Dear Parents, Carers and Families, Welcome back! We hope ...

1 creang cizens for the future: compassionate, curious and strong. Respect Responsibility Kindness Growth Dear Parents, Carers and Families, Welcome back! We hope you all had a safe, happy and peaceful start to 2021. Our staff are so excited to be back and ready for a fabulous year ahead. It has been so lovely seeing so many familiar faces walk through the gates, as well as meeng lots of our new families as well. We are so glad we are able to welcome parents and carers back into our school for morning drop offs unl the end of Week 5 so that classroom teachers can get to know you all. In line with the Department of Educaon Operaonal Guidelines, we do ask that parents are only in the school ground for 10 minutes in the morning – enough for a quick chat and a hug goodbye. If parents or carers are in the school grounds for longer than 15 minutes, they will need to sign in and out as visitors. This is not only me consuming, it also creates the issue of congeson in our office and around the front of the school, as we must also adhere to density guidelines, which states that there can only be 1 person per 2m in the administraon building. We are so thankful for the support of our families last year during the height of the pandemic in Victoria and know that we can count on your support again this year as we connue to work towards keeping Covid at bay. Once again there has been lots of work happening over the holidays and we are very excited that our next two double storey portables are ready for our grade 2s. We expect the third double storey portable to be ready someme in Term 2. For now, we have 3 grade 2 grades working across 2 large rooms, including the space in the middle usually reserved for classroom libraries. We thank the teachers and students for their flexibility during this me. We have also welcomed lots of new staff to our Tarneit Rise community and we are thrilled to introduce the 2021 Tarneit Rise Staff:

Transcript of Dear Parents, Carers and Families, Welcome back! We hope ...


creating citizens for the future: compassionate, curious and strong.

Respect Responsibility Kindness Growth

Dear Parents, Carers and Families,

Welcome back! We hope you all had a safe, happy and peaceful start to 2021.

Our staff are so excited to be back and ready for a fabulous year ahead. It has been so lovely

seeing so many familiar faces walk through the gates, as well as meeting lots of our new

families as well.

We are so glad we are able to welcome parents and carers back into our school for morning

drop offs until the end of Week 5 so that classroom teachers can get to know you all. In line

with the Department of Education Operational Guidelines, we do ask that parents are only in

the school ground for 10 minutes in the morning – enough for a quick chat and a hug

goodbye. If parents or carers are in the school grounds for longer than 15 minutes, they will

need to sign in and out as visitors. This is not only time consuming, it also creates the issue of

congestion in our office and around the front of the school, as we must also adhere to density

guidelines, which states that there can only be 1 person per 2m in the administration

building. We are so thankful for the support of our families last year during the height of the

pandemic in Victoria and know that we can count on your support again this year as we

continue to work towards keeping Covid at bay.

Once again there has been lots of work happening over the holidays and we are very excited

that our next two double storey portables are ready for our grade 2s. We expect the third

double storey portable to be ready sometime in Term 2. For now, we have 3 grade 2 grades

working across 2 large rooms, including the space in the middle usually reserved for

classroom libraries. We thank the teachers and students for their flexibility during this time.

We have also welcomed lots of new staff to our Tarneit Rise community and we are thrilled to

introduce the 2021 Tarneit Rise Staff:




We are so privileged to have such kind, capable and passionate staff at Tarneit Rise Primary School.

Their hard work began long before the holidays ended and we thank them for their tireless work over

the past couple of weeks that has ensured we have started the year organised and focussed for a year

ahead full of amazing learning opportunities.

Our first few weeks are dedicated to ‘learning to learn’. This is where our students and teachers spend

time learning and refining our school and classroom expectations, routines and values. This time is

absolutely crucial in ensuring our students know what behaviours and habits they need to adopt and

refine in order to make the most of the learning opportunities they are involved in during class time.

Once again this year, all newsletters and notices will be uploaded to the school’s website

( and will be posted on Compass. All families should have

received information about Compass and their unique log in details. Compass is our major

communication tool including payments, student reporting, selecting a time for parent/teacher

interviews and permission for excursions. The newsletter will be published each fortnight.

We would like to remind families that school begins at 8.45am and finishes at 3.10pm. Please note

that the school yard is supervised from 8.25am and students should not be left unattended before this

time. If parents need to drop their children to school early, they may book into our before school

program, by contacting Rob on 0421 156 450.

This year teachers will be on yard duty after school at each of the three exits (Cloverdale Road,

Rifflebird Drive and the back park gate) from 3.10-3.25pm. Any child who has not been collected from

school by 3.25 will be brought to wait outside the front office (inside the school fence) and will need

to be collected from there.

Some important information and reminders are included below:

Parent Payments are due by the end of February. This can be made by cash, BPay or EFTPOS. Payment

can also be arranged through Centapay which can help families pay over smaller instalments. Please

see Samantha, our business manager, if you would like to discuss this option.

Clothing - Please remember to mark ALL of your child’s clothing so lost property may be returned


Visitors - All visitors to the school (including parents) between the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm must

sign in at the front office and complete the Covid form. Parents that help in school are required to

have a valid Working With Children Check. Parents can fill in an application form online at http:// and then lodge it at a post office. The volunteer Working With

Children Check is free but you will need to provide a passport photograph with the application when

lodging it at a post office. When applying for a Working With Children check please be sure to list

Tarneit Rise Primary School as a volunteer organisation so we are provided a copy of the Working

With Children Check directly from the

Department of Justice and Regulation. We look forward to having you working with us. Training for

parent helpers will be provided this term, pending COVID restrictions, and more information will

follow soon.


Change of Contact Details - It is absolutely critical that the school is advised immediately of any changes to

parent or emergency contact details (mobile phone numbers, addresses etc). These become vital when

children are unwell or injured. Prompt contact with families can avoid a lot of distress and confusion.

The Department of Education does not provide accident insurance or ambulance cover for students.

The cost of any medical attention or ambulance for a student will be borne by the parent/guardian.

Parents are liable for all medical expenses incurred because of student injury, including transport costs

such as ambulance or air ambulance costs, which can be very expensive. We highly recommend that all

families have their ambulance subscriptions up to date. People who have a health care card are covered for

ambulance transport.

Absences - At Tarneit Rise Primary School we actively encourage all students to come to school every day.

If children are unwell then home is the best place for them, but obviously the more time students spend at

school the more learning they do. Please plan ahead and book holidays and appointments during school

holidays or after school and avoid allowing students to stay at home for ‘special’ days such as birthdays or visits

from extended family members. REMEMBER every learning minute counts at Tarneit Rise and “it is not ok to

be away.” If your child is sick and is absent from school please send a note to the class teacher or phone the

school (7002 6580) explaining the absence. Compass can also be used for this.

Staff Meetings - This year staff and our Professional Learning Communities (PLC) meetings will be held every

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon directly after school. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher

please make an arrangement to meet on Thursday or Friday afternoons.

Valuable Toys/Trading Cards/Mobile Phones etc. - We request that valuable items be left at home including toys,

electronic games and equipment as it is extremely difficult to ensure their security.

Mobile Phone Policy – all children are required hand in their mobile phones to the front office each morning

and collect the phones again after school.

Road Safety - Please take extra care when driving along Hummingbird Boulevard and Rifflebird Drive in the

mornings and afternoons. We ask that you obey the speed limits and parking regulations to ensure the safety

of our students as there will be a significant increase in traffic and children crossing the road. We also request

that adults model the right safety messages to their children and ensure they use the school crossing in

Rifflebird Drive when dropping off and collecting children. Please enter the school through Rifflebird Drive,

Cloverdale Road or beside the gymnasium. All gates are locked at 8.55am and children will need to enter

through reception and sign in as ‘late’. We do have a disabled parking spot along Rifflebird Drive and this is only

for permit holders. Please demonstrate our school values of kindness, respect and responsibility by considering

our neighbours and not parking in their driveways.

Assemblies - This year assembly will be held for ‘mini schools’ each week. Grades P-2 will be every Wednesday

afternoon at 2.15pm in the gymnasium and grades 3-6. Unfortunately at this stage, parents are not able to

physically attend. Prep students will begin attending assembly in March.

Library - Volunteers needed for covering books. You will be trained on how to cover books if you are unsure.


Uniform Shop – We are very proud of our uniform – it looks smart and fresh and really unites us as a school

community. Noone Imagewear is our uniform supplier and their contact details are:

Shop 1/13 Barnes Place Werribee, 9741 3211. Please ensure your child is in the correct school uniform and

wearing the right combination of uniform items:

Sports Uniform

Windcheater (black and teal with logo)

Black track pants/black shorts/skorts

Back and teal polo top (long or short sleeved)

White or black socks with runners (black if possible)

Academic uniform

White striped shirt with logo (long or short sleeved)

Grey pants (please note the grey pants are not track pants and are dark grey)

Black pullover (jumper) with logo

Black cardigan with logo

Tunic (summer/winter)

White or black socks with black shoes

Black tights

The soft shelled jacket may be worn with either the spots or academic uniform. A black hat with the logo must

be worn in terms 1 and 4. Please remember to clearly name all items of school uniform.

Hoodies and peaked caps are not part of our school uniform should not be worn.

Cultural or religious headwear should also be in school colours (black, white, teal or grey).


Our school photos are booked in for February 26th and March 1st. All children must be in full

school uniform.

This year we are really focussing on developing our children’s independence and asking that parents/carers of grade 1-6 children do not enter the learning pods/classrooms in the morning. Please say goodbye to your children outside of the doors and allow your child to walk into the leaning pod, and get set up for the day, independently. We also ask that families do not walk upstairs of the double storey portables.

Parents are not allowed to be in the school yard for longer than 15 minutes due to COVID restriction. Please limit your time onsite to help us comply with these restriction.

We do ask that prep and grade 1 parents still collect their child from class at the end of the day.

In tem two our prep families will be able to say goodbye at the pod doors too, as we find by term 2 the prep children are well and truly ready to be able to go into class independently.

As mentioned previously over the summer holidays we had a lot of work completed including

the completion of two of our three new buildings. We still have a lot of works planned for this

year including landscaping around the new buildings, more new buildings to be delivered/

completed, shade sails and a new playground to be installed. Creating a second, smaller, oval

and putting in some basketball ball hoops. This year will be such an amazing year for us. We

have grown our school community which has been but on a very solid foundation. We look

forward to our continued growth alongside our most amazing community.

Have a wonderful week – Nadia, Sarah and Missy


Dear Prep Families,

We are so excited for the 2021 school year and are very impressed with how well our Prep children have

settled into school. It has been a fantastic few weeks slowly getting to know children and families during

transitions, interviews and our first day of school. We continue to look forward to building these relationships

throughout the school year.

Learning to Learn

This week our teaching has been focused on children’s further transition into school through a series of

Learning to Learn lessons. During the Learning to Learn program in the upcoming weeks, our Prep children will

be learning classroom rules and expectations, familiarising themselves with our daily routines and weekly

schedules. We will be learning about the five vowels of the alphabet and will practise writing our names with

correct capital and lower case letter formations.

Reading Satchels

On Thursday your child would have received a blue satchel with a yellow reading log inside. Each week your

child will get five books to read. Please record each night that your child reads in the yellow reading log. We

then award children certificates when they hit 25 nights and aim for each student to have read 200 nights by

the end of the year. We also ask that your child brings their reading satchel to school each day in their school


Sip and Crunch

In addition to your child’s lunch box, we also ask that you bring a separate small container with chopped up

fruit or vegetables. This is to be unpacked with their water bottle and placed on their table during morning

admin time. We call this sip and crunch and this provides children the opportunity to have a little brain food

whilst they are learning.


School Nursing Program

Please remember to fill out the school nursing program note and return it to your child’s teacher. The School

Nursing Program is a free health assessment service offered to all children during their first year of primary


Once again, we want to acknowledge how well your child has transitioned into school and we are very grateful

for the work you have put in to ensure your child is independent and ready for school.

PLC prep


Welcome back Grade Ones!

Our children have settled into their classrooms extremely well. This week

we have been busy learning classroom routines and expectations. Take

home reading has started this week. Children have been assigned one day

of the week to change their books with the teacher. If you are unsure of

your child’s day please ask the classroom teacher. Record each night of

reading in the Yellow Reading Log. Teachers will be monitoring this and we

are aiming for all our children to reach 100 nights by the end of Term 2.

Next week we are looking forward to writers’ notebook, decorating day on

Wednesday 10th February. If you have items at home that can be used for

decoration, your child can bring them to school. Please ensure your child

brings a Tarneit Rise black hat, a bottle of water and their sip and crunch to

school each day.

We are so thrilled to be back at school and we can’t wait to learn and grow

this term!



The Grade 2 Team would like to extend a warm welcome to our children and families of Tarneit Rise

Primary School. We are so excited to begin the new school year and look forward to watching our

children grow in their learning and achieve great things!

We have begun the school year with our Learning to Learn Program and it is fantastic to see that children

are already settling into their new routines and brand new classrooms.

At this stage, some grades are sharing the space in the portables until our brand new rooms arrive.

We are so pleased to see that the children are displaying our school values of Kindness, Respect,

Responsibility and Growth and adapting to their new environment.

Here are some happy snaps from 2A and 2B sharing with their turn and talk partners and creating

complete sentences from fragments.


Your child’s classroom details can be found below.

Take Home Reading

Our Take Home Reading program has also begun and we encourage children to be reading every night and

recording their reading in their reading journals. Children will have one designated day a week that is their

day to change their take home books. Your child may also be encouraged to access online texts through RAZ

Kids and EPIC that are more suited to their reading ability. If you have any questions about how to access

these, please see your child’s teacher. We aim for every student to read for over 200 nights by the end of the

year and we can’t wait to celebrate the reading milestones along the way!


Just a friendly reminder that children must wear a school uniform hat during recess and lunch time in

during terms one and four as these are the hottest months.


Student of the Week Awards

A big congratulations to the following children who received Student of the Week awards at our first

assembly! We are so proud of each and every one of you!

2A –Adam

2B - Kunwarr

2C - Anvi

2D - Prita

2E - Jonah

2F - Peter

2G - Inayat

2H - Guntas

2I - Gunseerat

2J - Eshaan

2K - Arnav

2L - Sahib

We can’t wait to see what the year 2021 brings and look forward to watching our children grow!



What a great start to the year! We are so excited to see so many familiar faces again this year and have many

new children joining us.

So far we have already made such a fantastic start to the year, with children coming to school every day,

becoming five days smarter! We have begun the school year with our Learning to Learn program and

practising our classroom routines such as getting ready for our learning when we come inside, demonstrating

our school values both inside and outside the classroom and showing what independent and collaborative

learning looks like.

Take Home Reading program has begun. We are so excited to start reading every night because we know that

the more we read, the more we learn. As part of the program, five class library books will be sent home each

week for the children to read. This can be documented in the green reading journal. The teachers will be

checking these journals weekly on your child’s assigned borrowing day.

This year we will continue with our Respectful Relationships program. Each week children will be completing 1

lesson that signifies the importance of developing a strong school culture and environment. This course is

truly about embedding a culture of respect and equality across our entire community, from our classrooms to

staffrooms, sporting fields and social events. Our approach leads to positive impacts on student’s academic

outcomes, their mental health, classroom behaviour, and relationships between teachers and children.


Here are a few extra reminders from the Year Three teachers:

-As it is Term One, please make sure your child has their black school hat in their bag ready to bring to school in

order for them to enjoy their time during recess and lunch. If your child does not have a hat, they will be

required to play in undercover areas.

-Please continue to ensure your child is in full school uniform every day. If you require more information in

regards to this, please see the Uniform Policy, which can be found online.

If children arrive after the 8:45am bell, they will be required to sign in and get a late pass from the front


-Water bottles are advised so children can continue to hydrate themselves in the classroom instead of leaving

the classroom during learning time. We kindly ask that the children only bring water to school.

-Children may also bring ‘Sip and Crunch’ to school. ‘Sip and Crunch’ is a small snack (separate to recess and

lunch) that is comprised of pre-cut/peeled fruits and vegetables. Children will need ‘Sip and Crunch’ on their

tables to help power their brains!

We look forward to working closely with you, so that together we can support all children to achieve and grow

this year! Have a great week!

Thank you,



Welcome back! First, an introduction from all the Year 4 teachers this year. 4A - Miss Bennington This is my ninth year of teaching and have taught years 3-6 for most of my teaching career, except for the one year I taught in Prep. I enjoy reading, walking and baking. I am looking forward to working with Grade four again this year and getting to know all the children in 4A. 4B - Miss B This is my first year teaching Grade Four! I have two dogs named Ed and Lenny. Ed is a sausage dog and Lenny is a mix (he is a rescue so we aren’t sure!). I love craft, reading and plants! I’m really looking forward to celebrating all the special holidays with you all - especially Harmony Day! 4C - Mr Heffernan This is my second year teaching at TRPS and I have been teaching for eight years. I like most sports, have travelled to many countries and love to hike and bike ride. I’m looking forward to a great 2021 with your child in 4C. 4D - Ms Fernandez I have been teaching for ten years. I enjoy walking, swimming, travelling, gardening, reading and doing puzzles. 4E - Mrs Hegarty I have been teaching for the past five years. I enjoy gardening and watching my favourite basketball team, Melbourne United. This year I look forward to getting to know the children in 4E and the TRPS community. We have started the 2021 school year with our Learning to Learn program where children have reviewed and learned then practiced the knowledge and skills they will need throughout the school year. We have discussed and created protocols for all the different areas of learning. Children shared what they think should be expected in these different situations and these are the expectations they will follow. Some of the protocols we have created are:

Independent Reading Protocols

Turn and Talk Protocols Meeting Place Protocols


READING Children have been discussing what makes a book ‘just right’ for them and then selecting ‘just right’ books from their classroom libraries. When selecting these books children are thinking about how easy or challenging the text is and if it is interesting to them. Books from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Freak Street series have been popular choices.


During conferences with their teachers this week children have been completing reading interviews. During these children were thinking about and responded to questions like:

How many books have you read this year?

What kinds of books do you enjoy reading? What is something you have learnt while reading?

WRITING Children have been working hard on their Writer’s Notebooks this week. They began by personalizing their covers to make their books their own, followed by using their own experiences as seeds. Children will use these seeds to give them inspiration for topics, themes, characters or events in their future writing pieces. Children in 4B began with the letter of their name and then decorated around it with images that are special to them.

Similar to conferences in reading, children have been completing writing interviews. During these children were thinking about and responded to questions like:

How do you feel about writing? why?

What kinds of topics do you especially like writing about? What would you like to learn how to do better as a writer? MATHS

Children began the term by creating a class birthday display presenting it as a picture graph. They discussed the data, answering questions such as ‘which month has the most/least birthdays?’. Children then used their knowledge of graphs to create a bar graph of this data. Children also created ‘Me as a Mathematician’ posters to share information about themselves as maths learners. Children responded to questions such as:

What is your favourite part of maths class?

What is your goal for maths this year? What is your strength in Maths?

Kind regards, PLC 4


Welcome back to all our returning families and a big hello to all the new families that have joined us this year.

As the children take another step on their learning journey, we are excited by the prospect of helping our

children grow and develop. Obviously, this is a team effort and we can’t do it all ourselves; we need your help

to give the children the support and guidance that will keep them on track. With this in mind, we shall outline

what we are doing this year and how you can help at home.


Like any skill, if you want to get better, you need to practise. It is vital that your child is reading every night for

20 minutes and recording this in the orange reading journal provided by the school. The teachers will check the

journal and give out certificates when the children have read 25, 50, 75 nights and beyond. The goal by the end

of the year is to have read at least 200 nights. The children should record the title and a short summary

sentence about what they read. If they are reading a chapter book, they can record the page numbers as well.

Please encourage this and take the time to listen to them read. To help even more, ask them questions about

the book. This will promote their comprehension skills. The children still have access to RAZ Kids and Epic, so

they can read online too! You could also take a visit to the library and read as a family.


To help at home with writing, encourage your child to collect interesting words they find when reading.

Discuss what they mean and how they can be used in a sentence. You can also collect ideas/objects that

children can bring to school to stick into their Writer’s Notebook – which the children will use to generate

story ideas. Cinema tickets, newspaper articles, interesting pictures are all great writing starting points. You

could also point out similarities in stories that you read or movies that you watch, which will help with the

understanding of story structure.



Each term we will let you know what area we are studying so you can support this at home.

The school pays for access to Mathletics and My Numeracy/Sunshine Maths as part of Essential

Assessment. The children can access activities that are focussed at their level of learning and are

based around what they misunderstood during the pre-tests we conduct in class. The teachers

would love it if you encouraged your child to access these great resources regularly. In addition

to this, children should be constantly learning their multiplication facts (times tables) so that

they know all of them up to 12 x 12. It certainly helps with confidence levels during

multiplication and division lessons and especially when we get to fractions and decimals, later in

the year. It also ensures most of the thinking can be directed at the new concepts being learnt,

rather than on the multiplication facts.


All grade 5/6s will be participating in 2 hours of sport every Friday morning, which gives children

the chance to represent the school as part of a team. This term there will be Cricket, Basketball,

T-Ball, Tennis and Volleyball teams selected to compete against other local schools.

Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed in their sporting uniform each Friday

including a school hat - so they can participate fully.

All of the Grade 5/6 team are happy to discuss any aspects of your child’s learning and

development with you, should you need to. If this is the case, please contact your child’s

teacher through the office. We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year,

to make 2021 a fantastic, supportive year at school.

PLC 5/6


Meet the teachers

Hi! My name is Mr Max and I am really excited to be teaching you Performing Arts at Tarneit Rise PS! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE INSTRUMENT TO PLAY? I love to play guitar: it’s one of my favourite things to do. During lockdown last year I also enjoyed playing lots of drums! WHAT IS YOUR FIRST MEMORY OF PERFORMING ON STAGE? Lip-syncing a song solo in front of a big audience during my school’s Christmas concert when I was in Grade 1. WHAT IS YOUR BEST/WORST DANCE MOVE? The Twist!

Hi! My name is Miss Andrew and I am looking forward to teaching Performing Arts in 2021! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE INSTRUMENT TO PLAY?

I absolutely love to sing, but I really enjoy playing the piano and singing along while I play! WHAT IS YOUR FIRST MEMORY OF PERFORMING ON STAGE?

When I was in Grade 2, I performed ‘Let’s Go Fly A Kite’ from Mary Poppins on stage with my class. I remember falling over during the final performance and I was so embarrassed – but I just stood up and continued dancing anyway! WHAT IS YOUR BEST/WORST DANCE MOVE?

The Nutbush!


Happy New Year to all of our Tarneit Rise families! We are ready to have a wonderful semester filled with fun activities and rehearsals to prepare for performing in front of an audience! Through Performing Arts, children are able to develop their communication skills, self-expression, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Tarneit Rise children will be supported in their learning so that they can be brave enough to experiment, develop, practise and present their art safely and confidently in front of an audience. In 2021, Foundation children will be learning about three types of Performing Arts: dance, music and drama. Children from Grade one to Grade six will focus on improving their dance and music abilities this year. We will begin with dance for Term 1 – observing, discussing, imitating and creating dance sequences so that we can grow into creative and confident performers! Performing Arts and Visual Arts will both run for six months of the year. Children who are not currently doing Performing Arts will have the opportunity to complete Performing Arts lessons in Semester 2. If you’d like to know more about our Performing Arts program, we will be available during Meet and Greet on the 5th of March to answer any questions or queries you might have. See you in the Performing Arts room! Miss Andrew & Mr Max


Welcome back Children, Parents and Families.

We hope everyone enjoyed their break and are ready to be back for a fun year in P.E! This year we are

excited to get started and happy to introduce our new P.E teachers, Mr. Firman and also Mr. Barker, who will

be working alongside Mr. Marley and Mr. Wilson.

Meet the P.E team:

Mr. Marley - interests include: Cricket, European Handball (YouTube it - it's amazing) and Gymnastics,

although I love all sports.

Mr. Wilson - interest include: Running, Basketball, Volleyball and Circus!

Mr. Firman - interests include: AFL, walking my dog, Netflix and spending time with my family.

Mr. Barker - interest include: Cooking and baking, playing with my dog Beau, playing guitar and travelling and


In 2021 the P.E team will be offering some after school sports and exercise clubs again. We will keep you

posted about what clubs we will be offering in the coming weeks.

During Term 1 our PE program will be focused on Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), Target Games and


We hope you are as excited as we are about jumping in and getting moving in 2021!

Stay safe and active everyone,

Mr. Marley, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Firman and Mr. Barker


To all the TRPS families, a BIG welcome back to school! We are so excited to see all the children again and

hope that we can all remain at school for a COVID normal year.

In 2021 the STEM team has grown to FIVE staff! We welcome Jessica Jehu to our school, and Petra Parker to

the team. Carmen Barnes, Haslinda Gould and Mel Gunsan all remain in the team this year

L-R: Jessica Jehu, Carmen Barnes, Petra Parker, Haslinda Gould and Mel Gunsan.

This term Prep children will be focussing on Biological Science, where they will learn about animal habitats,

skin coverings and food.

Grade 1 children will be learning about forces like push and pull in Physical Science. They will experiment

with different sized and shaped objects and watch how they move differently.

Grade 2 children are studying Earth and Space Science. They will investigate Earth’s resources, like water,

dirt and rocks, and how humans use them in everyday life.

Grade 3 children will investigate the different ways that heat can transfer from one object to another in

Physical Science. They will also look at direct forces like pushing and pulling, and indirect forces like


Grade 4 children are studying Earth and Space Science and will learn about how and why the seasons change

and the differences between day and night for humans and animals.

In Biological Science, Grade 5 and 6 children will be learning about animal adaptations and how they adapt

to different environments for survival.

We look forward to teaching your children about the big, wide world we live in!



Welcome to Visual Arts 2021!

This year there will be two of us teaching art- Mrs. Ostyn who has returned to us and Ms. Popczyk who taught art last year. It’s been great to welcome all the children into our shared art room. We’ve been getting to know them as artists through the lessons provided this week and with this knowledge, we’ll be planning some amazing lessons that will mostly be inspired by Australian artists. The learning will include hands on skills as well as visual thinking strategies and connections to our personal landscapes. We look forward to sharing the children’ work with you. Ms. Popczyk and Mrs. Ostyn Below is the image we used to provoke our senior children’ visual thinking this week. Albert Tucker, The Intruder and Parrots 1964-1968


The Global Perspective Leaders (GPL) are a leadership team who research global issues and

educate our wider school community on these issues, so we can help develop a better world for

people. Last year the GPL team consisted of 11 children who researched bushfires, pandemics,

identity and inclusion. They created a set of children’s books which are now in the library for

teachers to use as classroom resources. This year our GPL team has grown from 11 children to a

massive 40 children ranging from grades 4-6.

Last Tuesday we had our first leadership sessions where we researched world issues and as a

group have selected three topics to cover for the first three terms. In Term 1 we will be

researching and educating the wider community on world hunger and how we can help ensure

all people have access to healthy food.

Stay tuned for more information from our GPL team on ways we can eradicate world hunger!

The GPL Team :)

Global Perspective



PRIVACY INFORMATION for parents and carers

During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at our school, school staff will collect your child’s personal and health information when necessary to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health in the school context. Such information will also be collected when required to fulfil a legal obligation, including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. If that information is not collected, the school may be unable to provide optimal education or support to your child, or fulfil those legal obligations.

For example, health information may be collected through the school nurse, primary welfare officer or wellbeing staff member. If your child is referred to a specific health service at school, such as a Student Support Services officer, the required consent will be obtained. Our school also collects information provided by parents and carers through the School Entrance Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) and the Early Childhood Intervention Service (ECIS) Transition Form.

Our school may use online tools, such as apps and other software, to effectively collect and manage information about your child for teaching and learning purposes, parent communication and engagement; student administration; and school management purposes. When our school uses these online tools, we take steps to ensure that your child’s information is secure. If you have any concerns about the use of these online tools, please contact us.

School staff will only share your child’s personal or health information with other staff who need to know to enable the school to educate or support your child, or fulfil a legal obligation.

When our children transfer to another Victorian government school, personal and health information about that student will be transferred to that next school. Transferring this information is in the best interests of our children and assists that next school to provide optimal education and support to children.

In some limited circumstances, information may be disclosed outside of the school (and outside of the Department of Education and Training). The school will seek your consent for such disclosures unless the disclosure is allowed or mandated by law.

Our school values the privacy of every person. When collecting and managing personal and health information, all school staff must comply with Victorian privacy law. For more information about privacy Including about how to access personal and health information held by the school about you or your child, see our school’s privacy policy:

Throughout this notice, ‘staff’ includes principals, teachers, Student Support Service officers, youth workers, social workers, nurses and any other allied health practitioners and all other staff at our school. This includes employees, agents and service providers (contractors) of the Department, whether paid or unpaid.


School Council Elections

Here at Tarneit Rise Primary School we are very proud of our school, our children and community. One of the reasons our school operates so well is because of our active and enthusiastic School Council. Each year we conduct elections for School Council. Parents and Department of Education and Training (DET) members are elected for a period of two years. Community members can also be co-opted to School Council for up to two years. This year there are four parent positions to be filled (2 years) and one DET position.

Returning parent councillors are: Faith Jere, Hannan,

Returning community councillors are: Venky, Karin

Returning DET councillors are: Sarah Gerring

I would encourage people to seriously consider getting involved in School Council which meets once a month (every third Monday from 6.00pm) and is an important decision making body in the school.

Any parent or carer of a student can be on School Council. School Councillors need to be prepared to work in a positive and constructive way with other parents to shape the future of our school, support our children and improve our school. No experience is necessary. Information and induction/training sessions are provided.

How do I nominate for the election?

If you decide to stand for election, collect a nomination form from the front office, or call so we can arrange to have one sent home with your child. Nominations open on Monday February 15th and close the following Monday February 22nd. Complete all details and return the form to school. It’s that easy! A ballot will only be held if the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacant positions. Please see us or any other councillor if you would like more information or have any questions about being on School Council. Current councillors are Nadia Bettio, Sarah Narres, Sarah Gerring, Jacky Rambridge, Shiri Robson, Faith Jere, Naomi Cash, Hannan, Karin, Venky

Remember these dates:

Monday February 15th – Nominations Open

Monday February 22nd - Nominations Close

Tuesday February 23rdh – Ballot Papers issued (if required)

Tuesday March 2nd – Close of ballot

Monday March 15th – AGM and first meeting of new School Council