Go issue 27.indd

Help save an Aussie icon ... see page 19 www.govita.com.au ISSUE 27 2012 • $5.95 (GST INC) allergies new breakthrough in treatment of mood boosters winter skin solutions

Transcript of Go issue 27.indd

Help save an

Aussie icon ... see page 19

www.govita.com.auI S S U E 2 7 2 0 1 2 • $ 5 . 9 5 ( G S T I N C )

allergiesnew breakthrough in treatment of

mood boosters

winter skin solutions

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exfoliating. My skin is e


moisturised and smoothed to


an inch of perfect


Mrs G, Gordon NSW.

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If you want silky smooth, hydrated and youthful skin then here is the secret that many Hollywood stars have known about for years! You need a body scrub! Once you have used one there is no going back, you’ll be addicted to the beautiful radiant skin that results! A body scrub has some amazing benefi ts:

Your skin will look youngerNow who doesn’t want that? A scrub gently removes dead, dry skin cells that accumulate on the surface and can make your skin look dull, dry, fl aky and aged. Once these dead cells are removed, your skin can breathe and its natural youthful radiance can be restored.

You can get a better shaveOn newly exfoliated skin you will fi nd a smoother shave will result.

You can get a more even natural looking ‘self-tan’Exfoliate before applying your self-tan, paying special attention to your heels, knees and elbows. If you don’t exfoliate then dead skin cells aren’t removed and the end result will be a blotchy uneven tan. Also, if you choose to apply moisturiser after exfoliating, it will be absorbed faster and better into your skin.

Exfoliate with ME!Mineral Energy Gently Exfoliating Body Scrub is a powerful combination of sea salt and raw sugar which will polish and refi ne your skin, while nourishing oils of almond, jojoba, apricot kernel and macadamia work to re-hydrate and condition. Delicately scented witha blend of tropical jasmine, frangipaniand lavender oils you will feel like youhave stepped into a luxurious tropical spa! Mineral Energy products contain no chemical nasties and are palm oil free.

For best results To get the best out of ME Body Scrub, scoop out a small amount of scrub on your hand and apply using gentle circular motions while moving from your shoulders to your feet. There is no need to be heavy handed as the scrub crystals do all the work, to buff your skin back to glowing! Use at least once a week to remove dead skin cells. Don’t wait till summer to spoil yourself, dry wintery skin needs attention too! This is one beauty product you won’t want to do without!

Limited offerWhen you shop in Go Vita Health Shops in August, you can purchase the ME Body Scrub and receivea bonus ME Body Lotion 200ml,while stocks last.

welcome this issue

and more...

Ever wonder why you take that multi vitamin every day? Hopefully it’s because you feel better when you take it, but if you’re not sure then you might want to ask yourself “how healthy is my diet really?”

Many of us like to think our diets are pretty virtuous, but we conveniently forget that on some days we don’t eat two pieces of fruit and fi ve serves of vegetables, do eat take-away food, or skip meals altogether. Taking a multi helps ensure that you’re always getting your nutrients, regardless of what life throws at you – to me it’s my daily insurance pill! What’s more new research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, Psychopharmacology and Human Psychopharmacology, reports that taking a multi vitamin supplement every day can improve cognitive performance. The researchers measured mental performance through tasks requiring memory, accuracy and multitasking ability, in healthy children, men and women over a period of one to three months. After just a few weeks of taking a multi vitamin, patients showed an improved cognitive performance.

I hope you enjoy this issue of Go magazine; it is packed with lots of practical information on how to stay well, healthy and full of energy this winter. And don’t forget in September at participating Go Vita stores we will be helping collect donations for “Save the Koala” month on behalf of the Australian Koala Foundation. If you are interested in helping save this Aussie icon, read our story on page 19 for more details.

Keep warm and healthy,

Ann Cattelan Editor

PS: Check out the mail address sheet for your Smart Saver coupons and save up to 30 per cent off the recommended retail price of leading brands of health supplements at Go Vita.

Issue 27 ISSN 1832-5556Editor: Ann Cattelan BSc • [email protected] Direction: Tanya Lee Design • [email protected] Inquiries: [email protected]: TMV Graphics Australia • [email protected]

The views expressed in Go are those of the original authors and not those of the Editor or the Publisher. Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the Publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any published errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefrom. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment or product in editorial or advertising does not imply that the Publisher advocates or rejects its use. Information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from qualifi ed healthcare professionals.

© 2012 Go Vita. Published by Healthworks Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 13075151629, on behalf of Go Vita. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process in any language without the written consent of the Publisher.

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A healthy earth means a healthier you. We use recycled and recyclable material wherever practical without compromising the quality or effectiveness of our products or service.

Be it hay fever or skin allergies, Chinese herbs could bring effective relief.

Learn how to recharge your batteries and reclaim your energy.

Mood boosting tips for the winter season.

Discover some practical tips to treat wintery skin problems.

Healthy blood is vital to your wellbeing and energy levels.

Learn how to build your war chest against winter bugs.

The ganoderma mushroom has powerful health enhancing powers.

Water is essential to life - learn more about what you drink.

Allergy treatment breakthrough

Energyfor life


Winter skin solutions


Stayon topthiswinter

Mushroom magic

Water,water, everywhere




3 ISSUE 27 • 2012 ISSUE 27 • 2012

boost your mo od todayDon’t let winter get

you down – adopt our mood boosting

tips and you’ll see sunshine on a cloudy day. Simone McClenaughan explains how.As winter rolls in, it brings with it shorter days and colder weather, warming soups and cosy jumpers. But it can also bring with it an unwelcome visitor. Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as SAD, is a form of depression that begins with winter and lifts with spring.

SAD is most common in people over 20 years old and is more prevalent in women, yet men are harder hit by it. Signs of SAD include feeling lethargic, losing interest in your favourite activities, withdrawing from friends or social gatherings, oversleeping, weight gain, a desire to eat heavier, comfort foods such as carbohydrates, depression and low mood.

If you’re having a blue day – or indeed a few blue months – here’s how to boost your mood and embrace the season in six easy steps.

1 Let the sun shineSunshine can ease the

symptoms of SAD and pick you up. Get a bit more light in your life by sitting by a window at work if possible, choosing a window seat on the bus or train, getting outside for your lunch break and keeping the blinds open at home.

Research published in The International Journal of Mental Health Promotion found an interesting link between mood and vitamin D levels. The study which looked at the vitamin D levels in women discovered that defi ciencies in vitamin D resulted in low mood and even depression. One of the ways we enrich our vitamin D levels is through sun exposure. In fact sunlight accounts 90 per cent of our vitamin D levels.

2 Get back to natureJust because it is cold out, it doesn’t mean you

should stay indoors.

English researchers from the University of Essex conducted a six-week study where they compared the benefi ts of socialising and exercising indoors to outdoors for people with low mood. One group met indoors and went swimming and the other caught up outside, taking walks in parks or the countryside. The green group – the ones heading outside – experienced greater levels of improved mood than the indoor group.

Additionally, multiple studies have reported that exposure to nature has profound effects on mood. The Colleges of Architecture and Medicine at Texas A&M University in America explains that spending as little as fi ve minutes in nature can have restorative effects to psychological and emotional wellbeing. Gardens were found to increase positive feelings and reduce anger, fear and sadness. Even just looking at nature can make an impact on mood and the body. In the university’s report, it found that muscle tension and blood pressure can also be eased by the presence of nature.

3 Evaluate your dietIf you’re not careful, little things

might sneak into your diet that inadvertently lower your mood without you realising it.

The amount that we eat and drink is affected by mood. Research

out of Finland and published in Nutritional Journal found that people

ate more food and drank more alcohol when they were feeling low. And generally,

the type of food people reach for when blue are the foods laden with sugar and fat.

The Food and Mood Project run in the United Kingdom found that people’s emotional health and mood was better if they drank more water, consumed more fruit and vegies and ate regular meals, as well as lowered their consumption of sugary foods and caffeine. The bulk of the study participants reported that by doing these things, their mood improved and they felt less anxious and depressed.

Saying no to alcohol will also keep your mood levels stable. Research conducted by the Department

of Psychiatry from Columbia University in America highlighted a direct link between alcohol and depression.

Foods that can help boost your mood include low-GI foods, oily fi sh such as salmon, lots of different coloured fruit and vegetables – especially dark leafy greens, as well as nuts and seeds.

4 Run, jump or swimExercise is one of the best things you can do to

boost your mood. A study published in Biological Research For

Nursing tested the correlation between mood and exercise. The participants

in the 10 –week study reported signifi cant improvements in

mood and quality of life since starting an exercise routine.

Australian mental health organisation, Beyond Blue, strongly advocates the use of exercise to assist with mood,

depression and anxiety. They recommend exercising every day

– even if it is a small amount of gentle exercise, such as a walk around the block.

They also suggest swimming, golf or longer walks.Exercising can help raising endorphin levels in

the brain, which are mood-boosting chemicals.

5 Take a supplementFor some people with lowered mood, taking a

natural supplement containing SAMe (s-adenosyl-l-methionine) may help. SAMe, a naturally occurring compound, is important for mood regulation in humans. Levels decline as people get older, and people with low mood tend to have lower levels of SAMe in their bodies. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fi sh oil have also been shown to directly affect mood and behaviour. A report in the Journal of Affective Disorders in 1998 was the fi rst to alert researchers that depressed patients had low levels of omega-3s in their blood. And further studies have demonstrated a mild improvement in mood was gained by fi sh oil supplementation.

Make sure you check with your doctor prior to using supplements, especially if take any prescription medications.

6 Enjoy lifeTreating yourself and enjoying the small things can do much for

boosting your mood. Laughing has been found to spike your mood levels by researchers in America. Smiling also made a difference, but laughing was far more powerful in the mood stakes.

Having a massage might seem like an indulgence, but instead of looking at it in that way, why not think of it as an investment in your health? English research proved that massages resulted positive mood changes to depressed people.

The Victorian Government’s Department of Health also suggests that taking a holiday to a warm, sunny location if winter is getting too much for you. While the thought of running away for the winter might be tempting, sometimes it simply isn’t feasible. With a bit of creative thinking, you can get that tropical holiday feeling only minutes from your door and at a fraction of the cost. Why not hit two birds with the one stone and give Bikram (hot) yoga a try? Not only will you get your exercise quota ticked off for the day, you’ll also feel like you’re somewhere warm and toasty.

But if you still can’t get the idea of warming upon a sunny beach out of your mind, then I’mafraid heading north for the winter is theonly option! Hawaii anyone?

Simone McClenaughan is a freelance writer with a personalinterest in health, wellness and lifestyle issues. She wasformerly the features editor of Weight Watchers [email protected]

4 ISSUE 27 • 2012 5 ISSUE 27 • 2012

Do you really understand what happens to your food after you pop it into your mouth? Here, naturopath Jayne Tancred digs into the details

of digestive function, and explains why digestive enzymes are so important.



From there, it moves through the large intestine, with water and minerals being absorbed out of it in preparation for it being excreted.

The action of probiotic bacteria is vital to the digestive processes that occur in this fi nal stage of digestion.

What happens if you don’t have enough enzymes?A number of medical conditions (some of them very serious) can be associated with reduced digestive enzyme function, and this may lead to severe digestive diffi culties in affected people, including symptoms of abdominal pain, severe bloating, and diarrhoea with fatty stools.

For example, many people of Asian, Hispanic and African American descent don’t produce suffi cient lactase to adequately digest the lactose found in the dairy products that we’re advised to consume each day in order to help reduce the likelihood of developing osteoporosis as we get older. For affected people, taking lactase enzyme supplements (often in the form of tilactase) can make milk and dairy products more easily tolerated and may reduce the symptoms induced by lactose consumption.

Some people who are unable to tolerate gluten and continue to experience diarrhoea symptoms despite following a gluten-free diet may benefi t from taking lipase supplements, under the supervision of their healthcare professional.

Inadequate enzymes can also be a factor in less severe digestive diffi culties, and research suggests that digestive enzyme supplements may even support digestive processes when none of the conditions mentioned above are present.

For example, when a blend of proteases, carbohydrases and lipases was tested in laboratory conditions that replicated the human gastrointestinal tract, results showed that adding supplementary digestive enzymes to a meal improved its ability to be digested. In this study, supplementary enzymes improved the digestion of carbohydrates and protein in the small intestine regardless of whether the study conditions mimicked healthy or compromised digestive function.

Note: If you have diabetes, do not take the enzyme pancreatin unless advised to do so and supervised by your doctor – it may alter your blood glucose and glucose control. The potential for adverse effects has also been noted in some other patient groups – talk to your doctor or natural healthcare professional for more information.

Naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist Jayne Tancred is the author of several books and numerous magazine articles on natural health and wellbeing. Her special interests include mind-body medicine and diet for the prevention of chronic disease. jaynetancred.com.au

The single word ‘digestion’ actually summarises a series of sophisticated physiological functions that involve numerous organs and bodily secretions, as well as the vast population of friendly bacteria that inhabit your gut.

In particular, your digestive enzymes are vital to your ability to breakdown the food you’ve eaten so you can absorb and utilise the nutrients it contains.

It all starts in the mouth, where chewing your food breaks it down into smaller particles, and makes it softer and more easily acted on by the gastric juices it will encounter when it reaches your stomach.

At the same time, the food is mixed with saliva, where the enzyme salivary amylase starts the process of breaking down poly-saccharides (such as the starches found in bread, pasta, cereal

grains, fruit, vegetables and legumes) into smaller glucose chains that you’ll be able to absorb later.

Once swallowed, your meal passes through the oesophagus to arrive in the stomach, where

gastric juices containing hydrochloric acid and pepsin (one of the proteases, or protein-digesting enzymes) start the breakdown of proteins (such as those found in meat, dairy products, legumes and eggs).

After a few hours, the semi-digested food, now in the form of a thick liquid called chyme, makes its way into the fi rst section of the small intestine, the duodenum. Here the chyme is mixed with bile, which emulsifi es the fats (breaks them down into smaller particles), and enzymes that are secreted by the pancreas

Many enzymes take their names from the substances that they help to catalyse, or break down, with the suffi x ‘ase’ added to the end of the word. So, for example lipases break down lipids (fats), proteases break down proteins, lactase breaks down lactose (a sugar found in milk), and cellulase breaks down cellulose (a component of fi bre). Amylases break down starches, which are also known by the name amylum.

What’s in a name?

What’s a probiotic?

(including pancreatic amylase to continue starch breakdown, pancreatic lipase, which breaks down fat, and trypsinogen, another protease).

Digestion continues as the chyme travels through the small intestine, where it encounters more enzymes, including lactase (which breaks down the milk sugar lactose).

What’s anenzyme?

Enzymes are molecules that trigger or speed up

chemical reactions. There are many different types of enzymes in the body, each performing highly specifi c functions. They

are required to be present in the right quantities and under the right conditions

in order to function.

The trillions of friendly bacteria that are present in your intestines also perform important digestive functions as well as aiding immunity and helping to fend off harmful bacteria. These probiotic bacteria may be disrupted by the use of certain medications (among other factors), and taking probiotic supplements may help to address symptoms of fl atulence, diarrhoea and constipation.

Among the most important species of probiotic bacteria to look for when choosing a supplement are Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus), L. plantarum, L. casei, L. rhamnosus and Bifi dobacterium bifi dum.


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6 ISSUE 27 • 2012 7 ISSUE 27 • 2012


Narelle Muller offers ways to build your war chest against

winter bugs. In a perfect world we’d all stay home at the fi rst

sign of illness and keep our germs to ourselves. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect world. We’d

all like to hide under the covers when winter germs start fl ying around, but the big busy

place out there beckons. Commitments mean we must keep going unless

we’re truly bedridden. Most people can’t stay home just because they’re

suffering from a mild chest infection. And that’s where the problems start.

If someone is unwell, those around who are not as strong and healthy may

catch spreading germs. They may even succumb to a far worse attack

of cold, cough, fl u or fever than the original carrier endured.

While we can’t physically build a fortress around ourselves, we can protect our bodies from the onslaught by creating a strong support network for our immune system.

Starting within, we can ensure we prop ourselves up nutritionally to maximise our health as the latest round of viruses and microbial nasties do their worst. We can ensure we get enough rest, drink enough water to fl ush out toxins and top

up with immune-building supplements. One plant remedy that has been around

since ancient times is the olive. While the many health benefi ts of olive oil have been extensively documented, a recent study has shown olive leaf extract to contain 40 times the amount of powerful polyphenols (antioxidants) found in the fi nest extra virgin olive oil. Recognised for assisting with general good health, olive leaf extract has become the go-to for a fast immunity boost. Given its pugilistic punching power, it is thought to far outdo vitamin C as a free-radical scavenger, helping us overcome viral infections, especially when fever is involved.

Either taken on its own, or combined with other fi ghting forces, such as zinc, andrographis and pau d’arco, olive leaf extract is a winter wellness warrior. Zinc and adrographis are defenders against infection, while pau d’arco is an expectorant which helps eliminate mucus.

Another potential weapon in our health armoury at this time of year may be astragalus, which has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. An adaptogen, which means it helps protect the body from stress and disease, astragalus is often combined with other herbs for added potency. A strong antioxidant with antiviral properties, astragalus may not only help prevent colds and upper respiratory infections by stimulating the immune system, it may help to reduce their severity and duration.

Of course, there’s no fool proof way of ensuring we don’t catch colds, but we can try to ensure they don’t stick around any longer than necessary. A great combination once you have taken a hit to your health is echinacea, elderberry and olive leaf, which together may reduce the severity and duration of colds, fl u and mild upper respiratory tract infections.

Elderberry has been used through the ages to relieve congestion, while echinacea is a well-known


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stay on top this winterExercise To stay fit and well you need to move regularly, but

listen to your body. If you feel unwell, don’t overdo it.

Drink At least eight glasses of water a day will keep youhydrated and help fl ush out toxins.

Stay clean Wash your hands regularly and avoid rubbing your eyes, or putting your hands near your nose and mouth.

Rest Give your body a fighting chance to repair and fend off germs.

Eat well Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, nuts, and low fat dairyproducts will give your body most of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Supplement Stress, weather changes and many other factors may rob us of nutrients, soit is important to top up with supplements to support your immune system.

Cover yourself

Always cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Use tissues once, then throw them away. And try to minimise contact with people who have symptoms.


ts, and low fat dairy




cold reliever. It’s best to start supplementing at the earliest sign of symptoms and for children who may not like taking pills and tablets, you can buy many remedies in the form of fl avoured syrups.

Another popular option among the young and young at heart are Bee Pops lollipops made with bee pollen. Not only do they contain health-giving nutrients including omega-3 essential fatty acids, calcium, B vitamins, zinc and vitamin C, they have eucalyptus and honey added to soothe sore throats.

Narelle Muller is a journalist and health writer with more than 20 years’ experience.

How to beat bugs: In winter it is vital to keep your guard up and maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle. To limit your chances of falling victim to illness, the following steps could be taken:

8 ISSUE 27 • 2012 9 ISSUE 27 • 2012


Seasonal allergies – hay feverEleven little-known Chinese herbs which have been tested over centuries by Chinese doctors, have now been scientifi cally shown to give long lasting effective allergy relief. This is news all allergy sufferers have been waiting for. A combination of herbs that promises blessed relief from running nose, watering eyes, sneezing and all the misery of allergies. Without making you drowsy!

The magic of Chinese herbal medicine has now been tested to the most rigorous University standards in Australia, and the results are astounding. These 11 Chinese herbs not only helped to relieve the symptoms of allergy when people took them, amazingly, at least half the people in the tests continued to get relief for almost a full year after they stopped taking the herbs!

The fact that Chinese herbal medicine has been used successfully for thousands of years, the fact that millions of Chinese people over the centuries have gained remarkable relief was never enough proof for medical experts. They wanted scientifi c proof that these herbs really work.

And now they have that proofA new internationally patented herbal combination, based on ancient Chinese herbal knowledge and wisdom, has been shown in scientifi c tests to work in the management of allergic rhinitis or hay fever symptoms including sneezing, runny blocked and itchy nose and itchy eyes. The results of two randomised, double-blind clinical trials reported 86-90 per cent of people had reduced allergic symptoms when taking the Chinese herbal combination.

No more itchingAfter the effectiveness of the sinus allergy formula, the same group of researchers went on to research and develop another combination of Chinese herbs to help the irritating problem of skin allergies. They started with some of the herbs used in trials for sinus allergy relief and combined these with the latest scientifi c studies and modern technologies and developed another herbal combination that helps relieve skin allergies, eczema and psoriasis through their anti-infl ammatory and anti allergy effects.

This new combination of Chinese herbs was shown in clinical studies to minimise allergic infl ammation and improve the stability of the body’s immune system. The herbs create signifi cant reduction of symptoms, long-term effectiveness and minimise recurrences and fl are-ups of skin allergies, eczema and psoriasis. Patients using the Chinese herbal combination appeared to reduce their need for conventional medications such as steroids. And best of all the benefi ts are cumulative – that is the longer you use it the better the results.

For things such as itchy skin, hives, skin allergies, eczema and psoriasis, before you commence herbal therapy, we recommend you talk to your healthcare professional particularly if you are using conventional medications.

If you are an allergy sufferer, talk to the friendly staff at your Go Vita health shop about these new allergy relief products, developed and made in Australia.

Always read the label. Use only as directed, and if symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

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10 ISSUE 27 • 2012 11 ISSUE 27 • 2012

Feel like your batteries are running on low?

Go Vita can help you recharge them.Simone McClenaughan discovers how.


Life drains the energy from you sometimes. It could just be because you’ve had a busy week, a late night or perhaps you’ve just got 3.30-itis! Whatever the case, we have some simple ways to reclaim your energy levels.

Eat upEating breakfast revs you up for the day, gives you loads of energy and ensures you don’t miss out on essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. According to the Dietitians Association of Australia, having a good breakfast that includes wholegrain cereals, fresh fruit and low-fat dairy not only helps your energy levels, it can enhance your wellbeing, functioning and mood, plus it means you’re less likely to reach for energy-dense and nutrient-poor snacks during the day.

Having a cup of coffee or tea is also a fast way to lift your energy levels. It’s the caffeine that does it. It perks up your brain and nervous system. But the key is not to overdo it, as your body can get so accustom to it that when it doesn’t get its caffeine hit, you can feel tired, restless and anxious.

Eat low-GI foods such as whole grains, fresh leafy green vegetables, legumes and nuts. Low-GI (glycaemic index) foods take longer to digest and be absorbed by the body, which keeps your blood sugar and energy levels strong throughout the day. On the other end of the scale, high-GI foods such as sugar aren’t great for stable energy levels. While sugar gives you a fast boost, it is followed by a rapid drop, leaving you worse off energy-wise than where you started. While sugar is fi ne in moderation, it’s recommended that sugar doesn’t equate to more than 10 per cent of your daily kilojoule intake because it’s nutrient poor as it lacks essential vitamins and minerals. Relying on sugar for a quick energy fi x can also result in obesity, tooth decay and potential health problems.

Body businessExercising will boost your energy levels. A report from the University of Georgia evaluated 50 years of research on the topic and found that people who exercised were less likely to feel fatigued or have energy slumps, while inactive people were far more likely to feel lethargic.

Additionally, a study published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics found that people who were sedentary and took up a six-week exercise program of moderate and low-intensity exercise three times a week reported increases in energy levels.

Step away from your desk, computer or television to increase your energy levels – as well as your concentration, accuracy and

productivity levels. That’s right, taking a break can reduce fatigue explains research from Louisiana State University that was published in Ergonomics.

Rest is another useful tool in recharging your energy levels. This doesn’t mean hitting the snooze button and rolling over, we’re talking about naps. Australian research from Flinders University found that naps can improve cognitive function and reduce sleepiness. A short kip that’s up to 15 minutes long can benefi t you for up to three hours after waking.

A helping handFor a bit more of an energy kick, consider taking some supplements.

Spirulina is a fresh water plant that is packed with nutrients, phytonutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals including zinc, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E and beta-carotene. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina may help with your energy levels and enrich your immune system. It is rich in iron too and perfect for people feeling worn out, run down or exhausted.

Magnesium is a useful supplement to take in times of stress as it may help ease feelings of stress, fatigue, anxiety and even headaches. In particular, if muscular cramps and sport related muscle spasms are present, magnesium could be worth a try. Look for a magnesium supplement that also contains other benefi cial nutrients such as zinc, vitamins B and D.

Bee pollen is nutrient-rich with plenty of antioxidants and amino acids helpful for your sense of wellbeing. Bee Power is one bee pollen product and is a combination of pollen and honey; two great super foods to give you sustained energy throughout the day. For kids try the Bee Pops great-tasting lollipop. Avoid if you are allergic to bees or pollen and speak to your doctor for guidance.

Always consult a health professional before including any supplements in your diet.

If you’re frequently experiencing low energy levels, see your doctor.

Simone McClenaughan is a freelance writer with a personal interest in health, wellness and lifestyle issues. She was formerly the features editor of Weight Watchers magazine. [email protected]

energy for life

in Psychotherapy ople who werexercise program se three timesy levels.desk, e

12 ISSUE 27 • 2012 13 ISSUE 27 • 2012

Australian Harvest founder Martin Cheney, who also launched and owned the major supplement brand Bio-Organics, has combined two organically grown herbs – fresh horseradish and garlic – with Curcumax, a concentrated extract of the anti-infl ammatory curcumoids from the spice turmeric and the OPC-rich BIO-GRAPE grape seed extract.

In clinical trials, the BIO-GRAPE grape seed extract has been shown to improve elasticity of capillaries, improving peripheral circulation. Martin says, “I have designed the Australian Harvest Organic Horseradish Vinegar exactly the same way that I would design a

natural health supplement, but instead of using dry granulated ingredients I have used fresh organic ingredients for quick absorption and effectiveness.”

The combination of these therapeutic herbs made into beautiful tasting herb vinegar by using certifi ed organic apple cider vinegar as the extraction base, helps to dry your sinuses and reduce infl ammation helping you breathe freely.

Good quality vinegar has been used for centuries by herbalists to extract the therapeutic benefi ts from herbs. Australian Harvest Organic Horseradish Vinegar tastes so good you can take it with a teaspoon

three times a day or use it as the base for a delicious salad dressing.

Australian Harvest Horseradish Vinegar is certifi ed organic because they care about your health and the health of our planet. It does not contain artifi cial preservatives, colours, fl avours or animal by-products. Available from Go Vita stores nationally.


Nutritional experts are increasingly emphasising the

importance of omega-3 fats to help maintain good health. With krill oil the new supplement on the omega-3 block, let’s see how it stacks up against fi sh oil. Like the oils found in fi sh, krill oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

On a weight-for-weight basis, these fatty acids are present in greater quantities in fi sh oil than in krill oil, however in krill, they are naturally bound to compounds called phospholipids. This structure helps keep the fats fl uid in the krill’s native environment (the cold waters of the Antarctic), and also appears to enhance our ability to absorb them.

Researchers suggest that krill oil may provide valuable support in the maintenance of healthy blood cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose levels. It also has anti-infl ammatory properties, and may help to ease the pain, stiffness, and impaired joint function experienced by arthritis sufferers.

In some (but not all) instances, krill oil has been shown to be more effective than an equivalent

quantity of fi sh oil.

For example, when women with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) took 2 grams of either krill or fi sh oil per day, those taking krill oil experienced more signifi cant improvements in their PMS symptoms and consumed fewer pain-relieving medicines during their periods.

In addition to the highly bio-available omega-3 fats in krill oil, other compounds present may also contribute to its therapeutic action. For example, it contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant from the carotenoid family that helps protect the omega-3s in krill oil from oxidation (free radical damage).

Since krill is a crustacean, krill oil is not suitable for people who are allergic to shellfi sh.





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14 ISSUE 27 • 2012 15 ISSUE 27 • 2012


The ancient Chinese used this bitter-tasting mushroom to improve memory function, believing it staved off senility. It was used as a tonic for calming the nerves and helping people cope in times of diffi culty.

Today, ganoderma is often prescribed to anyone whose immune system could be compromised. Whether struggling with illness, such as a bout of hard-to-beat infl uenza, a viral infection, chronic fatigue, or the side-effects of modern medicine including chemotherapy, ganoderma is thought to help boost the body’s effi ciency in modifying its responses and aiding repair.

Its benefi ts in calming and rebalancing mean it is also still used by those with stress problems, as well as assisting with sleep issues and anxiety. Nutrient-rich ganoderma assists with toxic elimination and can help restore pH levels in the body to a more alkaline state. Believed to act in a similar way to antihistamine, it is also effective in tackling hay fever and allergic reactions.

Other benefi ts are said to include helping build stamina in recovery, protecting the liver, assisting with the management of asthma and other respiratory conditions, lowering blood pressure, reducing infl ammation and regulating cholesterol.

Ganoderma is not a culinary mushroom and should only be taken in medicinal form after seeking advice from a medical professional. It may interact with some medicines.

The scienceIt is believed the secret to ganoderma’s myriad healing properties lies in the richness of its organic compounds, which are too many to list.

Many studies have been conducted in attempts to identify which specifi c elements of the Ganoderma lucidum mushroom work in a particularly benefi cial way.

Often attempts to evaluate specifi c natural compounds are done by pharmaceutical companies with the hope of reproducing synthetic versions for mass production.

So far such research has yielded inconsistent results and some experts now believe it is the combination of the plant’s active ingredients which hold the as yet undiscovered answers.

The mushroom is rarely found in the wild and is cultivated commercially under strict conditions.

Some herbalists claim the colour – red, green, yellow, black, white or purple – depicts potency, however, experts say this has no bearing and the species remains the same, with colour variation merely due to environmental factors.Narelle Muller is a journalist and health writer with more than 20 years’ experience.

Omega-3 fatty acids are building blocks of every living cell in the human body. They are essential for normal health and development. Without them, cells can’t function, renew, or maintain themselves properly. Blackmores Omega Daily is formulated with highly

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Used by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners for thousands of years as a tonic for longevity, Ganoderma lucidum, a mushroom also known in Japan as red reishi and lingzhi in China, is believed to have healing and health-giving properties specifi cally due to its mystical method of delivering nutrients to the body.

Containing more than 400 nutrients, ganoderma is an adaptogen, or natural body regulator, which means it strengthens the body’s responses to stress and can address an under or over-active immune system and adjust function accordingly.

The oldest known Chinese medical writings,

Shinnoh Honsohkyo, list ganoderma at the very top of 365 classifi ed healing herbs and medicines.

In ancient times, the mushroom was so highly prized as the elixir of life, it was reserved for use only by the Emperor (and presumably those who accessed his medicine cabinet).

With modern production techniques making it more accessible, it is no longer kept exclusively for those of noble birth right, but available to all and in recent times much research has gone into attempting to prove the old claims surrounding its many therapeutic benefi ts.

The Australian Institute of Medical Herbalism recommends ganoderma products produced and tested in Australia.

Our testing requirements and protocols are among the most rigorous in the world and ensure laboratory inspections and product ingredients are kept to the highest standards.Be kept in the dark no

longer, the mushroom Ganoderma lucidum

is an immune system rocket launcher with powerful health-enhancing powers, writes Narelle Muller.

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16 ISSUE 27 • 2012


17 ISSUE 27 • 2012


blood vitality & energy Blood and ironOptimal RBC function depends on adequate iron, yet iron defi ciency is the most common single nutrient defi ciency worldwide. The major symptoms caused by inadequate iron intake include fatigue, headaches, irritability, muscle weakness, breathlessness, lowered immunity and poor concentration. Visible signs such as pallor, poor hair growth or hair loss, brittle or ridged nails, and a blue haze of the sclera (whites of eyes) are also common. Some people are at higher risk of dietary iron defi ciency including growing children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly, athletes and vegetarians. Poor digestive function, heavy menstruation and chronic blood loss (eg. from gastrointestinal conditions) can also contribute to iron defi ciency. Before assuming that you are iron defi cient though, it is important to consult a health professional who will be able to advise you about blood tests to check your iron status. Other nutrients that are vital for optimal iron use and healthy blood include vitamins C, B12 and folate.

When dietary iron intake is inadequate, supplementation is the most effective way to replenish body stores and prevent defi ciency. However, there are a myriad of iron supplements on the market and some are better quality than others. Iron (II) glycinate (also known as iron bisglycinate) is a relatively new but well researched form of iron, which is very easily absorbed and gentle on the digestive system. The compound is exceptionally stable and won’t react with other nutrients or interfere with their absorption (eg. vitamin E and calcium). Consequently, iron (II) glycinate is well-tolerated and doesn’t upset the stomach or produce constipation like some other forms of iron. Due to the lag time between iron supplementation and new RBC production, it can take a few weeks to begin to relieve symptoms of iron defi ciency.

Blood in traditional Chinese medicineIn Chinese medicine terms, Blood – spelt with a capital B to denote the combined physical and energetic properties - functions to nourish and vitalise the whole body. Healthy Blood is characterised by a radiant complexion, lustrous hair, sharp senses, well-developed muscles and coordinated motor skills. However, to maintain Blood’s free-fl owing state another energetic force must work in harmony with

it. Qi (pronounced “Chee”) is the vital energy that invigorates Blood to keep it circulating throughout the body. Blood and Qi have a very important relationship and are mutually dependent – Qi prevents Blood stagnation, and Blood nourishes Qi.

The Chinese concept of healthy Blood cannot be seen in isolation from the organs it nourishes. In fact, healthy Blood depends upon healthy functioning of the body’s major organ-meridian systems: Heart, Spleen, Liver, Kidney and Lung. Specifi cally, the Heart governs the Blood and blood

vessels, and pumps blood. The Spleen – working with the Stomach – generates Blood from food. The Liver stores Blood, and regulates circulating Blood volume. The Kidney stores Jing, which can transform into Blood, and strengthens Blood via its governance of the bone marrow and therefore blood cell production. The Lung generates and governs Qi, which leads Blood.

In Chinese medicine, disorders related to Blood fall into two main categories: Blood defi ciency and Blood stagnation. Blood defi ciency is characterised by pallor, lethargy, dizziness, poor memory and concentration, dry skin and hair, and brittle nails. It is interesting to note how these symptoms correlate to symptoms of dietary iron defi ciency. Blood stagnation occurs when Blood fl ow is impeded, and is characterised by sharp pains or swelling. Symptoms vary depending what area of the body is affected. For example, Blood stagnation in the uterus can contribute to heavy or painful menstruation.

Chinese herbal medicine for blood vitalityBlood tonic herbs are used in Chinese medicine to nourish and strengthen (tonify) the Blood and to invigorate blood circulation eg. Angelica polymorpha (dong quai), Paeonia lactifl ora (white peony) and Codonopsis pilosula work together. The latter also tonifi es the Qi and together these herbs support the Liver, Heart, Spleen and Lung in their role to build and maintain healthy Blood. The addition of Atractylodes macrocephala (white atractylodes), Poria cocos (poria) and Alisma orientale (alisma) reinforce the Qi tonifying action of this formula, while providing functional support to the Kidney, Spleen, Heart and Lung.

Dong quai is a renowned Chinese herb that tonifi es the Blood, activates Blood circulation and specifi cally supports the Heart, Liver and Spleen. It is used to treat states of Blood defi ciency and stagnation, and is traditionally included in formulas addressing anaemia. Research has found that dong quai may even improve blood iron levels, supporting its traditional use as a Blood builder. Menstrual symptoms associated with Blood defi ciency (eg. painful or heavy periods) are also commonly treated with dong quai.

White peony nourishes the Blood and is traditionally used to treat Blood defi ciency states. It works to regulate Liver function and tonify the Spleen. Studies have found white peony improves circulation and has immune regulating properties.

Codonopsis is used as a nourishing herb that reduces fatigue. It boosts Qi (vital energy) and strengthens the Spleen. Research has found it can increase RBC count and haemoglobin levels, and that it reduces fatigue while improving physical endurance.

Being involved in so many essential functions, it makes sense to keep the blood as healthy and vital as possible. Chinese herbs can invigorate and nourish Blood, while reinforcing the effects of iron and other nutrients. They also improve digestion and can help to relieve symptoms of iron defi ciency, such as fatigue.

Since iron supplementation alone does not always resolve the symptoms of low iron, the key to getting results may be to combine Chinese Blood building herbs along with a high quality form of iron.

Paul Keogh is the executive and technical director for Global Therapeutics P/L trading as Fusion Health. Paul is a qualifi ed naturopath and medical herbalist with 25 years combined experience in clinical practice and the development of integrated Chinese and western herbal medicines.

Some people are at higher risk of

dietary iron defi ciency including growing

children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly, athletes and


It is widely acknowledged that blood is the essence of life, and healthy blood is vital to

wellbeing. Naturopath Paul Keogh compares the Western biomedical understanding of blood to the traditional Chinese concept, and explains how Chinese Blood tonic herbs can be used alongside conventional nutritional approaches to help restore blood vitality and enhance energy levels.

Blood basicsIn basic medical terms, blood is the fl uid tissue that circulates in vessels throughout the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to all cells, and removing waste and carbon dioxide for elimination. It serves many vital functions including immune defence, temperature regulation, and transport of hormones and other important chemical messengers. Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma (the fl uid portion of blood), and makes up approximately 7-8 per cent of your body weight (the average adult has fi ve litres of blood). Red blood cells (RBC) comprise 45 per cent of blood by volume, and contain the important protein haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the iron-containing component of RBC that gives blood its red colour, and has the specifi c function of binding oxygen and carbon dioxide for transport to and from body cells. Red blood cells, like all blood cells, develop from stem cells in bone marrow and take seven days to mature to the point where they are released into the bloodstream. They survive for only 120 days in the circulation before they are broken down and the parts recycled. Fortunately for us though, RBC

are being made continuously in our bone marrow, and mature RBC are released into our bloodstream at

an astonishing rate of 2.5 million cells per second!

18 ISSUE 27 • 2012 19 ISSUE 27 • 2012

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More good news for curcuminThe body of evidence supporting curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is getting larger and larger. Not only has new research shown high bioavailability curcumin shows the same joint health benefi ts as a prescription rheumatoid arthritis drug, but it now appears curcumin has a role in supporting the immune system too. According to the University of Copenhagen in Demark, curcumin can raise levels of a protein that’s key to infection prevention.

Vitamin D helps you live longer?Reporting in the American Journal of Cardiology, researchers from the University of Kansas found that patients who were vitamin D defi cient had signifi cantly higher incidence of cardiovascular-related disease such as hypertension, coronary artery disease and diabetes. Disturbingly, the risk of dying from any cause was 164 per cent higher in people with a defi ciency. On the other hand vitamin D supplementation was associated with a 61 per cent increase in survival, in this study.

And in another study from Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, reviews of eight clinical trials and data from over 1,000 participants found that vitamin D when taken with calcium may reduce the risk of death, in the elderly.

Could vitamin D be a possible means of increasing life expectancy?

Energy drinks bad for your teethA study published in General Dentistry, reports that energy and sports drinks are likely to cause irreversible damage to teeth especially among young adolescents. The researchers noted these drinks erode the glossy outer layer of the tooth enamel. While energy drinks showed a greater potential to damage teeth than sports drinks, it was revealed that the damage to tooth enamel appeared just fi ve days after exposure to the drinks.

Quick tip for vitamin usersA study from the University of California suggests that taking your morning vitamins with a tall glass of aloe juice rather than water can increase the bioavailablity of vitamins B12 and C. The study reports that aloe vera may help your body absorb vitamins and remove toxins.

CoQ10 reducing heart disease riskA fi ve-year study recently published in the International Journal of Cardiology, on Swedish men and women aged 70-88 years, found that those taking a combination of coenzyme Q10 and selenium, halved their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as compared to patients taking placebo pills.

The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is the principal non-profi t, non-government organisation dedicated to the conservation and effective management of the wild koala and its habitat. The AKF estimates that there are approximately 80,000 koalas left in the wild, and maybe as few as 43,000.

This year the AKF donation box will be available for you to make a donation at your local Go Vita health shop.

With the simplest action of donating your loose change you can help to save one of Australia’s most treasured icons.

If you would like to further assist the Australian Koala Foundation, you can contact them and ask for your own donation box to place on a counter

at your school, in your offi ce, at a local gym or anywhere that you think people might donate.For as little as $25 a month you can even adopt your very own koala. Go online today to

fi nd out more at www.savethekoala.com


september issave the

koala month!

To contact the Australian Koala Foundation please [email protected] or phone 07 3229 7233





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21 ISSUE 27 • 2012

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protein forenergy andweight loss

Attention all women, don’t be fooled into thinking protein is just for body

builders. Anastasia Zafi ropoulos discovers a high protein diet can

be benefi cial for your energy levels and waistline too.

Protein is the most abundant constituent in the human body besides water. It is largely responsible for the structure of body cells and is essential for growth and development. Amongst other functions, it makes up the structure of your hair, nails, muscles, tendons and ligaments,

Increasing your protein intake will:

and is required for hormonal and enzymatic function. The recommended intake of protein is between 0.7 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight, though this increases if you are pregnant, an athlete or a vegetarian or vegan.

Your body continuously breaks protein down into its individual building blocks the amino acids, and then re-assembles the amino acids into the bodily structures it requires. It’s vital that you eat some protein every day, because although the body can create some of the amino acids it needs, others (termed essential amino acids) are only available from your diet. So the right balance of amino acids is important.

Daily protein can be obtained from:1. Animal sources – such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and dairy foods, these are complete proteins, providing all the essential and non-essential amino acids your body needs.2. Vegetarian sources – such as whole grains and legumes (great sources include chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, pepitas, chia seeds, soya beans, amaranth and even spirulina), generally these make up around a third of our daily protein intake. Unlike animal proteins, they provide both fi bre and phytoestrogens.

On the downside, vegetable proteins are incomplete proteins – they don’t contain the full spectrum of amino acids. As a consequence, you need to consume a variety of plant-based proteins

throughout the day in order to ensure all the amino acids are present in your diet and your body can make the best use of the protein you consume.

Which protein is which?Whey is a by-product of cheese manufacture, it contains little fat or lactose due to processing, hence is easily digested.

Whey protein isolate (WPI) is a high protein (usually between 90-96 per cent) low fat, low carbohydrate and low sugar supplement. This is the premium protein, ideal for use in the fi rst thirty minutes after training to assist with muscle recovery and muscle building.

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) provides the body with a steady supply of protein throughout the day and night (WPC has a typical protein content of over 80 per cent), ideal to sustain hunger pangs in between meals, and for muscle recovery and development. Ideal as an everyday protein supplement for energy, muscle recovery and toning.

Blended protein WPI and WPC is ideal for carbohydrate conscious individuals leading busy hectic lives wanting a protein drink containing a

low fat and low carbohydrate content. A protein for everyone, every day, whether for general fi tness or health and wellbeing.

Whey protein isolates with added thermogenics such as l-carnitine, choline, inositol or hydroxycitric acid will assist in turning body fat into energy and assist the liver in its never ending task of fat breakdown. Being naturally high in protein and very low in fat and carbohydrates, it helps with lean muscle recovery and development and helps to reduce hunger. Ideal for weight loss and building lean muscle.

Anastasia Zafi ropoulos is a naturopath with a Bachelor Health Science Degree (Complementary Therapies). She currently works at Go Vita Sans Souci where she also offers one on one naturopathic consultations.



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Frosty winter air can wreak havoc on your skin! Helene Larson fi nds solutions to

wintery skin concerns that will keep your skin radiant right into spring.

Dry, dehydrated skinDry, dehydrated skin is extremely common in cold temperatures. As there is less humidity in the air in winter, our skin naturally dries out. In addition, the transition from cold weather outside to warm temperatures inside further dries out the skin as it tries to re-balance.

SolutionSwitch your gel or foaming cleanser over to a rich cream cleanser instead, to provide extra nourishment and rehydrate your skin. A hydrating serum applied underneath your moisturiser morning and night is a great option to deeply nourish your skin and keep it smooth and supple. It is also really important to exfoliate your face and neck once or twice a week to remove those dry, dead skin cells that cause our skin to look fl aky and dull. This will really boost radiance and promote healthy skin cell renewal.

Even though it is extremely tempting to enjoy long, hot showers and baths in winter, this is actually very drying for our skin. Hot water robs the skin of moisture, so it is preferable to shower in lukewarm, tepid water instead (if you can!). Use a body exfoliant a couple of times a week to buff off any dead skin cells and improve blood circulation. Once you step out of the shower – while skin is still damp - slather on a rich, hydrating body cream to seal in moisture.


A’kin Facial Exfoliating Scrub with Jojoba & Corn

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Sensitive skinIn the winter months, the cold, dry air strips our skin of the thin layer of oil that normally traps and seals in moisture. With less moisture in our skin, microscopic cracks can start to appear that affect the barrier of the skin. This can lead to skin redness, itchiness and sensitivity, and conditions like eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis occurring.

SolutionIf you have eczema or sensitive skin, be vigilant about protecting and nourishing your skin in the winter months. Choose natural skin care products that are specially

formulated for sensitive skin, andtry not to scrub or aggravate it. In many cases, avoid using exfoliating products altogether as they will be too harsh for very sensitive skin conditions.

Sensitive skin responds well to the nourishment offered by rich emollients

(moisturising ingredients that help lock in moisture) such as almond oil and plum kernel oil. Using fragrance free facial products is also recommended.

When you shower, keep it short to avoid your skin drying out, and only use

tepid water. Gently pat yourself dry to keep your skin as calm and relaxed as possible. Get into

the habit of regularly moisturising – morning and night. Apply a rich

body lotion immediately after showering, while your skin is still slightly damp, to further seal in moisture. Oatmeal baths may also be benefi cial in soothing and calming your skin.


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24 ISSUE 27 • 2012 25 ISSUE 27 • 2012


Care for your hair too!Winter’s chilly temperatures dry out more than just our skin. Cold air, biting winds and indoor heating can wreak havoc on our hair too, causing it to dry out and look dull and lifeless. Heat styling through blowdrying, straightening and curling tends to promote dry locks and split ends in the colder months also.

SolutionTo combat the elements, make sure you boost up your hair’s hydration levels. Use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner, and add a nutrient-rich hair masque once a week to replenish much-needed moisture. A great alternative to a hair masque is to slather on a nourishing conditioner after you shampoo, and then wrap your hair in a towel for 10 minutes. This will create a humid, moist environment and allow your conditioner to penetrate more deeply. Using a serum while styling will also help to tame any frizz and moisturise dry, split ends.

In winter, try washing your hair less frequently,

and, when you wash, use warm, tepid water rather than hot. Frequent washing, especially in hot water, removes your hair’s protective oils, promoting dryness and moisture loss.

Recommendations Mineral Energy Premium Quality Shampoo and Ultra Hydrating Conditioner

500mlRRP $12.95 each

Springfields Fragrance free Shampoo and Conditioner

325mlRRP $17.95 each

Springfields Sea Salt Spray250ml

RRP $24.95

Alchemy MoistureVitamin Masque

150mlRRP $19.95

Helene Larson has a degree in economics and a diploma in public relations, and worked for many years as a make-up artist. She has written extensively in the areas of health and beauty for over ten years, and is Beauty Editor for Nature and Health magazine.

Dry, cracked hands and feetWith harsh winter temperatures the skin on our hands and feet really suffers, and can easily become dry, chaffed, cracked and itchy. As the skin on our hands is thinner than on most other parts of the body, with fewer oil glands, our hands rapidly become dry and chafed in the cold.

SolutionWhen the winter months hit, ensure your hands are kept toasty warm and protected with gloves whenever you venture outside. Another great trick is to apply a generous helping of nourishing hand cream before bed, and then wear cotton gloves while you sleep. In the morning, your skin should feel beautifully hydrated and silky soft.

Your feet often bear the brunt of the winter chill too. Bundled up in socks and boots they can easily become rough, cracked and scaly, especially the heels. Keep your feet hydrated by remembering to moisturise them along with the rest of your body. When you are in the shower, use a body scrub on your feet too, paying particular attention to the heels. Applying lotion to your feet at night, and then sleeping in cotton socks, will further seal in moisture and help to keep them supple and smooth.

RecommendationsThe Goats Milk Company Goatsmilk Hand & Body Lotion

500mlRRP $19.95

Mineral Energy Ultra Nourishing Hand, Nail and Cuticle Cream

125mlRRP $10.95

Mineral Energy Gentle Exfoliating Body Scrub

250gRRP $17.45

Trilogy Everything Balm45ml

RRP $18.95

Weleda Skin Food75ml

RRP $22.90


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Chapped lipsWith frosty winds and fresh, chilly winter air, you may fi nd yourself constantly licking, biting and chewing on your lips. The result is rough, cracked, fl aky and sensitive lips that can peel and fl ake all winter long.

SolutionMake lip balm your winter beauty essential! Choose a lip balm with nourishing, natural ingredients like shea butter, jojoba, beeswax, cocoa butter and avocado oil, and apply it every time you go outdoors. If you like wearing lipstick or lip gloss, hydrate your lips fi rst with a balm, and then apply your lip colour over the top. Also, try not to lick your lips! Saliva evaporates quickly, and you will fi nd that your lips will be left drier than before.

To get back that perfect pout in winter, start by applying lip balm and rubbing your lips together. Next, use a dry toothbrush and brush lips gently in circular motions until the fl akes have dislodged. Wipe your lips clean and smooth on your favourite lip balm. Ifyou wear lipstick, apply over the top. Repeat this process daily until your lips returnto their beautiful, smooth state.

RecommendationComvita PropolisLip Balm SPF30

5gmRRP $8.95

Mineral Energy Ultra Moisturising Lip Balm

10gmRRP $7.95 Available at your local Govita store

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26 ISSUE 27 • 2012 27 ISSUE 27 • 2012


Only available in your health food store.

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extent that the sodium it contains is in too low a concentration, which can interfere with muscle and nerve function. This typically occurs when people consume many litres of water every day.

What’s in your water?Besides the two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen that make up H

2O, water

contains other compounds. Some of these occur naturally, but others

are present as a result of human activity either in the vicinity of where the water is collected or stored, or in its treatment prior to being piped into our homes, as summarised in the following table.

Of these, the biggest danger to health is contamination with infectious organisms, which is why health authorities put so much emphasis on the use of chloride and other disinfectants that help prevent water-borne diseases.

While the benefi ts of disinfecting the water clearly outweigh the risks of consuming these chemicals, some people are naturally concerned about the long-term effects of consuming even small quantities of them.

So what are your alternatives?If you’re not keen on drinking water straight from the tap, there are a number of alternatives you might like to consider.

continued over

Water is essential to life. It’s needed for virtually every

metabolic process that occurs in your body, and since, unlike a camel, you can’t store it for later use, you need to consume fl uids on an ongoing basis. Naturopath Jayne Tancred investigates.

How much do you need?While some experts recommend that you aim for 900-1200mL of fl uids per day from a variety of sources, natural health professionals tend to advocate greater quantities – usually in the region of two litres per day – with an emphasis on clean water that’s as free of impurities as possible.

You may need greater quantities of water if you live or work in a hot or humid environment, if you’re breast-feeding, or if you’re taking a plane trip.

Strenuous activity can also increase your water needs. It’s recommended that you drink around 500mL of water a couple of hours before exercise, and another 300-500mL every half hour while exercising

– although note that this may need to be adapted to your size, the ambient temperature and your individual sweat loss.

The very young and the very old are particularly vulnerable to dehydration, and particular care is needed to maintain their fl uid intake, especially in very hot weather, or if they’ve been affected by fever, diarrhoea or vomiting.

How much is too much?Although relatively rare, it is possible to consume too much water, so take care not to consume any more than 1.5 litres of fl uid per hour. Doing so can cause problems by diluting the blood to the

water, water

Type of impurity Examples

Microbial Bacteria, viruses, protozoa (eg. Giardia), algae

Physical particles Plankton, silt

Naturally-occurring minerals Calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese

Chemicals added during water treatment Chloride, fluoride, aluminium

Pollutants Agricultural and industrial run-offs

Heavy metals Contamination from copper and lead pipes

w a scle hen ay.


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reasonsyou need water

1 It helps keep your cells in shape and enables them to function

2 In the form of perspiration, it keeps you cool and stops you overheating

3 It keeps the mucous membranes of your mouth and throat lubricated, so that you can chew and swallow your food

4 It supports digestion, helps keep you regular and enables the excretion of wastes

5 It moisturises your skin from the inside, keeping it supple and maintaining its texture

6 It fl ushes out your urinary tract, helping reduce the likelihood you’ll develop kidney stones or urinary tract infections

7 It helps keep your blood at an appropriate viscosity (thickness) so that it can travel through your blood vessels

8 It provides cushioning for your joints, and acts as a buffer zone that protects your brain and spinal cord

9 Minerals and other nutrients are dissolved in it so they can be transported around your body

10 It also carries oxygen to your cells


28 ISSUE 27 • 2012 29 ISSUE 27 • 2012

Here are some simple ways to bring home ahealthier shopping bag for you and your family.

[A’kin] PureMAN is naturally formulated and delivers these multiple results:

REFRESH & RECHARGE with Panax Ginseng Root extract to stimulate and energise

SOOTHE & PROTECT with Aloe and Vitamin B5 to target skin sensitivities or irritations

HEALTHY & YOUTHFUL LOOKING SKIN with powerful White Tea and Vitamin E anti-oxidants







Filter your water: Home water fi lters can be remarkably effective at removing impurities like fl uoride and chloride from tap water, and in some cases can also top up its content of benefi cial minerals at the same time. (We like the Alkaway Alkastream system, which ionises and alkalises the water while fi ltering it).

Drink mineral water: Mineral water can be a pleasant alternative to tap water, but does often contain salt, making it less than ideal for those with blood pressure issues. If you choose mineral water, read the label, and choose a brand that contains less than 30mg sodium per 100mL. Another option is to add extra minerals to your water yourself. For example, Eko Crystals are a mineral supplement designed especially for use in water. They’re

rich in calcium (making the water they produce highly alkaline), and also contain more than 70 other minerals.

Collect rain water: Collecting rain water is another alternative. If you decide to go down this route, it’s important to protect it from contamination by fi tting your rainwater tank with a device that prevents the fi rst 20-25 litres of water that’s washed from the roof from collecting in your tank. Keep the roof and guttering clean of bird droppings, peeling paint and dirt, and trim any branches that overhanging your guttering.

Naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist Jayne Tancred is the author of several books and numerous magazine articles on natural health and wellbeing. Her special interests include mind-body medicine and diet for the prevention of chronic disease. jaynetancred.com.au

In most parts of Australia, tap water is fl uoridated to help reduce the risk of dental caries (cavities). The amount of fl uoride that’s added to a water supply takes into account the naturally-occurring levels of fl uoride in the water and the average ambient air temperatures in the region (which infl uences how much water we drink, and therefore the appropriate amount of fl uoride to be added to the water in order to optimise the daily intake). Total fl uoride concentrations in tap water therefore range from 0.7-1.0mg / litre.

Authorities need to tread a fi ne line when it comes to fl uoridating the water supply, as an excess of fl uoride may actually damage the teeth instead of protecting them, causing a mottled discolouration of the teeth known as dental fl uorosis. That’s why it’s important that you always spit out fl uoridated toothpastes and mouthwashes instead of swallowing them, and is one of the reasons that some people prefer to use non-fl uoridated dental products, and to fi lter their drinking water.

Fancy some fl uoride? overhaul yourshopping bag

NiulifeCoconut Flour

Reportedly a ‘fav’ of Miranda Kerr, it is a

fi bre-rich, high protein, gluten free healthy

alternative tostandard fl our.

Power Super FoodsCertifi ed Organic

Pure Raw Cacao powder

Chocolate powder that is vegan, dairy free, gluten free, fairly traded, rich in magnesium and protein and

ideal for cooking or drinking!

Banaban Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Harvested in Fiji, makes a healthy

cooking oil. It has a rich natural coconut

taste, is cholesterol free and rich in medium

chain good fats.

Planet OrganicPeanut Butters

In crunchy or smooth, they are certifi ed organic, free of artifi cial additives and preservatives, and gluten and GMO free. And taste great!

Melrose Apple Cider Vinegar

Prepared from whole mature

apples, is great for salad dressings, or

mixed with waterand honey as a

digestive tonic.

For more healthy ideas visit Go Vita!

30 ISSUE 27 • 2012 31 ISSUE 27 • 2012

goat’smilk magicNew from the Goat’smilk Company is the 500ml economy size Goat’s Milk Hand & Body Moisturiser. This luxurious, non-greasy moisturising lotion is made with nourishing pure goat’s milk, rehydrating natural plant extracts and protective antioxidants. Easily absorbed by the skin, goat’s milk is believed to possess anti-infl ammatory properties, a benefi t for people with sensitive, itchy skin conditions. Goat’s milk has a neutral pH, and therefore able to preserve the skin’s protective layer. The unique natural

moisturising properties will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth and silky.

Quality products at sensible prices 500ml RRP $19.95

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New from Trilogy is the independently clinically trialled Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+. Clinical studies show that Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+ really works to improve skin tone and brightness, wrinkles and elasticity. Containing tomato, cranberry and acai berry seed oils, this blend works in harmony with rosehip oil to help repair past damage and prevent future signs of ageing. Soothing oat extract provides a luxurious satin feel for fast absorption. 30ml RRP $29.95

Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+

NutriVital Liquid Chlorophyll is naturally alkalising and acts as an internal deodoriser by supporting the body’s detoxifi cation processes in the bowel, liver, kidneys and bloodstream. When consumed regularly, chlorophyll is extremely benefi cial for your skin health. Simply add a couple of teaspoons to three glasses of water daily or you can add to your water bottle and drink throughout the day.500ml RRP $19.95

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Cystitis relief NutriVital Cranberry 10,000 Plus provides thebenefi ts of cranberry to help relieve the painand burning sensation of cystitis.

50 tabs RRP $24.95

Always read the label. Use only as directed.If symptoms persist seeyour healthcare professional.CHC42663-07/12

men’s grooming essentials[A’kin] pureMAN is a complete range of multi-action products developed specifi cally for men’s skin and hair. [A’kin] pureMAN will:

Refresh and recharge with Panax ginseng root extract to stimulate and energise, plus the invigorating effects of citrus, ginger and spice,

Soothe and protect with aloe and vitamin B5 to target skin sensitivities or irritations and hydrolysed oats to calm and hydrate,

Maintain healthy and youthful looking skin with powerful white tea and vitamin E antioxidants.

Best of all the range is free from potential irritants such as sulfates, parabens, petrochemical cleansers, silicones, minerals oils and artifi cial fragrances and colours.

At selected Go Vita stores [A’kin] PureMAN gift packnow $29.95 save over 60%. While stocks last.

(Pack contains Energising All-In-One Hair + Body Wash 150ml, Dual Action Face Wash + Scrub 75ml, Calming After Shave Balm 75ml and Visibly Fit 24 Hour Moisturiser 50ml)

exclusive offer forGo readers! If you want to take a more proactive approach to your complementary medicine choices, or maybe take your fi rst steps in a health retail career then our national industry association, the Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia (CHC) has a number of on-line course options that could interest you. (See advert opposite for details)

One of the newly introduced courses is the Introductory Certifi cate in Complementary Medicines, which provides a concise overview of complementary therapies, medicines and body systems as well as guidelines for safe usage.

Exclusive Go reader offer:Enrol before 30 October 2012 and quote code GM001, to receive a 20% discount. Visit moodle.chc.org.au

NEWeconomy500ml bottle



Father’s Day

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Use only as directed.eesional.

for better skin,alkalise your body!

32 ISSUE 27 • 2012

• Contains olive leaf extract, andrographis and zinc

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Winter wellness olive leaf formula

Available in 60 capsulesAlways read the label. Use only as

directed. Not to be used in children under two years of age without

medical advice. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.


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call 1800 212 100or visit govita.com.au

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Mood Manager

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. CHC52474-07/12

Mood Manager is a premium product from the Thompson's range, specifically formulated to help you maintain optimal levels of mood enhancing chemicals.Formulated with essential vitamins and nutrients, Mood Manager’s active ingredient SAMe is an important brain chemical that is involved in healthy mood regulation. SAMe, is known to increase serotonin turnover, elevate dopamine and reduce norepinephrine levels, which are important chemicals involved in mood regulation. It also contains DHA from fish oil, which plays a key role in normal cognition and mood levels.


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Magnesium is benefi cial during times of stress.

NutriVital Magnesium Complete may assist in relieving nervous tension, mild anxiety

and stress, and may help relieve symptoms of muscle cramps, fatigue and insomnia.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

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