $55,000.

Land Contract TermsMcConnick-

3 bedroom bungalowBasement, garage.Reduced to $45,900

Andary 886--5670.ST. CLAIR Shores Golf

Course 2 bedroom 2 bathcondo Air, was'" & dryhoo\<.- up Attached garageBy owner, $85,000 81().29&5941

HARPER Woods, 3 bedroombnck, bungalow GrossePOinte SChools, updatedkitchen & bath, finIShedbasement, 2 car garage.Must see Call Sandy atcentury 21 East, 810-294-3655

Grosse POinte Woods- 3 bed-room bnck bungalow, c0m-pletely updated $159 ,00088H)097

ATTORNEYFor your Rea) Estate sale

or purchase. $300Thomas P. Wolverton,209-41n

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE800 Houses tor Sale 815 Out of State Property801 Commercial BUildings 816 Real Estate Exchange802 Commercial Property 817 Real Estate Wanted

803 CondoslAplsIFlals 818 Sale or lease

804 Country Homes 819 Cemetery Lots

805 Farms820 Business Opportunities

806 Flonda Property Monday Noon deadline807 Investment Property {sub/eel 10 change dunng holidays}808 lake/River Homes

t809 lake/River Lots CASH RATE 12 words $9 08810 lake/River Resorts Each addlbonal word 65e811 Lots For Sale812 MortgagesILand

Contracts813 Northem Michigan Real Estate Resource ads,

Homes $925 per hne

814 Northern Michigan Lots Call (313) 882-6900Fax (313) 343-5569

. -Thursday, November 23, 1995 Grosse Pointe News • The Connection Page 7

in the microwave for about threeminutes or so. Leave the cooked teato sit for a while to cool, then take outthe bag and fill the jar full of water.After adding artificial sweetener tothe tea, I pour the mixture into thetwo bottles I have saved, place thelids on them and put them in therefrigerator. I take one of these bot-tles in my lunch bag to work eachday.

By the way, bottles that have heldother flavors can be filled with yourown flavored drink mixes too. Hollyv., Oak Park, m.

BOX IT - I keep a small cardboardbox in my car trunk. When shoppingfor milk, pop, bleach, etc., I placethese items in the box.

It keeps them from rolling aroundin the trunk and leaking. You canalso add crumpled newspaper to keepsmall items in place. Helen B.,Bakersfield, Mo.

VERSATILE TOMATO - Did youknow you could use those tomato-shaped pin cushions for machine nee-dles?

Use a marker and write in eachsection what size needles you have.Liz D., Louisville, Ky.

KEEPING TRACK - when every-one was still living at home, I keptwhat I called my kitchen list on thekitchen bulletin board (for most peo-ple now, that's the refrigerator door).

Anyone who brought up the last ofanything from the basement was towrite it on the hst so I'd know toreplemsh the supply on my nextonce-a-week shoppIng trip.

After someone forgot to add it andwe ran out, siblings "worked over"the culprit, who didn't forget agaIn.The system worked very well. Josiev., Beaumont, Texas

Share your special HOmR Tip wlthour readers. Send It to Dume Eckert,King Features Weekly Servu:e, 235East 45th Street, New 1Drk, N.Y.10017.


Q. What is a "fire grenade"? I justbought a blue bottle marked"Hayward's Hand Fire Grenade." Itlooks like a vase shaped like a ballwith a long neck attached.

A. Fire grenades were popular fromthe 1870s to about 1910. Each was aglass container filled with a liquidthat could extinguish a fire. The liq-uid, often carbon tetrachloride, wastoxic.

The fire grenade was thrown at thefire. When the glass bottle broke, theliquid put out the fire.

Some fire grenades were stored in aspeCIal wire rack. The heat of a firewas supposed to melt the solder hold-ing the rack, causing the grenades tofall onto the fire.

The best-known American manu-facturers of fire grenades were theHarden Hand Fire Extinguisher Coof Chicagu and the Hayward Co. ofNew York CIty.

Common fire grenades sell forabout $40. Rare ones can bnng morethan $500.

Be careful if you have a filled firegrenade. The contents can be quitedangerous if inhaled.

Trying to sell some of your collec-tion? Need a lmer for a slat or acup and saucer to match your grand-mother's Haviland? The new Kovels'Guide to Selling, Buying and FixingYour Anttques and Collecttbles listsmore than 3,000 supplzers, clubs, auc-tions, services and industry sources toguu1e you. For a copy of the book, send$18 plus $3 postage to Kovels, Box22900, Beachwood, OhIO 44122.

figures depict such characters asBuster Brown; Foxy Grandpa;Skeezix; Andy Gump and Min Gump;Happy Hooligan and Gloomy Gus;Harold Teen; Hans, Fritz, Mama andother "Katzenjammer Kids" regulars;Moon Mullins and Kayo; Mutt andJeff; Skippy; Smitty; and Henry. Mostsuch figures sell today for more than$100 each.

In years to come, will small plasticfigures of Snoopy, Charlie Brown,Garfield, Blondie and Dagwood beexpensive collectibles?

Comic stnps have Inspired manytoys and ornaments Sometimes,however, the stnp is so old, the fig.urines or toys have lost all meanIngfor torlay's collector.

The Yellow Kid, Little Nemo, Kayo,Happy Hooligan, Mutt and Jeff andKatzenjammer KIds are unknown tosome collectors

Many different small pottery orplaster figures were made in theearly years of the century, whencomics were just startmg. Small, rare

Q. I have an old newspaper bagwith a padded shoulder strap. It ismade of canvas and has the name ofour local newspaper on the side.When were newspaper bags used?

A. There are still a few towns in theUnited States where newspaper car-riers are using the bags.

In the 1840s in New York City, thepenny newspaper was distributed toabout 55,000 people each day. Homedelivery was not offered; newspaperswere sold in stores, at newsstandsand by newspaper boys on the street.The boys bought the papers from thecompany, then sold them for a fewcents more and kept the profit. Itwasone way a boy could help support hisfamily.

By World War I, cars clogged thestreets and the boys often ran intothe street to make a sale. The jobbecame dangerous. In many citiestoday, it is illegal for children to hawknewspapers on a street corner.

The canvas bags used by newsboyshave remained popular. Collectorsuse them to carry heavy loads at fleamarkets. We have designed a16x12xl0-inch bag for use by collec-tors. The padded strap, stitched can-vas and name on the side are adapta-tions of an authentic 1930s newspa-per bag.

TIP: Art-supply stores have bags oferaser shavings. Put some on a clothand roll the bits over paper to removelight dust and dirt.

Q. What is the value of a Mammycookie jar marked "BraytonMammy"?

A. Brayton Pottery operated inSouth Laguna Beach, Calif., from1927 to 1963. It was well-known forits mammy salt-and-pepper shakersand cookie jars. They were marked,"Brayton Laguna," "Brayton LagunaPottery" or "Brayton CaliforniaUSA." We've never seen one marked"Brayton Mammy."

Several reproductions of the blackwoman with her hands on her hipshave been made. Original Braytons,which sell for $1,500 or more, havewhite aprons with a zigzag hemdesign, striped shirts and kerchiefsand skirts in several colors.Reproductions, which sell in the $125range, have checkered or plainaprons and solid-colored dresses orskirts.



St. John cemeteryFraser- property for 2

plus stone.$850. or offer.


START y<lur own bUSiness.Pasta making equipment &more. Established custom-ers. Complete training, 313-881-9840.

A CHESTERFIELD Townshipoffering- Large automaticcar wash built In 1988, 1/2acre SIte. U C Terms.$495.000. Ask for Joe Sow-arby, Anton, ZOrn & Asso-C1ates.81~

Stieber Realty810-775-4900



FLORIDA: Interested In pur.chasing property In the Ft.Myefs area? OIDtaet formerGrosse POinter, Phil Pavis-cak at Gardenia Realty, toe2045 McGregor Blvd. Ft.Myers, Fl. 33901

LOOKJNG for 3 or 4 bedroomhome in Grosse PointeWoods. 1.708-246-6109.


serving Area Since 1938



SNUGGLE UP - For people wholike to travel with a favorite pillow, Isuggest putting it in a pillowcase thatis a bright color or, even better, a dis.tinctive print.

This tip came to me the hard waywhen I left my white-clad pillowamong the lookalikes on a motel bed.Sally G., Plano, Texas

TAKE CARE - When using ahand-help vacuum cleaner, be carefulto keep chains or ties around yourneck away from the suction andbrushes.

A braided cord from the neck of mywindsuit got sucked in as I vacuumedthe stairs to the basement and nearlystrangled me. Charlotte D., AngelsCamp, Calif.

CLOTHING CALENDAR - I hada problem remembering what I'dworn previously; i.e., on Mondaymorning (when I play pool) did I wearred and blue last week?

When I played another game onThursday, what did I wear? Thenthere is church, teaching my class,conducting the writer's workshop,and on and on for my schedule eachweek.

How did I solve my problem? Isecured a calendar with large whitesquares and each week I list what Iwear. This way, I know I don't getcaught coming and going! Gertie P.,Bellair, Oluo

NAIL-POLISH REMOVER - Thistip probably isn't original but it savesme some money. I save all cotton thatis stuffed in medicme bottles and useit to remove nail polish. Syracuse,N.Y.

ICED TEA - This is a way I savemoney: Buy two bottles of "all-natur-al iced tea" drinks from the store.After drinking them, save the bottles.

I have also saved an empty quart-size mayonnaise jar. I fill the mayon-naise jar about one-third full ofwater, drop in one tea bag (l~ thecaffeine-free kind) and cook on High

OWN your own Island! Out-door MaQ8Z1ne called it oneof the best in bass fishingl88 acres, 4.400 ft. of fr0n-tage, log cabm for hunting.$295,000. Dickson & Ass0-ciates Real Estate, 616-347.7800./M!J:.

CHARLEVOIX Small 1 bed-room condo. Walking dis-tance to golf course. tenniscourts, beach and d0wn-town. $52,900. 616-547.4785, Mike.

r', I




Page 8 Grosse Pointe News • The Connection Thursday, November 23, 1995