Development programme motor function of children with mental retardation.

ISSN 1818-9210 №01/2014 PEDAGOGICS PSYCHOLOGY Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports

Transcript of Development programme motor function of children with mental retardation.

ISSN 1818-9210


1 818917 220133 10


Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports

та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту


Key title: Pedagogika, psihologia ta mediko-biologicniproblemi fizicnogo vihovanna i sportuAbbreviated key title: Pedagog. psihol. med.-biol. probl. fiz. vihov. sportuISSN 1818-9172 (Russian ed. Print), ISSN 1818-9210 (Russian ed. online).

Key title: Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sportsAbbreviated key title: Pedagog. psychol. med.-biol. probl. phys. train. sportsISSN 2308-7269 (English ed. online)

Founders: Kharkov Regional Branch of National Olympic Committee of Ukraine. Publishing House KSADA.

Editor-in-chief: Iermakov S.S., Kharkov, Ukraine.

Scientific consultant: Zaporozhanov V.A., Ol’shtyn, Poland.

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Arefiev V.G. Modeling of differentiated physical fitness in school children ......................................................................3

Artemenko B.O. The significance of the tactical training of volleyball players of different skill levels in their play activities ...................................................................................................................................................9

Іvahnenko A.A. Comparative characteristics of the development of psychomotor sphere deaf primary school children and their peers with hearing preservation ...................................................................................................13

Kozina Zh.L., Borisiuk M.V., Bazilyuk T.A. Development programme motor function of children with mental retardation .............................................................................................................................................18

Kozina Zh.L., Ilnizaya A.S., Kolomiez N.A., Barybina L.N., Cieślicka Mirosława, Stankiewicz Błażej, Pilewska Wiesława. Effects of integrated improving technique pilates and bodyflex level of functionality on students .........24

Kutek T.B. Conceptual model for managing long-term training of qualified athletes specializing in athletic jumps .......31

Marchenko O.Y. Features of gender identity among schoolchildren of different ages ..................................................37

Mukhamediarov N. N. Methodology briefing students in the safety on physical education in the gym ........................42

Omelyanenko V.I. Dynamic meditation in sports dances ..............................................................................................46

Poproshaev O. V., Chumakov O. V. Anatomic–morphological features of qualified water polo players depending on game role ...........................................................................................................................................51

Smirnova Y.V., Saykina E.G. Efficacy of application technology of managing physical exercise by the musical accompaniment to reduce school anxiety first form pupils .......................................................................................57

Starchenko A.U. Dynamics of values in physical training scholarship of senior preschoolers under the influence of set of activities connected with physical scholarship optimization ........................................................64

Syshko D.V. Influence of paravertebrals miorelaxation on cerebral hemodynamics of sportsmen ...............................69

Tуshchenko V.A. Methodological foundations of the modern training system of skilled handballers ...........................76

Fedak S.S. Correlation analysis of indicators of physical condition, health and physical fitness of soldiers involved in peacekeeping operations ........................................................................................................................80

Prystupa Tetyana, Bolach Bartosz. Health oriented training for women in selected fitness clubs ..............................85

About the journal ............................................................................................................................................................90

Contents .........................................................................................................................................................................91

Instructions for authors ...................................................................................................................................................92

Submission of manuscripts.............................................................................................................................................93




National Pedagogical University Annotation. Purpose: to develop a model of physical fitness training for schoolgirls to surrender standard- tives of physical culture (for example, high jump with a running start). Objectives of the study - to determine the relationship between the levels of development of motor skills and results in the high jump with a running start. Also calculate simple regression equation between them. Material: The study involved 416 school - prostrate aged 10-17. Results: It was found that the greatest influence on the effectiveness of the jump exerts a level of "explosive" force the leg muscles (30,4-47,9 %). The relative influence of mobility power 15,4-23,9 %. The share accounted speed 8,6-15,8 %. Impact indicators flexibility and endurance is 7,6-12,4 % and 4,4-7,2 %. Conclusions: The selection of exercises and methods advantageously carried out after comparing models of physical fitness and the actual state of development of motor characteristics. This makes it possible to determine the quantitative information about the shortcomings of physical fitness of each student (group) and specify the direction of future work. Key words: modeling, physical, fitness, differentiated, approach, schoolgirl.

Introduction1 Recent time physical development of children and teen-agers has been being studied from the point of view of

age-gender laws. There have been accumulated great experience in age dynamic of morphological and functional characteristics; on the base of it methodic of physical education, corresponding to their age abilities and social demands were worked out [1, 2, 3, 4].

In our researches we found that children of one age and sex are not a homogeneous group: within one age there is rather percentage of children, who differ by temps of physical development, level of biological maturity and motion abilities [5, 6, 7, 8].

That is why methodic of physical education, worked out, basing only age characteristics of “average schoolchild”, turned out to be insufficient. In this connection there appeared idea of differentiated physical education, i.e. methodic, which considered both age and individual abilities of similar by physical condition and fitness groups [9].

In the light of the above said there have appeared demand in further studying of children’s and teen-agers’ morphological functional development in order to work out methods of enhanced and mass express-evaluation of their physical condition, physical fitness; methods of differentiated physical education.

At present these problems have not been studied sufficiently. There is no single opinion about character of interconnection between indicators of physical condition and level of motion abilities [10, 11]. Methodic of physical education for children and teen-agers with physical abnormalities and disorders in physical fitness have also been developed insufficiently [12, 13, 14, 15].

Thus, methodic of physical education of practically healthy children and teen agers (as well as of those, who have disorders of health) shall be adapted to condition of object of influence, i.e. it is necessary to work out it considering individual features of certain school child and single-type by age, sex, level of physical condition and physical fitness groups. Results of research of peculiarities of one age but different physical condition schoolchildren’s motion abilities are additional ground for this. [16]. For example, by the author’s data in age groups of schoolgirls, in average, in 41% of cases there are observed practically statistically significant and confident differences in muscular strength, quickness, endurance and flexibility. It can not but influence on physical workability, quickness of physical exercises’ mastering, temps of preparation to passing tests in physical culture.

This article has been prepared as part of work on scientific-research topic of Institute of physical culture and sports of National pedagogic university, named after M.P. Dragomanov “Differentiated physical education of comprehensive schools’ pupils”.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is to work out models of physical fitness, required by schoolchildren for preparation

for passing of standard tests in physical culture (on example of running high jump). The tasks of the research were determination of interconnection between level of motion abilities and results of

running high jumps; calculation of equation of pair regression between them. The methods of the research. Demand in physical training, organized in compliance with individual levels of

schoolchildren’s motion abilities requires special approach. For its determination we paid attention to problems of management of physical education’s pedagogical process, which, recent years have been being developed on the base of general principles of cybernetics [17].

One of main conditions of optimal management is presence of quantitative characteristics of models of initial and final states. For passing of definite control exercises it is necessary to have combination of certain levels of different motion characteristics. This can be regarded as model of physical fitness. Comparison of its quantitative

© Arefiev V.G., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894383


characteristics with initial data of every pupil will permit to obtain quantitative information about disadvantages of pupils’ physical fitness and specify orientation of further work.

Foundation and calculation of digital characteristics of physical fitness’s models has been shown on example of the most difficult exercise – running high jump.

The researches involved schoolgirls of main health group, who did not practice sports. Age of the tested was from 10 to 17 years old (52 schoolgirls in every age group).

The choice of such contingent was conditioned by the fact that among them, in contrast to boys, there are more physical fitness indicators of low and below middle level. With it, schoolgirls are more variable than schoolboys in aspect of morphological functional state [18].

For solution of our tasks we determined age peculiarities of interconnection of motion abilities’ levels with results of the mentioned exercise and calculated equations of regression for constructing of physical fitness models.

Construction of models was preceded by selection of tests for motion abilities’ evaluation, which characterized control exercise: muscular strength (“explosive”) was determined by high jump from the spot without waving of arms (as per V.M. Abalakov), active flexibility – by mobility in hip joints (total indicator with bending-unbending of leg), evaluated with the help of goniometer, dexterity – by difference of high jumps from the spot with arms’ waving and without it, quickness and endurance – by time of 30, 300 or 500 meters distance’s running (depending on age).

These tests were verified for reliability and objectiveness. Correlation coefficients were 0.797-0.938 that corresponded to standard requirements [19].

Age peculiarities of interconnection of motion abilities levels with results of running high jumps were evaluated with partial correlation coefficient. Pair correlation coefficient turned out to be non informative, because it could not permit to accurately discover relations, which were concealed, owing to interaction of motion abilities.

For obvious evaluation of running high jumps results’ dependence on motion abilities’ level of every tested the obtained data were presented in standard scale. The latter was conditioned by the fact that the studied motion qualities had different units of measurement. They can be comparable is to express every factor (in our case indicator of motion ability) in the form of its own standard deviation. It is the most convenient to do with the help of partial determination coefficient [20].

Results of the research Analysis resulted in determination that “explosive” power of legs influences to the largest extent on efficiency

of 10-17 years old schoolgirls’ jump (30.4-47.9%). Relative influence of dexterity on jump’s efficiency was 15.4-23.9%. Quickness influences on 8.6-15.8%, flexibility – 7.6-12.4%. And at last, efficiency of running high jump is conditioned by endurance by 4.4-7.2% (from 13 to 17 years old age).

The order of correlation of influences of the studied motion abilities in every age is similar to the above described. The exclusion if 17 years old age, at which quickness and flexibility changed their places. Flexibility influences on jump’s result a little bit stronger (11.9%), than quickness (8.6%). Probably it is connected with age features of school girls.

Total data of influence of muscular strength, dexterity, flexibility, quickness and endurance on jump’s efficiency are given in table 1.

Coefficients of multiple correlation and determination, presented in table1, witness about strong dependence of running high jump’s results on combined influence of the studied motion abilities.

Table 1 Coefficients of multiple correlation ® and determination (R2) between results of running high jumps and

motion abilities’ levels of 10-17 years old schoolgirls

Coefficients Age, years 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

R 0.875 0.930 0.951 0.983 0.980 0.942 0.893 0.900 R2 76.5 86.5 90.5 96.6 96.1 88.7 79.7 81.0 High approximation of multiple correlation coefficients to “one” (especially as 13-14 years age) means that for

the studied ages of schoolgirls these indicators of motion abilities exhaust to large extent factors, which influence on running high jumps’ results. In the given case, as it follows from presented multiple determination coefficients, depending on age, the share of not considered in the research factors is from 3.4 to 23.5%.

On the base of the shown dependences, separately for every age, we composed equations of pair regressions between level of every motion ability and running high jump’s result (see table 2).

It should be stressed that equations, given in table 2 were verified by substitution in them of running high jumps’ results. Results of verification showed that deviations of actual values from calculated were within limits with one-percent level of significance (Р≤0.01).


Table 2 Regression equations for calculation of physical fitness models for 10-17 years old schoolgirls, required for

passing of test – running high jump

Motion abilities Age, years Equations ±σ

1 2 3 4 Strength, Хпр 10 Хпр=0.66Y-32.4 4.08

11 Хпр= 0.43Y-12.5 3.47 12 Хпр= 0.49Y-17.6 3.86 13 Хпр= 0.50Y-21.6 3.42

1 2 3 4 14 Хпр= 0.63Y-37.3 2.66 15 Хпр= 0.81Y-56.6 3.29 16 Хпр= 0.71Y-456 4.34 17 Хпр= .,67Y-42.2 3.35

Quickness, Х30 10 Х30=8.8-0.3Y 0.26 11 Х30=8.7-0.03Y 0.29 12 Х30=7.9-0.02Y 0.20 13 Х30=7.7-0.02Y 0.27 14 Х30=7.7-0.02Y 0.21 15 Х30=8.8-0.03Y 0.21 16 Х30=8.7-0.03Y 0.27 17 Х30=8.8-0.03Y 0.23

Dexterity, Хл 10 Хл=2.4+0.01Y 0.25 11 Хл=3.0+0.005Y 0.22 12 Хл=3.1+0.004Y 0.32 13 Хл=3.1+0.007Y 0.25 14 Хл=2.7+0.01Y 0.25 15 Хл=1.7+0.02Y 0.31 16 Хл=2.4+0.006Y 0.37 17 Хл=2.1+0.01Y 0.32

Endurance, Х300; Х500 13 Х300=113.0-0.47Y 7.30 14 Х300=106.5-0.41Y 3.54 15 Х300=102.4-0.36Y 3.07 16 Х500=189.7-0.63Y 6.70 17 Х500=179.4-0.51Y 5.27

Flexibility, Хг 10 Хг=62.3+1.08Y 16.85 11 Хг=60.2+1.07Y 20.08 12 Хг=99.6+0.55Y 13.01 13 Хг=86.3+0.63Y 13.32 14 Хг=41.9+1.09Y 13.01 15 Хг=26.0+1.19Y 16.46 16 Хг=89.8+0.59Y 15.25 17 Хг=66.1+0.81Y 15.17

Notes: Х – indicator of motion ability Y – result of running high jump; σ – error of equation.

Equations of regression permit to determine how in average value of motion ability will change, if result of running jump increases or reduces by one. With the help of these equations we determined the levels of motion abilities for schoolgirls of 10-17 years old age, which were required for passing standard test of running jump (see table 3).

In order to prove effectiveness of training, oriented on elimination of individual misalignment between initial and model levels of motion abilities, required for passing of standard test in running high jump, we carried out pedagogic experiment. 59 schoolgirls of 14 years old age with different levels of physical condition participated in it. The tested were divided in 4 groups: two experimental and two - control. In each group physical conditions of schoolgirls were equal. Experiment lasted 8 weeks. In total 25 trainings were conducted in the course of experiment; 90 minutes – every training.


Table 3 Models of physical fitness, required for passing standard test in running high jump by schoolgirls of 10-17 years old

Age, years Strength, cm Speed, sec. Dexterity, cm Flexibility, degrees Endurance, sec. 10 23.6 6.2 3.3 154.1 - 11 24.1 6.1 3.4 151.2 - 12 31.4 5.9 3.5 154.6 - 13 28.4 5.7 3.8 149.3 66.0 14 28.9 5.6 3.8 156.4 63.4 15 28.5 5.6 3.8 151.0 64.6 16 29.0 5.5 3.0 151.8 123.5 17 28.2 5.7 3.2 151.2 125.8

Notes: digital characteristics of physical fitness were made on the base of results, shown by schoolgirls in offered by us tests. In experimental groups, depending on which motion abilities were “lagging”, we built group organization and orientation of trainings. In the course of experiment, in experimental group the content of physical training was specified depending on dynamic of development of the required motion abilities. For this purpose, one month after beginning of experiment, we repeatedly cleared up degree of misalignment between digital characteristics of gained physical conditions and models. In control groups trainings were carried out in traditional way. The trainees were complexly trained without consideration of weak places in their physical fitness. For convenience of general results’ determination, with statistical processing of experiment’s materials, results of both experimental and both control groups were combined. At the beginning of experiment there were no confident differences between initial data of motion abilities and results of running high jumps of experimental and control groups (Р>0.05). As a result of experiment motion abilities of both groups’ schoolgirls noticeably improved in comparison with initial. Alongside with it, in experimental group increment was higher than in control one. Values of “explosive” strength and dexterity, which were determined with test “shuttle” run, increased significantly in experimental group, independent on initial level of physical condition. The same indicators of control group schoolgirls had confident increment only for girls with initial level below middle. Similar advantage of experimental group schoolgirls was registered in mobility of hip joints and in dexterity, which were determined with the help of high jumps from the spot with and without arms’ waving. Bu such kind of dexterity confident increment took place in experimental group schoolgirls with middle and below middle initial physical conditions. In control group there was no significant increment of this quality. As far as positive changes in absolute speed concern they were confident in both groups, but by the value of these changes experimental group’s tested with were better independent on their initial physical fitness. Motion abilities’ values of experimental group’s schoolgirls were closer to calculated by us models of physical fitness, while at control group they were significantly lagging behind from model characteristics. The registered difference in motion abilities of experimental and control groups’ schoolgirls reflected in results of running high jump (see table 4).

Table 4 Quantity of schoolgirls, who passed standard test “running high jump”

Group Quantity of tested Quantity of schoolgirls, who passed standard test

Experimental 29 22 (75.8%) Control 30 8 (26.6%)

Results of experiment witness that it is purposeful to use differentiated physical training of schoolgirls for

passing of normative. This differentiation is conditioned by differences between initial and model levels of motion abilities. Such approach permits to optimize process of physical fitness’s monitoring and shortens the period of preparation for passing of standard tests.

Conclusions: 1. For targeted preparation for passing of physical culture standard tests it is necessary to determine initial individual level of motion abilities, which would be required for fulfillment of certain control exercises. 2. It is purposeful to carry out selection of means and methods of trainings basing on results of comparison of developed by us physical fitness models and actual pupils’ motion abilities.

It is purposeful to conduct further researches for working out of differentiated physical loads, considering degree of pupils morphological functional development.


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Artemenko B.O. Cherkasy National University

Annotation. Purpose: To determine the features of tactical thinking volleyball players of different skill levels and the importance of this function during their competitive activities. Material and methods: the study involved in 28 different sports categories players aged 17-34 years. Used interactive methods «Volleyball-Test». Results: revealed that the level of masters of sports players had values at 64.22 % - tactical thinking in the attack, and 59.46 % - tactical thinking in defense. Accordingly - Candidate Master of Sports (42.24 % and 40.19 %) and players Ι-ΙΙΙ bits (34.44 % and 28.89 %). The dependence of the quality of players in competitive activity level masters of sports of tactical thinking in the attack at r = 0,66, and to protect r = 0,54. As appointed a relationship as competitive activities and tactical thinking of attacking r = 0,58. The player Ι-ΙΙΙ bits of data dependencies as competitive activities of tactical training have been identified. Conclusions: The set features suggest the development of tactical thinking in sports games acquiring playing experience of the players. Key words: volleyball, tactics, preparation, physiological, sports games.

Introduction1 In modern sport the highest mastery level is achieved by the athletes possessing a set of specific abilities; a

special place among them is occupied by physiological indicators [1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 16]. Relating to sport games, it is an ability of quick orientation at the playground and finding efficient adequate decision. At the same time, scientific literature contains a lot of materials concerning the influence of certain psycho-physiological and neurodynamic functions on sport activity progress. Thus, the works of Z.L. Kozina [5], G.V. Korobeinikov [6], L.S. Frolova, I.D. Hlazyrin [15] point out that the mastery of technical and tactical playing techniques in sport games depends on the development of psycho-physiological functions. Besides, L.S. Frolova, I.D. Hlazyrin and V. Suprunovych [12] distinguish tactic thinking in cognitive component as a basis element of playing progress in sport games.

Volleyball is a type of sport games that requires constant activity of the cerebral cortex of the brain for processing, analysis and synthesis of the information received during competitive activity. In its turn, it has an influence upon the development of certain psycho-physiological functions. Types of thinking are known to have the same physiological basis [3, 11]. However, the solution of tactic tasks by different sportsmen has a definite specific character because of different brain activity in the process of solving concrete playing situations [3, 16]. It is explained by the inductive character of thinking and its close connection with creative talent and experience [3]. Literature sources show that players solve the tasks of the same complexity in a different way in sport games; they take different decisions in the same playing situations. The complexity of choice situation, irrespective of whether they are standard schemes or players' non-standard actions, consists in information limitation because of time limits for its perception and analysis; it means that tactic thinking essentially depends on the formation of its operating components [10, 18, 19].

Nowadays, there are various scientific approaches relating to the study of thinking development and its control in the sport games. There are proposed methods for determining and estimating sportsmen's psycho-physiological properties; however, they do not give complete and reliable information about the development of sportsmen's thinking in playing situations [14]. The modern interpretation of tactic thinking in team sport games is confined to players' abilities to estimate the playing situations quickly and to solve them efficiently while realizing numerous tactic tasks of a team [13].

Since the sport games have high requirements to sportsmen's physical and technical abilities as well as to the development level of all forms of tactic preparedness [7, 20], it gives us the reason to determine the importance of players' tactical preparedness during their competitive activity.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is to determine the features of tactic thinking development of volleyball players with

different mastery level and the importance of the given function during their competitive activity. Research Methods. The following scientific methods are used in the research: analysis, synthesis,

systematization of scientific and scientific-methods literature, publications, computer testing of psycho-physiological functions.

Research Organization. The research is conducted on the basis of "Sumyhimprom" SC, Sumy city, which is the participant of Ukraine championship among the teams of Super League, and "SumDU" VC, Sumy city, which is the representative of Ukraine championship among the teams of Higher League. 28 players of different sport grades from the III grade to the Sport Masters aged 17-34 take part in the research.

Results of the research To determine the development features of volleyball players' tactic preparedness we use the computer program

developed by scientific group of Cherkasy National University (Volleyball-Test) and determine that the level of

© Artemenko B.O., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894384


volleyball players' tactic thinking increases with age and playing experience acquisition (Table 1); thus, we confirm the available data concerning the signs and formation of tactical thinking in sport games [14, 15].

Table 1 The development level of tactic thinking volleyball players with different mastery level

Sport Grade SM n (6) CSM n (8) Ι-ΙΙΙ grades n (14) Tactic thinking in offense, % 64,22* 42,24 36,11 Tactic thinking in defense, % 59,46* 40,19 28,89

Note: * – р < 0.05 reliable difference of indexes for Sport Masters and the players of the lowest sport grades The obtained data of tactical preparedness of volleyball players of different mastery level show that the players

of Sport Master level have the indexes of 64.22% in tactic thinking in offense and 59.46% in tactic thinking in defense that differ reliably from the analogical indexes of Sport Master Candidates (42.24% and 40.19%) and the players of the I-III grades (36.11% і 28.89%) respectively (р<0.05). This feature can be explained by the fact that Sport Masters represent, as a rule, professional teams of Ukraine championship while the rest of the players are the representatives of amateur, student teams or Higher League of Ukraine championship where young players lack playing practice and the competitive level is much lower than among the players of Ukraine Super League Championship. These features are not casual, since the correlation analysis of the influence of this players' function on the quality of their competitive activity shows the dependence on Sport Masters' tactic thinking in offense at the level of [r = 0.66 (р<0.01)] and in defense [r = 0.54 (р<0.02)] that confirms the importance of this function for players and special attention to the ways for the development of tactical thinking. At the same time, the correlation of competitive quality and tactical preparedness among Sport Master Candidates is found only in tactical thinking in offense [r = 0.58 (р<0.02)]; the dependence of competitive quality on tactical preparedness is not found among the players of I-III grades, that can be explained by the lack of necessary playing experience and the dependence of competitive activity mostly on other factors, particularly, on physical development, physical and coordinative preparedness and others (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. The dependence of competitive quality of volleyball players of different mastery level on tactical preparedness Conclusions: Summarizing all the above mentioned we can make the following conclusions: 1. The players of different sport grades are found to have different indexes of tactical preparedness. Thus,

Sport Masters have the indexes at the level of 64.22% - tactic thinking in offense and 59.46% - tactic thinking in defense that differ reliably from the analogical indexes of Sport Master Candidates (42.24% and 40.19%) and the players of the I-III grades (36.11% and 28.89%) respectively (р<0.05).

2. The correlation analysis shows the importance of tactical preparedness in professional sport games: Sport Masters - the dependence of competitive quality on tactical thinking in offense at the level of [r

= 0.66 (р<0.01)] and in defense [r = 0.54 (р<0.02)]; Sport Master Candidate - the dependence of competitive quality on tactical preparedness in offense is

at the level of [r = 0.58 (р<0.02)];









Tactical thinking in an attack

Tactical thinking in a defence



00 0

Masters of sport

Candidates in masters of sport

Players of I-III grades

Coefficient of correlation


Players of the I-III sport grades - the dependence of competitive quality on tactical preparedness is not found.

The obtained data confirm the importance of tactical thinking in sport games and help to stress the necessity of special attention to the process of tactical preparedness in sport games with the aim of improving competitive quality of volleyball players with the means of interactive technologies.

The further research perspective consists in the application of the developed methods in tactical training in professional teams and sport schools with the aim of tactical preparedness of players and possible improvement of their competitive activity, respectively.

References: 1 Volkov L.V. Teoriia i metodika detskogo i iunosheskogo sporta [Theory and methods of children and youth

sports], Kiev, Olympic Literature, 2002, 296 p. 2 Glazirin I.D. Plavannia [Swimming], Kyiv, Condor, 2006, 502 p. 3 Dzhordzh F. Mozg kak vychislitel'naia mashina [Brain as calculative machine], Moscow, Foreign Literature

Publishing, 1963, 528 p. 4 Ignat'eva V.IA., Petracheva I.V. Mnogoletniaia podgotovka gandbolistov v detsko-iunosheskikh shkolakh [Long-

term training of handball players in children-youth schools], Moscow, Soviet sport, 2004, 216 p. 5 Kozina Zh. L. Slobozhans'kij naukovo-sportivnij visnik [Slobozhansky scientific and sport bulletin], 2006, vol.9,

pp. 157-165. 6 Korobejnikov G. V., Bitko S.M., Sakal' L.D., Kulinich I.V. Aktual'ni problemi fizichnoyi kul'turi i sportu [Actual

problems of physical culture and sport], 2003, vol.5, pp. 53-60. 7 Lisenchuk G. A. Upravlenie podgotovkoj futbolistov [Training management of football players], Kiev, Olympic

Literature, 2003, 271 p. 8 Makarenko M.V. Osnovi profesijnogo vidboru vijs'kovikh specialistiv ta metodiki vivchennia individual'nikh

psikhofiziologichnikh vidminnostej mizh liud'mi [Fundamentals of professional selection of military specialists and methods of studying individual physiological differences between people], Kiev, 2006, 395 p.

9 Maksimenko I.G. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov [Physical Education of Students], 2012, vol.2, pp. 60-62. 10 Nepopalov V. N., Abalian A. G.Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture],

2006, vol.6, pp. 44-46. 11 Korobkov A.V. M. Normal'naia fiziologiia [Normal physiology], Moscow, High school, 1980, 560 p. 12 Glazirin I.D., Frolova L.S., Frolov O.O., Bondar V.V., Zganiajko G.V., Vernigora V.V., Golovatij V.M.,

Suprunovich V.O. Biuleten' [Bulletin], 2009, vol.16, p. 3. 13 Poplavs'kij L. Iu. Basketbol [Basketball], Kiev, Olympic Literature, 2004, 448 p. 14 Suprunovich V.O. Teoriia ta metodika fizichnogo vikhovannia [Theory and methods of physical education], 2008,

vol.8, pp. 10-14. 15 Frolova L. S., Glazirin I.D. Teoriia ta metodika fizichnogo vikhovannia [Theory and methods of physical

education], 2008, vol.1, pp. 109-113. 16 Shestakov M. P. Gandbol [Handball], Moscow, Sports Academic Press, 2001, 132 p. 17 Shinkaruk O. Teoriia ta metodika fizichnogo vikhovannia [Theory and methods of physical education], 2002,

vol.1, pp. 34-42. 18 Cherif Moncef, Gomri Dagbaji, Aouidet Abdallah, Said Mohamed. The offensive efficiency of the high-level

handball players of the front and the rear lines. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011, vol.2(4), pp. 241-248.. 19 Malina R.M., Ribeiro B., Aroso J., Cumming S.P. Characteristics of youth soccer players aged 13–15 years

classified by skill level. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007, vol.41, pp. 290-295. 20 Memmert D. Testing of Tactical Performance in Youth Elite Soccer. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,

2010, vol.9. pp. 199-205.




Іvahnenko A.A. Zaporozhia National Technical University

Annotation. Purpose: to identify indicators of development of psychomotor function deaf children aged 7-10 years and find out the characteristic features of their manifestation. Material: the study involved 242 children aged 7-10 years, 128 of them deaf. Results: psychomotor development indicators defined functions deaf children aged 7-10 years. A comparative analysis with indicators of their peers with hearing preservation. Lagging indicators revealed psychomotor function deaf children ( ability to regulate spatio-temporal parameters and dynamic movements, orientation in space, coordination movements, the ability to preserve static and dynamic balance, motor memory, a sense of rhythm, the ability to arbitrarily relax muscles, hands and coordination micromovements fingers capable of simultaneously performing movements coordination ballistic movements) averaging 14.6 % to 60.6 %. Conclusions: It was found that deaf children of primary school age the development of psychomotor function occurs more slowly compared with hearing children their age. Keywords: children, school, deafness, psychomotor, development, especially.

Introduction1 Democratization of society, which takes place in Ukraine, conditions demand in substantial changes in

educational process, including special education. National doctrine of education in Ukraine in 21st century stresses on renewal of content and improvement of education system of children with mental-physiological problems; on implementation of new approaches, form and methods of teaching and education, ensuring development of personality, facilitating children’s maximal physical and mental rehabilitation, socialization and integration in society.

Advanced domestic and foreign scientists made substantial contribution in studying of development, teaching and education of children with problems of hearing (N. Baykina [4], R. Boskis [6], L. Vygodskiy [7], V. Zasenko [10], І. Liakhova et al.). It has been proved that affection of hearing results in a number of secondary abnormalities, first of all in detention of speech development that breaks interconnection with environment, influences on development of cognitive processes of such children. Breaching of hearing function influences also on motion analyzer and mastering of different motion functions and as a result there appear specific features of deaf children’s psycho-motor functions.

At present scientists determine psycho-motor system as main kind of objectification of psyche in sensorimotor, ideo-motor and emotional-motor responses and acts (К. Pltonov [14]); objective perceiving by a person of all forms of reflection of reality, starting from sensing and finishing with complex forms of intellectual functioning (Ye. Surkov [17], Р. Mussen [20]); ability of a person to reflect objective information about his (her) motion functioning, to precisely and effectively control own movements (V. Ozerov [13]); objectification of all forms of mental reflection, which are determined by appropriate movements (L. Rogovyk [15]). In all definitions dualistic nature of psycho-motor responses is underlined, their combined function, that combine action of higher mental processes and human motion functioning in one integral system. So, psycho-motor functioning is objectification of all forms of mental reflection in motion actions. Development of psycho-motor function of deaf children is a regular age and qualitative increment of indicators of mental and motor sphere of deaf children under influence of targeted correction-pedagogic process.

It has been proved that peculiarities of development of junior school age deaf children’s psycho-motor sphere are conditioned by steady disorder of hearing, which results in insufficient development of speech function, functional disorder of some physiological systems (vestibular apparatus, cardio-vascular and respiratory systems), in weakening of motion functioning and insufficient motor experience. Affection of hearing causes of junior school age children’s lagging behind such mental processes as perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, formation of oral speaking (R. Boskis [6]).

Specificity of development of junior school age deaf children’s motor sphere is, mainly, manifested in poor coordination and insufficient accuracy of movements (Ye. Abilova [1], N. Leshiy [11], І. Liakhova [12], О. Forostian [18]), in poor balance (R Babenkova [2], М. Bessarabov [5], І. Grybovska [9]), in insufficient orientation in space (О. Romanenko [16]), in weakening of quickness and speed-power abilities (І. Babiy [3], А. Kostanian [10]), in delay of motion abilities’ and skills’ mastering and reducing of separate movements’ quickness as well as the whole temp of motion functioning (О. Gozova [8]).

In spite of significance of deaf children’s psycho-physical defects’ correction, their social rehabilitation, these problems still have been remaining insufficiently solved in theory and practice of correcting pedagogic. Analysis of modern scientific-methodic works, which deal with general problems of teaching and education of such nosologic group of children, showed that psycho-motor sphere of junior school age deaf children ias paid insufficient attention to. Basing on it we determined the topic of our research “Comparative characteristic of development of junior school age deaf children’s psycho-motor sphere and their healthy peers”.

© Іvahnenko A.A., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894385


The topic of our research is connected with realization of State national program “Education” (“Ukraine in 21st century”), of National doctrine of development of education in Ukraine in 21st century.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the research is fulfillment of comparative analysis of development of 7-10 years old deaf

children’s psycho-motor sphere and their healthy peers and specificities of its development in above mentioned nosologic group.

The tasks of the research: 1. Analysis of state of problems, relating to development of deaf children’s psycho-motor function, in theory and practice of correction work. 2. Determination of psycho-motor function’s and emotional welfare’s indicators of deaf 7-10 years old children and their healthy peers; carry out comparative analysis of resulting data. 3. Determine characteristic peculiarities of psycho-motor sphere’s development of junior school age deaf children.

The methods of the research: for solution of our tasks we used theoretical methods (studying and analysis of scientific-methodic literature, generalization of psychological-pedagogic experience in the researched problem), empirical methods (pedagogic observations and testing); methods of mathematical statistics.

In order to determine the state of psycho-motor function’s development of junior school age deaf children and their healthy peers we carried out diagnostic by the following indicators: ability to evaluate and regulate space-time and dynamic parameters of movements (with tests “shuttle run with carrying cubes by spiral trajectory” (by L. Sergiyenko), “evaluation of time sensing” by methodic of B. Yeremeyev; test for “accuracy of throwing” and “catching of ball” by metric scale of M. Ozeretskiy); orientation in space (by test “Walking on straight line with closed eyes” of L. Sergiyenko); balance (by metric scale of M. Ozeretskiy with test “turns, sitting on gymnastic bench” by methodic of V. Liakh); coordination (by test “overstepping of gymnastic stick” by methodic of D. Pavlyk and “tests-exercises for determination of motion memory” of L. Sergiyenko); sensing of rhythm (by test “rhythmic coordination” of M. Ozeretskiy); ability for relaxation of muscles (by methodic of L. Sergiyenko with test “evaluation of mimic movements and sensing of muscles” by metric scale of M. Ozeretskiy); fine motor functioning (with test “dexterity and coordination of micro-movements and hand and fingers”); ability to simultaneous fulfillment of movements (with test “jumps on one leg with simultaneous arms’ rotation”); speed-power parameters of movements, accuracy and amplitude (with the help of unified test for evaluation of ballistic coordination of movements).

For carrying out of research we formed: control group of deaf children (CG1) of 7-10 years old age (29 boys and 34 girls), control group of healthy 7-10 years old children (CG2) (65 boys and 49 girls) and experimental group of deaf children of the sane age (EG (33 boys and 32 girls). The content of CG1 and EG (deaf children of junior school age children) was maximally equal by degree of hearing function’s disorder: hearing deprivation was 75-80 dB and more, by classification of L.V. Neyman.

Results of the research Comparative analysis of diagnostic’s results of junior school age deaf children of CG1 and EG showed absence

of significant differences between them (tp<tα, with α=0,05). Significant confident differences of indicators of psycho-motor function were determined between hearing 7-10 years old children of CG2 and deaf children of EG (Р<0.05). We stated lagging of deaf children behind their hearing peers in development of psycho-motor function by the following indicators: ability for regulation of space-time and dynamic parameters of movements – by 14.6%; sensing of time – by 33.6%; orientation in space – by 58%; coordination of movements – by 13.8%; ability to keep static and dynamic balance – by 46.6%; motion memory – by 27.1%; sense of rhythm – by 24%; ability for spontaneous relaxation of muscles – by 39.2%, coordination of micro-movements of hand and fingers – by 23%; ability for simultaneous fulfillment of movements – by 31.3%; ballistic coordination of movements – by 60%; mimic movements and sense of muscles – by 39.2% (see fig.1).


CG1, EG, CG2

(0-100 – indicators of psycho-motor components' development,%)) Fig.1. Difference between indicators of main psycho-motor components of junior school age deaf children (EG and

CG1) and their hearing peers (CG2): % – indicators of psycho-motor components’ development (all CG2 indicators are presented for their comparing with EG and CG1 indicators as 100%); CG2 – control; group of healthy children; CG1, EG – control and experimental groups of deaf children. a – ability for regulation of space-time and dynamic movements’ parameters; b-sensing of time; c- orientation in space; d- coordination of movements; e- ability for keeping of static and dynamic balance; f- motion memory; g – sense of rhythm; h – ability for spontaneous relaxation of muscles; I – coordination of micro-movements of hand and fingers; j – ability for simultaneous fulfillment of movements; k – ballistic coordination of movements; l – mimic movements and sensing of muscles.

Analysis of tests’ results by sex of the tested did not show substantial difference between indicators of junior

school age boys and girls’ psycho-motor functions. Besides, we determined gradual age increment of psycho-motor functions’ indicators of 7-10 years old deaf children.

The fulfilled work permitted to reveal specific peculiarities of psycho-motor function of junior school age deaf children. For example, when testing ability to evaluation and regulation of space-time and dynamic parameters of movements there were registered some difficulties in perceiving and analyzing of offered by the test movements; presence of vague images of dynamic, time and space characteristics of movements of own bodies and their different parts; reducing of operative control over parameters of the fulfilled movements. Deaf children of junior school age had difficulties in formation of plan and specific mean of solution of appropriate movement task. As per evaluation of the set time intervals of EG children, mean value of errors was 1.9 sec.; mean value of healthy children’s mistakes was 1.1 sec. Besides, time understanding of deaf children differed from understanding of time by their healthy peers: they poorly understand relations between units of time measuring (second, minute, hour), time sequence, “filling” of time segments. Thus, insufficiency of speech functioning, reduced scope of information, which is obtained by deaf children, influence on correctness of time segments perceiving in the process of motion actions and, as a result, they have slow time structure.

With diagnostic of ability for space orientation of junior school age deaf children it was noted that it is difficult for them to promptly evaluate space conditions (space disorientation), which appears during fulfillment of motion tasks, and to response to it with rational movements.

With fulfilling of control tasks for determination of static balance indicators of deaf children the most often we notices the following mistakes: loosing of of initial position during fulfillment of movement task; balancing; dropping of heels on floor, when it was required to stand on tips toes. In the process of fulfillment of test for dynamic balance by deaf children of junior school age children it was registered that attention of deaf children was concentrated not on final result but on cautiousness during execution of turns that resulted in slow temp. Most of pupils constantly looked for support from the side of instructor (children hold instructor by hand); there were some cases of not fulfilled tasks.

In the course of determination of deaf 7-10 years old age children’s abilities for coordination of movements it was determined that for such children irrational manifestation of motion functions is characteristic, insufficient development of motion memory (difficulties in mastering of new movements), insufficient reservoir of motion skills












a b c d e f g h i j k l






72,9 76






components of psychomotor



and abilities. Results of testing of deaf children’s sense of rhythm showed that absence of hearing and insufficient development of motor sphere negatively influence on perception and reproduction of the set rhythm of movements or its detention, in spite of the fact that movements, offered in tests, were quite simple.

With diagnostic of ability for spontaneous relaxation of muscles we noticed increased straining of muscles, which substantially decreased coordination of movements of deaf children of junior school age. Besides, in the course of fulfillment of mimic exercises by deaf children we registered absence of control over relaxation of face and body muscles.

The obtained results of testing of hand’s and fingers’ movements coordination witness that main disadvantages of fine hand motor functions of deaf junior schoolchildren are low level of accuracy, and quickness of movements, insufficient differentiation of hands’ movements, low level of visual-motion coordination, disorders and detention of movements’ temp.

Test for ballistic coordination of movements resulted in the fact that worsening of this test’s results, fulfilled by deaf, 7-10 years old children, was, first of all, influenced by reducing of quickness of this task’s fulfillment. Deaf children often stopped in initial position and were slow in movements during the whole test. Quickness of fulfillment was reduced in average by 13.6 sec., comparing with peers without hearing problems It should also be noted that most of deaf junior school age children do not show sufficient level of jump techniques that influenced on general result of testing.

Conclusions: So, final results of testing witnessed significant lagging of 7-10 years old deaf children behind their healthy

peers by indicators, which characterize psycho-motor functions (abilities for regulation of time-space and dynamic parameters of movements, orientation in space, coordination of movements, ability for keeping of static and dynamic balance, motion memory, sense of rhythm, ability for spontaneous relaxation of muscles, coordination of micro-movements of hands and fingers, ability for simultaneous fulfillment of movements, ballistic coordination of movements) in average from 14.6% to 60.6%. Thus, all above presented permits to make conclusion that development of psycho-motor function of junior school age deaf children requires appropriate correction-pedagogic influence.

References: 1 Abilova E. N. Sovershenstvovanie dvigatel'noj sfery glukhikh detej mladshego shkol'nogo vozrasta na muzykal'no-

ritmicheskikh zaniatiiakh [Improvement of the motor areas of deaf children of primary school age to musical rhythmic activities], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 1992, 18 p.

2 Babenkova R. D. Piataia nauchnaia sessiia po defektologii [Fifth scientific session on defectology], 1967, pp. 361–362.

3 Babij I. M. Korekciia rukhovoyi sferi glukhikh pidlitkiv shvidkisno-silovimi vpravami [Correction of the motor areas of deaf adolescents speed-strength exercise], Cand. Diss., Kiev, 2002, 17 p.

4 Bajkina N. G. Diagnostika i korrekciia dvigatel'noj sfery u lic s narusheniem slukha [Diagnosis and correction of the motor areas in individuals with hearing impairment], Zaporozhye, ZSU, 2003, 232 p.

5 Bessarabov N. S. Problemy fizicheskogo vospitaniia anomal'nikh detej [Problems of physical education of abnormal children], 1987, pp. 12-14.

6 Boskis P. M. Glukhie i slaboslyshashchie deti [Deaf and hard of hearing children], Moscow, APS, 1963, 335 p. 7 Vygotskij L. S. Osnovy defektologii [Basics defectology], Sankt Petersburg, Doe, 2003, 656 p. 8 Gozova A. P. Psikhologiia trudovogo obucheniia glukhikh [Psychology of labor education of deaf], Moscow,

Pedagogy, 1979, 216 p. 9 Zasenko V.V. Suchasna sistema osviti dlia osib z vadami slukhu [The current education system for people with

hearing impairments], Kiev, 2001, pp. 43-49. 10 Kostanian A. O. Osobennosti skorostnykh kachestv i ikh razvitie s pomoshch'iu fizicheskikh uprazhnenij u glukhikh

shkol'nikov [Features high-speed qualities and their development through exercise deaf students], Dokt. Diss., Moscow, 1963, 151 p.

11 Leshchij N. P. Rozvitok koordinaciyi rukhiv u glukhikh pidlitkiv na urokakh fizichnoyi kul'turi [The development of coordination in deaf adolescents in physical training lessons], Cand. Diss., Odesa, 2004, 220 p.

12 Liakhova I. N. Korrekcionnoe znachenie gimnastiki v uchebno-pedagogicheskom processe po fizicheskomu vospitaniiu glukhikh shkol'nikov mladshikh klassov [Corrective gymnastics value in teaching pedagogical process in physical education of deaf schoolchildren], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 1992, 26 p.

13 Ozerov V. P. Psikhomotornye sposobnosti cheloveka [Psychomotor ability person], Dubna, Phoenix+, 2002, 316 p.

14 Platonov K. K. Psikhologiia [Psychology], Moscow, High school, 1977, 248 p. 15 Rogovik L. Psikhomotorika ditini [Psychomotor child], Kiev, Hlavnyk, 2005, 112 p. 16 Romanenko A. V. Vliianie vneklassnykh zaniatij po sportivnomu orientirovaniiu na korrekciiu poznavatel'noj

deiatel'nosti i dvigatel'noj sfery glukhikh detej [Influence of extracurricular activities in orienteering on correction of cognitive activity and motor areas of deaf children], Cand. Diss., Zaporozhye, 1997, 165 p.

17 Surkov E. N. Psikhomotorika sportsmena [Psychomotor athlete], Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport, 1984, 126 p.


18 Forostian O. I. Rozvitok tochnosti rukhiv u glukhikh shkoliariv zasobami fizichnogo vikhovannia [The development of precision movements in deaf pupils by means of physical education], Cand. Diss., Odesa, 2001, 19 p.

19 Sheremet M. K. Osoblivosti stanu movlennia ditej zi znizhenim slukhom shestirichnogo viku [Features of the status of speech of children with diminished hearing age of six], Kiiv, ICME, 1997, 56 p.

20 Mussen P. H. Child development personality. New York, Harper & Row Limited, 1990, 688 p.



Kharkov National Pedagogical University1 Donetsk State Institute of Health, Physical Education and Sport2

Annotation. Purpose: to study the rehabilitation program recovery of motor function of children with mental retardation. Material-methods: the study involved 19 students from primary diagnosis - mental retardation. Age of children was 8 - 9 years and 9 - 10 years. Motor speed detection reaction carried out using a falling line setting (in cm.) Determination of speed integral motor actions performed with running 30 meters to go. From cross-country test also used the shuttle run 4x9 meters. Results: a program of exercise for children with mental retardation. Exercises aimed at correcting the basic movements, flexibility correction, correction and development of coordination abilities, adjustment and development of physical fitness, correction and prevention of secondary fractures. Conclusions: it was found that the rehabilitation program for development and correction of motor function of children with mental retardation is an effective and affordable to adjust coordination abilities and flexibility. Keywords: mental development, delay, function, movement, coordination, flexibility, recovery, correction.

Introduction1 The problem of health protection, comprehensive and harmonious development of children, especially disabled

children and children with mental-physical abnormalities, in order to ensure their full-fledged progress and future life in modern social-economic conditions – the task of the first importance of society, which can be solved by combined efforts of specialists in physical education, medicine, psychologists, speech pathologists [1, 2, 3].

Mentally defective children are characterized with polymorphous symptoms: immature of complex forms of behavior, defects of purposeful functioning against the background of increased exhaustion, reduced workability, encephalopathy disorders [9, 10, 11]. Such children have motor awkwardness, disorders of fine motor functions, unbalanced emotional tonus, characteristic sharp change of mood, tearfulness, bent to apathy [22, 24, 25, 26].

Such children have very complex process of inter-sensor links’ formation, kinks, which ensure, in particular, such complex functions and reading and writing. Distortion of processes of perceiving and processing of sensor information condition disadvantages of imagination sphere, visual and especially hearing memory, difficulties in space orientation [4, 16, 17, 18, 19].

It is known [1, 2, 3, 24], that intensification of defective children’s motion functioning permits to increase afferent impulses into centers of motion information’s processing and in motion centers themselves up to appropriate norm. It facilitates full fledged formation of immature brain structures [20, 21]. Just owing to this fact development and implementation of rehabilitation program for defective children’s motion functions is rather urgent.

The research was carried out as per “Combined plan of scientific & research works in sphere of physical culture and sports for 2011-2015” by topic 2.4. “Theoretical-methodic principles of individualization in physical education and sports” (state registration number 0112U002001), and by state financed by Ministry of education & science, youth and sports, scientific research work for 2013-2014 “Theoretical-methodic principles of application of informational, pedagogic and medical-biological technologies for formation of healthy life style” (state registration № 0113U002003).

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is to give ground for rehabilitation program for defective children’s motion functions. The methods of the research: analysis and generalization of scientific-methodic literature; medical-biological

methods of research; pedagogic observation; pedagogic experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Determination of motion response’s quickness was carried out with the help of holding of falling rule (cm).

Quickness in whole motion actions was determined with 30 meters’ run. Among running tests there was also test “shuttle” run 4x9 meters.

Medical characteristics of schoolchildren's contingent, which was involved in pedagogic experiment is as follows. In 2011 we conducted pedagogic experiment ion the base of Snizhianska comprehensive boarding school for orphans and defective children deprived of parents’ care in Donetsk region. The experiment covered 19 schoolchildren with main diagnosis “immature mental development” of 8-9 years old age (as on period of 2011-2012),; in 2012-2013 academic year children’s was 9-10 years old. It should be noted that alongside with diagnosis F.81.3 (immature of mental development) the whole spectrum of diseases was found by medical doctors. In 2012-2013 two schoolchildren (S.B. and S.G.) left barding school in connection with their adoption. Their place was engaged by newly entered pupils Ya.P. and A.K.

In experimental group 11% of children were the members of 2nd health group, 67% - of 3rd and the rest – two pupils – formed the 4th health group. In control group 20% of pupils were the members of 2nd health group, the rest – 70% - the members of the 3rd health group. Among diseases, which accompanied main diagnosis “immature of mental development” there were diseases of respiratory system *(chronic adeno-tonsilitis, expressed tuberculosis test results);

© Kozina Zh.L., Borisiuk M.V., Bazilyuk T.A., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894386


in control group 30% of pupils had eye diseases (far sightedness). Significant part of pupils suffers from bedwetting and diseases of cardio-vascular system. As per criterion “main features of behavior” 56% of experimental group pupils and 80% of control group were characterized by mobile type of behavior.

Results of the researches Specificities of content of rehabilitation program for development and correction of defective children’s motor

functions are as follows. It was recommended to supplement physical education lessons at Snizhianska comprehensive boarding school for orphans and children, deprived of parents’ care with exercises [5, 6, 7, 8, 11], which were oriented on correction of main movements; correction of flexibility; correction and development of coordination; correction and development of physical fitness; correction and prophylaxis of secondary disorders (see fig.1).

Fig.1. Diagram of orientation of program for motion functions’ development and correction of mentally defective children

The recommended by us exercises were used at lessons of physical education, at out-of-class trainings during

health related physical culture hour from 16-20 to 17-00 because targeted emotional game loads renders especially stimulating influence on organism of mentally defective child in comparison with other means of physical education [12, 13, 14, 15]. Outdoor game is not only a counter effect to hypokinesia, which accompanies a child with any disorders of development, but also facilitates recreation of health (speed of brain structures’ mature increases), strengthening of all organism functions, prophylaxis of somatic diseases. Especially valuable these games because it can simultaneously influence on motor and mental components of trainees.

Health related-physical culture hour was planned in the following way: three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) we used correcting games, with breathing exercises at final part of every training. The last three times a week (Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday) health related-physical culture trainings included exercises for fine motor functions (“finger games”), with relaxation exercises at final part. In rehabilitation program we used games of type “Stop-exercise”, which required from children to stop all movements, maintaining with it posture, expression of face, straining of muscles at the moment of game signal.

Evaluation of dynamic of motor functions’ indicators with implementation of rehabilitation program in educational process.

It was determined that children of Snizhianska comprehensive boarding school for mentally defective orphans and children, deprived of parents’ care, of Donetsk region have satisfactory physical condition. Indicators of body length, body mass, chest and head circumferences as well as calculated indices (with exclusion of Ketle’s index for both groups) are in the range of satisfactory for healthy, normally developed children of 8-9 and 9-10 years old age.

Quickness of motion response was measured with the help of holding of a falling rule (cm). This indicator was characterized by significant amplitude and was in average 28.75±2.02 cm for experimental group of junior schoolchildren; 26.89±1.96 cm – for control group (р>0.05). As per the data of L.L. Kharchenko (2004) this indicators of junior mentally defective schoolchildren was 24.5±0.47 cm and as per literature data [11,12,16] indicator 22 cm is considered “excellent” and 33 cm – as “satisfactory”. I.e. this indicators of Snizhianska comprehensive boarding school for mentally defective orphans and children, deprived of parents’ care, of Donetsk region was in the range of “good”.

Quickness indicator in whole motion actions in 2011 (30 meter run) was within from 5.0 sec (V.Sh.) to 8.8 sec. (S.B.)

In 2012 range of this indicator was 0.4 sec (0.5 sec – V.Sh.1 – 5.9 sec. – O.K.) With it, when passing control normative “30 meters run” results in 2008 distributed as follows: “high level” – 1 pupil (11%), “sufficient” – 1 pupils (11%), “middle” – 3 pupils (33%), “low” – 4 pupils (45%).

When passing this normative in 2012, results distributed as follows: 2 pupils, 22%, (D.K. and V.Sh.1) had “high level” (12 points), 6 pupils (67%) had “sufficient” level and 1 pupil (11%) – “middle” level.

In control group, in 2011, we noted a little bit less range of this indicator’s variation: from 5.0 sec (M.Zh.) to 6.3 (D.P.). Though, in average of the sample it was 5.87±0.21sec. and confidently did not differ from experimental group (р>0.05).

Rehabilitation program of motor functions’ development and correction for mentally defective children

Block of out-of-class trainings, oriented on correction: - fine motor functions; - relaxation of muscles; - differentiation of muscular efforts; - attention, thinking, spontaneous


Block of in-class trainings oriented on: - correction of main movements; - development of flexibility; - coordination; - correction of physical fitness; - correction of secondary disorders.


In 2012, in control group (n=10) two pupils showed worsening of whole movements’ quickness by 0,2sec. (M.Zh.) and by 0.5 sec. (D.P.). Much better results were shown by pupil O.K. (5.5 sec. against 7.0 sec in 2011). By level of competence, results of 30 meters run (sec) were the following in 2011: “high” – 3 pupils (30%), “sufficient” – 3 pupils (30%), “middle” – 3 pupils (30%), “low” – 1 pupil (10%).

In 2012 results of this normative distributed in the following way: “high” – 4 pupils (40%), “sufficient” – 5 pupils (50%), “middle” – 1 pupil (10%), “low” – no results.

With comparing of our results with data of other authors, who researched this indicator, testing mentally defective and healthy children, it was revealed that analogous data were obtained by G.M. Shamardina [17] – 6.5±0.06 sec. for children of comprehensive boarding school No.2 of Dnepropetrovsk. A little worse results were obtained at High North (comprehensive school No.4, Korotchayevo st., Novourengoyskiy district, Tumenska region) – 7.3±0.71 sec. (as per the data of T. A. Bobyliova, 2004). However, Zh.K. Kholodov (2002) gives value 5.1 – 7.1 sec. I.e. by this indicator mentally defective children lag behind normally developed peers by 40-45% and correspond to indicator, which is satisfactory for children of 7 years old age (M.A. Novikova, 1997); some of them, on the contrary, have higher level of quickness (5.4 -0 5.1) that corresponds to “high level” of healthy children.

The determined by us dynamics (average data of sample) of coordination of Snizhianska comprehensive boarding school for mentally defective orphans and children, deprived of parents’ care, of Donetsk region for 2011-2012 witnesses that in experimental group in indicator improved by 1.88 sec, in control – by 1.59 sec., though percentage of pupils with “high level” results in control group was less after experiment: 50% against to 89% in experimental group (р<0.05).

Static balance – ability to keep stable posture- of junior schoolchildren, who participated in experiment, was lower in comparison with healthy people (20-22 sec). Indicator of static balance of experimental group after experiment was 18.6±1.42 sec.; in control it was 17.8±1.69 sec. (р<0.05). In experimental group this indicator was by 2.4 sec. better than in comparison with data of L.L. Kharchenko, in control group it was better by 1.6 sec. Though, comparing with healthy children it was worse by accordingly 2.4 and 3.2 sec.

Rather significant lagging in regulation of movements were found by us during Hed’s test, which was conducted for mentally defective junior schoolchildren. For example, quantity of mistakes, which were made by pupils looking in mirror, reached, in average, in experimental group to 7.9±0.45 mistakes; in control group – 8.1±0.39 mistakes and was nearly at the same level that was noted by T.A. Bobyliova in her work for children from High North (8.1±0.62 mistakes). In 2012 this indicator improved by 7% (р<0.05) in experimental group and by 5% in control (р>0.05). Though literature data witness that for healthy children Hed’s test resulted in 4.3±0.41 mistakes.

Indicator of flexibility, which was determined with forward torso bent from sitting position (cm), in average was for experimental group in 2011 3.55±0.99 cm, for control – 4.82±1.02 cm (р>0.05) that corresponds to average level of this indicator for healthy children (Zh.K. Kholodov, 2002).

In spite of the fact that average-sample indicator for experimental and control groups does not confidently differ (р>0.05), within separate sample (group of children), it has rather wide range of variation – up to 8-9 cm. In connection with rather low indicators of flexibility, in 2011, we recommended to physical culture instructor to practice differentiated approach in choosing of exercises for development of this physical quality.

It should be noted that during 2012 flexibility of experimental group children improved from 3.5 cm (average data of sample for 2008) up to 16.5 cm (2009), i.e. 4.7 times (р<0.001), or by 13 cm. achievements of children were also rather significant: from 9 to 17 cm. Confident improvement of this indicator was registered in control group as well: 2.7 times, or 7.5 cm (р<0.01). Thus, sensitive period of flexibility’s development of mentally defective children coincides with the same period of healthy children (of 9 – 10 years old age). Targeted development of flexibility improved 2 and more times indicators of initial testing of 8-9 years old age children.

Thus, indicators of some motion functions of junior schoolchildren have confidently improved.


Conclusions: 1. The developed by us and recommended for implementation in educational process rehabilitation

program for development and correction of motor functions of mentally defective children is effective and accessible for correction of coordination and flexibility.

2. Current control of some motor functions in the process of rehabilitation program’s implementation in educational process permitted to determine confident improvement of such indicators as flexibility and coordination (on example of normative “shuttle run 4x9 m”, sec.). It was determined that sensitive period of flexibility’s development of mentally defective children coincides with the same period of healthy children (of 9 – 10 years old age). Targeted development of flexibility improved 2 and more times indicators of initial testing of 8-9 years old age children. It is connected with improvement of ability to relax muscles – an integral condition of optimal and more coordinated spontaneous movements.

The prospects of further researches imply improvement of rehabilitation program for motion functions’ correction of mentally defective children.

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6. Kozina Zh.L., Iermakov S.S., Prusik Kristof. Pedagogika, psihologia ta mediko-biologicni problemi fizicnogo vihovanna i sportu [Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports], 2011, vol. 2, pp. 54-67.

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Kozina Zh.L.1, Ilnizaya A.S. 1, Kolomiez N.A. 2, Barybina L.N. 3, Cieślicka Mirosława4, Stankiewicz Błażej4, Pilewska Wiesława4

Kharkov National Pedagogical University1 Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts2

Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics3 Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz4

Annotation. Purpose: To identify the influence of complex application procedures bodyflex and pilates using information and communication technologies on the students’ level of functionality. Material: The study involved 46 students. Measured indicators: blood pressure, stroke volume, heart rate at rest and during exercise. Identify indicators of submaximal performance, autonomic balance. Results: There was a significant increase in young stroke volume - from 58 ml. to 62.1 ml., the threshold of anaerobic metabolism of 123.4 beats/min to 141.4 beats/min. The girls showed a significant increase in stroke volume - from 58.3 ml to 62.5 ml., the threshold of anaerobic metabolism of 123.7 beats/min. to 143.3 beats/min. Found an increase in performance power supply systems (S.A. Dushanin technique). Marked improvement in efficiency of the cardiovascular system (increased heart rate variability from 322.12 ms to 354.43 ms, reduced mode amplitude values of RR-intervals from 34.09 % to 21.54 %. Submaximal increase of capacity of students. Conclusions: complex application systems bodyflex and pilates enhances the functionality students. Keywords: students, preparedness, information, communication, education, culture, health, technology, bodyflex, pilates.

Introduction1 In physical education of students there is a number of problems, such as low physical fitness of boys and girls,

practically complete absence of accomplishment in the sphere of physical culture, need in improvement of students’ health, accidents at physical education trainings, demand in creation of differentiated approach to physical education and its individualization, low attendance of physical culture classes and many other. One of the ways of such problems’ solution is development and implementation of modern health related systems with using of informational-communication technologies in academic process of physical education at HEE [1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14].

It is known that at present neatly 90% of youth have health problems and more than 50% have low physical fitness [15, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27]. In opinion of a number of authors [12, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30, 31], most of students have no demand in taking care of own health and have no wish to practice physical exercises, even at leisure time [22, 23, 24, 31]. Students are indifferent to compulsory physical trainings [8].

In this connection implementation of new health related methodic with using of informational-communication technologies in students’ physical education is rather urgent and timely.

The research has been carried out in compliance with combined plan of scientific & research works for 2011-2015 by topic 2.4 “Theoretical-methodic principles of individualization in physical education and sports” (state registration No. 0112U002001) and by state financed topic for 2013-2014 “Theoretical-methodic principles of application of informational, pedagogic and medical-biological technologies for formation of healthy life style” (state registration No. 0113U002003).

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the research is to determine complex influence of bodyflex and pilates methodic, used with the

help of informational-communication technologies, on functional abilities of higher educational establishments’ students.

The methods of the research: physiological methods (determination of BP, blood stroke volume, heart beats' rate in rest and under physical load, capacity of organism's energy supply systems by S.A. Dushanin’s methodic, determination of sub-maximal workability, determination of vegetative balance by R.M. Bayevskiy’s methodic).

In our research 46 students of Kharkov national pedagogic university, named after G.S. Skovoroda took part (24 students – control group and 22- experimental).

Results of the research As an experimental program of physical education we worked out system of application of bodyflex and

pilates with using of informational-communication technologies. The system consists of author’s modification of bodyflex and pilates, their combination and using of

informational-communication technologies. [2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16]. Besides, in connection with necessity in increasing of students’ accomplishment in physical education [2, 3, 4,

5, 6, 16, 19] we created internet-blog on server “In contact” in the form of social group, named “Sports and motivations. Nothing personal” (, in which we placed motivating photos, practical recommendations on © Kozina Zh.L., Ilnizaya A.S., Kolomiez N.A.,

Barybina L.N., Cieślicka Mirosława, Stankiewicz Błażej, Pilewska Wiesława, 2013 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.899192


correct diets, information about healthy life style, music for trainings. Besides, in this blog we elucidate some fitness methodic, opened topics for on-line communication of visitors (discussions). Internet blog is a convenient, effective and reliable in using, with simple and clear interface.

One of the aspects of this internet blog was elucidating of problems, connected with application of modern health related technologies, such as bodyflex and pilates.

For boys of experimental group our methodic resulted in confident increasing of stroke blood volume from 58 ml to 62.1 ml (р<0.001), while at control group such changes were not confident. HBR in rest indicators of experimental group boys reduced from 72.6 b.p.m -1 to 63.5 b.p.m.-1 (р<0.001), while at control group HBR remained 72-73 b.p.m.-1. It should be noted that stroke blood volume and HBR in rest are indicators of efficiency of cardio-vascular system’s work.

It was also proved by data about increasing of HBR up to threshold of anaerobic metabolism: at experimental group this indicator increased from123.4 b.p.m.-1 to 141.4 b.p.m.-1 (р<0.001). At control group such changes were not confident (HBR before experiment was 128.3 b.p.m.-1, HBR after experiment was 127.0 b.p.m.-1, р>0.05).

The same changes were in experimental and control groups of girls. Experimental group’s girls showed confident increase of stroke blood volume – from 58.3 ml to 62.5 ml (р<0.001), while at control group of girls such changes were not confident. In girls’ experimental group HBR of rest reduced from 73.4 b.p.m. -1 to 61.5 b.p.m. -1 (р<0.001), while at control group changes og HBR of rest after experiment were unconfident (р>0.05), HBR of control group’s girls remained 73 b.p.m.-1 (see fig.1).

The obtained results witness about improvement of organism’s functional systems’ efficiency. It was also proved by data about increasing of HBR, at threshold of anaerobic metabolism: this indicator of experimental group’s girlls increased after experiment from 123.7 b.p.m.-1 to 143.3 b.p.m.-1 (р<0.001) (see fig.1). The same changes at girls’ control group were not confident (HBR before experiment was 128.3 b.p.m.-1, HBR after experiment was 128.9 b.p.m.-

1, р>0.05). (see fig.1).



1 2 3 4

Testing options




, bea



HR - threshold of anaerobic metabolism 1HR - threshold of anaerobic metabolism 2HR - repose 1HR - repose 2

Fig.1. Heart beats’ rate in rest and at threshold of anaerobic metabolism at girls’ control group (n=24) and at girls’ experimental group (n=22) before and after experiment:

1 – experimental group, HBR; 2 – control group, HBR; 3 – experimental group, HBR in rest; 4 – control group, HBR in rest; ** - differences are confident with р<0.001; Thus, in our research we obtained results, which witness about positive influence of bodyflex and pilates on

functional abilities of students. In this connection it should be noted that our research corresponded to modern requirements concerning

construction of academic process on physical education and to experimental foundation of effectiveness of innovative technologies’ application in physical education, which would be attractive for youth, would not take much time and be sufficiently accessible and effective in practice. Bodyflex and piulats are examples of such technologies.

Experiment resulted in increasing of indicators of organism’s energy supply systems. For example experimental group’s boys showed increase of capacity of creatine-phosphate energy supply system from 27.2 conv. un. to 31 conv.un. (р<0.001); capacity of lactate energy supply system increased from 28.5 conv.un. to 31 conv.un. (р<0.001). In boys’ control group there was no such improvement: capacity of creatine-phosphate energy supply system


remained equal to 28.5-28.9 conv.un. (р>0.05); capacity of lactate energy supply system remained at level 28.6-28.7 conv.un. (р>0.05).

The same changes took place in experimental and control groups of girls. In girls’ experimental group capacity of creatine-phosphate energy supply system increased from 27.0 conv.un. to 30.5 conv.un. (р<0.001); capacity of lactate energy supply system increased from 27.3 conv.un. to 29.5 conv.un. (р<0.001). In girls’ control group we didn’t notice any such changes: capacity of creatine-phosphate energy supply system remained at level of 28.4-28.6 conv.un. (р>0.05), capacity of lactate energy supply system remained at level of 28.2-28.4 conv.un. (р>0.05).

Results of РWC170 test witness about increase of sub-maximal workability of experimental group’s students-boys. For example indicators of РWC170 test increased from 705.5 kg.m.min -1 to 790,4 kg.m.min.-1 (р<0.001). Indicators of relative РWC170 values increased from 10.9 kg.m.min.-1 to 12.0 kg.m.min.-1 (р<0.01). The same indicators of control group’s boys decreased, by the end of experiment, from 705.3 kg.m.min. -1 to 695.0 kg.m.min. -1 (р>0.05). The same concerns relative values of РWC170. The obtained data witness that without influence of purposeful training aerobic endurance reduces that is negative for students.

The same changes were characteristic for girls’ РWC170 relative indicators. In experimental group there was registered a trend for increase of РWC170, relative indicators. As a result of our methodic this indicator increased by 2.23 kg.m.min. -1·kg-1 (р<0.01). In control group indicator of relative РWC170 reduced by 3.68 kg.m.min. -1·kg1.









1 2






Testing period

before E after E

Fig.2. Indicators of workability of control (n=24) and experimental (n=22)girls’ groups before and after experiment:

1 – experimental group; 2 – control group; * - differences are confident with р<0.05; before E – before experiment; after E – after experiment. In girls’ experimental group increase of РWC170 indicators was more expressive than in boys group. For

example, absolute indicators of РWC170 in girls’ experimental group increased from 445.8 kg.m.min -1 to 517.2 kg.m.min -1 (р<0.001), while in girls’ control group the same indicator remained practically unchanged (р>0.05) (see fig.2). РWC170 relative indicator in girls’ experimental group increased from 8.2 kg.m.min -1. kg -1 to до 9.7 kg.m.min -1. kg -1, and it was confident change (р<0.01). In control group change of relative values of РWC170 was unconfident (р>0.05).

The obtained data witness about positive influence of created by us methodic of interactive technologies’ application for formation of students’ healthy life style as far as improvement of sub-maximal workability is one of the basic indicators of organism’s functional state.

As a result of our experiment experimental group’s boys showed reduction of systolic and diastolic BP in rest up to normal: from 129.5/84.1 mm.merc.col. to125.7/78.7 mm.merc.col. (р<0.001) (bpys) and from 133.7 / 86.2 mm.merc.col.. to 122.2/77.4 mm.merc.col. (р<0.001) (girls).

In control groups BP indicators changed unconfidently (р>0.05). As a result of experiment in boys’ experimental group the level of sympathetic imbalance also increased. Improvement of cardio-vascular system’s efficiency in rest in experimental boys’ group was witnessed also by

increasing of variability of heart rhythm (from 322.12 m.sec. to 354.43 m.sec.), by decreasing of amplitude of RR-intervals’ modes (from 34.09% to 21.54%) (р<0.001), by decreasing of HBR in rest (from 72.00 b.p.m.-1 to 63.52 b.p.m.-1) (р<0.001).

In control group such changes were not practically expressed (р>0.05).


Conclusions: 1. We have proved positive influence of bodyflex and pilates in author’s modification on students’ functional

abilities and it was witnessed by confident increasing of stroke blood volume (р<0.001), by reducing of HBR indicators in rest (р<0.001), by increasing of HBR at threshold of anaerobic metabolism (р<0.001) in boys’ and girls’ experimental groups. We found reduction of systolic and diastolic BP up to normal value of experimental groups' boys and girls (р<0.001). We registered increasing of efficiency of cardio-vascular system’s work in rest of experimental groups’ students and it was witnessed by increasing of variability of heart rhythm, by reducing of amplitude of PR-R intervals’ modes (р<0.001) of experimental groups’ students. In control groups such changes were not confident (р>0.05).

2. We have determined that experiment resulted in increasing of experimental groups’ students of energy supply systems’ indicators, which were registered by methodic of S.A. Dushanin. We have found increase of sub-maximal workability of students, which resulted from the applied by us methodic: in boys’ experimental group РWC170 test results increased from705.5 kg.m.min -1. to 790.4 kg.m.min -1 (р<0.001),; in girls’ experimental group – from 445.8 kg.m.min -1 to 517.2 kg.m.min -1 (р<0.001); indicators of relative values of РWC170 in boys’ experimental group increased from 10.9 kg.m.min -1. kg -1 to 12.0 kg.m.min -1. kg -1 (р<0.01); in girls’ experimental group – from 8.2 kg.m.min -1. kg -1 to 9.7 kg.m.min -1. kg -1 (р<0.01). In control groups such changes were unconfident. (р>0,05).

The prospects of further researches imply improvement of health related technologies’ systems, oriented on development of students’ functional abilities.


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Kutek T.B. Zhytomyr State I. Franko University

Annotation. Purpose. Develop the structure and content of improved conceptual model of long-term management training of qualified athletes. Model will be the basis for building training process based on accurate quantitative characteristics of all parties preparedness athletes. Material. Two groups of skilled athletes who were assigned to the fundamental differences in the ways to achieve competitive results and differences in the structure of the special physical and technical readiness (group: speed, power). Results. Found that the role and importance of individualization of training increases by stages and in-depth expertise - especially at the stage of maximum realization of individual empowerment. It was found that athletes training process efficiency is greatly enhanced when training loads focused on maximizing individual. Conclusions. Improved conceptual model of the system control long-term training athletes should be viewed as a collection of various structural elements subordinate to the main strategic objective decision - to achieve high results. Keywords: management, concept, forecasting, planning, performance.

Introduction1 Recent years Ukrainian sportswomen, who specialize in track and field jumps, can not win at international

competitions. This fact stimulates specialists for searching of more effective management of sportswomen many years’ training. The most important condition of improvement of training management’s quality is promptness and accuracy of management’s influence on the base of timely sport training’s correction with the help of modern scientific methodic, perfection of conceptual management model of qualified sportswomen’s many years training.

Up to date training process of qualified sportswomen, who specialize in track and field jumps, has complex structure of interconnected components, which are oriented on improvement of general and special fitness, sportsmanship, education of will qualities [1, 2–4, 7, 17]. The highest effectiveness of sport training is ensured by purposeful development of special physical qualities and improvement of sportswomen’s motion functioning at different stages of training [5, 6, 8, 11, 16, 18, 20]. In order to control training process and compare the controlled values we developed model characteristics of sportswomen and determined main parameters of techniques and special physical qualities for certain stages of sport training [3, 6, 9–11, 13, 16, 21].

The existing system of training process’s management is based on three main tasks [1, 2, 4, 7, 15, 25, 26]: 1. Determination of main parameters of special and technical sportswomen’s fitness. 2. Achievement of middle level of model characteristics’ indicators in training process. 3. Individual planning of sportswomen’s training process, considering lagging behind links of special and

technical fitness. The present research was fulfilled as per topic 2.11 “Theoretical-methodic principles of training’s management

of sportswomen, who specialize in track and field jumps” of combined plan of scientific & research work in sphere of physical culture and sports for 2011-2015 of Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine. State registration No. 0111U003839.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is to develop structure and content of conceptual model of many years training’s

management of qualified sportswomen, who specialize in track and field jumps, which would be a basis for construction of training process, considering precise quantitative characteristics of all sides of sportswomen’s fitness.

Results of the research The most important task of training’s management is organization of managing actions’ complex with

final target to transfer sportswomen’s functional state to higher level that effectively influence on special workability and technical sportsmanship of qualified sportswomen.

One of the most important conditions for solution of this task is increasing of management’s promptness on the base of timely correction of training process. Optimization of training process in modern conditions can not be built only on the base of personal intuition and experience of a coach. Training is carried out more effectively when using principles of management, which include constant feedback and prompt correcting managing influences. Results of sportswomen’s training and competition functioning shall be rendered to coach in the form of objective quantitative information about state of organism’s functional state, about main parameters of physical and technical fitness. With it increasing of special physical and technical fitness is ensured by increment of power of organism’s functional systems.

Analysis of scientific-methodic literature, analysis of document (diaries of self-control of different age sportsmen), pedagogic control research, methods of multi-dimensional statistical analysis witness that improvement of track and field jumps’ training process (in particular high jumps and running long jumps) shall be

© Kutek T.B., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894387


oriented on improvement of efficiency. Demand in increasing of training’s efficiency is proved by changes of loads’ character in annual cycle on different stages of many years training.

Increasing of training’s efficiency can be reflected in the following methodic principles: 1. Selection of quick, dexterous girls for training of track and field jumps and specializing in them. 2. At the stage of initial specialization formation of efficient “quick” variant of high and long jumps’

technique with correct time and rhythm-temp structure of movements. 3. Increasing of role of sprinter’s training and rational using of running quickness in support -flight

phases of jump. 4. Intensification of training process at the stages of deep specialization and maximal realization of

individual abilities at the account of application of great quantity of means, which would be adequate to competition exercise (jump from long and middle running, sprinter running in the frames of 95-100% ,running jumps, exercises with weights in “explosive” mode).

5. Increasing of quickness and power of fulfillment of special power exercises with reducing of scope of general power exercises at the stages of maximal realization of individual abilities.

6. Maximal concentration of special training’s means at certain stages of annual cycle (up to 25% per month from annual scope).

7. Improvement of special training with target to improve one kind of track and field jumps. 8. Individualization of qualified sportswomen’s training, i.e. selection of special training means and

individual variant of jump’s technique. 9. Improvement of control exercises’ quality with evaluation of special and technical sportswomen’s

fitness, which, by bio-mechanical parameters, are similar to general exercises and reflect the task of training stage. 10. Increasing of stage duration for maximal realization of individual abilities in order to achieve sport

results of high level. Our researches have shown that one of the main factors preventing from reaching high results by qualified

sportswomen is absence of opportunity to fulfill significant scope of training loads. Great number of exercises is fulfilled with much less intensity of muscular efforts in comparison with co mpetition exercises. The higher sportsmanship is the less effect of exercises, which are fulfilled in ordinary mode, is. Training exercises, which are habitual for a sportswoman, do not improve her special fitness.

Orientation on intensification of training was conditioned, first of all, by increasing of competition practice, restriction of time for training process and, in connection with it, minimization of training efforts and increasing of quickness and power of fulfillment of special training means. That is why, at the stage of deep specialization and maximal realization of individual abilities special means of training shall be maximally approached to general exercises and, if possible, simultaneously solve the tasks of sportsmen’s technical and physical training.

Track and field jumps are speed-power exercises, while improvement of efficiency is, first of all, level of manifestation of quickness and power of these exercises’ fulfillment. Alongside with it, it was determined that application of technical aid and simulators in training process of sportswomen, who specialize in track and field jumps, are either of spontaneous character or do not used at all.

The carried out research showed that role and significance of individual training is improved at the stage of deep specialization and, especially, at the stage of maximal realization of individual abilities, when sportswomen’s adaptation abilities reach maximal level while training loads set maximal requirements to organism’s functional systems. The higher if qualification of sportswomen the better are their individual techniques. It was found that effectiveness of qualified sportswomen’s training significantly improves with application of training loads, which are oriented on maximal using of individual features. Building of technique of competition exercise’s fulfillment, basing on individual strong sides of a sportswoman, with elimination of evident disproportions in her fitness’s structure – is one of effective directions of qualified sportswomen’s training.

Model characteristics were of great importance in improvement of structure and content of conceptual management model of sportswomen’s many years training. Model characteristics of competition activity, of special physical and technical fitness permitted to individualize training process in practice. Comparing individual parameters and training functioning of sportswomen with model values we could choose the most rational ways of training’s methods. If approximation of individual sportswomen’s parameters to traditional models is the most rational way at the stages of initial specialization, then at the stages of deep specialization and maximal realization of individual abilities development of group models of fitness’s different sides is more promising direction. Our researches show that sportswomen, who specialize in high and running long jumps, can be d ivided into groups by principle of likeness of fitness’s structure. Creation of two groups, which were called “quick” and “power”, connected with principal distinctions in directions of achievement of competition result and conditioned by group distinctions in structure of sportswomen’s special physical and technical fitness.

Individual model characteristics of sportswomen, composed on the base of statistical processing of successful attempts’ results, permit to large extent to consider characteristic features of qualified sportswomen’s individual fitness. In practice, group indicators are not always informative for individual sportswomen, who are members of this group. Especially it is characteristic for qualified sportswomen, who reach results owing to h igh


level of certain fitness’s sides with relatively moderate other indicators. That is why, in our opinion, researching of fitness’s individual structure, determination, on this base, possibility of training and competition functioning effectiveness’s improvement are a promising direction of sportswomen training’s perfection.

The structure and content of improved conceptual management model of many years’ training od sportswomen, who specialize in track and field jumps, is a basis of training process’s construction, considering precise quantitative characteristics of all sides of a sportswoman’s fitness. With it, in our opinion, it is purposeful to plan annual cycle of training as per the following schema “from above – downward”: competition result – level of fitness’s different sides – scope and intensity of training means – distribution of training means in annual cycle, meso-cycle, one training.

In this connection prognostication of sportswomen’s efficiency is rather important. Recent years, principally new approach to this problem has been attracting attention to – development and implementation of computer programs, which permit to study, analyze and prognosticate training process at new, higher level. With it sport training is characterized by combination of parameters of special and technical fitness, which ensure achievement of planned sport results and are given in the form of objective quantitative characteristics. Such approach permits to more confidently prognosticate results and correct training process.

Thus, modern training process has rather complex structure of interconnected components, which are oriented on improvement of general and special fitness, sportsmanship, will qualities. The highest effect of sport improvement is ensured with purposeful development of special physical qualities and improvement of sportswoman’s movements at different stages of training. In order to control training process and compare the values to be controlled there developed model characteristics of sportswomen and determined main parameters of technique and special physical qualities for certain stages of training.

In fig.1 we present improved conceptual model of training process’s management at the stage of deep specialization and maximal realization of individual abilities in the base of which there were main tasks to be solved in certain sequence: 1. Testing of sportswomen’s physical fitness. 2. Division of sportswomen into “quick”, speed-power” or “power” group. 3. Prognostication of efficiency of every sportswoman for future years. 4. Determination of model parameters of special physical and technical fitness. 5. Prognostication of training process’s effectiveness in annual cycle. 6. Development of methods of control over level of sportswomen’s special and technical fitness with the help of

computer technologies. 7. Stimulation of recreational processes. 8. Programmed technical training of sportswomen with the help of technical aids. 9. Correction of training process in the course of successive solution of prognostication tasks of training process’s

effectiveness. 10. Individual planning of training process of sportswomen, considering peculiarities of their special physical and

technical fitness.


Fig.1. Improved conceptual management model of many years training process of sportswomen, specializing in track and

field jumps

Distribution into groups


Qualified sportswomen

Model parameters of technical fitness

Model parameters of technical fitness

Model parameters of technical fitness

Model parameters of technical fitness

Model parameters of technical fitness

Model parameters of technical fitness

Tests for physical and technical fitness

Prognostication of sportswoman’s efficiency for future years

Prognostication of sportswoman’s efficiency for future years

Advantage of speed-power components

Advantage of speed-power components

Advantage of power components

Tests for physical fitness

Prognostication of sportswoman’s efficiency for future years

Prognostication of sportswoman’s efficiency for future years

Prognostication of sportswoman’s efficiency for future years

Prognostication of training’s effectiveness in annual cycle

Prognostication of training’s effectiveness in annual cycle

Prognostication of training’s effectiveness in annual cycle

Individual planning Individual planning

Individual planning

Correction of training process Correction of training process

Correction of training process

Stimulation of recreational processes

Stimulation of recreational processes

Stimulation of recreational processes

Programmed technical training with the help of technical aids

Programmed technical training with the help of technical aids

Programmed technical training with the help of technical aids

Control over special physical and technical fitness

Control over special physical and technical fitness

Control over special physical and technical fitness


Conclusions: Thus, results of our researches witness that improved conceptual management model of many years training

process of sportswomen, specializing in track and field jumps shall be regarded as combination of different structural elements, oriented on solution of main strategic task – achievement of high sport result.

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Poltava University of Economics and Trade Annotation. Purpose. Gender identity manifestations in schoolchildren were investigated. Material. The study involved schoolchildren of 3 -11th forms of the secondary schools (206 – boys, 213 - girls). For the research of age peculiarities in psychological gender, a questioner worked out by Sundry Bam which consists of 60 statements was used. Results. A number of aspects of self description which have different psychological characteristics in boys and girls were analysed. A peculiarity of gender identity in schoolchildren, which was identified by the overall number of respondents in whom the androgens personality type was identified, was singled out. Out of 206 boys – 90% have an androgens index, as for the girls – 69.5% refer to androgens personality type. The presence of feminine character qualities in boys and masculine – in girls was found out, which proves maximal development of feminine and masculine in one person. This will help social adaptation of schoolchildren. Conclusions. Physical education has enormous potential emotional and physical impact on the formation of gender identity of students and their notions of femininity and masculinity. This can directly affect the formation of life value orientations students in general, including the formation of values in the sphere of physical culture. Keywords: masculinity, femininity, androgenity, gender, identity, schoolchildren, physical education, sport.

Introduction1 Recent time scientists have been paying great attention to gender distinctions, carrying out scientific researches

in different spheres of human activity. Gender, like race, nationality and class, is an important category, which to large extent determines social

possibilities of every person [16]. As far as term ―sex‖ has several meanings, then with determining difference between male and female

qualities, term ―gender‖ is used. In 50-60-s American psychologist Robert Staller offered term ―gender‖ to be used alongside with biological

―sex‖. Basing on the fact that biological roles of men and women do not change, while social requirements to men and women are historically variable, we may say that phenomenon, called ―gender‖ has been existing always, though in integral connection with biological dichotomy of sexes (distribution into two sexes). Change of such global historical epochs of mankind as matriarchy and patriarchy is an approval of this 6].

Modern Ukrainian society is at such stage of its development, where knowledge and information are the main resource and driving force of its effective existence, where higher education forms new intellectually and physically developed personality, who possesses formed gender consciousness concerning realization of his (her) rights and possibilities [8]. And as on to-day there exists an acute problem of gender approach to teaching and education of rising generation. Research of gender problems in sphere of physical culture has not been widely spread, but demand in development and propaganda of gender researches in sphere of physical culture and sports shall not been ignored [3].

Analysis of documents, observations, results of questionings, analysis of scientific literature permit to affirm that modern state of physical culture demonstrate some contradictions in sphere of gender approach to physical education in general. Scientists noted that especially acute is the problem of gender differentiation, connected with action (B.D. Yelkonin, 2001). Program of physical education of comprehensive schools was intended for mean-statistical child and envisaged development only in test normative for boys and girls. But unfortunately it does not consider gender approach to formation of child’s personality that can deform process of development and negatively influence on health [13].

Common education and teaching at schools is called by V.F. Bazarniy (2205) ―sexless‖, noting that during several generations, there took place disappearance of sex-personality’s personification of young people (especially boys). This resulted in inhibition and neutralization of male bents of boys and female – of girls, even on genetic level [1].

In theory of physical culture, more than in any other humanitarian discipline, natural principles of sex distinctions are constantly considered. Numerous researches in the field of sports concern, in general, sex dimorphism (S. Sokha, 1991; M. Mesner, 2000; Ya. Shakhlina, 2006; 2010; Maers A. M., Lips H. M.,1978). Problems of gender education were studied by such scientists as O.L. Zdravomyslova, A.S. Moskaliova, L.V. Popova, LV. Shtyliova.

Analysis of scientific researches in gender approach to physical education of schoolchildren’s physical education in general concerns registration of girls and boys contingent, when passing standard tests, with health related sport trainings and development of interest to physical trainings [6, 18, 20, 23]. Scientists also regard gender approach to formation of healthy life style of junior schoolchildren [13].

However, in studied by us literature there was no works, which would deal with gender peculiarities of formation of schoolchildren’s value orientation in sphere of physical culture and sports for formation and

© Marchenko O.Y., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894388


implementation of gender approach to physical education of youth. For researching of this question we think it necessary to, first of all, determine characteristics of gender identity of schoolchildren of different age.

Our researches were fulfilled in the frames of scientific & research works, approved by Ministry of education & science, youth and sports of Ukraine, code 3.1 ―Improvement of program-normative principles of physical education at lessons‖ №01110001733 УДК/7/ДВ/077.5.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is studying of schoolchildren’s gender identity. For solution of our tasks we used the following methods of the research: theoretical analysis and

generalization of scientific-methodic literature’s data, psychological testing by questionnaire of S. Bem, mathematical-statistical processing of results.

In researches schoolchildren of 3 – 11 forms (419 persons – 206 boys and 213 girls) of comprehensive schools No.13 and No.14 of Poltava participated.

Results of the research Terms ―masculinity‖ and ―femininity‖ are standard ideas about psychological and behavioral qualities,

characteristic for men and women, which are connected with differentiation of sex roles. On this base S..Bem developed conception of androgyny (actually – third gender), which gave impulse to world science for reviewing of traditional psychological ideas about ―masculinity‖ and ―femininity‖ [2].

Masculine type is characterized by higher expressiveness of such personality’s qualities as indispensability, persistence, bent to possess, bent to defend own ideas, bent to risk, analytical thinking, self-confidence, self –containment [4, 5]. Feminine type of personality have such features as shyness, tenderness, detachment, sympathy, ability to console, heartedness, softness, credulity and love for children [4, 5].

Androgyny type includes approximately in equal degree masculine and feminine qualities of personality, which are manifested in combination of traditionally male and female characteristics in one person. In the opinion of scientists people of androgyny type are the most adapted to life, feel the leas quantity of stresses, connected with sex-role conflicts [2, 4, 5].

For determination of schoolchildren’s gender identity respondents were offered to be tested as per questionnaire of Sandra Bem, which included 60 characteristics of personality. The participants should have mark out their own, In their opinion, characteristics. Further we determined indicators of masculinity, femininity and androgyny with special formula.

Results of our research showed that most of boys and girls, independent on their age, are of androgyny type of personality.

Table 1 Results of gender identity’s research (by S.Bem)

Form Quantity of schoolchildren


Masculinity Androgyny Femininity

Quantity % Quantity % Quantity %

3 29 1 3.45 28 96.55 0 0

5 16 0 0 16 100 0 0

6 23 1 8.7 21 91.3 1 4.35

7 15 0 0 14 93.3 1 6.67

8 22 1 4.5 21 95.45 0 0

9 38 2 10.53 36 94.74 0 0

10 12 0 0 12 100 0 0

11 25 3 12 22 88 0 0

Body building 16 2 12.5 12 75 2 12.5

The-quon do 11 0 0 11 100 0 0


Table 2 Results of gender identity’s research (by S.Bem)

Form Quantity of schoolchildren


Masculinity Androgyny Femininity

Quantity % Quantity % Quantity %

3 25 0 0 18 72 7 28

5 27 0 0 20 74.7 7 25.9

6 17 1 5.8 10 58.8 6 35.2

7 12 0 0 11 91.6 1 8.3

8 21 0 0 15 71.4 6 28.5

9 26 2 7.69 17 65.38 7 26.9

10 15 0 0 11 73.3 4 26.6

11 30 0 0 21 70 9 30

The-quon do 4 1 25 3 75 0 0

Special health group

35 0 0 22 62.86 13 37.1

From 206 boys, who took part in testing, 90% have indicator of androgyny (see table 1). It makes up 194

persons. Only 5 boys, who practice body building and wrestling, have masculine gender identity. Some boys (3 persons) belong to feminine type. i.e. they marked out more feminine qualities in themselves.

Among 213 girls, 148 are of androgyny type (see table 2). It is 69.8%. 30.3% belong to feminine type. Three girls have masculine characteristics. One of them practices the-quon don, other two – swimming. The highest quantity of girls, who have feminine characteristics are first year girl-students of HEE, who, by results of medical examinations, were the members of special health group.

But, in spite of the fact that most of boys and girls are of androgyny type, we carried out separate analysis of qualities, marked out by respondents (by their own opinion).

―Self-confidence‖ is a feature or personality, who is purposeful and have belief in own forces. This quality was marked out by most of respondent, independent on their age.

Boys and girls from 3rd to 6th forms (90-100%) marked this characteristic. Further, from 7th to 10th form percentage of girls, who marked ―self-confidence‖, decreased. It is interesting that 100% of boys, who practice sports, marked ―self-confidence‖. Difference between boys and girls was 30-40% in favor of boys.

With difference 10-15% such quality as ―buoyancy‖ was marked more often by boys. ―Strong personality‖ – is a quality, which belong to masculine type. In spite of this only 20% of 7th form boys

and 16.6% of 10th form boys noted this characteristic. ―Persistence‖ is an indicator, which belongs, in opinion of scientists, to masculine characteristics and it is

proved by results of our research. Boys marked this quality by 15-20% more often than girls. ―Courage‖ – is purely male characteristic. 80-100% of boys marked this feature. It is interesting that 96.5% of

3rd form boys marked this feature. In this case we should note that choice of this quality by 3rd form pupils (8 years old) is more desirable than actual their characteristic. In our opinion it can be the result of education at school of sex-role stereotypes, which are an integral part of sex-role approach in teaching and education. We see that even at 8 years old age boys mark those qualities, which, in their opinion, should be compulsory for real men, but not those qualities, which actually they possess. This fact is approved also by such characteristic as ―athleticism‖. 86.2% of 3rd form boys sooner strive for being athletically built and the desired they take as real. While boys, who practice body building, take themselves more critically. Only 68.7% of them marked this characteristic.

Girls did not show any interest to ―athleticism‖. Only 14.6% of 5 form girls marked this quality and it is necessary to note that all they practice sports. Up to 11th form percentage of ―athletic‖ girls reduced to 13.3% and among first year students, who are the members of special health group, only 11.4% chose ―athleticism‖.


Concerning purely female (feminine) characteristics it should be noted that ―shyness‖ was marked by 62% of 3rd form boys, 33% of 5th form boys, 40% of 7th form and 59% of 8th form boys. Further the percentage of boys, who chose this characteristic, reduced.

―Tenderness‖ we used to consider purely a feminine feature. But 62% of 3rd form boys, 53.9% of 5th form, 53% of 7th form 81% of 8th form and 64% of 11th form boys marked this quality.

―Fidelity‖ was marked mostly by girls. Comparing girls’ age categories we can see that 96% of 3rd form girls marked ―fidelity‖, while only 46% of 9th form girls made the same choice. It is interesting that 87.5% of boys (of 18 years old age), who practice body building, also marked ―fidelity‖ as a feature of their personalities.

―Analytical thinking‖ was marked by 20% higher quantity of boys than girls. Purely male qualities ―bent to risk‖ and ―abilities to leadership‖ were marked more often by boys than by girls.

But 56% of 3rd form girls, 35.7% of 5th form, 41% of 6th form and 46% of 11th form girls mark ―bent to leadership‖. Such characteristic as ―bent to risk‖ was chosen by girls of 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th forms (from 40 to 60%).

I.e. on the one hand we see that actually masculine qualities are marked oftener by boys and feminine qualities – by girls. But it can also result from sex-role education at school, which forms determined stereotype behavior of boys and girls [16]. On the other hand we registered the fact that some boys marked feminine qualities and some girls – masculine. It is proved by total quantity of schoolchildren of androgyny type. Results of researches fulfilled by A. M. Maers, H. M.Lips., S. Spence, R. Helmrich also prove it. Their data witness that girls, who practice sports, excellently combine a number of masculine qualities, having high level of feminine ones [21, 23].

Conclusions: Thus, in spite of a number of critical remarks, addressed to conception of androgyny, it remains to be

significant and is applied in further researches, in Ukraine inclusive. As on to day such ideas as combination of feminine and masculine features of character in one personality is propagated in science.

It is proved by total quantity of schoolchildren with androgyny type of personality. From 206 of boys, - 90% have indicator of androgyny and among 213 girls – 69.5% are of androgyny type. But it should be noted that such purely maculin features as ―courage‖, ―bent to risk‖, ―athleticism‖, ―self-confidence‖, ―bent to leadership‖ were marked by 20-40% oftener by boys than by girls. Purely female features were marked by 40% oftener by girls. They are such features as ―fidelity‖ and ―tenderness‖.

In our opinion physical education has great potential of emotional and physical influence on formation of gender schoolchildren’s identity and their ideas about feminine and masculine. It can directly influence on formation of schoolchildren’s value orientations, including formation of values in sphere of physical culture.

The purpose of our further researches will be studying of different age schoolchildren’s gender peculiarities of formation of motives, interests and values in sphere of physical culture.

References 1 Bazarnij V. F. Obrazovanie i zdorov'e uchashchikhsia [Education and health of pupils], 2005, vol.3, pp. 29-37. 2 Bem S. Linzy gendera [Gender lens], Moscow, 2004, 336 p. 3 Vorozhbitova A. L. Gendernye komponenty teorii fizicheskoj kul'tury [Gender components of the theory of

physical culture], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 2008, 20 p. 4 Groshev I. V. Psikhologiia polovykh razlichij [Psychology of sex differences], Tambov, TSU, 2001, 345 p. 5 Zinchenko V. P., Meshcheriakova B. G. Psikhologicheskij slovar' [Psychological Dictionary], Moscow, Astrel,

2006, 479 p. 6 Il'in E. P. Differencial'naia psikhologiia muzhchiny i zhenshchiny [Differential psychology of men and women],

Sankt Petersburg, Peter, 2007, 544 p. 7 Kagan V. E. Voprosy psikhologii [Questions of psychology], 2000, vol.2, pp. 65-68. 8 Klecina I. S. Voprosy psikhologii [Questions of psychology], 2003, vol.1, pp. 61-79. 9 Klecina I. S. Gendernaia socializaciia [Gender socialization], Sankt Petersburg, 1998, 243 p. 10 Kon I. S. Psikhologiia starsheklassnika [Psychology senior pupil], Moscow, Knowledge, 1980, 192 p. 11 Kon I. S. Pedagogika [Pedagogy], 2006, vol.9, pp. 16 — 22. 12 Majers D. Social'naia psikhologiia [Social psychology], Sankt Petersburg, 2004, 200 p. 13 Tarasenko L. V. Gendernyj podkhod v fizicheskom vospitanii kak faktor ozdorovleniia mladshikh shkol'nikov

[Gender approach in physical education as a factor of improvement of younger students], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 2007, 18 p.

14 Fedorenko E.O. Formuvannia motivaciyi do special'no organizovanoyi rukhovoyi aktivnosti starshoklasnikiv [Formation of motivation to specially organized motor activity seniors], Cand. Diss., Dnepropetrovsk, 2001, 23 p.

15 Fejdimen Dzh., Frejger R. Abram Maslou i psikhologiia lichnosti [Abraham Maslow and personality psychology]. Lichnost' i lichnostnyj rost [Personality and personal development], Moscow, 1994, vol.4, 43 p.

16 Shtyleva L. V. Faktor Pola v obrazovanii [Factor of gender in education], Moscow, PERCE, 2008, 316 p. 17 Iakimovich V. S. Fizicheskaia kul'tura, vospitanie, obrazovaniia, trenirovka [Physical culture, upbringing,

education, training], 2002, vol.1, pp. 58-61. 18 Abraham W. T., Gramer R. E., Fernandes A. M., Mahler E. Infidelity, race and gender: an evolutionary on

asymmetries in subjective distress to violations – of – trust. Current Psychology, winter 2001-2002, vol.20(4). pp. 337-348.


19 Gonsoulin M. Women’s Rights and Women’s Rites: Religion at the Historical Root of Gender Stratification. Electronic journal of Sociology, 2005, vol.1, pp. 16-21.

20 Meyer J. D., Schmidt A. M. Gender political in four contexts: Political interest and values among junior high school students in China, Japan, Mexico and United States. Social Science journal. 2004, vol.41 (3), pp. 393 – 407.

21 Myers A. M., Lips H. M. Participation in competitive amateur sports as a function of psychological and raging. Sox Roles. 1978, vol.4, pp. 571-578.

22 Scott S. Gender: a useful category of historical analysis. The American Historical Review. 1986, vol.91(5), pp. 10 - 67.

23 Spence S., Helmrich R. Androgyny vs. gender schema: A comment of Bem’s gender shame theory. Psychological Review. 1981, vol.88, pp. 365 – 368.



Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University Annotation. Purpose: to determine the effective components of the methodology of coaching students on safety on physical education in the gym. Material: in the experiment involved 90 students aged 17-18 years. Results: the method of forming responsible attitude to the basics of safety during physical training in the gym. Developed special funds: lectures, seminars, analysis of articles, diagnostic interviews, questionnaires, analysis of log data of attendance, log injuries. The criteria of formation responsible attitude to physical training. The results of the implementation methodology. Conclusions: proposed method recommend to instruct students on safety. Use the means of forming a responsible attitude to safety during physical training in the gym that will help reduce injuries and improve quality of the physical training at the university. Keywords: health, personality, safety, technique, tools.

Introduction1 As on to day traumatism is one of the most important pedagogic and medical-social problems for most of

countries in the world. In economically developed countries traumas take third place among reasons of population’s mortality.

Solution of traumatism’s problem in theoretical-methodic aspect is elucidated in works of the following scientists: V.K. Velitchenko (“Physical culture without traumas” describes main reasons of traumatism and recommendations on safety measures); V.F. Baskirov (“Prophylaxis of sportsmen’s traumas” analyzes complex of reasons of traumatism and offers methods of prophylaxis); N. Smauglov, who marks out kinds of traumatism: transport, industrial and sport; also he determines increasing of risks of traumatism during physical trainings [1, 3, 14].

Substantial contribution in prophylaxis of traumas were made by Regulations on safety measures during physical culture and sports trainings at comprehensive educational establishments, approved by Order of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine No. 521, dt. June 1st, 2010, registered at Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, No. 651/1794, dt. August 9th, 2010.

The problem of safety measures during physical culture trainings is a complex one and requires separate, more specific studying concerning development of effective methodic of safety measures’ instruction. The present research is fulfilled within frames of topic “Theoretical principles and methodic conditions of physical and mental potential’s development of students” )approved by scientific council РВНЗ КІПУ minutes № 6 dt. January 28th , 2013)

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work id to determine effective components of safety measures at physical culture trainings

at fitness center instruction methodic for students. The tasks: to mark out criteria of effectiveness of the offered methodic; to analyze results of implementation. Material and methods: in experiment 90 first year students of 17-18 years old age participated. These students

were from Republic higher educational establishment “Crimea engineering-pedagogic university”> In experiment pedagogic and diagnostic methods were used: conviction, explanation, instruction, accustoming, pedagogic demands, observations and other.

Results of the research In conditions of physical culture trainings at fitness center risk of traumatism is rather high. This fact is

stressed by scientists V. Muravyov, N. Sozinova, N. Petrenko. A. Nilolchenko and other [10,11]. Formation of demand in appropriate attitude to health, to safety regulations is stimulation of youth to action, oriented on strengthening and preservation of healthy self-feeling [3]. Let us analyze the reasons of traumatism during physical culture trainings at fitness center: technical reasons – imperfectness of simulators’ technical parameters, construction defects; insufficient level of mechanization, imperfectness of auxiliary devices; organizational reasons – breaching of operation regulations of simulators; insufficient organization of safety; breaching of technological rules; hygienic reasons – insufficient or irrational illumination; increased level of noise, contamination and etc; personal (psycho-physiological) reasons – irresponsible attitude to safety measures, violation of discipline and regulations of training at fitness center, which result in physical and nervous overloads, traumatism [11, 14]. Our practical experience permits to state that personal factors are the most spread reasons of traumatism and overtiredness at fitness center. And that is why irresponsible attitude of both subjects of training process, physical culture instructors and students, to safety measures’ instruction results in negative after effects. That is why we developed and implemented methodic of of students’ safety measures instruction at physical culture trainings at fitness center.

© Mukhamediarov N. N., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894389


Table 1. Methodic of students’ safety measures instruction at physical culture trainings at fitness center

Nos. Components of methodic Means Methods

1 Motivation Talks, discussions Talking, explanation, encouragement, punishment

2 Fascinating Situational examples, vivid video-material

Suggestion, personal example

3 Informational Lectures, analysis of articles and normative documents

Convincing, explanation, instruction

4 Procedural-organizational Exercise from health related methodic Accustoming, pedagogic demands, observations

5 Control Questioning, analysis of journals, attendance of trainings and registration of traumas

Consolidation of skills, control

Motivational component envisages motivation [2, 4, 7] of students for mastering of safety measures’

knowledge and understanding by them of significance of following safety measures for preservation their own health. Fascinating component includes a number of means, which accelerate understanding of safety regulations’

following for preservation of health. Fascinating is increasing of effectiveness of material, which is perceived through application of background influences. The most often fascinating is used for creation of appropriate spectators’ (listeners’) emotional state [4]. Against fascinating background information is perceived much more effectively. In implementation of the methodic we used the following methods: situational examples, vivid video-material, which was translated as background during instruction.

For implementation of informative component we organized instruction for familiarizing with normative documents on safety regulation during physical trainings at fitness center. Instruction on safety measures facilitates not only reducing of traumatism but also forms responsible attitude to physical culture trainings and preservation iof own health in general. Instructions were conducted systemically and purposefully.

Procedural stage stipulates conducting of trainings in fitness center with following safety measures. We used the following methods: accustoming, pedagogic demands, observations. Implementation og control component of the methodic permitted to analyze and correct results of implementation of methodic of students’ safety measures instruction at physical culture trainings at fitness center.

Criteria of effectiveness of the offered methodic are as following: theoretical – students have knowledge of safety regulations at physical culture trainings at fitness center; practical – they follow safety regulations.

At stating stage of experiment we solved the following tasks: studying of formation of responsible attitude to safety regulations; analysis of effectiveness of traditional methods of instructions on safety measures at physical culture trainings at fitness center. 124 students took part in stating stage of experiment. The data of stating experiment witness about middle and low levels of formation of responsible attitude to safety regulations. It is explained by, mainly, firm motivation for studying of normative documents on safety measures. There is no special methodic for instruction on safety measures with motivational and fascinating components.

At formation stage of experiment we implemented methodic of students’ instruction on safety measures at physical culture trainings at fitness center. We formed two groups: experimental (45 students) and control (45 students).

Final stage of the research was generalization of current and summarizing data of diagnostic methodic (analysis of attendance, analysis of traumatism’s register, analysis of questioning and observation results), which reflect dynamic of changes of formation levels of responsible attitude to safety measures at physical culture trainings at fitness center.

Table 2 Comparative table of formation levels of responsible attitude in two groups before and after experiment in %.

Levels of formation Before experiment After experiment Increment of formation levels in % (mean value)

C Е C Е C Е High 2.5 2.6 2.8 49.8 0.3 47.2 Middle 64.9 62.5 66.3 38.6 0.8 23.9 Low 32.6 34.9 30.9 11.6 – 1.7 – 23.3

Conclusions: Results of the research prove that methodic of students’ instruction on safety measures at physical culture

trainings at fitness center, is effective and necessary condition for preservation of health. Further researches imply: the offered methodic can be implemented at higher educational establishments,

however they require additional development of fascinating means for formation of responsible attitude to safety measures at physical culture trainings.


References: 1 Bashkirov V. F. Profilaktika travm u shkol'nikov [Injury prevention among schoolchildren], Moscow, 1987, 109 p. 2 Bezverkhnia G.V., Gonchar G.I. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov [Physical Education of Students], 2012, vol.1,

pp. 18-23. 3 Velitchenko V.K. Fizkul'tura bez travm [Training without injury], Moscow, Knowledge, 1993, 128 p. 4 Il'in E.P. Motivaciia i motivy [Motivation and motives], Sankt Petersburg, Peter, 2003, 508 p. 5 Ilyin E.P. Motivacija i motivu [Motivation and motives]. Saint Petersburg, Peter, 2003. 508 p. 6 Kamaev O.I., Kamaeva E.K. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov tvorceskih special'nostej [Physical Education of the

Students of Creative Profession], 2010, vol.4, pp. 37-39. 7 Kononenko T.P. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov tvorceskih special'nostej [Physical Education of the Students of

Creative Profession], 2008, vol. 1, pp. 86-92. 8 Klimova V.K. Organism Cheloveka kak edynaya samorazvyvayuschayasya and samorehulyruyuschayasya

byolohycheskaya systema. [The human body as a single self-sustaining and self-regulating biological system], Belgorod BelGTASM, 1998. pp. 5-12.

9 Moskalenko N.V., Kovtun A.A. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov [Physical Education of Students], 2012, vol. 3, pp. 83-86.

10 Muravjev V.A, Sozinova N.A. Tehnika bezopasnosti na urokah fizicheskoj kulturu [Safety on physical training lessons], Moscow, 2001, 96 p.

11 Petrenko N. Nikolchev A. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov tvorceskih special'nostej [Physical Education of the Students of Creative Profession], 2009, vol. 1. pp. 123-129.

12 Platonov V.N. Sportivnaia medicina [Sports Medicine], 2006, vol.2, pp. 3-14. 13 Nikiforov G.S. Psihologiya zdorov'ya [Psychology of Health], Sankt Petersburg, Peter, 2003, 607 p. 14 Smagulov N.K., Kozhevnikova N.G. Vestnik KarGU [Bulletin of the KerSU], 2001, vol.3(2), pp. 97-102. 15 Holodov G.K. Kuznecov V.S. Teorija fizicheskogo vospitanija i sporta [Theory of Physical Education and Sport],

Moscow, Academy, 2000, 480 p. 16 Khouli E. Ozdorovitel'nyj fitnes [Wellness and fitness], Kiev, Olympic Literature, 2000, 368 p. 17 Health and Health Behaviour among Young People. WHO Policy Series: Health policy for children and

adolescents Issue 1. International Report. Editor C.Currie, K.Hurrelmann, W.Settertobulte, R.Smith, J.Todd. Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 2000, 132 p.

18 Gebbie K.M., Meier B.M., Bakken S., Carrasquillo O., Formicola A., Aboelela S.W., Glied S., Larson E. Training for Interdisciplinary Health Research: Defining the Required Competencies. Journal of Allied Health, Summer. 2008, vol.37(2), pp. 65-70.

19 Naul R. Concepts of Physical Education in Europe. Hardman, K. (ed.) Physical Education: Deconstruction and Reconstruction - Issues and Directions. Schorndorf: Hofmann. 2003, pp. 35-52.

20 Whitehead M. Counting the human costs: opportunities for and barriers to promoting health. Economic change, social welfare and health in Europe. WHO, Copenhagen. 1994, pp. 59-75.




Mykolaiv Higher Sportsmanship School Annotation. Purpose: to elaborate methods for effective training of sport dancers with help of complex integrated person-centered psychological effect on base of dynamic meditation. Material: 20 dancers at age 40-50 years participated in this research. Duration of the research was 3 hours twice a week within a year. Requirement to the experimental group was ability to dig into condition of dynamic meditation. Psychotherapist initiated them into dynamic meditation. Dancing variations were composed with glance to increasing complexity and dancers’ primary competence. In the state of the dynamic meditation the dancers of the experimental group concentrated their attention on their moving body parts and physical feeling. Results: Mastering new figures and variations process quickened in the experimental group in comparison with control group. Approximately 2-5 hours of the dynamic meditation were necessary for correction of the mechanical skills. The group consolidation with interrelations and friendship improvement was observed. Family and at-work atmosphere improved. Physical and mental activity increased. Soreness passed off. Psycho emotional stability appeared. Conclusions: the dynamic meditation use in complex with psychological methods in the dancers’ experimental group showed its positive influence upon test subjects. The elaborated methods proved pedagogical effect for sports ballroom dances training of seniors category dancers. Keywords: sports dances, dynamic meditation, training, mindset training, skills correction.

Introduction1 Dynamic meditation is now widely spread in martial arts and can be a proto-type of dancing therapy [4].

Dancing therapy is a kind of psycho-therapy, in which movements are used for development of social, cognitive, emotional and physical human life [ 6,14,17,21 ].

Authentic movement is known as method of dancing-motion improvising. Authentic movement is a spontaneous dancing-motion improvising, originating from inner feelings. Patients dance their feelings of inner images.

In Freud technique of dancing therapy it is necessary to manifest feelings, which are hidden in non-conscious, thorough expression of these feelings in dance.

In technique of objective relations there are studied main problems of patient’s life; emotions are expressed during dancing. With the help of dancing therapy patients, expressing their feelings, again sense them and are released from them.

Dynamic meditation is ability to concentrate on movements. Concentration is focusing of attention at one object or idea, with excluding of any other objects. This is main difference of dynamic meditation from dancing therapy, in which movements are spontaneous and reflect mental or somatic condition of an individual.

Osho’s exercises include “dynamic meditations” (meditation in movement), “kundalini meditation” (based on kundalini-yoga), “Nataraj meditation” (variant of Shiva yoga), “ gurisankar meditation” and other [10,12]. Yoga (in Sanscrit – integration, generalization, restriction, subdual, self-control, concentration) – means integration of body and mind, process of uniting of opposite body and mental forces, combination of different spiritual, mental and physical practices, which were developed in different branches of Hinduism and Buddhism and oriented on control of mental and physical organism’s functions for achievement of enlightened spiritual and mental state by an individual [ 2,9,18,19] .

Osho Nataraj meditation is dance as total meditation. It is necessary to dance with closed eyes, in “obsessed” manner, without controlling of movements. Dynamic meditation of Osho was developed in 1970 and consists of 5 stages. But for its practicing it is necessary to be in sufficient physical condition. For example not everybody can breathe quickly through nose during 10 minutes, cry “hu-hu-hu” during 10 minutes and jump up to complete body exhaustion with spontaneous dance at the end.

In oriental martial arts meditation is understood as a state of complete attention to the least signal and alongside with it ability to perceive every such signal simultaneously with other signals.

Disciples of all styles indentified themselves with different animals, for example ninja used special spell and mentally identified themselves with one of mythic beings. For mastering of this method (identification of oneself with image of “ideal” warrior) modern martial art representatives require from 3 to 6 months of hard and many-hours work.

Urgency of the research is conditioned by demand in constant improvement of dancers’ sportsmanship training [3]. Distinction feature off the offered by us methodic is complex, combined influence on sport dancers with psychological methods on the base of dynamic meditation.

Practical significance of our research implies that developed by the author methodic can be used in practice of sport training and sport improvement.

The work has been fulfilled as per plan of scientific & research works of School of higher sportsmanship.

© Omelyanenko V.I., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894390


Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is to develop methodic of complex, combined, personality-oriented psychological

influence on those, who practice sport ball dances, for effective learning of choreography with dynamic meditation in the base.

It was stipulated that complex combined influence on organism of senior dancers with psychological methods based on dynamic meditation would permit to achieve significant effect in health improvement and improvement of sport ball dancing technique.

As an object of the research we chose representatives of sport ball dancing of category “seniors”. The subject of the research is influence of dancing training on psycho-emotional, psycho-somatic state and

sportsmanship of tested of elder age group with the help of psychological methods, based on dynamic meditation. In order to achieve our target we had to solve the following tasks: 1. Work out dancing compositions, corresponding to dancers’ level of fitness. 2. Carry out video recording of dancers’ fulfillment at the beginning of the research and after it. 3. Train dancers to psychological methods of auto-suggestion for correction of mental condition. 4. Train dancers to methods of static and dynamic meditation. The methods of the research: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, testing, pedagogic observation,

methods of psychological influence. Methodic basis of the research id the following: 1. Principle of “change of main activity” by P.Ya. Galperin (1976), A.N. Leontyev (1975), D.B. Yelkonin

(1995). 2. Researching of non-verbal behavior as external manifestation of inner human being by M.Z. Vorobyova

(2000), A. Megrabian (2000), O.A. Petrova (2001), Ye.T. Sokolova (2001) et al. 3. Conception of body-oriented approaches of V.Yu. Baskatov (1993(, M. Feldenkrize (1994). Organization of the research. The research involved 20 dancers of category “seniors” (10 persons –

experimental group and 10 – control group) of 40 – 50 years old age. In the research there were used sport ball dances: slow waltz, Viennese waltz, figure waltz, foxtrot, tango, rumba, cha-cha-cha, jave and samba on the base of School of higher sportsmanship in Nikolayev. The dancers had two trainings a week during year; every training lasted for 3 hours. Experimental group should have been able to immerse in dynamic meditation. Training of dynamic meditation was carried out with the help of hypnotic suggestion. At lessons coach demonstrated figure of sport ball dances in the form of variations and compositions, which were formed considering gradually increasing complexity and initial dancers’ fitness. During dynamic meditation experimental group dancers concentrated attention on mobile parts of body and body senses. Having reached spontaneous level, they concentrated attention to some personal problem of the tested. Operator carried out video-recordings of dancers at initial trainings for further their comparing with dancing technique at final stage of experiment. In order to improve dancing technique we used also video-records of high class dancers and dancing training programs. After dancing trainings there were practiced sessions of ideo-motor, hypnotic ideo-motor trainings, static meditations, Ha Tha yoga and psychological methods from our methodic [5,8,7,13,15,20,22]. All techniques of the applied methodic were offered to be remembered in order for trainees to be able to fulfill them independently at home. Psycho-training sessions were periodically repeated for their mastering of them and for their stronger influence on organism. Period of mastering of dynamic meditation was shortened owing to hypnotic suggestion. Immerse in dynamic meditation was practiced by also dancers, who could not master dynamic meditation; it was realized with the help of hypnotic suggestion. Psychological methodic were in verse form, in booklets; they were pocket manuals for experimental group. We used both modern and traditional (folk) methods. Methods of extra-senses were rejected as anti-scientific ones.

Example 1. Tested S. and G. made mistakes, when fulfilling slow waltz. Having analyzed their mistakes together with coach, they successfully used dynamic medication for correction of their technical level.

Example 2. Tested S. made mistakes in tango. With the help of hypnosis she was suggested that she had forgotten how to fulfill dance figures. Then coach trained her correct figures in dynamic meditation state, without mistakes.

Example 3. In dynamic meditation tested T. and K. imagined that their body was not their “self” (oriental principle “not self”. It permitted to significantly improve dancing technique in dynamic meditation, owing to gained belief in their abilities and releasing form initial contraction of muscles, which negatively influenced on motion functioning.

Example 4. Tested Tz. and Sh. made mistakes in fulfillment of rumba figures. Coach showed correct fulfillment. The tested tried to repeat the shown but were not lucky. In this case there was carried out video recording of movement of the tested and then video recording of the same movements, fulfilled by other dancer without mistakes. The tested analyzed their mistakes, then immersed in dynamic meditation without help and improved their technique in this state.

Example 5. Tested K. and N. danced cha-cha-cha in dynamic meditation, imagining dancing nearby highly qualified couple, and imitated them. In this process they corrected their mistakes, gained self-assertion that facilitated improvement of their dance’s quality.


Example 6. Tested T., in dynamic meditation concentrated attention on one of domestic conflicts and danced until she solved this problem. Thought about this problem caused her negative feelings, which, having reached their peak, became decay up to completely normal level of psycho-emotional and somatic conditions.

Example 7. Tested Sh., K., S., G., Tz., Z., T. shall gaze at wall in sitting position, then close eyes and “see” it mentally. After it, they shall imagine themselves near this wall as they would like to see themselves, looking as if from aside. Then, mentally immersing in these imagined bodies, acquire their improved abilities and feel themselves from new point of view. After repeating this technique for several times the tested improved their mental and physical conditions.

Example 8. Tested S. felt increased anxiety during fulfillment of dances in f eyes of spectators. She was offered to close eyes and imagine herself in cinema, watching film of her imagined performance in front of audience. After repeating of such sessions for several times the tested released from her fear of public.

Example 9. Tested K. and Sh. made mistakes in composition of rumba; in dynamic meditation they identified themselves with dancers of higher class. It improved their dancing level.

Sessions of psycho-correction with application of hypnotic suggestion and psychological methods were conducted by specialist psycho-therapist. Evaluation of psycho-emotional and psycho-somatic state of the tested was carried out with the help of psychological testing and medical examinations; evaluation of sportsmanship was conducted by sport dances coach.

Results of the researches In experimental group, in contrast to control group, the process of mastering of new figures and variations with

correction of sportsmanship and general self-feeling accelerated. At every training 2-3 new figures were mastered. For correction of sportsmanship it was required to conduct 2-3 sessions of dynamic meditation. For the period of the research we noticed consolidation of group, which was expressed in improvement of relations and friendship. Mental and physical functioning improved Irritability disappeared. Psycho-emotional stability appeared.

We chose ball dances for researching because they harmoniously coincide with psychology of people of different age. Musical rhythms of these dances favorably influence on a person, have cure effect with psychic, psycho-somatic and somatic diseases. During dynamic meditations, during dancing there appear a state, when sensation of own body disappears, body as if dissolves in space, all attention is directed to positive emotions, which appear after releasing from problem of the tested. Spontaneous solution of problems is usually accompanied by negative emotions, which were caused by circumstances of the problem.

For improvement of dancing skillfulness concentration of attention on different elements of figures can result in the so-called “stoppage of mind”. As soon as mind “stops” on the fulfilled figure or some other object, body movement worsens, even remembering of next figure worsens technique for sa moment. Remembering of next figure causes ideo-motor act with the imagined figure. In dynamic meditation mind shall continuously move from one figure to other.

Psychological method of Kh. Aliyev was constructed on the base of training of known in oriental religious spontaneous, monotonous movements, executed with minimal effort, most often in different prayers. They are spontaneous head shakings, ideo-motor levitating movements of arms and so on [1] . However, dancers do not require such spontaneous, monotonous movements, because they have wide choice of different movements in combination with ideo-motor act.

Dynamic meditation is the best choice for ball dances. It develops concentration of attention on mobile parts of body, on musical rhythm with development of imaginative and space thinking, with fulfillment of compositions or separate figures, with development of associative links, with formation of reflex arches, with working out of certain stereotype; it improves coordination of movements, improves mood and renders powerful emotional influence on dancers. Simple repetition of movements by one of participants of the research, which is envisaged by some dancing methodic, can be uninteresting and can irritate ambitions of some tested, because many of them are interested im aesthetic feelings and under this condition they are ready to train new figures and compositions of sport ball dances.

During fulfillment of slow waltz dancers accentuated attention on count “one” that coincides with beginning of inhale, which continues on count “two” and finishes at count “three”. This breathing cycle is being repeated during all dance. Such spontaneous breathing favorably influence on whole organism.

During tango breathing becomes hidden, superficial that also positively influences on human health. Application of mirrors. for improvement of dancing techniques, shall be realized cautiously, because it is

possible even worsen skillfulness; the matter is that in mirror right side of body is perceived as left and on the contrary. It switches in work some “mirror” sells of brain, which direct bio-current to not required muscles. Just owing to this fact, in our research we used mirrors only at moments of spontaneous stoppage of movements for evaluation of different fragments of dancing figures.

During dancing eyeballs also move. If to concentrate attention on important problems, then effect, described by F. Shapiro, registered during treatment of his patients, appears [16]. Training continues about 2 hours; this time is quite sufficient to solve conflict situation or improve condition of any organ. Pleasant dancing music reduces negative emotions of dancers and does not permit them to develop. It permits to overcome psychological trauma, in contrast to method of F. Shapiro, that is a substantial advantage of our method. Ball dance gave emotional tint, smooth feelings, which are characteristic for patients with psychic disorders, ensuring effect of desensebilitation, analogous to the effect, registered by F. Shapiro.


It is purposeful to train dynamic meditation after hypnotic ideo-motor sessions for speeding up of meditation’s training [11].

The applied by us psychological methodic and their modifications were presented by us in verse form and serve as pocket manuals for our trainees.

Conclusions: 1.Application of dynamic meditation in complex with psychological methods showed positive influence on

trainees of experimental group, videlicet: their psycho-emotional and psycho-somatic conditions improved. 2. We developed complex combined personality-oriented methodic of sport ball dances’ training for elderly

persons on the base of dynamic meditation with the help of psychological methodic and their modifications. 3. Our methodic proved its pedagogic effectiveness in training of dancing technique of dancers, specializing in

sport ball dances, of category “seniors”. 4. On the base of pedagogic experiment’s results we can recommend wide application of our psychological

methodic as effective method of persons, who train sport choreography. The further researches will be oriented on determination of our methodic’s influence on representatives of

different kinds of sports. References:

1 Aliev Kh.M. Kliuch k sebe [Key to me], Moscow, Veche, 2008, 88 p. 2 Brodov V.V. Istoki filosofskoj mysli Indii [The origins of the philosophical thought of India], Moscow, MSU,

1990, 224 p. 3 Volkov I.P. Ocherki sportivnoj akmeologii [Essays sports acmeology], Sankt Petersburg, BPA, 1998, 127 p. 4 Gagonin S.G. Sportivno-boevye edinoborstva [Sports and martial arts], Sankt Petersburg,, SAPC,1997, 352 p. 5 Karickij I.N. Sovremenye psikhologicheskie praktiki [Modern psychological practice], Yaroslavl, MAPN,2002,

70 p. 6 Koroleva E.A. Soviet ethnography, 1975, vol.5, pp. 147-155. 7 Labunskaia V.A., Shkurko T.A. Psikhologicheskij zhurnal [Psychological Journal], 1999, vol.20(1), pp.31-38. 8 Mak-Nili D. Prikosnovenie [Touch], Moscow, Institute of Humanitarian Research, 1999, 144 p. 9 Majkl Shari. Kniga Vozneseniia [Dossier of the Ascension], Sofia, 2009, 224 p. 10 Osho. Master [Master], Moscow, Sofia, 2003, 486 p. 11 Omel'ianenko V.I., Molonosov A.S. Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical

culture], 1988, vol.11, pp. 52- 54. 12 Bkhagavat Shri Radzhnish (Osho). Bibliia Radzhnisha [Rajneesh Bible], Moscow, Libris, 1995, T.4(2). 66 p. 13 Svami Vishnudevananda. Povna iliustrovana kniga z jogi [Complete illustrated book of yoga], Kiev, Health,

1992, 192 p. 14 Stark A. Tanceval'no-dvigatel'naia terapiia [Dance movement therapy], Yaroslavl, 1994, 173 p. 15 Svami Sivananda. Khatkha-joga [Hatha yoga], Himalayas, 1950, 109 p. 16 Shapiro F. Psikhoterapiia emocional'nykh travm s pomoshch'iu dvizhenij glaz [Psychotherapy emotional

trauma eye movement], Moscow, independent firm "Class", 1998, 232 p. 17 Shkurko T.A. Tanceval'no-ekspressivnyj trening [Expressive dance training], Sankt Petersburg, Speech, 2003,

192 p. 18 Shivananda Svami. Kundalini joga [Kundalini yoga], Cult-Inform-Press, 1993, 182 p. 19 Jog Ramacharaka. Osnovy mirosozercaniia indijskikh jogov [Fundamentals of Indian yogis outlook], The new

man ,1914, 198 p. 20 Endrius T. Magiia tanca [Magic of dance], Moscow, «REFL – book», Kyiv, "Wack - lifeline", 1996, 256 p. 21 Elizabeth A., Gray L. The body remember: Dance movement therapy with an adult survivor of forture.

American Journal of Dance therapy, 2001, vol. 23(1), pp. 31-42. 22 Lewy F. The evolution of modern dance therapy. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1988,

vol. 59, pp. 34-41.




Poproshaev O. V., Chumakov O. V. National University «Legal academy of Ukraine»

Annotation. Purpose: to analyze the anatomic - morphological features of qualified water polo players depending on game role. Material: the study group consisted of 41 athlete. Assessing the level of physical development was carried out in terms of water polo in body size, body weight, chest excursion, lung capacity, power brush. Results: it was found that the central strikers - powerful players with significant muscle mass. They are the following indicators: length of the arm (22%), the length of the tibia (11%), foot length (7%), shoulder width (10%) and vital capacity (11%). Central defenders - tall, sinewy athletes, which is characterized by long limbs. They highlighted the special role of the indicator arm's length (part of which is 34 %) and vital capacity (10%). Midfielders or moving forwards - players of medium height and basic anthropometric indicators inferior players other roles, but exceed them in the values of the indicator lung capacity. Conclusion: these results relate to the functions that do the athletes on the field. Keywords: water polo, water polo player, morphological, defender, forward, middle.

Introduction1 Further improvement of system of Olympic reserve’s training in water polo is impossible without scientific

foundation of all training process’s sides, including anatomic-morphological characteristics of water polo players of different age and qualification, depending on their game roles. Modern level of water polo development implies high requirements to physical condition and physical fitness, in particular to highly qualified players; besides it stipulates determination of most important factors, which to the largest extent influence on achievement of high sport results. As far as functions of players during game and competition functioning are different and, depending on narrow game specialization, have intrinsic to them peculiarities, determination of these peculiarities is an urgent problem as on to day.

Important contribution to solution of this problem was made by works of V.N. Platonov [4], V.N. Chernova [7], D.Ts. Karangjzashvili [1], М.М. Ryzhak [5], N.Zh. Bulgakova [3], Tsekouras Y.E., Kavouras S.A., Campagna A. [17], Webster M.J., Morris M.E., Galna B. [18], Wheeler K., Kefford T., Mosler A., Lebedew A., Lyons K. [19] et al. [6, 8-16]. Though, wide circle of questions have still been remaining unsolved or insufficiently solved.

The work has been fulfilled in compliance with plan of scientific & research works of physical education department No.1 of National university “Law academy of Ukraine, named after Yaroslav Mudriy”.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the work is determination of anatomic-morphological characteristics of qualified water polo

players, depending on game roles. For achievement of this purpose we set the following tasks: 1. Studying of present state of sportsmen’s training system in water polo. 2. Researching of anatomic-morphological characteristics of qualified water polo players, depending on their

game roles (center back, center forward, player of central zone). For solution of these tasks we used commonly accepted methods of research:

1. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific, methodic and special literature; 2. Pedagogic experiment with application of medical-physiological and pedagogical control procedures

(anthropometry: evaluation of physical condition; physiological metering: evaluation of organism’s functional abilities);

3. Methods of mathematical statistics. The methodic of the research: the research was conducted in Kharkov. The tested group was formed of 41

qualified water polo players of different gamer roles: 12 central backs, 12 central forwards and 17 – players of central zone (half backs or forwards). All qualified water polo players were candidate masters of sport and participated in combined teams of Kharkivska region and Kharkov state academy of physical culture.

Evaluation of water polo players’ physical condition was carried out by indicators of longitudinal dimensions of body (length of arm, forearm, hand; length of leg, shin, foot; length of body and torso), by cross dimensions of body (width of shoulders and pelvis), by mass of body, excursion of chest (EC), vital capacity of lungs (VCL) and strength of hand [2].

Results of the research and discussion As far as players’ functions during game and competition functioning are different and, depending on narrow

game specialization, have their own peculiarities, we, with the help of discriminative analysis, determined the most important anatomic-morphological indicators of qualified water polo players, depending on game role. As per results of discriminative analysis we constructed diagrams of significance of qualified water polo players’ anatomic-morphological indicators, depending on their game roles.

© Poproshaev O. V., Chumakov O. V., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894391

















Fig.1. Diagram of significance of anatomic-morphological indicators for central backs

1-length of body (3%), 2-mass of body (10%), 3- length of arm (34%), 4-length of forearm (2%), 5- length of hand (4%), 6-length of leg (1%), 7-length of shin (2%), 8-length of foot (9%), 9-vital capacity of lungs (VCL) (10%), 10- strength of right hand (3%), 11- strength of left hand (2%), 12- excursion of chest (EC) (3%), 13-width of shoulders (6%), 14-length of torso (4%), 15-width of pelvis (7%).

Analysis of diagram of anatomic-morphological indicators’ significance of central backs permitted to mark out special role of arm length indicators (part of which is 34%) and VCL (10%) (see fig. 1). It is connected, first of all, with the fact that central back plays against strong central forwards and, in order to effectively fight with them, he shall have advantage in length of arms that permits to be ahead of central forwards in struggle for ball; with the help of special swimming exercises, jerks and turns (for effective fulfillment of which length of arms and their segments have great significance) more effectively fight for choice of place. It is natural because central backs compete with physically strong central forwards and, yielding to them in physical condition, they shall have high indicators in technical and special swimming condition. Central backs play for choice of place, using their advantage in special swimming preparedness in order not to give adversary’s team to pass ball to central forward. If ball is passed, central backs play in advance, because in other case, if adversary-forward received the ball, there appears dangerous situation near net, which can result in throwing in net, in removal of central back or in goal.

Analyzing the presented diagram of significance of central forwards’ anatomic-morphological indicators, we mark out such indicators as length of arms (22%), length of shim (11%), length of foot (7%), width of shoulders (10%) and VCL (11%) (see fig.2). These indicators are significant because central forwards shall have the following abilities: 1. Strong “press” by legs for holding place on two meters area in fight with central back, instead of 4 or 5 meters area

(that happens, is central backs push central forward rather far off their net). 2. Wide shoulders, in order not to give opportunity for central back to play in advance when carrying ball on “post”. 3. Vital capacity of lungs, which characterizes central forwards as sportsmen with good endurance and workability.

















Fig.2. Diagram of significance of anatomic-morphological indicators for central backs

1-length of body (1%), 2-mass of body (4%), 3- length of arm (22%), 4-length of forearm (2%), 5- length of hand (3%), 6-length of leg (2%), 7-length of shin (11%), 8-length of foot (7%), 9-vital capacity of lungs (VCL) (11%), 10- strength of right hand (6%), 11- strength of left hand (9%), 12- excursion of chest (EC) (1%), 13-width of shoulders (10%), 14-length of torso (7%), 15-width of pelvis (4%).

The obtained results, first of all, are connected with functions, which are fulfilled by central forwards. They are main participants of game, they are strong, have good physical condition and for successful attack they shall have great arsenal of techniques as far as they throw ball in net overcoming resistance of central back; they, in many cases, compete with all adversary’s team, if it plays “safety net”, zone defense or “pulling” to own net.

Analyzing the presented diagram of significance of central zone players’ (half backs or forwards) anatomic-morphological indicators, we mark out that VCL (see fig.3) is of substantial importance. It is connected with the fact that central zone players are the most mobile players, who carry out great scope of work in water, including “rough” work, which requires significant endurance and physical workability that is indirectly depends on VCL. Mobile forwards are, mainly, in constant movement (mobile players), have great arsenal of special swimming techniques in order to outplay “patronizing” him adversary and go to free place, receive ball and throw it in net.
















Fig.3. Diagram of significance of anatomic-morphological indicators for central zone players 1-length of body (1%), 2-mass of body (9%), 3- length of arm (17%), 4-length of forearm (2%), 5- length of hand (0%), 6-length of leg (2%), 7-length of shin (8%), 8-length of foot (10%), 9-vital capacity of lungs (VCL) (22%), 10- strength of right hand (6%), 11- strength of left hand (5%), 12- excursion of chest (EC) (2%), 13-width of shoulders (2%), 14-length of torso (7%), 15-width of pelvis (7%).

Thus, analysis of obtained data permitted to determine anatomic-morphological peculiarities of qualified water polo players of different game role. In fig. 4 we can see that central forwards are strong players with significant muscular mass. Central backs are tall, wiry sportsmen with long limbs. Half backs or mobile forwards are of middle height and by main anthropological indicators yield the players of other roles, but have advantage in VCL indicator, the part of whose significance for whom is maximal (22%).


Central forward Central back

Central zone player (halfback or mobile


Note: one partition is 2.44 cm. Fig.4. Anatomic-morphological characteristics of qualified water polo players of different game roles

Conclusions: 1. For central backs length of arm (part of which is 34% and VCL – 10%) plays special role. It is natural

because central backs compete with well conditioned and strong central forwards and, in order to fight with them effectively, they shall have advantage in length of arms, which permits to be ahead of central forwards in struggle for ball; with special swimming exercises, jerks and turns (which can be the most effectively fulfilled with long arms and their segments) to more effectively fight for choice of place.

2. For central forwards special role is placed by such anatomic-morphological indicators as length of arm (22%), length of shin (11%), length of foot (7%), width of shoulder (10%) and VCL (11%). The obtained results, first of all are connected with functions, fulfilled by central forwards on water. They built game itself, they are strong and physically well-developed, as far as they attack net overcoming resistance of central back; in many cases they compete with all adversary’s team, if it plays “safety net”, zone defense or “pulling” to own net.

3. Analysis of anatomic-morphological indicators’ significance of central zone players (halfbacks or mobile forwards) permitted to determine that for this game role VCL is of greatest importance. It is connected with the fact that central zone players are the most mobile players, who carry out great scope of work in water, including “rough” work, which requires significant endurance and physical workability that is indirectly depends on VCL.

The prospects of further work in this direction can touch interconnection of anatomic-morphological indicators with indicators of special fitness’s structure (special swimming and technical fitness) both of junior and qualified water polo players of different game roles.

References: 1 Karangozashvili D.C. Kontrol' i sovershenstvovanie takticheskoj podgotovki vysokokvalificirovannykh

vaterpolistov [Control and improvement of the tactical training of highly water polo], Cand. Diss., Tbilisi, 1990, 21 p.

2 Markosian A.A. Voprosy vozrastnoj fiziologii [Questions age physiology], Moscow, Knowledge, 1974, 211 p. 3 Bulgakova N. Zh., Afanas'ev V. Z., Makarenko L. P., Morozov S. N., Popov O. I., Chebotareva I. V. Plavanie

[Swimming], Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport, 2001, 400 p. 4 Platonov V.N. Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpijskom sporte [The system of preparation of sportsmen in

Olympic sport], Kiev, Olympic Literature, 2004, 808 p. 5 Ryzhak M.M. Vodnoe polo v vuze [Water polo in high school], Moscow, High school, 1984, 144 p.


6 Poproshaiev O. V., Polishchuk T. V. Dinamika prirostu pokaznikiv rivnia fizichnogo rozvitku u vaterpolistiv 12-15 rokiv [Dynamics of indicators of physical development of water polo players aged 12-15 years]. Sportivna medicina, likuval'na fizkul'tura ta valeologiia – 2006 [The sports medicine, physiotherapy and valeology – 2006], Odessa, OSMU, 2006, pp. 47-49.

7 Chernov V. N., El'gendiev B. T. Teoriia i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniia i sportivnoj trenirovki [Theory and methods of physical education and sports training], 1974, vol.2, pp. 78-87.

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Smirnova Y.V., Saykina E.G. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Annotation. Purpose: to study the need to improve the mental state of first-graders and the possibility of achieving this goal, the lesson of physical culture at the expense of proper use of musical accompaniment exercise. Material: participated in the experiment experimental, control and background group (only 55 students of first class). Results: argues that music has a regulating effect on mental and physiological state of a person. It is noted that the combined effects of exercise and music on the body and psyche of a child reduces total anxiety in school. Also reduces the fear in a meaningful situation knowledge test. Found that the effect of exercise without music and with various embodiments use musical accompaniment in the lesson to address interpersonal relations student and the teacher has no significant difference. Conclusions: as a result of the pedagogical experiment to identify significantly positive, confirming the effectiveness of the technology of managing physical exercise by the musical accompaniment for the performance of most indicators of school anxiety. Keywords: physical education lesson, music, technology, regulation, first grade, school anxiety.

Introduction1 The fulfilled analysis of scientific-methodic literature on official statistics permitted to determine necessity in

improvement of not only physical but also mental pupils’ health. It is conditioned by the fact that top day the process of children’s studying at school is accompanied by a lot of stressful factors, many of which provoke child’s transition from stress to distress.

With it by data of S.S. Filippov and V.V. Zhgutova (2205) who carried out analysis of schoolchildren’s physical condition and factors, which determine it, on the base of scientific researches’ results, a conclusion was made that diseases of nervous-mental sphere has not less (and may be even greater) significance, than abnormalities of physical development. Thus, it is evident, that mental condition is one of the most important components of health.

Considering integral unity and interconnection of human physical and mental condition, in order to solve health related tasks of physical culture lessons we think it is necessary to facilitate improvement of schoolchildren’s mental condition.

Rational, scientifically grounded application of musical accompaniment provides substantial opportunities for solution of this task.

Music has wide spectrum of influence that has been known since ancient times and is proved by researches of domestic and foreign scientists. Special physiological researches showed influence of music on different systems of human being [1, 2, 4, 9. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 et al.]

It was proved that listening to music accelerates heart beats rate; there was found musical irritants’ amplifying influence on pulse, breathing depending on pitch, volume and tone structure of sound, on producing of hormones. Frequency of breathing and heart beats rate changed depending on temp or tonality of music [11, 19, 20 et al.]

Basing on the above mentioned, on the base of inter-disciplinary researches, numerous observations and pedagogic experience we developed regulation technology for physical exercises’ trainings with the help of musical accompaniment.

The present research has been fulfilled as per plan of scientific & research works of RSPU, named after A.I. Gertsen, direction No. 23 “Studying and development of professional and sport abilities in the process of physical culture and sport activities”.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the research is determination of effectiveness of the developed technology intended for

reducing of first-year pupils’ school anxiety. The methods and organization of the research: analysis of scientific-methodic literature, method of pedagogic

projecting, pedagogic experiment. The research was carried out with involving of first year pupils of At. Petersburg. Results of the research At the beginning of studying at school child endures serious mental and psycho-physiological load, which,

sometimes, cause state, called school stress. As per data of scientific researches in Moscow 5-% of first year pupils need psychologists’, psycho-

neurologists’ and logopedists’ aid; the quantity of children with some or another psychological or psychiatric diagnosis is increasing with every year.

Alongside with it, formation of positive attitude to studying, maintaining and strengthening of children’s psycho-somatic health are the tasks of priority at initial stage of school education [14].

© Smirnova Y.V., Saykina E.G., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894392


Accordingly it actualizes regulation of emotional state of first year pupils at physical culture lessons, decreasing the level of school anxiety. For this purpose we developed regulation technology of physical exercises’ trainings with the help of musical accompaniment.

Registration of combined influence of physical exercises’ and music on a person is of special importance for solution of such tasks. It is quite evident that pedagogue shall consider and base, first of all, on physiological responses of trainees’ organisms. In theory and methodic of physical culture there exist clearly worked out for every age contingent of trainees kinds of motion activity and so on, loads and physiological responses. Alongside with it, in musical therapy there are data about physiological responses of human organs and systems to music. However, every of scientific branches regard influence of physical exercises and music separately from each other.

But owing to the fact that in physical culture trainings these two means are used simultaneously it is necessary to consider amplification of their influence on a person.

The above mentioned is especially important for improvement of human mental state that requires separate analysis.

Ye.P. Ilyin (2011) marks out six, the so called, “basic” emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness and surprise. With it, each of the mentioned emotions more or less expressively influences on such main physiological “indicators” as: heart beats rate, temperature of finger, electric conductivity of skin, muscular activity [3].

When working out technology for regulation of trainees’ mental state we considered the following: 1) Emotions are psycho-physiological phenomenon that is why, in the opinion of Ye.P. Ilyin (2011) human

feelings’ originating can be judged about both by self report of a person about his state and by character of excitation (activation) of nervous system, vegetative indicators (heart beats rate, BP, breathing frequency and etc.) and psycho-motor indicators: mimic, pantomimic (posture), motion responses, voice.

2) Negative emotions cause stronger physiological responses than positive, independent on sex, age and cultural belonging. (Ye.P. Ilyin, 2011 et al.) and, accordingly, are more responsible for negative influence on human organism and mentality. With it in case if it is impossible to manifest negative emotions, if it is necessary to suppress them, there can appear not only negative mental states, nervous disorders but also different diseases, which have psycho-somatic ontogeny. Therefore, at lessons, special attention shall be paid just to this aspect.

3) Application of musical accompaniment of physical exercises shall obey not only to general and specific requirements to musical accompaniment but it shall be based on recommendations and data of recent psychological researches of musical therapy specialists. It is necessary to especially underline some scientific facts, determined recent years by psychologists and specialists in musical therapy do not always coincide with recommendations of physical culture specialists, who earlier dealt with application of music in physical culture and sports.

In particular, it was determined that using of optimistic, vigorous music at the beginning of training (that was recommended by nearly all authors, who dealt with application of music in physical culture), causes irritation and even aggression, if trainees are in depression or have other negative emotion states. At the same time, people, who feel psychological comfort, do not feel discomfort from both major and minor music. Therefore, at the beginning of training it is necessary to use minor music when building training process.. It is required in order for trainees could cope with their negative emotions (it is known that in modern conditions many people often feel psychological discomfort).

4) When choosing specific exercises it is necessary to consider the most common for all mankind responses to some or another body senses or movements. For example, deep, slow calm breathing causes relaxed state, while quick, “surface” breathing is associated with anxiety. Movements, directed upward and aside with great amplitude, permit to “cope” with external object and so on.

Technology of physical training process’s regulation with the help of musical accompaniment includes the following elements: physical exercises of different orientation (basing of requirements of curriculum); psycho-motor means of expression (expressive movements); dance movements; creative tasks for individual expression of different emotional states; role plays and musical accompaniment, setting emotional background, image, style and character of movements, combining all specified components in one unity.

Owing to its potential, musical accompaniment is naturally included in all used in the given variant of technology, motion components.

Dancing-figured exercises reflect the mentioned 6 basic emotions. They naturally include, together with physical exercises of different orientation (on coordination, on physical condition, motion abilities, correction and etc.) psycho - motor means of expression (expressive movements). It is specially significant that with expressing of emotions through motion channels, orientation of movements, their quickness, temp, amplitude, unification are their emotional-expressive characteristic.

The used role – musical games characterize the presence of definite plot and different roles, which can vary in the process of training. They also fulfill certain important psychological role. Musical accompaniment shall ensure necessary image and character of a participant, his mood and state.

Creative tasks for individual expression of different emotional states can be fulfilled in different forms – individually, in pairs in circle and so on. This kind of tasks shall facilitate awareness of deep personal feelings by personality. Fulfillment of such tasks can be either under accompaniment, offered by a pedagogue or under music, chosen by a trainee.


In its turn psycho – motor means of expression (expressive movements) naturally supplement all motion components of this variant of technology (physical exercises, dances, games), facilitating more effective working thorough emotional states.

For experimental verification of effectiveness of the developed technology we carried out research, in which first year pupils took part. In both groups (EG and CG) there was equal quantity of children – 18 persons in every group. Both classes (groups) were trained by one and the same program [7].

Main part of lesson in both groups included exercises without musical accompaniment; at the end of training games under music were practiced. In experimental group these games were conducted under expressive, music, which corresponded to topic of game. In control group, pedagogue conducted these games under phonograms, which, by results of pedagogic analysis, belonged to type “musical background”. In “background” group games as well as the whole lesson were carried out without music.

In experimental group, in preparatory and final parts of lesson we introduced developed by us technology for regulation of trainees’ mental state; special attention was paid to choosing of music for outdoor games, to introducing of exercises of musical-dancing expressive training. In control group musical accompaniment was chosen by teacher.

Considering the fact that both in control and experimental groups physical exercises of preparatory and final parts of lesson were accompanied by music, which was used in different manner, we decided to compare emotional state indicators of both groups with indicators of pupils, who were trained without musical accompaniment. For this purpose we chose the so-called “background” group (BG) – 19 persons, in which music was not used.

BG was trained by the same program as EG and CG. As on beginning of pedagogic experiment mean indicators of experimental, control and background groups

(see fig.1). were not significantly different (р > 0,05). Initial diagnostic showed that practically by all parameters first year pupils of all groups sense certain

discomfort, connected with beginning of school life. For example, the highest level was registered in general anxiety mean indicators, which were in experimental

group 71.78 points; in control – 68.11 and in BG – 70.17 points. It should be noted that these indicators are very close to zone of high anxiety (from 75 to 100 points).

Fig.1. Mean indicators of test for school anxiety (Fillips” test) of experimental, control and background groups before

pedagogic experiment (points).: EG do –experimental group; CG – control group; BG – background group; GA – general anxiety at school; FSS – feeling of social stress; FDS – frustration of demand in success; FS- fear of self-expression; FCK - fear of checking of knowledge; FNCE – fear of non compliance with expectations of environment; FNCE – low physiological resistance to stresses; PFRT – problems and fears of relations with teachers.




















































Sensing of social stress was also high and at experimental group reached 68.17 points, at control group – 65 points and at background group – 68.17 points.

Low indicators of physiological resistance to stress, which were approximately at the same level, were also important unfavorable factor. EG – 67.11 points; CG – 65.17 points and BG – 68.0 points.

Be the moment of experiment’s finish all indicators of school anxiety reduced in all three groups (see fig.2).

Fig.2 Changes of indicators of school anxiety (Fillips’ test) at experimental, control and background groups after

experiment (%). EG –experimental group; CG – control group; BG – background group; GA – general anxiety at school; FSS – feeling of social stress; FDS – frustration of demand in success; FS- fear of self-expression; FCK - fear of checking of knowledge; FNCE – fear of non compliance with expectations of environment; FNCE – low physiological resistance to stresses; PFRT – problems and fears of relations with teachers.

It can be explained by sufficiently comfortable psychological conditions, which were created in school, where

the tested studied, by qualified pedagogical personnel and administration’s care of favorable psychological atmosphere for all participants of educational process.

But in experimental group, in which physical culture lessons were conducted with musical accompaniment, developed and used in compliance with technology of musical accompaniment for physical culture lessons, most of school anxiety indicators turned out to be lower in comparison with control and background groups.

The best result was determined for indicator “fear of self-expression”. In experimental group it reduced by 68.52%, while in control group result improved by 47.57% and in background group – only by 30.24%. With it differences between indicators of EG, CG and BG were statistically significant (р < 0.05).

Regulating influence of musical accompaniment on such important for human mental and physical condition of such indicator as “low physiological resistance to stress” is rather significant factor. In experimental group this indicator improved by 68.05%, while in control group physiological resistance to stress increased by 57.05% (differences from experimental group are statistically significant (р < 0.05). In background group this indicator improved by 52.53%. With it, if differences from experimental group are confident (р < 0.05), then in comparison with control group they are not statistically confident (р > 0.05), though indicators of control group are higher.

Therefore, we can affirm that musical accompaniment, applied as per our technology, influence as regulator of human mental and physical condition, while influence of music, used without consideration of its regulating effect, was not statistically verified, though it was registered and can be an occasional factor.











40,19 47,57







































Regulating influence of music at physical culture lessons was found in reducing of general anxiety at school. In experimental group this indicator improved by 60.22%, in control group – by 52.21%, in background group general anxiety reduced only by 30%. With it differences between mean indicators of all three groups were statistically significant (р < 0.05).

“Problems and fears in relations with teachers” reduced in experimental group by 56.39%, in control – by 51.25%, in background – by 53.58%. However, it should be noted that results of experimental group are not statistically confident in comparison between all three groups (р > 0.05).

Thus, we can make conclusion that influence of physical exercises both under music and without music on inter-personal relations “teacher-pupils” are not significantly different. Positive changes of this parameter are conditioned rather by other factors.

In parameter “Fear of checking of knowledge” we registered substantial and statistically significant differences (р < 0.05) in all three groups.

Indicators of experimental group improved by 51.34%, while at control group the improved by 43.48% and in background group – by 20.11%. It can be explained by the fact that combined influence of physical exercises and music on child’s organism reduces general anxiety and, therefore, decreases fear in such important situation as checking of knowledge, which is actually the main basis and indicator of children’s functioning in the period of school life.

Changes of frustration (not-satisfying) of demand in success turned out to be less significant. But changes in experimental group were confidently higher (р < 0.05) than in control group.

Frustration of demand in success at EG reduced by 44.6%, in Cg – by 40.19%, in BG – by 11.43% (differences between control and background groups’ results were statistically significant with (р < 0.05).

Conclusions: Basing on the obtained results we can conclude that developed by us technology influences positively as

regulator of trainees’ mental condition and effectively reduces level of school anxiety. The further prospects of researches in this direction can be studying of the developed technology’s application

with required supplements for complex rehabilitation of persons with post-traumatic syndrome.


References: 1 Alvin Dzh., Uorik E. Muzykal'naia terapiia dlia detej s autizmom [Music therapy for children with autism],

Moscow, Terevinf, 2004, 208 p. 2 Brusilovskij L.S. Muzykoterapiia [Music therapy], Moscow, 1985, 204 p. 3 Gerrig R., Zimbardo F. Psikhologiia i zhizn' [Psychology and life], Sankt Petersburg, 2004, 120 p 4 Dubrovin D.A. Fiziologiia cheloveka [Human physiology], 1994, vol.4, p. 29. 5 Il'in E.P. Emocii i chuvstva [Emotions and feelings], Sankt Petersburg, Peter, 2011, 783 p. 6 Kodzhaspirov Iu.G. Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie osnovy optimizacii fizkul'turno-sportivnykh zaniatij sredstvami

funk-cional'noj muzyki [Psychological and pedagogical foundations of optimization sports and athletic training facilities functional music], Dokt. Diss., Moscow, 1994, 455 p.

7 Liakh V.I., Mejkson G.B. Fizicheskoe vospitanie uchashchikhsia 1-11 klassov s napravlennym razvitiem dvigatel'nykh sposobnostej [Physical education students grades 1-11 with the direction of the development of motor abilities], Moscow, 1993, 42 p.

8 Prokhorov A.O. Metodiki diagnostiki i izmereniia psikhicheskikh sostoianij lichnosti [Methods of diagnosis and measurement of individual mental states], Moscow, Perce, 2004, 176 p.

9 Petrushin V.I. Muzykal'naia psikhoterapiia [Music psychotherapy], Moscow, Vlados, 2000, 176 p. 10 Rudestam K. Gruppovaia psikhoterapiia [Group psychotherapy], Sankt Petersburg, Peter, 2006, 376 p. 11 Samsonova G.O. Effektivnost' metodov muzykal'noj terapii v programmakh vosstanovitel'noj korrekcii

prakticheski zdorovykh studentov s vyiavlennymi psikhofiziologicheskimi otkloneniiami [The effectiveness of methods of music therapy programs in reducing correction of healthy students with identified psychophysiological disorders], Dokt. Diss., Moscow, 2011, 343 p.

12 Sechenov I.M. Izbrannye proizvedeniia [Selected works], Moscow, USSR Academy of Sciences Publ., 1952 – 1956, T.2, 942 p.

13 Filippov S.S., Zhgutova V.V. Municipal'naia sistema fizicheskoj kul'tury shkol'nikov [Municipal system of physical culture school], Moscow, Soviet sport, 2005, 184 p.

14 Khromov A.B. Pozitivnye emocional'nye sostoianiia mladshikh shkol'nikov v situaciiakh differencirovannogo obucheniia [Positive emotional states of primary school children in situations of differentiated instruction], Cand. Diss., Kurgan, 2005, 235 p.

15 Elizabeth A., Gray L. The body remembers: Dance (movement therapy with an adult survivor of touture // American Journal of Dance therapy. 2001, vol.23(1), pp. 53 – 62.

16 Hughes J., Daaboul Y., Fino J., Shaw G. The Mozart effect on epileptiform activity. Clin Electroencephalogr, 2007, vol.29(3), pp. 109 – 119.

17 Karkou V., Sanderson P. Dance movement in the UK: a field emerging from dance education in European Physical Education Review. 2001, vol.7(2), pp. 137 – 155.

18 Nilsson U. The effect of music intervention in stress response to cardiac surgery in a randomized clinical trial // Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care. 2009, vol.38(3), pp. 201-207.

19 Sutoo D., Akiyama К. Music improves dopaminergic neurotransmission: demonstration based on the effect of music on blood pressure regulation. Brain Research. 2004, vol.1016(2), pp. 255 – 262.

20 Patel A.D. Experimental Evidence for Synchronization to a Musical Beat in a Nonhuman Animal. Current Biology. 2009, vol.19(10), pp. 827 - 830.





Sumy State Pedagogical University Annotation. Purpose: to consider changes of values in physical scholarship of senior preschoolers under the influence of experimental set of activities. Material: 117 children of preschool age took place in the experiment. Results: achieved actual changes in values of theoretical knowledge in physical culture. Integral indicator of theoretical knowledge of physical culture has improved by 52% and amounted to 20.5 points. Level of mastery of vital motor skills significantly altered, especially in the results of races - by 42% and jumps - 41%. After one uses means of children fitness there were marked significant improvements of basic values of vitally important skills and habits. Conclusions: set of held activities on optimization physical education proved its efficiency that makes it possible to recommend its use in preschool educational establishments. Keywords: physical culture, education, complex, motor, skills, children, fitness.

Introduction1 In opinion of most of scientists [6; 8; 11; 12] mastering of physical culture knowledge, which is intellectual

basis of physical culture, is the main component of physical culture education, owing to its influence on formation of conscious children’s attitude to physical culture trainings and independent physical exercises’ trainings in everyday life.

Concerning pre school age, physical culture education is oriented on formation of children’s knowledge about physical culture principles with their understanding of physical exercises’ sense, conscious attitude to their health, to their physical condition on the base of their newly formed motion skills [8].

Demand in renewal of modern pre school education’s content, in particular physical culture education, has become especially acute because at present there is worsening of “nation’s health” in Ukraine, as integrative indicator of physical, mental and social health of citizens and especially pre school age children [5].

As S.O. Filippova notesd, at present in pre school establishments in great majority of cases we can see physical culture trainings, connected, mainly, with realization of children’s motion functioning. However, all system of children’s physical culture education shall be oriented on formation of pre school children’s knowledge in the field of physical culture alongside with solution of health related tasks [13].

In opinion of N.F. Denysenko, even in pre school age a child is able to have careful attitude to own health, providing he has required knowledge, understands his physical and mental condition, knows how to take care of body, has hygienic skills [4].

As per ideas of scientists [2; 3; 7; 9; 15; 16], traditional approaches to health related physical culture work with pre school children often do not meet modern requirements and demand replacement by such approaches, which would render more effective influence on health, physical fitness, intellectual and moral child’s development, formation of his ideas about healthy life style.

Recent years many scientists (T.S. Ovchinnikova, A.A. Potapchuk, 2002; S.O. Filippoca, T.V. Volosnikova, 2006; T.V. Levchenkova, 2007; O.M. Bayer, K.L. Krutiy, 2008; Ye.G. Saykina, 2012) have been paying great attention to physical education and children’s fitness training of pre school children.

In our opinion studying of children fitness’s influence on physical culture education of senior pre school children is an urgent problem and requires more profound researching.

The present researches were conducted as per plan of scientific & research works of SumSPU,, named after A.S. Makarenko, of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine for 2007-2011, by topic “Optimization of education and teaching process of different groups of population by means of physical culture”, approved by state registration department of Ukrainian institute of scientific-technical information in Kiyv (state registration No. 0107U002255) and “Improvement of health and physical fitness of different groups of population by means of physical culture” (state registration No. 0111U005736) for 2011 – 2015.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the research is determination of influence of measures’ complex for optimization of physical

culture trainings on indicators of physical education of senior pre school children. The tasks of the research: 1. Determination of structure and tasks of experimental complex for optimization of physical culture education. 2. Studying of changes of theoretical knowledge level, motion skills of 5-6 years old children under influence

of measures for optimization of physical culture education. The methods and organization of the researches: analysis of scientific-methodic literature, pedagogic

experiment, testing [8; 12], methods of mathematical statistics.

© Starchenko A.U., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894393


The researches were carried out in the period from September 2012 to May 2013 on the base of pre school establishments №18 and №28 of Sumy. In the research 117 children of senior pre school age took part: 58 children – control group and 59 – experimental group

Results of the researches For rising of physical culture education level of senior pre school age children we developed complex of

measures, intended for creation of special conditions for mastering of physical culture's intellectual values, for formation of vitally important motion skills and abilities and increasing of interest to children fitness's physical trainings.

The complex of measures includes four parts: 1. Theoretical (mastering of necessary knowledge in physical culture). 2. Practical (training of vitally important motion skills and abilities by means of children fitness). 3. Control. 4. Work with parents. Considering age peculiarities of children we worked out such topics” “Construction of human organism”,

“Personal hygiene”, “Travel to country Eating” “Physical culture and sports in human life”, “Health and safety at physical culture trainings”. In the course of experiment these topics were systematically elucidated at physical culture and circle trainings, at morning exercises; in order to fix them we gave home and independent tasks, fulfillment of which was controlled by parents.

Main task of practical part of the complex was improvement of vitally important motion skills and abilities by means of children fitness. For this purpose the content of main trainings at experimental group was supplemented by elements of children fitness, to be more exact – fit ball gymnastics, animal-aerobics, game fitness.

Control group children were trained as per traditional programs [1; 10] and attended circle’s dance trainings. At first stage of the research we determined initial level of children’s physical culture education. For

determination of physical culture theoretical knowledge we carried out testing by methodic of I.N. Morgun (see table 1); maximal mark for every rest was 5 points [8].

Table 1 Indicators of physical culture knowledge of 5-6 years old children at the beginning of experiment

Tests CG (n=58) EG (n=59) P Points ( x ± m)

1. Cognition of oneself – is cognition of the world

2.4±0.10 2.4±0.09 > 0.05

2. I and my health 2.7±0.08 2.7±0.08 > 0.05 3. Travel to country Eating 2.8±0.08 3±0.07 > 0.05 4. Cleanness is the guarantee of health 2.6±0.08 2.5±0.08 > 0.05 5. Health and safety 3±0.09 2.8±0.07 > 0.05

Integral indicator 13.8±0.36 13.5±0.33 > 0.05 Notes: CG – control group; EG – experimental group

Analysis of initial results showed low level of theoretical knowledge on physical culture in both groups by the

following topics: “Cognition of oneself – is cognition of the world “, -2.4 points; “I and my health “ – 2.7 points; “Cleanness is the guarantee of health” – 2.6 points (control group) and 2.5 points – experimental group. Mean arithmetic by topic “Travel to country Eating” of control group was 2.8 points, and 3 poin6ts – experimental group. By results of CG and EG children’ answers to fifth test “Health and safety” we also obtained low level of knowledge.

After application of complex for optimization of physical culture education, one of important results was confident changes of physical culture theoretical knowledge indicators (see table 2). Analysis of these results showed that integral indicator of physical education of EG children improved by 39.4% in comparison with CG children (р<0.05).

Table 2 Changes of indicators of theoretical knowledge in control and experimental groups


Points( x ± m) Changes % p


1. Cognition of oneself – is cognition of the world

2.5±0.08 4±0.09 60 <0.05

2. I and my health 2.9±0.08 4±0.07 38 <0.05 3. Travel to country Eating 3±0.06 4.2±0.09 40 <0.05 4. Cleanness is the guarantee of health 2.8±0.07 4±0.09 43 <0.05 5. Health and safety 3.2±0.07 4.2±0.08 31 <0.05

Integral indicator 14.7±0.31 20.5±0.3 39.4 <0.05 Notes: CG – control group; EG – experimental group


After experiment in EG mean marks by main topics were: “Travel to country Eating” and “Health and safety»

- 4.2 points (р<0.05); “Cognition of oneself – is cognition of the world” – 4 points (р<0.05); “I and my health” – 4 points (р<0.05); “Cleanness is the guarantee of health” – 4 points (р<0.05).

In control group we noted insignificant improvement of theoretical knowledge level – by 6.5%, but these changes were not statistically confident (р>0.05).

By methodic of Yu.K. Chernyshenko [12] in the tested groups we determined indicators of vitally important motion skills and abilities (running, walking, jumps, throwing, climbing) at the beginning of experiment and after realization of measures for optimization of physical education of senior pre school age children. Every test was evaluated by three points’ system with minimal mark of 1 point.

At the first stage of the researches there were no statistically confident differences by all indicators. The obtained results witness that level of motion skills and abilities in both groups did not exceed 2.1 points by three-point scale (see table 3).

Analyzing mean values of vitally important motion skills and abilities we can note that in experimental group there happened statistically confident changes. It should be noted that application of fit ball gymnastics, game fitness and animal aerobics at physical culture trainings and at trainings in circles, significantly improved motion skills and abilities of pre school age children (р<0.05). Running results statistically confidently improved by 42%, jumps – by 41%, walking – by 36%, throwing and climbing – by 37%.

Table 3 Dynamic of indicators of vitally important motion skills and abilities in the course of experiment


CG (n=58) EG (n=59) before after Difference

% before after Difference

% Walking 1,92±0,04 2,02±0,04 5,2** 1,93±0,04 2,62±0,04 36* Running 1,96±0,04 2,08±0,04 6** 1,97±0,04 2,72±0,03 42,4*

Long jump from the spot

1,7±0,05 1,82±0,04 7** 1,72±0,04 2,42±0,04 41*

Throwing of ball 1,78±0,06 2±0,06 12,3* 1,74±0,05 2,39±0,04 37,3* Climbing of wall bars 2,11±0,07 2,28±0,07 8** 2,04±0,04 2,8±0,04 37,2*

Notes : CG – control group; EG – experimental group * – level of confidence p<0.05, ** – level of confidence p>0.05 In control group confident changes were obtained in test for throwing (p<0.05), which improved by12.3%.

Also, we noted insignificant improvements in results of running, walking, jumps and climbing (p>0.05). After conducting of complex of measures for optimization of physical culture education, experimental group

children showed higher level of mastering of theoretical knowledge and motion skills than those, who were trained by traditional program that witness about effectiveness of the conducted measures.

Conclusions: 1. In order to improve theoretical knowledge on physical culture, vitally important motion skills and abilities,

for increasing of senior pre school age children’s interest to physical trainings we worked out complex of measures, which consists of 4 parts: theoretical, practical, control and work with parents.

2. Implementation of this complex in main forms of pre school age children’s trainings resulted in confident change of theoretical knowledge level by all topics. Integral indicator of theoretical knowledge on physical culture in EG confidently improved by 52% and was 20.5 points that corresponds to high level. Level of mastering of vitally important motion skills and abilities also statistically confidently changed, especially in results of running – by 42% and jumps – by 41%.

The prospects of further researches will be connected with further studying of means of children fitness in order to optimize physical culture education of pre school age children.


References: 1 Kononko O. L. Bazova programa rozvitku ditini doshkil'nogo viku “IA u Sviti” [Basic program of a child under

school age, "I am in the world."], Kiev, Torch, 2009, 430 p. 2 Volosnikova T.V. Ispol'zovanie fitness-tekhnologij v processe ozdorovleniia doshkol'nikov [Using fitness

improvement technologies in preschoolers], Sankt Petersburg, 2006, pp. 151 – 155. 3 Golubeva G.N. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta

[Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport], 2010, vol.4(17), pp. 20 – 22.

4 Denisenko N. Doshkil'ne vikhovannia [Pre-school education], 2009, vol.11, pp. 7 – 11. 5 Krucevich T.IU., Pangelova N.E. Sportivnij visnik Pridniprov’ia [Dnipro Sports Bulletin], 2012, vol.2, pp. 4–7. 6 Lidzhieva G.N. Soderzhanie i organizaciia processa osvoeniia det'mi 3-6 let intellektual'nykh cennostej fizicheskoj

kul'tury [The content and organization of the process of development of children 3-6 years of intellectual values of physical culture], Cand. Diss., Krasnodar, 2005, 177 p.

7 Magomedov R.R. Azbuka fizicheskoj kul'tury dlia detej starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta [The ABCs of physical education for preschool children], Stavropol, 2011, 90 p.

8 Morgun I.N. Fizkul'turnoe obrazovanie detej 5-6 let na osnove vzaimodejstviia sem'i i pedagogov doshkol'nykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenij [Physical education of children of 5-6 years based on the interaction of families and teachers of preschool educational institutions], Cand. Diss., Krasnodar, 2001, 181 p.

9 Pangelova N.Ie. Sportivnij visnik Pridniprov’ia [Dnipro Sports Bulletin],2010, pp. 21 – 23. 10 Proskura O. V., Kuz'menko V.U., Kudikina N.V. Ditiachij sadok: upravlinnia [Kindergarten: management], 2010,

vol.3(17), pp. 14 – 18. 11 Tomenko O. A., Starchenko A. Iu. Teoriia i metodika fizichnogo vikhovannia i sportu [Theory and methods of

physical education and sport], 2011, vol.4, pp. 86 – 91. 12 Chernyshenko IU. K. Nauchno-pedagogicheskie osnovaniia innovacionnykh napravlenij v sisteme fizicheskogo

vospitaniia detej doshkol'nogo vozrasta [Scientific and pedagogical foundation of innovative directions in the system of physical education of preschool children], Dokt. Diss., Krasnodar, 1998, 392 p.

13 Filippova S.O., Rogacheva T.I., Panova T.N. Uchenye zapiski [Scientific notes], 2011, vol.12, pp.181 – 186. 14 Obeng C.S. Physical Activity Lessons in Preschools. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 2009, vol.

24(1), pp. 50 – 59. 15 Iivonen S., Sakslahti A., Nissinen K. The development of fundamental motor skills of four to five year old

preschool children and the effects of a preschool physical education curriculum. Early Child Development and Care, 2011, vol.181(3), pp. 335 – 343.

16 Saykina E.G. The use of the fitness technologies in pre-school educational establishments. Innovative pedagogical technologies in the system of physical education and health-improving. SPb.NIIFK, 2006, pp. 86 – 91.




Syshko D.V. Tavrida national university by V.I. Vernadskogo

Annotation: Purpose: Paravertebrals miorelaxation was the complex of exercises in a water environment directed on the decline of tone of paravertebral muscles. Material: Before and after it was used of paravertebrals miorelaxation registered the indexes of reoentsefalografics at the sportsmen engaged in the Greek-Roman fight (n=22) by football (n=24) and heavy athletics (n=25). Results: The changes, that have been determined at the wrestlers, was in the form of increasing tone of large (increase TRF, TGRР, decreased ADR) and medium (decreased Т1, Т2) arteries of the brain, decreased tone of the small arteries. Paravertebral myorelaxation of weightlifters caused them changes in the form of increasing tone of the great vessels (increase Т3), decreased tone of large and medium-sized arteries of the brain (increase АDR, Т2), increasing the tone of the small arteries (increase АI, DI). Reliable changes in cerebral hemodynamics have not been established at football players. Conclusions: The obtained data indicate that there are different mechanisms of adaptation in the brain blood vessels under conditions of the paravertebral miorelaxation. These differences are predetermined by two main factors: the functional state of the cardiovascular system in general and the functional states of the system of regulation of cerebral hemodynamics. Keywords: miorelaxation, rheoencephalography, athletes, tone of cerebral blood vessels.

Introduction1 The influences of different physical exertion, to central circulation of the blood and work of the heart, are known

[2; 15]. However, there is only common notion about reactivity of cerebral vessels, associated with the physical

exertion, until now. Thereby, researching of the influence of different nature physical exertion to the function of

cerebrum blood circulation make up an interest. The researching of the changes of cerebral vessels condition,

associated with using of the recovery procedure aimed on decreasing of the paravertebral muscles tone in the area of

segments S3-Th8, attract special interest [5]. Many authors specify on links between paravertebral muscles condition in

this area and cerebral blood circulation condition [6; 7; 9; 13]. Many authors have studied correlations of cerebral blood circulation and blood pressure [10; 12]. There are few specific data about that correlation, because of very difficult

regulation mechanisms and conservatism of the rheoencephalographic indexes.

The research was conducted in accordance to the researching work plans of the department named “The theory

and methods of physical education of the Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University”, state registration number is

0111U000919 «Pedagogical and physiological substantiation of physical education and sport system of the students».

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The aim of the research is to define the influence of paravertebral miorelaxation in the water environment

conditions on cerebral blood circulation of the sportsmen.

The tasks of the research:

1. To study the paravertebral miorelaxation influence on the function of cerebral blood circulation of sportsmen.

2. To expose the features of cerebral hemodynamics of the sportsmen at different types of sport.

The sportsmen, who have taken part in the research, have been engaged in the Greek-Roman fight (n=22),

football (n=24) and weight lifting (n=25). The necessity of the correction influence has been stipulated by the high tone

of the paravertebral muscles of athletes, registered by the myometrium. The age of sportsmen was from 18 to 25 years.

The training experience of the athletes was from 5 to 8 years. The using period of the swimming exercises complex with

"noodles" have taken 6 weeks in the transitional period of the one year training cycle, the numbers of training sessions

were 3 times a week. With afterwards registered eight key REG-indicators were registered by the rheograph RA5-01

device: 1. TRF (s) (rapid filling time) – the time of rapid filling reflects the potential of the large brain arteries for

tension, during the systole blood inflow; the rise of the index reflects the increasing of the flexibility and vascular tone

reducing; 2. TGR (s) (getting up time of the rheogram) - getting up time of the rheogram, duration period of an

ascending part of the graph; 3. ADR (Om/s) (differentiated rheogram amplitude) - differentiated rheogram amplitude in

the point M characterizes the maximum speed of blood filling - higher amplitude reflects lower tone of the large

arteries; 4. T1 (ms) – the running time of the impulse between point P and I at the reoentsefalogramma, it reflects the

tonus of small vessels in the studied zone, the increasing of index testifies lowering of the tone of the small and middle

arteries; 5. T2 (ms) - Comparing diastole wave location to a basic wave; increasing index testifies lowering of the

tonus of small arteries; 6. T3 (ms) -the delay time of a pulse wave, characterizes the movement speed of a pulse wave

through the main vessels; its increasing reflects lowering vessels tone; 7. AI (Om) (low wave amplitude) - low wave

amplitude, peripheral resistance index in the small arteries zone; increasing index reflects increasing resistance and

vessels tone; 8. DI (%) (dikrotics index) - characterizes the peripheral resistance in small arteries zone; increasing index

reflects the higher tone of arteries.

© Syshko D.V., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894394


Results of the researches Research of the cerebral blood stream of weight lifters before paravertebral miorelaxation showed, that all

indexes were in the normal zone.

The changes in REG have been observed under the influence of the paravertebral miorelaxation. These

changes were not reliable, however, considering relative conservatism of the cerebral blood circulation parameters; that

changes were regarded as a tendency. After paravertebral miorelaxation, the increasing tendency of the temporal

passing characteristics of the pulse wave in the small, middle and main cerebrum blood vessels (left and right

hemisphere) of weight lifters have been registered (figure 1). Researching of the cerebral blood stream of the Greek-

Roman wrestlers, that have make before paravertebral miorelaxation, showed absence of the expressed deviations from

a norm for the REG – indexes at rest (figure 2).

Left right

Figure 1. Temporal descriptions of passing of pulse wave for the shallow, middle and main blood vessels of cerebrum

(left and right hemisphere).

Heavy athletics (before and after paravertebral miorelaxation): T1; T2; T3 - time of passing of pulse wave between the

RE; RI; RL on rheoencephalography; Eb - beginning of experiment; Ee - end of experiment.

The changes of the REG indexes have been determined under influence of the paravertebral miorelaxation.

Increasing of TRF and TGR, also as decreasing of ADR, T1, T2, AI and DI, were mostly peculiar.

Based on modern interpretation of the REG values, all its indexes can be divided by the type of the link with the

cerebrum vessels function [1; 8; 11]. So, we can suggest, that weight lifters have following results after the

paravertebral miorelaxation: main vessels tone have increased (increasing T3), tone of the cerebral main and middle

arteries have decreased (decreasing of ADR and T2), small arteries tone have increased (Increasing of AI and DI)

(figure. 3). The results of the wrestlers revealed, that tone of the main (increasing of TRF, TGR, decreasing of ADR)

and middle (decreasing of T1, T2) cerebral arteries have increased, tone of the small arteries have fallen (decreasing of

AI and DI) (figure. 3).

left right









Eb Ee Eb Ee


F; T













Eb Ee Eb Ee










left right B

Figure 2. Indexes of filling by the blood of vessels of cerebrum (left and right hemisphere) with athletes (heavy

athletics) before and after paravertebral miorelaxation (A - temporal indexes, B - amplitude-temporal indexes): TRF -

time of the rapid filling, TGR - time of getting up of rheogram, Eb - beginning of experiment; Ee - end of experiment,

ADR - amplitude differentiated rheogram

left right


left right


Figure 3. Indexes of peripheral vascular resistance in area of shallow arteries of cerebrum with athletes (heavy

athletics) before and after paravertebral miorelaxation (A - amplitude (absolute) indexes, B - amplitude (relative)): AI -

amplitude of low wave; DI – dikrotic index; Eb - beginning of experiment; Ee - end of experiment.

The indexes of cerebral blood circulation of football players authentically haven’t changed. The reactions of

cerebral vessels was various enough, so, it is possible to note, that paravertebral miorelaxation have an ambiguous

influence and cause modulation in the work of simpatico and parasimpatico nervous system. Sequence and exponent of

these changes are various and depends not only from the method of action, but also from the type of sport in which

object of the research is engaged.









Eb Ee Eb Ee


R (O













Eb Ee Eb Ee













Eb Ee Eb Ee

DI (%




left right

Figure 4. Temporal descriptions of passing of pulse wave on the shallow, middle and main blood vessels of cerebrum

(left and right hemisphere) at sportsmen’s (Greek-Roman fight) before and after paravertebral miorelaxation: T1; T2;

T3 - time of passing of pulse wave between the RE points; RI; RL on rheoencephalography; Eb - beginning of

experiment; Ee - end of experiment.

Therefore, most perspective in our view is an individual analysis of the cerebral vessels reaction of different

people. This is confirmed by the researches of many researches [7; 14].

It is very difficult to speak about practical value, advantages and adequacy of changes in case of cerebral arteries paravertebral miorelaxation of the weight lifters and wrestlers, because interpretation of the vessels reaction ambiguous. It is possible to suppose, that advantage of the reaction on to paravertebral miorelaxation of the wrestlers based

on the improvement of cerebral blood circulation (expansion of small cerebral vessels) [3; 4; 13]. However, we need to

do further researches to make reliable conclusions about advantage of one or another type of cerebral vessels reactions

on to paravertebral miorelaxation.

left А right








Eb Ee Eb Ee


; T















Eb Ee Eb Ee




R (s





left B right

Figure 5. Indexes of peripheral vascular resistance in area of shallow arteries of cerebrum at sportsmen’s (Greek-

Roman fight) before and after paravertebral miorelaxation (A - amplitude (absolute) indexes, B - amplitude

(relative)): AI - amplitude of low wave; DI – dikrotic index; Eb - beginning of experiment; Ee - end of experiment.

left А right

left B right

Figure 6. Indexes of peripheral vascular resistance in area of shallow arteries of cerebrum at sportsmen’s (Greek-

Roman fight) before and after paravertebral miorelaxation (A - amplitude (absolute) indexes, B - amplitude

(relative)): AI - amplitude of low wave; DI – dikrotic index; Eb - beginning of experiment; Ee - end of experiment.








Eb Ee Eb Ee


R (O











Eb Ee Eb Ee















Eb Ee Eb Ee

DI (%





1. Paravertebral muscles of the athletes that work in the modes of glikolitic capacity and aerobic power are in hyper

tone, and it is necessary to use paravertebral miorelaxation in the conditions of water environment, with the aim to

decrease the hyper tone of muscles and optimize the condition of cerebral vessels.

2. We have determined that weight lifters have following results after the paravertebral miorelaxation: main vessels tone

have increased (increasing T3), tone of the cerebral main and middle arteries have decreased (decreasing of ADR and

T2), small arteries tone have increased (Increasing of AI and DI).

3. We have determined, that results of the wrestlers have following results after the paravertebral miorelaxation: tone of

the main (increasing of TRF, TGR, decreasing of ADR) and middle (decreasing of T1, T2) cerebral arteries have

increased, tone of the small arteries have fallen (decreasing of AI and DI).

REG cerebral blood circulation indexes of the left and right hemisphere of the athletes have changed almost

synchronically after paravertebral miorelaxation.

The theme of future scientific interest is to determine the links between tone of the paravertebral muscles and

filling character by the blood, blood flow in the cerebral vessels, and also features of the peripheral vascular resistance.

References 1 Agte B.C., Manovickiy P.P. Metody issledovaniia v nevropatologii [Methods of research in a neuropathology],

Kiev, 1981, pp. 32 – 40. 2 Amosov N.M., Bendet Y.M. Fizicheskaia aktivnost' i serdce [Physical activity and heart], Kiev, 1989, 216 p. 3 Dombrovsky V.V., Syshko D.V., Gryzhevskay V.F. Tavricheskij mediko-biologicheskij vestnik [Tavrida medicine

and biology announcer], 2002, vol. 5(4), pp. 25 – 28. 4 Moskalenko Y.E. Fiziologicheskij zhurnal SSSR [Physiological journal of USSR], 1978, vol.64(5), pp. 654–659. 5 Syshko D.V. Pedagogika, psihologia ta mediko-biologicni problemi fizicnogo vihovanna i sportu [Pedagogics,

psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports], 2013, vol.2, pp. 79-83. 6 Alfonso Mandara, Moskalenko Yuri, Musicco M. The correction of vertebral joint dysfunctions changes

cerebrovascular and cerebrospinal fluid functional parameters improving some Primary Respiratory Mechanism parameters. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. 2006, vol.9(1), pp. 35-40.

7 David J. Lefer, Colleen D. Lynch, Kathleen C. Lapinski, Phillip M. Hutchins. Enhanced vasomotion of cerebral arterioles in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Microvascular Research. 1990, vol.39(2), pp. 129-139.

8 Jacquy J., Dekoninck W.J., Piraux A., Calay R., Bacq J., Levy D., Noel G. Cerebral blood flow and quantitative rheoncephalography. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1974, vol.37(5), pp. 507-511.

9 Vernon A. Benignus, Mathew K. Petrovick, Lynne Newlin-Clapp, James D. Prah. Carboxyhemoglobin and brain blood flow in humans. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1992, vol.14(4), pp. 285-290.

10 Leslie D. Montgomery, Richard W. Montgomery, Raul Guisado. Rheoencephalographic and electroencephalographic measures of cognitive workload: analytical procedures. Biological Psychology, 1995, vol.40(1–2), pp. 143-159.

11 Krivetz E.V. Adaptative reactions of central cardiohemodynamics in sportswomen, engaged in synchronized swimming. 6- th Internat. Sci. Congr. “Problems of Sex dimorphism in Sport”, Katowice, 2000, pp. 100-108.

12 Stephen J. Peroutka, Michael J. Kuhar. Autoradiographic localization of 5-HT1 receptors to human and canine basilar arteries. Brain Research. 1984, vol.310(1), pp. 193-196.

13 Tomoki Hashimoto, William L. Young. Roles of Angiogenesis and Vascular Remodeling in Brain Vascular Malformations. Seminars in Cerebrovascular Diseases and Stroke. 2004, vol.4(4), pp. 217-225.

14 Moskalenko Yu. Mozhaev S., Weinstein G., Kravchenko T., Riabchikova N., Feilding A., Halvorson P., Semernia V., Panov A., Medvedev S. Effects of cranial trepanation on the functioning of cerebrovascular and cerebrospinal fluid systems. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2008, vol.69(3), pp. 302-303.

15 Wilmor I.H., Costill D.L. Physiology of sport and exercise. Human kinetics. 1994, 548 p.




Zaporozhia National University Annotation. Purpose: to consider the direction of training handball team in the annual Ukrainian Superleague macrocycles game seasons in years 2006-2013. Material: in the experiment took part 125 participated highly qualified handballers. The analysis of more than 50 references on multi-year training athletes is conducted. Results: confirmed advisability of constructing the training process handball qualifications based on the structural components of the preparation. According to the requirements of the system approach presented technology of preparation are disclosed management methodology training process in terms of long-term training. Conclusions: it is necessary to compile and optimize long-term training program handball qualifications; raise the level of preparedness of the various parties in strict accordance with the objective laws of the formation of their constituents, and calendar events, to consider specific features of the occurrence of adaptive reactions in improving the various components of sportsmanship. Keywords: macrocycle, methodology, training, process system.

Introduction1 With every year, with every Olympic cycle modern sport of higher achievements set to sportsmen still more

hard requirements [5,7]. Successfulness of sportsmen’s training in modern conditions depends on effectiveness of organization, management and control, on rational application of modern technologies in training process [4]. Increasing of scope and intensity of training load in different kinds of sports in last decade increased importance of optimization of training process’s methodic [13,21]. Blistering development of sports, especially last decade, requires qualitatively new approach to organization of sportsmen’s training. Important role in rational construction of training process is played by knowledge of general rules, principles of organization and realization of training of different qualification’ sportsmen, regularities of organism’s adaptation to physical loads as well as control and monitoring [9,15].

In methodological aspect any progressive development of system is connected with its complication, which is characterized by intensive structuring nd increasing, by integration and differentiation of elements, by widening of range of targeted functions in process of achievement of required result [8]. All characteristics are intrinsic to handball and facilitate its progressing. Modern technology of training of highly qualified sportsmen is based on results of scientific researches and has scientific methodic foundation. Domestic scientists developed psychological pedagogic principles of sportsmen’s functioning as well as main aspects of their training (technical, physical, psychological and theoretical) [1,7,11et al.]. At the same time problems of integral training in natural combination of all its components as single pedagogic system with completely formed technological process of highly qualified sportsmen’s training, have, in general, been still solving at intuitive-empiric level.

Comparative analysis of trends in world handball’s development permits to mark out the following system formation ones:

- increasing of motivation and prestige character of higher sport achievements; - sharpening of competitiveness in struggle for highest sport titles; - rising of technical-tactic actions’ level [18, 20]. Their interaction conditions appearance and development of the most expressive trends. Their combined action

results in complicating of training and competition functioning with pushing out ordinary work by complicated at all links training of highly qualified handball players.

The carried out by us analysis of literature sources showed that most authors marks principle of individualization or combining of team and individual training, when determining main principles of training process’s construction [5,7]. Mass of scientific knowledge has not been organized in holistic system, which would naturally combine sport selection, orientation of sport training with stages of many years sportsmen’s perfection [15,21]. Some authors published their researches of different kinds of handball trainings [3,6,10,12,14 et al.]. Such, undoubtedly little, part of special literature conditioned the task of our research [2,10].

The research was carried out in compliance with plan of scientific & research works of theory and methodic of physical education and sports department of Zaporozhye national university “Theoretical-methodic principles of individualization of training process in game kinds of sports”.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods Acute deficit of scientifically grounded and targeted training programs for outdoor games, which would be

oriented on achievement and maintaining of sportsmen’s special fitness’ level, required for demonstration of high sport result, conditioned formulation of the following purpose of our research – analysis of training system of highly qualified handball players of supreme league team, handball club "ZTR" (GK “ZTR”) – multiple champion of Ukraine, basic team of combined team of Ukraine.

© Tуshchenko V.A., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894395


Pedagogic observations were conducted in annual micro-cycles on base of GK «ZTR» of game seasons 2006-2013. 125 sportsmen (from candidate master of sports (CMS) to international master of sports (IMS) of Ukraine) took part in experiment. In the course of our researches we carried out generalization of scientific-methodic literature, pedagogic observations, analysis of training and competition functioning, methods of mathematical statistic.

Results of the research Constant monitoring and analysis of main trends of development of world and domestic handball are necessary

preconditions for creation and improvement of effective system of highly qualified sportsmen’s training [7,17, 19]. Main factor of achievement of stable sport results in training conception is constant improvement of training technology. For example as a result of conducted in GK «ZTR» researches we determined the following specific trends of development: Intensification of training process; Increasing of role and portion of special physical training in training process; Acceleration of training process owing to constant improvement of training methodic alongside with fast

devaluation of technical-tactic actions; Unification of training as result of quick spreading of progressive technological innovations (TRX, Beep-test

and so on) in handball that ensures decisive one-side advantage at competitions; Personification of individual training in the frames of stabilized parameters of training load by time, by

quantity of trainings and training days; Combination of individual and team approach to planning and programming of teams’ training; Increasing of control games’ quantity in annual macro-cycle; Adjustment of highly qualified handball players’ fitness up to complete readiness for competition functioning; Erasing of boarders between periods of training and reduction of recreational period in annual cycle;

intensification of scientific-research works (SRW) on development and foundation of main components of innovative technologies for trainings, videlicet: stimulators, technical devices and aids of control. In combination it permits to increase effectiveness of training and development of required physical qualities. The purpose of trainings at GK «ZTR» implies achievement of planned sport-technical results and normative

indicators at the stages of many years cycle. Methodological base of handball players’ training conception is perspective prognostic approach and principle of advanced development, realized by creation of optimal excessiveness.

Basic principle for targeted planning, programming of training in macro-cycles and creation of optimal excessiveness are targeted perspective-prognostic models of future competition functioning in matches of future cycle of training. They are developed on the base of analysis of trends and prospects of European handball with optimal forestalling of programmed complexity, quality and reliability of technical tactic actions’ fulfillment by main adversaries and corresponding to them functional demand [16,18].

Modern technology of integral training of team «ZTR» stipulates development and application of the following targeted perspective-prognostic models:

- model of team-winner; - individual model of the best striker; - individual models of best player with combination of all technical-tactic actions (TTA). In their turn they include: - models of content and difficulties of competitions; - models of quality and reliability of technical-tactic actions’ fulfillment; - models of physical and functional fitness, workability and competition endurance; - models of mental fitness. Besides, there are developed and used: - models of training process and training load; - model of competition schedule (main competitions, preparatory, selecting, control competitions with

determination of their targets and tasks). Targeted models become more complex in every new cycle of training. They are the basis of choosing and

development of new technical means and methodic techniques of forestalling mastering of required future motion functioning. Model characteristics of all kinds of fitness are regarded as targeted dialectic bench marks, which have variable and inter-compensating, character, considering individual features of handball players.

One of the most important conditions of sport efficiency’s increasing in process of multi-year training is development of organized in hierarchy way plan, stipulating specific tasks, subordinated to main strategic target.

The main among them are the following: - creation of optimal excessiveness (technical, tactic physical, functional, mental and theoretical); - forestalling mastering of new super difficult exercises and timely mastering of targeted model of current

macro-cycle; - ensuring of reliable and highly efficient functioning of handball players in conditions, which are more

complex than competition conditions. Tactic tasks in process of many years training are set and solved as the tasks of targeted development.

Simulation, planning, programming and pedagogic projecting pf process of many years integral training is carried out from finish (set for the future target) to start (initial state of training) as it is accepted in targeted complex approach.


As the base of 4 years Olympic training cycle’s there served principle of multiple repetitions of trained in detail models before competition period, which are completed by competitions. As usual 4 years cycle is divided into 4 annual cycles and every latter – into 2 half year macro-cycles. In its turn every macro-cycle is divided in 6 monthly meso-cycles, the latter – in 4 weekly micro-cycles with organized in detail structure. It permits to adequately simulate and project in7 half year meso-cycles the last cycle of training and its final stage on the base of multiple repetitions with introducing of necessary corrections in the course of training.

Conclusions: We have proved the purposefulness of training process’s construction for highly qualified handball players,

considering structural components of training system: by structure of separate training, day and micro-cycle; by meso-structure – the structure of training stages, which included a number of micro-cycles; by competition period – structure of training cycle.

As per the requirements of systemic-structural approach we presented technologies of training, described methodology of training process’s management in conditions of many years training.

The prospects of further researches imply studying of individual highly qualified handball players’ training, considering their game roles.

References: 1 Bal'sevich V. K. Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture], 2001, vol.4, pp.

9-10. 2 Ignat'eva V.Ia. Podgotovka gandbolistov na etape vysshego sportivnogo masterstva [Training of handball players

on a stage of higher sportsmanship], Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport, 2005, 276 p. 3 Latyshkevich L. A. Tekhnicheskaia i takticheskaia podgotovka gandbolistov [Technical and tactical training of

handball players], Kiev, Health, 1981, 176 p. 4 Makarov Iu.M. Etap predvaritel'noj podgotovki v sportivnykh igrakh [Preconditioning stage in sports], Great

Luke, 1993, 117 p. 5 Matveev L. P. Obshchaia teoriia sporta i ee prikladnye aspekty [The general theory of sport and its applications],

Moscow, News, 2001, 333 p. 6 Ovchinnikova A. Ia. Postroenie podgotovki gandbolistok vysokoj kvalifikacii na osnove kontrolia sorevnovatel'noj

deiatel'nosti [Construction preparation of handball players of high qualification based on monitoring of competitive activities], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 2008, 21 p.

7 Platonov V. N. Periodizaciia sportivnoj trenirovki [Periodization of athletic training], Kiev, Olympic Literature, 2013, 624 p.

8 Rivkin A.A. Sredstva i metody pedagogicheskogo kontrolia v sisteme upravleniia podgotovkoj gandbolistov [Means and methods of pedagogical control in the management of training of handball players], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 1981, 21 p.

9 Sakhnovskij K. P. Teoretiko-metodicheskie osnovy sistemy mnogoletnej sportivnoj pidgotovki [Theoretical and methodological foundations of long-term sports training], Dokt. Diss., Kiev, 1997, 318 p.

10 Tkhorev V. I. Upravlenie sorevnovatel'noj i trenirovochnoj deiatel'nost'iu gandbolistov vysokoj kvalifikacii na osnove modelirovaniia [Management competitive and training activities handball qualifications based on modeling], Dokt. Diss., Krasnodar, 1999, 50 p.

11 Fedotova E.V. Struktura i dinamika sorevnovatel'noj deiatel'nosti i podgotovlennosti sportsmenok na etapakh mnogoletnej podgotovki v komandnykh vidakh sporta [Structure and dynamics of competitive activity and fitness athletes at the stages of long-term training in team sports], Dokt. Diss., Moscow, 2001, 50 p.

12 Capenko V. A. Fizicheskaia podgotovka gandbolistov [Physical training handball], Zaporozhye, ZNU, 2006, 82 p. 13 Sheliagina I. N. Kontrol' i sovershenstvovanie takticheskoj podgotovki kvalificirovanykh gandbolistov [Control

and improvement of tactical training of qualified handball players], Cand. Diss., Moscow, 1991, 21 p. 14 Shestakov M. P. Gandbol takticheskaia podgotovka [Handball tactical training], Moscow, SportAkademPress,

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Fedak S.S. Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaydachnyi

Annotation. Purpose: to identify the main physical qualities, which positively influence the physical state, health and military - professional career peacekeepers when performing tasks in different climatic conditions. Material: the study involved 98 military service under the contract the first age group (men). Analyzed contingent divided into groups according to climatic conditions of service: in the highlands - 37 person, in hot climates - 35 person, in towns and areas with limited space - 26 person. A correlation analysis between the results of running 100 meters, pulling, running 3 kilometre and indicators of the health and physical condition of the soldiers. Results: It was determined that the participation in peacekeeping missions in mountainous areas and in areas with a hot climate is the quality of the underlying physical endurance. With the participation in peacekeeping missions in populated areas and in areas with limited space - this is the strength and speed. Conclusions: on improving these physical qualities should focus during lessons in physical training of peacekeepers in the centers of immediate preparation for missions. Keywords: soldier, endurance, correlation, mission, peacemaker.

Introduction1 In connection with representativeness of Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in peacekeeping missions there

appeared a problem of subdivisions’ and separate military officers’ training for participation in peacekeeping operations [10, 11]. Involving in such operations of military officers and subdivisions, which were not appropriately selected, theoretically and practically trained threatens not only success of mission but also is dangerous for the life of peacekeepers themselves [5, 13]. If soldier or officer are not trained properly, other people will have to execute their work. The problem of one military officer can become the problem of state, represented by him. Because his behavior and service functioning will result in conclusions about his country,, made both by local population and by representatives of other countries [7, 12, 14].

Military professional functioning of AFU peacekeepers takes place in different climate, geographic and other conditions of environment [5]. As a rule, peacekeeping functioning is accompanied by a number of negative factors, among which there are: reduced atmospheric pressure and insufficient content of oxygen in mountains, high temperature, reduced humidity and high sun radiation in regions with hot climate; high emotional-nervous tension and demand in quick and decisive actions in restricted by time combat actions in inhabited localities and so on [9, 15]. The listed factors result in decreasing of physical workability, worsening of main organism system’s functioning, mental condition of peacekeepers and in reducing of their functioning’s efficiency.

As per experience of troops and as a result of scientific researches physical training is considered to be an important mean of ensuring of peacekeepers’ high combat efficiency. It is and integral part of combat training and permits to successfully overcome physical and mental loads of military officers, maintain their workability and quickly rehabilitate combat efficiency level in unusual conditions [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12].

The work has been fulfilled as per plan of scientific & research works (SRW) of Physical training department of Central department of training and everyday functioning of Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) “Model of physical training in Armed Forces of Ukraine o0f 2017 and its prospects”. Code: “prospects of PT”.

Purpose, tasks of the work, material and methods The purpose of the research is to determine main physical qualities, which positively influence on physical

condition, health and military-professional peacekeepers’ functioning during fulfillment of service tasks in different climate-geographic conditions.

The research covered 98 contract military officers of first age group (men). The researched contingent was divided, considering climate-geographic conditions of service: 37 persons – mountain conditions; 35 persons – regions with hot climate; inhabited localities, check points (CP) and restricted in space premises – 26 persons.

Results of the research In order to determine effectiveness of physical training oriented on improvement of physical condition and

health of peacekeeping contingent we carried out correlation analysis of 100 meter run, chin ups, 3 km run indicators and indicators, which characterize physical condition and health of military officers, who fulfilled peacekeeping tasks in different climate-geographic conditions (n=98) (see tables 1-3).

Analysis of correlation coefficients of the researched indicators of peacekeepers, who fulfilled combat tasks in mountains and their results of 100 meters run permits to affirm thet there is no confident interconnection between results of exercises for quickness and indicators of physical condition and health (Р>0.01) (see table 1).

© Fedak S.S., 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894396


Table 1 Interconnection between indicators of physical fitness of peacekeepers, who fulfilled tasks in mountains (n=37), and

indicators of their physical condition and health (correlation coefficient in conventional units)

Physical exercises

Time of tests


Time of


of heart

beats rate


IST PCI AD Level of


100 meters run 0.19 -0.17 -0.18 0.20 0.16 -0.23 -0.18 0.21 -0.20

Chin ups -0.22 0.24 0,38 -0.22 -0.14 0.182 0.207 -0.19 0.27

3 km run 0.36 -0.42 -0.35 0.46 0.52 -0.49 -0.55 0.62 -0.49

Note: r critical – 0.32 (for Р<0.05). KI - Kettle index, LI - living index, PI - power index, RI - Robinson’s index, IST - index step test, PCI - index

- physical condition, AD - adaptation. Analysis of interconnections between peacekeepers’ physical condition indicators and their chin ups’ results

witnessed that there is interconnection, but as per all indicators, except power index, it is unconfident (Р>0.05) (see table 1). Interconnection of power exercise and poser index of military officers is proved by confident value of correlation coefficient (r=0.38, for Р<0.05) (see table 1).

Confident interconnection was determined also between indicators of peacekeepers’ physical condition and their results in 3 km run (Р<0.05) (see table 1).

The highest correlation coefficients in exercise for endurance were registered with indicators of adaptation potential (r=0.62, for Р<0.05), index of physical condition (r=-0.55, for Р<0.05), time of HBR restoration up to initial level (r=0.52, for Р<0.05) and level of physical health (r=-0.49, for Р<0.05) (see table 1).

Weak correlation connection of quickness with most of physical condition indicators was also determined for peacekeepers, who served in hot climate (r= 0.15 – 0.23) (Р>0.05) (see table 2).

Table 2 Interconnection between indicators of physical fitness of peacekeepers, who fulfilled tasks in hot climate regions

(n=35), and indicators of their physical condition and health (correlation coefficient in conventional units)

Physical exercises

Time of tests


Time of


of heart

beats rate


IST PCI AD Level of


100 meters run 0.20 -0.22 -0.19 0.21 0.15 -0.23 -0.19 0.23 -0.21

Chin ups -0.21 0.22 0.40 -0.25 -0.17 0.19 0.23 -0.19 0.28

3 km run 0.38 -0.39 -0.38 0.51 0.51 -0.51 -0.53 0.59 -0.54

Note: r critical – 0.33 (for Р<0.05). KI - Kettle index, LI - living index, PI - power index, RI - Robinson’s index, IST - index step test, PCI - index

- physical condition, AD - adaptation.


Studying of correlation coefficient between results of military officers’ chin ups and their physical condition indicators witnessed confident interconnection only with power index indicator (r=0.40) (Р<0.05) (see table 2). Concerning the rest indicators of physical condition there is interconnection with chin ups’ results but not confident (Р>0.05) (see table 2).

Structure of interconnection of 3 km run results of peacekeepers, who fulfilled operations in regions with hot climate with indicators of their physical condition has the same character as in case with military officers, who served in mountains. For example, result of exercise for endurance has confident interconnection with all researched indicators (r= 0.38 – 0.59) (Р<0.05) (see table 2).

Correlation analysis of 100 meters results of peacekeepers, who fulfilled combat tasks in inhabited localities, CP and other restricted in space premises with indicators of their physical conditions showed that between results of exercise for quickness and all researched parameters confident interconnection is absent (r=0.18 – 0.27 for Р>0.05) (see table 3).

Results of power exercise, fulfilled by military officers of this group, like in other groups, have confident connection only with power index (r=0.51 for Р<0.05). Confident influence on development og power abilities, on other indicators of physical condition and health was not registered (r=0.19 – 0.37 for Р>0.05) (see table 3).

Table 3 Interconnection between indicators of physical fitness of peacekeepers, who fulfilled tasks in inhabited localities, CP

(n=26), and indicators of their physical condition and health (correlation coefficient in conventional units)

Physical exercises

Time of tests


Time of


of heart

beats rate


IST PCI AD Level of


100 meters run 0.23 -0.22 -0.18 0.27 0.21 -0.21 -0.20 0.26 -0.22

Chin ups -0.19 0.37 0.51 -0.29 -0.25 0.21 0.22 -0.33 0.30

3 km run 0.38 -0.36 -0.32 0.40 0.46 -0.48 -0.51 0.39 -0.49

Note: r critical – 0.39 (for Р<0.05). KI - Kettle index, LI - living index, PI - power index, RI - Robinson’s index, IST - index step test, PCI - index

- physical condition, AD - adaptation. Results of 3 km run is confidently interconnected with most of indicators of peacekeepers’, who served at CP

and in inhabited localities, physical condition (r=-0.51 for Р<0.05), health (r= -0.49 for Р<0.05), index of step-test (r= -0.48 for Р<0.05), time of HBR restoration (r=0.46 for Р<0.05), Robinson’s index (r=0,40 for Р<0.05), adaptation potential (r=0.39 for Р<0.05) (see table 3).

Conclusions: Analysis of correlation coefficients of exercises’ results and indicators of physical condition and health of

peacekeepers of all tested groups showed that the most of correlation connections were registered in exercise for endurance (3 rm run) (see tables 1-3). It witnesses about importance of improvement of endurance for peacekeepers in order to keep high level of their physical condition and health as well as increasing of their peacekeeping functioning’s efficiency.

Besides, the fulfilled correlation analysis permits to affirm that main physical qualities, which positively influence on physical condition, health and military-professional functioning of peacekeepers, who will participate in missions in mountain areas and in regions with hot climate, is endurance, while for military officers, who will function at CP, in inhabited localities and in restricted in space premises, besides endurance, it is necessary to have high level of power abilities and quickness. Among tested groups of peacekeepers the highest correlation coefficients belonged to military officers of third group (whose professional functioning will take place on CP, in inhabited regions and in premises, restricted in space) (see tables 1-3). It is necessary to concentrate attention during physical trainings with peacekeeping contingent of AFU to improvement of the mentioned physical abilities, in centers of preparation for peacekeeping activity.


The prospects of further researches are oriented on creation of complex of exercises for development and improvement of physical qualities, which positively influence on physical condition, health and military-professional functioning of peacekeepers in the course of tasks’ fulfillment, considering climate-geographic conditions.

References: 1 Konovalov V.V., Poddubnyj A.G., Poltavec A.I. Pedagogika, psihologia ta mediko-biologicni problemi fizicnogo

vihovanna i sportu [Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports], 2013, vol.3, pp. 31-35. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.653978

2 Korol'chuk M.S., Krajniuk V.M., Ripa L.A. Psikhofiziologichni osoblivosti vijs'kovo-profesijnoyi diial'nosti [Physiological characteristics of military-professional activities], Kiev, NAOU, 2005. 420 p.

3 Lisovskij V.A., Mikhuta I.Iu. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov [Physical Education of Students], 2013, vol.6, pp. 38-42. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.840501

4 Mikhuta I.Iu. Vasiuk V.E. Pedagogika, psihologia ta mediko-biologicni problemi fizicnogo vihovanna i sportu [Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports], 2012, vol.4, pp. 88 - 95.

5 Afonin V.M., Popovich O.I., Kizlo L.M., Kuprinenko O.V., Fedak S.S. Pidgotovka vijs'kovosluzhbovciv do dij v nezvichnikh umovakh navkolishn'ogo seredovishcha [Training soldiers to act in unusual environments], Lviv, ASV, 2010, 125 p.

6 Poddubnyj A.G. Sukhorada G.N. Kirpenko V.N. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov [Physical Education of Students], 2009, vol.2, pp. 78 - 81.

7 Glebko S.V., Kizlo L.M. Profesijno-prikladna fizichna ta special'na pidgotovka u vijs'kakh [Professionally applied physical and special training in the Army], Lviv, LVI, 2004, 112 p.

8 Skavrons'kij O.P. Fiziceskoe vospitanie studentov [Physical Education of Students], 2009, vol.2, pp. 93 - 96. 9 Pichugin M.F., Griban G.P., Romanchuk V.M., Romanchuk S.V. Fizichne vikhovannia vijs'kovosluzhbovciv

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and methods of research in physical education and sport], Ternopil, Educational book, Bogdan, 2008, 276 p. 13 Bonn K.E., Baker A.E. Guide to Military Operations Other Than War. Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for

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Individual Training and Education Developments. Bonn, 1998, pp. 11–20. 15 Van Eekelen W. Military Support for Civilian Operations in the Context of Peacekeeping Missions. Report of the

Subcomm. on Civilian Security and Cooperation. Civilian Aff. Comm. NATO Parliamentary Assembly. W. Brussels, 1998, p. 15.




University School of Physical Education, Wroclaw

Annotation. Purpose: Low physical activity level has negative effect on human physical and mental life. The purpose of the study was to compare the health oriented effects of aerobic and strength training in selected fitness clubs for women. Material: Sixty women aged 24 to 37 (mean 29,3 ± 3,6) from three clubs in Wroclaw: Fitness Planet, Fitness Barbara and Redeco took part in this study, 30 women participated in aerobic and 30 in strength training. Training programme was realised twice a week for 60 minutes over 3 months. Most of the participants had higher education and a sedentary job. Results: Study results revealed a significant decrease of body weight, circumference, body fat and BMI. Greater reduction of mean values of the measured parameters was observed in subjects participating in aerobic workouts. Conclusions: Training programmes in a fitness clubs, led to a significant reduction in body weight, circumferences, body fat and BMI. Greater reduction of mean values of the measured parameters was observed in subjects participating in aerobic workouts. Key words: women, fitness clubs, physical activity, BMI index.

Introduction1 During past few years the interested in healthy life style increased. The society is more aware of the importance

of physical activity in everyone’s life. Commencement of physical activity entails many positive changes. Among them visual, psychological and health changes should be mentioned [3, 4]. This knowledge and greater access into fitness clubs caused that being “fit” meaning healthy and in good shape became popular [1, 7]. Physical activity is beneficial for the organism, increases cardiovascular endurance, strengthens the muscles and prolongs youth. It also helps to prevent and eliminate health problems [6, 9]. Important are the breathing exercises that according Krejci improve muscle relaxation, correct breathing rhythm and decrease psychophysical tension [7, 8]. Fitness became a lifestyle, expression of health care. Proper, systematic health oriented workout is the first step into healthy life [1, 3, 8].

Aim of the study. The aim of the present study was to compare the health oriented effects of aerobic and strength training

programme in selected fitness clubs for women. Material and methods. 60 women aged 24 to 37 (mean 29,3 ± 3,6) from three clubs in Wrocław: Fitness Planet,

Fitness Barbara and Redeco took part in this study. 30 women participated in aerobic and 30 in strength training. Training programme was realised twice a week for 60 minutes over 3 months.

Methods The evaluation was conducted three times over 3 months: preliminary evaluation, after 2 months and final evaluation. Following procedures were used: questionnaire: initials, age, education, character of work, training type: west and hip circumference measurement – with tape measure accurate to 1 cm; BMI index, body weight [kg] divided by body height in [cm], raised to square; body composition (BIA). The bioelectrical impedance is based on different conductivity of bones, viscera and adipose tissue. Body composition was calculated with appropriate algorithm [10, 15]; heart rate measurements during training session (before training, during intensity peak, immediately after training and 15 minutes afterwards) [2, 11-14]. All measurements were conducted in similar conditions.

Study results were analysed with statistical methods. Basic statistics were used: mean values and standard deviations were calculated, differences of measured

parameters were assessed with the t-test for independent samples. Results: Group characteristics Half of the study group (n=30) participated in aerobic and half (n=30) in strength training in selected fitness

clubs. Subjects participating in strength training were 2,3 years older in average. The most of them had higher education (63%), (33%) – secondary education (4%) basic or vocational education. Most of the subjects (62%) had sedentary job and 2 did not work at all.

Somatic parameters analysis. Subjects participating in strength had greater body height, weight, waist/hip circumference in average (tab. 1). The BMI index was not statistically different. Observed differences were not statistically significant, only body height was.

Table1. Somatic parameters comparison in subjects participating in aerobic and strength training (preliminary measurement)

Parameter Aerobic training Strength training t-tes

x sd x sd t p body height 165,9 5,9 169,1 5,3 2,22 0,03 body weight 64,7 10,0 67,3 7,9 1,13 0,26

BMI 23,48 3,31 23,53 2,51 0,07 0,95 adipose tissue 29,34 6,06 29,88 6,04 0,34 0,73

© Prystupa Tetyana, Bolach Bartosz, 2013

doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.894397


waist circumference 78,8 8,5 80,1 7,9 0,61 0,54 hip circumference 96,8 6,3 99,1 6,6 1,65 0,11

Somatic parameters changes analysis in training period Measurements were conducted 4 times: - preliminary, first control I, second control II, final. Body weight

decreased systematically over the whole period. Body weight changes were similar in both groups. Greater variety of body weight changes was observed in subjects practising aerobic training. With body weight decrease also waist and hip circumference decreased (tab.2). Circumference changes were similar in both groups.

Table 2. Waist and hip circumference changes over analysed period

circumference measurement Aerobic training Strength straining

x sd x sd

waist (cm)

preliminary 78,8 8,5 80,1 7,9 first control 77,1 8,0 78,7 7,6 second control 75,0 7,6 76,7 7,3 final 73,1 7,3 74,7 7,0

hip (cm)

preliminary 96,8 6,3 99,1 6,6 first control 95,3 6,2 97,9 6,5 second control 93,2 5,1 95,5 6,1 final 91,3 4,8 93,5 5,7

Together with BMI changes percentage of adipose tissue changed as well. The rate of adipose tissue decrease

was independent of training type (tab.3). Despite similar course of mean values changes the total value change was different depending on the training type but statistically insignificant.

Table 3. BMI and adipose tissue (%) change over training period depending on training type

parameter measurement Aerobic training Strength training

x sd x SD

BMI (kg/m2)

preliminary 23,5 3,3 23,5 2,5 first control 23,1 3,1 23,1 2,4 second control 22,3 2,9 22,5 2,3 final 21,6 2,8 21,8 2,3

adipose tissue (%)

preliminary 29,3 6,1 29,9 6,0 first control 28,6 6,0 28,9 5,7 second control 27,0 5,6 27,3 5,4 final 25,0 5,1 25,7 5,2

The greater decrease of mean body mass and mean waist circumference was observed in subjects participating in

aerobic training: difference of mean body mass between two analysed groups was 0,4kg and difference of mean waist circumference was 0,3cm. Mean hip circumference decrease was 5,5 cm independent on training type. Great dispersion of body mass and circumferences decrease must be pointed out - from12 kg up to less than 1 kg of body mass, from 14 cm to 0 cm of waist circumference and from 16cm to 1cm of hip circumference. This great variety could cause lack of statistical significance of the observed changes (tab. 4). Mean adipose tissue decrease, expressed also as BMI change, was greater in subjects practising strength training. Mean value difference between both groups was very little (BMI - 0,2 kg/m2, 0,1% adipose tissue). Body mass, circumferences and percentage of adipose tissue decrease were clear to observe, but their correlation with the training type can’t be proven based study results.


Table 4. Overall decrease of measured parameters values in both groups

parameter Training type mean min max t P

body weight (kg) aerobic 5,3 11,8 1,0

0,59 0,56 strength 4,9 9,0 0,9

waist circumference (cm)

aerobic 5,7 14,0 2,0 0,44 0,66

strength 5,4 9,0 0,0

hip circumference (cm)

aerobic 5,5 16,0 5,0 0,00 1,00

strength 5,5 13,0 1,0

BMI (kg/m2) aerobic 1,9 4,6 0,4

0,50 0,62 strength 1,7 3,1 0,3

adipose tissue (%) aerobic 4,3 2,4 1,0 0,95 0,35 strength 4,2 2,3 1,8

Heart rate changes during training During first training phase HR (heart rate) increased up to maximal value (2. measurement), afterwards a linear

decrease was observed until 15 minutes post training. The character of changes didn’t differ over the whole studied period, therefore HR analysis was conducted based on measurements taken during preliminary, first control, second control and final evaluation. Mean Hrmax in aerobic group was 155-159 bpm. In the group practising strength training mean HR max was 120- 130 bpm. HR increase at the beginning and later decrease was different in both groups. Mean HR increase (between resting value and maximal value) was greater in subjects participating in aerobic training programme. The course of HR decrease from intensity peak till the end of the training session was similar in both training groups, but during first 15 minutes of recovery it decreased faster in aerobic group (tab.5). Differences between both groups during recovery were statistically significant. HR deficit (difference between resting value and recovery value) was also significantly greater in subjects practising aerobic training. Which means that after aerobic training the recovery must be longer in order to achieve resting HR values.

Table 5. Mean HR values comparison in both training groups*). Negative values indicate decrease

Training period

Aerobic training Strength training t-test mean sd mean sd t P

T0 - T1 82,0 13,1 59,4 6,0 8,62 <0,0001

T1 - T2 -32,3 9,3 -29,8 7,8 1,13 0,2615

T2 - T3 -33,1 12,4 -20,6 7,7 4,71 <0,0001 T0 - T3 16,5 9,7 9,0 7,5 3,37 0,0014

Discussion Over the last few years the interest in healthy life style has increased. The societies are more and

more aware of physical activity value in everyday life. Regular physical activity causes many positive changes including decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes [1,2,8,14]. Times when only man were to find in sport centres are gone. Nowadays women became advocate of strength exercises and they choose them as often as different types of fitness programmes [4,9]. For most women „shapely silhouette” is the most important factor and motivation to start physical activity. In her study it was important for 69% subjects, “health issues” were very important for 31 % [2,4,5]. In the present study health issues were very important for 42% and for 58% important. The third motivating factor was the fight against obesity. Losing weight was very important for 34% participants and important for 17%. Interestingly for 49% it wasn’t important at all. Achieving high motor ability levels and stress management were less motivating factors. Considering age, mid age and elderly women exercised aminy to improve health, maintain physical fitness and good wellbeing, younger mainly wanted to lose weight. Study results have shown that body mass and circumferences decreased progressively over the whole training programme. Body mass and waist circumference mean decrease was greater in subjects participating in aerobic training: difference of mean body mass between two analysed groups was 0,4kg and difference of mean waist circumference was 0,3cm. Mean hip circumference decrease was 5,5 cm independent on training type. Great dispersion of body mass and circumferences decrease must be pointed


out - from12 kg up to less than 1 kg of body mass, from 14 cm to 0 cm of waist circumference and from 16cm to 1cm of hip circumference. This great variety could cause lack of statistical significance of the observed changes.

Overweight and obesity became one of the biggest health risk factors in modern societies [2,5,9]. They are also one of bad controlled cardiovascular disease risk factors. Efficiency of programmes reducing overweight is determined by many factors, one of them is the readiness to undertake effort in order to reduce body mass. Current guidelines in obesity management include change of life style, eating habits and increasing physical activity. The role of psychological help is also underlined. According to those guidelines, pharmacological treatment is implemented in subjects with BMI >30 kg/m2 or in subjects with BMI >27 kg/m2 with associated risk factors such as: type II diabetes, dyslipidaemia or cardiovascular disease. For surgical treatment qualified can only be subjects with BMI >40 or >35 with high associated risk and after trial of conservative treatment including diet and pharmacological treatment, who are ware of risk associated with surgery. Optimal weight loosing rate is about 0,5–1 kg/week. Long-term changes and not fast effects should be pointed out. Life style modification including reducing diet, regular physical activity can lead into great weight loose and improvement of most biochemical parameters of atherosclerosis. Obesity must be seen as chronic disease, requiring continuous treatment and support to individuals willing to lose weight and maintain their new status [5,3,8,9]. In present study results adipose tissue decrease was expressed as BMI change, that was slightly greater in subjects practising strength training. Differences between both groups were very small: BMI difference was 0,2kg/m2, percentage of adipose tissue difference was 0,1%. Body mass and circumferences reduction as a result of participating in training programmes in fitness clubs was distinct, but correlation between those and training type couldn’t be proven. Among all environmental obesity factors two are key factors – availability of highly processed, cheap food high in fat and simple carbohydrates (fast food) and limitation of daily physical activity. Only every tenth Pole undertakes physical activity on a regular basis 2-3 times a week, which allocates Poland at the end of European countries [2]. In the last few years monitoring of cardiovascular function became an argument for the aerobic exercises concept [14]. VO2max calculated in ml / kg / min was used as an indicator of ability to absorb oxygen at the cellular level. Correlation between training intensity and resting and exercise HR values allowed calculating a personal VO2max value [8,10,15].

From physiological point of view in order to achieve a desired training goal – aerobic capacity increase – training intensity for women should be at the level of HR=130-160 bpm in aerobic and HR=120-135 bpm in strength training. It is believed, that minimal training intensity necessary to causal adaptive changes in cardiovascular and respiratory should be between 55 and 65%HRmax. The only criterion is that women participating in aerobic training programme must be adult and healthy. Increasing training intensity up to 70-85%HRmax cause physical fitness improvement, above 85%HRmax energy is produced in anaerobic metabolism. Aerobic training in present study lasted 60 minutes and HRmax was 155-159 bpm. In strength training HRmax was 120- 130 bpm. Mean HR increase from resting values to HRmax was greater in subjects participating in aerobic training. HR decrease from peak intensity phase till the end of single training session was similar in both groups. Faster HR decrease during recovery was observed in aerobic group. Differences of initial HR increase and subsequent decrease between groups were statistically significant. HR deficit (difference between resting value and recovery value) was significantly greater in subjects practising aerobic training. Which means that after aerobic workout the recovery must be longer in order to achieve resting HR values [5,8,2,3,10].

Conclusions 1. The workouts in fitness clubs involved mainly women with higher education or secondary education. The level of

education had no impact on the choice of the type of training. 2. Most of the women performed a sedentary job. 3. Training programmes in a fitness clubs, led to a significant reduction in body weight, circumferences, body fat and

BMI. Greater reduction of mean values of the measured parameters was observed in subjects participating in aerobic workouts.

4. Aerobic training caused significantly greater HR changes than strength training. However, it required a longer recovery.

5. Mainly women with massive physique participated in strength training programme. References

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SCIENTIFIC EDITION (journal)Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports. 2014, vol.1, 94 p.

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