Getting out of North Tabor - Efiles - City of Portland, Oregon

Getting out of North Tabor: Endorsements for Regional Improvements We are not a neighborhood in isolation. As we grow in an active transportation focused manner, we need to get to other region of the city safely. Upgrading theSidewalk fo official Multi-Use-Path status between 44th and 47th: The sidewalk just south of the Gulch connecting the Hollywood MAX station overpass with.NE 47th near the cancer center should be officially upgraded to MULTI-USE-PATH status as a major city bikeway connection. Thus, when adjacent properiies redevelop, additional width, lighting and trees can be added to make this a high quality bikeway connection, that wouid feel and be safe walking alone at night to and from the MAX and the hospital complex. 45th Greenway Hoyt to Woodstock including crossing improvements. In the comprehensive plan the lower 40's is a park deficient greenway study area. 45th is a direct route that does not meander like the 41 st bikeway and could be constructed without narrow bike lanes on higher volume streets. It would pass directly next to Creston park and the Stark, Belmont, Hawthorne and Woodstock business districts. Though a much lower priority than the 60's, ?O's or 80th greenways, we would like this project added to the TSP for long term study as an Unconstrained project. This would connect the NE 4 7th street bike lanes next to PPMC with the SE 46 1 h street bike lanes that drop off at Woodstock in a fast, safe and clear manner while providing needed pedestrian crossing at the appropriate arterial streets along the way. If Belmont/Morrison bikeway #20063 and the Belmont Strectscape #70009 projects were extended· to 1 \ · a-complete bikeway running through commercial districts could be built from the .inner east -side on·Belmontto:45ili,north:to-Burnside-w1:apping-a;·ound-tlleno1ih-side-of-Mount-'Fabor-to~the·-- --- Montavilla Business District at SE Stark and Washington and into East Portland. Montavilla NA's requests for greenway improvements of the ?O's, 80th and their connections to the Davis-Everette greenway and the SO's greenway we feel would be a great asset to our community and endorse. These include the finishing of the Everett green way east to Vestal Elementary, 80th south from Halsey to PCC SE, and the improvements needed to connect everything up including the 70's, Yamhill and Holiday/Multnomah. This direct route to the Community College would be an asset to the entire central east side. Laurelhurst Endorsements: To the west we would like NE Oregon at 30th east to NE Floral to NE Hassalo and l\TE 41 st added as a Greenway to leverage the new 20's bikeway at Oregon Park and create a seamless connection to the Multnomah Cycle track, Lloyd District, the Hollywood transit center and N orih Tabor. This should include 37th north to the Sandy over pass, then 38 1 h to connect to the NE greenway system and Grant High School. This short connection could be built independently, in conjunction with a Sandy 1'emodel or as part of project #40045, the Hollywood Improvement Project. Combined, a direct bikeway from Lloyd District tlu·ough North Tabor south·to PCC SE becomes possible arid .has been endorsed by all tlu-ee NA's. In the attached Greenway map, this route endorsed by Montavilla, Laurellrnrst and N01ih Tabor has been highlighted. · · - · To the n01ih N01ih Tabor endorses Rose City Park's recommendations for increased bikeway access to the MAX station, better sidewalks and greenway access to Tillamook and 53rd. 187832

Transcript of Getting out of North Tabor - Efiles - City of Portland, Oregon

Getting out of North Tabor: Endorsements for Regional Improvements

We are not a neighborhood in isolation. As we grow in an active transportation focused manner, we need to get to other region of the city safely.

Upgrading theSidewalk fo official Multi-Use-Path status between 44th and 47th:

The sidewalk just south of the Gulch connecting the Hollywood MAX station overpass with.NE 47th near the cancer center should be officially upgraded to MULTI-USE-PATH status as a major city bikeway connection. Thus, when adjacent properiies redevelop, additional width, lighting and trees can be added to make this a high quality bikeway connection, that wouid feel and be safe walking alone at night to and from the MAX and the hospital complex.

45th Greenway Hoyt to Woodstock including crossing improvements. In the comprehensive plan the lower 40's is a park deficient greenway study area. 45th is a direct route that does not meander like the 41 st bikeway and could be constructed without narrow bike lanes on higher volume streets. It would pass directly next to Creston park and the Stark, Belmont, Hawthorne and Woodstock business districts. Though a much lower priority than the 60's, ?O's or 80th greenways, we would like this project added to the TSP for long term study as an Unconstrained project. This would connect the NE 4 7th street bike lanes next to PPMC with the SE 461h street bike lanes that drop off at Woodstock in a fast, safe and clear manner while providing needed pedestrian crossing at the appropriate arterial streets along the way.

If Belmont/Morrison bikeway #20063 and the Belmont Strectscape #70009 projects were extended· to 4§1\ · a-complete bikeway running through commercial districts could be built from the .inner east

-side on· Belmontto:45ili,north:to-Burnside-w1:apping-a;·ound-tlleno1ih-side-of-Mount-'Fabor-to~the·---· ---Montavilla Business District at SE Stark and Washington and into East Portland.

Montavilla NA's requests for greenway improvements of the ?O's, 80th and their connections to the Davis-Everette greenway and the SO's greenway we feel would be a great asset to our community and endorse. These include the finishing of the Everett green way east to Vestal Elementary, 80th south from Halsey to PCC SE, and the improvements needed to connect everything up including the 70's, Yamhill and Holiday/Multnomah. This direct route to the Community College would be an asset to the entire central east side.

Laurelhurst Endorsements:

To the west we would like NE Oregon at 30th east to NE Floral to NE Hassalo and l\TE 41 st added as a Greenway to leverage the new 20's bikeway at Oregon Park and create a seamless connection to the Multnomah Cycle track, Lloyd District, the Hollywood transit center and N orih Tabor. This should include 37th north to the Sandy over pass, then 381h to connect to the NE greenway system and Grant High School. This short connection could be built independently, in conjunction with a Sandy 1'emodel or as part of project #40045, the Hollywood Improvement Project. Combined, a direct bikeway from Lloyd District tlu·ough North Tabor south·to PCC SE becomes possible arid .has been endorsed by all tlu-ee NA's. In the attached Greenway map, this route endorsed by Montavilla, Laurellrnrst and N01ih Tabor has been highlighted. · · - ·

To the n01ih N01ih Tabor endorses Rose City Park's recommendations for increased bikeway access to the MAX station, better sidewalks and greenway access to Tillamook and 53rd.


A Modernization of Coe Circle into a modern traffic circle: Modernizing Coe Circle should be part of Project #70005 Caesar Chavez Improvements including a connection of the bike lanes on Glisan. Cesar Chavez, with its four lane configuration, has significantly more capacity than 47th. A modemizatioi-t of Coe Circle combined with small improvements on 47th and a new crossing at 43rd and Glisan would make for more a smoother and safer traveling pattern through the region ..

Gilham Sidewalk In-Fill:

As complete sidewalks get progressively more difficult to find east of 60'\ we would highly recommended completion of a high quality ADA compliant sidewalk from the top of the hill at Gilham and Burnside SE via Thorburn to the Montavilla Business District. This short sidewalk gap is a critical connection that would allow local pedestrian access to the heart ofMontavilla. This is included in Metro's Regional Active Transportation Network.

This sidewalk is ALSO endorsed by Mount Tabor NA. Ifthere are any questions about the Mount Tabor NA endorsements, please feel free to contact them and they will responds with an official letter of their own.

Parks Recommendations:

North Tabor is unique in the city as a neighborhood without a built park or school (though we do have a jail). As such, safe access to our local parks and school system is key. Our only park is Rosemont -BluffNaturalArea,which needslmbttat testoratton out is paitof the Blrci-ancl-Pollihator Flyway and-

-- can norbedevelopecl~WefeeltliafNonliTatiorVisicf!fZero, will accofuplisli safe access to .otheY ---regional neighborhood parks and amenities, but we as a community would also like a park of our own. In our era of limited parks funding for new acquisitions, and very few possibilities for a central park for North Tabor, we have two creative endorsements.

For a tradition small neighborhood park, there are three parcels of land at 35 NE 52"d that if they became available for sale and development North Tabor NA would highly encourage this acquisition by the park's depatiment. More likely, we will need to be creative as a communJty. Thus our recommendation is to create, over time as we grow, a series of micro-parks along our Greenway System. Possible locations include: Between NE Vera and 62"a at Oregon, at the intersection of NE Oregon and NE 65'h, NE 49th between Glisan and Flanders, NE 681h and East Burnside there is a small parcel that could be a Gateway Park, and along the Davis Greenway east of 651h where the sidewalk ends. These could all double as neighborhood greenway diversion treatments and be individually designed depending the topography, community and wild-life c01Tidor needs. Since Burnside and Glisan are so nearby, the local residential greenway traffic volumes should be kept to local access only.

This "North Tabor Promenade," could be loosely based in design on Hohnan city park or NE Kilckitat east of Irving park. As each of these locations are different, individual designs would be needed, but could be built slowly over time with communality outreach and involvement. This should include community garden space, bike repair stations, neighborhood notice kiosks and a neighborhood . playground where available. A map with possible Nmih Tabor micro-park locations is attached, including our locally prefened greenway network. This is a link to the on-line map.

187832 A4.khApA6y5SQ:fA

The Sullivan's Gulch Transportation Corridor

North Tabor is a neighborhood sandwiched between the High Crash Corridor that is Burnside and the Banfield Freeway. As such, we have some of the highest asthma rates in the city. To combat the deleterious health effects of diesel and automobile exhaust we encourage the city to invest in whatever strategies are needed to encourage alternative fuels, electric vehicles and car pooling.

Fossil Fuel Exports through the rail corridor:

As explosions of oil trains have become more common, we feel that transporting compressed natural gas, propane, or any other fossil fuel through population centers is too dangerous. The PSC, city officials, and the permitting department should do everything in their power to prevent ANY fossil fuel expo1ts, ESPECIALLY through the gulch, or from the Port of Portland as a whole. Not only is there the direct explosive danger, but all of our carbon reduction goals from moving automobile trips over to pedestrian and bike trips will be negated by even the one propane export facility cunently proposed. As a community, we feel that all permits for any fossil fuel exports should be denied. The City of

· P01tland should lobby at the state and federal level to ao whatever it can to regulate, limit, remove and eventually elinlinate these trains for safety and climatic reasons from our urban railway network.

North Tabor MAX/60'h Street Station Place-making

Almost all of the nearly 100 neighborhoods in Portland are named after distinctive features like -----"'choofa,-pai·b-01,even streets.- North.Iahoris_narne_cUor_a_sinipJe_ge_ogtaphic_reason:_;_ we_ai:e. north of

the park and Volcano. We do not have a park of our own, nor do we have a school. What we have is a neighborhood that will grow into an active transportation community focused around the 1'1AX station. As such, we would like Tri-met to rename the station the North Tab·or/601h street MAX stop as a place making tool for the neighborhood and are working with Tri-met to accomplish this.

Automobile Parking Recommendations:

The North Tabor Neighborhood Association understands that as we grow there will be more pressure on the public parking needs of the developing commercial corridors and residential neighborhoods. This parking congestion, particularly around PPMC and the MAX station, should be monitored for the need for residential permit parking. As congestion or local request dictates, parking management tools should be used instead of building more automobile parking. We are adainantly OPPOSED to PPMC building any more parking lots or ramps. Residential pennit parking combined with congestion priced metering oil the coimnercial corridors and the pricing of PPMC parking ramps, beginning with employees, should be studied and implemented when needed. This concept has recently been approved for long term study by PPMC. North Tabor, and PBOT should coordinate them on parking management so pricing can occur in the residential, commercial and institutional employment zones in a coordinated way .

. In conclusion, the No1th Tabor Neighborhood Association would like to grow in a safe, sustainable and affordable manner for all residents and we think that this plan for growth and livability will create a sustainable and safe neighborhood for residents of all incomes.

Thank you for your work and efforts, The Board of the North Tabor Neighborhood Association


For more information, questions or for further discussion of these ideas feei free to contact:

Terry Dublinski-Milton, N1NA Transportation and Land Use Chair


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Norith Tabor Diverter Plan:

(j) 1 NE 45th &. Davis: NW to SE diverter (all vehicle traffic must turn right)

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Tom Armstrong City of Portland Bureau of Planning Sustainability 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 5000 Portland, Oregon 97204

November 6, 2015

Christe White cwhite@rad lerwhite. com



Re: ESCO request to be included in the new Mixed Employment and EG zone designations for its NW Portland property

Dear Tom,

As you know, ESCO has requested that the City incorporate its NW Portland property shown in th_e attached Exhibit A into the boundaries of the new Mixed Employment Comprehensive Plan designation and corresponding EG zone designation.

u, By". sepaf atelerter alreaay subinitte-d-to-the-eity;-ESe0-supp or ts- the-Employment-Zoning: ~~~ Project andthe cffanges-·toc~ixea-Employment zone-prnpuse·d--under-that-proj-ect-. ------5

'" ,-.· w w " ,-. "' <{ m ,: 3 0 u s "' -

Specifically, ESCO supports the removal of housing from the new EG zones and the reduction in retail allowances. With these changes, the EG zone becomes a more employment-oriented/industrial use zone that removes use options that may not be compatible over the long term with the employment and industrial focus contemplated by the new zone restrictions.

ESCO does not have an internal team dedicated to long range land use planning. For these reasons, ESCO was late to the Planning Commission hearings. ESCO agreed that it would not have been appropriate for the Planning Commission to amend its recommendation after public testimony had closed, particularly because the Commission was not able to review the· proposal before the close of that testimony. ESCO is therefore bringing this request forward before the City Council to provide that opportunity for review and public comment.

By this letter, we <1re summarizing the primary rationale in support of this Comprehensive · Plan and zone change request.

1. The City is engaging in a long range planning project that includes a portion of the ESCO property but not all of the ESCO property. Under the EZP project proposed by the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability ("BPS"), a portion of the property will retain its current Mixed Employment Comprehensive Plan designation and have· the newly restricted EG implementing zone. The City's long range- planning effort has helped ESCO focus on its long term plans for the site. This focus has resulted in a request to carry the existing Mixed



Tom Armstrong November 6, 2015 Page 2

Employment designation and new EG zoning to the balance of the ESCO ownership along NW Vaughn as shown on the attached map.

• fJ 2. This property is the location ofESCO's world corporate headquarters. ESCO would like 8 to keep its headquarters in this location. The current operation also includes a 100-year old ~ foundry. It is conceivable in the future that the foundry operations will be modernized, . !;; converted to another use or consolidated at another ESCO facility in Portland, or elsewhere. ~ When that occurs, ESCO's corporate headquarters will no longer be associated with a primary 8 industrial use and will become non-conforming. ESCO does not want to be in a position of risk ~ with its corporate headquarters and does not want to foreclose a modernization of its :;; operations over the long term that may not fit into the Heavy Industrial zone but would fit : into the Mixed Employment zone. 0 N ,_ ~ 3. The difference between the EG zone and IH zone that is of most importance to ESCO is § the flexibility of office type. Under the EG ·zone we would be permitted to maintain our g corporate headquarters, expand our headquarters and even co-locate with like uses. The §1' difference in trip generation rates between corporate headquarters office and general office <( .

,:' is quite slight, allowing us to make this change without anticipating any real change in off-site "' -2 impacts. For example, the ITE code establishes a PM peak hour trip generation rate of 1.41

· 0

trips per 1,000 square feet for a corporate headquarters office use, compared to 1.49 trips g per 1,000 square feet. for a traditional office use, a difference of only .08 trips per 1,000 w - - - - ------<--t:;---square-feet. · - -- -"' ,_ 4. As we understand it, the EG zone has always been an integral part of the industrial w g! area north of Vaughn and has helped accommodate major crossover employers like ESCO. In \;; « this way, this EG request both recognizes that part of our site is already designated Mixed ~ Employment and EG north of Vaughn and that extending the EG zone on our site is compatible C,

8 with the existing zoning pattern and other industrial uses in the area. s : 5. The Mixed Employment designation and EG zone continue to encourage and allow

industrial uses such as manufacturing and production, industrial service and wholesale sales. With the new restrictions prohibiting housing and reducing retail allowances, the EG zone becomes even more employment and industrially focused.

6. ESCO is subject to worldwide fluctuations in the markets for our products. This has caused us to alternatively expand and contract our workforce over time. We cannot predict these fluctuations with any great certainty. This will be true whether our site is zoned EG or IH. .

7. ESCO has worked very closely with the NWDA and other stakeholders over the years to mitigate the impacts of our heavy industrial foundry use on residences and restaurants that today surround ESCO on three frontages. We have operated under a Good Neighbor Agreement for the past 10 years and will continue to work with our neighbors on any transition issues. We have met with the NWDA Planning Committee and the NWDA Transportation Committee and intend to meet with them again before and after this matter



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Tom Armstrong November 6, 2015 Page 3

comes to the City Council. We have started a good discussion that we are hopeful will result in further understanding of the need for and limitations of this proposal.

In closing, we greatly appreciate the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability's work with ESCO to build this proposal and ask that you amend the Planning Commission recommendation to include the ESCO ownership in the new ME Comprehensive Plan designation and the implementing EG zone.


Christe White

cc: Mayor Hales Commissioner Fish Commissioner Saltzman Commissioner Fritz Commissioner Novick

-- . Kevin Thomas,- ESCO __



Comprehensive Plan Amendment New Mixed Employment (ME)

iJIEll'ln llfllllilli'


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New Mixed Employment (ME) (21 acres)

ESCO Sites

Existing 6: Proposed ME(EG)

-- Existing Zone Boundary (w /label)

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June 15, 2015

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Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. 7688 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97219 (503) 823-4592

September 30, 2015

Mayor Charlie Hales 1221 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97204

Andre Baugh, PSC Chair 1900 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97201

Susan Anderson, BPS Director 1900SW4thAve Portland, OR 97201

Re: Multnomah Vi]lage zoning

Dear Charlie, Andre, and Susan:

Following the unani111ous action o~itsl..and Use Committee, the S\IV_Neig,_.,h"'b_,-_01'--'·h-'--'00-'occdcccs_--_--______ _ Board at their September 23 meeting unanimously approved a motion to support the Multnomah NA's Septe\nber 13 letter to you calling for CM1 zoning in Multnomah Village as part of the Mixed Use Zone Project. A copy of the Multnomah NA letter is attached. We believe the 35-foot height limit in the CM1 zone fits with and protects the character and scale of the historic Multnomah Village._


~~ Sam Pearson. President, Southwe1t Neighborhoods

()/l (;; 4Jid JP/. 0in Gibbon, Chair, SWNI Land Use Committee

Enc: Multnomah NA 09-13-15 letter


7688 CapitolHwy,Porllaml, OR9nl9

Charlie Hales, Portland Mayor [email protected]

Andre Baugh, PSC Chair [email protected]

Susan Anderson, PBS Director [email protected]

Planning and Sustainability Commission 1900 SW Fourth Ave Portland, Oregon 97201-5380

Re: Request CS zoned properties be converted to CM1

September 13, 2015

The Multnomah Neighborhood Association reqnests that the Planning and Sustainability Commission change the CS-zoned properties to CM! in the business area with the D overlay in Multnomah Village in the implementation of the Mixed Use Zones Project. The maximum

· height of 35 ft will help protect the existing character of the Village and will be generally be compatible with the scale of surrounding residentially zgn,;_d properties. __ ______ _ - -


The alternative CM2 zone, with a maximliin height of55 ft, would result in a "clearance zone" - and d,stroy what people value in the Village. The CMI zone was designed to limit the size of commercial uses with minimum impacts on adjacent residential uses - a perfect fit for

· Multnomah Village.

Please add the record of the Mixed Use Zones part of the Comprehensive Plan.,


CaroI McCarthy, Chair Multnomah Neighborhood Association [email protected]

cc: Anne Debbault, DLCD1 Portland Regional Representativei [email protected] Elissa Gertler, Metro ~egional Planning Director, [email protected] Amanda Fritzi Commissioner, [email protected] Nick Fish, Commissioner; [email protected] Steve Novick, Commissiorier, [email protected] Dan Saltzman, Commissioner) [email protected]


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:

Engstrom, Eric Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:58 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Subject: FW: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag.Status: Completed

From: Anderson, Susan Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:15 PM To: Engstrom, Eric <[email protected]>; Stein, Deborah <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chris Powers <[email protected]> ----Date:-November-5,£01-5-at--3-:±6-:-29-Pivl-P-S-'f-----

To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> Cc: ·<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> · Subject: Re: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

Portland City Council Council Clerk

1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130 Portland;Oregon 97204

Dear Mayor Hales, City Council and Council Clerk:

I am requesting that the City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed· depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the definition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics are better defined by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway. If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Y,-mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah,



would leave little room for existing single-family zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The · Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village. Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor. Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

r~ Christine Powers 3301SW Spring Garden Street Portland, OR 97219 503 3818281

. -'



~MCDD ~ Flood Protection

September 21, 2015

The Hon. Charlie Hafos Portland City Council 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room'340 Portland, OR 97204

_Mi.Jllnomah County O~ai.nage District #1 1880 NE-Elr~ Drive Portland OregOri 97211

. (503) "281-5675 FAX {503} 28_1-0392 ' vM', .

Re: Drainage District Support of 2035 Comprehensive Plan Recommended Draft

Mayor Hales and Members of the Council,

Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony on the 2035 Comprehensive Pion Recommended Oraft.

The Columbia Corridor Drainage Districts (the Districts), which includes M.ultnomah County Drainage District No. 1, Peninsula Drainage District No. 1, and Peninsula Drainage District No. 2 the City of Portland, provides stormwater conveyance and flood protection for much of the Columbia Corridor. Within the Columbia Corridor lies a significant portion of Portland's industrial land, the Portland International Airport, p9rtions of two int,c,p;tate freeways, _and the eity-of-Portland' s domestic water wel I field,as well-as regional recreation fac-ilities-and-the-

- --Bridgeton-and-East-C--olumbia-residenHal-neighborhoodsc-These-developments-represent-much---------ofthe economic base of the City and critical elements in the regional transportation network. Therefore, operations and responsibilities of the Districts play a key role in the City's systems planning effort.

The primatygoal of the Districts is to protect lives a.nd properties from both external flooding and internal flooding, by maintaining levees along the Columbia River and Colum.bia Slough and managing sloughs, ditches, and pumps stations. We recognize that these facilities and operations are by necessity within area·s that also hold ptt\er urban values su_ch as recreatiPn; econo.mic vitality, environmental resources; and scenic values. This is reflected in our mission statement, which provides a balance of safety, recreation,. and restoration thro_ugh partnerships with public, non-profit, and private organizations:

Mission Statement of the Columbia Corridor Drainage Districts Safety Recreation Restoration

• Prevent Flooding through • Facilitate the allowance of • Create habitat-friendly management of: land and water trails within er:ivironment fn drainage 0 Levees drainage district facilities - ways 0 Pump stations • Manage water levels in the 0 Drainage ways Columbia Slough

The Districts have been following the City's Comprehensive Plan update program for several years, providing testimony and information to Bureau of Planning and Sustainability staff and City Commission that accurately describes the facilities and operations of the Districts, and suggesting modifications to better de_scribe the Di.stricts activities or respond to our operational



n~eds, We have developed a good \/lorking relationship ,vith staff, .and they h.ave been open an.d responsive to our input and many of our suggestions. The 2035 CoinprehensivePlan Recommended Draft before you today has incorporated mosrof our sugg~stions, and' as a result .we offer our full support In its adoption,

In addition to our involvement with the 2035 Comprehensive Plan update, the City and Districts have been pursuing two related projects that Will be brought forward to you in the near future:

• Cooperative Agreement. The City and Districts are currently drafting an agreement that recognizes and supports service functions of the Districts, including not only flood protection but also_stormwater conveyance and treatment for storm sewers that discharge into the Columbia Slough.

• Levee Easement Identification and Protection. The Districts are the local sponsors for the federal flood protection system of the Columbia River and Columbia levee system, therefore the Districts must maintain the system to the US Army Corps of Engineers' (US/I.CE) standards. To ensure the levee system is not compromised by development in the Columbia Corridor, MCDD and USACE must review development within any of the Drainage Districts that may impact the performance of the federal levee flood management system. The Districts have easements over the land on which the levees are located that allows them access to maintain and operate the structures. Because the easements are old they are often overlooked during property sales and title searches, so property owners may be unaware of their limitations and responsibilities and assume they can excavate and grade portions of the levee and plant vegetation without approval from the Districts and USACE. The-Eity-and-Oistricts-are-exploring-alternativesthat-will-more-easily-identify the-easement---- -

- - - ·------------ancl-relatecl-r-estrietioris~. ----------------------------------

In conclusion, the Districts have a long history o,f providing flood protection and stormwater conveyance while also serving as environmental stewards. We acknowledge our role and responsibility in maintaining environmental quality within our districts, and are.committed to fulfilling that responsibility while also preventing stormwater and flood damage to existing properties. We support the 2035 Comprehensive Plan Recommended Draft and the proposed goals and policies.

The Districts very much appreciate the time and effort the City has invested in working with us to explain the process, discuss issues,_and accommodate our specific needs. We lo.ok forward to continufng this dialog as the implementation process gets underway.


Reed Wagner Executive Director Multnomah Drainage District No .. 1 Peninsula Drainage District No. 1 Peninsula Drainage District No. 2



Portland City Council Council Clerk cctestimony@po rtlando rego [email protected] 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130 Portland, Oregon 97204

Re: Multnomah Village CS Zones

The Mixed-Use Zoning Project of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan's proposes to change the Commercial Storefront properties to Commercial Mixed Zone 2 (CM2). I request City Council change this designation to CML to which limits building height to 35 feet in the business district of Multnomah Village with a D overlay, in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

With the exception of one 3-story building, Multnomah Village consists of predominantly 2-story buildings, many of which are historic. The Village has a design district overlay under the current Comprehensive Plan and this overlay states that new development must be consistent with the

_______ s_ca_le_a_ndc_haracter of the existing businesses. The new CMl desi~nation is_a_b_e_tt_e_r_fi_t _fo_r_t_he ________ _ historic Village, which appears to be the last remaining cluster of locally-owned businesses in the City.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you, .

(YourName)Jan Kuhl-Urbach

(Your Address 1930 SW Orchid Place, Portland, OR

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected] Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected] Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected] Commissioner Steve Novick, [email protected] Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected] Oty Auditor, La Vonne Griffin-Valade, [email protected]

· Susan Anderson, [email protected] · MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected] ·



Portland City Council Council Clerk [email protected] [email protected] 1221.SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130 . Portland, Oregon 97204

Re: Truth in Zoning

I request specific language shown below be removed from the general description of land use designations on page GPl0,3 the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. This would preserve neighborhood character and would reduce the number of demolitions. This would remove the exceptions that allow. land divisions less than the base zone. A Comprehensive map amendment would then be required for a land division less than the base zone.

Land use designations - Amendment

The Comprehensive Plan is one of the Comprehensive Plan's implementation tools. Th·e Map include_s land use designations, which are used to carry out the Comprehensive Plan. The land use designation that best implements the plan is applied to each area of the city. This section contains descriptions of the land use designations. Each designation generally includes:

• Type of place or Pattern Area for which the designation Is intended.

• General.use andJntensity_expected within the. area. IA some case.$, tAe alternative _develef)nieat.ef;)_tio:B:S.::3lliJ.w,e.ala__siBgl£:Aw.e!:ling:£esis:0ntkJ:Lz:o -~"-~ - ..1. •

attacAe8 f1e(;Jses eR corner lots; accessor{Gw!;!lling ldRitS) A9ay allew a88itieAal resi8eAtial t;JRits SeyeR8 tAe general 8ensity 8eseril3e8 13e!ew-:-

• Level of public services provided_ or planned.

e Level of constraint.

· I also request Section 33.110.240.E of the zoning code, allowing corner lots zoned RS or R7 to be rezoned to R2.S if they.are larger than 50 feet by 100 feet. be removed from the zoning code in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Please add these to the record.

Thank you,

(YourName1Jan Kuhl-Urbach

(Your Address) 1930 SW Orchid Place, Portland, OR

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected] Commi,ssioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected] Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected] Com.missioner Steve Novick, [email protected] Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected] City Auditor, La Vonne Griffin,Valade, [email protected]


Susan Anderson, Susan,[email protected] MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected]


Portland City Council Council Clerk cctestimo'[email protected]

· [email protected] 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130 Portland, Oregon 97204

Re: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

I request City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the definition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics are better defined by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway.

If the Village.were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Y,-mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard CivkCorr.idor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for exis_tin.g_single-family zoning as redevelopment contin.ues to occur. The_ Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village.

Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

(YourName))an Kuhl-Urbach

(Your Address) 1930 SW Orchid Place, Portland, OR

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected] Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected] -Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected] Commissioner Steve Novick, [email protected] Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected] City Auditor, La Vonne Griffin-Valade, [email protected] Susan Anderson, [email protected]


MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected]



City Of Portland Council Clerk _ 1221 SW 4th Ave., Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

November 7, 2015

RE: Sandy Blvd. Re-classification, Page 34, Urban Design Directions for the Comprehensive Plan

Dear Mayor Hales, Co.mmissioners Fish, Fritz, Novick, and Saltzman

The Argay Neighborhood Association boundaries include two very different land uses, and NE Sandy Blvd. serves as a division between the residential uses to the south and the industrial zoned land to the north. While the Association is not really qualified to and not frequently asked to advise on matters in the industrial area of our neighborhood, NE Sandy Blvd. does impact the accessibility and safety of the residential portion of our neighborhood and is always of concern to us.

As it passes through Argay, NE Sandy Blvd. is a two lane roadway (122nd Avenue to NE 148'h Avenue) and even with its current traffic load, access to the road can be a problem for our residents and especially for the businesses-and residents-along that street. We appreciate that PBOT has recently re-stripea the major

------intersection from our neighborhood to NE Sandy Blva.{NI: 141.''-Avenue)!ocYeate·iMividual left turn-and.right----- ---turn lanes, and it has helped to some degree, but we have been told that no further improvements are likely to be made. The proposed upgrade to the freight route status of Sandy Blvd. from "Major'' to "Prfority" on page 34 of the Urban Design Direction for the Comprehensive Plan would likely make the current situation much worse.

It is our opinion that a much better alternative would be an actual downgrade of the current status for Sandy Blvd. and an emphasis on directing heavy truck traffic to the newer and much better designed Airport Way, a road that actually runs through rather than adjacent to the industrial portion of our neighborhood. Access to and from NE Sandy Blvd from the industrial area, is impeded by the at-grade rail crossing at NE 148'h Avenue. Not so, on Airport Way. Access to and from Sandy Blvd. at NE 122°d is through an indirect interchange. Not so, on Airport Way. Back-ups and a bottleneck develop furth'er west on Sandy Blvd. in Parkrose. Airport Way is a wide four lane roadway, better able to accommodate slow speed trucks. In Argay, Sandy Blvd. is a two lane roadway which mixes traffic from apartments and businesses with truck and industrial traffic. Airport Way is free of this routine neighborhood traffic. Airport Way is far better suited for use by heavy trucks.

To us, it just makes sense to direct as much heavy truck traffic to Airport Way as possible. Proper"designation of that roadway and a downgrade of NE Sandy Blvd. would help make that possible.

On behalf of the Argay Neighborhood Association Board of Directors, thank ,YOU for your conside:,ation.

~~~ Alari Brown Chair, Land Use and Transportation Committee.· Argay Neighborhood Association PO Box 20635 Portland OR Q7230



Arev<1lo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Michael Molinaro <[email protected]> Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:22 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Mixed Use Zones Testimony

Follow up Completed

Please add my testimony to the public record.

1. Maximum height of buildings in CM2 zones should be 3 stories with a fomih floor only for neighborhood bonus items, and stepped back 1 O' minimum from the front facade. · 2. Building facades should be broken up into 50' increments 3. Require larger trees at street 4. Require .7 parking spaces for each residence for all buildings over 6 units. 5. Provide pe1mit fee reductions for adaptive reuse of existing buildings 6. Add submittal requirements for neighborhood context compliance.

Michael J. Molinaro AJA · ·Molinaro-Arclritecr.---

4007 SE Taylor St. Po1iland, OR 97214 [email protected] 1-312-391-9098 1-503-306-5398 Fax OR, IL, WA.




~ Metro I Office of 1\ietro Attorney November 9, 2015

City of Portland Comprehensive Plan Testimony c/o Council Clerk 1221 SW 4'" Avenue, Room 130 1 -

Portland, OR 97204

RE: Metro property- Lone Fir Cemetery Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment

To whom it may concern:

600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 503-l97-179Zfax

Gary Shepherd Assistant Attorney


Metro appreciates the opportunity to participate and comment upon the CitVs Comprehensive Plan Map amendment process. Please include this Jetter in the record of these proceedings.

These comments concern the map amendment proposed for Lone Fir Cemetery, Block 14. The property is located on the corner of SE 2D'h and SE Morrison_. The site is the former home of the Multnomah County building,-and as such:is.z_onecl_-ur_t,an-cornmercial. The site is surrounded by the -

- ··tom,fir-eemete:rytlrthe·northond-east:-Since-Metro's--acqaisition,the-buildingwas-temovedondthe--------land incorporated into and managed with the cemetery property. The surrounding cemetery land is plan mapped and zoned open space. Exhibit 1.

There is a plan for Block 14 to be developed with a mem_orial park. To date, the CitVs mapping program indicates the City proposes a mixed·use - urban center plan desigl)ation. Exhibit 2. This office understands that the current and proposed commercial zoning would allow park, open space and cemetery uses. However, it is Metro's position that the mixed use commercial classification is generally inconsistent with Metro's use and management objectives, memorial plans, and the existing cemetery plan and zoning designation. The mere perception of the commercial zoning for this site has raised concerns among both constituents and Metro representatives.

As such, Metro respectfully requests that the proposed plan map reflect a change from commercial to open space for Block 14, Lone Fir Cemetery. If I can answer any questions or provide as.sistance, please contact me directly. I thank you for your time and attention.

cc: Marty Stockton, Portland Bureau of Plan-ning_ and Sustainability

Sincerely, / ----------... ~ ./y ( 9---z____ .. ;,

~ ~ Shepherd / · Office of Metr9 Attorney


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( ·Cl. Addroi;s Se.irch

Mop Propooal Cornrr,enb

LAND USE PROPOSAL Proposed·!end usa des[gnt:itlons ce;ny out the goals and policies oru,e-Coniprehenslve Plei.n ancf dlrect growth through 2035 as descr1bed In th Urbon Do~gl'\ FrcmeworK •

Search by address orcild<l'tap on tha map to select taxlots Md vlevJ land uso. proposols a~ciatod v,1th thtit po reel,


A ml?\ Q:!'\ ,-c_ ~•fffr\ffflWL§_jammmDG§jtmmmmii, ,.;

Tha Recommended Pi0.n·w1l! be mvlewad by CltyCouno!I, which will h,01 publlc heeirings during thl!l re.ti and winter 2015.




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: ro: Cc:

Washington, Mustafa Monday, November 09, 2015 4:06 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Elmore-Trummer, Camille

Subject: .FW: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood corridor

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed

From: Maarja [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2015 1:27 PM To: Council Clerk - Testimony <[email protected]> Cc: Hales, Mayor <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fritz <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected]>; City Auditor Griffin-Valade <[email protected]>; Anderson, Susan <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood corridor

Subject: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood corridor

To the City Couucil,

I am requesting that the City Couucil cha1;1ge the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the defmition of a Neighborhood Conidor. The Village is more linear in nature ~nd thus the characteristics are better defined by the Neighborhood Conidor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Conidor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway. If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a V>-mile radius, it would overlap with the bouudaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing single-family zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village. Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor. Please add this to the record. Thaukyou,



Maarja Paris 7434 Sw Capitol Hwy Portland, Or 97219



Arevalo, Nora .

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Michael Molinaro <[email protected]> Monday, November 09, 2015 3:12 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Testimony

Follow up Completed

1. Increase density on wider streets such as Powell, Cesar Chavez, Sandy, Foster, Broadway, Burnside. 2. Increase density on North-South streets where the solar shading impact will be minimized. 3. Encourage "re·awakening" of the missing middle housing type by rezoning areas adjacent or on the same block as wider streets to encourage townhomes, 4-plexes, stacked flats, etc. 4. Older streetcar streets should retain their historic mix of diverse size, type, and architecture. These are the streets, such as Belmont, Hawthorne, 'Division, that with no help from any tax subsidy ha~e self-created a sense of "Port;land" and are now threatened with rampant development because of city-wide planning. Do not destroy the character of these historic neighborhoods. 5. Do not wait till 2017 to close the FAR loophole that exempts residential buildings. 6. Increase neighborhood notification requirements so all developments over 5,000 square feet must meet with the neighborhood associations. . 7. Include SFR or now multi-family properties on commercial streets in the demolition notification process. 8. Initiate neighborhood design review. This will broaden the review process and lighten the load of the design

· review committee.

Michael J. Molinaro AIA Molinaro Architect 4007 SE Taylor St. P01ilarid, OR 97214 [email protected] 1-312-391-9098 1-503-306-5398 Fax Licensed in OR, IL, WA




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Homeowner: Suzanne J Pond · 610 SW 48th Dr Portland, OR 97221 State ID #1S16AA 2300 > > Hello,

Suzanne pond <[email protected]> · Monday, November 09, 2015 2:48 PM

BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Re: Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

>· I would like to voice my support for the change affecting 610 SW 48th Dr to single-dwelling 20,000. > > On 48th Dr we have many elevations and trees which effect rain/storm runoff. It is slippery with leaves and poor drainage. Our street is narrow and dark which becomes less safe with additional traffic from increased residents. It is also a path for deer, coyotes and other small animals. Please protect our street and its residents and implement this change. >

-->-Thank-you,--------> Suzanne




Portland City Council Council Clerk

[email protected] 1221 SW Fomth Avenue, Room 130 Portland, Oregon 97204

November 9, 2015

Re: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

We live about two blocks from downtown Multnomah Village. We have lived in this neighborhood for two years and enjoy Multnomah Village immensely precisely because it is a Village. We are requesting that the City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation has a prescribed depth of 180 feet, which is consistent with the definition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The Village ~a'i'(JdW1attli:ll and thus the characteristics are better denned by the NfilghlJotfilf,fd[Q,grfillm! designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway.

If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a ¥,,--mile radius, it would overlap with ----~t_h_e_b_o_u_n~dirle~ of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur

Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing single-family zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village.

Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

Susan J. Thomson

8S20 SW 41" Ave

Portland, Oregon 97219

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected] Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected] Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected] Commissioner Steve Novick, [email protected] Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected] City Auditor, La Vonne Griffin-Valade, [email protected] Susan Anderson, [email protected] MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected]



November 2, 2015

Portland City _Council c/o Council Clerk · [email protected]

ladies and Gentlemen:

I am writing to submit some comments regarding the proposed revisions to the City of Portland Comprehensive Plan. I am a resident of the Woodstock neighborhood. ·1 have been attending neighborhood meetings regarding land use issues for the past two and·a half years. I had an opportunity to become more involved and concerned about the proposed Comprehensive Plan changes through this involvement. I have serious concerns about proposed parameters for the new multi-use zones, especially with respect to parking requirements, notably the Jack thereof. I am also concerned about a proposal to outright implement Comprehensive Plan designated residential zones.

(1) Multi-use zoning concerns - I am pleased that residential space will now be included in calculation of floor-area-ratios under the new proposal. I am hopeful that this change will help control the height and mass of buildings in the Woodstock Neighborhood Center. However, another critical need for increased density to work is sufficient accommodation for all modes of transportation, including automobiles. The City has in the past taken an approach that tries to reduce automobile traffic by making it more difficult for cars to move about the city, including failing to ensure adequate parking for both daily and overnight needs. This is a very . short sJgbted and ultimately dis.l]strous a()proach. If Portland continues on this path, traffic conge~tion ~ill

: onlyget-w:Oi:se,::n6t-better ... P.ublicir:arisµo.i.tatio.n..wiJJ:n.o.t..repJace_th.e atttomobile foLa_tJ',' but the most casual user unless it is true "rapid transit", which even Max is not. Streetcars, buses and the like do not move enough people fast enough to replace automobiles. Bicycles work only for a small segment of the population. All residential development should be required to provide overnight off-street parking for residents - at least one space per residential unit. Commercial parking regulations should not limit parking but rather require it at levels appropriate to the floor area being developed. On street parking is not adequate to.serve either residential or commercial development and contributes to traffic congestion. Perhaps a more scientific approach to determining adequate parking provision is called for. What is the current ratio of households to registered automobiles? Any development that would reduce that ratio by more than 10% would probably lead to disaster - as we already see in many densely developed areas of the city- NW Portland, Division between 26th and 39th, etc, where parking is so scarce that many people cannot patronize the businesses located there. Parking requirements for future development is currently the most hotly debated topic on Woodstock website. It is critical that the city get this right. Too much parking would be much less damaging than too little parking.

Concomitant with this concern is. the.need for development of some of the many unimproved streets that are prevalent in the Woodstock Neighborhood. While many of those whose property abuts unimproved streets are opposed to their improvement (especially if they have to pay for it), it ·is nearly impossible to travel in an eastward or westward direction in Woodstock anywhere south of Woodstock Boulevard. One has to travel south to Bybee Blvd (over 10 blocks) before one finds an improved east-west street suitable for even the lowest level of automobile traffic. Some of these streets could be developed quite inexpensively for pedestrian/bicycle traffic, while others need to be developed for automobile traffic to help alleviate pressure on an already overused Woodstock Boulevard.



(2) While the proposed Comprehensive Plan will leave most residential zoning unchanged, there is curren\ly some thought being given to permanently implementing increased density designations from the last Comprehensive Plan. As I understand it, during the last Comprehensive Plan process in the 1980's, residential properties within a certain specified distance of an art!"rial street with bus service (not necessarily FREQUENT bus servic<e) were designated R2.5, rather than the more prevalent zoning designation of RS. This approach was totally arbitrary and failed to take into consideration the character of surrounding neighborhoods and existing actual density, which in many cases is less than the official zone designation. Comprehensive Plan designated density levels should not be implemented without full review of infrastructure needs, input from nearby residents, the Neighborhood Association and District Coalition on a parcel by parcel basis. In the Woodstock neighborhood, many of these properties also border the previously discussed unimproved streets. In my opinion, if development at the Comprehensive Plan designated density level has not occurred within the past 30-plus years, that density designation needs to be completely reconsidered. It has been stated that Portland could meet its anticipated needs for increased residential density without implementing these arbitrary changes. These underlying designations represent a "ticking time bomb" that most residents are completely unaware of until a developer gets their hands on one ·of these properties. Zoning for these properties should remain at their current official zone designation and the old Comprehensive Plan designation, if different, should be REMOVED, NOT implemented.

(3) I remain extremely concerned about.the increasing incidence of demolition of viable housing by developers who then cram as many new, large, expensive liouses on the lot as zonirig will allow. Requirements for private outdoor space are obviously being ignored or are so small as to be laughable. These new houses often rob theirneighbors _o_fsola_r acces_s and privacl'_ and destroy the character of a neighborhood and, being multi-

----- stmyin miture, are not semorcfriendly.lncenuves to aiscourage aemolmon anWehcourage renal511itat1otfdf -----existing housing stock should be put in place by the City if it is serious about maintai~ing neighborhood character and affordability. I am following closely the discussions occurring as part of the Residential Infill Project but am quite concerned that restraints are being placed on the scope of that project that will render its work ineffective. In addition, the demolitions continue at an alarming rate, encouraged by very liberal interpretations of current zoning codes by the Bureau of Development Services.

I appreciate the opportunity to provide this input.


Merrilee Spence 4219 SE Reedway St. Portland, OR 97206



W o.d..e A nde,'()br'i 3C/oS tJ [ II L} ,l-h Ave__ PocHand I Df-- 17220

Council Clerk 1221 SW 4th Ave., Room BO Portland, OR 97204

Dear Portland City Council:

h'-IJDITOR 11169/15 A~ill}:46

It has come to my attention that the City of Portland is interested in increasing the freight route status for Sandy Boulevard-from "major" to ''priority" in the Urban Design Direction for the Comprehensive Plan (see page 34 of the document). Because Sandy runs through the heart of the Parkrose Neighborhood, this goal raises concerns for those who live and work here. I would prefer that the s.tatus remain "major"; it would be even better if it were reduced.

My reasons forrecommending that the freight status be reduced are outlined in the ·· ·· ·· ··-followmg porn s:

1. Sandy Boulevard is already at capacity, especially during rush hour, when traffic frequently backs up from I-205 to 112th and sometimes beyond.

2. The cornrnercial area along Sandy Boulevard between 102"d and 122nd is being recornrnended by the Comprehensive Plan as a Neighborhood Center. Parkrose residents support this decision; increasing freight traffic will negatively impact efforts to develop this as a family-, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly Center. Please note that this section of Sandy Boulevard is bounded on the north and south by cornrnercial zoning and uses. Further east, Sandy is bounded by the railroad to the north and residential uses south.

3. Airport Way is less than a mile north of Sandy Blvd and runs through the Columbia Conidor industrial area. It has access to the 1-205 freeway northbound and southbound, which also connects to 1-84. Airport Way is already designated as a priority freight route, having been designed for freight traffic, unlike Sandy Boulevard. We support moving freight traffic off of Sandy Boulevard and onto Airport Way.

While I recognize the importance of continuing to develop the industrial area and provide more employment opportunities, it is equally important to ensure that ParJo;oseresidents


Freight status in Parkrose Page-2

have a healthy, safe, and thriving Neighborhood Center for gathering, shopping, and building community.

I urge you to consider this request. Reducing the freight traffic on Sandy Boulevard in Parkrose is an important_ step towards accomplishing our mutual vision of making this street one of the· vibrant "main streets" in Portland.

Sincerely, ,, ') ,



Cb~,e_ A0cle,0of\ s1o5 JJt I( l/+"7 Av-e Pc,4-lu.nd ) o~ c;72-1-o

Council Clerk · 1221 SW 4th Ave., Room 130

Portland, OR 97204

Dear Portland City Council:

RU[:ifT.OR 11/09/15 AM1(l:45

It has come to my attention that the City of Portland is interested in increasing the freight route status for Sandy Boulevard from "major" to "priority" in the Urban Design Direction for the Comprehensive Plan ( see page 34 of the document). Because Sandy runs through the heart of the Parkrose Neighborhood, this goal raises concerns for those who live and work here. I would prefer that the status remain "major"; it would be even better if it were red.need.

___ My reasons for reco=ending that the freight status be reduced are outlined in the following points:

1. Sandy Bo.ulevard is already at capacity, especially during rush hour, when traffic frequently backs up froin I-205 to 112th and sometimes beyond.

2. The co=ercial area along Sandy Boulevard between 102nd and 122nd is being reco=ended by the Comprehensive Plan as a Neighborhood Center. Parkrose residents support this decision; increasing freight traffic will negatively impact efforts to develop this as a family-, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly Center. Please note that this section of Sandy Boulevard is bounded on the north and south by ~ornmercial zoning and uses. Further east, Sandy is bounded by the railroad to the n01th and residential uses south. ·

3. Airport Way is less than a mile north of Sandy Blvd and runs through the Columbia Corridor industrial area It has access to the I-205 freeway northbound and southbound, which also connects to 1-84. Airport Way is already designated as a priority freight route, having been designed for freight traffic, unlike Sandy Boulevard. We support moving freight traffic off of Sandy Boulevard a11d onto Airport Way.

While I recognize the importance of continuing to develop the industrial area and provide more employment opportunities, it is equally important to ensure that Parkrose residents


Freight status in Parkrose Page2

have a healthy, safe, and thriving Neighborhood Center for gathering, shopping, and building community.

I urge you to consider this request. Reducing the freight traffic on Sandy Boulevard in Parkrose is an important step towards accomplishing our mutual vision of making this street one of the vibrant "main streets" in Portland.


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Council Clerk 1221 SW 41

" Ave., Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Dear Portland City Council:

November 5, 2015

It has come to our attention that the City of Portland is interested in increasing the freight route status for Sandy Boulevard from "major" to "priority" in the Urban Design Direction for the Comprehensive Plan (see page 34 of the document). Because Sandy runs through the heart of the Parkrose Neighborhood, this goal raises concerns for those who live and work here. We would prefer that the status remain "major"; it ·would be even better if it were demoted.

Our reasons for recommending that the freight status be demoted are outlined in the following points:

l. Sandy Boulevard is already at capacity, especially during rush hour, when traffic frequently backs up from l-205 to I J 2'h and sometimes beyond.

2. The commercial area along Sandy Boulevard between J 02"' and J 22"" is being recommended by the Comprehensive Plan as a Neighborhood Center. Parkrose residents support this decision; in,ieasiiig freight fraffic Will negatively impact eftorts to eve op tfiisas·i.-ra,nily:;-pedestrian-~ aiid.bicyclecfriendJye-enter: - -·'--Please note that this section of Sandy Boulevard is bounded on the north and south by commercial zoning and uses. Further east, Sandy is bounded by the railroad to the north and residential uses south.

3. Airport.Way is less than a mile north of Sandy Blvd and runs through the Col,µnbia Corridor industrial area. It has access to the 1-205 freeway no11hbound and southbound, which also connects to 1-84. Airport.Way is already designated as a priority freight route, having been designed for freight traffic, unlike Sandy Boulevard. We support moving freight traffic off of Sandy Boulevard and onto Airport Way.·

While we recognize the importance of continuing to develop the industrial area and provide more employment opportunities, it is equally important to ensure that Parkrose residents have a healthy, safe, and thriving Neighborhood Center for gathering, shopping, and building community.

We urge you to consider our request. lfwe are going to accomplish our mutual vision of making Sandy Boulevard in Parkrose one of the vibrant Neighborhood Centers in Portland, then the freighttraffic needs to be kept at bay .

Rev'd Canon Nathan eRud, Acting Dean Trinity Episcopal Cathedral



\ .

. · .SINCE 1922





.. "RQBERTA BITAR M>\,'i-\GEMENf COMPANY, GmERAf PARTNER. . . -. - - ' . . ~ . - . . ~ . - •. . . - - . - . . '•

·BITAR .. BROS.ROB.ER.· TAB. ffARCORPORATION··. -- . ' . ·- . . - - -· . - . -

2929E..\STELP,'iS;D~5TREEf, l'OR;("i'i),ORfGctl 9T.214-l831 .. . ·•· DtWE (503) 234-0337 . FAX (503) 234-0339 . - . • -" -- • . . . . . . '" i . _. . --.

. ·. • Noyember4,2015

Mayor Charlie Hal~, Commissioner Amanda Fritz, Conmrissioner Nic:k Fish, Commissioner Dan Saltzmali arid Commissioner Steve Novick . . . . City of Portland 122l SW F.ourth Ave. Portland, CiR9no4·

· . Re: 2036 Comprehepsi~e flan ---i~~------~-~------~------~---cc--~-----··-··--.. -······

Dear Mayor Hale.s. and .Commissioners Fritz, Fish, Saltzman and Novick:

Our companies own two lots on the com<ir of NE Couch Street.and 291h Ave. identified as · .. Rl 77752 and Ri77753 .. Both lots currently have split zi:)ning designations of,CS and R 2.5. See . enclosed z.oning map.

· To date this has not been an issue, although we believe that tlie existing use as a pru:king Jot for the adjacent clinic and co~erdal building and overfi~wparking for tbi: comni.erdal block: to . the west is a non-conforming use under the ~ode for R 2.5 .

. Jri the new proposedComprehe11~hie Plan Map and proposed change # 1110 the lots remahi split ·. between Mix~d Use - Urban Ceriter. and residential designations.

It seems to be an opportune time toadclress this a.noinaly as the City moves toward adopting the 2035 Comp.r~hensive Pl~ and the silbsequent zoning chanies. . . .

. We respectfully ~eciuest lhaf the whole of the two lots be included in the Jvfix~dlJse -Urbim . • Cente~ designation which \Yould he consistent ai:id COD1pafib1e with the acljacerifand surrounding prop~rties and the existing me ..

. -·-.


Thankyoufcir your cci11Sideratiori: .·

Best regards;

Bim,cr;;p~,,---,---f' --c

I mes P. Kautz, CPM" . General Manager




Zoning Detail



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TYK.WYMAN Admitted fn


DIRECT DIAL 503-417-5478

E·MAIL . twyman@

ADDRESS . Suite 1500

851 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon


November 9, 2015

Via Email: [email protected]

Council Clerk City of Portland 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Re: 6141 SW Canyon Court, Portland, Oregon Comprehensive Plan Testimony Our File No.: RASl0-1

Dear Mayor and Council:

------~r,reRNe~----·Werepresent-9r~Nader--R-assouU,owner-of-the--l--.28, as 6141 SW Canyon Ct. As shown on the attached aerial photo, the parcel is

currently zoned R20, improved with a single ranch-style home, and situated immediately north of the Sunset Highway and next to an RI zone.

Phone 503.224.6440 Fax 503.224.7324

Member ......... TIT MERITAS


It seemed apparent to Dr. Rassouli that the existing zone does not allow the density of development that the City will want there in 2035. Accordingly, he worked many months ago with Peter Fry to propose to staff (Joan Frederiksen) and the neighborhood that the designation be changed to R2. Peter and Dr. Rassouli

. felt that their proposal was well received, so were surprised to learn in early June that the Planning and Sustainability Commission would deny their request. ·

Looking back through the Bureau's files, I found that neighbors had turned against the proposal. From its notes on the matter, staff appeared to reach the same conclusion based on three distinct concerns: with land stability, storm drainage, and traffic. Dr. Rassouli thus retained experts to address each of these concerns. I attach their reports.

At the bottom line, R20 strikes me as appropriate in pretty only limited circumstances, viz., steeply sloped properties in the West Hills. That is not the situation here. Even if R2 is not the right density, failure to upzone this parcel in this process would be a waste.



Council Clerk November 9, 21) l 5 Page2

We appreciate your willingness to review our situation and look forward to further discussing it with you.

TKW:car Enclosures

Very truly yours,

/( J~ 1 t -

Ty K Wyman ·

cc: Julie Ocken, PSC Assistant (via email: julie,[email protected])

Joan Fredericksen, West District Liason (via email: [oan.fredeticksen(@,

Nader M. Rassouli, DDS (viaemail: [email protected])

Peter Fry (via email: [email protected])



clemow associates LLC

November 5, 2015

Dunn Carney Allen Higgins & Tongue LLP Attention: Ty K. Wymari 851 SW 6"' Avenue, Suite 1500 Portland, Oregon 97204

Re; 6141 SW Canyon Court Zone Change - Portland, Oregon Transportation Analysis

Project Number 20151006.00

... DearMr.Wyrrran,·-----

This transportation analysis supports the proposed property rezone at 6141SW0<::_a11yorffourt, Portland,

Oregon. The following items are specifically addressed in thisl\'tter:-c'.J_ " - - ';'--"~ -~~-~- = . "-'- --~-. -

1. Property Description and Proposed Land UseActi()~,, .•. _ .. 2. .Trip Generation .. ~-.. 3. Transportation Impacts 4. Summary - - - ~~ -



The 1.28 acre subject property is located:af61'.415W Canyon Court, Portland, Oregon and is identified as Tax Lot 2200 on Multnomah County Assessors.Map 1S-1~-06tB. Property access is to SW 61'' Drive which . connects toSW Canyon Court directly to,tlie,~duth.


The property is currently zoned City':of Pdrtlllnd Residential 20,000 (R20), a low-density single-family dwelling zone allowing 1 unit per 20,0_b(i.s.ciuare feet. As part of a larger City of Portland Comprehensive Plan map change and rezoning effort.'.thlbubi,ect property Is being considered/proposed to be rezoned to Residential 2,000 (R2), a low-densltymulti-fa'mily dwelling zone allowing 1 unit per 2,000 square feet . .. - . - .


The proposed zoning has potential to iric(ease.~te trip generation; therefore, transportation impacts are quantified and evaluated as part of this [ette'ri, -- .

··=={,:-,~ 'C •-:-_~---


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6141.SW (ahyon (ourt Zone Change - Portland, Oregon Project Number 20151006.00 Novembers, 2015 Page2


- The subject property is 1.28 acres, or 55,757 square feet in size:Reasonable worst-case development in the proposed R2 zone allows 27 low-density multi-family dwelling units and the current R20 zone allows 2 single-family dwelling units.

Trip generation for reasonable worst-case development in the proposed and current zone designatlons is estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition. for the proposed R2 zone, !TE Land Use 230 :... Residential Condominium/Townhouse is used and for the current R20 zone, ITE Land Use - 210 Single-Family Detached Housing is used. Resulting trip generation is summarized in the following table.

Proposed Zone Designation ::'·Residentia!CoJ1d1Jfll]Di~mfI91iohg~~~. - C no .· ---27-~ccc-JS7 _ , --r~~s:-· ·'1'1:,":

- -camm/7.<meDesignation ----j-------------

2 . - - 19 1 1 2 . Sfrt\Jle:i:'arriily De!ached Housing 210 ~S•c- ·: .. • . . C·---·---•• ·.·c~·,·-~-~---·-;-~--. '"-~,'-. -~·-•_.; ~~c.-.. -~___c__: . ~,_:. ---~:3-~ . . ;.._: -__ ' _: __ -_ _:' .

T rtp Generation Difference

As identified in the table above, the proposed zone designat.ioU fliisJ,dtential to increase site trip generation by 12 PM peak hour trips. · "-"-· .·. ···- · -.. ·


The subject property directly accesses SW61'1:brI~~. Anticipated residential development traffic will primarily travel to/from the east on SW Skyl_ineBoolevard via SW Canyon Court, SW 581h Stre1ct and SW Montgomery Street. - ' '~ •~::. - -

Overall transportation impacts will be small 1,ecause the potential trip generation increase is only 12 PM peak hour trips. As such, the proposed rezone'is not anticipated to significantly affect the transportation system. -____ ;_,..--- -

=.,_· -'=-.-'-'--~-~

c:\Users\Chris\Doc1,1tnents\Chris flles\20151006 6141 SW Canyah :CQt.irfZ~ieJ_h~nge ~ Portland\ltr cmc 6141 SW Canyon Court zc_ transportation analysl~.dODC_ - -cc ___ -~ - ~ =-~ -_- _- :-~-~,: +-.

·-·· ------ ----":..:. . -- ------- -- - - - - _-- - .. ------ ------

- -- - -- . - - - --- --. _. '-- ___ -_- ,-___ --_.' ---- . __ --

- . - --- .. - . -- ·-·---


6141 SW Cahyon Court Zone Change- Portland, Oregon Project Number 20151006.00 .November 5, 2015 Page 3


The proposed 6141 SW Canyon Court property rezone is not anticipated to significantly affect the transportation system. Therefore, no further transportation analysis is necessary.

' Sincerely,

Christopher M .. Clemow, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer

- - --~=,-=-

--- --- -

C:\Users\Chrls\Dowments\Chris Fifes\20151006 6141 SW Can Yon C_oUrt-Z<in2-.C:hi~ge·- Portland\ltr cmc 6141 SW Canyon Court ZC transportation anafysis.docx · ·-' · · ~ ._.;::: ---~:- - ::::_ -


- - --~"-°::\'::~- ------ - .,_- ---

--- -






Project Name: Project No:

TyWyman Partner Dunn Ganey Allen Higgins·& Tong.ue LL-

Brian K. Feeney, PE Project Manager

October 30, 2015

614,1 SW Canyon Court - Rezone/Annexation 15304 ·

RE: _ Existing Services Due Diligence Summary

The following memo outlines our preliminary findings associated with the property located 6141 SW Canyon Court localed in Multnomah County, Oregon just outside the City of Portland city boundary. 3J looked into the serviceability of the project for sanitary, sewer, and waler services .. The site is located along the NW corner of SW Canyon Court and SW 61'1 Drive, just north of Sunset Highway (US26). Currently there is an existing single family residence located on lop of a 20-plus foot high retaining wall above SW Canyon Court. The site currently takes access from SW 61'' Drive.

It is our understanding \haTtlie property owrier would-like-to-have-the-project-annexed into the City of ··· - · Portland and rezone<HrornR'2010--ft"2ihroogh-the-Gity--0f-Portlancl'.s-referenced..j)roces_s,~------------

The following information is based on our current understanding of the project, information readily available allhis time and our past experience with the local jurisdictions_


• · Site is located within the MuUnomah County, Oregon o Tax Lot: 1S1E06CB 2200 (1.28acres). o Zoned: R20-Single Family Residential

• Sanitary Sewer- City of Portland (BES) • Strom Water - City of Portland (BES) • Water - City of Portland Water Bureau (PWB) • Roads - City of Portland ·

o SW Canyon Court o SW 61'1 Drive

Existing Utilities

Storm Water • · SW 61'1 Drive: There are 2 storm systems within SW 61'1 Dive; a 12-in main located along the

west side of the road and a 12" to 18" storm main located along the east end of the road. tt appears the storm main is under the City of Portland Jurisdictioni within SW 61'1 Drive but does connect to an ODOT system that travels under Sunset Highway,

• SW Canyon Court: There is evidence that there is a storm line within Canyon Court based on existing catch basins, however the site and location of these lines are unknown.

3J Constilting, Inc: 5075 SW Griffith brive,_SJJite 150, Beaverton, OR 97005

Ph: 503-946-9365 VNIW.3j-coos1:1lting_._com


October-30,·2015 6141 SW Canyon Ct. - Du_e Q_ijjgen6e

Sanitary Sewer

M6MORANJ:>l,{M Page 2 of 3

• SW 61" Drive, There is an existing 8-ili malnline.along. lhe east side of the center of the road and is approxlmately 9 to 10 feet in dept.h. Existing seNices is from SW 61" Drive.

• SW Canyon Court: There is an existing 8-iri mainline along the south side of the center of the road and is approximately 8 to 11 feet in depth.

• West end of Property: There is ·an existing sewer manhole located along the southwest end of the property. Clean water SeNices maps indicated that this is an existing W seNice, depth is unknown ·

Water Service • SW 61" Drive: There is an existing 12'-in mainline along the west side of the-center of the road.

Existing seNite to the site is from SW 61" Drive. • · SW Canyon Court: There is an existing 12-in and 24-in mainline locaJed along the north side.of

the center of the road.

Future SeNices

Storm Sewer Future development of the site would require storm water detention and water quality. Per the City of Portland, all new impeNious area over 500 sf is required to be treated and detained. The following will summarize the City's requirements. ·

• Water Quality Treatment o The City of Portland requires 70 percent removal of total suspended solids from 90

percent of the average annual runoff of all impeNious area on a site. The City has different methods for calculating the treatment flow rate and volume depending on the Best Management Practice (BMP) selected. Additionally, the City requires vegetaJed

----facilities.tofilter-storrri-water-wheneverpossiblec--- ··· -- -- · ··- - - - · _____ _,o,__ .Future <i_e_y.i,lo_j,rne.nLcould_uU!iza.Bci>cIDofs;_flowdhrougli-planterrswales,underground- ..

waler quality devices and other methods lo meet !he water quality requirements by the City. ·infiltration would not be feasible due lo the existing site soils and retaining wall location.

• Detention (flow-control) o The City of Portland requires that at a minimum the post-development flows meet the

pre-development flows for !he 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year, 24-hour runoff events. Additional detention may be required dependent on the downstream conveyance system. Detention can be handled by detention ponds, flow-through planters, eco-roof, underground detentions, or similar facilities. ODOT required detention for sites under 5-acres in size to meet the pre-development 10-year storm even!. City of Portland's Storm requirements should be utilized as !hey are more stringent. ·

Formal WQ and Detention calculation will be required at the time of permit submittals. Based on the City's requirements we would recommend the storm be connected to !he SW 61'' Drive, proposed flows will be detained to meet the pre-development flows. Additional detention maybe required depending 6n the downstream analysis but should not prevent future development. Specific site location and design should take the existing retaining wall into. account and recommendations froin a structural or geolechnical engineer be Considered.

Sanitary Sewer • Proposed sewer seNice could connect to either SW 61'' Drive or SW Canyon Court. It is

recommended to connect to SW 61'' Drive due to the existing retaining wall along the SW Canyon Court frontage.

Water Service • Proposed water service could connect to either SW 61 '' Drive or SW Canyon Court. It is

recommended to connect lo SW 61'' Drive due to the existing reiaining wall along the SW Canyon Court frontage.


October 30, 2015 6141 SW Canyori Ct. ~ Due Diligence

MBMOR.AN!>l,\M Page3of3

Summary . . Based on the information availab.le ii appears that the site has adequate water, storm, and sewer service available in the public streets adjacent to the property.

Attached: • Tax Map-1S1E6CB • Topographical Survey, dated Aug. 7, 2009 by Chase Jones and Associates • City of Portland - Sewer Relocation SW Canyon Cl, s!ieet P2, dated 4/3012.001 (As-Built) , City of Portland - Sewer Relocation SW Canyon Cl, sheet P3, dated 4/30/2001 (As-Built) , City of Portland - Sewer Relocation SW Canyon Ct, sheet P4, dated 4130/2001 (As-Built) • Clean Water Services Public Sewer Map , Portland Stonnwa!er Management Manual - January 2014, Exhibit 1-10.- Summary of Flow

Control and Pollution Reduction Requirements.

P:\.J'ropo;SaJsi.Residanlial\142_-RH · Burgandy Subdfli~\Commuolcatioo\Ur-l/tarrosf142_·8urgundy SuMNlsbn Due ~&imma-iy.docX



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CW$ Public Sewer M~p


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Legend 0 Cleanout C FittiAg 6l Valve 0 Manhpfe 0 Inlet b. Po.nd D Vault * Treatment Plant l£l Pump Staiion _,.. Gravity Line.· _..,. Pressure Lin¢ -- Open ChaMel --- Virtual Flow C::i Pond ,Outline CJ CWS Boun<:lary Cl County Boundary CJ .Urban Growth Boubdary

X Abandoned Ill 9WS ·sanl ~;,:r;; Partner San!

Ill cws storm l!l1I Parther Storm,

" "' N . " ' a. scbl~ To. s p.rrxl .. · u:tillld-~-~~;;~-d~.~a is (orhf~rmatlon:il purp:;i~s 01 ... ly lllld vms. dertvaHrom. se,,cral cblZlb:lscs. It wlJS nct: pJ~ .. ;~;,;~ !~nix sul:.ib'e f~l~el, ~gnlXrlrig ors. uvc,<. '' .. Purpo. xs;; i.Jscr.; 1 · /1,, I

d'thl:::ln(orn1lltloo.shoutl rcvi::w Ct'consut the prtt1Dl)ldllta md lnfccmlltlcn soorres tD ens\..rt'.! DCi:t.rOCY, dem WzitcrServlces amrotllC~,c;t ony re~sltllllY fCC" errors, cmlssbnsor p:isUOr'llll eci::uracy. There arc ro e, _. --------------!, Wamit'ltt:s ,ror tHs produi;t. Main/Inc an:! scrvt:c llltcri;i! !oaltbns ore dci:Jdcd u;/rg best' u,1olld::IC lri'cnn6llon bt.t mLSl be .ndd ve1ncd .ird loaittld t:crore dloohg. Servtc lr.tetals ore.m;rtcd ln lhc lldd as ~un/ecmibleund!rgoLnd-fadllUes"' as deflno.1 In OAA952.QOl.Q010(20). E.ismicntdattl 1srotcµrctrtlyc.cmPetcdDl1,tr1<:t·wlde and J;oµct te. usc;ctrec- ~eral n:{erC'lCCOliy. Al salit.irye<stccm sewer data, wth lhc e><ecr;t.t.oo oC'S?ll')"' ". "'"'. brgcr loaitcd 1·~lHh thc..dty 1mt; d Beaverton. C.Omdl.Js, Fore&. Gro1e, fill&loro, l.zil<. c Oswc«l, Pett. 1>1.d, ShCI\ .. •1ood,. Tg. l.lltl ec-Tu~~Un, reed to bt! vcflnl;ld by coo~g lhci h~lvklucl! dy. Nctlncotk:r, cf .riycrrorswOJ!d be,:ipproc~tcd. Oe:lnWiltcr.Scrvlres, DcvcbpnCt1tScrvlcc.s,2SSO SW H.lldlcro Kg~.;;.J Hllsb;:lroOR97l23,(S03) €al·Sl00.


)r· ' Clea~ Wat~ Services


Exhibit 1-10: Summary of Flow Control and Pollution Reduction Requirements

Flow Control (Detention and Retention)

Applies citywide to all projects that develop or redevelop over 500 square feet of impervious.area.

Detention exemptions: Sites that drain directly to the Columbia or Willamette Rivers ar Columbia Slough (see site evaluatio,i'maps listed in Refere11ces and Resources) a11d via stonn-only · si;stems with adequate capacill;.

Retention exemptions: Sites with unstable soils, contamination, or high risk of contamination.

• Must use vegetated retention facilities to infiltrate onsite to the maximum extent

f~asible. - -

For discharge to a surface water body or storm-only system that discharges to surface water (other than those exempt), must detain: - 2-year postdeyelopment peak runoff rate

to one-half of the 2-year predevelopment peak rate

- 5-year postdevelopment peak runoff rate to 5-year predevelopment peak rate

- 10-year postdevelopment peak runoff rate to 10-year predevelopment peak rate

- 25-year postdevelopment peak runoff rate


to 25-year predevelopment peak rate 1

• For discharge to a con1bined se1,ver, must _ __ det,iin the 25-year postdevelopment peak

_________________ ____JCUnoff-rate-to-the-lOoyear--PredevelopmenL~ peilk rate.

• For ail other discharge points, the base requirement is to maintain peak flow rates at their predevelopment levels for the 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year, 24-hour runoff events.

Pollution Reduction (Water Quality)

Applies citywide to all projects that develop or redevelop over 500 square feetof impe;1'vious area.

Exemptions: Runoff from residential roofs (tlz1ee units or less) tlzat goes to UlCfacilities:

Chapter 1: Requirements and Policies

• Must achieve 70 percent TSS removal from 90 percent of the average annual runoff.

• In watersheds with a TMDL or on DEQ's _ 303(d) list of impaired waters, must use a

pollution reduction facility that will reduce pollutants of concern.

• Must use vegetated facilities to the maximum extent feasible.

1-31 Porlland Stormwaler Management Manual January 2014




Portland City Council Council Clerk 1221 SW Fourth Ave. #130 Portland, OR 97204

November 07, 2015

Re: Multnomah Village as a Neighborhood Corridor

We live about two· blocks from downtown Multnomah Vill·age, as the crow flies. We have lived in thls neighborhood for over 15 years and enjoy Multnomah Village immensely.

We are requesting that the City Council change the designation ofMultnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan ..

Multnomah Village is classified as a A{ainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation has a prescribed depth of 180 feet whlch is consistent with the definition of a Neig!iborhood Corridor. Multnomah Village is more linear in nature, and thus, the characteristics are better defined by the Neighborhood Corridor · designation.

If lVIultnomah Village were designated a: Neighborhood Center with a 1/2 mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The hlgher density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah Village, would leave little room for existing single-family (and low density) zoning as redevelopment continues to occur.

· The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of .. Multnomah Village (and its sun'ounding neighborhood).

Both the l\1ultnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor.

Please add thls to the record. Thank you, and Sincerely,

Don True and Sandy Stienecker 8112 SW 33rd Avenue · Portland, OR 97219 ·

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, Commissioner Amanda Fritz, Commissioner Nick Fish, Commissioner Steve Novfok, Commissioner Dan Sait=an, City Auditor La Vonne Griffin-Valade, Susan Anderson, MNA Land Use Committee



·. . . . ..

Ramod Chheui ·Rezone from R2h to Mixed Use Commercial. . Exhibit A

Zone Change Proposal .

Request:' \Ve seek your apprnva1 for a change from Residential Use to "Mixed Use corridor" at 48--& Fremont, addr"1ised 3436 NE 48th.

Background: My wif'e (Kamala ChheJn) and I (Rnmod Chheti~), own the southeast comer property at 48~and Fremont, th~ugh we bought the house several years ago, we move·d t,:, Po1tland almost 10 years ago. We own rr-srore and we im.poit handicrafts from Nepal, India, and Tibet Our store's name is B::imalayan Art & Handicraft and it is currently located on NW 23rl A VE.

Objective: We (Ramod and Killllilla) are currently renting out our house but finding it more and more difficult to find good tenants mainly because of the major noise pollution th-at encompasses Fremont Street ,Vhat is great about Beaumont is it's a great neighborhood I.hat is prospering, it can al.most be reminded as though the stait of something like NW 234 A VE. BecaIBe of th-is qu@dary, me and my wife have been thinking of moving our business from NW 23·'to NE 48• street We feel iliat if we are able to change our zone to mixed use, we would be ahle to perform

_lJlore with our land. Not onlywill it make better for us, bot it would a plus fof Beaumont as ~-~-·-· ·_t_his woold-further' an·up-and-com:ing commercial street_-

Conclusion: We hope to add to lh<c increase the vitality of the business district that se:ems to be emerging at Beaumont district; And we plan on doing this by heiog able to develop our properties and increase the more retail storefront and living spaces that can be made at. Beaumont Jl ·would also further the growing commercial business market that is evident in Beaumont The foot ti·affic in Beaumont is growing and is already big. Because of where our propeity is located, it naturally creates a perfect node by lying along the main road and near the entrance of :the residenfial are.a. More retail storefront and more residential living spaces to our neighborhood \Vould be a hig W1N not only to our area hut to the. whole city of Portland~ The shop Io cal and dine local movement is very well and alive in the city of Portland, and we really want to help reinforce a. deeper stance to fue economic goodness that is emerging and to,J really suppmt our local businesses. It also helps to reduce traffic on the freeways and in I.he city. I hope you will take these factors into conside.ration when de.cidmg on whether to change our zorung.

Thank you, Ramod Chhetr:i; (510)-331-2587

RCPNA Testimony Recommended Comp. Plan Map

Page 3 of 4 Nov. 6th, 2015


RCPNA Testimony Recommended Comp. Plan Map

Page 4 of4 Nov. 6th, 2015

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Nov. 6th, 2015 (Transmitted this day via e-mail to the following)

City of Portland City Council <[email protected]> 1221 SW 4th Portland, OR 97204

CC: Susan Anderson, BPS Director, [email protected] Joe Zehnder, Long Range Planning Manager. Joe.Zelmder@p0ttlandoregon:gov Nan Stark, BPS NE District Liaison; nan.stark(al,poitlandoregon. gov Alison Stoll, Executive Director Central NE Neighbors, [email protected]

Subject: Recommended Comprehensive Plan Map - RCPNA Supports Rezone from R2h to Mixed·Use for Ramod Chhetri prope1ty 3436 NE 48th Ave., SE Comer of NE Fremont and 48th Ave.

___ __uonorahleMayor.Hales_and_City_Comrnissi.oner.s,_· ___________ _ --------------

Thank you for the oppoitunity to testify on the Recommended Comprehensive Plan Map. On Tuesday November Yd, 2015 the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Board accepted their Land Use and Transportation Committee's recommendation to up-zone the property located at 3436 NW 48th from Residential (R2h) to Commercial(Mixed Use). The site contains one existing residential stmcture·on propeity that stretches for Yz block frontage on NE Fremont at NE 48th. The propeity is owned by Ramod Chhetri who plans to move his Himalayan store front from NW 23'd to this site.

The Board approved this zone change based on the following: l. This site is located on the south side ofNE Fremont where the north side zoned and

actively used for Commercial use. 2. On August 2015 the Portland Planning & Sustainability Commission recommended the up-zone

of the block of properties between NE 48th and 47th that front on Fremont from R2h to Mixed Use Neighborhood, based in patt on our Board's recommendation.

3. The subject site is located across 48th Ave. from PaperJam Press, a commercial business that remained active since the 1980 Compreliensive Plan that changed the south side .frontage of NE Fremont from Commercial zoning to Residential. PaperJam Press is included in the NE Fremont block zone change mentioned in #2, above. The addition of the Chhetri I/.rope1ty as C6Tolnercial. will complement the active commercial uses located across both oflhe streets that abut this site.

4. The subject site is located on the SE comer ofNE Fremont and NE 48th Ave. and contains Yz a . block face of property along the Fremont frontage.



5. The RCPNA Nov. 2014 letter to the Planning & Sustainability Comri:tission on the Comprehensive Plan Update Proposed Map included RCPNA Board support for the Chhetri propo·sed zone change, located at 3436 NE 48th Ave.

Thank you again for the opportunity to testify and offer our support of the Beaumont Business District. In addition, we ask the Council to consider directing the BPS staff to conduct a comprehensive study with the residents and businesses regarding all the properties located along.NE Fremont from NE 41 '1 to _ 51 st to determine the appropriate zoning that should be applied iQ.this area. A number of the commercial uses are zoned either EG2 or R2h. The growing level of commercial activity in this corridor may make Mixed Use a preferred zone.

In conclusion, I hope that you will join me in supporting the rezone ofR.amod Chhetri' s p~operty from R2h to Mixed Use.

Respectfully, -

~~, ~~ ::i;/mara DeRidder, AICP Chair, Rose City Park Neighborhood Association 1707 NE 5zna Ave. Portland, OR 97213 503-7CT6-5804 I

--------------_ ----_-_-__ -_--_-_-__ -_-__ -_-_-_'------_--_-_ -__ -_-_ ------~·------- I

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Attaclunents: Exhibit A- Ramod Chhetri Letter requesting rezone. . Exhibit B - Site Map on Recommended Comprehensive Plan Map

RCPNA Testimony Recommended Comp. Plan Map

Page 2 of4

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Nov. 6th, 2015


·.:> .: . ·. ~ ~' ..._,

__ ·.•woooSTOCK. · . .ZSTAKEHOLDERS GROUP · ' A Non-Profit for a Bett~r Woo(istock Cqmmunity

November&, 2015

Re: Comprehensive Plan 2035 ·Testimony

Dear Mayor Charlie Hales and Portland City Council Members,

The Portland Comp: Plan has been a focus ofthe Woodstock neighborbood for the past year. Most notable was the intense visioning project in October, 2014 that was organized.b{the Stakeholders Group, Neighborhood Association, Business Association arid Reed College. to take a proactive approach to our challenges of anticipated growth. This was called the· Wood.stock Charrette and was a five day process in which the National Charrette fnstitlite facilitatecf.riieetings with commercial property owners, busiAesses, close-by neighbors, non-profits, city planners. and the community at large to look at strategies, concepts and designs for the commercial core and neighborhood center in our Woodstock community.

The-Charrette gave the neighborhood an opportunity to look at our future and, to not only dream, but to problem-solve future growth which at the time, was most evident by the demolition of two buildings and the construction of a New Season's in the heart of the

·busioe1>sdi1Mct: .... ~- .. - . _ -_-_~-.·----·. _ .. · .... ---.- .--

This process quickly identified opportunities and challenges of the Woodstock business district. First were !he business owners who also own the commercial property where their business is located and who also own the adjacent residential lots. If the residential lots

. were re-zoned mixed-use, it would enable thra local business and property owner the ability to expand and grow their business. The m,ighborhood overwhelmingly supported these current business. owners' wishes to expand with a zone·change. In addition, an- economic repo.rt fot Woodstoc~ created by Tyler Bump, City of Portland Bureau of Planning, presented challenges of having a zero vacancy rate and a high amount of business leakage leaving our Woodstock business district Therefore it was recommended by the experts hthe Charrette that Woodstock needs more Mixed Use Zoning to attract and accommodate new businesses and density and would be healthier for our business district.

Traffic and safety ·issues were brought up at every meeting. The community expressed· concerns for saiety on Woodstock Blvd. Woodstock Blvd, has become a main arterial for commliters from downtown to 1-205, The community agreed that slowing traffic on the ElJvd. is· important as werr-'as.adding street-level lightfnii and pedestrfan crossings. The business district lacks infrastructure to handle the traffic since much of SE Martins and SE Knight that. parallel the district are unimproved streets; some which are difficult to pass·.

4410 SE Woodstock slvd: #250, Portfand, oR 97206



Woodstock leaders testified before the Portland Planning Commission citing "road and traffic concerns of the neighborhood, which includes the unimproved streets.s6rrounding !he business district, a fact that Commissioner f'ish experienced when attempting to come to a Woodstock Business Association Meeting in January of 2015; The Commissioner was unsure·he'd ever make it back to the business district once he found himse~ navigating-lakes, bumps and streets to nowhere that surround the adjacent business distrfct,

In our Stakeholders' testimony, we asked the commissioners to be pro-active and help guide Woodstock through our growth and chalige as opposed to being reactive as. we've seen happen in otherneighborhoods. Fast forward to today ... with New Season's opening on October 21, 2015, no improvements were made to help offset additional traffic ·and congestion generated by the new development. Neighbors are reporting 9n social meclia that without a crossing or other improvements, pedestrians are unsafe. Certainly, additional automobiles are creating some of that increased risk as well as additional congestion and frustration in the core of the business district. Lighting continues to be a huge iss·ue. Woodstock Will be welcoming Dick's Kitchen and Double Mountain Brewery in the coming months. We'd like to impress again that our neighborhood is in need of the cities attention to resolve problems and concerns while we are in gmwth stages and partner with us in a proactive approach.

As mentioned, the unimproved street issues in Woodstock have been testified about by the community for many years. One example we'd like to suggest to promote the City's abifity tp be proactive would be to use the PBOT SOC fees charged to the New Season's development for improvements to the. community New Season's is impacting and serving ..

Below. is a Sniplt taken directly from the City's website; Please note \hat POOT charges SDG--.. --------- -----{"8e&.aAG-s\'ates-\Rat°'GRar.ges-<0ever-ti,e-wst4or-traRsportatiOA·faciJities-needecJcfosetve------

neW development anffthe peoptewfio occupy or use the new developmenC'We reaams o mean that the fees collected should stay in the local community that the development impacts, in particular when there is a demonstrated need such as Woodstock. To the best of our knowledge, PBOT did not assist the Woodstock community that New Season's is serving or impacting. The City needs to puttheir money where thefr mouth js.



In general, we support the Comp Plan recommendations and sirategies for improving our Woodstock N_eighborhood Center, but not without.concerns regarding traffic, safety; street-level fighting and unimproved streets. If infrastructure fmprovements can be made by: the City as potentially more property becomes rezoned Mixed Use, then the Woodstock Stakeholders Group is inspired by what Woodstock can become and support 1he comp plan as a vision for Woodstock. Woodstock is receiving a lot ofattention right now by businesses !bat we have only seen go in "trendier" districts. This indicates a livelier, more livable, walkable, vibrant and healthier Mure for our business district.

Commissioners, we ask that you not only provide for the future growth of Woodst.ock, but that you also provide thoughtful and timely a,;sistance and-solutions as we grow .. Woodstock is a perfect candidate for a program and model of "what a city can do" that could be nationally recognized as ii guides and shapes our ne"ighborhood's growth. We ask you today lo take leap and invest in our Woodstock community.


a~Ei::J Angia EOen, Chair

Submitted by:

Woodstock Stakeholders Group Angie Even · 4410 SE Woodstock #250 · Portland, Oregon 97206




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Dear Council Member,

Ken_ Boehlke <[email protected]> Sunday, November 08, 2015 6:53 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony lb Favor ofNeighborhood Center Zoning for Village letter T oCityCouncil.docx

Follow up Completed

I am writing in support of maintaining the planned "Neighborhood Center" zoning for Multnomah Village. I have lived i11-the neighborhood for 15 years.

~ . . '

There has been a p.ush by the unrepresentative Multnomah Neighborhood Association to classify the neighborhood as a "Neighborhood Corridor". This classification is not possible because the village is roughly 3 by 7 blocks in dimension and it is not a corridor.

The main reason to.adopt the "Neighborhood Corridor" classification is to limit the height of the buildings to three stories, claiming that this will maintain the ·small-town feeling of the village. Since most small towns in Oregon are in decline, I find this goal disturbing.

I have enjoyed the new developments.Jn.1h~vil[9gg,_g[\/i!:ig_m.e_gre.eteroutletfor evening activities an_d interaction with· --penpi'e";1-enjnytlTeTichatmusptrere,hat'more-people-amhn1ariety-of-businesses-bring:to-my-neighborhood-. -----

I stand against those who are poor at geometry and are fearful of people.

Best Regards,

Kenneth A. Boehlke 7125 SW 27th Portland, OR 97219




November S'h, 2015

City Council 1221 SW 4th Ave.

·Room 110 · Portland,.OR 97204

Dear Council Member;

I am writing in support of maintaining the planned "Neighborhood Center" zoning for MultMmah Village. I have lived in the neighborhood for 15 years.

There has been a push by the unrepresentative Multnomah Neighborhood Ass'ociation to cla_ssify the neighborhood a·s a "Neighborhood Corridor". This classificstion is not possible because the village is roughly 3 by 7 blocks in dimension and it is not a corridor.

The main reason to adopt the "Neighborhood Corridor" classification is to limit the height of the buildings to three stories, claiming that this will maintain the small-town feeling of the village. Since most small towns in Oregon are in decline, I find this goal disturbing.

I have enjoyed the new developments in the village, giving me greater outlet for evening activities and interaction with people. I e_njoy the rich atmosphere that more people and a variety of businesses bring to my neighborhood. ·

·-. I stan'd against tffose who are Rodr at geometry and are fearful of:peoRle.

Best Regards,

Kenneth A. Boeh°lke 7125 SW 27th Portland, OR 97219


-------~-------- -.. -.. -.-----.==------.-_-~.~==~~=====-· --------- ----- --- -


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:


Follow Up flag: Flag Status:

> Josephine B Booth > 415 N.E. 28th Ave. > Portland, Oregon 97232 > > Comprehensive Plan Testimony >

Josie Booth <[email protected]> · Sunday, November 08, 2015 4:00 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up_-Completed

> I am not for the Comprehensive Plan which includes the Mixed Use Zones Project. > > My beautiful Old POX house has been previously zoned incorrectly Commercial. It started out as Residential. > > My house should have a current zone of residential (single dweUing residential). > > Two of the new houses (422 & 420 NE 28th Ave.) built in the last two years are currently zoned residential. > > I am interested in being_Mixec!_(Js_e,:.N.~ighborhood not Mixed Use Urban Center. _______ ,~_:_. __


> I am not interested in seeing low to mid rise and possibly higher buildings crammed next door to me. > > I am not interested in ADUs because the city unfairly taxes the property owners too high! If you were not accessed at a higher rate I would consider it. Otherwise it becomes a way to tax people out of their property they worked very hard to own. >· > The best plan would be to let all those expected people move to a city like L.A. or something. Just like governor Tom McCall used to say, "Visit Oregon but don't stay!" > > > Josie Bootn > > Homeowner > > > Sent from my iPhone



-- -· ---- -·--- - ·- -- -- --- -· - --·-


Arevalo, Nora

·Fro.m:. Sent:

-·. -··· : .. i .

CAROLE NY <[email protected]; Sunday, November 08, 2015 11:36 AM BPS c"omprehensive Plan Testimony To:.

Cc: .. Commissioner Saltzman; Anderson, Susan; [email protected]; City Auditor Griffin-Valade


Follow Up fl.ig: ·Flag Status:

Portland City Council

. Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

Follow up. Completed

Council Clerk [email protected]

1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130 Portland, Oregon 97204

November 9, 2015

Re: fylultnoma]i, Village as _NeigllHorhood Corridor -nivea5out two 5locks'fromdowii16wn-Nffiltno:i:rlalfVillage. I havehveffmlliisneighoorhooc!TorID years and

enjoy Multnomah Village immensely. I am requesting thaMhe City Council change the designation of. Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Con-idor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation · had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the definition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The . . Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics are better defined by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. Tlie change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway. If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Y,-mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing sin~"; family zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village. ·

· . Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and S9ufuwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to . change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor. Please add this to the record. Thank you,

-Carole Ivy 3340 SW Falcon St.

. Portland, Oregon 97219 . Mailing Addres.s 01\'LY: PO Box 80763, Portland, OR 97280

cc: Mayor Charlie Halesi . · .Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected]

Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected]



-~Olilllllssioiter Steve Novick, [email protected] - -Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected] City Auditoi:, La Vonne Griffin-Valade, [email protected] -Susan Anderson, [email protected] _ MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected]/

I - - --- - I ----- --- -, --=-- --- -----. --- ~------, ----=-:c·::=--:~- -----j




Arevalo, Nora

... -From: Sent: To: Subject:

follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Portland City Council

Council Clerk

Michael Kinne <[email protected]> Sunday, November 08, 201513:47 AM BPS Compri'ehensive Plan Testimony Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Follow up Completed

1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130

P01tland, Oregon 97204

Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor - ---·---·--·---------~-----------~-----

We live about two blocks from downtown Multnomah Village. We have lived in this neighborhopd for 37 years and enjoy Multnomah Village immensely. We are requesting that the City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the defmition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics are _better defined by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Muitnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway.

If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Y>-rnile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and.the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping.with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing single-family zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and chara,cter of the Village,



Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have subootted requests fo change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

Michael and Deborah Kinne

8121 SW33rdAvenue

Portland, Oregon 97219




Arevalo; Nora

Fram: · .Sent:

To: Cc:

· Subject:

Follow U()' Flag: Flag Status:

Jampa Nyendak <[email protected]> . Saturday, November 07, 2015 .I:Oi PM · .. BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Scarzello, Christina Comprehensive Plan Testimony ... 3804 NE 148th.A~e, PORTLAND OR 97230

Follow up Completed ·

Respected Members of Portland City Council, TASHI D~LEK! Happiness & Good Fortunes. I am the owner of 2 Rarcels within the red oval on the map below (the first proposed Comprehensive Plan Map), the_

parcels are split in the middle by NE 1481h.

** The Red Circle goes exactly where you see the NC mM shaded area in the . ·--. .


The parcels in questions were designated as Neighborhood Commercial (NC) in the first draft of the Comp Plan 2Q3.5 (the map showing abov~) till last Oct io14 & Up till April-May this year (2015). There was a Change in the 2 Parcels, one east of 148th Ave has been kept as NC, or actually down g~aded ... Mixed Dispersed.· The other parcel, west of 1481h, has been changed to Mixed Employment on the recommended draft of the Comp P.lan map (see map below). Proposed Change # 807 Prop.osed Comprehensive Plan Designation Mixed Use · Dispersed Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation Medium Density Single-Dwelling Proposed Zone (tentative, tbd in 2015) Neighborhood Co=ercial 2 (CN2), or closest comparable zone Existing Zone . Residential 7,000 (R7)

· But the one west of 148th & aligning with 147th has been c·hanged to·

Proposed Change # 806


.,::- .


. Proposed Comprehensive Plan D~signati~n Mixed EmploYI!Jent Existing Copiprehe~ive Plan Designati~n · Medium De;sity Single-Dwelling Proposed Zone (tentative, tbdin 2015) · General Employment 1 (EGl) Existing Zone Residential 7,000 (R7

0 This Rlm Cliclc,, ;",t wasjost "" able to mo~ & r,are tbe ,:,deb""" c,bt wbee '"" read ma ;,,h the[lm on the right side &itjffirijon the left towards 147th &)48th. in between. Right above the light)'~T[~\ii in the . Middle, (Rossi Property) which· was earlier too proposed for change as noted in the above but has now been reversed;

· -The Ross i's property-so uth-of-ttS-mtS-mi-ehange-in-lenfngcJ1 ow,b ut-ea rl iet'·it-had-th e same lo ni ng-as-ou rs~he--------P roperty-Nurt h-of·us-on-one-parcel-has-the-Moki~l1i~h~h~;,,tay~d,i~~~~d~b~ti:h~~Pa rce l'.N,;rth-of~swhich·---

used to be Zoned NC, has also been changed to Mixed Employment now. This has historically beeri a Commercial property for many decades is what I have been told by neighbors.·

I do not see the logic of the planners having initially made the study, time & energy to make a proposal & defined one proposal Zone & now the change, when it does not make sense. It jus.t limits the property & does not help it any further. With all the issues of Housing & Rising rents & affordability, it would be nice if it was taken back to what was 1st proposed, so that Housing also can be part of this mix on this property with the original Prnposed Zone of NC for both parcels,

We have been.the new owners since. last June. & also it is a nightmare to have the 2 parcels zoned separately as it was a nightmare buying the parcels in the 1st place due that same/similar issue. We were buying just the parcel west of 148th, but had to buy both justto make things work due to city requirements of being one Parcel per city regulations, .but 2 separate Tax lots per· County Records. · City Annexation in the early 1990's did not do the lan.d justice. After the new 148th Ave .Road was made by Oregon · State, Multnomah County & City of Portland, The Property was left with. a road running through it but not separated as individual entities for use. NIGHT MAREt'Now 2 different Zoning on the same.Parcel.. .. ??

Historica·lly this Parcel has suffered since the 1980 due to inconsideration for it standing & future impacts \i°n owners, please do not make this same mistake again.

Thank You for your kind consideration & valued time.

2 .


· With much gratitude for the Service rendered & Gracious collective effort in making our City better. · ·

Missed my Mailing Address:



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---------~~ I


Arevalo, Nora ·

From: Sent:. To:·

· Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Carol Gossett <[email protected]> Saturday, November 07, 2015 9:14 AM

· BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony_

Follow up Completed

Testimony from: Carol Gossett, 2533 NE Clackamas Street, Portland, OR 97232

Although I am the Land Use Chair for the-Sullivan's Gulch Neighborhood Association, the Chair of the Broadway/Weidler Alliance, and a member of Metro TP AC, I am writing this testimony as a private citizen interested in the economic, cultural, and social future of the City of Portland, Or.

I supp01i the comprehensive plari reco=endations made by the City of Portland and have paid particular . attention to those reco=endations related to Sullivan's Gulch.

• I support mixed usecl/co=ercial and residential development along NE Broadway in order for this area to begin to comply with the UGB parameters and the Climate Smart Co=unities initiative

• Particularly, I support the reco=endations made for NE Broadway contained within the MUZ committee work. Specifically, the rezoning of the land located between NE Broadway and NE Weidler bet\veefi 17th and 23rd Streets to include the opportunity for mixed use, multi-story development

• I also support the~rezonrng of property located ·6ounded by NE 28tli and J2ndAvenues analiet\veenNE-~~ Broadway and Weidler for development of dense mixed use investment consistent with market demand in this area.

• In the same location I support zoning that will advance more dense urban development on the Fred Meyer site at NE Weidler between 28th and 32nd Avenues including public parking strncture(s)

• I support the zone changes proposed in Sullivan's Gulch ge~erally

As a member ofthe NINE Quadrant Plan, the Economic PEG, the MUZ and the Parking Study, I would like to thank the City of Portland and the devoted _bureau staff members for the hours of research, planning, and pµblic engagement they have coordinated over many years. Thank you,

CAROL GOSSETT 2533 NE Clackamas Street (97232) (503) 449-1253. [email protected]



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. . . .

·.··.····· .. ~~

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Garden Home Enterprises, Inc. 7410 SW Oleson Road Portl;1nd, OR 97223

'tel: 503-244-9065 Fax: 503-892-4643 e-mail: [email protected]

_ Comprehensive Plan Testimony

November 4, 20 I 5

_My name is Colin Lamb, address listed avobe. I e-mailed a comment and was intending .to appear before tbe City Council on November 19, but am unable to attend in person.

Upon reflection, my e-mail was not as concise as I \¥ould have liked. The new zoning standard for our shopping center is Mixed Use - Dispersed. This is down zoning and is a substantial hardship for the 50,000 square foot supermarket located on site .. The supermarket has been in existence since 1957 and grew to that size because it is necessary to meet the needs of the community.

The present store was built in 1980. It was 26,000 square feet. By 1995, the store was losing mo·ney because it was no longer large enough to be competitive with the larger stores. Most of the supermarkets in Portland below 30,000 square feet have disappeared - becm1~e they_cannotoffer the prices and vadety that lai·ger stores offer. This means that

--~-~-:customei:sliavecio travel-further (usually by car) to do the majodty of their grocery . shopping. This is short-sided. I realize that the present store ·would continue to exist as a non-conforming use, but having been in that position before, this is a severe economic hardship. 1 therefore believe the down-zoning would not be appropriate.

Also note that the larger stol'e allows, special convenience to customers, since it has a post office, OLCC liquor store and Brew Pub. These conveniences wo11ld not be possible in a smaller store.

T ,:;1,.. ..... ''"l,.,, ... 1-:,..,,1 T::i1e+hp,· th,=,. +, . ...,+fi ....... ...., r'llo('r,~ 1?!'1'1,.l 1vht ..... h ;f' +h.o ('rn,::~.<:f~pp.t Ul~~ .1. u1;::,U '-i ..... ...,.:aJ.Vl ~ I U_l-..,l_ '-' \,.J.U..c.,._,..._.. V>-l '--"'-'--'UV.<.~-..... ,.._...,,:..,,.uc, -r uct_ ..... ,., h> \.,-1. ..... _ '-'L'-.H,u",-"'·~'-'~> ><-v

considered, since it is not in the City-of Portland. Traffic count in front of our location is higher than in Multnomah, which is zoned at the higher zone.

,/~// .1/ j Sincerely, ~ ·

{.P'CA-ri ~1,'Vb Colin Lamb




" ,·.1 ,-, 0

;J, November 6, 2015

G , ;c Via email ([email protected]) 0 ' ·w- u

!:::: i g City of Portland _ 5 l 8 City Council Members > if! Council Clerk · ~ i;; 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130 ~ "- Portland, OR 97204 Cl 5 r ;J_ -~

· Allisoni Reynolds 111 SW Columbia Street, Ste. 1100

Portland, OR 97201 a.reynolds@radter'white.com_


·O :ii Re: Comprehensive Plan_ Map Change from lndustri91 Sanctuary to Mixed ~ Employment for Former PECO Manufacturing Site 6 z " -' . _ t;: Dear Council Members, 0 Q.

0 Our office represents ScanlanKemperBard Companies, LLC ("SKB"), which is under contract to purchase

· g th.e former PECO Manufacturing headquarters site, located at 4644 and 4784 SE 17th Avenue (the ----+, ;]':''Property")-;-,heProperty rs current1yzone·a<3'e1TeTa1--JndustriatitG-r),butis-poody--s-erved--by--indus-i'raal-----~

· Hi infrastructure and can netter maxrmize tne---City',"inv!,,tmentirri:he--adjac-ent-MAX--Gr-ange-~ine-tkrouglir------' >-- flexibility to develop maker space or other "employment" type uses that do not fit within the City's : ~ current definition of "industrial" use. 5KB therefore· requests that the City Council preserve · t;; development flexibility at the Property by changing its Comprehensive Plan map designation from " ~ Industrial Sanctuary (IS) to Mixed Employment (ME). · ::, -' . ' 8 SKB's purchase of the Prop~rty was not solidified until September 2015, after the Planning and ii; Sustainability (9mmission made its final reconimendation to the City C()Ull'dl on the 2035

· i= Comprehensive Plan. Because SKB did not have .:rri:;Jn.te:rest in the Pr9p~rfy-prior_to the close of public testimony before the Planning and Sustainability Cb.ri'lhiission, SKB is submitting this request directly to the City Council. . SKB has also provided testimony to. the Planning and Sustainability Commission requesting a .zone change to EGl, which is attached to this letter as Exhibit A.

The Property is located along 17th Avenue along the new MAX Orange Line and approximately 500 feet from the new SE 17th & Holgate MAX Station. -As shown on the attached Figure 1, the Property is kitty-corner from an EGl-zoned site which has a Comprehensive Plan designation of ME. Across 17th Street, the majority of properties ,ar_e zoned for and developed as commercial and_ employment·_uses. The Property's proximity to _these employment focused zones and location adjacent to a transit station make employm·ent zoning ideal.

SKB intends to develop the Property as maker space, but is constrained by the City's current use definitions, which rreat some industrial operations as "office" uses and severely restrict these uses in the Property's industrial zone. Because of these limits, SKB seeks to change the Property's zoning to an

: · employment wne to aUow for these lighter industrial uses at the Prope'rty -



LU !:: :c 3:

Over time, lack of rail infrastructure and interstate access and the Property's outdated facilities' made_· the Property an increasingly poor -choice for traditional industrial and manufacturing operations. This recently led PECO Manufacturing to abandon the Property as its ma-nufacturing base and headquarters office in favor of a site in Clackamas County. The Property houses the historic 1928 Iron Foreman Manufacturing Company building, listed as a Rank II resource on the City's Historic Resources Inventory and eligible fof -/isling on the National Register of. Historic Places. SKB intends to undertake a comprehensive interior renovation and exterior restoration of this historic building, which would not be possible with a full redevelopment required for traditional industrial use at the site. A \ignter industrial use; such as maker space, is compatible witih the building's- current orientation and preserves this valuable historic resource.

For the reasons stated above, SKB requests that the City Council change the Property's Comprehensive Plan map designation to Mixed Employment in order to allow a zone chirnge to EGl.

Best regards,



-- -

Allison J. Reynolds

r----,Attadime-At"'·--------------------------~-------~---Figure 1: Current Comprehensive Plan Map Designation and Current Zoning Exhibit A: November 6, 2015 Letter to Planning and Sustainability Commission

cc John Olivier, SKB Todd Gooding, SKB Alex Boettger, SKB



- ·~·fe-___ · ... -

Allison J: Reynolds 111 SW Columbia Street, Ste. 1100

Portland, OR 97201 _ areyno [email protected]

- .- 971-6~4-0205

~ ~ November 6, 2015 <(. i2 . c.. ,. Via email (s\>eve.ko.untz@portfanaoregon,gov) w !:: J: 5 oe: w ...I 0



o City of Portland 8 Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Commissioners :;: 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Ste. 7100 8 Portland, OR 97201 Q_

0 c, ~ 0,



Attn: Steve Kountz


o Dear{oners, 0

Zone Change from General Industrial to General Employment

z <( .= Our office represe_nts ScanlanKemperBard Companies, LLC ("SKB"), which is under contract to purchase ~ '

1;' the former PECO Manufacturing headquarters site, located at 4644 and 4784 SE 17th Avenue (the "Property"). We previously submitted testimony on the September 2015 Employment Zoning Project

g Proposed Draft (the "Proposed Draft"), attached to this letter as Exhibit A,_and would like to submit the ~----+;'--'~.,_,oitoWing--a dd itio:nal-wmmeRls--OR--O@lialf_of__SKR---A,;_discusserlJn_,J1JLJ)_revio L!sletter,_tb_g__P_rop e rty £ab_-__

"' Jefter max1m1ze t1Te--City',--mve,tnient-in-t-he--adjaeent-MAX--tlr-a;ige-U;ie-tmoug-ri-fJexibiJity_to_de'Lelojl _____ _ maker space or other "employment" type uses that do nof fit within the City's current definition of

~ . g! "industrial" use. SKB requests that the Planning and Sustainability Commission change the Property's I;, zoning to· General Employment (EG1) to allo\N this redevelopment. <( m ,:

~ ::i -'

·8 SKB has also requested that the City Council change the Property's Comprehensive Plan map designation to Mixed Employment (ME) which is consistent with EGl zoning. · SKB's correspondence to the City

3 Co_uncil is attached to this letter as .Exhibit 8. This request was made directly to the City Council, rather ,,, __ than to this Commission, because SKB had not solidified its interest in the Property until September

2015, after this Commission finished accepting public testimony on the 203S Comprehensive Plan.

The Property is located kitty-corner from an EGl zoned site, and near a large number of employment and commercially zoned properties north and east of 17th Avenue, as shown on the attached Figure L There are already adequate public services at the J?r.'opert{ to serve employment uses. The- new MAX Orange Line ru1is a lo rig- the eastern side of .the ·-Properw and the new SE 17th & Holgate Station is approximately 500_ feet.away. , ·

At the October 27, 201S:: Planning and Sustainability Commission hearing on the Proposed Draft, Commissioners discussed the competing needs to .balance the City's supply of industrial land with the City'.s investment in the new light rail li~e along 17"'Mlibue. The Ptiipert{sfiowaasetthls tensign.,fn" Property is located between land we;t of 13th Avertue (f\~t has a oiJeGt;cor:i_ril'i~iii:>t( to Union P'.icUk'!i Brooklyn Yard and is suitable for industrial purpoj~s,a11d, land east of ,rt""Ave~6e Which is zgne4. for commercial arid employment use and served by th~ nev.torange Line. The. Property itself is zon~d for general industrial use, but is not well served by rail infrastructure and was recently abandoned as traditional industriai space by PECO Manµfacturing. The Property will be better able to maximi~e the



··-' -:.,



"' w ..., Cl ~-

. City's investment in the adjacent Orange Une with EGi zoning, and will still b~ c,;mpatible with more. tradition,al industrial uses to the west. .

Tlie employment zones are intended to form a transition area between more traditional industrial uses and lighter uses such ·as commercial and housing. The Proposed Draft's changes to the employment

.. zones ·strengthens the transitional role of these zones by eliminating housing, further limiting retail sales and service, and allowing more office use. 5KB supports these changes, and they make EGi"zoning even more appropriate for the Property. Redevelopment of the Property with.employment-foc~sed maker use; is compatibie with nearby Industrial uses ·ahd will maximize the City's investment in the new light rail line. '

City Staff has suggested that redevelopment of the Property could address some of"the industrial infrastructure needs. Such a redevelopment would be difficult on a small, narrow site like the Property and would necessitate removal of the ·existing structures, which are not well-designed for heavier industrial use and ultimately led to PECO Manufacturing's relocation to Clackamas County. Additionally, the Property houses the historic 1928 Iron Foreman Manufacturing Company building, listed as a Rank II resource on the City's Historic Resources Inventory and eligible for ·listing on the National Register of · Historic Places: 5KB intends to undertake a comprehensive interior renovation of this historic building and restore the building's exterior to preserve its historic character .. This would not be possible with a fu[f. redevelopment for traditional industrial use .. A lighter industrial use, such as maker space, is compatible with the building's current orientation and preserves this valuable historic resource. A zone change to EGl is required to develop the Property as maker space, which is severely limited under the

. Property's c:u_r:rent industrial zoning.

~. , n cone! us ion,"!31<8 request a ·,one tnai\ge:to'tGL I~ order:ro~e:i(e~dap'tf\:e::l'rO]leQP1.iliC€))1-p.!oyment--~ focused uses. A zone change to EG1 is consistent witnailJacent properties zoned for empl,;ymenrand------commercial use, maximizes the City's investment in the adjacent Max Orange Line and stations, and will allow redevelopment of the Property to preserves an important historic structure.

Best regards,


Attachments: Figure 1: Current Zoning Exnibit A: October 27, 2015 Letter to Planning & Sustainability Co"mmissjoners Exhibit B: November 6, 2015 Letter_ to City Council · ·

ccf John Olivier, SKB Todd Gooding, 5KB Alex Boettger, SKB



Figure 1

Current Zoning

-- ·y/ ~---·---:-;-·-


Loog .-122,6478S Lat. 45,48911

A· ·!RJ ml ~ ~ ~ ·. ;ti

0 1---~----.i· 700 FT

ii, ~ 'i',!l !;ii ~ '\Ji· --=t-. i ·-~~=--1


.,., .·

Current Zoning

lor,g -122,6-1785 lat 4S.489'U


~@ l~o~-~-9 _____ --- -~---· D 1-~-~-~-~ .. 700 Ff





7~ ,.,.. .• • ~ :-, · Urban Service Bc:u'dary

~ E



Open Space I

Retidentfal F.ann!ng

Um1tt'Cl ,togte Owell'.ng (R.10)

Low Oen51ty Single Dwelling (R10J

Jk<ttum Dens.tty Single Owe!Ung rf(7J

Htsh Dro:l.!ty Single Dwelling (RSI

Attached Reskkt\tf~l [/U.5}

lnwnholl~ ~dential (R3)

Herllum Denstt~ Jhilt1 Di;-eltlng !RI)

Kish Density M<ltU OWeUln3 (RH)

Centra;l R:e:s.ldeotial {RXf

lrutttutktaal Re$!denUal (JR}

Helghbofhoo:d Comme-rdal (H()

Office Commerdal (OCJ

~- Commercial {OCJ Commerdal {CGt

(efltral (CXJ l.tJxed ~1Tlent iME)

Central Emptoyme,it !EX}

lndus.trfa\ Sanctuary j!S)

l.hlrti:orporated Multnomah C00r1ty Pocket (City looing)


:> .·

November 6,2015

Commissioner Fish (Rm 240), Commissioner Fritz (Rm 220), Commissioner Novick (Rm 210), Commissioner Salizman (Rm 230), and Mayor Hales (Rm 340) Portland City Council · · 1221 SW41/1 Portland, OR 97204 .

RE: Portland Nursery 5050 SE Stark Street · 9000 SE Division Street South of SE Clinton Street between 89th and 92"d

Our testimony is provided for your consideration at your workshops scheduled for September, 2015. Our appendix includes our specific requests and supporting documentation ..

We request the opportunity to meet with you to brief you on our issue. Your action directly affects our property and family business.

Who we are: Portland Nursery is a family-owned garden center with two Southeast Portland locations, both approximately five acres. In 1980, we purchased Portland Wholesale Nursery and began operations at 5050 SE Stark S!.. The site has been a nursery for over a century.

--~Gur.DlVJsio.n~sjte_Was_e.s.tabJis.hec{.b~y __ J_e.ib.rnaoi:J __ (iteflnhbllsesJn...1926.-.We_p_urcbased_an~. _____ _ revitalized it beginning in 1991. In addition, we have purchased land on the south side ofSE

· Clinton (south of our Division store location) that we would like to see developed as multi-family dwellings. a

We employ over 100 people, primarily full time and predominantly Portland residents. This year we are. number 23 on the list of Top 100 Independent Garden Centers in America and have been voted "Best Garden Center in Portland" by Willamette Week readers.

What we mean to Portland: Portland Nursery is known for vast plant selection, a highly educated staff, and commitment to our community. We provide Portland residents with a large selection of diverse plant material.. Ninety-five percent of our plants are sourced locally. The year rolmd diversity we offer is a niche that neither small garden centers or big box stores can fill. Other independent garden centers that offer year round plant diversity are all located in the suburbs. Should Portland Nursery go away, the niche would be impossible to replace due to the size. and high costs involved.

Additionally, we pride ourselvs,s on community support. Annually, Portland Nursery donates to over 400 schools and community organizations .. _These donations range from seeds and vegetable starts for school gard'"ning programs, to. hosting Impact Norihwesfs annual fund

· raising dinner and auction. We prnvide Portland residents with over 200 free ·gardening



classes each year. Our Annual Apple Tasting is a free· community event currently in its 28th year; a·well-known Portland tradition.

Policy Issue: Portland Nursery provides open space and enjoyment to Portla~d's citizens. We.are especially relevant as cities throughout our country, are bringing cultivation, both aesthetic and for consumption, back to our homes. ·

Our nurseries have thrived in Portland for nearly one hundred years. Ironically, past zoning codes embraced them while the area converted from farms to residential neighborhoods. The city needs inner city nurseries but changes in zoning codes continue to put the squeeze on our ability to thrive. ·

We must do better. You can help.


The Portland Nursery Family - Jon, Carol, Sara, Jill

Please contact Jon Denney at (503) 313-9000 to set up a meeting.

. . . -





Under the current proposal, this property would to be split-zoned approximately fifty-fifty between commerciaLand residential. We find this proposal neither acceptable or practicai. ·

- . . . . ..

The proposed split designation is based on concerns that, should Portland Nursery go away, a "Big Box'' retail store would be constructed on the site. It is an unfounded fear because: • We have been here for over one hundred years; • No large commercial user would locate with only a single street for access. All other lar-ge

commercial uses are located at an. intersection of major arterials: • The City has and will block unwanted development.

The current proposal does increase the amount of commercial space but nursery operations would continue to be non-conforming on the residential property.

The residential portion at the back of the property would still be landlpcked. New street access would haveto be constructed reducing the-useable commercial space to something no longer viable for our use. Basically, under this proposal, the nursery and residential property could not co-exist.

· · .-We-ree0gRiz:-ecl:iiaF-ffiek~re=two"elistiMet'issi:!esf06mpfeliensivecPJaric\ls:"-Z:oning:'-Becatise-ih~~----Comprehensive Plan map will predetermine the available zoning options, at this lime, we request Mixed Use Neighborhood Commercial designation for the entire site.

9000 SE DIVISION The proposed Mixed Use Civic Corridor needs to _be expanded over the entire ownership between SE Division and SE Clinton. _The same solution as 5050 SE Stark should be applied, Mixed Use Neighborhood Commercial for the ent_ire site.

We need !lie lots to the south (2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, and 2500) to be designaied .Mixed Use Civic Corridor to·allow our nursery to continue_to thrive.

SECLINTON BETWEEN 89TH AND 92ND SOUTH SiDE In addition lo the nursery property between Division and Clinton, we own five contiguous tax lots on the south side of Clinton. This property is close to the Division MAX Light Rail station as well as a hospital, large community college, and a regional shopping center. The lots are large and can sustain denser housing with substantial greenery and landscaping. The lots are in a single ownership that allows for a master plan for_the site ..

· The current designation is Low Density Multi-Dwelling. We re_quest ttiat it be converted to Medium Density Multi~Dwelling. · · · · ·







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Address I Mappfnq ~.Advancetl I Gbo(Jle Earth J Help I._Ab.ollt Portlanill,1aps _©_ 2:014_.Ciiy of Portland, O'regon



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PortiontjMo ps · · ~- 9000 SE DIVISION $T -·


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,New ·search 1 Mapping·, Arfvanced:f GOogte·farth. I' 1:1§.!Q ·r · POrtfallrlOnllne,

Expl~rer [ Property I Maps I Prbi~ f 'ctime J Censusf · Erivfronmeoi:a! f Trans-portation

Explore·tfle area< view d{fferent themes

-· Long ~122.57()$)3 Lat 45.50396

0 >--------1 300 FT


A'ddress. f Mapp°Jng_ I Advanced.! Google Earth·( Help I About ,..,--...,.. . -


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f9rtJondMo ps New Search I Mapping I Acfyanced r Gooole E'arth l Help i · · Portic1nd0Rline


Explorer I ~ I MapS r Pr-Ojects. r Crime I Census I · Env~-?hm€.lit-al I ~ransportatfon

Explore the area, view different themes.

long·-122.57093 lat 45,50395


~ @. IT~ns-,-. -- "f f ··--------~····-·-~ 0 1----------<700 Ff

City of Portland, Corporate· GIS 10/28/2014

Address L Maooinq I Advanced t Google Earth I Help I About PortJandMaps © 29~4 Cify Of PortJand, Oregon




29751 ~wTown Centl'r-Loop W

\\ljJsonvi!Ie, OR 97070

Phone 503.682..S:089

Toll~Fcee l.800.341.6401

fax 503.68;2.5099






October&; Wl4

Andre Baugh,_ Chair City of Portfand, Planning and=SUstaioability eoIJlllllssion I900SW4thAve,Suite7109 · · -Port Ii.ind, Oregon..97201.

'\•. ·,

Dear Mr. Baugh;

I am \Vriting in support·ot' one of: Our most innovative and sustainable in embers, PO-rt Ian~ Nursi:ry, · and your deliberation of zoning requirements _for their ~peration in the CiryofPortlaild.. I am

grateful for this opportunity to proVlde some information for theplannfug and sustainability commission's consi_deratli:in.

It my the commission is reviewingthe-2oning reg anting the property owned by Portland Nursery. I would like to give input on the importan~ of Portland Nursery continuing business within 1he city limits of Portland..

Portland Nursery supplies many Portland residents \\-ith diverse plant matajaf t~at is oth_enviSe limited, unless- citizens drove outside_ of the city limits. Its, acreage and si2e ·provides the community a local source ofhlgh quality plants, when taken home adds to the-be-au_ty and l~vability · of oµr neighborhoods, Portland Nursery supports the local economy by b11)'ing over 95% of their products from withln a 1-00 mile raillUS. They are one of the largest independent retail nurseries in the state, and therefor~ supporf many-of our small wholesale growers.

Ibav_e bee-n out to visit this.operation on many occasionS- and :1ppreciate· the fact that We have a j fa.(l_ti]y, J!)Call)-'~Q,'!.'lfedbtis:iness that attiacts-eri\'ii"Onrilelltally=eo)lsclOU5:custorue~. They fire _also a

--------·-Web --------;J~oodsized·einployer..:._with_-~0-full~tim-esiaffwitha-peak-of-over:_ioo~fy.ll~time--employees-in--hig•-~------~~,' season, many Of\VliiClfJiave worked at Portland Nunery for over a Tiiey~h~fr~e~sm=art,~-1-~·----~· ____________ _

--------' i committed peopfe who share their knowledge \'icith the community. Be<:ause of the size .of Portfand j Nursery, it is extremcilyunlikely that another localgar\iencentt'r. would have the resources -' · necessary to operate at the rate Portland Nursery does. A commercial piece of property their &ize

would be far and few between within ciey limits, not to mention that the horticulture industry is not ah easy business. to start. Our industry is both urban and rural and it is my vie\\' that Portland Nursel)' provides:easy acces~ t() city Tesideots to utilize all" modes oftransportati.?11

Ed1,1cati.O~ within the-horticnhure indlctlyis one that should be fostered,_Portiand ~ery has always held education as a top priority, for this reason they .have sUpported education in many facets, They donate to over 400 local si::hools and non·prOfitorganizations each year, employ a full4ll:ne Commurrity·Outreadi.-Coordinator and ha\'e-played an active role in getting garde-n.s into Portland schools._ ·

·porlJand Nursery;is truly an ~sef to-~ortland, one that. will nqt e?Sily &e replaced. I would respectfully. ask you and tlie members of th~ P~anning and Sustainabilify Commiss!On to Provide ·this communiq' le?der~ economic and envifonmentarste-.yard ofthe·Clty; !fie d.esignatiOq they need to be-a-viable business. Thank YOI! and hope you believe, J~e.we do, tli~tet011omic vit.?.]ity can:go han? inhand:Wiih sustainability and long-term enViroIUIJe-11talhealfu.

Warm regards,

i 9#' I Jeff Stone, Executive:Dir8Cto:r

Oregon Association ofN"utS&de~

t- ~975.1 SV1:To\'.m ~!tr L.oo_ p; West ,.- -WilsonvilJei Oregon 97Q.70 .

' 11




Our-Goals Align with Your Goals

Here are some of the goals listed iri the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainabilfty 2011-2013 Strategfc Plan:

• The vast majority-of our plant material is SUpQortlocar purchasing! resolve-barriers to sourced within 100 mile radius. urban food production, i3ccess and distribYtion ln the zoriing code,.aild estaPlish metrics-to-serve as • We baVe sofd 310131Z-vegetable and herb indicators of the regional food sy.stem. starts and 151,025 seecfpackets to

Portland residents so far tliis year, encouraging urhan food pro(:iuction.

Serve as a liaison to farmers' markets. assist • We offer 220 free ·gardening classes per b~siness~s in sourcing food locallyr and provide yecir. gardening and other food~refated classes for residents. • We cover everything from vegetable

garden basics !_o \ivjng roofs to tree. pruning.

Staff the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy I ·• We donate to over 400 local schools and _Council, which advises the City and County on non-Qrofit organizations each year, policy and programs t_o-strerigthen ·th·e-local food encoUragitJg-tO~ai foOd-progiafns and system:-:-:-=-·:-·----:-~ . - ---·-~ ... :. -_r;:J:fQt~to}i,_: :~- -----

: lead i3 multi-bureau effort to consolidate, . W.e carry a large and diverse selection of modernize and streamline the City Code r:elated to trees, we actively promote the City's trees. Adopt new-regulations and a plan for Tree~ate Program, and have been told we education and technical assistance to preserve are one of Your most successful partners. tree canopy and 12romote planting of additional · trees on public and private property. • Year to date we have-s.o[d .3,839 trees to

Portland residents and 7,713 native . plants .

To create and enhance a vibrant city~ BPS • We feel we have contributed to the combines the_ di.SdplifleS of planning and· distinct landscapes in 5£ Portland. sustainabifity to advance Portland's (lil/erse and

B€in~,Jn the· city ninits i~duces carbon distinct·neighborhoods, promote a prOsJ)erous • an.d low-carbon econoiny~-and help · enlissions, by red~cirlg."the n·eed to travel ensure that people and the natural environment fo the outskirts- to-find· a diverse plant are. healthy and integrated into the cityscape. offering.

,. 12



.cary Rm. 1002 1120 SW 5th Portlan.d.,. OR 972Q4

Dear cary, As we discussed on the. phone 1 we as nurserymen· can.

forsee a problem with the zoning changes efiec~ive January 1, 1.991.

Our understanding from the permit ce!lter is that conditional uses are- po· longer allowed on R zoned property for retail nurseries; moreover restriction_s and cost of

· zoii"e ehanges make them virtually i.mpoS~ible.. AlthOugh .fm; the most part we see· the- changes as-b~ing an ove~all '.be·nefft for Portlaiid ·NU:Csery. - t·le .feel - it .is a mistake and po't~TIJ:"i_a·llY P.a.m@ing fQ:t:th~ :1ivam11:y 9.:f th~: cJ;tY~-. By

,-------this..:....L....meari_exi.silnrj 1111rSel::ies_iIL..Eor±la.:rid,.........b..f...:..wh.ich________I.__:_"''-~------~-------only t_hi.nk -of Nursery, Portland Greenhouse, Seven Dees. on PoweJ;l, a.:qd for a limJ.ted time .. Kass:h '-s on Tacomq , Will -be the only full line nurseries · in tj:ie city. The new zoning wilJ. make it impossible :fqr_ any::new quality horticµltural operations to locate or expa.hd in the City of· Portland. · . . '. .

. Without the ·conditional use provisibn:, none of the. above. mentioned nurseries· wou1d exist_ ThE?y- all have co1Il11\ercia-l frontage· and adjoining resident;ially zoned sale? area, with a conditional use or granq£ather clause, Without the space £Or full line nurseries.,.! the result will be: · · ·



l} color spots selling only the mos.t coIIllllonr ·h~gh varieties. 2) reduced or rio tree and shrub availab~lttY 3} re4uctloq of var~ety in all ptant~ 't:hat ·make the landscap·e more. J.i vable ·

We as a ~ompany fe~l Proud· to·be posttive- influence on the clean1ine$S and livabj,lity of Portland: There .is no reason that flexibility shmlld be wri tt!=n out of · the city- ?.od~ to not allow the .f?Osibility :for· :Us ~o expand and prosper in Portland~ The city can ~ways say no to a <;qnditional use- .. But with strong neighborhood- suport that we and- many Other nll!·series have enjoy·ed as. poSsitiv-e


.-~--contributors to the commun·ity, there is no reason to wr·ite

. fil1 unc0nditiorial ·no in tfie code •..

we· do not want our next ~ove· or expansion to be. outside the city, however 1 with this change in .Zoning, the city -ts forcing us to consider in o~ .. planing-r

We need your hel.p to kee_p Po:i:-tJ.and the 1.tcI'l'Y OF ROSESn in !'THE NURSERY STATE" • We call t t rack, .stack or pegboard plants the same as other retailers aispl·ay th€.ir i-nventories. our i.nventory is fOr_9ed to .be less space .tntens±ve and therefore less c;:ompetitive for comm$x;-cial space ..

The retail ~u~sery is a viable· and necessary industry-ins, our cit::( ·limits. Lets not keep driving it out into the EFU zone.s in the country. Lets keep Portland a ceTl.ter for urban horticulcure.

Please do contact me. if ydu have any questio9s. Thank ·You.

sincerely, PbrtlanQ..· Nursery Port:J,and Greenhous~






Code AdrnlnistrafiOn-248~250 Land Use 248-4~60-

July 17, 1981

Mr. Jon J~ O~nnej · Portland Whri l esa1 e· Nursery . 5050 S.I. StarR Street Portland, 0-regon 97215

Dear Mr. Denney:

.ff\lkf_red:~ $,chWilb, Com'rnJss.i'61;1~r Terry-o. SandbtastL Director

621 S.W. Alder Portliind, Oregon 97205.


T ransportatiOn Planning 248-42.54


You have asked' me wtielher_ the terms of pre_ViQUS. rnnditiQnakus,e approvals for Portl aM-~ho lesal:e ·nurse,-y-a t-5050·-~E--Stark-,8tfiaet~el'llli-t--'fOtl--to--seJ.l -ntirsecy_, __

----- --~~~s-1c0c--k--and-s~~~-S~-t-r~-ta--i-:J---0s-We--lLas·_wtioJ_e5a1e_~a'rui'd:er -; s ·uy"e:s._·"~:~: --------~-----------~ I have r·ev.i.:eWed the-_history of conditional uses and ·other C1ty dctions on this property sinCe 1959.and find.that the questiOn of r·etail ver'sus wht>lesale operation has neve·r been an issue. At vadous tiJn~S in the pf:ist~ the properfy has been cfescrib.ed: in coriditional-use reports as being either a retail or wholesale riursery, but. those·lications were for- a-dded· greenhouses, 1athh0uses and, in one case) a warehouse·. The warehouse was not pennitted~ since it was in.ter13reted to be an industrial use which properly belonged in. i3. manufae-ttirirlg-. zone. ·

I" fi-nd that the retqi_l sale.S. of· nursery products.has h€eri. a hi:stor.ic use of the site andJ ·as _far as I can determinef has not.·been c-ha1lenged4 It can., therefore~ ~e re-S:instituted a:·s an fo,trinsic part of a nyrsery operation,


cl :,, 'r <>; -c~J:::~---· Frank N~ Frost, Chie.f Pranner Code Administr·atiOn-

FNF:ht cc Oavid.Bec~a.n, Burea_u- 'Of Buildj-ngs_





Eeoiuaiy 26, 1991,

Jeil:rum Greenhouses = 9000 SE Division r

Portlan:i OR 97266

RE: Zan:irq Violaticn - Vacant lot N/7610 SE 89th Aven>e

D2ar Sirs:

1120 $;\V. 5th-Avenue Pdrtfandf Oregon 97204--1992

'.M'afling A4QteSS: P.O" Bo'!'. 8J2() Port!a_nd; Oregon 97207-8)20

(503) 796c7300 FAX: (503)796-6983

ill; resr;onse to· a neig:hl:o:rhco:i <Xl!IJ?laint I examined Y<JUr premises at the subjECt adclress recently and verifie:i you are storin;r pipin;r, ·lt:iml::er, and scrap materials on the subject lot an:.::1 other adjaceqt R3 zone:l prq;erties lccate:i south ard west of your =nmercially-zone:l. greenhouses. (See enclose:i map. ) . · All this ·.is in non-compliance with Planning an:l Zoning Sections of ·the Co:!e bf the City of Fortla.rrl. ·

- -- --Exterior ~ ·is classeq. as_ ?r:i irrlustrial use· an:i is prohibited in ID zones

-~5€$~i;m-:'.33~:)20c:l_QQ '('!?bi<t;:t2~7 ·-~ ·

W-dle· thE?. city·11as no desire to restri9t or inhibit your rights in prq::erty1

we ITill?t require; that you adhere to applicable o:::d~ re'.11]iremo._nts established. to prol:€ct the rights of your neighbors. · Acconlirqly, i1' will be necessary for you to o:mplete ==ective action within thirty (JO) clays of ·this letter;. either al::at..iog' ·t11e violation or shc:r.iirg .c.ause to the Bureau of Euildirqs whY it cannot ~- done. · ·

-Failure ro b:l!lplete ==~ve action within the tune spedfiEd alxlve nay necessitate referring the. Jfil.tter ·to the o:de He.a.rings Officer,. who- is . errp:r~~ t.o bril:g legal action on .teha1.f of tjIB- city ar.rl has th~ discretion . of levyin::_J fines of tW to $500 a day for viOlations· Of the Mtmicip3l ~e.

Please call the Cede CacrpliaI1Ce sectionT telephone 796-7326, tetween the h0!,.1.rS of 8:00--:-1-0;30 a~m~, arrl 3:-30-4:30 p.m. ,-- daily.

Yours truly, ·

·Wallar,e B. Benson Field Representative

Note: As a public recoro, this notice lllllSi: bE\ =cle available upon request, We. have bad requests for these .iecards from_ private consultants· vm.o tDq.y =ntact you to offer their services ro help resoive the city Code issues or


I I l


;re~ ~eenhousesr_ Ire· :E:el:n:ua,:y 26, 199:J;


Violations we have identified.. ~ BurBau· of- ·&rlJ..d.i.ngs dc,-es not refer these irrlividuals to Yoo am Jr0kes no rea:mneh:latiori· as to whether· or not _ycu- _sboolq en:;iage ttieir · services~ -





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November 3, 2015

Portland City Council City Hall 1221 SW 4th Ave Portland OR 97204

Dear Mayor Hales and Co:inm{ss1oners:

I am writing to you today about the low forecast growth of the Portland harbor in the Economic Opportnnities Analysis (EOA) document for the Draft City of Portlancf Comprehensive Plan. I believe that a low forecast sends a negative message to at risk communities about the value of Portland harbor jobs and the opportnnities they bring. The harbor is a major impact employer intliisCity aiid·tlie oppoifuitities the)'pi'ovide to a wide range of the co=unityis a crucial part of the economic vitality of our city.

My organization, Constructing Hope Pre-Apprenticeship Program, is a partner for commmiity growth and change. We are the space where people with all different backgrounds can start ahfe and earn a living wage to support themselves and their

- family;-We-depend--on-partnerships-and a thriving working harbor ioopen _doors for_ our-------~·rameo. workforce. Baell: of our gracluates gains knowledge ofopportumtles witnm ttre~-------1---

trades, basic entry-level skills, plus familiarity with trade tools, terminology and basic principles. The Port and working harbor supp01t citizens from all walks of life with meaningful, family-wage jobs and changes their lives for the better.

If you care about the future of our city's entire community, painting the Portland harbor with a low growth forecast during a time when we are seeing signillc~t expansion in the harbor sends the wrong message. Change the Portland harbor forecast back to the "most likely" moderate growth as originally reco=ended by Bureau of Planning and ' Sustainability staff and support opportunities for our changing community.


-~k.:_uL ~. ~ (,l,~«_l Patricia Daniels Executive Director Constructing Hope

CC: Commissioner Nick-Fish Commissioner Amanda Fritz Commissioner Steve Novick· Commissioner Dan Saltzman





PLAZA. Commissioner Nick Fish . 2545 sw Terwilliger Blvd.

· Portland, Oregon 97201 503.299.4911 800.875.4211

503.299.4803 tax Uili11pt f •it-W1>.\td .. · '-septembec 18, 2015

Commissioner Fish (Rm 240) Portland Gill Council 1221 SW 4 Portland, OR 97204

RE: Portland Compret\ensive Plan Periodic Update Terwilliger Plaza; Inc. · · ·

Our property currently has four different Comprehensive Plan designations. We request that the entire property have a single designation: High Density Residential · (see attached map).

Terwilliger Plaz.i ls a Continuing Care Retirement Community for people age 62 and older which provides housing and a continuum of care services to. enable people to age in place. _The Plaza includes apartment style housing units with kitchens, assisted living and re9identialcare unifs without kitchens where_people dine together in a restaurant style setting, ·and~ccessoiy~usesiACltlai~dffice11~nctreJ;;ite£]J:are_~ng~seivises.~ .. _-~· ~--~- -~--1 These functions all are permitted in an RR zone wtuc1rimplements-the-Rig~0ensity~---· ---~-'-----~~-----1 Residential. The four designations/zones that divide our sile make planning difficult and implementation a major challenge.

Terwilliger Plaza Mission· Statement Terwilliger Plaza is a, nonprofit continuing care retirement community empowering s,miors to lead vital an<] E,l'lga,ged lives within the Plaza and the c.o:inmuniiy. Th?· Pl?za· ernpraoe.s diversity and rs self-governed, non-secta'rian and internafioniliy acicrediied. our goal is that all seniors experience a life of dignity, respect and compassion:

Terwilliger Plaza History and Services In 1950, plans for Terwilliger Plaza evolved from the vision of members of the Oregon Retired Teachers·Association .. In 1958,.chaired by Lesta Hoel, a longtime math teacher at Grant High.School who went on to become the first President of the Board of Directors, a planning committee organized a corporation and built the first Tower . building of Terwilliger Plaza with a FHA loan. The first residents moved into the Plaza in 1962.


Terwilliger Plaza September 18, 2015. Portland Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update

As a non-profit, senior community for people 62 and over, Terwilliger Plaza .is dJstinctly unique. It is one of only thfee facilities in the nation that is resident gov:emed. The Board of Directors Is comprised of residents that live at relv'{illiger

.P:(<1,iif/t{),!~o\~,q by jh~)t.R~(;)rs and additionally externat local professionals who leritnlhelrbusine~s·.ei(pe.rti~: · ·

T~rw..ilJig~r P,l1;tt.s1 iii r¢-gJs~r.$il: With ftie:$t.!!l~·r:if0:((:rgqn ,asa G9J1finuing C~re . R$Vt~rn~f Q.91}lrn.-tiMtf.(¢c. R'Gt xit,lff'~it qi~:ii ·t;gnJ1~·1,1,!.ii¥,i. ,qr :f:ifi~:ing· fi~q . hi~}iJ#fr:?re. r~fati;itj· s~(vices ,dn.t~ :ei:\'('ll]'Y.s.~:r.n:Wµ.ax~g t47 ~µ·arttneht\i. iii. (he ·ti>wer antl!Ji;e He!gh.t~ r.angi/if9. f~_qM $1&:io 1$g~ .s;q\/~i:i J~:~t JJ?~nome c:ar.~ !lO,d .... opfi.\if Jiilion i\e.r-v.i~.$-:~re, ~ ¥~11<18~· )t!t!i~~!~J@r te.~,~~i;it~rflta~ :Ptl99§~. :tp ~!?Y, ip, th§'i r T q,Wft(i\1?1 J:!~tgi,(s ;~fka,rti'D:e:n:tJ}\l.}~~~i: .r:i\iEi:d ~?.i\ rit aiJ gifiqnsil s,uppii iit wltliiadivlties 'of,i:l'siUY.clMhg. ,h(a:.9dili:on; -th¢t~ ar.e $6 <cissitt~d livin.g ·~Dd r.~~11:lfriHal car.e· apicr~menfa avic.\1fabJe whilo' r~irE$nts:·re,quifo.'mcire assi,stance and tb-o<:>se t9 move to a more enhanced ·heaJtfrc.are setting. Licensed nurses are twehty four hours a day. Outpatient rehabilitation services and physicfan's visits are also available onsite. The Plaza employs almost 200 employees with the majority of staff using public transit and alternative means of transporta\ion to access the campus.

tne.,Bl~i~:i~1nti'Jhi:!'$cJ lo P..t~via_~ ;\i]l.9Hf.:i:es1Hvic$ls .ahct El11J$niti!*> nee de<! to. live · aif(t~i~@',§'JUt~"::1wfl>r;i#\t1i>;q\~~q11i(JW~1i:1qi:~: ij#iJG~;iqtt1~ttPnt~ ·.·,. ~-

----""?1:ii?V@;.:~n!3. ·P1at?'!P.i'.1?&:1?ls!?·:$, 1Jrgc?W,:~P,~mrt1m:qf W.eJ l!i~%~·. fi:gtJi&g~~ f pr· PP.11y , .• rttr11c1------~-ii~i(#pfrlt, -,r w:o.'ifdwi#k~·sh9p;, :iitfati/, iJWCsi'r&itEi cJWifiti: v.E')ti:f(;l, a.tJrot;eiyZdQJi anti~ s~lbn, Withlii wi:i'lking d.i~' d<ii.yi-ifi;iwii':aM~'P'o,rtl~nd stat~. arictwit~ the Plaza's easy ac~ess to publlc-transft;fhe resrdents of Te.rwllliger Plaza en}-oy all that the City of Portland has to offer.

As a nonprofit, Terwilliger Plaza is committed fo continue to provide services to residents that have outlived their financial res-ources and. in more than 50 years o.f its history has never asked any resident to leave the. Plaza due to their inability to pay.

Testimonials "What moving here really did for me was it gave me the psychological freedom from worry about chores, home repairs and finances, as well as the physical freedom of ·. knowing I can walk out of my apartment and not worry about anything but what I want to do that day. Making this move allowed me to move forward from· my husband's death and· start a new life" Rose, resident and former board member

"We hadn't been at Terwilliger but two weeks when in the middle of the night I had a medical emergency. Ron thought to call downstairs to inquire what we do, and within minutes and LPN was letting hers~lf into the apartment to help me". Naomi, current resident



Terwilliger Plaza · Portland.Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update

September 18, 2015

"We were looking for several things in a new home. We wanted someplace that could . provrde all stages of care for our peace of mind. We wanted security but in a friendly and welcoming place. I knew of teachers who lived at Terwilliger P[aza. Not having close family in- the area also determined that we needed to be someplace that supported ol!r needs and lifestyle'. Earlene; current resident

."MY wife's health was deteriorating when we started looking for a CCRC. When we · learne·il what care and services were available, we were delighted ... no, let me say relieved! We could continue our 55-year marriage together." Allen, current resident

Thank you for your attention to our request


Diane K._Gibson,~~~··-------

Acting CEO and VP of Finance and CFO






This propertY, would to be split into three designations: Multi Dwelling 1,000, High Density Residential and Mixed Use Urban Center, under the current Planning and Sustainability Commission's proposal. ·

The current Comprehensive Plan applies four designations to the property: Medium Density Multi D,welling, High Density Multi Dwelling, Urban Commercial, and Mixed Use Urban Center..

- .

ThE:i four (.QrJbtee.tdesignations-on upgrades; -· renovation, ananew development extremely challenging.

The request is to apply one designation to the site: High Density Multi Dwelling.






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1Q/2/2015 PoolardMaps De!ai! Repcrt -


New Search I- Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I Help I~ I PortlandOregon .gov

- -- 2545 SW TERWILLIGER BLVD - Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Crime I Census I HOMESTEAD - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportation

Summa,y I Assessor I Permits/cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development I Garbage/Recyding I Noise I · Historic Permits I Water I Documents

j General Information Property ID R327702


State ID 1Sl E09AA 200

Alt Account# R991090020

Map Number 3328 OLD -

Site Info


City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

_ Owner Info (Privacy)


Owner Address 2545 SW TERWILLIGER BLVD '-'---"""~"""''-"""

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201-6302 0 f-------; 289 FT

!'roperty_D_escription --_ -Ta)(-Roll-SEerI0N;09-:l:S-l:E,T-L-2GG--3c(J9-ACRES

Lot TL 200 ·

-----ti- -- ---- se-H0MEf0R-EtDERtY-0RS-3(J8-;495 _

Block I !--------------~----------------------------

Tax. Districts








r Sale Date Type

l---______ W_A_R_RA_N1Y_D_E_E_D __ l OTHER ,_ _____ _ l Land_ Information

-.I Type


I Improvement Iriformation


Deed Information






Sale Price







10J2/2015 · .. Pcrllan:lMaps Derail Report

i - Improvement Value $14,892,200.00 I ! Room Descriptions 1 Building Class HOME FOR THE ELDERLY

Actual Year Built 1961 .

Effective Year Built Number of Segments 1 Construction Style

Foundation Type Interior Finish Roof Style Roof Cover Type

Flooring Type Heating/AC Type Plumbing . Fireplace Type

Improvement Details # Segment Type

. Class Total Area 1 MAIN 257,963


Tax History

Year Property Tax Total Tax .

2014 $192,758.07 $192,758.07 2013 $188,712.56 $188,712.56 2012 $172,717.76 $172,717.76 2011 $168,436.68 $168,436.68

I 2010 $158,957.14 $158,957.14 ' - -

2009 $154,310.36 i1ss,3B9.02 . -· 2008 · $-144,93335 - <:144;933:35 -


2007 $146,038.15 $146,038.15 2006 $132,039.00 $132,453.19 2005 $130,180.77 $130,180.77 I

2004 $143,959.12 $143,959.12 2003 .· $141,660.47 $141,660.47


2002 $174,433.43 $174,433.43 I 2001 I $73,832.23 $73,832.23

2000 $61,508.66 $61,508.66 1999 $57,890.66 $57,890.66 1999 · $61,054.35 $61,054.35 1998 $56,926.93 $56,926.93

I 1997 . $43,483.19 $43,483.19

! Assessment History

Year Improvements Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions . Assessed 2014 . $14,892,200.00 $5,550,910.00 $0.00 $20,443,110.00 $0.00 $8,043,720.00 2013 ·$14,744,750.00 $5,495,960.00 $0.00 $20,240,710.0·0 $0.00 $7,827,670.00

· 2012 $14,598,760,00 $5,441,540.00 $0.00 $20,040,300.00 $0.00 $7,689,400.00 2011 $15,530,600.00 . $5,788,870.:00 $0.0D $21,319,470.00 $0.00 $7,566,210.00


. lQ/2/2015 · Pcr11andMaps Delail Repxt - . . .

. . p °-rtlq ftci. Ma p~ . New Search , Mapping , Advan~ed, Google ~~~ ~~~~ 2425 SW 6TH AVE· HOMESTEAD Explorer I Property { Maps I Projects I Crime I Census I. • PORTLAND · Environmental I Transportation ·

· Summary I Assessor f· Permits/Cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development I Garbaqe/Recydinq I Noise I · Historic Permits I Water I Doruments

General Information

1 Property ID R128756


State ID 1S1 E04DD 4000

Alt Account # R140903760

· Map Number 3228 OLD

Site Info

Site Address 2425 SW 6TH AVE

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

Owner Info (Privacy)


Owner Address 2,545.SW TERWILLIGER BLVD

I City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201-6302

Property Description Tax Roll CARUTHERS AQ.Q,J)JJLCK..3_5_1J....40D.O

I I Lot








·us_e_l:LQME.E.QR..ELD£8.l.Y_Qll.S.3.0.8 . ..49.0,~~--1~-----'-

Block 35 TL 4000

Tax. Districts







Deed Information

Sale Date Type Instrument Sale Price

08/01/1995 WARRANTY DEED 95098355 $1,000,000.00

INST 99051531 $0.001

! OTHER 2004031298 ~


Land Information Type Acres SQFT -COMMERCIAL LAND 0.5800 25,180

MULT 0.8000 34,926


.. 1CV2i2lJ15 .. Portlan:!Maps Derail Report

I Improverrient Information -

r Improvement Typ,e SENIOR CARE ~

i Improvement Value $7,188,880.00 . ' j Room Descriptions f Building dass HOME FOR THE ELDERtY

Actual Year Built 2000 - Effective Year Built ' .

.Number of Segments 1 Construction Style

Foundation T)'pe Interior Finish

Roof Style Roof .Cover Type

Flooring Type Heating/AC Type.

- Plumbing Rreplace Type

Improvement Details

# Segment Type dass Total Area 1 MAIN 86,710

' 1 MAIN 142,890

i 2 BASEMENT M/S . 1?,630 I . Tax History -

Year Property Tax Total Tax 2014· $143,608.78 $143,608.78 2013 $140,267.48 $140,267.48 - -

-~ -- - - - -----

2012 . $126,880.88 $126,880.88 2011 $122,088.03 $122,088.03 2010 $216,512.64 $216,512.64

! 2009. $240,83.1.91. $240,831.91 L-..

! 2008 $64,935:73 $64,935.73 2007 $64,795.49 $64,795.49

l 2006 $51,452:89 $51,452.89 2005 $49,119.56 $49,119.56 2004 $53,609.34 $53,609;34

2003 $52,422.76 $52,422.76 2002 $62,973.69 $62,973.69 2001 $56,503.31 $56,503.31 2000 $10,398.10 $10,398.10

·1999 $30,120.70 $30,120.70

1999 $0.00 $0.00

1998 $0.00 $0.00

1997 · $0.00 $0.00

Assessment History Year Improvements Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions Assessed

2014 $7,188,880.00 $3,245,860.00 .$0.00 $10,434,740.00 $0.00 $5,992,740.00


10/2/2015 P<rtfax!Maps Delall Report

New Search I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I Help I ~ I PortlandOregon .gov

521 SW SHERIDAN ST· SOUTH Explorer I Property I~ I Projects I Crime I Census I : PORTLAND - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportation ·

Summary I Assessor I Permits/Cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development I Garbage/Recycling I Noise I _Historic Permits I Water I Documents

;-i _G_e_n_e_r_al_I_n_f_o_rm_a_ti_o_n ______ --'--______________________ _J Property ID R128706


I State ID 1S1E04DD 2100

I Alt Account#. R140902650 ·

Map Number 3228 OLD

Site Info

Site Address 521 SW SHERIDAN ST

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

j Owner Info (Privacy)




_=:j~O;l~y/~S;:~;~;~~;~~p~~-~p~~~R~T~LA~N;D;O;R;9;J_~~~();1~~-~~~----~--~--~---~--~-~--~--~-~~~~~~~;o;;":=:~~~~6~l~FT~==j~I Property Description


Lot 4,5 Block 26






Deed Information

Sale. Date Type Instrument Sale Price

l 05/20/2011 WARRANTY DEED 2011059517 $307,500.00 08/31/2006 CONTRACT 2006163651 $400,000.00 08/11/2004 CONTRACT .. 2004147494 $300,000:00

BARGAIN & SALE DEED 2011044652 $0.00


10/2!2015 , Pct11ardMaps-Oetail Rep;rt .

SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 2011059516 $0.00 WARRANTY DEED 01091923 $0.00

. WARRANTY DEED 2011023891 $0.00 WARRANTY DEED 2013136591 $0.00,

DEATH CERT RECORDED 2011059515 $0.00 INST BP15000995 $0.00

I Land Information Type · Acres SQFfl I RESIDENTIAL tANi:i 0.0500

1 Improvement Information r . . . Improvement Type SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL

Improvement Value $117,960.00 .

Room Descriptions Building Class 1 STY W/AIBC .& BSMT

Actual Year Built 1900 Effective Year Built 1900 Number of Segments 4 Construction Style

Foundation Type Concrete Interior Finish Roof Style Roof Cover Type COMPOSITION

Flooring Type Heating/AC Type Forced Air ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Plumbing lWO FULL. BA1HS Firepl.ace Type ---i ---+---------------l1mprovement-Details--------~-----~,----1-

# Segment Type Class Total Area


77~~ L 2 FIN ATTIC 3P 64


·1 Tax History .

I Year Property Tax 2014 $3,757.81

Total Tax $3,757.81

I 2013 $3,846.83 2012 $3,396.12 ·

2011 $3,564.55


$3,396.12, $3,564.55

.2010 $3,970.20 $3,970.20

2009 $3,864.92 $3,864.92

2008 $3,648.74 $3,648.74

i 2007 $3,640.99 2006 $3,269.39 2005 $3,121.35

$3,640.99 $3,269.39 $3,121.35

l 2004 $3,355.01 $3,355.01




P.9f!1_9.119!y\qps -Pool,r,c!Maps Detail Report

. . .

New Search I Mapping r Advanced I Google Earth I Help i /l!l.!;;:! I PortlandOregon .gov .

529 SW SHERIDAN ST - SOUTH Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Crime I Census I PORTLAND - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportation

Summary I Assessor I Permits/Cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development I Garbage/Recycjing I Noise I · · Historic Permits I Water r Documents .

G~neral ·Information_ -·_ Property ID· R128708

/,,\ County MULTNOMAH

: /-~4state ID 1s1E64DD 2200 .- _;}:;:"'-,.,._. .

"filfif1l,:imber 3228 OLD ·-.,;-~.:"-'•~ .

·'site Address 529 SW SHERIDAN ST

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

Owner Info (Privacy)


Owner Address 2545 SW TERWILLIGER BLVD

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201-6302

Property Descl'ipUon .,-BL.OCK-26,-W-2-'-0F-S~1/2~Qfqj)T-5,IHO'-Gf~-~u-· -.iMPRGVE9-lAN9-AS-----l----+-

Roll LOT 10 se VACANT

Lot 5,10 Block 2<5







Tax Districts







' __ 3_1_1_·_P_O-RT_LA_N_D_s_c_H_O_O_L_D_I_ST_#_1 _____________________ · ----l ~ Deed Information ______J

Sele Date·


I 121rn12001 r-Type








- 01205091



Sare Price

$0.00 _





10/2/2015 -PC<1JarxlMaps Del.ii Rep<xl

I Land Information I

SQ~1 /Type - _- Acres : COMMERCIAL LAND _ - 0.0400 1,600;

/ Improvement Information Improvement Type -

Improvement Value $0.00 Room Descriptions

- - - -i Building dass

Actual Year Built Effective Year Built I Number or Segments Construction Style

Foundation Type Interior Finish - -Roof Style Roof Covi,r Type

Flooring Type Heating/AC Type

- Plumbing Fireplace Type -Improvement Details

1 # Segment Type - Oass Total Area I No Improvement Se~ment Information Available I I Tax History I Property Tax Total Tax Year

2014 $1,196.30 $_1,l9_6.30. - - ---

2013 - $J.,.19J~03 - - - - - - ----$1,192.03 --

2012 $1,115.72 $1,115.72 2011 $1,079.26 $1,079.26 2010 $1,085.81 $1,085.81 2009 $1,090.04 $1,090.04 2008 $1,077.66 $1,077.66 2007 $1,040.10 $1,040.10 ~--2006 $759.42 $759.42 2005 $762.32 $762.32 2004 $813.07 $813.07 2003 $1,062.20 $1,062.20 2002 $1,683.09 $1,683.09 2001 $1,604.90 $1,604.90 2000 $1,567.57 $1,567.57 1999 $1,457.67 $1,457.67 1998 $1,434.89 $1,434.89 199_7 $1,355.84 $1,355.841

l_Assessment History

l Year Improvements Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions Assessed I


Arevalo, Nora

From: Washington, Mustafa Sent: To: Cc:

Thursday, November 05, 2015 2:43 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Elmore:Trummer, Camille

Subject: FW: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

Follow Up Flag: . Foliow up Flag Status: Completed

From: Darryn Sikora [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 10:12 PM To: [email protected]; Hales, Mayor <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fritz <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected]>; City Auditor Griffin-Valade <[email protected]>; Anderson, Susan <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

Portland City Council

Council Clerk

1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130

Po1tland, Oregon 97204

Re: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

My family and I have lived in Multnomah Village for the past 15 years. My children have grown up with gifts from Thinker Toys, treats from Sweets Etc, books from Annie Blooms, and as they have grown older, caffeine from Starbucks, and lunch from Fat City. The Village has a personality that is unique in Portland, and I believe that personality needs to be preserved. It is one of the few family-oriented commercial districts and should remain that way by limiting large scale .development.

Iain requesting that the City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. · ·



Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the defmition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The . Village is more Jinear in nature and thus the characteristics are better defmed by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor desigriations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway.

If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Y.-inile radius, it would overlap with tJ:w boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbm Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing single-family zoning as redevelopment continues to occm. The Neighborhood Corridor . designation better fits the design and character of the Village.

Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor. ·

Please add this to the record.

Thankyou, ·

Darryn M. Sikora

3360 SW Miles Street

Portland 97219

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected]

Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected]

Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected]

Commissioner Steve Novick, [email protected]

Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected]

City Auditor, La Vonne Griffm-Valade, [email protected] .

Susan Anderson, [email protected]



:MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected]




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Washington, Mustafa Thursday, November 05, 2015 2:42 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony E!more-Trummer, Camille FW: 2035 Comprehensive Plan & Multnomah Village _

Follow up Completed

From: Gehl Babinec [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 12:25 PM To: Hales, Mayor <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fritz <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected]>; City Auditor Griffin-Valade < La Von ne@portla ndo rego n .gov>; Anderson, S usa'n <Susan .Ande rso n@po rt la n dorego n .gov>; [email protected] Subject: 2035 Comprehensive Plan & Multnomah Village

As a resident of Multnomah Village, I am writing to urge (1) that the Village be zoned Commercial Mixed-Use I (CMI); and·(2ttITanlieVillage be clesignated a''Neiglioorhood Corridoi''NOT a Center. ...

I. Zoning Change to CMI. The zohing change from CS zoning to Commercial Mixed-Use I (CMI) is necessary and appropriate to preserve the uhique character and historical greatness of the Village. The Mixed-Use Zohing Project of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan's proposes to change the Commercial Storefront properties to Commercial Mixed Zone 2 (CM2). I request that the City Council change this designation to CMI to which limits building height to 35 feet in the business district of Multnomah Village wit_h a D overlay.

With the exception of one 3-story building, Multnomah Village consists of predominantly 2-story buildings, many of which are historic. The Village has a design district overlay under the current Comprehensive Plan and

·this overlay states that new development must be consistent with the scale and character of the existing businesses. The new CMI designation is a better fit for the historic Village, which appears to be the last remaining cluster oflocally-owned businesses in the City.

2. Classify Multnomah Village as a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Plan. The proposed changes for the Village in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan are DISASTROUS to the Village and inconsistent with the desires and well being of the neighborhood. I strongly oppose the proposed changes for Multnomah Village in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. The intense development that would follow the ill-judged and ill-advised proposed changes will be disastrous for the Village's scale and character. Additionally, the infrastructure supporting the Village is clearly insufficient to support the kind of development and density, which the proposed changes in the 203 5 Plan would allow. · '

I am requesting that the City Council change the designation ofl\1ultnom~h Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Cprridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Multnomah ViHage is classified as a Mainstreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed depth of 180 feet



which is consistent with the definition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics an, bette_r defmed by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway. ·

If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Yi-mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave hftle room for existing single-family zoning as redevefopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village. ·

Both the Multnomah ;Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor.

3. Summary. It is unequivocal that the preponderance of Village residents and business owners support these same views as I have expressed above. I again request: ( 1) that the Village be zoned Commercial Mixed-Use 1 (CMl ), and (2) that the Village be designated a "Neighborhood Corridor" NOT a Center.

Gehl Babinec -3842 SW Dolph Court Pmiiand, OR 97219-3651



Arevalo, Nora

From: Washington, Mustafa Sent: To: Cc:

Thursday, November 05, 2015 2:42 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Elmore-Trummer, Camille


Follow Up Flag: F.lag Status:

FW: housing issues

Follow up Completed

From: Amy Minato [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 3:40 PM To: Hales, Mayor <[email protected]>; [email protected]; C9mmissioner Fish <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected] ..>; [email protected]; Anderson, Susan <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: housing issues

Portland City Council --- ------- -

Council Clerk

[email protected]

1221 SW Foutih Avenue, Room 130

Portland, Oregon 97204

Re: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

I am requesting that the City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood . Center to .a Neighborhood Corridor in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

Multnomah Village is classified as a Mainstreet in the cunent Comprehensive Plan. The :tviainstreet designation . .

had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the definition of a Neighborhood Corridor. The Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics are bi;tter defined by the Neighborhood Co1ridor

. designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained within the Neighborhood · Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway .

. If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Y>-mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic



Corridor. The higher-density development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing single-family zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village.

Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Corridor.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

Amy Minato

3525 sW logan st



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

.foHow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Thomas Gornick <[email protected]> Thursday, November 05, 2015 11:57 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

After reviewing the plan concerns related to the SW Macadam Blvd (SW Hamilton to the Sellwood Bridge) area ·


L Parking for businesses and multi family units: Current businesses and residents have insufficient parking -especially during the business day. The neighborhood has also become an over flow parking for OSHU employees who park then either take the 35 bus to OHSU, bike or walk into tovm. There are others who park and ride from the area as well. Today, our area has no available parking from 9 AM to 4 PM. New apartments now under construction will also bring addition parking concerns since they do not honestly figure over I car~, per unit Pmtland pays little attention to parking regs in our area unless we call. We had an abandoned car for

_ over 4 years that was not addressed even with calls. Commuters regularly park taking up part of driveways. _

2. Increased auto traffic: SW Virginia is becoming less safe every year. It is the alternative drive around when Macadams becomes congested. In addition it is a sho1t cut up to Taylors Feny Blvd. with drivers exceeding the 25 MPH limit At rnsh hour a resident can wait some time or take risk to get out of a drive way or cross street

------~ The neiglioorliooifhas ve1y limitecl access - lvlacadiim, SWCoroett and SW---Virgiiifa are the arteries and not built for the growing volume.

3. Design: Mixed us along Macadam could create a canyon wall between the single family dwellings and the river if design is not controlled. Today there is a 4 story limit and should be maintained.

4. The Macadam Plan needs to be maintained and enforced.

5. The greenway along the Williamette River is slowly be encroached on. For example, housing units now being built on land fill push the public path to a nan-ow edge and create an unattractive, park way for walking and biking. The housing being approved and built are high end units that clear ignore the need for affordable housing. Many have lack any quality design - boxes filling space.

Thomas W, Gornick 0422 SW California St. Portland, OR 97219


- ,




Arevalo, Nora-"'"'· ...;.,;,.;..,;..:.;,;;.;.;.; ______ ....,=..,.---------------=---------..,._ From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:


· Eva Miller <[email protected]> Wednesday, November 04, 2015 12:05 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan·Testimony Cannot tell what the plan means for my property

Follow up Completed

I looked at the online maps for the comprehensive plan and cannot tell what is proposed for my property. When · I look at my property there, the explanations are vague. Is something changing or not?

My name is Eva Miller My address is 4018 SE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202 I have posted comments to the map, but have gotten no response from the city yet.

I wish to comment that my property is zoned RS and I want it to remain R5. That's what I bought, so that's what I want to keep. I believe it's unconscionable for the city to change my prope1iy zoning without my consent.

Thanks, Eva Miller





Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: · Flag Status:

Nancy Matela < [email protected]> Wednesday, November 04, 2015 10:15 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Stockton, Marty Comprehensive Plan Testimony - 1535 SE Alder St

Follow up Completed

Dear City Commissioners,

This is my official request for a zoning change of my property at 1535 SE Alder Street during the Comprehensive Plan update.

The 7000 sq ft building sits in the middle ·of two 5000 sq ft lots which are taxed together as a 10,000 sq ft lot. Jt is currently zoned RS. The building, scheduled to be torn down by the City of Portland in the 70s, · was purchased by a private couple and converted to a triplex. It was

. .grandfathered in at that time.

When I purchased the property in 2010, I converted the 2000 sq ft basement to an apartment using the existing bathroom. In March 2013, the City determined that I could not have four units on this lot because of the zoning. I had to tear out the unit costing me $1200 (City and contractor fees). Given the 30-unit Morrison apartment house one block away built shortly;this was very difficult to swallow.

This led me to do research on the zoning vs. actual use of the 12 sq block area around my property. Attached you will find hand drawn maps ... one showing the official zoning and the other showing current actual use of the properties. My property at 1535 SE Alder is shown as a star. As you can see, the majority of properties (80%) have existing buildings with more density than RS. At least half are officially zoned as R2.5; the others aren't zoned that but are de facto used as R2.5 or denser.

My property and the new Morrison development are both in a " 500' transportation corridor.

My property is listed in the City's historic resource inventory. The house was the second large residence (7000 sq feet including the basement) built in theBuckm,m area and is considered architecturally significant. I plan to keep the structure and maintain its historic integrity.



Because of all of these things, I ask that the zoning C!f the property be changed to R2.5 to allow four units on the 10,000 sq ft lot. I plan to build a that is architecturally consistent with the main house. The rental income from this unit will help me pay for the ever-increasing expenses. My property taxes alone have risen to almost $12,000 a year as an example. ·

Thank you for your consideration.

Nancy Matela 540 SE 71st Ave Portland, Or 97215 503-267-1401



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(503) 236 3472



Arevalo, Nora

from: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: .

Susan Hartnett <[email protected]> Tuesday, November 03, 2015 8:16 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony [Approved Sender] Comprehensive Plan Testimony - Resend

Follow up Completed

Dear Mayor Hales and Commissioners,

We are writing to register our strong objections to the proposed down zoning of our property at 42 NE Graham Street and 44 NE Graham Street from R2 to R2.5.

Over the last 15 years we have completed a very site sensitive infill project in the Eliot neighborhood. This included a subdivision to create four lots from the original two lots. Our development preserved the original home built in 1900 and added three additional buildings that were designed to blend with the historic nature of the neighborhood even before the historic district was in place. We intentionally built to the maximize the site density while also respecting the scale and.character of the street and neighborhood and creating a pocket community. There are now seven dwelling units on the site we developed and we retain ownership of two of the lots and buildings.

Throughout the development process we have been very challenged to finance our efforts. We are not developers by profession and do not h·ave access to real estate investment funds. We have taken significant personal financial risks

-during-this process and haverepeatedly-been-teld-that-oijr-"tmiqHe"-properties-are-hard-to-underwrite-for-construction ------ --loans and mortgages. Changing the zoning in the proposed manner will slap "non-conforming" on to·p of "unique" -.making any future financial transactions related to these properties even more difficult.

We are longtime residents of Portland and have sought to "walk our talk" by pursuing this site sensitiv~ infill project in a neighborhood considered by many to be Portla.nd's slum when we first moved·here. Please do not make us regret our decision to take the City at its word. We thought the City wanted sensitively designed infill development that preserves older homes and provides affordable ho.using options for a range of household sizes and types. That is what we have done on this site and we do not want to see our investment of time, energy, sweat, blood, tears, arid money eroded by this wrong-headed rezoning proposal that reverses 20 years of policy direction in Portland an.ct very specifically in Eliot.

Susan and Jeff Hartnett 44 NE Graham Street, Unit A Portland, OR. 97212




October 30, 2015

City Council Rezoning Portland City Hall 1221 SW 4th Ave. -Portland, OR 97201

Case#: 2014-130565-000-00-HS 606-612 NE 72nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213

To whorn it may concern:

I am asking a plea of reconsideration to the City of Portland, for a formal review to realign the CS zoning adjacent to my property where it would be included to qualify as a 4 plex or have the property be accepted as an Overlay zone such as a or d. The City of Portland recently changed the status of my rental from a 4 plex to a 3 plex. They inform me according to the zoning requirements I am not permit fora 4 plex for the present zoning and there are no permits for unit 612 which is the unit in question and the City has required me to evict the tenant. My property is adjacent to tJie·cs ,;o_rtlngnprth of NE Glisan and 72nd. There are no lots between mine antlrfieCSz6ne and 1 woDla1nmli this request woulonofoe unreasonable~ This property has been rented as a 4 plex since 1966. The US Post Office, The Multnomah County Tax Assessors, Chicago Title Company and the Polk directory has recognize this property as a 4 plex, since 1968. 612 NE 72nd Ave, is il. single person basement studio'. I have evidence this unit has been rented since 1975. I can produce the names of these renters, if one needs evidence. I didn't cause this problem, nor did Mrs. Garnet Lewis who I · purchased this property from. Therefore, I don't understand why I am being the victim of this problem which occurred over 56 years ago. After 56 vears. by stature one would think this property should be grandfathered into being legally accepted, perhaps not legally permitted but. that can be corrected. I would like to point out the original permit (369429) originated 4/11/58 and the project was never completed and was voided 2/21/64. It took almost six years for the first pha-se to be built an·d overall 10 years to be completed. After two years the original permit was vo_ided and a second one was issued on 4/11/66, (permit #426738). It allowed for two additional units; however, it was overlooked by the City inspector's two units already existed (see commitment made by M. Liefeld 3/22/01 folder 01131600 000 00 CO). Mr. Nokleby and Mr. Wortendyke, the new owners, were issued a permit to add two additional units, making four but, by this time there had been so many City Inspectors I am sure there were a lot of oversites, confusion and misunderstanding whlle this was being built over such a lengthy period.

Now, putting everything in perspective, my property is the fourth one from the intersection of Glisan and NE 72°• Ave., going north. The corner property Is a commercial building; which faces Glisan, the second property 520 N_E 72nd, is a 10 unit apartment on a 9750 sq.' lot, the next property adjacent to mine, 600 NE 72"', is a four unit apartment on a 5000 sq.' lot and my property 606 NE 72nd is a 6250 sq.' lot which the city has it permitted only as 3 plex. (See included 2 maps from City files) In comparing my lot size to my immediate neighbor_600 NE 72nd, I should be able to have a 5 unit apartment and if I compare it to the 10 unit apartment 520 NE 72"1,


the second lot from the corner, I should have at least a six unit apartment according to the size of th.e lot This area has not had a rezoning assessment for a long time and perhaps is out.of date with the current conditions. In addition, there is another 7 unit complex within a few blocks of my property. So, there is a lot of intermingling of types of properties in this area. The neighborhood is changing daily and perhaps a better mix should be considered for the current conditions. This Is an up and coming neighborhood with continuous new development which the City has approved and perhaps they have overlook the influence and effeteness this development has caused this neighborhood.

Also, not too.distant from my property, the City has allowed a 6 unit apartment on the SW corner of Burnside and NE 73'd. There is absolutely no commercial prop~rty around Just residential. In addition, between Burnside.and SE ThOrburn on SE 73'd is a condo complex and I am not sure the number of units, however; it appears to be 8 or more duplexes and across the street I am totally confused because I am unable to figure the property lines. But it appears to be five 4 plex units and again there is no commercial b.usinesses around, strictly residential. Based on my location and lot size I don't understand by reasoning, why my lot CANNOT be permitted for a 4 plex. l understand there needs to be some type of control in residential areas to maintain density. However, my property is directly adjacent to the high density zone and in my unit 612 there has been only single tenants living since 1988. And there has never been a tenant with a vehicle while living in this unit since I have owned it. This is a studio, a one person living unit and one person will not change the density one iota.

I purchased this property in 1994 from Mrs. Garnet Lewis who owned the property, to r;ny understanding for thirteen years asT4 pJex.~ She purchased it in good faith, through a ~refialile title'i:oinpan'[anaTalso~ purchased this from Mrs. Lewis in good faith as a 4 plex. When I purchased this property there was no mentioning from Chicago Title Company this was anything other than what I assume l was purchasing. Matter of fact, looking over the entire documents one will see the description shows it as a 4 plex and the deed describes only the lots, so I guess one isn't buying any structures on the property, just pure earth. The City cannot just make demands with zoning laws and then neglect their fiduciary responsibility, The City needs to carry forward and make sure new buyers are pl)ying for what they are buying. If my property is now considered a 3 plex, then the·value of the prOperty will go down substantially, a great lose to me and It Is pwbably valued less now then what I bought it. The individual I bought the property from has past away and I

· am unable to go back on her for any compensation. If the City has the ability to make sure all easements are broughtto the new property owner's attention, then surely'the City has the capability to make sure the new buyer is buying what he,thinks he is paying for such as, a single dwelling, or a 2 plex, a 3 plex, a 4 plex. Etc ... The City is aware of how often this occurs. I have spent enough time at the City of Portland's office attempting to resolve my problem and In talking to different employees and I have found this is a reoccurring event. A lot of people have,got caught up with this same scenario .. New buyers want to enhance their future income and . purchase a mtiltlplex unit to only find out later it wasn't permitted properly and instead they bought a problem. I understand an elderly women purchased a 2 plex and has Just found out after the sale the property isn't permitted or in a zone for a 2 plex. So, why is the Eity so careless about inform new buyers about property zoning and permit restrictions? This was my retirement. I was lucky enough to save a little money to purchase this property as a supplement to my social security. I have no retirement coming, so I needed this for survival. I am totally dependent on this to live on and after having this property for 21 years the City tells me they are cutting my retirement income.· I think there could be some legal Issues here, especially since this unpermitted unit has been rented for the past 56 years and what about all the P.roperty


taxes I have been: paying, since this is classified by the county as a four plex? Are they going to pay me back the over paid taxes with interest? Eliminating the Income from this apartment would be like working for the Cfty for 21 years and then when you retire they tell you Ohl by the way, .you don't qualify for retirement pay. We forgot to inform you, when you were hired, to sign thts. document so, you are disqualified for any income.

Because my property is not permitted as a 4 plex any longer, the City has forced me to evict my tenant from 612. I am loosing $595 per month of income and the total income after paying the plexus mortgage and bills provides me now with only $175 discretionary money per month. November, I had to replace a hot water heater in apartment 608, December was Christmas, this month my pick-up needs a new water pump. And, the City is imposing fines on my property because it isn't to code and where in the heck does the City expect me to come up with the money to pay these fines when they are taking away the means for me to pay them? This really doesn't make a lot of sense. The City has literally taken away the possibility for me to pay these fines: I am talking with Danny in collections and I am in a tither.

I understand the City is too busy on a bigger analytical task now to take time to do a study and analyze rezoning my situation and I just have to take a back sea.t until they have time to review mine. Just how much time and effort does it take to analyze two square blocks of presently mixed zoning? Meanwhile, the City just keeps putting more penalties and intereston my property until they can find time to look into my issue. These penalties and interest should STOP and be reversed. I would understand these being imposed on the property if I wasn't diligently and actively trying to resolve this issue. It just doesn't appear fair.for us individual who are payiRg your salaries that we get placed in the backof the line. Based on my property taxes for this year I am paying the Eity-$85'Y.(]9 for its-representation;-When-doi-get-this-representation f rom-the-Eity?' lfit-Js-a- -- ----persona I problem perhaps, hire a couple more people. The City's number of employees can't be that thin.

I applied for a nonconforming situation with the City and was told if I could show standard evidence the plex had been maintained as a 4 plex over time for at least three years, this could be accepted as a nonconforming situation. I am not sure if I was· rejected on this request. I did get a phone call cautioning me from the City the evidence I presented wa-sn't conditional enough and at the time it didn't look favorable. What guide were they going by? ! presented a!! the facts and then some for evidence on this issue. I never received .a formal letter to confirm this nor any reasons for rejection, if indeed I was. I did my homework and obtain evidence this property had been for sure occupied and maintained for a minimum of 40 years; that is way beyond 3 years· and I had to pay a huge sum of money for.this evaluation, yet I never received any hard evidence the property. didn't qualify. I have a letter from Pacific Power showing an electric meter installed at 612, August 1, 1985 and I found this permit In the City files and it appears to be the only electric permitted issued for the whole complex. It was Issued 7 /8/85 by the City .of Portland. Therefore, Portland did issue a permitted for electric power for 612, and therefore is very aware there was an existing unit. This means this unit has had electricity for 30 years. Also, I presented evidence the county tax assessment has on their tax roll, 612 since 1959, that is 56 years, the Polk directories goes back only to 1975, however; I have copies showing tenants living in unit 612 since 1975, that is for 40 years. I don't understand why thi_s doesn't qualify .as a nonconforming unit and it sits right next to a CS zone which would allow it to be a 4 plex. The zoning line just needs to be shifted over one property line to the North.

I am not being unreasonable in requesting the City fo realrgn the zoning line; I am just requesting forthe line to be move over one piece of property to be included In the CS zone or qualify as an Overlay. This property already should have qualified as a nonconforming situation anyway. I used the guide the City list as the


requirements for evidence for qualification as shown on the backside of the form (form lu_nonconform_app 11/08/07) .. I will apply for all the required permits which the City request for this apartment to be in compliance as a 4 plex. This property Isn't run down and, as far as, the density condition is; is one person one way or another really going to make the density noticeable more? If the City believes they can maintain control of the density in the area by zone control, they are fooling themselves. Now, as a 3 plex I have a total of six tenants living in the plex presently, two In each apartment. ·Asa 4 plex, adding back in 612 (the studio) it would be 7. If I had this as a 3 plex with 4 people living In each apartment, this would be n people. And if ·one of the neighbors or one of my tenants has a new born child is the City going to tell them they can't have any more children because the density law doesn't allow iti' Tell me now, just how much control does the City really have?

Again, I am not asking for any unreasonable request. I am not asking to increase the size of the apartment complex or add on to it, the studio already exist. I am requesting for a realignment of the zone, one property · over or consider an overlap. The property isn't like 20 or 30 or even 5 lots away from existing zone line, it is right there. The density this single unit will create would not affect the neighborhood; it has already existed for at least 40 years. The appearance won't change because it is a basement unit and I will be able to collect rent on this unit once more and be able to pay the City fine; which I am facing. The people which has rented 612 for the pasnl years, since I have owned it, has never had an automobile, so I can assure the City there will be no additional car density. People who live in studios apartments normally are unable to afford a car, car insurance, maintenance and fuel. If they could afford a car they certainly wouldn't be living in a basement studio apartment. This is iny case ana reques1ano hope tne City c:afn factor all of this together and show some

..... sympathy for this specfafcase. The Ciiyneeds-fo take some responsibility on this as well. The City certalnly~~ ~~ ~-- - ~

should make sure; one Is aware what.they are purchasing at time of closing; just as the City makes sure one is aware of any easements involved with any new purchase properties. Perhaps, the City could do this; TEMPERARILY GIVE ME SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND ALLOW ME TO HAVE A TENANT (one) IN THIS UNIT UNTIL THE CITY IS ABLE TO TAKE THE TIME TO ANALYZE THE AREA FOR REZONING. After all, there has been someone living in this unit since at least 1975; what is the difference of a few months until this can be settled. Meanwhile, I will apply for all the required permits to make this property legally accepted by the City as a 4 p{ex.

Thank you for taking the time to review this and hopefully the City Cou~cil can come to some terms to what they can live with and help me so.I can survive the·rest of my life. I am 78 and I am in no condition to start over or get a job.


Ron Dobrunick 208 NE 13th Ave. Battle Ground, WA 98604 . (360) 666-1528


"Portlandlvfaps Detaj] Report


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Chevalier Portland Laurelhurst, LLC 3060 SE Stark Str. -Portland, OR 95214 (503) 535-4 700


Via: Email and Regular Mail

Comprehensive Plan Update City Council Clerk City of Portland 1221 SW 4th Ave #130 Portland, OR 97204

Re: Upzoning to R-2 of four contiguous residential lots on Alder Street, SE District. (Address numbers 3027, 3033, 3039 and 3051)

Dear Honorable Councilmembers,

1 write on behalf of owners of the Laurelhurst Village Senior property, located on SE Stark between 30th Ave., 33rd Ave., & Alder Street, in the Sunnyside neighborhood of the City. I write to request an upzoning of the four residential lots located on Alder Street, located at the rear of the property. The lots, 3_()31, 3033, 3039,an"'d'o-"3.,,_0.,,_5~1_,,S'c'cE~ ___ _

- -Ala er Street, are currently -designated on the comprehensive plan map and are zoned as Single-Dwelling RS. We request an up-designation and subsequent up-zone to Multi-Dwelling R2 as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update currently under consideration.

In discussions with the City, we understand that the property adjacent to the east (3059 SE Alder), which is improved with two (2) 8-unit apartment buildings constituting a nonconforming residential density, and the property across 30th Street (2944 SE Stark) are both being upzoned to Multi-Dwelling R2 as part of a larger area that is proposed for a map change. We wish to have our lots included in the upzoning area to allow for greater density and to be consistent with the neighborhood. We are currently in the process of seeking planning approvals for the redevelopment of a currently unoccupied portion of the existing senior living facilities at Laurelhurst Village which do not involve .these lots, but hope to develop plans for a better utilization of this land in the near future.

Please consider our request. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at 916-837-1189.


· David Econome Chevalier Portland .Laurelhurst, LLC



From: s,mt: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag S_tatus:

Carl Vanderzanden <[email protected]> Monday, November 02, 2015 5:21 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

Please include iny testimony and request in the process for revising the Portland Comprehensive Plan.

RE: 9465-9477 N Mohawk Ave., Portland OR 97203 State ID#: lNIWOlDA 19600

I own the property listed above.

I support the comprehensive planning proposals for the N. Fessenden Street corridor. I believe that mixed use development is appropriate for that corridor, because of the amount of traffic on the street, and the growth of that area of Portland.

I support the proposed designation of my property as Mixed Use - Neighborhood.

~-am-also requesting thaHhe·propertyat·'1465-94 77 N MohawkbeTeczom:d-toCi\7!1---Commercial-;<Jran ·· -appropriate zoning that would allow the mixed use designation to be implemented. The prope1ty is on a comer, and adjacent to a service station. It would be appropriate for mixed-use development, and the zoning change at this time would suppo1i that. I request that this zoning change be made at the same time as the designation change.

Thank you, Carl Vanderzanden 503-987-0855

Maning Address: PO Box 12535, Portland OR 97212




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subjec·t:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Susan Parsons Assistant Council Clerk City of Portland

Parsons, Susan Monday, November 02, 2015 2:29 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony FW: Multnomah Village CS Zones

Follow up Completed

susan. parsons@portlandoregcin: gov 503. 823.4085 From: Darryn Sikora [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 10:20 PM To: Council Clerk - Testimony <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Hales, Mayor <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fritz <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected]>; City Auditor Griffin-Valade <[email protected]>; Anderson, Susan <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: Multnomah Village CS Zones

Portland City Council

Council Clerk

1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130

Portland, Oregon 97204

My family and I have lived in Multnomah Village for the past 15 years. My children have grown up with gifts from Thinker Toys, treats from Sweets Etc, books from Annie Blooms, and as they have grown older, caffeine from Starbucks, and lunch from Fat City. The Village is one of the few family-oriented commercial districts left in the city and should remain that way by limiting large scale development. \Ve were comfortable with our young children going by themselves to the Village. Increased density would increase traffic and make the area less livable.

The Mixed-Use Zoning Project of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan's proposes to change the Commercial Storefront prope1iies to Commercial Mixed Zone 2 (CM2). I request that the City Council change this designation to CMl to which limits building height to 35 feet in the business district of Multnomah Village with a.D overlay.


With the exception of one 3-story building, Multnomah Village consists of predominantly 2-story buildings, many of which are historic. The Village has a design district overlay under the current Comprehensive Plan and this overlay states that new development must be consistent with the scale and character of the existing businesses. The new CM! designation is a better fit for the historic Village, which appears to be the last remaining cluster oflocally-owned businesses in the City.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

Darryn M Sikora

3360 SW Miles Street

Portland 97219

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected] - ------

Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected]

Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected]

Commissioner Steve Novick, [email protected]

Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected]

City Auditor, La Vonne Griffin-Valade, [email protected]

Susan Anderson, [email protected] MNA Land Use. Committee, [email protected]



• .

Frank DiMarco P.O. Box 14184 Portland OR 97293-0184 M 503.358.8119 [email protected]

Portland City Council

November 2, 2015

RE: Proposal for 5-Story Buildings in SE Division Corridor

Dear City Council Members,

It is with great frustration that I write to you in firm opposition to any plan to upsize buildings in the Richmond Neighborhood and particularly in the SE Division Corridor.

Portland is a city with a significant cloud footprint and any increased height of buildings in this neighborhood will reduce available natural light even further more than the current 4-story buildings currently do. Let's not fall into this trap and further reduce the liveability of our

- - - - - -

neighborhoods. Like Paris, let us be a City of Light.

Density is a reasonable proposition but only when applied thoughtfully. Building height increases, especially in the form of the hideous and character-less Soviet-era blockhouse architecture on SE Division (somehow approved without design review) will be a further erosion of liveability, which is now stretched to a questionable point. Have you noticed how many "for sale" signs have gone up on streets adjacent to the poorly planned "gentrification" of SE Division?

I urge the Portland City Council to stand their ground against developer pressures and remember the residents and structures that continue to give _the Richmond Neighborhood its character and uniqueness.


Frank DiMarco



NACM Oregon

November 1, 2015

City of Portland Council Clerk & City Council 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

RE: Comprehensive Plan / Zoning Changes

Mayor Hales and Council Members:

With respect to your current comprehensive plan zone changes under consideration, we respectfully request an alteration.

Our building at 7931 NE Halsey Street currently falls into two zones. Under the comprehensive plan, we still fall within two zones. These are changes #1108

---and-#343. -------

We would like to see the entire building within the Mixed Use EG1 category. The other zoning proposed for one-half would have the property include both commercial and housing possibilities. As our building is a basic three story office layout and the location between l-84 and Halsey is not conducive for housing due to the noise and air pollution, the EG1 option makes more sense.

Please feel free to contact me with any additional information you may need.

Thank you,

NACM Oregon

Rodney B. Wheeland President

NACM Oregon I 7931 NE Halsey, Suite 103 I Portland, Oregon 97213 I Tel 503.257.0802 I Fax 503.257.0247 I




November 1, 2015

City of Portland Council Clerk & City Council 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

RE: Comprehensive Plan/ Zoning Changes

Mayor Hales and Council Members:

With respect to your current comprehensive plan zone changes under consideration, we respectfully request an alteration.

Our building at 7931 NE Halsey Street currently falls into two zones. Under the comprehensive plan, we still fall within two zones. These are changes #1108

---- and--#-343. ---- -- - - --

We would like to see the entire building within the Mixed Use EGl category. The other zoning proposed for one-half would have the property include both commercial and housing possibilities. As our building is a basic three story office layout and the location between I-84 and Halsey is not conducive for housing due to the noise and air pollution, the EGl option makes more sense.

-Please feel free to contact me with any-additional information you may need.

Thank you,

NACM Oregon

Rodney B. Wheeland President

NACM Or~gon I 7931 NE Halsey, .suite 103 I Portland,- Oregon 97213 J Tel 503.257 .0802 I Fax 503.257.0247[



Arevalo, Nora ~'l,:;::o:,

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

:.u :a::,

Rebecca Mode <[email protected]> Sunday, November 01, 2015 12:40 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprenensive Pla·n fest.imony

Follow up Completed

I oppose my property at 506 N.E. Thompson having a change of zorring from R2 to R2.5. It is my understanding my lot was included because I am in the Eliot Conservation District. This zoning change is not appropriate for my prope1iy. My lot is 9,375 square feet and with it's current zoning ofR2is allowed 4 urrits.I currently live in a 1910 duplex that I have lived in and raised my family in for the last 16. years. My property has ample room to build while still maintairring a large backyard. It is my intention to do so at some point in the future. If my zorring changes I am only allowed to build 1 urrit and must legally divide the property first.( at great expense to me)

If you look at my block you will see many of the lots smaller than mine have several urrits on them ah-eady that fit in with the character of the block. Also, there are 3 lots on my block that do not have proposed re zoning ( 1 larger and 2 smaller) I feel it is unjust to change my zoning and not that of the 3 lots on my block.

It seems ridiculous to change the zoning on my large centrally located lot when much of the rest of the block __ have plenty ()funits on them. I am only asking_to keep(he _zoning I currently have. _________ _

If the intention is to have more housing on and near MLK and less towards 7th ave then it makes no sense to change my zoning to allow less and keep the 3 lots near 7th with unchanged zoning.

I understand this zoning change is aimed at stopping homes from being tom down. I have lived in my duplex for 16 years and have no intention of tearing it down. I only wish to have the ability to build respectfully in the future.

In a city with a huge housing crisis it does not make any sense to change the zoning mi my lot.

Thank you, Rebecca Mode at 506 N.E. Thompson Street.




1:rom: S<int: To:. Subject:

follow Up Flag: f-lag Status:

Meg Eastman <[email protected]> Friday, October 30, 2015 7:27 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Multnomah neighborhood corridor

Follow up Completed

Please designate Multnomah Village as an historic neighborhood. Or limit development to. Neighborhood Corridor. I have lived and worked in the village for 35 years. Please do not increase density and raise building heights. The traffic and congestion are damaging enough already. Thanks, Meg Thompson 6233 SW 39th AV Portland

Meg Eastman Thompson




. St. Matthew's Episcopal Church 11229 NE Prescott St. Portland, OR 97220 October 14, 2015

Council Clerk 1221 SW 41h Ave., Room 130 Portland; OR 97204

Dear Portland City Council:

lt has come to our attention that the City of Portland is interested in increasing the freight route status for"Sandy Boulevard from "major" to "priority" in the Urban Design Direction for the Comprehensive Plan (see page 34 of the document). Because Sandy nms through the heart of the Parkrose Neighborhood, this goal raises concerns for those

___ "_h_o live and work here. We_would prefer that the status remain "major"; it would be. ____ .. c\ ell better if it were demoted.

Our _reasons for recommending that the freight status be demoted are outlined in the foil owing points:

1. Sandy Boulevard is already at capacity, especially during rush hour, when traffic frequently backs up from l-205 to l J2'h and sometimes beyond.

2. The commercial area along Sandy Boulevard between 102nd and l 22"d is being recommended by the Comprehensive Plan as a Neighborhood Center. Parkrose residents support this decision;· increasing freight traffic will negatively impact efforts to develop this as a family-, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly Center. Please note that this secti_on of Sandy Boulevard is bounded on the north and south by commercial zoning and uses. Further east, Sandy is bounded by the railroad to the north and residential uses south.

3. Airport Way is Jess than a mile north of Sandy Blvd and runs through the Columbia Corridor industrial area. It has access to the I-205 freeway northbound and southbound, which also connects to I-84. Airport Way is already designated as a priority freight route, having been designed for freight traffic, unlike Sandy Boulevard. We support moving freight traffic off of Sandy Boulevard and onto Airport Way.


Name September 17, 2015 Page 2

While we recognize the importance of continuing to develop the industrial area and provide more employment opportunities, it is equally important to ensure that Parkrose residents have a healthy, safe, and thriving Neighborhood c.enter for gathering, shopping,

and building community.

We urge you to consider our request. ffwe are going to accomplish our mutual vision of making Sandy Boulevard in Parkrose one of the vibrant Neighborhood Centers in Portland, 1hen the freight traffic needs to be kept at bay.









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,L\revalo, Nora '::.

from: Sent: ·ro.: Subject:


follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

To Portland City Council:

Jimmy Buell <[email protected]> Friday, October 30, 2015 10:10 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimon{

. Zone Change f'roposal Block 124 CARUTHERS ADDITIONS (3312, 3324, and 3338 SW Kelly) SW Kelly Ariel View.pd/; sw kelly zoning map.pd/

Follow up Completed

We would like to propose a zone change to a portion of Block 124 CARUTHERS ADDITIONS from R2 to RH, thereby making all of Block 124 RH. ·

Currently tlie west half of tlie block is zoned R2, on which is one commercial building (3312 SW Kelly) and two residential buildings (3324 and 3338 SW Kelly). Rezoning these lots to RH would effectively conform tlie whole block to tlie RH zoning and allow a better use of this property for tlie City, as follows:

In July 2012 the Gibbs Street Pedestrian Bridge was completed, giving the subject property easy access to the transit center on tlie waterfront and easy access to tlie OHSU tram. The west entrance of tlie pedestrian bridge is at tlie nortli line of tlie subject block (1 minute walk from subject property). Going forward, because of tlie convenient access to mass transit, this block should be zoned RH, not half RH and halfR2. ·

The close proximity to ilie South Waterfront transit center supports the goal of a low carbon city and

• increases housing at affordable prices • provides space for much needed retail in tlie area • provides more housing for OHSU students and employees

It appears ilia! ilie close proximity of ilie subject property to the mass transit would encourage the requested increased density, putting the property to a better use for tlie City.

It should be noted tliat ilie subject property which is currently zoned R2 is located just inside ilie historic district. This affects just 3324 and 3338 SW Kelly which now offer only a total of nine units. (The remainder of the R2 in ilie historic district is ilie 1965 commercial building.) If this property is allowed to be redeveloped wiili the higher density provided by RH zoning, the conditions placed on new buildings in ilie historic district would assure redevelopment with a traditional architecture to retain ilie historic appearance of the area. (It may even enhance ilie block from its current use, as, if the commercial building,which is NOT historic, were to be redeveloped, the new constrnction would be in conformance the historic. district guidelines.

See attached maps.

Respectfully submitted,

Jimmy Buell

Buell Management, LLC 1007 NW 16th Ave Portland, OR 9721)9 Cell: 360-601 :6119 I Fax: 503-222-1892 Office: 503-222-4122






Peter Finley Fry AICP Ph.D.

August 31, 2015

Mayor Kales Portland City Hall 1221 SW4n,,Rm340 Portland, OR 97204

RE: Portland Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review Mohammed Farhoud. Second Chance

(503) 703-8033

Our testimony is provided for your consideration at your workshops scheduled for September, 2015. We request the opportunity to meet with you to brief you on our issue. Your action directly affects our property and family business.

We have acquired the six properties before you. Two (14112 - 14134 SE Stark and 14021 SE Stark) are abutting Mixed Use Civic Corridor. We recommend the Mixed Use Civic Corridor designation/zone to expand across these properties. Three (912 - 924 NE 91st, 13801-13863 SE Stark, and 15220 SE Stark) are abutting medium density residential. We recommend the Medium Density Residential designation/zone to expand across these properties.

These properties serve an extremely important social/public need. We have forward letters from neighborhood, neighbors, and the law enforcement community establishing why these "second ·chance housing" provides an important need and why there have been no adverse

__ neighborhood impact and/or law enforcement issues. _

These changes could add another 260 unites (or more) (and without impact) to Portland's inventory of special needs housing with no cost to the City of Portland. We serve the "convicted/evicted" in a humane, empowering, and positive environment.

Please find enclosed the loc,ations and a brief summary of each request. We simply ask that the designation be moved to cover one more property. In no case, are we requesting a "spot zoneH.

These apartments represent 260 units.. We expect to double that number through the renovation of these properties. We intend to increase the number of units within the buildings by using existing space more effectively. The actual number of bedrooms will not change as the two and one bedroom units are converted to studio and one bedroom units that respond to the public need. -

The public purpose is served by providing affordable special needs housing units without increasing density.


Peter Finley Fry

Cc: Mohammed Farhoud

2153 STV Main Street, #105,Portland, Oregon USA 97205 Office (503) 274-2744 • Fax (503) 2.74-1415 •[email protected]





Two Properties (14112 -14134 SE Stark and 14021 SE Stark) abut Mixed Use Commercial - Civic Corrrdor. ·

We recommend that the (Mixed Use Commercial - Civic Corridor) designation/zone be. expanded.




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Kimber Nelson <[email protected]> Friday, November 06, 2015 7:52 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony _ Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

I join the Audubon Society in supporting the current draft of the Comprehensive Plan and its strong protection of natural areas. I think it is important that the Plan retain the key ideas:

• Industrial interests should clean up the messes they have made·

• Industrial interests should make more efficient use of the land they already have

• The City should limit conversion of industrial lands for non-industrial uses rather than destroying the last

remaining natural areas along our rivers.

Thank you for your stewardship of our City for the continued crucial interplay of people and animals and environment that makes our City great. '

Kimber Nelson 7827 SE 66th Avenue Portlarfd,-OR-972ff-~---503-232-6622




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Hello planners,

Eric Schnell <[email protected]> Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:44 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimo.ny Zoning request

Follow up Completed

I would like to suggest that the "Mixed Use- Dispersed" zoning code contain a provision to prevent the constrnction of large-scale commercial parking operations. Although it sounds like that would not be an issue for most locations with this zoning, the "dispersed" zones on Marquam Hill could legally be quickly converted into large parking strnctures to facilitate commuter parking, with major negative consequences to the adjacent residential neighborhoods. As the clear goal of this designation is to provide for development that enhances neighborhoods, it should explicitly state that commercial parking operations not affiliated directly with other business uses on that property be prohibited in this zone designation.

Thanks, Eric Schnell 4408 SW Hamilton Tenace




"Orr1ar1aMa ps .2350 NE SANDY BLVP ~ ARGAY->ORTLAND

New Search I Mabtiirig I Advanced I Goodie Earth I Help I J,ieta . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . PortlandOreqon.aov

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Summary I Benchmarks I Businesses f Elevation I Fire I Hazard I Photo D'ropertv I Tax Mao I UGB I USB I Walkability I Zoning .j Zip Code I Public Art

,erial Photo

2013 i '12 / '11 I '10 I '09 I '08 I '07 I '06 I '05 / '04 I '03 /W/ '01 6" / 2'/ 4' / 10' f 20'Streets: Oiflots: OffDot: Orr

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Garden Commercial


October 29, 2015

Mayor Hales Portland City Council 1221 SW 4'" Room 340 Portland, OR 97204

RE: Portland Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update 12350 NE Sandy Boulevard. 1N2E23BC 1100

US Realty 86 Associates 820 Morris Turnpike

Short Hills, New Jersey 0707& !>hone 973-467-5000

Fax 973-467-3480

Our property located at the southeast corner of SE 122ro and Sandy has been used for retail purpose's for 45 years.

The property is currently designated general commercial.

Our current tenant provides low cost groceries to the surrounding neighborhoods. We provide entry level jobs for those without a college education and good opportunities for advancement at the store and throughout .the corporation.- -

The Planning and Sustainability Commission has recommended !hat are si(e becomes General Employment. This would make our current and future tenants conditional uses. While making these uses "conditional uses" appears to be a benign change, in fact, ii introduces significant expense and uncertainty into the planning process, and is inconsistent with the City's professed desire to slreamline regulations. ·

We ask·that the proposed Mixed Use Civic Corridor along SE 122nd be extended to include our property. The proposed abuts the west and south sides of our site. Sandy Boulevard, to the north, creates a clear demarcation between the significant industrial land in the north and the muJtjple use neighborhoods io the south.

Our tenants provide significant jobs. This site employs 60 c., 70 people. 12 - 15 have manager level jobs. Employees have remained employed by our tenant for thirty years. The company provides strong incentives for advancement.

Our tenants are important and close low cost providers of household food and necessities. These include clothing, electronics. hous1;wares, chilclren toys, lawri and garden, furniture, and grocery items. . ·

our residential neighbors need for the products provided by such as tenant preclude any desire or intent to · convert the property to an employment use. We do ph:in on adding other retailers to our site.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any further questions or comments, please do no · hesitate to contact me al:973,467-5000, Ext186.

Sincer_ ijly,1 ~: /_. . · 1J///ff/f' . J{!t;z~-MARK A .. l'lOFFMAN · VP Real Estate


10/2'2016 PortlardAaps Detail Report

PortlandMa_ps ____ _ New Search I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I !:lfilQ I Beta I Portlandoregon .gov

--·-· ~ . ···-,,·--' -·-·-,.··-·-..... --···--·-----.--- ------·-···'"···-···--·-···-·-----··----·-·---... -··· . 1.2434 SW 6TH AVE - SOUTH PORTLAND i- PORTLAND

Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Crinie I Census I i Environmental I Transportation '

' Summary I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation I Fire I Hazard I Photo I Property I Tax Map I UGB I USB I Walkability I ' Zoning I Zip Code I Public Art 1

Aerial Photo

2013 I 12.I .'.lll'.!Q/ '09 I 1m.l fill '06 I fill '04 / '03 I '02 I '01 6" /2' I 4' I 12'.I 20'Streets: Offlots: OffDot: .Q.!1

0 200 FT


Address I Mapping I Advanced i Google Earth I !:!filQ I l!fill! I Al!Q.yj; PortlandMaps © 2015 City of Portland, Oregon




- ----------------------------------- ----- ~----- --- -- - - - -


10!2f2015 Poo!aodMaps De!ail R<apai

Land Information Type


Acres SQFT\ COMMERCIAL LAND 0.4600 20,000i

Improvement Information

I Improvement Type RETAIL

Improvement Value $1,344,690.00

Room Descriptions

Building Class STORE 5K-20K SF ROW . Actual Year Built 1987 Effective YearBuilt

I Number of Segments ·1 Construction Style

I .

Foundation Type Interior Finish

Roof Style Roof Cover Type

Flooring Type Heating/AC Type

Plumbing Fireplace Type

Improvement Details .

# Segment Type Class Total Area 1 MAIN . 7,880 -

Tax History Year Property Tax -- -- Total Tax

. 2014_. ~26,9.68.89 · $26,968;89

2013 $26,341.54 $26,341.54 2012 $23,827.71 $23,827.71 2011 $22,927.79 $22,927.79

2010 $21,726.88 $21,7:/.6,88

2009 $21,150.66 $21,150.66 2008 $19,966.75 $19,966.75

r- 2007 $19,923.70 $19,923:70 2006 $17,890.23 $17,890.23

2005 $17,079.07 $17,079.07

2004 $18,640.19 . $18,640.19 2003 $18,227.67 $18,227.67 2002 $16,739.32 $16,739.32

2001 $15,961.22 $15,961.22

2000 $15,589.09 $15,589.09

1999 $14,494.23 $14,494.23

1998 $14,266.91 $14,266.91

1997 $13,480.17 $13,480.17

I Assessment History

1 Year Improvements Land Real Market Exemptions · Assessed!


10/2/2015 Pcrt!andMaps Detail Repcrt

New Search I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I Help I .llfil!i I PortlandOreqon .gov

2407 SW 5TH AVE - SOUTH Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Crime I Census I PORTLAND - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportation

Summary I As$essor I Permits/Cases I Block I Schoofs I Parks I Development I Garbage/Recydinq I Noise I Historic Permits I Water I Documents

General Information Property ID R128704


State ID 1S1E04DD 2700

Alt Account# R140902600

Map Number 3228 OLD

Site Info

Site Address 2407-2419 SW 5TH AVE

! City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

· · Owner Info (Privacy)



City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

Property Description Tax Roll CARUTHERS ADD, BLOCK 26, LOT 1-3&5-8 TL 2700

Lot 1-3&5-8 TL 2700

' Tax Districts ---


l 143 METRO





Deed Information

Sale Date Type ! 06/13/2014 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED •

01/05/2006 WARRANTY DEED I 07/30/2003 WARRANTY DEED



0 f-------a 103 FT


Block 26 '






Instrument Sale Price

2014056461 $1,900,000.00 -

2006032509 $1,500,000.00

2003179256 $1,175,000.00

2006032508 $0.00

97194005 $0.00

2006005505 $0.00


10/2/2015 PonlandMaps Dela! Repcrt f COMMERCIAL LAND I 0.1800 7,843 j ! Improvement Information 1 Improvement Type MISC YARD IMPROVEMENTS l

Improvement Value $0.00

i Room Descriptions f

i ·, Building Class PARKING LOT

Actual Year Built . Effective Year Built

Number of Segments O Construction Style Foundation Type Interior Finish

Roof Style Roof Cover Type

Flooring Type Heating/AC Type Plumbing Fireplace Type

Improvement Details r # Segment Type · Class Total Area t No Improvement Segment Information Available --~----= j Tax History.

Year Property Tax 2014 $195042 $1 950 42

Total Taxi


! 2013 $1,905.04 $1,905.04 I 2012 $1,723.24 $1;723.24


$1,658.28 ....

$1,658.28 2011 2010 $1,571.62 $i,571.62 2009 $1,530.06 . $1,530.06

8 1, 44.54 I 4.54 200 $ 4 $144 2007 . $1,441.53 $1,441.53 2006 $1,294.60 $1,294.60 2005 $1,235.94 $1,235.94

i 2004 $1,349.08 $1,349.08 I- 2003 $1,319.32 $1,319.32 ' I I 2002 $1,211.70 $1,211.70

2001 $1,155.44 $1,155.44 2000 $1,128,52 $1,128.62 1999 $1,049.55 $1,049.55 1998 $1,033.17 $1,033.17


1997 $976.34 $976.34

Assessment History Improvements Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions


Assessed Year Land

2014 $0.00 $342,740.00 $0.00 $342,740.00 $0.00 $81,390.00 2013 $0.00 $342,740.00 $0.00 $342,740.00 $0.00 $79,020.00


10/2/2015 PortlaodMaps D$i1 Repc,t

New Search I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I Help I fullil. I PortlandOregon .gov . . ... ... . . .. -

2424 SW 6TH AVE - SOUTH Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Clime I Census I PORTLAND - PORTLAND . Environmental I Transportation

Summary I Assessor I Permits/Cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development I Garbage/Recycling I Noise I Historic Permits I Water I Documents ·

[ General Information

Property IO R128707


State IO 1S1E04DD 2400

Alt Account # R140902660

Map Number 3228 OLD

Site Info

Site Address SW 6TH AVE

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

L owner info (Privacy).


Owner Address 2545 SW TERWILLIGER BLVD

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201-6302

1 Property Description

0 1------174 FT


Lot 5,8,9 Block 26

Tax Districts ___ .,...,....,.,._.








Deed Information

Sale Date Type Instrument Sale Price

I 01/01/1991 WARRANTY DEED BP23801599 $63,000.00

I Land Information I ~Type

. I Acres



10/2/2015 PortlandMaps Delall R,sp:rt r I

Improvement Type MISC YARD IMPROVEMENTS t l Improvement Value $55,000.00

Room Descriptions ..

. Building Class PARKING LOT . Actual Year Built Effective Year Built

Number of Segments O Construction Style I F_oundation Type Interior Finish

Roof Style Roof Cover Type. Flooring Type Heating/AC Type

Plumbing Fireplace Type Improvement Details

# Segment Type Class .· Total Area j No Improvement Segment Information Available

I Tax History

I Year Property Tax Total Tax 2014 $2,937.54 $2,937.54 2013 $2,929.51 $2,929.51 2012 $2,740.97 $2,740.97 2011 $2,676.09 $2,676.09 2010 $2,686.73 $2,686.73

. ... . 2009. - - - - .. - ---- ---- - - --- . - $1,829.90 . .. - ----$1-,82-9,l)Q 2008 $1,809.11 $1,809.11 2007 $1,746.08 $1,746.08 2006 $1,274.87 $1,274.87 2005 $1,429.36 $1,429.36 2004 $1,524.51 $1,524.51 2003 $2,525.89 $2,525.89 2002 $2,561.43 $2,561.43 2001 $2,442.56 $2,442.56 2000 $2,354.84 $2,354.84 1999 $2,218.28 $2,218.28 1998 $2,183.50 $2,183.5_0 1997 $2,063.18 $2,063.18

Assessment History Year Improvements Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions Assessed 2014 .$55,000.00 $118,570.00 $0.00 $173,570.00 $0.00 $172,370.00 2013 $55,000.00 $118,570.00 $0.00 $173,570.00 $0.00 $167,350.00

i 2012 $55,000.00 $117,390.00 $0.00 $172,390.00 $0.00 $162,480.00 2011 $55,000.00 $113,970.00 $0.00 $168,970.00 $0.00 $157,750.00

I 2010 $55,000.00 $113,970.00 $0.00 $168,970.00 $0.00 $153,160.00


10/2/2015 .

P<;>rJf9r1dMa ps PortlandMaps Detail Repoo .

New Search. I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I Help I ~ I PortlandOregon .gov

. . . ~ .. . 2434 SW 6TH AVE - SOUTH Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Crime I Census I PORTLAND - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportation

Summary I Assessor I Permits/Cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development.I Garbage/Recycling I Noise I Historic Permits I Water I Documents

General Information Property ID R128711.


State ID 1S1 E04DD 2300

Alt Account# R140902740

Map Number 3228 OLD

Site Info

Site Address 2434-2436 SW 6TH AVE

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201

Owner Infq {Privacy)


I Owner Address 2545 SW TERWILLIGER BLVD

. ! City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97201-6302

Property Description Tax Rijil 'CARUTHERS ADD, BLOCK 26, W 60' OF LOT 10 EXC PT IN ST '--

Lot 10

Tax Districts








Deed Information

Sale Date Type

10/01/1998 WARRANTY DEED

I 02/01/1993 PERS REPS DEED

02/01/1993 WARRANTY DEED L ~ ....... -·

Land Information Type


l Improvement Information

.. ·,::.·.--··

_ r · ~~ .~P!r4t. 1 ~t


Block 26







Instrument Sale Price

98189509 $175,000.00

BP26462263 $26,000.00

BP26462262 $26,000.00

SQFT 0.0600 2,686



~ ='~

f Gener"I Info_rmatioi, _______ R3_cL_ ...- C.;,;,o-'------'C=--_.N'-"'.--'cfr'----c--~-,-~-...,""~"-cc·-",i._,_-___ ..," __ .• -,----• .C----"-·-, " ~.,,.

Property ID R183656 ! · -- -------- . _____ ·- ------ . · l.\>:cl6

, County MULTNOMAH 1- •-.------------•. -·---~---------.

[ __ stat~-~[) __ 1~2E?:":"'_ J?O _ _ -------~ i Alt Account # R401400010 "'"'--;-- ---~ . ---·----~- --.------------.- - ··-------- -----' Map Number 3144 OLD i i -- - · · Site rnfo --- -- ----- --1 . ---·- ··- • ----- - . ---- >" - • --

[ Site Address 14112-14134 SE STARK ST ,------·---. -- --.---- .. ---·-----·-----d--·--~-----------· -I City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97233 /··" •·-~·-·· ···-··--·--·--.--·-~-·--c---~------··---- ---

Owner Info (Privacy) l Owner(s) Name STEVENS-PLACE LLC ____ · -

j o;.,,~er-Address 12680 SW 159TH CT -i---------- ------------------··--------.. - .L....-.--'-"-'==---J City/State/Zip BEAVERTON OR 97007-9031 ,, ·----·------~---·--------~--- -·~ ----=~-- --- ·----·---·--•<--·------- ---··-

/ Property Description

Tax HOOD ACRES & PLAT 2 & 3, BLOCK 1, S 70' OF LOT 1, S 70' & W 20' OF N Roll 130' OF LOT 2, N 70' OF LOT 4

I _1:-o_t__1.!,_4 _______________ _ ' Tax Districts

i 9-20 UNIT '=l-

Use. MULTI-FAMILY I B!ock_l_ ___ _ ____ 1

' \::.. -.- ~ ._.:..~-·. __ -:_=~::~:--:.·::-:·:::--: __ =-·=-=::.-:·-···-·· - -- - -·=-=--==--=----=:·=:..=~~-·:::--• ---------=-.. ----=-~--=--=:::--==".=.- :__-_-~--- _:_-_-_-=--__::_- _:_----_---c--_----~, i Deed Information } --- -- --- --·---·-----. ---·---- -·-·-- ---------------~ --- - _____ __,_____ . ----------- -- ----· -f i Sale Date Type Instrument Sale Price! i- ·- 04/22/2014 -WARRANTY DEED - - -- -- - . 2014038704 $907-:Soo.oo! i-- - 0610212006- - WARRANTY DEED -~---- ----- - ·200610376_5_ -$810~000.ool

01;21.12006 srEcw WARRA-NTY-DEED ·---- - --- 2006103764- $350,000.00! f--- ·--------------------- -- -. -··------ ---~-·-·--•- -- -------·-·---~-------- -·-. --~

09/27/2005 CONTRACT 2006103763 $350,000.00 ! i 06/29/2()0()-- WARRANTY DEED------- -- - 00092653 . $735,000.00l t·· -----·---·~--•---------·--• -.----·••----· - - ·----- - -----·-• -••··---~··--·----•··v--,! , PERSONAL REP'S DEED 2004169789 $0.00 I l - --------. --- - ---- ------------ ·----····- ·--. --- ------------- ------------- -----,

INST 97190380 $0.00 l L. -- .. --- . - ---- ·--~~- ·- -··------·------------------·--·----------------···--·-' ,-·-·-_., ___ . ------·---- --------·------i Land Information /··· . -.. --·-·---~ -----~---~ \Type \MULT - - -- ----· -

I ON SITE DEV APTS . . - . '---~---·--·· ·-----· ----·---------- ·-

' ---- --·----~-----·--~-------------•--------------·-~---·-------~---c--~; Acres-- SQFf'I

.,. ------~- - - . . .. . ··- _- . 0,8600 - . - 37,40~1

. - - -- . --- -· - ' •, --- .. --- --··· ... -.. _- - -~-- . --~--'" - -- ··--·--·J i---- -·- ---~ ~----~~ ' - -. . -- ---- - . -. --------- - -------·----~--·~ '~ . - . ----··----~'--·----------· .•· -·---- --· ~---· -

\ Improvement Information _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 f- - Improve~eot Type SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - - - i t-~- _· -~·----------, . >- '. -· .+,. _____ ., ____ ---.--.---- --- . ··---·-~·-·-------·- _---- -·.- ---~. -~--- ----- '


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r-· . ..... Actu~I-YearBuilt.1973 ··----·--·- -······--· -Effective Y~ar Built 1927 .• - . \ ~-•r--- - ----- -r• ···-------·-....--,.•·•-,··~·----•--• -~-- ·•-•.r r -----·-•-------~=-~ • . , · ·····--•---•7-..,-. . •

; Number of Segments 1 Construction Style other . ·--~---------- - --~-- ---~--- - -- - -- . -------- -- - ----- .

Foundation Type Concrete Interior Finish '.--~--- --~--------~--· ~--~---- ____ ___,··---~~----,_. - .. --~--~---------·····~----· -~- ·~------· -~-· ·--·. i Roof Style Roof Cover Type COMPOSITTON . r~--- . ~--. -, ····-- -~~---- --~-- --~ ----~- ...... _: ~- -- -----·-~-~- ------- ------· -------- .------. ----· i . Flooring Type Heating/ AC Type Forced Air ,--------···----··--·-·· . --·--------· ··--····-----······ ---- --·· --·······- .---·-····· ...... i _ Plumbing TW~FULL B~!l-l~- ________ __Fireplace Type •.. _ •. _ ·····----..1 I Improvement Details i 1---------~------- ~- - ---------~ ---- ---------- - -- - ---------- ---- ' , # Segment Type Class Total Area f O ~;- ---------~---'--------- ~ -~- -~--- _,_ ---~-~------- -- - ---- --------· - --------- .~-

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2012 $11,595.81 $11,595.81. - ----·---------···--· -----·--- ... , -----·------·

2011 $12,349:25 $12,349.25, ' ---- --- --------·-·--···-------·--------·· ---~- ----- --·-- ---- - ---·--- ------- ---· .- .. - - -- ·-·- --------·- - ·- -------- -

$13,197.36 1 2010 $13,197.36 --- ----- •-··---~ ~-- ·---·---"--'--,--~ -- -- -----··· ·--·-· ----·--------··"·-------·----····-···------------~---~---- ' - ---:

$13,954.60' 2009 $13,954.60 . - -- - -------- '• ---·--------------------- _,_ ··----------··-------- ··-- '-··- .. -.

2008 $13,476.36 $13,476.36; ,. -~ - ---------- ... --- -- ---- ----· ~-. - -· -- -----.------· ____ ______, ---·-·-..., - ---·"' . --- ----··---- -- - -----·· - -------------- -_

$13,420.86 $13,420.86'. i 1- .. -···-' .,._,·---·-'-·s-·------- --, . ---··

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2005 --~---~-------------- -· ___ .. ···------- -

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2002 2001

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-----··--· ------ - -----·--------- ,--~---- ---·-- ·---~-------. $12,796.84 $12,796.84:

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.. ---- $12,358.93 ... - ··-·-··-·· -·· .. . . --- $12,35833J $12,024.75 $12,024.75 ! __ ,, . '. -- --·---- -·-·-·-·------·-------- -~~-. ------- -$11,045.83

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$10,428.69 -·-----·-----~---·-------- " -


$10,428.69 ! - - $9,6SS.06:

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- . . . - . . - . . - - - . . . '

Year· Improvements Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions Assessed, ·-----·---.--- -----·~-- . -·------- ·• - ·-----·-•· ~-----~---·--··-·-----~~,-~-----ae-->

$0.00 $703,220.00! 2013 $583,550.00 $178,000.00 $0.00 $761,650.00 ---- .. ___ .,, __________________ ._,_.-~----- .---~-------,-~ ------ -- -~·-··------··-- --~- - ···--·-----~-----

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What does this mean for me? You received this notice because the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission has ,~commended a new Comprehensive Plan

. ' Map designation for your property. If adopted, this new designation may affect permissible Uses of your property as well as other properties with the same map designation. The~e changes may affect the value of your prop:erty.

One of the properties that may be affected is your property at -[ 1_7_1_0_N_W_U_P_S-'-H-U+[R-.-ST-------------~~-:

State JD#: \ 1 N 1 E28DC 1 (iOOI .

The current Comprehensive Plan designation(s) for this property is (are): I industrial Sanp:u!ary · · I

The proposed Comprehensive Plan designation(s) for this property is (are): J Mixed Use - u;,b~n Center I ! ' .

The Recommended Draft Comprehensive Plan applies new Commercial/Mixed Use designations to allow opportunities for shops, restaurants, offices and homes in !ocations.that promote convenience1 walkabi!ity and access to:services. The new des.ignation(s} proposed for this property is (are) generally similar to what applies today. Rules for building size and design will be updated through theMixed Use Zones Project ( ·

You may have received a letter or notice last year about Planning and Sustainability Commission hearings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan.This new ootice is to let you know that the Portland City Council will now consider adopting,the Commission,recommended,plan. This is your final notice about Comprehensive Plan M~p changes.

Comprehensive Plan and Zoning map changes will not take effe.ct until the City Council adopts t~em by ordinance and the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission approves them by order.

Why are these changes proposed? The Portland Planning and sustainability Commission (PSCJ has recommended a new Comprehensive Plan, a 20-year plan for the development ofthe city.The Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map depict how land can be used and developed over time. Both maps show broad cate,iories of uses, such as residential, mixed use, industrial, employment, and open space, and convey information about tl1e scale of future .

. development (the type and size of buildings). · I

How can I learn more about this proposal? I · . ' .

1. View the interactive Map App at on any computer, t blet or smart phone and click on the Land Use tab. All Multnomah·County libraries have public access computers. Type the prope ty add,·ess to see proposed Comprehensive

· r,1..._...,·~11...,....., r-fr..-;,..,,..,...,-,.;,..,'"',.. f..,..-,.,-1 ... ,..,..,; .... ,.., rh-:,nnd<" ;f ,...,~,...,,..,,.._,.-,:,,...I~ 1-l-,.,,t- m::>." ::>FForT vr., ,r rvnnorl'\/ !




What does this mean for me? You received this notice because the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission has recommended a new Comprehensive Plan Map designation for your property. If adopted, this new designation may affect permissible uses of your property as well as other properties with the same map designation. These changes may affect the value of your property.

One of the properties that may be affected is your property at: I 1710 NW UPSHUR _5T I :==============~ State1D#:) 1N1E28DC 1700 I

The current Comprehensive Plan designation(s) for this property is (are): I industrial Sanctuary I :==============~ The proposed Comprehensive Plan designation(s) for this property is (are):j ~ M_ix_e_d_U_se_-_U_r_ba_n_C_e_n_te_r ___________ ~·)

The Recommended Draft Comprehensive Plan applies new Commercial/Mixed Use designations to allow opportunities for shops, restaurants, offices and homes in locations that promote convenience, walkability and access to services. The new designation(s) proposed for this property is (are) generally similar to what applies today. Rules for building size and design will be updated through the Mixed Use Zones Project (

You may have received a letter or notice last year about Planning and Sustainability Commission hearings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan, This new notice is to let y9u know that the Portia rid City Council will now consider adopting the Commission-recommended plan. This is your final notice about Comprehensive Plan Map changes.

Comprehensive Plan and Zoning map changes will not take effect until the City Council adopts them by ordinance and the OrEgon Land Conservation and Development Commission approves them by order.

Why are these changes proposed? The Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) has recommended a new Comprehensive Plan, a 20-year plan for the development of the city. The Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map depict how land can be used and .developed over time. Both maps show broad · categpries of uses, such as residential, mixed use, industrial, i:::mployment, and open space, and convey information about the scale of future development (the type and size of buildings).

How can I learn more about this proposal? 1. View the interactive M_ap App at on any computer, tablet or smart phone and click on the

Land Use tab. All Multnomah County libraries have public access computers. Type the property address to see proposed Comprehensive Plan Map designations (and zoning changes, if proposed) that may affect your property.

2. Attend an information session (brief presentation and Q&A)' or drop in to chat with City staff at a location near you (staff will answer your questions one-on-one). .

• Information sessions and drop-in hours: Check online at or call 503-823°0195 for a schedule.

3. Ask City staff a question. We are happy to help. Call 503-823-0195 or email us atpdxcompplan@port/ . .

u:'5· * --...-?fii.2<¥-i-J>-.~ &5<M•_,.-,~M-VifA--0ViA7.t4A·~

How can I provide feedback to City Council? You may testify abo_ut proposed changes to the Portland City Council in the following ways: Testify in 11erson at a Ci,ty Council public hearinq. Testifv in writinq.


, I

·~--.. --·~· . '

111 11111111: ;




What does this mean for me? You received this notice because the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission has recommended a new Comprehens\ve Plan

. Map designation· for yo Ur property. If adopted, this new designation may affect permissibl'e Uses of your property as well as other properties with the same map designation. T~ese changes may affect the value of your pro~erty.

------~---------------~ One of the properties that may be affected is your property at: I 1826 NW 18TH AVE J

State1Dil: 1N1E28DC 1800

The current Comprehensive Plan designation(s) for this property is (are): ~ln=d=u=s=tr::ia::l:::S::a::n::c::tuta=ry==============::::;

. The proposed Comprehensive Plan designation(s) forth is property, is (are): I Mixed Use - Urb?n Center I

The Recommended Draft Comprehensive Plan applies new Commercial/Mixed Use designatio~s to allow o;portunities for shops, restaurants, offices and homes in !ocations that promote convenience, walkability and access tCD services. The new designation(s) proposed forthls property is (are) generally similar to what applies today. Rules for builtrng size and design will be updated through the Mixed Use Zones Project ( ·

You may have received a letter or notice last year about Planning and Sustainability Commission ea rings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan. this new notice is to letyou know thatthe Portland City Council will now consider adoptintthe Commission-recommended plan.

· This is your final notice about Comprehensive Plan Map changes.

Comprehensive Plan arid Zoning map changes wili nottake effect until the City Council adopts·t em by ordinance.and the Oregon Land Conservati6n and Development Commission approves them by order. · · ' . . .

Why are these changes proposed? The Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) ha.s recommended a new Comprehensive Plan, a 20-year plan for the development of the city.The Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map depict how land can be used and developed overtime. Both maps show broad categories of uses, such as residential, mixed use, industrial, employment. and open space, and convey information about the scale of future development (the type and size of buildings).

How can I learn more about this proposal? 1. View the interactive Map App at!mapapp on any computer,'. tablet or smart phone ancj click OJ: the

Land Use tab. All Multnomah County libraries have public access computers. Type the prop,erty address to see proposed Comprehensive Ol·~n /I.A.,..-.. .-lo,..inn•,T>An<' f-,nrl -,.,-,.,-,inn rh,n,...n<' ;(. ,-.,,nnr-N~~\ f·~,-,+ ,..,.,..,,, -,-/+,...,..~ ,,,...., ,, ,..,,,..,.,....,....,h,



LINDQUIST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY P.O. BOX 42135 • PORTLAND, OREGON 97242 • PHONE.(503) 227·8275 • FAX (503) 224·5213

October 23, 2015

Portland City Council .1221 SW 4th Ave .

. room 130 Portland Oregon 97204

I am writing concerning a notice of a eomprehensive plan map change that Effects my property. I have attached copies of the property notices. 1826 NW 13th. 1710 NW Upshur, 1710 NW Thu1man.

The current zoning around my property is EXD. We are a small pocket that Has a different zone.

If the comprehensive plan map is changed,·vn would like to see changed as The neighbors that surround us. I believe that is CM3.


S.H. Lindquist Lindquist Development Co. Inc.



Arevalo, Nora ·

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Chris Chapman <[email protected]> Wednesday, October 28, 2015 11:54 AM BPS .Comprehensive Plan Testimony Stockton, Marty Comprehensive Plan Testimony for NE 28th Ave

Follow up Completed

To whom this may concern,

I am writing this letter in regards to the City Council of Portland Comprehensive Plan for NE 28th ave .

. I own the tri-plex at 211 NE 28th ave., 97232. When I purchased this property in 2004, the Realtor told me that the houses on that side of the street were zoned Residential/Commercial.

· -I have had a very low-key-Sal0n-ee~upying-tche-grounEl-fl00r--for--tche-last-S-years-. I-am---writing this testimony hoping the Portland City Council will consider establishing or re-zoning this property, once and for all to a "Multi-use" property.

Thank you for your consideration. . . '

Christopher Chapman 3650 SE Tenino St Portland, OR 97202




Arevalo, Nora

from: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

October 28, 2015

Bob Schatz <> Wednesday, October 28,-2015 4:55 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive plan zone change

Follow up Completed

_ Comprehensive Plan Public Hearings Email to: [email protected]

I was present at last nights hearing and requested to be heard but due to the fact that the meeting w,is originally scheduled for two hours earlier I could not stay the whole time and was not able to present my point of view of this proposed change in the zoning codes.

I own about 1.5 acres-ofland at 123 SE 97th avenue in Portland. This property is currently zoned EX. I am an ·Architect;-propertyowner-and-Iand-developer.-I-have-been-working-with-the-Po1iland-Building-Bepartment--------since 1990, so 25 years.

I purchased this land because I am interested in developing it into lnixed use buildings of retail type commercial on the ground floor and several stories of residential on the upper floors. That is the type of buildings I am falniliar with designing and the types of buildings I am famiiiar ,vith owning and renting.

Your proposal is to change my zone from EX to EG 1. This zone _would prevent me from developing the land as I am planning dne to those occupancies being only allowed through conditional use, which is very lilniting. If that zone change is made I will be very upset as it will ruin my goals and will force me to sell my prope1iy; if I need to sell then my property will be worth less as it will be less desirable to other land owners .. ·

I am currently within a month of receiving a pe1mit on my prope1iy (which has taken me over a year to get) which is a commercial use building, a use that will not be allowed in the proposed zone. I also already have a master plan to further develop my property that will all not be allowed in the proposed use.

I urge you not to make this change to my property and the prope1iies around my neighborhood. It will devalue my land and the land around it and will take away my goals which I have worked so hard to establish.

' Prope1iy· owner

Bob Schatz Mailing address Lincoln Lofts LLC 2118 SE Division street Portland, OR 97202





Arevalo, Nora

From: Karla Gostnell <[email protected]> Thursday, October 29, 2015 10:53 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensiv,. Plan Testimony

Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: - Completed

Dear Portland City Council,

I live in the Eliot neighborhood of NE Portland. I am writing IN SUPPORT OF the proposed comprehensive plan zoning change to designation: Single-Dwelling 2,500. Here's why:

• The Eliot neighborhood is a little oasis of historic homes that rival those found in the adjacent neighborhood of Irvington, a highly-protected historical district. The historical heritage of our

· neighborhood also merits protection.

• As many of the Victorian-era homes in our neighborhood do not have driveways, parking can be challenging in the evenings due to large events at held at Mada Center, the Convention Center, and the Wonder Ballroom. Increased density in the area would further strain parking fon:liot residents,

• Increased density in this zone would lead to increased car traffic on NE Rodney Avenue, as it is the main north-south route for local Eliot residents. As Rodney Avenue has been designated. a bicycle thoroughfare, it is in the City's best _interest to maintain low car traffic ori this road, for the safety of bicyclists.

• Increased residential density means fewer green spaces. I love the Eliot neighborhood because we still have yards, mature trees, and a community garden. Green spaces make urban areas livable. In this time of rapid growth and development in Portland, it is especially importafltto plan for the livability of the future city. ·

Thank you and best wishes for a smooth planning process!

Best regards,

Karla Gostnell 2134 NE Rodney Avenue



• SE 14th/15th Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (project 70070).-We support the enhancement of thls commonly used bike route through our neighbmhood. Particular design attention will be needed at the geometrically-<:hallenged intersection of SE Bybee Boulevard and 14th Avenue.

• PMLR Active Transportation lmprovements (project 70076). With a portion of this multi-use path now open between 17th Avenue and Harold Street, we would be thrilled to see the remaining segment built south to Tacoma Street. This would essentially create a trail loop surrounding our neighborhood.

Suggested Changes

• Outer Milwaukie Streetscape Improvements (project 70042). We ask that the project extent be extended northward to SE Mitchell Street and southward to SE 17th Avenue and Ochoco.Street. Our neighborhood's 17th Avenue business district south of Tacoma Street faces safety challenges associated with regional traffic and would benefit from streetscape improvements. Both here and along the entire Milwaukie/17th corridor in Sellwood-Moreland, the primary need is for safe pedestria.n crossings and calmed traffic, as opposed to aesthetic improvements or bio-swales. In particular, we believe marked pedestrian crossings are needed at all bus stops. By focusing on the most important safety needs, lengthening the project extent may not necessitate additional funds.

• SE 13th Avenue Streetscape Improvements (project 70001). We_ask that the p_roject extent be extende_d__s_Quthward to SE Harney Street to encompass"-. ------Similar to the Milwaukie/17th corridor, the most critical need along 13th Avenue is safe pedestrian crossings and calmed traffic.

• Mcloughlin Boulevard Roadway Improvements (project 70030). With the $1.5 billion Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail·project now in operation and a much-improved, multimodal Sellwood Bridge to open soon, we believe that widening Mcloughlin Boulevard to six lanes would be an unwise investment of "financially constrained" dollars. Doing so would not only detract from these recent major investments; it would also induce more traffic, increase carbon emissions, and presumably destroy most of the signature oak trees lining Mcloughlin Boui'evard. We believe the project should be revised to address lower cost safety and modernization needs such as safer interchange ramps and interconnected traffic signals.

With the above changes, the SMILE Board supports the projects shown in the draft TSP in the Sellwood--Moreland area. We look forward to their implementation and _encourage the continued engagement of our neighborhood in transportation investment decisions.

Sincerely, ~--~

c~~l~' - Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League



_ 8_210 S.E. 13TH AVENUE • PORTLAND, OR 97202 STATION (503) 234-3570 • CHURCH (503) 233-1497

October 21, 2015

Portland City Council Attn: Council Clerk 1221 SW 4th Ave, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

RE: Portland Transportation System Plan Update

Honorable Mayor and Commissioners:

The Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League (SMILE)_ Board and Transportation Committee have reviewed the draft Portland Transportation System Plan (TSP) update and have the following supportive comments and suggested changes that we would like to see entered into the record and addressed in the final version of the plan.

General Support ' • Tacoma Main Street Improvements and ITS (projects 70055 and 70057).

The Tacoma Main Streei Plan remains one ()f the definin_g pl_~n_ning a_ccomrlishrnents:_oi_o_u~~-neighborhood and we remain committed to seeing it implemented in full. Many residents are worried about how traffic will behave once the new Sellwood Bridge opens in 2016. We want to see Tacoma Street as anotherthriving main street in our neighborhood, not a gulf that bisects our neighborhood. That said, absent a new· bridge or tunnel in Clackamas County, we understand that Tacoma Street will remain a heavily-used regional route and look forward to any technological improvements such as ITS that can help our neighborhood avoid gridlock conditions.

• Springwater Gap Trail (project 70053). Completing the "Sellwood Gap" remains one of the highest pedestrian/bicycle priorities for our neighborhood.

• Reedway Ped/Bike Overcrossing (project 70049). During the planning of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail project, SMILE was a strong advocate for the Harold Street MAX station and a supplemental pedestrian/bicycle connection to the Reed College area. Even with that station postponed indefinitely, we feel that building the overcrossing is a critical connectivity need. The nearest crossings of the railroad -Holgate to the north and Bybee to the south - are separated-by more than a mile and are intimidating for many users. In addition, north Westmoreland is seeing unprecedented development of no-car-parking apartments ahead of a looming downzoning. Our new and existing residents need more pedestrian/bicycle connections to promote accessibility and mobility inside and outside.our neighborhood.


Approved at the SMILE Board Meeting October 21, 2015.

Our neighborhood has beeh actively involved in this issue and we look forward to seeing this change added to our Comprehensive Plan. Thank you.


·&/~/~~~ Corinne Stefanick, President J . Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League



s • M· • I L SELLWOOD MORELAND IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE 8210 S.E. 13TH AVENUE • PORTLAND, OR 97202 -STATION (503) 234·3570 • CHURCH (503) 23.3-1497

Comprehensive Plan Testimony c/o Council Clerk 1221 SW 4'" Ave. Room 130

. .Portland, OR 97204

Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners:

October 25, 2015

The Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League {SMILE) is requesting that City Council include this change which has not been proposed:

Resolution regarding Comprehensive Plan designations of Metro-owned property along the Springwater Corridor.

-~----"ackground-:-Some 10°:J.5 years ago Metro, osingfunosrrom a Ilona measure forthlf ac-quis1tior\ of lands for "parks,"trails, and natural areas," acquired a number of prope_rties in the SeHwood neigh.borhood along the route of the Springwater Corridor. Since then the lands have primarily been used .and managed as open space under a management agreement with Portland Parks.

When the properties were in private ownership they were zoned primarily for residential use and, despite the purchase by a public agency over a decade ago, they still retain that zoning. Nonetheless, most people in the neighborhood consider these lands to be most valuable for the public values for which they were acquired by Metro.

Anticipating that these lands would be used for parks and open space, substantial private investments have been made to develop the private lands adjoining these parcels. Additionally the neighborhood association and Portland Parks have expended significant time and energy in the planning for the public use and enjoyment of thl'Se lands and to enhance their value as a wildlife corridor in a neighborhood setting. We, the Sellwood Moreland Improvement League Board of Directors, believe that the public interest would be best served if the Portiand Comprehensive Plan designated these public lands for the purpose for which they were acquired by Metro.

Resolution. It is resolved by the Board of Directors of the Sellwood Moreland Improvement League that the public properties acquired by Metro along the Springwater Corridor in the Sellwood neighborhood be designated in the Portland Comprehensive Plan for the purpose for which they were acquired: open space.


· neighb~rhood and help with this difficult and rapid transition to more density in our centers. We believe that with a revision, the Design Standards can be more effective when they are informed by the current times, rather than the 1980' s when they were written. We believe that the requests in the conclusion in the Design Commission's May 8, 2013, State of Design report regarding the need to update the Design. Standards and to expand design districts are even more important today as we think about t.he future of our neighborhoods and go forward with our Comprehensive Plan.

In the late 1990's both the East Portland Community Plan and the SW Community Plan were initiated. A Southeast Community Plan would have followed. In November 1996, the state of Oregon passed B~llot Measure 47 and the resulting property tax cuts led to the early suspension of these neighborhood planning programs. The city turned its focus to the Regional 2040 Growth Concept. Although Seliwood-Moreland did complete a Neighborhood Plan process in 1998, the focus was totally on our residential zoning. The zoning of our commercial corridors has not been updated since the 1980 Comprehensive Plan. Through the Community Plan program three SW neighborhoods, Multnomah Village, Hillsdale and Johns Landing received a design ("d"} overlay in their centers. Sellwood Westmoreland has the same Neighborhood Center designation and we ask to receive the "d" overlay in parity with these SW neighborhoods. There are 'Surely other neighborhoods in Southeast which are in the same situation as we are and deserve a long overdue de.sign overlay update to our neighborhood commercial center.

In summary, expanding the Design to indude·the Sellwood Moreland (and possibly othef}--- -----···-Mixed Use - Neighborhood Genters-would-helpi)reserve-theexist1ng-and-des1rable·neighborhood

character as density increases in the Centers.

This comment was approved by the SMILE Board on October 21, 2015 and reflects the active involvement of our neighborhood in the development of the Comprehensive Plan .

. Sincerely,

Corinne Stefanick, President

Sellwood Moreland Improvement League



s • M • I L • E SELLWOOD MORELAND IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE 8210 S.E. 13TH AVENUE • PORTLAND, OR 97202 STATION (503) 234-3570 • CHURCH (503) 233-1497

Comprehensive Plan Testimony c/o Council Clerk 1221 SW 4th Ave. Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners:

October 26, 2015

The Sellwood Moreland lmprovementleague (SMILE) is submitting the following testimony to be entered into the record as part of the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan:

SMILE request to apply Design Overlay to our commercial corridors:

Comment: --- ---- .. --·- -- - ------------·---

The Sellwood Moreland Neighborhood Association requests that the design overlay be expanded to Mixed Use Neighborhood Centers such as those in our neighborhood. Our commercial corridors are proposed to be Mixed Use - Neighborhood Centers for which the Mix~d Use Zones Project does not presently apply the Design Overlay Zone. Specifically, the Design Overlay Zone expansion (Discussion Draft Map IV-2) should include the Sellwood _Moreland Neighborhood Centers (Map IV-1). The design overlay zone would benefit our community and be consistent with zoning in other Mixed Use -Neighborhood Centers

The commercial corridors in Sell wood and Westmoreland are key. contributors to the vitality" and fabric of our neighborhood. Most buildings are older two story buildings that are being replaced with 4-story mixed use liuildings at an increasing rate. The Design Overlay Zone and associated Community Design Standards have not been applied to these buildings, resulting in some unappealing buildings that foment opposition to new development, opposition to_ increased density, and a belief that the City and developers do not care about preserving the charm of our neighborhood. The appearance of these buildings would have been improved if the Community Design Standards had been applied. Our survey of our members revealed that they like the livability, walkability, charm, and locally-owned businesses in our neighborhood (see Neighborhood Survey Results at Applying the· Design Overlay Zone to our commercial corridors would help our neighborhood increase density while better preservin_g our neighborhood charm.

As we accept light rail and increased density into our neighborhood we ·have the right to apply a higher design standard on our com·mercial corridors. This includes materials, desig_n details and attention to the ground floor pedestrian experience. We don't believe that Design Standards will create perfect buildings, but we hope they will help in noticeable ways to maintain some of the character of our




s • M I • L • E SELLWOOD MORELAND IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE 8210 S.E. 13TH AVENUE • PORTLAND, OR 97202 STATION (503) 234-3570 • CHURCH (503) 233-1497.

Comprehensive Plan Testimony c/o Council Clerk 1221 SW 4th Ave. Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners:

October 26, 2015

The Sellwood Moreland Improvement League (SMILE) is submitting the following testimony to be entered into the record as part of the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan:

_SMILE opposition to proposed 3-foot height bonus for ground floor active use: '

Comment: The Sellwood Moreland Neighborhood ,11.ssociation strongly opposes the proposed 3-foot height bonus for active ground /iooi use in our conime-rcia(zones (33.130.210.D.10). Far more people

-----e~x~p~e~ri~ence a building from Hie outside rather than inside. In addition, immediately adjacent to our commercial properties are hundreds of residential lots which look upon and are shadowed by the commercial buildings. Thus, the height and size of commercial buildings has a greater effect of the neighborhood fabric than the interior space and sacrificing increased building height to increase interior space is a bad trade overall for the neighborhood. We have surveyed existing first floor commercial spaces of about 9-13 feet and find them comfortable and pleasant. Therefore, the additional first floor height is not necessary. Most new development in our commercial corridors include first floor commercial space, so we fear this proposed rule would provide a loophole to allow taller commercial buildings than presently allowed to the detriment of the neighborhood.

Other proposed height bonuses apply to Urban Centers only. We suggest that the active ground floor use height.bonus be allowed only in Urban Centers, similar to other height bonuses.

This resolution was approved by SMILE on October 21, 2015


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_corinne Stefanick, President .• .

Sellwood Moreland Improvement League



Arevalo, Nora <-=__.J:a_J -, -

from: Sant: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: flag Status:

Yes my address is:

Tiffanyrisinger <[email protected]> Friday, October 30, 2015 7:30 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Re: Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

524 ne knott. street, Portland Oregon 97212

Tiffany Risinger

> On Oct 27, 2015, at 2:48 PM, BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony <[email protected]> wrote: > > Hi Tiffany, > > Thank you for your comment. In order for us to include it as public testimony, we will·first need. your mailing address (physical). Could you provide us with such? > > Thanks, > > Nora > > -----Original Message-----> From: Tiffanyrisinger [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:34 PM > To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony <[email protected]> > Subject: Comprehensive Plan Testimony > > To whom it may concern > > I would like to write on behalf of my family to say that you are absolutely against my residency .dwellings. of them that are being don't have any character they look like boxes and they're ruining the historic look at our beautiful city. Furthermore there's no parking and people are-getting their waist go out to the street. I have on my house here·for almost 10 years please keep Portland Portland > > Sincerely >

· > Tiffany Risinger




From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: r-lag Status:

To whom it may concern

Jerome Weisenborn <[email protected]> Friday, October 30, 2015 7:33 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Testimony for 2631 Ne 6th Pl

Follow u·p Completed

Please stop the high residency dwellings! We have a nice community and they are being over run with building that look like boxes with no character and not enough parking! We grew up in this amazing city and now because the rest of the country knows it and wants to mover here the trade off of changing the landscape of our city is horrible .. To have even a small yard and a a garage is becoming harder to find near the city .. The apartments say leed built but we have been inside .. They look cheap and feel like a cubicle ... Our waterfront on east side now being blocked by more and more APARTMENTS! Please leave our neighborhood alone ..

Thank you

Jerome Weisenborn 2631 ne 6th place




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Property ID R109521 - --~----- ,.__, _________ , ______ ~ _,--· . ,_, ----

County MULTNOMAH ---- - --- ·--- -·-- ~- _:_ ---- ___ .. ., ~" -- -- ' - --State ID 1N2E35DD 2200

Alt Account # R041802950

Map Number 3044 OLD

Site Info

Site Address 14021 SE STARK Sf City/State/Zip PORTlAND OR 97233

Owner Info (ectl@l;y) '-. ,.----- ------ ---·- ---·


owner Address 5815 NE 37TH AVE

City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97211

- i ,- ' -i;ec:_- .-. -

.. - ·-·· ·---·------------·----~·--~-----~----···-----·-··---· ---------~-- --------- --

• Additional Owner Info -~~-----: ~---~--·--···--·- --- -~·----~---· -· ----------.,--->---~---~- ---·-·-~--, NamE!{J) -·- Address City/State/Zip Type ADLER BARBARA A TO ORLANDO 39 LLC -5815-NE 37TH AVE PORTI.AND OR 9721 i OWNER-(PRIMARY)


• ORLANDO LLC 2009-053020 CONTRACT PURCHASER ·•-.---------·----·a ."•e.·r•,

, Propertv ~escri~ti~n _ .. ___ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ... - _ Tax ASCOT AC, LOT 109 EXC E 75' OF S 120' & EXC W 60' OF S 130' & EXC U 9-20 UNIT MULTI-Roll PT IN ST se FAMILY

Lot 109

Sale Date TYPe 0.8/01/2001 OTHER

Tax Districts

Deed Inform.ation

,_ --·,-~. --------- - ·-----·-··------'"•-c.------•-'-- ·,,_._~,-.


Instrument Sale Price

01119815 $612,000.00' - ·---~. --- - --- , ·- ----- ·----- - - _,_ --------· ·--·------'

ASSIGN CONTRNENQEE 2009053020 $0.00, ·'·-· -~ ---·-·· ··----,·,-·--· .. ·, ~--··'"'·-,--- .... -,,_ ·-·---· --- . --------·' -- -----~------ -------·-------·--·····.- ' .. -.-. - ·1

, !..and Information ,.,_ ---· ··-·••-,--.,•,--. ...'. . .,.,_ ~- ---,---,--• ~----·-·r,----c-·-·· ,-- ••-•-"'"" • • •-------••--- -··•"

;Ty_p_e___ __ __ ··---- _ .... __________ ···-· ·------- _ _ ....... _ ___ _ _ _____ __Acres __ . _ _ __ _ _SQ_FT~ MULT 0.6100 26,555 i

---·---------- ---- - - --_, -···-------·-' ON SITE DEV APTS 0' .--- ----- ---·- ,,-.-- -~-- . ' ---- ·--- -- --- .-----:·- _____ .J .-~--------. _, ____ .,. _______ .. --~,.·-· ··--·--·· - ~~--- --~- ., ......... ~-- --.. -·-- ·.--------- .--,•--. . - ~--·


L . . Improvement Value f977,170.00 . . . .. . I r·- . . . . ---~~ ·-. .-··--· . . ~ .... ---··--··---···- ---- -~·

L Room Descriptions · · · · . · . ! ' C-~- -~--- ,·~-~-~- -- c,~ --~--~ . ..' '-- • ---.-.•."•r --~-~ -- ... , • · •.••. ~........----~-----·+, . •-- ·---t i Building Class . · f l< .... ~. -->, ....... -. . . . . ·- .-----·-··. ------·-· •.. .. . .. ··----- ···-·! ~- - .. ·Nu!~~:;:~:~~1 ~g~_g _______ ---~ - ~:~:~:Ji:~~;:i: ~~!r · h'. --. · I ·--··-·-···--· .· .- . . ·. . --···-·-···-------~---~-. ----------·----1 I . Foundation Type Concrete . Interior Finish I }-·-···-· . . . . . . . ·········---·--···---··· --··"------·------------·---·· .. I i Roof Style Roof Cover Type COMPOSIDON . . ---~---··-----····---·-·-··--·-··--·- . -------·----··--·--··-----··--·-··----···· ---.----J J Flooring Type Heating/AC Type Baseboard i 1 . P~~g~~!-~L_t;r:ve;e·n-t Details · · Fir'.7:'~ace Type _____ ·------1 !--- # S~g~~~tType --- ------- ·---- d~s;··· ---------- --- T~t~iA~;~i ·------·---------------------- - -- --------~- - - -- -------- - .------------' \ 1 MAIN . . 6,640 i i--· --·---~--. -----·--~----·-------------------- . ---~ --~-- ··------- -------- .. ------~- --~-------. -·---,------} l 1 MAIN 8,440 t ~----- -------~,,-,--~----~-~ ~ ---,~- ~,.,.._~--~--. ~~~ . ..,.. -·---- ----.-.--~--"-~'.. ---~---- --~ ,.. _____ ----~- ,_

[_-rax Hisl:~_Y_______ ---·--···-----··· .... ...... --·-··· ................ · ··-~-------~········ .. - I i · Year -- · · · Property Ta; · · Total Tax I L---------------~ ------ -------------------~ - ----·-----·----~--~----- -·---------------------------- --- ____________ J i 2014 -- $16,311.47 . . $16,311.471

L_. __ 20~---- __ - ... ---- .... __ _ __J12,~21::6~-~--- . . ·······-· -·- _ _ _ $_1~,421.6!i ; 2012 $12,913.12 $12,913.12 ! 1..-.-- .-----·--········-·--····-----··· .... --··-··-···----·-·-----·· ····-··--~-......... -~--------~ I 2011 ·. . . $13,629.33 . . $13,629.33 i L _ ---~~:~--- - · · ~ ~~ $13,375~~0--~---- ______ ~- ·- $1-3,3!~:3_oJ

__ ""'L~--~-~~~-o~9 ..... __ - _ . ... _ ··-·- ·---~1:¥19-?.9, .......... ----------· .. $1~,61~?9.j 2008 .. . . . . $13;01:12 . . . . . $13,137.72 i--

L ··· · 2ooi ___ ... · __ · __ __ · ... ____ _ _ · - $12,946.69 _____ __ _ ______ _ $12,946.691 ! 2006 $13,027.96 $13,027.961 :~---·---------- .... -·--·-·-·--------- ····-··-----· -~-----! : 2005 $12,498.14 $12,498.14 l ·. · ·2004 · · · · - $12)1s.os · · · · · $12,11s.osl

1-- --- ~~~~ --- . -__ -- . =-~--- - :~t';i~~::~ -- -==--~-~ ·, ~--=~~ -:~~~::~! 1- 2001·--·--·--····----- -- ·--- -i10;19sAs-- - ---· ... -....... i1ci,i\is:4si '·-··-··-·--· .... ., ....•. ···-·-·· --· .. -- --------~~--·-·-····- ··-·------------··· .. .. . ··I . I' 2000 $10,509.92 $10,509.92 l .•.. - ............ ~-·· ----·-- . -•-- ····-.•.. ···-----·-..... -.~~ ------····· ...... . . .•. • -···-.. --··· --·--· -- .. - I \ 1999 $10,130.92 . $10,130.92 i 1--- ······· ············ ··············- ···-------···· ---····-·· -.------·---------------- ........... -.... . 1 _____ 1998:._~_· __________ _ ___ $10~~4~----- ____________ .1.1_0,u72.49J I 1997 . $9,444.01 · $9,444.011

---- -.-------------·--·-------~-------------·-· -- ---~ ·-·----h--- . . -~ - -·---------·-. ·------------~

~sse;,,,ment History ---·-· _ . ··-· -·- ... _ . ·. _____ --·- ___ ... ____ .. . __ . __ . . I l Year Improvements Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions Assessed I r -·. _-.---- - -~=- -----.-- ._ --- -- . __ ,._ _________ ~,-~ ---- --- ---~-r ~- ----~--.' i 2014 $977,170.00 $188,900,00 . . $0.00 $1,166,070.00 $0,00 $766,330.00 l '2013 $546:010.00 $198,000.00 . $0.00 .·· .. $744,010.00 $0.00 $744,010.00 1 l------,..~------ --~----.,-----·--- ---·---~-- - -----~~~------ - -~------ . - -----~------ ~--- ------ - ---·------I 2012 $574,soo.oo $198,ooo.oo $0.00 $772,soo.oo $0.00 $73s,220.oo · j 2011 $649,340.00 $198,0~0.00 . . . . $0.00 $847,340:00. . $0.00 . $713,810,00: 12010 · .... $578,860.0Q $247,000.00 . . $0.00 . $825,860.00 . $0,00 . $693,020.00,

f 2009 $592,690.00 $259,500.00 . -- $0.00 $852,290.oo·· ·--· $0.00 $672:840:00



---· •·


• -






PortlondMops New Search I Mapping I Advanced I Gilogle Earth t&JQ l PortlandOreqon.g6v.

14021 SE STARK ST • HAZELWOOD - Explorer I Prooerty I Maps I Pcoiects I Crime I Census I PORTLAND Environmental )Transportation Summary I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation I Flre I Hazard f Photo I Property I Tax Map I UGB.I USB I Walkabllity I

Zoning I Zip Code I Public Art

fierialPh~t~···· ··- --- -- ···--·--·-· . -·--- .. ..-~ - ~ i 6" / l,'. Ii'./ iD' / 20' Streets: Off Lots: Off Clot: On j i . .- - . . . . . ..

1 2012 / •11 / '10/ '09 /'08 / '07 / '06 / '05 / '04 / •03 /'02 I 'Qi l· ,.,,,· .· . .


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City of Portlan<J,: Corporate .GIS U/18/2014 TI!E O'/> Afl'L!CA,T!Ol'>.5 ACO'..S~ED ll!Jnl/ill{ rins wEiJ sITTnoVIDe.A VJ~fuM. DlSHAY.O{ DATAfOO. YOUF.OONVf!ilE\'{E_E'iffi1· ra .. wN.U!l.E ~-0.1:T u"As ~ l,.IJJ}E TO AS'lURl! rtrn:AUUR.lCY Of nm !,.Qtn ,um MSOQ/1."{EO l)AiA_ TIU>OIT <W l'0lffiA1ID UAKfS NO WAF.JtANn; l'ta'}r£S£NTAl!O.'< Olt GI.IMWm:S AS 1"0 nm D.'.lmt.NT, ~Cl', AC(T,'U,ct. TL\.'E[__t,;ESS OR.OJ.!,!P1£r,1'(li:S.S OF J.liY (If -nII! OATA PFDVI02D HE-Um. 'TiiJ.; tJSER-O!'TrlfSI: APPUCATIO~ S:11.0ULO h"OT WXOKillE DATAl'OOVlPW 1-H::1'£..'I ro/tAJff!tEASOR lllliCTIY O_f f~CIO ElU'UCm.y OlSCl..AIUS ANYF.!,n£'iillTA1lO,'<S All!) WMIRA.t,rllES.t:.'O..UOIM>, v.m1ou-r W.UfhTION. <HE IUrUEO WhFMNTif.S OF MEFO!.AIIT ... ,n.Jrr Al'\'\J.flft,1SS$ f(,l)\A, f/\.KTlClJf.J\l;, PUl</QS6- THECTTY OF l'Qlm..\tl()SH.\U. ,1.SSU<;\SNO 1-M.ll't..ITY- F"ORAll'f =~ O!-!lS.S\ON.kOR mACOJMOES N'i!lll L'-FOl!..\fA.TION l'ROVIDIDREGAl'.DlESS_OF now CAUSED. 11-IE CTlY OFN)!ITT..rnD SIL-U.LASSUW>NO W.El!1.Ili·1'01tAllY DRJ3l0fil "!,,IAOO:ORA.CTJONS TAJ:ef-OilWTTAKrn av-nra USEk.OfUIE Al'f'UC\11mlS l.'I =~a: U;,Jli Atfl': ~lf{,}}JAl'lOlf-OR /UTA FUi{!llSI~ Jia"£lf//])!;j(_ f"W Ur'.llA.lED ltffOf.'-i'l•:nrnr-·AOOUI TI!E MA1' DATA~ fORllAtH)M/u'S i"IF.>..S£.llEflJt 71) on-:r ~l~TA.0A1'\, FOR QUBTI01.'S ,\OC•trr ASSf.SSME:,'T l!IFOP.:..fA110N l:'t'EASE OONTA.C.rllfE axmn"_ASSESS0.:'3 O)'Fl(ll i!< )'OUJU:nuu-.;.

Address I Ma.Qoihg I Advanced I Google Earth I Jttl!j I About Portian_dMaps. © iOi4 City ·of Portlancr, Oregon

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P ortlc1r1d Maps New search I MappiM I Advanced I Google Earth I Helo I

14021 SE STARK ST - HAZELWOOD Explorer I Property I Maps l Projects I Crime I census I - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportatlop

Summary I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation I. Fire I Hazard I Photo I Property I Tax Map I UGB I USB I Walkability I Zoning I Zip Code I Public Art

--~ .. -·-·-. ---~· -~-· ~~-. ~ ----~-~.-~-·-·--~. -~-- . --~--------~=·--~~~- -·--~----,-- -- --------- 1 1~~&~00 I

; .t.:oning -------i , Property



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k ..... . Zone! R2 ···--··· ... ..... J·.-----~~---------------7t~~L~~-----~~ ; Description/ Low Density Res. 2 .000 i .,, '. -.-.-~~---------=-- -- ----~-~ i ) Overlay j 2, .d, . J l ·· Comp Plan I R2 ·· ·· · · · -~· · ·· !

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Urban '1·

i Renewal I N PI Rosewood l District I ! · Z~nl~g-M~~j 3044 ~.· ·· ,, ..... ··-1 J,-=-.,--~•-.....C-.C..-· .-~a•~-~- · ·,••~ ,--,...-3'. r;_ .• G, •• "-•·--•--· ~~----·---- ·---··-··----~ · ---- •-~••- ·--·-···-"-

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Three properties(912-924 NE 91st, 13801-13863 SE Stark, and 15220 SE Stark} abut medium density residential.

We ask that the Medium Density Residential designation be expanded across these properties.

------- - -----------------



PortlandMaps DelaQReport ~,,E


I Property ID R3i9450 i ·- . . . . - ... -- . ·. . ---. ----·---· --·--·-\ ______ County MU\_TNOMAH __

0 ___________ _

'; State ID_l_l'l2E33_ElD_ 400 _ -·· _. _ --··. [ Alt Accountjt_R94_233_0421l__ _ _ ____ _

Map Numb~_r3939QLD_: __

L_, __ ------·---.--... Site.Info __ i .. Slte, Address_912-924NE 91ST AVE_ .. ____ _

( __ City/Sta t~{Zip_P_ORTlAl'J.D .. QR 9_7?.20 _____ ,

1. _ownerI11fo (Priya_c_y)_ CHAO CONNIE TR &

owner(s) CHAO.CONNIE . Na me <J'o STENGER,JAMES A _ _

Owner 7250 SW MONTGOMERY WAY ===-----..:.._.c.__.c.__ _____ ..:__ _ _lli . Address ! -- -·-·---------- .~---- ·-··· -------. l .. City/State/Zip ~7~~0NVILLE OR 97-070- - _ .-- __

r . -· ... - - - - . -_ ---· ·---------- -- . -· - . l Property l)escript_ion ___ _ ___ _______ _ __ j l .. Tax RoUSECTION 33 1N 2E, TL 400 0.67 ACRES_ . ______ Use 9-20 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY

i ...



Lot_ TL 400 _ _ _____ _ . __ ._ Block . ---·-------, - ---- _j Tax Districts

101 PORT OF PORTLAND_ --~-- -·. _ 130_CITY OF PORTLAND -- - ----- ----- -- -1

131ll_CITY O_F PORTLAl'lD - N_E:W LE_\,IIE_S,__ .. ... __ 130MS_n:Y OF_eOJ<T_LAND PARK!> LQP ______ j 143 METRO __ 164_EASTMULTSOR/WATER___ '

___________ 170L_MULT CO LIBRARY LOCAL OPT TAX --·-· "j

171 URBAN_B_ENEWAL f>ORTLAND ________ _ 173 URBREN_SPECIAL LEVY-_PORTLAND __ . -i 198_ TRI-METTRANSP<JRTATION ______ ... __ _ _ ____ 3()<1 t,1_Ut_,TNQMAI-I E;SQ ________ .. -.-.- _ ---l

___ 3_0_9 P()fl"T_LAND_COMM COLLEGE . _ _ _ -. _ ... --3}1J=>Q_RTLAl'J~~CI-JO()lpl_ST #1_ _ ______ _! ___________ Deed_Information . _ ___ _ _ ________J

I L Sale Date Type _____________________ . _______ _ __ Instrument___ _ __ Sale __ PriceJ

i -· 11/27 /20.12.__ QlJIT C:LAIM_ !Jl::ED. . _ -~01:21ci2l336 -- ___ $1,0QO.llQI l- _____ 11/16/20jl7 ___ D.EED ERROR__ _. __ ... - ________ 2007210315_. __ $794,18_8.QOj

}L .. _ 11/16/2007 _ WARR,l\NTY DEED -- -- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20_08004473_ _ ____ $794:,18_8.0oj ' f _ 03/2_3/2001 ___ BARGI\I~ & SA.LE DE.ED.~ ~-~-.-· __ .. --c"·· ·- -.-- _1)_1_045767, _______ j;274,750.00i

L. JQ/31/~9Qll __ ~BA.RGl\.m ~-~f\l,_E p_E!:D~"·-- ----~------· ·-· _____ 90l§t_l54 _______ .. _$549,590,00_j

IA-~~';;~:-:: ··-" ~~~ ~ DEED. - - - ---- . . . • -::~~::~~ ---- ~ ~ ~~ ~~ I t~-jo~24~1997-. -_ C;NTRACT - : . ~--~-:--~--- ·-- - - - -- --· -971 ;~22s:·--:- -:197:657 .00:1



Portlandr.1aps Delail Report Page 2 of3

l- OSJOl/1991_ ___ CONTRACT . .. _ .... ·-·-· .- ___ _Bl'2•t1D1523 _ .. $)50,QOQ.OQ{ t =~---: _ _-:;:~~~~:~t:~E:E~_;;: ___ ........... -~•=2D~~;::::~-. = --~ ·_-{~:~~ ' L __ ---···---.. BARGAIN &SALE oEgo . . . . _________ . . 9JQ36645 ... ______ $0.00

L~- _ ~ .. _. BAR'?AIN & SALE DEED . . . .•.. --- -- -- ·- . 97055356 ·------- _t_0.00

L : : -- - . INST_ --·-~------ -~-~ - .. .. BPHJ040!±!~ ~----....JJJ:9QJ

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Portiand(l,laps Detail Report


Aerial Photos Detai!

~ ~) Aerial Photos

City of, Corporate GIS

!>lewc-Sea.aji l Mapping I Advanced I GQogle Earth I~ I · Porth=irdOn!lne

Explorer I Jll:operty I Maps I Prajects I CM:le- I Cer:isus I . EAvirorimental I Traosportation

Explore the area, vi.ew different themes

Long -·P2,56957 Lat 45.52966

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Address I i>l~ I 11a,rapced !.Google io~rth I lc.!e.lp. j AboJJl;. PortlandMaps © 2014 Cit)< of .Portland, Oregoq

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. PortlamJMaps Detail Report

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New Search I Mapping I MvaQced I Google Eart!i I~ I PortlanclOnlin"

924 NE 91ST AVE - MONTAVILLA Explorer J l'roperty I Map~ I Projects I O:ime I Ceosos I • PORTLAND · ErivironµieQtaJ I Transportation

Summary I Beocbmar:!rs I Bilsioesses I Elella'ion IE!:e. I Hazard I J2boto. I Property I Tux Map I UGB I USB I Wali<abilfty I Z6oiog I Zip Coqe I P11bli<; 4rt

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PortlandMaps 13801 SE STARK ST - Explorer I Property I Maps I Projectccc:::. = --c_Jj{fit,. =\-- - _ HAZELWOOD - PORTLAND Environmer:;'::""·:'.,::c':~~t:---"?~=-~~--Summary I Assessor I Permits/Cases I Block I Schools I Parks I Development I Gar1;>aoE=~·:" --;=:~J~~,-' ~~~~~


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S_tate ID 1N2E-35DD 6300 ; '. - ~~----~-~~---~----~--- ·-Aft Acco,_mt # R041802021

Map Number 3044 OLD

Site Info

; Site Address 13801-13863 SE STARK ST j ---- ----· ~------------ ------ --- ---·--·----------···----' City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97233 ;Ji-Oi!.

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Improvement Details # Segment Type Class Total Area· --·· --- -----·---- -- ---- -~------ --- - ------- -·------------- ---------·-1 MAIN 22,136. j--- . ____________ .. _ -------- ---- --- ---------- - .. -------- . - --- --- - .. - --- ---- --- ....... . . -- ---- - - - .

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i . • . - . ; Tax History ·

- --~------ --~--- - - -·~ - - - rr - - -Property Tax -- -Total-Tax, -j Year

---: -::_-~ -201- - . ,· ,---------~-- - ------ ---~· $26;071-:?5

$24,392.43 •••. ·-• _,_ ·•--- - - ,. •=-·-a--·---'-• - ~---·-- -

2011 $24,763,60 2010 $24,619.36 ·--. ~----·----------- ··-···,- ·---- -- ' ------------------.~-------------·-!-- ___ _2:()_02 --- - --- ....... - - - . --- - $24!5.~?,75

, 2008 $23,695, 75 r---- ----c·~~- - ·- , ____ -~7·--···-·------·--- ---- ·-----·-----·-- _ --- -~-- ---

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$24,392.43' $24r763.60 _ $24,619.36\

. . . $24,560.75 ( ·- -----.-·---•-----·--- '

$23,695.75 i 2007 $22,069.54 $22,069,54

. --- -----------. - ---~--------- -~- - --·----------·--~·---2006- $21,730.34 $21,730.34 _ , ______ .- ---- ~-------.-~--- --- ---- -. ---------·---------·" -- ------- - -

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$23,592.72 $23,592.72 [ $22, 739,56:

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1999 $18,193.00 $18,193.00 [

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13801 SE STARKST - HAZELWOOD - Exploter JPr9werh' l Maps l Projects i crime l Census] PQ~TLAND. Environmental I Transpmtafion

· Swrunaty I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation I Fire I Hazard I Photo l Property·! JaxM;lli I iJGB[ USB 1 · Wal.kability I Zoniha I Zip Code I Public Art

I. ... ~---· ·····-- . ~·- ~-~·-~··· ..... Aerial Photo ·

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_ .A-5 C-of-PortlandMapsc· New Search I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I 1-felp I

· PortiandOnllne

13801 SE STARK ST - HAZELWOOD Explorer I Property I Maps I Pnrjgcts-1.Q:lmg I Census I - PORTLAND Environmental I Transportation

Summary I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation I Fire I Hazard I Photo I Prnoerty I Tax Map I UGB l VSB I Walkab!llty I Zoning I Zip Code I Public Art

---~~-·-- ·----~-.. --·----------·---· .. --------' ----~---.--,_. ·--- ------ -- -----, ··- .-·- ----- ---~--~- --·----·. ·1 Property & Location

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New .search I Mapping I Advanced I

. .· .. I)} t; ffl!J.f Portldh~-aps 15220 SE STARK ST- Explorer I Property I Maps ( ~it _ _ _

r;f~;~~~k~L,~d~~,~~'~:;:~~jf'f t . / _ .. Property ID R255650 ·:W~~ ·~.§;,J,;]:.:f< '!lr .. ~

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j State ID 1S2E01AB 3300 i---~----,------~---. --·. . - -·- -f Alt Account # R707300360 !------- ----~-----~------------·-- - , ---··-------·----! ···--t-l~p.N..un.!J:'."..~~~~.?LI) __ . -·-·-- ---·-j__ - ' Site Info

i Site Address 15220 SE STARK ST ,. - ·-··---· --·-.. --. ···••· ,. - '' --·· ··-~----! City/State/Zip PORTLAND OR 97233 · !-----·-·-······· ·-··- .---·····•.-••,.,, __ ._ .. / Owner Info (Privacy) r- O,.;ner(s) Name FAR FAR f>ROPERTIES INC , ,---------·-· -··-- ···--- -~--~·"·-·--·-""'" -· -·- --- --·-~- '.

I Owner Address 661 SE 162ND AVE l-,--- ,-.·---~--. ------- -~---~-----------·-· - -. - ---···------·----·-· -~ -

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l.·c~otl __ ---·· _ --·-----·--------BICJC~~········-· __ j Tax Districts t

,· -·--· --~-. ------ ·----·-·-·------. ---------------------------·--·----·- . ----- ------------ -j Deed Information .

\----· -------------------------- ------- -- ... ..J

j. ___ Sal':.~at~---- TYPE! __________ -·---- ......... __ . _II1Stru!:f''.:l1_t_ __ _ _ --.-~1<:_f'ri.<=ej I 02/03/2005 WARRANTY DEED 2005022667 $1,000,000.00 \ ~--. .- ----------·-- ' -' --- ---------- __ ., -·---------------------· --- ~--- ---- --------·----·------------ . . ..... f j 04/04/2001 WARRANTY DEED . .01050209 $850,000.00 l ,------·,--- -· ·------- - ------ _ .. ____ ----- -- ------~-------------·-··------~--~------.. , ----- -----------~------! ! 03/01/1998 WARRANTY DEED 98037491 $785,000.00)

[ ~~-051_o1119_9~~ ·_ -w,~-~~N~D~Ei>:~-=~:-~.~·-:: :.·:----~-~~~~os4~21·_-- ....... _. ____ :·$6.9~.o~?iol 1---~-------------------· .,---. ,------------------ ----- ·------·--- -I Land Information ; . . . . ---------~------------·------·----·---~-----·-- ··-·---------~-----~--------~-------! !Type

··---·--·----···-----------iMULT f ON SITE DEV APTS . . . . . . . '--·---·~- . --,---------·~----------~--------~-~-

---- -·- - _. --- ____ ._ -- Acres SQFTi ·----·- - --·· - - - -----·--- ----- -·----.----{

1.0900 47,631 l ---------.·-.-----~-----. --~----···-·-----------···-··---·-·-· -01 ------·------~ ----------------~ ·------ ------f 1mp~~.,;;~;~i:--1n_t_o_r_m_a_t_io-n ... ---.-- ---· -·---- -------~--------~---- ---1

r·--- -- - . ImprovementTyp;; 9~20UNffMU~TI-FAMILY-- ·.·····. --····--- .. ~ < -- . - . ---:--1 ·······----•·"··----- . - .. - ········-·· .·. ,- .. - . - ·-- . . - ~ - . - . . ... - .. ·---- . · 1 I . · Improvement Value $790,030.oci· · .. . · . . . · , f···- . . ... ---- ... . .. -- ·- · .. -·~-----·--· ··,·"·----·····----·-····-. ·. --·- -.. - ... , ---···~······. -... f

1 . Room Descriptions . . . ·

1 ........ -~ ~~~ ····-··-·---.-. ---···-· ...... -•,·----··. ····- ............ -- - ., . --~j

Building . Class r····--............. ·- -- · -·-~-.. --- .... -._,_ '---·--· ----- ---········----- ---- · · · ---r


't Actual YearBuilt 1969 · Effective Year Bullt 1969 •. ~-----<~ ---~- -~--,...---~~--~~.- . ~--,-.--'-- . .. ---·-~T=-,,-~-·--·-• .. •• 1 Ni.imber.of Segments 2 Constmction Style. Other i r-~-·_-Y -----~ -~--- --~. -i-~-- ·- -·'--·~·--~--~~,- --- -~-~---------·- -. --- -_ . ·-----,--"·---~-: i Foundation Type .Concrete · fnterlor' Finish ; r . . . . . Roof Style .· ·. . . • . . ·. . . . . Roof Cover Typ~ COMPOSIDON i !:-------·•' ••- ••~_..,-· -----~ ·---• ---- .-.. -Y. ·-~-.. -.--·,-·' ._ . -- .--- . ---·-. ·- •.. -·--- • -• -

i Flooring 'Type . Heating/AC Type Baseboard ' !--. ----- ·--- •. ----~-~---~· _. ------~----. ----------- . . >-·-------------·----·-l j Plumbing TWELVE FULL BATHS Fireplace Type i -.·-·--·-----. . - -»--·--·---· ---- ------ ·- . ---------·--------·. ---· - _J

Improvement Details [ l # Segment Type - Class . Total Area: l----· . . . -----·-·-· ·- --· . . . . ------------ ·---·--·-----·-- j f 1 MAIN · 10,644:

~---2 DETGAR ___ . ---·-- ·-· ···--· .. ___________ · ···.·.·_· ___ ~800; . 1 MAIN 4,620 · ' - -~----- . ----------,~-----,. -· -- . ---------··-------------·--· - --·- . - - ----·------·-~·-------· ---- ----i 2 BASEMENT M/S 1,540. '.·-------~--------- -~>--•---.-·-·"·~------------·--- . ---·--- .,, .. _. ______ --~----- ,-----------------------~------·-----. , 1 MAIN 942:

j Tax History ,----·- -------·------·------------~-----. -----------··--· ·~-------\'':~~--~··-··--·---- .............. __ Property Tax __ .. ·------. ___________ _TotalTax}

2.013 $18,985.60 $18,985.60: -----·•--,---·------- -------- ----- -----------------------------------~----·---- ··-- - , .

! __ _l_D13 ... ________________________ !_17,347.33 __ --- ... ·--··-------···· $17~347.33' 2011 $17,870.52 $17,870.52. 2010 $18,561.86 $18,561.86 j

--- ---~--------< .. - -----------------~--------------------------- -----------·------------- --·------·. -----·-------- - --2009 2008

··- _ ---- _ _ _ _ . $1J,3?5:2°- --· . --··-- -·-- $19;395.90 !

-------( ~~~~~~~

20Q7 $1.8,314.66 $18,314.68 ·

- __________ _:_ __ ::__:_ ____ -_________ :, ---- -- _-__ : __ :·. - .,. ...... ,_._-.. $18,293.83 $18,293.83.

2006 , ............. -----------·-------------- $17,717.40 ---- ---- ------------------ -- -$17,717.40

------~----·----·-·----"·•-•-···---· -···---------- -- '-2005 $17,157.56 $17,157.56 2004 $16,654.40 $16,654.40

·-- ----·~·-- ,.. 2003 . $14,921.64 : $14,921.64'

- -~--·~--- - -------~-- - -~"------.. -----,-- _( --·-----. --------· -----· ----·----~-·-···---------· __ -,-- ------ . ----------· ' i 2002 $14,445.78 $14,445.78

$14,489.42 i . . - ·- . -- ··---- ---- -----.

2001 $14,489.42 ··~----~ ····----------- ~ --~·-----~---

$13,290.35 $13,290.35' 2000 1999 1998

,,. •. ,. .. ,.,.. -~---" .. -~-- ····-. . _ . ~-12.!~9_5:97 -· ---- --- --- ··--·· -----$12,995.97. $12,865,07 $12,865.07 !

1997 $11,963.63 $11,963.63 i

! Assessment History :----------s---·--~-~-~-- ~----- .--- .-------------.. ------ ------·~ . -- --- ----------~-- - ---- ----- ~------: Year Improvements. Land Special Mkt/Use Real Market Exemptions Assessed }---··--···--- . ---··-··-... ···---··---··· ---- -· ---·--···--·-··-.· .... ·--------! 2013 $790,030.00 $375,700.00 $0.00 $1,165,730.00 $0.00 $996,940.00 (icii2'"'" $663,860.00 $375,700.00 ... ·· .. $0.00 $1,039,560.00 . $0.00 . $967,910,00[ ~ ·-----·--·--·------ . - . -------··-----·---.--------------------------·- ~- . ---· .· 2011 $743,690.00 $2as,ooo.oo $0.00 $i,o31,69o.oo $0.00 $939,720.00·

' 2010 $720,970.00 $354,500:oo - - - - . $0.00 $1,075,470.00 $0.00 $912,350.00 ·---~~---· -----··- -- __ ··-·----·--· ···. ·-· ··---------,--·----~------~----·---~--.- - ···-~- - -·----

$0.00 $1,238,480.00 $0.00 $8$5,780.00'. ----- --~--- . . ·---· -- -·--·------. --· ._ .

: 2009 $874,480.00 . -----·-- ·- '. ~----

$364,000.00 ; 2008 $933,440.00 $364,000.00 $0.00 . $1,297,440.00 $0.00 $859,990.00

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NewSearch I Mapping I Advanced I Google Earth I Helo I .PortlandOn!lne

-1s22Q SE STARK ST • CENTENNIAL - Explorer f £rooertv I Maps I Projects I Crime I census I .PORTLAND EnVfrOAmenrar 1. Transoortatior.

Summa,y I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation [ Fire I Hazard I Photo I Property I Tax Map I UGB I USB I Walkability I Zoning I Zip Code I Public Art

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Mi:iress I Mapping I Advanced I \ioogle Earth I J:!clp, I ilbruJt


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PortlandOhline 15220 SE STARK ST ~·CENTENNIAL Explorer I Property I Maps I Projects I Crime I Census I - PORTLAND Environmental t Transportation

Summary I Benchmarks I Businesses I Elevation I Fire I Hazard I Photo I Property I Tax Map I UGB I USB I Walkabillty I Zoning I Zip Code [ public Art

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l'eb,:u;uy 10, 2012

Transition Projects

JiUP.ow-el ACCESS.C"'° U...W"

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I llllJ. wtltlng Jn tl,jg lett<e.t iti re~& to tl,.e Stw: Fm Property Man>gerueot Company. I have bc,:n worldngwl,th both No:tln¢ ,md Stephattle there siil,;e Juoe of 2011, when Ifitst contnc"'d them on a ,:ecommend,tion from a co-worlcer ~t the)"we,;e good to woJ-k wilh foipeople who had difflcule h01.1sitlg histories. As a housing case IllOllilge< l¢r people who usuilly hnve soJnc sort oH,attlei:,, to hou,ing, it was good to hear-that thCJ;e wetc prop<tty numsp outthe.te who wete willing IQ give fulks • second cluu,ce. ln my rune working-with ti<eJtl sill<e, I h,tv,: tefetted se1rclill people to th cit agency, Md beciuse of theitwillingrt"5S to wotk witlr both us and tl)ein s good uuruber of p,eviously homeless people with ve,y few options fo,: ho13$/ng h,w been a1,fo t<> be housed,

fu my titne wotl<lng wl\h the folks al; St'Mk FJtS I have found 1hen, to be ptofossional, coinl"'ssfonote ondnrr easy to work with. By provlding fulks with "secot<d chance up front they offer ,on1ethi;,g li>at is uuiqt1e •nd 0£1.,,n dlflkult fo .l;i,nd iu the world of housing and p,op"l1J ~'Ul'\,oenle.!lt

~~~·ompnni<sc±b.eir-'-1owbiluiei:" oppt®.ch fa so)nefuiiij5thatls vet)' much t1eod<ed aud aJ>pt<:qatcd, we mod mo,:e ptoptitlc, such as thdts so as to bo eblc to offet more poop le optio.tlll for housh,g. I «cmnrue.nd the1u highly ruid lope to contlnue working'WIDl thom. Thwk you fur yom:-tlme ruid consideta.tion.


·.~ .l\c&o. Cru,e ~er, Trmmition P"'i"°" 503-280-4723 Dlttct 503,2804700 MiJtl 503..28()-4730 Fa."< 665NWHoyt Po.ttlond, O,egon 972-09 [email protected]<>jocts.o;g ~


665 NW Hoyt Portland, OR 97209 f 503.280.4700. I www.tproje(! C!'C:-;>'c'c'-~-;c-~~-----="°*"'""'-""'°"~'C~>,c.:."i'cSs-;a·.~-""-~-,~~' ·~.~~-cr..Je;<,;c~;:-~,:,.,.~'i;'-;«U,!",•''-~_;;::,.,,c--'!..:•~?~i"7'-"-,.._.A,-~.,-...<•~-"'°""'·"'-'"'-'="""'=""'~'""'-'="'-"'.,.._....•-. . , - ·--~ ,_._...-,..-_.----,,._,...-


To Whom It May Concern;

16124$.E. NderSt. _112B

Portland, Oregon 97233

February 8, 2012

I, John F. DaVls, am writingthis letter on behalf of Stark Firs Management LLC and the owner and staff of Alder Royal Apartments where I reside. lam very happy living here at the Alder Royal Apartments thank to the understanding and them giving me a second chance to establish rental history. They have given me-a second chance where no one else would accept me does to my.cnmhial past. It is very nice ta have a place and people l!k7 these around to help out people like me.

He has been a get asset to the-community providing a place like this to help out people fike me. He just won't allow everyone on his properties but If he feels that you are worth the help then he will help you out In any Way he can to help you get back on yourfeeL

He works very hard to keep all his properties clean of any problem people and If any problems should arise he will work with you till the problems are taken care of In the most appropriate a!ld timely manner.

Hrs maintenance staff is very well knowledge in their work and getthe work orders done in a timely and appropriate manner and leave-no messes.when.they come in _an(! leave when_ the work is done. They

-------workwlththe resident£to do the work. They also give plenty Qf notice If they need to enter your apartment fo check for problems that could affect you and your neighbors.

Overail I am very happy that I have been given a second chance and I am very proud and happy that it · is here at the Alder Royal Apartments and with Stark Firs Management U.C. I feel that the more properties that have the more people the will ~e able to help like me and that would be a very good thing for the community.

Thank you for your time.


,! d ·- _j J)OJl)'-"(J) 1J·ONr1_,, 1. John F. Davis


Alder Royal Apartments


l am writing to you today on bebalf of Moe Farhoud. I first me Moe 5 years ago when our son's began playing soccer together and they attended 1he same school. Even after moving bis cbildren to a different educational program, he· continued to be a regular supporter of tlie Valley Premier, FC .Soc<:er program. Tlmiugh the years my relationship with U1e. soccer league has grown from parent, t9 photographer;to board member (from Registrar to Vice President and currently President for the second.year. Moe's son and my own have been playing together for 1he last 5 years and his own. involvem~ut has also grown. As we have watched this team grow older and closer the parents and supporters have also become closer. Moe's assistance, both financial and supportive has grown also. He has facilitated the growth of our team and league byproviding funds to help with schol~s atid also byrnotivating parents tofowe their_children play more during the-year by funding- -- ----partial season fees so the cost goes down drasticiillyfofall parenJs involvect-'rhisiielps'-the-playerscifrs_!l-many--~- ------ ___ _ ways, from staying active to continuing to have the bond that being around each other on a weekly basis creates. Moe has also involved more of his family members in our club to help support us. We feel that this is always wonderful as one of the aspects of our club, that we tty to promote is the fueling of"being a part of a big soccer family".

I consider Moe Farhoud to be a large and wonderful pint of the Damascus area and stannch supporter of our soccer club. He has demonstrated a generosity to help children be active and bave fun that no other parent has shown us.,

Stefanie Craft VPFC Board President [email protected]


partnerships to transform neighborhoods Secqnd Sfories PO Box 66884Portland, OR97Z<JO

¥~totfld Giving Statement PO Boxb6884 Portland, OR 97290 503.516.5881 Tax IP: 30-0574195 [email protected]

Stark Firs Management [email protected] rl)[email protected]

. ponation infonnation:

7/3/12 9/26/12 11 /7/12


Check /11700 Check/11133 Check #1145

$500.00 $250.00 $250.00



Thank5 so much for supporting Second Stories with your generous donation. We really appreciate your investment in us as We respond to the need·of impoverished communities. Uy helping us to train chutches and individuals in Christian Comrriunity Development, we together transfonn neighborhoods. with a holfstic gospel. That ls invaluable! - --- --~--

We are grriwingl This year we hi;\Ve extended our work from Portland and the Northwest to Partner.:;hip with Lahash International. This hcis seen amazingly positive res\llts thus fa.r as we have engaged with chur~hes, community members and vulnel'able children. Thank you for your part ilJ. this expansion of our gospel and development ·oriented worl<.

Please keep this receipt for )'our records.

We "appreciate your generosity and suppqrt.

Best regards,

Clark Blakeman

fx.eCUtiVe Director Second Sto~es


Stark Firs Management 661SE 162nd Avenue Portland, OR 97233


Dear Moe,

Thank you for your generous donation in support of Rock the Block. Your gift plays an important role in helping to make this event a success. On behalf of the families of Rockwood -thank you!

Rockwood is a vibrant, family oriented commnnity full of diversity, strength, and possibility. In spite of this, Rockwood experiences some signi:fiCllilt challenges. The community is faced with high rates of poverty and crime as well as a significant lack of resources:

At Pathfinders, our mission is to bre,ik the cycle ofcriroinality. We accomplish our mission tlrrough prevention and intervention programinRivifh a focus on high risk individuals, families, and children. Our vision for change is that clients who emerge frorn our programs and services are living crime-free lives and prospering as accountable citizens in their c0111munities. Rock the Block is a great tool in helping us work towards accomplishing these goals .. We could not do . this important work without support from a committed community, so again we say, thank you!

If you have any comments or would like to get more information about Pathfinders of Oregon and our programming, please contact our office at (503) 892-5396 or visit our website at:

Sincerely, Brooke Crews Project Manager




In recognition of Stark Firs Management and their continued partMr.ship with Central City Concern's BRR program.

Presented to

Sta.rk Firs Manageme,nt '

In fucognition ef OutstdndiFg Commitment and S en>ice to e C&nlral City Cc>ncern C:Cllmmunity Engasrmienl Progrlllm/Housing Rap,~ !I-? . .. S.ervice C:oordin.ation Team . • I ·. . -

Signatvr•~ f ~~ ;:er5,zotO Joneb,2010

S1gndturn Dalo I



February 9. 2012

Dear Ms.

We writing this letter to sbo.w our strong support fort . presently being submitted by Moe Farhoud and his staff at Stark Firs Management. Lutheran_ Community Services (Refugee Reception and Placement Program has been working with Mr. Farho\Jd for several years with our ho\lSing J1eeds. We resettledmlllly refugees arrived from different countries and our agency have a hBrd litne renting due to not enough credit history and background information. Thus, Stark Fir Property Management always walves the screening fee for our refugee clients. He understands that our client is new to this country and they have no background history to check.

Furthermore, Mr.Farhoud always goes out of his viay to assist us by providing affurdable; quality, safe housing for our client needs. He also understands fue fiilancial stress and the challenges that many of new arrivals face. In some occasion, when we explain aboi1t the client financial situation, he was very sympathetic and waived 1he penalties. cleaning fee for breaking the lease and deposit was refunded fully to the tenant.

-Mr .. farhoud is mc,r,:, ;focus ln~stablishlng: "-safe, clean, affordable, crhn.e free housing -~amongst it~Lresji:len!s .. Mr. F arhoud and his staff are. ahviiys professioµal ruio. eager to

help om· client when req11estel____ -

Margo Sobieraj Reception and Placement Supervisor Lutheran Community Services Norfuwest


---ce~ ... " .,_1,-1 ... e I-for,.-


vrnand. OR ' it ·.:t• t-1,:,,· -!;: ;,1·:1 ··• vi::.':,:'"::·;

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:mCotrvef. WA


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- .• <:<i-·~ 1,• -,.-

! l I '

We ore writing tlus letter to show our strong support for the l.OllO, presently being submitted by Moa Furhoud<it Stark Firs-Management: Lutheron Co1nmunify Services (Refugee Reception i:Uld Placement Progrom) hos been working with Mr. Forhoud for se~erol years with our housing needs. We hove resettled over 35,000 refugees in the Portland Metro area o»d Washington County. Many refu9ees arrive from different countries and our agency has difficulty renting due to the lack of o credit history and b<tckground inform<1tion.

The oportments we rent are furnisl\ed and reody for the clients ahead of their orr,vol. Although the clients ore screened by Homeland Security, we give the apoetment h)anoger the option to screen them. StorkFlrs Properly Monagenient kindly waive the screening fee- for-our refugees. Mr Forhaud appreciates that the clients ore new to a·stt'on9e cotfnfry and hove a veryunsettled background due,.

-unfortunot ely to ·bein9 re.fo9ees. torn from their tiative lo-nd. >stde, W!)_AL_ _ _.__l_ __________ ~-------------------~-------~~-----

•• : ' .... , .• - J

"'l:?., _,, ;,,_,:,:>

Mr.Forhoud always goes out of his woy assisting us by providing affordable; quality, and safe housing suitable for their needs .. He af.s<l under.StOflds the finandol stress and the challenges that many of them face.. At times when we explain the clients fittondaf situation, he is very sympathetic and waives the penalties and cleaning foes for breaking the Lease. He kindly returned the deposit t? the dient .. Mr Forhoud is focused on establishing sofo, clean. affordable and O'ime free housing for the residents.. It is an extremely Positive experien!'.':e when working with Mr f<1rhoud ond his staff.

Should this loon be approved, Mr. Forhoud and his staff will continue to provide safe, affordable housing, thus, cantinuin9 to build a strong and healthy neighborhood. We woufd like to see Mr. Forhoud continue working with our agency

1 · and our clients to align\service intearation in"lhe Comm~nity. We trust you will 91ve serious consideration to grollting the loan to Mr. Forhoud and Stork Firs Mana~ement.


l-"-\ch\\\ \J,t-,,L Hilory A.Clarke R<:<eption, P!acetnent & Housing

.. ~.\ \ ·:: i ·:-i.C 1--::.i-_ -


Felltwiry 10,201:~

To whom it may con.00!'!1; .

It Ms been my pl.ea.sure to cooperate with Star F',r ~ent I work with Jow'income clients who ha:ve1nany housing barriers, and :if notfurl'llntal agencies suclt8$ Statlc Flt, tny clients would have no chroce of finding hOU$mS,

· Sincerely,

J'mdra Kukla Frog.Spec. . lmpactNW S03 988 6000 ext.246


BUl'ealt of Police Sam Allam!!, Mayor . Mid>oel l\ee5e, Oliel of Police .

1111 s..w, 2nd klenue • Portland, OR. 97204• Phone: S03-8&oooo-• Fa:t: 50>823--034;2 _-• - ' • -- . . . _- . ' • ' -~·-·-···--·-··~ < ~

Integrtty • O:Jmpasst00 • Ac(o1.mtabJilyf • Respect • &ten~c;e- • Servii;e

Dear Ms

This letter is to tell you about my experience working with Moe Farhoud and his staff at Stark Firs Management. Mr. Farhoud has been generous with providing meeting space and donating supplies in the ongoing effort to open a non-profit cafe in the 600 block of SE 162"• A venue. This area is part of a Po1iland Police Bureau SJJJ)ported community project called the Rosewood fnitiative. 1 have been able to contact Mr. Farhoud or members of bis management staff in order to deal with ongoing crime issues and have found them to be helpful and professional.

His company.offers housing to those with lo\yjncome as well as those who have had criminal histories . . Bil<LQ@llot rent elsewhere. Mr. l'arhoud and his staff eiimiretbat if their tenants al:iide oy th;e rules and

continue to stay out of trouble they will have a safe place to live. ~~arl:foua:iurd llissfuff wm nor hesitate to remove any tenants who violaJ:e rules and jeopar<lize the living conditions for other tenants.

l would like to see Stark Firs Management stay in business in the Rosewood area.

· Sincerely,

d~r---Wendi Steinbroan

Sergeant Wendi Stciubroun OPSST #28922 Portland Police Bureau - East Precinct 737 SE 106,i, Avenue Pmt!and. Oregon 97216 (503) 823-4545

[email protected]



The Rosewood lnitiatwe

February 4, 2012


lluilding Oar C<mununity Togeih.,-

The Rosewood Initiative would like to express our support and partnership with Stark Firs Property Management in ,wrkingtoward neighborhood improvement in East Portland and Gresham.

Stark Firs has been a critical partner in our work to make the Rosewood area a desirable placeto live, work and play. They participate in communityvisioningand -public_safezyJI\eetings,have_dofuttedfood arid volunteers for mulf!p1e events; and · ______ _ help us with outreach about conununity events throughtbelr connection to · neighborhood residents.

Stark Firs' properties are home to many of our community members in Rosewood. and we are actively working together to provide the best possible Jiving environment Over the past few years, Stark Firs made significant improvements to their properties and we hope that they will be able to continue this level of commitn1entto propertymanagement ·

Jenny Glass Executive Director, The Rosewood Initiative 503.756.8681 Rosewood Cafe, 609 SE.162nd Ave, Portland, OR97233 Ro.sewoodlnitiative,org


January 25, 2012

Stark Firs Management, Inc 16124 SE Alder St Apt 1A Portland, OR 97233

Dear Friends,

S!!Q.Y1!f.@P 0 PEN H EA•TS. 0 Pm HANDS

I hope you are enjoying the start of a great 2013. Your 2012 giving made a big difference for our neighbors in need. The $500 you contributed in the last year enabled SnowCap to feed all the hungry that crossed our doorstep. We are trying to keep this number down to 8,000 people per month, but. several months exceeded 11,000 people. This number includes the families that shop in oudood pantry, the children that receive backpacks full of weekend food, the seniors and disabled whose boxes are delivered and the many folks who receive boxes from our mobile food pantry. All in all we distributeq 1,483,793 lbs of food in 2012. Your gifts made this bit of food security possible for the many unemployed, underemployed arid just plain low wage workers who cari't sfrefch paychecl<s to feed all the nurigfy in the house.

May you enjoy all the blessings of a good lrfe as you extend yourself to provide the basics to others. I know that you will join with us in praying that things are better in 2013.

Please let us know If you see errors in this record. You can email [email protected] or leave a message at 503.674.8785 ext. 19. We will make corrections and send a new letter ASAP.


.J5~ Judy Alley Executive Director

>nation oe·llverles "788 SE Pine St.

Client Services Behind 17805 SE Stark

Phone: .503.674.8785 Fax: 503.674.5355·owcap>org Judy@anowcap,org


Richard Gravening 15220 S.E. St,uk#l8 Portland OR 9}233

To Chase Bank:

My nameis Richard Gravening and I live in oncoftl1e buildings tlint(Moe Failioud owos. I cru1te to Moe after doing a IO yearsentence iii prison. Not only did Moe find meajplace 10 live but he also found me employi:nenL I am currently managing the gas station whcr_e l work 3!1d am making a decent living.

Ifit weren,t fur Moe giving me a chance to stand on my feet, I woul4most likely be in the same boat as most other felons, struggling to survive. Most residential landlords. al,d employers are not as understanding.

Moe Farhoud is d?ing the community a good service by believing $:4t people can do good with encouragement and hard work. l would like to see Stmk Firs Manag~ment continue to provide this ki:nd of business to others who have been down on their luck. ·


Richard Grav~~


,e,.----------------·~---..,. .... ,. ... "' ... ,.-,,.,. ~-----~-·· __ ,,.

!fPw~m fR®gl@~~, ~ -i~H~i~gi ~~ ~ i 1950 S.E. 176th. Ave. Portland 1 OR, 97233-4739 503.76;1...2800 . · I

::1. . I • . ! 1

In Recognition [That

MoeFarhoud ·-· <$:'.~1 .\l,~ llr'r" - , ___ " ~---- 1.6124 SE Alder St Portland, OR. 97233

,, ' ·J ·t ·' ~~ ,.i. J. ....

Has Successfully fulfilled the requirements for ~ no~'1!1to r qnitia( - 'EnBfisfa

8 training hours Per 40 C:FR Part 745.225


OYi cl/./ . . ~- ~~ " . ,Yt)./.11( P<'ltrick J, Lehne

Progn'irn r'"-·lanauPr

' I

Certificate l'(Juh1ber ' i R-l-8882-10-0465 ·-----~'- -

I .

D,:1te of EXcjffl 04/15/201, 0

E. . t· 'D' t xp1ra ·1on. /..:1 e . I

04/15/2015 ' '

·, t ~.1., 4' ·, ~··<·<: ..... , "

, i I . , I ' ~~


., '

\ 1 .



--~-------·--------·-·-- ..

With $14 million In financing, we helped trensform.the 99,000~square-foot /a~dmark into 72 units of affordable and mixed-income housing. Approximately 70%.ofthe hdusing will be resetved for lowet~incbme residents,.

Stark· Fii'sManagemsnt-: Porl:land; 'OR Since 200.5, we. have provided$B.5 million In funcHng to Stark'Firs 'M~nager.,ei'it and flnanced.2Q5 effordable housing units In the 'East Portland/Rockwood area, Sta'rk Firs has been recognized by the looa.l po.lice department,. the Departtnent of )!eteran's Affaii's (VA), Rosewood Initiative •Gioup ar\d:the Cehfral City c;oncern Communit,, Engagement Program for providing clean, sare, quality hoUsini;J.

Housing Development Fund -Stamford, CT As part oflts participation In the Neighborhooc;J Stabilization Program in · Conne,:tlcut, we invested $200,000 in the Ho•.1sing Development Fund (HDF) to help It buy and rehabilitate abandoned properties in Bridgeport. With HDF acquired a0d made ne.c0s:Sary improvements to eight properties, the last of whllh was renovated and sold In July 2011. All of these homes Were sold to home buyers who earned less than 120% of the local median income.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL INSTITUTION GRANTS As muc·h as we ~o. on .our own, -we are cible to bring even more capital to undersarved markets by partnerl~g with community development financial in.stitutions (CD Fis).


But over the last several years, ICDFls and othe1- nonprofits. have struggled to secure financing. So we steppe~ uP our participation. ?n 2011 afone, :we I do Mated $20 mfllion to CDFls that supp,ort affordable housing and economic development rn low .. and modibrate-lnco~e communities, providini;I much .. needed f!l'lahcing··for afford2lb.1~ housing preservation -and crea·tion acro~s the country, Sorne of our 2011 grants Included:

EnterPrisc Community Partners .. E1:1terprise Is leveraging the $5 mil/Ion Ir\ c~ase funding to deliver $SO million in1 capital to preserve 3,500 affordable housi,ng units In Atlanta, Denver, Los Angelo.s, and Seattle neighborhoods, and rural towns· end cities across the sta'te of Washi11gton.

IFF and.Access Living. With the help of a $4 million grant from Chase, IFF arid Access livi_ng, a oationally recognized disability rights advocate, have developed Horne First.illir"\ols to provide accessib,te homes

· that - because they will carry very little debt - will remain permanen(I~ affordable to very low-income, disabled P~rsons.


' New Jers,ey ·comrnuf'rity Capiti;il. dhase's $4 million donation to New Jerkey Community Capital will allow tile community to implernent:a riurl1

ber of · prog1··ams and infri·auves aimed at oeettng affo1·dable housing and stabilizing at-risk New Jersey communities.

' I

'With the partnership of Chase; Stark Firs·

Management is making a positiveimpact in this

·comrnuI1ity, Together, we·are seeing lives

transformeid sirnply by having .a safe plate to live S:nd a .supportive,

enviror1intant in which to make a new beginning."

Moe Farhoud, Owner & President,

Stark Firs Management






:l(esiifenti.a[ Inspection1 Pofice, £ancf[onfs1 ana'Tenants inPartnersfiip for J-£ea[tfiy Communities

Moe Farhoud !ias compfeterf t!ie City of Port!anrf1s eig!it !iour ·

£andforcl'Training Program :I(eeping iffega{ activity out of renta{ property ancf

promoting safe ana residentia{ ne'ig!i.borfworfs tliroug!i.out tfie city


'The Office of P[anning ancfi 'DeveCopment !l?g.viezu


i I C,,:/L ~ ~,Au/·


l · Cfiar{ie J{afes . . . ,, . - . t/Afargaret :lv[afwney

· .. I j. ··. c-.,=,JN&sef,ty _":";,~;'" _ _::;,i'1':3/f!:,'f::;_~ - ---· J ,-, •.. --·-···-···--·· ····-- .• ·-·· ·--·--·-

i I I I I '

i I !·





1 - -·-~~·--··""·---~--"•«~· ·- - --· ·····-·T·· i


Oregon Department of ,Services Multnomah County Ernriron~ienll:al Health

Awards this Practical Professional Training Certificate of Attendance to

JYDHS·/ 11~01DF'ARZIO·TFn \bl:' .1fJ.' n L':L .u, vv For

3.5 Technical Hours in

~ t::::::::::::5,



Given at Multnomah County Environmental Health Office June 27, 2006

i .,, le '. ';:·~-~~ r;,' · Kerry Rupp !- Etling Ccn\ference Coordinator

i ! ; ,, ' I



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'. .·,• 'l,l;ll. •.

' . ' .


Certificate-of )Zlppreciation PresJntea to

Mohammed Farhoud

'I'fiis Ce-rtificate of. J/ppreciat.ion is in '!' cogm.'tion of you:r persona[ and: signifo:ant contri5ution to tlie :NationaC Occupati nd[ Information :Network, (O*:NE'I) (J)ata

· Co(Cection Program, our:J{ation's primary s ur~e of occupationa( information.

o*net® ---· ~------·

'" .. ,~-·~·-r····,-*•'-.. "·"':'"""--.,...-. ...... ~--- -·-,-,,




Certificate of$preciatior1

'fi:iis cer~ific-&n.e [s t:1:'iva11dle:cl ,10,

Moe Fa:ro1lld ,& 1'>J,oriine Rogs I:i.11 app::~cfaltilon o!f your tireless eit.91.b;rtrs to assisit tthe

Dep21.rtnr.ienu. of Ve:1e:r~ns .AJfa.frs ach~eve the naitional goa) U:o encl f,1omele.sSness by. hous]ng vtiterans "iViitll'l sU:lbstan1tiall


Department ofVetc~ Af'tairs VA .Medic1'1 Center, Pot/land:. OR

1601 E: Fciunh Pluill Blvd., Bldg: 18 VCUlcouver, WA 9,661 ,

SuS:m Brisby, IJMSW HUD / V ASH Case iMag,r

Surl1J:,l,m,,,/i:,,'1 H~ro«

?hone; (503) :2.20-8262 ext.34026 · Cell: (971) 207,.7062 Fror.: (3150) 737~1424 ~mllll! SuSan.Br!,;byJ.((!

V3DOWCRS P.O.Box: 103S

P~rt.lahd, dR 97?.07 T/,1:.• O,rd Wes f'rnt1d/J' Mudt ll".J•A Vf/L/'ll'J/ Wf/// tl D!J.,,.bl/lly


qv0P,-~-1. 1-\'1:,. \ () ---

EUcen DcYi.oc. Date Porthnd VA Community Remtegration Pl'ogram lminagcr


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Washington, Mustafa Thursday, November 05, 2015 2:43 PM BPS Comprehens.ive Plan Testimony Elmore-Trummer, Camille FW: Do not change Multnomah Village to a Neighborhood Center

Follow up Completed

From: Talya Bauer [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 7:18 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; Hales, Mayor <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fritz <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected]>; City Auditor Griffin-Valade <[email protected]>; Anderson, Susan <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: Do not change Multnomah Village to a Neighborhood Center

Portland City Council

Council Clerk

[email protected]

1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130

Portland, Oregon 97204

Re: Multnomah Village as Neighborhood Corridor

--- ------ ----

I am requesting that the City Council change the designation of Multnomah Village from a Neighborhood Center to a Neighborhood Conidor in the 203 5 Comprehensive Plan.

l\1ultnomah Village is classified as a Maiustreet in the current Comprehensive Plan. This is what the -citizens of Portland read and based on this, many did not ~onsider the issue further. It is clear that by chm,ging this to·a Neighborhood Center without alerting all those affected citizens is a major problem. The Mainstreet designation had a prescribed depth of 180 feet which is consistent with the defmition of a Neighborhood Conidor. The Village is more linear in nature and thus the characteristics are better defined by the Neighborhood Corridor designation. The change would make the business district of the Village contained



within the Neighborhood Corridor designations of the intersection of Multnomah Boulevard and Capitol Highway. ·

If the Village were designated a Neighborhood Center with a Yi-mile radius, it would overlap with the boundaries of the two adjacent town centers (Hillsdale and West Portland) and the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor. The higher-c!ensity development in these designations, overlapping with Multnomah, would leave little room for existing smgle-farnily zoning as redevelopment continues to occur. The Neighborhood Corridor designation better fits the design and character of the Village.

Both the Multnomah Neighborhood Association and Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. have submitted requests to change the designation to Neighborhood Coniddr. I urge you to remain consistent with the original draft and keep the Neighborhood Corridor designation for Multnomah Village which the citizens of Portland . were presented with in all earlier communications.

Please add this to the record.

Thank you,

Talya Bauer

8574 SW 35th Aye.

Portland, OR 97219

cc: Mayor Charlie Hales, [email protected]

Commissioner Amanda Fritz, [email protected]

Commissioner Nick Fish, [email protected]

Commissioner Steve Novick, [email protected]

Commissioner Dan Saltzman, [email protected]

City Auditor, La Vonne Griffin-Valade, [email protected]

Susan Anderson, [email protected]

MNA Land Use Committee, [email protected]



October _22, 2015

City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Joan Fredericksen West District Liason

Dear Ms. Fredericksen:

We are writing in support of the Recommended Draft of the Comprehensive Plan and Map as it refers lo the property at 6141 SW Canyon Ct The owner wants lo change the R20 zone to R2 and develop the property with multiple condominiums. He has already logged the property of many 40 yr. old firs

We live at 1651 SW 61st Dr.,'just two lots up the hill from this property. The 6141 property's driveway is off of 61 st Dr. Our street is steep and heavily wooded with a creek and half our property is in an Environmental Overlay Zone. Our area is home to many birds and other wildlife. We value the rural character ot our neighborhood. We have lived here for 45 years and have watched the traffic increase to dangerous levels on our street, a street where I daily walk my dog and often dodge speeding cut-through traffic.. ., ·

We have recently been notified of a 244 unit project ,approved because of a zoning anomaly, 1or 6400 SW Canyon Ct., just s\eps from the address in question. This project and its venlcle tramcwill severely impact our winding two lane street; wnicfflacl<s shoulders and street lights. 61 st Drive is one of only two streets which allows egress from both these properties. The current intersection at 58th and Montgomery is congested even without the school buses which served the East Sylvan Middle School. The school has also been occupied by private schools and w1!! most likely be again, adding to the tra1lic problems. Our neighborhood streets will already be overwhelmed by the more than 300 cars projected for the 6400 project and we object to adding even more vehicles to this

· problem.

This area is not well-served by transit and almost all of the residents of the existing large apartment complex on Canyon Court use vehicles rather than the bus. There are no grocery stores, the closest being a QFC at the Barnes Miller complex.

Because of the traffic concerns and Jack of services nearby, we ask that the zoning change for 6141 SW Canyon Ct. be denied and the existing plan kept in place.

Thank you for your consideration,

· Linda Jessel! C. Todd Jessel! . 1651 SW 61si Dr Portland, Or 97221 503-292-4381



City of Portland Council Clerk

Kerns Neighborhood-Association P.O.Box 13350 I Portland, OR 97213-0679

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130 . Portland, OR 97204

Re: 211,216,224 and 233 NE 28th Avenue, Portland OR 97232

Dear Council Members:

The owners of two of the above referenced properiies have requested that the Kerns Neighborhood Association (KNA) endorse their plan to change the zoning of the properties from a residential designation (Rl) to a commercial designation (CM2).

After discussing the rezoning with th_e property owners it was clear that not all the owners wanted to rezone their property to commercial use. The Board of KNA has therefore voted to remain neutral on endorsing one zoning designation over another and wishes to support all the owners individually to seek whatever zoning fits their unique situation.

Thank you for your attention.

Steve Russell Kerns Neighborhood Association Land Use Chair

· Phone: 503-784-8785 Email:. [email protected]

Cc: Angela Kirkman, Chair KNA Marty Stockton, Southeast District Liaison



City of Portland Council Clerk

Kerns Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 13350 I Portland, OR 97213-0679

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Re: Northern portion of2913 SE Stark Street, Portland OR97214

Dear Council Members:

The owners of the above referenced property have requested a change in the zoning of the northern po1tion of the lot from a residential designation (R2.5) to a commercial designation .

. Th_e J)f()perty C()nsists of a split lot, the larger ( I 1, 23 7 sf) southern portion is zoned CN 1 and the existing building is to be demolished and replaced by a 46 unit apartment prope1ty, which is cur;:ently-under review for permits, the smaller (5,000 sf) northern portion is zoned R2.5 and is cnn-ently vacant. We believe the smaller portion should not be rezoned to commercial use for the following reasons:

o Changing the zone to a commercial designation would allow the construction of a building that would be in size and usage be incompatible with the adjacent single family properties.

• The existing R2.5 zone would allow the construction of a structure that represents a better transition from the intense use of the apartment parcel to the single family properties that surround it.

• 'While the commercial use of prope1ty on the southern Stark Street frontage is welcome, the allowance of a commercial use on NE 29th Avenue is not approriate for the neighborhood ..

The Board of the Kerns Neighborhood Association therefore has voted to oppose the rezoning of the above referenced property.

Thank you for your attention.

Steve Russell Kerns Neighborhood Association Land Use Chair Phone: 503-784-8785 Email: [email protected]

Cc: Angela Kirkman, Chair KNA Marty Stockton, Southeast Distr·ict Liaison



,,;.revalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Stanley R. Clarke <[email protected]> Tvesday, October 27, 2015 10:00 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Zoning of 122nd and.Shaver farmland

Follow up Completed

. ,

The work done on rezoning of Argay area is much appreciated. I am requesting that you go further by designating the farm land at 122nd and Shaver and to the east R-5, single family homes. A new park to serve single family homes is being developed near the present school. The South Side of Fremont is currently all single family. Part of the area north is single family and Riverwood development which are mostly d.uplexes with·each unit owned as a single family dwelling. Apartments and offices south of us is not wanted. We are part of a community and apartments do not make a community.

Single family homes bring stability to the area. Apartments bring instability.


Stanley R. Clarke 4018 NE 125th Place Portland, Oregon 97230




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:



Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Hello All -

. Tamara DeRidder, AICP <[email protected])> Monday, October 26, 2015 5:26 PM Duke, Courtney; Patricolo, Francesca; Igarta, Denver; [email protected].; Dingfelder, Jackie; Engstrom, Eric Nate Carter; Amanda Petretti; Anne Lindsay; Sandra Lefrancois; Stark, Nan; Commissioner Fish; Fritz, Amanda; Commissioner Saltzman; Commissioner Novick Rescind Reschedule Comprehensive Plan Testimony: Recommended Comprehensive Plan Update - RCPNA Chair Rescinds Request for City Council Reschedule TSP Review by"l-month

Follow up Completed

It is with great humility that I am requesting to Rescind my Oct. 21, 2015 request for the City Council Reschedule their Nov. 19th public hearing on the Recommended Comprehensive Plan.

I apologize for my confusion 'regarding the content of the review material, the Recommended Comprehensive Plan, that is to be covered by the Portland City Council on Nov. 19th. The following elements have clarified the situation: 1. Although the TSP update is a supportive document of the Recommended Comprehensive Plan, the Proposed TSP document and the Significant Transportation Projects are not currently scheduled for public hearing before the City Council. _

2. On Oct. 21, 2015, PBOT's staff had shared that City Council will hear the Planning and Sustainability Commission's recommendations for Stage 1 of the TSP Update as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update on November 19. This caused me great concern until PBOT's Courtney.Duke later explained, "There.were a series of Planning and Sustainability Commission wo_rk sessions, hearings and votes in Winter/Spring/Summer · 2015 on all the goals and policies plus the project list and the financial.plan. PSC published a Recommended Draft in August 2015. These are the components of the TSP that is at City Council in Fall 2015."

I bring this to your attention as it was confusing to me, being a veteran land use planner, and may well be confusing to . others. It was not until i delved into the recent PBOT publications that I better understood PBOT's.use of the terms 'Stage' and 'Task'. The term 'Task'. was also used by BPS in the DLCD notice for the Perio_dic Review Work Program that was sent out by Al Burns on Oct. 15, 2015.

Thank you for your in this matter.

My best,

Tamara DeRidder, AICP Chair, RCPNA 1707 "NE 52nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 503-706-5804

On 10/22/2015 3:06 PM, Tamara DeRidder, AICP wrote:



> Thank you.for your response, Courtney - Let me know if I understand > this correctly: > 1) There aie 2 documents you reference that are pending review A} > Recommended Comprehensive Plan Update(including map); and B) TSP > Update > > 2) The TSP Discussion Draft - Oct 15 2015 is receiving public comments > until Nov. 13th (RCPNA received a copy Oct 20th). The Proposed TSP > Draft is to be published in mid-Dec. 2015. This Proposed document is > going to be scheduled for public discussion & hearings with PSC > Winter/Spring of 2016. Then a Recommended TSP draft will be scheduled > for City Council Spring/Summer 2016. > > 3) The Goals, Policies (both in the Recommended Comp. Plan Update?), > Financial Plan (Capital Improvement Plan?} and The Project list (TSP > Update) of Stage 1/Task 4 had public vetting since publish in early 2015. > > 4) Tues. Nov. 3rd City Council is holding·a work session on > Recommended Comp. Plan Transportation Element, including portions of > the (Draft?) Transportation Systems Plan (no public comments/ > testimony taken}. Will this include the list of Significant > Transportation Projects? If yes, would you please send me a copy? > (Thanks!} > > S)Nov. 19th City Council hearing on the Recommended Comp. Plan: Land > Use Map Policies, List of Significant Projects. Will this hearing be > solely acldressing_tb_~content of the "1,commended Comp_rehensive Plan .. > and Map App Maps as published by PSC? Does PBOT have proposed changes >. to any of the policies that relate to the Transportation Element? Are > the Significant Transportation Projects also going to be reviewed for > inclusion with the the Recommended Comprehensive Plan at this hearing? > > 6) The TSP projects map, included with the Recommended Comprehensive > Plan, has dropped the 60th St Station Area as a funded project. Why > did that happen? ls the City Council's Nov. 19th meeting the > appropriate time to bring up this issue? (Note: In 2011 the PSC agreed > not to upzone this area to Comprehensive Plan density until the > transportation safety issues for the Station Area had been resolved. > It had been our neighborhood's hope that this 60th Ave. Station Area > project would resolve these issues) > > Thank you and your staff in helping me unpack this timeline. Even as > a professional land use planner the lingo ofTasks and Stages throws > me off unless there is a logic tree of what is used where when. Once > I hear back from you folks on these questions I have raised I think I > will rescind my request for the City Council postponement. > > My best, > > Tamara DeRidder, AICP > Chair, RCPNA > 503-706-5804



> On 10/22/2015 12:19 PM, Duke, Courtney wrote: »All-» » Please see below for clarification an additional details which should » ease concerns about timing. » » Stage 1/Task 4 of the TSP Update/Comp Plan Update. The Goals, » Policies, Financial Plan and The Project list went through extensive » public process in 2014 and 2015 with a Proposed Draft Published in· » July 2014. Fall and winter 2014/2015 was spent updating the project »list.The project list and th_e financial plan were published January » 30, 2015. PBOT.staff meet with District Coalition Land Use and » Transportation Committees and provided additional public outreach » regarding the Project List and the Financial Plan. » » There were a series of Planning and Sustainability Commission work » sessions, hearings and votes in Winter/Spring/Summer 2015 on all the » goals and policies plus the project list and the financial plan. PSC » published a Recommended Draft in August 2015. These are the » components of the TSP that is at City Council in Fall 2015. The » Transportation Work Session is November 3. Hearings are on November » 19, December 23 and December 10. With a vote not yet scheduled. » » Stage 2 of The TSP Update. This stage is called Task 5 and is to » assist with implementing changes in the Policies in Stage 1/Task 4. » The TSP Update Discussion Draft was published October 2, 2015. Public » comment is d ue_Novem be r 13. A Pro f)Ose_dJg.,,_aft"--"w'-'i"-11 "'b.,,e_,p"u..,b,,,,sh.,.e"d,,__.._in,__ _______________ _ » mid-December. PSC briefings, work sessions and hearings are scheduled » in winter and spring of 2016. City Council process for this stage has » not been scheduled and will likely be in late Spring/early Summer » 2016. There will be opportunities for review and comments at all stages. » » Please see the two attached documents which should give additional » clarification. » » Feel free to call or email me directly if you have additional questions. » » » » Courtney D_uke, AICP I Senior Transportation Planner Policy, Planning

.·>> & Projects Portland Bureau of Transportation » 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800 » Portland, OR 97204 » phone: 503.823.7265 » courtney.duke@portlandore1; >> » :;-> Sign the Vision Zero Pledge to contribute to a safer, healthier » Portland. » » The City of Portland complies with all non-discrimination, Civil » Rights laws including Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II. To help



» ens1Jre equal access to City programs, services and activities, the » City of Portl;md will reasonably modify policies/procedures and » provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call » 503-823-2036, TlY 503-823-6868 or Oregon Relay Service: 711 with such » requests, or visit http:/ / » » » » » » -----Original Message-----» From: Tamara DeRidder, AICP >> (mailto:[email protected]] » Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 5:33 PM » To: Patricolo, Francesca <[email protected]>; » Duke, Courtney <[email protected]>; lgarta, Denver >> <[email protected]>; [email protected]. >> Cc: Nate Carter <[email protected]>; Amanda Petretti » <[email protected]>; Anne Lindsay <[email protected]>; » Sandra Lefrancois <[email protected]>; Stark, Nan » <[email protected]>; Dingfelder, Jackie » <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish » <[email protected]>; Fritz, Amanda >> <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman >> <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick >> <[email protected]> » Subject:_C()mprehensi_ve Plan Testimony: Recommended Comprehensive Plan » Update - RCPNA Chair Requests for City Council Reschedule TSP Review » by 1-month » >> Thank you for your response, Francesca. >> >> To: Courtney Duke, Denver lgarta, and Francesca Patricolo

·>> » It is really unfortunate that the Recommended Draft of the TSP was » published so late (Oct. 20th, 2015). The fact that this document is » being reviewed by the Portland City Council on Nov. 19th, 2015, gives » our neighborhood(RCPNA) less than 1 month to review and comment » through both our land use committee and our board. This timeline » makes it impossible for any of the Portland neighborhood and business· >> associations to properly comment on this draft. >> » As Chair of Rose City Park Neighborhood Association I formally » request that PBOT rescheduled the City Council public hearing on the » Recommended Transportation System Plan from its scheduled Nov. 19, » 2015 for at least a full month, Dec. 17th, 2015, to allow the » Portland Neighborhood Associations adequate time to comment on this >> important document. >> » Respectfully, >> » Tamara DeRidder, AICP



» Chair; RCPNA » 1707 NE 52nd Ave. >>Portland, OR 97213 » 503-706-5804 » » » » On 10/21/2015 4:38 PM, Patricolo, Francesca wrote:

· »> Hi Tamara, >» Thanks for your questions. The recommended TSP includes both »> constrained and unconstrained projects. Here is that document (found »> on our website) »> The >» list isn't divided by constrained vs. unconstrained projects but >» there is a column that says "yes" or "no" if it is or isn't. To be >» clear, the constrained list is what we predict we will have the »> money for in the ·next 20 years. There's always the possibility that »> we could have more money though, and we have projects already »> identified if that should happen -those are the unconstrained projects. »> »> City Council will hear the Planning and Sustainability Commission's »> recommendations for Stage 1 of the TSP Update as part of the »> Comprehensive Prcin Update on November 19 (always check the City·· »> Auditor's website for updated information before heading out the »> door Public »> testirn_ony:ca11jJEe_m,id_e_,:it the Council hearing or prior to the hearing »> by_,;_end_ing.tes!lmony to the Council Clerk: __ ~~ ____ ··- ____ _ »> Council Clerk Testimony: [email protected] US Mail: »> Council Clerk, 1221 SW Fourth Ave., Room 130, Portland OR 97204 More >» instructions are available at the bottom of the page at the above >» link I includecj. »> >» I ·believe your seco'fld.ahd third questions are actually one in the · »> same unless you can explain a little more. »> >» I'll be speaking tonight about Stage 2 of the TSP Update, which is »> now out for discussion draft, »> »> Finally, I really want to thank you for sending these questions in »> advance because I was able to get better information here in my »> office with my computer and colleagues than I .would have been able »> to do on the fly at the meeting. If you aren't able to make it »> tonight, I'd be happy to talk you through Stage 2 of the TSP Update »> by phone at a· better time for you. Please feel free to give me a »> call: 503.823.5282 · »> »> Kindest regards, >» Francesca »>

. >» Francesca Patricolo; MA & MCRP >» associate pla.nner + public involvement specialist city of portland »> bureau of transportati.on + iap2 .usa board member



>» 1120 sw fifth avenue J suite 800 J portland, oregon 97204 »> 503.823.5282 J [email protected] »> »> To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and >» activities, the City of Portland will provide translation, »> reasonably modify policies/procedures, and provide auxiliary »> aids/services/alternative formats to persons with disabilities. For »> accommodations, translations, complaints, and additional »> information, contactthe Civil Rights Title VI & ADA Title II »> Program by email at [email protected], by >» telephone (503) 823-2559, by City T1Y 503-823-6868, or use Oregon >» Relay Service: 711. »> >» >» ;,,» -----Original Message----->» From: Tamara DeRidder, AICP >>> [mailto:[email protected]] >» Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:00 PM >»·To: Patricolo, Francesca <[email protected]> »> Cc: Nate Carter <[email protected]>; Amanda Petretti »> <[email protected]>; Anne Lindsay <[email protected]>; »> Sandra Lefrancois <[email protected]>; Stark, Nan >>> <[email protected]> »> Subject: RCPNA Questions on TSP Review for Recommended Comprehensive >» Plan Update >» >>> Hi Francesca, »> I just received notice that you will be speaking tonight at the »:> Central NE Neighbors LUTOP meeting and have downloaded the just »> released edition of the Recommended TSP. I am unlikely to be able »> to attend tonight's meeting. But, really need to know more about »> some information about the TSP so we can review of this document in »> a timely way. >» >» 1. The Recommended TSP does not include the Constrained Projects List. »> When will this-Projects List be released for review? »> 2. When is the City Council scheduled to begin review this

->» Recommended TSP as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update? »> 3. What is the date for public comment on .the Recommended TSP when >» under review by the City Council? >» >» Thank you for this consideration. >» >» My best, >» »> Tamara DeRidder, AICP »> Chair, RCPNA »> Co-Chair, LU & TC »> 503-706-5804 >



,!:\revalo, Nora -

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Rebecca Mode <[email protected]> Monday, October 26, 2015 12:59 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony David S. Fwd: property designation and zoning

Follow up Completed

_ ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Rebecca Mode <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:51 PM Subject: property designation and zoning To: [email protected]

My name is Rebecca Mode. My husband and I own prope1ty at 506 N.E. Thompson st. Pmtland,Oregon 97212

I am concerned with the proposed designation and zoning change ofmy propeity. We currently have a duplex we have lived in for the past 15 years. I am raising my family here and am not currently plarming on building more units.but always thought I might be in a financial position to do so in the future. My-prnperty-islargeand-could easily accommodate-more units. This proposed.change_frnmr.2 to r.2.5_woulu__ __ _ result in a change from as many as 5 units allowable to a maximum of 3 total units allowed. There are many prope1ties on my block that currently have more units on smaller lots that have been here for quite a while. I feel it is unjust to take away the possibility for me to build more units at some point in the future when I may be able to finance it. It also doesn't make sense at a time when we have a huge housing shortage and I have a large -c.s!ntrally located lot.

Another concern I have is a possible tax reappraisal fffhe zoning changes. I read an article in the Tribune stating properties can be reappraised when zoning or land use changes. A large tax increase could force. my family off our property.

Please let me know what choices I have to protect my property.

Thank you, Rebecca Mode




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent:

Susan Hobbs <[email protected]> Monday, October 26, 2015 12:44 PM

Tei: s_ubject:

BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Fwd: Comprehens1ve Plan Testimony

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Sent from my iPhone Susan Hobbs

Begin forwarded message:

Follow up Completed

From: Susan Hobbs <[email protected]> Date: October 26, 2015 at 12:09:26 PM PDT To: ''[email protected]" <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Richard-and-Susan.Hobbs----701 Columbia St #409 Vancouver WA 98660 918-406-2455 phone

Sent from my iPhone. SusauHobbs

Begin forwarded message:

· From: Susan Hobbs <[email protected]> Date: October 26, 2015 at 12:02:32 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Subject: Comprehensive Plan Testimony

TD Whom It May Concern,

The property, 2736 SE Stark, state ID# 1S1E01BB 1000, is a detached single family home. The notice we received listed the current Comprehensive Plan designation as attached residential. This is incorrect and please correct it to detached residential. We do not want to have the designation changed to



multi-dwelling as we do not think the lot size can support a multHesidential building.


Susan and Richard Hobbs



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

To whom it may concern

Tiffanyrisinger <[email protected]> Sunday, October 25, 2015 4:34 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

I would like to write on behalf of my family to say that you are absolutely against my residency dwellings. None of them that are being don't have any character they look like boxes and they're ruining the historic look at our beautiful city. Furthermore there's no parking and people are getting their waist go out to the street. I have on my house here for almost 10 years please keep Portland Portland


Tiffany Risinger




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:

. Subject:

Follow Up Flag: flag Status:


Steve Houston <[email protected]> Sunday, October 25, 2ois 3:59 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony comprehijJ1Sive plan testimony

Follow up Completed

My name is Stephen Houston and my family and I live at 14333 SE Steele St., in Portland. I wanted to .offer testimony by email regarding the notification we received in the mail saying we were being rezon·ed to R10 {10,000 sq ft lots) I believe from RS {5,000 sq ft lots). I am much in favor of this rezoning and feel like the lot size is very appropriate to maintain the urban goal of growth and density and yet allow for us in this very .diverse neighborhood to have enough space from each other to be able to integrate. You see, we are in a very . diverse neighborhood and first generation immigrants to the country abound in this semi-affordable area, but

· when we are "stacked" on top of each other, there can be a lot of friction as we learn each others social and cultural standards of whats acceptable here in this place. A 10,000 sq ft lot traditionally in this area is actually not that big, and so I feel like this revision to R10 lots would be very appropriate in aiming for the space for us to live in community, but not so dense that we are stepping on each others toes. Please, please, proceed with

. this new zoning.

Thank you.

Stephen Houston 503-593-9741




GOOSE HOLLOW FOOTHILLS LEAGUE 2257 NW Raleigh, Portland, OR 97210 • 503-823-4288

January 16, 2015

Susan Anderson, Director Bureau of Planning and Sustainability 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100 Portland, OR 97201-5380

Madam Director:

RE: Proposed 2035 Comprehensive plan update

The Goose Hollow Foothills League (GHFL), a Portland neighborhood association that also represents the Kings Hill National Historic District strenuously objects to Portland Comprehensive Plan Amendment #94 changing a residential designation in a residential area·to "mixed use.:dispersed11

, a commercial plan designation. We strenuously object to this proposed plan amendment. The suggested amendment (#94) designates an existing 1/2 block of contributing historic residential buildings that are presently adaptively used for cominercial purposes as commercial properties, putting them and the historic district at risk for redevelopment. The existing non-conforming use exists due to a thirty-five year old agreement between the neighborhood and the owners that allowed an interim Commercial use at a time when the buildings could be better preserved by allowing that commercial use. Now, in 2015, these historic homes are as valuable preserved as fine dwe11ings as they are for their office uses. It has always been the intent of the GHFL and the Historic District that these homes would revert to resi4ential use.

A recent land use review (LU 10-179977 CP ZC) was proposed in behalf of an heir of the nominal owner in order to modify the house (the 11Rosenblatt House11

) for more intensive commercial use. The neighbors and the Goose Hollow Foothills League persuaded the applicant eventually-to withdraw"his proposal and subsequently the new owners-found--:w.ay-S-lO-Stay-within the zoning_guidelines.~e_s_ubmiUhaJ,_as_in this_cas~. ar_e perfectly _adequt;1te provisions for maintenance, and for necessary improvements that do not violat~ the residential character of these hom~s. There is thus no reason to entertain such a radical spot zoning in the middle of the Historic District... unless the intent of the plan provision is in fact to rend the fabric of the Historic District itself

GHFL remains opposed to this proposed plan amendment and consequent rezoning to conform. This half block, in a historic residential district, should remain residential in character and, eventually, in use as weI1. Proposal #94 undoes good planning done thirty years ago and does not belong in the recommended proposal.

Jerald M Powell, AICP (retired) Goose Hollow Planning Co-Chair

in behalf of the GHFL Board of Directors

CC: GHFL Directors 06ose Ho110w Business Association GHFL )lrchives




October 7, 2015

Susan Anderson, Director Bureau of Planning and Sustainability 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100 Portland, OR 97201-5380

RE: Proposed 2035 Comprehensive plan update Dear Madam Director:

Among the proposals in the Recommended Draft of the proposed 2035 plan update is proposal #1117. This proposal would make some sense, were it not for the fact that the parcels are isolated topographically from any public access that doesn't conflict with either one or both adjacent one-way Freeway Ramps to and from Hwy 26 that don't allow such access. Furthermore, the proposal site is bisected by the West Side Light rail alignment featuring a blind curve and the tunnel portal that similarly allows no public access.

The North "end" of the site, adjacent the Vista Viaduct isn't accessible from the viaduct and is land-locked by the adjacent single family home .. Increasing the "tax value" of that parcel by zoning it to suggest an impossible use paradoxically renders

it 1ess likelytobe acquired ana maintained by an adjacent 1a11dow_ne_-1_·. _______ _

There really isn't a single developable square foot in the entire proposal area. A designation to "open space" for much of the site, and to single family residential for the portion of the site North of the SW Jefferson alignment, next to. the Viaduct would be both appropriate and desirable in the public's interest. This proposal is at once illogical and counterproductive.

Jerald M Powell, AlCP (retired) Goose Hollow Planning Co-Chair in behalf oj the GHFL Board of Directors

CC: GHFL Directors Goose Hollow Business Association GHFL archives

Telephone: (503) 823-4288 Web:



Comment on Portland Plan Proposed Map amendments

There are two Comprehensive plan map changes proposed in Goose Hollow. While there are other changes that would be desirable, such as design review for any multiple dwelling or commercial development in Goose Hollow that didn't (apparently) make. it to the recommended plan ... these two are unnecessary and counterproductive.

Proposal #1117 would make some sense, were it not for the fact that the parcels are isolated topographically from any public access that doesn't conflict with eitl1er one or both one-way Freeway Ramps adjacent that don't allow such access; and/or a light rail alignment featuring a blind curve that similarly allows no public access. There really isn't a single developable site in the entire proposal area. The Nortl1 "end" of the site, adjacent the Vista Viaduct isn't accessible from the viaduct and is land-locked by the adjacent single family home.

A designation to "open space" for much of the site, and to single family residential for the portion of the site North of the SW Jefferson alignmen,_ next to the Viaduct would be both appropriate and desirable in the public's interest.

ft makes sense to recognize tlie impossibility of any development as a General Comm~~ci~~.J site ... it makes no sense to pretend tl1at it has any development potential at all. Open Space ... please.

Proposal #94 has been previously commented on officially by the Goose Hollow Foothills League neighborhood association.

This proposal is a bad idea. It can easily encourage redevelopment in an existing National Historic District adjacent six Historic Landmark homes a11.d.ind.1uiing fotJ.r historic_contributing resources, one of which is

_____ itself a Landmark.home._

The fact tlrnt through either oversight or lack of forethought, this corner of the Kings Hill National Historic District is included in the Height Bonus area intended (twenty years ago) to encourage multiple dwelling development adjacent light rail stations compounds this unfortunate proposal.

It's true thatitwould be difficul, if not impossible, to satisfy the design guidelines for the Kings Hill National Historic District with new dev_elopment that could compromise the integrity of the district. However, that fact makes this proposal even more of a misuse of the City's comprehensive plan ... by creating the illusion of potential new dwelling capacity where in fact no such capacity exists.

The exist\~g zoning is, admittedly, a troubling anachronism. It was established, and has been grandfathered in order to assure that the homes could be preserved 'at a time when they were far more valuable for commercial use than for residential use .. : but that they would have to be return~d to· residential use by any subsequent owner. In today's market, it's arguable thatwe':ve reached that point, and that, for the cost of a

. kitchen remodeling, each oftl1e four buildings on that half block could be re-purposed back to residential use.

As in near:ly every re-designation of a specific site, the devil's in the detai1S. Rt!-designation to "R2" would seem innocuous, but the change in designation, if accompanied by a change in zoning to R2, would create a minimum density requirement that co_uld be easily interpreted to make impossible the reversion to single family dwellings, and may encourage redevelopment with two-family homes of a considerably larger foot print than now exist.

Two of the three property owners there have managed to avoid triggering the residential reversion requirement by transferring title to a wholly-owned c_orporation that can be subsequently sold without transferring title. The recommended Re-designation would, perhaps, extinguish the reversion requirement.

The present situation, while administratively-'messy', is settled. A re-designation sends the title status, and. the development rights, pertaining to thi~ half block into unknown territory, and possibly new litigation.

August, 31, 2015


Proposed Change# 1117 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation: Existing Comprehensive Pion Designation:

- --·-f

. .

:.:-_ _--'---:!-~--:c;

- . --- - ~----. . -~_:_·- - - --

Mixed Use - Urban Center General Commercial

Proposed Commercial/Mixed Use designation reflects the Urban Design Framework. This·area is already zoned for commercial/mixed use development. New zones will be applied through the Mixed Use Zones Project to generally correspond with the scale, uses, design and development standards allowed today.

Mixed Use - Urban Center

This designation is intended for areas that are close-to the Central City and within Town Centers where urban public serviCes are av3il~ble or planned including access i:o high-capacity transit, very frequent bus service, or streetcar service. The designation allows a broad range of commercial and employment uses, public services, and a wide range ofhousin:g options. Areas within this designation are generally mixed-use and very urban in character. Development will be pedesb:ian-oriented with a strong emphasis on design and sb·eet level activity, and will range from low- to mid-rise in scale. The range of zones and development scale associated with this designation are intended to allow for more intense development in core areas of centers and corridors and near transit station$, while providing trai:isitions to adjacent residential areas. The corresponding zones are Commei'cial Mixed Use 1 (CM1), Commercial Mixed Use 2 (CMZJ, Commercial Mixed Use 3 (CM3), and Commercial Employment{CEJ.

General Commercial

This designation allows a full range of commercial uses having a local or regional market Development will J}lOstly have an auto-orientation, but along sh·eets where high quality transit service is available, development will also be oriented to pedestrians, bicycles, and transit It is intended for arterial streets and to be used for developing areas and for larger, older areas. which already have an auto-oriented development style.


Proposed Change# 94

Pr~posed Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multf- Dwelling 2,000

Existing Comprehensive Plan Designation: High Density Single-Dwelling

Proposed change recognizes a nonconforming situation ( an existing business in a residential or other zone that doesn't allow commercial use) outside of a center o_r corridor.

Multi - Dwelling 2,000

This designation allows multi-dwelling development mixed with single-dwelling housing types but at a scale greater than for single-dwelHng residential. This designation is intended for areas near, in, and along centers and corridors and h·ansit station areas, where urban public services, generally including complete local street networks and access to frequent transit, are available or planned. Areas within this designation gene.rally do not have development constraints. The maximum density is generally 21.8 units per acre1 but may be as milch as 32 units per acre in some situations. The corresponding zone is R2.

High Density Single-Dwelling

This designation continues Portland's most common pattern of single-dwelling development It is intended for areas with good public services and no development constraints. Single-dwelling residential will be the primary use. The maximum density is generally 8.7 units per acre.



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Jo Reese <[email protected]> · Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:11 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Follow up Completed·

. I am submitting comments that are not supportive of the proposed Comprehensive Plan changes for NE 122nd Avenue from Fremont to Sandy Boulevard.

I am one of the members of the LLC that owns the building at 3510 NE 122nd Avenue, at the corner of Fremont Street and 122nd Avenue. I work in this building.

I am writing to say that I would like to see the character of the neighborhood preserved .. The density reflects single family homes, in a suburban setting, near one of the earliest planned suburban developments, Argay Terrace. I visit the Rossi Farm nearly each weekend in the spring through fall, and gppreciate the small pocket of farmland within this largely residential neighborhood. The Parkrose school system has expanded to take more and more of the farm land. With the changes that you envision, the schools will not be able to handle the capacity.

So, not only will the Plan change the character of the neighborhood overall, directly, but indirectly the Plan will increase the number of children in the area and create a burden on schools. Traffic problems will certainly. increase,and.presently-iU:,~ammed at all peak hours. ______ _

I believe it is futile to submit comments on the Comprehensive Plan because the comments will'not be considered by the Bureau of Planning Staff or by the Planning Commission. This neighborhood deserves to be allowed to have the open suburban setting that has already developed, and not reflect the views of people who work in·oowntown Portland. I grew up in Portland, at a time when 122°d Avenue was not even in the City. Please let this area continue to have the density already existing, and ndt create a place that already exists elsewhere in Portland.

Jo Reese Parkrose 3510 LLC

Contact Information:

Jo Reese, M.A., R.PA ]I VP/Senior Archaeologist Archaeological Investigations Northwest. Inc. {AJNW) 3510 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97230 P 503-761-13605 II from Vancouver696-7473 II F 503-761-6620 Cell 971,--409--6979 II email: [email protected] JI




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Chris Imondi <[email protected]> Tuesday, October 27, 2015 8:50 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony RE: Rose City Park Organized Opposition to CPU

Follow up Completed

5003 NE Pacific St. Portland, OR 97213

Oh Oct 27, 2015 2:27 PM, "BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony" <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Chris,

Tnank you for your.comment. In order for us to include it as official public testimony, we will need your mailing address {physical). Could you provide us with such? Thank you,


From: Chris Imondi [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 6:53 AM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony <[email protected]> Subject: Rose City Park Organized Opposition to CPU

I wanted to comment on the Comprehensive Plan Update as a supporter. Tamara DeRidder, Chair of the RCPNA sent a message to the neighborhood that essentially cherry-picked the "scary" paiis of the CPU, and then encouraged residents to mail in comments in opposition.

It is important that you understand that the RCPNA does not speak for the "silent majoriiy!!•~uf;. _ neighborhood. People that are too busy to attend meeting and make public comments when the city proposes changes like this. We value multi-modal access. Many of the roads in our area are unsafe to walk or bike on, which is why I strongly support the changes proposed. NE Halsey and Sandy need better access for all users. Speeding on both streets is a major problem, and they are difficult and often unsafe to cross. Additionally, adding bike lanes to Halsey would greatly improve connectivity in our area. The Montavilla neighborhood north of Glisan is completely cut off from the rest ofthe city for cyclists. If someone wants to ride. east or west, they have to go north or south upwards of one mile before they can find a safe route.

Many of us in the neighborhood are in favor of smaii growth as well. Adding density along commercial coJTidors and transit lines is the best way for our region to add residents. ·


-Chris Imondi

Homeowner and resident of North Tabor/ Rose City Park



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:

Parkrose Neighbors <[email protected]> Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:41 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony -

Subject: Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Completed Flag Status:

Dear Portland City Council:

It has come to my attention that the City of Portland is interested in increasing the freight route status for Sandy Boulevard from "major" to "priority"in the Urban Design Direction for the Comprehensive Plan (see page 34 of the document). Bec-ause Sandy runs through the heart of the Parkrose Neighborhood, this goal raises concerns for those who live and work here. \Ve would prefer that the status remain "major"; it would be even better if it were reduced.

Our reasons for-recommending that the freight status be reduced are outlined in the following points:

Sandy Boulevard is already at capacity, especially during rush hour, ,vhen traffic frequently backs up from I-205 to 1121h and sometimes beyond. The commercial area a\ong Sandy Boulevard between 102nd and 122nd is being recommended by the Comprehensive Plan as•a Neighborhood Center. Parkrose residents suppmi this decision; increasing freight traffic will negatively impact efforts to develop this as a family-, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly Center. Please note that this .section of Sandy Boulevard is bounded on the no1ih and south by commercial zoning and uses. Fmiher east, Sandy is bounded by the railroad to the north and residential uses south. Airport Way is less than a mile nmih of Sandy Blvd and runs through the Columbia Corridor industrial -area. It has access to the I-205 freeway nmihbound and southbound, which also connects to I-84. Airpo1i Way is already designated as a priority freight route, having been designed for freight traffic, unlike Sandy Boulevard, ·We support moving freight traffic off of Sandy Boulevard and onto Aiq101i Way.

While we recognize the impmiance of continuing to develop the industrial area and provide more employment opportunities, it is equally important to ensure that Parkrose residents have a heiiithy, safe, and thriving Neighborhood Center for gathering, shopping, and building community.

We urge you to consider our request. Reducing-the freight traffic on Sandy Boulevard in Parkrose is an impmiant step towards accomplishing our mutual vision of making this street one of the vibrant "main streets"_ in Pmiland. ·

Sincerely, _



Annette Stanhope Chair, Parkrose Neighborhood Association 1017 NE 117th Ave (East Portland Neighborhood Office) Portland, OR 97220 [email protected] 503-432-9050 (text and phone)

- - ------------



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Dr. Scott H. Forbes· 3737 SE Carnthers Street Portland, OR 97214

Scott H. Forbes <[email protected]> Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:23 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Test_imony Re: please do not ruin our street

On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 2:22 PM, BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Scott,

Thank you for your comment. In order for us to include it as official testimony, we will first need your mailing address (physical). Could you provide me with such? Thanks,


From: Scott H. Forbes [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:29 PM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony <[email protected]> Subject: please do not ruin our street

Our short street from 37th to 38th on SE Carnthers is one block from the Division Street corridor, and a large 81 unit housing block was put up on 37th from Division to SE Carnthers with no provision for parking. Now the same people under a different name want to put up another housing and retail space on SE Caruthers and 37th. Please, this is a residential area. Do not allow this destruction of our neighborhood.

Dr. Scott H. Forbes



------------ -------


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:



Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Tamara DeRidder, AJCP <[email protected]> Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:07 PM Duk~, Courtney; Patricolo, Francesca; Igarta, Denver; [email protected]. Nate Carter; Amanda Petretti; Anne Lindsay; Sandra Lefrancois; Stark, Nan; Dingfelder, Jackie; Commissioner Fish; Fritz, Amanda; Commissioner Saltzman; Commissioner Novick; Engstrom, Eric Re: Comprehensive Plan Testimony: Recommended Comprehensive Plan Update -RCPNA Chair Requests for City Council Reschedule TSP.Review by 1-month

Follow up Completed

Thank you for your response, Courtney -Let me know if I understand this correctly: . 1) There are 2 documents you reference that are pending review A) Recommended Comprehensive Plan Update(including map); and B) TSP Update

2) The TSP Discussion Draft - Oct 15 2015 is receiving public comments until Nov. 13th (RCPNA received a copy Oct 20th). The Proposed TSP Draft is to be published in mid-Dec. 2015. This Proposed document is going to be scheduled for public discussion & hearings with PSC Winter/Spring of 2016. Then a Recommended TSP draft will be scheduled for City Council Spring/Summer 2016.

----- - -

- -------------------

3) The Goals, Policies (both in the Recommended Comp. Plan Update?), Financial Plan (Capital Improvement Plan?) and The Project list (TSP Update) of Stage 1/Task 4 had public vetting since publish in early 2015.

4) Tues. Nov. 3rd City Council is holding a work session on Recommended Comp. Plan Transportation Element, including portions of the (Draft?) Transportation Systems Plan (no public comments/ testimony taken). \Vil! this include the list of Significant Transportation Projects? If yes, would you please send me a copy? (Thanks!)

5)Nov. 19th City Council hearing on the Recommended Comp. Plan: Land Use Map Policies, List of Significant Projects. Will this hearing be solely addressing the content of the Recommended Comprehensive Plan and Map App Maps as' published by PSC? Does PBOT have proposed changes to any of the policies that relate to the Transp01iation Element? Are the Significant Transportation Projects also going to be reviewed for inclusion with the the Recommended Comprehensive Plan at this hearing?

6) The,TSP projects map, included with the Recommended Comprehensive Plan, has dropped the 60th St Station Area as a funded project. Why did that happen? Is the City Council's Nov. 19th meeting the appropriate' time to bring up this issue? (Note: In 2011 the PSC agreed not to upzone this area to Comprehensive Plan density until the transpo1iation safety issues for the Station Area had been resolved. It had been our neighborhood's hope that this 60th Ave. Station Area project would resolve these issues)

Thank you and your staff in helping me unpack this timeline. Even as a professional land use planner the lingo· of Tasks and Stages throws me off unless there is a logic tree of what is used whei·e when. Once I hear back from you folks on these questions I have raised I think I will rescind my request for the City Council postponement.

. My best, 1


Tamara DeRidder, AlCP Chair, RCPNA 503-706-5804 On 10/22/2015 12:19 PM, Duke, Courtney wrote:

All -

Please see belOw for clarification an additional details which should ease concerns about timing.

Stage 1/Task 4 of the TSP Update/Comp Plan Update. The Goals, Policies, Financial Plan and The Project list went through extensive public process in 2014 and 2015 with a Proposed Draft Published in July 2014. Fall and winter 2014/2015 was spent updating the project list. The project list and the finaricial plan were published January 30, 2015. PBOT staff meet with District Coalition Land Use and Transportation Committees and provided additional public outreach regarding the Proje~t List and ·the Financial Plan.

There were a series of Planning and Sustainability Commission work sessions, hearings and votes in Winter/Spring/Summer 2015 on all the goals and policies plus the project list and the financial plan. PSC published a Recorrunended Draft in August 2015. These are the components of the TSP that is at City Council in Fall 2015. The Transportation Work Session is November 3. Hearings are on November 19, December 23 and December 10. With a vote not yet scheduled.

Stage 2 of The TSP ·update. This stage is called Task 5 and is to assist with implementing changes in the Policies in Stage 1/Task 4. ·The TSP Update Discussion Draft was published October 2, 2015. Public comment is due November 13; A Proposed Draft will be published in mi_d-December. PSC br ief-ings---,--we-r-k---ses-s-i0ns-- and heari-ngs--a-re -seflecltl±ecl-----i--n-wi-nt-er- -and -spring -of 2016. City council process for this stage has not been scheduled and ,;·Jill likely be in late Spring/early Summer 2016. There will be opportunities for review and coirunents at all stages.

Please see the two attached documents which· should give additional clarification.

Feel free to call or email me directly if'you have additional questions.

Courtney Duke, AICP I Senior Transportation Planner Policy, Planning & Projects Portland Bureau of Transportation 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800 Portland, OR 97204 phone: _503 .. 823. 7265 [email protected] ww,;·1. portlando:r'egon. gov/transportation

Sign the Vision Zero Pledge to contribute to a safer, healthier Portland.

The City of Portland cornplieq with all non-discrimination, Civil Rights. laws including Civil .Rights Title VI and ADA Title II. To help ensure equal access to City programs,· services and- activities, the _City of Portland will reasonably modify policies/procedure·s and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call 503-823-2036, TTY 503-823-6868 or Oregon Relay Service: 711 with such requests, or visit



-----Original-Message-----From: Tamara DeRidder, Arcp· ( Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 5:33 PM To: Patricolo, Francesca <[email protected]>; Duke,· Courtney <[email protected]>; Igarta, Denyer <De_nver. [email protected]>; [email protected]. Cc: Nate Carter <[email protected]>; Amanda Petretti <amandapetretti@grnail. corn>; Anne Lindsay <anne. e. lindsay@'>; Sandra Lefrancois <[email protected]>; Stark, Nan <[email protected]>; Dingfelder, Jackie· <[email protected]>; Commissioner Fish <[email protected]>; Fritz, Amanda <[email protected]>; Commissioner Saltzman <[email protected]>; Commissioner Novick <[email protected]> Subject: Comprehensive Plan Testimony: ReCommended Comprehensive Plan Update - RCPNA Chair Requests for City Council Reschedule TSP Review by 1-month

Thank you foi your response, Francesca.

To: Courtney Duke, Denver Igarta, and Francesca Pat~icolo

It is really unfortunate that the Recommended Draft of the TSP was published so late (Oct. 20th, 2015) . The fact that this document is being r.eviewed by the Portland City Council on N<;,v. 19th, 2015, gives our neighborhood (RCPNA( less than 1 month to review and comment through both our land use Committee ·and- our board. -'!'his- ti-rnel-ine makes--it impossible fo"r any of the--Portland

----------neighborhood- and .business __ associations to properly .comment_on_this_dr_af_t_ .. _______ _

As Chair of Rose City Park Neighborhood Association I formally request that PBOT rescheduled the City Council public _hearing on the Reconunended Transportafion System Plan from its scheduled Nov. 19, 2015 for at least a full" month, Dec. 17th, 2015, to allow the Portland Neighborhood Associations adequate tim~ to comment on t~is important document.


_Tamara DeRidder, AICP Chair, RCPNA 1707 NE 52nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 503-706-5804

On 10/21/2015 4: 38 PM, Patricolo, Er.ancesca wrote:

Hi Tamara, Thanks for your questions. The recommended TSP includes both con·strained and unconstrained projects. Here is that _document (found on our website} The list isn't divided by constrained vs: UDCOnstrained projects but there is a column t_hat says "yes"- or 11 no 11 if it is or isn't. To be clear, the constrained list is what we preqict we will hciVe the money for in the next 20 years: There's always the possibllity that we could have more money though, and we have projects already identified if that should happen -those are the 1:1-nconstra-ined projects.



City Council \·1ill hear the· Planning and Sustainability Commissibn's recommendations for Stage 1 of the TSP Update as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update on November·19 (always check the City Auditor's website for updated information before heading out the door ) Public testimony can be made at the Council hearing or prior to the hearing by sending testimony to the Council Clerk: Council Clerk Testimony: [email protected] US Mail: Council Clerk, 1221 SW Fourth Ave., Room 130, Portland OR 97204 More instructions are available at the hottom of -the page at·the above link I included.

I believe your second and third questions are actually one in the same·vnless you can explain a little more.

I'll be speaking tonight about Stage 2 of the.TSP Update, which is now out for discussion draft. -

Finally, I really want to thank you for sending these questions in advance because I was able to get better information here in my office with my computer and colleagues than I would have been able to do on the fly at the_ meeting. If you ·aren't able to make it tonight, I'd be happy to talk you through Stage 2 of the TSP Update by phone at a b~tt.B.r _ _time for you. Pleas.e fee_l _ free to give me a call: 503.823.5282

Kindest regards, Francesca

Francesca Patricolo, MA & MCRP associate planner+ public involvement specialist city of portland bureau of transportation+ iap2 usa board member 1120 sw fifth avenue I suite 800 I portland, oregon 97204 503.823.5282 I [email protected]

To help ensure equal access to City programs, · services and activities, the City of Portland will provide translation, reasonably modify policies/procedures, and provide auxiliary aids/services/alternative formats to pe.isons w·ith disabilities. For accommodations, translations, complaints, and additional ·information, contact the Civil Rights Title VI & ADA Title II Program by email at [email protected], by telephone (503) 823-2559, by City TTY 503-823-6868, or use Oregon Relay Service: 711.

-----Original Message---~-From~ Tamara DeRidder, AICP [] Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:00 PM To: Patricolo, Francesca <Fran-cesca. [email protected]> Cc: Nate Carter <nate .. [email protected]>; Amanda Petretti



<[email protected]>; Anne Lind~ay <[email protected]>; Sandra Lefrancois_<[email protected]>; Stark, Nan <Nan. Stark@portlandoregon .-gov> Subject: RCPNA Questions on TSP Review for Reconunended Comprehensive Plan Update -

Hi Francesca, I just received notice that you will be speaking tonight at the Central NE Neighbors LUTOP meeting and have downloaded the just released edition of the Recommended TSP. I am unlikely to be able to attend tonight's meeting. But, really need to know more about some information .about the TSP so we can review of this document in a timely way.

1. The Recommended TSP does not include the Constrained Projects List. When \,J'ill this Projects ~ist be released for review? 2. When is the City Council scheduled to begin review this Recommended TSP as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update? 3. What is the date for public comment on the ReCommended TSP when under review by the City Council?

Thank you for this consideration.

My best,

Tamara DeRidder, AICP Chair, RCPNA Co-Chair, LU & TC 503-706-5804




Arevalo, Nora t,._~·,

1:rorn: ~Jent To: Subject:

;'ullow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Catherine Tolls <[email protected]> Thursday, October 22, 2015 2:15 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Change?

Follow up Completed

How will this proposed change affect my property 2200 SW Taylor's Ferry Road. POX From low density single dwelling to single dwelling 20,000? Please explain in terms I can understand. Thank you, Catherine Tolls

Sent from my iPad




Arevalo, Nora

from:· Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Justin Waldron <[email protected]> Thursday, October 22, 2015 12:56 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony. Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

I Chris Waldron, and my husband Daniel have lived at the below addiess for 52 years. I was a single wage earner for 36 years working for the teamster health, welfare and pension retirement department (NW Administrations). We enjoy our property with our family and now with our grandchildren and children of the neighborhood. We would like to keep the zoning as it is. We do understand the 20 years of flexibility and the importance of keeping the zoning uniform. However, our case is different as theie are light industrial zones in front and along side ofus. We would like to stay with the current zoning with which we are cunently considered rather than to move to the proposed Single-Dwelling 5,000 zoning proposed to us. Please consider our request to keep our map designated zoning with your sustainability commission as it now appears.

Our full address is:

10048 N Edison St.

Portland OR 97203

State ID#: lNl W02DA 5700

Cunent Comprehensive plan designation: Mixed Employment


Chris '.V aldron



- -- - -------


October 2J, 2015

Barry Manning Bill Cunningham

BARRY R SMITH, PC, ARCHITECT 715 SW ~forrison Street Suite 909

Portlanll, Oregon 97205-3105 Tel: 503.295.6261 Fax: 503.229:0626

e-mailto: [email protected] Please visit:·

City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Mixed Use Zone Project 1900 SW Fourth Avenue Suite 7100 Portland OR 97201

RE: MUZ Discussion Draft - September 2015

Dear Barry and Bill:

Thank you for meeting me Monday to review the Plan maps. Here are my comments for the record:

Growth Projections and Length of Plan

Growth projections need to be revised using current data for the Comprehensive Plan implementation date of 2017. Should the current revision not be revised for 33 years as is the CE\Se with the current plan then the data has to take into account growth unit 2050. Current plan assumptrons are tMt111ere rs enough rnventory of ava1laole properties in-me currenrdesignatio1rs: for 2035. MUZ designation cannot be accurate without adjusting'the Comp Plan assumptions.

Availability of Developable Parcels

The recession of 2008 severely affected property values in Portland. The recovery saw an exploitation of MUZ zones that allow unregulated floor area rcitio of residential development in commercial zones. In the period before property values.escalated-during the recovery and while no new production of housing occurred and population growth continued, properties could be developed for rental housing at current market rates. In MUZ areas property values doubled l)f.c;>Viding enough of an incentive for owners to sell to developers. Rental rates increased according[y.-

Sirice we do not know when macro-economic conditions will again provide this sort of arbitrage MUZ mapping needs to increase available higher density sites on the assumption that all will not make it into new development. I recommend ombudsman managers be retained for each zoning category including MUZ to survey properties not subject to demolition restraints, properties in Code violation, properties containing non-permitted uses and properties on the City's historic resource inventory and evaluate the survey against available developable property assumptions.

Mapj,b1g Revisions in Subsequent Updates

Besides the MUZ base zone updates, other zone updates have to be coordinated to minimize conflict ih transitions to the other zones. The Plan updates for Central City, Corridors, Nodes and Neighborhoods need to meet the criteria of the Comp Plan and be adopte_d as a part of the Comp Plan. Neighborhood groups and Neighborhood District Coalitions need planning assistance to


meet these requirements. The Plan updates need to change the maps in the current Plan update to reflect the discoveries in the subsequent planning processes.

Public Infrastructure Plan

Environmental Services and Transportation plans that demonstrate capacities assumed in the Comp Plan are not yet developed. Storm and sanitary system capacities have not yet been translated into development restriction maps. Transportation improvement and repair plans are not funded. Overlaying the restrictions with the MUZ plan.designations needs to occur. Reduction in lot sizes due to dedication requirements affects assumed densities.

In order to meet the Plan policies to reduce traffic and emissions, Parking requirements for MUZ components need to be adjusted for floor area bonuses and reduced for smaller projects. Instead cif using paicel size or unit count, occupancy calculations should be in line with those used in the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Parking requirements then need to be adjusted for MtJZ zones iri different corridors, nodes and neighborhoods and adjuste.d for types of use. For example, micro units do not demand as much· parking as traditional one and two bedroom units and MUZ zones on SW Barbur Boulevard demand greater parking than those in Sunnyside neighborhood. Streets at capacity cannot accommodate more parking ..

Height, Area, and Coverage

Within the proposed MUZ categories, massing criteria needs to increase where appropriate. The proposed CE designation occurs in areas where 75FT to 150FT high buildings c·an be accommodated. FAR in some areas can increase to 5 to 1 without bonuses. Locations for the added height and area can occur where standard base zone transition requirements can be met. In·transition requirements can be met; more·OM3and less·GM1 and CM2

-----uesignations need to occur-thaHcin-the-Gurrent plan. -

Maximum building coverage, required landscape areas and required outdoor space should be eliminated in some areas within the MUZ designations. Plan policies for resiliency prohibit these requirements from being accommodated above the ground level except in Type I construction. Most MUZ designated developments will be Type Ill and Type V construction based on current OSSC height and area definitions. Balconies, roof gardens and upper level outdoor spaces are not sustainable in Type Ill and Type V construction. ·

As we discussed in our meeting many of these comments relate to Comp Plan policies. Can you. forward these comments on to the Comp Plan team for me? ·

Please let me know if you have any questions.

/t;1vrv7 /l ~ P-. Barry


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:



Tamara DeRidder, AICP <[email protected]> Wednesday, October 21, 2015 5:33 PM Patricolo, Francesca; Duke, Courtney; Igarta, Denver; [email protected]. Nate Carter; Amanda Petretti; Anne Lindsay; Sandra Lefraflcois; Stark, Nan; Dingfelder, Jackie; Commissioner Fish; Fritz, Amanda; Commissioner Saltzman; Commissioner Novick Comprehensive Plan Testimony: Recommended Comprehensive Plan 1,Jpdate - RCPNA Chair Requests for City Council Reschedule TSP Review by 1-month '.

Thank you for your response, Francesca.

To: Courtney Duke, Denver Jgarta, and Francesca Patricolo

It is really unfortunate that the Recommended Draft of the TSP was published so late (Oct. 20th, 2015). The fact that this document is being reviewed by the Portland City Council on Nov. 19th, 2015, gives our neighborhood(RCPNA) less than 1 month to review and comment through both our land use committee and our board. This time!ine makes it impossible for any of the Portland neighborhood and business associations to properly comment on this draft.·

As Chair of Rose City Park Neighborhood Association I formally request that PBOT rescheduled the City Council public hearing on the Recommended Transportation System Plan from its scheduled Nov. 19, 2015 for at least a full month, · 17th, '.101_5, to allgw the l'ortland Neighborhood Associations adequate time to comment on this important document.


Tamara DeRidder, AICP Chair, RCPNA 1707 NE 52nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 503-706-5804

On 10/21/2015 4:38 PM, Patricolo, Francesca wrote: > Hi Tamara, > Thanks for your questions. The recommended TSP includes both constrained and unconstrained projects. Here is that document (found on our website) The list isn't divided by constrained vs. unconstrained projects but there is a column that says "yes" or "no" if it is or isn't. To be clear, the constrained list is what we predict we will have the money for in the next 20 years. There's always the possibility that we

. could have more money though, and we have projects already identified if that should happen -those are the unconstrained projects. . > > City Council will hear the Planning and Sustainability Commission's recommendations for Stage 1 of the TSP Update as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update on November 19 (always check the City Auditor's website for updated information before heading out the door Public testimony can be made at the Council hearing or prior to the hearing by sending testimony to the Council Clerk: · > Council Cl.erk Testimony: [email protected] US Mail:



> Council Clerk, 1221 SW Fourth Ave., Room 130, Portland OR 97204 More > instructions are available at the bottom of the page at the above link I included. > > I believe your second and third questions are actually one in the same unless you can explain a little more. > > I'll be speaking tonight about Stage 2 of the TSP Update, which is now out for discussion draft. > > Finally, I really want to thank you for sending these questions in > advance-because I was able to get better information here in my office _ > with my computer and colleagues than I would have been able to do on > the fly at the meeting. If you aren't able to make it tonight, I'd be > happy to talk you through Stage 2 of the TSP Update by phone at a > better time for you. Please feel free. to give me a call: 503.823.5282 >

-> Kindest regards, > Francesca ' > > Francesca Patricolo, MA & MCRP > associate planner+ public involvement specialist city of portland > bureau of transportation+ iap2 usa board member > 1120 SW fifth avenue I suite 800 I portland, oregon 97204 . > 503.823.5282 I [email protected] > > To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will provide translation, reasonably modify policies/procedures, and provide auxiliary aids/services/alternative formats to persons with disabilities. For accommodations, translations, complaints, and additional information, contact_the Civil Rights Title VI & ADA Title II Program by email at [email protected], by telephone (503) 823-2559, by CitiTTY 503-82j:6868, or use Oregon Relay Service: 711-. - - - .. . . - .. . .. - -----> > > > -----Original Message-----> From: Tamara DeRidder, AICP > [mai1to:[email protected]] > Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:00 PM > To: Patricolo, Francesca <[email protected]> > Cc: Nate Carter <[email protected]>; Amanda Petretti > <[email protected]>; Anne Lindsay <[email protected]>; > Sandra Lefrancois <[email protected]>; Stark, Nan > <[email protected]> > Subject: RCPNA Questions on TSP Review for Recommended Comprehensive > Plan Update > > Hi Francesca, > I just received notice that you will be speaking tonight at the Central NE Neighbors LUTOP meeting and have downloaded the just released edition of the Recommended TSP. I am unlikely to be able to attend.tonight's meeting. But, really need to know more about some information about the TSP so we can review of this document in a timely

-way. > > 1. The Recommended TSP does not include the Constrained Projects List. > When will this Projects List be released for review?



> 2. When is the City Council scheduled to begin review this Recommended TSP as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update? · · > 3. What is the date for public comment on the Recommended TSP when under review by the City Council?

> .> Thank you for this consideration. > > My best, > > Tamara DeRidder, AICP > Chair; RCPNA. > Co-Chair, LU & TC > 503-706-5804





To The City Council:

1730 SE 82ND Ave. Por:tland, Oregon 97216 _ -Phone 503-771-5400 Fax503-771-5991

Re: Portland's Comprehensive Plan


My narne is Thomas Morgana, please consider my testimony regarding our business/property located at 1730 SE 82"ct Ave Portland, Oregon 97216. AutoJane LLC is a well-established, small, family ran business that will be adversely effected by the proposed land use and zoning changes. We purchased this property for future financial security for our family. This proposed zoning would take that away, by preventing many

_retaiLbusinesses from purchasing the land. I-feel that this is unfair and --- -Unfe--aGenaeie--c-1--\¥as--e0m--in-P~rHand--and~l-ove-this-city;-i--askthe-eity

Council, please do not change the zoning. Thank you for your time and consideration in this hrntter.

Sincerely,_ ·-.-~;. . .. ·--·-·,·-·---- .

- Thomas Morgana


City Council Hearing on: Comprehensive Plan Policies, Plan Map and Lis-t of Significant Projects

Why am I receiving this notice? You are receiving this notice because you responded in writing to the matter, testified at a previous related hearing, or have requested notice of this hearing. ·

What is this project about? There are three parts to Portland's Comprehensive Plan: A set of goals and policies, a plan map, and a list of public facilities projects needed to carry out the plan. This project updates all three parts of the plan. These updates are required by the City's Periodic Review Work Program.

How can I review this proposal? Get a copy of the report,.A.ll three plan components are available now. You can pick up copies at the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability at 1900 SW 4th Avenue, 7th Floor. The bureau's receptionist will mailyou a cop)' if you call 503-823-7700. The documents are also available on the BPS website at:

Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies Comprehensive Plan Map: Compr_ehensive Plan List of Significant Projects:

How can I comment on this proposal? Testify at the City Council hearing. The hearing, on Thursday November 19, 2015 at 3:00 p.m., will be in Council Chambers at City fI11ll, 1221 SW_ 4th 1'.,•enue. . _ _

----'feBtinrony wiihontinue·until apprnxim,1:tely-opni. Due-totlre numoerof people expected;1t1sltkely that not eveTyone wishing to testify will be accommodated on November 19. The hearing will be continued on D~cember 3, 2015, and again on December 10, 2015. Check the project website for the time and location of the continued hearing. ·

Write to City Council. Email written testimony to the Council Clerk at [email protected] or send to 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 130, Portland, Oregon 97204. Written testimony must be received by the time of the hearing and must include your name and address. ·

Use the MapApp. You may also testify by using tlie MapApp on a computer or web enabled mobile device:

• To testif-/ on a particular land use change on the Plan Map follow the Land .Use link on the Mapp App

• To testify on a particular water, sanitary sewer, or storm water project follow the Citywide Systems Plan link on theMapApp ·

• To testify on a particular transportation project follow the Transportation Systems Plan link on the MapApp

Testimony must be received by the time of the hearing; name and address fields are required.

For more information Visit the Bureau of Planning and Su~t~inability's website:,hcompplan

Call the Help Line at the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability 503-823- 0"195


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:


_ Rachel Hill <[email protected]> Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:02 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Feedback/Testimony for Zoning _changes on Lom_bard and Truck Strategy

Follow up Completed

I would like to testify in writing regarding the Comprehensive Plan proposal, specifically, the prop9sed zoning changes on N. Lombard as a result of the Truck Strategy. This would be going form Medium Density Multi-Dwelling to Single Dwelling.·,

My name is Rachel HilL

I live at 9515 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203

Phone: 503.849.8337 Email: hilLrachel@gmaiLcom

--:-Th:e zoning changes-th,n-are-proposed forN:-tombard-St:-are·not the coffect·strategy-because~of-what is dnving -· the decision to change the zoning.

The zoning changes are in response to the proposed truck strategy. N. Lombard Street is a residential and small scale commercial street not scaled for tiucks. The lmpacts to those who live there are significant. Residents and

-· business visitors park in the right of way to avoid being clipped. The diesel fumes, safety concerns, intense noise, and livability issues are ·now magnified because we have all trucks passing by our homes (my front door_ is less than 15 feet from where trncks drive).

Down-zoning the area simply sacrifices LESS people to this honible way ofJife. Those ofus who live here and have businesses here still half to deal with the damage to our homes and bodies and daily way of life as a result of the trncks.

It also sacrifices the financial future of our homes. For those ofus who invested everything that we have in our homes, what will this mean financially for homes. How about the ability to sell in the future? You are creating a very incompatible situation - a small scale residentially focused street that is acting as a major, intense industrial Conidor. This doesn't make any sense.

I work in the Planning field and I don't fully understand the potential outcomes. Simply telling me about the zoning changes forces citizens to search out the ramifications. Many of my neighbors don't understand their part in public process and don't believe the City is "for them". They are not inclined to do this "homework" nor do they feel they will have a voice'(not that they don't, nor that the City doesn't encourage it - it's a slow process of· helping people understand their power). I don't know if keeping it at a higher zoning designation is the answer. But I believe that what you're creating with the truck strategy and the zoning is not the answer. It concentrates negative impacts on the people living here. It creates a sacrificial street of families living in single-family homes



with less ability to have control over their futures because they have less flexibility and less options regarding what they can do with their property in the future.

This is especially hard to understand because there IS a solution. There is a route trucks can take on I-5 and Columbia that would keep them 100% off of residential streets with very little added driving distance ..

Realizing that the truck strategy may not be up for discussion anymore, you're asking about the zoning changes. I believe the city needs to do a better job not just informing people of what is proposed to happen but helping us understand what that means for us, short and long term. What will that look like in five years or 25 years.

. ,_.

My intent is not just to complain. I hope to offer some thoughts on solutions:

Best solution - rethink this truck strategy and find a route and middle-gr6und solution that works for the Port AND the communities that they drive through. There is a solution that has trucks traveling a small distance more to keep them out of the heart of our communities. It seems simple.

A Band-Aid solution that addresses the difficulties from day today - help owners mitigate the difficulties of living on the street. Help them soundproof their windows, install HV AC systems that filter the diesel fumes that create a layer of dust around my house. I contacted Indow Windows (a local P01iland company) that does sound mitigation on windows. Help communities subjected to the issues, deal with them. Similar to what the City does with energy rebates. However, since this a low income area, perhaps rethink the rebate and help with loans and grants.

At the very least, help residents and business owners understand the outcome of a decision to downzone their prope1iies. Help them understand what it will look like in the future with this decision. Will their property values go down? Will they never be able to sell to a developer who may have the financial power to build a more compatible style-ofclevelopment for a truckroute?Manypeopledo you not undei'staila the zoning well enough. Public outreach meetings in the neighborhood and door-to-door discussion would be helpful. I've really had to search them out - and (as you can tell :) am a pretty engaged citizen ..

Please do not focus city dollars solely on "improvements quote that help trucks on their path to the po1i. Help reinforce and bolster the community that is there.

Thank you,

Rachel Hill

rachel hill [email protected] Portland, OR 503.849.8337



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Dear City Planners,

Earl Mershon <[email protected]> Monday, October 19, 2015 9:00 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony [User Approved] Comprehensive Plan for 2035 Testimony: Argay Neighborhood

Follow up Completed

Our family has lived in the Argay Neighborhood since 1993 and we are members of the Argay Neighborhood Association.

We appreciate the changes made so far in the Argay Neighborhood's Comprehensive plan and . request one further change.

We would like the area at N.E.- 122nd and Shaver re-designated from R-3 and Mixed Employment to R-5 for single family homes. The parcel numbers are 287, 288 and 289. With nearly 45% of Argay households in multi-family housing, we would like future development to be single-family

-homes, completing the original plan envisioned by Argay's original developers and wanted-by most Argay residents.

Thank you for your consideration.

Earl C. and Sharon L. Mershon 3809 N.E. 136th Place Portland, OR 97230-2720




Janet Fre·eman 216 NE28" Ave POX, OR 97232 .

Amy Musgrave 224 NE 28" Ave POX, OR 97232

9/14/15 City Council of PDX City's Comprehensive Plan Mixed Use "Urban Center"

Dear Council Members,

As you may know the city is working on a new comprehensive plan and 14% of Portland is going through re-zoning changes. ·

Amy Musgrave and I would like our properties to be re-zoned from R-1 to "Mixed Use Urban Center," CM2. They are located between Everett and Davis. Currently everything south of Davis is zoned "mixed use" and everything north of. Everett is zoned "mixed use." We are sandwiched in a commercial, vibrant, and very busy commercial area. The properties are.not ideal for purely residential purposes due-to-the-heavy-tr-affic-and-noise.--- ___ _

Currently there are 4 nonconforming properties surrounding us on our block.

230 NE 28" Ave: 234 - Polliwog Toys and ciothing for ages 0-8 232 - staccato G elato

231-233 NE 28" Ave: 233- Urban Nest & Director's Mortgage

211 NE 28" Ave: Ethereal W eHness Elo utique LMT & Esthetician

200 NE 28" Ave: Bishops Barbershop Tabla Restaurant . One Energy Renewables

Also, the Coca Cola Syrup plant at has large trucks coming in and our all day and weekdays.


Janet Freeman 216 NE 28"' Ave PDX, OR 97232

Amy Musgrave 224 NE 28"' Ave PDX, OR 97232


Amy Musgrave 224 NE 28th A venue Portland, OR 97232


Bureau of Development Services

. Testimony for zoning of224 NE 28th Avenue

Dear Council Members.

I, Amy Musgrave, wish for my property listed above to remain strictly residential use (Rl ). I wish for NO rezoning change for my property during the Portland Comprehensive Plan review. This letter nullifies all other documents with my name and/or address associated with this issu~.

I ask the council to not accept the letter dated 9/15/2015 submitted by Janet Freeman asking for a l'ezoning of our properties. I wrote the letter and it is my intellectual · prope1ty. I did not give Janet permission to submit it on her behalf, and I especially did

· not give her permission to change the letter to reflect the exact opposite of what I want. 1 feel Janet was not forthcoming to me or to the people who signatures she collected with

- her plans for her income properties. Once I asked for clarification, she-in1mediately cut- -ties withme ·and· submitted·my·altered-letter:-I-please-ask-city-emplGyees-l0-neH1eeept-stolen intellectual property as an official city document. In its place, I have submitted Janet's letter that she wrote and has fuH authority to use. ·

Ibefieve having these four single-family homes in the center of the business strip helps gives the neighborhood its chaim. People feel among a true neighborhood conidor. I wasn't opposed to smaller businesses that keep the integrity of the mentioned homes. IfI have to choose between keeping the residential homes and bringing in more c"ommercial business.that can build higher thus disrupting the homes all around it, I choose to put-the neighborhood first. I feel the mix of single-family homes and businesses keep our street from turning into another Hawthorne or Belmont and helps keep crime down. It is also a nice reprieve from the hustle and bustle of Burnside. This is my primary home and the two houses at 216 NE 281h and 211 NE 28lli are investment properties associated with Janet Freeman who does not live in the neighborhood. Please consider what is best for the people who live _in the community over just a couple of people who are considering what is best for them.

Thank you,

Amy Musgrave [email protected] 503.810.8381



Janet Freeman 216 NE 28th Avenue Portland, OR 97232

Amy Musgrave 224 NE 28'h A venue Portland, OR 97232


City Council of Pmiland Po1iland Comprehensive Plan

Dear Council Members,

The city is working on a new comprehensive plan and 14% of Portland is going through rezoning changes. We are asking to be a part of that.·

Janet Freeman and Amy Musgrave would like our prope1iies at the addresses listed above to be rezoned from Rl to CMl Mixed Use Neighborhood. Our properties are located between Davis and Everett on NE 28'h A venue. We are among retail shops, restaurants, businesses an:d other home dwellings. This attracts a lot of vehicle, bike, and foot traffic all week.

Cunently there are several non-conforming prope1iies innnediately sunounding us that are zoned Rl but are operating as connnercial storefont or mixed-use.

To the North: 230 NE 28'h Ave.· 232 NE 28'h Ave 234NE 28th Ave

To the South:

Queen Jeanette Apmiments · Staccato Gelato Polliwog Toys and Clothing

233 NE 28th Ave Urban Nest Realty (223 NE 28'h Ave Single Family Home) 211 NE 28th Ave Ethereal Wellness Boutique

To the West: 200 NE 28th Ave 206 NE 28'h Ave 210 NE 28th Ave

Tabla Restaurant One Energy Renewables Bishops Barbershop

Our neighborhood is also home to the Coca-Cola syrup factory at 1710 l\TE Davis Street (zoned EG]) across the street west from our prope1iies. This brings multiple·big rigs down our street on weekdays.


Because of our cunent sunoundings, a rezoning of our properties from Rl to CMl will not be out-of-place and will not decrease the amount of residential units available. We ask you to consider our request so that we may continue to help our community thrive and grow.

Thank you,

Janet Freeman [email protected] 503-998-8802

Amy Musgrave amydmusgrave(al, 503-810-8381


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

. [email protected] Monday, October 19, 2015 1:35 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

From: [email protected] · To: "Carol Parker" <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, October 19, 20151:18:46 PM Subject: Comments ·

October 19, 2015 . Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission - Comprehensive Plan Update

Portland City Council

I am writing for the third time in regards to the Notices of a Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Change regarding the proposed zoning designation change to my property at 8901 SE Crystal


My property is currently designated as High Density Single-Dwelling. Your proposed designation is Single dwelling 7,000. I would like to again request that you do NOT change my designation _to Single dwelling.

My basis for this request is as follows: My property consists of .39 acres, shaped like a backwards 'L'. The southern end of my property is .115.6' by 57 .6' = 6,658.56 square feet; over .15 acre. There are no buildings on this portion of my property. The only improvements are my extended driveway and my sewer line running 4' from the east property line. An additional home built in this area would not impair the open space concept. A simple rerouting of my driveway to lightly traveled 89th Ave and removal of any unwanted driveway on the .15 acre would be all that was required. This would result in my remaining property size at over .23 acres. 1his would still leave two good sized properties with room for landscaping and parking and would still conform to most of the housing built in Portland now.

Per Portland Maps, the Single Family Residential homes listed on this block are as follows with street nu.mber address and acreage: · 8901 .39 (My property) 8909 .3 Actually a Foster care/Assisted living home 8941 .26 Flag lot. It appears that the usable land is approximately .23 acres 9007 .23 9027 .23 9047 .23 8930 .23



8942 .23 8950 .23 9008.29 9034 .79 This is a triangular lot running along the bike path and is terribly overgrown.

The other properties listed on this block are either Foster Homes or Multi-family units. Ori the basis that only three properties rated as Single Family Residential homes are larger than .23 .useable acres, I feel that I am getting penalized unfairly by changing my zoning from High Density Single-Dwelling to Single Dwelling 7,000. Your letter does state that your plan includes better matching the designation to what is now built.

I would also like you to consider that it is very difficult to maintain a property this size. Also, with the current Portland water bills, it is simply not feasible for me to water the lawn, trees and shrubs. All of my trees and shrubs suffered greatly this year and I do not believe that at least two of them are going to survive th~ lack of water.

My property is .4 miles from the SE Flavel Street Max Station and from the Tri-Met Bus stop at92nd and Flavel. It is less than 1 block per Portland Maps from the bike path. Walmart, Best Buy, Fred Meyer including pharmacy, Home Depot, a bank, a <::redit union, restaurants, fast food, Great Clips for hair plus other businesses are all located within 1.2 mlles walking distance of my property. All of the above businesses are conducive for good access and reduction of automobile use. North and south bound on-ramps to the 205 freeway at Johnson Creek Blvd are both within 1.5 miles. School buses stop at 89th and Crystal Springs to pick up and drop off siudents. I believe that all of these considerations are basic goals of the Proposed Comprehensive Plan, i.e. proximity to services and transit.

- in addition~-would likci-loi{ffOW what·th1:rplan-is-for Prop·ertylD#-R146082;-2:-7 acres undevelope property. This property lies directly west and northwest of my property and is owned by the City of Portland.

Please reconsider the proposed designation for my property. I did not receive any acknowledgement after my two previous communications to the Portland Planning Commission. I would greatly appreciate an acknowledgement that you have received this letter with your decision and a response regarding Property ID# R146082. Thank you for your time and review of this third request.

Carol Cross Parker 8901 SE Crystal Springs Blvd Portland, OR 97266 [email protected]



Arevalo, Nora.

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Dear Planning Committee:


Linda Mlynski <[email protected]> Monday, October 19, 2015 12:26 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony comprehensive plan testimony

Follow up Completed

I purchased my home at 3728 SE Caruthers in 1997 and have lived here ever since. For the past 15 years I have been a residential real estate broker in Portland. I am under the impression that my block can soon be considering mixed use/commercial zoning, but I am unclear why this short area of Caruthers would be changed to mixed-use and not be residential RS like the rest of SE Caruthers St.?

Those of us on this block, there are only 10 homes, 5 on each side, are all home owners who have already been largely impacted by the huge apartment building on the corner of 37th and Division and now we are faced with another demolition at the corner of 37th and Caruthers, another apartment building with go up with no parking and yet you are considering also making our block mixed use/commercial?

Where does it stop? Do you want all of us to have to relocate? Most people don't have to live WITHIN businesses, walking distance, Y".S, but no~s n_eigh_bor's. l_t is sad that there seems to be no_ limits to _this unwanted growth and reckl~s.u>lanning, these mailings_seem ignore home owners and residents, they are a cursory exercise, and onlyL_th_e ____ _ developers win.

Never the less, I am exercising my right to say I am against the block 3100-3800 of SE Caruthers having mixed use/commercial zoning. It should be RS zoning.

Thank you,

Linda Mlynski Real Estate Broker Realty Trust Group 5015 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Portland, OR 97215 Three Year Five Star Home Professional, Portland Monthfy Magazine [email protected]

· ·503. 708.560Q




Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Hi there.

Deb Delman <[email protected]> Monday, October 19, 2015 11:12 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Kol Peterson; Engstrom, Eric; Sara Wittenberg Re: Zone change-request for 5015 NE 11th Ave.

Follow up Completed

I just submitted a letter of request for a zone change request and wanted to make sure that I included my mailing address.

Deb Delman 4227 NE 10th Ave. Poriland, OR 97211

Thanks so much! Deb*

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11 :08 AM, Deb Delman<[email protected]> wrote: To Whom it May-eoncem, - --------

My husband and I are the owners of Caravan- The Tiny House Hotel, the first tiny house hotel in the world, located on the comer of NE 11th Ave. and Albe1ia St. I own the adjacent prope1iy at 5015 NE 11th, and with the support of Sara Wittenberg from Alberta Main Street, I am writing to request a zone change to my property on 5015 NE 11th Ave.

Both the letter of request and a letter of support are attached. I'd be happy to answers any question or discuss the benefits to the community of expanding our unique model of sustainable housing to include more tiny houses. Hundreds of visitors, guests, policy makers, educators and City officials from across the city, country and world, visit Caravan each week to learn more about small housing at our Tiny House Tours, City-wide ADU Tours and other education events.

Thank you for your consideration. We hope that you will see the benefits of growing our capacity to serve a wider audience to learn about and experience firsthand the benefits of small housing.

Deb Delman, Owner of Caravan- The Tiny House Hotel.

Deb Delman, Owner of Caravan-The Tiny House Hotel 503.288.5225



Deb Delman, Owner of Caravan- The Tiny House Hotel 503.288.5225

- --------- ------



A Alberta Main Street

Board of Directors

James Armstrong Alberta Eye Care President

Angie Heiney Frock Vice President

Eric Ohlsen Ohlsen Research Treasurer

Jennifer Watson Hugh Realty Secretary

Celia Barlow Attorney

Roslyn Hill . Commercial Prope1'ty Owner--

October 19, 2015

Re: 5015 NE 11'" Avenue (R261205)

To whom it may concern,

Alberta Main Street supports the zone change request to convert the property located at 5015 NE 11'" Avenue from R2.5 to the new Mixed Use zone as a part of the Comprehensive Zoning Plan update.

The proposed change will not significantly detract from the livability or appearance of the adjacent residential area. Additionally, there are several commercially zoned properties located north and south of Alberta Street, so this change would fall within the normal and acceptable zoning patterns that already exist along Alberta Street.

The owners also own the adjacent property located at 5009 NE 11'" Avenue where Caravan- The.Tiny House Hotel is located. They have been a great addition to the business community on Alberta Street, and we are foruident that peniiiftinjftneril to expand tneu: stnall business

Jonnie Ling ---=to~thefr ·adjacent proJ?erty woula·serve to improve tlrdr existirtg ____ _ Commttnity Cycling Center business functions and programs for th~ community.

Dulcinea Myers-Newcomb COnfordia Resident

Eric Paine Commercial Property Owner

Preston Salami Umpqua Bank

Alberta Main Street advances efforts to ·develop Alberta Street as a vibrant, creative, equitable, and SU!?tainable commercial district serving residents and visitors to our community.

1722 NE Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 tel (503) 683-3252 fax (503) 688-1325 albertamair;

Their hotel serves a valuable function as a place for out of town visitors to experience Alberta Street; In fact, many who stay there would not have discover~d Alberta Street were it not staying at this hotel. Lastly, their business provides a unique suite of educational events around small, alternative infill housing. From running regular tiny house tours, to the City-wide ADU Tour, they educate homeowners about alternative, affordable housing options in Portland.

.Sara Wittenberg Executive Director Alberta Main Street 1722 NE Alberta Street Portl,md, OR 97211 [email protected] (503) 683-3252




October 19'\ 2015

Zone Chanli,e Request 50_15 NE 11 Ave.

Dear City Council,

I am writing to request that the comprehensive plan map be amended and the zoning changed to my property at 5015 NE llth Ave, from R2.5ah to C Gh (soon to reclassified as "Mixed Use"). I have owned the property since July of 2003, and have been an active member cif the Alberta St. community since that time.

My husband and I own Caravan- The Tiny House Hotel, a thriving business located at 5009 NE 11th Ave, the commercially zoned property on Alberta and 11th that's directly adjacent to my residentially zoned property-they share a property line. We purchased this adjacent property in 2012 from Roslyn Hill, The lot stretches from Alberta St. to my property line at 5015 NE 11th. After two years of executing a successful, small, start up business, we'd like to expand to meet the growing demand for accommodations. The most logical,-appealing and natural expansion of Caravan would include my property at th • . . 5015 NE 11 Ave, Just nmih of our hotel.

Within four blocks of this location, there are two precedents of the C Gh zoning extendingbuth-notilrand south-of:A:lberta-St-by-1"'2-tax-lots;-so-this-would not·be ·an

------~aberration to existing landcus,,patteTnsi1ruurimm-euiate-neighborhood~-- ·

-Caravan fills a much needed hotel niche on the western side of Alberta St. We enjoy a positive relationship with our neighbors, as a significant portion of our business comes from people in the neighborhood who have family members stay with us when visiting Po1iland. We're often booked out 2-3 months in advance, so by adding 3 more tourist _accommodation units to the business, our capacity would be expanded by 50%.

Besides offering guests from around the world a unique and authentically Portland experience, we use Caravan as a public showcase of small housing alternatives. We are deeply involved in small housing advocacy and educational work with our Tiny House aµd Accessory Dwelling Unit Tours, workshops and consultations. In fact, as a result of being a u_niqµe showcase of these smaller, affordable urban infill housing alternatives, Caravan has had extensive media coverage the New York Times, The Today Show, Nightline, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Yahoo!, NPR, the Oregonian, Portland Monthly, and Po1ilandia, helping to spotlight Pmiland' s national leadership in these matters.

Caravan has done extensiv.e education on these increasingly impmiant housing issues. We've received City official visitors from Bend, OR, Washington DC, and Vancouver, BC and have been a paii of several affordable housing tours for those who are seeking to use tiny houses as one possible solution for homelessness. Po1ila:nd Bureau of Development Services planning and zoning staff even toured our facility over the summer of2015 to lea_m more about consumer interest in tiny houses on wheels.



Due to the high costs of starting the business at another location, we don't plan on expanding our business elsewhere. -However, we would love to be able to expand to our property next door and the zoning designation is what stands in the way of being able to -do this.

We look fo1ward to a long and bright future of continued success celebrating our amazing local community and the possibilities for small, affordable and environmentally friendly housing options. ·

Thank you-fo1°-your-consideration,-We'd-be,happyto give you a tour-of-Garavan anytime, --------so-please let us know-if-you'd like to come-bv-. --

Deb Dehnan Owner of 5015 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR, 97211

Deb Delman and Kol Peterson Caravan- The Tiny House Hotel 5009NE 11th Ave. -Portland, OR, 97211


Arevalo, ·Nora

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Dear City Council,

David.Ashman <[email protected]> Sunday, October 18, 2015 10:31 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Stockton, Marty; Miriam Erb; Ellen Burr Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

Please accept the following testimony as official comments on area #1111 (formerly #681) collectively from the following neighbors:

David Ashman & Laura Carim Todd 8075 SE 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97202

Brian and Kathy Koppang 8084 SE 8th Ave.

· · Pmtland,OR 97202

Elizabeth Bryson & Stefan Szczepanski 735 SE Tacoma St. Portland, OR 97202

Miriam & John Erb 1002 SE Spokane St. Portland, OR 97202

Elayne Janiak & Karl Voiles 1014 SE Spokane St. Portland, OR 97202

Ron Olson 947 SE Spokane St. Portland, OR 97202

Rosa Thomas 934 SE Spokane St. Portland, OR 97202

Kimberly Fe1ris 1003 SE Spokane St. Portland, OR 97202



"As homeowners and residents of the area included in Comprehensive Plan change #1111 (formerly #681) along SE Tacoma between SE 7th and SE 11th in Sellwood, we support the designation change from Urban Commercial to Mixed Use - Neighborhood. However, we feel strongly that this portion of the neighborhood is not ready to be rezoned as commercial and should be kept as R2.

Of the 34 impacted properiies, 100% are either small multi-family or single-family residential dwellings with no commercial activity. Many of these properties are in very good condition and some have been renovated. We · consider it an area of residential stability. 'fhere is a pure neighborhood feel that starts just one house to the north aJ).d to the south of Tacoma. We support incremental development over time through the zoning and permitting processes already in place. To preserve and respect the existing homes in this area and adjacent areas, ,let's wait to see how the development demographic plays out in the future."

David Aslrman



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

ROBERT MUNFORD <[email protected]> Saturday, October 17, 2ois 11:12 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony SW Comprehensive Plan

Follow up Completed

> Ask any resident of Multnomah Village and they will tell you that they moved here for the historical character of the neighborhood and village. The proposed change to a C2 for the Multnomah business district would not only DESTROY that character but violate the Comprehensive bylaws of the new proposed plan, specifically Policy 3.99, ·4.B, 4.3,4.11, 4.12, 4.28 and 4.29 for starters. Alf of the neighbors that I spoke with and the neighborhood association are STRONGLY AGAINST this designation of C2 as a city center instead of a designation of Cl neighborhood corridor and I would suspect would fight this proposal to the full extent of the law. Can the city really afford this?? Why would the city allow this to happen, much Jess endorse this action? The unique antique character of Multnomah Village business district and

. neighborhood should remain and not be defaced by the new typical Portland style buildings (as found along the new waterfront) that are ugly, modern and more than 3 stories. Please add this comment to !he public record. > Karyn and Robert Munford, 2710 SW Troy St, Portland, OR 97219




Arev.ilo, Nora

From: .Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Kris Clarke <[email protected]> Saturday, October 17, 2015 8:53 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony 122nd and Shaver re zoning.

Follow up Completed

! live on Shaver in the condos right across from the farm. PLEASE change the zoning to include ONLY single family homes. When the park arrives I feel the livability would be enhanced by single family homes as opposed to apartments. As they don't seem to feel any ownership of where they live .... we are surrounded by apartments on one side and see this everyday. I think it would open this beautiful park up to people who won't watch out for the neighborhood. I agree with the AGN proposal.

"The Membership of the Argay Neighborhood Association authorizes the Board of Directors on its behalf to issue a statement to the City of Portland requesting that the land located south and east of the corner of NE 122nd and NE Shaver currently designated Mixed Employment and R-3 residential in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan be re-designated R-S for single family home development."

Thank"you for your service, Kris Clarke 12609 NE Shaver Street

--Portland Oregon 97230 ------------------------------

Sent from my iPad




Arevalo, Nora .,.,;,;.;;.;.;.~-,;;,,;,;;,.,...,.....,_ ..................... ------------"""'""" ............. -......... ------From: Sen.t: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag:. Flag Status:

Melinda PDX <[email protected]> Saturday, October 17, 2015 8:28 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony

· Comprehensive Plan Testimony

· Follow up Completed

Dear Members of the Portland City Council,

My husband and I are writing in support of the proposed Comprehensive Plan designation for our residence in Reedwood in SE Portland to become "Single - Dwelling 7,000".

Thank you.

Sincerely, Melinda Leong and Howard Wong 5044 SE 32nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97202





October 14, 2015

City Council c/o Council Clerk . 1221. SW 4th Ave, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204 [email protected]

RE: Comprehensive Plan Testimony .

. To the Mayor a~d Commissioners:

The Cully Association of Neighbors (CAN) believes that our neighborhood is on the threshold of major change. Enhancements to our parks,, and our business districts are already making our large lots and modest housing attractive for infill development. More improvements are coming which will hasten these developments. We are concerned that the ethnic and economic diversity we value could be lost as market forces are beginning to 'cause many of us to be displaced. ·

Withtliese ·concerns in mind, we last year asl<ed foYc1fanges to the Proposed Draft of tlie 2035 Comprehenslve Plan. Weare gratified to see that the Recommended Draftincludes many of the policies that we requested. Specifically, we are pleased that the plan includes policies intended to:

• Correct historic disparities in infrastructure (3.3.b) • Mitigate the displacement that can result from improvements (3.3; 3.9; 5.11; 5.14) • Establish community benefit agreements for major projects (3.3.c) • Support land banking by community organizations (5.16) • Encourage development and retention of small homes (4.18; 5.4; 5.38) • Expand the choice of housing types in all ateas of the city (4.15; 5.4) • · Impnive equitable access to opportunities in neighborhoods like Cully (5.20)

These policies in chapters 3, 4 and 5 are crucial to the City's goal of equity and we encourage you to retain them in the final plan. Policies are only the beginning, however. What will be needed in the coming years is codes and budgets to implement these policies. We·expect to monitor progress in this implementation, and are ready to assist in any way we can.

s, Co- hair iation of Neighbors


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Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Colin Lamb <[email protected]> Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:04 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Re: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Change

Follow up Completed

I previously sent this but did not have my name and address:

It is: Colin Lamb, 7410 SW Oleson Road, Portland, OR 97223

On 10/15/2015 6:28 PM, Colin Lamb wrote: > I am the president of a family corporation that owns the shopping > center in Garden Home, located at the intersection of Garden Home Road > and Oleson Road. We have been owners of this shopping center since > 1957. I received a notice that our shopping center will be downzoned > from CN2d to Mixed Use Dispersed. This will present a severe hardship > for us and is inconsistent with the present use. > > The major tenant is a supermarket which is 50,000 square feet. There > are no m_a_n11_facttJLLngfacilities and all of th~ s_hc:>p_s _;ir_e local ret;iil _

____ >_slmp_s~fac_ei,J:JmJhe supermarket, all of the othet_shops are small > and retail orientecj. Although I do not have any interested in the > supermarket now, I used to. The property was_ incorrectly zoned in > 1981 as residential, even though our family operated an existing > supermarket. When we went to expand ·in 1995, we learned of the zoning > issue. As a result, the supermarket expansion was a non-conforming > use. Only one bank would loan to us and it was at a higher interest > rate. In order to make the mortgage payments, I sold my interest in > Lamb's Inc, the supermarket. In about 2,000, the city rezoned the > property to CN2, after which I was able to obtain a lower interest rate. >

· > The proposal to down zone oar center will .once._again make our property > non-conforming and make it difficult for us as owners. This is bad for > us and bad for the community. The store has been in operation since > 1957, serving the neighborhood. It has expanded to 50,000 square feet > because it needed to in order to coni°pete with, and provide competitive > prices and goods as larger stores. That store has a primary market > for customers_ in a 2 mile radius. If it was damaged with an > earthquake.or other event and could not be rebuilt as·a similar size > store, it would not be competitive and customers would drive further > to obtain lower prices and greater selection of goods. So, the store > would no longer be competitive and the community would suffer greatly. > The supermarket needs to be larger than· 30,000 square feet to be > competitive. I know from:ex·perieni:e. The supermarket pays lower rent > per square foot than the smaller shops, so as a landlord, I could make > more money by having all smaller shops -.with higher rent.



> But, the community would suffer greatly. > > l think the new zoning should be consistent with the present uses,

.. > which has proven to meet the needs of the community. > > We have suffered being at the edge of Portland for decades. In 1981, > Portland wanted more high residential areas and simply zoned our > center for apartments. That cause u.s grief for over 20 years. Our > center now has apartments, which our commerdal refused to loan money > on, so I had to mortgage my house to obtain funds to build the > apartments. The new base zones.say that CM1 is proper for· > neighborhood corridors.· However, our center is not on neighborhood > corridors. it is at the intersection of Garden Home Road {the > extension of Multnomah Blvd) and Oleson Road, which is a major > highway, although, since it is in Washington County'is ignored by > Portland. We have the same public transportation as Multnomah > Village. Our center is not at the edge of a neighborhood center, it > is the ryeighborhood center. > > I also have a'btg concern about the development being pedestrian > oriented. That is ignoring reality. The neighborhood is fairly low > density. People drive to our center. Perhaps we all can wish that > they walk, but they drive. And, when they go to a supermarket, if > they only buy a small sack of groceries, which they can easily carry > home, the fact is that the supermarket will lose money .. They can only > exist by making a p_rofit, and they can only rna_ke_a_profit by_buying _ > sacks of groceries whic_h_th.~y t_'li<_e hom_e _i_n_a_11 automobile. That is the > reality today and will be the reality tomorrow. We can wish that > people walk or ride a bike, but they will drive somewhere to get their > weekly supply of groceries. if they do not come to the store in our > center, they will drive somewhere else. > > I ride an electric bike, I heat my home with solar energy. i generate > electricity with solar energy and during the summer supply electricity > to the gri~. We have been a good member of the community and lease to > the Washington County Library at reduced rental rate. I would like to > add solar to the apartments if It financially feasible - but down > zoning our center will make things very difficult because the store > will be a nonconforming use and cause a great deal of difficult when > financing or refinancing anything. > > I believe Mixed Use Neighborhood is more appropriate than Mixed Use > Di9spersed, aQd. is consistent with the wesent and best use. I agree > with many of the limitations listed in Mixed Use Dispersed, such as > limitation cif wholesale, industrial, commercial parking, vehicle > repair and quick vehicle servicing. None of those things are done now > and are not the best use for our center. > >Thank you, Colin Lamb


- __ -_ ~::~_ -


Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Fla!;! Status:

To City Council:

Matthews, Annette (Portland) <[email protected]> Thursday, October 15, 2015 11:26 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Testimony on Com·prehensive Plan Map Change - Annette M Matthews (5020 SE 35th Ave) ·

Follow up Completed

I hilve received a notice that my property at

5020 SE 35." Ave Portland, OR 97202

Might undergo a new Comprehensive Plan Map change from High-Density Single Dwelling to Single-Dwelling-7000. ,-am· VERY much in s-upportohhis change in order to protectthe unique nature of o'ur s-mall c_ommunitj.

My understanding is that my home and the homes in the imfl)ediate area were originally a development that was a "Tour of Homes" showcase in 1962. All of the homes are on oversized lots and most are various types of split or single-

. leve!rancb_homes: a mid:century mpdeJn_ wQDcl_erland. The promotion_byJb_e developer when thE:se were originally __ .sold.was_",11. littte bit of country_lhlingJnJ:he cit)'~' Most house have retained tile fifti<=~-:ili'le landscaQing which w~a~s __ _

either rocks or things like groomed ball trees, and the house colors have been slightly updated but still evoke the fifties and early sixties. The interiors are.also unique and variable with some having sunken living rooms, and generally small bedrooms but big living areas as th~ idea was to encourage people to interact with each other, not hide in their bedrooms watching TV or playing video games. It is a small pocket-neighborhood~ and to travel through it is like going back in time.

It would be a true shame to allow for infill between these homes. Infill would could certainly not match the mid-century feel of the existing houses, and thus devalue the houses nearby: damaging the unique nature of our neighborhood. The area should be designated a historical district, so that future generations can see what was considered luxurious in the 1950's; it will likely never be recreated again as it seems the current trend is to build McMansions. Homeowners in this neighborhood also all pay quite a slug of property taxes for the privilege of living in this area, and I would have to say that if. there is going to be a lot of infill (and is associated devaluing of the properties around it) then I would definitely encourage you to lower all of our property taxes.

Please change our designation to Single-Dwelling-7000. It is at least a start in the right direction towards protecting the piece of history that is our neighborhood.

Thank you ..


Annette M. Malthews, MD Associate Professor Department of Psychiatry & Department of Medical infonnatics and Clinical Epidemiology Oregon Health & Science University

Staff Psychiatrist 1


Portland VA Medic,il Center (P3 MHDC) 37tO SW US Veterans Hospital ·Road PO Box 1035 . Portland, OR 97239

Phone: (503) 220-8262 x57003 Pager: (503) 721-7878 2253 E-mail: Annette.Matthews@vagov

This communication may contain infonnatibn that is legally protected from unauthorized disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, p!ea6e note that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication Is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, you should notify the se~der immediately by telephone or by return email anq de!Ste this message from your computer.



October 8, 2015

Council Clerk 1221 SE 4"' Ave, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Re: Sunnyside Neighborhood Association - 2035 Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Dear Mayor Hales and City Commissioners,

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association (SNA) Board [mailing address: 3534 SE Main

St, Portland, OR 97214] has been actively engaged in the City's 2035 Comprehensive

Plan process over the past year-and-a-half. We understand that the Comprehensive .

Flan-Map-dg_signation-along-much-oLSE-BelmontStreet within our_neighborhood is

recommended to be Mixed Use - Urban Center which includes a Design "d" Overlay.

The SNA Board is in favor of the Mixed Use - Urban Center designation as this will

further activate vibrant SE Belmont Street with new residences and local businesses.

The SNA Board is in favor of the Design "d" Overlay because its design review or

compliance with the Community Design Standards requirement will help ensure that

certain types of infill development promote the conservation, enhancement, and

continued vitality of this corridor. For these reasons, the SNA Board urges the City to

change the Comprehensive Plan Map designation on SE Belmont Street between SE

42nd Avenue and SE 49th Avenue to Mixed Use - Urban Center (rather than the Mixed

Use - Neighborhood Center designation that does ncit include a Design "d" Overlay.)


Tony Jordan, President on behalf of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board

Cc: Mayor Hales and Commissioners Fish, Fritz,Novickand Saltzman



Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To:

, Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Tom Johnson <tomlindaj@yahoo,com> Wednesday, October 14, 20_15 7:14 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

Follow up Completed

We own the property at 1734 SE Reedway St ID# 1S1El4DB 13000. -

We have received the notices re the proposed changes to our property and the neighboring properties.

I responded on the website re the change to the property directly to the south of ours. My question is:

The proposed change is to change the zoning of our property from Rl to RS which I can understand if it is the city's goal to preserve single family residences.

However why are you proposing to change the property directly south of ours from RS to Rl. Is to change the zoning to be consistent with the zoning of the remaining property owned by the church? I don't know if the church would ever develop this as Rl but it does not appear to be consistent with the goal to preserve single family homes in the neighborhood.

- Thank-you in advance-to-your reply.

Tom Johnson




Arevalo, Nora =~-..... -----------------~------------From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

[email protected] Wednesday, October 14, 2015 4:25 PM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Huffstutter,. Jan; Huffstutter, Luke; Huffstutter, Keith comprehensive plan testimony .

Follow up Completed

From: Vince Huffstutter, Managing Member Huffco Multnomah LLC 15019 SE Rivershore Dr. Vancouver, Wash. 98683

Dear Sirs:

We are in receipt of the zoning changes proposed to change our Urban Commercial property at 7737-7743 SW Capitol Hwy. from Urban Commercial to Mixed use-Neighborhood. Due to the fact that the city only requires 3.2 spaces of parking per 10 units ·of apartments under this zoning we are against any changes. Our business's

_ barely have enougb_parkingas it is and tbis_will_c_edaioly provide a hardship for our -· __ - -customern~-Reir-are plenty of current-areas-f0r these apartmeRts-aRd this commerGi@l--

area should remain commercial. If Portland cares, at all about the small business's, they will certainly disallow this change.

Thank You

Vince Huffstutter



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Arevalo, Nora

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Melinda Wilde <[email protected]> Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:58 AM BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Comprehensive Plan Testimony

My name and mailing address are shown below. I am writing on behalf of Digger LLC to object to the proposed designations for properties at:

2208 SE 142rid Ave. State ID # 1S2E01CC 15000 and 1S2E01CC 15100 proposed to be Single - Dwelling 7,000. This property should remain high de~sity single-dwelling or multi-plex. As inner city properties become more expensive, low income housing in outer SE will be necessary and development of large properties in this area for multiple low income units instead of one or two single family ,mits is a far more desirable and a better use of the land in this area. Placing single family homes on 7,000 feet of land will also prevent future use of these properties in the future when higher density is desired.

6415 SE 66th Ave., State ID# 1S2E17CC 12000 and 1S2El7CC 12001 proposed to be Single-Dwelling 5,000. This area should be zoned Single dwelling 2,500 again to provide affordable housing options to lower income residents being displaced from the inner city. As a developer, it is financially r:nore feasible to build two units on at 50xl00 lot rather than a single family home, because the permits fees and sdc fees are so high at this time, the rent charged on a single family home must be too high for low income residents to afford, but if a duplex or two homes can be built on the same space, two separate renters can help the developers absorb more of the costs to build, thus making it possible to rent for lower rates. If the lower density zoning is required, the SDC and permit fees must also be lowered if the city wishes. to encourage low income housing, or otherwise the costs to build prevent developers from providing affordable homes

--because-the.costs to-build are too. high.

Very truly yours,


Melinda B. Wilde, Attorney at Law, OSB #880224 NMLS #228277-P.O. Box 14652 Portland, OR 97293 Tel: 503-238-6658 Fax: 503-232-0966


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City of Portland Council Clerk

Kerns Neighborhood Association P.O, Box 13350 I Portland, OR 97213-0679

1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130 Portland, OR 97204

Re: 211,216,224 and 233 NE 28th Avenue, Portland OR 97232

Dear Council Members:

The owners of two of the above referenced properties .have requested that the Kerns Neighborhood Association (KNA) endorse their plan to change the zoning of the properties from a residential designation (RI) to a commercial designation (CM2).

After discussing the rezoning ,vith the property o,vne1's ifivasclea1' that not all the owners wanted to rezone their property to conirnercial nse. The Board ofKNA has tnerefoie voted to remam neutraron:endorsing · · one zoning designation over another and wishes to support all the owners individually to seek whatever zoning fits their unique situation. ·

Thank you for your attention.

Steve Russell Kerns Neighborhood Association Land Use Chair

· Phone: 503-784-8785 Email: [email protected]

Cc: Angela Kirkman, Chair KNA Mmty Stockton, Southeast District Liaison


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