finley public school

FINLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL Providing Excellence in Education Since 1895 Welcome to Parents and Children

Transcript of finley public school



Providing Excellence in Education

Since 1895

Prospectus and Information Booklet



Providing Excellence in Education

Since 1895

Welcome to Parents and Children


Contents Page 1

Principal’s Letter Page 2

Vision Statement Page 3

Staff Page 4

Core Values and Beliefs Page 5

Exit Outcomes Page 6

Curriculum Page 7

Key Learning Areas Page 8

Special Focus Programs Page 12

Assessment and Reporting Page 13

Parent Involvement Page 13

Protocol for Dealing with Concerns

and Discipline Issues Page 14

Homework Page 15

Student Welfare Page 16

PBL -Positive Behaviour for Learning Page 17

School Rules Page 18

School Hours Page 23

School Attendance Page 23

Immunisation Page 23

Bus Travel Page 23

Playground Routines Page 24

General School Contributions Page 24

Enrolment Procedures Page 24

School Uniform Page 25

Kindergarten Page 26

Newsletter Page 27

Medical Procedures, Accidents or Illness Page 27

Money Page 27

School Counsellor Service Page 27

Lost Property Page 27

School Library Page 28

Book Club Page 28

Excursions Page 28

Financial Difficulties Page 28

Cultural Visits Page 28

Scripture Page 28

School Captains and Student Representative Council Page 29

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 1

Finley Public School Students being at all times at the heart of the matter.

Dear Parents and carers,

At Finley Public School we pride ourselves in providing a warm, caring, learning environment

whilst striving to meet a wide variety of student needs. Thank you for considering working in

partnership with us to meet the needs of your child.

Programs and facilities offered at Finley Public School include:

Extension activities - staff provide extension for small groups of students, both in the

classroom and at lunchtime, across a variety of curriculum areas including technology and

performing arts. Lunchtime activities include Sport, Library, Technology, Choir and


Learning Difficulties Support five days a week.

Reading Recovery - an intensive one-to-one reading program with Year One students each


Technology - integrated into daily learning. We have interactive whiteboards, laptops and

computers and iPads in every classroom. The computer student ratio is 1:3. The school is

fully networked and linked up to the Internet. .

A very well resourced Library.

Student Representative Council - students meet regularly and are involved in decision

making in the school.

Spacious play areas.

Shaded play equipment.

At Finley Public School we are committed to working closely with our parents. The Parents and

Citizens Association (P&C) is actively involved in both a supportive and decision making role.

Your involvement in the classrooms, P&C and the canteen during your time at Finley Public

School will be warmly welcomed.


Amanda Lyons

Relieving Principal

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 2

Finley Public School

Vision Statement

Students being at all times at the heart of the matter.

Students, staff and parents working, individually and in

partnership, to meet the daily challenge of improving

performance, and maximising the potential of every student.

The whole school community committed to equipping our students

with the skills to be life long learners.

All students taking an active role in their learning so that

individual potential is maximised.

Encouragement, opportunity and challenge extended to all in

their endeavours.

Equipping our students with the values, beliefs and skills upheld

by the whole community, thereby enabling them to become

valued, contributing members of society.

The physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of our

students being met so that their learning outcomes can be

maximised. This includes catering to their different needs and

learning styles and providing a varied curriculum.

Finley Public School staff working as a team, displaying mutual

respect and demonstrating the concepts of:

1. loyalty to our students, staff and parents,

2. integrity,

3. honesty,

4. equity and

5. fairness to all.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 3


Relieving Principal Amanda Lyons

Assistant Principal Cherilyn Taig

Relieving Assistant Principal

Jacinta Lewis Class Teachers Tamara Ackers Carly Almond Luke Brooks

Kristen Dring Kylie Edwards Nathan Haley

Tiffany Hughes Ruth Haynes - LaST Jacinta Lewis - RAP

Allison Rourke Cherilyn Taig - AP

Nikki Wane Kirsty Willis

School Learning Support Officers Julie Congram

Matthew Hannan Ann Jones

Chelsea McDonald Janene Scott

Rose Tilley Jeannette Wakefield

Tanya Wilson Relieving School Administration Manager

Sasha Wood School Administration Officer

Jane Coombs Wendy Daniel Senior Cleaner Anne Trevaskis

Karen Saines Ground Staff Ken Gardiner

Canteen Supervisor Kelly Taylor

*A full list of teaching staff is provided at the beginning of the year in the School’s Newsletter.

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Finley Public School

Our Core Values and Beliefs

We believe we should:

Provide an equal opportunity to all of our students.

Ensure that learning experiences are varied, fun, stimulating, challenging and motivating.

Provide teaching and learning experiences that include a

variety of styles and strategies in order to cater for

individual needs and differences.

Encourage all students to take an active role in their


Assess students’ work and give them immediate feed-

back on their progress. By doing this we encourage all students to strive for their best.

Promote a positive and collaborative relationship between our students, staff and parents.

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At the end of their education at Finley Public School we want our students to



So they can realise their

numerate potential whilst at High

School and later in life.

technologically literate

caring, nurturing, courteous, responsible and respectful citizens

independent thinkers and creative problem solvers who can communicate


appreciative of the cultures and uniqueness of others

appreciative of languages, music and art

able to make informed health, lifestyle and environmental decisions

PROUD AUSTRALIANS who are lifelong learners.

Finley Public School: Staff

P & C


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The Department of Education and Communities provides curriculum statements for the guid-

ance of schools in developing their specific curricula and in formulating their programs.

Class programs at all levels give regular attention to the sequential development of skills in the

following major learning areas:



Science and Technology

Human Society and Its Environment

Creative and Practical Arts

Health, Physical Education and Personal Development.

In addition to the major Key Learning Areas, Cultural Diversity and Equity is promoted by the

use of support documents and curriculum, including:

Multicultural Education Policy

Aboriginal Policy

Non-sexist Education Policy

Anti-racism Policy

Environmental Education Policy.

Technology is used in daily learning.

Our school values acceptable standards of behaviour, including the need to be a part of a

society which has specific moral codes applicable to all members of that society.

Departmental Policies in this area include:

Student Welfare: Developing School Policies and Programs

Student Welfare: Developing and Maintaining Effective Discipline

Personal Development Policy.

Our school supports students in Specific-Needs Groups within the community such as:

the talented child

the education of students with severe intellectual disability

students with learning difficulties

integration of moderate support needs students.

In partnership with the parent body and the community, we endeavour to provide an education

for all children that best suits each individual. With your continued support we are sure the

education of your children will continue to be of the highest quality available.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 8

Key Learning Areas (KLA)


Covers the areas of Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing.

Throughout the years of primary schooling, teachers will encourage the development of their

students’ enjoyment, confidence and independence in using spoken and written language.

The following outcomes apply at all levels:

Students will:

Develop an enjoyment of, and an appreciation for, the various uses of the spoken and

written language

Develop effective listening and communication skills

Sight read fluently and with understanding

Engage in reading for purposes of study and


Systematically find and record information

Develop a fluent and legible handwriting style

Competently use a word processing program

Learn to spell most words accurately

Present ideas and information clearly in a

grammatically correct written text.


Covers the areas of Numbers and Algebra, Space, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and


Students’ attitudes to Mathematics are related to many issues: the classroom environment,

the amount of success they experience and the attitudes of those adults with whom the

students have most contact - their family and their teachers.

Here are some suggestions for parents about how to promote positive attitudes to


Praise your children’s efforts at measuring, counting, calculating. Emphasise positive

aspects, such as enjoyment, satisfaction and “having a go”

Encourage children to make discoveries for themselves and to talk about them

Don’t always tell them the answers, but encourage them to find their own answers

Listen to children talking ‘mathematically’ as they play shops, schools and other games.

This will give you an insight into how they think through problems and calculations

Encourage discussion about how things work, eg. kitchen scales, garden sprinkler

Encourage girls as well as boys to play and build with blocks and everyday objects

Avoid stereotyping your expectations of achievement for daughters compared to sons

Ask for a guess or estimate of amounts or distances

Play games with your children to show that mathematics related activities are fun for

everyone and can be shared

Keep lots of everyday material on hand for projects and model building, e.g. empty milk

cartons, cereal packets, cotton reels, straws, margarine tubs, orange juice bottles

Have a calculator in the house and encourage the use of games that lead to the discovery

of some of the exciting properties of number

Involve your child in real mathematical experiences at home, such as compiling shopping

lists, estimating costs, counting out change, measuring ingredients for cooking, setting

the table and looking for patterns in floor and wall tiles

Encourage all children to be involved in spare time activities that require ‘hands on’

mathematical skills, e.g. making models and assembling kits

Discuss homework and schoolwork with your children, especially any problems they are


The following outcomes apply at all levels.

Students will:

Be able to explain mathematical situations using everyday language

Be able to problem solve about mathematical situations

Use number skills and recall them to solve real life problems

Represent and interpret information using mathematical terminology

Be able to select and use a wide range of aids or technologies to help solve

mathematical problems.

Science and Technology

This is the learning area in which all students learn about the natural and made environments by

investigating, by designing and making and by using technology. The following outcomes apply at

all levels.

Students will:

Develop their knowledge and understanding of the process of investigation

Be able to investigate the natural and made environment

Develop their knowledge and understanding of the process of designing and making

Be able to design and make products, systems and environments to meet specific needs

Develop their knowledge and understanding of the technologies people select and use;

how these technologies affect other people, the environment and the future

Be able to select and use a range of technologies

Develop their knowledge and understanding of; Built Environments; Information and

Communications; Living Things; Physical Phenomena; Products and Services and Earth and

Its Surroundings.

Science and Technology learning experiences assist students to:

Provide opportunities for the development of creativity, flexibility and innovativeness

Understand the world and the things that influence it

Develop their understandings of scientific concepts

Evaluate and use the products of technology

Find, make judgements about and use information effectively.

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Finley Public School Prospectus Page 10

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PD/H/PE)

This key learning area:

Encourages an understanding and valuing of self and others

Promotes physical activity

Emphasises informed decision-making leading to effective responsible action.

The aim is to develop in each student the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to reach

fulfilling lives. This aim will be achieved by developing in each student:

Self-esteem, social responsibility and well-being

Movement skills and personal fitness

The ability to make informed health and lifestyle decisions.

There are eight content strands:

Growth and Development

Interpersonal Relationships

Personal Health Choices

Safe Living

Fitness and Lifestyle

Games and Sports Skills

Human Movement


With more than eight representative sports teams to choose from, our students are

encouraged to make healthy, active lifestyle choices from Kindergarten to Year 6.

Human Society and It’s Environment (H.S.I.E.)

This key learning area deals with society – it’s structure, how and where we live, our diversity

and our relationship with the environment- particularly Australia.

Students will be involved in such studies as:

Social justice

Intercultural understanding

Ecological sustainability

Democratic process

Beliefs and moral codes

Lifelong learning.

The aim of H.S.I.E. is to develop in students the values and attitudes,

skills and knowledge and understandings that:

Enhance their sense of personal, community, national and

global identity

Enable them to participate effectively in maintaining and

improving the quality of their Society and environment.

The outcomes achieved from these studies are grouped

under the classifications:

Change and Continuity



Social Systems and Structures

which incorporates Aboriginal, citizenship, environment, gender, global, multicultural and

work perspectives. Each topic area has several specific outcomes and are based on stage

levels aimed at the skill and understanding capabilities of the students at each level.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 11

Creative Arts This area covers Visual Arts and Crafts, Performing Arts (Drama) and Music.

Students enter Primary School with some experiences of Creative and Practical Arts. By devel-

oping this understanding, knowledge and skill, teachers help students express their ideas and

respond to their world with an increasing level of conceptual and aesthetic awareness.

Creative and Practical Arts are an essential part of a balanced Primary Education.

Visual Arts and Crafts

Visual Arts and Crafts hold a special appeal for children. From the moment they grasp an

object and discover that it can make marks on a surface, or reshape a piece of modelling

material, they quickly become immersed in the process and this makes effective learning easy.

In the classroom children use the various art materials in workshop conditions as they are then

free to experiment and take risks. The expression of ideas - the content of the piece - is the

first priority. Artistic concepts and techniques are then developed through regular use.

Ultimately, the students learn through doing.

Performing Arts (Drama)

Performing Arts helps to develop in children positive attitudes towards themselves and others,

through the medium of co-operative drama activities. It provides opportunities to assist

learners to achieve their full potential in drama through the use of their bodies (e.g. hands,

face, full body movements), their speech (e.g. volume, intensity, enthusiasm), and their

imagination, to capture and express emotions, actions and events.


When children arrive at school, many of them have only a limited experience of music, but

there is a fundamental basis from which to begin. Much of the children’s musical heritage will

be that of film score, television jingles, current popular songs and the like.

Unlike their language experience they have not had to apply their musical knowledge; they have

heard it but have not had to actively respond. The role of our school is to assist children to

make sense of this knowledge and to become actively involved in it. The task of our school is to

provide opportunity for the experimentation, investigation and manipulation of musical and ex-

periences in materials. To this end we have a fully equipped music room to provide for lessons

and experiences in guitar, drums and keyboard.


A number of special focus programs are run by Finley Public School. These programs are

designed to meet the individual needs of every child who attends Finley Public School.

Tournament Of The Minds (TOMS)

Students who are gifted, talented or who have a special interest, participate in this activity.

Individual and group programs cater to the specific needs of these children.

Reading Recovery

The school employs a specially trained teacher who gives daily one to one reading lessons to Year 1 stu-

dents who haven’t achieved the basics in reading. It is a lynch pin in the school’s strategy to

ensure everyone can read and read well.

Learning Support Team

The Learning Support Team is responsible for the identification, monitoring and support of all

students experiencing learning difficulties, with the main focus being literacy and numeracy.

Short and long term support is provided in class to those students who have been identified by the

Learning Support Team.

My Kitchen Garden

The aim of My Kitchen Garden is to deliver pleasurable food education to all students from K-6 across

all abilities and diverse learning needs. The program emphasises the flavours as well as the health ben-

efits of fresh, seasonal food. Dishes cooked reflect the vegetables, herbs and fruits grown, season-by-

season, by the students in their organic gardens. Dishes cooked make extensive use of grains, pulses,

pasta and legumes. Our Kitchen Garden teacher emphasises balance and moderation, and endorses the

concept of preparing fruit-based desserts ‘sometimes’ only. In addition, the program delivers observa-

ble social benefits to all students, including those with special needs.

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All staff are always willing to discuss your child’s progress with you. Should you have any con-

cerns please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher.

The current Assessment and Reporting procedures include:

Parent/Teacher Interview Term 1

Written Report Term 2

Written Report Term 4.


Children learn best when parents and teachers work together in partnership, and when parents

and teachers share the responsibility for this partnership.

Parents are welcome at all times to participate in school activities by:

Attending P & C meetings

Working as a volunteer at the School Canteen

Assisting with school excursions

Supporting fundraising activities

Attending class and curriculum information sessions

Attending parent interview sessions

Attending various sporting and classroom activities

Listening to children read

Promoting the school within the community

Sharing and expressing your opinions and ideas

Attending our whole school Assemblies

Parent and community involvement in school life is essential in encouraging children to learn.

Parents of all children at this school are urged to show an interest in the education of their

children by keeping in touch with the school through personal contact, reading school

newsletters and other notes which are sent home at various times as well as keeping up to date

with facebook, and our website. The school relies on parental support in many areas, e.g. the

parental bodies, assistance with sporting functions, classroom and general school activity help,

working bees and overall encouragement and guidance of all school students.


Meets every fourth Monday evening of each month to be informed of the progress of the

school’s activities and to support the school financially. To be an effective organisation it is

necessary for as many parents to be involved as possible.


The P&C currently operates a Canteen 3 days per week– Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is

staffed by a Canteen Supervisor and voluntary helpers. You are encouraged to offer your help

on a roster system to ensure the smooth running of the Canteen. Profits from the Canteen as-

sist the school in purchasing educational resources for all students. A lunch order box is in the

office for students to place their orders before school.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 14



At times you may have questions about issues concerning your child in the classroom, the

playground or travelling to and from school. By following the correct procedure, these matters

can usually be cleared up quickly and to the satisfaction of the parties concerned.

STEP 1 Talk to the class teacher

The teacher is the person who has daily contact with your child and is the person responsible

for ensuring that the needs of each child in their care are being met. They are usually the

person most aware of any concerns or difficulties your child might have. They are also the

person who most needs to know of any concerns or difficulties that your child is having. The

class teacher is the best person to explain the hows and whys of the learning program being

implemented in the classroom.

Please feel free to make an appointment to see the classroom teacher, or give them a

call, anytime you have any concerns. Your child’s welfare is their greatest concern.

STEP 2 Talk to the classroom teacher’s support person

Every teacher in the school has a support person. The support person, a member of the

Executive*, monitors the classroom teacher’s Program. They are responsible for supporting the

classroom teacher and ensuring that the needs of each student are being met. After the

classroom teacher, the supervisor is the best person to explain the hows and whys of the

learning program being implemented or to monitor students in need.

Please feel free to make an appointment to see the supervisor, or give them a call,

anytime you have any concerns. Your child’s welfare is their greatest concern.

STEP 3 Talk to the Principal

The Principal supervises the Executive staff. They are responsible for supporting the

Executive and ensuring that the needs of each student are being met. The Principal and the

Executive also discuss broader issues across each stage of learning and the management of the


If you have talked to the classroom teacher and their support person and your concerns

continue, please feel free to make an appointment to see the Principal.

Members of the P&C also represent the school community and can be contacted at any

time for advice or support. If you are unsure who your representatives are, the office staff

will be able to inform you.

At no time are adults to enter the school grounds to discipline or discuss issues with students who are not their own children. * The Executive are the two Assistant Principals. Whom they support may change from year to year. Ask the

classroom teacher or give the office a call if you need the name of the classroom teacher’s support person.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 15


Homework fulfils many functions. It helps students build on what they learn in the classroom

and can include:

practicing concepts learned during the school day

preparing a project or an assignment

mathematics e.g. times tables

reading to improve reading skills

watching the news, documentaries, science programs, current affairs programs on TV


The role of the teacher is to:

provide homework activities that are appropriate in content and time expectations to the

student’s level

monitor each student’s work.

The role of the student is to:

become an independent lifelong learner

monitor own progress

develop the habit of homework - study routine and time management.

The role of parents or care givers is to:

support and encourage students to complete homework

provide, if possible, a suitable (quiet, free from distraction) place for students to do

their homework.

The Finley Public School Homework Policy was developed in collaboration with parents, staff

and students. A copy of this document is available on request.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 16



Discipline concerns the development of appropriate and responsible attitudes and behaviours in

students. It includes development of self discipline and the ability to distinguish right from


Needs and Expectations

Staff have a right to:

work in a safe, healthy and pleasant environment.

Staff have a responsibility to:

follow agreed school/departmental procedures,

demonstrate a duty of care at all times.

Students’ Code of Conduct

Students have a right to:

be free from discrimination,

be respected,

learn and play in a safe, happy and stimulating environment.

Students have a responsibility to:

work to the best of their ability,

respect the rights of others to learn,

respect the property of others,

wear appropriate school uniform,

display good manners to peers, teachers, staff and visitors,

obey all school rules.

Parents’ Charter of Support

Parents have a responsibility to:

send their child/children to school in a fresh and positive way ready for the day’s events,

ensure their child/children’s safety when travelling to and from school,

follow school procedures in relation to student absences and medication,

provide their child/children with a healthy lunch and appropriate uniform,

take an interest in their child/children’s education by assisting with home study,

support and uphold the Student’s Code of Conduct at home and within the community,

promote the school to enhance enrolments and provide greater resources for the school,

become an active member of the P & C,

maintain open and honest channels of communication with their child’s teacher,

attend suspension resolution meetings with the principal if and when the need arises.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 17

Positive Behaviours for Learning


Finley Public School recently introduced PBL as a whole school program to ensure the consistent

approach to awarding students for dedication to their learning and monitoring student


PBL focuses on the whole school values; Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be a Learner. Stu-

dents are expected to adhere to these values at all times.

Teaching Staff explicitly teach these values along with the rules and expectations which are to

be modelled by students in every area of the school, outside of school and in their learning


A set of behavioural guidelines has been developed for each area of the school for students to

be aware of and to follow. These guidelines ensure that a consistent approach to welfare and

discipline is followed.

Students are aware of the consequences that follow if behavioural expectations are not met

both in the classroom and in the playground or while representing the school.

The PBL awards system was developed to ensure that students continued to engage in their

learning to see a progressive achievement of awards culminating in the Platinum Student Award.

The whole school approach is beneficial to the student’s understanding and development of

Respect, Responsibility and life long learning.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 18

School Rules

The most important rule for all of us at Finley Public School


Everyone will act with courtesy and consideration to others at

all times.

This means the students of Finley Public School will:

1) Respect others.

2) Respect the property of others.

3) Play and learn safely in designated areas.

4) Allow other to work and play without interruption.

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Respect Others

1. Listen when others are speaking.

2. Communicate respectfully by:

- taking it in turns, and

- looking at people when they are speaking to

you or when you are speaking to them

3. Make sure your body language matches what you are


4. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

5. Co-operate in the classroom and playground.

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Respect the Property of Others

1. Use other people’s property only with permission.

2. Be responsible for your own things.

3. Return borrowed/found equipment.

4. Share.

5. Take care of all equipment.

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Play and Learn Safely in

Designated Areas

1. Be safe at all times. 2. Follow school and class rules. 3. Follow teacher directions. 4. Tell a teacher if there is a non-staff member in the playground. 5. Ask a teacher before you leave the school grounds or the classroom. 6. Say sorry if you hurt someone accidentally. 7. Play by the rules. 8. Walk in classrooms and between play areas. 9. Walk bikes in and out of the school grounds.

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Allow Others to Work and Play

Without Interruption

1. Ask for help when needed, courteously.

2. Negotiate to join a game.

3. One person to speak at a time.

4. Let others finish their work.

5. Try your best.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 23


8.25 am School buses begin arriving

8.55 am Bell - morning classes commence

11.00 am Recess

11.30 am Middle sessions commence

1.00 pm Lunch

1.50pm Afternoon sessions commence

3.00 pm School ends

Students are instructed not to arrive at school before 8.25 am. No supervision is provided

prior to that time.


Students should attend school on all days that the school is open. When a student is absent, a

phone call to the school office on the day or a note explaining the absence upon the student’s

return to school is required. Parents should ensure that all notes are signed and dated. Unsat-

isfactory attendance is reported to the Home School Liaison Officer who, if the need arises,

will make visits to the parent’s home to discuss reasons for such absences. Absences are rec-

orded on the end of semester report.


The Public Health (Amendment) Act 1992 requires parents to provide documented evidence of

a child’s immunisation status on enrolment in schools, preschools and child care centres. From

1994 children enrolling in Kindergarten will be required to provide the school with an

Immunisation Certificate. Failure to do so may result in the child being excluded from school

during any vaccine-preventable outbreak of disease.


All children in Kindergarten to Year 2 are eligible for free bus travel. Children in Years 3 - 6

must live at least 1.6 km from school to be eligible. A conveyance subsidy is available for

parents who transport their children 1.6 km or more to a bus stop. More information can be

obtained the Transport for NSW website or the office staff can help with all enquiries

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The playground is unsupervised before 8.25am and children

should not arrive at school prior to that time.

Before School

All children are required to play in the playground.

A teacher is on duty.


This is specifically a 30 minute break for all children to have

something to eat, go to the toilet and prepare for the next school session. Two teachers are

rostered on playground duty.

Lunch (1.00 pm - 1.50 pm)

Two teachers supervise the eating of lunches.

One playground is available to all children.

Many activities are permissible during this time.

Two teachers are rostered on duty during this time.

Wet Weather

Children are supervised under the South or North COLA during wet weather.


With the agreement of this school’s community we seek from parents and guardians a General

School Contribution. Funds raised through this contribution will be used to supplement

educational resources and programs in our school.

All funds raised from the General School Contribution are used to enhance the resources made

available to our students.


For children enrolling at NSW Public Schools an Enrolment Form must be completed by a parent

or guardian.

Parents are required to ensure that their children are

enrolled at school from the age of 6 to 17 years.

However, children may be enrolled at school earlier,

provided they turn 5 on or before 31 July of that

year. Birth certificate or proof of date of birth,

immunisation status and proof of residence must be

sighted before the child is accepted at school.

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At Finley Public School we have a uniform that we expect the students to wear and parents to

support. The wearing of a school uni-

form indicates pride in the school and

shows other people that students are

aware of their school and it’s achieve-




Brown Trousers or School Pinafore

Gold Long Sleeved Polo Shirt with logo

Brown woollen or fleecy jumper

White Socks

Brown or black shoes (or sport shoes)


Brown Trousers, Gold Polo Shirt

Brown woollen or fleecy jumper

White socks

Brown or black shoes (or sport shoes)


Girls Boys

Checked Dress/brown shorts & gold polo top Brown Shorts with gold polo shirt

White Socks White socks

Brown or black shoes (or sport shoes) Brown or black shoes (or sport shoes)

Hat Hat


Girls Boys

Brown or black shorts Brown or black shorts

Gold Polo Shirt with logo Gold Polo Shirt with logo

White Socks White Socks

Sport Shoes Sport Shoes

Brown Tracksuit may be worn for both Boys and Girls sports uniform on cooler days.

School Hat should be worn every day for sun protection and warmth.

Uniforms are available from Murray Hut Clothing and Outdoor & More.

We ask that your child does not wear: thongs, moccasins, sandals with high heels or wedge

heels that can cause ankle injuries, earrings other than sleepers or studs, other inappropriate

clothing, jewellery, makeup or nail polish These items can be the cause of health and safety

issues for children.


The Hospital Auxiliary Opportunity shop and Shabby to Chic Soroptimists Shop has a small

supply of good secondhand uniforms for sale.

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Is your child ready to start school?

Children mature in their own way and in their own time. Your decision about readiness for

school will be based on your knowledge of your child.

Families may have many reasons for deciding to enrol their child in school or to delay entry.

If you have any concerns about how the school will cater for your child, or think your child

could benefit from delayed entry, you should feel free to discuss these with the school staff.

Preparing your child for the first day at school

If your child is to have a happy beginning to school life, it’s important for you yourself to have a

positive attitude towards the school and the teachers. Let your child see that you feel

enthusiastic about school. Answer questions in a positive way. By being enthusiastic about your

child going to school you will be encouraging a happy and productive partnership between home

and school.

Although exciting, starting school can be quite an adjustment for children and families. For

some children school may at first seem quite large and strange. The joint support of parents,

family members and teachers can help all children to feel safe and secure.

It’s easier for other children to adjust to school if they have had practise in:

talking with children and adults and communicating their needs to them

playing with other children the same age and older

staying with others - family, friends or other carers

following simple directions

sharing and taking turns

going to the toilet independently and washing their hands afterwards

putting on and taking off items of clothing including shoes and socks, without help

recognising and looking after their belongings

opening and closing lunch boxes and school back packs

recognising their name.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 27


The newsletter is emailed to families each Monday and is available on your email when your

address is supplied. The newsletter is also uploaded to the school’s website, www.finley- . A paper copy is available via written request.


If your child requires first aid and medication to be administered by school staff during school

hours please note the following conditions:

Medication includes - cold medication, antibiotics, paracetamol.

All requests should be in writing.

The medicine should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

The instructions for administering the medication should be clearly written.

The medication should be brought to at the front office so it can be stored in a safe

place which is not accessible to children. (we realise there may be some cases where stu-

dents require quick and easy access to medication, for example, asthma pumps - again

this must be made very clear to all concerned.)

First aid is administered at school for minor problems. Other medications e.g. Aspro and

Panadol cannot be given. Parents are notified of any serious problems and an ambulance

is contacted. Parents are requested to complete a medical form when they enrol a

child at school.

Sick children must be kept home in the event of infectious diseases until the symptoms

disappear or doctor’s written advice is received to the contrary. If the child is not well

at the start of the day then they should not be sent to school. Parents should use their

discretion about this and should always inform the teacher in writing of the illness when

the child returns to school.


Sending Money To School

Students will be required on many occasions to bring permission notes and money to school

throughout the year for various reasons - cultural performances, excursions, book club and so

on. Please ensure that any payments are brought to school in a sealed envelope, with the

student’s name clearly marked, so that none of the money (particularly coins) can fall out.


All children have access to the School Counsellor and the District Guidance Officer. These

officers assist parents and staff in the identification of learning difficulties, special needs and

help in the areas of personal development, self-esteem, study skills and interpersonal

relationships. The Counsellor is also available to parents and contact can be made through the

school. A permission note is required before testing is administered by the School Counsellor.


Label everything! Whilst every effort is made to recover and store lost property, the

school cannot accept responsibility for lost items. Labeled items will be returned to the

student’s classroom, if an item is not labeled it might be found on the band room verandah.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 28


The school library is available for use by all children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Children are

able to use the library during lunch time. All children have the opportunity to borrow books for

a specified period. Parents are notified when books are overdue. All students must have a

library bag before borrowing is permitted.


The school distributes Scholastic Book Club information approximately once per month.

Children can order books through this service. Money and order forms should be returned to

the front office or alternatively orders can be placed online through the Scholastic Book Club



Students are encouraged to participate in excursions to enhance and support their classroom


Information sheets and permission notes are sent home for all excursions. Parents should

ensure the school is aware of any pre-existing medical conditions prior to excursions.


If you are experiencing difficulties paying for excursions, or any other activity, please contact

the Principal to discuss payment plan options.


These are valuable and worthwhile experiences for all children. A varied selection of visiting

performances is offered each year with the costs being kept to a reasonable level. If the cost

of any such event is causing difficulty please contact the Principal.


Clergy and lay-teachers attend once per week to provide religious instruction. Parents are

asked to advise the office if they do not wish their child to attend these sessions.

Finley Public School Prospectus Page 29



All students Years 1 - 5 and staff members vote for captains and prefects in a democratic

election at the end of each year. Specific areas of responsibility are allocated at the com-

mencement of the school year, including the various council positions needed to continue the


Student Representative Council system. The SRC meets on a regular basis. It is through the

voice of the SRC that all children are given the opportunity to express ideas and opinions which

may be incorporated into decision-making across the school.