Submitted as Partial Fulfillment to the Requirement for the Attainment

of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)


Name : Tsania Asyaqira

NIM : 2016850024









Thesis, January 2021

Tsania Asyaqira (2016850024)



XIII + 86 pages, 1 table, 1 picture, 17 appendices


The research aimed to analyze Reading Interests through language experience

approach as visual material. The research was conduct in the class 11 of SMA IT An-

Nawawi Al-Bantani. Researcher choose two classes as Classroom Action Research. The

used purposive sampling technique by choosing 30 students and conducted pre-test and

post-test to gather the researcher data. The experimental class was through language

experience approach on learning English. The research lasted for one month and writer

compared the results of pre-test and post-test through Qualitative and Quantitative Method

to conclude the results of research. The Action classroom research results would be the

conclusion of research as this class through language experience approach during the

lesson. the research finding shows that students reading interest enhanced by

implemented language experience approach combined with treatment in the form of an

explanation of the material regarding recount text also in the term of ability in: 1) students

reading skills, 2) students capable compare the results of pre-test and post-test with

treatment, 3) making reading material from the results of personal language experience, 4)

identifying the words and grammar in their reading material, 5) increasing their motivation

to read. This study of conducting action research is invaluable and inspiring experience

that gives the writer new knowledge. It is hoped that action research can be implemented

by other writers to achieve a better teaching and learning process.

Keywords: Reading Interests, Language Experience Approach, Action Classroom


References 12 (1990-2019)





Skripsi, Januari 2021

Tsania Asyaqira (2016850024)



XIII + 86 ha, 1 tabel, 1 gambar, 17 lampiran


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Minat Baca melalui pendekatan

pengalaman bahasa sebagai materi visual. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas 11 SMA IT An-

Nawawi Al-Bantani. Peneliti memilih dua kelas sebagai Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Teknik

pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan memilih 30 siswa dan

dilakukan pre-test dan post-test untuk mengumpulkan data peneliti. Kelas eksperimen

melalui pendekatan pengalaman bahasa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Penelitian

berlangsung selama satu bulan dan penulis membandingkan hasil pre-test dan post-test

melalui Metode Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif untuk menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Hasil

penelitian tindakan kelas akan menjadi kesimpulan dari penelitian kelas ini melalui

pendekatan pengalaman bahasa selama pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

bahwa minat baca siswa ditingkatkan dengan penerapan pendekatan pengalaman bahasa

yang dikombinasikan dengan perlakuan berupa penjelasan materi tentang teks recount

juga dalam hal kemampuan dalam:

1) keterampilan membaca siswa, 2) siswa mampu membandingkan hasil dari pre-test dan

post-test dengan treatment, 3) membuat bahan bacaan dari hasil pengalaman bahasa

pribadi, 4) mengidentifikasi kata dan tata bahasa dalam bahan bacaan mereka, 5)

meningkatkan motivasi membaca mereka. Studi melakukan penelitian tindakan ini adalah

pengalaman yang tak ternilai dan menginspirasi yang memberi penulis pengetahuan baru.

Penelitian tindakan diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan oleh penulis lain untuk mencapai

proses belajar mengajar yang lebih baik.

Kata Kunci: Minat Baca, Pendekatan Pengalaman Berbahasa, Penelitian

Tindakan Kelas.

Daftar Pustaka 12 (1990-2019)



Thesis Advisor

Use the "Insert Citation" button to add citations to this document.

Hasanul Misbah, M.Pd.

Date: .................................................................

Acknowledged by,

Head of English Education Study Program

Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd.

Date: .................................................................

Name : Tsania Asyaqira

Student’s Registration Number : 2016850024

Thesis Title : Enhancing Students Reading

Interests Through Language

Experience Approach

Academic Year : 2016/2017



Board of Examiners of Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that thesis



student’s registration number 2016850024 was examined by the committees

on February, 2021. The thesis has been accepted and declared to have

fulfilled one of requirements for the degree of “S.Pd” (S1) in English Education

at Faculty of Educational Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta.

Acknowledged by:



(Dr. Iswan, M.Si.)

Board of Examiners Signature Date

Ismah, M.Si.


Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd.


Hasanul Misbah M.Pd.


Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd.

Eximiner – 1

Aswir, M.Pd.

Examiner – 2



This is to certify that board of examiners has approved the undergraduate

thesis as follows:

Name : Tsania Asyaqira

Student’s Registration Number : 2016850024

Thesis Tittle : Enhancing Students’ Reading

Interests Through Language

Experience Approach

Academic Year : 2016/2017

Day : Monday

Date : January, 2nd 2021

22021 2th,2021

...................................................... Ismah,M.Si.


...................................................... Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd.


...................................................... Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd,


...................................................... Aswir, M.Pd




Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

a. Nama : Tsania Asyaqira

b. Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Tangerang,12 Februari 1999

c. Fakultas/Prodi : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan/

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

d. Nomor Pokok : 2016850024

e. Alamat Rumah : Jl. Tidore Rt 03 / Rw 017 no 44

Jombang, Ciputat Tangerang Selatan

f. No.Tlp/HP : 0895358586231




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Demikian pakta integritas ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya

tanpa ada paksaan dari siapapun, untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana


Jakarta, 28 January 2021

Tsania Asyaqira




Sebagai sivitas Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah

Jakarta, saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Tsania Asyaqira

NIM : 2016850024

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Ilmu Pendidikan

Jenis Karya : Skripsi

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, menyetujui untuk

memberikan kepada Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah

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Dengan ini hak bebas royaliti noneksklusif ini Fakultas Ilmu

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya agar

bisa dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Jakarta, 28 Januari 2021 Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan,

Tsania Asyaqira



This thesis is presented to:

My father who was Happily in Heaven, Ummi who is always beside

me, all of my family and friends around me.



-as good as learning for you is experience-

سرافإن مع ٱلعسر ي



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

Praise to Allah SWT the lord of the world, because of his blesses and

mercy the writer can finish this thesis. Shalawat and Salam also sent to our

prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

The writer would like to thank Allah SAW who has given health,

knowledge, patience, and strength so that the writer was able to finish this

thesis well. The writer would like to express his thank and gratitude to my

beloved family who never stop to motivate her, prayer for the best, give

support in moral and material along researcher study.

The writer also would like to express her gratitude to :

1. Dr. Iswan, M.Si as the Dean of Faculty Educational Sciences

Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta.

2. Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, S.S., M.Pd as the head of English Education

Study Program Faculty of Educational Sciences Muhammadiyah

University of Jakarta.

3. Hasanul Misbah, M.Pd, as the writer’s thesis Advisor who has given

precious help, guidance, and valuable advices along writer did this


4. All lecturers in English Education Departement Faculty of Educational

Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta who have taught the

writer useful knowledge and skill.

5. Abdul Aziz the Headmaster of SMAIT An Nawawi Al Bantani, who

has given writer permission in doing this research, Mukhtar S.T the

English Teacher of SMAIT An Nawawi Al Bantani who guided and

helped me in the school.


6. My beloved parents Abi, Ummi, who has given full confidence in

doing anything and continues to support all my steps. Thank you for

supporting and praying for me.

7. Big family of Pondok Pesantren Modern Islam An Nawawi Al Bantani,

Massive thanks for the supports.

8. My self, thank you for not giving up, struggled, and survived.

9. My besties, Ferra Alfyna, Nadidah Rahman, Hafidah Fitri, we fight

together and we can fight it until done. I’m proud to ourselves. Will

always proud of you.

10. All my fighting friends in English Education Study Program Academic

year 2016, you were amazing.

11. All people that the writer cannot mention one by one, who have been

giving motivation, help, and support for the writer to finish this thesis.

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their

help and contribution to this thesis. May Allah SWT bless them for all

of what they have done. The writer realizes that this thesis is still far

from being perfect. Thus, comments and suggestions are welcome

to the improvement for this thesis. Hopefully, the presence of this

thesis can be useful for the readers.

Tangerang Selatan, 28 January 2021

The Writer,

Tsania Asyaqira

NIM 2016850024




ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ i

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................. iii

BOARD OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL .................................................... iv

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .......................................................................... v

PAKTA INTEGRITAS ............................................................................... iv


DEDICATION .......................................................................................... viii

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... xii

LIST OF CHART ...................................................................................... xv

LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................... xvi

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................... xvii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ......................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problems .................................................. 7

C. Limitation of Problem .............................................................. 7

D. Problem of Study..................................................................... 8

E. The Objective of the Study ...................................................... 9

F. The Significance of the Study .................................................. 9


CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................... 10

A. The Description of the Theories ................................................ 10

1. Reading Interest ............................................................ 10

a. Definition of Reading ................................................. 10

b. Aspects of Reading Interest ....................................... 11

c. Efforts to Increase in Reading .................................... 12

2. Language Experience Approach (LEA) .......................... 14

a. Understanding of Learning Strategies ....................... 15

b. Types of Learning Strategies ..................................... 15

c. Learning Strategies for Reading Interest through LEA

...................................................................................... 17

d. The Steps of Language Experience Approach .......... 18

e. Online Learning in Implementing Language Experience

Approach for Students Reading Interest .................... 20

B. Theoretical Framework ............................................................. 20

CHAPTER III METHODS AND THE PROCEDURES .............................. 23

A. Time and Place ......................................................................... 23

B. Method of the Study .................................................................. 23

C. Research Design ...................................................................... 26

D. Subject of the Study .................................................................. 26

E. Techniques for Collecting Data ................................................. 31

F. Techniques for Analyzing the Data ........................................... 35

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATION ................................ 36


A. Findings .................................................................................... 36

1. Preliminary Study ........................................................... 36

2. Cycle 1 ........................................................................... 38

3. Cycle 2 ........................................................................... 42

B. Discussions ............................................................................... 45

1. Analysis of the Data ........................................................ 45

a. Preliminary Study ....................................................... 46

b. Cycle 1 ....................................................................... 46

c. Cycle 2 ....................................................................... 48

CHAPTER V SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ............................. 48

A. Conclusions .............................................................................. 48

B. Implications ............................................................................... 48

1. Students ............................................................................... 49

2. Teachers .............................................................................. 49

3. Researchers ......................................................................... 49

C. Suggestions. ............................................................................. 50

REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 52




Chart 4.1 Pre-Test and Post-Test



Figure 2.1 Concept of interest appproach



Appendix 1 Treatment of Research

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan

Appendix 3 Pre-test Instruction

Appendix 4 Students' Pre-Test and Post-Test Answer Sheet

Appendix 5 Post-Test Instruction

Appendix 6 Guidance Consultancy Letter

Appendix 7 Letter of Witnesses of Thesis Defense

Appendix 8 Research Permission Letter

Appendix 9 Letter of Completion from the School

Appendix 10 Letter of Validation

Appendix 11 Documentation of Online Learning

Appendix 12 Writer's Curriculum Vitae




A. Background of The Study

Interest is a tendency or desire of humans to like to be more

curious and learn more about something and activity that can

produce more knowledge and benefits for themselves and others.

Interest plays a vital role in education and particularly in second or

foreign language learning. Meanwhile, (Eidswick: 2010), too, insists

on the importance of interest in learning and suggests that teachers

should attempt to use attractive topics aiming to design interesting

classroom activities.

According to (Harmer: 2007) said that reading is useful for

language acquisition, providing that students more or less

understand what they read, the more they read, the better they get

at it. Nowadays, reading is quite a difficult thing for students to do,

because mostly people think reading is a boring, and is done only

during study hours. In fact, reading is a very useful activity both

during lessons or outside of class hours, both of these conditions

bring good things to every reader. Therefore, the writer here wants

to examine how to increase reading interest in students by using

appropriate methods so as not to make students feel bored


when they start. There are several kinds of interests that we can build

within ourselves to improve abilities, for example such as increasing

reading interest.

Discussing interest in reading, this is the most important part

in improving the quality of students' abilities in supporting their

English skills. Interest becomes a factor in students' reading ability.

Because reading is a skill. Meanwhile, in improving abilities, students

are required to be active in it, in increasing students' interest in

reading, not only supported by skills built with learning, but also with

extensive and continuous practice. To support it all, it is very much

needed the role of this interest. To practice extensive reading is not

an easy thing to do because the reader must have the goal of reading

any type of text. Meanwhile, a reader must also have something in

him to read, such as interest or motivation to carry out such activities.

Reading interest is important in enhancing students’ success

in school and out of it. Hence, students need to have high reading

interests. According to (Magner: 2012) Interest is defined as

interaction between a person and an object within the environment.

Interest is relatively nature permanent in oneself. Interest has very

big influence toward someone’s activity.

As the command in the Qur’an is to like to read, like an activity

that produces benefits for ourselves, and others because with the


growth of interest in reading, will increase knowledge in ourselves,

increase intelligence, and improve the insights we have.

( الذي علم 3( اقرأ وربك الكرم )2( خلق النسان من علق )1اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق )5( علم النسان ما لم يعلم )4بالقلم )

In that verse, God commands us to read from every existing

knowledge, so that you can learn new knowledge from what you have

just learned. Allah ordered us as his people to read, because human

nature does not understand anything. And by reading, God gives

humans the ability to understand various knowledge through his

commands, namely by reading.

Reading is included in the English language skills that must

be improved because by reading, students will more often find new

words even new knowledge that has not been obtained, especially in

English. In this era, we often know that there are many students who

do not have an interest in reading, even though they read at all from

what we read, it will affect the quality of student knowledge.

There are several factors in the lack of interest in reading

among students. Such as (1) lack of students’ motivation in reading,

(2) students have some difficulties in reading, especially in terms of

reading books related to English. (3) the teacher does not yet have a

learning method especially in developing an interest in reading that

is appropriate, interesting and not boring. And several other


causative factors too are (1) the environment, (2) online games and

social media, (3) individualism, (4) culture.

The first factor is the environment around. This is an important

factor in life, because it is indirectly the environment that shapes our

habits. Family environment for example, this environment is the

closest to us. If the environment in our own family does not foster a

habit of reading, or even buying books is still as thing or is not allowed

if so from where the seeds of interest in reading can grow.

The second factor is online games and social media or

applications in gadgets today such as (Instagram, Facebook, or

entertainment applications such as Dubsmash, Musically, and

Tiktok) now it is indeed rife in cyberspace. Both young children and

adults play games and use the application in almost every free time

they have, and worse, many of them become addicted. If they are in

a bad stage of addiction, both of their hands are busy playing every

day, so they do not even touch books to read, to eat or to socialize

with others sometimes they almost forget. Indeed, online games and

entertainment applications can function as a medium to release

fatigue and stress after our usual activities. But, sometimes we forget

that books can also be other media that can help relieve stress

without having to fear the radiation released by your gadget.


The third factor is the individual. In addition to the environment

and sophisticated technology that increasingly distance our habits

from reading. There are other factors that are actually the most

powerful and determine our actions, namely, our own intention.

Ourselves are the most important factor in doing something. If

within ourselves we have no interest in reading, let alone reading a

book, touching or listening to the title of the book alone may feel lazy

and sleepy. Therefore, the seeds of interest in reading should have

been planted since we were small.

The forth is culture, because the culture of reading in

Indonesia, is still in the application stage unlike in the developed

countries where reading has become a primary need in the lives of

its people, in which there is already a curiosity and reading is a

necessity, not just a more reading while studying at school. So, those

are some of the factors that affect the lack of interest in student’s

reading interest.

The language experience approach (LEA) is a whole

language approach that promotes reading and writing through the

use of personal experiences and oral language. It effectively helps

develop learners' print awareness, since learners see the direct

connection between images and words. It effectively connects known

vocabulary and new vocabulary with print words, since the

experience and image(s) correlate with words in the written

caption(s) adding.


The writer will try to apply this LEA because of the situation

and condition of the research site which has a background in a

boarding school where all students are required to use language

every day, especially English and Arabic. The intention of the writer

here is that students are able to increase their interest in reading

through reading or stories even words they have known before or

based on experience. Hence, students will remember and be more

interested in a story in which there are words or sentences they have

known before. Therefore, the authors here suggest LEA as a way to

increase students' interest in reading. LEA also will try to be applied

by writers by building students' interest in reading from their

experiences, what they have learned and know then they write it into

a few paragraphs then they make daily reading material to collect the

number of stories from what they have obtained before or through

each their experience, their interest in reading will increase with each

reading they have. Therefore, they feel more valuable reading than

they have.

Then, after giving some treatment to students to give them

good influence to increase interest in reading also to the stage

students can make their own text stories in accordance with the

language experience they have after entering the stage where

students already have an attraction especially in reading also to the


stage that students are able to create text samples based on the

experience they have. So that later it becomes an increase in

students' reading skills as well as interesting reading material for

themselves and others.

Based on what the writer has explained above, the writer is

interested in conducting a research with the title “Enhancing Students

Reading Interests Through Language Experience Approach”. The

writer hopes by using Language Experience Approach can motivate

students in enhancing their interests in reading also giving them

improvisation. So, the interest in reading students will continue to

grow and increase with increasing experience they can and know,

also a link between reading interest with the experiences they have.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the study about Enhancing

Students Reading Interests through Language Experience

Approach”, the writer hopes Students can better development in

reading, interesting and not boring. There are several problems

identified by the researcher, such as:

1. Students have weaknesses in reading interest. By using the


LEA approach, teachers can have a good and effective impact on

increasing reading interest, so that students' interests in reading


2. Using language experience to increase reading Interest, can make

students more interested and improve their abilities, because

teachers usually only use the method by giving books directly

without any motivation and encouragement in growing student

reading interest.

3. Using LEA also is about not only to increase interest in reading,

but also provides a positive side of reducing various factors that

can inhibit the growth of interest in reading.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on identification of the problem above the writer, limited

the problem only on enhancing student interests in reading through

language experience approach. The writer considers that increasing

students' reading interest in reading must be based on appropriate

strategies so that the research to be carried out can run well and

make students constructive going forward, so that the objectives of

this research are carried out continuously.

D. Problem of the Study

1. How to increase reading interest in students?


2. How to use the Language Experience Approach to enhance

interest in reading?

E. The Objective of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not using

the language experience method can Enhance reading interest in


F. Significance of the Study

This research is carried out in the hope that it will benefit many

parties. These significances are:

1. The writer hopes the results of the study will be very useful

and informative for English teachers who want to apply and

choose effective methods in enhancing student in reading.

2. The writer hopes the use of this research can produce good

effects on students, it can also improve literacy culture in


3. The writer hopes in this era, students can enhance their

reading skill through reading interest they have. Also to grow

more sense of interest and even enjoy reading activities, so

that they can make their motivation in learning.




A. The Description of the Theories

1. Reading Interest

a. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the abilities that must be owned by

everyone, because by reading people will be able to understand the

meaning of a writing and the meaning of a reading. reading is an

ability that must be built with a lot of practice. Academic success also

requires students to be able to understand, analyze, and apply

information they gathered through their reading (Clarke, Truelove,

Hulme, & Snowling, 2013). In other words, reading interest is defined

as the extent to which an individual feel excited to engage in reading

written materials and delighted to find new information (Cambria &

Guthrie, 2010; Thomas, 2001). Reading activity will be more

meaningful and beneficial if the reading interest which preceeds the

reading rooted in one’s intrinsic motivation, not in the force of other

parties or extrinsic rewards (Cambria & Guthrie, 2010). In order to

have better reading skills, growing and developing interest in reading,

readers can also understand various texts.

Therefore, the readers must have skills that will support their

understanding. Based on existing surveys, the ability to read English


reading Indonesian students is considered less effective or rather

students have less interest in reading, especially in English.

Therefore, the writer here aims to foster interest in reading students

through approaches that will be applied in the classroom.


b. Aspects of Reading Interest

Interest can be interpreted by the combination of desires and

wishes that develop in each individual if there is motivation, or as

there are surveys, interest is defined as the interaction between a

person and objects in the environment. The writer divided interests

into situational and individual interests. Situational interest refers to

a condition when someone prefers a particular object or performs a

certain activity that is influenced by several factors. This type of

interest tends to be short-term. Unlike situational interest, individual

interest is an aspect of preference that is stable overtime without

influential factors. For further explanation, this type of interest will

be discussed in the next subtitles. (Krapp, Hidi: 1992) in interest

theory has identified three conceptualizations of interests that play

an important role in discussions about motivation and interest. They

are: (1) interest as a dispositional characteristic of the person, (2)

interest as a characteristic of the learning environment

(interestingness), and (3) interest as a psychological state.


Figure 2.1 Three approaches to interest research

(adapted from Krapp, Hidi, Renninger, 1992)

c. Efforts to increase interest in reading

Interest influences the use of learning strategies and

choices for the direction and duration of attention. As explained

above before, Interests are often categorized as situational

interest, individual interest and topic interest. as previous

research Motivated meaning is moved to do something.

Someone who supports does not have the urge or inspiration to

act thus characterized as being unmotivated, while someone who

is energized or activated to achieve goals that are considered

motivated. Regarding everyone who works or plays with others,

approves, is concerned with motivation, questions about other

people's motivations, or self, for some assignments,


and researchers of all types of assignment instructions to foster

more opponents who lack motivation in people. people around

them. From the various types of motivation, the writer here will

explain the 2 most basic types of motivation, they are intrinsic

motivations and extrinsic motivations. (1) Intrinsic motivation is

the motivation an individual has to participate in a given activity

just for the joy of learning. The focus for the intrinsically motivated

is more on the mastery of the skill or activity.

According to (Deci and Ryan: 2008) intrinsic motivation is

considered the most optimal form of motivation and is associated

with various benefits – including enjoyment, persistence, and

psychological well-being. In the other words, intrinsic motivation

is natural human being tendency. (2) Extrinsic motivation, is the

desire of someone to do something that is caused by factors

outside of one's self to achieve a goal and apply to oneself. As

another opinion the extrinsic motivation which can be defined as

an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome,

extrinsic motivation thus contrasts with intrinsic motivation, which

refers to doing an activity simply for the enjoyment of the activity

itself, rather than its instrumental value (Ryan and Deci,2008).

According to the writer, interest is a tendency that exists

in every individual who was born naturally, or has just been


developed or grown on a person. In other words, interest is a

sense of interest in someone in something or activity. Because

of that, interest can be developed in several ways and efforts that

can be done for each individual. Then, one of the most

fundamental things to foster interest or develop interest is by

providing motivation or support

So, those are some of the efforts that can be done for

teachers or other individuals in increasing interest or inclination

in a person, it can all come from external impulses, or

encouragement from within ourselves, just how we are able to

package these efforts so as not to become a form of coercion for

someone, but a form of positive encouragement to increase or

foster interest in individuals, especially in reading interest, as the

purpose of the research conducted by the author here.

2. Language Experience Approach (LEA)

a. Understanding of Learning Strategies

The central principal of the Language Experience Approach

is to use students’ own vocabulary, language patterns, and

experiences to create reading texts to make reading an especially

meaningful and enjoyable process (Nessel & Nixon, 2008:1).

The language experience approach is one of the teaching

approaches in students' reading skills. in other words, this

approach also combines listening, reading, writing, and


conversing skills, which begin with students telling about their

personal experiences to the teacher or classmates, then being put

into writing by students with the guidance of their respective

teachers, and then read together which also later serves as

student reading material itself.

b. Types of Learning Strategies

Learning to learn involves learning strategies like planning

ahead, monitoring one’s performance to identify sources of

difficulty, checking, estimating, revision and self-testing. Strategies

like these are sometimes taught in school, but children usually do

not learn to apply the strategies beyond specific applications in

narrowly defined tasks. Effective learning demand mere than this:

skills and strategies have to be learned in such a way that they can

be transferred to fit new problems or situations not previously

encountered. Being able to select the appropriate strategy, and to

adapt it where necessary, is an important part of this definition of

good learning. So the aim of the writer in the study is to want to


implement a learning strategy through the language experience


As the types of learning strategies according to O’Malley and

Chamot classification on the preview research are as follows: (1)

Metacognitive strategy, is a strategy in the learning process that

uses the ability to realize, know, the process of cognition that occurs

in yourself. Which the learning process includes the process of

planning, monitoring and evaluation. So the metacognitive process

is to develop a person's thought process to control what he thinks,

what he does, regarding the task given, whether it has fulfilled the

demands demanded from the task or not and will ultimately produce

the ability to think critically (critical thinking). Most of the literary

metacognitive learning strategies connected with that area of self-

management skills as metacognitive learning strategies refer to the

ability of students to monitor and be aware of their learning process.

Metacognitive strategy also called as action learning. (2) Cognitive

strategy, is a style of learning that encourages students to use their

brains more effectively. This way of learning encourages students to

fully engage in the learning process so learning, thinking, and

remembering get easier and easier. The cognitive domain is related

to the ability to think, including the ability to memorize, understand,

apply, analyze, synthesize, and improve.


(3) Social/Affective strategy is a style of learning which consist of

cooperation, questioning for clarification, and self-talk).

c. Learning Strategies for Reading Interest through

Language Experience Approach (LEA)

Learning strategies are the initial steps that must be

prepared by each teacher before starting learning activities in

class. Learning strategies have an important effect for the ongoing

teaching and learning activities because designs, models are pre-

arranged from the time learning begins. Therefore, based on the

problems, constraints and objectives of this study, the authors

designed a learning strategy that would be applied in class to

students using cognitive learning strategies. Cognitive strategies

are learning strategies that involve aspects of ability,

understanding, application, analysis, integration, and evaluation.

However, there are several strategies in cognitive learning

used in this study. The cognitive learning strategy this time will be

applied by the writer and combined with the language experience

approach. The language experience approach is an approach to

reading instruction based on activities and stories developed from

personal experiences of the learner. The stories about personal

experiences are written down by a teacher and read together until


the learner associates the written Form of the word with the

spoken in which students are asked to express the experiences

they have. With the ability to apply their experience to a writing that

will later become their reading material with the ultimate goal of

being able to increase their interest in reading, especially in

English. Therefore, by recounting the experiences they have in

written form in the learning class, they are then made into a

reading form.

Related to language experience combined with cognitive

learning related to several aspects to hone the activeness of

students to read or tell their experiences, the ability to talk about

students, then produce an increase in the interests of reading

students for research purposes. Increased interest in reading will

be seen from the passage of the process on cognitive strategies

with language experience approaches by combining all strategies

with activities that have been previously planned.

d. The Steps of Language Experience Approach

The language experience approach that will be applied in

this research consists of several steps. The first step is the teacher

and students discuss experiences where they have all participated

before, such as school field trips or examining unusual objects.

When teachers and students discuss observations and reactions,


students' understanding of experience is deepened while oral

vocabulary and language skills are developed and strengthened.

The second step, when students formulate and express their ideas,

the teacher guides them in creating a determined theme. Students

offer questions they will include, or the teacher can choose

questions from ongoing conversations and suggest them to use.

The teacher records students' statements on graph paper,

arranges text, sees their words written. The third step is, the

teacher reads to the student example by making a model that

sounds fluently, expressive reading. Students then read it several

times with the help of the teacher as needed until they become

familiar with it. The fourth step is that, with the guidance of the

teacher, students learn to recognize the specific words of the

account and develop the skills of context coding, phonics, and

structural analysis as well as other assessment materials.

After completing all stages, the teacher asks students to tidy

up all their writing, collected by each, then the teacher asks

students to rewrite their other experiences as previously taught by

the teacher in class with the amount of experience they form into a

writing, it will add insight and the most important thing is that their

interest in reading will continue to grow because it is accompanied

by a full sense of motivation, support and appreciation of the value

of their work.


e. Online Learning in Implementing Language Experience Approach for

Students Reading Interests

The newest and most popular method of distance education

today is online learning. It's had a significant effect on secondary

education in the past decade and the trend is only increasing. Online

learning can be seen as a creative approach to developing a

successful user-centered, interactive media model, and as a learning

experience that is easy for everyone, anytime, and anywhere. By

using various digital technical attributes and tools to be applied in an

interactive learning environment in another type of appropriate

materials and learning materials. The students still prefer their

learning to be guided and evaluated with the help of a teacher in

online distance learning, most participants in this study provided the

positive answers.

B. Theoretical Framework

Interest in reading is one important part of life in the ability to

read for everyone. Because, interest in reading has advantages in

increasing ability, therefore it can be concluded that if the reader has

an interest in reading or increasing interest in reading quite well, also

increases their other abilities such as the ability to write and also



Interest in reading is also a desire or willingness in reading

that must be owned by every student, interest in reading can be

grown from experience, behavior and learning. Therefore, the writer

use language experience approach (LEA) as a method of enhancing

student interest in reading.




A. Place and Time of the Study

This study was conducted in SMAIT AN-Nawawi AL-

Bantani, Bogor.

This school is located on Kp. Bulak saga RT 03 RW 06 Desa

Cibadung, Gunung sindur, Bogor Jawa Barat in academic year

2020/2020. The time to do this study is 22nd October until 5th

November 2020/2021.

B. Method of the Study

In this study the writer uses a type of Classroom Action

Research (CAR) using qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Classroom action research is the process through which the

teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly, raise

awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception

of values; tryout new strategies to render the values expresses in

their practice more consistent with the educational value they


espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available to

and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared

theory of teaching by researching practice defined by (Elliot: 2011).

So from the description above, the writer concludes that

classroom action research using qualitative and quantitative data

analysis will be done in the classroom by doing teacher in teaching

learning process to know the students situation in the classroom

when they were in teaching learning process. This research has

been done by repeat the cycle until findings the result of study show

that there are improvements at the classroom. As according to

(Kemmis& Mc. Taggart, 1998; in Burns, 2010:7) action research

occurs through a dynamic and complementary process which

consist of four essential “moments”. They are planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting. The brief explanation is as follows. First,

action planning. In this stage the researcher plans actions based on

the research objectives. The writer made plans and learning

scenarios that will be presented in research material. Second, the

implementation of actions. Activities carried out at this stage are

implementing plans and learning scenarios that have been made

previously. Third, observation. Observations were made while the

action is in progress. Observation is intended as an activity to

observe, recognize and document all the symptoms and indicators

of the process, the results of planned actions and their side effects.

Fourth, reflection. Reflection is an activity to restate


what has been done is to look at and review the results that already


So, the writer chose to use the Kemmis & Taggart cycle

models as explained above that there are 2 steps in each cycle.

There are Cycle 1 and cycle 2.

Before writer conducting the cycle in research, the writer first

makes observations and research planning.

1) Initial observation

a) Complete the student data sheet, number of

classes, number of students, gender and attendance list.

b) The writer first makes classroom observations, in order

to find out problems in students' abilities and also to

prepare problem solvers later.

c) The writer identifies problems with students, then

prepare the next plan that will be done in class.

2) Plans

In planning, writer uses 2 cycles, namely cycle one

and cycle two. In each cycle there are 4 steps that must be

carried out by writer and collaborate with teachers in the field

of study.

a) Planning

Writer plans the initial activities, up to the final activity

researching this class action.


b) Action

After compiling all research plans, researchers

immediately take action to students so they can observe and


c) Observation

After all actions are carried out, in the implementation

study the class is implemented, in order to obtain data during

the research period.

d) Reflection

Writers provide an explanation at the end, also

summarizing each action that has been carried out, which is

then continued by students to be able to take the core of all

the material that has been delivered until the creation of an

improvement in their abilities.

C. Research Design

This research uses classroom action research. This

method is used to find out how the language experience

approach can influence in increasing students' reading

interest through the Language Experience Approach (LEA).

There are four components in one class action

research cycle which consists of planning, action,

observation, and reflection. This class action research is


organized into two cycles, they are cycle 1 and cycle 2. The

writer will collaborate with the English subject class XI

teacher. The activities that will be carried out each cycle are

as follows.

In cycle one, there are 4 steps, namely plan, action,

observation, and reflection. The first step taken by the writer

before carrying out cycle 1 is

1. Pre cycle

Before continuing the steps in the first cycle, the writer

does before the cycle by preparing each step to be done

later. Starting from preparing the observation sheet, student

list sheet, material and so on.

2. Cycle 1

a. Plan

The writer uses the language experience approach in

learning, determining the topic for the recount text that is

"reading experiences".

• Prepare steps for making observations

• Detailing all research activities from beginning to end

• Prepare material, lesson plans, and design steps for class


• Prepare a class observation sheet

• Prepare material discussions in class about their personal


experiences, preferred reading materials, and others related

to their interest in reading.

Provide enthusiasm and motivation to read stories starting

from text that we already have or from other reading


Explain how important reading skills we must have

Provide input with the importance of the experience we

have, from oral form to be included in writing to become a

reading material and motivation for themselves.

b) Action

Fill out the observation sheet according to the data in


Introducing how to read a personal story, write a personal

story and other related matters.

Give them a pre-test for comparison later.

Asking students to do individual tests from the

experiences they have.

Provide enthusiasm and motivation to read stories starting

from text that we already have or from other reading


Pay attention to each student's writing and speaking skills

Make assignments oral and written to students based on

stories of experiences they have.


c) Observation

Analyze each student activity in telling their


Assess the ability to write student experiences

Assess students' reading skills in explaining their

experiences and paying attention to improving their


d) Reflection

This step analyzes all actions taken by

students. Based on the data collected, the writer and

the teacher discuss and evaluate the next thing that

will be done in the second cycle.

3. Cycle two

a) Plan

• Identifying problems and making solutions to those


• Making lesson plans based on evaluation results from

cycle 1

• Preparing the material to be explained up to the level

of good understanding in students.

• Prepare an observation checklist sheet

• Giving a questionnaire that will be given to students

b) Action

• The teacher explains the material to be delivered


• The teacher introduces the technique of making

recount texts

• The teacher asks students to relate experiences they


• The teacher asks students to write down their


• The teacher explains in full what recount text is, its

definition, text structure, and other things related to

recount text

• The teacher invites students to be happy and brave to

read their experiences which will later become their

own reading material.

c) Observation

• Analyze each student activity in telling their


• Assess the ability to write student experiences

• Assess students' reading skills in explaining their


and paying attention to improving their abilities.


d) Reflection

In this last step that is analyzing all the actions that

have been taken. Based on all data collected, the writer

and teacher discuss and evaluate all activities. The writer

analyzes the results of all tests and compares all the

results of student achievement. As a result, researchers

can make conclusions in conducting classroom action


D. Subject of the Study

The subject of the study was the 11 grade of students

in SMAIT An Nawawi Al Bantani which the total number are

30 students consist IPA & IPS classes.

E. Techniques for Collecting Data

In this study, the writer divided into 4 stages. The first

stage is the planning stage. Begin by making discourse

sheets, observation sheets, and questionnaires. The second

stage is the implementation stage. The writer gives a theme

of discourse in advance which will later become teaching

material for students. After stimulating students in the

implementation phase, the writer invites subject teachers to

collaborate to apply this language experience approach


directly to students. Which here students are required to find

their experiences which are then spoken to in the form of a


In increasing reading interest, the teacher asks

students to do ice breaker first so that they begin to be

stimulated while fostering a sense of excitement and

enthusiasm, then students are invited to play while learning

from the learning the teacher gives a discourse in the form

of a narrative text example for them to read and understand

together. So that way the teacher can find out the ability of

students who like to read or who don't like to read. Then after

finishing learning the teacher gives the questionnaire to

students one by one to be filled.

The third step is the observation stage by the writer.

At this stage the implementation of learning in the classroom.

The thing observed here is the ability of students to read a

discourse, articulation in reading and pronunciation of every

word and sentence spoken. In order to read them smoothly

without spelling first. This stage the researcher really

observes directly and specifically, step by step in the reading

process because in this reading students will be more likely

to be embarrassed if someone is observing it.


The fourth stage, namely the reflection phase is an

activity to restate what has been done. The thing that has

been done is to see and review the results that already exist.

Data collection techniques in this study are:

1) Observation.

Observation is carried out directly, namely

observations made with the help of teachers and using

observation sheet guidelines. Classroom observation is an

observation that is focused on the understanding of how

social event of the language classroom are enacted. In this

classroom observation, the objects of observation are

students’ activities in English language teaching learning.

The writer used the checklist observation to make it more

systematic, containing list of students’ activities and

response or happening which might happen.

2) Test

Test is an instrument or procedure designed to elicit

performance from learners with the purpose of measuring

their attainment of specified criteria. Tests are carried out to

get students' understanding of their reading abilities. This

test is done in the form of an oral test that is by playing


techniques while reading a discourse in the middle of the



G. Techniques for Analyzing the Data

The writer analyzed the data gathered from the action

research activities. The data was obtained from classroom

action research process and evaluation. The aim of the

analysis is to measure the enhancement of reading interests

through Language Experience Approach. In this research,

the writer uses mean formula to know the average of

students’ score from pre-test and post-test and to check

students’ enhancement in reading interests.




A. Findings

This study aimed to identify the influence of the

language experience approach in enhancing student's

reading interest. Based on the previous observation before

doing this research the writer got some data about the

students’ condition of the class, including the problem faced

by the students in learning English especially for reading

English text also making an English written. Chapter IV is

broken down into two sections: research findings and


According to the interview between the writer and the

students, it was quite difficult to read an English text because

they were afraid of pronouncing and to spell it, they were also

wanted to be able making an English written but quiet

confused with the language. Moreover, some students said,

sometimes they want to make an English written by

themselves but they quiet confused with it. In this chapter, the

writer described the data that was got in the process of

classroom action research in each cycle.


This classroom action research carried out in two

cycles, and the procedure of this study include four stages:

planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Before

presenting procedures of the classroom action research, it is

started by presenting preliminary study. The preliminary study

was done before classroom action research conducted.

Preliminary study consists of preliminary interview between

the English teacher and writer. The writer then asked

permission to head master of SMAIT An Nawawi Al Bantani

to conducting preliminary interview with the interview.

Preliminary interview conducted on Thursday February 13rd

2020 AM. After the writer got the permission from headmaster

of SMAIT An Nawawi Al Bantani and English teacher, the

writer started to interview with students.

According to the interview between the writer and the

students, it was quite difficult to read an English text because

they were afraid of pronouncing and to spell it, they were also

wanted to be able making an English written but quiet

confused with the language. Moreover, some students said,

sometimes they want to make an English written by

themselves but they quiet confused with it. From doing the

preliminary interview, the writer knew students’ situation

before conducting research.


In conducting the research, the writer worked online

collaboratively with the English teacher of SMAIT An-Nawawi

namely teacher M. Before conducting the research, the writer

told the teacher that would conduct action research. The writer

shared the action Research knowledge with the teacher. The

teacher was interested in it since wanted to know the student'

enhancement through the research. To know the prior

situation the research, previously the writer had observed this

class long before the date of the study was determined, due

to the Covid-19 pandemic, the research was held quite far

from the time was observed it. The writer did an observation,

interviewed the teacher and gave a pre-test to the students.

After giving preliminary interview to the students, the

writer conducted the classroom action research to the

students which consists of two cycles: cycle 1 and cycle 2. In

each cycle presents in 4 stages; planning, implementing,

observing, and reflecting. The more detail description of the

implementation can be seen in the following section:

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning the action

The action plan for the first cycle was made based on the

problems identified in the pre-research. The problems were


identified: 1.) Students' reading ability is still low. 2.) Students'

have a weakness in reading interests. 3.) Often found

students are embarrassed to speak English. To overcome

these problems, the teacher and the writer decided to conduct

action research by using the Language Experience Approach

to enhancing students reading interest.

Before the action has been carried out, the writer

prepared materials, teaching materials, learning plans, chat

groups on WhatsApp because the research will take place

online, so that every student must join in, so that

communication can run well, then prepare google classroom

as their online learning media, also as a means of sharing the

material provided.

This cycle was done for two online meetings by

WhatsApp chat’s group included a questionnaire. It was

started on Thursday, 22nd - 31st October 2020 at 09.00 to

15.00 in every online meeting. In this step, the writer started to

explain to the students that will be an action classroom online.

Due to today's conditions which are coinciding with the

COVID-19 pandemic the writer explained that this research

class must continue to run properly even with online meetings.


In the research phase, the writer has designed 2 cycles

to be implemented in this online research class. So it remains

only to explain how this cycle will be implemented in this online

class XI. Through the chat in the WhatsApp group, the writer

explained in detail that there will be a first cycle carried out

along with the provision of a pre-test as a comparison material

in the final stage then for reflection material between cycle 1

and cycle 2 so that it can be seen the results of the effect of

the approach applied in the online class.

b) Implementing the action

Based on the schedule of English subject at the class, the

first meeting was conducted on. At the first meeting in the first

cycle, the writer as a teacher hold a self-introduction and

explained the aim of the research to the students. After that, the

writer gave a questionnaire to the students that consist of 10

questions about their perspective on English.

1. At the first meeting

a. Opening

Precisely in the first lesson, because in one meeting

there were 2 sessions, morning and afternoon. So that in the

morning session at the first meeting the writer explained to

students about how easy it is to read in English if we have the


desire to be able to master these abilities. Then asked

students to actively share their experiences in reading

English, especially in written form. Meanwhile, the writer gave

an online questionnaire in the form of a link via a google form.

Then in the afternoon session, the writer kept reminding them

not to forget to fill out the questionnaire that was given.

b. Main activity

At the second meeting in the following week, all

students filled out the questionnaire that the author gave, then

the writer continues to the next stage in the first cycle, namely

action. Started with invited them to join the zoom meeting as

the first step in this classroom action research. After all,

students join the zoom, the writer began to explained as which

the steps has been mentioned in the previous chapter. Started

with recording student attendance to asking them to write their

own results based on past experiences or personal stories

that students have as a pre-test for them.

While the students worked on the pre-test, the writer

began to prepare the next plan, namely preparing the next

step, observation.


c. Observation

Then in the second session at this second meeting, the

writer observed the process they were doing, starting by

guiding them through WhatsApp chat related to the pre-test

(making text based on personal experience).

d. Reflection

The next step is the writer analyzed the results of their

writing and asked them to read their writing through the zoom

meeting. After that, the reflection stage, the writer discussed

with the students regarding the learning they had just done as

it should be the final stage in cycle 1.

2. Cycle 2

In the second cycle, this was carried out in the third

meeting, started with explained the students first the steps to

be taken in this second cycle through the group WhatsApp


a). Planning the action

Complete the list of attendees at the next meeting, also

asked to prepare material that will be conveyed in this second



The writer began to prepared the next step which will

be carried out in online meetings through zoom meetings and

WhatsApp group chats as an active communication medium

during the research. The writer also provided time and

opportunity to participate in completing activities in the first

cycle for students who were unable to attend or were late at

the previous zoom meeting.

Then after completing the students who were late

attending, the writer continued by give the treatment in the

second cycle.

b). Implementing the action

At this stage, the writer provided treatment as the final

step towards the post-test that will be given to students in this

second cycle.

1). Main activity

Through the zoom meeting, the writer explained in

detail the material in the form of recount text related to the

theme of the language experience approach in this research

class. The writer also asked students to relate this material to

the text they have created, asked about the relationship, also

explained in detail what is the correct example of recount text.


After all the students understand enough, so far the teacher

provided a post-test in the form of asking them to correct the

text they have made based on the material (recount text) that

has been delivered at the zoom meeting at that time.

The writer supervised the requested improvement

process, by guiding them back in the writing process, also

explained the students the benefits of writing a text like this.

Then asked them to read the results they have. The writer

invited them to dare to read the results of the text they have

made and enjoy in convey the results they have.

c). Observation

In this observation stage, the writer saw that the

enthusiasm of the students in this second zoom was

increasing, some were active in discussion and question and

answer sessions with the writer. The writer was allowed all

students to read the results they made (recount text). At this

stage, the students' reading development is seen to improve


The writer again invited students to analyze the extent

to which they have the ability in reading this recount text,

explain to students the results of their writing, as well as

assess their abilities during the course of the research class.


Pre –test and Post- test Chart

Judging the text they had created also noticed their

improvement so far.

d). Reflection

In this final stage, the writer analyzed all activities that

have been carried out in the online research class. Analyzing

the results of all the tests that have been given (pre-test and

post-test) as well as various developments from all aspects of

the main skills which are the objectives of this study.














































4.1 Pre-test and Post-test Chart


B. Discussions

1. Analysis data

After the writer analyzed all the data obtained, such as

observation sheets, research activities, pre-test and post-test,

and student activity agenda books. The writer got several

findings that answer research that this language experience

approach is effective in increasing students' reading interest.

By deepening the language experience students have,

students can further increase their reading interest by making

recount text as a medium of learning in this research class.

The use of this language experience approach is also

able to motivate them in terms of making English texts,

building confidence to express written results. The students

were very enthusiastic after knowing that their language

experience can be shaped into a written work, then reading

material for themselves and even for others later. That way,

they could simultaneously improve their English language


1. The first finding was recount text provides a good role in

terms of increasing reading interest through an approach from

the language experiences students have. because seen from

the concept of recount text itself is a text written based on


personal experience in a foreign language. A recount is a kind

of genre that has social function to retell event to inform or

entertain. The tense used in recount text is past tense. The

social purpose of a recount is to reconstruct past experiences

by retelling events in the original sequence. We can look at

the sample of the recount in personal letters, police report,

insurance claims, and incident reports. It is related to the

approach applied by the author, namely the Language

Experience Approach (LEA)

2. The second finding was that this classroom action research

was running well even though it was carried out through online

media with zoom meetings and WhatsApp chat groups as

active communication media between the writer and the class

students. Students can still follow the activities that are well

described, with such pleasant enthusiasm, so that the

enthusiasm for learning during the pandemic this time

continues to grow and develop as it should.




A. Conclusions

To increase students' interest in reading from class XI

SMAIT An-Nawawi Al-Bantani for the 2020/2021 school year.

The writer was conducted classroom action research using a

language experience approach. The purpose of this study was

to collect information from all students 'English learning

activities related to increasing students' reading interest which

the writer mentioned in the previous chapter. By applying a

language experience approach combined with treatment in the

form of an explanation of the material regarding recount text.

The findings of this study were in line with the question

as to the focus of research, how the use of the language

experience approach (LEA) could increase students' reading


The increase in students' reading interest could be

seen from the pre-test and post-test graph in table 4.1. With

the mean score in the pre-test was 39.333 and in the post-test


81.933 In the end, there were many improvements in some of

the students' abilities, meaning that not only their reading

interest was growing but their writing and reading skills also

significantly increased, this could be seen from the research

process through zoom meetings. Judging from the way they

read before the treatment was given and after the treatment

was given, in addition to the better pronunciation, they were

also more confident in reading the results of the text they had

made in the post-test stage.

Meanwhile, the writer also saw their writing skills are

better than before, at the beginning of their meeting they

entered the phase of being afraid of writing mistakes, but after

being given treatment, then discussing through zoom

meetings and WhatsApp group chats it was not a tough

problem for students anymore.

From the final results, the writer concluded that

students could analyze the mistakes they made themselves

from the results of the text they made, then correct them



B. Implications

Reported findings earlier indicated that students'

reading interest applies a language experiential approach in

the teaching and learning process of reading increases. The

implications of this action are described below.

1. The use of LEA helps students improve their reading

interest and their reading and writing skills.

2. The application of treatment with recount text material is

very helpful for students in improving their reading, writing,

and deeper understanding of the text structure.

3. The application of the language deepening approach (LEA)

can be used in online teaching and learning activities as has

been implemented by the writer as an interesting way to

increase students' reading interest.

C. Suggestion

After concluding the results of the study, the writer

would like to suggest some suggestions as follows:

1. English language teacher

Teachers can better use this method to increase

students' reading interest, as well as motivate any

experiences students to have. after this pandemic period


ends, this method can be even more effective to be applied to

students because it can be guided directly through face-to-

face meetings in class.

2. Students

Because in essence classroom action research is

carried out face to face. does not rule out if online meetings

can also get good results in this research. it's just that, more

active, more communicative, more cheerful will get a different


3. School

The institution further prepares the readiness of the

teacher or homeroom teacher concerned with the

implementation of the research class, with the support of the

homeroom teacher, students will be better at coping with this

online learning and the role of the school to help provide

student facilities to continue to be effective in online learning

at the COVID-19 pandemic era which is currently being felt.



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Treatment of Research

Problem identified Lack of students’ motivation in


Students have some difficulties

in reading, especially in terms of

reading books related to English

The teacher does not yet have a

learning method especially in

developing an interest in reading

that is appropriate, interesting

and not boring.

Proposed solution Applying the language experience


The class used for Action Research XI IPA & IPS

Cycle 2

Implementation cycle 1 Two meetings

Planning The writer prepared the

materials, lesson plan, students’

worksheet, and everything

related to the activity


I propose students to join in


Discuss the difficulties faced.

I gave a questionnaire

I stimulated them by following the

pre-test given

There are two observations:

1. Positive result


Students can follow a series of

learning online.

Active students ask and answer

in the WhatsApp chat group.

Several students actively asked

about the contents of the

questionnaire given.

Some students asked about the

next step, namely filling in the


Students are interested in the

research class being held.

2. Negative results

Some students were late

collecting questionnaires via a

google form.

Some students ask the teacher

to repeat the explanation through


Few students collect beyond the


The reflections were:


12 students who didn't zoom in

the first cycle

Some are confused to write a

story according to the

instructions given by the author

The student's mean score of the

pre-test is 40

Revising the plan The next cycle was focused on :

Provoke students who have not

joined in the first zoom to be

active in the next activity.

Give more time and opportunity

for students to do and digest the

pre-test given.

Motivates the importance of

having good reading skills, as

well as the positive impact of

growing interest in reading in


Cycle 2 Two meetings

Planning Asking students' readiness to

participate in the next activity is

zoomed in through the chat

group on WhatsApp.

Give students who are late

joining the opportunity to stay in

the next zoom.

Re-explain the contents and

purpose of the pre-test in the first

cycle for those not present in the

first zoom cycle.

Prepare the treatment that will be

given through screen sharing via



Provide treatment in the form of

a PowerPoint before proceeding

to the post-test stage.

Applying the language

experience approach as the aim

of this research class.

Ask the extent of their

understanding in this classroom


Explain well and in detail the

contents of the treatment in the

form of 'recount text' material

Provide opportunities for

students to do the post-test given

Students were more enthusiastic

about following the second zoom

Some students actively asked

and answered when the zoom

Observation meeting was held.

Each student has the opportunity

to read the results of the text they

have made.

Their reading ability is quite


The courage that has started to


The average result of students' post-test

was 80

Reflection The reflections were:

Students look more relaxed at

zoom to 3 at the 3rd meeting of

the second cycle. Students'

willingness to tell their stories is


Most of the students were

actively involved in this second

cycle zoom.

Most students follow every

activity well and perfectly.

The students' ability in making

recount text changed significantly

and was quite perfect.

The students became even more

enthusiastic in creating texts

based on their experiences.

Students reading interest also

grows more because they are

confident with the results of their


General reflection This language experience

approach can increase students'

reading interest.

Through learning recount, text

material students become more


They can put their language

experience into written form, and

dare to express it

Their enthusiasm also increases.






Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Recount Text

Kelas/ Semester : X / 1

Alokasi waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Kompetensi Dasar : 3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.1 menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan t eks recount lisan dan

tulis terkait peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.2 menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait peristiwa bersejarah, dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Melalui pengamatan PPT dan video yang diberikan guru melalui google classroom, peserta didik dapat

mengklasifikasikan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount secara benar dan tepat

Setelah membaca dan memahami PPT dan video yang diberikan guru, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan perbedaan dan

persamaan dari teks recount secara tertulis dengan tepat.

Melalui kegiatan diskusi melalui google meeting, peserta didik dapat membandingkan perbedaan dan persamaan teks

biography dan history dari teks recount dengan kreatif.

Melalui kegiatan mendesain teks recount, peserta didik dapat mendesain dan menuliskan teks recount terkait

biography and historical yang relevan dengan lingkungan peserta didik secara mandiri dan kreatif

Media Pembelajaran :

Zoom meeting, Video Pembelajaran Google Classroom, power point

Kegiatan 1

Kegiatan 2

Kegiatan 3

Penilaian :

Guru melakukan apersepi dengan memberikan pendahuluan dan materi menegenai recount text untuk

diperhatikan oleh siswa melalui google classroom dengan kode kelas

Guru menampikan power point melalui google classroom, menerangkan secara detail, menjelaskana

tentang pengalaman, mengkaitkan recount text dengan pengalaman pribadi, menejelaskan sistematika

penulisan cara membuat recount text, generic structure dan contoh recount text, peserta didik

membaca dan memperhatikan teks yang diberikan kemudian menganilisis perbedaan dan persamaan

macam-macam biography, pengalaman, dan historical recount.

Guru memberikan tugas menulis teks recount text melalui Google Classroom

Penilaian Pengetahuan :

• Test tertulis menggunakan Google Classroom

Penilaian Sikap :

• Waktu penyerahan absensi dan tugas siswa

• Kesopanan saat menghubungi guru melalui media sosial

Mengetahui Bogor, 21 November 2021

Kepala SMAIT AN NAWAWI AL BANTANI Guru praktikan

Abdul Azis, S.Pd Tsania Asyaqira




Name :

Class :

Subject :


Make a story based on the experience you have. For example; stories of last year’s

vacation with your family, or other stories that you have passed.

Please write the story in English (minimum 3 paragraphs).


Students' Pre-Test and Post-Test Answer Sheet



Name :

Class :

Subject :


Fix the story that has been made based on experience in accordance with the

treatment described)

As an example; stories from last year's vacation with your family, or other

stories that you have passed.

Please write the story in English (minimum 3 paragraphs).


Guidance Consultancy Letter


Letter of Witnessed Thesis Defence


Research Permission Letter


Letter of Completion from the School


Letter of Validation

The undersigned below:

Name : Dr. Muhamad Sofian Hadi, M.Pd

Institute : Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta

Posision : Lecturer

Has examined and approved research instruments consists of pre – test and

post – test question that will be used for thesis research, entitled ‘’ Enhancing

Students Reading Interest Through Language Experience Approach’’ by

the writer:

Name : Tsania Asyaqira

NIM : 20168500024

The advisability of the research instruments has been examined and can be

used properly in collecting research data.

Jakarta, Januari 28, 2021


Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd

NIDN 032401860

Appendix 11

Documentation of Online Learning

1. Meeting and Teaching in Google Classroom

2. The Absence of the Student’s

3. The result of scores


No Students Scores

1 S1 40

2 S2 35

3 S3 50

4 S4 40

5 S5 40

6 S6 30

7 S7 40

8 S8 40

9 S9 40

10 S10 30

11 S11 50

12 S12 35

13 S13 40

14 S14 30

15 S15 30

16 S16 50

17 S17 50

18 S18 40

19 S19 40

20 S20 30

21 S21 40

22 S22 40

23 S23 50

24 S24 30

25 S25 30

26 S26 40

27 S27 40

28 S28 40

29 S29 40

30 S30 50


No Students Scores

1 S1 75

2 S2 80

3 S3 80

4 S4 75

5 S5 80

6 S6 80

7 S7 75

8 S8 90

9 S9 80

10 S10 80

11 S11 75

12 S12 78

13 S13 85

14 S14 85

15 S15 75

16 S16 80

17 S17 80

18 S18 90

19 S19 80

20 S20 90

21 S21 80

22 S22 90

23 S23 90

24 S24 90

25 S25 80

26 S26 85

27 S27 80

28 S28 90

29 S29 85

30 S30 75

4. Treatment for students

• Historical Recount

This type tells about history,

both historical sites and

historical objects. For example,

the story of the Prambanan


Purpose of Recount Text

Generic structure of Recount Text

Recount text also has an arrangement or structure. Generic Structure recount text consists of:

• Orientation: tells the background information about

who, where, when the incident or event occurred.

• Events: tells an event that happened afterwards and is told in chronological order.

• Reorientation: contains a summary or conclusion of all events. This section also contains the author's opinion or impression about the events being told.



Last week, I and my friends went to the beach after school. We used public transportation. We reached the beach at 4 p.m. The beach was beautiful and clean.

Events: At the beach, it was fun. We played football in the coast line.

After that, we built a castle from sand. In the night, we made bonfire together. We roasted fishes and squites then we ate them. In the midnight, it was time to share our scary stories. One by one, we told our story.


At the morning, we went home. It was a moment i never forgot.

Last week, I and my friends went to the beach after school. We used public transportation. We reached the beach at 4 p.m. The beach was beautiful and clean.

At the beach, it was fun. We played football in the coast line. After that, we built a castle from sand. In the night, we made bonfire together. We roasted fishes and squites then we ate them. In the midnight, it was time to share our scary stories. One by one, we told our story.

At the morning, we went home. It was a moment i never forgot.

Appendix 12

Writer's Curriculum Vitae

Tsania Asyaqira. Born on February 12, 1999 in South Tangerang,

Banten Province. The writer is the fifth child of 6 siblings, from the couple

alm. Dedi Muslih and Neningsih. Writer first entered formal The education

at MI Madinatunnajah in 2004 and graduated in 2010. In the same year the

writer went on to MTs 01 Muhammadiyah Ciputat and graduated in 2013.

After graduating at the level of Junior High School, the writer

continued to Nurul Hidayah Boarding School and school at SMAN 1

Bantarkalong, Pamijahan Tasikmalaya and graduated in 2016. And in the

same year the writer was registered as a student at the University of

Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Faculty of Education, Department of English
