ff fe hi Hil in - Elgin County Archives


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Transcript of ff fe hi Hil in - Elgin County Archives

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7 i ! wroe vertising help of the council iff con- : f

He sald a search of @ kit * | nection with Air Force Day and said | Whieh follow

‘ Campbell was carrying reek Council? members Monday night} the day had been an outstanding| 78 & Jette

‘An tmportant proposed change in of liquor. emphazived that it ts the eub-| success. Help loungsters at the bylaws to provide for equal re- Donald Deith jan dividers of Iand who must provide| ‘There was a refund of $15 approv- ‘They

\ presentation on the Board of Dir- ‘young to be service for persona buying lots on | ed to the Mendelssohn Choir which

ectors will probably be the high- eee which to built homes. | recently presented a concert. Direo- fa

Main Intersection Ught of the annual meeting of the Ma weer beers ‘A York street resident, though a| tor C. L. Parker said that with the | Ay route.

‘Mar- wea to wtop at stop [DEOP™ know about the| refund it would be possible to den- cay

zee | Rane ! mimes rate itl oae nat a and reply was that|ate $80 to Trinity Church bullding| 55 Ad

supervision 0! 00 fo pe aoa et paid fines of #9 rach and costs : Ald. Don Watterworth said that 0 grading, levelling and gravelling of | weeds are being cut as quickly as

ii Sid irra ae aces an Sete (Re er tare | cunts gyri Ganeunced 07 Somell | approved at the annual meeting in in costa, Ser cocaisty of Apter, the aa ieee Cay Cin tena fa. charge wo From District

Gmeeting Monday night. the afternoon, the 18 grower direo; 7 to fall for even [divider of the “York ‘street tguibet the property,

‘Hee said too many motorists were | eet Microdriisad 5 ‘Ald. Ellison Randall felt th: ing to delegate voting power 0 ‘The town of Ayimer doe: a eit nat LOM

ing children crossing the wn of Ayimer does not as | funds invested In the parking met

intersection by turning right os to coven of thelr number. . Stocunt hould be used to purchase :

red lights. ‘a property for parking. He said he| Convicted on charges of driving would like to see the committee go| While their ability was impaired by out and see what can be bought. alcohol, two Avner disteict sane

fe iy ft } i & i

‘ & ff fe hi Hil


Police ‘children al tersection will be provided begin-| The present directors will hold ning in September. thelr final meeting on the

of July 12 If the bylaw change


motorists were violating the law | Dict, a

‘Ald. Forrest Moore sald that until costs each, oF

turow and he sald the police chaos sanoutives would Pernod given Con-|the council has a request from th they appeared

‘would be on the watch for | of these enculires ‘votes will es je Le Hines to collect dof 1'-| Yeputation of business men he does! Elgin County po- , Proxy votes will| Pre ‘ Sense feea at 20 per cent com| cer feel the council should be con here Tuesday afternoon.

be sent: oe members: mission. He will make a house to| cerned about the parking problem. = rd Pendergast,

He sald the outa ocr | Mer netever, Seaton could ease eee s make 5 Avant, nd meee

Io toe Oaty ee tae main tater-| 2%, Memrerer iS? Sheets cows ‘Town Solicitor Alex Tindall witt|ana'eevect heli if we dom” com. £48, PLR. 5, Ayimer.

section dren were te eee re Mr. [be asked to follow up the progress Don’ Watterworth. Lawrie ae 8d

42nd coming from schol the setae See eters ema Cn trac: cf the ‘ingurance company in, re : t 320 am. June 37,

ne to en Mre. reed curb

i : Seven buyer directors choosing the nile: fe and pale ARS deackendush if Laketield-In| - Deputy Reeve Elmer Atkinson re- . He sald he ob-

Drummond Heads top officers. were $77 wajan section following an, accldent|ferred to car parking on hed bla arma i

‘Two Experiments 3 a new. aay, Sane. Civtnall wan (OA Use t eee

: Z : sages |neufance nies (nvoldwed Are|nre ten oF $2 parked there. right went thro- |

‘ Aylmer Optimists ‘he Winw chant a2 app dred eres tod abel, ceaaes ma ee Tebpeailly for pa | pow" tt buppowed to be. x gue) SARS ee fri Meant Tabet an 5

{ dy ten beer at bos © year, Laial are fav-| sy ing [Ment of the judgment sum. way street with no parking on the A

For The Next Term The first, as outll ee atipa. | orable, Mr. Cummings meter ordnance. The Hydro Etectric Power Com-| West side, according to the signs. | street, he saw the car selvg

ree, that the 15 grower directors | ¢T#, Goren, ° a Te iene cey parking stickera [mission will erect a 2000 KVA} The council agreed the engineer) across the full width or wees

harvest |were sold at 26 cents eac! transformer substation on Myrtle te on surfacing |and overtook Pendergast four blocks station.

jatreot, between Spruce and Forest repat-the rear

ects. It will be. a fabricated |of the town hall for parking and ateel structure, ing the Band Shell park. officer skid be fallered the ear

~~ ft to John street south, and further

Fire Damages Wardle Home at Belmont —|':,o~sneSev mic rast cn John street at a apeed of 60 miles- Fr.

Police found 18 doors open in the month.

Summers Corners. Mr. The cxeleer’ wai 6 perated 1,405 &] came to the district from Fingal. | suites in the month.

Thi i Ladies ve z ne

‘elven officiated. Robert Truman | cisto ie rd

Scudueted the meeting. |Sn how the seven would be elected. RCAF Tr "On Wheels P; ar "

ecbere:c8 It might come about by combining. ate .

sonn t

ott Lene mere bg | or doing away with, the present zone . : : : Wife al Bier InA r ie a ooui tha’ane' was

3 tem. Public Husband ‘ “weaving” from one side of the road

Drammond, president; Dr. George |"%t Ope: fo A | : Chairman Fred Cunningham told


Se oa See "eee rence) On ne cer TR AMOEMOO ae rato Baaker Wile vine eae ‘tecretary;, Kenneth Brady, | cided a2 to whether to seek here from London, Clinton, Centralis.| On Wheels Parade” which is decorated and furnished home of Alex Bunker, Wife aye. A secad

work chsirman, and Manion | term at the helm of the Aa Rios | Kingston and aginst wil compete | an Ayimer Community Playgrounds | Nery Yor the past 94 years, an eat man were originally charg-

Business a ne srentation ef the |uoday” after ont sey take place | re for {he Post furdey night, «| Are Congratulated de

hoers stalled f a seg tone. of. tbe ‘Optimist, power. ‘This method would remal


Pune or ite Op | witt include the presentation of the |uday afternoon. hoe There will nce include the yj

e OptiiMrs, club | will incudsport and the election of| The occasion is the sixth annual /he the customary ere Nill marked another chapter in a werles| 6, 4 serg alex Bunker cele-| ie crenitios reduced and @ convio-

Mra, Tobert ‘Tru | Aoancial report and Ove sie iwan-|RCAF ‘Taiping Command track| Corated children's parade of de-| Sf events that, bave brought both|, Mr and Mrs. Alex Bunker ce: |ton registered’ on the Teseee count

si tuldent: ‘Mra. John ticipated concerning the ‘proposed! and field champlonship meet for| wagons. tricycles, bicycles, doll Joy and sorrow to the Wardle house-| Staves, et ene on Talbot atreet, -_

Mursia. vice-premceny: re bylaw changes. jand field vice diarshal’ Biiddieton| batvice and so on tress the Park|nold in the pass few westse Tharsday July L .

secretary, and Mra. ari * ree ine judging will take | past week was the one of sorrow. uraday July Young Aylmer Seaman

. Dremimoddy treaserer: op ent is open to the public.|” Playgrounds activities tiave been | The fire almost brought. tragedy coin Bae ee ren old and

ty. : \ Robert Truman, retiring presi tr tare with @ march past of | prisk since they opened a week ago. | 0 4 second family. years. an

ator Pramas, cases 7S phan Jummbor Tractor |Sines’s:"tS tasetore avat [Fie Sicedande"™at"we Sepa | MC. Wardle wast the Met ot fate day wo afr conrauitions Suffers Broken Arm - ing the year. showing that consid-/ Te Sidaieton of Ottawa who re-|School grounds has been running |her husband, George Basil Wardle, ing the day to offer congratulations.

erable progress had been made | tired in 1949 from the RCAF. He| about 50 daily and at the new play-|in the Hughson funeral home, Ayl- Mr. Bunker was busy on the anniv) Charles Bugg. 17, son of Mrs. Ma-

towards fulfilling aime of the Op- Rodeo For Belmont’s donated the trophy. abot oe ae Gimoral’ Park about |mer. when abe received the news| hi noone” adding an apartment to tid Bugg, 68 Harvey street, a sea-

First competition starts at 2 p.m.|35 dally. Swimming Instruction |that her home was on fire. Grief —— man with the Royal Canadian Navy, ‘The couple were wed in Langton | was one of the five holidaying nav—

acel- timist boys’ work program. He congratulated for his fine efforts Hrne program includes 100, 220, 440 t ” death of \e Progr takes place every mornittg and that | atricken because of the death of her|, The couple, wore, wed cat DooWlnd) Se On Oe figured in a motor

} | by Mr. Mangelsen, B Ted Beovard dashes, mile, #10 re-|tends to reduce the number at the | husband less than 2¢ hours earller.| PY

j In concluding, Mr. Fair September fy. enile Felay, abot, dlacu, Javelin, | playlots. je number at the | husband less than 26 fod ‘back to| left following the wedding to reside | dent on Sunday on Highway 28,

broad igh J in Albina, Mich. returning to Ayl-| west of Barrie. He suffered a brok-

‘Truman .

thanked of Ate Dine Jump, bigh jump, hop-step-|" Miss Helen Phillips, Mis Elaine | Belmont and had to be placed under

and Dance, and Mrs, Balazs, fot) pry sont — she accent will jump, pole vault. eee een es rieatie Wanace | the doctor's eare for the rest of the| mer some 28 years ago, Mr. Bunker. jen right arm and nose

erg besplaced on. youth at the ‘Officials include Flight-Lieut-|are looking aftér the playgrounds | night. ‘K neighbor who is a trained | Prior to his retirement some years shaken up when the car

out the year. He also thanked all |again pine: yor enent h 5, Fraser as referee: F-L|and at the swimming pool where | nurse, spent the night at her ‘bed- | a0, was a machinist by trade. he was a passenger was hurtled 200

see ee yor thelr co-operation Belmont Fair this year, with the 15° “Chatmereclerk of course: |some 20) are daily taking instruc- |s\de. _—eeoo——— |r

feet. ‘Traveling with the Aylmer youth

} during bis term of office te of the exhibition set for/Squadron Leader A. R. Haines — tion the staff inclades Fick,| while the fi retawe

} Maciied sti heh Cae ears Eis acay, Septeniber 22, Wednce-| chlet track jadge: Te ee te eee rome vad Mares | satire tecus to the prompt astieg Name Howard Owen at the time were his buddies includ-

to holt a Sunday plenic, Aer, |day, September 22, will be get-| Henry — chet field judge; Fiying | Barnum and Mra Fred Barnum. | of volunteer firemen from two bri- ing George Anderson, 18, of Halifax,

Cae a ee eee a commits |teaay aay. Officer H. F. Kerrison — starter:| Recreation Director Tom Dickson | gades and the help of neighbors, Douglas Murray, 19, of Dartmouth. ,

Terne take arr suet. ‘Changes are being made in the |S% J. P. Beaudet — chief time-|today asked that all softball play-| almost ended tragically for Mrs. D. Antenne ae suffered a broken

fiat. Jackson, president of the |prize list this year in an effort to Keeper; SL. R. A Lamont — re-jers on the minor team under 12|Wardle’s niece, Mrs. Jean Lemmon i it arm wh le Murray had bruises

SC ‘Thomas Optimist club and a|incorporate features that are of corder. = years of age, report at Batmorallana ber four months-old baby son, mn and a shaking up. ing the

a Optimist cheb, and | rector public Interest, ‘The Beavy | Tt, Will be the Orat time this|Park. on Monday morning, July | Mark. Provincial police investigating

guest of vening, sree ee Poses me meet has deen held here. It is 12, at 930 sharp. They were steeping in an upstairs To Public Offices accident repo: ‘at apparently

Sus and invited all members to/| discontinued, f the | one of the largest meets inthe} In the minor Me bedroom when the fise Spee the right peace, tire of the car blew ‘

attend the n and Yarmouth Agricul poops tition peeing ome ADs vie Cees bare been four feet from thetr bed in. acloset.| 1 y..4 Owen was appointed by as party heltuny around &

thomas. Mr. Jackson, was | tural a reserve pilot officers, NATO a Friday, Ayer Pee | Crack! fiames and the| ing “Town Council to the Aytmer | north of Mineaog 84 Ute height of

nae OF cptaion oa] 1a place of Reavy Nerecing, vee" at. subileutenants of | Wees beat Tillsonburg 8 to 1 and on | fre time een veg | Public Uuitles ion, and | Sunday's southb traffic. The

Pea Niet ‘clube, would -be| build up acing 0 the Royel Canadian Navy who are |Monday nigh. July, 6 <n one ithe ap her ba Tuck Rice to the Aj ia [car sare of leh ruard al rength of any the Neonbu: to forms times

looking forward to visit In the|ior Farmers which was initiated eta eeee’ cre ll mes son's toe Be -was “| had spread. Carrying the in| Beard to committe recently te- a right at the re

near future. last year. Also on the program |Fieet_ Air ~ ey. mon © ie was thelr secon her arma, she made her way down- is ty Fe oot ne re bottom,

= Curtis was chairman of the

ests in attendance were: | will be the ys for H. Jackson, St.|the Belmont 3


Mr. and Mra, ‘and District Boys and ; or.

Ponty ac ant Gr. an |S Dic craacrn: sad o| Miss Jean MeKnight Honored By Parents, ao FOR ih Ore Bree 3; Mr. z Die

Her husband, Bill, wha had been | man of PUC, with George E. Brown Flue-Cured Annual

Wiliam’ ey. don; ‘ate Nite Bore and ner: : reading in the living room and| being the chairman. The chairman-

the London; Mr. and

don; Mr. heard his wife's shouts, of the

Mer Fram Semert aape: He | oy seorencant Se‘ | Children And Friends At School Outing siesta "Tel “Wine ease a ae

to rush upstairs to their ald, but When the appointments were

‘and Mrs. : was driven bac! on Monday’


* ant eee : by the smoke. discussed in Counel in

Tae ead | Mas of Ayimer|Smith: Grade 1, girls: Lorraine ‘The fire broke out about 1015) night, there was a letter read from| gsmgcom — Chairman Fre C.

Hans Ceef, Murray trehip of Dick Weaver, is start-|who ls leaving ber position ss thy ‘grade | o'clock and defective wiring is indl-|the Parks Board the ‘of the Ontario

‘Miss ing with a membership of 33. No. Cee ee tien cbt a3 girls; Marjorie Clark, Joan Van | cated as the cause. Neighbors arriv-| appointment of Mr. Rice. He i {8 |Cured ‘Tobacco Marketing” Asso-

Mallett, Mis Murla ‘The members of the Forage| Position on. the teaching statt of |Zelser: Grade 2 and 4 bays, Wayne $a on the scene and while the men|manager of Aylmer

Dairy which !s|ciation’s board of directors, sald

and Lorna Mitchelt; all of] muy will be of the | Forage | MoGregor Pubtie School in Ayimer |Sykes, Teddy Prong, Grade & etre: $¢ fe ‘Belmont Tire brigade fought | adjacent to Balmoral Park. He I$ |n9 was “undecided” about seeking

ess sbow ibe required to “euch | as nonareg by tha parent cole: |Lanan Raber Baty lain |the Cane, they claret be or" |redawn swence. (gacagee tom Se Shtinmas of 08 |

« ‘David BcClennan, who is leav-|220% “ey” 'tnemectves at the Fee ceeiends at a picnic on the | grade 5 gir's: Virginia Mann, Betty | stairs of all furniture; carrying t|Treelawn avente board.

lag Aguner’ to take up residence |Uitttvse at ‘gay, and will also be |e Of the aguesl.. The eateries boy! Rick, | across the street where it was stor-| @fayor Robert McEwan said that |" Directors of the assoclation wil!

in London, was presented with a ee aatity ak least eight | {Ot the form of sumahtions ‘Mciawn; grade | ed in Charles Chatterson's garage. |he had personally endeavored to|name their chairman, vice-chair

Cigaret lighter by Kenneth Brady | Stverent clovers and grasses. ner and sports program. ‘Marlene | Firemen thought they bad the fire | persuade some men to scorpt the man, ‘and fielamen on

‘on behalf of the members of the ‘et the Call After dinner, Qfiss Jean Ddoys: Bill| checked, but it broke rateney oe FOU aes eee Te a, the annus! meet-

club. In thanking, the members The members Club | aight who had deen their throwing ball: | agg a call brought men of the Yar-|that ‘Owen ‘be appointed. |ing in the high school auditorium

for the gift, Mr. 6 bale py Aga ge am = mal oll 3k os Pl ggranesbgeonond ‘under 8 years: Nancy Bradt, | mouth brigade. With the two trucks |The mayor sald that few citisens |here.

ier SRS Sorry to de leaving, and|ity and siso was presented with a train Cask; Milles cae ge rnc sire was soon check-|are willing to serve in public office| An important proposed

Masai sei Agwecr and bas | With cnet ue entry Bot Sale Yur [gem te, stuck ouciees ‘over 8: kick slipper: Diane car agais at midnight, however, €3|and said be dide’t blene them. Fag Sag rote rng nmr

many friends often. the. Cast Cis seblovement Gay | Ward spoke of the regrets of the lerta and Rut Shackleton; three | firemen stood by flames agsin burst Both appointments were unan-|will the annual meeting.”

Niles Say. sal as tne feature of toe Betmoat Fur See er ots rel of ber purple | Peer, Seg ang EE Deak ane he tie regen | ne pioemne rennet tbody a od with in ot ond

i McKnight spoke wel of ber Pte | smith; clothes pin relay: ily} ‘grversi hundred dollars damage | isceraace broke 1 emer, tm |froware on the Sear f Sreciore

i cet othe FS for their lant Nancy Wim? oldest mE | wan cansed to the upstairs of the| trocg, Owen and Dewar and sl aireSioms tna’ seven’ buyer’ direc:

i Biiecsce te ter ane vir ‘groands: Gone, Prong: oneaneerbal’ storey belek, property owner om Elm strest. He ‘and seven buyer direc-

4 loperation. °°" | Foungest child: ‘Meeawe: | 04,8 Bele Te ion through the lis a former town ee ee OS oT eee

; A prseram of sports, followed |spen's. 828 27 "socgs sacl Rage aes cater: Lowe nen Oe eet, Bigs ‘High |the new. set-up, nes

aid Goewtnnase wore an foliowa: |Sralser: Tocky spots” Sinrt Rtg. | O04 OY F School Board and experienced in ‘sean.

Presehoot: Linda” Laur, Nancy | ward. ae (Contined on Classified Page) | utilities management. sms ‘proves ‘by the eiee-

Hi if iff

i ft





uy i

i ih

Double Cropping Increases Production — Production of me practices, the jon being

two crops of rain followed by three ied otra toler at 20 ¢

fore the clor-

News of Port Burwell Ny panor of the Stanley Fis, Ray. (a few Gays last wack with friende

mond Irvine, Curtis Locke: Charice [in the vi Ronson, Marte Sneliy, Dereeo, Size and Sirs, B. M Cunningham | Jean Seatth, Shirley Smith, Larry | of Pascount Fofest were weekend

‘Travis and ta, Vaughan, ues of thelr dauatter, Mra. Nor- Farmers who |of. th t


con-| Grade 5 to 6 — . |toan Bates ‘Mr. eentee See @ STYLISH GLASSES ‘full and’ Donald Baird, Harvey Briseeau,| Jam Eo of Windsor send: [prem ‘ean produce ero) * I dances, comedy rightens The Future Farm: Richaré Brisseau, Hogh ‘Brooks, the summa of roughage 5 right bai jand magic. oem, tion Of Your !

Larry Horton, Wayne Horton, F Peter Fs double cropping, harvest plan. i 4 ; : STEELE’S ox in, - wi ‘cay ars, Archie w, 2 joshal, Barbacs MeGulagin, jancy . . Fotatjon. Tine with the ground ire. Ba- . thi ft wi dai i right hand row f owing, <6) tei Grembetionss ea ms we. ne oes (Or H. Clarke, Optometriay | )inches from the fret plant ty. ek 1 = Ontarto has an ts an o- ae «go ahead, oth FIL 6T. THOMAS siighuly towards aihis. plant. tea for leith the Increase salle Ik over a Farm I Dat wide oer home of sypereally coe. Improvement . at mee tinuing over most of the pi W Y BANK wae Bank of Montreal manager. ‘johtt Shelly, Maylene Mac- mee soarding ie B lly, ne

14. X paride 3. to, 4 — Bonnie Aitken, » B ANK OF Monrnreat


, 4 home of Mr,


% — |tttts the plane. byr tn and Sire: Carence Garto entermediate certificates, = Ro- |e stalk And the eight aad til tow on Bunday nt NAP jcarrying the knife guides One plant Alvin Wali " ald Bradfield, Ronald Chute war | |e in-law, Mrs, Isabel Jonte (he: needle ‘pent. The" onde rm ineial Police at at Victoria Har tones a ramity gathering ieee ae ently by CD sae ‘ Aylmer Beanch: FORD NIEBERGALL, Manager Leona Brisseau, Gordor a MelDroy and Mra. Lela of cutting iv 1, 3 3, up the right bor recently © car for q/1ar HIN park on Sunday, randfield and A. Fyvie, of the 7

the snnual menting of the company. Senator Campbell i senior member |Kenneth 2éatt me Phere plapirg hi Saget icone j hand row from the stick then ack ee Mr. Mrs. “Arhur Andrews nt, " of the legal rm of Arncldl, Parry 4 Campbell, Vice-President of Crowa Suthertand, Orion Sutherland. |W. Locke; aot thelr stern law, Yn |the eft. "ban row 4, 6, 6. All th Tinea In the centre of the dash. | spent the Peek ged with Me. and] ‘Accompanying the increase 1 ey ‘Trust Company, a Director of The Canadian Bank of Commerce and of * ey Gromoed when the ‘planting Board waa a" Sites television | Mrs. Ewart Po the. actents ported Canadair Limited and many other, Canadian companies. Major-General pS en oy lean eee le er Morgan of of Grovesena ac {distances fe eighteen Inehed or leas, | #¢reen. Mra, 2 oad eects te ported Western Ontario Cash Crop Dar Matthews is President of the Excelsior Life ‘Company, Torénto, en ing} On thi falting at the bome of h te ae

nn, w tly wih lot 29 to mn the roof was a two-foot ex-|Charlie See 1 | bee ocia phen of the Bank of Toronto, Maple Lee Leaf Gardens Limited, | Buchera Bee. ni tone rows TE - tenaion aerial, harile Secord and Mrs. Secord, a Sd 5 numberof other Canadan compile Major General Mathews 7, Schoo “graduation 4 lw jean Dan MaDonalé of fon, laprroctannct () : . ing | The we diag Pot yet in working ra, ler of Avon has tho: ri commanding officer of the Second Canadian Division during the Tien Baird, Vernte Ball, spent Inst wi ‘reed af the tote of bar [7 oat red bay, S HN . equiting another. part. bo- eae i jot ¢ | bitat, reduction in food ~ intter part of the Second World War. Harris Seail (requires one ontien). Carte! ph, Crosieer, | parents, Mr. and Mra, Harris Eck- | yoni sold beats conid be turned os a nd Mrs. WA. Senate . a Wail rade, Award Winners — 2, hl Ne u pe-leoa th Snail, ie cont he * 9— Reginala Hayward, Grid re| Mra. Morley Claus spent last week . Ss cemerelt ie returned home on Su cre: re m, = —Lau-|land Allan in Niagara Falls with her daughter, he televist rom a week's vacation at their t Tuesda’ ih : FPecraley, Orede a8 iene Keaute |r Boenlan, Dougice Mra. William Tutt and Mr. ‘Tutt |0% t] ton radio, “PParatus and stick jeottage at Turkey Point ment of beaver ‘can claim mee | We uu y 13, 1954-7:00 p.m. D.S.T. rge 0 oe NCU |, iB tag infant gauge. & to aaton ce tren ie tome a ° "Promotion for the Port Burwell Dougtas tari James! ‘They point out th ONTARIO HOSPIT. ‘AL eae: ther, Pitki mt under a NTO — A large alance of each year, fort fier, continue to [PM Teleand’ ast week | #indergarten to Orage 2\— Ls tamliy of Wilowdale were recent [Stained under ea) ody nigh P| postive "programme*at WaSeE 7 e al "Grade 8 to Bob Partolaccl, Batra, Colleen Ball, Vick! Bonner, | Crocker end fae . . eu Carelessness ST. THOMAS eae ae fete gs oe | a ttn tA Plo He Om ane acens a, ied ;

rm have destroyed = An Bea an, | Fier, ‘Mo. sat a Every youngster, awe weit ELECTRIC yun, thus ‘asising Of Most Accidents Full d ‘ Mayr Srsmwbint and Dectene Vous: Anister, Bobby Rocsch Joe Stephen | Mra. Glen and f ki the chances of sun burn. ull discussion on All Crops Under extremely dif- n, Derek Shelley, Jlta Wolfe, |spen S

eet a > PHONE ts9 —_——_- TORONTO—Careleas: Mr. and Mrs r ¢ nary balance sheet of [feu te catimate,” must Pr Pirade 7 to 8— Paul Hates, Bar fo iiiam al treasures. Even 7 i % part of drivers—not t poor driving ME. and Afra. cord at- | registered tray yatem | > Demonstration 2 vided for more ‘preclee | ry Baxter, Houald Bigkx a. Brash, the prometions for [end Me is ——————— Insulation Protected | censitons_ or “mectatical “break Ne acl an orga actanl ulllisstina of, tencurees A | nie at Pinafore St. Tho nizatl ~ i A ota alles of al | Wantea Briaseau, Joe | Callaghan, 0, 1. ae Landa Stewart | downs—is responsible for for trol of det —Soyfiacian Husking and Silage Corn —

his ~, oy if all day. | Mary ‘tha foaabae . f of all au finite units, oa dustry, “ Uni Me lon, - 1 pers ai a et Industry sentiy allow [Hayward Betty cea | Honora ove sat theo falted Church camp near Mor- pected by oth . Washington's Home to the nade Tonuranc® Shedden and Mis Murray ‘Secord | enty eet a Potatoes — Special Oat Plots — Ten Varie- . For|able cuts will be maintained In the |v, ‘Htalph m Stanton, John Thorpe, (honors), Law Venderneyien Mar-|_ Wan! ding ten | mem! a Some time ago the home of George] _ Omicials or he Federation, whiet Niapare uraday st Fort rie and Placing of respons ‘or ‘a share ties. able conterous |tna complete, rege eration meu ar Sie s hithen: | UGraae 7” ie 3 = be t Moore, | at a via ng cane ane bed si ‘6B Me Pamningtos ts Mount Vernoa.. Vir! moat and vices Mr and Sex. Archie Rath and! porns oro rapper. 5 coi re Grade 6 to 7 — 10 & — Robert Moore, ° io. Conte le ‘ : chen the Mlowable cut It 908 eal or “areas tein ee_fartne | sani Boyd, ‘Ruth Ann Clark °F Camp Ground ofthe Free Methodist Re ea Se caer Piately tnanlated ws t most sere family attended a stay “faites | poe “Some years ag,” ef oor: W. H. PORTER, London, will chair a Panel ine canada "| ee | race 8 res Saree Bern : romig ne ndeuey of sonal chile. j . | measure designed to protect the | ¢7ts occur on dry roads and in day- omega Par > neateten Discussi

. ome to the general con-| Sharon Bro Rares the lees toe sone | Piper teehee - }famous ballding for ‘years to come, | EAL, oF Under similarly good driv. on Runday. colonies on: Te rae ,iflized. |clislon that white and red/pine, our | Rochere, Jonanod ‘Mooseberger, Di- | hay 0 spend the summer to the United States Bur- ing costitions. ‘oday, even o1 * si

ne Pelee st valuable aawlog species, are tne Vanderhelde, Bert Varlierhey: holldaye at thelr r Bight alk - left on Sqturday < tee mumegvennet pret Separate program for the totes } y dep! - : c . 8 to Fealativ - t satety a . 7 tion of Jack pine can probal SS ind shim: Candia FORE eee sth wool are only Krone esponsibility among mo - en Murray McLean, , ion } McLean, L aboat dae no ig patig lorotl, abd family ot lentes sae Be A Chenery Ostet | Deng ae Fre ot tae Anajiearton oak” id a fore ‘vez, TO Freshen Veils, j Beaver, and _ Rodney, President . Thomas, § strane ccally oversuulized but ff,th fends ane relatives Ber. Weaver TOBACCO HARVEST SUPPLIES check spreading tnd aave| dificult Yo obtain, accident res de- teat “ mneaee mews tary auantiies tn the, more northernly | Sunday. 4 to 6 — Wynn Brown.

creased because year hat tk that province, when opened | , Mra 1. Jackson | # several] Grade toa —~ Geel Bergama, | where both Doth will take teacher tral en rovide for a moderate 4 + . Te Ing co 3 | . Mee cu: Tank eredcal colet ma Gver. present ullization. °F Mr. and Mra. Ri é Keys Mooseberger, J: Weekcend guests at the home of || $-Ply Cotton Tying Twine — guaranteed satisfaction— #55 salon oa Ie being. greatly eee ee eee eer riatly [Montreal spent the past teak bg coe are inl Shipp of Dara plaéé your order now for delivery anytime.

Me as 2 de 2 to 3 — joseph

ates de- stock 8 from pn total destruct ot ge | were forced te take better errs vat: soiled tt tan be cleaned ed and freab- continuing harvest their cars because they could not oe take the veiling off . q replacements for dem pain tne bat and if there is any trim on ent rates began to increase. The rea- went sal

the poplai id waite birch, awalting ‘ach. and Mi Le - id aearance officials was aoapsuds “SBlack and white spruce, with an etal ‘ and fre, M: less until It Ls clean. ssowabie cut of 498 log eu. Ry inturrialwr” th report concedes ea: Foomch Douay "a =|! OIL BURNER WICKS - Asbestos or Glass rae ten fn Sar Ret ‘rate iaecughththeugh tual cut of 230 million ren ‘Miss Anne Marsh has ‘been re- ane Vanderheyden, ema. - a mobiles, several Tes waters, ben, mie wale balance it the ter nt on 7 7 = Major uses accidents— Mer don " Hrowever, “uaevule| Quick Canadian Quiz tes for ate ita are Xow Here Kiln Hardware — Hinges, pulleys, rope, wire netting, e with s slectrie wiring, fre-| , Malor causes of eecidents—all of thin ‘mixture of suger Site: ait

of the surplus of spruce is is attending Summer! Rev. . .

the veiling tn 4 teen Tati ad| Wrong side of the road, disregard of re traffic signals and rules, a Improper Sim e il will be as perky

| fectivety help Keep a house safe Passing cara and speedi as it was when new,

ndeveloped nol matthore aie: a oe many provinces Ie \oasane:| soot at Toren Cedar Springs began ‘his and Mrs, Ge curing thermometers, black tape,. flashlights and

fon cu. ft <e the aie being In facturing the leading weslth pro-) iiss Corinne Hunter of Chat- pastor ¢ St. Paul's was pes lanterns. the Sioux Lookout’ district alone.|_ ducing industry: ham was a week-end Vigitor at her [Church at Paris.

2 SMtbe balance of the. allowable 2. From wbat prov low here. (the earen Senay morning, Rev. cut for conifers, 158 million eu. fts|~ to. the Gulf of Stexice, to e | “OMr. and Mrs. George Budden of |Mr. Stimson succeeds Rev. W. E:| judge: Do you sweat to tell the MONTEITH HARDWARE Grnsnde up of alnor spvclea, bai-| Arctic Ocean and toHudeon Bay? | ossiey “apent a day’ recently. at Gi a mipuner ot te church frat the waco trib — sam fir, hemlock, white cedar and 8. Sass 1960 has the federal govern-| Wallaceburg. They were accomp- Tal St

Jareh. Ibot St. [raat tax collection total in- (he allowabl it bi saved creased ord who wil

‘peciea to 008 milion 4 Spain once ‘Claimed what part of tun ion cuft |

import: |B Was there an Increase or de- in Canada’s imports and in 19637

: & Tn the firat eleven

yellow x i ‘exporta, down 4 per oat 3. and yellow birch 38 mil~jcent, allows bal-'Aimost doubled, from $2,880,600.

aan meray known for its

|pppication io houses, mineral ‘wool | eq | seb ucceasfully _ been ‘sed in

sohoola, hhospltala, ‘churches, factor- fa ores whey combed th You Make It So le “fire

ler systems and Sed stmiiee’ ‘Pro-| Summe - | treat te pace fc | ree eee See a mame ly fires dre doors order r of the day — ob- |" Kee} In fami In sdéition to Its Cre-recistive fea- rh soot any has tures, mineral wool also keeps Dulld-| nis ‘p i rer eigen take care of imap of almost an ings more comfortable with less

USE NITROGEN TO doves ant, | fon A bacng telat 08 6 00h] measure will automatically

incidentally is ma

It wilt be per- ect, vovelye “it you really” have time to leten.

ery way lay |the many ‘catles of 9}

[bere correctly insulated for fire pro- Panes lan ie -

a ene cgarteay, sed out, a aredied 1s i 37 . i . _ . Company: 5 "uimen, will onset | bie fishin | BY ile es |, Ud. (Alcan), act SE Se Mave trap your wite, the e end ct A perfect | boating day, Jee loses of ve : z . “What did she say, inspector?” your boat — Learn what rection. ‘ret panicky, starts hi - | Be generat nar ey ol SSEY-HARRIS FIRST WITH - f ‘1 o Ise tl right ti . mn It can't be my wife! e the right poe ‘ee a eppoaite retin He'd Wa taseh bets Sia ers cea ner FULL SCALE TEST TRACK Hi day at Pinafore Park, ot, ‘Tao: BL ‘cingevelt of Toronto spent COAL = COKE: - FUEL Ol es ‘Distribute their weight from sna: at he ner tire tose FOR FARM EQUIPMENT

. George Woodworth te 2 hi, — ( a

: side to side and bow to stern. Don'

Or. Silverthorne Offers. KILN COAL See ace tare ay ue ¥ : $ dangerously.

spb es harp, fast turns — t! Rules For Poliomyelitis Season... DAVIS & SON Alaa, ut farne— they With the approach. ‘of the polio|people suffering from unident- se pascecg “ overboard, or : om

sents ten rules nts of chil 7. All pet eonla susceptible. These

rth in icle, 6 fruits pe

—_ ed by helt bs Leone, Pail: [apent It is the hardest thing in the Ke Sp sae of Islingtor < ee Bun-

world to be a good thinker without | gay visitors with relatives hen ra. being a ond ciexaminer Bhatt |", Farguhar fumaily held thelr


Phone 458 Nights 557-619 : 352 John St. North Pol

is chairman of a mother will

ternal Health of the Health League ber sick child to agsociation |child there until

organized to disseminate techniques | {Iineas is recogn: In this way it of preventative medicine. He says: |would help to minimise weakness or “L attention should be | paralysis in the unfortunate child

FERTILIZER GRADE = a : u ——— Indiete your ging safe Me wilh fbn | Inder certain conditions, ~oe. fact,| “Watch for storm warnings. : = adults may waves rock boats arate pee AMMONIUM NITRATE <A ict oe ene xy ee

is ideal for the side-dressing of corn and sugar beets


ens me:3ods of sewage igo! was ne wetted of a eee on and also to top dress Pasture.

= ;

ual, expecially 19 arene wnere | doub oe of any Sngree should ‘shore and there lo 6 threatenet saa [Be ot Se Tee cs An additional distribation system on a province-wide

met wet, ;

2 In areas of threatened out-|of the dit ies in controlling the basis is no fe

Zs) :

the Can- Sree ewinaassi peste, eb beet Sco Nas in the seek Tee res w in effect. F the highlight: th Santa, <onnen oe & should Be closed. many people contract cases s ‘entght out far| aden Waly sted ig] eh atthe ani ion (Ontario Division) is the a Fes Gnewe to towapetNd et poms ipsa ‘chases! Seat Further information on request.

ia — wine MASSEY-HARRIS-F N awarding of the trophy forthe est agricultural report ‘done ea from all eenree paere feed and jcome serious in other, people Whe fis gone mene me ERGUSO LIMITED u er a an- are come’ into contact with

Shalt bya bel mae ie past Ye carne ees Teka lenlinae of anyone (rp in ue haat Saree fe plo

ieee wale high quality farm implements since 1847 editor of the Simcoe Reformer (left). Don Fairbarn, (centre), tists “in retanranta Indlvioae [of vaccine’ na obs, bo NORTH AMERICAN. : : are - well known is work with weekly news} pers in iS PTO- |who handle money should not hand-|cause of its scarity Because of = ‘the vince and for his ii ear, With promam N catboesy. News ie or: Sobl oe evereans 5 oe wate, short aera oe - LUMITED HAGGAN & WAT RWORTH A the two, noe. Probably protective effect. - ‘ ‘i for the Ontario division of the CWNA, fr faite destroys the virus of po-|never, be practical unless It is


Bi James right) edo the Bowman He Canadian States-| One should not eat in fiprid-|epidemic’ snr! wenaing dewelep- 2004 Royol Bank Building, ea 390 Talbot St. East Phone 287 den places during the poliomyelities |ment of a vaccine’ Dr, C e jecason or stated, : 3 Toronto, Ont. 2 *




ig iL

i i d i

é 1 |

See en all colors - $7.95 up. -

ih Stee eo | we | GE. 1954 REFRIGERATORS GE, 1954 RANGES. Beheat Sullding In the Common) “aetiaialy 030 pm. to J ain Reg. $359.00 — 5 Year Warranty “Aicline’’ Console

ore gure = $299.00 Reg. $359.00.

| To Grade 9 — Masi Mat te SINGER CUSTOM LAMPS. SUITES _ SALE-$299.50

rade 8 = eh ae Ss bey aleaedbansl Sie Reg. $39.00. : LA-LBOY CHAIRS ° oa Snyder. . . Reg. $259.00 NOW-$24.50 up SAVE UP TO $70.00 Reg. $99.50

NOW ~ $229.00 TELEVISION NOW - $89.50 17” Picture Screen 21” Picture Screen ... CHAIRS... ;

CHROME KITCHEN SUITES Save $85.00 " Save $100.00 home ees $59.50 to. $149.50

Peter Skuce, son of Mr. and Mrs. F fe

rd 70 South street, east, cam

SALE-$199.50 ~ SALE-$319.00

ig Rg i ge ee at aa tae monn oe ae Better nay 70 =

fe eee ——— -omm Chas. Van Patter & Son umm ie lings. Hilda: Vellinga.

SALE - $39.00 up

Promotions for 88. ‘ (Lakeview) where David H. Mac- Mary Lennan was teacher follows:

Today Canadian farms are mostly mechanized, often with the help of financial assistance (Canada. The money Imperial Savings Tommy; fore


fa and Sunday Schoo! will

save in an 4 Account does double duty. improve our standard ‘Ronalé Bur- i wye, Gary, ‘To Grade 3 B. — Funk, finns ad uty. Ic helps “see Jose Van-| Orie; Funk, Wayne. To Grade 2A. | wreaks. Bs at the same time it cams interest for you. Guynslaeger; to Hil ‘Coleman, Lorraine: To Grad ned Scart saving at Imperial ‘today for the things you want De Vries,’ Otto Hut: 2 Fubk, ¢. Grade 1 ‘A Grade 11 stats Stop rankiog h ~ =

A resol A . ; end the top rs : . =:

some ‘Summ Grade 4 — ‘Coleman. g : : For Sale By Tender |Splendid Program - |Barbara Tansley .. {Margaret Austin _ I toors, South Doreneater | Piel Wedding Interests C : : r

lecion to the Bani camp. He, mee Sua eta Weds Morris Martin ~frevel‘on wien tana su 0 CREDITORS

- 2”; coders wert gveed Hanrrietsville

a Trendy attended Camp Ipperwash | ey ed until August 2, 1954, - Earl Axford A quiet wedai Tuly 2, will ber ged gen: Folks In the Estate of Frank Murphy, late

> “the ‘e Dak Joey for. M for the school alte of 8.8. No. 10 tae We ney hout the township] !awa! / of the Township of Yarmouth, in

bank that sewice built Teady ‘Thompecn. Arm-| "Herbert Stevens, principal of the (Orwell)| the a in Aylmer’ on Wedoceday, June. 1t was previously stated that [(98. | HARI — A quiet| the County of Eigin, Labourer,

y Eant Elgin District High School, an- | of aituate in the south half of Lot 28, Secretary of the Aylmer & In by a feria} would be required for |Theswedding of interest hi ‘sol-| Creditors” and others having

- ounced that seven other cad Con. 9, in the Township of Yar-. Eigin Agriculteral Society, by Rey. W. Geiger, when Margaret. ¢ ‘ot | and ‘eennized at the First — St. Andrews | claims against the above Estate

from the school left last Wednesday mouth and containing approximate-| Howsrd tashbrook, Austin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 7 8 their United Chureh, London, on Satur-| required to send fuil particulars of

from ine to attend a leader's course | fin, ly one acre, more or lees, that the Direptors of the Aylmer! SpaRTA — In a setting of blue|o¢ Merrie Martin’ sor of Siva Men MUEY Official Here comeday, Tuly 3: at four pa. The tay | such clalme to the undersigned Boke

at Camp Ipperwash. These wer ‘A marked cheque for ten per cent| convention held in detphinium, and fern, atlitg Martin of Aylmer, aad the late 27 MacNel} of the t de- MacQueen ited when | Ieltors for the Administratrix, on or

George Dalley, William Hotehk of the tender prive payab Sparta United Church Saturday, eee rect oe, late et. OF Speen “ai {but Donna Margaret édy of Lon-|Defore the “Twen

~ oen'Van nley, of the tender price payable to Union | lined up an exceptional program for] Barbara’Marie Tansley became the |werg les Hinine Paw of Lyons, aad RCAF Station tecently on | Mf, became the bride of Howard | July, 1064", after ‘which dats . ve Faw of Ly: Tr mn on E os

Importont James and Jack Austin, and Robert Yarmouth must sccompany each| on August 23,24, 28. The Grandstand bride of Earl Keith Axford. ‘The |Ray startin, brother of the groom, peetion (rip. He was accomp- sen oe, Robbing. Two bride te the the Estate's assets will >, Glatt

New Legislation respecting : pletion of the tra ? key "The Seal, The Spellbinders, Al] = wedding muslo was, provided ee ete weewan, trip, Mr, ent 5 . exce; “4 the late Lorne Kennedy | that have then been received.

‘ontamio rere Sone naar not] Rees & Diane acing f comedy biey| SZ, Mim, A, K Garrod. Ass Patay |?4"™ ANGUN TUN soide Ot OUsW™ RIS—CP.R'S. 1964 Spend-|“" Veter” Sonat, SyMt | second day of July, AD. Ise Mt

ATORS LIFT a weeme ra ai uly acenen one aor ck, Ta, Rowe Otani ‘The bride is the- daughter of and the late igi Rosbias. HAINES ‘TISDALZ, returned home after spending a ‘ trrently, doth Canadian rail-| spent, Given {

fow days with Mr. and Mra Bruce in a tumbling det, Mr. and 2 A. ; Newlyweds On Trip Uy ‘a io ty Harry Day z

ELEV and Horse. Damaged Grandstand ofan tend th, zoe Pues eM Ware_anemting option [tn erm beacon tor SaaS.

% ‘Mr. and Mrs, Ted Procunier and ‘Ber- ‘h Js costing a multt-miliion dol-| were attired : Priscilla Reid. Hcipeased once eeeck ‘tor 1966 will be Tiv.{of FUR 5, St. Thomas. To Ne York ‘million dol- a in a powder blue sult, with |

1 wish to bring to attention that The Elevators and Lifts entire :epebt te" week end wit | eagh ie ‘Agiecarea on Mont| The Indians, according to. Mr. high div-|°'Entering the chureh with ber Ww @ plans will make this|bus, white acceworles and carried a

‘Act, 1953, came into force on June 17, 1954. Under this trends ang Featives at ¥ ee Ae) coe Smale, had a different name for the ‘attraction,|father, the bride wore a floor undisputed leader in rail|Thonhite Bible with red rosettes and | NOTICE TO

of. 2 ‘dumb-waiter, Pound. L Pyderaran cli wtios tream. Although a search of local length gown featurt burg white anotin ‘ORS

legislation, in Ontario the owner of an elevator, a Mra. GN. Rol | age to the grandstand at the Aylmer he fact, Mr. the direo- ing and highwa: Ere) Mine

tor, lift or incline lift ¢ obtain an annual licence Mr. and Mré. G. N. Roleson spent) 7A On ery of the dam- | Histo failed to reveal the the services| White tulle over white y transport ‘Lois Gray of London, as|In the Estate of Andrew Nelson

to operate the elevator or li Gunday with Mr and Mrs, Offa) ioe ras made on Frida Smale says they called st Waulbesoy Snyder, the popular Dallooa |!ace on satin bodice and a jacket | wedding, Ia Bro United f% T9Y goon, feel the ‘effec: | eat Urideamald, wore a beige sult with | “Davia, lato of the Tovaah ot G le meaning “lost of fish.” * Lb fea, |of lace over tulle, jacket, | Church, when Fi: RK. . renovations. n ite acessories and a corsage of| Malahide, ‘County ‘

A ‘The logisiation further provides that only | who Jer of 'Tillson- ae violent wise which accom | a had other names, p' Subscriptions for all Weeae col yertercaeues tas bape of which butfoned ati tee front, |ers Corbett ‘became the bride a the: te Pn bellow . Arnold ot Farmer. me «

ea: z holds: certificate of issued un: ‘Act may at Supaapy with pic, and [pened the storm tore section o! has Charles, after Explorer - magazines-accepted at | intense interest to the children, _|had an Eilzabethan collar and |Ivan, Baldwin, son of Mr, crarses this week in the “geo was his brottier’s| Creditors and others having—

Y make inspections of these installations in Ontario In addition, 2t Dedhice'® BS 884] he atand oss leaving am eight inch Chatevaix ana Taney, after ‘the ’ en ee Tae an afer an, 08 ‘A Jullet Cap of lace [and Mra, Vern Baigiin, Fyfe Going Al Out Fn ie | Hespred a the ughers. “wore | claims against the above Hatate ars

contractors who construct, or maintain clevators ap along, of 'b, believed to gro’ its held fingertip veil itusion,| ‘Mrs, O. C. Smith. presided - ut “For The | Hen) iler of London, and Arthur | required to send -

or. lifts, tc. may now only carry on business in Ontario if Pont | of aout ibe wap extends fer 6 #000 | Another name which is mentioned The Aylmer Express - |: ins sarcnsciots ecttmestt of) and_ the bridal orl of hase | a otgah, sad Mise Anne Clarke "EE" | of er of the groom. | sous plang to the umber ee

they are registered under the Act. cae. a in an in history of place of red Happiness roses. was in r & few immentiate | icitors for the Executors, on or be-


ton, Felatives and friends was held

In order to comply with the legislation— py . names compiled by Ella N. Lewis js

bride was attended by two| Given in ovarriage by her broth- AFY on on | fore the “Twenty-sixth day of July,

x : a damage was discovered by! the “Alavar.” Miss ‘Tansle; ‘er, Paul Corbett, » yimer Rotary Club will et | Mew Ave, Lote | ALD. 1964," after which S

. ‘Any person employed by an ismaver to reas ineporte eye Tom Dickson, recreation director,| All these items of history seem to \ jancy yand’ Mine | a Mr ehite tatleirsday night of this week wma U2 tate's assets willbe distributed, hav

: application it tely for a certificate of competency. and Lloyd Bibby when they went to|add weight to Mr. Smale’s belief - e Madeline Axford, sister of the over satin fashioned with a for-'uecceeding Thursdays through-| (0? left on Wednesday, | ing regard only to claims that have

OWNERS CONTRACTORS Be: Sete the top of the stands to obtain a| that the recently unearthed forma- groom. Miss ‘Tansiey , offeet. by a bouffant mer. Meeting were | {°F Puly7, on @ boat cruise through the | then been received.

ce One ee CON en ball ‘-| pe Bein (Se. Tomas Die: Hong. range view of some improve-| tone have a definite place tn Port gowned yellow net ict A fedlngote of Chantilly ned from Friday In. an effort cAtprest Lakes from Port MeNichol| | DATIED at Aylmer, Ontario, this

z ©: 3 morial Hospital after six| ment completed on the Bruce's history. eta: Mis ‘Tansley lacé completed the ensemble, Her ‘orestall decline In summer at- then ing on to| Sixth day of July, AD. 1964.

cecalatons, manlifte or jactne ately for annual registration. yhy Yncas and i conval | ball diamond. ‘The_circles are each abou pale blue taffeta with a matching length veil lance caused by long weekends, |POmR®, Matador Coop Farm, Kyle, SLRs wed:

Hive mat ale OPN es coarate . ithe home of Mr. and Mra. Archie] Mr. Bibby reported the damage to asenten feet In diameter and are bolero; chose|from a Juliet cap and she car- +o» ing Gaskatchewan, where the groom is

their installations. . ratte é xanthan ine Dr. William Cremawal president of | about two feet apart. They are com- ae pink net over ettvta. All ried 6 wate Bible crested with w Church cessa’ partner, to take up residence. Ontario.

ne: Baynam Wo. ye Aylmer and East Eigin Agricul- of an inner circle of reddish- jendan' matching Juliet, jwrostnens White, past

July meeting at the home of Mrs.|tural Society, who made an immed-| brown crumbly material, and an caps of and veiling, Gladys Nutt, We Vieinlany Borsa dive net The right thinker and worker

Diulec cas o's otic eee [as oe cowie and abutng cles ot whith fies Tenpetiy, Sougaron of St,| Mi “aney Baldi, tet of iui ofthe new Si. oeps| ft the agen Baber aay EE. Atkinson, a fair board dl-| mal

sion Chureh, Listowel, » .

Minister + program Mrs. James Puller. Roll Eto? ang local bullder, wae calied| At Present, however, what they , with mer, and Mima Comme Buckle, ‘Tine service was condi | at

Eat ar i at |r Secs ats nd TO ALL COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS ||"... Settee oe ey als ac . : : ore; speaker, Maxiaa, of spection of the damage he said that | tain myst yore was Cute Griffin. ly styled of ated the chureh and cele ho NOTICE TO ‘ORS

Licences certificat period JOutne: et the, in his opinion it could only have — e first mass. Rev. Hugh| M

Keeani eet eral a's atoms coe riggers ap eres ws gl: bt ee uence at dary |aniMlie Soe fen toy Be Chet sO rater Inapection Branch, Department of OAC at Guelps ‘couple of| Fortunately the stands have not|he, whose thoughts embrace all - the bride's mother wl ey tnd, formerly of | peg bo a

{ial loepecimment Bulidings, Toronto, Ontarsa weeks go. been used a great deal since the| thelr subject. who pursue it unin- If interested in securing space on Ayimer in navy sheer with wmh— Sen of we

= ‘The United Church S38, wilt |Ptock car races have been discon-|terruptedly and fearless of conse- : . “Fr sories and a corsage of pink and nes ving

ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Charles Daley, Minister hold’ their annual plenle thls {tinued In Aylmer, and the only ones | quence, ts nd of enormous Fai Id be well advised white Hf roses. Wearing ter on. the” Richmond, echool fing the top seats these dara are size.—Lavater, irgrounds—you wou! wt Pale ‘ue sheer with white acces FAIRVIEW

grounds on Thureday ‘15th. s ‘01 and a similar

— . tosecure it now. For information contact y mother assisted. ot | Icltors for the Execu . biue taffeta with mat-|

Chure bas be held as usual next Sunday, July

1th, when ere will porstses

8 Fairview for worship. | havi

any of the following:

anew community>

weeks ago a he | sage of red roses jawin, brother of the arin join

| damage would be fully covered. The - trip to Niagara Falls and points |groom. was best man, and ushers A bli party in bonor of Jean | have thee’ been neeived

Minds on Saturday to catimate the 12028 @ gest. On their reture, Mr. and Mow. |ware Baldwin, Wayne Bald. Parker took. the foren of a plenle |) DATED at Aylmer, Ontaro, tia : ford wi In St. | win, also brothe: and |at Spring "a1

= S Dr. Cresswell said. Repairs W. H. Cresswell — Phone 535W Thomas, @ thelr home In St. | Gay, Brownsville, |S y present io- ey of Sty; AD 10,

. Mee Aviae tote opens Neen 4. ' a TBS ero2m. a graduate of Lon-| A reception followed the. cere gluded Mr. and ‘Mra Glen Parter. aga ee

. ae M ‘Teachers’ College, is princi-|mony in Brownaville Community | Miss Hazel Parker, Mr. Russell er, Ontario.

Y OU R HYDRO pied Sepeire Ul Mave (6 be cone: THERE LL BE A HOT TIME IN H. R. Lashbrook, Sec’y. — Phone 206 pal of 8315 Yarmouth Ian Community | iitehell, Afr. and Stra. Cart Parker Solicitors for the pleted before pat tine ie the TI " a For a wedding trip to New |and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 8-15-22 Lena Baillie. ' 8-15-22

. < ‘ ds are usually packed to capac- HE OLD TOWN TONIGHT Pa 1 F York City, the bride donned a two- Parker and family, Mildred -

eee key ser V ice in = A Allan me ne 32662 Fruit tea Goetes ‘and 2 blue shortie vith and Mr. a Mee Shae Marr and

£ \ . 4 juices othe: aerv- coat 6

2 | : De ed to a bety should be at room |* £2880 of red Fossa, jftassilies: of Fort: Stanley. NOTICE TO CREDITORS |

are, | aever “The |The couple will reside at RR 3,| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heffren and | Tilonburg. infant son of Deihi were week end

te USA, Engineer.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 51, of the Trus- tee Act, that all creditors and others having claims or

~ REAL ESTATE ! : new dwelling units built in Ontario the Estate of the said Clarence a 5

pats Each required an avernes of bur Baughman, who died on or nearly new 6-room house with two bedroom:

1% kilowatts of electricity, a total of about the. Eievonth Ser: ot ecte and sunroom. Automatic oil furnace. Excellent lo-

338,000 kilowatts, or, 307,000 horse- Lr Dag Chena igen ar padi yd cation on large lot. Make an appointment to inspect

D, 1954, to-send by post:prepaid or this.

‘, Sfiteer Ontarle, Bollcitor fe 4 insul brick boyse with two bedrooms on large lot. Full basement. Good location. Terms.

* fects of the said deceased, their

(Curtetion seamen and surnames, a, A very disasters oe three

ae dassetptions, *. bedrooms in an exci tion. sement.

Jecal municipal system ‘must plan meer take soceuate and the se: Garage and breezeway. Very

Her into the future. Power projects must ture of the securities, if any, held Good terms available. (Exclusive).

be started years before their ’ 7D TAKE NOTICE that after located in rapidly ‘town. Seating eo: that ‘pew pomes, now. such Inst mentioned date the said capacity 45. New equipment. ’

cipal services and new i ies, all tribute the assets of the sald de- business included. Equipment and business 18,000.00


have power when and where required . . . jecased among the parties entitled Good terms.

teers t hich bs aba tren heve We have a good selection of service stations with or with- z k z sf

aE ‘i it | AT £8

R j i i


+ . saad Se town of Agena, Res. Phosie Res, Phone |

ee ums. Representing os

J. ert & Sol eae arene 48. Bett

‘Diamonds, Clock’s ellery. “We sell the best and pair the Rest.” Walt Wood Watch- maker and Jeweller. 2 Cedar St,

Ont. atte! model

baler, the most compact ever built, now available with either engine drive or P.T. Price with P.T.O. drive $1495. J.

inert & Son, Coc! er, Aylmer, Phone 548.

to wear Spirella Co: API brassleres.

Van Patter. Phone


‘GOVERNMENT APPROVED , 510 gal. capacity

Lumber and Bullder’s P 407 Talbot W.

2 YOUNG SOWS and boar, Apply Sid Humphrey, R.R. 1, Aylmer, 1,

1902 Mercury 5 H-P. Outboard Mo-

tor, lke new. 1962 ‘Firestone 3% HP.

Motor, only used few th Garden Tractor with cul

00d hoe attachment new —



TREYS, Bavghman’ Phone Mi

NEW FRAME to be moved. Apply D. corner of Victoria and Aylmer. Phone rl kc

outboatd motor, 3% hp. cheap. Phone Mt*

iM CHEV, good condition. 4 | ‘onable. Apply John Porter, Elk | St 8p



© Magazines, Antique & Specialt

FARM FENCE Ci rods 9.48G

Phone B

h “Jami cycle, only gone 3000 mile:

10 cu. ft. Home Freezer in perfect condition, used in own ome peso

‘1. Used Refrigerators from $25.00 Electric Frigidaire, apartment size range atl $ 99.00



1939 DE SOTO sedan, in excellent

Myrtic ; arling hene. 1 Turkey P fern 411,

| goon mpartmer


Heint A-1 condition. Piano, itzman, @ 1941 Chev. 2-door car, good condi-

Se or trade. Bhoppe; 65

Pine St. B. tel, OW. Be AF of © pipe, goose neck and diatri-

butor. Joe Cappelle, R.R. 1, Kings-


bird houses, Relds on Myrtle St. 8 15-22p.

iM? ROYAL ENFIELD motorcycle OH!

EN V. 380 cc, less than 10,000

miles. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to Ralph Price. Phone 41r41 Bel- mont, O1 sett.

NEW CASE COMBINES now on a a €foot cut, P.T.O., $1611.50. Motor $1900.00. Elevators for bales, grain 28-foot |

Service, Phone GeTW Sales and Service. Phone B 8, 15, 22, 29¢

YER” for use in outdoor DESTRO: tollets. Destroys contents of toil

saves you that ui

x 682. enquiries invited.

BARB WIRE High carbon 1150 Iba. for ere atri breaking strain for seve rain

and weather. Heavier Mild steel barb, Both 4) point id's on,

& 1836 fair con- IEVROLET coach, fi

dition, $80. cash or will trade. Ap- ply Don McFarlane, RR. 2, St. Thomas. Phone 3131 Sparta.

bs Hi


int ll

#28 2

DOMESTIC COAL AT REDUCED PRICES Nut, Stove and Egg Anthracite’

Stoker — Pocohontas — Coke

‘TWO experienced tyere, for tobac- co. AI mans. | 8P


TLADIES for part-time eales work. 5 o

Pallbearers were Lorne White, W.

main closed Saturday afternoons rather

Interment was made in the Ay)-| mer Cemetery.

High Quality Lump Coal for Curing Tobacco

Elgin Co-operative Services t

ik sup- |For 21 years we've missed you

RR. 1, Be | Me

i & Me, x 7.0.5

Fr. Poole, Case Sales and Service. Phone er 8, 15, 22, 20 LEARANCE 220

@ $1.35 per rod; 120) rods 10-48H @ $1.60; 12 foot gates @ $18.50. Made by Stelco. Reid's on Myrtle St. B15p

CASE drop-head hay loader, Inter- iB di . national grain binder, 7 ft. cut. White cutting box, 14” throat, In- ternational corn binder, Cockshutt

hin-| n-

ros. 3 8, 15p QUANTITY of Buckwheat. Apply

fc] “James McCallum, R.R. 1, Aylmer. 4176. Be

LED HAY, by the ton in the, fleld. Apply, Ken, shackelton.

BOAT, motor and trailer. Phone TAS. &p

WEAVER RIFLE SCOPES, Moss berg scopes, gun sights. Extra Serttldge clipe. Reid's, One-0-Two

je Bt. &1Bp HODERN 90° idtchen range, con- ‘On-

verted to oll, complete with oi! Be burner. Phone 417r9.

SETS of gas burners, for tobacc: kilns. New Ideal brand. Mart in Hendel, RR. 2, Dorchester..8, 15,

2 i949 AUSTIN, Good condition, cheap.

8p! ‘Phone 152. TWO MEAT COUNTERS complete


R CHI " White make great

broilers, 4 Ib. birds In 10 weeks Ix ve have them

alr furnishe Airport Edna's Spee us.

ply 37 Water St

vate entrance, rent reasonable. west (east Apply 89 Pine street

303W. Be BED SITTING ROOM and kitchen:

ete. Apply 183-Jobn street south. Aylmer.

ONE BEDROOM, newly decorated. Apply’ 301 Talbot street east. Phone 77W.

reof.",— Inscription on

, ‘Bell at Philadelphia,

physical’ and mental condition. If e ts all high, Aylmer—Phone 624 -


stones lifted and erected in rows in orderly fashion and to otherwise renovate and beautify this historical village


Kerous enemies, attacking wounds, i

site, Any plot owner or relatives of persons buried there- cases, through contact | A beautiful bathroom set at a reas- in who have objections to this procedure are requested

to register them with the undersigned hefore July 3st,

W. G. CHARLTON, Village Clerk





Ity Shoppe. Phone

nt, furnished. Ap- reet. Be

— $00


ke METEOR “Rideau” Fordor, Two-tone green & white ‘METEOR “Rideau” Fordor, Cadet blue & white ‘*&METEOR “Rideau” Fordor, White & kilarney green

l i i


aes ” See it, and compare this Origital Auger Type Combine, with the machine you now use, or perhaps are planning: buying. You will see for yourself, why this Gleaner Com- bine is superior in every respect to other makes. This is not just “boasting” or “sales-talk” for i ane in doubt, we will gladly take you to farmers who

i ‘Combines,



aa about the better performance of Gleaner Combine.

- Aylmer?

i | i

% MERCURY “Custom” Fordor, Tan & kilarney green

%& MERCURY “Custom” Fordor, Sparkling black %& MERCURY “Custom” Fordor, Kilarney green & white

%& MERCURY “Custom” Fordor, Tan & bloomfield green


Mer-Lin Motor$ _ 14 TALBOT ST.


f i | § |

r it [it fi

e ri ae i h ti il

1 fe fet


i g

3 E iF | x i i | |i

ie uni

d nae

. 1 : The Public is advised that Council has tired Ay

authorized the Municipal Office of the Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector to re-

than Wednesday afternoons as has been the custom.

(Signed) R. D. McEwan, ‘Mayor.


Us 3

FE i ii g a3

s ir if

ce bs

° GbE





i t F


ws i i

W. RGif- mer Hand Mrs. t

ladies’ day.

i Peck

Moore and wer Sapelak, Fred Hunt and

Armatrong. first game. Garry McConnell did Beat Job of twiriing for the Ay Let

» The kidw carded lo play the Bu: ig here on Wednes-


blew up, the local vets had itis we te t |ateticulty scoring at will. “le :

CEMETERY NOTICE Concerning the old village cemetary of. Springtiekl,

. The village council proposes to have the gfve-

8, 15, 22, 29c.


THE, TOWNSHIP-OF MALAHIDE OFFICE Thi a Aytmer. WILL BE CLOSED FROM JULY 12th TO. |]is-incharre ining Cor Ruaron BS ote

ee Hekman, all from 8t.! John iH aca. 36, formerly of as. hes JULY 24th INCLUSIVE.

BRUCE MARR, fireworks.

car seats and tarpaulins.

Band Plays

es Formerly Lived H

Stanley 8. Jacobs, 5ST, age



Picnic at Sand Hills a

‘The St. Thomas Youth Centre of ,PUC St. Thomas Christi:

Pai an

Pi lowed


in in every Tuesday evening | Kathleen jock, during the summer (waeneee


daay, Linds Wenic lunch at noon was fol- brarian of the by games, and in the evening brary Co-operati

a weiner roast was enjoyed. The day was ended with a display of He replaces Miss

who resigned last

ry Ca

der the |eragitt Re 4st: ler the | e ‘Thoma, Alfred Duncan Brown, Shedd

‘St. Thomas Irs. W. |

's. Brown | fs in polled Shorthorns and Mr:

Thomas. Clases in dry two-year-old’ helfera wer:

former eae: 2:

‘Aykner, died | Water on Talbot Street perator in last Saturday in Tillson-| Fortunately, the fin

He suffered a heart attack. |asphalt had not

his new duties on Monday morning.

h Dorchester

ip road superintendent, sald that gravel on which tenders were

to July 2, will be used

R. G. MacNei} of the treasury di

partment, Ottawa, has Aylmer Hon

0 inspect anied by Mra, MacNeil.

oe . |. |C.N.R.'S—C.P.R’S, 1954 Spend-

cows and | ing © judged.| Currently, both Canadian rail-

petition | and pment program | W1

ot Which is costing a muiti-million dol. n/t. These will this | bus,

ce nation undisputed leader in rail

¢ | travel. , x Airline and highway transport

system may goon .feel the effec: | es of CNR. and CPR. renovation:

E. Belliveau reports these start- lng changes this week in the Star

any |Weekly. ‘The article . ig entizied -|“They're Golng All Out For The|Henry Garton, Burgessvjlig, kindly

nger.” sasion.

Thursday night of this week an ‘on suecceeding Thursdays throu, out the summer. Meeting were

Rev. 8. E. Wa Deputy Reeve



Enjoy a Cool Evening

Roller Skating AYLMER ARENA

Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Evenings

Saturday Afternoon 2-4

Good Floor - ‘ - Skates Supplied


Rite, for of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, attended

the blessing of the new St. Joseph's Mission Chureh, Listowel, on Sun.

| day. The service wi Bishop J. C. ‘Cody, conducted by

Di Key and te presently w sa nursety firm asa as

bay Reader at "rank Whatmore, lay’ reader fro: |St. ‘Thomas conducted the service t Trinity Angilean Church day. In the absence of the Rev. 7 Dale Jones who ts at summer camp |

i ust at r

on , on ntton a ey ttBEOE et

a of Frank police committee, said Monday thet [ora M ihe Police department has been in-|°f a

a —<



if polit





f i Fa | i

nd. Cupboard Pt. Bruce under the aus-

An executive committee of Joe Gar- otary on Thi

Aylmer Rotary Club will meet | Mt 6 ton London was named to arrange "| for same.

end at service | Mr. and M . Sun- z


visit ‘with thelr aunt and uncle Mr. Adlington


i i ii l i i


tnt ay




e fll i {


i Ht i

i {

iH if.


fF i ]

I iy w fr







$20 CASH

Proceeds For Kinsmen Club Projects -- Bo eee



“WHEN YOURE SMILING” With Frankie Lane, Billie Daniels, Mills Bros, and Bob

Crosby , also -




20. In


in technicolor With Anthony Dexter, Gale Robbins, Judy Laurence

“PLEASURE TREASURE” With Fuddy Duddy and First run film “News”


With John Payne, Coleen Gray, Preston Foster : plus Cartoon


With Edmund O'Brien, Joan Dru, Otto Kruger plus Cartoor

First show starts at dusk. Last complete show starts at 10,40 p.m. There is a refreshment booth on the grounds

for your convenience.

reCalvert sports coruun

by Elmer Ferguson Canada is now only thirteen years away

from the century mark of Confederation. || every



tinues to develop in all fields — inctuding || yea:

fe 4s noteworthy that the sports gumee with the biggest || qi followings today were unknown when Canada was born. The one exception, of course. Is baseball. Hockey, football, tennis,

‘ball and many other sports have all budded’and bl since’ 1887,

aning, snowshocing, skilng, yachting and the classical threesome of huntin’, shootin’ and fishin’.

Many of the sports popular 8T years ago still endure, in an even greater measure than then, But other sports have alnte come on the scene to reach tremendous proportions. Hockey ia

of these. It came into being aoon after the 5 veloped rapidly after the turn of the century, and blooméd into its present international status in the 20's,

er. A ofa parce! and

Canadian football, developing from English rugby, has at- tained a tremendous vogue here. Baseball has become internat-

|. Golf has developed into a widely-played game for the ‘mamees, rather than the classes.

from in the early has expanded into one of the greatest participant games in the Dominion. ing, comparatively new, has reached hi peaks of popularity the tast 20 years,

‘There's more sport today, and what is more important, there's participation than ever nation, doubtiess draws

for this columa will be welcomed fe Calvert House, 431 Yonge Si, Toronto.


strikoyts. In mas scored

Golf is a form of work made ex-

Golf Is the simplest looking game in the world when you

ears. It is probably ame a man ca:

game is on care! selected grass with little white balls and as‘many clubs as the player

money by some noon.

‘A golf course has eightee: seventeen of which are unnece: and put In to

and a couple of apple trees, of “unt =








s Fi I Fe

e BeBe

three two runs to take the lend

the first of fifth the St. Thomas

wi centre over 400 feet

the final 53.

ngs. now has won his fourth straight game} \!

} without = loss.

“Golf ”?

ive enough for a man-to enjoy ysical and mental exer-

made attractive by the

have to dress for it in a


decided to

nat it ten of twelve | Foy.

was too deep for him place.

Jost golfers in a single after-

holes, sary make the game hard-

“hole” 1g a tin cup in the center ” A “green” is a amal

1 of grasa costing $1.98 a blade between a brook

ra excaval

idea is to get the golf


sat-| London; ce | Jet 8, Jim Sanford, London.

f| boa Sarnia; i4, Walt Zavits, Hick-

5 it



it i i b

iPS : F Hil fut

f E } AF

a i #

ST. THOMAS — Lobo-l, dri Jack Sharpe, won the 30 Lap fh fov-

ture race at the St. Thomas Race- He


‘Third Heat, 8 Laps; 6, Ken Hodg-| One of t ins, London; n-1, Ron Nichols,

; 88, Bill Lamont, Aylmer;

Australian Pursult, 10 Laps: 6,| but ‘London; 22, Don Mel-

IMPLEMENTS and FEED At ‘lot 9, Con. 1, Bayham, 2 miles) West of Port Burwell, E. J. Fearnley

the-underaigned auc- tioneer to sell by public auction on

Joly 17 pm. the fol-

‘There were 18 in the feature. t

st event, 8 laps, 237 1-5—Walt Zavitz, Hickory Corners; 1-4° Ted

L, ; Carl Prong,

Lamont, Ayimer, is, Woodstock, 41s art Prowsn, Mt.

mT erator; some fu: 3rd event, 8 laps, 245 3-5—Geo: ri rous Wilion, ‘Springfield Spike ee eee ee —CASH

Clarence Wolfe, Auctioner.

4th event. 8 248—Wea Mur

ray, Ingersoll, 45; Al Squires, Bim- coe, 8; BM

10 laps semifinal, 3.17—Walt Zav- itz, Hickory Corners, 1-4; Spike De-

ickor Pasquala,

Samanick, gens, London, 7; Bo Martin, Btrath-

Flavortite, Rind

BACON, 1 tb. cello - = Freah Killed i S

BOILING FOWL — 3-5 Ib. average - th. 33¢ Lean, Meaty SAE 2 Sik SPARERIBS =; - - >- th. 58


AYLMER TOMATOES - 20-07. tin - 2-29¢ Real Valuo es

AYUMER CATSUP — 11-07. bottle <* 21e

TOMATO SOUP—10-0z.tin - 2-23 Fancy Quality .

AYLMER APPLESAUCE - 15-02. tin - 2-37 For a Quick Jell

CERTOLIQUiO -8-02. bottle. - - Motel JARRINGS. - - dor. 35¢ Crown (Small) SEALERS - doz. $1.49 SUGAR-10-Ib.bag - - - 83

‘Richmello ‘32-02. Jar 63¢


RICHMELLO BREAD (Sliced) 24-07. loot 15¢

MUFFETS— pkg. of 12 - = 2-8le Handy “Squoces Bag”


B—tm = - - 3-25¢

1% Southern Cross

TUNAFLAKES-6%2-0z.tin - -



Sunkist 5 LEMONJUICE-G6-o7.tin -

TOMATO JUIE=20-0z.tin = - Ie . J

4. William Horsey Brand

BLENDED JUICE — 48-07. tin 33¢


ORANGE JUICE — 48-0z. tin 4 Feature 20 laps, 6.40 35 — Walt

Zavitz, Hickory Corners, 1-4; Spike DePasquala, Bran

‘ie et | SE RACES

Wednesday, July 14-72-00 p.m. Sus is

FRANCIS OULEON, ‘Prealdent. Secretary. Bob Moulton, Joy Sanders, Art Whitencil, Bast! Mabeo

‘Len Owen | i

Fruit & Vegetables

‘Size 2288's

HEAD LETTUCE — Large Firm Heads - 2-19¢ Firm Crisp New Crop

HEAD LETTUCE — Large Firm Heads - 2-25 New Crop Leamington Grown

- STALK CELERY — Large size -

First of the Season Field Grown

CUCUMBERS-Extra Large for Slicing 2 for 19¢ New Crop California — Sweet

GRAPEFRUIT ~Size 100s - 3 for 25¢





i i i

connections between quarry mills. Reeve Ha

ell, with the backing of the chambe

rry Alward and coun- ‘well


CUSTOM SAWING ‘We will pick up your logs and return. the lumber.

C. Al White — Springwater Mills ne T21R62 — Aylmer


Office Hours 9-5.30 CLOSED ALL WEDNESDAY


KUROIL ‘Trade Mark 5






Tel 375W


—June 10, 24—July 8

gold Winchest: ‘Mrs. Macleod, (Membership in the Diocesan of the Woman's Auxiliary. Mri |Harry Ryckman presented her wit

|rrould always reen

Mra. T. Dale Jones

by Mra. Hug!

stg ft

rontS to atudy credit work. Tobacco Outing July 21

‘The annual tobacco

station west

as you pay for it on the budget plan!

water by hand jonger? Insrall a Wy bs by now and enjoy running

water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour, cat operating costs.


Mra Harold Farrell pinned the jer Cross Badge on

od, an emblem of Life

t Lesson. Mrs. Sidney. Vale pre-

“The Assent of Everest” by John fant. Z : A delightful lunch was served


1 aistant general manager in To-

o! BC

z ar




ed Miss

%. ih | dicitis are

adays it ie mo '® | cognized.

minal surE rgeons had

ut what

yers’ field | day will be held at the Dominion

caused when

pateh In


prize, table Leonard Carrel.

it f i i

a re lMix-Master on behalf of the club to |memibers to a bride of the future.

‘Whenever symptons of present,

of the appendix ia a oP

ite but

' :

‘early .removal the only safe John Lal:

the Health Le:


navel, The palo


some nd the neck of that organ prevents itaelf freely, a:

fuse to be sult in the appearance of a

nous e wall and a: contractions co!

the z

or paleness r present, Dr. McDonald

va. well-known fact that ‘a patient may have a gangreno appendix with the pulse and tem-

ature normal.” Penppendicitia, ‘according to Dr. Mo-| ¥h ‘Donald, is not more,common now

fd lthan Tt was oat 20. , since now- ie grace uh ml mca 2

Before the days of ab: ery, little opportunity of


actually tak- n, ani

re . ing | vie

McDonald in an article in the cur- - |ren, May-June issue of health mag-

azine, published by is little excuse for

allowed to go

Inenp,| contest rul

ment handadme will be

in [Common sensi ty in| follow eight simi

te usually | free boating.

‘expect from your boat. Don't overload. Beats do not in-

dicate capacity. Two or three adults may be a full load under | |

conditions, Balance your t. Distribute

some new ities have been lal

ith some 8. the event last year .

PEN: | President of Cash Crop Day, Is con- fident that this year's will attract

its Hmitations, Learn

trophy and ed. award 000 people attending


many more Intereated

Boating is one of the safest of | outdoor sporte — if i use

we and courtesy and

your boat. Every boat has ‘what you can


promising varie- id out and should to those engaged

pie rules for care-

racoon is older and better able to bear the hardships

va- |of life, he will join his other com- ood.

pin ite



© 24 HOUR SERVICE © ~ Phone Anytime: Office — 737; House — 737

Your‘Aylmer and District Agent dete

prize money


“OF COURSE | HAVE AN ESTATE” side to side and bow to stern.

Leth oe ane ee vncat cc chan “My Dad is building it for me right now, and it's Ing seat: going to be pretty important to me some day.’

dor ue & Neon 2 4 And a father knows how important it is to have that

floor. Head into the wav

Avoid sharp turns. Fast, sharp | s aré hard on equipment, and |

| sometimes on people. Take it casy. | Unless you have had instruction |

ind rough | be frightening if you are |

in a boat or eanoe alone for the | [first time.

es. If wavesare in bandll |

administered, no matter how small it ¢

disposition of his estate without any obligation. Write for free booklet “Blueprint For Your Family”.


» pmancn ornice 1-3 Dunlop $1, Berio


_True happiness"

springs from

Moderation — GOETHE

(7 -"aD

cna of Sage

: ray - W. P, Watson, oie rt brant chen A Srpeh obe Oniten coe

eaten Asoortats hat tt |e he nove, Taleo good | Note G tee cer tare Yous by | government, 1965 will be held =~ ‘always be |the fsb. 2 | iabeeive: sats ase revmret Oe =, 3 i avee st Sat Satna A set St [ie pee oes = ie Sha eae as Sree Sheep and vine Arena, Royal Win- ‘Gon’ be-| about bait & tablespoon of butter |esRe program for oye and Jamen Deen, 94, of RR 8 A+

to the Secretary of the|ter Fair Building, Toronto. Short- ¢ i ti i i

Tovestication showed Deen a cones | Depart-| weston oud te ee ainaien oer ‘The afternoon was taken up with @ write friends at

on Tlompting to male's eft turn tor [Very ¥ rs 7

a fs i i

j : Redd

ob? ? Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office

Department, Ottawa. 7

“The Canadian, ‘aa ot lends say aut Aborseen, Angarene fart

there HE i 2 i

a { s $ E He i

wer ; The ‘Church of Canada. the egg whites and beat until 5 t uneasy fi Maida: Blend together | Tt has Jong been the hope of Cam cna was ably amisted by a number not ‘to, well again, fo ag [Sait recut’ in the sales’ opeuing 5 aa a fet ‘and 4 whole eggs, |adian ee ionderm ea. sete of sab claee Bers. other ecleane 0 Westy. out the following eaaage ‘we Ae tng * Aite, cD ealik, 1/3 top. salt, and 1/4 | thing new would be dotie for teen The. races resulted as follows: |" Str. "ang Mrs, Grant Goble and

nd as a © tsp. pepper. ‘Melt 2 thepa butter | ame Boys in the church. In. prepar- ont Ivan Row, | ramily visited with Mr, and Mrs, K. tation ta tt and each one of ua feela| “Tn previous years bulls have et: toa Rees acune pour terthe eyeing. tla the ‘Teddy Goble, Jotins00, Do- ‘Eaton ta Londen, on Sunday.

ebenal seapenel lity te; ire ie cfound, that taa"tne coe Limitations of the Welfare lation is under consideral mixture and eook slowly, lifting | consulted jneld Ferguson, Tom Daniel: Cirlt| afr. and Mra ax. Hevenor and Soke StH fC et Scoa peeve eee sales from State. ‘The first point is the estat from the Bottom of the sides ax the | who, Dad Ben eee sampeny re, | anny, Vinieee lee! Cocmecs on rere of this mother Mrs. ri rowns- 2 in the inter-| starting the result belief that the welfare state prereiecr nen age raged 2 10"and 11 Jim, Chariton, oe a, Sunday afternoon,

national end interracial spheres are| that they ware Tate in fining.” Current debate on the wel-Han provide “all-rou frroghi een Php reread mens Gobie, Henry Stanning:, Ging, 2.) “Bunaay dimer rea with Mr we 3 , “The resul slices — eS

that our icutie are only inereas-|that some potential buyers were fare state tends often to bejtion’ against unemployment eniee neo aan ee ni 286 ate Vern Vera 1 Welter ‘nd Myrna, ‘ed when these problems are consid-| forced ‘to leave before making the couched in vague generalities, other economic hazards, tham cats. the| ‘and Mr. Fred Crane of

fin meet ope rar ree i Ti el, ont re e Sua or eee ae ical view point ral | e 1, * ‘Mra. from the view polnt of humanity as tors to dispense with the ehow a hat |r Sb i ees wou be oF Fiver postti . Marian Bennie

hole. It is our prayer that states-|next year’s event. debate S Tind then theatelver vided|" catherbedding” nate of red lr, “Densle’ in mei ry nation will realize pactive buyers will have ii < h herbedding’ mploy- becomes a membe: She will be ereatly trissed from this

i their responsibility Is primarily to/ ample to inspect into two camps, in which one gee under which individeal ‘This wil it is a name with a uniquely é eas c humanity and only secondarily to soit! however, ‘as the butls will group appears as the chamj ente rise already i in existence e fan meaning. tle, Ladies Time Baan ee ee eas ‘and Mrs, A. Cromwell and

: api ppt ye Sera" shee group, ne coma owe, be matalned even ys Fe, udENe tna rope Wy Sa Sates Snes Mage ura tae | cat ae in the attempt to relieve, will be inspected by the culling com- areas in the gu oof ight through “Their inab ility wad end; cooking It 1 sloog if ee the: ent that a| of Belmont, be yaks sent ik ‘Mra. Laurie Howe spent

world tensions, and ask our govern-| mittee at the aame time and those their way impose an intolerable the ej ‘One stice of bread | so; a 00 be} turned, and the "track Bi nit 0 = sunday ywith ‘Mr-and Mrs. Howe at ment to iicrease its efforts towards | eens unsuitable for use as sires fisted ‘reactiona: burden on the rest of the econ- 1 Bie three eggs the bulk of 5 : second | broadside, police said. . Girls a \ Cram; vate

Se eres Sue matron of the show fa o nothing: bie help their fellow omy, That the pecsesres for Tour will gearely be notice pean Dey Piney are ee, een Teadingy and finsity pase cat. A ae cy 8p or |e ah wa ate 3 Ss were fan - partly teside a resources #0 richly given to this co iF ench breed ale will renal Cighitice Meccay of Halt ax, NS, ce eae ee ik THn featherbedding: are great Another taith Way. ls to brows lthen aad the eggs. Christian Leadership: “Mr. and Mrs, Harvey xcxibbin| Belmont People Still ees \Eiretion, Prank Veraart, (MPs Hoyles brother, Mr. ‘Harley seu ft gant fr i ae arte Drom ' teow Cations bert re the reconstruction of what once| the welfare state has advanced | guaranteed anmual wager — fey and to amy le aleo retina | 48d SAN Se Tyr aad ¢ pa Deira 2 rantees ual g ey¢ y = ing, he Taylor tate arbor the sharing of spirte| In pest years the youngest sec-| wad Seoul's most modern hospitel, The Seveee ce Hospital has [elie ntly far for thoughtful P The second repedtien danget : Teg alte . [IB coup. There are new ai Jobneton, Mr. and Mfrs. Ts3'or =n] Await Water Supply | , There, were ree, sumen of Bal | “attending the Mactvor reunion at tor the ‘benef ot gieaskiea vee, i Born between Jan eneare ican i, bombed, shelled and oper but still exists through the |p one of whom is against |in the sf welfare state < | ferent erent rand i tnslraie wi ae Mra Ambrose of Hamilton wi I en — Poustsasesinn she ford on, Tuesday Bight was a, wel ae Ee ee ee cad eae:

deep | me atine prsecedine vane | ind donations of various,church groups throughout the world, Oetlare in the Ligalteme alten rea charges fal- Sar en auactive Jacket which is| week-end Sead wc ‘aatine nr planned vlnge wate ieee Eame, The score war SA [Anus ‘Lyons, Jim, and ‘Marilyn: ~ tlle agencies: of th Na-|The corresponding clasy-in the 195 | Dr. Murray, si or the hospital has spent 38 years in|the word, to distinguish leary lng on employers sa employ: called a tf North Bay| works system e that Salford had been dstented poe ae ‘Mr. ond de 2 Wee. Lyons ~ nd al sites won whic fend aus wi ree bore between Korea, administering to their sick and needy. Although only between ends and means. Tolees alike in taxes 0 in- ther, Mra. Moctbe, ego. eget roe in favor | bag Whe uerles. Wriday night Dere- en. and ar. an rm.

ouperation and the sncrfice of ln-/a, result of thie change ‘all bulls fel Be third vol hospital act carrey tends to the mee | ech eshte, there acct iast crease production: at, ‘ving AIR CONDITIONED i bana ‘Centre was team 83 fom ie tn and Warren De: | and national selfishness. | months ds of an ever growing number of Korean natives. The, two specific points that must : f ; rf ust ecaenonuiolk y vine re |e viaied their uncle Me |The achievement. of complete dis-jage at whlch time they sahould be nate Army in Korea has always done what ever possible |be borne in whene’ sition, in sawed mar- se he Since Beno have the approval oe Tee TP. team 2 trom pring: | 32 eee oe es League *

NORTHERN ELECTRIC trsteet ists. osr giw'the onty|renay tor aerciee. for the Severance Hospital. Recently a group of officers from (so-called social security legis- pet rer ravely” impaired. 28 — AYLMER ot South Derehestr Townanin Aa] aia payed with the Avon tame O® "R97 touine Ferguson had a ber INVITES VOTO alternative to. world destru al Unit of the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade visited Se PHONE 628 — Yet, the financial responsibilty S| ing, acore was ® | Ot n gunday, Mrs, eden of Lone

| Christian church at anise Seve Dr b Bla kW ls. witb Dr ‘Murr ray and presented her with a considerable amount 4“ 7 ” Losaatieyy es | LIVE BETTER [atm that des : ‘ise Dra NK Walls ot dental set's for her hospital. Here, lef to right: Major "WHAT OTHER EDITORS SAY” “Charmian” dinnerware is given to the Ladies trom a scarcity ‘te caer, sth great thloher is never a dlt-| Tuer Snot aur: Pranic Bec:

| Prince \n ‘uk hem Dr. Murray and Lt. C M., Sinclair, all of The Seaway’ Proj ' every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ——— into, | 7 eee Mem Jones ts suttering nt. One st pppeenas reat a yt ic borg yar re gerg | unite ‘with ae sin reno’ war way Project Canada and many of her past prot a te ‘ba | Putant. He ans finat " ot Interoatonal sey. re sewives Fialitaxs i Q NATIONAL DEFENCE PHOTO) on me liberty to from ataciala: ‘What is sheler said the community 7 stating te trata he intendant and ‘Min Linda Pigram WITH THE NEW | instrument o| ve (Simcoe Reformer) Feomers whose trade has FRIDAY nd SATURDA' benlevs, ntl to utter ter rely a; a0 licking tor RT? abie to laeweiop. faster if ample war | gumer Ratiog (is tke ——

fae : "Dodder” Th | Been! ost to us in recent years, THURSDAY, ai torah sf, Coon “Anything she can lay her hands! ter was available at all times. | lal Flower Hat ew years) ago all anyone ae Chan e af Emp vow that all ma; or obstacles | Particularly with Britain could | put on thelr” Kitchen walls we n pasted, in ithe de- | this be © the eas L- ‘OMEDY SHOW

REFRIGERATOR ecrisih erat ade Iie claek and ya calendar from of Legume Produ sect TEN wading cision to build the St Lavee — WESTERN AND C jaummer when, you wi to get : ise nd companion powe [flower at Suat the “ng to wea. i ink wall] Dodder, Strangle Weed or We lvele| an-age that tise tenght | project an on pla

| lre asked to. tea party or a wed-| e all day long. vis Gt ae warioualy oer ting well under (The Simcoe Reformer) |ding. iat if your Kingdom, reports oe ip. It a be per y

} been strained alm: o les farts the Crops good King Alfred who w: We would like to add a word the Ontario Department rae i" ig Alfred who was cre é thap: s the reatase constrtiction ‘ eens mo reason why you oi te plsce in the hithen: but pisabes etre. i coma eee nh eenck yan Segre ast york lake publie works project b beat Date to those pat id the

Jegume in partic. | © e iley Curri er,

a anP ation De a jis eae toe sc cole a 0 tee ier of the weed frot the opportunity - eee. was kates y an ‘unusually

may co der has no leaves, being a ‘There will be much peackin’ soe of trends, b “Dogee bic eel eon ace | worth it: | howsewie “udder a Mt at the pale Yellow vine that twines itself Klery and materials required for| During his the nicer ones in the f th Di yan Ft the Piles ot tha nlner: gars 18 tbe this ‘project that Canada will 7867 of the Delhi plant of the

seek from beyond her borders, |™perial Tobacco Company, %. Those were (materials which we cannot pro. |Ball 1

Bogie ta eam seratumoahip in duce ourselves, and they will in, Norfolk County tak ich Joy in the product |be needed in great quantity. |TF2S0n 0! his engaging person- cf his bands that the hours of work |What a position of advantage Sty, his unfailing courtesy and

4 Jand play seemed to merge into one land bargaining it will give us! his innate desire to serve his tee ee ¢ have many su nes that

sae nies ound Dine that we will are burdensome to the na Coming early to the Norfolk from work for all but /economy, foodstuffs that could flue-cured tobacco area from

thirty. “nour of our week. Welbe used by nat cas which will|his birthplace in “the Southern



P "4 small sheet of fr r Bin |tovely hi a and be new

|the color wnat will re, Dest, with wood at the hardware your costui ‘Then stitch them

with tiny invisible vache ‘a the

Fancy Fresh Large Grade “A” FOWL —- 5-tbs. and over - 29¢ Ib.

All Cleaned, Reaay

BONELESS HAMS Whole orbythelb. - 79cIb. ra

en floral ea add a bit of ‘elie tice ‘a

a saucy bow if you I

z|thourht that once of a forty-ctght Iseck to export to us the mate-|States, his knowledge of the - Ines cance Ole amt ees Ee

f nea lout ts talatacton Bt tant rial this great project may re-|tobacco industry and his ad- “ . i i feaigne. , |the work that the worker finds bur-|quire, These nai ations also have ulnisteative ability roved very : . ,

ee are very abstract. with uten- stayed in eae of| prevented. from buying our| Valuable to the development of and eae order to prevent Wt speendi fatistaction, the thet ef p i ie e@- . ils and venstaties playiag Bide and [OTe te tt the walt for [something that all bls instincts teu | agricultural products because ite new industry in this county. . 5 ae ‘eragination run hed at the long periods of time making fre- |him currency restrictions and its |e was one of the best in-

ming up with some (qent inspections necessary to make Management has begun to sense /related difficulties. The oppor- |formed fobeces men in South- . iced = that pi ur hilchen cer eee te ti? bones for SUE tani in this manner |erm Onta; ‘CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS — PORK LIVER Fresh sliced, Tasty, sete) and in proportion with [Pad een ent PY shop ‘committees t0| an tg circumvent many of| | He will b be greatly missed not nutritious and economical 25¢ Ib. te Sou are really ambitious after plant Det all are yeaageroun Samples | ments. to) Put the old thrill of the these barriers to trade will be jonly by his mpany , Fresh, treat the family....69¢ Ib. nrous

' ive ald be forwarded t ra an Into the sc Te: =

t yon re bad bat of practice using, pees Cena oO Sotenz imei uxioa isadtemi basse ten g rae -anat should not be lost.|but by countless friends i in the

the gitt shops ‘They are usually [Ural College, ‘Guelph, to oe the job itself is ‘an unbearable |SCck unfair advantage, but/ted by quaint riget patterns you 1, |Farm, Ottawa, tarlo Agricuit- |!ng that dead horse, the belief that 'y no means should Canada | tobacco area who had benefit-

Made Of can’ cnaial Gr cok ane ified. Under our Dominion Bek |igranay that must’ be curtailed (there do seem to be inthe re- and : : ‘ ESSEX SMOKIES Smoked sausage

Y L M E R PORK HOCKS Fresh, cook with at it’s best 12-02. pkg.-...43¢ ea. coun friendly ataletance: We extend

grandmothers flat-itoa hens, is weed Is in the Prohjbited {274 re-curtailed. Men are not quirements of the St. Lawrence |sincere sympathy to hi f 25¢ Ib. Beach class and when found ‘averworRed. They didn't think #0 |<, ympathy to his widow, : — ” WIENERS Crys! ae work is very Incy looking. | ‘ected pee foun seed |e of | ne they worked fourteen hours |>C@™AaY Project, opportunities the formes of Sim- Next the Cla-Mar - PICNIC ta Painted black the trivel se anon in ay. y they hurry from |tO renew the trading between! coe, and her famil; TA . . i own 12-02. bag B makes a wonderful design against | ng", their task only to take up of . ily. ARKING 25 CARS: CUBE STEAKS Red Brand, Delic- Make your 12-02. inch hot Terms as low as $10 per month: For hanging yout plaques ort iuped, for sever aed | ee a nesses eee eee : FREE P, ce! for picni home 89c lb. “dogs and save 35¢ Ib. ° vets," cut hin and ce wi

: ious * ‘i oe - as Test on a pall or ule Gunes weed but such rope must be free [else hae the makin of power tots = es oray 89 ara ree SL cil coe coce aren ree renee taamet cee haces, WEDDING - INVITATIONS SEE WHAT 1c WILL = TROUBLE FREE CURING ou your own handiwork giv-(@84 not think of it as “just an- yale Olan wante somethiag to do ¢ a ne DELIVERED TO YOUR FARM! tog your ‘kitchen a ute er weed.” lpcenpalled to eeiion foc tanker THERMO-ENGRAVED (RAISED LETTERING) Guttuse Bambino pec 84 ee re . est Goa P ; — reason that, they are sixty-five we

Unwelcomed Guest 2, rather than ‘sixty-four and’ nine re ant ne neagement announcements, birth announce- OLIVES - °* ; settle ane Fatigue Significant months; have discovered this and Sliver analversary amusnenzene <n ae yo . FRID: \TURDAY THIS WEEK on scare are e have found in work a satisfaction o Lor — THURSD, wr Ties Pineya” nel Factor In Aceidemts nie mre w= fc E—————————e—e i oe sae’ se enpnnae 0-ENGRA' ' oe sat the disease cus no (WHY Rot forget thie argument that THERM VING ¢ Whee a regular X-5 50. cent to TH. The avaliabl cident “ndiaten fiat fatigue la’ ees eee eet es my wanes | RELIANCE 7 sia aan a OF a esaaataa|| Kobante ie eee eee wren wm |

/ tes to do with seeveung’ the the [ber of velicle accidents. |in which we can sense of own — only the finest hand Te

—SRODUCTS —— OIL ceermeat ane aera oc eae Avoid ding when tired, On vase: achievement is one of the most Sem ee con maieh: . a a ny ivers are thaty i human experiences? RAISED tzatlon, TB can be “alscovered fn [tances far ty exowas of what they |ft'we mast campaign fei be for] (renee NoRAVENG ¢ LETTERING) CRACKETTES or BIX whee yeu bey two at earl n treatment /are accustomed to and as @ result |something worth having-—for work Costs about half as much as hand engraving, because regular price can usually effect a cure. are’ subject to etress and ved = - liminates the copper Piste that makes hand Sagreving wt pkg. le o ovgme expensive.

AND ITS READY WITHIN THE WEEK DISH With each $10.00 Purchase This Week a

LUNCH PLATE Succeeding Weeks—Bread and Butter Plate, Cup, Saucer,


“yccShacee =~ | 3tinstorT5e COTTEN PETERS ae | .—--———-—— ~~

CHEZ WHIZ-Kreft Ser - - 33, STe a

SUCED CHEESE-Kraft eb. - - - eS

MIRACLE WHIP - 8-01. jor 2%, 16-02. jor 43¢, 32-07. jar 79 JUMBO GUMS-McCormick’s - - - 25 | PEANUT BUTTER — — Freshpak V6. or Ae, 2a. 57 | RADISH or Gréen Onions Homegrown — 3 bunches 14c.

NEW POTATOES Ontorio No.1 - - 10 fhe. 5c: RACING BICYCLES... | scrrstomsgrown - - - 2heuthes I5e

non-clogging and even developing the finest rain that your Tobacco needs. 70% savings on labor.

Famous all over the World

Visit our farm and see this system in operation =~

af HOWE Ros.

é Phone 421r72 wt be drawn for - ‘Giatin Jean Connor Large and Fem ; 4 ___ BRS, Aylmer, Ontario : Mess eon samemroe== | HEAD LETTUCE- Homegrown © - 2 for 15e ee

wy “

. . Social nd Personal . . 9 ria

goests ‘weekend thelr Officer Daniel Nett, ome, Le oneal pesiine & vacation in Northern | o¢ the Ontario Department of Mary ae ee /and Forests, made delivery on sa es Mr, and ars. B, 20° Buck ana | “87, °f 190 ‘Pheasants to vol.

json Roy, of Dearborn, Mich, spent recs ot Riverside, vie-lsouth Dorchester, Bayham, the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Col- ‘and mouth and Southwold,

in Stafford, Mrs. Crowdis’ brother, eae sony ATE Ae ROBART ree ee ids ‘attended the Stafford family re see trom the provincial —

gee i uunlon at Port Bruce, alt gid, Me, Micheal Koleada,| andale, Mr. Noll said that other| || SUNDAY, SULX 1, s08 eee cee ple Parrish: Grade ti to rade Be) a Master, Ralph ‘Jotinwon of Avon| Fear Peeks ee nn ee rata | eae toon ag the birds are old en-[11 ni aerees

ig ‘Thom inter, his grandpar- ough

i a ee et nday math Mr | Jedtrey Small, Billie White, ihiriey| enter Mr and 2a Mee ‘Bara ‘Johnson. vacation, "They will be joined by wil ‘be released _themnectves, they | Minister—Fev. I. Sobbs, Kitchener.

one pee ee Meivin Wolfe of Kaderlons David Craig, Brian Hun- eae Baughman ‘a Springfield bed a neren sity ‘Murla, who ieee

Lomrarrsaalle prs White; Grade V to|enta, Mr. and Mra, John Wisner. : 3 with Mr, sad Mrs. Murray Wolfe. peers Jeowue tS ener weekend guests of in WELL THE NE een vay crening “ith lereygers, jentéand Mra High Walter and A ee Savers Cr wes ee, eee cna Mrs al Rath, Kenneth Rickard;|1an of Bradford spent the weekend| i; atte. torleses BE erie

ry. Ball aod Mrummll Whaley and|Grade ‘VI to Grade VII—Marilyn| with Mr. and Mra. Harry Welter. a prentens —_ 36x30

on rbara| Allan is spending some holidays ays Rickson ‘called 00 Mr. and | inten Sam Jackson, Ronnie Mac-| with Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Welter

pane y Rath, Douglas Sad-| and Grant. o $7.50 at the Yard

: ; Grade VII t cee en, who is assisting kao Cogarre, Petey] | br. and Mrs. Lewis Brows of Ft 4 sgl Grol aio "wee ung ing caus foie cprscta erselay eeee fa Also je EX—Dinle Waleb. the home of Mr. and Mra, Frank weekend, with his parents, Sr, and

Relat Merten eae ree oe Mrs. Chimney Sections i. Thomas-Eigin General Hoe Se 4 Sat "Beat $.S. 8, S. Dorchester pit where he underwent an opera- Neal Doo recoering somly

dent here, will give a talk on her re- f {n Ot, Thomas Elgin General JACK HALE cent trip to, New Zealand ‘and sur-] Promotion Report putt tro pinay mae eaoeenan A rounding islands. Thich dewioped avarly’ a month Behera, eat enn mw tt! MALAHIDE-BAYHAM f Phone 49316 spent the weekend er father 88 wehester) re. . Me J. Kennedy. (Be. chert, tesco follows with DR. M. R. MeNEILL, Dentist, the car driven by Wyn was ex

Don't forget our annual garden| names in alphabetical order: VII-} The B.Y.P.U, and Mission Circle PHONE 308 svely dammeaed 94 the feat: Con, erty, Wednesday evening, July 28,| van lyn Gat bon.):| recently held a strawberry social in CLARK eee sable Lewis Hines investigated. at so’ wi rp, Kees (ist|the school grounds where straw-| Dentist Phone 162-W . Clara Gravel: ot een, ver driver was injured.

cand’ Mrs, Bud Barker and st] berries, lee cream, ple and cake ° Me tnd Mire children spent Sunday with Mr. and aa tint hon): | were old and Ui to| Tae Senior Seuston Cirete of the | Fairview, Mr: and "here. Chacies Mrs, R. Kennedy. wil i Kon.); Van Gurp] buy sone for the church cupboard. | Ayimer for|Learn and family, Harley Whit-

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barnes of 8t.| J, |—Johnson,| A pi arranged to take placé] Sele regular meeting fn tne chute croft of Aylmer. They all pie at ‘Thomas 4 md Sunday with 3 Mr. and wees. Allan (ist we wi e an

. Mra C. Beh - wards] the Ue cool iawn had to beheld i nt, Mrs.” Jobneon in the |Waneta Beach, Port, Bruc Master iat _ needy earned

home on Sunday, after visiting his/ white, Ruth Anne (ist hoo.) a

aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Ken| (p41 (a)—Martin, Barrie Apoyo , ‘The ler ice MeKibbons at St, Thomas for afew /non.): III — Cole, Sharon, (Ist| Jim Puller at the plano. Other num followed by the report of the trea-| Mirs, C,B, Monteith hon.); Jamieson, :|bers on the program was trumpet | *Urer. a hi of $35 days. pet

Mr. and Mrs, Geo. McDonald of] ry-171 (b)—Carrel, Ruth (2nd hon.):| solo by Mr. Kenneth Schultz of | ##0t at this date and the same allo- Ron uceorapasieg Wr Atay Gnd | cation ak last yeas A donationsvas Hostess at Cottage

St. Thomas spent a few days with| 11]-Carrel, Margaret (1st hon.);/ Calton accom Mr. and Mra. Reg. MeQuiggan.-| 1 why) 4a) -Pere, David.

‘Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Matthews of

Ct St, Pauts W.A, held thelr June wa a and Sandra Owen; Mr. Jim Barnum Mrs? Chava Monteith’

bu Tonecvitecend a Neosl solos. also well, who 1s presently touring -in gotee ct Fran Waretlt coed tro at test | Kelth Laur was soloist and manag: fi Sin ta t BOM oS], Wee yu aut te grater a eetcantea en is | earner Per nc | etn tony aa adn Ny and Mrs, Homer McConneli{in a glass of In a lake or river.| (he chalrman whieh added a lot of ‘aist Lewitt | The milnuter of the meeting and and fagiily and Mr. Robt. Herries |But the water In’ the river or lake, | fun to the program. Mr. Robin Dob a *

ble of Springfield sang

ot of Lyons visited Airs. Edith be chant on Sunday.

never be used for drinking unless it has been properly filtered or boiled.

Liberty when It begins to take [Children should never be permitted [th

polluted and, therefore, should for ‘After the program all returned to the achool grounds where the lunch

the Fathering by Mrs Rand. Srs-Jobn-

thanked the clase for elt ool splendid efforts and for the

success A short

\e Be peotas Presented an lntereating tople and the treasurer's report were approv-

and Mr, Orland Kinsey despite, it apparent purity may | songs ‘and was in ful Scottish dreas Gankee Sena Mrs. Moateltns group reported @ very successful and bake bale. She thanked all who had con- tributed to It.

helena rubinstein GREAT NAME IN BEAUTY

° mee! ‘oot, is a plant of rapid growth —|to bathe in, water whic committee was kept busy serving! prayer service Washington. pected of poflution. round « hundred even: COetine ee Die ee man | The dsimar Fale catering was j

at success finan- the ene discussed clally na well aw socially, an Lamon, taking meeting | Gieaners and the fate - | Part. ing

closed with a hymn and was follow- | Planers 200 thter date. van Warren offered her 1

pene ee tea to be held early in See! Cosmetics keyed to your color j

personality. Discover! Creams and lotions for your otn skin { type. Find! Fragrances to awaken the song in your

‘heart. All created by the beauty genius of Helens Rubinstein,

‘On Monday evening June 28 the| eq Aylmer B.Y.P.U. were guests of| served the Malahide-Bayham group and| speoia? will be

TT SSSESEBeeneeesssnass

tow | after a few games were played on| ihe next meeting on Sept

LEAGE : | BiG (BY 12 the church lawn, a service was held ‘Mrs. Wm. Chinnery took the devo-

inside where a program prepared ae. ain das, sueet ‘A by the Aylmer Union took place. | of her slate, Mrs, J.C.

fa evo .

« Ol nee eae gave the de .

tonal tdo including) Ofiss wulzabeth Brown of Mon- Kathy and Barbara Barnum and|treal is ‘with the .

Gy" Bona Ward pane wha s rind |B iter Sta Wes Davis Clarence | ET wag Oe ee a ae oan Sea by eet eae 8 wee 5

8 onAt the Bi day arvio invite. RED GS: & BOW , 8 : fo] ton ton the Eden Gildea Bi ton SRNORTH PHONE 25 Glenn He: Weds 9 9

3 @ 3 FORD, MAINLINE | ‘SL MONARCH,CUSTOM Hie School was announced the hoo in herman an a er S WITH WHITE WALL | SEDAN WITH RADIO Fr Cae Daring the rae | pterritt Eigt of Brockville spent < |

- § tines sieve, Le $1495. conacied By Rees, |* we endat ais tome Bere [Donna Cunningham Home and Gift Supply ES ts 6 ea 3 D. Mra held) Mr. and Ofrs, I. MoTaggart at- - § 1953 MISTEOR CUSTOM 1953 METEOR CUSTOM @ ren Band in the Junior church| tended’ the 16th McTaggart re-| PORT BURWELL — A quiet R. Keith Van Patter Phone 430 -

z FORDOR, A BEAUTY | CLUB COUPE, MANY @i]"the By.P. met at the churcn|'™0P at Seaforth. tomes was sokeccaiaed te 19 Talbot St, West Aylmer”. % Norman Bates. and Mr. Bates, on Friday evening {o-hold their 1925 reutar meeting with Scler axstaon |g MF sree

as convenor. After the usual s0n€| home of Mr. and Mfrs. H. E.

EXTRAS $2075

the | Port Burwell, Friday evening, July Free-|2, at 7 o'clock. when Donna jae


1951 DODC A BEAUTIFUL service led by Keith Laur, Sharon | man. daughter of Mi 4 nie REE Brunsdon read a poem and Rev.| = . ham, Sfount CONVERTIBLE Augustine led in a Bible character, 6 = bride of Olege Be ate Mys. Nororan Stewart spent the|came she dride of Glepn quiz with different members naming] past week on a motor trip to Owen | Herman, son of ira. Vi We era, Her


NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY! = | 51 METEOR — Custom sedan, Overdrive . Person from the Bible and telling | Sound and diates Aylin: e ; if . the story surroundin, person. . Gu Ingersoll ‘outs Sanor Fi S 51 FORD — Club coupe After singing another hymn Rev. Rose ‘Ditls of Saskat. St. Paul's United Chureh, offi- nae . . . Augustine pronounced the week with |clated. BAKER — Champion sedan, new rub- Benediction. ‘Roberta, Miss being made for our & |p, asin of Mr Roberts meeeee wiven s marriage by a 8. plenle which our Superintendent | arity tne Cousin of Mr. Roberts rgandy, ect announced at Sunday School will jucer, On her way to|S°s" of pean ae eae im lhe near future, ‘The Ayimer she attended ceasories were white, and she car

nosegay of white baby daisies.

50 MONARCH — Custom sedan, radio, , overdrive, turn indicators .

50 DODGE — Deluxe sedan ONSTANT

51 METEOR — Custom tudor, life guard | tubes ire, Keih Renner: s4 program coe out roun ae * tits Norman | Balas, the bride's .

50 FORD — Custom coach, new paint a ant J weskind seeseiy n Ottawa | CANDIES AT HILLS PHARMACY /¢ blue organdy aes a sa .

49 MERCURY — Club coupe, new motor- ee ce ee nega ee oe watt and Mee Btatford of pink sonra nt eorsations

49 FORD — Coach, radio... in" Nortbie wich, Mies Freda) weekend Sin the former parent sroomenan me ; | 49 FORD — Spassenger coupe, radio home on her holidays accompanled lat” Jafva and ‘Mr. aad. Bra Hoy | cr tret eerton fouewes tt the .

Mra. Sarah Lee and

49 PONTIAC — Deluxe sedan, completely Pp Peas Pian Gan ar ea Sunday callera were Mr. and Mr rat hauled Mra. Robt. Veitch of North Hall. reves: of; Sota, with baskets of detphiniums |

UF * Miss So Be if Wis s bh ie nd streamers. . | Li 49 MONARCH = Coupe, radio Mihora gucat, "OF Windlor was] afr. and ara. Jack Ready and| abies were (pretty with, roses and |

; ‘Phe school plenic was held on the] f2ly of Lean, Oe. Mra. learnat ride’ TS | i 49 DODGE — Wayfarer, custom deluxe coach, low yi mileage, new ‘paint A

49 FORD —.Tudor, overdrive

school grounds on Monday after-| sf ang rs. oon June 28 in charge of the teach-|and family of ‘London op argu t er Miss Muriel Howe. with Mr. ani an Walker. Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Staib ae arm

tie a re

a dress of white orchid printed white accessories and

‘& corsage of yellow rosebuds. Mra.

wei and

j : on were Mr. Mra. t 48 DODGE — Custom sedan 0 don Melers of Hespeler, Mr. and 3 red nylon in white and j S cuteahogua, the ' Mra. Roy Fleming of Brownsville. Den - Phenesew accessor

4 47 PONTIAC — Sedan, new rubber, clean Mr. Mrs Russell AbelB and Mr and sre Ht @ pink and white rosebud corsage. » ONA | Hy 7 family and Mr. and Mrs. Will Abell] aitan of Bradtons oak wee meee for a 47 MERCURY — Sedan + fg| attended the family reunion held in netord “spent: cas week ‘Niagara Falls and RENTAL SERVICE BASIS

instore Park St. Thomas, recent- od»

47 CHEVROLET — Coach, new paint

iw : voor . (CALL 375W TODAY


a3 sstitet


. Mar, and Mrs. Percy Jibsds nd

50 MORRIS — Convertible Donna” apent | Sunday sftersoon pant and Mrs. James Casmybell| soos sir pes ir. irs. Gor te a4 49 AUSTIN — Sedan .... uit Gorton ation tn Sudbury furs, Stcr'ana'atre, Henman witlf FOR 2-WEEK FREE TRIAL DEMONSTRATION

guests included guests from mer, St. Thomes, Mount Fi Ellsbury and Delhi. le cee


AWARDED A PRIZE OF $30 IN CASH. 51 FORD — 1 ton express, rebuilt motor 51 FORD — 4 ton express, low mileage 51 FORD — 4 ton express, clean

50 MERC — 4 ton express i 47 CHEV —3ton stake, rebuilt motor, 825x20 tires 796 il Or’urs. i: 47, STUDEBAKER — } ton express ..

Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Pressey, 95 @| Mit Sarah Lee Mr. and Mrs. Alvin

Hill and family and Mr. and Mrs.

4 Pere

BE xi s i gE i






i and fill in the Cie eat aren ad a ie day evening gocete of Br. and Mrs

‘Leon Carter were Mr. and Mrs.

STROBBE (Croft Garaham of Biraferéville ) : Branch Office x irs. Arthur Benner are 2 : spending a few days with Mr. and 161 Ross St., St. Thomas

Mra. Clayton Knott in Flint. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George Warner ™) “Phone 670

spent Friday evening with Mr. and Ernest Ellis of Tillsonburg. SOFT New Avalialio

i | I