Dirt tir la CUT GLASS - Wikimedia Commons


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Fer Tees eed Cotises ,’PHONE. 803

Should be chalked up lo every household. You can't a ffonL-to for- net tt.Mrecl 11 porting les ni Ctffee Cs.

A 'œ l^llirlss „mm* tsiknBAM ses mt^*0**s eWiTiNHI mV>iVICTORIA, p. O.

Dirt tir la ♦

VOl,. 94.

Household Coal•6.00 SiÆfcSïSS:HALL O WALKER,

»oe Government St Phooo, S|

V IO OUA. B. C.. TVESDaT. FBBUirARY ï», 1MI.NO. 189.


Special Bargains7 Roomed Cottage, clore to Tolmie Arc. for ................ ............... ....................$1,300Lot nml 3 roomed Cottage pn Belcher Are., for .............................................. non2% Lota with 0 roomed house. Oak Bay Are., “Soap.’* ............................. 2,000Crofton Lots from $100 to $300. “Buy now.’*TO RENT—5 nerve and good Cottage. Richmond Road.

Money to Ix>sn at low rates. Fire lu atirance Agent for the Equitable Life | Assurance Society.

P. C. MacGregor & Co.. Office a View Street.

•-------OUR STOCK OF--------»

American and European Cut— GlassesI. I hr Anna, amt I* a dlrvvt Import,- Uua from the *■ utter,.

Unexcelled ter SrlIHeeej et Crystal, Beauty et Deslge, Excellency et Wert ■■■•bip.

Chaltoner 8 -Mitchell

Jewelers ami OptlHnne.41 Government Street.

We are CountingOn gaining yoor confidence; your regular trade .la the object of our endeavors. See | the marks of the hatchet on our pric^ tick­ets. Onr competitors subside when you I tell them that you saw ua. We mean t<> make our advertisements clear. If you j don't understand them let ns know.

Aylmer's "Canada First" Brand—PEACHES...........................................30TOMATOES ........................................ 11S

AiUltX _____ __________ __________ lthl'KAS.....................x............................ lthPLANS .......... .... ^....... .............. lth





4-tccptcd Assist a tuo From Driver of Cart and Has tils Purw Stolen.

(Aasoclated Press. 1Rome. Feb. 22k- Rev. Horace Dutton,

of Bowtvu. was robbed of seven bunded lire y ester, ley. He was bicycling in The country when hi* machine lwoke down, and he accepted the offer of two men, who were driving in a cart, to take him to Romo. Or hia arrival here Mr. Dut­ton started to remunerate Uw «hiver*, when he found his purav had di*apiw*ar- ed. He accused the drivers, who tbeiv- upon whlpfied up their horses and drove rapidly away. Mr. Dutton hung ou the rear of the curt until exhaust d. and then dropped on the road < «.asideruldy bruised Tmt otherwise unimrf.



Friocc Henry mil President of tte United States Present When the

Meteor Took the Water.





Hudson’sBay Go

(Associated Preae.)New York, Feb. 25.—The *|»ecial train

bearing President Roosevelt from Wash­ington to the launching reached Jersey City at U:4M u.m. The President re­mained on board until the arrival of thd Prince'* train a few moments after 8

A cylinder bead on the engine of the Prime*» train blew out and that train was mere than an horn* late in reaching Jersey City. The accident occurred shortly after leaving Baltimore. The * talk'd train was pushed Into Magnolia. M. D., by a paseevgv.* train and there P#t a new engine.

Asm after three o'clock the President and the Prince and th *ir suites vmliark- rd on a Isiat for Khvvtt r'a island, where the launching takes p1f.ee. — -

The Mitcor Launched.New York, Feb. 25.—In a drizzling

rain, and in the pnwt nee of a brilliant assemblage,. anudst cheering and the roar of cm nor. the German Emperor's schooner yacht Meteor was launched from WusiVt'w island tv-day. Unlike the weather, the amingtments were per­fect and no uutownrd accident marred

ti .. i„,„„ ____ _ . . ■ the occasion. The veoeel wont gract-' J ‘ et o- | f„||y |#l4> the water with the American

dag flying out at the taffruil. The Am­erican ami German national airs were


I Cariboo Miner Says Reports RegardingI Horsefly Am Mostly “ Fakes "------

Boy’s Confession.

HoheitaoUt m with the rest of their pai ties.

Before the Incheon given on the TIo- heucoMern No-day in honor of Prosid-nt Rrosevelt by Prime Henry of Prussia, a golden bracelet, with a picture of W!l- hi hn lr diamonds, was present id to Miss Alice Roosevelt: It was the Emperor's gift to the young lady as sponsor for the new yacht Meteor. The present1!' tion was made "by Prince Henry on !h*- half »f his brother, the Emperor. The Prince made a brief address and the yénng lady thanked him very much.

Objects to Reception.New York. Feb 251-Ami,I a neene of

eciiftixion the banquet of the Georgia Society was « occluded at the Marlbor­ough hotel. James II. Gray, second vice-president of the society, was the lust speaker. He launehed into an at- taek on the pipulur demonstration ac­corded Prince Henry. The diners were thrown into confusion, and at the con­clusion of his remarks most of themhurriedly- left the room. __

')§ do not approve this reception, and th|l great ovation by the American' peo­ple to a German paper admiral, which hanjtself denied scant credit to a real admiral, an American.** Mr. Gray said: “It is the height of fluukyism."


Vancouver, Felt. 25..—The Blackburn youth, arrested yesterday for highway

! robbery, he* confeewed that other l*»ys,! named Waite and Stewart, held up De- ! wilt Bicker ami other citizen* several I w*s*ks ago.

•lay.I A branch of the dead letter office isbet^raubttebral hr* «4 .11 M.ixtaxd ^ ^ amt lmm lh, ^Jlv,

V I '.rihnxx minor nnnwwt ! cheering. Miss Roosevelt wore a drew»


, arrived here to-day, saya the stories of ; rich hints at Horsefly are Bi »stly "fakes.** j Lie had two pi-ospectorw out last sum* ! uter. and he thinks the men may make

J • $4 *o $5 per day on Eureka creek, but ; not more.

Plows, Straw PattersAnd all kind» of Farming Implements.

Willcersoa & Fleury'* Celebr.ted General Purpose and Sod Plows.

NICH0LLES & REN0UF, LTD.Bole Agents for British Colombia. Corner

Streets, Victoria, B. C.Yates and Broad

FOR SALEIS acres, etoae to Hty. all cleared: or-

I ' bard of 400 trees; gtsd dwelling. Imrn.carriage house. and other outbuilding*.

I which la offered at a low figure for quick I aale.I Two story dwelling, eeotrally located, for I aale at exceptionally low figure.

Cottages for aale, also desirable building I lota.

If yon want bargains eall oa me.Insure In the Phoenlz of Uartford Fire.

F. G. RichardsNO. I» BROAD STREET.


Charged With Murdering Ilis Wife Lest June.

OOOOOOOOCOOOOWVVVv^/Wnaao <^AA0O00<>0<V00<KVrK><>00<X>C '

WALL PAPER SALE.To clear out all last year's paper* we offer 25 per cent, discount until the

♦ml of this month. Papers hung at lowest rates.


SPRING, 1902.Cottons, Ducks, Drills, Cantons, Sheetings, Denims, Tickings, Dormets, Flannelettes, Ginghams, Towels, Dress Goods, jggggg^

J. PIERCY & CO.,WbtieMic Dry I 21-29 Yates St, Victoria, AC.



■pert y

(Associated Press.!New York. Feb. 25.—Joseph Wilfrid

Blondi», who wns accused of the mtinier of hi* wife near Boston. Manx., last June by cutting off her bead, we* nr- launching, rested at police headquarter* here to-day. ! I**?* hy t He had gone to headquarters to take an examination for an engineer'* I ice ma».Me was ' identified hy a representative of the Boston police.

Biondin was taken into court and ar­raigned. He admitted hi* identity, but denied that he murdered bis wife. He WM* remanded until 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to await requiwition papers.


buildings and l>«w ks Along the Willamette River liantaged.

rt - Fire, which

blackhat trimmed with os trick feathers and a fur muff and Ima.

President Roosevelt ami Prince Henry arrived at Bhvgt r> island They were received those pf.*»e%=t a'id the Presidential and Royal salute* of 21 guns each were Bred.

Shcuter'.: island, in as ticipatkrn of the arrival of the distinguished visitor*, pre- ►ented the appearance thi* morning of n military encnmpm.nit rather than the scene of an event of international comity. Two bataillon* of naval militia Hitched the island at 8 o'clock and were |MM*tcd at various point* between the landing stage and the acene of the

They u were supplemented squad of petty officer* and

sailors from the Hoheosollem, who, though not under arms, presented a military aspect. Polie- swarmed every­where over the little island and out in ihe bay revenue cutter*, naval tugs and police patrol boats, manned by naval militia and blue coats, darted about to keep the excursion fleet back of an im­aginary line.

The party pn.cee.led directly from the ferry boat to the stand which lind been creeled at the In shoie end of the ways on which the Meteor rested. The, Ihtwi- deut and Prince, witn Mi*, and Miss Roosevelt arrived on th<* platform at 10:22. The I‘rime conducted Mis* Kuoae-





The Whole Matter Retailed in th» Home This Afternoon—Members

Speak to Privilege To day.

Opposition Caucus Arranges Work for Session—Number of Delegations

at the Capital

Portland. Ore.. Feb.Marti-d at 11.3V thisUaaésfl ____ __I_____ _______ ■ _____ _____ ^street*, snd the Willamette river. " The platform, at the time of The lamtchhTa"

r*ri"* ,b* "««*«.^«1 ;v,re 1'm.i.l.ut Hitiwyelt,— .. Mrs. Booneveh, Miw Roosevelt, the

d at 11.3V HU* morning. .I.^tr«ye.l r,.|f L, ‘ ‘ .n ,ï ,, ' .building except two on th«* block ' T j "null platform immediatelyed by >>.mt. Malif and Madison , »«der the bow of the boat. On this

.Ma 111 mm strwts Wire also l>uru«*l. ___gregate l.w* will reach a bom the1‘rtueipal part of which la ..n the rt. mi ring Mayo- of New York, and Aiubawiudu- mlll owned by Albers * Wmebler. The Yon IladlenlM-ii AtuuaseaUu.!«** on this mill I* atM.nt «*>.•■*► f3fi.0<O on j Kraetlr it ui-TA \rj 1, , .__.<**» on mavhlncry nml ab »ut «'.xactly at 10.30 Mis* Roosevelt broke

tfic building and ib*-k. i the champagne bottle, saving; “In the

Job printing office. Two horse*, r.itnrd four. Guns man-d. La ml*at fitmo. were named In the Itverr *1*1.1» Idaycd «tid the great cheermg lastetl for Which wins destroyed. The amount of In- several minute*. The Prince hamL-d a surance larrleil by the dlTcreot firm* can- lamquet to Mis* ....n..t be ascertained at present, but It la 1 1. . d , then------ -|g------ - -v...........................r "si n g h.a hat, In a few wonls aeknowl-

"Iged the cheering of those on the main i I'latform.

The^ launch oeewrred wtthont mtwhini. Ilte 1 resilient'* dnughU-r lifu-d u sileae

stntest that Albers A HchnH 1er. the hear I .wt lower*, are well protected by Inwuranee,


Meyers Poultry SpiceThus Gaining More Eggs.

Ask your dealer for it—take no other. ,

Brakman-Ker & Go, Distributing Agents.

WERTEROHiTIT‘•Bottom Prices" Our Motto

Everything for the houye.


Chit Rice„ or young chickens, cannot b« equalled. Try a sack.•1LVESTEH FEED CO.,




John Barnsley flr Co.,'HS OOVBBNMB1IT ITRBBT.


Kln^ham 6 Co.Mare Removed

Their Coal Office to fi4 Broad, Conor I Trounce A to.


c jal Mined by White U;m.

Waded Nuts - 65.00 per ton Sack and Lumps, 66.00 par tonIMlnraS lo iq ptrt wXkla Ik. dt, liait,

KINGMAN 8 CO.,M Imd St, Cff. Trmmtê Alter.

Wtert-S^Mr. Wtot Sten IteMt TtewhM Cdi «Writ S»

Cocos Island1*ast _ notice appears on Hwtnrday. A

chance of making »1V.<*ni by a *«» Invest­ment Inside of three months doe* not occur n.ore than one# ln_j life time.

The Iwctfic Exploration A Ibevel-pment <’n., Unilted. fur the last thue preevnt* •uch a chance. If yon let It slip yon will

mnnnTMf KHi-Uf t «% ïlrnck the rope. It ported I'lMnly nml ilown rami* the weiehta. The we.lgea flew up nml out. The ra.bt trenil.lml, nartetl forward iidJ th. ii did alowl, down info the water rnfely and brought up in the middle of the Km you Hull without a evident I nuee Henry and Misa ltmwe,rlt were then |>hntoxrai>hed. The Crime i.mnutt- • d Mi— Rooeerelt with a .liken eii|, rile I on of the new yacht Meteor and ahe

(Special to the Times.)Ottawa. Feb. 25;—How. William

Templcman. Senator for British Colum­bia, was sworn in to-day T member of the cabinet, without portfolio for the î n sent, to represent British Columbia,

siaud at V^JV. J Lord Minto admiuiatcrcd the oath in bh *,3[ 1“ the eastern block. The newly

mi.de minister w as xeceiviug congratula- ticna this afternoon from his colleagues In parliament and numerous friends here.

OppofdUon Caucus.There wns a caucus of the opposition

tt^day when E. On* Porter, M. I».. Hatting*, presided. The principal bud i i;s* done was to cut out work for the setsion. A sub-committee was struck to deal with certain matter* which it U in­tended to bring up in parliament.

Delegations.There is a batch of delegation* here.

The boot ami shoe manufacturer* r.nd leather men and retail dealers are asking for at: increase of ten per cent. The beet root sugar - industry are asking countervailing duties against all coun­tries that impose u bounty ou sugar. They also want the time extended for admitting free machinery used in th.» manufacture of beet root sugar, and in audition to this they asked an adjust- nan t of existing duties in sugar. Wool­len men are also here wanting more pro­tection.I v Supreme Court Vacancy.

Mr. S. Perry Mills'* name is .also men- tioued in cowiwvtion with the vacant position on the bench.

Favor Gordon Hunter.All the Liher il meniÎK-rs frémi British .

I’uhimUt! had an Interview with Hon. Clifford Sillon to-day reganMug the- ajr-

•IMfintment of a Chief Justice for the province. They were unanimous in rr- cmmeuiling that Gordon Hunter Is» given the poaiibm. At fimi Mr. Hunter wee only spoken of here las a puisne judge; now bp elands a. good chance of Lfeliig Chief Justice.

regret It. There an- oti!y a fer f 10.

___ _______ u few shsree left. ' 'îon il ou *^,r arn‘ ■" "he stood beforeYou may buy •» for (10. Vt for 6:1». or 1 -------------- ** *share for 6K».

Over six hundred people hare shsn-s and will no doubt reap s harvest which will keep them In comfort for life. Buy u share and l>e like them.

See that your share Is printed, signed by a director sml the m-eretnrr. nml bears the imprint of the company's seal.

Aildreee any of the directors, or

On the House resuming this afternoon,Mr. McBride, who sat In his old chair~ as Minister of Mines, rose and referred to an article in the Colonist which par- port**! to dracribv the unfortunate oc­currence of yesterday, aud which ««a very misleading. In the five sessions in which he had sat in the House he had.never reiw&.A, Awuadiuu. of Ua__understood the difficulty which member* of the press hud in nqsirtiug the prm evd- ings. aud he ho|icd there was no 'inten­tion to mhwepreoent things. It 'wa* *tnte<l there that he comntenrvd * tb«s trouble, whereas the trouble really begun with Mr. Martin in a fit of temper.

Mr. Martin—"I say that is not true.**Mr. McBride, continuing, said that he

felt like apologizing to the lex crentl gtdilléittah who rrad lfie prayers' Jmr ^fbf» . exhibition which Mr. Martin had mmh*.If the press were not prepared to.glvu a fair nqs>rt he thought some k-tvp* should be taken to regulaU th« pres*.- gallery.

Mr. Curtis also complained of the un­fairness of the report. The member for Varicogver was the first to employ physical force. Mr. Curtis proceeded Ps describe how Mr. Martin disturbed prayers by snatching the seat of this member for Dewdnty. when Mr. Mar­tin asked wbat business it was of Mr^ c,i«is's to intr rfere.

MV. Curtis retort ni that If he wns hi a church and saw a member trying te appropriate the property of another b« would b-_* justified iu iatcrferlug. i'her.» wn* only one way to mget the tm tic» of tho rnemlxT for Vancouver, and that wn t with hi* own me<lit inc, and be gave hhu. notice that if he <the speaker) was in­terfered with he would resent I#.

Mr. M cl‘hi Hips alio Ucnkd the ar- curacy of ihe rcpo:t. and corroborated ! * air. Vdrtis's statement that the overt act Was first committi tl by the member for Vancouver. The statements in the Colonist which, so far ns they related to himself. wert> false. An editorial had been based on them. That unfair act had liven ••uumiitv «I by Mr. Martin dar­ing prayer*, and it was unfair that th.* responsibility for It should be attached' to anyone else but the offender.

Mr. Oliver complained that the mem- hcr fur Rosslund behaved like au auto- ciut, aud wauud to compel those wttit whom he dis:igreed to go across t„ th.* other aide of the chamber. He charged that Mr. Curtis had moved Mr. Mar­tin’s desk from it* proper place.

Mr. Curtis explained that he found Mr. Martiu’a desk in the place of that, winch he should occupy, aud immediate­ly pushed it out ou the floor of ime- House.

Continuing. Mr. Oliver thought the “'otter should drop. lit. thought the question of privilege had keen raised to fasten the blame on Mr. Martim

Mr. McFhillips—“Where it Mougs.- Mr. Martin said that he did nut touch

the chair during prayers. (Cries of ohl oh!) lie di4 not touch the chair till th«> lest word* had fallen from the lips off the clergyman. ^

Continued cfle* of *‘©b! oh!"Mr. Uilmmr also -bore out what Mew

Martin said, and the matter dropped.'I he House uiteruard* adjourn, i. until

Monday at 2 o’clott at the request e€ the Premier.


I'nited Sûtes Navy Hospital Ship Arrives From Asiatic Mat.on.

Pacific Exploration andDaralépmant Co., Ld.,


Wanted Jr.. AgentAnActive

For Victoria and District, for


(Aeooclwltil Press.ISan Francisco, Feb. 25. -The Cuited

States uavy hospital ship Solace arrived in |*»rt yesterday with 40 sick marines from the Asiatic station. Sin- also brought 200 «Useharged soldiers and four pi iaoners.

London & Lancashire Life Ass. Go.

This Company has special plans and In- <lv'ements which defy competition. It also Issues cmli.wmenta <»n child re n over eight /ears of ago. Absolute securltv. Address

GEO. D. 800TT. Western Manager. Vancouver.


Sailing Vessel With Kighty Person* Aboard is Long Overdue.

(Associated press.) x Calais. France. Feb. 23.-The mnr!-

t:mc authorities have posted as Ihst the sailing vessel Jules Dean Baptist».

Mod for 8t. Mnnlo, France, which hs* lMN*n long overdue. There were eighty persons on the vessel, including sixty I a.*scngers. mostly working jwople.

the camera with th«* Prince.Boon after the yacht had reached the

water the Prince wrote a cablegram to the Emperor informing him that the Metcoi has been successfully launched, rbe cablegram was in German, and trrnslated was as follows:

The German Em|q*ror. Berlin:\ relit just launched under brilliant nu*- piccs, christened by Mis* Roosevelt'» hand. Beautiful i raft. <i<eat enthns- iasm. I congratulate you with all my I heart. Heinrich."

Soon aft -r tht* launching the Presi­dential party and" the Prim»» prueeed*»d to the hall, where lunch«»»n hod liven prepared. The health of the Prince was drunk, aud then Prim»* Henry cal!<»l for three cheers for the President of the United States. Mr. Roosevelt in turn cail«»d for three cheers for Prince Henry.The ckcicrs were given. The Presidential party and the Prince and his suite di 1 tot remain for the luncheon. |

I*rrsMent Roosevelt and Prince Henry, accompanied by their re*i*»ctire partl'-s. left Shooter's island on the naval tug Vigilant at 11.20. and an hour later were ialongside Jht* Imperial yacht Hohenzol-1 The capacity of the new Canadian

4 k*fn ■< West 34th street. At West 34th 1 Pacifié shops at Montreal will be U6 I^dy BolUUmT* wanted 0fo?rc h I MruT a ^En- * t“vr tb** President and the Prince lauded i locomotives per year and from 20,000 to

^Êl». -SEVEN KI1

t'oltlrioD l-amK-ninr Train and aHr I'M m Herrick.

(Assoclatfri l*ress.)Rochester. N. Y„ Feb. 2k-A* the result

"f a rolltiilou on the Auburn branch of the New York •V*>trsl. seven mtle* west of Auburn. ln*twi»'n a west bound passenger Irwin. No. 211. nnd w steam di rrb-k Isle last night, seven trainmen *fe dead ami two others missing.


Remain* of Victims of Collietj IMeaefer t iik* h From Extension Mine.

(Special to the Times. 1Nanaimo, Feb. 25.—The numagi»mooh

of the Wellington Colliery Company an* pushing forward the work in tin* »u>pi« which have been closed for months. Partie* who have reacttctl water in lwdx Vo. 1 nr.d No. 2 stupes, of Extension mine, find it topi. Two bodies have bccia recovered from No. 2 and taken to Un* surface. Coroner Hu vis, of this elty. has ffoiiv out to bold an inquest, how-

Shift* of nlwmt fifteen men each am pushing forward work in the stop.» ar-% are meeting with much less in the way of obstruction than they anticipated.

IbwHkw Identified.The bod!i»#l of the men found in No.

2 Mope, Extension, are those of Dari<f Griffith ami Geo. Soiitheonib. From tho place they were found it is erbleet that h?td they reached a point 30 fret front where they were at the time of the firo they would linvc been aaved.


(Associated Press.!Buffalo, S'. Y„ Feb. 23.—Thirteen Ihk

dictincuts, charging graml 1 ri»*ny. haw* b.. n ret orted by t|ie grand jury against Philip Gerst, formerly city trensn^r* \vh«> was rcmov«»l from office by Mayor Diehl for misappropriating public funds.

When arraigned C r*t pl«»ndfd not guilty, nml wns reletmed on hril.lThe amount G cent is charged with raln- nppropriating Is *38,0111.

The Mitchell Advocate was badly burned ymterdav i»v the e^nlosioa of it gasolene tank, the loss being placed at


mmmmBÊÊÊa ifr3m&



Campbell’s Prescription !



Prescriptions promptly and ce re fully «executed.




AM. Williams's Motion Dealing With Children Ont Late at Night Intro­

duced and Left Over.

! the request had not heretofore Iwen granted ww that tin- fee» usually

j luitiivtiniiiig in cages of this kind hud not , been received.

Aida. Worthington and Kinsman said ! that this wuh only one ease of where ! the tiues of the street were desired, and ! ou tlnir n « ouiuieudation the waller

referred to the city engineer lor a rv- I jHirt ou the lines un tnv whole street,

Air. Mdi lv in tho mean while 1° **> i“* lurmed of the fee ivquitvd in all eases.

Henry Howard, the city librarian, made application fur an Increase in salary, and the eouimuuicatiou was laid

Am the table, to be considered together with the estimates.

in ruiau Ai. llobertaou, medical health ollieer, reported on the bail condition of a drain on Belcher street, which had been complained of, and r*?eoiumeudin< the council to take some step* to abate the nuisance. Referred to the board of health. Aid. Barnard suggesting its speedy consideration.

Alex. Smith scut a length rommuuldi- tlun. . umplaiuing of a dereliction of duty ou the part of the sanitary officer re­

drain on Michigan street, which he hud frequently complained


Plumbings Heating

Get Rid of Ashes and DirtHot water and steam systems free the

house from destructiveness of ashes sud soot, sud puff no cost gases or cellar gases Into the living rooms.

A 8HERET, lOS Pertetreet

Hie most Important matter before tie*<Ky council at last night s regular week­ly meeting was the subject of the bridge Mt l’oint Ellice. Aid. Votes spoke of sneriug the further considération of his apecung t>y-law dealing with the wo<kI sawing w“u*f .

he r. »t z

* * * . A I ,, Wr .MI til* Ulile. U the nanllsry olB.-r«*.fore th,- meeting. »nd the *«m1 nj.rd nu ia„ duty |,e ought to bo»f ourly r.!iour,,„,,,,t, ,.'p «..f..ri. <-«ub- Wf(|N. tbv ^ ,„k,,l to

Im.mV'the ommumU a.K.nM r,-,.H. «u^t.^that tho «Beer ,u on.-ftom the depot» prorlndal >” .* am" *"*■«'. "Tgetary, reporting c p >u "the appointaient of the new members of the police commis-

extension of the sewer on Johnson street uhmg George street to Pandora avenue.

' The water comhilssloner reported in 1 reference to the laying of a pipe* to the ' residence of Mrs. Blukc. on Devonshire ’ road, advising that nothing under a ; fonr-lm h pipe Ik» laid. Small ldpes.; where much rock has to b » encountered, 1 were only a waste of money In the com- ) ml—tnorr’ft Opinion. To lay n four-inch

pipe to Mrs. Blake's house would cost. ÿ<î7û. Hegunling the application of Mr. llenly and oth«*ro n«*ar Boss Bay. théy could In* provided with a two-inch pipe fur f 130, but th<» commissioner adviwd

' that the work be left over until some of j the work contemplated is dour, and when ' some old two-inch pi|*e will In* avail- 1 able. In «-om-lunion the commissioner

adviseil that tenders be called for pipe at once.

The report was freaked and laid on the table, to he considered in connection with the estlmatew.

} Isetters from the sanitary officer and • tho mrdimt health officer were also laid

Oh the table.j The city engineer reported as follows:1 I have the honor to submit the following

reiNtri for your consideration :lie II » g pole, ilea cou Hill park. I under­

stand Air. T tenus* Herman examined the pole In question after the atom alsmt « minima* sud found the guys, ropes, etc., tws ' ilangv ri'ws - irntlUl»». - * -—than* fur a of opinion that the matter should receive attention at au early date. Estimated cost,^Communication from Alex. Watson, ask­ing If the swing of Hock itay bridge cam be

by the Jm key club and Poulty Associa­tion, the city to pay the premiums pro­vided the policies are viidoraeii over Jo the corpèration. Received and adopted

Aid. Williams's motion respecting the curfew law was formally ijfWOKt* etl, bet on request of the mover left over for a

Aid. Yates's Wood Pawing By-law was then mentioned, hut owing to the late­ness of the hour the matter was laid over for n week, and au adjournment was


MUi Florence Roberts and Company Created a Favorable Impression

fat the Belasce Production.

opened. 1 part

“Taxa," the play adapted from the French by David Belaaco, that made Mr*, lawlie Carter famous, was pre—et- ed at the Victoria theatre last night by Mis» Florvnev Roberts and a talented muimuipjv. There.wac a large audience, attributable doubtless to the sensation created by tho production in the larger American and Canadian cities, and the

»f the , performance was a creditable one.

PICTURE PUZZLE.Here la Jack the Giant-Killer. Can yon find King Arthur?


Will Be Given by Peje Rtorck and Others on Thursday Afternoon.

II. M. Graham, agent for Mrs. Wolff, ftpriug Ridge, wrote applying for the

». spetdai- tiieotiug to he held Tor the consideration of the estimates to-night

Aid. Williams thought that the better course to be followed would be to lay the matter before a special committee.

It was finally agreed to table the conv■ . . . ___ ..__ . ii was niinii» a*revu su mi»»- wubrity -o.ri.M--r . -,H!or..tL.o L. ^a... for , „„„ „„k Mr. s.m.h

zæ «uir «° -—~arx J1-« »« —-

Edward Mohun, C. E., wrote as fol-

1,'rtdgv Is practically *aêw, 1 anr «»f opinion But if “Zaxa" made Mrs. Leslie Car- thw ssuw van be opened, only,, of course. ter that splendid actress made “Zaxa." will stop traffic for a short while. I There Is liitle, if anything, that is bril-

Thv first portion of the report was ||MU( ju the entire drama, and for in- r-f-rr-.l W U»> Ihmnra mmmktoh .«U îfflWr mhllM ™u^r«a .i.bthe latter portion will 1,;* communicated hU<-b # |>Uv f„r illnUut,.. », Sy.!.».•>• to Mr. Watson. ! Grundy's “Sowing the Wind." A c**r-

A mimU-r of farmers anticipating that ; U|u ,>ro|wnu>n „f u,e people in th*» the abed* at the market building uaod m^truLiolitan commuuilie# have raved fuC livrst * were scn»u to lw ta eu uud c iut(# raptures over it, and theover by the terminal railway, wrote hnTf ir ûdleu down

Gentlemen:—With reference to the design, drawing J. whlch I hail « Ii** honor to submit la you ou the HMh Inst., fur a concrete

- at 1‘uint Klltce. I regret that, oaring _ _ t numerous calculations iaruivrd »u-l

• lie unfit,nl time at u»y disposal. 1 was an- 1 •hie to furnish you with aa estimate last

cations to the council complaining of the dirty condition of Voung street, and of f he wood sawing nuisance.

On motion of Aid. Cauicron the city engineer will be advised to send a couple

is you on the iotu mat., ror a concrete of men over to Young street to make the Itridge at 1‘ulnt Klltce, I regret that, oaring necessary improvement, t. S- uumuruu. Olatetlm* Ifr^v-d au>l , #hl tv^in to th. hitter -oo,|B.let. Aid.

Barnard wautetl to know when the------- --------- .. . , streets were cleaned—in the night or in

1 now place the rest at $122,000, which I f. . ti H th«»uuht ihat thet «udder s « cry conservative estimate. | tIle .daJ ,T , U*nila this eel no*le, ft< purjewe* of cm- work should be all done in the night,

isuisun. 1 have lieen goveriuki by tin? widths |,ut ho noticed that a great deal of It*«o which tenders were called for hr the . in tnv tin This hehut council, vis.. 24 feet Roadway and two *''* ‘ \ . / V ,b feet aMewslka. Au IncreaSr of bread:’i th.mght was not right, lie. too. believedwould probably cost about *2.ôuo per lout. that In*tier results could lie obtaineil by '■«‘S b. » W-H t. r-Mu.rk 11,t th, pr.- 1 J'Htn* im-n to l-t-l,-- .1.0...-ghumsl bridge la not, ss might p«»**ibty be l««*r of the old men on the staff, who are âiaeuuied from the elevation, a solid n.as* ef only earning half pay.*T3S5 to — ,=, r-,.0B f..r pu-m* .! »» «T «t «H»n.tlon Ih- dt» en-few hundred feet of block pavement be- ginecr said that the extensive port of • wee» loug *tret«he» of mamdainlsetl road, ( the work was done at night. There wasl&MdSSTJSMSw*,r « ""V <**"•»« kri»-*’ "kid.

*- - out twice a week.The letter was eventually referred to

the city engineer, the writer to be in­formed that the question of sawing wood on the street was now before the board.

The city clerk reported a* fallows :

suggesting that the «-onm-il provide siml- I 1er accommodation elsew nerc. Received

and filed the petitioners to be informed that the city has no intention as yet of disposing of their present property.

K. Nicholas and nine others again ap- ' plied for the o|H*iuiig of upper Johnson street. The petltiou was referred "to the streets, sewers and bridges «-ommittee.

John Mestuu and thirty-five others, reeldenta at North Park ktrvct. com- plained of an insiitB< lent water supply, w-hich they attributed to the small main. Referred to the water comuushmuer fur

Temleiw from the piin-haslng agent

and worshipped at the same shrine.A mediocre adieus would kill “Zusy**

quicker thau a thunderbolt from on high. Nobody but oue who can make the most of infinitesimal details la justified in tackling tho rule. Florence Roberts has the talent, and strikingly showed it last night. From the very first she display**! auiierior histrionic power, and as tho play progressed her art became more apparent. She was equally at horn- in the humorous and pathetic parts* she could provoke the house to laughter or draw tears with eqnai dezterltjr, and the severe. 1 curtein calls she received were tributes to her splendid portrayal of a

A mâtine* musicale will be given in the Institute hall on Thursday ifter- uoon by Pejc Storrk. the well known pianist. Ed want 4». D'Albert, violinist and Mis* Helen Taylor, accompanist. These three names are sufficient to guar­antee a musical treat, which doubtless will lie enjoyed by a large audience. 'Hie programme commences at 3 o'clock, and is as follows:Scitm Tn r Minor ff>n 4Ti) ____... Crleg

Allegretto Kxprewslvo a la Hviaanaa. Allegro Anlmsto. Presto.Allegro Mult.. Appasaloauti.

Bonuta Pathétique (Op. Hi; .... Beethoven Allegro Molt., e run Brio.Adagio t until bile, ltt-udo.

Kouiunce and Minuet to (Up, -I)...,............................... ................ T- 8. C'en verse

(al Ktude «le Ooarprt ............ N eu pert(b> Valse de C»uuihrt --------- WteuiawslU

Andante, Vart \ and 2 Houle (• >p. 11»............H. HWfffM

Suit.- (Uph 41. ..................................... SchuttAllegri» Klsolutu. t’ansuuctta «ou Vartasom.Bolero. Hondo a la Masse.


Six Assay Ofllc.»* In th<* Cripple Creek District Wrecked By Explosion.

Hot been made for rail*, ties.• racfclaylng. as It Is assumei! that work wouid be performed by the Tramway Cs.

The total cost of Imported mstertat,<ea*eut uud steel, would not. It Is «seUmated. e*rei*«l about and atawit fbo.U^r-woeld be spent In the «-tty for labor and berne material; further, the far larger por- giee of this «USI.inm» would be expenii«*t where most n«*eded. Le., «»n ordinary latsw.

Surh a structure ehtniM require n<» re- gMürs other than tho uiaiateuancu of the roadway. The life of a steel truss Is aa wadeiermined quantity; under .-ur.-ful msnagement It has l^n estimated at fifty bTf^'^TtV'e Oakland* iswt offi.-e. years, but this today la n«»t s»uwe|>tlM.» of ^ W. J.mew. requesting that the surface proof ; we d«t know, howerer. that Its pro- «>*, Vemherton nw«f he extended to agwr malnteeaace Involve the rvouwal. by |(|l4|lt Mrs. K. T. Cnwawalle's h«»usevaad blast, of every speck of rust and paint wnl<i ‘r,wl| aad It* repainting about every three years. , . mi>b«*nThis ran U.r.ll, Im. Mtlrnal.* «I l-~ th»,. „hldl,'tm, | frooi $414» to $fiuO a year, or say the interest ,iora aT,.uoei OB IIO.WW, I x vl" streets.

if jour hororablejiodg rare to Investigate t'laas^ (V Smith et al. complaining of Ikelfevwood

, , , imiuir* ev irei .......j —- —w-r- bld o-rfor h w.m*. In th- m-.n- ,„a„, u.r wkxk vl„th«l with much while those who have tendered will be -.given an opportunity for sending in new : j. t„rilk„ have intimated «.hatt-ndorj. "Zaia " m immoral. Th- "Zaas” that

Th- atr-ta. ww-r, «ml LH.lgoa com- Mw| „ the Vi.-l.ao th-at.a; ml“** ,ht'n r‘ l“,rt«l « teUow': |,at mailt waa not ao; it waa qeiw th-

On the 21st Instant your committee met. i. u.||„ *u old. old *t«*ry. andan«l among other thing* ixmaldered the a«l- , .. ,, j___vlssbltuy of erecting a bridge at l‘«4nt teaches au old, old lesson morg effettue- Ellire of stone, or stone and stei-l. or con- |y thau many stereotyped humilies.

; Lr.t*u‘ a“u 1el‘ vl-, Instead of a Steel bridge. rhv portrayal of the title role by Mis»The majority of the committee, however, \ / . ’ . . in„|_ „were of «iplnlon ihat. «.wing to the eost and Roberts, who, by the way, atnmgly re­nt*-» usury delay in the tln»e *»f roast ruction eemblee Mrs. Fiake, has won her the re*of » bridge, or any mo»lta«-ario« of a , f t|ie play-going public, and her» tone bridge, ur a stwl and coeerate bridge. • u v * . »wit w«»uld lw better to pus-evd with the work future appearances here will alwa»a be

i of ere»-ting a sie«d bridge, and y«w»r com- 1» oked forwanl to with pleasure. Lucius ; mlltee have therefore to lecomm-sd this iltfuAvrwtn was unaff.Htetl, dignified ami

ii,-I I,>ii fill- 111,, mlmil ii.ii the cuuurtl. uu.l * ' . » .I have the honor to Inform yon that since

the last meeting of the dtv ei'nnctl the fol­lowing «'..luinnuhathHis hav- keen ive. Ired and have lave referred to the diy engln«*er f«»r re|iort, via:

J. M. Campbell, re condition of box drain•' ySnSaft * * - - •

4»cn. «Icelling permlsabm to plant i In front <»f tils pr«»perty on Pan­ic, betweeu Quadra and Vnucou-

the matter, any Information sU your service.

Referred to the street», sewers bridge* committee for report.

II. 1*. Luxtuu pointed out by letter the neevesity of a light at the corner of Oak Bay and R«h k Buy aveeuc. Re­ferred to the eler-tric light «xnumitt»*». with a recommendation from Aid. Rarn- ÜÉ ïûiat the ImprorekHmt fie made, as it was badly ueedtoi.

Horace J. Kmrtt. ae<retary of the IamTa Day Alliance, acknowledged the sleciaion (jf the council as contained in a letter explaining the latter's inability to steal with the games lieing played in the imrk ou Sunday. The writ»»r entered a protest against the name, ami asked that the Voanl n - oiim.I. t the matter.

Aid. Biirnurd moved that the letter be received anil filed, but Aid. MH’and- !,«■•» moved an amendment that the let­ter l»e laid on the table. He «li*l not Iteliévo in games being played in the 1 park. IL- quite conceded tliat it woaj iHw-ilil,- fur games t<> I*,, obnoxious (-• many who might visit the park and en- ! Joy a quiet atro'l.

Aukl. William* seconded the

condition of the r«*ul fn»m Hew-usl avenue to 4:«*»k street end i*srt ««f Wallace street.

Messrs. M.*.re A Whittington, re lasting rock « hi George street, and requesting the

HALF A MAM.i - WhM a nos is sick and can only work

half the time he is practically hall a man. It requires his whole physical energy to do half a man’s work.

In general the weak run down condition which cuts the strength and energy in half is due to oia-

of the

a«-tlou for tho adoption of the eouuell. aad that the elty englueev l»e ghen full poW‘-r to bave prigier working detail drawings i ad s|e-ciilvulions lu order that tenders iu;«y be Invited for the superstructure.

Aid. Kinsman, seconded by Al«L Vin­cent, moved that the report be adopted.

Aid. Graham, however, thought it in­advisable ti» proceed with the ronatntc- tion of a new bridge. The government had yet to be heard from uu what theywould do, and he favored a temi*»rary ^____ ___ _____________ _l-rl'lK- Ju«t uow. He . .. d—iriotM ol ; ‘*,‘™ y;", Gevr»i.'Cooy«". Th-y hi»» Id.-in« hlnuelr on muni In thin r-»p- t. j , / , Ulue lural Uh-nt in p-r-Th- nrnn. il «hould tilt- lot. of tin..- In furululu.,., ^ when they appeared whieh to thoroughly vuu.ider the mat- u-t 1|||(Ul jt . uteettug ef eldkffa ! friends

Aid. Worthington agre»-d with Ahl. Mr< hooper had the role of Madame Graham in having the matter laid over j ^ B<l|l|M. ••zBsa'a" aunt, ami took it

«lu'.etly strong as Bernard Dufreaue. There was a great deal of reserve forte 1* hind his iiu|fen*onation, and although his opportunities were limited be made the lUOHt of then». Among the cast were notieed two well known to Victorian» inth.- pet..... - ..f Mi** Georgia Wiu>dihrv;.v(Mr*. Fred. Cooper) and her clever little dc ugh ter. Misa iMIie Cooper, who ap* isars to have inherited her parent’s talent to the same extent aa her bright

stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. You could not expect a half starved min, to. work more than half the time. The condition of the man with weak stomach is that of the half starved man. He ia weak through lack of nutri­tion.

Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery

amend- j cur of the jnt. which was then put and carried. I *to*

Joninh Bull wrote stating that ho S8” would no longer supply wood at the rato *V*1 be he.«l been furnishing it to the city. |Received and filed and new tenders for 1 the supply of w«>od to be immetliaU-ly 8101 ,^tb*waiUsl for. "I remb*

T. B. McConnell, secretary of the Vie- j Î5r n^cîfori a Kennel club, made a request for a Vw 6 r*sfonati«ui of ?*'><> townnl* defraying th»* expense* of th** annual dog show. t«» In? I lieM ««nrly next month, whieh was re- • ferred to the finance «‘ommittee for re- j

W. Maple again wrot*» applying for th,» rlty llu<*s on Russell street, Victoria West. On the authority of the city en- j

•-If,At l do*ingwill

her or- >n and | •Mes

» a» I grew up. I was broken lis. My suffer- CouM oot eat

j for a time, but believed that if the peo- , pie wanted a stone bridge they should ! get it.i _,Md- Vsti-s was opposed to shutting the I door to the public. He was prcistrv.l : to have tt laid on the ta We for a week, j but wouhl move an amendment that the | report l»e prepan»d furnishing all the ■ information which the council had at its command, and that the city engineer

1 prepare a statement for publication, lie believe»! in giving the public just what

! they wanted, apd now woe the tiraq M [.which to ascertain what was needed.! Aid. Mf'Cainlh ss thought it would be

foolish to lay all the data at their dls- |N»sal before the public. He believe»! in giving the public the lienefit of their «•piniou. It had hem i-hown that a steel bridge w»»uM < wt-iu the neightsH-h»**! of glUO.UUU; that a eom|«o»ite one would eost hIhmiI glSO.tXlO. and that a stone one

1 wouhl <-o*t alwmt f2no,04HL IVrsonally j he would vote against the stone bridge,

but as au alderman, if the people wanted i it. he wouhl favor the Mtrueture. j Aid. Barnard was in favor of laying

the report on the table. 1I«* h««l never pledge himself to favor a »ton«* brhlge.

well. The little one handled the part of Toti> with marked cleverness. Carlyle Moore, Paul Uerson ami O, D. Winn iu the nues of the Vuocurt. Jaques-RlgauU. and the Dm* de Brhuuc. respectively, ably contributed to the exeelkHRN» of the lierforiuance. The scenic •«•«wwmmi were cf a sujierior ortler, notably the seeue showing the extermr df the Cou- <vrt dee Amltassadeur* in the Chami>s Elyyeea, Paris.

To-night “Camille" will hold rthei . .. i - - - i * ■ -- - — utiilii "Ruiihiy’’injr,Tin, nwt »«riiiw< *■••*■1will be the attraction. ' - ■•L ^ ——H

Victor, Col.»., Feb. 24.—Cripple Creek ia In a state of terror <»wlng to a pre­concerted attack npon all the leading essay offices doing business in the busi- i i ss districts. it«*gilining at 3 o’clock this morning and following in rapid sue cession six explosir.ns wrecked as many assay offices in the e»*ntr«?s, ranging from Victor ti» Cripide Creek and up to the gold fields. In every instance the object sought by the inc«*ndiarivs was ««*« omplish.-d by the destruction of the office with their «-qnipnient of delicate* bnlsncew. The raiders did not hesitate to jeopardire lif«- as all but one of tho building* was occupied by s|e»>ping fam­ilies. As it was. men, worn»*»» nud chil­dren were hurled out of their boils by the shocks, and serious Injuries inflicted.

Th*» full extent of the «lamage d«>ne cannot be estimated, lu this city the Dsvei»|s>rt ofllc-• was wrecked by two explosion*, involving a loss of $1,201). Almost at the same time the assay of­fices of » an Waiter. Swan and Williams were treated likewise*. The loss was ap- pn.ximutcly as large as Davenisirt’s. One man, a miner, was severely injured in the cxplosiou at Wilbams s office. He was passing at the moment of the ex­plosion. Flying debris struck him In the face, gashing hia eyte and may re­sult in total hlindneas.

hi ‘Otpptv Od, Benjamin's assay offl. •> north **f tin* Florence and <'ripple <*r« - k depot, was Qtown up. In the town of Goldfield, about n mile and a half- north, almost simultaneously, Boyce’s office and another assay estab­lishment were wrecked. Boyce’» family oerttpie<i an adjoining mom bnt «*♦*«• aped withiHit fatal injury. The general Im­pression here this morning ia that the nets arc the result of a general move­ment to rid the district of all high grade on* pun basing institntiofis. Bloodhounds from Canon City have been called tor.

For years there baa l*eu systematic stealing of rich ore from the mines, amounting to thousand* of dollars monthly. -Tt fir alleged that more than fifty assaycm in the <listri« t have mad»» a Imslness of buying such on*. Recently the Mine Owner*’ associatiop discovered thst shipments of high grade ore bad hern made by arsayers frxnu this dis­trict to smelters at Ran Tixnctan» and Salt Loke, bnt all efforta to atop the traffic were unavailing.


Er.joyahle Entertainment bjr the i^irm- ers* Institute at Sauuichton.

The entertainment and dance given by the l'anier*' Institute at H.tanichtuit on Friday. February 2lst, was the moat largely attended of anything of the kind lx fore held in the Haanichton agvicul- tiiial hall. The programme was aa fol­lows: Miss Gertie Thompson, pian» selection; Mr. Reid, song; Mr. 8n«*?tlng,


BUTCHER.Pins Hi* Faith to Or. Pitcher’*

Backache Kidney Tablets.

, ,, . ct inic song; Miss Annie Harrison andonljr to gW- ceoOderhtlon to th- «-h-œ» , Mr j„„. iin.,ks, du-t. violin and pi .no; on th- bank of c-rtnin At-nr-v «iil.n.itt.-U Mr„ y y M,r-ritntion; Mi.» 'n.vh 110 l"l‘l in-orm-t. , Mar Mar1i0dal.-. eoog; Mi-, Dora, liât-

Aid. W ill.ttn.H w», op|M.m*d to a «t-l j h.r WO|t; Mr Kr,lri. «utl-r, «onK. ftnp-bridge, for the nason that most of the

a ftr able

gineef, the mayor said the reason that [ ?££




Could only est r* and was not the time. Hr- only gare me My wife finally ry Dr. Pierce’* Discovery and

I took aix Med loti DI».

rial* of Doctor *ellet». I thenitopped taking I months have

Piei felt

E?u- i est anythingthat me and en toyit. I am r; years old and this U^thc first time I have ever A

Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con­stipation. —.

mstcrisl roquiro»! for the structure would j ! have to In* imrchuned outside the city.

whereas in a etoa# egos sway th«* ma i tcrial could be all ac«iulml h«ire. j • Aid. Cauicron was also in favor of

la j ing the report on the table, and of j hnving the city engineer prépara n stati - 1 mea^of the «-ompnrntive cost and merits j of the <Mff«*rent stmetures advocnt«*<l.I Aid. Yates’* motion was then put and

carried.! The finance committee reromibeuiUM the payment of the regular accounts. In addition to $».4lOn out of the James Bay reclnnimation fund. Carried.

The finance committee reported, recum- memling that the property of the agri­cultural grounds be Insured for $2,000

; per was then served in the ref«*etory, and«le ne ing, which commenced at 10.30 p. m.. was «•oeitlnnvd till 2.30 n. m.. after whieh the special train left for Victoria.

A new picket fence ha* lK*en en*cted around the cemetery of St. Stephen's, Scenich.

; The Toroni Evening Telegram's Lon­don cable says a cable revel veil by the Daily Mail from Buenos Ayres states that the Welshmen in Patagonia have no desire to leave that country for Cau-

TO rt’RK A CCLO ts 0*16 DAY druggist, refund the mon-/ If ir fan* to Take Laxative It mum Quinine Tablets. All enm. R, W. Grove's signature la on each

Mr. C. n. Parker. TUsonlmrg, Ont, the well known butçher of that town, has been using Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets for a backache and ki 1- ney trouble ébat had l»eeu bothering him. When asked to give his opinion of these Tablets, he made this statement:

“During a recent, sudden ami sharp attack of backache and kidney trouble, due to cold caught in the shop. I was in- duecil to try Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid­ney Tablet*. I got a bottle and after I had uhc«1 half of them the pain was gone. This I think is rapid enough re­sult »• for anyone. I think they are a mighty gimd medicine.’’

Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- 1<ts are the newest and most effective remedy for backache, lame or weak back. Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy, f uffinesM under the eyes, swelling of the feet anil ankles, gravel, rheumatism, specks floating before the eyes, kidney weakness of children and oh! p»*ople and all urinary trouble*. Price- SO cent* » l*ox at all druggists or by mail. The Dr.

k vtrna Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont.

CLERKSHIP WANTED—Typewriting pre­ferred; supply own msrhini*: g'Kiil testl- i« ion lap; e\|>ertenctf. Kalkuer, Kamloops.

WA.NTEI» -A young pony, 'limes Office. Apply “Pony,*

OFFICE 1IOT WANTED. Apply lie. Rob­ertson. 3d1 j Douglas etrwt, between *) andt*»rsR - ------------ -—......... ........ANTED—A girl, for general housework.

In a semi I foully. Apply morning, Mrs H. : A. Muuii, “Cragniuunt,'* Terrace

WANTED—Reliable girl, as «■ook; small family, no children. Apply lTa Xatsm.

WANTE3»—A smart hoy to learn the dry goo*u* huslnvws; must not be under Iff jeers of age. Henry Young A Co., The While House.

WANTED—Everybody to Visit Fred's Curl- ueh / fit ore*, 14» Teles street, opposite Dominion hotel. Everything from needle to anchor. F. J. bltt«>acourt.

BNfliNKElhS, Firemen, Machinists andfor 40 page pamnlUct

ns asked by Examining •rs to obtain euglueers"Hoard of 1-jngliiei'r» Lo obtain englut

U«'«*nse. Address G«*o. A. Zeller. piihMs^ 18 8. 4th ML. Mt. Louie. Mo., U. •- A.

W ANTED—Clean_

ro LET- Two pl«*a*ant, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 152 Fort street.

FIKMMHKD housekeeping rooms and sn uufurnlshtsl front room to let. Apply 1JU Vancouver stread.

TO LET—House. No. 2*7 Tates street; all moilem «'ouvenleuces; close to High school; immediate i*j«se«siou. Helstermsn A Co.

TO LET—«tore on Fort street; Immédiat* l^iwewlon; rent moderate. Heistertusn

TO LET—From first March, or sooner. <*ot- tsge, In find-class condition end location. Apply 24Î Yates street.

ro IJST—Two story frame werehouau, corner of iHmglus street and Queen's avenue, with living roome upstairs, well ads|.ted for stores or manufacturing pur poses Apply to lletsiermaa Ik do., 71 Government street.

TO LET—Wx roomed bouse, on Whittaker 1^ Oovernment street.

FOR SALIC.FOR SALE—A complete seluioti canning

Plant. Address Horace White, Mccy., l’ort Angeles. Wash.

FOR MALE—One high arm Mlnger sewing machine, eheup for cash ; or will rent for §2 per month; warranted for IV years. K» Fort streeL

FOR MALE—Pure bred White leghorn eggs, one d.tllar \*»-r setting. U-sve ordeis at Proctor’s Grocery, Tates street. o|>- éoslte Dtuilulon hotel.

FQB MALE A good Jersey cow. newly dalved. Apply Harness Shop. 2» Breed

Al^IlAUDY CABHAGK PLANTS, 50e.100, 9uu f!.«■», l.UUO *2..’«o;ton's Competitor, strawberries. fl.tlO

Magt»-n, L.ix- rpl.-fts sud Clyde luu. Mt. Tolmie

E<H1M FOR HALE—l-'roib selected layers of White Leghorns. Barred and White Rocks anil IVklu duck*, nt $1.(J0 per setting; aim» Huff Arpliigtoiis, at North Dairy Farm.* Address Arthur Stewart. ML T»d-mie r. a

FOR BALE—Singer Mewing Machlaee; two good Fingers for cash; one old style, sews food. g5; one high armed, ft drawer, with *«od Mtnu hment*. |2ft. Trial given, er will rent f2 per month; open evenings. Go* or AddtoM «. B. Button. V2 Fort 8t

CAN A HI KM FOB BALE. Mrs. E. M Lange, Box î^1|tl,le slrcet lupafslrs). or PTo.

FOR MAi#E—Donhle corner i Hay road; good location; Heleternmn ft Co.

r2l MAUI OB TO RENT—Fana. Douglas streeL


PRINTING PR EMM FOR trell press, so which the Delated for several years. »Sx47 I mhos, and In every press Is In first class coodl settable

MA LE—The OeS- Delly Times waa rs. The bed is

— __ ery respect the• In first-class condition. Ysty

______ '.for small dally or weekly effioeaIt cost tl.2l*>; will be sold for «400 «ash. Apply to Manager. Times Office.

LOST AND FOI ND.IXIMT—On Motnnlny, at the fsidles* hockey

mutch, a gold ring with five opals. Finder ph'.!K«> l**u\e ut th*» Tillies Office.


AVICTORIA COLI’MBIA LODGE, No. 1. meets first Thursday In every month at Mnsoulc Temple, Douglas street, at 7:;*) p. n«.

B. S. ODDt, Secretary.



THOMAS CATTKHALly-16 Broad streeL Alterations, office tin lugs, wharves re* paired, etc. Telephone U 371.

knout ± WHITTINGTON. I» hatn *t. Estima tea given, job work, ete. 1'hone





BVMINEMM MEN need Engravings, lit list rations. Er line msCe., 28 _________ ___for catalogues a *p»clulty.


___ ______ _ _____rMik___B. 0. Pottery Co., Ud., Cor. Pandora. Vhtoria.



SHORTHAND tnp slslra». lx»okk»*«-idng taught, principal.





tiroqghton street, Tuat e<



A VANCOVVRR A OVADIIA. Ne. *, ** * A- Third Wisiuesday of

en<h month. Masonic Temple. MBegetsr?0Ufl** *tre€t* A- M**w“1* Molr,


NATIONAL AM8N OF MARINE FN- 1GI NEE KM meet at headquarters every 1 Monday. * p. m.. nntll further n«tW I


JVLIVM WEST, General B«*sveneer, sneceasor to John Dougherty. Yanis and ce*».C*s cleaned: contrm-ts made for remov-

earth. He. All orders left with JflPTP* Fell * Co., Fort street, grocer*:

John Cochrane, corner Yates nnd Doug las streets, .will be promptly attendH to Reelilenee, 30 Vancouver street. Tele phone 1.V»,

- Haro you seen our »TOc. Linnleuni? It is the best value for the money yon can possibly get. A nice sele tion of pew goods just oiiened out at Weiler Bros.’ »



FOR REST MATERIAL good workmanship aad mwouubk- viuuge»-, go L» tue U.d Country Boot Store. Ul Julmsou street, bet wires Broad uud Douglas streets

MEN S» BOYS' AND YOUTHS' boots ami aiww* nt bargain prices, nml your n-pslrlug doue, at Nuugle'a, the prix** Ltot nnd shee nuker, :*i Ft rt street. 1'ivuse call. YoW w ou T be in ikied.

ELkCTltiU LIG III ING, bells, t.-lephone* and repairs; nalDfavllen guarautveu. Ad- (lieM ’• Kiev trie," T lines Office.

BA 11 FIXTURES Design* uud vetimntes cheerfully given by Carrutbers A Dickson.

ESTIMATES GIVEN on moving buildings; work earefdlly d«>ne lit r«‘UM>ual)le prices. Johnson * Co.. Ill North Vembroae Mt.

R. H. KXKÉ8HAW. the well known medium, will give private sittings dally at 1ÛU Chatham stive». Public test circle every Thursday at 9 p. iu.

ZINC ETCHINGS—All kind* of Engraving» on sine, for printers, made by the H. C.

Co.. 20 Broad Mt., Vtc- m etc. ___a._____ _

HALF TONES—Equal to any made any­where. Why send to cities out of the I'rovlm-e when you cun get your Engrav­ings in the l'rovlucc*? Work guaranteed;Kves satisfactory. The B. C. l'hôte-

graving Co., No. 26 Broad Mt., Victoria, B. r.

B. C. PHOTO-ENGRAVING CO., 28 Broad Street, up-stairs. Half Tou«*s and Zinc Etchings.

who use printer»' ink Nothing so effective as

I ton*. Everything wanted In this ide by the B. C. Photo-Engraving If roe «1 street. Victoria, B. C. Cats


MARINE IKON WORKS-Andrew Gray, Engineers, Foamier». Butler Makers, Pembroke street, near Store street. Works telephone Wl, residence telephone KM.

SCHOOL. 13 Broad street Short baud, typewriting,

"A. Macmillan,

DAY SCHOOL—Mis* C. G. Fox. 88 Mason street. MISS FOX, music teacher, same

•PHRENOLOGY." “CHIUOLOGY," ‘•PSY­CHOLOGY’*—Prof. Denham, the renown­ed Human Scientist, baa opened an <>ffl« e above the Victoria ML11lottery t.'e.'s Store. Examinations dully. Prices from flOc. to aft. Office hoars. 1 p. in. to ft p. m.. and from « p. m. till 8 p. m. Note.—Classe* have I veil formed.

A. A W. WILSON, numbers and Osa Fit ters. Bell Hangers and Tinsmiths; (teal- era In the best dracrlntlons of Heating and Cooking Stoves. Ranges, etc.; ship­ping supplied at lowest rates. Broad street, victoria. H. C. Telephone rail 128.

JOHN COLBERT. 4 Broad ativet. plumber, gas, steam sad hot water fitter, ship's


SMITH A CHAMPION. 1<>0 Douglas scveef. Upholstering and repairing a specialty; carpets cleaned and laid. 7Phone 718.

A nnmber of New Haggles. Phaetons and f arta, direct from the factory In the East. All are made In the latest up to-date styles and fitted with rubber tired wheels. To mnhe «.«tick sale/, these fine vehicles will he SOLD VERY CHEAP.„ Aim a lot of gv»*l s»«rond hand Bngglr«, Phaetons, etc., that will be sold cheap t«» make room for new utiM-k

All arg now on view In the brlrh bnHdln» OP«kt. Ih. Vlclorlh Trhiuf.'r Com»aSs.»—..........................


The Victoria Gaa On., Ltd., are now installing complete WE LIB ACH LAMPS F It E E of coat, charging the nominal sum of 5 cents per lamp per month fo** mantel renewals.

Apply GAS WORKS,F. il. 1IBWLIN08,

’Phone, 786. Superintendent.


63 TATES STREET.Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, ah

prime coat, to make room for fresh arrivals.

BOSLYN GOALI.I7MP OR SAUK ............... .. Wt Wiper toeDRY OORD WOOD .............nm m*r centSPLENDID BARK $4.06 per cord




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i plcnsnse In seconding ! members of the oppositi

Mr. Curtis—“Better be surd whWJ JOTare yourself.**

Mr. ilouston said that lie was elected ns a provincial party man, and stood where he bad always mtotal. Had the people of the province fritnmsed the :if- 1 lairs of the House they would say the members were unfit to represent them.

Mr. Mclnne* said that the lueid-ut had given him the gratification of seeing the , arms of the member for Rossland -.bout . the neclt of the m -inber for Vancouver. Men-uver lie had even the uieuibov for Dewduey on the knee of the member for Vancouver, it was a good type of the relative abilities of the men. The .uviu-

j her for Vancouver might even yet be , constrained to take the mcinb t for

DewUin-) across his knee, t^teuowed 1 laughter.)I Mrx Mi*Iunes recalled a parallel when , tlu-ra>w$s a Heaven uud Hroxyu party I instil • House, each iu oppusitiou to the

goveruiuent, although the Bivwu party far outnumbered the Heaven one. ‘L’liero

I was no unseemly squabble for seats. The ! Brown party had finally becoUKf a gvv- j err.ment, whtte the sv-ealled oppueitioa

would never do so.Mr. Mel'*l;iili|iM—"Wait and see.”

Write Me a Postal.Learn How to Get Well

No Money Is Wanted —I Jake AH thd Risk.

opposition had every von* fidenev iu Mr. Cooley’s fitness for the

Mr. i'ooley thanked the House for thebonus, and expressed the hope th.it the ! the other side of the-chamber, oud the proceedings would go forward amicably. * Martin opposition bad fought him. Ho

j Rev. Va non Beanlnuds then advanced : "too. I for l lie same prmciples to-J^y. yet \ pud read prayers, during wlÿrh là-* un- ’ ll,‘ "*** on the other able of the House. ! t*< miy snatching of his seat took place. ! They wv*v not u lml * Su“b’* .( Ah four as order was' restored, Mr. | The member for Ih-wdney had daim-

„ : McBride rose and said he did not wish 1 ed that he had a majority of the iwm- t)N FLOOR OF HOUSE to 1* a party to any unseemly «action. ^ rs behind him. Ihe first division had

! He had taken the eeat assigned to him established that that statement f by the srrgenntNit-arms. nti.l as lca«H*


You are wronging yourself In neglwtlng I.» seud for my bisiks—you who need liidp.

Perhaps prejuiliiv deters y «mi: but ji-ue that I n*k uo nu ucy. I take all the risk myself. A physician who lorikee such an offer must liste learned how to cure-don‘t you know It?

I alone am the loser If I fall. Yos are I the gainer If 1 cure.

Merely say which book yon want. ___It I will send an rtder ou your dnnrgl.-l

j for six bottle* l»r. Mhoop's Kc«ti>railv.-, 1I will aatUurie U|m to let you test It for ;i ..month. If von are satisfied then, the oust Is $.\ntt If not. I nlll pay him myself.

i I mesa that exactly. I simply nsk the (Usure lo prove what my teinedy esn do.

My records for five years *lmw that SU ont of eafch 40 who t***»k the *lx bottles jm* d for them. Yet no dlasstlsllvd patient 1-4

: ever asked tv pay.Don't you want to know pi ore alsiut u

! remedy like IhntfIi I liny* spent a lifetime In lew nil how

to strengthen the Inside nerves. My site- cess c(Mii«s from bringing back tlu* nerve power that operates flic vital organs. I

lie denied tnni ta:s new. opposition j trenk organs stroeg by girhig thematwal for any prlaelple. The present , the power to act. Mr method always sue-*•*» *s ft* *•» *-i0M ft* ! ïAï^a^.5S^,wï«JÏ£ 'll".

nerve strength one never can be well.Read my book anyway. Yon owe that to

yourself. Then get the remedy or nof, ns you ctiocee.

Simply State \ Hook No. 1 on Dyanepsin. which biMik I llook No. g ou the Heart, you want and ! Hook No. 8 on the Kidneys. , address - Dr. I Book No. 4 fur Women. SHOOP. He* i Hook No. 5 for Men (sealed). ! 18. Racine; Wta Hook No. 6 mi Kbenmatlsm

Mlbl rnars. not chronic, are often cured by (Hie or two ts.ttte*. At all drugg at*.


! of the opteedtv.n be iuteinleri to pr ttevt„„ _ , , , -, , . » . the rights which always belonged *o theHours Wasted ia i Struggle for a Scat opposition in the House. n« felt like

Mx. McPhiUUiit took the point of *rder that n spoevh should not be made.

assignment made, and to whom? On wuut (late? 8. When was the building taken over by the government ? 0. By whom was it taken over?

Mr. Fulton will ask the Minister of Finance has any loan been arranged yet under the provisions of the laian Act,

, or any preliminary steps taken to nr- ! range seine? If so, what amount ha* j been arranged for, and at what rate of interest, or what preliminaries have been taken? »

Mr. Fulton will ft'k the Chief Commis­sioner-of Lands «ml Work*: 1. Has Mr. A. 0, Ndiw, road foreman at Salmon Arm. been dismissed? 2. If ko, for what reason? o. Who has been appointed in

With Hi lilncr? IMr. Curtis will ask the Chief Com­

missioner of Lands and Works whether tho Mr. & A. Rogers, stated by him. the Iluiiorghlv Chief Commissioacr, oil the .32 rd April. 11)hl. in answer to a ques­tion of Mr. Martin, to Ik? the lessee of certain government lands, is the Mr. H. A. Rogers who sits in this House ns one of the members for the electoral district o' Cariboo?

Mr. Curtis will nsk the Premier: 1.1 "pon what (lute did the lion. John Cun­ningham Brown tender his resignation ns Provincial Secretary? 2. When was his resignation accepted? 3. Has 'any succe sor been appointed? 4. If so. who and when? ,*. Has suelî iiRpointmeet been gaxtUed, and. if m*. when? li. Vpow what date did the Ilouonibiv Richard Mi Bride tender his resignation as Min­ister of Mille*? 7. When was his résig­na tlpn net ept d? 8. Has any* successor been ap|*nntrd? 0. If so, who and when? 10. Has sneb niqsiintment Is-cn gazetted. If so, when? 11. Has the Honorable 4k M. Kberts Iwu appointed Acting Minister of Mines? 12. If so. has he been gazetted ne such? 13. If not,

—No Business Transacted at Yesterday’s Session.

ThePress Gallery, February 2tth.

legislative assembly of the pro-pcsitiou by usage and rltstoiu. M Martin could not in any way he regard-

...... „ , ... . ed a* the leader of the opposition. He“f »"“**> ( ,,lu,uUl“ '"*’* t.,1 time sud a*aiu .tated that he ...

many historic scenes from the days of supporting Mr. Dimsmuir.Governor Douglas until the memorable Mr. Martin—”! said no such thing.” «lay iu which it* members withdrew iu Mr. McBride—“You stated* it at New

*.«1 to succeed him, !*• lastedMr. M. Iunr, «id that rome memlMi j la tltiugvb|, place ». Preutier. 1 why nott 14. la Honorable J. D. IV-n

wonted the monopoly of blackguarding Alcinucs moved an amendment tlee now acting as Acting Piorinrialother honorable member*. tha> the first part of the resolution »s‘ Sei retary? IA If so, what is the name

It was asked that the expmwion be Ft„„.k out, ami a (lause added that: “all of i»r„vlmial Secretary la whose«i>ntroHalde temjief. AH that lie Hbe withdrawn. Mr. Mcllines said that Le , |he niembem hold tiie tuat* occupied by p}jlpf. hv iM m nctiegî>44'ukt‘ri iv anted was tJbw plave uidch would not "PPjYtheterm inr-simnUy, | tht>m jUht session until they mutually Mr i înnKu will ask the Chief Comhad been assigned the leader of the up* j * «« » wrangle iwwft Mr. Mt4*htlbpft n|nS.0 rrt ettgjqp* them ™ ‘-t fid^ioner bi and Works what

apologizing to the House for the conduct of the mendier f**r Vancouyer. He had been carried away by his violent ami un-

w’thdraw. and Mr. Mclnne*. said he nad not called a member of the House a blackguard, and hoj*e<l he neter would

uur iu xvn.ru u. mvmu.r. HHM ... ... .......... .. vr. bavf tu (Laughter ) Mr Curtia hada budj .while Vt iiot.rtuw Mtluoe. Jx'ml XVt'itmiuaL'r when >« were .npporiin* *“*i'’*1 the S|wal.,.r i[ he . ..lied M ■

1 ... , , I the «.rrmmni ean.lhtaie there YeîTlTTr.e» » Mr and I.laehitnmt, Ir iuSn O*»;

and Mr. Curtia tabllti that the term Mr Mvllride .d,pet al U. thla. He he- rompante,.- If any. have .railed them- blarkgonrd hr withdrawn. tiered the aer«eaat-at aria, was Wing ,.|V11 th,. rondlUona of the ■W.kuI

The !t|>e»k.r aak.nl -Mr Mrlmtea ^ ii,»truet"d by the I’rtrleei.l Secretary, v.iip Art"! If any, «here are the work»

the «ueen'a stjiepclr rn HBtdy t.é..Vhee, ...... -, - --■ "57^ . !........... - - atatad tt atm la an fittereiew giren totint It la safe to aay that It nerrr wit- (lll Victoria Timea."i.et.o.1 a more rhildiah, or more dlaenal- j Mr Vnrtl„ „ld that from tlw itm if a Me HpiH'faele than that which elicit- memorial the leader of the opposition «•«1 irics of ••shame"' fioiu |he galleries had had thv> right lo the scat <KVUpied Ills afternoon. For three hours tho pub- by Mr. McBride. He felt he could speak

nHiiig Le mi&ht come "Info the TTouse and state that he had done *o. As a matter of fact if he called him that hi? never wonld couie into the House again and do it. (lateghtw.)

Coot inning he said that Mr. McBride , :■ , : . k ta ted that he could defeat the govern-

.. - dUIntoroatod party. Ur»u« wnlk ,ul ,,„lM „ot do M.he op,-.a.,l the (toven.rn.nt he ww .ml MvVu,llH„-' Wi,h your rote.”a follower of Mr McBride If It ear 1Im, oppoeition had made elaima for rowed down to who was the leader of ! whit.h tbv>. bad no authority They

___________ !__________ thf‘ opposition, he thought that certainly ' cbiimed that members were supporting<41 ty by occupying, one the chair awl the tiie man having the largest following in lbe ^ .verium-nt and others, were ill o|e other the «leak to which the chair he- opposition was entitled to the wut over punition when these members were inde- longed. But before that stage wiz u,|7 other. He knew only too well that prudent. Mr. Curtis had gone back on ►cached the devotion* of the liututv VDV Mf. Martin deserted the opposition and hjH prim iplv<.iatcriupted iiy a most unseemly spec1 went over to the government. He h id Mr. Curtis—‘‘One pf my principle* wa* Mi le, which preluded a scene of violence heard him in New Westminster urge :he to vote for government ownership of the fortunately without parallel iu the h»s- I^ple there to support the government . Coast-Kootenay railway, and I voti*d lory of the House. candidate. ! for it, when tho honorable gentleman

The rejiort this afternoon brought the Moreover be had given an interview i voted against iL” ( ls>ud che* n*j. proceedings to a |>oitit where Mr. .Mar- ia the Victoria Time* in which ho .had Mr. Mclnne*, continuing, made tho IUi snatched the seat occupied by Mr. said that he was uo longer leader of the , House ring with his statement that he

lie business of the country was allowed to stand, while the legislator* gravely debated whether Messrs. McBride or Martin should oecnpjr a certain g hair. And the two member» eolyvd the ditfi*

jsisition now exceptin, Curtis and E. C. Siaitl

Mr. Martin—“I never saw the iuter-

his evidence on that point.Mr. Me Phillips also held that Mr.*

Martin was not warranted hi taking the ||ian place of the leader of the opposition He j ^

McBride, while prayers were iu progress.Mr. Curtis, who «it next to Mr. Mc­Bride. is slightly hard of hearing, but t.e neeit about as qidckly as any man in the House. He saw that the question nar­rowed down to one of physical far.v, and he attempted to jerk the chair from his former leader. The other, however, hung on tenaciously, while Mr. Mc­Bride took core that hi* big body ItiL-r- vened as much as possible between toe «•heir occupied by Mr. Martin and the «I» sk which he was takingB«‘anlaiids was invoking Divine dira *ti »u his seat moved to its present position by anil aid iu the conduct of the busiucst of the sergeant-at-anus, and was merely av­ilie House. ' sel ling his customary right in doing so.

As the prayers proceedetl the nufll'er He read the rule* of the English House, for Rossland pushed his own chair for- that a member must be in bis pla«.*e at

..■I,, , , r ' 1Ü__-max«rown pled by Mr. McBride when the lat- ter t etpiired to lise it jwgâieu Tb« ff» *IH- iicr for Vancouver also did some l*nsh- ing, and a* Rev. Cnuoii Bennland* 'eft Ihe desk there was a scramble. Mr.Martin bung ou to his seat, and prifec.it- I/ Mr. Curtis nun ween nith bis hands «m Mr. Martin’s shoulders pushing him hack from his position. Messrs, Mc­lnne» and Gilmour took a hand iu the

__ _ w -e had done no such thing, but that thelg periunw Smith I(0»n Bill embodied the principles of the

j Martin party.Concluding, Mr. Melnnes thought Mr.

Mr Bride wcupied an unseemly i>vsition sitting on the desk of another honorableview, but it is not correct.”

Mr. Curtis replied that be had tiie a**- ----- , . . . . ». ...sura nee of the man who took the iiivr-. ***'*%£* eml b°t'ed he wvu1'1 wl,U vl..w that It waa correct, .ad <mU ,.t. j U™"r MoPhSu'tel. Takwd (hat thU !»

withdrawn. Mr. Melnnes had no right to suggest that anyone was uot a gentle-

McBride said Mr. O'Hara hadhe desired to use. All this recited the custom iu the English House p|ac#.,| jlls wh. n* it was, and he

place while Rev. Canon and in the Commons. Mr. MvBrtd* had bn,| usurped no one's plan». He bad —' * 1-1 * “*’*•— 4-1- * — e **' “ “* “j ÉB always sought to observe the rules of

the House ind was doing so now.Mr. Curtis, observed Mr. Melnnes, hod

said he had Mi, Martin by the throat, mwp HBIH Mr. (!urtia—“I said that as a joke,

w«rd iu a position iu,which.it couUL Ik? piuMr* if he desired-to occupy that ;- aV but I think that literally L have, him .................. ....... “ ' Mr. McBride was iu his place at pray- • - —

tfs. Mr, Martin was not, that alone conceded a ivason ' for his having the seat. If Mr. Martin was uot the leader of ;.ie opposition lie was then not entitled to the second plies to the left if the

Mr. Martin raid the circumstance had not altered the position.

Mr. Me Phillip*^-”! take a point of fracas, and Ix-gau tugging at Smith Cur- order. According to the rules of the lia, who showed no di»|M>sition to do House he must speak from hi* place in otîwr than see the tight to a finish. Hoe- the House. He does not occupy his in* Mr. Curtis outnumbered the fightiug seat.”Hood of Mr. Curtis's staunch friend, J. The Speaker ruled that the point was 11. Hawthoruthwaite, the athletic •m m still in dispute.ber for Nanaimo was aroused, and he. Mr. Martin said that when Mr. Me* wa* in the thick of it in a moment while Bride had said that it would be incou- c ries pf Ms|hqme»'' '‘shnme.’’ echoed fnuu renient to -be «»#««*- with the speaker the galleries. Finally Mr. Martin got on one aide and Mr. Curtis to the left, his sent, but Mr. McBride evened mat- he had said he was-agreeable to move ter* by taking his place on the desk, and if Ids followers' moved with him. He addressing the Speaker from that coign had not had time to see his followers, of vantage. but found on entering the House that

The noisy debate which followed. Mr. McBride had forcibly taken pos- aerred nq a good index of the Heated aesaiou of Jus )4ace. He didn't prooose M’lifiuients of some of the ineiul>ers oil t«> leave fils chair, the only seat which Ihe left of the Speaker, for the govern- he knew in the House, till the uiUttvr 111* nt forces did not join iu the contro- was settled.versy which took plaie. From it, us Mr. Oliver complained that the oppori- nearly a* could 1«* judged, an arr.iuge- tion sought to take the seats and the am.nl wxs reached during the foreit sm caucus room of the old opposition. Mr. in which Mr. Martin agreed to with Iraw Mi.rtiiVs followers had consentedwith bis five followers to a place it Ihe foot of the opposition r©fir. Although his chair ami desk was removed thither, those of his supporter* had not been moved when he came into the chamber. Moreover, there lmd been a flitting of iniraliers fr >m the government stdq, a tig- - merittng- Ihe opposition benches ami de­pleting those ou the government ride,

dl ltis swelled the opposition side until Mr. Martin thought tlmt there was not sufficient iwmi for hihiself and follow- ,rs. He insisted that the arrangement had not l>een carried out and that he was therefore entitled to his old lSMfthm npjxm.'te the government. Hence t be trmilile.

The trouble finally ended by the House ' ruling that the members take their places «,ii the scats occupied by them last ses­sion. oil a straight goverumeiit-Martinit • vote of 19 to 10, j and the House adjourn <ii.

change in the seating. But who » ver undertook to change the seats brought over all the desks they could in order to crowd Mr. Martin and hi* followers to the very foot of the ebamlier. Mr. Cur­tis had done something that no respect­able man would do, by attempting to

there nil right.'Mr. Stable* thought that the umh*r-

sLandJng wss that Mr. Martin and his followers were to take the front and iear seats at the end of the opposition desks. When they entered the House they found that not one of their desks

! had been moved, excepting thnt of Mr. Martin. They were willing to change if they were to g»*t the nests arranged for them before ths opening of the

Hos. D. M. Eberts said that as no ar­rangement could be arrived- at, he wng- gvsted that the Honse adjourn when th« difference might be bridged.

Mr. Martin said no arrangement could be reached now.

Mr. Ebert* *trid he thought an. ar­rangement could la* reached satisfadory to all concerned, but if not be would withdraw his suggestion.

The Speaker said he thoyeht he had some «persnaeive powers, and If an ad­journment tens made he thought he could settle the matter.

Mr. Martin replied that no persuasion on the Sp.-nkcr's or any ohé vise's port could alter his determination. All ne­gotiations were off, and be and his fol­lowers wonld consider no negotiations.

Mr. MePhiMIps observed that in hi« preaeneg Mr. Martin had ngn vd to take three seat* at the front and two seats l*ehind them at the end of the opposi­tion row .

Mr. Martin said that Mr. ITelmekon would not give up his sent, hence the arrangement wns off.

Mr; MvPhillips replied thnt Mr.1 Hel- mcken had agreed and that he had soiu , »■> ...................... —

jt rk away the chair of the member for advised the sergeant-at-arms. If theother desks were not moved, it wns be-Vi m Oliver.

Mr. rnrtir—“I take a point of order. The first man to do that waa the neui- hvr for Vancouver, who forcibly took the chair of the member for Dewiln'j*

Mr. Oliver said he had his opinion if the man who would try and take the s-'at of another. (Aiqdauae from the op|K>ai- tion and laughter.)

Mr. Oliver, com hiding, said he was eh cte<l on a Mnrtlnite platform, ind stood to those principles.

Mr. Houston asked, in view of the ex­planation of the member for Vancouver, if the so-called opposition had not acted

—— j m r.n unseemly manner. Mr. MartinAt 3 o’clock Messrs. Price Ellison and had occupied his seat all morning. The

Martin moved that Mr. Pooley take Ihe member had l**en unfairly and unseem- vbHjr - ly treated. The men who had tak *n his

Mr. Ilelmcken—“For how long?” neat bad acted not like representativesVoices—“Till the end of the session.” of the people, but like ward heelers. Tlie^ TlPrk—“Are you ready for the • Members—“Order, order.”

Question ?” I Mr. Houston said they didn't xnowMr. McBride, rising, said that ns lead- whew the opposition would be to mor

or of the up|K>»ttlon he bad *nuch row. ..

cause tho work wns rot completed.The Speaker said the Speaker lind ho

authority to scat members. It must be dons by vote of the House.

Mr. McPhillip* moved that the seat occupied by tho memla-r for Dcwdney is* nceonVsi him. namely the second sent to the left of the Speaker. He thought they should proceed in a seemly fashion.

Mr. Hall thought the trouble could he settled by the junior rr.emlier for Vic­toria vacating his ;<ent. If he wonld retire in a gentlemanly manner, It. could all be settled.

The Speaker raid be wns informed by the sergeant-nt-nrms that he had placed the seats of the meynts*r fof Dewdney, the member for ' Vancouver and the member for Rossland in consecutive or-

Another statement nnw made by Mr. Martin, another by Mr. McBride, and then Mr. Curtis drew attention to the position that would ocenr if Mr. Dnna- mulr being defeated, and another mem-

when he ciune and asked for a plan to ^ and the location and extentwhereby to seat the opposition memls-rs. of the limib, frantp<i?H» hn.l furuWUtd th.. vbert and th.- ar- Mr (i„rilen wlu „,k the fr.-niiir: Will nmmM aniinit nut ol that ahnuld be lh, K.IT,.nmu.,lt ,Btro4wN, , ui„•’^rkTlncUI ^t», aaid ihat B, ' ^iT^

».» eut awrare that which at the («went time bar. nut Wn,,a under h.a d.iwUMn Ut- n.-nii»tu- tM| u, Canadian Vurl8r IUH-latetl iht* terms of the arraagemeut) and -mill It had all hn-n thrown out of joint ... ... ... . .... _

Mr. nvlnukt u-a r.-fwM to of ‘atl WnrlL what

Mr. M,rbilll|. point,*! out that If Mr. *“>•>"”« I*" hw/T»**! «<* date on Mclumw-a ann-u.lrocnt tarried Mr. M< the 1-roviut.al Urfonu.lor> : 1»t. on th. Bride would tot hare to tak, hi» arat •*"! clrormg of alt,: Und. on th.

foundation of building: 3rd. and whetherit li tin* intention of the government to ptiKb to (onipletioa at an early date this urgent public work?

Trade Union Bill.j Mr. Curtis’s bill resins ting action* . against trade* unions provides that no • trade union, whether registered or nut, j nor any kindred voluntary asnw-iatnm of workmen, artisans, laborers or ern-

| jdoyees, shall Ik* iujoinvd, nor shalT it or

memlter of the (."«enraient.Mr. Ilelmcken said that nt first he

objected to moving his seat, but later hud told his leader that he was willing lo fit anywhere, even on the floor.

Mr. Hunter wanted to know If the H|s*aker waa fin-pared to call on the ser­geant-at-arms to eject Mr. Martin if the motion carried? The sergeant-at-arms had no authority to move any seats in the Chamber. He wanted Mr. Curtis to give up his seat. . . _

Mr. Curtia pointed out that Messrs. ! Bs funds be Mablo in damages for any Gilmour and Melnnes ba<. fwided them- threat or art of Intimidation or con- selves on tiu> fact that no one knew N'irscr made, done or caused to be made wheth«*r they were in opposition or not. ur «b*»e by any olftccr, m.-mln r, agent or Therefore if the so-calh-d leader of the serraat of such imion or asms iatiou: but opiNwition. Mr. Martin, was really in op- the foregoing provision shall not relieve position, he could count on only three any such officer. iueml>er, agent or ser- followers. If the amendment passed, it vant for any such act, if he would he would force those who had deserted the otherwise* liable in damages or to is* in- government to return there. | joined for the same.

A. W. Smith moved the adjournment j “ N.» suck trad.* union or association of the debate, but this waa negatived ifliatl Ik* iujoined, nor shall any officer, overwhelmingly. j number, agent or servant of such union

The question waa then taken on the (*r asms-iation. uor any other pemra. be amendment, as follows; thnt the words injoiiied. nor shall jt or its funds, nor profMmed to he struck out stiuid part of uny aoch officer, mendier, agent, servant the question. The vote was as follows; or other fwrson, lie made liable iu

Ayes— Messrs. Mcl*hiUip*. McBride*. • damages for communicating to any f’urtis, Muuro, Tntlow, Green, Murplv. j workman, artisan, lalsirer. employet* or Taylor, Fulton, Ilelmcken. K. C. Smith. |M*rsou. facts re|s*cting enqiloymeut or Huwthomthwaite, Neill, Gifford, Hay- ; hiring by or’ w|jh any employer, pro- war*!, Garden—16. ! durer, or consumer or distributor of theJ<aj» M«,,n.. Martin. M. Ionro. fill- ; u( (.iMr. w the p«rt*«* utrnour. Stable*. Oliver, Hr ns ton. Prentlra, nueh products, or for persuading or en-Dimsnrair. Eberts. .V, \V. Smith, BUi- ron. Clifford. Kidd. Wells, Hail, Rogers, ) Iumis1 r, Dickie, Mounce—10.

The motion was negatived on the same division.

The House then adjr urned.Notices of Motion.

By Mr. Tatlow, on Wednesday: Thnt

d«av«wiug tv iH-reusdv by reasonable jiidgim nt, without unlaw ful threats. In­timidation or other unlawful acts, such last named workman, artisan, lalsirer. employee or person, at the expiration of any existing contract, not to renew the same with, or to refuse to become, the employee or customer of any such cm1 V,v .11 I . I UIIIM1 , (HI II THIIIIWldJ . S Bill» . • • . '

an order of the Hanse Is* granted for P*»)’^*. producer or consumer or distrl- a return giving an abstract of the re- j butor of the iwslucts of labor, ceipts a ad exis*nditiitv of the province j No such trade union or association, or for the half-year ending 31 it Dvcemlx-r, * its officer, mrmtwr, agent or servant, or 1001. j any other person, shall be lu joined or

By Mr. Murphy, on AV^daesday: That J liable in damages, uor shall its funds be an order of the House be granted for J liable in damages for publishing infvr- eoph-w of all correspondence between the matioii with regard to a strike or bs*k- gowrnnient. or auy memlwr theraflf, and , out, or iwoimsetl or export** strike or any i**nion, and of all rei*»rts with re- lockout, or other Ial*»r grievance or gnnl to the employment ofgprovincial trouble, or for warning workmen, arti- i oust able* on the line of the Cnnndiun - sans. In borers or employees or other Paeille Railway during the trackmen's persons not to seek employment in the strike in the months of June and July, j locality affect.d by such strike, lockout. BKB* labor gilcvanrp or trouble, or from pur-

By Mr. Curtis, on Wednesday: That i chasing, buying or consuming products 'U?*,,rn lM> mn,leJ° ‘£1 1 he%tXOttiuxd ur distributed Ly the employerderision ghsn by Me. Jwa Kren -m the t or t*W, "pffTty to liecTl strike, bs kbtit.

-------- -nd taxation ; |u|mr grievance or trouble during its




The development of the Coel Mines, the Installation of water, electric light anil power plants nre already arranged for, Tin? develop­ment by the Aslraola Coal Company of. their property^ «weed by the To- ronto Hvndlcate. snd the equipment of their min.* has slresdy been ar­ranged fur, whb-h Is a guarantee of two targe payrolls for Ashnola.

Lots in Ashnola arc a Safe Investment,

And ere now selling at from $80 to S22S, tsi pel Pf-tit: cskh. balhttïe ta a, 0 and U months, without Interest.

Crow’s Neat ebaree advanced from lie. to $MD lo 4 years. All lots hi HI.» Im from 1 to 4 and 13 to 20 wlU U* advaeced » per vCnt. per month ■utU May 1st. tttti. and lo per ceati to sH remaining Blocks.


Large herds of cattle, Auegruinc lends, oil kinds <3 fruit, , hf.y mea­dows colors, lege- toblee of erery kind, come lo ibudiace, mil* lions of feet of timber, placer errands that pay.

,y e.ro | ron FvnTnEit information applt to

Similk^meen Valley €oai €o.,LdNELSON. & a

J. E. Church, Official Broker, Victoria, B. C.

TEA Direct frees Grower t« the Ccnsi

O.R.King&Son,w: S&em


matter if the assessment of the ere output of th«* Iis Hoi mid other mines at Rossland, British f>lnm- hia. together with a copy of the evi­dence Ik*fore Mr. K**cn.

By Mr. <*urtis, on Wednesday: That an order of tin* House be granted for a return of copies of the orders-in-council pissed since the first day of September.1901, appointing Honcrnblr J.. I). Pren­tice Acting Provincial Secretary, and D.M. Eberts Acting Minister of Mines, and copi-M of the notices of such np- | ?” |M>>ntments appearing in the Official "r Gazette.

^ Q lestions.Mr. Tatlow on Wednesday will ash

the (’hief Conuiiiswioner of loind* and Works how many applications were re­ceived in the recent allotment of Burna­by > mall holdings? Hew many small holdings were allotted?

Mr. Tatlow will nsk the Minister of I

• ontlnnanre.This act shall b” retrospective in ef­

fect. and b« considered ns declarative of the existing liurft hut li the cane of any action now pending against uny such Union or association, or against any p rson which is not maintainable ou account of the passing of tbh act, the dofi ndants In siu-h action, or any of them, may apply summarily within a

i reasonable time to the court of a judge discontinuance or dismissal of

such action against the applying de­fendant or defendants, and shall be cn- titlted to have such discontinuance or dismissal njK»n payment of the taxed costs of the idaiutiff, or where nil the defendants |!o not apply, upon iwyment of a proportionate |vnrt of such costs, such proportion»te part to be fixe<l by the court or judge.

Where no such application for dhcon-Finance at what price were the provir^ J *1 nuance or dismissal hi made .within ctiti bonds purchased by the trustees for ’ the sinking in January Inst ?

Mr. Murphy will nsk the Chief Com­missioner of Iaradi and Works: 1. Who wns the contractor for the construction of the court house at Princeton? 2. Who were the bondsmen for said contractor?3. What was the original amount for which said contract was let? 4. What was the total amount paid for the con­struction of said building? 5. In how many instalments wna said am >unt paid?<L Gn what date, and to wham, was each Instalment paid? 7. If any instal­ment was assigned, by whom was such

reasonable time, the action shall l>e tried and decided ns if this act had never been pnsetd; provided, however, that whore the action includes other causes of action outside of the purview of this act. the action may be discontinued or dismbwed, so far only as it is affected by the foregoing sections 2 to 5 inclusive, and the costs to lie paid shall. In such case, be varied accordingly, as the court or judge may direct.

firs see. In France, contain* over 100 fac­tories whb-h <11*1111 iM*ffnm«*s from the flowers of the orange, .l-tumlne. nwe, violet, case la, tnberoee, and ot,ber plants*

The King of the Belgians 1* credit'd with the saying that monarch* should be chosen by competitive examinations. Perhaps his own succiaa in the way of making money has confirmed him m this him. Everything iu his bauds turns to gold. Th? Congo was, of course, his great nest egg. but it doc* not exhaust the list of his achievements. Every day the King and his daughter study the list of stocks and shares, and they are not long In deciding what telegram* they, shall send. Of <ourse, it U )*•**> bis* that some kings might find many thing* more important to absorb their attention.—Exchange.

PILES Or any kind of pile*, run be cured by using lor. ('«wan’s

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Nerve pills.roe


m pi•rders arising from weak heart, worn out nerves or watery Mood, each at Palpita- tion, Skip Beats, Throbbing, Smothering, Dizziness, Weak or Faint Spalls, Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, General Debility end Luck of Vitality.

They are u true heurt tonie, serve food end blood enrieher, building up end renewing ell the worn out end wasted tisanes of tbs body end restoring perfect beeltb. Pries 60s. » box, W S for $1.23, fit hU druggist*.


(Issued by the Tidal Survey It ranch if tho Depart meut of Marine and klaUeetesw Ottawa.)

Victoria, B. C., Februery. 1906.

High Water.> T a- Ht. T ». Ht. Tes lit. re. Hi.

h. m. ft. h. m. fL t b. m. ft. h. m. ft.

8 lia..9 Fil.

’<> M . 11 Tu. 13 W..13 Th.14 F..15 F*.. 1H Ko.. 17 M.. :n Tu 19W.Y20 Th.21 F..22 So.. ZI Su.'. 24 M..28 Tu. 2U AV.. V7 Th. 28 F..

............ 8 ad

............ y *J84:z> 7.8 ÎO 11 4 50 7.1) lu 5»Siï&ütS800 7 7 1.1 4 4«i 7.7 14 30 4 53 7.9 15 RT ft 13 Kl 16 4* ft 40 k:i 1H 116 12 8.R 1» 4U 0 49 8.7 21 847 *20 8.9 .... • 81 6.8 8 1*22 U0 7.2 8 fth248 T.K f» M TtT'T.r T0 308 30 7.7 11 Kl Tl m 7.7 12 M3 40 7.6 13 883 49 7.8 11 50 47.9 lft 874 22 Kl 16 88 4 4» 8.2 18 16 » an 8.2 i9 st .5 S3 8.3 ....

UBi-r:»,4, 8 38 7.8 1U Ht 2 * K4 6 82 T.8 ÎU.TÎ 3..1 4L4it#4MlAfiSlOT.IY K3 H«7»i _KO 0 33 6-6 fil 5$ 3.87 7 10 18 6.0 32 34 147.2 11 11 ft.3 23 lft AT 6.K; 12 00 4.9 23 88 4.46.M3 13 4.2 ...............6.4 0 34 ft.2 14 18 X*

. .t 1 16 6.0 15 » 3.08 0 260 6.7 16 22 Xi 8.9 3 25 7:‘2 17 lî 3.1 KO? 4 48 7 4 1* 07 1.1 8 7* 5 30 T. 3 1X32 Î .T 8.0 7 00 7.0 10 38 1.S Kl! 7 51 6.5 30 12 11 K 11 8 38 5.0 20 AO 25 7 7; 9 24 5 4 21 27 3.17.3 10 MO 4.0 22 68 A«t6.8 10 58 4.6 22 44 4fr M il M 4 3 23 21 8.1 6.2 12 40 . . .,* ....i OU» 5 8 13 52 as

The Tl dm* need Part Ile Kt* niant fer the l'joth mcrldlnn West. It D curat* $ fr»Mn o to 24 hours, from midnight in told- n'ght.

Zero of above height* correspond* la 11 feet In the fairway of Ylctorl i harbor.

Emiûlniell (at Dry Dock).—From ».»»«rm* tion* during *lx month*. May to Ortokc-, compared with ehnultoncMii* n*oi«ecotitinned at Victoria by Mr. F. N. Dcn’Sim:

For time of high water, add 14 mlnnlwe to.H. W. at Victoria.

For time of low water, add 17 minute» t» I* W. at Victoria.


An ad<lrc«* bv Joseph Choate. An.bnaaa- dox to tlreat . Hrltaln, on the career an*t churactcr of Abraham I«lo**o!n-hl* eartjr life- -hi* early struggle* x? Ith the world - hi* character *a devclotwd In the l«tar yearn of hi* life and his ndminlstrithm. which placed hi* name ae high < a Umv world’s roll of honor and fame, hae hri |iubll»hcd by the <*blc*go, Mllw*>tnk(*e A Ft. Paul llullwiiy nad may be had by aeod ag *lx (6) cent* In po*t*go to F. A. Mliter. Cram1 Paoeenger Agent, Chlrargi», III.

TI1K I'FMON OF ALL !>1KRAFE -Kid­ney <ll«(>n«M*a ar-» rightly •o-calld-trev’reIncxp ulneble, ............... tl»i'* »ud laaldf raa.It I* the function of the kldncr* »o flttg* mil all ImiHirillv*. If they1!*** e’ogg»*d Foit|g American Kidney Core will pat them |.» rightx and defy the ravage* of *o «n*i*n % visitant ae diabète* or otfi r kidney n<m~ nitcoMen*. U rotteve* In aix hours. f8>kff by Jackson A Co. and Ball * Co.-llA

• ..-ti - . .. •* r



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Ebe Baflç Eimee.Published every day (except Sunday)

by the

Times Printing * Publishing Co.,JOHN NELSON. Manager.

O«oee ------ 26 Broad streetTsfteffcoue ................. ............1.............. No. 4T.

Cyy for change» of advertisements muet Se headed In at the office not later than 11 o clock a. ni.; If received later than that Saer. will U> changed the following day.

E; one month, by carrier . one week, by carrier . .

urlcea Week Times, per ana.. .TA i .. .9» '. -ILÛO

position. lie must regret the course to which ho now finds himself committed, or he would not be constantly assuming the toIc* of opposition leader bjr his arts, such ns seconding the - motion which made Mr. Pooley Speaker and conduct­ing that geiitlebian to the chuir in corn- puny with that tried and true friend of early days. Mr. Price Ellison. We real­ly do not wonder at Mr. Martiu being ashamed of his position as master of such au adininistratiou. We do not blame him for refining to ait In Its midst. Bit l tho rights of the opposition must lx> maintained. Besides the gov­ernment will surely need the kintlly coursel of the able member for Vancou­ver before the session is ended, and it does not look well for the Attorney-Gen­eral to be-sceii tripping aero*» |Jm aisle at irregular intervals to find out Whether the proceedings meet with the master's approbation.

Linking at the whole situation dis­passionately—au iueomplete, utterly in­competent government, dependent upon an uncvrtaiu element for every hour of \ts existence; a House far from repre­sentative, yet with two seats vacant; feelings so bitter between meudiers that there is liable to bo almost <*ontlnuoua turmoil ami strife; the uvt* of the gov­ernment of doubtful validity because of the varanclea in ita ranks, vacancies which it cannot fill without exposing itself to certain defeat .is it not time for some higher authority to intervene sud order the government to either com­ply with', the constitution or resign?


KEEPER KINGS.HIUXKT RINGS.We have a apeclatty nne line of the shove, which we are offering at very l<hr prices, and- shall be pleased ifyou will call and exauius them.


EiUblUM I Ml.

All communication* Intended for pnbtlca- •“ should be addressed "Ldltor the Times. Victoria, R. U.



lb is difficult to find words to'properly «■haruetcriso the conduct of the persona who were rwpoBeibîe for the dTsgracefnl j

-exhibition on the floor of the Lygisla- ■ture yesterday afternoon. No wonder the indignation of the occupant* of tho galleries was aroused and there were loud demands for tho ejectment of the individual who commenced an unseemly brawl In the mldat of devotional exvr-

-«•iae» which seem to be very much out of place iir the assembly a* at .prompt

The opposition at Ottawa are not satfailed with the speech from the throne, It doc* not contain enough "meat" for them. They will be displeased even when it is pointed out that the speech is a mere formal dwinment end roBtalnff'

i no indication of the actual business of ! the session. The speech read by 8ir ! Henri Joly was » very formidable docu- ^ ment. It promised all sorts of things,1 but we Tentera to say the government , of this province will umlertake to deal ; with very tow of the matters therein | mentioned, There <re it great variety

of other matters, it is understood, with which the opposition find fselLConstituted. The gOTeniUleut...aeoewt.,Üto. JS cbeplsle «.tit TZ m* ta > 'ïl'.'L ZÆ 1*1°

maintain the dignity and decorum which ■hoold properly attend the offering of petitions to the Almighty.

We believe It will be the opinion of

policy. Tbrar" they will nail off on am other tack and condemn in thundvroue Tupperian tone» the policy that la al­leged to have been stolen from the Cee-

- . .. , , , . servative party, which, if It rame fromm unbiased person* that ultimately the 1 .... . ,, ....... , . . , . . ' *n<*h a source, must necessarily haveroaporndbility for the brawl on the floor i . . , „ ,. *7.1 „ . . . ! b«-en perfect and unassailable. Oneof the House yesterday must rest upon . . . , .tW **nk»r and u|ion th® ^ t, R ÎÏTjTf. "T««me power mu.t be re.poa.lld,. for tho 1 ' “ *?• lh“ 11 ‘"kta *" I"1”" *nJ

purposes the same that should haveordering of affairs generally in the Howie. As a rule It may be true, especially in rases where all members have a manly, not to say gentlemanly, regard for the rights and privileges of other», that the re ationship* of the flou*» adjust themselves automatically. But In wane of dispute—and until certain ele­ment* are finally cast out of onr public

brought prosperity to Canada, awl would have done so but for udpropitious dr- cumstanee*; another Haim* that certain industries are bring ruined because of the cut that ha* been made. The cotton men and the woollen men are threaten­ing to Hose up their mill* wales* more prelection be given them. It fa all very

.. confusing, because not even the mostlife there will continue to Ik» disputes enthusiastic opponent of the government

ran reconcile nil the conflicting state- men ta.

It la perfectly plain that the Britiah preference has reduced the dutic# on certain Import* by one-third. We know that •• far a* imssible the raw material necessary to stimulate manufacturing in Canada has been placed upon the free list. A large addition to thé» Ms* made not much more than'a week ago. This has stimulated many lines of manu­facturée and must be given credit to same extent for orach of the activity ef the present day. The free lint Is very much larger than under the N. Ie. WÏ may therefore assume that it is not the National Policy that In the hands strangers is producing the present mar velloua trade expansion. But, wbeu wo come to think of it, there Is a Tory school that denies that the country prosperous. In support of tbetr position

» they point oat that aom. of the Kant.ro ■' province, ere not seining

and squabbles—the dominant party muat be prepared to exercise It* power and the authority vested In It for the mainten- aare ef order and decorum in the pro- ceding* of the Legislative Assembly, la the British House ef t-ominoa* the Bpeeker is the person Miration of au­thority. Seldom indeed Is It that his arrival upon » scene of turaioil fails to reduce the warring faction* to an ap­pearance of peace and tranquility. Why waa it that Speaker Pooley failed in his duty yesterday and the government eat «■poukly by. sshvmed of ItKelf. (bhauied at the proceeding*. ashamed of the men at abuse mercy It Is, utterly impotent and completely discredited) The .At­torney-General did onoo riec and attempt to throw oil u|*>u the troubled waters, 1 Ldt when Mr. Martin Intimated that ho 1 wee not disposed to accept conciliation, • be subsided at once *nd meekly inti- raati'd. in effect, that he did not a*•-,e*e**L ,The -r province, .re oat «.tom, i. p^.uUouActing Provincial Secretory, ni not ,t ,aol,| h. mo l*, «a «t,l.l7to tbcqi nwore that g m t»n at hi, bntinre. thlt ln ,M ,b„ of ure ™i,lto snporrlto the to.ting of the member., where tottlement I. completed wkul

k.TT7b"Uü tOT ,l,ral mnRuunjtleo oro ,ff»cte,| Id thechange* th.t had been made upon tho H<,tl*|i,.»how that th, »rri«ecteent-at-arm., who. fortunately to, cultural Briuln ,r, lu,lngth. gurernment, ».. not .1.1, to t.ko population and th.t there i., «ihm.„tL, «■art jn the ••dehato." No, whnt i, -the lucfeam. in the m.uuf.ctnriu, cen,„. r«»n the Speaker refuaed to etereUe ; Thl, movement i, predared b, to amiueaUuned authority and order th. c.utoa. ltd<« not „ecm very hm, ,i„.v topntlng mnmhiTa tn tem[H,rar.v w.t. ,|J the tndn grown in <ir,*t Hrire*. mntd paaiidu had .ubaldml and au amlc- rat with the common rcapin* • hook” able arrungement could be made? Vnder tin. "«Imply been» the mlnUter, dared not ' - °f ',boWe

n remarkable growth. How, th»n, ran it be a wave of prosperity extending over tho whole continent?

The fact is our Tory friends have made up their mind* to cavil. They will affect to groan and shake their h *nd* dis­mally for n number of years yet. They

for the government to mcnfully acknowl­edge that It is Lenten and resign?

Tlie oflioe boy essayed to describe In verse the scene In the House yesterday afternoon. His steed fell down in at­tempting to Hear the form of the *ta|-


want capital to coma In along with Wnrt junior from Vancouver: population to develop our resources, yet they object to American investor» be­cause they are conspiring to seise our railways and other works and use them against us. and they are afraid of Am­erican i iiiiu i g rants because they may try to hiwwt our political system. The best way is to let them alone. It is uselesw to attempt to reconcile them to condi­tions over which they have no control.


On the 5th of September. R*U. a re­porter ef Uw Times interviewed Mr. Joseph Martin lu regard to the change in the political situation created by tin» decision of the Duuemuir government to take Mr. J. C. Brown into it* cabinet. The Interview was in part as follows;

The quondam leader of the opposition was *<-eu to-day and asked if the report* appearing in the Vancouver press accur­ately represented his attitude the re- Iialiilitst.il administration. He replied that they did, and that lie was fully ^n accord with the government as av pre­sent constituted. ____________ :_____;__ _Then you will resign your post as

leader of the opposition,** wasT *uggewt*di Ye*, certainly,** he replied, “there is

no opposition that I am aware of with the exception of perhaps Smith Curtis and E. C. Smith.-

He was asked if hi* view* were àutfi-

Theo wilt stepped the l»old Gllmour,A ii.su of stalwart frame;Is there a- man would Halm my sewt?I should like to hear hi* name.'*

Ami hjs brow became dark with anger. He thrust forth his mighty arm.

JL., throng «hrenk back lu terror,The Speaker betrayed alarm.

HI* voice It pealed like a foghorn,11 *bom* like a flame.

Tim House w»e awed In eHeme Aw be shook ht» terrible mane. -------


To learn that there is a new woman In the Far East is aomewhnt startling. Yet, by i*»ru*ing au Interesting article ).*• by iK»ni*liig an article, entitled “Japan­ese Diving ReUco.*» fo the imdy'v Mags- tine, we leans that in the Far East then» i* a group of villages in which woman is tlu» wuge-ennicr, the man I*»- Ir.g made to stay at home, b*>k after the house, and take care of the children.

“I first heard of the Japanese new woman, who, by the way. Isn’t at all new, when 1 waa at No to, that little peninueula on the weet coast that jute out Into the Japan sea. .

“I had been knocking about there for a couple mouths. amUoat my identity »■ * jRlffUmer altogether. I learned si/0>ething of the language, and turuetl •*» brown that I was sura 1 should never low» my tan again.

*T lived in a temple. The priest* I lived with were of the Han-wanji sect, and had wlvee, ami their wive* could cook. Board and lodging cost me twelve shilling* a mouth.

“Through the good office* of

20 Pieces Satin Coat Lining, in fancy stripes, were 75c 80 End Silk Velvet, all good shades, were $1.50 .8 Pieces Surah Silk, were 75c and $1.00. ;10 Pieces Colored Satin, regular $1.0010 Pieces Colored Taffeta, were 75c and $1.00 . .


The Premier Who Has Held Office For Nearly Fire Thousand Days.

cieutly In accord with the policy of the gorerW-ut to admit "f hi. aeeepUn, priera Tm.dTf.Wto ÎTTany rendb* luiel f.kllii iiM.etil.i.l nit. la*.. n»..enS — a.a e*.

tlmia of life. Thoee who attracted roe

nppoa.* Mr. Martin, who hold, their po­litical lire* In tho hollow of bin hand.. •They arc at hi» mercy. He them out at any moment. Theao »ra the condition» under which the Korerii- »ilent of Itritiah Columbia la-now v.r- rled on. The pitavedinga of yeaterdiy confirm. “

thii ayitcmwere employed at bariret time, hook waa replaced by the «cythe, «•ythe hy the borae reaper, with n man

ran turn la rehed U|i,n it puiliing off the ahenve.with a reke. Thon followed the wlf. acting tiller, which culminated In the te lf-binder. On the farm automatic ma chlnery ha« driven tho hand worker.

If eonllnnntlon h. the ; out tire h^inrea, heure ^,™de"neei'aaity for a change of government.

With the «huffling of deaki w hich pre- «•ipitated the row yeatorday the public la not concerned. The Time» ha» nut heon a particularly warm admirer of tho ranee of Mr. McBride. Itut Mr. Mc-

| population of dlatricta. Bat the prodae- i tion haa not hren deereaeed at all. It continue, to loereaae and til meet the

j demands of the world for food. The fanner, of Canada are more proaperoua

, , , I ‘h"" tiu-y - The governmentKride I. the recognized leader of ,n op- j ha» enable them to reach remunerative pealthm wbleb eon.titute. very m-.rly | market, and the mortgage, ar, Imlng half of the IIoa»e. and he la entitled to raiddly paid off. Though nuilmfnetnren. the aeat which rmtom In every Canadian j •« woklng over time and farmer» multi-loglilatiiro, from the Dominion Parlia­ment down, accorda to inch a position, lie V».k no part in the frncaa yreter- alny. He «Imply maintained hi. position

plying their eperatlone, the foreign trade of the country haa moro than doubled In «lx year». Mr. Foster »„y, this I» merci,» an Inereaae In valu™. Other»

In na dignified a manner aa the cireum- j ■? It I» merely Canada', «hare In the ertancp» of the ca*o would permit. 1 K1*»! thnea that have «truck the i-onti- Mr. Martin haa not only hy hl« acta, but lient. The foreign trade of.the I'nltcd

In word» which can bo authenticated, re- State, ha, decrea«ed during the la»t two Snqulihcd the poet of leader of the op- y.ara, while that of Canada ha» ,buwu

portfolio, provided one was offered liiui, and It suited hi* «xmvenieiiee to do so. He at once replied that they were, hut added that at the r resent time lie vertainly would not ar* pt a isirtfollo. He wi*h«»il to bt» disti .vtijr undenitood on that point.

When Mr. Brown's aereasion to the <•«binet was suggested he had agreed to sup|K«rt him and the administration, and he lutendeU to do so. lie eoiiMdcred that last session It was a fortunate thing for the lountry that the Dunsmuir gov­ernment was in power, and that a much worse state of affairs would have ob­tained bad they been defeated.

In the House yesterday the ex-leader of the oppoHition denied that the above, correctly expressed his opiulons and that he had ever read the interview a* it ap­peared, In this respect the honorable gentleman's memory la somewhat at fault. He secured • copy of the Times OB- the evening of the 5th of September, afld it would be an extraordinary thing indvod if he did not ro*d that interview, aud it would, be more extraordinary atUL it, haring read It. be did not repudiate the statement* therein contained when they referred to a matter of so much im­portance to him aa a public man. It Is

very extraordinary that it Is only now when circumstances have arisen not at all to the liking of the honorable gentleman, when he finds himself merely a supporter of what might lie termed a weak and impotent administration, with no prospect of being called epon as lead­er In gatceation to It when the p*ych<v logical iiomeet arrive*, that be take* the dpportuuity of foevcnk-ntl/ repudiat- lug |he whole thing. But that interview

the mo*t were some tiaherwomeii who came down from a cluster of tiny ham­lets down the roast.

“I noticed these women at the temple several times, but there were never any men, with them. Women from other places came with their husbands. These women didn't, but they had (hildivn who called them mamma.' so I knew there must lie husband* somewhere. I couldn't understand why then* were no men with them, i

“One evening, aw my greatest friend among the priest* sat with me enjoying a feast offered up that day to the astral liody of the dead headsmith of tho vil­lage. I learned the reason.

“My friend was born In one of these hfimlet*. and would have been there yet If hi* mother hadn't said that he 1 should be a priest. His mother, mind )ofi, not his father. That wounded strange, for I had been In the country wo long that I had forgotten that women had a word to say.

“ ‘Yew,* my friend went on, aa he rub­bed hi* hand over his shaven polt *it was a good thing tor me, because a man doesn’t have a good time down there. He has to stay , in the bouée to keep thing* clean and to do the cooking. That ii because ho can't swim. At least, he can't swim aw well as a woman. My mother can swim two days in th* besy season and not be used up, but my fa ther would be tired out If he stayed in thtNwratcr six hour».'

“ ‘That's the way the women earn living,' added the priest. 'If none of then* people could swim they would have to gw some when» else, for there la no other work to do there. These shell fish that you like so well,* he said, pick­ing ep a portion of the offering to the augiiat departed, ‘come from there. They i« re difficult . tcc/get. Th* women go down fifty to a hundred feet after .them. M'hilu thv woman !* diving tor riiHl-fleh,

I xml Salisbury, who has entered on his seventy-second year, enjoy* the re­markable distinction of having guided the helm of ataie for a longer period than any British premier for the lust hundred year*.

When he Celebrated M* last birthday he had approached within twenty-one day* of the late Mr. Gladstone's record tor the premiership; and now he has not only passed it by three hundred-odd days, but he ha* actually beaten the Earl of Liverpool's famous Tory minis­try, which endured tor nearly fifteen year*.

At seventy-two he still holds the helm of state with as much finuneag as ever. Since 1885, when be became premier tor the Aral time, be has'held that office tor a total period, of over 4,841 days, being ne a reel approached In the matter by the ■boro mentioned Earl of Liverpool'* record of 4,680 day*.

Then comes Mr. Gladstone** record of 4.48D darn, I«ori Palmerston’* of 3,434 days, Ixird Beaeoosfield'a of 2.328 day», A ad Ix>rd Melbourne's of 2,402 days.

Against these figures It is interesting to note that Ixird Rosebery, towards whom the nation continues to look with an expiant eye for the future, only held office for 486 day*.

Two premier* have held office during

The Government SustainedIJfcewla, I, the c-onfldeore of th. preple of Victor!» In tha Katmdcr»' tirnrecy Ompauy, Ltd., .. evidenced by their ever Increa.in* patren.» Look at our price thl. week:

THRKK^ny*VRÎÎi!fe nr kl*t *"r •"* •••»1AB MAM K. per a*rk............

km>T2 ,tw nods," Mci":":KM)X 8 I.KLATINE, 2 nàa* . ...............MAi KKUFI., 1» Kits e*rh7 .i*lre native i-oRT,” b«iu'i.::::.:::.• :::

Try I. De Turfc'é’ Wlaca; every bottle guaranteed pure.

The Saunders Grocery Co., Ld.

..................... $1.2."3.0S..


.25 1JU1



amendment la simply one for rejection no second division will be allowed. The prwceaa of UMug the name* of member* in cases where the Speaker thinks a division ha* been frivolously called 1» to be abolished, aa it often take* longer than a. division Itself, and I* fruitful of much confusion.

Having indicated one or1 two minor changes, Mr. Balfour came to the quew- tion of conflicts with the chair and dis­orderly conduct. Here the Irish mein- ben prickedn^~ u—.-e „ --------”P Ik* earn, and Mr.

the last 100 yean, fur shorter period* went on to sketch hi* remedy,than this: Canning had wix months of ■ *or t"e ®r*t °ff«*nce the new rules pro- lower in 1827, and Lord Itlpon seven | P0*® 30 <lofe’ "uspenalon, for the wecond months In the following year. | *'• e,< Against terms of a week- and 40

Few nn»n in any country have wielded | under the present ruk»a Bnt Inpower for snch a remarkably long period tlle r#*«‘ of a member guilty of “gross aa Ixml Salisbury, and though Mr. Glad- j disorderly conduct,** Mr. Balfour did not stone waa the record premier of the j think he ought to be readmitted to th V record reign, the present helmsman of r«»ks until he had communicated hi* re- our ship of state haa not only surpansed to tiu»?Npeaker—“a regret which Ithe tonner'* record, but also boa at a the ! *•» *ure—at least. I hope''—added Mr rare distinction of having been premier Balfour, in respon**» to sonie incredul- lu two centuries and under two British ««* laughter below the gangway opposite SoTvn lgns. —*i - * — -

Thus, if Hi* Ix>rd*hlp ha* time to think for a moment of hlnwlf in thoee rare intervals when the cares of elate do not pres* heavily upon him. he muat be oneof the proudest men in tho kingdom. Tw Another burst of laughtêr ànd*Ironical

M the work ef an expvrieu^l, .Me ^ is at home caring fc>r the howe ...... , ” , ' „ I That » the custom in every household.and rvllaMe man, and it stand*. Theword» are the weed*-of- Mr; Joseph Mat- tin, follower of Mr. Dunsmuir, and It is now too lato to repudiate them.

Willi*ut Wallace ltruw Melm»e* i* the Dûgaîd Delgetty of public life. The blood of warriors flow» in hie vein», and he is ready at all time* to place himself at the service of any . party - which re­quires a valiant fighter of "strident" vole,, and unlimited lung power. These thoughts are suggested by the perusal of some speeches delivered during the recent general election campaign when Mr. Dunsmuir and Mr. Mclnnes were not exactly in accord. The orator from Nanaimo would not even commit him­self to the service of Mr. Martin In those day*. He preferred to wait and see who came out -on top. Of conr»» It would nut do for the modern war­rior to In» as frank in regard to hi* principle» as the valiant Dugald.

seeThe government ha* not yet succeeded

in Indueing a candidate to take the field in its behalf, but it has-tried hard enough nud it deserve» credit tor that. The list of n#o known to have lieen approached i* a very long one. How many other» have refused I* merely n matter of eon- joeture. Our list Include* Menant. HH- mckeu. Drury. Prior, < ira ha me, Hay­ward, Hunter and Milne. The programme appear* to be about exhausted. Would it not be a pyoper and dignified thing




_Jy one that cure* Mr. John Wylie, »«»aier clerk tor Mr. Get». Marshall. the Ouee»i 8t. druggist, writes: •‘I believe Japanese Gatarrh

« ‘nee the tmh cure «w tha market - tor Ga. ta it It I had fried every femeflr without effect until I used thla one. which nsu- pletely cured me. Keveral of our customer* spoke a«i highly i of It. with the wonderful result that I am cured, fltte. a hex at l»rugglst». or ENNitpald fn»m The O. A M. Cok«-Limited. VJl rhumb Ft., Toronto.


Front a return lately laid before the Itiichstag it appears that last year 1,- 645.846 young men became nominally available for service in the forces of the German Empire. From this number, however, large deductions had to be ma<h*; 135.168 men had emigrated with­out toare, and R7.81D were alisent with­out leave Drum other causes; 578,796 were set back for a year. 25.173 had en­tered the army, and 1.200 the navy a* volunteers, 82.116 were detailed for Ersat* Reserve, others were found méd­

ité the record premier of modern Brit­ain to an achievement Indeed.

Snch length of service haa, naturally, not failed to leave It* mark on the phy­sique of the venerable statesman, who Is to-day almost patriarchal in appeer-

The beard and hair are quite whke, while the “Oeil stoop" is more pro­nounced than ever.

Considering that he haa never gone in for athletic», however, few men of hi* year» who have held responsible and ar­duous offices could boast so hale and hearty an appearance.

Not only has Ix»nl Salisbury had the spending of £1,000.006,000 of public money, but It Ip also estimated that ho must have dealt with close on a round million public dispatches.—London Ex­press.


ProposediCbauge» Outlined By Mr. Bai-fou#^«ovcmwieot -Leader Is the


The introduction of the new rule of procedure I» the Imperial parliament at­tracted such a gathering within the his­toric wall* of St. Stephen'* as to only seen three or four time* in the weaaton— pu th*' budget night for example nr nu the ere "f ir division on some important measure. Mr. Balfour's speech on the occasion was studiously moderate and extremely Interesting. It occupied au hour and a half in delivering. lie Iwgan. •aye the parliamentary correspondent of the London Daily Newa. with a passing olluxiuu -tv the good «W time* in the middle of the eighteenth.,century, when tie.» difficulty was not to check the flow of oratory, hut to induce It to flow at all. In those days there was no ques­tion of criticizing a vote. The difficulty was to get a quorum suffiHcutly interest ed to attend and pas* it through. Mr. Broderick, with memories and forehnd-

! iiig* doubtless crowding in upon him.I gave a little cheer. “Ah!** said Mr.I Balfour, sympathieslly. “those day* have j long gone by." In 1800 supply was voted I In a single day. In 1961 it was the

work of 96 days, In 1806 not a singleA

- h. always frein Mr. 11*1 four ... careful to make It cirer that three day. of banishment meant day, on which th, . House was sitting, irrespective of boll- !

adjournments—“and prorogation,." | Another buret of laughter and ironical 1 cheering greeted this last shot. !


Paine’s Celery CompoundWill Enable Yon to Vanquish

Every Toe.


FEBRUARY 24.First Appearance ef the Favorite Kmotienai



And selected company. In aa exeeptlnaally atrvog repertoire. Including David

Belaaco'a great play,“ZAZA"

The most po^^rful play of the geaezatloe» The ever popular

“CAMILLE"And the mvch talked e#

“SAPHO"Complete Scenic Production*. Direct low

of Hetasco and Hell.Privée, $1.00, 75c.. 50c. and 25c. Bal»

Friday morning at Victoria Beok A Sta­tionery store.



| Are favored with Instructives from M*. Ward, of Vroftoo, B. C., to aett by

When dangers threaten you, common *cnw, care and etteutiou should direct your course.

If you are a victim of___ _tookiug for restoration to health, as soon think of stopping the raging of the bois­terous ocean by a wave of the hand as of getting rid-of your troubles by use of Any of the various medicine* In liquid and pill form* so common in our land at the present time. Medical investigations, testa and proofs of cures point to one infallible disease bauisber—Paine's Cel- eiy Compound, the only medicine that goes directly to the very root of your trouble. It nourishes nerves aud brain, i .thy Mood, .cures dyspepsia, neu­ralgia. rheumatism, liver complaint*, kid­ney troubles, toues up the system aud ittokea the weak strong.

Mrs. Tl* O, Smith, Victoria, B.O, aays. **I would prove an ungrateful wotnau if 1 refrained from doing justice to Paine's Celery Compound. Having suffered tor many years from chronic constipatiou aud general debility, I at last got low.I wa* given up to die by the doctors. Jut* at this time 1 was recommended Paine's Celery Com|K»und by a friend, and in two daya found some relief. Af­ter using the medicine for three months I am a* well us ever before, aud enjoy good health."

AuctionSalerdey, Feb.

22 ad.of eteaeor, the

whole ef hieValuable Furniture. Fern Slack.

Etc.Comprising: The appointment* ef Parlor, Dining Room, kitcueu and Bed Meeans-

| Agricultural lmpl. nnnts, ( licetnot Mare, f, years, gentle to ride or drive, -------- »

disease and round animai tot English Huddle»nee* Lady's and I___Parties «contemplating furnishing -----j,-------- . ------- .7».

for light farming narpusee; lee (lady * and genUi), Bnr- md Gent's Bicycles, etc., etc. mplatlne furnishing •> c«.m-

meucing husinews lu Grofton will do well t«> att-eud this sate. Kpeetal ira la» and straw- ere will run for the convenience of baiesk returning same day.

Terme cash. Bills must be paid w It bio iMra hoar toow-^olvas of —i*----------_■



tastltutr Ka'I. February 27AT 3 O'CLOCK.



■tes Mil ley tor, AcceepubtTicket*, 50c. .nd «1. at Lombard1. Mu.tc-*

St<ire, Fort street.

Ice lly unfit, others were disqtiahfie«l for .... t . A. . ,other core., .o th.t finally only 222..W7 'luretlon waa pat from th. chair.

i....U- --L______i a «ai | century later members occupied nothau twelvelating the division lobbies. This que*-

re drafted into iv army"7nd (IN I ?»*■£ Intor membre. recupM no Ire, into the nary.—Loedon Vnit.,1 Servir® th^n tw,lv. ,l,ht-boar day. in p,rnmbn

asette. tion of divisions was one of the firstIh certain edition, of th. .tmo.ph.-r, dclt with hy Mr. Balfonr. II. admitted

electricity I* *.> abundant on the top of the . that the time occupied In dividing, wher.» rales tin Manna I»m. In lluivall, that an . n division was uecesaary, could not lie hngllwh gci.lnglft foend thnt he could trace llini,h r.„mdoil»wl i,,,. electric letters with hi» huger* on bla I 'nuc*1 curtailed, but fnnilnualj-dial- blanket. letiged divisions were a waste of the

time of the House. The new rules would, therefore, abrogate the |K>wor of taking divisions on the formal question of re|K>rting supply, and on aecond and third reading stages of bills, wbeu the




Dairymen's and live Stock Association of B. C.

Will Be Held On"

Wednesday and Thursday,aem mti»» Feb..

Commencing nt 2 p. m. Wednesday ln th« 1‘urllauient Bulldln*». Victoria.

MAJOR J. M. MUTTER,President.

O. H. HAD WEN. „I Secy.-Treaa

Wednesday, 35c Wednesday, 25c Wednesday, 25c Sale Price, 25c

Wednesday, 25c

l !

NOTICE.—-r- ------- 5--------- —>tlag <tor la Oarriaoo Artillery Itltle Awclstlvn will be held hi the Men a Ro.hu, Drill Hall, on Minday, March 3r»l. at S-;*> p. m.

J. GAVIN, 8ecy.-Trees

T THIS COUPON and 30 eta.

! ^ will buy one pound of thobeet 4u«\ Ceylon 'lea In theworld. Itl< k-h:i w XXX.; in

A «mere cf satisfaction In every

This offer good only nut» let March, 1002.

JAMESON’S, 33 Fort St.

intJABY 26. 1002.

The Workshopand Honfe

Should pe Supplied With a Few ■*'* |

Surgical Bandages, etc.!For aw In emergencies— until the doctor j comes; You’ll nn*l our store rim *upj>l.v your needs. Give ue a chance to please you.


08 Government Street. Near Yates Street. TELEPHONE 426.


Dally Report Furnished by the Victoria Meteorological Department.

Victoria, F«d>. 23.—6 a. m.—The extensive low barometer area which covered the Western portion of the continent yesterday kae developed Into n widespread stonn. tilth a centre of 28.81) Inches <iff the Wash­ington roast. It I» <•*using somberly gales and rain from Ran I'ranrlueo to Vape Flat­tery. and the winds are Increasing to gale* ee the Strait* of Fnca and Alcorgia. The barometer I* aJao abnormally low across the ix* tin eut to the tirent Lakes.

Forecasts.Far 38 hours ceding 3 p.ie. Wednesday.Vietorla and vicinity - Easterly to eoath-

eely galea, nitty cloudy, followed by rain.Lower Mainland - Lasterly winds. lucres»-

to galea on the tluir, overcast, withaVietorla—Barometer. 2D. 14: temperature.

43; minimum, 43; wind, 16 mfUn F.. ; rail'., .11; weather, cloudy.

New Westminster -Barometer, Zl.H; torn peratiire. 42; minimum, 4t>: wind, lu nilltw

. R.; rain. -ÎW; weather, cloudy. .y g ml Iliya liai mill til 2D.32; tempera* an»,

34; mtnhiMiiix 34; w ind, 4 miles fc. ; min, .Iti; weather, rlear.

BarkervHle— Homme ter. 211.26; teiuja-rn turn, 26; minimum, 26; wind, calm; weath-S ban Fra seism- Barometer. 23.72: tem- ■rature, 32; mlwtonum. BO; wind, 22 mile* e. B.; rain. .28; weather, rain.

j —When you feel “out of kilter” our i Teas will prove a blessing! ’Phone 803,

Direct Importing-Tea & Coffee Co., cor. Douglas and Johnson street*. •

—See onr new stock of xpring gwsk All the latest shades and designs Iqr spring wear just received. John Mc- Curruch, Merchant Tailor, Trounce avenue. _ •

—The totals of the Victoria clearing house for the week ending February 20th, were $332JM; clearing». $173,33»;

1 for 1001 the dec rings were $304,138, and for 1000, $432.034,

—JAt the meeting of the executive of the District Union Sunday schools, it

1 v. as decided to hold a convention. W. M. Manhunt, president, ami J. M. (’rtnplkdl. w< rvtary. will arrange for the date of the convention.

FIRE. FIRE.Johns Bros.* Narrow EscapeAfter a thorough Investigation, we tiud no damage done by Are. Rather than have our customers dis­appointed by not getting Are aaaps, we offer good fresh goods, free from Are, smoke or dust, at prices equal to those damaged l»y Are. 4r -JWebbe Cocoa Powder. % and H

Iti. tins . .......................16c. and 20c. JAmerican Breakfast Cocoa, 1 It». \Acme"*KotTy, large package ....Sc. {He Peaches, 3 lb. tins ............. 16c. /Stewed Kidneys, 2 !b. tins ....15c. >Vhleken Sor.p, 2 TT». tins ..........!5c.Pork and lteans, 3 It), tine.........16c.

Store full of ptber good* equally low. Everything must go at low prices, although not damaged by

JOHNS BROS.Wholesale and Retail Grocers and

Butcher»,250 DOUG LA d STREET.


PULMONIC COUGH CUREIt will atop that cough, Made only by


Clarence Block. Cor. Y a tea * Douglas Bte.


Butter, Botter, Butter.Just Arrived From Australia

EX -MIOWERA.FIN^'yl'u*lTï'V* <'r,n““;"18 * re*<1J' ■>1». u.iially bring of EXTRA

erskineTwall & CO.TrJevhwe 88. Tile Lcadls* Sneer*.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC^,oooooooooooooo ooooooo ooooootyoooooooooooooooooooooooo


ly Up to the other vegetables in quality, carrying too, much moisture. Flower* n!s<, grow in abundance, and the Vie- torian brought down several varieties in

press* d state.


—Samuel B, Sutton has opened a fine No 0ü6 Wilting tO Pill Up Fight HffCnew warehouae and shbw room on foil ' 0Q fohnlf of the Admin-street with a splendid stock of piano*, Iorgans, sewing machines and supplies, j istraUoiL


He has the exclusive agency for the celebrated Bell pianos and organ*, and also rent* instrument*. Hi* establish­ment is Wty<« Douglas and Blanchard

—The regular monthly meeting of Poet No. 1. Native Son* of B. C., will be held this evening at 8 o’clock at K.

There was a caucus of the numbers of the opposition in the maple- room this morning, when matters of intercut te the party were further discussed.

In accordance with the amendment of­fered by Mr.' Mvlnnes last night, which wee endorsed by the House, the seats of

of 1\ hull Tiuslnvs* of importa no' I» t the member, have been r.iturol in the

Shrimps, oysters u tins, two for 25 cents, lees, tracers-


d haddock in Mowat * Wal-

that property yon listed last week

to come before the Post, including the installation of offieer* for the ensuing term. After the disposal of the busing** of the evening the members will lx» guest* of the newly-Installed officer* at an impromptu banquet.

—The member* of the Young People’s

punitions they occupied last session. Mr. Martin's desk is in Iti old |dare with Mr. McBride beaide him. where Mr. Brown formerly sat, and Mr. Curtis on his left. Capt. Tatlow ha* exchanged ►eats with Mr. Kidd, Mr. Murphy with Mr. Hall, and Mr. Prer.tic* has moved

to the place formerly occupied byWltfc J. B OirarciL 14 Trounce lva. —The member* of the Young People’s: up to the place formerly occupied by w.. ,— -. .r_]4 Guild of St. Andrew8» rn-*,t.d.i.1 Mr. Turrer. Mr. UidorU riu below Mr.S. rZ7. -Ü7. v. 1 eboreh. held an «tioj.M. a*£l l.»t Vi» at the extreme èml „f lb. ba.-k rowms right pries, hs baa a purchaser for „Mlnr Xn rIr,.Hcnt ^«nun, »■««.or the ««x**idh.‘ _ rrled ont. Mr. Griffin and Mi.».*: The Hvoae aa at prueet constituted

----- °----- I Kurina. McK.rtnac. King nn.l Cowper InrspaNe of .ii|.portlng a .tn.ng—The favorite route from thla city to 1 „ ntribntcd to the evening-, entertain- sovemnwet. Kv«r the friend» of the

Nanaimo I. now by the Victoria * „t. Rcfn -hmcnt. were .erred dnr- V-rccnt adinlnirtratlon admit that ,.««•-KWocy railway and .tv.mcr ln«,uoi,. ]ln, th, .renin*. The rcgnl.r monthly "™ •*Sde,le” i« Impu-ible with theT. .UI leave, every Monda, and Thun.- !!h,,,lne.. meeting will be held nett Mon- , vn'~M "u!''?rt <* ‘■«"-‘ire. The

— * • *• »... - - * i government has, strictly speaking, onlyay’ _ ! a baker’s dozen of straight suiqwrters,

^ 1 and one of these is the 8i»eaker, redue-i-a't night a very enjoyable ooelal ln, lh<.lr vo,ing .trength to twriv, The

dey at 7:45 a.m. Single f.re gl.5U. Ke- tarn, good for 10 day., ^2.50.

—Merited improiement. the block puve- ■wnt will be ctMMMNcvd in the near future, the pcrniHiient causeway is j>it>- grtnaiug rapidly, the bridge promises an

tirais, was «itcnt by the Kpworth T»engue dqiposition is the strongest body nuuirri- of the Metropolitan Methodist church nt ra|iy in thv legislature, the narsonago. which waa kindly placed \ randidaU* has not yet ticen secured

. - - et the disposal of the society by the for th“ government in the Victoria bye-eurly aettlenient, the tapital i igars ^ pa,tor for the occasion. Oanv* of all election, and the outlook is that a man chmax everything, the demand for which kind onil mnsir while! away the time will not be found of sufficient a trengthla a marked improvement.

-—All aboard for Crvflon, the new iffimteing centre. On and after February n»S a daily passenger ami freight service will lie inaugurated between Victoria aud Crofton and way ports, by first-class •teauier, connecting with V. A S. rail- way. Train* will leave the V. A ti. ■Ration at 7 45 vm. •

6r—Rev. W. H. Barraclough anil Mrs.

Barraclough will give an “At Home" in the school room off thq Centennial church to morrow night. A good programme baa been prepared, and the ladies >f the church will provide refreshments. A collection will be taken In aid of *he fewffi pf the Ladies' Aid Society.

very fdeasantlr. refreshraent* being or tenter!tv to offer hinuudf for ea<Tifi<-e. served during the evening, and it was Ills Worship the Mayor, Gordon Hunter, not until the hand* of the clock had K.C., and Dr. Mine are understood to very nearly reached the hour of 11 that have successively declined the honor, the merry-making party broke up. j ——————

-----c----- —The case of the young lad Baten,-4-The death occurred yesterday at the ! charged with theft, will be heard in the

n'.lilunif of Henry ll.rt. No. 21 8aa | pollco rourt lu morrow.

—Cheap rates from all points East via Northern Pacific Railway Company; effective “at uwa,” The Northern Pa­cific Railwa.i ouipany will sell tickets from ail Ka>»vm pointa at reduced rate» on account of “The Homtseeker*' Kxcur- nten*.” If you Intend sending for any­one to come t#> Victoria, B. C., call on C. K. leiiiig, general Agent, corner Yates and Government streets. •

Juan avenue, of Mr*. Jane Dodd*, wife of William Dodd*, the florist. She was n native of Durham county, England, <13 year* of age, and came here with ner .husband fifteen year* ago. Beside* her husband in this city she leave* three aistvrs and three brother* In the Old Country. The funeral will take plaee on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. from the family residence, and at 2.31) p. m. horn Christ Church Cathedral.

-----o-----—A well attended meeting was held

yhrxt" evening tn John* Bros'. haH n» talk over thv advisability of forming

—Steamer Charmer left Vancouver at 1:20 o'clock this afternoon, having con­nected with the eastern train.

| —A lecture will be given before theVictoria Literary and Delisting Society in the lecture room of the Kt. Andrew's

' 1‘rewbyteriau church to-morrow night. | The subject of the lecture will be '*Kip- i lirg.”

- loist evening Mm. Black and Mise Obeli were presented with handsome sou1venir* by the member* irt the: -Vic­toria West Methodist Sabbath school recognition of their meritorious service* Ir. connection with the Vhristmas enter ta in meet.

Exciting Experience of Governor Ross aid Party on Their Wxy Ont

From Ktocdike CxpitiL


Harry Kiln, who recently -returned fit in the Klondike metropolis where tu­bas been looking after the interests of the Upper Yukon Consolidated Com­pany, gives an interesting talk about things in general in the far north. He cume out with Governor Kona nud Jos.Barrett the well know 'a.De owner, the ; h, htlatter Wwbeu. will thewml Mr AmoUIKor.Ur, rotaryof Marvb with two of h» ulere„, who lln,nu'Mrwill accotupnuy him from Ottawa. 1

They hod a Very exciting ex|»ericuce

No Record of Her Guns Breaking Loose in a Heavy 8ea.

Referring to the disappearance of H. M. 8. Condor, the Naval and Military Record just to band says: “It iw, »»f course, too soon yet to attempt to judge the wimlom of the authorities in sending a sloop of the Condor class to the Paci­fic. but should it unhappily be found that the Condor has been lost that ques­tion will have to be investigated. As a matter of fact, naval officers, whose opin- k>t;x*nre apppneed to hare some weight with the admiralty, have long since con­demned such ship* a* absolutely useless, a* they enn nvigther tight uur run. ami an* death trap* in a heavy gale. Mean­while all hope is not yet dead, and the n latives of the crew need not yet de-

The Condor's condition ha* also been

, . o -, , | , , i , . w",,n v. uny i rww i vi lilt- 1 (lullaboat hv, milea thia aulo of Carmark. bn.akillg kew |n h,,n KT‘ °“ wl!a‘ kuow". ** no information that any .look t.rgoHill 'Ih.. i ut rt v «iiiiwiwt in ir «if to-it m- , 1 " '

of the Harm* worth,

said then- was no record of one or more guns of any vessel of the Condor class

The:Hill. Tho party. ron,i.»n, of „ in- „„ ^ ttTSiS, YrtwTSc,tiding the driver, were ascending u r.tceik ijidiue In a «ktgh. and about ha'f way up stopiwd to give the horses a

left Ksqnimalt Mr. W. Allan asked whether any qnan-

rthy of store* was pot on Itoard the deck 0/ the Cowlor.

Mr. Arnold-Forster replied that be hadA leader In-i ame restless, and

-stshveiV its uui^a over the side of thebank, where th#v a us U xliup of nbout __forty feot. Koriimatoly Ihr majority uf anr ateWT'h.îI?»*hT2the party .ucreodvd in K.'ttln, oat In ^ V1 *time, bnt the driver ami lady paweng'-r failed te do so, and went .over with the sleigh. Leek was w|tb them, however, and instead of turning lopeey-tugrey with fatal re*ult* the conveyance was guided by the bank aud alighted secure!v on its runners.

The pair lu It were very much fright­ened, but otherwise the experienc-e was devoid of casualties. After extricating the horses they walked to a road house a few mile* away. The aceident occur­red about midnight, the passenger* be­ing de*ii ou* of reaching Skagway in time to catch the speedy City of Seattle for the south. Alter spending the night at the road house they set out next morning for the seine of the previous night’s contretemps, and got the sleigh back to the road. The horsea were aguiu hitched up and the journey continued. They diore twenty-fire miles that afternoon.

The reduction in the tariff of the White Pass railway, Mr. Ella point out. is bound to exercise a beueticial effect on the northern country. It mean* a re­duction in li^ng expenses, in the cost of machinery and other commodities, and of course thv consequent more rapid development of the resources of that


He Recognizes the Serious Condition ef fi Patient end in the Extremity Pr seen bee tfce Remedy That Never Pails.

Can any one read this story and fail to be courinced that as a remedy for all form* of Stomach Trouble* Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets are without an j-qual.

Mr. U>ui* Hood rend, of ht. Paul il aux Noix, Quebec, writes: „

“For twelve year* 1 had been feeling a dull pain in my right side in the region of the liver.

"1 hud a yellow coiu|dexkm. Thv white of injr eyes was yellowish. I could not eat anything without the irnwt distressing after effects.

“I was attended by two doctor* and their medicine wvulu sometimes give me relief for a few days, but 1 would al­ways have a relapse whitfi would leave uie wor*e than 1 was before.

“I kept on getting worwc aud worse till one day 1 wa* very l*d and called




Three cases of Paris Novelties in Ladies’ New Spring Jackets will make a special showing in the Mantle Salon To-day. Every garment is resplendent with an exclusive beauty that will mark them as the smart­est things to be shown this season. These garments are of a speciilly inviting character and are practically unmatchable. Remember the best styles go first.

New Spring Jackets, Misses’ Spring Jackets,


Tte Hutcheson Co., Limited, Victoria, B. C.—The time for the receipt of tender*

for supplying brass goods to the corpor­ation ha* been extended till Monday, March 3rd.

FOR SALEio-Roomed House

Bath, hot and cold water, electric light throughout; good locality, ami on car line; rents for |2S.W a month. Price ♦::,ui*uo. ApFly to

HWiifERTnv fc mm*.

and K. Hughes were elected captain____W. H. B.rrncloagh paator of and «ecn-Lry, roi*»ctir»lr. Tho color*

thr Centennial Metbodiat vburrh, ha. re-, of the aaaodatlon are red and black.ceived an invitation to the pastorate of -----■<>-----the Yjelhodi.-tt church at Kumlooiw, bis I —The Navy League have made a good term having Just expired. He ha* been move in holding their public meeting on

athletic enunciation. After considerable! disrnsnion It was decided to do eo. aud the following officers were elected: Pre- j sidtnt, F. McConnell; secretsry-trea*ur-1,r. T. W. Waller, who will act until j _Kenlwuod lau-nucll.t... an,I Boj.' rcaalar officer, ire elected. It w»a dc- Brigld, lllvH in a hn.kclhallfk'-d ‘hat the bewhell team will com- j in tlu. v x c h,„ U> ul,|,t. <om-i"1 n<T practice at once, a committee !»" „,eBcla« M • Veleek. The Jfetew»whi in, l|,|Wnted to eccwre Krmmj. imd Tmr- ,ro „ lolk>w,: Hancwk and Prankchase necessary supplies. • lffvMct vnnell Merry field,


forwards; K. Pi id H. Nvvlami* (ra plain»,

—On her Inal outward voyage to the Orient the steamer Queen A tie Unie met with a series of mlshai»*. Advice* from

invited W remain «wither year, but has “Ladysmith Day,” 28th inst., thus muk- Singapore, where ho has just nrrived, not accepted. A fifth year invitation Is ( lag as It were a double event, celebrating that she met with sundry looses andvtey unusual, the only Methodist clergy - j the relief of Ladysmith in the Ho-ith . damage. The steamer was also slightly «nan who has eervedjthnt long in the city ! African campaign jul well aa putting « damage d by «ollisioii and 1»> striking afcjHng tier. Mowob 4*leaTer, ftfitr of^ fortil tHe aim* ami objecte of the league*, rock, and bad sprung a leak, beniden iw-tfcc Metiopulitnii Methodist chn.rh. Hon. B. W. Pearse’s paper on the “In- juriug the liallast tanks. The extent of

llueiwe of 8e« Power in History” will the damages will not be known until l<* followed by disvuitsion interspersed after the cargo ha* been taken,out. vyitlt, music ami song. Meanre. Gideon i ----- o-----

‘liidtninCSa:liave‘"kniarjrvotilnwrefftfcb't*"—ThftiftnatW'l*-;' peMlabea' Iff til»use of one of Maaun Ac Risch'a pian is Sound papers Which nrrived on the for tlie occasion. The secretary states Uo*aïie tlu* morning of another import- that he has already received a large set placer strike In the North. .The re­mind* r of replies to the invitations, )M»rt la of a new find being made on ànamong them His Honor the Lieutenant- unnamed tributary of the White stiver.

Metropolitan Methodist che.vh. This invitation speaks volumes for the popularity of Rev. Mr. Barraclough. who aasdon h** Dun*!* l*y . tho. lugiou . nyt. only m local Meth«Hli*m bet in the mtuy other .lenominalions of the city. He tin* also received a call to the Victoria West Methodist church. His successor at Centennial church will lw Rev. Mr. Woetuum, of Vernon.



I'Olt. FORT AND UOirmji* HTtiL, AIhiuI March 10th.

-To-night in Temperance hall lovers of antiquity and Iwauty In drvwa, liter- j rt un- and song will have a rare oppor­tunity to enjoy all three at “Ye Olde Koikes' Concert,” the cowtnmes are gems, the performers or*, all well known for their ability in their several line*, j the platform will hi* arranged ns a large drawing room., with some beautiful fur- ; nitnre and furnishing* and everything j will bo of the most lavish and recherche girortirnlde. The programmes are unique end Well *6ÎH*ElT“:ïthe price of admission j a* souvenirs. Eight, o'clock . prompt Father Hingwell with Dame Playfair, •tccompntii -ri by Grandpapa Darby Take- Itceay and Grnndmnmmn Joan Fare- I well, will ope* the entertainment, and it j ■Jt hoped that all who int**nd being près- i rut will be in their neats promptly; and r* seat* will ho nt a premium by that time a wonl to the wise 1* infflckBL There are no ticket» on Bale.

IroVeruor, Lady Joly de Ixitbiniwe aud over the divide on the Dalton trail, iparty. Hi* Worship the Mayor. Hon. Senator aud Mr*. Macdonald, military •ffieitr» and other*,, who have signified their Intention to lie present.

----- o------If Tit Bits ha* n correspondent any-,

where m ClDtjU he is derelict In hi» duty if he doe* not put that spicy little

than a hundred mile* from Dawson. It is said that the find consist* of coarse gold that run* $25 to the pan. A stam­pede immediately took place from Sel­kirk when.the iiew* of the strike reach- ad there.

— This morning's session of the police

great district. At the same time it will} lu one of my doctor* again in the hopethat he might lie able to again give me at least a little temporary relief, fer I was suffering terribly.

“He told me that he had decided to Btt-Jfce au fètSü'Hjr new treatment, aud left me a box of Dodd’s Dyspepsia Tab­let*. instructing me to foiiow the direc­tions carefully.

“I improved rapidly, ami he made me take a second box ami th.-a a third, which with one other box that I sent for myself made four in all that

puhliealion in isissessiou of a few facts, court was of an unusually protracted The following clipping give* an Idea of character, nearly four hours having been j just how much Tit Bits knows alsmt occupied before an adjournment wa*I hi* part of the world: “Foggier than taken. The principal case wa* that of lomdon.—Eequimnlt is the only place In the four boy* charged with the theft of the British Empire, according to i n - nearly five hundred pounds of rhain cent climatological report, that ex-v^d* from Williams’s wharf. The ehain had Isindon in cloudiness. Ksquimalt i* also been brought in sections to B. Aaron- ttie dampest place in the Empire, while sou's junk store on Store street, wLo Adelaide, in Australia, is the driest, was told by the boy» that it bad been Ceylon is the hottest and Northwest Can- found in a ditch. The case wa* ulti- ada the coldest possession that the Bri- irately remanded until to-morrow. Afish flag float* over.” Victorians do not core a button how dry Adelaide i*. or how hit Gey km i*. but they draw the line at the statement that Esquinivlt foggier than Ixrodoa. The climatologi­cal report that contains *«ch a slander must lie an Interesting document if thi* glittering inaccuracy is a specimen of it* general character. The next thing it will he saying I» that Victoria i» •» wifi a* Va nt outer.

drunk was fined $3 or ten days, aud wrrraiit was issued for a vagrant, who waa called, hut did not appear. The I four boy* charged with theft an* Albert Ole. Aliiert Earle, Albert Dirk inJ j Kroyle Olsen. They arc not strangers to ' the police.

The Toronto city council ha» passed Aid. Oliver’s motion to offer the go» tumjHiiiy $214 per share to. sell ouL

cause temporary embarrassment to the large numlier of big estabiishmeute which have on hand a considérante quantity of stock imported under the «dit tariff, bait this will probably be disposed of by the time navigation opens, and the ccnipctitor» will then be all on thv same iiiihi*. .

Mr. Ella, saya that business was, *f anything, quieter in Daweou last year than during the preceding twelve months. The winter is especially so, but with the return of those who have left te spend this season in other clime*, he anticipate* a general commercial revival. He is forcibly impressed by the fact that there me few indeed who leave Dawson on these winter Soars to the south who do not return. The country appeerad to bold for them some subtle fascination and no matter where they are, they in­variably turn their faces to the north when they are surfeited with all that the “<-utsiüe eivilisatiou" ha* to offer.

He in of the' opinion that navigation will be open earlier thi* year than be­fore. The snow-fall has not been ns heavy a* in previous years, while the comparatively alight amount of ice on I-a Barge this year presage» mi early opening. For instaure: test *ye*e- it is understood thv ice measured 3 feet H inches on this lake. Thi* year the measurements, Mr. Ella said, show only twenty inches. The river is also open rat a numls-r of places. Iaiw water is an­ticipated next spring, a* there is not so mmii ine as in other years. Consequent­ly the volume of water when it thaw* will lw Jess.

The municipal election* which took place at Dawson recently, Mr. Ella says, were quite tropteal. Ttie excitement wa* Intense, ami although he left there sev­eral days before the polling, he was there In the midst of the preceding campaign*. Allens were not allowed to tote in these elect inn*.

Mr. Ella tpcak* highly on the moral tone of the Klondike capital. Gambling has been shut down, while all the churches have large emigregâtions. A new 1‘rvsbyterian chureh has been erect­ed during the year, .while the Methodists have also a new édifiée. The Church of Engluud urgently requires another build­ing, as the present structure is wholly Ircdequate for the large uumbt r who *t- terd.

Farmer* are getting in their .wadi in the Klondike, aud many successful ex­ile riment* ha» ls%eii made. Such vege­tal les as toruips. cabbages and radishes rre grown to a considerable extent, liv­ing superior lu sise and quality to those pi educed here. Mr. Ella saw some i*o- tntoes planted In May. dug up by tfi«* let of July. They were, however, hard

■’To-,I.,, thank» to Da*T. DT»l« |wla TalOrta. 1 an, wall. 1 ,W|. wall, athin* I had nel b«n able to do for year. 1 ran eel neythin* 1 like with out any pain or nni>lmaaut after effiet. Whaler,T. and my (moral health is rery nmrh belter than It ha* been for yearn

"l'or what Dodd'. Dy.peyala Tablet» hare done for me 1 nhiJi always praiae them."

ori-r -mar pueiurely... .... br. I’larke'* Kola <’om-CERK iwund. Mr. Allan Kuulk-....... Uraaaerllle, well..;

EO* ASTHMA ‘j w.i* a umrtyr lo l.lh-... Ul* f<-r 16 year.. ..(.-red

lerrlhly, could not lie .Iowa. My dni((l»t. ^lr-_llle««naom reeommemled tTArfce i. K-

is a Chance to Own =

A HomeWe offer a seven roomed

Modern HouseNear town, for

$2,500Terns. $100 dewe. betaace

$15 00 a sonthAnd • per cert. Interest. It will


Wood Ping Pong

Are the latest. We have them In several styles and at differ­ent prices. Ping Pong Balls,

Nets end Posts.


N.B.-SomeSquash Racquets just to hind.







And all kinds of Canned Fish for Lenten season.

Watson & Hall,TEIa 448. 35 YATB8 ST.

or direct from The G. A 121 GLorch Hi., Toronto.

imrnmm:M. Go., I.liuitvd.

—Lnat night two ship*, one loniled, and a large ‘’shlpeotlnv”* In ballast, passetl Carmanah Inward bound, and this morning a steam collier passed in. There was no sign of the schooner Oscar and Hattie, which was to have started from Banifield Creek, and it is probable that Cnpt. Blakstud. anticipating an Up proaching storm, fiefvr le‘t his mooring*. Ill any event he could not lnat tip against the southeast wind prevailing this morning, whi«h no doubt carried the other vessels out to sea. One of thv loaded shit* now Us iked for is the Brit- ship ship Mnvdrnrniid, fr.oui England with general cargo for Victoria. 1 he weather to-day is anything hut favor­able for the im niuiiig 11 et, the liaromo- ter living lower than ha* been in many year» in thi* city.

Election protests are increasing. The Conservatives iiav.1 protested the elec­tion of Brunet in St. Jimu* division. Montreal; Beith. in West Durham, and Arch. Campbell, West York. The Lib­eral* ^petition «gainst J. E. î<comird. Lurch On* Porter. West Hastings, and kL Avery, Addington.



Honestliucenliy. do*ora a better

Tooke’s at $1.00 ?Ever friiind Hneh roeifort nn<lwa ilef net Vm1 iuct enen eachwell made eeanw. gu**, tn hi all «iwulngs. a*U «•ushlDM reek- hands? Why not have the i«e*i? C-oats no MHiri-. A dollar and get a dollar s worth.

Tooke’s Collars 2 for 2 Sc and 3 for 50c





Watson & McGregorrno.NB 745. M JOHNSON 8T

New Spring Goods

ARRIVING DAILYAll the latest Novelties, beautiful

Applhpie TrtnuuUig.

Fancy Muslins, Blouses, Muslin Suits, Silketies.

Laces, Etc.,

84 DOUOUAS 8T8KBTStevens & Jenkins,

The Best YetWe have Juat received over 500


Music FoliosWhich will lie .old .1 the low price of

Only 50c EachBeautifully bound and printed; re­presenting every descr.ptka of umair, old and new.

Aak for oar Ixteet catalogue of 10r. uiuelc. Contain* over 3.0UU


—Onr Early Consignment of Spring Wall Paper ha* arrived. We are show­ing *ome very pretty tint* in Ingrain*, and a choice line of figured paper». Send for samplt-s to Weiier Bros. •l



river lauding* between Newâirltiab Columbia 1* Hereby respect tuliy re- ! river landings bet» ten New Westminster «;u rated i«» take wome step* lu meure h |»ru. and titeveston.IhT official 11• give a Sitôt"l ftHin* In Wwlt WKMT f*OAHT RnlTTIi.ud grain ludgiug. similar !.. tuât Intr" r' 1 ituuie.«li.cetl by tâte Agricultural Col.cge at Steamer “Qi een City.7tiuelph.” Leave Victoria 1st, lmb and 2tHh day of

The resolntlori was carried unanimously. rooutb, for Pt. Renfrew, Canna ns h, •-Noxious Weeds" wsh* tbv next subject Clauoee, Dodgers Gone, Ecole, Albernl,

tf-uablcreU. Several delegate* referred to Her hart, Uelulet, Clavoquot and Abouaet. the alarming spread of t uuadtau tuiatlea For Cape Scott and Tutormediate ports on und other uoxlorn* weeds. | 2Mb day of each month.

Mr. t a«le, of Mlwlon. complained that tin» 1 his Company reeervea the right to government neglected to eut Hoiioui wetma I change this time table at an/ time without on got en.mint land*. j r-*1-*

Mr. Andentoo stated th.it tb? government 1 had <*r.t noxlou* need* In every matauiv to 1 which at lent ion bail been called. i«

Mr. Paisley aald that the pa Hi mast era In luunic||ialilies should have aiuiioriiy to prosecute uuder the Noxious Weeds Act*, i 1

W. H. Ladner »anl in tie* 1n»!im muni- * rtpaJlty If men didn't cut thetr Thistle* the « oiiueit mol them cut and ilu cxpeaae charged .igninat the owner* of tlie laud at- i fW-ted u* taxe*. There waa pbmty of in.t- vbltiery In the art to Seep thistle* down. If j |

runHawaii, Stmts,

Hew Zealand andonly enforied.Mr. Chi re-bland, of Surrey, *abl Huit in Australia.hi* mmiblpallly the thistle* were wed kept

under. Ho thought tuut Mr. Purvdey* aug-8.8. SONOMA, to sell Thursday, Feb. 17,geettniT rrpwlsy pal Hmesteh# wa* map*»*

at lo a. m.8.8. ALAMEDA, to sail Saturday, March

Freight offlee, 107 Market street. Sea

i'rcvineial HawsZmmmm ■■■**—■ ’.■■■iiWwwii» e•rrrrrrrrrrrrrr w w-wW rr rrr» w






, ---------ZCentral Farmers* institute Held a Ses­

sion Last Evening-Noxious Weeds and Advisory BoiiV.

Tlw Centra! Farmers" institute resumed Its Hitting* at right o'clock lust evening with Major Mutter in the chair and a larg ; ulteudanee of delegate* present. A. W. Nt III, M. V. l‘„ Thus. Kidd, M. 1*. 1», t lu*. Munro, M. V. 1*., and W. II. 11 ay Ward, M. 1". V., were aim* In attendance.

L. W. Paisley. of CtUlllwack. discussed ••A Short Course la Stock and tiralu Jttdg-

Canadian Pacific Mavigatlei Ce. Id.Time Table.—SFectlve October 16th, 190L

ALASKA ROUTE.For Skagwsy direct, steamship “Amor"

I connecting with White l‘as# * Yu-j kon route, leave Victoria Feb. 10 and 25,

and the following day from Vancouver.VICTOR!A VANCOUVKR ROUTE.

8. 8. "Charmer." 'Leave Victoria daily, 1 a. m.Leave Vancouver dally, 1:16 p.m.


Leave Victoria 11 p.m. let and 16th of month.

Lenta Vancouver 3 p.m. 2nd and 16th of month.

For Alert Bay, Fort Rupert, Rivers Inlet, Nauiu, Belle Bella, Cbiua Hit, Lowe In­let, Skeens River, Metbikstliih, Ft. Simp- eon, Naas Rtvor. iud luiermedlste porta, calling at Bella Cools and Skldegate voce a month. vVICTORIA-NEW WESTMINSTER ROUTE

Steamer "Prince*» Louise."^ Leave Victoria Tuesdays and Fridays, 7

Leave New Westminster Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7 a. in., calling at Mayne, Slevestvu and Gulchoo.


Leave New .Westminster Mondays, Wed­nesdays and Fridays, ut 8 a.iu.

,u ,,s,., ........ ...... Leave Chilliwack Tuesdays. Thursdaysand Saturdays, 7 a. to., calllug at Fraser-ing— - Ho- auggititctl .tlia.1. tlD: ..^v»Tiiiii.-in rivet..landings between New Westminster

get such a mail ns I'rof. Pay to conic hero . and Chlldwack.mid give u short cotime In how to Judge | NEW WESTMINSTER - STEVESTON clock by |>«dut*. lie thought iho i ROUTE,fees wotiln meet tlie expeust * of gctt:ug ’attt a man a* i'rof. Day. Steamer Beaver.

At this juncture Major Mutter cordially } Leave New Westminster 2 p.m. dally, ei- xM-lvonieil the nnuabtu* of the U-gUmturo > cept Sunday.| u**('U(. i Leste Hieveston Monday, Tuesday, Wed-

Mr. Paisley moved, ami Mr. M un roe Mil-| eeeday and Thursday. 7 a.in.; Friday, *1er sccuudeu- ♦•Thai tue government of " * **'* * " - ... -- —âirltlah t'.dumbUi l* hereby respectfully rv- i;ue*teel to lake wome step* lo w?cure a pro-


OVER HIM AGAIN. Pun. Ii. / ' - ._____________________ _



Lumber Seen Off Cape May Have Cose From Her—Cottage City

From North.

What hM become «if the. old nhip Yoeemite, which has nailed ont of the*» waters for many jeers, ami which ti notr king, overdue vu the voyag«; from Tacoma tv Callao. U a «iiiehtipu low agitating shipi>iiig men. The Tcsael i* out over eighty day* with a full v«rg'» of tnmbert •* »he halted dut iilA ttm heavy galea which swept the north toast

x* ,.ar7y in the winter some nnxictr h e*- preused about her. tteinaurance on the rcaarl ha* advan<*ed lo 16 per cent, and the figure i* likely to be «till further ad­vanced thi* week.

l'rvoh lumber, as though some vesei-l had lost her deck load while in trouble a ghvrt distance off the coast, waa reimrt- j id by the at earner Tampico which arrived at Port Townsend about a week ago. > It wa* seen about twenty tnilen off tho • Cape, and the »kii>per of the oivamerre l<irted that it looked a* though it had j«»t. been lost from a rowel..The Yflwemite i« weH known to every British Columbia shipping man. she having m-rv- ihI iu all linen of trade iu. tjtf wasting bnaincM. She i* u<-t. however, the only j oae of the Pacific overdue* Knglndi marine underwriter* are alunneil aliont.

The Norwegiar ship Anglia in jo-ited nt Lloyd’s a* missing and settlement ha* ( IweU Iliad.- .... her. There nr- now eight . «Xaip VPITWr rrïfnw ttre^ tw-irt H*t r Th«- j American barque. Acme, 2t)7 day*. New j York for Yokohama, 30 |*r cent.: the Itritish ship Red Itock. eighty-eight «lay*, l’raavc river for Ijondon. IS per cent.: British ship Inch capo Hock, thirty-eight tlav*.‘ Ptrt Ixh Angeles, for Portland,.* 1 [>er tent.: the Briti*h ship Karl Cndo- gan, thirty-seven day*. I*«>rt Lo* An­geles. f«*r Portland, 16 percent: Krw«h ban.ne la’s Ailelnhes, 733 «lay*. Ma«l.v gasenr. fnr Portland. 20 per cent.: Kr- uvst Legoure, 1i«8 «lay*, Hobart. Tas­mania. for Portland, 2<» per cent.; tlv French barque Olivier «le CIi**on. l*?l

- days, Cayenne, for San Francise», 20 - gv»r cent.

The AnvUiij for whkh all hope I* t ubendomsl. waa built in nt Hn'ii-l,iirg. She wa* formerly n*me«1 the (V- I xiga aiul afterward the Kepgiler. J. J«»- Intiiaon iv t o. of Christiania,, wen* her i-wners. She -nilv«l on Jnly fith la^t fi>»m Newcastle, Australia, with coni for Panning, Captain Melsom is *ai«1 to hare wired home that hi* vessel was M,, foul that he did not rare to proceed. l «it hi* answer wa* to put to sea. A ; khipma*t«‘C who lay astern of tlv Anglia in the Australian tort, and who ha* .

—since hern In San Fnmeiseo, that-the Norwegian’s hull was an. dirty that , he did not think that she could mak- . more than siv knots nt the Vest in :t j wh.de rale. On hi* information, spent- 1 I a tors have nlnved the r«'**el,t«» srrh'e. giving hr- the wide latitude of 180 «l-vs In which to make the nsiage. T1o« AngHa was n vessel of 1,200 tons an«l ,

The fmir for the In cheep-» Rock e»<l Pari Cadoran is bgged In Tendon on the fact that they nulled light, ami tjie ♦**- nerience of rcwtlà on thi* coast at tbhc

time of the year in such-a conditio»**#* 1 l«vvu most unfortunate.

A FLOATING DANGER.The steamer Victoria, which has

reached Snq Francisco from lA#«iysmith, re|k»rt* sighting the derelict schooner lotura. Pike, off the Oregon <-«>o*t. The wreck was awash, but upright. She was imssed in hitltwle 42».54 rorlh, kmgti-

1-iôt west. W h. ii Pnptaip lohii- .-«•ii ami hi# crew lift the like lier mast* were* standing and aHuicsiiil and foresail were get. When the Victoria saw the Pike she was pretty low in the water, her maumast with its sail was trailing ever th«* aide, but the foremast was still stamling. and flntt-.Ting in the brecae were the tattered remuant* of the fore­sail. llad the weathir permitted the uflleef* <»f the V|« toria would hare des­troyed the deiviict, but when they sight- «‘d the wn-ck the wifid was blowing with hurricout* fore-» ar-d the sea tumbling mountains high. During the present, «lark stormy night* the Laura Pike 1* n terrible menue» to navigation. She lias of course» no lights on her ami makes vo sound to warn Ft he mariner of b«»r wb«-reaboutw. She has rnlistimce enough to send the stoutest ship to the bottom, nnd her hull i* so submerged' as to lie l.iii-ilv visible* to thi» b-okout. Tlie X ic- loris bsd a very roufiK Dtp: 9CXÉ two davs late in arriving. She ha«1 oneof her lifeboats atovo in by the sea,

SEATTLE IS JUBILANT.A special dispatch from San Francisco,

published in the Seattle Po*t-Intelli­gencer, state* that ”it aeem* « rl.b nt that the recent ebsorptbrn of the Pacific Sh am Whaling Company by the Pacific Packing * Navigation Company Is only one part of the gi-ncral plan of J. J. Hill to «llrert business from San Fran- tikeo t.> Seattle. ’Fbe entire fleet of the whaling company, thirty-five vessels, Jj.ta been transferred from San Francisco to Si'r.ttle. with tlie single exception of the Valencia, which goes to the Pacific Coast Steamship Company. Mr. 11111 has of In ta acquired several «learner linw, big and little, with the Sound city a* ter- ntin.ua, nu«l the acquirement of the Pa«'i- fle Steam Whaling Company and ttt re- n oral to thaet port 1* another step.”

PILOT RETURNS.Tug Pilot, Cap*. Cutler, after Viwlng

the coal hulk Richard III., coal loden, fient Como* to Juneau, returned thi* mo ruing from ih • North, having made the return trip in quick t.rnc. Capt. Cutler says that he saw the funeral «»f the men who ha«l been killed by the avalant he at Ketchikan. Tlie liodies were Iqterred in the cemetery aero** from the t wn. and h- passed the cortege on it* way to the graveyard. He report* the weather t«»ry fine up North. The Pilot, b« fore returning North again, will fuse the Bel fora, now at the outer wharf, to Vancouver.

BOHALIB LATE.The Ibtsnlie which, owing to the Ma !

jolie being now laid up iu Seattle for repairs is the.only boat running on the Sound route, wa* écrirai hour# late in arriving this morning, Im»cmu*c of havlug a heavy freight, to handle. The bulk of her inward cargo was composed of «^ranges, apple* and other verities of fruit from California ami a large ship- nu-nt nt bov.auus from Central America. The Majestic will resume her service ou Thursday. - ^

FROM TUB NORTH.h.arly this morning the steamer Cot­

tage City arrived from Skagway and other Alaskan port* with 30 passenger».. Including Capt. Lelgour, of the United States revenue cutter Rush, 'fhe steam­er brought news that K. C. Ilawkin* ha* bouded tlie White .Moose an«l Alamo mines, Taku Arm, for $108,000 to J. (viiplias. It is said that n small smelter wUJ be. erected at Teku Arm, iu the

vicinity of where the mine* are located.A.report also come» from Dawson of

a terrible murder iu whb ii Lulu Watt* Is alleged to bave eut off the head of Jack Kirk. Th<» latter wax a Skagway gambler, ami waa better known aa •iCrooked Kid.” He had been iiartially siipisirted by the gill. who. finding that he was untrue to her. she committed the mail act through jealousy. The girl got the fellow drunk and then. It is said, cut oil' hi* head, hilling it *o that the body w«>uld not be recognized. She i* *ai«l to have com«» from Port Townsend, and to have lived f«»r a time in ISeattle. Vic­toria and Vancouver.

MARINE NOTES.While dbslvirging sugar at the dock

ip Vancouver it is said that the ateamer F< lmitia «-prang a leak as a n-ault of in­juries sustaUntl on the trip from Java. It i* further state«l that a quarter of her cargo, valued at $26,000, has been dam­aged.

Steamer Cottage City i* syh«*dub*d to sai. for the North ou Siarch 2ml.

ting a Wtroug huit! Iu <'«miox. I'lil* district i 8, at J p.I wa* unorganised. »n«l nu iBgaclor waa up- 1 8.8. AUSTRALIA, for Tahiti, Feb. 19, at1 | oliit«-l. but wltlKiut Hillary. To em-otirag - 10 a. m.j idm. tin* Agrii ultur#! Society paid :i email ] J. D. EPRECKBLS A BROS. CO.,! «11.17, hut II te«rt-l«:il. I *,.„!« 60 ll.rlet .trwt,I Mr. Uude uun. •!. #u«l Mr. Hum* secoua ■

rOBT tTMCIAWilliam Blatchford, a! rancher, who

for many year* ha* been a re*id«»nt of tlia d4striet. died on Friday night, of unite gastriti*. imlin-ing ht»art failure. Ihe deceased wa* 37 years old, and wa* I«or» at Plymouth, England, coining to Canada at an early age.

A very pretty wedding waa celebrated nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Qtiiu- livan, Peterboro. on February 11th. whea tbcin daughter, Mary Ann ljuinlivaii, was married to Mr. \Vm. Chuiuberlaia. The (vrmwny was performed by the Rev. Father Cocoin, in the preaeoee of more than forty n-lathes and fricads.


On Wednesday evening a quiet wed­ding t«H»k place at the Summit hotel, when Mia* Dorothy linfianl*, daughter St Hf KM iM -imitTHc* ptumf1' Humus wa* unit<»d In the holy bomls of matri­mony to Howanl M«s>re, proprietor of the Hotel HeHevw «lining n*»m. The nuptial knot wrs tied by Her. H. P. Fl«»welling, vicar of St. John’s mission of the Church of England.

AO ASSIS.In response to a call the Lil**ral* of

the Aga.odz portion of Yale district nut on Thursday and organised thciuMcIrea into an association, electing the follow­ing otfliyn: A. Howell, president; 1'apt. Hamilton, first vice-president; Win. Mairkle, second vlc«»-prcsideut; George Vance. w»crvtnry, the first two und lf»*t named oltlcers to 1*» the executive. The association will meet again in the near future, when oth»r matter* bearing on the a*sdl‘i:ition will be fully dealt with.


Mr*. Mary Jane Martin, aged BOyeir*. committisl suieide here yesterday by tn king carbolic a «-id. Deceased wa* a well-to do w:Mow. but suffeivd from bad health for hiuu» time, resulting iu mclau-

J;i*. Mook*. proprietor of the (•••and saloon, wa* badly hurt here yesterday by the necklvntal discharge of a revolver. He wo* standing in the Rosulnml saloon when the gun fell from hi* hip p«xket ami exploded On striking the floor. The bullet entered the back, and tbs» injured man’* condition i* aérions.

ed: “That we usk th- government t«> fini lu : force the XoxIimh Weed* Act."

I A. F. VenaMes, «>f Vernon, then took lit* ' «*• it a* a uicuUmt of the luatltule.

, Mr. I'alriey moved an ameii«1nient lo Mr. || Unde'* motion t«i the effect Huit the Mnul- i

• l|»ul Ulavsee Act be anieu«le«l w> ■* to . make It ii.jiqmlimry f«-r patliui.iwtcr» to eu- || force the pruvlolm.* of ta« Noxious Weed* 1

and Thistle Ad*. The original motion wa* ! u It fulfil >Mi. n ud Mr. l‘*lwley"» ameiulnivtit i tHHMtue the nuilti motion. After «orne dis- j

; 1'Uwtoa, tue m«»iloit wa# altered to iwelnUe other uinnlripnl oltl« er* na well a* path maeteri, and that tnew aleiw be Sued ! Mule** they enforce the law. The reaolu- lio». wa* then «-nrrtv I.

J. «'. Metcalfe, of Maple Ridge, at thla i Jum-tare took fil# sent In the Institute.

For um-rganlxed diet ml», tue lus.ltnt»* | a*ke«l that tfi«* provliM-lal u«dlee be -m|H»w eml to eilfitrur the provlidoua of the Noxi- ‘ ou* We«-d* AM lr

W. H. Uuinvr move»!, ami Edward Moor» | *.*-«md«Hl. to llw effect that tlie prewnt ! t'ontagbuia Art l« iiino»-■•«••«wary. Injurious and iiiin-ltabh-, ami that they wee the dis eontinnaaoe vf the r«.iuptil*«»ry use of tulwr- «•ullne. At Ihe Sugg*-*,l »ii of Mr. Lailiier the «ttwmwloii wa* adfonrnrd nntll to -day.

Major Mntter, in dt*n*»ing the apisdut- lueut of air‘aelvluorv lN»ord. anbl that a* titer.* wo* au agricultural ««fliimlUi-e of the leghdaturc an adrluory board would •«•sree- Ijr txe requlnsl.

Mr. Miller wal«! If the number of lawyer* end other profe»i*l«»iii*l men hep* oh luvr-•**- lug In the Hiwae au a«lvl##ry l-onnl wbl l*i

| ** AT”$,rN«dll. M. 1». I'., sold the Idea of the j legislation Introduced to appoint au ailvi»- Largi Uuonl waa thaï a mluiatec who might . 1 not be an agrlrnimrtwt whnutit have tne

: Ifeiietlt of the «d» lei» of nra« Ileal farmer*| on the boanl. He WUgçested that the ln*tl- | tdte ns.onmi.-iid !.. it'.* tfoYoftitii.-lit th*fi such a Ixturd l»e sppoime.l. The further • eomdflenm.'ii wa* ntferred nntll to-tajr.

The Imdltute then adjourned until geu oVIoik tteday.

j p'untlnueil on page A)



T» Ik- 1‘ukU.h.Ml la I’nrl.iu.l aud lb.I idteil State*.

The forthrofulng publlratbrn Is announeed «>f a new Canadian journal, edited by Ber­nard MrBv«»y the well known uewqmp'-r man. under ibe breesy title, “Ulunec» la t'aimile.” The prlm lpal Held of pubtbat.ou for thi- bow venture will In» Ur.Mt Britain and the l idled Slat.»», ami It* «ttojett wifi be to advertise there «»ur Canadian a«lten trges. It will be lawoeil with the c > .per* tbm of one of the f«n»im>*t Kngilwh pub llaldng Arm*, ami with the «•oumeii.im*e aud ai.poort «;f the Ontario government.

| “tfknncrt in Canmla" *iii i»,- a anwtli'jr! Journal ttt an attractive «-haraeier, whlell

will app«**l t«> those .-lasw* In Ureat Britain, the I'nltcd States and other et.un- trie* from whU* .le-trsMe tmuitgrnnt* amt lnv«**tor* may be drawn.

“tthanma in fana-îa'* will n tvanen nnr sgrTniThifat, hi«nttfiduring Mit-1 iohuaetvlnl lilt.-rest* by bringing readable pagi-s on these «ulileet* periodically before Ibe n o*t eligible etas* of leader*. It w|i| In. Ivde bright lllu*trat«»<l art lue* vu l'auadlau leaderv. iieopte and bfaee#.

“t.'hamv* In fanana" will Ih» non-politi­cal. ami will aim at giving absolutely

j trust worthy «‘oiuiuen lal, mining and Hnou- j «lal new*.i Every effort wU|--be made l»y th.» promot­

er* of •Thamn* In t'anada" t.» turn .Hit tlie |**rii»«ll« nl in a style worthy «»f « :.ma«ll*n progrès*. It l* hoped that the first number will In- Issued In April or May.

Wcmen of Moans and Serial StiB'I'g Use Ihe


Hagyard'a Yellow OU I* go«id for m*o or heaat. Relleree pain, reduces swelling, al­lays Inflammation. cure* cute, burn#, bruises, apmiua, at Iff Joints, etc.

I Home dyeing I* always a subject of I Interest to thrifty and economical wo­men. It mean* non res of d«dlar* saved t«« the family «-ach year when women can re-color their failed ami soiled drosst**, skirts, blouses, jacket*, capes, ribbons, feather* and Milts for men ami boy*,—iIf, in the pnst, you have sold for a few cents per pound your cn*t off garment* to the ragman, save your |t< od* and materials, and test the mngi<*- al powers of the Diamond Dyes. In these popular dye* you can the new­est and most fashionable color*, :uul ob­serving the simple directions, yon ran hare a new dress, skirt, writ or overcoat

i at a en*t of from ten to twenty cent*. Thi* pleasing and «eonomleal work is done by thousand* of women of mean* nnd good position. Try the Diamond Dyes and you will be succcaefnL



St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis. Chicago

AND POINTS BAST.Through Palace aud Tourist Sleepers.

I lining and Buffet Smoking Library Car*. DAILY TRAINS: FAST TIME; SERVICE

AND SCENERY VXK<rfVALLKD.For Rate*. Folders end Full Information

regardlug Eastern Trip, call ou or address, C. WURTBLK. General Agent,

73 Government Street, Victoria.A. B. C. DBNNISTON, G. W. P. A.,

f-12 First Avenue, Seattle. Wash.

Spokane Fills 6 Northern H'y Co. Nelson 4 Ft Sheppard H'y Co.

Bed Mountain H’y Co.The only all rail route between all points

east, west end south to Rowland, Nelson and Intermediate points, connecting st Spo­kane with the Greet Northern, Northern Pacifie and G.‘ IL * N. Co.

Connecté at Rowland with the Canadian Pacific Ry. for Boundary Creek points.

Connects at Meyers Falla with stage dally for Republic.

Buffet service os V2se between Spokane and Nelson.

EFFECTIVE MAY 5th, 180L Leave. Day Train. Arrive.'J.20 s.m........ Spokane ..........7:15 p.m.

12:26 p.m............. Rowland ..........4 1<> p.m.0:40 a.®............. Nelaon ..........8 43 p m.


“The Milwaukee”A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil­

waukee A st. Paul Rbllway. known ail over the Union aa the Great Railway ma­iling the “Pioneer Limited” traîna êver? day and night between St. Paul end Chica­go, and Omaha and Chicago. “The only perfect trains lo the world.” Understand: Connections are made with All Transcon­tinental Lines, a waring to peseengers the beet service known. Luxorlous coaches, electric lights, steam heat, of s verity equalled by no other line.

See that your ticket reads via “The Mil­waukee" when going to any point In the United States er Canada. All ticket agents eed the*.

For rates. peaephJeta. er other Informa­tion, addrew,J. W. CASEY, a I. EDDY,

Trav. Paw. Agt., General Agent, Seattle, Wash. Portland. Ora.

TMEiasi.. ■* ■■* . -»

Through Line From Skagway to Atlin, White Horse, Big Salmon, Dawson and Yukon River Points.

Special eteemer makee regular rune from White Horse te Huotalingua end Mg Salmon mines.

Connections made at Daw sen tor nil Lowef Yukon river points, includingMichael’s and Nome.

Through connections made at Cariboo with the Compxaj'e lake steams* flee Atlin, Taxa and Gobles Gate mining campe.

WINTER ROUTE SERVICE-Darin* till Winter Beuon wheu Navigation » closed. Daily Trains will continue running between Skagway and White How.

A Through Mall, Paseenger and Freight Service will be maintained by » thoroughly equipped Stage Line between White Home und Dawson, with comfortable Road Honeee at convenient points en rente.

Through mail, exprese and freight service will aleo be maintained to Atlin.


2. H. CREER, Commercial Agent, 100 Government Su, Victoria.

A. B. NEWELL,Vice-President and General Manager,

,( Seal tie. Wash., and Skagwsy, Alaska,J. FRANCIS LEE,

I'ruffle Mauai

Atlantic Steamship Sailings.From From

St. John. Halifax. Feb. 15 Feb. 17

Feb. 24M*r. 3

Ionian—Allan Line Pretoria n—A Ils n Line ... Feb. 22 Corinthttro - A ttfl n Lttrt» ... Xfnr. f l ake Ontario— Beaver Lliie.l'eh. 11 *Luke Superior—Bvavcr ...Feb. 28

Kr. Portland.Vancouver—Dominion Line ..............Feb. 22Dominion—Domlulou Line....................... M.-ir. 8

Vj. New York.T.ucanla—Cnnnrd Line . ............ .Feb. 15Etruria—Cuhard Line .........................Feb. 22C*mp«tft*M—Ceftard LLh» . .Mar. 1.Cymric White Star Line ................Feb. ISTeutonic-White Star Line.....................Feb. 281 hlbub-lpblu—American Line .........Feb. 12Ht. Paul—Amcrb-an Line ................... Feb. IDHI. Ixmls—American Line ................. Feb. 28Kurm-wsla—Anchor Line ................... Feb. 15Ant or la—Anchor Line ................... Mar. tKaiser Wilhelm Der Crosse—N.Ü.L.Feb. 18Neckar—N. O. Lloyd ...................*..Feh. 27Kron Prins WUhe'.m—N. G. Lloyo/.Msr. ItLa tissc«»gue— French Line.....................Feb. 18La Touraine—French Line ................Feb. 20

•For «tes and ill Information apply to H. H. ABBOTT.

Agent f«»r All Lines,M Government St., Vlcturlâ, B. C.

W. P. V. CUMMINGS,Genet a I 8. 8. Agent,

Winnipeg, Man.

PsdBc Coast Steamship Ce.rox

Fcr Sooth-Eastern B9 Alaska.

Leave Victoria.Cottage City. 6 a. m.. ,>b. * Mar. 2. IT. April l, and every «fteanth Cay tberealtcr.

Leave Seattle.et.sm.blp. Cottage City. City ofjWttle

or AI-KI. u p. m.. K.b. t, 14, 16, ID. *. Mir. I, 6. 12. 16. 21, 24, 11.

For San FranciscoLeave Victoria.

Ftesmshlpe City of Pu«4)la. Umatilla, or Oiw-n. carrying 11. B. M. metis. 8 p. m., Fet)’ 3. 8. 1$. 18. 23. 28, Mar. 5. th. 16. »>. 25. 30, April 4, and every fifth day there­after.

8team«»rs connect at Ran Francisco with Company’» *te*mers for pvt* t« Sont hern Callrurnla, Mexico, and Humboldt Bay.

For further Information obtain folder. Right te reserved to change steamers or

sailing date».R. P. KITH ET A ClX. Agents. 61- Wharf

St.. Victoria, II. C.TICKET OFFICE. 113 James 8t., Seattle,

M. TALBOT. Comm!. Agent.O. W. MILLER. Asst. Oenl. Agent,

Ocean Ihxk. Seattle.GOOD ALL. PERKINS A CO., Gen. Agte.,

San Francisco.


Trains will nm between Victoria and Sidney aa follows :

DAILY tLeave Victoria at. .r.. .Tr4Sa.*.,Leave Sidney at............. 9:00 a m., 5:45 p.m.

SATURDAY AMD SUN DAY,Leave Victoria at........... 7:45 s.m.. 28» p.m.Leave Sidney at............. 98» s.m., 5:45 p.m.

Steamer SenatorConnecte at Sidney with morning train

DAILY FJR OROFTofll.Returning, connecte with evening train for Victoria.

Steamer IroquoisConnecting with the Victoria A Sidney Rail­way. will sail (weather permRthqO aa follows:

Monday».—Leave Sldrey for Nanaimo at 8:45' a. m., calling at Fnlfonl, Ganges. Mayne, Fern wood and Gabrlola.

Tuesdays—Leave Nanaimo for Sidney at 7 a. m., calling at Gabrlola. Kuper, tihe- malnue, Veauvlua. Maple Bay. Bnrgoyne.tienne. Cowtchan and Mill Bay. ........ :

Wednesdays.—I^are Sidney at 8:41 a. m.. calling at Fulford. Beaver Point, Ganges, Gailano, Mayne, Pender and Saturne.

Thursday».—Io»ave Sidney for Nannlmo at 8:45 a. m.. calling at Mill Bay, Cowtchan. Geuoe, Burgoyne. Maple Bay. Veauvlua. Chemalnue, Kuper and Gabrlola.

Friday».—Leave Nanaimo f«>r Sidney at 7 a. m.. calllug at Gabrlola, Feruwood. Ganges. Mayne and Fulfont

Saturday*.— Leave Sidney at 8:4» a. in- ceiling at Saturna. Pender, Mayne. Gal'ano, Gauges, Beaver Point and Fulford.

Cloee connection made at Sidney with etenlng "train for Victoria on Tuesday, Wed­nesday. Friday and Saturday.

The Company reserve the right to change the time of trains and steamers withoutH- F^MACKENZIE, 2. ANDERSON.

Geieral Manager. Trafflc Manager.

Iks EarMui-WtUMi Ceemey, UehcdTAKE NOTICE that three month» from

date of first Insertion hereof application will be made to Ills Honor the Ueutenint- Governor-In-Council for an Order In-Connell changing the present name of the above Company to The B. Wilson Company, Limit­ed.

Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D., 1901.


FURNITUREAll kinds of new and second hand FUR­

NITURE. AIR-TIGHT HEATERS. COOK STOVES, etc,, at lowest prices. CROCK­ERY, CROCKERY, come and get prices.

J. W. GOSS..( j 1» DOUGLAS ST.

And Soo Pacific Line


Te all pointa In <^»"da end the United



SAILINGS FOR JAPAN AND CHINA, v.EMPRESS OF CHINA ................. FEB. IffTARTAR ...................................... MARCH IdEMPRESS OF INDIA ........ MARCH 94EMPRESS OF JAPAJf ............. APRIL 14


WOANÂ ......................... FEB. ?MIOWERA............................ MARCH 1AORANGH..................................... APRIL S

And every four weeks thereafter.For full particulars aa to time, «test

If. flSfflff U.......... .. .......... .................. ------------E. J. COYLE,

A. O. P. A.. Vancouver, B. ft ^ H. II. ABBOTT,

80 Government St., Victoria.

n Government Street. Victoria S. C.

Passesgera caa leave and arrive daBy » ■teamera R.>*lle or Majeetic, rnaaafflfflffl at Beattie with overland flyer.

JAPAN-AMBBICAN UNE.Fortnightly Ha 111 nr*.

“KINRHUI MAIIU” will «all Feh. 25th, for China, Japan, and all Asiatic porta.

C. WURTKLK, General AgenL


Cor ffflurffffli T.tM *ltTM66 vicroeg, x

WHEN GOING TOSt. Paul, Ch'cago, New York

or Eastern Canadian PointaTAKE TH* i

Northern Pacific Railway,“The Crack Traîne of the Xorthweat." Rteamehlp ticket» sold to all EuropeanF«>r further Information arply to

A. D. CHARLTON. C. K. LA NO.A. G. P. A. N. P.. General Agent,

Victoria. B.CLPortland. Ore.


Time Table Nq. 43

----------- i -i

Effective October 26, ,_4; 1901.

Dally. SoutbboumLItMTtt. Arrive.

AM. P.M.Mctorla ....... « ..... .. tt:i»r 1 •-’«*!

AM.<;«U«l*trvnm ................... . 9 28 11 18Min wnlg.in Lake ........ ,10*211 1«»:4 i« obble Hill .<............. .. 10:.» ln:29

..11 «*1 WStiI'hvmalnua .......... .... ..11:82


Nnnnlino ........... ............ .12:43 8.13Ar. \N ollli.gl tu; .......... . . 1 UU Lv. h:U0

Sat.Nort htH>un«L A Su. SouthtHMind.

Arrive.P.M. P.M.

Victoria ...........A. . . . . 8-00 6:25Ciddatreoni .................. .. 1:28 6:24Shawnlgan l*ik«* ........ .. 4:20 5:33c.dd»le Hill ................. 4:8.1 5:11»Duncans ....................... . VIKi 4:8»« lii-nuiliiUH .................... .. 5:32 4:17XanuhiMi ....................... . 0 41 3*NAr. Mvlllngton ............ .. <155 I-V. 2:54

Exciirabwi rate* In effect to all points.gp««l Saturday an«l Sunday. For rate* amiall Information apply at the Company'soillcee.

GEO. L. OOUETXKT,rrafllc Manager.


Notice la hereby given that It la my IwM tentloe to apply at the next slttlngvl IMS. Llcemdng Court for a transfer to William Henry Vlekers and Edward William Blrkle of the license now held by me to. sell spirituous and fermented liquors by retail upon the premises known ee the Gatlformlu hotel, situate at the comer of Waddlngtee Alley and Johnson Street, 1» the City at Victoria.

Dated the 30th day of December, 1981.__ , . _ J. K BOLLUL





eld men ind tonale», are frequ.-ullj CwUn* atovea are uaknowa. an.1I the„ren «trollin* at.... . in » ir.U/r with a ] rooking la *>aa ov,r llttl, rhnreoal fire*.ania 11 kaakrt .<inuiuti.it it vhareoal lire I Bating or roâating la out of th,.'•!>*-“- resting Inside of thv gumu-nta next to• tir.il- In the cltlea all l-rea.l ia Imught the «tomn.h. Thu. little I «sly stove they at the t-akerlea In the TiUarea l"'“l’1^ ),oH in noaition With one Itaml, wl.i.h mort I y malty their ov.n. lint they lakt th^ÿïïum- w&rawn from their Blwre. It to the to. tory to ee -bahed. Ah*

, To m rn wrotuer, tl.eae apparently artule* of nmtion or a turkey, »ayi Mr. How-

JKی OOKING and^ . HEATING APPLIANCES ver, pending auhjeeta." 3

*“•“ The Korean : "tern. | ,,|,.6 „r-. unknown. Hot water in qtian-The Kon-ana heat their hottaee bj an tilv iw 0|moat a luxury, na it Ia only

Ingenious ajrstee of flues under a atone l ..btaln,.! uy setting a ]a>t or kettle of or eotu.-nt fl.air covered with a thick, enter ore:- the little fire and waitstrong, oilv.1 paper for which the country ing for j, to heat up." ia funaina. Ity this un-ana a little wood | ,. y tew rears ago," adds Consul Hir­er brush serves to cm* tw-o daily meals ^ > o( CofMO*. “an atrempt was«toil at thv eatne time to heat the floor nuujt, tu introduce into llelicia oll-heftt- ii|ion which the peoide wit and rieep. iUg siorea of ticnuaa manufacture. 'Hie The houses are built directly upon toe rwultj, ,,mve<i Un-<atis factory. That anti- ground and are of one story, and flies hygieiïic and abenrd contrivance called aw kept tip in summer to prevent damp- .|in|ee|t,. Wl|j „„t be ènsiljr discarded by n<**a caused by the heavy rainfall. ^ maturity of this people, whoHouses of the better class, however, are ..................................• » ••••**

Open Fireplaces in Algeria—Outdoor Cooking in Madagascar—Bowls of

Charcoal Among Japanese.1.---------------

stubbornly adhere to old habits . and ideas.” “In many parts of Bpain,** ol>- serve* Vice-<‘onstil lived, of Madrid, “the ‘stove* in general use is made front an empty petroleum oil can by cutting

hole near the bottom on one of the

The State IteparUniMit, Washington,baa published reports from consular of- ^ ^ ^ ^ ______ _______fleers showing how people In all parts of beginning to be fitted with at leagt one the world do their cooking and heating. iarpe room containing a board floor and The Information w«. elklte.1 in renponw on American heeling stove, to Inquire. Irons etove manufacturer. In Anntri. ^l^rtovto^toJ

abnut the use efatovea in foreign -tM*.Mil but »lr he!^* toiiaitoT dtonght. thoum" toi»»countries. ! ore practically unknown. Tn most .. . w«*u iwunt to the pleasure ofOne of the rep<*U deal, with. AlgeHn, Con.nl-O.ner.1 Huret, ““^"“ïvà., He «n- .,««where P<«ple do not u«e h.atmg aloren. „,toT„ „f ^red tilto an- «Ct. remaining , , nl„y ldd that thr «t-.vaCooking .tove. are naed only by bouta, thl. y<,nr rn,m,l. forming a. much a .-on- h math-, primitive ... it I. in It. rw.taur.iit., «-houU. hoyltola. and -t|tn,nt ,„lrt „f the dwelling, a. fionr hom,,. ,„d ,.nrl0u. a. it 1» introop», and In the private houae. of or (.,,illnKi um| tl.nally of a rolor and dragee I» effective in purpo., andJWrelgnerw The tntlm-a decoration to «nil the plan of the apart- ^ JJJ Univalent of but a few rent.places, thl. I» not beeanae the limite x,,t ..TiiMitering the point of eer- ----------la tropic*]. for during fnnr month, of ‘ natation. It nhould be remem- our money.the year heating ia iieecary In ulmoat . (h||t tile stove, are regardetl In Oennany and 8wlUerlnnd stuvtwevery houae. The principal fuel io char- , a„ superior to Iron .loves on are n |»rt of the house. In Eng nodcoal. coke, and weed. I-sundry work la thc great room,my of fuel open firoplare» are «Irmait the onlynev.-r done in ordinary houses, and there ,b|e not than a quarter or a mean, of heating th‘‘ bv“"^, bul .line

-nrv no oven* to* talking bread. The }hl l of a bushel of coal being necessary public huildmga. and nUm «*thread, rolls, biscuits, and even roast. u-ly sired tile sk.ve, are heat.-d In the -ame manner,

are supplied by the baker. Unco lien ted, such a stove remsins hot Stoves, says is y ,"With referene, to fuel," add. Consul £ “ twelve hours and diffuse, a pool, are almu«tjn knowu in Kir

Kidder, "there U still another artmle „nd „,„,We warmth." I«nd. A. Mr IretaiMl be* ">« J^which ia extensively need everywhere for . , at Trieste, declare# cooking • . v„rk

.......................... —■ tta. -there lain the Mediterranean conn- ly. aeeonling to tonaul Swimy uf^lurk....... „ vTu-spread prejiidiee against all Open grate, are tw-d In Sc.dl.od. aiwI

_____________________ rush, |ti i | b. „„,.b heat h.-lng ts-lleved ei«-ept in i-ountry hooaew one w-ldemwhatever would go to make up the ‘f1,*. a proilfie «.uric of 111 health and see. a heating stove of

brush heap In the Vulted States. All - ------ -------g ------------- -OomeFtic ainvee or rang»1* are Imilt with what in cnlUxI a ‘bnK-he/ an outaide »r-

•Doking. It i* ca*hl ‘bmiiaaaillw.* and mnnixts of the* email limb*, twig*, and 1 tranche, of treee: in other wonl*. brush.

rangement fer roa*ting< something like a spit. It obviate* thv necessity for a large fire, and with o small quantity of ‘broussailles' and a few coal* It can be made to do mo*t ordinary work. Thl* arrangement hn* many ndvantagea whlch might he considered in America, both a* regai d* economy of fuel and quick service.”

In British South Africa they

.„d general effeminacy." Ia con- kind. Of Mexico Oonmd Oenerel Bar- ooenee of thin prejudice, he says that low report».îlot one house it three In Trieste can "If the native, desire warmth, they I»- heated ami not more than one in Into the street and wait the venting six actually la heated, “le-ss than a ot the nun." quarter of a century agn," he mid».“nothing was thought of letting ' 'd 'l .. .. hon»e ha. » mnall________ IT... 1» ...l.t ».hi.ilr Mini.. Ill 1** In Braail eviryno-w na. » »a TTIi-nte de,^. an toto-rimm^Un- ehU^BW, ^Tre

built on the American plan5^5 ï-u^:: Bahia. ^V «are eu, and

w ... . I _ I____ik— .K,n»l«iinu>nt hat,-a,me lafl'MI t-hit 11

The Brazilian “Fogaro.**

In British South Africa tney use a ' tr8CtHe article, it met witn no -TT"«quare cooking stove, with two and four bere, and the deak-r ha. the consignment bewtne bo.ln »ha(»J, 'at n» . « — — _ _. t .. ... . • _ tL. * x'rtlp VIIJ, llAtf Am OI Wlnvll * OOn «


."tiii'.m his hand.." aay. the roiul voir tire ^^ ^liThe Belgian* use stoves unlike those grab», npon whb h * the nn.

of^other countrle». ConsuMlener.l Un- ftta and .mm £% £,«dn dewrilw» a Belgian stove a. a «Un- thl» fire. The .-yUpdrv ». iwri-« or ure ,de cylinder of »heet iron, from IV, to »tov, serve, a, afla„ Jtor •? feet high, and from II to S Ipehe. la to catch tire a»b«t. A. the gretrtMs

_ s, I- ,i(-«‘t| on a plate rest- part of the Brazilian * diet,

S‘ï& Æ-h-s r&Æ^ir-m'Ç “s* Vi'^Lr^T^ Sv.îr.r «a ,m,n nttTeôal like our anthra- stove a» we know it with tne nodvd a.k

, ra-xUccd on It* swingiug base, light- vantage that they take up les* w>otn . ’ t the tow sw ung in, and Inclosed end can readily be tw>m^ **n*ll>> °

„ .......... ..... .............. .............. .. fnd tkVfirei,h,‘ce “Ihe poking stove* nx»m. whieh makt» them of grrot conIng Utensils being placed upon tripod, or Jn tlli. consular district," .ey. < MU.nl venience to thorn, haring «mall qua

* ------- — ‘l““ XVI,.-1c,*- of laiege. “ar«i very - crude, er*.iaiul Mhoiild en American hou*ewlfe be ]n Colombia they do their cwklng on

>1- Withant Stovem ! L^ron^nre ^ “rewlT LuC

Mon>c<v> i* also alwolutely without . th,lt it was next to impossible to *triim aero** the bottom. These uten-stuve*. There are no mean* of hi-ating * . nothing of baking cak«>* *il* are from tee to fourteen mrbe* min that country, and cooking i* doim in ^ tn. All thv bread is pun*hased diameter, are made of heavy h<s»p *ro«charcoal furnaces. from the baker.” two or three inches In width, *nd aw*

Sierra l«cone i* le** primitive in th»* . . xh*ckara. at Havre, thinks *upported by three leg*, each almnt ninethan many of the other African . ü French will never u*e stove* inches in length. They cost from l **»

a small fire pot, an oven, and water heater on one aide of the fire-pot. This lust is a part of the store and framed in it. The stoves are set up on brb* w ork w ithin the fireplnee, the brick foundation Wing the full width of the fireplace and about twg feet high, while on the open side of the stove the brick work i« built up to the top face of the etove. The house wive* do not hake their own bread, but depend on the bakers.

« In Madagascar there are no stoves of any kind, ami nobody wonts them. Cook­ing is done nt an ojten fire out of door*

i an outhouse, the clay or iron cook­ing utensil* being placed upon tripods or 1 hitch ovens, and wood, gras*» or char­coal being used ns fuel.

United.''-v— • —....... ....................... that the French will never use mne. inc Dca in iei.au». .* ------ *couuLriv*. Oil etove* are popular there. Americans do, because the French do to o p**s«i* in C«»lomb»an |>ai*er The old-fashioivd *U>ve is not. not ,ike to keep their ns^m* very warm or from 10 to 12% venta in«. 4 tonsul Williams says. ”coi»k.ng in this |n w|nter Furnas are almost un- Ht ate* gold. v^H^neancountry must be accomplished »\\h a* knowu in prjT„te house*, flats, offlee*. Uruguay shore* the *.mile hvat a. i.w.ibk-.1 1^vv,rtbrl1'""; „r pnbli.- building,, and «ti-nni »ud hot p„.jmllre against atovro eu tire tminu It heennwe cold f-u.mgh in the month, .if beeting have i-onre Into use only that they an- unhealtkfnl. It '*July and A,igu.t to make the beating .to w1,m„ tire part two or three year# In nry.,| th,-re that treat ta Ibt J* par*!»* itkS‘»<**urVw aod tho cooking st«»e „f Frate* tlu> use cook ing cunduccs to maladie* of the t 1** then made to *i<* doable serrrrr-, it bot in the south the i-ooking ia l„ngs, and 1^» I» r cettt. ofU la the-e month* that the bea>7 cold ' j u fi^.p^ce, the haw no heating arrangements. 'rain» take plane. „reTM m,d fowUlreto, roa-ted on a .pit. .ay, Con.nl Hwalm. nt ^ I Lrii

The eewking stove of the native Brit- | RU.akw nnd cbop* broiled over char- -during thc winter scasoo, from Apni Ish Indian is a fixture of the kiti-hcu, «Marseille* residence*,” com- to Octolwr, the dainpn.-** In th*]house*i ml is built In with the building. C om . ; (-OTlsul skinner, “and those of t, ,»T more unideaeant than eri»p »n«l Fee nt Bombay ostlmato. «h. W ^ZrnTnnc., generally are provided void. With the frequent nodjrer rent, of aU the re.ideutlnl buildinga (.„Vernou« lrepla.ee, whieh von- heavy raina, the walls T'JTnnd bung:. - - hare th.se slov.-w Hie quantities of wood and a.-nd damp, and elothing or *»* «*„°?hit. hen." . he. "Is always in ‘hat | hwt np the ehlmney." vrerenl tonch them, or a mold *tt\ Mm ■«*part of the bungalow known an the «er- {.oyrrU ,t |.yoa«, ,«,, that gaa range» , ,.„„.|itioii baa for one of it. resm rent', unarters.' and I, m-ver fre-iudwt- „mling |„, but landlords never nnp- larged perre.it.ee «I to'™*™ ’,-d by •»»hlb' or 'memsahil.' or memlrerw , w Ui.ir liau»e«, «rgumg tm.dil.-». »nd a de»th rote -mt ■of the household, a* is. a c-ommon prac- that ,f gRR pi,*.* are placed between the pn,,,ortion to the general salunn >tire in Kngland nnd America.” The weUe th,ire i, no way o< reading them th(, rnr.mte ” . ___*.nstove is built of brick, mortar aad cem- «»nt. It i* more of a fireplace than a€*IIX. it » Ultnr ret - —-w ----------etove, and <on*ists of two or three round ring* on which to set pans and kettle*, walled in with bri<k nnd mortar; an ojieti space in front for a door, nnd a - ‘ in thv back, through which the

mat « a*" vr" —........-, _ .wall» tirere l. no way o< re.dtmg tbrm lhP rKamto - roll,to atop a Irak. Thv following I. tire

Store» Not Popular In Oremv. j f.-rrio* to thv t..»lrov-The consul» in tirevre unite in devint» ' tkin to preimre a report wn htatingjuto

ing that the Crack, are prejmlivvd rnokln, I begagainst hvattng »to»v». I relieving that t|u|i rtow grv never navd In they an* injurious to health. But Gon- j think, entirely cowts tne

...............................-—------ **— *- -New York Timm.


njini in 1 —---- - - aKuiunt —------ » — _ in* • -bole in the bnek, through whick the t^y an. injurious to health, nut woe- j think, entirelysmoke may escape into a pipe or into su] Mctiinley, at Athens, says that in jp^—New York Tlmci

. lb* kitchen. I recent years heating stove* and grate* —The use of heating stave* is increasing kave become populur among the well-to-

among Chimw of the winilthicr classe*, <j4) vinsses.awd anmag them* wh«> have either Uav- j Tfco Autotkan ato$U to almo«t nn*«41*d abroad or mingled with foreigner*. I known in iiUIM»iH. ‘ Heating is done \mt most Chinese houses have^no beat- „ Hava t’onsul-tivnvral Holloway,Ing appliaiM-e* of nny kind. ln «by means of horizontal brick ovens,the largest yamens,” say* Consul Uood- huUt ln ^ <ornvn, cf r<s»ms, reaching now. of Khiinghnl, “and where he or- - tke fl(M>r to the ceiling, the outerficial* nro *M and feeble, the only ar Kl|rfart. |a^|lg vovored with glazed tile tificial heat in winter Is by mesn,;>®‘ cf attractive deelgns. Fires are built rhamial fires in open braisiers. l ro- ^ |u ordillfln. hake ovens, the draught teeth n is eff*cted against the cold ny ^ .RJf t.|OBtH| na KOO„ as the fuel is con- the incroased quantity of clothing wor . j #|imed TIm. oatwnrd aurfacc becomes Oowul-Onernl Wlhlmnn. In h,H M rgdlr.trr and furnishes a pleasantadds with aarrrsm: “Chinese do in h i#t that ll!Hla twenty-four hour*. A use iron stove* of any description, ami f< ^ &f th<? mon. modern building* an» it would take several war* now heated by furnaces and steam. Theent one to cwnrinee then» of th, ir ut uy. Kuaaian houses are very thiek.

«Hol“ Berliner, United SUtos eonmil ^ wlu<|ow haa a double act of sash,In the Canary islands, evidently na«i a ^ ^ an<| crocks being hermetic allyhard time getting th* information^want- ^ ^ fuh ttlla left so until lateed. The following arc extract* from bis , ^ ^ ppri|||r

1 Consul Bowron. at Carthagenn, says that hosting stoves are not used

r throughout the greater part of Spain, but are badly nee»lc*d. “With an in­door tempenterc of fit! to *M> degree*F„ and no fire, it i* too ccihl ti> lie either nlcnHHîit or healthy, nnd in this town I have often seen famili*s sitting In their houses civrervd with wraiw mid

rT)-ai„,- of Imports.—It Is Imp.>««lb1v tn final mit the total vaine of imirerts. a»no «tatiatlv» are kept. ___

••Doty.-There are no rnstome or otn»T kiml* of tariff due*.

“Fuel—The foil nreil Is vonl. <^inr- roal and wood, iretrolvum la-inis too .brer. Charcoal »* moat consumed.

rw heating and vonkln, the JapamrevwhiGh eonsisto Of a shlvoring. The only attempt at a fire tse l*H" bilan hi. «.imlvn liox. I. a few fionnda of qwret vhan-onl in«-V; P!;n, ,"wl,h àXrè on the to|. of a brass pall I'braseroh wblvfc will ralaetartly filllrel w ith a»bii. ' ...... .rature of a 12-foot room aboutshi.1. is iilnvvd vhareoal- fmb ,h(i „ flro „r»I,..|. lemtod protMro O a ^» honro. Further Inland the ground rtsea^it.n* qualities. « hi b |bp „m, thl. „ |,| I. proportionately itreater.•At no time pkresnnt, «ay ril|„g.re the nvopW eook over anDavidson In d.revriblng tljia ■»>*• ^ ||n. ,m ,bt. hearth, where they burntndvr some "the XT,ary and other similar undertow*.•One form of liihaihl. no mil. hih w„ en ,h,. mountnlua nnd nw-:op Of whlvh I. onltire.ed Uu,“. Thl. fire I. kept lmrn-IOO strips. Is us-’d for h7rto, an dav. and the folk, ait about It ng plae.sl under the by atîrrlng up the .red.-rs and throwlwg on

Have you ever .topped to eonsld.-r the quality, roiuptoltion amUeffeot. of the vnrioita food, you use? It I* too Extern aire a anbjevt to deal, with In a short newspaper arti.-le. Take your dmb of oatmeal |«irridge and eompnre it with a di.h of Malt Breakfast t-oml porridge, that ten. of thousands are now with the best résulta. What s the dif­ference? Why. a vnet and lm|.irtant one ns far a. yon, health and strenat i are voin erned. Yenr oatmeal I, a Wad heater and Irritant, often v.using skin eruption and facial disflznrements and it frequently deranges the stomach anil directive urge ns.

Malt Breakfast Food, so hiahly In­dorsed by physicians nnd food expert. I. a grain food entirely free front insolu­ble starch: it. enriches the blood nnd keep, it pnre: It soothe» nnd comfort» the stoma. I-. it I. adapted for young and old. the weak red strong. Onepackage makes twenty five meals. Trv It ned p- happy. tlrmera heartly rcei.m- mend it.

A Tv»rt*hlp ht-ftf h'* herh ilorlevtl by rvSonvl Aiiowtoloir. Of the H-’-Hh nrmv. whlvh mar 1m* riwklHiclwl Inutfintlv hr mïkln, n frnme work *lth the tenroaof tu,. Co-- trltn *r*l rovviine "ith * t*rr<<l Hoth Two Itont* nrc* rajiabl* of t urrylng ;« men with their bnggngc nml arm*.

Mlllmre’e F curt *«<t Nerr* Pill* cure Annemla. Nerron*Be*e. F’ceple»*no««. Won k ne*». PnlpfMtlon. Throbbing. F»tnt * poilu. nis*lnee*. or ear condition «rising from Impoverished Blood. JM «ordered |



Awards GtlJ Medil in rscognition of benefits received from VIN MARIANI

‘•It ha* T»1ftt»«Hl HI* Holliier* to tramoult In bl« augu*t name bl* thank*to Muuideur Marlanl and W. tewtlfy again In « *i»n-tal iminner bl» frutltiidc Ills Hutincw ha* ••veu dv4gu«*d to obit klonwlciir Marianl a <»vld \.«lalb"rtue ».,.‘BJ2£7kta " -TABIHSAI. HAMI’OLl.A." '

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FROM IjONIION.This vowel will vonimcucp discharging

cargo at the outer wharf rtaturday. Febru I ary 22nd, and following durs, lîouelgnewi

are r«*c|e<*eted to present bills of lading at ! the fdtive of thv undendrnvd, pay frv.gbt,

and rwclve order* for their giK*la f All good* remaining on the wharf after 9

o'vhM-t each day, and while on thv wharf. I will Itv at the risk vf the cou*lguvee thereof I rviqie* lively, and may be etori-l at their I expense.

R. P. IUTHRT A CO., !»TI».. ^

n4fFNY<l mint u.VAlCniO AND IProcured la all conn


Searches of Ike Records cn ref oily made and iviiçrta given. Call or write for In­formation.

H»WI.ANli FIRITTAIF,Uevhanlcal Engineer and Patent Attorney,

Hank of H. N.A. Ilulldlng. Vanctmver.


Maneuver. Victoria and [«ten Rail­way and Navloatioi tompony.


Lands in Minitcba, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Terri­tory.

---------- s*COAU w-

CtfÊt lands mag be purchased at 110.00 per acre for soft coal, and 121X00 for anthra­cite. Not more than 32» acres can be ac­quired by dhe Individual or company. Royalty at each rate a* may from time to • time t»e *|oevlfled by Order In Council shall be collected on the gross output.

QUARTZ.Persona of eighteen years and over a»d

Joint stock companies holding Free Miner's Certificates may obtain entry for a mining

A Free Miner's Certificats la granted for one or more years, not exceeding five, upon payment In advent» of $10.00 per annum for an Individual, and from $50.00 to $100.00’ per annum for a company, according to capital.

A Free Miner having discovered mineral In placp mey locate a claim 1.500x1,500 feet by marking out the same with two legal poets, bearing location notices, one St each end on the line of the lode or vein.

The claim shall be recorded within fifteen days If lofl'uted within ten miles of a Min­ing Recorder's Ofllce. one additional day al­lowed for every additional ten miles of fui' tiou. The fee for recording a claim le

i $5.00.| At leant $100.00 roast be expended on the

claim each year or paid to the Mining Re­corder In lieu thereof. When $500.00 baa been expended or paid the locator, may, niton having a survey made and upon com­plying with other requitvroeute, purchase the land ut $1.00 an acre.

1 Permission may be granted hv the Mlnl*- j ter of the Interior to locate claims contain­

ing Iron and mb a, also copper. In the \u«I kon Territory, of an area not exceeding i 1UU acres. _________

location shall


j ZincEtchings

Orders received business


Notice la hereby riven that application I Tke patent for a mining locatlo will be made to the Parliament of Canada t provide for the payment or royalty on the at the next ensuing session thereof by and i **1*^ not exceeding five per cent, on behalf of the ‘ Vancouver, Victoria A wIVIV.« UiV,TftB. ash TillKaetero Railway A Navigation Company" i PLACER MINING. MANITOBA AND THM

| t.T an Art extending the time fixed by Bee- i N. W. T.» EXCEPTING TUB YUKON tlon 4 vf the Act of said Parliament, fil ! TERRITORY.Victoria. Chapter HR. for the completion and ; * , , _ irnpnltlnff la apreatlire ot tb. Hallway of tire , Tlarer mining v.amia g"nsr»lly ar, l<« C->luirent fret square; .airy fire A..UM, renew»»!»

Ii.reil ihla Wtb it»y nf nreember. IP*. \ ye»rl) . On the North Saskaivhe,van Hirer fANtn.lVHH VII-ftlHIA » KAKTKHN ; rlslure .«re eUlltt tor or Jren-^^lthe

HAir.WAT * NAVlllATION rOMPANl. tohig loo feet long and extcadTBg totwre»■ 1 high and low water mark. Thv latter In-

SOTIcn. i eludes bar diggings, but extends back tothe base of the bill or bank, but not ex-

* 1 « •ceding 1.0U0 feet. Where steam power laNotice la hvreby glvea th*t spplhwtlo* ush1i elwlme 2UU feet wide may be obtained.


INO THE YUKON TERRITORY.A Free Miner may obtain only two leases

of five mile* each for a term of twenty year*, renewable In the discretion of the Minister vf the Interior.

The lessee's right Is confined to the sub­merged l*nI or bars of the river below low water mark, and subject to the rights of all |termina who have, or who may receive, entries fur bur diggings or bench claim*, except ou the Saskatchewan U.xer, where the le*see may dredge to high water marh on irach alternate leasehold.

Th- tvN-ee shall have a dredge In opera­tion within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles, but where a per­son or company haa obtained more than vue I va we one dredge for each fifteen mile* or fraction Is sufficient. Rental $10.011 peg

partaient of Public works at Ottawa *»..*! : annum for each ndle of river leaned, in the Land Registry Othee at Victor.*, H O. j Royally at the rate of two and a half pea

For the Lenora Mount Ricker Copper Min- cent, rollicted on the output after it ex-<veds $ lO.OUU.UIX

tn oe mad* nt the next witting of the Hoard of Licensing Cammiewloners for a

i transfer of the license held by na t* sell | wine*, wplrtt*. beer or other fermente»I orI Intoxicating liquor* at the Rem at Saloon,

altnate on the corner of Iionglwa and John- •on wtreet*. Victoria. R. C., to John W.

, Bwltser, of the city of Victoria. R. <?.RWIT7ER A MHT.UFKEY.

Dated tble 10th day of January. P.iOX


Notice la hereby given that one month after date aopllewtlon will he mode to the 4tovereee l* Connell for approval of lue pliaUS hud w.ie vi * W lulft ^.opoaefl lu be erei-ted on and vjqrowlte to the *4»uth half of wei tlou one range eleven,, la Chemalnua Idetrlct, ITovInee of Hrluwn Co.ouiu.e. which piau*. together with a description of •aid site, have been deposited with tha De-

ruueut of Public Vtorka at Ottawa wod

lug (a biiity i

LU-tow iter* of said site)

W. W. HERltntOE.I Secrrtary.

Dated at Victoria.1 Itrltleh Co.uxaauoa, .ut X*b day of Junm.ry, 1HU2.


I *

Notice Is hereby given that It It my In­tention to apply at the next sitting oi lue l.lcenelng Court for n transfer to 8. White of the license now he to by n* to sell aplrit- noiiw awd fermented liquors by retail Upon the premises known a* thc Com merci* I betel, situate at the corner of li.inehi* end Cormorant wtnets. In the City of Virtorl*.

Dated tills lJth day of February. I;*U.8. WHITE. .

M M. li. -MCABrBw...

Cot! forNews.»papers

Cots for Cata­logues


Notice la hereby given that application will be ma*- to the Hoard of UcemUng Comioismout-;* et lie nexi *e**ion lor a transter tv M. H. McCabe of the license now held by u* for the *w> *f wine* uni *|.lritiioua liquors by retail upon the pre- mlsea known a* the Wilson Hold, situate at No. hi late* wtreet. Victoria. R. C.

listed this 13th day of February, 1902.R. WHITE.M. 11. M-CABE.


The World-Kamouw Vln Marian! ii the most agreeable, elfe«*tlve and thor-

411 mineral rights are reserved by Esquimau A N*iuilmo Railway Company wtia.u that tract of land uvuuued vu m euuth by tot south boundary of Coaavx instrici, on the Knot uy tue ennuis vt Georgia, ee tha north by the atnu ns.aiie. sow M* the went by the boundary ef tha R * SL MwttwsJ laiod «Irani

L BONARD H AOLLt.Vmnd Omnmlarisair.

Her steamer Rosalie, .from. the_ goflnd - F R Ktewurt A Co. Pec Bott Ok J < f>sr Ung, A C«*milH*. J Fbirencc. Tho# 1 aul, i Piilew Pio*, W Wllby. R.nolal Hnm, l*at-

nuHhly rellAbk Toole, « bi.-h Mk un- to^A,itea hracu* and anatain* the entire ay*- ( <k ($ >; Monro, It linker A Ron. R J i „H tht* win-' pnpolariy nre-.l in l ilt.. Il.-l-l ' la"-. ' "'-i'-» ■•'« * ■'"1- 1 '« [Hospital», Pntillr ami Rt-ll*lou« liwtltu- ti.-ii» simre 40 y sers.

If your eyvs l.*ik ilnll, your rh.-.-ks pul", «iink.-n, aaflaw. yon irei-d Via Mariant. Ni.lhiu* rlre will so im- DM-diatrly and sandy tire i-ulor to year rbeeà», maki- your iyi-» aperkU-, induire aiqretito, and fretful slirep, en- rirh lho hlonil, nml *ivo f.iri.-fiil om-rgy and that aotivity and honlthfnlm-s. you wore moa nl tn on joy. At all druggist..Avoid allhetltuto». Ijiw-reo.re A. Wllwin Co., Ltd., Canadian A gouts, Montreal.


Advertise .Is-» Miner



AU TK2 IIIMNfi NEWS.Bright! Newsy! Wide-i-Wikr!

If von want to keevi posted on tne dr relopment of thc Intermr of Hrtti h Colnir b'w vi it i can't *<ford !-• In* wltlh-dt th» ItlfHSI.AND MINER. R»-ud In four *nb a-rlptl-in at oui-e.I>*llv by mall, per month .....................$ wWeekly, per year ........................................... 2


Rosshnd Miner P. & P Co.

per *t«*Hii)cr l’rl'v-eri lx*il*c from Van f ,,,nv.r- Mr* II Balcy. J tlngley. J Ryining-

ton. It M Pshner, Mr Brewer. Mr* A K hhoro, W H Reid. A K Rhorv. J Flul ivam.< apt McKeaxle, Alex imda A T \ eniiblcs.

I I* Kelling. J W Metcalf. .1 A Mam. H lingI ley. A Wlggln, Ml** Ciste. « Bennett. Mr*

Mount. R Mhllea. P Eckstein, é W ,Davl*.1 J llrown. J H«mrwt-r. A Couflii*. <1 < John

rit.m, W J Ryan, <1 T RriUen. W M Prnsh, W J Sinclair.

Per steamer Rosalie from thc R*»nnd- J Ia Yofttm. P Niikh, Mrs Nash. M L U*w1*.< apt Limgley. It L Rnimi«d. Capt Brown.

AM Donnelly. Mr Wet ham. 11 M l-ang. J IIj Dolev. W II Brennan. W II Breekuum. <1 i ! ft Richard. Mr* Katuond. Mrs K llamond. ,

P Ran, J Anderson. P Lehttle. M J Keller.( I» McKean, Mr* McKean. J C tireen. F | A Davies, W J McClure. T Dermnlne. Ml** ; W I .«ng. J Alford. C K !«*««. J J“hnwm. 11 McChstd. J McMcckli). L M Kdwsrd*.. ti Pune. M Kecgtmon, «!**** M-'Wintry, C A Ran- born, Mrs Lindsay. Mr Joiioflon, Mr Klug.





Fob LADLES Oklt.Relieves Pain and is a Safe.

aeLiaolc monthly regulatorSuperior to Aphd, Pennyroyal and Tansy.

A*-vnta : I,T*ax. Bows A Co., Montrrcl.


And erery specie» of dleeoae «ririnf from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD.

CORE TOURS ELMUm Dig G for Ooe »rruo%

Oieet. 4«*raiBlorrh€rw l.reerwnrerel JJ W lillee, • a k • t H f SI 4U*

.—* *”. ■ - chsrgHS. cr ♦*» IhSsaieal..,f«..T»i»si.ilhLU'’"- « "tore

ObcitW sam ce nu wf

DRIILKIIXU IN THR YUKON TERRITORYRlx lessee of five mile* each may be

grunted to a free miner for a term of twenty years, also renewable.

The le**ee's right la confined to the aob- merged bed or bur» In the river below low water murk, that boundary to he fixed l-y its position on the Ut day of August la tha year of the date of the lease.

The lew wee *hali have one dredge In operw- tUu within two rears from the date or the lease, and one dredge for each live milt a sitldn six years from such date. Rental, fl(AMS) per mile for first year, and gltuO |**r mile for eavh subsequent year. Royalty len per cent. .oa the output In excess of ll6.tNW.Ci0.PLACER MINING IN THE YUKON TBR-

' ‘ ' BlfdBY. 'Creek. Gulch. River and Hill CUlme aha»

but ex<*eetl 254) feet In length, measured on lue bu*e Hue or general Ulrcvtlou of the creek or gulch, the width being from l.tWO to 2,<W0 feet. All other Placer ClalMiS ■bull be 2ÛU feet square.

Claims art* marked by two legal posta, one at each end bearing utRlce*. Entry muwt be obtained w iftiio ten duya If the claim la witblu ten mile* of Miulug Recorder's office. One extra day allowed for each ad­ditional lee miles or fraetioa.

The person or company staking a claim, and each person In hie or ita employment, except hoiiwe servants, must hold m Free Miner a Certificate.

The discoverer of a now mine la entitled to a claim l.UW feet In length, and If the party cornants of two. WW0 feet altogether, t«i the ontt»ut of which no royalty shall be Charged, the rent of the party ordinary claim* only.

Entry fee $1.1.W. Royalty at the rate of five per cent, charged on the gross output of the claim, with the exception of am an­nual exemption .if $5,000.00.

No Free Min «• ihnll receive a grant of more thnn one mining claim on eo<li svpnr- »te river, creek or gulch, but the asms miner muv hold any number of claims by purcliHwc, and Free Miner*, not exceeding ten In numlN'r, may work their claims In partnership, by filing eetiee and Mjlng fed if $1.00. A claim may be abandoned and another obtalueil on the same creek, gulch

river, by giving notice, and paying a•Work must he done on a claim each year

to the value of at leawt $200(w. or In lien <*r s-nrk payment may lie made to the Min­ing Recorder each year for the first three V«nra of $2«*).00 and after that $*j0.00 for each year.

A certificate that work ha* been dole or W I**»1** rutist be obtained each yeir: If not, the claim shall lie deemetl to lie abandoned, end oneii to occupation and entry by a free.Miner. . #

Th, Is.on.Urlre of a claim may Ire dre flirel «Ireolnrely by havlnr a snrrey mad», unit pul.llabluf eotlce» In tb, Yukon Offldal Gazette.HYDRAULIC MIXING, YUKON TERRI­

TORY.Location* «citable for hydraulic mining,

n frontage of from one to five miles, and a depth of one mile or more, may |w> leased for tsenty years, provided the ground hn* been prow peeled by the appli­cant or hi* agent ; Is found to lie unsuitable for pUeer mining: and doe* not Include within It* trtiundariea any mining rlwltns al­ready granted. A rental of $ 150.0» for each mile of frontage, and a royaltr of five per cent, on the grow* output, lew* an nnnunl exemption of $25,000.00. are charged. Opera­tion* must I*» commenced within one y ear from the date of the It aae. nnd net lea*

•than $5.000.00 must he expended normally.1 Th* !«*■*» exrlndea all ba*e metal*, quarts

and coal, and provides for the withdrawal of nnoperated land for agricvttanl or building purposes.

PETROLEUM.All unappropriated Dominion Lends

abtiil, after I be first of July. 1001, he open »n i.rosvevtlne for petroleum. Should the prospector discover oil In paring qnaatl- tles he may acquire 040 acres of available tend. Ineiodlng and «nrmnndinc bl* d!*- covery at the rate of $1.00 an acre, subject to royalty *l,ch rate as may be specified by Order In Council.

JAMES A. SMART.Deputy of tha Minister of the Interior.Ottawa. 10th Doc.,


DERMYLÏJœNew Skin Letton

' >Soothes, hen If, softens ana*— hvitutlflex the sklu. Try ,n 25 cent bottle. I‘r y pared only by

JOHN COCHRANE,„ Manufacturing Chemist,

N.W. Cor. Yates * Douglas Sts.


J. II. Turner Asks for Information I * g.'trding Mines.


In a letter from J. H. Turner. Agent - (renenil in London^ ft Is ntmonmel that Angus K. Smart, who so sucre <*fvll.v niraitgtil the mineral exhibits at Vnm and (îlasgow, is preparing a large and comprehensive exhibit for the Itoyal ex­hibition in IsMidon. which March. Mr. ^Turner fiipls » i**aod for short pamphlete dealing with j tl«e mining and agricultural possibilities of this 4krovinee, ami asks for somvîbing • l*s.- bulky than the annual reports from j the departments. There U a r-nevve*l j Interest in lit itisly (’ulumhia in England, i and he believes that there will shortly ! h'- a large tourist and emigrant travel ! to tha province. The department of I

j mteos has issued a general review of || mining in liritisb Columhia. Which j • rboiiM meet Mr. Turner's requirement*.| At tfives a «omise description »f the

various mining interests in the province, j A large nnmber of the brochure will bo j sent to Mr. Turner..

[xcpal 3ntclltflcnce'. |

Mr, Justice Drake presided in Chitm- Iwrs thl* morning, when the following^ applications wen* disposed, of: t

I>nvi» vs. McDowell—Adjourned ap­plication for postponement of trial and for a commission was further adjourned

opeus in I to he beard In*fore Mr. Justice XX’ulktm. great de- ' XV. H. Langley for plaintiff; A. C. An-

1 deraon for defeudaut. ■Luca* vs. Luc:Vk -Aji application by

defendant ior an ndidavit of documents and for interrogatories was grauttul, costs ns* rveci. L. Crease for defendant, A. C. White for plaintiff. .

(.I'ontinuetl from page <;.)

Motion/.Diinsmuir et al vs. Colonist Print­

ed al—F. Peters,


Mr. Croft Urges Business Men to la terest Themselves in District

Tributary to City.

STORM TirUKATBN'KII.Barometer Falls Low and Raj Went he

Prophesied—Warning to Ship­ping Men.

At the meeting of the board of trade last week the matter Of the development of Vancouver Island The tui tubers present agreed that it was most imiKirtaut thlut the people of X b- t.wia should interest themselves more in the development of the Island, especially that |mn south of Comox. I «•»* puble- generally do not seem to apprec iate the , import a mx» of a greater cultivation of the Mount KlcKôf and «thee Maud A l U

t X ictoiian point of view. I* - j vel**puient V» date lias demonstrated that the mining camps reasonably ad­jacent to X'ietoriu are well worth tak­ing aft interest in, and if not atiowrtl V» be entirely controlled by «mtstâe eajdta'- i»t« will do much in making Victoria a great city.

Henry Croft. M. E„ to whose effort* 4i chiefly due tho making of Mount Sicker an important mining district, was s en by a '1 hue* representative to-day and asked for an expresdou of opinion regarding bow X'ictoria ccnild secure the , greatest advantage from the exploita­tion of tjn- Mount Suker mines.

Mr, Croft said: -The fact that Vic­toria us at the present time had seen til t** invest in distant fields was brought up at the recent meeting of the X ictoria j Board of Trade, and the general impie*- j ,.Mh was that it would lw far mor'* t.» j lhc advantage of the p«*ople of X ivtoria. j «.specially its me rehauts, if they were to j vxert tin ir «ut-rgies in building up that | part of X'a lie tmver Island, which, if j developed, would lx* controlled by X ic- j toriana beyond doubt. Some few years , Ago, when the nduiug boom was on in British Columbia, t>eople were only too anxlou* to invest in cheap stock of min­ing companies owning the properties of which vvfy little was known.

The Mount Sitkvr distilvt is an it- :. j j i ! • ■ ,.f a ramp which has, with hardly

j- i , xc *ption, I** < ii brought to lia present of <lev« lopment without any stock

t-eing sold in the local market. This, t *A great extent, inx-urs also on the West Coast of the Island, which has been, with only one or two exceptions, develop­ed with American capital.. ’’Thti* irinyjpal work in the Mount Sicker district has Is-en doue by the Ignora Company. oT which no stock i* c i the market. The Tyee Company, of which nearly all the atock is owned in England, has got its development money there. The capital of the Mount.Sicker

B. C. Company is chiefly from (lias g,,w. Tho Mount Sicker «fc Brvntou Mines Company, owning the Copi**r Canyon group, ami others has been to dite principally developed by ofte man. Only a few shares of the Tyee A Mount Sii-L< r Company are on the market. Notts of the Lenoru Company sliaie* are j for sale, and the Mount Sicker & Bren- | ton Company aro practically the only j lo v prktt shore* oa the market.

•*i seems surprising to me Unit , th- , phares of these «-oiupanies. except the |I .eu ora, which has no shares for sab*, j are not purchased more by X’ictorians, it* investment in the shares would tend to increase the development of- the mines r.t .Molirt Sicker, m il therefore the lmsi- ir.vos of X’irtorii merc hants, and whilst :r nmnbrr of per pie are willing to invest

"î » -shares: my trd not rftW* fif jTimdlff*;*1. iwpl ct *.

“The Americans are gradually getting control of the mines on the Island, and V- MM-uis to nu* a great waul of couti- deuce in their own resources that prv- j t *nts Victorians taking the l:»a<k in­stead of allowing the Americans to oust them out of the j'CmltiouM which really i:: \ theirs by heritage.

“Tletc '»* no dotiiit.that a uunilxT of v ilmtb:<- pr< pc rtics in the Mount Sicker district nix* kept in an imdvv.eloiied state by r a-on. of the present mining lews which, allow any jierson to h«dd mining claim* in perpetuity after being C own granted by paying the present tax c • *. "» cents mi acre js-r mum in, .

* I know of two lots of claims, aggre­gating nearly l.HHi acres in Mount Kicker distri* t, which are owned by two tv, ndi.'-ntvs; harclly any work has been c’f’tv* on tin * •. and if the act was < '• i.geil so t!*at people could not I t t ainia Il<* idle .after being Crown vrant- v'l, I feel si;re that there would 1h* p *o- |d» who would lw only tes» glad to ite- vvlot* them if. they could se-.ure •them by without having to pave •orbitai»l prices to the present ow iters,'*M \ Croft concluded.

Navigators were studying their baro­meters this morning; and looking fori wcr.l with considerable expectancy to a * fpre wind stonn during the afternoon. I.c*t night the Portland weather buroau Wive warning to mariners not to proceed to sen for twenty-four hour*, that -t storm was brewing, and would In* felt nil

n- a*,,ntf ,h«* «oast. The IcN-al meteorologi-nssetl 1 *tflli,,n a,%° «lisplayed stonn signal*

this mtuning. The aftw* reported that the extensive low barometer area whi<*h tover-d the western portion of the con­tinent yesterday had developed Into a

Ining A Publishing Co.K. ('., for plaintiffs, moved for an In­junction restraining the 1 oldiug of a bie«*ting of shareholders Called for' tho Lllth iiiKt. for the purpose of confirming the election of directors, and also ap­plied for an order for a receiver pemi- ing the setri*»inert of matter In dispute.

•ry opposed tit- niotio half of the defendant. A. (I. Sargi-on. and A. I*. Lux ton on In-half of all other defendants. Th * argument of the motion la still in progross, the chief contention• •f i hi* .defendant* being tbai a* no nominations for directors, other than those c-leeted. were made at the general meeting on th * 17th inst. the'elec tion must In* taken to have Icon unnnimoiia. nnd that, a* a matter of law, the shares held by tin* plaintiffs are not in any sense preference shares, nnd have not the right claimed of electing three direc­tors out of the board, of five.

A Wa-h'nston dispatch say» the Vnlted States Knprem • Wifi Kas feTgsed t » take juriadictlon in-th- Northern Secnri tie* Merger eas*», iu which the state of j Minnesota mad.* application.

TO-DAY’fi MIOCBEDING8.The rentrai Farmer»- Institute resumed

Its sitting at ten o'clock tills morning.XV. H. Ladner, la s|ie»klug to his re»gn-

tion dealing with contagious dlaC-ases. made a strong attac k upon the preaeet system of testing- cattle for tnlN*rculc»!s. lie s.itd I

■ that the tithcrrulluc test waa unuis-cssaxy ! j and oftc*n Injurious and should be abolished. ! i lie also utixckecl the dc-partment for Its actlou regarding the e.ifor* euu-nt of the Vontagl.ais Diseuse* Act.

Major Mutter r< settled the attack on Mr. ! Anderson, and slated that at every unetlng% of the lusMtnte Mr. I.aduer tis.k the same course, without result. i

Mr. Miller said that If meat were exam- hied. Instead of testing uiileh cows, the | puhlic would be far heifer protected. i endowed the |Nw|th.n taken il*y Mr laidner. aud the Institute sh*mld ' seriously coustder whether Mr. Luduer was fairly treated *.r not.

Major Mutter said that If Mr. Ladner ha* 1 a gricvaute agalust su olth is! Io* shmtM «onHdaln to the government and not to the Institute.

Dr. H F. Tidinlc arid that n» eatth* were : qlariintliH*! unless there was strong sus- 1 plelon of tuberculosis, and the test was made when the owuer of the wioptfied sa. tuai deslre*l It. This was done at tin* ex- pelt sc of tile gn\t ri; nient.

Dr. Tidmle wits nskeil seme qneetlona by Mr. Ladner and siihwithI by blu*.

Mr. Ladner's rrsnluth n waa then loaf j >lr Miller moved, and Mr. I’ul-dey see

ondvd: ••That this «Vitrai Institute urge upon the government -In behalf of the health ttt the country—the nevess’ty cf In , ■peetlon of all eareaws In slaughter houses aud certifying to Illness for food of all car- 1 ,lâW'lL,ll ,H‘ 80 offeml. by the duly apisilnl- ud odUxws of th. crown.

Mr. Noble said If Inspt. tors were app dnt- edjmteber. would not kill meat until for

• 1*“*““*** »«t Huit the résolu ;lion ..id hot go far enough, ns often meat c.suMtmed was nid slaughtered In local slaughter houses.

,lT-,,**niv* pointed out how unprav Ileal the rewdntion was, as health offl.Vra


Favorite Brand of Scotch WhiskeyIs constantly on the’increase. The KILMARNOCK can be obtained at all first-class hotels and bars, and at all liquor dealers...........................................................



PITHER & LEISERImporters, Victoria, B. C.


I1 til» SALK-—Several fine cow». J.dm F. ('handler. Wilkinson I-styrlfi'» Xuno-rj-.

Apply to road, near

v* '"-'«B KOI.KKK- COSCERTB-T, mp*r- iph-ndlitprogramme of old time songs, sindieii

phN-ew. iiiiihI. ke on ye fiddle and hnrpsl- cliord. and other Instruments. Ailmu.sl«>n 2T*-

TO LET Nice light furnlsbcil front room.Apply It. « .. Time*.

XV A X TK1 >— ExiN-rlen trudoee it* the .•«»*

men I novelty.htdel.

♦si • uuvassers to owner a oniek setftnjr Bootu 238, Dtnnlnâon

RAZOR STRAPS. RAZO STRAPS.We bare a great rarietj. and .bow joe bow le nae tbem. *Ree oar apecial Rharia* Seta. Priera, *3.00 up.» ifty at,lea of racers Vo cfcoeee from at—

POX Q. 78 Government St.

i’orVD- A lady's gold wateh Owner nui lutve same by and pin.(►wner mn lutve same by etiplyliig to » Mouth I "ark and paying foe advertisement.

1»RT—A long gtdd chain with erws» at- tnehed. Owner values the srtlcle as an Wewtiddr Fln<h?l" Mp,,l,r to Manager The

rr,I*,'S,p',<lun11 funtlshnl cottage. Apply 15® Fort street.

town. Addrees **T., •'îf™mes tttllce.VBIUW INAL Bachelor of hi years, fair

complexion, with ««me property, wish*** t.. «arvs|N.nd with lady of means: „i,je*-t hwlHimm/. Address T. J . Ttmeff ttflhv.


Haring received Instruction» from

A. R. Midi. ESC.. C-N.fi.,VVLI.Bl TflR »>VT| rt'gTOMH.

. .1 Will OfPt-r l.y '

Public Auction—AT THE-


11 a. m.. the following:N« LAI MED AND ABANDONED

wl.tp-spmrit wtnrm extending from Kan Franc.*<*0 11 Flattery. The gia**ha.l dropped to 2H.HO, which is as threat- «*ning a point a* it has been seen in for so-ne considerable time. In and about P**rt nil mo brings were made secure, and selling vewsela remained at their anchor- nge during the day. Then* is a im^dbil- ity however of the force of tin* storm h|n tiding it*^If lieforv reaching X'ictoria, hut along the const rain is descending in torrent.;, and the wind is blowing string.


aa.^j™- *■ A * and 14 memlwr* of the Horen.** Itoberts c.aup..ny are at the Do­minion. Mr* Conner will U* rxmrntbt'red by ,|,inde loving Vhlorlut who eujoved i.ejslis l.y local umatfurw a few y«*r»

Mrs. CoiiMT W-SS then » n*.blent of ity sod had charge of the perform-

••A wine; A. I*. Henderwon. 1 frder Neta Co., flu in sew" mineral

1 «rwwk effort»; H. I.


ACCIDENTSPelE”.*.eftottow".*' rr""lum “f mm '** °<-~* AccldMt will leo. a

flo.oijo agslust accidental death.Sj!S li'l'-nmlty f.w K! weak» agalrat total lUsahlrmont : or

-.^1, weekly during Temporary Disablement, caused by Hear I et Tvphobl Typhua lever. HmaUnox. Xnrlolobl, Diphtheria, Measlea Aslitlc Hsr ,r|*«»»ry* Al,I><‘.nVlv 11 IdAhete*. Peritonitis. Brotv hill's, I'len-îSïi^ISr. »*kA " T,t*na*' ,er « eriod’ not to ÏÏSn* U

Smaller amounts In proportion.

W. A. WARD. LTD..Bank of Montreal Bldg, VICTORIA. B.G


l I N CLAIM!Tim K,*e.

fno-aer; Or1 »«t": X- “Kw*. 1 Inutk rttw-t,; H. t. I

Haliwat. 1 rear <-lsnrHt„; llrldr Coes. (Va, 1 2 tdda. cei dj: IL r. Downlns. H caw.

Wrapping Papersi, and of

BagsComprise» always from two to three Carloads, and of

3W* Urn. Chinese tobacco; 264 bottle* ( him*»»* <medial.

«go. the (

LIBEBAI.H GAINING.lien. Gordoa. Illrain Walker A Hua'r re-

pn-w-ntatlv.- In |h<- loot In,,., n-iernal vea- lerday from a three month*' *-•

coaid not * xnmlne every carraae. The rest.•utlou was, however, curried.,^V‘lV'‘00*,,1,ir,lhlv dls.-uealon It whs de- . — —^ ..vWwl that the Institute should wont mend «l»*»are; J. C.Hbert, 1 c. fittings.

fr»Mn among tbvlr number six men to act i HKI/.KD GOC.DH.aa the advisory lH»ard..J- .?■* »*llns. of MnU hprtnc. moved, «n.l ». ». *te»art seconded. -That more liters ' turc ridai In* to sgrhult ire anti horticulture be dlstrlhnied to mcmbeis of the Farmers'Institute."

Mr. Collins, Cat*. Stewart. Mr. Perry and others pointed ont the Importai,. <• of i getting plenty of literature.. .1. . 0,1 u,l:'11 «d the ChilliwaehInstiti'te. highly cmnpUin. nl.-.l Mr. Aud.*r aou f|*r his excellent re|H»rt and for the

Many 1‘rvtuluent Colombians An* Dewrtlng 4 the Guveraiwent.

..... i>«io,,..i. ' ------*r,l' to S.mth- gm*l work doue bv him. He had a hunta.‘ïïî"Sïd.r^œ - - "■ *“• r Sfuurkas cvw *Ld “* ls ,,on n* til u1"1 en ergo? Ic

iAssociated Press.»Kingston, Ja.. Feb. 25. A letter r-Celved

here fii.m an Lnportaut huslues* house at Cnrthagvua. Colombia, wys tluit a lurg.* nttmlMT *»f hittnentisl people, Inofmllug in*r- ebants, are turning to tie supi*»rt of me LI hern li* tlir sigh the conviction that rite present government of Colomhln 1* .hUng »H pfisel'ole to hioefe the sale of the Panama v.ttnrt proprrrY W fbt' FtWti's:

William Hi;Ini returned from the North on the < ottHjr.* Ctfy this morning for the first time in roar years. He has b«*eri ct n- du.-tlug S hotel business In the Northern capital, and has lM*«*n eery sacvessfnl.

., , — — — hie work admirably!tApplause.) * ,Mr. Metcalfe also praised the d**pnrtmmt I

f*»r tfie excellent literature gent wu.Mr. X enables endorsed the views already I

expressed.Mr. C>1 lias's reholnfloa w«* alter**! t.> ex

prtss the lustltule s sp|*reriatl<»n of the ! literature »Hit «Hit by the d**|Mirtm« nt nml a hop** that the go«nl work would be con­tinued.

•OLD FOR 8TORAGR.W. G. |»b kins*.», fl cases table meal;

«nit^s*! I'”"mbU rj * 1 e,e* 1 “ledge, 1 crossG«K»1W IN BOND OX’FH 2 Y BA HU

Mm Lung Hiug. 5 eases cordial; H. L. Rahnon. 2 caw* elgara F. C. Davldge, « ea*e* cigars.

And a large quantity of mlsceilaneoua k«mmIs via transportatbai and express com­panies.Tel. 2V4.

W. JO.NK8,Dominion 44ovcrniuei*t Anct Uifieer.

Over one million, and we are constant importers. ,»' ■***

69 & 71 Government Street, Warehouse, 28 Broad Street, Victoria.

Terni» va eh.

Ill Mult DKXlkl».

Th**». Pitt, wh*» lut* been conducting the ÏÎ we" PfMri. •». this amended, form. , Abb rlew hotel at Duo»***, Iho* .|e»-id«*i t«*

etuanv Jn Hia* general tm* nmmid is Iu the *-ity pun hiisiug go**].*. II • u

j registered st the IhuuIuIim.

•* h. 1 ms nin«-n*ic«i rorm.*** Oi«*n <lee|de*l to UM*Cl Hou. J. II.

J gSpff»,.ilRliirr . .«*/.. agriculture. #t. .«4»,».e« tSill.g N MSOdoll.

I.%** Truth In Report Thai Botha Has Ufitted

t > MRtVfflS

(AsS*M'lated Press.II.-Kiden. Feb. 25 —The war **lll«*e t«M|ay

deni***) th«* runioiH whi-h were circulated '.n the lobby of the House *>f Commons lust night that General Loiil** Ibdh.i. the B'«*r * ouiui.tuder-ln * b.cf In Hotith Africa’, hail mide an oiT**r i<* surrender on certain <*op- iilll«*tiN. The st«»r> i.|qienrs to have coni'* fr-mi Paria. It bad a g**>*l elT«*< t on KiitH.w.

Misa Ktta Putter*..» of Stratford. Ona^T1' 0,1 '“I AXlcndetl' f” her riLf.-r Mi A R 1 I ....... ...

upper Ji*hh*oii street. b ftXou Sunday night for h«*r home In the Fast. \

at the


The Boys' Brigade team to play the Fero- w<k*| int**rn*4«Unie* will In- a* follows: tiv.anla, S. I .or liner, «1. r**n*;il«*; «•«•litre, A. Itelyin; fiM-wnnl*. J Lorlm«-r. XV. Love- ridge; reserr**. It. JoliiiM'ii. Game to «-om- ui«*nee at H o’eliM-k. C. Knlml!. J. XX’. I.orl- mer aud Geo. bmue* will I*.* the olll.dnls.

J. <*. Metcalfe, of Hiimiuottd la Doui.ulon. lb- Is one of the deleg. tho « entrai Fanner*' Institute.

Armed L Redgrave. s**rgront of poilee. ha. r,I fr<„u hi, iwwnt lnd,wu,,M.n nn*1 1* now mi duty again.

H. C. Belliug*T. Mr.*. Bellinger and M*m H'Tgan returned yesterday irmu a brief vhdt to the Sound.

J. J. White, the station agent at Sidney, registered at the Dominion last evening

FloretM*** Kol>ert* and several' members of her c*;mpanv are at the Drbuil.

Ij. Campbell, of Ygncogrcr, Is at the

1 Coventry, ti.< di<-al health officer of Wimli*"»?- Ont., nml one of its mo*t pr t cilixeita, 1* ilcitd of pneumonia.

John XX’. Cook, who hn* been i«|oulifi«**I with the c|*»e*e export btisineiH for the paaî t;unrt..*r of century, «lied al la- g r*f l. Out., on Fitmloy.

A young man named Mills was the v let Ini* f a ei’rluuM ui-eldeiit in Belfast, which t**r- mlnated fatally. He was attempting to g.iiu a«-*'«*»* to. bis parents" reidileuee by• limbing n puling at the Imek of tin* house »ift«*r til- m'ialii'b-r of the Inmate* had re­tired f*.r the night. In doing so he over- l'itfivgced aieI fell Into .Vbe yard, f raid wring hi* spin**. He died later In the hospital.

The 11111v Turkish i»i>«>te*H living I* Using* P.isha'* «laughter. F to* Is n young matro.i ef 2H. ami live* In a white marble pala«i* overlooking th«* blu** Bosphorus, where she dine* from a servie»* of gold lu a wonderful conservatory.

According I» the Newcastle Jonrna!. the*N* I* a curlin'* Bible In the ehnreh of ftt Nl.holas X«*w«i»st|e..n Tvne. It 1* a man it- si rlpt l-|bl<*. and was brought -»ngui illy from Il.-xbhin Abb#->. |n the latter half of tj.e tilth vent nr v the ctmrch anthorltle* ha.l the *MMik bon 11.1 In oak taken from the ohl organ «•»»«* of Kt. Nleholas's. wbtnupxi a

M*,",'h»d •'» It In the old Iksblou. I hl* ehaiu. having been fourni In or ubout the ehnn-h. Is snp|ms*-«1 t«i hav.* hew at* la«'h.*d to n Bible that. In th" olden «lays was c hained to the let-.crn lu Ht. Xb ho'.as'a.

There Is no form of kidney trouble, from a .backache «town to Bright's disease, that DOA.VH KIDNEY PILLS will n«»t relieve

—Jjtnftnc*'* .BlMfc arp evidently In great (V*m4nd. XX’p liav# been selling an nn- M*ual?ylar:'ft nmulror during the last few* nwrili*, an*I will row * U»ar out th * hal- r ;• nt n apt*iul discount. XX’eller Î. •

CASTOR IAFor Iafasta and Children.

I At in Inov.wt at Brentford. Eng., on a yonus rrbmdmaster named B**e. wh** ••om- mltted snli lib* hr rntflxg Id* throat. It waa stn4«*«l tlmt the d*>c * i«e«l h *«l he'd a tjueeiV* •< ho'.irshli, nt Oxford. XX'lil!** at college some fellow atndeut* threw a bucket of water over him aa a Joke. Consumption

J apt. Htewsrt moved, and XV. J. Brand- rlth seconded. "Tnnt th.* government **x- l«*n*I and .outlnue to distribute travelling libraries to farudng communities, rcnmve sonic of the ol«i«*r Imoka. replacing then* wim n«*ww and more up-to-date b**ok* .k . W,!L M* I» farmers, andthat a sulUcient appriqnlallon for tui* pur IH-M* be continued. 1

The «lltrcnnt speiiker* n*ferre«I to th® L . «.* of these travelling libraries, and Mfr | Hchoh-tleld. tin* librarlnu. was praise*! f..r ' hi* energetic In bur* In getting up these libraries. Mr. Palmer was also tb»nk<**l , f*»r hi* choice of technical works on farming and horticulture. * j

The renolution then carrl««*l.A. Noble moved, and II. XV. Kaymer sec- !

I ouu«*l, ‘"ITiat the gov«;rniiient be respect - I I rully a«k«*«i to make an m»proprlittloii f, r 1

the purpose of ascertaining tin* aviillabl.. quantity of water f..c Irrigation, the ar*a

available and the probable *.st " i I ******** XL P. P., was asked to a«|. J'lr'TT« 1 . ,u, ‘*,'ng. and be express***! Ills '

I Intuition at twin g present. ||«* pointed onr th** lmp«>rtau<** of the suhj«st matter

' °r ^J,r* Noble » niMdntlon. and Iioih*«I a thor­oughly expert man <*ould Is* s«sure*l to re- pf.rt on the water nvallabk* and other mat ters relating to Irrigation. He urg.sl tuat

I the resolution Ih* passe«l.The tnidlou then cnrrletl.

I llA,,Vt!lvr Was passtsl urging theI 1 HUMliilno governuieiit to. assist In tin* In-

vestigaHon prop*s»«sl.I A- *!'• X'enables iiiom*#L and Isaac H«-ard

Seconded, “'ntat the government take such >d«1»a as will facilitate the supply «if blast­ing |H»w«|er among the farmers In the f«.|- lowlng way: My guaraiiNslng the ,my ment

•>ovv'j‘*r' |da<h»g same hi the hand* Ll.ii «or‘7n'“"»» «-r provincial con­stable to «itore. 11 ml s«*l| smh powder Iu «IvnntlHcs rtN|ttln*l for strict * ash.”11. nf.° •’“•'I » letter from the Hamllton Powder Cohn----- ■



JOHNSTON does no commission business, but tar/lss the largest atock in b. G.

Price lists Issued free.


CITY MARKET. Four Doors Below Entrance.



Nolle I, li.-r.-liy «Iron tbit It I» mr In-And other speakers willj u:^:,4,r4^

• address the Electors of j ^|11 Spring Ridge at the Odd *"*'»: Fellows' Hall on "*"*,he a"‘d,r of F,bn,"rT ,n,e

Thursday, the 27th Inst.

At 8 o'clock.


Brass Goods. Valves, Lead Pipes,

S**pnrnle tender* w 111 1m* re* id red np to 3 p. m .m Monday, February 24th, f«»r the following;

lat Bra** G«mn1s and Pipe Fitting*.2nd. X a I vet*. -|nl. Uiiiiniity of lead pljm.BpeelSretloow for ench of which can N*

obtained at the olHi-e of the umlcrslgiied. where also ar nqilen « an Ih* Keen.


Set STEWART’S Prices** Scotck Of it. li2uB,DtJ*Mc!!b*i!!ra

2*“*-C«n*r nteseW BlawAert St*.


g.—How many timeff'■ day do yon ttft the typewriter carriage to mo whet jroo are doing!

A.—I don't know.Have you any Ideal

Ï-KIre tlmtef 1 ,—Ne, more than that.

t-WU time#?-More than that I think.

U-—Two hundred times?A.—A boat that I should think.U.-How much does the carriage weight A.—I don’t know.Q.—Half a qound?A.—At least that.U.-And you say you lift It about 200

times every dart A.—Ye*.g.-Then that would average for 200

îbfîkVil" ‘Wel o™**15A.—(A long sigh) I suppose so. g.—XX by don't you get an Ur**——■Typew-**----- **' “ ' ----

to lift, sight?way, aa yon can see.

JD-Wflter wltk VI.IW, writing, no erring, JJl'O- n10„,wl.n/ln.* ,he I)lnt-°. work In full Ight? All evident advantages over tho old ray. aa you can ace.

ill HUM tlFCTIK (0. II.VICTORIA. B. 0.,

Agents for British Columbia.

. _ ,, -,......... -tinny wlmwlng that pow«1er could Ih* piirehu*e«l « beâper from the Z'ZB&.S** ,h‘‘ aiTangeroeetamade l»y the government, a* In the latter In- *»an*e the charge of htiullng powder from the iiNigaxliie* idrrens«'«t the cwt to tae «•iinsmner very eonsldernbly.“■ **■——— Ai

it j when* also Tender* n

I XX'iii. XV. N« r « ndoraetl “1

U m

followf-d — -t'pl^c I ' Mr. Vorry th.it |H,wilvr ..Mil l

frnrtlriil fok n t. L'nottï. tlTnr" ,d 2,:“"*^ **

ry.np.tiy »l,h Ib, family. P ^ ibô ^h.jl'h^auKn^ù •vloCl'

must Ih* K.*hl«'.| and addressed to ,.4îrt . l'nr«‘ha*!iiR ag«ait. and - Tender for Brits* Go«*ls, etc.”

The to went ot any tender not uvcessnrlly nccf*|»te«l. JXVM. XV. NORTHCOTT.

City Hall. Victor!n. A«™«-Jn n nary Slat, V.xrj.

* f?r wHvIng tender»J' r, tb^ *ÿ*°T««temled to Monday, March ■Ird. at 3 o clock it. m.

XV M. XV. NORTIIOOTT.CM, Hall. Vlctorin, A^t-

Fobroary 25t)i, 1UV2.

BIRTHS.STIR RETT—At Phoenix, on Feb. llth. the

wife of Josiah Htlrrett, «>f a daughter.MARNIBU.

CTIAMBKIU.AIN QI INLIVAN - At Peter- tM»r«*. on Feb. 11th, h\ Rev. Father I t'«H-oln, XVto. t'hamberlaht and Mary Ann guittllvun. ,

MtNJIlK-ltll'HAltDB—At I’hoenlx, on Feb K ,V' H^wel Ung, il «î wind

Moore ;di«k<>^SH/J1«MN»thy Rtchanls.me^,

IXLATt III*ORD—At For?^Steele, on Feb.21nt, XX II I lam lllstchford, age«l 57 y«*ars.

DODDH-At the retdilenec of Mr. Henry Hart. No. 21 Han Jnnn avenue, on the

«notant. Jam*, the Moved, wife ,4 XX llllnm I •«mIiIk. a native i4 t'ountr Durham, England, aged ta years. '

The funeral will take place from the real denee aa above on Thursday afternoon et 2 p. n„ and at Christ Church Cathedral at 2.30 o'clock. i

Friend» (dense accept this Intimation.

• r


Ixit near the Fountain, worth.! 1K*> Cottage cost when built '..... 1.5»*»

Total ....................................!2.4t*>21.250 will take the property ; port of the ^purchase money ran remain on the property. Apply to


« Broughton St.P.O. Address, Box 188, Vl< t*>rla, B.C,


Standard Bottled BeerDelivered tb the trade only at impa­la r prices. 1 HTel. 44. office, 2T. Store Ht.

âeftiSTEB. 37- rpFjT sj.


* :