Does Augmented Reality Affect High School Students' Learning Outcomes in Chemistry? (

Does Augmented Reality Affect High School Students’ Learning Outcomes in Chemistry? Submitted by Jonathan Christopher Renner A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctorate of Education Grand Canyon University Phoenix, Arizona June 11, 2014

Transcript of Does Augmented Reality Affect High School Students' Learning Outcomes in Chemistry? (

Does Augmented Reality Affect High School Students’ Learning Outcomes in


Submitted by

Jonathan Christopher Renner

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Doctorate of Education

Grand Canyon University

Phoenix, Arizona

June 11, 2014

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© by Jonathan Christopher Renner

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Some teens may prefer using a self-directed, constructivist, and technologic approach to

learning rather than traditional classroom instruction. If it can be demonstrated, educators

may adjust their teaching methodology. The guiding research question for this study

focused on how augmented reality affects high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pretest and posttest methodology when ensuring that the

individual outcomes were not the result of group collaboration. This study employed a

quantitative, quasi-experimental study design that used a comparison and experimental

group. Inferential statistical analysis was employed. The study was conducted at a high

school in southwest Colorado. Eighty-nine respondents returned completed and signed

consent forms, and 78 participants completed the study. Results demonstrated that

augmented reality instruction caused posttest scores to significantly increase, as

compared to pretest scores, but it was not as effective as traditional classroom instruction.

Scores did improve under both types of instruction; therefore, more research is needed in

this area. The present study was the first quantitative experiment controlling for

individual learning to validate augmented reality using mobile handheld digital devices

that affected individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration. This

topic was important to the field of education as it may help educators understand how

students learn and it may also change the way students are taught.

Keywords: augmented reality simulation, comparison group, pretest, posttest,

traditional classroom instruction, quantitative, quasi-experimental



The journey to gain my doctorate would not have been possible without the

assistance and encouragement from several people: my parents, Dr. Andrew McGill

(dissertation chair), Dr. Alberto Flores (colleague and friend), Dr. Chris Holden (for his

personal assistance with ARIS), and Anovisions (APA editor and statistician).


Table of Contents

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x

List of Figures .................................................................................................................... xi

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study ....................................................................................1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................1

Background of the Study ..............................................................................................4

Problem Statement .......................................................................................................7

Purpose of the Study .....................................................................................................9

Research Question and Hypotheses ...........................................................................11

Advancing Scientific Knowledge ...............................................................................15

Significance of the Study ...........................................................................................17

Rationale for Methodology ........................................................................................19

Nature of the Research Design for the Study .............................................................20

Definition of Terms ....................................................................................................24

Assumptions, Limitations, Delimitations ...................................................................29

Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study ......................................32

Chapter 2: Literature Review .............................................................................................34

Introduction ................................................................................................................34

Background to the Problem ........................................................................................35

Theoretical Foundations .............................................................................................38

Theories of learning. ..........................................................................................40

Technology in education. ..................................................................................44

Review of the Literature .............................................................................................46


Digital game-based learning. .............................................................................49

Augmented-reality game-based learning ...........................................................57

Augmented reality game-based learning benefits .............................................61

Augmented reality research and development. .................................................63

Augmented reality game-based learning: Future research. ...............................66

Summary ....................................................................................................................68

Chapter 3: Methodology ....................................................................................................72

Introduction ................................................................................................................72

Statement of the Problem ...........................................................................................74

Research Questions and Hypotheses ..........................................................................76

Research Methodology ...............................................................................................78

Research Design .........................................................................................................80

Population and Sample Selection ...............................................................................85

Instrumentation ...........................................................................................................88

Validity .......................................................................................................................89

Reliability ...................................................................................................................91

Data Collection Procedures ........................................................................................91

Data-Analysis Procedures ..........................................................................................96

Ethical Considerations ..............................................................................................101

Limitations ................................................................................................................105

Summary ..................................................................................................................107

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results ..............................................................................110

Introduction ..............................................................................................................110


Descriptive Data .......................................................................................................112

Data Analysis Procedures .........................................................................................116

Results ......................................................................................................................121

Research question 1. ........................................................................................122

Research question 2. ........................................................................................123

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations ............................................132

Introduction ..............................................................................................................132

Summary of the Study ..............................................................................................132

Summary of Findings and Conclusion .....................................................................134

Implications ..............................................................................................................140

Theoretical implications. .................................................................................140

Practical implications. .....................................................................................144

Recommendations ....................................................................................................146

Recommendations for future research. ............................................................146

Recommendations for practice. .......................................................................150

References ........................................................................................................................156

Appendix A. Augmented Reality Games: A Review ......................................................176

Appendix B. Sample Pretest and Posttest ........................................................................177

Appendix C. Game-Based Learning Continuum .............................................................179

Appendix D. Computer Game: Digital Game-Based Learning: A Review .....................180

Appendix E. Microsoft’s Tag Quick Response code (QR)..............................................181

Appendix F. Site License and Extension Letter...............................................................182

Appendix G. Reality-Virtuality Continuum ....................................................................184


Appendix H. Sample Data Collection Ledger for Pretest and Posttest ............................185

Appendix I. Same Content: Lesson Outline for Instructional Methodologies.................186


List of Tables

Table 1. Teaching Methodology and Participants per Group ......................................... 115

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics – Test Scores – All Types of Classroom Instruction ..... 115

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics – Test Scores – Traditional Classroom Instruction ........ 115

Table 4. Descriptive Statistics – Test Scores – Augmented Reality Instruction ............ 116

Table 5. Paired Samples Test – Entire Group ................................................................. 122

Table 6. Paired Samples Test – Augmented Reality Instruction Group Only ................ 126

Table 7. Independent Samples Test – Traditional Classroom Instruction Compared to Augmented Reality Instruction ....................................................................................... 127


List of Figures

Figure 1. Per Student Comparison of Pretest and Posttest Raw Scores for the Traditional Classroom Instruction Group. ......................................................................................... 124

Figure 2. Per Student Comparison of Pretest and Posttest Raw Scores for the Augmented Reality Instruction Group. .............................................................................................. 124

Figure 3. Comparison of Pretest Means and Posttest Means for the Traditional Classroom Instruction Group and the Augmented Reality Instruction Group.................................. 125

Figure 4. Comparison of the Delta Scores for All students, Traditional Classroom Instruction Students, and Augmented Reality Instruction Students. .............................. 126

Figure 5. Boxplot of Mean Delta Scores For Traditional Classroom Instruction and Augmented Reality Instruction Groups. ......................................................................... 128


Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study


There may be a disconnection between the learning style of some students and the

way in which they are being taught. These students include the Millennial Generation,

also known as Generation Y, who were born in the early 1980s and the newest

generation, Generation Z or the Silent Generation, who were born in early 2000s (Jones,

Jo, & Martin, 2007). These generations have been given the nickname “digital natives”

(Kennedy, Judd, Churchward, Gray, & Krause, 2008, p. 108; Van Eck, 2006). Digital

natives use technology in a variety of ways from e-mail, texting, and social networking to

file-sharing, creating documents, and the playing of computer games. Adolescents and

young adults today are almost inseparable from their favorite technological devices. A

short observation of most schools, libraries or public spaces will yield several situations

in which people are using their favorite technology, such as networking on Facebook

(2012), listening to music on iPods, playing Massively Multiplayer Online Games

(MMOG), and accessing applications. All a person needs is the Internet and a device like

a Smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer to access information digitally.

Some students use the available technology to acquire knowledge through

discovery, collect information from multiple sources, integrate the visual with the spatial

(Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), and seek self-directed learning experiences (Dieterle, Dede,

& Schrier, n.d.). Thus, this learning style may be in direct conflict with traditional

classroom instruction. Traditional classroom instruction has been characterized as an

educator-led activity (Tinzmann et al., 1990), and identified as guided instruction. If

some students seek self-directed learning experiences that are technology-based, then


their learning style is not conducive to educator-led, traditional classroom instruction.

These students may prefer a learning format that follows a constructivist, game-based

learning approach. This study investigated game-based learning, specifically an

augmented-reality simulation, compared with traditional classroom instruction. The

guiding research question for this study was: Does augmented reality affect high school

students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as measured by a pretest and posttest

methodology when ensuring that the individual outcomes are not the result of group


This study contributed to the existing knowledge about game-based learning, and

specifically augmented reality game-based learning, because previous studies were not

conclusive as to how augmented reality games improved individual students’ learning

outcomes without group collaboration. Previous studies that investigated augmented

reality game-based learning used groups of two to eight participants working

collaboratively (see Appendix A), but learning was not assessed (Dunleavy, Dede, &

Mitchell, 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum, Klopfer, & Perry, 2007; Schrier,

2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Four studies were found that investigated augmented reality

and learning outcomes: Tamsui (Chang, Wang, Lin, & Yang, 2009), Frequency 1550

(Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, & ten Dam, 2009), Beetle Breeders, Beasties, Island

Hoppers, and Chomp (Rosenheck & Perry, 2012), and Human Digestive System

(Vilkoniene, 2009). These studies are further discussed in Chapter 2: Literature Review,

on pages 65, 65, 64, and 65, respectively. Of these studies, Chang, Wang, Lin, & Yang

(2009), Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, & ten Dam (2009), and Vilkoniene (2009)

demonstrated positive learning outcomes. None of these four studies controlled for


collaboration or ensured that the individual outcomes were not the result of group

collaboration (see Appendix A). Therefore, omissions found in the existing literature

center on the lack of evidence of individual-learning outcomes from augmented reality

games using handheld digital devices. The present study would become the first

quantitative experiment controlling for individual learning to validate augmented reality

using mobile handheld digital devices that affect individual students’ learning outcomes

without group collaboration.

This topic is important to the field of education as it may help educators

understand how students learn and it may also change the way students are taught.

Augmented reality is expanding with the creation of new technologies and has not been

extensively researched as to how it affects individual student learning, in contrast to

traditional classroom learning. Because augmented reality has qualities similar to today’s

computer games and is founded in game-based learning research, this researcher

hypothesized that learning will occur. Additionally important, the findings of this study

may reshape how students are taught in the classroom. Currently, teaching is mainly an

educator-led, guided, two-dimensional or pen-and-paper process. This study

demonstrated that learning was three-dimensional or hands-on through an augmented

reality simulation.

This study analyzed a comparison group of high school students in a traditional

classroom setting with an approximately equal number of students in an experimental

group taught using an augmented reality simulation. Both groups investigated the same

subject matter: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. The chemistry classroom instructor

created two equal-ability groups based on participants’ science grade-point average


(GPA). One group became the comparison group and the other became the experimental

group. All participants were given a 20-minute pretest before the treatment (see

Appendix B). After the treatment, participants were given a 20-minute posttest. The

posttest contained the same questions as the pretest, but in a randomized order. Data

collected from the two groups were analyzed using SPSS software (IBM Corporation,


This chapter contains information regarding the background of the study, as well

as introduces the problem statement, the purpose of the study, the research question and

hypotheses. This is followed by a brief discussion on how this study advances scientific

knowledge, its significance, rationale and methodology, the nature of the research design,

and assumptions, limitations, and delimitations. Chapter 1 concludes with a summary

and description of organization of the remainder of the study.

Background of the Study

Technological innovations have changed the way some people today live, work,

and learn. According to Nagel (2010) “About half of all public schools in the United

States are using computing technology in some way as part of instruction,” (p. 1). The

Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project conducted a nationally

representative survey of 802 teens between the ages of 12 and 17. This work indicated

that 9 in 10 teens have a computer or access to a computer at home, and 3 in 4 teens use

mobile digital devices, like Smartphones and tablets, at least occasionally, to access the

Internet (Madden, et. al. 2013). These teens are considered digital natives (Dede, 2005;

Kennedy et al., 2008; Van Eck, 2006) and pervasive users of technology (Oblinger, 2003;

Willems, 2009). To prepare these digital natives for the technologic workplace, “students


must be able to gather information from any format and make sense of that information,

use it, and communicate it to others” (Stripling, 2010, p. 16). These ideals are further

outlined by The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2011), which seeks realignment in

curricula to prepare students for the technologic workplace of the 21st century. These

new skills include critical thinking, communication, creativity, and information and

media literacy (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011).

The changing needs and skills of students may require a shift in the style of

learning and teaching currently being implemented. Traditionally, classroom instruction

has been characterized as an educator-led, guided, paper-and-pencil process in which the

teacher stands in front of the class and lectures students who are sitting at rows of desks.

The teacher controls the learning by providing the materials and deciding the focus and

line of thought. In essence, learning is transmitted from the teacher to the student by drill

and practice or transcription and memorization. In contrast to the transmission of

knowledge as an educator-led process is the idea of minimal guidance or giving more

autonomy to the students in controlling the learning process. In this case, the learner

becomes an active participant in their learning process, and the instructor is a guide or

facilitator for the learner (Dieterle et al., n.d.; Siemens, 2008). The minimally guided

approach to learning, or constructivist view of teaching, advocates that learning takes

place in realistic settings, with hands-on activities, and in designed situations where

learners create sense by constructing knowledge in their own context (Siemens, 2008).

This learning style has been classified as neomillennial (Dieterle et al., n.d.; Oblinger &

Oblinger, 2005; Sankey, 2006) and may be in conflict with traditional classroom



One method for integrating technology into the classroom is through the use of

game-based learning (GBL). GBL can be described as any game that entertains with

educational aims (Susi, Johannesson, & Backlund, 2007). Games for GBL can range

from card games, board games, and digital computer games, which include professionally

produced software games, as well as commercial off-the-shelf games, Internet-based

games, and augmented-reality games (see Appendix C). GBL using digital computer

games and its ability to increase students’ learning outcomes were investigated at Rice

University (2012), and by the following authors: Kaufman, Suave, and Renaud (2011);

Foster (2011); Carr and Bossomaier (2011); Kebritchi, Hirumi, and Bai (2010); Tuzun,

Yilmaz-Soylu, Karakus, Inal, and Kizikaya (2009); Cheung et al. (2008); Yip and Kwan

(2006); Barnett, Squire, Higgenbotham, and Grant (2004); and Dede, Nelson, Ketelhut,

Clark, and Bowman (2004); see Appendix D. To demonstrate that computer games can

provide students’ learning outcomes, the science computer games Supercharged (Jenkins

& Henrichs, 2003), Nothing to Rave About (Rice University, 2012), and River City

(Harvard University, 2007) are discussed further in Chapter 2: Literature Review, starting

on page 50.

Augmented reality has been considered one of the newest forms of and a

progressive step in GBL. Augmented reality can be defined as “the ability to overlay

computer graphics onto the real world” (Billinghurst, 2002, p. 1), and as a “technology

that allows computer-generated virtual imagery information to be overlaid onto a live

direct or indirect real-world environment in real time” (Lee, 2012, p. 13). A review of

literature on augmented reality GBL revealed several studies that used groups of two to

eight participants, but in which learning was not assessed (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Klopfer


& Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum et al., 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Rosenheck

and Perry (2012), Vilkoniene (2009), Chang et al. (2009), and Huizenga et al. (2009)

used mobile handheld digital devices and investigated augmented reality games and

learning, but group learning was unidentified or uncontrolled. Either the author/s did not

clarify whether the learning occurred through individual or group learning methods or the

authors did not limit or control the study for individual or group learning outcomes. The

full literature review provided in Chapter 2 shows that there is a lack of quantitative

research on the learning outcomes of students participating in augmented reality GBL.

Augmented reality games may provide a means for teaching complex concepts

because they are placed in an “authentic [real-world] learning environment where

participants can work on realistic problems while interacting with other participants, the

physical environment and actual data” (Schrier, 2006, p. 7). Thus, augmented reality

simulations are ideally placed to teach 21st century skills. This study investigated

individual students’ outcomes without group collaboration and the statistical variance

between traditional classroom instruction and an augmented reality simulation.

Problem Statement

The Program for International Student Assessment (2009) reported that the United

States scored 17th out of 34 countries in science. Since this report, researchers have been

seeking to understand and find ways to improve science education in the United States.

Desy, Peterson, and Brockman (2011) suggested educators build interest in science by

integrating hands-on, experiential activities that are fun, engaging, and simulate science

processes and careers. Doulík and Škoda (2009) suggested that science education should

arise from students’ interests, be focused on a common core curriculum that is covered


thoroughly, have an interdisciplinary approach, and develop science skills. Despite the

abundance of researchers’ suggestions, the over-arching problem of increasing students’

science outcomes is still a challenge.

Some teens, such as those classified above as digital natives, may prefer using a

self-directed, constructivist, and technologic approach to learning rather than traditional

classroom instruction. The educational system in the United States is a system of

assessments based on individual-student outcomes, demonstrated by standardized testing.

If it can be demonstrated that augmented reality simulations without group collaboration

can produce greater individual-student outcomes compared to outcomes from traditional

classroom instruction without group collaboration, then educators may change their

teaching methodology to better meet the neomillennial learning style. In addition,

although working in groups does provide benefits to the learner, students still have to be

able to process and solve problems individually. Augmented-reality simulations may

become an effective learning tool to increase individual learning outcomes without group

collaboration, but more research needs to be conducted to determine if augmented-reality

simulations can yield positive individual-student outcomes.

This study has been designed to investigate augmented reality games and

associated student learning outcomes. There are two primary differences between this

study and previous studies. First, this study investigated individual-learner outcomes

rather than collaborative outcomes. Secondly, this study compared two groups: those

receiving traditional classroom instruction and those receiving an augmented reality

simulation. It is important to investigate if individual students learned more effectively in


an augmented reality setting without group collaboration when compared to a baseline

measurement such as a traditional classroom setting.

It was not known to what extent augmented reality could be used to further high

school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry as compared to traditional classroom

instruction, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology without group collaboration.

This study, based on the comparison of educational results from students in a traditional

classroom setting to those in an augmented reality simulation setting, has helped to

address the problem of meeting the changing needs of students. Because some of today’s

students engage in a neomillennial learning style, augmented reality simulations that are

created for individual-learning situations may result in enhanced student outcomes. The

findings of this study have also increased understanding of the problem by demonstrating

that augmented reality simulations do not always need to be conducted in collaborative

groups. However, it has yet to be shown whether augmented reality can improve

individual students’ outcomes without group collaboration, as compared to those

receiving traditional classroom instruction. Until research shows that students can benefit

from a neomillennial learning approach, a disconnect may still exist between teaching

methods and some students’ learning outcomes in science.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this quasi-experimental, quantitative, pre-and posttest design

study was twofold. The first purpose was to determine if learning occurred with

augmented reality instruction. The second purpose was to examine if there was a

difference in approximately 50 students’ learning outcomes between an augmented

reality simulation and traditional classroom instruction in the chemistry topic of Alpha,


Beta, and Gamma radiation, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology without

group collaboration in southwest Colorado. Traditional teaching methods may no longer

be the most appropriate for digital natives and students who are familiar with acquiring

knowledge using technological advances. Augmented reality simulations, as a form of

minimally guided education, may be better suited for teaching students the skills they

need to work and function in a more technologically minded world. However, little

research exists showing the direct benefits of augmented reality education. In addition,

since previous studies looking at augmented reality sought to demonstrate that students

learn collaboratively (Klopfer, Squire, Perry, & Jan, 2005; Rosenbaum et al., 2007), this

study sought to control for individual learning without group collaboration to discern if

augmented reality, using mobile handheld digital devices, positively affects individual

students’ learning outcomes in science.

In order to determine the impact of augmented reality simulations, learning

outcomes of approximately 50 high school students from a southwest Colorado high

school were assessed. In doing so, the results from a comparison group of students in a

traditional instructional setting have been compared to an experimental group of students

using an augmented reality simulation. For this study, the instructional methodology was

the independent variable. Jha (2008) described the independent variable “as a factor that

the researcher controls; the researcher can choose what it should be and can manipulate it

to study the effect that it causes” (p. 28). Wetcher-Hendricks (2011) described the

independent variable as “the predictor of behaviors, attitudes, or characteristics; a given

condition either already existing or created by the researcher before the start of data

gathering” (p. 5). For this study, the dependent variable was the level of students’


learning outcomes as measured by the difference in the pre- and posttests. The dependent

variable was responsible or depended upon the independent variable (Jha, 2008). As

Wetcher-Hendricks (2011) described, the dependent variable is the “behaviors attitudes,

characteristics predicted by the independent variable” (p. 5).

This study included t tests (paired t tests and independent samples t tests). In

doing so, this study focused attention on the means being tested, the “delta” values. Delta

is the difference between the pretest and posttest score (posttest minus pretest). The goal

of this study was to determine if a statistically significant difference existed between the

comparison and experimental group in students’ learning outcome without group


This study has advanced the understanding of how augmented reality can enhance

students’ learning outcomes. Omissions found in the existing literature center on the lack

of evidence of individual-learning outcomes from augmented reality games using

handheld digital devices without group collaboration. This study sought to address the

void in existing augmented reality research. This study has become the first quantitative

quasi-experimental research controlling for individual learning without group

collaboration to validate augmented reality using mobile handheld digital devices. By

doing so, this study attempted to determine if this type of augmented reality teaching

positively affects individual students’ learning outcomes, without group collaboration.

Research Question and Hypotheses

The research questions in this study were developed to answer the overall goal of

assessing whether augmented reality simulations without group collaboration have an

impact on student learning outcomes as compared to traditional classroom instruction


without group collaboration. Specifically, this study looked at high school students and

their pre- and posttest results regarding the chemistry topic of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

radiation. Comparing test scores of students in a comparison group, who received

traditional classroom instruction, to those in an experimental group, who received an

augmented reality simulation, provided the basis for assessing the impacts of the

treatment under examination. The null and alternative hypotheses provided the basis for

study design and development of methodology. Statistical analysis of the test scores for

each group provided a quantitative comparison of the groups’ results and was used to

accept or reject the null hypothesis.

The following research questions and associated hypotheses guided this

quantitative study:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that

the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? Testable

hypotheses were then developed to answer this question; these were:

H10: Augmented reality has no impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H11: Augmented reality has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H12: Augmented reality has a negative impact on students’ learning outcomes.

RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,

as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual

outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? The hypotheses associated

with this RQ were:


H20: Augmented reality instruction and traditional classroom instruction have the

same impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H21: Augmented reality instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than traditional classroom instruction.

H22: Traditional classroom instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than augmented reality instruction.

Data were collected from a test administered before and after the treatment. The

treatment was the instructional methodology. For this study, there were two instructional

methodologies: traditional classroom instruction, that is a teacher-led activity, and an

augmented reality simulation, that is a participant-led activity. The traditional classroom

instruction was conducted by the high school’s science teacher and the augmented reality

simulation was created by this researcher. All participants completed a pretest before the

activity. Following the traditional classroom instruction or augmented-reality simulation,

the posttest was given to measure student outcome or acquired knowledge. The pre- and

posttests were comprised of the same questions, but rearranged. This process provided a

way of measuring knowledge acquired from the treatment, either through classroom

instruction or augmented reality simulations. SPSS software (IBM Corporation, 2011)

was used to compile and analyze the data.

In development of the research question, this researcher considered theories of

learning and the role of technology, its feasibility, novelty, ethicality, and relevance. It

has been stated that traditional instruction is an educator-led process (Tinzmann, et. al.,

1990). In contrast, augmented reality can be used as an autonomous approach of learning

that utilized minimal guidance where the learner became an active participant in his/her


own learning process (Dieterle et. al., n.d.; Siemens, 2008). This learning methodology

was founded in the constructivist principles of Dewey (1910), Piaget (1947), and

Vygotsky (Dalgarno, 2002). By integrating handheld digital devices in a self-led

constructivist learning process, as previously demonstrated by researchers (see Appendix

A), this study sought to investigate a constructivist approach to learning, specifically one

that uses technology; iPod touches. Gaps in the existing literature generally centered on

the lack of evidence for the influence of augmented reality games on individual learning

outcomes. By conducting this study, the findings may provide new information through

the use of a comparison group (traditional classroom instruction) and an experimental

group (augmented reality simulation). The research questions in this study were

developed to answer the overall goal of assessing whether augmented reality simulations

without group collaboration have an impact on student learning outcomes as compared to

traditional classroom instruction without group collaboration.

The closest high school to attain a sample for the proposed study is one located in

southwest Colorado. The high school’s student population for the 2012–2013 academic

year was 215 students. This population was expected to support a sample of sufficient

size. The second consideration was novelty; asking if the study confirmed, refuted,

extended, or provided new findings. This study sought to extend the body of knowledge

by investigating individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration. A

third consideration concerned ethics. Because the study’s participants are high school

students, informed consent was necessary, and all data was coded for confidentiality. A

final consideration was determining if the research questions were relevant. The research

questions were relevant because they added to the scientific knowledge base of teaching


methodologies: traditional classroom instruction compared with a mobile augmented

reality simulation without group collaboration. Additionally, answers to this research

question provide direction for future research.

Advancing Scientific Knowledge

The results of this study have advanced scientific knowledge related to augmented

reality in the field of education, by providing a quantitative study on individual students’

learning outcomes without group collaboration. Previous studies that focused on

augmented reality simulations and learning in education used collaborative groups, but

either no learning was assessed (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008;

Rosenbaum et al., 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan, 2007), or learning was assessed but

not controlled for collaboration (Chang et al., 2009; Huizenga et al., 2009; Rosenheck &

Perry, 2012, Vilkoniene, 2009). The findings of this study provide new information

through the use of a comparison group (traditional classroom instruction) and an

experimental group (augmented reality simulation). Comparing the test results of these

two groups demonstrated if there was a significant difference between traditional

classroom instruction and an augmented-reality simulation in science individual-learning

outcomes without group collaboration.

The work conducted in this study has been based on theories of learning and the

role of technology set forth by previous researchers. Specifically, this study compares

two learning methodologies: traditional instruction as an educator-led process (Tinzmann,

et. al., 1990) to an autonomous approach of learning that utilized minimal guidance

where the learner became an active participant in his/her own learning process (Dieterle

et. al., n.d.; Siemens, 2008). This learning methodology was founded in the constructivist


principles of Dewey (1910), Piaget (1947), and Vygotsky (Dalgarno, 2002). By

integrating handheld digital devices in a self-led constructivist learning process, as

previously demonstrated by researchers (see Appendix A), this study sought to

investigate a constructivist approach to learning, specifically one that uses technology.

In Chapter 2, the theoretical foundations for understanding how students may be

able to improve their learning experience by engaging as an active participant and

constructing knowledge from their experiences, rather than through traditional classroom

teaching, is explained further. Chapter 2 also presents a review of the literature

surrounding the use of GBL and augmented reality in education, and as such, provides

the basis for the approach chosen for this study. The findings of this study have advanced

the understanding of constructivist learning, and specifically quantified the influence of

using augmented reality on digital hand held devices for improving learning outcomes of


It is not yet known how augmented reality can be used to further high school

students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, without group collaboration. Currently,

teaching is primarily a two-dimensional, pen-and-paper process of traditional classroom

instruction. This study focuses on an alternative method of education, one that employs a

neomillennial approach of minimal guidance that may be better suited to digital natives

and students who prefer the use of new technologies. Here the augmented reality

simulations that form the basis of the experimental treatment incorporate a layer of three-

dimensional digital images imposed on the real-world environment. The findings may

demonstrate whether this type of non-traditional learning enhance students’ outcomes

without group collaboration.


Significance of the Study

Augmented reality has been introduced as a possible tool for improving learning

experiences and outcomes for students. It is known that the use of augmented reality in

education draws on research from computer games and their ability to increase student

learning (Carr & Bossomaier, 2011; Cheung et al., 2008; Foster, 2011; Kaufman et al.,

2011; Kebritchi et al., 2010; Tuzun et al., 2009; Yip & Kwan, 2006); these studies are

summarized in Appendix D. In addition to increasing learning outcomes, computer

games can be entertaining, educational, and encourage group learning (Billinghurst,

Hirokazu, & Poupyrev, 2001). Computer games can be motivating (Dede et al., 2004;

Squire, 2005), challenging, and fun (Squire, 2007a). They can be used to help teach

complex concepts (Barnett et al., 2004), provide students with the tools “to explore

complex systems, and to experiment with different possibilities and outcomes”

(Hoffmann, 2009, p. 21).

An important difference between computer games and augmented reality is that

augmented reality has “the ability to overlay computer graphics onto the real world”

(Billinghurst, 2002, p. 1). This is accomplished by using a digital device such as a

Smartphone, tablet, or computer to overlay the digital information on the real world. With

augmented reality, the computer game becomes a mobile, real-world, interactive

experience. As Livingston, Brown, Julier, and Schmidt (2006) stated, “an augmented

reality system mixes computer-generated graphics with the real world” (p. 25-1).

Augmented reality is perfectly suited for learning collaboratively or in groups (Dunleavy

et al., 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum et al., 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire &

Jan, 2007). Rosenheck and Perry (2012), Vilkoniene (2009), Chang et al. (2009), and


Huizenga et al. (2009) conducted research into augmented reality and learning using a

quantitative methodology, but collaboration was undefined. However, studies of

individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration, where traditional

classroom instruction was compared to augmented reality simulations, have yet to be


Gaps in the existing literature generally centered on the lack of evidence for the

influence of augmented reality games on individual learning outcomes. This study has

become the first quantitative experiment controlling for individual learning to validate the

use of augmented reality simulations, using mobile handheld digital devices, to influence

individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration. This researcher

predicted that an augmented reality simulation without group collaboration would

increase students’ performance outcomes, when compared to the outcomes of students

who receive traditional classroom instruction without group collaboration. Although this

hypothesis was not supported by the present research, this study was one of the first to

investigate the use of augmented-reality simulation, and therefore, still has an important

impact on the field, hopefully encouraging more research into the use of such

simulations. This study is valuable because today’s students have different interests from

those of previous generations. Some of today’s students may prefer learning that uses a

more hands-on and self-directed approach (Dieterle, n.d.; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005)

that uses available technology to conduct their work, which contrasts with traditional

classroom instruction.

The results of this study did not support the null hypothesis (H10) that augmented

reality simulation had no impact on students’ outcomes without group collaboration. This


conclusion adds to the existing body of knowledge by showing that the group who

received the augmented reality simulation did achieve a significant positive outcome. The

second hypothesis (H20), stating that augmented reality instruction and traditional

classroom instruction have the same impact on students’ learning outcomes was also

rejected. However it was not shown that augmented reality significantly improved

learning as compared to traditional instruction. These results should encourage

continuing research into other uses and potential benefits of augmented reality


Rationale for Methodology

A quantitative methodology was chosen for this study for its ability to compare

two groups statistically and quantify results for significance. The use of quantitative

methods allowed the findings of this study to be interpreted as statistically significant and

to be analyzed with more certainty as the true impacts of the treatment on the

experimental group. The quantitative methodology proposed here was suitable for this

study as it represents an experimental design that tested observed measurements: it

measured pre- and posttest scores, used equivalent groups (a comparison group verses an

experiment group), and tested both groups simultaneously (Campbell & Stanley, 1966).

A mixed-methods design was sometimes used when a quantitative or qualitative method

was inadequate (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011). Because the quantitative design met the

needs for this study, a mixed-methods design was not considered. For these reasons, this

researcher believed that this research design was the best suited for answering the

research question proposed in this study.


Previous studies that investigated augmented reality game-based learning used

groups of two to eight participants working collaboratively (see Appendix A), but

learning was not assessed (Dunleavy, Dede, & Mitchell, 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008;

Rosenbaum, Klopfer, & Perry, 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Four studies

were found that investigated augmented reality and learning outcomes. Tamsui (Chang,

Wang, Lin, & Yang, 2009), Frequency 1550 (Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, & ten

Dam, 2009), Beetle Breeders, Beasties, Island Hoppers, and Chomp (Rosenheck & Perry,

2012), and Human Digestive System (Vilkoniene, 2009); these are all discussed in detail

in Chapter 2: Literature Review. Of these studies, Chang, Wang, Lin, and Yang (2009),

Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, and ten Dam (2009), and Vilkoniene (2009)

demonstrated positive learning outcomes. Yet, none of these four studies controlled for

collaboration or ensured that the individual outcomes were not the result of group

collaboration (see Appendix A). Therefore, omissions found in the existing literature

center on the lack of evidence of individual-learning outcomes from augmented reality

games using handheld digital devices. The present study would become the first

quantitative experiment controlling for individual learning to validate augmented reality

using mobile handheld digital devices that affect individual students’ learning outcomes

without group collaboration.

Nature of the Research Design for the Study

This study utilized a quasi-experimental, pre -and posttest, quantitative research

design that compared a group of traditional classroom students without group

collaboration with a group who used an augmented-reality simulation without group

collaboration. Using a comparison group and an experimental group, this researcher was


able to establish a baseline to assess whether an improvement in learning outcomes

occurred with the implementation of the experimental treatment. Without a comparison

group, relative improvement or lack thereof cannot be established.

The justification of using a quasi-experimental, pre- and posttest design for this

study was a process in which participants are not randomly assigned to groups, but rather

are purposely assigned to groups; this is defined as quasi-experimental (Shadish, Cook, &

Campbell, 2002). For this study, the high school chemistry teacher assigned students to

groups based on their cumulative science GPA (Panoutsopoulos & Sampson, 2012).

Assigning groups based on the science GPA, instead of randomly, has the goal of

forming two groups with participants of similar ability, so that a similar baseline of

ability is established between the groups.

In a pre- and posttest design, two groups participate, measurements are taken

before and after an activity, and data analyses determines if one group’s posttest scores

differed more significantly from the pretest scores than the other group’s scores

(Weinfurt, 2000). Here the tests (pre- and posttest) were administered to both the

experimental group and the comparison group before the activity and immediately after

the activity. The comparison group received traditional classroom instruction and the

experimental group received the augmented-reality simulation, both covering the same

lesson. As a quantitative study, the methodology was developed so as to numerically

compare the results of a comparison group (traditional classroom instruction) with an

experimental group (augmented-reality simulation). Both groups worked independently

and without group collaboration. This researcher observed all aspects of the pretest,


activity, and posttest to assure all participants worked in compliance with the

methodology, which is fully described in Chapter 3.

This methodological framework of the pretest-posttest comparison group was

chosen for this study because it is “one of the most extensively used methods to evaluate

clinical research” (Gliner, Morgan, & Harmon, 2003, p. 500). As seen in previous

educational studies (Landrum & Chastain, 1998; Tieso, 2005), the pretest-posttest

comparison group design is an effective means for comparing curricular methods

between two groups. For this study, as described by Jha (2008), “the motivating purpose

was theory testing” (p. 49). Therefore, for this study I used a quantitative approach. The

study was developed similarly to the process described by Jha: he said it

begins with a theory. From theory, prior research is reviewed; from theoretical

frameworks hypotheses are generalized … Hypotheses lead to data collection and

the strategy needed to test them and analyze according to the hypothesis …

Conclusions are drawn [that] confirm or conflict with the theory. (Jha, 2008, p.


For this study, the factors were traditional classroom instruction as compared to an

augmented-reality simulation that both utilized the same curriculum. The outcome was

measured through a pre- and posttest methodology. Since the desired outcome of this

research was to determine if a statistical difference existed between the groups being

investigated, this study employed a quantitative design. In addition, the quantitative

design enhanced both the reliability and validity of the study (Lowhorn, 2007).

Validity and reliability of the pre- and posttest were claimed by the textbook

authors as subject matter experts (Glencoe Science White Paper, 2013; Hunt, 2013) and


the questions previous use demonstrated stability reliability. The tests were validated in

the present research where Cronbach’s alphas show reliabilities of .826 in the pretest and

.835 on the posttest.

The sample to be used in this study was comprised of approximately 50 high

school students. The classroom instructor divided participants into two groups of similar

ability based on participants’ cumulative science GPA. The comparison group then

experienced the traditional classroom instruction, while the experimental group

experienced an augmented reality simulation covering the same subject matter; Alpha,

Beta, and Gamma radiation. This quasi-experimental approach was used to ensure that

the mean test scores of the two groups are comparable and can be used to assess whether

or not there was a difference in learning that occurred between the two groups.

Data was collected through a pretest and posttest, which was then used to measure

knowledge acquired during the treatments. All participants took the pretest before the

activity. The pretest took approximately 20-minutes to complete. After the pretest, both

groups received 30 minutes of their corresponding treatment on the chemistry topic:

Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. The comparison group received approximately 30

minutes of traditional classroom instruction while the experimental group received the

same curriculum, but in the form of an augmented reality simulation that also took 30

minutes to complete. Immediately after the activity, participants were given a posttest to

measure acquired knowledge. This researcher was present at the traditional classroom

instruction and augmented reality simulation to assure all participants learned

independently without group collaboration. The posttest consisted of the same questions

as the pretest, but in a randomized order. This method of data collection provided


numerical test results that could then be used to run statistical analyses to determine the

significance of differences seen in the scores of the two groups. When the study

concluded, a debriefing session was offered where participants had the opportunity to

experience the alternative treatment.

Definition of Terms

The history of augmented reality can be traced to the late 1960s (Johnson, Levine,

Smith, & Stone, 2010). As in other specialized fields such as medicine, law, and

manufacturing, education and technology have developed their own terminology. The

following terms were used operationally in this study:

Augmented reality. Augmented reality can be described as the ability to overlay

one or more computer graphics or virtual images onto a live direct or indirect real-world

environment while using a tool such as a digital device to provide additional information

to the user in real time (Billinghurst, 2002; Dunleavy et al., 2008; Klopfer & Squire,

2007; Laux, Trausch, & Wyatt, 2012; Lee, 2012; Shelton, 2002; Squire & Jan, 2007).

Augmented reality simulation. In conducting this study, this researcher

employed a marker-system, or a system of quick-response codes (QR). In this system,

participants used a handheld digital device (iPod Touch), and the digital device’s camera

focused on the QR code. The digital device then communicated wirelessly using a

Verizon Wireless Mi-Fi to Augmented Reality and Interactive Storytelling’s server

(ARIS; Gagnon, 2010). The ARIS server recognized the QR code and sent a special

digital image back to the handheld device with which the participant interacted. The goal

of the simulation was for students to use their existing knowledge and clues provided

during the simulation to learn about Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. Similar to GBL,


augmented reality simulations are another way to engage students in learning (Lee,


Authentic learning. Schooling that is related to real-life situations and requires

teamwork, problem-solving skills, and the ability to organize and prioritize the tasks

needed to complete the project (Brandt & McBrien, 1997). Authentic learning “is based

on experimentation and action in which students solve real-world problems” (Lombardi

& Oblinger, 2007).

Collaboration. The term collaboration in this document refers to “face-to-face

collaboration in which people use speech, gesture, gaze, and non-verbal cues to attempt

to communicate” (Billinghurst, 2002, p. 1). For example, two or more students, or the

teacher with a student was communicating.

Comparison group. By definition, a “control group does not receive the

experimental treatment… are not exposed to any of the independent variable values”

(Jha, 2008, p. 33). Since the purpose of this study was to compare two instructional

methods, traditional classroom instruction with an augmented reality simulation, both

groups received a treatment. Therefore, the two groups have been referred to as the

comparison group, or traditional classroom instruction group, and the experimental

group, or augmented reality group.

Dependent variable. For this study, the dependent variable was the level of

students’ learning outcomes as measured by the difference in the pre- and posttests. The

dependent variable was responsible or depended upon the independent variable (Jha,

2008). As Wetcher-Hendricks (2011) described, the dependent variable is the “behaviors

attitudes, characteristics predicted by the independent variable” (p. 5).


Digital natives. Individuals who are part of the Millennial Generation (or

Generation Y) and Generation Z (or the Silent Generation) have been given the nickname

digital natives (Kennedy et al., 2008, p. 108; Van Eck, 2006). They are called digital

natives because they use technology in a variety of ways from e-mail, texting, file-

sharing, photo sharing, and the playing of games on a regular basis.

Independent variable. For this study, the independent variable was the

instructional methodology. Jha (2008) described the independent variable “as a factor that

the researcher controls; the researcher can choose what it should be and can manipulate it

to study the effect that it causes” (p. 28). Wetcher-Hendricks (2011) described the

independent variable as “the predictor of behaviors, attitudes, or characteristics; a given

condition either already existing or created by the researcher before the start of data

gathering” (p. 5).

Marker. A type of augmented reality system that uses a specialized symbol or a

distinct pattern that a camera captures or a computer recognizes, which is converted into

a three-dimensional object for investigation (Lee, 2012, p. 15). This code is shown in

Appendix E.

Neomillennial. The term refers to the learning style required for the new

millennium (Sankey, 2006). People who prefer this learning style learn through

discovery, collecting information from multiple sources (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005),

and collaborating with others to solve authentic problems (Dieterle et al., n.d.). People

who use the neomillennial learning style would favor constructivist-teaching approaches.

Outcome. This is the intended result of schooling or that which students are

supposed to know and be able to do (Brandt & McBrien, 1997).


Pretest and posttest design. In a pre- and posttest design, two groups participate,

measurements are taken before and after an activity, and data analysis determined if one

group’s posttest scores differed more significantly from the pretest scores than the other

group’s scores (Weinfurt, 2000). Here the tests (pre- and posttest) are administered to

both the experimental group and the comparison group before the activity and

immediately after the activity, and both tests took participants approximately 20 minutes

to complete. The pretest was identical to the posttest with one exception: the questions

were in a different order (see Appendix B). The pre- and posttest were created using the

chemistry textbook’s ExamView Pro Testmaker CD-ROM (Chemistry: Matter and

Change, 2005). The pretest measured the participants’ baseline knowledge of Alpha,

Beta, and Gamma radiation. After the activity, the posttest was given to all participants.

The posttest was to measure acquired knowledge.

Twenty-first century skills. As outlined by the Partnership for 21st Century

Skills (2011), these skills include critical thinking, communication, collaboration,

creativity, and information and media literacy (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011).

The goal of realigning curriculum with these skills is to prepare students for the

technologic workplace of the 21st century (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011).

Traditional classroom instruction. In traditional classroom instruction, the

teacher is the giver of information; knowledge flows from the teacher to the student; and

the teacher is responsible for setting goals, designing learning tasks, and assessing what is

learned (Tinzmann et al., 1990).

Quasi-experimental research design. In a quasi-experimental design,

participants are not randomly assigned to groups, but rather, are purposely assigned to


groups (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). For this study, the high school chemistry

teacher assigned students to groups based on their cumulative science GPA

(Panoutsopoulos & Sampson, 2012). Two groups were created with a similar number of

participants who previously received A, B, C, and below C grades. Assigning groups

based on the science GPA, instead of randomly, has the goal of forming two groups with

participants of similar ability, so that a similar baseline of ability is established between

the groups. One group will then become the comparison group and the other will become

the experimental group.

Quantitative research design. A quantitative research design could be described

as it beginning

with a theory. From theory, prior research is reviewed; from theoretical

frameworks, hypotheses are generalized … Hypotheses lead to data collection and

the strategy needed to test them and analyze according to the hypothesis …

Conclusions are drawn [that] confirm or conflict with the theory. (Jha, 2008, p.


In this study, the factors were the educational treatments applied to students participating

in a chemistry lesson; traditional classroom instruction as compared to an augmented

reality simulation. The outcome was a measure of how much was learned through the

lesson, as measured through a pre- and posttest methodology. The quantitative

methodology proposed here was suitable for this study as it represents an experimental

design that tested observed measurements: it measured pre- and posttest scores, used

equivalent groups (a comparison group verses an experimental group), and tested both

groups simultaneously (Campbell & Stanley, 1966).


Assumptions, Limitations, Delimitations

Assumptions include what this researcher has considered to be true, in particular

regarding the information gathered for the purposes of this study. The following

assumptions were present in this study:

1. This researcher assumed that participants were not deceptive while

participating in their treatment group (traditional classroom instruction or

augmented reality simulation). Participants were instructed to work

individually. In addition, this researcher was present and observed that all

participants worked individually.

2. This researcher assumed that participants answered all questions honestly and

to the best of their ability on the pretest and posttest. Participants were

instructed to answer the assessments individually. In addition, this researcher

was present and observed that all participants worked individually.

3. This researcher assumed that this study was an accurate representation of the

current situation at the proposed study location: the high school. The study

sought a stratified sample from the high school. For the comparison group, the

high school science teacher led the traditional classroom instruction. By doing

so, the participants in this group received instruction in a similar manner as

they normally would during the school year. For the experimental group, the

augmented reality simulation took place on the school grounds, which is

familiar to the participants.

Limitations to this study also exist; these include things that this researcher cannot

control such as bias and technology failure. This study has the following limitations:


1. The augmented-reality tool itself has certain limitations. The mobile

augmented tool was created using ARIS (Gagnon, 2010), the handheld digital

devices that participants used: iPod Touch with data provided by a Verizon

Wireless Mi-Fi. The augmented reality tool uses the iPod’s camera to

recognize QR codes, and when recognized, special data will appear on the

iPod’s screen. The mobile augmented reality tool can be affected by a lack of

connectivity to the Mi-Fi and ARIS server, failure to recognize a QR code, or

damage from a participant dropping the iPod.

2. Weather can be a potential limiting factor to the effectiveness of the

technological tools being used. Technology can be affected by weather. Cold

temperatures reduce battery life. Adverse weather, such as rain, can be

potentially damaging to handheld devices and can be counterproductive to the

learning process in outdoor activities. Additionally, with too much sun,

viewing screens on handheld devices becomes extremely difficult to visualize.

If the weather is hot, participants may become uncomfortable.

Delimitations include factors that define the boundaries of this study, including

characteristics of the sample being used. The study has the following delimitations:

1. The location of the study was in southwest Colorado. The location of the

study was chosen for its convenience; however, this area is sparsely

populated. The chosen school district is an hour and a half away from the next

school district by automobile.


2. The participants in this study include a relatively small sample. A stratified

sample of approximately 50 students was used, where half of the students

were placed in the comparison group and half in the experimental group.

3. The time of the treatments, as well as time for the pretest and posttest, was

controlled. To provide equal opportunity to all participants, this study allowed

equal time to the pre- and posttests for the comparison and experimental

groups. For example, pre- and posttests were limited to 20 minutes in

duration. Additionally, the traditional classroom instruction (comparison

group) and augmented reality simulation (experimental group) had the same

amount of time: 30 minutes. In short, learning and assessment times were


4. Both treatments (traditional classroom instruction and augmented reality

simulation) had individual learning methods. The purpose of this study was to

determine individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration.

All effort was made to ensure that no collaboration or group interaction

occurred. This researcher was present to supervise all pretests, the comparison

and experimental-group activities, and posttests.

This study compared two teaching methodologies: traditional classroom

instruction, which was instructor-led, to an augmented reality simulation that was self-

led. All participants worked individually, and the researcher observed all participants so

they worked individually (without group collaboration). Taking into consideration the

above assumptions, limitations, and delimitations, the potential generalizability of the

study findings must be considered. Since this study utilized a relatively small sample size


of approximately 50 participants, before results can be generalized to any degree, there

must be more testing; such as replication studies with larger groups of participants. A

larger sample size would increase the power of the results (Vogt & Burke-Johnson,


Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study

Some students may prefer a neomillennial learning style that uses real-world, self-

directed activities (Dieterle et al., n.d.; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), and technology.

Augmented reality simulations may be a form of teaching that appeals to neomillennial

learners. Omissions were found in the existing literature that center on the lack of

research focusing on individual-learning outcomes, without group collaboration, from

augmented reality games. This study is the first quantitative experiment controlling for

individual learning that has assessed the influence of augmented reality simulations using

mobile handheld digital devices on individual students’ learning outcomes.

This study was designed to investigate whether teaching using augmented reality

simulations affected individual high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as

measured by a pretest and posttest methodology. To answer the proposed research

questions, approximately 50 participants were divided and placed in either a comparison

or experimental group. The groups were matched based on students’ cumulative science

GPA, in order to establish a baseline for comparison of test scores. A pretest was given to

all participants prior the activity. The comparison group was given traditional classroom

instruction and the experimental group was given an augmented reality simulation, both

covered the same chemistry topic of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. All participants

were observed by the researcher to assure students’ worked without group collaboration.


Upon completion of the traditional instruction and augmented reality simulation, a

posttest was given. The pre- and posttest were used in the statistical analysis to determine

whether the change in mean scores of these groups was significantly different. When the

study concluded, a debriefing session was offered where participants had the opportunity

to experience the alternative treatment.

The first chapter of this paper has outlined the intentions and basis of this study

and the remaining chapters provide a more thorough description of all aspects of this

work. Chapter 2 provides a review of current research surrounding this topic, specifically

focusing on how game-based learning technology has been used to augment or enhance

learning. Chapter 3 describes the methodology, research design and procedures for this

investigation. Details as to how the data were analyzed, as well as written and graphic

summaries of the results are given in Chapter 4. The last chapter, Chapter 5, discusses the

results and provides interpretation of the results as they relate to the existing body of

research on how augmented reality affected high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry without group collaboration.


Chapter 2: Literature Review


The study presented was centered on the idea that a self-led, constructivist

teaching method using an augmented reality simulation may be able to improve learning

outcomes in newer generation high school students. This topic draws on established work

conducted in the fields of game-based learning (GBL), constructivist teaching

methodology, and augmented reality. Chapter 2 includes a review of literature pertaining

to these fields. This examination of existing knowledge demonstrates that a gap exists in

the area of quantitative research looking at the direct impacts of GBL using augmented

reality on individual learning outcomes. The results of this study contribute to filling that

deficiency and improving the understanding and improvement of student learning

experiences by establishing whether or not an augmented reality simulation, without

collaboration, can improve learning outcomes.

This chapter includes a discussion of the theoretical foundations of this study, as

well as a review of existing literature. The theoretical foundations are discussed first,

including an explanation of the millennial generation, the neomillennial learning style, an

explanation of the traditional and constructivist theories of learning, and how new

technology such as augmented reality may be of benefit. This section concludes with the

rationale used to develop the research question. In order to ensure this review is thorough,

this researcher investigated peer-reviewed literature, personally met with several leaders

in the field of GBL and augmented reality, and participated in conventions that specialize

in GBL and augmented reality. The literature was surveyed using a variety of online

databases including ERIC and ProQuest. In the case of literature concerning augmented


reality, literature was found at specific university’s databases; such as those of the

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rice University, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, and Harvard University. Another literature source was found by searching

past professional conferences for presentations of research papers; such as the

International Society for Technology in Education, the International conference on

Learning Sciences, and the International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line

Learning. A fourth source for finding literature, was searching professional organizations

databases; such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, International

Society for Technology in Education, and the Learning Sciences Research Institute.

Once information was gathered, a series of charts was developed and refined in

order to compare the literature (See Appendix A and D). Upon comparison, a gap in the

field of study was identified; therefore, this study investigated individual students’

learning outcomes without group collaboration and sought statistical variance between

traditional classroom instruction and an augmented-reality simulation. To explain game-

based learning and to demonstrate the gap in the research that resulted from conducting

research on GBL and augmented reality simulations for learning, the literature review

section is organized so as to examine the state of game-based learning (including a closer

look at several specific games), the state of augmented reality GBL (again including a

look at several specific games), a description of the development of augmented reality as

a tool, and a discussion of the future of augmented reality GBL.

Background to the Problem

Recent research by Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project has

found 90% of teens between the age of 12 and 17 have a computer or access to a home


computer, and 75% use a mobile digital device to access the Internet (Madden, et. al.

2013). These findings demonstrate that more high school aged students are digital natives

(Dede, 2005) and pervasive users of technology (Oblinger, 2003; Willems, 2009). Thus,

some high school students use available technology, like digital handheld devices, to

acquire knowledge through discovery, collecting information from multiple sources,

integrating the visual with the spatial (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), and seeking self-

directed learning experiences (Dieterle et al., n.d.). This learning style has been classified

as neomillennial (Dieterle et al., n.d.; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; Sankey, 2006) and may

be in conflict with traditional classroom instruction.

Traditional classroom instruction has been characterized as an educator-led

activity in which the educator sets the goals, designs the learning tasks, and conducts the

assessment to determine what has been learned (Tinzmann et al., 1990). Thus, traditional

classroom instruction can be identified as guided instruction. If some high school

students seek self-directed experiences that are technology-based, then their learning

style is not conducive to educator-led traditional classroom instruction, and they may

prefer a learning format that follows a constructivist GBL approach.

GBL can be comprised of any game that entertains with educational aims (Susi et

al., 2007), ranging from card games, board games, and digital computer games (see

Appendix C). Research on GBL using digital computer games and its ability to increase

students’ learning outcomes, has been investigated by Rice University (2012), Kaufman

et al. (2011), Foster (2011), Carr and Bossomaier (2011), Kebritchi et al. (2010), Tuzun

et al. (2009), Cheung et al. (2008), Yip and Kwan (2006), Barnett et al. (2004), and Dede

et al. (2004). These studies are summarized in Appendix D. To demonstrate that


computer games can provide students’ learning outcomes, the science computer games of

Supercharged (Jenkins & Henrichs, 2003), Nothing to Rave About (Rice University,

2012), and River City (Harvard University, 2007) are discussed in detail later in this

chapter. Augmented reality, defined as “the ability to overlay computer graphics onto the

real world” (Billinghurst, 2002, p. 1), is considered one of the newest forms of GBL.

Augmented reality is described as a “technology that allows computer-generated virtual

imagery information to be overlaid onto a live direct or indirect real-world environment

in real time” (Lee, 2012, p. 13). Augmented reality systems can be classified by their

display as head-worn, hand-held, and spatial (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010), making

them a good fit for digital natives.

A review of research focused on augmented-reality GBL reveals studies that

investigated augmented reality game-based learning used groups of two to eight

participants working collaboratively (see Appendix A), but learning was not assessed

(Dunleavy, Dede, & Mitchell, 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum, Klopfer, &

Perry, 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Four studies were found that

investigated augmented reality and learning outcomes. Tamsui (Chang, Wang, Lin, &

Yang, 2009), Frequency 1550 (Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, & ten Dam, 2009),

Beetle Breeders, Beasties, Island Hoppers, and Chomp (Rosenheck & Perry, 2012), and

Human Digestive System (Vilkoniene, 2009). Of these studies, Chang, Wang, Lin, &

Yang (2009), Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, & ten Dam (2009), and Vilkoniene (2009)

demonstrated positive learning outcomes. Yet, none of these four studies controlled for

collaboration or ensured that the individual outcomes were not the result of group

collaboration (see Appendix A). By not controlling for collaboration, there was a lack of


evidence showing the impact of GBL on individual learning outcomes, especially when

looking at augmented-reality games using handheld digital devices. This study has

become the first quantitative quasi-experimental research controlling for individual

learning to validate augmented reality using mobile handheld digital devices that affect

individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration.

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an augmented reality

simulation affected high school students’ learning outcomes in comparison to traditional

classroom instruction in chemistry, measured by a pre- and posttest methodology without

group collaboration. In doing so, the proposed study used handheld digital devices: iPod

touches (Apple Press Info, 2012) and an augmented reality simulation that was created by

this researcher using Augmented Reality and Interactive Storytelling (ARIS) (Gagnon,

2010). The following sections contain a discussion of the theoretical basis for this study

and an investigation of key literature that examines GBL.

Theoretical Foundations

This study was founded upon the premise that some of today’s students are

neomillennials (Sankey, 2006) who seek self-directed (Dieterle, et. al., n. d.) and

constructivist-learning experiences while integrating available technology to assist in

their knowledge acquisition (Jonassen, Carr, & Yuen, 1998) rather than the traditional or

educator-led philosophy of instruction. From this premise, the following research

questions were derived:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that

the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?


RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,

as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual

outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?

This section describes the connection between the research questions and the

theories that formed them, beginning with a description of neomillennial and their

preferred learning style. The section continues by describing two theories of teaching:

traditional classroom instruction, which is a teacher-led process, and a student-led

process that integrates the constructivist principles of Dewey, Vygotsky, and Piaget. This

section concludes by explaining that augmented reality in integrating constructivist ideals

and being a student-led activity may better serve the neomillennial learning style and

therefore have the potential to increase students’ learning outcomes as found in other

GBL research.

Children born between 1980 and 2000 are considered to be of the Generation Y,

Net Generation or Millennial Generation (Jones et al., 2007). Members of the Millennial

Generation currently could be considered to be between the ages of 12 and 22, or

perceived as ranging from current middle school students to recent college graduates.

Members of the Millennial Generation were born into the age of computers, and thus

relate to a world of cell phones, computers, and the Internet. “Technology is a natural part

of their environment and the younger they are; the more they expect technology to be

used in their schooling (in their lives)” (Oblinger, 2003, p. 38). Because they are “active

participants of our 24/7 wired world, they have been labeled as neomillennials” (Willems,

2009, p.272).


Neomillennial is a term first used by Sankey (2006) and refers to the learning

style for the new millennium. The neomillennial learning style includes learning through

discovery, collecting information from multiple sources, integrating the visual with the

spatial (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), and seeking learning experiences that are

collaborative, authentic, and self-directed (Dieterle et al., n.d.). Dede (2005) identified

several aspects of the learning styles of neomillennials: “involvement of multimedia,

active learning, participation in communal learning experiences, and the co-design of

those experiences” (p. 7). Millennials are glocal (Willems, 2009, p. 273); as such, they

are simultaneously global and local in their communication practices. This is

demonstrated in the way millennials can communicate face-to-face, through texting, and

by searching the Internet at the same time. Multitasking is a way of life for millennials,

learning is done through trial and error, results and actions have more value than facts

and figures, typing is preferred to writing, staying connected is essential, and there is no

tolerance for delay (Frand, 2000). Neomillennials are considered to be digital natives

(Dede, 2005) and pervasive users of technology (Oblinger, 2003; Willems, 2009), who

acquire knowledge through discovery, collect information from multiple sources

(Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), and who seek real-world learning experiences that are self-

directed (Dieterle et al., n.d.). Since this is the case, the learning style of these students

may be in direct conflict with the traditional classroom instruction they are receiving.

Theories of learning. Traditional classroom instruction can be identified as a

system in which knowledge is transmitted through a teacher-led process. Traditional

teaching is characterized by classroom instruction as such that the teacher stands in front

of the class and lectures students who are sitting in rows of desks (Tinzmann, et al.,


1990). The teacher controls the learning by providing the materials and deciding the

focus and line of thought. In essence, learning is transmitted from the teacher to the

student by drill and practice or transcription and memorization.

In contrast to the transmission of knowledge as an educator-led process is the idea

of giving more autonomy to the students with minimal guidance. Dieterle et al. (n.d.)

believed that “learning takes place in realistic settings and that the learning must be

relevant to the students’ lived experiences” (p. 277). Siemens (2008) indicated that

“learning involves each individual learner making sense and constructing knowledge

within his or her own context” (p. 10). In conducting their work, Dieterle et al. and

Siemens theorized that the learner becomes an active participant in his/her own learning

process and the role of the instructor is as a guide or facilitator for the learner. These

viewpoints of learning are found in the constructivist principles of Dewey, Piaget, and

Vygotsky (Dalgarno, 2002).

Dewey (1910), an American psychologist and philosopher, advocated the value of

personal experience in education. Others have held that human beings understand their

world through interaction with their environment; knowledge is constructed by the

individual (Lutz & Huitt, 2004). Piaget, a Swiss biologist, philosopher, and behavioral

scientist, developed a theory of cognitive-development stages. Piaget’s (Piaget, 1947)

four stages of development are sensory-motor (aged 0–2), preoperational (aged 2–7),

concrete operational (aged 7–11), and formal operational (aged 11 and over). At the

fourth stage, intelligence is said to be demonstrated through the logical use of symbols

related to abstract concepts. However, as shown by Lutz and Huitt (2004), most students

have not attained this stage by high school. Another criticism of Piaget’s theory is that it


“overlooks the role of context, uses, media, and the importance of individual preferences

or styles of human learning” (Ackermann, 2001, p. 4). Despite the criticism, Piaget is

attributed with developing a theory that explains; “Learning occurs when, during active

exploration of the knowledge domain, the learner uncovers a deficiency in their

knowledge and their experience” (Dalgarno, 2002, p. 2).

Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, advocated that children gain knowledge by

interacting with the environment through hands-on experiences and social interaction

with others (as cited in Costley, 2012). Vygotsky believed that each person has an

individual range of potential for learning; he called this range of potential the zone of

proximal development (Lutz & Huitt, 2004). Vygotsky is credited with demonstrating

that “learning occurs in a social context, and instruction between learners and their peers

is a necessary part of the learning process” (Dalgarno, 2002, p. 2). His ideas on learning

and development contribute to GBL because the digital tools used today have not only

become social but also learning tools for millennials (Norris, Hossain, & Soloway, 2011).

The work of Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky demonstrated that humans seek

meaningful interactions with the environment and construct knowledge through these

interactions (Lutz & Huitt, 2004). Moshman believed that there were three competing

forms of constructivism: endogenous, exogenous, and dialectical (as cited in Lutz &

Huitt, 2004). Endogenous constructivism emphasizes internal cognitive processes that are

sparked by experiences in the environment (Armstrong, 2011), or engaging in an active

exploration process (Dalgarno, 2002). The endogenous constructivism perspective has

been influenced by Piaget’s (Armstrong, 2011; Lutz & Huitt, 2004) belief that “humans

encounter situations in their environment that cause them to construct contradictions to


what they do and think. … This disequilibrium is the chief motivator for the development

of intelligence” (Armstrong, 2011, p. 9). Thus, learning is an individual process, and the

teacher should act as a facilitator in providing experiences that would challenge the

learner (Dalgarno, 2002) as in problem-solving experiments (Armstrong, 2011), or

computer-generated three-dimensional simulations (Dalgarno, 2002). Computer-

generated three-dimensional simulations can also be used as digital GBL. From an

endogenous constructivist perspective, “simulations can provide a realistic context in

which learners can explore and experiment … allowing learners to construct their own

mental model of the environment” (Dalgarno, 2002, p.4).

The second view, exogenous constructivism, focuses on the influence of the

external world on the construction of knowledge (Armstrong, 2011). In a school setting,

exogenous knowledge construction occurs when the instructor conducts an exercise that

includes modeling and explanation, and the learner adapts them rather than copying them,

using their own context to make them their own (Armstrong, 2011). Vygotsky’s beliefs

have influenced the exogenous constructivist viewpoint in that “the individual first adapts

social and cultural artifacts and then adapts these to his or her own knowledge structures”

(Lutz & Huitt, 2004, p. 13). In a simulation, exogenous constructivism can be

experienced in a tutorial (Dalgarno, 2002). As at the beginning of a computer game, the

simulation can be devised with a tutorial that must be completed before the learner is

allowed to proceed to the next level. Additionally, the cognitive tools of concept mapping

and graphing that “help the learner to develop an understanding of concepts” (Dalgarno,

2002, p. 6), are exogenous interpretations of constructivism.


The third view, dialectical constructivism, takes elements from the exogenous and

endogenous perspectives. Dialectical constructivists believe “knowledge and cognitive

processing competencies derive from the interaction of the individual and environment

… [but] all knowledge is [not] inextricably tied to specific environments nor are specific

structural capacities necessary for learning to occur” (Lutz & Huitt, 2004, p. 79). A

dialectical-constructivist approach in the classroom would include a view of learning as

occurring through realistic experiences, but where these experiences need to be

scaffolded by the instructor and include collaborative experiences with peers (Dalgarno,

2002). Through scaffolding, instructors “promote the path of discovery via careful

guidance in learning, asserting that deep learning and a greater ability to transfer that

learning to other scenarios results” (Armstrong, 2011, p. 15). Multiuser virtual

environments (MUVE), like River City (Dede et al., 2004), are examples of the

dialectical-constructivist approach. MUVE accomplishes this by creating an authentic

activity to investigate and solve a problem, by providing an embedded communication

tool that allows peers to work collaboratively, by offering visual agents that act as a guide

to the learning process, and by offering support tools that help the learner conduct

complex tasks (Dalgarno, 2002). Supervising the entire activity is the instructor; who is

present to provide additional support to the learners as necessary. Those who follow the

philosophy of Dewey and Vygotsky would subscribe to a dialectical-constructivist

approach (Lutz & Huitt, 2004).

Technology in education. Technology may be a valuable asset in developing and

implementing a more constructivist approach to learning and teaching students. Jonassen,

Carr, and Yueh (1998) believed that “technology can be used as knowledge construction


tools that students learn with, not from” (p. 24). These tools, which Jonassen et al. called

mindtools, “are computer applications that, when used by learners to represent what they

know, engage them in critical thinking about the content they are studying” (1998, p. 24).

For example, learners can organize information by creating a spreadsheet, concept map,

multimedia presentation, simulation, or network with others, to gain further insight. With

advances in mobile computing, wireless Internet, and social networking, some learners

are being introduced to new ways of representing their knowledge and organizing their

thoughts. Computing and learning are becoming ubiquitous by allowing users to access

digital information anytime, anywhere, and across multiple media. GBL using

augmented-reality simulations may be the answer to meeting the educational needs of

some digital natives, allowing students not only to visualize the information, but also to

interact and solve problems using scientific methods that lead to content mastery in an

entertaining manner (Gee, 2010). Augmented reality games or simulations can be

designed using constructivist pedagogy.

Augmented reality games can be defined as “games played in the real world with

the support of digital devices that create a fictional layer on top of the real world”

(Dunleavy et al., 2009, p. 9). GBL and augmented reality simulations are relatively new

to the classroom and are different from traditional classroom instruction, which has been

characterized as an educator-led activity; the educator sets the goals, designs the learning

tasks, and conducts assessments to determine what has been learned (Tinzmann et al.,

1990). In contrast, an augmented reality game or simulation is not educator-led, but rather

is a student-led and self-directed activity that uses technologies such as a mobile

handheld digital device. The mobile handheld digital device has the necessary software,


hardware, and data connection to allow the user to play the game or simulation. By doing

so, the learner becomes engaged in a learning experience by focusing on real-world

scenarios (Lombardi & Oblinger, 2007). In this study, the experimental group utilized an

augmented reality simulation that was created so students independently worked in a self-

directed, constructivist manner.

In comparing this study to other research, other research of augmented reality

using digital handheld devices (see Appendix A) reveals that several of the studies

incorporate collaborative groups of two to eight participants, but learning was not

assessed (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Klopfer & Squire 2008; Rosenbaum et al., 2007; Schrier,

2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Of the remaining studies investigated, Vilkoniene (2009),

Chang et al. (2009), and Huizenga et al. (2009) investigated augmented reality and found

an increase in students’ learning outcomes, but group interaction or collaboration was

unidentified or uncontrolled. From these findings, a gap in the research was identified:

therefore, this study investigated students’ learning outcomes by comparing augmented

reality (a student-led, self-directed, and constructivist process) with traditional classroom

instruction (a teacher-led and directed process) and ensured that the individual learner

outcomes were not the result of group collaboration.

Review of the Literature

To explore the potential of using mobile augmented reality simulations as an

alternative to traditional classroom instruction, a review of literature surrounding GBL

has been conducted. Specifically this review was focused specifically on using digital and

augmented-reality games as an alternative to traditional learning. This section will clarify

some key terminology commonly used in GBL, provide a review of GBL as a


progression to augmented reality simulations and learning, and explain how augmented

reality can become the next teaching methodology of some digital natives.

Hays (2005) described a game as “an artificially constructed, competitive activity

with a specific goal, a set of rules and constraints that are located in a specific contest”

(Hays, 2005, p. 15). If this is the case, then the spectrum of games can include card

games, board games, and computer games. GBL can be described as any game that

entertains with educational aims (Susi et al., 2007). The Horizon Report 2011 (Johnson,

Smith, Willis, Levine, & Haywood, 2011), an industry authority created by The New

Media Group and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, organized games for learning

purposes into three categories: “non-computer games, computer games but not

collaborative, and computer games with collaboration” (p. 20). Similarly, Hall (2010)

outlined three categories of online games as basic online, multiplayer, and massively

multiplayer. Examples of basic online games would be chess against the computer, or

timed drill-games in mathematics, grammar, or other curriculum. In a multiplayer online

game, the participant can encounter more than one opponent at the same time. Depending

on the game, the players can work together or against each other. In the MMOG, the

gamer enters a virtual world with hundreds of other players situated around the block or

around the world. This virtual world, like our real world, continues even when the gamer

is not playing. When the player returns to the game, time has passed, events have

occurred, and the game has changed.

To provide context and differentiate the number of children and adults who play

computer games, a Pew research study (Hoffmann, 2009) and a study by Squire (2007b)

will be compared. In 2008, The Pew Research Center conducted a study of children


between the ages of 12 and 17 and found that 73% play games on a desktop or laptop

computer, 60% use portable gaming systems like the Sony Playstation or Nintendo DS,

and 48% play games on a Smartphone (Hoffmann, 2009). From these results, it should be

identified that many gamers play on multiple devices, so the numbers may be skewed

upward. A study conducted by Squire (2007b) investigated a wide range of gamers (mean

age of 30), and found that the average gamer plays the same digital game 20 hours per

week, and for as long as 6 months to a year. A study conducted by Hussain and Griffiths

(2009) used an online questionnaire to determine if online gaming had an adverse effect

on the health of gamers. The questionnaire asked the 199 gamers (mean age was 28.5

with an SD of 9.6) about their demographics, playing frequency, reasons for playing, and

to provide six statements that were assessed and coded to rate the level of behavioral

addiction (Hussain & Griffiths, 2009). The results of the study found that many gamers

play online for 20 hours or more per week, which is consistent with the findings

described by Squire (2007b). Hussain and Griffiths also suggested that “dependent

gamers appear to possess components of addiction, such as mood modification, tolerance,

and relapse” (p. 569).

Hussain and Griffiths (2009) explained that the addiction to computer games may

be caused by psychological immersion and the ability for games to provide anonymity.

These authors stated, “Psychological immersion is aided by the use of realistic graphics,

sound effects, and enhanced social interaction” (p. 563). Games also provide players with

anonymity, which is created through the creation of a nickname or by creating an avatar;

a fictitious virtual image of oneself. With a created identity, the gamer can interact with

others through the game’s chat or text room from a library, the person’s home, or another


safe environment. Today’s computer games allow gamers “to construct, investigate, and

interrogate hypothetical worlds that are increasingly a part of how we work and play”

(Squire, 2006, p. 19). Although most game players describe their play as a social

experience (Squire, 2006, p. 23), computer games can “communicate powerful ideas and

open new avenues for learning” (Squire, 2006, p. 19). Whether the person is playing a

basic, multiplayer, or MMOG, games can be seen as a subset of play (McDaniel & Vick,

2010) as they are organized around doing, and learning by doing (Squire, 2006).

Digital game-based learning. An investigation of digital GBL reveals three

overlapping-terms: edutainment, good games, and serious games. The first term,

edutainment, “refers to any kind of education that entertains even though it is usually

associated with video games with educational aims” (Susi et al., 2007, p. 2). Edutainment

games would be games that drill certain skills in an entertaining yet educational manner.

Two examples of edutainment games are Math Playground (King, 2012) and Funbrain

(Pearson Education, 2012). Math Playground (King, 2012) is a source for elementary and

middle school students to practice mathematics through a variety of colorful, interactive,

computer games. Similarly, Funbrain (Pearson Education, 2012) is a place for elementary

students to practice their mathematics and reading skills. An edutainment game can

become a good game if it “teaches players more than just facts, but ways of seeing and

understanding problems and opportunities to become different kinds of people” (Squire,

2008, p. 2). Good games place learners as active participants (Gee, 2005); they are about

choices and consequences, they test students’ thinking against simulated outcomes, they

motivate and inspire students’ to play further, and they “teach more than just facts, but

ways of seeing and understanding problems and opportunities” (Squire, 2008, p. 2).


Good games have flow. Flow can be referred to as “the complete engagement

with and immersion in an activity” (Hoffman & Novak, 2009, p. 5). This immersion can

be physical, mental, or both (Van Eck, 2006). Flow is also created through role-playing.

Role-playing triggers deep investment and learning (Gee, 2005). In Supercharged,

students actively use a ship that is propelled by controlling the ship’s electromagnetic

charge and setting charges outside. In River City, students manipulate an avatar that goes

back in time to solve the city’s health problems. Flow can also be created by experiencing

the scientific method of observation, hypothesis formation, testing the hypothesis,

controlling for variables, and forming a conclusion (Osterweil & Le, 2010).

Second, good games have well-ordered problems that lead to hypotheses and later

solutions and harder problems (Gee, 2005). Nothing to Rave About was designed as a

web adventure in which students must solve problems associated with the first episode to

move to the next. In comparison, River City’s virtual environment allows users to

navigate a map that instantly places the student’s avatar at a particular location. At that

location, the student is presented with key information or a problem to investigate.

Third, good games have problems or challenges that feel hard, but are doable

(Gee, 2005). People are motivated by challenges that seem attainable. Games create

challenge by setting difficult goals or higher levels to attain, so that players must then

find ways to solve these challenges. For example, River City creates a health crisis in the

late 1800s. This crisis could easily happen in the students’ own town. Having the

simulation in the past creates a safe learning experience. The game’s challenge is

identifying which of the three diseases is causing the health crisis. However, without

River City’s avatars, which provide helpful hints and an internal chat feature for


collaborating with other students, the game may be too challenging or perhaps impossible

for students.

A fourth element of good games is that they teach through repetition (Gee, 2005).

In Supercharged, if the ship’s charges or the external charges are placed wrongly, the

ship will not fly in the correct direction. The student must be able to make the correction

and see the ship fly properly; doing so teaches the student about electromagnetism.

Supercharged, Nothing to Rave About and River City are forms of inquiry-based learning.

These games, although based on fictitious scenarios, can be equated to real-life situations.

As such, students must be able to build meaning on the spot as they learn by doing

(Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005).

In addition to edutainment and good games, some GBL can be classified as a

serious game. A serious game has a specific purpose other than edutainment (Susi et al.,

2007). Serious games incorporate the qualities of edutainment and good games, and are

targeted to a specific concept or situation. Serious games are both a form of entertainment

and training (Navarro, Padilla, Londono, & Madrinan, 2011). It was said that “Serious

games allow learners to experience situations that are impossible in the real world for

reasons of safety, cost, time, etc.” (Susi et al., 2007, p. 1). Serious games can be

considered the successors, or the further development of, edutainment or entertainment-

education games (Bente & Breuer, 2010). Serious games are “virtual environments

explicitly intended to educate or train” (Shute, Ventura, Bauer, & Zupata-Rivera, 2010).

Serious games can also be considered “a theory-based communication strategy for

purposefully embedding educational and social issues in the creation, production,

processing, and dissemination process of an entertainment program” (Wang & Singhal,


2010, p. 272–273). Three examples of computer games that are also considered “serious

games” are Supercharged, Nothing to Rave About, and River City; these games are

purposefully designed to achieve a desired educational outcome. To demonstrate that

computer games can provide learning outcomes, the science computer games of

Supercharged (Jenkins & Henrichs, 2003), Nothing to Rave About (Rice University,

2012), and River City (Harvard University, 2007) were assessed based on their ability to

create students’ learning outcomes.

Serious Game: Supercharged. Supercharged was created to teach middle school

students the concept of electromagnetism. The game was designed by Belcher, an MIT

physicist (Barnett et al., 2004). In this digital game, individual students guide their

spaceship through electromagnetic mazes by placing charged particles and altering the

spaceship’s magnetic charge. Because this simulation focuses on a single topic,

electromagnetism, it is considered a targeted game or simulation (Squire, 2007a).

Because many students struggle to understand abstract and multidimensional concepts,

the game was designed to provide visual and interactive information necessary to gain a

greater understanding of electromagnetism. As Barnett et al. (2004) stated, the “mastery

of abstract scientific concepts requires that students build flexible and testable mental

models … but students are asked to develop these mental models without having real-life

referents” (p. 513).

The Supercharged study used a mixed-methods design (Barnett et al., 2004). All

participants came from five classes of eighth grade students. “Two classes became the

control group (n=35) which left the other three classes to play Supercharged and so serve

as the experimental group (n=61)” (Barnett et al, 2004, p. 516). The control group


received instruction in the form of a lecture by the classroom teacher, as well as

demonstrations and guided experiments conducted by the instructor. The experimental

group played the game Supercharged, received supplemental material, and interactive

lectures by the instructor. All participants were given a 12-question pretest and posttest.

Video cameras were arranged to gather observational data and pre–post intervention

interviews of 58 students from the experimental and 32 students from the control group.

Quantitative data analysis used SPSS with ANOVA and ANCOVA techniques.

Qualitative data analysis used constant-comparative methodology to gain themes from

the data, video, and field notes. Results of the study demonstrated a small gain in posttest

scores of the experimental group over the control group. This gain in posttest scores was

found to be statistically significant (see Appendix D). The study did not find a difference

between the genders in posttest scores. The findings suggested that a digital game,

Supercharged, can be an effective tool in helping students understand complex physics

concepts (Squire et al., 2004).

Serious Game: Nothing to Rave About. Nothing to Rave About (Rice University,

2012) is an online digital game designed to teach middle school students “about club

drugs and the basic neuroscience concepts that explain their effects” (Miller, Moreno,

Willcockson, Smith, & Mayes, 2006, p. 137). The game is designed as a web-adventure

conducted by individual students. The game was divided into parts. In the first part,

participants discover that more teens are going to the hospital. In the second part,

participants learn about Ecstasy and its neurotic affects. Methylenedioxy-

methamphetamine is known as Ecstasy, and has been known to produce a variety of

neurotic effects including “an easily controlled state characterized by euphoria, increased


well-being, increased sociability, and decreased anxiety” (Baggott, Jerome, & Stuart,

2001, p. 13).

The quantitative study was conducted at five schools: two urban, two suburban,

and one rural school. In all, 289 students participated from the seventh and eighth grades.

The study was conducted in three parts: a pretest, game play, and posttest. The pre- and

posttest consisted of the same 30 questions, but in a different order. Questions used a

standardized format followed by four choices: A, B, C, or D. The study was designed to

allow for 3 days between each phase: 3 days between the pretest and game play, and 3

days between the game play and posttest.

Data analysis was conducted by comparing the mean pre- and posttest score,

based on the total sample, and the gains on each episode the results were found to be

statistically significant (see Appendix D). Episode 1 had a mean pretest score of 26 with a

standard deviation of 24, had a posttest score of 33 with a standard deviation of 27, and

this produced a t-score of 5.16 with p < .001 (Miller et al., 2006). Episode 2 had a mean

pretest score of 34 with a standard deviation of 24, had a posttest score of 51 with a

standard deviation of 21, and this produced a t-score of 12.03 with p < .001 (Miller et al.,

2006). Episode 3 had a mean pretest score of 33 with a standard deviation of 22, had a

posttest score of 61 with a standard deviation of 26, and this produced a t-score of 19.00

with p < .001 (Miller et al., 2006). The findings demonstrate that in all three episodes,

students’ learning outcomes increased between the pre- and posttest in learning

neuroscience. The study did not show a significant difference between the genders in

study results. The study results suggest that future research should compare the efficiency


of Nothing to Rave About with other forms of instruction in comparing student outcomes

(Miller et al., 2006).

Serious Game: River City. River City (Harvard University, 2007) is a MUVE

and provides an experience similar to a MMOG for participants to access a virtual world,

interact with digital artifacts, represent themselves through avatars, and communicate

with other players using the game’s chat or text feature. The River City Project began in

the late 1990s by Dede at George Mason University and is currently located at Harvard

University (Dieterle, 2010). The project has received three National Science Foundation

and Department of Education grants, and is used by more than 100 teachers and 5,500

students annually (Dieterle, 2010). River City is a virtual city set in the late 1800s. The

city has a river running through it and the townspeople develop symptoms caused by

Escherichia Coli, malaria, and tuberculosis (Dieterle, 2010). Participants work in teams to

gather data, develop hypotheses, and present their findings (Ketelhut & Dede, 2006).

Participants portray themselves as an avatar in the multiuser virtual environment, travel

back in time to help the townspeople investigate and solve the mysterious disease

(Dieterle, 2010), and identify the source of the disease as caused by water, insect, or air.

The goal of the River City study was to improve learning outcomes of

underperforming middle school students by improving their scientific-inquiry skills

(Dede et al., 2004; Ketelhut, Dede, Clark, & Nelson, 2006). According to Dede et al.,

In the pilot implementation, two public school classrooms were used…the

control classroom used a curriculum delivered via paper-based materials

rather than technology [River City] ... Participants worked in teams to

develop hypotheses regarding one of the three strands of illness … At the


end of the project, students compared their research with other teams of

students to discover other hypotheses to explore. (2004, p. 159-160)

The entire study used a mixed-methodology with a pre- and posttest design, included at

11 schools, and incorporated about 2,000 participants (Ketelhut et al., 2006). Part of this

larger River City study was a case study (see Appendix D) that used a sample of 330

participants, three experimental groups, and a control group (Ketelhut et al., 2006). The

three experimental groups were a guided social-constructivist group, an expert modeling

and coaching group, and a legitimate peripheral participation group.

Results indicated that the guided social-constructivist group improved its posttest

scores by 35%, the control group improved by 17%, and the other two experimental

groups, expert modeling and coaching and legitimate peripheral participation,

demonstrated little improvement (Ketelhut et al., 2006). The results demonstrated that

learning by doing or using constructivist teaching methodology with guidance from the

teacher and group partners improves students’ learning outcomes more than the control

group traditional classroom instruction. The study also found that participants perceived

the activity to be motivating, which is consistent with findings by Squire (2005). The data

demonstrates favorable results, but it does not appear that the researchers of this study

intended to test for statistical significance.

As demonstrated by Supercharged, Nothing to Rave About, and River City,

computer games can not only be entertaining, but also educational and produce learning

outcomes (see Appendix D). Based on these findings, this researcher proposed to build

on computer game-based research by creating an augmented reality game to teach the

high school chemistry concept of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation without group


collaboration. In doing so, the augmented reality simulation contained several key

qualities that are found in computer edutainment games, good games, and serious games.

As an augmented reality edutainment game, it was educational and entertaining. As a

good augmented reality game, it taught more than just facts (Squire, 2008) and engaged

learners as active participants who have choices, well-ordered problems and challenges,

as well as taught through trial and error (Gee, 2005). The augmented reality game for use

in this study was designed as a scavenger hunt, where participants travelled in a particular

order from one location to another. By traveling in a sequence, the simulation provided

the well-ordered problems for participants to make choices. The challenge for

participants was to learn about the history, properties, and naturally occurring sources of

Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation in the community. This is also an augmented reality

serious game because it was designed specifically to teach a targeted concept (Navarro et

al., 2011); Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation.

Augmented-reality game-based learning. With a foundation established that

digital computer games can be used for GBL, attention is now directed toward augmented

reality, as the next progression of GBL and its ability to produce learning outcomes.

Augmented reality can be described as the ability to overlay one or more computer

graphics or virtual imagery onto a live direct or indirect real-world environment while

using a tool such as a digital device to provide additional information to the user in real

time (Billinghurst, 2002; Dunleavy et al., 2008; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Laux et al.,

2012; Lee, 2012; Shelton 2002; Squire & Jan, 2007). To clarify the difference between

virtual reality and augmented reality, The Reality-Virtuality Continuum was used

(Milgram & Kishino, 1994) and is included as Appendix G. At each of the ends of the


spectrum are the real-world environment and the virtual environment. The real-world

environment is where living organisms go through their daily routine and are affected by

time, nature, gravity, and chance. The virtual environment is a digital world that is

created by a computer programmer to mimic a real or fictional world. Virtual

environments can be experienced by sitting in front of a screen or by wearing personal

video eyewear, such as those marketed and sold by Vuzix (2012). Augmented virtuality

consists of digitally generated images with some real-world imagery (Yuen,

Yaoyuneyong, & Johnson, 2011). With augmented reality, the environment is the real

world; the digital information is delivered in real time and displayed on a screen to

provide additional information.

Two common methods for classifying an augmented reality system were by the

display it used and whether it used a marker to identify information. Van Krevelen and

Poelman (2010) classified augmented displays in three categories: head-worn, handheld,

and spatial. Head-worn displays include head-mounted display, virtual retinal display,

and head-mounted projective display; yet, no matter which head-mounted display system

is used, they all share the same drawback. “They all have to connect to a computer and

this restricts mobility due to limited battery life” (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010, p. 4).

Handheld systems are the second type of augmented-reality display and include handheld

video/optical see-through displays and hand-held projectors (Van Krevelen & Poelman,

2010). This category of displays includes mobile handheld digital devices like personal

digital assistants, tablet computers, and Smartphones. The third category of displays,

known as spatial displays, are displays placed statically in an environment. These include


see-through displays like heads-up displays in military aircraft or during sports telecasts

when digital markers are placed overlaying a football field or swimming pool.

The other common method for classifying augmented reality systems is whether

the system uses a marker or markerless system (Johnson et al., 2010). The marker-based

augmented reality system uses a camera and a visual marker, also known as a fiducial, to

determine the center, orientation, and range of a coordinate system (Hubbard, 2009). The

visual marker is designed with a unique pattern so that when the camera views the marker

and is recognized by the software, it produces specific digital information on the screen

(Madden, 2011). QR codes and Tags are two examples of markers (see Appendix E). QR

codes were created by Denso Corp, a subsidiary of Toyota, in 1994 to track automobile

parts (Pidaparthy, 2011). A QR code can be read or recognized by applications that are

programmed to identify that pattern, and once recognized, the QR code can connect the

person to a link, quick-dial a phone, or send a message (Madden, 2011). The Tag was

created by Microsoft © and has a few benefits over QR codes (Madden, 2011). The Tags

can be printed in more than two colors, they can provide a tracking function, they can be

hidden in an image or logo, and the information can be updated without creating a new


In contrast, gravimetric or markerless augmented reality systems track an object

in the real world without a marker (Hubbard, 2009). The markerless system uses the

mechanism’s gravimeter that “calculates the precise positioning and angle of the display

device to determine the center, orientation, and range of the coordinate system”

(Hubbard, 2009, p. 1). Gravimetric augmented reality systems can be divided into two

groups: wearable and handheld. The wearable augmented-reality system allows for


unconstrained mobility and consists of a computer that is securely packaged in a

backpack and an optical head-mounted display. Three examples of wearable augmented

reality systems are the Battlefield Augmented Reality System (Livingston et al., 2006),

Military Operations in Urban Terrain (Brown, Stripling, & Coyne, n.d.), and CroMAR,

which is a mobile augmented reality system for supporting reflective learning (Mora,

Boron, Pannese, & Divitini, 2012).

This study incorporated mobile digital handheld devices and a marker system to

display the augmented reality information. More specifically in the experimental group

for this study, participants used an iPod Touch. Working individually and following a

series of markers or QR codes (see Appendix E), as observed by the researcher,

participants used the camera feature of the iPod, captured the image of a marker, then the

iPod sent the image of the marker wirelessly to the ARIS server. When the ARIS server

received the marker image, it compared the image to other images in its database. When a

match was found, the ARIS server sent an event (picture, video, or other digital

information) back to the participant’s iPod. This data transfer from marker to digital

information took approximately one second. In order to provide a better understanding of

digital devices used in augmented reality game-based learning, two previously conducted

studies that used a similar methodology were reviewed here. These were Mad City

Mystery (Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2007) and Reliving the Revolution (Schrier, 2005).

Augmented Reality: Mad City Mystery. In Mad City Mystery (Squire & Jan,

2007), the learning environment was the shore of Lake Mendota near the University of

Wisconsin, Madison. The study used a convenience sample of 18 elementary, three

middle school, seven high school, and six graduate students to investigate if augmented-


reality games on handheld digital devices could be used to engage students in scientific

inquiry (Squire & Jan, 2007). Students chose one of three roles: medical director,

environment specialist, or government officer, and worked in groups to investigate the

death of an individual through scientific means. Each role was given a specific task and

could only access specific information. Researchers collected data through a series of

observations, interviews, and pre- and postquestionnaires. The study found that

participants were engaged in the augmented-reality game and “all participants were

observed engaged in argumentation cycles similar to those advocated by science

educators” (Squire & Jan, 2007, p. 23).

Augmented Reality: Reliving the Revolution. In Reliving the Revolution (Schrier,

2006), the learning environment was historic Lexington, Massachusetts, and the site of

the Battle of Lexington of 1775. The challenge was for the students to work in groups of

eight to solve the problem of who fired the first shot at the Battle of Lexington, 1775. The

initial study used three trials (Schrier, 2005): Trails 1 and 2 used adults (n = 8 & n = 6

respectively), and Trial 3 used high school students (n = 8). The purpose of the study was

to teach historic inquiry, decision-making, and critical-thinking skills (Schrier, 2006).

Results of the study found that the augmented-reality game provided a means for

scientific inquiry of “gathering, evaluating, and interpreting historical information,

devising hypotheses and counter-arguments, and drawing informed conclusions”

(Schrier, 2006, p. 2).

Augmented reality game-based learning benefits. Mad City Mystery

(Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2007) and Reliving the Revolution (Schrier, 2005)

demonstrated the benefits of augmented reality games as a GBL tool. One author said,


“Augmented reality games seem to have the potential to make large amounts of

information more navigable, intriguing, and memorable” (Schrier, 2006, p. 7). By playing

the augmented-reality game in familiar places, “it encouraged participants to apply what

they know, are familiar with” (Squire & Jan, 2007, p. 24). It also provided for “real-world

learning where participants can work on realistic problems” (Schrier, 2006, p. 7). Thus,

augmented-reality games can be described as place based. With place-based augmented-

reality games, the learning environment can be the student’s own community (Klopfer,

Sheldon, & Perry, 2012) or a specific real-world, historical, or geographic site (Squire &

Jan, 2007). In place-based augmented-reality simulations, the place becomes the setting

for the simulation and the primary motivation. Squire and Jan explained that place-based

learning positions “players in a complex system while drawing on players’ emotional and

cognitive relations with the environment to create designed experiences for solving

complicated problems” (2007, p. 6).

Another advantage of GBL with mobile digital devices is that the devices have

become context-aware or aware of their surroundings with global positioning systems

(GPS), recognition of objects with radio-frequency identification, and instant

connectivity with wireless local area networks (Sharples, 2010). Because of this, mobile

devices are being developed for not only place-based augmented-reality simulations that

use markers, but also location-based simulations. Location-based simulations “make use

of geolocative data … that can obtain and transmit the device’s physical location [while

giving participants] ways to integrate [their] experiences in the physical world with those

online” (Johnson, Levine, & Smith, 2009, p. 15). In doing so, the learning process

becomes mobile, personal, and interactive (Glahn, Borner, & Specht, 2010).


Augmented reality research and development. To help individuals, educators, and

researchers create their own augmented reality games, some developers have made

source code freely available (Krosinsky, 2011). Two open-source programs for creating

augmented reality games or simulations are TaleBlazer (Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, 2011) and ARIS (Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2012). TaleBlazer

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011) operates on digital devices with the

Android operating system, and ARIS (Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2012) operates on Apple

(Apple Press Info, 2012) products. This study used iPod Touches and an augmented-

reality simulation using ARIS. The premise of this dissertation was the belief that some

students today are digital natives (Jones et al., 2007); thus, educators should incorporate

the tools and media these students use every day (Dede, 2005). In this study, an

augmented reality simulation on the chemistry concept of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

radiation was created using the open-source program ARIS. This researcher agreed with

Yuen et al. (2011) in that students should gravitate toward augmented-reality-based

learning because it is similar to today’s high-technology computer games and provides an

interactive and immersive experience. Thus, augmented reality games or simulations

should be the next progression in GBL (see Appendix C).

Other researchers in the field of augmented reality simulations for educational

purposes are investigating methods for making the learning experience more realistic and

user friendly. Researchers in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Scheller Teacher

Education Program are researching four ubiquitous biology games (Rosenheck & Perry,

2012): Beetle Breeders, Beasties, Island Hoppers, and Chomp. Since ubiquitous games

allow students to access simulations anytime from a variety of digital tools, Rosenheck


and Perry (2012) sought to determine if ubiquitous learning could be used outside of

school, such as for homework, and then enhanced with a follow-up, teacher-led activity

to facilitate the knowledge transfer. Preliminary results based on qualitative data of

observations, interviews, and game log files found students were engaged and motivated

through a feeling of competition (Rosenheck & Perry, 2012). Quantitative data was used

to compare control groups to treatment groups (Rosenheck & Perry, 2012); no significant

difference was found in learning outcomes between the two groups (Rosenheck & Perry,


Researchers at Harvard University are investigating whether tools like probeware,

cameras, or microphones can mediate the disconnection students are experiencing

between real and virtual environments. Their research is called Ecosystems Mobile

Outdoor Blended Immersive Learning Environment (EcoMOBILE; Dede & Kamarainen,

2012). This project uses mobile broadband devices to supply augmented reality

simulations in a real-world ecosystem and allows students to integrate probeware,

cameras, and microphones for additional investigations (Dede & Kamarainen, 2012).

Preliminary results demonstrate participants had difficulty making connections between

the real and virtual experiences and that using technology such as probeware could

mediate the interaction (Dede & Kamarainen, 2012).

Vilkoniene (2009) utilized a pretest and posttest methodology to investigate three

instructional methodologies: traditional instruction or auditory group (A), augmented

reality instruction group (E1), and computer instruction group (E2). All three forms of

instruction taught the same biology concept: the human digestive system. For the study,

114 students participated. The study found that the augmented reality group (E1)


produced better learning outcomes than the auditory group (A) in understanding the

organs of the digestive system (see Appendix A). This study demonstrated that

augmented reality games can be used to increase learning outcomes over traditional

classroom instruction (Vilkoniene, 2009).

Chang et. al. (2009) created Tamsui; an augmented reality game to teach Taiwan’s

historical culture. The purpose of the project was to make e-learning more practical by

using location-aware, digital game-based learning (DGBL). To test their approach, Chang

et al (2009) conducted a “pretest-posttest experiment assessing 27 students in a

Taiwanese university” (p. 32). Results of the study found the average score was 58.15 for

the pretest and 82.93 for the posttest (see Appendix A). The results of this study

demonstrate an increase in learning outcomes using an augmented reality game.

The Waag Society (Huizenga et. al., 2009) has created Frequency 1550; an

augmented reality game that is played on digital handheld devices for learning historical

knowledge of medieval Amsterdam. The game is designed to be played within a single

day by groups of four or five participants. Participants in this study ranged in age from 12

to 16. In total 458 began the study, 232 participants played the mobile history game and

became the experimental group and 226 followed a project-based lesson and became the

control group (Huizenga et al., 2009). Of those participants that completed the study, the

results compared 200 participants in the control group with 211 participants of the

experimental group. Results showed a significant increase in the questions answered

correctly on the posttest by the experimental group (Huizenga et. al, 2009). On average,

the experimental group answered 60% of the questions correctly as compared to 36% of

the control group (see Appendix A).


Augmented reality game-based learning: Future research. Based upon the review

of literature, some questions for future research include: How does a mobile handheld

augmented reality simulation change the way students learn? How does a mobile

handheld augmented reality simulation change the way educators teach? How does a

mobile handheld augmented reality simulation compare to an environment that splits

instruction between the classroom and the online environment? Future research must

investigate how mobile augmented-reality simulations can teach 21st-century skills

(Schrier, 2006) and meet the expectations of future students. Students will be “expected

to draw on various knowledge bases, integrate them, conduct sophisticated analyses, and

use integrated knowledge to solve complex problems” (Clayton-Pederson & O’Neill,

2005, p. 9.4). Additionally, future research should investigate the benefits of students

designing games with educators (Schrier, 2006). Because game-developers are typically

not educators (Laurence, 2010), it is logical to have developers work closely with

educators and students. By including students, whether technologically literate or not in

the design process, students will benefit in two ways: they will learn how to build

augmented reality simulations and they will have the possibility to increase their content

knowledge (Rosenheck & Sheldon, 2012; Van Eck, 2006).

This study is aligned with other research in the field, discussed in this review, for

it demonstrated that augmented reality games or simulations have become the next

progression in digital computer GBL and can be used to increase learning outcomes.

GBL using digital computer games and its ability to increase students’ learning outcomes

have been investigated by Rice University (2012), Kaufman et al. (2011), Foster (2011),

Carr and Bossomaier (2011), Kebritchi et al. (2010), Tuzun et al. (2009), Cheung et al.


(2008), Yip and Kwan (2006), Barnett et al. (2004), and Dede et al. (2004); see Appendix

D for a summary of these and additional studies.

A review of augmented reality games and augmented reality GBL demonstrates

that augmented reality has been rigorously assessed (see Appendix A). Several of these

studies were designed to look at collaborative groups of two to eight participants, but

learning was not assessed (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum et

al., 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Some of these studies also included an

examination of learning outcomes and found that improved learning outcomes were

achieved (Chang et al., 2009; Huizenga et al., 2009; Vilkoniene, 2009). In one study, the

researchers Rosenheck and Perry (2012), did assess learning outcomes and found no

significant difference between the control and treatment groups. A review of all the

augmented-reality games investigated found that collaboration was unidentified or

uncontrolled (see Appendix A). It is evident that the existing research is fragmented, as

the findings make generalized claims that cover a wide range of ages, tasks, curriculum,

and instructional methodology (Hays, 2005; Squire, 2007b; Susi et al., 2007).

Based on the review of previous research in the field, this study investigated

individual students’ outcomes, sought statistical variance between traditional classroom

instruction and an augmented-reality simulation, and in doing so instructed all

participants to work individually without group collaboration. The study has become the

first quantitative controlled quasiexperiment research to validate augmented reality as a

means of affecting individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration.

The findings of this study have contributed to the existing body of work on this topic by

investigating individual students’ outcomes using a quantitative research methodology;


specifically this researcher investigated two teaching methodologies: a comparison group

(traditional classroom instruction) with an experimental group (augmented reality

simulation). It was not known to what extent how mobile augmented reality can be used

to further high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as measured by a pre-

and posttest methodology without group collaboration. By investigating individual

students’ outcomes quantitatively, this study sought to yield new insights into the benefits

of mobile augmented reality simulations for educational use. If this study could

demonstrate that a mobile augmented reality simulation produced significant learning

enhancement over traditional classroom instruction, it could extend prior understanding

of student learning and drive changes in the way future students are educated.


This study is founded upon the premise that some of today’s students are

neomillennials (Sankey, 2006). As such, they seek self-directed (Dieterle, et. al., n. d.),

constructivist-learning experiences such as those described by Dewey (1910), Vygotsky

(Costley, 2012), and Piaget (Dalgarno, 2002), which integrate available technology to

assist students in their knowledge acquisition (Jonassen, Carr, & Yuen, 1998) rather than

the traditional or educator-led philosophy of instruction. Research has demonstrated that

GBL, computers, and augmented reality games and simulations, can produce positive

learning outcomes (Carr & Bossomaier, 2011; Chang et al., 2009; Dunleavy et al., 2009;

Foster, 2011; Huizenga et al., 2009; Kaufman et al., 2011; Kebritchi et al., 2010; Schrier,

2006; Squire & Jan, 2007; Tuzun et al., 2009; Vilkoniene, 2009; Yip & Kwan, 2006).

Omissions in the existing literature centered on the lack of evidence of individual


students’ learning outcomes from GBL, and specifically from augmented reality games

using handheld digital devices without group collaboration.

Previous studies on GBL using augmented reality with mobile handheld digital

devices incorporated collaborative groups of two to eight participants, but learning was

not assessed (Dunleavy et al., 2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum et al., 2007;

Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan, 2007). Rosenheck and Perry (2012), Vilkoniene (2009),

Chang et al. (2009), and Huizenga et al. (2009) used mobile handheld digital devices and

investigated augmented reality games and learning, but collaboration was unidentified or

uncontrolled. These studies are summarized in Appendix A. By not controlling for

collaboration, researchers cannot draw clear conclusions about the origin of learner

outcomes. This study investigated individual students’ outcomes and the statistical

variance between traditional classroom instruction and an augmented-reality simulation.

This study is new and different from previous studies because it has become the

first quantitative experiment controlling for individual learning to validate augmented

reality using mobile handheld digital devices that affect individual students’ learning

outcomes without group collaboration. In doing so, this study addressed that lack of

evidence by conducting a quantitative quasi-experimental study using a comparison and

experimental group, with a pre- and posttest methodology to assess individual students’

learning outcomes in chemistry without group collaboration. The comparison group

followed traditional classroom instruction and the experimental group or augmented-

reality group used a mobile handheld device. In both groups, the variable of individual

learning was controlled. This study aligned with other research in the field, discussed in


this review, as it demonstrated that augmented reality simulations, like digital computer

games, can be used to enhance learning outcomes.

This study extended prior research in the field of GBL and augmented reality

simulations by being the first quantitative controlled experiment to validate augmented

reality as affecting individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration.

This study has built on previous research by investigating individual students’ outcomes

using a quasi-experimental, pre- and posttest design to analyze a comparison group

(traditional classroom instruction) with an experimental group (augmented reality group).

It was not known to what extent how mobile augmented reality can be used to enhance

high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest

methodology without group collaboration. By investigating individual students’

outcomes quantitatively, this study sought to yield new insights into the benefits of

mobile augmented reality simulations for educational use. If this study could demonstrate

that a mobile augmented reality simulation could produce significant learning outcomes

over traditional classroom instruction without group collaboration, it could extend prior

research and drive changes in the way future students are educated.

This study has addressed the identified gap in the existing literature: the lack of

evidence of individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration from

augmented reality games or simulations using handheld digital devices. If this study

found that a mobile augmented reality simulation could produce significant positive

learning outcomes compared to traditional classroom instruction, it can extend prior

research and drive changes in how future students are educated. This study has become

the first quantitative quasi-experimental research controlling for individual learning to


validate the effects of augmented reality using mobile handheld digital devices on

individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration.

The next chapter, Chapter 3, discusses the methodology. The chapter begins with

a restatement of the research focus, purpose, problem statement, and discusses the

research questions and hypotheses. The chapter continues with discussion of the research

methodology, research design, population and sample selection, sources of data, data

collection and data analysis procedures, ethical considerations, and limitations. The

chapter ends with a summary.


Chapter 3: Methodology


The purpose of this quasi-experimental, quantitative, pre- and posttest design

study was to determine if there was a difference between learning outcomes of students

exposed to traditional instruction verses an augmented reality simulation, without group

collaboration. Augmented reality has been described as the ability to overlay one or more

computer graphics or virtual images onto a live direct or indirect real-world environment

while using a tool such as a digital device to provide additional information to the user in

real time (Billinghurst, 2002; Dunleavy et al., 2008; Klopfer & Squire, 2007; Laux et al.,

2012; Lee, 2012; Shelton, 2002; Squire & Jan, 2007). An examination of existing

literature has found little evidence that has shown the impact of augmented reality as a

tool for improving learning outcomes of individual students. This study has addressed

that gap by investigating two related research questions. The first question was: Does

augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as

measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual outcomes

are not the result of group collaboration? The second research question was: Does

augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have a greater positive

impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as measured by a pre-

and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual outcomes are not the result

of group collaboration?

In order to not be confused with virtual reality, augmented reality has been

described as the ability to overlay one or more computer graphics or virtual images onto a

live direct or indirect real-world environment while using a tool such as a digital device


to provide additional information to the user in real time (Billinghurst, 2002; Dunleavy et

al., 2008; Klopfer & Squire, 2007; Laux, Trausch, & Wyatt, 2012; Lee, 2012; Shelton,

2002; Squire & Jan, 2007). In this study, some participants used a handheld digital device

(iPod Touch) to display digital information (text, diagrams, videos) while moving around

a classroom environment. In contrast, “virtual reality is a completely artificial digital

environment that uses computer hardware and software to create the appearance of a real

environment to the user” (Kipper & Rampolla, 2013, p. 21). In short, augmented reality

overlays digital information on a screen, such as a smartphone or other digital device, as

the user moves about in the real-world environment. In virtual reality, the user receives

all input from the computer system and the computer responds to the user’s input. The

user is captive to the computer and the digital world it creates, while in augmented reality

the user can move around in their real-world environment as is demonstrated by The

Reality-Virtually Continuum (see Appendix G) demonstrates this relationship.

The methodology described in this chapter was developed to answer the stated

research question and address the associated hypotheses. The null hypothesis was stated

as: augmented reality has no influence on students’ learning outcomes without group

collaboration. This researcher anticipated an alternative hypothesis to be true: augmented

reality will improve students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration. This study

sought approximately 50 high school students to participate. This chapter restates the

problem, research question, and hypotheses in order to reorient the reader. Then the

research methodology, research design, population, and sample selection are described.

Lastly, an explanation of the study’s instrumentation, sources of data, procedures used for

validity, reliability, data collection, data analysis, ethical considerations, and limitations


are discussed. The goal of this chapter was to thoroughly describe how this study was

conducted, so that the findings and implications could be comprehensively assessed and


Statement of the Problem

It is not known to what extent augmented reality can be used to further high

school students’ learning outcomes in science, as measured by a pre- and posttest

methodology without group collaboration. Much research was aimed at understanding

student learning and finding ways to improve science education in the United States.

Some students, such as those who are part of the newer generation, Millennial, and

considered digital natives, may prefer using a self-directed, constructivist, and

technologic approach to learning rather than traditional classroom instruction. If it can be

demonstrated that augmented reality simulations without group collaboration can produce

greater individual-student outcomes as compared to outcomes from traditional classroom

instruction without group collaboration, then educators may change their teaching

methodology to better meet the neomillennial learning style. In addition, although

working in groups has provided benefits to the learner, students still have to be able to

process and solve problems individually. Augmented reality simulations may become an

effective learning tool to increase individual learning outcomes without group

collaboration, but more research needs to be conducted to determine if augmented reality

simulations can yield positive individual-student outcomes.

The findings of previous studies have been found to be inconclusive in

demonstrating how augmented reality improves individual students’ learning outcomes

(Chang et al., 2009; Huizenga et al., 2009; Vilkoniene, 2009; see Appendix A).


Specifically, it is currently not known how augmented reality can impact high school

students’ learning outcomes, particularly in chemistry without group collaboration.

Therefore, new research should focus on the potential of game-based learning tools, such

as augmented reality simulations, as a means of improving individual learning outcomes.

The augmented reality tool, which this researcher used, is composed of a digital handheld

device, an iPod Touch, with mobile data service provided by Verizon Wireless’s Mi-Fi.

The augmented reality simulation was created using ARIS (Academic ADL Co-Lab,

2012), an open-source, web-based augmented reality tool developed by the University of

Wisconsin-Madison (Gagnon, 2010). The proposed study used a pre- and posttest

methodology without group collaboration to investigate the impacts of an augmented

reality tool on student learning outcomes, when compared to traditional classroom


By using a quantitative, pre- and posttest, methodology in which a comparison

group was contrasted to an experimental group, this study differed from earlier studies

and offered new insight into the influence of augmented reality simulations on individual

learning outcomes. In addition, by controlling for group collaboration, the design of this

study focused on comparing two educational treatments. The traditional classroom

instruction group was referred to as a “comparison” group rather than a “control” group.

By definition, a “control group does not receive the experimental treatment… are not

exposed to any of the independent variable values” (Jha, 2008, p. 33). Since the purpose

of this study was to compare two instructional methods, traditional classroom instruction

with an augmented reality simulation, both groups are receiving a treatment. Therefore,


the two groups are referred to as the comparison group or traditional classroom

instruction group and experimental group or augmented reality group.

A quantitative methodology was chosen to determine if there exists a difference

between students’ learning outcomes of two groups: those who receive traditional

instruction and those who receive an augmented reality simulation, and also whether

learning occurred in an augmented reality instruction setting. The students’ pre- and

posttest scores provide numerical data that were analyzed using SPSS statistical

procedures. By collecting numerical data, this researcher sought to determine if an

augmented reality simulation produced better student outcomes in chemistry without

group collaboration than traditional classroom instruction. The findings could help

address the problem of meeting the changing needs of students. Since some of today’s

students engage in a neomillennial learning style, augmented reality simulations that are

created for individual learning situations may result in enhanced student outcomes. The

findings of this study could also increase understanding of the problem by demonstrating

that augmented reality simulations do not always need to be conducted in collaborative


Research Questions and Hypotheses

This study has been designed to answer a specific research question and to

address one of the three associated hypotheses. The following research questions and

hypotheses guided this study:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that


the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? Testable

hypotheses were then developed to answer this question; these were:

H10: Augmented reality has no impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H11: Augmented reality has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H12: Augmented reality has a negative impact on students’ learning outcomes.

RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,

as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual

outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? The hypotheses associated

with this RQ were:

H20: Augmented reality instruction and traditional classroom instruction have the

same impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H21: Augmented reality instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than traditional classroom instruction.

H22: Traditional classroom instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than augmented reality instruction.

In order to clarify the purpose for the research questions and associated

hypotheses, it was important to identify the variables in the study; the approach used to

collect data, and explain the purpose of the design as a best approach to answer the

research questions and test the hypotheses. For RQ1, the independent variable was

augmented reality. For RQ2, the independent variable was the instructional methodology.

There were two instructional methodologies: traditional classroom instruction and an

augmented reality simulation. The dependent variable for both research questions was the


level of students’ learning outcomes as measured by the difference in the pre- and


The pretest was identical to the posttest with one exception: the questions were in

a different order (see Appendix B). The pre- and posttest were created using the

chemistry textbook’s ExamView Pro Testmaker CD-ROM (Chemistry: Matter and

Change, 2005). All participants took the pretest before the activity; the pretest measured

the participants’ baseline knowledge of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. The pretest

took approximately 20 minutes to complete. After the activity, the posttest was given to

all participants. The posttest was used to measure acquired knowledge and consisted of

the same questions as the pretest, arranged in a different order (see Appendix B). The

posttest took approximately 20 minutes to complete. All participants took the same pre-

and posttest. All aspects of the study were observed by the researcher to assure the

participants worked independently. Data analysis employed SPSS software (IBM

Corporation, 2011). Taking into consideration, the quasi-experimental design of this

study in which two groups received a treatment, both groups received a pretest and a

posttest, and data were compared statistically, this study employed a quantitative, pre-

and posttest design to best answer the research question and corresponding hypotheses.

The next section, Research Methodology, explains this further.

Research Methodology

To expand the body of knowledge of augmented reality for education purposes, it

was important to investigate whether augmented reality simulations improved individual

students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration, when compared to traditional

classroom instruction. To accomplish this, this researcher pursued a quantitative research


design because the motivating purpose was theory testing (Jha, 2008). This study was

based on a quantitative, quasi-experimental, pretest and posttest design. The quantitative

methodology included a statistical comparison of two groups undergoing different

treatments, and produced quantitative results to be assessed for significance.

This quantitative research design was chosen based on the review of theory, the

hypotheses generated, and the question needing to be answered. As Jha stated, it

begins with a theory. From theory, prior research is reviewed; from theoretical

frameworks, hypotheses are generalized… Hypotheses lead to data collection and

the strategy needed to test them and analyze according to the hypothesis …

Conclusions are drawn [that] confirm or conflict with the theory. (Jha, 2008, p.


In this study, the primary factors included the educational treatments applied to students

participating in a chemistry lesson; traditional classroom instruction verses an augmented

reality simulation. The outcome was a measure of how much was learned through the

lesson, as measured through a pre- and posttest methodology. The quantitative

methodology used here was suitable for this study because it was an experimental design

that tested observed measurements: it measured pre- and posttest scores, used equivalent

groups (a comparison group verses an experiment group), and tested both groups

simultaneously (Campbell & Stanley, 1966). A mixed-methods design is sometimes used

when a quantitative or qualitative method was inadequate (Vogt & Burke-Johnson,

2011). Because the quantitative design met the needs for this study, a mixed-methods

design was not considered.


Based on what was known about digital natives and the neomillennial learning

style, it has been theorized that digital natives learn better through discovery and real-

world learning situations, rather than being told; by piecing information from multiple

sources; by integrating the visual with the spatial (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), and

through self-directed tasks (Dieterle et al., n.d.). As is documented in existing literature

covering the topic of GBL and described in above chapters, computer games have been

investigated for students’ learning outcomes (Carr & Bossomaier, 2011; Cheung et al.,

2008; Foster, 2011; Kaufman et al., 2011; Kebritchi et al., 2010; Tuzun et al., 2009; Yip

& Kwan, 2006; see Appendix D). Additionally, augmented reality games using digital

handheld devices have been investigated for students’ learning outcomes (Chang et al.,

2009; Huizenga et al., 2009; Rosenheck & Perry, 2012; Vilkoniene, 2009; see Appendix

A). However, gaps were found in the existing literature that centered on the lack of

evidence of improved individual learning outcomes, without group collaboration, from

augmented reality games that used handheld digital devices. It was not known if positive

individual student outcomes would be produced in this study. However, this researcher

predicted that an augmented reality simulation in science would increase students’

learning outcomes when compared to traditional classroom instruction.

Research Design

This study used a quasi-experimental, quantitative, pretest and posttest design, as

modeled by the pre- and posttest design explained by Weinfurt (2000). Two groups

participated, measurements were taken before and after an intervention, and data analysis

determined if one group’s posttest scores changed from pretest scores significantly more

than the other group’s scores. In this study, the two groups were referred as the


experimental group and the comparison group. A pretest and posttest were administered

to both groups, and both groups received a treatment. The comparison group received

traditional classroom instruction and the experimental group received the augmented

reality simulation.

As a quasi-experimental design, participants were not randomly assigned to

groups, but rather assigned based on their cumulative science GPA (Panoutsopoulos &

Sampson, 2012). The high school’s chemistry instructor created the groups to be

approximately equal in ability. Hence the entire sample of participants was not randomly

assigned although the assignments within each stratum were random. This was

accomplished by dividing the participants based on their science GPA. Two groups were

created with a similar number of A, B, C, and below C participants. One group became

the comparison group and the other became the experimental group. This method was

chosen rather than a random assignment because a random assignment of participants

may have created unequal ability groups. Since the purpose of this study was to compare

traditional instruction with an augmented reality simulation, if one group had superior

participants, it may have biased the results. Therefore, participant assignment was

preferred to random assignment.

A key part of this quantitative methodology was the measurement of student

scores to establish a connection between the observed difference in learning outcomes

and the received educational treatments. Data were collected from a stratified sample of

approximately 50 participants from a local high school. Students were given a pretest that

assessed participants’ baseline knowledge and a posttest that assessed knowledge

acquired by students during their lesson. Both groups learned about Alpha, Beta, and


Gamma radiation: the control group received 30 minutes of traditional classroom

instruction and the experimental group received 30 minutes with an augmented reality

simulation, which was created using ARIS (Gagnon, 2010). All participants worked

individually and the researcher observed them to assure participants worked individually.

Thus, the proposed study was the first quantitative, quasi-experimental research that

controlled for individual learning to validate augmented reality using mobile handheld

digital devices that affected individual students’ learning outcomes without group


To demonstrate the motivation for a quasi-experimental design, it was helpful to

examine a correlational design, which is an alternative to the chosen design. There are

two types of correlational designs: explanatory and predictive. In an explanatory design,

“the research addresses the extent to which variation in one concept is related to variation

in another concept” (Fawcett, 2008, p. 114). For example, in playing video games and

performing in school, the researcher would collect two sets of scores: hours of playing

games and school performance. In this example, two sets of data are collected and a

relation between the two variables could be drawn, but the direction (which variable

affects the other) would not be known. This data would then be analyzed and

correlational statistical analysis conducted; typically bivariate correlation and multiple-

regression are used (Fiala, 2011). Because this study used an experimental intervention

and sought to find a difference between two variables rather than a relationship between

the variables, this study was not an explanatory correlational design.

In a prediction design, “the goal is to estimate a future value of the dependent

variable (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 300). For example, the researcher would


identify one or more predictor variables, such as motivation and collaboration, and make

a prediction that these variables could increase an outcome of student success. This study

was not a prediction design for several reasons. First, the purpose statement would need

to include the word “predict” or make a prediction. Secondly, the predictor variable

would be measured at a different point of time than the criterion variable. Although this

study used a pre- and posttest methodology, two sets of data were collected at two

different times. The data from the pretest measured current knowledge and the posttest

measured acquired knowledge. The pre- and posttest were identical except that the

questions were in a different order.

This study was a quasi-experimental study because it had elements of an

experimental design, but took into account that not all aspects could be completely

randomized or controlled (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Here two independent groups

were compared with respect to an outcome variable, specifically; learning outcomes of a

group exposed to an augmented reality simulation were compared to a group not exposed

to this simulation. Often in quasi-experimental studies, the groups were not chosen

randomly, but were chosen so that initial differences between groups were minimal

(Gribbons et al., 1997). Here the groups were matched based on prior GPA scores of

students in those groups.

In this study, it was not known to what extent augmented reality improves

individual student learning outcomes without group collaboration when compared to

traditional classroom instruction. Therefore, extensive research into computer GBL and

augmented reality GBL has been conducted. This study explored if a difference existed

between a comparison group that received traditional classroom instruction and an


experimental group that received an augmented reality simulation. This study used a pre-

and posttest methodology. All participants took the pretest before the activity, and a

pretest after the activity; traditional classroom instruction for the comparison group or

augmented reality simulation for the experimental group. Discovery occurred when the

mean difference between the comparison and experimental groups’ pre- and posttest

scores were compared using an independent t test (Weinfurt, 2000).

This study used statistical methods to evaluate the influence of the independent

variable on a dependent variable. The independent variable was the instructional method

(traditional classroom instruction and the augmented reality simulation) and the

dependent variable was the level of students’ learning outcomes. Vogt and Burke-

Johnson (2011) described the independent variable as the variable that is “the presumed

cause of the study” (p. 178). Wetcher-Hendricks (2011) described the independent

variable as “the predictor of behaviors, attitudes, or characteristics; a given condition

either already existing or created by the researcher before the start of data gathering” (p.

5). The independent variable was the instructional method, which may influence or affect

the dependent variable, test scores. Vogt and Burke-Johnson (2011) explained the

dependent variable “as the presumed effect of the study” (p. 103). Wetcher-Hendricks

(2011) described the dependent variable as the “behaviors attitudes, characteristics

predicted by the independent variable” (p. 5). It was not known to what extent how

augmented reality could be effective in increasing student learning without group

collaboration. By choosing an experimental design, this researcher sought to determine if

an augmented reality simulation could enhance student outcomes when compared with

traditional classroom instruction, in both cases without group collaboration.


Population and Sample Selection

This section describes the population and sample characteristics relevant to this

study. For feasibility reasons, this study was conducted at a high school that was

convenient for the researcher. The researcher was located in southwest Colorado. This

area is sparsely populated with towns and corresponding high schools approximately and

an hour’s drive from each other. Therefore, the researcher attempted to conduct the study

at the closest high school in southwest Colorado. The high school’s student population

for the 2012–2013 academic year was 215 students. Participants of the study consisted of

approximately 50 high school students selected by a type of stratified sampling. As

minors, participants sought permission from a parent or guardian to participate in the

study. Once signed, and consent was received by the researcher, the participant was

considered eligible to join the study. Participants had the right to withdraw from the study

at any time.

Upon return of the signed consent forms, this researcher created a ledger listing

all participants. This ledger was used by the high school’s chemistry teacher to match the

students’ cumulative science GPA to the participant. The participants were then divided

into subcategories based on GPA: A, B, C, and below C. In dividing by GPA, two similar

groups of student were attained (Panoutsopoulos & Sampson, 2012). Half of each

category was then randomly placed into the final comparison and experimental groups.

This sample was a stratified sample because the entire sample of participants was not

randomly assigned, but assigned by science GPA, although the assignments within each

stratum were random. Since this study was a quasi-experimental design, the groups were


made to be similar so that it was easier to identify a true relationship between the

educational treatment and the attributed improvement in students’ learning outcomes.

Berkowitz (n.d.) suggested that comparative studies estimate sample size through

power calculations. This calculation requires the determination of an effect size and

significance level. Effect size is “a statistic indicating the standardized difference in

outcome for the average subject who received a treatment as compared to the average

subject who did not or who received a different level of treatment” (Vogt & Burke-

Johnson, 2011, p. 121). Cohen (1992) classified effect size into three areas: small (0.2),

medium (0.5), and large (0.8). Significance can be defined “as the degree to which a

research finding is meaningful or important” (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 360). For

this study, the significance was (<.05). Cohen (1992) suggested that in order “to detect a

large difference between two independent sample means” (p. 158) an effect size of 80%

and a significance level of .05 should be utilized. Using these values, each group in the

study should have 26 participants. Based on this calculation, and using G*Power software

(Erdfelder & Buchner, 1996), a sample size of 52 participants was deemed sufficient for

this study.

Two types of errors may occur when testing a hypothesis: Type 1 or Type 2. Type

1 error, or alpha, occurs when the “wrongly rejects a true null hypothesis” (Vogt &

Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 407). This mistake would occur if the researcher found a

significant difference between the two groups when a difference really did not exist. A

Type 2 error would occur when the researcher “wrongly accepts a false null hypothesis”

(Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 408). This can occur when a researcher concludes there

is no significant difference when a significant difference does exist. The ability to


correctly reject a false null hypothesis, or correctly reject a Type 2 error, is referred to as

“power of a test or statistical power” (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 297).

Special attention was to be given in the recruitment and organization of

participants during the study. This researcher met the superintendent and science teacher

of the high school identified for this study, and acquired permission to conduct the study

at that school. This researcher also attained Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval

from Grand Canyon University to conduct the study. This researcher read the recruitment

script to perspective participants, perspective participants returned the signed consent

forms, and the study was then conducted. At the conclusion of the researcher’s reading of

the recruitment script and before participants began the study, participants were reminded

that involvement in this study was voluntary and that all information would be coded for

confidentiality. Participants were given a copy of the recruitment script, an informed-

consent form, parental-permission consent form, and a copy of the confidentiality

agreement (Grand Canyon University, n.d.). Eighty-nine participants returned their

signed consent forms, including the informed-consent and parental-permission consent


Although 89 participants originally returned signed consent forms, due to student

absence, incompletion of tests, or participants withdrawing from the study, fewer

participants actually completed the study. At the conclusion of the study, the traditional

instruction group finished with 42 completed pretest and posttests; one participant did not

complete the tests (A35) and two participants were absent. The augmented reality group

finished with 36 completed pretests and posttests; three participants withdrew (B21, B32,

and B37) and five participants were absent. The pre- and posttest scores were then


analyzed to determine the difference in learning outcomes due to the educational

treatment received. A debriefing session was offered where participants had the

opportunity to experience the alternative treatment.


The methodology relied on for conducting this study used a pretest and posttest

design to obtain a measurement of the difference in learning outcomes of students. The

instruments used to obtain the numerical data were the pretest and posttest. Both groups

received and completed the same pre- and posttest; the difference between the groups

was the form of instruction. The comparison group received the traditional classroom

instruction and the experimental group received the augmented reality simulation. After

experiencing the 30 minute lesson, both groups received and completed a posttest.

Statistical analyses, in the form of t tests (paired t tests and independent t tests), were then

used to analyze the test scores. In these t tests, the means of the two group (comparison

and experimental) scores were compared. The variable tested was “delta,” the difference

between the posttest and pretest score. In this study, delta was expected to be a positive


The data-collection instruments used to measure the dependent variable being

examined included pre- and posttests comprised of 30 closed-ended questions, created

with the textbook manufacturer’s companion software: ExamView Pro (Chemistry:

Matter and Change, 2005). The test questions were designed by the editors of the

textbook to yield specific answers about Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. In this case,

the textbook and its associated test bank can be considered a constant or given. As part of

the study, a Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for the pre- and posttest subjects, in order to


assess internal consistency. However regardless of the results, the same textbook and test

bank must have been and were used. The expectation, though, was that Cronbach’s alpha

would be quite high because school textbooks are considered to be validated by subject

matter experts, including the textbook authors. ExamView Pro (Chemistry: Matter and

Change, 2005) was a software tool used in creating assessments based on the textbook,

not an instrument in itself. This study used pre- and posttest questions that were pulled

directly from the chemistry textbook and an augmented reality simulation that was

created using ARIS (Gagnon, 2010; Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2012). These instruments

provided the measurements and numerical data needed to statistically and quantitatively

assess the impact of comparative educational treatments.


Validity is an important factor in any study because it reflects how well the study

accomplishes its goals or purpose. Two kinds of validity are discussed here: external and

internal validity. External validity affects the generalizability of the study, while internal

validity is representative of the thoroughness of the study.

The instruments used in this study improved its external validity. Because the pre-

and posttests have been used previously as chemistry textbook questions, they have had

success at measuring learning, or were deemed valid. The tests have established external

validity because the results are generalizable. A threat to external validity may arise as an

effect of testing. Since participants took a pretest, the pretest may increase or decrease the

participant’s attention or interaction during the treatment (traditional classroom

instruction or augmented reality simulation) (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). To minimize


this, the researcher only used a multiple-choice pre- and posttest and then drew

generalizable conclusions from the results.

Textbook authors, subject matter experts, describe internal validity development

(Glencoe Science White Paper, 2013; Hunt, 2013) based on National Science Education

Standards (National Research Council, 1996), research-based instructional strategies that

were used to explain and justify the standards supporting curricula, and the assessment of

student understanding through a variety of means: section and chapter assessments,

standardized test practice, and supplemental materials such as ExamView Pro Testmaker

CD-ROM. A possible threat to internal validity was that after taking the pretest,

participants may have become familiar with the outcome measure and remembered

responses for the posttest (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). To prevent this from

happening, the researcher scrambled the research questions and possible answers on the

posttest. Another threat to internal validity may arise from the selection of subjects

(Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This study did not use randomly assigned subjects, but

rather subjects were divided based on GPA, then randomly assigned to a group as

described in the Research Design section of this chapter.

The measurement tools of this study have face validity and criterion validity. Face

validity is “so called because it is determined by whether a measure appears to make

sense… In determining face validity, one often asks expert judges whether the measure

seems to them to be valid” (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 137). The textbook authors

were subject matter experts and expert judges who justified the textbook and the

assessment methods to be accurate. Criterion validity “is the ability of the test to make

accurate predictions” (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011, p. 84). Given the prior successful


usage of the textbook assessments by educators and students, these tools, pre- and

posttest, provided reliable results to determine if an augmented reality simulation could

affect students’ learning outcomes by comparing traditional classroom instruction to an

augmented reality simulation. This study has criterion validity because it compared two

levels of the independent variable (traditional instruction and augmented reality



Reliability of the data collected was based largely on the test instruments used in

this study. The pre- and posttest was comprised of questions that have been used

previously as chemistry textbook questions, to gain understanding in radioactivity. The

chemistry textbook questions have also been correlated to national science standards, as

explained in Glencoe Science White Paper (2013) and by Hunt (2013). Because these

textbook questions have been previously used to yield the designed results, they have

been tested for stability reliability (test after test, it is reliable to derive similar results)

and internal consistency (testing the same characteristics) (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011).

This researcher also examined the pre- and posttest for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha

(Cronbach, 1951; Pallant, 2010) and found .826 in the pretest and .835 for the posttest.

Data Collection Procedures

The study proceeded after the Dissertation Committee and Grand Canyon

University’s IRB approved this proposal with the first step of collecting the proposed

data. The sample for this quantitative study was a stratified sample of approximately 50

high school students in southwestern Colorado. Sufficient sample size was determined by

consulting formulae and a published table (Cohen, 1992). This researcher introduced


participants to the proposed study by visiting the school and giving a brief overview.

During this time, this researcher explained that all participation would be voluntary and

would require a signed, informed consent of the student and parental-permission consent

form by a parent or guardian (Grand Canyon University, n.d.). The Belmont Report

(National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and

Behavioral Research, 1979) established a series of ethical principles and guidelines for

the protection of human subjects in research. Part C, section 1 of the Belmont Report

(National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and

Behavioral Research, 1979) explained the importance of informed consent as “the respect

of persons requires that subjects, to the degree that they are capable, be given the

opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them” (Part C, section 1, para. 1).

Based on these guidelines, participants were informed of the purpose of this study, which

was to test two teaching methodologies through a pre- and posttest. The introduction

concluded by reminding participants that the study was voluntary, and all students were

given a copy of the recruitment script, informed-consent form, parental-permission

consent form, and a copy of the confidentiality agreement (Grand Canyon University,


Sample selection, as well as final sample size, was based on the number of signed

and returned consent forms. A total of 89 prospective participants returned their signed

consent forms: both an informed-consent and parental-permission consent form. Of the

89 participants who returned signed consent forms, 45 were placed into the traditional

classroom instruction group and 44 were placed into the augmented reality simulation

group. Recall this study sought to create two equal ability groups by dividing the number


of participants equally based on science GPA. In doing so, the science teacher divided

students and randomly placed an equal number of A, B, C, and below C students into

each group. When placement was complete, the traditional instruction group had an

average science GPA of 3.13 and the augmented reality group had an average science

GPA of 3.18.

On the day of the study, two neighboring classrooms were used that had an

adjoining door, allowing the researcher to observe all participants in both groups. One

classroom was set-up for traditional classroom instruction and the other was prepared for

the augmented reality simulation. The researcher called participants to one or the other

room. Upon arrival at either site, participants were again reminded that the study was

voluntary, and were given a written child assent form (Grand Canyon University, n. d.) to

sign and to verify their voluntary participation. After this form was signed and collected

by the researcher, the pretest was administered. The pretest was coded A for the

traditional instruction group and B for the augmented reality group. The pretest was also

coded 1 to 45 to represent the participant (the posttest was coded in a similar manner).

Participants were given 20 minutes to complete the pretest and immediately following the

pretest, the 30 minute activity in which participants learn the same content; Alpha, Beta,

and Gamma radiation, was given. The traditional classroom group received 30 minutes of

teacher-led instruction in which the science teacher lectured and conducted a series of

demonstrations. The augmented reality group participants were given an iPod. After a

brief demonstration on the use of the camera feature with the markers (QR codes), they

conducted their self-led, 30 minute activity. In doing so, the participants would move

around the classroom, and take a picture of the marker; the captured image of the marker


would be sent wirelessly to the ARIS server; the ARIS server would receive the image,

and compare it to other images in its database. When a match was found, it would send

the event (picture, video, or other digital information) back to the participant’s iPod.

Immediately following the traditional classroom instruction and augmented reality

activity, the posttest was given, and participants had approximately 20 minutes to

complete this test. The pretest and posttest were identical except the questions were in a

different order.

Although 89 participants originally returned signed consent forms, due to student

absence, not completing tests, or participant withdrawing from the study (this is the

participants right to withdraw at any time), the traditional instruction group had 42

completed pretest and posttests. One participant did not complete the tests (A35) and two

participants were absent. The augmented reality group had 36 completed pretests and

posttests. Three participants withdrew as is their choice (B21, B32, and B37), and five

participants were absent. The pre- and posttest scores were then analyzed to determine

the difference in learning outcomes due to the educational treatment received. A

debriefing session was offered where participants had the opportunity to experience the

alternative treatment.

This researcher was responsible for maintaining all of the data. This study

required the assistance of the high school science teacher to access students’ cumulative

GPAs, as well as to conduct the traditional classroom instruction. This researcher has

maintained and kept secure in a lock-box the participants’ consent forms (informed-

consent, parental-permission and written child assent form), the ledger list of participants

and corresponding GPAs as submitted by the science teacher, the completed pre- and


posttests, and data generated from statistical calculations using SPSS. Data have been

securely retained in the researcher’s possession for a minimum of 3 years. After this time,

data can be destroyed by a cross cutting shredder.

Data collection was based on a pre- and posttest methodology, and was designed

to be completed in one school day. An approximate study timeline included the 20-

minute pretest, 30-minute activity, and 20-minutes to complete the posttest. The pre- and

posttest used 30 closed-ended questions requiring answers such as true/false, multiple

choice, matching, and completion (see Appendix B). The pre- and posttest were created

using ExamView Pro software (Chemistry: Matter and Change, 2005) with permission

from the high school science teacher and superintendent.

Of the 89 prospective participants, 45 became the comparison group and 44

became the experimental group as determined by dividing the students based upon their

cumulative science GPA. As previously stated, on the day of the study, due to absences,

withdrawing from the study and unfinished tests, 42 participants completed the traditional

classroom instruction tests and 36 completed the augmented reality simulation tests. To

accommodate all the participants, three traditional instructional groups and five

augmented reality groups were formed. The traditional instruction groups were instructed

in a classroom that could accommodate a maximum of 24 students at a session, while the

experimental group could only accommodate a maximum of 10 participants at a time.

This was because the data source, the Verizon Wireless Mi-Fi, could only be connected

or supply data to 5 iPod Touches at a time. The study used two Verizon Wireless Mi-Fis

and each Mi-Fi can connect to a maximum of 5 iPod Touches; therefore, the


experimental group was limited to 10 participants individually conducting the augmented

reality simulation at a time.

After the pre- and posttests were completed by participants, this researcher

collected them and compiled the data based on the coded test results. Each group’s

pretests and posttests were graded and received a percentage score based on a total of

100-points. These scores were then itemized on a ledger (see Appendix H). The ledger

data was then translated into SPSS statistical software for further analysis. To ensure the

validity and reliability of the data throughout the data-collection process, and to secure

the integrity of the study, this researcher was present at every stage of the study.

Data-Analysis Procedures

This study was for the purpose of investigating the following research questions

and associated hypotheses:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that

the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? Testable

hypotheses were then developed to answer this question; these were:

H10: Augmented reality has no impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H11: Augmented reality has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H12: Augmented reality has a negative impact on students’ learning outcomes.

RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,

as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual


outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? The hypotheses associated

with this RQ were:

H20: Augmented reality instruction and traditional classroom instruction have the

same impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H21: Augmented reality instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than traditional classroom instruction.

H22: Traditional classroom instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than augmented reality instruction.

Students participating in the study were divided into two groups: one group that

was taught the topic using traditional classroom instruction and another group that was

taught using augmented reality instruction. All students took the pretest before the

activity (see Appendix B), which consisted of 30 questions and took approximately 20

minutes. The pretest measured prior student knowledge on the topic of Alpha, Beta, and

Gamma radiation, and was assessed upon a 100-point scale. The pretest questions were

comprised of questions with answers such as true or false, multiple choice, matching, and

completion using suggestions from a word-bank, all created using ExamView Pro

Testmaker CD-ROM (Chemistry: Matter and Change, 2005). This software parallels the

chemistry textbook series by Dingrando et al. (2005), published by McGraw Hill, and

was used by the high school’s science department to produce worksheets, quizzes, and

tests. Approval to use this software was granted to this researcher by the high school’s

chemistry teacher and the superintendent. The school district of interest has a site-license

to use ExamView Pro Testmaker CD-ROM. A site-license extension was granted by the

school district’s superintendent to produce the test for this study (see Appendix F).


After the traditional instruction and augmented reality simulation were completed,

all students took the posttest (see Appendix B), which consisted of the same questions as

the pretest but arranged in a different order. Students were again given approximately 20

minutes to complete it, and also like the pretest, the posttest was assessed upon a 100-

point scale. In order to determine if and how much the participants in the comparison and

experimental groups learned, paired t tests were used. The first step was a paired t test for

each group, which determined if further testing needed to be undertaken. If the paired t

test results were insignificant (the hypothesis that the pre- and posttest scores were the

same could not be rejected), then no further research needed to be conducted, as the

intervention had no impact on scores. Subsequently the “delta” scores, the difference

between scores of each participant, were calculated. Lastly, an independent sample t test

compared the delta from the comparison group with the delta from the experimental

group to determine if one group significantly increased in students’ learning outcomes

over the other.

This researcher conducted all coding of the pre- and posttests. There were two

codes on each test. The first code identified the group. The letter A identified the

comparison group and the letter B identified the experimental group. The second code

was a number that identified the participants’ completed test. For example, Pretest A23

identified the pretest from the comparison group that corresponds to participant 23. After

the pre- and posttests, the researcher had approximately 140 tests (two from each

participant: a pretest and posttest). Of these tests, half were coded Pretest A1 to A35 for

the comparison group and the others were coded Pretest B1 to B35 for the experimental

group. The same coding methodology was applied for the posttest.


On the day of the study, two neighboring classrooms were used that had an

adjoining door. This allowed the researcher to observe all participants; both groups at the

same time. One classroom was set-up for traditional classroom instruction and the other

was prepared for the augmented reality simulation. The researcher called participants to

one or the other room. Upon arrival at either site, participants were again reminded that

the study was voluntary, and were given a written child assent form (Grand Canyon

University, n.d.) to sign and to verify their voluntary participation. After this form was

signed and collected by the researcher, the pretest was administered. The pretest was

coded A for the traditional instruction group and B for the augmented reality group, as

well as coded with numbers 1 to 45 to represent the participant. The posttest was coded in

a similar manner. Participants were given 20 minutes to complete the pretest and

immediately following the pretest, the 30 minute activity in which participants learned

the same content (Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation) was administered. Immediately

following the activity, the posttest was given; again participants had approximately 20

minutes to complete this test. The pretest and posttest were identical except the questions

were in a different order. These pretest and posttest scores were the variables that were

utilized in the study. Descriptive statistics were used to present the means, standard

deviations, and ranges of the pre- and posttest data; this information is described in text

as well as displayed in tables.

The primary method for comparing the two groups’ means was t tests. Pallant said

that “t tests are utilized for comparing the mean scores of two different groups” (Pallant,

2010, p. 239). The first t test was a paired t test to examine whether the scores were

significantly different in the pre- and posttests. This paired t test was run for all students;


the null hypothesis was that the pretest and posttest scores were the same for all students

in the sample. This was a one-tailed test because this researcher was looking for an

increase in the test scores—not just looking to see if the scores were different. Once this

analysis was completed, the results revealed whether and to what extent the participants

in both groups learned. If the results of the paired t test indicated that no learning

occurred in either of the groups, then no further analysis was required. If the scores were

significantly higher for the posttest, two more t tests would be performed. The first test

would be a paired t test on the augmented instruction group only. This test was designed

to prove whether learning occurred as a result of the augmented reality instruction. The

null hypothesis for this test was that the pre- and posttest scores were the same for the

students in this instructional group. For the second research question, an independent t

test would be performed on the two groups. In this case, the two groups were the

comparison and experimental groups, where the comparison group experienced

traditional classroom instruction and the experimental group experienced an augmented

reality simulation. Both groups did learn a significant amount and additional testing was

carried out.

Assuming learning occurred in either or both groups (determined by the paired t

test) an independent samples t test was performed to compare the learning score of the

comparison group with the learning score of the experimental group. This independent

samples test was two-tailed. If the results were that both groups’ learning scores were the

same, then the null hypothesis would be accepted: Augmented reality simulations did not

have had an impact on improving students’ learning outcomes without group


collaboration. If the learning scores were different, then one of the alternate hypotheses

would be accepted (either one group or the other group learned more).

The use of parametric tests was based on certain characteristics of the data. The

rationale for using parametric tests was that the samples (participants in the comparison

and experimental group) were independent of each other; the data were expected to have

normal distributions, and the variances between the groups were expected to be equal. In

the event that the results did not meet these assumptions, then this researcher would

employ the nonparametric method, Mann-Whitney U-test (MacFarland, 1998).

This was a quantitative assessment of whether augmented reality simulations

resulted in learning in the subject of chemistry (without group collaboration). A quasi-

experimental, quantitative, pre- and posttest design was employed. Parametric techniques

of paired t test and independent samples t test were used to compare the pre- and posttest

scores of two matched groups that received different educational treatments. For all tests

in the study, a 5% level of significance was used to determine whether the null

hypotheses should be rejected or not. Data analysis was calculated using SPSS software

(IBM Corporation, 2011), and results lend evidence for the acceptance or rejection of

each proposed hypothesis.

Ethical Considerations

This study sought adolescent human subjects as participants; thus, possible ethical

issues related to the study are discussed here. The study was founded upon the premise

that some of today’s students are neomillennials (Sankey, 2006). As such, they seek self-

directed (Dieterle, et. al., n. d.), constructivist-learning experiences as described by

Dewey (1910), Vygotsky (Costley, 2012), and Piaget (Dalgarno, 2002) that integrate


available technology to assist in their knowledge acquisition rather than the traditional or

educator-led philosophy of instruction (Jonassen, Carr, & Yuen, 1998). The purpose of

this quasi-experimental, pre- and posttest design study was to determine if there was a

difference between traditional classroom instruction and an augmented reality simulation

in high school students’ individual learning outcomes in the chemistry topic of Alpha,

Beta, and Gamma radiation.

In reflecting upon this study’s design, sampling procedures, theoretical

framework, research problem, and research question, this study made every effort to

adhere to the basic ethical principles; respect of persons, beneficence, and justice, as

outlined by The Belmont Report (National Commission for the Protection of Human

Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979) for the protection of human

subjects in research. The first ethical principle was respect for persons. The Belmont

Report stated that “individuals should be treated as autonomous agents, and second, that

persons with diminished autonomy are entitled to protection” (National Commission for

the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979a, p. 3).

Participants in this study, high school students, were treated as autonomous agents and as

such, were respected for their opinions and choices they made. For example, participants

were reminded before they began the study that their participation was voluntary and that

they would be observed for individual learning. Yet, the choices the participants made on

the pretest, during the activity, and posttest were of the participants’ individual freedom.

The second ethical principle was beneficence; efforts made to secure the

participants’ well-being (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of

Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979a). This study did not foresee any harm


originating from participation. The study was held on the high school’s property, during

normal school hours, and utilized traditional teaching methodology that the participants

experienced every day or an augmented reality simulation that utilized Smartphone

technology with which many students were familiar. If a participant required assistance

with the augmented reality simulation, this researcher was present to assist in order to

“maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms” (p. 4) that could arise from

the simulation.

The third ethical principle was justice or “fairness in distribution” (National

Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral

Research, 1979a, p. 5). This study was not supported by outside funding. This researcher

purchased, at his personal expense, all the tools necessary to conduct the study. As such,

this study was not influenced by outside means and treated all participants equally. All

participation was voluntary. The study did not screen participants. All volunteers from

the high school were accepted as participants. The high school’s science teacher created

the comparison group (traditional classroom instruction) and experimental group

(augmented reality simulation) by providing the participants’ science GPA. This created

two groups with a similar ability in science. The groups were not created based upon

gender, race, or socioeconomic status.

Before students could participate in this study, they were to secure signed,

informed consent of the student, and parent or guardian. The Belmont Report stated the

importance of informed consent: “the respect of persons requires that subjects, to the

degree that they are capable, be given the opportunity to choose what shall or shall not

happen to them” (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of


Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979, Part C, section 1, para. 1). Participants also

completed and received other forms as deemed necessary such as a Social Behavioral

Application Human Subjects, and a confidentiality statement (Grand Canyon University,


Since the participants knew each other, the researcher paid particular attention to

maintaining the confidentiality of participants during the testing process. The participants

knew each other because they lived in the same community, attended the same school,

and were friends or siblings. Participants were instructed to conduct the study

independently, and this researcher was present to observe all elements of the study and

made sure it was conducted individually.

Two other ethical considerations were to use nondiscretionary language and to

respect the research location. Nondiscretionary language was used in conducting and

writing the study. The research site was honored by seeking site permission, by not

disturbing the site, and by presenting oneself as a guest and professional researcher. This

researcher did not foresee any conflict of interest. This researcher was not associated with

the school district or the high school of interest. This researcher was previously a middle

school mathematics and science educator in a different state.

The reporting of research data was done fully and honestly. All effort was made

to secure data and test-subject information through coding and locking data in a secure

offsite location to which this researcher has the only access. After 3 years, the data would

be destroyed. The results of this study are to be published with the completed dissertation

on ProQuest©.



Despite a researcher’s planning, limitations still exist in every study (Shadish,

Cook, & Campbell, 2002). A limitation can be described as a weakness of the study as

identified by the researcher (Brutus, Aquinis, & Wassmer, 2012). The researcher of this

study has attempted to mitigate any possible limitations. The following are the limitations

that this researcher has identified to the research approach and methodology. The

researcher has identified four limitations that relate to the sample, instrumentation, and

data analysis.

A first limitation of this study could result from the sample, and more specifically

the sample’s size. In order to minimize the impact of sample size on the results, this

researcher has consulted formulae and a published table (Cohen, 1990). From this

information, an appropriate sample size of approximately 52 participants had been

determined for this study. If more than 52 participants volunteer for the study, the

researcher would have welcomed their participation. If there were less than 52

participants who volunteered and completed the study, the potential impact of the smaller

sample size would adversely affect the results. If this occurred, the limitation would be

unavoidable. In order to not affect the study negatively, data analysis would employ the

Mann-Whitney U-test on the data scores in order to compare the two groups and seek

results. The sample could also be biased because of the number of students that did not

complete both the pretest and the posttest and because of the sampling method itself,

which comprised choosing students for groups based on science GPA.

A second limitation of this study could result from a threat to internal validity and

more specifically from the selection of subjects (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This study


did not use randomly assigned subjects, but rather subjects who were assigned to a group

based on their science GPA. This was necessary to create two groups that were equal in

science ability. Therefore, each group had an approximately similar number of A, B, C,

and below C participants. Equal ability groups were important for this study because

unequal groups could impact the results by giving one group an advantage over the other.

Since the purpose of this study was to compare two instructional methodologies, equal

ability groups (Panoutsopoulos & Sampson, 2012) were sought rather than random

assignment of participants to each group. This limitation would be unavoidable and

would not affect the study negatively.

The third limitation could result from the instrumentation: pretest and posttest.

This limitation could arise from taking the pretest in which participants may become

familiar with the outcome measure and remember responses for the posttest (Shadish,

Cook, & Campbell, 2002). To prevent this from happening, the researcher scrambled the

research questions and order of the answers on the posttest in order to minimize the

potential impact on the results. To prevent this, the researcher designed the study to be

completed within one school day. Participants took the pretest immediately before the

intervention and took the posttest directly after the intervention. The main purpose of this

was to prevent the participants from collaborating or discussing the intervention or test

questions. Lastly, this researcher was present during all aspects of the study to observe

and make sure all participants worked independently. If a participant did get the

opportunity to discuss aspects of the study with another participant, prior to taking the

study, this would be unavoidable. A discussion outside the scope of the study (pretest,

intervention, and posttest) could not affect the study negatively. It as it was vital that the


participants conduct the pretest, intervention, and posttest independently. The researcher

was present to assure this occurred. A discussion outside the timeframe of the study

(pretest, intervention, and posttest) would have been unavoidable but would not have

affected the study negatively.

A fourth limitation may be found in the data analysis and may arise as an effect of

testing as a threat to external validity. Since participants took a pretest, the pretest may

increase or decrease the participant’s attention or interaction during the treatment

(traditional classroom instruction or augmented reality simulation) (Campbell & Stanley,

1963). This limitation was unavoidable. To minimize the limitation, the researcher only

used a multiple-choice pretest and posttest, and the posttest’s questions and possible

answers were in a random order. The reasoning for using multiple-choice tests rather than

non-structured tests was because multiple-choice tests were easier for participants to

answer, easier for the researcher to analyze, and multiple-choice tests reduced interviewer

bias because the tests were self-administered (Malohtra, 2006). The use of a pretest and

posttest methodology would not affect the study negatively.

By identifying these limitations to the sample, instrumentation, and data analysis,

this research sought to aid other potential researchers who may desire to conduct a

replication or similar study (Brutus, Aquinis, & Wassmer, 2012). The above stated

limitations were unavoidable. As such, the researcher did not foresee any of these

limitations as adversely affecting the study negatively.


This study used a quantitative methodology and quasi-experimental design to

investigate how an augmented reality simulation affects high school students’ learning


outcomes in chemistry, using a pre- and posttest methodology without group

collaboration. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate how an augmented

reality simulation compares to traditional classroom instruction in its influence on

students learning outcomes in chemistry. A previously tested augmented reality tool,

ARIS, was used for the augmented reality simulations. Data were collected from pretests

and posttests administered to all students in each group. The pre- and posttest questions

were drawn from the chemistry textbook (Dingrando, et al., 2005) and tests were created

utilizing the textbook’s companion software, ExamView Pro Testmaker CD-ROM

(Chemistry: Matter and Change, 2005). The textbook authors have determined validity

for the textbook and associated software as they are considered subject matter experts

(Glencoe Science White Paper, 2013; Hunt, 2013). Since the textbook and companion

software have been used previously by other educators (Glencoe Science White Paper,

2013; Hunt, 2013) as an assessment tool for teaching radioactivity, and the chemistry

textbook questions have been correlated to national science standards (Glencoe Science

White Paper, 2013; Hunt, 2013), they have been previously designed to yield results. As

such, they have been tested for stability reliability (test after test, it is reliable to derive

similar results) and internal consistency (testing the same characteristics). This researcher

also tested the pre- and posttest for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha (Cronbach, 1951;

Pallant, 2010), and obtained results proving reliability of both tests, as both alphas were

above .8. By statistically analyzing the two groups’ test scores using SPSS software (IBM

Corporation, 2011), variance and statistical significance of the impacts of the educational

treatment could be determined.


This study has followed all of Grand Canyon University’s IRB requirements, as

established by Grand Canyon University (2010), and all ethical guidelines as established

by The Belmont Report (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of

Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979). Because this study required participants to

answer all questions on the pretest and posttest independently, no co-mingling, group

work, or group collaboration was allowed. To prevent this from occurring, this researcher

observed all aspects of the study. All efforts were made to maintain confidentiality of

participants, reliability of data collected, and both external and internal validity of this

study. Limitations, although out of this researcher’s control, were managed in a

professional manner, as they arose. For example to avoid weather effects on the

augmented reality simulation, the simulation was conducted inside and in a neighboring

room to the traditional classroom instruction.

This chapter outlined the proposed methods for conducting the study, with

particular focus on the collection and analysis of data to be used in answering the

proposed research question. Chapter 4 explains in more detail the actual collection and

analysis of data and the associated results of the completed study. The following chapters

describe the data collected using the methodology proposed here, discuss the results of

the statistical analyses conducted, as well as any changes in the procedures used to

investigate the data. Chapter 5 provides a discussion and an interpretation of those

results, as well as further explanation of the implications of this study. It is this

researcher’s belief that this study contributes valuable knowledge to the field of GBL,

utilizing augmented reality as a tool for improving learning outcomes, and especially for

those students who may prefer an alternative to traditional classroom instruction.


Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results


There is currently a lack of information on the effectiveness of augmented reality

simulations in helping students improve learning outcomes. To expand the body of

knowledge surrounding augmented reality for educational purposes, it was important to

investigate whether an augmented reality simulation improved individual students’

learning outcomes without group collaboration when compared to traditional classroom

instruction. Therefore, this quasi-experimental, quantitative, pre- and posttest design

study was implemented to fill that gap and determine if there was a difference in learning

outcomes of students exposed to two different learning methodologies: traditional

classroom instruction and an augmented reality simulation, without group collaboration.

Since the motivating purpose was theory testing, this researcher used a

quantitative research design (Jha, 2008). Data was collected from a stratified sample of

approximately 50 participants from a local high school. Participants were divided into

two similar groups, which were created by the high school’s chemistry instructor and

based on participants’ science GPA (Panoutsopoulos & Sampson, 2012). The comparison

group and experimental group were created to have a similar number of participants with

a similar distribution of science GPA (A, B, C, and below C). The independent variables

were the educational treatments applied to students participating in a chemistry lesson:

traditional classroom instruction verses an augmented reality simulation. Students were

given a pretest that assessed baseline knowledge before the activity and a posttest

immediately after the activity that assessed knowledge acquired by students during their

lesson. Both groups learned the same content: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. Both


groups also received the same amount of time: 20 minute pretest, 30 minute activity, and

20 minute posttest. All participants worked individually and this researcher observed

them to assure participants worked individually.

It was not known if positive individual student outcomes would be produced in

this study. However, this researcher predicted that an augmented reality simulation in

science would increase students’ learning outcomes when compared to traditional

classroom instruction. The research question in this study was developed to answer the

overall goal of assessing whether augmented reality simulations without group

collaboration would have an impact on student learning outcomes as compared to

traditional classroom instruction without group collaboration. The research questions for

this study were:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that

the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?

RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,

as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual

outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?

In order to test RQ1, scores of the experimental (augmented reality) group were

tested for improvement from the pretest to the posttest. Testing RQ2 involved comparing

test scores of students in a comparison group, who received traditional classroom

instruction, to those in an experimental group, who received an augmented reality

simulation, provided the basis for assessing the impacts of the treatment under


examination. The null and alternative hypotheses provided the basis for study design and

development of methodology:

H10: Augmented reality has no impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H11: Augmented reality has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H12: Augmented reality has a negative impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H20: Augmented reality instruction and traditional classroom instruction have the

same impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H21: Augmented reality instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than traditional classroom instruction.

H22: Traditional classroom instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than augmented reality instruction.

The purpose of this chapter was to present the findings of the study. The

following sections present a narrative and visual summary of the population and the data

used in this study. This is followed by a detailed description of the data analysis. Lastly,

the results are presented. A discussion of these results then follows in Chapter 5.

Descriptive Data

This section provides a descriptive summary of the population sample used in this

analysis, including the sample size, age level, organization, and setting. For feasibility

reasons, this study was conducted at a high school in southwest Colorado that was

convenient for the researcher. This high school had a student population for the 2012–

2013 academic year of 215 students.

After investigating several sample-size methodologies, a sample size of 89

participants was identified for this study. Participants of the study were drawn from the


high school’s science department and as such, the only demographic classification was

that they were assumed to be of high school age. This study did not differentiate between

male or female, grade level, or English and non-English speaking students. To remain

true to the purpose of this study, this study investigated just the influence of two teaching

methodologies on the learning outcomes of high school aged students without group

collaboration. Since many of the participants were minors (under the age of 18),

participants were instructed to seek permission from a parent or guardian in order to

participate in the study in addition to providing their own consent. When the parental-

permission and informed-consent forms were returned appropriately signed and received

by this researcher, the participant was then eligible to join the study. In this manner, A

total of 89 participants returned signed consent forms and were eligible to partake in the


Upon return of the signed consent forms, this researcher created a list of all

participants. This list was used by the high school’s chemistry teacher to match the

students’ cumulative science GPA to the participant. The participants were then divided

into subcategories based on GPA: A, B, C, and below C. Half of each category was

placed into the comparison group and the other half in the experimental group. Dividing

by GPA created two similar groups that could be compared and based only on teaching

methodology (Panoutsopoulos & Sampson, 2012). Using a quasi-experimental design

and the two similar groups, it was easier to identify whether a true relationship existed

between the educational treatment and the attributed improvement in students’ learning

outcomes. Of the 89 participants who returned the signed consent forms, 44 were placed

into the augmented reality group and 45 were placed into the traditional classroom


instruction group. The average science GPA of each group was 3.18 for the augmented

reality group and 3.13 for the traditional classroom instruction group.

The study was conducted in two adjoining science classrooms; one room hosted

the traditional classroom instruction and the other hosted the augmented reality

simulation. Between the rooms was a doorway so that this researcher was able to observe

both rooms and all participants at the same time. The study was conducted during a

typical school day. All participants took the pretest before the activity and the posttest

immediately after the activity. In order to accommodate all participants, they were

separated into smaller sessions. Three traditional classroom instruction sessions were

created in which all participants received traditional classroom instruction by the same

high school chemistry teacher about Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation and five

augmented reality simulation sessions were created so that all received the same

simulation (see Appendix I for an outline of the content used in the teaching

methodologies). Table 1 shows the number of high school students in each session and

group that completed the pretest, activity, and posttest. As noted in the data analysis

section, a total of 78 participants completed the study: 42 for the traditional classroom

instruction group and 36 for the augmented reality simulation group.


Table 1

Teaching Methodology and Participants per Group

Session Traditional Classroom Instruction

Augmented Reality Simulation

1 17 8

2 13 7

3 12 7

4 Not Used 8

5 Not Used 6

The next group of tables shows a breakdown of the pretest and posttest scores in

detail. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for the group as a whole (N = 78), while

Table 3 presents the statistics for the traditional classroom instruction group (N =

42), and Table 4 shows the statistics for the augmented reality instruction group (N = 36).

These scores represented the dependent variable data used in the following analyses.

Table 2

Descriptive Statistics – Test Scores – All Types of Classroom Instruction

Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean SD

Pretest score 78 30.00 96.67 60.30 17.01

Posttest score 78 40.00 96.67 72.86 15.63

Table 3

Descriptive Statistics – Test Scores – Traditional Classroom Instruction

Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean SD

Pretest score 42 30.00 86.67 59.05 16.07

Posttest score 42 43.33 96.67 76.03 14.24


Table 4

Descriptive Statistics – Test Scores – Augmented Reality Instruction

Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean SD

Pretest score 36 33.33 96.67 61.76 18.16

Posttest score 36 40.00 96.67 69.17 16.55

Data Analysis Procedures

This study utilized statistical analyses including both paired t tests and

independent t tests to analyze the students’ pretest and posttest scores. The basic

methodology of the t tests was to compare the mean scores of the two groups. Again the

two groups were comprised of the comparison group who received traditional instruction

and the experimental group who received an augmented reality simulation. The variable

tested was “delta,” the difference between the posttest and pretest score. In this study,

delta was expected to be a positive number.

As previously mentioned, all students took the pretest before the activity (see

Appendix B) and the posttest immediately followed the activity. The pretest consisted of

30 questions and took approximately 20 minutes. The pretest measured current student

knowledge on the topic of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation, and was assessed on a

100-point scale. The posttest consisted of the same questions as the pretest, but arranged

in a different order, and, as the pretest, students were given approximately 20 minutes to

complete the posttest. The posttest was also assessed on a 100-point scale. The first step

of the data analysis was a paired t test for each group, which determined if the mean

scores of the groups differed significantly. If the paired t test results were insignificant

(the hypothesis that the pre- and posttest scores were the same cannot be rejected), then


no further research needed to be conducted, as the intervention had no impact on scores.

If there was a difference in mean scores, calculations were made to determine “delta,” the

difference between scores of each participant. Lastly, an independent sample t test

compared the delta from the comparison group with the delta from the experimental

group to determine if one group significantly increased in students’ learning outcomes

over the other.

The null hypothesis of RQ1 addressed the possibility that augmented reality has

no impact on students’ learning outcomes. The paired t test already described and

conducted initially checked whether students in one group scored differently than

another. In order to test RQ1, a paired t test was performed that examined the augmented

reality students only. This t test examined whether students subjected to the augmented

reality instruction scored higher on the posttest than the pretest. RQ2 was tested using an

independent sample t test that examined whether the change, or “delta score”, was higher

for the control group, the experimental group, or the same for both groups.

All tests were coded to ensure the privacy of participants. This researcher

conducted all coding of the pre- and posttests. There were two codes on each test. The

first code identified the group; the letter A identified the comparison group or traditional

classroom instruction group and the letter B identified the experimental group or

augmented reality instruction group. The second code was a number that identified the

participants’ completed test; for example, Pretest A23 identified the pretest from the

comparison group that corresponds to participant 23. The same coding methodology was

applied for the posttest.


Validity of the data can be discussed in terms of external and internal validity.

External validity affects the generalizability of the study, while internal validity is

representative of the thoroughness of the study. The instruments used in this study

improved its external validity. Because the pre- and posttests have been used previously

as chemistry textbook questions, they have had success at measuring learning, or were

deemed valid. The tests have established external validity because the results are

generalizable. A threat to internal validity may arise as an effect of testing. Since

participants took a pretest, the pretest may increase or decrease the participant’s attention

or interaction during the treatment (traditional classroom instruction or augmented reality

simulation) (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). To minimize this, the researcher only used a

multiple-choice pre- and posttest and then drew generalizable conclusions from the

results. Another potential threat to validity could occur with some students guessing on

both the pretest and the posttest which, in a few instances, seemed to cause the pretest

score to be higher than the posttest score.

The tests used here have established internal validity as determined by the

textbook authors, who were considered subject matter experts. The explanation of

textbook development in Glencoe Science White Paper (2013) and Hunt (2013) provided

some description of validity and textbook development. A possible threat to internal

validity was that after taking the pretest, participants may become familiar with the

outcome measure and remember responses for the posttest (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell,

2002). To prevent this from happening, the researcher scrambled the research questions

and possible answers on the posttest. Another threat to internal validity may have arisen

in the selection of subjects (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This study did not use randomly


assigned subjects, but rather subjects were assigned to a group. The only criterion for

assignment to a group was the student’s science GPA, which was used to create two

groups that were equal in science ability. Therefore, each group had approximately the

same number of participants with grades of A, B, C, and below C.

The measurement tools used in this study also had face validity and criterion

validity. These tools were previously used in other work and their usage was considered

successful, hence for the purposes of this study, those tools were considered reliable for

providing results that could be used to determine if an augmented reality simulation could

affect students’ learning outcomes. This was done by comparing traditional classroom

instruction to an augmented reality simulation using a pre- and posttest methodology.

This study also had criterion validity because it compared two levels of the independent

variable (traditional instruction and augmented reality simulation).

Reliability of the data used was also largely based on the test instruments used in

this study. The pre- and posttest was comprised of questions that have been used

previously as chemistry textbook questions, to gain understanding in radioactivity. The

chemistry textbook questions have also been correlated to national science standards, as

explained in Glencoe Science White Paper (2013) and Hunt (2013). Because these

textbook questions have been previously used to yield the designed results, they have

been tested for stability reliability (test after test, it is reliable in deriving similar results)

and internal consistency (testing the same characteristics). This researcher also examined

the pre- and posttest for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha. The Cronbach’s alpha for the

pretest was .826, while the alpha for the posttest was .835. These results show both tests

to be reliable.


Two sources of error were identified by this researcher while conducting this

study, which may have had an impact on the data. The first source of error was identified

as a limitation of the instrumentation, the pretest and posttest. This limitation might have

arisen in taking the pretest, where participants can become familiar with the outcome

measure and remember responses for the posttest (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002).

This type of bias should not be an issue, however, because both the traditional and

augmented reality groups would be equally subject to this limitation. To attempt to

prevent this effect, the researcher scrambled the research questions and order of the

answers on the posttest in order to minimize the potential impact on the results. Also, the

researcher designed the study to be completed within one school day; participants took

the pretest immediately before the intervention and took the posttest directly after the

intervention. The main purpose of this was to prevent the participants from collaborating

or discussing the intervention or test questions. In addition, this researcher was present

during all aspects of the study to observe and make sure all participants worked

independently, without group collaboration, as this was a crucial element of the study.

A second possible error may have arisen from the instructional methodology.

Both the traditional classroom instruction and augmented reality simulation taught the

same content: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation. They were created from the same

textbook, chapters, page numbers, and terminology (see Appendix I). An observed

difference between the two groups was that the classroom instruction utilized the entire

30 minute instructional time where some participants of the augmented reality group

completed their review of the simulation in less time (approximately 15 minutes) and

stopped reviewing the lesson. By having less time to review content, it may adversely


affect their scores on the posttest. Participants are volunteers and the amount of effort that

they place into the study was not under the control of the researcher.


The first step in the analysis was to conduct a paired t test on the pretest and

posttest scores of the students in the study in order to determine if and how much the

participants in the comparison and experimental groups learned. This was undertaken as a

first step in order to determine if further testing needed to be carried out. If the paired t

test results were insignificant (the hypothesis that the pre- and posttest scores were the

same could not be rejected), then no further research needed to be conducted, as the

intervention had no impact on scores.

As stated earlier, the pretest and posttests both consisted of 30 questions.

The raw scores on these tests were then converted to percentages by dividing the raw

score by 30 and multiplying the result by 100. The possible scores on the pretest and

posttest thus ranged from 0 to 100. The null and alternate hypotheses for the paired t test

were as follows:

H0: μ2 - μ1 = 0 or μpostttest - μpretest = 0


H1: μ2 - μ1 > 0 or μpostttest - μpretest > 0.

Note that the null and alternate hypotheses were one-tailed tests because the

research would only continue if the posttest scores were significantly higher than the

pretest scores. Failing to reject the null hypothesis would lead to the conclusion that

neither classroom method was effective in imparting the lesson to the students in the



Looking at the pretest and posttest scores, the null hypothesis stating that the

pretest scores and posttest scores were equal could be rejected, with t(77) = 8.27, p

< .001. The results of the paired samples t test on the entire group are shown in

Table 5. Based on these results, it was concluded that posttest scores were higher than

pretest scores, and additional analysis comparing the traditional classroom instruction

results to the augmented reality instruction results should be undertaken.

Table 5

Paired Samples Test – Entire Group

Paired Differences

T df Sig. (1-tailed) Mean Std.


Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence Interval of the


Lower Upper Posttest score – Pretest score 12.56 13.42 1.52 9.5 15.59 8.27 77 .001

Research question 1. Research question 1 examined whether augmented reality

instruction affected high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as measured by

a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual outcomes are not the

result of group collaboration. This question was tested by a paired t test. The null and

alternate hypotheses for this paired t test performed on the augmented reality group were

as follows:

H0: μ2 - μ1 = 0 or μpostttest, augmented reality - μpretest, augmented reality = 0


H1: μ2 - μ1 > 0 or μpostttest, augmented reality - μpretest, augmented > 0.


As with the earlier paired t test, this was a one-tailed test, as the researcher was

only concerned about whether posttest scores were significantly higher than pretest

scores. In this case, the null hypothesis stating that the pretest scores and posttest scores

were equal for the augmented reality group could be rejected, with t(35) = 4.46, p < .001.

It was therefore concluded that posttest scores were higher than pretest scores for the

augmented reality instruction group. This test, therefore, supported the research

hypothesis H11, which stated that augmented reality had a positive impact on students’

learning outcomes, without group collaboration. The results of the paired samples t test

are shown in Table 6.

Table 6

Paired Samples Test – Augmented Reality Instruction Group Only

Paired Differences

T df Sig. (1-tailed) Mean Std.


Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence Interval of the


Lower Upper Posttest score – Pretest score 7.41 9.96 1.66 4.04 10.78 4.46 35 .001

Research question 2. The first step in the examination of RQ2 was to compare

the pretest and posttest scores of the traditional classroom group to the augmented reality

group. Figure 1 shows the pretest and posttest scores for each student in the traditional

classroom instruction group, while Figure 2 shows the same scores for the augmented

reality instruction group. Additionally, in order to gain a greater understanding into which

of the two groups may have gained more between the pretest and the posttest, Figure 3

shows a comparison of the means between the two groups.


Figure 1. Per Student Comparison of Pretest and Posttest Raw Scores for the Traditional Classroom Instruction Group.

Figure 2. Per Student Comparison of Pretest and Posttest Raw Scores for the Augmented Reality Instruction Group.









Traditional Classroom Instruction Group: Pretest & Posttest Raw Scores

Pretest Posttest









Augmented Reality Group: Pretest & Posttest Raw Scores

Pretest Posttest


Figure 3. Comparison of Pretest Means and Posttest Means for the Traditional Classroom Instruction Group and the Augmented Reality Instruction Group.

As shown in Figure 3, the posttest scores of students in the traditional classroom

setting increased more than the posttest scores of students in the augmented reality group.

Whether this gain was significant or not had to be determined by means of an

independent samples t test.

Next, the delta scores were calculated, which showed the difference between

posttest and pretest scores for each group. Delta was defined as the difference between

scores of each participant. Figure 4 shows the delta scores for the students as a whole, as

well as for each of the two different classroom instruction groups. The delta score for the

traditional classroom instruction group was higher than the delta score for the augmented

reality group. As the final test, an independent sample t test compared the delta from the

comparison group with the delta from the experimental group to determine if one group

significantly increased in students’ learning outcomes over the other.


Figure 4. Comparison of the Delta Scores for All students, Traditional Classroom Instruction Students, and Augmented Reality Instruction Students. Note the traditional classroom instruction delta appears to be higher than the augmented reality instruction delta score.

Although the delta score for the traditional classroom instruction group was

higher than the delta score for the augmented reality group, whether this difference was

significant or not could only be determined by means of an independent samples t test.

One of the assumptions of an independent sample t test is that the variances of the two

samples are equal. Hence, it was necessary to first test whether the variance for the delta

score under traditional classroom instruction was equal to the variance for the delta score

under augmented reality instruction. To test the assumption that the variances are equal,

this researcher used Levene’s test for equality of variances (Wetcher-Hendricks, 2011).

The hypotheses for this test were:

H0: σ12 = σ2

2 or σtraditional2 = σaugmented reality



H1: σ12 ≠ σ2

2 or σtraditional2 ≠ σaugmented reality



The null hypothesis of Levene’s test was that the variances between the two groups were

the same; the null hypothesis was not rejected for this data based on a significance level

of α = .05. Therefore, based on these results, this researcher assumed equal variances,

with F(76) = 3.64, p=.06.

Subsequently, the hypotheses for the independent samples t test were as follows:

H0: μ1 = μ2 or μ delta score, traditional = μ delta score, augmented reality


H1: μ1 ≠ μ2 or μ delta score, traditional ≠ μ delta score, augmented reality.

Note that, unlike the paired samples t test, this was a two-sided test. Using the t test with

equal variances assumed yielded the result: t(76) = 3.34, p = .001. Hence the null

hypothesis that the mean delta score was the same for the traditional classroom

instruction group and the augmented reality group was rejected. These results are shown

in Table 7 and the boxplot shows the difference in the means of the two groups.

Table 7

Independent Samples Test – Traditional Classroom Instruction Compared to Augmented Reality Instruction

t test for Equality of Means

T Df Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

Std. Error Difference

95% Confidence

Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper Equal variances assumed 3.34 76 .001 9.58 2.86 3.87 15.28

Equal variances not assumed 3.44 72.73 .001 9.58 2.79 4.03 15.13


Figure 5. Boxplot of Mean Delta Scores For Traditional Classroom Instruction and Augmented Reality Instruction Groups.

As can be seen in Figure 5, the mean and distribution of delta scores does appear

lower for the augmented reality instruction group as compared to the traditional

classroom group. It is difficult to conclude if the larger number of incomplete augmented

reality simulation tests than the traditional classroom group, has resulted in lowering the

overall mean and distribution scores for the augmented reality group. In an ideal

situation, both groups would have an equal number of participants who completed the

tests. Since the participation was voluntary, participant absence, withdrawing from the

study, or not completing test is not under the control of the researcher. Another

interesting possibility arose because of the large number of students in the augmented

reality group who scored high in the pretest. A high pretest score left little room for

improvement and hence a low delta score. This could be a potential source of bias in the

outcome. The results of the independent sample t test led to the rejection of H20, but the


researcher was unable to reject H22, that in a setting without group collaboration,

traditional classroom instruction has a greater positive impact on students’ learning

outcomes than augmented reality instruction.

In conclusion, the null hypothesis (H10) that augmented reality has no impact on

students’ learning outcomes, without group collaboration, was rejected. Following the

results of the paired samples t test, the alternate hypothesis (H11) that augmented reality

has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes, without group collaboration, could

not be rejected. Thus, it was possible to conclude from the research that augmented

reality instruction did cause posttest scores to increase, as compared to pretest scores. The

results of the independent samples t test, however, showed that the increase in the delta

scores was lower for the augmented reality group than it was for the traditional classroom

group, thus leading to the acceptance of H22. Hence, although augmented reality

instruction did lead to an increase in delta scores, it was not as effective as traditional

classroom instruction.


This study looked at the pre- and posttest scores of 78 high school students who

participated in either an augmented reality simulation or traditional classroom lesson

covering the topic of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation, a high school chemistry topic.

Those students were separated into two groups, based on their cumulative science GPA;

this resulted in matched groups so there was a more even basis for comparing the

learning outcomes of the two groups. The researcher was present during the

administration of the pre- and posttests, as well as during the lesson, to ensure there was

no group collaboration among the students. After the study was complete, the traditional


instruction group had 42 complete tests and the augmented reality group had 36 complete

tests. This study attempted to control variables by creating equal ability groups based on

science GPA; but in the end, the unpredictability of participant absence, withdrawing

from the study, or not completing a test has created a slight unevenness between the

groups (groups may not have been equal by ability after all).

Once scores were obtained, statistical analyses were used to compare the results

of the two groups. First a one-tailed paired t test looked at the difference between the

pretest and posttest scores of each group. The null hypothesis of this test, stating that the

scores were the same, was rejected, indicating that the posttest scores were higher than

pretest scores for both groups. This indicated that further investigation was warranted.

The paired t test performed for RQ1 showed that augmented reality instruction did lead to

an improvement in test scores from the pretest to the posttest. A subsequent comparison

of the mean scores of the pretest and posttest for each group indicated that a larger

increase in mean scores occurred in the group that received traditional classroom

instruction, as compared to the group who received the augmented reality simulation. In

order to test RQ2, an independent sample t test was used to determine whether the

difference in scores between the groups was significant. For this test, after confirming the

assumption of equal variances, the null hypothesis was rejected, indicating that the

differences between pre- and posttest scores for the two groups were significantly higher

for the traditional instruction group, thus upholding H22 of Research Question 2.

The combined results of these statistical analyses indicated that augmented reality

simulation did increase posttest scores in the group of high school chemistry students.

However, these results also indicated the increase in scores was less for the augmented


reality group than it was for the group that received traditional classroom instruction. The

next chapter, Chapter 5, provides a summary of the study, findings, and conclusions.

Following this, the chapter primarily provides a description of what could occur

theoretically and in the future as a result of this research. The chapter ends with

recommendations for future research and practice.


Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations


At the time this study was conducted, it was not known to what extent how

augmented reality could be used to further high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, without group collaboration. An investigation of existing literature found

omissions centering on the lack of research looking at individual learning outcomes

without group collaboration from augmented reality games. Therefore, this study

examined the impact of an augmented reality simulation by comparing learning outcomes

of high school students who received an augmented reality simulation to those who

received traditional instruction in a high school chemistry topic, using a pre- and posttest

methodology, the same content for both approaches, and without group collaboration.

This study is important because it was the first quantitative experiment controlling for

individual learning that assessed the influence of augmented reality simulations using

mobile handheld digital devices on individual students’ learning outcomes. The results

may have implications for how future students are taught.

Summary of the Study

This study investigated two research questions:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that

the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?

RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,


as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual

outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?

The study was designed to compare two teaching methodologies and their impact

on individual high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as measured by a

pretest and posttest methodology, without group collaboration. A teaching approach

using an augmented reality simulation was compared to a traditional teaching approach,

and, again, the outcome was assessed based on the learning outcomes of high school

students exposed to each teaching method.

To specifically answer the proposed research questions and associated

hypotheses, 89 participants were divided and placed in either a comparison or

experimental group. The groups were matched based on individual students’ cumulative

science GPA, in order to establish a baseline for comparing test scores. A pretest was

given to all participants prior the activity. The comparison group was given traditional

classroom instruction and the experimental group was given an augmented reality

simulation; both covered the same chemistry topic. All participants were observed by the

researcher to assure students worked without group collaboration. Upon completion of

the traditional instruction (42 participants) and augmented reality simulation (36

participants), all students from both groups took a posttest covering the same material.

The pre- and posttest scores were then used in the statistical analysis to determine

whether the change in mean scores of these groups were significantly different.

This study contributed to existing knowledge about game-based learning, and

specifically augmented reality game-based learning, because previous studies were not

conclusive as to how augmented reality games/simulations improved individual students’


learning outcomes without group collaboration (see Appendix A). This topic is important

to the field of education as it may help educators better understand how students learn.

Augmented reality is expanding with the creation of new technologies and has not been

extensively researched as to how it affects individual student learning, in contrast to

traditional classroom learning. Because augmented reality has qualities similar to today’s

computer games and is founded in game-based learning research, this researcher

hypothesized that improved learning would occur. Additionally important, the findings of

this study may contribute to reshaping how students are taught in the classroom. When

this study was conducted, teaching was mainly an educator-led, guided, two-dimensional

or pen-and-paper process. This study demonstrated that three-dimensional or hands-on

learning through an augmented reality simulation may also be a method of instruction

that leads to successful learning for some students.

The remainder of this chapter is focused on discussion of the study results and the

implications of this work. In doing so, the researcher first summarizes the findings and

conclusions of this study, with a focus on the meaning of statistical results. Then the

implications derived from the study are discussed, and lastly some recommendations for

future research and for future practice are presented.

Summary of Findings and Conclusion

The work conducted in this study was based upon theories of learning and the role

of technology set forth by previous researchers. Specifically, this study compared two

learning methodologies: traditional instruction as an educator-led process (Tinzmann, et.

al., 1990) to an autonomous approach of learning that utilized minimal guidance where

the learner became an active participant in his/her own learning process (Dieterle et. al.,


n.d.; Siemens, 2008). This learning methodology was founded in the constructivist

principles of Dewey (1910), Piaget (1947), and Vygotsky (Dalgarno, 2002). By

integrating handheld digital devices in a self-led constructivist learning process, as

previously demonstrated by researchers (see Appendix A), this study sought to

investigate a constructivist approach to learning, specifically one that uses technology.

Augmented reality has been introduced as a possible tool for improving learning

experiences and outcomes for students. It is known that the use of augmented reality in

education draws on research from computer games and their ability to increase student

learning (Carr & Bossomaier, 2011; Cheung et al., 2008; Foster, 2011; Kaufman et al.,

2011; Kebritchi et al., 2010; Tuzun et al., 2009; Yip & Kwan, 2006; see Appendix D).

Gaps in the existing literature generally centered on the lack of evidence for the influence

of augmented reality games on individual learning outcomes.

Previous studies that focused on augmented reality simulations and learning in

education used collaborative groups, but either no learning was assessed (Dunleavy et al.,

2009; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Rosenbaum et al., 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan,

2007), or learning was assessed but not controlled for collaboration (Chang et al., 2009;

Huizenga et al., 2009; Rosenheck & Perry, 2012, Vilkoniene, 2009). The findings of this

study provided new information through the use of a comparison group (traditional

classroom instruction) and an experimental group (augmented reality simulation).

Comparing the test results of these two groups demonstrated if there was a significant

difference between traditional classroom instruction and an augmented-reality simulation

in Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation, and controlling for individual-learning outcomes

without group collaboration.


The research questions in this study were developed to answer the overall goal of

assessing whether augmented reality simulations without group collaboration have an

impact on student learning outcomes as compared to traditional classroom instruction

without group collaboration. Specifically, this study sought a stratified sample of students

at a high school in southwest Colorado and data was collected through a pre- and posttest

methodology. Data analysis compared the test scores of students in a comparison group,

who received traditional classroom instruction, to those in an experimental group, who

received an augmented reality simulation, provided the basis for assessing the impacts of

the treatment under examination. Null and alternative hypotheses provided the basis for

study design and development of methodology. Statistical analysis of the test scores for

each group provided a quantitative comparison of the groups’ results, and was used to

accept or reject the null hypothesis. The following research questions and associated

hypotheses guided this quantitative study:

RQ1: Does augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in

chemistry, as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that

the individual outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? Testable

hypotheses were then developed to answer this question; these were

H10: Augmented reality has no impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H11: Augmented reality has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H12: Augmented reality has a negative impact on students’ learning outcomes.

RQ2: Does augmented reality instruction or traditional classroom instruction have

a greater positive impact on high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry,

as measured by a pre- and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual


outcomes are not the result of group collaboration? The hypotheses associated

with this RQ were

H20: Augmented reality instruction and traditional classroom instruction have the

same impact on students’ learning outcomes.

H21: Augmented reality instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than traditional classroom instruction.

H22: Traditional classroom instruction has a greater positive impact on students’

learning outcomes than augmented reality instruction.

In order to investigate the research questions and determine if and how much the

participants in the comparison and experimental groups learned, paired t tests were

conducted for each group; these results determined if further testing needed to be

undertaken. If the paired t test results were insignificant (the hypothesis that the pre- and

posttest scores were the same could not be rejected), then no further research needed to

be conducted, as the intervention had no impact on scores. In order to conduct this test,

the pretest and posttest scores (which both consisted of 30 questions) were converted into

percentages by dividing the raw score by 30 and multiplying the result by 100. The

possible scores on the pretest and posttest thus ranged from 0 to 100.

The paired t test was conducted on both groups and the null hypothesis was

rejected; it was concluded that posttest scores were higher than pretest scores. This

indicated that further analysis comparing the traditional classroom instruction results to

the augmented reality instruction results was warranted. In order to test RQ1, a paired t

test was then undertaken to discover if posttest scores were higher than pretest scores for

the augmented reality instruction group only. The null hypothesis in this case was


rejected, and it was concluded that posttest scores were significantly higher than pretest

scores for the augmented reality instruction group. This test, therefore, supported the

research hypothesis, H11, stating that augmented reality had a positive impact on students’

learning outcomes, without group collaboration.

In order to test RQ2, delta scores were calculated; these were defined as the

difference between scores of each participant. The delta score for the traditional

classroom instruction group was higher than the delta score for the augmented reality

group; an independent samples t test was then lastly used to determine whether this

difference was significant or not. Equal variances were assumed, based on the results of

Levene’s test of equality of variances at a significance level of α = .05, and the results of

the independent samples t test indicated that the null hypothesis (stating that the mean

delta score was the same for the traditional classroom instruction group and the

augmented reality group) was rejected.

In conclusion, for RQ1, the null hypothesis that augmented reality has no impact

on students’ learning outcomes, without group collaboration, was rejected. Following the

results of the paired samples t test, the alternate hypothesis that augmented reality has a

positive impact on students’ learning outcomes, without group collaboration, could not be

rejected. Thus, it was possible to conclude from the research that augmented reality

instruction did cause posttest scores to increase, as compared to pretest scores. The

results of the independent samples t test for RQ2, however, showed that the increase in

the delta scores was lower for the augmented reality group than it was for the traditional

classroom group. Hence, although augmented reality instruction did lead to an increase in

delta scores, it was not as effective as traditional classroom instruction.


This study did demonstrate that an augmented reality simulation on the topic of

Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation has a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes,

without group collaboration. This has been demonstrated with a level of acceptable

statistical significance, and as such could have an important impact on the field of

augmented-reality simulations in education. This study has become valuable because

some of today’s students have different interests from those of previous generations and

may prefer learning that uses a more hands-on and self-directed approach (Dieterle, n.d.;

Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005) that uses available technology to conduct their work, which

contrasts with traditional classroom instruction. More research needs to be conducted

before one can generalize to all students and educators can replace traditional classroom

instruction with augmented reality simulations. This study was worthwhile because it

begins to demonstrate that an augmented-reality simulation without group collaboration

can produce increased learning outcomes. In doing so, this study has become the first

quantitative experiment controlling for individual learning to validate the use of

augmented reality simulations, using mobile handheld digital devices, to influence

individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration.

However, even if the results of this study had supported the null hypotheses, that

augmented reality simulation has not impacted students’ outcomes without group

collaboration, this conclusion would still have added to the existing body of knowledge.

It should encourage continuing research into other uses and benefits for augmented

reality simulations. Although the null hypotheses were rejected in the current research,

the examination of alternative learning techniques could still provide an interesting

avenue for future research. This study has influenced the future of how students learn and


are taught, as well as the future of research in this field. In doing so, the results of this

study have advanced scientific knowledge related to augmented reality in the field of

education, by providing a quantitative study on individual students’ learning outcomes

without group collaboration.


The findings of this study included results of a paired t test that showed learning

does occur under augmented reality instruction, illustrated by the significant differences

between the pretest and posttest scores. However an independent samples t test showed

that the delta score, which was the difference between the pretest and posttest scores,

increased more under traditional classroom instruction than under the augmented reality

instruction. Scores did improve under both types of instruction; therefore more research

is needed in this area. In the remainder of this section, the theoretical, practical, and

future implications of the research are examined in detail.

Theoretical implications. All findings and methodology were sound given the

available data. One of the strengths of this study was that the researcher obtained a

sufficiently large sample given the power requirements of the study, as described in the

section Population and Sample Selection found in Chapter 3: Methodology. In order to

meet the initial requirements of the research, approximately 52 participants were sought,

89 signed up, and 78 completed the study. This researcher was thereby able to directly

examine the effect of the intervention (traditional class or augmented reality) by

comparing pretest and posttest scores. In order to make the groups as similar as possible

for comparison purposes, the researcher divided the students so that the overall science

GPA in each group was close to equal for the traditional and augmented reality groups


A weakness of the study was that there may have been unidentified differences

between the traditional and augmented reality groups, especially given the

disproportionately large dropout factor in the augmented reality group. For this particular

study, given the information available, it was impossible to break down the students to

see which type of student benefitted most from the traditional instruction and which type

from the augmented instruction. No information was available on individual student’s

GPA. It was possible that lower GPA students benefitted most from the augmented

reality instruction, or vice versa. Only the overall means of the groups were examined,

not individual differences between students.

Additionally, the study looked at a single school in southwest Colorado. One must

be careful about generalizing too much based on these results only. Although the N was

sufficiently large for the study, a larger sample size would yield more powerful results.

Also, this only compared one teacher using the traditional instruction method.

Differences exist among chemistry teachers and using classes taught by different teachers

in the study would likely yield different results. Whether the traditional class would gain

more or less compared to the augmented reality group with another instructor is


Lastly, the augmented reality simulation may have been flawed. This researcher

created the augmented reality simulation using ARIS; a user-friendly, open-source, free

to download, software. The simulation used markers (QR codes) to present a series of

text, videos, and images to the participant. The simulation was not previously tested for

edutainment or game-like qualities. The augmented reality simulation may have been too

basic or not as interesting for participants. This may explain why some participants were


observed as quitting the simulation after 15 minutes, and it may explain why the

simulation did not do as well as the traditional group overall.

The conclusions were credible given the method and data: according to the power

calculations described in Chapter 3: Methodology, Population and Sample Selection, a

sample of 52 was deemed necessary for the study. The actual sample was 78 students, 42

students in the traditional classroom instruction group and 36 students in the augmented

reality instruction group. This was above the minimum necessary, thus yielding results

that are credible.

T tests are considered effective methods of analysis for comparing groups;

according to the author Pallant, “t tests are utilized for comparing the mean scores of two

different groups” (2010, p. 239). In this case, it was possible to employ both a paired

samples t test and an independent samples t test. The paired samples t test could be

conducted because there was a directly comparable pretest and posttest administered. The

t tests conducted in the study all yielded consistent results. These results were that scores

for all students increased from the pretest to the posttest. This included the augmented

reality group, whose scores did show improvement after the intervention. The difference

in scores, or delta score, was, however, greater for the traditional instruction group. All t

tests and descriptive statistics employed were consistent in illustrating this result: that

both interventions led to an increase in posttest scores, but the increase was greater for

the traditional classroom group than the augmented reality group.

This study was founded upon the premise that some of today’s students are

neomillennials (Sankey, 2006). As such, they may seek self-directed (Dieterle, et. al., n.

d.), constructivist-learning experiences as described by Dewey (1910), Vygotsky


(Costley, 2012), and Piaget (Dalgarno, 2002). Such learning experiences integrate

available technology to assist in students’ knowledge acquisition (Jonassen, Carr, &

Yuen, 1998) rather than the traditional or educator-led philosophy of instruction.

“Technology is a natural part of their environment and the younger they are the more

they expect technology to be used in their schooling (in their lives)” (Oblinger, 2003, p.

38). Because they are “active participants of our 24/7 wired world, they have been

labeled as neomillennials” (Willems, 2009, p.272).

Other researchers that have looked at augmented reality using digital handheld

devices (see Appendix A) revealed that several of the studies incorporate collaborative

groups of two to eight participants, but that learning was not assessed (Dunleavy et al.,

2009; Klopfer & Squire 2008; Rosenbaum et al., 2007; Schrier, 2006; Squire & Jan,

2007). Of the remaining studies investigated, Vilkoniene (2009), Chang et al. (2009), and

Huizenga et al. (2009) investigated augmented reality and found an increase in students’

learning outcomes, but group interactions or collaboration was unidentified or

uncontrolled. From these findings, a question arose that had not been answered: Does

augmented reality affect high school students’ learning outcomes in chemistry, as

measured by a pretest and posttest methodology when ensuring that the individual

outcomes are not the result of group collaboration?

This study expanded the body of knowledge on this topic by investigating

individual students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration. This study measured

students’ learning outcomes using a pre- and posttest methodology without group

collaboration. Half of the participants became the comparison group or traditional

classroom instruction group, and the remainder became the augmented reality group or


experimental group. The independent variable for RQ2 was the instructional

methodology and the dependent variable was the level of students’ learning outcomes,

measured by the difference in the pre- and posttests. Unless there were intervening

variables, the treatment or augmented reality simulation would elicit a result: students’

learning outcomes. The results of the study demonstrate that, at least in this particular

situation, learning did occur in the augmented reality setting without group collaboration,

although the learning was not as great as in the traditional classroom setting.

Practical implications. Studies such as the current research can help teachers and

administrators generate ideas and evidence supporting new methods of teaching that may

improve science scores of American students in the future. According to the Program for

International Student Assessment (2012), the United States scored 23 out of 65

participating economies in science. The challenge of improving student learning

outcomes therefore continues. This study demonstrated that augmented reality can be

used as a tool to improve student learning outcomes without group collaboration. As in

the ongoing PISA study (PISA, n.d.), which is conducted using individual students

approximately 15 years old and a standardized test format, this study also utilized

students of a similar age who also conducted their pre- and posttests and treatment

individually. It is important to continue researching methods for improving individual

student learning outcomes. Augmented reality based on constructivist and game-based

learning theory is one such avenue.

Future implications. Future research in this field should build on the basic

understanding of the potential influence of augmented reality simulation on learning

outcomes established in this study. The sample size should be expanded, and the research


should be carried into other classes and other schools. This researcher attempted to make

the groups as similar as possible by splitting the participants evenly between the

traditional and augmented reality groups based upon science GPA. Before the study

began, there were 89 participants who returned signed consent forms. Of these

participants, 45 were placed in the traditional and 44 into the AR group. The traditional

group had an average science GPA of 3.13, and the augmented reality group had an

average science GPA of 3.18. Theoretically, both groups were of equal ability before the

study began. However, average grade criteria itself can be inconclusive. Breaking down

the sample by individual GPA and looking for anomalies between students and in the

individual students’ reactions to the interventions would strengthen the conclusions of the

analysis. Teachers and administrators using this study should avoid jumping to

conclusions about "all students" based on the results. Much more research is needed

before the results can be generalized to “all students” or even “all chemistry students at

the study school.”

The study raises, as well as answers, certain questions. The results provided some

evidence that augmented reality instruction can be effective in imparting chemistry

knowledge to students, at least in this setting. Much more research is needed before any

conclusions about replacing traditional instruction with augmented reality instruction can

be drawn. At the same time, the research did indicate that traditional classroom

instruction was more effective at imparting the necessary knowledge than the augmented

reality instruction. Again, before drawing too many conclusions and eliminating

augmented reality instruction as a potential teaching tool, more research is needed.

Although in this study, augmented reality appeared less effective than traditional


instruction, other studies may yield very different results. Much more research and study

is needed in this area before definitive conclusions can be drawn and acted upon.


This section includes recommendations based on the findings of the research, as

well as on the limitations and gaps noted in conducting this research. First, a discussion

of possible avenues for future research in this field is presented. Secondly, possible

practical changes that could be made based on the knowledge gained from this work are


Recommendations for future research. The following recommendations offer

suggestions for future research that could improve the understanding of the relationship

between learning and augmented reality as a teaching tool or method. Some of the

recommendations address the need for replicating the current study; other

recommendations introduce other methodologies that could be employed to strengthen

the results of the research. These recommendations are focused on additional types of

data and programs that could be gathered and implemented in order to gain an even

greater insight into these diverse interrelationships. The ideas for future research are as


1. Conduct a more in-depth study by breaking students down by individual GPA

and looking for anomalies. One idea would be to conduct a similar study, but

code each test packet containing the pre- and posttest with the students actual

science GPA. This would enable the researcher to create a ledger that not only

had the participants pre- and posttest scores, but also their actual science GPA.

This could lead to more interesting results into which type of students (high


GPA or low GPA) gained the most under each type of instruction.

2. Conduct additional tests on other classes at other schools. Other sections of

chemistry instruction could also be included. Before the results can be

generalized to any degree, there must be further testing. Currently, there is not

enough evidence to draw any definite conclusions as to which type of

instruction was “best.” Although the study showed that augmented reality

instruction was beneficial, but less effective than traditional classroom study;

this result should not be generalized to other classes and schools at this time.

The study should be replicated a number of times first. Additional data over

time would yield richer results and allow the researcher to draw more

definitive conclusions. Future research of augmented reality should continue

to pursue the pre- and posttest methodology to measure student outcomes. If

the learning community is going to embrace augmented reality as an

instructional methodology, the research must continue to utilize quantitative

means to analyze the results.

3. Increase the sample size and replicate the results. The sample size used in the

current study was sufficient according to the power analysis conducted in

Chapter 3: Methodology, Population and Sample Selection, but larger sample

sizes do increase the overall power of the tests used in the analysis.

Replication of the study with a similar size or larger sample would also lead to

stronger conclusions.

4. Other methods of analysis could be used to look for consistency of results. For

example, a similar study could be conducted using ANCOVA analysis


(Wetcher-Hendricks, 2011). This type of analysis predicts posttest scores

using the pretest as a covariate and the two different types of instruction as the

independent variable. This test assumes that the only difference between the

groups would be the intercept, or the type of instruction. Similar results

between another type of analysis and the t tests would strengthen the results

by adding consistency. Another type of test that could yield more in-depth

results could be an exhaustive CHAID (Kass, 1980), or Chi-square automatic

interaction detection, analysis. This type of analysis is a type of decision tree

analysis that can be used for prediction in a manner similar to regression


5. Another type of analysis that could be employed to add consistency to the

results could be multiple regression analysis (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011).

This could allow the researcher to also collect demographic variables and

include them as control variables. The GPA or science GPA of the students

could also be included as a control variable. The posttest score would serve as

the dependent, or outcome variable. The major predictor variable of interest

would be a dummy variable representing the type of classroom instruction.

The pretest score, GPA, and demographic variables would be included as

control variables. The coefficient on the classroom instruction variable would

then be examined for sign and significance. This test could be run on different

classes and in different schools, again looking for consistency of results

among the different settings and among the different methodologies. A larger

sample size would be required for this type of analysis.


This study begins to address the lack of evidence of individual-learning outcomes

from augmented reality games using handheld digital devices without group

collaboration. More research needs to be conducted and the recommendations listed

above would be a beginning. The next steps in forwarding this line of research would

begin with planning. Part of this planning would include finding a school or series of

schools that would permit a study of this magnitude and also provide a substantially

larger stratified or convenience sample. With a larger participant base, planning and

implementation would require additional researchers or assistant researchers. With a

larger study, there would be more costs. The current study spent approximately $4000 in

miscellaneous costs (iPods, mobile hot spots, data plans, etc.). A larger study’s

expenditures would need to be planned and funding would need to be sought, possibly

through grants or private means.

This research has become valuable because today’s students have different

interests from those of previous generations. Some of today’s students may prefer

learning that uses a more hands-on and self-directed approach (Dieterle, n.d.; Oblinger &

Oblinger, 2005) that uses available technology to conduct their work, which contrasts

with traditional classroom instruction. To demonstrate this, a series of t tests were


First, the one-tailed paired t test looked at the difference between the pretest and

posttest scores of each group. The null hypothesis of this test, stating that the scores were

the same, was rejected, indicating that the posttest scores were higher than pretest scores

for both groups. This indicated that further investigation was warranted. For RQ1, an

examination of the augmented reality instruction group showed that posttest scores were


higher than pretest scores thus indicating that learning occurred through this type of

instruction. This result was validated by means of a paired t test. For RQ2, a comparison

of the mean scores of the pretest and posttest for each group indicated that a larger

increase in mean scores appeared to occur in the group that received traditional classroom

instruction, as compared to the group who received the augmented reality simulation.

After confirming the assumption of equal variances, an independent sample t test was

used to determine whether the difference in scores between the groups was significant.

For this test, the null hypothesis was rejected, indicating that the differences between pre-

and posttest scores for the two groups were significantly different, with more learning

occurring in the traditional instruction group.

The combined results of these statistical analysis indicated that augmented reality

simulation did increase posttest scores in the group of high school chemistry students.

However, these results also indicated the increase in scores was less for the augmented

reality group, than it was for the group that received traditional classroom instruction.

Regardless of the outcome, this study has influenced the future of how students learn and

are taught, as well as the future of research in this field.

Recommendations for practice. The current research compared mean scores.

Without pairing, there was no way of knowing whether, for a subset of students, the

augmented reality method might not have worked better. This point should be

emphasized because both methods resulted in learning. It is possible that some types of

students learned more using the augmented reality method than they would have if in a

live classroom. Too often education studies like this one are taken as definitive, and

educators eliminate a form of teaching in favor of the one with the higher mean score.


Mean scores are useful for administrators and teachers to look at their performance and

useless to individual students, not one of whom is likely to have the mean score. It would

be a mistake to come to the conclusion here that live classrooms are always better. Since

both methods work, it is imperative to perform a paired t test as a follow-up and to create

a CHAID tree (as recommended the Recommendations for Future Research section) to

get a better understanding of how individual students learn (Kass, 1980). More work

needs to be done, even with this data set, before action such as eliminating augmented

reality as a teaching method for all students. Both learning methodologies demonstrated

increased learning outcomes (see Table 3 & 4); the traditional just did better. This does

not mean the end of augmented reality simulations, rather the contrary. It means further

investigation could build on what this researcher has learned in this study. Further

investigation might include answering the following questions:

x Will a more advanced augmented reality program (more game-like)

demonstrate better results?

x Will more time with the augmented reality simulation demonstrate better


x Will an augmented reality simulation that interacts more with the environment

demonstrate better results?

The next steps in research should focus on maximizing the augmented reality

simulation for learning outcomes. Once this is achieved, then a comparison study with

the traditional classroom instruction could be repeated. To emphasize, the current

research findings did not demonstrate that the augmented reality simulation out-

performed the traditional classroom instruction. Rather both resulted in increases in


student learning outcomes without group collaboration between the pre- and posttests.

These findings demonstrate the ability of augmented reality simulations to produce

learning outcomes. By utilizing handheld digital devices, it provides the opportunity to

replace the textbook, which can be heavy and cumbersome, with a device that can

provide information sent to the user in real-time and remotely by way of the Internet and

global positioning. With the addition of advanced software such as probe-ware and more

advanced operating systems, data can be entered, stored, and analyzed for further

investigation. Augmented reality simulations utilizing digital handheld devices have the

potential to allow the user to be more mobile as he or she moves throughout an

environment and investigates by constructivist means.

The findings of this study could benefit developers, educators, and researchers.

This study utilized a very basic form of augmented reality simulations, in which

participants used a handheld digital device (iPod Touch), and the digital device’s camera

focused on the QR code. The digital device then communicated wirelessly using a

Verizon Wireless Mi-Fi to Augmented Reality and Interactive Storytelling’s server

(ARIS; Gagnon, 2010). The ARIS server recognized the QR code and sent a special

digital image back to the handheld device with which the participant interacted.

Developers of educational technologies in the field of augmented reality are more skilled

in creating simulations than this researcher and could develop new and more advanced

programs to teach important concepts. With more advanced simulations that are more

computer game-like, fun (Squire, 2007a), and include “authentic [real-world] learning

environment where participants can work on realistic problems while interacting with


other participants, the physical environment and actual data” (Schrier, 2006, p. 7),

augmented reality may improve their future learning outcomes.

Educators and researchers should be encouraged by this study’s findings.

Educators who seek a new way to teach a concept could use any of the open-source

programs to freely create simulations of their own by using Taleblazer (Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, 2011) or ARIS (Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2012). This study does

not advocate replacing traditional instruction all-together with augmented reality

simulations. Based on this study’s findings, augmented reality simulations could be used

as an alternative teaching methodology to integrate constructivist teaching principles

(Dalgarno, 2002), add some variety, and fun (Squire, 2007a) to the curriculum.

This study should be of interest to researchers because the results indicated that

augmented reality did positively improve students’ learning outcomes without group

collaboration. There has been a body of research conducted on augmented reality and

collaboration. This study “opens the door” to augmented reality simulations investigating

students’ learning outcomes without group collaboration. As this study suggests, more

research needs to be conducted and researchers could investigate utilizing other methods

of analysis to look for consistency of results. For example, a similar study could be

conducted using ANCOVA analysis (Wetcher-Hendricks, 2011). This type of analysis

predicts posttest scores using the pretest as a covariate and the two different types of

instruction as the independent variable. This test assumes that the only difference

between the groups would be the intercept, or the type of instruction. Similar results

between another type of analysis and the t tests would strengthen the results by adding



Another type of analysis that could be employed to add consistency to the results

could be multiple regression analysis (Vogt & Burke-Johnson, 2011). This could allow

the researcher to also collect demographic variables and include them as control

variables. The GPA or science GPA of the students could also be included as a control

variable. The posttest score would serve as the dependent, or outcome variable. The

major predictor variable of interest would be a dummy variable representing the type of

classroom instruction. The pretest score, GPA, and demographic variables would be

included as control variables. The coefficient on the classroom instruction variable would

then be examined for sign and significance. This test could be run on different classes and

in different schools, again looking for consistency of results among the different settings

and among the different methodologies.

Based upon the premise that some of today’s students are neomillennials (Sankey,

2006), and seek self-directed, constructivist learning experiences, this researcher can

attempt to explain the increase in learning outcomes of the augmented reality simulation.

Possible reasons why the traditional classroom instruction out-performed the augmented

reality instruction include several possibilities such as the following:

x A knowledgeable and gifted chemistry teacher as compared to a simple and

basic augmented reality program;

x The chemistry teacher could adjust the lesson to meet the needs of the

students (reteach and emphasize important areas); and

x The chemistry teacher taught for 30 minutes, where some participants of the

augmented reality group were observed completing the simulation in about 15

minutes and stopped, rather than going back to review the material.


Again, this study provided a quantitative comparison of the learning outcomes of

students who experienced an augmented reality simulation verses those who received

traditional instruction. The study showed that learning occurred in both groups, but that

those who experienced traditional classroom instruction improved their test scores more

significantly than those who received the augmented reality simulation. However, much

more research is needed in the area of augmented reality instruction. Once again, drawing

too many conclusions based on the current research alone would be a mistake. While it

may be the case that traditional classroom instruction always outperforms augmented

reality instruction, this conclusion cannot be generalized from the current research.

Likewise, it cannot be concluded that augmented reality instruction always leads to

learning of the subject matter. More research is needed including larger samples, more

sophisticated augmented reality settings, and additional methodologies before definitive

statements about the efficacy of augmented reality instruction in the field of high school

chemistry can be made.



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Appendix A

Augmented Reality Games: A Review


Appendix B

Sample Pretest and Posttest



Appendix C

Game-Based Learning Continuum

From Game-Based Learning, by R. Teed, 2012, retrieved January 16, 2013 from index.html; The Horizon Report, by L. Johnson, R. Smith, H. Willis, A. Levine, & K. Haywood, 2011, Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium, Retrieved from; “Digital game-based learning: It’s Not Just the Digital Natives Who Are Restless, by R. Van Eck, 2006, Educause Review, 41(2), 16–18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30.

Game-Based Learning

Non-Digital Games

Card Games

Board Games

Digital Games

Computer Console Games

(Software games)

Ex: COTS games like Civilization

Online Games

Basic Online

Ex: Games for drill and

practice like FunBrain

MultiplayerEx: MUVE game like River City

Massively Multiplayer Ex: Second Life

Ubiquitous Games

Mixes game elements of the real and virtual world

Augmented Reality Games


Appendix D

Computer Games: Digital Game-Based Learning: A Review


Appendix E

Microsoft’s Tag Quick Response code (QR)

Microsoft’s Tag Quick Response code (QR)


Appendix F

Site License and Extension Letter



Appendix G

Reality-Virtuality Continuum

Real Environment Augmented Reality Augmented Virtuality

Virtual Environment

Example: Living our real life on Earth

Example: Using a handheld mobile device with GPS and Google Street View (Google, n. d.) that automatically displays store locations in an area

Example: Playing a game where the player’s real-world movements control a virtual avatar within the virtual environment

Example: Playing a game in which everything happens within a computer simulated world

From A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays, by P. Milgram & F. Kishino, 1994, IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, E77-D(12), p. 3.


Appendix H

Sample Data Collection Ledger for Pretest and Posttest

Test number (Student ID)

Pretest (Score out of 100)

Posttest (number answered

correctly) A1 55 56 A2 47 56 A3 73 70


Appendix I

Same Content: Lesson Outline for Instructional Methodologies

History: A brief review of the 4 historians (what they did or discovered that progressed the study of radiation) (Dingrando et al., 2005) (see beginning of chapter 25, p. 806)

x Henri Becquerel x Wilhelm Roentgen x Marie & Pierre Curie x Ernest Rutherford

Alpha, Beta, Gamma radiation demonstration (there is a diagram of this in the textbook in chapter 4 & 25)

x Difference between Alpha, Beta, and Gamma particles (their charge, fast or slow moving, & what blocks them Progression of terms or concepts (chapter 4)

Important Concepts (from chapter 4 & 25)

x What is an Atom (consist of protons, electrons, neutrons)(chapter 4) x What is an Isotopes (atoms of same element but different number of

neutrons)(chapter 4) x What is a Radioisotope (have unstable nuclei, they want to be stable, they

emit radiation as they attempt to become stable (this is called Radioactive Decay)(chapter 4)

x Half-life (time for radioactive material to decrease by one-half)(chapter 25, p 817)

x Methods for detecting (Film badge, Geiger counter, or Scintillation counter)(chapter 25, p. 827-828)

x Difference between X-rays and Gamma rays (X-Ray is not produced by radioactive sources, rather excited electrons)

Dangers/Sources (chapter 25, p. 807-810)

x Damage depends on: 1. Energy of radiation 2. Type of radiation 3. Distance from the source (chapter 25, p. 830)

x Naturally occurring sources 1. Cosmic rays 2. Earth’s crust 3. Naturally radioactive isotopes in food we eat

Uses of Radiation (828-829)