Doubletrade Affiliate Marketing in Russia

Doubletrade Affiliate Marketing in Russia x2 An introduction to Affiliate Solutions in Russia

Transcript of Doubletrade Affiliate Marketing in Russia


Affiliate Marketing in Russiax2

An introduction to Affiliate Solutions in Russia

Russian Market

and Doubletradex2


Doubletrade is a performance

agency, created by ex.

managers of Tradedoubler Russia

and powered by Tradedoubler


Doubletade team has local

experience since 2005 in

Display, Search, Emailing and

Affiliate marketing.

14 people, 2 offices in Moscow

and Ulianovsk, 15k publishers,

50+ active affiliate programs,

mostly of international clients.

About Doubletrade

x2 We worked with following clients:

Russian Market (penetration, ecommerce)x2

• It is estimated, that Russia will have 93 million active users in 2013!

• Ecommerce in 2015 will be at least 20 billion $.

eCommerce Market in RussiaInternet penetration in Russia

We can show ads on more than 250 premium display websites in Russia

simultaneously on CPM/CPC basis with conversion tracking. Also, we can

generate leads or sales on 15k+ long tale Publishers in Russia.

Publishers: Display and Affiliatex2


Introduction to

Affiliate marketingx2

Online consumer

Affiliate website

Merchant website

Desired actionPaymentSales data Doubletrade

Our affiliate programmes

drive online sales by creating

a long-term, committed sales

network of affiliates who

promote your products in

return for commission.


10% OFF

Affiliate websites and apps can use a range of ad formats;

they simply select them from our Publisher Interface:

Click back and relax

with our holiday deals




Size 10

Available nowProduct Feeds

Display Ads

Vouchers & Promo




Cost Per Sale, usually termed Cost Per

Acquisition (CPA)

Cost Per Lead (CPL)

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Impression, usually termed

Cost Per Mille (CPM)

Publishers only receive commission when a consumer performs

the desired action. Doubletrade can build programmes with

payment models built around your objectives.


typical in



Affiliate programme benefits

Our affiliate programmes enable advertisers to maximise online ROI:

• only pay for results: a lead, sale or click

• generate quality leads for future marketing activity

• improve your online reach through our extensive network

• rely on our tracking to provide accurate commissions, only paying once

with ‘last click’ tracking

• Our experienced staff and proven solutions maximise your revenues


Ingredients for success

Wherever your potential customers live and whatever they do online, our

affiliate programmes can reach them and drive sales.

We run hundreds of successful affiliate programmes at any one time with

our three key ingredients:

1. Ad formats and integrated solutions

2. Tracking

3. Remuneration


Ad formats, tracking

and remunerationx2

Comprehensive ad formats (creatives)

• We provide multiple ad formats for use in affiliate programmes, enabling

publishers to select the creatives that best suit their websites and apps

• We support the full range of display advertising formats including online

banners (pictures, Flash or HTML), plus mobile banners

• We have a suite of publisher tool for the creation, contextual targeting

and response-based automation of these display ads

• Our integrated solutions include Product Feeds plus Voucher and

Promotion Codes, both across online and mobile

• We offer simple as well as sophisticated creative solutions — text links

are one of our most popular and responsive ad formats


Product Name/ID





Product Feeds provide affiliates with

links that take customers directly to

the relevant product, eliminating

clicks and increasing conversion rates.

Advertisers can use them to prioritise

specific products or offers and affiliates

can use them to promote multiple

products on their web pages.

Our platform provides feeds in multiple

formats (primarily XML & CSV) and

comes with a range of tools to help

affiliates integrate and optimise Product


Advertiser product information

displayed on affiliate site

• Voucher and promotion codes exploit consumers’

appetite for a bargain

• Codes enable advertisers to provide compelling

offers to consumers as they are exploring deals,

increasing sales and reaching a new audience

• The codes are distributed automatically through

our web services API, or manually by the merchant

via the Advertiser Interface

• Importantly, availability of the feeds is controlled,

preventing unwanted viral exposure

Voucher and promotion codes

Affiliate tracking

• We provide a number of specialist tracking products that can help you

manage your affiliate activity more efficiently and profitably

• Our proprietary technology tracks the entire customer journey:

– From visiting the affiliate site

– To clicking on their link

– Through to purchase

– Across both mobile and online channels, and even offline

• We take care of the validation, affiliate identification and commission


• This detailed tracking is accompanied by accurate, comprehensive and

bespoke reporting



Clicking on the creative sets a

cookie or other tracking device

A tracking pixel at the checkout

reads the consumer’s cookie

This sales/lead data is

automatically sent to


Doubletrade validates the data

and performs de-duplication

Our tracking ensures

the relevant affiliates

receive commission

and that advertisers

are not paying for the

same lead twice.




Remuneration options

• Although different types of affiliates use different types of business

models, they are generally paid on a cost-per-action model

• This means you pay only for sales, leads or clicks, making affiliate

marketing an efficient and low-risk channel

• We’ll help you agree a commission structure which suits your


• From start to finish, we help you make the most of affiliate activity,

whatever your objectives


Setting up

affiliate programx2

Online only or include mobile affiliate


Select (and create) the type and format of

the creatives

The commission structure - sale, lead or

post-impression sale, differentiated

commission levels, etc.

Policies: the types of publishers included /

excluded, how the products are promoted

Doubletrade can help you develop an appropriate affiliate

programme around your specific business and marketing


The different affiliate segments

Cash-back sites

Share the merchant commission with the

purchasing customer (post purchase).

Voucher and promotion code sites

Provide merchant offers and deals direct to

consumers in the form of coupons and codes.

Group buying sites

Offer products and services at reduced prices

based on supplying a minimum number of buyers.

Email & database

Affiliates working with email databases and


Paid search affiliates

Affiliates bid on keywords for specific products

and receive a commission for sales from the

resulting click-throughs. They rely on plugging

gaps in merchants’ PPC activity to ensure

commissions exceed search engine costs.

Reward and incentive sites

Offer rewards for activities including purchase,

service use, referrals and content submission,

with rewards taking several forms.

Comparison & meta-search sites

Compare products from multiple retailers to help

consumers find the best deals. Meta-search sites

(common in travel) aggregate search engines and

databases into a single list.

Content & editorial sites

Forums, blogs, reviews and social networking


Our network of quality publishers include a wide range of website

categories. We match the right publishers to the right advertisers.

The affiliate segments for your business

We recommend the following types of publisher partners for your affiliate


Cash-back sites

Voucher and promotion

code sites

Group buying sites

Email & database

Paid search affiliates

Reward and incentive sites

Comparison & meta-search


Content & editorial sites

Affiliate solutions

and Publisher toolsx2

Web Services API

• Enables merchants to distribute their latest product data via Doubletrade’s database without accessing the Advertiser Interface

• Affiliate websites and apps then receive this data automatically without accessing the Publisher Interface

• The API downloads the new product data, compares it to the last download and updates the output, so affiliates don’t have to do it

• Allows dynamic Voucher & Promotion Codes and Product Feeds

• The API is platform and software independent, so implementation is flexible





XML/JSON data via


XML/JSON data via




Optimised Ads automatically display an

advertiser’s best performing display

ads, avoiding the manual updating of

ads by affiliates.

This ensures ads are shown to the most

relevant audience, increasing conversion

rates for the merchants and increasing

revenue (eCPM) for publishers.

As well as benefiting existing publishers,

new publishers can benefit too by joining

open affiliate programmes set on auto-

approval by advertisers.

Creative A Creative B



for publishers

The benefits of our Publisher Tools

Contextual advertising (Ad-Match)

Scans the content of publishers’ websites and places ads (display ads,

product feeds or text links) alongside relevant content, increasing number

and quality of responses.

Publisher-built ads (Ad-Tools)

Enables publishers to create their own offer-driven ads for their web pages

using the provided templates and advertisers’ product feeds, either

manually or dynamically.

Automated ad rotation (Ad-Pools)

Allows publishers with no programming capacity to automatically rotate

display ads on their web pages based on performance.


+7 (495) 988-0994

+7 (495) 988-0994

111033, Moscow, Zolotorojskayaembankment, house 1, structure 1, office





David Petrosyan-Mkervali

Country [email protected]

Телефон: +7 (495) 988-09-94


Doubletrade Russia:

Contact details