DB. BBADl - DigiFind-It


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t J o r n i g

NUMliEK 3,ai5. NEW AllK , X. J„ SA T rU U A Y . JI NE li. IHIH. VmVE TWO CENTS.F ir s t E d it io n . m a n a g e r y o u n g q u iz z e d .

DB. BBADlTh« Clersymui'i Mitbods Looked

Upon Unfevoribly.


Th. B.lallon* Bflwtcn th. Hlnl.t*r and tha Uoam of TruttMi of tha Ilo.toa Church Said to lie V .r j Much Stratnail. Kar. Di% Hrady’i Idea, for AltnM-tlng Attention to the Church Nat I'leaalog to All~rriendi of tha Paator Alleged to lie Making Elfiirli to Hara the Old Hoard Onated.

Bpoeial Dinatoh to tlv N ttfABosroh, Juno I.—Tboro It now no Mcrot

mada ot tbo atraineil relation, hetweoo Itcv. Dr. Jamea BoTd Brad/, formerly of New­ark, but now of tha l*ei>|)le’a I ’hurrh, ihl. city, and a majority of the church triutrwi, who m inaUnml to renent the paalor*. rather •enaabonal method* of attrac^ng atteution to tha church.

Uantlon wa* raoanUy maile of a letter which Dr. Brady aent to tho Board of Tnia- taea before ao(W’ *’og the call. The letter outlined the metL a by which ha propiwd tp build up the church, and laid that if the board would agree to co-operate with him in aarrying out his Ideas he would come to Ihw- too. The trustees now say thah while they agreed to co-operate with Or. Rra.ly, they did not agree to become as putty In hi. hands, without haring the prlrllege of dls- agrtalng with him in the smallatt particu- Iv .

Th* tmitaa alao say that they have done everTtbing In their |»wer to help carry mit Pr. Brady’s planw; that when he prQ|Kj*ed to have draperlss around the auiUtorlum to pro­tect the congrention from draught* and whan he sug|Mted putting great song .hecta In th* pews tbev ataentnd, and lo with anum- bar of other ideas in the carrying out of which an tspans* of about $l,iuu wa« in- onrrod.

A t the last meeting of the trustee. Dr, Bndy had a number of other plans to lay before the board. He luggeetod baying w>me of the furniture of Rev. Loul. A. Banks ; also having the words “ Psople's Church ” blase forth in electric lights on Columbus avenue and Ulumluatei muttoe. of the same sort in the church. He also wanted the tide- sralk around the church tom up and made into a flower garden.

When theae matters came up before the board ter coniideratloii there was not a word said In opposition to the pastor's plans, hut in view of the bard times and the lock of funds in the treasurr it was decideil to lay avsrything over until the next lueetiug.

Maaatime, the friend* of Dr. Brady, It is allsnd, have been preparing the way to take affaliii into their own hand*. The dlsi iptiue of tha Methodist Church says that no person who is* tnistae can be ejected while he is in joint aecurity for money, unleas such relief be given him as is demandod or the creditor.

aooqit. It ia claimed that this lectlou of the dfacipline has long been a barrier against tW progreaa of the People's Churoh, Hii meoibere of the board of trustoee had their naaM attached to bond* and it is assertoJ by Dr. BrAdj*t friukli that owners of tho •ignatnie* conatitutwl the majority which has faiiwi to agree with the *pastor In his method* of oonducUDg the buslneM of the chorefa.

It is now claimed that Dr. Brady's friends bavwbroiight their influenm to bear upon the church authorities and bare succeeded i u gettiiu the old bond cancelled, and a new bond has been Mgned by five leading busl- neasmen of Boston, representing *bouH25(lL- 000. D this is BO Dp# Brady's optnser. will have to go at the neit maeting of the official baavdi In the meantime matters are at tavar

SENTENCED TO STATE PRISON.TanHt « r Tan, Haven and FJv* Tears for

th* Newark Men Who Shot Officer Harts.

Bpedal to the E nk iifa N iw gElieabkth, June S.—The Union Connty

Oomt here was thronged this morning, It lug sentence day. The principal interest hinged on what disposal woul 1 be made by the court of the three Newark men, Luke Ward, William Doocey and Richard Caldwell, who wen convicted of attempting to kill Officer Conrad Herts.

Ward was tho first prisoner to be called up tor sentence, and Judge HcCormlck said it wa* only by the greatest of good luck that Oflloer Harts was notdead and burled as a result of the murderous attack on him. The previous character of tbs prisoner was boil, he having spent t «o terms in Htate pruon andotto la Caldwell Penitentiarythat the Court bad no mercy to show him, and did nut hesitate to im]iose the full pen­alty for the crime, namsly, ten years In Stat* ^imn.

Ward, with considerable feeling, then adj dressed tbe Court, and declareil that he was nut guilty of tbe offence with which he was chargoil. He said it was no wonder that men senteneod to long terms in Ktato Prison bythe Union County Court, afterward com­mitted suicide in prison through dMpomlency and said he hoped before Judge IdcCurmick died he would he convinced he had punished an Innoceut man,

Doocey wa* than senteneod to sevou years and Caldwell to five years. In thelatter’s case the Judge said tho urlsoner’i father died Before he was born, and his mother died three years -ago. Ho has a reapectable sister, who was recently married in Newark, and it eras all owing to hod company that he was In hi* prsasnt plight. Krtthar Dorray or Caldwell said anything when sentence was pronounoed, but Caldwell aeemed utterly crushed as he was led back to his cell. .

Bebert Luystar, who was convicted of rtabblim Uatthew Herr, a tailor, lo the ktad with a knife, was sentenced to. three montlit in the County JaU.


CouDrll's Finance rumtnllte* Not Haii.lted With the Hlatemsnt In liegard te

that Five l‘nrC*nt. of Kerelpts.The Common Council’s Conuuittea on Fin­

ance, at its meeting last night, spurnud the offer made by Uencral Mauager David Voung, of th* Consoflitated Traction Com­pany, to pay tho city J18,1H1.«1, the amount the conijstuy consldeied to i » duo the city in occunfaiice with the provlsinnt of the ordlnanos requiring the companie* to pay five jier cent, of the gross earnings of tiM street railways operated by electricity. The total amount u( the per ceiitage which Ur. Yonug adndtled was due the city was 131,0117.95, but b* conteuiled that the com|Auy was entitled to lU,VI 3.00, tha eijieuse litourrail by tbe oom|«ny In re­moving the polea from tha centre of the street* Tbe rouunltteeman would nut listen lo Hr. Young'apropoaithin and he raed a state­ment signed by Treasurer E. Hill and Auditor W. J. Ramsfy, aa follows;

Year ending April 311, IHd. Drosa earnings.Irvington division....................... . |i1s,ufu 771

.............. fttiW *

.............. luH.OsnOranm division.... Rapid Tranitt......

Total...............................Five percent.......................Year ending April W, 13H.

I rvlngton dtvlslun........... .......Orange division......................Haiiid Transit........................Croeetown division.............Central avenue dlvlalon..........Houtb Tenth street division.....Courthouse division..... ...........

.... t ui.Hiir on

.... u.unw

.... IW-KTln

.... (W.MI7 7.1

.... HIAI0 3I 1*434 M 15.VIS 34 H.M4TA03 Ik

Ml* lann itt Pool o f Wood Mystery Not ■olvad—Conflicting Htoiles of

Edward Meeler.fa c ia l Dispatch to the News.

Biw m it, June S.~John Caiumeron called at noon to-dny at police haadquarters bar* and reported that bis brother, Ranbon Cammeron, of New Vernon, *A aoMMnt of whoee eecapade with a com- jiasilon named Edward Heeler appearwl la yMterday's Nkws, had not returned home, and ail efforts to locate him bad proved un- snccsasful. g

Ifttber is confined to bis bed at hh home, in Green Village. He now says that the buggy upset and tbiww both occupant* onk and in thta sray he received his injuries *M tbe pool of blood was caused. Mtoler h e f stated that they had been way- hud and Mkpted by four men. An effort is M ng mad* fo find the missing man, whose family ore anxiously awalung his return.

Ivon Ball flnpreme Officers Indicted. RliliiADkLPHls, June 3,—-Tho Grand Jury

yesterday found a true bill of Indlotment Fremnan D. Somerby. Charles

M Mhker, Joseph Glading and James Eekaml^, su|^ms JnsUoc, supreme

___ . * Cotnthlttoe on Daw*. w euparvMlon and a member of tbe Com- mlttM on Flnanoeand Account, respeotively, of the Buprenio Hitting of tho Order of the Iron Hall, chuglag them with coflsplrlng to fiboat and defraud tbe

I to^csta* ffiftlng of the Order of the .W -T w a Hall knd to convert tflOaOOO of its

foods to tbs use of penoos oompe^ng Um Jlntnat Banking, Bnrety, Trust and Hate De- ualt Company. The date of tbeoffenoea la oasd to the ludlctmeot a* Hay S, i s ^

Mr. Berry t o ^ l a Dlvaree.Wben Edward 8. Black argued for the de-

fence in tbe suit of Albion li. Berry against his wife in Jersey City on Thursday the Vlce-ChanoeUor stated that be would reoom- iMiid that Hr. Barry be granted a dlvoro*. ‘ ftar th* dadsion la formally made the case " 1 b* appealed. _________

Try " F io e f " ClgH*.~W dsalai*. 5 otBti--i.A. Wsid kb aaos, Agit.

.'■T I ■■

Tout......... ..............................44Five per cent............................. IkiflV 7T"That is strange," said Hr. Kt*lniby,when

the manager concludeit tin reading of the report of 1803. "verr strange. More riwd, lee* receipts; how Is that, David, how it thatr'

"1 can't understand that, either. Thev extended ^ i r lines with money they col- lectoil from people who formerly had pusses,” said Aldarmao amlth.

‘ ‘ Everybody with any sense whatever knows that time* have bean hank" said Ur. Young. “ Ours is a bustneas and w* too, have suffered; that ought to be plain to any one."

Then Mr. Y'oung addressed the committee. The Common Council, he said, permitted the company to erect poles ia the centre of the street* after which the Board of Works and the Grand Jury ordered their removsk and the einense Incaired waa tll.V18.tXl.

' • What have we got to do with tbe removal of your old pole*" said Hr. Harrlgan sharp­ly. ‘ ‘Uur onilnanoea rtqulre your company to pay five per cent, of tbe gross earnings to the city, and as far as I am conoemed it will b* paid, poles or no pole*"

"Those are my sentiment*” put in Ur. Trabold.

“ Well, you allowed u* to ---- ," began Mr.Young.

" M^at bare we got to do with the Board of Works or Grand Jury?’ Interrupted Hr. Btainaby.

" Bee here, David, it it had not been a benefit to your company, do you want os to believe tlut yon would have removed poles on a i^ such gentle request from the HoanI of Works or Grand Jury f said Comptroller Connelly. " 1 tell you what I believ*" continued the Comptroller, “ tha city should charge this company Interest on the claim."

“ Well, that is sn honest statement," said Mr. Y'oung. “ Gur books are open to your Inopection.’

" If that Is a true statement, David." re- plieil Mr. Btalnsby, “ the public has bMn awfully deceived.’’

There wo* more dlscuseion upon the lub- ject, the committee was not iueUnod to be­lieve the statement and would out accept tbe amount of tha five per oentond would not consider the prop«iiion to deduot the amount for the removal of the poles.

On motion of Hr. Hteinsby the committee ordered the employment of an expert to go over the Consolidated Traction Company's books in th* presence of Ahtermen Btalnsby and Trabold. Ths rssolntlon to that effect was latter approved by the Common CounciL

Comptrollisr Connelly, when seen by a Nkwr reporbar this morning, said that in hi* opinion the figures given ^ Ur. Toting WOTS daoidedly low. .

" What do you think of Hr. Yonng'i claim of fl4,BlS.S0 for expenses InciUTed in the ereetten of the oentra-polei r asked th* re­porter.

“ Jlot," answtred the Comptroller, prompt­ly. " If the company ho* or thinks It ha* any grounds for that claim, its redrass Is in the court*. The committee will not make any such allowanoe.”

Concerning tbe statements made by Ur. Young toghs Finance Commltte* last night, a man who is thoroughly familiar with th* affairs of the company said that the state­ments were misleading, in that they do not folly explain the situation.

“ Now, for instonc*" the reporter’s in­formant went on, “ the agreemsnt between the Traction Company and the city 1s to the effect that ths company ,shaU pay a five per cent, tax on the gro «earnings of the eleotiioally operated lluea within the city limits. It one at the line* say ten miles long, returns gross earn­ings of K30,000 per year, and only three miles of the road Is within the dty limit* the company la only required to pay tbe five per cent, tax on the earnings of t ^ t three mile* or the portion that is operated in the city. The flguiw given to the Finanoe Committee by Mr. Young are the estltnated eerningi of those portions of the company’s tins within the boundarie* off tbe city, aaii not by anv mean* the gross earn­ings of the company's entire plant. The re­port submitted by the company to tbe Attorney-General lost year showed the gross earnings of the company to be something like a milbon and a quarter dol­lars for that year. That, of oonrie, luclnded the earnings of the hortecar line*—Broad street, Uloomfleld avenu* Orange streat, Hamson and the other branches on which electricity baa since superceded the old svi- tem."

Neither Mr. Shanley nor Mr. Young were to be found at the office Of tbe Cousoudated Traction Company this morning, but As­sistant Treasurer W, J. Ramsey cor- coburated this statement. Raferrug to the falling off from the flgursequoted as the earnings for 1808, Mr. Bsmsay said that it was due to the fact that many of the factories were working only three- qiurten time and the working people had more leisure to walk to and yom th ^ work.

W OM EN BOUND AN D GAGGED.The Home of Wealthy Malden Ladles

Entered by Masked Bobhen-Money and Valnables Carried OIL

Bpectal Dispatch to ths NlWk.BmnngTON, June 8.—Tbe home of

E ieabeth and Kate Pox, two wealthy maiden tadiea residiug on tha Cen- treton road, a lew miles out ftmn of this dty, ws* entered by (hiee masked bnrglars aboot 13 o'clock last night They bound and gagged the ladle* and then ran­sacked tbe bous* securing over seven hun­dred dollars In cash. #

One of tbe sisters broke the fastenings and ■nmmoned help, but the robbers waned This it tbe thhil time tbs Fox sistart^vs been robbed since last fall.

MORE VIOLENCE BY STRIKERS.Coal Trains In Ohio Attaekod and th*

flherlff Called Out to Fieteet Prolierty.

BRIWUPOKT, 0., June a .- It te reported that a mob of striking miners at Wheeling Creek mines, on ths Cleveland, Loralno and Wheeling Railroad, hav* attacktd coal train* and are forcing them to ratnrn to this place.

It is also said that the Sheriff has been called upon to protect proparjy and disperse the jpob.

Mtortkg Baeigy.From Gusrterlv Review,

Our public school and unlvaraity lyttem of training simply ccDslst* from Ha oonoeptlon to its end, Inose costldned aerie* of comaetl- Uoiu among thee* whom It 1* training for practical life, and the thoet incoeurnl oom- petltoT te BUppcesd to bt the meet ptomiatng man of the future. But the tHumphe thu* ob­tained on the threshald at practloal life are. not Infrequently, purchased by a strain on th* power of adolesoent manhood to bo followed by a period of lassitude and indlffennoe when tho work of the world faegUt*. A story b current that In earte Ufe on* o f . th* Hfiast and most vlgoroas of mofiern stataemen teas reproached by a relation tor bis apparently luonnble Indolsnca, and ha n tort^ t “ la m ' ttorlng anrigy."

Another Jonay Postmaota^ Appohitad. | WAgBuraTog. Jniw 8.-Jcglah Ricker woa

J * PtWmoalwr

SGEilS n IN HELffiTbe New Jersey Bicycler Led at tbe

First Stop at Paterson.


i*««t Times n^ttiir ItfftilA In th# Onr ttnn* dr#d Fifty Mil# llaoe Uf'twvtfn Nrw York Mid rhllMlMphU by tli« Krjsr#* •«nl«UTa Bldan cf Nrw Y oi-k, Nrw .Irr- say eed I'ennsrlvaele—rrogreit cif iha Race at tbe Veiimis 1‘oIuIm A I.mg the L1ne»A Coettf Fall After Htrlklng a ••Baag."

W, C. Room* tbe Jersey City rider who liail Die first relay for the New Jeriwy bwni In the ISO-mile rare between New Y'ork an-1 Rblbwlelphla, was ahead of the other two conteetante by about three yerds when tho ridara passed through this city this iiKiming. They did not meet the ferrylxtat ot New York, and wer* delayed some time In their trt|v and when they creased the meaihiws on tbe turnpike all throe riders k<‘pt close b>- getber.

Rooms was distinguishable by a red sash. Ho wo* cloaaty foUowad by F. B. Marriott, of tbe Bouth End Wheelmen, Phibulelphl* and Marriott was followed by Frederick NageL of the Rlvenihis Wheelmen. Now York. Thera was a crowd of Newark wliiwl- ■non at tha corner of Broad and Bridge street* when tbs oontestante arrivnl and many of tho ndars followed the racen up Broad street and aloim the asphalt The man nontlnueil up Washington avenue through Bellevillre and Nutteyand Paterson and ended their part of the race at the house of the I’aseaio Falls Wbeelmen, at Paterwm.

Tlie race te the longist one of tbs kind that has ever been held In this part of the coun­try, and considerable interest is sihiblted la tbe result. Th* three men started from Park row, New York, at 8 o’clock, and were B(‘heduhsl to ba In Patereoo at 9:80 o’clock. The delay at the ferry, however, pul them back ovar half on hour. The relay* with the ground to be oovered, are given below:

First Rainy, New York Txmes ofllo* to Passaic Falls Wbrelmen’i Ulubhouie at Pat­erson—Pennsylvante, F. B. Harriott Bouth End Wbeelnien; New Jarim, W, C. nonme, Jersey C'ltv; New York, Frederick NagI* Rivemdt Wheelmen.

Becond Relay, Pateraon to tbe Mansion House Hotel, Homstown—Pennsylvania. Cbarlas Churob, Chester, F a ; New Jereev, F. J. HeUehon, Tourist Cycling Club of Paterson: New York, C, P. Htgubach.

Tblrd Relay, Morristown to Wheat Btaeaf Inn. Between Eliubsth and Rahway—Fenn- sylvaoi* Louis Geyler, Century Wheelmen; New Jerse;r E. L. Blauvelt Newark Wheel­men: New York, G. A. Murray, Washington Wheelmen.

Fourth Relay, Wheat Bhsof Inn to Frank­lin Park — Pennsylvania, William Hall, C^ker City Wbeelmen; New Jereev, J. M. Baldwin, Century Cycle Club of Newark; New Y'ork, U. 8. Palg* Kings County Wbeelmen.

Fifth Relay, Franklin Park to tVheat Bbeaf Inn, between Trenton and Bristol— Pennsylvante, C. W. Krlck, Penn Wheel­men of PLitedelphte; New Jersey, M. Mc­Govern, Mercer County W'heebnen: New Y’ork, R. McDonald.

Hixth Relay, Wheat Bheaf Inn to FiniH* at Nlcetowu Lano and Brood Btreet Phlbi- delphte—Penntylvante, Cbarlaa Measure, Century Wheelmen; New Jerwy, Whitfield Bmltb, Atelanta Wheelmen; New York, J. W, Davison, Washington YV’heelmen.

It was arranged that at the arrival of any two men of the first relay at the end of tM twenty-five miles the otlier three xidari should start out. Tbe first man in at the end of each relay receive* fifteen point* tbe seoond man ten and the third flv* dead heats scored even, each man getting ten or fifteen point* as the cose thouul be. The ronta In this city and vicinity ia as follows':

Start—From the New Y’’ork T im u office at S A. H. lo Jersey City and along the turn­i p to Newark, estering by Brii%e street Follow to Broad street, turn to right and fol­low to cemetery ; torn left to BeUeTllte ave­nue; turn right and follow to tt oabingtou svenn* whidi follow straight out through Bellevill* Delawano* Pasulo bridge {under railroad) to Main street, Passaic, direct to Paterson: then to the Passaic F^ls Wheel­men’s olnbbousfl—first relay.

Tbe offleisb of the race at tbe different relays are as follows:

New York—Starter, C. H. Lusoomb, preei- dant League ot American Wheelmen; ecorer, Frederick Kecr. Budson County Wheelmen,

Paterson—Judge, C. B. Vaughan, Atalanta Wbeelmen; scorer, R. R. ChiswelL Tourist Cycle Club; starter, A. Van Vuorbe^ P te r ­ion YVbeolmen.

Morristown—Judg* W. K. Huchmor* Morristown bicycle Chib; scorer, John W. Cliff, Morristown Bicyolo Club; starter, W. F, Day, Jr., Morristown Bicycle Club.

Wheat Bbeaf Inn—Judg* Robert Uentte, Elisabeth Athletic Club Cyclers; scorer, C. W, Price, Elizabeth Athletic Club Cyclers; starter, 8. D. Parrot, EliiabeGi Atblelic Club Cyclers.

Franklin Park—Judg* Dr. H, IredelL New Brunswick Wheelmen; scorer, A. E. Waldron, New Brunswick Wheelmen; starter, J. A. Ullsh, New Brunswick Wheel­men.

YVheat Hhoaflnn—Dr. H. F. Lolor, Mer­cer County Whueiuien; scorer, J. C, Tatter- lalL Mercer Connty Wheelmen; starter, H. Leavitt, Mercer Conaty Wheelmen.

Pbitodelpbia—Judg* Chief Consul BamucI A. Boyle, Ijeagusof American Wheelmen; refers* Thomss Har* president Century Wheelmen; scorer, A. J. Powell.

pAKKAir, June '3—The retey road-racers reached this ptece at 0AU A.M and poised through, paced st a rattling gait by G. Fred Royc* of this dty. Room* of New Jersey, was in the lead. He waa followed by the Pennsylvania man, a few feet behind, while the New Yorker was half a mile In tho rear. The New Y’orker was riding slowly ond ar­rived at 10:01' A. M. Roofoe’sclothes were soIIotL indicating that he fasd a talL but he was apimrently Iresh. .

pATEiuiD.v, June 3 [f^eolal].—The first relay in the Tri-Btate race rvacned the finish at the bouse of the Psimio Falla Wheelmen here almost bunched. New Jersey was first over the tap* flniiblng at l0;lB)k A. M., Fenniylvaate second, fodtOi and New Yorli third, at

Tbe finish was most exciting between Penn- tylvanla and New Jersey. On the quarter mile straightaway before tbe tape was reached the men bod it nip and tuck, first one ahead and then the other. One hundred yards from the finish the Jersey man gained a wheel's lengtn. The riders bad fifty feet to go when the Pennsylvania man struak a rut and fall headlong against a ledge of rocks. He picked up his wheel Immediately, however, and crossed tha line thirty aeconds after the winner. He eSbaped with a few scratches.

The New York rider finished ata moderate rate of speed. George Beckwith, of tbe Tourists Cycle Club, |iacsd the first relay from Clifton to the Hoteh. The second relay started at 10:31, not watting for tbe third man to finish. The Passaic Falls Wheelmen paced to Little Fall* T. W. England to Boon- ton, tho Boonton Cycle Club to Denvill* and Julius Grlebel to Morristown. Fully aoO persons wltuesesd tbe finish of the first relay.

MoRmflTOWK, Juno 3. [.^eoiath-The racers in the lOO.mlle retey bicycle racekr- rived at this eliv as follows: Peoniylvania man, 13:16 P. M., followed by tte New Jer­sey man three yards in tbe rear. Tha New York mall broke down before reaching town. The New Jersey man ted from Itet- ersuD, but when be reoebed a point 100

{rarda from the relay line In Morrutown he ost bis [foothold on tbe peddat and dropped

back to oecond ptece, Th* third change man were started from Eltabeth at 13:ld

To Bridge the Delaware.W aSBISOtojt, June 8.—There w u a spir­

ited diecussion testing an hour in the execu­tive session of the Honae Oommere* Ctm- tnittee, yesterday over the bill '’ ’to coustruct a ' bridge ocroos the Delaware River at Pbiladelphte. Ttie blit woa finally ordered to be favorably reported by a vote of 9 to 5. It was amended so that on* year may be allowed for the preparation and approval of tho plim;. two. years In which to commence the work am^ seven in which to complete the bridjte.

fltata Frlsen Inspeetor* Organise. T b m io b , June*.—The State Board of

Prison Inspaotors met at tbe prison yesterday and effected an organisation with Max B, BtsplM iDem.), of Hud­son, as chairman, and Captain Hoioomb (Rep.), ot Honterdou, aecratory. They were eaeocied through the InstltuUon by K e ^ w Patterson, who dlhod them. It was deqided to make no changea In tiie eighty employes for the present,

Qslt smoklna imported cigarsAnd stick t o ^ y West KnYtehas.-AdT,


ills Nprech an Ills Itesalatloa an Ih* hiipir InvMllirfttiaD.

WAsmxtiTtiH, June'-J. -The miolittioti of- ferrod yreterlsy by Mr. Hill (Dem,, N. Y',1, fur (.pen seseluoi of lb* Hw lect Cuuimittee on th* sugar trust ImMlIgatlun was laid liafors the Haaata Ihte iiiorumg, and Ur. Hill sjioke in it* su|t- Isirt lie tbougnt that open seeslons of the committee were fairly oontempteted by therewilulioii for Us appolnUnent. It was in tim UMisl form and did nut unlliudse snTel.senuons: neither did it re­fuse that authority. There was nothing in (Iw original rawiliitlon that iwrniitiwl any Henatur to suggest that its pr.neednigs should be sei-ret. He started if f with the general propi»iti(» that tbe proceclings of ttenal* in­vestigating t'ummltteea sbouht lie o|s:ti; that, as a general rule, they were ojjeti; and that there was nothiug ab-mt this case that required the prureeilbigs to be se- <T#l.

At 1U:») A. sM. T iriff bill w m laid b»- fori‘ tfaft H#aatc; but Mr HlU said that b# wuuiil fnintlima hit rentarkF^vaiU iri liiniNelf of tbe latituiie of ii#>t«ta atithoT” lz#d In tiia Kenalfli. Ho wrnt on to lay tiiiit Tho iiiYoitligaUon ibiMiiU b« open to th# public aud tbrpreta and that would prevfut anj lutpirioa that tbo Heu ute •lA.tiriHl to Imre tbuu wnoeedlnKt ('ontluvieil in tli# <Urk, It woulif taxUly an bun#it ami Ju«t public nentimimt and would not do injuxtireto anyboLly.

Hi# hoiiate ite#lf wiu not a clul^ Alrb'iugh HiunetiinN faile<i no; ami there wha reaaun why thapublic th<ii]]ii Iw excliidod from iU prooeed- lUtfH. Ami Hii there wai no niaaon why tha publir liliuuld tie ezcludeil fnNii the w-hnloiii of mv'CfiUgatinc coinmUtaaa. lie thought tlukt the ioveMtigatlou »hiKild ba held With i»iK*n diKira ami that the ra|iortaraaC thf pn M sbculii bo prefteot.

rimr# Wtog nn rea*40Us''b« uid, “ why t«tlim>ny in rogurj In Miieculatioti Jn lugar RUx'k lihuulii not be taieii in open iwmou, lie wau sure that there had not W u lo many t>urcha»pff of augur ntock that (tiei-e wiiK (luy (ear tbataihacloaureofthe fact! would intliieni'W the New York itock market, and that thendore it wai not wiae to dia- clone liow' maur nurebasw bad batm mada “ around the r-irffe/' **

TJIE k i :t k i»f o l it a >' h a n d ic a p ,

Morrli Park Trark In UochI Coaditlan,Itr* Hlrr'i 4>HU*r (:vithdeat i>t WtnalMg*Mokrih Park Hackthaok, June S.—Tha

weather harp U beautifully ejear, and with erery pruhpprt of a clear, aunnhiny day for the greot MetropoliUn baadirap, which will be run on a tnick in faulUew oondltlon. flight ihowert fell early thlt momiog, but U only intended to make the track faiter than ever- TheMetrqioUtaiiFfandlcapborMa were all given their work thii morning for tha big event- The held will be a grand one aiHla greet struggle will be wltnwad. If ever owuer Is couUdent of winning a race, It ia FriMlerivk Fo«ter over hie faiqoua horse, l>r. Hire, lie has mada a Kpadal offer to Harrifiou to ride him, and there la no donbt whatever but that Harrinoft will ride onaof the bardast races of hu Ufa. Dr. Rice worked up tbe back stretch thU moruiog flva furlongs in 1,0(1. Hecorared tbe ftrstthraa furlongs in thirty-eecoods with bia mouth wide open. He ii a bulldc^ to conmge- Fred Koater will send Id a big commiision on Dr. Kice to win to-dny.

Hamapo auU Kinglet work well a half mile, rtuI Uldeon and Daly art) very eoufldHit, and aa far

jockeys are ouncemed, In Taral and Clriffln, t hey are well furnlihed. Matt Allen WM also out at A A. If., with Bassett* law. The imported son of S t Simon Is at home at this track, and Mr. Allen poaiUvisly thtuki him a better horse by ton poundi than wlioQ be ran at (Iraveoetid. Hamilton had tbe mount of the horse rbli momiog, and be worked five furlongs in 1:06 M. t , Dywer watched Don Alonzo at work. He waa given three furlongs up the bock stretch, and worked nicely.

The winner, or, in fact tbe horses that get any porlUm of the money, will know that there has been a horse race, Henry of Navarre, Rouue and Herald are borKe that will render good account! of tbenisefrea. I l ie j are all rec^ving big weight ooaeiwtoiia and are fit to run for their Uvei.

HIGHW AYM EN AG AIN AT WORK.Another Resident of Dlooinfl eld Altackedt

but He £iieaped After a Brief 8truggle*-No Arreili.

Charles Llvorworth, in tbo employ of Reu­ben N. Dodd, a Bloomfield ItvRrvman, nar­rowly escaped last night meeting tbe fate that befell Frits Undenmeyer.

Liverworth was on his way up Broad fltreet In a buggy with one of bindenmeyer'i sons, and after leaving tbe young man at hls home Ijiverworbh was approeclaag Hay ave­nue, when seven rnon ordered him to stop and give up hls money.

A t the same time one of tbo men grabbed tho horse by the head.

As ho did so, Llvcrworth struck tbo hone with tho whii>, and it jum{>eil forward, tak­ing tbe would-be thief with him. Liverr worth tben dealt the man a blow over the head with tho butt end of tho whip, knocking him down.

Then the horse was whipped up, and Liver worth succeeded m getting away; but bo was followed by four of tho would be thieves to Bay avenue, where they gave up tbe chnso.

Liverworth reported bis AKpeiieoca to Officer James Foster, but the highwaymen have not as yet been appruhcudwl.

The police are of the nplnion that the thieves are bolog harboivNi in a saloon in the vicinity of where the robbery was perpe­trated and where Liverworth was attaokeil.

No further arrests in tho I-tindcnmeyer case have as yet been mad<\

“ “ . FLOODS.Handreds of Miles of Conntry in

British Columbia louadated.


rarrawee.if Animal., Tlmher anfl TTrerhed Property Nero I'luetina »•<• B » t l » » M'elere—Kumlllr. lleiiime.1 In the I'pper Porllon* Ilf Tlieir Ileelllna. to Kerp frnur Hein* UruKiieil-aeTeral Vllleaea Aliped Entirely Out of tiil.lrnre anil More Appellliia IHukiter. Pearril llefur* tha Water. HiiU.lde.


A Procramme of ytonr Altractlons Willtie Pro.i'nted.

The Newark Prew Club will have Its an­nual besetlt next Wwioesday night at Miner's Theatre. Knuugh tirkets have already been sokt to fill the theatre. The playbouHe wl|l be elaborately deoorated with potted plant* paSins snfi tern*

The propsinme Is replete with good things. Atiiuug the iMrtoriners wIU be "Judge” WiUtein B. Green, a reciter and story teller with many funny ways.

A contralto singer wltb a sweet voice, Miss Ids H. Goilholil, will appear. The Jewell Brothers will (jerform their now tri k with their Ilindou box, which is said to have cost 85,000. The box l» firmly strapped locked and ti» l iip sreiirely. Two ot the audience will etanil and see that there is no trickery. Then W. E. Jewell will under­take to get Into the bux without touching any of the bindings. The perforiner htne self will be bound lisnd and root, but he will be successful in his efforts.

Frank Riley, a delineator of the Boutbern negro, will make pleasure for the audience by hi* fun^ sayings and acts.

Thomas E, Glymi, late of tbe Primroseand West combination, Is a skilful banjoist. He will do bis level best to entertain. Topical songs will be sung by an old Newark favorite, George Garkln, and the Newark Zither Club Is down on the programme for some choice se­lections. HafToeln Cerallo, a young vioUaist. will perform souie classical selections and aoroe ot the old time favorites.

VsarofViR, II. Jon,. J. -rVvsstatlon snd ruin ore the only words to npresa the iwful ralamity in lL.i Fniecr River country. Une hundretl inllei of cnnulry lut-e been devastaterL aii l tin* cn l Is not yet. Hinail niouotaln slrearn- have cliange.1 os if by inagtc to roaring forremy brluging down thousand tons of .row to add to tbo drelrny- Ing elements atrea.lr inclndol m Ibejiigger- naoleUke Jonrnsy of debris. Tlie ap|ioaraiii'* of the enUru Krnxcr Valley is cliangrsl. Waters are raging furiously, pneenting an appalling panorama of ruin, llundreds ot tm s are piled up nmund the heaiw of debris of tarmhouses floating down thestreanu.

Blwted CariwsiMsi of tUnnsnmla of sheep anti swine twirl in the mad current. Inter­mingled with u|itnniiHl Lets and tree* with chickens roosting in their hraui'luw. Kraacr River has now rsachni the hlgliest i»lnt touched in ItM'J the year of the great IIihkL and te still rising. Milre nnd tulles of the prairie tracks have Iwrti washed away tiw- tween Ruby-Creek an.l Mission, and aio train* or telegrams have rvu’bed Brillsh Columbia by this route for eight day* and them is little prospect for mails or isiminunl- catlon by telegraph for another fen days.

A t Hatxlic lYalrl* the washout Is half mile In langth, and so disqi that piles esnnut be obtained lung enough to trestle the break, Noarly all the bridges in the flowled district have collapsed, and the Urge Mis- tion brldre Is exjiei-ted to go every hour.

At Maria Island waves six fed high are washing over tbe track for fSN) yards and many mullar washout* are reported. Tho Governmant has steamers plying the river Incesiaotly reacnlng ranclieri sml their rattle. In spite of every prwwutioii belnq takan a niimlier of people ar* reportal drownsd. Among them era R. MaiTavixli, tha Canadian Pacific Itailway oHIeial at LangleY Numerous Indians have lost their lire*. DtsconsuUto farmers and a half doaen rancberi arrived with a steamer last evening, bnt few partlcnters ran ba ob- teinad from them. In answer to all quaa- tiona they say: " I am ruined; it's awful; I lost everythlag,"

FbUowingare brief dis(«tches from the flooded district;

Weatsniaitar City—AVater is coming faster than ever, Every warehouse aluug the water front baa b m strlppeil of its con­tents.

Anarls Island—Two miles below tbo city ha* disappeuwd from sight. I 'litetown and tUwash, two Indian villages, are no inoie. All cannlug factories are flisslal out and work sufpendoL The Immenw- salinun in­dustry is at a ftandstUI. The Matei]uith dikes have given way, and l.JXX) acres of land is being swept by the fioods. Peonlo are be­ing reecueil by ooaU from the rnuls of their houses.

Hatxlic—The dlku have given way and 800 acre* of land are under water. Ranchers have deserted tbilr homes and driven their rattle to high ground. Their sheep and iwtne aro all drowned.

Nicomen Island—All under water. Only a few houaea standing. |4ottlere will lose everythlag they have on earth.

ChlUlwactown—Wo are in great distress. Fbr God's sake sand help. Bciate are the only means we have ot Mtting around. If th* water rlias much higher 8O0 families wtB IM daottsole.

Lnck-a-IiOch-River suddenly changed it* course Into It* ancient channel and it is a raging torrent throagh our streets. Provis­ions are low. The strainer that arrived to­day mode a landing place at the top of the Hudson hay Company’s building.

Dewdnoy Flat*—All under water. Ranch­ers were rescued from tops of their houses huddled together with dog* cate, sheep and •wine. Prom Port Hammond to Chllliwai k there te not a foot of drv land in sight.

Bontb Weatroinster—(Irrat Northtrn Rail­way washed ont for several miles.

Mission City—Part of town under water. Thera is great •uttaring among tha inhablt- ante.

Lulu Island—Water within a few Inches of the top of the dike*. Two bnndred ranchers fleeing for their lives driving their cattle be­fore tneiii.

Port Hammond—Tsow lands are Hiibinergcl. Humlreds of fanners lost everything and are camping In tents on the high tends. Indians for a hundred miles have all taken to thu mountains.

Port Haneytown-^Wator is a foot atmvo the wharves, navigating the streets in boats. Very short of provislona.

Ijangtoy—Steamer Is moored to the fiagiiniu of the warehiTOS*. People packed like sar­dines in the house* in the high part of tliu city. Number ot wealthy ranchers lost the: r all.

Balmon River Settlement—r*ngley dike given away, burring 13,000 acree of rauclue. Ranchers escaped with their lives, The Gov­ernment from Vanoouver are making hercu­lean efforts to save Uf* and property. All (tenadlan Pneifio Navigation boata are en­gaged in Cha reacue ot the snfferers. The old InhabitanM say the water wUI not begin torecede until full tide Sunday. Mere ap­palling dlsaaters than have boon chronicled ore feared.

The flrst train bound oast for eight davs left here y**terd*y. The poeseugers and mails will be traasfeired by steaitier. The hotris In thte city an crowded by delaywi travelltrs. A t Vancouver, Y'lclorla and New At estminster have been cut off from the usual supply for eight d*ya there It n great scarcity of food and * temjwraty famiii* in th* provinoe is looked for.

One Bteanwr brought 400 settleis fromWestminster late teat night Am,mg themwas a family of ranchers who had Iniilt a strong raft upon which he took his entire family and ten blooded bortee. They were rseoued In mld-straain after having been afloat ten hoars.

LEAP-FROG A N INCIDENT."41 oMl p Over the lUsIgnat Ion uf II y miiasi urn

Inslrui'lor II0I1I1 of tha Orauga Alhlelic Club,

The mignatlon of Prof**snr Jonn E. Debit a< tustnictor in ibe gyiiinasiuni of th* Gr­ange Athletic Club has nrou;ht lo mind trap frog games ill ahlcb the professor in- strncte.1 Um tedies' gyiimastlc classes. Pro- fasaor iHildt is a tvlisver in leap frog as a msans of development for the mnsclas of tho arm* and legs. He Intrisiiiced, It ia said, leap frog into the ladies' classes, ami for siuiut time thu girls enjoyed the eihitenitiiig s|)ort,

Rnally one of the young wimien reported the matter to her father. In hivt haste tlie father r*|eirteil the matter to tho Houso 4'omiidtlce, of which John Wiley Is chilr- man. The Houm I 'ominlltac oislored Mr. Doldt to disoontimie leap frog, but the :nattcr was lUst'iissail and ducussid and the iieople of East I IrangH are talking ale lut it let.

YVllllam B. Dillon, the president of the clilK tolil a Nltne repiirter that the leap frog was only an "incident " In theelulgbut that there are mnny other “ incidenla”

A pvii't of the story of the teihibl* as learned by a Suva reporter from an authen­tic sonrre. la that on lieeainlier 1, 1803 Ur, Doldt sigued an agreement with theelulito serve as superlnlemleut for three year* at a salary of 81.iiOtl the first year and rjDIIU for the other years. At that time the prepara­tions for the fair held last vtlnter were In full blast, and it was ho]«d that the llnam'tel re­sult* of tbe f*lr Would relieve the eluli froiii the heavy debt under whieh It was strug­gling. After the fair the eliih still found itself in debt, although the sale was u great •uissasi.

It woa daehleil that a pnlley of retrench ment mutt lie jiursueiL and unu of the eiir talhiiente that was suggnstnl was to mlui-n the salary ot Mr. Doldt. ('Uargiw were )irs' ferretl against him. It (wing ossertisl that ho liad neglected bis duties; that tin' house was In a bad condition, and that the biniks of tho treasurer were not in gooil oriler, Mr. Doldt having done a great (leal of work in assist- big the nuiD who was then treasurer, otnl Anally It was charged that neither Ur. lloUlt nor tM clerk was In coustnni attendjuice at tbo club.

When he hrani ot thme charge* .Mr. Doldt wont to Ur. Wiley and duinaiidsd that he 1st given an opiiurtunity to clear hiunwif before ut* llouM ('oinmitua. Tbe diiniaiid fur a hearing was put off on one pretext or an- otber. Mr. Dnidt explainnl lo Mr. Wiley Gist tbe raooon for thu houM‘ lielng In a Isul oondltlon was that h* bad not boen allowed sufficient help to eloar away the debris and litter remaining after the fair. Regarding the condition of the treasurer's book* Mr. Ibildt referred the lloflee Gommitteo to the treiuurer himself.

AVhon he found that he ecnld not get hearing, acisirdlng to the story, Mr. Doldt re(|uesteil the House L'onimlttee to name tonic terms uisin which the contract nnilil be annulled. Ho said lia was unwillmg that he ahould be an incubus upon tbo club and would lie glad to go away, provldliig that he was given a reasonable bonus fur the rau- cetlaUon of his contract

Hamilton AVolll* George T. Bogg* AViII- laui H. Franklin and President William II. Dillom ex-offldo, were appointed a ooiiiuilf too to liivaatlgate tbe charges. After hold-

Augast Ritgan Iiosea Els L ih &t Sandrord's Crosiing.


AVIille Trilng to 4> iih tlie Traehs W illi Two .Aniiiisis tlie I.Jilter 1‘ rnve Htab- horn snil a t.oeoOHittva 4'rashre tnt* tlic Vluu- A (•sle-lterper and Ills Mob,

tVlio Trie.l lo the Man With tin linr-es, .Are Injiireil, the fa t llir ga- riously.

ng a Dtmibar uf meetings the cuiuinittee is » id to have preferred additional charges •gainst Mr. Doldt. The committee liHlsinl that Mr. Doldt hail not alteiidnl to bis classea os be should, and Hint he shuwod favoritism to clsstae ami to members. The charge of favoritism the pnifeiwor refuteiL and in regard to tha other charge he showivl that the classes ware those develnjicj by him to help the club.

Th* committee refused bi give Mr. Doldtbonu* saying be could resign or lUy, as

he chia* but It would prefer bis resignation. Mr. Doldt took the committeemen at their word and r«ina<L but all qucsllons as to his resignaUon that have tioaa put to him or to tiieiiibm uf tho club have been uuan two rad.

When President DtUon was asked tome weeks ago renrdinf the raaignation be satil that Ur. Doldt was auiiuus to study medi­cine, Howavar {bis may he tbs ex-profiMsor hoH accepted an engagumant with Dr. Bar- getmt, to take obarge of the Harvard sum­mer sohaol of gymnastics.

A committee has been appointed to make arrangamante with Hr. Doldt to tain charge of the grounds of the clijh, under the title of athletic director, The nanmltte* will report on June 14. Mr. Doldt will not state what answer be will give to tbe cominlttee.

LIFE NOT W ORTH LIVING.Il«rMrta Sablo! Ktdolph* llfliiartrd by

BiubMid !nd B«r#rt » f ft Chllil, Tftke! Polton.

Dewrt»i by her hiwliftnd, bw chi hi at Bt. Michael's Hospital, and no ODH to support her and her snrvlvliig baby boy, Mr*. Soblaa Badolpb, quite a young woinnis, concluded that live after all was not worth th* Uring, so last evening about six o’clock, wbcii no one wasalwutto Intarfer* she went Into her room on th* first floor of tbe house 18 Boyd street, and extracting a box of rat jsuson from under her apron, the swolloweii nearly all of it. Then she Iny.down to die.

None ot the nalghb^ heard her make a sound, and bnt few knew what was the matter until the ambulance drove up from the Fourth Precinct Htatieii and took the unfortunate woman ovea to tho City HoepitaL where tbe now Is. This iimru- Ing she wa* very much improved nnd tbo hospital physician* think she will recover,

Isiet March the woman’s huabaml left her. He w*a getting 810 per week, but

Two Candidates for Scholarships.Only two candidates for the free Htate

■cfaolarsblps in the New Jersey State College of New Brunswick, appeared for the examination at the Courthouse this morning. Tha two ranilldatra wer*Fr^erlck DeWItt Hearfng, of this city, amL^Jedm Hoenoer fltborn* o( Ballevlire.The examination, which was li^un prom^. ly at it o'clock, was conducted by Dr. M. H.

Bniwrlntendei'^ , 'V a ‘ .examined in chemistry, history, algebra, graminar, gtography, arithmetic and physics.

. ■" ‘ 'tTha ^ la of Caiwlktopped.

The sale of tha electric cor* whlcb were recenUy levied upoa by Bherifif Lebihach to satisfx a ^,000 Judgment secured by Abraham Hj^mow against tbe Traction Com­pany, ha* been stayed through a writ of error which the company saenred through its . oonntel. Russnow said tbe company ti)Toiigh Lawyer Samuel Kalisch to MOOTor damagta for Injnrias lustaineil through htlng pushed off a Broad atrtnt car la May, IHIS. Tbe Jar'

I.4>YAL I.ItGIO.V W. C. T. V,

Over *00 Hoys and Girls la Session This AfiMmuon*

More than !300 ohildren, boy* and girln, delrgfttes uf the Loyal Legion of Bisex r<piiiity W. C. T. U.p will ftdisinhlo thla after- uoon in the Itall of ibe VV. C. T. U,, oa Mul- tit-rry utreet, nwir Mftrkel, Id anntial con- YPiitiou, They d-onie from all over the fNiunty. Tbo Medlon will roDclutle at IS P, M. The ball hu been prettily ilfyorated for thpevEJiitby Mt«s Helen I. Elmer, iujierlD- U'liderit uf the Flower Miteilon,

Mifw Kmina KJtchetl, the Buperintondent of the Juvenile work, will dlrwil iliu affairw of the fKJttvenllou. There will Imi wtveral of tbe local clergymen pn»HDt, an well on many iuiiics, and Beverwl aildreKseH will bn made.

On TuoRday a bazar, im<ler tlieaiispi(f*s of tHe Flower MIw Iud and Relief < will be held in tho hall. TheprtH'eed* will b» dorutod to the tlli'viaiifm of ih'* p>or, iho attention of the IV. T. {L. hiivinK Iweu lately called to *everal (‘age* of dbfditutioti that deserve attwntlun. It will last only the afteruuou and evenlii{r,


Olfl Trouble Betweeu Kast Orange a Ulooinfield Ida^ Iteaiijienrs

It was reported thin morning time tho old niilKanrm from tbe E«*t Omnjjo DiHp<Mai Works may occur again, owing to a ills' agmunent auiODg the I' ftHt tlrange officials ehpcclally among tho nicnibors of tlin Hewer Coinmlttoe of tbo tuvriDiliip (kmIv.

Hu|ieriateiideDt Richard Istueiiun, who htm Bavod th* toWQBhip from urluun trouble by his method of filtration, has roBigued, owiug to tbo refviiHil of the committiDe to Njnipeu* sate him ut agreed. Chairman I-sange, uf the Hewer t'ommltlec, has also resignwr

Tbe Btream from tbe DiBpjKal Works was foiiad this morniDg to be ]K>lliite;l. and the Bloomfield Biwd of Ucaltri was notified by two of the reiidenU nearby to beop a kook" out.

Tbe Bloomfield autboritlea will Insist that KftBt Orange prevent a further pollution of the Blream, or the hidlctment already hung* ing over thein will be prosecutoil.

Maptewoml Doings.Thrive boys from Draugn were walkipk

through Kouth Prospect street and Tuscan rt>ftd, Maplewi>od. yt^terday and aniused themselves by breaking the giaai In the mreet lights uu those Streep. They were caught in lUe an by DavldCs'ourter and WUllsrn Havago, who succeeded in capturing two of tliu ruU prUs, Before Justioe it, IJ. Hrower, of Maple­wood, a charge woa preferred against them by Daniel MorrlaoD, auperlutondent of this divi­sion fur the Sew Jersey fllobe LiKhilngCom- psuy. The boys gave their names OB William Klelcy, of Beach etreot, and Kred sdijll, uf rhrlstopher street, Orange. Tboy also said that the name of their companion, wbues- csived, wsB John Nllsnd, of Beach street. Or­ange. Kleley was committed to tbii iiiteti' jail for five days, nud Schlll won turned over tn Sergeant Burke, of South Orange, who said he was wanted in Orange lo answer u ebargu nf stealing. It is said that all tiiriu*i of Ibo boys are wanted Id Grange for Hteallng, Nl- laiid will probably be capturwl (O'day.

J. Derby and family removed frnm Brnok-

Anuthor vii'tim liAA Ivyin ailiJf l to tha liftof k]lit‘il lit Satidftirirs rrouhing ofttw m*lawuri‘. JAirkaHiiuna and Weatertt lUilroBi}, on Him ilatMu<iLH.'krk uvadows.

Au}tUHt an I'lnidoye of MirhaalMever, of Ibis rity was struek byatm ia thk're a tlltlc bvfure Ib'u'rUM'k this mitetiiny and his hfto was alnio^t instantly crushorl out. His body w'a» horribly nmugliHl. David i'uthbrrtaon, the gateman, and IiIm tlnrleear yc<iar"Ol4i siiiv Wlltia, were ait»o struokaad liodly iiijiirml while atteiupUai^ to prevtot Uilj^n fnuii Iteing killeil. A valuable bum WHS also killed in th«i iMrideiit

lUtifan Imil l»een working fur Meyer, wbo is a hurap ileaJer on Hank iti'wt, for a nuti^ Imr of yean. This moruitiK aboutli:d0o'cdoek lie was inKtnirtfd bk Ukc a of huriM to the firm uf Krauss Rmtiiors, tnirkni«a, on Kftsf Kifty-thinl Blrwd, New York City. Tb* anmuita were a fine team of blacka whiofa had l«wii r^frntly reiwivinl from tho W ifi and w hich hod Ijokui srdd to KraiuM Brokbart by thi‘ Newark fit-iu for fAVi.

throw a su<ldie on tho back of onft of tlie burses anil, iiiouutlug it, roile awar, leckLling thu mate. His mute lay over tM old Harrisun turnpike. When the rmilruad cris>«lng WHS i-earhal a train waa ae«ni apo nroachlng In tlm distauiw. Th** gateinan Inwerod one gate, but lUtgen shouted that

hu cmild make it,'' aud be started to cfoM the triu'ks.

Tbo HDlmals wero grei‘ti, and the noia* oonfing from tbo Peniuylvuila ftailrosul shoi« soeiiiHii to unnerrn theiu. At any rafaa tlier Univuie uuniatiageable. and praiw.'M alHiutoii tbocruMMiug. pUniging, rearing u d twisting In all sha|KM, lUtgeii stuck to bti aaddle auil trieil u> ipiiet the excited animaK

Thin performaiH'o hutted but a few mo* menbi. While (he honvew were still la tha ('cntre of the track the |iasB4mger trala ap- proai'heil thoin at a redu<'ed « liwnL It w u the Huuib Draiige iM'cumiuudatioQ, which ia due in Newark Ht tuKKi. With a look of dtw ialr on Ins fat'e lUti^n made a laatfrutto effort to get the exrltMi AnlnuUs under way*

At tile saiito moment Dateioan Outhbert^ •nn rcftllAeil the ndi r'H pn^iicamMih with hU fiuK for a club he rushed to Hitmen** HBBislaiK'e. Tlie latbir seemed froien to hi# saddle, but he waji working like a tiaatan to control the aniniaU, llie gmteman hroughl hls fiagstick down sharply on the hauoSM of the horse liitgen was ridiug, but the blow only servtNl to ntake thu an io^ mure tta^ boro.

All thl* took place quicker than it t*k*a t# tell it. The loouRiotive, with its heavy traUi, thundered toward the meu and ant mala. Tho eiiginaer bad revemd theUirotile, but the distance was Uk> short andUic jiiomentuui of tho lo.)oinotive too great* The meu at the last moment Irled to save theruBelvm, but they bad torriad bHj long. Tbe engine struck the bunch and lltctally plougbi^l tiirutigh It, scattering men und buraea right and left. The ihufE WHS felt by the pasoeugers, auil a wild paitio ensiUHl, iM>me of them thiukhig that anoUMO' roar end coUlaion had nccurriKl, Uke tha fatal accident of last .Tanuary.

Hitgen and the horse be nsle were hurled to on*‘ bI<1u dead. The Uiat was being 1(m1 was thrown hoavily aniinit Uie gentle* man aiut fell upon him, renrhTing him uooon» Hclous, C'utbljertson H fiUle sim saw* bln fatiMT felleil to tbe ground, ami he rushed to hJf oasuttancu, Thsauimat which knocked the father down Jiad regainwt Ita feet and plungmi forwarrl Just in time to knock the little fellow off bis fiwl, 1 he boy was not btuily Injurwt and was carrierl to hla home, a short dlMtaiKro awuy.

Tbe train was itopjied a hundred yards youd tbn aevidcut an<l ilia train bands ran tiack, Tbe body uf Kitgeu was phu^l In the bugga^car and Dnurinuii (.'uthbetWm wai also token ulioariL At HurriNon a stop waa made and Rltgen's body was token to Crane's morgue. C’uttibertiwm wu4 brought to this citv.

Tito front of tho loroinotive bore eridenca of wliat ha<l u4H"iin*e«l. Thu pilot and boilee head wore cuvortNl wlili bhuHl nnrl bone hair*

Rut little 1b known of Kltgeo. Hls etn- jiloyor, who harl been iipjiraiHtid of what had Ki'urrcfl, druvo to tlie tnoi^no and inuiitifiiHl tliu iVidv. Ho could nol loll much nbiiiit his fnmser emiiloya Mr, M«*'yur nald th(»ugb that ha IukI been u itulrer, hl udy wurkiuau, He did not know whore Im ljvM<t but Halil bo thought hitgen wriH eloun in thin L'umjtry,

n iU K fT IN fl TO AHaKMSMKNTfl,

iFuflIge Cbl]<l ( ‘oiifIrniH Several iLeporte e f C UnimiiuiioiU'rs, j

In Iho Circuit Court this morning City (*uun«td ChantlJcr W. Rikor nmdfl applica­tion to .liidgo Chil<l for Dm riitiflrmation of tIm ri'iHjrta of tho CommihSioDei-M on Aweas- riiuntii for Iho work uf jiaviiig llr<NHijn streoti, Nolbon jdaon, lirldgo street and Newtoa street.

The rep<jrl for the latter strwt was ob­jected to by tichnyl^r H. Jm'kHim and Nam- ucl Bigelow. Ihcy dalnuHl to rupreaent seventy five ™»r (i*ut. of tbejiroperty owners whtj werp ail ninluns, tbo lawyers said, to haw the street pav«m1 with granite blmk i t Bleiui of asplialt.

Their wisiips In thrt matter were entirely dlHrMuiirdwJ by thu Ihianl uf Works, tui ft Was (’laiiiWMi. The repirt. however, was cou* firruLHl b}'.ludgo C'hiid. w ho grantml a rule to sliiiW raiisn why the coiillrmatiou HboulJ nol he rtot nsidc,

Ha1k4*}’ M. Barrett, who haM he repre- fceiibi uiik' tcnDH of tho pru|Kirty-owncra aluug Bridgo ktn<t‘i, oliJai-tHfll Ui tho ConiinJa- sionei ’ rc|)ori for tliat Btrbet. The tioP" ouglifarc is n viTy husy one, Mr. Barrett Bald, nod tho ConmdsBionerB luul not as-

the I’ily ijfiiirly enough. Tho Jadgo confirrupil tho rejiort, and granted to \(r. Barrett a riih’ to nhuw wiuw why it should not be Hi‘t ftsidc.

There wrro no obJectloriB to the reporfca on Brooiiio rttroeit autl NeJjkm place, and Uiey were couflrincd.

An Oil HIovc'n Tiiioblr and Dmnageet^crifinw of ' ‘ FIrol" from Italf a dowq

fnijjiiiltiu thruate attracted the uttentiou uf OilicTrs Jacob Suchant uulI CLarJua Enunoos yeslerrlnv arwruixm aiiout I o’clfAck In the mdgldMirlnxxl of Rank street,, and both men ran to the hoiiHc. In the tnird story tiiey found a riHJin all ablarx'. In the centre of thtj nwHii was a blazing c<jal oil stove tnrnwt upRide down. The two offleers ex- tingiiUhd<i the bla»i with a lot of water. Tbe stove hail fallen nff a table. Tho ilamago wojt about The rounui were occupy bv Tbuiuas W. Lind.------------- --------- I ■

A Note from Hnmmlt*Memorial Un)-scrvlrpa wilt be held fn the

FirBi Baptist Church tn-murrow night. Tlte U. t*. Draui PoHt of New I’mvldence, the B, H, Watlo PiAl of Millburii, Grand Army com- roLbin uf ( '}ial limn and .'’<mnndt and the Kims (it VoterauB uf Now Drovldtiure will attend in

body. Mbn .\nnie Jourh will .Hiitg a number of HoloB and Kw. N'. B. IhmilaB will deliver a dUcoursi} un *’ Gur Nutinnal I'orils.”

oonrluded that he couldn't work ffor buoIiJ » ........w at«, and made a tor ‘ ‘ Tovhtermaon’, rest-

M tdld ,, his wife. But she never ^KrMtenod

. /v. 1 v» ner childwoicTt lay at 'HI. Hlchael^s Hospital should ill* and only y**teni*y mornluE her mother, who live* wllh her, boil a daqierate Ume xeltliic a botWe of poison from ber and had to-rail In the neighbors. The mother toob tbe baby away tbis inoru- ing and will car* for him, ,

flevernar flow er a Onradfather.WataaTOWK, N, Y „ June 8.—The proud

ntle of madfather Was added to Governor blower’s list of honors tbG morning by the birth of a son to bis only daiuiiter, Mr* John Byron Taylor, of this city.

a verdict tor 87,000. After trying In vain to collect the money Mr. Kwlscb ordered tbe Bberlfl to levy on the company’s P»’»l»rty. • ____________

Do yon know Aohtel Stetterf WalL bsli ■gant tor Ut* " Vtidl" clann.-AdT,

The Weather for flaaday.'J_ Generaliy fair weather with an oecaslonal

light shower Is predieted for Now Jersey to­morrow ; stationary teim»r*ture, southwest- erty winds.

Olren aw*i Haturday, Jnno *, 1094,8 to » P. OD* n u a w SIlexo dcoartiig Hoap. Ror-

uuuLfiiSprugOeldava^ cor, ItooixiasU--Ad


deuce on Clinton avenue.A company has been organised in Mnple-

wood to be known *s the Hrsttllan Orchid Company, tor the sate of orchids, and will 'do bustneiM nn RIdgewnod roml. Clarence B, Hiker, of Monntatn avenns. Is president ot the company, anil Daniel II. Carpenter, of llldge- wood rood. Is also a member of tbe firm. The company Imports Urge quantities nf orchids from Broxlt and ships them to various puinte In .iblhceiiotry. Heventy barrels of these plansMrrlved by steamer on Thursday.

JndgnienU Filed,There was written upon the Circuit Court

minute* to-day Judgment by default for 8810.83 in favor of Joseph F, linfehlond against James L. Hiulth and Charles B. Matthews; a judgment for 81'JH.38 in favor of McDermitt & Howard and ogalnsl Taylor & YVlUiam* Another Judgment #iitteu up waa against Charles 3. Watson and others and in favor of the State Banking Company. This Judgment Is for 8188.71.

_ Almond meal tor the oomplexlon j tolletlne

(Id lltj of Mf««Alliig Gai.The jury l>efgre which Tatil Abretl, of 5

Bowery street, 'Wa-s (rie'l in tbo Court of Quarter S<««ionn jeetenlay afternoon on a ehargo of ,50,iKJU oUblc feet of g ufrom N ^ ’ark CJtj Dastlght Coranany. found him guilty of petty larceny, Abreli will prgltdbiy be seiiteiirtxf on Tuesday next*

/Ffiii/irrw aAryiwfffa iv.txzf OdiwrlKte U <n tfte SK

wrIU FA4I it .

C tT V N E W S ^ T E S ..Tudge Dnpno on .Mumlay mdrolne next will

bear BiiprCino Court motioaewsAbout o'clock' yenterday afternoon a

illgbt fire waa caused lu the shaving pit of tba eugine-room of the J, H. l Iarquand Company, of ue Ut to Wamrn street* Tbe loas wUl not exceed

A straw berry festival for thebeneflt of St* James's Kplscupal L'hurcii was held yesterday afturnooD and ut uight in the guild room of the church, on Un ad etreol* It was uudertha m:\uagemout of tbe IsUdioii' Pariah Aid Aeaow olfttion, eMlntod by tho vjwlout other guiida and flocletie^of tho chunib.

Eugene Neldert, the oban^lon blcyoUa l|AlmoBd meal for the oomplexiou { tolletlne Eugene Neldert. the oban^lon blcyoUa k for chapped iiaitda. Get Petty*! every thB**-- will perform tomorrow at Haeberla^t Bay Adv* I View Park* 4&T Bprinadeld aTonae.—AAvk



S t e r t t t r j t o ^ t r e a t a n d W a t e r

C o m n l s a i o D e n R e e i g n a


BoBfon i i VaUd Oat s f HI, roBmov WliilB BraaiiifBCoiBBinBUBUoii-MBiruf Labk a x ’ll, r‘t Vale « f an Onlliiaaca fo, a BrldfaOTar Haaiburf riata la id llirar, ■arerlataadeat Manh’. Ka,l*nattoB Ar- xplact—Traelleii Caiuiunj and AUated

Bad PaTlna.

Altboacb tlie rownlien « t tb» aew Board of Work. tarltlT a*Taa<1 on TaeaUj la»t to ban U »ir future nirtrtin|[. calleil to onlrr

H igh eil o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. G ov ’t Repert

P&wderA b m l v t e c v p u r e


ip «rt».O I'kmKX norSTV HAI.K rtIKAP AND N vpm RflfATtlTf. bulldlof ilU* 00 lh« •h*rt

1)0.. OovM. M. j. • *

HlMlWe ATHD F1.ATA TO LET.V.M.A IB-To' l IO’.’ t WO ei.AT? VlV* »<> ))« 1 Hen, Ho.* AiademjrH.: allj«pre»*m,eia M iB^ulwJ Broalit__

M AUK Kl' KT., ni- TO LET, t FI-ATB iroom, axh. ____■*

>T aw MT..U* ^It. K KIMIIdi", BATH.CMWKT. tlnBulielTltABrPAItKNr. _____

W<Mt Onui««i _ FOR UAl.K n l«N>! Alli]

HAH Fl‘R-....... loi ITSittfl: h*€ltby

I inlimiwT wfclkffom two •Ipctrtfi rottdi; '1 . AddroM

iX 1B4 Won OrwifK.

1 .............uric, ii.wi' i eeiF Vi.'d»




, Waa Hnl ami t old Waattier and llraf Four Inrhai .if Rain.

■pile uf the rool «tAjri at ih* I’lnaa ofMaj the mouth wM «ll*hllj above the evrr- ege In Uinpereture. ThU li due to «*<’eioiive wernith i t the buKiuoln*. The maaimuin t4'(n|MrKtur» wm r«0HrJ*Al “ n the iecoiiil lUy,

ummiitlT *0 that perecme bevlug builiu’e* ' M.ll tloKreee. the moliwt, ^ “ o *’’•lhe^»ar.l would not be ml.Jertwl to twentT-nlnth. the average Iw ii* 01

Ut tho fa.Awe« *pi*r.-ully f>M’Kottrn y«4-, In IhiH the wnrine.b P ^ t and nverageV r W afternoon. A «iwial iiieatii.g wm , toniiierature w e r e « . h and IW..I dear. ■ta lW for * o'clock, but it wm aliiioet an hour , re«|ie<-tlvely. The bigheel rwurdwl in a f Utw^toTire the e ire t eeieion In Uie private , May Is ilO degroia. m IhBU; the low«l, HI d<r•vaew.ee MIlbB tn U1 nml ! g PCIlA W«A tft 1W1.

tVfbiaiknt Vau Puyn# b t^n the itror#*U j DumiaUy wait on Ui« deoKue In tirf rtrlyImnby WlUngth* oUiprComnilMionmiwtmt! fiari nf iLe luoiiU*, iiiort of the rain liet(n|they were there for. Hn m thia hy Haying 1 rearh«i Newark


The real iri.<iAf4r< reoerleS la thelUtfjater'i ottee Friday aaa reperUd hy lh«F4U»lity rule » « t OepaiLt Ce^faty were:

MBWAKC.Henry 0. Taylor Ui Mary T. M'lnifiaann,

II « william Hi E’op William lie ,m .. SI

Vlaeland.acrjch. an<»oM iioRHit,

' - ' I*'®id, N Je________HoaKKlH. Vhieiwnd.

oirriitJiU)-barfalo. M.


\ _A. A. 1 IIAVK fnilHaHTlKBTri>\ .111 every wart ot Oie cUf and arm re«t reaMuably. )*• w i.KKHV, 7ai Hmadlt._______ ^

IIOIIHF.N TO LKT.Bitle K HfumB', e RrmiiB. a m .



after the eevi'iitoenth,Ih^t Iw bnd called the meetlo* for th.. (nir- , aniounllng In all u, 4.IS Inobee. The lUye ofnweat taking irtlon on the nwl*nathm of i relii nuiiiber bnirtei'^ elevmwif whh li iwine Of taking 1 lion m h. » , ^UMWai MU|*riuteudm.t Uiarlee Maran. ,uid

Olid tliii loweet 'dd. Tlui wind ke|it —

Uiarlee Marah. The newe did pot appear to eurpriae any oiw and <'rHnmwatoner Joralninm pmiiipiljr m o ^ (bat th* rwleuallou b« aeceplwt 'I lie noUoB wee carrlwl.

Tken came a aiirprle*. Clerk Enca Kiin- TdD aakad the lYeeldent fur (lernilaaloii to addre« tbe board The latter liviked at tlM olafk in aniagonirnt and aai.l nothing. Tbera wai a painful pnuae, but the I'reeiilent finally aakad the irther ConunltaWinara wliat Evy w l ^ l to do. They dei’lded to grant Mr. Runyon’* r«iu«kL aud then lha lattermHd: .

“ ITealdent Van Uuyni, I Hnd that tho Lavtilature ha* iniaed a new law cluuigliig th* internat working of Ibii board which will involve an entire chiugo In it* dlxi- pHn*. You have kludly Infoniiod me thit you are going to apjioint a clerk In my nlai'a next Tbureday. I do not protKae to go on and rearrange the detalU of thi* ofllce and (hen, whroi am pine, to recelv* ceinura for th* naw work; therefor# you bail bettor have the new clerk make the new arrangemeuta and then the rBaponulbillly will reet with him. aeoUeiuen, 1 thank you for your ootxr-

I mament of ailence followed and then freetdent Van Ituyue lahl b» would lika n etat* that the c b a ^ of law bad made a dlf- fereno* in the method of paying the board • eroploj** and that new wirrant hooka r t ’., mart he leeured before any money onild l * tadd. On motion of Commlietoner Kuhn th* p ^ d en t and the clerk were authoriied to kUend »o the matter. Clerk Ilunjon'i reete- nation had not, aa yet, been aceeided. **> h* plated up * letter end began U, read it to the boairL » fo r e he read e doien wop la. t orti- mlistooer Kuhn Jumpcl up ami Interrupted him by eaying that ho deemd to otter a mo- Uon to vacate ^ olHoe of clerk by aocroV Inc the Tielgnation of Mr. Runyon. motion wa* adopleil like a Baeh, while Mr. Munym’e teoe fiunbed at th* manner In whiA be we* Interrupted and dhpomd of.

Caeumiielotier Joraienion named AlexiW’ day M. Unnett toiuuoeed Mr. Kunyan. Mr. Linnett w»* Immediately eleoteil and with- oot eaying a wOTd be iHWeeded to aieuino the dune* of hU offloe. The ftret thing |» did wa* to reed the Mayor'* veto of an onll- n . . . named by the old board a abort time ago. Tte (udlnance granted to th* Ceutnu Hmlmad Company tierinlmlon to build a bridge over the Hamburg place croeeiug of the road. The ordinance wa* vetoed became "the plan* are not aecHiinpanted by lbe«pecl- fleatiooa and becauae the plan* m thanuelve* art incomplete."■ fb * tact that the veto referred to eotne- tUng don* by the old Imard wa* brought tu the attention of thow pneoat by Commie- ■lonw Kuhn and on hi* motion the matter waa “ laid ovn-.”

A communication, elgued by (teorge of jtihnHillllv

wind k»|it very MwrgBtipilly In the caet, the iirwnt.’et num- l«ir of iilworvation* flnding it a llltle eoutli of eaet. No gab'* occurreiT. The maiiiiumi veloi'lty dm notoii-eed thirty-five m il. p«t hour, ami did not attain that but once. T he laroineter ranged from iU.Ut) inche* bihO.411, averaging IW.W Inchea. There were tbuiider- aioriiiH on the elghbwiitli and twenty-eighth, •olar halo on th* thirtieth, *un doge on the thlrty-flrat, lunar helo on the flfUviitli, coronal on the eleventh, thirteenth, four­teenth and fifteenth, and »hootmg-*tari on the acveutli.

LAW ita




' 1».,VW


t a n


TO L ifts ON A BOAT.

ilimriiltle* of a llrtl*vlll« Man In Float- liig a New Venture.

For levcral week* workmen liavc been cn- gagml by 1', V. A. lirelt, of Main itrect, Hellevllle, in building a cottage boat, after the atyle of the kind uwl in England in Ui* ■ummer time. The rtructuro waa pUced upon the bull of a iwnal-boat. The frame­work 1* even with the *lde* aud both ewl* of the iHwt, and ia two etorle* high. The fleet floor i-oataiu* a kitchen, dining-room, read- iiig-riHini and eevoral bedroom*. The upper portion 1* a promenade deck and will be niv- ere.1 with i-anva*. Tho work wa* done while the Unit wa* lying uiiou the hank of the river near the Kellevillo Kupply Company’* Worlu,

Tfitt il«y» ttio Mr. hMX coufludwl tu hAv« tbe btmt towd to Lloyd * lioclg oppoait* hi* nnme, in ord*r t.i put the flnUhing touche* to the craft. Owing to lack of T»lla*t the ’raft careanesl and went down at tho dock

in eleven feet of water. La*t night It wa* railed and towed to the oppoelte bank, where It now Ilea, with one end under aeveral feet of water.

After pumping out the water tbe boat will be ballarted and again floated. Tbe flnlxhlng touche* will In put on, tb* room* furiilabeiL and during the eunimer Mr. Brett aud hi* family wlH ipeiid a greater portion of the time in being towed nlioul upon the water* of tbe Rudton and other river*.


PblUipe, for the eatate of John Fbiliip*. aakwi tb* board to take *oni* linniediate aidlon in the matter of layiw oucalark at the cor­ner (tt Lincoln and Ellwood avenuoa tV ood- ■id*. The nrrTitvTj i 'vund, aix-onllug to the latter, waa given by the eatate about two year* ago, but nothing further baa been done w yet. The writer complained about the lack of good faith *hown by tho old board

, aiid decland that the etlate, which bail g e ^ u i l y donated a tlO,OUU place of hunt, bad bean taaily treated in return. The letter wa* referred to the I ’ark Committee.■ A pell lion for a water motn on noulb Eteventh *treet wa* referred to the llepa^ meut on Htroeta nod Highway# aud to the Uepartineui on Hewer* wa* referred a po- t i t i^ for a private eewer on Monroe atreet A p*tltlou for a »ewer on South Eleventh ■traet wa* referred to the earns cummittee, while one atkiog the Iwaril to have electrlo light* placed at the corner of Central and Uould avenue* wa*. referreil to the Hepart- ment of Rubllc Lighting. The condition of tbe riectrlc light* at the corner of Jobnaon and Clinton avenue*, aoconllng to a cont- tnoalcation, i* very bad. Th.' letter wa* re­ferred to tho proper ooniimltee fur ioveati- ntioB. a

Another letter contained the iuforraatlon that tb* Conaolldated Traction Company'*’• loexpenenced m n ’’ had not properly re- laid th* (tone* on Clinton avenue near Broad ■Hveh Thli communication wa* I'cterred to the Department on Hlreet* and Hlgbwava n* we* one complaining aliout the " horrid con­dition" of Kluabeth avenue, which the writer rtated had not been cleaned in over a vear." A lengthy proteet agalnrt the erection of a *laught*r-hou*e on Astorrtreet, near Avenue D, wa* ralerred to the proper cummittee tor action.

An order providing tor the conetructlon ol a lewer on Monroe etreet, from Kei ry to La­fayette elreota, wa* referred to a third read-

t 'oinnilsalooer Tichenor said lie uudersloiwl that there wa* no in»iieclor to luporlutend thework of building tewurson Railroad place and Commerce •ti'eet, end after *oino iliscu*- ■loa the matter "a* referreil to the Hewer ^mmlttee, with power tu appolut au in- epectnr. Th* allegeil Imd i‘oiulition of tho aldewalk* on Canal slrcel wa» brought to the • attention of Coiiimusioner Kuhii, and the CoDimi**ioiior rcimrled the matter to bis colleague* in the hoard, who referred it to the BtiHt and Highway Cummittee.

The attention of tbe Iniard wa* broogtit to the oonJitiou Ilf the croaswalkt at Hlxifa ave­nue and PourteenUi etreet. Referred to u committee.

On motion of Comraiuloner Jomlemoo tne aeliou of Hnperluteiiiirnt March in die- chargmg* number of inepeotor* wa* con- lirmeil

The City Hurvoyor, Mr. Jiiraleinon ••fd, bad called hi* attention bi the

Better Breulte Than at Aar Tim* in the Horlrty’* Kiletence.

The dlrtctomuf the .Hehuberl Vocal Hociety met In Mu*lc H*il b*t night and clcaed the buduea* of tbe loclety'* HfUeuth sea*ou. The report* lUhiultted proveil the seaioo tu here bnn tbe inuiit euccewful In the Hehiibert'i eilitenre. Four orchestral and choral concert* were given at u cost of nearly |8,nfl0- The total receipl* amuuuted to about tAUfld, mi>™ than » , « I0 of which wa* rcaliied at the cherity concert In February, the proctwd* of which were turned over to the Board of Trade for the LTtiien*' AW AMociallou.

Committee* were appointed to formulate plans fur the society'* work next *enaun. Tne subecription rate was flied at glSi, <u titling aubecriberi to tour *eat* ut each of the three concert*. A dual rehear**! of the churn* will be held next Monday night to drepare for tbe annual receptiou.

Tbe new director* elected were Dr. Ldgar Holden, Dr. E. J. Hows, Dr. F. B, Mande- ville, William A. Urei Noah Woodrutt, Uorrl* Cohn, J. H. H. Clark, Tbomo* Creiay, CharW* D Coe, F. Hamltord Ho**, Ueorge B. JenklusoQ, Jr., AuiUm H. HeUregor, Benjamin Allia, Wallace H. BcuJder and Rev. Dr. D. U. rTaxer.

Ilcrnian i.elilh*rb (NUerlifl toHainiul li.1 Vunliieloii, .Ir, II * arren *1 idiw frHutmnit si. *l*ai................ . •■■■■■,■

llenri \. I’atklicirel *1 n* I irF red crickW . l ’aiil, w* Broad « l VI n Ir Murray*t. a>*ll«l..................................... . .

rnlh<‘ rliM‘ E. lo CUai*. G. K^ru. f fr Hcricnn »t »nd • fr ninlnn «v{itiiift..............................................

Wm. Kfln«fr vi aUo MArHjl* E KlrhiircU HIM), u fr q w cor Ik-rkeirynth ........................ ...........

ChrUnltt A. Ui Aiiaif H. llaF. ti «|*4-iqi»n N| intle fr NfHt»ill «), —

SiLrAh Me l>ay‘ h* Wm, H, UamlM'rt. 'ff •At ff I'ArkHunit Rt.

\VUU»i« K. Umlierl lo John Dav. w w JiihiHMtiiAV 4 e cor Nnhrmlah irrry,.......................................................

Willlum Rr«tl»HN**r nt ux tn lUrrU't A. iJHKleHKr, w ■ H Uth tt IIB i fr Tourt

Wililnm H. K. Fltdifr »t ux to Hxrrlr-t A. Jirmlrwtr, w ■ S Utb m IM * fr ( ourtit, SttxHil..........................................

Uurrir K. H u l« to UniEir HrjjtUefH. c irhurnh (ilntRuf) It SU ■ fr Klnni*y nitX, nm................................- ...........

JiHteph A. AdamH et ui to Mwtuh K.Iluik. n e cEjrNqri«ry*t*ud ®tltlLD »v, ....................... ......... *

Edward MoNftUtfhton{AjiM«> toF.. Huiks HXIU0......... -............... ,,

rt«hecc« U. Holditi «t h\ to Simon Bcheuer, * 1 Broadat ti tfrCommcrM.S*S4...............................................

Frederick H. I.iimeir to Bliuoii Bi lie.urr, e • Hnaidal 4t s ft ( ‘ommercc sl,^<"’'’ W "

James F. Connally d'oiiipD U> the Mayor and ( umiiuiu Connell, a* to 6* llraiiliinl at 1 MU Fifth tl; 131) I'am'ien * t ; 1.* IViiinavIvanla avo; Sl.,'«Klevpnlli avr ;AH Fr*llnghur**n av*{ ao lr*llti*- hnyteii ave; All Frellnghuywu ave;

lie. ISl Flral all HI First et,. ... . ■■ rtnvlil F. NIchol* et ux to t hrf"D«n

KchiDldt, w I* iJlllelon nve ZT* • tr

Hfury GhU o F*iur. GhI, 18 lilhivliio w fr Hr’lniuqt •.,. • • • > • ■ • •

Kill l\ Out to Fndcrlt'k Tkcker,H i n i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hiqrr 0«t* fir . to Ella f ’s Anu;, - j Hrrinin UhUiach lo I'. HimUotfl

Kom. 1 1 i.'riwford i l fr W m UIiwi*toil It ..............................................

TOWRlIUPliEdward R. Crane et ui to l-»ura A- M.

rWyiniiur and al, .Montclair, w * Bloomflelil av e nor C. Mt, John ney-nioiir, MH334......................... ’J”," ';

I*n r*A . M. Hejmouranrt al to Kehcrl M. Bold, Jr., Moatclalr, awe h»ld av and e cor IVter H. Van Kl|ier,

HJdBi'Marihail i«'UtVlo A.' well, e a Uould pi n cor Minnie /.elin,IWxtW................................... ;....... .

Auguatliie J. lllesa and al to Augual Korn et m, Clinton, w a \t lllough.

by at U «n fr liyuu* av. aiHin. ■ -••• Edward J. Diutan to I'ainllla R. 1*>

Cooci, Montclair, • a Urovo *t IJ fr n w cor James .Mclmniitdln, Kiikil..,...

William Tichenor el iii to \ alenllne Denoth. Montclair, i s Tichenor |d corHetioth inie fr Harrison av, »«lm . ...

Anthony 1). Holmes to Alices. llrange, w a Cleveland at iWBsfrVthileet.KlxlU.......... ,............ ..

Eva Ellaabeth Selvage to Ia iiIb H. J. Peck et *1, CHnlon, n w a 1 iiper ru to Kllinbeth and n e IP. T. Quinn, d e * Lyonsnv w • Cpper rd.....................

" Y a -woominit Bweru ftxuuoiu

I'ottici*. T ronmn, nnf« xod tahiL uUllt»,7Jt>«mi. WlUT.IIl

tiN>iriiKj ipiritriBti. flvi foomi in ' D*ii,coffWt, llj'Ixhl fl'k tn fj'.

Alio virJiiU8obh*t<.M>tliCiiJ. W. JOKAf.SM AN,

WiAhlnfUifc. ror tlnnow it *.I A TWKLVK'-iniElM H'lt rtK,HrlTABLK

.\*»i>f iM iritpriof furtLlihiil r omi; eonv«ii*ntLOiliput

l>n<niii rtirn st<’Kllflnor: wUliwil«r; mod riW rtai HLTCjIXHHTIUP, Hovdi L>MDff«4 VihMjurf.


ILlcovt ch«*|J. I ill it





jfVifqiUncT. TAYLOR DHJ'tHS- Hfhool. ’Ill* only

liiRNifli int wivMiNl iytUm (n Mi. ‘IM inty ixii i>Ai 1 ebiftKiir to IMOL Ptplii mik* iblU itirsini. Hikt k» iMn lt>* bMA npM diT 11(1Infi aNoWMA. tT riyl#r*4i i iu il

ufmAMi. _iiT~“~ inaiiy Church. __SL 1, CHWiTIlC,

laKUAI, NOTH BA.IN t’HANnltV or JKUaK Y-IOI .\miUi -N. IhkrmilM. Jtiavi M. )]»ryIL Jliite M. IlikrlviU. AJiCd Lrif UttJiRrfr.drrt K. l‘iEiii8lw', Mlikitk’ek |i. I iffUili-i'iu<l Mif tjtor MM'8*r«*t! \ l*ifmili*e.

hy flriiirof m tfril ror ih* f-iurl >*f • hiU'iry of>«w Jirsif, ukiJi <>tt 111* diy of tilt ditc iiir H-r. m1 i'iUbi iDirviit AmIh .Ni. i mfv, fi> i.*piiliuiiil, iijil you kiiil oitt'‘r4 ir« dflVidinti,HIV r*M«iir<Nl to Hppmr. piMki. diiiip'r ur hi

; lh*r;,uiplila*nr(i hlU oa i»r Iwfor# i*iil«ints- iiffith diy of Miy uf Ui difiuU thir*ofio udtcrt>r «rnl bi m«do «CiUiii you m ih (.liiiiMSlotbhiU tulflk iN(n)uLLU> md loxt

IhH tiM MU 18 tlioU jurU*' iniTiKiSif of MUiiMif thi dlNTiiiirv of ihf mW Joho I ••ry Ironj ih» iruMiOfililp o m UhI by twu rvruln ili-wU of truv.,

H ot‘MX -T(J I.KTs I ROOM......... .........II. lotjui™ 401 SJCtt^T. MAT Hrit ____Mb

HBVKNTII '4T , NaAR K-JjL 5'A !?wV' I Jl n.T. » *--w * *» a* ' I *a*w. -- --To real, poasesalon ImoeiBmly, * 11*1 or nve

room*, atm laundry a perhci 1*01; roa* and wiwpraa>rrtsl; rrnl |li

Fl.aTs TO l.FT ; _______ jslrtteaw. lanulrreeaorm hkanuk a Vk._

ro LIT, four BOO

l;o p ih <>k * n u k a v f „ IH — ,ritaad 1 ream*; *nUai)l* for eMrdteaitr

t ’OUTII SIXTH BT.,a»l rw*coiid Soar; water.

S flllNItFIKMi AVK, r t FI’AT TO L*T, imonia ; all llglil i psiated ; loinrovcaiaala _ I

UPU lfyR AVF-, «a Kd'H, FtVIt ^rofiin* In privit* I oi8*l***7* otilPbo^tw»d , iloclric cm i loii Gy. * *

A a.A. UcUOWKl.L DUKH'* (.'rTT lN G tilchnol ri*o o*l*hriiwl i(ol>owiil iirmioi

drifunx miuilUii b*i Mtii In loFeonlMt, roSTnOf twu hGhMtiwirOi il Uio •Filr; wliiiUfOtiToix nyntoin wUy UtA €»l 4hi noNtpoNUtvAiy no ToJUWif I o th e rih lk Miriiiai; dU or itiiil for olr* utir pip | F.iiruiry ifl. ini; buiI lor *u Htnninlin* '*frs “ ' “ * ‘ “ " ’r r c H A w i.x y . rtiRB-dw. I Uu-MiOtl tnuAM tbrrruuiirr. lbi< iilowunct


■VAN ZAsNT ha* opfood 8 dnui-MiXlnf «l*p«rtmint hii'onii^

flon with li#t droiiOuimLf ioliiiol. wU*n»Hh8Krod lodoiUkliiiUDf work it ni»ooihlo pflcOh

I l*t8Di ih. n«*r N«ir.I iRAKiVAKINU

J A t r i *. ____ xriTHllio rtdlnf htbtUL

II TG llOi Af.L ilPLANo-aXT, sob

ri''HHKK .VK'K I.AROk IWHIMS Tt» hTFaHL X I'eniral ava and Hinlain at Ayply al nno* w A. L. IT FLl N, n i I •utral avenue. ______ "

nisiMs on nrmiK-nwx- i \ ere ir yon have to lal, tandllrt if you wan t1 |

■ healleta Apple to HKHIIA.V. the i\ ||| II'HK. FLAT,

■rvuiio* agent, HI HpriagApld ava tp

/ c ll. KU lim i AM) aUMMe:R AVKSt -TU k lei, II* ..................., nMt boas*; atl Itoprovement*; ttvaminiid-s tioin Morris and lea** mpotifB. ripen uoitay. 1 to A _______ *

r i ’ tl I.Fl (M aiH’TII SgVKS I F.KSTII s ', t X rooms, is; «W i TaM* at. a rooma, lnipr''va mtnla. I l l i * » Hroad . l ,.' roomi. Imps, sail tiaat. |2u i '24 I oliffi pl.e B rooms. MOifhlX *A. 7 room*. : UN! fluiHtrdon il.. 1 rrwuu'!, |4. 4 rooniA IT ; iS2 L Ichinor it., 4 luunw, |l: Wloo# »A, * h\ 417 kMjutJi Hlsi*8utb ils, 4 room«. P ‘. 31 Now 81,. 4 n)Om8, |14 : M riUh'i »vi. 4 room IM . m lUlHJ it. 4 rofmik «1S: IA xtvfnih ivi^J it; 44lr'U!mJior8*o riNiiHs. lr»pk, |I0 ; aoOM*and room, tn all pari, ol the riiy^^ j » u™d «.

X.^rUGPKAN TAlI/>lt IH’ I.' AND N4l AKfc Fjfbr OtttHiic tkdUif 8nd chlldrio'* uriiWkW pl8Ui, FMMb. NiiBiin 11)1 Hirilft hlHidlfto, ilWHibloiiJil trlpio lido boiilel. rvtMKiVuIn Kxl Ckocf sl4wm #w. lU ft»r

invudlhi rul8, iqoif . JONtruoiloh book pupil* miki Ihrif own xsnnioU f™o "'b'"'* Itiftiltif : rotttni mt rtltlof llnlofN iml p8P»r pit- tirmoui to moMUfi : diy ind *vr'nLB{ liniunvMADAMK VA.Y/,4N1.«n ■‘in* ih. o wMnnrh It FUa 4, Arnol<t RolldMi. u it to potV •(Hoi. MorrlvUiwq, N. J.

O iiANUK nRr.»H.<;i:rriN >n

„ W'llfH)!. -TK«_ nru ild ooVy TiyJor wiiool Id iii» OriijrM.

lid dify oompniUwn: pnpti* nr# uofht driLkfUUni Wiiit* lothi hninl (loi*hlBX*. lU Ini iMoii rtoiK-h ityloN ej(hmiii.l: drUiiuikMi -*

pdvfn*0ti iiiti (llibiirii*u*’itM ihirouf ind 4hi IP" ptilbluiillotl ii»'« iruiMtt iti lbE> pl«08 knri htf-M Df Ihr Mid Jnhii a\. Ldry. Aud you. Ik* ni>*1 Ami-llii N. I'lrinolfft, Jim8« Ftiriu4-*8, Miry Ik l^riQii#*, Jiiui M Horum. Al«"!'k >»>r Alfsinil^ri K. I*irnn'lr», MliicmD. l*innil(H* iid Mirxiirt) A. l Lrmnltw irt mid* ilr'indioi* 1^ riuM you iiw i p ri <if lli* fWilul tin* tfu x* niChod In Ibi iMiltl i1*4il«, ind hy virtu* thriWuf h8v«i or bJiy clilmto hivo, soma tni*mt 1i tha IriuIs irvd pT*milM"i oofivT-vad h> thtf i%ld daoi*4 lo ih* MidtruitOiL ikd lha procawt* dartvaO fraiu lha m '8 tbeixif.


Hollrltor of i-unip'iLlqintktSv TU ilroad it., Niwirk. *v. J.

raiaoaibla prIcM: opan ditj aid avctilirK. LY-\4'll.«4 khd W* Gfingi,Uulkling.


^ HUlTEN nKN'av*.

XT., NKAR DKUeltVlLLB To lit, imall hyii*#. . ^




1-40K J|I' NT"1« hAYRK'hTK PL.: Cjl’ IKT, CGN I Mi-nlihi: Mtr» 1"* locailon : nawly niodcnt!* rani: family iniviii city. ___



i rNo. IW Miiavma ara., .

Impi; pcaoMatoi April \, fint, fli. Nov iM Hrtiiaviiia r“"I in ,

Impi; pownailon Miyli No. IX KowlaadetdS roomiioi iiMk

i rvtHOt lod hiMii lUranhfU lU impi

n t ; May (. .No. I4A Fourth 8VA1 soltaNl* f>r oa* or iw* d o

HIM Rina roomiaud bath ; ill Impi: X lftinqulraor UWNKII. 144 HatlivUUiV4. ^

n ocas TO RENT- VF.HV IJIW TO A uono tenant, femlihed house at Madison, tr. J., fhr

ta* HimBier niuaUia i Hu* hou« and groua di: niodsrn Itnprnveminla ; (Iv* n.lnet**’ walk bora alallon . » biiaaln. InniiliJum.e Bartow, Uondlia Mofria.« Oran** *t. olly.tlo

n llU.s* ■«) LBT. tl liriUMa, PARL'IR. ms- IBE room aid kUchcB ob Unt flnar; ill im-

•FftvimaniU. Apply 1o UBO. W. IIOWKLU Wb Ttioad *1,, Hoorn W. ____^

a V) EFT APAUTMKNTh OP FIV* ROOM* InhrIrfchoiiM So. 1» it. hoiwMn

lifkyHia and Urmn il"-: ImprovoiuaBta: h^U »nditilr«ftir8lsh«4.JiBitof. cimv!‘nliH»l to MirkU ot Ftrry itiiiuns; rant low to ffooiJ IHIL’GIITY A thil'LD, sib Hr-Jidt it.* room8 __rixtiiairr THK mNOAoiiE f i.at gn tu xJl third ind Itekirth siorti* of .No, 111 IV.eopiiinlaff #ifhH>M*itlf“' rooms, locUioi thab^l,ronviiilar»ln>ilUull<jna:rinll8wto i xii'.7d tau 8Qt. Apply itui7 kitljAi^WL____________

- aNLVBIlAXrHTN •R.^NGK GF N A I.VJri T. Tiylof rtyaum nf » » Hriadwiy; nock8rt: bctaw n>aaa«r*moQt». •ohuiarj o*a mik*thair OBradraMaafMa , iaaMon* uilliultaft

U DUNSh; :ii MainUe


rpG LBT Hf lTF OF APAKTMKSrs WITHX ill iBiptuvamaoi'i '.sri'an rooraatocliidlni^h:

vary MlKl naif hb*>rhyi>d ;|wo Wucka hom Broad BLMtiUon of .V>w»rli 80d \»w York R.3tw CIIAK KitAKNTXFIe. an MtHbarryai.r i^ L E fT H irH S irK LAUGK lt(X)N** ; HOT I and rold wiiar. slillnnifT nnfo. U U* t-’orn-

mtfra at; rant fl4. Inqulra I Dll. PHILIP HGI'H, JH.ellT M irkltit

' 16,000




.......... , BRICK. » ROOMS, 111 PKR_ _ tnnnik! cMivaolaut lo two lihat of atfO*! Af ind MW York K K. Uapoi. Jmulra rtx fllKRMAN. I*08d*f4t._

KOOMs; b*ul lOMtloa: prica

n orKK TO I.KT .0 J

n ot’Bit TO i.rr-F i'BN ifiiixn is gnod watte

tvato’nahle. A piily *n preinut^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

very-,'*ne----- .law ah k avc . Oe**n Itrova.

H lirBEd TO IlKSl 43 WARRRN ST., h rnoms, Impwvera.ntv Wso per month; H

AlwdMir eh, 1» iDOaiA |M par month. Apply ts up F. iS. a BAMH, 7H Broad sh

ROaKVlU-B FROM . .|Utla |Wp*r month. Apply to A W. ORKBV, 7*0 Broad ah. or *4 Bostvlll* »v*„ In th* avattlot.81)n otiARa TCI BBNT fN


Ol’HR TO I.Kr.34 PBRItV 8T.: 7 BOOMS coov*al*nee*:r*attu.saj>srmamh Apply

T. KKNUdIi .T « SONS, UT Broad at

n OUB*a»IT)BHBNT" AT A RKDl'CrlON. I UYBON W. MORSE, 1 » Third »ve.

.. ... . TWO MO* FLATS, CUNTRAI.f.Y locswd I *11 Iniproremente: *11 light r*omi; Md

P«r mouth. Apply TARAH JLkN .-OICl ••07 Broad sL ______________ _

ao I.BT, MAY l.t ROOM", SECOXn FLOOR■ ' L l ”Hrtadrt.

riao LKTi.1.

' I

FKHNitSAL."'a^K.NTION LAI>IEtl-'*KMMA'‘ Bt’ST .i\ Dawalupar will anlama ytmr hual flva tochai: fuirintaad : aialad lD*4ruclk>ni Sc, nr U pafi tlTuitniad eiuluf ia Be, by miH. an KMMA 'KHLKT UA/vAH. boatyl, Man

BRiailT, HKALTHV. HUJK- ihy boy ; *U bUfWtIou iniwarad- I'lU

j5 jAnm ni;*A fKipnON


kcya<t 1

I>ATTIN ’II, Jyilnra, 472**

rOIlMKRI.Y KKANK'^ t'UMR k Broad lit. Pn*r drawlnf May *1.

Wlnilnt Dumhtfi, kvalch. 1,284 ; olkiiw. 13a_: rlnf,«S. If Dot called fnr by Juiii i,ib# at^v*drawn foricaln Wadnndiy, Junal, S P M.

Bill bi

A MhlGNKF.».4 N'^TK’K TO eBKlHTGIlH.-Ni> tl«w la brrahy xlYrn lo ili* criHlIlori of Ohirlvf

l aach Mill I harlaii lu l uitrvMbarv, parmar*. atr,, Itudloi uniler the aiyl* and drinof Drli'hiDd iinffiiibara. tba city Df Nvwirk, county ,»f hKWK I'ld Ol e\pw J«r.wy that ui clilmaiRilniit thrlr axilla miiatrw aaoUiUa l hi ano. irritier. ihrir aM.tfurp hia uMote No.7TtBru.id atravt, .vtwirk. Nrw Janwy. under oitk or imrmi- th»!. tti or nafbra the utavleanib diy of Juua nati, bainf lha litui' Axril hy lha nrphini'C^nrt nf Ik# runtil) of i fwri for ih»t pnrtwiw, o; tw luwvr liirivd from roiuitt lo fur a dividend orihaaaliUit and Mhl crcilliun amt funht'r imtiitnd that a iWl nf tha I'tiliu* aaaln'i ilia and i liirlaK nam-h nn'l t'liiriM I.. l.itif«>nHtrx, pariuava, aie., i i ahirMil'I- wili b« PM wiUi tha XurMiila uf Ihv couuty *4 Kaivi on lha iil'l nlnctranth di^ of Juna iirat, 4tbaii aioapHuiLi Iburulo ULUr b* Iliad by itiy par"' •on lAltreNtH].

(IIAHL KN F.HJCHR, Animal Batad Nawitk, N. J.* Miy I, A. D. im V4p

VKihtvFI-.'^ NGrii'B TO (TlKt;viTGI»- Noilri l« hartby xtvan to 8bn craditori of

t hailaajps IraitfeDWix. of tba I'liy uf sVewirk, fouiitruf Eaa*>K. aoit 4Ula of >aw Jarety, thii aU rlElma afilimt Ills ralata tiiuat ba aibibhad to lha lubacrpiar. hli Mdmaa, 8l bl* sSo 772 HroidMra«C »«A rk Nrtv Janar. n&dar n 'tb nr iRIrniD* Mod. no or brfof ' tbi ii nataaiitb day uf Juot naxt, tN>lui iiiaUma ttiiol tiy tba Grphiua’ Ovuri or iba cotimy or Kiwk for ifiit purw*«. or ba fcrevar birrp from «»n!io« In for i dlvldaint of Iba : lud aaid cri liura ara Birtlirr o.iLlAad ih iiiilsiof

AHor lod FraUtiyhaysao av.v|18 Apply •Tta ‘ J. M. BAYHk.TMHf|’*L ..................1 honiarfalitiiUlmprovaminti iBouIn

4H 110 HGMKHBKT or W7 h£ARKRT,_K) I.KT-* rigGf>R.M PLANEflT.,e(N>nar Jimai aL.orwiy paiDiad and piparad;

rant Hi. A. B >N TGliN. ill Hlfh aL lUrpo II <

f|4» i.rr four BooMft, BcrtARnc I younx rTMlpla 111 HANK BT.


T r iI.ttT- FIVK R0JM8


f|40 LKT-4 ROOMH ANF) RATH. X lllOH KT,: ilao iurlor floor, ttia


H e. I)GKN. TItANOK MKIHUM, CAN HE acoaauUad mioi 0 A, M. to T P* M.

12i -j? KHAN KLIN T-

J A DIES, ATTENTION l-MUH ZIMMCHUAaN J((brmarly wUb Kloci A Kunati wlU upan a tlrd-

daifl ladlta' halrtlraaalni pirlor on or ihont Juna I atm Broad It., ovar lUnDlfin A noolllon'a dry- xooda More, aaxt lo rrudonUl Buildlnx. Ih

I AIM 1*4-A FhrKNI)\s NKKh IH A KRIKNa jindaafl. If you waaia ravulatorthatiavari'aili

afldran r H ■ wonA*H'8 m Kl). H> )U B. .Nurtbto. N. V.

L Ami?4 WIHHING PKIVATK NUHAING, « HOWARD, opjf. HIrllDE hV: ooonilaDiiil iraitr

manl: iBtaatailoptad: doctor ia alUadaiioi 41ut:'i'HAW HAT PUKSHINU-WK IIAVK ALL i^tba imr aprinf rtylaa lot-) wbloh )alia*‘ aol cbUdrtn'ahNU luiLy bapraa<)«d: oaarlPO nawnhapai loaalaA IYoed. J. IL HRNKGAsN.UI Wuhlo.'Wi•t.wtwaea klirkatind Bauk. ____riM UT KLWIANf RirYCLR ON RXHIHI* 1 tlOD Id WUaon A ro.’i window. IM Virkat IL,

U to I« ktvan away by Jonaa. lha iTuiiantiil Hfi)' EUD : atop Ik tbd aa* hinu ha will aiplalo all iboul U. ^

the dalmftiKalMill lha auld tliikriM I*. Ijaittcabarc wll|b«fllad nlth kha NnrrarEi* of th* i-ouiity of ]8w‘«,ioi tba *ald hlnaioantb (IftyofJuiia nrit, whan ainapiiotia tharalo may t>e Alad by atiy par* •on lal*raat*d.

CIIAHI.KK F. HKHE. AMlfnaa. Dated Newark, N- J,, May J, A. I>. IW. ^4p

VHHiONKrR eVOTlCK TO O tEDiTORK- Nullca It heraby El\'ftn lo Iba rrallMr* id

t'hHrtaa Iwarh. ofthe city »f Newark, <ii»uaty uf hawK and-lata of >aw Jeritey, ibat all aiilni* aninal hU eMiM uiuat ha aihUdted to the )er|4)«r, hbi MnierMw, at bn ofllcw, No. TTJ lsr<«il aireel, Newark* New Jer*ay«under oilb oraf1)rrtuh> tion, OB or balure (be ulneleeiilU day of June nail, balnii tbe (line ti\in\ by the < rphani' Cuuri ef tha (Viutityof l-pwai ft>r that imrpuac. or ha forever birrHil from t.’umlof In Ajc a dlv}4it*nd of tha eatiia. and laid cr^lior* ire furihar ootlfled tliM a U t of the Halm* ataluM Uia Mid cbirla* Daach will h-j Iliad with iheMiirroffita of thei-nuniy of Fiv*i uu Hie Hild qlntteantb d.iy ol Jane rwil. wtieti rvpiloiKi tberelo may ba iHad by uy panoi la- (arrtiad.

rUAItLKH r. IlKBB, AaalxktI alad Nawark, N.*J., May 1, A* U ISH Fip


ina MILLKR IT. FOR RKNT; NKAT LOry brwk!7 rooTOi: iH roBTanlaocas:

cloaa w> Broad lud Kmmat Rt KuWow. New York i«*in Boa; kay pt No. 117 Millar nt i uiiB of lha ooaieat and mod eompleta hoaaaa Iri tow o.17* FIDKLITY TITLE Ca^TH Broad *t

X^G.iw twcHiiory brtok;

HSrA fA* 64tffff*r ftuudwtf, LifljW’Tr fwwnlnary, ,w«ncutcn,Me *Fi'.V/,T» .VlS'.VOpi-sp.M’SdtoelW (Atttiiyuad radtriw l>i0 'Liii tUtl* <i twrcitMTi.


Ayou a baraalu.

A,_A.-I HaVK PRGPKltTIfWla avary ward of lha pity aid wlU ajra

H. W. liKKHY, 7*0 lirulJ*t. • Mbm’KlNKJiS KN‘

. whl'marolil uajwri nagidliied : nariiiart procured lAll UfUD BKuMaN. 841 Hprloylleld ave. W »

A -HOI71BM. FARMH, LO-r*.• tarprlae*. tf'ld or exchanxed quickly

>RG'PEC1' PL, 0A-HGl!HBTO LET; BKVK.N' *”■ *-!(qulra

»orT lt ORANOR AVf.I rooniii rml|ll Jf®?!'?!!!!.

tjHKBMAN AVK., nthlrd llcor ; r*nt|ll

lOl-wCOHNER llOCKR. 41 b

H MVRD.S W. M0K8K.ua Third *v*.AHUttl.VSl.N IIKAI. KKTATK. 1 ............................... '

D ^ v e )G YOt'WANT A BAllfiAiN ON ttl'MMBR re 7 A nlco hou*« on corotr of 4 rooma lOd

Imiv. lX.i'OO. and one or 8 roum*, all iinp., and rnioy odiera uniy aa cheap oa all (b* iw»l aiiaeW

. HOWK, 14J BloamtlaUi i>va.

34# gVAILV itdi nt'i0’':*«r nr **! *• m ’»i i!r(lM*) iaiMt/iCiM (U'>UTi rYjIuTHiM ttrfvtil Avini >tx/ 11 i Xf *

lu tha city._______________________________

I .iiArl’M'RY l-GH SALK TF YOU A* Kood brick flwtory to xceMajja r«p«r (*aw 00-

cupTad>orioiiia elioloa lot* fur bitlldiay Or Inrert-{uant, call aod <va iba aam* aud liia liaproveraeflW Id lua vicinity. 248-m t EUyTNUl KP. tfq

HALF HOUTII EUJIITKKNTH KT., 4 rouma. il,*lO: SuuUi Fuurteeutb *L. a ruoma,

I1.2JW ; 'toriiiU, 7 rtK>m4, ll.W')': Camden it., D4* pitury lioui*. wilh driveway, ♦l.iv); Aoadamy at, Vi room". KJ.WU: MoWhur.er hL. near EJdU H ftiomri. 4-VfiO F. HKYLH A 12 tiprInafleU ave. I *i»eii evenluy*. ____________

riTOLKT,* PLANK HT.-BRlCIt UOCKE of 8 J roojTiA all ImpTovenaantt. ■ ** * -140 OaSde. ftania bouia of U fooma, abltabla Par

two ramUlea ^87 BaUavilla ava, fbot of Blootaftald are., jafi®

■tor* il8x40|; 8 dwaidnf roomi above, wlib all Imnrovaoiant*. ^

tM Caitrai ava.. 7 room* and bath.180 1 t.'ani.raL ava, 7 room* and baib.AdsIj to' FRANKLIN M, OLDS,M| Fradantlal Bulldiaf.

ROOMS, FLATk, ETC,* WANTED.T>C0M!4. flats, llOrREi4st4T!‘RFR, SALOONS Ilwanutl; all part)) of oity; property taka* la charge, ranU cnllir'ieilBflh BeBM *N, raaBaf afant. BpriacflMd ava.


Halit tiouaekfoplBx ; fLU aad ; mpectablo fkmlly. ^

Vt‘AT>KM V ST , 180 buuaekaeplDf.


I > A S K ST., «-TO LET, N lOEL^tiBNUBED J Jfront room. I

( tFNTRKHT.. 04 all ImprovomeatH.


/■ sHEHTNUTsT., NICE, LAHGE BOOM TO V let with alcova, fhrnlahe<ywr uufbrBlahad ; wlUi ooDvvnlencaL Sbo

I TN10N NTRAW HAT BLKACTTKIlY- / lAdlaa' ittaw hata preiwad in all tba latavt

■hapae. P. FITZPA I'HiCK, lO Uaiaay hL, near ball towar. __^

w a n t f : i>.

A LL kinds o r BOTT1.E8 BOtTaflT AND il io k t at A. KROElf LU'K’M, laa Nawarb at 64cI>OOX5t-WANTKD, TO PUUUlAftK. CHEAP X yfbr rash, tbe fbllualnr lAW hooka t Ratialun of Now Jaraev, Kopplameiit lo BerlaiOD, <'baoa'* or Coolvy'a BlavkaKuiA Jaflb 'a Law I'rwL'adaati, Oraanlaafon i vldenc* ^ddf*M J BLACKK'fGNiL, Box E, Nawa offlira.

ClOLLRCTIONA OF KTAMPH, 00IN8, OLD told and aUras boutat al

Uo V EHHI KR'B, 664 Broad M.

A FB-*WANTED, BM ALL HAFK, CHKAP FOR^ a f encaah. LONG, Ul Broad M.



rlV ) LltT-RRlCK HOUSE NO. U LINDKN 1 lb roonn: all Impruvamaaia. loqmra L O.

KKMPF. dare atoutaaburgb A Co., 7W-0Oi Broad « 48d

Evanta for Ctutr* Markat Day*t'witro Murkut Day will be otieerved by

tbiMlualer< ami wnpioywi of Ceutru Markat lu & liltiuK iiiamwr next TutwtUy. The mar- ket will cloi*' at 1 o'clock, In accordance with A reaoldtkui mlopted by the Market Uomniit*

t'oirmuui i'uuncil. At ij F. M. h ^wintde will Im foniMHl In the mArket Kiuare aud pro- cwil to tlie Khootlni I’erk, where the picnic of the C’Hiitre Market Itenevolent Aaai>cla- llon will be bold. At the park there will be n KAine of bane bitll tK*tween the FulLona of Fulton Market, New York ( ’ity» aud the UciUre Market team. There will alao be a aerlea ot bicycle reoM ftmttug (neuibora of the Kiwex Cumiiy Wiwefmeu, uud other athlelic eveu td .___________ ____________

CampmaetlnBH lu the City*During the week a large gok|>el tent ban

been erected by Taator Martin Haucoi on the big lot on High atreet aud ijummur ave­nue, l>etweeii Craue atreet and BloomHeld avenue, lo which an OTaugehaUc campaign will be carried on during the aummer «ud early fall. Kvery uight at ft o’tdotrk aud huiiday and Tutikday ttfivruoous at icr-y Icok will be heht, liie llrat l«ing UKUiorrow afleruoou, ‘ ‘ Union of all ChristlaiiH ia dc- alred to axalRt in the work of reaching thh vast miinlwrii of nou-church goora nnd lu atreugtheuliig the faith of othei*a,” atatea Key. r , Huncox.

tADll HAI.P; W'R HAYK A GOGD WTOBR * proparly on IMuoinllald ava; lot fkclpa two

•!rarl4: now atur« nml I'J room*; pilca 04,760.< oro r nrtij>erty nil Kerry at. doubla aiore »h<1, roum-4 (ii.TDU. 4j*o (WO k<nii1 r<i4d huuaa uropartUM. K. BniVKH A Ca. I2u bprluafloJd aVA OplB *V«*loxa ______ __________ __________ __

I .’lutt <(Al.K -I>E-<lHAm.K LGIS: allia. (J

IN WOOD-(IU8 block Iroiu ateaui Hod Heclrio cwra,

ut;. • alau Kun-ii Hill. Ml. iTo'ipact and olkef Mlahlmrina avenue I ; lou from 05"010 0TW: tarma aaey. aud a*«t»miie« xlvaii to thoaa aaairuiv lo buUd. PKa H'H»Y leASD AND LUAN Ca, 727 Bruad at. 1 oom i. J. K- Alci.AGAN. Maoagaf. lw

nmiKVT KINK TRUCK FARM,' aoTiaiitmvorabuiueitvai) acre*of ulrQlr cuu-

valid *and, >vlih liuum aod harn, looarlou at f')0t >' < HaintHira ii!w'b, and within I'liy ilmiM; r*rUal rlV» * hundred iKdlaf* per year. Addrei* HkWE* * pm Ll.II'VH IH'JS WOttKS, . fewarx, N. J. 82b

hAl.K. J"HNSON AVK. LOT 2SXlS4; 'huu«ea)-w; II rnonii. Im-lvuHnx bathroom ; all

imxierii Imiiruvemnii* : tint fliMjt. tliiUhed In uat- ural wuud ; a tiar aiQ ; prirr H.wmv 1 D. b. r<('llwAH/,'tt!IO Markitat •

I And w alk KGWLa SD « L : LOT 26X90;' hPUK* X ilury ; 1'.i nitime water, newar axd

rauLad I

r o I.KT-TWO HOnSKSt, NO. 14 14t, MONT- fomaryaL; 0 roomt, all Improtamaota rvbt

10 par iii6DtiL laoDlraAt eiTOUTENBUhOH ACa.reJ «4 OroaL


( II.INTON ST.. 74 V xaaUamaD ODly.


e (LINTON HI'.. 10—FURNISHEDroom fur xantlamaa; bath.


C#|KB PL/ll-KL'n\iaHED ROOM IN PHI- .'vata family : |l waek. 140___ . ST.-.VICELY FURNISHED

._roonv with prlvala fbmilr; faDtlamaa dulof buiioau lu Naw York prafcrrad. Addreaa } Box K, Nawa oflloe.I ”! art par k

H IGUBHT PRICK PAID FOR GENTS' CAST*Aff ctulblor ; orflara by mall promptly aU*od(Hl

to. J. MADA.vSKY, 66 ('ummaroaat 42h

I ADY*S6Ani)LK\YANTKD; IN GOOD OON- jdiUon. Adflrvaa E, Box Re Nbwa ofllca. 44b

XX? ANTED-VOUHOLDGOLD ANDSfLVKrt:vV wa pay bouaatpricja foe It la tare* pc imall

quaDUtiaa* D.BELOVKB,7 Prudeptlai Building

1 ;SHANKLIN ST., 27-T>» LET, FGUH FUR- ' oUliee roecne t ail nasly riiulatied \ iiaU) and

ns. *0*

I .vURNISUETtROOM WII'H PEIVATB FAM- ; Uy ; centmiy locslsd, Addm*

1 PRIVATE, KOI O, N*w* oBi™.

v|VO LET-TWO SMALL BOPSEP. ONE CAN i b* let 1* enrltutatv Crtltendea at, near


... _____ PRICK DWELLING HUUSKwdth (an reoma :all modera ImprovamautA kt

I14A Baiiaviueava. loqulraatI9y 67 SOUTH CANAL «T.

rp o LKT-A 1 w

m o lStI rooma. bath anil laundry, water aod xaa

flA Id(4!llre 287.

ROUHE 2»S RJUTH SIXTH RT., 9 * --- rant

rp o LKt-lO ROOMS: KXTKNSION I. hoaav, No. ll Ouriiat at Inquire

BRICK 97 c a n al ST*

TTAT.HF.Y BT.. 401-FURNIBMED ROOMS FORJ I tif bt houatkeaplhf : kU prloaa, 67b

T AWBlNCEBT.e II, OPPO. CLINTON-KLE* jxant Airnlabed ronmito la( forfaDtlarutn only;

avary cooTaalancv s do board. 47d

M AIDKN la n e , 14-NICKLY furnished front rooma to lat chaap. 61o

M ULRFHRYST.. 14I- fvirniabed roaiui toift,


206-FtmNlsHKD ROOMH forilihl lionaakaeplag i aU pnoaa._______ Mb

^jm.BKftRV ST.

^ K W H I'.. 28-LADY A l FURNISHED ROOM jN mata; |1: alao fumlahed

M E U IC A L .

Do c t o r b r io o w s r e m k o ie h a r r s a f e ,aura and •Ihctivs. Try liiam owl yo* will bt

oonvlncmt. HU I’nr*. eotment cum burn* hriil-e* tnlda. Urh, clillbltlDi. one rnlnuie cure rnr nceralel* *ed loothAcbs (oulwart tppllmimi onlyi, *nil reilevea all feel troublee ; lure cure tor pile* HU Ailevantorcurea Camrrfc. HU CJiUI Cere he* no equal, aud tbe Lang ud Throat Huatei *irU Ut* BiMl* JOHN HUBEK't'SON. *7 KlmtL, New­ark. futaalebyle*dn>idri*fU<*__________ ^

D n, HOLMSB'!! SPICIFIO A SORE ANI> portUe* cot* for tUlemrtt IrregnUrlUt* Ad-

dr«*a 14* Camdeu ik: 0, U. amlUi. *4* UrosdaU and *U druggltlA Prloe It, tent by mstL <Kn


UEYagR,__ ___ ,._,..’ldiy. 80 ’EapMiaJ care'io Udkaa undar al^ric traatgianL Mg


S EALED proposals.

piano.tront parlor with


rp o LKT-BMALL BKICK IIGUHK, NG. 74 1 EAST KINNEY ST.i tarm* |IA Apply on


W ABHINGTON BT„ KA -TO LET. TMRER* atoryhriek hPuM, 16 rooma. Impt*-, rent fP):

No. 11 Penblufiatt ate, thraa-atofy Iranis, 10 rooiuivJmpia., » « t JACKWON, IW Market at.

m-IIARD MT,. 14-lfIOKLY FURSIHUED room to let; with xai and oaa of bath ; Urmi

rea*oaaCil6. ____|( V 'A 0ri

ht lu per 4-HUU prira I4.!HA).U. h:. scilWAltZ, 2WMarket It

.tMJ UM’, WAKKMAN ave.; hoiiM cmitaina )«> ruoisi. all moderu Im-

rrovviueuw ; terms very e.isy ; pries |3,piQ.H. K M'ilWAU/, 2IU Market It.


prli't' 41,0,V). IL Ia. H WAR:£, 210 MarkettSOR " Al-K

taent'i at.: h nin- 4 r‘>om* and Rood orllar


f a r i o r m u t e r i a l l u w J i u p a v i n g S o u t h v i r a i i g c t t v e u u u . ' l ' h t » C o i u i i i i w i o i K ' r f u r t h e r a t d t w l t h a t b o h a d h a d t h e w o r k a t o p j i e d , a u d h o w a n t e d t o t D o w w l u i t t h e b o a r d p r c j K w a d t o d o a b o u t i t . i ’ r i ' h l i l e n l V a n I h i y i i e a u d C o i m i i U a i o u t ' r K t i h t i t h o u g h t t h e l u a t U ' r a h o u i d h © a t i e i i d w l t o b y t h e S t r e e t U o i t u m t -

, l 4i a i , a u d i ' u Q ] i u t i 8 i i o Q i T K u l i u h i k e d t l i o c o U n * p e l t o t o l l t h i » l » a i ' d i t i t w o u l d b e a l l r i g h t t o h a v e t h e w o r k o u u t i m i e d u u d e r t i i e b u ( h t -

. T i H i a u o f t h a U u i n l ' a e n g i n e e r i u t h e a b a o u c o ot a U e u e r a l S u p e i ' U l h ’ i u i e u t .

C i t y t k m n a e l C h a i n U c r V V , H i k e r a n i d i t w o u l d b a a l l l i g h l t o p u r a u e s u c h a c o u n i u , ^ T | i i 80 t h a w < i r k w i l l I w d o n e .

C o n u n l a s i o u e r T i c h e n o r t O k i d h e h a d l ) c e n l o f o n i M i t l t h a t t h e c i t y w a a i u u m l o f ‘ M i e u -

i t e u a o U ' ' t o a u i j e r i n l e i i d t h e a t r r v t w o r k , a m i t o l d t h e o t h e r I ' o m m i h & i o n u r a t l i a t t h e y

c ^ u l i l g e t f u v l h i T i m r t i f i d u r t i r o u i C o l o n e l A d i e u , t h e A M l e t a n t I H m f n - a l S u | » o r i n t e U i J i * u t . T h e l a t t e r w a b p r i w e u t , a n d w u * g i v o u p e r - t u i a a i o u t o a p e a k .

The Colouui began t»y saying that tin) ,BU‘eet L'omnilityc wantwi broad Htroot Icleajied up by lliia morniug, ami that all ut*' rADgeineut# bad Ixjcu iiiailc, but thrre were uot enough foremen to U>kh tho work.

U o w u u u i y d o y o u n e e d f ’ a s k e d F r e s i - , d Q D t V a n D u y n e .

“ I'wij will be enough/' repiloil Colonel ’ Allen; “ and I would HUggrHl that they lie

.ppointed at Icaat iui’ UMiight,’ He waa au-

Committed for Alleged Attemided AaaaiilLJohn Sheridan waa committed for the

at'Hun of the (irand Jury thli morning hy Judge Eggera at tho Fourth iTecluot Bta* tion. oD too ('barge of having allempled to aKuaiiU I.ioniNa Drlea, of 13UI HelmoBt avc nue, uii lln! night of May 20. There waa no oti- dciiceat tho Klatiou-huuae, Hlmrldau having been arrested on a warrant ami cumnuttod

_____ wltkumt a Imaiiog. There li another chargeallogoi lu- I of assault pending agalnrt him. He ia a

l e a t r i c r w o r k e r b y o c c u p a t i o n , a u d t w e u t y * t h r e e y e a r s o f a g e , ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

R u p p ( » a e d t o H e I n a a n e ,F o r a e v e r a l i l a y t J o h n t P O o n u o p , o f

E l m a t r e e t , h a a b e e n o e l i D g s t r a n g e l y , a u d y o h t e r d a y U l » w i f e v e r y r e l u c t a n t l v c o d - c l u d e d t h a t h e w a a m a a m * . F e a r i n g t n n t b e m i g h t h a r m h i i u a e l f o r o t h e r K s h e i n v o k e d I h n a i d o f P o l i c e m e n S c h i l l e r i m d S l i p p p e r d , o f t h e T h i r d r n l l c p F r w ' l n c t , w h o t ( K » k t h e

I m a n t o t h e » t f t t l o n - h o u ^ e e w h e r e h e i s h e l d ,1 i w n d i n g a n o x a m i n a M o n b y F o i l c o S u r g e o n

L ’ k i ' k . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

! F e l l T h i r t y F e e t m i f l I t r o k e I l i a N o a e * i ■ \ V i l U e M a u s e r , w l i l l o p l a y i n g o n t h e a c a f - 1 f u l d o f a b u i l d i n g b e i n g e i ' B c t a d n e x t t o t h e I h o n i e o f h i a i m r e i i U ( » » W a i l a t r o c h I r v i n g ' I t o n , f e l l a i h s i a m - e o f t h i r t y f e e t y a a t o r d a y

a f U i r u o o u a m i b r o k e l u a u c m o .

N K W J D U S K Y .

K x ' t ’ o r i n T e R K m a n l i e r g e t i , w ' h o c r i t i c a l l y i l l , l a H t e u d l l y i i i i p r u v i n g a | h l f t L o m e l u ( ' a m deu.

A r o w b f l < » T n { l i i K t o T h o n i A H M i l t e r , a t ( H e n t i a r d n e r , W i i n h l i i n g h y a h u f f a l n H y a n d d i e dIn (I few Imurs.

U l « e s l l m u t e d t h a t t h e l > e r r y e f o p o f ! 4 o n t h J « r f « c y l i H s b e e n d a m a g e d f u l l y S w h . U U ) h y t h e

t h o r i e e d t o a m m i n t t l i e t w o m e n , f u u i a f t e r a \ r e c e n t a l o m w . i e u g t h y d t a c u 8 8 U ‘ U ' A h e S t r e e t C o u i i n i t t e e w a a j H o i r l l e L u v e l a i i d . t h e t h i r l e e n - y e a r - o l d M t ♦ m p o w e r w l W e m p h i v o u o i i g h m e n t o p r u j | > - i H o l l y h d j r w h o r o b b e d h l H p u r e u t a a m i h o l d u p e r t y ^ U M - T ’ Y i a e t h o * t h e p o i u t o f a « i o y r e v o l v e r , w a a

. 7 / ' ■ _ _ _ _ F q ^ ^ K . ^ m c r d a y h c i U t o t h e U e f o r m f t c I u H d .‘ Z a u i * a , ' L l l ^ H u l a U i r o , m e t d ( * iTha bijtard'tbeuadjuurnuiL '

HU Off a Vlece'ur Carlo's Har*^ Uaorgft Baloox, aged iwcuty-lwo years, of

leCbmee aUey, ww a prlaoner before Judge Kggerfiluthe Secoml Criminal t'ourf this

• morning,-«harged with biting off a niece ofJamea ('arlpk Tlie aocuaod adimtUHlthe truth of the.clmrgo, but aaid ho aotod lu aelf-Alefcnce, aa titu couiplaiiiaut aHoaulte l blm first. The tip of Carlo’s rightear won bit­ten Autlrely off. Tbe acoiiaed waa l>eid in de­fault of |c0UO tMlI to await tiia aoUo n of Hp’ tirand Jury.

dood ComUtluii of the I*, li. A* H. A* Tbe busiuMi of the Fasaaic Elver Anmteur

\ Buwiug Aiaoc'iabion waa nut ended for the ^••eeion last night, owing to the failure of a ' quorum to appear. 1'h(» delegatfw present* held a sort of informal meeting, and after

looking over the aooouuta they found thatV wheu all clalma should be collected and out-

itendlug tllla paid there would atUl be ^enough money in tha treasury to enable the aHaiicJatlon to mako a rebate to each of tbo fiv6 .;riuU.

1;(rjnsAi,K wii sKvsr., LOi'2ixn». nou-^K wnit-r iTcl «t«rfr, stc««i pavatt; prioa

IL (-. a( l[ (V Murkai iL

nORH \LI'’ FAUM lo .Ai'ltlLs : SMALL HGUSK i s a d b a r n : p r l r f y v v i

II K. M'llWARK, 210 Uarkatil.

H AtttU 'J.'< VAN m-VNi-;hurruyor Ai)>Lli>alvr Iq Kail K(t t*.

?S| lllpJAl) kT.KldriLtyllUnro. nu1t>liii|. KuataaDvIdai

Uaiaieaef valua oHir ip««r fSv.-ii.T l KAlMit: • KS■K1H l•’‘ K 1'R (L KSTATE MY- 11 RON W'. MiiJiSK. 11* I lilri) nva.

HT„ as-i UKH’K. IS It IM*i i ) t s . ' i i t s ; a i f i o 3 f u r n i a k a d e e t -

t a e v a , U o r s D u r u v u . A J Uisi x 2110'. rwaaft urova

n imiprovvmenti,


No. 748 KU' 'Ali K l . ii*ar the HonufniW. VantatioD iua>U‘ 0:i tuiprova I imiiI utilmprovad

property: : ViiUfv Pulilic,____ 1wXLL'U' norHK.HON SiilTIf TKNTH KT.. f i l iwo rixdDa't, all luipruvutueiUa; can [Matba door. Applyu»r w. H.M'n.i„8i7 PruiU'niiai niiiidlnxvlaKAL Kr-TAl l. I'lms.Al.KAT A BAHGAII I lloia UD Haillaon rtst> linpiire or writ* lo C«c F UNI'KM A. , 304 lluiilkrdonaL

S17MMKHAVK. KlS'h. NK.W Ilfil’HE. TMIR-tpon rcioin , t>r (mo latnlll*'*: all Improvetnanla;

lot 2I>*114', prk‘»' : tli!i In » nnap\s. 11. idiwi:, 147 rnoumhahUva.


H fiUBF/WANTRU. ABOUT 8 ROGMS, wri*i Improvanant*. Iti good ovlghborlioud; ram

net ov«r |400. AddreaamgUBK, Box Y, New* oWre.

1>LUM ST., 00-PLEABANT FU«NWHKD X IrornrooToa. aultabla for light bouaekaeplng. 44c

H nnsf TO HKNT-HAVK «nt fiirniihcd front roooa

altuaiad rlgbl In builoaaa otaira. inqi 7c 81 Ha LSKY M'., near Waal Park ar.

A VERY PLEAS* i«nt fiirnlihcd front roooa to private An&lly ;

Inqulra at


A ^Sh TrSt OtT 1“ * GRAN(4K. n . j.-To lei, furolibed roent; breakfail ifflerired. l

O iLKNRIIXIR ^r-t o let fcr summer et by the year furnWiad

bouMe, 12 reoml and Improvauienu; lo4 lOOxSCW; 7 mlmitea’ walk from railroad itailon.

A. H* HaZKL'ITNK. 824 Broeil fitreet*

N KW HOUBB to le t-8t " ' ....... - —........... _ . . IIQGMS: DATh-Toomfaulm l.tbartyu.. West

Grante: ooavanlent to eleoirto cara. Apply FLKMINGS, DRUMMOND

waat Grange._____

cara.COi, 108 Watetiunx


SU T - . , - -front room lo one or two single ftmtiamen;

iarina reoaonabla : refanaoaa required.______ 8eor|^UlRTEENTH

and Ulfh ami goa.

AVH., 44, BBT. kU.—Nicely hirnlahtg

HOWARD room; batb


______ __________ INDORSED "PRfVkUp^a lor Mdawalk and croaawalf conatracKon on the eaat aide or (JorUaedt KraeO will i>c ra- calved by the Townablp commiitea of the town* vtilp of Bel avilla until Figp P. H. of Tuesday, Jutia a !8»4. fcr (he <»n8truetl(»ii of sidewalk aud oroaa- walka on tba aaat aldsof rortlandt atreet, beiwren wmiam aed Mill atfsel*. Hellerllla, N. J.

Bidden will make two aeparaU bl4a, markad nral ami locoDd, and will stale price in wxiU(}g aa.wall as flgum.

Pint Bid—Fpr lubatentlal grading, the furabih' lag maierialt, (be Inctdaoial iradioa and (ha lay< log and tlnlihlnx oforoMwalkaanil tbr (Urnlabing of matarlaia. ih« locidtntAi grading, unrhlng, flag- xingaod flnhbtog thoaa portuma er sidewallu that ■hail Mr at aogiM at a fmaraectlon of atrteta.

.Second Bid—For rurolabiae material. inclieoUd gradiot and carblng. ttaiglof and flnlahtog of all •idewaiks in front of ov oordaring open any lot or land.

The commliiea rarerva tbe right to reject any or all bids . ^

Plans and *peelHcatlo(u mar he exammea at tbe olhee of Frsxclaco 41 Barkhoro. anrveyora, 740 Broad at. Nawark, N, J. _. Fropoaalito be sent to N- W. UNDERWOOD, Clialrmao of Townahip Committea, BelievUle. N, J. .


O FFM’K OK THE BOARDOF mTHKKT AND Water CommlnMonera of tbe rity of Newark,

Newark, N. J . Ray II. l«4 Pealed proposals will ba raoalvad atthlsorhct

ontIL 4 o’Cii»uk P. M. of Monday, the alavoiub day of June. IMH, for iba gredlng and curbing of

KIKI'KK.NI'M AVENUK. from the old City line to lb* pra«eal cltv line.

jhs loii'*wmg la about the amount of tha woak^ be dobv and the cnaleilais lo Im lUrnlatied tu the cunstnHAhiB and Ci»iBpiailo)i of wild work -

Rlshiy-foor hundred (8.4Wj cQUle yards of em-, bankrufnt imauur.-d in plnosv.

l-oriy-oMi buadivid i-tioo; cubic yards of ascave*' ilnlity-elghl hundred (MOU) flrei of flMnchctirbwione. . ., * #I hirty-iour bundred «,4400j square fret of cro.<w walks

Bidilen will Htete Ihetr prices In wrlOog aa weii ulndgurei ,

BlddeiK uiuit apeclly la tbvlr propuaai that, Hbould tbs above work b« awarde.l to thvm. ibev wilt bind thernielvea lo flnlab ami complete be lanitwltaln sixty of>ns#ni(1vi< working days.

ihr plana and a^ldiwtlous of tba werx oia he eaamlneil at the uhlee of (ha Board of ret and Wa(*r ('oTuralaaUiners, Nr. lialaey aireeu miW propowla to be ■oconjpaot'Hl by the cenaeat la wrU- fnx. of two somiem. who ibaB. at Die (Ime of |Mi ting in sucu proposfct*. qualify a* lyihslr respoastbllily la tha amount ut such prui»0Ml. am] bind tliemMives thale If tlie cootrnul ba awardwl to Iba person or per* soul ujakihg the proposal th v will, upon Hibaing •o awarded treorne bis or their auradM ft>rtlre lalihfiji performaoce ofaald work : and tlu|t If tha trerson or peraoo* omit or refuse to sxeciite such roatract, they will pay to lbs city of Newark any dlffarvuce ottwaeri the auuu lo which he or they would have been eotlUe l upon compietloo of tbe conirani and tbai wht h the city « f Newark nay be ohllffd to pay lbs perwa or petaoBi by whom auch comrai-t shall be executed.

1 he Board of r treet and Water CommDaloBSra ofibeclty of Newark, rtaerve (u themaeivea tLa right to accept or reJaci any or ah propoaaU (hr tbe a ^ s work, a* they may deem basaVor tbetateveit^ B 'dal and aureUeanre heresy notified that im> dir Iba pruvlalons ot the aevenib ewxlon ot the law creating tbe coard uf Ktrmt and ater tV mmls- alonara, approved March'il8, Itdi, that tba bond or bunds (o be given ivr (be fslthhil execution and perf.jniutDCC uf aal4 public work shall first be ■•proved M to aufflclency by the board, and m to foTin by Ibe Cguniel of Uie Board, and no couwact shall ba blndlni become sffectiva or ooeratlve unUl such Deod U ao approved; and tba Frretdaut of the Board aball nsva power lo exsmlue tha proposed hoods- men under oath, tf he shall so deilrs, or sbaU be so iDidnicted by lha board, but, the board wid not be bound by any Rtatement that maj’ be ^ a by auch uroDcnad boiHtiinaD, blit shall have full power and ^olure dlanreUoa Irt the whole matter, and this provision Bhali ba referred lo in any adverUaenaut favUlng bids for any luch public work,

I-y diteciion of^eBoare or wraei and Waiei Coromlliionef* or tbe cltj tt f * ® ' * bSH,

Oenar Rupcrinlendant of Works,

....... U4-FURNIRH1PROOM TOllyhi houaakaaping. with water. 7ib


'YyAtflflNGTON HT., 301 LARGEemail nicely Airnlahad roowe, ob**Py_


TWO RGOMH. KUB* Blshed, for light housekeeping, ftao weekly, i

■ ^ ’"ASinNaTON BT„ 451'




. dt/water ;acr*ena: ahadea.E. WMITK, WDsyaUrOrange.


l^houaa and kiora to rant.rWM) HKKT KORTHHHUMI1. 1: ...................................

.......................... _ . ._ R R PDRNiaHKDbouse at Madieoii, N. J-. fourteen rooms, includ-

inK bath ; grounds well abadad : (Ivn mlnutea from aUiloti. Addree* P. Q. BOX 2A 4ladlM>a N. J. Hr^ V aRD nTe, ORANOE-TO lev , H()UKK8 TV rooms! allImprovetaente; near electric and

.je.mr*u™d* »T.. 0 »n ,*

LOFTB to r en t A t III AND m arkat sL; good builnesa localloa ;so1tatale for

ilgUi manufaulurlug. Apply to 4b JABcaC L. 1^70,74* Broad atH uminkbh I


COMMERCE BT„ 6—THREE iXJFTfli FOR oflVe purpQsre lo lat cheap* _______ **e

/^tMMKUcKHT., Hrt-TO LET. STORE; URKI) i.- an grocery aiofe tor ptat tl yaart { feni |15; elao two floors aimve iiofs (o tat* lOu WM. A. WARD, 4 APademy at.

ClOBNKU 8T’BX, WITH • BOOM*, TO LIT •t bargain 1 IU I fe*i> lea lln L eallrtn* (or **/

ba*lo««. a L. I'ilANK, 4(4 MronOtt_________I

ROOMfl AND FLATS TO LET.___T^A .-c ilO IC IC *F a HTM*NTj « kooMa;A . 10. to , 00.1 ,t

A -HOOMB, TLAT8. H0U»1W, STOFIKB. fA- .louQSiolet: all parts of Cell « onw.

CKHMa N, nrtini *f*nt, 311 Pprliiellaie «rt. Wb

u r~ro

I’MMMi AVK, w m t «r.init, hlyknrOdi'ia : l t sawi-r and wtiiar; for RtOb.

I M U i.mWK, 147 HU-ioniilwIfl ava.

WUBBJ-X AVK KINK lU.'Kl-SSM curoer o I ( t : Il ne plAoe fnr d ruiatore;

iioarijr new : s birsHlii siI M n. KnWK, 1(7 moots Held ave.

* BKAUTIFUL FLATF 'B IIKNT AT M3 (lAI'- j\*lde it., ill toomt *n* **p*r«l* bathroom ; this pat baa ‘eDarai* lUi nirt, eionut* ep«*, rotecellar: b** demb waller, eleoirle bfII, i**, etc., etc;. jiiai been hendsumeiF papereO, •*# will t>* laniee

'“i ' f i . ' j ’i 'K ; tOMB. 13. rbltd . , . ^

A FARTMERITt TO LKT OF 8, 4 OR 4 rooms84 4,16attd 18 Frees it; thoroughly reo-

ovated and undat naw maniianirol; renia immar •(«; eonvanleiioea for lananiv. dPP'F KANEIeRIVH Ksasiat, or lo J. H. Maaker, »WKrudantlat. 42f

$ 3 , 5 0 0

Will buy 8 'lalory iratna housr* of i roUTSt aacb,

in good locshun, that pA>- hum 'A lu 24 per

C«aU Uu prlcb



1 Marljsl Ht.

ath ill ajB?ouUar ijuihuer yi'klurday, Wlillv ou iiu» struct he Uik'sn cuuglilag, duriug whU-h he hrokebu bluud vcaabi. lie (llcrl in a few iiiin* ulen.

An uuknowu maD* Huppnnojd to be a iraiup. wju struck by an eai ilnjimd iiHai tmker train al 'Uurllhguui yviU'uiay afloriiouu aml w;u( loAtanlly killed. Hie body wnu literally brokeu to pieces.

The icliooiier Ae F. (Tockell, of Hocklnud* Me., which wen wpeckud »t Hnrvoy Odara during tile rpuetil allll holds together,mill there ia h fair pros rect uf having her. Her cargo Whs sold yeaterday.

t lx freighl cars on the Canidcu aud Ailunllc iialirewd at the foot i»l Viuo street, t.'umdeii, broke iuoae duriug a drill yeeturday aud rnu into the englne>UuuK« coiineoifd with the Kulokefbofker U'O CHmipntiy’a building, de­molishing the luaohiuery. IL Frank l)vnny,of Cooper street, had a leg broken In twu ]ihu !(, and Kaglneor James WastQott barely rscapt'd with his life. WeatouU ivaa hiiovUed to the river bank* and aa lio was ralsod from tlia ground (he pieces of tho englno and shafting fell Oh the apul wliere he hod bucu alaudiug.

, ^ ( i » . o o o , " , ; i : ^lll’ V .NICK miVHE 1»N

1-. a rcHim*. water and tavrar: ♦3,-"' .Ack hoiias nil NoriUifV htii (- II nxMut nril burn ; will buy a ili'« H-ftioni hoiMi- ou l,( >iri)y ht. wuter and rewee }.i^ttsny r. • . ■

TV'Vr 'fl;"rV'y"TnDvnrHwi4-Hmie

A partm ents “ por Rr.NT" a t a he. ductloB. MYRON W. MOHHM, He Third *TejKBlHtN HI., S»4^"rLAT (RJ.NTAI N |N(1 t rooms; Imrrovanienli; ram #&• Apnly to

1 MUb. J'. LtiiWY, 187 Hnnterdou si*

B I.KBCKKR ht., I07-TO LKT. A NICE ROGMB; lauDdry! hath ; all Improvamenta Inquire

I 101 BRGa D Kl'., flucy iiota.

I AROP. RiOHE AND CELLAR, !• CLINTON rooms, all ImproTaqaeutf, 18 CHnloasLi 8

rooma li> Liberty at.; 8 rnoms, 88 Orohai ik 84n H. KINKa RD A CO.. 18 Clinton at

4JRALED fflOPOBAl. , INDOlteED L7PCISSS Ihr sidewalk Mnd crorewalk ooBitnic lion on DOrib slda of Mill atreet and a part of Main street" a‘lli be ra(»lvpd by the Township Committee of the townahip of BeUevllle until 8tT0 K. M. ot Tueadsy, Jane 4, 1884. for the ooaatrucUoa of sidewalk and rresawsika nq tlit norih aide of Mill el reel, belweea Washington avouae to tbe line III Main street, sod thence aioni (ba weat aide of UalB streel to the touth side of Hohnyler 'avenue, Belleville, N. J.

lUdders will make two separate bids, marked fret and aerood. ana wilt sUte prioee lu wrldag aa well re In ligures. .

First Bid - For aubetantlal gradiar, the Inelaental grading and Hie laying and dnlshlDg of crosswalk* and (he fUrnlibing of materials abif (be Inoldenlal grading, ciirnlng and flagging of ihone portions of sidewalks that shall Heat thaaofiaa at tbelaiaraeo- iioasorstreait.

Hecond Hid—For flimishlng materials, mcidanmi grading and PurblDf, dagglngand tlulihliig of all aldewalke In iront of ox bordering upoa any lot of land.

T ha committee leaarvt the right to reject any orall bids.

Plana and *pedfloil1oni may be examined at the oiBoe of Franc^ A Rarkhoro, surveyori, 748 Broad sireet, Nmrk, K. J.

PropoBsIs 10 be seal to H. W, UHDKRWflOD, Chairman Towosklp CotaimUlM, BeilarlUe, N. J. dOa

tjTORK AND THRKK RGOllS TO LET. nply 4J m aple bt., Katrny.£^U>Tk WITH POWER AND flTEAlC HEAP.

New buildlog; lightsU orauiid: iNimoiersis


W'aahingloa Wllaon.

M a id e n la s k , » - to lkt , stablrs 0^5 wlih 1 turn *gd on* WH* I rtall*. wtib *ked

O m CKOFTHK BOARD or HTBEBT AND Watei t'omiDleiionete al tbe cltj of Nj-*!)*.

Kewarr. N. J., May 3I.0334. Seal** pn>po**ta wUI be reotlvra atibleuan

unlll4o'erw» I’. M. o( iloiiiiy.th* aleTeDia a*y or Jun*. 1994. for ibe ralaylni of ibe prsteni bloea- naylDff and emewalKS In

BHUAU STBBKT,00 e«b *iee ofthe eineei railway tntko lo tbe «rb. u well aa the appreacbea of (he side iireeia (to sideline of brood streeti from the canal brtdgn to thenortherly Hue of *n#w street, ou ihe wf«t^rly side of paid wka, and Duni the canal bridge to the northerly aide of Hector Kreet un the east elde.

Tbe lollowing le about tbe amoimi of the work tg done, and tbe matertale to be furnished In the eon- Blrucllun and Oom pletloa nf said work r

F i f t y i q u a r e yoroi of repiv-ofty aquare yards of new oblong greiilte

'iTlMBioeo bandied (1,W0> square feet ofcrorewolk

"H g ti hundred i,80oj aquare feet of now Belgian’*^^\T*b5an hundred {1,7001 feet of curb reset, and

'iwo hundred (anoj feel ufm-w iwentydndi (n*rb. lUdders wlH aute a lump sum for the entire

amuuiii of work aud maisrlol. es above mt-ottoaed; a bid In auy other form will not be ac-cepioa-

Bidders wiU elate (heir prices In wrlUug ae well**!H{ldere*niu*t. apacliy la tbe'r pfopoeala that,should the above work be awarded to ih(?io, they will bind tliemseivvs lo Holsh sbd cujnpitte the ume wlihlu thirty coorecuilve working darn.

J he plana and epectflcatloni of thework can tw eiamlfied at the otllire of the IwaM ofBtrrel and Water fonimlsiloDere, No. 128 Ksleey etreet* tJaid oroo(»ala to be acoompsuled by (he apnmt.m wrlilugof swo Burelles, who »baU|at IhelUirtof putiiag Jh ktich prepoeals. qu liV aa IJtJl ?«,iK>nBlblUty in ti>e amouJjt of weh pr^

inU a*»d bind tkemrelvea that If the com““ ......................men or p*n

upon ita being

room for wsguns.tXb JOHN JACEbos, III Market at.

AND OLIVER h;T8.'-«TABLEM ULHICRRV___ _____to lot, wUh 6, J8 or 16 siaHa and Bhed room.

. ... a l l im -preveuenls: well llxht^ Wo, 14 BOUEINOT

i»Ta inquire of HAMUJEL W. GERAY, 788 BroaJ r englDBer on the piinilaM l lephdire N(S


],KT. WTI’dJ-kpbTa

IJOOMN-TO LKT, FINE STORK AND TWO .1 irooiiis and all Imp., rent 130. and 4 roo^ on Id floor, rent id. Apply tl8 BEL4IONt AVE. Mb

T'i lil«rr-WHOLK OR PAftf OF l^wnTalk Building.

SM Market at., lo let; rent very low.MW Apply 10 ft. H. Ba k EH, inkatldlni.

S TORK ..bsndsonia laiga store In

IJRKINTNAI.L PU. tl. jaamsU flats. 4 and ft (art* ■Dents, Inquire 36 N j' IJiyN PL,

(GrtANtiKD TOj-l rooms and Improvu-


t tLlFTG< AVK., M"TO LET, THREE VLKA»- . ATit rqoaas, wlih water. t

and HUNTERDON »TII.*-ft iatge'roomi to let; rent 610- •




--.■ftVE rl.«ABAxr BIMM.‘3,A4I,L impuovr . T ? menia. flnt floor. HT hOLTU TKNTIl Bl'., near Central ave., U osevH ii.____________ Mb

TO Licr. h a .mwomk DKCORATWUioll linpruTtioeutA61 KAHV KfNNEYBT.

KlomutleldaJ^UHJMKIKLG I'ld^rKRTY F(5lt HALK.

Located n>ar iLr IK, L. & W. Kalltusd; slee of property huttn' omtalns t«n rooitis and1>vthtoo)n : bre riiMce. lUros .elc.; si) in good con oitlon.

TLiniB llKAMGNAHI.h,Inquire

MYllON W. MGKHK.ihi 'i'b rd ave.,

I ___________ Newark, N.J.Ornngr.

H OUBK FOHHALK-n RGOMHINKAH ALL reilrnod* : .all iiuurovemonti; Iqt 43x188; city

water, wcil, htablc. Iienuery, auu IS I'ruR ires*: bcauiiftil lawn front mt I biCk i owner dadrts to IcAVHclty: rviUHtiiaUe pri'-e. Inquire oo ptemtaas X3I WILLIAM UU, ureoge, tkr

■Ij'lj^-'TO LKT. a HOOMB ; aj.l improve. f monta: rent rtsaonahia to good teuani,0lf 08 MT. PilUftPECT AVKa

I ITILAT' BUUNtJWICKkr., l«-T f> LKI*.: of rtve rooms, brick house, aa l |1Q.


■■.'(LATriTU l.iil'GFg A.NU4R) oS ViiS jr iralave,, iiesr Morrh are.* ant l ani s-rooD flail on Duryea t.: no trnableiosAowttiea. raui Wand lia laqalreln tkclory.78d aou. ukrthal a v e a NDDURYEABT.

q T(HIKTG I.KT. WITH FIVE ROOMR «JOMulberry at,, naar WaltmtsLiXs _ _lnqulr^. V ua* A S ^ f , T64 Broad Skt;TORK-Tn LF.T, HLGllK AND ROGM8, |1Z. ^liiqulro AsRANLFOKDflT. _________ t

tlKALEG PHUPOKALM* INDOHSED " PRD* l^poaali flir aldswalk ocmatruollon on ihe anuth aide of.ioral*mon atreet." will be reoeivad by tbe 'J ownahlp i;onimlttfle or the lowniblp of BellevlHe ontll 8;M P. M. oTlareday, Jane 6, ib64 ibr the enn- •triiotlon of Sidewalk* ud crasewalks on rhs south aide orjorelemonatreei, belareen Main etreet and WaehlagUia sveDuft, BeilevlU*. N. J.

Blddera will make two separate bldt, marked tint and a«o0Dd. and will siaia prioee In wrlUiifM well H In ngiires

Flrat Bid-For sobetantlal grading, the Inal' denial gredlng. tbe flirqlthlng and laying of croW' walks, the relaylhg or oobble gmiere. the incidental grading, oiirblng and flagging or tboee poni8(Mi of eldewaika that sboii ii« at the angle at the Inter' •eetbh qfatreete.

Korotid ' Id-Kor fhrelablng matariel. Incidental gnullag and carblng, flagging and ftirnlahibg of rUl ■idewalka in front of •* bordaiibg u|M)n any lot of land.

The Comtnltlee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. , ,

Plana atid tpedftoailosa may he examined at the olTlce of Kraucl)u;n A Rarkhorn, aurveyoie, 710 Broad sireei, Newark, N, J.

Prupossla to ho Mnl to II. Wa UNDERWOOD, Chairman Towosblp Committee, BeUevIHtyN.J."'-QKALRD PHOPnfiAL l^poioli'

pelwill,KaaJ and ,

^ he awarded to ■on« msking tho propoial they wi...»ao awarded, become hla or Uwlr itw JJflfaithful pertermance ot tald work, aad lire* if W* nereun or pereons omil or reftise (e vxeente aadh roll?!?. I&y wilt m to Ml. oily ■'( N *"*? dlffrrtdot belwMB (ha au j»a tf> which he or they wonlo,have been ecllllid upon curoplcUtm of coniAcl and (bat which the city of .srewark may te obliged to pay the person or peiwni by whom luch“ uTjkSbd of* *re!i*a ^ Water Oommlailoner* of the city of Newark roeerve to iheraMlve* the right to oeflea* Of friect any o# ail proweala far the aUv^ork. aa they may deem b«t fbr the Intarret' HtSTd rT and anreilet are bfliahy notlfled that under the pjfovWoosof the aevenui srMloa of lUe Sfw creaUng the lh*ard of street and Sf* aier ton^ miinlonera. approved March 28. iWl.tbat the hondS bilSll! toSglvon *'**S“ ‘Srlor(nam'e ofeaid public work, shall flrat he e^ vreved oa to eufllolenoy bv tbe hoard, and aa b form, by (he Cooawjl of the Board, end do extract iSSl be -hlndlog on the city, or become etlhotlve ar operative umU such bend le to ^ Srovtd! and the President of Bgaft■hall have power to examine (he preposed WMb- men under oslh. l( he rhaH so desire, or shall he *0 tnatrucled h/ the txiord, but tne beard wilt act bebound by nuy ataumf nt that may he made t r mdi

1 liondanieti, but ihsl) have lall powvr and ahsoldtodiacriclon In the whole ma(ur. and (nigproir

Rt- lv„ jAntiK GEr.LAJt ^TftS BROApNT^ _ Dear Fflif at; AUltofieritoMbfllbee. Mj^V**i*>,. ink aIk9 or aarreaidl bueii^: al|l|hiia,. (enam; aiable to lent lb8 pfhoe ktoAva^Ub^ carriage room and three ilvliig rooma i raoit tow.

ASy WILLIAM FAJRcTu l I). WJ rOOd Bt.rjM ) LKT-TOr FMH>R OP BUHDINO 886 V dBOAD h t . adlolniDgnty Halt; aQlioble fc/

liflrt manufacturing ot can bearraag6dlfl(o ottloaL Apply nn premises nb

.............. INDORSED “ Pm>. „ , J i fbr iklewalk and croeawalk* conetnicllcn on the west aide of Cortiandt street.” w ill ba ^ celred by Uto i ownahlp <'omnilttecef thetownulp of Betlevlllv until 8;Jb P. M., of TuMday, June 4. 1 4, for the coDiirueiloD of the eldevrelk on the west aide of t'ortlandl sirerir between WUilam atreet and HcUuylar avenue. Belleville, N. J.

Bidden nm joake two aeparate bids marked Ant and eeoohd, and slate prices In wriUng ae well aa inspiral B d—For latwtautial grading, the Inddentil

grading and curbing, flaggtnz and flirnlahliig ih(Ms {■orUontorridewaiK that RboU ft* lo artgtoe *i 4he Intereccilun of aireeu. .

Pfcood Hkl—For lurnislHng Ibe nretariel. Inm-,dental Kiading'.and cur'dng, (Tafgltig ^-nBiili- InirofaU iddewalks In fkonft ef er liOTdflrttfTkpoD any Joloflanrt,

.. . «<*a ttoirire tha right toin5»K a'6d Bftelrifieaflona gaay be examined at the

offloe of PraDclaco A Itarkhoro, porveyora 740 Brood Btreat, Newark, N. J. .

rrophaala to ba dent to H, W. OOD,Chairman of Township OocMnlttoe, Belleville, N. J. V •____ lla

rilO LKT-'^FUlt KEOUlWlGNfl, (jENTHE 14*Xdeek. Apply alofflce


NlUKKhB:XlKER ICE «)..Ce&ireaL dock.

fT^O LKT-POWKIl TO HUIT ; m MULBKRRY j.HTa;UlAoor,l4Tl0kaiid roomontd ilaor, lOt

M; esceedlnxly wan lig.rie'l: rear ai^in aieata heat Itneliidi-i. Apply on premlisk ______Ito

II RKMON HI*., i HHOM5If), Sisper mooih; M llurnet at., 6 room.*J lteATRTG RKNT

(upter). 6!S per uv-.....and helh, filiptr m uith \ f CrUieudtn ah, 6 roenui,

per mudili.ADAMH.741 Broadat.

l/»LST»TO V^T IN BRICK HOW 404 TO 411 J: riergabit., newly deaflr.iied, wRh all Improve' menta to loudl iauulies. Jaquire £4n T. a. KAHTNEU, fa^xtecDthava


f lV ) LRT-faODOE ROOM 6KVERAL EVKIf- .1 Inge during Ih# weeks1»0 FRANK BUbllLERallOHprlagfltidavei

S ealed pimpiiBAi*‘(.i >


yriJ URNT-BTOJIK, WITH FLAT* ADJOIN- X IBX; (WO hlooha ftOin Btuad KL HtatlOD of OcR* trol B. Re of N. J.; very nloe store end aU modern impreteiuenU In Kal CiIAIn FKAKNEiSEU Mulberry at. 7tr

W KTGH r KT., 48- hTOHR To LKT; AT PRKR-’ eul occupied as* barber shop. y 63fi

...................... INHORSED "PltGipoeale tor aldewalk oasiiructlec on both aldn of

VOA KvriBaelaer street," will be recrivvd hr (he Tcwuitfaln I'ominlttee of the Township of Italia-' vine MDiH 8:30 t\ M. of 'i iiesday, June 4(h, lax. (hrIhe oonuruqUoh of sidewalks on bath side* of Van tanifltdMr etrret, balwipen Waihingtoii avenue aud

IMw atreet, TtaltavUie, H, J.Blddera will nreke two separata M Ja. marked

" Flrat and rtarond," and wUl slate prlcti In writ- lag aa well ea In flgures.

t Lrd Bid—For aotwtantial gredlng, (be Inoldeniat grading, .(]urblu(r, Uagatog and llie furnishing of nMieriaiafbr thoae portloua ofaiduwalks that Heat the IntoraecUon of croS'i atreetv

H#rohd t(ld-Fm flirelshlng material*, ihrlda ital grading and curbing, flogging and fluIxUlniof all sidewalks In front nror boKlerlhg upon any lot of iaodi

'ihe doimnlilaemervethcrightto reiect any or all bids

I’laniand apeclflcaiioua may bo examined at the bflli'* 8f Friiuciepo it Barkuorn, surveyore, 768 Brmul Rlri'et, >ewark. N. J.

IToposslatobeuct loH.'W. Unid8rwoodl,Chalr- suh lowHliIpCoiBnuitee, BetigvUlep Ne J. 61a

nruvlidoD shall be referred to In any adverllsement

t,a.m I»lo««er,h ,C lt^et..ew*rL^^^_ glo General buperlattnitant of Woraa

N otice jb ukhkbt given t h a t th eCommloelontra heretofore eppotifted by tbe

M*ror uf the rity of Newark, to lukke an eatimato xw aAseasmect upon all Iheuwnen ol all the tonda MUd r«!U estate In tbe city of Newark, peoutlarty bertoMted by any Iim» I Improvement in tbe said city, In proportion aa uearly a may be to the ed- vaniege each wax deemed to have acquired, have madoaneflUmattandasieMinentof benoflU upon all the owner* of all the lao I* and real estate lo the oUy of vnwatk peculiarly benefited by etch of ihefoltoi iiig hBpreve(i}ttntslnai4ldcUy, nameiyi *

ThetwvlDguf. NFTi'-*' Te*

fhiin lUito lo*''*The paving of

NEWTON fll RKET, frmn Fourteenth ayemit to Oablnel strati;

TOO paving of Xa. •* BRi;gMK btrrrti ' -

flrom h-prlngfleld avenue to itotuh tygage nvenoR Ibe repaving of _■ '5

B anOB SNfcRK'f,from Broad atreet to the Paiaato Ulvar; .and have filed tbeir rapnrti nr Mid avswiatpMta mr bciicflt in the onioe of the clerk of the \ Irouta Court ni (he County Of JcaeeK and that the Judge oc »id court hM flied'' «ac i««iaBAiUHDAV. THE RFCOND DAY OrJUNE.at 10 o'clock In (he Pnreiioun, In the (flecultOoiB room at the iNmrthousH, Intns city ol *:the time nnd ploo? of hearing any otdMiwai » » • niay Im made to the said oaMtamenta I

Doted May IB, IBH40x

8. J, macdomald.CItr CeuiM^

p iT Y h a l l ,^ Inn* 4. Il« . j

Notiw 1* heitey *lven Ui*t »tep#n ef »•»#>#* Deal aeenciM will *p|kl|'rtano**t UielSiy 4JI#tH'|oIHm w ni* tnnll* ftii t;e*aia

JaMHS FLEMINO,Us M eu ** iBopeawe

NEWARK EVENING NEWS, SATURDAY. JUNE 2. 1894. 8m a r k ia q e s .

L A X ^ K L A K C R a IID. 'A ll& ft rmHAmm « r tkabrtda, m Tbunday, May l l . h f tht Hav. ilMMCt rr«BL-b. Katial« Uy Bi*nek«rd.4iMffb> UrafM rt. Manarvt tu«j»cri*ffd. to Uward Hanry l i A k t . __________ _

d e a t h s .XACOK.-OiIil4Ar»JuiM l#am o«t nacoti. Kf»4

t t f —n .F^iMral MrrlOM m (d«nr«, ^o -tt

m »«t ’Tfi* «tt Moodaf. luiM 4, al IP . H.KaUtlTMMid ttlMdaof Uiaf^iuily ara Inrltad loaitaed. laMru^Mt In Bouib l^rttnuot, Bark- ■liln Uooak/, MaM-. at Um oouvcaltoca or iba Ikally.

B A O A K -O a TiUar. Juna I. Jaiaph P,, tom of ThoiiM and ih* Calla Ek Ha^an,

laUtlvat aod Critnda of (tta docaaiad, aiao iha loainNri a f I’ ikar Vauiaw T. A. it. h(K-|«ty, iha Holy Slama Mdaty cf b l P4i<1fart p;\rhh,

tw »x Coanrtl Xo. WL, r. B. T.., ar« ranp«H't- fbliy InaiUHl lo attaaU tlia Bio«ral fmoi hiitlato fatUtora, Xo. 13 C'*>a'i piai.a^oatt aJay. Jima 4, hi 1:11 A. M., to P i Arldfat'i Chim U, n h*rt> a Hwh Mali o f Roquleni wlit ba oaivhraiOti for tharapoiaorbli>«uL lutafinaat Ut MU Oilvai Canatary.

lO TTO X.^At Oraafa, X, J., od J una I, ISH, Aao Hoyt Oh.

Ratal and Meadi ara »at>eot fo I ly iDritM to attaod tin ^oarnl front U r laia ra\ldenc>\ *7 Jachaon atraai, Urauca, no Monday, Jaoi> i at • A. M. aliarit. iu At. Jutm't C'hutx'tt, wttnrw a n ifb Maaa of Haquiam a ill b« ofIkrM for thn toiioaa o f Uar aoui. lularuiicit la bt. Juha'a Caaiattry.

RSOWX,-()it Thrimlaj, Uar lU naoora A., danchiair of Joba and llaitom Brown, m ad li jaara.

BaUMTat and frlaoiii art raapaeifuUy tnaltad to httaoil tha rUnml IVuni tanr lat« r aldanua, No. lITBouib Oranfa avanur, uoHunday. June I, al t H. M- lotarmeot la Uu> i inteiary at iha Ifoly Mpul^ra.

COST1U.LO,-On Joaa 1, IBM, WaUar,Mn ortUe lata Thomaa Coatado.

Balatlrat and frltod* of tba decaaaM are ra jpactniily Ihrltad lo ailand iha funaral from iharMMiMaorhla motbar. Uary C'iiHtailo, N'o. IM BowaryaurM, an Uonday, June 4, at 7;Kt A. U.. to hi ALoyaiue I'luirch. wUera a m^h Ifaaa of Haqulaiu a 111 ha ofTarad fur tba rept Ha ofbUaoul iniarinantlatbaCouiaiary of ilia H<Br bapukchra

D R A X .-A t lilUOD, X. J.. Slay 11.19H !<nUle ii , younfMl daufbiar o f Jamaa H. and Itui.i Dean.

Belailvaa and fHandt ara tnvilid to atlebd tim fUlMral aervloai ffom Iha Hllloo M. K. Otiun-h ott buoday ni 1 1\ U. Kalhtlraa wilt mtM t at bar lata rttldfhcoat 1 ibX lolermaotlD Lllobuu raoialOT'

D C ItYS r.—Athlaraaldenco In Newark, X. J., on Friday, June 1. Haory W. I ’uryaa, la the 71id year ofhia afa.

Belallaaa and frlanda ara Invited to attend the ftinaral tarvlraa at Trinity cburcb, Newark, on PbAday. the ad lo«L at 2Jo P. M.

X A H L,-A t the raaldeiioe of hia dauchtor. M n Lulhar A tiohla, Bnien aveuua, Irvlnglnn,J.. OQ Friday, .Tuna 1, IHH, Lewli U. liarl, la iho hid year of hia at*.

Ral^raa and frlendi ara Invited to allcad the nioarai larvioai from the raaldemv uf hia broibar. Ur. ('alob U. Fmrl. No. iuf, fc:ili4d>alU areDua, tc^noirow (Aunday). afternoon at 3 o'clock. Intaraiaiit h.vr’CKtean CViDi*t4'ry,

rrnSUBHALlX—On Jana 1, .-‘adle, dauii(hter of John aad A ddI# FUatarAld, aaad i year I muuthaaod IN daya.

BolAUvri and Maode of tba fnmUy ara ratpect- fully Invllad to atumd the fbntraL from the parenli' realdaaoe. No. 223 Firry atreet, on Han- day. the M, at 11:10 A. M. Iniarmant In nL Patac'a i.'Bioitary, New Hrtmawlck, N. J. New Bmaiwlck paper* pleaij copy.

HtJTRMAt'HBH.—On .'^alunlay mornlnc. June 2, UM, John JIulhmachtr, buauaQd ofCbrlitiiia Hutbmarhar.

R ^ l v a i and frlinda, alto Columbia lri>dRa No, •4, K. L. of U. H., Badiabir K. I'. V., No. I, Frauen K. U. V.. No, 2, (X B. H. h., nna Rcbwafblaobar K. U. V „ are Invital to attend Iha luotfhl from bl» lata reaideore, .No. 4A4 Flttaeath aveauli on Tueaday, JuaeA, at 2 1'. U.

JACOBV.—Oa Friday, June 1. INM, aflerallnger- ltif Ulaaaa, (laurfa, bclored busband of KueAlla Jacoby, aired lu yaan p months.

BaiMifaa, Irleud* and inerabert of Wa&blngrton Lod fi No. 11,1.0. H. fi.; jlelne U A ao No. 874, X. asd L. o f H .; Alpha l.od|e No. 1, < irier Gold* aa Hhore; Alpha I'ouncn X a 2 Onler ( ‘hoaru Triandaara raapectaiUy lavited (outtenltbe flinerat aervlcaa at hlN Jata rMldem* . Broa i Mraet, on thiuday, Juae \ t(#4. at 1 p. a i. I q. taimaot la'KTetiraen I'ameiury.

LIDOh.—At M t Bethel, N. J., June I, 1AM. Paul Ladoa, afad si yean, ftrmerly o f tbia dty.

Fuoeral from bh lata realdaaoe. Mr. iteth^, N. J.. Hunday. Jana i at 2 P. MU lotoiment at Mu Baibal.

lE N Z —Ob Friday, June i, 1SS4. after a painful lilneaa, AiiRuat, Moveil huahand o f Carria Lanx. afad u yaara and lO moutba

Balallna and triendi are rfvpectfuUy InvitM to aitebd tba funeral from htii late reatdem-a. No. 74 haat Park airaeU on Monday, June 4, INM, at 2 P. Ji. Ibtermeai In >ainQOuni Cemetery.

LIITHKVHlH.--0ahat4irdny, Jiioo2, UtlM, after a llo ffr ln f lllnoiK, Catharloa, belurnl uife o f Oaorfi Lallbauser, ofed 10 year* 7 inoaLba 1 day.

BeUtiTiH and friend* are reaperlBill)' lueltad to aliendiha fliueral ou Tueaday, Junes, at 7 Jo A. M.,from bar late reitdeaee. No 3V4 Kotith Klfbih street, to ’*1. Ann* Uiumh. where a Bolama Mlfh Maaa ol Bequlem will be odcred for tha repaw of bar laul, Uutermedt la Wood' load Cemetery.

MEtSRNBACUKB.-On Tuesday. May s», Bobert, aonofCbrlttof and Mary MeUesbacher, afad 20 yran.

BetatlWM and frieoda of the dMvaaed, and mem- bare of company M. Klrti heiilmeat. National Ooard. are re*pectH*lly InvUed to aitebd the fanaral aervlcti at hi* lale reahlonee, No. M tioble urael. at B 1*. M., Kuoday, June 1 lular- ment In Falrmoiiot Cemetery.

FIEBJPIX.-Artera short on JiineS,lftH,Hannah M., widuw Of the lata Albert H. P lit ' lOB, 1b tbe filat year o f her a(f.

BalaUvai and friend* are lavltad to attend tht funeml serrlcas tram liar lata Jio 43ColDiahiattrtat, on'T uesday, at 2 P. M. ]mta^ meat at Krerfratn cemetery at thacoDvaul- eoctortha family.

POBT. -AtMontetair. X. J., on May Ni. i»M, Ger­trude only child o f James 11. anil UaUle L. p(»U In her J4lh rear.

Beiatlvra and friend* ot tha family are nstpeet- Ibily iDflled to attend tba funeral from the faaldaaea of liar iiarebta. No. Ctalrmont aTcnui, Moiinaulr, N. J.,oq Pimday, June A at 2 P. M. Inlanoaiit at Rorwdala Cemetery.

VOOT.-'-<m Iha l it InsL, John VufU lu bla 27th year.

JtalatlTaa and fiienda of the fhcnliy, alao the Boorad Heart Boclaty of At. .Tohn's Church, ara raapaclfttlly invited to attend tbe frineral from tba raiLdebceof hli uncle, Mr. Charles Krum- Bab, Na 181 Houth Canal street, on Monday, June 4, at V o'clock a. M., to Janm'a Cburall, where > ll l fb MaM of Beqaiem will be offered Ibr Ibe repofw o f his agul. Intarmetil la BU Uary'B Cameiery.

TON BKNTSN.-Oa eaturday, June 3; ISbf, Vatbllda VonHentan, aw Mpplvbann, tba t>e- lovad dauibtarofKoso ]jppl«,'buua« lu the Bith year of bar ape.

Balatlvea and friend* are kindly Invited toat- aaad tbe fUear^ •ervk'ce, on Monday, June 4, at 1 V. M., from 1S3 WUllam alraet to Be Mary's Utarab. Inurmejil lo the Cemetary uf tba Holy flepulchra,

WDNBCH,-Qa Friday, June 1, IflH Lonlna Plo^ anoe, yountaai daughter o f Charlea imd Mania Wnaach, ayad 3 years 4 months lA daya

IliDaral aarrlee* from tha pareota’ reildenca, Xo. 61 Hlfklb avauiM. lo-tuorrowOuiiday), at 12Jo o'dook, Intanaent In WiM>dlaad Oameiary,

YO U Xa^O a May »i. U94. WliUam Gh ww o f Jamte B. uvd Janetta Yrmnf, aaed IS jraam.

Funeral aarvloM at hli lata raeldenca. No. sis .Central av »ne , Hnnday, June S, at ZJO p. if. Xalallv^ and friends nod the mambars of Ohamloal KiiflBa No. 1, Newark Fiea Slant, an lavtled. Xaleraiaal Fainuoaai Coma tary.

P M tA C la tn a Pa id In N ew ark an4 Tleliklky Tn-dny by H elm poU tm t L ife Ins. Co,

Pram. AmtXUnar X. Roiha IM Bank . lo |iaa oolanaHchaaffrr, ltd Aqueduct lA ....... .10 66 ooJpaapblaa Baler, 16 Baakla at............4,10 4(i oo

CP.W ILLUHlUBapu.Itklu^ltT Markotit. eariar Xalaay.

U N D E R T A K E R S .


■74 Broad il, Afro flnit-ciass Livery fitable, 3.4 and 6 Olay SU Talephona lAS.

IA E A K C IA HAPPlOfr, F C N K ^ L milEOT*X ORHANDlSlDALMintH.Etnbp1mln4 specialty. 1A4 HODTil UBANOE AVE., bat waao juum and Hayes sia. 6Uo

^ p a t b it t b - a UABTMSB AOO.,76A7W BROAD 9T.

The lariMt pataht Offioa la tha mate.

P ATKNT AND DKACOHITXG OFKICKS UF TR^B H O W AGO.. 32Clinton at ipppoalta to T . If. 0. A.i Ntwafk, N, J,i all kUida ofdiauflttlaa

tksoatad neatly, suoh at luaoblne dra wlnas, and toy kind ordaataalnf rorcaiAladafv etn,; siuloitori a* Ainaotoan and IbrelfU ptiania; expert* in pataot •aaaa: Vmua, uartuan and hca^ioavlan lau- |UafMwkab; open Wadntaday aad Friday aran* laianntaio'clbck; prompt attentlau alwaya


TMDERTOE C. FRAENTZklk frDOoeaaoe Id OampbaU A Oa

^ OLOB* BOILDIHCU *IM BBOAP ST, Kooma 6s mid 8T.

P A T B X T B -n iU lA A c aSoUdton of American abd Fon lfa Pataath

7TT . . -- pattatcaaaa befbra tba U. h, Oouro. llacbank^ M JCIactrIcal BnriQaaw and ktperia OonauttatlOB free. fOUAUADST. Tka 0JdMlaa> aabIMhad houss la the Stata. TwoatyAva yaaiT axpariaofiA German spokan________________ ^


U X B T J. MiLLBR, toUdtw oriMwto

(lAM M li) iM « MUlMt,•w a n .« lttn .Ej M B u i W A w i m . ____________s , .r.

FB o:f A i k

DB. BBCKIB h a s K ltllOVKU fB O K lU TOltd Btlnent m . hq



HXBUAM iL u a l M o a ^

t o c o T A L ^ o u i r < i ,o R A r r , n, a » , tP lO tTA L IPBOJWK. t W M t f PAR K • £f f r x ^ Bb o a d a h b b a u s b t b t% lit . w oB K a t b a h s k o b k b a t k I b io ib


K K H C l o r * WOTICBB.

MBTUODIBT IFUOOPAL,PaOhnoT V . B. I innarji -lUv. p. C Baa-

oniti, iJMtar. eaaiwittael Of the Lord's Aupfpar and rvoejnton o f awsibar*, laM, FraachLxid T.46; ank jei-r, " Tba Law of ciuwvenlon.” tabbath'SChool, th i Lpwurth IwMua aarTlea, I N F. M. A ll «al* ouma.

ht. PscL'a M. X. CBrant. corner Bread pad Marshall airaeta-RaT. lianry Raker, D- P-, pasior. Mornt«i|. IIN , Holy Cooamualoi: at 7.4S p. M. the pastor will praacii: snU)ecU ''Asplratlona aud AcbltreiiWBt." Yoany Maa** rnkin, P N A. M. Habbathnauliooi, t N f . M. Praisa>maetiad, I N P. M.

CimTHAt Mrrnomior F.riacftVAi.rnrarK. ila^ kai Rtr*f4. n {«r Mnlbarry-Hacmmratal aarviea la the uoralocand raraptloaof mambara. Tbapaa tor. H«v. TTearv Hpidtmayer, Ix U.wlR preecta lb iht ercaltiy. HUb}at‘U ” A IMu of JJona," brim ARb lo Iba aeiioa on ''Htraosa Htblaa Ktortaa'* Hal»b«ih-achoot at I N P. M. Apworth lAaiiua at I4 i 1>. M>

iKN-rkVAar M. 11 CHfkrH. Summer avenue ana kcamy Orvat-Rav. W. c. sasilsrasa. pastjr. kM 'A. M.. yoiiof men''* meetlne. 6.4S A. M.,Junior lipwiirth hvhl a , M , i'onmiualonand ractpiMiJ of tijamhan. ItO 1*. M., Hunday* eehout. A4S p. M.. Kpwnnb vaaparserTtoa F. M., praaoulaa V |ha pastor.

A. M E Burn Ow'-'MCir. J. H. Mason, putor,Prearb'DA SI G o*W*i-- A. M : •nbjaet, “ The hay af A'i\e'aUy" ^io4a y ’ Cbuol a t? *j 1’ M. Pr*a<'hlag at 7.in r. H., ■uai^gt, * 'Tha Christian l ‘a#wovor." at whl,':i UoM (o< ''ia*ram*at o f the Ixird’s hupper Hill Ik.ih 'IB' abierad. Uauana ira enieflalnmaut Tbunday arsaSiif. Ji iia 7. Admission locenui.

Ik Tint Fx a k h i.ik ktkkict M. k crn nrH Stiudny thtra wilt b« tha Mcraiueiit of loa Ixird'a Huppar, wlch an addraaa by tlia pastor, K. M. Garten, andadmiaaion of intnitwra. In the avan- Inii there will ba patriotic mualc and a aermou by tb* mstor OB *'Tt>a lA»auaa iwmrstton I ay feackas.'' 1 ba rpworth Leapua meats at 6.N. AU cordluJly waloomad tu thaa* aarvICHa.

ItiwKvti.LX MKTiinntaT Kpumovau (.'itfarK, cor nariiranfa street sod Uatbynta place Hev. A. H. Tuttle, h. h„ pastor. Harrloaa for Jiraa k 13-10 A.M . Harrameni o f the lA>rd'« Huppar sod recaption of meintwrs. T.4.11'. M,, praacblnf iba past-ir. HiiJiaay-a*‘bool, primary aiid luiermwllata departr iiianti,».80 A. M. Main school I N P. M. Kp> worth prayer aarvloa A4S P. M. You are ourdiallp lavltad toniaat with ua.

Hr. LuiCK'a M. k. Citrnrn, CllnuM avenue aad Murray atraai, oppoalt* illffh street- tiav. Prad ( Isrn jlaldwln. pastor- A t lU-N A. M. conuminloa srrvliwanil raoaptloo o f trtamhent At 7.11 R M. tha pnsiur will preach (ha second aarmun In a karii's on Iha ''Mbquutod Teita of tha lilble," and Gioqia L. P, BuUer will *iii(. Younx Man's I'nlon viio A. M. euaday-aobool I N 1'. U. Kp

wurtli LesyuaiUO r. M.L k.iit ii AVKHua M, EL CHPKf'K. beiwtan

liruad and Hlfrb~Rar. C. X. Woodruff, paitar.- Fariy meaUflf at 9.N A. M.. led by K. lu VVlnsns. At iQ.n N^nunent o f tka Lord'* Hupper aud reoeptloQ of .nambara. Bunday school at 2 .k), I-'. A. Wllaoa, suparintandeou Junior G. E. at 4 p. M. Yoiioy People's mastluy at 6.4A, tail by Mlia Daisy Hayta* A t 7.N an addreai by Hod. liaorca W, 1‘tiniitnaD, o f Boaton, on “ I.ldlita and Shadow* In DUia laud-” AU watt free. Tba public cordltilly wflcaina

Ha u s t Htuxht M, Z. CwrirH. Ilalaey liraal, benr New atiwal—Eav. Nafrou A. Macukhol, pai- tui. 10.N A. M., Ck^mmuqloa and recaptloo of membanL 2.N P. M-, buitday-acbooi aesaloo. A4& 1'. M.. Apworth Laaftt* aervloe will he ledby M r Wllltaai lCuaasil,of cita Kssax (.'uuiity Chris­tian Eodaavur Devotional fonuntltea, aMalHted hy a dflekadoM of the (J. IL Boriaty of Park Prasbyter- lau Church. T.4& P. M., prraohinf by tka pMtor. fe:iis all free. Waluume for a ll

Naw'ARV Cit y CnirarH Extsmsiov noriKTY ov TiiK M. K CjiVat'H. Buinniardald Chureb, romar Hunmiar and Fiwdonta aratmas, moruluf, lu>r. L. C. Mullers avenlnf, l!av. C. J1 Bcuddar l^rk Avenu* Chapel, 4 P. M., Rev. L. C Muller, St. Andrews'* Chapel, mormot, Kar. (*. K. eoud- dar: eveolnf, tampenaiv* mMlmir hv IroaCroMi Army, M. Jamas'*Cburrli. luotnlox and avenlnx, Hrv. V. p. lAoy. Mentfomery Mreet, morning, Rev. C. Frank Nattlaablp and aMrameDial service ; avenlBg, Ktv, J. Fred Cryer


T. Haley, II.R, pAskir -Regular servlca at ION A. M. Babbath-acboolii aad lJlb|e«cIaskeaat2.N P. M. Bacraueol uf llto Jy>fd'a8 upper at 4 P.M. ChrMlIau Fadeavur service at 6.46 P M. No evtolug narvlca.

SfXTii Phic*hvtxm1ak CHrRrii, corner of Union and LaCayetle Mtraeta -Pravermeetiai ai 10 A. M. Praactiing at tOiN A, M. and MS P.M. by the pasior, Hav. Davis W. I.uak. Extra music as the avpalog service, ta bbatb-acbool si 2.60 P. M. hoclety of Chriatlaa Jfrideavot at 7 P. M. AU aia weic voia.

WuK.LiypB PHxnBirTKBiAK CitrscH, comer Tbineentb avenu* and Bonon itreet. Fav. J. iiarlaad fU mnar, Jr, pastor. Moroiug service, 10.80 o'eii'>ck Ibe R*v. Frederick w. Juckaon, Jr, mlialouary at Cbefbo. ChlDn, will give an accoiint orblawork, Kvvnlngservice,7.30o'clock. Youag l^eopia'* ineeltog, 7 P. M.

FxwHMinr MxaoniAt. C nrnn i—Pastor Ref. ]. IL Polbeinos. Hervicaa lO.ii A. M. and 7.60 P. M. Preparaiofv prayer-mvotlng at 7 P. M. The hacraineaiof the Jxird'* Hupp«r will be admln)*- tered sad new memb r* received at the eventag service. Tba pastor will preach In tlie luornlig lUa seven ik sermoa on the llfr o f Joseph: subject, " Joseph Meat* H li Brealbren at His Tabla"

Unrci. Btkxkt PnFHBYTKAiAN ('ifAPttL—Rev, Bamuel DobbiPV Price Id charge, runday achoolt at li A. M.and^87 I'.M.; Y. P. k i'. £. s i 6,46 P. U. evening aervlca, with apeclsl solo iloflDg, at 7.46 P, 61, BubJact 'A aarmou; '*Kept fr-om tha World.'' ('omuianton at 4 P. M. la tba llowvDia Avenue (;hnrck, Prayer-aieetlng on Friday avan- 1d| St H o'clock. Vuu axe again lavltad.

Nokth Pauk PnxiiiiYVKiiiAK Cku acr , Aque­duct *L, Dear Blopuilleld are.- The imAtor, hav. Jacob freebmsa, praachH* ^uadsy muzulng at laN . 'ibahav. Adam tijstabec* will preach in tho aveniDf at 7 .N : Mobject,'■ Pligrlm’a Prograw." Ulustmied by magnlhoeat pslntingt. M*. -fivafr man will preach aveuiogs of TuMday, Wedneadsy, Thursday and Friday. All walcooie.

dCNTKAl. PBI91SYTKHIAX C'Ut'tU-H—l*BStOr, BeV.8, FMward Voeng, will preach at lO.N and 2.4A Young luen'i prayar‘ ni«Hlng g.M. Nuaday-aebp^ 230. L'hrlailsD kadeavor A.46. PIa)'e^mecuki TotsdaylP. M. Rereptlon to pastor aad ifn . Young by Band of Hope. Buni^ay-aebeol aad Christian Kadeavor Thumloy evening at 7.N. The paetnr iMst home, 67 HlUald* uvenue, ouch Friday slier uoouu

ITiikt) PhVAbVTXnrAX Cilum'ir, Broad alraet, oppoalie Oraeu itraet—Rev, a . Nafron HollUlaJd, D. 1)., pastor. Barvlca* to-morrow, riacrameot- o f Lord'sHupperat lO.N A. M„ praaehlng by pastor at7.4A P. 61., prayar-maeMng at lOA. IL , Rabbaih- achools at 2N P. M., Y. K a. C. E. at 6.46 P. M. C«ngregatLoosi prayer aervltre at 6 P. M. Kvsnfel- IHlo seraloe at lu WIUIsqi atraei, Friday, at 8 P. IL All waioome to all tbo above sarvicas


FtnsT Baptist Pxnmx MxuoKtAT«—At laso A, M. Diornlug prayer and sermon by tbe pastor, Hav. Charlea H. Dodd, on *' Keeping the World Open to God-'* t'ommuoluo at close uf ssrvloe. A (7.I0F. M. evening praise, wlUi seriaoD by tbe pastor on **'i'ha lluruing Heart" Buuday-achool at 8,60 P. M. All are welcomei.

F ir m Baptist OHuarn, coroar o f Prospect nad lAfayutte alreota-Hev. c. K Lapp, pastor, win cuaduct servLcea both moralaf at 10.Naad evening at 7.46. Hrltig the olfurlng for tha New Jersey Baptist Education Boclatr. Bololat, both inurnlni uhd eTeulog, Mina Katharlua E. Lapp, contralto, o f Florida A ll are lovliod tonaina.

Faihuocxt lU vT ia t—T p » P kopi.Ws—Onnaca, Bank street cor. M Iqkllflh.'-Thft Rev. K. J. Old- knuw MIlllDgton, pastor. HervIces diirlag (ha week os follower Lord’s Day, preaching ai IQ.N, followed by tbe l.ord'a Bappar; subject of aarnaoo, "feielf- ezauduatloa.*' Hunday-echool at klo. Freachlng atT.45„ Btihlect. "Tbe Crime o f Himon. tha Bor- ctrer." \ouog paople’a praypr-meatlog ou Taes. day night Ciiurrh pruyar-uteatlog ou Thunday Dlght, both at 7.46. Everybody welcome.

BorTHBAVTisTCHruf'it.aast Kinney atreet. noar Broad.^Tha paator, Kav. A. M. Luther, Dvad., will preach at iD.k) A. M. isphject, " Tba Church o f the Living Qod." Commuulouat the close of theaer- mon. At 7.46 P. M. the third sermon on tha J..ord'a Prayer. Subject, *' 1 hy Will ita Dona." Buaday- ickool at I K F. U. (Jn Tuesday and Wedneaduy the*'Cast New Jartey Baptist Aaeociauob" will hold their ragulax Maslona la this church. Tbur*' dayavanlDg at 7.44 tba regular watkly prayer* meeting. A oordta) lovitallon extendad to all,

Cirac^, K. J.—Nottoa-Tha grand rally wlU taka plaoe at the Ebabaiar Baptfri, oortiar Part and Mala strMiB, Orauga. Preaching at Ji o'clock by Rev. K. Harris, o f Moaiolalrj at 6 o'clock by Bav. p, e. Gibbaon, o f Plainfield, aufrwo by Rev. Amoa nutber, ol Montclair. Pastor will praMk at 6 o'clock P. X. Her. J. A . Harrla, paator. A ll a n welcoioa.

EEFOBHIO).TaiifiTT RiTOkMXp CHtracH, 4at Ferry atreoi'

Rev, J, N, Horrii, pastor. The Communloji of the Lord’s Hupper will be admlnlatered at 10.60 A. M. Preaching at 7.46 P. iL i»abbatb>achooi at 3.46 p, IL ChrisUan Endeavor prnyer-maatlog at 7 P. M.

XOUTK RxroiLMRP CHUkoiL-Coidmunlon 8nn- day. Rev. J. F. Klgg*, D. I»„ af New Bruoswlck, will conduct tha aarvloa at iolN o'clook la the morning. Xo avonlng aarvLoo. A aeoaton of theHahbath-sobool at 3.18 lo the marniog and tba Bab- batb-tohoul prayar-matUkf at 6 o'clock la the after­noon.

CLIKTON AvKjruii R xpoamxd Chumcu, Rev, Daniel M. Martin, pastor. Pr«yar«DMllog at 10 A. M. CommuBloa o f the Lord’* ftupper and racap- llonofuew membtra at 10.80 A. 6L Bval^ugl«^ vieeat 7.48 o'clock, with aerm*h by the pastor, ^uhjeot: ^Jesus, iba Only flarloar from bln.'* Other aervloae aa usual. A welcome lo alL

T itc f i u r RKSOAHkp ClittacK, Market strael corner o f Beavar-Hev. T. J. Lea, pastor. PubUc worship (Roralag and evening, cooduciad by the pastor. Roly Comma nlon at the naorbtng aervloe Monihly priiw Mrvloa, wlUi cpadal mualc, lu the evaultig. Ruaday-fubools atkift a . X . and I N P M. Y. P. b. a HL at L46 P. U, Tnaaday CTaDlui aervloe at 8 u'cloak. AIL cordially lovltod:”' r

YonK AvxiruE tH a^ u m s-R ev .^ i' a, Allen, pastor. Morning woraUp^lAJo, aarmou by tba iwsior ; evaolog at T.46, sermon by B*v. W. c. Allan, o f York, N, Y, Bpadal music at both 'se^ vlcan,director, Mr,Craig; a^raoo Solo, Mlai Bra WUaoD, o f Rahway; tenor lolo, Mr. l^raak HnnC Y. P. b, C. BL veapefE 6.4\^JN^r-mattlog Taea- day, IP , X. A cotdial weloonia to aafeioca. Beats free; Friday evn !ag,JuatL iieU Tal at tho parsosHga


T m k it t EriscopAt. Gbuech—Esr- T<04fa i . Osboraa, rector. Holy Commiuioii I A. M. abd 16 M. Morulng prayer aod sermon, 11 A. M. Kvefitug prayer and aermOD, 7.N P. M. dtraogatt Welcoma H^ts frM at night kutadayniohocH k t'l P. M. Id TriuUy Chapat« icaoter wttmk

Bt . Btkpbbc s Cmobcm, earnar BHudietk ami Clinton aTamtaw'^ndar, Holy CoiamuQlen, 8 A. M.tmatlas, 4toBy, aatM iumaalob aad Mrmon, lEN A. M.1 Sunday-school sesMoa ana Bible ctsiaaa. IN F . X.;Baaday-MtioolNmei,SP.M.i artasaug and sermon, 740 P. X . On th# Ant f lu n ^ of each month the Holy coRuaunlon a l tka miAA a f aa*. vioa. w«dA6adafL e m io B i; I Friday^,litany, E N A. M.

R E L iD in u k N D T ir m . H K I.P W A N T R D -M A L K B .

g o n g b e g a t ic in a i .BotLovn-La Avn. rmraaaoATioMaL rnwacw-*

Bav. A L. 1-iSjmit, pastor. FaMIe wanklp ai laM A. M.aod 7A i p. IL la tbanaonilaa tk» ItolyCOtt- maataa and ramptlan o f aaw maaihart lageihar with a brief addrm. In tka evatting there will ha dellvarad iba fourih iaotnra on the Bank of liaalai. >iitdeei: **rha King that Want Msd.” auad*y-

aebool, together with Major Howard's Bible data Ibr young man. at I N F. M. thrHUan fladaavor at T P, M. BtrsBgara and vlilton ourdlaiiy wei- aam«L

METJIODKtT P E O r »T A N T .Fiaar H etkouint PaoriwTaKT CwrarH, Hill

street, briween lialuy aad Broad Hev. U H. Dyott, (ka pMtor, will praa 'k at lAM A M. aod 7.41 V. M. Holy Commanlou aad twcapiia* of mambara afiar the nioraing aamioo. bundsy- euhool at 3N I'.M. Farvicaa by (ba K Sorlaty at 7.16 P. U. ktr. Dyott’a avaulag auMact win ba, ** 1 Jgkt at the Brti Time."

UmVERUALlRT.T u b I'KivuasAiieT CTicac-ii-Dr. rrowa will

pfraob at IkN A. M. and 7 46 P. M. Morning aub- )ect, "Wbat We May Honorably ( laliu tor « ur- ■alvea." kvaolag subject, The Evils o f 1 heoiog- Mol Extravagaitoe."

WOMAN'h CHRIVTIAX rEM PKnAM 'K.Boroirn Wowak's CiraiaTUK TitxvxRA*^rr

Umkiv, 41 Bellevilla sveaua. GosvmiI lani}>eraac« maailog* at 4 and T:M o'cXuck, in charge of iUtorm Club, liood ipasking and aloglng.

Woman's Chhmtian TrMvauANf k I 'nion, Mniberry aireei, near Marses .‘Sunday (ueeiiogs at 4 aud 7.46 lo charge of Miss K. KItrhfli aad .Mrs Plaive. CblJdrmi'i floral Sunday will t»e ohaervait by the l-oyal lAglon. At 4 o'clock lt«v. M/. l>atkpr.orisouth Market Hin*t M. K Churcb, will give an addtem. Friondt ara Invited to eenJ flowers to-n|gtiL

MIBCXLIJLNROUICT ub CiintcH o r Goo will meet at ninton

atre-eton fqoday nait at 10.60 A. M. for wonbiji. At 1L;8U BIblaciaaH, Htrangera cordially invited (o take part In Bible claaa. tMiuaay-ai'liool at 3;N ibarp, haste all fraa.

THk K km tx HtnsiON, Xo. 114 Market afreet Mealing every alghi at • o'clock and Kun- da)‘ afternooti at 4 o’clock. To-itnorrow avanlsg Mr. Wrn. HammuBd, o f tbaOntralM . K Church. uHMaarl thameaUng. Hood alaging. Allwelcama.

T iir F ish tCHt 'u rjio r ^ria iT i;4hLPiuK»HKitnt<>!f will hold Iti ineetlogs OBOday afUrnoun and evau- IngatlT Krauklln Mraat. At X P. K. Mri.N. T. Jirlfham wilueclura. Mngavafrom i^tarMn will be preavnt, and at a F. M. ahart laciure followed by toata by H. c. Dorn. Mlvar collection, and ou WedneaUay avenlng Builoaia (Trcia i t 6 o'clock.

Faisumi xt Avgune TABka.NACT R. on Fal^ mouDtavMiu*, between 6Tnaenth ao I Alklranlh aveuuf* -o. von Harchwiu, pastor A l la n A M.srmoh by the patter Rubjact: " Woman's Place

lathe KhiKdomuf Christ Aocurdlng to JTnpbecy." At 2.N I’- M. Ruuday-to-bool. At 6.46 Young I’aople's outdoor raaeilag. A t 7.68 aermaii by tba paaiof. Huhlact: ’’ Tba Hellgton o f flood Cheer"

Yoi' ko Max ’s CuHiaTTAK AsaoriATioN, 011a- ton street, aasr Broad—Workers' traialag classes from H to 10 A. M.. taught by t$err«tarl*a Couani and RcoU. In Amocla'.ton Mall at 4 o'clock grnnd Jubilee Mrvle* commemorating Ui* organlzalioa uf tliv flrti Y. M. r. A. la l-iondon JuM fifty yeam ago. Mr Flkanaik Drake ahd ktato Mcretary J.oom will sp«ak. Aorroil luuido by iha wondarfbl Cecelia Dradrord Trio. Hear the addreaia* and (ba sweet muRic. Both Mseacordially Invited.

RriU lTrALlBTE .Public Rpirl(uanircla.<!osdae4ad by Mr. Georg*

Clark, at 97 w&shliigtoii atiaat, 7.tf P. M. Bfivercollect Ion.

X O TirK -^Tnu ia le iit advvrtialisE in t l i « NKWrt must in variab ly ba |hs1«1 fa r la o4* viuira,

I No o crou a taw lll ba opanad fa r aach«I Xa advertlaemwnt w ilt fra roewivod nvar ‘ the telephone eseept tboaeaent b y oath or* I lied ageuta,

\HK.STa- u rN K H A L AM> Li>CAK r*sH PMb* history of (be FsinslUon : only alllcUl

re^erd (we royal quarto roluiuea; Justoul: sells , ai srikt : lanUluvent pUn aiaka* 11 boasuoa frr agenu; writs it aoee fOr lerrltory. J. B> CAMP

; BFLl., l i t MiCls^iS SL, fblcM.*. I I I . ________ 11

VHKNTA W ltrM ‘ AN RAHN |N PKH W E K K ;panicui^rly Tii > .maaUUuti ■ o «ly (hose who

' aead 60i' lor levriua wUl be aasweraJ. 1’. M AXI'* F A c rn t IK ii Ou., ttock box M, Had Hank. X. J. I

VGI-XTHTfi ( ’ ASVAAH HOUAE4, BTOIIIW. l)ail 4 to 8 marslaga only.

1 m M U L llE H n Y 8T.

u tllTRXDKn rxPF.RTBNrKD BAETEND- ar'vaoted. SO roM Mr.M'K KT. 1


ireriaot'ed maa. 18 PATKlbsiKS r>T., HarrWMn.1



VHHORTHAXD. TYPE W R IT IN G EDUOA- (Ion •cojuu lo none On assy term*; day, aveO'

lug, hKY.MtK?K niENOURAPJirC IXHTITU- 1 U>N,h9 Uroad IL 1

\8HOHTH a n d 8THOGL T H A T PLACER IT8 ai'hoian 111 position* lira: macblnaa rented,

tty RfrOM 4, Masonic Hall, Oranga.

11ENN PITMAN HHORTHa ND RCIIOOL, 718 Broad ai., Rooida 6 M d A

Term* on apniicatloo. Correapondeiicecoiiraa, |l0. Im’ludlog booka. hpeclal term* during June, July and Augiiat.

MIsK 1'OWNhKND'H nOAHIIlXO AND DAY arhool Furglrik 64 PARK PU, Newark. X. J.

Primary. Academic and UoMagO Preparatory Da-parimaDt*.

Circular* oaappllcsdoa. 83q

^ E W A h K t e c h n ic a l b c h d o l ,


e k a m ix a t io x f o r a d m im io m x o x d a t ,

JUNE 4. A T 7 P. M.



IH rector.T ^ k W A R K ACADEM Y-

RFUPE.XH REPTKMBER 16. l i l t Tboroiigb preparation for aoy oollageor sdasttBo

school or fbr burtD«*%.Cataloguea upon appllcailoa.


Head Haatar,



V V E W1U, Ki ART YOU I.N A PLRARANT. TV profltahle and arrmanvat baalneaa; oan ba

done at your own home: t-V) a we.‘k asslly Bead nainu fur full eiplanathm.______M RM ICll.N hCppi.V T.oula. Mo,

■\''Ol’ Nn RDrcATED. HtiNOHAHt.F, ACTIVE ■ niislnes* ntsii; to lurb, a splendid Opening Uof-a - AfklM na b-t li.i.lA Mfered; atato particular*.

illJNUHAltLiC,Oranga. X. J.


\ -A um t. 6’OH CI.rUllOCMr. HKLP IN • xltrhen. |i4: rlrl n* nur*e. altorhamhermald

and rv*l:re«, [irivaie family. 22i'KDAHrsT. 1

\lf04M> HKItVANT HfJM’ f.IKD A T WHORT oolUv, Ab Wrt prorufH ■Uuttlon* with out charge

lo girls, we senrrally have apulioailoas t >r placce. KUTE KaPlXIVMK.ST UFFICEA 74> Rroart Hk 14W


Kl> a t DHERRHaM- I

and Iron or du ganerai hoiiMwork. no washing); wagf^. Apply to MKj*. IL C. 11KINI4CJI.




MTHH WniTMOUR, PRTXr'lPAL.College Prepftratfury, ftenior, Junior bjkI IfrUbarr

DapartmeniK. A ilmlikhl uumberof liovein Pr-marv l>epartine«t. certlHeHt" aittiiUs to tVaHesJey Col­lage. l.lJTulars on uppllcntlun.

M uaLc.

Ba n j o r t n o t e . « c k n t h a l b b r o n ;ln*tru(nen(s furafrhed free for leasoiia.

I6h ________ ______ HKLLFM, iXewat.

MANDOr.lX, llANJO, HCrrAH, y iT IIK R Ihd violin tmighl,

— A. J. WEIDT, 75 ftoflth at

STF,PHKN. J. MAY H E W — PIANO A N DFianeh lostructor. Ifl FR AN K LIN HT. 48r

1 N 8 T R IT T IO N W A N T E D .

Z ITHER LKRMiNHi WANTED. HTATE tarinAjMc. JtlTHKIt, Hoi F. New* oBce. l

m iA K B IN G .

BANKET., rtO-erKH) n aA H D A xS "cH lS E ^All ruomi; ubie board,

Y Y A N K MT., 67.COK. VVa s K INO TO N -PLK AA J.Pamfront roomA wlili heard; also laole board: all ImprovaiuecU. 4**

T lA K K RT., 1H5-1M.EASANT nW lNT ROOM, A ybstb ; excelleiiL board for oua or twogaaUa- men. i

.HOAD HT., AM HOARD FOR CI&NTLBMXK tor marriod coupisa. 14^

HOUREWOHK WAX'I'KD, : COMl'KrEXTi ‘I girls for geuctsi houenvork ; referoocM.

w Ma in m ’., k . nrangv.

iROADmT., tivl A LAROR FRONT PARIiOR laud beUrooml to lot iurivltbed, with or wlibout

kkROAD MT„ a i5 -M (!K L Y FURNISHED JvroumB. wiib beard; perutaneot or trunaleot ’ lablu board. jiao

ClIN T R K »T „ » KLKtlANT FITRXISHBD . front roonii with hoard ; also labia hoard. V8t

( lOMMKRCK HT., 9A X ICKLY FU EN IS IIk l) ^roumA ellJi of wltoout board: all Impiova-

meuts. 1

CIOWOHESH WT, &2--FUHNISHBD ROOMH./wUh or without board: all raodemcoavaDtanoas;

bandy to elfH'iric and aleaiti cart, no

i ^AHT I’AUK HT.. .18- NE W LY FURNIBHRI) ^ruuiii, with board ; teTriit raaaonablg. t|o

I ^AHT I’AltK HT.. W NICELY FUBNlBUKD Urooins: board If dentrod. 4(it}

A V F , 47-L.ARGK F^RXIHHED Elrfronl n>om for man and wife or two gantlaiMn. with or wlihuui hoard ; also sing la room* ; all im- provemeflt*. |

IRAN KLIN HT, 37-PliJ!7A6ANT ROOMS FOR retpeclahle KeDiLemen; also good table boerd.lta

/ I ARJ^IDE HT., aW-Pr.EABANT ROOKH AXD I j l board in private (kmlly.

G~ v RKEN HT, fle!6-XlCBLY FURNISHED V rooDiA with board. ^

i t ROVE STm 2A r e a r COllRTUOUSE- \JfUoanl for feDtlezjiaii ;|4 per weak. 82n

H ri.I, HT.,aa-NIf!FLV FURMRMED ro om b , ivitb hoard; twogeutlamen or m ei aad wife;

private frmlly. nom

JONKJ^ftT.. !7, EAST ORANGE-BOARDSRa wanted, |i.AU par weak. ^

T~A lK li: FRONT R O O ^ T o R TWO ( ALSO XJBlngie ream*, wlik or without board,6to____________________________ 5 LIND EN 8T.

N e w Mt ., 44- p l e a s a n t c o o l f r o n troom for gentlemen, all Improysinaata; good

board; cvulraL

hS l y f u r n is h e d r o o m f o r g e n t l k -man, all IrapnvsmeDM, bath, gas, atp.; board

If desired; piivale frmlly. inquire tlb 64 COURT BT.. liHfr Baiaay.

OODF.X ST., 818-N E W L Y FURNISHED rooiD* frr light heusakeeplug. or singly far can-

tlemsn; boardiagalso: call any umo. iSp

ORCHARD *T., 1 «~PLB A R A N T FRONT roonu, with board; threemlautss from cheab-

nut Hh x>^t. 4g|,

1) A B K PL., S6 - FRONT RUOUR, W ITH BOARD; alio isbla board.

I^ ^ A N K HT., 683 - e ra iO T L Y PR IVATE bouse; lurniibed room, with or witbout


LK aT a NT ROOMdTwiTH BOARD ; TEEMS modersia. 666 H lO iI BT., near Kinney. * 1

LUM sr., 0-FTIRNWHED r o o m IK FRL val^frmilyihofrHl ifdaefred,

UTOkftA HT.. 38” ^ fllt tJ K -T A R L E ^ board and Ihrmahed rooou, >1RB. BEaQE.67o

S^ O U T II 'VWELFTH 8T-, glW, R M E V IL l.1 ^ plaaMDt room* wUk bo4krd; Imyrovemaitta:-


V - E ! . r r r i i i ( 'L i o H r M iR i'in . a Rc o h ■ inraaiieneeocburguiratarma.badii, tel^hesae.

etk'.; uioitn^AiHi droiai.^ rewonad .elaoirwWDrk of all kludiat 1o»>.-'aoiract prtv.«Tip \l. 1 IlHAliNkH. N l Markatak.

IM 'IC IIK H W a NTFO, YOUMI MAX TH A T ilb-iabnd avparl*nrv ai th* hn lnaaa. Apply J-

t' IIE i’ KkL. I'lMitre Maraet. I'.loenifjt-ld. 3*b


/ *K X K R a L a o r n t k W ANTED-HKI.LING 4 in *w arririve to dealer* , eiclnulve torrWary ;nil iiumpemiua ; rn capital twinirrtt ; ‘gl} to NO par f'H l prom. i 'o M M H IA n iK M H ’A L UO., »I'cartfomitt., t'hU'aiii, IIL 1

KTa L I’ AriM UN-M AKKIl W ANTED OX dghi general patleraL Addreta

W. E A M. ro., 2s lianeu.

i C4l.K>iMAN WANTKI). a rnM VKTKXT [ I '«a)MmaiL fi>T New York and vicloliy fkr th* hsplware tr*d-‘ ; n knon'IwigeiifiinruisudMimhle.

f Atldrses wivh refrreiifv* anil aalar>- fipectmt,1 M lLl.AKl). Ux<l A. .NcMSofflau.

c a i .kh m kn W a n t e d , ijm 'a l o r t h a w w\ Dng: iwrtnaneat poililon. addreai TlfF .H a w k s .•*i'iy..KKY CI>.. Hocbesier. S. Y. lib

■\\^ANIEI> i'\HHTKK a n d AHHIHTANT «v cashier: bum hirr>l*b Itoo and <^h so-

nirlly. AddrveM'AHlll^lH, Box K Nawsoflli'o. I

\ 1 ''K WISH TO LM n.OY A FKVV (RKtU IT men l<i make |to to |Hd a week aelUrkgour

lliim* X)i*i*trtr Meter. Rim* arwlng ritorhtaea, priatlng pri“<w*s vanilliiting fans. pump*, etc, vT*rilKMly buy* (bvii); aivwly vmpl<iynr»*nl; *aev altuailoa «D<1 rxxt wages W. P. llARUliauN A C f..<Trrk Nn, 14. ColuiiibuR, Ubiot.

VITHENTirEH. IMPHOVERS, HKWIXU girl* also ladle* aad girls to loirn dretotnak-

ingandouitlng l.riVuuX AXIH 'AHIH DRE'H- MAKlN(n'AHL'Hl.H,:7l and 771 Itfirtdau KK>

4 nKNTH- I.ADIKS KVKHVV\ KEIltt TAX >am she r in |I5 p*r «r*k ; rlraap bou«»hotd arllcla, Addreu MUI.J.^Ht, Box K, Newi ulTIre. I

/ iHAMHlcnMAMi. WAXTKU, A nERMAN 4 'girl t J do upstaim vork and n lain woanlag. In- quIratU BROAD HT. 1

yiOOK WANTF.I) MUST HR TII0RO1-OHLT \..-exp'‘rlanfvd In plain e *oklrig. for private fkmilv In Neu York; <..eniiHn or llunearlan piafvrreit. Inquire Ult% K KKJ.LEH, 46U Jllfb St. 7:b

EMPI.OYMEXT W A M F D HY A 6'OUMER manufacturer and merchani of thl* cily, aged

|K< thorough book-keeper, sxpan-ncwl iravaDlng aaleamao; parmaneni poultlon deured In any capoi-lty reqiilrluc Hervlr^s o* tb»roiigh bu!iliie*v man; tfrtt-claia rafervnci.': nioderAtf'ciMPiMmiatioii; would writs np and balance nei of book*, coiJeol, •tc., tamporartly. Addct^ a . W. F., care carrier 1^ Newark Fas(ofF1oa. 1


rrnaranteed tun Ikat, la atl aImw, (hr PUhllr twiiifUnt*. prl- Vila reslUa^wa. tlatg, atoroa, lalooM aftd }at.‘iarlaa



104 and 166 Pulk e(„ near Ferry stAl'K4'tAr. RARriAlNK.

Lffin Opantia Shad#*, with iloubis taiovl frlngv. In all popnisr coloi^ couipleto, reOily to baug. ragnlar prii'a 1'- , at 4V

4 LL KiNfrH iiK W R ivaFu a a n d rARPKT- jV iw M p a n n-pndvd. Mud |>o»(al: «k Ifr rubber rolia,TV!.ap M. J. M a Hu-NKY. U11'Uo* ■'t- "iw

( t u. MlNTMN AND HUri DBH• t'nrnacwi. ci«*rn^ tailnmav* hudi and ra-

Sialrad ; wall* reivlmd and uhtU'.ied 1q 11 Wt-Hl'hlNNK\ nr. HtailtKnIM.

A1ARD KM;UAVlXtJ A N D l'L k T K PRINT- X lug, at44q tol BROAlt HT., room 6. over llartdageiV*.

( G IK U * FAMILY SK'«K ■ L ADI F.Vkid lip. butPin. 41, la<U*«' iln- kid lip. button.

|i.to ; ladlr-*'ktd lip latwl MU'her- MIm**'b«H-l aod spring li*i'l (Ip, *v- lu^ii’ s sawo'llaced, f l ; man's Itae la< «.i :in l < a<igr«t\ fl.ia.

r«iawk( tiUn-bfr<, |1 iv>. line laced, at*'.:jiHith's fliia laiw<l. HV i hildii-a'v Hiring lie«l tip ImiPm. I I - 10 » l W.M. J. M' K INNK ^ ’--.rianaat., nai^ WllHstn *L 4to

1NAN MriTOlfri. D^XAMhh a m i I*1.a T IN i 4 ' aiHcalna* ueeillni rt-im-iw aliuuld he loni to

TH F NSWAUK aL t-riH lt 'A L H F l'A lK lNd ('OMI’ a NV. Xn. MuHwrry *t Work ami die parch guaranleed ar mo<1erate charges urderi hy mall given ppimpi alleutitm #51

ti;tlp «H lX O lAt'K l.K AND M lN lrA l, IN- I r itrumenMat ooit: ! piy 4n«ll b »<>sa pir dos. (be hast 6ply s-tail b-k<ikr toe. i>er 'lo i ; a Jpiod TOd,SAr.: woi>1 reel*. ‘iV.: br**t real*, fraui flOc, UP: I1ula>t ball, to'.: luo leet brat-led Him.

Hie.: (ha hen sllk hue. wf.Mt, ■ lo.j feet line Pun blcK-k, 5r. Hand worm* al wiya uti hand at

f r a n k Ii I.a -h. ihi vluR>erryil._

1. II. Dunn AS m a K k h d p•the 1>Ttt|iiis Haiilo. Avm# iiUl-

(ar soil floe itish-Vdlni Mualiatl lis lilruEuams of ati klnd«: oa«b or In-

____ Dialmenis. Heimlring a snecialtv.16 N KW e»i., formerly of M7 Hma-t aad * t'^dar *(.


goodrulan ave., Irrln^otL

r>OOK -W tX rED , COOK t o go i s c o u n - try: rererenr-f* renulred, Call

Be 531 WA><Ml.\m'UN ST., tieroreib A, M.

v m K “ W ANTKD.noon a»OK a n d i .a u n - drasa t all i'd lUlsKVILLhl AVL.. Menday. 1

rU R U A ^ A FLVV YDirNG O lR lX \VANTKD,~\ App y lo-day At 1 » XKW AHK HV.

HOl*BEWf)RK -W a NTFD, C t IK P K T E S T gtrl.Germun preftrreil, lo do general hi>ase-

w^rk. fkmhy of three : munthe gotHtixiok, washer and ironar; bring refes-noe* from Ust emninyer. Apply foraDOuii, 14 t.lIl*>5TNt'r sT., IJtat nr- atige. *Kb

H flUHKWOftK rm.OHKD AND W HITE girl* wamwl; also 1* (iermana and swaila*

w Anted. Call Monday uud iue->il*y and »day, the DallSmure i-mpioymeut Agency, 67.t ”Broad at, ror. William *1. J, II. «KE^D.>i. 1

n Ol'SKWfJRK WANTKR. A REa PKCTARLK woman for gtnerii] hnusawork tn family of

(wo. Apply, with referenr*, at 406 W ILLIAM BT., Kail 4 'range. Wafo-- f l l 6c

H OI'HF.WDRK-WANTED, YOUNG <11 It I.for general houietvork, no waablug. Apnlyni

I73MT. fRu bp IlkU 'A V a.betweenvttud lOcyciock on Monday. i

n OrSKWORK - W'AKTKD, AN ELDERLY womnn lo d'- light hoasework for (n o ; ant

tbst Is utitfled with Sinai] wage* and n homa.1 2lS CHARLTON si'., ud doer.

n Ol.‘HKWOHK -nr«]D HERMAN I'R O Th W ani girl for aaneral houatwork; must coma

well lot-omiuaaded. rail660 171 NORTH HKVEXTJI HT.

"I I orSEWORK-Vl'AXTKD. GIRT. F(»K GKN- l l e r a i housework and to he<p wRIi trasbini; muvt be good plain oojk. Cali «»c to XURTH M N l II RT,

H t>VKEW*rtRK^WAXrKH, t’ l.F t .V. TTI>Y girl fur housework tci smaL fauilly. Call iwa

day* 172 JUHXh jn A Vic., off nmloti ave. 1

Ho u s e w o r k - WANTED, g ir l g e n -eral housework ; small (amliv ; («ermn.n pre­


Ho u s e w o r k --w^ANTED, u e k .m a x g ir l lo do general housework.

Mb Inquire luM.ITTLETON AVK.

HOU-^KWORK -YOUN<l <JlRt, W .VNTELTO asalitln light houiew^rk an-l iuiu>l baby.


1 lA-lIh: HTF.AM rAHPK.I' r|,K * MNG ‘ ‘-I...Y 66N. J. H. it. AV K T'Kr,FI’ llDsF414

GR(>nGr4 A. Dir Kh lto<iN, Manager Carpet* cleoaed (ly the Uteii and beil pnweiaev

IF SVHlNuKIto AND t'AU Prr- iweepers newl repairing send

piMi*a). eolld white riiol>er rolta fri>m W Cf-nla up. CaUkI mr and delivereil

> free Also aid h ringers boughi aud traded In for new oiiev

WRlNuKR Hhl'AlU r.'tX,17b 21 Ni'w at.

1AW X MGWERH. HllKAKH AND KXIVRH Jgrannd. Mwa Hied and *eC rmN rerolvara,

typewrilem, elertrh^l in^irimenl*. eif , repaira-l ; aJso men ftirnlshed for rtir|i*nier ur aay other work. W. K. HUADXKit. -Bl MnrkelsL Ur

MAHhillMArK H A J r i l K I.H. ' pcH-kelbooks, I'lavin*' lool h*xa

land trunks of our own manufkriure : Ireoalriiig prumplly atl*i»(teil to. .’I’Jt I r HGAIJ ht’.. opiudui Wasblnglon !

____________ l^ k .

1> lASO TUNING AND HKI’ .AlltfN(f. 'Hx G. E GhFRr, VI F s ir ii i

IkKROONAI^-FOK UNK WEEK AND CASH ODiy, all-wool axir* super*. 56c eard ; I'oTburr

tapastrv, 76q. yanl; Hniyrnarnir*. to«4-. fl76; U sT l lAM); twatit If you caa Tb« «riiy o/tilnsl Van llorn Furniture ('ompauy; not lluiUrd in ao> thlaa: eapeually low prices N i k I 'a n llt-KN Ft'KNL TURK W.> l a . 1*) Mulberry at., cor. Markeu _ l

r FItMDXAL-RPRnAI. IN ( ’ llAMhER FUR- nUitre fbr unr week only. We are dtierxnlued

to clean out a carle»»d af bedroom ftiTnltura: eia gant oak bedroom aiilta, :MiW French plain Mirror, three plvoea, i lL cash onir. Higher prlcttl suite In propnrUoD. T H E V a v I|g Kv E r R M fl 'K E Cl 1., Mulberry Rl, cor. Market (

rytplNd -M IW II ATFIKI.D IIGI'FKR, MAD- ket abd Commerea. 4QcB

11YDKR * CG.'*



Telephone 4hi Ritabllsbed totv

St g r a u e

n oo iya w a r e iio u r r r ,

:06 TO 216 W ABlIIXaTGX 8T.,

ReL Bank and Academy sta

^ ^ C .- r iA N O H A-XD (;HUAXS TUNED. RK- < Opaired. QKOIUIH HUNT, a* Market *t. 6U

n OUFEWOKK -0181. WANTED 0£Nera) housework, eiltK i;FNHT. J

I VORY HUTTONH- WANTED, A FEW GIItI,.S fxperiebt'ed at Carding and Hbndlug buttons;

iuuat t>e quiua.1 KI/>TZ, VEIT 4 UD., N isaaii Works.

N UBAKM VOirXd LADIEH WANTED TO Item siiralog i IboMn spe<iklng German pre-

Drreil. Apply usofnlngs KYK AND KAH IN ­FIRM AHY, Htlrllng et. 4*c

■VrURSE—w a n t e d , MIDDI.h^AGKIi w o m a n (o take cereal ( a'o children; rlty refereucen re­

quired. Apply to F. U. IS i'arlereC St. 1

\\FAN TED - Y o r x a I,ADV iJlt Vor.'N<l M4X V i to learn lelegrapJiy, diiy or eveplog, for poj|-

(Ion { ipeelal chance. I'arilciiJar*,1 H6U ItUUAD HT., top floor.

K H P L 4 )V M K X T W A X T K B -M A L K .

A c c o u n t a n t KXDi:riT-H M(KH w K ir r E xup, asreunta opsaed, sistuineol.H iiia-le. coDre-

tUiQ* attended ; engagement* lionr or. drey; term* uioderale. llKRM.t.N, 241 HpnugdeM ave. 72b

A CCOUXTH a u d it e d , WIUTTKN \'V o il IN- vvailiated. AvCGUNl'AXT, Ilox to, Arllng-

tOD, N, J. 6ly

IJARTEND ER , GERMAN. W ILl.lN tt AXD J.^pieoalog, hot afraid of work, belt o f referehcot, wants iltuatlon. Address 11. M . Hox 6', New* oRlce. 67a

riO AC H M AN - CARFFri. DRIVER AT ^/good gardener whbaasituation. (Jal) oraddresi 24c 62 CUXTON HT.

r^D O K — REHPRCTARLR Y O U N G M A N v.ywantailtiiation as rlrst-claas cook; uiiilerntamls cooking In all lu brannhe* : city or country ; beat rcfrreaces from present employer. Addrov*67C 117 OHANGiC HD , Montclair.

____ M B R T IN G fi.




Win be held at OORTS H A LU South Grange eve., on

MOND.AY EVENING, June 4. i t a o'clMk.

At Dili mcellog a Preeideul, Vice-President amt flFe Mreeton will be elected, and luch other bust-

uem traoBacted a* may be presentod.

'Jbe sixth annual roirort will be reaa.

Fifteenth HeriN of Stock will be opened June U.


260 ^erri'Wry.

rrH JCX E W YORK ICE OfiMPANV, h Kc KK- M. (ary's emoe. New York, Way 26. Dm.The annual meeUng of the atockholih-rs nr Die

New York Ice Compaor wlU be held al the udlce o( the company, No. Lto North Heventh at.. In the city of Newark. X. J., od We<lP('!<idav; th>’ thlr- toenth (lay of June« 1864, at 12 o'eloi-k .M , Jor tho election uf Trustee! and the irantartltjii of sindi other bunlneasaa inuy come before Said mealing.

Tiie trsnsrvr hooka will be ^<iaed from ib^ even­ing <>r Munuay, June 4, uaill iht) morning of Juim 16. IM4. W. K WETB’^,^effctl^y■ 1

FIl iMTaylor sL through BtHevIlle ave. and Orlfnlal

SI. to N. Rraad, a block moI Jeatber |H»rketnrK>k...I II k __ I.,l. ________ _ _ . J-pA R M H A N D -M A R D IK D MAN ^hlilnidg mrney; flSdJr w^^

J ; without chiJdreo. wiihe* sHnaiJon , good by returalng to IH TA Y IjOK H I'. ^ 1milker, to take care <g Cow* ; wIPi lor liousework. 41b ('BI132S FLANKHi'.

UITTTATrON WANTED AH IHUJK KKEPEH OR noaelataut; good penman; Al refr/encea Ad- drc«ajAMKK,careurO. IL Hobtusou, ISUHoulh at.1

USEFUL MAN W’ AN'I'K HITUATfON OF A N Y kind; whllogand obliging; would he wUllogto

go In the eouniry, 26o t>HA NGE S'f., store,______I


A 9LACR HErUHEI) FTtKEOi' C IlAR dE FOR giris having refrrenoa ; highest wag^s and best

ftturillea KLITU EMPLOYMtlNT ol'FlUK-i, 740

LGST-BUM 'II o f KEYH. M4V 2U, GOING frimj Halsey at. to Belleville and back. Heiur.i

Io HENKY tUkAF, 40S Haliey It., and recalvailh- eral rewani. i

torm* modarota 9a^OUTH OHIKOK AVK., A < -TW O TOUKOnintti OB otilili Anal rwm aul ^aud i iiMTit*

ItaillT. 1

T HK ASHLAND, >! AND M CLINTON B T ,- M n U liw liitili boinl, «u l piniunl wiU-Aia

Bliliiil HKHui i quilt igd hacaoUiiL )|q

T WO *I)O L T « CAN BE ACCOMMODATED wliB dn lnb li fteot rtram ana kmrd ! |m im)4

liita ; tum i m n lin u j n titn U r Addrm1 M. E.. B o i } , A 'nn oaiai,

ABHINOTON Wf,, M } - F C UH lE H B i> p » a i with IwiHl ter ( lo t lim ga I9i

C O V K T R T B O A R B .

|"10DKTRV BO ARD -A FN tV ATE EAMtLTy > » A uxnnimoditi ftwr Eniwn pcnoiu; o uAiroLib I f io i l i horia: Ifam m lq ilH Dam ilatfaia |boHiltiillbrinBrrir.irtTliwaDd laEna: aom fcot Hubliili (KiHrTin niKl » □ & - TBi M NM alin M-a i l in ' . E . c J o p ia , A I ^ I ^ « : J ,*™ ™ *™ no


A Y R ________________________ _________ ____Bfc

-i'lE E H SM A K K ll 1V1SHE9 WOEK: T A y iO H J..lV iU m : wrnu modeintA IJHCHNETAT. i

■TIBCSEUKEPEH-PITUATJON WANTED BT- •-■iA-ljjtor' • '• [Qf a, ii.-||].

t f n e r . ^ . V.-■..I. ...,7 it - •• ■. — -----

L AHY’B m a id o r n u r s e f o r o h g w in ochildren by a French flrL AddreA*

74h * L. r. 216 Mulberry at., city.

St e n o g r a p h e r - y o u n g l a d y d f s ih e s a position aa stenograpbex and typewriter ; wliu

log (OaealiLln othoa uork. Addreni''I %. M„ Fo«torice, Xe'>vnrk.

W AITHFBS-WGMAN fl6j w ih h k h h it o a - tion a few hour* in morning or light euiplpy*

aeph Addreea N., Box F. Newa office._________ 1

W AIST HANlF-EXPERlRNCftD WAIST baud wants work with dreaamaker.

16b________ Addroaa VVAIsr, Box J, Wewa office-

W ASH IN G -ftE L lAR LS WOMAN W AffTS waablogand Ironing; go out or take homa

Moaday aod Tuesday, t? COLDEX ST., top door, l

XtrASRlHO-^W OM AN W A N T t WASHING- vT to bUte hODM. or go oui by ihe day.

1 200 UhlTclO tt r., top floor,AHBIXG ». WOMAN W ANTS WASHING and honantHeanIng by tha tUr.


J/JWT--A HILVKK HANDLE UM ItJtEi.LA, Jioarked H. W. A,. In llw Hive or rtnyder’ii, ou

Saturday mornlog; |3 reward If returned lo 1______________________ 68 OOLUMIWA S r.

I G«T-REr> TERRIER ; NAME ON r U,L \ \Z JN. M l D IK Y. No. 256 New London ; reward If

rt'turneil; ir2S Brood at. t

Y iK W A H D gI v EaV FO irT lTK 'R K TU ItN nF A kihe White Malleae terrier dog that wan plckod up on IblrtetDth ave., or lurOrrantlon o f ihr luune. — J MILLKH, Iwl'I hlrtocolh ave.^TU A V K D o r BTOLEN-ON U IU JlAD iY, t?Mtty6l. from 2 » RGSEVILLK AVn..asma!|, roufh balrrd lerrler. female; oaswen to the utime uf Lags : black, wU^tan and blue msrknige ; 92 reward lor retorn oflom e to above add raw. I

A U C T IO N 8AU!;.4i

______HO liltK lIi rA m n iA G R E , K TT i

/ lb A t h e NEW ARK llOlWli;.^Aamnrket, Xoa I I I to 126('antral avo.A large alock of flnl-eliiM bora*i aiwars

^ s on band for aale or exrhan<e at ib» lewMt market pfuwa;(lrau|hlidrtvaf^ aui genarsi parpoaa liureas: n fair trial g1 van «n4 mi attx'k w>i I with A futlfuanniee tobeai reph^aUKl uf nosh rvlutnlwl 4LHKHT r.. r iF L I .X ,^ ^ _ ^

Ha n k y HUl)H., *^AIM a n d B xrH A X fiE r'lMblaa. 4h\ RKo a D aT* Juatr*v>1v»d a rboio*

lol of Diaiotted aoonh and mrriaee hnrws. Il'e to M l•sD<Ju blf h, baya, browma, aorrela aad biarka t hei > hwreet nav>'bean wlntereJi acolliaatal and driven In l‘l■n>i•rJvanlA. ihorougliiy broxau m aieitnaui alecutecsri Bid Mpe.'inllvsetnoiAl f.irthto loartiri. A ra'ioad of ex in qiiaUiv draovht hor*e<( and gei

n U E lN K M O P P O R T C X IT II

eral puTpiwe rhuakt Just In. wetghtnr t.li0 i>l.7 i) MUBda Hava aleo a lo ia f wcond liAU led hnn*^ tbsl mu«l h« v>td All bertaa warrautad m r««pre

nMated or ninnay refrodsd. Frl(roe Ui suit iha tlnt^i


UrKTWlAHD 6>m MAl.g. NEW BVCK- hnard uagon aid silver raounltd harnesa at

•nnhalf coil. 2.4 I'KN 1 ItK sT.. Grango. _______ 1

( lAHKlAGKM raltR lAG lCa’ CAHHIAGK-St (^ n an it top b(qrai^< phaaiona ladles' phoe-

tonf, rtineiHiais. traps, surreys. Jump-aeai snrreya aptndle, TM I. buir« bend, at-e^lni amt liusluew wa >.m« u fo ii kimiA I’ k a g i 'K 'n k o h t h e x t > ( A liltlA(*K RFFor^lTGKV. m 7Belleville ava ils

( lA lilG A liK s A Nl'M llKH UK NEW AND ■econd-haud rarrist-^ and wagone Mr salt

cheap. OLIVER MAN UPACL'U RING CUU Dm Ieii'laytl. Teiuphoneill.

r ARHI 4Gk F Ml M41.E. T>|HEE>HKAT Ca R- riige, os ie<kl a« new.

wh m n i.ooM riE i.D a v e ^

f iriARI.ES GlU'ltK. M ANUFArrUREH O f V all kindi of rerriaoes. (ktuiider dsput wagona ItorkMWayo, todlee' pliaeious bucglea. exiensimi tupinrreva eannpy (on i iirreui, Jump seat Mirreya, iraiw aMif huckboiinl*. spindle nagmis, rood i*art« and speAftldv carts, imslnfs^ war on ■ for hiiiehen aiHl (jekars, grnoart a>Hl milkmen, plurtibera and rarpentori, laundry and rluihiarv Murew and frrmcra' wayrtiw, barnnsi and suiiunaf sfto*(san1 blanks'*, atIIT aod Market M-, ibetory, Hah-W4V, N. J.

I aO VnCr W ANT A t'AUItl AGI*’ GlKK EllV, Ibutcher. atpress. laundry or oaritoater**

wogiMi, new nr aeennJ ha-id * I f so, ulea'*# iwll at K A tiiN ’H lUH*Evir.l.F i*F i*t»^iroH\. wh#r* ean be Ibund Die largiet variety and lowest pr1r*s tn ally nf Newark rorrier I-ourteentb aud Grnage sta orange rare )tSM uur do >r. 46a

I fn i lH g S » TIFa Ti Full RALE AT MV J ieiable. rear af ttn tlln ii'i ava. Newark, at reasenabit prkwa ; all oa repr«-a»iite<|.95b w. w. ru m m e m .

HORISRH PilK HALE r i f r t l * : MUST RE sold: slfo a road hune; heat 6 mlnnlea; dun'l

mh*a bargain. I” (.'ONLMI., nrauge- Mt

T | dhmkn- fo h r a i-k . t j ir k k iiG RsrH :.1 liuliabla for any kind (>f huilnms; nothlruflbr rvfiitod liearuf'H W U 'K I.IPFE NT. t

n OHMEw TWO FAM ILY lloRHEH ANUO .NI gantismau road hors* Ibr tala

*4b |«r4UMMlTMT,

GHSE, ^■KDDLFH WAG «X AND H a RNF«^ fut Ml* cheap. 84 nKiH».UE HP. 7Ha

DiiMr, HAHNEyn a n d u g h t t o pwagon, fNV 169 IIU.STKRIKtN'^T. I

EDRmK a go od WGRK ID 'IImE P r iiS A L E cheap. |u7 riKIIGKX wT„ rity. 1

M U'HARt.NTKi H R K .('[T Y LINE> f'PrtngtJetil ave.. will reoalv# a car-

liNVl (II Went Virginia bortes on June .t,_____ . eoiislstlhgof biisrniwa, draught and wnrk

bnrsetatlbe lowast market prices , M>ld with a guarantee to lie as raiuoientod or istah reftindad.

P )NY rrM lE .iLK ^A iVEAH-UU> AJIET- hmd pony In flrsl-clon order and gervll*; <ian

ba driven by child or lady ; alwi n 3-wbevl enrt aud taeaied buggy, rr>oui tor Ichltiirsn, and harneaa la rnatoh: ot will esobange fbr flri4<laas phaeton ur Surrey, or aldebar top Ixigiy, no factory make need apply, inquire at 4nn. TENTH XT., n ty.i'b

PONY i in m v a n d i ia h n n w h f o n r a l f ^9U; a)ar> very rkit bors* and nice boalnana home

and a«w octieouir'* wagun and MV*n seta a f vary line barnest, new and awoud-hand, and eight oa- atirtnl bugglea. F X r llA N d K IIO IE U (Mnith Orange av*., oppoaiie isbooOag Park. 1

AGGN^t! WAGGXni -l H a VK 76 XKW TV wagon*, tmcKS, etprosa, arocetT and butcher

wagens. anrreyv, bugglea. sphidle and road wagoua eta,foreala A. D J il'L lN , Hale and Exohaage ► tabiefl, H4 to^2& Ueolrat ava.

rAODNS >'GH HALE, OF A L L KINDb; ' alMO 17 aela of barneaa ________H U L f l k R A N D O LIVER 4TW.

l l ’^AGON FOR HALS - HUITAHt.K FOR » patuiar. t7» FIFTEENTH A V & , car. uam-

deq iL 4bc

Y A. on Y'OU W lhlf TO MAKE A squirli. clean, eoab aols of yoor bonJoaseT 9 ^

have a number o f coah hurart looklof fbr boalMeapuces of every daecripiloa; ^1 ear iMnlInn iltlcdy odoHdenttoi. AUHI.XKHH lCXcHAliaE» R t eitartt liAiobliabed 21 yaara. 1

4 -dAl/)GX. iTDHg, HU*>IXia« on PROP- = .41 «brty. I f you wish to buy, sail breu SoM a - ilon’t lea* Uma t all upon M RKKMAX.Mlttpringfletdava

4 RAROATX DRYGOODH,CLOTH1NniTORft .^Vgood bualoeas location; well atocfced; aalOi lisbed i rwwonahJe rial, lor «a l* ; owbat lea flo f country; prio* fi.cga

________ BkHMAM, l « i bprlngflald ava

4 HALpOX -ONEllfln. OXBI9QB; ROTH GOOD ialoeailna, doing4110,1 bualaera, ntoely fitted, tm Sal* ai Uivw: reasotiable raata; good ehanet Ibt enargellu parllea

Ml »T *

\ r * N n V A N I I e n u K HTltHK, NKAR T W ? Aa-{thooia goM ipcaiinn. deiog niasly. Areola at onra , owupr laaving i-Uy ; prloa fto.>to H. RKH.>lAN.24l.Hpv]Bgfl*44trfa

4 iN’Trf'N lIlM^KRItANDr, AUCTIOXEBiL Will sell on Monday. 2 P M., t^PompleUraa

tourani. he. )|» Mullwrty at., nwir Market i4 Ma

1>AKyHlEK TWD FIHHTA LAM R A K B IU * J * » r rale. with flitu rr i;ooe on Oranga eu, la LOrevlUe. <m« on Rrooi) at.. Newark ; aalaaoboai It.Dkiper rtioiiUj. Ini(ulre of WM. PRICE, rail eaute, lusuraara and loan*, W Brood at Ma



W A L L P A F K fl A N D l ’ A 1»K R -H AN<aNG .

A - A . IKK>M PAPKHFD. GHDINAHV «I/,K.■celling and sioa and O-Inch border, for 9X75.

I^rge aMortoient of papers; lateitatylai; allgradav and (iricea Painting, graining. Mntloy and kalme mlnlng exacuted at reommahl* priesa All work gnarentaed. open Hit I P. M. otoerv by loaU at tended la J. R. tyXE lLU M Academy at, near flaitev. aiq

* -GKOltUK W, OGXK CU, i \ t IS AND A NEW HT.,


HAMPLK b o o k h t u t i ietJtADE,

I/lWRST PRtUKH AT RETAIU lUnilng, paper-banging, eta, ta

rcisonniiie prlcei lA aud 20 New at., near Jlrood. While Building. UlueHigna___

A -H H 'JO KLYNAND XKW YORK W ALIr • paper I oiublniiloo-Pleiuia lake noLlce that I

will pa|>*rralr-elied room with gold paper audwido border for f'Ltoa room, and also de rfrsiriaaa^nip Ing aud kalaomlnlng at Ihe cheaptol priciri In Iho ciry ; onlers promplly alteuded lo iiy iiuill tou Jai.'OB LK\’V. Na 1*8 Warren it.. Newark.

IfJO YOU w a n t Yrtim hiMJM R t l ’ A* ■ rwlvdr W(»do It for 91.20 and lurnfrh wall-

paperand border- ‘ Tho Fair." NHCIN A BLa U. Ilri-190 epringflold ava. maiiuIOcturen oJ toclure frames and wlpdow abadea fi7x

" DAW‘'’H BRfWKLVN W ALL PAP Ml H foR K — I wUI paper any {bir-alte room wlib gold pa­

per and wide border. Ibciudlng repalrint, tor |l.i6; aiaowa do (inW.laoi jralntlBC, training, kalsoniHi- Ing, plaaeorlof and liailng- Far the chewpeet nricM In tho city, wad postal cards fbr aanaplsi. or r^ l at ilrooklya Wallpaper Mtore ami aoleol your panera, M O'* carry a foil Hue of cbolc* papers, such as biaaks, (lata, gilts, emboeoid, logralM aod tiles, lacgeet Bgkortiiieat In (State, and sail at factory

' WaJlpaper bought o f ua trlmmad by inuckln* free; opea eveolbgl till 8; we m II paper from S cenU a roll up to ll.to, SIX HKOT HEkH, lieeormlora, Paper Hangars and lAinten nrst^loM work gaoraat«*d M spring fleld ave, near High axliM A N U H GK T i i i r NKW VOUK I’A^I >per store will paper any i Im room* with gol>l l«|ier and gnld horden, g: a ruoin please wnd tKMlol oirdt; ptiating. kaJanminltig and dne.trat- !ng. M. RA'l‘ft(jU(S£, 94 (SpriDgtlcLdava, .Newara, N. J- Wo

j^ V C T IO K s a l e - j


At th* iialearoom, IW ami 114 MULBKKitY*na*x Maikotgt,

MONDAY, JUNE A A T 11 X. M.« Vprl ihl and two Bquari Pianos Parlor toSU III Ruga, DomoalC and Mlk Pluah ; I ’ak and Walnut Chamber huiU, \Vo(flr*T>ra, two very Hue ydeboards, Extension, M. T. abd oUier ■lablos; HaUataodi, Bureaus, B«d«taa4*. Wash-lands. F. l\ l ^ r a«d MaptJ* MIrron: rouchoa, J.omigea, Chair*. KOckert.aic. oic. About good <arp*u. ml*tH and aeoubd-haitd, lo all gradea aud sixes; A rt ^ i b ^ Rugs. 500 yaNs OUdoth. Hair and otUor HattrosiM, oprlng*, Bedding, |‘tcluireit, Kefrlgera- ton and two truck load* of Oommon Furbliun, eto, SIC., etc. 1

Mn.VKV TD LOAN ON JIOU.SItHOLD FUM- uiturv, pianos, orKsn* and personal property

wiiliuut ritnoval; pariTns honorablv dsall with; can mak* reiiarmanl* by Inslalmtnta; husinM* Kirinty confldenilal. F. W. rilA W tO R II, room 2, 7W llnmd it. _______ _______________________

MGNKY [.GANKl* uN I'ECIfUiNA 1. FKOPKll- ty. ulanos, organs and flirnllur* In uw without

remeval; all bualnMa stckdly confldsiiilaL ("alloc iddreis F. L'. KDWa BDH, nximtl, Ril Market .(L, or lufedaraU, davor *v*Eil()g. ____

Mi-.sicy TD LGAN o n RGNIp a n d m d r t - gags Id sums 10 suit, from fddO lo 94,501

« n KMIUYLKH R^JACKsoN.770 H m a d ^ _


L f»AXN W A N T K n .

^^a FK IN V Ito rM E N T i*^ " ^

41,000, |l.fioq, 92,ono, 91,w . 9a,oq>, u.-ni C*n be placed ou drst-cloia bond and mortgwg* aa- eurity on propsrty woflh double the aniouol and mors hy oalllug j j

CHARLES A. FETOrc, Couiiiellor-ai-iaw.

-'■Is 7M Broad


J - H. m iTEL,*"




■\trM, l in n a l l e n a cTk.>V HfOClt BROKERS,Rny end sell HiocKi. Bondi and OrAid on New

York Rx(^bauiai and Cblcogo Itoard uf TraJj, eiiber tor (ash or on rtargliL

*10 BROAD ST-,(Naflonal state Bank ilullding'i

Telephone 1020, Ne'vark. Newark. N. J.Branch Office

Orange National llauk Riilldlng. Oraoge, X. J.

HAIUIKH HUol' A D AKB IR(hull n.f H I, , HUhltahHl Ik r iu i i • « » ,

liriM, : rpoinlir l « « i » i Adilrn.»< ' HAHIlKIt,

Hl ’M SKHr.<.H .,KTr.\ITIht P iR T T W IT * |1,00fi bur full)-«ulp|wl BuuulhrluilK

IIIJIII. AiUltaH MAWl hl.VO, Bax y, « • • • :office. I

A lAND Y I'lGAH, U:E ( ‘REAM ^>TOIIiLI \ sprlngflelrt *r#„ doing large burinHs. weU ’ *Uickt*»l. reui |M, ih> mnius, for sale; nriO* 91CNi

RKBMa N. 241 Hpriagtlsla ara.

|"1AXDY‘ HTg HK. |Lvj: v k h y atX>D LOoito L Uoiv;dolMi nice builnaaa: well stookadtreM •14; 4 rnoou ; (or lals on account ofilcxeara *Ib_____________ BJiKM a n , 2ll sprlngfleld avg.

' tO X rtC n O N lR V AND ICE C^KAM PaI ^. inr—FInt-oluaf mofnctlonery aod lot cresra

parlor fur sale ; r>odi to rerfpct coadUlao | prio* ■ Sow. Inquire t.'UNKELTJUXKRY, Xe 66 Bpriot- flfjit avp. ^ t

rM riiH sLR- Ha l f ix t e h f h t a n d k x c l c .I Rive right o f maiutocriiT* In United ftratM of iba

pliw wFvect) yei invauted ; patait Juat oaL 3.KMm.s M( MILL AN n>UPAXY.maeoao0aUa«- lers, 47 West Waihlngtoa *L, Cbtaii^ t

M 1 RCKKUV A NDrANDVM l'OHKANDUOraih , 4 f bold torflltiire tor «ale cheap *

_________ ( V MDUHIH A V E , orar CMitfal ate.

Old -m t a b l ik u r d m v f r y a u t iN S i t !tor tale; good trade Addraaa U V E hT. N*w>

ark Kvepluf Aiwa ofllce. Grange ik i -

1>AUTNRH WANTED. W lT lf^JO g ORnO M l . A money hIH double In three or m r meothai ' J en need io t apply. AddrMs lie J^AulNUIt, Evening .News Hraacb, Oroogo.

1>ARTNKH WANTED W ITH 9»1 TO T A »I an imereti In a nniariim at •umroer raeanlW ■ this Reason; a good cbenc*. Addraii IL B., Biem A. 'Neweofflc*. T ,

* PARTNER W ITH i 91MI; mu give a good Imerest In an enterprieeil

< 'oiiey istaml lor lummor leaann. Addrea*1 B. B., Bog A, Newi oBm .

I kARTXER A MAN WITH U N E OF coacliss desire* *n w ndsrtakar oa partner.

Uc GpPDHTt'NlTY.Ora^igs PoWOffl«%

HRHTAI'IUNT- A PAYING RUHlXEm luduRtnvnscouple; toll of beanMri: rmiat ba

iold al once; no offer refuaad: ea*y terms If dralrod. ^ p ly a UKX rKk ht ., iiranga. He

IkDAUnDPHE fAVl W ILL BUY BNUri LIT^ AlilsruadhocMelimMitof city llmlta: epteodld oppAfiunlty for bus naas iseopi« ; roa toa ly llg ; ahedi aod noble In rear: worlh 9l,6W; to ogeaM

Ad(jre*s ttOAU, Box I„ New* •moL I

C A L W X ON PR -MfNE.NT ROADWAY.^4b Apply HN.U’h u n io n BREWERY Ca

QAJAK)N.GO-)|) 8TAND. IN 4 UIRE PRORflS? n n i i i f A Ko EHLk r . -*4 Markil at. *ly

(JHGK NHDP FOR m a l e , TKN M1< ICH FKOM l l » laqttfre OLI-

V ltUA KKO<'II, 131 MniWry oUy.^ ilk

^ 1 n n OOOD BLACKHMtTU BUHl*1 V lfn a s * near the dty. Addreae

►______________ Wa u o n h , Boi J, Kewe ofBt*.

^ • 1 » BVYH«H^*>r>Sbn»t*of harnrat. 19 rewl cart* and one 4sprlng wagon l lop buggy and 1 *pladle buggy cheap, am a iG li HT.




-A .-A .- "

BKHPONHIBLE PARTIKA IN NEEDDFSlONKY Can obtain tha asm* at iba o^oo ef ihe Newark Mortgage lAon Ou. We will lend you any snm-tbit you with at th* lowest possible rates. In the quick­est pcNMlbls Uine aod tor any length o f Urne to auR you. You rah pay It bock In *ucb lostalraeuti ni you wish, when yon wbib nad enly p iy fo r .l as longoi you keep It. Yon con borrow on houea liold ftirutlnrs, planoe, hones, wagoai, rarriagii or oiber persoual property without removal from your own possession, tbu« g lr la i you the us» of both It *nd the money. Guromoei are oenvenleat- ly located, and porlie* cau he walla t on quickly, courteously and ranfldentlally. Heiiiembar that you (an pay all or any part ef the loan at any time, snd ihM every dollar paid Iraieiis the ount ut carry- leg lb* lean. NEWARK MORTGAGE LOAN t^A. 315 Market sL, aenoad flu if.

A - a . A . - m o n e y To LOAN u x Bo n d « atid luortgags in auma to suit

to*_________________ GKKHY, 76& Rrond st.

\TTENTinN-TM ORK WHO W ANT TO BOR row tnortey In sums o f fis up. get g o ^ irenA*

4tieat and rosy t*rms, ehoula apply to AMKKlt^AN ^ a N i'0,.No .*A Broadau; uratoti Hall, ro^tn 13m

’’ IA LL a t U IK OFFlL'K QV



If you want money In snuiU or large amounta, on short or lung Umc, oti huimehold furiitture and plaroM, h(jni*«(, wagons, (Skmageii. warehouse rw reiidanr pvrMtial property o f any kind, without ramuvai of pro|wrty fr(»m yotir own poaaeaaLotr, wa ( tui havs you (uont'y by our terms on loans of any amoujii from 9'- i io 91.0Q0 at Ttry short notice, m ik- out piibllciiy. You can pav the rnooey back lu any Binuunl* you wish and at auy lime, and tach pay- metii made on the nriodiAl will reduce the cost of the l(j*ti 111 proporllan.

Hrtor* getting money elsewhere call and see u* and you will find iigreatiy to your advantage.

NKW JERriKY LOAN CO.,7(0 Jlrood I t

4 - A . - f l » * r LEHIGH, „ ,w . -X.JV«nnt,94-7lpertoa: Lehlgb No. ta u t ,f t f lw a ll •oreenw); kladilng wood oheop. 6L T ltlk jic lU tR CU,N. J. K. H-avaand Laitoytuaii T a tte t



4 KIG JAG OF ON R U N E B o rr M ILL CLAY ildiogonaisulii moda to ordar any dealradac^ ] InriiidlQg the new long dovetail eklrted OQOl,or ' rack, tor 130, atltched on edge or hoandi fit and workmanship goaranteed. rH A t. C W B X U the Washington at tailor, the only merAoni tailor ( iH the cHy eoiptoylng toor euatom onueii, iBi Wsihlnifton at, 186, non to oaaal bridge. m t

IJAHRER FJXTUREH-FORBALE, CUP CAB* J I with thrae mlmm, also thraa boriiar ehaUa l « good order. CAUWb « 2 W a RIIINOTON » t ., Barber BbtR

Bt^TrniH 'R F N IIH E OUTFIT FOR AALb T rsaronaltle price. Inquire 67 MO.NROEBT* na

/ lANG K, 1414 FEET LONG, BAlLB, IT C U \ Romplfle, la flnt-clMa order, will sell otaSM 17b BOWERh'h fiOA'ril OUBK, Centra tt, bfidjfc

^TAWER FOB BALE OHICAP. **V T8t f. K TL A V r A c a . 70710 711 Brood a i

/•ILt/THINO - HLJGHTLV DAMAGED BY^ V amoka, tor rai* In lots te dsalars oalp, L, HTghNHKmiACXl., 230 Market Bl. 4 lf

/ lOWB-FJR MALK, o n e CAR LOAD OF! 4 rhnioe fresh t^wi and apringvn will onlve ob L'Bleii Ktork Yard*, Harrison, riatuiday, Jn ae l and must he Bold at onoo. a . Ca XFIELD 4 OO.IIt

DKTF.fH 'tVKCAMKRACniAP: EXCU ANQ l for bicycle. 4 AGADKHV HT., room A t

1;v )H M 4LK -A u n OF FINK MIHPIT AMD sveund-hand oarpvtg tinissaig vslvet-imd lo>

iralo, very rhean; rQOhaUir*i, 91 up; ehamhaf suit, 91&; Gtg parlor suit, 93s; lot other fttroUuta cheap : refr Its rat ora, H- 36W [LL Ia KBT.

1?rU N lTU RK FOR HAl-K ON ACOOUHt OF Isavlng the oily : line ruension tabla oloMoa

new, beds, parlor mod kitchen stovei, chain and Uhlea; vary f heap. Inqiilr*Mo LiARrLAYBT„lur*ar.

■(ViiNrnriig -nvHinABLE opin>k t u n i t t ,new and aervind-hsnd rurnUera:w1ll n U a&

borgHin I parties going to Kurope, Address 24b ___________ HAHGAIN. Boa R, New* offloe.

/ i Oa T FOR HALE, t.AHUE hl/^SD GOAT, U a b d well broken, kind and gentle. Apply W, M. IIOFI.KH, 18 llriiad sl, llluomffsliL tTd

( iHtH.'KH'a Ji’KitDXS>4. U N T ERiT” A N lTTaliowcmaee tor sale inquire

IBt Ja HVIH.oo Ferry St


HOrHKIIOLlJ FUllNITURIC FGH HALE. AL- most jiow; also ptauo vary cheap; must ha

■old , party iMviog city. Inquire 431 RELMONT’ AVK., suiith bfC'hntou ave. t|g

M I LK M KN. A rrBNTIG N -FROM TICHBJI .to fourcani of pure milk tor sale dally.

Tib Adilrt?# M ILK. iJoaG, News omesL• MONKV TO L«'»AN IN A.NY eL’M-A A l’

|wc month; good for one year.('. BIKILMAN, Pawnbroker,

»lah|l*hed 16*2. __ lOC'edar at., near nrnad.47wLo a n o n h o n d a m >

FI rnwjrigagB ar 4 jwr Insums and for periods (O iiilt Ibe bori>)wer NO R(iKUh OROGMU1HHIOX KXACTKIM Bltnwws- ssry pap(*rt carefully propaiwil. CHa JILKS A, FK.*r^L^inse|I<ir-aM*w. 7M Hroadst. _ 421

^ 1 r i n i/>a n o .n h o n j> a n dO 1 e ' l Ff I F" FI Fmortirags at 6 per cent in sumsauil tor perl'Kl* to aiilt tbe Itorrnwera; im |)Ojius or rortinil.wlon charged; 9-%0f)o to loan on chattel mortgage In snma toRiill. KIiWAHriS. m.ACK, Coimiellorai-lAw, room 914 Pmdemlai IhtlUling ; leleptoine No. 4J1 *0 0 r ri'W AH U lAiANKiJ o,N FUKNiTU ltK ; O iiw f too remrivel; prompt, private, reliable; low rate*, easy iiaymeiiu ; open vvenliigs. llq ICFKIt, (.yntroadst.

/ lA K liUFFE'l', DRVBi. (iLAH8.|l1; FINV 4 FwaJout tmlroTim suit, mattewa aod ipriofA lM t W yards briiitsvls carpel, very cheap- I 5 CfrI.UMRIA HT.

SAILBOAT r o i l b a l k r llK A P .42c Apply FARKER BT.

^ T H tiT I.V ('INP lD KN riA Ir-O .N EASY PAY* 1 nmetiLdoihliif ami idoaks, ready made or moda ' (uord*r Write for agani tou-UL CiiOAK^ Buk A. ' .^ews office.

W tN ll'lW HrUF.K.'iS- WALKER-n P A T E Ift witulow screens, the best lb the market;

('arej-’ s paU-nt aWlilng blind, plain window a ^ door screens of evpry descrlpilon; sa*h. blind* 0 ^ ' doom, window rramee, mouldluri aod loslde trim-. m lof: baril woo^lwork a speclsUy. W IGHTM a X it IlTlO., cur. Halit-y ami Academy *l(. 6liR


HICYCLE nKFAIKI-NG DONE, ARITBHOUHF he, by a (im-cEss* loechaok;: bailr^olpped ]

shop In (he I'lly ; aecund-hsnd wbrel* bottgaLaoUli urtidnmged. W. 1C. RitADNKK, Ml Marketlhnpl

Hic v c i.K -c o u iM m A , n e a r l y tfXW | weight 28 tbs. ; sell very cheap

870 DKL'KKJi, 102 Arlington at

I l i t YtT.K-AJENTURY COLUMBIA IN b 1 ^ JlfCi>cjudl(ion. Cali at 46-t BROAD HT.

tcvn .ii; W AitW K'K i ’n k u m a t io 9tl:'« st9I.V>. 2 ACADKUY HT., room 4. i



wagUofOthoMR IM C L U fT O N A Y ^ I

. : -r .

CAUPUKKTING IN T it® CITY OF NEW- ork—Baglnnlng ofa great evaagell*tlc campaign

la last on tomaisr; unkm ef all UirJatlans afalnat oil tin I NrvloM to b* heUI lu ihe new 1 v i e tent on High f t , betweetj I ran* and Fifth and Bloamffeid ayok every evealig at •e'cloofc and eunday and TusMay afternoeos attdOi opanlng meeilugBun- gjg^yen ioon »ad eTealnt, Juu ^ a t kiUoiid •

V '

M A U IllS K ItY

A -A .-flM A LL^R K W -C U T T lV iri I*AT1IE8 • roy apeclotiy. LRVF.Rir>GF, 74 Meebaninat I

KOA'J'KNfHNE-SIXWlORHK 1»0WEU ROAT eugine for sale.

* 2 - - ’ V M.A RMER. 3M Johitit., Hartlitob,

J jU lLE R . '

44-HorM Power Upright Rellar for e**A. Phiiitpa's make; price

Inquire o f PUBL fJtn SR. _____________, Evening .’fe * s o7l'i\


I.lN G INE -FO a HALR c h e a p , A 7b HOKBE Jpowar engine. In good oondlUoa; can be la

ipeeted while ronnirig at factory af P, XA)WKN '1 HAUT, cor. Kant agd Hraaaer at*.__________

P AR11K.H Ha v in g b b c o n d -h a n d b o il era and eorinM fsr sate will fled It te ih e lr l .i-

(treat to sana desoripUon and nrloe o f aarns t* ilKWlDb&PIllLUPB'BXBO.N WGAKti Newark, N. J,__________________________________________^

P ULLKYB, e rC .- l/ )T o r b e o o n d -u a n dpuUf ys, hanven and ahafUng fbr sile-




J. M, SEYMOUB. JH _« L A W a k N C l BT*

MA j E** l ie I'N It UM ATIO BlCYCL B.weight .VI pounds ; In nr*l-claH4 condition 0&4

as good aa ntrw ; prl{M very low. Addraw 1 H., Ilex A, Newiofloe,


1>1ANI) t’ i5U SALK - l - | «V A T E n K »T L B i«? i Will sjcrldce tor csjh a very elaiant uprlgkk

plane, mshogaiiy ca**; imw a f«w month* a ge ;-LHMIH75; will Aoccuii 9'3Qii. IncludingbaodsonMallJC Hrarraod stand:all iniprovements;full ironfraOM; pniem acilun ; 7 ociave: 6 years' guarantee wlUg Dili ul Hale, ran be seen al tbe private rtaldanoaL 1 'ilt 73H UOLUMBIA HT.

[?H!B*Pt I ; amallr iA N D s - S L iG H T I .Y USED; C

Clili'kering, 91.70; Htelnway. barnratB monthly pa>'rn(?n(s ; don’t ikll to era ibom.22* WAKD'H, <;or. Broad aad New.

] >IAN0R-J^I'RC1.4I. R4RGAINH IN HLIGKT- ly iiuil nitright agd M|uara piano*; iole ogeniE

tor ^l'eb*r, iJocker, Lester and othsr*. ■file DUNUKJ.IH AbON.WJBroa4*t. \

IFIANO-MUKT HE BOLD JIK^XIRR JUNE j elngsaiBtulti A Biuer upright: almost new*

big bargalu. 4ddresa u A »li, Box A. News (}fffea.Tlli

1JIANO -HAALETON flllOTHKlLS U P R lG H f piano tor sals ; very low. Addrex* ,

(Ho HAZLkTON, Box K, Xawa aWoe, *


j jT A m )

T i r K lU VK^tSTUR NED TQ U A. '-*n rf#(al:

Will sell tor IMAW ill* -7 i f V i/ 'lTd iri'^U p lS hL w ill Hli b r i r t t

ThsM piano* have beta In use but aahozt Uma A fi years'guaraacee, StoOl and Boarf goM wM*

rich plauo.It. HhODlngOr Oo.'i PlandA Vlailua AHoD<f Pianea *Jacob Brothera' Plauo*.

Have yeo eeen our 9174 Cottog* UprighI*


BU doort from P«(Mt* 'Church.

^ 1 fk i I^U PR IG U T PIANO. 714 OCTAVS^ J U U ft il l iron frame: posiuve boriaia:0* new. Addroae MUsiC, Box B, News eSoA



T lLE P fiO N S 617.

K t r o a r k <Sutning J C w e .m u M »

: M I L Y , t X O IP T X U ilO A Y t .IT

* 1 M 1 7 M AIU LBT S TH B E T ,

|!«wmTki Ml J**1 Hi At* " • * » 1

Mtytrtd bye*rrl»f* i" »nyp»rt ^ trk, Thi Or»n«»», Hiifiion, Kwriiy, Summit,6alltvu1«t Montclair. Blootnlia^d. and tM

fiTt doH»r« » y«w, or •fty c*nli • month, poitigo <fM. Sini]* c m Ioi, tvm conlT D « l« »«d by cwrioi* In N«W«H(, ton contt i wotk.

Ordinwy •d»trtiwmtnl». ton conlt t Im*.

*^Id¥*rtiMm*nti undot httdi of Wontod, To lot. For Solo, Porionll, otc„ ono cont • word, but no chorgo toM thin ton tonll otch iniortion.


THE address m ay BE CMANOED A.A OFTEN AS desired.



b a t u k d a y , jl ’ .n e a, imhl

SOtlTIIKHN IMMlOKATItlN.For UiTos yoArt pool tbi Boutborn Inter

•Uto ImmlfrotJon Aaonlatlon b u been A potoworthy fsotor In tho oztonoloa And dsTolopment of the IndootrlAt rooouroeo o f tbs DOW Bouth. The onnuol oonvon' ftoD of the uooototlon. whiob woo bold during tbs current week ot AagiutA, Ua , wai Attended by reproooDtAUTe delecAtoi from oil the ■ontborn Btotes, end much interest was neiMtaotod In tbe detelli o f the proopec- Uve work of tbs orgenlsAtion. There to room in the current of public offolrs for e moeemont in the Intoreot o f Boulhem tm mlgrAtlon. Tho tlmo li ripe, end ell tbet the Asioolotion need uadortske is t tborougb eipooltlon to desiroblo Imml- (TSDUoftbo odTtntafot to bo dorivod from ooUloment below Msooti sod Disoa’s biitortc line.

Ao ImmigTAtion tumAliy follows liner o f letitndo, And 1a lergAly InflaonoAd by

oondiUonA, It 1a loArcely aarprlo- iDf tbet tht hardy end itorm-tougboned people who have corns from Northern Europe to till tbe forms o f the great Weat ahoald bavA fallsd to note the ettreetlve* Boa o f the South end the poeAlbllitln o f the neturel re»aroea o f tbet eeotlon o f the Doaotry. It it in fhrnlthlng to future ImBlgTantc Informetton, oompleta and rt- lieble, concerning the eberacter end ex­tent o f tbe Induatrlel flelda open to Sonthem enterprise In the Bouth tbet the Bonthem Immigration Atsooletion will meet wisely hllll Ha designad purpose.'

I t oen scarcely be doubted, moreover, that the oongestlou of teeming massei o f the North will ultimately find no inoan- aldamble degree ol relief In tbe IrMiifer o f tbe overplui of induitrlel energy to theBotttb. In that qsarter lies tbe only promising Held worthy of engaging the eemest attention of edveaturoua ipirtta poaaaaing the true pioneer ioatlncL Nothing Is lacking In tbe greet oentrel pletaanoftbe moanteln section o f the Sonth to conatltuta the foundetiona for e naw end vast industrial tmpira. Tbe multi- tudee who In coming time will rear the anperttmctnre may be invited thither with n eleaf oonacience by the Immigra­tion Association.

Tbe natural reioaroea o f tbe Bouth are •caneiy appreciated ai yet because o f tbe lack o f willing worken to develop them. But these are ao extensive that In more than one channel of production the Southerners may hope to repeat the trl- nmphe of the Alabama Iron fumacea, which have secored and atlU maintain a practical monopoly of the pig iron mar­kets o f the country. The vast progreaa o f tbs Industrial leation of the Bouth Is olg- nlfloanUy let forth in the figures o f tbs eleventh census. Immigration must In- STltably gravitate In the end toward a re­gion ao riebty sudowed with natura’s gifts and ao profuse in its rswards to tbe toller.

one Ihst In mere verbel dlscuseiona over bis opinions he more than holds hlsown.In prlvato brawls aftar tha gams is over ha has bean known to maintain with force o f arms the aocuraoy of hli close deowlonA

It la a wall-known fact that fierce as Is tha reoaotment which at times biases forth against tho umpires in th# big lesgnas It is not to bs rompsred with thut kindled by ths acta o f the amateur nr aeml-profaialooel erbileri of gamse in which naighborhood Jraluusy and par- tlsanablp run high. I,lfe-long frlandi hava been eatrenged, bualnaia partnerships brokon off and engagements o f loarrlogo termloated beoauso of a little dHfsronce of opinion between the umpire and oomo other people about a foul ball or the priority o f arrival of tha player and the leather tpbore at flrol liaso. Yet haa the umpire ouflhred without a thought of calling In the avenging and monitory nilnlotry o f the law to defend him.

Now a now departure has been token.A few dojri igo tho Petersburg and Nor­folk base ball clubs played e game at the farmer city, end Prank K. Clements um- plrsd IL To SSportlnj «/o, a weekly nuwipeper o f Pbiladclpbia, a oorrespon- dent sent an account of that game, in whiob the foul lines and all other bcmndarlet and distingulihtng marks of tbe diamond were literally wiped up with Mr. Clemenla. Inatead of breaking ' the head of bis crlllo with a bat, Mr. ClemenU, who appeari to bo a man of psace, wrots to a Philadelphia lawyer In- qclring about the adrlaability of a libel •ulL He haa been Informed that the critloiam o f bis umpiring It clesrly libel­lous, and he It going to bring In the United Btatee Dwtriet Court an aotion for |10,000 damaget.

I f he should win, the gentlemen of hli profeaalon will taka naw heart They may not be able to punish all unkind oritldsm or abuse, but at leaat they can fs t even with those who write unkind Iblngs about them In the newspnpert. I f they can do that, It will bs equally in or­der for them to bring alander aulta againit financially responsible cranks, who, dur­ing tha progress o f the great American gamt Indulge in unkind remarks about their integrity, their knowledge or iheiv ancestry. The umpire who U the pioneer in the move upon the courts, may do worthy service to blowhole profession, and earn a place In the laeting gratitude and regard o f a elus o f nsellil public sarvanta, who art too apt to feel the bltternees o f unklodneat and lack o f appreciatiao.


E l i i m i m BAiosnt of ths Mount WhsrB Noah'i

Ark Rested AgfS Ago.


Ilf Two Vounf .\ni^r|*

rnnn I 'p lit T h r l l l in f tti Tliitlr U ti*

l lm tr ’x TlTn* M ilking m S Inr niul m H a lf

llo iirH ' J o tirn r }--A btoiiu t lia l T lir^nt-


t»k0 thi pfodpItnuA IMuuttuK our U*-

ilmA VTl*wlnr1»


altomatlTo was to , tnnw<vi»eml shqis. hooks il«i> III the snow Imhlnd us, lUrtod. At flnl tbe strong no"d wbicli oil ths top aliiiotl took off our f«t , somewhat chockwl .lownward <wrwr, but It was not long fi.ro we attaiiiisl a vclorlly that omoa our httir stantl on eiiil. H was a ihrllllng r«- iwrieure wuioeiiioi! to bo sailing through thuoIrltHf, for th- domis ulj iire l tlio aloiw even twenty twit lidow. Mnohy we oiDorgwi ls-ii«iih thorn inbi tho glare of thn afternonii sunlight; hut on wo ilashwi for AOfSi f.wt leaning heavily on tho Iralltn*

lllstorir lliini|i oikI Tliofr ( ipK-ka wbh'h threw ii|i au ioy eprev ill our wako. W" never oure stopiwl until wo rvadwl the hotti'in of the domn at our last


night's camp iniong the riwks■■ Tn tees than au hour we luiililashwl down

through a .iisiaiire whldi it ba-i taken iia ulus and a lialf hours to asreml. Tho comp was rcadioii at t I'. M„ Just twelva hours from the lime w* left IL" ______ _


The "Arlsimo Kickar" Telit o f a Painful .:s| ietlm rc—An K sp te lio lton .

(tosiK New Y ork A dvice , Ao tne reoderaof the K'iektr have beuii informed from liint to time, it hu been our dcilre to conduct the paper on metropolitan lines. In some Instancca we have had to give way to local opi n Iona and Weatein custome, while iu others we have carried our puiiil and come out on top. Last week a New York editor stopped off here to look over our private graveyard and give ui a few point­ers When he fouud that our editorial- rooms were wide open to the public, end that Tom, Dick and Harry were free

' to kick open the door and walk in at any : time, bis amaiement was unbounded.' He gave ui some brotherly edvlce on the

subject, and though we felt a littla shaky I so to resulti we determined to follow IL I The A'icker oflice Is not a twenty-aeven-

wlth n private elevator fnr editorial use, but we got a carpenter to

Messrs. Allen and Karhtlebcn. the two yniiiig .Ainerhviiis wlu>. nui'le a reuiarbable lui-yrle tour around the world, who toll the story of thi'ir joiiniey rrmii th* lln*|sints to I'.'ktn 111 a iTleo of pa{s*rs for the Ccnlury Miigntine. In the nimibiT for June give au ai ' oiiiit of the UNvntof Mt. .Arirnl.

"A t n :10 on the nniruiug of July 2, ' the traielh is write, "iiur small eavsli'ail*, with the two exasperating doukeys at ths liead laden with niMta, lings of tinivlsiuui, extra cloth I iig, al|jenxtocks, ipiksil slum aud culls ot spjut ropa fllwl down the streets of llavaud, followMl hy a curious rabble. The plain was stuwn with uiid and ns'ks, with here aii'l there a buucn of tough, wirv gras* alsmi a foot and a Italf high, whiidi, ttiuugh, early Iu the year, was [sirlly dry. It would have Usiu hot work exiTpt for the raiti of the liny le'funi aud a strong southenst wind.Uur oai'eut for two and a half liouis lunger was through a luxuriant vegetation of flowers, grossteand weals, which grew inoru aud more scauty as we advanenl.

Tho night was speiitln a Kurdish encaniie I iiiciil. In the inonilng, when they resumed I * a ,th e jo ii^ y Umai|«ut became stei'isr and j,en on the roof ofmore dlfllcnlL and Ibsy - T .econd alory edifice andputlneoraehut wouder how Soali ever mniiageil with .nthe aiilmaU from the ark. At 7,fs«. fret they ;■net the highest Kunllsh emampment on their line ot a«ent. At R,n«0 fret they struck the first snowdrift. an<l the donkeys had to lie half carried acrue*. At 10 oVIis k, at an altitude of H.OOtt feet, hincli wa*«ib ii In a quiet mountain gleu, by the tlila of a rippling rill.

"A t this point the muleteers and the raiitleh* gave up and would go no farther; so Messrs,Allen and Hairhtleleu and the old Auslfiuu toska Htiinll blankei, a felt mat, two long, stiuil roiies, enough food to last two ilaja a bottle of cold tea, and a can of Turkish rakl, and at 2:90 o'clock In the afternoon sto rial bravely out. Up they cllniual over Ihu

Can’t or wont do as well for you as we do. Whether it is a lack of ability or Isck of will­ingness. it costa you just the same.

Sentiment is a good thing—but uot in business. Kvery man owes it to himself and to his family to get the full value of every dol­lar he spends, whether it is for provisions or

pianos.You can’t tell whether you are getting full

piano value or uot if you dou’t come to



K S “ " “ T 'S 'EWEEK 1

BtreeL' Bruod.FA* Ofl/y TAtaIr* t f Pnm nnei in Knmart-

Usual Frlcav-Mc.. *le.. Tie., »1.W).

hec7i -n in () M I V OQMONDAY hVKMNO. H in i AO Mattiwa 8ntarilifc)r UaJrv

ffpecUlly nraoiAtlrthk D>iitlngQl«bM Artrfiiq

M IS S K A T K C L A X T O Xlh« Ki«liM«nl Traffvdltane,M M E . J A N A l 8 C U E K ,

PreMuUng a tirand Hevival uf

"THE TWO ORPHHS."JiiQci I A&tl ^ -Th« OrififlAl Bn«tr>nltnH, tn

**TUo Mkld nf IMymnutli** luid "lUibia Hoodv

m i i i r ] OPERA i i i s sVMKi; VVA LDMA SN..,.

Week t'omiiietu'Injir Mondays May Wl. ii#K4i Taf^day, TJiwrtdajr amt Hatartlay.


lo -B io Arr.*^ 10

S TA ft

Malla<fY« MnmU;

T H E A T R E .ITl Mulberry Htreot, Opuoiiile L'. H. R. Depot,

mUy, WedtieMlay am) SaiUraior< rAHA[eEA*4.\imi,

iBMlay ami Satun /-,s-./a»4.a w s'.vfc a >1, Rropriatun.

AdmlHKlfin frre. Hpeclai Uillue'enlraBoa- KlntwclaM* VaKoty Hhow every eveuiu|i|

with Ihe fullnwiRi|r: sTullett Soutbem, I'lytii auil Sikorpty, Ida nleveuNs JoUq Murrta* m

G O L D D U S T W A S H I N G P O W D E R ' .

laat Saturday morning. We bad ao liifor- mntlon bureau on the first floor, with ordura to make every caller send up hla namo and state his business.

About 10 o’clock in I bo forenoon the boys began to drop in to put tfacir heela on the editorial table and look over the exchanges. We heard eiclamallons of

rough rocks ami the deep sunw until nearly e n'chiok, when they had reached a bright ot 11,000 feet.

A W R A N D LK O V K It I t lT U A I. ia y f.There has been little account taken

hitherto by the dignitaries o f the Episco­pal Church of the license permitted to those o f the clergy who ore wont to im­prove upon or make changes in the Church ritual aa their Inclinations may suggest Confessionals have been act up, burning incense swung In the sanctuary and all the pomp and pageantry o f the most tm- poalng oeremonlri initiated without a lign o f active dissent from the cfilclal guardians of tbe purity and Integrity of tbe ritual. It was not without surprise, therefore, that tbe Diocesan Convention o f Uaryland listened the other day to a formal and vigorous denunciation by Bishop Paret of the modifications In the Church ritual which bad been made from time to Ume by pastors who, the Bishop declared, were "nothing but Anarchlsli."

The departure from Church traditions thna censured has become familiar to churchmen throughout tho country, but It la only recently that the confcsaional and tho use of tnconae have been tol­erated in the dlooeao o f Maryland. The Bpiscopal Church In that Btate Is the old­est ecclesiastical body in the country, dating book irom lOW, and its consorva,- tism hi matters of doctrine and practice has long been recognised wherever the tenents of tho Church are regarded os Butbority in matters o f religious duty. The quarrel between High and Low churchmen Is likely to be Intenalfled by tbe unqualified condemnation by the Maryland Diocese o f Innovationa that have becoiue endeared to many devout E p i s c o p a l i a n s . ___________

t u b C llIT IU A N D T H E U S Il'I ltE .For many c.vcles of revolving moons the

humorist has been having fuii with the base ball umpire, and the "crank” has been abusing hint. From the harmless and original works o f art Iu which the arbiter of the giihie’a destinies Is depicted In mediaeval armor, or in which his com- paratlvu defeiicelo*snei®i is mocked by picturing him In a small castle defended by heavy artillery, to the roasting ft-om tbe pens of critics whose home teams have had tho raisfartune to be beaten by their foes, the poor umpire has been tho target for a thousand shafts of good-natured ridicule or several thou­sand* of abuses. Everybody knows how

- " Is to umpire a base ball game, "Bven easier, for Instance, than it 1* to run

xv.ery spectator kuows that * be could do cither bettor than the man AWbo has tho contract and is trying to look

after the work. When the umiilre is right~in tho spectator’s opinion—the latter gives him no ((real- credit, fpr it would be inexcusable stupidity for him to have goue aatray. When tbe umpire is wrong—ln tho spectator's oplnioo again— the blunder Is not to be excused.

There have been occasions when the. dignity o f the umpire has been heroically ppbeld on the field. Often he is firm aa the hills while contending gladiators of the diamond howl about him. He haa been known to use a base ball bat to plead pgainst tbe argument! of a fteniled mul­titude his right to coutlaoe to exist upon tb « earth. Often he Is tbq.posseasor o f a voeabulaty ao rich, pungent and inlpbwr-

It la pleasant to see newipaper brethren dwelling together in unity, but when thev cannot help falling ont It ti a good thing for them to have eameet partisanship o f local interests tbe cause o f their dlsagree- menL Just now tho Asbury Park Hhorn Press and tbe Ixmg Branch A'nea are at It hammer and tonga over the relative ad­vantages of the two watering placaa The FVeas seta forth tbe divers attraotloni o f the park, with a few compasalonate re­marks upon tbe falling grandeur of Long Branch and the Nines laughs to scorn the boasts of its neighbor. "Yesterday, to­day and forever," It says In one editorial," Long Branch ti the leading summer re­sort o f the world. It is favored by Provi- deuce, loved by mankind and patronised by tha wealthleet and molt refined people on earth. It Is not a plouiaker'i paradise or a ple-eater’a retreat, but It la beyond all oompariaon the healthiest and most deUgbtftll resort under ths stars, Ex­changes please copy.” Both newspapers are slanob In their partisanahtp, but when the growth and the popularity o f the two places are taken into aooount the mane o f tho people who do own villas of their own would be disposed to think that Asbury Park bad the better cause for re Joielng over comparative gains. Fortun atelj, however, ihot* la room for both of them and no oocaalon for either to re­proach tho people who find plesante in visiting the other In the summer time. I f lalb-handed cornpUmeuts o f that kind were to fly the Asbury Park paper could retort with references to certain habitual patrons o f the other resort which would be even more unkind than to call thempicniokera or ple-aalers.

»■ ■There was a deal o f eloquent oratorical

fireworks at the meeting o f theantkln- eome taxers 1s New York laat night; yet it may well be doubled whether the pro motors of the affair themselves were con vlnced of its utility. Tho argumeuls o f the speakers had been discounted advance by tlie advocates and supporters In Congress of an Income tix. The very consideratloDi urged againit it were the grounds upon which It was supported and approved by the majority In the National Legislature. The editorial silence of th* Administration organ In New York regard to this meeting may be taken as an indication o f the course to be pursued by the dominant element among our law­makers. Having completed the neces­sary deals, they will push the Tariff bill through without fcrther argument, In­come tax and all.

■ Here the thsrmonK’ter registered thirty- nine degree* Fahrenheit, and wax eoiistautly falling. It we should coutiuue ou, the cold during the night, espsclally with oiir xcanty clothing, would iM-ouie Intolerable; and tlien, too, we could scarcely find a «|Kit level enm i^ to sleep ou. We tlierefure dewr- ndUM to stop here for the nighL »nd to roii- tinu* the ascent at ilawii. Nome high, rug- geil crags on tho ridge above us uttrscteit our attoutlon as affording a coiiiparativsly pro- teoted lolging. Among tUw* we »])reiid our rarpoL ami pllnl stouos lu the lutei-veDing Rpac«s to form a eompleto iui-losure.

" We turned In together umler our single blanket, with thopld gentleinau betwreii us. lie had put on every artlele of ebtidng, in­cluding gloves, haL hood, cli«k and heavy ebiwa. Irer pillows wo usoii the provhiion- bags and camera. The bottle of cold tea w* buttoned up In our i-onts to preveul it from freesiug. On boin sides. uifI above lu. lay the pure white suow; Iwlow- us a liiige ntiysa. Into which the rocky ridge d'-reeiidisi like a darkened stairway to llie lower rugious,

" Just at daybreak, H:,Y> A. H., on the Fourth ot July, we startol off on what prov^ to bo tbe hardest day’s work we had ever accomplished. We struck out at once aci-UHx the broad snowilehl to tiie sreuud rock rib tm tho right, which xiemeil to load up to tbe pnly Hue of ns-kx above. The surface of these hu-ge snuwticihi had froxcu during the uighL ao tliat we had to cut stops with our tckpiclu to ki«p from slippiug down iiieir glassy surfsce. Up this ridgo we slowly cllmlieil for three weary liours, h-apmg from Imulder to tuuilder, or dragging ourselves up their precipilous sides.

" At J o’clock we reaehisl a point about 18,&lkl feet, beyond wldcti there seemtsl to be notblug I ut tho snow-covered slope, with only a few projecting rooks aluug the edge ot a treiuundoux gurgu which now broke upou our mstonlsli^ guie. Toward ihii we direct­ed our course, aud, an hour later, stood upon He very verge.

Cautiously we proceed, with cat-like trend, fullowing directly iu one auother's loutstopii, and lioldiiig on to our alpeiistocka Uku grim iliatli. A looreued rock n-uuld Sturt at lli-st slowly, gaiu monientum and fairly fly. Htriklug ngaiuit some projecting ledge, It would Ihiuiiu a buiulr^ feet or more into the iiir, aud then drop out of sight among the cloiiils iwlow. Every few nio- nii'uts ive woulil sbip to rest; oiir knees were

n »



S o ld C v*ryw h *r*.

M.d.«niyby t h e N . K. F A IR B A N K C O M PA N Y ,Chicago, fit. LouiAe New York. Bo>toita PhiUdelphiA.

iikt» lemi, aiuL the' biifh allituilf miiJe brMtti- iu^ dinii-ult. Naw tlia trail of riX'ks Jed

BULLETS AROl’5D HIM AS HK FLEW, itarprlsa snd Jmtignatlon, followed by a period of eilenco an tpeh thick. Then Wi looked out to tee our " infortneticQ bqreau flyio|7 bnreheftdod across the send lotty with bullets ktckJng up tbe dust around him ae he flew. A minute lataty while our metropofltim editorial heart wa» atandlmi ittll with auspenfle, the boys appeared od tbe street and caot£^t slffht of our pen on the roof. No one asked for expianalion'*. They seemed to divitie the true situation of affairs at once. There were eleven o f them. Each man bad two guns. The time occupied in Bbootinr hi ont of our metropolitan Quar* tera and down those windlnji stairs woe exactly twenty-elEht seconds. The lime occupied in shootmte the glaes out o f the winduwe and the shliifflee off the roof of our pen wae less than two minutes. W e don't remember that anything was sald-

A few days ago tha chairman and lead* ing Uotnocratlo members of the Henate Finance Commlttco denied, with great pretrnce o f indignation, a repurl that about four hundred “ com promise" amendments had been made in the Tariff bill. Then In a day or two the uraeud- menta began to bo reported from tlic com* niittee, and they were even more numer- oiui than had been said. A few days later tbe tiame Dcmtoratlo atalesmen were in­dignantly denying tbe report that Hecre- lary Carlisle had helped In framing tiiat sugar schedule. Now it has been shown by his own testimony that ho drew up a schedule. Though bU suggeationH were uot approved as a whole, a number o f them wore adopted. Between one thing nnd another, some reputations for veraci­ty are in imminent peril.

Uftptd'flre guns have become, under ex­isting conditions of naval warfare, an in­dispensable feature o f the attacking force o f modern battlesliips, A battery of rapid-fire six* pounders can pour a verita­ble rain o f shot and shell upon an enemy*s deck, and drive every man of her crew to concealment behlud bomb-proof plates or below decks. The tests made at Bandy Hook yesterday of four different niakes of these weapons indloato that tho dis­tinctively American type, embodied in the Driggs-Buliroeder gun, is still the most eflectivo. Although Huropu haa pro­duced the bedt military rifle, the honors in rapid-flro guns may fairly be claimed for our own inveutora.

One o f the first moves o f the new Street and Water Couiniisslon in getting down to work is to pay needed attention to some o f the paving work being done hy street railroad companies. This la a de­tail In which the old board did not wpit.lv dlatlnguiah itaclF. ,

withiu two feet of tlh« (‘hssm'suMige; wu a]>- proat-lu^ it ruutioiisiy. i)n>bing well for a rtK'k fotindAtiuu, ami gat.mg with dirzy heads into thu abyss.

“ Thesloiie iM rume Nt«|HT and steeper, until it abutted m un aluh)«t precipitous cliff coated witli in«>w ahpi glfit<^nmg ice. TJierc wtis uo (roiu it. for all around thesnow-be is wery too hU‘N}i and slipj>ery to venture an asi’'cnt uiv.n thum. Ciittiug sC’Cps with our icepicks, mill halt crawling, half dragging imrstdvfH, witli the al]wustocks htiokiKi into the riK'ks above, we scidedi iU belglit, aud a<lvuuc«d to the ufxI abutment.

‘ ■.At 11 A. M. we Nftl down on the snow to eat our iivciNnl <if f<uHl. ‘I'iie I'oM chickeu and bread tasiiNl Ukc suwiluf,t, for wo bad no Hallva w)th v h]l.'|| to iiiasijcKtc Oiem. Uur single UitllM of t«*i» Imd given out, and wa sutTored with tliicKt ftir severui iiours Again Ibe wor«l t-o kihi t whs Wo rone utnnce, imt oi»r siifTi.'in>d i|iiivcrcii licnoathus and Wi’ lemip'l nii niir Hljfenstiji’ks fop support. Stil) wi‘ jiloiliitNi Ol) ii>r two inom weary hourM, cuiiiMg tmr ivjis in the icy tdiIVs, or HlnLingiiuuirthitffiH in iho treacher­ous snoiv-jMHl-v. W’l' iMiii'l '•** that w<* wera nearing the top nf tht* clia.sm, for tho clouds u"w eutm'ly t-h’nrvtl away, left our view uiikd atrU' t' ll.

“ \ 'o piishi'il and omMkUoUier al­most to th<:> tiiji, iiiHi Uicn, with nuo mure (ictipcralo clbirl, wc<!‘ ii».i upon a vast and gradutdiy ‘'Uhw IhsI. Down woplimgud aimVi" unr kni’i's ihn.iiyli th« yield­ing aurfai'S ami >lai.:ii{i‘V<'d iitul fell with fail­ing strcngtli; tJi'-u n>M* onco more ami pltMlileii oil, until at Inst Maiili rahanstod up»u tJie tup of Anii'Ht,

“ For a inDiiiciii only we lay gasping for bn>atl); then a lull ivali7atlou‘of our sltiia- tion ilawned u|kiii us anil lamuMl tlie few faiiit MjurkH of 4'tiilmBinxiii that rrmuined in liur exlmusle.l IhhIh's \\ .> unlurleil upo?i au uiiHuiHloi'k the hiiihII Mlk Anierlciiu flag that wu had bruuglit fjoiu lioine, aiul for the first tiiiiu the " Stars aial strijMs*’ vt as given to the breo^o on th*' Miimtain of the Ark. Four sliots lire I fmin our ruvulvurn ia com- niemoratiou <if lnilf‘iH‘ii’ li*nc4‘ Day broke the Stillness of ttia goi-g»i*. Far ntiovu thu clouds, which were r<ihin llu|l■k u< ovar i-hn.'e (H tbe moFit ubNtiliiu- mnimiv’IjicN in the world, was cckd«ratihl in niir siniplo way a great avent of repiihlicmiSiii.

“ ^Vo wei'i' AUililciiiy arou‘<wi by lU« rmublluR of tlmailT Ivoluu us. A storm ■was rollliiK rajiuii> ii|itlD> 'iUilbcftst Ktojko of the mourfiniu. I lie nttii<<s|iljt‘io seemed to bo Iwilitig over Ud' plain l»elow.lllgher and In^lit'r ciiiiLi- the uloudH, rolling aiitl sei'tbing niiam the grim crags along thu chu^m, and KtMui ivi> WITH caught in its em­brace. TJu? lhfrmi>mi*lt'i‘ drn|iiwd at once below JrH'/.lng ]Hiiiit, and the dansemUts, driven agaiiLst ns i.y the hurricane, formed iulclos ou our hliit"njd faces and froze the luk in our I'ouinuin Uur Huiiiiuerclothing waw wlHilly nm'lHpmfo for such an UUMpectetl \vi> were cldllwl tothe bone, d'l'i havu i«'inajhi’d u here w'e were would havi' lu’N'u jcHparuiziiig one liwiltb, if uot onr iivi-x. Altli'Hi,;h we rmilil scarouly se<> far citmigli ahcHd In follow l^ark on the track by wiiu-Ji we lunl iiHuumbHl, yet we worn obliguil to attumpl ii ai once, h»r the storm aruaml ua was nicrciiNliig evory mo- aicnt; wo i-oiild cwii iho charges of oluctrldty wIidtho-ui touched the ironpoints of our BljH-udocks.

"Car«'fully jN'uiing ihruugh tiio idoud^ we liiaiiagfi) u> follow th«) trail we had madft.,aloi|g tla> gru'lu.illy staping'sunmilt, to the Ji«id of tii*‘ giTaudiOBtn, which now

nuwH ihau ever. ^Vo1. Ji***'' ('xtrenndy poril-I (»U«, II

old edHoriaivTOOSU, and the boys filed in and took tbeir Usual piacen without ask­ing any questions. We have come back to the ground floor to stay. No cards are nece«ary. I f the front door i^n’t open, give U akiok and walk in. The first door to tbe right leads to the editorlal-roonas, and If the editor happens to be out when you call you’ ll find a jug in tbe corner Bnd pipes and tobacco on tbe shelf beside the clock. We think the New York editor meant well, but he didn't know human nature In the great and glorious West.

BomK Pl a in T a u C.—T he tione Tree Tribune, which la a poor little weekly sheet uf 2S0 olrculation and published by a man who made a sad failure o f tUe coup- ers’ trade, came out with a bitter attack on us laat week. The burden o f the com­plaint was that we were an offlcesceker, a man killer, a bulldoser and a boaster. Our policy personally and editorially la pretty well known, but it may be well to go over the ground again. It is true that we are an officeseeker. We want to be Mayor of this town, State Senator, Postmaster, Deputy tinited Btatea Marabal and two or three other thing at once. We hold that noth­ing is too good for an editor. He can’t make too much money. He can't have too much public respect. We didn’t go into

Duslnexs to live on one


Xnl Enillv linpeil hj Hi® Trlcka of Clvll- Ixrd Man.

From the Centurj',The crow Imi fine manners. He always

has the walk and air-of a lord o f the soil. One morntii,! 1 put out aoirie fresh meat upon the snow near my study window. Presently n crow came and carried ft off, nnd alighted with it upon tbe ground lu the vineyard. While he was eating o f it, another crow came, and, atlRhting a few yards awav, slowly walked up to within a few feet of hla fellow, and stopped. I ez- pi'Cted to see a struggle over the food, as would hare been the case with doinestlo fowls or anlmsli. Nothing o f the kind. The feeding crow stopped eating, regarded tho other for a moment, made a gesture or two, end flew away. Then tho second crow went' up to the food and proceeded to take his share. Presently the first crow came back, when each seized a portion o f the food, and flew away with it. Their mutual respect and good will seemed per­fect Whether it really was so in out hu­man flense, or whether it was simply an llluitration o f the instinct o f mutual sup­port which seems to prevail among gre­garious birds, I know not. Birbs that are solitary in their habits, like hawks or woodpeckers, behave quite differently toward one another in tbe presence of their food.

The lives of wild creatures revolve about two foots or emotions, appetite and tear. Their keenness in dlacovering food and in discovering danger ore alike remarkable

■ fays outw it them, ptions are not so


And Uengresanr Itongb Killers of the World.

Ambrose Park, South Brooktya,Adjolaliig » th Street r*rrj.

(Sow Y'ork and uf which i* at foot of Whits* hall street.)

Tm c» Daily, Hain or iAina, 3 ant/ S:fS A M,IKsirs Open at 1 and ftilS P. M.

MOST HlliKUT KOUTE KKOM NEW YUIIK to camp gate* 1* by iWh st, ferry, fool of WhUeholl il., HaUiry. F a r e A H via nnliery, lircjiiklyo Kriugo aad ferrtoa tnaku conuections direct to **l<« , „

Ailmtsetim SOc. UuUJrea half prire. Osn- Irai grand stand TSo. and • !. S0,DW covered seatL

l*opular restaurant a feature. _____


-n the seal, Moutnuuth

Mr, H A. Russell an- nniuioes a Bummer Bchool of Music aad Oratory at Asbury Park

___h County. N. J., auriofl.n lr and Anguit. All braiioheeof VoleeCal- tare and Biuglua, Idanoforte .Methods, ClMsea In Virgil Olarler, Mason's Touch and Teehnie, Harmony, etc.

Applications received and dale, placed at the Newark’s College of Muslo, Bread itrset. L. BAY'IJS, General BecreWry.



rndar manac«ruent of W. A. Klmor*: two yaa*i at FUlll erenu. HOMt ThR truly wondillW XQOualalD Twotl op»ni Jana lA OW fortIan*; electric ItebU. hlfb aUllude, iiMHl sotHry, ttus oretieetra. Twu baur* from oew ttork- JeaS ecuoB, no I'harxe forrooma Table board only.

W. A. RLUoRK. i'oiltlnentai Hoiel. Sew t ork.

We got down, threw open the doors of tbe Butman can nearly always outwit them,because while bis peroeptions are not so sharp, his power o f reneotion is much

the newspaper meal a day and go to bed while our only shirt could he put through the mill. Nollbor was it our Intention to pull a ires for every galoot in the party and walk around wltli our toes peeping out to tho weather. Wo have sought oflloe bciaueo It didn’t seek ua The man who expects office to seek him has a head full o f saw- dusL We have not only sought office, but gqt there. We are sUU seeking. W e shall get there some more. Nothing In the shape of a good thing will got past us.

As to our being a mall killer, we have disposed often men. We had to do It or be disposed o f ourself, In each and every case we have paid lall tho funeral ex­penses, and given them a resting place far beyond what could be expected. It is tho duty ot an editor out In Ibis country to take care of himself. I f he can't shoot, then he has no business here. No matter how hard he may strive to satisfy the publio, there will bo men who will thirst for his gore. The ides, as we understand It, is to get the other orltter's gore first.

As to our bulldoring tactics, this is the first complaint wo ever heard, Every editor has bis own peculiar way In cerUln mattera Borne editors In case a sub­scriber drops off heave a sigh and run a pen aoross bis name. Our way is to make a personal call and ask for an eiplaiia- Hon. True, we have had several buttons shut off our coat and bullet* sent through our hat, but we have never yet failed to •e.oure a renewal. It i* tlia Bain® with ndvertlitng. Advertising pays. We know it and are anxious for all others to know it. I f wecan get the drop on a non-believer, we can aTwayB convince of th® value o f

, , s . * I ''*—1........ tOi f Judge Lij>pincolt nhould bappen to ; “u tin* rin'k'vHlujij; its trvotflieroun

Bend Derials McLaughlin to prison for 1 iHlj;« in sudi a liumuam*. The' onlyrunning a dlaorderly bouBB at the Uuttea* | — -------.................................. '’ - '"Tt;bttrg racetraolt wliat would become of the oflice of County Clerk of Hudson County t

BBcretary Carliele owdb up to having played the Ethiopian in the BUgar bowl*

Peculiar to ItAelf.Ho emincnlly •ucco.-wful haa Ifoofl's Harvipa-

rilJa Ihm'd tlial many leaifingcllie(>na from all ovcrilib ITnlteU furiuHli tuBtliauiiialK ofcnreK >vbluh al aiosl iiiiraculuun, HtHxl*M rtaTuavarlllaU out an accident, but the rl|>e fruit of Inilaatry and atudy. It puMtiBoea merit •' peculiar to HaelL"

IJfKKl'fi PIUm cure Nausea. Pick Noadwheq Indigcittioai BUIoubuuw. ooldglatM.

by all

- i ’Or liainiiiy, i.having, beau­tifying the skin, scalp and complexion, W oodbury’s F a c ia l Soap is pure and a sure cure for skin eruptions. Prepared after ?o years’ ex­perience. Small trial cake,

10 cts. 3 cakes, $ 1 .Jidm IL WrHMntiir*' l>ennato-

lODkiil 1)iM'ie,ll&W. 43<1 Sl,,>r.Y.WmHlIiHT.v’H Kjiwial TnoV

tupnlN.^jiiiiit'iind Kiialp. to ul«ai tbr Hkiii biitl roinplaiiua Di PruiuflHtatii'liy mafl.|l eou^

advertising. TJi® obarge th ^ ' "- ‘.lojj*

we are a V editor

further, Thn crow will quickly dJocover anything that Jooka Ilk® a trap or Bnare eet lo catch him, hut it U k w him a long time to Bfie through the Bimpleat contriv­ance. A* I have above stated, 1 oome- times place meat on the snow in front of my atudy window to attract him.

On one oocaiion^ after a couple o f crows had come to expect eotnethlng there dally* I suspended a piece o f meat by a string fVoni a branch of the tree just over th® spot where I usually placed tbe food.A crow soon dlBcovered it, and came into the tree to nee what it meant. Hia su*- piclon!! were arouRcd. There wa» some design in that Buspendied moat, evidently.It WRB a trap to catch him- He surveyed it from every near branch. He peeked and pried, afid was bent on pene­trating the inyatery. He flew to the ground, and walked about and eur- veyed It from all sides. Then he took a long walk down about the vineyard aa If in hope of hitting upon aome clue. Then ho came to tli® tree again, and tried first one eye, then the other, upon I t » then to the ground beneath; then he went away and came back; then hia fellow came, an<l they both squinted and Inveatigatcd Slid tIuMi disappeared* Chickadees and woodpeckers would alight upon the meat and peck It swinging in the wind, but tho crows were fesriul. Does this show re­flection? Perhaps it doe®, but I look upon It rather as that mfltinot o f cunning so charaoberistio o f tho crow.

Two days paMcd thu®; every morning the crows came and eurveyed the suik pended meat from all point® In the tree Riid then went away, Tho third day I placed a largn bone on tho snow beneath the suspended morsel* Presently one o f tbe crowa appeared In the tree and ^ n t his eye upon the tempting bone. “ Tbe myslery deepens," he seemed to say to himBOin But after half an hour'® investi­gation, and after approaobing several limes wHhm a few feet o f the jood upon the ground, he seemed to conclude there was no connection between it and the piece hanging by the string. Bo he finally walked up to il oiiid fell to picking it, flipping his wings all the time, as a sign of uis watclilulne'is. He also turned up bis eye, momentarily, to the piece in th® air above, an if il might be a sword of Damocles, ready to fall upon him*

Soon hla male came and alighted on a low branch of tho tree. The feeding crow regarded him a moment, and then flew up to hla side, as if to give him a turn at the meat. But he refused to run the risk* He evidently looked upon the whole thing ns a delusion and a snare, and

tmcsently* went away and hli male fol* owed him. Then 1 placed the bone in

one of the main forks o f the tree, but th® crows kept at a safe distance from. it. Then I put it back to the ground, but they grew more and more sus^ciout; some evil intent in It all, they tlrbught. Finally a dog carried off tbe bone and the orous cfiised to visit tho tree.

Often Overloaded and Quickly Broken Down by the Hrlttiih in India.

\YiU!am Lansing In Horae and Country, Shortly after 8 o'clock we set out with

about forty elephant®. There were over a hundred In the expedition proper, but many other® were attached to it In a menial capacity. An Idea may be formed o f the size o f a Itheddah expedition, when I mention that ten ton® of jute rope are taken to lie the hind logs of the elephanU; not to mention tools, tent®, ohaina, pro­vision®, and score® o f other articles

A great many people have an erroneoui Impreseion o f an elephant’s enormou® Btr«ngih. I t is true that one can walk* when necessary, about forty English mile® a day; can carry a ton and a half and can drag conslderabl® Jieavler weights, but such cases are Exceptional, not th# rule. A *on and a half on level ground is a good weight for an elephant and h# can stand it for about three days* Walking at the rate o f twenty miles a day. In moun­tainous regions a quarter to half a ton la all that an elephant can bear, marching from ten to flaecn miles a day, fspcotaliy I f he has to seek hi® own food In the woods. Nor l i this paobyderm invulnerable to small injuries; on the contrary, ho is very susceptible to any abuse, such aa overloading, etc., and recovers very slowly indeed. In hie thick skin he is very muoh a ffecM by sun heat, flies and moequltoes. It is in- comprehensible that tbe English in InaU, who are in other vatteni so thoronghly praotioai, should not insist on their offi­cers being better Instructed in tbe care and treatment o f elephanla* The poor beasts are frequently overburdened and

! otherwiie ill-treated, a® a result o f which they soon break down, when they might by careful treatment last much longer.

Our road was a very difficult one, lead­ing as it did up and down hlU, over streams and through tangled woods, where the elephants had to trample a path for themselves; neverthelewh the animals marched steadily onward* w d seemed rather to enjoy the journey. W# camped beside a sparkling stream, where, while the servant® were pitching our tents, we indulged in a refreshing bath, followed by a hearty breakfast.

T H K B £ B K A H 1 B £Cor. Grand and Siveath ave.» North Aibury

Bark* N. J.Pleasant cool rooms, first-class hoine-made

cooking, shade* i blocks from ocean. Heason* able rates, 0|»oa J one 1. wy

HOTEL NETHERWOOD,n e th e r w o o ij , n . j.,

opens June L SI mile* from New Yor*,Wn< tral R. K. of X. J. Most convenient resort in theState.__________ FRANK E. MILLER.

T he crtERBT rKKflfl. ii h w h sT„Moii- rbtown, N. J.—A qoiet. p)*uaol liorn. flit tSon

Hek lo f rest u u nciaetlon. Bor paitieulaiaaddrtM MISS tR A Y LKM. _____________ *U

■XTKROXA l,AKK PICNIC OROUND* OPEN * fcr «naM)*tn.nti evsep Ony l«n aodOap. Boat-

lif. UatiilDKi iwerabo«t% crouMla Unv* wuai » b l » aad teM ball tniuoOa ____i t . Ei I nAM 'OOK, Vsrona.

MAPLEWUOII h o t e l - LATELY RENO- v a t « l : ballrnom attoeliwt; .iMantlr ftie

nliUed rootn.br Ui* d .yot wroE; « ( . « ! * • m Im aceomnKKtatMd. UEU E. TTl'M CM flcofitlawa Maptowood. J. __________


A V a lu ab le Hellc*FroTii the ('hleago Tribune.

ilftokin- “ I think a great deal of that old violin, irsagenuhifl Amatl. i picked It up in Home."

Fylo-‘'It fleams to be remarkably well pre- flervflii.'*

“ Worulcrfnlly. It cost me a pile of money, but U'h worth it. The clfief luerllof a rare old vlniln-certalDly; inspect it a® closely u you pleoic. Witat were you about to say?*’

*' 1 tvort womlorlog how tho rooker over cam® tf) fltunvil ‘ Wnrbrs Columbian Expoeltion* Chlcstfu, on tho Inside of It.*'

The National Newark

Banking CampyOffers to depositors every facility and accommoda­tion consistent with good banking.

No account is too small to bedesirableandto have careful attention.

n iA B . O. HOeXWOOD, Frei.E. 8. CAMJ’BELU Vi«-I>rei. n. W. TUNIS, UMhier.

Visible Hnunii.If human voice may on the plastic disk llTrathf Into being forniR of beauty rare,An'i wo may sco the voice! lliat we love Tiiko aliapc and color, luflnltsly fair.May not the lofty mountains and the hills Hu voice of God: his song, the gentle flower* ; HtR chant, th© piers’ precession, and alas I His ntilv sigh, these huTnan hearts of ours?

-Kflcn A'niuhr ilrad/onUii f/j< frufunA

FULL BLOWNand sweet aa a rose—th* yoiiBK woman who tones

' in her system with Dootor ’leroe'i Favorite FTMcrlp-

I tion. It is A certain cure \ for all the allmente peculiar

to tho delicate organiiathn I of wotnen. It is g e n t ly

safe in any conaition of ^the system and alwan

reliable, regulating to* delicate organa to pre­form their work pain­lessly, Women nav*

' sallow Caoet, dull ayea hollow oheeki, and low sp lrlta , whan

they m mada miserable with disixraera, da- rangeinenta and weaknosae* peculiar to Mm It BOX. Health Is regained, iiiter periotk 0< (llxsinesa, nervouH prostration, pain and a - citahUity, or other nianifestauo&i of nugomont; or displacement of the wotoanly organs, when the ^'freecrlpUou'’ l i uteil


NEWARK, N. J.AM/I DODD, f - • - Preildan*ABSETS (Market Valueil Jan, 1,

ISM............... ......................|SS3t».0«nLlABILmEM, N. Y. and Mass.

8URPLUB by former N, Y.BUnd- ard(Am.Ex.4H per cent. Re-servej.,................. .............. o,K».nnx,

Fuiivi*. Absolutelr Nen-Forteltabla Alter Kerond Year.

Jn oASt or LAPS® the policy I* rowriuuiin^ njHoaas lonj as IU value wlU parfor; m, ft preferred, a Paid-up Policy for Itna ll value u Isaued in exahange.

After the iocnn3 year Pollotos are raoo^ TEFiABLE-ond oJi rMlrfcttoiEs oi to twfctsne*. IniiYj nr necHpaflon ore rrmnjwt » ! „ ,

Cask I^ axs are made to the e i t e a ^ M cent, of the raeorve value, 7 ^ , ^slitnments of the Policies can he made aa ool.

'* L ^ ^ ^ d d ^ ’iinmedlatelr upon oomptetloE and approv^ of proof*. ________________

THE BIRKBECK CO.m o n e y to l o a n on tho Build log Aseoeia-

tlon plan, on real estate situated lu Unater New Y’ork, end Hudson, Rergen and Union Counties, New Jersey. Addtoe* BIrkbeek Company, 1 Cooper Union, New York City.

Sec here f While about it

have the best there is.

boaster ha® no foundatTon* Every ought to bftve a good opinion o f nlrasolf and his paper. Everything stated on the bills, so far as we are concerned, has always been carried out and always will, be. AVe are sorry for the lopsided lailure who runs the starveling over at Lone Tree, Ignore his oxUtr-once. ToaaBwe»* hi* charges we bod to crowd outra^afuer ifem worth f7fl to our* general oiroulation, and wo warn him that we shall make no ftirther sacrifice on hi* account.___________ _________ M. QUAD.

Cosey as Be®a tn RnxiaiHl-Frnm Uie Ixindon Cnurt Jonrnal.

Til® uiplaujitlou of ttio meaiilnx of tho niul- llludoadVin(dui{Ui)onlhu c,.-titro of (toverii- nientln the Uniled Wlntes iins Ijeen dlIMc«t to ohlHlii, but ono win- is well informed tflves this reply 1 J. H. Uoxey. after wliom tbe “ Coi- eylte Army ’’ is named, is a famon. horse- breeder, who live. In the nelgliborliood of Lexington, a place renowned m connection with the beginning of the Revoluttonary War.Finding the roads of hU native country some­what unsallsfaclory. he originated “ The CoieyUood Roaiis Assoolatlon." And a billhsH been Introduced Into Uongrese empower- , , __ _Ing the Government to print a certain very E x tra C t, U n qu estlO n -large sum uf i>rtl»ur money and lo call it the 1

gorri rowis fund.’; jg tjje bcst HI the world.

PIERCE Guar* antem a |oil nO N K T RETURKB lk



T . AfB Tor HonsRclMBlBi?Onm Camphor (for packing clothes) ^ Moth IJalifl, fice ft'.Perfli.iU Inw*ct I’owder,Ituanh Food (PeteTman's}, can.

Our prioos are the lowest In the eltyt

eytte Array upon WashinKten quite frtendly as to what 1* expectedfruBi the Govtrnmcut.

One bottle makes 6 gallons.

For Paioe’s “ 1Dr. Greene’s Norrtro, Hood * Barsnp- nriUa, I’askola, Cutlonra Rcsolvonl and ail tbe latest patent preparations at tbe same low prices.

Knapp’s Root Beer, l*e., S for Site. 'Clawson's Hoot Beer, Be. a packsge.AU ordinary prescriptions compounded for

*fl«, apiece, at

CoRTlDclng Acts and Telling PactsInstead of loud talk. Just fasten tiie two w» nrennt to-day in your memory, and oome to HENRY HGRXB’a, the cheapest meat mar­ket in Stale. The limes may be liaid and money eenroe, but wc are more than mreUnt these nndesirable taota by onr speoUl tednoed

fSmo Rib Roast,..............................<» .10Prime Itertethonso Bteak....... .10 .10S meBlrloiuSteak..,,,.........o .... .10 .1*

me^undHteak........... ,10 .U

me Chuck Steak........................ ,, .0|Jersoy Milk Veal.............................OJ , »rbreiiuailor Lamb......................... JJlllndquarter Lamb.,,,................... JB

Hems.,,..........................................10 • «Corn Beef................ -0* -00Boup and Blew Meats....,............... JR .MBologna, fresh every day............. M

W r lead; let those who can follow,

HERRT BORIS, 119 lOLBfifilll S t,'lELKPHDNK 1»5l,

Kraemer’s DRUG.c h e m ic a l AND PATENT

Cor. Clinton and Mulberry Sts,Telephone 3C7B. Estebllsiisd UOD,

JAMES A. COE & CO.kid AlalMrix


STEE1B a r f , B «a in fl, V ADfUMe

l io o A n s


M S OF TBE M flil .SUrtllDg TMttmony Oivcu Before & Polloe In?eitlgaUog Coiamittee.


n « Vniutarst ratbar T *llt How n « Urawue H li fivo 'jn rM ild nau(hui^ VRI>l«a»a>l Sadia* ot a ( ’riabnulim by Calambla Call**a Ntudanli**Ann*rlrin’» la Coraa la Dangar and a Mamnta «r Wantla* banl to l^liU noTsrnmriit.

Tb* oomiiion raiwrt ihat Now York police. man have levied blackmail on the kiie|x<ni nt dloordarljr houane In that city tor nllowhijt tbaiQ to carry on their illegal Inuluoni wan I d a great mcMore reeiJoiuible tor the np- jxilntment of the Uoxow luveetlgatlng I'oiii- mlttee. Uithertn, however, the Henatore who have been oouduotiug tbo Inveetiitatlon into the metbode of the |iullce of the city have directed their atientluu to other aljuwt which have been alleged. Ymtenlsy, at tbeaeaetoD held In tbo County Coiirthouw, the iubjeot of the relatione lietween the

SoMoa and the proprietor* of dieorderly onaet wae taken up.John W, Goff, couneel of the committee,

Introduced three wltnaeaea by whujii ho ex p e l ted to faaten the crime of eitorlloii u|kju polloeneB. Two of tbeao were wonieii mid they made highly nneatiafartory itatenieiite. Ope dealt m wholcule deuinla The uthrr, whoee bame tl {Uiuda Haudfbrd, atteinptul to do llkewlee, but wae checkmated by Air. UofTi ample tutorniatloii concerulug wlial the bad told to uthera, Hlie bad paid fiAiiu for proteotlou, ehe ailiultled.

dhe teilJded that ihe kept adlenrderlv houaa on Bayard itreet. Hbe hail no dcui- ln«e with the police until ber place wue raided by Captain Cruee. Hbe then paid tdiNi to an official who came from beadduurteiv or the atatlon-huuae. After that ehe jiald LVI a mouth. Hr. Guff aeked her: “ Ure. Maud- ford, when the two men came from Newark and called on you and eald they were lu the aanui btuloiee in Newark, didn't you aay lu

Are jrdi) latured ? If not psw 1* the time to nruvlili: yonrvalf and fainllr with a bottle of t’henibrrlaln’e rollc. t'hoirra ami l>larrhu.a Rnmrdy ae an Iniurapca agaliiai any iriimu reealtt from an attack of bowel eoniptatnt dur­ing the lummar ■nonthe- It la almuet certain to be needed and vhuuld he prucurad at iiuce. No ether rrniedy can take ite plaiw or do lu work, Hand SO cent bottlra for aale by C. Ilulibauer. Broad and .Market | A. Hchurr, BallevlUe ave, and Orlrnial m.l J. Iktiler, Orange at., comer Hueevllle avenue, and G. H. Canpliell. Mlllbum.__________________

Biouthe' Imprijonniciit In the Hutuc of Cor- reollon.

Then It trap epireil that the woman ha* a wealthy bnjlbcr In Hacrainento end another lutiueutlal brother In Now Y'ork. They promptly Inleriwded, had horpronuumwil iii- •eiiR, and the wae mnuved from prluon to tha Agnewi Atylutn. There ehe etrangelr eni'ounterad an acqiiaintanca of her girlhou.1, J. A. BtArdiley, who wae employed an an at- U-udant In the Itutltiition.

Now Beanieley nml Mrt. MillaKvane are both inleeing front the liatitutiou—one re- ■Igniiig hit poaiUoti and the other iW'apinK. tt trampTroK, too, that the woman lia» eecnred a dlvorue from her wx-oiul Im-baiid, a man named Event, whom the maiTicI In Man Fraiirlico. and that the la now the wtfe of J. Ucordtlcy. Their prew’iit whereaiiouu In unknown. J. A. Bmrdtlcy la iho »m of a fonuer New York banker. Hli mother now llvee In While Plalna N. Y.


A Xretlii* o f Haalnei* Hen In New York to Make Proleit.

A meeting to protNt agatnat the Incomo U i wai held under the auipicee of the Ituni- iiceii Men’* AMociatlon of Now York in ( 'ar- negie hall laat nlghk

The meeting waa called to oriler by Colonel W. L. Mtrong, who brielly Introduceil a* prealilent of the meeting Evan Ttaomaa, jimident of the Now "Vork I’roduco E i- chatige.

When the nentary came to the atgnen of the call be found the leak too much fur one evening'! work, and read at follow*: " ll«te Teacnting the Inatiranoe Intoreat, John A.

them, ' Whtj old man, 1 can make your hair turn gray; g.'UU to the Captam at f beatdee the offleera on tlie beat f "

‘ ‘ ■Yet, li aid that,” wae the reply. She alio admitted that the houaac were more down on them than Dr. I ’arkhurat waa down on the hciuaH.

Charlet Frlen, proprietor of a place In Bayard ttreeb Who the next witiintic ■aid that for nve year* and a half he {jald ♦t, 800 to the Tarione ward datecUvee who •oUacted the “ ■aaeamienti." He gave naiuia and datea and other detaj It. To Judge fruiu hii teatimouy thla bUckniall baa bwn re­duced to a etrictly buimen bail* in the Eleventh PrectncL the atatlou of which It in Eldlidge atreet A t flrat he had to [tay a Diontm but thle aum waa aooii increaaod to ISO. The bearing will be resumed on Hou- <laj. ^


Hatry Johnaon Telia Uuw He Deliberately Drowned Ilia Little Daughter.

The coDfeaaiou of a cowardly crime waa made yeaterday by Harry Jobnion, who for the flnt time told the atury of how he drowned hit little dangbter. He la In jail at Allentown, Fa., and baa been convicled of mi^rder in tt>e flrtt dagree. Hie application for a new trial wa* refuaed a abort time ago by the Supreme Court, and thl* took from the murderer'* heart the laat apark of hope. Johnaon It not over twenty-four yeara old, and arat formerly employeil In a livery iteble at Alleutow-n. Since he beard the Supreme Court’* doclalon the murderer baa been restless and *]> parently laboring under a great mental •train. Tbit waa noticed by the prison otH- ciaU, and on Sunday County Cninmiaeiouer Diehl visited Johnaon In ma call and sug- gnted that he ought to select a ipiritual ad- vitcr. Johnson then chose Hev, G. K. Gani- ner, who visited the prisoner on Monday and again Weduesday morning. Each time he

Johnson w*s overcome with enietiou and wept bitterly. He mode DO couff'sslon, however. Yesterday the burden on John- ton's mind siwmeil to lieeome heavier, and at the ei^i'ati<)u of Warden Dcshler, llev, O. W. Itirhar.ls was sent for, and to him he oonfesaeif

JohitSou asid that he had not Iwn living with bia young wife for a long lime. She insisted that he keep their flve-yeerH)ld daughter. He objected, but he did take her. On the evening of July 2.% liStS, the little girl lay curloit up nn the teat of a buggy In the livery stable where her father woraeii. The tot, whom no one seejnert to lee, was

■ sleeping peacefully. Johnson saw her and t|uletly hitched one of hla employer's horses to tbs buggy. His daughter was aroused, and he told her he would take her for a nice driVA Out of the city they went and Jobn- son turned up a road along the Lenlgb River, W hen he reached a lonely Sjmt, be says, bu picked up his ohlld by the wahst, and, without even kitting her good-by or hfaltnliiig a mo­ment, be threw her into the river. The lib tie one. he uya made no outcry when he threw her in, or when she touched the chilly water. She tank and did nut reappear. Johnson wheeled about and drove home, he layi, and when questioned about the child's whereabouG he gave conflicting stories that aflarword resulted in Ida conviction.


Pat to Flight .White Celebrating on a Let. I A n d H o m e I n j u r e d *

The sophomore class of Columbia College, Hew York, cwlubiwted last night their annual triumph over Legendre. After parading in Fifth and Madison avenues the studeuG went to the vacant lot at Bilty-elghth street and Avenue A and bnilt several large bon­fires. Five police uUiours wore present to too that order was maintained.

While the ftree were biasing the entire po- lioe reaerve of the East Biityweventh Street Station, numbering twenty-flve men and under the command of Sergeant Willium C. Kioe, swooped donn upon the celebrants.

I The lot is surrounded by a six-foot fencA and the police clnted the gate when they

i entered. Then there waa a rush for the fences. The boys say the police used their clubs nnd beat many of the students.

The police made no arrostA and five minutes after they bad entered the lot the whole crowd of boy* bad dlsapitoared over the fence*. Soon after the studenta went to Uie police station and made complaint to Sergmnt Hussey, Some of them were bleraing about the bead and hand. and oue had a bad cut on the wrist. These wounds, they ilald, had been inflicted by the police. J. C. Valentino was so weak that ha could not stand, and had to be carried to a cab by his oompaDlODs and taken to nls home. After the first delegation of stwlonG had left ^ station others appeared, also out and

I bnilsedY and made similar charges.^rgeant Rloe denied, that hts men used

clubs. He said that oomplalutsi bad been made at tbo station by citiiens that the boys

I wore making too much noise. When the?»llce appeared the boys sr^tttered and ran,

he boys' inJurleA the Sergeant stated, were I no doubt received when they Jumped over I the feocec.

A U E B IC A N g IN D A N G E H .

I Coreaos Send a Message of Warning to This Govemmsnt.

The Corean liegatlfm in Washington re- I celved a cablegram yesterday from the King'! I Palace at Seoul, Corea, ttating that the i rebels bad gained posseesion of Chunlato, the I Boutfaem luid chief of the eight provluces of I Uie kingdom, that the tires of all foreigners I were in danger, and that the presence of a I United Statw war ship at Chemulpo without I delay to protaot Americans waa urgently rs- I quested,I The officials of the Legation immediately I p rin ted the facts to Secretary Gresham I manner impreteed him■ mtb the Importance of prompt action. I They cxplaJuM that there ware betwosu 300 land «U Americans in the four prlnolual I citltt of Corea and that ^ e revolution was I really directed agalnsp-them.I „ J**® <» “ dw at Nagasaki, Japan,I Sbo oontd -reachChomtllpo within forty-elght I hours after agddrs were IssuaT to h»t ft 'ig■ understood that orders dlreotliig the I more to prpOM^to “ “ t sg>rt hjvk t

las soon gif'» laotlon.

McTall and a hundred others; representing the savings bankA John P. Townsend, presr (lent I l f t h e Bowery Savings Bank, ami llt- t r e i i others; r e u i w s e u l i u g trust c o t n p a i i i e A F. T. Ulcott, president of the Central Trust l'om|iany, and fifteen others; represeiitiiig tijg drygoods Interest, the firm of Catliii & I 'A and bs) others; reiwesnutlng the jewelry Industry, the firm of Luilwig, Nesseu & Co.Slid twtuCy others; repreeaottug general cummerclal IntersslA K. M. Galloway and fifty others; reprceenting the gris'ers, F. Ft.


lA Fe«aliBt tlomiuiee W^lch Cornea from the foollla Coftat*

A itrange romoupe cornea from ihe j Aaylmn in Afinawa, CnJ. NMLrly h je «r ^ I % bright appearing young woman, who gave Iher name aa Un. Erelyn Leonoro i^ lo t l3IUla Evana, w m arreted in San FraodKo |for /dwindling fashionable boarding-houiee |mid a maid abd nuiKa, who had tirmted her*

twice taken before tbo Board of and pronounce ittio, A PoHoe,

ate than pronoanoed bei gnilty of tha ohargCfl, and aentonired uaar to giz]

Tburbt r and others: rcprwutitlng the clothing trader J^gan, Fhat h Cu. and df- teen otuent.’*

Mr. Thomaa then, in a brief but vary Rtrong spoilt that be luppoeed he haU iKien Rclcctocina preeidenhof the evening be- rauie be reprewuted Ub) stroiigiwt oumniur- clal body not oulj in tho UnitM BUtee but in the world, whote membera did Ust year n busitinaa at Ont band of l444i,OUO,(XX>.

Mr. Mi*Oall steppad fc4^n i and read a letter from Henator Hill, chanicterbriiig the inaoine tax as sodtallstic lu iuoepti'>u, un* Amerioan in theory, and unjust buca\uk> it in unnc(^«iarT!” aud l^rofldeiit Tbonia t intro* duoed the drat regular apeaker of the even* ing, ^fiuon Hterne, attomey*at*laWs Mr. Nterna said that aeveiity per cent of this proponed income tax would be paid by the iteonJo between the Alloghuny MouDtaiDM and the ol'iuq, the northern lino uf Virginia and the weetem line of Maine. Thus it La aimed directly At- this ttectioQ (A the country, which spent thouaandii of lives and thousands of mlUJona of ireoaurc to pro* eerre this Union.

The nest speaker waa Louis Winduinller, repreaeutative of the cominiaaiou busineea lutereeti, who aaid that unlesa buunodn ro* vires pretty auou there will be few people lia* ble to that tax.

Becrutary O’Dwyer Uftod to the presi­dent’s table a bundle of telegraQU. The sec­retary stated tiiat they worn telegrams from every city in the Uiiited Btatea every sav- iDgsbank in the Htate of Z ew York, every manufacturing latereat In the couutrj. ap­proving the protest of the New York buai- uesi men against the income tax. They munberod more than OOb.

President Thomoa then Introduced tbe third speaker, Frofesur Cartion T. Lewis, representing tbe life Inauranoe comiiauiea. Professor Lewis made a strong iudictment agattist ihe Income tax* os it would affect the intoreets be reprwented. Other speakers were John P, Townsend, reprcMintatlve of savings banks; Fred Tavlor, of banking ami brokerage interest*; Khjnh R, KennsHiy, of itre insurance intor^ts, and U* Waldo Kiiuth, of the grocers.

S T Y f j l iS O F 8 T A T I O N K U Y .

The spring stales La Ktatiuuery for women varjMio far as the eolur Is coneemerl. from VoDeilflA blue to a new shade called Prince of Walewi gray.

White, while always in good taste, eay* the world, in out of date with flti <ie siecle woiikcii.

it Is equally important that the paper aud envelope Hhould be of the correct Ize. The Latest style demands a sheet right inches by six, and au envelope six and one-fourth inches by four and oue>fourth,

Thu very Latest thing ts the IMnce of Wales gray. To lie genuine, when held to tho ligbl, tho watermark, the Prince of Wale^'e plumuH, must show. Otherwise It is a baee iiullatton. Thla new shade reMmbles nothing so much tn color as a mustard plaster—but let that pass.

Another shade is called new blue, or Vene- tlan blue; iben there are primrose-yellow and peachblow’ plnk, both very pretty to look at niid equally stylish.

Ragged edges Are positively vulgar, while paper with lines In It is In the very worse ta%te. The paper called French quaclrUle, but better known us the paper with lines running b«)th ways, is always a standard of fashion*

Rough paper la very fashlonublo and quite the proper thing, although the satin ftnieh is nnich n*ed. Long eoveloj>es are now the cor­rect thing. TIjs square ones ore no longer fashionable.

The next Important (hing Is tho seali ng-wax. There nre shade* to mutch every Khodo of paper- Then, with very dark paper, white ink 1* used, and by way of an agreeable Gontra.st, purple Is very much liked.

A lierman custom, which has lately become vary popular here, 1* anuuundng the arrival of a baby in tbe family. There is appro­priate and dainty Blatlouery for tbe purpose, llUlo cards of pur© while, which fold In an envelope four and a quarter inches luug by nne and a half inches wide.

PEltSONALaMtAM Lill i F inzei.bxku, the eoulptor, of

Berlin, hoe gone cm a visit to the (k)uut and Couulcas Herbert lilsinar<!k. Kho intoads to model a bust of the ( ’ountess.

B. L. Far.ikOxN, the English noveltst, will shortly publlsik in Londtm some of the literary work of bis thirtoeu-your-old daughter, NeU lie. The yotmg Miss ts said to have remarka­ble lalem.

Mur. VAsne is busily etuptged upon a biogra­phy of the lute Senator, which Is to l>e pro­fusely IHustrated. The frontispiece will be a portrait of the late Senator V'ance, taken from the large painting of him that hangs In the front parlor of the Tance house in Wfuthiog- tOQ.

Mkr. CLkVBLAgD never wears a glove on her right hand at White House receptions, as her eitwrie&oe during b«r Arst occupancy of the Executive Mansion taught her that by so do­ing she avoided the Intense pain that Invaria­bly follow* a groat amount of band-shaking when ihe glove la kept on. ' f

FHorKflSOH Zakbaiujv, of Moscow, tho Qaar’s

Khyslclan, is said lo be very occentric. When e i* called to attend a patient all dogs must

lie kept out of the way, all clocks stopp^, and all the doors must be thrown wide open. He Insists ou perfect silence tu the sick room, except when his questions are answered, and then only yea *’ attd ** nay ’♦ Is allowed, Hia creeDtridties, however, oeoso at the bedside of his patient, where he U courteoua and- cou- siderate.


The Washing of the Feet

gets to be a weighty matter,

in these days

when colored > stock­

ings w ill J Pearline

\f,v j .


K e g e r O t H t u u r H l g i u i W i t h t h e Hi. I s o u t s T e a m — N e w s o l t b e H o e e t r a f k i — C l e v e ­

l a n d s l u l ^ l o y i b e I r o n o i d e o ,

A deal was completed yeaterday by which Roger Connor will, after to-day, wear the suit of the Ht. Louis Browns ami do his lunt to defeat his o]||} rlubmatei on the New York team. To-day he will |>Uy ogfUn*t the New Yorks. Connor sold yeeterday:

“ Now tliat 1 am aw*y f rmn tbe New York Club I want to iDoka a itatemeot of mv mm*. Mr. Talcotl has always treated me whib«, and Id this deal with St. Ix>uls he aclod like a man. When IVanl laid me off m Hronk- Ivii Mr. Talcott told iim» uot t<» worry, that I was to look to hliu alone for anything, un<\ tluit I couhl renmin with tho Nuw York t 'lub fur liftUuii''J of the bcavm, drawing my salary If 1 didn’t jday another gam v Mr. Talc ott also assured nm that If any club wanted my oervicea and wa* willing to nay me os much nr more immev Uian I liave Xmvu CiJlttug fpun U » New York Club I could Fmve utv leJeaHc."

The Kew ’orks fell iu tbe U'uguc ro<>e ; yestenUy, being liouten by 8t. Louis, siul ; were i«iMe<l by the Hrooklytis, who whiu*- : waNh»'l tfm CliicAgoe. The i 'levelaiidi liave regaiuetl tlm top notch. They simply jum|K»J ou (he Boston* yesterilay, aiid moved abi>ad o( tlie FUbtburgn, who were walloped by the Washingtons, i^hilodelphla w’on a gaimi from Isouisvillo by scormg seven runs in tlm twelfth inning. Baltimure Iwreljjiulled out a victory from tho Ciucinuatla. The reeuiu

Sf. Isotdi 5, New York 1.Brooklyn A, f'hic'OgoO.Clevclaml IkMton H.Philadelphia tO, Louisville 3.BaltimoreCmclunatl K,Washlugtoa lUf Pittsburg 5,

TKkKKCOHU.ClnbOs Waa, Lost.

C^evidand...................................................ttPlUsburg............. itt IIIBalilmure................ 13 apniUdetphla.......................... ,.lfl MlloMou............................ IkBmoklyD................... Id jliNew York.................................Id ITHt.ljouls................................... W lanudiinali................ 11 13Umlnvllie........................... ?.,..IU WCldcago............................ ..’ -..Ih \iiWsihlngtou.............. 7 Si

The mauageineot tbe Yale Hose Ball AsikH’iAtinn has betm making great prciiani* tluiis for the Hirvard-lMnt^ton game, which is to bo olayeil ou Y’ale Acid tbi* after­noon. Extra tleacberioe have boon en 'ted, anil the seating capacity of the atand* iii- crcBMd to 4,(i(XJ. It Is expected that 10.UJO person* will set® tho nme. Word luis U«en re(>oiv{Kl that LOUU ^iooeton And Harvard stuileuts will a<'(‘ompany their resfiectlve team*, Each team has won a gome, and to- day'i contest will be for blood.

With the Uaoe HersM.There was exciting racing at Morria Fork

yesterday. Tbo favorites maboged to Und first money In most of the eveuts. Tbe rai'Ci were won oa follows;

Klr«t Race—Five furlongs; Our Jock woo, Fondotlue second, Disturbance third; Cliuo, n.i’jfiy. Betting—Agaitut Our Jock 2}%' to 1, Foiidoltue 6 tnl, Dliturbaoce 10 to 1.

Hecond Itace—Five furlongs; California won. Flush ■eci)Dd, Monotony third; time, 1.01%. Betting—nosh 3 to L California aud Monotony each 10 to 1.

Third Bat^Oue mile and a furlong; t*leleua D. won, Ornua se<'ond, Deorge Bei'k third; time, B’etUng—Against U^rgeBeck even money, t^elena D. e to 5w Oriius UtoL

Fourth Race—One mile and a sixteenth; Dobbins won, Aurellan second, Kubiouu third; time, Betting—Five to 3 onDobbins, ogainit Aurellon b to L Rubicon b tel.

Hflb Race—Five furloggs; C’Minoisaaur won, Appluuse second, FoliuBn third; Uiims LUI4 . Betting—/Vninst Applause even money, Connoisseur ‘I to L Paladin 5 to I.

Sixth Race—Oue mile; TomBkldmorewoo, Haimnie se<®ond, Kpeculatfoa thii’d; time, 1.41H. Betting—Agftilist Tom Skidmore B to A, Kpcculatlou 3%' to 1, Hammie 4 to L

Tho MetmpolUan Haadica[>, one of tbe bigiipwt events of the year, is to be deciiled at Uorri* Park to-day, with Dr. Hioe, the win­ner of the Brooklyn Handicap; Kam&jio, Don Alonso, Henry of Navarre, ni>ort, Bauetlaw, Roche and other horses of merit among the Starters.

There waa only one favorite to win at Hawthorue track. Chicago, yesterday. The results of the events arc given:

First Race—One-half mile; Montro won, Red To|> second, LlexieN. third; time, 0,.')05i.

Hcoond Race—Three-quarters of a mile; Pop Grey w*»n WilJiaiii T. second. La Juivo third; time, l.lb^.

Third Hooe-»0ne and nbe-sixteenth miles; D(®*|x>t won. St. Pat second; time,

Fourth Race—Thret-fourtlu of a luilo; Alice D. won, BunueH's Billet second, Walsey third; time, 1.17, .

Fifth llac‘0-Ttiree-fourths of a mile; 'WightiitAD woD, Jack Richelieu second, Gold Dufit third; time, l.ld,

Sixth Kaco—One mile and seventy yards; Gazette won, Tetnplemore second, IjthbiTt third; time, L>Sli.

At 8t. Louis yesterday the races wore won as follows:

Kiiitt itoce—Nine sixtaenths of a mile; Hwifty won, Toctmey Hwoad, Night Shade third; time,

Heooud liace—Uue mile; Rover won. Bare­foot second, liookport tlilni; time, 1.44,* .

Third Race—Niiie-*ixU»entha of a mile; Momus won, Queen Fauslux seconii Nectar third; time.

Fourth flace—Onf‘ inilo; Sir Walter Raleigh won, Theodore H. bacond, MoUie B, third; time, 1.44.

Fifth Hace-Gne mile; Despair won, Sen­ator Irby second EIUtoii third; timi^ L4'i.

Sixth Race—One and one-half miles; Tip W'on, My Partner necoud. Saddlebag third; time,

The Cteveiands to IMay the Ironsides.At the Hhooting Park grounds to-morrow

afternoon the Ironnld^ w ill play the Clevfr' land National L*ugtiH Club team, with Tel)cau on first, Childs on second and “ Buck ” Ewlhg ill right field. Following is the batting ord-r:

Ironside—hothftiss, catcher; Miller, pitch­er; Hothfuss. first base; Uothfusa, second base; Leouahl, third l^ e . Mills, shortstop; Welsbfrcker, left field; Dietrich, centre field; Kruge, ri((ht field.

Clevtiinnd—Zimmer,calchur; Young, pitch­er; Tobeau, first bn-e; Child, secH>qd doso; Virtue, third Imse; McKean, shortstop; O’Connor, loft field; Quppy, centre field; Ewing, right field.

This aftenuHJti the Orange Athletic Club nnrl the strong New Jersey Athletic Club base ball teaisii will ulay" on the Orange Oval. The game scheiluled was with Priueeteu Uiuversiiy. but the defeat of Princeton by Harvnnl on Decoration Day necessiteUHi those te&ms playing off the Ue on ■Saturday,

H'hh (he Bleyolen.A. H. Barnett, the winner of the Irvlng-

ton-Mlllburn road race 011 Decoration Day, began trainlug early in tha season. Every clear day he wim uii tbe hlUa between .^h- wuy and Westfield, rJ<llng at racing speed. That was in tiiu afternoon. In tlie morning he rode uu Wcstfield avenue with a poce- aiakor, and would scorch lietwcon Westfield and KUsabetli with railroad traliui. Barnett Is the rider who nearly every morning elec­trified iiossfugiT* on some of the local trains by idding a* fast as the train travelled, and many u time have the possengei'a put their beads out of the car windows to sbout word* of eucourageiuBut to tbo plucky boy who had the touiority to pit bis speed against that of a locomotive.

Chalri]ian Harmond, of the L, A. W. Rac­ing iioani, will soon throw a bomb into tbe racing curnp. The small uuiuber of entries; in clotii IJ events on Decoration Day have heon cloiiely observeil, atid Chairman Kay- ijjond Is the authority for the statement that over llXi men who entered in clou A will be thrawuiuto class B within a week. Mr. Raymond says tbe men will be suspended for thirty days pending invefttigatlon into their amateur statu*. Meanwhile they will have another chance of riding in cIoh B.

Mooney Wins in Irt lantU John J. Mooney, Xavier A. A., whoM de­

parture for Ireland was announced some weeks ago, signalised his reappearance lu old country athletics in a highly sensational

CuUeee,mes on May ll>. The primary oojeeb of

tietworn liiUy Huber and Alike NmItU fo ra pnrae of Uku at th»' an­nual |)k'uli' uf t!i<' A i|>Iik> Athletic tiiM), at Gii* Oi'rtel’s I'lueidx Pork, oa Wwlm^day night, Juiu'

--------- • - — ...WAVS «U TMtKUVti.

raijeckloci p(,;at But iulta r the worlii put vour tisnd

shed theirdoes idiis wosk h ’snof o fitf ‘thordtigray'efifective, but it’s health'v.

Doctors recfKiJftiend Pearl-' ine as a soak for rheumatism. Try it in the bath. It will give you a nevL Idea of cleanliness. Bathing with Pearline is ^rfect luxury,

"(hliitSiffondM” or*'i■asi at pMiiifie.*' IT'S

l i S i g O n d FALSE-

_ *ih#SE—Pearlint is

manuer at the famous Queen’s Cullen Cork, pmua on May ll(. 1 he pnmary object of bia exenraioD wax a tboroUKb oourse of train­ing fur tbo all-round chunplontblp of Amer- lea, whicU will bo dooidodat Borgeu Point, N, J., ou July 4. lucidoutally, Uuuuey tbought it odylaaule to try bitntelf out agaiiut Ireland’s best, and iLe miilta (ar exceed tbe hope* of his most sunguliio admirers. Tbe Xavier man's flnit effort, n o in tbo broad

Jump against ^ve oppouenli, including T. ’. Klely, CorricIc-un-Sulr, the aU-ruund

champiou of Ireland. Uoyuey won at tbe creditable disv -'j ot twentJf.wtMraot one ■ltd olie-bair Itichea. Mi* UMtaffart. WM In tbe 100-yatd'Bcriftoh ‘ ran' for tho champlon- sbip of tbe proriiico of Muuater. Six soutb- mt cracks wont to tho mark, but none of tbem could esteiid tho Xavier man, who won rasily by two yanla from T. E. .VV'ood, En- ct.skesn,. iu sotwnds. The same pair had tbe flulth of the 120-yard hurdle handi­cap betweeif them.

Various flportlu* Notes.IVed Hooy aud Edgar G. Murphy, the

well-known wing ahots, have been matched to ihoot at 100 birds, thirty yards risu, fiftjr vardt noundary, for tl,(w0 a tide, at the Westinlnlatar kennel CIntfs grounda at Bahytou, during the second week iu June. E. H. Buckley, the well-known clubman, ar­ranged the matcli end has taken tbo Hoev end of the bet.

Newark Htars will oroea hate *wlth the crack Active A. C. to-morrow afim'uoon at Korliier's Mark, South Orange avenae and Grove street.

A roUer skating match hat bees aminged

HaUlti Af the lieu* aii<l <’li(ck^—How to T r e a t T U e i i u

Krom St. .Nicholas.Pew reader* o f .s't, A’irkolu* have known

the anxieties and dallghta o f rsitliMi turkeyt. 1 should like to tell them some o f my experiences.

In April your turkey-hens will not stsy together, as they liave done all the win­ter, hut each teemi to linve a separate teoret, and you will often moet one in the moat uucx^ctcd [duces, far away fkori} the houie. Then the drccitfut old lurkuy- bi’u will try to look so uiioonrelouil liha Just goca on nlucklng at thn graae and weed*, slowly turning llrat one way and then another to no aintleas fashion; and when she la sure you arc watch- lug her, she will lead you hack and torth, around nnd around, aonielime* for

■ half a mile. Yet -wuiild yon licllcve ItT— '< right here, near by, along thn l.Tice In a ! clump of grass, or under sonic dried bush, , or perhops In tbo iiiiddle oflbepaar- I orchard, with never a thliic to mark the I spot, or In a tai.glu of blnekberry-busbes ; In the old grnvi-y.ird, on the cool moist I earth la a nest of s caret Do not forInlhe instl Younius'. lake thosn egg* ogt with a fn-sh, clean spoon turkeys are “ mighty partlc’lar,” us the colored peo­ple say; but If you don’t tnke tliem tha crow* or the ictlcr dog will, Yon must leave her s “ nest-egg,^' o f emirsc, and above all thing* the lien must not acc you do this; tor you and iho aro playing at iiide-and-acek.

Boniedayyon will find her sitting on the nost, crouched down close to tlie ground, with u scared look in her pretty

, brown eyes. Don't aay a word; trip I nolaeleasl) away, and late tint evening give her back llioae speckled eggs, slln- plng them under her with your hand, She will pluck you, but do not mind that;

i you and she will be friends some day.Once I made a turkey ait in a hcnhouia

: where there was many a rat-hole, Bhe had been on the eggs four week a when little turkey voices were heard beneath her, and lilllo turkey heads peep. d out from nmoiig her brenst foHlhcrs. When I took her u|i by both wlngi such plucking aud picking and scratching as she did I 1 looked, mid behold I not a turkey eliick was there.

The little things Just out o f tho shell, obeying the wild inetiuclof their nature, had "scooted"" in the twinkling o f an eye, leaving a nest of empty sbclla. I nunled all over the henhouse, but no sight or sound of them could be heard, but, as I turned away, I heard the old hen calling soUty; then, more eurtly still, came the answers, and from rat holes, from wisps of scattered straw, from chips, front cracks and from ournera the little ones came creeping back lo the nest I caught them, though, after all, and did ae an old woman told me. With niy linJfer nail J aoralched off the little " p ip " at the end of each liny bill, alid, holding the little turkey tlrnily and placing a hnger in the bill lo keep it open, I crammed the little pip—which looks likes piece o f meal husk—and a whole grain oi black pepper down each little throat. The black pepper makes them warm. Then the young turkeys arc treat­ed to a dab o f salt grease and snuff, mixed together In a brown paste, Aral on tbe top o f each head, and then under each little throat Their food is now to be wet corn- meal and chopped garlic os onion tops, with an occasional seasoning o f black pepper on dump days. How those litUe turkeys like onion topsl They actually squeal with delight when they iiiiefi them. What luttliiig when two or three are hanging on tu the same piece! What funny little things they are 1—so weak m their legs, so easily upset, yet so strung iu their hills. You c.iit lilt a little turkey off tbe ground with an oiiloii top, if ho once gets a firm bold.

Ihe Hmiiaii Electrical forces!H ow They Control the O rgan s

o f the B ody .

Th« alMtrlTAl force of Ihe human hnrly, oi Ihe nerve fluid may Int teruivda h au c^pe- oiaUjaitractiTBdepartmpnt o! Bcience, a^lt exerte BO marked an IrfiuPTice on (he health of the ortfftna of tlio body. NvrvB force I* produced by tbo brain and roiivf-yt'tl l.y Tneaneof thpnvrvoB to the various oriruri of tJie tHxly. tliUBAUppiyluff the latter wUb the vitality necrasary toln- ■mre tholr health.. Tho pneumoqastrlc nerve, ns ahotrn here, may bo aald to bo the most imixiriuiit of tbe entire nervo Biy*- tem, OH It Bupplles tJm

bowels, ete-t with tho

Serve force neoeit^ary to eep them artive and

healthy. ABWIlit)e eoon by the cut tbe long nervo dciKieudlnz from th o base of the brain and terminating 1q the bow- eh Is the pueuinogastHc, while the Dumeroiu llt-j. tit branches eupnly thefi ban . tunfts aud etom-U acn with uoreKsary vL l tallty. When the brain I becomes In any itay ordered by Irr lt^ lilty l orexhau-atloQ, the nurvti 1 force which It supplies 'Isleaaoned. and thu or­gans receiving tiio di- niliilshod supply aro cod- eequeully ^eakoi

FoodFor The

SickDr. & Mr*. J. K, L 0 9 EE,

Uppar Rad Hook, N. Y .T H t i e i t x M i * i i i M a -

“ My husband has deputet me to convey to you his opin­ion of Bovinine, which I do with pleasure, as I cannot say too much in its praise.

I commenced taking

BOVININEThe Original Raw Food

when I could take no other food. I lived on it exclusively for three weeks. I know of uo other food so nutritious aud yet so light a tax ou the digestive organs. My husband uses it in hi.s practice, and cordially endorses all I say in its favor.” Mrs. J. E. L oseE.

k ld at all dnigglBtj.T H E B O V IN IN E C O ., N E W Y O R K .

A Popular Loan.$150,OOOSEWER BONDS

—■or THX —




Rabbit’* j^oap...............HatInfBcMA ..... ......Froiik Htddal'* fkMp.............(terruan 8uap......................KirkmauV HiiraxIvory McNip............ .........Crram tloap.........................8, rtcheurr'* Big Four Reap...Bllwartl rkiap......................DtibhIn'* Koap......................Water Uly fttmp,................Octajpm Soap.....................Hot Sfuip (Mi-lb. btixl..... .luiporfad F«*lil« SiNip.........K«| HfKia fiW-lh. bull,.............Htarrh |lll-lh. ImxK...............Suruh (3-lh. boicft ..............

,,M.OU p«r bo* ,, 4.13 par bo* , 1.75|>erboa ,, 8,fiOp«rb»z . 4.90 par bo* . 4.40 par bo* . B.Mparbo*

4.95 par hu* . 9.95 per bo* , 5.00 per box , 4.00 per box , 4>OOperbnx , fi.eo per box , IHe, per lb., * 93r. ]ier bi»« . l.ffO per box

14e* t>er box

S, S C H R &736 Broad Street,

Cor. Oimuirrcr.Branch Bture-^H frrry btreet^oor. Caloas

llANGK, while au lutoriMirated dty« r*- laitiM many of the fraturt‘* of a town or

viHagr. hiui an area of about «quaiv mllr* aid (■ altuhled WtwreD (hr Tuwti*hltM of ICoid Orann^ aud Orange, K*m<x County, NewJeroey. within fiU mluute* <13 imh-iii frutii New Vurk tlty and iin nilnuie* iH mli««) from Newark, with which It la cutmticted by at.paju and ulectrlo rallruodE. Au elri'irlr ri>M, a1*o, runathrough It from norili ut Mmth ifivliigfrequent and eauyoct^aa to all the eelghhor- iDtf towDahiM. There le no suburb of New Vurk City which offera more aliractlone forprupdMil rratdeuta, ooekiuk: healthful Jiojura. NO INCHFAHE OK POPCLATION W ILL NEC’KSSITATE A N Y FCHTJIKIi LAtt»iK (il TLAY OF MONEY FOR THK FI HLRl ( *UM FORT* 01 Oranga li now t he uw iier of all the Ini'ldenta o f a large cliy* namely: Com- pleio Mvrera »m l dralDv. abumiaui water HUpply, rffluleiit iKillce ami fire driurtmenu, ami'lp publU* HchtHjl facllit Ice, poor farm and building*, principal xtrreta macadauilxed and llghfnl with rlecfrlolty threughoat.

Thl.’ <’Uy of Orange ottere to all iwreon* who havu money to loan In adnie nf $BNJur muMl-le* thereof, its bomle aggregaling |l!kJ.BUii eariug iutervM at thtf rate of 4^ per rent, per

iUibUiu, jmyahle |eml>atmualJy, exteiidltig<iver ii tierlLNl nf from ten to twenty year*, from ,lime L IkM. and matnrlng bn fuilow* ; ^.IXUoachlu llNtM; liaOUU In lOm-7 ; IIVMJ in IWH 0 ; $JU,UiKl iu Itfl^ll and |b|H-i4.ThtHie butul* are i^ued under authority of

iature of the Hliite of New IMP and IHm, and are exemptPUirV A U1T ,. v ' aJersey, poFw ___ _ _

from taxation. THEY ARK SKcniEU ItV A ]»LKDOE OF THE PROPEKTV ANU ('REIi- IT OFTHE tJlTV,and the iMVeral iustalments liHthey lOHlure and become due are to be ral»ed by direct taxation in cacti year.

Tho bund* will be lithographed in lxx)k form with coupons altachcd and tran*ferub|o hy tlcilvery, ur regiDtered an the holder may <U‘slriMmo M.n principal and Interest Is )uky> able at the Orange Vathmal Hank.

It will be sei‘11 that they alToM A M(WT _ HlltABLKSECrUITY TO SMALL AH W * L■hfi:

11 Ih-ASLAKOt: INVESTORS, that they can ... readily negotiated al any time and will prob> ably Mimi coniiuaiid a prenilutn.

Hpei-ml atlutiUon Is called to the follnwlng otflclal exhibit of the F iN A N tlA H 'O N j> l- TiON oftbe I'ky of Orange on March L IHM. hONDEl) INDEltTEUNESS ex-

cUtwlve uf Water and HewerIH-ht. ............................ $tT2,A])(D

Water (Helf>s(ipportlngi....... 3*HMJn) <niSc’wer Debt...................................... m.UU) (V

Total Bonded ludebteduesa... |l,U2ti,tUU UO Airalurtt wUioh there i* in the

Hiitkliig Fund iu CoNh and Bonds Hjiplluihle In the n.‘deuiption oftliiH jrideliledneM......................... 66,441 68

Esilinale* amount to be re<’e1ved V. It bin the next two years from ofMcsHmcnts fur sc Wers.......... .. ^.ono 00

eequeully ^eakonod.FbysfciaQA generally fall to i^cognlxo.

the Imporianee of thiH fact, hiU treat theo^an i teclf I nstoad of thn cuu.sn uf t liu ( rimblo Thejioted specialist, Fnuiklln Milcfl, M. IK,L L B.. hasRm m the greater part of his lifea-aL_ . - . . . 1 .

_ ---------------j g ____Dr. Miles' Restorailre Ncrvltic. ihe unrN

grcj---totho'study of thJHauliject, ainl the nrlDflpal discoveries concerning it are due to hU offnrt' .

valed brain and nervo food, iKprepumdon thoSrtedple that all nervous tirid many other

Bnouitlea orlqlnnto from disorders of the nervecenters. Its wonderful su'TPi'lnCiirinq thesedUorderp la tesrltiud toby imnisiincl.s lu every partof the land.

He«)toratlre Nervine curc slepplp*sr e*l nervousprosirntlnn. dlzidiu'fi*, hvsierla. Jiiddeblmy! Bt. Vitus dune-', i pilcpsy. etc. It la frw from opiates or daiigcron-' drug*. It Issoldonapo^lHvc jfunrniiti'c by all drug- glste. or sent direct by the Pr. Mlh‘?i Medical Co., Elkhart. Itid., uii receipt of prl-'o. itl per DutUfia olx boUJiw forgo, expreaa prepaid

Ijeaviiig a Net Bonded Indebt*cdm-Ktt to the (bty o f............. gl.049sl»H 47

KEHOL UCEH OF THE CITX OF OUANHE. Taxed and rwHeumeuts due

ainl unpaid first Uene upim prrjperty uponwhich IcviRd................. 1117,173 7«

VALUE DF (MTV PROPERTY, fttorm Water aud Sower

Plant............................. HH7 000Water HyMtem (lnulu<ling

rc*«'rvo!r, c*]>ac'lty ISTlv u(u,<lii) gallons, reservoir iMiiul aud tiaturnl springs Lir future KUpply...........

liOUUUfor future hUpply........... HOO fiflO

Scliotil RulldliigHiK)........''(Kir Farm (Slf oeresi ana

T h eODES., y(t>RCCIfji

SiT h e G re a tH e a lt l iD r in kBaffii ture uml reliable. Aluayn on time. Aptciu<ureuududellgLil. Cotu- fortable, enjoyable.

H IR ES’R ootbeer

A 230, p k f . m o k e s B golloDO M d e v e r y w h e r e ,te. iiaap at beMil/ui plcuie etrli book.

T h « r b a o . E . H i r e s C e . ^ P h i i a d r l p h i a .

HTS CURED(FVom U. F. Joitrnal o/ Mftiicirte.)

P»f.W.U,Peckp,wlio niftke® o rpeclfilty of Kplleppy, hoi wUhnul doubt ircaied and cured more ca*ci than any living Physiclsu ; Ills aiiccers Is Mlouisliiiis- Wo havehwnlof cojes orsoyears’itsrding cured by him, lie pabllibosavalnable work n\\ tliU riiacsse which he lesds with B largo bottle of his absoluU! cure, free to ifiy luffererivUo may scud their P.0, nuil Exprcfsad- drest. Wo odvlac anyone wlsbitig a c« re to athlrcss, Prof. W, U. PRKKH. F. 0., * Cedar Pt., New Yurk,

BtilldiiigH...................... M (XK)Fire and I'lilloe Rulldtlugs

uudutUer proiMirty..,.*. 80 000---------- LWBfi ni)

Total rviourcea.......................|2,(iliiuva TU'I'he IKij.ulutluu uf tbe City Is estimated al

The nfiscMcd value of alt pmpcriy for taire fur the year IKU.1 WR4 IT.UTd.UUO, ami there hna Ikjvu for hcveral Vicars AN AVKRa i iK I.S- I'RKASK ANNUALLY OF ISIMWO, and tu tho vurlv futuru with uur cumpleled Hcwcr Kj*lvm III full operation, valttalluEiN fur (ax luirposcH moile with the aid of the Hlin'k Matm 'VkiU Ije Htlllmori' largely added to.

The Hale uf tiivno Iniuds under the rtlroclloii. of the CoUector uf Taxenof the rity of Or­ange will begin oil MONDAY, dl'NlC 4. I H. IN Ilirt OFFIIIE, ARMORY RlTLDINtL WILLIAM HTUKKT. OHANtiK, NEW .IKIl- HKV, AT hi A. M.. uf that day, and oomluiiv from day to day, HaiurdayE and Sun- davB uxenpted, from that hour niiUl

P. M. of each day until sold, riubsorlptlous can Iw mode personally ur by U'ttur. ami muft Iw arcujupanied hj adr]Rjiiitof money i>r oertlfied check for Ih IMT CHUI. of the par value of the Bond*, and must sjieclfy the Bonds desired by year* of maturity, which will be roglsteroa lu tlie urdtir ill whloh they are received and I'ertilL niluH isHUed immediately therefor euUtIlug iJio holder to the amount of the Ikindn Huh-HCTllM'd 'ON OU ... ____ ___________ ..........inm. Nu aiibxcrlption for lea* lhau par nnd accrued lutereu for ibe bonda will lie tNuidiiL nml, and the Committee on Fluaucr of ihw Common ruducll reaerve* the right lo rvivet ttuyandaiUubscrlptlona that may seem W l to rlimii for the Interest of the City.


llFLLF .V J l.lsK T O W N M lI ir N O T tC I^

aAl.K « 'F HBAJ. r..*4TATK KuH ItaxM lo the townahtp e f Helifvllle far the

ira r inwili hereby ihalbyTlrlntof a warrant

iMuoU In^i'eiiry M. l Ddenuard. Jeoim t . Meyioa. It iey JockSi'D. <.4*org« W- Wmuuiaea aid Jotm I'roiil, Ike 'i owabhlp C«ni mlkire of Ih* tom aship of Brllwllle, In ii<« vuuaty of k-awi, lu iiukk« ib « uo- pald uaMBa*Haed op )a»dii, UUMintnU, bernllia- Di*aMand real MLaia lu lb* lehi uiwii'itMp n>r Ui« >«ikr IWi, lh« BUtwrnbvr, t>4Uul*jref laxe* funha laid tiiwaaljlp. lo wbnm (ht aoltJ aarraiil la dirKLtd. will, eu MeuUay.tli* tteaty-itfin day <jf Junei>aat.ai th« hour of )0 e'oiork a . m . . « i hia ufnKV. Ptu. tu Slalii s(r«rt, lu aakl lowaatilp, i« ll tbs lamia, (tiiameiiLo. bertdliauwnta anil rvoi e*(ata hereunder ileaeiihed public vanduater Ihe ahorlesi term, dm (hirly yvarA f-jrwiilrb nay p«re**ii «r per«Mi* whi oerea le the oameaml iiay >uch laxws willi Intenai (harro’ia t tea rate o f arvta par canlum, iruin Ilia Lwanttelk day uf i I'Uibar, A. li. IDVZ, (ugetfifrwUh iJi taea e(iHrtaaaud axpaaaaaNo, Tax |)ua.

iH JCat o f (t'm, V . rarve,M oevaa. laudaud bouse, a uf CniioJ I'liv tr J akai f iw M

N Eat Wm. M. FuiCt, \ ocra Iwnd.fbr'matiy Uanan'a ihllvar lake) i m

John Idai^d, II luu w I Mriahtoiihvf. j: soIM Julm Jiiand, II lotaa a firtfiitiiD ava... 17 71ItT John BlMiid. Hiuia w a liarrhuin M u Tl14U Uariarat DleU. loiNo. 10ea lliirrlHiin

•I M141 Cateoriua WbLit, iui h'u. II a ■ iiarti

aou u ....................................... HH I M. rUllVr, let .So. 4 Waliaiw tiiap..... «4IM F. Miller, loitS4 aud SS Wallaoe inaix. I XT1.17 C. M. V a i Xai.1. lot » Hailore map. .. mt7l ‘J boaaai Moaigvmar/. luia ahl>

Uo* map.............................. 1 f 7174 lx Arcblbolit, lot M M'ahikra map. MifO A. A. humwi. Umb SAM Waliica map... 1 erIM R. W. NllRiff'r. lot 104 Ih allora iitap,. SfIM 0. Ktobh, hit IMS Wallju-t map. MM Ent Mohert Motluehay, 1 '| aerw land

a a John ai, on Arthur properly..... .. ip u•DO Juhn MrCLuakty, orraa Uud a i

Job a at, ua Arthur property............ 10 t l•01 Mm Jama* Yuua*. 2s acrea load a a

Johu al, on Anhur properly............ iO 11U I MmHiulieri IS acfsj land and m l-

deamoB t’ nahlln or l^rboufle rd U 3| m M r Volheaidag, IW orree IojkI ami

houne, II a Main ■(., foriiiarly .Saw York HuiuaiUfb Inauraoea txi'a.. .. ie l 40

404)4 WaablDgtuB iialthbil anu c o , Mi arm Unde aud w aTde Wa»hlu|toa ave.*(urmtriy n iorlw Kausieb* ........... sis'oo

MO Thoiiias Brody, lot ■ a Juhn * l .......... . | IH•JO Mm. tl. iMWIti, loud a a Ituicara aad w

iMepbena ita ............................ 15 tA7M Kat Mary Carragbn. buuae and lo in#

Hill M ...................................... « iu7M g*( Paler t'anagba, (new > houae and lot

H ■ Mill a t...................................... to r i7D» &*l 1‘piarcanaffhn. loin a Wltlieru aL i 44 Nail Jo >n hurke. laud Oil Jilll D of MUl It. . 6 11M78 Mary Mmlih, midam'a and lot * a

\1 illlamaL...................................... 13m RaU Hrea. Dormtriy J{. Ubmondi,

bouae ami lot n ■ W llllaiu al .......... is isllinino* I'annuro, raildatioe and lot w

Bl-owai.......................................... 12 44Jama* Fianagban. rclldeuce and lot •a l Untou «t...................................... 7 M

1)24 4ju iCkentMaa, laerea land n a John at 37 u CiU Hugh A. iHuiBuhy, refllotoceoxKl lot u

I joliu •(.... . I soIIM Itrv. W. J. l.udlow,3 lou ue John at | eu1174 HorrUUieai, let o I Johu a ieo flio l-

l»nd............................. ................ ISAISU JutHpb tiaJiow, lot • fleddan map ■ . 1IJS 'IheniHa A. lloAeiu, lot Itl Heddea

map.............................. .................. 1 211241 Ibonia* .Mann, InlafI 73 HHdeii imip S At13.14 Mllllaui Wallhoii, tula I7-2S liaddHu

........ . , . ..... ........ 3 Ml*J>m Tlioma* Murphy* rwi-dpiu't and lot w

aliildgeai....................................... s 13iSBU Henry oicfoy, retidaniM and Jut a a

( ourtlatiiU tt................................... 11 ISISO? J'etuie M Illium Hruwii, oouiw and lot

e * Ixoac fet . . . I Of14<(7 ThetKlura >uinilurd, renlileno* and liA

n I Academy at............................... s] sqt.171 1'almsge Van Jdper, raaLdenve ami Ink

** HolniMst.... . . . ..... IS 20IMO Muavel e*tlate.house and U uw«Prov

p-*ft at................................... 17Idl4 M n II. liewui, ryjioiN tH-twm‘n riilon

h w HUil New »t and ub iJeVVlu AVM u di ISI.V'aifeorxa W. I'Jace, itta4S 4t) Deli ItlAva

aiiu JA, r , 3n. Humbluwer ava......... JO 8J1417 bloiin Jlro*., houeo and lnt eiXoru-

hiower are ................... t i U4li>aJ h'tate John Ki'anmiy, lot a w cor

rourtJaiKU and HnhuiMiita.............. 4 tpiFi4I Mm ( 1. tieWltu huuM aad lot a a

Jumlennmnl................................... gi is140U A milt f . VuN iieyitfr, 5 luU • 1 Oeurt-

iMnllst .. y ao17(11 Annie K Van lU'yjWr, i loU \t ■

Mi-pheniil................... la Qi1712 Acinlri M. Van Keyper. & lota e ■

hii'piiaua ei.............................. 1 so173s A nil la >. Van iteyuer, 3 lota § s Wa»h-

It-xma ave ......... t j «1777 Annla r. Vao i>eyp«r, rwudeace aid

Int W*VVB»JilnftOn uVe.. ...... . ...... si 34irtN Annie Van Iteyper.M anr«a land aad

21 liul housee w ot Mnfihlngton ave. 107 Do 1730 Franklin M. 1 Id*. lioiiM and lot wa

'Va^^hliighm avu, 11 w cor TaiUHtaAva .............................. so 20

1741 Jnbii C‘«m]thaii. ri'tldi'i^na and lot e aMasblun'luu ave.......................... g| 40

)7'.>» Jaiii+‘* V. Mandhird, nuuoe and tut w aHalimail.......... j j 4^

17M AugiiHl Huisey m h, I'ohfu, hgiiSH and lot w I u anhlngtoii uve, our fhdmee



It.. K TU 43 UOI M l l A . g . K e n i t i e y , 14 l o t s w a I a h i t i a v e . . .

2u i 0 h t i t m i f l l H a r r , t i l k a l u t S I K a i n J u bJiiAp ................ 7 «

T O M V. I I . h E u l l l j . b l k I l o t 4 J i o i m f i m a p . . . 7 M lS F 34 K < > i M r a . 1 r a e u i a ' i , h o > i * a a n d l u t w a

l - r a n k J l u rood..................... i i 90I ' i i t A b l j a b l l a l d s i n , l i n i i s o R d d l o i

K r i i n k l l i i r i M d u r J u r a l a i u u n n i , . . . . . . . | i t N >l u l w a r d I ’ a r r u g h e r , r a a l i l e i n ' i ' a u d I n t n

a F r a . i i k l i E ] r u o d o r J u r a l a n i u n « i . . . . . |4 S sA . <4. K « M ' w y . a t i l p u f l u u d n a J o h n

a t w n f i J e W l i i a v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • s sT j i t W i l l i a m M . r a i K U n r i ) , 7 | o h n 4

J < » l i n a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 18W a r d , s l i d * w H i u n r i l a m U '<1 a t -

J o i n i i g a i ' f a o . i l E r u u t i J a u n u u r t l i 3 .14l A y i u e m ^ r n n u b e n i a d + * b e O i r a H i e r > a i ' l i i i t e n o f

t h a - a l f : B t t i ‘ r > v H u D i e p r n i u i r t y t ^ l l ] b e I n i m a d l - maly rt-noid.

’ . \ l i t j * v » m y h a n d t h l * t w e n t y ( I f t l j d n y o f M a y , A . D . i l S l H . A i t T i t U U I I . O . 1 M U N I T .

C o i l c c t f j r o f 1 a x e * .




A'd f o r , w h i c h w l U b h r e a d y f o r d e l i v e r y ,)U IIKFOUK THE I8T DAY OF JCLV,

4tiiyund(tl)BUb*urlpl1ona thAt may seem {ju»t *'1 rlioiii fur the Intnrest of Die City,

Inca.Heof two or monj subdcrfpllonH furu Inrfivr umulnrrof bmula Ihau that pro]m*od to be issued expiring iu a *pedlQe<i year, thu city reKcrvc* thu right of delivering to the mi1>- siTiher* or either of them Hoiuls uf any aeriu* not dls|>rmed of.

Roldor.'i of 6 or 10 of the Bobd* of a;iv partlmiUir *erloa may at any time, upon ai»plL outlon to the Common C'ouutifl and iKoaurren- «ler of the same, have them converted imo Honda of the dsnomiuation o f $AUl or IUHH. end paynblo In the aaiue maunur aa ihusu of the smaller deoominalluiia,

Subscription should be directed to <\ (4. williams, Oulloctor uf Taxes, nod Indorsed l'rep<miils for Bonds.

HyUrdernf the Fimamc* C ujtMnT**,Dated, Orange, N. *1., May U .

Tumor* and malljfnnnt fTfowitis* twOi Internal and oxternal. ijennannnily ciircil, wiihout -knife orratt'Aic. T h i s Irwktun'TU-hiw stood the lest of years* cxperU-iicu aud 1* Imlurscd hv protnliMUK phyalclaDH «'»f all school* of mc<J:- clno. Ftr*t,-<das* rrfere.nue* to pormauprit cures that wSU bt'ar Invcsttgilton. Ask fur Circular. • hL CL JONES* 11. D., i'li. IL,

M Fair titreel, Patureou, N. J.


I j THE OLD SWTEH ISLAND ►i 1 DIElNfi ESTABLlSqiEflT,i ^ Principal offloe,j ^ 08 DITa NE HTREETs n e w YORK,I ^ Have o wned a new brauob ofllae at

i i 663 BROAD ST.A vold otUctt of rimiiar uiuito, P

'A ■* “ ftstuMlshcil ISie" on'allii,^*. k

• ▼ V W 'W 'W 'W 'W 'W 'S r W 'W N '4

TTMIisoSSDOcuaon r>


M r s . D r . B a i l e y ,JOfi nitlsLKVlM.li AVKJ1 HK.

MEDKJAIj KLEi.’ rRlClTV flUtU?, #ial. viuiic, FanwRc. Static Fleet riel I y lor Par- HlyNi*. Catarrii, khcuiimtlatii, Ini^uiiiiila.

SKIN* AND NKRVOUH DlMEArtKS snecM*. fully treated. Foi-lal Hlenilsliesaiid KriiptloitH, auch iiM rtnl iiueus, moles, warts, etc., rumuved by electricity Mid vaporu ltig.

W E a r r a n g et r i p s . P h o i i , m i e - d a y t r i p s f n r h u n d r e d * n r Ihounandsof | w o p 1u . or o x t e u s H e ( r i p s Int l n «

d i v i d u a l , e v e n t o a t r i p a r c u u d t h e w o r l d l u g t h r e e m o n t h s ,

F O Re v e r y e a p a e l t y n f | i i i r * R n r e n j o y m e n t . W o h a v e f a c i l i t i e s f o r s e c u r i n g t h o b e s t ( i r n i l A b l o

A C C O M M O D A T IO N Sun train or sloamer iit shuriusi notice imagln- ahln, In short, wo ordain yonr trip ho that you have alnulutely nothing to do hut

T Os t e n a U i a n l y o u r t r a i n o r s l e a m e r a n d V m r - r i t i u l u y o u r d e s t i n a t i o n . H i i r s u r v I c e c x L o u d * t u

A L L P O I N T S INt h i H o r a n y o t h e r c o u n t r y , b u t w e h a v e e n p e - r l n r a r r a n g u i u e t i U f o r f n c i i l l a t l n g a t r i p t u

T H E O L D C O U N T R Yb y s w i f t s t c a m f i r s , a n d i f n e c e w i A r y w e r a n h a v e c m i r t c u l e * e x t e n d e d o n o t h e r s i d e b y s p e > d a l a r r a T i g c m e n t s . W e I s s u e d r a f t * a n d m o n e y o r < l e r s . p a s s p o r t s , I c l l e p s o f c r e d i t a m ! h a v e e v e r y r n c l I U y t o m a k e y o u r t r i p p l o a a a n t b y l a n d o r w a . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

JOS. I. BTRHE SFrenrU and tierman epukoh. Telephone IWO.

fm P lS S lG E TICKETS.Oabitti InttrmadlQta and itteraga

At lewMt New York iii«« on all Unas at oc«ui tieamMa


774 Broad St*i MfirXtarlfltSt. HavAM!ll./.PKA419 t«v XI m4 a*4 Mo*t Or4« MJaM* M

O m u B r I t M a « d I r t l u J a »4 >11 p * f U t i r a f t .

...HuiHnamm.miPnitffUl hr l ^ t f k m r r $ JWfrfiil

IteX *n4 chJa«4<*ilioV%j0 9h«tn. >mM wiis biuq nSbvt. Take Viy Iit*athers «' fwirffeirtifl- AiProtflaii. jr*nii4ak

flttniM Stt is'aittHlAn- i«*iit»uiM« ao4 "KAlrr tkr by pMmV MslU l«,4HHi Tr--iswo*wit.

teilrhinir~ t'ari1ril 1‘tt iit|iil1rT~iftigpra * ^ l9attLwuDrti|£uw- ra lM M lw

You will fliHl at luy itoro a full llaa if TUB

. E a a ; RAi<LT. .a a .U f f F O r A V l i , a n i l 1- A a a X l O S T .

Coiiuwiting llaliia Jemve m followi;N a W a h K ' a N I j P A l ' K i l A r > M ,

I.MV# Newark for Paierawi—j.23,7.,'A i4 i■ A . M . ; t l W . I . M . • , 4T , 4. W , U s . a O t t , « . » , 7, l » D . S O ? .

iuJ] A', u. and IJ.SI A. M. Miiuday, u.fei i.u a . m a . * . 7. W , a j . % l u . a ? i » . M . « « , a . . - a , . ,IsWive i*»i«ftim for Newark 4.44, 4,12. 'm , T.Jt. '

3. 44, R . 24, t . u & , i u , t i , 11 , l i A . M . ; - 1. » . £ i 4, S . , V l , 4.71 ‘ILL 7.10. Iftl, V. M. Miiiday, u.sU. a.jA uai 1U..IJ i A.M.; L4ixaW.T.5a.lo.X^K W.

N M W A H K A N L I N E A ' V i > K K .U a v e N e w a r k t w . f i - H 7. 1! , 7. 15, A i l , A 47, # . H

t ( L 47 A . U . ; i x w j . a i , X H , 4. 21. . L * 4, A - W ,’ 7‘W. O-W. ll.lU A. M.; lUi, a-H ;• * • 4, i i . Q S t .

|IAII.ll0 4r>9. . - . - _ - x - r , - t fl y K S ^ T H V r V A M A u A I t K ' A D - T H S M T A M * I d « r > l r e i i r u o d o f A a t e r l m . t ^ e o t o d t b r c M i f t e

o u t n j I b e m i e r i u o k t n g s w n c h » i n i b i u c k * l a o a t s y i i r m . K i D p i o n l y o n n o i k e t o o g a n l . > a a n d

a H o r . M a y S " . 1A > 4. t c a l n * w u i l e a v e M e r k e i a u e o l h i a i k m , S ' f u a r k . o a t b l t u v r * ;

I v . ■ ^ s ( . I f . b M t U i i e . d a P 7> * H h P u l l m a n V e r i l - I h i I h , I ' A r i o r a n d " l e c p i n g c i n r a ' > l a i i y , f o r P i i t s b e r ^

C a i u i i t e u a , i n d i a h a p ^ i I * , u h t c a f u a « O L L a u i aI m t r A , M . I V a a x j I v a n U U m l l e d , d a i l y t o i u *

p o * f H l e t o m s h - f i y o f P i d i a a a i i V e e t l l M d e r i r a w i i i a a m i k t k U r o o m . a l w p l o r . i U i t e a . • ■ ' l U o h l M a w l M r v N t l O Q ( a n , i m - t s e i i i l o f ( i M i a e i a l r e p u r t ^ , o « r e p t i t < r a a n . i t y p a w r l t e r * , b a i h r o a m a f h r h n | a e e ^ e a l a d v ' * m a i d . b a r T t a r t h ^ . J W r a r y a o d a l l t h e r e a v e a l e i i c t s o r h u m e u r u f i U . ' * , i l g h u s t i . y a b r D o i i i i r y a a d a i u r e b l f e i ^ ' i n c i l g h l a A r r i v e s t h P

e u i o V . < V A . M . . C i e v H i a a l A M A . M . , C l n i l n a o l l A . I I . . a u d l U d L a a o i o X U A 90 A . M . „ ' l u l o a o a u d

A . M . w e e k . l a y af tM P. M I hh-a«o am) M. I.00U KxpriHie -r'lrip

n u n V a e l l b u i e M e e p i n * e u o U n J i i g « o n t o ^ l . L o t i U , r h l r s f . i a P d 1 o u t w l i i a V e a f i b u l e H D i u k l n f

( k r a n d I ' h M i e a r v r C i i M - h M 10 h a I m j I a A r n v «9 ( . l i i n m i i i l : y w A . 34, . e i . l o u U T . I P P . M , o w U W - l O f U A i m 1* . M . n e x t ‘ U y ,

r ^ ' . T K M . W e » i e m h ‘ r u l l m a a V e o t t e e l i M e e i n n * ( a n t o h h a h u r a . I ' a k ’ o f o a n d l 1f f \ ' « l a i i X D i i i l r i f C a n ( u I ' b i i a d v l n h i a . a n d I l U i t M i r g t u 1 i i l > m|<». >rriveq a t i leveUud U,U A. M.. Uiloatf* k u t ) ' . 31. I , e a t d a y .

f All |‘. M . tiHlbwefliera Vxpreaa luilmaa V i o r l h u l e - i e e i d i i f t a r « l o i I n c l a n a l l a n d m i . L o u l ' a D l i i l i i f C a r Aluxiaa l u h M ' i u m M i , i . Arrlvea danadAiWI'.-M JadionapuKs miJ p. M., ao4 »a [ , u u i a 7, m A. M . s e c i i n d i i i o r n l i i * .

fv-Ti V M. I'aHflr Kxiitwie - telUhion lUiflhl h l e e i M n c . ^ « » York < a H u a n u r n A r r t v e a d a l l y ( ' h i r a f u T - k * A . .m . . e e i M n i m D r i i l i i g y T o i t 4 e l l . i t r . M . , i n l u n i t i u « 7 i . > 1 * M . , a a d L ' l r r a U a 4

P M . d a l l y , e x c e p t N i l u r U a v ,f 4tt IV M. IiiihiMond ead I oxvlba kxpeee

daily, Meepen te AufiiBte 'tempo, and >ew oe> l e a n s ; 114. n q f t m d a i l y , K i e e i w r a u> A U a n t a a a 4j H c k « > i i T U i l a .

1. M N I V M D a l l y f o r a l l p o l i i t e o n t l t i t s a p o a i E e a n d O h i o J t e l l n a y I b r u u i h a l e a p l t t g a u d l A a l h f i ' a r a

F u r B a l t i m o r e , W s s b l a g l u n a n d t e e H o m b , 1X 47, • , ? • S.I7, a M ; I . l m l i » l ( • x i i t r e e , P u l l m a n V e e t i b u l d P a r l o r ( a r t , V e e t i h u l a P a M u f e r ( ' u o a b * * o n I M u t n e C a r , KXI7 .4. M , 11 . ; t * A . M . ; 3M , l e t , i J l

a i i d i M O K M . O u r u M d a y . i t 47. k 4r . I . 9i A , M * ; A W . A T f a i H ] aBn P. M. i>n Muminy, lt.47. kST. kil A . M . , 4 V i . s.f7 a n d 0. 1) P . H . F u r B o J U m e r * o a l P i l . 9( 1* M , w e e k d a y a

For Ptidoih'lpblL i|X. 1147, iu , isu, LU, kV. LUO.A' rlv.tl llriilted r ipivi«, I'ulliuan Veeilbule l*arlur <'«!«, \'eNllbtiie l sMK'n#er 1 uorheeand lHa> lnt< an, ll.'JS A M ; llM. I 3*. 4 04. iU X Jl;LOT, an orvd LW V. M. Ai'OumntudaUun, U.M A. M., L(» and X.U P. M, on huu'lava, PCipresa 1147. L4V. S.X7, V.M, LM. ILtl A. U ; 4 J4. i-VV W . 027, Sl'jaml 0.13 p, U. ACTonirDodoliun, LIO ao4 T.LI P M.

•orTrenlon, 1147. 4.4 7.0(1. 7.ML L1VL57, U I( l a i T I l i i i l l e i l K i p r s M . l * « l i m a D V a » t l b u l e P a rl o r i ' a r a , V e a i i b u l * P a w e n i c e r ( u a c l t v e a a d U a l h t V a r < . i l ^ a i i d U . U A . M . : I I M , L U 2. 4k l U 104,

; A ( X > . i r , 7. 4A , *.11 a n d U U P . M . h u u d t y , 1147,^ I I 4V . U 7, B . U o a « I U I A . M . ; 4U V J 3, I HI n . 23. 7. U . I L X 3 a m i w . R p . M .\ K u r A t i a i n k n i y I I . l o A . M . P t i e m a y t e h i r s I I l M P , M . ( I t s P . M . a U h I t a r m i f h P u i l i u a n I l i i Q k a

‘ l ‘ n r l n r ( a n a n d I U p . M W H « i k > t l a y » . A 4I A . U A u i i i l a y a

F o r ( a i « M a y , l . M P . M . w e a k d a y aF o r I s O u * J l r a i u - b . K U i e r o n , A s o u r y P o r k , o n e a a

n r i v * . M p r i i i f f l a k e . h # a ( i l r t , M a O i M i i u a n I N d n t P l e a a a n i , e i i i l | i u i i u * n n U m N e w V o r k a n d L e t i f b r a n r i i L a l l n w O . k . U A . M . , 11. M . l . i M , A M P . f c L ,

I l l s u l t b l . d a i l y S B c e p t ' s u m l s y . O n ' ' i i n d a j U I J A . M . a n d A M P . M . I H > n e t a t o p o l O e e A a l i r o V t a f A s t m r y i * a r k o n A u i u l a y .

t o r I ' a r k . t a l a a d l l r l g h i a a n d T o m *River, I 2. ' j a P. M. week d a v a .

F o r U o H t o n , w u h o u i c h o n c O i 1 41 P . M , w e a kt u p . i i o i i y .

I, .\.Yer Hroiiklyp, .\. Y All ibrouch inrina eoaoeoF at Jfmey iliy niihhcMitanf " liruoklya Amne*.’' affording dhecl tnAH"U‘r loand from kultou street avutdiag double fvrrioce and Jourwy ovroiaiba «Hy.

you NKW VORK.l - e a V e M a r k e i M r w t K U U o n , L i t , L 47, L ( A L M .

L U , 7.11 T . f * . 7.41 L i l > . L i U . A l l L 9X M L L t i , L i T , L I S . L U N . 14, *.6D, l U U U . 1L 3P . 10. 41. t U l K I , 11.17 A . M . ( 1Z . V T , t t l Q , l . d L i - U L K I U s I I L 1* L 14L l U i

L i e , l U 4. 1L 4 V 1, L 14, L U L U . L I L M f , U U , «.M, Lte,?.!*, LtL L « ,L 90, 1,1k. ILH ll.ll P. M., • T i i i 1107 n l k h b H i i n < U y ( r a i l * , t I L L « 7. L » , f .04 e . u , l a C L I L U . I I . I M t l . f r i A . M . ; I L I k , 118A i . r : , t o i U H , L l 7, 4. U U , u l l o u , S . 4L u i , T . m , M L

T . 2t , . 7. 41) , L O O , U 4, V f 3, l A m . l a i o P . M . . l i d D h l t h l , | . e a v e ( e i i r e M a l l i i a , L u t , M l , 7. n i . 7. H , 7- 4A

I. tt. U 7s luio, 11.111 A. M.i lim. IIIL l.«L l«|,|,u 4.2'2,l l7.i.M. L4L 7.4I! M l LR and ILOI F. IC vievk daya

Leave r b e s l n u t NirMd HlatloD. L l l , L M , L U . L HT . O t . 7. 41, 1. S L A i r . S . n , 0. 4X . B 1. V V X I U L K i . l LA. M : ItiM, i; .1L \.vl i.u 1-AV Lll, xm. All, ML 4.1L 4.U. LIO, 6.V).U4* 6.4.L i.un, 7.1&. LlTsLlLI I . IX p. M., iS.Dxn1(bi. HuciJay, SIB.s.sA.i.al.ULm u IM7. 11.4S A, SI.; 111 12.47. l.U, l.U, L4t. I.H IU. 4.»I.4.M, at1, 4.lL«.M, T.IL 7.21, UL ULLtL liVCAand il.M p, M.

f.eave kinmelMr^t aiaUon, LM, LM, LU, Mr, 7.40.H.D6, Mt, *.4I, * 11. L1II.U.U, ]U.U A. M.; IlOL 1124. t.2l, l.U, 111. 124, Li4 4.R, LOS, LU, LU ML 1>':4. a.V(. li.ll V. M.: llu) nlthi Hundoy. lUiL S.U,kU, B.U. 11.4A A. M.: l l I L IIU, l.U. biL S.44,n i.L »4. 4.IU.4.M.L4h L a LH ML >.3L LU ebdli M P- M.

FUOM MAHKFT NTItLK'r RTAPION. lor KtlulaeteaBd lUhway, l.a i LIU T.m, 7.01,

L4I, il%u. 1(1.44 tJ.Ft A. Jd.: l.Qfl, l.M, LIS. L04, 4.MI. 4,t%S.(Je. LSO. i.4»,LU. L ». «.07, LLL

M3. Ml. A47. 3.ir, 7.U. ML L41 LU ILU. 11.31 1\ M. ma Amt 1147 ulgbL CMaday, l.•B,L4LkSLB. II, hi.M.ll.UA. M.. 13IL i.U, SULLL4 S 4, V l k V A . m , 7. U & , 7. ii. 7. X \ 7. U L H « . 0L I L O L I 0. 4L I I . I T P . . M . , a n d 1147 n i g b i .

l-or Niubetli only, V.’it A. M. dally, U 7 A* 3L and .VUu and A.M P. M. week day*.

Fur Ni‘W ilriinxwli'k. 1147, L4S. 7.0i), 7.X0, LA7.U I a m i I k U A . M , ; t l H l . H 2. H i » . 410, L U b . » i , V M . a . S ? , 7 t f t . l L l a m i m 4t p . U , M U i H l a y s l l i T !ti,4U, * »T,«SS, U 4aml m.11 A* M.; UU, 1.H LU7.XV s.uaand P. M.

For WiHidhr|(i*eand l*arth Amboy. 1.30, Lll ood 10.44 A. M.; IIM, 4.H LOI, 7.07 and L42 P. M. W rumlaya, l.Jil, it.Ll A. M.. 10.00 P M.

Scr oodlnidie only. MB a . h . IMS. LI4 p. H* 1 1 It nl|ht, wi ek day* ; lu.lt A. M. i iinday*.

F r I «sl Mtilituns, 7.00 A. M.; JLU, L2UaadLU P. sM., (lolly, exeept aundoy.

l ‘ o r i - i f l ^ l u h a n d H « j c k y F I l l l , 7.60 A - M . a m i i S J p . M . d a l l y . S K i - e p t ’ ' L i i M l a y .

For i'lillnpaiiora* K a b I o j i a n d U H i v l d e n . ' - l U L L i . l lA. M.. and 1,24, C.1? I*. M. NJiiday, i 2 7 ‘

Fur iamberivltia, T Ai», ll.2s A. M.; ML Lti«u4e , 23i . M . h u a d a y . L t 7 P . M .

For Hemlnition. T .li}, lt.2» A. M., and L34 P. M.* dahy. tkoepT Hundny.

i'ori’rliK’tiloii, 3.00, L67. ttU .4. N.; l.SS.LHLU ■nil 7.16 I’. M. dally, except -unday.

t or UoMSfiiOwn, librliiigUMi and ('araden, Lit,B. Si.und U.U A. M,; I.;!*, 2.SS. LM and LU P. M. dally, except Huaday- On rtuiday, msi A. M. aad7.SS I*. M.

For 1‘ reebold, Karrnhigdale, Maiiaajnan aad H t a (■In via JUDUHiolUb Jutio lun, 7.4u ObiJ ll.Ll A. 3L i ami 4 1) P. M, uBvk da.va, S.6« A. M. huadoya FuC Freeijolil only, Lte K M. WMk daya

NkW VvjlK Ti) Ni.Wa UKs F u r N e w a r k , I < « . L P D . B - t e , L t n . 7- 20, 7. 10, 7. 40, L I d ,

B.)0, L l o , lu.m 10.4U, u.tri, J I .40 A. M.; 12.'(, I ' l e i J . n o , I . A l , I W , '110. Lxn.LiKI, a . X I , X . 6O , 40O , L ! 0l4. MI, 4.40,4.U, b.(Hi,Ll0.L:X>, LH L4n. L91, LOO. LIO >L'21I, H.40, 7-Ui. 7..1L s.ls, V.IL lU.r». U.un, 11.46 P.M., amlltl'i inUlTilgliU nundav tielna 0-lL Lun, Lhl,U. U0, U.4\ lO.UU, 10.90, II.UU. II,6u A. M.: IlilO ftouo,

1.1*1, ItO, 2.4.1. l.«), 4.U0, 4.S0, MU, B.IS, L4-\ nULLI, 7.Q(lv :.tU.7-45. S.Gft,Lm B.UU,U.I0, 1U.IL 1M>

M-. and 1116 mldnliiljt.h n r l u r i l i e r l u t e r n i H U i m * e * l l m r i a h l c L t u b a b a d

B t i l M f t i c k e i o i t l ( ' « < ( . ' i l e k e l v f u r « U p n i n t a i > n t n e i ' e u n n y l v a n l a I v a U r o a d a n d c o i m e r l U M i a a m i b e r t h a ■ e v i l o n s a n d i t a g g a L * c k H - k i a t t e e o n c n i i a r i y ' a u f * f i t ' e p , . \ ( i . 7> ^ I l y a i H l e u e e l , » r w t i l c a a t u f f i u e a l Market Ttir el sbiiiun.

f t M . I ' M K V O r t l , J n . W 04J 1) ,tJenerAl Mmmgar, fienerel I'aMeiiger AgeHt, _

Y i H N I - U A I . I I A I I . I I O A D u F * \ K W J J t l V M K V -V . A n t l i r a c l l e c o o l n e e d e x c l u s i v e l y , l i i M u y l o f d e a n l l n e e s and eumfun. T l n i a i a b l u In eflect May ‘JO, IWH.

Trains leava liroiuland Ferry Mreeiatilluna 6'or j iaiDilekl, 6.16,7 Js. 7.6\ *.sy, w.us, miu. ll.L)

A. M.I J.JL LlS iJ.JU iaturdaya nnly). J.W. LU, 4.0V 4.SL L(H, LH4. LU K.Jn, 7.16, 7U. B40. ILOL P. M. nuriitaya. 7 6o. H.46,F50. li.u A. M.; l.iu, LU, 4.10,040, 7.'3>. B J.I, lO.JU P. M.

For rHiniervlll«.ati(.l6.7.IS, U.OS. 10.06. It.U A. M.;I. 16, l.U, LAU, LU. 4.DL 4.66, 6 (A, VIO, DO, 7.U 1.40. lUilL 11.26 P. M. Humtaye T.lu, s.4.1, V.Ol A. U.; I.H LIL 4.10, L4U, LZ.l, JUJJ P. M.

For Mernluftbili, 7.1*,9.nii A. M.; 1.16, 4.06, L64 P. M. Sundava, 4.10 P. . f.

For elalluni to lllib lirldge, connerlhii' fuf HlntloTiHon 1l1*b Hrklge Dranch and Jake HOl>a’' Critic, <>. 16 feiCi'jit Juke rir>|»utcoi)Kli U.n4 a . M.;Au6 P. .M. rtundayN ,ei(v>tit Ijiku lio|iat<( ngi, I.IO P. -t).

For hlailun* riti 61ain Line New Jer»ey (.fOlrU TUvWlon. I'utun, iteihiehem, Allentown and Maui'h rinink, 3.is. «.us. n.66 A. Mr to lotion. I.IL 4.06 iHufTH larior c or), LSU-DutTet I'arloc t'uri, (7.3.I III Allcniomi) P. M. bundaya, 7.30 A. M., I.IL 6 4U i'. M.

Fi>r VV|lke«liHTre, Plitetoii atari OrraiDon, U.08 A. .M.. ML I.U6 r. .M. \ HnrTel I'arlur tar..

l-'riT hmiliDry. Lewl. juig «ml \S'iliUiu*norl via I'mimJHplilu. 7.66 A. M.. I.U. 7.U i'. M. XQn* aay, U-ni'i i'. M

N K W a K K A N D K L I / A i m r i l D H a N F F I . Trultib leave llromi hirn’t Mutluii for hllcoiietb

ami o( h.l>, iLJ.'i; KllxabutUnort Only, 7-lL7.Vt, KJj. I Il7.almiti[jurt only. S.XU, B.iiN. B.H i i M i . ' , , l u . l r i . I l l l f i . l l . K . ' ! A . M . ; U l . 6, 1. 16, J . . 1V Tiit,J. 5II, I..U 40.’i. 4.11. .’i.ni. 6.M. L.Vi, ft.-*, 7.1,% 7.U,H. 4U, 111.0*., I],‘i ‘> J'. M. f umlnys, T. iO. L'l.V. B.iXL U.6l, mu, 11.16 A. .M.; I-ln. l.il6, 1.J0. -tlU, 4 40,5. #K L'lL ><.I6, iVi-V man p. M.

1 iir I'eriii Aaniioy. n.15, H JJ, s.6ii, 11,3.1, A. 6{,; LU4. U V 4. 6.1. L.iU. ( . . A l . T . V i P . M . K i i t i d n y * , U .06 A . M . J 4. i g i ' , M .

For AilaiKlR lllchiainh via Mnlnwati,'•.Ji, 11.U A. M.I lU. 4.LV (i.'AJ F. 61. huiidays, U.06 A.M*; 4.10 1'. .M.

J or I’ re hnhl. 11.;;.', A. > 1. ; l.ll, 4.36, 6.S0P. U. Fur Fc'l ilunk, l one liraacU. ■ cean iiinvi>, etc,

I I -Vj M.: I . L V , 4. 0. ' , , 4.6i. 6 . V ( U i H e i l J l H n k ) ,5 . ' J i > r . M ■ ' u m l a y t . e x L ' o p i t o i x ^ e a i i U r u v e , a t M A , M:; 4.1U 1'. M.

FDK L.tK'KWnOD.loiEiK River. Ilarm-gm Park and Uarnecat, Llj

A. M.; l.:n. 4.3,3 p. M.For t'teHloua ond ilrldifolan, I.U P. M.Jur ADniiUu t Ky. LU I'. .M.

N, vVAliK ..Nlj Nl'iW V'niiK.From Jlroml and l-'eiry •'(irwi^Miiilmix-Ai L20;

.',..60. fl Ji), L-in, 7 W, T-'2u, J.4n, S.<X). H.JD. S.4U, B W). B JU, lO.ni, lojn, 11,(X), 11.3j A.M.. J'Kw M.;

FiM. Lim. 1..IU. 's'.ou, J.3), L(x), .Uu. 4.wi, 4.;m. 4..'»0. 6,UL6. W. .VM, tt.nl, 6.4 ', 3 On. 7.4 ), 7.6i, SM, Ul-H i i . ' j o j ' . M . : i J i L i , u . 4u n i f i i t , h i i n i l u y i 7. U 0, L u d , M . t x i . 10, 00.11 i m A - . M . . l : . ( » i > i : i . o o , ( J o . J . o u , L i w . 4.U0, LiMi O.ixi, 7.(K'. ".no. u.ijo. iruin. ii ik). p. .M.

J.vavK Ne* York f«im It 'i ni y •tlreei -\6L60, 6.60, 6W. d.46, 7-16, 7 JO. K\\ 1».U0. ».I6. LHlU.DO, lii.Jfi. lu.xu, n.oi, A. M.. iJixj M.: ILHI. 00, LHO, iW.'. isu. a 1(1, 4.-.'n. 4..W, 6.10. 6.JL LU. 6.60. Li;«, (kU. b.46. Miu, ?.JU. M i. H.3o. li 3u, |o,L>, 11.13, IX'Sj F M. -uiKJnyn -7.no, Mim, u.uu. lO.IXI

A. M.; t'JiiuM.; l.io. L<sa. LOb, 4.U0.aOJ.LuL U.3U, 7.1X), S.oO, B.0.1. luu) il.uJ, mon p. M.Foil PJllLADEM’lLlA, Ha LUMOHK ANU

WAhjllNNTijN, nuYAL Bf.Dl’: Lt.SF,For Plilludelplilft and 'rreuton, 7.66 n.o*. lii.DL

(U.U exccuL phlMetehla; a. M.; I.U ilto axueptTrenUm', fixYLUl, 6.V), T-H ll.J-l I* .M. ? iindays,

For HaKImoreanrI WaMtil0flim, V.(H, 11.36 J.ii.iw. .6.1)4, .S.W, II.J6 t. M. umlaym F.04, U .» A. M.; I.;t's 4.,'Ml, LIB P M.

6'or CJiattanongit, New’ Orltann nti-l a t j«)laW nuiiili, wlUi (limocK vesilbiilfil HleeiHrri via fttaert- und^h VnMay Lme, ul 6 60 l ‘. .M. Minduys, LAI

1 tiriiiich Uukeit to all prlnchiol pnini* nl l u w w i t rales n r e < > d H t l u a t H r u m l s t r e e t K t u t i u i i ,J. Ih OLItAt’KK.N'. JI. JUJsDM'KS,

(.iso, M i p a r l i i i e m l e i i L . lien. PoMunger Ageat

L E H lQ H ~ V A L L E y ’ R A I L R 0 A D ^Market Mtrent Sliklion*

7.t4 A, M. daily iGf MauL'b I'ljiinlcaml aotermedlale atatlDBN. Tiouaecuoa. ixveut uuuUoy. lux Potuf Ui* a a d ( v o o d l u f ,

S .47 ■ > , a , , u i d l y l u r ( i v D c v s . K i i c h e s i e r , U u f f a l d i >)air4rn . V a l i n M i i | > e n * | g n I l r l O i f D and i b e W*6lh .. locM point*, (lining ca,r U> Wllkei*

u a r r - , l U l l i i i i n i j w r l i r i - n r i > U u n a l i .W.jU.t.M. tloJiy, oxcejit e u n d a j , lor Mmich L'buaic

ana inieramiiaiepolnta eonueciiujis lor KaaJlof u D d idurrhouxir-

I J . W P . M . d a l l y , e . r e e p t ^ t i i a i U y . l o r K i i u i r a a n t *11 l a w r i u v U l a u x t a c l o o s c o i u a e o t t o n i l o r I ' u ' t u r i U a

a n d i i r a d l u c > i ' b » l r v a r m M i f f l l f f U l i u n k l L t l p , M . i l B l l ) * ) a x o e p l f t L i m l o y , l o r U . a i l d .

J u i i c i l o u a a d p r l a O i i a i t i i l u n u e U i a t u .‘ . t a t l u n a : P u l l * m a n i i u i l e i I ’ a n u r t A r l u W i i k e o b a r r a ; c c m u e o t i e a a l o r H o t u i T U i a

4,4(i jtt, dally, exoepi Hunday, lor iKOgte P(u o field uad liiiertnediala itailonaliOJ

L46 p. Ms daily iui hoatou au 1 ifitermedlat*

Best Paperrati ana sm my stoolt BT* LOW ESTand (at prinss. P R IC E S20 CUNTOH ST.. Hemti*. ft. 4

|*ave New York ((tixmhori slrw U -U i. 7.1T. B .«,L41. 11.10 A. M.llOX Lll, L ii. 6.U), LH 8 .3 , 7.10. 10.UOS 1101 J'. M. AllUilay, V.0 J A. M .;i.u LlLLAU.LlW, muO P. M.

D a y U x p r e M l e a v e * N e w a r k 141 A . M . O n ' ( i m - ( t a y a , M 4 a . M . V ^ M t l b u l t L E n i i t «4 l a v v e ( N e T r a r x hit P. M. rtiirulaya LUt P. sH. ilraml tTnink tU' p r * M l a a e t i N e w a r k L 3J P . U . K u n d i I ' h l e a c e N x p r e u , l e s v a x N e w a r k b , i day^LU p. af,

p a n l c k e i a , b a M n M r s e i i ^ k A , x ] t t > L > l o i

p r * M l a a e t i N e w a r k L 3J P . U . s i u n d a y a . L I J P , M . i . ' h l e a a v N x p r e u , l e s v i i x N e w a r k 8,07 P < M , b u n -

L M I * , a l .r i i c k e i o , b a g c a 4r s e i i ^ k A , x ] t t ) p l o c c a r i o e a U j a ,

t i u i e l o b l M , G L i i a l l U i > C ' t i y T l o k e t u i f i o e , i l f i M o r g M t l r e e U ' i ' e l r p b u n e M . o y a t i t a u a n .

n . 8i P . M . d a l l y ( H n n d a y s 1 1 1 i ' . M j l o r i t e f f b l a N ’ l a n r a F a l l a a n d o U p o l u U W e i l , P u U m a n a l e i M r , v e a i l u u l e t r a i n . s S e , v l u r a l u t e i l o a c o - i l v e p t t . x t i g j f i U t i ; r e n n e c t l o o a r u r i t e a d t e f a t i d i i o r r i o O u r a

0.66 1‘ - M s d a l l y , e z e e t u - x i u d a y l u r M a i j k ( iiuak sud liildxrmKllatt NtaDen*.

v . M P , M , ( t a l l y J a r J U ) o <J ' u i f b l o , N l o c m r a • ' o i l s a n d i

V . 9I P , M . ( t a i t y J a r J i b o o i . M e u e v n , H e o b a a t e a. uifblo, Nlocara r'oiiSMtiU oU iKilnts Wext,. c*uu< man sh'eper* to ( JiTcogoumt iln tAlx

AtldltlnutU lumla.v ixairifc Ihus a. .6(. /or -Viue'i LUonkuad 1‘otUTllit andaU Intermedlasealatleak

'I'tokeiaoBd puilniou ocoduimodatioa* 41 iMuo* aylvonle iL (f, Duputnii i 74J llr.MU (ireii.

The New Ym * Tronofor Oo. wig oau loi a4I c h e e k t « m r e t n a h o t e l e i r u t i e e e e M M i i w * •eaiiwuaja

N E ^ A I H v E V E X I N C f K E W B , S A T U R D A Y , J I T X E 2 , 1 8 9 4 ,


A J>m |»»4*»» »••» •»<* HUWIto Kin AHTh»lr ChlMirn »"•! Tl***

T)i»lr Oir»B »L l!l, Jnw 3 .-A hnrribir » » ^ miir-

d«r »Dil miiciiU loToWlng (be « •“n tlr* funilyot i r «thi< morning. K «1 Nelprr, t«nwr\y n in»ii of w « lU *«k1 pokltUm •n«»g"'l In In* pflnb- iMbuuonmber^ ii»t w llli(1n*i«'l»lrrw i^ whlrb miued th» !<•• nf nlni'** bl* ""ti™(ortuM. t^,.ig«-»n.lhi.wU»t»vniu«''«t>™l- ant nnl lhair wwulnnt broodtug o»"r their mWortuBi'flnnllT periunJwl them that they uni their i hiMren "ere <>n the verge of elerTelinn. They therefore reeolewl tbet •1) ihoulii die.

fiMt eroiiiug the couple eilmlnUwre.l pai»m to their eon*. Hudolph, nitieUieu, J^Bmuuo, ngeil thirteen, both KtudeiiU in the DerUntiviimeetiim. from " iwhich Imth died eliuort Imiiwlletely. T hey then hangi-l their yuungrtt eoit MarUn, and ten. end tlielr deughter, Klitithtdh,icnl eeTHn. «etl»fylng theuKelvw tlmloll the cliiiiir«n WITH ilemi Heiger end hie " i etch drank a cup of ikakui *nd duel in • few TiiinuUw. a

Hebier left» lelUT eipUininu liU DuUiufc wn‘l feiullv <'Wt «w tlu'wey,and Juetifylug hltinwlf wJ "ifo )“ *Mi»"idUDE Uif iil^ . a I l«

Two poU of iK>Uoned mlllt fimo'l In HelE«r’i et rtuKuaU, »t 7 i.’rtwie ■traue. It i» now awwrtaliiod that after helger and hie wife drank the poiemi tV'iger Btrangled hie wife to death with a roj- and then nangiMl hlmeclf from a dnnr frame. i h" police on entering tlie moin found of Hw family dead en-ept Meigcr, in whin th ^ ware etlll algne of life, put he, too, died a few


W A Jrn M A H B IA U r HONHH Hht h u e i>

Mn. I>e Kt. Martin, Who W'eilded ■ Coanrt Mon, Hwm for iHrorrr.

Jnuiiy ClTV, Jime S.—A funner ioclety ballaal thle olty, now Mra. .lulia do Ht Mar­tin, yMhmlay afternoou Iticl with i'hancel- lor MoOUl a bill praying for dlvonyi from JoMph de Hi. Martin on eumWry groundi, the namee <il Ihe co-reei*iodeiiU iiclng at pllBfint unknown. The ootnplainant, who ia twaoty-flye yuan ohl, wae formerly Mtea John Jungllng. Bho la the daughter of wealthy widow, wboee home ie at Pacific aemue. The defendant Ie tlje el.lcet eon of tlia Count do ML Martin, of Parie. He ia twenty-nine yonra ohl.

The wedding took place at Bt. John Protaetant Bpiccopal Church, Jereey City Helghtt, on Deccnihor 7, 18(T. The wedding trip erteoded to KuropA but at Antwerp, no- oonllng to Mra. da ML Marllii a allagatlona, trouble eraa outtead between her and her hue haa.1 by hie etteution to an old eweeUiearL Xbe trouble wee aniootbed orer, and Iho w«l. ding trip wna reauined, the couple Journey-


The Altualloa Bald to Be More Herlona Than Appeare on Hi* nnrface,

Pama, June2. The Matio puhUeben nd* Tioee from ('<nutaullnt.ple and Holla ooo- lerplng the Hnlgarlan mete and entwwtuent dlaorder which iudh aP. that the aituatom la uiore ocrioue lliah a nieni local affair.

Thoae fiepatchce eay that a conaplracy e*- hied hetwiwn the Porte and M. Htombnloff to dethrone and banhth ITinee Ferdinand, and place iipou the Hnlgarlan throne Inetaad ounl Hartoiiau, the fniir-y«r-old eon of the

WU 1‘tIdw of In*fortiiw Trim* of HiilK*ri*. tuniiilAt*) t\w u|ir m* authority M. Htaiiibnloff in bulgaria during the minority of the infant Prince.

A nii'ctiiig ot jiroiiiliienl rrw'wnta m ■ hlll- poi.ille Teelcrife.y I« ' >■••1—

■------‘ ■-ckiM readiitl'ine

JungUng, where they imnalned de A SUrtJa yeoelred • draft for 8,0ii0 ftawn tr«n Ue father, .WbM t^y . « t “ " f* to Buropw After ttaying awhile In Paria. they again went to Antwerj^ wb«yi Mr. ^ ML MaKia reeuroedbli lallmacy with hie fonaar jereetbearL In oooeequono# ol thli, Mri. de ML Martin left her hueband In l ) » amber, 16# and name back to the Cnited StalML wiakieg her bone with ber mother. Bar huebaad rejoined her a few innntha

. toteg, and frlaade of the ooupU effected reeonelliation. Thhi laited until Mre. ML HarUn found eereral lettara In her huebaad ■ pookeL 1^ mailed at Antwerp.

Ob duly lib, MUM a formal eeparaUon ti»k nlaaa, Mr. de ML Martin returning to £ur lepa, wbm be remained until tbe faU, when baoameback and eetabllibed himialf In a bachelor home In Sew York, There Mre. de ML Martin called one day,in ber huiband'a nfaaana and found erldewse, tbe eayi, that warrantod her appUcahon for dieoroe. P^- mlT*io" waa granted to eerre notice by publl- catton.

rw»ing hlineretlianke to I’riiico Ferdinand for .loUviriug lliem froni tlw oi,pro«ii»« leKiiiw of Premier Htainliulott and nniilar conttniente were ainreewl by many im'iii- bemof thi-H.iliraiije- The rcenlntione al»o eepriwncii full coiilldenoi in the iic* Mm- ietry. Hliiiilar erprcMlom hare l>cen con veye I to I’rini-e FcnUnand by tlw citieon* of uliier town* in Honthern iiulgaria.

TKAT OF n tP Ill-F IlU N O OfSS.

The llecnrde Made VuieriUr at handy Hunk Pfoeina Oriiiiltila.

H.tnpY Il'ii'g, June 2. At the tort of rapid firing gum hno ytelerday the follow­ing reconl wa* made by the gnu« uainwl:

llrigga-fhhmeihT Kli-ponnder — Number of roiimle llruil in one minute, mmiticr of nmnila Hr«l in three muiutoa, Kt; time to dliiiiouut block, reinoTlng malu epring, rear epring and llrtiig-pln Biiractora, one round llrwl at liegliinlng and eiuL 2 ininiit.'* i 4-4 swotukIm.

Ifi iU'hk l » —Nunil»pr of rouua» flw! In on* mlnutH, *J8l niuiiber of toiidUn t!r«i in thrrt rnliiutiw, KU; ilm* to <lwuu»unt block, reiuor- ing mainilwIiiK. rearipring, flrlng pin, oU „ 1 intnutH H7 2-4 aeconda,

Skoda Thr*e|«iniidor- Number of rounila fired In one inliiuto, 24; number of roundi fired In three minutoi, B; time to dhmuiunt block, etc., flll 2-6 aeoonda

Mponaol—Number of rounde fired In one roiuiito, 24;nu'nl'*''“f round* fired In three mlnutee, 7;i. , .

Maalui-Norilonfeldt--Sumlier of roundi fired In on* luinutc, 5J0; number of roundi fired in three mlimtce, 64; line' to diimount blor-k, eto., 3 iniuutee &H 2-5 aeociuila.


A l-aw Judge Itefum te (I rant a Ideenae, but It Lhceked.

HlwHal to the F.visisii Nawa.FBigHol.D, June 2.—lo the Conrt of Com­

mon Pleat yottorday Pretiding Judge Con­over and Lay Judgee Morrii and Higgio* conudired a motlua to refute a Ucente to MIcbaul Barrett for a wholeealo liquor place near Atbury i’ark.

A romonitrance tlgned by hundrodi of dtlieiui at Aibury Park and Ooean tlroee WB* prettmtod to tbe coorL Couneel ergued that fiatreU had been pareittently Tiolallng the lawa for yean and that Ida beer arki, agaliuit which Henator Brmlley hai made i^ta a determined tlghL hare become an In- toleralile Duliance to the oouunumty.

Judge Conover lald that ha wae ready to decide agaliitt grentlog the Itoenee atonoe, but hli aatoclatoi had taken a different view of tbe nutter and he had no option but to lay the llceuie over for one week.

Jud^ Morrii and Himlni are lonwwhat angry becauw ot the public announcement made by Judge ConuvM*, and are likely to grant the Uceiiae over bli tMad.



TheM Harbor Animal*. Birdi, Ueptllei.The t'rlendlru Alllgalor.

From Our Animal Frienda.|r,„ enimala are more IHendleia than

the alUgetor. With clalma to neither heanty nor lotolllgence, be la not band- lume enough to win our admlrutlon, nor dangeroui enough to meke ui reepect him. For houa ho baeke In the eun, floating on tba lurfaoa of lha water or lying on aome muddy bank, apparently u uaeleee aa the log of wood he eo much rrtembite. Every man’e hand ia ralaed againtt him. Ho It killed by lha touriat In pure wantonneea, almply became he afforda a mark for the over-ready rifle. Huntera ilay aillgatora bythouaanda for thrir hidea and teeth. Indeed, It la for thete alone that the alligator It priied, I Ibiiik, however, that, like everything olto In nature, the alligator playi n part in the drama of animal life lor which be U eipeclally adapted.

U la aaid that on tha lower Mitiliaippl River nlligatora food on nniakrat*, and the recent deereaao In the number of alll- galoni hiu been tol lowed by a oorn'tpond- Ingincreaie In the numbtir of niuakrat* which aerlouily weaken the leveet by burrovflng In them. I f thta be true, the alllgalor it here of direct value to the tiknter and ihould, therefore, he protect

However, my plea for the alligator la not baaed on bii powera aa a dcatroyer of muikraU,baton fala aervlco aa a liind- niaker. Itdoaanot aeora probablu iliui ao alupld and alugglth an animal ahouKl

- ‘ • ‘ - ‘ ------pool ot

■caffolda and gulllotinoa and other msoiiaoftuddon and violent death.

Doubtleai there were aever*],Inacct. on Hie Wand, but I foo"<> “ "*> aoccif«, Tbla wat an anL Probably lha Mta on this iiHle detached world weiw more nunieroua than all tha alb*f e®** mala combined. They >l«<* “ “ Jf-drv apot, * httle mound near the centra of the Wand. Their homo waa In^n- iplcuoua and might have aaoapod obaar- vrtlon entirely had I “ o‘

To return now to th* hUtory or tne** »nd th* p*rt *Ulg*U»ri play In

building them. Thoae glgontle lliarda lovo lo llo in aoft mud at the ^ to m of lakit, and they carefully aolecl iucb plac( am which to hlbemato during tha colder monlha ,

Now, Ifon* could ••*»from which the water had dUapp^Md, Itwould be noticed that lU bottom i* a net­work ofinterlicinE my-pad*. Th* are n* large aa a man’s ami, and it will D* readily teen how they would prevent a large alligator from inugly neitllng In the roaev mud. The alligator, IhereforB,prae Iian't hit bod by biting and pulling out thcec ruoto, and they oomo floating to ino aiirl ace, showing plainly the markiofbla tet-ln, to form the framework of a future Inhwid. ,, .

Kvt ry of It* [frowth could be feeii In lue “ Arm.** Number* of ih w rooU ftuiit and form a kind of raft. AM‘tim collect* about It, dn*t »ettl*i iipon 11 *nd th* whoU *oon lookeUk* a ineet uf mud which undulat** with lb* wave*. A* It become* firmer a email plant, alway* of theaaineepecle*t make* lU appearano*; entirely covering toe lalaiid. and frowiag BO evenly that one might ouppoee lU •c«d iiad been carefully oowed by hand.HlHge* are now merely q ueilione of ttme.

gerroa-intoa fortlio puiture [.*


Tavej Badeau T o i » f Married to Mlia iMW- roBM, of Tunkert.

To iikcu , N. V „ June 9.-Thero waa ■ pro^jr wadding In ML John'i Epltoopal Chiirtdi lait evening, when Mias Maria BUaar bath Lawrioce, Hoond daughter ot Major and Mra. Janus V. Ijiwrenni, ot 107 Buonm Vista aTMius, and granddaughter of Mn. E, D. E. N. Houthworlh, the novellsL was mar­ried to iW cy Badeeu Young, of Newark.

The bride, who eru given away by her fatbar, looked charming in a gown of white ■aUn an trainee with ducheasa lace and peul trimming. Her omamenta ware jwarband diamonds. Tbs maid of honor waa Hlas Delsy Champlin Ho**, of Newark, who wore a becoming gown of white bengaline, with tuUe tiHinmfiig, and carried a bouquet of white rosea. , ,

The brideamald* were Mias ValcnUne L.. lawrenre and Miss Maude H. Lamnee.

Tbey wore pink bengaline, trlminad with laoa, and carried bouquets of pink rosea. There were alao in altonilanoo two llttla girls, Edith lawrsnee aud Evelyn Weddell, In white silk, carrying leghorn hats filled with marguerttos.

The best man was E. Kuasoll Young, Jr., of Newark, and the uaher* were Charles HeyetL Ueoige MUIer and Mainpel Dunn, uf NewaM: Lasrrenoe Arroiwiinilh, of New York; Willat H. Clark and Vamvi* M. Georgen, of Yonkers.

After the ceremony there was a reception, at the Ikome of the bride’s father.

Teetlniony Being Tak.a to DlsMvev Fraud In e Contmetv

New flauaswiCK, June 2.—Boms days ago application was made to Chief Justice Heea- ley for a writ of certiorari, calling upon the Freshoider* of HIddletez to answer in re­gard to the granting of a contract to tha Berlin Bridge Company to build abridge over the Karltan River for 129,500. The ap plloatlon waa made by City Treasurer Jams* Nellton and J. Edgar Powelion. Testimony Is now being taken before Mayor James H. V*ncle*f.

Tbsodors Cooper, of New York, terttfled that the Berlin Company’s stiedflcatloiii were inadequate, and that sneh a bridge could bo built for 115,000, and offered to build snch a bridge, with two sidewalks In- stoad of ona for 117,000, or with concrete floor and two sidewalk* for B6450, or with a concrete floor and one sidewalk for I3LB75.

made to show cullisian

may grate. Nevertheless, I thihk It can be proved that he aids in accomplishing this remarkable transforinstlun.

Meveral year* ago 1 paaaed the winter studying bird* and matumala near Uaim a-ville, F la . Among my especial dealderalawere a singular llttla round-lslled muak- rat, known a* nsoflbar {which b**! previ­ously been found only on the Indm Klveri, and a peculiar seml-aquallo hero. A resi­dent of the region suggested that l lii^eanimals might Iw found on the tloalmg islands of “ Bevan’s Arm." This " nr'“ p a branch of Alachua Lake, Is w|"*t •’ known In Florida a* a “ bonnet lake. Tbe name will be famillsr to any one who hsa visited Florid*, lor “ bonrn l lakes are abundant throughout the Imagine a lake so thickly covered with a growth of pond lilies that the shows only In oocailonal patches. I tie lilies are both of the yellow and Hie white variety, but lha former arc by far the larger and mor* numerous. Borne leaves masaure eighteen inches in diameter, and the atoms of msny project nearly two feet above the aurfaoe of the lake. The water Ueomattmea fifteen or twenty feet in depth, and In the clearer space* much deeper. It la filled with many st>ecics of aquaUo plants. In which one s ooto odme enuagled, and these, added to the sbandance of illy leaves, or bonnets, n..ir. rowing a difficult and tlreseme mat-

^ lo one o f the open spaces near the cen­tre of the “ arm," which was hereabout half a mile In width, were the lilauda There were eeverel of them, irregularly oireular In shape and varying in diameter from abont ten to nearly fifty toeL 1 hey

dea**ly reofi* anagrisits ot many species, and In some Jaoea tall, flag-like sedges and button Bikatagrew. , , ,To a naturaUst floating Islands po"«** »

strong fkaolnatlon. The anlmaUtbat In­habit them saam to belong to » «l“ *™ their own. The Isolation of their iiUnd home alfurdi them prolecHon from Ibelr mainland enerolea, and this la dou b ll« why animals are so abundsnl on the Islandt Id the "arm." Certain it to I have never seen a bit of ground of similarektont so densely populated.

Bowing alowly out through the bon­nets," I wsa greeted by a chorui of frog- llke grunting*, which seemed to issue from under every Uly leaf. U was made by young aUlgator*. The “ arm" was a Duraery Tor them. They were of all slaw, from little fellows sli or eight inchea in length, born the preceding summer, to fully grown adulto measuring ton feet or more. The smaller ones are found In school*, families, perhaps; occasional y to sun themselves, they crawl upon lily leaves floating on the surface of the water, making as ideal plelures of laty contentment as one cin well imagine. Ihe larger leaves will support the weight of

the root* torn .. the ftlliEAtor afe ftfinly wov*n Into m com­pact m*M by th* grM«** and T**d* which tnlt* f>on*e*slonont, and we ha?* then on UlftDd iinlt* iiinlUr W th* on* I have d*-■Crlbcd. a. A, ga

Thie, it 1* true, I* not a pasture, bat H nioy become on* at any Uni*. Boro* day a ulroiiE wiikd will blow this IsUnd oahor* and then the roots In It* bottom will pro?* living anchors holding it to its rooorlngi> and by and by th* floating Island will bo- cunie firm ground over which oottl* may grai*. A* island aft«r island is bipwn Aguinst this one. the Arm ** recede, the nl»ore becomes dryer, and er« long It will bo firm enough to support th* oattl*. which sre attracted by Its luiurlant growth of grass**.


Ingrnnitr c»f thw LUU* TolUr* Shown la a Surprlrinf Way*

Prom Bt. Micholoa.Once upon a time, not so very long ago,

a gentlenian who bod a beautiful garden thought that It would be very nice to bav* iom* bees, so he bought six or seven hives spd placed them fn thelovell^t oor- ner of the garden under on old anpie tree. There was a large bed of mignonette and

Bin&Ii field of clover hard by.The bees seemed to like their new home

very macb, and went to work gatheriu honey and bussing the while in the cheeriest way. , .

Now this gentleman not only wanted the honey that his bees would make, but he wished to watch the habits of the beet 08 well, and before giving yon tbe story, 1 am going to tell you one sod Uttle t^ th and a few foots about bees. A working* bee lives only six weeks after he begins his work In the spring. But daring that fix weeks be work* early and late to gather the honey-dew and store it «ra y in tbe hive for yon and me, and for tbe young bees to eat the fbHowlng winter, when tbey dare not stir out of tbe hive.

HOME RULE FOR CITIES.A Flea la F.vor el T li.lr ladepeaAeooa

from I.*al.laUve C«ntfol--Tli* Lawste l l l ( r t r .a t aiotes-

W. H. Hotchkiss in tbsHavlew cfRavtaw*.Tbirtesn o f th* forty-four Stalas have

praotlcslly no coDstllutlonal rastrlcllons siraoUnf th* chsrtor* o f oltlss. Five o t these sra in New Entland, Slate* litU* oontroUed by th* foreiffn vote and all bav* in , a more or l e « reatriotod aulftafK Pour are in the Month, noo* o f them, save Maryland (In Wboia constitution Balti­more la (Iven a separate erticle), boasttof a city larger than Bcchesler} and one, Oregon, In the Weet, with no important cltle* at all. The other three, New York, Kentucky snd WlsconMn, o f all the pro- greaclve MUto* west o f New England, per" mit almoet unlimited meddling with city ohartcr*. Of these, however, Wisconsin hua a general urban law, and Kentucky has no Important cltle* save Lonlavlue. New York, the most popnloos, with more than thirty citiee and among them th* metropolis of the nation, stands fearfully and woluily alone.

Th* organic law of some thirty o f the Stales guarantee* a greater or lesser de­gree of inunidDal home rule. Bom* States oven do this In two or three w * ^ ’The restriction* which have been tried may be thus clamifled: , . . ^

1. Prohibition on local or special l«g«K lation atteotlng clUes. coupled often with a mandatory provision for general urban laws *

2. i*ubIicaHon in the locality to ^ af-fected o f a notice of Intention before a local bill can be Introduced In the Legie- lature; .

A Th* mltiative or referendum, or the two comblued, applied to the construction and amendment of city ohartera

The first I* best unSerstood and most common. Pennsylvania phrases th* pro­hibition well:

“ The Genersl.Assembly shtU not p w any local or special law • * • in in­corporating clue*, towns or villages, or changing their charter*,’ ’

Hiasourl commands genera! laws In the following terse language:

“ Th* Oeneral Assembly ehall provide, by general laws, for the organisation and clasatfication of olHes and towns."

Tbe effect of the first clause Is a general municipal Icnrporatlons law; of the eoo- ond, a clsaslflcatiun of cities socording to poDulatlOD. The first is In force in Penn­sylvania. Illinois, Louisiana (wtasre, how­ever, New Orleonn Is exenlpt), MlaaiaHppl and Nebraaka The oonstitutloDS of Catl- fomla, Washington, lewa, Arkaniis, Tennessee and New Jersey have elmtlar

rodslona Thus in one-fourth o f tha

Y o u #are not actually sick but have no power to generate vitality. T h e

cause is mal-nutrition

T h e cure is

H o r n b y ’ s 'H-0O a tm e a l

T h e perfect nutrient.A A



An elfort is being between tbe Fi Company._____

mldert and the Berlin


T H A T 18 TH E 8 f S T P L A C KTO BUY


Am/ if you ftaim a fine Watch that ntede attention, that ie the place to take it.






A Hlllsrllle Han Eat. Feline Nteah. on a Wager and Eqjoy. Them.

Millv ille , Juno 2.—Jerry llnppeiutall had a roasted cat for his dinner yesterday and apparently enjoyed the feline steaks.Be partook of the unique meat un a wager that cat meat is pleoeout to tbe taste ntid that ho could make a meal of lie fimh, Thn wager was made with Jolm Msnqile.

Mr. Heppemtall after the meal said the fish was rather pIiwutuL thungh iumewliat tough, and luul a lardy taste, but outeide uf this It did not differ very iiiiUeriolly from mutton. ______________________

Freehold Instilnte to Crlebralr.Special to tho Eva.visu Naw*.

Frkeiioiji, June2.~Tli6 I'rechold Insti­tute will celebrate Its semUvut.'Uiilal on Frlilay of next wwk, .Umo 3. It is the pur­pose of tlie committee in eliarge to hove every student ot the institute, wliether ot reoent tiiiU'S or of its eurller days, preueut at tho eieri-isiHi, wldch will include snw'cheK iii the looruiug by 1'rofta.or 1). It, H i Ills, the founder or tho instiliite, and IVtlliain J, Hendei-soii. the rausical editor of the Now York rime,, and a luuHieon at the Ameri­can Hiitol at 2 o‘cl(K:k. An i«rni'»l ellort Is Iwing made to obtain the co-(>|*Tation of all Ktuduuts. Judge J. Clnroii™ Conover Ls olio of the prime inoviTs in the nintter, while Friilenck Parker, Ka[., sou of the late Itovemur Parker, is the chairman of tiio wmiuittoe. _ __

SiLlbIx'd liy H i t Daiiitiilrr.PyuHKIlTON. Juno 2.-Juliu Kimjeon,

tweiity'Seviui years old, wliilo inloiLcaUsi Thursday night t<egan quarrelliug with her ugt'd inotlicr, with whom she made her home. The old Indy left the room whore the qiian-id took [plaiv niei went to tlie kltelieti. The daoghlcr followoil her there ami aaollier war of words 1‘iisui.sL ilulla Ipecame inoi'o and liioro enrageil. ami Ibmlly, in a ilriiuken fury, grasjs'd the eurviiig kuifi' on the lul'le andstraek at ber molhiir, without burling li.T. Mjh. Kiio[is'ui siai'lal Ui run from the rooin. Ii'ut in ber fright aud hurry stumbiisl and fell. Tbe dougliter plunge.1 Hie knife into ber Imck, IntUcting a serl'ius though not nen-sanrlly fatnl wound. The enormity of the jissl frighiened ber m Iharwho sobered iipBHilleh'Utly tip leave town at oiieo. Mrs. Hnnpson Is iiiqiros iug. unit will probably re­cover. ____ _________

A lleUliquent 1‘ailiayrr Kent to Jail.IlArKENHACK, .lune 2. —Henry I. Harltsg,

eueelal constable for the collection i>f taies in Uiis plan-, baa eumssbsl in the lael twenty . days ia wiping out niipiy ohi sconis. Patrick Crowe, a sloaeoulU'r. i*ni|steatl> evudeil payment of bis ihiII tax uinbir varimis pre- texbs and was allowed to go free until Tburs- day uigbL wbeu I'onstable Karing arrested him and lodged him iu jajL The yoqjig man remained iu iiritun all nigbL but his tax and ivwtip were paitl yesterday. The I'olh'ctors of

“ tu Berguu County have lieeii■ unusually pentoveriug this spring, lint this is the "first arrest and liuprleonincnt of a cititen who tailed to jiay, Under tlie New Jersey law a delinquent msy l » kepi iu prison iuiHl

. the taiee are l»id. -■-*

A Presbyterian lm m er»d .Special to the EygNina Nawa

W ahhinutos, ;f. J., June 3.—Last Thurs­day, in the Uaptist chur(.'b In this town, Dr. Itttorge M. Holden, a dentist ot Hacketto- town, wss baptiswl into the Presby- tarian faith by immersion by a Fresbylenan pastor, tbe Rev. John Ixiwrey, uf the Proshytorian church at Hockettstown. Dr. Holden was recently converted In meeting* held by the Rev, Mr. Ijowrey, but when It came to the subject ot luptisni he rtwired to be immersed, tbmklng it the Biblical way of showing the world of bis liilentlon of leading a different life. The pastor was obliged to borrow from the Bap- tUt jieopie the use of their baptistry aud church. _________

A Blot at a CummencemenLTonniiTO, 0 ., Juno 2.—As the fifth annupsl

coinmenceliient exorciiot of the High School were about to taegiu lost night In the opersr bouse, a riot occurred, which at one lime threatened disastrous results. Tbe house was crowded to overflowing. Harry Ault anil Frank Hartford got into an altercation over seats. Blows were exclianged, women fainted and imnilemonium reigneiL OeorOT ■VulL father ot Harry, riwhad over tha backs of Heats, trampling women and ebUdreu under foot in an endeavor to assault Hart­ford. Tha Mayor and ))olice, after much trouhle, quiatwUhe dlsturlianco, and ordered the jsmple out of the lumse. The eierciie* were iHjstpoDod one week.

glept Ills Life Away.(HryvKRNVil.LK, N. J-, June 3.—There died

vestarday at Hm) county tioorhuuso Mjlvester fciward*. ag«l seventy-one yi'ara, who, for nearly twenty yasrii, ha* Isvii in a eemi- wimiiolent condition. With (he exwtptlon of the tlniiw whim he wu.a uwakvnctl to ]>ennit of fo>«l living given Jo him be wa* ahiuMt coiitiuuously asliiop. Uivasiiiuallj when spoken lo be would reply in a fet>b!e tone of voice, but would at once cula|«u into his lUiual eouditioa

an alligator three teeUjt length.One of the larger hiland* wo* my daily

retort for nearly two weeks, and I will ooo&D* my ftccount to lh,e hiatory o f this ntftldulftr iaiand. apaakinjf flrat of Ltie Uf* bpion IL then of lu probable origin,

I always approached it with cauUOD, in order that 1 might have a glimpeo o f Its largest Inhabitant, This wo* an aUigator about eight feet in length. His habit of crawling from the water on to the Island at a certain place hod resulted in bis wear­ing away the shore until he had formed a miniature harbor. Ha “ bnllded belter than he knew," and here on tbe muddy shore he doted the hours away, enjoying, although he did not know it, the fruits or bis own or his fellows' labors. On my pearanee he would half elide, halfioU, off IdIo the water; the waves rippled out­ward m ever-widening circles; a few bub­ble* rote to the surface, snd I saw no more of tho king of the islands that day.

My landing was a few leot beyond. It was mode, and my boat was " beoched " in a unique manner. Tbe Inland was from two to three feet In thickness, and floated In water from fifteen to twenty feet in depth. As I stepped from my oanoe on to Its edge it sunk alowly beneath my weight, and, stepping backward, I conld

Light SnoH fall 111 ttouIII Jersey.A t i.axth ' Uit v , June 2.—With a light

briiewi blueing from the south ami a nieau Iciiiperal.ara of fifty eiglit dogns;*, a iwin Htoriii which l»gan utk;:«l o'clock last night wo* precoloii liy a slight fall o f suow, which laattsi alHjul five mimitee.

ItaillcalsIoHupiuirt M. llonrgeoli.I ’Altta June 2. Tho Itadlenl menitiers ot

(he rhamlier of UeputUw have aiinouiiced that I hoy will sup|n>i't M. Woiirgisjia for tho Presidency of tho i liamber.


A riiteky Young U'ouiHii Oatliers in B40 iiUli a Dive,

From nn Exchange.Misa Josic Mhcehy, a trim, natty young

girl, wearing u tailor made gown and a jaunty bit o f milHiiery on her head, was leaving the Olympic Natatorlum, in Sou Franoloco, a few days ago, followed by the other niembers of the female class. ‘Standing near the door were a number of young men walling for the hour when they shouid be admitted, among them be­ing Arthur Cnll.an, an acquaintance of Mias Joslc. Y’ oung Cnilan made a re­mark jocularly reflecllng on the ability o f girl Bwiumiers in general, and Miss Mheohy promptly retorted in kind. Jleparteo was exchanged laughingly for a lew moments, and a lost Miss Josle said unguardedly:

‘ I I wouldn't be afraid to jump In just as I am now.”

“ Idare you,” said Callan, adding, aa MissMheeby Itesltoled, “ I ’ ll bet you J26 you dare not," “■

Tife bet was promptly oocejY* whole party returned to the sofuitinnii school. Despite his offer young Callan had some dlBlouUy in putting up his part of the stakes, but the fSO was finally niaced In the instructor’s Hand* end Miss

heeby removed the pretty Jlttlo hat, that

but a* I advanced toward the centre oi tbe Island the ahore rose, and the canoe was lifted from Hie water by this kind o f natural drydock.

Progress now waa very much like walk­ing on cracked or partially melted ioe. Wnere the grasi grew thickly there was a firm foottog, but the spaces between the little hillocks were treiu-herously aoft. To fall through an islaml woiiLd no doubt be a novel experience, but one that the ex­perimenter would doubtless never attempt again.

Although none of Hie residents were vtelblo, It required Iml a glance to show that this island was thiekly populated.

Brood ovenues entered and left the water. Tlierc was ii iielwork o f roads, pathways und trails lending to gravay neats well hidden at the base o f a hillock, or to uiidorground limnels with entrances half closed with iiiuil. Close inspccllon showed tho Iroeks of many feeL As i walked carefully nliniit this city—for it was nothing less—1 lelt liko u lirobding- ntg In Lllltpntia, Wliile llio place was apparently deserted, I knew that the in- hsbllonts were nil at Imnie. With them it was night, and my itcscuco was doubt­less causing iiniiiy a licarl near me to bent with unaccustomed ra[iidily.

Many species ofliirds occasionally used tbe island us a iiestiug place. There were white herons and blue, bitterns, ducks and others; but 1 will tell only of those that seemed lo make the island their borne. Of these pruliably the moat com­mon wore the lioiLl-laii gruckles^a name tbey have acquired Irom ilicir habit when on the wing of liolding their long tail feathers on edge a* it were, the tail thus resembling In lunii the hull of a boat. The male* are beanliful bird.*, with glossy blue-block pliiniiqp', wliiUi the fcniala* are o f an inconspicuous dull brown. They ploco their large nests uf grasses in the tall flags, laying evgs curiously ornament­ed with hieniglypliic-like iimi'kings.

Of reptiles, ill iidditlon to the alligators, there w ere siukcs and turtles. One morning 1 saw a hideous moccasin snake lying coiled in the grasses at niy feet—a loatbsomo creature, nearly lour feet in longtli, posscased of a power wbicU reudered Ills very hidcousnes.* strangely attractive. I’oisoiioiis snakes liave tho sort o f fascimitioa for us Ihnt belongs to

Bees will travel on the wing elk or eeven mllea to find food or water i f they pan not get it nearer home. One working-be* can make only about one teospoonfiil ol honey during its Ufotlme; eo'lt take* on army o f bee* to fill one hive full o f hooey.

Now for the story.The genUeman had heard that It was a

common thing for beekeepers to use manu- fsetored honey-oomb in their hiveA It is made from beeswax, after the honey 1< ex­tracted, pressed Into targe sheeto, and fastened fc Iramee twelve Inches square, and then bang in the hive*. The bees make the cell* deeper, fill them with honoy* and c*p th*m o?*r with thin whit* waif to keep the honey In the celland to keep it clem and 8we*t. You »ee that tbe bees can make a little more honey if tbey do not have to stop to make tbe combs Honey road* in raannfaclur^ comb la called extracted honey. It la taken from tbe comb In a machine made for thli purpoae* Then th* comb U bun; in the hl?ej and the bee* All it ^tbe genUeman pnt this kind o f comb in three hi?e3; but in the other hive* he left the bees to make the good old-foehioned kind o f " honey In tbe honey-oomb, that is ao sweet and beautlfhl.

One morning the jenlleman found that the bees around one of bis hlvea wore fly­ing wildly in and out, making an angry buzilng tne while. He knew at once that something was wrong, and that the bees were tollHng about it.

The gentleman went to the hive and took off the top and looked In, and found that one o f the large sheets o f the manu­factured honey-comb was broken ecroes, and the honey d r iv in g down upon tho floor of the hive. The gentleman thourt t at onoe of a way to help the bees. He preea^ the broken comb together, a i j beck into It* plaoe in the frame, and thei took elesn whit* twine ond tied the comb into the frame, and bung It back In the hive. Then he went a short distance and watched and Hilencd to see what the bcc8 would do and *ay. The bees flew Into and out oM he hive and soon grew quiet, and oomroenced their cheerful, happy baBxiug,without one notqof anger.

'Tne next morning the rantleinan went out egain very early and found the toe* quiet and happy; but he saw something that surprised him very much. In front o f one o f the hivee the short gra** was white with a fine ftiii or llnL He ex­amined it closely and found that it was flue white cotton llnL He said to him- self ’

“ This is tbe hive that has the mended honojoomb In IL I will look in.”

Ho took off the top of tbe hive again, and what do yon think he found T

The heel bod mended the broken comb with beeswax, and then those bright little things bad cut all that twlpo into bits of fine lint and carried it out of the hive, bit by bit, until there was not tbe least thread o f lint left on the honeycomb or in the bive. . ________

States there is a direct oheok onle^slatlv* meddling with the cbortere o f clttee. The large proportion o f Southern States will be noticed; but their constitutions, ae well os those of elmoet every Northern Slate having this restriction, have been sdopted or emended since tbe wer. This step, though towsrd home rule, ie not a sale one in New York. Its highest court has decided, in effect, that a law in terms applying to all cities o f the Slate between ■peciflea upward and lower limita in pop- uWion, even though applleable In reality to but one municipality, la a nnerol law. Such a constitutional prohibuion against local urban iegielation might therefore prove of little value.

A provision for unlfonn Iegielation ap­plicable to citlee Is also found in nine or more States, among othen, Ohio, Mis­souri, Colorado snd Nsvado, In addition to some already meutloned. But this pro­vision results lo a classiaeatlon by popula­tion, each Important city being a class by Itself; and in effect th* general law be- comee general only e* to the small and medinm-slzed places, while special legis­lation affecting tbe large oltlea ia sa poesi- ble if not os probable os before. This ie a step, though a short one, toward constitu­tional home rule.

There Is more hope in the device ex­pressed in the following clause from theConitltution o f Mississippi i

" No local or special law shall be passed unless notice of the Intention to apply


CorierofOiiLeaiiilOiieiiMlMAeurACTunEns or

Improved Oarlies Engtnes, Tubular Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work, sOso hsavT Iron and B r w C^tlngk BTEAM FITTING A SPBCLALTY and order* for general machine onA boiler repsin promptly exeguted.



Wharf to let, wlUi heavy crane and stortn prlTliegee, by day, week or month, at lowestcity rates.

O P T I C I A N S .

Hedinal Journali tluggeit Its I'te.The many who live betlor than others and

enjoy life mure ore the ones who more rapidly adapt the boit products totheir physical needs. It Is from this large class yuu ran learn of the great good to bu derived (rom the uso of Dr. Dsvid Kennedy’s Favorite Itomedy. It is pre- eeoted in a most acceptable form, idettsaoi to the taste and iwrfeci in action. U ho* given satisfaction to millions, it is approved and pre­scribed by prooi Icing pliysidsus and is used iu alt hospitals and sanitariums. Indysinpsla, neutalglaJtloBsy, liver aad oiinary onmplaInU and th* Ulnesses women sutler from tt is a postUve cure. For couBtlpstton, nervousness or loss of sleep ft Is unequalled. Dr. Ken­nedy’s Favorite Remedy 1* so generally pre- M gim now that all deoUrs in thedlelneieUlt.

being apparenUy the most highly prized part o f her costume. One of the attecd- ants swam out into tbe tank to bo In readi­ness in case of emergency, but lie might have saved bimsell tbe trouble. The plucky young girl tripped Ughtlv to the gallery, which Is fitteen feet above the water, and poised herself for a mometiL Then she brought th* tips of her fingers together above her head. The next mo­ment there wns a swieh o f ekirta as she dived, followed by a splash os the trim figure struck tho water. The diver rose gracefully to tbe surface and with a couple o f long strokes reached tbe steps, up which she climbed laughingly to claim her 160. Tho money was turned over, and one of Mias Sheeny’s friends wo* dis­patched for dry elokblug.

Growing too lastm e a n s lh ; i i c h ild r e n d o n o t g e t p r o p e r nourisshm ent f r o m fo o d . T l i e y a r e t h e r e fo r e

" • - I r . , .............. . c l i e s ^ ^an<iw e a k .


t h e c rea m o f C o d - lW e r O i l a n d h y p o p h o s p h lte s , s u p p lie s m a te r ia l fo r g r o w t h . I t m a k e s sou n d b on es , s o l id f le s h a n d h e a lth y , r o b u s t c h ild r e n . Physipiam, t h e w o r l d o v e r , e n d o rs e It.

Don't bn dicelnil b) Snbstltiitit!rnpattebyBwB*B««s*,E>Y. AUDluflMa

S P R IN G A N D S U M M E lt S O U P S

Homo one asks; " Wlio wants a greasy, hot soup In summer f " NotwHly. 1 reply, wants a greasy soup ut any season of the year, but o light, delicate, nutritious soup Is one of the most palatable forma of nourishment in hot wusthor. It Is particularly easy to make nice soups in sumiBBr on account of the great variety of vegotabte*. Try, for msliiDcc, this, without any Ingredient which could give li even the sumblance of greaBluese; tViuih liaU a cup of rle* awl a small cupful each ot car- mis, turnips and celery stalks cut in dice, and put them into a kettle with two quarts of cold wutor, a tablespoontnl of salt, a saltsptjonful of pepper, a sprig o f thyme, another of msr- Joramand throe bay leaves. Bring slowly to a boil, simmer two hours, asason to taste and sprinkle in a toaspoonfol of minced parsley; boll for five tniniue* and servo. This may tie changed in flavor somewhat by first frying in an oiincB of butter, until yellow, Ihe rice and begolables,

Soup Printanlere—Heat two quarts of clea^ stock to boiling aud odd two ounces each of carrot, white and yellow turnip, cabbage and string beaus, fine shredded; half au ounce of onion, and n tablespoonful cacli ot celery leaves and parsley, finely minced ; simmer Until the vegetables are teuder, Ytiu msy vary tills by adding to * quart of broth a large coffee cupful ot delicate cooked vegetables— top* ot asparagus, tiny radishes out small, green peas, beans of any kind- -In sbnrt, whatever your larder may afford ; simmer thsin In tho broth for fifteen minute. If they have been previously cooked, or until lender If not.

The bones from a forequarter of roast lait.b. If made Into a stock and tblckened " i l l , green- peas boiled with it, and pressed through a sieve until of thy couslsteoey thill cream, make a nice^oup. Heasoa Ui taste, and keep it from settling by sllrylrut in a teaspoonf ui of flour wet with cold watiri. I*ut croutons in the tureen. Tlie Isine* of a roast of VAol, ot from the breakfsrt < breaded Veal Ohopa, with a very smali ham, bone, or, better stlU, a quarter of a pound'd unsmoked pork, will make a stock suitable for combining vritb lima beans, cauliflower, Lomatoee or.a*paragnB. The debMs of chlcksn —roost, broil or fry—is a good foundation for an okra soi}ji. ,

^ ’Lth any vegetable or vegetables, eicepi tomatoes, a cup ol hot milk it generally a nloe addition.

Ml-Coreroe Soup—This soup, which in plain English is mid-Lent soup, la exceliebt at any time of tho year. Have your fish merchant flllet two flounders, and put them oyer tbe Are vritb three pint* of cold water, a rorrot, a turnip, an onion and tbe usual bunch of soup herbs; bring them to a boll; tab* out tbs fillets, and lay them between two plstters to cool while you let the vegetables slnimer. Stamp half t dosen lettuce Isayet in lltHn rounds wlHi an apple ooierj throw then Into saltod boiling water for one minute t drain and throw Into cold m te r to await iHittwr ustv-sNew Fork Reeonlsr.

therefor shall have toen published in tbe locality where the matter or thing to b* affected may be sltoated, which notioe shall state the subsUnce o f the contem­plated law, and shall h* published at least thirty days prior to th* introduotioa into the Aseeinbly of such bill and In the man­ner to be provided by law."

’This Isa favorite c l«u e In Southern oonstitutioni. It will be found in thoee o f Georgia, Alabama and Lonioiona, in addition to Mississippi, as well os. In inb- stanoe, in those of New Jersey, Pemtsyl- vanla and Colorado. In oil ordinary con­ditions thi* device would oooomplish it* purpose. It permits the people most affected to Instruct their representatives, Bnf the cities of New York hare lately bad too much experience with oharter amendmente poaoed by Legislatures In spite of their protests to place much con- Mence in this speolea o f home rule,

'The truth Is, neither of these devices would sccompllsh constitutional home rule in New York. Tbe hope of hopes Is a comhlnatlou o f the Initiative and refer­endum already in foroe in some o f tbe Slates.

The constitution o f Mlsaouri provides that any city having a population o f more than 100,000 may ftaroe Its ornn ic law by electing a board of thirteen Freeholders, which W r d shall within ninety dayi re­turn a proposed charter: and that If each charter is ratified by a four-sevenths vote at a general or ipeclal election, it shall supersede all existing ‘ charters and laws. Provision Is also mode for amendtqeots to such a oharter by a three-flitbs vote, and for the submission of alternstive sections, to be voted on separately and accepted or re-

iected without prejudice to other artlclea 'he same procedure Is authoriied by the

constitution of California, though, after ratification by direct vote, tbs oharter must be submitted to the State Logislatnre for adoptloQ or rejection os a whole. The young State o f Washington has gone sHU further, and, improving on both Mlieouri and California, provide* for oharter Initia­tive and referendum In all cities having a population o f 20,000 without a final refei^ ence to the Legislature.

As a scheme o f constitutional home rule, this plan approximate* tbe ideal. California still lne|ats on the consent of a Legislature. Bat in the other two States, city governments may spring, under that great parent, the oonstltutton, from the people tbemselveA The legislative body oi the city directs the choice o f a charter commission by the people, tbe commis- eion prepares a charter under the scrutiny of the press and tbe people, that charter is published a required number o f titoM In a required number o f newspapers, the people then vote yei or no to It i pro­visions. Aineiidment* to a charter so adopted originate In the City Council and arc biibmttted for adopUoD or r^Joctioo by tho people themselvet*

Prom l/InlrauHlKeant llliutre.’ yo»r pardon but you seem to bo

Ntarinsnr me Iu a straDgo fMblon. Do yon fwp (inylUiDK ubout mo that l8 familiar toyou

' V^K, Mr. my umbrella.**

f l PPREClATlVE of lu w ed ix tbU oity^ we hare Ipaugorated an OPTlCAli DEPARTMENT, and hara apared no jMktik* at expenM to make It tha moat oomplata In tha Atata.

I t ia la ebarga of three graduates of OP* THALMOI/XJY. and tha greateat care will na ukan tu each iadlrldnal caae to secure parfeot reiulU.

Optlctt FnserlptloiHW ill ha a apeclaltr. and with our fadll- tlai each ooa shall be correctly flued aad none but tha flueat quality uf Klauai will be uad.


B R O A D ,Bst. W. Pork and Cwlar StA

V8 iio i l l Bail!--- IN BEST—


CANNED eOODS, ETOOiir Uiuftl Special 3 -lb. Box

Good Tea for §1,00.

BEATTIE.TM and 796 Broad St. aad MBellerftaa Are.

There Is a W om anin Philadelphia who lived for years in a daily circle of suf­fering, because she thought there was no relief.

Her suf­fering was caused by

female weakness

in its worst forms.

She had ^ pain in her

b.ack and loins, great fatigu^ from iiialking,a frequent desire to urinate.

All this time relief was close at hand.

Lydia E . Pinkham's Vege- tabu Compound cured her of all weakness and disease, and she is now a different woman. This woman is Mrs. Walter Wilcox, of 736 West S t , who advises all women who suffer so from female weaknesses to try it 9I50 and be cured. It expels tumors, removes back­ache, invigorates the system.

A ll druggists keep if for you.

Saie Your Money ITh* Fins Tsa* which we on offering at

Wc. and 25c. PoundAre not <mr onlyevery deecription of FINK GRO- CERlES AT CUT PRICES. Our fre* delivery irfvM you the advaiitAge of our low prlcee wherever you uay epeud the eummer.


^ I I V N E R

^ & T e a r y ,KAXnTaCTUltlM M,-----

-OS-s p e c ia l AND


fitcam Enginss, Gsaring. Bhottlngi Baagflrs, Pulley*, Etc.

Dtfairmg PromfUf Artsflrfsrf To.

6 mil 1 Riilroid Plica, leiark, S. i.

HE first insertion of an

advertisement very sel­

dom pays. That is to

say—if you have never

advertised before in a

certain paper it will

take some little time

for its readers to get

acquainted with you,

and until they do, don’t

expect much return.

There are occasional

exceptions, of course,

but they are few and

far between. It is tb«

systematic, persistent

effort that pays in ad­

vertising as in evciy-

thing else. In takings

medicine the regularity

of the dose is almost as

important as the dmg


For Wat reason the

columns of the news­

paper offer the very

best medium for busi­

ness announcements.

For that reason, pro­grammes and wall-

hangers and schemes

of all sorts, from an in­

dustrial write up of tho

town to a picture card,

are never effective. It

may be well enough to

indulge in a pretty nov­

elty occasionally if you

are using all the space*you need in the papers.

Charles Austin Bates,

the advertising expert,

says:“ I have been a pub«

Usher of programmes

and of other ‘ schemes’

—I have advertised in

them, and in my whole

experience on both

sides of the fence I

have never heard ofI

known of a single ad­

vertisement in a me­

dium (?) of that kind

that paid.”



C a »l» Bugs sad Emhroiderl*j.^j^^j^

B ri«-B ra* sud DjaP^JJ^^ rurutahtof.. Euiravsd a .™ a u ^ l ^ ^

AsUqn* SstUngs of G*tn* Boproducod.


R fiM A U m ll

C l l t V l U J ,fou Want Hcavmae,

Wrought Iron Pipe»Lead Pipe,

Iron or Brau fitfingt. Factory Supplies, etc.

: : : : I9 0 MWKET STREET.

M E N - * M E N ! K V ^" u % b l s ' , « y « < t o » r t i t o

[to plain ■avtlw*.fllaALOa, PJ>3«k U5 N*w»ik,MJ.

The local newspaper

goes into the house

bristling with intelli­

gence, brim full of the

newd of the world, sparkling with, the

daily doings of the community. I f its ad­

vertisers are awake to their opportunities it contains business news

of value to every reader,

for it pays to read ad­vertisements. Adver­

tisements are becoming

more truthful every

day. Business men

know that their news

must be true or it will

fail—they remember

the story of the boy

and the wolf. It is

safe to say that any

woman who makes a

business of reading

business, news—ads.—

will increase buying

power of her husband’s

dollars as much as as

I^ c e n k


S T A iB m i PRICE."Ihe ^Idarmui Sayi So at thi Com­

mon Goonoit Mwtiafc.


CuunrllHiKn W * i l » r l « » n B lH ikM th * Be-

4 «o lid D a f GldctlQB O fftcdn ' P jiy ott th «

CtU«r K ircutl«« NuhmlU * i'um- munte«Uaa-Thfl 4»matir« Fipallj AlLuw tfa« H«ni» U^foniiMnM (h*t Hm Ue^a GlTvn 111 Trdvlou ffmr*. Thoucb th* N » jo r V«lo«il B ReauluttDQ to th«t

T h « tiiMiiiiK of the ConiDinti C'ouDcil Uuit nlgbt WM ft banuoiiiuui ftffair. Tbti A1i|<«r-

vidd witU iNarb othar In exteniHu); cour- tdMiiea, Altlermftu SUsitiNby cbumhI inor* ttw ifr little iiufprliw when the ofDUtkiotf au approprlfttloii for th<* t>ftViiUMit of tbe eietlion othctMit wni brought up. Mr.HUiuabj Mil I he haii no '' pull" or iunui u<M) with the Mayor and hia ailvico and Nugges- tioDA bat! ih'tun ignored.

After Alilrruum Wwterman, cliairman of the Uommilteo on Rleotiund. had iiitriMtuiv.l a rtsMoiutioii diriM'tliig thu Uity TroEiHur» r aiWani-ti IH.IKi for the ]iayment of the elrt'- tion ofHoorfl he, in a omummiiiatimi whiL*h wJwnsttd, attacked Major Lebkinu'hrr and charged him with being reNponslble for tJier«luaH(H| in ih* p-iy of the uleotiou otflcerH. .........In the flmt ]>aragraph the Atdnriniiu wrote Routht coimiiandor of the Unitped 'titatoe ^ a t be nuuU> tba tUlemout in Justice to hin I fori'ts of the SalvaUon Army, will deliver au

FROM TH E ORANGE TOWNS.Th« W r^ OTM«f> r in |Nif|krtimnt H«art

af • B|h « —llujlHgOiDinc* lrw*>

At II ;S0 tfi'luuk lu t ui^bl John Lyncb, oT' VVMtOnDge. dUcoTarwl flaniM iaiulDf ■ beru in the IW pT HlU-hell irtnel He ran to the hcM b<tuM and I'altlng up the flruDen. told tbau that there va* a fin) on MltfhuUetreet *'Me-will haeto to • • th * tilaae before we go out'' aaid one of the boanneo from the Uffier win­dow. The home*, liiiwerer, were hitchei] and the departiiu-ut waibMl tor the Dre td l)Um up. In the mrantiiiio tiffloer Pote< Ileau organiied a bucket brigade, and tbeT eucrwiled in eitinguiahing the flamni before much ilamnge had been done. ,\l the hwo- houee thta uiomiug oue of the ftrecneu laid that they were umply hutlHeil that therewal a tire on MltrhrU utroet.

Already fUd.UlK) worth uf the Orange lewir bonda hare been lUbacribed for, aiul tt)e inillrHliomf are that the entire I1.VI.U00 wiU ho taken up. by Individuale. The time for reitelriiw the euWrlptioii. will L« nait TueeiUy. The boudi are free from tsxuUuu and are four and a lialt per eenta.

.\ lawn iiarly will be given on the ground* of the Euoi County Country Club tble afternoon, l.uin'h will be eerveil at 4 o'cha'^ uiui at T o'clock the uaual table d'hote dinner will be Nrved. A dauco will be lield thia eveiiing.

Mr*. Hodiiey A. tVanl, of Montclair, gavt aluiii bultuo K**ei County Country club- h'luee at noon to-day u> aighteou giie.-i*. The talde* were decorated with June roar*, and at eai'h gue*t'* plate wa* a beautiful rib- la >n bMrijiu the name of the gueel in gold leUer*. The menu wu an elaborate one.

Mr*. M. iC. thadh. wife of Ballington


oortiniirtee. The commuiilbatisa i> a* tol- towa;

"There •eauii to be a mliunderatanalug about the |iav of tlie election board*. The fault of ita delay ■eema to be put on tin* ciiinmltteo. 1 wl.h to nay It diaw not belong to it and wl.h It put where it belongw. It niuy In projier t» give the L’uunuil a little in- turuiatlun about the working* of thU com­mittee. The pioi'e** or old way of working kAh by reeoliitiou, luveiiteilaod intenteil hr the R^ubllcan larty, which worked eo well that our jiartf Jeetued It proper to work In the tame evurae, which hi* Honor the Mayor thought It wlie to veto, and thereby hampered tlie committee In it* work and plaued it umler a dark cloud. [ requeated the Mayor to be preeent at our oonmiittee to hear any luggeatioD he eaw flt to make, a* 1 did not feel Ini'Uned to take any retponaibllity upon mraalt. Hi* Honor *ald be ronaiilted the clerk of hi* district, who told him four and a half to live and a half daya wa* ample pay for the work 'dune, by which the committee wa* guided. At thu ■aine time hi* Honor remarked be did not wl*h to Interfere with the committee, but ■eemed inclined to think It wa* all It wa* worth."

Mr. Wntennan thereupon explainod that the Mayor bad epueared before the Election Committee and laid that the clerk In hi* itbe Mayor'*!, election district hail said that if the clerk* of elaetiunt were allowed for fire and onabatf day*'. eervloM, and the Ollier member* of the board* fOr four and one-Lalf <layi at the rate of fit per day, the campenaation would be fair. It wa* at the Mayor’* suggeation that the committee adopted the plan, aaid Mr. Weeternian. The

rompentation, he aaiil, waa luadet)uate.' Some of the dJitricta were larger than other*,

bo aaid, and iorao of the otHccr» had put In aoTcn, eight and nine day*.

Mr. Harrlgnn aaid it waa no wonder that fault wn» found with election nfficen; com- patent men yould not be, induced to aerre for the coni|)coaatiou given them.

" My ayoipolhy gnea out to the election ofll- ear* In thi* matter,"laid Mr. Huinaby. " An effloieut election officer must lieaniuteltlgeiit man; they are choeeu by the county Iniard of regiatration, they are not chneen In primnriee like comiiiuu everyday Aldermenare. Their work la dangerous;they are liable to Indictment for •omo little eiTor. TVby a abort time ago I bailed a *hole lot of thi-tn at the Court- hause. Any acalawag can In after yoai-* accuse tlicui of having be m indlcletl, aa [

- have been on the floor of this CouucIL The election oracere ihould not receive nnj such mere pittance. VYearBemartdo'Wnonr way. Tbeelactlnn offleereget through with their work quicker than they do lu aome diatricta.In other diatricts the offioera have couaider- able more work to do. I am In favor of in- creaelng Uila amount by reeolutlon or anv^f vllleT other way. Let ua run the chance of a v eto.’

“ 1 am very much like the Alderman from the Ninth," aaid Alderman Bniltb.

"Not much; you arc too tiaall," chimed in Mr. Htainaby.

Contitiuing. .\[r. Smith laid the pay .waa inadequate, that the men abould receive decent oompeusatlou.

Mr, Ogden defended the Mayor. He did not think It was right to place the resjmn- aiblllty upon the Mayor, whom he believed bad acted bunmtly.

Mr. Wotterman thereupon explained how Secretary (Hbecn had informed the oomniit- tee at Ita meeting on April 7, that the Mayor would out algq a roofutiun lataaed by the Cnttocil Which authorised the I'fty'Treasurer to pay the bill* after having been auditeal hy the committee and Amiitor Honyou. Then fan related again how the committee had de­cided to allow the payment In accordance with the Mayor'a plana.

"Mr. Oibem 1* a new man," aaid Mr. Stainabj, or be wouldn't bare given the odmmittee any *uch iDforination. He wouldn't have attempt*! to intimidate the committee. The old plan of payment wa* a good one, and was In vogue when 1 came fatal Council i t Ihd'. f called upon the Mayor when I learnni of hia Inteution Pi veto the measure, and advised him to sign It, last my advice was unheeded. 1 don't know anything about what traninirea in t l » Mayoi-’* olfloe. 1 haven't mucli lo- flnehce In that quarter. It was unfortunate that this alTair should hare occurred eo eoon after the Mayor’s inauguration. Uut I want U my nulv that tha Committee should have dona as it law flL The Mayor should not have iufluenoed the oomnlittee. Tflis whole business is aomewbat on the baby act style. I f 1 had been a meiuber of that committee t would have been guided'by my Own opinion."

Mr. Ogden agam defended the Mayor by saying that the City Counsel hod InfonriBil the Mayor that the prooeediiig was lllegul.

“ Did I understand the gcntleiuau to say that C l^ Counsel Hiker advised the Mayor r' asked Mr. Harrlgan.

I "No. .no; don't give us that,” chimed in Mr. Stainaby. “ Klkervhaa got enough to aniwer for Wow; don’ t put that on hi* ■houldera. Mr. Guild was tha City Couniel referred to."

The rtsolutlon waa thereupon ebangad and the City Treasurer was directed to advance |l‘2,,'iU:l.gK, on inepsase of 16111.10. T%is amuuoi will allow the clerk* for alx day* and the member* pf the ElectUm Uoardh fur Ava days’ service, the aaiiio as in prtviou* years.

A resolution was adopted requestlug the Legialative Committee to enact a law pro- vlilliig for the compeniatton of the elecUon ofiioer*.

The resolution front the Finance Commit- the Comp- roved. The

tha hoiiye and Ear iBllrinory.

Assistant City Attornev i'roaa entered the------- pr and handed Alderman

Cort a resolutiniL which waa offered and adopted. Thh resolution la said to have come

I from the Mayor. In aubstanee it la a retmest I to the Hoard of Ktoeet and Water Conimts- I slouers to ascertain if the contract made w ith I City Scavenger Meyer , bee been complied I with; It the proper kind of wagons wero lined In the collection of the wbage; If any dumping was' done within the city limit*, and If ao. If the

lotmtractora hod. a permit to ao dump the I ref OH. The' coaimnsionsn ware requested I to ascertain if General Ruperiiitendent I Horab approved of the monthly report* ren- ■ dered by; the tcavenger, and if the old’Board I of Biree^and Water Commlationers collected lauy penaltlag from the conlraolor. The l<»mnii*aionere were also requested to have ■tha garbage in the centre of tha olty coUact- led at night, •'. , Htainibj'i reaolution, directing Jhe liA w Dejiarttpeat to .compile kind have ■printed m coplaa of the ordfnancea and laws l™f*tn,ne to the city, preToiled.I j 5, ?**’'** *w i ln g from the tiOngworih

tunounting to IdW, was ■dlvidad equallyhetween the Newark Uroben I Asy lum, Foster Htfae — JIphan Asylum.

■ luv resoiunon irom sue nuance i. I tee, ordering the increaan of the I ti-oUer's salary to tfi,0Ua, woe apnroyei I usual appr^riatious were made to t Ipitalaand Eye and Ear iBllrinory.I AsalatantClty A "I Council Chamber

wmI ___and 8t. Mary'i Or-

An approprisitloii'dt UTIlo was, iinase of a aIthS purchase of a pedestal

Ibuysen mumlinent, andfU,!

Isred foriir the Frellng- I for the Fourui

|of July celehratiaa.At.Fre*lU*nt Ely* requ**t\he rulea were'

iijiended, u d he wa* permitted to appoint lAldennen Pell and Jovoe upon tha Market iCommittee: Aldarroan I'elPhed eipr*M*d ^Isdlsplensure nt not ha»lng 'Wien madea'

ember of the oommlRe* a’ month ago,Thu Auditor wa* tUreciwl to trauafur |10,- 0, when at hand, from the contingent fund

io the fund fur tha book-and-lodder hous* In >1“ Third Wind. '

There wu soma dlscoiaioa uvar the pay- t gf thu city olaims for tho closllw ofthe Ita in the old Foartoenth Ward, brought

nt by Alderman Ogden. Ur. Stsdniby . lalnad that the matter woldd toon be aet-

Rlad dr a suit brought.

John Wllmev Dlaappeara,' « in WUroer, aged Bftyrjwe yiara, l*f|i hk UT fielpiont ayanu*; ^ueadhy inortj- go to work and he baa hot been eaen Hla if* reportad .the dlMpnmnoa

I Fourth fteollKt iHatiou.

ft<l()r«ts In tha GroTa Htreat Lougr(*gatioua) Uhurvb tcHintirmir iiight.

Oh VV«?<lnt«iljy rnghtj, JunP ft, Cftptnin Taylnr, l»etU'r kuowu m tbe **OuR>leu MioRtreV will b*ve cfa»rg« of tha mftfttlnK at tlia rt*lvatlon Anny Hill. North C-autaf Htm«L, Urftiiga, whau tbura will b« & iiiutichl

Tha Hat FiDiibcn'Awteiatiun of Orang* lii'id lu rff^lar moutblj ni«eUn| ' latt night. Tho BtNTftarf reportad $564 I'acelTwl frtmi

and assMMimeuta, and tha traoHurar ro- purtad exiieaditurM amounting to $524.

Dr. Jhxiga, the rotiriug hoiiw phjiiriati of the Memorial Hoipital at Orange, haa pr<i«L‘iited with a ea»e of Inutninumta, molud- ing a hy|:NK)eruuc nyrlogeaDT tharinunieter, by the uuniei.

A boae tow«r tlftY^ra f«oi high wlU soon be ereoted in the Urango Vallay howhuuiw. New hoore will aleo ba laid.

Thf Now England Boclety of Oranro will bold iti I'egular mouthlv roaetiog to-nigbt.

Tile rjitinil>eni <»f the West Orange Fire De- IMrtmont frill hntd a rlfta shoot Tn the rr«ar of the benehouse, on Valkiy road* thia after* Bonn,

Parkitnon'iparillcnia near the terminus of the Grange Mountain cable road, will be forntally 4»pened tbit afternoon. A Itaiid of niuaic will be in attetidancc, ice cream and rafretanteat of all kindi will be on sal« at the grouiidi. No intojEkating beverage will be luld. There will be niiuto every Salur-

thidaughter of Jol

take ulaoB June 13.Alfred 0. Tat^ fonn«wly private lecrtary

to Tboinihs A. ^ison, was.tenOered a fare* well dinner at the Orange olubbouiv** in Proipeot itreet East Oraw* lost night, prior to hie departura for Montana noit Week.

MJlai Harriet Flreag Beconiee Mrs* Philip aiftaey K ttet~O tlier Wedtiluge,

The R l « Hidge UPngregatlunal Ulmrch was the eceue at uoon toilay of the weiMlug of Misft Harriet W., daughter uf J. I'hilip firtu fi of liie Unitoil Htates Navy, realding at Gita Uidge and l ^ l p Hldoey Knit, a hswyer of Ikatua* Mata. At noon the bridal party enterwl the pretty Utile church, th<4 bride with ber father. 8be was met at tb« nulpit by the gruomanfi his beet man, OeorKe rurtMT. of Huetoa Mass. Her. Frank J. (foodwin iferfurmetl the i'erem«my.

Tuh m V wofr a gown nf while satin and rbilToD la N) and carried iliiee uf the vaUvy. MiM BeiHde Kireog, a sister of the bride, was tbe maid of honor. Hhe wore a gown of whih' errpe de chine and carried a Dutujuel uf ruMB. '

The u^ers wore Dr. Oanlner Monte aud Giiy Cunuinghaiu, of Boston, Mass., and iViiliam Mciiitoeh and Harry Nash, <tf RUMaiifleld.

A wedding breakfast was sorved at thebiutu'uf the uride'i imrt'Dts at the corner of R’ashingtou and Ridgewood avenues after tinM‘ereiuoiiy,

Tbc t'ouplo later started on an extended wtdiUng trip. They will roslde at RcmIaui.

A very quiet wtddiiig was sulemDixoil In i ’hrist t.'burcb, East (Grange, at 11 o'chn'k thw moi'uiug, when the rector, tbe Her. \\\ W. Davis, married Mini Agnes Wright, of IlnllywcHNl avenue. East Oran^, to J. K. Howard, of tba Name street. The bride wnre B travelliiig g«>wn, ami iminedlatidy after the cereinuiiy Mr. ami Mrs. Howard left on a wptidintf trip. Only tbe relative ami UitU niste frienV of the ynuug couple were pres­ent at the foromony.


lie Writes to the Trade# Counelt and KromlMs to Pnih Hills Througbe

Ai the meeting of the Eshx Tradm t'oun- cll last night there were eight delegates present from various labor organixatlons and but little more than routine business was transacted, Thoniai Mo(4ov*rn pneidcNl. An invitation was accepted from the Roken' Union to ettend ita picnic oo Jane 10 at OrUd's Park.

Fred Hchsefer, secretary of the looal Kz> cculive Board of the United Brewery Work­men. spoke of the boycott against tbe Hill Brewlog C'ompany and placed a conumunica- tioD ID reference to the matter before tbe LH)undl. ft was laid ou the table.

A leltor was read from Btata Henator Civorge W. Ketcbatn, In which he defemlttd Imnaslf against sunie tblngs alleged to have been said of him. He spuae of (be work be had done in the Seoate at Trenton and told how he bad been obstrticted by others. He promised that when the Legislature again met be would bring up and vigorously push forward and tbrough the labor bills Which had been laid ou the table.

B'US biffftu tmUdtmff MjrpeW IHifffHictreuiafiMK tM JlVMNjyif irXW9Uprtptw*ft to fftot k * tiio tm t rwyna to efg> a n d tU tU a d v trU H fu

day during tbe aummer. he -wWl igl

ard Dabb, both of OiAttge, li auauUBOed to

wedding of Mtes Mabel HcNani,ihn O Naill* and William Rich-

Tbe oc^gragatfon of the Wiiteeaalng Meth­odist Church will bopa the erveUon of a new wilfice about July 1. The new church will Hcut about 400 people, and wul coat $13,000. When tbe new church Is completed the ol>i church will be used for a Bunday-school rtKJtn.

Mm. John S. Dix, of 17 Hawthorne avo* nue, Host Oranj^, has issued cards for a ro- c'flptioQ next Wednesday irftenioua in honor of MUe Oloott, daughter of ABSeriiblymatl

K. Ulcotts uf East Orange.J. n. G. Adams, Copmaisfer-tn'Chief of

the Grand Army of the HcpuhHr, has ap- poiiitHi Towusbip Clerk Btephsii .M. Ijong, of Blast Orongn, an oide-<le-eamp on his (>tair.

The Kev. John W, WUllouis, ret'tor of Bt, Paul's Episcopal Church, East Orange, sail^ thiH morning W Europe, where be *nll spend the summer for the beneSt of hit health. During hii abeence tbe servioea at hu church will be taken by the Rev, Mr. Whittaker, lately rector of Bt. Barnabas's Church, Hoae-

Daviil L. B. Peterson, of North Walnut street, East Orange, has taken bis fomUj to ^ k e G^rge, where they have a oottage tor Wte stiminer months.

The Rev. Dr. George 8. Bishop will preach a aermou to-morrow morning in the First Reformed Church of East Orange, commem­orative of the thirtieth aaDlversory of hia ordination to tbe ministry.

Bloomfield, Moatelalr and Nearby*Owl Bowling Club of Bloom Aetd held its last

meeting of the aevon at tbe residence of A. Leuthoeuuer on Bloomfleld avenue, tbe preiG dent uf tbe club. A rep^t waa enioyed, after which President Lenthaeuw^r pres4*ntfd to toch member of the club a {lia*, upon whicdl was mgpnted an owl inade pi solid silver,

Tbe MotiicUir W^eelm^ wlU hold their SftCond annual rood race on tbe Valloj road on Monday. The first race will be a one-mile novice, tbe winner t^recelve a gold medal; second race, two-ooile hanuicap, prlaes to be awarded to drst, second and third winners; (bird race, one-mile handicap; fourth race, hvc-mlle handicap.

Kev. (ieorKe C, hetbert. of Glen Ridge, aoili tor Germany op next.] The feast of the Sacred FleNrt tn the Church |>f the liiacred Heart at Hluomflold to-morrow will tie ail itnpoRlng celebration and will com- m«nce at H;iJ o*dQok* when the members of the Society of tlie Sacred Heart and of the So­dality Society will inarch from the school- botiNe on State street to the church, where Father O'Connor, nf Harrison, will celebrate high mass. Vicar General O'(.'o&nor, of Setoti Hall Collpgn, will act aa deacon nf the mumf and Father Ryan, of the protectory, sub- deacon. A churns of 160 voices will lead the singing and will beanespodal feature of the oelebrallon. At 10:10o'clock Dr. Synnott, of

Hall (\iilege, will preach a sermon, While at 3:!m o'clock Bishop Wiggsr. wilt bless the new marble aUar.

FrofesSsor William J. Maler, of Rtoomdeld, has been engaged os organist of the- Park Methodist Church, Kloomlletd.

Miss Grace E. White, eldest daughter of I)r. William H. While, of Blismifleld, received the degree of Doctor uf Medicine last night at tbe ODiumeccement of the Woman's Medical Ooi* lego of the New York Infirmary.

Rev. Thomas 8. Hliearmao, Jr„ the assistant to Rev. A. H. HradfurJ, of the Montclair Con* gregstfoDsl C'bUToh, will be ordained on Thursday night. Rev. Lyman Abbott, of Plymouth Charoh, Br<K>klju, will preach tbe sermiin, Rov. Austin E. TwitcheU will deliver tho charge to tho pastor, Hev. F. J. Goodwin, the right hand of fellowship and Rev, Henry A. Btimsou the address to the people,

Mrs. Charles Herbert 'lisslngton. of Mont­clair, has issued invitations for » reception at ber home, on Mountain avenue, on June 9, from 4 to 7 o'clock.

Special services will be held to-morrow afternooD In Trinity l^sbytorLan Churoh by the Young Men's Christian AisooUtlontooele- farate tbe fiftieth aunlversary tif the organlsa* lion of tbe first aasocUtion. 8. Hodgley, Rev.'Thomas 8h^armon, Jr„ and John K. Howard will dellvevoddreMes.

Mias Tibbetts, of Montclair, will spend tbe saminer months travelling In Eurppe.

Mrs. A. 8. 8wenartoti and family, of Mont­clair, left yesterday fur the Berkshire Hills.

A. C, Gtnder, of Thun, Nwltserland, a eon of Major A* (L Sluder, former United States OoiiBul to Singapore, and a oouidu of Editor dtuder of tha MoutcUl^ Tkitea, ie vlaRing the latler.

Rev. Miguel Rumpfl, mlealoaary priest from Ecuador, South Amsrloa, Is visiting Rev. Henry Kruse, rector of til. Aloystus Church* OaldwelL

Mr. Joffe and son, of Verona, while driving along Bloomfield avenue In that place, wore thrown out of their wagon owing to their bone becoming umaauogeable. Both were injured.

Tbe twenty-fo^tb aunlversary of the First Uongregational Churoh, Montclair* wilt be celebrated to-morfow mOMijag, when Dr. li iwlford will preach a sermon a^propriato to the oceoeldp. - IhtbehveiUdgthe amalversary of the Children's Home AsflocUtlon will b« celebrated, with an oddreu by Rev* Edward Judaon, of New York. There will be siiiginB by the children of the home, ' - V ^


PUta-Jftmes d . Voatloe of the Peace at Btookdale near Bioom- fleld, wae for a b torely ofllloted bieedlng pllei of t

Hoath Orange /ottlnsa.Empire Hall, Bouth Orante, held a large

audience* including a number of women* lost night, who came out to hear the lecture on village Improvement by B. S* Northrup. The affair was under the auspices of the local lm> provenient society.

J. Jndann Hmith and family, of Proepeet street, tiouth Grange, have removed to Wash­ington HelgiiU, New Y'ork l ity.

Frsderirk DeF. Uroxler bos plans out for a double home to be erected In Academy street, South Orange.

RoMiter A Wright, architects, of South Or­ange, liave the nontroot for the building of (he new West Orange School.

The Montclair baae ball nine wtU play tbe South Orange Field Club nine tbit afternoon.

A number of lota were sold on tbe old T' llnu farm In South Orange thfa week, ranging In price from $6 to $19 a foot.

WllIKm Reeves has sold his new* house In Bowen place. South Orange, to Herman Huus- ton, of New York. Mr. Ib evea will build an­other residence immediately.

Miss Patterson, of New naren, la the guest ef Mrs. Cyrus F. Loutrel, of Raymond avenue doutb'Orange.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Blllqiiet, of Ray­mond avenue, have sailed for Europe, where they will spend the summer. They will visit Holland, Belgium and England.

Dr. R. D. Freeman, of Gregory avenue. Or-- angs Valley, bos been engaged os the principal basso of the choir of theCburchof the Holy Communion, tioutb Orange. He will sing to­morrow,

Mrs. Jariey'i wax works wilt be given at the residence of Mrs, James F. Woodbc^rarrJn Valiev rood, Bouth Orange* on Friday night next for tho benefit of the South (h*ange ^roe Public library. 31rs. Jarley will be impersou' ated by Miss Georgia Bramball. The other parts will be taken by children.

Henry Wynans Jeieup, of l^otland atreet, South Orange, late of the firm of Davis, Work, Pincoffs A Jessup, has become associated In a copartnership for the practice of law with Bamuei T. Carter* Jr.,and Edward H. Fallows, under the firm name of Carter, Jeasup A Fol­lows, at 18 Wall street. New York.

William Whitlock Brush, of Bouth Orange, was graduated on Thiirvlay from the Uni­versity of the City of Now York osacirlleo- glneer. ,

The Flower Mission of the Church of the Holy Commuolou, South Orange, met for the first time thU eeasoo ii the parish rooms on Memorlat Day. Tbe society supplies boe- pltali In New York with fiuwers, and tbe Del­aware, Lackawanna and Western iloUrood ships them free of charge.' The entertalumeut, " Woodcock's Little Game." preHenteU at the residence uf Robert Ward. In Haymond avenue, Bouth Orange, lost week, netted the sum of This amount woe realised from vuluntarj cuntrlhutioas. The money was given to tbe parish house fund of tho Church uf the Holy Communion.

Mr. and Mr**. Morris B. Mead* of Voee ave­nue. Houtb Orange, were at home to their friends on Thursday evening.

The regular weekly tueotlDg of the Young Woman's Guild of the Church of tbe Holy Communion, Bouth Orange, was held In tbe parish rooms of the church yeiterdsy,

^ W lu riiulon, Jr., uf Bouth Orange, hav­ing recovered from the attack of ramaps from which he has been suffering from the poet iwo week, will preside at the organ at the Church of the Holy C'onamuulon, ifouth Orange, io- morrow morning apd night.

The Choral Male Quartette, composed of Q. Halsey Drake, first tenor; F. Morris Clarkson, second tenor; M, M. Bartholumew, first bats; Arthur F. Elmemiorf* second bate, will sing at thu tempiTaiice meeting In Bouth Or* oiiKO Urmurrnw ufleruuuu.

Murray W. Ferris aud family, of Bcotland street, Bouth Orange, will start early next week-for their summer cottage to the Thou­sand Islands. They will remain until Septem­ber. Their residence In Bouth Orange wlU be moved down on VtMe avenue, ft wRl be ocou- pled by .’lir. Frobi’ her, of New York* Mr. Ferris will soon begin the erection uf a new residsnes at the coroer of Bcotland street aud Raymond avenue.

The Bouth .Orange Township Committee will be pelittoned at Its next meeting to allow the HIH farm on Irvington avenue to be used as a oemeUry.

On Bunday, June 10* there will be an all-day aervloe In the Bouth Orauge Baptlet Churoh, at whtoh the pastor, the Rev. Bidney W.Bmith, and other clergymen will make oddreseea. To* morrow Kunday-scliool servicce will be held at 11 A. M. and evening servloes will be held at 7:45 o'clock. A prayer-mee ling will be held on Friday night, June 6.

The Beefsteak Club of Vallabnrg will eujoy Rsanoual outing In Hilton next Tuesday.

Frank Buyder and Uiistave Bchoenewolf, of Vallsburg, have the oontraot for the trucking Id tbe construction of the electrio street rail­way at Bridgeport, Cunn. This rood ts owiMd by Newarkers.

A farce entitled, At Blxes and Beveui," was presented at the reNldehoe of Xhomae Milligan, Bouth Orange, on Wednesday night*

Captain William Bbookrord, of Bouth Or­ange, sailed for England this morning. He Is oomtnaudur of the y&chi Atlanta,


N y s le ry n f T k eR s Ie M ou teU lr t le o r e d l > by 4 kief Engllsk*

Uhlef of Police Kngllsh, of Uuniclftir, bos suo«eei1ed In Iwiniing who the per|>ftr*lor of DuiiHgMUi roblerire Is the town is. Au eighl-y»'ftix>ld girl* named Hosoork, it was (iisoovereii picked up valuables while visit­ing neighbors and hoarded them. It U be­lieved tlmt she is a kleptomoiiiao. Her par­ents are highly rwpecied

Numcrout sinalJ robberies were reported to Chief English during the Igsi thre i weeks and permmv susiwi ted llmt workmen were rtiminiuiug Uw aeprwdatloni.

A gold waU'h disappeared during the early pert uf this week from tlie hume of V. Whit­taker, and tills leil to a thorough Invastigft* tlon end the final raouverrjof the wab'b from the little girl by Chief English.

The girl give up many other artirlee, which , she serured from ranous neighbors* Bhe . ._jtefl* will be closely watched.


Nrw»rk Members Would II* KalUfiedWllh FHty t ents on the llnllar.

Thu iiiemlieri of Newark Lraiudi of the dw- fuucl Order of ToiiR tnet last night lu Vhlt■ ty'*'ilallbj heor the rcjK*rl of S*vretery IlirkmeUe, as received by hint from the tru*-

Iu I’hiladelphia. Then’ was a very Urgeattcndani'e ana eouH' ludies wvre pres­ent. There was not the turhuJem'u at tlie titectlng last night that luado the last nir«t' ing so counplruous, In fa4*t* thh meml)eri Beemwl resigiiud to the luevitahlp, mid it wui liifaruvally announced that if limy couM get fifty cents on the dollar jeild in Uicy would be hi a Jolly mood.

A week ago it was thought the meud>ers wniiM get tt least sixiy-flve ruuU. No ftctluu was taken last nlgiit aud the meeting soon adioumfHl. A letter wiH received frivsn Loige No. !iU4. of Treu- bin, which exproMed ite undying foltli in the order, and that II will gut dulUr for dollar,

Alorrlsl4>wu Hatters.At thtt June inentlog of thn MurrlstowQ

Rianl uf ('nmmon CoUDoil held last night a peiltloQ signed by ei-Uongressrnan A. W. Culler w«s received requestlug the boartl to gram a franchlHe lo a wrapaiiy ooinptmed of resIdeatBnf .Murrlstown, whkih has been or­ganised lu opifraiu a street railroad In Mor­ristown hy huTwe, sloani or electric power. The new company purtusies (o com]tcnsale the c ily lf iheilesirod freucJilse Is granted, hy paying two i er rent, of the gross nuiuial re- celjits or five |>i‘r cent, of the net receipts for (he privileges. The pelPlon was referred to tlie Street CoiuiuitU'e. Chief Engineer V«hr- hces, of iho lire departiimul. reuonii- mended the purchase of W)U feet o f new' firs h(>*<p Hnd tbe erection of a street tire hydrant corner of Hpeodwell avenue and Culler sireet. The bond of Gordon Alexatider, the new Street Cojumlsshmsr. was receive*! and approvi*d. Chief of Police Hol­loway repiwt-'d forty arrests during the mouth o f May. The t'ommittec on Halarles on raullon fixed all offirlal salaries for the ensuing year at the same amouuti os paid last year, ('uun- fliman McCIellrtn on Ijeiialf uf the Ordinance Committee Ititrtiduced an nrdluauce for the raising of taxes for the present fiscal year. Thelertiisof two members of the Board of Health have expirud and John Rosemau and William J. Kay wore alerted members of that board. The Finance Comiulttee reported the total anioQDt of claims payable to be $B*4(U.7n, cosh on hand IFTfl.HO. Mayor Quayle was authorixed to negotiate a lioia for |S.nn> to meet the dieficieury.The borird than adjourned.

AVilllam Pollard* foreman Engine ('ompany No. 1* of Dover* has been appointed KMtmas- ter of Dover by iTesideut Clavolaud.

TJta annual exonrehm of the First Prssby- terlan Church Sabbathechool* of Morristown, to Lake Hopatcoug, will be held June 'Si.

The extreme cold weather accompanied by light frosts at night is causing much anxiety among Morris County farmers, who fear that their oroye will bo iojiired.

Nlllburti, tipringfleld* Short lIRli.The MlUburn Township Committee last night

accepted the bonds of Tax Collector George Clark and Constable William Barnard. Tba following special policeman wen appointed: J. D* Parkhursl* A. Y. Oakes, Poequaie Mar­tinez, Maniiluic Dolan and G. W. Eager. Com­plaints were recelvod against the boisterous oondnetof many of the May riders who visit the town on Sundays. Also agaioit bicycle riding on the sidewalks Sundays. It wosde- eided to have notices of tho ordinance regu­lating bicycle riding posted throughout the towuflbip* and persons who violate the ordi­nance will be liable to a fine of not less

: and not more thou $XSi for each'offence.The teorhera and pnpilaof .St. Hose's Paro­

chial School, Mlllburn, were the guests nf An­drew Hartt on a stage ride through ('nJon Counly yesterday oftorDOon.

Beginning to-day the 3 o'clock westbound Dover express on the D., L. and W. it. R. will atop at Short Hills.

The commencement exenrleesof the Raquet InitlTute of Short Hills will be hdd iu the tiUort Hilla Outno this afternoon. recep­tion will be held in the evening.

Tho entries for tbe tennis tournament to be held next Monday by the Casino Ctubof Short Hills will close to-day,

The sixth monthly shoot of the season under the auspioea of the New Jersey State Trap- ■hooters' Ijeogue will be held on tliu Uitlon Gun Club's grounds, MountiUn ruud, Spring- field* on Wedneeday, June iM.

* Westfield and TicliiUy*The Westfield Centennial Cornmiltee held

their weekly meeting last eveulng. It was ile- clded to furnish refreshments for the Invited guests, Tbe members of the cuinmlttpe say that since the Township Comniluee made an appropriation the private subscriptions do nut come in os fast m desired.

The Cranford sohoet ernsua, Just completed, ■hows that tiierkare 476 children in the town- ship of school age, X3U boys and :i:i6 giriii. Tho lucrsaoe over last year is bA. The total in­crease for three yearn Is W.

Tramps have become such a iiulsunrc in Ro­selle that at the next meeting of llio Town­ship committees of Linden and Uulon an effort will be made to have Home action, taken to proleot tbe people from ihp annuyunce.

At the meeting of the \Vrslfiet>i ] >aril of Health lost e 'eniog many nuisaurcs were or­dered abated. Tbe Inspector reported tiks shq- llary condition of the scIiooIrhs gnod,

EvaugelUIlc aervlces wIJ] Iw b<dd in Atkins's Grove, on Grunt at'snue, RoseJIe, to-ruorraw afternoon at 4 o'clock. 1/ the weather is ■tonny the services will be held lu the Meth­odist church.

Coinmunloi) services wDI l>« held to-murrow in the Westfield Presbyteriau, Baptist and Methodist churches. Special evening oervlce will be held at the Cengregational church.

In Clinton Township.A young non of Milton Hecht was run over

on Bpriugfield avenue, Iningtoo, last uigiit. One of his feet wae crushed.

An unoccupied building on BpringfisM ave­nue* Irvington, near Centre street, fell with a crash lost plght. It was owned hy George Meeker, of Newark, and was very old,

The Ilev. Elbert Uleroeni will preach In the Methodist Episcopal ohurrh of frvtnzlon to­morrow morning on " OhrlsManlty and Creeds." To-morrow night his subject will be " Balaam.'’

Rev* W* C, Alien, of New York, will preach In the Reformed church of Irvington to-mnr- row murutng. In the aftormKin his brother, (hi Rev, John 8. Allen, of the *New York Ave­nue Reformed Ohurcb of Newark, will con­duct servioea* and the Lord's tiupper will be administered.

There will be good speaking at a meeting to be held by tbe Wuman's t'tirintian Gnioti In the Temperance Hall to-morrow afternoon.

■erne character, hut hr the use ;hNoi liumediately relieved oftherefror * ‘ ---- -fiom the Acodnoo;

olid hoe suffered ho'iDpoiiTeDreDce malady since. To be had okly at 10

i i— Newark* upatotte, from 0 A,M. tb t P. M*; froffi'fi lb 4 Bundays* Foiling of the rectum olso dnunedlfttrly cured by the ootae remedy. _________ _

A bappr bride is she who iuga amoae. her weuaiiig aameof the el^abt Mturea Id aur store. Two hundred new and original designs in frames; also a new Una of pictures powln stook* Cory * Kepny, ttO oi^■lfro*^.tre.t... .

iipetairs* _________________• A. il. KH P.n

^ t0 4oA8Ubdoyi*

H*rni.Td*Tlll*Th* oommenroiDent ex*rol**n of tb* Ber.

n*rd,vill* I'nblic i^bool will bo hoM Juno U *t tho oohoo Ihottoo. A * oleboreta prnyromme hu been prep-rod.

Tho horte-Uivobod to tho w«((on of C. Nn- bor, a Morrhitawn baXor, becamo frl||it«u*d jrotlordair moraln* and ran away. Tb* wavon struck an embank moitt and waa upset, atroiflhg bread and p!** for a dlatanoe .of a hundred feet. The hone broke loote from the harnea* and oontlbued

. , down tha road till "topped »t Dotr'a Hot*!.!!fl -1 ^ iihoeooeMMd with a*f«w aorauhoa.

‘■r.nf,r .v'yy I itinmorlu« flohnardabin*. ■ '.......... ' - r" Jle byttt Talma**'a famtlr will apend

tne auinnier In - rnldenoa on Banker'i Mnno- t-ln. ___________________ __

The Itewa o f H-dtaon.D.'trmU Jam**, of Now York City, will oo-

dbpir hla' new iMtdeuoe on Madlaon aronn* In 'itfow da;a.

M l» Clara Parleh will addrtaa the W. 0. T. II. of MidInOD In ttie ball nf the Y. M. 0. A. 'VVedneMtar nlfht, Juno d, at i o'clock.

Ob Prtdaj', June fl, Mn. M. Uulndon will glre' ^'Blblo reading In the Webb Memorial Chapel •t S|8(!a'olDok.

Chief of Police Hquiar and Thonuu Oonrof, both of Madleon, who were aiied for damaaea . bf Edward blurrair tor abnotlnt a do( that be- loDged to tb* latter, hare fltod a motion of ap­peal afalnat the adreree Ttrdict ^ren bp > )atT at Polio* JnatiM BtUlWall’t court at Uor- rlatowb. Tueidaf.

The MadUon V, H. C. A, will bold It* retn- lir mMilog tcamorrow nlternoon at t o’olaok.

ifpland troi

} * « juatfo erlug;

F O L K S Y O U K N O W .

-~!t. R. Baker left to-dajr for the South ou an extended racatlon.

—Mr*. J. Tripp Vanderpool, of .til South Nlnetoenth itrcet, haa kobo Lu Scranton. Pa.

-M Im Loulia M. K. Soheoffer, of thI* dir, and T. Edward Heydoa, uf IrrlnxLon. wore married Tueedar ujfiht.

—Mlae Orace A. ('no, daughter of Ernest E. Coe, of this oltr. was amnug tho gradtiale* at tho commeDcement of Evelru Collogo, Prince­ton.

—Mias Lpla Palmer, of Elorlda, and W. I’. LIndetor, nf Clinton avoniie, this city, will bo married at the Caldwell Preebrterlau Church next Tueadar sight.

—The degree of Bachelor of Imwa was con­ferred upon Oeorge Jacob Jaeger, of this city, at tbe cummenceinent exercliea uf the L'ai- vereltr Law School of New York City..—Society waa largely represented laat eren-

>t thadanpa'--en by Mr, and Mr*. John r. Dryden at their hwi«..uva* rctldence, Udl Broad atreet, In honor of Miss Julia Bunyon, daughter af Ambaeeador Hupyon.

hPK tlN ii KOHal'TH.

An Amerlran's Thrilling ltx|.erlenr* In the (irrat PalrluP* t'nnae.

From Ihi t'entur.v." I naw him Immediately ifte r hla ar*

rival iu N*w York, on DeoemberS, 1S61," wrlttw Mr. BUlIntan of Koasuth, “ and be­ing In the ptaellc aUle uf mind o f early manhood, eager for adventure and Ifcnorant of danger, I ofl'crod myeell fur the cauH of Hungary, baving nothing elM to give. I waited on Fulsiky, theconipanion in exile afKueeuth and hie acting English secretary, and propoeed myself lor eny service Koeautb. might require, perilous or other. 1 beard all tha speeches he made in publio in New York, and certainly 1 have never heard eloquence eijual to lile, fettered a* It w it. wlng-tied hy the strange speech In which It found expression. He spoke with a grave and sulenin deliberation, as If ho were setrehiug always for tho precise word which would errve him best among the unfa­miliar toola o f thought, but with no un­certainty, no vaguenc*, of eonceptluu, aa to whloh one It should be, l i e bad searched our history for every local fact which could sharpen the point o f applica­tion, and quoted our best authors and our greateat statesmen, and with a knowledge which amaicd all who heard him, brought all our own historical prrcedeiiU to bear on his caae,

“ Pulsxky presented me tfnr my volun- toeringi one night lust before Kiuauth leR New Y'urk on hie Western Uiur. and 1 saw him no more till ho came nack tVom Waahiivton, wheru he hod been received by the »u a te and House ol llcpreseuta- , tires as a high official, instead o f the tngltlve and exile he wo*.

I lollowed him to Uondon aRer a few weeks aud established myself In a dark quarter, where sides would he little likely to notice me, and reported to him througn Pulssky, whose addrrs* 1 had. 1 did not know London then very wril, and 1 have aeon no on* since who could tell me where hi* lodging* were; but It eeemt to me hy tbe roaid I used to lake In going to tee him, late lu the evsiiiug, and by clroultouB way*, for fear of spies, that tt must have been In the outskirts o f Uayewater, There 1 waited for several weeks for hla plans lu mature, and to learn where I oould be nioei useful. At Arat my mission was logo to a little island In the Mediterranean, south of Sardinia, on which, as be had learned by one o f bts multitudlnou* researches, the American flag hod been huiiled years before, aud which, being entirely unoccupied, and tbua o f doubtful Jurisdiction, he thought o f making his depot o f material o f war aud his bail, o f aotlon. This was apparently only a vague scheme of wbicu be seems to have thought no more; moreover, the time was approaching lor the rising of Milan under the plans of Maxiinl, with which It wa* atUret inteaded that the Hungarian movement should euliiolde, and Kossuth proposed that I should go there and dis­tribute to the Hungarian reglmenta In tbe garrison o f Hilaa hii prociamalloii calling on them not to lira on the people If the latter rose. But Hnngary was not ret ready, and he had t r i^ to Induce Mat- xlnl to postpone the rising till they could sot together; for, as he said, ' I can not play with the blood o f my people.’ An Insurrection was hopeless, aa he WUeved, even for ItiUy, and aa be knew, for Hun­gary, and all that he could do waa to charge the Hobgarian toldlera not to Are on Italians Maxxinl waa Impatient, and deckled to move alone. Kossuth, how­ever, bod found emiaaarles better fitted than 1 for the service, I euppose, at 1 was not sent, and when the movement came It wo* soon repreeted; but 1 heard that the faithful Hungarian* did tbelr leader’s bidding, were neoimated, and sent to Croatia; but o f thli I have no historical proof.

'' It was Anally determined thatl abould undertake an expedition to Hungary. The object, 1 was told, waa the rescue of tbe Hungarian crown-jewels, bidden at some point down tlie Danube before tbe Aight of the dictator and his Ministry into Turkey.I wae to visit Vienna on the way, and Kossuth gave me the names of three persons In that city with whom I might comrannlcate, requesting that the one who seemed to me the most apt for the purpose should go to London, and put blmeelf in communica­tion with Kossuth. On tne way, aa soon aa 1 entered Austria, I was to study the ppblic leeling aa 1 aaw It manifested, and report to him, from city to olty, how far 1 judged It to be ripe for a movement. 1 was ordered to go In a roundabout way, ■o as not to seem to have come directly from London to Vienna, so I went from Paris to Brnssels, then to Duieeldorf, Berlin, Dresden, and Prague, and thence to Vienna.

" To steady my nerves In Vienna, Kot- euth bad told me o f a conspirator who bad been arrested on suspicion, his name having been found among many others In the meDiorendacn book o f an emissary who hod been arrested for tampering with the troops. Alt persons whole names were found In the book were arrested. This particular person, having really a most Important poiition In the conspiracy, and not knowing why be was arrested, naturally believed that he had been be­trayed, and to a raid being driven to dis­closures under torture, adopted the only means offered him of committing suicide, by wrapping his bedclothes around him and setting Are to them, hla bed and hla light being his only furniture. When he had been burned ao that he could not sur­vive, he tore off the olotbea, and, calling the guard, told him to summon the coun­cil, aud when they had assembled ip hts cell, told them that he woe a oonaplrator, hut his secrets were beyond their power of extortion—and died. Thin gave ms a keen sense o f the neceislty o f caution, and os 1 was certain to be put under lurvetllanc* as aoun as the police knew 1 waa In Vienna, I took time by the forelock, and before the police paper had been sent In, took a cab, drove to within u block o f the house of the pereon I wae to see Ant, dismissed the cab, and made my visit, eatablishlng com­munications and precaution* against tbe police. But my cooeternatiaa may be imagined when my fellow-conspirator, after all our arrongemanti were complete, took roe into tbe room where hU family were assembled, and introduced m l os a friend Who came (Vom Eosenth. With Ave women, from twelve to forty years old, In possession o f my secret, the tran­quility o f my stay In Vienna waa far from complete i but It waa a family o f red He- publicans, aud 1 was asfe,

“ I waited nearly a month, and, seeing that tbe police began to wonder what I hod to occupy mvielf with, I took to my bed and seat for a doctor. This was Orxoreneky, who bad been chief o f the medical sCw of Koeeutb’* army, and with whom I mad* friends. ButstlllT got no news from Konuth or bis correspondent In Pestb, and as the poeltloo could not be prolonged IndeAnltefy, one day 1 made a confidant o f the doctor, told him my busineu, and asked him I f I could leave the dlspatehet with blm while 1 went back to London to put mattera on another fooUoj:. Not for tbe world, he replied, would ha mix himself in the affair, and he added that I f It were discovered that he bad knowledge o f my builnees be would be arreet^ and would be a ruined man for not having betrayed me to the police. Then, for the Am time,1 lost my nerva, and my mouth was In an instant as dry ox a bona, roy tongue re- seinhllng adry stick. Iw u n evereo frlgh ’.r ened betbreor since, but I kept self-posscs-

slon enough to note the singularity o f the

Shenomenon, and mode up my mind on le apot to get out of the range o f the doc­

tor's revalatlons os soon oa possible, As nearly aa I can remember I did not etop to Bleep In a bed till 1 reached Frankfort; and I got back to London by the earliest conveyance, and went to report to Koe- Buth. He received niy report with per­fect equanimity, and asked me only what 1 had done wttn tbe diepatebeg. In my panic I had thrown them Into the drain, as tbe only place where they were In no danger of.being eongbt for If I were ar­rested before getting out o f the country, aiid.lhls 1 told him. He showed no irrlu- tion, but with anexpreeaton o f perplexity rather than o f vexation, said, 'Three months lost,’ and iDen resumed his usual manner. __________

Hod Him There.From Puck.

Lumley-"! saw' yoq at the mlutrel* last oight. ^ ov could yuu sit and laugh sn hearty amifch a*rnlly".Si .

Maegregor-" Mon, moo! How contd one laugh at all imlesa he knew It waa a joke ?"

spacenf for

A p n n c rM n e f ta tiar powdw.

Pure and Sore.It doct more vork end finer work than any other. If you dr

not find it exactly as npttsented you can return it to your groc^ and hp will pay you back your money.

dmbmi Hailnf Fruitr Ct., Nrm Ytrk, Smtmrr U ChnfeW BmJurt,


Advantages te HnelvIpaUlln and ludl- vtdueli le llotMl PevemenU.

IW llllem Farinnc lu Pavleg eud Munici­pal Kntlneering.]

Without attamptlnf to be exact, but with some care to keep my oelculitioni well within whet era Imlleved to be safe tlmUs, the uiertlon le ventured that If tbs oonstruolioa o f new atreet pavement* proceeds aa rapidly aa there ie some a*- lursnoe fur expecting, the coat for the present decade will ameunt to |fl0 fbr every inhabitant of the American cities which in ItWOhad a population o f 10,000 or more. There are many things that properly ahould be, nut have’'n o t been, taken Into consideration lu thleealou- latlun, aueh as the growth o f elUee and consetiuenl cxtcnalon of itreete, and the vait amount of paving that may be done In municipalities having teie then 10,000 population, all o f whloh will add largely to tbe estimated eipeaditure.

At the cost o f Itrcet paving is paid by the owners of ebutUag property In molt cities, the munloipallllet paying >Yom the general tax rerenue only for the oovsred by street Inlersectloni an' the proportion chargeable to publio prop­erty, tbe cost largely fella directly on real estate, aud If paid by one peraon in Are, either aa owner or tenant (the tatter by liicreaoed rental), the average for thoes who must pay the expense Is |80 e year for a decade, though theae Agures should be multiplied- In a ratio, however, not easily deUrmluid—If applied to buelneea etreetA

Many people can only be Induoed to In­cur lehie expense for street paving by well-founded proepsete o f gain from It, They regard It as they would an Inveit- menh While there are wide dlffereuoea iu tbe reeiiteno* to Iraotluu o f aapbelt, wood-block, brick and granite-block road ■urfecee, the average, where the strseti o f a olty ere paved In about equal proportion with these inaterlelA 1* less than one-tbird tb* average rMlstanoe on the streets o fa city having only macadam, oobble-itone, earth and eand road auri facet In about equal proporilon, A i one hone com tbsreiors, droev for ten hours three times os heavy a load on etteets of tbs Aral olsoe aa ou those of tba second Claes, there mutt be an evarege lavlug of two-lhlrda In tbe oust of ell traoiportatloii by mesne of animals end vebicloa where paved street* are used. In other words, the city with well-paved streeta will get at the same cost three time* as much service ea cue with etreeii that are not well paved.

The poealble n ln ftvm this In dollars end cenli is Indicated by the etallstloa of freight traniportellon. In the year 1800 the railways of the Untlsd Btatea moved 701,344,437 tons o f freight, which wu probably healed over roads or atreete at the points o f loading and unloading the care an av«||ge distance ol half a mile each way. a load weighing a ton can not be transported a mile by msani o f animals and vehlolss for less than forty cent*, which will be mod In this calcula­tion u on averue charge, the street haul­age of the freight moved by tbe rellroodi o f the United States In tflOO must have amounted to about f2g0,o37,T7fl.80. It will be assumed, however, at the risk o f being much loo llberel In e tendency to under­estimate, tbnt tbi average street haul w u only a quarter of e mile each w ty end that the coat w u there fore |140,38lt,M7.40.

A nvlng of two-lhlrds o f this su m would carry to the credit o f tbe economy ac­count o f atreet paving |B8,Aia,M1.00 a year, or, wlthoul making any ollowaaoe lor the annual increase of tralBo, ■0S,- 12fl,V16 Id ten years. Tbe freight moved by tbe railroada, It Issupposeble, w u car­ried largely Into or from the 23fl oitlu which constitute the principal mar­kets or distributing centres o f the country, but after all, railroad frelghu repreunt only a portion ot tbe street hauling, doubtleu much leu than one-half, so that after mnob trim­ming, we are brought at tu t to the con- atuiloa that the cost o f street traffic, largely In clUee o f more than 10,000 popu­lation, can be reduced flV7,0SA, 188 a year, or tl|87Ai3Sl,838 In ten yaaie, which, with Interest at the rate o f five per cent, per annum, would make a total saving In a decade o f 11,968.804,423.U, which would pay for 28.0M m llu ot street paving at a cost o f f70,000 a mile.


The E itm t of the Heart o f the Ox.RrepKred AcoorJlmy to tbe formulix ofD U . M 'M . A . H A M M O N D ,

In Ills Iftboritory ■( W A S H IN G fO tV . D. C.

" In thi eaite of a proinlni>nt phyalulan of In* diaTiHv the heart b«Kt wm fiebli and Irrtfiyiilnr* and tlivre wait a cuuclant vurtlyo white walk* iuif* or iren whllr iu a atamJIutf pcnltkoD. Id Ibia CJU4H thi rellff waa equally prompt. Re rpiuained uuderniy (*are only I Uric daji* bring fiuimitiined homo by tetigram by ilckQrEM lu bin fninily, after making arrarigeiTieDti to prm rtirp n euiffirttiDry of i 'ardlui for hoiiii UBO.aod i him i» coniiDue it for a( lean amcMitli. Hi arrived iiomi brfori thi Card Ida rratdiril lilrD* ■iid, frrllng tbe Deed of it* be at oiiue irlr-graphed fur It to be nent to him m iHKin AA [HtMl'Dle. He iQformed me that the ef- fvri uiHiri hjiu wtoi ao d«*clded that, wherea# furmi’rly he wan lo-ith lo walk evaa a few iiiepH fur ft ar of tM'ing overj>owered bydiszk- ueHB. a ftingle Injection enabled him to walk ox much HN hr plcaned for four or five bourx af* tcrwafil."Out, Fite Orispt. Price (2 drachmi). t2.B0.

WhiTt^ tiirnk drngfrlfllA arn Dot euppUed with he IlHinmond Aniinal Kxira<^iM* they "

mailed, together with all existing lUaraturithe IlHinmond Annnal Kxira<^iM* they w ill be. . - .ou liie enhjeci, on receipt o f prlop, by

TH E l:O L ( M IIIA CO*,M 'aeltlnfton, II. 4'.

Knr ■*!*) hy B, Kmltb A <'0,, iMA Brow) lU; K HlneMer, lirjad fit.: Max fieizer. Market iPid WwHblnrton fit*.; fiarrlnn 'f phirmacy. :;(ii lsr<jwt III*; l/enR Bfuff . W* .Market nt; I'harlei Holxk.iufr* Markfit and ttroadeta; Kraemer, to.) Mulbarrjr lU, auil f reif'eal t>rui Company, RZ7 llrijad nt

= NEW: STYLES =a—.OK-—

Um brellas and Canes.

GARDINOR’S,6 a c a d e m y 8T .

C IT T a d t r k t i n k m k n t i i ,

>Jf)TICK IB IlKiGGiV fJiVKN T H ^ T THE ’I 1 ommlMlujiert berttatore appointed by ta#

Mayor of the Olty ul .Newark, u> make an e^lunate arid upon ah tliu owuart of all ibw jaudxand real Miate lu tbe City nf vewariCg p«>oullar1y b«D«fltet1 by any local tmprorenient iq ibe eald etty. Ill proporilituaifi nearly a may fre to the ad­vantage efioh wai deertird V) bate aaqulred, have made ad eailmave and Aue«imeniof benoflu (ipoo all tbe 4iwnere of all ibt Janda and real eatate In thecltyof Newark peculiarly beaefiled by eaob of the fol luH'iiii Intproveoieaia lu lald oUy,Damaly:

hepaving ofCKpmtit BTRKirr.

from Park ulaciio Pcaaiylvanka Itallriad; l^VkBg o f

ELIZA RETH RTRFET* from HABburti place lo Niagara Mreit;

i-epavlox nfM'niNOrilCLD AVKKL'JC,

fWjin Belmont avenue u> Morri< avenue:And havn nied tbflrrpiHtrlaurAatd aaMaamept fbr

benrlltA Id (hp olTlf'e ur trii- t:Jerk of Uie rircnH ( gurt of tlii ( ’I'tinty of 1Lh « x, aad that ikie Juilga of •aid 1,'ourt baa fixrdHA 'm iDAV, rH a n in t h d a y o f j i :n e ,

1IB4.at 10 o'clock la the Ibrenoon, la the croart room at tbft CfM rthouM In ihe t'lty nf N4-wark,ai (betliiii and |ila<e 01 hrarkng any objecitonfi that may M niHde tolhA Raid nawffment..

Dated May 24, tWfCk(A*NDLflK W. RIKSB ,

Jlia City Comierl.F^iL^UFTHKltMMxNKKRijF , HMRt.iA vi> ofsireataiid Water Commlwlouera ol tbe ally

i f Newark.-Notloa.'I'he Inal efftlniataa fbr the following ooniracta

wLli be prewntod lothe Hoard of Kireel and Water t'ommiMMMian of the city of Niwarit. for aocept- aiioe.oii Ihuraday, JubeT, IMH. Vli.:

fo r tbe paving ofs t UEICT,

from WaabingloD alreet to High Mreet;wMk FFIKI.Dhi h k k t ,

front Hunex avenue to (kraaga atreet* and from U. Odd K. it. K. aY'tnue to Seventh aviruie. and

ftfiCTH TisNTH SI fiEJ-rr* from Moth Orange avenue to pprlagfieid aventio.

AlJjiHecdonfitoth* paymaut of Aaid anlmath innfiTb# (ihtd ului on*. In wrllhigt od or befora 4 P* M. t f Wodne.u)ay* Junafl, liei. *

Dated May It, IfiM. ^ ^

(*b . ^ «etrmi. /P tm ,fC KOTICR-ORPINaNCE ORIIERKD

(o third reading.We, Ike undirelgoid hereby oertify that an ordl-

nan^waaraadaeeoond tlmeai a meeting o f the BoafTl pr street and Water Com i..ltoioa«ra. held on Friday, June 1, llk4, aud duly ordered to Gitrd read­ing, to provide Ibr lire ooniiruoitou o f a tft tacb pipe •vwer in

MOKAOR RTHKErr* from Ferry atreet lo lafayette lU e e l; together wuh all tbe appkrifloaiicaa aacMtary to oomplet# tbefiame*

Datea June 2, im^ HAFBlftON V A N n D YN *.PrMldent of the Board of Birett and Water Com*

BflMloaenk. A. U. IsINHKTT,


What Is Eczema?It U an agony o f agonies.A torture o f tortures.It is an itching and burning of thfi

tkln aimost beyond endurance.it is thousands of pin-headed ves-

kies filled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin.

No part of the human skin b exempt.

It tortures, disfigures and humil. laies more than all other skin disease? combined.

Tender babies are among its most numerous victims.

they are often bom with it.Sleep and rest are out of thfl

question.Most remedies and the best phy.

slcians generally fail, even to relieve.If C U T IC U R A did no more than

cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind.

It not only cures butA single application is often suffl.

cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, atxi point to a speedy cure.

CuTicuRA works wonders because It is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times.

Sold thronshont Uit world, frtss, Cnrtmiax, loe.; Blue, 'iSc.; Risoltist, 91, PovTia Dane aXD Osa- Doer., dot* I'ropi., Hotteo. "A ll about U)s KUu sad Rlasd " audlsd liea.

685 Broad Street.



$2.00 IND S 2.T5

. . . . . . . « .2 5

WITH COLLAH8 AND CUrrS, LAUNDERED................................

Ladies’, 6snts‘ ana Chiidnn's Summer Menno Underman

Lames' Shirt Waists, Mustia Underwear and Corsets.

infants' Lace and Si/k Caps.

infants'Long andShort Drsssss.

OAtrriON.—ir ■ dealer effeie W, I * Dane lee Hheee ■* e red seed priee, or sore behastlien wltkoet eene etamped Oa iottoie, pal hlaa down as a (Veed.



. - ( 2 0 0J 2 w r

C f o og l J 8i !? * ”‘ • l.7 0


W . L . D o u c l a sS3 SHOE THE W ORLO.W. Ita DOtiGLAB fthofk ire ityllkh, exty At-

ling, and give Iwiter fiHtlafxctloo xt the priced ad- vertiied than ahy other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The fiUmpitig nf W. L. Duuglii* axme and price on the bntltim, which (uarxntcet their value, xitvcx thouiUDHfi of dollari anmixlly to ihnne -who wear them. JTVitler* whg puah tKa Xiile of W, I., Dnuglu Rhneii gain reAdnmenWhich help! to lnrria»e the vaJed on their full lliMi i f goodi. Tiiey can xlTord tn le li at x le»fi ctrofiL inn we hctleve you can dive money hy buying all your Tnotwcdr o flhe dealer ■dvertifiea helnw.

CalHinguf free upon xppllcdti>n. Addrxfid.W . L. TOVGLA<4. rt^M.-kloD, R laai. Sold by

K* tlRVMAW* NvvIxefliM%V.>I. KKPlNURHstiiy nrawd afi.}GfenUOI B. f 'lsA R K * 14 P erry ar.| W . A. « r T . V*

«0 3 B road ar.l BOK NM TK IN , i t Market aiet JOSEPH MAY A Ol.* $$3 (Praage at*, r o i. K lev iB ih al.| 11* II* B IE K a man* 107 H arrlaoa ava*, H a r r l iM i M* Fv H M IT II, Manlk G raaae.

L U M B E R A N D T IM B E R ,

On VVefli Niwark Branch PaafiiylTanU R.DDi*

ibtrlc car iiou 100 feitaoaiaK.vforner He Aron aViDUisil of yard.

atr«et xud J il l l f f ayve&D


FpeH&l fftcidtlii for haadlinff car IoUl TELKPUUNE dftfie

Alfto yard and offlea xa heritoforo. eoraaf Market and MadlaoQ atreeti* b blodu iM ( Market etreet depot*TELICPHONE A54.

EVER! TWO ARD A HALF K1R0TE3,Tbn btomi uMk«a a drouH of (ha body ererr

two aod ouH'haif nalDDlas* dellviriug Qbtn* roeut and taking hack waate matter to ba □llered out by the liver and kidoeya aad re­moved from the body through tha bowela and the urinary aecrvlion. Abyitoppage or ob- dtructlonof thU proceae may priMuo# varloua xorjut of diaeaat* auah aa Dyapepala, BlUoua- neda, (.'ouxtipatlon, ileadacbe. l>abUlty, and had blood with Ita multlpiled a\"lJe (bolli blotoliea, nlmplea. aoree. eruptlone* abaoeaaaa and the like), whan lucb obatrurtioiui ellat aa evliiancecl by tba preaence of oompUlnta alniilar to thoae Jnat maDtioDed, the beat medicine to uae la Hurdook Blood Bitten, which unlooka tbe aaoretioiu. remorlDg all impure and elTau matter through tbe proper ebanbdia. By mtoring healthy ftcdon of tha Btotnach, liver, kldneya and bowela, B* B* B. jrettiovee all Unporitten of tke blood from %



•<THB HKW89**


32 000. ’ ®*WAflKETBRUSHES.

Sl ,c« b £ A «

8NE>V"ARK e v e n i n g n e w s . S A T O ID A Y . J U N E 2. 1894.

AIIliT S A jm M EIt Attraeted Unnsnal Attostlon Be-

oauM It Wu Kept in Her Honia,


[b . O au loe*' Iloll, of B o .fi» , to■UmtIH* to llalld ■ m il onci ttorauin • ItM ldut •• llurlnc tlio epliutor’. Trm- ^ .*>7 AMonoo Ono T<l«ht Tliro* »I«n Efitrr I l . r l lo u » for llio Purpo» of Ilol)- b frr-A * E«rh DitroTor* tirt Othof.rm ooM • rotol tfo o ™ ' ri»»'i**-Th«lileatity o f tho io lo Nunrlvor, WKo copod W ltbont r io d lo g tho Co«h.

Hornaroo w u H «»h Tmtilr, b it ovitt jne to the Tillaae called her Aunt Narali. Bhe wia a .piiuter about forty year. <■( a*ra, and though bavtng many mhl noUnn. wu well llkoi by eTorybody. On n cerUln no- rajilon Aunt Barah had h«t lj>- tlia

whan the kiO'hmi il»>r opened for the thirdUnwi and a third mau •b‘i'P«'not a itranger to me, however Althoughlie hail changed hi. clothing and wore a impin place of a .Ilk hat, I rongnleed him at oneiuM r, Holt The .lepiity .herllt gave a etart of »ur|iruo aa ho • » * the and Mr. Holt .tei.|ie.l l*ck au.1 caUod out:

■'What' You b»n>’"‘■Y «, It'i me I Thl. t. my Job, and It .

hand, off for vou f " lint Tvii Ihwii piping It for a month. “ Makeano dllTcn uper’ u .‘•■Ob, well, wfjut qwrrel," ilJd nr.

Holt, " I f . a rich plant, awl wa ™ to «mie agreeiwnt. le-f» ha^e a Wk.

I tat downou a i lialr In the kitchen with a lighti.l •nndle In my haiiil, and the pair rn- terwl the idttlng-nnKn aiul left the door open.1 heard ttie bun <>* 'heir voiced for two or thn« mlnutce, catching a worit now and then, .ml a ll, of a .udden there wu a .cream and a fall. Ilad 1 l*cnleae frlghtcnwl 1 .hould have ma fc a iluh for the klU'hi'o door, but 1 i-ouhlu't move olf tlie cluvlr. I wu really to falut away when Mr Holt came into the kibhen. He wu [«l»-faci«l, but hie voiiw had no tremor in It when he mill: , ^

■■ Boy, vini know who I am, and have uo cniiwi for fiar. I wa* |«»lng by wli.m 1 thought J beard a wreaiii, mid etopiioi to toe what the trouble wn». iVborel. Mua Trendy!'" , . „

1 told him where .he hiul gone and how ii

WUre o, a hank. | ^ “ dwu flmily ruolved to have nothing more to do with banka When a brother dlwl and lafk her t»,000 Inraab, .he went up to CteTolawl and got the money an.l made a hank of her houu. I w u a lad of thlrte^ then, but I dlatiuctly rememher the day ihe brought Uiat money honm. When .he gave out that .ho w u going to keep It ir. the bowwy there wu Intenu e.rltemenl, and a nobllc meeting w u calleil and a eominltteo of three appointed to wait on Aunt Barah »nd pTOlut. They cautioned and coaxed and argueil, hut .be w u firm. Although .he lived alone In a ooUagts idie did not fi*r rob­ber*. Bbe thanked the committee for lU In- tereit In her welfare, but even deellnivl to place the money in the vault* of th* rounty trvaiurer.

Aunt flarah’i fortune wu gnuip tor a month or two, and then the matter dropiied out of light. While Aunt Harab llveil all alonn, aa 1 h a « .aid, the had a " chore hoy " to take care of her cow, bring In tlm wood and make garden. 1 wu wtlng In that capacity when .he received her money. When I beard that ibe bail determiiiHl tokaep the money In the houiie. It wan, u TOO mar gnaea, a matter of great i-uriue-

™ ?S«v. idm would Ekln It. It wMD t to b* tuppoii^ tliAt aitiA would it lying arouiwlooB*, and yat the little old bouuoSered no hiding place which a »harn man could mA uncover In half an hour • aearch. I a»ked no quutiaaa, and .be vob un leered no inforraalJon, Imt after a go^ j —i of eogltatlni 1 dadoed that *he would bury it in the cellar. Whan 1 found the made with fteih earth clinging to it a^d - Isg baalde tho back door one morning, I Im­mediately Jumped to the oonolttalon that the box of nwnoT w u under the celJu bottom.

The cottage In wbkh Aunt Harah lived ma aurrounded by an acre of ipviund de­voted to orchard and garden. Hbe never miuad going to church of a Buuilay, and before & receipt of the money the houee w u left alone. After that I w u rngagal to watch it, though thle (art ww nut gen- «a lly known. On tho eeventh Hunday a minplih looking man came acron the gar- d « from the common. and;wu evidently much aurprieed to find roe altting under tt MAT wboBc# I could both front ^odback doon. On the ninth Hundny ft w k fmA oftUer QfttDft b j wft<y ctf the front gftto.

and oa the tenth two tbarp-lookiDg etnasere d w » p « t in ft buggr ftod eurveyed the pJftje In ft toftooftf to ftrouie nor euipidoae. On the UoodftT ftftor thle tenth RundftT cor vUinge w u atartled by the newa tlmt it wu to lave a new raident. Oeoree Holt, of Boaton, had

' to locate In Hlinfleld and erect alarge woollen mllL .

Hit (btt move wu to buy four irrea of ground, and hli Moond to bargain for the

teeidenoe in town, paying a amall mim down to bind the option. Nobody knew any- ttilM lAout Hr. Holt and everybody b«-

‘ ithimulf. He claimed

fellow. He name here to rob tlie tiiiUKC. A. he In.i.teil tbnt you mu»t t » klllivl, I li*'i t" kill him. We will now gel the bo* of money and go over to the hotel."

1 wMonly a country boy and the two munleni hail given me n dreaitful fnghl,bull liadeoniw enough to imt two nnil twotmiBlher. Mr. Holt and the other mnu hail reivignlw.1 eai h other. I illdn't know what the term “ piping" meant Imt Mr. Holt hail betrayed hlmeelf in my "|ilmon, aud 1 waa aatiatled that he niennl to iwi off the money If he could lay ham'* ™He may have anapeetoit my tliought hut hi. face wore a .mile u he quietly uid:

“ ItU the luekleet thing In the world 1 hapiiened to be out walking around. Do you know where the 1»* 1. V'

"\VelL weTlioon find it and 1 .hall toll MluTremly tot[1ve you *100 for bring eucha bravo l.iy. Come “u with the candle.

He entered the eiUlng-room, end 1 fol- lownl. He had kllhil the man by alabblng him, an.l the l.*ly wu lying In a corner of the room. Five minute, eihauated the Kearch In the .ittiiig-nmin, even to [mlling up the rug car|»'t on the 11^. A. we entered the |iarlor Mr. Holt .tumbled over the other coriwo, ami lietween Ilia tmaea and iiuuUon* lie frightoneil mo «o tliat 1 wa» nieerhleu for a timi-. I finally inaiiag(.l totell him al«ut the klUlug. and from that time on he wu nervoiu m S In a hurry to he nfT. There were but few ibicee In any room in the bouae where miy- JilDg eoukl be hidden. In the parlor he took hla blo(.ly knife and ripiari up the

' ' -“ o bedrooina

lit, it li needleu to remark, wu a u In our town. Up to tho date of

Ueved all he eald about to be rlcb and to have a family, and our wooUen mill wu to be one In a chain of nine or ten. He hiul new [intent machinery and new mathoda, and he proinited to no

I mueh for BlluOrid that real eatato made a lump of twmty-Bve per cent. Inetdo of a fortnight.

Jfrlioligreat man------------- -rUi arrival Judge White, who owned the jnlUdam and bad once eentenced a man to be hanged, ww tuppoeod to be the bIgiMt man to tEe State. The Judge took a back eeat In ifacrt order, but It li only fair to add that he ■nbmitted to the InevUable without a murmur, Mr. Holt had been with w about two week* when be did me the great hanor to notice me. One •Ttoing, when I hito gone down to the pee- tnre to drive up the cow, I found him lauu, toring about with cane and cigar. A thlr.

' teen-year-old boy, boro and brought up to a village uid knowing nothing of tlie world beyond, may have native riirewdneee, but

'can not be called keen. For eume reoeon which I oonld Dot explain ! did not fancy Mr. Holt. Therefore, when he mmlingly approached me and began to talk, I wo* (alien toetead of aueplcioiui, though I an- ewered all hie direct queetion* until he iic- gan to aak about Aunt tlarah. I felt my«elt a (art of guardian to the old maid, and when be e^ly inquired If her money wa. (till to the home 1 gave him an evailvu auwer. I didn’t euipoct him of evil, but 1 argued that he might want to borrow rome money and perbape cheat her out of it. I bad heard, too. that there wn« another heir who threatened to *ue Aunt Harah, and for a ll! knew he might be iutiuiring In tlie In- terertof that heir. Mr. Holt made a greet affort to pump me, but I don't think ho got much Hutfaction In the matter.

Four weqk. lifter Mr. Holt came to l!li*it- field noUdug had boon done about the iiiill except to .take off a elte. H« wa. walling for a contractor to come on from lio.ton, ho uid, and of counw hi. word w u. not to l » dlaputod. While I “ cbored" for AuiitHurah mornings and evening. 1 slept nt homo night*, lino October evening, a. 1 was rosily to go home, a coueiit of hors living twelve nillee out In the country arrived witli a horse-iind buggy and rejiortod thnt hi. wife wa* at dtaUi'. door. Aunt Barah Instantly decldol to return with him, and I wa* asked to remain in tho home all night nloue. It wasli't much of a test of my courage, for hardly a door in the village wa* hulteilat night, and no one could renienil.'r when n theft luid h«m cone tiiiited. I rcaiUly agrcod, nud hnlf an hour lator wa* alone. Aunt Barah .Inipl, cantloiied 1110 nliout tire. Bhe told me

couhf h( hidden. In the parlor I took hi* blo(.ly knife and ripinri up t upholitored lounge, awl in th ^ o ^ ro o in * he rilipedouen the plllowi and The bed* and owrfiiuled the trunk.. In t o couna of half ftU hour bu natlirtted that tha boxwfti luit on tba flnt floor. Th T® wm ft btlf (lory above awl we »arched that, and on da- eceniHiig the man began to growl and curse and noailj said to me i . , ^

“ Boy, we nimt find that money I 1 be­lieve you know whore It li hidden. Out With ft, or I'll lUoa off your ears with this Icnif®

Uo wan w flare® ftboat it that I told h|n I thought It wa* burlfd lo th® *1®went out Wmielf for the ipude* and h* or­dered ine to take a caudle in each hand a* we went down celkr. Th® bottom of the Cfltier waa not concreted, aiwl ft part of Ihf wall wa*i formed of planks. While I bald the light* the ntan d ^ her® and there, pulled down th® poUtrt bln, rolW lb® wnptJ byr®!* abfftit and tiuuio a chae search. ^ uected every minute he would flofl tho box, for it wa. my llrm idea that it wa* hidden away down Iherei, but after a good hour’s search nothing wa. levenled. Theo Mr. Holt's patlenca gave out, and he raved and cursed and showed hinuelf In his tnis odors. Belling me by the ann and bran­dishing hli knifs before my eyes, ho twora he would murder mo If I md not reveal t o hiding place. HdI I known ft be would certainly have got Aunt Harah'i cashboi, but 1 did not know, and ho was probably ■aUsfleil of t o fact. He wasn’t willing to lot me off altngetor, however, or eM tbioght ho could coulinue t o search with­out me. Ho struck me a Wow on the temple with his fl*t that reniierBd me unconadoua, and when my sense* roturn«l I was tied hand and foot and lying iia tho cellar bot- tcm. I hoani him walking around on t o floor above for a lung time, and It was long after daylight before 1 dareii move.1 worked t o cords loose after awhile, and it wa* just» o’clock when 1 crept upstair* anil ran outdoors to give the alarm.

Aunt Barah ivune hum* at mldaftemi^ to flwi two corpse* and a crowd of living people In t o house. The dead men were ^now u and were burled without being idontlflei. and Mr. Holt had got *«oh a long start that he wa* not recaptured. All three were no doubt deaperate men and professional roober*. Where do you suppose that money was all tho time f Not In • bo* at all, and neither down crilcr nor upstair*, but lu s bag and hanging to t o poles In the kitchen along with bunches of smart weedand rings of dried pumpkin!

M. (JDAIP.[Copyright, 189t.J


i'migbt jxtp Nuiiie L-oru Rtid maki) ijitno taffy, bui to bfl Huro U> wlud tho clTx'k and

’ wont tt» bod nt 0the cat out before I «yriwk. Nothing L , ■and 1 might not nave given it a thought hut for what happ.'neil- Certain people nuiiit hove been watching Aunt Barah. move. luente, or wliat followed her dciiarture was a curious coincidence. Bhe had not Isien gone over hair an hour when the kitchen dour cpeiieil and in walkeil a tramp. No tramp had ever done the like before.

Ho was rough in speech and looks, and I waa frightened. 1 stixnl by the .toviN Iioi>- plng corn, and as he shut Uie door behind him bo growled out:

“ Now, then, I want that money ami want It quick I It's here, and 1 know it, and if you keep mo waiting I'll give yon a taste of this !''

H » came over to me with a knife in hi* hand, and Uio Berco k.ik on ins face proveil thathe wa* very much In tiurnwt. 1 loUl him tliat 1 knew nothing about Aunt Borah'* money, and with that he seised me by the hair, 'whirltyl me nround into a I'hair and swore he'd slivsh my throat it 1 told another lie. He was vet speaking when the kitchen door opened again and a si'coud Btrangcr enh-red. He loosed lo me like one of the two iiieu who rode past the

^ouse In a boggv on a certain Bimday. The man with the knife tuniwl on him with a curse, and the new arrival <lrew a re­volver. For thirty seeoml* tliey stcMsl glaring at each other' and not a won! was uiiL Then the man with the revolver raised It and fired, and thn tramp sunk down In bis tracks, shot through the heart,

•* He was a bad man and came here ofhT tliat money," said the murderer, as he rie »tored the weapon to his iiockut. "You are all alone here, aren't you?"

I was too uinet to Sjieak, but managed to nod my head In reply.

He o'pened the iiarlor door and dragged the ' ' dead man in there and shut it on him, and

----inp bW;kimlJy said;—iieh w-.. -qu«au.:.a ^

am a deputy sheriff and noil a right to kill that fellow. It wa* lucky 1 got here aa 1 did, ae be certainly meant to kill you. is the money safe?”

" I don’t know anything about the money,

The Exscutlvo t'ommlUoe of the Emex County t:hrutlan Endeavor Union has made eiten.lve pr*i»ratlon* for the wvwnth annual ineetloK of tho unlim, which will b* held on Monday In the Bonlh Park PreBbylorlan rliiiri'h. The afternoon «e»*ii>n will meet at 3:311 o'clock, when the euperlntendoBls of de­partment. will Iireiwiil five minute reports. The electlnn of nllicer. and committee confer- eni» will follow. Thn evening eenslon will open nt 7:»1 o'clock with a song servfce led by the evangellitlc ehnlr under dlreotiun of U l>. Il.tUlraour. Itev. Illlhert Held, reprosenin- tlveof tlie American Hoard of Foreign Mu­slims, who line rerently reuirned from Chino, will deliver tho oddmis of the evening, This will lie tho la.l meellog of the union for the summer, the next mifklon lieliig Heplember 3.

The First I’reshyicrian Society of Orange has elected these oflicers for one year; I’rc.l- dent. Mis* jtrta Wll.im: vlce-iire*ident. Miss Neltlii Wilmot; ciirce.poncling secretary,

1*. Wilson: rrcorillng secretary,Frank Bclmclkort.

WiilLiini Kns*ell, of the Park Presbyterian BiicUny, will conduct o training clsss on Tue*. day night lo the church parlor nt 7 o’clock.

Miss Josle M. StUcs Is snperlntenilont of tho Junior Siolety organised lost Hnudsy lu tho Bprliigltold I’ resiiylcrlau Church. She will be naslstcd by Mrs. E. 1). Williams.

The Third 1'reeh.tterlnnBoetety will bolds novel meeting m-momiw night. Tlie topic will he "The Happiness of a Christian Life,'S lid letter* will lie rciui on lids suliject from President K. K. Clark, of Boston; William Shaw, (rciisuror of the I'nited Bodely. and j nnmher of Blnie and Icsinl prouilueut Endeav

be conferred on 1h* follewlag in a fnw wesk* t Kilwaril Cisigan. K. J. Heysr, Hawlsoo : Fred, trick C. O’Kclll. Bayonne ; John .1. O'Brien, Anihouy J. Ferrsitn, l«u l* J. Uabriet, John J, Bweeiiey, John J. Omiwdlan and Thomas J. Hl(gin-. The following young iota will (rad- nais ilarlog this twiatli from tha oollege : William Henry Belon. M. J. Donnelly, Saw ark : E, J. McDonald, Hlehard I'atil Kane, A.J. MrCne, A. Henry Carroll, R. J. Cor*#, 1), J. ll'Keefr, ,M. FranrI* Mctjulqneia, T. A. Can- elhi, Francis r . Sew. John J. I'hslaiid. Mr. Csrndl, one of the graduate*. I* a desi andsntof Charles (MrroU o f Carrulllan. « » o f the signers of the Declaration of Indepandenra, and Mr. Beion Isa nspbawof MiidslgBoPMeloB, ot.rersevCIty, and tha Isle An hblshop Hayley.

Her Dr. Fraser will occupy his pulpll st the First I'resbyl Brian Church to-morrow morn­ing. ill* subject will be "The Smitten Hock."At the evening earvlce he will preach on " lienylng Christ.'*

Hev, Dr. Hpellmeyer will preach another sermon to-morrow morning on "Btrange Bible Stortas" entitlad “ The Deo of IJims."On Friday sveBing, Jnns k, the Iskdlaa' Par* HinaM Assoclatlou will give a social In th* Sunday-school room* '

At the High Street Pre*byl»rl*n f.’hurch to- niijrrow evening Hev. Hilbert Held, an eiiea- »lvB traveller and eloquent speaker, will de­liver an addrsss on China.

Hev. Davl* W, l-usk, pastor of the Sixth I'nsdivierlan Church, has retnrnesl from hi* two weeks’ eiay at Saratoga, where he si- tended th* Deuaral Assenibly of the l*re*by- terlsn Church.

At Bt. Jlark’s Kplsciqial Church last Wednesday Bishop Starkey held ordination. Charla* Harris Hays*and William Cleveland Hicks were ordsiood descoiis.

A t th* Clinton Avenue Heformed Church the fullotring elders sml deacon* liave Vsien elected: Kldera, John tVhsrlon, \tllllsm h,Deer. Ueorge W. Minlley. Jiswph T. Mundy, Joseph lb Van Valen; deacons, D. 11. Duu- hsm, David Hay.WUlUmB. Worth. Freil II. Conklin and William linns.

Th* annoal Baanclal report of St. I ’suPs M.E. Church shnwa It to be entirely out of debt. The recolpU during tho year amounteil to

Th* examiaaltoB of St, Joseph’s H. < ’- l^hoid will take place this nuiuth. Hev. Father McDowell, o f Orange, will be the examiner. The sistere are making apraiuiriiirtit* for the clofltDg ®xei*oij®#of wlilch ifth®place the end of June. Alsint iti'children made their Urst communion last .Sunday.

The feast o f Corpus Chri.tl was crlebrsted last Sunday at Bt. Hgvy's H- C. Church with a aoleinn high utasa by Hev, Father Polycarp Scheefer and a procession of tlie ri-lnsil chil­dren, led by lit. Kev. Abbot Hillary Pfrwnglc.

Rev. Father Dllroy. of St. Antoninn.’s R. C. Church, eolled for Ireland last Saturday on s visit to hi* parent*.

Th* renbton of the various eodetlc* of Bt. Bridget’* R. C. Church took place l«*t Sunday evening in th* church. Hev. Father Bog*n, o f th* Holy t ’roe* t!huroh, iUrrlson, preached the sermon.

A very enjoyable May ride to Idnden wa* bad by the Young Men’* Catholic Association on Decoration Ilay.

A t tho Fifth Uaptitt Church last evening tho cantata, " The Morning of Freedom," waa given by a oast of over flfty voices from tho choirs of thle city and New Vurk.

A t the massmeetlng In Association Hall to-morrow afternoon at t o'clock a Jubll« ser- vtoe will be held commemorating the organlxa- Dun of the first V. M. C. A. In loindon Just fifty year* ago. This service will be open to both sexes. Elksnsh Drake will deliver an address.

The regular monthly muslcapsarrloe. held on the first Bnnday evening of each month In the First Reformed Church, will lake plate to-morrow. The quartette will render the tollowiug very Interesting programme; “ March InO ," Henry Bmsrtt "O n to f th* IXaplha," Marslou; "The Plaoe (laHed <!*1- vary," Locknane: " A l l Pralee to Ood In Ldght Arraved,” Wagner: " Not * Hpstrow Falletb,” J. to Ollberi; " 0, That My I*sd of Bins Were tiou*." J. S- <'*mp 1 " Fldale In F," Flll^po Oapoccl.

The choir o f Trinity Episcopal Church will slog thl* evening Tours’. .Magnificat and Nunc DlmittU In F. and the anthem, *' 1 Wilt Always Olve Thank.," by Calkin. Tho organ preinde will bo lutlste's offertolre In A and the pustlude Berg's March in (i.

George to P. Butler, celebrated tenor of New York, will slug In Sb Luke’s M. E. Church to-morrow night.

The musiu In 8l. Psul's M. E. Church to- mnrvow night will bo ns follow*: Morning— Anthem, " 0 Thou tVliose Tender Mercy Hoars." W . K. BsssforJ; quartette, " There­fore With Angela," Howe; i|Uart*tte, " Olovy Be to tlod on High," Auwood. Evening-An­them, " 0 Saving Victim," Tours: cootrslto solo, "O Sinner Hear Thy Saviour Calling Thee." Hawley, quartette, "Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen," J. B, Dykes.

The organ recently erected in the Wlokliffo Presbyterian Church will he formally opened on Wednesday evening by Cbnries Elo.ihorn, o f the Munn Avenue Preebyterlan Chnrrh, Orange, assisted by Miss Elisabeth Stickney, lololsl, Charles lltsler, violinist, and a male qnarlBtte.

Tho following will bo the musical pro­gramme St the Peddle Memorial Church to­morrow; Morning -Organ prelude. Batiste ! anthem, “ t.'orae Holy Hhost,” Attwoodi response, "Keel In Thee." offertory, Chopin; eolo by Mr, Hauvsge, " Over the Line," Phelpi; [lostlude, march, Handel. Evening—Organ prelude, Wagner; anlhcni, "W atch and Pray," V icar.; offertory. Elevation In A minor, W ely; response, " Day by Day." Ootti- ohalk: solo by Mr. Baqvuge, "Tho Ooi«l Shepherd," Barrl; pnstlnde, rilegro, Hsydu.

The fifty-third anniversary of the Eoet Now Jortey llapti.t AModalloa will bo held In the Booth Hapllet Church next Tnerfay and WeduoMlay. F, E. -Marsh will call the first session to order at Idlki o'clock, and Rev. Dr. Luther will make the addrees of welcome. Hev. Dr. Allterl Foster will preach the Intro­ductory sermon. On Wednesday morning the WikihHU's Foreign Missionary Boolety will hold It. meeting in St. Paul'. Church,

Next week Hie Orange Valley Oongrega- tliinnl Church will nbeerve anniversary week 'To-niorrow mnnilngthe paslorwill preach the annual esrmon, retlsivlng the chureri year.

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w•' I iiimplf can't etop," say* the tired buslnei* j

man and the worn-ont mol her. I"But nervousproetratton atates yon In the

face."" I dare not think of being *lck._ My chil­

dren and bable* and husband depaud on me every hour In the day," rsply thoe* women on the verge of breaking down. " A month’s *b- eence would ruin my buslne**," says the hard- worked buslneto tuan>

When the nervee and organ* of the body are Hinndly nonrlabed and the waste products quickly got rid of a tremendous amount of liard work can be done without Injury. I I I . when the nervous ttuuos are usod up faster than they ere repaired that brain, nerve* and Tilal organ* suffer, cry out with nenrelgla, rhoumatiim, heart trouble, nervoa*dy»p*p*la, and finally break down. Paine’s celery cotn- ponnd is doing e world of good for »aob weak, nerTou* people, whow brain and body are overtaxed, but who may yet ho eaved from narvoue proetratluikaBd dlaeaaea of the liver, kidney* and atomach by this great strengtb- glver and blood and nerve luvtgoretor.

The first bottle of Paine’s oolery compound begins at onoe to clear the Impure blood, to supply materiel for growth to worn-ont nerves and to the milUous of tiny cells of uervone substtnee through the brain and spinal col­umn. This marvelloue blood and nerve rem­edy lays the foundation for health deeply and permanently; thin, pale, oareworn persons grow steadily heavier and stronger, and their faces loM the Mgne of slckneae and despond- ency.

To eounleract tho effeet* of protroctnt bodily and mental ktrain. P a l* '* celery com- jiound wa* first prepared by tho eminent Dartmouth profeseor, Etlwnrd E. ITielps, M. D., Lto D. Physicians of the highest standing uss and prescribe It to give strength to weak mothers and to supply abundant uulrltlon to the rapidly growing nerves and tissues of children.

New. highly vltalliod blood, pure and rich

In elements of growth. Is Mut through the en­tire substance of the liver, kidney, and etoro- ocU, and niu.es them to brisker acLlon, re­move. hlllonsnCHS, jaundice and Indigestion, endthorouglily purifies the system of harmful, poisonous matters that cauae disease. Th* nerves are rapidly built up and work again without confusion, thus bringing all the Im- portaut orga'is Into harmony and health. Paine’s celery romponnd offers years of happy, healthy, hearty ciUtsiioe to thousands of men and women whom poverty of blood and nerve* is the sole cause of despondency and despair of ever being strong and well again.

With new blood and refreshed nerves a oon- fldciit feeling of returning health comee also. Paine'* celery componnd makes people well.

N-stban W. Kennedy, editor of the well- known Putnam, Cnmi.. Ftoiidnril, and presi­dent of the Connecticut Jldltorlal Aaeoclatian, write*:

"tin this, my thirty-third birthday, it be- come, a pleasure to speak of the merits of IMlne's celery comjMiuijd, for on several pre­ceding snniversarlrs the pangs of dyspepsia hare prevented what would otherwise have been a most felicitous aceaaion. To-day everrthlng Is cheerful and bright, and this excellent luellclne reoelvca its just share of praise.

'•After trying various ‘ panaceas’ I took Paine's celery compound, and in due time dis- covergd that I wa* being greatly benefited. Bleep grew refreebing, my nervous system more normal, my appetite sharper and general make-up better prepared for t o cares of buel- nessnnd the enjoyment of life.

"Not alone liave I found the oompound effecllve In th* treatment of ceaee of dys- pepslA hut also for nervousnese, therhby iuat- ing le unexcelled In the treatment of nervons dyspepsia.

" Beveral aged persons to mypersoosl knowl­edge have been materially beneflled by Paine's celery compound. It creates appetite and strength, and sootbes the weary, overworked body and mind Into natnral, refreshing sleep."



Wilsons Go.,159 19 165 lAESr 81

P r i e © ^ 2 .5 0 .

s m to n i l cenT. on *u miicMscs ar usma th e coupbhs ih

The Money Savor You Can Save




Aireiits Wanted.m a l e AND FEMALE.


A ftK E T ftl.1

S n E M i g ^ i Q i i n“ Common” " Fu rn itu re

Uncom m on Prices. *By ‘ ‘common” furniture m mean the many homely things that are as necessary to home comfort as "my lady’s” fin* dressing-table. They are in­artistic, but solidly fashioned to stand rough usage. Our regular prices ■would be called ‘ 'special” in most stores.

Kitchen Tables^

Plain yat nhatutlal,8gc.gSca

Devoted Wivesmake their husbands happy. Hence, when their husbands' feet are Hred ondathf, they bathe their feet with the never failing

Phenylin Antiseptic Fool Lotion.(I'aift- ‘.'1 Iti tbf ru(alu| e.> fl

0. II OM Of rap I'j'ffnyliii .\DMwpiic SMuMlJiTd rrrpor- ationj. ••All jtrrauiM mjuirf KJMMo/ '‘ Sum*jjffWMit rt'fvtr* all t>/ lAg'm." All fiqupUj inrrito-rlouai oli iir«w«rruit4H| baratiMitRll ar«preciwljr fli ropn’wnlni [ uiil nil «r« |tr«iMr«il only by Uk® Fb«ujila (.'fimpiinr. BfuaurMturliMt.to Fb«ujila rfaifiBkCBi (.'fimpiinf.CtoxAliU. lAT AUd IM WiUliun To bebto «tall UruffirliU Md b|| HoiftU BoOi tfidltw* btronii mod aLvo luo UotApau j's

Retail Depot 308 Sixth I t itotwtou itib ftnd nh HtmoUj Torb Cltj.lnmirdJ

Mjolnliin I f dlri^l? 0ppn4lt4 '

York Citf.


73 market Ntreet, Near Plane Street.


a Bedroom Suit*, with matiress and .pring................................... ...................Joy JIS.OO35 Bedroom Suita, with meltress end spring........................................ ..............^ y35 Bedroom Suita, with maltru*. and spring........................................... ...........Only •<3.00

toAROE MOgUETTE IUTt (UVEN WITH EVERY PARLOR SUIT SOLD. |KPwrtorSuita In Demssk. Including MihiucUb Rug........................... ...............On V •**•*«ahPsrlor Suits In Plush, Including Moqitnlt* Hug.............................................. Ouly JSO.oo25Parlor tiulUixe Rug Uoverlug, luuhullnK MiHjuette U119............. ..................... Ubly ftbu.uo

CARPETS MAlfe AND LAID WITH PAPER WITHOUT CHAHOE.BSnlcre* of Tftprsiry BruaneU Curpot. Incluiiiritf mukloic and loylng with paper,

MfiDlecea of Tftpeatry Hrnwls CnriHii, inclufilcuj mukioff and Jaylng with paper, . , ,per vftrd...........................................................................................*......™

26plecMof Velvet t ftrpet* IncUuUnif niAklu ntui Iftyliiit with paper, per yard.......Tjnly26 pieces of Body BrueseU CanxM. iiidmiliw makinif and l«yiO| with paper. peryd.*Oniy • i.*o 25 pieces of AlUwoul Inirraiii t ’ arpel, Incluillng iiuklnK amt laying with paper* ,

jrftfd,................................................................ .... I........ .................... • .Only 7" CIS25pieces of Low-Priced Ingrain Carpet, iDcludliitc amklDg and laying with paper. , .

peryard.,........................................................................................... ..#.0niy*5cUEniiDAtoB cbeerfuilr given for fitting up irumubur ^sorte, Hotels and tioardlDg*

{ ’ath i»r Credii—ui whort nottefl*ROTE T H E S A M E AMOS BEFORE E RTEH IRG T ^ E STORE.

THItKE HVNDKEIJ HULLS OF FANCY MATTINOl ^Goodl^cy Matting* per roll................................................... *............... ..Only *3.40

TWO HUNDRED HARD AND SOfcT WOOD UEFftIQKRATORSAt Rednced iMoe®, Good Unrighi llurdwnoil llefriirf'rAtor..................... ........... .Only •7.00

Childreirs larrlSKee in great variety at reduced prices*PO RTIdAN D K AK U E -W liy , it iH kDOwuall over the State on acoount of Its good

qualities* Eaay terms.R E H f S T O R A G E BTriLD IRG -For Furnlluro. BanTi street is the number

For cleanliness and Jow rntet* Ltciiu ui>t tie uuruaiuftid. All locked rooms, c urnitur® moved Wlthvfttw. TiCLfiPHONE 5WJ.



HtmvU. Torb Cl .lnmirdl- 'Ainmeyer'i N'«« ai>4 Kiioe Slort. It Appn4lt4 Hlnifwirii, rrAwfehl A SImpAoo't Dry

OoedA ntanllihmffnt, biuI irUhIn ntkr block »f the IJMSlitrectBUlbiri(>( thF KiuhAvriDua EleTatad RsUrOhi* ijvIMNuatofiiiinffHJaAAT Njjva jjarroM*

ilr," 1 replied.“ But Aunt ^orah didn’t take a box with

her when she went nway to-ntght !*'“ I didn't lee her have any.’’“ Then Ufa here lu the bouse, of cernm, and

I arill taifu churn of It. Don't you know where t o keeps ft f "

“ No, sir."“ Weil, weHl take a looir around, I am so

glad I ged bore lu tUne to save your life."I didn't quertiou to t be was a county

olflcer, as he claimed to be, and I dldhtt dis­pute Us tight to take charge of t o money. I had no 1 ^ where the box wss hidden, bow-

' ever, and I wai so (rkhtened over ithat I was of but little beli ' In Ut ((arch. For (oqm reason no entered t o old-faehlooed buttery first, and he had given It a ttwrou^ iooklng over

in,htened over t o kllUng

to him

orcr*.Tbe .Mlraionsry (.'ommlltee of the Second

I'rCHbytrrisii I'luirch, under dlreotiun of 0. V. Ususe, hiis rnlsBil $50 for i he support of n mis­sionary ill Cliliia. aud nlsolWforasohldarahlp In the Beau fort College for colored boys lu South Carolina.

Among the New Jersey Etidcnvorer* who will speak at the Cleveland couvention are Rev. Dr. .1. Clcmeut Friuioli, Rev. A. W, Spismcr, of Camden; Rev. Cornelius Rrett, of Jersey City, uml the Rev. J. Judsoii I ’lerson of Hrldgtlou-

The First Congregnlinnal Church will to­morrow liogiu lU,' issue of a rhurch jiaper. There will Iw a department devoted to En­deavor Informatlou, eilltod by Arthur N, Clark, of the Essex I'lilim Executive Com. lulttco.

The Com lull (CP on Riwakors for the coming Btal* coiiveiUioniiuuouucH tlie acceptouce of the Rev. Dr. James llurri'll. of New York, to .peak on " ( I imkI Cltixeuslilp."

Tlie Junior Hoclfty In (ho Orsngo Valley Congregational Cliuroh will celebrate Its sec. oud anniversary with spproiirlate eierolsee this afterniKiii.

The Junior Society In the First Reformed Church, IIookoiiBafk. number* fifty-throe, and is but. elx months old, ITftoeu duller* has lieeii raised for mission Durpeses.

The New Jersey Htote Union has ulopyid (our deportiiieuts of work iiiodelled after the Bisci Union. They sCo Junior, missionary, evaugellstlc and giKiJ-oltlxenship.' Rev. A.

r-• ,'i# - •i- aOM.aw**-- *rinii>T j nporiDtefi'-’i«rit li, Tiiyior of the Feddio M®-morliil Hoclpty, \\n» iwuntly bepn MJi>ointW RujMjrititetidout of tlie evangelistlt? depai't- ujent. Tiio other two have not lM*en Buleoleil.

W. E. Taytnr ftnd MIhh Della Jm'oboi will reprewint lb© liecond PreftbylerUui ljUiclety ftt tijQ ClevoUnd ooDvention* The J*ark Droa- byterian Sudety will alm> iend two dele;gAt®Sa the Firdt Congrogiitioaftl oixe. the Orange VRlley ( ’ongregatlODal two. tho New York Avenue Reformed flve, th® Hixth l*r®Bby* terlau o&® and th® Hpringfleld Pmbylarl*a two.

To-morrow night Bpoclal muilo will b® p^> vldedlii the Orange V'ftUey ('ongregatUmftl Church by th© Young Men's League, under dlroction uf Charlet V. Htone* The organ m - IflctloDfl will bo: I'relude. Andante, Cal­kin I pofiilude. Overture* MendelMohn. There will be an anthem by tbe choir and •olos

Kt* Hev, Blahop Vlgger onnflnned a aura* , ber uf etudenU at Set'0& Hall College laat I Thundsyr TU® degree « f Mtoter of Arta will

AMOS H. VAN HORN aiMlTED),7 8 la rb t Street, Near Plana Street, Kef a i l 1 .1.


212 Wuifuttgton St, f/$WQrk,Ry Hijeciallflta In Ca - turrfi of aU foriDA 1 Iku nuHfi, eaTH, throat, i’hvslr etomAch. kid* n© > e. e 1 r . Also r hn«ilo diM'jtH®©, a© asthma.tbemuAtlein. ooh-KumiJiion, dyipep«la. diHuaiWH of wonwii and nurvoufl dleeaM4« H©iul the following. Mr* Ms Fltxpatrlclt, of Irvlngtqn* eaye:

” 1 have •uiTered from catarrh of the HtfMiiatd) aud liver for yearn. Ilad d)'8i>ep* hla NO l>ad that 1 couldn't work nor

eat eQou6,'U to nustatn Hfe. 1 tTfe>d all well- knowu rutiKidiHKand tho bent pbynlciana with* mit relief, utiili after thru© weeka'treatment with pUrti('1nn!ii, ami now 1 feel quit©well null to work. My ajuwtlte hae re­turned ; my pain is relieved.*—Signed, MIL FITZFATItIrK, Irvington.

Mr. Henfllon. welLkiuiarti ftreman In Clark'i mill©: ” I liHvo HiiffertHl frum catarrh of tha head and ( tomarh aud kidneys. 1 waa iriveu ui> by all lociirablc, but ihoAo doctort have effectwl ft. cure in niy cab© after two weeka) treatment, ami now I feel aa m-eU 4a wer I did. 1 will ntvp the facta of mycftae.to any one who wi)l HEN«LKN. Schuyleravenue. Kcaio).

Mr. ML-4iri>al, lit) .lohuNoQaTeuun|i£,Mt Nevf- arkiHayB: “ I Iia ) ’-be matlATn oftbe worat fcwiti and ,wr .phyklolaiia iatffti week*.*'- . /

Onice Hinira • l>lo 12 A. M.,’2 loiandT t-o 6:30 P. M. Sunday, Hr> 4 P. M.

A n I I Y t ^ l k l f 'Any Maniifarturpr that advlAPB yon to put th® D®ftl«i'Down tor a I I ^ I M I Fraud that'offert Douglfti Kho««A at Itedftiued Prlc*i J^ t put him

“ ‘ * - * - . . * ■ a jeceptioiip a© w® Gall o®mrtne Douftimiohoft*•*U(»wii tor ft r*MUl®r and hU XUdaoed Bate®*




, as we sell oauutne OougUa I

Only House Selling Douglas Shoes at Reduced Prices.

HOTZ SHOJ236 M a rk e t S treet,


. i s t e w a b k , i^r. J .

Are plenty of times when special bargains are of­fered, the -object being merely to sell the goods quickly and no thought being taken of tbe value of the sale from the point of advertising advantage. It is well to explain why the prices are made lower than usual. Give a good, honest reason for it. The honester you can be in your dds. the better peo­ple will like it. Not only be honest, but let the ads, show and prove that you are. People like to know the "why of every­thing nowadays.

We’v* (Iwsjr* lOM toM ksmtofei*(orgk. ugfii.tgreegectlvelr.

Kitchen Leaf Tables,^Duk or antique fioUk. Until

BOW w iFt * aold tkam t o C w M m • xotg. Cut to W * * / y

Step-Ladder Chair5os„Combined chair and atep-

ladder. A bora to honae- v a a,WITM -

Splint Foot-Restso^^Wa’T* told many hnndteda of

these. A dollar’e worth of comfort for

Lawn Settees ■Ni.Bed, to brithten op the laxrn,

or natural wood finUh, for

Steamer Chairs,^Thete were never before - M

cheap tf they are now. 'We’vt been need to chargtof Sx .40 for one we now eell tot.

Blacking Cases ■'a-Handeome eolid black-walnut

box,with arpeted eovar, ^

Oil Cloths^Unconimon valnea alio in

kitchen fiiMr coveringt. Odd pldtee ayaid.by a yard and one-half, (have been on our fampit rack!), aliqnalitiet,

2 3 c .


2 S C .

^ Rvery ou« getiwhat W ^


•^>Frc® wagoft dellvety



Don’t iqnatfder your harS^rtedjlollaml rohisee from the-People » Fnenil.

Tlifi Best SaTli^ B u t tniiBirM . Tblrty Ttirs In thn Business.Choice Teas........................... »B*. per ponnf........................... ...1**" to 80*. per ponneGood Battor................................ *»*• t o ponaiGood F l o u r . . , . , I -•8*815 per borrePur* .................................. ■» Sc. per gatloiGood Wbl*k*y*..........................•1.38 per (alloiPu» Rr*. 8 years old.......... ta-oo per galloiPi^Sherry Wine......................tll.OO per gslloiP i^ Port Wine......................... il.o o per galloic5#a ............. ........... a io to SOO per 1,09

2 f? P e i

We bare Douglaa 8hoel ln»»< •3.80, as, •3,80. sa end *8

Men’s! • » and • » lAdles’ j •8 Boye' and •l.'TS

Youth*’. IMooi andname atamped on bot­

tom of every p(tlr


" ' ' ' ‘‘..dies'Uhoei, prloe aq.an and •3 .8 0 1 *1*0 all hind*, Wosnmn or Child, Xn to 90 I’ e r Cent. Iieiow Broad Street Frlee*,

Advertisement of the fut­ure will be one that ■ will leave out any idea of be­ing funny or ' “cateby.” It will tell store news plainly, clearly, honestly. When it talks about goods, it "will tell some­thing about them. If they are good, the ad. will not only say sp, but will say why. I f they are best— tbe same.

66 M A R K ET ST.

HOW OPEH.R. W A i f iH & co ;g

a*w Siott and le t Crtam

A * * tS l ATABKET

Pr/nceton PrizesT H E r i l lX C E T O N C L U B


Two Prizes o f Fifty Dollars,Payeble on matricnlation, to the applloonta from E**ex, Hudaoa, Morris, P*a*«lc ond- I nlun coaiitles who pas* the beet entranoe exarainetlou* to I ’rlnoeton College In (he aea- dnulo apd aolentlflcdcpertment*,re*pe«tlveiy,

Theexemlnetlon wiU be held in the New York Lew Pulioal rovnu, Raultobl* Dulldlafft 130 Hrondera)', New York Oty, on J n » l i aud 16.



Fudm aoLO FiLUHau, aoLo FUkrms.

Best Teeth$ n $

A iso o ifilio ii.212 Harkal 8t.,


TeetliWithiilit PlatesTeeth Extracted

2SQ.WITH Ma OR AIR ara.1


R U P T U R E CURED■The Improved Klaailn Trim b t o only troa*

lb exiatenoe that, la wiffn wR.h,atojuto rom-tort nljrhl nnd day.aalt rataln* t o rupture undertothardest•xerotae or aavereilatralu, ■ndwtU effect a permanent f"'* without rtg;anl to the •


'aaicKs, at.so m Muo*TELEPH O NE 3 »T .

L i t i t w w w w H i * A "r* 'W V A w A A A' A * ■.

S A N T A L - i n D YArtiaaflailaaiBilnotteerbatrotpet ®ttkv MX tai iMUift*pMlBC

tim fmftUtad gBfttlMMffI tk


f o a m in b > ,Forkaeptng i


PAB iAK EOT*®?-1

snB Moth Cream warranted t<> our* f and'all diaeoloratWraa of the jkla i t o fin. PriM 60 senta per Jar. tored fo l.'

i i P i w r l i

m mN U M B E E 3 .3 1 " ) . X K W A E K . N . J . , S A T l E D A Y . J E N H 2 . 1 S J )4 . r i U C E T W O C E N T S .

Third Edition.

z .


iC »




IU 0 I

M r I pmu. j


IO N IrloeWiI


Defenceless Women Bonnd and Gauged and fb e i i

Home Robbed.


TIm H on 0 o f Two WoftUhy Women t.tvliiK Heiw Brldfeton Inrndeil by llobber*, WboWobe Thrente of Death DiileM All Tnlomble* Are Given Vp—A Rope Fn«t* •ned AroQDd the Neck o f One of the Wottea. Bat Her JUfe HaTril by Telling Where All Honey Coulfl lie Found-The Other titter Breeke Her Fettenlnge ami OOM for Help. But In the Heenllme the Petperndooi Etcnpe With Tlullr Booty.

fipecUtl Ditpatcb to the NcwC.BRmarroif. Juue 3.—The home of

XUmbeth and Kat« Fox two wealthy UMldon Udiee reeidiag on the (.'en< Iroton rood, a few miltie oqt fiimiof thii oitr. ww ontered by three ntatked 'nrglaje a^ut 13 o'clock laat night.

Too nvni eoteml the room where thewomen elept and ilemanded that they i » told where all the money and valualdn in the house were kept.

When the aietera refuerd to accede to the robbenf demand they were both bound ami

. wu then put around the neck ofone of the women and «be waa led out of the bouM, tba burgUrs telling her that they were going to hang her if the did not db cloM where the valuablue were hiddeo.

To aare her life tlw frightened woman then told where all the money. Wwelrj aud ,iilverware on the premiaea oouiil be found.

In the meantime the other sister had broken bor fafteningx and escBj^l to a Belgbbor'A where she aumrauned nelp, but before any one reached the house the robbers bad ransac'ked the place and carried ofit |000 is oaah and a targe aiuoant of Jewelr>'.

This la the thir4l time the Fox sisters have been robbed since laat faf!.

The robbers were armed with reroivers and talked like foreignera.

Proeecutor L o^e has been put In posses* lion of the facts in the case, u thought the robbers wilt soon be arrested.


Monis Park Track in Good Condition.Dr« Bleeps Owner Coafldrut of Winning.Mokkih Fxrk Hacithaok. June 3.--the

weather here it beautifully clear, and with every prospect of a clear, sunshiny day for the great Hetropolltan Handicap, which will be run on a track in faultless condition. Blight showers felt early this nioml&g; but it only tended to make the track faster than ever. The MetropoUtan Handicap bones were all given their work this luorniog for the big event. The held is a grand one and a great struggle will be witnessed. If ever owner is confident of winning a race It is Frederick Foster over bis famous horse, Dr. Rice. He has made a special offer to Garriion to ride him, aud there is no doubt whatever bat that Oarrimn will ride one of the hardest raoes of bis life. Or. Rice worked vp the back stretch this morning five furlongs in 1.06. He covered the first three furlongs in thirty-seven Mfcouds with bis mouth whie open. He is a bulldog in couragSr Fred Poster will send in a big commissloti on Dr. Rioe to win to-day.

Ramapo and Kinglet work well a half mile, and Gideon and Daly are very confident, and as far as jockej^ are eoiK'erned, In Tarai and Griffin they are well furnished. Matt Allen was ahio out at 5 A. M.. with Bassetlr law. Tbo imported sod of 8 t Eimou is at borne at this track, and Mr. Allen positively thinks him a better horse by ten pounds than when be ran at Grar(wen^ Hamilton bad the mount of the horso this morniug, and he worked five furlongs in 1105. M. Jr. Dywer watched Don* Alonso at work. He was given three furlongs up the back stretch, and worked nicety.

The winner, or in fact the horses that get any portion of the money, will know that there has bf«ti a horw ‘ race, lleury of llavarre, Roebe ami Herald are horse* that will render gocxl accounts of theniselves. They are all rec'eWing big weight concessious and arc fit to run for Their Uvos.

The first race ou the track to-day was for maiden three*yearHilds aud upwards, six furlongs, and was won by Pochino (6 to 1), Memento l4 to 1) was second and Dutch Slater thii^; time, 1,14.

HANGING IN THE WOODS.Jebn Wetlmer, a Newark Slmvmaker 'Who

Had Become Despondeati CommltH Sui­cide—Hoys Find the Body,

K inoslan'd, N. j ,, Juno 2.—Coroner Ull- msD, of Bergen County, nnJ some ofllcers oune here Inst night to took fOr the body of K mnn which bed been reported to hare been Men hanging In the wood, near Kingnland. Two boy. unmetl VValter William, and 1- n »r Hopkina while pnoeing through the Wood., Hiw the body and notifled the pollcei,

Coroner UlUnan and his omoolatee took torobes and lantern, and Mnrehed the wood., but to no purpoM. After daylight this morning another search wa. niaife, and the body wa. found lumging from the limb of a tree. Ail the cii'cninstaucin indicated that Um man committed suicide. Froninapera found In thu clothing the docuaMil is Iwlleved to hare been John Welliner, of ITr> Belmont aranue, Newark. Weilinei' was about fifty yean of ago.

[A Niwn reporter, who called this after­noon at John Wellmer's late home, 175 Bel­mont avanuo. woe informed that Wellmer, who was a shoemaker, bad became dr!ipon- dent because of his inability to obtain em­ployment, and severid time, bad threatened to commit suicide.

Wellmer left his home on Thursday morn­ing in a better framo of mind than uauaL Ho had expected to obtain emplovroent, and his failure is bellered to hare driren him insane. The man learte a widow, but no childreu,]

State Prison Inspectors OrganlM.TwtiiTOjr, June!),—The Btate Board of

Priaon Inspectors met at the prison yesterday and elTected an organisation with Max 8. Btaples (Dem.!, of Hud- WD, ae chairman, and Captain Holoomb (Rep.), of Hunterdon, eecretary. T h v wereeecorted through the institution by Emper Patterson, who dined them. It Was decided to make no ohangee in the eighty employee for the preeent.

Hnided a BCarket Street Saloon.Patrolmen CoiTigan, Welch and Donoren

lost night raided the saloon at 241) Market s t r e e t , a s the White House," There

,.™ , ™uueu*ou; inomae McCauley iao, lawia White and Ned fJallan ecu* * la and Wree women, Mary Kada. Halle Neison and Annio Gallan, $10 each. None of the prison­ers could nay their naes and Judge Mott oonunittad them. .

.■ uilMmen m Sidewalk Inspeetorii! '. Mayor latokoeohertoHW directed a.kMerto President Eonei of the Police Commfsilon. ers, asking him to oanse the o p t io n by hla board of a ruleiMimpelUng patn^en to re­port croeewalki and sidewalks In need of re- Bairs.' The Mayor Is desirous of catting down the eipensee of the Board of btrsat snd Water Commissiunars. There hare bsen too many foremeti and inspects em­ployed, to the Mayor saya *

) Hebrew Voter. Organln.T)be Uptown Hebrew Bepnblicaa Leeigue

Wlh iwgaulsed at 108 Prince .treek last n ^ k Tmoporary oOlcert were electa^ AbrsiSam BllraisUia being choeen clisdniiB]i, fSamuel

— ' oarreepoodiog secretary. Charlie " recording seoratory and J a n b


MORE VIOLENCE BY STRIKERS.Coal Train* In OKIo Att»rkr<l ami th#

khrrlff C‘all«il OiU lo Frutorl Froprrt}',

IltiiiMiEPttRTs 0 „ Juu« a.—'A nrrinu!! out- l>rt‘ak nmuiig th* mluera&Kiu^ llioClovuiatiJ, tjoraiu and Wlioeling ll^ulroai) Ik iuuiilutmt. Tbis luoniiDg a iluubie-lii'ailrr (.•uol train wof tlop})rtl at tbu Wlierliiig and Pltthbiirg coal work*, two mill* wtwt of thin placv b j a luub of fiOO niluei'x, who fon't'il thu troinmea to run lArk tn Giu Hridgufwrt 5'ardft. Hhoriff Hci>tt aud a forra (if duputie* ara ou tbelr way to tbu iCL«ue. Tbo Diin0n aro «till ma«Keil at tho polut where tho train wan itoppnl thia UQoruiug. All the miner* alung the roml are exulted by the receat evenU and nmy Join tbioe already iiuused to prevent the rimaiug of train*.

lU'HMVOTOX, lo., Jnno 3.—The poHoe at TiiidDight raptured a lot of dynamite ImiiuIm and fiiMi ju the iuuid> of itrikei** or tram]M iu A box rar niiir tho railroad bridge, All the nvau save cue eacfti)Oci.

Kvaivh, [&., Juue Tbo itratoed rrla- tioDB between the operator*, barked by tlie State troop*, aud the 300 striking coal mluora, will cM)me to a head tomorrow. A warrant ho* beeu hwued for the arreet of GeoeriJ J. T. ('larlwon, State ]irvNldnit of the miners, charging him with violating an Injunction xldch pre- V(«Dted hli addreeaing the inineri anil with treepBM upon the property of tho Atiicrlrau <Jua1 Cwupvny. He will be arri*4t- t»d by Sheriff Price, amdsted by tl e bf-miirrow and trouble may occur. It I* rvp(»rt^ that the coal comuaniei wltlejoct Ihu Nlriker* from their cablufl and bring Uftfi'o luinen from Virginia to take tbelr ljio('ee,

lNDiA!fAPOMH, JuDS 3.—The illu«t)(m ha.'t Ikncoinean alariuingin the Daviee I'ounty (.*oa1 region* Giat Qovenior Matthews Iiam niaile a move thi* morning. Iu reply tu tho call for trooiH, he *ent a di*p*tcn to Tho ShurUT of Davlea Cuusty request tag to kis’p him informed ax to thottituatlon at Cnnnelaburg. In reRptuse to thin adtfljiatcb wo* received thi* morning Ntatlng tliAt bloodied cannot be avoidtsl, and the Governor at ouue dec ided to order State troopi to the acone. The iuluen* are coliectlug at CaimeUburg Lo great nundtfrs, are well armed aud have deciarol their lu- tentlou of allowing no traimi to muvu. Tho Sheriff and hi* deputiea are powerle<* and hove time and ogam bean ovorpovrered.

Teh3e Haute, Iwl., June 2.—Governor Matthew*, who waa bera last night, declhicd to send troope to Shelburne at the rwjneet of the authqritlea of that place until they have ahowu that they are powerle** to ouiurol the uilners. Troop* will be wot UmUiv if the luiners persist in resisting the Sheriff.

SllELBiiRXE, Ind,, Juue 3,—An attempt wa* made to move a cool trulu hero thii momlng. It wo* pauu(‘«d upon by the wive* of the striking miners, who pulled tlie coupHug- pius and ruu the car* onto a switch despite thu eiforte of the Sheriff and his dpimljus.

C'ANNELti BUMo. Ind., June 3.—Theriotous strlkcrH bold full sway here to*day, and □otiiing will be done to stop their wnrk until the mlbiia arrives. This morning they tore up tile Evatuville and Terra Haute tracks, diU'bcd cars and ruined railroad propartv right and left. They have built rougti forti> fications jand the news tliat the inllltia Is coming faki made them very ugly. The town U la a state of torrur.

Tbe New Jersey Bicycler Led at the First Stop at Paterson.


F u t Tim. H.Inc M ad. In the On. Han- <lm1 and Fifty Mile Knee lletween New York and Fliltad.lphla by the Kepre- MOlallir. Rider, o f New Ynrk, New Jar- My and Penn.ylranla—l-rafrei. * f tba Knee at th* Varlana ro ln l. Alena tha t.lne~A Coatly Fall A fter glrlklnf a •‘ Hi.e*.”

euiNO F o il asn.ooo d a m a g e s .

Action Kroiight A f aln.t Itlcliard K. Fox by a Former EmpUiyc.

New Y ork, June 2.—An interesting suit is pending in Brooklyn in which Hk-hard K. Fox, proprietor of the Police Gatelte, fig­ures as the defendant, Hb foraier general businen manager, Christopher Clarke, hoi begun suit agalnit taint for 125,000 damages and charges Mr, Fox with defaming his chor- ai’W . A second suit for a similar amount with the same uhargea b likely to be brought against Hr. Fox by Robert F. I'miiper, tha former superintendent of circulation la the Police Ciosslte office, aud It b said that other luits are to follow.

During Mr. Fox’s annual trips to Buroph Mr. Clarke was glren a power of attorney to dispose of all money received at the office. During the summer of 1882, while Mr. Fox was summering in Europe, a large sum of money accumulatod in Mr. Clarke's bandx and he and Mr. Tremper coucluiled to invust the money In thirty acres iif land Immedi­ately back of Westchester village, for which t8U,(XIU was paid

It is a llege that Mr. Fox upon hb return from abruad claimed that be had been fwlndled out of several thousand dollars by Mr. Clarke, and that a deal was entered into by him and otbers in the Weetchester pur- cnaso. Hence the suit. Mr. Tremper says that every cent of the money represented to Hr. Fox as having been paid for the pru{>- erty was paid by Mr. Ctorke, Mr. Trertiper also said that he would probably also bring suit for 5,0011 damages againid Mr. Fox on tho some grounds that the present suit of Hr. Clarke is brought. Mr. Imx wlwn asked what he hod to say concerning the suit, said: “ I ’ve nothing whatever to say about the suit except that the men who are con­nected with It are discharged employes, and were discharged for cause 7'


be the battery for the Tigers, instead of A lt­man and WiiUams. The shoefing of Prinee- ton in practice waa very good. There wo* a

'b ig ...................gb wind blow!] le game was cal'

venr The gi

the field. Payne

Prlneeton Entbnslasts galil to It. Olferl ngBig Odd. on Their Team.

N ew Haven, Conn,, June 3.—Early this morning New Haven was astir with prepa­rations for the Hurvard-Princoton game to­day. A hundred Prlneeton enthualasta came up from New York by boatk arriving here about daybreak. They marclied up to the Yale campus about 8 o'clock dbpiaying no enthusiasm, but big rolls of money. They olTcred big oflds on their team, but found tew takeni, os there were practically no Harvard men in town and the current opinion at Yale was that Harvard would be worsted. The manoMn of the nines gave out the batting ordar n the nines os follows:

Harvard—Wittmoro, second base; Cook, third base: Dickinson, first base; Bcannol, catchorj Wtegin, centre field; Winslow, short stop; O'Malley, right field; Corbett, left field; Highlands, pitcher.

Princeton—Payne, right field; King, sec­ond base; Warden, centre field; McKeniie, left field; Otto, first base; Altman, pitcher; Brooks, short stop; WUIlsnu. catcher; Gun- tter, third base. It is possible that Bradley will pitch for Princeton.

By S;30 P, M. 8,0(» persona were on the grounds. Manager Humph­reys, of Princeton, announced that Bradley and Trenctiard would be the battery for the Tigers, Instead of Alt-

very gc vlng.Hen at 8;(I3, Harvard in . . to tha plate. Ho

struck a pep tty to Highlands. It dropped at his foot and HLgblands threw the Priuce- tonian out at first. K l^ sent a high fly to Whlttemore, which was cleanly caught, and Ward sent a bounder to Winslow a ^ went out at f i r s t . ____

Ntiootlng at Live Pigeons,Ws»T Kbd, Long Branch, June 3.—

At 11:80 o'clock thia ittcrnlug the challenge pigeon shoot between Work and Wolsb for the Riverton plate began. A good-sited crowd, among which wereafewladiet, was present. Anom- ber of side l)et« to tho effect that eoeh man would kill over ninety-five birds were made, Tils conditions wore thirty yards rise and thirty yards boundary. The score at the end of the shoot was: Aalsta, killed81, mlisM ttt; Work, killed Ki, misieU 17. Captain Money was referee aud U. R, Waller scorer.

To Bridge the DMaworo.W abhinoton, Junes.—There was a spir­

ited discussion lasting an hour in the execu-teasion of (he Honss Oommerce Com­

mittee yestenjay over the WR... oouitruei, a .Uridige acniig the DetaWare River at Philadelphia. The bill Was flnaUv ordered to be favorably reposted by....... .. . - - S. 'I t waa amendM so tfist

one year mny be allowed' for tho prqiaration and approval of the jilan; two years in which to commenoe the work and IgTen In which to complete the bridge,

Penney Boya Bent the Naval Cadets. A bmafoub, Md-Atfune 8.“ Ponnsylvania

won the three-mile straightaway boat raoe with naval oadeU here today by seven boat lengths; time, lihu. 88ii.

President o f the Fre^eh Chamber. Paris, June A—Ei-Preroler Caoimlr.

Ferlsr was to-day elected Prraident of the Chamber of Deputies, receiving vote* to 187 cast for M, Bourgeois,

, Try “ P ro o f" Cigoin,.U dealati. 5 omU.-“ A. Wool A Sana, Agio,

W. C, lioiime, the Jersey City rider who had lUe first relay for the New Jersey team iu the 150-nille race between New York and Phtlailelphla, was abeml of the other two coutestanta by about three yards when tlw riders |uuseil through this city this morning. They did not meet the ferryboat at Sew York, and were delayed Mine time In tbelr Hip, and when tbe^croosad the insodiiwi on the turnpike all three riders kept (finee to- gtther.

Risitnewas diitingnlshabte by a red sash. He was closely followed by F, B, Harriott, of tlie Heutb End Wheelmen, Philadelphia, and Marriott was followed by Frederick Nagel, of the Riverside Wheelmen, New York. There was a crowd of Newark wheel- iiieu at the corner of Broad ami Bridge streets when the contestants arrlvel and many of the riders followed the racers up Brooil itreat and along the asphalt. Thu men coutnmeil np Washington avenue thmufili Rellorille oml Nutleyanii Paterson aud eiidtsl their port of the race at the house of the Passaic kwlls Wlieelmen, at Paterson.

The race is the longest one of the klml tbnt bos ever been held in this port of the ooun- try, BUil cimslderable Interest is eibibited In the result. The three men started from Park row, New York, at 8 o’clock, and were scheilnled to be lo Paterson at U:80 o'clock. The delay at the ferr.y, however, put them bock over half an hour. 'The retayo, with the ground to be covered, ar^ lven below:

First Itrlay, New York limes olBos to I’assulc Falls Wheelraeo’i Clubhouse at Pat­erson—I’ennsylvanio, P. B. Marriott, SoulU End Wheelmen; New Jers^, W. C. Roome, Jersey City: New York, Frederick Nagle, Rivenlde Wheelmen.

BeiKHid Relay, Patenon to the Hanelou Hou.-»e HiSel, Mornatown-Pennsylvania, Charlss I'hurcb, Cbseter, Pa.; New Jefsey, F. J. McMahon. Touriit Cycling Club of Paterson; New York, C. P. Blaubacb.

Third Relay, Horrutown to Wheat 8hsaf Inn, ^O.wcen Kliiabeth and Rahway—Penn­sylvania, I/mls Ueyler, Centory Wneelmen; New Jersey, E. L. Blanvelt, Newark Wheel­men; New'’fork, G. A. Mnrrajr, Washington Wheelmen.

Fourth Relay, Wheat Sheaf Inn to Frank­lin Park — reniuylronlB, William HaU, Quaker City Wheelmen; Now Jersey, J. M. Baldwin, (v-ntury Cycle Club of Newark; New York, U. 8. Paige, Kings County Wheelmen.

nfth Relay, Franklin Park to Wheat Sheaf Inn, between Trenton and Bristol— Penusylvanlo, C. W. Krick, Psnn Wheel­men of Philadelphia; New Jersey, M. Mc­Govern, Mercer County York, R. McDonald.

Wheelmen; New

Sixth Helay, Wheal Sheaf Ion to Finish, at Nicctown lAne and Broad Street Phllo- delpbla—Pennsylvania. Charles Measure, Century Wheelmen' New Jersey, Whitfletd Smith, .-Ualanta wheelmen; Now York, J. W. Davison, Washington Wheelmen.

It was arrangeil that at the arrival of any two men of the first relay at tba end of the twenty-five nillee the other three rideri sboiila start out The first man in at the end of each relay reoeivea fifteen points, the second man ten and the third five, dead beats scor^ even, each man «tttn g ten or fifteen points, as the case abould be. The route in this city and vicinity is ae follows:

Start—From the 'new York TVmas o ffl« -at 8 A M. to Jersey City and aloug the turn­pike to Newark, entering by Brid^ itreet Follow to Broad street turn to right and fol­low to cemetery ; turn left to Belleville ave­nue; turn rlgbt and follow to W oshlngton avenue which follow straight out through Belleville, Delawaima, Passaic bridge (uuder raUrood) to Main street Passaic, direct to Fatorsun; then to the Paasaiu Falla Wheel­men’s elubhouie—first relay.

The officials of the race at the different relays are as follows:

Sow York—Btai'ter, C. H. Liiscomb, prsai- deuC Iicague of Aniericati Wheelooen; acmer, Frederick Keer. Hudoon County Wheelmen.

-Paterson—Judge, C. B. Vaughan, Atalanta Wheelmen; scorer, H. R. Chiswell, Touriit Cycle Club: starter, A. Van Voorhees, Pater­son Wbeeliiien,

Morristown—Judge, W. K. Mnebmore, Morristown Bicycle Club; scorer, John W. Cliff, Morristown Bicycle Club; starter, W. t'. Day, Jr„ Morrlstowu Bicycle Club.

Wheat Bheaf Inn—Judge, Robert Gentle, EUmboth Athletic Club Cyclers: scorer, C. W. PrtiM, Elizabeth Atliletic Club Cyclers; starten B> L>, Parrot Elisabeth Athletic Club Cyclers.

Franklin Park-Judge, Dr. B, Iredell, New Brunswick WheeJuien; scorer, A. E. Waldron, New Brunswick Whsslmen; starter, J. A. Blish, New Brunswick Wheel­men.

Wheat Sheaf Inn—Dr. H. F. Lalon Mer­cer County Wheelmen; scorer, J, C. Tatter- salL Mercer County tVheelmen; starter, H. Leavitt Mbrcer County Wheelmen.

Philadelphia J udgtv, Chief Consul Bamual A. Boyle, lA-aguo of American Wheelmen; referee. Thomas Mara president Century Wbjelmen; scorer. A. J. Powell,•PaiOiaU', June-3.- Thu relay road-raosrs

reat'hed this place nt V;.‘19A. M. and passed through, uaewi at a rattling gait by G. Fred Koyoe, or this city. Roome, of New Jersey, was in thu lead. He was followed by toe Pennsylvania man, a few feet behind, while the New Yorker was half a mite in tu rear. The New Yorker was riding slowly and ar­r iv e at 1U:()[,Q' A. M. Roome'sclothes were soiled, indicating that be had a tall, but be was api>arently ireah.

Paterson, June 3 (i^eofal).—The first relay in the XiT-Htate ran* reacli^ the finish at the house of the Passaic Falls Wheelmen here almost bum-heiL New Jersey was first over lh“ tiiiie, iliiishlng at 10;19V A. H.; Pennsylvania second, 10:30, aud New York third, at 10:34 )'.

The finish was most exciting between Penn­sylvania and Now Jersey. On the quarter mile straightaway before tho tape waa reached the men had it nip and tuck, first one ahead and tiien the other. One hundred yards from the finish the Jersey man gained a wbeel’a length. The riders had fifty fset to go when ine Pennsylvania man struck arut and fall headlong against a ledge of

ils wbiSlid cross^

winner. Iscratches,

rocks. He plck^l uj) his wneei immediately, however, and cross^ the line thirty second

a few

leel immediately rtysei

after the winner. Ho escaped with i

The New York rider finished ata modenito rate of speed. George Beckwith, df the Tourists Cycle Club, jiaced tbo flint relay from Clifton to tbo finish. The second relay started at 10:31, nut waiting for the third man to lUiish. The Passaic Falls Wheelmen paced to Little Falls, T. W . England to Boon- ton, the Boonton Cycle Club to DenvlUe, and Julius Orlebol to Morristown. Fully 800 nursons witnessed the finish of the first relay,

Morristown, June 3. [8psD(aI]—Theracers iu tho IfiO.mile relay bicycle race ar­rived at this city as follows; Fennel man, 13;15 P. M., followed by th e^ w Jar-ic r man three yards In the rear. The .New York man broke down before reaching town. The New Jersey man led from l^t- erson, but when he rqaebod a point 100 yards from the relay line tn Morratown helo s i ................................................backmen------------ ----------------

ROSKI.I.E, N. J,, June 3.—The riders of the third relay of the 150-mile tri-8tate bicycl* race fluislied at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, near Rahwajj as foUowa; L. L, Blanvelt,

followed two mlnntea later by Murray, who in turn wosN)ue and one-qnarter minutes ahead of Of yler.

New Bbunrwick, June 3.—The fourth relay In the Trl-State bicyhte race jwssid here at 3:30 (/olook. The New Yorker wgi in the lead. The -other two wheelmen -ware eUghtty etoM togetber, with tbeKew.Jemy oyollit slightly ahead. A fonr-foot blanket would cover alt o ltham ._________________

Aim MaoHf (uodina, mgfmi nwKAiMrv, mothirWflliOIlM, Ou Itvstf/M A’A IfN U oopurwttavlf* t hmbiffinft seCernt lu atg and mua a-tewniwi.

Found Dewl In Bed.A savsn-wreks-eld babe was found dead In

bed this hiorniog at 7U5 Month Fourth street. Harrison. Deputy County Physician Rotba waa notlHwI. ____________

Quit unolctutt ilttpvtadAti4,ellut to Kty Waei KTl'aelHia.-Adr.


I'ubllc ronndfn^ Iu th* Frovlifoohl Got- *rniu*nt lnrr**jklnff*-A for

Nrck«r IaIabiI*Bas FRAsn^M'o, Juau 2,—Tn* itramef

ATiuratla ATtivftl hen tliU morning from Ue'uuluiug brliigiug tdvluu* ht MxySGs AriiUiil rrtfci c«»rmipoutlfnts wrlliDg uwlfr that Uato, aajg;

" Affair* ryiitlnuo quiit. Tho r<MWlUu- tiuual C'onveutjiia will nwot in four (Uy*. TliB prospect of an early «m - MlUlation of gOTermneiiC upou a flitJ roostituUnBAl bftfi* baa derelopod a \'t>ry markeil Incrriwe of public

The natiTf* (H>ntinuu to be po*-NtHl niththu idea that l*i^ident CleruUnd

iDtenilA to %<yon earry out bit foni^r prLit.i.Mil to nwtore the Vueon. AltUuiigb a ntaJoHty nf the nallTM pref(>r u monart'Ly, tlx^y arc expected to

^ANSlvely in thu new order of thliiipk wIh'U they nnd that all their rlghu *U(1 unvltegeN have bnui uudisturb«dv

" Sii itiilicatioiiM ap|Mar that the Unyaliit* Hiiy K'Ueiuu of active nvdutauce to t-lie

UovKrmnt'iit or to it* <N>utitimUou when prortauiu^. Tho roAAtiiig staatiker Iwalaiii was dic|Nitche(| at 6 o'rliM’k yeetuhlay afternoon bv the Goveriinmiil to take formal powwlnn ami raise the ilawaJtaii 6ag on THeckiir lalanih 40U iniluM weriUnorthweet of IJonululu, and iM'longlutf pr«)perly to tbo Hawaiian Iffvmo. TJ»(4 Hritinh ntan-of-war (^tnpion Kailed two hour* later, K is belleredv on a like iTrsinl, to hoist the Brilinh flag on the «m e Uilfui-l, Kmm various remark* mivlu It was gathered that Neokar Islarxl was seitH'tt'd as a station for lidding thu ppip(SMHl cable from Sydney to \amvnivcr, anil that Knglaml wouU take |KMMHsii>ti nf it fur Ubat purposts Hteii* were at once tski'ii 1<> antii'liMite Itritisli action aisl QHi*ert flie authority of Hawaii.

The Mluister (ff t.ho Interior tonkfNjtn- majul of the Iwaiaui, and will the Hawaiian Hag uiiicrm the Cnanipioii beats him in the raoe. This Goven»- inent <’onHi<U'PO(l it Important to itself and due to its relation to tliu Gnlted Mtate* to osw'rt authority promptly. In view of the rnitmj .StatM oct uuatfoQ of Tearl Harbor a cable station owdwi by Grent Hrilain in tlu' near vicinity might prove very objcn'tioDahle in time of war."


The €anr*ts, " The Morning of Freedom/* at Firrti Haptlst thun fa.

A t the Fifth Baptist Cburcli last night the ointata “ The Morning of Freudgniv” wu given by over fifty votoea wderted from the choirs of th« city. Wenhain Htnlth aided et the organ. The i^utata 0{>etied with the iluging <if “ My i ountry 'Tls of TUea,’ “ tlfcil Columbia," “ Star Kiiangled Banner " and Columbia tim 4 feiii of the Ocoau,** by Mr. ^mltli and Mrs. Gray. The chorus then sang, ** Now Failrs the Night of Years” ; and Mr*, frribbfn sang in a rich sopnuifs that received a hearty encore “ vViiat Sceueii Hurprlsa.'' Mr*. lifihblBatHl Mr, Farrell then *aog, “ Oh, How Favored the Nation,*’ with very fine effect They were aseiited by tbu chorus. Miss Llvin^ton, alto, ■ang sweetly, “ O Soy, iu This Blotxbpur- chaHHl lAnd.*' Siie was anslsted by the chorus. The tenor snd bass sang, Behold I Now Again the Vision Appears/' and the so­prano and alto, “ Harxl H/irk! How It Dwells, the Glad Sound of Bells.*'

The second part open^l with the baritone solo, “ Thu*at Morning, at Noon and at Evening/* by Mr, Craig, followed by the duet, “ How Fair thu View of I*etcefnl Home*, '* by Mrs. t^ueimmand Miss Jaeger. Then the lull chorus sang “ Thus from Morn­ing Until Evening/ and the cantata wo* brought to a close with the oblip*h> solo and ido, *• Father Hear T’s," by Mrs. Grlbbin and chortLs. The director waa Walter H. Hmllii.

In the chorus were the following; Bo-

Srano, Mrs. A. M. Cannon, Mrs, K. J. ones, Mrs, M. A. Gtoxier, Mabel

Bonael, M. Alice Hunt, Jeuuie £, Hunt, Bell Hesa, £. Hope Lillybiidge, Nettie A. Mar- latt, Lizzie Itcidamar, T. 8ooey, Ella Stagrr, Hebeei'a Walsh.

Alto, Miswa Meta Bachman, Irene Q. fien< sel, Jeuuie Davla LllUo M. Hoffnukn, Emtua 0. Leonard, Fanny Lillybridge, Hadie E. Ltlly^idge, Cora Kmith. MrK. E. A, BLorwood, Mrs. J. Hcyuolds.

Tenor, rt. J. Derby, H. H, Cannon, R, Campbell, James Huynolds, N. C. Kyersoo, £. A. Sherwood, H. Vunuf^ N. Walh-s M. Joralemon, w, Lothrop.

Baas, F. N. (Gerier, r rederick Russell Frank Decker, E, Jones, T. J. Lor»nRnl, IV. Va Bittltb, G, Chambers, J. Holf, Frank Ko mlne and B. LiUybridge.


To Hake a Visit There to Itrvlvn Old Recollections.

WoRCiaTaR, Mass., J u n e H e n r y Ward Beecher, widow' of the ffnaous Brook' lyn preacher, wBl visit her old homo in West Button during tho coming wf«k, j»H«HUig through Worcester and making a brief stop here, litorae w«iks ago Mrs. liwhcr wrote to Librarian E. M. Barton, of the American Antiquarian Society, expressing a desire to visit bor old borne during the blix^miog of the apple trees, which are found upon tbo

filace in abundance. Hut at the liinciif writ- ng the trees were nearly ready tn slied their

fragrant beauty and Mi’s. ltt*i*i'hrr was un­able tu prepslre to come at unce.su tho trip wa* postponed.

The recent letter recelvod by Librarian Barton iUted that with faynrublu cumlitious Mrs. Beecher will reach Worr-t-iPT Muuday afternoon upou a late train. Blio will ac­companied the trip by n )jnrTy iiumber- im; seven. Tt will include iiev. I>r. Lynun Abbott and his wife, a non of Mrs. Beecber and threogranddiildrcii. Mrs. B»*echer will remalii ill this city Monday night. The trip is made by Mr*, neecher to revive old recol­lection*. The plat's was bur home until the time she WM married ID its quaint old {lar- lor, Angiftt 3, It is at present owned by Henry B^'her Bullard


A Big HmeUlng Plant to Be Erccled There i lljr Wealthy Mloe l>wrner»,

Bpeclal Dtstiatch to the N*ws.Nkw BRUNHwrrK. Juno l'.—There was re­

ceived In the County Clerk's oflloothis mont- Ing the deed whereby th" Fasto:i anil Aniljoy R^lroskd Company transfers to Mr. Guggen- beiuier*B Boas a tract of llfly acres of land on thi east shore of Htatcn Island Hound, north of Perth Amboy, with a frontage of 750 feet on the sound.

The Ann of Guggenhelmer’s H4Uis l« rum- poeod of Horeral of the wealthy jniuu owner* of that family, which controls extensive silver and copper mint.’* iu I'ului'ado and Michigan, ibe Guggenhelmers preiKMe to er«(^ a ttlllllon-dollar plant at JVrtli Amboy for smelting aud reiluclng their ore. The countructioD of the plant., with the necessary wbarvM and piers, will occupy at least a year.

The company will run a line of btcatnerH from Perth Amboy to Mexico. It is esti­mated that the works will give employment to at least a thousand hands and afld ma­terially to tho taxable property of Middlesex County.

Harrison and Kearny.The floal W to la tho 300-yartI handlnap

dog race were rim this aftornuuD at the EeoniF Atbletiu groiiuilo. on tho old Turn­pike rood, Koariiv.

The return inateh at quoits between New­ark amt kcarny will be ulay«l thlii after­noon at Nutten') ground*, Reynold* avenue, Kearny.

The metnberi of the Cathollo Young Mon'i Aaaooiatlon of Harrioon will hold their an­nual reception Monday night at Ellieron Halt, HarriKn.

Annie GltHgan, a five-year-old girl, wt* yafterday run over by a light carriage, in whtch only one mati wa* leatod, near her home on Fatorton etreot. Marriion. Two wheel* paiaed <rver the chlld'a body, bat no

were broken. ^ *t''Eeamy Lodgej%'0. 0. F., at It* nSSrular

meeting W t night initiated two new.mem- ,ber*.

Tbo member* of Garfield Council No. 10, Golden Star Freternitv, will hold a featlval and saterialnnioDt in Elberon Hall the night of Jane IS.

The Harrioon Athletic C’Inb'a nine will play this afternoon with a team from the Brooklyn Cycler* ou the Meadow ground*.

A nine from the Catholic Young Mon’* AMOclatlou, of Harrioon, will play a gome (o-morrow indrnlng with a nine from the Holy Crosa Guard of Honor.

A nine from the Newark Bmliiea College defeated a nine from the New Jersey Bual- nem College yesterday afternoon on the meadow grounoa Hamaon, by a score of 37 to 10. ,

Aloond meal tor the oamplexlon; toUetlne for ehappad hands. Get Petty'* every UoM.— Adr.'

Th« Olfrgyman's Methods Looked Upon Unfavorably.


Th«i ReUtInn* tliA Mhilitef atiilthe Itoard of TniNtri'^ of th* Itoaton CHurvh Aalil lo Ito Vt*ry Much Ktroln^al. Rot, Dr* llrwly** ItDan for Attracting Atlantlnn to th# Chiirrh N nt rt#*«Ln( lo A ll—Firlnti<ls of th# l**Nior .tllrg#fl to Da Mokliig Kfljort* to llATr thrlUil lloanl OuMlede

Bp«('lal Dismteb to the Nxwa.Borton, Juna TJh<h'li now no s«H'ri?t

maUe of titte straluivl ri'laiiurjs U‘tw«*u Itov. I>r. Jatuf* Bovil Bra*ly, fonm*rlv of New­ark, but uow of ttm FeKipic* I'liiEi't'lL tius city, oml a uiajority of t|)4i clmn'h who are ioclined tore^jut fho r*ih#r•ohiiationat melbul* of attmiMiug attautiim to the church.

McDtioa WM recently inailc nf a letter which I>r. Brady tent tu the llodnl uf Trus­tee* before acceiJl-iiig thn i hU. Tht? letter outlined the methods by which bn propnwxi to build up the cburdi, auil H.’ud thiir. If the board wxnild agree to I'n-uiteruto with hirn in carrying out bU ideas Nxaidd t<i Hoh- ton. The irustoes now wty that, while tliMv agreed to co-uieralu with Hr. Rnuly, thi'y did not agree to bwumi" imUy iiii IiIh liandA without hAViiig thi< urivIlMj 'H of ih<i- agreeing with him in th" Miiiulh*?*!. iiertlcu- Ur.

Ihe tnistoee aleo say timt liier have dune evorvthing In their pownr to holp 4'arrv out Hr. Brady s plans; that when lie pro]HMM<tl u» bare dro|)eriee around th 'Hiiditurtum tupn>- tect the coDgregati<»ii (rum draughts, and when be euggrated putting givet song Bhn*te in tb« |iew« thev ofwt'ntol, and sn with liiium- Iter of ptber Ideas in thu carrying 4>ur of which on expense of «Umt was iu-curred.

A t tbo lost meotiilg of the tru.4tMH Dr. Brady bod a number of other plans u> lay before the board. He suggi^sU'dlmvlng of the furuiture of Kev. Ii<iuis A. Hunks ; also having the words “ Feople H ( hun-U' blaee forth in electric HghU on ( ultimlms avenue and Uluminaterl iiu'itbvw of the same sort Ui tho church. He also n'unteil the side­walk around the church torn up aud made i&bt a flower garden.

When thaee matter* come ti]i Ijeforo the board for cowlderatiun there wa.s uut u word *aid in ujipositlon to the pastor's plans, but In view of the bard Uuum aud Ibu l <k of funds Id tJie troaaurv it wai decide.! tu iay everything over until the next intstin^

MeODtime, tbo friends of Dr. Brady, it is alh«ed, have beeu preuring the wav Uf tisk" affairs into their own nani.U. Tin* tlisuipliiic of the Methodist Church uy* that no iw>rwm who is a trustee oon be ejet'tod white he is tu ^lint security for money, unk'SH such n'iicf be glveu him ae i* detoandesl or the i-ri:><ltLors will accept It is claimed that this sectiuii iff tbE> disciphoe hoi long been tt barrit^ against the pn^resa o4 the People’s Church. Bit mtunbera of the board of trusts*!) had lliclr nomee attached to bond* and It is e-sserte*! by Dr. Brody’s friend* that the owners of the tlgoatitrea constituted the majunt v whirii ho* failed to agree with the (>0NU)r in his method* of conducting the biisiaewi i»f the church.

It U now claimed that Dr. Brody's frlrnds have brought their lufluenre to boar ujiou tlie church authoritle* and have succerdtHi i u fcettlng the old bond ram-wUed, and a new 1 Kind ho* l)een elgued by five ii'aftlng buxi­nes* men uf Boston, representing about 000. If till* i* to Dr. Brady's ouposers will lis^e to go at the next meeting of the oflicki board, in the meantime matters aro at fovur beet


I,THE MAYOR W IL L SIGN.lie Olvra On( a isiatrnient ill Aegerd to ;

tYagn of Strerl IfiMpectorSa Muprrln* i l««iidviiUarid I'areiovn.

The difili’Ulty In itfard to the poynicut of ; tho 'tutsTititoiitlenU and furcinranf tin* Ntns't Clrullinp, Dt»|iartui«*Ut of tbo; Hi iru lit \Vork^ u 1isnm> }tay uarrauti Mayor IjcUkiu' 'hrr ha'i hltlu*rlo declmed to approve, hav; Ihwu ski1v<«<1 by the Mayor, wiio lia* dcclttol tn aign the warrants ami allow the men to draw tbeir pay. t'i*oi'**rnlng the <Nay luid hU reosikitv for withholding his signatim\ tho Mayor, through hi* secretary, John F. Gibson, to-day furnUbisl the aj^ iRMukvl otUciol *Uit(‘men!;

“ It io r to the week Isyinulng Mat IK tike Mayor rr<]Litsetel Bikiientitfiident J^arsli to dlHiien * for that ww'V with e* iimrh of tlie Work of hU de|iartnient O.H he n*uld without di'tnmeril to the city's Intorrsts, He also made known to tlie sujierintcudent hU widi (beta daily recM rd might be keiH of thi work done t)y siqsTinP'iidt'iiU, (nsisN'btre end foremen, and tornlblHsl lo him. During the week in qut'slion Un 'W rather was stormy, tbi're being but two ilays In wbirh ttie iisimI street gang* cimld ivrfnnn work.

" At the end of the wrekthe pnyroll hhowi that, while the gtugs of Inlsircrs rec'eived mily about two ilays’ lev, w arrant* rame lu for the foremen, lbs|V'ctok'* and Suiwriiiteud- ent-M. givitig from tlvop> *tx ikyH |iay, aud noTvcvisl of Work done by them wo* pre­sented wiUi the warrants for their |«y.

HuperlnlcDdeut Marsh was aslicil for foforniation on b> the actual work iloiio by

tnen, ami rcferreil tho luntuir to i'lkliHiel Allen, his asMstaiit. Thi'* latter was uuablu to give the infm inution desirEHl, and (dated that tho Buani of Htrcetan*! U'ater Ctmimimlouers, at an lnt«*rina1 inesutiiig aUnil two year* ago In tha oflhs' nf tlku sn teriuteuilent, had dei.'i<led tlial tbcM* men HhoiiUl receive at least Mve days' ^my |ker wciik without regard to th« aiumml nf time they were actually engaged in wtkrk. Ha WAH oskinl to furnish a <*opy nf thh rraolu- t ioii. r uike <Uts later hn Nuid the clerk (kf tbo Iskartl IumI offered to furnish it, but had not done Ku.

“ All th* warrant* for tho laborers were signed at tho time they were presenhst. but iho warrant* fur suiieriuteudentii, Insjavtors and forMueii were held fur inquiry. l]iUivid>uil rejkortii were next furnishi«i i>y the men whuee warrants had tieen withheld, but In iiKMt unoea they were vague and unsatiRfac- tury. Bom«9 kIaUhI only that they had

Augnit Rltgea Loses Bis Llfs at Saiidford'g Croasing',


W h ile T rying to Crosi the T rnrk* W llb

Tw o Aniiiid is the l^ «Uer I'roye lituto

|>orik ami a f.o roo io tlva Crashes In to

the yiosR—A <iate-kee|N(r an<1 Mis Kon,

W ho Trle«l |o H elp th * Man W ith tb «

Horsest A r « 1njuved» tha Father Bw*


wed ofttveup^r waguDs,' or somethiug that «'«mod etiualiy trivial.

The Mayor gave i>orsoiial interviews tollv trivial.

portA) for duty,'otfaent timt they had *fol- lot

>mod e<|‘ lay*

as many of ihe waltinR men M his timu would iierniit, hut few ctmlil rurnish laUs- fartory evhlence of work perfurmwl. Mo*t of them admitted that tlni grmUT (kart of their time woe si>npt at heampiarterM * wait­ing fur orders.' The Mayor signed the war- nuiu of such as could give satisfactory in­formation conceruing the onioifutof time

f weWilltom Allen, tbo Assistant Huperin

they were OA'tually employed.11||]n Allen, tbo Assi

tendeiit ^ Htreote, has certiilud to the l^ayorthat all the insjiectorH and foromen rt.'purtol ftw duty and were assiguoti to special work br him, and while in the opinion of the Hayor the duty so perfunned was trivial tn character aud the city'* money was squau- doml, ncverthelofw tbo blame, if any, must retit with the Huperlntendont aud nut with t he Mayor, lu justlra to the tom who were thus employed by their superiors tbewir- 4^uts w{U be signod by the Mayor.’^

Another victim has liccti mldcd to the llik of person* ktll«Nt at Kan>tf>>t*d')i < 'slng of the Delaware, lackuwounu and UVtteni Itailri'Mid, im tbo JiaL-kotuack tufadowii.

August ItitgoD, un employo Mn-hael Meyer, of Uils city, was struck i>yatroiu LherK*aliUln before lU o'cle- k this moriilTkg, and his lift> was oJmoit tnAiaiiily crushisd out. His tiody waM liurrtbly mauglisl. David Cutblkfrtiou, thegiteman. and his tbirtecn- yoar-ultl ion. WilliiA, were at*o «trui kand Iwdly injural while attempting to prevent iUtgen from being killed. A valuable borse wasflso killed lu tbo accident

HlTgru hod hEsiii workiug for Meyer, who is a liurw* dk<alvr on Bank street, for a num- }*er uf year*. Thii inorinug aliout^:2k)o'clock he eas iii*tf uebst 1(p take a istir of horsee to thE'tIrmnf Krause lirutlM*!-*, truckiiMut, on

Fifty-tlilrd strecl. New S'tirk City. The aikiiuHls wcie a tUie i*‘sm of blai k* which bad liivu ri'tsiinly received from the W-sfc and which hud Inku sold to ICraus-s Hrutbi'rs by tlic Newark llrni fnt |L\V).

Hilgcn threw a saddle on the iwick of one <kf the hor' jte an>l. mounting nslc away, leading tho iua(c. Hix rEiute lav over the old lUrrlson turnpike. When the ruilrttal ci'(M»ing was rk\ai.'hc<l a train wum tswu o}>- uroarhing In the dUtaiirso. The gatemati Kkwci'esl niie gate*, but Hltgeii shoulral that ‘ ‘ be coitld make it," aud ha started to cruss the tracks.

Th*< amiikals were green, and th* imisa ctimlikg from the Deni,isylvaiua Kalin A l sho|M seemed to unuerve them. At any rate thev became uiiiiuiuagnabl«i, and pranewi aiNHttou thu crodshig, plunging, ruarltig and twiiaiug In all sbaiies. Kitgim stuck to hi* saddle and trieil to quiet tin* sxrltel aniukaK

Hiis performaiu^ lastMl but e lew mo nH'ikbt While tho horsQM were ntill in tha centra ot thn track the ]iasseuger train ap­proached them at a reducod s|i*nd, Jt was Ihc Houth Oraiigei accoininoiUtmn, which is du*4n Newark at lOiffi. With a look of d«s|)alr on his face Kltocu made a Ustfrantio effort to get the excited aniimLi* under way.

At the tame moment Gateiiian Guthberte «on reahsed the rider’s prailicamcnt, and with hit Hag fur a club he ruthmi to Rltgon’s iMlstancfl. The latter srarued frooen to his saddle, but li* WON working iika a demon to coatmt thu nniiuols. The gatofuan hruughi

\ his flagsMck Einwn sbandj on tha baunebes

I of the honw lUtgen was riding, tiut tbo blow only served to make ilm aolmal more suite born.3 All this took pla>ce (tulcker than it takes to

■ tell it. The lo(7E>mot1|y«, with its heavy tram, thundered toward the own and ani-

Their Master Was Removed and Tliey- Want Him R«huilat«(t.

From present indirations there will be no choir music in Christ Church, >iaat Orange, to-morrow. ThU is beiviuie the youthful choristers have gone out on a strike, which is the direct result of a difference eiisllng between tho liuys and the pastor of tho church, Jhe Rev, W. VV. DaviH. ^Vhcii Dr. Horace 8. Bisbuf) retired from the church, about two months ago, the present paitor wa« ('alicil and then there was trouble. The tiuw pastor bad a friend uamod Brewer,whutn he wLsbed to see in the positiou of chulniu^ ter, which position Williaiu 1, Lyon holds, and the jMuttor requested the latter to resign. But Mr. Lyon has acerntrant with the church, and refused to resign.

However, on Buuday night, Mr. Brewer wa>i appointed eboirnuuter The boys, ku Ihe Blory goes, were suiumoned to the church laRt night, and those who roipondEd were told tliul Mr. Brewer wav the cholniiaMtur, and that they njust pracUse. Sum* tbo boy* began to KiEig, but were interrupted hy the others, who bad remained oulHidc. Kud Boon tho boya began to send up cheers for Mr. Lyon* That settled it. The Ijuvr iu the church stopped slnjBng and ruiihrt(l out to the street. They decld^ to strike for the re­instatement of Mr. Lyon, and if he U ii' r token back the boy* declare that thev wdl not alDg.


Motormrii'* Vclrctlvo ExMlxht Nnlrl to HoIlMpoiuibln for Aoclacnta.

Tho official* of tho Conaolidatoil Tractlou C'um[iaiir bsTo decided that it is likely that a Brest nuiuy of tha accident* tbnt hn|iia'!i on the company’* linea are clue fe> tho defectice eight of aom* of the einii!i')'‘s, and they aro at preeent making pre,*ratliiMa to remmly the allegetl defect. There lin» been given to an optician a contract to liiid out men who are Incapaoltated in the mati.-r of Night. Those whoM tight 1* defoctive will either hava to wwr glaaaea or leave the mm- pan.T’a employ. Early next week ' ex­amination of the niotormiui’a eye* w.ii la.* begun.

The eye* will alio be t«ate:l lo ai to dis­cover any aigna of oolor bilmineex for now there are color algnali on the Now Viwk line. Every man who appllea for a jjHitlim OH motonsan will have to undergo a rigid examination and if the cornpany'a onia-rs think that he cannot lee far enough to keep a sharp lookout for accidenta be will not in employed.

Prlneeton Clnb Prlie*.The EVinceton Club of thi* city ho* deter­

mined to offer two prioea of ^ 'eacli iit tii.: examinaliou which will take place iu liia New York Law 8cfaonl Rooms, Eqnilaido Building, June 14 nud 15, The prizi-a will he awariled to the student* paaslng the l«'.i examiiuitlou for the acadcmlo an'I aeientifli- department! reepectlvely. Those elipililu are applicant from Essex, Hudnuii, Morrw, Foaaaic aud Union counties. It bad Ixs-n 1 Iji- intention to hold the examination in Nowiirl; at the s-tart, but it wa* inter deemed Ijott to hold it with the New York examination. .\ fund of 13,000 will-fX raised as an endow, ment fund for future priiaa to be olTurol each year.

The Week’* traattier.According to the oboervation* taken by

Frottaior George C. Bonn, four day* of the week ended yeaterday were cloudy, two fair aud one clear, Tba total amount of rain Tali wo* 1.08 inchea, while the averagu tem|wra- turewoa fifty-eight degrees, the maximum aeveoty-thrro degrees and the minimum fui'- ty-tbree degrees. The arerage humidity wtw 86venty-ono degree*, the luailmum nuirtv- tour aud theminirouin forty-three. The pn>- vailiug wind wa* eaet-southeoat, with a mai- imiuu velocity of twenty-four miles.an hour.

Complaining of. luiurpnee Bates.,Au Informal meetifig . c { a, Iloartl

of Trade coinmittw Wo* hhter eaterday afternoon to djp MIKA;« actipo of the thru Inauranoe companies in

rolaing the msurauce rate*. It w-ns decided to toliclt opinlont from virioui inau- ufacturer* and merchants of the city. I f U the opinion that Uta hM ' rate* win Injure the ttanaing of Kewayk a* a raamitacturiug city. . ~s

The Fall Wa* Fatal.John Martin, who tell downitaln* at hi*

home, 10! Harmon avenue, Hari^n, Tues­day afternoon, and wa* taken to Ht. Michael’s Hoepital in an unoonicloua condi­tion with hi* akull fraot^red, died at tliat institution ywterday afterfioen.

The Weathar for finndaj. OenereUr (air weather with an ccoaalanal

ItfbtihswerU predinted for New janey to­morrow; stationary temparatw*. eonthweat- arlrsrindx

THE NEW EXCISE BOARD.AppotntnianU toCom* on Mnndav—Mayor

Lebku««hsr and Hr. C'-ouliBri's SucfwsKor.

Tba niattor nf tbo ipiiointnu^nto of tho nuQ-partlsan Exdaa Board to xurreml tbo iKKly thnt ilniihod up Ite bu&lm«!i la»t Tiies- <Ia ) ni|(bt 1m bUU in abfyate'Ov aD<l will not lie settled, oocordiDR to the Htat4Hnont nmilti by Mityur Lebkutiuher Ihiji inorninj , until Monituy. Tberaw&aa rmiMirnm tho rtreet* thin morning lo tba effect that the Mayor bud uiioffieieJly notifiEHltbe men of hlsfbuira uf tbelr apiK)lntm«'Ut, but tbiB woe deni^ by the Chief HagMtnte when seen at hb by a reporter at iknol

Tho reijorter raferreil to the catididacy of Goorge F. Clark for the jiwitloji of Buperin- ti>ndent under the Board of Wtrrks, and the Mayor stateil that he bad no idea who the aiqKiintoe would l>o.

” I did want to i«<e Henry Diekflon pet the ]ilace/' TCiiil the .\Jav«r, ‘’ byt be h<u do- etiiUHi. I have Ikhih olirclally informed ku I'm out of IL''

Wlu-u oakad whnther 1m would like to sea Edwnn L. Cunkhn made KiiperintoBdeut the Mayor d(vlared that he didn’t rare to say an.vtlnuK fii rn nrd tsi the inattor, oikI ad4l»l that he rjid iioi liiL<!i)d lu tokti any further oriivE* part In tJie affair.

Thu Mayor alxo ktatod tliat when the rosiihjtioii contvrtjlajf the tia)'TneQt of thu elertiuii iitlh'erH cAtim nfih'ially before him be would prol«bly apjirovo it.

'I’hc tcriiiM of fleurge Kabenstein nnd Benja­min Bachs, Kxdsu Eusf>ertoniL oxptreii dost nlfrht, and the oftlriali Mtopped rmt of their pUSlliulk -

l i r A l l lS IN DAYHa

The llcAltlk Itoarii Urpurt** Hlxty-Nlnet ontagloiiR IMiUTABrii.

Thn mortuary report ior the wen-k endc<l At noun iD’ilay shows that the total nnmiwr Ilf ilinths W&.H Kizly-ninu, tut inrruu-sc of H\% oviT Ihi preceding wisjk. h'lvu of (hu dnatiiH were due to either aci’hleute or vlo-

oiu) )>eing the iiiiirdnr uf thn Italiau who WOP Ktnblwd on Monday uiRht and who diril in the lurtipitol TburmlAy night Sonm of tho chief E'auscH uf ile.itb wore: Fnluum- iiry tulwf'nlusiR, lU; |.m*‘umuuiii, 7; liijih- thi'i'ia.4; brain and iirM'vuuK truiilEU», 4: rtc- pbittos <5; itlsrQse of ihi‘ heart and otrrnla- tory iipparalUH, I’*: dignsllvft system, d; .hrom-hBit, 1; malaria, 1: w^arld fisver, 1.

(If tho total number of dcntlM* were nf tHTsniiN under s') of ago, H4 rangpil In

yoiirt* <dd.from A to Ik) yearfi and t> over dO

Tlim* wert' oply till raHOH of contagious dis* cAses re[AirteLl during the wmik. ihiK U a derreoAC of 14 from tno pixjviuux week. (If t he -13 cofieri were Hi'arh't fever, showing a dcATUHsa uf Id, and H nrre dlphthorhi, a du- ert’SKo of :s. N<w(Wfts of tynhold fwE.'r wi-ro ri'|,RUte<l this w**bk, while last aeek \ cmo was brought to the attention of the Board of Hiuilth.


M a jo r I.e1>kiiceher Itcfiifteii to K a lie the Ita liH ii F lag on (he C ity HtiM.

Mayor Lobkiiechor der-lineil to afsr'wie to request of a committue of Italians repre-

jMoitlng aodetiefl Jii thiM city to hoinl the Itol- mti flag un thu City Hall jk>Io on Garibaldi day. Juno ll, Tho ItallmiH projjuwto role- brato tho day morf idaborately that In any ]ir4'ceiiit)g v<4nr, and were anxlouH to Hy tbelr Hap.' over the City Hall.

Mayor I*4 bkuechtT says that jiluring his term of oQlco only the Stora aiuLIRtrliieti will be rniKeil on tbo city’s Hagjtole.

Wvh thff biffgrtt fAU))<lrr>i7, tnoifftt ’AtvaOKry, frtffffUi r/»/ h'VJiSiyuf yt:iVSUpr fysrtdlo

Utt inut/ttt rdunu lu bin O'v! lUUe imJ jcrtuvi.

nanmgarten !• Wiinted Afiiln.Bernard Baumgarten, whom Judge Mott

raicaMctl yentorday ii[x>n blK prunUse to Kiip-

tiort hi» wifu and ubiida Is oguiu Lwing Koiignt ly the ]>oliee. PJ&rly thi« morning Bautn-

garten iMicked his two trunks and (oadciitbain iiT'uii a wagon. Before Mra Baumgar- U*u could pruvent him he drove away, tak­ing bl fuur-year-uUt son with him. Thowom^a wa.s lu great diKtrewi when she rallo.t at police bra lquartorR thin morning and ro- portol the a'OSu to Judge Mott, whoriHpiestNl Chief Hopper to tiutko every effort to capture Baumgarten.

Memorial Day Mervlees.Memorial Day services will \te held In tbeFIrst

BAptistOburcliiHmumlt, lo-tuorruwuiuht. The U. { r Grant I W of “fiVw I'nivldHuce, the E. H. \yade Font of Mil Uiuro, OfAiul Army com- rudraof dltathan; ^ i l Buiipp<L atid thp. tkius<Y Veteratifi of New Fiifrineiu.v _mAa .A body. MIee Annie Johen will sing anumber of solos and Rev, N. B. |tomlail will deliver a dieoourso on “ Our Natluual FitHb." ~

Cavalry Cumpanj A to <So to Camp.Flrsc^jergeaut Charloe Heath, of Cavalry

Companv A, iuu notifled tho members that drill will be dueonfitiueil until further or­ders. The troopora aro ordered to report for duty at (Uimp on July 14. Thu regular quarterly meeting will be held on Jiine 31.

Es-AldenBon Watson Hyno Decorated.Tim ruembers of the Nortburn Republican

Club loAt night preseuted ox'Atderinan Wat­son Ryno with a gold badge similar to those worn bv the Aldermen. Awemblymao Tbonia* Murphey made tbo preeeutetloo.

mnls. The rogineer bod reversed the throttle, hut tho distance was too short and the luomenttirn of Um tocunintive toq great. The muu at the last monient triivl tu save tlieinwlves, but they hod tarrlMl too tong. The enj^ne struclc thEi bumb and hterally ptough^l ihrouBh it, oralteriug men ami huriieM right and ufft. The shork was felt by the poAKengera, rj^\ a wild |>tinki snsuAil, soiiM of tbeui tldnltiug that anuUicr roar Hid rvBWow bipl uocurrud, like the fatal auddrat of last January.

and the horse he rmle were burled toonuiiite dooEl. The huriu tiiat woa being Ini WOK thrown heavily agaJiiHt the gst^ inanoudfell upem hiin» renutwlng him ont'oiK Bf’iouB. Ciitblwiteon's littlesim saw bis father felled to tike ^(»UDd, and he rusliwl to his aw Btonos. Theaminal which knitokeO tha father down hml r«<gainAt ite feet and pluQged forward Just In time to knt»r.k the lUtle follow off his feet Thu boj wan dot badly injured and was carried to his huiii a shoH dbtatira away.

Th<‘ train was stupped a hiinttrod yards yoml Lite occUbutt nn<l thu IrAiii bands ran iiack. The Usly of Ritgeii wru pla-ed in tho baggage rar and GaUMnaii Cuthk'j Uoa was also I(iken aboard. At Harrl’von a ttoi} was mode and liltgei/s bndy wo« lAketi to CniQu’t inurgtii!. Cuthijertom w’ori l»ruught to this city,

'i he frunt of Uio Joruinutive kire evidenra df wlkat bad oeourroii. Thu pilot aud kaler bead were iTOvered with bltHxl and burse hair.

Hut iittb iH k)u>wn of UUgeii. His em* plojEir, who ba<l lHa‘ii np|!r£ilKL‘duf wbathad (veurretj, drove to the morgue and immlilled the kxlv. He cuuld nf»t toll much. akiut his forrnar iinuiloye, Mr. Muyor M id tlmugh that he hiui been a Kulier, steady workman. He did uut know wliera te* livni, but E>aid bu IboUghI Kiteen WOK ulonu lu this rinmtey.

Whnn the train ruucbe l Iho Broad Ktreet Station ( uthlxTtHnn was pUccfl in au aiiw bulsara by lb« 1‘efcinct imlicu anddriven to St, .dichaur'* HimpBol, Dr. D. MiU'ball found that the tkginaii was Hitffor-* lug frimi a disliM-Atiun uf the right hbuulder. a uontusloQ of ttio bip aud a biully gosbml forehead. Aftoi' his iujiiiir’H luid Ihs'ei at- b'uded to by Dr. Miiclidl, (,'uthk'rtsoa talkml to a Nkwn re|»urter.

’ 'Tbepo4»r fellow who Wiw klllui,’’ said Cuthbertson, wk) in a handsome man abuulr rtfly-soven yuan* old, “ had often cr<R»«* I the (rai’ks with hoj-KW. A h hu imar al thu rrusK- wig (h(« South Uratige licTvmiiiiiHlatioti wii.'t alHiut thri'e-ipiarluia uf a niklu uwuy. I li7i<| put d4>wn the off gate when Hitgi'ii Htai te-l arruM*. Hu wtiH riding a Kjurito.l horse and lauding another by a rope.

“ The burse on whjcfi Itltgen was se.'il d was plpngiikg uud acting in a wiM wuy erully. Ah 1h7 tni«l t<*4'«mtrol hU inuuut with his Ifft Imud he lield his hnl bursu with bis riglit. Tbe mount Hetuiiivl to ]>luugiv acruss the track and the train wvruml to >.low up. Tlu’H. klli'Vltig that Hk\ riiun and tliu horsua wuuld gui KUM’ly nrT«>«K, tUu tram canie ahcAil. idke a tiiutb tho hurne which the man wa* ndidg wIiovIemI around. ' Uitgea a]niitr- eutly liMi ItiH hrai], and tried to burry the borBPK boE'k across thu track, when tiu> engine hure down nil them.

“ Gu thu imjuik* iff tho moment I ruhhuii toward tlio im|'i‘fil!'''l borsiunan JuKt ns tha rnwi’ub'lii r eni-iho.l the buiwe ami his rkler. At 11* .same iu:>Umt the l>H*omotivo slriu lc tbuhei'uihl liurivEi and burlml it a^aiusttnu. I was (TUsbed uniler thu anirna]. jlly Iblrtoeu* yt*ar-uld sou, Willii*, who wum ru«rUy, rani * my aaslHtance, Just us llioanimal struggle I ItH feet. Ah niy boy trn.Rl to avoid it bu wo* ruu over by the horse ami injure i, but uufi toriounl)’/’

Cutbbertsun’H liijurii's ara nut fatal— • • - • ------ -u

Tlie Tliiieft’>S(AiulHril ( aiiipanj^Thf' Timcfl-iftondard 1‘uhlishing Com-

pniiy to-day iiad its eertifirato ot organii?ta- ti<ni reoordiMl iu the Conniy Clerk’H olfli'o. Thu ubjtK’t of the eumjHiiiy h to and cuutrul thu phiiitK. goof) will and [jro;>> |X'rty of the Newark Timtui uud the iSutulny b'fandfird an<l to enrry on u gEUierul priniiug| and pubilnbiiig uuslue.ss." Tho cu|>jtal suvk is placed at |.H(fj),0()u and axn'oniiug to tba certificate ImviiioftH will Isi kxun with that amount. Tho shark i.s divldEHl into HdDl) shartM of Gw valuo of #.HX) each. Tho iucor- praters are Tfjoituw C, Barr, who bo)«U i.noo shAru;i; Fruuk M. McDurmii, 1,-PM)

stUut'iTH, and I'ii&rb’o F. Hurr, wtiu is ur«i.Utod with owning IDi) sharuH.

’------—-e ’An Alleged (Tieck Forger*

Detccllvo Dalton, of Jeracy City, last ulgh^ at tho rtHjuwt of Chief HupjHT, iirt'rrstLvi John Frazee, wlio in ulhigivl to have passed two forged chucks purported to bo slgiuvl !»y Idundwr Elias Burla. Tho checks wore for 9:1.35 aud I3.2.V Fra7.(a<i wiiw brought to tbif city and ia hold at iHilioe headquarters.

C IT Y N K W S N O T E S .

Judge Depuouu Monday morning nextwfll hear Hupremu Court iriutiob»,- ttldrltbw’H bivyclmstore, st 2* Coutral ave-1 :^ ■ . - -. b- .trfldeFgot EMiftfiy ats'ay wiiji iv inujc.ti,

City CoQusol Hiker to-day dochled that tha new police clerks whvu appulntcd will ba paid os all other city employes and not out of tho fund appropriated to the. FuBce Conunis*. sLoolcri. .

About 5:H0 o'clunk yeHterday afternoon % slight lire was caused in the nhavlng pit of tbs engiuc-ronmof the J. B. Marquand (;ompanr« of 30 to 4U Warron street. The low Will nol exceed 9^.

A strawberry fostivai for the bnueflt of % James'e Kplsootial Church waa held yeBterdv* aftetucun aud at night in the guild room of theoburob, on Brood street. It wa under tba management nf the Ladies' Parish Aid Aseo* elation, assisted by the variotui other gulldi and a(^etles of the ohuroh*

J ugene Neidert, the ehonmlon [perform iq-mprrow at Hoeh

Yletfr m k t 407 fttfiine.-



H ig h e s t o f a l l in L e a v e n in g Povrcr.- - Latest U .S.tiov’l Report


S w r itu y to tb t S t m t and Water Continluionen Rasigna


KbM r, V»lr.l iHtI of lit , ru*UluDWhit* UomMu(mCuuiiuiiiilcatluur.>U,uf l.obhu,rhrr', Voto iif oil (Iritlnanr, tar ■ V i i d f , U vrr Hamburg I'laoa La id O vrr.

aaprrintandaal Marah'a liailgnatlun Ao-

•optad-TrMtiuu Conpaiijr auil A llr («d Sad ra<ln(.

Although tbd mmiibora t)( tba new Iloani * ( Wiirka tacitly a^i-ivl <m Tui-~Uy la»t l» have ttieif futun< nn-’-tinge i-ullcl to prionplly. w that [.era»its baviiiif erttli the b(*r<l wiwlil not ho >uliJeFi*l to ile- lay, the (art wa» apijorontly JuraolUMi yea- (> 1ay aftordonn. A npivial im- Unit we*

caltnl for 4 u'clut k, hut it wan aliniMl.Mi lioiir later heforn Uia uv-ret souuim in the tiriveta room came to au ewt.

J*realiU'nl Vail iluyna Ijegaii tlie |intrwil- intta by UilliliKtbe other Oimmtulourn wliat they were there for. lie ilii) tliie by uylnK that ha had caJla) the meetlnit for the |>ur- | poaeof takinj acliuu on the rtMianallon of Uenaral Suiarlnteudeiit Charlea Uanti. Tha M W , did not appear to eurprlw any one aad lArairniwIoBor Joralemoii jirorujitly inofed that the raalguUon Iw aivMpted. The Motion waa oarriw 1.

Then Dame a lurprlis. C'lerti Knoa Run- yoB eakad the ] ‘re,iilent fur poniiiinluii t» •ddrea the board. Tha latter hmliW at tba olerk In aina»maut and uld iHithing. There wa« a painful (*u»a, but tlia tTvwident ^aally aekwl the other Cominleelonore wtiat they wivbed to do. They decided to grant Hr. Runyon', raqueat, and then the latter iiUji

“ Praaldent Van Ruyna, I find that tba Logialawre ha, (ia»ad a new law cbanniiig tha Internal wurkiur of I hi, hoard whlut erUl involva an entire olianife In Ita diori- tdina You bava liluilly informed me that YcNi am going to i^point a clerk in iny nlai'e n o t Thurwlay. I do not pronoae to go nu •od raarrange the detail, <>t Uile olHce ami than, wUeiiT am gone, to roeelve wiuum for tba now work; therefore you had helU'r hare tba new clerk nuika the new arraugeiimiiU, and then the rniiKHUIldltty will reat with him. Uantleiuen, 1 tiwuk you for your ouu^ taay."

A moment of tileoce followed and then Frealdrnt Van liuyneaald he would like to itate that thu Dhaiige of law bad made a dlf- fonace In the mntboil of paying the board', ampiuvea and that new warrant liouka et>v, Muet he Mcureit before any luieiay iveihl l><> paid. On raotiuii of Commlieiouer Kuhn the prealdent and Um olerk were aulburiaetl to attend to the matter. CToi k Uiniyou', reeig- Mtion URi nut, aa yet, beau eocepte<L be Idi^ed up a letter ami twgau to read It U) the board. Before ha read a iluiaa worila. Com- Mlealunar Kuhn jumped up and liitomipted

by eayiat that he daeireil W ulTer a lau- Voa to racata tlia uftiua of clerfc by aoc^itr tat tba raalguattuu of Hr. Runyon. The IBOtiOB waa ado|it«l lika a Saidi, while Mr. Kunyou'a taca fluehed at tba mamter in whloD be wai Interrupted and iliapoaed of.

Conimlealowir Joraieniun named Ataxan. d v It. Uuuatt to eucoeed Mr. Kuuyon. Mr. linnetf waa imitgidiai^y ehwled and with­out nying a wold be proceeded to aeeuine ' I dotiee of hla oaoe. The Arat tblng he

v w e m

PowderA b s o w t e c v p u r e


T h rr * W iu H ut and 4'ul<k W t*a ltifr «n tlOvar lOur of Itali i

Id of lh» coni ttay« fct tb** ofMriT lliR tnuatli aboT* Uia *Tfr-

Inwunutli Dt lliv lAB jiiiniins. T!i* imi*iuium tt*mjiBratur« wiui rttMrfInl nii th*' iBCiHHi il*y, HViOih'itrfli*, tb * t-'dolf’tt, 4‘\ ijA'jjrde*, on tbo Iwftilv hiiilh tljo DTi'niiiB l«*ing 01 lu IW-i Ibo wariu«*it, cfsili Mt and lA-miioratiif-h w«re 42.. ouil tiaS 0«irri*« rwjtwtlfAly, TlW Lii)(lio*t rt*<’nr4leil in any May 1« tdS in IHBO; the Jowrat, Ofr

wtiH in INIl,UutiiMity waa on tb* dreUne In ThP early

part (if lliB Mvaith, ituHit of tlio rain haring rnatel Newark after tlie aikiuktlug In all tu 4,1J 1urIi« i . Tin <Layi of rain numliar fnurteen, eleven of which raniu altAT the mhMlo ibti jiiuiitb. The humid' tty average in 71 ^«r oeut., the hlghnit IMl ami au>l the loweit 22, I'he wln l kept very •nirgetiivlly In Ums eavt, the realt'fit num­ber of oliaervatiuna (luiUiig it a HUIh south of fast. No galee orcurreiT. Tbo maumuni velodty duj not eareetl thirty-five lullo* iwr hour, and did not attain that but ouco, 'i he barometer rang*Ml fnnu litcbi'e to 1)0.49, ■vrraKlng !W.97 ittoUei. TImth were thuiirler- itornii on tlie eighteenth and twenty-eighth, lular halo ou Uie thtrtietb, sun dugi on the thirty lirst, lunar halo tm the Qfteenth, ooronai emi the eleventh, thlrteeiitlt four- UMfiith anil filtoeuUi, ami sbootlng-aUri on Uieaeronlh.

T(» 1JVK n s A IIOAT,

l>lfll<>uUlee <»r a H^llavlllw Man In Float' log a New tenliire.

Enr Mveral weoku workmen liave beeti eo- gageil by 1\ V, A, Hrett, E)f Main Nii'w*t, Rellevllhi, lu building a colUigEi after ibe style uf thfi kind uwd lu Euglaml in tiio iumrn»*r tiiiie. The slru<*ture was placed U|ioii the hull of a caual-lMMit Tha fraiue- work In ovtu with the ildea and both emU of tlM boat, ami bi two itorlee high. The first fiuur E'oiitaiua a klU'li^a dinlug'rootn, rea*t- iQg-room and i»everal Unlroomi. The upjvr porllou U a pP>mb'tmdc diYrk and will ho 4m>v« ered with cativait. The work was dutia while the boat wak lying lUMm thi bank of the river mar .the RetlovlUe 8 ui>}>ly t'oiupany^e W«rkn.

Two day* ago ^r. iiivtfc coutHudod to have the boat toweil to LloyEl’e Dock, up{>u«lte hi* home, In onlor Irn put the iliilutalng touche* U) the craft. Owlug to lahk uf Imtlaat the entfi oareene<l and wont down at the doc'k bt eieven of water. Last night Ik wai raiM l Ktid tEiwed to the oi>posito hank, where it now llfli, with one end undur feett)f water. ^

After pumping nut the water the boat will be ballastod and again floated. The llulNhlng touebet will Im put on, tlw rooms furiiluheil, and during the euiatiLer Mr. Rrett and hii family will »\mu\ a gr^wter ftortion of tha time In being towed ak>out u(mh the watejn of the Hudflun and other liver*.


The red trLivfifE recorlel ia theRegieter*! oflAee Erlday aao reperted ky tkelfEaeiilr i'lileaa'l UepoiU Uoiapaa/ were:

eiWARK.ITrrirr D. Taylor to Marjr T. WIcHimfinn,

a * W UIlain at oor W lillAni I,ee.1.MI........................................................... $1

IlHrman lahlKarh (KUerlfT) (o Hiurmel If.IVuiilngioD, Jr V n t Warren et l‘*> w frKiimmlt eta t4*ftl..............................

Uetirv N. Earkhurel et ux to l>'rfd«TlrJc W. i*atil, w e Hrcail at •"x) ti fr Murrayet. ffnHM.................................................

Catherine K. ItewM tnt'hae. U. Kt rn, lU) r fr Kergen at and afr ntiiieii avltva«ltK«.....................................

Win. Klinger eta] to MatlhiH K.llicliAfEl- fwm, n aJ) fp fi w enr Hprke!i*y i»v anJ fil h et, SSxliii.........

k k a d EHTATIC rt»R i a i .r - o u t o fTOWS. ^

Hparta.X n>t;STY KliR NAI.IC rH K AP ASD

Pvi-fk »nri'*tlv.-. bulUlieviMe* oo the ekere aod lijIiUiR’ 'i;ie v.ciBltif uf H‘jm i jjAlm, "■p.trle. S. 1 A : p.- MfK Nr-W JKIWKY IHUN eUSlNf* t.Ni„ Iiuver. S. J. __________ •••

W a it tlrange,

n . >1 MR FOR HAl.R U mK>M*; HAH FUR- (!«,« end renie; lot ir^jilW : very healthy

It ,tl '< 1 iniMiiis^'vbftlk fruiit Lao el^'trle ruedi; ufn -1 ; ' ‘ 5! eoiy AiidreMr * ' • ' * ' u „g ua .1 Pnaie.

VIpeland.O f t aeons iinrreF. ot’tr c ild -

............... .141Mb KIKrtidM. ewdi (3d); hikrialu.Vine and.


I2T.&0 MrledeL U%

Chflmiie A. HnllMe to Addle H. Hftv.ne- • - -\i ....



lau )


A. H IlK K llOl'HRNt non MH. A Lb j \ ithp jiku'lerji nouvenlencue, (-5 end |27.W It.unlh >AMCKL W. nKK«V , 7*) llroi

' a k a . t HATF. I'RoPKHTlKHTn RK\T i \ «hi ♦T»‘fy weM o f Hie diy and will wat *yTi»'y)r. «. w. ■.KfcUY. TW argAj R* J*h

**4 ^A. WOnUslOi-. UKXTe KKl^BCJCai l •

lev*, T too mu, ranfe and tahi, |UL'uiu^. 1 l>MIUA. weift, |IENew diNVireUw) apartrrente, fire ro<>nie aa4 haLXk

BortiHr, all llfh l riNiat |Ute f l i A iw variuU* olher ixittif»a |U lu 10

J. w. j o h a i.r h a n ,ein weAhtngina. cor *' raflga era

■ A. -TWKLVK-U'UfS If >rH K H i:iTA llL*■ fur or rurnUh4Ml ; oonvenlent

to (iNiMi M R 11. » i Ufeyeite n i.____________ Ma,um





did Via M read the Mavor'e raUi of au iinlh BBkot p - —‘ by tbo old board a 'MO. Tba urdiuaivoe granCed to Uoilroad toinpMj permlulon luridge pi

abort time to tb* L'entfal

to bulla a


'idge pvar tba Hamburg placa croaaidg of tha road. TIm ordlnaoca waa eetoad becauw *' tba plan, are not accompanied by the ipecl- lIcatloDi ami becauw the plaui m Ibemielvei a n Incomplete."

The het that the Teto referred to tome- thing dona by tbe old boanl waa brought to the attautioa of tboiM pnaeut by Couunkh atenier Kuhn ahd On hi* luotlOd wk YIUltMr waa "ttld b w .*

A ooniinunioBtiou, aigoe.! by George rhlUipt, tor tbe eatate of John Rfailupa, aakw tha board to take HUna linmedlata action lu tha matter of Uylug out a park at the cor- Bar of Lincoln and Rllwocd arenuea, VV ood- alde. The aecaeaary ground, according to tbe latter, waa glren by the eetala about two yaara agi^but nothing further baa txon dona aa yet. The .wriw oomjdainad aUmt tlot lock of good fkllh thown by the oht boanLand dooiared that tha whichganarouily donated a |10,U0I) piece of lamL nao hem badly treated in return. Tbe letter wae referred to the Hark Committee.

A peUilou for a water nuin on Mouth Klerenth atreet waa referred to tbe De|iart- meut on Mlreete and Uighwaya and to the l>eua ruueiit ou 8ewer* waa referred a pe- tiiiun for R private sewer ou Monroe streot A peUUou for a H'wer on Houtb Klerenth ^roet w n iwtcscred .to tbuxonv onmintum, while one oskhig tbA beawl tu have MiecixilD lights pUceJ at the ooruer of Central And Gould aveuues was referred to tbe Dopart* ment of Kublle LlghUng. The coudltiou of the electrlo liglits at the curner of Jubnaon and CUniuu avenues, according to »com- mudcatlon, is very bod. The letter wjl* forred to the {ircpor iwmiiuuee for Investi- gotiun.

ADotber letter ocptalned the infannatUiu that tiM Consolidated TrautUm 0<HiitMiiiy's •‘ inexpenwicedni n ” hod not property i-e- loid Um atones on Clinton BVonue near Droad atrfet Tbl* conimuulcatloii was referred to tha Departmeut on ii triMls and IflghwayH, as was oua cx^niplalnlng about tbs ht rriJ cou- dilUon" of Eiixabeth avenue, wblob the writer stated had not been cleaned m over a year.

A lengthy protoat ogalnit the erection of a sUughier-house on Ash^rsti'iMt, near gVvenue 1 ), w ii rolerrud lu tbe proper voinuilitou for Ootlou.

An order providing for tbo construction of a oewer on Monroe arrect, Irom Kerry p* Ia - fajetU slrMto, was referred to a Uiird n«Lt- Ing.

tk^mmloilouer Tlcben4>r suld be imdcratood that Ihoru wodi DO iuNpoi'tiir to auperiuteud tba work of huihliug licwenou HiilriKolidatH) and Comtiiej'oe street, ami afW r some disi'ua- oloD Urn niatWr was reftiiTtMl to tlm Hewer Cominitlea with jxiw'or to apiioiut an liw opector. The allowed t»ad comlillon of the oidswalka uu CauaTstiwl was brought t<.» Iho attoiiUon of CoiutiUMiouur Kuhu, ami the Coiimiisiiiouer reiHM'UMl the matter to hit coUeoguea In the board, who referred It to Ihe Hlreet and lllghway Committee.

The ntUuLtlun of the lK)ai*d wss brought to the oon4litiou of tbe crosawalka at Hixm nve- DuaaiKl Kuurtvnulh street. Ueferred to a committee.

On inolinn of Conimlsdouer Joralemoii the action of Huperlntt'udciit March In dls- tdiargitjg tt tiuinber uf imjHH'tors wo* coiu HtuilmI.

The i.’ity HiirvEtyor, Mr. Jomlemon salil, bod calleEi hlM attmnhm to the allcgik.1 In­ferior iuaterhil usehI lu imving HEmthdlrango avenue. Tiu* CummiHHioiior furlher staled that he liml hud the Wurk KU>|i}K»il, ami lie woute 1 tu know what thu Ujard j}ro{H>>ei,l to do alMiut it. J'riiiLdimt Van Diiyue iiu<l Coiiimisslonor Kuhn thought the matter ahuuld be altciuluvl To l>v the HI rest Cmiunit- tee, uud Cimumsaioncr Kuhn uskud thu conn' k I to tell the Ihiat'ilil it wMuild be all right to have tliu work eotitinuLvl under tlu.> vision <»f the bnardV eng|]i(M.u’ in the altticme of a Geuet;^ Hu]A<nuUUKienl.

City Cuudstd ClmiidU*r W. Hiker mhl itwuu)<.l U 'u tl right to pnrttuu uuch a cuunie,and so tlio work will l>c'dui)e.

Cumiuifetiiouer Tiidienor raid he hoil infuniitMl that the city was In Jiceil of 'Mieu- tenants” lo imj»erliiKMid the strei,! w<>rk, imd haloid thu otiior CommiKMiouers that thE*y could gHt furthci' fArtii-ulare friun ColonW Alh'U, thu AMuUint I rcneral Hupi«rinP*ud4<nt. The luUar was piviECiit, uud was given ]Mt'' misinuu to t])oak.

Tbo Cidoiiel kMRau by Kuying that tlic Street roimultUe wanted Hroad drutiiMl up by this morinug, and timt all ur- raugemcuU bail Ih>ou inadi', but thi*re were not enough foremen Ui Imjss the wmk.

" Huw many do you ueodf’ asked Crcsl- deut Vnn Duyne.

“ Two will be enough,” replied Colonel Alien; “ and 1 wuuld MUi gcst limt tJmy \w> ayiKiiritixl at least for to-niglit.” lie v.ns im-thoris Hl to a|i|Kiint tbo two iiien, fiml nfLcr a leugtliy discuHsnui the Ktrift (.'oinmittn? wtu

to em|»lov enough tiu'it toprui)- erly KUpE-rvlso iho work of cltnuinj;^^

; ilrectit, which will bo coEJtiuueJ'auxtr^k.' Tha^bpi^f^ V i;:"*

UU Off a I'leoo of Carlo's(^borge Balcost, aged twenty-two, yean, of

'•W Couiwi alloy, was a prisoner. Iwforo Jmige Kggur* lii the Hecoiid Crinihmr Court UiIk DQorulug, choTiitMi with bitlug off aT jhH'v of Jaiiies Carlo's etir. Tbo accused admittod tbe truth uf the charge, but said hu acted iu oelf'defeBce, os tin» complaluant ussanlted him first, The Up uf Carlo's right«ir wax bit­ten siitirel]' oils Tee BCcuawl wo* held in dc* fault of gJiNI ikoll to await the aetiuu of thu Grand Jury.

l le t te r BesuUs Thau at Any T im * Id th « hEKilsty's ExUUiuoe.

The directors o f the Hchulwrt Vocal Hoclety met in Music H all last night and clused tbe btixltMNi o f the tod e ty 'i Hfteeutb season. Tbe reports submitted proveEl the season to have been the miait succetsful in tbe Buhubort'i ixislaun-a, Four .u rcb totn l and Hnwa^eqgoerke w e n gm-n atvL«Mri>wf'iiearty.

T ite amoTtfliida tft'iumit$8,000, mure than $j,0U0 o f w b ld i was rwiUeeil a t the charity c4jucert in February, the proceedii o f which were turned over to the Board o f TroEk) fur the Uitlseiis' A id Aoiociatioa.

Curmnltleea w ere appointed to formulate plans fur the eotrlety's work next senaoD. The subecriptiun rate was fixwl at $12, en- UtHitK suborribwrs tir:foflr iw ai*' wt, W -h-uf


prejpare fo r the annual reception.new directors elec'te^l were Dr. Eilgar

Eioldeu, Dr. K. J. Ibvwe, Dr. Y, D. Maude- vllle, U'Utiam A . Urc, N w b tS'oodrulT, Murrls t'ohu, J. H. H. Clark, Thutnna t'ruosy. CharltM D. I'oe, U. IStLiidfurd K uks, George B. JeQklinv'>n, Jr.^ Austen H. McGregor, Ikmjaudu ALho, ^Naliace M. bcudder aJid R «v . Hr, U .4.

flWAA'M'.VA4W ftuOfCO Hritf « k'iOkbii'n crWumitJT <11'/J'i t%i .

et m e fr NeMbllt si, 2 ls ll Sarah M. Day l4) Win. S. {..atidiS'rl, w s

Hrmul St HBb fr I'arkhurst st, £Sxt(Jf.W IllU u tC Lambart to John C. Da>« w s

Jcdir.sunav s e oor Neheinloli Kerry,WHiTS.....................................................

W in iam HfSkdesser et ux to lU rrist A. Hrodexnar, w a H lu h et $1S s fr I'onrt•t, UiiUO................................................

WJlllaui Hr F. Fiedler et ax to Harriet A. HnwieMer, w sH Itlh s t 18K»fr CourtIt, K slO l.................................................

Carrie K. HIItoe to I lurer ]1rnlhers,ri Church (Halsey) stfi24 s fr Kinney it,BfiXA).................... ........... .................... -

Joseph A . Adams et itx to Marous a- Husk, o • our Nursery St and e s VN axe* . man av.HOsiw.............................. *

Edward McNaughton (Asses) to MornisK .H iu k . earns....................................... “

lislMKica ti. Hnldsn f t al to Simon Ktdieuer, e e 441 frComtucrcr,22*«a................................ *

Frudstlok H, Lura exr to Hlmnn S^rliearr, e a lirood it 441 f r CouLoierro *t,

James F- Connelly (t'oihpt) tothu ^biy'^r and Cftminon Cnuui'll, K floM nr*iiiorj«•i: 4w Fifth si: 13I rsmilcij St: CsuDivIvaufa a r e : 31.3U Kl^vt^nih s v e ;2U1 Krellnghnysen avc: iltt Irsllng- huyseu a v « : WU Krelliighuj'seu ave;

Hlh IflJ F irst St; Ml First * t ............;■ —David F. Nkhols et ux 1o ChristlMi

Ht-Uiuldr, w s iJttletou s%e aTJ h IrHauksl.SnxiTjO.......................................

Ueury UsVtu K lla (\ (KU as ITth av LUiw fr Bvlaiout av, 36iW...........

Kiln C. ito l 14» Fredt'rlrk He-kcr,same......... .......................... .......

Henry th<t,exr, U* Klla r . (i*i. nnn;^.--. Herman Leh llw 'h (MliMD in I', ^andford

MmSs, a t Crawford st I'We fr \Va«hlwg-..................................................TOWMHirS.

Edward B. Orane e l u* to l.snra A. M. Hk'yiuour and al, MmitchuT, w s lUiHKutleld a v e cur C. di. Jnim rtoy*muur, flu*JJ84....N-.................

Laura A. M, HeyinmiraiMl id W Ibtberl .M. Huyd, Jr., Montclttfr, s w s BhHjui- fleld av and a cur I'c lsr H. Vnu lilp«r,

Sollle Marshall to I/jtlle A. Meo«l. ( ajd- -• well,.* s GuiUd pi n uor Mlimle /ellff,.fiU x lW ....*,......... .............................. ;

Augustine J, Uless and hI to August Korn et UK, Cliuttm, w s ilJuugl)-

hy st iw D fr Lyjias uv, SixHKi-.. ...KdwanI J. Duruii to '.'suiilla lb

I'etcq, Moutrlsir, e B liMvcst ISifrD w c«r James McLaughlin. • t

WilMom Tiohouor nt ni to Valeiiline Denotb. Montdiilf, siTlchoimr pl»‘ur Denitth 104 e fr lIurrlKin av, sffulUB... • W®

Anthony D, Holmes tu Ahre S. Jac S4>n, Orange, w g t:ieveland *i aw i fp tV hltest,&lsU4................................... ...I. 1

E va Elisabeth Sidvoge (o l^ouls H. F, iVrK. a t oL ClluU'u, u w ■ i:p]>sr rd to EH*al)eth and n e 11*. T. guluD. n e s Lyon sav w e Upper n l......................... —

IFtrA (-100*41 ntaktaiwwg, MjgMtinuUUtfn, tkt £ FJTA7.V4I Mi W.S’ u prsparsd fo ylMthrt iOVt4t rrtwrtu fo My <iml lUtU

Vim i eK, f i .-l t , Oil nruiu6-f)vvN*•n ir you hsvB loltl, tSmlllfi if rou wish P)

n>Qi, ilusT Ussliais. appG m u j* " * * - - rtntiM sciut. spriiif(IHil iva

TMHmN AN Ik F L A T 4 TU l<FT.

i. i:r t w u f i .a t h , k iv k n o itc * JT saeu, No. to Aiadsmy sl : all ira|irov#m*iiU 24* _ laiiilIrBJ W 1 A S7.'>\ llrin t «_L__

! KlVK an

lOLKf, S Kl.JiraMa u k k i a T .,i]i- foomt Mch.

X T * *‘T.. IH F id ’ H «0 « ) i l *4; UATJ t, <'LOaK V..AN iDijulrs IT KAMT PARK « r . 1

NICK HDI'MH, rtlOOND floor: wl(h water; n^ectvrale rent HUlL'UKR

aitup, Ocuih ursiLfS, Vausburg. I

KfH U ia-TH U tit I.UVKLY EOOSC4 ANDsleoTs oiisap. i all at

I «4 ifT . vR m p y .in a v e .

T a O 'M K -l(» r.: T, I ROOM-*., w n It W aTE 'i, J v l Inquire « • XEW'HT., near l-lratH. Mb

So u i j f k e v k j it h sr,. tia. n k a h h . t‘A it»Tu rent, poits»A«iua ImmrdlaLSIy, s itM of tivr

rooint, sliii isuQdry a psrtocE gsiu ; uiaa sud wlfb prsrsriwi; r t a i l i i U i

IHOJtANUE AVK,, 174 F1.A1> Tn hKT : aaU S rooms; sultalUa (or bslrilrsvisr. laqulre


tO U T I ! M X I H I’U LET,FOUU UOOMa,r%sTOntl floor. wator.

O PU tN O F IK U ) AVK. f^rMKus ; all light I pan

U C N llV E AVK., US F 'UH, FIVE «>K atX r^roomi lo private dHtUlnf ; tieslltn l ulghbur hood I siseirlo cars c^oss bj. IPs

IIR E kW M A K lN O .

4 A, I. T .ivL rm nKRH»i.j \ •ouitlnf >*chiKil. His only

> ihoroutn aatl sucuewrul lysism In lus*. I he only * 4'hart,] I- aar to learn. l*«pll» make tlrswei r while irarnlnc. wake oo laUtaka

Isirs tb« best. Uprn day sg>1 svse- Inca SotirsH .T la y lo fi 111411

c K iw ia


Fr.AT Tn I.IT ,Lffiprovsioiaia

A * . -MoUOWFl.I, 1> i; TT ■ ^ '*.nojinol. rn. cUtartlM l»fn i.n l

dnnin , .I1..-11III. a « n . « - l)»n iK.t.»i»l In M f ennu.1, r* jri*n * i lil.h t.l • ' •knit, wnw i[*iUa( * • j.U iii why o..« lx » iilt » lr n.i 1,111110, |Kir>ll. 0.11 niom iilill«lr> rila (: rlUl or Hud ISr olroolo'

" r . “ ' H * W LKT, « a , « 4 « _

1 vHIf'HMAKlStl — MHF. VAN 2aNT HA4 I iopensd a drsrtsmaklaf depeamenl Inr^Bso-

tlnn with hff dr«scuiUoc •eii'Hjl. whfrs meis

C,red lotto all o f work at frMOuaWe pVum3 FtoiiSit,.Beap New. »s

si’ tre slao rUlng habits.


1 aHKHtaWAKtNHJ .IstyJ; ■AN


tt TO 410; AIX b P LA N * hT. to*

rp iiK K E .i( in a I..H O C h o o u h r o i .a r L 'u aK tyi. tnil IlLiiltun U. Appl/





/ v iH . ttlUHPH A M ) nllMMKR AV K A .-T^ 4 l.t, n «« 0..1 hoowi tll loilini'fliwiiU; Bt* h IoiiIh lium MorrU tod A u .t lw|>ot:|31 Opto ru u ils y ltu l 1

St ueoe toA. 1h 'J'lFLlN , m ceutro: avsnua s*

flTO LET 41T d D m i «K V K M K K N T H « ( . . 4 .1 rootiiafs: MS i>rse«« st, A rooms. Imuruvs- mHits,|i(i; tu hrooil si.,A rMuni, Impi. aoii bast,

St i'olJegs pi.. S rimma. |14; S MssrlHg H.. 7 riioms, (13 : U* HniUsrdoii at.. S reorQR. H t rooms, IT ; ilS 'l Ichsuut st.. 4 tooma, IS ; etuns iL. I rooms, f f ; 4iTI*outh Hixiaentli St,, i rootna, (t i H Nswei.,4rooa)a |14: U 4,‘UftoB s\e., 4 ronpu, |10; flOHalsey st, 4 rooeis, (11; IS bevs&th ave.. i reoiua, |s i 444nt]routersve.,* room*, tiiipa, (h>; nousss and reouu In all parts ot the oily.

A. WOOD,ttoBrood st

ifqr « t i io | ladlW end ohUdroB's l a r ^ t a pUln, Krvoeb. sMiulew »o4 iJsrim olns darts. Uoubla ami irlpto aid# bodlrs, lllM M t dresHB, piolu end Ihour sl»*evsa sla. |JI tor (Ih Joeiudihg rule, squors. InstroiHioa sadhook pupil* make ihsir own gsrinsots fies wnlletsaralng; cutUnf sni lUtlegllnl'vi* end pspsp^v Irriiso it (o if.sMurt: day ana svsolai ‘•■Josa M a d a UK VA.'</oANT. sol Plans si.. nssfNsw. Krsncli at Flat i Araold Uulldlag, estt te post* o;i1e*, Morrlsuiwu. N. i.

L E G A L N O T IC E *. _________ _

I S T lV A N r u iY OF NFW JERHKY-.TO Amrlla >, Parmslsa JsmsR M. I’armelee. Kory

U. la loHee, Jofiis >*■ Horton. AI#C< U*r .tlelao* dvrj F- IHhrmsiew, vloerv% ii. I'snAiilus sod Mag tie (or M s'cirrii A. 1*irmsles.

By vinos of an order or tbe rourt nf l^sactr* e f New Jersey, mausoq the day of (he data hsi.'of. la a «au^ wherein John N i.t^v . tfusisr. is soob* plalnasit, and you and eihrfs arsdetoadMW, y«a srs rsuuirsd is appesT, plssil, Ueiu'ir or answer to thseouipJalaantW bill *a or bstora ibetwaniy* st/hih d.\v of May nsTt, *.r In defkuli thereof such dscrew wlU b« rosds igslnet you as lbs ChSMallor shaiUh Ink suultsliU Slid juKL , u. i

lb«> said bin IS It I ad luMlie purpose e f ^ is la i^ ihedlsoharge ofibe eebl John N. leery lU tn]sie4>hblp crested by two I’eriain deeds of trusl* on« hearing date tasptsmber B. ISM| imd the albw daiod Kpbruarr II. I«M: and lor ss araooailDC of Dti aald utMtes ihetwunder, ihe altowancs e f s4 psTmeuiaand dtibumrmenu thtraof sud pulniment of a sew krtistee La the plsSs and steM Of the laid John N. leery. And you. Uit salfl AiiMrlia N. i*amseiee. Jeiuei M. Psrias se, Mary H. Pariuelea Jsnla M Merton, Aleck lor Aleiandsrj F. Parmelse. feflotnra I>. Partiislae sod MsKV>«'4>r Marxaret) A. Farntfles ars made dffhfMtaols eaiise ymi are a part i>f tha testul quo irusia nsmsa In Ihe Raid riewlA and kV vlrlus tborsof havs, or may clihii to have, soma luterest tn tha litia* and prsniliei eouveyad by tbs aald deeds to lbs said Irusiaa and the procesda dsrlvad from the sow tbeivot

listed March ST, IM .ELWOODE L K iE T .

Bellcllor of oomMsloaotkm TU breed st., Newora. N. L

OKANUK J)KItklH.rrTlJN I ?M'Hf)OL-THE ire i and only Taylor school In tha urangaa

oad defy oumpstlUou; pupil* a « touibt .[rum draiigbiJns walsis loth# nnest Aalihln|t' all llie lateeT Irsmb stylss r*hiblud: dre«m aXl« U rsasuiMbla prlLWs ; npaa day and svealag. H 4 tiV K. l y .scmT 5JU sod £41 Mall sA, oraaga iMcUr hutlding. .g '^N LV mtAN’Cll IN \ J iA T, Taylor Hytiem of fid Broadway;

/IBITTENIvRN HT,\ ava Ts Let, ■maUbouti

NKAH BELLEVILLE____ _ ____w _Jnqtilr* IM tiKU .EVILLB A V S

1W U KFNT-I4HA YlmuuK FL; (jUJlfiT, t^iN- vrtilsoi; axlra Ana Uioation ; asnrly papered !

nuideraU rant: (kroily Iravlng cilf. *ls

1 1u UhUI I 'll LKl'.

IM nelisvtlls ave,, < i on* sa l bath allSo. IM nelisvtlls avs,, < ronmt imps.; posasssiok April i ! rani, fii.

ICo. 114 lirhsTllls ava., 4 room* and bUh ol imps.; poiwsilQn May 11 rent,|JV

No. 14 howLand sL, I roauiaad sail ali lapa rent. (11: Mayi. .

No. I4s Fourttiav*.; suUahls torooaortwa Ih-n lllw Dine rooini and bath; an IruQt;-Hay.

laqulraof UWNEli. l44U*ll*vli)aave, n

n OVHF TO RKNT ________tenant, fiirolthtKl huiira at Madison, N. J..

VF.UY I/»\V TO A OOOn lira at Madison, N. J.. fl>i

ths summer luoatb*: HiiS huuM ami grounds; nu-dsrn luipnjveroenW : flvs nilsuteg walk from ttati'Hi.a nargato. Inqiilrs of )t. i\ U.)N1M , unite Harluw, Cond It A Moril^ Oranft iL, olty.ile

1 l o l HJC-TO l,KT. 14 noOMi, FARLOH, MIN- 1 Itasruotn and kltelisn ea flii«i floor ; all Im-

...........-....... »CtHmsd sL. Hoom U.

Uo iH - m l e t b r ic k , b iioomh , (14 p k rniiintb; 4«nraa1anl to two llnss of siraelcar

ami N'sw VorE K, li. MpoL lOquIrs fT i C. BIKRM.tN, 10 (Wdar

~ hOi>MH;prlcMn OC»K TO LK T-F U R N IhMEDs S

gooi watar; vary p’sat^al ioeatloa;^a■uuable .apply an premisss 13a U liX I.A W A llB .tV A , Oosan drove.



B E A L E H TA TK FOH iA L E -^ C lT Y . y p i l k T. SO PLANE «T.>-BlUCK i{O U «K o ft coarcDlaucei.

h A .- A . - I UAVK HHIIFKRTIM FOR LAtoto.-to.sTUT of t r ie f l lt y ^ will BfvslabMuJn. r*. * . u KKRY. 7S0 B r g id a L ^ J ^

thu th rw cop(*urta A . fifliLrehttiraalJit thn. i» bm obortto wOToe hold nuxb Moiulay night lu . "7,

A ■ IIDUHlfH. FAKMM, BChlNKHH KN-aAaterprlsw. auld uf eii;lnn*ed quli'ltly ; Cum- lurwi'lal |Mi|»erti uecuiLateil; uariatr* prifcursa. Call npub IIK ■ .Ma n . H|irlo|l1sldave. K i

I SAKUAINH IN IlKAL KHTa TR.J y j MYKUiN W, Mohtjk, 13» Third ava.

1 )L|UYOUWA."«T A HAHO 4lN ON kt'MMKR 'ave? A ntre house ou ruroerof S ruumt and

Imp.. ami one ol V ruunii. *11 Imp., and uuuijrMAkvvs MiuaaF*k>sRUq oo ull Iba t>aM slraeli------- - u?InU ifj, jV> J W 1 w .atb

^ ’tA i’TOIlV FDR SALK ^' good brk'k factory m vic*ll«nt repair (now oc-

ciipTedi or some clMilue luu fur bJilTlIair or loveu- ineiil, call and a ’s the Mine mtd the ImpriiVvnient* In the vbiFJliy. 34P--.7X CIIK<l’NUr H l‘._______ ^

Event* fur Centre M arket D a ftCuntro Marki‘t Day w ill bu ulwerveil by

thndi'uU«r ainl umpluyus o f Cuutre Market in a fittiug maim er mixt Tuiwilay. The mar- kul w ill rliifti u t 1 o 'liock, iu ai'oordam's w ith a rwolLJliou atiupuxl ^y t|to MAi'ket Cv.iRWU- tee pf Coiumou Council. A t 3 1*' R phriUto w ill lie fp ru ^ l iu the market wtoaretsbci^ii- iw tl to the Hhootiiig i*avk, where lhei>ien1r uf lliH O u t r e Market HeiiuvuleDt Atworla- llnu w ill be hehi, A l the piirk theix( w ill 1k» ngAiiiD o f iMkxc ball U<twc«*u the FultoUn uf Fulton Market, York C llv , ami thu Cuiitre MuJ'ket team. There w ill a Iho Im a xeriM ot b icycle rareM (Utimig memlN'rs o f tbe K hw*x County WUeelmcii, aiul uthur utbletlg

C am p iu ertln g* In the C llj<I)tn iD {( tbe n large g«wt|»el tent has

been 'errK'tsFi by Paxbir Martin Haiicox on the big lo t on H igh itn*et an \ Himmier Ave- iius, iKJtwoen Crniie xUvet ami Dloainfirtil avenue, In whli-n an evaugi'llstlc cuiiiiiulgn wIlllMM'arrleil on during thu Kumnier and early fall. K vory m ghl nt 8 uVlivk ami Hupday and T m ^ la v nfumnooiiB ut acr- vlce* w ill bo held, lUE' llrsl tM>ing bi-morrovr afUU'iiooiL “ Uulon o f hII ('lirlHUnn!( la de- sln'd to asflist-in tho work o f m ic liitig the vast numlK'rs uf noiwdiurch gimr* and iu ■trengtheuliig the fuiUi ut utlmra,” btatos hov. Mr. HnncNix.

Hni'BK.'S TO ftE N f -17 W a RREN mT., ntoma Improvsm'hti; (1T.6Q per monlb;

Acadamy i t . lu rciocuA IU par mooth Apply Uy P. a. A UA liH, TU hruid M


.(iNto(Adpartooetb. Applyto4. W .OKRtlY, Brood st, o r « Ha«avUlsara,lntlisaviaiof.U3

n OPHR TO L R T , « KERRY «T.; I ROOMB oeavsotonoea: rest(16.01 par raoaih Applv I T. BENKUIUT AduKlpUr Broa lvt

n OURES "X O h R E S T " AT A R K ltP rU O N . 1 IfYBON W. ICQHiR.ia Third ava.


NO. 109 M ILLER At. FOR RENT: NEAT twootory bnck: T reomi: all coartnltnce*:

doe* lo Brood and Emmet it. Rtstlope. Naw York moin iid« : key at No. 117 Mllt«r st.: oos • f tha oMisst aad most oomplst* bouses in to«a.17? f i d e l i t y t it l e CO., Ttl firoatl st

ITHO^PECTPL., «-KnTTHETO LETj SEVER ruoaii; rent (14.


JHKRM AR AVKy MI-OOKREHtiHKRMAR AvKy pth lrd ficor ; rant (11


T n LET- 111

APAUTM KR'ra o r r iV K Rnaicithrlnk hauso. No. iB t'nloa at, baiwssn

Lolsyalia and Hraaa asm,; ivprevsmsnu: balls and sulrs Rirttl*b*d; joalusr ennvsolsni te Maricat or r*rrv at ataduos i raai low to goo*! lenani. IKUmKTY « OOI) LD, lid Brood f t , room I. U)

T D l.n T -TH K TTANII-foMR P LA t ON THE iMrdaod Itourth alorlsa o f No. *11 Broal at,

eoalaloliii eight baauLlAil rooint iooatloe ik* bait Sonwiilent toali statlutui: r»nt law to a good tao> ant Apply 01917 Bltl>ADar. tfQ

fflO LET Nl'ITK o r APAMTMFRTH WITH .k 0)1 teipvuTsmatili imtou ruorpf looludlng oath:

wary sfiMt oaLghburiiojd ;two bh«l£* frura Bruwd At HtaUun of .Nr-vmrk oa<l Naw York 'I. H.

' CHAR ^nAK N Tm .,'.13 MUlhsrryat

r|V» LKT PrjUU.NlCK LA lm K HOTand cold waisr, atatlooary raufS, a( IZI Cam-

0101X0 *t; rent (14. rnqulr#I H it i 'l l I LI F Itu l IT, JR..7»7Markslat

■'O 1,6T-TW '» M C E FLAIH, CrlNTRALLV loraltd ; all lmprovam«nu : all light rsume; (U

........................................ t^ ic i^ o o x ,44c

1jmnnih Apply TbllAil BLN

1 Rnfotita au. osar Hose st, l<(r _ Atiarand FrelingbuyiSD av., f i t Apply lo Wai J. M. HAVi ■

r iV ) LKT

LET. M AY '1, 4 ROnMH. aEC'ONH FiiOOli■ * aa?

ippl-J. M. h AVRH,Tu Hroadsu

FLAT COR. WAVRFILV I'l* AND1 taqrusrsetst.iall ImprovamtuLS. Iiiulrs

49a ISO SOUKliBBT or 167 MARKET.

m o r.KT 8 H'NIMH. *d FLOOR, M PLANK HT., I corner Jamai at,, newly pointaJand papsrwl:

(fill. A. B rN KIKN, Itl Higll st alB

r p » I.KT FdilH lUKIMM, uL lTA iiLK FoR I yoviigcoaptv H3HANKHT. Ub

T1 1 LEX- 7U


f lV ) LtCT~4 noOMa AND BATH. 1 H in ii HT.: also parlor floor. (lA


RGOMfl, FLA T N , ETC ,, W A R T E H .

Tp*OUP. FLATB, MOrHiCH. !gr HIFB, HALOONB IknanUK): all parts

charce, rants niflrH-teitrta o f d ty ; prSpariJ

. , . ‘ ie<tOtl> 11: RMaN. ranting agent, 741 Kprlogflflc] ava.


V'^RLINiiToN HT, 7* - - HKlight bousaketplag ; (l.W sad |1; respectatila


A CAnFMV HT , rsS-riJRRlHUED ROOM TViR Ilfbl hrmsekMpIng.

ly A N K HT„ « -T O L B T ,N lC E L y rURNWHED JXfnintroom.

/ irN TR K B l.. 14 FT'HNldUXDROOMH.WlTtI alllmprovenu^abt__________________________My

( UiKHTMITHT., W3 -RIPE. LARUE H(H)M TO let With aloova, furalabed or unfurDiabad ; alth


cbari; actkal rusaaurasaeaU; feboiaNuas Weir owudnaaarm . lassoa* oallmlMd.

L k DORN a lit Maiatt

FE B H U N A t.

A '* ’A * 'Inch*

TTR.NTinN LADI ICO-** EMMA ” BUHT I>*?al4>par will anlarga your bolt flva

inch**; guaraaiaad ; saalM loitruetlona Se, or 14 peg* lllusiraisd oatolugu* 4c, by PiualL Vh KMMA 'KJILkT b a z a r , Butuiii, Mow

A lKiPTION BRItiHT,I ......................

HEALTHY. BI.UE-syad baby buy ; all queailoaa answsr^ (NJl


|1ATTEN'H, rORMKHLY KR a RKTS CfUAB J Isior*. 472'* Rruad It. Prise drAwioi May W Wioaing auiobsrm. wotob. 1,396 ; eigan, tu . rlvg. 416. Jf nut oalieJ f<T by juut 6, tba abuv* wiU bs drawn for agsln Wadaraday, Juna 6,1 P. M. i

A H8IORKET4 n o t ic e TOCRXniTO^ - n o Ilea li hertby glran lo tha creditors of Chariss

l>B*ch and ( harjsa l« r^ngaubsrg. n^uan, ate., trodlBg andar tba name, ■tyl* and llrra of iMaok and Uungeubsrx, of tOasIty af Newark, oounty af Essex and “ tot' of New Jaratjr. that ail ololms agalnai their *M4M must ba aifalbitoJ lo iks *st>- ■rrliitr, tqalr asBixoae at his olflo*. No. 771 Broad strast, Newark, New Jersey, uader oath orafllrma- Uon, ua or Mfbre tbe olacieanih day * f Jun* nem being tha lima flftdby iha Urphao*'Court of the eouBiy #r t Max (or l ^ t pnrpoa*. sr ba laiwvaf barred from oumlmgln tor e dividend of ihe estate; and faht creditors hr* farther nollfled lhat a ika af tha daloiS again *t the said ( lisrtes lianob anduoariBS l« iAOgSDcerg. panmini, eiu, uaii>r^»ku.Will ba Bled wlih tbe Hurmgala nf the oousty or Ksoax on ib* lalH ainatiwnih d u of Jnni o e it whan axospiloas UhaiSio may b* fllad by any par'

CHARI, anD .M a iw u c , H. J , f i t r 1, A. a iim . *s?


n <x IJ'IHN. T!tA!(C;ie KKUIOM, CAM B t *oou*uilrd from X A. Ml to T P. IL ■2a JT Fk a R R U II ft .

J AIHKH, ATTKNTION I -MHH. ZIM UERM tR ittormarly with Kl'ue A Kunat) will optn adr*»‘

o lai' laitliw' Iialrdrtailng parlor on uf aowiit June 3 at TTI ilroad sL, ovsr Hitinlkftn A Br>alJlairs drv- (e o d is lorf, nsxi to Prademlai Buiiillof. ib

I ,Am|C<U-A FitlK.ND l -> NEKil Li A FKISRD Jludaad. ir

(HEIjluda^ Ifyau waalaramlab>rthitnev*rf»llf

' IWUM A .\'a M KI). HUM E N.V.

I A U IK iW H H IlN il KlUVATK VUMKiNil, 61 J110WARD, opp. taurllns st; eonfMeatUJ ireat-

msai; ialaata aiaptad; doctor In sttsadaiiioa 4lui^ 'i it .tw h a t 1‘kf :-<'s ir iJ'-w k Ha v e a l l k?tha oaw spring ttylas into wnlab is'ilsi' an I children's haU may beursased; over Rx) new ihapsi toseiacUrom. J. It. HK.NEUAR, JU Wasbia<to4 It , betwien Marksi nod Bank

r i i l lA T KLKUANT HK YITaR o r XXtllBL X tlon Id WliiM'n A Ca's wiudow, iU Msrktt au,

la to I s givan sway by June*, tba rrmtoniiai cigar man ; slop la cLod sae him; h* will aiplAlb all about I t u *

TO CBXDITOW^ Nottoa U hereby given te Iks cfadkart af

Char)** L. taugeBberg, o f tba uliy of .^awarlL county ol K*aex. and HLata of Naw Jetiey, that aU claims agaleit bla eeuw imistbs exhibiifElto »bs •ubKtiber. bis aii1|oss, at bw offloe, No. i71 Breed atrest. Newark. New Jsra«v, nadar oaib or sarisw tloB, on or briber (be uLneteanih day nf Jan* aas t batng lbs tlma Axed by tba orphaos* Court *r th* county o f kaeax tor that purpow, or ba fOrevar barrM irom enmlog In tor a dlvldand e f tbs astaie; and said craAlton ars fltrtb*r antlftad iba( a Hal sf Uia claim* agkinst tbs said (barlM l^ Ungenberg will be flitd with the Kursogale of tbe county of tasex.oti (be nald nineteenth day o f June next when. etrepiioQi thereto may oa (Had by suy pe^ aou Interested.

CUARLFH F. HE Hit. Aaslfoea Dstod Newark, R. J., May i, A. U. 14H. top

AMHHRKE'H NOlTt.'E TD CMRIHTOHN-- Notice la Hereby siren to ibe crefitor* e>

t'h*rlei Dcii'b. oltue « t y of .Mwark, i-uunty of Ksssk and 'U (S of .^ew Jer*ey, that all elalms acslnst bU salats u>uii be exhIbItHi tv ib* muE}- i^rltwt, his asilgnea, at h 'l orfice. R a T73 Broad luvet. Newark, New Jemay, under oalb oraHlrma' Uou, oa or betora ib* nliu-teentb day of Jus* next, being the lime fliatl by tlia < rplmat' Court of tba cuuiiiror Fasai Pir that ptirpuMi, or be ruravsr barn>i from cuining In fur a dUiilend nf tbe eecai*. and aanl cred lion ars rurther nullfled thai a IMt or th* rtaLo* sKkluai lb* said ( barlM iNiaob will be Aled with the rturrogsu of lb?i.t)U4ity uf Ksme on iha-tald Dlneieentb day of June i>er|, when e-t- cepilon* tUereto m*y be bled by any pema lo- laretted. .

CBAHU'f* t . IlKHtl, AHifllw. r AtHl ^rvark, 1„ Uijr I, A. U IxM. H i

BLItAPlIERV- ■dlM' iinivr hau p ram ) In all ih« lat*.)

ibapaa P. t'l 1ZPA I'H lcK, M UatKr >L, aaar bell tower. Mb


W A N T E D ,

A LL KJNIW c r BOTTLES ^ l ‘OHT AND ./\jioldstA. F B ^ K L ieJ l'i. 169 Newark It, 64c

liO O K H -W A N fE D , T o PURCHA A afo f i-AAb, lbs toUowIng law boeki i

T o PURCHASE. VHE4P, .................._ __ _ , . . ItavlsIuD of

Naw Jsrasy, Kupplacueiu lo Ksv1*>oa, ('baca'* or HI ■ - • - ------------I'oolsy'i Hiockitoae, Jaftory's

OrasuisafoD ■ videace. AddrsiLaw PrsoudsBia

Bi.ALM dTORb7^k Xi» Xswteffloa

COLLECTION'* OF MTa MPS. COIRA OLD gold and Mlvsr bought at

170 VERRIER ’S, W Broad it.


“ o»*b.-W a n t e d , s m a l l b a f Fa, c h e a p fo rLQaVU. BJi Broad It. 1

MUnf6'j*T THICK PAID FOB OKRTA' CAST- oITclotbing ; orders by iqati promptly sttoBded

ta J. MADA.HaKY,MCommerseM. 4lb

X motnia all ImprovarnsBto IHUarildfl, fraruabouMof II rooma sulUbI* tor

twofaoiUleaKl itolleefils ava. toot of HliKunflaid ave,, torts

itore tisx4uj; 8 dwslilnf Too/ui above, wuh all Imiirovemenix

XAO ('ehtrai avs., 7 room* and beth.6Mif4 ceuirai ava. 7 r>oini and b*tb.Apply to

FRANKLIJ? M. OLtlB,■Pin Fruilaotlal Bulldiiig.

r r o LET-NO. 99 COURT NT.140 PEA MORTH.


'|M1 J.1 10 r

KT-BHICK JIOIKHC NO. 14 LINDKaR HP.; reoms: all ImproTsmsiua. laqulrs L (t,

‘ 7 » l .............KkMPF, cars Hloutoaburib A Cft.,It,


1*tnt HALh -un’T Il KKIIITK.KRTII MT„ 6 mom*, ti.eiu ; uiulU >'<>uri*eu(b «t.. 6 room*,

(l,riu; ton**!.. 7 riKuiui, II !a<i: I'amdart si,, k>t niiiry lioui', wldi drtvewiiy. fl.lKi: A 'Wdomy bL.i ’J room*, ; MuM‘b>r.»ir hU, osar Kim. ll

.^ A lF y E lt A CJ.. UU «P,rlu|flel'JQyMU-evyiuujJ;:. ._____________

i . io j i hALK wrb H AV 1-; * emoD s t o n e1' pi-ujisrly un l(1ootnHe:c| are; lot fiwUng two lirPBpt; nsw Kiorr anil L rt^nuii prina (4,760.1 orner pru|>t»rty nil Fi rry *t., ilu'iOla Mtore aad 14 ro.mi*. (6,T(k). * 1*0 (WO gugd r-i»ii iu>u*« uropartlr*. F. ilraVKRA (X)., 11)1 sprlDgtlvJd ava OpsueveO' lni:i. ____________

rin i i '*\ i,r d k ^ iu a h l k u >ik i r wnon-. Hide, (iue hl'ick from Hteitn uad elecdic car*,

f4T'i;aii(i Foreft HlH. M(< Pm>p«<u and utbtr eeieaiwriiif avsumi^, lull frmn(0iD to (7UU; lerimi easki aod ai%i»uinu4 given u> lUuse aaslrlng to lfuU4. I>a SIi ANL I.ijAN Cvi., 747Uruail * t . i'oum 1. J r Mii,.4UAN. Managar.'Hw

I^ iim S A l.K im U K M ’- Kl.SK THUCtt F.iUM,' ©i'iiHl*(iTie»»fab'jiiii bi-'vikij«ora*‘jf o l<ilv ci;t,-

yaiail ami. wiih Iniim nd iiern. luuulo i at ( i* Haml)urgi>;< 'e. un I withiiioiiy Ntoiii: rouialilvi hmnlrwl u«Ui-kri |>f>r Addrei* H.'.WK4 APH 11,1.1 P<s I III i Si \V< I ;i K ’I. New wk. S . i gib

i.-oHl n a I.K, Ji iMN>'«>R AVK.. l.iiT 25X18S;bim-'ennw; M m«mB. 1d< Imling bnthroum ; all

tiiiwiprn ...................... (1r4i ito<ir. UuHlied In iia(-urol wixmI , a Lmrgoto : prOe f4.*nu.1 h, L >-( ll\VAK/.,'2io .Vurkatii

1;viK~ KAI.V IKIWLANII Al,; I.o t i lX W : )ion* e :i Hlury 12 rinm*; whI«-i , et'wer aatl gus ;

rsutctl at In |i*‘ f I t'liL p* n-e (I.’HMJ.1 li. J<. hi'MW AN/..‘Jin Market It.

USA S'. lEnr-’ K a M i W AKKMARnve.: hon*e • ohtini* in routn*. ail in<i>dera Iu3-

r|10 LE T-TW O HOCSErt. Rn. H MONT- Igom arysX ; 4 rnnnia, all ImprovamsaU ram

116 per meatb, lunolre 6r hTOUTENHOHOH Acn., 79J-^ Brosi

'P O L E T1 be tot In sni

Ueilavllleava lagnlre61 w

TWO SMALL HOCSFJI. ONE CAS tot In spartmeoM. CrliWndan it, near


BAC K PWEI.E.INO HOUHH with tan roams :all tuodera ImprovemeuU, st

XJ4A Utfllevllis ava Imiulre at ivy 87 HQUTH CANAL HT.

r p o LKT -A1 1


llUoa. Addresa X., Hex B, Rewsoflioa 44b

« y

( 4LIRTOR NT.. 74 gSBllsnieh only.

•rURRlhUED HOOM^ F »Rtlo

I -IIT A.NTXn-YuUHOLDOOLD AMDdlLVKH;I TT ws pay haotst prides tor It lo large or email I qaautUtoAT6m A, D. flKLOVKB, 7 PrtideaUai BuUiilag.

t iLIRTOR 1room fur gentleman



PL, M FC ttN iaaE D ROOM IX Fh l vata tomby : |1 week, l4o

I.^ABT PARK ST.—NICELY FUHNIKHED 4Toam with private fim itv ; geutlamas dutbg

buiiDais la Row York, pratorrad. Addrcea 1 W „ iMnt K, Raw* efflo*.

I jiPANKLIR HT., V - T i L i r , FOUR FX’ H- utobadrouAki: all newly tornlsljad ; bath and


iiy; centrally lucatad. Atldr^eePH1VATE» box U, Rswi uOlce.

HAI.uKV HT.. At2-FUUNH1IKD KUUMS FOR llfbt housakeeplug ;a11 prtoaa 67b

I AWHENCVBT., ll, fJl'PO. (JLINTON'Rl.E- jgaiit fbralahed rooinato latfor genUameB (S itf:

■very cuaveuiehce ; do board, * V c

Ma id e n l a n e . i4—r ic e l y f u b x is h f d front room* to let cheap. tSc

MULBERRY RT., IMfL toralihed roems io 1st.

-VURNIHHKb a n d CN-

r i ’RI L K T -I IO O 'I* MS'* Buuril SIXTH H 1’.. 6 I rooRiH. bmb and laundry, water and gae; rant

(J8. lMi|Olra'37. _ _ «6b

L K T - 10 JtOOUH; EXTKN41UR bKlCK huase, Nd. 11 BurnetxL imiulra


MUI.HKBltY HT., 203-FUTlNIHKKD BOOMH for light homekaeptof; all pncis. 4Sb

f IM)I 1

BT., » - L a DY a # FORNlNHkn HLK)M- mat*; (1; also fumlabed tiOQt parlor wUh

plnno. Ic

f| ’»0 L K T - ‘«5CAI.L BIHCK MHU.'lK, I K amT K lN X flV HT.. larmi ( l l

NO. 76 Apply OQ


lie It ABO HT. roiuu to lo ll with gas andO


NICELY FURNIh IIKD of bath; terms



t \ o o to r BHinriHM hKMvniE^^ a r r « a f e ,1 i^sura aiideftoctiva Try Ibero and yon wilt bs coavNicad. Hli 4'iirativt Olntoaeut sure* burnt, bnil-H, ecatda lU'h, fbUblaliti. one ndnuisiars fur Miindgla and loothacbs (ontward Bppdcsdon only), and islieve* all r*ai troubloa i sure cure b t p l^ lile .lltovantorcuMfi catarrh. MU Chill (.'urakis Ou equal, aiul the l.oxig ood Throat ilsaior acto Ultsiiiagla JOHN HDHEU'iHON. 87 Elm *(.f Raw- ark. For sole by leading dniglsts. fits

^ \ l ( . HOLMKH’A h p k c if iu a huhc a n dJ /pualtlv* cor* tor all tomato Irrsgularitlsa. Ad- dross 146 rartidsn st: 0. b. Hmllb, Ml Broad SC, and all drugglsU. Price(L tent by mall, sob

u a s *a <-f: a n dI THOKr.taaoit OKYHKH, .... .. ..madica) aiootrVoiiy. 6U W Kvr k i r N r v hT.

Espaciol oare lo hidiai undar elanirlc (raatznsnL 84«)

F l^ 6 ] 'O iA 1 4 .


- ROPUHALa ^pOMli tor sldswolk sD'

Uts eoat sids of (!erUandt eirael,

LSC INDOIWRD “ PRO.aiKi orsiMwaik contlrumloa

ewived bv the Township (knnmUtM nf tba Towa-iblp of itoliavlha until An . . . __6. 1684. for ih« oonetructJoa of HldswaU and eruie

will be re- tba Towa-

M. sf Tueedsy, Junewaiki on tbesast sldeof Certtondt street belwveq William end Milletreet*. itsltovljle, R. J,

Bidders will mak* two laparate bids, mavksd ar*t and *acoiul, and wUl state prlo* lu wiiilug as w*il 0* flguren.

Ftrsl Hid—Fer sutoitonliat itedlbgi 4ht furnish- lag malarial*, the imtuiaaiai indmx and the Isy-

M T Y A P V K B T IB K ii EWTBk ^

OFFICE OF TH E BOARDOF MTRfKT ANDWater Oonamlsatouaraef Ibe city of Nswark.

Newark, N. J > Ray 11, IMI ' Aeatod proposals will be received allhleofllbi

UDlll 4 o’CiocJt P. 6f. of Monday, tbe elcvtoth day of Juba llM, tor ibegrallng and vurbljig of

FlFrKKRlM AVJCNUK, from tbe Old City line to (he nrwwbt citv Hue

J h« Eotmirtng 1* about the amount nf (he work la bedobt sad lb* msieilals to be fuTnIabed Ik the eonsirMctloa and oi/inpteilou of said work :

Klsbiy-tour buodrad il,440i cubic yards of ana baak1n*lit a)aaHllr.‘d in pheai.

lorty-oM huadred !410U) cubic yard* of saeavaF Uon. •

1 hlnyelgbl buadi«l (1600) tlavai Met of D-lach curhetoae,

ihiriy-toar hnndred (646Q) squsra toot of orooe walks

Hidden will itate their prkMs In wrlilug aa wsU as in tlgurea.

Hlddere nust spsclly in their proposal that, sbouid lbs above taork ba awarded to (beui, tbay will bled themsslvas to flnlsb and cosapie(a<hs sama within eliiy o'*iuw(.’Uilv« working day*.

'Ilito plana aad apeelAialloite of the nerk oan be examlnad l i the ulhc* of ih* Board of fltsat and Water (PnimlaslonarSk Nr. 1J8 llaJsay streeu f aW propowla to be aooonipiuled by in* consent ih w rIV- mg, of two BuzeUeS. whu shall, at (b* Urns of pulfiuf lo socA proposata qualify a* to tbalr raapoBSlblU y >U tbe aOMHiiH of such prupoiai, and Mod ihamsalvaa that, If the eeatrass be awarded to the person or ps SORB making tbe proposal they will, up«>i Ito being 00 awarded. b«c >rao bts or their su retire tor me tallhful parrormarkoe oreald work ; aadUiat If Uia person or penous omit or refuse to eiucute such cootrafOt, they will pay lo Ihe diy of Nawiuk any diltarenoa (HMueaii tbn eunu lo wbloh bt or ihay woQld have MwA eotltled uponeompiellou oftb* cootrari and that wtiL h lbs city of Nflaarli inay h« obliged to pay the perron or pareoM by whom •uobooairaut shall be exeiated.

lb* Board of wtraat and. tVatsr ChmiuUilonsrs oflbaclty of Newark, resorre to OhamMivM tna right to aosepi or lulact any or at( prepvsato mr Ih* above work, a* they may deem bait tot the lutarasi of the city.

Rtdaeri and mrailas ora hereby ooDfled tbal un­der the ptovlsions pl tbe sevenib saatloa ot tba law crasUof tba hoard of ntrast and uatorftommls- iloosn, spprovad March to, INK, that tbe bond of biimlalo ba given tor Uu falthluL exocuilcm and perfitrniaJioc of said public work *haU flmt be approved a* H> mitflclsacy by tbe board, and os to torm by ib* <^n**l of tbs Board, and os Miiinct shall bs blading on Ihe cliy, or bevotiis aftot^vs or oparatlvs unlU sudli uood to so approved; and tbe Freeldeut of the Hoard ihalt uAve powsy to eiamliia tbe propueed boodw men under oath, if be ehall *0 desire, or *baU b* as iDStruoiad by the board, but the board will not bs b iund by any Msiemeut Ibat may be made by inch propo^ boiidnrufn, bol shall have toll power and absolute dlKrsUon In tn* whoi* matlsr, aad Uilsfiruvialon shall b* ralkrrsd lo In any adverilaameul Dvltlntf bill* tor any such public work, jt y direction oftb* Board or nlraec and 'Water

CYimimMiODSr* Of ths city of Newark.CI1A11. MAHI1H,

gja Cleaexal SuperlatspdentofWorfcl.

preijilsi■tl^'ANlUNUTON RT.,.6n3 -l'<) LKT. TIIHKR- TT Mory brIoK bouas, Id rooru . Impta, reatflO;

No, SI reBDlngioa at., Uiree-atury irsuie. icrtianir, liuiiLa, rent (ftS.84b__________ JOHN JAMKHiiN. 188 Mark.'t *t.


n iirar. w a n tk d , aboui’ a roomh, w ith tniprovementa. In guod iieicbborboud ; rent

list over (40U. AdUrsMiuo HiiUNFj Box V, New* oniiw.

Iyi.LM HT., S6-PI.EANANT FiniKtH llKI) troni room*, tultabis for light hoii4ekeop1ng. 84c

fTOOM TO HFNT—H A V K A VKRY P1.KAH. .ItAiit fiiriilinrd front rooia In prlvstu family;

t lo ba«lD*a« osaire, rttijiitre at II H a Lh u Y h i ., near west I'erk it.

eltusisd right lo basloea* 7c ............. .

tlUMMlcU AVK., 114 - F(rHNl8llED nfrtJiu ■ ’ ■ ■ ■

..................... ___ riu 'K it... ... room to one or twn Hingis gcDtlsiuvni

toruw reasoiiabls} rsfafancaatsqstred,________ 96o

rpH IR TK E N TII1 and illgb

and gs*.

AVK,, 44. iiF:r* iiaw .^ iu ) i t i —Nlooly (urnisbed ruom ; iMtth


tkruvVinvUH . t rju's vvrr e : iirlc** f-t.-MiU.II. i;. (VAN/, :io Rarkel at,

I.'iilt h a lk’ le.'iil'i K| :


G ood CoiulUion <»f tlia F , 1(, A* A . A.T l » biuliipw o ( Uie J‘«Malo Rlvi>r AnuiMur

Ito w iiig AuHH'lattun wu, nut e iid «t fo r the •MKiu lu t owliit; to the fnlluro o f Aquorum to niqioar. Tlie delAgetoa urownt b r ldaeorb o f informal inai'tfn^, auil after lookiuit over tho acconuta thuy found Umt When nil clabui .hould ho oo llo oM in d out- ■Undiug U lU paid thers wouU otlll be rDouah money In the trm iiury to enable thu fMoc|atjoB to make a rebate to each o f Uie

Com m itted fo r A llo g n l AUatiipU 'il Asaanlt.Juim Kheritlan was I'oimiiitU-d fur ttis

Bctlim o f Um Grumk Jury tbU luornlu); by Jiiilgi* K|ci;nrs at Fuurih I'reujnrt Hto* tiun uu tlio uf iMcrtug nHom|iiyi1 toUNUiuit l.mtiaii Driiht, uf UOl Bctiiiuut uvoniin, ou till.* niL'Iit o f Miiy'JU «a*i iiowvl-(liuiru ut ibu sthtiuu-liouse, Nhiuidaii huvinuiin^ii amwltnl oil (I wum titt ittul ..... .wiiliuiit u hcrnTtig. Thorn U aiiutlu'r (“luiriio of iiHnniiit )tenUin(C u^ainit Itim. Du to a leather wurkor by occiHuitioii, aud twouty* tlii'wj yi-ars o f bbu.

Hnppuped to Ite Insane.For tevera l days John O’Uomior, of

KlirihtrocL hnx In’cn nctiuK iitruur:Hy, au<l jM'jiUTiluy hto w ifu very rcIiioUuiily con- rJuiliM Hint h i'w jw itiHdiie. Fi'aniiK that be ijiililil burm hiiiDuilf 4»r oilier* uiie invoked Ih eu iilu f rulii-emHii .Sohilh'r nud Slif|i(H.>rd, ot tlieThlr<l ruhi'u Tni'in i't, who bK»k Uis mull to tbe HtAtUiii-hoUM\ where ho to bcUl jieutliiig (Ut t'xmiiitia(iu)i by l^ulico buri;oun L'liirk.

V- ----------- ♦ ------ - ' ■ — —1>1| T h ir ty Fe i'l uiitl llrok e Ihe Nnes.

AVillle MniiKor, wbihi pUiyluK on thu arnf- fulil o f a building iH'htK t'nt'U'ii next to Uiq iiuine uf hlk piirtuU uii W all nlrtH 1, Irvlnj;" ton, fell A dihUiNcu o f th irly fi'L't ychturday uftoruoou 11 (id broke hie u<*hi,

I X N i :\ v j i a w K V -

Kx-roaurusstimh Ikrtfvti, who wiia erltlckUy 111, 1* bleudily Impruvlhg ul Id* boiun In I'aiu dull.

A cow IX'loiigIng to Thomas Millor, at Glau (Jurdm-r, wan atuiig by a liulTidu (ly and died Ml n few liuurH.

k Is estimwit'd Umt the Wrry crop cif riivuth Jcl‘Ht-y JuiH been damaged hy Uierecent KturiikH,

lioxellu Loveland, the lldrlocn-year-old Mt. Holly boy wlm rt^blnul ld» parcuis ;iiiil held up

.......Jhtf ifuHu o f « toy rcvolvur, \\m■yedorriaj' hcnt to the Reform Hchotd.

.VsttLitoiru, met dentil lu a |)«(Milinr nmiiner ychlcrday. U'ldlo uu the etreui he hegnu roughing, during wJiich he broke A bliKH) vcsfitil. Hu dli'd In h fuw mlu* utc.s. .j,,

AuUukhnwn man, aiippowd lobe a Immp, was struck by an eahtbuuiid patiscugrr trjdu at Uurllikgtuu yq*l(4i<lay akerhutm und was ItisluNtly kllied. ill* body w'an literally broken to ple.ces.

The sehoouur A , F. Crockett, ot nucklalid, Mu., whiub VftN wrouked ut llarvt^y I'valars during tixu recent gale, MHl hujito together, ami tbere ia a la ir pruspcctof saving bur. H rrcargo wae »o 1d yestehlay.

i<lx freight cam on the Caiinlen and A lU u ltc lUilroud at tha fiHU uf Vine ('umdoa,hruko loune during u drill yceicrduy uud ran mto the conuuclod with theKn1okerbockef"b ‘o Company’s building, de- nioUsbiag the iimchiuery. U. Fruuk lhiimy,uf CM}>l>er Htroet, bud a lag broken Iti two plaues, and Knglueur James Wesiuott barely esL’iipt'd wllh blx llfo. W eiicu tt waa knucked to thei river bank, and oa Its was ralKecl from the ground the plecex uf tlio ouglnu uud sliafling fail on the spot wbsrs ho hod boon iioudiug.

mu'sK a n d i.'-'r K o r n i m o H* h 11H • 4 r. Dim urut ROml fnilar ; cUy ll.uVi. II. K. ^i 'HW a UA J1U Markel


I^nw h m .' \vm - kv <\ . I.or iixinn, i iu Dhr6 r Hiim. Wiih-r Kii 1 KHwtT, siTHei >Aved ; price

(l.MO. li. I'. HrllW Ml/, JKi Merkel hL 1

I.L I'.IKM l>i .\i KKS;(!i6IALLHOt'^lEanil bum: prli i*

1 II. K. srilW A ll/ , 710 Rarkrtlt.

TO I jE T -O U T o r TOW N,V. S-'WWwWyWV'• - .

VMHFRST ft!',, 185. KAH'I' OHAXOK. N. J, - To 111, fbrnlihel room; braakra^t KdsMrad. i

T T l k X HIDOK^ V'lo le t fir sunairver nr by (be ypsr. tornisbed hoiiH*. 13 room* aud ImprftvaniHUt*; lut lUOxKM; T liilnuHs' walk from railroad stetinn.1 A. H. H a ZKLITNK, Brood HCr»«l,

“\\fAHKE.N ST., n 5“ FrRNfHKKDROOM Tf) TV let: lifUt bsuaakaapliig, wlthwster. , 76b

AHIIINHTON Hi'., aOl— LARo K AND TT etusli akeJy furntshed rooms, cheap, wb

WAHMINn roX «T ., 481- I ’WO Rl>OMR. Fb'R- eUbed. for light bsuoakaspiug, (H6Q weekly. 1

i rAUlllK 'N* V V rH’ VN^

Mirvej i.i an 1 itotlerlii lta,il F.«Ke. : 'l iiim.Mj hT.

FkleUtyl'IllH < o liniuiuif KHatoedlvlilel. llUiaieeorvsl tv ■»! pr M'iri/ giv- 1 ___________

X T T W IlODftE Tn LKT-4 HOUMS; HATH- rortTO: all Impmvsmanu; on i Ibsny si, Wmi

tiraiiiR ; coavsDlani to eisctrlo rur*. Apply FJ.uMrNOH, DKUMMOND a CU. 108 Wstcliunx ave., W ist t l r s u g e . __________________ 77s

M p iEnenX iiv ._ h e v k .n r o o m « ;'oHy Water iKt-ioar. ikadM.

I7t R. WUiTK, l46Day!it.,Orapga.

A ftMAU,Tb

J I EA IHJI'J 1 HON‘ HI Kt: M'tC'il

I KON 15K U . KKTATB; MY- 1 ■> hlrduve. 1

n mi\ Ml'.pMVMllUfUlt.

tsgee. (JOf'su ilu

IliC iK . 11 R H M \ IM- L ''.'xU'i; ktoo 8 fiinillMd cat- .(d<lr,<a.N'i\ .1110, ChHisn orova

I A a ii> L. i i .w - ,

UEAEi;H IN UKM. i i VK.4N’ D AI’ rflAlHKFk N< \ 719 NN i.A h '1 . neer it)«* f'utttonbM.

\'ahiMtt(MH uiuN-ui .i].|iruve 1 Atilt uulmproreil proiiar^y ; divi i- . i . s.iiirv Nu'jIiu. iw

N’ KW H O f’-l lwof.in.lNr>

dtiHir, Ajipl.v pNf M . V. -

• i.N s(U n f TKNTri 8T,, FORAll I'upruveiueuU; cktH po*« (ha

n .!..fti7 |*rurtfnllal Ilulldtug,

1 > i :a i . i-yr \ 11: l.\h


u.- \U ’ AT -A llA llflA lN , tot* DU ;i\ h huiulre Dr wrN* to

iAd i'- J iSl'KM.t.v, ‘J><4 Hiiiigerdon at.

irMMKll AVI 1 i v r S‘ i:W IbHMj.;. t HIII- uintilPB: all IniproveiuauU |

lui tot lid ; ivrH!«-1 . •' >. ( ‘i;n In u HMkp.I M'. II. ]<(fW K, I4T iiiuouillaid ST*.

i^rOLMiis: 1

vvi II STiKl*:. MhVK-V : « I'-j na*t-r und n «t#r: tor 12.300.W 11. ..mM'J . H7 llluuiiilleldavei

a v k I in k in ■ k s io h y bl’-s i-jjp-a cur-fr ( " o i t*- lint-ptooe for nfiigktorS;

iicnrUr m-.'l

i nlW. ll, U« »\\ K, 147 HiomnfleM ave.

Will buy r.:: slory lr;uuo lioiin'‘s of 6 r<iqm* each,

111 good ICK'.UIon I nl vmN pay fiam ;Xi to 26 par

ceSL so pil 'o S'‘ it<‘ i.

lOoA im ilH l DEVINE,

17 Market nt

M f ’> ' Itm'HK (>s roDiiiH, water anil

lawer; wiT buv q biick iunisv on Norih hevi ulb *■ r MiMh anil (>4ir i i ; (':.0UQ will.buy iXlvH U r. (>m liD.f-.- >iir Kcaray *t, wntar and- Htvrer, mid utiiuy iiih>*r hniYiiin at I i: \V|'.'», 147 lUobmllsId sve.

k h a l k b t a t l vnn ftALB->ovTrn w %

nUuintlleld.^ r./W iM n K U > t’ llOPiCHTY FO H S A La

Located Q.ar Ut* D., L A W.UaUeoad; elsa of proliarty 7Vx I 'j. tmiiie cHiisiu* ivii room* and bilbroom; lis.'. ran^e. inrnacs.em.iall ia good qua dltlon.

TKIlMb llkAftUNABLft.Inquir*

MYRON W. MOJLSE,139 Th rd nve.,



H nVSE FOR SAL'-: n r o o m s ; n e a r ALL nulruhis: all lui'irovameiiU; 1o( 43sllb;c1Ky

wnrsK vveii. Hta'ilp, ha.iiivry. ki 'hud 26 fruli ir*a%beautiful lau n fmot attl biclc: switer dedre* to . . .Jvarfclly: r«m'<DU*(il* price. Ut W iL L U M Bl . Orooge.

-Aqulr* uu P^eml^M

HTOKEH, U T r r a , ETC., TO LK T .

HL'HINo h IX)1'''r!S TO RENT AT 116 A.ND 13J Market at; good buslnns locotloa :»iittsiila |q?

Ll|ht maauratTurlug.6b ' ‘

Apply to J A M U L. HAYH.T4I Brood It

msli'rtalA ihe IncldsDtal grsdiM. (orhlug, fleg. glmrend linlnhiug thnse porlloui srsldewslke that shall I to st auiff* st Uie fnlarsectlun of atreeU.

Ing sod dutolilnx o f onaswalke and tbe fbrnlehliigori ........................... ■■ ■ -[find lint____ujjf* .......

^e^oDd HliTSFor furotohldt rosiarljil. lAoliantal ffradius and riirblng, flagging snd flaleklrigsf all alilewslkn In fruoi o f or borderlag upuq any lotof > laml.

Ibe onmmlttse rtearvs ths right to rrtset any or all bids

Plant Slid ipeeldcstloni may basssmlsed at Iht omoe or Frai'clMN) A Darknom, eurveyora, 76(1 broai) At, New ark. M. J.

Frapo.«Blsto be nent to N. W. DNDIH'WDOD, Cbairmsa of Towoidiip Commltlae, Bellevllla. V. J. 63a


C^'ripons's for iltlewalk and oroiswalk cooetruo tioii on north *ido Of Mill street and 4 part of Malt) trreei“ ttIU ba rvosived by the'lowdihip ComnJtiee of tbe towniblp o f llelievllle until 8:4 T. M, ot I'livsdi^, June 4, IBM. for the coDitrucdon of atdewAlk and eroaswalks on tha norlb ilde of Mill street, becwoea Waehlnatso avenu* to (he line ol Main 6(reei, and tbenes along the west aide nf Mein street to tb* sobUi tide or ftohuylsr avsmie, tiellevllls, N. J.

Bidder* will moke two saparate bldt, marked first and fecond. and will stats prlcsi lu wriliuc aa well a4 in ngtii

6'lr*t Kid -«For subatattUal anulihg, th* Incidental gradlngand ihs laying and flnfablng of oreeawblks an-l the furatoblnv o f material* uad ih* laoldental

SO r lH HT, IJi-OHANOK, N. J.. lionss and store to rent.

f| iu rT n r ri)H I'HKPl'MMEU FLKNIBIfKD I houssal Madifoa, N. .T., fourteen raomA InnhM-

Invbath : gpouiid* well *hM*d ; bvn mlimts* front tUlion. Addres* P. fX BOX ‘lA. .Madtiun. S. J. Tlr

^ t r A H H hT., (»RANOK-TO I.K1\ lIOtl.sK 9 TT loom* 1 ell ImprovemenU ; nnsr eleot^o shd

iieam rsiiroods ApplvOb 136 W ILLIAM KT.. rriQC*.

/tnJIMEUCK HT., S -TK PE B LOFTK \ ■ otfloe purposes to Jet chsttp.______

/ IOMMKIRIBhT., L in ‘, BTOHE; l^ftKD\ BN gcurary store to? piot tS year*; rent (16; also two tloorN above store to 1st. iOc W U. A. WARD, 4 Aogderoy et.

/ IDRNKH AT RK, W IT H 6 BfWRS.'TO LET \ Hi barxRlti; (to ; good localioa i suKobls tor any b u 11 ne*%. B. U i:HA?<E, 4b4 Hfoad SL 1

I AJUiK STUKE a n d c e l l a r , M CLl.NTO.Y 4«i.'.6 roumt, alt Improvements, 14 Clinton at.; i

rootna ID LlOsviy *t.; 6 room*. Id Orchard si»4m h . k i n n a r p a c a , i6 ciintsosi


A A .-O H niCE APa RTMBNT; 6 ROOMh ; elow to good fhuHIf.

MARSH,» Lnfayeusei

-ItOOMB. FLATS, IIOUSHM, KTDHKH, BA- .•louhs (0 let; all parts of city. Call al (icure, EHMa N. reiung agant, i l l Hprlngfleld ave. 6Tb

\HF.AUTIFDL FLAT F R N6:N|’ AT SlXOAlK tide Bt.. six roams and Mperate hailiroom : this

Hut ta Mt ‘ eparale fui nai*. rn'ipe. Ntorogit spore, eold reltor: basdumb wuUer.aleclrtotavll, gs*.env.ere.; Jiiat been handiii>inel>' papsiitti, and will ba vaiiKd reotouable lo Hgbt party.

UVKUN W. MORHE. m I bird av«t

FABTMKN'fW ‘I’O i.KT OF 8, 4 OR 6 .iVrooniH *14, 10and 13 Ksho* it.; ItaDrouglily ren­ovated and under new inaiiavpment ; rente modcr at*' cons'enierirs* tor leoAnta. Apply to Mum, KAN2f.EH,14 kSHtXBt., gr to J. ll, Meeker, 874 Fnideflllal. ________' 5‘j f

A p a r t m e n t sductltm.E KROKR


“ FOR IIK N i'" AT A HE. MYRON W. MOUHR, tU Third avAl

HTm 3M Fl.AT C»J.\TAt:iN(J 6i h

o rnnR a n d t h u e k r o o m s t o l e t .P>p ---------- - -?piy 43 MAPLE HT., Kearny.


OkTb w m i POWER a n d ST^AM illCAl',

New bulldlof; llfbt oU issuai rent oolersi*


Waxtilnf Ion Wllean.

X fA lD K N LANK, T-TO LKT,HTABLFS OSH i v l vrlih 2 MtAiie and one wRb 8 stalls, with shadrootu for wegunatob JOHN JAUKHCW, 186 Market st.


\ IU L n K R R Y _____ ____ - ...........jlV 1 lo 1st, with A 10 or l i Ntalle and ■lied room.

LKT, VVri'H toiVtER ALL IM ^rovemsDta: waV” " inquire uf NAM

1 ^J IprovemsDta: wall sr, inqiilreuf NAM C4^ .. sl..ot engineer an th# premiMA'

tjfbisd. No. 14 nnUDlNOr ■''ML U|£||ftY,74D Broxl

'Usttphuoa Na 27h

rooms; lniprov*ma»ii; rest th ApplyMHft. V. i.wWV, 1«7 llunti-rdou *t

l>LKKr'KERBT-r-I07-'rO L ft. 6 N ll^J lluumlry ; bath ; oh Impruveiuunu, Inquire 1 191 BHiKvD j»i., fiiu>y*tore.

■ liH K IN T N A l.L JxamiUl flats, Aand meniM. Ingulri' to N

PL. 11, (CHa Nk k d T0»-4 and 6 latx* rooms and Impnjve-

•• 1J80N P L 1UC

t lL U n r X AVK..W -TO LET /nut rooms, with waiar.


C " ' - “


m >(KT * s n HU rotim,.ta I,t I Will lie-

Bt., SI ..^VOLKT; n v o iis

ONW N, •«

a .

. ____ IMPHOVK-_________ lir HOUl'H-TKJCfH »T „near (jtntral ava., RoMvLlla. i4t>In iVE TLBAHANr RO'IMft.ALL

’ mrfiti, Ar^l floor.

' flat Imptovemenix.JhCUUATED


I71L A T -T O LET. 4 ItOJiWH : ALL fMPhUVE- . inent*; rant raMOuoble to good teaaoL

itr " 68MI’. j* iiu »p iicT AVk.

i SLAT-HRUNHWICK HT.. IMof fly* rotmg briok houa*. $J an I (Ip.

TO l e t , f l a t Mr

IALATHTO L><: i'UF4 A.SD4 li J O.S U: N'' tralsv*,. nt*r .Morris ava. and 1 ant 4-moo

flats Ob purysa .Hl.; no trmihle (asoow t.ia 11 rMi Wand (to. Ihqnlre In Ibctorjr,78n COR. CKNi'rtAL AVK. ' ND DURYKAHT

15t.lTH lT7H KNT~l4 LFKOH Hf., 6 ROOMS . 0((>I>rr), 116 par tnuntli; 41 Kurnet *(., 8 rnoius

amibxtn, |16 jur numlh • " ......... . ‘ *■|l6pevinoaUL

I 9 OrliieudsA eh, 6 roonvL Apply lo '

V a ADAMM^Tti n*o*q«a

1,Ai, .T N T O L K T IN ftitlCK How «S TO iH . B*qnn .U, n «v ir 4n»ri<i«l, w iu .dl Hupig.^

in*tm, U) uuUl taiulim IwiulnA, lU iW tS iii, W B liW u llim

1>(tnM »-TO LKT, P I N « OTORR ASD TWO A IrooiiiK iindalllnip., rant (30, and 6 ruqtds oa 6d floor. rant.(ia Apply 111 HKLMONT AVK. « b

I.K T-W H O LE OR PAK(* OF ga store to Town Talk Kuildiog,

to] Market jiU, Ht le i ; rant very low.6iw Apply loft. K. B A K k M u huildlsg.

WJT»Hh; ..............t^handnoma large store la


STORK TO LET.Uultierrr at. n*i

Ingulrf J. VVlriS4l«Qyi.

.... W ITH FIVE Mulberry at. near WaluiUst


rw Brand at


O T O ll i - 't o T.fprv; ftlOHK AND ROOMS, (Ik ^Inquire «BAN l>FO lU )ftT . ♦ .1

I grading, nirolug and flogging of (bosa portiun* of I aidewalk* that ^balt iteoi iheanglsi ailnelattraao ‘ HouigretraeU.

Ket iiid Kiri-For fiimliblng materials, lacidebtal frsdlniand nirblug^ nagging and linhblugof all sPiewalki lu iroht sf or bordshag upon any lot uf land.

'I be coioinlltM raeam Iht ligbi to rclect any or ail btda.

Pluni and ipKtQoTilons may ba axamlnad st toa otbi'c of Francisco A Rarkhoru. surreyors, 760 Kroad Htnat Newark. Y, J.

I'roposala lo bo sent to II. W, tiNP6;BWOOD, CJialrman Township COBiialiUe,fisUsi1ll*, N.J.6Qa

OEALEJ) FRUPOVAIaH. lN|X>RaBn "PRO- r^potoli tor sidewalk eunttnicUou on th* eouiK side or lornlemoii itreei," will be recalved by the 'lowDitalp L'omiiiHlaa nf th* township of HallavKla 1)0111 81b P, M. of luawloy, Jtio* I, I69i tor lbs con- RlrucLloa or oMawolks and croeswalka an Ihe tonita ■Uie orjoraiemtan fttre*(, batwoso Main lUast and V'luhlagioiiavanua. KelieviRa, N. J.

Rlddsrswlll -make two asparat* bids, markfrtt ; first nnd second, and will slate prlOes In wrUiag w wall s* In figures,

Flrat nid -Kor subatunHal grsdtns. th* I00I- dentM grading. Uie tornisbiiig end layJbg or i'WA- walks, Ibe relaying or eobble pi!(ar». tha Inrtilantal grading, curbing nnd flagglDg of Shosa portions of alitewalks tbal ^ball Its at tbe angisal thaluto^ seetl >n uf streets.

earami Id - or flirnlihlag maternr IncldeaM grading and curbing, flnggliig and tornliblhg of all Bidewnika in frmit or or burdarliig iiiioii anylolof Inml. * I

The Committee nsarva the righi to rsjectoayor all bids.

Plans and BpeolfloatinDs may be axamlned at Ihs office or Vronritco A Darkhorbi surveyors, 710 Broad strset, Newark, N. J.

Proposals lo bo sent to TI. W. ITHnERWOOD, Chairman Towuslilp Cotamiuea, nslltvllls. It.J, 6*a

H[-:a LK|i PHUPufJAL^ TNDUHb'J) ’‘ PRO- poaal* tor sidewalk nnd croaswalKs oonstracUnn

on the we«t tide of I’nrtlandt street'' 'vlll ba r*- eatVfHl by the lown.stalp rommittaeof tbetowolhip o f Relierlli* iinitl dJo P. .V,. of Tuesday Juba 8i

fitr (ha cODiiructioQ o f (be sidewalk an the west side uf (ortlandt street, between William ■tree! ami Ncbnyler avauus, RcIIsyUIs, n. J.

Bldilsrs will make two sepsrala bids marked Ato( ami second, and stale priuet lb wrifing M well m In Bgtire-.

I lrel H <1--Fnr subslanUal grodlns, thr tneidsntol gnullUT and curbiug, flagglne and furnlsbhig thoM

riortton* ofeldew^k thai ehalt Ut lo anglss at las ntersei'tlon oriireeis. , ,Ket'ond i id—For lurnlshlng tba

idtiig and purging, flagging ai ~*

__________ ______ BOARD OF fttREBT AKDWalav Commlisloneirs of the cRy df Nawork.

Newark. N. J.. May 81, HH ftcaled propoaali wttl be reotlvea atthlaottlai

ontll 4 ^ofock F. M. of Monday, the eleveoili day or June. ISH for lb* relaying of tha preachi b loct pariog and croaswalki lu

BROAD sn iE R T,ou each tide of iba lureet railway traeks to tha eorb, as wall aa the appn>aehea of tha slda at/aets (.to slil# Jinaof Hrood stTcetimiu thacoMl brldga 10 the goriherly ilha of nawetrechou the wenltrly aida o f said track*, and from tba oanal bridge lo th* northerly aide of i^ortor atreet on tha east side.

Tb* toilQwlag Id about the amouat of (be work to done, and the lustariaisto bs fbrnlshsd tu Ih* eon* iiructl'm and oumplsUon of said work :

Fifty-five hundred (6,H0> muara yards o f r ^ v *

fifty square ynrdi of new oblong graultoblocks;

NliiPtoSB buDdrad (1,SOU) square tost ofcroaswalk relalii:

Klgbl bundrad (6001 square fret of new ** Bslglaa** crosswalk; .

ravrKtewn bundr»d O.TOO) fret ofcqrb Itsst. snit Two hundred (W0,i feet ofuo'W iwegty-lnch curb. Blddsre will Mata a lump suiu for ititeoilrt

omuuui o f work and malarial, aa abuvu meutionadj i bid la any o(htr form wUI not be OMMOied.

BlddarawtUStatothelr piiqaa lu wrlUug a* w ill aalnfiguraa.

Rldflert must specify lo ibauhl Uie above work be awardi wlU bind ihetaselvee to finish und coiuplets tame wiihlh tmriyconvacutive working davs.

J hs plane and spedfloalloos of Ibe work con bt oiamlnadat iheoihoeor ihs Board ofairost aM Water Commlsslonf m. No. 136 Hslsey itrsat- ha d nropoials to be acoompaulsd by ths oobHnl in wrlllnff o f iwo lurstl**, who *hsU, ai (h* putting Ih fuch proposal^ guaUiy os to thH? mpuiMlblitty to iha amount of such pra- Dotol and blbd thenualvaa that If (be don- trod be awarded (o the person luns making (hi

awarded, becc.~~ ••.— -___ ___ --lalUafol perfoTUiaoc* ol said work, and that If Ibe IMFMIR or^rsoos omit or refoss to rxscuie such Siurooi. tSey will nay to the ohy of Nriarit any dlflbraliO*b*twa*u4he sums h» which ha or ihay would hav# been enliiisd upon (xmipJeUon of Ihe coatract and Ihot which (hs city o f Newark may bn ^liaad to pay lbs person ur persons by whom techcouttbolthalibeskeeuidd- . •

I ha Board of rlreot and Watsr ( 0IumI■lou*rs of the etiy o f Newark rMsrve to itasmii*^1vMlha right to aodspt or rrjaci any or all pnmoMl* h r tbs above work, as they may deem boat for tbt loierest

and surailes are hereby nofifled that under (he urovUtontnt theMventn seotloa ol the i«.w r-reaUiig the Board ofs^treeland Water t'oru- nlMl^era approvrfi March M. itol, that the bonil

thtlr proposal! that, drn to Hiem, they

pelt-(he proposal ibsy will, upon tie being

!ome hla nr their eurstiss for iha

•NMa inlealoneni approVM....... o, h<Miiia to bsilven tor the faithful execution ant

Dsrlorinancs or said puhllu work, etiail flrat b* aw 0* to ■iifllolaany bv the board, and *6 io

fiirm, by tha Oounesl of tbe ftoard. and no conlrao^ •hall be binding on the oRy, or beoom* sflbcUve

irailve unill euoli bend U so ap- orOVSd : and tbe Prealdent o f tha Boaid than haw* power to examine itae propowd boadS' msa under oath. H he rba‘1 so desire, or itaall he ao luatruciad h.v (he board, bui toe board wilt act bs bound by any etatemr>ot that may be t&ada t f surh propoeed boii(l»m*n. but *b*l1 have toll pnaer ami abwtltitadlevie ton in (he whole saatlsr, and thla provliion shall be Rforrsd U* In any advarilasmeal [nvliiiiir bids for any such public work.

Hy nlrvctton o f ihe Board of airaet abd Watsr Commiseiouers o f the U ly o f Mewark.CHAHLIW W ARSn,

General ttoperlnleodeni of Worii.


r r t t i f r ' —■ • V * i'.a h a t m » h «<o a*.1. near Fair at, stiitabis for barber xliop. plumiy Ifig ataup or any ana til bualosto: alterra to suit (enrnt; atablegs lal«7'OlAgwWS at. live slaHa carriage room and tbrfie living roouts; raAl low.

My • .WG.LIAM FXlHcfttLtTfBO Broad at.

TO. LICT-fO P FI/PiR OF BlTiinlKQ M* URu a D HT.. otijoliTlngniy Hall; aulUble for

llfiR maDufecturlug or can bt arranged Into omnMK Apply on prami*wiy 7vbf i l l ) LS T -FO ll EXCDlVilUMa, (lEV Tiill AT Xdook. Apply at offlen

K aM (;k e h i>o c x e r ic k no.61m Ohtre st dook.

f p o LET-PO W KR t o X BT.; 1st floor, Ux 100. an W| exoaBdlntly well llg.i

TO MDIT I 8M NULH CRRY and Momon id dooE'-Dr g-ite l; retr «)3iM SHXih

heallnoluded. Apply on prtinls*^ 6I«

r n o LKT-LODOK ROOM ftF.VKRAli KVKN- A Inga during the week.

19u FUA.SK BUhllMCK, 8l04«pr|i]ga*l4aTe,

r j i i ) l e t w )w —F^tKoy u i) iiiHhtohm a n d 4irW K a l'K tN N K Y B t.

K K N i'-ft'i'o iu :, w m i f l a t a d j o in - ;; t#o Uocka from Rfuod tit tilaRou of Can.

iral it. I t of N, J.: very uloeatore and nil modern ijip^veuuotn la fiat CBAk, 313

rn o■Itox;

isamind Did-For llirnli:ilag matorial*, Incliteitnl grading «tid curbing, flaiprink ttoA flinishingsf oU sldawalk* In front o for bordering upon any lot of

denial ffiadi^« and’ ruhdng.^flanlng'^nd flsiah-A - c .. -'iarittgapea

Lof land,oontiiiRtes rssarws tbs right to nvect any or

w.t. .oiufiand, The (X

all bids.Flaps and speolflentlons may bgeismlnsd at the

efllce uf Fm(wi<vc-a <t DjrkhonL sorrsyozA 7HBroad slreet, Newark. N

to be sent 1 of TowiiaPlp'

I’ roposalx to be sent to H. W. ITNDEHWOOth - - • ckmmlttoSf BMieviJi*.Chairman

K. J. IU

Q K A u en ^ posifll (ur ^ a b Jtonaasl

pqi^p:iftAKti. IWriORflRD PR9» (ur aidewalk conatructlon on hoik aldea of

. . Jtonaaslaer street,'' will be rsoslved hy Ihe Township Commiue*Yllle until l:SU P. M, 0# tbs oonstruutloo o f aUewalks ou both ilda* of Van Beusssliter atroei, between Washthgtou avenue aud Dow atreet, Bellsvlllc, N. J.

Bidder* will make two asparato takls. markedFlrai and Otid will stale priest in writ­

ing n« well as to QciirsaI Ir 1 B id- For *i|h*itAQtl)il grading. Itae Incidental

gradhiVt ourtMng, flanelng and the furnishing of maierlais for ttaoM portinni ofsldna'alka ktaat l-ool tbs iuteriwoiloa ufcroai strseka

■\T•t^TICK IS UKRKBY OlVE-N THATCommlaslonsrn heretofore appointed by llis

Mayor of the city of Newerx, to iiUke an estimate aM amument upon all tha ownaiu ot ell tbe lands and rsal esUie to tbe oily of Newark, pscuRarly benefited by any local (mprevrineot Ip Ibe aald eltj, tn proportion at naarty BH may bw to tb* ato vantage eiu'h wa^ doeinsd to have MMpilred, have madean eailinate and asaessmenl of benefit* upon all tbe owuers of all the Iasi* and real eitaie tn (heclty of Newark pNMilarly bauefltedby 'eaoh ctr toefniiowlog Ipnptot'emsota In iild uK/, uaiqslyi '

The paving ofNELSON PLAOF,

wlhHh ilJlh alrest (o llowanl atreet; ih ito iv iu to r

NEWTON SIRKRT, from Fburtseuth avenue 10 CMtUiei slrssh

'Ihe paving ofBRfjOMK STREET,

from ^^p Juga•ld avenue to ftonih Orangk avsitiM 'lb* repavtngof

B 'irK iR h t r k e t ,from Broad atrsat to Ihe Paeialo Hiveri ^and have ni«fi ibelr vsputti ui Mid awsaiktoiBi imr benefit In th* niflee o f the ulerit sf toe ( Ireutl Court ot the County o f Ksasx aad that the Judge « said oourt has fi-ted•A iC H D A Y , 'I’HK tKOQKD DAY OFJlfNB,

k NKMT» ^ ..at 10 o'ctooli In the rorsnsou* In the room at tha Oourthouu, in the oUy ol Newan th* time and plou ofhMrUit any otfiMtUtosii may h* mode to (be sold aiiissinsoto. j

Dated Mia W, iW i fc j . MACDONALD ' Cliy OosnwaL

eputV ric, M islihS





NEWAllK EVENING NEW. SATl’liDAY. .iVNE 2. 1894. 8

M ARHIAOES.L lK B - l l j^ N r i lA R D . A|lh» mideoM ftf tki

bil4t, M Thurwlar, M *f It, bjr ib« R*t . nMDMt FrtBclt. KkaiUD klr tM-ofUn. ^ •n «c tt BlasciLard. lo Edvard n « r F Ijkkt. ___

D E A T H S .BA(nX. FrMtf, Just i.Mmaat BaroB, «f*d

Funanil Mrrleta from hU tala rroMaor*. Ho. U Kbarman a amuOi wt kJooda)'. iuna at | V. M. Bolatlmaad frb*fldi o f ib« tanillf aro InviUd toaiuiut. Inioroiont tn Ktmih K«romimi, Tlk rh* thin t.'ouBtF, Hm a , at tbo oourvoiowv of ttit Buoiif.

• a u a H .-o « riidar. I u m 1. JovpU V.,*oBor T)^aiM ifiil ib » tal ( » i * H. Hfuran,

Botalli**# anil frlotida nf tlio di*ctM«d. alio Iho mombtr* of Kathar Uaib^v T. a . R. »>iiri«ty, ih i Ilo lj Nam» of Mb lirtdtot't parlih,aad ITim» x t ’Mnctl No. IM, (*. U. 1. ,mr« n>N|H fbllr (BTltadlo alUod ihr flia^rai rrimi bli lata ratldiRBna, No. II tW * pia4-«, on Mundaj. Jiiq* 4, at l:W A. M., tot*t ItrUfai’a ( biiri-li. a hara a H lfh Jiani o f Kaqiilfiu mill ba 4«;i hralail fur lha ropoM ofU1« Mill, lait^rintat InM l.oitvtt Camalarj.

•OTTON. 'A t Otaata, H, J., ofl Juaa i, 1194, A&a Bortoo.

laUtlTM and ft1«n«U art rrop^lftinF lavitad to altaod (ha funeral from bar lata rMlueorH, 77 Jaehaoa atroH. oraofo, oa Moiiaay, Jonei, at I A. Il.tliarp. to Joha'A Cliitrrh, aliei a a iritE Haaa o f H*nulfoi will itroffared for tha rapoia o f bar aoul. Imaruiaot In JuUu'i OnDitcrF,

BBOWH.-Ofi Tharadar, lia r II. Hanara A„ diufbtar o f John and llanora Browp, aaail Foam

BalaliTM atiil friandi art lyapactftillr InTlIrd lo attaoJ (ha funarAl bar lota ratidaaco, No. 11T HOulh OroDgo aranua, on Bondar, J un" I. at tP . if. lalermebt lo ibaCaoMtarjortb* Holf Boputcbra.

GOiTh:i.UX June 1. IIH, Waltar,aoQ ofthalata 1 humaa Coetella

Bola ilm and fnendi o f tha docaaaed are re- lovltad lo atland iba fiiaaral frnui

tba roddanot of lili motKar, iCarr ('oatallo, Ho. IM lowarr airoH, on Mondaf, Juno 4, alT:U A. M.. to AL Alojaiut L'hurcb, vbara a lllfti Maw (rfKaqtilonj will ba offbrad Ibr tna rapuio ofbtiionl. JstatiMAt to ihoCoBMtorr of tlia Uolr hopulcbrn

S a A H .-A t Hlitoo. K. J., x a r 11, IM , T.oltla n., FOQBcaat daufbtar o f Jamaa U. and Hutb Doao.

kflatlraa and frlonda am loTliad to attaad tbe Biaaroi atrtrloaa from tha Hlltoo M. K. Churt b OB bundar at 2 P. IC KalalWw will meet a| her lata reiddaBoo at I Mk latarmant lo Clinton (^oaaterr.

DDBYXE.—Athlaroeldenoa In Novarkr, H. J., oo Trldar. Juno 1, Hour/ W. lor^oo, lb tho TUt Foarnfbta ifo .

BaJallToo and filoiida aro invited 10 attend tbe ftanoral atrvicraat Trinity churcb, Kovark, ou hoaday, tbo Id loat.. at V. M.

K A B L —At Ibo roeldenot g f hla daufbtor, Mrt. Latboi B. Goblo, Briien avouuo, Irrloilon, N. J,, an Friday, Juno 1, IIM, l.owU M. Earl, In tbo IM roar o f bis ago.

Solotlvooand frieodi aro InTflad to attend tba fbnond lorvloat fraoi tbo mlilonro of ble broihar, Mr. Oalob B. Karl, No. 30fi Klltabetb ayoou^ UHOiMrrow (Munday), aAortionn at I o'clock. Intoriuout Bwriroen Comclery.

irraoX U ALD .-O n June 1, r<adlo, daughtof of Joha and Annla Pltigorald. acod 1 year a taunlbiand lldaya

Rolatlroa and frioiida of tbo fbmtiy aro roapoct- fully tbvltod U) attoud tho fuiioral from ilio paronta' realdonoo. Ha. 223 Forty Hirwt, ob Mno- day. tbo M, at U40 A. M. luierment la at. PolaPeOiiDHory, HewBranewlck, N. J. Nov Brnniwlck papen pleaa> copy,

BUTHMACHBIt.—On Saturday naomlnf, June2, I IH John llutbmacbor, boabaodcfCbrlstlni llutbinachor.

BalallToa and frlandi. alio t'olnmbuie T.odgo Ho. M, M. L. of U. H., BadUber K. V. V., No. l, Frauon K. U. V., Bo. 2, O. 1), 11. and B<!baraoblaeher K. V. V., are InvUo l to attend tha tuaerai 9'nm ble late roenlenee, No. 4A4 ntlaootb araotto, on Turolay, Juao A at 11 P. M.

JAOOBT.—Oa Friday, Junn I, ISH alter a UnfOr, Ing lUnoM, Ooort*. beloved buiband of Hueailo laeehy, agod lO yean • moathe.

Boiatlvoa, fnendi and memben orWaiblniton l^ g o Ho. 11,1.0. H. fi.; Heine lx>dge .\a art, X. and U of il. : Alpha Lodge Bo. 1, Order Hold* on ohoro Alpha <k)Uno11 Na 2, Order ClioteQ FtioodAaro loepociniUy Invited to attend the funeral lervlcea at bla late reiddeaco, It2 Broad •troet, on Aunday, June ft, IW , at 1 p. k . ln> tensoatta JCvorgrren Cemetery.

XilllO&^At M t Bolbol, N, J., June 1. IIM, PanI jAdoe, Bfod fll yoait. fornwriy of tble city.

f^Doral from hU late reeldenc.', U l Bethel, N. J., hubday, Jaaol at2p. B. Inloruient atkt. Balbot.

LSN'Z—On Friday, Jon# i, 1101, after a painfbl UlnoM, AugtMt, beloved buebend of Cbnie Lana egod U yoare and lo mootba

Salatlvw and f^nds aro rotpectf^lly Invited to attand Uta runoral from hie late retMenca, No. 74 Ia n Park eireet, oit kuoday, Judo 4, IHM, at S P. M. Intermont In 1 alrmoiint Crmetory.

U U TH kCRER.—On Saturday, June 2, IRM, after a Ungrrlng IttnoM, Cathorlna, beloved vrKb o f Ooorgo Leltbtneor, aged W yean 7 luonibi 1 day.

BelativM and fHondt are retpoctfUlly Invited la attend iho funeral ou Turoday, June I, at 7:19 A. X., from bar lato resideaco, Bo. SB4 trouth Kigtaih itreet, to r>L Anti'e Cburcb, vb erea Solomn High X mo of Bequiem «rlU bo PfTkred forthoropMoofberaoul. Intarmtai In Wood^ land Crmetory. $

XKISRHBACHRR.-Qq Tueiday. May 9 , Bobort, BODof Cbriftofand Mary Melienbadior, agod 20 yeara

r.alativei and Mendi o f tbo dOivaaed, and moni- boreofCcmpany M. Pint Veglment, National Otwrd. are reepocifutly Invited to attand the foneral aorrloea at bl» Inie rMldence, Na H Oobla ilraet, at ft I'. H., Maoday, Juna L Inter­ment la FelrmauDt Cemetery,

rtBlt)40H,—After a abort lilapoB. on Juaol,lM4, HannthX., wlduv of the late Albert M, Pior- •on. lo the tlai year of her aifi».

BoUitVM aud fklondi are lavilod to attend tbo ftmeral eorrloeo from her lata mldenco, No, 43 Oolntabtaelroat. ou lueeday, at 3 P, M. l■lo^ meat at Evorgreoa Comatery at IhaconvonB encooftba fliuilly.

rO BT.-At Moniclair. N. J., on May 11, 1894. Qtr< . trtkde L, only child of Jamoi U. and iJaule L. Poit, In her 14th year.

Felailrtaand niendioMho (bmiiy aro rObpeet fully Ibviled to attend the funeral tironi ibo mldenoo of Nor pareau, No. 232 Ctairmopt nvenoo, Xontela^r, N. J,, on i*uailay, June I, at S F. M. Jittermotit at Horodala t^einotery.

TOOT.-On tba let Inat, John Vogt, In bia 27th ynar,

RiUUvei artd frtrndfl o f the fhmlly, alao (ba dacrad H«Brt49oclety of k(. John'e (Hurrb.ara raapactfally Invited to attend the funeral from tbo rooldenro of bin uncle, Mr. Cbaclos Knim- llcb, Ho. Ill Sotiib Canal etreel, on Monday, Juno 4, at 9 o'clock A. M., lo M JameVo Chureh, vbaro a High Mam of Beqnlem wilt bo offered Ibr the repMe o f ki* Boul intaruiont lo Bt. M ary'a Cemetery.

TON SKsiTKH.—On Paliuday, Juno 2, l « l , MalhUde Von Senton, nee Mpplgbaue, the be* l4v%d diiifblor of Koae IJppIgbanv, lo the 30th year o f her age.

Belailvn and filenda am kindly Invited teat- tand the ftmaral eerviree, 011 Monday, June 4, at 3 P. ML, from 132 WUllaa] siroot to ML Mary*# Chorcb. InieiiUHut In tbe Cemetery o f the Holy deputob re.

WTJMBCH,—On Friday, Jniie 1, IftlM, Loiilna Flor* ence. youngoat daugbter of charlee and Maggla Wuneeh, aged 2 vean 4 months Id days.

Tnoerel aervlcoe from tbe parenlF mildenre. Ho. 61 Elfhth are line, to-morrow (Bimduyx at tZ:tO o’clock'. Interment In Woodland Cemetery,

YQUNti— Oa Ma3‘ tl, IWI. W'dllam o.. wn o f Jamas R and Janetta Young, aged 43 yean.

Fanorat nervicn at bla late ro-*ldeBuO, Bo. su Central avenue, Bunday, June ft, at iito P. >|. Belatlvas end friends and the membeto of Ohimlcal Knglne No. i, Newark bira l>ot>art-

. menl, arq Invited, luierment Falrmoiint Cemo lory.

Danth C U lia i Fnltl in H ev ’nrk luid T U in lty T »*4 lAyby UoitroFollftnn l i f e iitt. Co.

Prom. Amt.nmar X. BoihA lU Bank ft..................10 |i44oo1 ona Mchaeflbr, llO Aqumlnct iL............ 10 M WiMopblne Baler, 1ft lUnkln i t ............ . .10 40 00

L. t , W ILLIAMS, K«aL.IM-Uft'llT XarkotfL, ooraor Itiloey,

V H U eU T A K E R A .


174 Bread it. AUe first-dan Livery blable, 1 4 and 9 Clay »l Taiaphone ibo.

I jM A R C k A l lA m C I I , FUNEUAL DIRKCT- X OKM AND EMRALUKlUt.tmba'mlng #pcdaUy. m IftOUTlI OBANOE A VB., hotveanJuiioe and Hayes eta 60o



Tkolargoat Patant Omoo In tha Hiata

f lATKKT AND DRAUUHiTNa OFKJCICH OF TBSCBIIOW A CD., 22 Clinton iL (opposite to X. (1 A.) Hawark, N. J.; all kiodeordfttfghilrig

tiecutad neatly, aoob at niaeblne dr«vlm|i, gni M y kind ofdeilxatog fui oatalofuii. olo.; sotlolnr* Of Amocieaaaod Ibrelgn pitonu; eiportain patent ■awi: French. Uorman and Fcandiuavlaa lac-

»n<l Friday even­ings satll i o'clock • prompt aiieatlon alwaya

T > A ‘tK H r i^ " "

VHkDKTlTCK <X PRAKHTZRL, MDOCfeanr la Campbell A Uo,

- / * * « * « — * ^ ^ * * BciLDINti. m BROAD BT. Booms 98 and 9T.

‘ p A T E K T A -D R A K k A c a

Vw ilu lm l u d Biwlfldiil K ].,innn utd K ,p «rt.

UblJiBw) bsiu. [n th , hiun T w *m ,.a w ,«r * tip.ri.ncn. Unrmnn .poltBn.

IJ i 'r t t t m ^ S . A.-iO IfOBKtO.N-,, th ln tat*totnUclnn»,ojin™ w,.

U itH B t t. MtLLJtn, ItU dU i «| l-nlnAt. u d kom

OnUtuCtennA MUl.r), ^

— --■■lOOnnimuUttBtotdWfint ____N .w «n , X r.

B R O rS M tlO R A L .

- p i l l B jK K E itU A a iitU (jv K i> r t io u ii* -roBdusal ATA Mg


K K A L IM TATI; sS Y h o a d s ir


I f H o v A W o u K Oi uH Arr, d . o.•OBOEOS, e W J «T Pa BK t c l

T W H fl IISOAI) A X u nALttEV am , ' - • • aAMC KUUKBATII V iU O n


UKTHODINT RPHtOfJPAl.. ftfOnooT X. X < nrariT Eav. F. C. Bao-

nom. paaler. mcramoat of iko I ord'i Hitppor aud rrc*ptlon or nivnHierw 10. ■. Praarhlnc 7 4'<: iu>w Jv-'t, "The l,aw (if tHieveraion." Mahbalb irno'd,

Kpwofib lawfuoeervUoi, ikX 1'. M. Allwel-ouna

'^r. Pert'e M. X r»rrncM, roreer Broad and Uankbali tlraeie -I'tv. Honrv Ujikvr. H. I'., pallor Uorntug. lilftO, Holy CoRimunton ; at T.4& P. V. the |«Klor will praaeli: enb|l*<H. "Aiplrailem anil Arhieveniint.” Young Mvn'e I'diun. <■ 11 A. M. ►abboth-iyJiuui, l ju P. X. Pralao-mmlug. k»> P. M.

CKMrmar, MKTHnntat' EI'w w pat. ( ’Kmcit. Ma^ kM Ktrroi. nrar Mulberry Harmmrotal service la the murniug and rawptliM o f membari. Tiiopao- lor, Hav. Henry Hpelloieyar, U D., wilt preirb in ihi rveiilng. r*utdrcC " A Don of U md«," bring lirth In tho aeries on "i^iranga IPblea M(orl<w " r-abOath-suhool at 110 F. M. KpwurtU ioagiio at AftJ F. U.

CkNTKVAHT X. R Crtrnni, aummer eveo'io and Kearny slnot- Her. W. Knudgra-a ra*i‘ -r- itO A, M., young meu's mvelliiv. 9.4. A. M., Junior Epworth league. ID.U . . M., ComrauDlon aud reiwpUoa o f njeiubcrs. 2.39 p. M , Mumlty sf'hool. a4ft K X.. Jipwoith vesper wrvtco. 7.At F' X., proacblAf hy Uio

A. M. N. ZUiK t'liL'urH. ’ J. H. Xa^nn, pastor. Frvarhing at 11 oVIcck A. M.: subjecf, " I he Day af AiKeiiity ” ^uadwy-scbool at 2-W F M. Freacblug

F. M,:eub}oct, *'Tho t'brletlan FuiMtuver,'' at wbkib Ume tho Marrameul of tbo l.ord'a Mupper will ]»r adcnialalfred. Itauuua tew onlcrialmiitat Tbursday tvenlng, Juno 7. AdmlWlon lOi’inta.

I n t iik Kr a n k u n H ravrr M. K. Cni arit Humluy tkero will be (bo aacraipont of ibs lAird'a ^ui'Per. with an addrow l>y tlie pastor. X X. Darien. aa<l admlaoloa o f inembora. lu tlio tron-

' tog I hvri wlU bo patriotic imialc aod a lertnou by Hie itastor ou 'T b o it-snQs Decoration lay 'learhev'’ tba ftpworih l^eagua inaaiaat 0.10. All furdlgfly wotcomad to thoeo servicra

BiMRviM.n MrrHdiUNT Kna<'i>p*LCHi’ncw, cor nort range alraet aod Bathgate place Hev. A. If. 'lultle, D. 1)., pastur. Borvloes lor June ft. lo.W A. M.. >-arratntnt uf tba Tiord's Aup^wr and rorvpllon of mpoibert. 7.4ft F. M.. preachlog by tha paab>r. bundat'-M-buol, pnmary and Iniermadlato depart­ments, a k A. X. Main BChool 2.80 F, M. Kp- worib prayer atrvloe (L « P. X . You are oardlaiiy Invited lomoet with ua

Mt. LoKiFa X J£. CHcnm, Cllnum avenuoand Murray stroot, oppoolta High strost- Kav. Fred < lara Baldwin, pastor. At 10.M A. M. oommualon service aod rooeptloo o f mambera At T.49 F. X. tbo paatof will proaoh the woond ■ormns la a rorlea an tbo "Mbquotad Toxin of the lltbla," and Deorga L. P. BuUar will sing- Young Men's I'liion 9J0 A. X nupdaywohooi IM F . M, Kp-

wurtb Laoguo 6.30 P. X.Kiuktm AVB.VOM X . X C im rir . between

Broad and High Rev. C. & Woodruff, paster.harly tueollng a t9.10 A. X,. M by X. H. Winsna.

At lO.K aan.raioeat o f the l.ord'e iuppor and reception o f inombote. Iteoday aobool at 280F. A. WtlNg, auparlniondoat Junior C. E at 4 F. X. Young I'aepia'i maetlng at 94ft, ladb/Mlm DaFy Hayta At T.ld an addrwaby Hon. tieorgeW. I'onDlmaii, of Ooatoa, on Llghteand Shadows In Diiia La^ ** A ll srots frea Ths public cordially walooroa.

H auxv H T issr X. X Cwnacir. Halwy street,near Haw itraat—Rev. Helson A. Hacnlchol. pas­tor. 10,10 A. X., Ctimmunlon sod rareptlon of RiemberA 110 P. M., Hungay-Mhoni aseslou. 94ft F. tf., Epwortb 1-earua vesper eerrica wilt be led by Ur, William Haaeoll, nf tho Xese.v County Chris­tian Kudeavur Davolional Oommltiee, aMlsted by a dtlegaiton of ihaC. E Ikwfoty o f Park Prosbyte^ tan Church. T.fft P. X., preaching by tho pastor. 9o«M Mil free. Wolooiiie fbr all.

Nkw ark Cit t CHimcM Egvc9tata?( Borinry o r TUI X. E Cni'acit. Summerllold Church, coroor Hummer and Frodoala avenues, mom lug, Hev. L. (\ Muller; oveolng. Her. C.Ehcudder. I'urk Avluuo ( hapob 4 P. M., Hev. t . C Uullor. Mt. Andrewe'e Chapel, morning, Rav, C. K. eoid- dar: evening, lensporaoce maeting hr Iron Crow Am y. r i JainH'e f'hurch. mofnlng and evening, Rev. a, p. 7acy. Montgomery Mlreat, morning, Rev. C. Frank Nettlaeblp and aacramental service ; ■veniof, A«v, J. Fred Crytr.

PKK8BYTERIAN.RoaxvTTi.n PmmisrTuiAir Cb u ic a , Rev. C

T. naley, D.n., pastor-Hegular ssrvl<;t si 1010 A, M. habhatb schoole and mble-classM at 2.80 P. M. Macrament of tbe lord's Mapper at 4 F. M. CbrlsilaQ Xndeavor service at 9 45 F. U. He tvanlug servioo.

hjsTH PnnaayTKKiAiv CRirnm, comer of rnlon and latbysltesireets-PraTorHSieaFiif at 10 A. X. Frenoblng at 10.89 A. X , and 7.4ft P. M. by tho peator, hev. Davis W, Lnsk, Extra music ai tba oveolng aerviea ftabbntlvschoQl at tftO F. X, Morlely o f Cbrlallan iLodesror at 7 F. M. All am welooroa

W'u-Kwrr* PniQBBYTiHiAW t'nrin-tf. corner Thlneenth avenue aod Boston ilrset.-Pev. J. (larlaad ila Baer, Jr., pastor. Morning service, 10.n o’clock the Bov. Frederick W. Jackson, Jr , missionary at Cbefbo, China, frill giro an account of hla work. SveiilagMrvloe,7.ftOo''c]ocE Young Feoplo'a meeltng, 7 P. M.

FxwsMtrn XicMcniAL CMuncti-Pftstor Rfv.J. U. PolbemtlB. Kervlcos 10.4ft A. M. and 7.10 P. M. Fraiwimtorr prayer-meeting at 7 F. M. The harrameuc of tbe I<ord'a huppor will be admlnls- t«*rod and newmctub.ra received at the evening service. The paaiot wUl preach la tbe morning the Seventh sermon on the life uf Joseph: Subject,

Joaepb Meets tils llreathrcD at Ills Tshla.'’Hri c* hturkt rRrMBrTKRMie CHApyj.—Bfv.

Hanmel l^aubitis Prlos In charge. Mmday scbouls alV A. M .an dS ftjp^ .; Y. F.H.C. K. al94AF. M.; evening servloa, with special solo singing, at 7.4ft P. X. Hubject at sermon; "K ep t from tha World.'* (!ouiiiiuuion at 4 P. X. in tbe Kosavlile AvenueChurcE Prayer-meeting on Friday even­ing at 8 gfelocE You are again invited.

NOJITH PaBE PpiteBYTgKIAX i'Hl'BCtf, Aqoe- duct sLj near Bloomfield ave.—The pastor. Ftv. Jacob Jreshmau, preaches runda)' moralog at 19fta *] he Hev. Adam (Tiambare will preach lo the evening at 7.10; suhjwtt ” i^lgHiu'a Progress," Uiustmtsd by magniacent paintings. Hr. Fresh mat) will preach evenings of 1 iieadsy, Wednesday, Tbnrsday and Friday. All welcuoiv.

CKtnrnaL Fbvhiivtxkian ( ‘ut^uca-Fasior, Rev,B. Edward Yonng, will preseb at 10.30 and 7.41 Young men’s prayer-meeting 0.90. nonday-seliool Ik l. Cbriatlau hmdeavor 4.49 PrayerjuseUng Tuesday 9 P. X . IterepUon to panlor and lira. Young by Band of Hope, buudjy-acbool and ChrliUan Endeavur Thu reday evsivlng at 7.30. The pastor la at home, 87 Hlllaldd avenue, each Friday afieriioou.

Titmu PRDRTTgitTAw CHUNCit. Broad street, opposite ttroeu sirset -Fev. A. Nelson Mollldeld,V, iL, pastier, bervioea tc-morrow, i^aciament of Lord's»«upper at to.33 A. U „ praanhlng by pastor atr tft F. X , pmyer-meeting al U A . M., Habbstb- ■Choola at 2.3J F. H., Y. F. n. C. E at 94ft I*. M. ('OngreknUoDSl prayer servloa st 8 P, M, a. van gel- litic asrvloe at 19 WUiluin itre -9 Friday, at t F. X All welcome te all the above serf icei


FiaeT Bavttot F ieodib XKM ni]Af.^Atl9IO A,X. morning prayer and seriirmn by tbe pastor, S iv. C'barlm H. Dodd, on "Keeping the tS'urid Open to Uod." lYmimnnlon atcioscor service. At 7.19 p. X. evening praise, wUh sermon byihepMtor on " ‘the Burning HearL" yuntlayschool m 130 p. X. All are welcome.

F tm i Raptist rtfUAriT. pomer o f Pioapeoi and Lafayette itreets—Kcv. C. K Lapp, pmtor, will conduct lervkev both morning at 10.IUaud evKtilog at 7.4V Bring the offurlog for the New Jersey Baptist Rduuatton Srocleiy. Hololit, both morning and eveiilng, MIsi Kathuriue F. Lapp, contruHo,of Florida, AUare Invlied locome.

FAIRMOfMT Ba J*TIST-THB rEOHI.PI^t-CHCECH, Bankilreet cor. WIckllffk.-The Rev. K, j. old- kaoTv MIlllDgton, paitor. Hervlcesdurlngibaweek nefulluwe; J-orU’s Day, preatUlngnl 10.V, followed by tba tA)rd'a iMipper; eiibject of eermon, "Self, exaLQlnstlon.” Nmday-echiKil ut 2.XU. Preaching nt7.4V enbjtsjt, " ’ihe Crime o f Mmon, the kor- oerer." Voiing people’s prij'pr-msstlttg on Tnas- ds)- night diurcU pravc^t1lMtlng oit Thursday ulghi, b(»th at 7.4ft. hverybodl welcome.

•N>UTHl}sirriKTrTiriu'iT. Ji Ut Kinosy street near Broad. ~ The putor. Rev. H, If, LuUier; I). d„ will proachat ihkJ A. M, roi^ject, ‘.'The Church o f the Living Ood.” C'ommuotou at (he dose of theser- Dion. At 7.4ft P. M. the third sermon on the lA»rd’s Prayer. SubiJect, *' 'J hy Will Ha Done." bunday. ackool at 19C F. M, On Tuesday and Wednesday the “ Past New Jenny Faptfst Aesoclaliouw ill hold Ibelr regular eseelons In this church, Thurs- day evening at 7.4i the regular wejkly prayer- menilng, A ourdlal Inviiailon eiteudad to all,

I range, N, J .-N otlo *-Th * grand rally will take place at tho Kbenraer Itaptist. corner Pgfh and Main sireeii, t range. Preaching at u o’clock by Her, K.ifarrta,or Montclali: at ft o’clock by Hev P. a. uibbeon, o f Flalalleld, assisted by Rsv, Amos Datber, nt Uonlrtslr, Pastor will preach at 8 o’ clock P. X. Lev. J, A , Harris, paitor. A ll are wulenme,

REPOEM ED,Tb iw itt Rgroniinn Cnt^ncH, 481 Farryairro#-

Rev, J. N, Horrle, paator. 'ilie C'ommuuiaQ qj Lord's supper will he admlaiitered at lu.ftQ A, M, Preaching at 7.44 J*. X. babbath-e^ool et 4.43 p, jf^C'hHitlan Endeavor prayurmeetlog at 7 p. M.

Nobth RKronMih CutrjK:v,^comiiinn1an son- day. Hev, J. F. Klggi, l>. Ir.,orhew Brumwlck. nlll conduct tbe aervtoe at 19,10 o'clock la tbe morning, No *vealag aarviee. A iMsion o f the Mbbath-scheiM at 91ft In the moraine and the 9ab- baib-ecbvol prare^me•clag at 5 o'olook in the after- noon.

(LiNTOir Avzinra RgronaiKD CiivicB, Rev Daniel H, Martih, pastor. Prayer-meetlag at lo A* M. Fatnmuaton o f the Lori's'supper and reotp- ilonof new memberf aU0.UA. X kveDlag•t^ vice at 7.4ft o'dook, with Mraaen by ihepaslor, {<iibJe«rC: ' ‘ Jeans, lae Uitly Bavloar from aln.*’ Other isr\'l06a IS usuaL A welcome to slL

Tub Fiaar RRjmaMZti Cauavw,Market etreet, cornsf of Beaver-Hev, T. J. I m . pastor. Pabllo wuraUlp Dinrslng anti evening, coaductid by the p i^ r . Holy Commu ntoa at the merning servloa, Monthly praiw) Nrvlee, with spsclal lUtteie, tbeevealug. bueftay-eubooli at l i f t A. X and l u PX. Y ,r . « .0 . F. at 9.4ft P . x Toetday ebtalOMJ^ eervloe at 9 o'cleek- Allperdially Invited,

H *rf Y ork A vknu b RK»T>aMar)->ner. J. J * AUtn, paator. Xorolng wurthlp 1930, aermon by tb(lt)9au>rieveatBgiit7.«,a-rmbn by Itev, W, 0.Allen, o f Vork, N. W Special floes, d lf- lo t,Wll-on, of habwIy^teirdrlorov'Xr. F r ia r 0004.Y', P. a, C, E -veipcn. 949 Prayertteetliw Tam- day, 8 P. X A cordial wetooiua to all aerrlcea. Henie nrei. Friday eveVtlag, June fr ihitival at the parsonsge.

iP ia c o P A u

Taitrtfv E pmooval CMtraoK~.Rer, Loals E Oaborae, rector. Holy Oornmnoioa 9 A, X aod 12 X,' Morning prayer and. eermon, u a . m , kvealng prayer aadiarmon, 7.80 P.M, i-ira«|in welcomA ttmts free at nltht. Ruaday-odiooL at 9 1*. X in Tritely ( Impel, heeler sttnaL

Ev. kTkVDBN'R CuuacH, comer Etiiabeth and OUatoaavepnea,—Sunday, Holy Communion, I A. M,tmatla% lluuy, antaceumuiitoa and eermoo, 1910 a . U.tSuDday-achool seHloD ana Bible classea 190 P. u.; Baaday-eoheol aerYkie, t P. U,| eveaaoof had sennoa, 7,10 P, M. un tbe f|»t tiundxy o f asoh month Uia Holy Oommnsloa aft the mUklay see- t Hb Wedneadayi, arrekiarti, 9 p, x r u d m E tuy, l U A. X


roHuEEUATtOSAl^HBLLavij.i.a Avn. 4'.)Wi»amATiiiMAi. rw racw—

Rev. rt. U I ouai'i, pailir. i'uhlie worship at 10. w A. X. and T,4ft p. M. In the moroiag Ui Hotr cora- mnnlon and r«vwpiluu o f new meluhan ti^viher with a hriaf addraas. In thseveDlng Idvrs stllba dfilvefed the fourth teoiute on lh« 14M»k uf Das1«l.

"H ie Kliig that Waul Mad." Auuday- school, logviher with Malor itoward * Bible elate fbryniing man, at t U P. M. 4 hrl^tlan KaUaavor at 7 p. M. atrangtrs and vUllurs cordlaJly wsl- eomad,

METIlDUltlT FttOTEHTAHr.Fraav MrrHuuisT PaaTiwTAWT Cm'arir, im i

•Ireet between llalMy aod Broad Rav. L It I'] oit, ihe pastor, a ill preachat lO.ftJ A. M sad 7.41 F. X Holy Communloa aad receptioa uf members after tne moralog urnion. i^tudsy- school at t i e F.M. N rvkeeby tbe C. K. heclety at T.lft P M. Mr. Dyoit'i ivealng sukj«<’t wiu be, " Light at the Beet'ilnia.''

DHIVKHSAUST,Twn CwivgMAt.trr Citt'Ri?H-T>r. rrawe wilt

preach atlO.U A.M.and 7.4ft F.M. Xoraintsua- Jeoi, "W hat We May Uoaorably Clalui for Dur- etlvba'' ftvenlag euhleei, ** 1'be Evils of 1 hvulug- ioal Fxtravagance."

WOMAN'S CllR IBTfAN TEMPERANCEWnirs'v'a v h MIstu n Tjcwrr.RsNrE

4J Belleville avenue. 4iMpal lemperance meetings at I and 7 U o’clock. In charge o f Hetenu (Tub. tuwd ipeak lA aud singing,

WoWA'V's CiraisTUW TaMraaswea V n m v , Mnltferry iftreet, neat Markei-twnday mvetlnis at 4 and 7,4ft In charge uf MDs K, K ItcbcH an t M m Pierce, rblldren'i floral Mundsy will be oiMerve<t by tbe l.oyai Legion. AI 4 o'clock Hev. Mr. Jiecker, o f Monlh Market street M. K t'burch, win glvean addreea Prlsiidiare lavlted tossad tiowen te-nlghC,

UlflOlLLAHBOUATna Cm'a<‘H or tloo will meet al t2 Clinton

streetoh vuaday next at IDIOA. M. fbr worship. At 11:39 Blteaclsm. r^trangrri cordially invlird lo lake pert in Bible claaa hnuday-fcbool at 8:D shirp. Beets aUfrve.

Ttt* Rsm-ra Mtssiox, Ho. i2« Market street- Meeting every nlgbi al ft o'clock aod Sun­day ifYeniooa at 4 yclecE To-morrow eveulng Mr. Wiu. irammoad, uf tbeCkatral U. E Chorcb, will land the meeting, tjwod ilogtag. A ll vrelcnme.

Titx F irst CHt'acH nyapimrrcAbPacMimKMictM will bold i ll meeiings Sundsy sflarnuoD and iveu- Ing at 27 Fraoklln street. At ft P. M. Mrs. N. T. Brlgbaio win lecture, teageri from Patenwn will 1m pretont, and at 8 F. M. ihort lecture followed by teeu by H. c. Dorn, silver oollacllon, and ou Wedoeeday evtnlag Builoam Clrde at 9 o’clock.

Fstaiint'NT Avnnng TAaimw4r*.n, on Falr- moaat avenue, betwron Tlfteentii aad Aliteentb aveauea—o. von Barehwiu, PMtor. At 1980 A. M. sermon by the paator. Bub)e9t; " W'omen's Piece In the Kingdom of Chriil Aceocdlag to l*n>phecy." AC 1 » P. M. Sauday-eebooL At 94« Young Feopte’s outdoor meeting. At 7,4ft oermon by the paitor. SuhJnct: *' Ths Aillftoa o f (lood L'taser.

TarKO McK'n Chiustiam associatiow, (Un­ion sirnit, near DrMd-Workers'training classes from 8 to 19 A. H , taugbl hy Brorstariee Cosioni aod Scott In Anrodatlon lla lla tt o'etpek grand Jubdte servlea oommscnorallcg the organliatloa of tbs llrst Y*. H. C. A, la liondon Ittet lift/ yanrs s ^ . X r Elkanah Drake and Hials Paorvtary Luma wilt speak. Hacrad music by thp wonderfbl Cecelia HndtordTiie. Hear iba addrtiaes and tba iweel music. Buth ia iM cordially Invited,

apiRITVALm TEPublic Bplrttual nrcle, conducted by Mr, fleorge

Clark, at 97 Wtahlngton etrwt, T .« P. X Bllver collect lon.

H K I.P W A H T K D -N A L E B .

N'OTICftl—Tnsnslant ndvnrtlsliif ta (h e HKTVit in iiit In va iinb ly bn paid fn r in ad ­vance.

Ni» arv-aunts w ill fse opewrd fbv eaah*No adverf tsvment w ill be recotvwd over

the tele phone except ihoeo aent by au thor- lx4Kl ageata.

?IMIVllKNT^ -(tFH rR A f. a n d U 'TAI,.priia bIstAry e f tha PkM’iltlon t only ofHHal

record twoiuval i^uarle volumes; Jnstoui; sails at ftlshi : intialuMnt i>Iao oiake^ It bonansa fhr agrutn . wrtis St once for terrltery J. a CAMF- JiKl.U 21ft Modleuu si., 1 blear*, fll. ft

VriKNTHWUO('ANEAHN9'>OPBH WEEK ; iterticiilarly no compemiun ; ualy rheas who

svbd Pv. for hs iiple will bs aniwtred. F. XANV- ftAt’ i rR lx t , tJti.. l.ack box X Kri Rank, H. J. i

\DyNT><Tn t'ANVAfte BTd EEN.* a t. al I ft to t iDoralngs o ily, ft H7 MULBERRY BT.


Hr in t h h w a n t k d . v o r x a m a n t h a t iDtehxd expertenre at tbs htmiaess. Apply J-

{ . ItH 'KriL. Ourra .Narset, fHt>omnHd. 9ab

r tftltlrJAiUCTHIMMKtt WANTBI*. n i-lVKR Sts. CO.,«r. o ^ ea aoa t’h^

4 ^KNkH.AI, ADSNIM WA N 1 KD-HRLLINU Y"ufvv artli'lvs to dsalvte; vtriutlve tefrllory j ho .viQiwiiiioa . no (wpltal rwtuirod ; Xo to ftuo per » i u prodl. tSil.uM BlA I'HKM K'AL OO., 89 Dearborn nt.rbicago, HI, I

KTAI. PATI KHN MAKER WANTED ON light geaeral paiteraa Adilrvsi

W. E A M. CO„ 2i liaav I t

P AlNTKHH-WAHTElVIMFUrtVER a n d EE- t^risni-sd man. IH FATEHhdm h'I'., narrtMn.i

[CA fAr^M AN WANTRD. a r»MPftrTENT I u](Mtiian fi>r Ntw York aud virtalty A»r tbe lisnlwarv irsd’» : s Kiowlvdgv un-erman itsslrablSi.


THAVEt^ Aildrves T IIK

N. Y. Ufr




A PnORTHAHD. TYPEWRITIHO EDUO*- Uoo around 10 noM 00 miy term i;day, even-


\BHORTHAND BTHOOLTHAT PLACJW IT » scholars In pouiioiu irsei maeblnes rented.

4fty R oom 4, Masonic HsIL Orange.

BKNN p it m a n s h o r t h a n d RCHOOli,739 Broad SL. Hoome I aad 4.

Tsrias on appHoation.Conwoondsni'e rourse, f 10, IncJudlag booka Bpedat terms during Jane, July and Atigust

MIW TOWNHKNIFri BOARDfNO AHD DAY’ irhooi for girls, 44 PARK PLu Nswark. N.J.

Prlcnarv, Academic and Oollega Preparatory De- partmenu.

tlRulanonapplIeatloa. 92q




4UNE 4, A T 7 F. X



RKOPKNR PEPTEMBER 19 llTl. Thorough preparattoa for any oellejeoraolsaUdg

school orfbr burlnssi Oatteoguss upon applloatid9

B. A. FARRAHD,Tlv Head Heater



XIBN WHlTMflHR. PR INC IPAL College Prepsriloty, Senior, Junior and Prlmcrp

Depariroenta A limited nurnbisrofboys In Pr mary Department. rartUlvdi - admlia to Weilsaley Col­lage. Circulars ou appllcatiuc.

Music.TYANJO BY NOTE » CKNT« A LESSON: JJlnstruments Aimiibed free fir leaMoi.


Ma n d o l in , b a n j o , o c it a h , z i t h e rand Ttelln taurbt.

A. J. WRIDT, 7ft Booth at

OTEPHEN. r^Frsneh Iqi

J. NAVHKW -- PIANO A N D iQstnicter. 14 FRANKLIN HT. 49r

________ I^ T U U C T IO N W A N T E D *

ZIT H E R LEHSONH WANTEF, HTATK Ierm9 etc. ZITII KH, Box F. News o«oe. I

h o a r i i i n g .

Ba n k bt .,r •

- .. flO-GOOD BOARD AHD CHEEH-'ful rooms ; table board. gri

Ba n k mt.. 47. cor. w a h h in o t o n - p l e a s - ant front rooms, with beard; also taole board; All liuprovementa. ega

T Y A N K HT., l « -FLKAHAKT FRO.NT BOOM. Aebalh ; txeelleut board for one ertwogaatta-

BROAD HT..or married couples.


T y ilO A i)H 'r .,9 «-A LAIltlK FRO.NTPARL'IR .J rand bwirooms lu lot luruiihed, with or without board. 1

Br o a d ht„ jjm--Ti

. M CKLY FURNISHRD rouiiii, with busrd; psrmaarnt or transient;

tabie board. |oo

CIK N t A k BT„ a -K L E O A N T FUttKiHlIKr) front rooms with bosrd ; also table traiard. tin

( lOMUERt’ ft: »T , W NICELY FU R M hHVD /raxui, ultb or wlluolU board; aJl Improve-

meuX. t

/^OKOIlK.'iH sr.. 42 FUHNJiHKO HOOMH. V^'wlth or without tKoird; all modfraconvenltuort: handy to sle<‘trte and ^uuru cars <,tso

Ea s t f a h k h t ., ss-n r w l y f u r n j e u e droom, with bosrd : trrme rcMonsbla i|o

I jtAHT PARK RT. 6>-.SICKLY FU KN IbUKD Jroums ; board If dexired. ooh

rfttGHTH AVK-, 47 l-ARGE PURNIAKED jfront ri>om for mau and wifr or two feniltmen,

with or without boate ; aiio slagie rooms i all iin- provi'mcot*. I

I ^Ra N K IJX HT..a7-PLEA»ANT RO(?X8 FOR ' respectable gvBttemsn: also good tteila beard.

/ 'I AlW lDE HT., SW -PLKAHANT ROOKB AND \Jf board 10 private (Umlly, gSe

GiR E K N HT.,. rroodos, with uoard.

GROVK 81’.. 2fi, REAR ____Boanl for geaUeiuan ; |4 per week,



H I I.T. HiV, 19- NICELY FURNIRHRD ROOM^ with board; two gentlemen or man and wife;

private family.

JONFHMT.. 17, EAHT ORANOS-BOARDURfl watted, |4.iy) per wevk. * j

J a r u k f r o n t boo m f o r TW O : a l s o Jelogle rto&ie, with or without hoard.

49c IL IN P E H E T .

N e w KT,, 44 - Pf.KARANT COOL FBOHT room for rratlemea; alt koprovemeita: good board; oeainil

N ic e l y f u r n is h e d ro o m f o r oEHtj^K-niaa.all InoprovemeaM, bath, gaa, eto,: hoard

irdHtrariJ pitv>I.Ii.iuilT. loamw ilib H O O U H TsT .,n «rH iilM ,.

)ODEN ST., liS -nE W LY ru R N IS H B I) reom. tbr 1l,h l how kw pin , or atoflT tbr no-

maa; b«>4lBf t lK ; oolL sii, umo. i , .

OROHARtl ST.. 13t-l-LK A »*IIT VRORT riumu, with board; tb m m liu to Rom

nut St ,1^

1 > A R K P L .,M - nW STROOM ., W ITH B01.IID-X siM Uhl. boud. J if

HT„ S « - BTRICTI.V ra iV A T K bouni tumbbKt m a ), vlUi or without

bo.rd. .w.r l.ANK


PLRAMANT BOOMil, W ITH B^ARD j TBRUB IBI>d*rAIS. H I m o i l hr., M W H uuV . I

iMteni If desired. 914

» * ! * k - t a b 6 i?±llM Ard uul nimuhfd iwn|| MKh.BKauK.d7o


' yrrer* moderai*. ' eq

CO UTH o n ^ o * a v k , im - t w o y o d h oC^incn Can oDtaln froal room and bcisri 2 nrlvatarimiftr 1

T B k A S H tA N D ,^ A «U M CLtltTCm S T .- nnboiM . tibl* Wuni, Md plH wal wolWnr-

Buawl room.; quMtlSd komallfcA rjq

a c c o m m o d a t e d with dn lisb l. front n »ia a m M w d : o n Aod

M lh ; t « « w iBOdtriM) cwittAU, laoAtts. AddiMiI____________________ M. K,, ROI 1, N.WA onOA

W ABHUTOTOH hT. m - r U R M I B H E Droom, with hoAtd ft , iMtlomon. »A

O O U IfTB 'r B O A R D .

p lO U !»TRV ' BO A R D -A p S tV A ? «lOoonimadAlA Ibuf ,t«wn ptnonoi ma

llin tib A nntle tw ii. : ib tw AiinM . r »m UAtlAo: bMWIIul^rActti«nr, drlrlntAAd lAkw: a o m bat NAhbhiliM AtinnaM dA)>^. Btr H i iM A n Ad-cw t* P.'S. cuO fM R Ahtfirw, m

Addm., Willi rrfor.aio, Alili Mlarr ciiiwlMl,. Mtl.I.ARO, Boa A, .n, h i od

^AI.II^*MK.^■ WAMrKU. I. '« At, OR , llD, : tirntiAtiral |>u.ll1on. Aild HAW KS .M'lLwKKY CD,. KurbA-b-r. N

‘l l - 'A .N I t l i C A M lirH A.NJi AWMISTANT TT (sibltr: wait fiirnl.k Idv Aod two iM bw -

curlir A ilO rm l AtllllKB. Ilui K. NAwauOr.. I

l l - I WISH TO r.HI>l/)V A FKW OOOD 7T m,B to tiiAlc. lAO to |t00 A wMkHlIIntonr

H iiid, Klwttlo Uot.r. Run, wwin, mmnblAw, VrintlOf jirmawi, v.nlllAtlnl lAnA pomp., ,10. ,V,rTlMdy buy, th.ni ; i ln d r .niplojrmrgt: AAijr ^lUAllnii Aod pnxl WA(M W. P. IIAHUIhUJX A l-O., C-Irrh No. II, ColiimboA Oblo.

■ y i-K W li.l, s t a r t YOU IN A PLEASANT, TT proniAbl. And MTuiAiinit boilniM: OAn b.

onu. At Tour ow. bom.; uo a w w Ic m aLIt ludAMAd alAinn Air full nplAnAUoa._______ w k h t e r .n h c p p l y q )., w. i«ul*. Mo.

■A-'lH’NO KDCCATKIi. IllIJiOBABl.E, ACTiV k 1 nuHlnw niAn; to tucb, a tpl.ndld opoolac 1. o f

ftrwl 1 « , t , pArllcdlnriL________________ hoNQRAHI.K Onn,., N. J.

W A N T r .D -rE M A L K N .

A -A . (URL FOR t'l.l'BHOUNK. HKI.P IN • Altiihwi, t i l : iirl H nuri,. Alio cbAmb.rOAld

And WAlllHl, pnvAU fAmll,. 3 CEUA R BT. I

A m h h i s e r v a n t n u p p i.ik d a t s h o r t netlr,. Al w, procon iltuitloai without rbAiw. to ,trlA w, irn.rAllr b ir . ApudOAiloiil h r pl.cn.


\PrRKNTICI>. IMPROVERS, HEWINO tirii aIk lAdiM And fir li 10 Inrn drMimAk-

ln(.Dd0uUltf lATNIlU.N AND PAHIH DREwB- .Ma KI.no PAHI.OR.N, 771 And 771 HmAdit Mo

P P H rjn U 'K WA.NTED AT DRESSMAK- t io r iTici.i.NTim AVE. I

\UENTB_I,a I)IE.'I k v k r v w h e b r c a n make |7 to lift p«r week ; cheap household

krtirla Address Ml loLKR, Hox F, .New# MflJeo. I

/ iHAirhEKM ftll), w a n t e d . A GERmT h V girl 11 dn upMtftln work sad u lots w.isnlng- la- quire MS KHo a D ht. i

C((V 'K Wa NTKD MTHT b e TH O RO rn ilLY rxpvrtencvd In plain cooking, for private ftiriillv

In New \ ork, German ur Mnnsarlarv uTtfvrredl. Inquire 311K f l Kfe.LLRH. 429 Illfb St 7:b

A^tfKlK WANTFU. WIIMAN TO l'W K , TV’ AHJf V. ami iron or do general houfteworlt-ino wsahlngi; good wa*(i-A. Apply lo MHu. U. C. llKl,Ms>Cn. I nlen sve., Irvlugion. l

C1CM*K -WANTKIi, (tWHC TO « 0 IN COUN* • try; rvfrrence required. Call *

Bo &ti w a ' i i i .s o t o N HT.,beroTe lO a . X.

'"100K—ftft’ ANTKn, GIHM) COtJK AM> L a UN* t -dresa. Call IM ROtiKVU.I.E AVK . Monday, ft

G(IK L H -A FKW YO lM * UIRIaH tt'ANTED. ( I Apply tOHlsy ntlM ,NKWAKK hf.

n OUSrWfpRK-' M a n t e d , IJON P F T E N T glri. Oermxn prererrwl. lo do general hnuse-

Work. Dsnil y o f tbrre must be gocdcook, washer and iruner; bring referHiieei from lait employer. Apply forvhutiu, 14 cULo^rNUr HT.« liiaat i t -


HOlT^tKWOllK CniOllFD a n d W HITE girts wanted ; also is i>ermaiiH and Swedes

wnated. Call Momlsy ani.1 I uesOay and vVedne*- day, tha Ualtimure bmploymcni Agency, s7S Jtruud It., cur. William SL J. H. A4iEftO,'4. 1

HOt:SKW(^KK WANTKI), a UKHPiECTA RLE wumaii for general housework ia family of

two, Applj', with refrreiu'e, at 409 W tLLlAM BT., East Uranga \I ago ifl2. ftc

HO rSkW ORK-W ANTKF, YOUNO (lU tL furgenerul bousa»i>rk, no washing. Andy at

I7i MT. PKOtfpKCl A V K betweesttand iOo'clock on Monday, 1

n OVHKWORK ™ WANTED. AN KLDKHLY woman lo d> light hmisifwork for t*eo; one

tbst Is sstUHed with Ktuall wigaa and a home.1 2l8C1lAKi,T(JS #U'.. 2.1 floer.

1 inUAEWORK-UOaD OEKHAN FUuTK hT- Jl I snt girl for ceoeral houMwork: must come Well recoiumtodvd. CallWC 171 NORTH HKVKNTH BT.

HOU8EWOKK-WANTKD, HIHli FTHl OEN- eral hniiaework and to help vrllh wash log;

niuit good plain cojK Call t»c 90 NORTH NINTH BT,

T lU llS E W O flK -W A H rgJ ), CLEAN. TID Y 1 1 girl for houeawurk In imatt family. Call two days 172JDH.NNON A V K ,o ff Cliiitnuave. 1

HDU8EWORK-WANTED. OlltL FOll OEjT eral buuaework ; small family ; Gertnan pre-

terreO. lift IILOOMFIELD AVE. l

H OUHJiWORK-WANTED, DEKMAN OlttL to do general houaework.

Mb Inquire 1 « LrTTLKlOX A V I.

n OU'^EIVORK—VOUNO HiML W lM IlDTO assist In light housework aud rulml baby.

1 L'^ lm tftM lL 'ia (mANHs: AVE,

n OUSEWOHK — W AM FD , 1 ( ’OMpKI'K-TT girls fbr general boi>seaork ; refer-ucra.

1 lift m a in Ni., r. Orange.

T fO U flE W O R K -Q IH I. M'ANTEl^ FOJt DEN- X Ie ra l housework. BIB'U'KNBT. i

I VORY HUrrONB-W ANTEn, A FEW (H llU t experlenrcO st cardfns and shitdlOK butiont;

tmiit be quick.1 KLDl'Z, VEI r A Cr>„ Numiu Worka

VD IlB h>4 -YO V S (» LA N IW WANTED TO learn nni^ne ; ibrwe tpwiklni <iartnan prw-

terrwi. Apply morulngs LVK AND EAR X.N- FJHU.4HV. bllrlltigsl. 40o

■V-URBR-M'ANTED, MI UJH.K-AtlED W i>Ma N x v to take care o( tAO children. ifly rnfereurea re­quired. Apply lo F. o, K, i.irarteri-lM. |

■\irAN TRD —VOr.NlJ LADV Oil YOI’ NO M\N vv (o learn lelegraphy, day or evenisi, for pusi-

tinn; special chatae. FarfU-iilars.1 H3U ItllOAD .HT., lop door.

k m p l o y m p :n t w a n t e i i - m .-i i .e .

A c c o u n t a n t R x i ‘ EitT-n:>riKH w j u t t e nup, Boreunta epesw), NiabMurnta iiiade. collets

tloiM alteaded!; eagagsinenU iioitr t>r day ; lerirti teoaerata. UKr H a N, 24i ^prlogdeldAve. 77b

A c c o u n t . a u d it e d , w r i it e n d f o r i n - veillgatMl. ACCOUNTANT, Duk M, Arllnv- loa. N.J. eiy

tYAHTKNDEH, OKRMAN. WILI-INO AND J vpleailng, not sfrali of work, heiiofreferencfts, sranu sllUBtlou. Addreai 11. M., Box V. News ufltre. 3'.:*

ClOACttMAN — CARKFri. DRIVER AND .'good i^rdener wishes Hi tuBtlon. Cali orsddress

Sic ftaCLiNTON RT.

( 100K — fe; « f e c t a iil k v d n n o m a n 'wanii iltuatlon a<i ilnicLisirook; mirtemlands

Cooking In ail Its hrancbi-H ; 4’lty or nnuntry ; beet refereaves from presen I umpluyer. Adclre%s fl7«! ]|7 o u a n o e b d , fttomcialr.

I;iMPLOYMFNT WANTED HV A FORMER !imat}Ufaclur«r and merchant or thh city, seed

tft; thorough hook-kKepiT, axpsrifnr-ed travelling aaleemaa; psrmaiieni iv»fitjioti ue^irsil |ti any ospadW reqnirtur Rervlc's u’ thorough business- loan: nrat-eXte referea6»; niodrr.*te oniupsnsa(»on; Would write up ami bslance net or iHtoks, collroi, etc., teropotitrlly. Address a , W, F., CHtu carrier M, Newark FostoOlro-i 1

FARH B AH D ~M lR K Iia> MAN (OERXa N ) witboot rh lldref wisbei sllnailon; good

tnilfcee, to take care OI cows ; wlfriur housewiirk, 41b Call 124 p l a n k Br.

Q lTU A T lrtN W a n t e d AB BOOK-KEEPER nn t^sBsletant; good pcnnian; A l refrrencro. Ad- drvei JAMkR, oare of c. H, Roblusou, iJOiftouth st.1

UREFULXAH WAN'»NHITUATIfJN OF ANY' kind; wllllnf end obliging; would lie ailllngto

to Lftlbs country. SM OKA NOE A I'., store. 1

K H P L O T H E H T W A N TK U "F lC H A LR ri.

A FLACK BKCURKD FHEK OF CHAROR FOR glrtehavlag rafrrence ; blfhest wsgvs and beet

rimlilvK ELITE EMPLOYMENT DFFiCK.4, 740 Broad st i2w

( ‘’lOO K-F lBBTCLAPH , (4KRMAN Cf)OK>wlsbas sItuaUoB. Call W ROUTH ORAHOK

A V X - ftdc

D n e r b x a k e r w ] hiie: » w o r k ; t a y l o rlyitem ; lernts moderate. Jt BURNETb T. I

HOUrtEKEKPElt-RITIJATIDN WA.NTRDBY an American lady M houftek"«p»r fhr a sftld-

ow«r, AddreuCAP tBLE, hog Y,Ntwi oJDce.Tdb

L A U rH H A I l in H Nt'IWS FOIt tiIW W I.tU7 ' ehlidrca by a Preach gtrL AddrtM

74b L F. 31ft Mulberry M., city.

ST ltM O (l*A p S K H ^ ’ f)UN(t lA lIV IIKSIHBI a iKteitloD as steitograuber and typewriter ; witL

Ing to ainlsi In edict work. Addrti#i 1 8. M.. Funoltln, Kun^rii.

W AITH FW -W O M AN I « ) WISIICS filTDA- lion a raw buuni In moralng or light empioy-

neoL Addresc N.. Box F, News once. I

W AI9T HAND—EXPERIENCED Wa IHT baud wants work wiili dressmaker.

I9h________ AddrMa W AIh P, Dux j , Newi office.

W ABm m i-T lELIABr.E WO.MAN WANTS wssblngand Ironing r gC out or take home

Koaday and Tuesday. 17 C iLDEaN NT., top Hoor.i

W AHUIKCI-WUHAN WANTN W ASlU Xa 10 take home, or go out by the day.

1 209 lihUUiC e» i'„ top ffoor.

* ^ A k H t H i } - WOMAN WANTS WAflHIMO V T and hoasMlaaolai hy (he day.

I8b (.'allinBEROEHST,


i im iN K M H o r i r c A .

\ - f t l . m RIC I.iriHT W m iND, ARC OH •taran<lvsceat; burglaralarms, halla telephcasn,

vie; ttici«'r>anl dyaaniiM rewound ; electrio work otail kinds Jt i<entraf*i prtov.7^* R . F. IIHADS^ ILW tXsfkelS l

TLA N tK ;H JU D E h-

Doaranlsed ana hteti 18 ell UsM. fbr ptihllc hulldlngv. pri vsiv TCvhieai'va, data, sh>res, ssliMMuanJ Im'iurlea

F a c t o r y a n d

s a t .rnroo m a

194 aad IIM Polk at., near Ferry siaPK riA i. u a h d a in r .

99B9 njisuiiie abmlsft. wiin d'Kibla (amel fringe. In all popular cuiurH, cvmpleta. ready lo hang, regular priie Qic, at Cm’.

\L1. KIND-* UK WRISUKHH AND C lR P k t- •weepers repalrwl. send i»atal: white rubber

ruDs, Tlk*. up. M. J. MAlluN kV, X4 Plane Hi llw

<1 <i. MINTON. MAW}N AND HUll.DER • • Furnaces, clstenia, ohlinnsys hull! and re-

p a l i^ ; walla rsfialred and whitened Slq 21 W 98 r KIN N E Y H V. Men l pnit\l.


44q 963 RROA D HT., room 4, over llartdagtn’a

g lH r . * F FAM ILY *<HoK MrORk I.AUIEH' V kid lip, buUon, 4 1 : ladlev line kVl Up. buttoq. Il.lft; laoiM'kid lip lart'l biu'bvrt fi io-. Misses' heel and sprtag heel Up, burtgi). 7 jt*: mva's sfwi^ laced, |l ; lustt's dne iaoe-t and t Cfifresn, fl.lft; snea's russet tilucliers. |1 h i: h«iy«‘ djiv larvd, Mr.; Fiiuth'e fftM lanad, Me.; tbUdrva’s auring besi tip Iratton. iirlu s.eoc .. at WM J. M< Kl.NNKY'ri, in Plaoe si, near WllHaua Hi 4ts

1~T^AN XOTOR.'K DYHAMUrt AND I 'lA T lS il DiachhiM ueedlag r«*[telrft siviiuld ns eent to

T IIH NKWARK x L M 'iH II 'A L H K l'A lltiN i (H;)MFa NY. No. fl Mulberry tl. ftVurkaivd dia patrh gtiaranteed al tuo.terat*« rharge*. i^teer* by mail given pruoi pi alteiiUon sir

AND MUMK a Ii in B L m> struuteUlitaUHMt: ‘>ply anrli h hiSi ft', pir ^Biftea.: llte best ft-ply aneii houkft. Ift' per <t ; « S W imm! r^,Uc.:wootl reelA'3V.; bfsM rrol". fre-n VfiOr. up; Autwl halt, lui-.; loo fret brsideil line. V ' 4k: the best sBk line. WU f>teU 7 f t l i M ihstllns Vouhlw'fc«fto. Hand Worms aiwaya an haml at A FRANK HLAhh l.ftf h



. mark e l Hna lift toUft tentral avv. A iaravstiK’k o f drat clnM horv- s’wiir i

- an liaad for tale or e ii’hamri- at ihi icwwH market prows idraugbl rlrtvsri «ud gr i-rp partetee hotees a fair trial glvaii ani rll ■te-’k s il l wlih a fith guaraatee to h 4 asreloaded. ALHKRT I.

Dr»sj»nl*l r ip L lN , prC'

•f Cteli

Mulberry XH. iHil'Dl.AH, KAKKR O f

•III# Dooflas lianic. Acme Uul- tarand das maBdollui lliisicallrh sinunsuis of ail kinds; cash or tri- iialmenis. henaDlag a snedailv. formerly o f rt2T Hrua>t ipd • 1 'rdar st


UBORlIE A. DICKKRhon . Maiagtr Caipeia cleaned by the lateti aod bast pruasssia

IF WRINUERS AND CARPET- sweeperi nee>1 rapalrtng send

poiial. Holld white rubber rnlts from f Tft ceota up. ('ailed for and delivered > free. Also old aiiogeri bought and

traded lo for new oumx,WRLNUEK UKFAIH CO.,

•Th n Ntw st.

tvpewrUeia. eioeliioal lostruments, tic., repaired sdso naan fhralshed frr carpenter or 1 worE W. E, BKADHER. Ml Market tL

I AW H MOWKRA, ■HEARN AND KNIVRH Agreand. saws died and set, gtins, rvfolvert,

X--------I----------------------------- repaired:inter or aay ulbar


IY facC fiR M ACE -» A T C II R L hT ivApocketbonkt, moaosif tool have and trunks of our own manulhclure; ropalrltig promplly atiouded to. S2I BROAD HT,, opposite WashlrtfUKi Park.

I^IA H O TUHINQ AHD HXFAIHlNn.MX a B. (tK rx r .M F a ir i

O E R B O H A I^FO K o n e w e e k a NII CAHIlX Dflly, all-wool extra snpani. ftftc. yard ; Has burr (apestry. ifto- yard; Htnyraarugs, IDxea. gi.H; ftexTi,

tLW; beatli If yoa caa The opiy ortglaal Van iora mroKnre C ompsmy ; not limited i a aortb lif;

Mps« ally low prlcea ’Pi I k v a n K uHN f d h n !- TC'RE C (L l » , lib Mulberry st., ccr Marktu____ I

1>KRHOHAL-RPE('lAi- IN CHAMBER FUR- olsure fbr 410* week only. We are determlapd

toclaanout a carload c f badroom fiirnKore; rle- gant oak bedroom siiKs, 14x10 Fro nch place Mirror, three please, lift. fAsh OblT. 1llgl>or prtcad lulls in proporilon. T H K V A N IIUKN rrK N lT l'K K C >.. FJHiC Mulberry st^cor.Jiarliet. 1

O O FIH U -X R ‘«. HATFIELD HOFTEK, UAR- ket and Ooaimerear 44oI f




Te£phone40L Rntabllshtl (An




Bet Bank and Academy its.

r r X C -P IA N O fi a n d O ltOANi TUNKP. RF- I typalrsd. (IKORGB h u n t , ape Market i l 8U

M A L L P A F K R A N D P A P K n -H A M il.N ft .

A --A.-ROOM PAFKRKD, ORtitNAKY HiyR, •eaUtof aad sloe and 9-loeh border, for fi*Y

Ijo aatortTuent ofpaperi; latestalyles; allgradui and prices. FalallDg, |ralmng. Ilntlng and kslso- mining exeroted at iluonable prtoea AH work goaraateed. opeo till g F. U. urdsri by mill at­tended to, J. R. O’ N E IL L M Academy it., Brar Jlalssr. 9iq

I^R O KRtt W. -OONK • 1* AND » NKWBT.,



r/lWBBT p r k ;kn a t r e t a i l FalnUof. paper-haiigliit, etc., ta

mioaable prloai. llano 20 New X , near Hroad. White Rnildlng. Rlueaigna_____

A” -R K 'X )K L Y N AND NKW YU H K W A L L • paper (-'omWDatlon—FIeaie take notice that I

wUl pat>irfrUr-iIxcd room wUh gold paprr and wide border (br ^ftOa room, and also da nrst-oloM paint­ing and kaisomlntflg at the cbeapasi prtCM In ibe I'liy ; ordera prompUy atteuded to by mall bOu JACOB LEVY. NO>. 198 Warraati., NewarE

V - ! '0 YOU W a n t Y'o u r rthim r k p a - • perk'd r Wado It fbr (l.io and lurnlsh wall-

paper aud border. “ The Fair," R T K IN A B L a U. 190-I1MI springAeid avA. manufreturert ot picture frame* and window abaias. &7x

VDAM”'* UHOORLYN WALT. PAPKR HTOllK - 'i will paper aay fhlr-sise room with gold pa­

per and wide bonier. locludiai repairing, furftl.'ift. also we do Rrslrclaas palDtlaf, graining, kalsotnln' lag. plaasertag and tlnUng. Far the cbeapwit arloes In tbe ctly, fteod postal cards for Huhples. or call at Rrooklyo Wallpaper Htofe and select your paiteri. M w» carry a full Him o f choice papers, such as biaaks, HaX flits, embosead, Ingrolni and tiles, largest aasi>rCtnRnt In Htate, and aall at frniarr prim. Walipapar bought o f ua irlmmal by (bwhlho free; open erenltifi UR 9; we sell neper from 3 Cents a roll up 10 fl.ftil 8iX RH<»rllKEiH, Deooratora, Paper Hanger* sod I'alnten flrat-ciaaswork gnaranteei i»^>prlDg- field ave, near Higbst ato

I IK A N U H o r TK K NEW YORK W A L l V a" A iper more wUi paper ahy sixo vooipi Mth goi 1 paper and gold itordsn, p a room please Mnil poatal cards: painting, knlsominlngand dr<'<iral- ing- X. KATHounK, 94 bpriagtlctd ava. Newark, N J. vTo

™ - . - ™ M K K T IN Q IL ^




Will be held atCO Rra H A L L 298 Bouth Orsnge ave., on

MONDAY EVEKINO, June 4, at 8 o'clock.

At tble meellng a Preetdeot, Vles-presldeDt snd

pve Direvtoni will be etected, an ) locb other busi­ness traniaoted as may be presented,

The sixth annual report will tw read.

Ftfreculb HerlnofKttwk srltl bo opened June 18.


tic f-'errctiry.

r in iE ,NKW YORK ICB COMPANY. HKCltK.A (art’s office. New York, May 2 .Tbnai.nuai metilng o f tha itockboldcM uf iiie

» w York ice Company will be held altha oHicstirib«c.>mpaiiy. No, 169 North Feventhsc.. I......acity of Newark. N. J., on WadnMdar, thPlhlr- teanth day of June, 1891. at I t o^olock X., lur ilis oleciion uf Trustees and ths iramsctlon of mu-u other bn si ness as may coma before aald n»set Ing.

*he Jroosfef Iw ka wlIJ tm duaed from the evan-*.... ' ‘ " of June

1IngofMojxuy, Juite4. uBill lha morninc 13,1R94. w, F. WSIB S irocrelary.

LORT a n d ro tT K D ,

I OM T-FRUUV KVENlNt4 OOInS ^ T roM ,^Taylor it. through Belleville avt. and Oriental

st. to N. Rruad, a black seal leather pocksthouk cAateiiiing ntenay; fisdar srill besuUably rawsrtiel by returamg lo 18 TAV lAJH ai, i

L oht- b u n o h o f k e y b , M a y 29,OOINO^ Beltevllle and back. Heiuru

to KENHY (4ttAf, 40J Halsey iL , aod recolvaJlb- erni reward.__________ i

T H a n d l e uMrmiti.LA.J Jmarkwl If. W. A „ in Bee Hive or bhydrr'#, on Haturdaj' tn(irtiLagi|ft reward if returned to ft_________________________ 19 (-'OLUMBIA Br,

T ^ J NAM E ON C Jj,l. ( R .1 R iT flE Y i No. New LotidoD ; reward If rviurnri Bread sL i

l> E W A H p U iyK N T b 1 T T H R “ ' l i ^ OF X k ilis White Haltaae terrier dog that was pteksd up on J k^rteanih eve., or tafortnatlop of ihs aamo.

MRr , MiLLEM, ita 'ibiroeenth avs.

OR BTOLEN-OJV THURSDAY. r^X ay 31. from 229 H O «EV lLLR AVa..asnsil, rouf ii-balred terrier, feroeta; anasvan to tha rihme o fiia g t: black, with lan aiMl blue msrkiugs:r; reward forrrttira o f tamo to above addtesa. 1

A lrC T lO N SAJbBS.


‘F IN E rUHKITUR®, CARPEIW, RJANOfi, RTC.M, J. O'OONffOll, . - Aurtloneer.

A l the Bateeropra, in and ifti MULBRAKY STm aaar Market at,

MONDAY, JUNE 4, A T U A. M.Two Uprlghl end two Bqugra PSaaoi. rtrlcr

Rum In PiigE JMmaiik and niik Plush t ClTaDd walnutCltsmbtr Nulls. Wiidrauva. iwo'vsry dne Hdeboards, Kxtenaloo. M. 1', saj- Tables ■Uallstands, Bureaus, Hedstaads, Wash itaods. P. P. pier and Mamia Mlrrorg; rowchea. loitugae, ChaiTE Bakers.ete,ate. About 3ft Carpsis, ra Rdt and second-head. !h all gradea and slses: Art Hquaree, Rugs, 300 yarJs oudotb, Hair and oifasr MattreasM,springs,,Beddtu. Fteturs*. Kefrlgsrs- tors and two irgc- lodds o f Comnron FunRiura, ete.vtc.vto. I

^ C O M IN G K T B N T b ,

/^^M PM B rfl.YO IN TH E oT F v "1)P*NRW^ V - ark*-Boglitn1i>f ofa kieat tvaafeJlstte oampalgn to Usi all summer : tndon o f all HiriMtans aalast all sin ; aarvloes to ba held to tha new hrve leui on High lA, between irsne and Finn and aioomfleid avea every avsniag at I o'clock aod lAiiaday aad Tiweday afienDons st IdD i opeoiag mealing sud- d t f aiitroeoB and evening, Jaaa a at r k aod 9 g’lrilWE, ft

- .f

HANKV h a t e a m i KXCIIAM iK^tehlea. tel RRi tA D >T. J Mt rw' ‘It 1 a t-hii<i-s

l#( of matched l• a b and lurrlave hurwx Ift'sUU )>aati<4 hl(h. hay«, brow o-t, semis an 1 Mact*. >111*11 huraw nave iw-i It wltitercki, vroUnsRel an! dru m iif iv^uisyivania. (horwivhiy Imus^ M sm n-n 1 cM)‘tnr Ctrl an<l capeiusllvs-ltce* 1 fitrthli mark <A rarloAd nf f XIT4 •|iu1Uv dfAitht hnrssianl i*\eraipiifpoM ciiuaks tust In, wHghiiit l.ASUt i.rii

SHihriK Jlavc also a kit of w:ia>Misn let h-rMt «t nrust he sfRd All li«rs*s warrx itel v

•enteJ or mniMy rvfhit'led. Prices to suit the nmst _ _ V ll.KS W, H4NKV it Jill '

| M T h ft (iA frn W>H JiAl.F, NEW Ht’lK J Yhitard aagon aad slivar iiiotintel harness at

Onehalfriwl. >3 CKN UIK rT.. OraiMO 1

( lAUHUREM ' f'AKl!lA<IK>4' UAltlH AiHOs* lipeasad tup haggles, uhaetims. iiilles'|tha-v

font, maabotila traps, surreys. jumpHseai Mirraya splrhiiti. road, bnll's head, ii|)eriiug and bu^orw wsgiins of all hinda TKAiit K't So r t h k v i> v ^ l l l t lA U l KF.1HHSITOKY. r. i: Re tsvllla are.Jtei

( ftAMHtAUEH >A M'MHr.H Oe NRiV A.Yil ssnaad-hand osrri.wtw a>id wagons ter «alt

cheap. iiL tV E R M ANFFacTU KINii iAK, Coj- Of flay it. laispboncHL

H I h I.NLS^H (irP O ltT U N Z T IR R .

\ A. -JH) YOU WIMI TO M A K e' ^+4|ti‘ k. <Mi in, cash sale»r vr»ir husiaeasr Wa

l«TCu nf rash finysrs ln;ikliig '•>( husleesv. i'Ur.B or sveri desuripll'>i; ail our dealUi^s ■ •fflfMy foiiiUlenDai. |il?5 iM ^i E X fU AM ic l. ; vJ 11-i.lar liiUMIshed-D years (

\ s in a y . m.’ -iNE '.s o n p k »i^•erty. |f voijitinh In b 'ij,-»ll orexchaugOL

I '. ( loi- - lime, i all upo i I ■ Dr itM AN, 241 Hprtngflskl ave

, \ n\RuAlN i>4V(»'H»Ds.t'M>TIIfNii-vnmEj I ,t MJ' "* hi'lue^ I' -iiilun: w«:i sUr,gm|: xiU k ; ii«nri( rra-iMiahte rent, lor Malt; owner leaving

' 'iilr.v . prlie f l.(S»i.■ Rt-RXAN. $H Hprlngdeld ava

I tp A H iK N i)\ ; tlOdD.VKJ:. ; R.tTH (lorrn L * ^ = "ft nicfly liilvd, forI smi# at omw r l i a b l e teals; ,;:*od euanca fogI riuTge:'.. ^lanies

RFItMAN, HI SpHhgdeld ave.

I ( ^ND\ AND rD j^ ii xT-UtK, NFAH TW>) - a riuhi.-i. gitiHi iot-aiinn. doing aiesly. for sate at OIH P : ij AMi*r leavlugclty ; price IdxIX,- ilMlM AN,':li'*priagrteld avh.

r iA K H IA O r F.»U HALF, THHHF-SKATCAR- N rlsfr, as giK»d as new.7U6 -ji.' lU.iKlMKIEI.D AVK.

f ftllAUi.Rrt OHrHF. MANl F A m ilKIt np s!l kinds nf rsrrIsgiH, 4'uturtdrr ilsp.itt wagnna

Hnekswaya, ladleif ptiaetona buggies, exlenulm) Inp iitrreys, oanopy b»|> mtrrvyit, juftip teat miffeya U iM and bucklWkiirda spitiillt waguas. road certs am) speeding i*arts, iuji«lihwi wgruD* for huie'ieri and (Mikpra, grocers amt tnllkmra, plumMte and (teriwQiert. laundry ani rin^hleri. i-tursM snl faritieri' wafons, hsrnasian) sumtnar sns-*t* an I hlankafa at X7 aikd IftS Market sL. factory, Hsii-WST. N. J.

n ti YOU W AN T A ftU M lA iiF . UfDH’ KIiV, butcher, express, lauwlry or carpenter's

wag<Mi. nsw nr BociiD 1 bsml" If a>, pleae# cnji at avTt»N ‘w R(»-»e v i m -F n E h i* i M >in. wh'-re nan bn loiiud the largm var*ny aiui in.^eal p iic 'i Id city c f Neaark ('unicr Kourtesuili aud Oraage sta Otaage ran paas mir door. 48a

Y.TORr e h 3h MEAD FOH HAl.K AT MY l l iU b ie . rear e f 273 ftlatca ava . Newark, at roosouabis pricee i all aa rvptewuted.Bfth W W. J KIMMKR,

Ho r n e r f o r r a l e f i i i c t F ; m vm t r eeold: alau a road bone; heal 3 tnlauiss; don't

m laa bargain, i l fONEB'IT., Orange. tes

Y -FOR RAJ.E. THREE HOHKFh ;A I suitable for any kind of business i 00 Ihir uflhr roflissd Hsarefsi WIt-KLIFKEMT. 1

\ ’ 1,7 l l l l.D H m A N lif. AlicriciNEER,-h u jii -HIOil ftfoiidiii. •: 1’. M., thPciinipYteiW liiirsnK Sc 11 Miiligrry H.. neer Markets^ kw

IS A K K lJ lt-, lAs'M 1-TI(mM L a »»', B A K F lIU n ‘' “ ft‘ .ftftrtur ;, oue on Urange sU. lu

ftOiind »!.. V te ark 1 Pairs about •l.ixsi per lu.^nire of WM FlUCh, realrelate, ut^ursu-s auU Uum TH iiroidst, ug

HAItm-'U MlJiil* A KIHST-CI.AHH RAMBER ihop fur : ixtabllrthrd iftymn ; owner ite

nnug. ivntrnlly liH-wni ‘.Udress I liAHMi;; , lt)\ e. Nesrt office

ft F a HTV W IT lf3 sit.'-j- i-an hoy fu|>j -iiuiiicetl luanufooturlag Ptem. Aildre*! V ,\M i-'a iN 1 la M U iu a F, N e 3


I I0 | tR l»-T W U F A U ll.y IIOHMPJ4 ANDONB gtoUeinaB road boras for sate



( o «K A M HTORIfi,, ■,Pi' “ kft'V'd avi*. do1n< large iHJsIness, well

st«a'*i‘>l. lent | ‘j. nu ri*>num fur sai**; |irlee|!3SA italiMA.N. :4I .^prliigneid avs,

( M ' * \ .^ftOlHv, ll.Vt: VKllV i*i^oD t.fiOA* A (lou . doing Iiuw biidnese; neU ei-x-hsd . rsu| S1I; J nH>rnH ; for aMecn aci-ounl ufaWUfoeei.* ft> ili'■HMAN,‘Ri^|lr1llglleldava

i in .M FKrilO NkkV AND h 'K rilE AM P A ^ A lo r-H ril Clues nmlVcdonery smi foe cream parlor lor eai# . giHuWin perfrot femlliloa ; pHoa low, huitilre OtANFhl.TUiNEuV, > 0. 88 Rprlat- fl»*ld etc. m

-h a l f in t e h e h t a n d r e c l u - 1 site right cfnmoufSi-uireiB UnitedHteteenfth« f ^ l pipe wrvDcb yvi luveaied; pategt Jmt out. J AX Ml .Ml LI. AN roS li’AN V, maaon oooiram tors, 47 S\>ti WaihIngtoB st., Chicago. ft

i :'ft<*<'KRY ANrtC AND YH T<jR K AND lioU »irV 1 hold furniture for sale aheap.rti U Moittiirt AVE , Dearl^Btral are.


OHHR, lIARNKIfM AND LIGHT TUP wagoo, fftfti 199 HUNTRftIMlN kT. l

CteMK A<tfH7U WORK ir>RHK YMRRALE I'htip. A32 HKHUKN NT. city. 1

V flO t lA B L M T W HER, CITY LINE» ivERpiiogllvId sve.. wtli rfcwlra a car­load or Wmi Vlnrlnla hortts on Johi S,

. ooeslsilng of buMnem. draugbt and nork The iowest market prfoNi i sold with a

guaraatee to b» as repiesealwi or cash refunded.

d I.IVKRV B U aiN E UA Fftjrsale; gwH trade. Adlrom LIVE R Y, New- u k Kvrnlug .seas olllce, orange. sri

j Ih A H T N F K WANTED. W ITH f l ,m OR«,90d7 J 1 nmaey wUI double In three er foer tnoatbst r Jews need not apply, Adilms *

I Ic FA HT N ER. JCvenlog N ews Hranch. OrangE

p A R T N * ;H W.^NTKD WH JI |2SM TO T a K I 9 an liitsrv iilna museuni at summer resort IW this seasen j a giHMl chalice. Address B. B.. Box A. New* office. J

P iNY FOR B.SI,E, A 4 YEAR-OLD RH KT- tend poay In flrilA'laisorder sod geulie; can

be driven hy child nr lady; al«o a 3-wbeel cart and 2-ssaied huggy, room for 4 chlidrsn, and harness (o match ; * r « DI esehaags fbr flrsVclasa phaetea or surrey, or ildaber top buggy; no fociory make need apply, lagotra at 4W rt TENTH NT., cily.47h

I » N Y RUtliiY AND tIAlitNKaR FOR RALE.fttft; sISD very that hone aai) nice buslneM horse

snd new eolieoter'a waguo asil seven sets of very Ane barseai, new and tKond-haod, snd aigbiaa- toned buggias. kXt'HANGh llO’i'E L N>ulh Orange ave., opposlle ebooilag Park. 1

\ irAG O N H l W a U O NR I-1 HAVE 7ft NKW V f Wagon*, trucks, express, grocary aad buloher

wsRODs. sarreys, Imggles, sjilndls and road wagotia ete.Rirsate a . 1.. i 'IPLIN , hate and Bxoha;igs Maoism lift te 83ft Central ave

T l^AO O XR - >'OR n a LR, o f a l l KINDR;VT also iSaels of iiarneaa


\l^"AOON rn n HALE - HUITABLK FOR peddler. 178 FIFTEENTH AVIl , c«r. (am-

d*n at ______________________^

^ * 3 r BUYS FINE T^ftrNO UnitHK : ALRO 0 *> 4 lan se (i o f harneas. 30 read carU and one 3-tpring weguo. 1 tup boggy and 1 spindle bugRy chsap. m HIGH NT. 1

I >A B T N I'K ~W a NTKII. a p a r t k k r w i t h||.U: A III ,1v* a (ind U i.tw i In nn murprlH a

( oQty laiand ter sunmirr seaem. AddrsM ft H. R-, Box M Nsws oAIoa

p A R T N R H A MAN W ITH M NK A «xiaches dealtes an uodertakar as partnsr. ft*a O l'Fdh lU N lT ft, Orange J^isioffiro.

HEHTAI’R a NT a f a y in g HUMINEKHKnii immstrlouBcotipie; foil uf boardsrs; must ha

sold alooce; nu nff#r rsfiiasii: paay lirms fdeslrrd ' Apply 33 (JaNTiiu: Hr,, oraufa " " T J ;

H()ADilOUHK 93«t W ILL RtrY BNUG |JT# ilernadbouseJUTtoatof ally liioltaj spletidld

opportunity for boiness ; r t it oatyllOiHuedsaad stebtela rwkr; wortu II,(du. no aeMM ae*‘d a M y . Addraai r o a D, Hex L Nssvt office, ft

^ L O O N tiN I’HOMI'fKNr ROADWAY * » ^ b Apply Hrr.L ‘0 UNION BREWERY OO.

INQUIRE FROEIi- ^ j.| i ] [ A KolJri.gR , *24 Market sC 3|y

^ H O K Hlttip FOR HAl-K, TK.H MJI W4 FhDIC P'»«^ i Pr1< 1103- UqUlrtOLI..

VKU ik Kh.a-M.-if, 121 Mulberry Bt., city, |lh

S 1 ( ) ( ) n — — BUhLBib

/nets near the city. Addrw..WAOoNr*. Box J, aS'swb offiea



a I a ;:-

llIcapONSIllLE PARTIES IN NERDOFMONEV Caanbtaln the same at tbe office of the Newark 3lortgaffe l^ a O o , We wlillend you anyium that you wish at tha lowaat poselble rates. In thn quick- set pomlble itoie and fbr any length of time fo auli you. You caapap t|. haokiB auch lustaimeau as youwlsh, when you wlak aiil anly payforu as lungas you keep It. You can borrow on house- bold fornitara, pianos, horsM, wa;oas, carrlsgst 1.* oihsr persouai property without rsinovfti from your own iigesassfon, thus glvlei you ths iiss of tilth It and (he money. Our oAIimi sre eoQvstiieac- ly located, and pg^es can iw walls 1 on quickly, loujieously and coaridanilally: Heuiember that you ran pay all or sny part ef the luan at soy ttiuk sud that every dollar paid lestsax th* oust oi oscey- Ing the laaa NEW ARK XOBTGAUK LOAN (Yx. DiMarkalat.. seooail floir.

A -A .-A ,-M (J N ffV To I/Ia N UN ROND sand morigafe in sums to lulL

tei__ R W. UKKKV, 789 Broad st.

\TTK NTIO N-TnrW E WHO W ANT TO KOR row money lu sums of ft(A up, get good trvwfr

oieul and easy terms, sliould sppfy to AMKHU’A N ■L<teNt'<J..No.4M Broad SI.; orsfoo IIMl, room 2.3aa

^ iALL a t t h e OFFICE OF~ '

NKW j ERSEV l o a n o a ,

740 BROAD ST.. 2D Ff^riR, ROOMS 9 AND 1

Ifyou want money In small oMarge amounts, on short or long Hum-, ou liouKHlfoid funiliqre snd platiot, hurowi, wagons. carnageB, warvbouae re- oelpis ur personal property o f any kind, wlthom removal of protwrty frnR) your own possaaalou, ws can save you money hy our terms oa loans ttf any amount frooj ghUoftl.iyXiat Very short Oirtlce. with­out puhllclty. You can pav the money back in any amouiils you wlaii ami at SO}'lime, and aacli |>ay- ment mad* on tbe principal will reduce the cosfuf tbr loan In proportion.

Rrfore getting money elsearbnra call and aee US and you will Qnd it greatly p; your adrsotagB.

NEW JERHKY L ')AN (TO.,____ TfO li^>ad SL

.A I


MNKV TO LOAN O.-fl HOU-^KHtlLD Fl'H- iiltur . pianos, orsaua aad perw>r>al property

wiihE'iii removal; parllaa booorahlv dea'i wlEh; cjn muka Tupaviuents by Imiialnirnis; liusinots striclly coMfldentlal, V. W. CrtA WKOIliJ, room 2. Ti\ ilrottu «(.

Mt>NKY I.OANLD Mff i-KKMt.NAi. I'KtlF^Tit' ty. pianos, organs and fiirnliurs In use wRhoit

removal; i ll busloMM strictly oonildsiiilal. ra ilJf sddrnaa F. C. SDWa RD (. rojmA Hi .ftUrAst jl. or loCedariL. dav or avenljig.■Vf--.\k;Y T l) J.GAN <JN HONI) a NJ» MOHT^ ..viEags In sums 10 suit, irom fruu toR tti.

^ rtt:nUA'l,p;R H. JAi'KriON, 770 Hrood 41.

MNKV TO l o a n o n MOHlOAtiK. ' ft4b »■ V. lU 'IXK. Mjij Hrosit

^Jl) —MONEY 'lO L«».4'i IN A .W el/M.-i A l M / Operiuonih; good for ons year.

RJEI-MA.N. Dawtihrnlror. f-XIahllihed fkvl _10 (’edarsL, nesr l!road.17w

A-nI j' ■ # 2 fmortgats al .ft pwr rant In

•Mins and for pert«Mls to suit ihe borrinver. No IIOSINOR (.’OMMIKmION LXAOrKD: all neis v oary J»apers carefally urepirej. <■HA]tl.K■^ a . FKlCK, ik)uBselior-AV-Iriaw. Tfti llrrjsdH 4'2l

J/MN O.N IIOND AND <1 |M‘r ci'bL in

sums sod for perlo-1s to suit Die borrmran ; tiu bruHiS or rominlvlun c'liarired; gft,uni tu liiuti im chiiiel riinrtqagr In eiMiis tomilt, ‘ KJ>VVa ln> HI.AI'K. CoiinHlIor-at'I.AW, rcH>m 8f4 I'nidcrillal Iluildmg ; telephiiue Nu. V.;i

» t;PW ARD M>AS'KlJ "N FUHN'ITrUK; O M t In o removal ; [m>mpl, private, rsllaliie; luw rates, easy paymeuls ; open 4-vsiiliigi,)lq KKHH, fftfl llroal st


j a FE IN V h iilM E N 'l'li-

f i,w . ftL-ftOo,4 an ht placed on ftrsi-class imntl ami mortgage se­curity on properly worth double tba amoiiat an-| mors by oadlug ja


Ha 7ftl| HroMlct


J S. H IP FE L —


.4 —A. B W r LEUlGir, BWfL RTOVR OR.l .D o t . |4.T.'i ner tun ; i,ehUh No, 3 nut,33.73. well scrcaned ; kludUng woud cheap. RL TlllMM EHte CO.. N. J. 1C K. ava. and lAtlUyetiasC Tal. SH



VniM JAG OFONE MNEROPT M ILL CLAY dlaguttal suite (uada to order any dv^rri tcyte

Including (he new long dovetail skirted noai. ur rack, for I'ki, siRcbat ou odg> or bound; fU amt

ft‘WAft*- Cl w e e k s , the Washlrtdliifi »t- fallor, the uniy merabant tall ir In Ihe city caiidiiyirig four ouafooi cutters, 194 Woabini'ionst., iM, nexttocaaat hrtdge. 8^

Y>AR11Fn FIXTURKS FDUh a L e/c CPCARB J 3with tiiree mlrrurs, also Hires barber ebairv la goudorirr. CallK\} ^ 332 W a s h I NOTON NT., Bstber khop.

Hl'TtiIKK'.H KN IIH E o u t f it f o r s a l e TreavoiiahJs prh'v. luqulrr 87 ftiONHtrEET. ME-

'lANOK, I4‘fc_ KKET LO.Nti. SIAILA..1 sell onsc..

epirs II. bridge.\ pump'ete, Iq flrMrdasa <»nUr, will set] oiisan. l7b RO S m Ih*\ i io A rilOUJfXlN

CtAHKR KiiR h a l e (J I MAP.»3x L K. I ’ I.a U'I' a CO., 707 to 721 Broad SC

/ 1L!iTHIN(t • kLIg HTLY DAMAGED R ? 4 smoke, fur sale In loU to dsoleri only. L ^ 'K R N BKKG At'ii.. 2 » Market st.________ __ 4lg

1 )

f ’lD W N-v.iti Ra l e , o n f c a r w a d o f . (drolos fresh ct^ws Sfiil springers will arrive aft

rnlon MPM‘k YaMs. lUrrlsuu, HniuMsy, Jn oel end iiinit be sold at gnea A. CAN FI r.J.u A CO.SSe

f K (m V K (7A SI M lA f ■ H K ft F; KX f l l A NO * forbicycte 4 ACADkM V nT„ room A |

u n OF KI.NH WlaFIT^ a n d sccoNd-haud carpeio. hruu«ix, vnivst and Itw

grniti, very efoeap; 4-oivliSMiv#!i, ft up; chamhef suit, flL; rug pnrfnr suit, fTi: hit t>(|jsr furulturB cheap: rorrlgeruturs, 4(. 2il \YILLI A.M Bl*.

1^''l'llN ITUI(B POK HAl.j; ON ACU ItfNT OF leaving the cit y ; nne Mt4'ahinn tshle almost

new. tieds, purinr and k lichen sloves, chain and tshlati; very i hvap. J nquirs aoo ,W‘.. lU fiT LA Y ST.. In rear.

I^ U R M i rr iK —LaMUtAHI.E irt 'ro ilTL 'N lTY , new and seroml liiniii fiirnliure: will pell as

trargalii; parllro g diis tu Mirn|>e. AdiireM 23ti lift ho.VI.N-Dox R. ews office.

( (4M T FOR Sftl.r, 1AU4K HI/,KD 04)AT, Fand well broken kind siirtgtnite Apply W, M,

HOri.Kh. lU JiffiSit n[., Diuunilltlii. 27o

/ 1 |4-Kiinx.HjM. m iUNTERS AND4 V showcases for sMe. 1 uuulreiOt ______________________ J.ftlivrs.so FeerysL'IID IC K H V ■*l(iiK AND FlX lL 'llEN . fiMile. 34 W IN ASH A VF.

n ol.’KKHOLD I'T llN lT r ilK FOH m aLK, AU must ; also |ilano very cii*a|i; must be

fold : parly li-aving aty Imjmre (R liKLM'J.Nr A VK., suuDi o f I'liJiluU hVc,

Mi i .n m k n . a i t k n rro s -F itn M TH ltlca Uj four C.H11S o f punt milk lor oate dMliy.

7ll> AildrcSi MK.K, UoxD. N*«ftsofUee,

r VAIC llUFKKT, MKVKf. Gr.A»N, |I2: FlNR\ 'walnut h>H|rc>.im suit, rnattreis find springs,2d y.m]s brnairlft carpel, very cheap.1 ft (.'Of.L’ X m A HT,

O a il u o a t fo r KALI-'; um ;.u»Alply :■! rARKlCH BT,

SI’ llU' l'I.Y t • »NKnH.N l*f.vL -O.V JOftSY I'AY* mi-nt. clothing BJi l idoaks, ruA-iy tuale or niada

lounler. WnOj ture^iui fo cdi. k.l> >A A-S, Rj ( A, .Newsolllge

\\T IN I) iiv w .tr.kioii’.-i UATK.vrTV wiiidow ‘ crnet)«, Die n.»it In (hn riitvrk L;

C.'tra)'‘ h BHiiliuf iiUn<l, p'aiD Mliitiow aniiloorj^iTren^ifr 4'vcrv ilwo rlii'lgii; saili, blln la a:ii dwte. svIndtMV fratiift , niiuitdln an.I liiiidu trim- tiili-g; hanl WiHj a Hjieni Jiy. W lG ltT ilA NA Itilu., cor. IfaliH-yaJhl ( ' 'hiIoliij- sti. Mq

e-' 1- liicvHite,

HIOVCI.K RF.Pft I llL\r4,I> i\ r , AS ITSHOULD Ite. by a ilr-ii-i-lnift metha’iic heit-m]ulpp>l

■Imp 111 lh<'cily : secund Itsml wU-s!ft liou jut, »o il oc excli.ftm;cd. W. K. JiitAD.N’ l':ii, 3 1 MarkstsL,74p

Hi r v r i .h . 4-f>|,rMHl A, NK.ULf.Y KUWi- weight ‘.H ll;a ; sril v»-ry chi-sp.

37c DKi Hl'.ll, \oi Arltagtun at,

nJCYl (> :-• K M T U V ('■Jl.r.MJliA IN Bi'Xr cjndiiioii. ('All nc (M nitoAD Ml, 74a

iCVrr.K WARWU K P^'Kl^\rATIC 3Mt ftl-Vi, 'i A l‘.ft DI:M Y room A I

\ fA jK - U I i : DNKL'MAIIC IlIUYULU,Avlwrlvlit ri2 poiind>i ;lii l}r*lcls‘«B rnndiUuti snd a-« guuil a.t nn'A ; price w ry low. .ftddress 1 JI., Ilox A, News office.




Buy and sell Rtonki, Hondi aad tlrsin New York Exchangaa and Ohlcafo UuM of Tralf, •Uhsr for cash or oa nc argln.

310 BROAD AT.,(Nalloaal fitata Rank Rulldinfi

Tsispbons I93J, Newark. Nswark. N. J.Branch Office

Orange National Hank llalidiiic, Orange, N. J. ________ __ljslyphona 491. cirania


, -A.-^MMALL A TR K ^-tJ I^ ’iN fT L V U IttS Ltmy ipeclatiy. LBVKKirNj|i'^73MachanU.tel. I

TkO ATE NO lNE -tlX -H O HH K POWER BOAT . I f f ^ ' ' -----*fetigln'q forealei

ri^MSR.dOJohnst., Harrison.J^UlLibR.

hVHom Pow q^prlfh t Bollhr for isle lltw ei ‘ pri ce frid}.

loquln o f PURLfHHEAEvenlflV News office.


I i^NOINK-FOK MALE. CHEAP, A TUrfOltHS jpowar engine. In good ooudlilon ; enu be i «

wetted whtle ruhklng ot foctory of F. LDWRN 1 r a OT, oor^M^r^aal Brenner sta _________ ^

P AKTIKK llAV iN fS MKUJND-KAND B )U*^' rraandeaflnsh for sale will flnl u ro tov ir ii

terees lo seaa doaerlptlun and price of sa n 1 si H KW fi4AFU lLLIPS 'd IH 0.4 Wj.UCA .Vv.vsrk. Ni J. ftly

JUIiLBVT:, ETC ,-I,^T o f »KOO.T1)-|1A.SJ pullva> > iu ^ n u d fjr 1 1l 1.

____ ^Inuulr, ( I IsVJtNINO SKW.H OKPlCIt



J. I t a xY M O u iv iR ,,dUJL>BlDfCIII BT,

I ’ lA M IS A M I O U dA N S K O Il SALE .

] »IA K < i EOK s a I.K I'lllV .lT llliK VTI.K M AM Will sirrlficn for cash s very eJegaiU upnfht

plHoo. nvrtijotn'iy‘ 'afti*; \i»\v a finv tnimftlis ag-i; L-nali47.ft: will a<'«vpt fjiM, Ini'liidlng handsomeslIJc iv-nrruD'J p<tam1 ; sll improvcme.iu ; full Iron r'rams: iiAteta si'iimi ; o<?inve: ft veam' guarsoii-e wlih bill gfs:ile. Can ircrt»>eu ut Ihr {trlvate reai-lenco, 57» r/'i (;i ‘LUMi!lA

1> lA N r i !s - M I .| n l IT L Y Uj(KI>: CHB.ftPi (likkertng, ftl.fto; steliiway, hargsln ; siuall

foontliiy payuvUbt; don't fall lo Sf>e ibeni.32c ftVAHI/’!*, cor. Broad aud New.

13IANOM-!*DRcr ftL HAfUlftlN-i IN M.tCftl*- ly ii>e'l iipri‘|t(l amis(]uare pinnns. sule aionlB

forWetrer, Le<'ker, t.Mlsr mid otiiars.Ale D l’ .M'ikf.EK A mjN, liTOAd sL

I> IA N ^ i^ M rsr M'C.D RFFOmc J l’ NEft^ plegant Htiiirx A Rsuor upright; slmost new c

big bargain. Ad<ire-<8 CA'iJf, Hos A. News ofSoe.TSN'

P lftNd- 1IA/,LKTUN mtOTHERH UPHuiuT plauu-forsa e ; very low. .ft(tiir*fKft

«4c JU'/ii.KTON, lto.x F, .’Vews office.

F rANO-MftUrON P IAN U Ffjli CU hAPj'liratrc|a»a iondliUm. pT s k w Vu Rk a v k . i

r K HAVE HKTCKNiCDTaU* from refltal.

ae34.» LfprlghL Will soli fort^ftV * OneyhiO Upright. Wilt s illfo r fit i, ,

Tbeite pianos h ive bien In ttu butas'tgrt ttma A ft yean’ gii-iranter, iieol aiJ scxrf g>ii w ill

each ^aoaR. F hoQlviger Oo.'e Plsneh r ^Blnalui «k Hens'Hsnua *Jacob Hrotherj' Fi't 103 <

Have yoa seen our CuUst) Upright'

PRAN KLIN F lAN fl W.VltBTlOOM^31 Fnhon st.

Hix dc>ora from l'<nidle Church.

Tt t Too

f t » l iY ik -U F U rU lir i»IAN*l, Ti-< o c t a v e ^ C7 L\/U fri|l Irou frAflie; positive bargain; good as new. Addreo-s MU^fic. Jfox 11, Newsoffioe. Ole


T v C cTl a w r e n z . V. P.JJ FA l»H IO N AliLE L lVE BYATAaLIE |L_ ACJtNOftW.KDOrtlJTHKBliaT IH

N0d,34gT01«8FLENMlT. 4T S L irS D N E m . ^


• i f

I ^

K tw a r k <Suemng N eius.

I OAIVY, ■X61l>t SUMDAYt.i t m

i t u i m l e f t n m n c« i p u t ,ai6*317 MABjdrr STUXET,

Htw M fei K. jr<

la r tM i« ( «ta iw -

D«r««r*d by c»rTt*r» In u»y ptrt of f*«w vk, Th» Or»ne«i. Muriwn, Mirny, Summit,

Mnntcluf. Bloomlnid, *nd alt•ijhborinj town* Mt4 lubieriptioni, fivi dolliri i y«»r. or

tfty conn a month, poflaga fra*. Smjl* capiai, two canti Oahvorad by cirriari in Mawark, tan canli a waak.

Ordinary advaititamanti, tan canti a Ima,

*^vartii«menH undar haadi of Wintad, To tat, for Sal*, Parional, ate., on* cant a word, but no charga lait than tan canti aach Intartion.





S O FTH K R N IM M IO IIA T IO N .For tbrae yean paat tbiEoatbara Intar-

atata Immltration Aiaoclation baa baan s Bolaworthy factor tn th* aalaniton and davalopmant of the Indoatrlal raiooroaa oftbanew Bouth. The annual oonTan- tlon of tha aaaootatlon. which waa bald during tba current waak at Aufuata, Oa., wu altandad by rapraaantatlTa dalecatei from all tba Boutbem Btatai, and txiuoh lutaraat waa AaDllaited In th* dataili of tha proapao- tiaawork of tha organ llatlou. Thera la room In th* current of public affair* for a novaaiant In tba Intareat of Boutham Im- nlgratlon. Tba Um* la rip*, and all that tba aaaoolatlon need undertake li a thorough atpotiUon to dailrable linmi- grantaorth* adraiitagei to be darlrad from aattlenieiit below M aaon asdtliaon ’s hlatotio Una,

A t tminlgration nnually follow! llnai o f latltnda, and la largely Influenced by cUmatlc oouditlona, It la acarcely aurprii- lag that th* hardy and atorm-tougbanad peopl* who bav* com* from Northern Enrop* to till tha'rarmi o f tba great W n t ahonld have llailad to not* the attraotlTc- B*M of the South and lb* poailbItlUaa o f th* natural reaoureei of that woHoa o f th* country. It la In fhrnisblng to fhtura Inmlgraota Information, complata and ra- Itabla, eoDcaruIng the oharaetar and ex­tent of tha Industrial flelda open to Boutharo entarpria* la tba South that th* Boothern Immigration Amoolatlon will moat wisely fulSl it* deiignad pinpoae.

It can icaroaly h* doubted, moraavar, that tba congaitlon of teeming maiaai o f th* North will ultimately find no Inooo- aldarabl* degree ot rellaf In the tranifar of th* overplua of Induetrlal energy to the South. In that quarter Uei th* only promliiog field worthy ot aogsglug the aanaat attentloa o f adTentiOTW n{tiM poaaataing tha true " pioneer i'iNitfai^ Eothlng la laoklog In the great oenlrai plateau of tba tnuunUln eectlon of the Booth to consUtuto the foundation* for a new and vaat Induitrlal empire, The multi­tude* who In coming time will rear th* superatructura may be Invited thither with a clear oonaoianca >jr the. Itpmigya- tlon Ambdiktlftn, .

The naturhl'reaabrcM of thhSbtitb arS' scarcely appreciated as yet because of the lack of willing workers to develop tham. But these are so extenilve tbat In more than one channel of production the Bouthernera may hope to repeat the tri­umph! of the Alabama iron furnaoet, which hav* seamed aad. aUU jnaintads | . praotioai monopoly' of the pig imid min- kets of the country. The vut progress of the Industrial section of the South is slg- nlflcantly set forth In the figures of the eleventh censna Immigration must In­evitably gravitate in the end toward a re­gion so richly endowed with nature's gifts and so profuse in it* rewsads m the Mter,

oos that In mere verbal dlscuiston* over his apipiaos h* mere than bolds hisown la private bfawls artar th* gam* 1* dvar h*. ha* b*«n kntwa to nudntata Vrlth fdrw * f mai* tha loamtcr *ds »loa* dectsloM.

ItiaawaU-knowBfuittbat flare* *• !itba raaantmant which at timas blase* forth B g^ s t th* umplra* In th* Rigiaagua* It is not to b* comparad with that kladtad by tba acts o f th* amataur or •emPprofcMlonat arbitars of gama* In which aalgbborhood jaatousy and par- tlmnshlp run higb. Life-long Mends hive been estranged, bualness partnership* broken off and engage menta o f marriage termloaled because o f a little dlffsreno* o f opinion between the umpire and some other people about a foul bail or tha priority o f arrival of the player and th* leather sphere at flrat base. Yet has the umpire suffered without * thought of oalllog tn the avenging and nioullorjnilulsiry of the law to defend him.

Now a new departure bo* been taken,A lew days ago the Petersburg and Nor­folk base ball clubs played a game at tha former city, and Prank K. Cleinenla um­pired IL To- .Sporitng Life, a weekly newspaper o f Philadelphia, a oorrespon- dent sent an account of tbat game, In which the foul lines and all other boundaries and dlitlngulahlng inarlcy of the diamond war* lUeraliy wiped up with Mr. ClemenU. Instead o f breaking th* haad of h!i orlllo with a bat, Mr. Clamenta, who appears to b* a man of paace, wrote to a Philadelphia lawyer In­quiring about the advisability of a libel suit H * baa baen Infosued that the critlciin) o f his umpiring Is clearly libel­lous, and h* is going to bring In th* United Btataa District Court an action for fi0,000 damages.

If he should win, th* gentleman of hi* profeeiloa Will taka new beaiL They may not be abl* to punish all unkind oritlolam or abnsa, but at leaat they can get even with those who writ* unkind thing* about them in the nawspapers. I f they can do that, It will be equally In or­der for them to bring alander lulta against flnancially rasponalbia ertnka, who, dur­ing tba progreat o f the great American game Indulge Id unkind ramatka about their Integrity, tbelr knowladg* or their ancestry. Ths umpire who is the pioneer In th* move upon the oonrte, may do worthy service to bis whole prorenlon, and earn a place in the tasting gratitude and regard o f a class of useful publlo servants, who art too apt to feel ths bittern*** o f unklndnesa and lack o f appreciation.

Aloent of tii* Houat Whera No&h’t Ark Rested A gti Ago,


KiiH N tltlon <if T w o Tuvw c Atnarl-

V p the l lU lo r lo llu iup xud T b o ir

T h r ll ltn f Hhd* to T b o ir CftnljH-lu

llu u r 'tT Im o M iik liir * N Im i * l i « l fliuun^ Journ^7 '~A Itu rm t h i t T h roo l*

eneit U o tin ir llfin .

AUf'D Aint th* twoTutin Amcrioant who mpthi a rrmarkablo tiU'ff'i* t4)tir aroiuid th« WiirM, wbo tbo ?tory tif tluir jounj*y tron* lh» to

in a wrlM of |ia|tor* fur tin Century Afmyorma, in ttKT nuniUfr lur Jiimh fiive au ' acf’uunt uf tba aac«nt of Mt. Ararat. |

At U :10 on the inornioK of July tZ," tha | travellrm will*, ‘ *uur mtull raralcaiUt with the two eaaa|A*ratinf( donlieja at tba head iadun with luata, bagi of proYiaiutiii, axtra clutliing, al{>eDMtocba, ipiked ib«ita and I'ulia of abmt rowi, ni«il down Um ofHayuul, followad by a eiirluux rabbk. Tba plain waa itewu with aand ami rix^ki, with hura ami tbera a buDcti of tuu4;h, wiry icraaa alKmt a foot ami a half biKli, whii-U, thuughp mriy la tbu yrar, waa ]«rtly dry. It would hare been hut work except for the rain of tba day before aod aatrouf( totithonkt wind. Uur ascont for two and a half hmira lotEyer wai iLrough a

altematire waa to take the precipitotu rniow-corerorl Nlnp-i. I'lantina uur U*' hooki deep In the enow beolml we itartAHl. -Vt Aral the strong bead wind, which ou Ibe lop altuoet Uxik ua off uur feetf aoniewhat cbeckwl <Mir downward career, but it wax not l‘ »nf be­fore we attained a velocity that made our hair rland on end. U waa a thrlHIng ex- pertenca; wexeemad to ba xalling through the air itaelf, for the doudx obwrured th# x lm erra twenty feet Iwlow. Finally we •merged Iwneath them into tlia glare of wn afternoon xuulljtbt; but ou we daihod fnr AOOOfeet, leaning heavily un tlie trailing ftocki, which threw up an Icy xpray In our waka We never once xpjppwl until we reached the hoiUmi of th# dome, at our laat night’a cnTupaiDungih#roekx.

Fn I*## than au liour w# haddaxhed down tbroui^h a dlxtanoe which It bad taken ua nin# and a half hi>urx W a*cen<l. The i*atiip wax reaciiwl at 4 F- H , just twelv# hours from the tiai# we left it.’ ^

KE 1 VI-T o f h k o t iik m i.y ADVICr.

The * 'A r i»« iii* K lrker^^ Te ll* o f a V a ln fa l Keperlritce**An l-'iplaTialiuna

fkiMK Nrw Yonic Auvicfc. — Aa the readers of th# Jvickrr have been informed from lime to lime, It hsa baen our desire to conduct the paper on metropolitan tinea. In some inaUnce* we have had to give way to local opinion* and Weetain customs, while In others we have carried our point and come out on top. Last week a New York editor stopped off here to look over our private graveyard and give ua a fen point­er*. When he found that our editorial ruoma were wide open to the public, and tbat Tom, Dick and Harry were free to kick open the door and walk In at any time, hla amaiement waa unbuucded, He gave us loine brotherly advice on thek a . si . .rs# k li# EWV# UX #uuje urukueriT ismyiuo uji buq

luiurlMt yegflalion of ^ though we felt a Util* shakyflower*, graaeet and waads, wiilchgru-wmoro , ___ ,_ , j __

It is pleaaant to sea nawapaper brethren dweUlBR togalber In unity, but when ther oanuot help fUling out It is a good thing for them to have earnest pgrtiianshlp o f local Interest* the cause o f their disagree- mtnL Just DOW the Asbury Park Shore Press and the Long Branch News are at it hammer and tougs over the relative ad­vantages of tha two watering placet- The Press sets forth the divers attractions of the park, with a few compatalonat* re­marks upon the falling grandeur of Long Branob aud th* News laughs to scorn the boasts o f ils neighbor. ' ‘ Yeetorday, to­day and forever,” H says in one editorial, ” Long Branch is the lesdiug summer re­

sort o f the world. It Is favored by Provi­dence, loved by mankind and patronised by the wealthiest and most refined people on earth. It is not a picnicker's paradiae or a pla-eatar’ i retreat, but it la beyond all eoiupwlscm the heallbteri aipl ^ost daligkiAif 'twsbrt under the'itars. changes please copy.” Both newspapers are stanch in tbelr partlaanablp, but wbea the growth and th* popularity o f th* two places ore taken into acoonnt the m as o f the people who do owu villa* of tlielr own would be diapoHd to think that Asburj p*T,k ,h*4 ,t|lS .psiW.f^T. ee-Jyiclug over oomparative gains. Fortun­ately, however, there is room for both of them and no ocouslon fur either to re­proach the people who find pleuure In visiting the other In the summer time. I f left-handed compliments of that kind were to fly the Asbury Park paper could retort with references to certain hnbUuat ‘palryns of Dm ^het reSOti WW Idb* even more unkind Hum to-oall them pioulukers or pla-eatera.

aud mur* scanty M w* advaurwl"The uight wu spantln aKuri]lt-li encamp­

ment In the morning, when they raauiued the Jouraey, the aiceut becam* steegier aud mure dilEcult, and they uy they i-ould not but wonder how Noah avi-r moiiageil with the anlmgb fruni the ark. At 7,-1110 fs t they met the hlgbeat Kunlish .nraiiipmant on their lino of atcant. At K,000 fai-l they struck the tlrat anowdrlft and the donkeys had to b* half carried acriM. At lU o'l-lock, at an altitude of 9,000 feat lunch was sU-n in a quiet tuuuuialn glen, by thu side of a rippling riU.

At this point the muleteers and th* aptleha gave up and would go uo farther; so Messrs. Allen and Hachtiabeu and die old Auslrutu took a senaU blankat a fait mat two long, stout ropas, enough fuoil to last leu ilays, a bottle or cold tea, and a can of Turkish raki. and at a :90 o'clock In the aftemouu started bravaly out Up they clhnueii over tha rough rocki and the deep snow until nearlv fl o'clock, when they bad reached a height ot 11,000 feet.

"Here th* tharuiometer registered thlrtv- nln* degree* Fahrenheit and w « coiistantiy falling. It we should continue on, the cold during the night eapaclally with our seauty clothing, would baoome Intolerable; aud then, too, we could acarcely Oud a ipot lavei enough to sleep on. We tharefore deter- niliiM to stop here for the night *ud to con­tinue Uhi awent at dawn, nome high, rug-


Can't or wont do as well for yon as we da Whether it is a lack of ability or lack of will­ingness, it costs you just the same.

Sentiment is a good thing—but not in business. Every man owes it to himself aud to his family to get the full value of every dol­lar he spends, whether it is for provisions or pianos.

You can’t tell whether you are getting full piano value or not if you don’t come to


gK FU lH W T*.

tu results w « determined to fallow iL The Kicker offloe is not a Iwentj-seven- story aBklr, with a private alevator for editorial use, but we got a carpenter to build ui an editorial pen on the roof o f our second-story edifice snd put in some winding slalre. Everything w u all ready lu t Saturday morning. We bad an Infor- inatloa burauu on the first floor, with orders to make evsry caUar send np his name and slate hli butlnew.

About 10 o'clock in the forenoon tbe boys began to drop in to put tbelr heels on th* editorial table and look over tbe eichangea W e heard exclamations of

/ ^o m

A TVttANOLK OTKU RmTAUilMv There hwn baen little aoeaunt taken

hitherto by th# di^altarles of the Epiaco- p«l Church o f the license permitted to those o f the clergy who ire wont to Im- p'Tove u pon or make changes In tbe Church ritual u I heir inclinations may inggesL Confessionals have been let up, burning incense ewuiig in the sinctuary and all tbe pomp and pageantry of the moat Im- poalng ceremonies Initiated without a sign o f active dissent from the ofllolal guardians of the purity and Integrity of the ritual. It wav not without surprise, therefore, (hat the Diocesan Convention o f Maryland tinleiied the other day to a formal nud vigorous denuuclallon by BiihopPnret o f the mcdlfli-atluus in the OburoU ritual which hud been made from time to lime by pastors whe, the Bishop declared, w-ere “ nothing hut Anarch Ista.”

The departure from Churoh traditions thus censured has become fanilliar to churcbineii throughout the country, but it is only recently tbat the confcaslonal and the use o f inconso hare been tol­erated in tbe diocese of Maryland. The Episcopal Church lu that State la the old­est ecclesiastical body in the country, dating book Irom 1GU4, and its cunserva- tiua in matters o f doetrlnc cud practice has long been recognized wherever the teneiit* of the Church are regarded aa authority in matters of religious duty. The quarrel between High and Low churebnu'u la likely to be Intenaiflcd by the unquallllcd condemnation by the Maryland Diocese of Innovations that hsvo become endeared to many devout E p i s c o p a l i a n s . ________

TUB ClllT lC AND TIIH t'MrntF..For iiiuiiy cycles of revolving moous the

huiULrist has boon having fun with the base ball umpire, and the “ crank” has been abusing lilm. From the harmless and original works of art In which the arbiter o f the game's destinies is depicted In medlicval armor, or In which his com­parative dereiicelessm-BB is mocked by picturing him In a small costlo defended by heavy artillery, to the roasting from tbe pons o f orilica vrhose homo teams have hod the misfortune to be beaten by their foes, the poor umpire has been the target for a thousand shafts o f good-natured ridicule or sevensi thou- randa o f abases. Everybody knows bow cosy it is to UB)]>ire,» boiie ball game,

- even CMler, for inslniioe, yian It is bvwn a newspaper. Every spoctalor'know* that lie could -do eillfer better than the man who ha.s tbe contract and la trying to look after tbe work. - When the umpire is rtgbt—in the spectator'* opinion—the latter give* him no great credit, for it would bo Inexcusable stupidity for him to have gone astray. When the umpire la wrong—in the ipaetator's cpihiou again— the blander Is not to be excused.

There bava baen ijmcasiana wheti' the dignity of the wmplre has been heroically upheld on tbe field. Often he Is firm ua the hills while contending gladiator* of the diamond howl about him. Ha b u been knowntouse* bosu ball bat to plead against the argumenta of a freuElcd mul­titude his right to contlnua to exist upon thj^aarth. Often be l i tha pouaisoi: o f a vo^bulsiy so rich, pnngent and sulphni-

Tbere Was a deal o f eloquent oratoriool flreworki at the masting o f tha onti-ln- eome lo ien is New York lost night; yet it may well b* doubled whetbar tha pru- motors of tha affair thcmselve* were eon- vinccii of lU utility, ifh* orgumflut* of the speaker* had baen dlsoounted in advonoa by tha odvocsts* and supporters in Congret* of on income tax. The very considerations urged against it were tba grounds upon which it was supported and approved by the msjorlty in tba National Lagiilature. The editorial silence o f the Admlulslration organ in New York in regard to this mestlng may be token os an indication of the course to b* punued by the domluant element among our law­makers, Having completed the neces­sary deals, they will push the Tariff bill through without further argument. In­come lax and all. ________

A few day* ago the chairman and lead­ing Democratic members of the Senate Fiuutico Committee denied, with great pretence o f indignation, a report that ubuut four hundred “ compromise ” amendments had been made in tbe Tariff blit. Then in a day or two the amend- iiient* began to be reported from tlie com­mittee, and they were even more uumer- oiis than had been said. A few days later the same Democratic statu imrii were tu- digiiantly •.icnyiiig the report that Hcore- tary Carlisle bud helped In framing that sugar schedule. Now It has been shown by his owu testimony that ho drew up a schedule. Though hi* suggestion.* were nut approved os * whole, a number o f them wore adopted. Between one tlirug und another, some reputations for voraci­ty are in Immlneut peril.

gad crags on the ridge above us attracted our attention os affording a cumparatlTely pro- Uoted lodging. Among these we spreM our corpek oud ^led stoues lu ths Intervening ipacea to form a roinplpto lucioeure.

“ VVe turnod in togsther under oursingl* blanket, with the old geutlcnian betweeu us. He Iwd pul ou evsi-y srLlcle of clotuing. In­cluding glovM, luit, hodL cloak and huovy •hoc*. Imr pillows we iiwd the provisiou- bags and catuura. Thuliotlit- of cold tea we buttoned up in our coats to prevent It from froaolug. Uu iiotn sides, and above uj, hy ths puia white suow; lielow ui a huge abvM, Into which the rocky ridge dine*udtri ilk* * dgl-kened stoirwaT to the lower r«ious.

“ Just at daybreak, 3:5.1 A. M., uu ths Fourth of July, we startml off on what proveil tu be tbe hardest day's work we hod ever occoniplliheil. We sliuck out at ones acroH the broad snowtield to the sacoud rock rib on the right, which seeoisil to lead up tu thq only liue of rocks above, Tha surface of

lAfge onowbndi had frozen during th* zdgbt, so that we had to cut steps with our Ickpicks to kiap from slipping down tbeir glossy surface. Up this riilge we slowly climbsd for three weary hours, leaping from tioulder to boulder, or dragging ourselvas up tlielr precipitous sides.

" At 1 o'clock we reached a point about 111,5119 feel, lieyund which there seemed to be uuthing I ut the siiow-cuvered slope, with ouly a few projcctmg rocks along thewlgc ot a%efnondou>> gorge which now brobS upon our sskiuished gase. - Toward thls-we dlret-t. eil our course, aud, an hour later, itooil upon its Very verge.

“ Cautiously we proceed, with cat-like trcaii, fotlowing diraitly lu ooo another's feuteleiiH, end holding im to our alpenstocks like grim dcatli, A hsMcueil rock would Sturt 111 lli'st slowly, gam luumentum and fairly fly. Mrikmg agninslsiJiiio projecting Iftlge, It would buunu a hmidrod foet or more IntoiJui ole, ojulthcn drop out of sight among the uiouila below. Every few mo- ineuta we would stop to rest; our knees were like lesil, and the high altitude insde breath­ing difficulL Now the trail of nxika led us

y !

C O L D D U S T W A S H I N G P O W D E R '.


BlreeL Brood.T h Ontr Thutre t f ffrwNwiwe* <• ffawrt.

Usual Erlees—ttc., 69c., Ik., tUtt.

WEEK MomSiy *E v'enino, MAY2SMxtlo## fl#Urd#j Ontf.

8p#«UJl7 lnt#r#«tlac nr#inAtl# IniXfonMl, th# I)ixtiDguitb#d Aetr#t$q

MISS KATE CLAXTOJfAnd th* Eminent Tragedlsnns,

MME. JANAVSCHBKsI^MMDllag # Qnuid HxTlnl of

"THE TWO O RPH IlirJniM R And ^Thx OriglAAl BnctonliM 1}

” Tb« MaIA of Flrmoatb'’ And "Uoliiii Hikw.


We#k CommeDohur MomjAjr* May H. MAtU n#ex TumiIax, TbundAjr And 8Aturd#f.


lO^BIG AtTO-10


STAR THEATRt,171 Mnlberr)' 8iro«ta Ol iuaIi# C. H. R. P#poti

MU M{>Nd»y, W^upxdAy aod HAtoroA] * ('AHAlzKASMITH. Pmurleton.

Admlaxlon H|>t<'iAi lAdl^^ entrAD##.Firxt-cl«M Variety 8h»w every ev#niDf»

with thu fonowing; Hciutheme Flyo#And Hbarply, IdA nt#vejiR| John Murri#. I#

B I S d A

<$ ■

Sold Cvarywhar*.*.fl*oni,b,THE N. K. FAIR8ANK COMPANY,

Chicago. iM. Louii. New York. Boatoti. PbiUdeltihite_________

UApId-Sro guns have becume, under ax- Istiuir conditions of davaI warfar#, ah In dinpautAble feature of the aUacklnf foroo o f modern battleships. A battery of TApld-lire six-pounders can pour a verita­ble rain o f abotand xhell upim an eneidy'x deck, and drive ©very nmn of her crew lo ooDcealment behind bomb-proof plates or below decks. The UsUi mad# at Handy Hook yesterday of four differeut makes oF these weapons Indlcato that th© dU- Unctively Anierlctm type, embodied tu the Driei^iikihrccdcr ffun, is still the most offective. Although Europe has pro­duced the beH inlilC^y nfl©, the honors in rapld-firo guns may (airly be claimed for our own Inventory

Odo o f the first movea o f the new Street and Water Comml^iou In getting down U) i^ rk Is to pij y nooded altenlion to some o f tbe paving work beJag dune byAltcetratlrflAi^ompanieii. THt# U a djw >a\\ whSet^th© old fiSotld distinguish Aclf,

IXltd IlOtgniWkra,

i f Judge Llpptncott ohould happed to send Dennis McLaughlin to prison for, ruunlUK A disorderly, b ^ e at tbe (iutten- burg racetrack '^bat would Jaevome uf the office of County Clerk^^ liudeun County t _________ __ __ ___

Secretary Carlisle owns np to having played tbe Ethiopian lu the sugar bowl.

IVcullttr to iU fllf.8o em1ncT>tll tuccowful has UooiVs HAi^pa*

rllla burn tiiai tnany leadhiu dUautiii from nil over Uiu IbiilHl Htiitex (iiruluh toxllmoiiUL of cafeH wbli'b xvcm aliuoAt miruculouK. HcoiPh HttrMAtjaHlla k not au accident, but the rlpu fruit of itnluHtr: anil xtudy. U poxecotHKi merit

pocuUnr tu Itxiilf

Jfijuil's Pilla cure Nausea. Hick Hradache* iDdigciitlvo, liUiuluaesa. Bold by all drug* gists.

within two feet of the rbasm't edge; we ap- proacbel It nautioui-ly, ©robing well for a riN'k foumlAtlun, ami gazing wiUidiuy b#adx into the abyu.

"Tbe xlope beeamo steeper and steeper: until it abutted la an almuxi precipltou# cliff cH.TRl«d with xuow and gluteiung ice. There wna BO esoapo (roiu it, for all armind the fiuow-beihi wore too steep and slippery to venture an AM-eiit M\tna tbtiui. Cutting xt«p« with our icepicks, und half crawling, half dragging onnielvM, witli the alpehxtocki booked into the ru'kx above, we soolod ita height, and advabi'nl to the next abutment.

"A t 11 A. M. we &at down on the snow to mi uur lait innrssl of IlkmI. The cold chicken und brea<l tajKttifll like sawdunt, for we had no haUva with which to luaMirnte tbenu Our single buttle of tea had givuii out, and we NUltured wUh tliiiYa for Ncvural hours. Again thi! wonl lo xiAi't Witn given. \V# roHi* at once, but onr Kiiirt'iieil leg' ipiivcred beneath uii, mid wu lemu'l on uur uiiTenitooks fur BupjK'i’t Nlill w»‘ phjdtlfrl on lor two more weary liourN, rutting our hU<|m In the icy cliffs, or siukingtii oui' thighs in t-bo treacher­ous snow-ln'iK Wi) I'oujd seu Hint w© were nearing the lupr>f the great rluum, for t-ho cIpudH, Ufj'Y ptiiiridy cleared away, left uur view uuobstrurti->i

"W o jniJihed nud jusllcd unc another al­most to the inf>. mi'i 111*']), with uue mure duNiwmlti 1‘lloit, wMNi.Hi i upon a vant and graiUmtly Nhipiiig hhow-UhI. Down we plunged ulxjvit uur knt n thr<aigh the yleld- lug surface, and and fell with fall­ing Alrengtlt; then nMo uiu"!) inure and jikKhled ou, until uL lani wi> nauk ozliaUAted upou !h« tofi of Ararat.

"For a rnttiui'iit <mlT w© lay gasipingfor hreatlu then u mil tvaliuitiou of our eitiia- lion dawiicki ujHUi us, and fnnuuil the few iamt HijiarkH ui uiiMniNiuNUi that miiaiucd la our cxiiamtc I biKlii'H. Wo unturlud upon uu alponst-ock lUi' siiutll Nilk Anierii’an Hag that WB hokl l>rouglit from liomu, and for the llitt lime the “ Slurs «ud Slri]!es*’ woh given ti> tho bnw,*' oil tliu Mi.iindain of the Ark. hYmr Khots fire 1 frfuu mir revolvers In cum- luemorAtion of Jndei)i'Li<lfltuY41 lay brukn til© sldlneKs of lint gorges. Far AljuvothucluudXi .which ’A'eri* n.lling hfluw us over thro# of tho miwt ubNiluto nimiart'liiox iu tho world, was iflobrutoil in our Niinplo way a great event of vctiublicatiiHm

"U 'o wtTu NiidilfiilT aroused by the nimblhig of thunder holow uh, A storm wna rolling rajiiitly up the southeast slope of tUu unnmthiii. Thr niuiuNpher© xeemM to bo boilina ovur ihi? hoalod plain Iwlow. Higher aTid highiT ('nm<s tbo clouds rolling Aiul xeAlmig miiimg iht> grim crogit along the chalUl and soon we wem catii;lii in its em­brace. 'I'hH thermoiuclor droppfd at om» below* frcu:ting iKunt, and lhi> dense mixta, driven agamni ux iiy the hurricane, furrnea idulttX ou uur bltHtured face; and fruzu th# ink in our fountuln-iN'iii. Uur summer dotbing WAS wholly Inadnipiate for such an uucx|>ecle<| ex|wricuci>; w© cUlllod tothebouc. Tu have n'mainotl where we were would Imve boon je-iuardiziug uur health, if not our I1VC.H. AJlhougb tyu could iicarceiy se© far enough ahead b) follow back ©u the track by wliidi w© had lUiCQuded, yet we wore obliged u> atP'inpl it at once, for the xtorni around lui wiu iucrcoNiiig ©very mo­ment; wru could uveu feel lim charge# of eloctridty whenever wh touched the iroD puincx of our Hl]H>nin-OL'kx.

‘^Carufuily |K*i*riug through tbe clom w#,iu iii£i.i;i!il lu fttnojr-rh© trail w© hi

which nowapfKWflW MiurR lorrjlile than ever. Wehere idiw tlml il wouhl l)e extremely perll- ouft, \t uul ucliially imjxiN'sihie, to atuunpt a dew'i'iit iiw 1 hu rm-kx ak>»« OS# ireecUerou# edge id Htvh u hurricanv, TIid ouly

BTTTzLETS AROUND H n f AS HE FLEW, ■urprlse and indigaatlon, followed by a period of silence an loch thick. Then we looked ont to see oar luformatlon bureau ” flying bareheaded across tbo Baud lots* witu bullets kicking up tbe dost around him ms he flow. A minute liter, while onr melropoUtsn editorial heart was staadlng still with suspenset tbe boys appeared on the street and caught sight o f our pen on tbe roof. No one asked for explahations* They seemed to divine the true xiluatioti of affairs at once. There were eleven of them. Each man hod two guns. The time ocoupiedln shooting ua out o f our metropolitan quar­ters ana down those winding stairs was exactly twenty-eight seconds. The time occdpodlB tbootmg tbe glass out o f the w infioi^ and the shingles off the roof of our pen was less than two minutexL We don^ remember that anjiUlng was laid. W e got down, threw open thedoorsoftbe old oditorisd-rooms, and the buys filed in and took thetr nsuol places without oak- ing any questions. We have come back to tbe ground floor to stay. No cards ore tLeoOwiry. I f the front door DnH open,

It a Kick and walk In. The first doorgive 1- .to'the right leads to the editorial-rooms, and I f the editor happens to be out when you coll yo if 11 find a Jug in tbe oerner and pipes and tobacco on the shelf beside the clocks W e think the New York editor meant welly but be didn’t know human nature (n the great and glorious West.

Pl a in TALU.-The Lone Tree TWhune, which lx a poor little weekly sheet o f 200 circulation and published by a mao who made a sad failure of the coop­er# tr^S j came out with a bitter attack on us last week. Tbe burden of the com­plaint was that we were an oiflccseoker, a man klllery a bulldozer and a boanter. Our policy peraonolJy and cditoriAlty ix pretty well tnown, but H may be well to go over the ground again. U is true that we are an ofllceseekor. We want to be Mayor of this town, State Senator, Poslmaater, Deputy tfoited States Marshal and two or three other thing at once. We hold tbat noth­ing is too good fur an editor. He can’t make too much money, He cnnH liavetoo much public respect. Wo didn’t go into the newspaper business to live on ono meal a day and go to bed while ouj* only shirt could be put ilirou^h the mill. Neither was il our intention to pull wires for every galoot in the party and walk around with our toes peeping out lo the weather* We have sought office because It didn’t seek us. Tbe man who expects office to seek him has a head full of Baw- dust. W e have not only sought office, but got there. Wo are still seeking. We sbali get there some mure. Nothing In tbe abape o f a good thing will get past us*

As tu our being a man klllerr we have diapoeed of ten meu. Wo had lo do it or be disposed o f ourself. In each and every case we have paid all the funorul ex- lenses, and given them a resting place ar beyond wnat could be expected. It ia

f t )

the dtity ot an editor oat in this country 10 Uk* care o f himself- I f he can't shoot, then ba ho* no business hers. No matter how hard ha may strive lo satisfy the publlo, there w ill be men who will thirst for hla gore. The idea, as wa uuderstaiid, it, i* to get th* other critter’s gore flrsL

As to our bulldozing tootics, this is the first complaint we ever heard. Every editor has hi! own peculiar way lii certain matters. Bomo editors in case a sub­scriber drops off heave a sigh and run a pen across his name. Our way ia to make a personal call nod ask for an explana­tion, True, we have had several buttons shot off onr coat and ballets sent through our bat, but w* have never yet failed to lacur* » repewai. It Is the same with advertising. Advertising pays, ■We know it and are anxious for alt others to know IL I f we o»n get th* drop on a non-hcHever, wo can always convince him of the value o f adverltslng. Tba charge that we are * booster ho* no foundation. Every editor

Odd opinion of himself.................on the

............. , hasalways beeh carried out and always will ba, Wa ora sorry for tha ktpsldad tsilure who runs the^sUrvellng over at Lone Tree, but ehall hereafter Ignore hU eiiat-

- To answer his charges wc bad to arowd out a murder Horn worth |75 to oar

,1 olrenlation, and wo warn him that make uo fiirther sacrifice on hi*


Wot Kailly I>np.d hy Ihe Tricks o f Civil- teed Man*

Prom the Century.The crow has fine manners. Ha always

has the walk and air of a lord o f the soil. One morning 1 put out some fresh meat upon the enow near my etndy window. Presently a crow came and carried it off, and alighted with it upon the gronnd in tbe vineyard. While ba was eating o f ft, another crow came, and, alighting a few yards away, slowly walked up to within a few feet o f nli fellow, and stopped. I pected to see a struggle over the food, as wouid have been the coee with domestio low Is or animals. Nothing o f the kind. Tbe feeding crow stopped eating, regarded tho nther for a moment, made a gesture or two, and flew away. Then the second crow went up to the food and proceeded to take hie share. Presently tbe first crow came bock, when each seized a portion o f thq food, and flew away with tt. Tbelr mutual respect and good will seemed porJ feoL Whether It really wa* so in our hu­man aente, or whether It was simply an Illustration o f the instinct o f mutual sup­port which seems to prevail among gre­garious birds, I know not. Birba that are solitary In their habits, like hawks or woodpeckers, behave quite differently toward one another in the presence o f their food.

The live* o f wild creature* revolve about two fact* or emotion*, appetite and lear. Their keenness in discovering food and In discovering danger ore alike remarkable But man can nearly always outwit them, because while hii perceptions are not so sharp, hi* power of reflection Is much greater. Ills cunning corrie* a great deal ftirther. The crow will quickly discover anything that looks like a trap or snare ael to catch him, but it takes him a tong time to see through the simplest contriv­ance. As I have above stated, I some tiroes place meat on tbe snow lu front of my study window to attract him.

On one occasion, after a couple o f crows bad come to expect something there daily, I suspended a piece of meat by a string from a branch of the tree Just over the spot where I usually placed the food. A crow soon dlscoverea It, and came Into tbe tree to see what il roeanL His sus­picions were aroused. There was some design lo that suspended moat, evidently. I t wa* a trap to catch him. He surveyed it from every near branch. He peeked and pried, and was bent on pene­trating the mystery. Ho flew to the ground, and walked about agd sur­veyed it from all sides. Then ho took a long walk down about the vineyard as If tn hope of bitting upon some clue. Ther he came to the tree again, and tried first one eye, then the other, upon I t ; then to the ground beneath; then he went nway and came back; then hie fellow oamc, and they both squinted and investigated and then disappeared. Chickadees and woodpeckers would alight upon the moot and peck it swinging in the wind, but tho crows were fearlul. Does this show re ­flection 7 Perhaps it does, but I look upon it rather as that inetlnct of fear and cunning so obaracterlslin o f the crow.

Two days passed thus; every morning the crows come and surveyed the sus­pended meat from all points in tbe tree and ttien went away. The third day I placed a large bone on the snow beneath the suspended morsel. Presently one of the crows appeared In tlie tree and bent his eye upon the tempting bone. “ The mystery deepens,” he seemed to say to himself. But after half an hour's Inyesti- gation, and after approaching oevoral times within a few feet of tha lood upon the ground, ho seemed to conclude there was no connection between it and the

T H E R TB E N O T H O F E L E P U A K T 8 .

And Congress of Hough Klders of th* Worll|

Ambrose Park, South Brookfyn,Adiolning HBth »tre*t Ferry.

(New York sud o f which li at foot ot Wans* boll streeLl

fiv .e * Dailf, /hiin or ihini, 3 and 8:1$ P,Mtliuon Open at i and d ils P. M. ___

M08T DIBECT ROUTE FHOM NEW YORK to campB*tsslBby»th|t. fernr.foot of Whitehall St . ftaltery. Farefle. Alfro«la via Battery, Brooklyn Bridge and ferrls* make ouBueoUoas direct to gsu^

AdralsSlou flOo. Children half price. Oen- tral grand stand TSe. and fll. tOJU) iwt*i*4 mtx_

Popular r#xtattrijil a foatur*.

RFTKMKR MCHOOL f Mr. L. A. Roi#«U W>-8UMMKH 80HCXJL nmt&ooi a S im a x r HUMMER ftOHO<»L Hcliool #f Muxlo and h u m m e r HCliOOL i Oratory at Axbury:^* (Oh tha xea). Muomoulh Coualjr,July and Aujffuxt. AU bronchw of yolo# Cw- turr and Hltiging, Planofortn Method■*Cti#x#x in Vlnfil CUvltr* Maxou'x Touch and T#ch&lo, Harmony, etc. , , , * *

Application* r#p#lr#d and dMfj th# Newark*# Ooll#n#of Stnxlo, Br*^itr#et.

A CnilMn o f MnilO. WTWWJ lfTn#tlLv BAVlsIH. General Hxcrxtary.


P A X I N O S A I N N .B A 8T O N , F A .

Under maoMXDMDt o f W. A Elmore; M ire#n at Fifth Avsnus Hotel. Thie iruly wondsrftil roouot#in rMort open# Jon# IV tICMtx# Ht> feel leas: elsstdc luthu. n th aJiUude. grstid soeMry, AusnliM irs. 'Two hours from a sw VorX. J i i » lessoD. no rborge for room. Tidue board only,

w. A. XLKuBlt. ( ondnenlsl Motel. 5*w Vert.

Often Overlaaded and Quickly Broken Down by the British In India.

William Lansing In Home and Country.Shortly after 8 o'clock wo set ont with

about forty elephants. There were over n hundred In the expedition proper, but many others were attached to it In a menial capacity. An Idea may be formed of the lise o f a kheddab expedition, when I mention that ten tom of jute rope *r* taken to tie tbe hind legs of the elephants; nut to mention tools, tents, chains, pro- vlsiens, and score* o f other srtlclea

A great many people have an erroneons impression o f sn elepboot’s enormous strength. It is true that one can walk, when necessary, about forty English mileoa day; can carry a ton and a half and can drag considerable heavier waights, but such coses ore exceptional, not ths rule. A 'on and a half on level ground ii a good weight lor an elephant and he con stand It fo r about three day*, walking at the rata o f twenty mile! s day. In moun­tainous regions a quarter to half a ton i* all that an elephant can bear, marching from ten to fifteen miles a day, fspeoially i f he has to seek his own food in the woods. Nor is this pachyderm Invalncrable to smatl itriuries; on the contrary, he is very eusceptlbte to any abuse, such a. overloading, etc., and recover* very slowly indeed. In spile of his thick skin he is very much offeoted by sub heat, flies and mosqaltoes. It is In­comprehensible that th* English in India, who are in other matter* so thorougl^ practical, should not loalst on their offi­cers being better instructed In tbe core and treatment of elephants, The poor beasts are frequently overburdened and otherwise ill-treated, os a result o f which they soon break down, when they might by careful treatment lost much longer.

Our rood was a very difficult one, lead­ing as it did op and down hilt, over streams and through tangled woods, where the elephants bad to trample a path for themselves; nevertheless, the animals marched steadily onward, M d seemed rather to enjoy the jonraey. w e camped beside a sparkling stream, where, while the servants were pitching our tents, w* indulged in a refreshing bath, followed by a hearty breakfosL

A Valuable Kello.From the Chicago Tribune.

K a tik ln -"! think a great deal o f that old violin. It's a genuine Atnatl. I plckod It up in ItuTne.''

F y le - " It seems to be remarkably well pre-aervod."

“ Wonderfully. It ooet roe a pile of money, but It '! worth il. The chief merit ot a rare old violin—certainly; inspect It aa closely as you pleww. "What were you about to say

“ 1 was ivondering hotv tbe maker ever enroe lo elBOill 'W orld's Oolurohian Exposition, Chicago,' on I he inside of It."

V is ib le floimd.I f human vole* may on the plastic disk Breathe into belng^orms ot beauty rare.And we may see the voices that we love Take siia|>c und color, Inanltely fair,May not the lofty mountains and the hills Bn vnIcD of God; his song, the gentle flowers; His ehunt, the etara’ procession, and alas I lUs only sigh, these human hearts o f oursf

—Ellen A'tilpht JJrodforU In the renturu.

T H S B £ R K S H lB i:Oor. Grand and SfYenih av#.* North Aabory

Park ,N .J., ^PleaxoDt cool room#, fir«t-cla#i hon^modf

OQokiDf. shad#, g blocka from #c#on* neo#^ able raiexv Open Jan# 1.* ___________W


Opens June! Si miles from New York. Oea. tral R. R, of N. J. Moel convenient t ^ M 1» tbe State. FRANK E. MlLLaR.

.............. .................... .MOB-rUlown, X J.—A qelet, pleasant bent !sr mow

seeking lienltli, rent and nmauoia Tsr patUeidu* ndiltw MlBS * RAYLK K . ________

T h s c h b r b t TBKita, i i h io h ot.,n - ...........

rSRONA l a k s p ic n ic OBOUNIW o n tN ibr enESiement* tvnry day but Sunday. Boav

w<, baiiiTnz, staunliuait, ciiwiiela unvs wita lAbla. and baen ball grounda 1 nuuln iSs B IRAM COOK. Verona

Ma p l s w o o d H O TB L- - L A T a L t „W ljto- va iK i: bniuroom att0el»4t elegantly me Dt.biKl roomi by Uie dny^r wenA; llreKliMgnetli*

nanmulodnlnd. O k a S'. Tt'TliCilea piopiliur, MapInwiuKl. N. J. !!■

r iK A N C lA U

D O U L B T u o # IIU X U H U U a»> u U i U V U IJ uu *

ought to have a good opinion of hlmi and bis paper. Everything stated on bills, so far as we are concerned,

For baUiiiig, shaving, beau­tifying the skin, scalp and complexion, Woodbury’s Facial Soap is pure and a sure cure for skin eruptions. Prepared after 20 years’ ex­perience. Small trial cake,

locts. 3 cakes, $ I .Joint H- WlMldhprer Li'tinxt4>*

lotflcftl 1 bx'fo. 126 w. ttt., N.Y.WniHlbtiry’# Ktw<GI Tr##l>

urMitM.—}Utrnn<1 HcuYp, toliWiorftiid CrMinig

at biuggiBU or n u B I, I t each.

51. Qu a d .

piece hanging by th* string. Ho he finally walked np to .lt and fell to picking it,

ling his wings all the time, as a sign o f his watchlulnoia. Ho also turned up his eye, momontnrily, lo the piece in the air above, as If It might b* a swoid o f Damocles, ready to fall upon him.

Boon his male came end alighted on a low branch of tho tree. The feeding crow regarded him a moment, and then flew up to his side, as if to give him a turn at the meal. But he refused to run the risk. He evidently looked upon the whole thing as a deiuslon and a snare, and presently went away and hli mate fo l­lowed him, Then 1 placed the bone In one of the main forks o f the tree, but the crows kept at a safe distance from ,IL Then I put It back to the ground, but they grow more and more' suspioious; some evil intent in It alt, they thoughL Finally a dog carried off tho bone and the crows ccuscd to visit the tree.

rULL, BLOWNand sweet as a roM—th* young woman who tones

I up her system with Doctor iPieroa's ravorite Prescrip­tion. It is a oertaln cure for all the allmenta peculiar to the delicate orgaudxation

[ women. It la perfectly safe in any condition at tito system and always ^ reliable, regulating to*

delicate organs to pre­form tbelr work pain­lessly. Women have sallow facet, dull eyeit hollow cheeks, and low sp ir its , when

they art jnade miserable with dtaorder*, ^ rongemonta and weaknesses peculiar to their 1^ Health is regained, after period* of dlieinees, nervous prostration, pwn and ex­citability, or other manifestations ot rangemont or dliplacemont of tlta womanly (ffguiifly whoQ tho ** FrfiicarlptlOKk l i uifid*

The Hat/onaf Hewark

Banking Cam pyOffers to depositors every facility and accomtnoda* tion consistent with good banking.

No account is too small to be desirable and to have careful attention.

CHA8. G. ROCKWOOD, Pre*.E. S. CAMPBELL, Vl(»-Pi*A II. W. TUNIS, Cashier.


NEWARK, N.J.Altrzi DODD, . . . . FrMidaatAH8ETB (Market Values! Jan.L

IfiW........................... ...........L1ARILITIE8, N. Y. and Maas.

Ktaodard............................... ‘ S'IS'SSKSURPLUS................ li,K8,T9(IJlSURPLUS former N.Y.Stand-

ard (Am. Ex. thi Per oenL H e - _____ ____serve;...................... flJBLTCTTI

Pojici*. Absulutely Non-Forfeltabi* Altar Bacond Year,

Ik CAS* or OAPSX the policy is coirntrcinta value will 1Pi

After the **conS%»ar Pollcl** a " ™ ® * '

rOKc* oe long aa Us valus will i» y Joij « , if preferred, a Paid-up Policy for its tail ralda u tsaned in exoh<

PIEIIIE Guar* antees b I


general o1 w© #miu 1aoouuQt* _____ ______________

C o zry an N#«n In Englaml.From tl«# IjumUm Court Jouru^

Th# oxplanirtiun of tlio mi'KiilBf of tli# muU tUude atlvntidJig upon tlio uoiitr# of (ioveru- nieutfn tb# Dulled Stales has brou difficult to obtain, but ou# who U well Informed glvoa thix reply? afterwhom tho "Coi-#yUe Army ” is named. Is # fuinoux honv#- bresdor, who tlvea In the nelghlKirlioud of bexingluiK u phKJ# rtmowued In conneuilon wUh tho bvgliiulng of th# Revolultonary War. FlDiilnk the roads of hlx unilv# country sumo* what nusallxfaotorjTa ho originated ''The Coxoy Good Roads Arwjclftlion." AtrI a bill hasbeou Intruiluued Into I'ungrrsB rmpowor- Ingth# Governiuent I© print a certain very larg# Bum at paper money amt lu call It th#

good road# fuud.** The advance of the Cux* ejrltaArniy upon Waxhlngtou ie meant ax a i^alt# friendly nudgo as to what la ckpecud irom tfi© Govoruiueat*

See here!While about it

have the best there is.

k c T KNAPP’S C E T K N A P P S G ET K N A PP’S G ET K N A P P SRootbeer Extract, unquestion­ably it is the best in the world.

One bottle makes 6 gal^nst

TICXtabU i fvnd oU ttttrieUon$ m to r xidanMifrflr f or ncrupation or# rejn/mta. _

CA«fl liOAifi are mad# to Ui##rt6ut of Wp#f « i i t , of th# rexxtY# value* wh#r# valiu #•* aJimmenU of the PolSdes oatt b# mad# i « Wfc*

**i^B l*p*id^’inimedi*t*ljr upon comiiltUeaaud approval of proofs.

THEBIRKBECKCO.m o n e y TO LOAM on the Bnlldlog Aisoeta-

tlcn plan, on nal estate situated In Greater New York, and Hudson, Bergen and Unloa Countlea New Jersey. Address Birkbeek Company, X Cooper Union, Now York City.

LADIES,Are Too H&flsecIeiDlDt?

Onm Camphor (for packing olotbeol !••• S' Moth HnUx* fto* 1b.JVrAlau Insect Puwdert tt.Hoa4?h Fuotl (Po>#rnmu'iK JO©*

Our price# are the lowest In the dtya

For faim’8 Cttei C ip iii,jJr.Grccuo'rt Nervuro. lluod^ fclwsap- ArlUa* Ujuikoia* Oulioura Rewdvent and all tin) latest patent preparatlun# at t Uo sum# low priu##<

Knapp's Hoot liner! Me* ClaWiMph's Hoot Reery a package. * . . All ordinary prescrlpUottS compounded for

Sttn. apiee#! at

Kraemer’S a r - ". Cor. Clinton ant Maibeny Sts,Telephone scrru, EstabUahed IflOh

CoDTlDclDg Acts snd TtlllnA FactsInstead of loud talk. Just f seten the two w* present to-day In your memory, and come to HENRY IIORNB'S, ths cheapest meat mar. ket In Btate. The times noay be hard and money aoaroe, but we are more than meeting thm undesirable facts fay our special rednoMl

Rib Roeet............................. ,01 JOPrime Porterhonso Steak........... ......Id J lXTime Blrioln Bteak......................,,.10 J fPrime Round Bte.vk..........................U .19Prime Chuck Bteak........... ............ jOGJersey Milk Vral............................ .01' ,01FonKiuarter I.amh............... ......... MHludqaarter Lamb........... .........ul'iu'Pork........................ ............. . mRhoulder............ finHams......................... 10Com Beef......................... JUBoupaud Stow M e a t s . . J H


............. ^

JAMES A. COE A CO..•vt> esd Ittt* MtUtairry Jo.

Nawaox, JL G



STEEIB * n , A n f le a t

p u t *







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tTornA iM r

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:wp*r IIA M>



aetstwaw* ame to t mu> rd wu) oMtlnc odooiil

Stirttlog fasti moDj Olven Before a Polioa InTMtlgaUng ConnUttae.


tha t ta B a ta n l Kathar Ta lU I lo w M *

D tow aad H U riaa -raaT -o ld U a n fh ta h

Vnplaiuwnt K u d ln f o f a Calabratlun by

C o lu M b ia Collava HtudanU—Am arlaanU

Im C a n a la D a a (a r and a M n a a fa o f

W on lag Sant la T U i UaTariraant.

Z l_ tlaj-


Art Ton fntOTadl If not now U Iht tlm* to provide yourttlf and fatnlly wUha bottla of ('Itaitiberlaln't Colic, C'boiara and I)iarrtan« Ranwly u an Itiatiranra acaliMl anr wrinua rraalti from an atUrk of bnwal coitiplaliil dur- loif tha amnMtr moptha. It U alnioat nartala to lit Dtadtd and thonld ba pnwnrail at onoe. No otiitr nmady ran take lit plan or do Ita work, aaod U «ant bottlaa for tala by I'. Ilolihanar, Broad and Marhat; A. Uchnrr, BallaTlllo ava. and Oriental at.; J. UetiUr, Oranfa t i. corntr Koorvllla avtnne, and U. B. Caiopbell, Mitlbiirn. ______________

montlu' ImjaiaobmanC tb ths Hout of Cor- ractiou.

Than it Iran ipirad that tha woman baa a wa^tby brothar in Hacramento and auotbtr influantial brother in Now York T b «f promptly IntonwilaiL had barpronounrtil tn- tant, and the wai rwnovad from priam to

Tha ootamoo report that Nnw York poUna- ' mac haft leriad bUckinail oii thu hiv[itn of dlaontarly bouan in that city tor alluwiiiK thamltajaarry on their lUegal buaineia waa In a g r in muaaure reapuniible fur the at>- jxiInlRieot of the laiiow lureatigatliig t'uiii- mlttaa. IJitherto, bowerer, the HenaPirt who hare beru muduetiiig the iiiTtatlgation Into the metboda of the inlii'e of tlif city bare difecte<l Ihelr atienUon to other abuww which have been alleged. Ymterday, at theaiaaion held in the County I ourtliouae, the tubyart of the rvlationi between the police and tha proprleturi of diionlerly boaiet wai taken up.

John W. Uoff, couniel of the oommlttee, Introduced three wltnetiiee by whom he e i pected to fatten the rrime of extortion u)xin poUoenien. Two of theee wore wumou and they niade bigbly unuUtfactory atatenieuta. One denit m wfauieaale deuUtia The other, whote oaim it Ithoda tiaudfiinl, attniipnai to do llkewiae, but wat obeckmatrd by Mr. OolTt ample infurmatlon uonceroiiig wliat aha bad told to othara. Hhe bad paid tSUl Far proteetloD, the admlttal.' 6he teatlfied that the kapt a dUorderly bduaa on Bayard ttreet. She had no deai- Inm with the police until her place i w raided by Captain Croat. Hbe then paid t^iu to an official who oatne from beadquarten or the atatlon-boute. After that the paid a month. Hr. Uoff oaked her; “ Hm. Kand- Fhrd, when the two men came from Newark aad called on you and >ald they were in the tame butlneea In Newark, didn't you say to them, ‘ Whj^ olii nian.l can make your hair turn gn y i ffaXitothe CaptalnatNUainuntb, bealdee tha oSleara on the beat T ”

“ Yea la aid that.’* was the reply. She alt* admitted that tha huuiec were mure down on them than Dr. I’arkhunt wse down on the bouecs.

Charles Prien, proprietor of a place in Bayard street who wat tha next wltneea, tala that for nre yaari and a halt he paid tl,IOOtotba tarioae ward datectives who collected the “ amrsaiiieuu." He fare namet a id datet and other details. To judge from bit testimony this blackmail baa bwu re­duced to a strictly butinass basis in the Eterenth Precinct, the statlou of which is in KIdridge street. At first he bad to par |ti.> a tnonlh, but thif sum was soon Increased to ISO. The bearing wUi U i*eium«d uii Mud-

Ttuir« iih« itraugeljr


Uie Agnews Asylum, eiu-ounterwi an acquaintance of her glrihoo J. A. Ilcanliley, who was employed at an aU tendant In the InstltiltiuB.

Now Beardsley and Mrs. Ullls.t'>ans are both missing from the institution-- one re­signing his poaltlini and the other ewaping. It traiupTres, too, that the wuinau luis secured a divorce from her aei-oiid husband, a man namwl Kvtui, whom she uiarrie.1 (n San Fraurlseo. and that the Is now the wife of J. A. HeanUley. Their present wherealsiuls is unknown. J. A. Beardsley ia the ton of

former New York banker. His mother uow Uvea In Whitt Plaltii, N. Y.

O P T U g lN O T H E la X U M K T A X .

A H ertln g o f IlnsIneM Man In New Y o rk to M ake Prulvst,

A meeting to protest against the income tax was held under the ausplqea of the Hnsl- iiess Men's AtaocJatlon of New York lu Car­negie Hall last night.

The meeting waa oalled to order by Colonel W. I,. Htrong, who briefly introiluced as presidriit of the meetii^ Kran Thumai, president of the New York Produce £x- ebtn^.

W hen the secretary cama to the tigneri of the osU be found the task too much for one evening'l worlq and read as follows: '* Rei>- reaentlng tha Insurance Interest, John A. HoCall and a hundred others; repmeutfug the savings banka John P. Townsand, wesb dent of toe Bowery Havtnga Bank, and flf-tcuu othera; repreaentlng trust companlaa

P. Oicota preeldent of the Central Trust

C o m - IS S E D K IL L IN U l l l g C H IL I ) .

H a rry Johnson T e lls ) lo w l i e U ellb era te ty U row ned H is L it t le D aughter.

Tha confession of a cowardly crime was made yetlerday by Harry Johnson, who for tha flixt tims told tha story of how he drossned hit little daughter. He Is in jail at AUantown, Pa, and has been couvlded of murdw in the tirst degrea Hit apjilieatiun for a new trial waa refused a short tbue ago by the Supremo Court, and this took from the murdcrer’a heart the laat spark of hope. Johnson la not over twenty-four years old, and was formerly employed in a llyery stable at Alleutowu. Hiace he bestrd the Supreme Court's decision the murderer has been rcetlese and ap­parency laburiug under a great mental atrain. This was noticed by toe prison offl- ciaJa, and on Sunday County Coiiunlssloner Diehl Tlsltsd Johnson In his cell and sug­gested that be ought to select a spiritual od-

. vlser.. Johnson then chose Rbt. O. R Uarri- ner, who visited tlw prisoner on Monday and again VYeduesday morning. Each tliiw be Impressed upon Johnson toe necessity of snsJting a confession if be w-as guilty of tlio erima. Eoah time Ber, Gardner visited bun Johnson was overcome with emotion and wept bitterly. He mode no cimfesaiou, however. Yesterday the burden on John- ion's mind teemed to become heavier, aiul at the suggestion of Warden Deshlcr, Rev. O. Vy, Richards waa Sent for, and to him ha ooafetsed.

Jobnaon said that ha bad not been living xrith bit yonug wife for a tong time. Hbe inaiatod that ha keep their flre-yeor-old daughter. He objected, but lie did take her. On the evening of July gS, IHUil, the little girl lay curled up on the seat of a buggy in the livery stable where her father worked. The tot, wboiu no one seamed to sou, was ileeping peacefully, Johnson saw her and quietly hitched one of his employer's horses to the bttgM Hit Aaughtklr was aroused, and be tohriier he would take her for a nice drive. Out of the city they went, and Jobn­aon turned up a road along the Lehigh River.

hout. Jng a mo­

ment, he threw her Into the river. Tbs lit­tle oneL he lays, modo no outcry when be threw her in, or when the touuhM the cbiUy water. 8hs soak and did not reappear. Johnson wheeled about and drove home, be ab n And when questioned about the child’s whereabouts he gave conflicting stories that afterward reaultM in hit convictian.


P n l to n i g h t W h ile C e lebrating oii a L o t, and Some In ju red .

The sophomore class of Columbia College, New York, celebrated last night their annual triumph over Legendre, After parading in Fifth and Madison avenues the students went to the vacant lot at Hlity-elghth street and Avenue A and built several large bon­fires. Five police officers were present to see tb it order was msintalned.

While the fires were hissing the entire po- lloe reserve of theJinst Siity-eevonth Htreet

- Btatlon, numbering twenty-five men and unoer toe command of Sergeant Willinui C, Riee, swooped down upon the celebrants. Tho lot Is surrounded by a six-foot fence, and the police closed the gate when they entered. Then there was a rush for the fencm. The boys say the police used their chibs and bent many of the students.

'The police mode no arrests, and five minutes after they had entered the lot the whole crowd of boys had disappeared over the fences. Boon after the students went to the police station and mode complaint to BergMnl Hussey. Home of them were b le^u g about the bead and bands, and one hod a bad cut on the wrist. Tlieee wounds, thsy said, bad been Inflicted by the police. i , G. Talentine was ao weak tiiat be could not stand, and had to be carried to a cab by bis oomponioni and taken to nie home. After the first delegation of students hod left the station others appeared, also cut and Lniiied, and made tiruilar cluu'ges.• Sergeant .Rice denied that els men used olnbs. Ha laid that comptaiuts had been Doda at toe ftatlon by cltiteus that the boys wen making too much noise. When the

rail. , were lover


A M E B IC A N fl IN d a n c e H.

Ceraana Hand a Message o f WnrnlBg to , T h is Oovernment.

The Cnreon Legation in ’Washington re­ceived a cablegram ymterday from tbo King’s PalooB at HeonI, Corea, atating that tho rebels hod gained posxeislou of Cbunlato, the loutbem and chief of the eight prdvincea of too kingdom, that the Urea of all foreigners Ware in danger, and that the proaonce of n ITffittd States war ship at Chemulpo without delay to protect Amertcani waa urgently ro- ^neatad.■ The of^lala of the Legation Immediatsly

- p rin ted the facta to Secretary Qreaham ?5?i.iflv* *riendly manner impreand him With,, koe importance of prompt action.TbjL«pW nod that there were between 300

* * .^ “ loriokna In the fonr trinelpol citiaa of Corea and that the revolu^n waa ■wOlr 4|«ctad against them.

their colors.more to p ro c^ % th st port have already bpen prepared InISKwr and will he cabled oa soon as toe I’r ^ e n t antoorixes such action. '

T h e W ash in g o f the Feet

gete to be a weighty matter,

^ in these ^ ‘ days

when colored

stock­ings w ill Pearline

Roger ronnor NIgns With tke HU Louis Toaia-Nswi of tha Haoatraeks~Cleve>

lands to Play tho Ironeldei,A deal waa oumpMed ysaterday by which

Roger Connor will, attar to-day, wear tha lult of the HL Loula Browns and do his bast to defeat hit old clnbmatas on iha New York team. To-day be will play egolnat toe New Yorks. Connor said yagtarday;

“ Now Uiat I am away from tha New York Club I want to inoka a statamant of my case, Mr. Talcvtt baa always traateil nm white, and In this daal with Ht. Loula be actal like a man. When Word laid me olT in Brook­lyn Mr. Talcott tohl me not to worry, that IWB# to look lo bfni alone for anyUdug, oml that 1 could rkinarn with the Sew York Club for toe balance of tbe season, drawing my Mlary Iff 1 didn't play oiiotlier toim'. Mr. Talcott also ossurKl me that If any club wanteti my lervlciw and was wlllltiAt'i imy inn os much or more money than I Imre Im'ii getting from the New York Club 1 ouutd have my release "

The fiew Yorks fell in the I-eague rwe yesterday, being lieateii by Ht. leniu. aiiil were iwasnl by tho Bnsiklyns, who white- washed the Cbicagua The Clevelsuds have regained toe tup uuti'h. They simply Jumpsil on the BusUme yesterday, and moved ate*, i of the I'Ittsburga who were walio|sxi by tlie Washingtons. Fhllaitclpbia won a game from Ijouiivitlo by sconiig aevcii runs lu tlic twelfth inning. Haltiiuore larelyjiullwl out

nils, 'Th

betwesn Billy Huber and Mike Hiuilh for a jHtrse of Rkl, to tak.' pla.'* at th.' socon.i an­nual pii'ui.' of the AlNne Aliileti.' As«o.'is- tion at (lus Oertel's Vb.i'nii i ’ark, on Wednesday night, June JT.

W A Y h OF T I 'H K E T fl.

Habile of tha Hans and Chlchs--IIow to Treat Them.

From at Nlebolaa Pew raaderi o f St. iVtaholaa bava known

the anxlatlaa and delights o f latalng turkaya, 1 should Ilka to tall tbam aoma o f tuy exparltnoaa

In April your turksy-bana will not stay together, aa they have done all tha Win­ter, but each seems to hare a aaparate secret, and you will often meat one in tbe muet unexpected placet, far away from the liooae. Then the doccttfol old turkey- hen will try to look ao unooniclouil She just goes on plucking at tbe gras* and weeda, ilowly iurning first one way and then another in an alnileaa fashion; and when she It sure you are watch­ing her, the will load you back and iurth, around and aistuud, sometimea tor half a mile. Vet w.mld you boBeve Ilf - right here, near by, along the fence in a dump of groM. or under a.>ine dried bush, or perhaps in tha middle of the pear- orchard, with never a thing In mark the spot, or ill a tangle of lilackberry-bushea

FoodFor Tho

5ickDr. & Mrs. J. E. LO SE S ,

Upper Red Hook, N. Y .TKIUII RNMNllMH-

in tl)0 old'Rriveyord, uu the cool inolit oitueckl

care! not for too worM imt vour hand

“ My husband has deputed me to couvey to you his opin­ion of Bovininc, which I do with pleasure, as I camiot say too much iu its praise.

!■ c^jninienccd takingearth U a aealc

a victory ffuui tba Ciuciutiatu. wt re:

Ht. IxniU Naw York 1. Brooklyn 6. Fldoago U. I'lfVelaiid ikMtou H. UhilailAlphiaU, LoulivllU 3. Baltimore Uimdniiati 8. Waibiuglou 10, litUburR 5,

THE itEoonn.

rbo reeuito

leckled eggs I But tako le worl.l put vour hand

III the nest! Youniui' take those eggs out with s ft'eah, clean ■p.ion turkeys are “ mighty partlc'lar,’ ’ as the colored peo­ple .-ay; but if you don't take them ths crows or the setter dog will, ' "Ifou must leave her a " iicsl-egg,'' o f course, and ■bove all tilings the hen must not sea you

BOVININEThe Original Raw Food

t'.impany, and flfteen others; rc|Veieiittng the .irygeods interest, tbe firm of Catlln & Co. an.llOOothers; reprasenting t industry, tbe flrm of Ludwig, N«

irasenting the jewelry lUdwig, Neasan k Co. representing general

commerclar Intereete N. Oalloway and fifty others; representing tbe grocers, R B. ThurtsT and flf^ othera; repreeenting the clotblug trade, Elogera, pMt s Co. and fif­teen othera.”

Mr. Thomaa then, lo a brief but very strong speech, said that be supposed be bail been lelcctod os pneldent of the ereotog be- cauee he repreiented tbe etrongeat commer­cial body not ouly In tbe United Htates but In the world whoae members did last year a buslnOH at nrat hand of t4td,bb0,0(».

Hr. McCall stepped forward and read a letter from Konator Hill, characterising the Income tax aa “ sociallftic in inception, nn- Arnerlcsn In theory, and unjust because It is annecesiarT,” and Frealdent Thomas intro­duced the fust regular speaker of the evea- ing, Bimon Hterns, attomey-at-taw. Hr. Htome said that seventy per cent, of tbfs proposed inoome tax would be paid by the people between the Allegheny Mountains and the ocean, the northern line of V’ irglula and the wmtern line of Maine. Thus it is timed directly at tins section of the country, which spent thousands of lives and thousands of millious of treasure to pre­serve tola Union.

The next speaker was Loula Windnmller, reprsMntatlvo of tbe oonimlMiun business intereste, who said that unless buimeu re­vives pretty soon there will be few people lia­ble to thsttai.

Secretary tfDwrer lifted to the preal- dant's table a bundle of telegrams. The sec­retory stated that they were tetegrams from every citv in the United Btates. erery sav­ings bank in the State of New York, every iiiauufaccuring interest in tbe country, ap­proving tho proteet of the New York busi­ness nich agsiust the income tax. They numbered more than 3,000.

EYetldent Thomas then Introduced tbe third speitoer. Professor Carlton T. Lewis, representiim tbe life insurance conijianies. Profeesor Lewis mode a strong liidictnteiit against the income tax. u It would slfect the interests he represented. Other speakers were John P. Townsend, repri'scntolive of savings bonks; Fred Tayior, of banking and brokerage intereste; Elijah K. Kennedy, of fire iuiuranon intoreate and U, Waldo Hmitb, of the grois'is,


do this; for you and ibe are playing at hide-and-aeek.

Borne day you will find her sitting on the nest, crouched down alow to tbe ground, with s scared look In her pretty brown eyes. Don't aay a word; trip nolselesaly away, and late thatavenlng give ber baok those apeckled eggs, all

?' ■you and the wilt be frienda some day.Once 1 made a turkey alt In ahenhouaa

where there waa many a rat-bole. She hod been on the eggs four weeka when little turkey volcet were heard beneath her, and Utile turkey beads peeped out from among her breast feathers. Whan I

which is to be played on Yale field this after- t^^k ber up by both Wing) such plucking Extra bWhorlea have been erected, fud picking and acratebing as she did 1 I

looked, and behold I not a turkey ehtok w w there.

Clubs. . Worn Lost4ClevelaDd......*.* .........flO 1i^ttaburg...... . ..................... .........a luHaiUmorc.......... .........11 1Pbli^elphla....... ...................... .........i# 10Hoatnn............... .........Ill 1<brooklyn . .........New 'i'ork...... . ............. .........11


i4t. Louis.. 4....16 11('loclrwatl....... .Ixiulfi^le...................

. * , 4>*t * 4 * * .....11 11.................... , ..... JO H>


. 1 . . 4 >■.* 1 • 1..... 10 XI................. ..... 7 W

The iiiiDagemeat of the Y aI* Bmr EeU ARBOclfttioD ha» haeq mDklag greet pre[«re lioDM for the HErT«*d-Ftinc»ton game,

when I could take no other food. I lived on it exclusively -for three weeks. I know of no other food so nutritious

give ner oaoK those apeckled eggs, slip- OU theping them under her with your had l d i g e s t i v e Orgail.S. M v h u s b a n d Hhe will pluck you, but do not raln4 that; ® • i • ■ t------. .. .ft. ................ ^ggg jt jji j,js practice, and

cordially endorses all I say in its favor.” Mrs. J . E . LoSEE.

5old et alt dru|gl«U.THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK.

noon.and the seating capacity of tha itoade in­creased to t.UW. It ia expected that Kl,uuil

Word has lieenperson^ will ae>- the nma. nwwiviKi that l,QQ0 Irinoeton and Harvard iludeoti will accompany their reepective teanu. Each teoju has woo a game, and te day's cuntnt will be for blood.

w ith the B s M H ones .There was exciting radng at Morris Park

yesterday. Tbe favoritea manageil to land first money In moat of the events. Tbe races were woo os follows;

First Race—Five furlongs; Our Jock won, FonduUne second, Dhrturbance third; time, U.SUti. Betting—Against Our Jock to 1, FonJoline 0 to I, Dlsturbancn 10 to 1.

Caltforoia time,


The little things just ont o f tbe shell, obeying the w'liu Instinct of their nsture, hau “ scooted" in the twinkling o f an

Hccond Race—Five furlongs won. Flush second. Monotony ihlnl; tin TOIL. Betting—IHuab 8 to 1, Califori and Monotony each 10 to 1.

Third Hoce—One mile and a furlongBelena D. won, Ornus second, Oeorge Beck third*; time, Betting—Against GeorgeBeck even money, Helena D. 8 to 9, OmusO tol.

Fourth Knee—One mile and a aiiteenth; Dobbint won, Aurelian second, Rubicon third, time, 1.48>t'. Betting—Five to 3 onDobbins, a^ust AurHion U to 1, Uubioou 8 to l.

Fifth Kaon—Five furlongs; Connoisseur won, Applause second, Paiuin third; time, 1.00! . Betting—Against Applause even money. Connoisseur 'I to L Pahulin .9 to 1.

With Race-One mite; 'Tom Skidmore won, Hammio seconil, Speculation third; time, 1,41'f. Betting-Against Tom Skidmore 8 to 5, Hpeculstlon 3‘t to 1, Uamiulo 4 to 1.

The Meteopulitau Handicap, one of the biggert events of tbe year, is to be decideil at Morris Park to-day, with Dr. Rice, the win­ner of the llroiiklyii Handicap; Rainapu, Don Alonso, Henry of Navarre, i^ irt, Bouetlaw, Roche and otf starters.

There was

eye, leaving a nest of empty sheila. I hunted all over the henhouse, but no sight or Sound of them could be heard, but, aa I turned away, 1 beard tbe old hen calling softly; then, more aoltly atltl, came the answers, snd from rat boles, from wisps of scsltered straw, from chips, from crocks and from corners the little ones came creeping baok to tha nest. I caught them, though, after all, and did as an old woman told me. With my finger nail I scratched olf the little " p ip ' ’ at the end of each tiny bill, and, holding tbe little turkey firmly and placing a finger In tbe bill lo keep ft opep, I crammed the little pip—which looks lik es piece of meal busk—and a whole grain oi black pepper down each little throat. The block pepper makes them Warm. Then the young turkeya are treat­ed to a dab of salt grease and anuff, mixed together in a brown poate, first on the top o f each bead, and then under each little throat. Their food is now lo be wet corn- meat and chopped garlic na oniun topa, with an ooflasioiial seasoning of black pepper on damp days. How those little turkeys like onion tops I They actually squeal wltli delight when they amefl them. What tussling when two or three are hanging on to the samo piece 1 What funny little things they are 1—ao weak m their legs, ao raally upset, yet so strong in their bills. You can 1 i 11 a little tur key off the ground with an onion top, if he once gets a flrm hold.

A Popular Loan.$150,CXX)SEWER BONDS

— or Tilt —


O RAKOS, whil« «Q Incorporated city, re- Uklni mepy of the feet urea of a town or

vUltitfe, hae an area of eboui 2^ >i4iiitrr mlleN aud la situated between theTuvknahipaof Kaal Oraoci and Wtat Oranfe. Raaei I'ouitty, New Jereey, withinmtautea (15 milea) frum Now York City and fti minutea 04 milmi from Newark, with wbleh It la conuected by itnam and electric railruada, Anelrctrlc mod, ruuathniQKb tt from north tu aouth KlviiiKfrequent and eauyacceia to all tlie uelKhiwr- Ids towntbipe. There it no auhurb of New York City whioh ofTera more attractiuia for

rh e M u Electrical Forces!Aoly one faTorite to

Hawthorne track, Chicago, yetwrdaj.

The Hprlng styles in alatlonery for Women Tary, ao far a the rotor la concerned, f^oin Venetian blue to a new ahade called Prince of Wales gray.

White, while always in good taate, aaya the world, U out of date with tin de ilecle women.

It Ifl equally Important titat the paper and envelope should be of tbe corrert size. The latest style demands a sheet sight Inches by all, and an envelope sll and one-fourth iooltea by fmjr and Obe-fonrth.

Tbe very latest thing la the Prince of Wales gray. To be genuine, when held to the light, tho watermark, tbs Prince of Walea s plumes, mu- t show. Otherwise It is a baM Imitation. This n«w shade resembles nothing ao much In color as amustard plaster—but let that past.

Another shade ia called new blue, or Vene­tian blue; then there are prlmroeo 'yellow and peacbbloW'ptnk, both very pretty to look at and equally etyllah.

Rivgged edges are positively TOlgar, while paper with linos In It is In the very worse taste. The paper called Frenoh quadrille, but better known (u the paper with lines running both ways, it always a standard of fashion.

Rough paper ia very fashionable and qnito the proper thing, although the satin flnhib ie mooh used. Long envelopes are now the cor­rect thiag. The square ones are no longer foahiouable.

The next important thing la the evaling'Wax. There are shades to match every shade of paper. Then, with very dark paper, white Ink in used, and by way of an agreeable contrast, purple ia very much liked.

A (j^rroan ensiotn, which hu lately become very popular here, is announcliig tbe arrival of a baby lit the family. There is appro­priate and dainty itatiooery for the purpose, little cards of pnro white, which fold In an eiivelo]Hi four ami a quarter Inches long by ono and a half Inchen wide.

Mias Idi.r.i FiTTZsivHitiU}, the sculptor, of Berlin, hoH gone on a visit to tho Count and OouDlesa Herbert Hisinarck. Hhe Intends to model a bust of the Countess.

B. Il Farjsoit, the EagHsh novelist, will qhortly publUb in Fjondon some of the literary work of his Ihlrtri'n-yearHYld daughter, Nel­lie. The young Miss Is said to have remarka* ble talent.

Mrs. VAirnt is busily engaged u^n abiogra- phy of the late Benator, which Is to be pro* fusely illustrated. The frontispiece will be a ' portrait of tho late Benator Vance, taken from tJte large painting of him that hangs In the front parlor of tbe Vance bouse In Washing* ton.

Mils. CLRVgtxAND never wears a glove on her right hand at While House receptions, as her experience during her first occupancy of the Executive Mansion taught her that by so do­ing she avoided the intense pain that Invaria­bly followi a great amount of hond-ibaking when the glove is kept on,

PnoVKSSOii ZAKBARiif, of Mdscow, the Claris physician, le said lo be very eccentric. When be is called to attend a patient all df>gt most be kept ont of the way, ail clocks stopped, and all the doors must be thrown wide open. Me Insists on perfect silence In the slok room, except when biiqueetione are answered, and then only “ yea and “ nay Is allowed. His cooontrlcities, however, eease at tho bedside of his patient, whero he is courteous and oon- ■iderate.

win at - I'lw

results of the evonts are given;First Uaco-4)ne-half mile; Mootre won,

Red Top second, Lizzie N. third; tmie, 0.50^,Second Race-Thrw-quartere of a mile;

Pop (irey won, William T. second, La JuJve third; time, 1.13 .

Third Race—Une ami ono-sixteenth miles; Despot won, 8 t Pat second; time,

Fourth iW e—Three-fuurt^ of a tnlie; Alice D. worn BuuDeU’s BlUet seouod, Walsey Ihinl; time, l.l7k.

Fifth Race—llireo-fourtbs of a mile; W'ightman won. Jack Hichelieu second, Uoid Dust third: time, 1.1(\.

bixtb Ra«>e— One mile and seventv yards; Gazette won. Tompleniure second, Lithbcrt third; time, 1.5U.

A t 8t, Louis yesterday the races were won as follows;

First Race—Ntne'Sixteenths of a mile; Bwlftj won, Taconey second, Niuht Shade third; time,

Hecond Race—Une mile; Rover won, Bara* foot second, Lyoekport th i^; tiino,

Third Race—Nlno'iiixteefiths o f ‘ a mile; Mom*is won, Queen Fausttu ecoond, Nectar third; time,

Fourth Race—One mile; 81r Walter Raleigh won, Theodore H. secH>nd, Mollle B. third; time, 1.44.

Fifth Race-<0ne mile; Despair won, Sen­ator Irby second, Elberon third; time, 1.43.

Sixth Race—Oue aud one-half miles; Tip won, kly Partner scLHind, Haddlebagi thlH; time, 2,39> .

Th # Clevelands to P la y the IroaaldesaAt the Hhocting Park grounds to-morrow

afternooQ tbe Ironsides will play the Cleve­land National Ijea^ue Club tcau with Tebrau on flrs Childs on second and '^Buck* Ewing in right field, Foilowhig is tbe batting ora*r;

Iroasidr—Rothfusa, catcher; Miller, pitch­er; HotbfuES, first base; Kothfuss, second baiiC'; lieonard, Hard base; Mlliii, shortstop; Weisbeckor, left field; Diuti'ich, centre field; Knige, right fintd.

Clovolmul—Jiimmer,catcher; Young, pitch­er; Tebeau, first base; Child, second baae; Virtue, third Iwifte; Mclvenu, shurub'ip; O'Connor, left field; Cuppy, centre field; Ewing, right field.

This ufternoon the Orange Athletic Club and the strong New Jerwj Athletic Club base bull tcatni will ulay on the Orauge Oval. The gome scfieduled was with Princeton University, but^the defeat of PriiK'otou nece.<tNi tales Saturday, with thfi lllcyrlers,

A. FI. Barnett, tbo winner of tbe Irvlng- ton-Uiliburu road race on Decoration Day, began training early in the soason. Every clear day ho ou the bills between Rah­way and Westfield, riding at racing spead. That was In the afternoon. In the morning be rode on Wiatileld avenue with a pace­maker, and would «corcb between Westfield and El)2al>eth with railroad trains. Barnett is tbe rider who nearly every morning oleo- trified itassengrrs on some of the local trains by riding as fast, as the train travelled, aud many a time have the passengers put their heodn out of the car windows to shout words of encouragement to the plucky boy who had tho temority to pit his speed against that of a locomotive.

Chairman Raymond, of tha L. A. W. Rac­ing Board, will soon throw a bomb into the racing camp. The small uumber of entriea in class B events on Docoraibn Day ^ v e been closely observed, and Ubalrman Ray­mond is the authority for tbg statement that over lUO'meu who entered In chus A will be thrown into class U within a week, Mr. Raymond says the men will be suspended for thirty days }»eudinc invoatlgation Into their amateur status. UeanwhUe they will have anothar chance of riding in class B.

Mooney W ins In Ire laud,John Jr Mooney, Xariar A. A., whose da-

pai'tura fur Lcland was announced some weeks ago, ilgnallsed bis reappearanoe In old country athletics in a hiKbJy sensattonal manner at the famous Queen's CollsgSL Cork,

H o w T h ey Control the O rgans o f the Body.

Tht tJectrical force of the hnni'm body, u the nerve fluid may Ijotermi'd, li an espe- olallj attractive deparimCDt of science, as it •xerta so marked an Influence on the liealih of the organs of ilu) body. Nurv# fuses it produced by tbe brain and toriveyrd by means of the nerves to the varlon^ onmus of tbe body, tbussupplylng the Utter wUh the vitality necessary 10 in­sure tnoir health. Thi pneumogostrii! nerve, as shown here, may be said tu be tbe most Unportunt of the entire nerv# lys* tCED, as It supplies ihei hcaru iun(^ stomach, buweuL etc., with the nerve force necessary to keep them active and heaftfay. As will be seen by the cut the long nerve descendlog from th e baae of the brain and terminating In the bow­els lathe pneumofsstrle, while the numerous Ut-i tie branchea supply tbd heart, lungs and stom-l ach with neceiaary vi­tality, When the Drain becomealnany way dis­ordered by



V Ml * , a»a»a. vtin UxixuvD U1by llnrranl oD Deoaratioo Day

X tlioao teams playing off tho tie ou

n m « OD May HI. The primary oiEla cxcursloD was a thorouich courae of train­ing for the all-rnuiu) rlumplomhlp 9( Amer­ica, which will bo (|toided at Bergm Point, N.

E L O P E D F R O M A N A S Y LU M .

A Feon ltar Itomauco W h ich C o n u i tram the P ac lllq CoaaL

,A strange romance comaa from the 8tate Aayluui In AgneWa, Cql. Nearly a year ago, ajbright appealing young woman, who gave hto name aa Hra. Eyelyn Leonaro BaQot lUUa Erana, was ansMtea in San Franclaco ^ awlOdllBg fashionable bnarding-liouBea Mlti a maid and nurta, who had tnuted ber, Mts twice taken before tha Board of

/Lonacy and pronounced laiie. A Police / Magtatrate then pronde.'"' guilty nf tbe •4 otaari Mtt K ' bar to ilK

J., on July 4. Incidentally, Mooney thought It adTlaable to try htmaelt out agalnat Ireland’s best, and the reeutta far axoead the hopaeof hi* moat sanguine admlren. Tbe Xavier nuin'i flrat effort was in tbe broad jmup against five opponenta. Including T. F. Kiely, Cnrrlcfc-oq-Stdr, the all-round champion of Ireland. Mooney won at tlie creditable dlatanco of twenty-two t«t one aBhune-baX Inchen. Hit next efllort wai In the lOU-yard scratch run for the champiote

, , . , , ship of theprorlnoe of Munster. Hlxaoutb-does this work beautiujll’v, •« the mark, but none of

. "them could extend tbe Xavier man, who wontaally by two yard* from T. E. Wood, Jin-, ntekean, In lecouda. The name pair had tbe Aiiisb 'W the liid-yard hurdle handl' cap between‘them.

Varlou Sparling Notes.Fred Hoey and Edgar D. Hui-phy, the

weil-kcown wing ahoU, have been inatobed to shoot at too blrdi,'thirty yards liae, fifty yarda Doundary, for {1,000 a aide, at the Weetmlnlitor Kehnel Club'* ground* at & l^lon, during tha noond week In June. B. H. Buckley, tbs well-known dubman, ar­ranged tbe match aud haa taken the Hoey anfl of the bet.

Newark Bteri wlU broe* bats with the crack Active A. C. to-morrow aftenuMU at KoebleFi Park, South Orange avenue a ^ Uruv* street.

A ikating match hu been arranged

not only thoroughly effective, but it’s healthy.

Doctors rficommend Pearl­ine as a soak for rheumatism. Try it in the bath. It will give you a new idea o f cleanliness, bathing witli Pearline is a perfect luxury,

Paddkrt aad uni«ni{^ 1 3 6 V a r c sroctn wm leil VDU«

. IT'S FALSE-PcarJiai it•aata a« Pearlinc Mver thii'Hi

Dv w ar als- , UTlubnitf:

Of exhaiutloQ, the nerv# fore# wblcb It mppilc# lalaaienecl. and tU« or­gans twcelvlng tbo dl- m Iqlsbod Buppiy are cod- Moueotlv wsskeued.

PhTitcfauii generally . _ the Importance of ilfia fuel, but treat the organ Iteolf Iruitead of iJie caune of the trouble The noted specialist, Franklin Miles.M. D., LL. B.» has Riven the xroatpr part of hli life to tbe study of this subject, siid the prlQrlp:il discoveries concernl or ft arc due to bis efforiH.

Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, ihe unri­valed brain and nerve food, 1<< prepared on theSHncIple that all itervtMiu bnd many other

JfQcultles originate from diwnlort of the nerve centers, lu wocdorful •m-rm' lnciirltiR these disorders U ta rltlod tu by tiiuusu&dd In every part of the land.

Restorative Nervine riirrs slreplessneBs, nervous prostration, dltzlnrs-s, hysKTla. f-en- uai debility, St. VltUM darire, epilepsy, etc. It

.......... ■ 1 i'

liio Dr. Hlflrs Medli’iiiW rlp to f price, f l pof

......... ......Idv

proposed rstidentSv seeking UesUhrul bmnes. NO INCKEAKE OF POPULATION WILL NKOEHBITATK ANY KUHTUKU t*Aii(iE OUTLAY OF MONEY F(»K THE PUBLIC COMFORT, M Orange Is now tbr tiwner of ail tlie liiridenu of a large ohy. iiamH)': Corn- piste sewers and drains, ahuridani water supply, rfllclent police aud lire deparrmenis, ample public sohuol facilities, farui hikI buildllikgSq principal streets inucadauilzed aud Ugtiled with electricity Ibraugiioiii.

Tbo City of Orange offers to all f>rrsi>ns who have money to loan in sums nf |UJ0 nr tniiltl- piei thereof, its bonds aggregating |15u.Ui) bearing interest at ibe rate of 4^ per r<'Ut. per auuuui. payable seml-anaually, exicmlntg over a period of from ten tu twenty years, from June 1, IMR, ^nd maturing as fuiiowH: |A,iUOebcbtn 1tUM);|ia0U0 In IkOi 7; iQ iUUb-D; |ai,0U}lu 10l«-Uand tii&vbuiliu Wli U. These bonds are iesuod under auiUorliy of Act of tbe Lsgialaiurt of the 8tate of SVw Jersey, passed in IIM) and RM. and arc excuiiit from taxation. THEY AK£ i^UUHhlU UV A FLEDHEOFTHK FBOPERTS' ANDUHEU- IT OF THE CITV,and the several InslHlrseeLM as they luature and become due are lo bu raised by direct taxation In each year.

Tbs bonds will be Utbograpued In txiok form wkb coupons atlacLed aud tratiAfcralde by delivery, or registered om the holder may desire, ana the prludiJaL and Interest is pay­able at the Orauge Satloual Hauk.

It will be eeeu that 1 liey afford A MOST l>E- SIKABLE HECURITY'm H.MALL Aa WELL ABLAROE LNVKSruHS. that they can U* readily negidlated and, wJJ4. prob­ably moa coiiiiuand a iimoluriu •

special aitonilou ia called to the fulhiwlng ufflclal exhibit of tbe FINANCIAL UONDL TION of tbe City of Orange i»n March 1, llW. RONDEli INDERTKONKHS ei-

clufilve of Water and HewrrDebt........................a*...........

Water Debt tBelr-sup|H:irttii|ri....... IPiU.UiI Ulbewer Debt................................ TtlT.iiM to

Total Hcmded Indebtedness... ILi£9l,)lUb (JU Against which there Is in tbs

rlinktng Fond in Cash aud Ikr^s applicable to tbe redeinptian oftbfi indebtedness........................ M,401 SO

Ealiinates amoQDt to be received within the uext two years from ajuicssmeiiia for sewers................ flDO.OOO 00

JLtMvIng a Net Bonded Indebt- I edneta to tbe City of............. |L042,SnH 37bemourcks o f th e c it x o f ORANUK.Taxes and ASseuments d u#

and unpaid first Ileus M ui»ort property uponH which levied......................... $^,17t 79a , VALUE OF CITY PROPERTY.Vtorm Water and Hewer

Plant........................... IJM7 000Water System (includliig

reservoir, ttapaeity STQl- OOU.dX) gailuus, reservoir

la free from opiates i>r ilAtigrroiis drugs, li Is Wild on a puffltiro guaniui>*e by; aJI druit-g lsU, or sent direct b y .............................

Elkhart. Ind.. on r.*. .p* wtUe« six bottles fur ffi. cxpreiu prepaid

pond and natural springsfor future supply..... .

Scboul Bulldlugs (5).......Poor Farm dST ecretf a&d

Bu ild ings......................Fire aud Police Buildings

and other property*.-*»»

BOG nuo 160 DUO

06 000

BO oonl.(gei,ncn on

Total resourert......................|2,iXgMT0 TUTbo population of tbe City Is estliuaiud at

S0.00U.The assessed value Of all property for lairs

for tbe year IBikl woe |T,970.0UO. ana there hiis

T h e B E S T R O U . T E

I l i e G r a t H c a l t l i D r i i i kSafe, aura and reliable- Alu-nys on time. Aplmsureandftdellisbt. Com* fortAble, enjoyable.

H I R E S ’Rootbeep

A16apkg.msk*eBgallona RoldevsTywhere.SchS S«, Itup for b«utiai »fidbwl-Tbs CbAJh E« lliree Co., PfaUadelpliia.

FITS CURED(FVem U. S. Journal of MnlieinL)

Prof. Wv.n. Peekr,who makes a specialty of FpUepsyt bos without deqht trostfd and cured idoto csiei then anyUvBif Physician; hli Buceei* ia utoDiehiBe< We have beard of cases of 90 jeors standliig cured by him. He pttbtlabeiavalnsbieworkcm this diiease which be aeude with a large bottle of hla absolute cure, free to any sufferer who may setid tbelr P.O. and Express ad* dfeae- We advise nnyone wishing a cure to address, Prof. W. H. FEEKA. F. — .Najr Yprit

t!KKASE ANNUALLY OF |AIIU,UISI. and In the early future wltli our couiplt'ted mcwct synlcuk m full operatlnn. valuutiunH fur lux

mode with the aid of tlie Block .MiiiwpuriMtses w ill Ik •

for eoverjU ^eari AN a V'EKACK IN

X1'p i_____ _ , -

The sale of theee bonda under tho dlrt*vrinti nf the Collrctoruf Taxes of the Ulty »r <>r- BUgo wlJl begin on MONDAY, JUN'K L IN IHH OFFiCE, ARMORY HUH.1 UNO. WILLIAM HTREET. UHANOE. NKW JKK- HEY', AT ]l> A. M.. oflliat day, and contliuu* from day to day, Hattirdays nml Sun- days ' excepted, from that hour UJiiil

V. M. of each day uutil MiJd. riiiibsQriplloua can be made personally or by letter, and mast be at'i'umimnled by adepfHilt nf money or certified cbi<rk for Ih }>er cent, uf the par value of the Bou<U. ami must apeoify the Hcnde desired by >eiirs of maturity, which will be rcglstervif In tbo order In which they are received and outes issued Immediately therefor futitliiig the holder fo tbe amount of the BnnclH wui>. srrllifd for, which will be ready for dfli'cry ON UK BEFORE THE 1ST DAY OF JUI.V, 1H94. No subsvrlptlou for lens thai» par and accrued lutereet for the bonds will lx> nm'<jfL <irc(i, and the <*otnmlttee on Fliiutu-c of ibu Uommon Council re^rv^ the right to reject auy and aU siibscrlirwoue ipM may seem Lk'hI to them for the tntereat of the rity-

lucaeeof two or more aubecrlptinnH fo ra larger uumber of bonds than that propo.-icd to be usued expiring in a specified yeur, the city reserves the right of diHverlng to the sul>- Mrribera or either of them Bonds of any tiorles not dls|)o«ed of.

Holders of 6 or 10 of the 1100 Ronds of nay partlcalar series may at any time, upon Appli­cation to tbe C<tmmoli Council and tniiBiinnu- der of the eama, have them converted into Bonds of the denomination of or fl.iiiV, and payable in the same manner as thow uf the smaller UfBomlDatlona.

Huhscrlptlon should be directed to 0- U. W'llllams, (!oUector of Taxes, aud indoreed propoKals for Ronds.

By Order of the FitcAifCV CoMMirng.IHted. Orange, N, J., May SB* IBU.r

Tomon and inaU roant growths, both infernal •and oxternal, iwrnui'&ently cured, without kufTe nr caustic. Thlstruatmeut has stood Ilia t«etnf ariyoars’ i'Xporlenroaiid liim|ohuHl by prominent pbysluluns of all achoolk of modf- clne, Flrel-olass rcfwonces ,to permanent «uraa that will bear investigatlnu. Ask for clrcnlv* R. U* JONEH, M. 0.. Ph. D.,

M Fair Street, Patenw >, N. J-



PriDclpal offica,' M n U A N E 8THEET, N E W YO RK.

/ H av* ojwned A D*W brxRoli offic* at

- 3 6 3 B R O A D S T . i Oslj o n :, la Rfliarl.

. ..J.I *T ' 'M - i Jnitir.^aeuvft^ 'oajpdaJitgnx..

ITlEisEmoctmoti T3

HARRISON 4 HOAO*€hi«e*«U'r>- -DM < I t*4AM«iS nrHiAfwmmjpm


•Avk, rtllkW*. u »ix «,tkudii arrnonitrmttt irt KeS Mi 0#MLotN. irtl«d»tis«iH>mLM. Take „ BaoshaA JfV*** Sew iM* mMHw. ▼

enj aI tlr«sifa«.<>f •*al4l» luiuu At [tiirtUitart. imUieeUU Mi

_ ^Itdl^fer L^ha.^tfiMMr tn rs M MmIL Ie,ee*TwmteUU. A’lMWnyer*

Ton will And at my *tor« a full Itns if TU B

Best PaperCan andMBiuMtoafc C r* A T LO W ESTitDd («t prlres. PRICES.20 CUH\QN ST.. Hem ut N. J

j r A IL R O iD I ,


Babbits Boap.............. ...............S 4 .M per boxBatin (lloea Hoap......................... 4«tB per boxFrank filddal's Hnap................... ■* la per boxGerman Soap............. ........... 8-80 per boxKirkman’i Borax Hoap.............. 4«40 per boxIvory Hoap.................... ........... 4,60 per boxCream Boap............................. fi-80perU>xB. Boheiier'e Big Four ffcMp...... 8.18 per boxH llxurd Hoap........................... . 1.18 per boxDobbin's Hkrap............................. 8 .0 0 per boxW ater Lily 8oep....................... 4.00 per boxOrlagtTn Hoap............................. 4 .0 0 per boxBar SoaiM(k>-ib, box)....... . 1 ,0 0 per boxImpurUd UiMlilr ^»ap............... tHe, per Jb.Hal Soda lOklb. box)................... §5 «. per boxsHlarch lill-lb. box)................ . 1 *0 0 per box^Blarcb (Itlb. bd ie i).................... 18e, per box

S . S C K U736 Broad Street,

CYir. Commerce.Branch fllore—4k Ferry Hlraet,Cor. Union.


I d e n t ic eALK OK H^AI. )<>«TATk r i)K I'N- yiaUi (axes lu tbe lowuiblpef SsHevUte ibMke

year isei^oU(w Is btrsiiy rlTen ih il by virtue of a warrani

leeueu by Hsury w. i arterwou#. Jatues t. Iteyiae, iwrey Jsckwio. ueurge W. \s uiUm m o sad JeUa Preui, Ibe leweibtp cwiumtur* of ibe lowesbip Heliffin*. In ttieciiueiy or lasri lo uiaXe ibeua paM tales HMMed oa leues. uitleuisDta, bseedltw

yneota aud real setale lu tUe esM wwiikUlp fbr Oie year IWI, ibv subeenbrr. Oulb cuft ef Taxee fbr ihs said (owAslilp. to whom ibe said vam a t u directed, wij), en Memlay. tbe tweniy flfib day » f Juneeext, at tbe hour or le o*c oiHi a . M.,nI ble cfili'e. No. ISS kiela itre«t, Ip aald lowushlp, sell lb* iaods. ItiiemeiiU, bereditauifuts and reel eeiate bsrsusdvr dtieriDed at publlu vsedue fut Uie ihnrteet term, aot eirreUlas thirty yeara Aw wtiU'l) suy pei idii or perniaa a 111 asree lo lake the same and uay'ueb laitss with Intaresi |lH»reeae( iht) rale or sevsu per eenSuin. troin tbe tweeUetb day or I ('toiler, A. it. tsst, (ogriher wUb all leea chargee aud sipeueeaHa Tax Due

M Kit e f w*m. W. Foire, IS acres, laudand beuto. sofOatiai t.-iiver 1 akei . fius is

Ml Ee< Wm. H. Feree. k; acre iaud, fur<ntefly Mtnbri’s iHUver l^ke). I v4

Its John BLaud, ii lo u w s Hrtablouave. IS su Its Jubu maitil, IS iota e ■ Urtshuxi ave .. 17 71117 Jobit lilaiid, 11 lots W I Ham«rn st. U ft140 blarfarei UitU. lei Ne. 10 e « Usrrlaub

St ................... M141 CaiheriDS W bUe, toi No. l i e s Harri­

son si........................ ISMl R. abalTTr, let .No. S Wallace map . . . tPIM r. Miller, leis 14 and » WaBuee map.. 1*71K7 C'. H. Vaa Newt, lei M Wallace map .. MITS TbenueSioaicomary. loia SfSS w at-

liHfg tuap................ . . . I fT174 b. Arcbibaiil, )<i(Si Wallace m a p . Mlid A* A. hUMWl, tola a m Wallace amp... 1 VTIIS R. W. stakffsr, tot 104 W aliare map... Miss I . a rioba, Joi lue Wallaie d m p ...... MSM K»l hobf ri ilot luskey, at'iea laud

I s John su 00 Arthur prepfTly ........ IS tttoo John ReCtuikey, a rm laud ■ a

Jiibn St, on Aiibur pjeperty.,.......... M Blot J4n. JsniMs Vuuex, i s ucivh Jaad I a

Jnbu W, OR Arlhur peuparty............ 10 Ut « l RraKtokvr IS^crtj laud and rcAl-

dsnee e s Kraekllii or Pnorbouw rd IS M M kir. Vpibennlif, HU acres lantl and

bouse, s I Nets st., rnrmstiy New York Kuieal Ufb Inidrance't tya.... SB 4B

404S W'ubiPgiue neighta I sill] 1:0., Wacies land e aud w side Wanblnttoa are.,formerly Charisa Raueiabs... ........ M l 00

ISO 1 humai Hrady. lul S s foha st............ . 1.MS'Jif Uri. ti, J»fW‘tit,iaiKl sa Jtutfen aad w *

■ aicpbens sis. ... ....... ..... t i 2sTbA 1 st Slaty Carrushn, buuse aud lo ins

Mill Ht............................................ S M76X n'stWtert'arrsghn. (nswjiheuseauUlot

ns Mill * i - ............ ........... ID 1}7A1» yui IVier l arraghn, lot n s wmiBiu Ik 144Mjs Jii n hurke. land ub liDi n o f Mill st . 111070 Msry Hmitb, jendsate aad tot s a

WUItanist........................... ........... Ji 13KiH Hhu Hrut. (lormsrjy H. insmoitdt,

bene*artotoiua WitlUiu at IS IIluTJ 'J tinman toniiors, retidenCR and let w

s Howet.................. ............. .......... 1144KAri Jsmvti Pianagbaii, rraideuie and lot B

S t hlltiRi HI...................................... 7 MM'N (to 4‘k.enbOM, S seres Isnd u s John e i. S7 S3 1111 Jiugli A. I unsnlJy, n^loencs aoil tot n

s . olin st,...... g soIU4 ItvT. W. J> btidloW.'J lota n B Jubii st . ISO UTO Xlurrti UiSes, lot ■ I Juliu eteufJiol-

laiifl................................ I 6S13 V) Juivpb Daiioih. lul I Redden tusp.. I S I.3S 'DinmM A. Piekeii^, lot 10 lieUrlHi

t?4l Ip j t tvullum wsimua;'tois s r-v tlaUtifh

map.. ............................ 9 UISO lhuni)S4 Murphy, reH.dnnie snd lot w

eltrldfnsi............. 9 tz1^ Henry .tii’Cay, refddenin* and lot as

i'uurilRiiiltxi................................... 11 11]RV7 J slate W IlLLim liruwit, uoiise and lul

V H iMRC i t ..................................... t OSI4H7 Tbeialutv landlord, realiletii^e and lot

US .4<-ad«oiyat. . ............................ SI 4014TB l aliuaie \ hn Ulp4>r, leildencs and lul

aSiti.ol roes kt.'.'revi*r'"i‘'/i >j"‘ai-vr'-v''-'VI 1$ 90.iW ..lte»>*l8»W*,jrewii,.*M(l,.(nf ....

11 'vu i............................................. It te]SJ4 Mrs. 11. l>eS>'lll, I.'SIuIm Ltdweeu I iilnu

ave ind New a| wnil ou i«eW|lt are SI B4 ISIS'tiretirge W. I'laoe, toll 4MV l>«wttiave

and 27,2S. jy Mornbluwcr avs ... 10 92IfltT Hluan Jlrua., Iiuuas ami lut a s Horn-

bluurer avti .................. i> 04U iaie Jotai KfQiie<iy, lot h w uor

ruurUaiidl and Hiilnien sis.............. t SBI64:i Mrs. (•. I sWltt, bouse and lot m s

Joraleimmit................................... lo 31luwj A hide I . Van KFyp*'r, .jlotseetyuirl-

170] Annie V. Van jrejrpSf, ^ lu f t W l 'utapbCMV Jg is

ITli AmiL K. Van Jtsyper, S iota e »Ntpphsus It................. I no

■724 Anuls K. Vau Itcyiwr, 1 lota e • Waali-Ingtun ave............... 27 SO

1727 AaDlei<. Van hcyi«r, reaideoce aitdlot w I W'aaJilncion ave................... u ts

tT'JX Anato Van iteyper, IS acres iarid andSI iiol buuSM w ut W nalringlori av#. 117 10

ITiu Franklin M. < Id**, liouse and tot ws ')'a<s}ilngtun ave, a w cor 'lappanava-....— ..... OS «

t7Bl Juhn t ampbell, rreldvUjCe aud tot e sWusbtnirtuTi ave;...................... It 40

17IM Jann-vM HaudfonJ| m>UM and lul w iKalirooit............... ] l 44

17UU Anxiist HuMey nr A. Colinn, bouse and ini w • Waablntton ave. cor Hulmssst ................................................. M B

IWl A. <4. Kyaebcy, 14 Iqla w s L'nlitn ave,., et 00Si/SU HamUol liutr, blk l lot 21 KainLab

map.... -...................... .................... 7 MSOM F II. frmltli, blk 1 lot 4 lloimeH map,., 7 Is2134 Jt>i Mnt. irei<maii, bouse and tot w 1

Iriiukllu road....... ........................ 11 KSIM Khi AlilJaL Maldiidn. hnuna and ini tis

1- runklln mad nr iuralamnn sL .. .... n fOSl&S lulwardi'erraglier, r«'<ldem‘n atnllut n

a Fianklla mw1 c f Juralemou M. 14 212174 A. U- KviiBbty. atrip ul land 11 s John

HI w i»r UfWlu avs.................. 6 S42171 ILuWllilau) M. ^audrord, 3 lota n s

Jnliii Ht.... ..................................... S IS2l’H ' Ward, 2 liiia w Kt uiirilait'li »>i..a I-

Jolniiif; v -boot urourtila on iiMrili 3 MI'ayinHiita luti'l be inadf before ihe C'lnrlnalnn of

thr ''■d*. eihrrwLta ibt pruperly will !>• Immedi alel.v rcMid.

'Alins>4my baud Ibti twenty A lib day of May, A. IL, IriH. AUTllUH H. 41‘«'ll IINK,

t'QlJwlor of 1 axel

^leepirw t'ar* lo IMithurx. t’nkwfo arKi (levaUnd Idnlrig ra n ts rhilad,<)|ih>a, uimT lltutojrflu i

at UsveWo It.IS A. U.,l‘hM!

M r s . D r . B a i l e y ,;|A8 n E I.L R V IT .L K A V FN I'R .

M KD K ’A I. E LKU TH lC iTV HUito, Oal. vaulc, Farudir. .Htalic Klcctriclty fnr Far- alyeln,Oatarrli, Ritotiiuatlajii, luHOiniiia,

HKlN AND NKRVUU8 DlSFAfc^FHeurrAM- fuUy irvutcd. Facial lilcuilabriaaml Fruptlnim. sue)] an ruil iimtus, molea, warU, eU:., remuvecl by ctoclriuily atid vbporjzlrig.

w e A R R A N G EIrlp*. Hhnrt, mic-dny tripe for linnflrwiii or Ibnusands uf penpK or oxtciislve trips for in- fllvldiml, even Ui u trip bruurul tho wurid Idet- ing three montliH,

FORevery cauAcUy of jmnie or enjoyment. Vo have farllitU'S for Honiring the Wet available

ACCOMMODATIONSon train nr siHamcr at ghoriuet nuitce Inuiglti- nblr. lu Hliort, we urdalti yuur trip so tuat you hiivu alMuiuti|ly nothing to do but

TOMen almnnl vour train or st earfior and be rar- ricu lu yuur (lextiiiatiun. Our service fxteods to

ALL POINTS INfliis nr Miy other country, but wo haveoiipe- rior arratigemoclB fur facilitating a trip to

THE OLD COUNTRYby swift Meamora, and If necesHarv we can have niurtunivH extended on other side by epe- clal arrAiigi'Uienti. We Issue drafts and monny onlcrs. paiiHports, lottors of credit and have 0%'cry fsdtity to make your trip pleasant by land or eea. ___________

JOS. N. BTRHB &French and Uarman spoken. Talephona iffil.

^ P A S S A G E TICKETS.Oabirif tntermtdlbta iincl •twaragw

Al towtu Nsw York latss on all linse ol ec«u » i«sbmm>

MAftTIN R. DENNIS & CO.,IfTiSLioisa 1M8 '

774 i r o a l l t t . , «sr itariri fit. irm an ^v .l|>aA»7A far J l ftAd upwtr . «ai Mirnff Orttn Mttala Is

8v|af Ukaiid t»Uai aad lia/fl, M/ »rj :' '.H ;>

DtfPi■ CuiiJ

. E R IE R A IL W A Y .

I JRN^VLVa KU . AILH 'AU -TllfSTAM- 1 dsrd railroad of A b)<rU<a. froieeted ibroust

out *>y Ibv luifilGCkIni ai uc-ii aud oiucb ’tolM tysiPui. ‘ 1" Rti p'OiHy on ooilce |«tsavui. aau4 after May 7 , Ls.»4, ir»[us wOl toave Market eue4

, MaUoo, Nsmric. as i%iJew«;' t ak t. M. kOtf 1 Ina Uul>. with FultAan VsdS toito. Farter aud -Jaepiog Uaie dally. A>r Fittaburg

inUiariHpO'to. twleage a a es tiD97 A. If ivnn«yikaala Unmed. •toliy-Ooiw

pMetf exeiuiivefy or Puflaiaa Veeilbule urawiaf HuS HiataMiom. aisoplBt, Tlnlog. MDOfetogaud irW Btivaikb t eM, pressBiUf nnai»elal ropurta, Blew OfinpAsrs apd tvpewrUera. baihreotue 1 butt sesse, tod<ri« tnaiil. barberth^, library apd all lUf cuavsuiencesar hupie «r iimDia i.ifiiwd i>r it* ticnar>‘ aud SBovsblB eteecne llibta. arrtvse CbF eite k «A . M., t levaUarl All a . U., Clncluaak' >.St A. U., sad Ittduutapomaoe a . 11 , iofedos.* A. M. week ilajra

f i a h. H. i bicafosnd Louis Ripriwe iMlk baa Vsautmie UletMng e*d Llnlaa iars tol.onta, i h'oafit asd t ouUvI.ia VssMbuiedinoklaf I'M! aed FaaMBveri'oacbes to N. l uuLs Aitiv# Orwiopatl lulu A. M , kl l.DuteT.lOif. H aodCh l raao AW IV M. na (1 liay.Taf? P. M Wamani Ki arses 1*1111 men VeMlbeU

........... ■------- " '-vaUn4luLbl

lafo. Arrlv. .AW J'. M iititdey.

f ILIS P. M. .“nuitmfniHfa Flpross I'UUmaA VrstlkuJfr -leeiiini 1 ai lu 1 liu'lenall and *<iL Loala liiniiivi'ar Altuuiia lu J.lcbiMimi, arrtVM 111 Olpiiad AOM'. M iB'lianaiHtlli ItLii F. M., and aaI. ouls ”.uu A. M s»ciiuil uiornP jr.

f N.32 1*. M. 1‘Sn idi- I'ullman HiifTMNlatplng I'ar Nse York 10 llitaiKii . Arrival dolly t'lik-mre 7 U) A. M. tar uiL) murnlosk ioiudOII. i'i I*. M , luluii lHiii : iu p XI., •ad Cltvalaod 4XS P. U.dally, eirrpi .Saiunlay.

fiSS 1*. M. HLt'huittiiil tthil f aavUle FxpreP\ dally, Mfvpsra w AiiHUMa lampa and . aw ue Imps; 1147 nlcbt. dally. Kisepwrs la Attauta aal JsckaouvUle.

rS.IS P. H. ttaliy for all points 00 Vh rsayreYl 004 uhtQ Railway lUrvugb Miesplug aud Dlalofcan.

Pur AsitlPMire, Wasbimriitu and me Honib. 1147, A7AM7, AtS(Lliii]i*] J-iiirMs. iMilloian VemiHiie Parlor iwn, Vsatlbule Vaasenftr rnau'lim aad iHuluf Cor, 10.17 A. Jd.i, II > A .si.: LAI. 4.41s fcfl an d ^ R M . Uttr uuday. 12 <T. aiT, ?ai A. U.; 4.U.AMen4AaeP. M. <'■ Hunduy. i;'.4T. AAT, AM A. kl.. iS&sl.t7 and AU P. H. Fur Haltlmero eolyi l.M p. M, wrsk dera

Tor pblladelphlw Kip., 1L«7. 04A T.U.A3S.U7, AtA ASS tiarr Untiled r iprrM, l^llmna VMiltaUO Parlor Oaki, Vesitbnie PaoMpneer « uai-bf«and IHu- tntC'arV 11.31 A. 11.; llSS, 17s. 1A>. t R 4.U.AA

~ Q and e.SO P. M. Acoutnmodatitfn, ll.SIA.Ari.A:M..S.ui»ae4 Ms P. M. oa »<autlaya KxeraM. 1L4T, Alt. AI7, ASAASAIAll A. U ; 4 31. 4.JIA,-U7. STsaau d M l P. l2.

A4A 7.00, 7.MI, A1AAI7. All J*ttJluaau Veuilbnls Pae

lAll A. U ;43l. 4..V1,.U7. SfT.____ Acnftniuedatloa. A n aud T.M

P. M.ForTrauton, 1147,

i la n iln ltad Kinn . . . lor Cars, Veeilbule l*airaafcr I'uecliM and iHulai iwr;, niiand It.st A H.; IISS, Lit, MAMA AM, AOO. AM, AS7,7.IA I.KJ aod AM P. M. aupdaf, 1147, A4S. AST, I.V aad la ll A, M. : AM, U7, MO 0,17. 7 Jl, A ll and *.n P. M,

Fur Attanitc Uly in n A. M tatamtayeualy IlM P. H. CLK P. M- with thrrHigbi^iltaan ItoW i'artorlTari and AU P. M. week-dstya AM A, H Sundaya

Furl ape May. l.liP. M. week dayaFor IkOUf lirai>oh, Klbaroa, Asbiiry IHirk, Oeaaa

rireve, Kpriuf lakA riin, Heaaar|uan, 1*0101 PUMaoL aud polBie 00 Uie New Vurk and Len| Bruiieb llallmad. f.SS A. M.. IL S A I^ IM P . M, t i l l pl|bt, UallT Stcwpl Hunday. itp '^undaf M.1I A. K. and A M P M. J»o net stop M ooeauUiaveer Asbury Park on iwniisy.

Fur Keaalde liWfKs Jslaad Itslsbta aad T o o l Hivar, IIM P. M. wtsk do.va

Per Roiiita. wiibout ebama, 114S p. M. week dan, A u r M. dally.

Far Hrdoblyn, ,n . Y a U Utruugb traiM eeaaecl at J»rwiy i1iy Wlibboauuf * 'Hruoblya Aenei." afTordlrit dl lect irsusisr to and IVon) k aitaa straeA avoldlag dudMa ftrrtaga a«d Jouraey acroa tbe city.

ft>H NRW YOKV.Lsave Market HI iwet Htalloos All. A47, AOA I

AU. 7.11 T.2t. 7.4A MUr A IA Aik AIA UA A4i, A AlA AVA D.iA ASb, 10 «A lAW. lA^ lUOU. li.l7 A. M.|

/IpitTII and PA aN A IC fiT.jira tse Isavs u folluwa;

N^WAllK ANir PArKKHON.I,«aTo Ne^vark for Vatsreon—4.30. T.RA A4t. ta iv

A. M.; llUU.j'L44, A47, 4,to, O.U. AQU. ti.2U.7/U3. AQ7, 10.3? I'.’ M. and IL31 A. iL Btiaday, V.3i, l .U A. M.. A4U. iJn, au, lA lI P, U.

laCeve l*eientoti lor Newark.. MA. A l l A31, 7.21. 7.4.1, S.24.0.U.1 laU, ii.U A. M.: 1.30. A34..1.51, iS I A1-L7.U B.bl. iU.U 1*. SI. ttonday, AU, AUuad JJ-JIa • A .M m Uu, S44,7.M. IU.44 V. XL

MKWARK A.^1> NJKW YOIIK.Lfave Newark-AM. A44, L U 7;u. ISO, 147, All,

JA4? A M.; tlul, 1.51. IB l 4.28, M l AM, lUXIKMs puiidey, TM. AOA lU A A . U ; 104, AuJ, 4.14, II.WP, U. ^

liOave New York (Llismbari Rirssti— 47, ?.IVS'S' f f

IAD7. IMO, l.DA 1.3A I.K I 4A l lA l U 14A1H, Alt. ASA 4.1A 4ta. AI4, l ‘,4. A U AlA AM, AM Ale, 7.W, n t Y iA AUAAM. a h lAOl 41.15 P.M., sad 11117 ntabL ^ n d s y iralpA AlA A4??AM.AflA AU. lUlR, ib U 1048 It.W 11,51 a. M.: t lM s tU l L U 18k. 1 to. 117. AUS. AN, A0AA4A A U .r .t o m 7iir. 7.40. Aoe. 5 34, At7, ifl w, lo.n p M„ iiooai«bt.

I^eavs I satre Mrset ktaUna. 1014.15,7.01. 7.14,7.4A M AM ?. lAOAU.MA. M , ; lL iM lU 1.01101. A tt i.tk AIT, M l. AlA 7>4h M l A34, and 1107 V. iL week dayi

I.MVet'hlsUlot MreftAiatlaa. AI1AU,A3S,AH•,M, 7.431,74A AV7, A97, M l. 1 1A k n A M. lAlA 1047. A. M.: IlM . tv.is, l.UA l.u, 14S. t lA X a . All, ASA AlA A lA A lA A45.«.H 141 v,0A 7.SA A27.A1A lAOA Il.Tl pT m .s llu i blfbL Hundays H<4, S.U, M l, AM, 1A2A 10 87. 11.48 A. 5i.: I IU . >2,4.. l.V, LSS.14A A H ASS, A lS .A to A il A1M.U. 7.1s, 7,2AAtt, AM, ASA10. Uand n.M P. M. _

]jmvv KaimolMnH wtaiieii, ASbAM ASA 7**Fi7.40,1.05, AMS4I, A ll. S.tot.to lu.M M.; lAOln.94, 1.7k. 1.45,111.124,111 4.1A AOS, A4I. A l l 74A

AbN. 11.11 p, 51.: l lo l DiibL Huuday. aOAa u AM AW. m.ai. n is a . m .; u a l i a h i .M l i* 2.44.ML3 U4-l0,4 5 iL 4 L A lA A H 7-lA M L aud II 54 P. U.

rmtM MAHART HTRKKT RTATION.I'cr AJUabRtb aad iUbway, L9A M l, T.to T4V

A4), AW. 10.44 11.11 A. M.; IM 1.3", I H ASA 8M8.4A4to4.4MUS. A8e.S.«AAM.A.fil. AOT, A l l A H A U i A47.7.U7, 7-to KOI 141 A4L 1A4A lU l V. M. 1111 abd 1547 itlfbL cUdor. MA AM AlA A54. lO.IA lA t i. lL U A . M.; 15U. l.U, AM 11% 414, AOA M A 7.UA 7- lA 7.58,1M. MS, I.UA toOA M4A11. tT F. M., and 1L47 alghv

For Kilxabetb unly.l.M A. M. daUri AS7A.JL and l l t o AOO and AIS P. M- weak daya

For N»w Rritt»wlck, 114), A4A, 7.W, 7.50, AIT.aU end 11.51 A. sr.i l l t o LM. ISA AS. A8A ACri, M l, Ato 182. 7.U, MO and lAta P. M. Huuday. 1147, A n M 7 .ilA M 4 a o d lAU A. M.; I I U LU AM7. HA. kOS add Kia P. U.

Fur Wvodbrtofeaud Perth Amboy, i-M M l sol ]Tt4f A. 5t,: AOS, 4.U.AOI, 7.07 smi 8.43 P. U. U « feemdan l.lli CLNM U..M to P- M

rur Woodbridgsualy, AM a . ilM . AW P. IL* 1114 nlshl w«akdars ; lu ll A. U. sumlaya

For i-a«l MLlatona. 7.U0 A. U.; U to Aoiaol AIS P. M., dally, eioept ^uuday.

i'or aiagsmu and itocky tlill. 7.50 A. M aad A ll p. M., dslljr, excepi

For l*liltTipeimrk, Koatoa end Itslvhlere, 7.AL IJ.V A, M.. anil l.M, AVT P M. Hunda>,S 37 T. 3L

l-ur LaQibertTlUA 750, It.'HA. 51.; AU,LWaod 4.XT i . M. Huuday, 8.37 iK M.

For Msmlaxiou. T.WJl.VBA. 5L, and AM l\ IL* (Jalir. esoepc Hnuday.

t-iir I'DiMYtoN. 7.nt, KA7, il.U A M.; L M H A A U and 7H P. U. dally, saoept 'uaday.

Fur liunientOHii. iliirllnstou aud faindHii* B.1X Ain aad ILU A. M.i l.'m, 2.58, AM and MU*. U dally, sioeptRuaday. (m Hunda/. iM l A. M.a*4 7.15 i*.

For Fresbold, FermIuidaJe, Maosauiiap aad Me* (•In vta Mopuioulu June ion* 7 5j enu It.t1 A. 5L, and 4 to P. M. wevk d»y«, K57 A. H. madeye Pod Fmbold ODlf. AoO P. K. week daya

N k w Y. HK T(* S tM a u k .I or Newark, 1.00, 4.0U, AW. 8.4u. 7.3). T.IO, 7.40,1 \%

8. W. AlO, to.10, 1A4Q, n.ffi, 11.4M A. M.: IllO. lAOVLliiatito. )4k AiailO .Lto, I.JO,4.50,4.40.1'Ar. AOO, AFi. A toO -to lUAve, m r.u s. 7.-h),m a M l to,1.1. ll to 11.45 p. M.i sed IklS uilduIjrIjL Hundsy irsina A U 100, Mu, imi, V.45. lAW, 10.80. 11.00. ti.P) A. M.: iLiiO ouuo, llto, t.UI, L80,3.(»,^4A. A«l. 4.to iSO. Sto AI5, A4A Ato A45, 7.00. T.so. l4S. Kuu. Ato. w.OU, kJO* 1Q.1A U.0i P. N..aiid 1115 nildiilsbi.

Foe lurtbsr inforiiiaiiiiu *** Mmc-tebli'a, to be bad al (hetU'ket ontree 'I'lckeie 5>f all putnta imtba PeoDsyivanla Kallroad and coutwiluita. aud bertha eevEloiiS sud bsgjaae ('be<'ks at lbs oumpany'a oe fluwL ^a.7W Uroad sLMei, ur at ilokst ufttoe at Market 8lriW RtaXmo.to M. PUKVOHT,

Oerwral yatugsrJ. It. WOOI>,

ftooerat Psjwsnser Afetit

/ ''IgK tR A f. JtAlLTHJAD o rN F W J K B H K T - ^ APtbraclie coal used exchitivHy, bisuriDg meapllaaM aod ouujfurL Tltusiabls la sfirct May SO, IBM.

Tralas leave Broad and Ferry atr*<'t sutlons Foi ■'or Ptaladeld. Alt. 7.1N, LSI, K.bi. r.Oe, lU.W. tL8S

A. If.; 1.1A t u llto halurdays oalyi, 2.SU. XU, AOL ' ‘ " A to Ato 7.15, 7.85, ».40. 10.06, 11.21

P. If. auadeya UW, A4A,«.A0, U.U A. M.; m4,fA A04..A84,

If. nuadeya ‘ - ■ ■ -185. 4.10, Aei. 7.to 9.25, 1U.W I'. M.

Forkonk#rvllle,«tA15. 7.11. AM. 10 06. 11A5A. M.; l i t , l,U, Xto AU. 4.OA 4U. AU4. A.M. KM, IM Ato 1005. ll.U I*. 3L Mundaye, 7.80,145. ».u5 A. U.; LH MS, 4.10, A40, t . » , 1A20 P. M.

Far Flemluftuu, 7,1 AOe A. M.; 1.14, 4.DA A54 P.

______ lllsh IlrklM, .nlstJuiJS OP !ll|h Hrldgs Hrauch ami Ijike nopal-

U. Huodays. 4 10 P. .Fnt elallODS lu lllsh Hridr*. euuoKiiiog tor

Cuiif, 8.14 rexf'c'pi l«k e Hitpaicou''). Aivi a . M..4*u5 P. M. riunA^ya exceiil Lskn llP]ieti'Uiig 1. MO I*. M.

ForHUUooiun Main Line Ne^ J^r'vry ivelral iJlvtalou, besLun, JMlliIrlirni, Alirntuwji nn'l Uuiu'h rhtink, 7.1s, O.OH, Jl.u A. M. lu raiion I.IA 4.05 tRufti'i lariur Car), AW if^uifel I'sriur l urj, 17.X1 lu AlJenlunuj P. M. auudaia 7.4U A. M., J.iiA 5.40 I'. M.

Fnt Wllkeetiarro, IMitaluuand Hrnkr.ton, AOB A. M.. I.IS.4.U6 r. .M. ( HuITet iikrJur car

FurHunhury. l.«wUt>uig and WilUaiu!«porii viaPlilladplplitu, T 6A A. M.. I U. T-HO P. M. rum (Jay. A<j5 P. M.

NKW a KK AM> RU/AHKTIl llU AN n i. 'I'ralni leave ILoail Hirrct Htadun fur hllzabetb

and Hunelie at h i.'i. 113.1 Fiiutn>dhj>urt only, 71LK2.. I lir.etjvtiii)urt uuly, n.to. o.oe 3.U

IU.05, 10.XV il.AV L.ai A. M.; lt[5> M l, l.U Mo, 8.3i, 4.UV 4.M, 4.U4, 5.H,7 11,7.85* 8.40, lUUS. 1L2A P. M. Nunrluyn. 7.aO. h 45, B.0.1, A5J* 10.35. 11.J4 A. M.; MO, I.U, 1X1, AS). 4-lU. 4.50, 4.4U. (1,05, T.VU, JN.lb, A2-V tO.Vl I'. 5f,

i nr rariti Amhny. >U.1, t 'A K8'Ml.A\ A. M.; 1.15 4.08, 4.14, AW, b.5>. 7,!)4 P. M. Huuduye, t.tJd A* Md 4.10 P. M

FurAiinnric lli^ltlMUdi via Mauvrau, A23, ILU A. M.. 1 85 4 X1, 0,20 P. M, hundayK 0.0& a . s l ; tio p. 5:.

Fur Mto-hold, A'£L IL ^ A. N.; 1.4j. 4.U, 5WP M. For I'vil Itauk, ilraei'b. • cvnii (lruv.\ elL'.,

t.'ri, 11-XS A* M.: l.u, 4.A1, 4,3;. (.-I 40 lu lleil iVmk), A'Jti I'. M. •'*uadays,exovpl to (.luvao lirovp, A05 A> U.; 4.10 P. M.

YOU I.AKKWOOn.Toma Hiver Parrtegat I ’arx and lleroefat,Ali

A. M.; LU, 4 U P M.Fur VlDclaiiti and UflOjfeton, l.U i', M.Fuc AUaunoi liy, I.Xl P. M.

.Nr.WAitH' .NlJ .SFW Y UtK,From Jiroad ain( Frrry Mreel« M attoti«-AI\to

AM, Ato 8.40. 7.to 7-^ 7.40, Kto l.to K4(J. StoklU, S.to lOto 1U.3U, 11X40. U.nti. ILto A.-M.. M.|1330. Luo, 1.3d, i t o 2-to lUO, 830. 4.UU. 4.80. 4..1U, A H AU, AU, S.04, 5.-.'5, b.4u, 7 W, 7.40. 7..U. K to, O.U. IO.XI, 1L3PP. M.i IXU), 1140 nlfliL Kunde/e-T.UO. K(J0, 9.00, 10.00, 11-00 A. M.; Ilun .n.; l.mi, f.W.'XUU,LOUi, 4.V0, ,1.(N>, S.(HJ, 7.W, O.UU, 10.(31, U UO. 1100 P. 5f.

I*rav© Nsw Vurk from UnH uf i.ibef.y sirrrl -Al Ato, AAD, X30. 6.46 T.IATW, K1&, 8.80, V.UU. O-lAk-H 10,to IHIA iO.to. U.ifK 11.30 A. M.: 13.0U M.; U3u,I. to I M. I t o 15U. 3.to 3 SO 8.43, 4.'J), A53, R.10, .V3I* bto Ato LON, A24, AU T-to 7.to 7,45, KW, 9 U, 10.30.II. 15, 1100 P. M. funOare-Tto 8to ^-to IO.0O lUiU A. M-; 121AIM.; l.to m 8.U0, 4.00, b.U0*8.to

s.oo, iaoo 11.01, ixuo p. M.Ft>H PH lLAU CU M llA , ilAL llM O H K AND

WAHlllNUrON, h tlYA I. JtLUK LI.NR.F'or Pbiladelpfala aad Trenton, 7.5A v.to lO.OL

(11.55 except Phlladaipblai a. M.; L U ‘ 2.50 sut'iA Trenton), i.05. 8.04,'VW, 7.i\ 11.2-1 1' .M, Hitedaya kOb A, M.;LU, L.'iOtAU except Trfutoiij, P. M.

For HalUmore aad Wanbtaiftcm, h.o , li.xi a . t f j LU.-ItoAiM, 6.50, ll.U r. M. huudays. 0.05, U.U A. >f.; I.&1, i t o AHA V. M,

For i ’hattienousa, New rirlean^ and a I itolpta Suoili, n|tb ibruttfJi veatlbuled alecpen via ■iheii* atuloah Valley Lino, ui 56O i'. M. hundayi, AOS P. U.

'Jhfuufh Ufkfia 10 all prlnripal pulnls at lowefl retet are on salu at Broad blreet Htatluu.J. II. ULKAfriKN. M. P. BALLWIN,

Uen. FuberloieiidsttU (ten. Faasanger AeenX

~ L p I 0 H VALLEY K A IL ^ A D .blarkat Nlr4»at Stutiofif ^

7,28 A. M. dally lur Maueb (jlinnk and i ’lter uecUete etauoaa ^onoecuoa, exoept auiiday* lur Potisviua aod rieadiag,

b.47 rt.. jti. dally lur Ceawa, KouliMier, iJuUhlo Niagara Falls huipousluu Brldfe aad tbe Wa»L Odd principal local potuta, dluiutf cat d»'W(rkav^ barrv, lullman pirJ iMi^r in Hul alif.

OJSA.H. 'daily, ezenpt bueAey, lor Xlauoh ChuaiC aad luttrtuvdtaiM poiuta. l.otmectluu5 lor Kaadiitf Fbd Harri- burjr.

12.WF. If, dally. exoeplNuiiday, for %lmlraat4 all laieroiedlata staHotu. cuoiieoUodi lor putuvlUS and ataadiug. 4-tuUr iwr to Mauub (.'butik.

4.U P. U. dally, excepi auudaj^r (A aol J. Jubctiee aad pnscipai Imoruiedtaslietatiooe; Poll* man Hufiat Par.or t:ar 10 iviikeeb^rA cuaufkiUealtor PotwTiUsL

4.48 F. M. dally, except bondxy, lot ctouO fisld Hid JntermMiate itaiJoiia

8 . 3 2 , 7 . 3 0 , F. ..Al&,A8e, Ato 10.00 P. 5t

t>x3' FxprsM laavui .Nswatk 8.44 A. K.

Buudoy. 9310 A. 5t;L0>.

Da Sum(lavs, 7.34 A. M. VesUbdle idmlWd. lexvas Newark 1.51 P* to* paudaya d.o3 F. U. tirand Truak nit- arses leaves Newark ajo P. 5f. Humla/s, 141 F* M. ciitoago Kxpreto ipavei Newark X07 F. IL Bttu-OSd'ktSpSf P id

For ilckeia, bfddptoariiaokf.toeeptudar Loratloa

Ciilcaco FI day^U [I For llckeia, baktaga tHiaoki, aiteplu dor kMatioa

UmstaiMtotoilattheLHirTtakotoamiiitilJLiitkSS strsew Telepbooe WfOrotstatHM.

*iu n

' AU~pru dif ly tor Kaatoit aa I tataimedtata s(a> '*1uS l>. M, ii*iD(SunJsrn.« r, M.i io> imau„Ntagara Falla awl all points A'sst, I'ldlmansleoiMr* Vf^oiile traiu. New Vurc iot.*uKa)gu. mleep«t«# Uttdolo; ivnaecUoietor Headlaxaiid ilarrUbura

AU 1*. M. dally, except sauday lur Msjjh Chunk eud lulernitdiaia Mulioba

oie M, 4iUly ler llhaeto C4eheva> HuOboetaa nunato* Niaiara Falls mid all pnlnu ATeeL PaU- tnad slespen to vhutayouiiiJ itntfalo.

Addltluual iralai: 11.21 A. 51 (or .UsuabChunk and J^ttstllls andail Interruedlata Jtadaaa

i'Icketaaad 3*u)liuaa aoCKxbmu^atioae 1: Psua» eyivaula d. d. Dupotaitil 7A1 lUriNui itrcac

Th* H * - I t o t i TreastH tin. vlU a*u s » M t Uoai Sutel SI n M n o * U iM M *

I h

J i l l

1 1


6N K W A I U C E V K X l N ( i N E W S . S A T I T I I D A A " . J U N E 2 , 1 8 0 4 .

HondndB o f MUm o f GounU'y in

B r it lil i ColumblA In uodatei


r.iunrr----' TIiuImt >int W wrk.dFro|Kirt]r I'lii.tln* RiiKlngW .l.n -ran ilt ln H.miiiMl In Ilm1'pp»r I'orttou uf Tliflr nwrlllnfi to K m p from lUliig l>rMi»ni'd-^«-T*ral Vlllag.. WI|Md r.iitIrHy tliil of f ll. ln iiw and M an Appalllni lll•Ml^■ni »>iind Itffore th. W »t»r» Hnlwldr.

VAitoortT!R, It. I^, Juno 'J.—and ruin are Uwonly worU to ox|h'i'«'< iho awful oalaiiiily in the Kramr Ulver itpiinlry One humlred niile* of country linvc Im.n ileTaetat<«t and Iho mid 1« not y t , Hmall mountain ulriamii hnvi- clinnKml (H if t'V ruagio to ronrlnn tom nK liriiijjiiin d "» n thouiand t..n of »co* to *'1d to tlic dcxtruy |d|[ i>lonmuU nln-aily liwludwl iii tin' jiiiti;i r- nautliko JounicV of ilobrix Tbi'«H "‘nrnnii* of the enllru Fiaacr Valley i* H iiiiwkI. Water* arc ranliiif furiou.ly, iim-px iitinn on aptMlIInft fianoraiiio of niiii. IliiinlreU of treuM an' ptl«l up aroiin'l llio ln'«i« of dcliil* of fnrniliouieu fliatlUK' do» ii tin' *1 realm.

Bloated carenaic* of thniittiinU of "Inyip and iWlBo twirl in llie mini current, liitcr- mlncled with iipturnml l»nt« and trty*. with chIcwM roootliiR In lln-lr limncln’*. Krawr Hirer ho* now nachc'! tlni hliiln**! jioint touched in IteW, llio yeer of the (fnwt IhyxL and la atilt rl*lti|{. Mtlei. and inlh'* of the prairie troeka hare twn 'sadml away lie- tweon lluliy t ’reeli and Miimlou. and nn train* or lelegrania lia'ii' reachml l)riti*h Ccihimbla by Uii* route lor ei^lit <Uy*. anjl tbervia little Jiniapeet for 10* 11* or eommunl- (attlm bv telegraiih for anolliei' ten ilan,

At Uatrllo I'ralrle llniwaihout la half a mile In lengtli, and «o ih'cp lliat pile* cannot be obtained lone enotieh to trwlle tlic break. Nearly all the brldKcy in the flooded dMrIct lia«e rollaijeed, ami tbo laritH Mia- ■ian brid([e la ei[iwted to (jo every Inmr.

At Marla lalaiid vravea *li fivt liieli are waahine over tbe track for SJO yanU and many •mailer weahoute are r»port*l. The OoTvnnient bai ateanwr* |ilylu(( Wie river taoeaMBtly reeeulod ranclwra end tbdr eatUa In aplte of every prwauUon heine t - a i a Bumber of people are raported drowaad. ABion«; tliem are K. UacTavlali, the Canadian l^aclflc Hallway 'iflioial at Langley. Numeroua Imllaii* Uaira hiat Ibelr Uvea DiaoonaolatB fannera and a bait doaan ranebera arrived with a al«imar laat avanlng, bat few partlcularf can be ol>- mlDtdlrom them. In anawer to all qna^ tioM lt^ eay i “ I am mined; It'iawfiU; 1 IcMi sTwytblflg.*

fallowing are briaf diapab'hee from tbe flooded diatriot;

Weetmlnatar City—Water la coming faater tn-e aver. Hvery warehouae along tbe water front haa been atrl|iped of It* con-

TllO l Kl.orw TIW M IM liri.tlAR lA .

The fit'uetb"’ *'• tterlouaThaa Appear, on llie hurface.

.lune ' Tbe Afufla jaiblhbea ail- viivte from ( 'onataiitlnoj'le ati'l Holla eon- ivrnlng th* Hiilgarlan' rlai* end aubwiiueot dlnonier which Indicate that (he alumtton ta more scriou. tliah a mere hval affair.

Time* ll.patclue .ny that a con.pIracyeT- lateil het'aocu the I’uiie and M. Ktanilmloff to dcthrmie aivl leul.h ITlnce Ker.huaii'l, and plai'e u(miu tlu' Hulgarlaii throne liwtaad Count llartenau, the four-} ear^dd eon of the late 1‘rince Aleieiidcr of Batteiiherg, the former lYlnce i .f Hulnarla. The plot nm templaled the mipreme authority of « Htandniloff In Itulgeri* during the minorityof the Infant I'rilie. . ....11.

A luwKinij of rw*ii'wMt-N of t niiiviKiWilii vctenlay ia«w l rwolullon* ea- prclng .iiicere ihauk. to I'rliu-e lerdniaud he- delivering them Iroin the oi>pr«* ye p-giiue of I'ri'inler Stamtiuloft and ainillar wntliiienl. were eiprwwHl hy many iiieui- 1»T . of Ihe Notiraule The re*olutiona alwi

full 4><inn<loiiotk llL tlm IM'W Mill- Irttv, SIhuIat hnv**\ I'Ll* I t'l Erinrs' hVrUiiiAiMl by th«* rltiwfBH of • itli4>r tuw)u< III Kmttbfrn lliil frirla.


TC aT OK I t A l ' I I I - r l l l l M i C V N *.

The IteronU M ad* le a te n la y at Haniljr IfmvIrl'rovliiK llroon iU .

SaMiy Hook, June li. At the teat of rnpld tiring guii* here yi'alenlay thehnlow- Ing n'l-ord waa iiunie hy the guiia nanie»l:

Hrlgg>eHchr<wd"r Htr-pouiidcr .\umtier of roiiiiiU llreit in one minute, k4; nnmlaTof

A l>ea|M»ntlfnt Man and tllaW lf* KIM All Their Children and Then Kad

Their Own I.lrea.ItKRl.lv, June 1!.—A horrible caa* of mur­

der and milcide Involylug the iloath of an entire faniilv of ali liemona waa <lia 'loaed thia itiiiriilng. Knrl Helger, fornurly a man of wealth ami podtloii engagwl In th* print- lug l>n«mt“e here, met with tluenclal rrverM-t which c*lined tbe haiaol almiiet bli entire forlimc, Nt'igereiHl hi. wife hecaine deapond- eiit and t lielr coualant brooding over their iiilafortuiie finally prnnutdeil tlinu lli*t they and their i hildren war» on the verge of atarvatloii. They therefore lYaolvwi that ell ahouhl die,

l.aal evening the couple edinlnlrtcreil jrilikiii to their aona, Huilolph, agial nineteen, and Itraiiuo, agi.l thirteen, both atnilenhi ill the Ih-rllii (lymuaalum, from Ihe effia-ta of which both died alnioat lumnallalely. They llieii Imiigeil their yoniigeat .on, Martin, ; Bghd ten, ami tbelr daugliter, Klliabelh, ] Bgwl teven. HatUfyIng tbennelve. tliatall ' the cUlldreii were dead, Helger anil hi. wife each drank a cup of iKiiaou ami illed In a feiv mliinte*.

Si'lgi-r left a letter eiplalnlng hi* plan* for | putting hiiiwelf and family out of the lyav, nud juatifylng blnuelt and wife In commit. ting Ihe deed. [

Two |wt* of poieuned milk were foumt in

Term* of Ten, Keven end Five Ynnre for ihr Newnrh Men Who Shot

Offleer Mnrtl.

Biiectel to the Evgaiao Hiws.Ki.ir.itKTH, June a.-The Union County

Court here wai thronged Ihll morning, It be­ing neiiteiice day. The princfpel Intereet hinged on' what dUpoml wold I be made by tl># Court of the three Newark men, Luke Ward, Wllliatn l)i»«vy and Uiebard CaldwelL who were inii'.V-ieil of attempting to kill OIBoer Count 1 Mcrtt

Ward «*>• the flr*t prltodcr to be called up for .ruten*-'', end Judge Mi’t.orrulck *afd it wa* only by the greotiat of good luck that onitvr MarU w*» notdeed *ml Imriwi a* a reeiilt of tlw murderou* attack nil hluL Tbe previoui character of ttati pri-eiu'-r wa* io bad, be bavmg *|i*ut two term* In Hlate Prlton endone in Cahlwell IVnltenllarythet the I'len t bad no mercy to »lmw him, and did not hedlato to Inipo** th* full Jien- altv fur the enme, namely, ten year* lu Hlale 1‘rlwui.

Ward, with con«lderabte feeling, thenad- ,ln-.w.l Ihe Court, and declareii that ha »* * not guilty o( the offence with w Inch lie w a. cliarged, Ho«ald it wa* no wonder that men tentenceil to

Htate Friwm hy Court afterwaril wmi-

Heiger'a apartment*, at T I'roiue ll»inl'urg-| |„„jj term* In .Iraaa*. It U now ancortoltied that, after ■ j|,g I'nioii County ,Helger and hi* wife drank Hie |k)1«oii Suigi r ■ .iiiohle In prison through diwpondencyHtraiieled hhi wife to death with n nuie nud ni„| ,mld he hojicd liefore Jiidi^ McCormick then hangetl lilui*elf troni a tl'.ir tramr. Ihe ,p„| |„, would lie coiivlucctl he had punlflhed

o icd

1 „'i. i polh-e on entering the n««n found nil of the ,in,cieent man.round. Bre.1 In three mimit™, Hi, till*' to Helger, In ' ......

I- w.;

di.inoiiiit lihrk. removing main *tiring, rear spring and llriiig-pln eitractora. one roiinil rtn.l at beginning and emh ‘J minute* -1 +-■> levoiid*.

Hotchki«w- Number of found* tired tu one minute, 'J8: imtiiber of round* tlml lu three nilnutea, K-h; time to dl*monnt block, n'lieiv- lug mam *prinj, ruar aprlng, tiring |ilu, etc.,1 minute hi tj-ft lecood*.

HkodaThree-pounder—Number of round* flreii in one minute, »4; miml.T of rouud* fired In three mlmlle^ W; time to dismount biwk, etc., Hit 'J-fl eecaid*.

Hi)«m»el--Nimiber of round* fired In on* minute, 34; number of round* tired in three liiimiti*, TH.

Mexlm-Nonlenfeldt-Niimlier of round* Bred in inie minute. 31); mmiber of round* Breil In three minute*. fSl; tlnH> to (Himouiii block, etc., 8 iiiiDule* ilH 3-5 »ecouii*.

W HERE IS CAMERON?The Summit Peel iif Blood Myitery Net

HolTed-CsnIltclIng Nlorle* of F.dw*rd Meiler.

Special Ditpatcb to tha News.Hi'Ksit , June 3.—John Cwmeron called

et noon to-day at potloe headquarter* here end reported that hU brother, lleuben Cameron, of New Vemoo, an arconut of who** teoapwlt with a 0

« hum llHi-e I were itill »lgn« of life, hurhe, to<v dii.l a f' W nilnutea afterwanL 1


MfW. 1>* St. MartlB, Who Weilded at'wunC* Hon, Hue* for Illvorce.

JiBHET City , June 3.~-A foriner *oclety lielle of thiicity, now Mr*. Julia >le Ht. Mar­tin, yeaterilay afternoon flleil willi Chaucel- lor UcOill a bill praying for divon-e from Joeepb d* Ht. Martin on ttatulory groundii, the name* of the co-reepoiidcui. I.'iug nt preeent unknown, Tbe complaiiianl, who i. twenty-five year* old. wae foniierly Mloi Julia Jungllng, Hbe I* the ilaughler of a wealthy widow, whoee home 1* at 'Jlft I’ai’lfh' avenue. Th* defendant I* the eldi-d wui of tbe Count de Ht. Martin, of I'arl*. Ho 1* twauty-nlu* years old.

Tbe wedding took place at Ht. John'* Proteatant Kpiaropal Church, Jer*y City Height*, on IJaeember T, 1887. The widdlng trip extended to Europe, but at Antwern, *c- rordlng to MradeSt. Marlin'* nllegaliomi, trouble waa cauaed between h'-r and her hii. baud by hi* attention to en uhl «weetlienrt. The trouble waa nnoothed over, and tbe wi.l- ding trip waa reauiued, the couple Jouruey- iDg lo Aria, where they »pent hoiub time.

TTie following veer the couple i-etnrnol to thl* country, making their home with Mrs.

I lilanil—Two mile* below the city hM dlaaimeMed from *iibt. t 'lilatowu and Hiwaeh, two Indian vtllagea, are no moi*.AU oannlng factories amwsrk mipewlrd. TB* iFd*^** sslmau 111 dntry i* at a itamhtltl. Tbe Mataquitdike* have given way, and 1,800 acre* of Ian

flooded out end •aimon Ib-

ultli nil

is being iwopt by the flood*. People are be­ing nioued by tiosts from the roof* of their bouses.

HsWio—Tbf dike* have given way and anaere* of land sr* under water. Rancher* bine detarted their horn** and driven their osttls to high ground. Tpeir «heep cmd SWUM are >MdrowiHd. • ili V 1

ft few buUilM^ iMflglDg.avsJTtblag they have on eart h.

(^ tw aclow n—VVb aro lu great diitrea*. For God’s Hake tend help. Host* are the oxUy tiMNUM WA bftve of gAttln^ wround. If the water riaa* much higlier 8U0 fanlUiw will te destitute.

L«ck*-lAicb^Rlv«r iuddeply c h a n ^ It* oouna Into it* ancient channel afhnt 1* a raging torrent through our street*. Provla- lone are IsA V w S w w dfty mftdo n IflAultiK piftcewt tha tFip ox uia Hudson Buy CotnpaDv'i bullling.

Dasnlney Flat*—All nud*r water, Renchr er* were iHouod from ton* of their huive* huddled together with dog*, onta, sheep and iwide, Fnm Port Hanunoinl to Cbitliwack them 1* not a foot at dry land in eight.

South We«tmln*ter—(ireat Nortnern Rail­way washed o ^ for eereral mflea.

Luln bland—Water within a few tnohe* of the top of tbe dike*. Two liuodred rauchers fleeing tor tfwlr Uvea driving their cattle be- toraftera.

Port Hammond—Low land* aresiibinergod. Hundred* of farmer* loet everything aiulare camptug In teuU on the high huii^ (nd|au* tor a bundrad tgUaiJhave uU tiitbit, Wj W Bwuntaliu.' 4- i 'e i.N 'r

Port Hani^tWttl W ater l*Ti foUthbaVe the wbarreu, navigating tb<i etreeta in boat*. Very abort of pruviaiou*.

Laoigley- Hteaniur iamooredio the flagpole of th* warehuiue. People packed lilce *ar- dltM* m the hou*ee in the high ]>art of the city. Number of wealthy rauchem loetthelr aU.


tuecetaful.Metier 1* conOned. to bli bed at

hi* home in Green VlUag*. He now •ay* that the buggy upset a ^ threw Isith occupant* out, and In thl* way be received ha Injuriea and the ixml of blood wa* cau»ed. Mmler had statwl that they had been way- U d and attacked by four men. An effort la being tnwle to And tbe mlealng man, whuae tanwy ar* aiixioualy awaiting lit* return.

I ii ss-ey was then »enleiiced to •even year* and Cahlwi'll to five year*. In the Intter'* ittse Hie JuJg* aald tbeprlKmi'r’* father dieil before he wa* horn, and Id* mother died three year* »g«. He ha* a resjiei-tabl* »i«t«r, who wa* recently Iimrriwl lu Newerk, and it wa* all owing to bait coint»nv tlwt he wa* in hi* prewnt pltglit. Neither Uoooey ort aldwell said anything when aentence wa* pronomiceiL but Caldwell eeetued utterly crushed a* he waa led back to bl* cell.

Itoliert Limter, who wa* convtetod of stabbing Mettbsw Herr, a tailor, in tbe bmd with a knife, wa* itmtenced to three month* In tbe county j^L



HI* Speech on HI* Br*olntl<m on the Snaar Invutixallon.

WaaHiNdTtlx, June'i—The reeolutlon ot- ferrM yeaterday by Mr, Hill (liani., N. Y.l, for open se*alou* of tbs He- lact Committee on the iiiger trust luveatlgatioii, wa* laid before the Senate tbi* morning, ami Mr. Hill *lK>k* in its *up- port. He thought that open lesslon* of the conunlttae vrere fairly (ssnteiiiplated by the resoliitiuu for iU appointment. It wa* In tbe usual form and did not autboriw secret aeaiiuni; ueltber did it re­fute that atitborlty. There wa* nothing lu the original resolution that permitted nay Heiiator to suggest that It* proctwdiags «houid be leciTt. He started cdT with the general propoeltlnn that the proceeding* of senate In. veatlgating Committee* should lie open; that, a* a general rule, they were open: and that there wa* nothing abuut tbl* ms* that required the proceeding* to tw te- <T6t ^

A t W;30 A. M. the Tariff bill was laid be­fore the Henatc; but Mr. Hill laid that be would (xintinu* bi* remark*—avail­ing blmnelf of th# latitude of debate sutbor- l » d In the Henate. He went on to la j that the invHitlgaclon ahould be open to the public and tlie preaa, and that would prevent any luaplclon that the Heti- ate desirwl to lave those proceeding* conducted In the dark. It would satisfy an bouiet and Just public tentiaient and would not do injustice to enybody.

The Menete iUelf wa* not a club— although sometimes called so; end tliere we* no reason why thepublic should lie oicludeii from it* proceed- Siie*. And so there wo* no reason why the public should lie eicluilnd from the ■e**iun< of luresllgatlug cummittea*. He

lat the reporter* ofthought that tbe iuvestigatlon *houlil tie held with open door*, and iTi ' ‘ *tbe uTM should be present.

■'There wa* no reason,'’ he said, "why tcsluivony In regard to speculation In auger atock ahould not he taken In open aeasion.

sure that tliere had not lurchasee of *ugaT stock that

Jangling, whtre they Martin



given away,Bam_ _ncher* t'scais'u mw, " " - "s arnmeut from Vaucuuvar are niuKIng h0vt> lean eflorta tu anve life and property. AU Canadian I’aciflc Navigation boats are en­gaged In the reecne of the sufferers. The old mbabitanta nay tbe water will uut btglu to recede until full tide Huuday. Mure aji- palling disasters tUau have been chronlclm are feared.

The flrat train bound east for eight day* left hero ywtorJay. The i»s»eiigeni and mail* will 1)6 tran*rci red by eteanier, Tbe hotel* io this city ore crowded by delayed traveller*. As \'uncon*er, Vlctorlo and New Westminster hove been i-ut off from the UBUfll supply for eight 'lays there is a

£ eat Hcari'ity of food and a temporary mme lu the proviiKS' Is liioked for.Une atealnor brought 4UU scl.llei-a fbom

'WeatmiusLur late lust night. Amoiqr them wa* a family of rauchers who had liuilt a strong raft, upon w’hlcli he took his entire family oml ten hloisled horses. They ws-ro raarueit lu niid-streum after havlcg hooii afloat ten hours.

Ui'KAHUU, Meilco, Juno 2.—A cloiidhurat occurred in the Sierra Jlodre Mountains, alsmt seventy mile* south uf hen, aiid a camp of charcoal burner* was washod away by the ttoisl which came raging down the mountain gulch- Tho charooal burner* {In the canip were all drowned.

Iron Hall su|irs|uie tllliccr* Indicted.I'nrtMDKU'ma, Juii*3.—The Uraud Jury

ynilcrduy found 11 trim bill of liidictiiieut against Kns'iuau II. Hoiiu-rby, Charles If. Baker, Joseph ttlmliiig /'(uid .ramea H. Kckorsley, supreme jusAsi Hupremo casbier, cliainiiiui of thi- CumiiiifWp ou luiw* and Hms'rvIsii'U iiU'l 11 memIsT of the t.’om- inlttee oil Finance and Ac'-ouiit, resiandlvely,

■ of tho Hiiprvmo fSittiug of the llriler of the Iron Hull, ehurgiug Iheiii with conspiriug to chi-iit and defraud the Hiipronio Kitting of tin- Order of the Iron Hall and to convert FJHOOl) of its fund* tu the 11S1- of iH-rsons coinpowing the Muliml Hanking, Hurety, Trust uinl tinh' De- poeit Coinisuiy. Theilnicof the otf.'uccs i* Iliad in the liullctmeiit us .May h, 1W3.

A law diulfe Kafnm to (leant bill Is riiachail.

D lMol to the Ktih in ii New*.FnfcEHm.n, June*.—In the O ort of Com-

radn TToi* yesterday I ’rssidlng Jnilge Con­over and Lay Judge* Morris and Uiggin* considered a motion to refnae a licenae to Mli'bael Barrett for a wbntasale liquor place near Aabury Park.

A remonstrani-e signed by hundred* of clliaetu ol Aabury Park and Ocean (Jpove wa* peeaeaUal to tha court, (kiunasl argued that Barrett hail been panbteatly vlelAtiaff. the lanHi for years and that bit beer arkA against whicli Hauator Braiiley has mada •nch a datarwined light, have lieixnna an in­tolerable nuisance tu tho cuiiimunity.

Juilga Conover said that he was ready to daclile against granting tha license at once, but his ssnociafa* hod Uken a different view of the blatter and he luul no option but to lay the lluanse over for one weak.I JudM M spTrts.llE4:U.to»S*'SF)»»^* Imgry because of the public aunouucenwnt made by Judge Conover, and are likely to grant tbe license ovtr bis head.

THIS HRIDOK A COSTLY ONE,---- —--—TrillmDDy Belag Takaa to Olscover I'raad

In a Contract.New fiBi'NSWu'K, Juna3.—Boma dayiago

,*H 11ce(tlbn wa«nniflet0|CbW Jiistlc*‘3tldp Iiqr lor a writ at certiorari, calling upon the Freeholders uf MIdilleaex to 'answer in re­gard to the granting of a contract to tbe Berlin Bridge Company to build a bridge over tbe Raritan River for The ap-pticatlou was made by City Treasurer .fismea NtUaon and J. Eilgar Powelson. Testimony in now beiug taken before Mayor Jamea H. Vahi.'leaf.

Theojure Cooper, of New York, tettlBed that the BerMn CoiSpeiiy'a speclHcatloni were inadequate, and that such u bridge could lie built for 115,100, and offered to build such a bridge, with two sidewalks in­stead of one, for 117,000, or with concrete llmr and two sidewalk* fur FJfl,450, or with a coucreto flour and one sidewalk for t3l,07S. An effort Is being made tu show collusion Ijetireen tbe Freeuoldai* aud the Berlin Company^_______________

remained until Mr. de Ht, Martin received a draft for 0,1*10 fraiK* from his father, when tliey returnnl to Europe. After staying awhile in Pari*, they again went to Antwerp where Mr. ile Ht, Martin reaunwl hi* iuiimacy with hi* fomier iweelhoart. In conyspicnce of this, Mr*, de St. Martin left her liudiaud In De- ^luber, 1802, and came liack fothn United HlaMs. uiaking her home with tier mother. Her hunband rejoined her a few month* later, and friend* of the coui'le cffi'cled reconciliation. This la*ti*'| until Mr*. deHt. Martin fonnd neveral letters In her husband'* pocket, all malted at Autwerji.

Ua July 2l>, IttWt a formal wqaratlon took place, Mr. de Ht Mnnln returning to Eu­rope, where be remaineii until the fall, when he cam* lUK'k and establhilied himself lu a liacbelor buine la New York, There Mr*. tl4 Ht, Vaytln tallnl mic day.in her husband'* abaenco and found evlilenoe, «hp say*, that warranted her application foi’ divorce. Per- mtaalon was granted tu serve notiie by publl- c-atlon.

New York Pollc* Dltcaver fioma orMlDUla Weldt'i Friends.

New Y ork, Junafl.—New facta coocem- Ing Minnie Weldt’i history have bean dls- mvercil which will greatly add the detaettvea In clearing up the myvtei^ surrounding the murder. The Identity of three of the WeMt wuiiian'a moat Intimate friends era alio taldisheu. It also develupad that the girl's jiroper name WM Wlldt No arraata, however, have been nude. Helen Kahiert, tha dead glrl'a companion. Is •till in custody. It was tbe who gave the Information which led to the dlicovery of the Weldt woman's history, Hhe aald that Minnie waa well known at an employ­ment agency kept by Mrs. Koernar on East Fiftlctb street. Tbe latter whan seen said ahn had tbe dead girl coma to board with her the latter part of 1832. Hbe told Mrs. Koerner tnat Louis Horn, a son of ."Andy" Horn, Ibo Park row saloon-keeper, was keep­ing company with her and giving ber money. Hhe showed Mrs. Koernar ms pbo- tograjib which, she said, he bad preaentm tu her. Horn admitted last night that he know the murdered girl. He formed her acquaint­ance, he salrl, in a saloon on East Third atraet. He gave her bis photograph at her reqUtNit.

Wfaile with Mr«. Koeraer* iba loiute tha anjiiatiitanoe o f » Hoboken oar conductor. Ho 4'i&nw to wo her drwwd In hit uni- furni. Mrii. Koerner 00I5 know him a.s

I left Mni. K<»mer’s houw tu Hhe rftin« back the nest day

He w&ibeen 90 roftay ui______there wae any leftr ihfttftdliclaiUrt of the facte would lnflueoi‘0 the New York itock market, and that therefore It wat not wiso to die* clow Im>w rainy purchawi Imd bwi^ mede

ftround the ciix*ie.” .Mr. Omy Del), chairman of tbe

Inveeti^tioff ( ’ommllte replied tn Mr. Hill. He did not Intfudv he eald, either on behalf of hlniseif or of the comuiittw, to do more than eay that, haviois no perwnal in* terwt whatever lu the matt«r, and barfiig no pereonal wldtt to gratify, ibe committee waa porfectiy willing for tbe donate to decide tbe question raised by tbe reiolutioD of the Henator from New York.

Tbe dlecuuioa on Ur. HiU'i renolutlon waa continued by Henatore Ixidge, Adeaaod Uill. Then Mr. (iordoo aske<l iinaniiooui ooueent that the rwolutioii be Toted on without fur­ther debftte.

Mr. Dolob (Rea Ore.) objected and argued in rarer of bringing the contuma- done wltneiiiieN liefore the Htuiatoand puaiNh* log them for contempt.

Then Mr. Uortlon renewed hie euggeetton and Mr. Wwihbura (Rep.* Mlnnd objected. Tbe itwolullon went oyer without action and the cnosideratioh of the Tariff bill wai proceediNi with. _____ ^


Preterrliiig Getljaburg Fleld*-Pe0Ter'i Coal Bed HesDlutloii Pewed Over. .

TVAHUinUTO!f» June 2,—Houee Joint reeo* lutlon for the pnrehaw or condemnation of land in the Tlcinity of tbe Gettysburg battle­field was taken up on motion of Mr. H(U IDbiUm Y.), but Mr. Gray (l>eni., Del.), Mid that while ho woulil like to prAvent tbe coDtemptaUxl vaudalisni by a trolley cora- paiiy, there wu another matter back of it which he waa not quite iati.ifled with—and that was as to the power of eminent domain

HOME R U LE FOR CITIES.A Plea In Favor of Their lwd#p#»deMe

from Iseglilellve rontr*l"Th# Laws in Dllferent glatcia

W. II. Hotclikit* in the Review of Review*.Thirteen o f th# fbrty-four Btatee have

proetloally no constUutlonsI restrloUona affecting the charter* o f eitlee. Five of these are In New England, Slalea little controlled by tbe forelgo vote snd ell hav­ing a more or lea* rritrlcted auUkege. Four are In tha Sonjb, none of them, aave Maryland (In whoae conilitutlon Balti­more is given a separate article), boasting a city larger than Rochester | and one, Oregon, In tbo West, with no important cllles at all. The other three, New York, Kentucky and Wlaconsin, of all the pro- greeaive Htatas west of New England, per­mit almotl unlimited meddling with city oharteri. O f these, however, Wlaconsin has a general urban law, and Kentucky hsi no important cities ssvo loialsvllle. New York, tha moat populons, with more than thirty cities and among them tha metropolla o f the nation, standi fearfully and wofully alone.

The organic law of aome thirty of th* Btalea gnaranteea a greater or leaser da- grae o f municipal homo rule. Some States even do this In two or three way* The reetrlotlona which have been triei may be thus claaalfled;

1. Prohibition on local or special leg la- latton affecting cities, coupled alien with a mandatory pyovlslon for general urban

3, i>abllcaUon In tbe locality to be af­fected o f a notice of intern Ion before a local Mil can be introduced In tbe Legis­lature f

S. The initiative or referendum, or tbe two oomblned, applied to the conatniattoo and amendment o f city ohartera.

The first is ^ a t understood and most common, Pennsylvania phrases the pro­hibition welli

"Th e General Assembly shall not p M any looal or special law

Y o u 4 ta r e n o t a c t u a l l y s i c k '

' b u t h a v e n o p o w e r t o

g e n e r a t e v i t a l i t y . T h e

c a u s e i s m a l - n u t r i t i o o .

T h e c u r e i s

H-0H o r n b y * t


' T h e p e r f e c t n u t r i e n t .

G U I t N D S E E


♦ • in In­corporating cities, towns or vlUtges, or changing their charters.”

Mlsaonri oommanda general laws in the following taree language;

“ The General Aaeembly ahall provide, by general laws, for the organisation and oLssalflcatlon o f cities and towns”

The effect o f tbe flrat clsnae is a general municipal |corporattoni law; of the sec­ond, a olaaalfloatlon o f ciUe. aooordlng to popnlatloo. Tbe flrat la in force In Fenn- aylvanla, Illinolt, Louisians (whare, how­ever. New Orlcaiu is exempt), Mlniaaippl and Nebraeka. The constitutloiis of Cmi- fornia, Washingiou, lowtu Arkaosaa, Tenneaeee and New Jersey have similar provision*. Thus in one-fourth of tbe Btate* there la a direct oheck on leglslativ* meddling with tbe charters o f cities. The large pro^rtlon o f Soutbern Btate* will be noUoed; but tbelr oonetitatlons, a* well aa those o f almost every Northern State having this restriction, have been adopted or amended since the war. This Bt^, though toward horn* role, la not a •afe one In New York. Its highest court has decided, In effect, that a law in term*

Which was InvolveT He thought that the



Biideftu Voung Htirrlrd toMlM 1.4tw- ronoes uf Voiikrr^.

; TiOMiKREVIk Vev- Juuii 2.—There wu a pretty W'MdIng Ifi Ht. Juhn*i Epim opal Church iMt evening, when Mum Marla Eliza­beth JjftwreDce, ierond daughter of Major and Mrs. Jamea V, ]jawnrem*(\ uf 107 RtieDa Vlutft avenue, and gramhiatiKhtor of Mrs. £. D. E. N. Houthworth, the Tu»vell"t, was mar­ried to Percy Badeau Young* of Newark.

The biida, who waa givm away by her jratber;;.k)okftkrhBmiTif'ln a gown ofwbito aotln en trafne, with dnobettae and f>earl trlmmlngv Her ornamejite were jjearlf aud dtainan£. The maid of honor wk } MIu.h DaUiy Champltn Itow, of Newark, who wore a bwLKHing gown of white tiengaliue, with tulle triminitig, and carnnl a bouquet of white ruM«.

The bridesmaid* were Min Valentine fj. l^wreiire and Mia Maude H. Lawrutuse,

WOTe pfilW b ogulluLv tiimmod with lac'e and carried bouquet’* of pink rowi* There were aUu in atlt'iidanne two little gtrl^, FMIth Isawrenceaml Evelyn Weddell, Tu white tUk, carrying iegtiom hata filled with marguerites.

The be«t man WB.S E. Riisspll Young, Jr , of Newark, and the were CharlesUeyett, UtHjrge Miller and Hniiiuel Dunn, of Newark; Lawreuc© Arrewsiuith. of New York; Wliiet H. Clark ami Vaiiuea M* Gurgen, of Yonkers.

Aftor the ceremony tlieru was a roceptk at tbe home uf the briilc'tt fatlier.

bm would givo no reaeoa for tbe disruption of tbeir Inttniftoy. After aevennK her eoo- nertiem with the car rondoctor, Minnie told Mrs. Koerner that If he ever came to see her to aay that she waa out. He did call onco and wan given that raemage. One of the de- tectlvn working on tbe case went to Hobo ken to try to find the cotolnctor lor the pur­pose of queatioulug bimu A Mr. Htrelow wilt abm be looked for.

applylDf to all clUei of the S.ato between Bpeoifled upward and lower llmita in pop- ulatlon, even though applicable In reality

I W T - R A E a C O '


t h a t i s t h e b e s t p l a c eTO BUY


And tf you havo a fine IVatch t/iatneedt attent/on, that is ths ptacs io taks it

[ W T - R A E a . C Q





A Deelilon la the Matter Rendered In the Supreme t'ourt at WaBhinftons ^

■ W abhinotoit, Jbl^ '2.—in tl^ i^upremo Court of the District of Columbia Bitting in equity, thb mornings Judge Cox repdered a sweeping deoiilon in the caee of Uw Westeru Astociated Frem euing aa the Awociated l T w ” ag*inat the Washington Keina aud tbo United Ppbm, nn appUralion for an In* Junction to restrain the News from reedving and tbe United fTe«s from furalibing the news of the 1att<>r aMociation and to enforce a contract prohibiting the New$ from ceiving newi from or furnishing uewa to tkuy pereon or corporation deeUi^ by the

Attodated t'acM to be antagonUttc to Ita InieniBto.

On every inaterial point the Judge decided againet tbe complainant and in favor of tbe defendants Ue, however intimated an In teatloQ to grant that mrt uf the jprs^er which naked that tbe bu problbftifrom fumUbing to the United Press fUt ad­vance proofs. TTo tbia part of tbe petition the United Prew bad fil«i a disdaimor, stat­ing that it neither sought nur ilesirad these proofs, nor could it make any use of them: but the Judge decided that Ihis matter had been brought to bis attention too late for his conslderaitloin A t the rniiuest of c?imnsei for tbe Newt, haagreei] to hold even th La matter open until Monday next.

A J«m«y City Pulireraan In Trouble.Jhhhey CtTY, June 2.—Polli’oman Thomas

(iaunun, uf the Flrut Precinct, was sus­pended by liisi>sctor Ijungu this morning. He was oiiarg* i with blacknui), with being 4lrunk and with assadlt and l^attory. At b o'clock Gannon, while iJUKKlug througbt bar* row street, saw'aiillalianraapii'ker ruriimag- lug tbe contoiitki of an ushT»arr*>l. Gannon w cut up to tile Italian, i^at him and tliun de- numdoti twenty-five cent* fr<»in the Italian. The ItoUan gave lihn Ihe money and wtM then rtdeftseii. Gamiun at tbe time harl 00 a jiart of his uniform. Harry Houatou, a nipple, RftW Gaimou lieatiug the Itallnii and remonstrate*! witli him. At this ihf )o]U'e- tiiah struck HouiUon, Houston thou w ont to jKtllco hcaLUiuarleni and umde a complaint against Gannon, making the charges referred tu above.

Tryliijf In SuF*. W atw ilr .T h.*nt<jn, sIijuc 2.—Lriilou tHaUerihwaite,

oounsid for JoRDpii ' Valwii/., who Isawalliug •xecutioii for murdering Deputy JTIkuu K eep*>r Up|iiucatt. ihuilisl iiti upphcalloii to Judges Ahlwli m Jerney n iy yMstortlay after­noon to sign liu or*ier rert'ifying to the fa»'t of the of th*‘ buU*>tH shot Into thebody of blpinncott, The orilci, if signet.1, will be laid before the court at J'hiladuliihia, where a]>]iHr(Uinii will Lw luurle to have ld|i-plncott'B bu*ly exhuuuMl.

I'lCAll to 1041 llL4liCtm*nitBe T rknton, Jimfl y.—Ispao F. Hissell, the

former ainiretary " f tlw’ American Haw Company, a Now Yorkcuiu'eni, whinv)works are wre. was arraigued in Mercer Court yes­terday and plcade*! not KuUtr to uincty-ulue indictments f*»r forgery aud fieveu ihdirt- mente for onjl?ev;zlrtin*'ut. H1«s4.d ■ wua i« i -. emplove of tiie cuimmiiy for • y«ar«^ an*i fln iili«t fWMXW tlirimgli Jiis ihifal ’attou. He Rigueil clKXiks for tliu company-, a pn>rug- atlve eJli»wed only to the treasurer, mid then bad them cashed and uiied the proceed'*.

A Frcibylerlan InnncrHeil.R()edal to the Kvcniko Nkwr.

WAHmN4»TON, N, J., Jime Thurs-dttv* in tlie ItaptUt chundi in this towu. Dr. Ot'orge M. HoUiUi. a dentist of Hackottn- lowu, was baptized into tbe I*rwsby- IcrlHU faith by Immersion by A I ’riiwbvtHiau pastor, the Hev. .lubii Ivowrey, uf thePreeliyterlan churcli at lla«’k«Mtj*town, Dr. Huldeu whs lei'eutly corivei t'etl in inwUugs lield by the llev. Mr, Is4tvvrcy, iiut when It cam« to the hubject of Uptlsm he desired Io be Immersed, thinking It the Uildu’ul way of nliowing the world of liU intenttou *»f l^ iu g a tfliTerent life. The

WAV ulillge*! tuT»orruw from th© Itajv list pe*»ple the Uj of their baptUtry aud church._______________

ilrpt Hit Mfe Away*CiT.OVEnsvii.i,tc, N. *1., JuneU.—Thare tiled

yesterday at the couuty itemrhouse Hylveater Iklwardn, agcil seventy-one viwrs, who, for nearly twenty years,' has W n Inaseml- somtioleat condition. With tbe exception of the timeH when he wom awAkuned to permit of food kteiug given to lum be wok alijunt contluumifly asleep. Occasionally 'when BMkeD to he would reply in o feeble tone of Voice, but w*mld at onoe relapsB Into bU usual condition. __________

l>cAth of s Fonuar Newarker. Special to the Kvkhino Nkws.

Kuzaubth, June i!,—William R. Toler, who for many years was a well-kuown resi- di'Ut uf Newark, where he was engage*! lu busluflsfl, diwl at hl» home, fiOT North Yinail BtnsM, licre this monUng, agwl *‘lght.y-twl Ai ariL Mr. Toler ^ d ITih wife I’emoyed from New-aq)ji^u,Jhlk4-it>'tlT>^ " '


A llllllvlUe Man FjfltA Feline Steaks on a Wager ami Kii,)*i>s Them.

Mil IA’u.i.b, June —Jerry Hcppenitallbadaroa’»ted cat for hi liitmer yesterday and apparently rnjoyt.’d the feline fitealu. He partook uf ih*.'imiquiuncal ou a wager that cat meat i> }ile.t>niT in thu ta to aud that bo could inako u meal of Itj* fiwh. The wager was inmh' «itfi .lolm Hatuple.

Mr. ilejqi*.'nhijill iithT tin.* meal fiaid the flesh was rat her ]ilrtH' imt. tlinuKh soinewliat tough, and had a hu il' tubtc, but outdde of this it did not diiVvr vpry muterially from mutton. ^

Freeh*t1*l lii’slltnif to <'<‘iebral©.Spacial to the KvtMxu Nkwb. *

FRXflluU), .limu li.—The Freehold Instl- tuto will L'ek‘\H'U!*t iti NiMtii-i'onU’Qiiial on Friday of next VK.h|-it, ,bme K. \t is the pur-* pose of the (H)iiiinlttn-111 rhargc to have every studcui of tiiu itistilnto, whether of recent tliiu’s nr of [t« iHvrlkT days, prLwwit at the oxen'isc ii, whirli v*'il) itirludr; «{>eechtia in tbemoruluglu Profi-*’*cjr • R, iIUb, tho founder of tin* insiituu-, aud William J. ijeudrrvm. the Jimn il nliturof the Now York Tfmea, eiu I ei Jmirh*'tui nt the Atiierl* can Hotel at - <•' in i-arniwt elTort Is being uiadc t>M*btum tli»' cu-iqH’ration of 'all studeiita. ■ Jfir«‘iirc ('*mover Is oneof thei^rlme nn'TiT'lu flic inattor. while Frederick PArki-r, huu of the latoGovernor Parker, is tin* chairman of th© nimmlttce.

LaoIb r i»h l Tak**!! to Slate VriHoti.llRiDGBTtiN, June ‘J.—Loiilw Field, tlw mur­

derer of Gbristian Zaiiia,' was taken to Htate Prijwn by Hliurilf yhhiy yuatonlay t*> begin his tbltty years’ scutoiu*©. Fh*hl hwl inti- loatod that bu would tuk« his lito i f . bo^it a cbance, and bn doso^ gnaimd. Ka has been very Tuurose and dejected sinc bis sen- teoca, sleeping hnt llttlo and r^iadiig to^n- vwm.w;lth any one. Yoat^lajf be(W iwrtc log for Trenton he would notVaato <rf ftiid tiiough wntor \tfta glvon him to ii'asb with be woiikl p .

«n' Batt.FATBftiON, June H.-“'^l(ooii-lteopar Robert

wbo was arrattod' Thu reday night on ft o b a v t»f sscidiftg ttdMwiing letter! to Jacob Weidmaun,' of tbo Wolamanm Hitk Conpftoyi has furniNbed the ISLOOO seoiirtty reqiaredof him by Justice' Cooker, aud was giiM bM Iceedom yestw^y ftftoraooo. .

i.igirf NiM»wyaU luSunnisIcYtey.'ATisASTir City , June 2.—With a light

brfvu' blowing from Ihu , outh and a uu«u U'lnuevHturo of fifty eight* dogTY*f!*, a ram fetoriu which l>ngau o'clod^ lo.st nightwai precc<led hy a Klight fall of uduw, w'hich hist'Od about five luiiiutos.

Ntnbhf*1 li> M»t l)nugh(©r.Pembkht«'V, Thutn ’ .—Julia HimpaoD.

twenty-seven vi-n-- wliilo intoxlcateclThursday uighi lii’unu quaiTulliiig with her w h I m<»tluT. 'W'iili Nhi‘ tr.nde her home.The <dd lady Irfr tlii-n»''in ivlierc the quarrel took pifuf uii-l \v(,-h! In ihckitohcn. Tho daughter rollnwisl h-r iln-rcand auotlier war of words ctisiu'ii. .iniia InH'diiie moreaiul more enragtsl, mitl ilnullv, in a dnmkeu fury, grasjivd thi> i-arvlng kntft‘ uu the table anilstnu'k at her luutluT, without hurting her. Mrs. Him]«nn Martcd bM'un from the room, but lu \ivr fright and hurry atumbled ami fell. The dniuduvr }>1utigcd' the knife into ber ba*‘k. infimting n serioEia though not necessarily fnhil WEinud. Tho enormity of

de©*l frigldcnwl )icr so that she sobered upsuflidehtly (-• leave town nt uuee. Mrs. Hunpeou I« iinprimiig. und will probably re­cover.

A l>Bllii*incitt I'lixiiitjcr Neut (o Jail*H si’ KFX*A''K, .lmn' 2. - Hi'iiry 1 . Hariniti

spet'lalcoiLsIoUle l.ir III" ('ol)orllt.tn of taxo* Id thi* plapi-, 1ms .lus'isslc.l in (ho Inst twentyday* in wiiiin;; uiii umiiy o|i| H-ori'S. i'ntricx t'rowe. n nt.iii's'iiitci-,' [H'rsLsteiitly ‘evaded payment of tiisis'llinx nnter v nrli'U* pre­text*, auii WHS nil'"'■'pl t'l#;tjfreounlllThurs-

* ' ■ ' ': Jnlilii tiering arnsltedum, u— mm in jsll. Tlie vuung manreuialtusi in i 'Ilk.i'd nil nl Elit, hut III* tax and posts won' [sii'i yiwtonlny. Tlio eolleotor* of deUni|«i'Ml lax in llfr;;™ County have been unnsunily lei-sevcrin^j tills spring, hut till* 1* the first HiT'>sl niul Impvisomneut of a oltlsen who fatiwl to !«y , l.'inlor Hie Now jersey law a ik'lluijucnt mny lie kept tn prison until the taxes nn- imid.

Ulllburu, SprIniSelil, lihort Hills.The MIDburnTownshipCumrultteelstl night

accepted tbe bond* ol Tax Colleutur Ueorge Clark and Conitahle XVIIIIam harnard. The following special policemen were sppolnted J. D. Psrkhnrsl, A. V. Oskm. !’*«m*lo .Mar­tino*, Manning Dolsn and fJ. \V. Kogrr. Coin plaint* were received ogiilnsl the bolsterou* conduct of many of the May rider* who vlalt tho town on Su|^ay*- Also Hualust bicyclerilling on tbe •tdewolk* Hundnys. It woade- clded to hare notices of the onllnsuco regu­lating bicycle riding potted Ihrongbont the township, and penons who violate the nrdU nonce ivlU be liable tqjtflne of not las* tVn und not more than JiS for each ulTeuce,

The teacher* and pupil* of St. Hn*e‘» Paro­chial School, Mlllburn, were the guests of .An­drew Hartt on a stage rid* througli I'liiuu county yesterday aflernoon.

Beginning to-day the 2 o'clock westbonud Dover expres* ou the D., I* and W. K. K. will •lop at Short Hills.

The commencement eisrclses of the Bequet Institute of Short Hill* will be held In th* Short HllleCoelno thl* afternoon. A recep­tion will he held in the evening.

The entries for the tennis toarnaraent to be held nest Mouoay hy the Casino Clnbuf Short Hill* will close to-day.

The sixth monthly »hoot of the season under the auspice* of th* Sew Jersey Hlale Trap- shooters' I-eogue will be held on the Union (Inn-Club’* grounds. Mountain nind, Kpring. field, on Wednetday, June ai.

The Baltimore Ordered to Corea.TVashiXotoN, June 2,—Ismt midnight

cable orders were sent to the commander of the flagship Baltimore at Nagasaki, Japan, to hurry to Chemulpo, Corea, for thebro- lection of American Intereata, as fore- sboiluwed in these dispatches last night.

More Jersey Poitmsiteri Appointed.■WABBlNOtoii, June 2.—The Pre*ldont to­

day appointed the following Poetmasters in New Jeney; Josiah Ricker, at Midvale; IVllHam D. Holmee, at Belleville, ami Har­riot h'. < 'admui, at Houth Amboy.

matter could not be disposed of to tbe morn- lug hour.

The doubts expreesed by Mr. Gray were conteetal by Mr. Ilawlev iRep., Conn.) and Mr. Mandersou |Kep., ^eb.1, who spoke of (lettrsbnrg and Clilckamau^ as the great lattlefieUl* of the war, which were to be pre­served as National parks.

Mr. Gray, while he persisted In question­ing the existence of tbe right of emluent do­main in tbe general Government for any­thing hut a public purpose, and bad very le- riomi doubt* whether toe reservation of Get-

sburg was such a public purpose, with- ,.fiew lu obiection, and the Joint resolution was pa.'isetf:

Tbe resolution offered yeiterday by Mr. Fetter (Fop., Kgu.) a* to the GoTernment taking possession of and bolding for publlo use the coal beds of the country wa* taken up and referred tu the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Goldiier |Dcm., III.) introduced a resolutioa in tbe Houno to-day asking the Commissioner* of the District of Cglumbis to communUate to CongroM the reason* why they have announced a reduction In the wages of laborers einployod by them of from fllTSo and tl.25 to (1 a day.

Messrs. Csanon |Kep.. 111.) and Newlands (Pop., Nev.l suggested an extension of the In­quiry to take In the whole scope of labor em­ployed by th* United Htatea all over the country.

A dl*cu**lon seemed likely to ensue and Mr. Goldiier moved tive previous question. TIte vote on seconding ths demand was ayes, 74; nays, 64.

“ No quorum,’’ said Mr. Kilgore, and tellers were ordered. The vote through them was announced ayes, 87; nays, 0.

Mr. Kilgore then wltborew the point of no quorum and moved that the resolution be re ferred to the Committee on District of Co- luiubla. T'hl* wa* agreed to and the matter was thus disposed of.

The House then went Into Committee of the Wbole to further consider tli* bill to re­peal the Htate Bank Tax act, and Mr. liter (ilem., S. C.) rontlnued his remark* begun yesterday in favor of repealing.

A Lynch Ina In Lanislaaa.N iw Obleams, Juna 2.—Tom

wood, the negro who murdered Mrs. Murgai on Tnursdiy, was lynctud near WUmotlosi night. __________________ _



Hcatteriug amouiite of vllle aud Nashville. Cfaica

Little Trading In the General List of filockt During To-day's Short

fieislon-The Prices.New YoBit, June 1.—It waa all American

Hiignr at tlie Htock Exchange thla mornlug, the stock having advanced steadily to 1031 . Tho stock inono[K)llie<l speculative attontlun and there was little or nothing doing In tbo general list.

Chicago Ua* and New York Centra! were firmer and Atchison heavy. London bought

hL Paul and Louie- 0 Goa rose to 76

aud Sew York Central to IH. A t 11 o'clock tlie market was dull except for Hugar which was stroiig at lOStS.

From 11 o'clock until the closing at noon speculation wn* confined to the Industrials, aud these stocks ruled strong and higher, The geutral railway Hat, wlifle firm, was extremely quint, The market closed strong. The sales ol llstol stock* to-day aggregated 4.6,122 shares, and uf nnllated stocks ■17,880 sltaros.

The range of to-day's prices for the more active slocks of the New York market ere given below. The quotations show the open-

and cIiHlng and the blgbest and lowest price# reachcil by the securities lifted. The quotations are from the New York Eicbanra und aro leported to the nows through Will­iam l.iun Allen & Co., atock brokers, 810 Broad street Htate Bank Buildlug, this city, and Orange National Bank, Orange;

to but one municipality, ia a general law. Buch a eonatltutlonal prohibition againat local urban legislation might Ibcrefore prove of little value.

A proTlalon for uniform legislation ap­plicable to cltlea It also found in nine or mors Htataa, among others, Ohio, Mia- souri, Colorado and Nevada, in addition to some already mentioned. But this pro­vision results in a olaaslflcatlon by popula­tion, each Important city being a class by Itself; and In effect tbe general law comes general only as to the small and medlnm-slied places, while special legis­lation affecting tbe large cities U a* poasl- ble if not as probable at before. This ia a steo, tbongh a short one, toward constltn- tional bom* rule.

There It more hope in the device ex­pressed in tbe following clause Ikom tbe t'oDStitation o f Missieslppl:

" No local or apeclal law shall be pasted nnleis notice or the Intention to apply therefor aball have been published In the localRy where the matter or thing to be sffected may be situated, which notioe shall state the snbatance o f the oontam- plated law, and shall be published at least thirty day* prior to the Introduction into the Assembly o f such bill and In the man­ner to be provided by law.”

'Tbia is a favorite clause In Bouttaem oonstItuUoo*. I t will be found lu th<»e o f Oeosgla, Alabama and Loultlana, In Edition to Mississippi, as well ss, tn sab- stance, In Iboie o f New Jersey, Ptnnayl- vania and Colorado, In all ordinary oon- ditians thi* device would accompluh Its pnrpoae. It permits the people most affected to Instruct tbelr representatives. But the cities o f New York have lately bad too much experience with charter amendmentf passed by Legislature* In snlte o f their protests to place much con­v en e * In this speclet o f home rale.

The tmth Is. neither o f these devices would accomplish constitutional home rule In New 'York. Tbe hope of hopes Is a combination o f the initiative and refer­endum already In force In some of the Btates.

Tbe constltntloD o f Mlteanrl provides that any city having a popnlation of more than 100,000 may frame its ornnto law by electing a board o f thirteen Freeholders, which board shall within ninety days re­turn a proposed charter: and tost i f such charter is ratified by a mur-seventht vote at a general or special elscUon, U shall supersede alt existing ohartera and laws. Provision ia also made for ainendmenU to such a charter by a three-fifths vote, and for the BubmisaloD o f alternative sections, to be voted on separately and accepted or re­jected without prejudice to other articles The earn* procedoie is anthorlied by tho constitution o f California, though, after ratification by direct vote, the charter must be submitted to tbe State Legislature for adoption or r^eotlon as a whole. The young State o f Wuhlngton has gone still lurtber, and. Improving on both Missouri and CallfartUB, provides for cBarter initia­tive and referendum In all cities having a

I R O N W O R K S ,IMTAlLIlHaD tug.

CnerofOiaiesillliiiliiiM!,MSHUFSCTUntRS OF

Impnofed Fer _ _Biilleri, Tank* aud Sheet Iron work.Imprn/ed CorllM Enginefl. Tnbulat

.tilers. Tank* and Sheet Iron Wor' also heavy Iron and Brass Castings STEAM FITTlNa A BPECIALTY, and order* for gsnerol machine and boUei repain promptly exeonted.

A LARGE STOrK OP HEW AND 8KOOND.......... ...... INE8 ...... ....................


t u p p k h p a t e n tstantl G"

antly on KA'TE-BAKB.

’Wharf to let, with heavy enn* and storat* privileges, by Cay, week or month, at loweat city ratea.


KPPHEClATtVE of Its need tn thl* olty, we have Inaugarated an OPTIOAL DEPABTMBNT, and hav* spared no pain* or expense to nuAelt tha nsost complete In tbe State.

It 1* lu chsrae of three graduatasof OPv THALMOIAKiY, sad the greatest car* srill hA taken In each ludlvtduBl cose to secoie perfach resulte- _ _ _ _ _

Optical PnsciiptlonsWm 1M 4 ■pccUUtr. and with ©or tlM each on© •h©tl b« correotlr flU*d ftnd none bat th© !!&«©( quality oC glaBMt will b« oa«d.


B R O A D ,Bet. W. Park and Cador Bta.

ffe Aie--- IN BEST— -


CANNED GOODS, E T aOur XTsuftl Special 3vlb. Bos

Goiod Tea for $1.00.

BEATTIE,724 and 7M Broad SL t M Bellevltte Av*.

______________________ Iff Ipopulation o f 30,000 without a final refer­ence to the Legialature.

As a achenie o f constitutional home rule, thla plan approximates the Ideal. California still insiste on the consent o f a Legislature. But In the other two States, city government! may spring, under that great parent, the constitution, from tbe people tbemselvei, Tbe leglslstlve body ol ine city directs the choice of a charter commisaion by the people, the commis­sion prepares a charter under tbeacrutiny of the preaa and the people, that charter is publlsliod a required number o f time* In a required number of newspapers, tho people then vote ye* or no to ita pro­visions. Ainendmont* to a charter so adopted originate In tho City Council and are submitted for adoption or rejection by thq people themselveo.

A Familiar Sight.From L’ liitrouslgeant lllustre.

" Beg your panlon, sir, but yon seem to ho staring at me la a strauge fashion. Do you see anything about me that Is familiar to yon t"

“ Ves, sir. my umbrella.”

Save Your Jottey!The Flue Teas which we at* offering at

19c. a n d 2 5 c . P o d h d

Ar© m i onr only b»Tg»iDt., W© ©ell ©very denfripllODi of FINE ORO- CERIRB AT OUTPRICFH. Onrfr©* delivery give© you ib© ©avftQtAg© of our low prlc«B wberever you may epeiid the summer.


Governor kTower a Orandfatl.er,’WTaTEBTOWN, N. Y., June 3,-The proud

title of grandiather was added to Governor Flower's list of honors this morning by the birth of a sou to his only daughter, Mrs. John Byron 'Taylor, of this city.___________

MefUral Journal* It© Ui©*Thetnauy whu live hotter than otliHrenud

eiijny life iitur© ur© tlie one© who more rapidly ailhpt tbuiN^itprodaoletotIwlrphyelrRlDueds. It U from thin luri^ oiefn you c©n learn 4vf the yrrat x«hkI to Iw fieri veil from tho no© of Dr. David KoiiiXMly i Favorite ItoimHly. It to pre> BentiHl 111 H m©«t aroeptnblo form, pIraMRUt to tlie toot© mill (Mirfcct in aotlon. It ii© nlven ©atUfaction to mlllionfi, it liapproved uuU pre- soriUid by prm'tidnx phyolelaDn and In ujwd in all boopital* and oanltarhimY. lo Uy^pepsla, DMralam.khiiiey, liverai^l uriimrycTtmplaiiit© and tbe illnt-oMH womed ©ofTef from It ia a pooltlv© cure. For conitlpatlon, uervouaiieM or lot* of ©kep it 1« uaeqitalled. Dr* Ken- nedy'H Favorite Remedy U ao generally pre* Kflbed DOW that all dtftlan la medicta© ©ell It.i ^ * ; Vi- ■

A Riot at n Commaiiwinents T oromto, 0., .Tuna 2.—As the fifth anmiol

coraiQQiiccutoDt oxfirdses of the High bebooi wore about to Ix-gin last uiglit in the oi)era- honw, a riot oijrurm), which at one time thr©fttofl©sl disfisbouji rciulte. The butue was erowiied t4j imirilowiug. Harry Aalt aud Frouh Hartford got Into aa aitoni^lion over scftto. Blowa were exchanged, women fainted and pandemoalum reijirued. Goor^ Ault, father of Harry, ruabed over tho haekfe of mbi, tTAaijjliug woiiion and cbildron under foot iu un eiuleavor to assault HarU lord. The Mayor and police, after mneb trouble, quieted the distuTDatioe, and ordered tbe people out of the houid. The exerciiee were poetiioued one week*. ■# ........... •

Growing too Fastmeans that children do not ‘ get propejispourlshinent from food. They are therefore thin, narrow-chested and weak,


the cream of Cod-llvep Oil and hypophospbltes, supplies material for growth. It makes sound bones, solid flesh and healthy, robust ohildren. Pftygicionj, the world over, endorse It.

t o 't l l iK lI lll III SltltltltMl■vsgaiealisassuff Smasill.T. AUDngiMa

N. J. Csntrsl.........


High- Low* ©!»t* ©fL18A m


Del. & Hudson...... . .... .... ...»Del. Lock. & West.. • . s •Fhit. A Bead lug.... I8M UU« IDHUaulida Sotiiliern... . .. • -. •1’,. 0 ., 0 . A 8t, L.... s. 84 hb IK tol*ake ....... . I • ‘ ....sMlehigan ('entral..* .... ....N. Y. Ceftlral,..,... .. WM to jfTHAlrh.,Tn.st H. V... 8 T)©C.r H. & 14............ .. TTIi

.. W7TM TOM T7»

C-, M.ASt. Uaiil... ('hloogo A N. W,...


L\ R. l.APacmc.. .V ^^4 m i miiIllinois Centrsl..... w go UU «0

C K I N N E H& T e ^ r y .

MlaeuDri Paolllc.......lj<mi©vlU©<& Na©bvlll© 44'Union I'hclflu...................I'aclflc MaJl............ .Waetern Union...... . MManhattan ................... .N-Y.&N,Eng................Mo., Kan. & Tcxai...........K Y., lj.E.&Gotario & \WfHorn,.iT,„., WabAMh, St. L. & Uac. Wah., Ht* Ij. a Pftc. prT©xai Paoidc...........H1('h. * \V«i!l I'oliil..,Northern l*acitlc......

- Northern Uadllllc, pr..Ap>©r. Cot, o il...... .Ainer* Cot. Oil, pr.....



National Cnrdag©.....Amer. Hug. Kef. Oo.„.National T- atl..........Hllver (^Ttiftcatefl.....Husq, & WefiUra......Huaq. A WeBteru pr.,Uheup. A Ohio...... *Ds C* F....................P. D. A E.................T. A. N...................................R. U.......................................Atch. IncfiTueRs........................

BAKU eTATIMUrr.Reeerv©* increoNe.,..................Loan©, decrea©©....................Sped©, drereae©...... ............Legal touder, decreoa©.,.,DepoaltOa drcreM©>*....... *..........droulatloh, d««9r©aae..... . • i * • • •

8M m m16“ 16 ■ ii" ii"

u*' .... .... ,...

7G4 75U T4M T6mil !»n 23U tonlOlS

r .

u ' u” 2^ ii"


There is a Womanin Philadelphia lived for years in a daily circle of suf­fering, because she thought there was no relief.

Her suf. fering was caused by

female iveaknesa

in its worst forms.

She had p a i n ^ ^ "

bkcft Bisu loins, great fifigut from walking, leucorrhcea, and a frequent desire to urinate.

All this time relief was close at hand.

Lydia E . PinkhawsVegC' tabu Compound cured her of all weakness and disease, and she is now a different wornan. This woman is Mrs. Walter Wilcox, of 736 West St., who advise all women who suffer BO from female weaknesses to try it also and be cured. It expels tumors, removes back­ache, invigorates the_ system.

All druggists keep it for you.


E U m O R S FOR STORES M D m T O R IiS , Steam Engine*, Gearing, ShatUaf,

Bangers, Pnlleys, Bto.Rt/Hvring Prtmpilf ffffenrferf Tsi

5 and 7 B iilro id P lu t, Ravark, 1 .1 .



Choice Rngi and Embrolderlss,Artistic Potterf,

Brio*>Brao and DrsperiML , ^I’urcelaln and Fnrnliluofi^

Engraved Genu and Coins,Kastera Silvsr and Jeweliyk

Antique Setting of .Genu Reproduced.



hu Want Harawars,Wrought inn Pips,

Lead Pipe,iron OF Brass Fittings,

Factory Supp/ms. stf.; ; ; : 190 MIRKET STREET.

MEN— MENIn tbl* way ae onroatriotun and alt uvln

For w Imdiseases; no bus of tiin*. iptled In plain envelope,

AddmtABAUlU>i0A1.00, P .a8w IHNfV lIfetlUr

INeffay I T ill Cured,



miisBmsNfl'm"The hUerann Says So at the Com-

* monComiell Ueetiait,




. 1 .




a f t e r th e m ayo r AMD SECRETARY,

CoaDrllm»n Wr*terinftii Hlftme i tlie Hi». dnetlun of K1«vUon OlttnorN' l^ay on tUo Cltlvf KiMUilv* * uil Mubiult* m MttnlMtion—Th« 4>l!llcor* Finally Allow tl^ Warn* UeCuiniMiiH Hint Haa U«rn OlT«n In Prnvioiii \>ara, Tliuugh tlia Mayor Vatoed a Roaolulloti to Otal Efr^ok

ThsMotInf hf the Uoimunn CtHinoil hmt wa a huniionioua atTair. Tho AlWr*

fDAn rlftd with eA4'h othor in cteur-tMiea. Ahhirmnn HtaiOhby eauM<i nutra Cbait a little lurj^riM when the oftMkini; au appropriatitm fi>r Hie piivnueit of the eloctloD ijlllotire wae brought up. Mr. BtaJbaby hUJ he had no “ puli *' ur luHuerii ‘with thu Major and hi^advlca and tionii had been Ignured.

After Alderiuati Weatiannati, eliairmauof Aha Uommitbw on JCU*ciloiuis h<wl inlriKlnoi l * reaolubion Jirm*Uni{ tbo City TroaHurerbi •dranre f<jr tlie injnient of tbn eh^.Mob ofHi:*eri ha, in a ('uiiiitiunicaUoii whleh

read, attai'kod Mayor l/obkutN'hnr aiei bharKAd him with being rMiMUiKibJB fur tlia •raductlnii In the j?ay of the election olU'-ern. In the flnit paregrapb thu AUleriiuii wrjte tb t t he Kiitde the lUU'meut tn JiutU-e to hi. pommittee. The oummuitlueUoa i, m ful- •om;

“ There nemt to be ■ rnfninileritaiiding pbput the pay o( tho election board.. The un it of lU delay woin.a to b« put on thi' lOumniUbM. 1 wlab to aav It diwe nut lailouz jSo It and wish It put where It belopg.. It |V>ay be proper to d re thu Council a little iti- formation about the workuig. of thi. com- pilttea. Theprocau or old way of working .wa. by reeoluLiou, InvenU.I and |mtcnb-<l by Mbe Kepubllceu Mrty, which workud no well jthat our party deeiucd it pruiair to work in the lame ooune, which hi. Itoiiur the iKapor thought It wine to Vebi, and ithenby hampered the oommlthe In it* -work and plai^ it under a dark clouil. 1 TotltMted tho Mayor to bo prweut at our Buivuittee to hear any augguatlun he uw lit to Iriaku, ai I did not feel inclineil to lake «n j reeponnibllity ujion mywtf. Hie Honor aaid he couaulteil the clerk of bli dl.trlct, iwho told him four and a half to Qve and a half daye waa ample pay for the work douo, by which the committee wae guided. At the aame time bii Honor remarked be did not with tn interfere with the ooinuiittee, hut •ecmed inclined to think it wae all it waa Worth.”

Mr. Westorman thereupon explained that the Mayor bad appeared .before the Election Committee and said that tins clm-k in Ida (the Mayuf’a), election dletrict had lahi tliat if the clerka of elaclione wore allowed for flye and one-half daye’ eerviceo, and tho ■other membora of the board, for four and ono-taaif daya at tho rate of f3 per day, tho oompen.ation would be fair. It waa at the Uayor't auggeation that tho coniinittoe a(Iopted the iriau, aaid Mr. Wwtorman. Tlio oomponiation, lie aaiii, wee iiiailw|Uato. .^m e of the diitrlcU were larger than olhejw, DC laid, and aonie of the otbeera had pul in aoyeo, eight and nine daya.

Mr. Harrigan aaid it waa no wonder that fault waa found with election oifioort; cimi- petent men ooutd not be induced to aerye for U e compenaatlon given them.

“ My lympathy goal out to the election ofH- cers in thi. matter, ” laid Mr. Htainaby. “ An aibcieDt election olbcer tniut be an intelligent man; they are chown by the county tioard of regiitratW they are not choeeu in prlnuirlee like Common everyday Aldermentn . Their work le daugeruu..;they are liable to iiidictmeuL for iome little error. Why a short time ago

i bailed a whole lot of them at the t'ourt- ouio. Any .calawag ran in after year.

^ U M them of having been indicted, a. I aave been, on the Sour of thia Couudl. Tho elect I on offleera iboutd not n-ceive any auch

f ibre pittanue.” Weareainartdownour way.heelectifjn offleeraget through with their

york quicker than they do in aome dl.tricte. In other diflricta the ofthwn have nawhler- able nmre work to do. I am in favor of in- ^ereeiing thi. amount by molution or any ■other way. Let ui run tbe cliance of a veto.’ ’

“ I am very much like the Aidoriuau from the ninth," .aid Alderman Hmith.

" Not much; you are too uuall,’ ' chimed in V r , Stainiby,

Continuing. Mr. Rmith eald the iw j waa Inadequate, that the men ahoutd receive Uacent oompeniuttioD.

Mr, Ogden defended the Mayor, He did amt think it waa right to place tbe resfion- •Ibillty upon tho Mayor, whom he tseUeved Juid acted honeatly.

Mr.. Weaterman thereupon c^1ajoBi)„tigT, fiecrethryfUbaon had informed the cirmmlt- tee at it. meeting on Atirll 7, that tbe Mayor would not aign a reaolutlon paaaed by the Council whicb authorized the City Treaaiirer to pay the bilia after baving beeu audited by the committee and Auditor Huiiyuu. Then he related again how the committee had de­cided to allow tbe fuymeut in accordauoe with the Mayor’! plana.

“ Mr. Crilnon ia a new man," aaid Mr. Btainaby, “ or be wouldn't have given the committee any auch luforiuotlon. He wouldn't have attempted to intimidate the Conimittiee. The oid plan of payment waa a

good one, and waa in vogue when i came ituj Council in IhilT. 1 culled upon tho

Mayor when I learned of hi. intention to veto the meuiuro, and adviaod hhn to sign it, but my advice waa unheeded. I don't know anything about what tranapirca fn the Mayor’i olUce, 1 haven't much In­fluence in that quarter. It waa un/ortimate that thi. affair .hould have occurred ao aoon after the Mayor', liiauguratlon. But I want to nay uow that the committee ahould have done a. it aaw fit. The Alayor ehould not have Influenctxl the committee. Thia whole huilueiia i. aomewhat ou the liaby art atyie. I f 1 had lieen a member of that ciimmittee I would have been guided by my own opinion.”

Mr Ogdon again defended the Mayor by eayiag that tije City Counael hod iuformed the Mayer that tho proceeding waa illegal.

“ Ltd 1 undoretaud the gentleman to aay that City Cauuwl Uiltur advieod tho Mayor r naked Mr. Harrigan.

“ No, no; don't give ut that," chimed In Mr. Ktalcby. “ Kiker ha. got enough to anewor tor now; don’t put that on hla nhouldera. Mr. Cultd wat tbe City Counael •keferi-ed to,”

The reaolutlon wai thereupon changed and the City Treasur er waa directed to advance •lli,mtl5, an incraaee of SH18.HS. This ■mount will allow the clerka for aii daya and the membera of the Electiuu Uuariii for five days’ service, tbe aame a. in prevhiua ysiu-i.

A resolution waa adopted re<|uu8tiag the Legialative Committee to enact a law pro­v in g for the compeuiatiou of the election omoera.

The reaclution from the Finance Commit­tee. ordering the increoae of the Cdmp- trollor’a salary to 15,000, waa approved. Th* usual approprfatioii. were inmle to the hos- pitala aud Eve and Jiktr lutlrmary.

Aaslataut City Attorney Cross entered tho Council CbamW aud handed Alderman Cart a resolution, which waa oiTeretl and adopted. Tbe reaulutlou is said to have come from the Mayor, In .ulwtanco it 1. a request to tho Board of Street aud Water Commia- ■ionara to ascertain if the contract made with City Scavenger Meyer ha. been romplleil with; If tbe proper kind of wagons wore 1iae<l in the cullectloii of the ^bage;. If any dumping was done vHthIn the city limit., aud If lo, if the oontraetdrs had a permit to so dump the refuse. The ooumthwloneni were requestwi te asoHteln If Ueueial Suiierluteudent Marsh approve.l of tho monthly report, ren- dereil by the staveoger, and If tho old Board of Street and Water Commiaeloners collected any peualtiee from tho eontraijtor. The

gimmtssioner. wore also reijuoapMl to have j e garbage In the centre of the city collacte

ad at nl(*t. ' ''Mr. Htalniby'i roeoluHou, directing tho

r*w Duiwrtmoiit to codjiffe and have printed kiiO eopie. of the urdiuancee aud lawa referring to tho city, prevailed.

j SAW''™*.*"''''''''*! the lajiigworth •ad THWior, fund, amounting to (iiw, was mvldod equally between the Newark Urnhan Asylum, Poater Home and S t Mary's Or­phan Asylum,

An apnroprlation of |3,T» wat ordered for the purchaao of a pedestal for the Frelfiig'- huyieu monument nud Id, iqo for the Fourfli of July iwlehrallun.

At Praeldent Ely’a request the rules were •Hsponded, p d he waa permitted to aiuioibt Alderm6ii roll ami Juvew u)>ou tho Uarket Committe*. Aldorniuu I> ii had etprowod hi. dl.|il«e«ure at not having been iiiade a Member ;>f the committee a month ago.

The Auditor waa directed to trauHter *10,- 000, when at hand, from the contingent fund to the fund for the hook-and-ladder house tn the ’Third Ward.

There was some di8cu*i(on ovortBenay- Ditmt of the city claluu tur tlia rliwliig of the street. In the old Fourteenth tVard, brought a iM t by Alderman Ugden. Mr. S te i^ y •nlainsd that the matter would kx>u be aet- tUn or a suit brought.

/ Jaliu IVilmer Disappears, jJohif'Whiner, aged fltty-ona years, left hii ttooe, 1(7 Balmont avanua, ,Tuatday inorn-

f' U to go to work and he luia not been seen U a * i l* nnxnded the tUsappearaaoe

' m tk* Ptwrth Frechtut Station.

M ANAGER YOONO QUIZZED.Counr-irii Kln«ttrt« ('iiiititilttr* N(»t HjitUflrd

With ttkc* III ItrBurtl intliikt F lv* IVrOiits of UffBlpta.

Th* Uuinnioii Council'll roimnltt*^* on Fin- Biu-t*, at Ita kMt night, Hpurned tfa*otTf r nuul* 1 7 Utn^rul GavitlVoimg, of tJ*B CoBiioAiiiAUcl Tfuiction Oora- |ianj, (4* w tlw 4‘itytli« amouut tho coio|iaiiv tobo iliirt tho rity in accunlatii'* with th« provuimis of thu iH'iliuaiK'B requiring the tMiII[mules to pay flv* ]ier (N’lit. of the grot* earuiu '* of theiatriH t railway! o]ieratt*j by eh't’tneity. rhe Uital aiiunuit uf the v^r oi iituge which Mr. Yunug ailmitteil won jue the I'ity wou |ali,0ii>T.lA but he conteiiited U»at Uie company wm snUllwl to HiOIAOU, tlx exjieuM) incurred by the coiu|»auy in re- moring the ptdwi from tlie (H»utrw of the itreeU. Tbe cmnBiitt«MiueQ would not Mtten to .Mr. Voutig'Aprv^Mieitlon aud he read a Mate niciit by Troa«urer K. N. Hill audAuditor \W Hamseyv an follow!:

Ynar ending April iWi. <irow eaminge,Inliigl«n division....... ........ tllH,4fMI »5OrAiige dlvlKlnu.,...,,................. . 'J&tUplilTrauill....... ....................... U^a:3 4l*

Tnui......................................... *icsa'>: aiFive per cent............ 1U,U17 iHiYeikr ending April 80, pw*.

Irvington division......................... $M,W7 10tir.uigedivision................. efl.dllT T§Rapid Traunlt................. Wl.flUt aCruHnlowudivlMloa........... lo.iti ArtiViitral fivenut" dlvlelofi................ IMl^ M

Tenth !tm?l divlelub........... 11.^ 01CourtiiuUNedlvIiduu................ . 7,808^

TftUi.............................. |.10l.«ft 44l lvu per cent.................. IStliTW 77^'I'hat Itf etranga, eald Mr. HtalB*by,wheia

the manager conclude*! the reemlinK of the re[>urtof IH9A, “ very etraDge. More road,

receipts; bow u that. Darldf bow ia that r

" f can't understand that eithor. They extoudiHl their liufM wllh inoDov they i:oI- loctu'l from (woplu who formerly bad pasaea,’ said Alderman ouutb.

“ Everybody with any eenne whatever knows that tluiea have been hanU*'said Mr. Young. ' ‘ <.>ural«a buMineRs atid we, tou, liitve sufTcred; that ought to be plain to auyOJIB.”

Then Mr. Young addraaiied the committee. Tho I'uiumoD Council, he said. }M>rmitWil tliu tsiinpany to erect uilee in the centie of the sli'oetK, a fflr whicn tho ik«rd of Works aud the Groud jury ordered (beir removal, and the eiiM'UHH lucorred waa 114,1413.(10.

“ What liave we |{ot to dowitbtbcri»tTioval Of your old polos,” said Mr. Ilanigan Mharp- Ly. *'Our ordUiancea retiulre your I'ouqxiuy to [lay five per cent, of the gross SBrnings to tliH cltv, and oa far as I am con*.*er]iud it wiH be polrt or no jiolea.*'

**Tbosa are my ik‘utiiueDts,” put In Mr, Trabold.

“ Well, you allowed ua t o ---- j'* begau Mr.Young.

" tHmi have we got to do with Uie Hoard of Works or Grand JuryU interrupted Mr. Htainaby.

“ here, David, if it ha*l not liocn a botudlt to your ooukpaiiy, do you want us to believe Uiat you would have removed the

Kilea on any auch gentle requwt from tlia ard of works or Grand Jury r HaJd

C'otnpiroller Connelly. ‘‘ Ite ll you what 1 believe,'* fxmtlnu^d the Comptroller, "the city should charge thia company iuterMt on the claim.”

"Well, that la an boDONt statninent,” said Mr. Young. " Gur books are open to your lui>{jectlqH.**

If that 11 a true statement, David," re* piled Mr. Htainaby, "the public boa beeu awfully deceived.”

There was more dlscusaioa upon the aub- tbe (x>iumittee was not lucUued to be"

lieve tbe statemeut an<! would uot accept tbe amount of tbe dre per cent, aud would uot ronaider the propoeltloh to deduct the oumunt for the removal of the poles.

Ou motion of Mr. Ktaiusby tbe committee ordered the einployiiient of an expert to go over the Consolidated Traction C<>tu|«ny'a books in tbe presence of Alderincn HtainsLy and Trabold. The resolution to that effect was latter approved by thu Common Council.

Comptroller Connelly, when Bwn by a N ewb reporter this morning, said that in bU ojunKm tbe flgurea given by Mr. Young were decidedly low,

“ iVhatdo you think of Mr. Young'sclaltn of 114,913.(10 fur expenses incumil in the erectlou of tbe centre-ix>lea f ’ asked the re­porter,

“ answered the Comptroller, prompt­ly. If the company baa, or. tblnks It ba.>f, auy ground:^ ^ claim, tts redreafis In the courts. The cutumiitee wUl not make any allowance.”

Concerning the statfineuta mad9 by Young to the Finance Committee lost ulght, a man who Js thoroughly familiar with tbe affairs of the eunipauy eald that the state­ments were misleading, in that they do uot fully explain the idtuation.

" Now, for instance," the reporter'! in­formant went on, the agreemeot between the Traction Cumpany and Hie city is to the effect that tbe company iball pay a Rve per cent, tax on the grosaeomlugs of ' the el^rically operatied lines within fcho dty Hmia; I f one of tile lines, say ton miles long, returns gross earn- inL of | i^ ,0U0 per year, aud only three uiHos of the road is withlu tbe city limits, the company is only required to pay tbe five per cent, tax ou tbe earaiDgi of wat throe unles, or tho portion that is oi«rated io tho city. Tbe figures given to tbe Finance Committ^ by Mr. Y'oung are tho estimated earmng! of those portfona of tho i^^mpaoy's lines within the bonmUrle* of the dty, aud not by any means the gross oarn- iugfl of the comuany^s eutire plant. The re- |K>rt submitted by tbe company to the Attoruey-Geueral lost year showed the gross earnings of the company to be something like a mllhon and a quarter dol­lars for that year. That, of course, included the eormugs of the taorseoar tlnea-^Broad Bireet, Rloomfleld avenue, Orange street, harnson and the other braneboe on which electricity bos siuoo superceded the old sys­tem."

Neither Mr. Rhnnioy nor Mr. Young were to bo fouud At tho ofllco of tbe Consolidated Traction Company this rnomiug, but As­sistant Treasurer W. J. liomsey cor- coborated Ibis statement. Referring totbe falling off from tbe figuresquoted as the earnings for 1893, Mr. Ramsey said that it was due to the fact that many of tbe factories were working onfy three- quarters time and the working people had more leisure to walk to and from tneir work.


Over ! 00 Boys and Qlrls la Seeslon This Arternoon.

More than ^ children, boys and girls, delegates of the Loyal Legion of Essex Cuuuty VV. C. T. U., will assemble this after- noon 111 tbe hall of the W. C. T. U., on Mul­berry street, near Market, fn annual con­vention. Titey come from all over the county. The eettiun will conclude at 5 P. M. The hall has been prettily decorated for the event by Miss Helen 1. Elmer, superin­tendent of the Flower Mission.

Mies Emma Kitcbell, the euperlntendent of tbe juvenile work will direct the affairs of tbe (.‘ouvention. There frill be several of tbe local clergymen present, as well as many ladies, and several addresses will be ma^.

Ou Tuesday next a bexur, under tho auspices of the Flower Mlisioa and Relief Comini ttoe, wUl bo held in the ball. The proceeds will be ilevoted to tbe allpvlation of tlie poor, tbe attention of the W. C. T. U. having beeu lately called to several cases of destitution tbnl' deserve attenGon, It will last only the afternoon and evening.

In Clinton Township*A youog son of Milton Hecbt was run over

on Hpringfleld avenue, Irvington, last night. Une of his feet wu erusbed.

An uDcocupled building on Springfield ave­nue, Irvington, near Centre sireet, fell with a crash last night. It was uwb^ by GeorgsMeeker, of Newark, and wu very old*

Tbe Rev. Elbert Clemept will preaph In the Muthudist Epiflonpal chuVeh of Irvldgtou to­morrow morning on " Christianity and Creeds," To-morrow night hie subteol will be '* Hslaatu.”

IU»v. W. C, Allen,of New Yorki will preach lu the Reformed ehtrefa of Irvington to-mor­row morning. In the afternuou bis bother, the Rev, John fi AUen, of tbs New York Ave- .nue Reformed Cfivrch 6f Newark* will con­duct sorviceSk aud the Lord's Supper will beodmlnlstorcd.

There will be good speaking at a meeting to be held by the Womank ITjjlon \athbTem'iieranee ■ ,, .. .

fiFECtAla N fm C l» .

P lle *~ .)a in a * (i< Van W in k le . Esq,, Jaa>tics of the Pe^e at Brookdale, naar Bloam. Bute, MU tor H luiiv time, until six months ago, aorelr atSicteil with pnitruiling, Itohlug and bleafTlDg vilea of tho moat painful and trouble, some oharacter. Imt hr the use of Pile Pauatio was iteuiedlaleTy relieved u7 all suitering therefrom, and has annerad no iaooavenlenoa from the malady ai lice, robe bad only at 10 Academy street, Newark, upatairt, from • A. M. Io 7 P. M.! from S to 4 Sundays PalUug of the rectum also Immediately cured byithe same remedy. •

A hapoy bride Is the who flnda •aaoiif her wudulng gifts some of the elegant pleturee iu our store. Two hundred new and original deelgtie In frnu.es; also a new line of plcturg now In stuck. Uiiry A Kenny, fiU and Ha Uruad atroot. ___

Asthma and Catarrh Inioadlataly rwllevad and speedily, obeaply and plaaasntlr oared by H. Van Buiklrk, lu Awidatay straat. npatairs, whar* a M e tart wUllteataniod H daetrad. Offlea hour*, I A. H. to f P. Md from ttoionSundayA

HIGHWAYMEN AG AIN AT WORK.Asoiher befthlviit of llliHiiiitlelU .4ltii('krdp

but lie Fers|»eil After a llrUif Nlruggle—No Arrrsti*.

Cliirles IJvsrwnrth, Iti tbe enqilny of R«u. ben N. IknUh a HlomufleU livervifiau, nar­rowly escaiMHl ioHt uighl tUMtiiig tlia fute that lx*fall Frits laiuJeuiiwyer.

IJTcrworlh wai ou bit way up Hrootl itrw l in a buggy with oiia of suuSs siiil after leaviug the yuuug nmu at Ins home Llvei‘worth was a[>proa<'Uing Bay eve* ou(s when Mveu mon urderetl him tu sti>p unci give up hi)f money.

At the ttaine time one of the men grabbed the horse by the heaii.

As ha did IO, Liver worth struck the horse with tho whim aud it Junipeil furword, tak­ing the would'be thii'f with hint. Iiiier- worth then dealt the mau a hluw over the b*w with tbs bull euduf the whip, kuiN'kuig him dowu,

Then the horse wbj wbtp|)^ u|t, auil Llverworth buitomImI iu getting away; but be was folluweil by four of tlie wtuild thieTm to Bay aveuue where thuy gave up the chaH».

laiverworth rejiorted his exjiepteur*# to OfilciT JamuN Foster, but tho highwuymeu have not on yet been aporebt^niiwl.

Tbe pi lk'e ore of tW o])tul4}u that the IhieveH an« being harborwl iu « soluou iu tlw vicinity of where the roblxiry was jiertie- trated ami where Liverworth won ultockiHl

No further arreste iu lh« Liudvuiueyer cose have AS yet bueu uioda.


Mlu ll«rrt«t Fireng Hecomes Mrs* Philip Sidney Ituit-Othar lYriliHng*.

llie (Jleu KMge Gongragatloniil t'bun'h was tbe sceoe at noon to-day of the we*lding of Miss Harriet W., daughter of J. Philip Fireug, of the United 8t*tea Navy, rnnliling at Glen Hidge, ouil FbUip Rlduay Rust, a lawyer of Uoetoo, Mam . A t noon tbe britlol party entered the pretty little rburcb, the bride with her father. Kbewai mot at the pulpit by the groom and his beet man. IHMirge Furlier, of Hoeton, Moss. Hnv. Frank J. Goodwin Mrfofiiied the I’ Teiimtiy.

The brino wore a gowu of white satin and ebiffuu lace and carried iilidii of the valley, MIm HeMie Fireug, a mimUt of the iirldtt, WQ! the maul of honor. Hbe wore a puwii of white crepe do chin* and carriwl a bouquet of ro(w«.

Tbe unhci'H were Dr. Gardner Morwi and Gtiy i.'unniuyhani, of HusUm, Ma«i.; and William Muintueh and Hurry Nash, uf liloonifleld.

A wt'ddmg btP6kfa.< t wras iv rved nt the bourn of the bride'! |«rcnto At the earner <jf WsBhiugton ami Ridgewood avenues afUn* the cei'eiuony.

Thu ('oupte later slartod on an extended weddlug trip. They will reside at Hn«toii.

A very quiet wixkUng was Bolomnizod In Cbriut Church, East Orange, at 11 o'cliK k thin morning, when tho rector, tbe Rev. W. W. Davin, niarrn-d MUs Agnm right, of iloilywood avenue, East Orange, to J. K. Howard, of the hauu* stre d. Tne bride wure a travelling gowu, and imiuediatoly after tlnM'emiiony .Mr. and Mre. Howatni V ft on a Ve ldtng trip. Only the relatives and iuli- mate friends of the young couple were pree- ent at the cereinouy.


Judge ClilUI ('onfimiM Several lleports of 4't»inailMH]onera«

In the Circuit Croirt this nuvDing Oily Counsel Chaudier W. Hiker made api^Hca- tloD to Judge ( 'hilcl for the confirmation of the reporU uf the Commlssinners on Aseess* ments for the work of paving Broome street, NelH)u place, Bridge street and Newtuu street.

Tbe report for tbe latter street was ob- Jertod to by Hchuyler B. Jacksun and Hain- uel Bigelow. They doiinud to reprcMmt seveuty-five uer cent, uf theuroperty-owuem who were aii anxious, tbe lawyers sold, to have tho cti'eet paved with graolto block iu* stead of asphalt.

Their wlRbeH in the matter were entirely disregarded by the Board of Works, fM> it WO! ^ im « i The report, however, was ron- ftmed by Judge Child, who gm nt^ a rule to'show cause why the cunfirmation should not be set oHlde.

Halsey M. Barrett, who said Le repre- aeots ubie-teutlx of the protierty-owuers along Bridge street, uhjorteu to the Comiuis- sionam* report for that street The thor­oughfare Is a very busy oue, Mr. Barrett said, and the Coniniiwloners bad m>t ae- sesB^ the dty nearly enough. TheJmlge oonfirmed tbe rei^ort, and grantol t«i J^rrett A rule to show c9.u. o why It should not be set aside.

There were no obiertlnna to Gie reports on Broome street and Nelson place, aud they were confirmed.


He WrUei lo the TrndM ('ounrll and ProiultP! to Puiili UlIU Through, the Dieetiug of the Essex Trade* Couu­

dl last night there were eight delegatee present from variotiH lalxtrorji^idzatious and but little more tlinii nmtino biisiuese was transacted. Thomas McCfovorn prmidetl. An invitation was o<'ceptod from tlie Bakers' Union to attend its pieuic on June IG at Oertel's Park.

Fred Schaefer, secretary of the local Ex­ecutive Board of the ruiied Brewery Work­men, spoke of the boycott oKaiuet the Hill Brewing Comt^euy ami plocf>d a ooEnmunica- tion in reference to tho matter before the council. It was laid ou the table.

A letter was rea4l from State Kenator (-■ileorge W. Ketcham, lu which he dofemled hinuelf against fkime tilings alleged to liave been said of him. HesjKikcof the work he bed done In th«' Srjiaio at Trontou end told bow he hail b^u obstructed by others. He promiBcd that when the Legislature aguin met he would bring up Hud vigorously push forward and through tho labor bills which hod been laid on the table.


Mystery of Tlieftn In Montclair Cleared rp by Chief KuaUhIi .

Chief of Police Koghsh, of Montclair, has succottled in leariihig who the perpetrator of muneroiiN robberies In the town it. An eight-year-old girl, named llaacork, it was discovered, picked up vnluablM while visit­ing neighbors aul buarded theia It is be­lieved tbat Nhe is a klo|itoinaulac. Her pai ante are highly reitpeoiecl

Numerous smiiU robberies wero reporteil to Chief Engllsli during the last three*wc«kH and persouH sunpeotod that workmen were committtug the acpriNlations.

A gold watob dlsappcaretl during the early part of this week from the home of 0. Whit­taker, aud this led to a thorough Invoetiga-' tJon and tho final renoveryjof the watch from ^ little girl by Chief English.

The girl gave up many other artlclea, which ■be secured from vanoui neighbor. Rhe will not be nroHfH'UUni, but her niovemcnte will be closely watched.

A N O T H R B T O N T I m e e t i n g s

NewAVh Msmlivrs Would tU NatliHAd With Fllty Cent* on th« I>olUr.

The members of Newark branch of the de­funct Order of Tonti met lost night tn Whit- ty's Hall to hear the report (rf Hecretary Hickniette, m received by hiiu from the tnis- toes in Philadelphia. There woe a very large attotuUnce ana some Jodlep were prat* eat. There was not the turlnilence at the meering lost night that made the last meet­ing cansplcuouN. lu fact, tbe members seemed resigm'Kt to the Inevitablev and it was informally announced tbat ff they could gut fifty ceqto on the dollar paid in they woulu be m a Jolly mood.

A week ago it was thought the members would get at least sixty-five (WiU. No action waa token lost , night and the meeting soon adJournerT A letter was received from Tx>dge No, J324, of Treu- toi, which exproMeil it« undying faith in the order, and that it will gel dollar for dollar.

WrstQald a.te Vlolnlfj-The Wesinelil Centeonial CoiiiiaU^ held

tbetr wueltly inoetlnit last eveolng. It'was lie- cldod to furalsli rofroshmenU for tlio Inrited guests. Tlie niemlwrs of the committee qag that since the Township Committee made.an appropriation t ^ private suhscriptlana do nut come in u fast 2h desired. _

The Cranford school cetuns, juat oompleted, shows that there I n 475 chfldrhu ju the town- ihlg o( sqhooi • «> .' „

jjgsimsc *»ST last-year li » , 1%* wtallh- onase for three yean li W.

Tramps liave hecome such a nntunce In Ho- satla tliat at the naxi meeting of (huTowa- ship commltteae of- Undan and Uitlou an effort will be made to have aotn* dttion taken tu protect the people from the atmoyanoe.

At themeetlng of the .Weetdelil Hmcrd qf Health laat evening many nuisances were or­dered abated. The Inspeotor reported the san­itary onndltlon of the achoqls ad good.

KvangeUsUe eervloas wlU beheldiu Atkins’s Grove, on Grant avenue, ttnaette, to-morrow afternoon at 4 o’clook. It the weather is stormy tlie seivleaa will be held In the Math- odiat ohurob. \

Comennnion tehees will be held to-morrow tn tbe Westfield Fresbyterlan, liaptiat and Methodist ohurchea. Special evening lervloa adU be held at tha (^ngregntlonal ohnreU.

GIBLSPLiyEDLEAP-FBflGIt Was ID the OraoKt Atbletie Club



Th* ttnlgiiBlluii o f rruft>»!or John VU Diihlt Jlrlitg! Out Niim* Intotoitiiig lar’t*i--ll* llrltiPTifHl III (he KxercUe uf alumpliig ilver lliM'k! ofl a Mvaim o f He*vrhqiliig .Muiclt*! «»f tliv Anna nntl laegt, Ciiiirg«i rimI liivcKtlgafIohb AILogvtl |p Have ItBrn H »il»fur Koiu« Time Uaok,

The mi{guatii.ia of Profwtsijir Joan E. DolJt lUktructor in Ux gyuiiuuilum of the Or-

Athletic ('tub ban tri>ujtht to Euiod j leap frog KnniM In which Ills professor in- •trui'tol the loilkw'gymnastic cloMtWs Ph> f(4wirl>uiiU lii a U'ltcver In liiap fvi^ os a mimi! nf ilt*velopnicut for the must' lee (tf the armsnml kigR. lie intnMliu'eilg it is said, U'ftp frug lulu the \Ai[k ' clnv>M, ami tor •oiiif time tlio girU mijuyml the exhiloraUug spirt.

Flimliy oufl of the young wnnkeu reported tbe liiAttor to her father. In hut ha!to tbe fulbcr r 'pnrteiL the matter to ^ Houee Uommitt**, uf which John AV Uey is chair­man. Tim House f^ouimittee unlered Mr. Doldt tdi dlHcourinue leap fn»g, buttlieiuattor « diiH'UMtHl and dlocuseed and the |iei»ple of Kah i Iraiigii ortk talking about It jet.

VVilliimi B. Dillon, the president of the rinh. tuliJa Nswb repirrter that the leap frt^ waH 01)1 J an "Incident" la Ibe clubp but thnl tliureare mauy other " incidenCa."

A |Nii't of too itury of tbe trouble, ai learnetl by a NKWa reporter from an authen­tic nnurcc, Is that tin Detwber 1, IHttl, Ur. Dulilt Ai) ogreHiiient with tbe club to serve HI biqjeriiitcuilent for three years at a Sttlrtry of the first y<iar and t9,9(W for the tithcr yt'ars. At that lime tbe prepora- tiujx for the fair helil lant whiter were in full UitM, uuii It nay h>i[)iHl that the finaiirial re­sults uf thu fiilr wniiU! relieve ih»4 club from the hwivv dchi under whh'h It was slnig- Rllng. .\fti>r the fiur the <'liib '-till found it.-sulif in debt, although the Kale was a great■ UCl'L' ,

It wfts ilwiihil that a pulley of retrench- nmiU inUHt Im [iur»uwl. mid una of tbi> t‘ur-

dial waK KUggtHpNl waa to redui'e thuHfilfirv uf .Mr Doldt. ( ‘hargin wcrr> pre- fcrn>.i Hcum>t liitii, it l«eiug aKNurtotl that he had iic ii4<'led hU dutlew, that the hoURe wa« lii n hml coiiditiuti. uuil ilmt the U^ks of the tivahiiriT tt»*re ii>>t in giH*l lU ler, Mr. Dohlt having dune :x great (Uml of wurk lu assist­ing the mu n ll ho wae timu trensurcr, and tiiisllv It wn-4 i lifirge I timi iiefther Mr. I)nJdt mar the clerk was ill cimsumt attcmUuce at the club.

Wljpii h»* heard of these chargee, Mr. Doldt went t*» Mr WiJ.*y ami domanded that hj* be ^vea an ojqKirluiiliy to clear hiinwlf before tn» Huum! ( 'omiiiitiee. The donukud fur a hparlug wft! jmi off on one protoxtoran- otliLT. Mr. Ihddt csplalnud t«> Mr. Wiley that the rcuKuii for the hnUNO l>ejng lu a bad condition waif that he liml uot been allowed miltii'iciit help to 4‘l(>ar away the dei>rLs and litter ivnuimag after the fair. Regortiing the njiHlUiitn uf the trcASurcr'a Itooas, Mr. Doldt refcmfl the House L'ommitleo to the trensurer hhuMdf.

When h« fnninl that he could not get a hearing. fl(‘nirdin« t4j ihe story, .Mr. Doldt i*e([Uesl«kl the Houh* Coimuittee to name BOiue terms u]N)ti widch the (iTUtroct could be aiumlltHl. He Mild he was uuwilUug that he should be an incubus upon the club aud would be glad io go aw ny, providing that be was given a rcafvmable bonuti fur tlie'cau* cellation of his i-ontract.

Haiftllton Wallis, George T. Fhjggii, W ill­iam M. Franktin apii ITeKideut Vvilliam R. DlUon, ex*o|{lcio, were appointed a curnmltr tee to invinligaP) iliu chargee. After bold- lug a iiumlier of inriotingN the comndttec is aafil Uy have jircferrcil additioual chargee against Mr. Dohli. The cxEiiimittoe iusisted that Mr. l)(.ddl bad mA atteude*! to hl» closte* as he HhonUl, aud Utol ha showed favoritism to cIossm and to meuibers. Tbe charge uf favoritism the profeesor refut*Li, and iu regard tu the other charge he •how(<d that tho clas.' es were Ibuse developed by hiui to help thu club.

Tho coiuinltto> refuHcd to give Mr. Doldt a tuuuK, saying he <’ou)d rc«gu or stay, as ho dioao. but it would prefer ids rosiguatiou. Mr. Doldt tCK>k the coTUiuUtecmen at tholr word and resigned, but aH qUfsftums an to- his resignatluQ tluit nave beeu put to him or to menibej-x of tbe club have been unau* awered.

When Frefldent Dillou was askc<licome Weeks ago regarding the riTsiguation he said that Mr, Doldt was auxious Uy study niedl- ciue. However this may be the cxqirofuHM.Tr has accepted an eugagemcni with Dr. Sar- gennt, to take charge of tiie Harvard tium- uier schuol of gymuaatica.

A cumnilttoe has been apfxilnted to uiskf arnmgemeuta with Mr. Doldt tu !aK4‘ ciiarge of the grouuda of the club, uiuler the litlu of athletic director. Tlie coiiiniittA-cwil! rcfxirt on June 14. Mr. Doldt will not Ktuto what answer be will give to ibo coiumitR'c.

LIFE NOT WORTH LIVING.Mri. fialiltia SaUnlph, lleserlvd by Her

Husband and Bereft »1 a 4'hUd,Takes I ’ulsoxi.

I)eeerte<l by her liiislMiid, her ciiild ilend at Ht. Miebaers lloKpiul, and no one to support her and her Kurviving I ia by buy, Mrs. Kabina ISadolph, cpiile a vuung wunmu, concluded that life afUT all was not worth the living, so lost eveuiug about fi u'cliick, wuoii no on* was atiuut to interfere, she TL'cut Into her room ou the first fimir of Iho house IH Boyd street, and extracting h Ijox of rat jniIsuu from undei'her apron, nlie hwallowed nearly all of it. Then she lay down to die.

None of the nelghlHirij heartl her make a Soiiud, and but few know what was the matter until the uinbiilauco drove up from the Fourth iTwInr-t Htatimi and took the unfortuimtc woman over to the ( ’ity Hospital, where she now is. Tliirtinorn- ilig she was very much improved ami the boMpital physldauH think she will rtK'over.

Last March the w-oman's iniHhaml left her. He was getting yui j» r w’uok, but conclu<led that he cuiiMii't work fuj' such wtigin, and ii)u<Jb a break fi r i'alifurnia DO he told his wife. But she never heard from him. The wife threatened several Ilmen hi kill hci-welf if her child T hich lay at St. Mjeliacl'M ILwpital Hhuuld die, aud only yeNierday morning her tnether, who lives wiih her, bad a desperate time getting a bottle of i>olsayt from her and liad to cal) In tiie neigfilKirs. The mother took the baby away thu morn- lug and will care for hnu.

DIATHS.VAnOtKRs-4^ JUU OasaA K* Vooevar,

wtf .af «x*PolUeoMa Voaevir. agsd luyeasa Warr* . County papers pleaos copy. t

Ttie Nalc e f C'ars Ntepped.The sale uf the cliN'tric oars

whiuh were rpcenlly levied umm by Sheriff Lehlbadi to satiKiv u $7,900 judgment RWMired by Abraham Hiismow agimist the Tracthm Com­pany, has b >u ^taycil through a writ of error which the conipnny s H'iinsl thi'ougb ito ouuuatil. ItuKHiJuw jituxl the couqwny through lawyer Hamuel Kaliacb torecover dainagt N fur injui’jt>s Kustalnt'tl through Iteing puslit-fi off a Broad •ti’cet oar iu May, IKlUi. The jury gave a verdict for After trying invain to collect tiie tnnnej Mr. Kaliwrh ordcrtMl tbe Sheriff to levy un the com|iany*s pruperty.___________^

Two Candidates fur Kcliolarelilps.Only twu candidates fur the free State

sebotwsbips in the Nhw Jersey Slate College of New Bfunawick, apfieafi.Hi for tho examination at the rvjmnfa&use thia morniug. The two candidates were Frederick DoWitt Kt ii'lng, of this city, aud John Kiwikti* Oi4»oriio, ef B«llevUi«. The exaniinatiou, whicit was U gun prompt­ly at 9 o'clock, WON cuudiiuted |py Dr. M, II. 0. Vail,County Su^Mirintoudeotof Bchouls,Dr. Williani N. Barringer, city Su}^riuMndent of Heboob, aud if. H'*. CutU, the Orauge Buperinteudeut ' Tbu two oaudidatuR were examined iu ubeuiiiLtry, bUtoryi .•^ehra, grammar, geography, arithineBc and pfaysico, ■

’ ' Mr* Herry l « <i«t a^iltorcee ■ R*heu JsJdward B. Ulin»k 'fence In Ute suit of A Iblou n, 'f^ r y age' •'ti his wife In Jersey City on Thursday the' V^kM-Chancellor stated tbat bo would recuiii- mend that Mr. Berry be graritod a divorce. After the deelsion is formally made the cose will be appealed.

FROM THE ORANGE TOWNS.Thu tVrst Oraitga Fir* Daparimeiil l|*ar«

of a lllasti-'hiijrlag Oraugeftower lliuids—'Notos.

At 1] :30 0‘cluck last night Julm Lynch, of Weet Ur*U|p>. ili*™vqr»Ulliiii»* l*n|iuff from e turn In tlw r«er i>( Ulli-lwlt street. He reii te tbe bose huuse euil txillliiff up tbe firemen, told tbeui lliettlwr* srus fins on Mih'bell street. “ We w llh ^T * te see tbe bUse before we ffo X t," Mti<l on* of tbe hinrmen from the upper w |d- iluw. Tbs htirnes, hnwsfer, were bitcheil snil tbu depertniDut walusl fur the fire lo burn up. lo lb# niwmitn* Otlloer l ^ r IJrsii ortfnnlietl e biu-ket In L nil#, ewl fhej euitweiM iu cxtluiiultlung tbu fiaiiuei Iwfore uuK-'h d&mege lied beeu don#. At tbu brnn- bouM tbu uiurnin; uu# of the tlrenieii seid thet they were smiplr nntillu.1 that tbers wee e fire im HltelniU strert.

Alrnedy |II<),UIU worth of tbe Ursug* •ewer bunils beve tiwn sulss<rilHvl fur, and tbe indiosUons ere that tb# entire tl.VkUOd will be taken up by inilividuabi. Tho lime tor rnwivb^ tho sulvripl Ions will 1st next Tuesday, The bonils are fre# from taxation autl are four and a Iwtf jier r#nt*

A lawn iiarty will U kiv.'ii ou Uw fp-oundi of the Kseei I'ounly 4'ountry I'liib ihl* afternoon. Inaiq'h will |.. 's#rvn1 at t o'cluek and at T o'#lis.'li tho u.iiel table d’buta dinner will lie svrviHl A lUnce «U1 be held this evuniiu

Mri. Kodney A. Wanl, of Uoutelair, ear* aluuohattbe bWx County t'omitry iduir house at nuou loiUy to etebleeu guwta Tbe tables were di,s>rat.,l with J uiie ru*#s, aud at earh rueet’s plate was n lieautlful rllv bon bearlnit tee imine of tho gueet lu gold letten. Tbe menu was an elalsirate oue.

Hn. 11. E. Uuuth, nife of italllugton BooUi, coniuiander of tlw United HUte* force* of lb* HelTstlon Army, will itellrer en address In tbe Um## Mtrt<#l i ungregatloual C'burab to-morrow night,

Un Wedneeilay micbt, June fi, ('aptein Taylor, better known as the “ Goldm Minstrel," * lb t'harKe of tbu nveetiiig at tbe Halvation Army llnTl, TJ >itrlb Center street, Ormoffe, when tboio will be a musical feast.

The Hat Finishers'.kssiH’latlon of Orange beld IU reftilar monthly inert iiia last uiglit. Tbe secretary reporteil t.'itti run.|#nd from dues and astemineula. end the Irnnsurer re­ported exiwndlturr* aiuminting lo KVil.

Dr. Dodge, the retiring hoti«. physician of tbe Ueinori^ Hospital at Oriug.., lies Iweu preeented wttb e case of InstriimcnlN, tncbnl- Ing a hypodermic syringe and tburnionjeter, by tlie nurses.

A b<sie tower fiftr-flre fe>d liigh will noun tie erected in the f irange Valluy busebuuiHi, New floors will also be laid.

Tbe New England I4.sjiety of ( Irsngo will bold its rogtilsr monthly nicding t.i-ntglit.

Tlw members of tbu tVost llrungn j.'ire De- jiarttneut will buld a rifle shout in the rear uf tbe bosebouse, on Valley naul, ibis after-UUUD,

Parkinson’s paTlUun, near tb# tormlmis of tbe Orange Mountain cable road, will Im furniatly opened this afteniiMin. A lie ml of music willW in atteudiince, nsi cnain einl refreebmentuf all klmls wilt Iw on sale at the grounds. No InPixicatlng twvcrag# will be told. There will be music every Kntur- day during the suiimier.

The wedding of Mlis Mnlwl McNdll, dnughtor of John O'Soll, end William HHi- anlDabb, Ixith of Orange, is nnuciuiicedto take place June Id.

Alfred O. Tate, formerly privet#seertary to Tboinoe A. Edison, was teinicnsl u fare­well dinner at the Orango clubbimse, in Frnepect street. East Orange, last night, prior to bis departure for Houlana next week. .

The congregation of the Wetoosslng Moth- rstiit 1 ‘burrb wtU begin the eroetbm or a new edifice about July 1. The now ehiirch will teat about 400 ptople, and will cost tl'AUUt), When the new church Is colupleleit the Old church will be used for a Huuday-ecbuul room.

Mrs, John B, Dlx, of 17 Hawthorne ave­nue, East ( iraojge, bu issued cards for a re- ceptinu next W^naeday atterncHm in honor of bliss U](s>tt, daughter of Assumbiyinaa George F. ULcott, of East Grange.

J. B. U. Adams, Coibmander la-Chlef uf tbe Grauil Army of tbe Hepuhlic, has ap- (siinted Township Clerk Btoplien M. Is.ng, of East Orange, an alde-ile-ranip <» his staff.

The Rev. John VV. tVitliama rector of hit. Paul’s Epl!Hjp{ial Church, East Granite tailed this morning for Euroiw, where be will si«nid the summer for tho Iwnrftt of his bealth. During his absence the services at bis church will be taXsn by tbe Rev. Mr. VVbittfLker, lately rector of nt. Barnabu's Cburdi, Uose- nlle.

David Ij. B. I'eterson, of North Walnut street. East Orangr, bis lakes bUfsu ilyto lake George, where they enve a eotlegn f irthe summer months.

The Rev. Dr, George S, Bithdp will pruacb a sermon to-morrow morning in the First Reformed Church of East Grange, comuieni- orstlveof tbe thirtieth auniversarr of his ordination te tbe ministry.


Old Trunlile Itatwewa East. Grange fbifi lliormifield Hay geaiipfssr. .

It was reported this Diurnlug that the old nuisance from the East Grange Dlsgvaal Works may ooour again, owing to a dis- agi'ccniunt among the East Grange utllcials, e«]>rcially among tbe nieinistrs of the Bewur Committee of tbo tewusbip botlv.

Huwrintendeut Hlcbard l.inehan, who bos savui the township from serious trouble by bis method of flitrstion, has roefgabil, owing to the refusal of tbe canimitt.‘e to comjaui- sate him as agreed. Cbalrinau Laiige, of the Bewer Committee, has alto reeigneir

Thu stream from the Dleposal Works was found this morning to be poUuteil, and iliu Bloomfleld Board of HoalCn waa uotiflwl hy two of the resldenta nearby to keep a look­out.

The Rloomfleld authorities will intisl ttiiit Eaat Grange [irevent a furUiar puiliitioii of thrsirram, or tbe iudiotment alreaiiy hang­ing over them will be praeocute<l.

Father Gene, Mother Insane.A harefnotod hoy, without a hat or I'laf,

was tonud wandering along Ferry »ir#et late last night by Policeman Joaepb ■’’arrell. lie tiHik the ^mngtter to the Thinl Police Precinct. Thera the boy said, after con- sidoj-able persuasion, said his namn was Jnlm Bis-Ih7 , and then the police knew tlie rest Tho little fellow’s moUiier was recently com- iniitisl to the Insane asylum, and shorliy after the commitment her huaband dc.scrtcil Ids two children, one of whiob was tb# hriru- fiKited buy found in the street. Tho hoys were sent to tbe poorhuuse, tt is said, »uoq after the father disappeared, aaii it is thoughr little Jobntile ran away from the Institution. The trbereebuuta of thu father is uot known.

An nil gleve's Tomble and llamsga.Boreauis of “ Flrer' from half a domu

feminine throats attracted tbe attentiou uf Olllcers JacobBuchard and Charles Emioons yesterday aflei noon about 1 o'clock in tlie neighborhood of iSa Bank street, sod both men ran to, the bouse. In the third story they found a room all ablaxe, In ih# ccnic# of tho room was a bluing coal oil stovo turned upside dorrtt. The two ofllccis ex­tinguished the blase With a lot of water. Tbu sU,ve bad fallen off a table. The daimig# # as about F45. Tho rooms were occupohI ijy Thuiuaa \V. Und.

Guilty of Nteeling Gas*The Jury before which Paul Ahrell of fl

Bowery street, was tried lo tho Court of Quertor Hesslons yoetenlay afterniKm on a charge of stealing 50,0UU cubic feet uf gus from the Newark City Gaslight Company, found him guilty of giottv larceny. Abrcil will prolwbly be senteuned on Tkiesday m il.

F O L K H Y O U K N O W .

—S. R. Baker left Lo-dajr for the South ou an pXl<eDdMt vecatloQ,

-Mrk. J. Tripp Vanderpool, of a7« South Nineteenth street, has gone to Bcrantoii. I’s.

—Miss liOnlsaoM. K. Sebseffer. of this city, and T. Edward Iteyden, of Irvington, wuro married Tuesday night. '

• .Miss Grace A. Coo, daughter of Ernest E, Coe, of Gils city, was among th* giailuates ut the oduimeneement of Evelyn College, Prim «- ton. I

—Miss Gyls Palmer, of Florida, end W. I’. Mndsicy, at Clinton avenue, this sity, will be mnrrled at the Caldwell Preabvtertao Church next Tuesday night, ^

—The degree of ftaoiielor of Igtws waa cun- -feVyed upon (^ rg e Jacob Jaeger, of this city,. . ,., J u„|.venilty laiw Sfbuu. ™

-iloolety warn largely represented'last even­ing ut tha dance given by Mm and Mrs, John F. Drydun at their bandsome lesldeuoe, W i Bread si reel, le honor of Hiss Julia Runyuu, daughter of Aiubassador Runyon.

A pun cnao of tartar powdtr.i » ^

Pure ftod Sure It doea more work and finer work than any othor. If you do

not find it exactl/ na represented you can return' it to otir grocer and he will pay you back your pioney.

CArrdiad AsAurg Awdirr Ca, /frer Find, S a ta m r U C h t ib m i S r tO tn b


A Frograiuiua uf Heux Altracllvna IVUI lie Fresvetad.

Th* Newark Pr*ta Gtuh will have It* an- mwl beiullt UMI Wednesday ulght at Umer'a Thratre- Buougb lioketa have alreeily Iwfu add to HU tb* ttwelrs. Th* playhouse will be elaborttely dccoraUsl with potted planta, iialms and ferns.

Tho programme is replete wtlh good Uiingt. .Among tb* neiTOrin*** wlH b# '■Judge" Willtam B. urtvo, a reoiter aud story teller with many fumy ways.

A coDiralte ilugsr with a sweet vole*. Miae Iila M. UodlioU, will appear. Tb* Jewell Biwtheft Will perfonu Ulclr new trMc with Ibeir modoo ooi, whwh le aaid to have cost 15, Ubd- Tbe box is f lr ii^ strapped lucked and tied up securely. Two ut tbe auiHvuo* will ateuil by aud see tbat titer* is no trwkery. Then W, K, Jewrli will iiinlor- lake to gst into the box wlUnait touching euy of Uu bludings. Tb# performer hliu- •elf will be Iwuud hauil end foot, but be will be suaceaeful in taia sfforts,

Frank itiley, g ilelinmbir of the Boulhern negrtx will make pleasure for tb* eudUno* by hit funny Keying* and wta

Thome* K. Ulyniu late of th* Priniro** end West (WmlilnaUon, la a skilful banjuitt. He will dll his level bMt to eutertalu. Topiual songs will be sung by enold Newark tavurlta. George Goskl ii, aud th# Newark Either Club ii down un tbejirugnuniu# fur some ehnic* se- lucUoiia ilalTiwIu Cavallo, t young vluUolat, will perfiirui tome classhal sslvctlous and some uf tb# old time favuritea.

n it. uAMiii.K J i'H i'a .

Mis Hors* Runs Awsr on rilnton Avenue.Th* W*g«>ii Hr*rkr«le

william 11. Gambia e wall known liquor dealer uf Hi Fair street, bod e UirUUng ex- perlenc* last night in e riiuewaj. Ur. Uenibl* was driving to bis huma 1 Hillsid* av-nue, about ii o’uloek, when, at tbe corner of Clinton and Eltsabeth avenues, lb* horse, a spirited aolmaL took fright at a liaalag Cllntou avenue oar. It ton up Clinton avenue at terrifle speed

As Hr. Gamble found it Impossible to stop ths auiuial he wrapped thu reins around tbs whip and leeissl fur hii life. He laudsil un bis head lu ui# mhldlu of tb* street aud **- capwl unhurt, except tuet be was pretty iMully ahockoti He la at his boms, attendeil by Dr. Wanl, The frightened animal daghad out Cllntou avenue, u|*#tdug the wagon, a light spring affair, aud dragging It ahmg over the stone*. U llnstty hroug lit right up In front of Its master's door witli the reinuanta of what was a niee-louking wagon ollugiug to it. Just a few niiiiules bcfiir# the run­away kir. Gamble had let his lltlbi sou out ut the wagon.

—■ ------* • ■ ■ - ■— ■, HKB m m Fim> m

This Wuinnn Wanted is«tier-carri*rt toleunk fur Her T*t.

A womxti from HomviH* oa)1«i1 » t Ui« Fostofllou yMtcnldy xuJ lixiulod Fo«ttuhsier RuUu tbe picture of • Jug.

"Iw io ityou U) let your "Isttor-rLarriefi find my d\yg Fldo," sbe exnUiliiieil. "H « wju Umi yeKbiril4>% am) I have Out or bearil tiuylhiiqf uf Idm sitioe.'*

Tbe Foetmaiter was Ukeu abork by tbft suggreiioiu ttiid be sold that be did nut tbink he wuuld bft allownl tu usn the OoTent* lutut utopluyes tu find hist ilog!* Hu (nld tbe vumau that tbe proposition W14 • novol (luo to him, and tint If fie bad ibuught of It Irtifur* bu uUgbi have requested the men to liKtk for the Maltese rat whiob ^ »way frum tbe nfiloe A few days oko*

JudgmeiiU Tiled*There was written U}xm tbe Cireiiit Court

minutes iixiay Juilgmeiit by default for |5lfi.H3 ill favor of Joeeph T* Imfeldand Adatbst Jaiuee L. Hmltb and* Charles B. Maubews; a judmont ft>r IIM.K1 ia favor of ML'Derjuitt A iloiiArd and Taykrdk Williams. Another JudgmeDt wrltteo up woai ogaluBt rharlea J. H'atoon andothere and in favor of the Hlate Banking Company# This JudgmoQt is for |lA5.7L

Had Him There*Frum Puck.

LumUy—" I saw you at tbs minstrel* lostlilsUte How ouqM yo iie lt ao^ iailfbeo bM |iHUuchaiwfAUg ukLhsl rttF

kUwffretfur-w*-'*aMoiki ittoui Ibiw euuld one lautfh at hll unless be knew it wan a juke F*


The Extract of the Heart of the Ox.I '""FirpaTWl'*f(«»rt»ng to tbo-foratiilaio*

m t . W M . A . l iA M .H O N D ,lb hilt litburatnry at

IVASH IM U rO K , a c*“ Tn tbe ea*G uf a pnitnliient phyduian of In*

diaua. the heart Ifeat wtut feeble and irregular, Aud there wo* » rmMUini vertigo while walk- lui{,or rvm while Iti * stauilthg puHltlun. la tliiN 4'OKH the relief WOK iMjuully prumid. H*

imil«rmyA‘ar«oni>' tbreadaya, Mng

rare a NniialeAtir of c.'atdln* fnit bbOMi ^s,Aud1 iuivliH-d bid) tu ruiitimxe U for at leasL a iniMirii. He arrived hfimt-before the Curdlbe reiif-liiMl him, uriil, ft**]lng the need of It, he St nDi'rt lidegratdied ftir it tn bo wnt to him *a MHiii fiM jHrttiiihJe. Ileiiifurinml nto that liTi iqKiti hlui MAH Ku divided tliat* wbereo# fnrmvriy ho tva>4 lo.tlh lu walk even a few hlops fur four iJ bvhi uvorpuwered by tlissl* riotsR. aJKingle Itijeutiuiienalifnd bliq.in walk as ruin li ii.-t lir pluaflod fur four nr five hours af* lurward."Ooif, Fiife Dropi. Fnct {2 drachma). $ZS0.

tVliert' Inr.l1 (|rugiB*tH ^r« t)nt etllipiled With (lie liiiiiimninl Atiinml Krinu-tris tliev will l»e itmilri], inKi'thrr with ull exl»l)ri||t lUvrature i)[i I hr Niil)Jects on rm'el])t of priee, uy

TIIK t <»L1 H IIIA < flKMICAL Ctl., IVailtliigluu, tls I'.

P-iimif hy fH . KmiHht4 ('a, wts Hroed *1*: It MNfi’lfr. N't IiriJOd »1.; Usi Urlxtr, Usrlivt anqU iiflliloKitiu *ie.: (larrirtii’i pluirKsry, 71DI Itruod bTi . I.vI'Ia hrGfl. MurkriRL; rliartHi lloixh iiwr, Mnfk« *-h1; hrtW'H vtA,; Hfoetnpr, HW Mnllteiry il., and f ftHtcMHi Jiruii t:t|rnp*ny. 447 Bcwsl el,

= NEW^SHLES:Umbrellas

and Canes.GARDINOR’vS,



> ruTKTK IK ni-:i!K»v mvrtN t if it TintI C'nmmlnlrinrni Ijiiretor-jr^ appaloted by Ibe

Mayor uf Ihp rtiiy ul di Liake an eittiinaUand OM«a*m*ni iipvn all the owjient ofuJI the lanU* and r*Al piithle lu itie elty 4if \ewo/lL, pGcullarlr bforFUe'l by any luoA! lm]>rorE>ni(>itt In iti>‘ eald clly. In iiropuriliMi a UHnrly ae may bi> tn the «d- vanlfge 0 trb wa« devmrU lo here ooguIrNl. b»ve nirtile an teilrnuw SUil MMe*eiu*jjt uflieoHJIIe d|K)(| alMb ''iwnere of *U the Jiiidi and rMl esiaie la Oivnltyof Nrwarlt pernHarly U^neOtM) L j each uflbe rnlloalnit hu^mvetuetiii in lalil cltf,DaiJkaly!

henavliig afUKNrjI-K HTRKRT.

from Park nliceta I'eantylvanla hkliread; i'aving of

ELU/SHKTU HTHKKf.Ftom ]].Tmbu» plocu m Niagara etroet;

rrjmvlnxHI'HI NtJKlKLD AVKVl'r,

frotii lUtmont aipmie tu MorrU aviniie;And tiave llleii ihFirtv|Hirteufaali1 ae*csiQi«nt fhr

III the odlce er tlu» UlcriC of the Ulrndt I ourt aftb* Cuoitty of awtti.aail that IL« Judge uf eald UuurShM FIxfiIhATUlUJAY, THK NINTH HAY UF JUNIC,

IM4.alio O'clock In ttii rorejioua, Iq tite Court n>oni at tbeeunrehuOM Id Mieiitg of sVrwark.oe the Pme and rio^eoftieaflitk Hity ubleciton* ihal may be made lo 1I1A Mill Ae*»tito#iH«.

fisWd Haf2S, imO tU N U LK dW , RIKStf,

Ma Dty Counerk

U KFirKorTHK .\4JiyKKil<jF IIIB HOA Ilf) of Kt rest und Waler Uomiulislou rs ef tbeelly

01 Newark.—Noiloii.The Inal o tlmaM fur ilte rollowlnv runuaeu

wUi be Fjre4enteJ Fotbe UouN ort*)reet And Wator romajl«o(>uer» of tlirt city i>r Netvanc, For oooept- Rtiee. ou liiiireday, JunH 7,14(H. VIl ’.t’ur liie uavfni uf

t » n t T r-TJtRKT.ft in lA'oeUlngtoii Nirtet lu IHsU atreM;fruo) HuHafiiaT«DUM*(irai)feH(reel. anti fVom &t« and K. A. a. Svenue to NfVtfuil) ave.iue. am)

MOUTH TKN I >I Ml HKKT, from aoelb l>ransn avenue to i nrlagbeld aveni)*

All otijeeUuui io (be ptymt'iit uC m U eithuatre Binet be (Fled Ith too. |a wrllJag on V bSfoaiuiJ's11. of Wednaidsy, JuneMHI- '• -w'-* •

Hatf4Ua7ti,Pi»4. iiaNBftT At>AM,

bM • kvglBaek

P UBUO NOnUK-WmittANUk HWlJftBttP to (bird reading. ■

W*. the uuderslsnod hereby cerfily that sn pidt- nsnoe WM read a reooitd tliim at a niectlnx er The Buaril of '•treet aud Water I ’mUto.liulanan held on .Friday, June 1, istH, and duly ordered to IMrd itkid- Irtf, lo provide for tb* ixmatruotloa pr a U toob pipe aeWeilA

UONKOK STBXETsfrern Ferry strrai to Ufayetta ■tie«|; togtihsiw|tb oil tbe appurteoAiic*! aeceisary to oomjMet# thttsom*.

Paled June 1 im ..w .. a s RAHWHON v a n DUYiNB, PreMdeal of ibe board of Ftieet and Water Cooir

(nlMdoqft'aA. u, wflinrrT,•hr i •

What Is Eczema?ttls an aprny o f aponles.A torture of tortures.It is an itching and burning o f the

skin almost beyond endurance.It is thousands of pin-headed ves<

kies liUed with an acrid fluid, ever foriniiig, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin)

No part of the human skin Ft exempt.

It tortures, disfigures and humil* iates more thaiuU other skin diseases combined.

Tender biMes are among its moA numerous victims.

They are often bom with it.Sleep and rest are out of tt*

question,Most remedies and the best phy#

aidans generally fail, even to relieve.If CUTtCUKA did no more than

cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind.

It not only cures but , A single application Is often luffl.

cient to aflord Instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure.

CunetJRA works wonders beeauae it is the most wonderful skin cun of modern times.

■old throqgliaui th# werG- He-i loAr, Ste , Ubboi.vb|it , t lSID Ouse- tldSP., Vol* Hrepa., Nul ebeui tlw HUu sod Biota " osUtd jrai

Frist, CinWWM, Forrsa Irisiy

68S Broad Street.



S2.Q0 AND 12.75


WITH out,UAHS AKD ODFr*. LAl'NDEHKD............ ................. .

49 etaLac/tt$’, Sentt’ offfl ChuCnn’§

Summit Memo Uittietwian

Lttdm' Shirt Waiati, Mvm» Underwear and Conete,

Mante' Laee and St/h Cape,

JnianH 'Lphg wndShort Dneaeet,

CAOTlON^-^lf s doAlor •fl*r« W* I* pougiM t ho** At» r*diio*d grto*e mr Miy* ^»hA«th*m wUhont »*«** otAmyM Ath

lint hJiB down A* * fm«4e

i f

IB O l ., 1 .

I fwm foa


W.L D o u g l a sS3 SHOE th'e wom.D.w . X.e DOUOLAil iibnet are Myllah, ***y fit­

ting. and give l)iU<T njlUfaclkut atih* pr|tcs ad* v«r()Mtd than any r>ihrr make, Tvy ope pair and beronviiKcd. The ilAiDhingof w , L, Dougloi' name atjd jirir* on I li* IxAlmn, which guarantee* Ibeir value, oaves Iboitiutnda o f dnJIarl tnouRlIy to thoH* who wear them. IFcnltra wh« puah in f tai* o f W .L , Douglas hhcies gain cualomer^ which help* to inrrcaHa (ha sales un (heir full Ung • f RiHida, They ra* uATord to sell at * Icna pmfiL and we Ire)(eve yau ran save mohcy bv buying tJ| your frrotwear o f tha tUaJer miverllsed b eW .

t ‘Htalf»oi»!r free upon anpllcali >n. Address,W- IseDUlfiiljAs. V'esH'liioxi, |Ca*I. buldbf

K. tlRVwaWe gtH-iiat Mprtrt*«*M AfWti WH. KmNllHK.UdY Hrrad ttsiCJKOHtiC He f ’IsAUK. 14 Ferry *to W, 4. 4b T. V, AUEf^H, dOD Br*«4 a|.| H. nnilPlHT8iPf« 47 M N fk ft at.) JOMBFII M A Y A CYl., 0 t9 OrafisA atvveoN Klryenik ats( fb U* B liH * mAHt I Of lljirrla** *?*., Il*rrls**; Bf* HfillTlI, Hauili llrang*.

dL U M B E R A N D

T I M B E R ,On M’eil Newark Branch I'ennsrlTuia IL K., curoer Boee street and JellllT avvelulL Avon avenue electric car line iuti feet soetauf yard.

* oemniL monTweeT or Lvnate. ikCLUome sm ucE m o HEMLOCK TIMSEfl.

Fpvciat facilities Tor handling car lota TEDEI'IIGNE 543.

AImi ysril aud ofllcn ae hereloforv. corner Market and Madison strveie. 6 hi uolu eeat Market Bircet deiHit.TKtiKl'HuNE 554.



32 000.

EVERY TWO IKD I BUFIIHUTES.Tlia blood mAku* a rlrcuH of Ih* bodr ev«rjr

twu aod una-haif iii1nut*H, dellveriug aatrl- m«pt aait laklhg bark woato matter to b« flUoml uut by lue liv»r and kldueyi apd re> muvt'd front tho body tbrougb t\\r bowels actd tb« urinary ai'oreiiui). Anyaloppagu or olr structlun of Ibis prLM’ean may pruiiupo varioui furiun of diaoMc, «ucb iw Uyapepol) RiUoqgw iieoA, (!ot)iilpaii()nv llc odaclie, Dcbilltyj lud bod btiHiil with U« multiplied avil* fboil*, DloCoboHs pimplafls auras, aniplions, alMnaises . and lUe likei. Wbau auoh obftructluna axial Of *¥14001:04 by tbu prooouofi or uoumilAlnM similar to tiiooo Juxt maiUhmod, tbe b*at meulolDtt tu use Is Burdock Blood Bitten. , which’unliKikrt tbs recretloiu, rempvlDg aH Impiti^ *iid fffei* matter tbrottghth* proiM ChAbp-'- ofCb*atoYtodn, liver. . Kidneys *od bbwela,B. B. B* removo* all finpuritiM of the blood fpon #■ coimuoi) pimple fo the worst ocro/ulot}* soNu

pert c.CourteriPiLS,, J>AINtS| 'A R N IS H

B RU SH IS-'jA llK C r tL . (^ 0 ^ C

: \


i «

8N K W ^ A i m E V E i m ^ G N E W S , S A T n i D A Y , J U N E 2 , 1 8 9 4 ,

I wh*n th» klt<'lw«n door f>p<w<*l fur *1» th lf '; tlHHi «nd « Uilrd iii«i •Ifinwl io .. » “l uu* « to lito hn»»>r» AIUmu«hI he had dinged hi* rlothinU abu M <»p' iti i 4jic» <rf a ilih b liu »t' an JIV Hull Til* itoputT gar,« (•tart " f sun" ' » ' a, li« tow th« «*n , »ou Mr. Holt lini'k ami i«U «l out:

I "VViiHi: Vi.iihiTc'" i "Vn., it', my: Tlii, U niy Job, and I I ,; liuiiiiii iJT fur >1111VI '■ Hut r,B lio n lupiiiit it fur a inontn.

I ' OU, aidl, w« wont (luarreV’ told Mr. n-ilt. ■■ l r »a ru U l>laul and » • CIW ooiiifl

:ilT S im MOM.It Attncteil UBMnal AtteatlOB B

oansB It Was Kept in Her Hoa**,


TheCoinlBg of Crnrf, Holt, o f ••''•'"a, •“ .......................MIIu t IIIo to Uullil a SHU and Bri oiiio a i ,„ue akinmiih-tii. ‘ ia-t', lia '* * talk."

• I. a I •lai.'! Tom i 1 lat diiwiion H l Ualr in Ike HU'Ih'O "itb a JlM idoat-liuHii* tha (<pln«t,r • Tom I ,-niHllo in my hainl, mid tho jiair mi-porary Ahn noi* On* ttlaht Thfo* Mon ' j^fni and loft thu iluur tH«iu>:ntor Hor Ilouno fur llio I'nriiowof Hidi- 1 lumr.ltlii bory-.li liiioh lllionvrra tho flthor', j 1‘roionco a Kalal Oiiarrol Kn,iioa-Tho 'Idonilty of lh » Nolo anndvor. Who la- i rapod Without Hiiillnu Ilia laali.

II.«r name * « Harali Tromiy. but ovory Olio in tho allla«'’ <'»>'«' hof Aunt Hanili. ; HIto war a ipiiiotiT abnut forty year, of ni;o. and thoiuih haring tunny mid notiont »a « | Midi Hkod by avorylwaly. <>n a ivrluln n' j lawon Aunt Harah liad Inrt tS- by tin- failufo of a liank. > > « ! that tlina on il*' araa (Irmly rcaolTOd tn havo iioUiing nmrii n, do wltU Imnli,. Wiion a linithir diwi aii,l ; loft hor fAi.iinn inituih, ,ha noiit up to | rioTolaiid and got tho inoiiBy ami rniaila a bank of liiT iioiiao. I rraa u Imi of

bnu of llirlr vok'oa for t*o or Hrno iiiiimUM, oidoliing a wonl now and ll.au, an,I all of n »iiil.l.'U tlu-re waa a M'lvniii nii'l a fall. Hail I b<‘"'n IfMfllgiili md 1 hhould linvo mado a dnnh fur ll»'lcd< Inuii.Hir, lint I'unldn't inovoiili tlia . ti-iii. I «n » raody to faint away wlwii Mr, Holt laioo inlo llw kUiln'ii. Ha »u» |nlr fam l hut hit aolca liad Do truiitor in it wlifii In'Mti'l; . , ,

■' Hoy, you know who I am, an’l uara no innai f.il' b ar. 1 waa )iaa«iuK by wlmii I til,night 1 hiwnl a a rrain, mid »U'[ii«hI to

■ W hare n awo wliiit tho tronblo waa. ailM

1 tnlil him when"»he liad giina ami how it JaiinioniHh and lio llghtwl a ngur and toldi

“ Tluil lufui win ult oWi‘f‘ir. iiut« iit* |.>erAT« frllow. \hi ••din** httre t/> rtki» ilu? houw*. A* |j4* hi’fidtrxi rhal yim iniwt i»*‘ kitiwl. kill liiiii. Wo wdll now got tho bo* of inonoyan.l go uvar to the hotol."

Iwaaonly a oounlry boy ami thf- ■ ■ lin-ailful fright.thlrtiwn tin'll b u t! 'Uatlm-tly rooM'ml.or (In- imiriloni lia.1 givon iiio a driwlful fright

the garo out iliat »lii> wa* going to k»|i It ir. the houto, tlMTo wn» liib ii'w e*'dti,nii>ut, ano | a pnliUe nueliug wa* callixl and a ronmiilt« j of*^ree ai'lMliiti'l Io wait on Aunt Harah and vrotont. They raiitloiiod ami Poa»M and argued, Imt »lio »a * llmi. Although «he Bred alone In a roUag^ aho dhl not fear roli- bor*. Bhc thankail the coinmiltee for 1U lli- tereat In her welfara, hut mon decliui"l toplane the lU'Mioy In the vaulU of tha oounty Irnaurer.

Aunt Harah', fortune wa, gnaalp for a month or two, and then the matter ilTopinil out of right. While Aunt Harah llvol all alone, a, I hate aald, tho hail a “ rhore biy " to take rare of her row, bring in the wcmI and innko ganton. 1 wa» aiding In titot (topacity whan ,be rrroivod her itmiioy. When I heard that ahe liad ih-UTiiiiinil to keep the money 'in the honwi. It waa, aa you may gnaia, a tnattrr of .gnat imrioj- tty to me where »he wouH hme It. It Wton'ttobenippnieil tliat the would lean It lying arudnd Iboee, ami yet tha little ohl houto offered no hiding idaoe whlrh a ,hani man oould not uiieover In half an hour, ■earrh. I ukr«l no oueallane, ami eh# rel- un tee^ no Information, but afU'r a good deal of oogltating 1 decided that nhe would bury It m tha (wllar. When 1 found tho (paiU with froeh earth clinging to It , ^ 'l - Ing beride the hack door one morning, I im­mediately Jacn(iiid to the «inctu»lon tliat the

1 didn’t know what liTiii “ piping" meant, but Mr,

lietraywl lilimwlf In my opinion, iftwl

box of money waa unilor the cellar bottom. The cottage In which Aunt Sarah Bred

■waa aurpounded by an acre of gmuml de- TOted to orchard and garden. Khe nerw mkaeil going to church of a Sunday, and befon the rerelpt of the money the hooto waa left alone. After riwt 1 waa augtgwl to wati'h It, though thi, fact wne not goB- anOy known. On tha lereath Buwlay a trampUfa looking man oaroe aoroai the gaiv den from ^ coinmona and>iae evidently DWeh aurprlBed to find roe rittlng imder a near ton, wbaooe I could watch both front andback 4 »r «. On the ninth Sunday a too-

' ■ * ------of tho front gate,ere loe

' sod caller canto by wi' and on tha tenth two eharp-kioklng etradroT* pHt ia « ItuKKT ™

iYOE 1 ehai^h r audiu

In a manner to aroiwe my ,i


_ ____ ihHu. On thellooday after thU tenth SundaT our village

■ • ’ ------- t H

inm niuvD ™mtaodhU eecnndto bargain for, the

................... , paying a email fumm. Nobody knew any-

lilt, and oToiybody be­lle elauneil

'atulted by the newt that !t wM,to hair, a new rerident. George Holt, of Bouton, had dsoldedtolocato in lane woollen mill.

Hla ftrrt moTo wa, to buy four acM of

KumbaodhU tocnw''I ftoldenoe to town,

down to bind the option, thing about Mr. Holt,Uered all he aald about blineelf. to be rich and to have a family, and <»r woollen mill wa, to be otto In arbatotenme or ton. He had new natodt machiDentoid new nwtlwde, ami he pfomlaeri to do « »

, much for Blltofleld that real e*tato made a lump of twenty-fly, per cent, iualde of a fortolght.

Mr. llolt. It |i needlem to remark, wa, a great man In our town, tip to the date of hi, arrival Judge Whlto, who owned the tnllldam and hadonpe tontonced a man to behanged, wea ,uujw,^ to be the blggeiit man In the State. 'The Judge took a took iHt In

...................... r fair to add that heabort order, but it I, only fair to add that he fulWtted to the Inevitable without a inurmar. Mr, Holt liad been with ui about two week, when he did ms tho great houor to nottce me. Due evening, when 1 bad gone down to the pae- tnre to drive up tho cow, I found him lauiH tertng about with can# and cigar, Athlr- teen-yeor-old Ixiy, liorn ami brought up in a Tillage and knowing nothing of tho 'Wtold bnond, may have natlvu slirewdnc, '.but sen not be callei kmi. For wiiiie realwn which 1 could not explain I did nt* fancy Mr. Holt Th#rcfori>, whoii ho wiiilhigly amprooched me aud began to talk, I wa, sullen Imdead of su*pirlnn^ though I an- iwend all hi, direct uuaitiiin* until ho be­gan to a«k about Aunt Sarah. 1 felt mywlf a w rt of gnsrdiau to the old mahl, and wben bo ,&ly btquirod If her money wa, ■till In the hour# t ga*« him hu evariv* answer, 1 didn’t aue|ieCt him of evil, but I argued that he might want to Iwircw mme money and pcrhaii, client her out of It I had heard, too, that there was umither heir who tliroateocd to me Aunt Sarah, and fur all 1 knew he might to Immlrlug in tho In- tercet of that heir. Mr, Holt mmlo a groat effort to pump me, but I don't think ho got much HalWai'tlon In tho iLiatter,

Four week, after Mr. Holt came to lilito- flehl nothing hail iH-en dimn about the mill . except Io , take off a rite. Ho wa, waiting for a contractor to come on from Boetou, he ] •aid, ami o f coureo hi, wdril wii, not to lie ; dhipiiUd, While I "clinrod’'fu r Aunt Harah moruiug, aiiil oveniiige I eloptatlKimi-uight,. line i h'tobor omiiug, a* 1 waa rcailv tego home, a couidu of here living twelve iiiiii', out iu the country arrlvcl with a liorw ami bugg.V aiiil rcpurteil tliat liis wife win at death', door. Aunt Harali iiii-tantly decidoilto ttu rn will' him, ami I wwiaakcl tonintaiuin .no hou»' all niglil iiloiic. It waeii't iiiui'li of W test of HIT courage, for hardly a dixir In the village was Ih IiihI at night, and iioumi could niuiemleT w heu a tholL h,d Uam cuin- luilted, 1 rondily ugrwd, and half an hour IntiT wuia aliuip. ,\uut Harah uiniply caiitioni'ii 111# alaiiit, lire. She told me 1 might p'|> aoimi corn and make eoiue taffy,

■bet to to eure to wind tho clock and let the cat out tofore 1 went to Iwil at U o’rl™-k. Nothing wa, "aid of the money, Hiul I might not liavo given it ii tlionglit but f.ir w-lint liappeuHl. t'ortnln people nmet hoTP l.e ii watching Aunt Harah, nmVi'- ipo-iitii, or wliai lolUiwcil her departure wan a corii.iia .'mnddt'Uce. Hho lout not lieeii gone over liiilI all hour when llin kitchen dmir ule'iie.! end in welked a Irniiip. N'u trump hud ever diini- tiie like tiofnce.

Ho wen rinigli ill eiH-ocIi (iiid lookk and 1 wa, friKlitenwI. 1 ntood by the etove, imiv ping corn, and as he ehni tho door la'liiuJ him he growled out;

" Now, till'll, I wiint that Tinuiey and want it (iiiii'k ! ll'n here, ami I knuiv it, end if you k «'p mu wnltiiig I'll g ive you a taste of this

1 Io canio over to me w'llh a knife iu iii, band, iinil i lie llerco lisik on Ills face pruved thill lie was very loiicli iu earnest. 1 told hitu tliat 1 kiiew notliing ulsnit Aunt iSumh's imiucy, and with tliat ho eeitoi uii* l,y the hair, whirli'l ino eronud.liilo a cliair rind -.wore hud kln«li my throat if 1 told Hii'ilhor lie. lie w'as rot sis-aking when tho kilclieii dixir ots'iieu again end a waoud Btreuger entered. He looeed to ino like one of the two nieii who rode |iast the bouse ill II I'liggy "ii n certain Huiulay. Tho man with thi-'iniire tiiniisl on him with a cuns', and the mwv nrrivel drew e re­volver. Fur tliii'iy swoiid* they stood glaring at wicli other, and not a word was said, 'i'hcu the niiHi with the revolver raised it riiid llred. and tho trnnip sunk down in his tracks, shot tlirougli tho hmrt,

" lie was a l>ail man and came iierc after

tiigetlior.rH'iigiii/isl esi'h other, tho ten ITiiltIuid .....and [ wa, Mtisfleil tliat ho meant to eairy off the money If lie I'olild lay hand, <hi It.He may liavs ,u,|iei'teil my thought, but nl,faiv wiirw Beiiilk) a, he iptlelly aald;

“ It l, tlio lucklii^Mhing In tlie world I h*[i(*iieil to to out walklnji snmnd. Ho you know whore tho bo* 1“ f

“ Wclh we’ll wwn And it, and I ihsl! l«[l Hlu Treiniy Ui give you »!UU for Is'ing iiuch A brftVTi Iki)'. C’ucnt* on *UU ih^ I'aiiOl*?.

Htj ••nl4sr«-d Ui« niltlnK-r<>mii, tkiA I nn- low. 1, JifnailUnifd llit* inwi l>y hint MJ.i ihH »Kj(ly wm lylnK lu » ctirDt r of th« UFOin, Flvh tiilhutm ctlrtiUBUMl tUa w«rcti Iti thi alUinu-riBJim i‘Vi*u to ]>ulUui{\m tlitt r u f*r|N‘l IIit* A*witcrwl Uj« |t«rUir Mr. Holt uluiubleiloviT tb« oUhT etmI hia ourawand (iiH-Nitiuua Ire fj ljfhU'u™! me t l » l I wm aiHMH'hlfMi for a time. 1 nnally naui»gm\ lo ull hUu aljout tba kliUutft ainl from iliat lime cm be wan nT*r>on» ami In a harry to tm t»ff. There w w but f«w

In auv room Iu tho houv wiiare anj- tbiug ' “oul.l be hhia«*u. Iu tbe |»arior bu tcM>k hla bhxMly knife anl ripped up the upluilfUwl bmurv anil iu the two Iredrooiii'i Ire rlpiTwl <11*0 the pllluwa the b «li and overtutulwl tire trunka, lu the roune of Iretr all h<»or he laLiurted btmaelf that the bo» nrai nc»t bu the rat flimr. There waa a half ilory above and we aearc hed that, and on de- w-eudlng the man liegaii to gruWl and curs* and finally nald to mo :

Hoy, we mint fln.1 that nnmev I I be­lieve you know where It Is bldusu. Gut with ft. or I'U riles off your ears with thl, knlfor’

He was *e flrvne about It that 1 told bltn I thought It was hurled In tfa« cellar. went out hluwelf for the tpads, and bs or­dered me to taka a candle In Hch hand as we went down cellar. The bottom of the cellar wo, not coucreteil, and a part of the wall wa« formed of planka IVhile I held the lights the mao dug hen and there, pulled down tli* potato bln, rolled the empty barrela about and wade a chwa search, I ei- lected every minute ho would find the buz, for It was my Ann liiea that it waa hidden away down tliere, biK after A g ^ , litrijf* aaatch uiitblng wSK revealed. IlieE Mr. Holt'a patieuca gave <ittt, ami be raved ami o in rt and ahowwl hhiself in hi* true colors. Bririiig ilie by the arm indbran- tllihing hi* knife hefoto my evo*, he *worB he would murder mo It 1 did not rovral the hiding placa Had I known It he would certainly faava got Aunt Harah'i caahtxn, le itld lilnot know, and he waa probably ■atMMler'tlte'lwit. , U* wasn’t wUMag.to las wa.ioff' atagutber, bowTrar.-ooc ein Ihonght he could continue the eeareii witte out me. He *tmck me a blow on the temple with hi* flat that rendered me lunxmaclou*, and when my *eii*e* re(uriied I waa tied hand and foot and lying on the cellar bot­tom. I Ixartl him walking arouml on tho flhor above for a long Hma, and It wa* lodg after daylight tofore 1 dared move.I workwl the oiinl* lu*** <dter awhile, and It wa* juit I o'etook wb*n 1 crept npataii* and ran ouldoow to give the alarm.

Aunt Kamh came hcuiw at luidaftemoon to And two oonnea aud a crowd of living people In the houae. The dead man were unknown and were burled without bring iJentlfleil, and Mr. Holt had got *uch a long Itart that he wa* not reoapliired. All IhrM wfirij tio iloubt <latperate id6D wi«l urof*i*l(in*l roiibera. Whom do yon aup|^ tt«t taouay.waeali th»b'mO'f'-M**ln ,a Umat all, and iiriUi.g down; critaw aor but to a lag and hanging to the polos Itt the kitchen along with bunches of smart weed and ring* of dried piun[ikin I

U. gtiaD.[Copyright, ISM.]

be contrirert on the follnwln* la a few w »k* ; Edward Coosau, It. J. I!e»er. Hairimn i Kred-erii k f . O'Neill, Hsitoioc ; -lohn J. 0■Brlell. Aulhony J. Fvrret'.S tout* J. Gehrlal. Jehu Sweeney. Joliii 1. Itonnellim and Thomas J. Ill^ n ,, 'nic following >oiin* man will »rad- sslr diirliiu this nmnlh from the eollaga ; Wiltlani ll'iiirr HeU.n. M. J. Hoonellr. Naw ■rk i K J. .'dcliiMielil. Hk haril l*,ul Kane, A- J. .\fi-Cuf, A. Hear)' Carroll. K. J. Cor**, 11. J. li'Kerf,'. ,M. Francis Mctliitnn***. T. A. Can- sllii. Francis I'. New. Juhn J. I’heiaiul. Mr. Carn.ll, on* of th* armliiale*. 1* n iletcsmlanl of Charios Carnill of Carrollton, one of the alglicrv of tlis ll* ra t lu u of Inilrvendeoc*. and Mr. Hrien Ua^phewof MoosIgnorHetec, ot.l»fscvClty,aiuUho late Archblihop HayUy.

Itev Hr. Fraaer will occupy his pulpit at th* Flr«l l'rc*h)l»nanCherch to-morrow more- lug. 111* subject win to "T lw Huiittea IbK'k.”.U til* eventug •ervlo* he will pn-ech on '■ Doll) Ing Christ."

ttev. Hr. Hpellmeyer will preach another s.'rmon to-ioorrow morning on "Hlrange Hllilc Mtorle," rntltled "Tbs Den of Lions." (in Friday evening, June K, the Ijoill*,’ I’ar- wiiiagc Avaoi'letlon will give a etH'lal In the Kunilay-ecliool rooms,

At Hie High Hlreet Preriiylerlan Church to- morniw evening Knv. (illbert Held, an exien- ■Ive traveller and eloquent ipeaker, will de­liver an addreee on (ihina.

Itev. Havli W. I.uek, paetor of the Hlitli I ’reshvtrrlan Church, ha* returned from hi, two Weeks’ slay at Haraloga. where he at­tended Hie General Asaenihly of th* Fresh)- lerlau Church.

At St. .Mark's Kplscoieil Church last AVnIneiriay Hlahop Htarksy held orvlluatiou. Cliarle, llarrl, llniesand IVllUem l.'leVeiaiHl llli'k, wer# ordained deacon,.

At til* Clinton Avenue Hefornied Churcli the following ciders and deicous Imv, torn elected: Kiders. John Wliarlnn, H'llllani E.Geer, George W. Hijilley, Joseph T, Mundy. .loeeph H. Van Vale*: deacon,, H, 11. Hun- Imiii. HavtU Itay, William H. Worth. Fred H. Couklln and William Hu*,.

The annual financial report of St. I’anl's .'1- E. Church show. It to he entirely ont of debt. The receipU daring the year amounlwi to lai.atT.

The examination of fU. Jos* ph's It. C. l^hool will take p la » this month. K#v. FatherMcHowell. of Orange, will he the eiaiuliuT.The eitlere are making arraiigemeuls for the closing exerclwi of th, ech.sil, wlilch will take place the etiil of June. Alsiut :«<i''lillJr'O made their first communion iasi Soiiils).

Tliefeael of Carpii, Chriell »a* ' eleiiraied Inat SntiUay at Hv. Mary'e It. C. chiiri li with a eolernu high loaea by Hev. FelliBr l*ol>Tarp Scheerer and a proceealon of tne scliisil chil­dren, led by Hi. Itev, Abbot lllllar) I'fraengle.

Itev. FatharGllroy, of Ht, AotoninnV, It. C. Chtirclj. »alled tor Ireland loat Seluniay on a vUtt lo bla parents.

Tbenuolunat th* rarlmi, wicletlc, of St. Bridget', K. C. Church look pier, last Suiulay evening In thr church. Hev. Father ISogan, vt tho Holy CremCharch, Harrison, preached the sermon.

A very enjoyable May ride to J.lndrn waa had by th* Yofing Men’* Catholic Association on Harorallo* D.iy.

At the Fifth Haptlel Church last evening the cantata, "The Morning of Freedom,"- we* given by a cast of over fifty voices from Hl* choir, of thl* city and Sew Vork.

At the maaameetlng In Awocialiim Hall to-merrow afternoon &t 4 o’clock a Jubilee ser­vice will he hold commemoritiiig t he organlr.*- tlnn of the fleet Y. .M. A. lu toudon Just fifty yearaago. 'tui*»ervlre will bo open to both • * « * . ' i f | « * ) i Jlrake will deliver an addil ag. ■; -■ ■-, The regular tnonlhly musical service, held on the first Hunday evening of each month In tha First Reformed Church, will lake place to-morrow. The quartette will reuder the following very Interesting prugraium# i "March InG." Henry Himirt; ’’ Giii of the Heptim," Marslon; ’’ The I’lace Called Cal­vary " Locknatio; '■ All I'rslse to God In Light Arraved," Wagner; “ Sot a Siiarrow FaUeth," J. L. Gilbert; *’ <>. That My Lsradof Bln* Were Gon«," J- H. Camp; " Finale lu F," Filippo Capoehl.

Th* ebWr qt T ^ lty Episcopal Church will ■log thl, evening Tours’s .Magnificat and Nunc nlmittli In F, »nd the authem, " t W'lll Alwaya Give Thank,,’' by Calkia. The organ prelude will be BaUsIc'a iillcrtoire In A aud thepoatlud* Berg’* Mnrcli InG.

George L. P. Hutler, celrhrated tenor of New York, will ring lu Bt. Jmke’i M. E, Gbqrch to-morrow night

ON LAB0R;S WHEEL.Paine’s Celery Compound Now Better

Than a Vacation Later.




V t M t i m tife il Ibis f ttk so it beantlfii Foidiii Sertess, most of thsiD In llg ll colors, fltli ontlrolr nof tifteti Onr tssortmeot of Serteis Is n r ; Isrgo and compltts, tnd pricis rigbl

Ve IitTe also new this vosk cIiog- olilo S o'clock Tea Sets tint art Ter; bandsome end loamber of lore* 1; JipsDeie things that bus neier been sbom before.


8 3 c . a a d 9 8 c .

W R A P P K B S----FOR----


Tim EwrutlTP Coinmlttf* of the Eiwx roiiiity Cbrittlan CurttaTor I'nloa hot ma<l« fitt^uiiive prepftratlous f<FT the •oveulki annual

the union* which will beheld on Monday lu the SAJiith Park PreBbyteHan CKurrli. The aftcroovn preHNloQ will meet at fhUti oVliTok, whvn ihe emwjrinlendeQlB of ile- IHirtmcutB will pretent live minute reporte. The **lf cllon of olllw^ coinuiltlee confer*

will follow. "Hip evaolPj iiwwUm Will iififin at Tiltt o‘ch)rk wlthmontiif aervlM lod by tUti G'VtttJifi'llBlJc rlinlr un(!i?rflireolion of L. D.H. Ullmour. Hev. USIbert Held, raprewnta- livAMif the Amerlran Hoard of Farelirn MIb-

wliii hoe re<'t'Plly rolurnwl from Chino, will tkllvTr llif 4wldr**Hn of the everslng. Thin will Ire ihii IfwL meeting ttf ili« unUm for the

neil HCimlori Irehig Heplfinber fl.The F!r«at lh*e*hytrrlttii Hoclely of Ofonge

htts eh'ftrid iht*M* AiftU't'rH foroire year: Prwl- ileot, MIh« AaIj4 WllfMiUL vice-president, Mina NVllU' Wilniot; furrespondliuc aerretary, MUh K P. ; rerordlnn ae<‘r«tary, Frauk

William UuHwn, of the Park PrfBhyterlan Strelvty. will crtmiuel o Itetiulug cloot im Tues- dny iilkiUt lu the church i>urh»r ot 7 o'clock.

Mini* .limie M. HtlltMt U reiperliitendent of the elimlor Sirelety ornuiiliiff! lest Siiudsy In lh» S]Frliii{tlcld prenbyieriRti ('Lurch. Hho will be BitsiBtfi! by Mrs. K. P. Wllllauu*.

The Third PrcMbyterlau Horlely will hold a novel lor4 tlu|g lo-tnorr4>w ulight. 'i'lie topic will Ire "The Jlappluos’t of a ( ’hrlstlwu hlfe,’ * mill IrtU r*! will Ire M-ful on thhi subject from I'rohldviit K. K. t ’hirk, of Hoatun: William Hlwiw. IrA'Rflurerof the l:n ll«d HArelciy. and * miiijlrer of HtulP and local promluour EnJeav- orcfH.

The MlHrtloiiary (vommlttcre of the Rccoml Profrhytcrhm (')mr<‘h, uruliT illfectlon of (', V.( i II Iinr, hm* rrvlMMl f iU for t he Kupporl of ft iuIb- Mormry In ( 'lilrm, «iul iil*o |4ufor li wholsrahlp in ihc Jh-aufori folU-ge for colored bor» lu bhiuth rurolhiAs

Ainmuitlu' New Jersey FlrMlearorm who svlll HiH'ftk fit lire (’ li'vclfttul ooQventh>n are * Ua'v. Ur. ,!. i'li'tiiiTi! l"’ri'Tii‘h, Hev. A. W, HT“MUHjr, Ilf t'amdi'n; Hev. riirnellus Hrelt. of .frrw) Pity. «n<l Uie Hev. J. Jtdsou Plorfon, of BrldKi'ton., Tho Flrftt ( 'onjfrt-jiaUnnal Cflmrrh will to- nviFri'Ow iM'ijin th<’‘ iasue of a church paper. Then* will Ire u dftiiartim'nt, di'Voted to Kd- deavor liifornmlloii. edited by Arthur N* (Mark, of the Kxsex I'uhm KxBrtMive {.'tim* ttlllttiC.

The f ’oniniltte!' on Hireakerafor th» rowing Htato cllnv(.'n(l'lllfttlnounc !hc Hrcuptaif^ of tboHi'V. f)r. .IntUfR Miirn'll, «'f New Yi>rk, to Rpenkon "fJired fltizeusMp "

Tho Junior Horlety in Iho Orango Valley <’on|{r»iirKUohal l.liui-ch will rpUhrute llisei Olid anniversary with ftiijiropriato exorrlne* thh nfterniHjn.

Tliu .luuiur HiK'icty In thr Pirst Hrfomicd

Tbf atwlo Ia Mt, Vnal's M. E. Cloirch to- «tU bit OB followa; Moriautf-

AnllNima “ U Thou Whose Tender Mercy Heart*'* W'. K. Btwfonl: quartet!*, “ There­fore WHth A w la ," Howe; quartette* Glory ft« to Hod on lllKh,” Atlwood. Kvenlng-An- them, “ O Havlnn Victim,'* Tours; rontmlto wlo, “ O Hlnner Hear Thy Havloqr Calling Thee,” Hawley; einartette, “ Jesus Thesu Eyes Have Never ?ieen,“ J. H. Dykes.

The oririm ret*tntly eroctwl In the WlokUffe PreMbf MBton Chntob mi\i be furauUlk opened imWeduetday evening by Cnarlea Ek ibora. of lire Munn Avenue Pronbytorlan Church, Uraofe, oealited by Miss Kll7:ab«th Htlckuey, Bololal, Chorlw II«ler, vtollulBt, and a nuJe quartell -

The following will be the muilcal pro* graxpukc at the Peddle Mcsaoriol Church to- ou)m»w; Morning-Organ prelude, Batiste; knthein, “ Cotoe Holy (»hoste“ Attwood; rw^rms in Th«e.’ ‘ offertory, Chopin;wilnby ilT,*tikUvagrs 'Dver (he Une,''Phelps; poailudo, march, Haudcl. Kvenlttg-Organ prelude, Wagner; anthem, “ Watch and Pray," Vlcarn; offertory, Klevatlon Id A minor, Woly; reaponse. “ Day by lUy." Gotta- chalk; stdo by Mr. Sauvjige. “ The (hxtd 8hRphertl,“ Harri; poHttudr, allegro, Haydn.

The flfly-lhird anutversury of the Eoat New vTfrwjy Baptist Awo<'lallun will be held in the Houtli BaptUt Chiirt-h iieil Tuesday and .Wodneailay. F. K. Mar h will call the first BemloD to order at 1D:JU o'clock, and Kev, Dr. Huthrf will make the aildrena of welcome. lt«v. Dr. All'*<'rt KmtPT will pruach the Intro­ductory oermim. Un WiMlTiewlay morning the Woui an‘ft Fiirt'lgti Ml niouary Hocleiy will hold Ha mcvijiig in i*t- I'anr* L’huruh,

Kelt week the Ufaugv Valley .Congrega­tional C'hnrrh will nlwerve anulvemary week

“ 1 rinipl y A'an't atop,’ oaya the tired bnilneas timn and the worn*nnt molher.

“ But nervouaproat rat lots atom you in the face,"

**i dare not think of being sirk* My ohll- dren and l*blM and Uuaband depend on me every hour in thn day." f.'ply tboa* women on the verge of breaking down* “ A monUL'a ab- aence would rul* my tualneio," oayi the hard- worked bualnefs man.

When tire nerves and organa of the body are toundly nnuriahed atid the waste producta qul( kly gut rid of a trernendoua amount of hard work c-an be dona without Injury. It la when the nervoua (laanea need up foater than they ire repaired that brain, pervea and vital organa Buffer, cry out with neuralgia, rheumatlam, huartirouble, nervojundyepepAlo, and finally break down* I'^ne's^relory com- |H)und la doing a world of good for aiicb weak. Dervntu people, whose brain and hotly are overtaxed, but who may yet be aaved from nervona pmatratlon and dleeoaeaof lire liver, ktdnepi and atomnoh by thla great atrength- glver and blood and nerve Invigorator.

The first bottle of Folne'a celery compound begins at onc« to clear the Impure blood, to supply material for growth to wom-out nerves and to the mllllonv of tiny cells of nervous aubetance through the brain and eplnot col­umn, This marvelloui blood and nervd rem­edy Uya the foundation for^heelth deeply and permanently; thin, palo, careworn perwii* grow BteodUy heavier and stronger, aud their faces lose the tlgua of tlckneas and deftpoiid- •ucy.

jro^eo*i4^rart the effecls of protracled bMliy rigd'aDebtal strsln, Pained eelery com­pound waa first prepared by the eminent Dartmouth profafinor, Edward E* Phclpe, M. D.. LL. I>, Phyaldana of the highest standing use and prescribe 11 to give strength to weak mothers and to supply abundant nutrition to the rapidly growing nerves and tissues of onlldren.

New, hlglily vltalUcd blood, pure and rich

In elements of growth, Is sent through the en­tire substance of the liver, kidneys and stom­ach, iLud rouses them to brisker action, re- tnoven blllouBneHS, Jaundice and Indlgeatloa, au<l thoroughly purities tbesyslemof harmful. IHiiumoiiH matters that cause dlNeose. Tbs nerve* are rapidly built up and work again without confusion* thus bringing all tbs*lm- portuEit organs Into harmony and health. Folne's celery compound offers yeoTa of happy, healthy* hearty eilsteuce to thontandiruf lasn and women whom poverty of blood and nerves lithe sol' cause of despondency and despair of ever being strong and well iMcalu.

AVith new blraKl and refraataed nerves a coo- fldem feeling of returning health comes also. I'ftlnc’s celery compound rovkM people well.

Nathan W, Kennedy, editor of the well- kmjwn rutusm, (*nnu., Sfomtrml, and presi­dent of the ('ouDCCtlcut Editorial Aaaoclatlon, writes:

“ <)ti this, my thirty-third birthday. It be* CTAmcs a iduisure to apsak of tbe msriti of i'lilne'a celery compotind, for on eeverol pro* ceding Aonlvorsarlas the pangs of dyapepala have prevented what would otherwise have bt en a ni«>st fellcUona accoslon. To-daf everything la cheerful and bright, and thla pxcelii'nt medicine racetvea its Just ibara of praise.

“ After trying various 'panaceas' I took Falue'a celery compound, ood In due time dis­covered that 1 was being greatly benefited* Sleep grow refreshing, my nervoiJ aystem more normal, luy appetite sharper and general make-up better prepared for the cares of buol-

aud tbe enjoyment of life.‘'Not alone bare I found lb* compouM

effectife lb the tre>4lBiMk of oases of d|j irepsla, but also for nervotisoesa* thereby mak­ing is unexcelled In tbe treatment of nervous dyspepsia.

“ Heveral aged pemone to my persoual knowl­edge have been materially benefited by Paine's celery compound. It creates appetite and Htrenglh, and soothes the weary, overworked body and mind into natural, refreshing sleep."




Wilson & Go.,159 to 165 MARKET ST.

P r i c e 9 S .5 0 .SAfE 10 PEO CEMT. Oi ALL PURCHASES

s r usmo the coupons m

The Money Savor You Can Save



“ Com m on"Fu rn itu reA t-=3= ^UncommonPrices.By "common” furniture we mean the many homely things that are as necessary to home comfort as "m y lady's" fine dressing'Uble. They are in­artistic, but solidly fashioned to stand rough usage. Our reg[ular prices 'would be called "special” in most stores.

Kitchen Tablesc^,

PUiD yet entitintiel.89c.

( J f t 8 . 9 8 c .

(3 ft

We'Tt ilwaT* *«M theie beretefms fer«to. *ad|i.i,re*i«ctiTal)r.


T'o-uiorrovv iiujrnluglhc pa!<>tor will preach tbe annua) senuuu, reviewing tliu tihurrh year.

Dsvoled Wivesmake their luisbamls happy. Hence, when their hiishaiid>' feel are tirfii andachr, they hutlie their feet with the never (ailing

Phenylin Antiseptie Foot Lotion.ll'aiTri tl In Ihf catalGtfUC.) ft

ft la ftiift of r.*i> l renriin \ntiM>;v|]c!*taikdAidPrvnu‘-aUVM- "All ptrwK,* atririffp/ “ greu#BfFKJJU rOUHtra ilAi g/ I'ifih,” All ftlU MAUAllyWrlto- rloo«i all irewarruiird itMutuiely UnuM 1 '


7 S M a r k e t Ntreet, ?fe a r P la n e S tre e t.


JS Bedroom Sttll*. with niBltreiw auil «prin«...................................................... On y •(«.(«>*5 Bedroenn Snite, with nmttre,, mu nir ..........................................................Onte J*u.meo bedroom HulM, with matlrcBsaud aprlug...... ...............................................umy

LAKOE MOgrETTE w a «IVKN w it h e v e r y PARIjOR s u it bold.S5 Parlor BuiU lu Damask, lueludlng Motjuftte U«g...........................................On y «0 * 0 »2Ta Parlor Huittln Pinah, Including Mociui-tte ling....... ..................................... ^ ^ , I 1 JSC Parlor Suits in Rug Covering, including MiHiuett* Ktig........ ...........................Dnly •40*oo

CARPETS MADE AND LAID WITH PAPER WITHOUT CHARGE.»lDleoM of Tapesiry BrussrhA (TariHii, iiicluaiug making and laying with paper,

per yard........ *......................................................................................... ..SSnieeeH of Tapestry Bniairels Carpet, Inrlnilliig umkiug aud laying with paper,

per yard............................... ............................................... ..................Only 7o otsSSule^aaf VeVvet Carpet, including making anil laying with paper, ptjr yard..... /-Duly Olitb

pieces of Body Hrusoelft I’arpet, InHiiiliuii making imd laying with paper, per yd*.Unly »I.XO flSplereaof All-woUl Jngrala('ari>«MupliiiUi>gitiakhigaml laying with paper, per

.............................................. ..........................................................Only 70 cts25Dleceaof'ijow-feicod Ingriiu Carjrei, iiii'luiliiig juakiug and laying with paper* ^ ^

peryottl...rr...*................... ...................... ..................... . ..................... Duly 45 ctsEetlniates cheerfully give a for fltiing up SuiuiiuT Resorts, Hotels and Boarding-

llnuiws Cash or rreiRt—ar short notice.IBOTE T H E N A M E A H O S HEFOHE E X T E H IN G T H E STO RE.

THREE m'NDHED UGL1.H OF FANCV MATTING. „ ,Good Fancy Matting, per roll...................................................................... .....Only •3.40

TWO HUKDBEl) IIAUH AND BOKT WOOD REFRIGERATORS ^ _At Reduced Prices. Good I'pright IlardwiHjil llefrigi-ratof............. ........... *.......Only •7.00

Children's (!arrinKvs in great variuiy at reduced prices.P O R T L A N D H A N G E Why, It Is known all over the State on account of lt« good Uea Iw y lerms.

A g e n ts W a n te d .MALE AND FEMALE.

L I B E R A L T E R M S t


Kitchen Leaf Tables..: ,

• $ 1 . 7 9Dark or anti^ile flnirii. UotU

fiowwa'ra aald tham for^ $1 .49. Cut to

. - *r*ptnelMiy u FvprwDtfMl > nh i sU « « (imarvd etily byike FbNikjha I’Uurmnini (.I'BiMiiy, gjiNuiAeturliMr

U' fti'd t't U'iiiit.ru HtTtfet. New York ^ty*Tekenii'a ac*H i>niBKi«'< uid all juitail beotenUibo SfaMNNilAd OtM ■’Mhri t’umpAll.r't

Retail Depot 308 Sixth Avthetweea Itch and ’ ih Strvti«. Now York City. InmrdI

kURY. l*« IJtt


ltthand?ilh StreiiL. .. . .. _ .... .at«iy ftdjolrdii ( ' • Difl.>t atkI Hko« SUiie.diiWlv or*p ’'ftA sinutei'U, rrRirt*i-d A BiTupaon'i

, Now York City, IramrdL

__ ivonp -Qoodi ElUftllibmi’iii.aiul viihiu onAblock.ot


S T O R A G E H U HFor cieanJloeM and luw rnteN iiua with vans* TELEPHUNB »»0

_.jDIICG For Furnituro. fif» Rank street, la tbe nurabw. uau nut be aurpMsud. All locked roono. Fumitare loored

CMOS H. VAN HORN aiMlTED),Mr«et«tatl<>iiiir ihs sixth KlFVkiid ttsUruteSon/tf M ulfFidJoniY jxiVnjM. . 7 S Market Street. Near Plane Street, Newark, 1 .1.

ThereAre plenty of times when special bargains are of­fered, the object being merely to sell tbe goods quickly and no thought being taken of tbe value of tbe sale from tbe point of advertising advantage. It is well to explain why the prices are made lower than usual. Give a good, honest reason for it. The honester you can be in your ads. the better peo­ple will like it. Not only be honest, but let the ads. show and prove that you are. People like to know the why of every thing nowadays.

Step-Ladder Chairs.^^Combined cluii end step-

ladder. A boon tohonie- wirea - - -

Splint Foot-Rests-^We’ve sold many bnndred* of

these. A dolUr’a worth of comfort for

Lawn Settees.^lied, to bri(hten up the lawn,

or natnral wood flnlah, for

Steamer Chairs^^Theee were never before *0

cheap aa they art now. We've been used to charging

1 . 4 9



$3.49 for one we now sell for.

Blacking Cases„^Handsome eolid black-walnut

box,with carpeted covet,

Oil CIoths<^Dneomnon wloei also in

kitchen floor coverlngi. Odd 'pieces a yard by a yard and one-half, (have been on onr tample racks), all quilitlsi.

all aloni! hero, aren't yuiiF'I w#, too upset to Imt managed lo

bckI my I'.oail in reply.Ho "])e:io'! tile parlor dour aud.dr#ug«l tbo

<i!eail mao iu Htero uud shuj II 00 hini, iind

• 'You-n?^ OA lifVritlSteuril, iny (("y. ,T am a deputy iticriir ami Inal a riclit to WM that t'lllow. It wii# lucky I got hern ns I dhl, a* he certeinty luoant to kill you. Is Uie touuey BUto t ”

" I don’t know onyHiiug about the money, air,h I rsplicd.

“ But Aunl Sarah didn't take a box with her whau eh* went away night t"

“ Ididn!t H» her have nny."“ Then It's buru iu th# lioiieo, of coune, anil

T will taka charj'# of it. Don’t you know where she keep* i t t "

“ No, sir."u tVell, we'll tali# a look arouiiil. I am so

glad I got hun? iu licuB to save your life."1 (Uiiu't qiieitluii that he .wa* r. county

ofUoor, us bh<:)aluiod to be. and I didn't dis­pute hi* right to take charge of the tnooey. I bad no Idra whoru the box wa* liUldvu, how­ever, and I woe *u fhgbteuodovnr the klUiog that I wn* ut but little help to him in bis search. For *0111# netsoU w entered the old-fashioned buttery first, and he luri^ given H a thorough looking over

uud I* liul BIX inunths old. Flflren dollar*luiu Ireuu ralHt'il f ir ml»iii(m i>uri>usctA.

Tire Noa' Jet-Huy Slivto Uniuu liadOilop^i fijur lU’iiiArMtu.Mil’ of work niotU*)lril afU'rtlja K w s Vol<ML Thi'Y^re Junior. mlHsioiuiry, ’’"yautfeUfttio anil li«v, A.. w - r 11, 1'i juiflttr imireriaton- ^ *ut Hur] Frtf’d TC. Tu)l»»r. <»f lire Ucddl ife-

H()('lBty,'La» rockUtlY nppfilntodBU|MAViQt«tHlaoV of tliB f'vibiigallNlIc dvpart- uicuL Tire oilivr two liavu uot beep aelcoied.

W.E. Taylor amlMl*^ Delia .lacoUii revrenent Uie Secoiul Brcibylerlaii hkHilety at lire ClevclauJ convectlou* Tire Fark Pre»- byterian buclety will hIdo tend two ilelogatoi, tire Firat UougregatUiaal one, the Orouge Smalley (.'ongregatloDal two, the New Vurk. Aveniio UefQt’inu'cl five, the Klxth I'ruNhy terlanone atultlre Springfield ItViMbyierlaa two.

'ik>-moiT*'j\v night epeclal nurelo will bo iffo- vldodiu Lire Uruago Valley OongroKatloirel CUurcii by tbe Young Mati'e League, under dlreotion of (Jliarloa \V, Kl'ime. Tho ur|ren se> leetluoa will be; FroluilCi AnduiUe* Oal- kln; poetlude. Overture, MendelRAobn. There will be oa aalheai by the uboLr and ■olo.

iU. Rev. IMabop WigRor confirmed a bom­ber of fltudeiata at 8etoa Hall College laat Thoreday. Tbe degree of Moater of ArU wilt


212 Wnshfngion S t , Newark,Uv KjiedjillHta In Uo- liirrli of uU forma, llic nos'O.rarH, throat, 1’ln'sl. Ntomacii, klil- (ifjrt.i-U'.AlBO rbronlo

w irethma, rlii’UiimtlNm, oon- Miimptlon, dyapeiwla,tllKi’O.Ht'H of w(«noumol iiervoun clinefleea. Keutl tire fnllowing. Mr. M. FllrpatrlcC* <ir Irvliiglon, Koyt:

I have Huffered fr’Oii ('Hlarrli of tbe : loniftvh imd liver for .i-.irfi. Had : iil HO biul fluit -i-ulilu’l work nor

eat enougli to loiEtniii Iit,i. hlrlrd uilwell-L known ri'inoilli'H tli«> Ih >i( phyitii'iiuAi with­out relief. uijill chvt'o wrekt)'treatmentwith tilivHiclftii>i. mid now I fi el iiuitawell and uhb: tu n-iprk. Mr aptielltu hon re­lumed; lus p>iln iH rrilU’vi'd.' Signed, Mil. FIT/.I’AT iD( K. Irtlnui,,,,.

Mr. HehtU-n. u>lJ-kimwu Jlremau In Clark'* rfillU: “ I b{iv<"MiiiT»’ri‘il from i-jilarrhof lire Irei^ and Hiofunci) luiil kiiliie>'i». I woe given

CAUTION 1 Fraud thatDown for » faltlfier and hli 'Ail, Boduoed Batee.

Any Manufnrtnrer that artvliM you to pot the Dealer Pown for a “ - iiougiNN Nh»«>N at liMkaned Prioe, jo lt pnt him

il." H deeeplloiii as we sell Oeonlne Donglat Dhoei at

Only House Selling Douglas Shoes at Reduced Prices.

HOTZ SHI!236 M a rk e t Street,


i s t k w a r k , n . j .

up by nil IH iin-iirablo, bin iUomi doctors have efTectril a ruh’’ iu my rnwo after two weeko’ trf-atm 'Ut, iind now ( f,.,.; well on aver I did* IwlH givp' tlin faetHof mycoM loony one who wlll caU.'' .1. HKNf^LKN, Hcbuyler aventie, Kourriiy, .

Mr. M<'<rroHJ,JI9 BlohuHou avenue.Kaid New­ark.eaye; 1 liad rlreumailKtuof the wnmt form ond wrh nin’d hy tliCM phyriclauie la two we(.‘kft."

omew Houni* bto i:iA.M.,St(>4aRd7tok:80 Pa M-; iinmifty,) tu * l\ M.________■


! i o Prizes of'F ifty Dollars,1

Payable on nretrioulatlotia to tbo appHconti from Eftitex, HudpoR, Morrii, PaeoMO and Union cotiDilee who pooi tbe beet entrance exomlnatlouH tn Princeton College In the aca­demic and eclentlflo d«jrertnienta,reipe<!tlvely.

The examination will be beld In tbe New York lAwt<k:hoal roome, EquIUt^ Building. 180 Broadway, New York City, on June U and Ua


25c.Bvenr one gct»whtlne_ le want*

Ida money

<^Free wigon delivery

fortwpu ty mllca^V

Don't squander your hord-eMed dolUrt Purcbooe from tbo Poople'e Friend.

Tbe Best SsTlnts Beni io lierie i. TMrt; leers in tie Bostnesa.

.......... sue- perponuflI 80. to 3*e. per pound

Choice Teas........Coffhe*.-.......... .Oopd Butter.......Good Floor..Pure Wine*........GoodWhleker*.. Pure Bj-e,* yearn o' Paw Sherrjf Wine Pure Port Wine... Clgani.................

*So. per pound........C3.flfl per barret.......... The. per gallon....... St.3A pergaJlou........, 4.00 per galloa

. ........* 1.00 per gallon........•I.uo per gallon. , , . • 10 to too per LOU

We have Douglaa Shoei in •*. •a.flo, gs, •s.sOr M and Sfl

Men’s; • » anii • » Ladlee'; ga Boys’ « « i •t.T5

Youths'. Prloei aad nama etemped on bot­

tom of every pair

Bote Agent. to rF '.Ii*r ’«A4f«*teb!e laMUeC Khne., prion •h.hfl aiH|Aslltef'.r.-. i . of flnoee for n .n , "Woman or Chlltl. Kfl to UO Pet Cent. Heluw ItrseA

Advertisement of tlie fut­ure will be one that will leave out any idea of be­ing funny or ‘ ‘catchy.” It will tell store news plainly, clearly, honestly. When it talks about goods, it ■ will tell some­thing about them. If they are good, the ad. •will not only say so, but will say why. I f they are best— the same.

HttTtrlaS CDJXcir

65 M A R K ET ST.


★ ».♦ **<r**r * ★ ** ■ » ★ »* .

= K.rfnn BesiTeeih:* l l U O l U t I QOLO^CKOWNK, ** _ - F lN K Q O L O F IL U N Q m . « F *

: l i iM ia l iM . TMihWitliiiiitPlales ^ ;» 4 4 4



B p e e la lU e o .

Q O L D fin o w N a , FIN K QOLO F ILU N Q M .

a O L O F L A T K * .^

Best Teetl) $f^S

AsBOGiation. Teeth Withotit Plates 53 t S U a r k e t S t . .

N E W A R K .

T e e th B x t r a c t e d

2 BO.WITH 0*g OR AIR goe.

V — FA M T .

W A R I i a N T I D

* * * * * * * 1 : * * * * * ,

The Improved ElMtlo Tr«si la thepaly truee In etUtence tha^li worn with .riieplute » im fort night a,ud day, aa It retain* the rnptnre uader IBo harUeat .xeroto* or and wlU effect a permanent and «peedycure

■“*" » ^ 0 & r f T B n s « 00■Et and iffl Broadway, cor. Uth an. N. T.

SXNTAL-mDYA m * dteteflH from t i l VtBiiiT «tVW

"■ i*x lB « r— ’tnritlwrwx nhiopm -AM MritTMliwril


R. WALSH & C0.’SH»w Slor* atiU /c$ Crwm Sh/sont


S ta n a ,: [


yOAMINBFor keeping Rralght hate In

ourL Prtoe!SMoWcent*. SULTANA,^ L

Fortlntlag the lips and eneeu ■ ioe 60 oeala. '

Ling t

P A R i A F L l T l T O !Fot ®

and Moih Lroam warrant^ to jsart frecU^ and oU diaoolnratloTui of tire akin tire nuL Prieo W oanfa par for. IfonatMA

grl hW n 'sia r

NUMBER 3.;il5. N K W A U I v , N . J . , S A T I K D A V , J I N’ K 2 . m ) \ . BRICK TWO O K X m

Third Edition.




a it la •nU.

rackl.. iwd bj urn


Defenceless Women Bound and Gagged and Their

Home Robbed.


Tb* Horn, nf Twtf IVeAlthf W 1..1.M1 IJvIn. H.ar Hrldf.ton Invaileil liy llnl)llrrl^ Who Make Thrral.ur Dead. Culpu All ValoablH Are Glrrn l'p--A Itnpr Fa>t- •iied Areuiiil tha Krrh nf Une uf the Wonuu, Ilut Her Lir. Havml Trlllna Where A ll Muney t'.mlil Itr Fonn.l—Tlir Other kltler Itreake Her Fatleiiiii.a eml Den for Help, But lu the Mraiillmv the Detpcradoee Bicape W illi Their Ihxit),

Bpeolal Dlepateli to tho News.BklDdSTON, June S.—Thu huiiin of

Kltsabeth and Kate Kox, twu wualthj maiden ladle, rasldliiic on the L'en- tretun road, a few niliw out from irf UUs dtr, waa entered hy thr.Hi iiinsktid bnnlara about IS u'ctook lant night.

The inou eutcred tlie nioin where Uie women .k-pt and dnmaiidivl that they l » told where all the money and vuluahlai in the bouie were kept.

When the aiitom refusivl lo nniHle to the rubbare’ demand they were Uilh bound mid gagged.

A rope wa* then put nronnd the ueek of one of the women and .he was leil out of the haute, the burglara telling her that they were going to hang her If .he did mit dia- c l « where the TaliiablM were hidden.

To tave her life the frighumeil wotnan then told where all thu iiioiiey, k'welry and ailrerware on tlie preinieo. contd Lie fonail.

In the ineauttnie tlic other xiiiter had broken her faeteulngn and escaiiol to a neighbor'll where die .tiuiiiioned helii. but before any one reached the honw> the mtiher* had ranuokeil the piaro and carried off tbllO in oad) and a large amount of Jewelry.

Thi. lathe third lime the Foi sister, have been robbeil eince last fall.

The robber, were aruuid with revolver, and talked like foreigners.

Pruwcutor I.e]gue biui been put In posses ijon of the faet* in tlie eaiw, mi l It i. th tlia,robber. will imou bo arrMteil.



Slorrie Park Track In tiuad I'orHiitioti.Dr,Blee'. Owner ponflilenl of tt'lnnlng,Motmia Park IU cethack. June 3,-Tlie

weather here i. bcautifultY elear, and with overy proepect of a eh™-, sunshiny day for tha great Metropolitan Handicap, which will iMnih on a track in faultless condition. Slight ahoweri fell earlv thii iiiuriiinft but it only tended to make the track foster than ever. The MctroiwUlan llandica). horse, were all given their work ihl* morning for the big event Tha tieki is a grand one anda great druggie will be wiinmod. if ever owner 1. routtdent of Hiniimg 1 ratv, it is Frederick Foster over his famous horse. Dr. Rice. Be ha. made a Bjieelal offer to UardKN to r f^ tUnt .gad. .haw i. no doubt wftateye#T5ut ^ a i ttarrfson will ride one of the hardest rminw of hi. life. Hr. lUce worked up the back rtretch this niornleg five furlong. In l.Wt, He covereit the first three furlong, in thlrty.MveaH«ondswithhiB mouth wide open. He is a bulking In courage. Fred Foiter will wnd fn a big ctmiimmlon on Dr. Rico to win to-ilav.

Ramapo and Kinglet work well a half mil*, and Uideon and Daly are tery coiifldont, and os far a. tekeyt are concerned, in Tarol and UriQn they are well funiUhnl. Matt Alien wa. also out at .1 A. M., with Bassett- law. The importeil son of SL ittmon Is at borne at thie track, and Mr. Allen positively think, him a better horso by ten pomuLs than when he ran at Dravesond. Hamilton had the mount of tile home this iniimlug, and he worked five furlong, in 1 fti. M. K Dywer watched Don Alonso at work. He wa. given three furlongs up the bock slrob^^ and worked nicely,

Tha winner, or in fact the horse* that get any portion of the money, will know that there ha. been a horse race. Henry of Navarre, Ruche and Herald are honie* that will render good accoaut. of themselvw. They are all receiving big weight concenlotu and are fit to run for tbmr lives.

The flrat race on the track to-day wa. for maiden three-year-olds and upwards, six furlongs, and was won by Pochino ifi to 1), Meraeuto (4 to 1 ) won lecond auit Hutch Skater third; time, 1,14.

H A N 0IN 6 IN THE WOODS,daha Wellmar, a Newark Hhnrinaker Who

Had Become Despomlent, 4'oniiuiti Hul- elde~Boy. rind the Body.

KiRdSLAXD, N. J,, June 3,—Coroner UH- man, of Bergen Comity, and some offleer. came here tost night to look for the body of a man which had been reporteil to have been seen hanging in the woods near Klngnland. Two l» y i named Walter Willltma ami F,l- tuer Hattkius, vrhilo passing through the wood., sa^ the body and notifiod the police,

Coroner IJllman and his ossociaiw took torches and lantern, and MarobeJtfac woods, I but to no purpoiw. After daylight thi. morning anotbui- search was matl^ and the body was found hanging from t^ lla ibo fn tree. AH the clrcniiistniice. indicated that the man committed aulcldo. From papers found In the clothing the deceased 1. hellevM to have been John Weltmor, of 175 Belmont nvenne, Newark. Welltner was about fifty year, of age.

[A Nkw* repdrter, who called this after­noon at John Wellnier’a late home, 175 Bel­mont avenuev vvas informed that iVelinier, who was a ibaetimker. Lad bcuaiiie deapon- dent because of bis inability to obtain eui- “ 'oyment, and several tlMee had Uireatened

commit niicide.

MORE VIOLENCE BY STRIKERS.Coal Train, la Ohio AliarkMl and the

llie rlff t'allstl Ilut to Protect Proiicrtr.

Bhihoeport, 0., June 3.—A nerlnm oul- bmak uiHingthe iniuers .king theCletelniiil, Isiraln and Wheeling Hailruail i. iinminout. Thl. morning a disiblrlnwder coal train waa stopped at tiie Wheeling and Ptttehurg coal works, two miles west of thi. platw by a mob of SD mltirrs, who forcwl the trainmen to run luck to Uie llridgeiiort yerda. Hh.rlff 8coU and a force of <lr|nitle. are nii their way to tbeMiene. The miner, are still unused at the point where the train was sIo]>|bs1 this morning, All the niiiiers along thu rood aro excited by the recent events ami may j'dn those a lre^y niooind to prevent the nmnfng uf trains,

Ki 'HUNOTON, la., June 3.—The pulke at midnight captured a lot of dynninite Uiiiilsi ami fiisua in tlie bauds of strikei-sor trani|H In a box car near the mitru.d brkige. All the iiiel uvo one ess'aiieil.

F v a x s , la., Juno i The .tralmsl nda- tiona betwi'eil the opcraUiny Ise keil by the Btate trooia, and the UOU striking civil itiluem, will come to a bend tomorrow', A warrant has lieen issiinl for the arrest of (leneral J. T. Clarkson, Mate Iimideut of the miners, charging him with violating an injunction wnicliventeil ith tro*|i

pre-hl. sddresalng the miners 'and

iC piAmerican (,'oal Cbnipany. lie will Iw arnwl.

The N*w Jersey Bicycler Led &t the First Stop at Patersoo.


KMt Ttmis Ueinf In lit* <hip Him.i(rrU *nd Flftj- Mllr llHfi' llidwrrn Nf*w Vur^ and l^hlUdelphia tiy lh«

Hldvtn of Naw Vork. New .fer* and rrnii«rlvania*.rmtr«*M nf lli*

Har« nt lh« Varluu* l*olnU Alniis ih» ■'■H Alirr striking «

U|lOD th j>roppptv t»r thu

imI by l*ri(v, aiwiDtiMl by tlt« troo|i\tonutrrow and trouble may ‘<>c<'ur, ]t ia nipurted that tlie rual tHMiaMiiiiPt will eject the KirikerH fmin their lauinM and hrlii^ negro ruloers from Virginia U> UlkO their id^-ea.

IxmANAPtdJHv JiiDA lia.Hlieeauicao alanningln the tiavicK iVninlv CNMil rogtnna that (lovernor .MatUH'Wrt iuM inailua nutve thiM niorning. In reply tiie (*nU fnr lrtio|M ho aeiil a (iiKprsb-h to thn Sheriff of Davlffi Tmiiity iwjuiuRng t«k keep him infitrinM) m to tin* Rltiiiatlon at UaimeUlmr^. In riH]>onM<< to this a dia iatch wa« retM ivoiI IhiM morning Mtatihg tliat blootbht i cauiiot avnideil, and tile (Governor at omt> ilwidtHi t*) <>rd‘T Stat«tr(»o|M Ut UieiK'ene. The arecollmtiQg at I'anneiHluirg in rreni nnmlMTri, an* well armed and have d»*<‘mnti tliuir in* tentlon allowing un traiim to more. Th«i Sheriff and hh are powerh'iH amihave time mid again been QTer|MiwiTv L

Tkhkr Hai tfi, Ind., June 2.—iiovmior Mattbewn, who wan liere lart nighty derlimNl

send troopM to Sbeltmrou at the nNjnwt of the aiitliorlties of that place until tlK'iy Imvu aliuwu that they am |K>werle»« to control tho mjpcrs. TriKjpH will be m»iit tivday It Vim minera tierxUt in resditiag tlw Sheriff,

KiiKL.arHxx, Iml,, June attemptwaH tnoite t<i move a coal tram 1114*0 thin morning. It wom ptiuuced uiMjn by the wivm <>t the fitrllciDg miuerii, wbo pulleil tho (*onpUng> pins Auu run the cars onto a Awitoli dHeidte the afforte of tlie Hlieriff and hh deputlew.

(.'ANiYKLU^Brftn. June3.—The rlotou* tttrlkera hold full eway here Um Iav, and iiothiDg will be done to Ktop their work until the iniutiA arrlTea. Ifliia morning they tore Up the ETauaiHbe atnl Term Haute tracks ditched cam and ruineLl milrnad property right and left. They liave built rough forti- flcatloDB and the tiewu tlmt the militia in coining ha* made them very ugly. The town in a Rtate of torror.

plojimnt, I to commit

WtUmer left Ida home on Thiimday mornw ‘ letter frame of uilml had fa.

employment, and hi ^have driven 1

log latuual.

a better frame of uilnd than He had expected to obtain

failure i* believed to ..a him insane. The dian leaves u

widow, but DO childreu.}


Ta Hake a VitU Tkere to Revive Old Keeolleotlop*.

WoHctsTlR, Man., June a,-M™, Henry Ward Beecher, widow of the famous Di’ook- lyn preaohar, will yleit her old home lu Weat Hutton during tho coming week, paislng through WoroeMer and making a brief .top hore. flome week, ago Mn, Bsechur wrote to Librarian K, H, Barton, of the American Ahtlciuarlati Society, expreming a deeire to vi.lt har old home (taring the blooming of the apple treta, whleh are found upon the Plam in ahruudanoe. But at the time of writ- Ipg the trees were naarta ready to ihed their fragrant beauty and Mie. Bewher waa uii-

w « K S r i Ln e r ^ n t U ter racatved by Llhrarlan

BartxM^ted ttot with favorable condition. Mr., Beecher will reach Worctaier Monday sfternOTO upon a kte train. Blie w 11 be a^

0 MioM« Mj « !■ . o w o iT 10 revm OKI mooh ImMiM Tk« plAM WM bar home until the UiiM sha vria marrlwl hi its quaint ukl iiar< tor, August Ji> I tw a t prewnt o w ^ by Henry fieeuber JSallord.

t -BtaW F H M InopMtort OrgulM,

TMirmg, June8.-T h e State Board of friaon Inqia^ra mat at the prlion Startenjay and effectad on organlSatlon with JU x B. Staplw iDem.l, Of Hud-

la chairman, and Captain (H a i^ r f Hunterdon, ssoretary.

rwereeeoorted through the iiutitutlra — rftrttarton, Who dined thtm. It

to make m ohang« |a the '‘ ‘ ffortiwprewnt.

s r iN a FOB •k5,o«o u a m a o k a .

Action Brought Against lUcliaril K. Fox by a Foriurr Kiuploya,

N ew YoRg, June2.—An interesting suit i. pending In Brooklyn In wlitch Richard K. Fox, proprietor of the Fotice Oatette, fig- urea a. the defendant. Mis former general bueinees manager, Christoplicr t ’larke, ha. begun suit ogaiuit hhn for ilatuagcand charge* Mr. Fox with ilefa'iiiug his char­acter. A secuod mit for a similar amount with the lame charge* Is likely to b* brought against Mr. Fox by Boltert F, Tremper, tho former Hutx.-rintcndeiit of circulation lu the lattice Geueffe oflitx!, and it i. Mid tliat other tuita are to (alkiw.

During Mr. Fox', anitual tripe to Kurope Mr. t'larka wa* given a jstwor of attorney to iltspm of all money received at the uitloe. During the summer of IHhB, while Mr. Fox was siinunoring in Europe, a largo sum of money aceunmiated in Mr. Clarke'. Imiids, and he and Mr. Trejuper coacludod to invest the money in thirty acre* of land Immedi­ately back III tVeetebester villagty tor which t;.i,t10U waa paid.

it i. a llege that Mr, Fox upon his return from abr.iad claimed that be had b «u swindled out of several thousand dollara by Mr. Clarke, and that a deal wa. entered into by him and others in the IVtetchMtar jmr- riia.se. HeJicc the suit. Mr. Tivin|)or says that every cent of the money ropreaented to Mr. Fox as having lieen jiaij for the prop­erty was paid by Mr. Clarke. Mr. Treiniier also saH that he would probaidy also bring suit for 13,5,000 damages against Mr. Fox on the same grounds that the pre«nt suit of -Mr, Clarko is brought. Mr. Fox when asked what he had to say (Tomwrnlng the Miit, « ld : “ I ’ve nothing whatever to uiy aboui tho suit except that the men who are oon- nactad with it aro discharged employes, and were discharged for cauw. ’


Prlnreton Kntbusla>ls Raid to Ila OITerlng B ig Odds un Th *lr Teatn.

N ew Haves, Conn., June 2.—Early this morning New Haven was astir with prepa­ration. for the Harvard-Prinoeton game to­day. A hundred Frincatoii enthusiasts came up from New York by boat, arriving here about daybreak. They marched up to Hie Yale oampu. about 8 o'clock displaying no enthusiasm, but big rolls of money. They offered big odd* on their team, but found few takers, as there wore practically no Harvard men in town and the current opinion at Yale waa that Harvard would be worsted. The managers of tha nines gave out the hatting order 3 "the nine, os follow*:

Harvard—Wittmore, second base; Cook, third base' Dicklnsoii, first base; Hcmnnol, catcher; Wiggin, centre field; tVliis’ow short .tpp; Olfalloy, rjght field; Corbett, left field; Highlands, pltriier.

Princaton—Payuei right field; King, sec­ond base; Worden, centre llelcf; McKoniie, loft field; Otto, first Ijane; Altman, pitcher- Brooks, short stop; tVilliams, catcher; Oun- «ter, ta irf base. It i. ixwalhla that Bradley will pitch for Princeton.

By 3:80 P, M. 3,003 personi were ou the ground.. Manager Humph- 1? “’ I, '!? Priiiceton, announoodthat Bradley and Trenonord wouldbe the batter - —man and '

— •’ * ——*• •aviovRioJU WSJlilCLttery for thoTigerR Instaad of Alt-

-----— 5V lulam). The showing of Prince­ton ta prectioe was very good, 'fbere wa. a v e^ high wind blowing.

“ UwatS:!®, Harvard in **’ “ "-Id. Payne stopped to the jfiato. Ho

q ]Ki|i fly to HiKbland*. u dropiHi l feot «ud Ki^lAtuto threfr the Fnure'

n i^ tbeiMtwoeii

g*the Add.•truck %at bii ___

J;""!" w n o . “fly to 5V hittomoro, which waa clamly caught, and Ward sent a bounder to Winslow aud went out at first

HboDtlng at LIv* Pigeon*.W e o t Emd, ^ g Branch. Juno ■>-

At 11:80 o clock this mornchaltonge pigeon .hoot _______Work and tValsh for the Riverton plete began. A good.*laed crowd, aznong whioh worea few ladita was pre««nr A uum-

ij ufii Dio affect that eaoh manwould kill over nlnety-five hltds were made. The condition* were thirty vards rise and thirty yards boundary. Tire Wore at the end

killed 84, mlseedtO; >5oi k. killed 81 miiumi 17. Captain Money waa referee and H. B. Waller scorer,

To Bridge tha Delaware,.'W arhwhtox, Junes,—Thare w u asnlr-

ited (llKUMiou lasting an hour in the exwu- tive seasiou of the Houae Uommaroe Oom- juittee yast<wday over . tha . ■toiiatntoCa trJdge M River at PhlladoliAJa: . The bill was finally o r d ^ to fivtoitoiy yaptatad a vote of W to 5s it was omendad so that one year may be aliowao tor the preparation and approvaI,of tbe alan; two years in which to conmieoha the work and aeven in which to oompleto tlie bridge

Feniisy Boys Beat the Naval Cadets, AifRAroMS, Md„ June 4 —Peoasylvanin

won tbe three-mile rtratgbtaway boat race with naval oadMa bare today bv nveu boot lan g^ ; time, lOin. 88*. ^

—------------f--------- ------Freildent o f th* Fnneh Chamber.

Paris, June 3.—Ex-Premier CMaimlr- Perier waa to-day elected Pre»ldent erf the

of Degutle*, rBeeirtogaWTotea to

' t r j “ P roof'’ Cigars, dealer*, I canto-A. Waii * Soaa, i«U,

W, C. Itoonio, the Jersey City rider who lunl the find relay fur thu Now .lurwy nvim in tho 150-mtlo race between New 5'ork and i'liiladclphio, wa. ahtwd of Ine other two contestants by about throe yar>U when tho rider. |xusci| lliroiigh this city (hi. inomiug. Tlioy did not mret the ferrrlHstt at Now York, aud wcredidayed some time In their trtj), and when they crossed tho rnoailnw* on the turnpike all three riders ke|it elumi to­gether.

Ktnnie was ilisllngnlshalile by a red ush. He wasclosuly followed by K. li. Marriott, of the Houih End Wheelmen, I'lilladetphia, and Marriott was folluwisl by Kredrrieli Nagel, of Ilia Riverside Whaelmen, .New 5'(wk. TImt* was s crowd of Newark wheel- nieii at thfl eoruer of Broad ami Hridge slrwds when the oontastohbi arrived and many of the nden folluO'(sl tlM raohrs up Broad stre<>t and along the asplult. I'ha

I men eoiitmiieil u|i tVosltiiigUin avunuo ’ through Belleville and Nutley and Pateri-m niiil eiiilisl their part of tile rare at the hoaso of the t'assuie Kalis Wheelnieii, at Patorsnii.

The rnci- is the longeit one of the kind thut has (‘ver Us-n held lu this |>srt of the (-oun- try. Hill I (siusiderabie interest is eiliiliitod ill the iw<ult. The three men staried from I’ark row. New York, at 8 o'clock, and were s-'htsluled to he in Paterson at h:8U o'clock. The delay at tlie ferry, however, put them 4stek over half ail hour, 'fhe relay., with tiiH ground bi Iw isiveced. an^iven bulow:

First Relay, New York Times oIBcu b> I’assaie Falls Wlitclmeu's Clubhuusu at I'at- eiTsm Pemisylvaula, F, B. Mairlott, Mouth End tt'liis'hiien: New Jersey, H . C. nnome, •lei'scv Citv: New York, Kiwlerlck Nagle, Itivenide Vi'hcs'lnien,

Hwsiml Iteliiy, Paterson to tlm Mansion House Hotel Momstowu-r Pennsylvania, t'barles Church, Chwter, I V ; New Jarwy. F. J. .McMsIion, Tourist Cycling Club of Paterwui: New York, C, P. Mtaiihncb.

Third Relay, Morr^lown to Wheat Hbnaf Inii, Between Kliraboth and Rahway—Penn- sylvania, leiiils (ieyler, Century Wheelman: Tiew Jersey, E, D Blauvelt, Newark Wheel­men: .New York, 0, A, Murray, Watiilngton Wheelmen.

Fourth Relay, dVheat Hheaf Ion to Frank­lin Park — reniisylvanla. William Hall, (Juaker City W heelmen; New Jeraev. J, M. Baldwin, tVntnry Cyele Club of liewark; New York, C. ’ H. Paige, King. County Whiolmen,

Fifth Uetay, Franklin Path to Wheat Hheaf Ion, between Trenton and BriHoI— I ’enusylvaiila, C. W, Krlck, Penn Wheel­men of Philadelphia: New Jersey, H. Me- tlovern, Mercer Comity Wheelmen; Now York, R. MeDonald.

Hixth Relay, Wheat Hhanf Inn to Finish, at Niisdown l*ne and Bivuid Hfreel, Phlla- delphiu-IVuiisylvaiiia .Ctiarlea Meaaure, Century Wheeluion; New Jersey, Wbltfi^l Hniitli, Atalaiita Whivlmen; New York, J, 5V. Havisou. Washington Wheelmen.

It was arrangevi lhat at the arrival of any two iiH-ii uf tlie fii-st relay at tlie end uf tha twenty-five miles the other three riders should start out. The tliut man in at the end of eaeli ivlov rccsiive* fifteen |X)lnts, tbe second man ten aud the tliinl five, dMui heats eeorssi even, each man getting ten or fift*an points, os the cikk- should he. The I'oute m this city and vicinity is a.s follows:

Ktart—From Uw New York INau* ofMag at 8 A. ,M- to Jersey City and along tho tnrn- nike to Newark, entering by Brkige irtraet. Follow to Rniad street, turn to right aud fol­low to cemotery ; tiini left to Ib-lli-vllle ava- mia; turn right aial follow to Uashingtou aveiinc, wlih-b foliow alraight out through Bellovllle, Hclawaima, Passaic bridge (imiMr ralln)*il) to Main street, l ’a.ssalc. dii-uct to I ’fttorson- tlii ii to the Passaic Falla Whaol- men'.cluldiouso—fii-st relay.

The ofliciiil* of the i-ace at the different relays are as follows;

New York~Ht,irter, C. H. Luscomb. presi­dent League of .’kiiierican IVhoelnien; scorer, Fruderick Kis'C. Iluiisun County Wheelman.

Paterson—Judge, C. B. Vaugfum, Atalanta Wheelmen; sconr. it. R. Chiswell, Tourirt Cycle Club; starb'i-, Van I'oorlioea, Pater- sou Mliishii™.

Morristaw ii-Jiidgi', U'. K. Miichmora, Morristown Bicyrle Chib; scori'r, John 5V, Cliff, Morristown Bieyrhi Club; starter, W. y. I>ay, Jr.. MerrisCowii Bieyide Club.

IV'hcat .Sheaf lim—Jiidga, Itobert Uontle, ElDaboth Athletic Club Cyclers; scorer, C. W. Prliv, Ebaibeth Athletic Club Cyders; .tarter, H. H. I'arrtil, Elisabeth Athletic Club Cyclers.

Fruiiidin Park—Jmlge, Dr. H. Iredell, New Briimwick Wlas-lmeu; scorer, A, E. Waldron, New Brunswick Wheelmeu; .tarter, J. A. Blish, New Brunswick Wheal- men,

Wheat .Sheaf Inn—Dr. H. F. Lalur Mar- cer Comity LVIieeluieu; scorer, J. C. 'Tatter- aall, Meis-er County Wlieeliuen; starter, H. Leavitt, Merisir Cciunty Whaelmen.

Philailelpliln' Judge, Chief C'ousul Samuel A. Boyle, Ijcague oi Anierlcan Wheelmen; referee, Thomas Hare, preeident Century Wheelmen; scorer, A, J. iVwell.

Pakkail'i June 3,—Tlie relay ruad-racart readied this place at WioilA. M. aud (nsseil through, i»a(-eil Ht a rattling gait by ( 1. Fred Koyee, of this city. Itooiua, of New Jer»y, was ill the leml. He was loliowed by the Pennsylvania iiian, a tow feet Iwhind, wliilo the New Yorker was half a mile In tho rear. The New Vurkw was riding slowly and ar­rived at 10 :1)1 ‘a A. M. liuime's clothe* were solloil, iiidlcutiiig that bo had a fall, but be was appsieutly fresh.

Patf.k.'Oix, .liitio 3 (.^weialj,—The flret relay in lh(> TrI-Htate rare reacned the finish at the house of tile Passaic Fall. Whoelinan here almost bunched. New Jersey wa* first overtb" tope, finishing at llhlBJ- A, M.; Penn.vlvauia second, 10:30, and Now Yorl! third, nt ld;34'i'.

The llnisli w as mod exciting between Penn­sylvania and New Jrt-sey. Ou Uie m«rtor mile streighfawny befeire thu tope was reaelmt the iiii'ii had it nip aiut tuck, flrat oiin ahead «ud then too other. Uue huuilred yards from the llnisli the Jersey man gained a wheel e Iriigtn. The riders had fifty feet to go when tho Peansylvaula man atrock a rut aud fell liendlong against a ledge of rocks. He pickeil up his wheel imiiiedlatolv, however, and crossed the line thirty seconds after the wiiiuer. Ho escapeii with a few .cratches.

Tlie Now York rider finished at a tnoderat* rate of sisasl. Gi»rgu Beckwith, of the Toiiriiita Cycle Club, jiaced tho first relay from Cllftou to the flnlsli. The second relay stai'bxlat I0:'J1, not waiting for the third man to finish. The Passaic Falls Whednien paced to Little Fulls, T. W, England to Boon- ton, tbe Mmiiton Cycle Club to Denvilie, and Julius Uriebel to MinTlstowu. Fully 8(D twraons witnessed tlie finish nt the first relay

HotuuKToWN, June 3. [NpactaiJ—T ^ racers in the I50,mile relay bl^cle rare ar­rived at this city as follows: Peunaylvnnla man, 13:15 P, M,, followed by the New Jer- wjy man three yard, jii tlie rear. The New ■york man broke down before rwichlng town. The New Jersey nuin lad from Pat- orsoa, but when ho reached a point 100 yards from the relay line In Morrfiptown he lost his foothold ou the peddal and dropped tack to second place. The third change men were started from Eliaaboto at 13;lti

Hohrli-e, N, j ,, June 3,—The riders of the third relay of the ISO-mile trl-Stato bicycl* raoe finished at toe Whmt 8ht»f Inn, near Rahwav. a. follows! I* L. Blauvelt Newark Wheelman, first; O. A. Murray, New 7’.: '•-‘Tdar, Paniiarlrat^ third,Blauvelt arrived' at ASW .,*'*,*5,#:— •, -1fqlW ed two nilm®ta*3 i^ T > t am *-

•••»_ ' • 'ahead of Ooyler, ' ‘# N ew BRtr.vswicE, June, 3.—The fourth relay in too' Tri-State bicycle mcepaated here at SiSIl o’clock. Tbe Now Yorker w m in the lead. The other two wheelmen were illghtly close togettar, with theNewJeraay oyoiUt slightly abe^. A tour-foot bhuiket would cover oU of them.

II ((A fV Mtaal tniUMap, tnuatu suKAOwrjr, iltamtrirncsriM. la* JUJItriM j^irsurmtHinUtagiHIWMkkU r*lunu» sir imil mat (Hlwrnisri.


A ND KILLED.PPMik riftff, With T ir» (HUen* rick* it

Rftw With lUnk .lAnltrtr U m ii Mifl 1* Ntriirk to l^ntli by the Latlei*.

A row oct'urmi at tho f orner of Bruat) auii riUiUiii bUi'ctK aiMmt SiiH) oViork thl* afu^rncon Mhirli oudotl iu Uie dattb of um» of tlm

Tbrw iiiou wiki wtr« *li;;Utly under U»o iuflueu<*o of liifum* r.-ntit' aiiiug Jlrond tiU' at and hnltail lu frtmi of tho Newark City Natioual Baiikf wik ie tho I'titorMl Jauitur KraikUM A. Umui, won twoajiiliK thn •Uiiik of tho bank, Tlkuuca U'^du to taaiie (iroeii.

TUe Janilor told IIkmu to !itt*p and leatw liiiii iluiK’. Thoy imuwtnd in their tautaliaing Jopph and oUlthI Uw colurmi man »omo liard DanM>ti. Ho KkI them away from toe mepa, bm t>ne ofthe inni nish<*il liark and, an'ording to tlie ifiiatiniuny uf a liyxUudiT, almfld a kU'k at the jimitor.

Uret*ii lindin^ that hi* powem uf perfmoa* lim wfi'ft nf no avail, Ihc roloiwil nuiu id ruck ills jierjiwtnilor jii the face. Theiiiun rocl(*d and fell Imrkward, hiahead eti'ikin),; tliH ntniic utojin with t4‘rrlliia force.

A Kiusti 5.-vrrni itivbiw ht Jimiilh wa* iimda nn the lieail, from whM‘li tho iilooJ imiircil. The hl(HHi al»o «k>h*J from Ihfi nmii'a cars.

The rolui'rNl tnaii WOK arriHshHl, ami tho injuriHl iiiim was uNu Uikcii to jKilico hi-a<Uiiiart<TR. tlinti an hour later tJioTlctiiiL wflK prunuiliaidy from a ffWcLuivof tho okulL The iiamo uf tiio lUiat) uiAD wii i naid to Ihi FrankJadaff. His ri’jil'lcikfi Ih uiikirvwn. The uamas of Jiih coni}Min1nti!i aro uot known cither

ALL AT PEACE IN HONOLULU.Publlr C'cmfblrnrt* In the Pr»« I,«tcina1 flov<

ermiicnt IncrcaHiiiu^—A Itace f<»r N><-kar l*>lHndv

Fax Fu.ANriKro, .fmie 2,—Tiie utratncr AiuHialia arrjvod bon* thi# iiiornlti| freau Hcmoluli ifi'ingin^ advim* to May 20. A Unlteil ITcas oorrewjmB'Wit, wrltlnji umkr that <latr

“ Affairs i'uijtinuo iiulcl. The ( ’oDutitii- ttoQAl ('onvoutiHU wdl iiu>ct in f<Hir day*. The pr*A«pH(‘t of an early rNin- tolklatimi of ^ivcrumcnt u}kui a fixed <*ot»tdutluiial basl# hsM dcvolopfrl a very inarko:! of pul»licconlidcnre. The nafivrM continue to l>e p«w* Wpsed with the tint Prealdeut (Meveland intends to soon carry out his fdirmrr protKwal to nf*ti')ro the V ihkui. Altbouich a majority of the nativert pr«f«r a inoimrriiy. they aro ex}>ei'tk<l to aequitioce jta»*ivelv jii the new ohU*r of tbllVES when they find that all tlieir rlghte and priviln^es have undistiirlieil.

“ No iudicatioiiK npjienr tiuit the Koyniisbi have any ocheme of active rr,sisljiHKwtn tiio (loreriuiKuit or f«i iix cmstltuliim when ^octaimod. The i-uaHtiiii; sti'anwr Iwalaui wRs disiNiU'lK'tl at r» o‘cl«K.‘k yest»‘rday aHeju«Aoti hv the (ioverumctit to take formal iKASHcHslon ami raioethe Hawaiian liaf< on NiN'knr fivlaEid, 400 miles WMt-unrthweKt of ijonolidtiv ittd Ula^iDg projA-'i ly to the Hawaiian fnwp* Brituh man-fiif-wnr i.liampion

two hours later* it b Mirvhd, on a Hko eiTHod, to lioiNt the KHtii h Huk on tbe Mine Ulaud. From various remorkA Botle it was lathered lhal Ncrkar iHUtid was selec'UHi as a station for latailng tho proptwed cfilde from Hyiitioy to ' Vancouver, aud tiiat Enjrlaurl wduM take , poKKdMBioo of it for that pnrjH^. ste|w wcri- at ouw tak('U to auth'iimte lu-tusliaeliou' anil AHifcrt the autlmrtty u f Hawaii. I

Tha MiuiKtar of the Inh-ritir took cmiv I maud of the iwataui. nnd will po#t Usu Hawaiiau flog mdt-8.-A th" t ’hnnipion beat# him in tbo nu‘e. This (tov4‘rii- moat roDRlderoil it inii*ortaul to hflelfaDddiie to ita relation to tiie I'nibHl Htatoji to aawrt niulioritv inomptiy. lu view' of the V'nited Htati*s IKS'illMltioil of Ffeirl Harbor a cai»le stoHon ow'iiediiy lirnat Britain in the mvir vicinii'i iitiffiu pn>ve very objwtlojiahle in time of war."

IIV f lTV tHOIltS.

Tlie Cantata, **The Miiriilii^4»r Freedom,' at Firih llaptiBt rimrrii.

At the Fifth Bapt ist ('hurcli lust uitiht the cantata “ The Morniuj:; of FnMHlom,” wuk given by over fifty vtiiiHW sakx'ted from the cholra of thn dty. C. Weulmm Hmith pro- luded at tho organ. The (•mitata o jerivd with tho siuging of “ My Coiiiilrv'Tls of Tlevv” “ Hail Columbia,” “ Star S|i«nKh«l bauoer” and “ CoiutUhlathctt3*Tu uf ib" t kswi,’* hy*. Mr* Smith and Mrs. tiruy. The rtiunjs theu sang, ** Now Fades tho Mgbt of Yi'urs": and Mn. Uribbin san in a rich

that reiT'ivoil it henrly eneoie, “ What Heenas HurprlKe.’’ .Mr . Hi’ ibbiu «tul Mr. Fan'eH then saut;, “ Oh, Iiuw Favored tbe Nation.* with very fine etrisd. They won* ONiatHl by the elu»nis. Miss bivin^ton, nlto, MUg nweetly, “ O Say, in Tliin Hh>o(l-pur- o h iM [aanil.” She' was AssSte<l by tiio cbonte. TTie tenor nud busasaiig, “ iVhold! Now Again tbe \diiou Apt *ars,"' and Mie mo- pnuin and alto, “ Hr ik : linrki Haw it Rwella, ibe Olail Hound of

The tecond }Eavt o|x'netl with the baritone •oio,V^Thus at Mnniiu};, at Noon and at Evening,” iiy Mr. Craig, followed by tJie dunti, “ ffow Fair the V(«w nf Feuoefut Honiea,' by Mrs. (^leinau anil MIhr JaeKHr, Then die full chorus sang “ TIiUr from Morn­ing ITnUl Kveiiing,” and tlie I'aiitata wah brought Ui a close with the ohligata aolo and solo, ‘ 'Father Hoar Fs,’'b y Mi's, (irihbiii and chorus. The direidor was Walter It. Biiiitb,

In the dkorus were tho f'lltowing; H<.>- pranos Mrs. A. M. Catinon, Mrs. K. d. JoDe% Mrs. M. A. tJlavler, Misses MhIk*1 BcnioL M. Alu'e HimU •Teiitiif; K. Hunt, KidlHwiT k. II

OPPOSING M , BBADIThfl ClerfKyman'a Methods looked

Upon Unfavonbly.


Til* ItrUtion* lli-lvierii III* Minlatvr aiHl His B.Mril of Tni.lrst nf tlis lUistan t liiirrh Ksiil III Hr Very Much atraliH>a, 11.'., Hr. lirs il,', lilsa* fur Attravtfug AHruHmi to (ho rtii.rrl. V«| I'lsMlnt to Ail-FrlrHii* of ihs I'ssior .illras,! to Ha Making L ffw l* t* IISTSthrOlfi Boanl HllMsll.

Fl'Si'ial DIsiiateli to th" New*.ihmTnX, .iiiiit'3. Tln>rs 1. cur no aacret

n'lul* of till- slMiimNi ri'ihliini* iM-twreii itov. Dr. Jam.-* Ituvil Brsiiv, fornisrty of New­ark, 1*it now irf tlie l'«i|.l(-i ('Imrch, ttiia l ity. Slut a mujiiriiy uf tin- ,-lmrcli tnixtow, wInj are iiicliiUHi to n-M'iit IIh- iwuitor'. ratbar M-n-iiitinnal itH-tluiilK of attrncling stMatioo to His cliiircti.

Mention was ri'reiitljr nunhi of a Mtar wlili'h r>r. Brsitv »-m to Hie Hoaril of Trus­tee before aivx-pliiig tor i-oll. The lattar outlineii tile iLii-too<l, iiv wiiicb hs pcopoaad tobiitM up tlisi lmivli siiil Hill Hint If Um boaiil wuiililugrre |.i i,|».|.ur.. with him inrai i'ying i«it Ills hires l,s iviuiUl n,ms to Boa- ton. The irnstci-,, m.iv ny tliat, while ttay agrred to i-iK)]»'rete willi Dr, Briuly, they Jill uot agree to tu-inmc n« pitU|v in hi* liaiul*. withoiil Imviiig ih>> uriTllngs nf iHs- sgrseiiig with biiii in tin- KMuilliwt uarticu- lar.

'1 lie tnwtre-* nini uav Hint Hisy have dime i-viTVtiimg ill Htsir powi-i' to liclji ettry (sit I ’r. Braily's iJaiu ; Hint whi-n in- iffoiineed to have ilrn|)rrn-* ari nmd tiis anilltorhim to ] iro. tiV’t the coiigrreditinii from ilrauglitt ami when he Miigge.u-.l (iiiiliiig gi'rtit "oiig shrvta in th* iiewn ihev aiwuUHi. ud-I >«i wHh anutn- liertrf otluir lib-a* ii, the lairvliig out whleh an ex[init<*< of about 41,'iliui wa* In- ciirrivl.

Attos last iiissHtig erf tim triHtee* Dr. Brailv hail a niiuilier of ether niaini to ta; before the boorti. He migg.-.te(i tnivliiL; auiu of Hie furniture of Rev |„,ut* A, Hanks ; slnoliaviug the w#nU " I’l-oia*'* niiiri-b ” lilszo forth ill electric liglitn on Foluiiibus avenue and illuiiiiimt* 1 mnitoe* of the nsRia sort lu toe I'liurch. He uls> wanted th* s i^ w alk armiisl the chiircli torn iiji stnl made into a flower ganini.

When tliase ntfttlen eaine up before tha board tor eomlibwolion tiien- wo* not a word said in ujiposition to tlie |iastor's plans, ImtiB view uf the hard tiiim ao-l Ui* lack of fund* in tlie trraimrr it was ileehlsi to lay everything over until the next rnestiUE.

Mi-autiiue, the rrisinls of 1 tr. BraJ)-, it Is aiittied, have beau preiiuriiig tlie way to fake affair* iato tboir own hand*. TIis dlsclpliuo of tlie MethodiKt Church says that no ,s-rw>a wlio is a trtister caji lie ejected while |» 1* In joint security for money, milisis such relief Is- given him as u demanded or tin- creilttor* will aerept It in claiuieil that Ihls necUnn of the dlsciptine ha* iong Is-en a larrier against tbe progreoa of tlie I'eopie'* rlnuv-b. Hi* tiietiiberii of tile board or trtistaei bad their numes attached to Uinds ami It is assnrto I liy Dr. Rnd/a friend* that the owner* of the Higuatures coustltuhsi the majority whleh bo* failtsl to agree with the pastor In hi* iiiethiHis of remductlng the business of tha church.

It is now claimed that Dr. Hra-lv's frl'iid* have brought their iiifinenre to "hear uix>n (Jie cinim-h autiu's-itlesaail have sm-eeniwl iu Eettliigthe old bond coiicallod, and anew liond has Inan signod by five laaillni Inisl- nres men of Boeton, roprsseritingaboutflit'jO,- filin. Iftldsls so l)r. Rrmiy's outsiwrs will have to go nt tbe next iiiet-ting or the ofilctal luai'd. ill toe meuutmiu matters are at fevar beet.


Tbsdr Master tt'a* Itemevrd atiU Thwj Want Him Ketiistsied.

From iirceedt indications there will be no clioli- niuib: lu Chriit Church, East Orange, to-jiiorrow. This is because tbe ymithful rbciristers have gone out on a Strike, which Is the ilirect rreiilt of a differenia existing Is-tween the Iwys nml the pastor irf tlie chiircii, the Rev, tV. W. Davis. Wlicn I»r. HornreK. Bl*lio,i rotlrej from the church, ulssit two Tii-aitliK ago, the priweut. pasbir WB.S called and then there was trouble. Tbe ui-w jiostor bail a friend iiamisl Brewer, whom lie w'islied to 8CO iu the tssitiou of choirmas- l-T, wliirh piHitiiin William I. Jjyon hold*, eiW tlie pastor roqnr-sb'il tho latter to reulgn, Ilut -Mr. Lyon litt* a contract with the church, mid refiisod to reaign.

However, on Biinday night, Mr. Brewer was appointed cbolmikstBi-. Th* loyi, so the story goi«, were snnmioiiwl to the church last iiiglit, nnir those who napoiideit were told Hint Mr. Brower wn* the chuirmnster, and that tiiey must practi**. Home ot the Isiys ts-gaii to sing, but ware Intarrnpteil by tlie utliers, who had remained outside, and «sm the Ijoyi began to lend up cheers for Mr. Lyon. Tliat settled It, Tbe boys in tiu- cliiircb slojijied ataging aud rushed nut to tile street. They decided to strike for the re­instatement of Mr. Lyon, and if he is not taken back toe boy* declare that they will not Sing.


MuloVmeii’s JIrfeetIve KyMlghl Maid tn UeKespanslblsi for Areldeiits.

The officials of the Consolidated Traction I'oiiijiany have decided tliat It I* likely that* great many of tho accidents that hap[i«n on toe company's line* are due to the defective sight of soma of the employca, nit-l they are at present roatriug prcjiaraHoiis to rcniisly the alleged detect. Tliere lias been given to an o|)Uci*n a cinitract to fltld out men wbo are iiicatmcitatoil lu the matter of sight. Those wliosa sight 1* defective will eitlier have to wear glasses or 1m ve Itio com- paiiy's employ. Early next week the ex- amlnatiim of the motormen'i eye* will lie bepiin.

The eyes will also be tewtad to as to ills cover any signs of color blindueKi, toi- now there are coliw sigoahi oa the New 5'oik line. Every man whoanpiln for a [Ksltlim ns nintonnan will have to uucbu-gi) a rigid ciuniination anil if tlie company's oftlcersthink that he cannot nee far enough to keepa sliarj) lookout for accident* he will not lie employed.

TH S MAYOR W IL L SIGNH* Give* Uat a Rtateiuent iw Itrfanl to

54'age* o f8(r*.'t tiis|w-eloni, Hnprrlii- IcotenU and t'oreineu.

The difflciilty in regard to the iwyincnt irf the iuspectorN inperlnb-iuleuts and foretm-n of the Wtreet Cleaning Ikefwrtincnt of the Board ot Works, whoa* (ny warrants Mayor Lelikuecher ha* hltlierto dn llneil to apfirove, ho* Iw i sidveii by the Mayor, who h u dscidail to sign tlie warrant* and allow til* man to draw ttair flay. Cmiccrning th* delay and hi* reason* for withhoMliig his •ignatiira, the Mayor, thivxigii his svcretary, John F. Utbium, tieday furnished the afe pemded olficlal statement;

" INdor to the week Isviniiliig Mav 18, the Mayor re(|nwil«l Bii|s'riiiteiiilenl Marsh to

for that week with a* imieh of tbe workirf Us dsfiartmeiit OS lie isuild wit hont datrintont to Uie city** intemi*. llealsu made known to Uwi *U|»rlntendent his wish that a ilaily record might Is- keirf of Uic woi'k dout liy sius-rinb-ndenta msiiectors aud fomiieu, aud tornlshisl b> him. I luring the weak in qiiiat ion tin-weather wasstormv, there Is-lug but two ilays in wlii- h the usuiti •treat gangs coulil isTform work.

“ At toe eml of tile week tbe wiyridl sliows that, while tin- gaugt of bilairara rec*lvi-d ooly about two ilays’ l«y , warrsiite came In for tlie foreiis-D, luspw'tors ami sopcrinteiid- ant*. giving from five to -Ux day* i«y , and no rwcor-1 uf work d-me by Hh-iii was firu- •eoted with the warrants for their jiav,

' ‘ Kuiierlntaudent Mardi was aslied for iuformatiuu as to the actiiat work -lone Liv tons* men, ami n-ferre-l the mailer to Colonel Allan, his assistant. Tin- Utte-r was unalile to give tlia iiifurniHtloii desiivsl. and atateil that the Board of Street and tVuter Cnnimisalnners, at an fiitorinal niis-ling about two yrore ago in tin- otfii-e of Urn *U|ierlntendent, bad decbbsl tImt these men slionld iToelvH at b-*«i five duys' jioy jsir w««k wllhout regard to Ila- ninoiiiil of 'liino thay were attiuilly eug*gi',| in work. Hu was asked to furnMi a isipy of this rreoln- tie*, ttonw d«,V* Uter he sabl the eterk nf the Uiard hod offerei] to fnriiisti it, but tad uot done n.

“ AH tlie warrants for the Istsirci-s were signed at tlie time they were pi-sseiiteil.lnit Hie warrants for •uiwrintendeiil*. insfiectors and foramen were hekl for lii-piirv. Imlirldiinl nuKirts Were uaxt fnrniilwsi bv the men wbiwe warrants hwil Iswii wltifitebi. bnt lu luiiat oBSHt ttay ware vague and unsatisfac­tory. Home stateil only that tliey had ■ r*- portad for ihity,'atbere ttiat tliey luwl ‘ fol- lowed scaveiwer wagon*,' or sonietiilng that seemed euaslTy trivUii.

‘ ■The Mavorgave is-rsonol lutarview* to as many of the waiting men as his time would perniih Init few ix-ulil fiirnish salis- fotaury evMearw of work perfm-nied. Most of thsni admittal that tfasi greater part of their time wasxfient at hixniqiiarters 'wall­ing fbr order*' Tho Mayor i^m-d tbe war­rants of siu-li a* rould give satisfai-tory in- fonnatlon conreraing tiie amount of tluiu they worn actually smuloyed.

■‘ WllUaiu AHho, the Assistant Huperin- tasidont of Htreei*, has cerllttai to the Mayor that all the inspectors and furemeu reported for duty and won-assigned to spis-lal wm-k ta him, BUd while in the ofdniiai of the Mayor the duty so perforuied wo* trivial iti charaotor and Uw city's niouay was sqnau- dered, m-verUiKbw* the bhuiu-, Ifnnr. must rait wdth tha HufitrinteBitanl and niil with th* Mayor. In justlct to tbe men who were thus Miiplayed by their smieriore the war­rant* wDI be signod by the Mayor."

TH E NEW EXCISE BOARD*si|>t>«tQtm«Mtt to Couiv un UoiaUv-Moyur

IsAblmoclitfr Md Mr. ('onk|li»*N'

Tbe mattor of the atifniiitmeiite of t.h« uon-partlsan Excise Board to siircesd tbe body that finished U]< ftv biisliiees last Turn- day night is still lu ttlieyain-e, and will not be aettled, aocordlng to the sutotiient msdn by Mayor Lebkuei'ltei' tills morning, notll Monday. There was a rumor on the straeta this unirniiig to the effect tiiat tlie Mayor had URofllelalty notified tlw men of bis cledre of their ap^utinsol, but tbl* wa* deitlail liy thaChlaf Magbit rate when ssaii at bis ufltee by a News rejsulcr at noon,

Tlie reporter refemvl to tho candidacy ot (leurge 1*. Clark tor tiie iiasitkin irf Hiiperln- tendeut niiilor tile Board of Works, sod tim Mayor stalml ttat be liad no Idoa wlin tim a)>poiutee would Iw.

"1 did want to see Ileory DtokHUi get the place." said the Mayor, -‘ lint lie lias dc- ciltiwl, I iiavi- Is-en ofilcially infoniiwL so I'lii out of It,"

tVlmii o-shel wiietliei' he wonid lik* to we K-livurd I,. I 'oiiklin made HllperlnteIldtmUhe Mayor div-Uiroil that he dldu't oare to say anything lu i-egard to the matter, and adiinil ttat he did not intend to Uikoany further actlvn part in the affair.

Tlie Mayor also stated tliat whan the resolution couccnilng the paynmit of tlie chs tiou i ifilcerM caipie ofliciaUy before him lie would probably approve it.

The terms of Oeorge llals-nstain ami Ilouja- iiiln Hachs, Excise Insiwclors, exiiireil last night, and tho officials stepjwd out of their pwitinns.

ONEiIUEj,TffOINJI!i!lA o g u t Rltgan Loses fils Lift « t

Baodford's C rm lgg,


While Trying lu Cnw* the Tiwrk* WtSSf Tw« Aeluiala the IsHlav Trave flSabrf horn Mild a 1.uewiji«fttvw Crwehes twSW the tlase—A Gale-kee|ier aad fits Iwa* Whe Tried to Help the Mon With shw Nones, Are liijureil, the rwihar rlously.

Another victim ta-, been added to th* M of pei wms killed at HiiH'lr-nsT* (TCMiihg * ( the INaware. isukawauna and Wsatoru Itailmail, un I he llai-kcnsaik meaitow*.

Aiigasi llilgen. an «ni)iliiye of Miohaog Mi'j er, of till* city, was steuck by a ttwta there a Htlle birfun- in o'clock this ueiratag, aiiil hi* life was almiwt iiistaiitly unotad out. His bisly was horribly inanglad, DariA' Cuthliertwm, Uie gateniaa. and Us thirtsoB- yw*r-old anil, Willi*, were also struck anAi t«dly Injiirwl while aUeni|giag to prevent Rilgen from being kUInl. A valuable bong was also killni iu the acrhtaiL

Kligwi hsil 1s-*n w orking fur Meyer, whw is n liiine-dealer ou Bank street, (or a ntw- tier of yeiiiv. This inurnltig about8 :.8l)o'clook lie was lustria-ied to uisc a pair uf boraaa to the firm of Kraus* BroUieni. trui-kuiea, ott blast Fiftj third sti-ect. New York City, l lw aiiiuials weiw a fine team of blacks whuM tuid Iss-n irs-enily reivivwl froin the Waal and w hlcli luul lieen sokl to Kraus* RrotlNn by tlk* N-ovark firm for g5S9.

Ilitgeu threw a siiddh-nu Uw- hack of OM of Die boi-sm and, mountlog it, HSle awaj, leading Uie mate. Ills route lav ovar Saw ohl llarrl-sin tiiriijdke. tVhen the railroad. (TiMeUig wa* rnachoil a train wa* waa ^ proiii liiug in llie dtstauce The gatsnaa loH I'rvs) one gate, but Ilitgen slioutnd that " be cmild luakt-It," aud ta startod to omto tiie truck*.

The auimaki were green, and th*coming fiiini the Feiumylvonia Hat___*hop* seemed to unnorve llmiu. At any ratm llmv became umuauageabK ami prusM alsaitoii Ib<-crossing, pluuglug, reariiif and twisting lu all sli^m. Rltgeu stuck to hi* Bsthlleand tried to qui--t the excited aolthata

Tills jiorforuiams- lasted Imt a few rno- meiits. While Uie Liwiwk were still la lha (vutre of the track tin- poiweagsr traiR f l » proached Umm at a rwluosd siiaed. It m the BuuUi llraage acoiiiiimsUlIou, srUeh N due lu Newark at llliai. With a look aC despair on his faiw Kitgeii ma-le a UstfrauttO ettort to get the axdted animal* udiM tMM.

A t the same mianeiit Itatenun CutUi^ta soil rwliuxi tlie reler'a jiTeiltcanietR, and' with his flag for a cliih he rushed to RttfM'* ssststam e. Tlie latter seemed froian to hi* ■addle, hut ht was w o^ug like a dssM«

Tho i

the Mtaa Kalbnoti-

gatotnan hnmgltl the hanBahaa

Ilojtie Lttlybl hlgc, .Notlic A, .Msr- latb Llaic Rodamnr. T. Money, Ellu Mtager,

I'rlncetou Ciuh Prltes,Tile IVincetim Club of this city hut deter-

niinod to offer two prlsiee ot WO'each at tiio examination which will tako plare in tlie New York taw Bchool Roonis, ikptitablo Biiimiiig, Jiinel4 and 15, Tho priso* will Is-awarded to ttiestudonte passing the l« i t examination for the academic and scientific

C m p ta O ^ in ^ Iteynoids, N.' U.' RyBreom ’’ ’ 't*'''™ ''*-" respectively. Those eligtblo R A*^erwoo(L Vunnes.s. N Wallis K •PPheanta from £usex, Hudnon, Morris, M JoS S J i^ rW ta torer" eewtiea. It had ta.-n the,,« . Joralemon, w. tattirop. intentiou to hold the examination In Newark

nt thu start, hut it wa* later deemed bMt to linhl it with t i » New York examluation. A fund of #3,0(D will be raised as an eo^w- nient fund for future prims lobe offered each year,

— V— ■

, Tbe Week's Westher,Aix-oivling to tho otaerratloDS taken by

Prolensor (reorg* C. Honu, four days of tiie wrek ended yesterday wore cloudy, two fair and one clear, Tbo total amount of raliifatl was l.ou inches, wbllo thfl averogo tennicra- I lire was fifty-eight degrees, the nuxtiiinm sevciity-tlirfle degree* and tbe minimum for- ty-lhree degree* The average buiiildily wa* sevonty-ono degrees, the tnaximuin ninety- four and tbe minimum forty-tbreo. The lire- railing wind was east-soutbsast. with a iiiax- Imura velocity ot twenty-four mllei aii hour.

Rebecc* Walsh.Alto, Misses Meta Bachman, Irene ft. Ben

set, Jenuie Daria Lillie M. Iloffinan, Kitmm C. Ijeonani, F^nny Llllyhi-ldge, Hadic E. Lillybrldge, Cora Smith, Mr*. E, A. bherwood, Mr*. J, Reynolds,

Tenor, M. J. lierby, H. H. Cannon, R.

>J>.Base, F. N. Olnrlcr, Frederick Ritssell,

Frank Decker, E. Joiica T. J. Leonard, 5V. V, Rinltb, 0. Cliamljcrs. J, Rolf, Frank Ro- mlne anil B. Lillybridge,

iruhnm!raiiuna is llu Sate, U K iKtfural (»• AFAffLVO A’SWS tSoiiJJeUn aiwraiwj (Liti-ni tri the e«<mitirt *n tiu Sntt

Ponud Dead la Bed.A aeven-weeks-old babe w ii found dead la

tod this montlag * i 7t » Routh Fourth rtreet, Harriwm. Depotjr County ^ ^ c1*d ^ U m WM notified.

Quit smoking Iranortad olBai* Aid stick toRoy w **tism *i«*i.-,AAv^

Balded a .Narket Street fialoon.Fatrolnieti Corrigan, Welch and Doaovan

last night raided the anhs'ii at 34u Market atroat, KDown a* the White Houso.” There wa* a fight in tlie place and the largo show window was broken. The proprietor. Frank Wolf, was fined $60; Thomas Mi-Cauley |30, Lewis White and Ned (iallau each flO, and three women, Mary Kana Belle Nelson and Annie Gallau, 810 each. None of tlie prison- era oould pay their fines aud J udge Holt conunltted them.

R* Ridrwalk luspectors- ' Mayor tabkuedier today dtrei-tod a Mter to Fraaldent Kane, uf the Policu (hnhiuission- m . asking him to cause tbe adopTion hy hie board of a nllo compelling patrolm(.-n to re­port croetwalks and sidewalks in need of re pairs. Tbs Mayor is dMlrous of cutting down the expenses of tiie Board of Btreet and 'Water Conimltuiioners. There have been ^ many foreiuea and Inspectors em- ployafi, so tbe Mayor says.

Hebrew Voters Organife.The Uptown Hebrew Republican IsMgne

was organlasd at 188 Prince street hist'lilgiit. Temporary olltoers wore elected, Abraham Bilverttoo being tdioseli ohairmao, Baniuel Uiegel oomapandnig secretary, Charis*. Mansfield reooralng sscratary and Jusojfii Berkowita treMurer.

Altooad meal t«r tita oeaapUxloa I'teta llu i^ohifitoad baad*. Uat FWty's ovary tiiu .-

Complalolnc of Insaraiioe Hate*.An Infiirmal tnecUng Of a Board

of .Trade ,'CuuuHtae.*,^is"s taifi yesterday afternoon to discuiw’ the actioB of theDre insuraare oompaniea In raising the insnratice rate*, it wa* divldad to srdicit opinions from various man­ufacturers and mrretaut* of the city. It 1* the opinion that the hldi rates wifi lojare tho stanolug o( Newark *e a rdauufacturiBg dty. , ___________ ___________

Tlie Fall Has Fatal,John Martin, wbo 1*11 dowostalns at his

home, 101 Uarriaou avenusi, Harrison, Tnaa day afternoon, and was taken to 6t. MichMl'i Hoipital in on iwcoDicioiu owdl* bon with his skull fraeturad, dlsd at that Institution yesterday afternoon. .

The Weather for Baaday,OenersUy fair weather with an occailonal

light shower is predicted for Kaw Jarsty to­morrow ; stationary lempaiatOM, aMthwaat- arlywlnAs, ,



Th* Health. HnarU ttrpiirt* Mlity-NIne

Tin- niorliiary report tor tho week ended atiiounto ilay slmws ttat the total number of deatlis was Histy-aiao, an inr-rease of five over tbe premiiiig WH-k. Five of tbo deaths wwe due to sttfaar aivjdonts or vio- tone*, one being tho murder of tlie Italian whu was stabbed nn Mondav Might and wlm died in tbo lunpital Thursday night Huim- of tint chief causes of death Wcr«: tTilmoii- ory tubn-rtiloshi, 10; inieumimio, 7; diph- thcHa, 4; brain and nervous trouble, 4; ns- phrltis, fl; disease of tin- heart anti rln iila- tory apparatus, 5; digestive system, 11; bronchitis, 1 ; intlaria, 1 ; searli-l fevur, l.

Of tbe total iiuinlior of death* 3tl were nf |iersom undei' 5 years of ago, ;n raiigisl in Rge from 5 to tk) yeare anil It were over <kl year* old.

There were ouly 3.'! i-asse of contagious dis- eosaa roporte-i during tbe week. This ts s decrease of 14 from the previous week. Uf the 88 oases 'AT were si-arlel fever, showing a derswos* of 1(1, Hud 8 were dllihUioriii, a ilc- craaae of H. No ea-w of typhoid fever were reported thl* week, while’ last week i e*.-» wo* brought to the attention of the B'lard ol H a a l t h , ________ _


Mayor I.ehhueelier Iteriise. to Italse theItullHii Kisg on till- City lIsM.

Mayor !s-bliiiw.hor declined pi secofle to the I'equeet of a isimmfitee of italians repre- ssmting rttolelies in this city to hoiHt tha Ital­ian flag on tile City Hail jiole on Unritaldi day, Juno II, The Italians projioseto cole- bratetheduy more elaboratoly that In any prweding year, and wero an lion* to fly llieir nag over tlie ( ily Hall.

Mayor Js-bkiiochm- says tliat during liis term of ofiUsi (Sity the Buir* and Bli'ii«s will be raised on tho city's IIug|K)le.

---- " ------y MaWlfhfh biffgpfhMUtUnv, tntvMtvrtj, htyyti'

tirtulntlutif itif t'VKS'iyu iVKn'Su firt'inri ti<i ffttt ihe tUQtftit p«rMrru lu bty find UUU <iUvertit«rt,

-—'— ——IlHuiiigarteii fs Wsiil<;<| Again.

IternaiM Batimgarton, whom Judge Mott reloasrti ywtontay iiism his proiiiivi to bii|s port hii wife and cbnd, is again being sought by till! ixillce. tarty this morning Banni- gartoii packerl Ills two tnmkH and loaded them upon a -wagon, (tefore Mrs. Baimigar- ten coitid provent him he drove away, tsk Ing hi* four-yHar-otd son with him. The woBun was in groat distress when she called at iiolioe bea<liinartors this morning ami re­ported tho caso to Judge Mott^whorequested Chief Hopper to make every effort to capture Baumgartoii.

Memorial Day Hervlce*.Memorial Day services will b« held In t hoFlrst

Baptist Charch,Humaiit,tii-ninrrowulghl. Tlie U. B. Uraut thist nl Now Frovldoiieo, the E. H, Wade Rest of Mlllburu, tirsud Army com­rades of Chat ham and Hunmilt and sol Fatarana rF New Pryr’ abdfiy. Miss Aanis Johes siu siug-anumber of aoltaand Hev, N. B. HsikIsII will deliver a diaoourseos "Onr National Peril*.'’

■ ■ S|..-------- *■---- -- —Cwvolry Company A to tie to Camp.

Flrat Baigeaut Charles Heath, ot Cavalry .'onopanr A, ha* tniUfloil the members that

driU will b* diKoutlaued until further or- (tars. The troopers are mtlored to report tor daty at aamp on July 14, The regular qBarterty meeting will be held ob June 'Jl.

t-ontrol iho aiilnuils ,his H*«tii'k lUiwa sbatrUy on __ _ ________of Uie liiirae Kltgeii was riding, but tlM blow only serveil to nuke tke aolmal more akuta- Isini.

All tilt* bsik plane nniriier than It taka* W tell IL Tbe looomotiva, with Ita hNiTF train, thuiuioreil toward tho man and aa>> Dials. The rugiuaer bad revcr*ed Qua throttle, but the distance was too short oad, the nionientuin of tbe kssimotive too great- T'he iiioii at the tost mouient triad bi aave themsi'lvea, Imt they bad talTisd tis> long. Tbe en^ne struck the boach aud lltarally piouched through It, soattartaF ni»u and hones right and Mt. Tta sh w ' was fell by tbe passengers, aud a wild poalo eiisual, soniaor Uiatii thinking that aoottar rear end coUadou had oocnrred, like tita- fatat accident Of last January.

Ititgru aud the horse ta rude srore barloA to DUO siilo diiad. Tbe hone that was b*|aK h-d was thrown heavily against tbe man aud fell u|»u him, iwtiderlng him uiux^ ■cion*. CuihliertBon's tlttlesou saw bia fadhaf felleil to the si-ouad, *ud lie rushed to hM asKlstouoe, The autnifl. knoekad tiM fallier down bad rwgalosit its feet aud pluugni formrd Just lu Uni* to kno(?k th* little fellow off bis feet. The boy was not badly iujurol and was carried to tali boUR a sfauri dJstaucu away.

Tlie train was sUipissI a hundrotl yards be­yond the Bi-eiilaiit and the train bauds ran back. Tiie bwly of Kitgen was idacod In tha baggage car and Uau-iiiaii Ciithbertaon Was also titkoii uboard. At Harrison a stop waa iiiuda and lUtgeii'H body was takon to LTaasfB ■mirgue. Cutlibei’tauu was broiucbt to Ihta city. ^

i he front of tbe locomotive tsiro evideoea of wtat tad ucourreil. Tho pikil and Udler head were covotmI with bloo-laiid horsehair-

But little is known of Ritaou, His cm* liliiyer, who tad luou ap)>raised of what had isTurred, drove to the morgue and InontilluJ tlie budv. He euutd not tell much about his fomur ciujiloyo. Mr. Meyer said though that ha bod Lieeii a solier, sten-iy workman. Ha did not know when- he live-l, bnt said bethought Ritgen wm. aluiin in this c-iiintry.

tViHU tlie train reaeheil the Broad BUWt Btatioii Ciitldi-rtson was plaissl Id an am- bnlauce by the Second I ’recinct police sn4 driven to Hi. Mieliael s Hospital. l)r, W, D. Hitcbell found that the fisguian wa* Buffer- ing from a dislocation of the right shoHldsr, a uontuslou of tbo hip ami a badly gasbaa forehoad. After bis Injuries had VeB at- timiieil to by Dr. Ultehell, Cuthtartna talkflil II Nkwm rnportor.

**Tb«|ioor fellow who wm killod,'* «al4 rutUlwiidon, who li a Iinncl#ohio man about flfty-iteveii years old, “ had ofu*ii croMwl tha tj-aoks with horwM. As hf* n«arnd tharroatv inf thfl t uulli Orange acrymiifUMtatlon waa aliout three-tiiiartor# uf a mile away* I bad put diiwn tbe off gate wben Hltgen rtarted arrou. He was rlTllag a spirltoiji bone A&d leadllug aDother by a rope.

“ The hojn ou wblrb Kltgeu wap seated wa>4 plunging aud actiug in a wild way gen eratly. A# bu triikl to control hi# motmt w lA hU h ft hHud he held bis Itid borne with hli right. Thtt mount seeDhsl to plunge acroee thn truck and the traliuwoNietl to slow up. TIk'm, lirheving that tbe man and the horaea would got at roHA, tho train camahiwl. Jsike n the homo which the matt WHS riding wheek'dl arutiod. Hitgen appaz eiitly I(M| his hiWdl, and tried t ikhurry tha borwe# bark acroe# the track, when the ui'giua Iwre down on Uimi.

“ (Ml the ImpuiKH uf tbe moment 1 rushed toward Uu) imiiTillcd horMinan just M tha cow cftirlier yL‘rii.*'l*o(l tho boi'se aua hi# rider. .At thl' hiMtnnt tho looomotWe strnck thn M-rgiid borrto atu) hurled it agAinatme. t, Wii# rriinhed under the animal. M f thlrteen- yrar-old«on, Wtllir* who wa# nearby, nmto my jiKoiMtaiH'o, just a# the animal struggled td Ita feet. A » my buy tru'd to avoid Itne waa nm ovor by tho honw and Injured, but nob wrinukily.'’

rutbtau'lHOu’n lujuriw are not fatal, ^----------- , -----------

Tho TlmoHsMtiiiidarfil ConipanyBThe Timea-Sinndard Fubbahiog Com*

]iauy to-Nlay bud ha (.Torttflcalu af orgauua^ tiuu recordeil in tbu Ckmnty Clerk's offloa« Tiie objert of the com]#iny la to **puroliaM ami Evmti'oi Uie pioBta, gixid will and prop* |ierty of Uie Newark ISmt* and tho Sundaif Standard and to oarry im a geneiwl prtnbli^ aud ]>uhU#hiiu; hiiNiueie,''' Tne capital stow i# plain'd ut and oecording to thaoertihcAte iHtHlnoM wdl be Iwgun with that amomit. The sto<'k U d iv iM into { 0U> eharoM of the value of $100 each, The inror- poratont are TlKima# C* l^rr, who holds b4'‘i00 riliare#; Krank M. McDerml^ 1,400 Khan'S and L'harh>t F. Herr, whu is ctwdited with uwiUug lUONliaree,

Ka-Aldermaii Wattaa Rym> Deearatwd.Tba tiMtiibcrA Of ttie Northern Republican

Club tut night preasntod ex-Aldsnnan Wat- woo. Hyao wttfa a gold badge similar to those w«ara br the Aldermen. Apseniblyman Tb<HDDai Murphey made the presentation^

An Allt^ged 4'herk Porger* ^l>tectivr Dalton of .l rw-T (.'ity, UatnIgbL

at the rKtuoHt of Chief lIopjieTf arrwted John Fraseti, who 1# alleged tn hare paused two forgeil check# purported tobe sIgaed by Fluraber Klla# BerU, The oheotfl were fof

and |3.2.'i. Fraxee wa# brought to thig city aud Is held at police headqiiatiwb.


Judge Ihipue «>n next willbear Hppremejl’flUi'J moAljdh ./ -

Ktdridge's Diryi eimjies'wc are*bat* was sblfi red daring liut night. The Ush tnulsT BOt HHfely away with a iMeyOles

City ( ’ounsel lUker to-day denidodthat tha nuw police clerk# when appointed will be 1«ld a# all other city employes and not out of the fund Appropriated to (ho Pdllco Coraqato* •loners.

Alioal $:n0 o'rluok yesterday afteraooD W slight fire wo# caused In the iharlAg pit of the engiQu<nKim of the J, b. sMarquand Coxapanyi Elf IW to 10 Warreu street. The loss will sot exceed pfX

A Btrawborry festival for the benefit of 8t, James's Kplseopal Church was held yesterday afternoon and at olgbt In the guild room oC tbe ohurch* on Broad itreets It wet under the numagement of ibe ladles* FarltbA ldA^ elation, smlsted bythevarlotu other goUdi sod Boetetles of tbe church.

7 batfirday, sfdbe 3* IBM* a to 10 P. ugs glleKo fleouiif Soap, Bmt* yingfield av*., oor. fiaawfi lU-Ad

Eugene Neldert* the chanmlon will perform to<|horrow at Haebf View Park, 467

B « # M t i r y t o t h * S t r w t and W a t e r

O o n o i lu io n e r s R o s i fn e .


H ig h e s t o f a il in L e a v e n in g P o w e r .— L a te s t U . S . G o / t R e p o r t

B a n K s n r M irw n t f i l t>at p f'H J* rp » lt lo «k

waitpla b tm w lH 'r '* « • «> «*nlbi*n<-e f « r •

M dapO vn ’ Hpptburf VImip I.pSi*

pppwe-T—''*'*’'* 0“mp»«r «'»t Aiitfp*. B*a PPTlni-

w % —PowderA B M W T e i r Y P U B E

L • O V ’ NTV AXn•u ro iiv » « " '*»•

ii. ltd’ll*.Uai* vL-.Tiar «»f MopTi• ..r*-j fi*t. .*«.w j*;KHr;v irtO:f mj.m v *<■ .. L-ov»r. ,N. J. ^

n n i- 'ir rr»H MAl.p Un l - I r ( H f ^ t..i r .ii A.sr*rr H«wur

ti ■■'ItnltniU'. walk fp#ni two •■►ciTtc f)H U ; 1 rir ■i"' fl.’-'-*'

vn. tuontwr. o f ^ i O y » « r « » < T u » « U r ! » « • < «

pg2 ^ t l p , * » •Apt. pMnuu" li»rvti(; linpiu i*'


Tlir. OFHut poa < oW W tP tb fr p*a-----r o u t iiip i»«* «•* iu i*».

In M to o f 'h * ™ '> 0« y t » t tb* H ow o f V . T t i l . rn « it l i w ,« HiichtlT .b o v .« „ ^ in l « o i< T ,m r - . Thu u . l . « to wsrm ll. ot ih,. la g lm iln j. T h on u iln iu m toMiiMTalu™ * * ' rw-orilM on lUo

. hT.CI-Kro.^. Iho t.-i:'i twon iv umtu, Uio ***rn * .) l»-lni; « l itivrw *.I 111 IMU llm w p f ’iiwt, <>ool<>*l « i i 'l hVM^Kn

' u n ii.T »tn ro ■'>'' ^" — k • _i. -k .K-uk AM I ik.4 Cm Mnv

HUAI- EbTATR Ti;A?*«r>-H^

Vln«la itfl.al/k Jtrur-. ►"fj'l'i U C Iln ja rrtn-1. « i.rJ );c »K |AVJ hOHP H I^. ' A '.

I/I.AIH nt L l.f TW<» r«.A I \ KIVit no >MS MCi). X o .lt kcadomjf**.. all lcfn»ror#mTilt.\ lounlfflj T.t hP»*Atak

MAHKKI .-.T . 1 " l . f lruomt

: F L .k T a ;H V *

ir\v T., iM y >r n loK'Mk: HA m.i't-eoiaT.« lH.|Ulr»17 KAHC 1‘ Allh; HI'. '

M i l! M l K. m i" ' ' " . lY fltio ri vlthwatar; inoil*T»tP MWt B tT lI iK IJ h llo r , Btiulh nronjfpf Vatliiiiurg. ________I

K<Mj\|- I K k KK MJVlLt.y R mjMH a x i > ...Okkchw,., * V B

lif’Tftrir.TvtMircBiii’ ta'iii

1 1i(l 'M^ -TO I.f ’l . 8 WJTII W ATB ,

P Iimuir# 4«4 NKW ;'*T, n *if Mr*t i t ____ ICto


a\ BOatUnt.. TAVlaOR ORESn* lieliaol TH* Pftlr

tKCpAl XOTir*^

titirwotb" trtfl iuuMiaMt lysum ^ •►. »nlr f-nf1^ .

11 Utr to laarn- «h M t«oraln<.

paptU mUO ilrattailiako H AltuitSi

iii‘ralb7t^'*’^ iad «f oii t w XottCOA T. lAflOf k 811411

fN rHAXtP BY ^*?M iE5li^ i729lAmeilUk N. P»rm*4#oB. pRiBiwkM. JaolO M.

K. t'ormtlte, Mlnorvult f^raiol** Old W if it* cur MatgATwt) A. Parni^iN.


r StatfAmt A. I’Afni^tM- _» *#Hr T l«u * o f on onl.r of < ">rt S

h«w Jonpf. mpUo irti IW I'A)' of '•>• if*!* * '* r * ^ ^ o « u « whonlil John > ‘ r W . 'L 'S . 'S

on4 rou >n<lliiAlDMi, ana you ono »*»***^ • * ' "li ; «r* roquirsKl 10 appoar, plaad. dainn? ibaixmiplRloon/* ku\ on ‘ ati«lMh.d«r uf May i«tt orin d«h«iUdacrua will ba ma4a ofalaat f«u aa IM CiaAWlorRball Uilnk a<|OUai4oan«lju«k . *Kt*uiB*

IhRMldom Mrti«d larUapurpf«^ ®* ^Ihoilhrhorta orihk Iklll Joho h, 1 ^IroMwiWpow^hjr IwoiTfU^ 1 !^ % / MM

A _ * .-M oi>o w kll i>k • •cbinl. I'ho oWibrolnl

«nJUn( inotWoo bw nowt ^wo itoffoijif 1" W con UK, rooKoin* iwo hUSwiownnu of« » '* J™ rWf: whw * «U i« n ijuuni wliT not «»l tn* iiPHtlrolF itu niillliiii iwtAU oin KAbo 0r ^ « ; w blU lwrn lu : ooil or uitd fi

RtUnw 4Ut U> tt*avora,I 0. o. n.

papiri for circular

“ i " ! l " c i u W LKT, «u nrooS « ,

t ’o v i it ►KVK!*rii s r.is r 'ik u iu . i'. t a mr To n ----------------- -------- “ -*


w t n r i t *W ''* ’*■ <*'■ba?tha loci inu tpiwcvutly fu) .lulton >viUFdAT ■fwrn'mn. A oiiwial rn w tin i i t i , . |uL|H«t rm'nniM ! « ony

n o o i o4Bib tfi A6 CM- IrtwM*ut A"*n D'lyw

£rp> s wiw ia »Ilm aUlity WAA ( « the (M iB o Iti lb * f t r lyHI.J •••MT k.— --- --- ^

the moijUA nuait oC Um rahi hawingNaw.-ipk After the Npy.rflwHilh,



U o y w w o Ihoro for. H.> ilM H>i» I'T 13 i„ ,.i,m . The iloy. of

O m arel Itnoerln tiiH oot Cbnrlw Uarrli,T | »n M 0 i1id iK A op !«r toHirprii. nnj o'w —A Commlfolonec Jor*'"'®®® j,pnenrnumilly

,|i^ t I t - nmiaaiiltijn lie ooce|ite»l h «r o fn lw r T

' Beortott w i* eoiYtoit. . . . . n ..o ourprioo. Clork 1'-“ ' " I*"" '

t Mm M U » r w d w i t '<«■ in’nntooi-ii i S 5 * t b . bcoril The kttor onUul » t the olerk In «mua>mBnt nml ‘ ni'l nnthin(r.

• uotolut the rn»nJoiii« e » M - w b e l llie other e'ofnn'k"'"'^® '* " * “ *S r tw io h r t to do. TUeyiloold«l t o p n t Mr. Hdnyoo’e loquooti “ id U » kttor

Blftw“th'B m lVlii' p f till* iiioutli. The homhl- Ity ovcroci- IS T1 iio rii'u t., the hlshiotllH »m i • lo l Uiii W e “ - - ■ TIui Kind kei>t very

lU w lly 111 the mini-nlnii'rT'AtiiiUK flibh iig it a UUl*'*tititH tjf

iKkt No toll's oin*uroi»T. Tho luolimuiiisvhii ily dill tint o*i-*” l tliirty-tlTi- n i t l » per li.»nr. end dW nut ottnm ihnt U it oui-e. rtnt

' ... _'■ Kk........ iMk ilil CnreliOike tot



tl.our, nnii *iiu nm -Ih in*mt*ter reiiu;i'd from ijli.dii inohiu to Jd.tU. os *'ro*iiin '-ni.llT inrhoo. Thoru * o « Ihuiolrr


»i Preddent Von I>ujn», I Itnd f®*t tlie

as vraifiitK -rt*.w< im u»w*. -kto.ono (Ml the i-ljchtiKtith nnd liin»iity.ei*h«Ji, k,.|firhnk.i.iitli« thinlelh, inn -n iblriy-lirit, limor holn on the flfwoiith, I'oriM l on tlir tlermith, thlrlwmh. fiAlf- tw i i* Olid tlftoeiith, and oliootiug-omrs ou tbokijivontli.



T im d re on antin' chon^i*' in it* dltoi-You hore kindly luformoil m« tliot

% innolre i ---------- --------------- --- ''(. Y ou h ere going

a^Hortmag* theUi'lolloit, wbeu 1 1

olerlc In m y o liw "« neui -ewtM BT* cuing to

■ - ■»**------ r tlo rHko " Ithedeutiii «>f toi^ t>mc* aqu

A..— _ M ] 1 »BUto«w\ to i-ritoiire fo r2 r ^ * 'w > r k ; therefore you hoil UetH'r here

clerk moke the n o * n rrem ten w !'^ ukd iM o tho reonoBoJlillity * l d ” 'tb J C i. (J*ntlenieu,Tthnnrak you (or-yonr conr-

„ t o f « i «K Up , i » L ’ b : y ^ h r h ; - « i d : i i k . -

S S ^ W o b o n V o t l n w l - ^ T ' ^ * “ af tn n e e in the tnetbod o f poytuK tlio • .Z p O ^ eep n d th o t WW worroul ‘nn**. « U „ n ^ h e eeenred before o n j money wndd ho IB lg , On motion o f Commlwloner S ^ d t n t ond tho clerk w im outhorind toS S S 2 h to «£ ^ m «M er. Clerk Runyon o ™ lj j .M M on *.«** not, 0* yot, been ooceptal. «o be gtnkod “ P*'nttor *nd bo*»« to C 2 S . , B e f o « h« ™ d_________ H uhn luaired up »nd In tom ipU d5 C5 C w ^ thit hedeefrert to offer « mo- tiS fS tnk^Stbe o fB » d'


Illfllrunlw of • Ilellerlllp ’ • »" to PloKt-lOT • Sew trolMfr.

For icrernl wreko workmen liavi* lienn en- Kiftisl l.y F. V, A. Unit, of *diun Urort, HollcTille, in bulliliiiK 0 cottere l*o#t, nfter Um* itylo of the klml uml In Kutlond In the Miimiior lime. The olru.'Uire wiu pUced niKiu tbrlmll of ■ oonnl-leiot. The from*- work U «von witli tbn iliU** *t*Bf buth_w«l* of th* \mmU la two ituriw hl*3 ik Tf>* flr*t floor coutalne o kitchen, dlnintt-roino, rodd- uig-rooin nnd ecrerol U-droomo. The upper

, pnrMnu le n promenod* deck ond will be coy. ered w Itb run von. I’he work woo ilolie whllo the boot woe lying uiwH ttv* t>0(nk of llw riter ncer the lirllevltle tlupi>ly Compeny'o

' ' Tvo) doye ogo Mr. Urrtt coni'lnded to hero th* l* »t towtkl to Lloyil’o Itock, opponte hit Dome, ill order to put the llniiihtnB to“clim b) Oie croft. Owing to loci of b o l^ t the croft cnrwmwl ond went down ot the dock liT oleren feet of wotcr. Le*t^ "i**'*..

rT i 'h e 'T ^ ^ in r t it in - t f M fc .Rnoynn. fUio w jlim in M h d a p tad tIh e ■ fh i* , wUile Mr.WemweK’e fOOO flUehod » t the toO ^ o r lu

• l 3 ® t a WM Intomiuted end d l»P < »^ o '-r JoroSemon nnmrd A le in n*

fucoeed M^T liiiu rt woo launedlotkly elected nud with “ rS V to gn ^ to^ p ro eeed K l to MumoS d t t e S f W o a o e . ’^The f l r * thing t ol iM w M to ru e d t to M a y o r 'e r o to o f e iliin ll-

o otort t l ^• « . T toord lnonce grontod to the te n tro l i f f k ned Ikimpeny permloeton to to l ld *

over the Uoraburg piece cspotelng o f S S S r ^ T t o « X t n ^ W « vetoed t o c e u *S S T S u i . nonwHioBpenled b y the o p « ’ l- g 5 I £ s i t o d hectimetbe pUni in th e i^ lv o e

^ ?T M fS S *tto d th e veto referred to eomV <M ag done by the old boord w « brought to

roieed onii towed to the op|)oelt« bonk, w tore send under eevere) feetit now liee, with one

A fte r pumping out the water th * to o t w ill be bellneted ond ogniii flootod. The d u ^ m f touche* w ill lie put on, the rintn* furntaheil, *u<i during ih * aunwier Mr. H r*lt and 1^ fondly win epeiMl a gruaUr portion ot the tim e In bring towed about upon the watere o f the Hudeou and other riven .

TT,e red w lv t ' irvaiferi r e i i 'l t l i» tto flegl.ler'e oOlc* Friday onn reported by the ride,itr I'llieaei IJjpjut Ou*p»oy were;

KIW AOI.Henry n. Taylor to More T. Wiegmtnn

u e tviltiain >t enr iMlllom Iac.

Ill'rtiitiViwliibtcii idlieriffi loS*mil>'i H- IVniilngt'iii. .Ir . n 0 Warren <1 luiw TrMiinmit >■'.-ixi''l................. ■■ V V

Il.nrv N.t'arktmnil •« « « to t r»iliTn k W. l*.nl. w » Ilrt'iel it 511 a fr M.irray.I.S fn llll.............................■•■■;■■ ■ : „

( ’aliierio* H- Ilc.iM. to I hw. ti. Kern. Inc fr Uoritenstand ofrt'linliihnv.iai.

Will. KfliigBr'f'-t'ol’ iii’Mailiila k.Hli'liArd. will, 11 gen fr n w cor Herkeley tv nml

rhrie.l. A. rcll»*e toAiidleH.llev.il"Um in «i im ■■ fr Nceliltl «l. ailH i..........

H.irali M. Hay " ’m - " ' m ml i Hmad tt as« fr I'trk buret el, snUt.’ .WTIIIaiu H. Ijiinliert to .Ititinf. tier. « e

Jnhoeonov t e cor Nelienilab I erry,^ ^

W'lllliiin'itWlc.wr e i 'i i i VoJitrrlct .i ' Brieirewr, w * H Ittb tt 1131 Ir ( ourt

WTlIltra II. f . Fltdler el u« to lU rrk t,A. Hrieleener, w i Bllthet jm ifrl oiirt.

Ctrrle K. liuiee to rng.r llridhcr". c " Cliurch (Htltey) i t tlfl i fr Klmiey "<■* .till I*),..................................... .........

Jnteph A. Adam* et o* to M*''';"* / ■Ifuik, n e corKarvcryit tod e t Weti-iiinn *v. Ikitlltl.......................o " "..i

Kdwenl McSoughlon lAttee) to Mtri utK" lliitt kt .................................... —

llei^ ccA k" lloidvD *1 to Minott tiihauar, * • iSrund * t « « fr t omruoof. *..................................

Frederick H l.om eir to Hlinon H< lim'rr' ny, e t KrtWil el « * fr I'ommeri'e et. a>ev 3".'"'

Janien K. Connelly (Coiuidl to the and r 'iirntnoo Council, fc to .i* lir»'it"iji It; ieu riftli tt; au Cemdeu el; l*- I'ennerlvaula tve ; 81, IB bljv'u* h I*' ' iSl Frelliiglmyten ovei .51' I'e'li'g-btlvton are; 801 Frcilrighuyeen tve, ___

H», l61 Fleet tt; 141 Flrel "I lltvlil K. Slcholt cl u* to I Imetien

Schmidt. W * LiUletim »vo -i- • ir .

llenrj^(w’To K?lii c! Viei.' t i ITtii *v im E j W r i o ‘ F i^ ? !c i - w : liViicr:

Henry (wVejV.'io ElitC.iiei. •eim; ; llermeii Uhlbacli Idb'ffl to It toii'l'o^

ItoH, t e Crawford ot lOOo fr W eehliig-tuti t t ..............................................

towntniro.Edward B. Prane et ui to Uuro A, M.

Seymour and al, .Mootcltir. w t mioinfleld *T e cor C. SI. John Soy-

Uur* A.*M!^lej inour toii ol to ItoWt M. Boyd. Jr- MonUdatr, e * • field av and 0 cor Peter II. tan Itipor,•iMvinq ........... ......... ......... .......

.fiallle Mwtiiaii tolioltle well.e 1 Oonld pi nciir Mliiide /.cllB,

AngneHiie ' j ! 6 iW and ol >';.,Au«"'t F, Korn ot n*. Clinton, w e W lllough- by tl 1 « ■ fr Lyone av,

Edwtfd J, liuoan to v tinlllt R. to Coca. Slontclalr, o ■ llrpve rt l-i fr u w cor Jomee .McLaaglillu. siiilid. ■■_■

WlUiom Tlcbchiir et ui to ' elciitlno‘ eMontplilr,


, .nnii'K iiocas-.i , ll„ n,;..l.re ,oe..-..lw.r.y , r «

1. I II ^Fi V r..1 I II T I , *»i- K r. t va rm • . a e» ...* I w Tu m il, po«*dAHin Irtim»dl»i>l3f, < «n o

r<it>ins. Ijiumirt * p.*rfv-;i f<*Ui i ‘m* * **d i pp*i*rrf.i; r u i f l i _________^

monih' "a m i i: i.M .iilC K «v ,:. i.

i\ .10RLinAT>l>

I . I l u s K i*itoi*i..HriKo rn i ir .v i , , , r y weed Ilf the cliy «i“l "'Iii '* "* *

. W i.I.Kl'.V. TV III I'l , - *• IVieJliWOli. l iK N lt KhutiCKB.

'*t'(*1e i. . : room", rtrit..tndtui',fl>.■ ' 'oM tn : bito.

J. vs-. jauAiiRM AX. sv^btfwMHiW

a s I SVKl.VI lUKtM H-iI hU^'i rrA lllil?A .n - r it«.*r-Ur*t.r r-orni: oonvsnlwTt

vtiii liATtt limlilM If >ni wiMt tlrrnl Applv 1 » HKltWAM. UiirrutiMf «<pni. ‘Ml »v«. *P

I t4|l||f«(tR M.

riHiMM im KTtiiit:

t : o r 1 H »m AM *K w r . in k i .a tn t o i .k t i■hUrMbHip IbuuIp*

tii Hnl ' I'll MllANttK A V iL

c n l ' l f IM X lH nT-BII H ILKr.SOUllitoO lJ". *fcs«On l rtlKir . WRifT.

L !l‘ IHN<iKIKIeO AVK.. r i KI.AT S-tT. I ; *11 iighi; p4nni«i; InijiroTi'm**'*. _ «

u iM M M i A v u . :ak K ' l ’ f'i M 'T 'i ! ! ! .K *L ^ ^ > o niiS In nrtv»l» d-'tlllHj : nttgtifcorhuoil; etfiMrU* i»r4 (iu «* «•/. _

.s u ;k !.a h n « n> i.BVCoivI I'emriUAVB H sL Ap*>iy AS immj* I*

A. L 'H i'L lN , i4M *iilr*i

rf^t i>rr 4s:''i»riH nirvKNiKKNfH 4, .. 4h > * r ; THriic# M.Vh rfto«i.

THffiii*. l i t : iVi'* IsrOAsl hi. ■\Tnoius Imjys. aM n « i , IJit. 84' pi., toviU*. |l<: • '

/ , . . ! ( K in ltT li A M I H M V n i " ’ vo .-T n ( I.I MW nett hBsw; ell ImpT.iTCin.nw, five mtniiienioin Uorrli tint O itti i:mMit;|n. nptn Min*Ar, I 111 <•

I7IE. 84' pi.. " roviui. fiT • - ^ ^ 7 * "7 ' ■nwin^ *18 : pH nunlphluii m.IT ; i:J I Idi.ii-if *1.4 lo'iiiik p i; "t'oie *1, A r je ® i r . huiitn MitMiiii.i iL, 4 rooim, W • ” sew «i..4n in«.«. * l t ; .M cUltno *'»■• 4 n «»n». “l l t i t . y . i . . 4 io.>iin, tic ; i-* uvenin i t ;^ 1 roomt. p i 4(1 -umiiier eve , '1 r.on '. Inipi,. (O '. Boueeo

r " * " " ' a . ' m s ii i . rst BmediL

I'AM SKM AK I.VO - I4MI'. V A S **5 IT ’ l i ' J./opeoed 0 diww.iieklB* il.iionmefit liiconnw tlon with ber Otweeiimn* Mhiol, wiwi*“ * ^ ■t/ed It de oil aiedt of wort tt rMtontbl. prlcei. b n to * It.. Otar Ntw.

OB* iwtrlof I**!* HBtem W t. laa.fitted y.bnurv 1«. ifiit: enfiio; in temubtlti iir the wifi irutiee tb.reenfitt. the tiwwteee of wi_______ ____ . at...____ __ _ ik.A—.*./ wnil

I \RitoeUAKtSU-HtM T.t It T l‘ ftO; * t XJ itty iM ; tllo itfitoe htlittA M_l;t.AS.. nr. aibXVtllUirtAN TAIIA ll KIT.'- AMD isjt AKBr jft ir oettloc ladM tad cbllfiren * f * r ^ “ Bitlii, 5’ r*t*u, MimliM tafi Hteini 11^“blH luirit, doable tiel Irlele ilJe hoJicA firweea ytein and Baer tlw e** « a . tO lliM V i ineefilue roU, wintr.. leKrueitoo ted^e'**'®™ book puyit. mtht tbeir own (.fin i.ii. fee* w“ ii*I______________ _ a oieeeiww. llitlMMA WrtA {l*0«r O kl*IlOO* . pupi» mA*#iu*ir own ‘f-- jletrolnt; ailllnitiit (Itootllnlofi *»* teruicul to Inettur. 1 fity tnfi eyrniai i*i»e " MAlMStK V A S / k S l.'J W r t l * «.....___ t. n ... .. * ___i j tA.,iivilw« mmid la ‘tMktViM A IaA 3* Is V .a ?I /. % is j . lATw i • 4“ . , _ ,Hr*nrU ai flA l A Arno4d BuHdlaii ** 1*' ** tUlet, Motrliiuwe. N. J.

OR ASaS IIRMIAOttTTlS 1 WltOOI. THS flm A ^ M ir TAylor rcIiooI In ih«

AAd d*fy oamptm^n "*rdr»u*titlmr VRltts luih* fl inss flAUhlnfS, All lUA}Rlit« yiAiirh MiyiA* M lilh lw l: i»^tMMAAbi* prlOMi ; ikpMI dAy AAd MAnldf M A K Tiu L r .s C j f t t i And 8i4 MaJa tt. Ormi** UACAtfBuild InfL

URAM irw M lAfrUinwr, imv< -■ •pATxuAAlt AiHl dlsbuPAeok^nw ^ liKpiilDtmtni it(A n»wirUR(*i tiiltie p4***or Iti* ■Aid J'lhn N, l.#Ary. Ai«JAnidl* N. i'A/molRO. JAP'At M. l^tva't •*. HAfy H.ptrnitioo. Jonl# M Holtan. AlocJt i®'" AiAiMrtdMy l*Ariny|»o, MIw v a IK hkmkAlo*Aiwi MA4e« ■ « MAmrvt) A. I'ATBuiiiit Art inidfi dr^MAOU ^ rAu«o you At* A 4Mirt Af UitdMtuI 1®*lA iht«M «li^ lH .Aikg by vlfluyiiMky rlilm to hAT«, twiakA intfrMt In rb* ***•nrAmlMfoomvMtdbvtbA iuld dcods t«irutl** Aud tb« procoodi d^ylvod fwiu ifcA iAl*tberrur.

lAtiWfl More b V , i mk i.w n on *. fcKART.

•IVHOlk-ltOT oi complAlAAnt.

7l4HroA4«U N*i'W «. N- -»•

m inXKK 'S XnTICB TO CUIltITOW . X<>"tiro 4o b ro'fy irtvvn icutbo eredUon •* '«tArl*tJ *. IIIWI w unviij |giT«M «w OIUW tr^..

IkAKb ACM] i UArlij* J, lAiiyvubfry.Iradliic BtidAf tbA uAmr *iyl* Apd flffH fir And l4knin>Dbvrir. of lb* City of Nywtfk, fouiity of^_.a ^.,.1. A.W.W I . . . " -i-i.

/ ilin T K N h K X ^T.,Y M.VC. To l»r, sto»41 hu'iv*.

Ht’ AK iir . iJ eK V tix *, MTIHH mi"^. W...W, , — J, a*-.HK^"r.K^ II-LK A\ F*

, a m ItKNT n HA V liliie iK I ' i . .I* r'tilvTil; fi>y* d «* lo<'**lc' .i P*r**^,1 YiniwTii > »•*■'• -------- .■m.«l*r*te renli ftmlly 'et^‘ » I to V

~||llL'HiJ4 It ) LKl.


Na me lleilevni* tr#.. e .rotHit tn l bett tHInin... tewewwiott April I ; reel, yix , .

;4,i. iMlielievine tve , e roemt t e l bwti illliniw.; tweiMe'OB Mart ; net. *H

So. 14 iio«rienfiiL|ilrooiMtoi lu ll *11 In pa.

w Fenrtli tr.,! mllthli Cir one or too f t n-III*" nhwrouwwtnfibJlbj »llln 't".i “ ty*

m-iu.r* of IIWHKB. 141 Heiiitiil* t * j. **>

r p n i.KT A rA ii'is|K t r'4 o r f iv k

J.:llkyetl* »i«1 Orete «t4.' 'l»P™re-»entt, hUm iM "lAln himhlied; imltor e..ev«Ml*«tlO MMtK or Kerrv «t- «l*n.iii*; r*et low 4o «tw t l . i * ^ le i l 'n i iT V *11111 1 11. sill Br.*l "4.. loom a " I

SIIANCH i s OKANIIKOF tJlUfll.SAI. V / a T. Ity lo * Hyitiai of » » i Ilraa^ty ; no cbttt; K le t l in tHurem ui.. wbolen ote m itt tbKr nwidreMHtete . I•*HB4 nallmliwl-

1. K. UPW.va ri4 attlem

AMU lAnipaDnir. Ui luffvuy u« *wtpvewi», o-ro,".' -•»mt% And t 'U l ' uf iSew Jomoy U as Ai) elAlrnt AtAiURl tbAiJ* MlAlA nuVtbd AlblClUtl lO SAt RfllH

I Kflhfr, IbFil AOSlfAAff At bit utnov. .* 0. >78 BnwI I(r*ety KAWAfK. Nvw jAPwy. iindAf o*lb of Afflfm*"

tlrtfi. OA or »i€tor8 ihA DlooiRoalb doy o f Juno ftr st, holAxtbAiloiA riirslby ibo iJTpbArti* r>wirt of coiiftiy of 4 kici lor ilk** pnrpiw. or b« tnrovvf bArced from ooltil®|lh for* dtvldiAnd ofllioociAlOL Aod RAirt rrMlllura«rA ftinb^r uoUQOd ih*t A iw <*» Iho rlilmn A*tln4t ib« Mid ( liArlot Iktwj pod CbATlM Ts l)*ii«ynbrrg. pArluriA, fsc,. ar ATt.rAMlw41l bo aiod wUh tliO Aurtotoui f>f Iho eoumy (fKm x on <Iio Mill nlnoiionih dAyof Juno wik___ ___ .1 .... ta.__ ...aMWw MImI her aiiB HP*

FE tlflO NALe

f|V»T,KTIP I I fli fi I t * ' ' P t . ' V j ) weA thirdArtii Ihurtb ittirlM of Sn, Oli Rr,kU

rcniAlnifltf «f4»ht boAuUrtil riwins. locxUon too o o ^OQnvpitloMl iuAil siaUihis :f4»ikt lO'V li> A Aoud wn- tm. Apply aI#J7 BK«.»Al)rtl.___ **°y iir i I.FT idl'ITH OK A I'A H TM K N ^I All tnipripvAmyiUs iMvrn roomstncludVnC wO '

vory Hflrci nolihbortiiHHi :iwo iMuebv from Uryoa ftL rsUlluii or.Sowark ao'I» w ('ItAH, i iiAi^NT/.l-USa.Mulhorrytfc

n nruF. TO HKXT VF.U\ lAiW TO A o i> o »ununf. furnlshwl hu'iw Al

lb« minimrr uj«mh» : An*nfvMlArn lniTih*v»ui8uO ; Av* ^ ''"5,^%, ^ \ l 7vi itUtioM ; A bArgAln. Imtulro of II. * ■ J* •t»m'0 UArl'iW.CoodUA MorrU.'.y(nrAtt«oii..cUj ,4l«

r j ’ O laKT Knl'n M (> ‘I' i t l*M Fill ri .'M w- .................... 4 / -- -And is>M wAivr. Mmilftnry rADTO. At i28 *-0m-

BiAjrtfl At.; r«ui fit. tmjiilio ..l)H. I'Jl! l.l IMiOl II, J A - 2>T MATkOl t t

ATTKMTIOJI L*lllW i-“ IM M t" . “ tJ*T 7Vn*T#loeer wtit enlarf* yOur butt nve toetaw; miartntwt ; Mtltfi IbHruciloru te, ur »4 pit* llletlmtefi caulofu* tc. by mtti 3h jewh a I 111 Lai' BA7.A «, taabia, MM*

A liO PrlflX -B R IO H T , K IA lT I IV ,*y*fi baby boy : all oureiloiii •eiew'wl. c “ l

tffl lb JAIHJEI 01.

IJATTS-Va, F lllU IK *f,V K fiA N O A ' ' " ‘ Mt JkK ora 4Mb Beoafi «t. rrn * Jmwlii* May » ,___________ e.t. « Md > ' MflfW IboTm ■un7bon. wiich. i,M4: ci«Ar^ t js :

]fnot CAllod for by Juno a,fhA AbovA WIU boJ r nos CAiioa inr oy juoo a , V .dnwa lor i^Altk WoJnro.iA/, Jun* ». ^

f|^> f.KT -T'iV" M ( '! ' FI..A7H, O lX TH A LLYI lorn

n i i fH r T ii i .K f. II ittsmis. lA« roiflu ond

ptr r}M'l.jUi M7 hroAd I

- I « • ' .sit; r ti.i * ■-•i **.~ •aH ImprorAinAJU*: all llfbt room*: fSlADPI, le H L ll U ».S..,.lt.'C .iliO ,'K

H e. IllH S , TRASCK MKIHL'M. C IS US .COBlolted mm lA. W. InTS. H -,,,,,

K , JT S H ASK U S >T.

L AIlltW , ATn t.V T IO * I -HUH, ZIMMICIIU t.S Ifcrmtrly wlib Ktart * Kumii will open t tlr.v


■roveineui". Apply Ttniefi tt.. nooni .w.

iCMFIfi VUr tlkWl 4..-w» . —...... .to tlEO. \y. u o w i i l .u 000 r j " ( i I.rT, MAY I. 4 R'14’ 51' .,


1.. i.r.i imiCK. « ltoO>»> *1'. co*v*Bl*nt to two Iln»t of flrtJtctruifi New Y o u 11. It. U*po<- ' “ i " t oC. BtEllJlAK, 10 Ctfitr It.Ho e s v T il l.KT


T(l Jif.I, .MAI l.lH 'a '.** 4 .FleV*'.'*' * twsw.--,a Broome 1 1 . iicer H;)"» " I , |I0: 8 roilB". ooruer

A*t#f toil Krelliijlmywm .V . pit. Appiyt* t-m J. M. wAYK4,;4eS n » ili '.

r iV O l.K I. n . t T C iR W AVRRLV P I. AND 1 w in.lni*tn .:iil linpfo«m*nt* •■’I'*'™ . _ _

let ro HUM KH.HK1' or 1*T liAttKJtT,

, I,*T -P U R S tH llK lll e HODMS; water; T*ry plwiiaot loctUoO; prlC)

naiouelilr. Apoly en preoiue".3» 0-, ligl.AW AM K a VB., OoetB O nvan ot'HK TO

uoofiri'O l l.KT n It-HIM". Ill i'LU'iB. 83 p l a n k h T.. 1 corner Jtme; i t . newly jieluial tod p t p * i « i

rent *I.v A I! iN l uB .". HI lllfib « . Mi




r d_ vA fcw'the netato o f John IllllllFPi t j l i baniTt to thke topee intmtoioAo acllo ii ih tH *' nutUer 'o f in vlog out n j » * t nt t to t w . ■M AII UBoato.Aiid.JtllwoO'! wennee, Wood-

Baiter BetulU Than at Any Time In the Society*. Eiletence.

The directou of theHchuJjert Vocal Sodety met In Mutlc Hall latt night and doacd the butlnme of the •ocietr’t fltlwnlb eeaeon. The rejiortt luboilUed piv>T»l tho meton to have been the iiioet eucceeeful in the Schubert'* eiittonce. Four orcheetral and choral concert* »»»re given alacnet-othiarijr («,000. The total reieipU amounted to abont (tLOUO, jJiore ihaii fin,(WO cf which wa» lealiud at tho .ohirity (»n c«t in hebmary, theproceode of which were turned oyer to the Hoard of Tmd# for the L'llliene’ Aid Aejaiation.

mitiil) .4aJU.. bey 8—w*A M4 4w.e wi.e

thaJattor. irw Stvfi" 4h* ental* btlt W # uotbWfurUwr hiw tuxm done writer emtiplatowl atn.^ tto

lioV « V uT faith thowii by the dd hoard.JSSj-de^rfd that the «ta to , whicu ha-i SeeeiStr donatea a filO.OUO laud,E d Been bndly trehtad lb return. Tto letter ira* referred to the i*ark Coininittee.

X ^ lh io u f « * «"*«■ nialu on fonlj*Slersuth ttreet wae referred to the HopotJ; meht (?n Hlfeota and Hlghwaja and toth* ItoMirtmeut on.Sewetw, waa uferrwl a 3 3 t o tor a private newer on i Mtitton for a «4v«r on South hlovenltt dreet wat referred to Uio Huno coinmitt^ while one aiklng the l»ard to have eiiKtrta flabta l)i*c*l at the corufsr nt I untrnl and Otould ivonuea friw refurrwl to Um JiBjiart. J t of Itobllo Lighting. Ibo conilitum of tte alee^le Hghtt at the corner of . Jobiuou—.1 CiUhtto *y(niieft,ac<‘ortllu(!'VJ ac6m- SrJiciSiiim It very l)*d. The Wtto w*P >]*■ (iffgfl to tha proper comtnttpoo lor luvoeU-

®*ASgtW letter coptalned the Inforirtation ii.*e. the C'oalollilatra Traction (..mii^iiy s “ taeipenenced m n*" had not properly ro- laiiTthd atonoe hn CHiltou tvenuo near Brtod ■ipret, Thit eoraptunlcatmu w m ixdcrrwl to tbt Uepartineut on Street* nnd HighwovA ae w u pMComplatnUiE atom the >* laSrld o^- diaoB" hi H l»helh hvcltuc, which tho mlljW f |t4*s hyi not hcffu tdeitned in over a

limniUoe* wore appointed to formulatew ... .1. ___I .a-I... imniekr BaAIUTTlY ftmtlk'WT* wviV ........ ............

plant for- tho society’* work next m^ 'O .IJlj ■ -* ---- " —k -+

..cu m u ,............ .. " 'ririienor id c.,rDenotli 194 e f r Harrtomav. JSiW"..lifpfkth.JfADOtn LOA r Ir iinri«"ru •• • 4 - -•

Anthony 1>. Huloioi to()r»ng«*» w »C i*vclA iu lat J »A ir wm ib It. fiOxllii........................... . ■ ■ ■ V ■ ‘iV “ i,'

Eva F.lUabeth Selvage to leiui* H- \ ■ Peck et t l , C lintor, i> w e I iipcr nl ni Ellanheth and n e 1 i'- T. (Juinu. n e t I.yone av w . Upper ............................


HnraES TO itE s r 4i w a b h r s sr^ ij Impeovemimi; (ST.H » r month; - i

ArftiUinyAL. WrsfOOfl ifWfwr orunth. Apply*® ArArt«i»/Au. * « yi *g;;^p^M a.75l Hroid ii.

r i^ • l-FTT VOUK HOOM'*, I1I.:ITABLR F<m . yoynj I'ogpl irjHANKSr. Ub

r i^ ► LfclT FIVK RUJMh.1 Tto lU PLAItX HT.

XJ(ibn»vriy mm « immu »iuelAA* UdlM* bAlrdrtsilDf ptrlur uu Aiioui .limt IAl TTI BroAfl *V, ox'#r HAltAlXAn *k IWuUJAii •AOAflA ■lofty AAXi lu PrkHtoiHlAl UmUliAy. 4b

A U llf i^ A I'RIKXU IN -XERU W A KR lliNa

U (1

AUIIV>~-« ■ nfir..-W|.r t.a .ax ei’etr ... *W .lledHd. Ifyon em a itie fn ltto ftb itn u ir lK U— -itJt WOBA.s'a M1t0 .1bil*Ehmr*l».N. Y.

L ADIBI YVIBHINU ralVATK SVHaiNO, tl HtjWABP, ope. Hllrtlni I t ; conflfieniltl IrttP

meat; ta fa^toapted : fiocior lo KWofianoa 43u

STKAW h a t l-Hl'>kINII--WS IIA V II ALL t t * new aprUc nylee lino wbloli la h if t-ti

felljIdaan'BhKfB ntav h*arM«Hl: OVif 1J3 B*(8tOAP kk JlAA w w •pnag ftyiM lafO wniun 4«4*ai • ** cblldlvD'BhiiU o jiy bypTtoi*i. ov*MJ5B*xfA*p»* toM iKt trom. J. H. H B*4»iA .S ,lU W M bloiUi

jUMPx on ( « • Min nMififfwiiiH ’ •; wmu* m- wbBoAieBpilou* tb«kfiA ukAybA MlwbyBuy— tnlArtoiod.

I BlAi] XAVTirtc( HABI* F.IIJtHR. AiAlBtiM., N. I . M*r i, A. a IW .

A Khh*VF.lL'4 XOTU’ Jt T(» rltKD ITOKB- SoikB It bvTBby aI* «u to th« ctMHon of

i bBtliB u lA iiffiibeff,(VMiMful K^ivAvAnfl ntati of NAiv ,■**rlalnii »fB 4n(ii lil« v« aw miwi b# fxhjbbj^ » ■iibBrrlltBr. hkiAA^linBy. Atbu No 4? - BroBiJlirMt, SBVBtk, N<»W JAMB.Y. uirlrroalfcnr «« fn k ^ Hob, oB or b'fbrR ibt lunBU'^mh dayor Jtt^

.1.... I I . t . a - thBifkrnhBBi' (kBift Af IAAIjoB, r»A or A^nirf mt iuii*k"'"u«n *w belfit lb# llJii* 4 i«4 bj *bA OrpbABR (Jourt^ ibA county of K."*" rer m »‘ r.'irPV.V'..*',iXllinir 01 r*WA IBF c“ '»'T 'a a VT e --- -*b4rr*d trom rotnliig In ftr » dlvlilond of IDAB^to •: And aaIiI rrI?<lliorT «re lortb** ntdifto'l ibot a lift or IhOktoltni BiBlort th« M'd (IkBilw T. l#BrtF«»nl>*r? wmtMtilKl <*»b ih i burrop»u of ih* nmniy or• JUKI «l»* ' Vn» rMliMIIKW* aei -•tm tx nil th* «k ii flibtif^iUb ilty orJuBo ntxi. whfo m p p p Muiw Uierpio luiiy 0* fil*d by bu/ am lo tu cltd .

littert Newtrli, N. J . M iy t, A. 11. ltd . Mp

A tsmilNKIPS NOnCK TIP t-rtItniTOMS . gkNolU-e 1. h.rKiy -■— ■Irtven lu Ih* eiafillor* of rh irlet r w h . of 111* city of .N*"*Mi, iM oiy ofV» 1 .n rtM ... i t " .W J f W tto l' »H ettim" aeiliuu hi. •K ite muM 1»*erin*r, ftiR Bs-'ljtnrv, At h‘i oflliv. Xb. TTl ■imt. XopBrit, New J*m r, oAtb-wBinrroiw tlon. on OT DaRii'a tb* uln»t**nib d*y * f Ji*av jb u . bBing ib* tlm8 ftiod by tb* t rpu*n* tvon cxmntyor Kk«*x f»r thxi purpo**. or w foMvtrH -----a funN* ewtmla.** I ft OtF B dtll*lHBtkQ Ol trlBcounty Off r.wt^x lur »u»a iijnyvi.w. “ • •---- --bBTrvxl from comlAj In fbr Bd lrifl'n^ojlb*... . ...J ___ Bit*... Tmm Rii.lh.Bls ^ i IAmI lb*t Bl1«t of

tw ■WWW* i*wtaa. « . ■*• aw*wAt*. brtwMB KArktt nnil B*BiL

r i ’^HAT HLk Tu NT mCYClett o x BXm BI" i U»n In ^ Uion Aro.ttiriQdGV. lK MAfbti

!■ to iffllfA n BIT Ay by Jnuik, (h* PriMlABllAl cifBf BiAn; Atop Id au4 ibb blioi bo t*Ul nxplAlB bU B ^ t U, ___________ ^

*TIW1 irOm TOiniOB IH IK| »aiIVit.-*.~ w- - - -Ami «Aid orodliorAarv flirlbBr Aoitfird ihAi A im «*IbA cUImt AiAlau tb* Mid CIimtI** ItoBok will bo niffd wlih ihAKurrufttoof throTkanty of oniliARBid ulneuwnih dAy of Jun* n*tl, wuon At* orpitoiiv ibArfto uiAJ b* by A»y ptnoo Ia* lAmtod.

IK ROftKViLtet FK O » A i l lM o WO pAf moBUl. Applyiott W .ORKRV.7i ) BroAtl ilt. or ** RmaivIU* ava . In tXA*v»Bla|.lHHor^KH TO iiF.frr f|X> TFT 4 KoONfH AXn nATII. |t0. Ml

1 l in m Hr.: *l*n parlor floor, jlkLr if lO X A T «A «^ tlA T B L K A rH E H )-

ilAdhA^w nF hAtB prtflBAd in aii ibB loton AbAtMA* P* FITZrAiKUJJC* Itt HAit«y *t, bAU tovfr. ^

HOI'HK t o r .K r , « VKRaV «T .;7 ro o m sC0QveBlAa«to:r*nl*l«

7«mllAnCffl : K*'* l»i«ee»'«- J^bplVT. BKXMURT AN BfOSlto

n OUilCR‘^ fO R H B X T " A T A K K D rt ’ IIOX. I HYHOX W. MOHBK ISO Third BVfr

T K1.4T?*. H (jrs8>. HTtmKl*. HAleOOXtliwiiniffHl: AllnnrU ofcU y; propArty lAbAD In

ebBftP. tonK k’oliA'MAiJAsh B " RM N, rrolint axmA -41 AprlayflAhl A j^^

L L T f l f l t S r o F 'B f r r r L ^ BOTORT a sD ,wld * t a. FROBHLICH'w. 1*5 KewtU t t tie

I IO L -S E TO LET, 4 " M I 'S r i iR S IS H E K llOOMS T O EET.B

lO oK H -w aH rK b , t o paHt-RAS* . c h e a p'ftw caib, UiA followlat l«w book* i ^ vW oo of_ — - - X Dw.ikalean Oh&i*a M AF

CHABLVa P. HKBIL Aedfliee.T tied Sew.rll, N. J., May 1, A. tl. 18*A_______^

C IT Y A D V E B T Isr .M E N T S .

-V "0. l l » M II.LKB BT. FOR IlKK-r; ,VP^T.> H *M m ry hneH: 7 ruomt. all ronveol»nc<«.

in/A IDI b ite tit Itanniiw. «tiT «iHr»inrt*w,UltJrF*JVf<VM K K H '-tuprttin rtiU e lt thr teepeW rWacM* (o Mgan4(S(l*H'(e4rn4*)i. _

U A L K fiT A T K-*4SV



_ * _ A - I KAVK riWIPKKTIlP' FOR , . 1, ‘ ta 'n c ry wtifi of in* Sty .ad will * 1 «

V t llb .iT . lr ,, ►. # . r r ttH r , T « Broad It- -’»h

CUM Ol HKWd eird Fmmel BL Butltiol. S#w y ‘" « i o t o . ; t .y tt Na I l f Miller K-; ou. •4 the cuKett «w l moW complete hout« III Iowa.

F IP IU T Y TITLE CUl. »1 Browl 8t

\m,I.V(.T(lN HT. Tl J'fUNIBKKJ) ROOMB, tlahi linu»li*crlag ; |l.s) and (2 ; tetpetuhlt

fiimlly- _______'

A-enn etta, in# nnowin* law two.. , hew Jtney, Buppmutnt to R.vUion, « t « t *r t-ortey** BItrBteieoa JeffeeW Law PiwsofiMtt, are*nl**yon sridiBca. *d d>w , „

BLAL-KBTONlt. Bo* t , Stwt e «c a

] >K O "P Itn ' PL , e»-K O rH K TO l e t ; BSVliNKOOII; renttlA

WHK.RMa K AVK,.I^ihlrd floor : r*nt | ll


r iM L K T .ffll PI.ANF aT.-BHlCK: HOUBKOft

l » » . ”afi‘ ; i f K t o S ” 5 11 roomtKmtht. for

* r^pV M V ST , irt FyitSI&UKD HUOM FOR i VlUrbt h ju .-liAvpln*. •***

Ha n k ST, c: To iriiT tN iC E LYFU R SW h i d from room. ________ S

/ ^KN rilK NT.cIl FURXIaHEt)BOOM!!W ITH \ nil !m proYpmi nb* __________ toy/ MlK.HTMJr ST„ y>i N irK . liAHOK HOOM TOI M ................. .... . ....... . i.itk.

rei„gM« xWI.r.. ,)«.<»»•- .11#— - '. . niih jCcov*. furolibvsJ or uqRirDliibid; wlib

convcnlciicAk. ________**0

A -.H0U»K'4. FARMH. liOTf*. i il ’ rtlNWiH r.S- • lirprl***. Bikld ur #x<;U.»bhs1 qutrblv : ooip;

Fn'U itopAri nAgotlAcod'! p«ri<ifi i j«Q BiT^MAN. i4i Hpr1oi3«:d*viY_

BAR O A JX H lN llK ALK fiTA T f.I M Y^OX W. «CK.^^ i.S Thl'd mVA

JAUK iUI IrUV erepAtcaj* ” ” ;----7*’hP AUlb«.Tij>tion rate wo-h fix&i at US, eu- UlHngaiibALTlUTito four m« I a ut ^bch uf tJin th rw fw w eru . A fiual reboArAAl c f Uio cUuruA w ill bo in M iioxt Monriay nigW .Wlurw WWI w tKreaw —-....ewjnroitofo fo r the anuunl roceptlon.

pwAT I l i ----ti»AHn•O lo r LUO ksea-a evtset*.BOW dlrectort eler ted were Dr. Eilgar

Holden, Dr. E. J. Howe,, Dr. F . B- Maude- \Lllc W illiam A . lire , Ndah Woodruff, M orrl* Cohn, J. H. H. Clark, Tboina* Cretsy. CharliH D. Coe. B. SaiiiHord R osa (loorge H. Jenkiusou, Jr., Auaten H, MeUregor, Beulamlu Atiia, W'allat,-e U . Souddijr and Rev. Ur. D. R. Frater.

Dll Y fiJl JA *• ,’ »*4*i- ................. .nVA?-A bIc* hOUM un r o i t t r v l I ronniiAod

iBin toiNflO. »nd oyc'ofS k®**mvi> vrh«;A%qy*fiy m ou ih j * t ^ w In MktrUy. W. Ji* ftoWK. H7 Blomtifltia hv* I

B0ll8viito a t a . fhotor BlMmbvM at*.. Ury^ ■tor* (lSx41); • dwiUlng ro.> Ok nbov*, with nu Imnrowm^nt''. a .. ai*

<(*u PAOtmi nv*.i T momn And bxfb.W H Adi bilk*

Pnifitailai BuiiaiB*._


il.INTON BT., 71 FL'IINISKED BOOM* FOB A«iil«ni*n only. ______

r|x> L E T -

T ’4ArTnKY F(Hl S A L K 'IF VOL' W ANT A X w »d brU'k fkrVjry in


50. « COURT »Ts too PKK MON fll.


J IBI'Vkr/ lit wisieii, V , ,cunl^dforionjBrboloBlot* fitr bviUdlB< Ot Invakl*

In ib« virluUy. •.549-iJlMni MT-NL f »t|. »<i

'1;h »m ...X nwinA fl.W^ i

JU A‘£!VS ,141* ifi'JfwffffF- t*rnM (rf »'*

A ieogthy protett agatntt the erection of a ilBOghter-honae on Astotrtrret, near .Avenue D, w t i relorred to the projjer committee furkctiou. * .

A n order pyoy^^ioK (fonilFUCtlori. of <k ieiker on Mouroe Atreet, from KiTry to j a - tB ije tio *treoU, w m roforrw! tu a iliiril ruaJ-

^*^ommiitoloBeT U d ienor naid he umlspKttMKl ghat there wan no ln«p;t*i't<>p t«) Miptrlult'iid tb s work o f bulMlng wwtirskOii Unilri>ai.li'i(ni« JSa Cotoiaerotf •U'vSt, au4 afu.‘ r diiwnintioA tho matter wax refwri'oil to Iho Sowor Commtttoe. with jJowtT to an in-M o to r . The allegwi had roudilioii o f tije ZibwalkA ou CauarkkU-«s*t waKbrinwbt to ilw Bttentioe <if C'ommixiiouor Kuhn, nnil tmi C^muiiHioner rojK)ii<Bl the luntioi* to hit «oU eagu e«iii flie b i*n l, who l ofbrnvl ft lo tho IStfoet and Highway Commitus'

FvrniA for (> n t r » M arket l>ky.Ceutro Market *»ttv w ill tw obw rved b j

tho au'l em|>loy«* o f C ootiv MarketIn A ftltlnc innnner u « i 'n iw day. 1 ho ingr- ket will d im ' at 1 o’cUx?k, iu aocordan«i w ltb a rpsolulion adoi»twl tiy tho Mavkot ( omenta t™ of ronnnon (.'ouncfl. A t '.i 1*, M. ft j^ a d e vriil Ik toruied in the market nquare and p r ^ coed to the Shouting Fork, where Utepicnic uf the I'c iilrc -Wiirliet Beucvolont AwswU- lion w ill be held. A t the park there win be a game o f bn"e hal! tmtwreu fhe Fulton* ut Kiillon .Morkid, Now York O ty , and the ( ’eiitre .Market team. There viill also be a w rie" o f blcvclo rei'e" among inenihey-l o f tfe> k jw * 1,'uunty W lu»ln icii, aod .otlior athletic events. . _

h a 1.F-"OL'TH KKillTKKNTH ST., 5 J". tl,te> ; Soulh Fourte.mh iL, 9 reoma

ILIVJ; ' loo* *1-. 7 rjoai". tl.S'o: ("aiaden tt, IV Iierv hoot', "U ii Ilrivemay, »i.4''i: Ai-tfi.my « t , 14 room", *2,501, ucWUi*'ot 41, i i « t him. II i i o i " *V,7to V. n iiVK ll * tu , IJl sprlllttlellBTe. Fvnm iijtv________ ___________ _____f.'Vllt HAJ>K-WK HAVK a UfluD NJ’tjMK

l^'prip i'rty 'on "lieimrtjlfi’ t v . ; im tMln* twodb# •tore and i'- r»otn<: prlc*

Corner pfoisTly on Ksrry « . dojui* stofe » rcMiru* i«.70U. ^4*o l«fo ko0«4 road Iipiin« |»ro|iBrllKa. F, RBiV KH «k IX>., IJjBprlQftiiild « va UpAii ev*tt- Inga

r p o LKT-BRICK HOUBK NO. 14 U lfP K N BL;1 ift rPOtn*: impruTAniAnia |f_

KkM FFroari aiuutintwrfn * Ca. TlibdOi •A

T O LRT-TW O HOUSK^ XO, » t***fomBry"t: I ronmA nh IropfOTAratnii rtat

IlS Der rooBih. Imiuirr ^ *S r^ HTOUTKNBtimiH A (T l.t> l 4.11 BfOiL

r ’lU N T n v Bl.. >5-rtlRNJHlIKD Y I W ^ L room for anull^oiaii: bnlk. tob

C<OF.R HL, 31 ■ TBiBfimhy

-K l'R M S K S b ROOM 15 PRI It WMk. *40

|TAHT PARK ST.-M CRLY FU RSIbllRDlAHT KattlL 3 I % fi iiHfij I r V fi*.w *■** ret*ajroom with farolly; ffpnitomAD dolnitausluBuiu X i « York preferred. AddrrM 1 W., Box K. ofOcp.

C0M**CTlON»< O f UTAH re, 001 SR, OLD .old A»d - i r . r M Broad N*


Q A F IE -W a WTICD. RMALLBAFE, CHEAPfOR 4?»wh. LONG. 611 Broad iL ___________________J,

H lO m M T PRICK P A lli FOR OKNTS’ CA^^1 ---------------- ------------ ----------lOHWnT FR iU " r ia i " Mwtweva *

A-anffctotblng; d i * * « by man promptly totouiirf to. i. MADAJ04KY, to(.?omg>nro*»V 4ib

Or r i f E OF T i l l BOARD o r STHE5V AX& Wiitor OommiiBlonwfor tbnrt‘ y of N ^ ^ *

NAB ark, X. J 1 k »y ti.^to* a«AiBd prorcnBia will b« iwf^vBd m

nnill 4 o’cmek P. M. of Muodiy. tbn m w iu k day o f J PDA* IIN. for ihe fra lliif and f uftloa of

F IF l KkN m a VKNL>, from tot Old cuy ]|n* to lb»pPBs*ni cSlrUrto

I b» lOlioWlOf U Aboui ibA Bmounl nf to* n’ork tob*dob* bd I tfa* m*i4flAi*to h* fUrolibHi in ton coniLfui’tioii Aod eiiBipiflInd ofaBid work ;

ElKho -foor bundrod l*.4«4 cubic yard* o f • ! »bADkn>*Di!inAanur?d iB ^ lo t). #

1 orty-oDA buDdrrd i.iinOj cubic y i r ^ of axcat^

'*Th iny *!*htUuiidrBd(M03-MofAi #b*t » f » lB ck

™| htriy-ioui hondrfd aquari IbBt o f c r « » '

*V tfw en will iiBto thtlr pidcaa 1® wrttlni a* wbU

* * l l ld ^ « * ^ a » t ipoclly In th*lr nrnp<^» tool, thouid lb * AboT* work be awardol to to * » i »o « f wUi blmi toamtalv** m> floUb nod eompiata toA •Btaa Wllhin Blxiy o'»Micuilv« workinf dny*.__...w-iaUtwiAetAi.w cif (nfil WfbPM 4

_____________ _ ,n*i-uiiwei vTw*»i.*B —Tlt«9l»n<l«Bd •pedfirAEloUX of to* WAfkC^ ba

•XAOiloed Al Ih* oftlCB Of of M itol And

T AD YU BkD D tE w a n t e d : IX <^0D C05- I jAu ln ^ AddrHB E, Box K, 5 * w* o# cb. 44b

•*AOil«*d Al in* nincB oj m i»w*4to v* .W *ief Coniooi**10B*TA Nr. IM )tUJi*y Atmi.t^____ I.w.,4 t u. iriK iwvnuiDt !■ Wntep n in i. lt to bi toooni|itol*fi by la* rennet la wrtfctai, eHwb uimlrt.

' lY l jU<T*D-YOUBOLD(»OLI>AND*I1.VE(1:• U ■ ■ 4 II4k I ww—l *sp ■m&i IAeST»U—I U U n M U U w *tv (» tw. , w . payheoeti prtcj* tor H l“ i*rt*or sintll

onttUtlea J6n A, D .»KIA)VEB.T Ffufiealltl BellJlny


-iw H A N K U N ST.. 27-T.l LltT.^YUtlR FUB- r nltliKl toomi; til newly IWuUhea ; tata mg-tt.

DotrroR Bwcicis’fi b e m e d ie r a r e b* f e .iuietnfi.irecflv*. Try Hum tafi ym i^ll to

navlncefi. MI* i;ur«lve Olnimeui cure* huini, brul (I. « *W i. lick, chllWtlM. mie m niiie ret# fn* neurtltlt tnfi iMtbtch. (eat* trfi .ppilcttloo eriiyi, tbfi rKliiv.t til IMi troeniei; iur. nire ft* pile* H l i ” l .v S to ; c u r « lt lt r r l l MU lYA xiui jjpH.g Bod TbroBt- iiAAi*r act*n ' r S i t r S o B B ebT ^ n . n Elm .L, N . ^ Afk. Poe naU V 4*Ad4A> drutUU.____________w

hiz. of twft aumivft, WUi)iO«U*Alin« vj In iusD proprutli, fiUtlIfy •• lo ttolr iv»po Blli«l^» ibo amouol, ut tooh pTO|>o*AI. anobind to#m*«lT** (hAt, If too contfAol ba AwnrUod to too or p*^■on* iDAklnf too propoiAl ih tr wlU# upoo It^ a in f E^ l«S rd*d :b*c .m o bli or th^J- fiJ*lAithfiil perform*nco of baW woto ; aoiL to«t y to* tt*rffon or p#r*oo* omit or r*fuo* l'» oxoeuioiucli raotract. tb*y will P*y io too cliy of •'‘ •^vk-noy dilferviic* L*tw*«o to** •uiuri Im which h *orib *y would ho^o beon entliluJ uponoomploiion o/MiA mnirort and lh*t wbl.'h lU od iyo f AB'^otK P»*y b» obliged to p a rto *p *r«i!iorp *tio i«by wboai

- ------ - "bAlliTi

IA^URXlhTIKDTtLHJM WITH PR IVATE FAM- 11/: fontriUyloTAtol. Addiwis

I p r iv a t e , Box (i. Xowi nmoe.

TWOHMALL ONK CAN_ . let In BjNirunoQti LrUV*ncl«n it., Jiotf

B*ll*VU10ATt" iDflUlr*^ eVYrer,-. avb -Aiwr 148 BBLLKN LLIiE A V E

r l^O I*ET- 1 ho

n AIr'^KY RT., SFJ—FUKNIRHKiD ROOM’4 FOR ll2b( hoiisokeeplnj ;aH pricox._____________ ^

L K T -A RRILK nW EM .lX 'i IldLSKr ix iM Wllil

IC4A BtaieriUoAVo. loy

Jikiiilr* Ma7H(.h;t h o a x a l h t .

' iMo Ou* block Irom •iriun Hiid rirctric obiw, tl7,l • iblM Fnre*i Hill- Ml. Pni-pert »nd ulher iiolihU'clni Avouun ; I'dt froio f ’l'W to torin*M»mr APd AVkUinnc* ziveu (o ibo'** aMirtof to bolifle P(‘> M ijOV LA.*^D A.SD LUAaN tiK. I-T Rfufu! n l, hoom 1. J. F. M< l.A(»AiS. A!aoAgOTJlw

Can ipm onttiif" CUy,During the week a targe grejiel tent )iW

lieen erected by FaeUir Martin Ifuncu* 6n the l.l« let on High .treat a n i Wiiiumer a v e ­nue, iKJtweeii Urano *trM t himI Blofiniflelil nvcime iu which an pvnngcliBlic ceiUliBlRti w iil tic cnrrletl on during the summer and curly fall. K rery iHk IW at 8 o’-t'lorV and Hutiiiny and Tuesday ufteruoout at 8:80 f « r vlrm w ill l « held, thii llrst W ing Ui-morrow ofmruooti. " r im in o f all L'Uri*tiane is dc- sired tu OKclHt lu tho work o f reaching thu vast numbers o f non-church g .«T * and la strcngtheiilng tiie fa itli of oliici's, slAte* Itev. Mr. iluueoi.

. 1)11 11 KNl--KIN'a T Iir i'K t'AltM,F IIKS" I.K ...1,eMWlslInsM tUoiueiev.il .CT#.ut 111; jlT cnu-.A ' OWMIlMlu* Ol lUriJltk ww. ST V*. #■

y^ed *A!Jd, with arid b»Tn, Ipc kfloii At MH t ia a u v * p l " « . 1 'vithiiicit* uma*; ™a'*i "V ;wonareu rtollmn per V*'K Afifircil '• ''■ 'YE4A FK1L.L1P.V.S I KCl." WOttK". NewaSL N. J, » »

n 'm I.ET-IIOUSE w n , HUtTlI S IXTH SI'.. J I bath tafi Itaefiry, w.ler tod *m ; rwt

|I5. Inaulr»287.

r j v 1 LK-r- ill Bo ’ >? 3. iKfiue, Ne. 11 Uurcettt.

KXTKN'SiOX b r ic kiDfiUlrB

ifTC-^XAt. rtT*

II, IM EtL Vfirae* •• 4' —furnlubwl reoDislo l«t forg«ntl*m*a only;

BY*ry conveoHmo : noboird. 4i0

A I A l i 'K X J>ANE 14-NICELY rU R K W lE D jT 1 front rooiuA tu lui rbsap. _______________ ^

Mri.n»* riHY s t ., 163 -tnrnhUed rf-OOit to let

FCRN'lRtf ED A 5 0 VX

Dr , ROLMlOW S P »t lF lo ' A W E E AND partitv* one *>r *11 ftiutl. irtnulmlU"- Ad-. T . #* — . IV U b.nLlFs UXl UMUl^BOaiWO CPT» lor ail *r***i*t"ii**'— *—

iroA lllA LAEOdCB Bt; U B. hinlto. *K BfOAdt^ Aod All druftlAlA Prico I t MPi by mAU. Wb

P kOF>.HeOR Ue Vs SR. U A »4A ‘*B a x u SS f i l S ^ r S T y fc W K"T KINNEY sT.Ji mAdicAl olooirMiiy. w wn.**! fi^ii'.'*** • a.

EtpoelAl oBr* to iBdlo* undtr *l*ctrk> iro>tnont Mg

r ^ P O R A U v

C eT l E D ' PROP >SALi” iSDOIW fD ■•PRO-rnyr-80*ffa'3, t.va.P4/-*i.vt-t) t a#.-i.7DWUi lor ikiotirAir Bpd rroMwnlk conitrucitoD onMb* OAAi Aldo of COntADrtt ilPtoli" ^ ^ » l* o d bv too Townibin CoumUto* o f to* Towb-u tit o u »r t'liMulAV JimM

Mr i HMURV HT.1-,fur Dxbt ItoPKOkNpIni

1 203 FDH5KHKD BOOMR : all pr>C*A 83b

rt r„ 23 T.AIJY AHmain *—*■ -4-.-*1- ■*


l.A iri Ar. F u a* *wy «.; | i; fUto furnbibed iront ptrlor wUb


m » LKT^BMAI.D BHICK IIo LHE. n o . 75 I tcawT KIXWKY b f., tecon flit

O'lu 'lU R I* HT. a i-X IL K L Y FVRNIftHKD roum \o in : with kQi AQd UM of bAto I urm i

prAiAlAAAApply on

2*riA’i'inii d*.

» l * * d bv to* Townimn i.oiufniuB« oi mofigwa-Phlpof H*i:eTlllettoi!lH|3P. M, of Tuj«lBy, Juii* L tort. IbrthA arnAtroctlon of aW ew ^_ _»n«rW*Ui»U Ml *'*MB’Wfc*» ■m-4* «»nWAlkiM to»M Aii1d«iif (.'ortlAodt ^r«et. b*lwr*A WllllAED Asrl MlllAtratU, loHortll*. 5. J.

aiddrrt will XDAki two BtpAraw bldi, mAfk*d arti and I50CO04, and will itAt* prlc* lu wrUlod ai weil

* "n M B id -F o r (ubWAntUi «rAdiBy. lb* fUrnlih lac mAtoriAU, to* InyidmlAl irAdlhf Aitd to^ uy

eif jwsfcfctifMlkB and th# nirnilhliil

M cb^ irB C tibA lltw ef*cu l^. , ,I h* BofcfiJ o f ^lro*t And WAl*r CoiDrol**loa*r*

ofiliBcIlT ofXBWArk. iMBrrAto tbtmwNVM rb* S fU i to BCOfpi or toleci Any or All proi^o^vfto lb* ^ T * work* A» ibey nuy d«Bua bB*i lot to* luttrAJt

'^^biddS^Add io r *R «* r » hewby brtfciAd tort d*r to* proTlilon* 0l to* lotento *a«loB oHbA I iwrniatlBir th* i OAriJ of nirwl AOd ABlcrCownal** J ^ * i t APprSrAd March2*,l^»MhAt lb *^ n d o r K?odrU) & aWao f»c to* fkltoful •xtvulioo And S;:?r>rmAnc* uf *Ald public work to .ll d w ittarovadA' to iuBlcleoey by to* board,A»d ■* to^^Srmby to t Itoun.*! of tb* Board. And M ConlfACt AbAll b* bladlufh#rama •flK'tiv* or aperatlv* aatll • ueb bood I* S T lp J re ve fi;"n fi tb. i-rreldeai « f ^ Bo.rfi l U . l l h t ' t p o ' v t r p n i p o w f i hi^fi* n,.ii under Mlh. If he MuUl s* fi««li», o i ehth b« to K 2 " « d h“ " . berfi. but tb. butrfi "US « t be isnmd hy toy .tsiereunt thii taty bt nitfie by moh pm?SU^ to°frtVm.u, bblthtil btve f " 'l P"w.r tafi

dl»cr«Uaotl tn* wbow m *tl*r,ttd tollS^^lAton ahAll b* nHkrr^ iQ loAQy^T*rU j*in .til

l y olrwtion of ibe Board of AOd ^5A(elComaiHileutrt of the city of S s * )jE ^

GtaerAl Buo*rlot«ad«ai Of WorICL

FMli MALF,-.It>KNsi>.N A.VK., l o t S.’iXlM :ljou**i»3w-: n riK>ui», Including liiinnrwm ; mU

tnodATEi Impruv^uiviiH : llnliluiir. fliilib**! lu »*t* ural wood ; a Imrsnlei; pru'eJ IL /. MiUVAH/*.‘:iO Vnnrktt *1.

1^f)R SJALI- HOWLa NH bmi«» :i M‘ 'ry . 1" r "'P''

r*nl*d At iDjwf ■■'•ni., pilre1 JI. 1

fu. i,m ' 25X »;bmi«» :i M‘ 'ry . 1" r M.nu : wRler, i'^wee aod cal,

- “ ^ rlrelLilUuvLIIWAU/. Z\fi Mark*! *t

.. .. .l1i)V--K AM ' I.oi. WAKKM.AX _ home I'oiilaioN l>' rooms, kll nifnlefu im-

rrdv*iu«ul9 ; tPfim vrrv *'\ffv ; prU‘# |3, WU11. I L svakZ, :H' Market *L

1; io U »A i 1 a*e

F ni\ K.AI.K \s'ii.sii;v''r , i.iM-i^XPJn. nor*^E• ro

AUU ri4tiJ"n* vwutt.tev."" .ThoiU fO tioD ot the iKtaivl ivHJi iT o ii jh l U>

iditl ..................... .......................... .


thecondittun ot the cresswnlki at MUHi avc nue eiul Fouricoulh street. U c fcm sl to t,cuouuittee. . . . . . . .

On motion of Commiseioncr Jorniemmi the action o f Supcriutcuilcnt March ia flls- ch w glB gn iinmtter o f insi»c tors was foil-iiltoed* . 1

I lw C l ly fiu m y o r , Mr. Joralomou » j ' l , had uklled bi* Attenilou to the m-fsrlor material uawI iti j'av iiig South ( iraiiija fcveuue. T li« Commltoiouef furLlitr nUtoii U ict be had iw l the work •tomN'd, fu d he w iiited to kuow what liw board i-roposeu to 4o ftbtoit I t I'rcsidont Vuii h\iyn« aiuj CommlsAiutier Kubu lliouKht the umtbT«boukl be ftiwrided to b ( the Stn^nt ro iiiiiut- tern l*«mml!«tiODtd- KuUii UKki*-! lhu4'ouu- aaI to leJl the bfuii'd if it w<juK1 I't* right'toTtoVfl the wift’k 4.v>utifiutHl iifl«lf*r' ihf'•wisiou of the boanPi cuglutHT ui tin? abjwiu-u

SuixjniiU^udeut,• City Coiiiiw l I'liauiilpi* Hiki^r Miniw ottli be all ligh t U) iJurAito sui'L a jAod RO fib* W4>rk w ill li« ilon«'. r Cofumiahionfr Tlciieiior Haiti ho had lH'cu infonnwi that Uu? <’ity was in o f “ licii- totiADtA^' to auiferluli^iul the sU'tHl wtirk, itfvl bo told thu Ollier romiiiiKwiouer* ih a tlh ey could gat furlhpr j ^rtifu lars ITom Colomd A U ^ e tbeAMisiAbt(»om *ral Siiperintcudimt. The l»Wor was present, aud w&* givou per- ttijAiiontoBjwik. *1 * e t .

'T h e Colonel ifg an by saying that the S tree t ' CoinniitK'o wanted Hroad itroot clethed up bv this nioriiiug" ami that ftll nr- •rangeiTients La<t nmues hut th»'r« were VOt ^ ou gh foremen to Ixiss lb«^ work.

“ H ow au m yd o you ueod?" aaUo-1 Trubi- deot Vuk Duyue.

**Two w ill be enough.” » k k * d Colonel 1. would KU jjgehltbiil ihAy b<'

M ^ n lc d ftt least for t<>>uightJ' lfo w fu i«U 'tflu riied toavpo iu lU io tw n w i i , niul aftor a leiUCl^T diACUksioii the Str»H*t Coiniiiitto^* was empowereil tc empluv eiimigfi uwm to prup- ierly anpervlso the work o f uioaiiiug ilte itweta, whicli w ill be continued n o il week. Ill* 'b oa rd tiiem aijoarned, ■

Com m itted fur A lleged A llcn ip lcd Aaiau lt.John Shcriilati was committwl for Hi*

ai-lUiii uf the Hraiirt Jury this iiiurnlng by Jailgc Eggers at the Fuurlli i'rccluot sta­tion on tla' cliargc uf having atUMiiplc.l to BKsaalt liUUisa Drlw . of-JUl IW iiiim l avenue, oil lbs iilg litu f Mav'JlI. TLcro was no ovi- (leiicc ot tlie *tatiuii-lmuse, Hbcriclan having Isun arrcstnl oii a w am ia t nail cuinniittwl wttiioiit a bcariug. There ts another cluirge uf assmilt [icudiiig ugsinst him. He is A In iiiicr w orter hy occupation, olnl twenty- tlirwf years of age. _ _ _ _ _ _

Ruiiputctl lo W« InSAng.For several daT* John (VConiior, o f 1124

K lm stro ft, hew buen m'ting Mtr#ngHjy, and yptstonlaT hiH w lfo very ndiii'tantlv con- cludoil tiial be* wem insum*. F fan iig tliat he might barm him wlf or others sh* iiivpkw Ih fu id n f tV>lhH«nien Nchillur ami t^hepprrd, o f thoTh ird I'oili-o I ’ reH'juft, who t<Hjk th* man b 'th o Atation-hoiiM\ whero he is held, jK*nditiig au oxjuuiiittliuu by l ’ohLT3 burgeon Clark.

r.-VIR ►<a 1#k---- I't si.-. ..

rtfU MK \ sh f.'p'i sfU 'Tri icfiili-I .riff irv "ft-j#r* I* ''i ’ I -I .....................* feeni't si.-, h lit ' I r aiuI zuU‘1 cellar i cley

H'iiWAli/rt 810 .Mark*l I

r.KT, TJinKK-........... .....impi* 1 renifsOL

NVcrpiunlAiheB rt.' thf**-*iory Iriiui*. lo fuouis. ImpUii real |t!L

V l ’^A K rtIX «r05 RT., 6 « - r i> .......W •loryhrlc’c Uou**, in room . jmpt*.

1>LVM FT., to-FLEASAXT Et'HSIHHED 1 Iron I room*, lulUb *foc light ligu*el(**plng. Me

log BiBitnAU, IBBIn* and tlBUblng ofcrowWBlki And toe farni*hliigorruBtMlrtA ih* iwrtft*ntoi rAUini. «Tmng, i ! » rBlOBAAd JiDUhIni tllOBB nOfllaD* *T *ld*WBllCS tbAl

o ^

lJ 0 < )M ’l'O r k n t —h a v k a V K R Y PLKAS-

m JOHN JAOKSOX. l*s MarVPt *t.

lin n i^ f I'rnltheil jiftiit reKun io.prlvaia fAQiily : ■llLXied light In bUiltiMtceBif*. inqulr* AlQi in u u « n B » ' • “ H**4'-^v

M H a LsKY cr.. Bear tt-mt Park at.

IIO tN R fi W A N T E D ,

n" " T irsE W a n t e d , a b o u r s lin o iiImprovimsut". --------

UB[ OVAI 1400.2»C

. . . ......... ............. „ W ITHIn |00fi aetshborboafi ; lem

'Afifire*. ^Ho u s e , bo* y , x . w. ufiifa

T O l e t - o u t o f t o w n .tJ.1. FAST ORANOF. N. J,

bfsaWfa'Uiacslml. IA MHURRT s .., ----- --To Itt. fuinlihet room

( i r T o ‘let*fj?Vuinmcr or by tb» hou'S. 12 reonil and Impruveuicuw. lul lOUiaW, 7niitiuui' walk fruai TBitroBil AtotlMi. mliiuiAi waui

_ rouniB w*r«T *u-l wwor, Wfp*? p iv r i ; prlc^ ll.iOO. JI. F. It/.. JI 'Market hi, *

-iNOn H ^X aqU bArn

• I-. V’.UIMI prli-o jMi.Vi

JI. V\ H IJW SllZ,

ArllRri ; H51AI.L HOt'RK

111) Market tL

HAhU lW lN VAN IirVN’ KHurveyaraii-lile*>ria UskI Krtili,

;5J JlUu.lH HT. FW*lll>'T1U* ‘ 0. Hull lint- KiUL*«'h*ld*L

llmAlAAOf VAlU* tf! DM > •:: ,r C‘v ■ I _________

t7 l MM f.K AVsi!, 114 - KOBNIBHKD UPPER> 'ftuiit room lo 'onc or two ila i l t gHHlemtai terioA j’>»ai*ei>abl*; refereoc** ri»<| (wg. 6#fi


; H IW pOetlusso VI ■HA*''—4 vAlto* fnlMiWlIun ontrtets.

fUrnltolni mtUirial. laclJ*tit*la He at anct#* » l U''CtJtUS RM—r* t fUniEWH>4E aaa-i"*—''Itfie ami cariSiie,' fta ^ oe and (intshlnj of all wilka lb froDl of w urfierioE upon any IClof

AVK.. *4,1 siiH lilsb tti.-M oely furnliliid room

Ami gji .



■\1 'AH IIFX RT., US-^FORXIHHED ROOM. TO X* le t : llFlu houtokwhig. wRhwntor. <so

W ^AM lIN<l'i'O X HTr, 331 — IcAROET l e

» ^Firil.-avilVj-.v 411.1 MU* ~I email nicety fnroluhed room*, ePAOp.


K.W'a T TOMto' I

llOl'SE TO L E T -* T ir «W ": ISA-TH. ; all Improvroiial*; ao i Iberiy . t . U e"t

OraUB# : eoavrnlsol iu llretrlo c r l . Ap.'ly FI K^INliS, DRUMMO.VQ a CU, IIM taalubuoy tvo.. t v m orange.

Y T 'A '- II IN fiT o S M-r., 4U-TW O ROOMS. FOJb 1 1 nhhefi. for light hoowhaapinfl. slwliveBaiy. i


Th# cnmmliu* iMerv* tb# rltW to »#J«» any

” p !* i»*B d »p»elfic*tlona nay b#tiim ln ffia t Ih# offlM o f JfeA'wtiKo A BatkSiorn. •utreyort, i »

^ m p S i j f t o ’w,'. UNDF.RW0 0D1C b iu S to 'u f TowB*blp CommlM**, B*U*tUI^ 5. J. _____ * *


„ r 4 * s - c K s ? r i ! .or Juo*. 1W4. for lb# rilaj uii of Ui# pr##*ii blena-

*" ''"*B R O A D "sT n K E T , ou each sifie o f (b# ilfw i mlliray trioki t* Ih# Vrb, •• «-all Ai the APproACb** o f Ife* Abl* itreetA <*o eldB irttlS?roISAU?*MfTO«th*CAIIBl brto^ 10 to* ufiribBrly llB* of N twrtm CoB ib « wehtffXy iid* p o r w « 'j ^ . K- , . « to th*

XKriv** LOhTiH TO H tK T A T H I A5I> 111.............................. . ‘

tsiNK'-'** Loi-r^ IV AE t » .JMafkPlil#: fOwlkMiln** lo^Uou ;■aRAkl»f'>^

tizbt lUAuulacturlng, Apply to » a5b JAMtwA. aA y% T4*B (oU it.

O E A LE D PPOPOflA lA I5I>0RRBp Plin-np**Al* Ibr ildiWAJk »7i\ CtOiiWAlk OOBttrUC;\\w Pt» north Aid* o f Min *U«H Bjid A port of M ils will b* rHWlvwJ by th* lowntolpComialUo* o f to* towoAhlp of BoUovIlle nnlll 3;J0 P I f nl Toe*d*Zi Job* 8i 1W4. lor tb* coBAiriirilon of dfienalt aiiffO'bfc'relk" on th# notlb aid# " f Mill «M «L b#twaiB W*#hln»ton avsno# 10 the lln# at H*|R iweei, and ihsno# aioia tb* w » i aid* or Main stntt to tb# Muth ilde o f Scbuyler avenae, Sellcvtil*, N. J. . . . .

Hidden nUI niAk# two atre'a'*. bid". m «k#d flist and M «nd . and will sUto prioea In wrlilo*

* *n n t Hw'-Foflfibaiaoilal eradlny, the locldeoul

and th# niralibuis or (ndmi;, enrol Of and Bafftog of U)o«« portions of ild*w3kt Wat .ball It* at Ibtanglet al tbs Iniarsao.

tfl M>Or nfiWWU*iva ■**»*•••* I #*#»•*-.- — -,----kBd the lAFlng Abd IlnUhlng of cjwwalk*

" of mAi*i1*J« Bad toe l^4t*mAl

E.gsi— a# ___ •^rllT B'AJor ; icrton*: ahadw- _

g ]i ^ R. W II1 ^ , 143 P*y *t.. OrAim*.OR X5(4r PIFRSOS ST.-SEVEN


OOUTH ST., 112—OHASDR* X. J .-A HMa LI.n i:'jiouw Aud iloe* to reoL 7b

/ TOM.MI 1 CF BT., LO rn i FOR\ gfllte puipow* to

1 1 KA I'Q V * I’t"- r f's M U UF ^L 1->TATE. MV-A J HON w . MoKSh Ui’.i I liird Hve, I

10 Iir.^ l-J-i»n I f i i r - L UXHTI kl) hrtus* Al MwH»oo. N. .1., fourtenji roomA tadud-

InzbAth : froitnil^ w»ll *IiAd^ 'gjTTi luilon. Addrre, P. q BOX Bi. Madltan. N. J 72r

r r io iiKNT f o k t i i k p u .41Mf.r - 1 h ' ’ '

H i i i i f ST'.. Ji: - milpro/*ni*tit'». lul_ pro/*ni*tit'».

tag**, OcCAU L*ruve. fill]

K. It UMIM'*. INC- . alffo .J lurnUib^d oot-

.Mlilli'iX 211!'. Ooeun nravA

•\\rARD bT., iiuanifp .—IIT roorn*: all ImproTfJDNiU

AlTAia tailroiiidAkU ‘

TA lIK tJ 1* IIAY.^.

h e a l e r 1X iu ;41 F"'l' 4TE " Nn " I'pnAISE(VNi\ "40 H‘l ii**rlUe J'urtnfTlo*.

VAltlAtlOCK tDAilriO’i liuDlii'.'e I Hlld ual [lipfOT*! property: tlUitlcil. I'u nic-_____ jw

* -A .H c HOICK a p a r t m e n t ; gllUOM .i;A *i

V Ir . « ntft. "'.s ' l l I I. ■ 4 41 ...a,.uvo fHivill * : All liui'ru<,pmeni.i; carii potftb*

^imr SI vi.r.fiiT PnidrinliAi lltilliliii*.__

A ^ROOMP. FLATS. IIOCBRH. STORKS, ..A fflou tt* to let; All ci}y. <’aH i t one*./ i«lou n * to ie»; «n twkwt u* v#*./. # «• # -■ *—--iRKRMA.N, rtBling ASOriti ^ bprlBgfi*r^Ave.__Mb

....................... illsALK ,IT A IUIUIAIN,loUi 00 MatUsi'O 'V' •* iMjiiLri' of write to

I*. I.IM'KM \ 4. y-i lliiiil.'ftlun *t.

F e ll T h ir ty l> c t nnd llruhe 111* None.W lllio M «n «T . phiying “ H the « ’4f-

fold o f a buihlnig in-'iug eri'cttil m;st to the homo of hie i iir<*iit* on VV«]I ulrtM-i, Irviog- toii, fell b dinintu‘0 o f Ih ii'iy feet yesterday attoniuoa and broke his iu*e.

. lUH’HK. TiriH '..... ........................all linprin-am*Dl»

loi 8axU5: iTfCa' Vi-’i O : ll'j" I" e ‘‘Dip I VS. II. itovvF. 147 HioumnAlil av*.

SUMMKIt AVK.- KINK VKW leun lOumH. tor iwh lamilli*!,

•f.. NIX rogmsunM r.........fta’tiii'A -epArAte tUrBNL-e, rAt»k*- spAoe, cold

: haEdumb wnller##leclflo bkil, jnei been bAndiDiiely p*p*i*d. «ntl will b* Tan tod „„on.b l,n>rtgblp^rty- ,„ .r ta v ,.


v vm i HTOtlF. kKVKN’ lul anYiibi; «#tvcT Rfid wrtt#r; fnr |2,2'30,

. 11. I oVi'l.i-iT litnuintIriU] a\‘*.

I N m ;\ v j i : k s k y .KINKU 'S «K X AVK .

' ' bo*A ogri'er : l'vi> I t ‘ : Add pinCJ I

B it O ff ft r ie e e uT Cftrlo 's ' EAr# Ueorge Ualooi. nged tw enty tw o years, ot

18 Coo)«^ allsy, was a pnsoiwr Luturo Juilgo ’■ era in the Hocimil CrimiiuilrdiJBrb-thi."

_c__I ...4*1. I .U 4 .-N n U d W a -A rtBucuiflg, chargeil with hlUog o f f : '4' '-ntdc&'OdJuM a.Uarin 'S ear. riih: kmatbetkaiBnlttoil. 1* * . - * ---------------------the traUi o(4h*chorge, kait onid do actwi .„itlfirtiefcdtoe, ms iho cemrtvMaoh^ aesanltai

! him fiiKt. The tip o f (,'arlo's rlgh tm rw aa iitt- ten 'enllraly nil... ThenciiUSisI vrasjiehi in dc-

■ (au lt uf (Biki baii tu • aw ait the ttoUoii ot the O renilJury. '__________

- 4>ood toa d lt lon n ftfae r . R . A . It. A.T b * bnitneea i f the I ’ liasaic R iv e r Amateur

Roaring Association was mA ended for the eeesuu last night, owing to the fa ilure o f n Quorimi to appgkr. The delegate* .present E e ld a s tir to t intornml meeting,, and .a fter . lo s in g over U » aecouota tliey found thatw b n all c i a ] ^ / ^ k i be oo^teted and out.

-jtaodiug bill* -payd' there would stiU be-nailUlUg U141. ("•ui U.V4U nuii*,. . . . . . ™cnouib money in the trensiiry tcrenabte the aeeo& tinn to make a reflate to e a ^ o f thetivablubi..

ICl-CoilBCwmim ilcrgcii, vilii) wns crltlrnlls' ill, is Htcndll.v laiimivins m Uls liuma In Usui (ieu.

A cow bclungltig to Thnnia" Miller, at filen (ijirdncr, »Umg by 0 bulTnlu lly and died in a few iiours.

l l Is cstlnialcd ili.vt the berry rrup o f Soulh Jersey hnh been damaged fu lly J2li,lX») hy Ihe recent Bloims.

Rnielie Luvcl.ind. tho tlilrtccn-yenf-old Ml. Holly tuiy who r(dihed id" imrcuts ninl held up n wimmnnt the i"di)t of a my I'evulvor. was ycntrrdiW atdtN: *“ 'x'iiQQi,

.loliii Znnes, o f l.’aulsboro, met dentil iu a |ic4«*t'.J.' yti.-.M ' "Vhite on thoStreci lif|-'lH-gnu puugliiiig, iJurlng wlilcli hi* tiruko n hiuod vessel. Ho died la a few min­utes. -w s*

AnuakUdWii man, #ur*|josed tr.'i. * tismp. was struck by <01 cost li,mud pussenger train at Iliir'lli’ ft 'm ycslfid iiy ofIcruouu.idl'd was liisnmily killed, ills body wns liternlly broken to pieces.

Thoeeboaner A, K. Crockett, o f Recklbod, Me., whlcli was 'wreekedt . 1 llnrvey ("ednrs during till) recent gale, still holds logettier. iiiul there Is a la ir preipotlu f aaving her. llb r cargo ivBS sold yenierdoy.

^ta f rt'lglil care on the L'anideu and .Atlantic Uallroad at the foo l of Vino Hrvet, ( ’oilidon, broke loose during a urlll yesterday and ran into the enginc-buua* coniiSoled sritli lito Knickerbocker lee L'oni]iany’s building, de­molishing tho Iiiaoliiiierv. 11. Frauk Ucuny, uf CnuiMT street, liad a leg broken ill two places, ond Engineer Janice Weslcott l« r e ly escaped w ith ilia life. WcBicoll was knocked lo the river liank. and a." ho was raised fro'm llio

; a titTiJillil Dl T‘VI 1! UtiV)h.

If)!lV BtfHI (Irciiator#

A' j-A R T iiE .v re TO OKT IIF .1, 4 (111 r.Tuomsats, le .n d r tF s w js t ; ibwmitldy rco-

_ ,_t#d and iind#r o.w losnsienieni; renis m.idfrAtfli coDi'ei»l*r.c** fOT teanniA-KA.Y/.I.KR, 14 JilSMBL, o f to J, JI, Meeker, SMFru<3*all*l4

UT lUoiirfdolrt AV*.

W ill buy 6 'J story ir. nip hou. M nf 5 rcodii TACh

IP goo<* lOCAllOii. ID:U 'XV.\ pay Irum 03 10 P*7

c«&t, on price a-iU:l.



179 MArkft il|

i " k r 4 '1 I'I. M'’ V NH'l-i IU )l>K <iN M jwb" f " si, fi roonvA water Ana f*A-*r ; i"i)' *■ I>r1c t bw'i** Spnhki’ VuIlth wt.. 1 InirlDU kilDl likfii ; t*.UD0 Will buy I nice A-stK m lioDi*' 'Ml KrinTii)- a l, wktor And a*w*r, Bli<l A*-* . ’■ ■ ■* ,^r1

H EA lu EHTATI# I Oi; S-IsLE-OUT O F * 'HJWNi, ^



tjoe#t*il n-nr Hjs U*. 1-it W. Railroad; *l»* of praptfiy liou*! C'MHalii* ton room* bedbithroom; l iM r i r P u c e . o U : . ; aH tiiuaodcbndU4on. J


iDdOltt MV HUN W. MOHSa139 Third av*

I Newark, NJ.


n OTJrtF. FOR ftAlsK- 11 ROOM<4 ; NEAR A LL rA iIrt^ *; all lianruvAmvAtN : I nt 68x183 :rtiy

w&tor. well. hUnie, hannery. and -8 ffuU ir** , b**ullfhl lawn fmiH an1 bich 5 own*r dwlto^ loPIVCT luiiiK. ann wo wBnt»iiwu iMjm kiiv lawn rmul ani b

ground th* plrcea o f tlto eaglno oud AhAfting toavadtr ; reanonaiile prl>i [ fe ll pu the Bpot where he bod been rtwiding. | VU W IL L IA M * 1*, (.iraouA

llul lawn imui Bin U4ca , ureiin upoe'w’ *.,#I taty: rrononalile prl'.’*, Jonultf ou pTem*^m .l 1 A U HI* (IrAniifc 18T

/ KiMUKRCEn r.. l'J3- I’OLKT. UkRU\ ik«A jero-'Dry Nior* for pa*i25y*Art? reni|i*iW to two lluura Above Nlor* to 1*1. ’ —Wo _ ' WSi. A. W ARP, 4 Aesdemy sa

F lU R N E n S l'iRV, W ITH «" ut barsnlu; t;5 : good locslloo ; .osiahi* for s ,y bc.lnsiv 11 1. ( RAMr, 4»4 Broad SL t

ORAKOE-TO I.KV, IIUU.'KJ .mproyfOiNiU • n*ar eleclrlc nod

W ILLIAM WT., rrsore.

JUIOMR a n d f l a t s TO LET.^

.low 'to iooJ ^ j

k RKAUTIFUL FLAT r 'B 2ft3r>AI!.A tide *1.. nIx rooms and f*par*t* lifttorxmi . Ill'*‘ a. - _____ _ NtOrOtel RDAC

T )U «IE HIOKE AND <^ELLA*j 18 CWNTON.J Jat.t XTiiom . All lmproT*m*nlA 18 fJIJntoatLe lf00m^ iy J.ibeny »t,; trooniN,» OropArd<^" H i: [N n a RD i8tiiftien*k_

* '»TO 0d *S d -ro r furnlahtni ms^itols, locidcoW■ndlnaand covhine, (lonriigsiul Bni.hingrif all Kldiirdkl In Itoal m or boriarlng npen auy loi uf

'*Th . eoBiinmes reserve l ie right t» reject any ot

*"piaoi sofi (MOlBcilkm* may ha eiamloid at tha offlea o f Fra^soe A Rarkbore, eurveyott, ISO

® '^ p S IK ‘ -to b t ' i ! l t t ‘o'’ -R. w , UNDERWOOD, GJialrmauIbWoulp CbiniBltrea, BeilovIllA If.J.tOa

nn.iherir line 0, new .uvevo.. mi. o f said track* and from the » a a i b r l ^ to <b* nortberly aid. of eector itre#i on ‘ h* , ,

The iheamoun^^^^Th* JOUOWln* »*WUk H»*»«#scta***V# a— -V. - doiSrAiKl lb* rattorlft * i* b* ^roW h^ Jm to* cou-■Ifociton Aiid ooraptittoM r»f lald »'<>«

FlUF'ftvthuudreii (8,500j *qii*re yarti of rtpay*

^^AMut fifty •qu»r* yard* of new obloug granite

hoodred (ikOO)sonar* feetofcresewalli

"h ig l i t bundled (fcO) aquari fe#l o f now ■ BelgUn-croMWAlk t

b u n ^ l , 7 “ .L''ri*t4iv»Lto*n nun«‘» * i,*i f«wj 4^’ r "Two hundrvd C*», (wit o f nvw IwMty lech curb. Bklders will ateW » '“ '“ P •“ * foc'ba eallr*

amount o f work and nuUerial, a* anove msollonsd, a bid in aoy other fonn will no, h# aocaeied.

Rlddors wlU slat# th.lr price, lo wruln| aa well

“ ^ l S r 7 m » t ipeclfy In tbiltJwipMela t ^ •heuld th* above work b* awardad to ihem, they wlTlblnd ihnm^ivea to ftntih Aod coiupieu toe S ® * wUhln ibltty conoecuUv* workto* day*.**...7. ___ „A Zr^HrmtiiSIfQt Ih* WOfk Cllam* vriinm imny tv'wwuwvfc wieefc****-rerw.

'J ta* piAcw and *p*dllcetlOh* of ih* work be uainlnedat m* oitl*-** *'f A*atamlned at ih*omL-*nr *bo ou*™ uiwmcv* atjd water L»ma.l-lon;|n.,»w. JomiiilwitoDini, 30- 1«« -BrtiDOtAi* to b* accompenlwl by to* « iu« * bI to wTIRngof two sotetlM. who *b»ik_»‘ . j ‘ ‘*riBe_“ *wpMIntfOr IWO aurviio*. wnw ■**»*•»»»puliiito to BUCh pfupoaai*. soaKioalbllltT to lb* APtouDl o f *pch pr> MBol And Mod th«m*elv*T that If to* 0 K 5 t b* awart*d 10 to* irtrtoh w .

m aking lb . pm iM ^ f t ? «M awarded. b*com* Jila or ih*lr • o r e t « w f

^^'lOllK AND TIIRKK HfJOMa TO L rT . k>i

A ^>ply 42 MATLKHT., Kwrof.

un'.'i WlTJI k»OWJ5K ANO teXEAlt K K A R

New bnUJLni; UflilaU aHJoi: r *a ta n l«r t* .

«Jeratora ttLAW A SN O aB E

M'a»liln*iftn Wilson.

_w iiii 2 litiiiU find on* with I flAllA with * ■ « room l*r vragorwtlb JOUV JACKSON, 1«a Mftrfctt *f.

^E A LE t> FftOPl'rSAt/*# INDOBSEl) "PRO- { 3 p ( ^ i ■ “

rtwr'WAfi/-# 4.V i j . ^kiTpoaaii fbr eldtwaJli oonitnMUon on the Rooth ild*efJoiiil*men ttreet." will b« to*'iowQihlp ComnlUe* of the lownihlp o f Halitviljea._a# __l..##A. C lUilJ KuB llam #i#aea.AU #v Maaeie# bwWeaeaAieevwv "## #•■“ eu#. lawj i|t sw. a waav i iuntil« J« P, M. of 1 uindey, Jono A l»*4 rot the (»i,- itruotloe o f ildewelks aou croswwalkt on ih. wiitli•trumura o f HOtwoiiia aou cnwirai** «i*» ■un bii aide o flo i^ evoB R m i, bAtweva Mato itreel Aod WaahtoftOA avmu*. B*ll«flU*# K- J- . .

Uiddorawm loak* two *tparaie hidt, markedmmA m - - o AeaiA eielll ■(■ta, nplnAB In MlVltlOC O*UKHlonwm max* iwo oaparai* 'MUfc, luninvi

Aral a ^ t M o l and will itAtoprlo** 1B wrUIngaa

NQbfitaiitl*! grading. Ih* Inc*'yirat tno'^rar Nun*iaDi>iai arntiinn. ••aw-dMial grading. iJioftimlNhtog end l*yHit ^ c r o » «ralki,tb« relaytogoi oubbItguiMto.lbo iaclilootal#<r euiMlJiiiB 4bf[.Althing and

II DUVOIV g.HLwr*i eani ll»VliifcM»eM1 rtncglar of (h<i** poritonN orilo al ibe au|t* at toe tour-

A pAllTMF.NTaducUon.

^n ia FrtR RENl” ' AT A RK" MYRON W. MOHHE, 188 Ihtol av*,l

T iE R O K N ..., I>rooin*: Improvemently ay<A l> I A I

204-FLAT CO.NTA1N1X44 6____ remUt- Apply to

SdiiJ*. I*. liUWY, m Hunterdon al.

BI.RKVKKR HT.,107 laundry

aa.r...i4)r TO I. K T. 5 N 1C K bath ; A>I linprovtiueiua iTUtoirn

iPl IlRUAli M ., rjpuy store.

Mrr.RK im v a n d o l iv k b hI u,—STAB t i f lo let. vlUi &. 10 or 15 Mall* Aftd *hftd room.

_ - „ _ I ngp d - , — - •iidtwuoa that *Uall•Mtlon o f itreeta. . .*t *

reeoiMl l Id—Fm IUml*htog malarial,^&old«UIcraUtog aikd curbtog# Aagvtof and tornlihliig of all «ld*walka la Doai ot or horderlog upon any tot of

^ fc ie Comoiltte* reierve tb* rtgM to reject any orallbMii,

a tyS ; M to Wtok to*y

S f lS d toe perw>n o rp *«oM by wheat iucb

*1 i.Kl’, W ITK PTAVWK_ A LL IM ;111provementff: w*u;iahM4- *4„®2H®i5??T bl'. Jmiiilri pf maMUSL W. ^JKERY, 7^

or fcugluuar uu ih* premlaaA 'lAlnphoo*M .

oKfii^ V. __ _ - .----------- - iurveyorie

*P n ? l»4 »U ^ o*b r«M " 'iJJ? ' In jkulrgiaw Townidilp CooitalU**, Be|l*vlU*t ff«J• 84A

K|.<j js-T I ) LKT. FiNK S’FOfJF, A N D T ^ rnoiuaftiiflftll Imp,........... . ........... r . . . .n * '| » ,a n d 5 iw w OA lid

Hoar, rent I Id. Anolv !l» HKLMONT AVE. « b

WT'>HK ......... .........ik^haitdftame Ear{(* ffP>ra In

rii l.KT-

BRKlNTNATX Pla." tl. tCHAKHKn tO j-dI ...............■ Ki*.!!' J iV 1\ l»L4 fi-lfc.

.'small flat*.4 and S large rooms and loeola. Inquire 28 N >■ laHtlN FU ^


WUOLK OB P * R r OP............. . ...... ._.ra III 'Town Talk Boildlef.

.; i Marsel "I., i'* lei; rent very low.S,w Apiily ,0*1. n. RAKICH, Inbolfdllfi.

C T I'IU . TO LET', W ITH K IVK H O O ^ (3J “ MuUiefry bv. MCRf WtlQulst. . ,231 Iof|tiirp J. \ X ft 7W P^ed <*

^ 'iL lF fO i AVK., M -TO LKT,a'nl TooiDA Alto water.

TIlRKfr: ridblAK- lO LKT. (4

/-10R. C v lilS K r AND HUN'r|CIUM)N «T A . S ^ ia r g e rooms lo let: util 10. _ Wo

i NLM ST., Bi-vTD t.KT. 1 ItRElv UODWH: |S

......... ei™ ™ ^ J N ^ O O M S . I S'tmiulrv « rtANUb'DtlfsT. I

r n o LK 'i-im iiirE c k l l a r a t s w -b b i 'a p b tX nrar VnlrsC, FuflRh'* fqr.

' 1

17HVW RLJtASANl Ft was.mrnta, llrat floor. JA7 W lTT llf C*ptr^ I , Hosevllle.

^ M p fiO V ft ■%lt.N ITl HT..


r I ’ u Livj —Ls imri*. i I’.iyJiAn a * swLffiwwft^wea* X nrar VnlrsC, tufinh'* r<ur. barber khop. plitm> Hig Miohr .‘W ^ f '- -— • •***"'fetUJMtV miabl#,^.*.. .,y eaY* po- .ctffTiftgerooinand tbr** living*pedw; reolww.

« v WJtXlAM I'.tIUCiilLVPrdO Broad *L

and •pecldtttton* may be exemlaed al the of&Oe o f fraprtwo A BarJthorD,

"'BW dw^’ aiia rtirri'** • «er lb . nrovlslosi of Ihe leveotii "b ol ' » •

1” ;3 .nuTr.# me Board of btteit and Waiet i uen- InuroTHl Match 11.1*1. lhat Ihe bond

"i^ 'n J iT ib e iilV fn lor<he faithful eaecullon and M,’S “ maS?*a“ pMM Publlo Wora.ahnli «'••'>• » £ K ro v m * W sufflnieecf ' ’ ’ •W •*JSK ™ by ibe Couniel e f the Board rend no ooetrwl

b# binding on tb# oBr, or fceeoffle alfectlve o rlrS lv fi aniti each tKHi>i '1 *® *>7

an3 the PtesIdenT nf l ie BnorU have poinr «o eaainlna l ie p rop o^ bondL

m?,^ o "d#f oaib. Iib eina ltod#aire.er .biUI ^ » iB«troct*d b f to* board, ton to* hoard wtu n01 bkInstOMHoa p y mart. * r mirh

o^ u lr t lJ Id vrai«Do™D>lsai(,o.r.rt.a* otfufskwark reaetvt to IhemeSv* the rliM the nltr_ f h . 1) proposals for. iborto???ork* aa^ey iS y d tm •«•» ln l«M ‘

CK AlekiP rn«jr«"9j*fiy. iwLF-.Fiiwr'-acBpoealt fbr rtdgivAlk «bd nroeawalki conatructl^ on^hTwrttildeofO 'rtieiid t Btreet,’* wUl be calved by tb* 'i owoto Ip Comaitite* of the town*hSp ofnalleviliiuoill 8*J:i P. M ..of Tuw»*y.|U4, tbr iheooAWrucltoa o f toe aldewalk on tae weel «M* o f ceTtlandt street b*tw«*B William•irtet ftnd *!^htiylerav*t»u*, flelJBvlJle, N. J.

BlUden will make two **paKU* bids m ark « flttt jiDd Beoopd, and elate price* to wtlUng a* well m toggur*«.“ I.^Yilt B d-~Fot *db*txiitla1 trefitoi. ttif laddeoW, cradtoVand ^ rb to r fiavgln* aod torplahtog tbM* pe*ll|M*V*H^ that ihaUlleto ackgle* at tbe

' ” iS^nd^£ld-VXtornU hlnf toe matorirt, dencet gtadlng and curbing, Bagtlog and flonh- In ga fu i Mdewalks In front * f or bordirinyupoa

_jMfillUte ducre.ioa Ul lU* Y?JIW» H a .,reaa4a • TJ^^Jlslon aball ha ..(arr.J b. in^nny advertiMmaolrnyl.lnibid.JnrM yM ^^^

Coa.ml-lon.rf of tb.General ttopcrlnieiideAtofWork*#

i.aarFiirJM h J-lae iwara, mi* vm nwifcii* »*ii« bound by ftpy *ta»mi»nl ttut njay b* mad* k r mijto

boidsm o. but *h4l| have lull po* ut t m dlocre-lon In the whole

'LV'7!i;^Tw:T’ oTtb* Bwnl, o f .N ^ ta A d Water #.#4w. * ^j-ji[,wark.

-v t o t ic k is MKRr b y g iv e n T I ^ sTIN Comtnlttloners betel olbre appoUReo'by w

Mayor of to*M iy of Newark, lo m*k* ao wtlmrte a.nd a»*B*im*Dl upon all to* owners of all to* to®d*• * ^ " r e cF IkaMra-lr iwAoit larlv


a,nd a»*«mji*os up*" •*» i*" \ire*«i.a v «#- .‘r r : 'rwxl ertaiB In toe dly of >Bwsrk. pecultotiy

bunefllwl by any IOL>al Improvrinent !ti lue said cuy, to proponloiv a* nearly a may be to the a4- vaolage eart wav deemed to have aequlrad. hav«martean e+ilniel* ood a***rtin*Bl of bMn«lH4 iipoft

.# --...m_I_ak& lAiarl— ai\s4 —*sJ fibfftihm IR

H**iy* toe rtg -* ** nf*ot any or

fp O LKT—TOP Ofi* BUllDIffO « " '1 HU’ ^Al) ar., adiointogrR|r UaUl eatable for

light niainirartiirliigorean bearraDged li io o O lt^ A|(ply on premHi*!. *9o

- ^ L A f - 'lT ) l e t , HASDSOWl# Dti-IjRATKy

. ;^ {«itoat may ba examined at the •We* of* FranWooo « ' Barlfhorti eorveyore, TSO

® 5 5 i£ S ^ to ItNDKhWOOD,Cbairmaa o f Townanlp BeWwillI^H, J, ' •_______________

tut; al. im p r o v ™ ^ k i N.VBY

I I^LAT—TO J.KT, 0 I10OMH meats; root r*,i«ouabl« to good ' W M L Pf*Q.?>riC< T AVF.8lf

Al.lo IMPitOVE" UQAht

r p o I.Kn-Km i K-VCUIWIDNli, DKNCJftBkr' X dock. Apply atoilic*


£;]BALXU PH04*08AIA iNhORSKD Spotn l. iur sidoweflt »M ^u eh »o " l } " ®'


Onire >vdook.

v a ra n M lft fT will b* rooeWed hy thsTownehipSomnillie* of to * ''’»wi»ihl||Jof H*ll*

11* P M. o f Jttoiday, June fto, rtrt. tor

matlean *«in*»w onn aasvwfftuffoi UI iFnisvni*! iijs reall too ownem of ell toe lead* and real etUte to ihocltyof .vewarkpecoUatly beoeftl^by e40H o*th* foJlowtoi ImprovemeoA In eild rUy. namely:,4fiV i UigU I ■•■ 1444 #

T b * paving of "NELSON FLACK,

ftotn High a i^ i to Howard str**t, 1 b« paVlKkOf..................

^NEWTON STltkK T,' from FDurt«anth avenu* lo Cabinetatreat;.

' ' * * BTREKT, frofl} Sprtornttd avenu* lo South OMOk*

1b*rtpayto<or _ __^ Rl^innE RTRKfcT.

from Broad mroit to to* Pamlo fWvot;__ _ftOd have fl.l*d lliirtr report* ol to ll A w erte e t ijW benetlt to the office of lb* clerk of th* t.lrow«

1J1LAT ' BRUNSWICK Sl'.i IW -TO ## ’ o f fir* roomi, brla'i liou**. tJ go i |iu.

Kf, FLA1'

. .ii " •*— — ---------------- ^ mm17tLA1'rtTOLKl'OF4 AND4W J J.Vi iLNiuriV

* imlavairtear Morrli ava -

rr^O LK T-PO W K iiTo ACiT [ kn m u LUkRKY XHTiilatfliioriStxlOXurid r^om o* Hd

6ui excMdlntiy well l i f . iu l; rearajyei* auam boounoliidal. Apply on pcarolai*.

________VI4IV fcv-44 -F"! 4 an I *-roo atoit^on l)orysa'‘ t . : no iroubloiosoo* la i □ rjj# Ibaadljo. rnqnif* In factory,Ua Ckiff. CK M ’HAL .\V&. AND pgRYKAftT.

r i l b L E T -ffllK lE noojd BEVKRAL,l.f -------- ---------|S„ eon.-irt#.#,..# .,"...9.* BVKIC-1. lug* durleg lb* wnk.

toe Fh a NK Bl’ KHLER. ttOSpringllfld av»#

toapSnrtrwtiooof elUTralk* ou boto •liltaof Van ji*Qienii*reiTHt, b*twa*n Wanbington avenu* au<J l>dw nlrett BrtlevUle, ,N.4fs .

Biddenwu> eiefi# Iwe nepente bill, me'ked ''F irw »iW i^ 'W id,"nnd '#U l sMie puce, in u rtk

lni*BW%M*ittbrt«nSil t r - * ’ "*** » « '» • * . - “i'**!'.*?'. -

.................ne orace or ion ci*r* o* 'n « icourt of Hi* Oottnty o f iCsaex aaft that to* Judge or

aFflied , _ _ _

F LATHTl> RENT-15 LF.MO.S HT.. 6 UOl»MH («|tI>er),|l4p*rraofito!_*ABi|rjiit 3_ iw JtPx^ w), 116 per month 1 wu iirn it «#, a roenpx

ami tath.|lSp*rniiinih : 8 crhtondoa ni, 5 roumi, Itoptemuoto- ApplyYiM

t-’ iL ADAMH. ?M iroart St.

rT^i) LK l' I/lVV-y.\NGV (lODlW STORK AND 4' Xrooma AT w s bT Kin n UV ST Ub

KEmreir.. ..aisino. ■ » « n*gmnfe*ia* W»niaieilain fbr tooW pOrtl'iue ofeldewalkk that I * M ^ luterMCtlon o f M * etrieu

aald <vturt haFtiien' _ .# .* «« »UAlURUikV, THK

kt 10 o’clock to the lbrencon,’R, Ihe Ulroolt OaKJJ; room at me Coorthouie, In tb* city ox « * wst*. wio*iitn*and plau.* ufbeartog any ohjeettoae t i ^mav b« mad* to'ih* aald awMimenta.

lOx city (XuibSfU

r j i i t k e n t - s t o b ) ; ’.yiTH FLA T A iu o iR -

CTXWI ffEmVAi.Y(ir»irulitil*l mkWtiyi. tnci^eitel

, ______ jlne, dkgrinf ki«l finlitilngof kll HALL.Fke in fWnt w or borderln* upon knr lot of

J l l . i re TO LET l.N mifOK HOW TO TO'ettlJ/*Hfii:b lYAAJVYl i#N n g»gV4in. •""#»# -vw p "# ngkOargeii *(., newly decorAiel. wltti all improya*

Dieatk, Mbaikll l■UllllB«. (aqulre 31. T. A, R EB, 44 btlWUth kv,*

Kr Itjvn I —:in/iAFn %»n n jfXdJafi j wAFEh-v-.« lax; two block* from HtujmI Bl. siaUou o f C*e*

tml H. It. of N. J.: very nice lier* eiul ft.l ttodef* improvement* In flat CKAtf. FHAtbNlZBU Mulb*rrv at# _________» r

gnSiBg* *»d curb! flfdawa

'*TRk eomalitH le ie rn the rigbl lo r*J«t kny or UlbMA

PhSi kod ipMlfiksilbni » k y b» kkkmlned kt ,b. b llre o f F n u K W A BkrSpom, lunreyOM, ,M

X V B IO H i ’ H T.,lll-nTfm KTO LBTl A l F f l F i , ” * 1!-.VV eu(o)cu(iMkiAbktber.)iat. moo iBWkgblfiWuuBiUski B——vui^B, j. •—

.. j n » - l , 1«h 1 Sotloe Is hetkby glrM Ihrt ku p ife « f

Bifot kitnclw *111 kpplyktbboe »4 ibbCliJ Clerkl olBok le (Ilk ODBds tor

M u i n n f f A in o .U N U * IMfiOBtiK,lU

f -



> tb*





M A H R IAG E ^.I<A lV -»LA K C K A .n n . A l th* im Mbbm » f (b#

brl4t. m Tbundft?. Mbr IE lUv.ClMiMt rrtsfb . F«,ani« Vly HlanciMri.diWBti- (•TorMra. HUfichunJ. tu rawardU*ary Uk«.

O V A IW Z .BArO?(.—Cfi Friduf. Junk’ ll RBmiMl Himn. artd

TunBftl iyrfV)»i AtHnihM lata rftldtnr#, No. U {tbtrman avaiu*. Mivitlay. Jun* l, at I I'. M. KM b()Ti«abdfflaait'of ttia fausillf ar« Invittd taat^nA lnl*rai#nitlH N^utU Ffr«m<»Dt, Mark- ttilrs CMBljr, Hiai ,»itt ibu tunrt'alaiKa of ilia

FrWbr. Juaa \. Jo*rpb l*.*oao f Iba^ataiMl lha lalai<>Ua a. lim n .

«iMl lrl*mla of Dia 4|c< Nuif4l.a1bii tbn rnaabm af t'albar MaUi*w i . a . F. a^Miaty, im 1I«lr NbmaHooIttr or hu nrldtvl * iiaiiith, aa<t l a v i rr^incll C'. It i... araIblty IfiTlMd toattaod rua ftmaral frnrn bla lata ra»I^Da«. ^o. M Ciia’5 plat r. tm Mun'lay. Jmi« 4, al l'lk> A. V ., to M. tridiai'i rliurrh, wfaara a Ififb S4a«» b f HaqiiHm will bv ralfhraltd for ibo rapoH afhle leul. Int«rm#at MiMl. iHivvt Camatary.

K lY TO ir.-A t Oraaft, N, J., on Jiia* l, in i, Ann BoyUMi.

Balallrai atid fliaodi bra rriitaclOilly Innlad to ai(«ad tht fuaaral fnaai livr la<a rtviiifnoa, 77 Jackaan atian. liraUfa, on ilfuailar, Jan ■ i, at lA . M.iharp to hi. Jidin'd Cfadrcli, uharx a lllfk UafR o f IlMiitlnni otTVml f tr iliarapoM of bar ai>uil. fuiarincol la at. Johit'i OrAiatarf.

B1tOWK«-(in Tbaraday. Mar SU llaitora A., diu fblarof JobD atnl liaanm Brown, atao *i r«ar*.

ito4«uv«i aa<t frlanda ara raapaiHfullr loTUad to ailtnJ iba fkmani from hat iala rvwiiltQ'o, >a IIT Aouth Ortnfo ar«ana. onHundav, Juam a, ut 3 K. M. mtontirnt la tb« ('antetary artba Holy hapolcbrt. i

CnSTEl.lA nti JUDO I, tIN, Walltr, ion oftUotair 4 homat (.'ottnlta

FtlailTM and frlandi o f th» deraaaMl ara ra- ■pfctfuily lavltai to aitaail lha fiinaral frout lha roMtoM oftiU motliar, Mary No.JH liuirtry itrrat, oa Monday, Juoa 4, at 7:<tfi A,M.. AiayiliM t'iiiiiroU, whtra a JilfhMm orHaqiilBBi a til ba oflkrod for ib» rriMi'<a ofbUtouJ InirrraaAtB ibaCauiaiafT uf iba Holy (fapalchra. ^

D £A N .-A t Hilton, N. J.. May tl, 1104, l,Olt1a «i.. younfaat daui&lar of Jamaa 11. aad Fuiu Hran.

Jlrlathraa and lyianda an lavUad to atu nd the ritMral wrvleai from lha irutoit M. jc.nn>r<li on bunday at 2 F. M. Faiatirta vriit inm-i at hat lata rraldtacoat 1;|Q. Iniarutant lu ( lint in (analory.

l>UKYltC.-Ath1a rmldrncB Id Nawark, N. J., oq Friday, Jana 1, Jlanry W. turyao, lb (ba 7iit jaar of hla aft.

. llaU llTtf aoii frlAiida art InvItH to attrnil tht fDoaral wryloM at Trinity t'hnrt'b, Newark on Ottnday, tba 3d Intt.. at 3:fJ 1'. M.

tAB li.~ 'A t tba rrUdtnet o f Uli ilAorhirr, Mrt. lAJthor B. liObla, llrunu ivaaut, Irvioatm. N.J. . an Friday. June 1, lOvi i.rnU M. kiarJ, In iba nd yaar of tala aya.

Baiatlraaanit fiiendt art InvIM to auend ttaa Aioaral aarvifiM rmiu lha bHkrotbar, Mr-i'altab Jl. Earl. No, SU'» Klltabttn, oTroua to-tnorraw ifiumlar). afirmomi at i o'clock, latarmaul Bvffyratn Catut'iory.

rnZOEHALD.-Oa Junt 1. radla. ilaughiar of John aed Aaflla l''ltiyaral4]. aaoi 1 year i rountbiaod Uduya

Balativat and fritndt of tha family art ratpaci' fklly Invllad to auand tbt funaral from u«e parrntF ratidtact. Na 324 t erry M ratal, on nun ■ day. tba Id, at 11:30 A. M. IntarrotoL la oL Feiar'aOintatary, N'rirKranAwkk, ,N. J. *N>iy bruntawlck paprrj ploair copy.

BUTHMACllli^N.<>>(in Saturday tnominf, .Tune?, 18H John J.’ uitamactatr, buitaaud ofCUrhUnA Huthmaebtr.

Btlalltot and frtaudt, alto Columbut T/Mfo No. H K. L. of U. K., Badhtatr K. L'. V., No. i. Fratian h’ . t . V.. N a ?, (X .|>. ir. and HcbNarbltchtP K. L‘. V..anHnvlta) luattcwt (ka tuoarai from bM tats muitaty, So 4iu Firtaaatta artnat, on Taetfla.r, Juan 6, at 3 I'. M.

lACOBV.'-Oa I rlday, Jooe 1, iAM.adrraUtifer- Inf llinaM, Oanrft, bolorad laiibHiid of HOMalla Jacoby, aftd ikt yaan V moiuhs.

Balatlfci, Irltndi and lueioberatof WaMhlafton liOdfO No. 11, J. o. H. B.; Hein- T/MSgy ,\a C74,.K. tnd U of H.: Alpha l.cdfe No.*!, order Hold- > an fbora ; Alpha I'oonell No. 7, order chotpn Frlo«U ,art latprcUuUy Inyltail toaUtadiht fliDrraiatrtlctiat bla lata rtwidtnoa. M2 Broa<l airaot, on Monday, Ji|ae i, 1*04, at l p. M. Jn- tarmtaat in BTarf r««n ('aruetary.

X.i:D0e.--At ML Ctlhal, N. J., JuDt 1, HIM. Paul lAdot, aftd l l yeara, farmrrly o f tbts cUy,

Funeral from bH U i« ranldaum. Ml Kttbei, v . J„ Huodoy, Jana 1 at 3 P. M. I nttmiaal at M L BaibcL

L lX Z - O a Friday, Jon* 1. t»J. aHar a ptionil tlloaia, AiMbki, balortd hunbatid o f Carrin Laai.afad U ytaan and in morubi

Balatlraa and frltod^ are ra^pmfiiliy inrlt**] to attaad tha ftinrrai from bit lata mldpma. No. 74 fa it Parkilrart. on Mooday. Juna4, lNp4, at I P. M. Interment In talrmoimt Cemetery.

LE ITH FlIHEfl.—On haturday, June S, l HM. after a llBffrlnf lllneM, CViUitriiia, belovod wife o f Oaorfu lAltbtuAtr. afed 30 }*aari 7 laODlfii iday-

RelMiVM lod frlttadt art raspecifuily lovtltd ia atlaud tba Aioaral on Tntaday. Jimt 6, at TAt> A, M., fkom htr lata retldeaca. No 33a N>uih Klfbtb itreet, to ''L Ado'* I'Jiurrh, a^tra a BoltmoHlfh Malta of Awtuteoi will be^JTprati fbr ika n poaa o f l it f lotih - lutermeatla Wood­land Omnary.

KE1SICNBACUKR,-Oq Tuanday. May 2», Hobart, eon of ChrlitofaDd Uary Melseabacber, afad 30 yeara

BMatlvcaand frlende o f tba dtareaned, and mam* baraof Cempauy M. Flrat Kegliutoi. National Guard, ere reipactfiilly invited to altand ibe Inuaral atarrlom at Jile laie reeldeuca, N a M liobla atmet, at 4 P. U., htiodtay, Jtina E later* mant la Fulrmaunt; Cemoiiury.

FlBRSUN.^AAera abort IIIoohs, on Jt)iM3,m4, Hannab M., widuir ot (bo lata Aitaart M, liar- bod, la tba Hat yaar o f her ofe.

BtalailTaa and frieoUs lua lavlted to attend tbta Ifloerai atrMotfl from htr late nvJdenca, Ko. f j Columbia tatraeu on Tootaday, at 2 P. M. later* meat at KyarfrMit Camrtery at thi coaranl- eacaoflbta family.

POST.-"At Montclair, N. J.,on May 3l,.IS{H, Oar* trudsL, only cblld o f Jamaa H, and 'ila iila U Poet* la ber UtU .vaar.

ItelatirrtaDd iVlendi o1 tba family ara Nwp ct- fUUy Invllad to attend iba fiiBtral from iha naldtoca of bar pareali. No. 331 ('lairnaoat avaDua, Montrlair. N, j..on Sunday, JuneE at IP , M. Inlarmautat ItOModnla ('am ory .

TOOT.-*Ab Iba lit luau, John Voft, In bla S;ui yaar.

Balatlftata and Mendi of tba temUy. alio tba tiacrad Haart Society of Ht. Joha'a Cbureb, ara raapacifoily Inylied to aitead tba fimarat ironi tba raaideaoe of bla u^la, Mr. Cbarlta Krum- llch, No. Ill bomb CMnal atreet, oa Monday, Judo 4, at » o'clock A. M., to Ht Jame<a Cburcb, wbara a High Maa of Reunlem will Im ofbred for the rcpo«« of bit aoul. Inieruaeqi la St Mary*! Cimeiery.

TON SEKTBN.—Un Saturday, * Juno 3. INI, Haibllda Voa Santan, naa l.lpytgUaut, tba ba* torad daufhtarofBoaa lAppiitliaus In tba sotb yaar ofliar age.

Balaitvea and ftlanda are kindly laettail teat tend lha fUnaral aerrlc^a on Monday, June 4,

' at 3 P. M,, from 1S3 William atroet lu .hi, Marj'i Cbnrob. IntefmeDt la tba Cemetery o f tba Holy itepulcbra.

WDKBCD,—On Friday, Juna 1, ItaH, TxMilNFIor enee,yottn|«Atdaufhterof Charleannd Maffla WBoacb.atod 2Ttara4montbt isdayi.

Funeral aenieaa irom the paranla' rMldente, No. f l Jh.tibtb avauut, U>-murcoir (;dunda}'). at )3;3o o'clack. jQterihent In Woodland Cauatary.

TO U N a-O a May Bl, 1N4, William u., loa o f Jamaa n. and Jaaetta Vounf, iced 44 yaar*.

Funaral aerrlrei at bla lata ra idenoa. No. fiti- Caatral aveana, Sunday, June 8, at 2:30 p, m . Belatlvaa pud (rlend-H arid the luambera of Chamlcal Knflne No. J, Kewark Fira Jlapart* mant. ara Inrltod. Intermant Juirmoimt Coma

* tery. ________

ttea tkC la lina Pa id fn B o w k and T le ln lty Ta-day by H atiraF»IU aa L ife laa. Oo.

Fftm. AmtVluifr R. Botha, m Bank et.,................ lo |144 oolaDaHcbMflbr, 110 AiiueJuet bE........ lo te ooJoatphtna Baler, IB itenkln i t .............. ao *0 oo

C.F. W ILLI AUF. Hapt.,1BI*1U-It7 MarkatiL. oarMr Halwy.



111 Broad It, A iio fltat-cteai Livery Stable, 3,4 and • day at Teiephuat in.

F>B A H 0K A IfAPp-Cir. PlTNEJiAL HIKKCP- X , OH8A N I)E H H a LM>.Hi4. TCmba'iiilnf ipecliJty. i84HOimi uBANOEAVR., bat wean ioBee and ilayei aia uoc

F A T S N T S .

A -P A T E N fH -A a UAHTNICR _ _: TbaiarpU Pateat omca la tba Mtata

4 HTNICR A C a . 784-788 BROA t> S P.

P ATENT AND CKAllGH lTNti OFFICKM UF TEECBHOW BOO., 33ClintoneL (oppoilte lo

Y, M, C. A.j.Niwark( N. J.; ij i klod:«cfaraurbil'u' OBicutadaaaUy, inch a i maotiluj dr4wlnf-4. an ii a n kind ordcittniok riircatelaiutL ate.; toilolton of Auairao knd fbrtflica paiaite, tznertiJn tiaieiu cam; Fraifca; «ariUAir aau Scandinavian lan>

fPoEsa; WadiweOay nud Friday tTtii- tenuntlHuwtack; prompt attention oln aya

p A T L A T H - “ " '■ ■

FRKDltttlOE C. PRABNTZEI* vuoordur te CampbaJI A on.

Mi ^ i u iL D iN a184 BROAD ST. itooniaaiand 17.

P A T K im -U H A K E A CO.Hulk-Uort w AMtaHoan old Farelfn Pataot\_ oBo careitn PataotL

A itoraenla |«tentoa»Sa beforj the t . 5. CaSrw, Macbaiiini and >.laci.iloal Jtfnyl nears, and Rxberti ’ « »«n O A u iiT . The oldMK M-

' TNetiiy.flyByeaf/, uiiPH.Mivu Mvo. ^e^f^nuAitabiitabad inataa In nta stata

______» ? “ ■- Cortnan epakeh.

I * * y- KIGNonnrmBUl*

^ . MMNBY J, M.ILLRK.UllctUK ei W i Mtohiuiferi Knr aiA

ifBlaoinpuLP.* ■iiiL...*


—r— *w» a««UUBaiUMllM ie iu rm A iU lM r ).

MwiinwdAirm.»i.WIC. ». ft-

■ ■ n ov lc iM u K i.i;.

DI*. BKCKKRHAH K h llo v B U r iW M ||, *.0 IM Dll|lll)llt ■ * » ng

i lu iliiijLc ii m u iT iiK iw . ~ ~ ~

t t o b h o a h b t ;fitTlTAV LEHLUACH. HuBT. P. LEHIiBACQ, / MEBMAN & LEULIUCH. ^

n K i.K ilO V K N O T irK N .

MKTIIOHIBT F p iam p A U lisn a o ir W. R ( hi*ant Her. P. C fte

rum, Hicramenl 0. ' Ike I uiil'e Hiip iar andrrc-fMlim (>r nieninara, lAtata. I ra-tctilni v 4>. jkiIp Je<-1, " I l ie L a w uf Conrerslon " ' 'hI»4»IIi .'^1 Ipwuttb l4«(paearvi-v. I') P. M, Aliwel* Cii'-a

► t. Pa p i 'b M- K. rMiiitm, forner Rroud ate! Mar<ball M iae[«-"i«T lUnry Ihikvr. I>. tk, PM((ir. Momlnf. in 4, Ilnly i ommiintnn ; at 7-4. P. M. tb« jwntnr will preeeli; tnhjefl -’ <i«plralb>h« and Arblrvanieal." uiin i Mea'i I ul m. h-tt -4. M habbilU-schtiftl, 3.18 I'- M Praloa-inn-ltrif, I * V. M.

OvTBAi. MKTiioiiiMr 4i'jf!!»eAT ('III Bi K, Mar­ket iireet, neat MnU»aiTy -HaorMineuiai M m ce In tht-inuruliif and ra'Ctaonnnf uicuiha^ lha pae* fur, Itav. heary Hp^inieynr. U l).,'al|l preach m tba evi-itljif. enr^ect, “ .4 ]»an of l.lnaa” b^Wd ruth ill tba aeritas on **Ktrania Itlhlea Ktnrlna" Hahbill.-ecbuul at P. M. hpwnnh laatfua at AlO V. .V.

('►\TKfaav M. Y. CHfunt, huiutner aveatte anil K»*ariiy Kin*at Her. W. c. Hawlf ra«*. leiet "r. a.no A, U.. ywmir riteu'e ineivlna w A. M.. Jimtor Kpwaiik teifue. in.tiiA. M., (inmmtsaten ar> rartpiten of njemi>er4. 2.3-i I' M.. Hundoy- •cbool. a i l P. U., ^pworth vetpar earrlcA liO

M.. praachlBf by the i*a4io A. M. K. Zms! Ciri'KiH. J. II Ma^<vi, paitor.

rreachl nf a| Havelock A. M.: iiibject, ‘ 'Ihe ivav of Advt*alty.'' piindiy-cbuol atS. I 'i) ' M. l'rCih.'blo| at 7 t> I*. 3| : iubjact, " t lu* rliri^iUn l‘i»a’*i> c;t'" ** Vkhtrii tliue tbr->acraiiiv)il or the lijr i'* ’-upper will Ih*adBtial'itered. Ituhana tea eiitertnliiuicnt Thurala)' aveuinc* Jiiut* T Admltelon lOi-aate.

I n TitK Kk a n k i.in h p u k it >f. F. I'm -arii NiiHlar ihera \vlJl tx* tba niu;raiiieiit of ihti Ixint'i rupp*r, with an addra^e liy the pa tur. b. 3f- (li.neM, and aUmlwon of iUfintwra. in tbt even hitf there will ba iiairloilo tiMi-le and a temmn by thn |ia tor on '-'I'bt I e i'lne iH-corailon 1 ay 'Joarko\" 1 be Bp vuith 1 enfua innate at iLU All (onllally ntti-omtil tothe«ai>ervl(vn

HnaK ‘IM.le MaTHniiier t-riftf-i^i'41. CucarH. cor neriiratiKa itrael and liatlirtite placa Rev. A. Jl. 'Inttle, ii. P..pivtiir nervlcM tor Jiitta 3, W V) A. M . Hacranient o fibe [.ord'e Hiippar aod recepUon urnii*mbrr«. 7. «h F. M . ptaai-|ilJi|| liy the t«4| ir. Hioila.1 N'lioOl, p8iiiary and litterntellate depiiri- iMaote,V3UA. M. Main erljooi 3.11 F. M. kp- noMb (irayer iiarvice Atal I*. M. You are oordlaJiy Inviteil lu luavt idUi iii-

HT. Lvaa'a M. K CHcarM. (11mi>a avenue aad Tifiirrny itmti, oppualte Hifh nlraei ftav. yred < laer llaldwln. paitur At 10 M A. M. cominnalon •ervlcenal reiNtpihMj o f niemb-r«, Al 7.4B i*. >| the jutetur will prearU the oecottd eeroi'iTi In a -erlne an lUe *'MI*qiioted Teita of lha lilhie," and <4i o gt* ]„ p. Flitter « lU eing. Vuurif Men’a I'tilCD »:S:i A. U. MindarNiChuot 2.3U P. M. Kp*

wurib l,eaflie f.-T) P. M.Kiuitrii A van ra M. R CprarH, beiwean

Broad and HlkU -Har. V. a, WiKklmrT. pueiur. -^arty nieatlnf at 8.10 A. M., led by K. II. Wlikent.

At 10 ro oa. riment Of Ibe fxird'e "-upper and reci'piion of .nantban Humiay echuul at JkL F. A. \\ liAuB. eupariiitendeaL Jnnimr i E. at 4 P. M. VoiiQif P iopif'f meiliup at 4.40. led hy Mien l>al*y Haven At 7.30 an oddrateby Non. (lairra W*. J-ahiiliuon, o f BOfioy, 00 " Llifhtv anil Mnutowv 111 Ihxie Jotel." All i ‘«atv Irte. Tba t-uhlte eurJIslly wiioouie.

IlAtazY S taxK t If. F. t'rit'arn. llaleey aireet. near Nen itrart —Rev, Nel-on A. Moi-idrlinl, pea- lo r in.31 A. M., CominualAi] and recepllnu iff mi-inhem, 3.80 P.M.. Hiinday rchaii oimtun. A ll I'. M.. Fpwortli 1 eoTiie vvifier acrrlce will he le<l by M r, Vi illlam Uimaell. oftbe Lnntx ('unniy Cbriv tlaa Kmleavor HavuilOhJil CanioiHier, imteied hy a deli-4talT<m of ta-C. k. boclaty of i-ark Ireehyter- lanl'lnirch 7.4.1 p. M .,' r^iMcblnf by the jeivivr. utH all frea, W alooma fur all- N kw aiik Cit y Ciirir-H KkTSNaioN Sim-iz t t

OP TUK M. u r iira r ir . SumnierllaM (huitb, roroar {"ummar and k'rrdosla aveauev, nwrulnf, Kav. U V. Muller: avcDlnc. Bav. C. E. tOruddrr. I'ark Avenue 4'bapal, 4 P. M.. Her. I* C, Miilter. Nt. Amlrewi'i Chapel, mommy, Her. t‘. F. Pc^d* dar; evenlnc, leoiperanre avtettni b rlroO t toia Army, r t Jamea’e Cbiirrh. motnlaf and eveninf, Net. H, F, lacy. Montjomery blreat. mnrniBf, Hfv. C. Frink Nattlevblp andaai’ramruul aervtea ; avvalo f, Hcv. J. Frid Cryrr.

PRKSBYTEmAN.llnaBvirj.a Fa iaaTTzau y Ctirnctf, Rev. C.

T. Haley, D.IX, pnntor -Keftilar aervli** at I8 8W A. M. Habboth-ochoote oail Hlblr-cla^m at 2.N P. M. Mtcramant of the T ord'e Supper at 4 p.u. ('brUtlan FitdeavoMiervIca at 8.48 P.M, No evenlaf Nrv Ice.

Hit t i i pRKnaVTKaiAK CararM, corner of rnlOQ aod lAfkvatte Hireetv-rraTer meai ng at JO A. M. I'rtodblnc at lata a . m . aod 7.48 iv M. by the

^ i t o r . Kav. iHivU W. Lusk. 8'xira mualc at Iba awDluf wrvhte. Pabbath echool at 2.30 P. M. N>ckety o f C'hrlatlao Kndeaver at 7 P. H. Allure welooBoa

WicieLTpri ParamYTERiAN (Ttracir, comer Thirteenth avenua aod PoMun etreet -Pav. J. GarJaad Jla aner, Jr., pu or. Moruinf eervloe, 10.30 o'clock the Rav. Frederick W. Joi-kean, Jr, XBloslotiary at CbeAte. ('blno, will give an account ofhla work. ETealDgMrvice, 7-30 o'clock. Yoiiag Peopte'a meallBg, 7 P. M.

FkM'atimi MKWQRrAL rm tan i -Pantor Rev. I. II. Polhcuiqa NerviCfa 10.43 A. M. aud 7.80 F. M, Fraparatorr praye^me•tlr|f at 7 I". M. Tha rarramentof the Lord'a buppar will be ad minia­tured aad aew luetub ra rercivail al ttaa evening aervlca. Tba poalorwlll preach Id the morning tbaaaventh aermnaoe the life o f Ji>te|>}i: Kuh;eot,

Joeaph Meat* Hl« Ih-eaUiren nt Jila TabEa.”K uL’CB KTItatT l*M}-:xBy7KHIAN ( ’IIAPBI.—Per.

Hamuel lEoibltiv Price La i-Uaifr, tuuday acbooli at B A. M, ami 130 i ’.M,: Y. P. H. r. E.et 6.41 F. H.; avcolnf servira, with i|»ecial sola ainglng. at T.4fi F. M. Hiibitecl Ot aerinun: ‘ 'Kept n on tba World." Commanlnn at 4 F. B|. iotba SoaeTllla Avenue CburcL. Fraycr-maatliif on Friday evta- lo f at 3 cfcJock. You acangam lovlltd,

Nuaru FaaK PhKABVTkBiAN I’Hi.-arff, Aque­duct nL, near Bloom tioEd avc. -TUa paviur, liev. Jacob yreehmuD. pfsoebev buaday muroiQg at 10,10. lh a Her. Adam Chamber* will preach lo Ibe •veulttg at 7.30 ; lubjecl,‘ ‘ Fllfrlm’* rru fre^V Illustrated by mofnldorat poliitinga Mr. Fresh man will preach avaDlnga of Tucaday, Wedoeaday^ Ihuroday and Friday. A il waicoma.

CJtNTiui. Prfhuvtkiiian C'licftctl—Patter, Rav. S, Edward YonniL will preach at lO.K aod 7.48, VouDf men'a prayaMDeetlDg g.ao. Suoday-echool 3.80. Cbrladau kiuJeavor 8.48. Prayer-meet Inf Tuesday sF. M. Kaeeptlon lo pastor and Mri. Youof by Hand of Hope. Sunday-ocbool and Chrittlah Eodeavor Thursday fvantaf at7.80. The pnator teat home, 87 Jlllloldearoaiie, each Friday aUeruooD.

TiiiRta PainnvTEarAn cinyarH, Broad alraatr opiKwlt# oraeu itraet Hav. A, Nateoa llolllfiatd, D, l)„ paatur Servlcei tomorrow. Hoeramtat of Lonl'a Supper at 18.80 A. M., praaebiag by pastor at 7.48 P. M., prayer-maatlfig at 10 A. M., bobbath- acboote At 18> P. M., Y. F. i>, 0. & at A4t F. M,( ongregational prayer aervk-a ak S P. i|. a v ia gel* iMic service at U William itr«.-t, Friday, at 3 F. M. A ll weicame loali the above wrvioai.

b a p t is t .

FiasT Bapttst P eddjx MxvoatAU-*At 18.88 A. M. moralDf praj er and eermoo by tha pastor, Bar. Cb irla iR . Dodd, oa "Beaplnf tea Wurld Open to God." C'oiumuhUin a tdo iao f scrvloe. AtT.SO F. M. even lug pralit, with earmoh by iha paster on '*1ba Hurninf UaarL" Stipday-icnoot m ggo F. M. Alt are waicoma.

Ft m i Battist Ch p r i-w, Poroar o f Proapan and Lateyelta stresU -Kav, V. K Lapp, paotor, will conduct lervlcaa bolb fDutelQg at Idki and evening at 7.4V Bring the utTerlnf for tba New Jersey Uapitet KctucAtlon r:oclatr. Soloist, boib inoralng and avenlug, Mlo9 JCaihortoa £. f^pp contralto, o f Florida. All are Invited iq come. *

FAiaMni'NT Ban-isT-Tnit PBUPLa’s-O Kracii, Bank sireat cor. WickUltk.-Tbe Itev. K J. uid* know Mllllofton, paMor. t’-ervlceadurlagtea weak oatelluw*: Inird'M itey, pmschlnf at 10L30,followed bythflliord's Supper; iitbjnL of aarmon, "Self* exstatnatloii." Htinda.v-sclinol at 'Jtaa Pteaohtng at7.4'i, anbivct, " Ih e (Ytme o f aimon, the sor­cerer." 3 oaac people's pto>'ar'mesiliig on Taes- Oay nlftil. t'burch pra^J^^meaIlag on Thonday utghi, bote at 7.4j. i.varybody wtdcoqtc ‘

^ o rn i Bvi-r ist C iirani, Host E hinay streai. near liroad.—Tltaps.'ttor, ilav. It, m . Luilier, H. it, eriit proochat lO.te A. M. euhject, "Tha Church o f tha Living God.'* (ommunloiiat Iba close of ibaaer- mon. At 7.43 P. M. the third sermon on ibe l^rtl’a Prayar, Subject,-'’jby WU| Be Loaa." Suaday- Khool a tH N F . M. On luesday a&il Wednaadoy ib a -F a iiN iw Jeraey Fapti*t Aaaaclaiion^" hold thair regular sessions In this church. Thura* day eveolng at T.43 the ragular weakly pravae. mBailng. A cordial lavltaiiou eziendad to all.

Orange, K. J.—Notice—The imnd rally will taka place at llio Kbanerar Baptist, corner l**rk and Mali atteeu, Drang*. Fiaachlng m ti o’clock by Jtav. K. Harris, of Moniciah* atio 'o lockby itev F. H. uihbaim, o f PlnUiSeld. assisted by Lgv. Amoa GatJier. ni Montclair. Fatter will praaob at 8 o'clock P.M . Bav. J. A, Harris, pastor. A ll ara waicoma,

REFORMED,T b iic itt caPBca, « 1 F , r r j i t r w i-

B.V. J. ft, MorrU, pMWr. I n , OoainiiinI,i, o f Ui. lA irl'i fciippiT will be adoiHlstereilnt la.'B a , M. I’ceorhlng at 7.43 F. M. ^abballj-acbool al 2.48 P MChrteilsn Endeavor prayer-iTiaatlna at 7 F. ,M.

NoKTu BaroRMr.n UMracH.-itemumaion Bun- day. Kav. J. F. RlggA, H. ItfUMwIck,will fonducl the aarvloo at 38.30 o'clock lu iba morning. No avt-uing service, a aessia.-i o f Uia sabhaiU-schoul at 0.1,7 In tbo mornlntaail tha Sab- bsthocbool prayer-martlagai 8 o'clock in the after­noon.

Cr.iSTftN A v i ;n i .*; Rkwiamkd Cmmcn^ itev Dnniel II. Martin, paatnr, Fravar-mactiag at lo a ’ M. iOiiimuhlon of iba Lord's Huppet and rac*i> ilo iio fu ew iiiarabera at l ix » A. M. hvamllgM^ vice at 7.45 o’clock, wilta oermon ijy the pasWr Subject l "Jesiia, iba i»iily Havtocr from Mn •’ ■ mb -r services as iiaual, a welratiia lo oil. j

'JiiK FittsT H icv4»aiib b t'liuni’K, Market tiraat, ' ronier of Baavar-Hav. T. j. Us. poiior, Fowic worGilp iimrnlof aud fveniBg, c:iDduct#i hy the pastor Holy (Qumtuiitouaitita moriilngSaraite Moptbly pralte aanlcs, uhh apaelal music. In tee eTtBlng. mitidaj'-aetiooli atr.ia a . M. and 2.S3 F M. Y. F. M. C. t , at 0.45 F. W. Tuesday e^-bulag •ervioc at s O'clock. Ail conHaily JnvItM),

1IFI.I014IPS N O T irK A ,

a.N<tUF(»ATm\ATvnci.i.as-n iv A VR. ('oyaaanATrnNAf <'Mrarw^

! av. H. I. I (K B *, p ister. inibltfl worship at lo t • A. V. and 7.4 i t'. M. tu (tap ttrarnLait in*' llul) ( am- munioi Bi>d ixvpiivii o f new memiMmi t(»geihar wKb a brief whirei*. In the aveulng liiera will biideltvarel ib* loiirtb leel.iretatt tiiK it H.i ..f It«Bla]. Mitdwi ■■ Itaa Miin ihkV Wa.it Mpil ' ;iui|ay- •chcwl, l4< -ther with Ma|or llo*si-. - liibr- .'.nm faryoimT jiien, at ‘ * V. M. ‘ hrMten K*-la»vop at 7 »• M. "4raiig*r» and vN iori citMitlly wel oumaiJ.

METUUUr.-«T 1‘ RO ncafANr.Fiasr Vm iim isT raor^wTANT Chi ant, 11111

aireet. bplwewi Ha'sey ami Hraid Hev. I. K. iHori. lha pastor, will praavti at to^ttA M eno 7 43 F M Holy (temumulon an I ru-aption n; mnmbtra after the morahig rern.aii. ^onday ncbool at 2.10 I'.M SeFrlcei hy the i . lely hI 7.15 F. tl. Mr. liyoU'i aveutiut snbjt«*l will tw, " Ijgb l At the Heat J line. '

VNIVKITBALlaT.Twa rNivansAMsr Cni’an i -Dr. < rowa win

preach at 1U.38 A.M. and 7.45 F.M. Moraingkub Jfeci, " Wliat \Vr May Honorably < lalm lur <aii. aalrea," % k etilng siibiaci, '' 'lb * KvlUol 'Htvolug- teiJ f itravnganc*.*'

WOMAK'rt 4'MltlSTlAN TKM I’ KH 5M ’ K.aBniNP WOMA>'4 ( ‘HMiaTIAH Tl.OPMtASrr.

Um 4is « 41 llelievilia avenue. i<oapet ieins>*faurv mealtags at 4and 7:J0 o'clkMk, III rliarga o f lEefurm Hub. iiuiid speaking aite Mi'ging.

ttoMANNi CUSisTfAN TKUV>SkNt V |'N|uS\Mulberry airaai, neat Mark -t Hau>1av cu-ailngt at 4 and 7.45 lu I'barge of Ml«» K. Kttrlialt an I Mr-* Ftenw. I'tillitrM)'* dural nimday will be «d»«iirve<l by the loyal l^ lan . At 4 o'r oeX itev Mr. Jarker. afHouth MarketHree: M. K Cliurrh. mil five an nJdresn, Friaikl* are lovit.-i) to ^an.l dimers tu-iilfbL

MIM'ELT.ANKDLH.T i l l Ciii'Brii UP CloD will meal a( 37 ('lintnn

atmd on *'unilay nait at toSO.A. M. for wor>bip. At ll;3u BIblf cte'*s. Hirangnya cordially ia\lU-d lu ia'AP part in Itlbla rloa-i. euiiday-a hool nt it'te sharp. H*iia au frr«.

Tun llioKi K .VtHsTOM, No. 174 Marki-t ktrral Moailug every alg'u at a o'clock and Him davafmrnouu at 4 o'clock. To-nurrow avenlug Mr. Wjij, HaninioaJ, o f 1he(ValrtlM. F, ('tmis'li. win l#u4l [be maetlng. G.'Ktd singing. All well om«.

T kk F irmt ('Hi'Ai'u o r KnniTi'Ai. Fsi)miKi*«ii>x MlU iHtJd ha meetinge hiioday arteruiHiii and esau logal37 l-iltrtkHn otrtet A t 8 F. M. Mrw N T. 1:r1gliaui will lecture Mot*ir" from P^tarsoii will b* preaenL und at 8 F. M. sliort lei'Eurc I'nllnwed by leait ii)' H, Dorn, hliver euJIfi’iion. »nd on Wnlueeday avealng SualoeM rlrole at 6 o’clock,

F*tshm 'vr Avjt!«c r TABVkMArt.v, on 1‘mIt mnunt avenue. Mwi*en FlReauth ami Muttaulli nvennaa,*4j, von ItereUwita, poslor Al lo 38 A. M. •ermoa by the (ijiator. Hiibjaet • •* Women's 1'lace In Ihe Kingdom of (.lirlii According lo Fropheev.” A l J.3d F. SJ. BiiJiday-tCbooL A l 8.4.'i Vuimg Iteopie'a outdoor m«piinf At7.45 arrraentayUia pasior, Sutiject! " ’fb i Ketiglon o f (■oo'l cheer.''

Y o rvo Man ’s ( 'kmintiam AsaoriATtoN, ci|n- lon atreet. near Lirnail Workers' tralaing rli-isea from 9 10 10 A. M., (aiigbt by Becroiarlas Corzeiu and aictitu In Asaoclaiton Iia lln i4 o'clock gran l Jubliea servlet oonimemoralltig tba organlrallon of Ihe rlr t V. M V. A, In Ia b<Iud |upt flfly yenr* ngo. kfr Mkan.ili Drake aiii elate nacretary l.ucaswil) •prsk. Hacrovl music t>y tha wonderflij i i.-fel1a hrodlord TrlA Jlrar Iba addreas'^s oDd tb# sweet music;' Hutb salese^.tlatly luvlle l

B P IIU n 'A Lr«T&FabricBpIritual llrcte, conducle«1 by Mr. George

Clark, at V7 Waalilngtoa itreat, 7.45 F, M. k1Iv«t eallectlon,

__ H E I .r W A N T K Ik -M .k l.r^ .

N H T ir K —Transient » « lv e r4 ta l« f in Ih e MF.WM m iut Invariab ly b « p a id fo r In ad­vance*

No Breonnlaw lU he epenetl fo r nneh.\ o aciverllsrn irnt w ill 1m r rve lvod o ve r

the telephiMie nce|tt |hi»a« aent by au lhur- Ired agents.

\GFST-‘ G gN 'fnA I. 5V|» f.»< AIh F " 't pHr« btsioi-y « f Itio FskKMlllOQ : only a flda l

TTN-inl two rival uuatia %'ojuinw«: lust mil: se'I’t ki ^ lih i: lnitalui*si piss makan II bouansn mr s'vni^, nrtie -■'i a.irA |ur i*rriior>. J. b .i'.4M l’ lilEJ.1. 31.V Mstllem sL.« liirac.i. Hi. I

\DKM 's SVIHK AN F.LMN |3U PBH WKFK : |tnrtk'ui-irlr no (’ itrniwtltiim ‘ only Ihnta wh-<

send pi.- to* sa >i )jIq will h ' aioWi'rad. F. M AN l - F A i'ir iU .s i, iM , Lark iKis :v. Had Hank, N. J. l

it*K N t>sTn l ANVANH llitL'ALlN Rl’OHK-t. .A 1 1 oJ| 4 tu u inbraiugs only.I 137 M ULREnRY HI’.

AinFNDICIt 4XpKU lsNrK I> lIlR TR ND - er-vanted. 50i'i>MULKi'h h|’. t

H|SIM'?4N N O T lC K d. rA R H lA G E H . ETC*

GH* - l l . F i lH ll L lG lil U im \ n . ARC a plui inclfacaul hurg<«r alarisit. balls, u tephi

etc.: molf r» suil dyilani'- rtwomid ; elreidc Workoral) klQ.la Ui lun*at coniraet nritv 7'T M. K. ilHADN kIL'jU MnrketsL

T . \ '


n .A N rK 'M IlAD tH -

tio.iraiitref stin fait, in sl1Hxes. rot public mtimiugs, pnvsi« l•sMettl'ea. bati* ateres, Mlo^<B«;<i>d fsrbirlea.


Hr i t llK Il WANTED. YO CM I M AN TH A T bus lu'l eiparlpera ei the hjslHeta Apply J.

t . MH'KtaL.ien ra Marset. Klomiiileld. u>b

g ISHMIAUK nt|\J.M|-:r( W ANTK fi. tiS.IV'EKA MAN1 L A iT l HlNG C «.,COr. Llfden BudCtaf


y ; I-V K H \ l, AGP.M'H W A M K l> -4 E M .1 ''* 4 ln *w uriii-lsa to dt-sier«. eir'iialva tarritury : lll•i<olupel1|loB :noi'aplial roiuired ; 380 to 180 par »\at luntli. C«il,( M lllA 4 IIK M U 'A L DG.. t» l.#arln»ni-iL. t'bU*ap . Ill, 1

\ | K I AJ, FAi rFRN .MAKKH W ANTED ON *v| gaoRial imtlerns. Addreaa

W K A M. tAL. 2* HsneaL

1).1J NTLJl'* w a n TKlt 1M HD >VF.R A N D KX-lieriamwl man I'j Da TEItH.iN MT.. JUrrlaaiLl

W AI-KnMa .V W'A.NThD A ( ' ’ iMFETKNT " <Mile4maii for Naw York and vlHaity for tea hsplvtare Irad-*: n knfiwJeJfanrMarmsndeslntela* Addr<^, wlDi reb-reuces suit salary rruamwl.I MlUtARD. Box .NewSnS

I W A I KhmK.N w a n t e d , IJB AL 1<H THAVKT*- \ \ “ ‘*4 -. |H>rmauenl po lilon. Ad>lrevi I'HK I Jl AW Kn horhasver, N. V.

j \ l '* . '4 lK D C’A^llia.K AND AM*|Nr'ANT vy 4-a-.li]ar: must rurnDb linn and f4 il raaU sa-

rurliy A.iurrtsCAHH I KH. ten PL Nawsolflr*. I

\ Y Y. \V|N|[ T»» FMPt.OV A FKW <KMU)I M iht-n 1,) make fvi to liup a week sailingoor

IiiimM j-.tr uio Mold' J uiis oewlng insi-blBes, priniing ]ir*«MM, veutilsyiig fana puajiTi, etc. vverjtxi.ly tiiivs ibem ; slsaily employment; aaav httiiailun Mild go'i I wages. W l’ J lA llH iaoN A r ... ( If-rk \m. 11. Colnnibus. itblo.

liana a l, naat lliiatu •(.


Bchoola*a BHORTIUSD, T Y F E V V n m xo FDUCta-

.1 a ihifl*ro-jn:| 10 nona on enay terras; day, evon- big. siiTH e i’K.SOUHAFlIlD INaTITL* lL*N,!>2r Brood sL |

A H lm irrilA .M l MflLOOt. TH AT PI.ACF.S IT.A •cbulari III poulioni free; roacblnavremed.

4I.V ItiMjAi 4. BIbsodIu Hail, uranga.

\ y K Wri.i sTAHI M U ’ IS \ I'liEAHANT, I f prri:ltat«Ja an«l p»rumiieut bnalnsvs; can be

done al vuiir own lioma; « we*k aaally mod*twjiil iiamb n>r (>\W otplanstlon.

WK-. rKK.S M PI’LY C V, «t. I.ciilt, Mo.

\ ’’ o r x i* rti c i'A rK ii. i io n o u a h i .k * A c n v RI builNM« lusri: (a aurti, a splriHl id omralng H of­

fered : sinte purtlruiar*._______ iiuNultARl.K. rirauge, x. j.

I IK I I-. M '.A ftT Iill-F K M A l.K ft .

(lin t. KOIl I ’ Ll IIHIH'HK, MKI.I> IN i*L>i'li.n. f l l ; Hirl * . i.uj-*.-, * lv i ditiiib.nnuld

•iiB i»*1'r.-«, priv*l.‘ l•lulIy. *J , ’ A (iA l< MT. I

VC.IH>(> SKIl\ ANT !.| p ri.IKD AT AHOHT nnl.i-e. ,\* wa pro.-nrs elm itlous ivUbn-itctiar**

t<i gif h. we generally Uava appHo «(lou4 f re nlsc}% F l. l iK hM pj.oV ilKNr uFFIl'KN 71J Brgpl *‘X )4w

\ITHF.N fJCES. IMPKOVERB, HKWTNG gtrii also la>bea and flr li t ) laam drasamak-

lugandcimiiij IajVI»h .4 AVD FA H H DHE- H- M.tKING I'AiU.JfiS, 771 anJ 773 Krr>4d v. lOo

I'H lt-M Itl-: W eM K D A T HitESflMAK- Uiig- 475CI.JNTON AVfck I

J>SDIEH KVKHYVVKFRR CAN Lmtka l7 III 113 p«r week : champ botiMbold

arlicla. Add— ................ “ '

IF WltlNGKU^ sweepi’ri n-*1

AND CAKFg'D lepiilrin;: send


73t Hrooil at.. Roorustaad 4.Terms cm application.

rnrrtapotKlsnoe co(ir«e, 8l8, including books, hferlsl terms during June, July sod August.

\ f 1-^ rDW.NRKKD'H B JARDINO AND DjCV .Allw-hMl Jbrgiria, 34 PARK FL,, Newark, N. J, Frlniary, Aiivdafnlo BBd CoUego Fraparaiory lia- pavtintnu.

4 irculars on opplicattea. psq




4 V SE 4, AT T P. M,

\t i t X lsmake I: m Ita p»r we

___ <Idr*M MIT,r,Eli. Bov R. .News ijflUa. i

( lllAM nK irH »tD . WAVrCD, A UKHMAN kin 11 di) up-iiiln sn^k aii<j m ibIb w isning. In

qulfatwrt UltUAD.*4T. J

g i r 'K W 'A N T H ) Ml i i ' HK THOHOUGHI.V V... experienced lit plain c ioklng, forurlmta family In New t nrk; (ierruiio ur IDuik'srlati pieferrel. teqnlr* MK-. k. KKI.I.EJt, 4'hi Hl<h it 7:b

CiOOK Wa NTPD. w o m a n t o c o o k . WAhir and Iron or d<> ganerst bousew ork . on wsiblug';

g<j4>i| Wig-v App y (0 MK:*. H. C- HKiM '^lTf. I'lilon sea., irvlagtoii \

I took' -tt'ANTED. UJOK TO OO IN OOCN*\ try: refrrence required. i ’oW8c r-ai W .A'-in.suiuN KT..taerorol8 A. M.




WANTfcD.<D»OD COOK AND liAlJ-X- 4 all i'4 liDnKViLLK AVK*. Monday. I

lOOK .. dress.

IIBJ-H A FEW 5’OrNU G lh iM WANTED. 41 Apn'y today at l » NEW ARK HI'.




RKOPENH BEPTEMBER 18. HM.Tboronrb preparation foranyo.)llai(*ori7!ttiUfl3

" f o r ■school or for biMliien LAtalofuei npun application

a. A. FARRAND, Head Master

HOVSESVOKK Wa NTKD, I 'C iM F K T K N T girt. German prelerred. lo do geoerol boit*>

W.irk, ftaBji.y of three : tmiat be gotytrook, wasliar and iroper ; taring r'-Jcr.-iicai I'rom ia^t eiuphiyar. Apply foienuoii, J4 r i I l - > r M :r «T., Fast « r- ^ 1% iMb

Y lO rskW O K K (WLORKD AND W HITE J Igirla wanted: also la Gartonna and swadei w-aaiefl. I'all Momhy und i iieiilaj and Weiltia-- day, tee Halrlnu'r-* hinplovttiBnt .Agency, UT.A Bivadat., eor. WiJiluuist. J. H. KhK-^G.'i, i

n tirsKwi»HK W a n t e d , A k e .s p e <t a i d .kwiirtisii for aenend hou-awork in Intnily uf

two. Apply, vvItU reffreiifNi, al 403 WjLLIAM ►iT., Fhflt • Tange. Uagi-* |tl jc


Telephone 4H r*labl'.abal m v

j^TO H A O t ^


20(1 TO 310 TV ASIItNOTON HT.,

UeL Bank and AcBilamy ala


BOARDtNO AND DAY ecgoO L, ji m u . «T,

Mrs* Wtm'.UllHK, I'Br.NCIPAI. re ll* ,* Rn-pintFir}', yrnler. Jiiular*n l i-rlm ii*

DaporltnaniA A lliulleil namberul boys in Fr uiii v lieparimant. < artiKoat* o<lnil(4 lu Wellesley Ool- lage. iirvuian ou nppiic:il)on.

Miiair,T>ANJO BY VOTE. 50 fR N T^ A I.ESflON : J linMruEneDta rurnGbod free fjr leiiMsns.

_________ _______________HLl.I.fcil, 8 New at.

\|'ANDOLTN, BANJO, (IlIT A K , ZITTTER ATlBDd violin taught,87a A. J. WEIUT, 75 South ak

OTEPHEX, J. MAYHEW I'lANO A lT n r^Eraneb l«Hr;ictor 3ft FKANKidN HT 48r


ZITH ER I.EHVJXH WANTKfv. (STATE larmi. eic. /( TliKK, Box F. Navea offleo. i

n o i'H kw onK- Wa n t e d . yor.NG nt r lTor fonenii bouaewurk, no waabliig. Aiiply At

jy.'i *MT. FROSl’ K t 'l A V r. between JAud to o'clock on SJonda)', j

T fO VH K W riRK - WANTED, AN' KLDKRLY 1 Iwomnh lo i l l light housMWnrK for iwo; one (liBl Is MitliQed ivltb ■mall Wages and it home.1 _ •JiaC'HAKJ.TG.N HL, i i floor.

n OI'HKWGRK GOOD GKHM4N I’HnTK-*Iv not girl for jreueral bonsawurk; must coma

well ra'oiQueDdiHl. Call 380______________ 171 n o r t h HKVF-NTH HT.

n OtftEW OHK-WAXTKD, Gtltt. FOR GKN- eral hoiiaework and to help ulib washing;

iiiiitt Ijegtaod piAlit couk. ( ’all («c__________ «0 NullTlt Nl.NTH ST.

HorHKWGMK W a NI'KD, fJ ,F4N, T fh V girl Tor housework tn smalMAiully. ('alt tnwi

days 172 Jo h n s o n AVK.,otf nmirmnve. l

Ho i ’h f w o h k - w a n t k d , g n u ,efiit hnusewprk ; imull tamiiy ; German ure-

lerred. ri;t BMWMFIKLD AVK |


BANK HT., 40 GfKID BOARD AND CHEER- fnl rooiul: (able board.


Ba n k ht ., ct. cu h . v v a h h in g To n - p l e a s -antfroiil rouiua, with beard; alao uola ^ a n l:

all liDprovamerla

Ba n k h t , h 5 f l e a b a n t f r o n t k o h m ,bath; •Xf'ellent buard for one or two gaatla-

neb. I

HOADHT.,854 HOARD FUR GENTLEMEN hr mar tied couplet. Mji

•girOADHT.IiSfl A l a b g k f r d n t p a r t , ^XJaud badroouii to let ittrnlahed, wlih or without kward. I

|)|4o a D ht., rA -XK 'E r*V 9TRN/hjtED JJrooQli, with board; parhiahent orlranilani- table board. ggo

Cll.VrRb; 8T., 2«-F.r.E (*ANT n T llN lH lf io ^Ooiil rooms with board ; aim tobla board. tet

n OlteRWDBK- W a NPKO, g k i i .m a n g i iu * to do genrra) hn;ue;A grk.

fc5b Imiulre D7 U IT LE T O N AVR.

n Or'KW OHK VGCNG rifP i. W ANTFOTO oftaiat In light lioua-vvrirk and miiirt t:oby.

1 I ’aN at .1 M M 'ni < >h A.SGK AVE.

HOL'HRWOHK WAN'l’KD. 2 ( OMl'KI'E.VTfirJi for general Jiojhenork : refer 'Uces.

J u.1 MAIN " I'., r.. Grange.

lO t'HEW DIlK-O IH f, WA.NTKD Full GK.V- aral hmitework. 91 BHL’K.V hT, i1 1

( lOMMKRt’ v. ST.* M -S ICK LY rUKNrfJlIKD /rooiut, Hllti ur wltuout tmsrd; all liuprova*

menu. |

X0NGHeM4 Hi . S2 ^rUH.Vl^HRD ROOMH~ .. wUb or without tauimi; all moderaconvanteiiuvi- sflilv tn iet'lrln aii-i mI Mm r m

C.. niiiii Ul vk I icjuiik imniu , hi i iijuiibandy to electric « iii Minsm con.

-LYAHT J’APK HT.. ao-NRW LY KDRNtHHRD X^ronnt. wlih iK'ard ; terms rtesunabla. ite"

t J a HT J'AltK HT., fD-NICELV*”FUHNISUfT j iroonta t Iwjrd If desired,

i;^ T m rn i a v f ., 47 l a r g k KUHNinriED.1 xlruni r-ioni fur rj(aii ami wife or two ganUaman with nr without bo:ird : ul»o alugl* roonn i all Im- provottcnt^. t

Ii-^llANKJ.IN HT.,37-l*LRASANTVonMB KOfl reapecttable gentteman; also good table board.lio

GARHIDF. HV.. 2U8-PLEAaANT ROOMS AND board ID ]«rlvalu flimlly.

/ II IK K N HT.. tM^i-NlUELY VlrDomA wltli board.

/ I ROVE HI'.. 2 . REAR i ’OURTUOUSK U I Bosnl for geatlainan i |4 par weak.

I VORY UrTTOXH WANTKD. A FEW (IJR|*a experienced at carding and <<]iiid1ng bulloua;

muat b« (tulca.1 KLJTZ, VKl r A CO . Nitssau Works.

>rirRBI?H-YOt:N<i LADN'X W a NTEJ>, TO llsBrJi unrslnc ; (bt)se ■paaklng German pre

ternd. duply murolngs L5'K a ND EAi.t IN ­FIRM A R ^ b ^ In g s l. 4.10

-^ tfR H E —WAS'TFD, MIJ»Dl.i:-*(iKD WOMAN to Lake rare oi t vq ciiddren; city rererenc.ea re-

QUired. Apply lo 1. I'., ]:i Carrer«-t i(. 1

\ irA N T F .l)~ \ t irN G I.AD^' OR VOCNG M SN TV to IcBrii laEegrspby, day or (-vanlDg, lor po«l

lloti ; ap:’Cial cbsiK-e l'anl< nlsra.I ___________________ K-jt ttliUAD HT-, top floor.

I?M Pt*OVM KNT TV A NT F 13 - > l ALK*

A c c o u n t a n t k x f f .k t . R-»oh> w itixT ifN up, MacaniiiH Dpeoe<l, siatementii uiode, coHoc- tkmsaUr*ade>] l engug«i)icnt.s imiir >»r iIh/ ; i4>r.ua

nitMiemte. BKKM.-sN, 241 Hjiringiielil avc. 7'jta

A CrOUNT-H ACN)ITI-:D, WHITTUN ri»G K IN- VVveailsnhHJ. At.L'Di;Ni'ANT, Uoi U, Arllng (on. N. J* aiy

|>AHTR?lpE1l, GKK.MA.S, WILDING AND I ypleoalnii, not afMid of work, iH'itof refera.icei, Wunta eUtiallOii. Address 11. 31, Uox . e'va ottlra. .Tte




Will be held atCOItl'd H ALL, SD9South rjr:mge ftve., gn

MOSUAV KVKStNQ, Jurw ,, , ( s o 'r tS t '

At Ibis mnnllni a Preaidant, Vlc3-rrcsldanl mid

flra Dlreclora will ba elected, an I nuch oilm btjsl-

nassiranrcactail oairay ba prasanlad.’i be Rlxib annual reinrt w ill ba read.

I inaeuib Kerlea o f t^tock will be ojwoeii iuoa 14,

82c ( IOACHMa N - C A R K m , DHIVKIt AND .'good gardener wthlies nitiiillou. Call or add rest

'21c - r.':(!i*i.\To.N bi.

H E N R Y T, SjEVF.ri,

A . THE NEWARK HniLHR «msrkat*Noa ll3lol2tGemrBl sra.

A terga Moek of t1 rat cloaa Uarat* siw*v«I - - - ail baBd tee site or '*ti-liaaj^ at ih*I laweat iBBtaat prii'sis-.deBUsbt. drWar^ an I gantr j partHseatioraiM: a fair (rial glvaa ani i U «io k a ili ' Hitta amtl guanaaea tuk.i as n>pr>saii(i>-1 -.r cish

A .

tfigK H T r . IlF l.lN . pra •

rA r 'T oR Y a n d


toi sM IP- l\i|'i ■r., near Ferry at H l 'm a I. BARG Al VK

fiAnu Mtnd'-s, iisitik iluiible isw^l frinfi*,In «U ponuiar ie«. ivnipUda, rNul3r lo luing. regtilar pib-e l•‘•<‘ . at 4 «-

\l.r KIND* g C HfVilKIlH a n d CAUl'Kr Rweeiwia rvp^ired . ••ml p rt;a> uhtte rutabar

Mla.7V.iip. M. . iM A ll 'iN I .Y . U4 Hanasl. SIw

F I G. MINtGN. RAS-iS AND RmUDKH “ fFiirnares, Hai-rii-., rblnim-y* bdlri and ra- palfwl. walls rwpntrwl an-l nbltenM 91 21 U’ rjsl Kl SN ► V SI >mBii posts)

( SAHD KVUltAVl.NG AND I’ LAPK I'Kl.NT lug. at

44(1 *' '1 HRGA D H I , ronnt a, ite.-r lUrt-legan's.

( slfS'AD 1'4'Uir.Y HHfil’ '<VnltF I.ADIKV . kill lip. hiMt'Xi. | i ; Indie*' dn > k1<i Up. bmtivi.

Il. l.t ; Iwritf*’’ kid Dp Imtkl ■■lU-hers. f* - i^ iia^ e * ’ himl aiHl )*priDg baelll^i, hiui^u. 7 x-' m »ii'sstac1 lareil, |i ; luan'* hm* im-e-l -iud i a ivreM«, |l.i:> men'*» roo^t l)tai(‘hpn« f i ; , , : 1i>iV rirm Iw-«h1, ICh-.; 7* 111 Ii'r Him lace<i. i-biidrc a's «|iriug iieet Up

I Laupm. 11 > 10 4,taav. at tt .M. J. xta KI.NNFV'H. :ira

- ^*"'4

HANI4\ ERGm., n a IN a n d KX i IUN<jK 'subHw, 4i1 Jilt- lAD sT. Jnatrws-lva I ar*h(»1n*

loi of untr’ied <• ia>-h an I <-Arrlarv S‘»r .ts. r, i » | ■ bsUiiM higJi, boy 1. bri»was.aMTP is sot idtTkii Gieo lioraes hnv*(->->.I ^rioter*t. (M-allniMel am d n v ‘,i In Onnsyiisnia. thnrviihly n in s 'a tn a it vJw4rie*‘srs sn-l tape'lalivssi »<k , i f.irCil ■ lu kfk -i A r>orte«floPesif ( •lusllu drs (M l barsa* ad I a*

H I:

*r«l ttuf HM« rtaitam ImM lr>. wsiTblii; l.i u m l.r g p«MiitaK Have also a k ila i's* 'iiil .lan la*l in '*«s teat must ht s )ld Alt hartss wa^rrMel ss repnaoeulel or nt mev rcfamled. Drirei l» odli the limit. ..... .............__ Sfll.KH W, HANF-1 a HK** energailcparties.

tTK IU iA ltli FOH Htl.K. >(E(Y HI I'K . .)h«^rd Mogoii emit tllvtr ro»itaiad harness mi

oil* liiCfetisi. 2<.K'KN I UK hT.. Gfanga 1

CIAHRI AGhX! CaKHlAGKB' t'AHRlADFA!G|>eaaud top buggies, phaeloas, ladlM phas-

Ions. runalaHita. (rapi surrey*. iMonpaeai ■urrew aptriill)*. rcMkl, hull's be.id. speeding awl hadness a-agt ns o f all klndo, I'LAiri'k 'n Ng 'H'N a\|>I AR ItlAGS: HKlSMlTuhV, tl-lT HeilevHIa ave.Ate

( lAHKlAUr.a .A NCMRER Gg .NKA AVD •aann Kbaotl niridsg* and wagort* far sol*

rbaap OUVKU M a n i FACrDtllNU (bj< atnoy SI TaleptaaneTU

nUHtNEEH O m ia T U N IT lB I .

A Ik) YGU WIHH TO M AKE A i|uli-k, rlean,eaah isle of yaur btialnesaf We

have a number of *-aah bnyev* iiM>klnf lor hinlBSig plx-'ra of avoTr daKrlplIoA; oM our daollmga alriflly t-nnrldenllA). Jlt*Hl.Nars.s kX('tlAIK}tai;f 221 4-dar •(. bJitabliatae I SI yoan, 1

A HAI-OGN, HrORF. Rl’ -lNKBg DR PRO^ .*\ »tr (y . II yen « lab lu ti.y. Mil iit TTrtiiiBgi.

laae Ume ( all upon

VIUKUAIN m TO iv.ltW ,C I/ lT lltJ (ll*Io !llE grHil bu-insM Ineatloh; we I itiM-ked; ailate

IDtied . rea-onatate rank tor aolJioivMr Jeavlag coiinkry ; prica 28ta KaJIMAN, 14I bptlBgdakl BV&

Vb a HMIN ONEfiijiX ONE830). BOTH GOOD JocMIiin, doing g(K)d buslneoa, nleaiy fltud. tef

■ala at unc*: rwMuiiata'a teBti^ good ehasoa Ibt• n*r**l L. nsrl Im ~


IN a N Mg'IGHh. |.\Xa M'W a n d 1‘LATrSD 1 DincBlnas oegdlng i.-4>au's s(i>hU<I ba a*>it t-i T IIK .NKWAHK il.h t iUD SL UKI'AlKlN-) COMPANY, No. t UnJt>errv h HS'urk ami dia pairU gunrauira't St iiuxtcra'-c charges (orders liy inoU given aireiin.xt tAr

t l.N l'sIllN it 1 ACKI.l. AND MChD AL INt rirmuent^ at * n-i': j t«.v s-teii bj-iit(. s fur dox.'. the ha«L w ,m <i ,all bo Mo par 4im : * gou4 nal, Vir-.-wim I teals. 7 k*.: tara*s rea^s.frosi T<* . nn: tliiiatbiH. P>-, lu>) iwd ur-MJel Una. c,; (lltlMSl *IU PU' ' 'fee'. TV-.- 1'G fOal IluJ

Dti bt^'k. -V- 'Oaml wortus ulw^y* on hsml at THANK Hl.s-»-» l i ’ Mulljerreiv

H. l^iJlGLAa. Ma KFR DF *(lie li^ufliit nan‘n A«'me guI-

Stsran>lilne mantliblna Uusliwlln’ JatniRisiiti ut all kliids citH nr In- * alaluieou H«|>al -jiig a st*eei«Uv.

fornierh of-.2T Uriwii aod v C.*(lBr-■A

( 4 1.GBIC RTKAM CA H fK l' t 'l.t a MNG C l., f 8*K. J. H. it. AVF i KI.e P1H>N K 4U.

GlCnRGK A. DU KTM^ >N. Manager CarpetarUitned l>y tti->late’d anil iiv-t pnicissav

puaial >iiUd (• bite ruutier ndia D<iiii [ r.t rente up. < hHikI lo an>l delivered I free. A I’m old oring*-rs irouglit aud

lrndt*l In fnr iia*' on •«.» WKI.NGKK K bP A lP C'O..

trij 31 Ne>v at.

I AW.S' MOWKRh HIIKAUS a n d KNIVkS Jgraiind, saws tiled aimI set. gtiu\ revolvart,

lypewrllero. electrical Itisirumeiiis etc., r*|)otrail; al-« men Bimliibad for iwrpatiter or aay olliar work. W. K. BHADNFR. LNI .Uarket iL I'ie

Ms<r mM.Ai'K a A T r u K L h.IKK-ketbuoks. tuasDDs' leol b^a

Anil iriiuks uf our nmi manutiu lure : reiHitrliig pronipHy atteii*l*<I io. '»adHKGAJ) N I'., uppusip) tYasIdiigtiKiJ*ark.__ _______________

IIANOTUNI.NG a n d HrPAlKl.\(4.8 6 x _________ G. E. GUTEr. :el F ilra i

IPEFBUNAlr- I'Oll GNE H'KVlv M ) CANH only, all-wool extra auper*. .'ftV yard: botbury

lapasify. TV*, yard ; Hinyrnarug-*, .'Vitk'. 42.23: luxT'! 13,58: twBtU If you <aB 'ibe >inly iiDgiitl Van liorm I-'nrnltnre ( umpftuy ; luilltndiedlti auctblai: eapreally low prUNHi 1 (•• Y a N Hi RN KI IlS'I- TURK un„ 3'gi,tk> Mulberry *(., cor. itu.cat. 1

/ SAHH1 IGF -F o il M ii.g , t IIRFF-HRATCa K- V iloge, BS sceol as new.

'iv: R U V )M n E I D A V K

( TllAill.KM GKl RF. M A N C F A rrrH F Ii OF all kin ls of epniegas. rtthimit-r dapiM wacnn*.

Hoekaw«ys, Isditfa' ptaaeinna. bugg’ei, eiteSMun top onrre^ esn-npy |r>|) ourrevA Jiinfp seal surreya, rrantaml bnngtMvurdt. spimlla * ag*ms. ruotl cam •mi apaadliif c*pi . w*r<m for hulabariand Mkervgraran amt mllkuieo. pliimtaar* a<v| 4-arpantera, louudrv an I cIniblarH, <-ipravi and termer*'waglla^ h irness nm1 siMinir «na-ts *A I blaiikete St 2\7 Slid Ma-kat au, factory lt»b- WV. N. J. ___1 y » V(Uf w a n t a rARM UGF, ttHGTkUY, I./biilrli«r. expres*. laiiDdry or lUifpeoier'a BBgUA. uaiv er *ec mMin-nl 7 I f w.i, pteoee call St K^T ’ hN'H |(0‘*UV]I,I.T IGHV. W-«er«ran i>e found the Jurgcal **nair and iaw**l prtf *» In Ciiy nf Newark, i uruer liMirtaenGi and Gfsnge ate. Orange <mrs pawi (»(ir d o r 4Sa

n OBNES 2b IIFA I) Fg H rs L K A ~ MY iiatate, rear ofCSiniutiTi ava.. Newark, st

reoaoBJdJl* prices ; all s-* represpnieil M ) W. W. I HI51UCE,

n nWHEM h IK h a l e CHKSP; MUnr MB riild: ulaoaroad liurae: lesi t minutes; don't

hiDa a bargain. 12 CG.\ F HT., ontngp. :At,

I H 'PH K ’. FUJI b a I.K. I’HIlkK HoRMm I aulsabta lor snv klml o f lutslnest; no fair offer

refuMil Jte«rur';i w u k i .u k l h t .

n GRHft'’* TWO KAkllLV IIGHHKM ANDDNE leuDeriiau mad bor*« for mila.

*4h ]«2HUMM1THT.

n ORHE, PRDDf.KH WAG'IN AND lUHNKHB fiir eala cheap tMBRtjoMKHT. ;aa

HnRHg, IIARNFHM a n d L IG ltl' TOP H«tOb, f3L lUO lirNTFRCHIN kT. 1

UORhK A«400D WUHK H 'IlMK FORRAl.K rhasp. 8ht HFItOKN NT., rllr I

MICIIAKI. kTFa lIF.k, I'lTV LINK.NiwIngffeM a^e , wiH receive A esr-

loail (if West Virginia buraison Juoa .v,

BKRMAN, 311 BpringdeW bv»

.\ ‘ ‘ANDV AND riGAH •‘ To fik , NX AR TW l? J a ^rbiiol*, good tecatlon, deiBg utasly. teraBi# at once; owner laariugclty; price loj.

>*. H K IlM A S .ld -p rl.flU W »T *

\ I r r id N m i.llk llllANU T. A(.'CTinifKliJI, .. l iU l l ,HI on Mond.r. 5 I- lb. mmalMo M U,ir«nl. .- O II. Mlil<«rrr >1,. i i w MArtctat . IM

>-'IH>hi r l.A m B A K n w ii ! ’J « ( o r « l , . .Ill, > » U n > t*M ,(«BiWflM... uo, „n lin»,| ft » « .rb ■ i,w »«b M » gl,«si|ifr uuuirh. In(|ulr« e f A H PRICK, rimestate. Insurawesml inons, 714 brnodM. MB

|>AH IIFh HRi.p A TllteTCLAIW R AH lttB I yebnp for Mie : eelahlDlied M years : oirasr Tte tlriti* ; cefiirsily I .rated AUdreM

(tsRPKF', H,*i ti, K « «a r>f|le«b

1 bl'^IN E K H - I , , :^iiiais-l-l-OH'IIMiTIKH -PARTY w r r « -toiifbchirtb

1ANIH, IIOAK, 111 i -RRAM PTORM, im . m ltpriiigdald Ste, dnlui Uege baslne<u.MiiB iKrn« oa«ne...

iRi>ckei1, rent |5i, w» muthA for sale; pries isni HERMAN. 241 hpriogtiald aVB.

# (*\ D V HHIHK flU ; VKRY GOOD iZ c lT V llQti . dulof nir« b*itlnasii; wall atorkod ' rm l

a rooms ; lersaleoo ooreunlofalckiMwi.RFRM A N, 2U isprio|rta*d *T *

i lO N FK rn oN FK V AND JTpT CKRAM RAIL A lor--l intcloas ronf*‘ciK»srry and loa croM parlor for Ml* 1 gtHids Id paiteci caodlilQii ; prise low. Imjulre TONFKiTIO.NErtV, ^o. H np^Bf fleiii avi'. T m

| ;^O h N 4H I Ia T.F INTKHVMr a n d f x i x u - J Mve rtirtaii’f truuiufSi-hiraiB t-nttadmoteaegthe l»ea( pipe nrenrh yet iDVenlad: paieet Jiut oat, JAM ee M. MII.LAN TOMPANV,maMBUvniva«- 'ers. 4a Meat aahliifloi at., lliln B ^ 1

/ J HrH'KUV A .S n r ANDY MlliRK AND IlOU lib \iUuM turniiuraror aalecbeap.

______ -d Mo h r ih A V K . near uentnl aye.

g kL l -VHTAlH.lHHKD M VKHV BlTNIM IM ^.Vfursare; fu*>dltade Atltreaa MVhRY,Ne<W- ark Bvenlng iHawsoffl '*, Oraufa

1>AKTNEK Wa n t e d , m i t h |i.«io7>ir55fleTA money will doubl* la Ibra* or f>ur moBlhat Jew* need not apply. Aitdrea* *iiv PA«>^iNah, itiHenlQg Nesir* Braeeh. Orange,

Ib A U rN E U WA.NTKD W jU f yi58 TO T A K A .1 an IntareaMna nniwioi st aomiser raaoci aw Ibl* —n^n \ a food cbsnra. Addrwt H. IL, Bax A. N»’»at»ttli*n J

uatiitliGrig of bii'litOM liraiighl and work Bnr*e«atlke innrket prices: ■old with aguarantee to ta as rcprateute'l ur cash refiKuled

ST IT > L N V FOB HALE, A fl YK Ah-lLD HIlKT- A land pony In firstclassruder and gaulhr; oa-v ba driven hy cblkt or lady ; ale* a '1 wb*el cart an 1 Xaea^ml btiggy, room Jor t clilldrtu, and bornafs ta tnatrb; ar w1i| aktitange ter Best r1o*« plioeioB or riirray, ur sldvliar lop bufey; tio tectery malta tieeii apply, lotjnlra at 4Wi h. riCN'yil h'l., niy.4;b

I >DNY RUilGV AND UAHNK’SH FG^ RALK, gss; aino very fust horaa and nice buelnasa lioraa

and new col Ivrlor'N wagon aad Mean sets af very flof bariiesL u«w aud SH-ond-hand, and alghiiui korieU biigglea. K.XCUANor. llin 'K l-, bouth

1>KR«ONAL hPkClAl. IN n U H T F H FTB- nllMre for one week only. We are deierraliied

InnlaaQout a cacI >od of (HHlrootn (uroDur*; ela- gattt oak tMdroors aulis. 24s30 Fran>'1i-pl*ie Mirror, ibr(*e plepn, fl5. rash only. IJl'Kar prii-wl suits lo iimpnrdon. THE V a n Ho r n l'■^•K^l^TKh; (Si., i ‘i)i-i3u Mulberry e i. cor Mnrket. i

OOUNtl- MH‘ . lU I’FII- LD llO l’Phn, MA»'- kel and Cora ra*rc*b 4tci

— Grangvave, opposila ohoDilBg Park.

VAGONHf WA(40NHt I HAVE 7.5 NEW wngons, (melts, express, grocary and biiloUar

wagons, surrays, hiiggles, spludia and mt'l wago.ii, eie..fririial#. A. J„ TlFLl.N, Kaia and Excbsii* eiaiilar 81,7 tn 117 (.Autral av*.

W ’ A G O N H -FO H HAL1» O t ^ L L KINDH; Vy also ISann fha fB M .

1_ Ml.LRfeRHY A W n n U V R B BTB,

\l»'AG O N KDR HALE HUITABLF FOR W peddler. 878 FIFTEENTH AVK , c«r. I aq*-

des It, _ _______ 4bo

^ • k ^ B l 'Y M FINK TGFNU IIURRE r Al-RO sTtfJIJSu *■(* of bamtat, I I roui carta and on* (spring wagon. 1 top buggy and 1 apludis biitMV difgp. teAiUGH s r ________ •• I

1 >ARr.NMta-WANTFI), A PARTNER W ITRJ »DW: wiu give a good iQiere*t loan anienriaaol( wiey taiand lar aumaieraaaaon. Addreaa * __ E te. Box R, Nasra aOaii.

>.km;NFR A m a n W’ IT II l i n k tNiorbas deetraa an midartokar as psrinar.

(JPpJM TtNITt. UrartgaPoMoll**,

H& TAU H ANT -A PAYING m 'H lNEaTfoJt ludu«(MouarD*ipla; tell uf boirdata; moot ba

tatMd at oac*. no offer rafiwJ: eaiy lermalfdMlradk Apply 33 Cklri I'itE Js I ., (.jroiiga. ||q

HOADH(JU«i i3X W ILL m r7 BNITG LTT* lie roadhouse lost Oat uf riiy limitg: aaiaaMd'

upporiuniiy ter Ini* oeai peoul*; raat w t r i id : ' ■iiedssad Btataifftn rear; wurtta |i,800; bq imata aaed apply, Addreaa m )AD, R « i ffawi atfoa I

j^AlAH>N ON PRQMtNK.'VT R O A I l^ T . * __ Apply H lLL'a UNION UH1CWEEY C a

SAUMiN, iHiJi) m t a n d . ik u u t h b FKawnTL IC H d KOEUMR. 234 MarkatiL “ ly

SHQK HRlJP^DR bale. 'I EN m l Ea FslDlC 'i* ? . ■ iHuIra OLL\V b H a HVnM. H, tlJ Mulbarfy •(., alty, jfb

S i 1 O O HtJ VII GteODltLAOKEMlTB^ B tn «.I IF^rtkasanaarthf dty. Addraaa

***> Wa GUNv, tiox J, Nawi onaa.


^ p c .- p ia n o w a n d OHGANH TI'NKD, r ii- < Upalred. QEOBGB HUNT. 2te Marketat. xit

W A L L V A F E R A N D P A r> :K -IIA N D | N < !.

V - A.-ROGM PAPKRKD. GKDl.VAin s|/.K eceiling and aids aar| IKInrli border, lur i.4.7.Y

lorg* sa**rrtment of paper*; Jate-iiitvli^: aMgrad-r.4 and prloek. P.ilmlug, groiniag. 1I111I114 ani kalso mining afscnted at rasMinahla pricas a JI vor'c guaranteed, ojpan (III a D. M. Grtert by iiisli at ien<IM to. J. ii. U 'XEILU 88 Academy av, near llaliev. slq




I.OW'EHX FRH Kh A T R E TAIL Pslnllnt, paper ha uflug. etc., tk

reasomttale prtuas, la and 28 New at., near Broad. WJilie KntJdlug. Kluar»igUK____

UR-o'k l y .n a n d n k w y o k k w .a m . • paper romblnnltoi) Please tako notice tbsi I

will pii|rerfalr-*lxad room ^vltb gold iiapvy and wide iKtrdrr fo r f2.AOa room, and u>so do tlret-clasa luitiii Ita* aud kultumlnliJT at the obcapest pneos iq tJia cliy ; nnlyr* promptly aurital'Nl to by mall.6811 .IACDB LKVV. No. MIS Wsrrau sr.. Newark.

V rO YOU W AN T YOUR DOOM RbllM. ♦ iwivd? Wedo It fur 81.2(1 and lurnlib wall,

nspersiid border. ' ’ Iba Fair,” Hi'KlN Oc HI.a l . epringffald nve,. mauiilErlurer-t o( picture

triune* nnil windiMV snaLi<N. .i7\

Ua M^'h BHH^iiKLY.N W A l.l. VA P' K Hl’oltK - i will paper any ISlr-alae room with gold pa-

|iar ami wid* tkontar. Ihcltadlng repairing, fur |i.-2> aisowa do tlnl-<'iass palutlae, graining, kalkoupu- Ing. plustarihg and tlatlQg. Kar lha cheape-ic oricai III tea cl(y, send ixntal card* fur *ainpla* or <-all 4 Drookiya Wallpaper Htor* auil nelaoi your papers. OK wa carry a full Itiia o f ebolua paj>*ra, auidi s i talaokk, (tala, gilts, amtwssad, htgrnlns and tUos largest aasortiueitt In Htaca and sail at tkc'joTy prloL Wallpapar bought o f ua trlmniel by iniichlna fraa: open eveulnf* illl 'ii ws aeM paper from I c«n(a a mil up to fl.ML MX lihun ikltH , Denuralor*. Iteper Uaiigar^ buJ Fainter* lim-clasa work cnaraataad a»H|ir|rig Meld avr.. near High st ii7i>

liK A N C t l gF T l iK NEW VOKK W’Al.L I'A- J fper More will papar any «Da rrKun* with guid paper and gold hordera, |3 a nninr pl**M sen I postal cardi; jAlming, kalanialninf and dac.irat- lag. M. Ra liloUHJC, M sprlugrteld ava. NawiirK. N. J. <j7,»


*HEHpnNRTBL* P A n T IH IN NEEpDF V O tK Y I'aa obutn iba aama at tba offloeaf tba Rawark Mortfog* l«aant3u. Wa w'llllaad you any sum mat you wish at the lowaat posHlhla rates. I u ilia (julck- eat poMliile titna and for any langtii of lima t j suit jon VoucaapayR bankta such lustalnijnti av yon vrtaii. riben yau in*ti ani amy psyrirn a* long as yen katp It. Von ran borrow on tieui* iiold furivltnrt, plaaos, hon.’s, wafom. carrlain 1 ■ oltaar jiersoual property ivlthoit ra ujvR yuurowu passatslon. (bus glviar ya i tba uts of btijli It Biid tha moaey. Diir offlcatare eonvaiilaat- l.v located, and partial can be walkaJ oa quickly, inurtepusly aad roatldeattallr Raiiiamhat that ynu ran pay atl or any part of tba loan al any iu i a and ibac every duller paid iMten* tb* c jit ol Okrry- lug lit* lean. NEWARK MHRTGAUE LOAN (JD.. 3i5.Harkd(m>. Mkroad dojr_____

A ->A.~A.-.M0NEV t o l o a n o n BOND •and laurigaga In aatii* to suit.

____ K W. UKKHV, 780 Broad st

A ~ A .-B W r LEHfdK, JBGO, HTOVE OR• Bi>t,84-75 Mr Uih; loUgh Na ta u t tLTK will

■rraatted ; kiadllag weal cheap, rl TliiM M EEteUte. J4. J. H, It. ava aad IjaTayatiaBk 'tWi. tA

-A LD FK N FY UOW W ITH OAJ*f FOR --• •o le . 088 hOUTH E IO H TIK N TH «T.,

___________________ 8IB

i n itl JAO OF ON R I lE R A o r r MTLLCEAf? JldiagunaltuRamaclata order Bnyuarlratavim. . iBcludlDf Ilia new lotif dovetail sklnad pool or "•ch, ter 8Jd, iitichal on ad f» or bound; dt aa l Horkminsblp guaran8e*ri. I f lA R . i'. WKKKR (he Wastalngtou it. lallor. lb* only Hirrohonc lallof l'.‘, employing lour Duitoui nmara I8dWaanlaxian at., 1m . nait tocoaol bridge. 8|v

Ib A R B F R FIXTUKKW - FOK K ALE CUP C A ^ J three mirf *11, ai*j ibraa barhar ehalmite. ioud Lrder. Call^ 823 W^hHINOTON RT., Barber ’IM 'T I n iK 'B K S flk E OUTFIT FOR PALM; A freasunable pi-lce. luuulreiT HiOIROKBT, IM

/ lA N O E . 141 r ie r r LoNtJ. h a il r , r r e i*mtDp'tta, 111 flnU-cIsiB ni-der, will sell abeaw.

ttta MOWKHh'.h BitATRUl’H K O alfaaL

' lAHEB FOR h a l e (IHKAP.-88x J. R. l'LA U T«iu ,707toT2 i Rraadi

\TTENT10N THOSE WHO W ANT TO BOK row money in smnn of 11.5 up. grt go^ irenb

lUenl and sany teruoA sltoiild Hppl.r tu AD M l’(.'AN ]j 'A N CO.. No. 4lH Rroad St; Ut'ataiu Hall, room 2.‘jusg (.\L]. AT im -: OFFICE o r

Hliim iTr.Y UAUAOED BYr ililiT H IN G a smoke, ter Hia |.j tuii la Jatlan uuiy, L

®E**'-*.* » Market at________ iig' (O w g-F u R Ba l k , o r e c a r l o a d 3

ft'i:w j ER.(F,V i .o a .y co„

:to BKO.uiHT, : » FC.ooR, : a n d j,] )

If you Want mnrieylD small or Jargf anvounts. oa . ■buri or lung ilno', un buiiseltolu lurniliire and J■Ullu burse*, aagun*. cnrriage*, warehmiie re i eipiB ur piMuiiai prupefiy uf aoy kind, without lamovftlof protwfiy fnim your uwa ppsse«alon, wa I'uo >ukva yiHi iniuiey by mir terms oa loads any atl toil Bt from to 8tlitei at very liiort itollm. w m h -unt piibllrUy, You Can pay ilia moaay hick In any HinoMtii* you nlwU ead nlaiiv lime. h(mI aocLi pay- iiient made ua tUa urtndpal will reduce the ro»l uf (be luon III uroporiluu.

Jieiur*glaring taoney elsawhera call anq »aa ua nnd you vvni dud it greatly Ut yiiur advautage.

NEW JERSEY J.0AN f'O.,740 Shmd at


1. vbulae fresh onw* aud aprlogers will a rriva l, I alan Ktock Yards, Karriaon, eatuiday, Jm aL ■ rid niiuil be auld at once. jt. ( ‘ a N F Ik LD A tX > M

ETiATfV K ( A M KRA CD K 4 F KKrilASOM Ppr bicycle. 4 ACADEMY HT„ room t. |

i.ioU BALfc, -A U n OF FINK MIhFJt " 7 n D 1 seennd-baud cxrpeti, llruasals. velvet and la*

grain, very cheao; 's>nh*UiTei, |5 nn; chsrabsff Mill, |l.’.; rug parlor kijU. 8*' : let uitter furollat* cheap ; refrigerators, |4. 28 W JLLUM Pf.

1;^riL\TTURK FOB HALF ON ACCOUNT OF lehvihi the City ; flna exteneiun table almaol

i.aw. Iieds. pftrinr and klirben aiuves, chain and iHiila* : vety cheap. Jntjiiir*31’c___ Mij Ha Kc I.a V iT ., In rear.

^■srHXTTUHr r>KH]ItAHLE OI'WJHTURITt J . new arul aerund-lumd fiimltura: will aell w

liargain; partlHguhif lo Purapa. Addrs«sHAhOAlN. Dot 11, .>ew* ulllnat

Mo NKV TO 3.0AN ON HOUwKHOLD KC H- nliura, planus, orgaos an i pertunal property uUU tilt remuval: partial honora(tl>- deau with;

1‘kn make repavuieals tay Itistalnietil*: Itusinesa •trlrllj- ro,nrideug*|. F. \V. c.tAXVfOKD, riy*iu x. 72i fir.inU *1,

Mo n e y IiOa n k o mn j ’n is o v A r . i 'r o p T T ' t.v. pianos orgaa* and furnliur* In usa wlUiu i.

remaval. all buetnoM talrk-Uy maddanilal. uoU .»r Jddrw F. c. EDWAHDH. ruumii, isi .darkal iL. or 18l.'edariL. dav or availing.

/ i q a t - fo r h a l « , La r g e h ir e d o o a t .V * Md well broken, bteil and gentll. Apply R', M. itUJ’ I.EH, JN Hruail *(., iUotaoiQeld. S7a

:L F tx: K K'H f r t BOX KH, t.'i )U .VJ'EHA ANDitjuncaaai fDMiia. inguira

JAHVIi, 98 Ferry tat

i ^t X i

g 1 finCF.HV sTiale.


'\ * o N K V TO IrOAN ON BOND AND MOU'L.^licagta In films to suit, Irani (Vdo m it/ko«Ti SCU U YLEH K JACKW)N, 7% Brood at.

Y IONKY TO l o a n o n MOHTdAGF.«4h R. V. H rj.R K fin HroiJst.

rr.iiry, TTTlTTr

sJO -M O NEY Id I.OA\ JN a n y hUit-* A l' M O jwr iiiublli; gixjd fur uua /nor.

C. DIEMMAN. Roi* iiOrnkar, KstabMshfd 1182, KiC*diriL..neav Rrnsd 42w

•“ ^ 4 .fs/,\FS y^fmorlgogu ar s per raoL InMima Bud lor perlnd-- tn suit Iheborruivar NO H(tNI'*»oH l.V);!MISSION FX A iT KD ; all eaiws ■*ry poper^ r-iiren*Jlj‘ iirepareil. CJIa RI.K:s A. I'KH'K. < uuneellnr :iM.nw. 7tMRrnad«t 421

*%il iAtAS U\ H((Ml ANDI fiaurlgKg'* tal .5 per eenl. la

^umtiand for (lerbeti lo suit ihe (Htrrmvart: tiu botuj* or ronniiUOun chargMt: 85,ifn tn loon uq rhktrel innrrgafe lu eiiuis luaute J-IDWa RD h, Iir.AcK. ■('aimoeNur-*(-f.aw, roum NI4 i ’rnrtentlal iiulliljrtg : teleidioue .Vo. mjj.

Ul'W A ItD LO.A NKD '»V 3'IJ JtN J m iR ; s^^etann removal 1 pMinpi. prlvat*, rallshle; mw ratea ta.t*y paymriits open evening*.Jl'j_________________________ KKItb, -I.A flrogt sL

FOR ____ 1

n Ol’HKllOLU FURNITURK Fo k MALE, AL- most new; a)*a piano very cheap; rrunt ba

eald; party iMvIng ctt.r. Jmiulra 4il HELMtJNr A VM.. auulli of I'liMluu ave, jga

M il k m e n , A r r K v i io n - from r i iH ii*(u fourrans nfpmre milk tor nala dally.

Address taCiJ'lv, &jiii h , Nengorffca.

( y\ F<HlAK HliFFET. n iV K t. rif.ARH, f i t ; F tNR 'walsiit n«df(y>iB *uU, maltraui luui aiirlnis, iH i

3n jnrdt brussrls carpal, vary 4-liaap.1 5 COLUMBIA ST.

1 Alt.UOAT FOHKAI.K ClIFAP._____ Apply 78 PARRRR 8T,

C fH K T t .Y CONFIDKNTIAL -OR F ahV Pa YOmrnt. clothing and cluake, ready mada or m iutnorilar. \VriM (orivj.-ol luc^lL >AK4. HlC A, New* u.tlra.

W in d o w hi-hp rnh w a i .k k h 'r pA TC in 'wiudow >,rre*iis, tba n«st In tha markaik

Care}'** piii<‘ni awi>Iu£ hiind. plain window a iJ door wreaii-i.if every if»M-rin(lon: *n*h. bllndtaand fJourH, \Mudovv frjmes. innuldtevs ami lusida trim* TuDig; JiAnI woolAork a Kpeclally. WjiiLlTMA.V A IIKO., i-or. Halsey ami Acadaruy ais. 889

Ftm siH U KOMs


n IL L H T ..5 8 -N irrL Y FtJRNlRIlFD KOOMH - With board I two ganilemea or maa amtwiro ; 1

private family.

-V fR W 44ruum fur ge ‘

buard; central.

T ones kt„ tt, kaht onA»aE-.DoAnnKRs waited, ll- ’iO per wreck. |

I AHOK f r o n t ro om T oR *ln T O T *A ? .^ 0 iainfta r.oms, with or without bo«ri.

BSC __ B l in d e n 8T,

. -■ p l e a s a n t c o o l f k o n truurn fur geutlaojen; all imprnveDiaau ; good

____________ ^b

N tCKJ.Y FUJINIHHKD ItOOif FOHOfcNTLE^ man. all Improvemeuita, hath. gata. ale.: boarit

Ifdaaired I private laoiliy. liiqulra Mb 24 i.t)UJt'i' MT., near {la lny .

OOUEn “ HI'., 118 NE W LY FrntMM lIEDroom* fur llgbl liouackocping, or iluifly tot too-

UeOian; boarding also: call any liaia. 190

OltCHABD HT., I2A-PLEAHANT FKOnT ruon». with bu*rd; liirea lolaulei Brum I'haib

nut ML Depot.

( tOOK — RESPECTAUT.R Y4>tJN O M A N 'wantesituation at ilrsL-< li*scook; undaritand*

cooking In all lu branrbrn: city or (.'umvtry ; ipeat referetiias from preaeni employer. Addruks 87o 117 o u a n g K llt>, Moniclalr.

^TMFfiOVMItNT Wa N'I'KD HY A FORMER .ITimanuIlacturfr and merrhani uf this riiy. oge<j 8n; thorough Imok-kveiwr, axpa.'i nceil irav*uT-ig aaleauiah; parmAuont jmsltlon daured lu any capacity leoiilrliiT Hervli'!n o' thiimugh butluess- luam iint-clar* referctir’ '. mniltrite cuiup^iisatmu; wimld (vrlita up ami halnm?efeior hmjkt, coUrBi, etc., temporarily. Aililn.at *i, U'. i ' , c.ire larhar S3, Newark iralofllca. l

HAND-MAHIUKD MAN (GLUMAN) without • hlldreti. wishes sUiia.loo ; good

oillkeL to lake i-ftre 01 cows ; w'.fhtor boiuigwurk. 4tb CallJ:M I'i.A.NLM .

UK-flM IKNJCW YOHK ICK CJDMI'ANV. " K( I 1 (Htf a office. New Voi k. May iV Du»,nieauuiiul rneailrf o f ihfi ntucli holders or ili*

New York ice Compuay will bo held ai the omi-a ul tliocompHiiy, ho, 158 North itaarentb*(.. In ihe city uf Newwfli, N. J., on lYedueedav. lltettal^ leeiitbduyof June, 19p(. ai t2 o'etaK-k .M., lur ihu taleciluTi uf Truateaa uqcl tb t (ronawtlpM nf such iittrer 1111*1 neas a* may colne before auld tiioeiiug.

Ilia iransrer taoukta will bo cinaed from Djeevnn- lugorMiinilay. June 4, iiBlll ihe iqornliig uf .lium

U IT i; ATI ON WASTFAi AH 111 K> K K E KPK R DR (OuMlattaOl; good iwniiMii; A l lefenriic-s Ad- Urviwi JAMtaK, care life. II. Kohluaui), I.Yjm iuiIi bi i -------

URKFt'L Jf AN AVAN MlTCATrDN OF a NY kind; wlUiDf and obliging: would liawlEIIngto

gu la the Cduatry, aFioRANOK Ml‘.»*(ore. \


Nkw YmiK AvKyrr.H.11, Murn^j* worttlp lule,

lh» paalurguveatng^ 7.4B, strnioo by Bav.AUtn, of urk. .S. V, dpadal tnusld at both oer' vlreo. dlrei;lor. MrCrnlT; loprauo aolo, kllaa kva Wilson, of Hallway. lunoronio, Mr. Frank llnat. V, F. e, C, IiL vesiiiai-4. 8.4-k Prai'er-moiUag Tutt- day, I iL Id. A cordial wtlcouie lu an a^rrlcta. Ffeaia fn \ FrlUuy evkofng, June 8, teittvul ai uia panonoga

KPISOOFAUTaiKiTV RppKWFAt. UitujKM-Rea. Looti ri.

Oabornt, raclor. Holy (^mmualoa 8 A. Jd. aaJ 13 M, Morning prayer and aermot, It A. if. I'venlng prayer and ternioi). LSoUrM. etrangtra wolconita. Feats free at a lib i Hundawtehoot r. M. la Trtuliy ( hipel, uecinr atrtft

Bt . bTkrHiw^a Ckl’hch, ootntt Eitzabtaiti t a l CJ1btonavotniaa.-suu[ia»Y riofy C-ommunloii, 8 A. kf.iiuailai, tllnny, aniacoiuaiunloq aad oarmaa, ld.18 A. M»; sunday ashoul raaaiaa ana Ribia2JM P. 14.! Matiitee-feelii-iAl « « w Im • ii h .

1»A RK PU.58--FRONT UOOM.% W ITH h o a r d -o!w table bu.ird. ^ty

F l a n k mt.. w9 - S t r ic t l y p h i v a t kijutiw; (nriiDhuU room, witii or without

board. 23d

P LFAHANT aoUMd. W ITH H'lARD | TSRMB uiodaraie. 684 H lt i i l 8T., rtaar Kinnty. i

I >LU ff^FURJ IW ^ D ROOM IN PRLTute tembj^wagd JfdtaftlrgJ. . 9lh ■

i f r f i s K . '■ f ^•.“ 'f ftjnitifw) ™ m i- MIIH. IiKRf)K,ri7c

\Pr,A(^h (.K tTBKli FIlKh UK f'|] * Kut;f Iris bavlnx raterenna ; nlibeat wages a'ld best

lamllDa. Kl.LTK K!dHJ)V51«v.\ r DFFIUKH, 74)12w— Rroad sU

CIOflK - FlTIHTCl.tKM, GRHMwlMliti •‘.tuntiufi. Call 51 MOC1II UUANHK

l'(X»KrtK 5dc

H i

DHF>49MAKKIt WIMHKH W D R K : TAV/CMt aysteiu ; lerms moderate. 12 IirH SR TH r. 1

T f nUMitKK1fFK(»--Hn'tl aTJJJ.V W a NTKD IJY -LJau Amarlcaa lady MM huuiwli-ep^r. fnr i* ivUJ*

— A4dra«2iCAFAni>:, bu* V. News ufllce.Tiib

liigiirsiiinciay. June 4, iiBlll ibe looming uf .13, l>04. W. F. \S Ky8 t” egcr»tjr/.

f o l n i l

I rw i-F R ID A Y rV K N IN D GOING rtfiM IJTavlof «i. llirourh Rellevllte ave, anil Dri -n;*! *f. lo N. llruad, « olorg leaibrr poc^s'iorfok 4-oiit lining money; rinder will busuiiahly ivwur.Jei by relimiingio te TA VIJ5KMT. i

T DH;- b u n c h o f KICVW, MT^'^l^TrDI.NO J Jfrom HpilBey *1. !u Bellerlltf amt ba-k l:emru

i o i i KNk\ U..AF, 4M Jiai-ay bL, and receive lib­eral rt'warj, |

I -hilykh Ha n d le rMiiitKi.inTJ Jiuarkml fl. W, A„ tn Hive nr raiyler'a, un

eaturday uiorDliig; |i reward I f raturned »u * _________ bJU iLCM IllA Hr,

r ,‘ 1” '**.. TKRIUKK ; N a a Tk 'o V ( ’ H .Ls'ir J J.N I I HKY, N a 258 New l^ondun ; raretnl If ret uruiMl ;«i> Broad aL I 3

IJKWAM D tilVK N FGit TH E ItF T r f lN llF . i lllie wnlic UalltM terrier dug UiM I svus nicked up u!) jb.rlvenih ave., or lurormatmn of Uia same, f___________ IW i liirteeuDi ave. _

4JTH A V F.D OR MTO1.EN--0N “^Tll U JlKD A V. iT'Muy SI. from 'j3T) Ho.-*fcVlLLE AV,„a*m ai|, ruugli lielreii lerr|»<r, feina'e ; anawar* to tlia name of tugs: hlack, wlih tan ami blue Aiarkliigs; U rew ifj for return craamaTn aboveadilreu* i


^AFK l.NVF.HTMKNl-h- "

can ha placed 00 flrat-rtaaa bond aa<l rnortgac* *#■ cuiity on property wertb daubita tba atnoiiat au I mors by coiilugod

CHARI,R» A. PF.TOrC, coiinaailorai uiw.

5 1 s __________ 7'A M road It

H lcyrlas,l> [cvc r,E RKrAiJtiXd D1NF. A Arm nnU LO

J Fbt. tay a tlm-flaiis uiecbanb.-: lifd timlppsd,! ihnp In (be. Iiy : aecjniMiaiid wheels (( ‘UinUSOU. or tJtcliaugeil. W, hi ItilADNKr:, 2>;i MarkatiLTIF

HI(;5li.F.-rGU-M|lty«, NF.ARLV NBtVb weight 3!) lbs. ; leJl verv rhoap.

S7c JiKCKKH, tirj Arlington i t

ICVCLF CFNTUKV UULUMHlA JN BJCli? CuiullUOU Cjil|gt43;t [tflUADHI'. ?4a



l> ir v c i.K , WAH'vri-i; l - f t 'g rn »T lo IM : J.»rtKI|im. " At’AftKM V HT„ rouui H I

S E C r ll lT IF H , IftVE STM Kft’Tft. ETC.

J. H. lU IT ’KL,MA J I D 1'.N‘ F f M A T I0 m cYO Lk,

wrlfbt 52 poiimN ; In first riasa eondlllon amRI »s g«MHl as u nv : j»rlci- v?- ylow. Address

II , Dux A, NewBoIfio*.



Kni'TM T W K LtTR 8T., H ij, H O S8VII,I.K - Pl8iu«nt room, with ln*td; lu itr jv tu m u ;

lerme modenUa

y l tU lr t l/hA.NUV: AVC.. SM -TW lI V O t I« « i^iuen can obtain front room and bo.*(i ; private family. |

AN DM CLINTON MT,^ X Ffrat-elaas tabia taoard, ond pleatiut wcD-fUr-

alahFd foomw; duiet auJ uu ueiU t. 7Sq

UE^ACCOMM7>DVr^w)(b (leatrablelrililt room and board i laa and

haih: innn* uuderaia; centrally located. Atidmr l M, J(., Box J. Newl olTkcef

‘»*rAH H ING TO N W|\, 99-1 - r u n K lH M E D ’ irooffiawUh board for gafttioman. (ila


I ADY'rt MAid ts is FOR (JKOVVINGJcUlldrea by a Fraucii girl. Adilretjs

74ta 1*. r. 318 Mulbern' nL; cUy.

U TENOGRAIrilFn YmJNd LSDY I)K.«lliB4 C^a l>ua1(lun #■ ■Irnofrapberand typeivrlter ; wtlK' Ing to airfit In office work- Addre**^I. t. M.f l^nllollice, Nen-at .

A L'tTIUN d A f.K -

FIXE FLniNlTi;fiK,.UAPPKTP. PJANOH, ETO.H. J. O’OONffOK, . . Aticiluneer.

At the t-^aiMrtiobv



W ^M . LINN a J.LKN a CO..7 4 Mf(x;K BRDKKTW,BnynndMtlKlucki, Hun3s ajd Grain o 1 N?w

York Ssr-bongta* nni clitcaTa DurJ uf Tralj, aliiter ter s-a*b or on ir.arglu.

4IU RKDAD HT.. rNttloonl Httu Bank itulldnyi

TelephOTie 102). Na vark. Nawark, N. J,Jlrtaoeh Office

Orange National UaMk Miillithig. Oraaga, N. J. _____________ 4M. Uranie.

ueir Marker *A,

M AIM TNKK % ' l-'Oli H.kLK.

A - A. -BMAI.L RCRKW-CUTTING fiv r fTMff *Riy apet'ially. LEVFHILxik:, "8 Uechaalmi. I

Bo a t ENGINE-HIX-IIORME FOWKIt ILM T engine flirealt.

Mb J. K Ha EMER. 830 Jobnat., Harrison.

Sl-!Jnn.»w—- - .v y i i i (g, ■ -<

MONDAY, JUNK I, A 'l' II Jfc Jl.a,’’,.'!'? f - t A . l-triir

W AJTHM18 -WOlaAN ( » ) WIHlIliH KITUA- Huh a tew buurK la ruornljig or light employ-

menL AddreataN., Box F. NewAohlee. i

W AltaT Ha n d ^ f 'K R IE N C K D w a im t hand-arantewerk with deesvaiaker.

Wb________ AddfVtta W a ik L Du* J. Nawa oSli'S.

T irA H H lN G -H E L rA H b a WOMAN W'ANTB TV waahlofancL Ironing: go eni or take home

Monday and Tiiewlay. 17 C.:>Lt*fc.N kT., top ffour. I

T n irA d fiiK (i --w o m a n w a n t - W AaiiiNOVV to lake homa, or geout by the day.

I _______ £0i DHUCiC Hi., top floor.

'n rA E m iro > -W O M A N w a n t a w a a u in h TY and booteelHetaf by lha day.

88b < C%llk7gSKR(3G.VBT,

BuliAlu.taiiga. IJaniJHk and HIk PluSuMJak mul tSateulLbauiber «u fe, Wardtei*w, iivx»,v*ry i|oe FiUftauarUs. Mianaiou. M. 1 . im-1 ether laJdes; llalhiaudL llim'aiiA Redileada, Wadi-taodf, F. F Mer and Alantl* Mlrrure; rourhet. lotiugM, (ha.ra. ho««-r*. wie. etc. ^boui y.‘> good ( artiet-K mUtJttauMkx-ond-bandrlaall (fades aod sixes; Art Hoiiartf, Knga, vjnyariiioileloib, Hate and uihvr Maltraases, eprlnea, Deddlnic, FIcitare*. Refrlfera- loftaaouiwo iruoA ioadi o f Umnie-i Furnuuro. etu, *tc.,eto. f

C O M fN O K rU H T H .

riAMPMKKTLNG^T!r"Tl^^ (MTY^Jr^lTKW. ark-Hexinulnf ofa grett avMjrellalk-oamnaUnI .ar all atiita n,aa . t. ..Ima . i ..

loquir. of J-UBDISHElyEveninr New* offoa

p i.Rurnu;M uT<3H f o r h a l k u h e a u .•iJloa_________" 881 DftOADKT.

}^^>TGlNlt-FOH Ha I.E CIIEAF, A^AJIOHHE -4|)ower engine. In good condltlun; uaa be In

speeted white runalng at factory uf I*. 1/ONVEN 'I riAilT, cor. Kent amJ Hremiar au tie

iAHt I kk , IA V IN « HKOO.NIJ-KA.ND » W r eita M il eaginata f.jr atala Will dal || lo ih v ir li

tereai 10 aend daaerlptlon ant nrloa o f aatas t> UKW MSEFHlLUra*.^ lrtO.4 WOiiX.6, Nawofk. N. J. 4jy

to L it tall euraaier '■ imi.dn ui tall r in : mvioeMio be bald in ^ e m w larte High *t., beta sen ( raueaed Fifth and Rlo»niflaid ave.t. evsry avaning at « o’clock and .-uitday and 'lueadoy aflerobOMA e c k ^ t gnanhif mealing Hun- dey taitarhoon aod evcolnfr Ju A e^ At tjwaad •

union o f ail: chrletlnn* attiw t MMo

bULLEVH, KTO.-L'VT OF HEOOsTD-HAND. pulleys, haATirj and a^afUnzfjr tala

llW|Ulreat EVENING O FriCK

m BRANCHED;ANVTHJKO. IM--------------------V e n t i l a t i OwN i n a l lJ — ------ -■ - ■_ DRY’ HOOUHTO DRY

J. M. BEVMnnii .m


1>IA.VO F'ID HAI.K PHIVATF. GESTi.KllTsr • will sAc rlNr-e fur coali a vary etejant upright

jilano. rnsJiugn iy caso: usw « few rnuotbi ogu; rnjit*4r5: svill Kivni 8: «(. Idrlodlng handisome illlt fw-arrsad Ktand: all ltnpruvr>ane.its; fuil Irun frame, italeoi icJiun : 7' U<>tave; .5yuikta' fiiar.iiit(fe with bill uf Stale, ca t oe Hren Ml Ibe private retaidtanoe,>7a 731 (Jul.UMlilA 81',

1> I A N Grs .. K L lG lllLY UHED, CHEAP;Cblvkerlng. 815'1; MvliiWtay, bargalo ; atnoli

iiioiitlily payiU!*talM : don't fall tu see them,TJ'’ W AHiy». cor. Urosd and Ntasr.

11IANO* Hl'kCI.-M. HU ’.GAT.N* IN SI.IGHT- Jy u*ad iiprlglit ned square ulanota; sola ogeuta

fnr Weber. Deokar, ].*sl«r aud alaera. tic IU!,M''HLCR AMU.N.taMBroadsi.

I>IANlJ-MI'MT BV #Gl.I> HKFOJtK JUNK % elegant Flullz A Iteiter upright; mIiiioiI new 7

big baegaln, Addra-A (.'Ak IL bu<t A, NawA uiffoe.Ttt

1>IAN(> llA/liRTUN BltGTHlbTiH UUHlGHT ptaou ter Salta ; vary low. A ildm i

Uk' ff Ayi.l-.TGN. Itov r., New* oQcf.

IIANO -A IH O N I'iAN fi FOR HALE CU E AF f flnst clort lUndllteD. 87 NEW YORK AVE. 8

IL 'V C KKrCUNEDl'OIJA .'rom rental 1

unetitau uprlghi. Wnt seateflStL- Onet'-'w Upfighi. Will sail te r lilL

pianos liiva bM»a In uau but a a.iort ilq ie A 8 yeari'guarantee, iteni ani ecari’ j j h w iti

aeuh piano.

R.Fkonlnger Uo'e PlM^a f . Blatalui E HouT Ftaoui.Jacub UroDiufj' PJ«-iet ^

Have you seen our |I78 Cultaga Uprighi’

f r a n e l i .t p ia n o w a r k b o o m i .* tt Fallot at.

HK doors rtem Peddle Cboroh.

fiftT PIANO, 7I-I OCTAVK%^ X \ / \ / P (ll Iron frame; peiltiTe borgolh: gWM* at uew, Addrea* MUail^ BOT B, NaartaejBpa “ “

L IT E B T R T A H I ^

kR. C iL A W K E ^ V .E_ I FAaHJOWAIH.KUY^EETETAEim _ 3 A C K N O W i.K lK iA D T B R E K ^ n i T S i lX t r * T



JJeroark <£«tmiig Ncujs.rc*unrii>

d a i l y , IX C E P T «U K O A Y » .■T TUi

liiilU lets umm CoQipiiy,216-317 M A B K E T S T R E E T ,

ITtwark, S. J.tfcltTTl •( M< 0 tuvni-clau r.,nir.)

0«ftv,r«<i bye»<f'»'» inypirt ot New mV, The Otenee*. H»rrii#n, Kf,rnjf, Summit, Selle^f^e, Monteleif, 8loomi4,ul. enU »H eeWSbarinf town,.

■ eil Mibecfiption,, five doMir, i yeer, Ofcent, 1 month, _po,1*1' ff**- Smp efiftycewe*. two eenls Delivered by cifnert in

Hewedt, ten cents i week.Ofdinety edvertiumentt, ten cent, t line,**Mvertiiementi under heed, of W»nted, T» Let, For Sele, Perwnel. etc., one cent • word, but no chtrge lew thin ten cent, each inwrtion.





•O l’THEHN I.WHItiUATlON.For three yeere put the Hnulhrrn tnter-

Mste IminlCTitlon Aieociitlun liu been • noteworthy ficlor In the ezteuelon end dovelopmeut of the imluetriel rewnrci-e o f the new Boulh. The snnunl conven­tion o f the eeeocletlon, which wee hold darfuR the current week at Aosnctei, Ua , wee attended by pepreMntaUve deleRete, fVum all the Boothem SUtee, end much Interent wee malteeted In the detail* o f the prospec- ttrework of the organ Ixation. There la room In the current of public allhira for i awTOment in the intereet of Bout hern Im- wigeatlnn. The time ii ripe, and all that the aaoolatlon need undertake i, a thorough lexpoaitlon to denirabte Immi- grnntaofthe advantage, to be derived b o A eettlement below Uoaon and Uixon'e Uatork line.

A i tmintfration luniUy follow, tine, o f httUnde, end li largely influenced by vM*****'* oondltloiu, H U loaroely lorpriA Ing that the hardy and itorm-tougbened Reeple Who have come from Northern Borope to till the fomu o f the great W eit ■bonU hava fhlled to note the attractive- RMeofthe Sontb and the poeolbtlltlee of the notorol reconrcei o f that oectioo of tho eonniry. It U In furniihlng to future

, ten lgranti infonnatton, complete end re- eoneerninf the ohoraoter and ea-

teat o f the Induitrlal fleldi open to Bowthem enterprise in the Bonth that the Boothem Immigration Amoclation will v o e t wieely fhlAl Ita deelgned purpou.

I t con ecoroely be doabted, moreover, that the eongeellon of teeming mowe, o f

' the North will ultimately And no Inoon- ridoroble degree ol relief In the tronifor • f the overpInt of InduMrlol energy to the SooUi. In that quarter Uee the only promtilBg fleld worthy of engaging the ••meet attention of odventuroue iplrlte peOMHing the tm* pioneer iniUnot, Nothing ia looking In the great central p^ptaaii o f the monntatn eection o f the Booth to conititute the fonitdAtioiwalbr o new and voellnduetrlal empire. Them'ultt- tndea who In coming time will rear the Mipentruolure may be invited thither with 0 clear ooneolence by the Immigra­tion AMOdatloD.

The natnrol reeourcea at the Booth are •earoely appreciated os yet becauee o f the look o f willing workere to develop them. Bat theee ore to extentive that In more M*™ one channel o f production the Bontherneri may hope to repeat tho tri- antpha o f the Alabama Iron furnaoe,, wbieh have lecnred and still maintain a pmetical monopoly of the pig iron mor- kata o f the countiy. The vast progrem o f the tndiiatrlal section o f the Bomb U sig- nifloontly set forth In tho figures o f the •lavanth census. Immigration must In •vitobly gravitate in the end toward n re- gioD 10 richly endowed with nature’s gifts •ltd so prolbse in its rewards to the toller.

oil, that in mere verb tl itl“ ui*,ions over bis fipiniims he more Ihun h*'*'!'' hitown.Ill private hiowl, after the gaum U over he has bcrn known to ntAuilain with force o f irtn* llie icfuricy o f hla chive derisions,

U U a ivoll-knowii fact that Qeroa •* la the rc-entment which at llitie, blares forth ogalniit the umpires In the big leagnee It is not lo be compared with that klmllcd by the atln of Ibe amateur or semi-profes'ilonsl srbllers of game, in which nelghborhoiid jealousy and par- tisnnshlp run IiIkIi. Jdfr-lonc friend* have been estranged, husineia pArtner»bl|JS broken olT and eiigagoinent* ol marriage tifiiiluated becBiisn o f a little difference ofojiintoii helwocti the iimiilre and toms utbor luiojdc alwiil a foul bull or the priority o f arrival o f the jdayer and the leather sphere at first base. Yet ho* the umpire ,ufTered without a thnnghl o f calling In the avenging and monitory ministry o flh c law to defend him,

Now a new departure has lieen taken,A few days ago tho I’elershurg and Nor­folk l«i*u hall clubs play«I a gams at the former city, Slid Frank K. CtcnienU um­pired IL To .Spurtieg f-i/e. a weekly newspaper of Pniladelphla, a correspnn- dent seut an account of that gome, In which tho foul lines and all other boundaries and rllstliigulshlng marks o f the diamond were literally wiped up with Mr. Cleniriiti. luilead o f breaking the head o f hla critic w(ith a bat, Mr, Clements, who ap)iesri to be a man o f peace, wrote to a I'Uiludelpbla lawyer in qulriug about the advisability o f a llliel milt He has been Informed that tho criticbiiil o f 111, umpiring li clearly libel­lous, and he is going to bring In the United m.ites Histriel Court an action for 110,000 damages.

I f he should win, the gentlemen o f bis prufusainn will take new heart. They may not hp able to punish all unkind criticism or abuse, but at !ca.sl they can get even with those who write unkind things about them In tho iiews])*peni. I f they can do that. It will be ecjiially In or­der for lliem to bring slander suite against financially responsible cranks, who, dur­ing the progress o f tho great American game Indulge In Unkind remarks about their Integrity, tlielr knowledge or their ancestry. The umpire who is the pioneer in the move upon the courts, may do worthy service lo hiswiiols profewtion, and earn a place In the lasting gralltnde and

. regard of a claw of useful public servanta, who are too apt to feel the bltterneaa o f unklnjlncai and lack of appreciation.

CLlIBlGliBAIIAT'SPEtSI ilti'nmfivt* to


Ascent of the Mbunt Where Noah’s Ark Rested Agee Ago.


tak- the precipitfm, i’ laiiliiig om" b''’-

ih witw Iti'htfil u»,Ihrt ^"nK ti'-il WM»J,

ihtt tA.p Uxik w*..lai’whiil »«ir

• ii.jwuM r.1 ' nrrer, Uiit it not long \m-s f. tint nu*‘l« ourHiiiir AtfHi I ’n ♦‘H'l- It w.-- a thnlUnK i**-twifU- M; m * '- - 1“Ih** Air !' 'If. for the* rSmiJ* oIiM-urm Ui«

1 KniAliy

, It. tl

I whit’ll1 oiT I’ur

I'lrllnim frip**«UH<ni o f T»t*» Tsmtig ,\irttrl' ritn* Up 1ll<ilfirlr Itittn]) uml Th tir

tliiit lin g Mill* lo Tit(*lr runip--ln i>n« HoMr'tiTini# >lAklnz a duJ a

llourV •ti*unir>e-k htorm tli^t T Iu taU

aiicil HcitrurMoif*

It i, pleaunt to see newspaper brethren dwelling together In unity, but when they cannot help falling out it la a good thing for them to have earnnet partiaonibip e f local IntereaU the cause of their dieogree- menL J ust now the Asbnry Park Hhor* PreM and the Long Branch Nnct ore at it hammer and tongs over the relative od vantagea of the two watering placea. The Pres, seta forth the divers attractloni o f the park, with a few compaosionate re­marks upon the failing grandeur of Long Branch and the fifnes langhs to acorn the boosta o f its neighbor. “ Yesterday, to. day and forever,” It uys in one editorial,“ Long Branch la the leading summer re­

sort o f the world. It i» favored by Provl deuce, loved by mankind and patronised by the wealthiest and most refined people on earth. It to not a picnicker’s paradise or a ple-eater’i retreat, but It ia beyond all comparison the heallhleat and moat delightful resort under the stars. Ex­changes please copy." Both newspapers arc stanch In thoir partisanship, but when the growth and the popularity p f the two place* are taken into account the mass of the people who do own villas of their own would be disposed to think that Asbury Park had tho better cause for re­joicing over comparative gains, FortUn- alcly, however, there to room for both of them and no occaalon fur cither to re­proach the people who find plc.TSure in visiting the other in the siimnior time. I f left-bandid conipllmenta o f that kind wero to fly the Asbury Park paper couliT retort with references to certain habitual patrons of the other resort which would bo even more unkind than to call them picnickers or pie-eaters.

McMrs. Allen ami ttaclillMljcii, the two yonag Amerirans who mads a rein ii knhlo hli'Vrl* tour aroimd the world, w ho tHI I lie story of thoir Joiiruey from tlio Fi toI'*kin 111 * series of pa|<ers for the f'csfitr)/ .Hoyotfns. in the nmidwr for Ji'.i." givi- an acidunt of tbnasidiitof Mt. Araiiit.

“ At ll;Hl on the moniing of .Inly the traiellers writ*, "our small caval.-adr. wllli the two eiaqs.ratini' donkeys at M-i lies.l la.len with nulls, Isigs of provisiuus, eviru clothing. al[ienstock>i, spiksel sins'- ninl i-iH* of Hpmt rotw, lllisl ihiivn lb -i.. ts of Hayasnt, foilowsil hy a curious rahi’h" I he plain was stewn with sand nnd ns-lv w.Hi Ini-H slid Ihefw a hinieh of bmgh, wiry grass aUiiii a foot and a half high, whii It. Iliongh, Mi'ly In the yeir, was isirtly dry It n nld h,Tf Issin hot work I'aiwi* for Ilie rain of the .lay Is.fore and a strong - lutln-,! -I n ind. Utir o«s.ut fur two and n Iwlf hi.iir |..io-r was through a laxnrlant v..;Hiiiiun o: lli.wrrs, grohsis and weeJw who hgr.'W mor. and more scanty as we ndvanis'd.

‘ The night was spent In a Kurdish Pin oin|i- nient. In tho morning, when ttn-v le'-iii i. .1 iiin journey. thi. aiewnt bcoume ste. |r'i' and more difik nlt, nnd they say tlioy c.smlil ii"t I bill womler how Noaii ever mnnsy'.-l with 1 iliti aiiinielH frirtii the erk. At fe -i they i mat th, highiwt Kunlish ion'iim)iiiiPnl on tlielr line of ascent. At H,iSSi fe't lln-y -.Ini'-t | the first snnwdrift, and the liind ..ys Ind to j be half t arried aeros*. .At 111 lii-ks-k, j t in | altitude of (t,0hll feet, luneh wnstnO iim a ipilet niuuntatn glen, bylho eiile of u ii|ijiliiig rill.

“ At this point the mulett>en! nnd the Mi'linh-. gave lip and would go no further. »• Ih ‘ -rs. Allen anti Haehttolieu anti llr* oltl .tiislrntn bs'ka small blanket, a fell mat, two I mg, stout nsi**, enough f>Ksl lo Inst Utn ilavs. a Isdllu of cold tea, and n rim of Tnrkish rai,i, and at If.ikl u'clet'k In tie- ufb rnisni starteil bravely ouL Vp they liimtie-l over the rough rockiianil the ih-pp sno* until leviriy fi o’clock, when Uiey had leiu hed u height of 11,0110 feet,

Hmw th, thtmiometor registered thirty- nine degrees Fahrenheit, anil was runstaid ly falUitg. It we tdmul.l cuiitinup on, th, void during Uw night, « ip «ia lly with our manty clothing, would b^*tmie intolerable; and then, too, we could worcely Uinl a *is>t level enoitth to sleep on. We therefor* Hetor- udTttu to atop bare for the night, anil to t‘<-n- Unue the oacant at dawn. Home high, nig­ged crag, on the ridge above us nttraetnl oiir aitentiou u, Itfonhog a eoniitaratively |iru- tected lodging. Among these we spreail our carpet, and piled etoniw in tl.e inieeveniug •pares to form a euiupleto inelosure.

Sfierj; si ls>ie -th tlioin int.i the glare o f the afteee.i''!1 rn|i-,.|il. but on wi> tla'lnvl for tj list fe..|, . I'.in .' lirsvtly .ill llir trallm ; sio.‘kw wiii.-h I' r"W up an h y stiray hi mir wake. IV,. i.--rr tints' stopissl indil w.' n a-liei t ic IsUt” " ' “ f tkailomo. ftt t>ue last n ic iif- . j. .’till. I'" the ris.1.'-

'■ In Ir than an I'otir we li-ad ilnslicl down thmngli 11 ill- U 'lc" « l,i..ii it lis.l t.ik.'ii It- nliisan.l s l.sll i ••■■■ ■ M «■ end Tl....... wasI ! ,r-iip I I 1'. M . jn-l twelve h 'ill’s iromUn» li i ! * ' I ' - ' f •

i i i i o n iM t i . v .tiiviCF..


liKHl I t OF

i r iir " I t ..... a IvU'l-i r " Telts tif » I'allifnlt t ffr r if ii (« ,\n

HiiMK .Ni... Im o ; Aiivin-:. A* Itie ■ ronrier.. .,t tin’ K 'i . 'k ihave been informed i friiin tii-'p to lime, it hn* born our draire , tn eondncl the pajicr on inelroiioiUanI line*, in tine itisUnccs tve have had to...Vi' w;iy in Inrnl i.pmiuU' and WoMtetli.......... , ,.hill in (ithi ri'VI-' have earrlodoitp |ii>iiit snii coiiiP otil oil In[1. lA 't week a -Ni w York editor »topi>ed lift here lo look over our private gravpyird ni.tl give ns a few point­ers. When ho fnnnd that our editorial-

’ rnoiiis wi re wldi- opvn to the public, and Hint T oni, Hiek .mil Hurry wi re tree to kiek open the door and vviilk in at any

‘ lime, hit anmyemriit W.H imhoiinded.’ l|i‘ gave ns some hrolherly advice on the

Hiihjt ct, nnd though we IVdt n Hill* shaky SMtii re-nits we detrrntined to follow it, I'JiP A'ieJiT otiice is not tt iwenly-seven-

CiUi't or wont do as well for you a.s we do. Whether it is a lack of ability or lack of will­ingness, it costs you jiLst the same.

Sentiment is a good thing—but not in business. Every man owes it to himself and to hi.s family to get the full value of every dol­lar he .spends, whether it is for provi.sion.s or pianos.

You can’t tell whether you are getting full piano value or uot if you don’t come to



.SlroPt. lirosd.T it Onit Thntra i t Pramintne* f " Hamafk.

r,'U.d j ’rlevs- kSc., ./a-., Ijc., |l.Uk

MAY 28.Matlneci Haturdu)i’ Only.

Specially Intpnisllng rtramatic Kn*a*«iasnt, the lllttinguleliril Actroaa,

M IS S K A T K C L A X T O XAtid tlifl firolnent TrtuCfOloIinr*

M M K . . l A N A l 'S C l I E K ,Prr^eulln;{ u (4ranil Kiavlval uC

"THE TWO ORPHINS."tloTio mill Tiio OrtglnAl Ho loiiUn*, in

“ Thft MaUl uf UiynjwmiU’^Aud "itoUu ilocid.*

lAlDMANR OPffiA BOOSim b 11 IV ALUM A N.... .Msniiijitr.

Wis-k I 't.mtnpneiny Monday. May RC .Moll- iiitrs TttPsday, Thursday and Hatonla)'.

KXritA .MATiSKb ilECOllATlON U.VY'.u

D. LAUTER C0.’S,657-659 B R O A D STR EET.

story ultulr, with n private olcyator lor rdilorlal use, but we gut a cariienter t<i build us all eiliinriul pen on the roof o f our seeond sliiry edifice and put In some winding stairs. Everything w.vs all ready ItiM Hulnnlay morning. We bad lui tnfor- niaLoii Inirean on llin ttrsl lloor, with orders lo in lUo every c.vMer acod up hla iiiiim> unil stuU' hlu buaiin'r.s. I

Abiiiit ID ti’druk In the forenoon the boys begun In drop in lu put their heeia on the editorial table and look over tho i.xchtinges. We heard exclaniatlous o f


nil e~

We itorne i in utnler <>ur Hingisbt&nke with ih« oUrg^utU'miiii iMtween iia.

i i i ;

A WBANGLIC UVKK RITI'ALIkH . Tbere bos been little account taken

hitherto by the digaitariaa o f the Epiaco- P*1 Ofaurch' o f the Hcetiae permitted to thoM of tbeclerg}' who are wont to lin prove upon or make changes in the Church ritual OB their Inclinations may sugi'e.it. CoDfeMlonala have been sot up, burning Inoeiue swung in tho sanctuary and all tha pomp and pageantry o f (be most im- poting oerrmontea initiated without a alga o f active dissent from the official gnordlaag of the purity and Integrity of the rituaL It vas not without surpriHO, therefore, that the Hiocesaii t'oiivcnlion o f Maryland listened the other day lo a formal and vigorous dcmmeiatloii by Blehop Foret o f the moditleationH In the Church ritual which Imil been made from time to lime by pastors who, the Itmh'up declared, were “ nothing but Anarchists."

The departure from Uhnreh Lradilioii'i thus censured has becoino familiar to churohmen throughout the country, but it la only recently that the confcaHlomil and the uae of iiicenae have been tol­erated in the dioceio of Maryland, The Episcopal Church In that State Is the old­est ecclealantlcal body in the couutry, dating back Irora IfifM, and Its conserva- ttom in maltera of doctrine and jiraotieo hat long been rrcogiiiiied wherever tim tenenta of the CImrch are regarded us authority In matter* of religious doty. The quarrel between ^ ligh and Low oburcbnien la likely to be rnleiisilled by the uiiqiiBlified condeinnatloii by tho Maryland Diocese o f innovations that have become endeered lo inaiiy ilevoiit Eptacopallans. ^

There was a deal o f elotjuent oratortoal fireworks at the meeting o f theajitl-ln- come taxers Is New York last night; yet It may well be doubted whether the pro­moters of t lie affair themsclvca were con­vinced of Its utility. The argnmenta of the speakers had heeii discounted in advance hy the advocsles and supporters in Congress of an ineonio tax. Tho very cuiisiileratioui urged against it were the grounds upon which it was supported and approved by the majority In the National Lepi-laturo. The editorial silence o f the Adminlatratlon organ in New York in regard to this meeting may be taken a* an indlc.ation of llic eonric to be pursued by the dominant elcineul among our law­makers, Having eoivtpleled tlie iiecoe- wiry deals, they will push the Tarlft’ bill through without further arguincnt, tn- eoiiic tax and nil.

He hod put on every erticle of l iotniiig, in. eludiiig gloves, hat, hotsi. cloak sml heavy tliuet. Fur pillow, we used the iirovisioB- bogsaad CAUWi'A. The of Luid Wttbuttotwd* up til uur tu preveut it from freezing. On botu ildus. aud Hbovy uk, l<iy tha puro white snovr; Leiuw u.’* u iiujfe ahyrm, iubo which tba rocky rirljcc iltsofn<kil like n djirkeued iturwiiT to lU** Itiwer loKioun.

Juit lit dajbj'Hik, iUi'),'* A. M., on iba Fourth of July, we xterted off on what pro¥^ to be the hardait dair'rt work we had a%'ar acoonipLialied. We htruck out at once aoroMM the broad KuuwlielU to the rm’krib on the rlfht, which m emed to lend up to the only line uf rucks elK>vc, The smr/ai'e of tltoHe large Hnowbodv hod frow'u during tha night, eu tbatwu bail tu out nti ps wUb our Ickpicki to k vp from slipping' down iijclr C lw y aurfact*. Up this ndj;o we aiowty chmbed for three weary JiourH. UApm*: from buuliier to liuiildei:, or dra^^iug uui'beU'ee up tbeir lU'ecipUouN bidoe.

. . 7lot‘k wo ranchi«.I a point about Li,0hU feet, beyond which there secinod hi bo nothinjf hut tho Mnowsooventl slojn>, with only a few proj<s'tiug nx:k8 rrloug thuedjc of a treuiendous gurgu w hich now broke up<m our astonUhed loTvanl this wo ilir*jct-ed our Lniurse, apdy an hour lutor stoml upon ita Tory rerge.

“ I'autionsly wa prooewJ, with rnt-liko trood, folJowtog directly in one nuorJior's foutsltet} , and huldiiig on to our aliJetLshK-k.s Uko grim dt.«th. A lix)eeut>l nx k wuiiid start ut tii’jft xloirly, gain inuiiumtnm and fairly fly, Striking aijain^t some prop'ctmi; le<lgflf it would bfJiinu a humlretl fOL’l or laoj-e into the air, ami tlcm drop out of 8 ;ht among the eloudn M «jw Kvery few ih«f- inantM wo would utop to rest; oiir Uiieei were ; like lead, and tho high nltitii l'i made breath­ing difficult. Now flu* Irail nl rivks led iw within two feet of the clmAm', e'l,,io, wo ai>- pToacbed It raiitiouKlv, pruluug Meii fur u rock fuuhdatiou, and wall dizr-y bead:iluto the abym.

*‘ The slope became dtec;>cr nnd ntee{>er natil it abutted in an alinuHi t>recipituus cliff rxMitad with snow and glMi^mng ico. Thera was no CTicapo from for ail around tha suow-bedjf well loo sleep aiul slipijcry to venture an ascunl uixm them, Cuttiug steps wUh oiir icepicks, and hair (‘rawhiig, lialf dragging jont!«*lves, with thi* alitetistorks bbokeii into Um riN-kH hIhiivp, wn srnleiL Its height, andadvuni'isl to the lu-xt abuUiicut,

“ A t li -A.. W. we >iil ilijwnun llic snow to Mt our last morsel of I'lMh], The colil eUicUeu and br«id Ustiil ]iki*sa\vdu< for we hml ho Miliva with winch to ma’vlicitt i them. Our (dtigif bottle of t<‘(i hiol gD*i'n out, and we

iffered with lijiiwl fm m-vjnil linnrs. .\imiu

IW -fllU AUTH -10

S TA R t h e a t r e .ITI Mulberry Sirect, Opinalte <J. lb R.

Mciiday, Weiltiii.sdny and Haturday* t'AH.Vl.Ktx UroprloUirn,

AdmiAninii tri'c. S',H'ci&l hullcH'entrance.► ir-si-i l.iHs Variety SJiow every t-venliyf,

wUlt (In* fnllriwiiig; Julietl Houthern, Flynn Mnd >imrply, Jitu Hievcns, John MorrU, 6a

And OoiiKresaof Uuugh Kldeiw of the World.

Ambrose Park. South Brooklyn.Adjolnlm: IWh Street Ferry,

{Vcw York end of iihdi is at foul of White* hall Mreet.i

7w c% Datffa Rotft of SihiftB, 3 and8:tS A Jf, ih)Rir« Oiwu at 1 and 6:16 I*. M.

MOST liOUTK FROM NEWYORK to ruiuprf ites 1b hy :wih «t. ferry, foot of WUlielmlliilM Ihiltery. FnrcSc. AUnwlB via liHlury, Hro«’klyn Hrldifo and ferriea mj*ke fi mnei’t ioiiH dl r«ri to grttos.

AdndHitlou 50r. ntildreu half price. Cen- Ind icraiid i tand ?6e, aud covered•eatM.

I^ipular ruHtauram a frature. _



Sl'MMElt ftrilOOI. UrMMKH WIKMII. SLUM Lit ttulliiul sr.M.HKU Sl'IIIKU.

Mr. L. A . Itqs*!l ati- tuiuitves a Hummer ttrliiKil uf Muslo auA

............ , _ Oi-.torjt St Asbury Park(tut lUe si-ak MumhupuIIi County, N. 4., auriiigJnlyuuil Auanitt. All brsucheauf Vuie* Cul­ture and AlngiiiK. I’Umoforte Mtithotl,, Claowa

■ ■ ITiivler. ilatwu’a Touch and Tochnio,in VlrtnU liarmttit)', etc.

Apitllealltins rsralvsd and date" placM at the Newark’s Culleireitf Mailc, fCAsHl Hruad sireet. L. liAVI.lW.tieneral rttcrslary.

filtMMKR KEeutBTg.


SoIR Cvarywhara.

Maflaanlyby T H E N . K . F A IR B A N K C O M P A N Y ,Chicago. St. Louto. New York, fioaton. Phtlariclnhia.


BULLETS ABOUIfD HIM AB HB FLEW. aurnrWi and Inrli.^ration, followed Jiy a

■it '

A few Oujaiago the cliairmaii and lead­ing Demiieratie members uf the Henote h’ ltiimee Committeo tlenleil, with groat Itnileiice of indigtnulon, a rephrt that iiliout four hundred “ eoiii|)romLse iimendmciits had heen made lu Hie Tariff bill. T hen in a day or two Hie ntneiid- meiits began to he repurloj from tho conv mlUt'.c, nnd they were even mom numer­ous tlian hud been said. A few days later the mine Democratic tilatesmeii wure iu- dlKuanlly lenyiiig tho report that Hecre- tiiry Carlisle hud helped in framing Hint BUgrir sehediilc. Now it has been shmvn by hlH own testimony that ho draw up a Kcliedtile. Though his Buggestiona were not approved as a whole, a number of them were adopted. Between one thing an i nniitlier, soine reputalluiis for veraci­ty are in iiuluiuent ]ieril.

period o f silence an inch thick. Then we looked out to see our ’ ’ iufortnatlnn bureau " flying b.sreheaded aeroes the sand lots, with hulleta kicking up tbe dust around him as he flew, A minute later, while our nietropoliUm editorial heart 'wna st.indlng atlll with euapenae, the boys appuared on tbe street and caught sight o f our pen on the roof. No one asked for explanations. They seemed to divine tho true Bituatlmi o f affairs at once. There were eleven o f them. Each man bad two guns. The time occupied in shooting UR out o f our metropolitan tiuar- lers and down those wlndlitg slain* was exactly twenty-eight seconds. Tha tim e ooesipied in shooting the glass out o f the windows and the shingles off the roof o f our pen was less tli.-m two minutes. Wo don’ t remember that anything was said. W e got down, throw open the doors o f Hie old editorial-rooms, and the boys filed lu and took their u.sual places without ask­ing any 'questions. V\ e hav* come back to

ground floor to etay, ........’ -------

Not Ka.lly Dupstl by th* Trloh* o f Civil- ixed Mao*

From the Century.The crow ha* fine manners. He always

has the walk and air of a lord o f the aoil. One morning I put out some fresh meat upon the snow near my study window. Presently a crow came and carried it off, and alighted with It upon the ground in the vineyard. While he was eating o f It, another crow came, and, alighting a few yards away, slowly walked up to within a few feet o f his fellow, nod stopped. 1 ex­pected lo *ee a struggle over too food, ns would have been the cose with domestic fowls or animals. Nothing o f the kind. The feeding crow stopped eating, regarded the other for n moment, made a gesture or two, and flew away. Then the second crow went upto the food and preceeded to take hla iihare. Presently tho first crow came bark, when each seized a portion of the food, and flew away with It, Their mutual respect and good will seemed per­fect. Whether it really was so in oiir hu­man sense, or whether it was simply an illustration o f the instinct o f mutual sup­port which seems to prevail among gre- gsrioua birds, I know not. Birbs that are tolitary in thoir habits, like hawks or woodpeckers, behave quite differently

k a s t o n , p a .Und4r of W, A, KJmoni; ten jrtan

al FlUh A>eime T1H» inily tkum|«rHilniuuutuiii r»iort opeu June 1&. lioau SjU Fm V loitc; ilfidiiu Utfht4. hifli nUltuda, ffrafkil ii,4B«rx, flap orciiMira. TTvoboora froiu %«w York. Juu* tMTHWO, uu i-)ijhrir«» fur rooinM. Tiibl« board ont/.

W, A- Kl.MuHU. rouUu«nt«l nuial. N*vr York.


the No card, areiiccessarv. I f the front door Isn’t open.

The first at

THK n i iT ic .VM> T in ; t sn’ jitK.For many cyclea o f revolving nnions the

humorist has heen having Inn with the base ball nnipirr, and the "c ran k " haa been abuBihg him. From the harmless and original works o f .art in which Hie arbiter of the gaine’a dc.vtinlcs Is lU’ picted tn mcdlu-va! iirinor, or in wliich his eom- parative deli'nccl(.‘s*ni'«a is nuiekcd by picturing him in a small eastle deft ndecl by heavy arllllci'y, to Uic roasiiiig from tbe pens of critics whose home leaiiis have liad the misfortune to bo hcalen by their foes, the peer imqtire ’lias vieu the target for u thoiiBand shafts of good-natured ridicule or sever.i! tiimi- sandB ofahuses. Everybody knows how easy it is to mnptre a liase ball game, even easier, for instance, than it is lo run • newspaper. Every spectator kpows titat be cdtiVl ‘io eilher better thaii the luau. who hiia the contfiict and is tryhig to look after tho work. When the umpire is right—in the speelator’s opinion—tho latter gives him no great credit, for it would be lifcieiisnble stupidity for litin to have gouo astray. When thii umpire Is wrong—in the spectator’s oplnlua again — the blunder is not to ho excused.

There have been oeeasions wheu the dignity of the umpire has been hcrokally n^beld on the field. Oiton bo to firm os tho hills while oontendiug gladiators o f thedlatnoud bowl about him. Ho has liaan known to use a base ball bat to plead ogalaat the argumeuta o f a frenalcd mul­titude hU right to continue to exist upon tbe earth. Often ho to tile possessor o f a

pung. at

Hnpid-fire gtins have become, under ex­isting condilio’us o f naval warfare, an in- dIspeiiHablo fcaiuro o f the atlacking force o f inodent ImUlesliip*. A baltery o f rppkl-lii'c h ii pomidiTK can pour a verita- Llorain o f shot ami shell upmian enemy’s deck, ami drive every nun o f her crew to eoncealnii lit hchinti bonib-pi'oof plates or below deoUs. Tbe lest.* made at Handy HooU yederday o f lour difl'creut makes oi Ibese weapons iiidleute tlnit tho dls- tincUvely .Ltneriiun ty|ie, enib.tdied in the Driggs-Helinieiler gim, is alill the most elfeotivc.- Altliougli Europe lius pro­duced (lie best military rifle, lhe honors in r.apld-llre Kuns m.iy fairly bo claimed for our ow!i inventors.

Due ciftbc first moves o f tbe now Slreot and Water C'oinmis.siori in getting down to work to to pay needed attention lo some o f the paving'w orl: being done by street railroad companlp*. This Is a de­tail in whicii ‘th f old bjjnrd did not greatly distinguish Itself, _____ _

sijnd I)etoI f Judge l.iwuineolt shonbl happen

Mel,anriirming n disnrderiy house at the (Jnlteiiito l ■liTifliburg v.aertrack what would the oBice o f L'oiillty Clerk County?

Laugh lin to prison for

tils wont to M'li't wits givi-ii, U'ero-».’ at ouea, but our stilft.iUHl li'g. ipii\’i'rit.l to-ntsitb us, and we letni'sl <.n our ai|H-nstieks for Biippurt, Htill We plisl.i.'1 on tor i«c i liuiru weary hours, euttiitg i.nr sletts inthe iey elitfs, or Siukillgtn nm-1 lligils til llir tri-'ieher' ons snovv-Vitsis. W’ e l■..lUll -'.'■Ihiii Mewi-re uearing tho top of t l . . - .'1110111, lur Hit- clouds, now entirely elrun'il away, left our view nnohstmeu-l.

” TVo pii.sUeii and p'lUeJ our npotUer al­most to the top, ini'L .liii'ii. witii dne moi'i] desperate elViirt, so sto.Mi ii|.on n vssl and gradually sloping soi'W-l.e.1. Hewn we ulitugid above our Liu-'s Ihr.Uigb the yield­ing BUrtaee, und slng-.-r.'d lui.l li ll " i lb fail­ing' strength; Iheii ru-e onre more sad |i]ixided Oil, until iil !ii»l wesmili exliaiisted u|Kjn the top of .\ruiiit.

"F o r a lu.iinc’.it ..nlv wr lay gasiiing for breath; then a full I'rsiiiaiion ut our hitim. tluii dawntsl u|k'u u.-, .md laiiiinl tlie lew ralnts;*arks of eMtluisi;L.-m that ri.uiuim<tl in our exnauste.l L Hiir-. U ■> imrurir.l iipou itu iiluviiistoek the smidi -ilt .Vmerieiiii ling that we had hruugid fr..m li.uiia, :tiid [or Ihs first time th, " btais nrni Hu lls '." nus ijiveii to tha breeze uu tlie M.>r.iitmti of [lie Ark. Four shots fired Tr.ini i.or riivnlvers 111 eoiu- menitii'tttiou of In feiK-odi.m-o Hay broke Hie BtilluesB of the gorges. I'ai' al'o. e theelouds, wiiii-h w*re rolling l-'i ov u- over iUris> of the niosc absohde Oi.uiaroliiea m the worid, was eelebruiivl in .ini -imiile way a (.'real event uf reimbUemiioo

“ W'u Were sudil'iilv uroiisi'd by tbe rinubllug of TliULii. .r Pel iv. u-. A storm wiiB ralliug ra|U'U . i.p ilir aoiithensi slofsi of tbe luouuthio. 'f f i ' iKMii.spir.-ri' 'is.mr,l to be boUlug o'n'r tli.- Ill■lll...l piiiui balttw. Higher and id,;lier r.uo,. dn- otoii'ls, roIHug aiiii seethiug iiluoii.; t lio grim ci ugs aioug the eliaBiu, Olid soon ui. u r i" .'Uiigli; 111 its uiii brace. The tlKrmo;ii,.f..|- dropissl at onco below fns'Ztiig lonil, nod the dense inists, driven against n, i,y lln luiiTii’iine, formetl felejes ou on;- f.e es ami froz-.) fileink lu our fomtam P'O- (iiir 'Umiiiei' ekitbing "os "O'.Uy in;r!! .p-ulr for sitrli ml unCxiieetoil ex(n.i r'li -'. ofn. emll-'l to the bolio. To hai r i ..,oaii|rii where wo were would Imvri lieeii ji'opni il!/.iog our Uealtli, if nut our liv,.s. .Uin.mili we rotil.l sramtly neo far enougLi uoead l.. lolloiv iiaek on tlie track by whfi h ivu hu.1 ;irr. yet we wore obliged bi atienupt it ui onre, for the blonn iiromi'liis was iiicr-a-ing every mo- fueut; wo ccidd even [. -I llir rliai'gta uf elwtrieily vslieri.v.'r '.le lonehed the iroil pidiit* of our alp ■n-iMrl.s,

“ t'urefull.i ("vriog ' fliVimgb • th f i^ ' j ' ' wb managed to Xofiow - fiiir 'pliil'made aldiig ilR crichrdiv ' ‘jloping snmm!t, to the head rd foe grraf rhostii, wddeb now *|ifiearivl more tcnllile tluin ever, IV'n hero saw that it v. oul.l W ,.\iri'nirly iwril- iiusj if uot m luallv iMip'wsilii,., to utfempt a desetiut on the ro-k. al.cig it.< ireoeheroiis edge hi sueii u Imi'i'ienne. -The only

g ive it a kick nnd walk in. The first door to the righ t leads to the edllorial-rooms, and i f tbe K litor hapnens to bo out when you call you’ ll find a jug in the corner and pipes and tobacco on the sbelf lieslde the dock . W e think the New York editor meant w ell, but ho didn't know huinim nature iu th e great and glorious West.

HOME P l a in T a l k . - T he lione Tree Tribune, which ia a poor little weekly Hhect o f 251) circulation and publtshed by a man who made a sad failure o f tlie coop­ers.’ trade, came out with a bitter attack on 118 last week, Tb e burden o f the com­plaint W'as that w e were an oft'ieesecker, a man killer, a bulldozer nnd a boaster. Onr policy personally and editorially to pretty vi’ell known, but it may bo well to l'<> over the ground again. It is true that we are an ofllocaeeker. Wo want to be .Mayorofthis town, Btnto Henatcr, Postmaster, Deputy United Htalea Marslinl nnd two or three other thing at once. W e hold that nnlh- ing la too good for an editor. He can’ t mnko too much money. He can’ t have too much pnbllo re«peet. W o didn’ t go inlo the newspaper huslnosa lo live on one meal n day and go to bed while onr only ehirt could be put thronqb tbe mill. Neither was it our intention to pull w ires for every galoot iu the party and walk around with our toes peeping out lo the weather. W e have sought (jlfice herause it didn’ t seek us. The man w lio expeobi office t-o seek him has a liead full o f saw­dust. W e have not only aoughtoffiee, biit got there. W o are still aeeking. We Htmll got there some more. Nothing iu the shape o f a good tiiijig w ill get past iib.

As to our being a man killer, we have disiiosed o fte n inoii. AVo had to do it or be diHposed o f ourself. In each ami every caso we have paid all tbe funeral ex­penses, and given them a resting place far beyond wliat could be expected. It 1* tho duty ot an editor out In this emintry Ui rate care o f himself. I f he can't shoot, then he has no buBlness bore. N o malter bow hard be may strive to sallBfy the public, there w ill be men who will thirst for his gore. Tho idea, as wo Hiuler.stimd il, Ik to get the other critler’ s gorf fir.st.

.A s to our bulldozing Ioctics, this is Hiefirst conipliiint wo ever heard. Every editor 1ms hla own ueouliar way Inecrtam nintters. Home editor* In case a sub.

WUAnipCCILClO, i|w,rw „toward one another in the presence o f their food.

The lives of wildereaturearevolve about two facta or emotions, appetite and (car. Tlielr keenness in discovering food and in discovering danger are alike remarkable Butman can nearly always outwit them, because wnile hi* perceptions are not so sharp, hi* power of reflection is much gi caier. Ills cunning carries a great deal further, Th* crow Will quickly discover anytiilng that looks like a trap nr snare set to catch him, but it takes him a long time to see tlurough the simplest contriv­ance. As I have above stated, I some­times place meat on the snow In front of my tlndv window to attract him.

bn one ooeaalon, after a couple o f crows bad come to expect sometbing there

RurlTier dropsoffheavaosigh nml run a pen across hi* mime. Our way ia toniakoa personal call and ask for an esiilnna- tion. Trim , we have Imd teveral Imltima shot o ff our cost nnd bunela sent througli our hat, but w'C have never yet tailed to secure a lonewaL It Is the same with adverlisbig. AdvertLsing pays. W e know i l and are niixions lor nil others to know it. I f we c.in get the drop on a non-bclicver, we can always eonvince him o f the value o f ndvertlsiug. The charge Ibal wo are a lioaHtei' has iio foundation, livu 'y editor ought lobuvu ft good opinion o f liimseir and bis paper. Evecj'thing staled on the bills, BO far as' wa -are concenieq, has always been carried out and always will he.. W e are son-}' for the lopsided lalljire,

■'’ " ’' ' “ .-l.Vivig uvef at Lone T f f f ' _ tIczeafteT ignore bis cstot-cimei Tonfrawer bis charges n e bad lo crowd out 0 murder Item worth ?T6 to our general citeulotlon. and we want hini that w c shall make no fdrtlmr saoriftce on his Qcoonut. __ ______

daily. I suspended a piece o f meat by a string from a branch o f the tree just over tbe spot where I usnally placed the food.A crow soon discovered it, and came Into tbe tree lo sec what it meant. Hla sus­picions were aroused. There was some ui-slgn In that suspended moat, evidently.It WHS a triip to catch him. He surveyed it from every near branch. He peekbd and pried, aud was bent on pene­trating the mystery. He flew to the ground, and walked obout and iur- veyed it Irom all sides. Thou be took a long walk down about the vineyard ns If lu hope of hilling upon some clue. Then he came to the tree again, and tried first one eye, fben the other, upon i t ; then to the ground beneath; then be ivent away and ciiiiie back; then bia follow came, and they both squinted and investigated ami tlmRi dlsaiipcared. Uhlekadeos and woodpeckers would alight upon the meat and pock It swingiiig hi tho wind, but tho criiiva were fearlul. Does this sbow ro- fleotion? I’erlmps It does, but I look u|K)h it ratlici’ ns that instinct o f fear and cunning so gharaelcrisllo of the orow.

T'vo days paused thus; every morning the crowH came and surveyeil tbe sus­pended meat from all points Iq the tree nnd then went away. 'The third day I pl!.cc(l a large bone on the snow beneath tlie luspcmTed morsel. Presently one of the crow* appeared iu the tree and ^ n t hi8 eye upon tho templing bone. “ Tbe luyttcry deepens,” be seemed to aay to hiinielf. But after half an bour'a invasti- g.itluu, nml niter approaching several timts witlmi a few feet o f the lood upon tho ground, ho seemed to conclude there was no connection between it and the plt-eo banging by the string. So ho finally walked up to it and foil to picking It, Ililipmg bis wing;* all tbe time, as a sign Ilf Ills w.ik'hiulnciis. He also turned up Ills eye, moineiitarlly, to tbe piece in the air atinvp, as 1f It might he a sword of DamoclcH, ready to fall upon him.

Soon Ids mate came and alighted on a low 'oranch of the tree. The feeding orow regarded him a moment, and then flew np lo bis side, as i f tu give him a turn at IhemcaL Hut ho refused to run the risk, He evidently looked upon the whole thing IIS a delusion and a snare, and presonlly went away nnd hla male fol lotved him. 'I’ lien t placed the bone In oim of the main forks o f tho tree, but the crows kept at a safe distance from it. Then I put il back to the ground, blit tliey grew more nnd more ausplolous; some evil intent In it nil, they thought Fmall.v a dog carried off the bone and the crows cpiised to visit the tree.

Oftea Orerloailed amt «n lrk ly llrokru Down by the British In India.

William Lansing In Home and Country. Bhortly after 8 o’clock we eet out with

about forty elephants. There were over a hundred in the expedition proper, but many others were attsohed to It in a meiiisl cspsclty. An idea may be formed o f the size o f a kheddah expedition, when 1 mention that ten tons o f jute rope are taken to tie the hind legs of the elephants; not to mention tools, tents, chains, pro­visions, and scores o f other articles.

A great many people have an erroneous Impression of an elephant'i cnormoua strength. It is true that one can walk, when necessary, obout forty English miles a day; can carry a ton and a half and can drag considerable heavier weights, but such case.* are exceptional, not the rule. A *on and a half on level ground is a good weight lor an elephant and he can stand It for about three dayi, walking at the rate o f twenty miles a day. In moun­tainous regions a quarter to half a ton is all that au elephant can bear, marching from ten to fifteen mile* s dsy, especially If he has to seek his own food In the woods. Nor is this pachyderm Invulnerable to small InjurieB; on the contrail', ho is very susceptible to any abuse, such as overloading, etc., and recovers very slowly Indeed. In spile of hla thick akin he is very much affected by sun heat, flies and mosqultous. It is In- compreheiwible that tbo Engliiti in Inufaf who are in other watlors so thoroughLy pr^ieticalf flbouM not insi' t on tboir offi- cern belnK bettor iDfltructed iu the oaro and treatment o f elephants. The poor beasts are Irequentiy overburdened aud olherwiao ilHrealad, as ft reauU o f which they soon break down, when they might by careful treatment Ift E much longer.

Our road was a very difficult one, lead­ing aa it did up and down hill, over Streams and through tangled woods, where the elephants had to trample a path for themselves; nevertheless, the Biiimale marched steadily onward, and seemed rather to enjoy tho journey, we camped beside a sparkUng Btreaiu, where, while the sorvante were pitching our tents, we indulged in a refreshing bath, followed by a hearly breakfaslf

T H E B E R K S H I R ECor. Uraiiil anil Hcventii *ve., Sonh Asbury

I ’ark.N. J.PleansDtconl nKims, firat-clas, home-mods

cooking, shade, X blook* from ocean. Iteason- able rates. UiienJenel. OUy


Opens June !t. 21 milt* from New York. Cen­tral ft. H. of N. J. SIo"t eotivenienl rewrt in the Ntate, FRANK E. MILLEH.

TllKkR, 11 HIGH ST„ MOR-_______ , ....... A quiet, uifiuaiit bums foMbow

•rekitiir hflaltbi r<‘Ht biuI rei.'reAtloa. i'fit pariiculure KddieuMlMrt PKAYMS.N.

T HK rHIlRJtY ri»lown, X. J.—

"1 YflU^N'A .....T for enjtuvemeril* every day but SloadAf. BoaI*

.AKK PiC.NTC <JhOUNI>ft OPBN ' KUf. ifoal-

UrCT* wiLlilu?. bAilihiK, klettiiiboNl*. CArou-seLi,UbltH and bwa LttUl ifruUHtin. tnualrviu 4intA3icuOK, V*rouj


M ArLKWriOn --------; tMllrooin attAtihe ;

UOT)i;is - IsATKIsV IVENO* tlMKjiUr fUe-

ilwheTruomi by ib« rUy Of week; flnV 'lM panie* arcomniotlaleU. OKO. JT. TlfatUcMiV »ro|irt*l*r. -MntJlMAiuoU. J.

r iK A N C lA L .

The National Newark

Banking Comp’yOffers to depositors every facility and accommoda­tion consistent with good banking.

No account is too smalt to be desirable and to have careful attention.

A Taliiiib le K«Uc.Frmn the flilcAfs'O Trlbuiif,

lUnkin -’ ^l think u ^rt'al deal of tUAt old vioUui It’a a gtntilnu AmaU. 1 picked il up In Hume.'” *

Fy lo-“ U seema to be reroarkauly well pre- RerveiJ.”

Wonderriilly, It eo*il me a pile of moneft hut it‘H wnrth U. The vhicf merit of » rare old vloliii^ertn ln ly! Inspect ii as clohely as yo'i jtlc.TV'e, \Yhal wero you abcjut to ^ay If'*

*• i wa'i womlorlntr bow tlio nuikcr over r.arae to RtciiPil ‘ World’a Columblau £si»oi*lliou, Cbloatjo,* on Uitt IhAltle of it/*

become of tit' IliuUon

tooftbubiry ch pung*. at and littlphur-

B-jcrctnry Cnrllste owna up t-o having ployed the ELUinpliut lu,^ie sugar howl.

I ’ccuUur to Itfteir.ho eiulmmtiy kiu ur Mful baa HchwI’s Kar»i»iiae

rillii hern llial uuiiij leading cltliscnA fnuu all (iviT ! Uu Uiiih'd fitriiWi ifiJ UniunialH ofI. urvK w h irb Ki.'cm u ln io f i m iracu lous . llm x WSaiiwvnai’lllK K not nu o iw ld un t. but Ih u r ijie frail of nuliihlry aitd aiutly. U pouubiiv4 uiurlt '■ pecu lia r to i iw l f . '*

IIowUh Pllla purn Nanaea. Sick Headache, ludiguaUuu, BiUauBauua. tjold by ailUiaU.

ing,beau-For biuhiiig,

S the skill, scalp ami :xion, W oodbury’s

F ac ia l Soap ij pure and a sure cure for skin eruptions. Prepared after 20 years’ ex* p^riencc. Small trial cake,

locta. 3 cakes, $ 1.Jnlm H. Wuodlu'tr liHriiiAtn*

togU'iil lui’tP,ia&\V. -Cd St.N.Y.Wfiodlmrv’e Hpeuial I ’nifttr

meuU. IluirRndt h e a u d ('oraphoKii 'at Li'us^utaor by miu4

See Fere!■ While about it

have the best there ia.

Vlslhl. Kolliul.I f human voice may on tho idaslle disk lircal lie Into liolng forms of heauly r,ira,Ari'i we may see ttie volcra that 'vs love Take Hliaiie and color, Infiallely fair.May tint the liifty mountains and the hills Hu veiio of (tod: Ills song, the goullo flowers; Ills eliant, the etorH’ proeesston, nnd alasl tli* only sigh, those hmnaii lioni'f* of iiiir*?

-LHrri h'fltahf Urmf/ortf In the CciitiifQ.

F 1 T I .L , B L O W Nand sweet as a ro.'ie-the young womnD who toneaup hep system with Doctor Pierce’s ravorite "Pwsepip-tion. It is a oertain cure (or all the ailments peculiar to the iloUcate organization

[ women. It is perfectly safe in nny condition of tho system and alwan

relinlile, regulating the .delicate organs to pro- form their work min- Ifssly. Women have sallow faces, dull eyes, hollow cheeks, and lo w sp ir its , when

they or* made tuisernble with dmrders, de­rangements aud wcxkuras'js |«culiar to their sex. Ilualtb is regained, aflei. wrioda of dizziness, nervous [irostration, iialn and ex­citability, OP other riiauifc'itatione of de­rangement or dieplaeemont of the womanly organs, when tho “ Prescription’’ to used.

niA.*. 0. ItOCKWOOI), Prea K. H. CAMPBELL, Vlce-Pra*. H, \V. TUM 8. Cashier.


N E W A R K , IM.J.AM7.I POUD, . . . - I’ realilent^AKHETSiMarket Values) Jan. 1,

1S1H................ ......................... Jfi3.3tB.OSOHLIABILITIF..^ K Y . and Maes.

Standard..........................SUKl'U’S................, ............. J,tlUI,7WJ*BU KHttUS by former N.Y.Stind-

ai-d iAin. Ej. per oenl. lie* ..................................... 6.ft85,*1>nT

Fuucium AtiimJnlely Nt»n-F<»rtullftl>le Aller Kec<md Year.

Is CAS16 or LAMK U»u P«dluy,i« corirmuRD iv roncE w Jong fii IU vajuu T*jll iwiy Jvr; of* ir prefent'd, a Paid-up PoUoy for its full Vttlu* Ifiieauu iiinexohanire. „ ^

AfWp the w«nu(l year Policies aje iscoii* TEOTAUf.E, o il tv irfrtfttion* n i to rw ltfo c e , frrtrri ur lycrnpalUin arr- rvf

UA8II LoAHsare moilo to the cent, of the reserve value, where ^ I d ^ slimment* ot tlio Pollciss can he mods as ool-' ’’ IxvMas'pald^immedlately npon oompletloa and ttpprcival of proofa,



• I '

MONEY TO LOAN on tho Building AmocIs. tinn plan, on real estate situated In Greater New York, and Hudson, Bergen and Union Counties, Neyv Jersey, Addrcm Blrkheck Conipany, I Cooper Union, New York City.

CoDTlnclDg Acts anj Telling Facts InsioailoC loud talk. Just fuston the two we present UMlav In your memory, and coroe to HENBY HOUNS'H, the ehen|KMt meat mar­ket In Htato. The time* may be hard and money scarce, hut wc are mors than meeting tbeec undesirable fneui by our special reduced prices'.Prime fPrime Pcrtcrhoune Steak,. Prlu. .Iroo fSiriolu Steak. Prime Round Htoak. Prime Chuck Hunk.. JersorMIlk Veal.... Forequarter Ijinih..v Hindquorter. iJiinh,. Pork.......................

f'lixoy ** Sen lu Jhiqlaud.F r o m the L'.tfiJoii Court Journal. ]

The exidaimtloii of 1 lu' iue«iilng of Hie iiiiil- tltiide advotH'iuitnpouUie leiitre of l.uverli- lurntln tho I'liiled fltate* Imaheen diniciili lu ! ohtiiln, hut mil’ who la well iutoriiieU ,;l.i . | this ri'iily: J. d, ('nicy, after whom tho “ Cox- I cyllo Army " is tinmed, .ia a faniu'.is li.ir“e- breedor, wbo Uvea in the heiglihorhoiHl uf | Ijexlngtou, a I'hu'o rcnuwiicl !o rimiivcHea ] with the hesinntng of the Rqjiilutioiiiiry War. Finding the toai!.* of his native eimuti'y eiiuie. | what linealisfaetory, he origiiiatml "The Coxey GikkI Uoads AseoeiatIon.” .find nhlll ' liar bccu introduced into t'lnigiosa euiiirurnr- ! Ingthe Unveruiiieiit to print a eetlaluvery lorgo snin of paper money and to uiiU it the i

good rowhi fund." The advaiico of the Cox- nyite Army upon Washington la meant .os a quite frtoudly iiqdgn as to whol to oipeerad | from the Got ermueut, !



LADIE5, .Are'Toii fioflsccuaiilng?

Hamii......................Com Rf pf................... .Soiipwil Aow B ol»«ft, f r « i

1if\ e leal« i[OrI i


Otim CaEBphor Itirr .i Molh Tic. Ih.I ’BrHlflu liwrl-Powilpr. ^!lr. lb. Ittitti-ii Fuo<l (l-^clenitau‘0)»

.10. . . . slU .13......p) .13.......W .hi. . 1 1 .09.....OJ .08I.Si .00■. ** .06 ‘

.13. .. . .M .10..... 10 J3.......Oi .08. .. . . « •S5 i

*■ 8 J


Our prlcL’!! aiw the lowe«^in tho cUy.lot Faiii’i rto

Dr, CIreene'B Nc.rvurn. Hood s Sarsap- arilia, I ’lmkoln, Cutlcara Ueeolvcnt Bi»l all tlie latest imtent preparutlons at tho sauio low prioe*.

2 for SSc.

JAMES A. COE & CO.,Abh* kn«l 108 AlHlberrr^Ast


Knapp's Ho4Jt iWr, ^(jJawaouV IJtMil' Bi'pr. He* a

Rootbeer Extract, unquestion­ably it 13 the best in the world,

One bottle makes 6 gallons^

L,|llTktK»<X * X' rt *' Ikfi I —--T« - - , . «AU ordinary prencriptlon* compounded for

sac. apiece, atDRttft.CHEMICAL AND PATENT


Cor. Clinton and M uibeny Sts,Tslaphone 3UTB. ttolabltoaed 1810.





M S O F T B E H O l I i .

BUrtllng' Testimony Given Before a Police Investigating Committee.


An 70a Inland T If not now ti tbi timr> to pruvidf )Our«i‘lf *nd finJ lf wfthn hnuli of ('hiutkictlftiu'i Coltr, Uhuirra taml Iiiirrhti'a lUiurJy AS rtQ In uratui' Au«lit«l n40l(i from ita it iiciL of bi>w p1 «^>ini»lilnt iliir* ing till lunmwr iuim*!ih. li ilinuxt i-vrlim to l>» aimleii and 'klmuld lie proriiri'd ut linet'. Mo other rrnieely e nnuke itA|i]ice or do lu work. cent leotlle>v fur kaIc I171IulahiU0r> ltn«U niiJ .Murki'l; A. 8e)utrr» HiUfivlllu avc. and Orlemoi ni„ J. }ieizier, tUinge Ai.. cifmer IlL^wnir Kvcniir, ind u, H, rimtilseU, MUIhgrn. __________


Tin Vnniitanil Kalber Telli How H i Drowiiitl Itti k'lvi-^ear-oUl U«U){lLter.

Kmliiifuf h C elebrilion h7 Columbia rulteffe Htudeula—AuierlrHii'i In Corea Id lin g e r and a MeA»«g<i o f

1^'amUg tt«ut to Tbli iiuvermueuu

The poniniun rei«irt that New York politW' : m«u havo ieriwl blarkhiail oa the k<<e[>erhOt | dtoordorly lioU!*«i ill that city tur alliiwiug them to curry nn tUeir illegal buHiuive in A greot measure n«|Miu»ililti for the aiF- )>oiuliu«ut uf the Lfxow luvntigatiiig t'om- tnlttce, llltUertki, buweyer, the Heuatort who hare cemductmg the invwtigitlan . Into the mi'tboah of the }iolii*e of ttie city bare direc ted thHr utioiitluu to othiT abUMuti which Itave lN>eii aliegetl, Yntt^'nliiy, at thi held m the Uounty UuurYbouAu,tiw lubject of tlie relattoni lwt^ 'cea the police aiitl the pr<^rlcton of dliforderly hou-ieH wan taken up.

Jobu W. (tuff, tHumiel of the committee, intHHliired three witticH'ie» by whom he ex pecUvt to faiteii the crimu of extortion u|Km l>oliuumen. Two of tliOM were wouum nnd they made highly mwtliefactnry Hiatemeuta. Obo d'Milt 111 wliuU^le deuiuK T!ii<< otin>r, wboeenaiiie la iihoda Samiroril, attempUil to do likcwi^\ but w'a« cbei'kinatiHl by Mr. UofTi ample lufonnutiou i-oaceruiiig what •hi.< bad told to others. Klie h&l imid for prutcvtiuD, sbe aihmtted.

dhu laeUlli-d that ihe kept a dieohlei ly houjH» ou ilayard street. She bad iiiMleal- inin with tbe i)otu.‘e until lier place wan t'alded by UapUiii UroM. She then paid #2n(i to au Liihi-iai who camo from hnuliimy tein 01- j the Btatiuii-buU!U‘. After tliat 4ie faud ttVi a ! Uinntli, Mr. GolT aiked her: "M n . Sutul- ; fonl. when tbe two men enme from Ni^wark I and oaiUnt oil ymi and kaM they were in tbe I same bUHinetiH m Newark, iUdn't you bay to tbeiu, ' Why. old man, 1 inii make your liutr turn gray; Uuptaui at|t^^a muiilli,beeiilee the ofif(*eri on tb» U «t 'f'’

*‘ Y hi, Is aid Giat,” ww then^ply. She also admitted iliat the houses wenunois down on them than Dr. Eai'kliunt wua liown on the inmiseri.

Uliarlei Fr>oo, proprietor of a piano in Bayard street, who was the next wirjiea said tliat for live yeurv and a half he |ium1 $4,300 to thd rarioUM wai'd ileUwtivus wbo eol)<MTteii tlie ^^airiwbnieutj.” Ho gave imniua and dates auil other detalU. To judge from bis tmuuouy this bhickmail biui Ut‘n ro< ducetl to a strictly husmess buMii in Uuj Elcveulh Frecinct, the siatiuu of which is in Eldridgo stroet. At first he had to pay f 2T» a moaUi, but this sum wa oouti iucreaieil to I liVJ. the bearuig wiU be resumed on Mun. day.

months* Imprisoumciit lu the House of rectiou.

Thtii it transpired that the woman Imi a w 'alihy brother in Kacrameuto and another Influential hnrtlier hi New Vupk They promidlf iivteri'eileil. hail lierprummm'wl lu- •aiH), ami she was reinove<| fi'oui priwui to Ibe Agnews As>luin. Thi'i*L* she straugely encoiinterwl au aniuaintauce of Iht KirlliiH> [, J. A. Hi'ardsley, who was employedfci an al- tendaiit in the instituthui.

Now 1 leanisley aud Mra Evans are both miming from tbo institution—utie m dgiiing his lawiLionatKl the other ewapuig. U trauKpu'es. Uio, tJiat the woman lias Mvured a divon’e from Ikt aeiwd huAltand, a man naniKl Evans whom nIiw huhtIc I in H«n Ffaiicl.ico. and that slie l» now the wife of .1. A. HcrtriUlev. Their present wherealsnite Is Unknown. J. A. l^'anUloy is tin* - 'n of a f<»rmer New York l anker. His mother now livtisiu Whita Tiaius, N. Y.


A Meeting uf ltu«ln«M Men Iji New Vtitk to Mwke l'role»t.

A meaUuff to protest against the iiioome tax was held under tile auspices uf the Busl- nnsH Mi>>irs AwKwdatioii of New York lu Car* negie llaU last night.

Tlie uniting was calleJ to order !>y ( ’oluiiel \y. 1.4. Htrong, who briefly Inlrthiucp.l as prphident of the meeting Kvan Thomas, liresidont of the New \ ork Produce Kx> chiingp.

When the secretary came to the signers of the call bo found tho tank too much for onu cv«ming*s work, and read as foliowK: “ lleie I'tsMuiling tho in-urance InU'rmt, John A. McUall an(l a humlretl others; reproseii thcKavingK Imuks. John t\ Towiistiiiil. iircKlMcUall and a hu ml rest others; reproseiiting

L'ingK Imuks, Jolm t\ Towiistiinl. nrcKr d<mt o f the Bowery Havings Bank, ana flf- Im i otlicm; repiw cutlng trust (Hmj|wnle.4, K. l^ IIhvitt, president 01 fboU cu lra l Tni-^t Comiiauy, and llfteeu othem ; reprwcm lng


CONFE88EM. KILLING■£L^------------ 1118 ( H1LU.

Harry Johniou rrJlH How lie l>«UI>eral«ly Druwnrd Ills Little Haughtrr.

The confession of a cowardly crime waa made yesterday by Harry Johnson, who fur the Brat time told tho story of how he drowned bis little daughter. He is in jail at Allentown, Pa., and has beeu (x>uvicted of murder in the first degree. His application for a new trial was refused o short time ago by the Bunreine Uourt, and this took from the murderer's heart the laat spark uf hope. Johnson Is not over twenty-four years old, and was formerly einploye>l in a livery stable at Alieutow'n, ^ooe he hearil the Supreme Court’s division the murderer has been rewtleM and ap­parently laboring under a great mcnUil sU’alu. This was noticed by the pi'iM>u uiU- ciaJi, and on Sunday County CouLmittimif'r Diehl visited Johnson in his ceil and j ug- gested that be ought to select a spiritual a<l- viser, Johnson tiienchosw Itev. G. K. Garrl- ner, who viaitoil the prisoner ou Monday and again \\ uduiakday morning. Each time he huprevH<vi U{k)1i Juhiisuu the necci^ity uf making a coiifi^ssion if he wan guiltv of tho crime. Each time Kov. Gardner vlslunl liim Jubpson waa overcome with emutmii ami wept bitterly. He niado no oonfi's.slon, however. Ycetei\lay tiiw burden on Ji»hii- toti's mind M.«t'iii6d to licciime heavier, and at the Buggt-iiion of IVardcu lh.-iUU!r, Hev, G. W. Kk'hardii was sent for, and to him he confeased.

Johusou said that be had not beeu living with his young wife for a long tinio. Ebe tosiste<i tbttt he ket p tiicir flve-ycor-old daughter. He obje<.‘tixL, ImC he did take her. On the bveuing of July isiW, the little girl lay curled up on tlie u%t of a buggyju the livery stable where her fallier workod. The tut, whom no one wemed to see, was iloefung peacefully. Johnson saw her and quietly hitched one of his employer’s hon«w to the buggy. His daughter was aroused, and he told her he wuula take her for a iikio drive. Out of the city they went, and Jobu- soD turned up a road along the Jjchigh Kiver. ‘U’hen be reached a lonely ho says, he picked tip his child by the wairit and. wjttiout even kissing her good*by or bi'sitatlng a mo­ment, ho threw her into ll»e river. The lit­tle one. he says, made no outcry when he threw her in, or when she toueb^ tho chilly water. 8be tank and did not reappeur. Johnson wheeled about and drove home, ho tayt, and when questioned about, the child's wheriiabouU he gave conflictiug stories tliat afterward result^ in his convictioa.

A K A ID ON C O L U M U IA BT im P lN TS .

Put to Flight While CcLebralJiig ou a I^t,and .Some Injiire^l,

The eophoutoro class of Columbia College, New York, eclolirated last night their uuniiul triumph over I^geiidrc, After parading in Fifth aud Ma<ljson avenues .the students went to the vacant lot at k>ixty-tiightU street and Avtoue A aud built several large bou- Area. Five isdice otllcers were present to see that order vas inaiutaineil.

While the Hrea were blazing tho ontiro po­lice reserve of thi> >laat Hiity-swveiilh Htroot Btatlon, numbering twenty-five meu and under the c»mmauil of ^Sergeant William C. Rice, swoojkhI down upon tho calebrante. The lot i« snrrpuuded by a six-foot fence, and the potli'e dosed the gate when tiiey entertnl. Then there was a rush for the fences. Tbe boys say the police used thoir clubs and beat many of the studonts.

The pulk-e made no oi'resu, and flvo minutes after they had entered the tot the whole 4*rowil of Imya had disapiieared over the fenticH, flotui after the stuuonte went to the police stution aud made complaint; to Ctergeant Hus»ey. Some of them were ble^iug about tbio head and band.s, and nno had a bud cut on tl e wrist. These wouniis, they said, had been inflicted by tiie police. J, C. Valentine w'as so w<‘ak tlkt lie could not stADil, nud bait to be carrJeMi to a i!nb by his coTui»nious aud taken to ins lioine. After tho first delegation of students liad ieft tbe station others apt>eare(1, hIso cut and bruisef], and tnoFle slnular cUargos-

Sergeant Rice denied that his men useil clubs, lie n^d that complaiuts had bt>cu made at the station by citizens that the bnvs wet'e making frx) mtudi uoihc. ^Vhen the police a|>{)eared tbe hoys scattereil mid ran. The Iwys* Injuries, the Hergeaut stateil, wure uo doubt rtweiveU wheu they jutiiiKid over the fenoes.

, A M E R IC A N S IN D A N G E K -

Coreahs fiend a Mesgage of Wiirniiig to This Government.

The Cnreau I^gatiou in Washington re­ceived a cablegram y<aterday from tiio King’s Palace at Corea, stating tJmt tho ,rebels had gained possession of Chuulato, the ! ■outhera and chief of the eight provinces of the kingdom, that the lives of nil foreigners were In danger, and that the proseuc'e of a tJnlted States war ship at Uhemuiiw without delay to protect Americans was urgently re­quested.

The oIBcioIs of the Legation immediately .prin ted tbe facts to f^ retary Greeham « } « m « friendly manner luipreMed him with the litipoitmioe wf prompt action. They explained that there were betwesn 300 and 400 Amoricaqn in the four priaciual citise of Coi’ea and that the revolution was really directed against them.

t t>a* cOQ.a 1' ‘B uhGmuipQ witEiii iort} -e?Sthours after orders wen Issued to her, It is BUdsrsttfid that orders dlreotlog the Balti- flioi'e to proeeed to that imrt have alreailT beea prepared In elphor aud will Ih) oabled as soou as the President authorizes suoh Botiou. _


A Faonllar llauuiicu Wlileli Cumes fromtho PDciflo Couis

A straage romance comas from tbe State Asylum ill Agnews, Cal Nearly a year ago, a hrlghl eiqwaring younc woman, who gayB her'immu as M)S. Brelyu Leonaro Ibllot Wills Eraiis, was ari-estedlu Baa Francisco

(or) swlndliiiK losblonahla boardlng-bousn and a nuld and nunc, who had trusted her,

Bha waa twice tahen before the Buiurd of Inaoy and pronounced sano, A Police istrate thoa prououni»d har guilty of the

- ohoived, and seutenced her to six .. ....... ,

CCItSO.VAUMiss I.K.u F[NZBi.nKiui. tho sculptor, of

nerho. has uimo on a visit to the andComiless llerherl HUnutrclt. Hlie Intends to tuodul a bust of tbe Cuuiitoss.

1). I . Faii..f)ijk, tho KiiulUh novelist, wilt shortlr imbllsb In laiodon mme of tbo lltornry work of his Uilrtoon.j'onr-uld dniiuJitor. NeU lie. The yoniii; Miss Is said to have remarka­ble talent.

Mine Vas.’K is hiislly eiiKipred nponnhloxra- phy of the lalo IScuator, whtcb Is lo he pro. fnsely illustrated. Tho frontispiece will bo a port ml t of the lute Keiiatur Vanes, taken from tho largo painlina of liloi that hallos In the front parlor of the Vance house In Washlnx- Inn.

Mils. CLEvri.Asn never *ears aglove nn her right hand at Wkito Hoiute receplious, as l.ur e*ia>rloiine during her first oecupancy of tho Eseentive Mansion (aught her that hy so do­ing she avoided the iiitcnso pain that invaria­bly follows a great amount of hand-shaklu* when the glnvo Is kept on.

Pnol Eisiou Zakii AIIIN. of Moscow, the Czar’s physician. Is said to be very eccentric. M’ben he Is calleil to attoad a patient all dogs must 1)0 kept out of tho way, all clocks stopiied, and all tho doocn must be thrown wide open. He insists on pertci^ bIIoiico lu the sick room, eiceptwln-n his questions are answered, and then only "yea " aud ” nay " Is allowed, ills eccoiitrlcltlos, however, cease at tho tedsido of his patloDl, whoro 1» la courteous aud oon- shlerate.

T h e W ash in g ' the Feet

to be a ighty matter,

in these -days when

colored stock-

ing.swill shed their colors. Pearline does this work beautifully. It's not only thoroughly effective, but it's healthy.

Doctors recommend Pearl­ine as a soak for rheumatism. Try it in the bath. It will give you a new idea of cleanliness. Bathing with Pearline is a perfect luxury,

*’,'‘'dlersandtonieuBserup- O C W c i r C «l™ »irroc *rtw ill tell vra,

this is as tfooft as " or*' the Stas u Fearline." fT 'S KALSB^Fearline is Mver netfdUrd, and if four grocer senda you wme> tb i«m p l* c e M Pcarline.do the honest thing-

43S JAMES FYLB, New Vork.

I lo f e r Coiinnr NIgna W ith thn Mi, l.uuis

Tvetu—N'vwi (il tliD KDcetrarUs—riAie* lands io Piny the ImnaUtex.

A ileal was ctunpleted yesterday by wldi'b Itoger Uoimur will, after tunky, wi-nr the amt uf tho Ht. lauuiii Browns and do la Im i to tklast bis ukl dubntates on tho N< w Vurk team. Tit-day bo will play agtiusi Um> No# Yorks. ( 'onnor said ywfterday:

“ Now that 1 am away from the New yurk Club t waul, to moke a stateiufiit of luy ra«b Mr. Talcott has alwaj-n trenteil mo white, and iu Uitiu tluai with Ht. IAiU1 ho avti i lilu« a man. \Vlu*u Ward laid nieutf lu liitmL- U*n Mr, TalftUt. told nm not to wuii v, th;d I was to look to him altmti for aiiytliiiig. nud that I could mnain with tho Now York i'tuli for the iHilmii'e of tbv> wa>*ou, dftt«iU|£ my salary if Idhln t play jjam •. Mr.TaWtt al»o oKvireil luo that if any oluh wautrsl luy servit'tw aud wa.' willing; tu u-iy me as mui-te or nion* uion*>v than 1 luiVf Imtu Kolllug from ilio New York ( iuli t could havu luf j‘t»lease.”

The New Yorks tell in the rtnv<

IietwivQ Billy HuWr and Mike Smith I'ur a jHK-v >/i-Vi. to taWu nl, •* .It ill iin-mUii jiifiiJk' ol |l*o .\thi die A-vms-ia-ti.»u, uit (lUs JNrt»V-. I'll' nix ruik, oatUdiie-Ahiy i). jhl, Ju' •'.‘r.

\y\\s m T tK !ii;v s .

tile ifryg<H»ds interwtv tho llrtn of Calllii A: i'o. aud BNI others; reprc^iitlug Huj jewelry iinliiMtry, tboflrni of Ludwig, Nr Heu & i'o, and Iwentv others; re|»r»uiiUng gt'nei&i

if Icoinmfrvjftf liiter«' <t H. M. Galiowav ami fifty otham; repreHeatiiigthogro^'i'rA, F. B. TliurU'i' utid ilftv others; reuri*>M'iiting tlw ciutbiiig trade, Rogers, I'eet & Uu. and fif- Uk‘h others.”

Mr. Thomas then, In a brief but very strong siieedi, said that be suppOHcd he imii Iwvn N'liTteil as prosldcDt of tU«> nveiilug be- raustf lie rt'Frowintod the struugo.dtMmmii'r- dal U^ly not only lu the UniUMl AStau*s but in tiio world, wbuive members did last yrar a bu iuess at first liamt uf $44tl,0fXi,0u >.

Mr. Mcd'ail forward ami fwofI aletter from Senator Hflh chara/'b'riziug the income tax ns '^soclalUtic in imrptjim. uu- American in theory, and unjust bcL'auM* It is uunei.'emarv,” and iPrwideut Tbomax intro- diu.'ed tho ifrst regular speaker of the even­ing, ftiraon Hteruo, attorDoy-xt-law. ilr. Hterne said that lerenty per cent, of this propoeud iurome tax would he

Slid by ilio p(H)ple between the Allegheny ountains and the oi'ean, the northern Hue

(yt Virginia and tbe wewt^n liuo of .Maine. Thus it is aimed directly at this section of thoc«iuntry, which Hwnt thousandH oflives aud thousands uf millions of treaMiiro to pre­serve this Union.

The iK‘Xt Kpeaker was Louis Windimiller, repreweutatlvo of tbe conmiisaiou htii iuess Interests, who said that utiles bmiiiou re- vlvee pretty soon there will be few [people lla- bte to that tax.

Kec^>tary lyDwyer Uftc l hi the presi­dent's tablH a bundle of telegrams. The sefs rptary ntated tliat they wero Udegrams from every cltv in tho United Wtetea. every sav­ings bank in tbe Htate of New York, every mamifacturing iutereet in tbe vomitry, ap­proving tbe protect uf the New York busi- ness men against the Income tax. They uumbere<l more thau 2,900.

IVesidout Thomas then iutrojiiceil the third Himker, JTuf(*asor UnrUou T. Ijcwis, represoDtiDg the lifo instirauce companies. J'rofessor Jjowis made a Btnmg indictment against the in<‘ome tax, as it would affect iliu iliterewte hu rapresenteNi. < Ither speaki'ra wore John P. Townfnmd, representative of aavliigR banka; Eretl Taylor of bnnkiuL^and brokerage iiiteri^ste; Klijaii K. Kemuily, of Jlre insurance lutei twts, and G. Waldo Smith, of the grocers.

STYlJ:s OF STATIONKUV,The spring styles lu stHtlonery for women

vary, so far iw the color is conrerned, fn?m Venetiiiu blue to a now nhado i'iillfd Priuce uf Wales gniy.White, wlille always In good tnste, says the

world, Uout of date with flu de sleele women.Il is equally imiwirtant that Hie paper mid

euvelopo slmuld be of the correct nixe. The latest style demands a sheet eight Inches hy six, and aiieiivehipe six aud oiiu-fourth iUches by four and one-fourih.

Tim very latest thing is the Prince of Wales iray. To be genuine, when heid to the light, the watermark, the Prince of >ValfM’s plmnt*®, must show. Otherwise It is u base indtalliJB. This new shade re‘'emh]eH nothing s<j much in color as a imiatard planter but let that pus.

Anotlter sUadb is cullud new blue, or Vene­tian blue; then there aro priairosu-yelluw and i>e;ictib]uw-i)Suk. bulli very pretty tu look at ami equoKy stylish.

Bugged ed;:efl are iioeitlvely vulgar, while pu|>er with hues hi It is in the very worse taste. Tho pa|»er called French quadrille, hut better known us tlio imper with lines rumilog but Ji ways, is always a standard of fa.shlon.

Hough ]»aper is very fa^hionublo und quite the thing, although the satin finish ismnoh u<*e4l. Ixmg envelopes aro now the cor­rect thing. Tho squnre uuo« are no longer fashionable.

TJie next important thingUtheaeallng-wax. Thero are shades to rmitch every shade of paper. Then, wltli very dark psjwr, while ink 1h 11.S01I, mid by way of nn agrueablo eoulnifei, purtile 1* very much Hked.

A Gcrmnii ruHtom. which hns lately become vary pupillar here, U announHng tho arrival of a Imby In tho family. There Is appro- pi'latcHtiil ilitinty Htallonoryfor the purpose, little (rants uf pure wliUc, which fold in an t>n\'olu}it'* four and a quarter inohus long by ouc and a half luohes wide.

yraterday, I>eiug Iwateu by Uf. jAUiio, and wera i suMcd by the llruoklyu'i. who whit*' wahlicM the ( hiragoN. The t'lcvulniidi have regaiuml tlie top nuU'h. They aiuqjly jumpol uu the Huatuna ywtiU'day, and uiovihI aiteXil of the Fittebiirgs, who wmi wttlin|s'd by theWasliingtoUM. Fhitailctphm won a gariiefnnn laiuisriUe by w'twmg oeveu niiiKinihe faclfth lulling. Bultliliuro barely ixiiled uut a vicuiry fr(Nu the L'iuciuuatu. The rebuiu wcr»*:

Ht. Ixuuls ft, New York 1.Br(K)kl,v2i ft, Uhiraijo (i.Cleveland'J2, ItoaUdih.Philadelphia Ifi, LuuiavilleJ,Haltimure 9, t ’mriurmti N,Washiugtuu Id, I'llUburgft.

TUX KkVUHU.Ulube. Won, Lust.

rievelitud......... ................. Lli uhttsburg..................................'±i mlialflmore......................a ....... IS uPhUudelphlA............................lU 111Bosli>n........................... lib t«liriKJklyii........................... W IhNew \ork................................Id ITHI.IjUUIn............................ 1ft IHrindnimti..... .................. 11 IKlAtulsvlIle.................................H> Iflit'iiicAgu................................... lb >1WsHhlngtou.......... ................. 7 -M

The uianacpincnt of tbo Yalo Base Ball AsoiX'iatiou nan l:M»rn makiitj greiat pre|Arn

ter the HarvanH'rmoutun gnim*, which is to bo played on Yale fl(d<i this after­noon. Extra bleachuriea have lieeii eriHded, and the M«ting caparity of thn stand-, in- cii-awl to 4.U(SI. hlscxpcotofllhat lojKio js'r>Kjns will oe* the game. Woni has lnHiu iii eivi-il Ihnt l,(kJ9 ^inceton and Hnrvnj>i studeute will aci\>nip*uy their resixrlivo tenuis. Karh team has won a game, aud U> day’s rs)nt4*«t will b« for blond.

Hlth the Kara llorseN,There was cUTting nu'ing at .Morris Park

yesterday. Thu favoriteis inauagu.l to liiud first muuoy in luost of tlie eveuts, Ihe races were won ns follows;

First Race—Five furlongs; Our Jack won, FumUdlun }><H‘Oud, DUturlHUice third; time, 0..WV. Itetling—Agoitwt Our Jock 2.\ tu 1, Fuudulinc fi U> I, Disturbanw 10 to 1.

rtecoml Race—Five furlongs; t'alifurrda wou, Flush s«'untl Monotony third; ihu l.OPi. Betting—alusli fi to 1, CaJiforoia and Monotony each 10 to 1.

Third Hare—On# mile and a fnrUwig; Selena 1). wou, Ornus set^nd, George Beck third; time, l.ftfii.j, Betting—Agaim>tGeorge Beck cron monev, Selena D, h to Ti, Urnui ftto l.

Fourth Bare—One mile and a sixteenth; Dobbins won, Aurelian serond, Httbicon thinJ; Um«, 1.48. . Betting—Five to d uu Dobbins), against Aurelion tl to 1, Rubicon b to 1 . •

Fifth Race—Five furlongs; Connoisseur Wbn. Applause second, PaiOiUu third; tiuie,

Hetting^Aninal Applause even money, UunnoisMmr « fo J» Palanm .1 to 1.

Sixth liace—One mile; Tom Skidmore won, Haniime second, Speculation third; time, 1.41* . Betting—.Against Tom Skiciiuura H to ft, SjMiHi'ulBtion to I, Hainmie 4 tu 1 .

The Mutro{K)litan Handienp, one of the biggrat eveiite of the year, u to Im decided al Morris Park to-day, with Dr. Rice, tho win­ner uf the Brooklyn iiiuidirap; Kama]x», Don Alonzo, Hunry.of Navarra, SjH Koebu and utLur buntee of merit among tbe starters.

There w m only one favorite to win at Hawthorne track, (.-hirago, yciterday. The n'HUlla of the evcul/i arv given:

First Race—Une-haif milu; Muhtre won, Red Top second, LirziuN. third; time, 0.50; .

Second Uacf—TbnsM|uAi‘ier^ of a mile; Pop Grey won. Willinm T. second, JuIvb third; tiiius

'TbirU Koew—One and one-sixirtmth miUw; Dewpot won, St. Put ?s»'cuini; time,

Fourth Itui'e—Tiiri'U'fmu-tha uf a uiile; Alice 1). won, Buruicil's Billet sectmd, Walwiy thinl; time, 1.174.

Fifth Race—Thrw-fourllis of u mile; Wjghtinan woiv, Jack ilicheliuu .st*con b liuld Du:(tthicd: time. l.Ui.

Sixth unco-njiv mile aud nuventy yards; Gazette w«)m Temjfieiuuro Ijithbertthird; time, L.ftit

At St. Louis yesterday the rai*tw were won as follows:

Fir»t Race- Niue sixUimths of a mile; fiwifly won, Tacuuey e»m'oinl, Night Shu«le tbinl; time, O.rriP .

Second Itin’e—One mile; Kuvor won. Bare­foot Keconcii, Lm'kjHirl iliird; time, 1 .44.1 .

Third Race—MiU‘'.iixlei*ntljK of a mile; MomuN won, Vu^m Fau.stus second, Nectar third; tune,

Fourth lta*'u-Ouff mile; Sir Walter Raleigh won, Theodure li, ftecomL, Moiliu B. third; time, 1.44.

Fifth Unco—(hie mile; Despair won, Seii-

IlmhBs o f ii iv Hull* atnl ( 'h ic k s —M ow to T rea t Thi'ui.

From St. Nlchola*.Few rendors oF.’ff. A'ieftofos have known

the anxietii..? aud dellghi-f o f raising turkeyn. { should like to tell them some of my exporlencc.i,

In April your turkey-henx will not stay together, as they have done all the win­ter, but each seum!i to hove a aeparate weerct, and you will nlten lUcet one in the moat uncxpcclcil plaou.>, for away frO;a the buust?. Then the deceitful old turkey hen will try to look so uneon>'Oluus I She juHt uoes on plucking at the grasj and v\crdM, slowly turning first ono way and then another in un .dmirits fashion; and wlicn she ia Huro y >u aro waUdi- lug her, she will lead you back and iurlh, around and around, hoinotimos fur IihU a mite. Yet- would yuu believe itT riirlit hero, near ty, :*hmg tbo fence in a clump of gram, ur under ignite dried bush, or prrhapH in Ibo middle o f the |>ear* orchard, with never a thiM'j to mark the spot, tg* In * Unglo uf blackberry-bushus iit tho old graveyard, ou the cool moUl earth Is a nestornpcckiiMl eggst Biittako can : Iht not fur ihc worhl put vuiir hand in the ucatf You must take those eggs out with u fresh, clean spuun turkeys are “ mighty p«rllc’ lar.“ Ihu colored pco> p!c Ksy; but 11 you don’t lake them the ci'uw^orthc setter dog will. You must leave her ft “ iiuU-ogg, ' o f course, uud above all ililugs the hen must not sje you duthla; for you aud she are ifiaying at huli‘-a!ul-sot‘K.

Home day you will find her flitting on the pest, crouched down oioie to the groimd, wilh a ai'arud look lii her pretty brown eyes. DoiPt say a word; trip nulMilc- Hly away, and lute that uvenlng give her back lUoso apecklcd eggi, stlp- ping thoin under her with your band. Sho will pluck you, hut do not mind that; you and she will be friends aoino day,

Onci! 1 made a turkey ait in a henhouse wiiure ilii-ro was many a rat-hoh*. bhe had Ix'cii on tho eggs four weeks when Utllo turkey vuicts wero heard beneath her, and liuiu turkey iit-ads peeped out from mnimg licr brinist fuathtrs. When 1 touk lier up by l)uth wiiigi such jduokiiig sijd picking iind scratehiii;; ns alie did I 1 looked, aud behold! not a turkey chick Wrt.s there.

1 he liille things jiiit out of tho nhell, otmyiiiR tho wild instinct of their iialiire, h.nt iK>tud“ ill the twinkling of an eyejeavlug a ncKt ul' einply sholla I huiiied uU (H'ur the hunhuu^c. but no tiglitur Kuuiid of Ihem could bo heard, but, as 1 turned away, I heard the old hen calling soitly; liieii, more aoltly still, uamo ilic answers, ami from rut boles, from wisps uf scxUepcdslrow, from chips, fromcruck.4 mid from curriers tiie little ones enme creeping back to the nest. I caught tliciu, though, atlcr all, and did Man old wuinuii ufid me. With mv finger nail i ycralchcd otr the litlte “ p ip " ul the end <>f ra4’ li liny bill, and, hoJding the Bute turkey firmly and placing a huger in the bill to keep Ft opep, ] cramittedi th(j httle pip—which looks like A piece of Tiieal husk—and a whoJe grain oi black pepper down cufth little throat. The black pepper makes them warm. Then iliu young turkeys are treat­ed to a dab of salt grease and snuff, mixed together m a brown pxstp, first on.the top of each head, anil ihcii under each liille throat. TliHr food is now to bu wet corn- meal uiul chijppoJl garlic ofl union tops, with an occasional reasoning o f black popper on dam]) d.sj'S. How those little turke3's like onion topb!' They actually squeal witli delight W'hen they flineil them. What tussling when two ur tliree are hanging on tu tlm same piece! What funny iiuic ihings they are!—so weak m thejr legs, an ('.sally up.mt, yet so strong tn their blilo. You can hit u little turkey off the ground witii an. onion top, if huonce getea firm huh!.

atoi-Irbv secvHi'l, J'Jln*run third; tlma, 1,42. .....__Hlxth Ri«*«.*-'Ujiu und one-luilL miles; Tip ordorad by Irrltauliity

won, My i'artner secuiiii, Suddlouags third; ' '..........

Ibe IlmiiaQ Elecirical Forces!How They Control the Organs

of the Body.

Tht tlcctrieal force of tbs hurnTn Indy, u the nerve fluid may bo termf‘d, 1 * an enpe- Clftlly attractive depariaioiit or science, as it exerts'40marked an Infliu'ftco on liio lirnlth of the urxaus of tiiu body, Nt rve ff>ri.'Q is pDgluced liy the bram and couveyol l.y meansuf the nerves to flu* various nr-:tns n( lbs iHxly, ihussupplying the iaucr with the vitality necessary to in­sure their healtiu ThJ pneuuiugustrlo nerve, as shown huro, may be said In bethumust Impurtuftt oflhooiiUru iu,*rvo tys- ti'tti. as it supplies the heart, lungs, eiomai'h. bowels, etc., with (lie nerve force necesaury 10 keep them m tlivo and healthy. A.swliJ be scon by LiiDcuUbelong nerve d( ‘S(*ending from the base of the brain and lormtftutingln tho fcuw- eJii is the pnoumogasirtc, while tiio numeruiia Hr*: tie branches supply the> heart, lungs aud etom ' ach wUb nocGfvsary vl tallty» When tho brainborameelu any way uis- (jrdored by Irrltaoliitj er exhaustion, ilie neevu

time,T h e (.'levelamtit ta I 'In y t l io Irorishtes*A t tiio Hhwting Fark grou iid i to-iuorrow

afternoon the Ironsides w ill play the Cleve­land National h^Miguo CluU ’team, with Tebrau on llrs^ Cnilds uu lucoml uinl “ B uck” E w ing in right iield. Follow ing ia tbe batting oi'dvr:

Irouside— Uothfus.-*, catulu'r; M iller, pitch­er; Huthfiiso, liivt base; Uurljriis.4, MxvmJ base; loionuril, thii'd hnsr; Mills, sliurlstop; WeisLKH'kur, luftfiyld; Dicivk-h, contro fluid; Kruiz;G, ritrht (luld.

Cl«vul:nid—Ziniiiier.ralchcr; Yoiiii:;, pitch­er; Tubpftu, first Iwise, I'hild, stH'ond buae; Virtue, third bnsu; .Mi-Koou, sliurtstop; O’Uoimor, left field; Cnppy, centro (teld; Ewjhg, right (lelil.

This ultei'iHKm tho Orange A thletlo Club and the str'-ug New Jur.Mjy Ath lolio Club base ball Leanu will i>lay ontheU raiigB Oval. The game scfiedulcd was with Frincotuu University, but tho deteat of IT ineeton Ijv Harvard uu Dwxjration Day

those teams p laying o ff tho tiooubulurday.

(V illi the H lry c ten ,A . H. Barnett, tho winner o f the Irving-

tun-.Mihburn ruml racu on De(.'onitiou Day, begun Lidining early in the oeiuson. Every clear dav ho wnsun the hills betweou Jtah- way aiul tVestlield, riding at racing sjieed. That was in iho ufteruuuii. Jntha muriiiug he rode un VVuatrfield uveuuo w ith a patsy inaker, ami would lu'uruh bet ween Westfield and Klualxith with m firoad tiuiuR. Barnett U the I'ldor who ncx^riy ov iTy morning eleo- trlfitid (Missengi'ra ou sum;) ot tho local trams by rbiing as msl as tlie train traveled , and many a linu> have thu puwuQgara put thoir bcoih out o f tho car windows tu shout words uf eucouragomeut b) the plucky boy who iiod tho temerity to p it his spaed against that o f a locomotive.

Chairman Kayindud, o f tho L. A . W . Rac­ing Board, w ill soon throw a bomb into the racing camp. The small uuuiber g f uutrira iu eioais B uvontH on Decoration Day have boeii closely olworvwl, and Ghainuau lU y - mund is the authority fo r the statomeut that over KXi meu whu tiiitorod ill clnas A w ill im thrown Into cloA-i B w ithin a week. Mr. Raymond >{ays the men w ill be suspended for thirty days pending iuvestlgatioo into their amateur jstatus. Muanwhilo they w ill have onoiher chauco o f rttllng lu class B.

Mu<mey Wins Iti Ireland*John J. Mooney. X a v ie r A . A ., whose de-

partura fo r Ire lju d waa aanuiince)! some weeks ago, signalized his rcappoaninco lu old country athioties iu a h igh ly Heusatianal inauuev at the famous Queen's Oollega Cork, L'aima on May, HI. Tho prim ary <^Ject of Eifl excursion wa.s a thurougb course o f train­ing fo r tbo a llrou nd champlutuhip o f Am er­ica, wbicli w ill be deoidod at Bergen Point, N. J., on July 4. luchtentally, Mooney thought it advisable to try himself out against Ireland’s bowt, aud the I'eeulte fa r exceed tho ho|)M o f hid most eanguiue admirers. The Xik^der man's fli<t eifurt w u in the b r o ^ jiimp against five uppunente, including T , F. K ie l) ,coainpioQ o f Ireiaud. Muoaey won a t e cradiuble distauce o f tw enty-two fee t one and oiic-half ilicUee. Hla f^ x t e ffort was In the 100-yard scratch run fo r the champion­ship o f tbe province o f Munster; 8 ix wuth* ern cracks went' to tbo mark, but siooe M them could extend the X a v k r m atm rbo won easily by tw o yards frunv T . E, Wood, Eii* ni^kean, iu lU fi-S seconds. The samo pair bad the fliilsh o f tho l i^ y a r d hurdle haiuU- cap between them.

V arious H portlng Rotes*Fred H oey and Edgar G. M mphy, the

well-known w ing shota bavo been inatchod to shoot at 100 mrds, th ir ty yards rise, fifty yards homidary, fo i' liOOO a side, a t the uestm iuister iCenuel Club^s grounils at Baln’ lou, during tbo second week in June* E. H. Buckley, the well-known clubman, ar­ranged tbe znatcb aud has taken tho Hoey end o f tbe bet.

Newark Htara w ill cross bate with the crock A c tive A . 0. to-niorrow afternoon at Kochlei^fl t Bark, Botttb Orange avenue and G rove street.

A ^ l lu r skating match baa b m omuigod

funre Which i t eupplhs Is lci'i;$enecl, and thu orgnus roreivlng tho til- tnlnishod supply n Po con- ■ wnicititlv weakeniMi

Fhyslclanfl gem^rallythe iwportanco of ibis fact, but IrtMll the

fall to racognlza

orgftu iLse lfiustoafio fllicrau j'f uf ihe trnutile Tiie noted speclall.st, Franklin Miles, M. D., L L . B., hft Rlvpn the i?r)':UiT piirt o f his life tothCfltiu ly g f thU <*u)iiort, nud tlie princlpid(liscovorlesconccrftlnir jir'tlueteJhHCirurte.

Dr. Milcj' U«‘«tfirailvn Ncrvlni'. (lie unri­valed bruin and nervo fucwl, l‘-|)rR])!irciloniJieprinciple that nil ri<Tvui)s nu'l mnuy oliicr (lllfiruUtufl orteltmtc fw'ii (it'urfiiT-. uf ifio Ticrvccenrerft. ft>» wundoiful su' ItiCurlrixincAntllaordfraiHtosil'HMl i » b y thonsuud.s la every partu f ih eb in l.

Iteeloruilvo Nervine curc3 Rtecplcranesfl, nervoufl proe'traflon, dDxiuer.d. bvrtii rift, wjx- Uut dgifilUy. Si, Vitus (lunre. cpllcj'H.V. etc. It Ls/m ifronioplateH or Uiimtoruu-. firuirH. It is sold un a pijsUlvg uiiftrau(i'c T'V •iH dru,ij- viata.eyrsentdiivct ])V Dh‘ Dr. MU-'h M H ifu I Do., Eikliurt, Infi,. tjirroceipi .>f jiri--e. SI pur DoLtlUk bix bouli;:) fur S<). c.\prc!i.s prepaid*

T H E B E S T a o U M

TheGreatflealtliDriiikBate, sure and reliable, Alwayo on time. AplnaMirmndadcltehU Com* foriat)le, cujcyulfie.

HIRES’RootbeerA24C, pk*.inakr»6jrftlloa*. HoWevrfywhrre.r bit to. iitkip for (•cKotltel pLcntr* BLittex I,Thertins. K,Hires ('u-tBliiladidpIda.

FITS CUREDC. S, J ou rn a l 0/ J ftiiic in e ,)

Prof.W. .ProIcCiWhonifikcBa spcduUyof Epficpef, bus without tloiibi trcAted and cured morn cases tbsn anylivitig l^ysiclan; hisMiccoss isnstoalsbing. We have heard of rasrs nf aycarf’standing cured by him- Hepnblifiiesft vainahlo workon this diucoir which be sends witba Iotrc bottle of liil abtoluio cure, free to any f ufleirr who niny inid their P.0, and Exprcis td- drcM- Wo advise anyone wisliiTig a enre to address,

-Ht « n j i>Ur Now Voil

Turaurs and malignant urowtln* both internal and external, peniwnnutly otired. wltMiut knife or owwtic. TJfiHlroiiiment has atunij t iic teat uf UT) years’ uxjwrienra and U iu(l(trwd by promineni physicians of all schools of cino*' Flrst-olow ri’teroncwi lo porjnaneufc curM Urat will brar lavtstlgotiuiu Mlt ter circular. . E. G. roN'R! , M. D.. i»h. U.* ,

b4 Fair Htroel, Patarson, N. J.

rkiaawu-i* > i'iaMMa AnaftamsmuLLimend Brmid la ll«4 sbtf tr‘aU ntumavUr ■loiu. 4« 94 •()() ''IM rtbbaa. Tshe \Sr HsatknR. ▼fijiuMdfia(:drtcnu. At*rvg|ic(i jrp>al4»in lURiii* Sot wMliMateU aisa

IWr by rtfsvi r HsfiT ) 0,900 T-fviBi*^, Xm* npm


ion o f B o v in i i i c , w h id i 1 d o

w i l l ) p le a s u r e , as 1 c a n n o t s a y

to o m u c h in i t s p ra is e .

“ I c o m m e n c e d t a k in g

BOVININEThe Original Raw Food

_ J tA lL R 0 4 D a . .

t»KNN*.vi,VA.Sf.\ ' .VII.K -Al) -THUflrAl*-lUnt rsU,.* id or Aoirrun. Pro'Oi'ted lliroi ;k

’ out < )i ckint; l‘.'3

l i y T llK DOX, A T M A S lT A n r u K U S ' I’HlOKS.

...............Sstin (i l '-s sswtp..................Frank Stvtp..............DrrniAft ...........................Klrkmaii's Burax S.isp........Ivory r'oap............. ...........Uri'ftm SiM»p ................. .......

Si lu’ijrr'- lll,{ FourHll?7uril Siiftp....................IhibbUj’s S*iap.................. .....W fticr liily S»Hp .................Orlagon Soup..,, ...... .........lUr Smp bux>............ImiHirtod I'anlfit* Sjsp,......t<nl Sikla iftll-li». Ijux).............Hlan ti (4ll-|h. boZ'............... .Furi-h (lUb. buites}..............

fM» per box — 4. 5 per hoi. . . .. .. . 3,hO|ior Imx .... 4.dO[wri)Ox ... . 4.40[mrb4»s

fl.lHF tier l-ox ... per box

,... a .X ftperlm i ... ft. 00 per box ... 4 .0 0 perbnx ... 4,OOp»rbiix ... 3 .f l«| « !r lw i

, lAe. per lb. ... 8Ar, jier box ... . l.d it IW-T Imix

. lUe. (t(>r box

736 Broad S treet('or. ('luniuercc.

kranrh Store- W Fi rr j H raet, cor, Uuloiu

w h e n I c o u ld ta k e 1 10 o th e r

fo o d . I l i v e d o n i t e x c lu s i v e l y

fo r t h r e e w e e k s . 1 k n o w o f

n o o t h e r fo o d s o n u t r i t io u s

a n d y e t s o l i g h t a t a x o n th e

d i g e s t i v e o rgan .s . M y h u s b a n d

u s e s i t in h is p r a c t ic e , a n d

c o r d ia l l y e n d o rs e s a l l 1 s a y in

it s f a v o r . ” M r.s, J . I v L o s h iv .Sold at all iJrug|li(H,

T H E B O V IN IN E C O ., N E W Y O R K .

A Popular Loan.$ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 S E W E R B O N D S

o r Tin:

C I T Y O F O R t N G E , N . J .

T H E B O H D S F O R T H E P E O P L E .

O HANUK, while an inrorpurated city, re- taitm UWDjr uf the feiltu •94 ul a tuHU or

Yitlujge, bon an area uf atioui ilk) ngiiftri' niilvrand in altuaied between llir Tt>'kvm>iii[wt uf Orange and ^S'r«t Oranxr, Kkm-i ruunty, New Jersey, within AO mimile)> ild milvai trum .S>w York City ami Si minutoo 1^4 nitleH) frum Newark, w ith which it !■ ouiucriiol by it 'acn amt eloctrlo rallroodei. An elei'iric nvoil. mImj, runs through It from norlli to houiIi Kivpig frequent aud oa-HyAcce&fl to ftit thu t]t‘ lgbl>4,ir- Ink iowD«hip«. There in do Buimrb o f New Vurk City which offera mure aiM-muioiiN for Timtioned rcflIdeiitBi Frekinc hralihfiil iinmc't. NO iNUKKAHr: OF P o H 'I^ A l'IU N W IU , NKt'F.HrtITATK A N Y F n m ih R O LTD A Y OF M O NKY FOR T IIK IM HUC i'U.MFOJlT. aN (Jrnnge Ifl Die uwiiuruf ah theim fidcnti o f a U rg ert iy , iianifl) ; I'utti- plctc Mwera and drains, abumiant wairr luppty, efHclent prfilce and flru dciHirOnciiifl, ammi-public tichool farlUtlon, pour lurm hihI hulldlngii, principal ntreet-) irnicAilftiniKt-d und Ughted with e lev tr ld ly tlirouqliuul.

The Ulty uf Ornugc nftrrti tu ull tH-rnuna who hftvc muney to loan In ciiniH o f mulH-

tlcB thereof, iU iKiudi uififri-KailnK S1.'J,i.giiE> iMirlug intprcflt at the rale of 44 ii+r fcnt. |h,t

annum, ttuyable M.'mi-anmiAjj), rMviiUniL' nvera iK‘rlod rtf from ten lu tw-t-iit) from .ImLie 1, IkM, und nuiUtring uh teHow**;

iu IlKU-ft; |UI,Um In IlMi 7; iQliUb b; liNJ.OIlOln IVtU 11 and $k ').<Hlitl U<i;i 14. Tbesu Iwiida arc iRaued under auDiuruy uf A rt o f tbe Legislature o f tho Slate uf \4<n- Jenney, la IHW und IHU, ami iut> (‘xmiTdfrom taiAt Ion. TH K V AUK SKOl’ iD H iIl^ \ D LK D O K O K TH K I'JtOl'KH'J’V A N lM ‘ Hi;|i- i'P UF T i l K 4'ITY ,am i tho Hesoral im^lalmouTs Hit they mature and Iktolho duo hj-u to tut raided by direct, taxntluu iu earh year.

Tim ixjmja will bo llthuktroplicri In IhuiK form with roupoUiL utlftrhvd and 1ruii>rcrul.iki

ItF L I.K T Il. I .K T 4 lW N aH li* Nt^TK'K.

NAi.K DK ItkAI KiHt IN -|Rui tawtt h) UuMuv\w)tiua( IWltevillt rbc tbe

Ivar IWSNone -1« b»ieiiy fivtu Hull tn vinDraf a warraat

iMuoil byl.«t>ry . I n>ierniH<<l Jkiiivd I J eylia. IVrcy Jarlitr b. H\ niUm‘>f>n n iU .IkIiuI'roiii, ibc • (muship (. uumilUYf ul ih« iiuioRUip of hvtlevMa, In ti>e iDumy iff I in 1. (e iiiake thrua- raltl MW'KMrU on Ihii(|4. tobvmttllA ti i-rillta inrHuaiHl real •fttai* in the Bald inwitffup igr the year imta iheBUlmriiivr, iJi4lu,-i<ir of la«iR fur ib«■Mid ii'WAililp. U> vthgiu Ull- huM MaTruiil Udireoletl, nih, Ull .Momlay. the l^ienlyflfUi day uf JiMii ii#it, at the hiior qi lu u'c'tM’h ki«

Si>. IM ilain iiret'i. in Mtlil towiinbtp. wll llie innffH, Iriieuienu. UrreilUauivau aiiff real rotate bercumlHr UvNCrIneff «4 puh!1«* VHbdDe fur tup Mixrli-al t»-pm. m*l wi-.-eiluif Ihlny yrarn, f .r IXMt h uuv iHXii in ur tier-nntx x III aai»« tu iaW» Ibu Mini'him) i>u,x uch ia x > w iift liUrri‘oi Itiarran ml 11u‘ rate uf w vru |wr ctn liuii, Inm ib« liXi-tUlt'Ui liny tff I i-tuiter A. IX ugcilirr xxlUiod leei. ehnrtes aiul «i|ieiifeaNu> 'lex Pile.

)H ki»t of Wm. M. Font, arrtv. lamltiiiff liuuox', lufCHhel .'lU-rr I uke,. U

H lijL ivm, M. Furoe. \ acre l.viiU,/tJmerly Mvifm » i*ilvur lakt'i ;t tff

IU Juhn Hlartl, U loin h ■ Mrl;:liliiuavi> "Ujohb iUinit. ItMuls H n llr1«bii*ii nt^ . 17 71

1 IT Joiiii llluiid, II litiN w i llarriMui T 13 Tt I4'J llerfarex Diflf, lol Na lUr a lEniriwni

141 I'allittiue Vi lute, Uff Nil. II e • liurtl-ruit t\ ....... M

144 M. rbiUti-r. lot .No. f \\ nllei'a map. .. WiJM J'. MMvt, ioia '.;i mihI WmU«0>' map... 1 U7] i7 4'. h. \ iiD Sa-**, lot'.M W Hilai-e mik|) ., lr.i1:1 'WioaiM Muiiixumery, luu oai-

lOCtf lURp . 1 >7174 I*. Arviifiiali!, lot :><i Mar»ceiiia|) . IM

A. A. lluwek. lotaiiVMI \S'allara uiMp... I V7 It. XV. i-Ujfrur, lot let vx mIIwv MMiK . m

' IMI y . N Kluha. Iul Itfs XVallai-tt ina|i. Ml‘M kjii Hfkbfri M<?( JiiS'key. avm lend

»a Jubu 11. on Artbuf prupvrty....... lU C300 JuUn ^IKTuHkay, .'u imtvk Uiut ■ ■

inhliit, ou Vrtbur pioiierty.,.......... 10 j )Sni Hn. Jaiftett Yoiiuff, ” aerve laud 1 1

by delivery, )>r reKi»ter(*d uh the imitier irmy detire, aud iliB prim-ipul fliid luU'i Ohln at tiie Orange NaihUMi liuuk.

it will Im‘ that tliey ufttird .\ MUST l»K- HlKAHLKSKi.THirV 'iO.S.Xl.vM. A. \\ KU. ASLA lO .iK INVKSroltS, that Diey ciui Im readily negutlnlecl ct nny tlnii; und will pruii- iibly puoii ( omiiiAnd n prcnUnni.

Su'ciai uUcLUiou ia • (tiled to the rotEmxing ufilulttl c*liib it o f Ihe FINA N i'f 1j r o N DN TION ot the I 'ily o f Oraiuv on ].itoM iK U INDKHTKDNKsS es-

fliteive o f XVftlcr and SexverDebt. ............................................ fKL’.JUll 111

Waller Di-ht. (Helf-HUpiKirilugi....... ;i'ib.iMi iiiibetter Delit...... ............................... TflT,i4«M!0

Total ihmdcd Indebtedness... $i,;£;ci,i4uu UJ A(cauiet » hirh there in lU thfi

Sihkintt Fund in CiiaIl ami ihmdtt Hjii'iicalile tu the iirdempliuu ufliiis uidebledncMe.......................

Ealimalca itmuuut to be rucelved wit liift the U4>xl Itt'u yeari from n-HO’SHiokte f)jr wiwurn...............

hillp ■< ( 41

M«. 1av


fift.tfti i>t 171.

SUO.flR) Ul

liOaving a Net Bunded ludrbl-eilm*AH t<» the C ity o f ............... II.OFLClH 47

R y > if i ’ B rKK OF TH K C iT X OF OlO\NiiK. Ytuehuuil ftjiHeaKiueiila due*

and unpaid first Ituna up'iii j>ro|M'riy upouwhich levi 'd ................... ;y

V A U 'K O F tT T Y FHOBEUTV,Storm \Vftter and Sewer

Flant...... ......................... $y47 (MU\Vat<'!r HynLeiU ducluiiitig

i'f«icrvolr, I'ujiaciiy liru,- Ui’i.utl gaihitiH, rcHerVolr tKifid and natural Hprliiifflfor funire NUpj»ly.......... . kOh lO)

.^'liuoi Bulldljjffe (5)........... hid UU1I'ldor Fai'cii iTCt acres) atid

Bnfiitinitn......................... tift OOi)J-'iiuuiut i ’ullce Mftiidinga

ami o ilier |ifupci'(y,...... 30 (|T>1— ------ I.WKl.iMi Ul

Tutal rcfM'iUrrea............ . .$-.^*''07'! TUTill'populaihm nf the City is esllautii’d ut i

ID.IWI. ITJm ftaacKsed value o f flU properly for IrtTcs '

for the year IrtW wft» jlT.VTh.UW. and 1 l.un- Iam'Ii for Rcverul years A N A X 'K K A o K IN riilC.NSK A N N l.'A TJA ' OF j-'jlIUiiio, airl t:> till) curl}’ futm'i) w itii our (aimph terj -set'.rr HynU-iri in fu ll ojvralSoij. valuallujirt lor i.-.x imriKiHt'N made with the aid o f tho HUm k .Xhtp-i will in- Mlili mure largely tulded tu.

Tlie mtle o f thesu lM»mli4 under Die dirorD*oi of thu ( ‘‘dJeclor o f TaxeHOf H ie l 'i iy " f n-. m iei'w lll iH'aiii oh .'VIO.STlAY, iH’ N K 1. te:u, IN I I l^ (D 'F irK . A R M O llV ID ’ IM fiM ..

STHKKT, O ilANU K . NKW .lU .- SHY, .\T 111 A. M., o f that day, utiil rojiiiioo' from day lo day, Saturtlaya and .'-'iiii- (layH exceiittidf from tiuU imur uiitil k’;;Ri R M. o f eiich’ day iinid '-)i|rl. SubaerlptJunH call tea made jhTMriniillj- oe by kdti-r, ami murt im un-uin|i;iniedhy a (lepuslL o f money or cerlifiecl rhm'k for iu per cent, o f the ]mr value o f Dio ihuuls, auff nuisl dpeulfy the Bunda dealrud hy M IT’s u( miitunL)'. whU'h w ill Iks rektiHtercU in Dio order In XVliich they lire roc'ttlveil and n-rriii- nitufl iHMticd immedliitely Djfct'nfor i‘ iiiiiliri.; Die lioldcr lo the ftUiouiil o f tiio Bondrx »ul>- Hcrllieil fur, which will be ready for dclisf'*}- ON OH HKFUHK TH E 1ST D AY OK .11 LV, Dm, No siibar-ri)Mion for Ic.hk tJiaii pin ,ii<d accnii'd imerea! for the bonda will \» ruii-%iil- ereil, amt Dm t ’orumltteo ou Fiiiaiu'c of Mio (Viiiimon Ooitncll rewrveathu right l 'M ‘'je<-l any and all HubwTljiitonH that may slciu bv- r

1.1». UfWat, l.:;;iute ImIwi'i-m t uli.u I'p aud Ne>x it iuid ou ii-'XViU as'e

liii.j'fUi-oigr W. rla<v-. j)’iA !<•. 1H liuXXhi uv« tioil iM, ;;7, w"' 11 i)tMhuuvPr ave

I1.17 Mubti Jiru .. liuiii* and Lot exJIurieUfuw»T avi' .. ........ ........

I'Jl: Ixlfl JoLiu Kl UliUlV, tol H w 4-UTI iiiirtlHuill iViiff Hiilitn'1 hU .......

!M; Mth. J’. ItfSXiU, liouMi ami iuL » 4 Juf.ileiiiii.j ■'I ...........................

]i;,o ,snme i . \ ui» npyp 1 . loO e at' uirl-I-iihUM ...................................

ajijU" I'. \ Ull l(ey|ier, 3 lute w sM< pheuT *(i

Aiinl'* )'. S rm iteypar, lula u hMi‘|iheri >1 , ........

J7.:i. Aiiiilf 1 . \';.i! :i4*yiier, :) lutn e eW'adi-I JilOil UV)! ...................................

i::7 Aioite f . ,111 I en>*-r. n-Mcleai’e aidlot w H XVu idiipig.i uVf ..............

Aiiiili'Vixii i:«>>-]>er, iw riTi iand aa<i -1 h it liui'ii'.'i XV ol \Vji.«hlnxluu uve.

rriiM-lm M. hi', ituuie iimi] Iul wg Wa hliiifhui uve, n w ci r 'lapiMtiiII'. e . . .........................

l7nZ .liilnt < aui|il all, r< aliluiii'c iiiitl lot e h tt ftxlllll ;|ul| hVb....

h'x. .liim- ’x M. '•iiiiiirurd. tiunxo aud Ot w 1 Halii'uhil ............

I7'i;i Au:;. A l|ii.i-..... . W Oulh-ll. tiuUm- joiJli t w H x\ udilngloii use, cur Ihilmt'x

17 J*

6d 2ft U 10

HI W 204;i INII'^l A <i IslMHli-cy, H ioLi W H I lllnft 4\|'

huiiiTi’ I Marr. hik ■ lot ;il Kaiiilaliuia,i ..................... . . ; r-A

]■' H ’'iiiliii, h|k I lut 4 IJuhi e-, itmii... 7 3i, -i.ij 1"- Mni, ' rociJia 1. liuuNe aud Iul xv %

trank III) ruu.l ........ .................. 1] uis.ll'.il !'Xt AI |IiiIy l<lildsx lu, lu>ii%o;xiid lij( ut

1 rmkiiii ru;«d >'r -Jumiiiiiiua hi........ u inj'J I-'la.iTi1rhrTnKl*er,r*-.l leim-uud Ull u

i I-cuuktiii fuad cr Jnr ileiijiiri vt.71 A. Ki'.ih H>y si 1;i iff liiiid a 1 .tollll

i ' I a ol |i#-\Vltl uvu................. - Si (i'l; ; i:k >..st vuiiiiun .v. -auomni, .: uus u ■I .h'liu ► *(............... . . .'1 111

;rn Wjnr.!. 1: IdIs U *s .mrtljiu it t..nl.‘uiii : k s< Iio .) /ruiiii-te uti ii./riii 3 -M

riiyi.iiui1« ijiU‘.i lin iiuiiii- li«rure fbi-1' mrliitimi uf IL- ; »lll-Tsx liii IJJH lir->I»BrL.V XX Ml Ur liiiiiiu'll uiHli re*-at<f

A line « >:iy UutJdlitli twnuiy llltli ffiiv of Xliiy, A ||. hiff. A in JUDt if. n s ij'iliM .

t 'uhei tnr iff I ujios,

to tiinn ter the intereat uf thn City.'ll ca.se of ixvo or morn mibiuflipl ion: fcir !i

larger nuiiilx'r o f bomla than tliat pruposi-ff ti be Ibsued expiring in u Hpecifled year, 'hct-iiy

the right o f delivering to ilm iilt- fcribcrfi or either o f them Boad« uf any Hern--, not dlniNmed of,

Jluhtei'Hof ftor 10 o f tbii 81(1) Bonda of .niy pai'Llcular KcrluB may at any time, upon itpjili- cation to lhi> rrmimoii Councilund ihuMirn ii- der o f the anims, iiavo them converted miu Rondaof Dio dciionilimliotvof $.T0u or ^t.'ixi. ami p:xyable 111 tho aiirigi manner aa thonu of tile ejnifilerfleDoralnaDotia.

SiibscrJptiou flhotild be directed lo D. WiJiiuini, ColtecBir of Toxea, and lmliji>ed I rol>oH:iiiH fur Honda,

By Diderstf the Fjnascb tJoM.MiTTKft.Darud, Orange, N. J.. May Ifl, IHIB.

4 li:STABUSHE[> imu. ^


l*rlDcfpal ofllce, r08 DUAXE 8TUEBT, NEW VORK, ^ Have oiwned • new bnnoh office nt k

6 6 3 B K O A D S T . ►

Onif Office li Heiarh ^Avoid olhcrti of 8(tiillar name. F

*' Ket uhllslied 1HI9 ” on all elanii. k

V oni4 Avoid olh■i ..JI

H. flflRRISON,luoonnoi t j

H A R R IS O n 4 K O A Q .

M r s . D r . B a i l e y ,itiii.i.i VI t T.i: AX i :m i..

m i-;i )|i; a l i : i .K r n t t r iT V stuii. u-i:. vaiiir, l'‘iiri«ll<'. .'^hilu- Klf-ctrisdiv io r i'Ar- al> < 'ixlarrh, ilhr'Wtu.xi jMin, f iiHrmiiiJa.

^KlN AN D NKUX’Ol’S lli>^iA^F.S surcraae fully inuiled. J'ik ‘I.%1 rh'inlHiie-anil Kiiiplloua. hUi L ix*i I'eil lUJhUH, lUidi''-, sxnrtH, runuvuJ Li elei lriclly and 4apujua>ng.

w e ; a r r a n g elr ii» . f^hoit, x)iJ4>diiy iripss for linndrril* or DuuiK/Midi uf jH‘<.|iU«, Ilf t-xtx‘nriise 1 rips fat' 1d< slivislinil, I'S't'!, lo a trip itrimmi llju xvorld last, ilig tJii ci) timuDiis,

FORevery caiiaclly of lairse or enJoymeiU. We have fadlJtleH for mH'urliig the bent avallfthhi

A C C O M M O D A T I O N San train or HUumiei- at Hhurtrai iiuDs'tt Imagin- rIiIu. In nIio il we onlain yuvir trip so that you have ab^uiuLely iiotliing to do but

T OAten aliuard vuur train or a!earner and Iw rar- rifd lo yuiir ifeixliiial Ion. DitrMervle«eit<mdAlo

A L L P O I N T S INlljteurany other rom ffry. hnt xve have HUpr- riur aiTiuigenK''iil!i for fwxilllfti lug a trip lo

T H £ O L D C O U N T R Y l>y avxifi etcumera, and If nereAMjirv we ran have coiirtoaleaeXK'mltMl on oDuir rUlr hy ape. eiai iirmtigemeijln. W'e iaxun drafts and money unlerH. puasjH)rta, letters o f credit and Iiax-’e every fiH'ilIly to mako your trip phuiaant by laud or hx-h. ^

JOS.». BYRNE &French and Obrnuin spukeh, Tetephouu :W).

^ P A S S A G E T IC K E TS .cabtei intarmadlata aad Staeraga

At Lowesi New York tatci on all Imai ol ocean ticjuTMa


77^ ttroad t t « , t*u Mok*i St n. 3,1)HAI-T5 tt»r ffl ipj the) MrttT Or4tn |M|ayi to

4nM OritoUi uJ iHlAnd »■«) ill p«ni of Kurt^

You will find At my etore a full line tt THi3

Best PaperCan and neomy BWolt ta r ^ 7 LO W EST Mill got priofls. P R I C E S .

2 0 CUM ^TO N S T ., Kewaric, N, J

ERIE RAILWAY.im i’OT I'fJl'UTlI A\ K. B*,wl 1’A8.SAIC ST.

rtiiiuecdug iraLus leave im rulluw»:4|kfxa' a u k a n i > p.vn-iitsoN*.

l4»ve Neunrk fo I'aterioa -ik'jO, 7..\v M i in 2) A, .M.; ItW, liSf.klT, 4.W, .VoU, OAW, H.A>, 7.w; AW, l .i7 P. SI. ami l lU A. M. HlmUay,”a,4J, Ltd V. .M , ».W,7.W,a«^, iO.87 JV M. * t.

l.e<ive I'aienwu for Newark- AM, 0.12, ii,-ll, 7.3L T.li, Ji.24,V.W, W.1S, 11.42 A. M.: 1.30, i-l'i, 7.4S1 4.41, lU lj P. Al. ixunday. U.U, 4.3&au<l'li.U A. id.; 1.40, 0.4U, 7.&». lOiFi V. M, ^

, NEWa HK and MCVY youk.I^vehawarlc litw, A4«, 7.t3, 7.43,.a.»,d.4T.9.11

10.47 A. JC.;JiW, !.81, ifti, 4.'a, -V-t-i. AAV iiDUF. M. ^uiiay. 734. kQ», n.ui A. aw, 11,00 IV M,

I<eave New Yorli (Uiamiwri Hirafiij—.VD, MV ■U7,U.S2,11.4x1 A. .Si.; lOJ. l is , i,2i. yuv V31, A4L

f.'£V 7.30, 1U.UQ llO'J 1'. RL SUlUltt/, O.OJ A. Stj LJJ, LIS, 0.IU, kOO, lU'JU P. M.

iMy Kxpreaf loaTX'i Nexv»ric :«.4I A. SI. Ou iiia- dayi, 7,34 A, M. VcHfflhiiio bhaitkd. lexveM Nexvarx lAi P, SI. Mimlaya 2.fi3 1». M. tiranri Trunk Kjc* preoB ioavM Newark U.3U I*. M. Huudoyo. L40 p, M i'liloogo Kxproao, luax.*oi Newark Lor F. SC 6Uu- OaixAltlP. M.

For tkkftto, bacimcQ diocks, aloeplux uar)oi3lUiai umaiablM, call at tba ulty Tkiiiar OQtek l i l aifkOl. Tflapbon* 40, or at ttauoo.

h muhi UliH-k »ifM' iU ■! 1. p<ui)i> «H UulUa t«Ta**uik

•taj IxM. iiaLiii u4t icavr SiarkiA>xir«at MaiuMi, N*>XHrk.Ai Ibhua-a;

I '< *' X '-l. ; Aff I.iiif, )ialiy. WIUI IMilmau Vonili'• ' . i'ariur > .>1 ^Iih-|i:ix( doily, fur PIIKxbvrg

1 lall.iU Ilhiffx. L’lll<W»ti O J M1 Ml.;: X. Sf. Ivi-ii.ytvaMla tehiitoff, lioijy

p-e-.! ri.-.a ix*>i> <ff l^iliutin V Hruh.jl« hra«:a| f'Tiil aiHiert''*!]), I'lnitif, .*mvkloff aad utow V. Tiua Utro, pri't nilog fliiaiNioi rtporHottot i).;r»<i)'te*ra oiui 11 pr.x liters butlirooiua lor bulk

I O r Io . lv '% >ha d. tiariwr ahup. uhrary aad all mi I rtiftvv uetii'a)i 4f hi.ui« cht eftU'*. UflibHi Ly lua ' iuui.iry And tuuvabi#> lighto. ArrlvO* I'liF«>f0 itMiA. .XI., tlfAi-Uoit A. SI., Ctinutoalt

I A S f. kOili luili.,u«|)oiia XW A. SI.,, JuladuXOl A. SI. wtek itayjL

i IJ j M X Mi'.xfo iml -t. ].oiil<i Kipm a ruiS , mau VMtilHile MRx-ping ood H ilnff tont to Ht

1 oulx, ( iiicig<t aiul i QtilHviilo. VitoiliiuieHUKjkUii I I or iiiii IVM >oger ruM< h f« tu r>L luuU. Arrive

Om luhsLl i »..vj A. S1.M. lotiUr.lOt'. SI. ooftcM I xai;e ' <)ii r. .M. n»xt ilay>

I K..V p. SI. VV'pHtfrn I-ipreix -Pullman Vaoltbuk ^h e'na >'«r» to 1*ffi«hiirtf. <'ii}raoi> aol.(Ifxalaud 111 ling i arx tu I litlrirt.>tpU)a, and 1 Ituhiirg li) LhS t«tx> xrrixe At Utfxi'taud JUS A- -M., t'tffoair4 l.uu t'. .M. iit&i ilkjf.

f MS I*. .\(. •'eiiUiwenteri I-spread • I'uUuial Vi-filbulo -IfH-idiiff 4 art tn < lue.uoaU Hiirt l.ouik iUulnxi nr (itx.H<na iij> |!li’iininui.l. .Afrlvaa Otk ctniiod a<Jd 1' M la>1laiia}Oi!t4 HM4 P. II., and ak 1 imti 7 tfc> M sTi-.inff moral! g

J - 33 P. M. 1'a. irli- I- «|riv:»s Imllnian IluffM ik r >fxv YeTk tu JliUtRifK. Ariiroi

ilaJty UHi'ani: • - .A \l. lORiTiRii imiruiufV 'loiwia 1I4<I' V , XiUxr- bnx T i.'i i ‘ oed Caveiaud i 3.’) P. M. dally, eirs'pt Skturday

f 4 SV 1*. .xi. nil liii.uiiil Htiii i aix'M 0 K-ipr*a> dally, sleeper', to A'utima. lampa aud .^•w tm Ifwiia; IM> nlghl. daily, Mfiport lu AUoMA anJ JockixmvUle.

fl.3^ i^ SI. Hally fur all |m Iuu 00 ChMapiAkt ■nd Ohio lloJIaay 'I hreugtt t'leephif and Idalag ('an.

Fut nalilmore, WoixlitOKliin and tn« KtHith, 114/, ■ ■ ■ i.n

J'arlwr Can. VentllMila lii Idning Car, 10.47 M.-, II > A M.; 3.V. cSS, L Jaiidr.iu I'. W n^^u||da>. ]'; 47, a l^ u.ji a . V.i 4U. Cttarui am i' M i -d MmiUv ffYtr, a.47, l i j A. il. 4 -I.'. S ir and t.13 !’• SI Sur Holiltuoni oalya !.;« P H. wr«k •Uva

For Kn'iaiiwipMa. u f , 1147, «.4V 7 50,* IV A*/, kSHR-XS (III.-17 l-lniffed I'xpr>-f«. imuman Ve«(lb>it« I'arler C«n. X'lnfflbtiia rawnxer ( uoi'liM and Ditto lug X MfL Jl.M A. Sf.; ICW, I i*, '14X. 144. 4.4S, A)1 C'..,a.Xl and • 3ft P. M. A(T*uintiicidail<m. ll.t4A« M.,CuuaedT,-lM‘. M, x>n nxiudav*. Fxpraak 1147, k4a. a,\T. f.C6,9.SR, mH M . 4Ji. i s v v : : , a r f IkJaml 0 41 F M. Ati'otitmodatltM, CIO aud T.ll P . M .

For Tranlun. 1147, M ^ 7.«l> 7.S0. Cte, AIT, 131 11(137 I hniU-xl S.iproM. J*«lhuaii Vonibiila Paa l«ir i'an, X toubtilo l*a»8«utrer ( ooehN aud idiilafl Car-. 11.9 au.1 II.S3 A. M.; IIU , DJfl,-its, iSl. LW, kttn, 147, T « , N.l; aiHl MQ P. U . flumlaf, U.4/, A.r.s FA?, 9.11 »ud 1U.4I A. U. ; CM, Vh\ Lift t ,r . 7,S.*.. f.K anil KW r. M.

t>'t AliHttilL' ( iiy (11.43 A. V. >’atnntayi nain, J3 'A I-, Sf. 1’. SI. with iliraugh t^iilflan DulfM

1 : 4 kM ,l«(U >eU u il Mnma. I’liUmoii VoaUto VentllMila I ’akwumr X'<iarl|t*4

lU r. M. Weak da/f, i t e A. 1Cl'Hil'’r I ’HF' and Muiixlayo,

Furia|>tMny, l.W l’ M.wMkdayaFur to!ig Jbtim'h. Fiharon. AatHiry ]*«rle, rxnaag

thrive, >|»rli.x t^xlie. Hea i.lrt, Tdaajoipian, J*nln| VlMloiU, add iHimi* UN the Now Xurkann Loii| Hnueh ItallxoMd, IM A. SI 4.04.S .» I’. SC,1113 m«hi4 xiaiiy tkcvpl rotinxltty. nn Mi[idaylfi.ll A . M nnd 3.IB p. M tio not flop at Cceaa(4r4M0f A bMiry Park uitfluntlny.

Fur >>eitfidR ilfik . lalatid Jkdglux and Tonu Ilivrr, Vl'JS P. M. iveek da;iN.

1 or Holton, wulioiii i-tkunxo, llM F, If. woag dayv IFX p. M. dally.

I nr itroiiklyu, . V. All ttiniufh iraini oodowA at J»ru>r Miy wltli iRNtlarif " Hru^klyn a i i i m .'' atlurdlug di'f^l lni)'«h>r h^aitd hrom Kutloa iiraoC axuidiog duBbJo fcrrlafa aud >ourMy acjruaiUte city.

F«»ll NKW VnliK.. s *M . . .

KW, f.lxlx M L Lli>> Jl '-A P.4CC47, .. --------- ------ ^14, X4l,^U,

lehTO MafkfiNdooihUtloa, CIO. A47, «,0C i.lCT.I'C 7.A, 7.4S, mm. KIxIx MO, Lli>> JI '-A R.4CC47,

FJH. I.va, f . H . KSU, 10 09. MXK, JU.44. It.UU, if.lT A. M.;

L1V, AM. 4.10, 4.W, .VI4, I IV M m, LJk «,3f, &IC L.vn.:.te, 7.IU T.ie, Mtto. a*i. v-3a imh, u .iir.si, 10x11107 lilKtH. 'imday Xl«, Cl?. I te,

Jubn it. on Anhiir property.,,,...,.... in S3aij Mnx. I'luker, ai're 1 laxtd and rexl-

deuLW e 1 Fmeklln or Puxirhouiv rd II Jiim Sir. Volkibiilof. Iln orrre teal ami

liuuia, e i .Maixi nt., Innuerly NtwVnrk S^uiuel Ifflk Inaniaei'e t-u'a.... 6U «J

4U4>y Waabinclun lleifhla 1 ami i'o , Wax-rM iMiiiteaml w aldn Wa»'liln2iou ave..formerly CtiarlirR KanilHbi........ .... 315 no

680 1 limiioi hiody. lot 1 1 John n i ............. S H(iJj Stni. (L ]<«U'Ul. leuxl ■■ jfutxvraar.d w

1 M^|*)i*n» »ia ........:i3S Fit Mjiry L'arraghii, boiiMi and Joi ua

Mill *t 8 6U71m rjil i'eier orra^iiQ, (new > houaeaud lot

H a Mill at- in 197h9 V il 1 '•‘tec ( arroxli n. Jot ft a W ilHam tiL s 44N.JH Jo n liurki'. laiHl i,ii hill n xjf Mill at 6 II67« Mary Hnihh, (vudeox.’e and lot n a

vsllliauiKL .............................. 16 13vr4i Kixlir llroA 1 lorintrly 11. Hlamoud ,

huU8e and )ul n i VV lUltin at........ le i«IW3 'Hioinux i oniiura, teeldenw and Iul xr

t l*UW St................... 1-1 44lunu JsiiiVK F.auuk'han. rHndain-eauxl ioi ■' s 1.1.1*1(91 nl................................... 7 w

!l34 gu.c’kenboa*, Saorealand mm John it 37 62tiaa lluali 4. LouBully, roldecce end hn it

a joUm r4.................................... 8 na11.4 lu V. \\. J. lAidlow, 3 lotM u s Jiihii II . 1 (tuii;*! SJucrU iJteve, lot 11 4 Juhii a ieu f lioh

laud-................................. 3 k|13’.I JxMppb (•uliuTi-, lut V Htslden mii|i. J -SiJ..hi 'IJiomiui A. no'»eit.«, Iul in llxHiden

map........................................... 1 Hbj':u *I lioinax Mann, lulu 31-23 IL'dil^ri ni ip 3 U13 .n \S IHIain Wulll‘vuii, lots 57-3» Mexhten

lri.*li................... . . . z SiIT’xj 'th'iman Sixiriffiy, reH:xluni n ami lol >vixlirhJfast....... . i 12

1 '.I'l 11‘ iiry .viK'oy. reanh ai'.- and Utt esi uurilutiilt xl............... 11 13

Kn; 1 Mliiiiaiu Oruixii, ijimu- a id !<>lf ■ Dane -i . , BU

11x7 'Ihp.aiuro'■an'liurd, ii'ilili iu e uud Udn i .Sciuli my at .. ............ M no

l-.TI Titliiia*i* \ a.' l.l|wr laddi’i.t'e uud hrt4 ■ Hulnici at ............................. 16 30

IV-.l Ln^^el e^Utle houM* and lot sv s prui-

1107, im , J OS, VM, i.w. i.w,civ. '■ ' ‘ - - - - - - -4.. XJinxUlQT lilKtii. 'imday Xl«, 1.47.1 te, t.(M;8ffMu.03, J0 Si>. liMH Li.in 11.'ll A. !d.; l i l t , It-IAI. n. 191. 4 AO, v r . 4.0U. 4.3M..VIQ. .VM, t.2|,|.»V7.lai 7.3», 7.49, ILOO, a.iff, 91? I0.U0. lUlU P. U „ liuOtixUl,

l.ravo (. i-ilivUMtetaiJnn.CftS.atVT.ai. 7.lc7.4iL S.U, klT. 1004. 11.01 A. H .: ttllK 1141, l.M 101, 111 4'."1.117.14), CSt, 7.11, 111 0.34, and 10,9? P. Sf. Hrfk dayl

r.Htvt Cheainiil Klrwl Ktatloa, 111, 1.18, 111, IBC7.00, T.44, T.Sl a07.1’r . aU. m 11 v911Sl.lo.il tllff. A. M.: 11.04. D.31,1.02, 1.32.. J.Sl ID , C I lM C 4.18, 4.S1, SJ9. 14A. A H u 4-V :.W, 7.«&, 137,11.10. 1109;II. IS P. St., J'lua night Mimlay, h U6,8.AA, kSV ISO I13.V 10 .’>7, IMN A. M.i 13..VVH47. C'>, l-SS, 148,13C 15%4.U,4.Ala.4S,&lN,a5a, 7.1a, 7.211-», I'iHAg l(i.4Saiul Jl-<>4 P. >1.

) MV» KiJimel Hnet Elation. IM, 8.M, ISSt 7>0747.40. attt. I.3S. Kil, I IV O.Vi. U..W, J9.U A. M.; HOC J7.31, l.'.d, i.B3, l l i . 134,114. 4.13, llM, 141,144, 7.11A 34. ('.■Vt, ll.lt J'. 13.91 uifhL Huuxlay. 101H.&9.4,;J4. u.Sl l(k2J. li.SAA. a.: I 'M l 13.H. t.SV l.Si 3.44. 'V^I.CM, 4.30, 4.HC4I, 8.11 IU , 7.11 1^ , lU Buij ii.M r. SI,

FltoM M A K K IT MTKKKT NTAriON.For KllMbAth aaff liahway, 1.31 8>H, ).01 T.0V

............... M.; J.M, l.'Cx, M l LOl4 3H, :1.4a. 4.IU. 4.81 S.0V. iM . R.40, aw. 101. lOT, 1 11

“ ‘ " ....... ILIt141, If) 44 11.1! A.

lU.4.81t8.33,0.41, A t7, T.II7, 7.SV A94, 143. H42, JftU, 1P. M. in lan d 1247 nigbt r*'4Qi1ay, I.1B,14», P. IO, !>34, in.Jl 10.31, U4I A. M.J ISIS, 4.U, LU, 111 4 14. MI.V Vki. 7.()>1, M l 7.U. LH, lU . 191 lO.WV hV41U. .17 P M.. and 1147 nirht.

Fur Kliubetti only. V.W A. M. dahy 1S7 A. SC ■ml 11M, S.DII ami AM P. W. weak oayi

Fur New Hranaxvii'k, I'i4'4,148, 7.1W. 7.SO,lS7,kS3 • nd Il.tt A. SI.: IS.U l-». 'J-SV i.TB. 4 U CM. ^K),S.M,1»,7-M.*-S9 aad ia4e Fi-M. bUndalft HMT,' b.4!i.A.8T, 1.31 U-W aud 1U.U A. SI.; IL U i.U l U 7.», 9.U3 nii(S 0,93 P. M.

Kur Vl iHHihtiJga aud Perlti Amhoy, L3B, i 'l l add lu.ll ,M.; L08, 4.U8.91. 7.07 amt M'J p. U Uk Kuiidayt, l.'U ii.U A. SI,, lu.Od P. M-

I ur \X 9t>dhrUlg«u})]y. kW A. M , 13.J«. S.98 P. iLi 13.11 iilkht, weekilayi; 19.16 .V, M. hiinday!i.

I or rant MliiMtxHMt, 7.40 A, SI.; ILM.}'. . l., daily, eieept miuOu/.

t or Matfitud aftil lUirky |{ilU?,ir> A. M. aad i « l ■ P. .M., daffy, t ir e p t ' iiuday.

l-'oi PlilidiMlitirg, I-juHuu am) Itelvhlare, 7.SV )t>9A. M., ami 4.34, a'2T P. SI. Sunda>,ftl7 P. M.

iur l.aiulH'rlv11le, T-V>. M-3n A. .M.; 3.S.V LlMau4 C'2;c. SI. Mundkf. ll?7 P. .M,

Jot H«Nilui|iuii. 7.50, J1.3Ji A. SI., aftdl'SiP. SCt xlklly, «xc>n*t FumJay.

l-ur Pririiutini, 7.01, S..'i7. ll.l-tA. M.; ].aV2.tfrl.3l and 7.36 p. SI. daffy. «;xcnpt -'-uiiday.

I'ur lluriiiiuuwn, lixirJmgiuo ami I'anulen, B.UV. F.aod 1J.S4 A. M.: i 3..M, b..u aad 893 P, SL (Jhily, except Hiimlay- cn Sunday, i0.li A. M. aad1.. \h P. ,M.

For i roeliolii, Furmffiffdrvle, Ma'ia«iuan aaff I'Wai i>1rl X la MummiiiXii .hinc Imi, 7 6i nJid )LA1 A. .>C| Mill 4.3’| P. M- wi'uk davH. h..’i7 A. M. ruaJa>'a S'xiC F/vehuld uhly. I'w I’. M ''■eoSs xlayi

NKW VnllK 'J'tx Ne.Xx AltlL Kur N‘-wark, L.U9. M,t)n,!».;m b.4'. 7.3a, 7-30,7,40,

F.IU. K.Ki, 10.10. Jil.toi, II.IH II 40 A. M.\ ll\0, 13-4 I.W. 1.3'\ l.W. Mil A-D, ISO, 4-0®. Clfll4.in, 4.40. 4.'HI. von. .vnt, .'i 31). .'i.n .V4n, IVfii, aW. MU C.'.'U aOl, 7.00. 7. 0.1.«, |iM5 11.0.1, Ll.43 P. W,,ami 13.15 initiiilxiu. Mimlar traliia. 0.1‘v 8.00. 8..HK'lO. w.4.'i. iO.Oi, in 80, II III, 11 1!! A. .X.; 13,09 Doud,13.. 1X. j.'g, i.^k • 4.V 1 :U), 4 on, ASO. S.uu, AlS, V4V

7.00. 7.8JI, 7.(3. N.IHI.8 9U, U Un, 9.90, lO.tS, It.OJ i*. M., and i'3.16 niidnUlil

I'ur hirtlmr liilurijiuu-xi -‘‘e tlJue-taMea, Uatehal.Bl <h« ll<'kifful1lrT<v t lirktRlx far Mi putnti 90 tOd J'eiMNiylvaiila Hallroud tim) i.'urtuei'lLudi. ainJ harthl «i'x.(lotia amMHiakxkgix I I t ' at tim eumjiafly'«u& U(i‘> .' u. 7WI JtruAxI otrael.or at ilckui oihja at Market Mn-H M-xliuii,«. M. Plff.VtKI', i U. Wr>OD,___ Uoirerai St aiugur < if nr ran^M*iijtj|^A ito t

( xlCNTMAl. itAII.II'KJJ 'K NKW JKIIHKV- AntlirorUa c«)al u->nd nxeliiHlVHly, Inaurlos

irlaanlhieia and cunilurt. 'llitteiahle In 4/71*01 Uay ao, l»V4.

1 ra)i>n leave Hroa!l ami Parry alrei-l xtillont For llalailehl. O.i.'., 7 lx. 7.51, 8 :k». urn, lu.itt. il.te

A. M.; 1.16, 1.05 i339S4itnrdayK xml] >.'J.'iif. 1U 4 0.V 4.36, .V04, AW, 5.6U. d.3i>, 7.15, 716, 4u, lii.UV 11.'4P. M. Kuutiay*. 7.In, k46, F.'iO. li.ao A. Mff 1.1% *2,8V 4.to. 4.4n. 7,'JO, k.’iV lu.3u P. M

F'tirix.r>merTjlle, utkis. 7.1c 9.>» In06. n..lt A. M.; 1.16, I.LS, 3.30, a.U 4.0A 4.15. 5.UVV..1U. <x2a, T-U l-40i| 1905. ll.-i'i P. SI. KifinlHVa, 7-30, KCV'i.iJi a M ; UU 3.J0. 4.10, 6.411. k.-s'a in.30 p. M.

J or rJeinliigUiN. 7.|x-«.iw A. M ; UA, 4.W.-VS4 P..VI. >iinxluya. 4.in I’, Si

I XT KtalloDa l(t lUxli llriilke, cunoex'llnir for ‘•tailuiiH uu lll^h tir1(iu» >lr»neU aud l.aku llopixl' Crmi, uixo'pl l.ake Huimluunu) 0.98 a . M-. 4.0ft p. SI. hiitid.ya>eivi'|ff l4ik>' iiojMit-etik', i.in P. M.

Cor siulludA xiit Main l.lna New .lorni-y Cealral IffvIhloN. Faaiuii, ivathii-tix’Jii, AUentHjMTi u-id Mumhi lumk, T.t*, v.ir!. a . .M. lu loi'un l.tS| 4,1* < ilulVet laiiur x'an, SVi < fiufrx*l Parlur Carj,.7 1 > (N MkiMuiMi) P. SI. rximdayn. 7.:li>.(. M., i tih 6. IU P. SI.

I'ur WilkflAhnrre, PULxtou k.nii scranluu. O.ufl A« .M., Ml. 4.05 .'J : liiUlel Parlur Car

J-ui i iiij)j'<ry, l.ewi.xijdjIf amt WilllAiummrt vl* PttllAilrIpniu, 7.1A .4. Si.. 1.30. ;..1S P. M. EUlto Uay. l!>* p. M.

NK W altk a M i K.l.l/.AitKTlI MltA.NcH.I>klii>i IcAx-e Hrnu l Mhut >11 fur n'tlxal>e1)l

ami i'u «ile ul n.ivn..>. Hi/Jinuilijiori Diily,'M8| V,V», X 3: I Mialprilffjort only. 8,1tf. B.nt* O-.UliMxv 10,10, ii n.V 11 Ij A. M.: llii.V, l.l.'i. I.A'i. ‘2.W,

4.0.V I . . . m , .v.n. ft..’vi. n.39. 7.11, h.F). lO.iul. i\::\ P. M. •'iiihImj-', 7. .n, « IV n.ftA. O.-VJ; I'U-V 1l;i1 A. .M.; I.l'», I i;>, 3Vi, 13(1, 4.11 fofll 5.49. ().'f.v 7.-:n. x.r.. ■'.-l', m 3«1 l M-

Hr>r ('xrui \)iiu>y, h.i.i, a 33. ■.■i!i. ll.l'i. A, M.; PU 4 06. 4 5'., Vo, ■ ..31 7.Cl )'. ,Vi. S'JNduy*. O.ixj Sl.4 1UP. Al.

Kur Aiiu'-ilc Itlffiffiimi'^'la .Mutuxraii, ' .33, D.14 A. M.: i l l 4.6.V f j j P, 51. siunlaya, 9.U1 A. Jiff 4.I0 1'.

l or I tn.JjuM, Vil. P.1.S .C M.; I.S., U i; 55(M' SL I'ur I ed lIuNk. I una Praai'li,! x’eiui <>roT‘, ak'.,

8.22. I1..VJ A. M ; |..r., -1 OV, iJ.lj uj l(n) 11.inkJ, 6.'3n I'. Af sinidayu.exxept to P'utixn Urove, y.04 A, M.; 4.10 1*. .M.

FUk I.AKKW u o U.'loii.jt hiver. fiarnegal Purk nml IlarQezal, C2l

A. M.; l.:v 4..ia P .V|.I'.ir Vlm-lniui amt liriOftxHon, LW P. M.I'xir Ailantlc ( ll>\ MS P. SI.

.Nr.WAPH n.NU NKW V UtK.I'rom iLroaJ Ho-1 Ferrx’ ‘'Uliom A l VMt

B.'iO, (i 'iti. 7.'2'(. 7.40, MW. M,30, K III. fc(W. F JU,0.49,10 0). Io.b‘9, MI.1XI. n.<x>, ]|.40 A.M.. Jl.di) M.| 13-1). LO. l.tei, iifci, 'i I;iiH». .’I.IIK 4ji9, 4,30. 4..1U, MlL 5-ii, .VVi, fi.o’i, ,■,.'..'1. u4o, 7 011,7 (I. ;*-ViJi,rw 10.16,I I . M . . tin.). 13.49 nigM. Mimlfyn-7fin.A'IQ,0.*KJ, lu net. It IM* A. Vp, I3 IHI SI ; l.iir, » 3il, 3.XK>, LUO; 4,HJ, .'i.nn. 0.119, 7.111I. Mk). 0.l«x. lii.iw. M 'W, P3.iai p. ,M.

l.iUti- Vork IVuiM in.il lii Iffli.-riy hlre(*t r>.an. v ij, {t.an e.4’) :.t,v7 m. h,i,v k k o-w , n.i.i,».19, lu.nu. hu5. )o.:tn, |p»i, i p .A'a , M: P3.iii> ,M.: illo. i.iw. 1.30. '39', 3..» 1 Ni. ;i ;ni, li.ff. 4.311.4 ra, 5.19, .V3i,M 8. 6..V', ij.oa, o.vl, I. I'l. 7 IXI, 7 'iS 7.CV x,.1o, :i :w, 1U.19, IJ.IS, I3.fti> P. >1. ''[iridaya 7.in, F.on, u.uo. 10.99 I'.'W A, M; PJ'W.M.: U9. iwi, anti, too,6.3X1,7.01*, 8.O0. y.yj, luno i1.9i, l3.uo p, ,\|.Kdll ]-HJi.AL^Ki.i>JllA, ItAl.l iSl'tHK AND

WA'^iiiNtri'KV, imv.4 1, n t.rK u.siu For l'hlUi|i' |)hla nnd Trautuji, 7.6V Ll.iix, in.<4L

(11.16 eiot^jff Phlltvlalpliliij a . .vP; l.A '2.SU ei>-x>i>|' T'rc.uoii}. 4.»v itff, .v.'jit, 7.1\ II.ii P. .M. Synda/A kni A. SI.: 4,:4i (Aiifi exx'#|M TrfiilOftJ. P. M.

For nalilinorR anxi VVatiiingtim, H.ox. ll.W A. Mff 'J.&O, r».iH. .V.'iii, II.3.J l‘. .5t. t«uiid:iy.i, O.iix. 11.a

A. M.; 1 Z.\. 4„Vi. (I-ixl p. M.Fur ( hHUaiumga, .New DrJnatiK ami aff jioiQtl

Pfnilli. XX Ith i)iro'it{h ViT'libil^dl .■xie>‘|>eri s-|.x s ljan- amlMUi ValJey Lino, ul 1-iV L'. 11. ruiulayn, ftdS

Throiiiih tli'ktiR toad prltiriiml poinla at iimeal raixv arc on ouio ul ILroaff hireiff sutiou.J. JI. OUlAfSKN-. ir. P. llAl.pWrN,

(Jen. Fupailuiendeul. (itn. Poaftoiigoi' AgauL

~ LEUIOH VALLEY K A IL ttO A D ^M nrket Ntreet Ntutlxm.

7.11 A, M. daily lor Mam'h Chunk aoxl I'nannediklft lUUotoa, toiLuenuoD, exuepiimuaay. lor pQiijviUft aad heading. ,t -

K4i. A. At. dally lor .(.vnotwF'nlia Anih 'Jik'IxMi Jima« \m«. thW « .

ami prlnni^l local polnl-s tliulQg Cif l9 Vvllkes- ' Lurr.*, J iiilrnnn pirlitr I'ar i-'liiidal:i. *

k.Z9A.SI. daily, bxcdpC i^uoday, lor Mauch auk iQienuauiatejKiliKC LounacUomi idc.JiaadiiiC ituil Jlorrlt'huric. ' <

t'i.teP. 51, dftlly, RXiyplHumUy. lor I'ffiuiraail Dl iDtaruxedlate atailodv cuiinaoUdni i'or Putuvi,li8 4U|d irbidr car u> Mauuti Cumik.

V&3 P, Sl« tialiy, except MUDday lor L. ani IJL Sunedon *ad ijriauiiKwl luLxxriueUiate akkUoua, PuU- maii huhet Parlor Car 10 M'TIkeabArre, cx>ntMoUo«l lor PoitaTllla

4.40 p. rUfif] I'xcept Sunday, ior •'xontft v field and iuiariu^lAte KUiloai

C46 p. M. dally lor Ka«U>u ati i UiteriuedUMt otto>

c S P. SI. dally tJ4uaday*A3L P, M.) lor DiiAWto frtiaara Itedk ami all ptftuU Weak l*nllfiukti*daup3f', voiiiiMilo train, New Vora loCnlcngn, Ml»epac(» iluriaio; counechoaettir Hnullnk nud jiarriotiura.

kyi P. 61. dalli', eXf^pt Ryuafty. lor MaJsL CJiUftk and iuternuxUlnte Niulioaa

(i.W P, Si. daffy lor Ithaca, lienevo, hoeneMea hnnklo, Nlftcara F'allaand all phluu >VOL PilU> uianeioejter!)lu cii,x?ay(i und tffiff.xlu.

Additiuual Miodrv/ m in t Tt.SB A, M. Jftt' sla;iok Chunk and ihmsvdlN aiulail inierneiUaLeinatMea

'iiCkk'Uaud l*uUuiafl acoJuiiiiudalloei a; Feuito A.vIviiJjla M, u. teapot aiUl Taj Hk-.mmI xtreaU

The New YoriC 'i'niMlef Cft vrlU oou loc etfi bocfAce Aom Ftetoiocteekiwee Uteftf<M

ftMUllftIkMfe V . ... .v.-

r> X E W A l U v F A F A ' I N C ; N E W S .

iVASTATED BY FLOODS,Hnndrels of Miles of Country ii»

British Columbia Inundated.


C«rii»Miii *e A«lni*1«. Tlinlwr aiid W r*rk*il riointn*

W .t.rt—•'■•“ OIr* llfnlm fil In thn 1‘ lipnr PortlDiM Ilf Th.lr liwulllni. In K.np fr «n llntliK Ilronnnil-Bi-T.r.l VIIIh« i-> MTlpnd Kiilirriy *in‘ " f i:>l»lniir» nnil M »t» A|ii>«llln« Krnr.il Brfor.tiM Watrm Hiibilil*.

VilK-ni KtB, H . ■ I ' l l " ' '■ llevihlnlioii «n d ru )tln rrllw o iil)’ wnrd. tn nprrM th" »wful rnUniil}' In tin’ Kmu’r Hlvor rounlrv, Oin InimlrRl milei of I'ountry n**" d .vM t*t«L kiiJlhi' rtnl li not y"t. .‘’ nuill nMBnttin linn* th»«sn<t * » if *')'lUBgir to ninrini! torrrnt., lirluniiii; ilown thmuuui ton*of .row to «i!il to H'l' <ll• l‘oy iaeiitonwisti aliwoly 1hi’1iiiIih1 hi the Jn**rr- n»ub-like journey of (tolirli, Thn »p|K«r*niv of lb* rntlrfl Vrnn'r Vnllfy l« I’hniiKsl. lO iUni »ro r «([10 iJ furlcnnly, jirtwntln* »n u>I«tllnK panonum of nitn. lluiulreil« of tm s » w pllwl U|> Bnmiiil llm hraiH of itcbrt. of f»mihou*rt floating itown t’.ieiilrr*m«.

Illu»t»il rirrauM of tboii’iiiiiil. of "limii ■nd twine twirl In Ihi'mmlnirnml.lntrr- miBBlnl wdtb iiptumnl Ixetn »nd trr»", with ch l^ iM roottlag tn tKoIrliraoi hi*. lT»a>r RIkht be* now nei'hr'l Iho lilgtuwt iwlnt tow !k «l fn ih 'ii tb« yr»r "f tbu grrat 11i»»l. •nd it .till rlniiig. M lt« and m ll«o t llm

S alrto track. Imre l»'<‘n wannod »w «y tn-- '•»n Kuhy f iw k and Mi«lon. »««l » “

timlfiM Of 'ww r^n’lwrt HrnmhColurobM by tbii muK* for ttwre la lUtlf' pTdiHjMM't for luaili or CLMniiiuiil- fmXioh bv t#lmrrai»ii f'"" wiolhw *on ilaj"-

At lUtrJie 1‘mirie th« washout i. half a mile In length, and «o iloep that jiHiw I’aiinol be obtaioMl long onouish Ui t r « « e Jb* breek. Nearly all the brnlgw In tho lloi» " I diitrict bare ciilleiiw-iL anil the large iko brldio ta rfiwted to go erri y hour.

At Marla l.laiiil wavoe » l i fii't high am watitin* owr the track for .TOO yanle and

TIIUI ll l . l l ia TIMKH IN lll I.liA III* .

Tlie ailiiallou Nolil I " l*r 'lore Nrrloil.Than Ai>|>rar« on tin’ oorlarr,

PaBia. jiin c ’i. Tho Matin [iiibllidiM ad- vii-rs fiMini (■,.iiKt«nUno|>lo and Kolbv I'd; crmlngtlir Hidgorian msls and »utroi|uent disorder whirli inilinitr ibat llo' eliootlon i» iimre arrious thab o lorrr local aifalr.

■Hu*, ............. -oylhata conKpira.-v r»^l.tisl Iwlwero ilo I'oilo an.1 II. HtaioliiiloW t.idribriin.. ami Uoish I’rince Kir.linand, •lul i.Iam liiHHi Iho ilnlgnrittii ihroue In rW i ('mint llarii’imn. tl. ■ four ycorodd w * of ttic late I'rluce Alrian.ln- ..f liattcnla’rg, tlio former I'rlniv i.r Holgarln. f'**, I ' '" ' ''‘J',' tem[.lati.l the aopreme aiitliority of .’ K WniiibnlolT in Rnlsarla dnrliiK ttio nmi.irlty of llir Infant 1‘ritii'i’. , o. o.

A jnmling of jirimliiont m»iili-nta of niin- iioiaili-i ymtiTifav lessrl ro..limon« I'S- iirMwing aiui-rre thauk. to I ’niu'o (■.■i-'Iiiuiod {■or .IriiTerliig llii-io trnm Ilu« impi.ois v.’ rrginir of rrmiirr Htaiiilailon anil amniaruenlmirnta wrm nei.nw jsl iiv iiiv ir nir-ii- hrrs of the tOitiraiiiu The mo.liilu.nsaH> riiinwoil foil (Miinilrnrr In tin' ora’ .Mtn- l.iry, Hiinllar eeiin-ul.in. bam i«'rn I'on- srye I to I'rm.e Kerilinand lij the i lllmns or Ollier town, in Smithern lliil';ai ia.

POISON ANU ROPE FOR S IX . . SENTENCED TO STATE PRISON.A llMlwm.li-nl Man anil 111. Wife Kill All

Their I'hlhlrrll and Tlirn Knd Tlirir Own l.lvea.

ISkKI.I.v, June J.—A horhido Oflae nf mur­der and Miii’iiU’ liiv.dvlng the ilealb of an eiitim taniily of ‘<1* i»T»uIi«. wn* dU’ loaeil tide looruing, KerlMeiger, fornwrly u ihan ofwrnlthoiul |»«ifli>ii enirngeil in tli» print­ing liiiBini- . Iiere, iiitd wlthfinam lal mr6r«H wliii-li I'anM'il tlio I.-- -iof alnuat hi. entire formiu-. Mcigi'ruiui hU wife le’ .-anie.leap.wt- ent anil ilirlr .laietnut bnuxiiiig over their nnefortun.! tinallv peraiia-leil llu'in that they

ihi’ir I nihlren were <oi tbe verge ofnirl

Teriiiv e f Ten. Haven and Five Teara for(he Nennrk Men WliO Hliot

Otlieer Mart..

Hnecial P> tlie KvfNiaii Nawa.Kur.vnKTit, Jnuo ‘J —The Union ('mmty

rmiit here wa. thronged tbi. mumlng, Itlia- lug -rnteiii'o day. The principal hmgid on what dlipmal

tiutI® by of the thr." N-wnrk

TKST UK K Arill-K lIU N ll IH'NS.The Ileeord. Ma<!e VrelrriUv at Haixly

II.H.k Proving (ironoilv.Kaniiv ll.x.K, June 'd, At the iHt of

rapid Itring guiia Iuto yeetei’.liiy th" follow­ing rriuiril waa luailc by the giiti'. naine.1 :

UrigEa-Hchr.a’der Mla-twnn.ler of rouiiila llrivi lu ..no miiiiib'. :H; roniida dr.’ll m lliree mlitnt.-.v, hd, linu’ to iIlKniount hiru-k. renuivlng main »!irin*, mnr lurlug ami drlng-pm eiira.-torii,n-^1 .A Iwaaw.Knilvir dkitll aailll lllil

HtttiTBiltm. Tli'*y theivt<)re r*>lvwl tlmt all ish JiiM . . . . 1J.i!.? «*vi*muK aliviiniRip*reijxMfMm to their HfHEh, UufliWtTh. nlni-twii. aiul Hratmo. thlrUNPn, Urtli **tu<h'ntA iuth#* U*‘rhn liymruHinm. fnmi whif'li hotii iIUmI nhinMil Tli r |th«» liMiiv;**'! tVir youn;0''‘t ‘*'**. ale'll I'-n. aii'l thrlr ilaughtw,w’Ti'iT. HBtufvInK thiilalttbdM'hllflrcn (Uvwl, ftod liiw wiftv.<*adi dlmnk a nip of imiIkoi* ami 1" * ,fd'WSi'i>f<T Ifift« letter bt« plAn* foriiiittiii0{ limiwlf ami fainllv tmi f>f tti»'w«v, anil JuHtlfYing hlniN«lf tail wifo in< *«mnH tmi! thi* ihHNlTwoj)Ot*nf fN>i«on*Nl milk wn*T» fouml lU Sfi pr’i aiwlrnHiitis at 7 t llamburK- xtniMRdv it IN now aarrrtaiiiB'l that aild-r

tDt«r«*at wnul 1

tlw t'oiirt ini*n, liUka Ward,

William H^rharU.^*ldwHl. whom-rp ...:.v!iti»fl ofnttrmplliigtxjlUllOfflMir('uiirH'l M*Tlf.

W.u l Tvai4 llmllnit prisoner to be ealKMl up f.ir o-iileiiiv’, ami Ju.lgo M.-Corniiek anil it wav milv l.v thn giraleal oflink that iiflimr Mart* waailen.i aiel buried n> a nwiilt of the tnpr.leroue altu. i "n him. The provlouv character of the i.ri'.ni’r » ' '*nl, he liaving ii^at t,v,. lermv In Snte I’ rmui an.l „,u, III <'al.lw.ll I’eiilteutlary IhaMlie I '.iiirt hnd ill) tnerev to ihow him, ao.l lul nut heiilate to liiilKWC the full (*n- ttltv for till’ cnoie, imiii'lj, h-n year* in Htal.' I’rieoii. . , . ,

tVer.|, wilh <viii'l.i”i'ahle feeling, then a t- iire-^-1 the r.mrt, ami doi’larel

, wa- not guilty of the wliieh ho vtaveiiargel. Hui wuiuler that lU’h


111. Heanlallnn ou (haIlia Hpeerli onHtifar Ineeallgatloa.

WeaHisoTi.s, .Inim’i I he reaolutlon nf- ferred ymlerday by Mr. ilill iDem., N. h for o|ieii -walirut of tha He- l«'t (‘i.iitmlllen on the augor triiHt

HOME RULE FOR CITIES.A Plv^a In PaTor ol TUaIr Indapandaiic*

from lefBliUllv* <*onlrol“ Tbri T4hwa III l>iA¥r«Kt Ntataa*

We li. Hotobklw in the Review o f R".Ti®wA.Thirteen of Iho forty-four titatei hnve I

port. lU tlniugnt tlwt open

that he ilTeni* with

aid it wa* 110 w-nteDce 1 to


Nelger and Iilv wife drank the (>oUon tti’ig.-r

___, ............... ___ one round |flVeir^at" i»(iiiining*and eiut ‘d iniiiutm i 4-o I aeeon.le.

Hotebkiaa—Nunilwrof rontul. fire.1 in ..no nilmile, 28: number of romul" Hroi iu three minutee, XI; Ihni' to illaou.iint block, ri nlov­ing main •prlng. rearapriiig, tiring pin, eh’., l iiiltmtn :ii g-S iwiconila.

Hkoda Threo-ianiiHler NumlKT.g round, flrwl in ono minute, ’M; iniiiilier of rouiuiv flrod In thmo minutev .''A; time hidlvuioiint bl.u’k, etc., W a .h arcond*.

Kponai’l Number of rmin.lv find in nne minute, ’J4; nunilier of roundv tired in tbmo inInutM, mI. „ , » 1

Maaiin-Nor.lenfi'ldt—Niiinicr of roun.la flreil in one minute, ’dO; nuinlicr Of roiinri* llrwl In three iiiiniitca, At; llmw to diamount block, eU’.i a inhiiilca IU ii-'i a.’coiida

NiiiulaT j utraughvl 111. wife to death with a I'l.iv- iiuml.’r of then linngwl hliliwdf fi-om a .lour f™'..... fhe

' iHilii-e oil laiterliig the room fi.iin.l nil of the family dead eicept (Veiger, In whom there wei-e rtill vtgHK of life, nut he, hX'. du'l a few Inliiutea afterward.

hiiig hriiw In tttatn 1 rieoa■ he I iiioii foimtv t'ourt afterwar.1 coni-initt.’.l Miii’iile 111 i.rison through ileviiondency

iiiellwfom .liulgo Mrt ornnek l « .■iinviu.’nl he had puBlahed

niel ■Jil l he lri(iel Iwfom ill.,,I III- wouh ait 1muie..|it mmi.

M ANTH M AIlK IAftK ItOMm s n liJtKIt.

roahrlmudiar’wiahouU are reported. The... ^_____ a L__ _ nlvirtcr t hdl

■Milng riUH'iMTrB mnfi iu «r ) of every prei»atlon being nr of pedple at* rtported iDg thetti are 11. MarTaTiah.

bovernment baa ilcanwr* plying the r lv « Ipoviiuitlj rflKulng riUH'iU rB ftn*! toeir catU*. In ■Btteo taken a nnfcbet drowneil. Among....— tba Canadian Fin’lllc Railway offlctol at la n iW Numeroua Imliana have loat their UvS! lUicotaoIatB farinera and a liait doan ntnebei* arrived with a iteomer liut avaaliig, hot fkw partlculara «an “• «b-talnadfrointhem. In an.wer ta »'>tkM» tfcej « iy i “ I » » o ruined; it’a awiul; I

*"K<SSwgam briaf diapatetea from th*flaodaddlttrlot: *Wtmlnatw City-Water it com ngUitOT than ever. Every warehouta along tha water frvmt baa been .tripped ot lu eon-lUltMa>jscli Uluid—Two mllyt below th* <*lty ) f dlMppcMir fINTO! iijtht. CbUtowo and

WHERE IS CAMERON ?Tha flumniu Pool of Blond My.lery Wot

Holred-CunmetliiK Hturlea of Kdward Me.ler,

Rp^iUI DUpatch to tJm Niwa.RunuiT, June 2.—John Cameron callcl

at noon toolay at police liaaiiriuartor. here and miKirted llmt hit brotlier, Ueuben Cameron, of New \ trnnii, an account of whoae epcapaile with a rom- latnion named Mwapr Mealer ajuioamil In

XCr eUraU# fagtdrlkt . work tuipendriL Tba hnmenae ■almon In- diwtry la at a tlaudatill. The Mabuutth dikes u v * irtvan w*y. aiid laSODerreiof lAidlkeabavegiven way, and I.SflOacrMof lamtit being rwept hy the flood.. Paopl* are be­ing necued by btiau from the roufi of tbelr

yeatenUf’a Nkwa, bail not retnrnel home, and all eftorta to locate him he.l jiroved un-lurcemfnl. . *

Mealer It confliiod to hit mn at hi. home In (Ireen Village. He nnvv aaya that the buggy nptet and threw both (K.’cupnnta out, and In thia way he received hit Injnrlm and the pool of bkx>d waa . * bshI. Mealer had ataled that they liad been way- lal.l and attacked by four men. An effort la being made to fln.l the nilwlng man, whoae family arc aniloualy awaiting hii return.

HatxHe—The dlkea have given way and SOO aent of lanil are under water. Rancher, have deaerted their hornet and driven their cattle to high gronod. Their ibeep and iwlno are aU drowned.

Kioonieii Iriand-All nnd«” wattr. Only A few houwM Btaodiag. Kettl«n WUI Jom treryA itif U »y have u« earth, vChUSwactowa-We trp to For Uod i take eead help. Iwata are tha oolynMana wo have of fretting around. If tha water riiea mutib Digber SOO famiUea

changetl it*ooum into it* ancient channel ami it la a w t e f Urraot through our itrreU. Provi*-

j low. The Bteatner that arrived ^

OPPOKF.O n v l.AV JVDflP*^

Mr»a St. Merlin, tVIm Wotldr l ■t'oiinl'i Hs»n, Hu m for IHvorcr,

JruwKY City , June 2.—A f<nnifr MM’H'ty ifUo E>f thii city, ui»w Mm. Juh*Mu, yMt«*rilfly afterncKMi fllwl witii I 'hnutN'I- lorMcUlll a bill praring fur ilivon-r'Tn'in J<i*trph lift HI, Martin on btatubiry urniimH Uia naiiiM of the rnwn*HjNuinl*‘HlA in'iu ut prfw^nt iiahnown. The 'PomplniFinit. wh'i if* twrnly-!lva ywirM nht wim fui nuTly Julia Junglliig. Kha li the aiuiglytar of fi wealthy willow, whnao liotiM* is a1 '*ir» I'a' ido avetiu<». The der«uiiai»t Ic i h ' - s o n of Ibe iJount do HU Martin, of Paris, lb* 1* twpiity-niiifi yaarn old.

The weddiuK took plare at Kl. John* Prolo.Atant Kplaoopal Cliuicli, PAyHnighU, on DetN'iiibcr 7, Tlio wc Mioj;triji oxleiultNl to Euri’ijMJ. but at Anlwpni, ac- oonllng to Mm. doKt. Murlin’e alle atiuuR, troiitiio wa* Cauiel lielwi'en biT ami hf*r him ifaml by hit attention to an '►I'l Nwosahwarl. The trouble wa* iiiHFotJnMl over, and tho wod. ding trip vra* riwuiiiiHl, the I'ouAdo Jouruoy- Aug to Parliii where tWy »|n*nt Komt* tiiiHV

Tlje following year the itiujih' ivtiirm-d to IhU country, luaking tl«‘lr luvino with Mri. JuugUng, wbccM they remaiuol until Mr. <lo 8t. Martin a drntl for Ci.'Ji'**franee from hlN fatlier. when lliey i^lurmsl to iSupoiM?, After Uaylug awliilo In Pans, they again went to Antwerp, wliere Mr. do Ht. Martin rraumed hie iuiiiuaev witii hw former eweelbi^art. In <tf thisMm, lie Ht. Martm l^ft her hUHfiaiid in l>o- rtiralxfr, 1H1K2, and mnio tmrk to llio l-iuUsi Ktate»s hiaklng her home with lior inothor. Her hiiibaiul rejtHuo*i her a fow inoiiths later, and frieudH of the isjuple otTw-bHi roconciiiatloQ. Ihle loetni until Mm. d« St, Martin found oevoral lettem lu her husljund * {Nkcket, all jnaiUnl at Anlwei i».

iKttM-ey wae ilion ■enteuce'l to ieve* yean and I'ttldwoll to live yearn, U the

tho Ju'tge maUI the I !-ns )[ier'N father die*I bafote be wwborm ami liis moih4'rHlhsl tliree yeum ago. He ha* a r»-s|Nvt*blH alNter. wlio was rewntly iiiftTni' l iu Nuwark. and it wa* all owing to liuil ('iim|«nv that lin waa tn hit iiiviwul plight. Nvltlier Ihxicoy nr

■ ral.tw.'ll KB.il aiivthinc wh..ii tent mo* wav I I.mni.uiicwl, lint t'al.lwHil toanwl Utterly miKhc.1 av ha was ksl back to hi* cell.

HiilxTt r.uj«ler, wlin waa convicted of - .t.ililiing Matthew Herr, a tailor, lo the

haailwitha knire, wav acliteuCB.1 to three I miintlu III tin* isniiity Jail.

mominL,___port. lU tlmugnt tlmt open of the rommSttiw werofatily ri.nlMiiplaj«lby the rvwiilution fur 8* apixilutnii'iK. Itwa* lu thu UKiinl form and di.i notanthorim •c.‘i-<’t ».>»«ious; neither dl.l it re­fute Hint aiilliiiniy. There wm nothing lu the original reaolntioh that parmittwl anv Soiiapir to augg«*t that It* pt'iinwimg* ohould bo weret. He *tart™ <gr Kith the garieral proposition thattho proceclinitii of Henate In- VMtlgating ('(Kinniltoet •html.l l « oiien; Hint aa n general rule, they were open; an.l tluil there wav n.rthlng about tin* eaiiBll»tr»iinlr«lthepmr*ellii*ii to *e-

' ^Al 10,:m A. M. the Tariff bill wa* laid be­fore tho ttenate; but Mr. Hill wld that he wonM eontinue hi* remark*—avell- ing hiiuwlf I>f the lalitu.lo of debate niilbor- l*e.l III tha Sruate, He went on to «ay Ibat IhB lnvi*Ntl.;*tion Bbould be ojwnlo ll»e public and tlh» prmo. niiu that would prevent any .iispiel.jn that the Hen- ate detlre.! to have Ihiw nmowding* eondni’te.i in th.' dark. It woul.l iiatiafyan honi'Bt an.l Ju.tputilic wntiiiient and would not dll InjnelU’e to anylimiy.

The neiiate iteelt »ns not a ehib- althoiigh w.iiietliue* i-alkKl »o; andthcro wn* no ri'.-ison why theimlillc ab.mld I* earlude.1 from it* prooml- ingK. An.l *0 I hero wae no reaaon why the

et'lnd.sl from ilio

affecting the ohatlere o f citira. Flv* o f theae arc In New England, State# IRUo controlled by the foreign vot# and all hav­ing n more or leea reatrioted luffrage. Four are in the South, noue o f them, *avo Maryland {In whoee conatltutlon Balti­more ia given a leparatc artlclei, boaating a city larger than Bochoster; and one, Oregon, In the Weat, with no important clliea at all. Tho other three. New York, Kentucky and Wieconain, o f alt the pro- greaaive Statoa weit o f New England, per* mit ahuoal unlimited meddling with city charter*. Of theae, however, Wieconain baa a general urban law, and Kentucky hai no lm|>ortant olliea aavo IgjuHvUle. New York, tba meet populous, with more than thirty cilice and among them the metropolis o f tho nation, atands fearfully and wolully alone.

The organic law o f tome thirty o f the State! guaranteea a greater or letter de­gree of municipal home rule. Some

Y o u 0are not actually sick but have no power to generate vitality. The cause is mal-nutrition., The cure is

H - 0 Hornby’s'Oatmeal

The nutrient.perfect

Stalei even do this In two or three wave.trlec

lllgK.pulllil’ kbolll.l 1»> -la' vl.>nl of liivwtigatiiig ("jmniittw. (h.mgbl that ibc invwUgatlon nhouM lie held with<M*’U door*, an.1 that the report*™ of thn pri'Wi Khmibl bn preaenl.

"Tb iTc wBK no raaKim,’'h o la id

r i* M l'H IlK Il CLl'K*.

» w York 1

............ .. __ _____ "w hytraliinnny iu regnr.1 b> aiietvilatbm in »ugar .lock •liiiulil not l)c taken lu oi»'n «^ o n .__ w.l ... kv«,,l V1<VTHo wft’i Kiiro lliftt tb<T« had notl»cn so Iiinnv purcba»« nf "Ujfar «tock that there wavaay b-ar Hint a illietnaun'of the fwda

Ill'N T IN tiiilifr IMttcovar Horn® wf Mlonle

Friends*Nkw Y ouk, June 2.—Mew fAcUron<?eni-

Miniiiu Weldt's blMory hava been dii»- <*OYf nil which will greatly aid the detective* in clearing up the inyatory «nrTuund!ng the mui’iler. Tl*> l.lriitily of three of the WeUlt woman'* most mtimatii fritnidt are alw talilished. It ahio developed that the girl'* ].n:pcr name vvaa Wil.lt. No arreeta, U.>wever, liave been iiia*lc. Helen Kahlrrt, the dead girl'* roinpenlon. I* Klill ill cuKbKly. It waa kbe who gave the InforiiiBiiou which le.1 to tho dlacovery (if the Wel.lt woman'! liiitory. Hho aald tliai Minnie waa well known at an employ­ment agenev kept by Mr*. Koerner ou Eairt Kldicth street. Tim latter when afen »ald shehail tlio dead girl cinne to boanl mth lior the latter port of 1822. told Mr^ Kupvnor inafc IrOiilu llurn, a*ou of ‘^Andy Horu, tho Park row «|(K>u-koep€Vj wkskwp* loj; eomriwny with her ami

She fihowed Mr*.

tIJ* I * Tva*KV*a*-a r --- Lawi.niil Inllnenivi the New York itoi'k niai k^. and that therefore it wa* not wive to d1«- cli)i«>h.)W iiisiiy purdiaao* had l»eu made "aroniiil the <-in'le."

Mr. (Jrny litem., l»cU, chnlrnian of the Inveatigntiiut ( ‘uiiiimttee, rep le(l bt Mr Hill, flaili.l not inteu.L he *ald, rlthrr on behalf of himw’lf or of tho coimpittee, Iw (^ more than say that, having no personal iif- tei’cvt wlinlever in tho matter* on.l liaying no pemoiml wish to gratify, the cxjmmltU’e wea |wrf«4lv willing for the ttenate to decidr'lht’ .(u'.’dion raised hy the rea.>lution of the Heuator fr.nn New York.

Thedlwuvsi.m .)u Mr. Illtf* rceolntlou wju conlluii'vl by ,'tciiat(.r* Isvige, Allen and Uill. Then Mr. tii>nl..u aske.1 uiianimoin oonjent that th.' r.'solulion lie voted on without fur­ther debate. . . , . .

Mr. Itolpli (R«l>- Ure.l objecta.1 anl L»i bnusing tbL’

I«l',(pviojj hor

iCo«raer bi«togra'uh which, she aaiiL ho had piwpted to

Horn a.Imittedlast night that he knew

Arjfueilln lavor........ .. _ „ fontmiia-clow wl'tiiciiM'K iwforo thoSoniUiand punish­ing tJium for conteiiipl.

Then Ur (rtirdnu renewed hU (uggeatiou an.l Mr. Washburn iltep., Mhin.1 objeotei.

The reatrlctlona which have been tried may be thus elamlfled:

1 . Frohlbitlon on local or apcclal legt^ latlon affecting citlea, coupled olleii with a mandatory provision for general urban

X i*ublicatlon in the locality to be af- lected o f a notlco of iDtcnllon before a local bill can be Inlruducod In tbe Legtn- lature j

X The iniliatlve or referendum, or the two combined, applied to tbe conatruotion and nmendinent of city charter*.

The first 1* best underalood and moat common. Penniylvnnia phrato* the pro­hibition well:

"T h e General Awiombly shall not pan any local or special law ’* ’* ' • in In- oorporallng cities, towns or villages, or changing tnetr charter!."

Mhaonrl conimands general law* in the following terse language:

" Tho General Assembly ahall provide, by gi-ncrnt taws, lor tbe organUatlon and claaaiflcatlon o f citlea and towns."

Tho effect of the first clause ia a general municipal Icorporaliona law; o f the tec- oiid, a olnasillcatioii o f d tlo i according lo popuintion. The first Is in force in Penn- aylvanta, Illinol*, lioiilolana (where, how­ever. New Orleail* U exempt), Mlaslselppl and Nebrasica. The conatilutioni o f Cali­fornia, Weihingion, Iowa, Arka.tias, Tennesace and New Jersey hare aimllai

grovislont. Thus in one-fourth of the lates there is a direct check on legislHilvc

meddling with the charters o f citlea




J t h a t is t h e b e s t ^LACE j



The n'St.lntmu went over wldioul action and the <‘oii»ldfration of the Tariff bill wa* procewU''! with.

And if you fion a ffne IVatcfi that needs aiiention, that is the place to take it.

\W-T\ '



The large nruportlon o f Routbern States will be noticed; but their conatitalion*, os


day made a landing place at the top of theH a ^ M Bay ('empaay * building.

- ■ “ ■ -Alfui ------ —

a Maenea,

Dfiwdney ”Flal*—-'Vlf under water. Ranch- art were reocued from tops of their bouaea bAddled -tegnther with d(«a, eats, a h ^ and

From Iffirt Hammonil to Chilliwackthere ii not n foot of Orv land In night.

Semth tVeitmlasler—tJreat Northern Rall-Rcmtb W'eitmtnster way waaluil vdt M Hivcral mile*. . l i^ ^ ltU itv —Part of towti underwater,

n e re I* gruat iufferfng among the Inhabit-ADt#.

lA ln Iiland—Water within a few ineliM of the top of the dike*. Two hundred rauebers tM m r for tM r live# (Jriviug their onttle be­fore them, K ' ■ . , , .

foWHammood—Ijcw lands are subinMwoa. Hplidreihi of fanueri li*t everything and are cattkplug tn tent* (m the high land*. Indian* t(jf a hundr^ mils* have all taken to the inonntalns.

port Hmneytowu—Water ii a foot above th* wharves, navigating the ntreeta in boat*.

A Law Jadt* Kefusea la (Iraat but Is Cheeked.

Bpertat to tbe EvgsiNn N iw aF rkxhoi.d, June'd.—In the Court of Com­

mon Pleas y«lerd*y Presiding Juilge Con­over and U y Judge* Morris and Higgiss conndensl a motion to i-efiise a license To Michael Barrett for a wholesale liquor plac* near A»burj Park.

A remonstrauco signed by hundred.* of dtiw ia ot Anbury Park and ( loean Grove wea pmvnbed to the court. Counsel argued that Barrett had hern |«ral*leiiHj violating the law* for years and that hla beer ai’ka, against which Heuator Ilradli'y has miwle lueh a detoriulnwi light, liave heconse an in- toterahle nulaanre to tbe cotnniuiiity.

Judge C-ODOver said that ho was ready to decide against granting tiielicome at once, but hla assixdatea bad taken a different view of the mutter and he bail n.i option but to lay the lleenso over for one week.

Judges Morris aud Hlgglna are somewhat angry because of the pumic aunouucenieot made by Judge Conover, an.l* arc likely lo grant the llceuw over tala head.

On July 36, luWl. a formal is’iai-Btioii took pioee, Mr. d« HI. Martin returning to F.n-rope, whirs he rsraalued until the faiL when ho came l^ k and establisbe.1 liiniself In a bai’helor home in New Y.irk. There Mrs. d# Bt. Martin called ono day in her husband s atvienee and fonml evid'.nce, she says, that warranted her application foi“ liivoroe. IVr- nilistan waa granted to »erve notice by publi- iwtion.


Vewibsjrt of provisions. , . , „ laiilgleT-{dtBam er isniooreato the flagqxile

ot ttte'wHWbouso, People |iaekBd like sar­dine# Ul d>* hoaaea In the lugh part of thecity. Number of wealthy raacher* knUheir *U-

Halmon River Settlement- lAUgley dike given away, burying tXtO'i acre# at rauebe*.

i#ger* eseawsl with their llvaa. The Mov- ___jieiit fromVanoouver are maklag hercu­lean effort* to save life and property. AII

........................... don boat# arIn the loei.’ue of the sufferer*. The old

Canadian PaciUe Navigation boat# art en­gaged In the loai.’ue of the sufferer*. The old rnhabltanta lay the water will not begin torecede until full ll.le Sunday. More ap palling disasters than have lieeu chronicled are f«rod . . , ,

The fltit train bound east for eight day* left here ynterday. Tbe |s*aseugers an.l mails will he transl'eirod hy slonuier. Tho hotels in this city are crow.lhd hy delaywl travellers. As Vanreuver, Victoria an.l New VVeetmlnster have liwn cut off from the usual iup|ily for ^ h t lUys there i i ^

TingTeatlniony Heing Taken lo Illacevcr Fraud

In a (roritracl.N kw BRi SKivif’g, June‘i —Home day#ago

a|ipllcati(.n was mailo to Chief Juitl.’a Beas­ley for a writ of certiorari, culling upon tho Freuholders of MiiMliwei to answer in re­gard to the grautiug of a contract to tho liorllii Bridge Comiiany to build a bridge over the Raritan River for Tho ap­plication was made by City Treasurer James Nellsmi nn.l J. R.lgnr Powelson. Testimony is now Iwlug taken bef.ire Mayor Jtunto H. Van.'leaf.

Thcoilore Coo|ier, ot New York, tostified that the Berlin Coiiii«iij’'a s i^ ’ificatinua were luadisiaate. and that «ucu a bridge c..ulil be built for ll.'-.,000, and offered to build such a bridge, with two slilewalka iu- (teadotonB, torIR.KlU, or with concrete Itisir and two sidewalks for gL'fi.d.TO, or with a concrete ftoor and one sldowulk for (31.07i. All effort It lieing made to show coiluaton between the Precliotders an.l the Ucrlln Coiu|iany. ______ _____________ _


Perer liadean Yoong .viurrled lo Sli*s I-S'S- mkc®, uf Yank®r«.

Y 0Iff KIW N. Y,| Juiie 2.—There wo* a pretty wedding in *t. John's lipisK-oiial (?hurch last evening, when Mb« Msrla KUaa- belU Ijawrenoe, second dnii^hter of Major *nd Mr«. James Jjiwrewn, of 107 Huona Vista avenue, ami sranddanghter of Mrs. K. 1 ). K. N. Hotilhwurlb, theiiovelUt, waa mar*- rirtl to I'ercy Jindean Yoimp. of Newark.

The lirMo, wh<» was (^veu awuy by her fglU 'r. louketl charniing in n guwti whita ' satin en trolne* with duchess® lace and juNirl trimniiug. Her ornament’* were iH’arlFand iliaiiiunik The maid of honor wo.n Mins DiilNy t'hiiniplin Hhn<, of Newark, who w<»re ulNHiiming guwii td wljito Umgalim\ with tiiilij irimminj^ him! earriwl o wmipivt ofwliito

Tb*‘ were Mins Valentino Ij.Ijawrenct* nud Miss ll.au'lo II. IjHwreiji'®. They pink iH’iiftHlim?. triraiuwl with Irti'c. and earriinl Inimpiels of pink roses. There were in attcmlHiic© two littlegirh, r.dvth IjjiwTem'e aijil Kvelyn Wwldell,

; ia white tdlk, carryhiK 1 ‘^honi h&ts tilled with iiiurKU<*rjteH.

Tlio IjcnV mm* wa.i K. Young, Jr.,of Newark. himI tiie Ufhf'i’H were Charles lieyidt, <ii'or;ce ^lilkT him! SnniUel Dunn, of NVwsrk; ijowreut'e Arruwstnith. of Ne*?? York; Willet U. flark and N’iiucph M. Gwirnen, uf Vonker>>.

After 1h«L'ereiij(Hiy there wfts a reception at tho home of tlie bri>le'K fu1 )ier.

iier. -------- ^the mur.lored glri. He toniied her acqiMint aneo, 1I« said, in a saloon on Mst rhlrtl street. He itave his pbotogntph at her reiiiH'St. ,

While with Mr*. Koerner, slio m-wo the ac<iimiutauce of a Hoboken car conductor, lie E*ame to nee hei* ofleu. ilrowed tn bl< uni' form. Mi% Koerner only knew him as Kiiiile. Minnie left Mrs. Koerner'i houee to live wilh hira. She catne back Ihe next aay Imt would give no reaeon for the disruption of their InUniacy. After seYcrlnz her con- aertion with the car conductor, Minnie told Mn. Koemerlhat If ho ever came to si'e li*r to say tlint she was out He did call once and waa given that meeaage. On, of the Uo- tectivea working on the case went to Hobo­ken to try lo find the conductor for the piir- |Kjse of questio’Jlng him. A Mr. Htrelow will also be looked for.

CONtllLK-SHIUNAI.Preserving t;etlj*1>iim Kleld—relter's Coal

lied Kesolothin Passed Over.WAKiiisliTON, June’J.—House Joint reao

lutlon fur the piirclsavo or coii.lemnatlon ot land ill the vicinity of the OcUyiburg hattlo- iiehi wav taken op on motion of Mr. Hill iDeui., N. Y.l, but -Mr. Gray (Dein., Del,), Htl.l that while be wotihi like to prevent the renteiiipiifbsl vandalism by a trolley oora- t*iiy, there was an.it her matter back ot it which ho was not qniW *atlsfled with—and that was a, to tbe power of eminent domain which was involved. He thought that the matter could not he dispoeed ot In the mom-

well av tho*o of almost every Northern Htato having this reatricllon, have been adopted or amended since tbe war. Thin step, though toward homo rule, 1# not a sate one In New York. Ita highest court ha, decided, in cfffcct, that a law in term*applylDg to all cities of the H ate between specified upward and lower llm iti in pop­

ing hour. Th


uiatioB, even though applicable in reality to but one municipality, i# a general law. Such a conatUutional prohibition againat local urban leglalatlon might therefore prove o f little value.

A provision for uniform legialatlon ap­plicable to citlea is also found in nine or more State*, among other#, Ohio, Mla- •nnrl, Colorado and Nevada, in addition to some already mentioned. But tbl# pro­vision reiulta in aclanlfioation by popula­tion, each important city being a class by


Itself; and In effect th# g e n e ra lly be­come# general only as to the amaffl i1 and

A Ilreislon In the Blatter Itenilereil In the Hiiprem* t’ourl at Washington,

WAMllIMiTov, June 3.—In the Kuprenie Court ot tho District of Cohmibla, titling 'cinity, this morning, ilii'lge Col rendta-tsi asweeping ilecisiou in tho cas*' of the Western Associated i ’rcss suing a* the *' Awiociatod Frets" against Uio Washington N ew aud the United Ih-iss, nne|>plicatloii for an in­junction to restrain the .Vetes friun receiving aud the United ITcss from furnishing the news of tho latter association an.l lo enforce a coiitrart proliilntinj the A'eiej from re- lelviiig newTs from or fiiriuvlmig news to miy iB’rton or conHiratl..u declnnsl by the Wretorn Aasoclatoi Kress to be antagonistic to ita iiitoniela. , ,, ,

On every material point the Judge Uecldot against the coiiiplaitioiit an.l iu favor of the lii'feudanta. He, however, iutimatod be in­tention to grant that part of Iho jaayer which askeiT that Hie Weirs la' pi’oalbltwl from furnishing to tiie United Fress it* a.i- vauco proof*. To thi*i*irt of tho petition tbe Uult«i Press had ttbsi a disclaimer, stat­ing that It neither longht uor ilaiiml there proofN nor could it inaaeaiiy use of them; lint tho Judge dcci.le.Uhat this matter ha.i licco lirmight to hit atti'iition b»i lato for his consideration. A t Uie requast- of coini’icl for the Neicv, he agrtssl to hold even thi.s matter ojien until Momiay next.

,he Uonlits expressed by Mr. Gray were contestoil bv Mr. Hawlov (Rep., tkmn.) and Mr. Mandeivon (Re|K, Nell.), who *poko of Gettrslnirg and Chickammiga as thegrtAt lialtlelield* ol the war, which were to he pre­served at Salloiial parka.

Mr. Gray, while he poralstod in qusatlon- ing the existence of the'rlght of eminent do­main lu the general Government for any­thing but a public pur]io«s and haii very se­rious doubts wh.'lher the reservation of Get­tysburg was such a public purpoes, with- .Irew lus objection, and the joint resolution was pa*s«i.

‘ '''b* reaolation offere.1 yesterday by Mr.1‘aflar (Fop., Kaii.) as to the Govermuent taking poatestlon of and itoldlug for puidlc use tlie coal tieils of the TOUiitry wa* takenup aud referred lo the Judiciary Uouimlttoe.

Mr Golilziar (lleni.. 111.1 intr

HAHUFUtWREftS OFImproved CorlLsa Enginw. Tuhulu Mollenu Tanks anti Sheet Iron Work, also heavy iron and Bww* rBallno. STEA.M t m i S e A SFEOlAbTY and orders for general maddne anl holler repairs prompay *16001*6.


at acarcity of an.l a temporaryEm ne lu the iirovince Is Itsikod for.

One •teuiisT hroiiglit 4<W settle™ from Weatniliuter lau» last uighl. Ainoiig them Vroa a family of ranchers who liad nuiit a atroiig raft, upon wlilch ha took his entire (hmily and ton bhssle 1 horses. They were raacued in niid-Ktream after hnrlpg been •float ten hours,

DrRaNoo, Mexico, June 1 —A clouiibnrst occurred iu the Hierra Madre Ueuntoius, •bout seventy mile* south ol here, nud a camp of cbaroosH.urners was wavlusi awuy bv the fliKsl which came raging dow n tho monntaln guicb. Tho chm-coal buriiei’stiu tba camp were all drowaod.

A Jersey Clly I'ulireniaa la Trouble. jKHHkV CiTV, Jiinc ’A—Fiillcoman Thomas

Gauiion, o f the First Fris’tuct, was sms- iK’iidad by Inv|)ei tor Ijiuge this iiiofiiing. l ie waacharg.’.i with l.lackiuatl, wllh Is’lng drunk an.l with assault an.i buttery. ,U S o'clock Gannon, wldleiassiug tlir.uiglit liar- r.iw Htrect, saw an Italian l amdckar Tuqimag- ing the contents .it lUi ashiiamd. tiaiuimi went up to the Italian, beat him an.l tlicn dc>- iiianded tweniy-llve cents from th* Italian, Tho Italian gave lilm ttu' naiiiey and was then ri'leasAil. (taiiu..n at the time lia.1 on a part of Ins imir.jriu, llari-v Houston, a cripple, saw (iauiiou lieafing Hi.' Ilaliaii aii.l remonstrated witli him. .-U tliis the potlce- inan struck ll.insb'n, Ibaist.in Rieii wci;t to p.illce hea.h|Uarleri. an.l ma.I.'a I’l.iriplaliit agmnsi Guiuiun, makingihediarges relorreJ to ahova.

TRIKI) .4 MFdl. <>K ItOAkT CAT.

A MlDvItlf hilts hVlinii Sloaki on a ikiiil TItvni.

Mri.i.vii.i.K, .lime 2 .lerry U®7)peirntall had a i‘uA4f<Hl fat for Ills dinner yaiterday ftuJ nppiirontly unjoyLMl t!ic fi-dine steaks. Ho ]>ai'U>uk of til® nniijiie UK'al ou a wager tliat lui'ut is pltMS'uil to tho tasto aud Ibat he ftnild injiko II itiMHl tif itHi llosU. Tba

iiiatU' willi Jtilui Stiiupl®. ilr. iiMftr tlio m«nl jiald tba

w;iH rni li«‘f jili aHfiut, llioiMfh somewhat toui;b. Hiitl Imd nt liirdy loit outdde of lliix it dll! iii't ilitViT vfry matorittUy umtloii.


Iron Hall Nnpri’ in*’ Offlrer* IndirteilaPmtsAr>KU’iiiAs Juiio-.—Tj c (irau'l Jury

vrtUTflHj found a true bill of indicUuent ugalnst Fri'eiiiRti I», Stnnorby, t'harlfs H, Hakor, #lo«’|ih iHadioK and #1auiw4 H. Kfki rAley* mipri-tue Kitpreniocoabipr* t’hairmau of tlv® <'ominilU'o ou 1.a w i and SmxTvibion and lUufliiiUn’ ot the uiittoii on Finance au<l A<‘cou»i, rt^iHfflively, of Iho Ku]>roin«> Sltilnn o£ llui Order of tho Iron llitll. rliargnig tlium witli con«piriug to cho:»l uiid dufrmid tlio Hiipremo Hitting uf ti»' Order uf Ihft Ji-on Hall und 'to oniivort f*HX),lX y of IW fiiudututhn onp nf th’rviiiN rnniiHisiujf tim 31utim1 Ufiukiiigs Soroly, TniBt ini<l D®- poilt t ‘oiiii»fniy. 'J‘lio dnl<‘ of tho ufToiii'M is Uied ID Iho indu’tnn'iit iis May It, IblfJ.

A Fro»bili‘rUn ImmoMpil. *

Hpeolal to tbe Kvinivu N*ws.WASHiNtiTikS. sN. J', Juuo 2.— 'Ihiiri*-

ftar. in tho liwptlst rhorrli in tliin towu, Dr. (iw rgo M. Hol'len. a donttwt i>I Jlie-kults- town, wtw lapliisoJ inlo the I'lvdjy- leriiin faith by immersion by u I'resbyterirtu itastor, tlm l ic v , John lAiWrey, of 1horro'<bvterUui <;hmrh at HRi-kettRtowtir Dr. Iliddoii w m ro-vidly outivertofll in lUMdliigs hold hy the Hov. Mr, Ijowivv, but whfu ir tn tho Bidijoctof

ljiMb»sirefI tfj lie imiiHTwil. tlmikiiigii tho liiblli'id wfiy of Hbowing ilio world uf his intention of hvidinz n «litTeri)iit life, The paHtor Ha* loTtornnv fmmi thelist neoplo Dim usO' ul thoir Iwpti-'try and flmreh.

Fm-liu1d Irislltnt® ti» Olebi'ate# SrKH’ial tuthi« Kvv.MMi News.

*FuKE)f"i.i>. Jrmev. Tiie Fn'ehold Iiuiti- tuto Mil! i-i-lclirnt" iw suiid'Oi'iiti'UiiinI oa Friday uf ih it wu. k, JnnuK It is tbe pur-lioHou'f l i .......... IU cliarge Ui haveevery stndunt ni tii • institute, wlirltior of j-eiHiut tiujus Ml- of iu "nrlior 'Uiy«, pn*«Mit at the ejter«‘iM*v. whii h will iiu'lude Rjwcohes In the iHuriiiu;; I'V 1': 'fs-ssor O. ft, thefounder of the iii'‘iiiiile, nml WUliivmJ. Hendei’ Ofi, rh't editor of the NewVork ri l•ml'hf‘ in lit the Anieri-niu Hotel Hi ' All f’nrue't effort UiK'iug iiiJule I" idvtaiii the i\nnj*»ratii>n of all Htudi?ids* .hulp;i‘ il i liiruMis't'unover is one of the primi- nmTur', m liie matter, while iS-i lerirk rark'T. J-N-i. snn nf the kro iloveriinr rm l.ur, isilio i-huirnmn of the


Trying In Have tv.ilwiir.TltxiSTON, June’). I.ihton Saticrtliwaite,

counsel for Josepli Walwiu, wh.i is awaiting execution for iiiiir.lcriiig Deputy I ’rlsou Koeis-r J.ippiiicoU, niali.sl an applieation to Judge Ai'bcit iu .ll■l■M‘y^ lty yest"i-.luy after­noon to sign up orvlcr certifying to the fact o f tho alisenc.' of the indleta shot into tho body of IJiipinoott. Tiio order, if siOTcd. w ill bo lai.l lieforn the court nt Fhi la.lelphia, whoi'e uppli.’atiuii will lie made to liavo J.ip- pincotf* iKsly oihumod.

Fleafl to too Inillrtiucnts.TnaxTox, .iutio ‘J..—Isaac V'. lilasell, tho

former secretary of tho American Saw CoOipoBT, a Now York concern, whose works are here, was arraigned In Mercer Court yn*- terday and pleaded not gnilly to ninety-uiiio fodlctmeiiU for forgory and aeveii indict- tnenU for Olubctaleiueiit. BishoU was an

Slept Ills Life Awuy.(ligivKRSvii.r.K, ,N. .1., .111 lie'-'.—There diisl

veKtci'.luy at tiic coniity i.norhoiisu MylvosUT Vslwards, agtsl si-\ciily-iiiii. visii’S, wlio, for nearly twoiilv years' has Iss-n iiiasemi- aoniubletil eou.litioii, With th.. csccptiiiii of tlio times when ho was uwakeiiwl to iwrinlt o f fixsl lieiiig gtv.'u to liim lie was almost continuously asleep, i l(s'aslonally wlicii Biw'koii to lio woul.l reply in a f.vlilu tone of voice, but w-oul.l at once rela|wc iuto his usual coiiilith.ii.

Mllltoirw, Hprlngfield. Short Miila Tlie Mlllbnrn Township ('.iinniltte" last night

necepted the bonds of 'I'ax CoileiMor George Clark and <h>n»table William ItnraaM. Tho following special pollcwuieii were ai.pnIiiU’d ; J. I). Farkharst, A, V, Oakes, 1*iw|iiale liar- tiitei. Manning Dolan and 0. W, Fa-gcr. Com- plaints were received agslnst «Ue U.ivtenras cinductofinunyof the May riders who visit the town on Wunday*. Also lutulnvt bicycleriding on tho sidewalks Sumlays. it was do- t ided lo hiivB uotloosof the or.iinain’n rcgii- Isllng bicycle riding posted thrimghoiu thetowiislilp, and persons who vlotsto tlio ordi­nance will 1)0 liable tn ailne of not lots tS.m }5 and not more Ilian fit.') for eacli iiffeuci'.

Tho toucher* and pupil* of St. Hose's Paro­chial School, Miilbiirn, were tin. g.iesisof An­drew llartt on a stage ride llirougli Union County yesterday afternoon,

Bi’ginnliig lo-ilay tlio 3 o'.-lock_ westbound Diivor express on tbo D., L- an.l tV . Ii. It. will stop at Sliort Hilia

Tlie comnionrement exercises of the Bonnet Institute uf Flinrl lllllt *Ht lie hel.V in tl.o Short Hills Casliui this aflerniMii. A i-ceep- llon will lie lii’id i" the evening.

Tbo entries for tlie tennis tournnmrnl. to lie held next Monday by tho Casino Cliibof Sli.irt lulls will dose to-rlay.

The sixth monthly slioot nf tiie seasiiuun.ter tile aus;iiee* of tho New .ii-rso) Stain 'I'rap- shooters’ I.e#gtie willlie hel.l on tl.e Unton Gun C’iuh’s Kniunds, .Mounialti rosd, Siirlng- iield, on Wednesday, June SI.

Mr. Gol.lzter (Deni., HI.) Introdnced a resolution in the llouao to-day asking the Uouimljiionei’e of the District of Columbia to onmnumii’ate to Uongroea the ii'asonv why they liave aiiuonnceil a reihictinn in tlie wages ot laborers eiiiploytsl by them of from Sl.jOandgl.h.'itofladay. . ,

Messr*. Canuou (lUip., Hi.) mid Newlands iFon., Nev.) sugge-teil an extoiision ..if the iu- uuiry to taka in tbe whole swi(ie of lalsjr cm- plotwlby the United States all over the wimtrv. , ,

A JfwitMilon w6TTi®ff like’iy to eoBue* Rnd Mr. lioidsder moved th# previous question. Thn vote on seconding tbe demand was ayw, 74; nays, ~A.

” No quorum," said Mr. Kilgore, nn.ltellers were ordered. The vote through themwas atitiounced uyea, 87; nays, 0.

Mr, Kilgore then wUharew the point of no (luurum and moved that the retmlutiiin l)e ro- lerredto the Committee ou District of Co- Inmliia. 'Thia wa* agreed to and tho matter was thus iliiqsiaed of. , „ ,

Til® H(Ui^ tb«Ji vf*nt ioto ConiinittBo oftkie Whole to further fonsWer the bill to re- LN«l the Htato Iknk Tax act, am ilr. Ixler

S, (\) I'OhtiDued hw reuiwlos bej;uD veHterJay in favor of rcpeallntf.

A I.vnclilny In LoiildlaiifcNf.w Gni.XArta, Juno 2.—Tom Under-

medium-iixod places, while special legis­lation affecting t|m large citlea it as noeal- ble i f not AV probable at before. Thu 1* a step, though a short one, toward conatitn- tlonal home rule.

There 1# more hope in tbe device ex- presaed in tbe following clause from the Uonstitntlon of Mlsslsalppi:

" No local or apeclal law shall be paned unless notice or the intention to apply therefor shall have been pabllahed In tbe locality where tbe matter or thing to be affected mar be aitualed, which notice shah state tne aubatance o f the contem­plated law, and shall be published at least thirty days prior to the introduction into the Aasembly of such bill and in the man-, ner to bo provided by law.”

Thia iaa favorite clause in Southern conatitutiona It w ill be found tn those o f Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana, In addition to Mlsalsetppi, a* well aaHn enb- stance, tn thoeo of New Jersey, Pennsyl­vania and Colora'lc. In all ordinary con­dition* this device would acoompllth ita purpoae. It permits the people most affected to inati’uct their representative*. But the citle* o f New York have lately had too much experience with charter amendments pasied by Legislatures in apltauf their protests to place much con­fidence In this species o f home rule.

The truth 1#. neither o f these devices would accoinpllah constitutional horns rule In New York. The hope o f hopes is a combination of tho Initiative and refer­endum already In force in some of the

constUntion o f Mifflotirl provides that any city having a population of more tlian 100,000 may frame Us organic law by electing a boarn o f thirteen Freeholders, which board shall within ninety day* re­turn a proposed charter; and that if such charter ia rallfled by a four-seventha vole at a general or special election, U ahall aupertede all existing charter* and laws, Provlsioa la also made for amendments to such a charter by a three-linba vote, and for tlie submiulon o f alternative aeotlon^ to be voted on separately and accepted orre-

Wharf to let, vflth heavy crane and aloragt privilegee, by day. week or month, at lowe*t city raioa.

O P T 1 C IA S 8 .

f l1'PHEriATIVE of Its nwd 1ft tUji djT,

we h*ve Inatuturated lui OPTICAL I>KPART3IENTs and bfive tpftrM no DiiibH or expetjee lo mxke tt tbe iDCeft

tbo State,of tbreo frrftdtuitfti of OP«

complete in tbo State,In rharjro of three frrft-------

THALitOIiOOY. end the greeted cxre will mIt Intaken tn e «h iililvlduftlcMo to eecare perfect rcBftlta.

Optical PreseriptiouWIU be aepfctAlty,iind with ear fAdll- tlee eerh eue ahall be torreetlr Qlled and none but the dneet quaikty ol glwvcii w!U l>e


BROAD,Bet. 'W. Park and Cedar Bta,

We iie ieii Baiiw

wo(sl, the riegi’i) who murdered Mrs. Morgan on Tinii’sdsy, was lynched near W llmot lostmglit.


jeoted without prejudice to other articles.T

— IN b e st-


CANNED GOODR mOur Esual Sjjeclftl 3-lb. Bo»

Good Ten for $1.G0.


I.ltlle Trailing In the General List of .vtiirk* Daring To-vlay'a Short

gcitlun-Yhe Frlcee.

New Y obk, Jnne l . - I t waa all American Hugar at the Klocit Kichadgo this morning, the st(s‘k having lulvancwl steailily to 103K- Tbest's’k inon..polii»ii speculative attention an.l there was little or nothing doing In the

al list.

Mur IlAughteT.Julia Himpsun,

StublM il hy rKMUVKTi'N. .lui

lwpiit.r-H*\uh u‘:iv toll, whiln intaxlcatej ThurnUiiv III,;!/’ tj-iTrrflliiij; with liorRpn! i’.iuih>'S', \Tifli whiHii ^hi*m{idn hur lieuie* iVu ltlliu l} l"li ihi- r"t'ia ulifiv tlio'luaiTflNwk pint '* -tidI kVfiii lu til® kik’imn. ThednUj lit T ii’lltiuf*-! Iht th<Ti'iiud iiiiulher wnr (if word'" unwiiiuii. lii‘L'iiii]e niui*e uudmrtTii ■■uid tiimliy, lu ii ilruukeufurv, Kru’ ih' I ilu’ i iirvin>: kulfu ou lln'' table atiJHlnn-'i lu-r i.iuih- r. without Imrtinjf iicp. Simji'nn tunmfromth®rouiti. hut Ml li.-i fri'eiSit mnl hurry Httiinlili*d and full. '11.•• tliMi litpr jJunnetl the knife iiilii luT hn«‘k. iiilhi'iinii h surluuB though not n®ct«KHrih inuii Tho rnortuity of

1 lii‘i' so that ho soberedh (»v4‘ tfovn ttt ono®, Min. ill',:, lui'l will probalJy re-

The ItaUlitior® Ordered to t ‘oren.WAfiHiN'tiTOS, June U.--.ijRat midnight

mble urdere were sent to the cgmmandei’ of the tiagKidp Jlaltlmoru at Nugasaki, Jatiftii, to hurry to I homulpa, fur the nr«>tt*ctlojt of American lntari*NU. flu lure- bhftiiuwod in theae dw])atehi‘.4 Ishi night.

•mploveof tbocomiifttiY'for yearn »ud tho €rml<)rt thnntgli hi* <Uirft!<'fttiou,

lleuth i»f a I’Nn mei- Nrwurker.to the Fyksinij Mfwk.

Klizauktii, .luiiu ’J.—Wiliinm K. Toler* who fur uiHiiy yeurn wiw n \Vk‘lMiiu»wii rL'd- deut uf Newark, wlu'n* ho inlitiaiues.' , diM at his liumr, rjiH' aS'tirtu Iknwd Klroct, ijoro this mufmng, H*<uil<dKhty Iwo VHirH. Mr. Tuler ninl liln wifi* fomiivol from Newark to this dty w-t ywi/s ago.

u p l y t*' SnupHiui i": miju'o cover.

More elrriey ri>*tmaHtar»i Appoiiit<*d. .^VASHistiTos, Jim® !i,—The Frebidenl to­

day ttw Jolluwiii;j F()6tin««U?n* inNew Jci*MV: Jt»siah llirkiT. nt .Midvale; WUlUini D.'lio!in<«, »t IkheviUe, and ^!ur- rlet F. Cftdiuiw. at South Amboy.

" Chi. aco U.as and New York Ceutral were linnet’ and Atfhlaon heavy, Ixindon bouglit s.,tttei'ing amoanta of Kt. Paul an.1 Loui^ ville Iin.l Nashville. Chicago Gas roM to .aall 1 New York Central to Itti. A t llo c iw k ilio iiiniket wos dnil ex(.’#jit for Sugar which wav slretig at H)!t%.

1 1 o'chK.k until the eloaing at noM SIS'. Illation WHS conflued to the luuujtrialv, and tl.rsu ttocks ruled strong and higher. Tl.e g.-nci'al railway Hat, while lino, was eitrcmciy iiiiiet, The market closed etrong. Tlu-salreot listed stocta today a g^ ga to l ti'clJ’! shares, and ot unlUted stooka 47,J«i sliarcv'.' ‘ ,

Tlie range ot to-day'S pricev for the more o.’tive st(s-ks of tite Now York inaraet are [*iveii iK'low. Tbo ouotatioirt nbow thuopeii- Itm and flowing ftud tb® hifihofrt WlU ! o ^ t prii’(i?! vcih'IiihI by tb^WDuHtluM llitan, i|U>iUitionfl iiro from the New York Kxcbftuge uii'l aro re]jorioil to tbe news through iftm Linn Alk*ti « C<x, etock brokers** Ulu Jhoftil HtrppT, sSfate Hank BulWjug, thw city,

; imri Drang^ Naliotiftl Haukf t>r*ngeJ _I Op«i-Hlgh-ljow-(^w-

lug. eflts wt. iiig. j(C iijH 100 UW

he Bome procedure 5e autborixed by tU« ^oastUotion of California, though. *fte f ratlflcftttoii by direct vote, the charter must be submitted to tbe State Legistature for ftdopllon or rHection ee a whole, Tho young State of Wesblngton has gone still iurther ond Improving on both Miseouri 1 and California, proTldes for charter Initla-' live and referendum in sU cities having a population o f aOOUO without ft flftftl refer­ence to the Legislature.

As ft scheme o f constitutional home rule, this plan approximates the ideal. California "till insists on the consent of ft LflgtflJature. But in tbe other two 8Ute», city governmenta ina.T spring, under that great parent, the coMtitutlon. from the people themeelves. The legislative body ol ule city directs tho choice of a charter comndsslon by the people* the commis­sion prepares ft chnrtef under the scrutiny oftficprpisBndthopM pto, that charter 1# publiehod a required number of times In a required number o f newspapers, tho people then vote yea or no to ita pro­visions. A.nendroenta to a charter eo adopted originate in the City Ccuncll and ere submitted for adoption or rejection by the people theraselvea.

TS4 ami 7W Broad St. i MBrllevitle Av*.

Save Your Money!The Fine Teas which we are offertug at

19c. and 25c. PoundAre not otir onlypTerv dMcrlptloD nf FIND DRY)- CKHIFS AT CUT FRICFJ*, Our fwe delivery Klves you the advantags of our low prices wherever you may spend the Bumuer.


A Fumtllftr NlghteFrom 1/IntrflUHlgeant lllufttre.

Reg your pardon# sir* but yon wera to be atarlflif at me in a stranico faehloft. F>o you see fliiythhiti about me thiit Ib f*oolllftr toyou V

“ YFflkSir, my umbrellft.*’

C KIN N ER& T s i L B Y .


SPEC!AT*. A^ND g e n e b a l aiACHifnrKRYfi

iL E y m fiS F D B sTonesit/O FM cm tss,

fitanm Enginols Goarlng, 8bftfitag# Hftngcrfi# Pulleys, Kto.

fitpairtng PrompVjr EUm M Tat

OoTcmor Flower a <»r*ntirftther. W a tBHTOWk. Ns y., Juno‘Jr—Thepmud

title of crutidtather wa-s nddcvl to liovcniur Flower’s list of honors tbi» mominL by the birth of li «on to bi» only dau.^htar, Mrs. John liyrou Tuylor, of thl-i city.

N- J, I'cnipiil... licl.xV IP

He signed chwk* for tho jumpAoy, nfttlyd wlowfti only toih^ trooHureri and theii had them cashed and mtn\ iheprocoetlfl.

Louis Fichl Taken t » State Prison*. flmMETOJ*, Juno 2.—IjOiils Fl«hh tlic luur-

flerorof Ctirlfltiatt'JifklsH, talieutafc>tata JYlsosiby Hherllf HblnisywtprtUy to begin bit tblriiy yowy. Wtapee.; had iuti-uiaiDd that bP would take hifi life if he gLvt a chfdico, slid ho wna dowly Rtiard^, He ba» beep very morosa ami dnj^tad witco hu «?n- tenpft Bleeping but little Au! refuxinR to con- Tonijo with anv oiw, Yowterday befors star^ lug for treiitOn ho would not taatoof loot^ ■ml though Wfttsrwas given him to wash

be would not tuuch Ik

fdght^nowTrtll In SiwUU ,ATi.AKmi*’(iTV , Juno 3s—tViUi ft fight'

blowfug frniii Ujo south And ii lueau tomperature u£ llfty eight a vnmstorm which iK'gati at o'clock nigi'twuR proewUnFLy a slight fall of enow, which lastM ftboiA live ,

A RrliuMU.'nt Tiixtuiivcr Sent to Jail*H a i 'Nkn'tai .hiiju !i.—Henry I. Htirlng,

si»efiAl .■"ii'iiiMi''f -r th«' I’ollection uf taif** in thle phi< r, liHS siici'k-ediMl lu the lasttwenly days In wij.iiH uin nmiy oUl Brorei. Patrick Crijwtv ii 'wininH'iiUcr, jHT»:iHt«nUy evadml laymrut nf liis \»A\ tax mi'ler vaHoys pro* texts* ami uitsnllnw,-.! to go free until Tluir^ day night* "hen I V ‘ :tablu Haring arrostbu hiwj J . j f W i - i I ' "JUiig niftfl

< ' . - *4 i Tin hijjbVcosts yi«itard»’ . i/ChVlCCUn*S utduhuHuetil tux in Herguu Comity havelieou unitvimlly |«‘rfM*vnring this spring, but ^Is i» the Ibst ln n"*i nnjUmvinsuiiHwutrtf.a cltloeni ivh0’-ffllh‘*rt«>.]jay. T ndef tho New *tan»y law a (h*linipu‘ut- may be kopt lu prwon until


Growing too Fast

Seidel Ue1vM«d on Hnil.Ju® 8,’-iflfttoon*keopefT Robert

ftfeeftted 'Shurtday nlfeht on ft-ftbane of sending threateniiag Jett&rg to Jlieob W-etdmatUh of tbe Weldmann W!kJacob Weridmann, — -------—

, Um furnished tha fiiOOO aocority f him by Qpchar, a»d a*

I hli Tfftsdom ye«to<5ay afternoon.

Mrdiral Junrimis itii^gnit I Ih lltv, .The ujauynvho live bt’Uer than utheranud

enjoy life more are Ihv ones who mure nipidly adapt the best products to their physlrfd nwds* It IH from this large oIabm you can leuriiof the great good to he derived from tho uso of Dr. Hftvid Kennedy's Favorllo U«iiivdy. It \b pve- li lte d Id a most AcceptabUi form, plrimoml to tliotaeleaud iwffoct in nctloft. It has given saliHfftCtion In niUllorv'. Jtlsappruved nud prff- Bcribed by practicing physidita^ nnil is usnl hi atlhoapitflli Aud minllAriurn^* In dyspeprin, Deura)gifl,k!(tney,Itvpruiid urlimrycuinpInliilB and the tllnCBBes women Ruffor from li is a poeiiive cure. For constipation, uervomuiesfl nr loBB of sleep It Is uneqnallo:!. l»r. Ken-

. nwly's Favtjrllo Honjedy 1e so ^uorAlly pre* I icrlbod now thotuUdcaJera intfUidldiiosellU.

A Ulot at » C'ommeiieemcut.Tokonto, O.* June 3.—An the flfth annual

fomiuaiucmftnt Cxcrcteonof tiirflligb Hchopl were ftbudt Totiegiii laefulght tn tua.4>pfiV house, ft riot occun'otl, which at oip time thr(*atanot diRagtroiiB rmulta.' The bdusa won crowded to uverflowlug.. Harry AuU nnd Frauk Hartford got Inta an altarcatlou over Bents. lUows W're exohnugeJ, womenfalnteil ond ]Mmiimjunlnin roigw'il <;iY»rgivAult, fiithtu* of Hnrrv^ nishod Jivrr the Imi'liK of tramplingwomen aud childrenunder iu uu endeavor ta Hst*aiilt Hurt-lord. The M:iv-^r uhd pullee* after much troiihm, n i.otJ''Mhe (liNturbancB. ou I unhr'Ul tile people out of tbe bouse. The oxerct«a were poutpouoiloftB

means-that children do not gel proper nourishment from food. They are therefore Jhln, narrow-chested and



lira cream of Cod-Uyer OU and hypophosphiteSfBupplIes malerial for ferovyih. It makes sound bone^ soUd nesh and lioalthy, rohuo*. children. Physicians, the world over, enclorao tt.

Don’t be deseind by Substltii:igl-fMpatrtukyftwUit owoOklli AUOruataa

liudsioU.Hcl. 1/ACK. 4tPlllE. At iicadiug......faimil:* f^niiiliern.....r.. r..<\ A: Si. 1,.......(jiki) Shorr....... ..\lli'lilL':iii i'oiiYriii.....X. Y. ( 'cutral..........AU-h., Tn. A- H. F ........r., 11. Ac ...................t’., .tl. A <■*'1. Find......ChicjiBo ir N. \V........I'.. 11. 1. A racihe..,*.Illlimi!! tVuti'al.........MUsonrl PHcirtr........IjouIbvIiIc a NnslivMIeI'uiuu Hflcmc...........Paolflc Mall..............\S’«9Htvrti l-uiuji.........Manhattan...................N. V. Ac N. Kng....... . ,e.».\lu,. Kail. A'tVioJi..N. V„ L. 15.(hlUriu 6c U otici'h..........^^lilialle f-t. Is. A’ ........\Vftb., Ht. I*. A; Pac. pr ....Ttfiai FacMli'.....Hirh. 6l Wv .L J*uliil..........Ntitfhcm PtickiP..............isJnhoro r«elrtc. pp,* loAfucr. t ’ol. Oil.................Aincr. Cot. OU, pr............iNurtii Amcrifiiu...... iChicagu IJafl............ 74'Natlniial Ci rdage..... ;i<iAraer. Hug. K(rf*Co.... 101NhHouaI Tx ad..........KUver t'artiOcatciii**.. *Kuntp A Wffllrrn......SiiiM). dfi WoBiarn pr.. t.'heoap.^ Ohio.......i>. c. r .....................iM i.A-E.................T. A. N....................................H. U........................................Atclu tneemes.........................

D. SK KT.iTBX«:n*ttcMSrVCs incrcA3c„,................ .

i Lnnni, iWrfcafl-'i.....................t*pi'cin, Ul crtta.-kC......................

Legal iv.aucr, iiarraitaa..... .j iteposttfl. decneai.e*.. ...e .........! Olrcalalioftidaoraoift.t.b.iwas'^s i

ii)4 M

Ik IS 15


i,7ia,»io TiM.iUI SMJWt

Z,WI,11>) . «7,W

There is a Womanin Philadelphia who lived for years in a daily ‘circle of suf­fering, because she thought there was no relief.

Her suf­fering was caused by

female weakness

in its \ worst

forms. She had

::rp£ininher .tack and ’o::.:, srsat fatigue *from ’walking, leucorrhcea,ancl a frequent desir^to urintite.

All tlijs time relifef was dose at hand. ‘

Lydia E . Piniham s Vege- tabu Compound cured her of all weakness and disease, and she is now a different woman. This woman is Mrs. Walter Wilcox, of 736 West St., \dio advises all women who suffer 'so from female weaknesses to try it also and be cured. It expels tumors, removes back- aenc, invigorates the system.

D titd 7 R&ilroad Plasa, H«fut X. I.



Choice Rug* Axiff EmbrolderieB,Artlfitlo Potterfi

Brloo-Brac and DraperiBB,ItamelalD and Farnlahtngs,

Engraved Geros and Coins, ,I'iftBterii Silver and Jewelry,

Antique Beltlngfl of Heme Iteproduoad*



fou ti/ant Haraware,Wrought iron PipOi

Lead Pipe,Iron or Brass FtWngt

Factory Supptm. ff ft::::190 MIRKET STREE1

' " " Y .MEN— MENIw' ^Id thin way wb cUraBtrlctunaftd all ftrinf

dhteiMicB; nn loot of tliM* lubnaatiaaa*.,, re___ - i^ealedlnpl*iiii«itfi|ope, ’

Ali uggists keep itforyou. j ABAkwmcALconP'p.BoxuiH*wk,«,





ic lt>d nonwii' OP.Ill bo >rfocl

rooill.BUod ti ol


E r aox




RY.}ffK RY ,


k, R. I.



I JcwelrTiluoed.

m .

mm HAS i "POLL"Ih i Alderann Says S ) at ths Com-

moaCoQQclI UeetiaR.


CouBcllwan ^f»«tYrua*ii UUuin* the lift* KlM'ttott Ofttcatk' i':»j on the

ClH^f KiBcutiv* BtHl hubmlte » Coiit' Officer* Plnnlljr Allow

the imine Krcom|»enAiT tliat 1l«« lleeii OtTpn In r»?vf<Kie Yrar«» Tliosigh tli* M «T «r ' Tetneil n K««i»lotloB to that E^Mt.

Tba roeetinf nf the (.'omiuno Council l&At Blfht wni ft bKnnoiiiiYUR AfTair T)ii> AUcr- m«i3 rlad MU'b otlier lu Axteo liii^ cour> taiiei. Alderr.iAn SUinHby rauMod nuAra than« liUla iurpri>iA wbou tbo oftzuklng an a(>|Yrot)riatfoii tov the luvnidut of the election offlcont w m uji. Mr.Btaiiuby aaM he bad no pull" nr inilm n h3 with the Mayor and hin a«lvioe and Uona had hrwn

After .j^ldemmn U'ei tarmaii rltairman of the CooimlttiMe on KlectSunt. had iiitrodiiei I ft reaolntlflti dlm-dlng thu City Ti-naMiiPor 1 1 ftd^ano I1UJH5 for the Itaynu'nt of tlk>ci<’o> tiod ofBooni Iw, in a coiiiinunii'atlon whiidi Wia reftdt. 4tta<‘k/*d Mayor l^ebkuerlmr out chftTged bitu with boiu^ rt^|)oiiiU)lo for Lit* redtHlIoniu the pay of the eWtioa ofllcerj. In tbefln t }iarajfra})h the Ahlermati wt\ue that he made the statement tn Juitic'e tn HIm exunmittee. commuuicatiou iv ft.1 fol-lowa:

"There aeomi to be ft misundertiftiKiiii;; about the |My of tlio eienthm iHMinla Tim fault of itk tfelay' iecfiis to he put on Foftimittea. X wish to say it do«a not belong toltaudwAali it put wLere It l«lunj<rt. It may Iw proper to Kivo the C-oiini'il a Mlile iu'. fonnatiun altoui the worhinjfs of tbl emn- mfttee. The pnK'(M'4 or ulJ ^Aayof Tvorkiug Wft.s by reeolmiou, fuv(>nb'<l au l patent bv the Xtepubiii^n |>arty, Mrhich worked so well that our party Tleempt! it prop;ti‘ tiT worli in the same cviurse, wiiioh bi'i Honor the Mayor thoujiht, It wiie to veto, and thereby hatd|»em the conuplttiPe in ita workamkpltftootiit uoduf a ilark clout 1 re()ueBby! the Mayor to ba present at our oommItUTe to hear any snt^^Btiori bo aaw fit to (sakr, a« X did ii4)t fejl Incllu*-! to lake

M ANAGER YOUNG QUIZZED. HIGHW AYM EN A G A IN AT WORK.CounrlPa rinanee Conunltlee NotSatUflad

'ITUh tit* Ktateuivqt tn Itegard ta that Five Fer Crut. af Uoralpu.

Thf t'ornmon Cwitirll's ronimittee on Pin- am*e, at iu meeting last sight, aptirnwl the offer made by Ueneral Manager l^vld Youof, of the 'Ccmaolldated Tractum Com- pany, to pay the city 1 1 (1,1®*-0 the amiHint the company robsidaiwl to l>e due the city in amTcdamre with the provUloiii of the ni'dinant'e rsquirinf the com|*nleit to pay live |wrtTiif, r f ibrgrT>« earn iu^T*the street lailvr-vys 4ipai-aU*i bv eb'ctricity. ThE> U>Ul anuimit of the {wr cenldge which Mr. Vonug admitbMl waadue Ihe city was fni,0 l7.fl.\ but be i-outeiidatl thit the company war entitle 1 to fU.UbXfSU, the etjieiuo iucurretl by the com|t«uy In r*- ini>viiu; tlw polfi from the contro of tho street*. The commitleameu would lu^ li«teu to Mr. Young'spr<»)Naitionand lie raadastnt*^ tiwnt higiiftrt by Treasurer E. N. Hill ami Auditor W. J. Hamsey, iw folinw*:

Year emllru: A pril iw t Unwi earnin«s.IrvtT>ifteh division............... ........ T5< >rariice <livisit)u........ ................... Wi.£i!t IHlUpIdTraiiali......................... 4s

= ■ MidftQj reaptYQRlbilitj upon myself. Hli Htmor Mid be co&suiterf the clerk of liii dintriet.wtM> tuM bun four suid a half to live and Italf dajs was ample jiay for the W4»i.£ done, by which theconmiittie was guided. At tiie same Uiuu. hie liooor iwnuLrked he did uot wish to iuierrere with tl»e committee, but teemed iaptiuod to tbiuk it was all it was worth.

Mr. Westerman tbereunnn explainect that Hie Mayor hod apDoared iwfore tiie Election Committee aud said that the der!: lu bis (ttae M ayo r ''V c tlon district Uau sai ltliat if the clerks of electioir* ware alloweil for fire and <nse»balf day* ■ vices. and the other intmbet's of the for fotA.andODe>balf dayar) the ra\ JS ]jer day, the ccKOpcDsaticv 'Vld bo fair. It was at the MaynFs sitg^ . tion that the committiw adopted the j^n , Mr. Westerinmi. Thecompensatiou, "dd, wa-i iuadfxjuoto.Bom# ol the dik tre larger than (Khera, he aaid. and aofw he ottloers hai put lu ■eveo, eight and ulne d.nys.

Mr. HarHgan said it was no wonder that fault was found with election uirii‘.;rA; com­petent meu could not lie Induced to serve for the compeiisatiou given Uiem.

“ My ivfnpathy goes out to the election offi­cers In this matter,''said Mr. StelnRhy. An efficient election officer mtiat benn itiHiigent mao; th ^ are chosen by the county txMrd of registration, they are not chosen iu primaries like comoibu everyday Aldermenare. Their work is dangerous;they are liable to Indictment for iOciM litUe error. Why a short time ago i bdllsil a whole lot of tliom at the,Court- house. Any scalawag can in after years aiccuse them of having be*u iudicted, as [ have been, on the fliXTr of this Council The election officers should not receive uuy such mere pittance. Wearesiuartdownour way. The election officers get througii with their work tjtticker than they do in some district*. In other diatrlcta the officers have ronsider- able more work to do. 1 am in favor of in­creasing this amount by resolution or any other way. Let us run the c; %*irci of a veto,"

“ 1 am very mu»d» HkrriSi ^Ida * .‘.a/ fromthe Ninth," said AllonnauK Xth.

’*Not much; you arc too i.nalV chimed in Mr. Btainsby.

Continuing. Mr. Smith said the pay was tnadiHiuate, that the men should receive decent oompemiatioii.

Mr. Ogden dcfondeil the 3fnyor. He did not think It w'os right to place the respon-

' aibllity utxia the Mayor, Yvuam he believed had act«i honestly.

Mr. Westennfti thereupon explained bow Secretary Oit»soii bail luroi-med the cotniuit tee at its meeting on April 7, that the Mayor would not sign a re la tion pnifsci by Iho Council wb l^ autborUed the City Trya^iirer to pay the bills after having been auaitoil by the eoimnftteti and Auditor Hiinyon. Then be related again how the committee had de­cided to allow the paymout iu accordance with the Mayor's plana.

"Mr. UilMon is a new ftian," raIlI Mr. Stainsbj, ** or be wouldn’t have given the committee any such inforinauon. He wouldn't, have attempted to intiml late the Dommittee. The old plan of payineut was a good one, and was in vogue when i came into] Coancil in 1S67, J called upon the Mayor wben 1 learned of bit Inteutiou to ▼eto the measure, and advisnd him to sign it, but my advice wa:j unheeded. 1 don’t know anything* al>out what transpires In the Mayor's office. 1 haven’t much ia- fluonce in that quarter. It was unfortunate that this affair should have occurred so soon after the Mayor's inauguration. But I want to aay now that the committee should have done os it saw fit The Mayor should not

Total......................................... I-'W'.W eoFW operceu t............. Ifl.iMi HiYear emllnx -April 30, IW.

IrvingtondivUlon...... ................. 1®Oruiige division................................. Hfl.jlW TilUpln Transit..............................♦ ■?“( t«»wtown dlviMoi!...................I 'eiitrsl avruus divisdoti............KdulU Tcnlli sirevt division......CourtliouM division..............

J*ui4 m Mll.MU Ui 7,8ilU ikl

. H15.UT1I T7

Total..........Klve peri'ViU"That w strange,'' said Mr. Btainsby.whaii

IheiiuiiftKer coacludc4l tU« reading of (he repjrtof 18WT, "very strange. .More roal, P.TiH receipU; how is that, David, how is U iatr

" le a n t uuJenUiid that, either. Thev extendtidtheir lines with money (hey rol- ItK ted from iwnpla who formerly bwl i»sses," Mill Alderman Bmith.

•' KvcrytMxly with any sense whatever knows that tiuias have bec n iiamL" Haiti .\lr. Yvnmg. " 011™ is a buHinew ami we, too, have Bufferal; that ought to bo plain (o anyUtlP.’’

Tlinn Mr. Young ndilrcawiJ the rommIUep. Tho Coinmoii (.'nuunil, he ulil. perniltt.* I thii (ijtni«uiv to erwrt pole* in the i-eoti'e nf the eti-eeis nder which the B<»rd ot Work* end the Gi'fttnl Jury orderwl their remnvul, uinl the i‘i,.eu«e iucurred wm (14.913.BO.

" Whet h*ve we got to do with the reiiinret of your oid imleH," atld Mr. Hurrigan »h»rp- ly. ’ Unrordlnani.-ee require your cotiipenyto ( » y five per cent, of the groee eaniingi to the efty, ■ ' 'ty, enu u far a* I am coucerned it will be paid, jwlea or no |>o)ea.”

"Thoie ore iny eentlments," put in Mr. TrelMild.

“ Well, you allowed ua to ---- began Mr.Young.

"W hat have wo got to do with the Boaril of Work! or Grand Jury!" IntorrupUnl Hr. Stainahy.

"See here, Darld, if It had not been a benedt to renp- comply, do you want ii, to l»lieve tliat you wonld haea renioee.1 Hie

Stlei on any'iuch gentle requeat from the oard of Worki or Grand Jury Y’ aaid

Co.iqitroller ('omieliy. “ Itell you what I Iwlieew," continued the Comptroller, "the city abould cbaive tbG oouipanr Intereat on tile claltn."

"Well, that la an honest itatetnent," aaid Mr. Young. "Our book* are open to your inopet'Gon.'

“ I f tnit ii a trua atatonuiat, UaTld," re­plied Hr. Btalnaby, " the public has been awfully deoeivoi’ ’

There «a * more diactuilon upon the lub-

Aaoltier E n ldm t e f Bloonafleld Attacked, but He Karaped After e Urlef

ltr «gg le .-X e Axraata

CharlralJerrwnrtb, in lha amplny of Ileu- Iwn N. 1>0(U, a UlnouiAald llTerymnn, nar­rowly escaped laet night maeting ih* fata that bafeU FVit* Lliidenwyar

Liver worth waa on bia way up Broail atreat In a hnggy with oIm of Undninieycr'a toua, tinl aftar iaayiag tba young man at In* homa Llverworth waa a|>proachlng Hay avi nue, when aetren man orderad him to atop and gica up hU money.

At tha atma time uuo of tb» mm gralihnl tbn bone hy the Iteanl.

As he did io, Ueerworth atruck the hors* with the whip, and it lumped forward, tak­ing Ihe wouki-ba thici with hhii. Liret- woith then liaall the inao a blow over tha luwl with tiia butt end of the whip kins'klng hmi down.

Then the Iiorae waa whipped up aud IJuTworth Buccoeded in getting away: Iml he wa* foilowwi by four of toe wonkl t* ihlcvca to Bay avenue, where they gave up the cliase.

Llverworth reported hla aiporlenca to Ofllcer Jamea Foator, but tha highwaymen have unt aa y*t bam aitprahemled.

The police are of the opinion that the thieve* are being harlnnal iu a m Ioou in tha vlcltiity of where Gi* robla'i^ we* perpn- Iraleil oml whore fjeerworth was aitnrkeil.

No fiirtbtr arreato in the idudanmeyar case have aa yet been made.

—— ■ ■*— ------ « —KAIII,Y JGNK WEUUIhGh.

ject, the eommlttao waa not lncUae.1 to be­lieve the statemeut aitii woul I ' not accept the amount of the Are per cent.and would not oonsiiler the propoaiUon to doluct the amount for the removal of the polat.

On motion of Hr. Rtatnaby the mmmlttee oniered the employment of an expert to go over the Conaolldated Traction L'ompany'a bocilu iu the preeenoe of Aldermen Btainsby and Trabold. The reeolntion tn that eifact was latter approved by the Common Council.

ConipUolfer Connelly, when eeen by a News reporter thle niomlng. said that in bis opinion * )>e figures given by Hr. Y o u w were deeidedlv low. "

have infiuanced Iho oomuilttoe. This vvbole btiainetf is aoinmhat oh the baby------- ---------------------------- yactatyle.U 1 had been n member of that committee I would have been guided by my own opinion."

Hr. Ogden agaTu dvfcnded the Mayor by aaying that the City Counsel had lutarmed the Uiiyor that the proceeding was Illegal.

" Did 1 understand the gentleman to si^ that City Counsel Hiker advised the Mayor f ’ asked Mr. ilarrigan.

were decidedly low."What do you think of Mr. Young'sclalm

of 114,913.00 for expenses incurrM 11 the erection of the centre-poles f” asked tlie re- |»rter.

“ Rot," answered the Comptroller, prompt­ly. “ If the company ha*, or think., itha-s any grounds for that clalni, its redress is in tho coarSs. Tho rommilte* will not make any such allowance."

Concerning the statement* made by Mr. Yonag to the Finance Committee last night, a man who is thoroughly familiar with tho alTain of the company said that the state­ment* ware luisleadlug, in that they do uot fully explain the situation.

" Now, for instanoe,” the reporter’s in­formant went on, " the agreement between the Traction Company and the city I* to the effect that the company thail pay a five |ier cent. tax on the groaaearnings of the electrically operated linea v^thin the citv limits. I f one of the lines, any ten inilea long, relnrns groaa earu- inn of (230,090 per year, and only three miles of the r MUl is within the city limita, tha company is only required to pay the five per cent, tax ou the earuinga of that three miles, or the portion that ia operated iu the city. The figures given to the Finance CommiUee by Mr, Young are the estimutsd earnings of those portions of the company's linea within the boundarie* of tha city, anil not by any means the gross earn­ings of tha company's entire plant. The re­port submitted by the company to the Attorney-General last year showed the gross earninga of tha company to be Bomething like a million and a quarter dol­lars for that year. That, of course, Included the earnings of the boraecar Hnes—Broad street, Bloomfield avenue. Orange street, Harriaon and the other branches on which electricity has since aupercedad the old aye- tern,”

Neither Mr. Bbanley nor Hr. Young were to bo found at the office of the Consolidate Traction Company this morning, but Ae- sistant Treasurer W. J. Hamwy cor- coboratad this statement. Referring tothe faUlng off from the figuresquoted as tw earninga for 1893, Mr. Ramsey said that it was due to the foot that many of tho factories were working only threo- quarters time and the working people bad more leisure to walk to and from uielr work.

* Ho, no; don't give us that,” chimed in LOYAL LEGION W. C. T. V.


^iW tigs ,



Mr. Btainsby. " Riker has got enough to answer for now; do.n't put that on his shoulder*. Hr. Guild was the City Counsel referred to."

The resolution was thereupon changed and the City Trea*urei' waa dlrocted to advance 113,303.83, an increase of tei8.l». ThU amount will allow the olerks foraixdaji and the nwmberu of the Blcctloii Boards for five days' servloc, the aaiiic us iu pluvious years.

A resolution was adopted requesGng the Le^ lative Committeo to enact a law pro- vlduig for the compenaatlou of the election offtrors. ■

The resqluGon from the Finance Commit- tea ordering the increase of the Comp­troller’s salary to (3,(XV), was approved. The iiauai appropriations were uiwe to the hos­pitals and and Ear Infirmary.

AsaHtant City Attorney Cross entered the Council Chamber and naudeil Alderman Cort a asaoluGon, which was offered agd adopted. The resolution is said to have come from the Mayor. In «u(i*laqce it i* a r«ptest to the Hoard of Htreet nnd Water Conimis- aiouera to ascertain if the contract nuule with City HoaUengep Ueyer has beeu complied with; if the proper kind of wagons were used in the collection of the garbage; If any dumping was done n(Uiia "the d ty Ifinita and if so, it tbs oontriictors Ifid a dnHiit to so duiup the rafnae. The oomtnMaioaers were rcqbeited to aaecrlain If Gouernl Superinteiidunt Manb approred qf the pmothly report* ren­dered by the acavenger, and if the old Bodrd of Street and Water CotniuiBSioaers collected any penalties from the contractor. The commieeloneri were also requested to have the garbage lu the centre of the city collect­ed at night,

Mr, Btelnaby'e raeolutiou, directing the Law pepvtniaut to conijiile and have prmted 230 coplee of tlie ordinancua and laws ■ efeirlng to the eity, prsvailul.

’Tba intereat Accruing from the laingworth and-Tlchanor fund, auiouiiting to (1& was dlvidud equally twtwoen.aio Newark Orpbon Asylum, Fo*ter Home aid Bt. Hary’t Ur- phM Asyluajf '

■' ■ ' ‘ f orGtepoftoinfile ota |iede«talfor the Frellng buyaea monument, asd 10 0 for the Fo-irtl of Jul# v'afebratiito.

At prealdonl Ely'e requoijt the rulee were uupenqsd, and hp wos nai-re- Aldermen Fell and jbycu upon tiie iontgun Committee, Aldorman Pell had expreseod bis displeasure at uot having been made a member of the committee a month ago.

'i he Audiun' waa directed to tiumfer (13- 000, when at band, from the rontiagent fund to tha fund for the book-end-Iadder honae In tbjThird Ward-

tliere was eone dtscosslon over the my- iticnt of the city ctalpu for the oloalug of the itreete in the' old Fourteenth Ward, brought about by Alderman Ogden. Mr. B ta i^ y explained thu the dintter would toon be eet- Ort or a iuit bnrajht


Min HarrUtFIrenc lleoemee Nr*. 1‘hlllp 'mduey Kntl-U tlier tCeddlng*.

T he Glen Ridgo Congregational Church wav the sesne at Moon to-day of the wwklliig of .Mias Harriet W „ daughter of J, Philip FIreng. of the Ciilted Rtalw Navy, reeidlng at Glen Ridge, ami Philip Hldiiey Rust, a lawyer of fioeton, Uaaa At noon the bridal iwrly entareit the pretty little church, the iiridowltb her father. Hhewae nietot thepulpit by the groom and hie best man, GeorgeFiirlwr, of Ewirtoa, Hate, Rev. Frank J,


Jphir WlHtier fpiienMar*. dobn Wiimei',' (gad fifty-one years, left bis XM, 15T ItGfnhnt avenue, Tueiday morn- f to go to work and be has not bmn aeen oe, Hia • ife reported the diaappeamnoa

tHwHiW^Firaiuact StoMon. .

.- V ^ n e n e * 14,’Yasa.-v*'- *-t- — — 'v:U~- me Hsuue at BnoKUte, hear Mtoohi- field, was fo r a load Gme, until six month* ago, sorely alBfiftedr-wltb protruding, Itolilug and bletullng piles o f U a most painful and trouble.some oheracter, but by the use of Pile Pauatlo wa« Imuiedlately nueved of all eufferiugtUorefrom, and luia nuffered no InMovehlenoe tromtl'.emehulyeluin- TO be had ouly at 10 Acaderar atreet, Newwk, upaialrt, from 9 A. M, to T P, M-; from V to 4 Sundays. kxJilng of the rectum aiao Immediately cured by the tame remedy,

A happy bride ia ilie who And* among her wedalhg gifts some of the elegant plolurasiu our etnra. Two hundred new and original deelgoB tn frames; alu a new Una of pictures now in Btock. Gary « Kenny, W and MX broad atreat.

Guoiiwin performed the ceremony.Ton bride wore a gown of white satin and

clilffun lace and carrird lilt** of ths valley. Mis* Ilemie FIreng, a elster of the hridn, wa* tha maid of honor. Hho wore e gowu of white crepe de clifne and carried a bouquet of niees.

The iiibart were Dr. Ganlner Uiirae and Guy Cimninghaiii, of Boston, Mass.; and William Mclntosb and Harry Nas3 of iiiiMmifield.

A wedding breakfast wms aerveil at the hohie of the brtde'a jioreoti at the corner of Washington and Ridgewood avenues after tho (vvreuioiiy.

The couple later started on an ertanded wedding trip. They will reside at Boston.

A very quiet weddim; was tolemnisod in Chrlrt Chiircb, Ka»t (rranga, at II o’clock this momlng, when the rector, the Rev. W. IV. Davit, marrlad M ia Agniet Wright, of Hollywood avruuA, Kaat Orange, to J. E. Howard, of the tame atreeL Toe bride wore a travelling gown, and iimnediateiy after the ceremony Mr. and Ura. Howard left on a wedding trip. Only the relatfvee and inti­mate friends of the yonng couple were pree- ent at the ceremony. ________


Judge Child CnuAnus Aeveral Repwrlt of Commlaalonert.

In the Circuit Court tbit morning City Counsel Chandler W. Riker made applica­tion to Judge Child for the confirmation of the rrporla of the Commisaionera on Aaaena- manta for tho work ot paving Broome atreet. Nelson place, Bridge street and Newton atreet.

The report for the litter atraat wot ob­jected to by Rchuyler B. Jackson and Bam- uel Bigelow. They claimed to npreaent Mventy-flv* per cent, of tbeproperty-ownera who were all anxious, the lawyen said, to hare the street peved with granite block in­stead nf asphalt.

Their wlihea In the matter were entirely disregarded by the Board of IVorlu, so it was claimed. Tiie report, however, was con­firmed by Judge Child, who granted a rule to show cause why the confirmation should not be set asida

Halwy M. Barrett, who said ho repre- aenti irine-tentbs ot the property-owBere along Bridge street, objected to the l.'omml*- aionera’ report for that atreeL The thor­oughfare ia a vary busy one, Mr. Barrett said, and the Coinmiaeioners bod not aa- sesaed the city nearly onemgh. The Judge ranflriiwd the report, and granteti to .'Ir. Barrett a nils to show, cau*e why It should not be set uide.

There were n ' objes tions to the reporte on Broome street ; { ^ Velaon place, and they Were confiriDoii,


He ffVrite* to Ihe Trade* Coutirll end I'roitillieii Ir P uhIi BIHr Throuchi

At the mreting of the Esiti Trades Coun­cil lost night there were eight delpgatse p^sent from various labor organlxattoae and taut little more than routine bualnesi wot transacted. Thomas McGovern presided. An invitation was accepted from the Bakers’ Union to attend it* jiicnic on June 10 at OerteTt Park.

Fred Schaefer, lecretary of the local Ex­ecutive Board of the United Brewery IVork- raea, spoke of the boycott against the Hill Brewing Company and placed a communlcar tlon m reference to the matter before the council, ft was laid ou tho table.

A letter wan read from BtaCe Beuator George W. Ketcham, in which he defended himself against tome things alleged to have been aaid of him. He spoke ot the work lie had dona tn the Senate at Trenton and told how he h ^ been obstructed by others. He promised that when the LegisJature again met ha would bring up and vigorously push forward and through tho labor billa which had tieeo laid on tbe table.


Over XOO Boy* *nri Olrla lu Aeisfoa Thii Afternoon,

More than 300 children, boy* and girl*, delegates of the Loyal Legion of Eisex County W. C. T, H., will assemble thi* after­noon in the hall of the W. C. T. U., on Uul- berry street; near Market, In annual con­vention. They come from all over tbe county, The session wilt conclude at 5 F. M. Tlie hall has been prettily decorated for the event by Mias Helen I. Elmer, superin­tendent j t the Flower Hisalon.

Mlaa Emma KitefaoU, the auperintendent ot the juvenile work, will direct the affaire of tho convention. There will be several of the local ciei'gymeu present, aa well as many ladles, and several eddreasa* will be mode.

Oh Tuesday next a bazar, under tba auspices of the Flower Mission and Relief Committee, will be held in the ball. . ’The proceed* will be devoted to the allevlatloii of tho poor, the attention of the IV. C. T. U. having been lately called to several rasea of destitution that deaerve aitention. It will lost only the afternoon and evening.


In Clinton Township.A young son of Milton llecht was run over

on Springfield avenue, Irvington, last night. Oue of his feet wa* orushad.

An unocrnplsd Unlldlng on Sprlngflald ave­nue, Irvington, near Centre street, fell with a crash lost night. It was owned by Georg* Meeker, of Newtrk, and waa very old,

The Her. Elbert Clement will preach In the Jtetbodlat Eplsoupal ohnroh of Irrlngtoa to­morrow morning on " Chrlatianity and Creeds.'' To-morrow night hU labject will be ‘‘ Balaain.’’

Kev, W. C. Alien, of New York, will preach In the Reformed ohuroli ot Irrlngtoa to-mor­row morutng. In 1 be afternoon hit dirotber, the Rev. John S. Alien, of the New York Ave­nue Heiurmed Church of Newark, will con­duct nervlces, and the lord's Supper will be administered, *

There w 11 i be good speaking at a meeting to be hold by the Woman's Chrietlaa Vnlou in the Teinvprwnre Hall to-morrow afteruoon.

It W as in ths Oranss Athletic Club Gymnaiiam.


T h « K^BlcuAtloii o f F rof^«*fir tlnhn F*

n itliU Out Komo |nt»ro«11nft

rHrtih-'JI« l le l i r r v d Ui III* rv«*x<k»Ci o f

Ju iiip lo ;; O v r r lUokn M a M m im o f lk«-

¥«>lo|»Hift uf Olo Afiii* find«n il lovr«li|E it(loii« AM osrd to

H avo Homi M ode fo r Mom^ T Iujv U«cik«

Myvter; of Thnfti In MontcUIr Clenrea tip by Clilrf EiiftlUh.

Chlol of PoUo« EngUths of Montclair, hu succeeded in learning who tho perpetrator of nuineroui robberin in tbe town it* An eight-jcar-old ^rl, named Haocorlc» it was diBcovorpii picked up valuables while visit­ing nelgbbon an i boarded them. It is be* lieved that slie a kbptomftnlac. Her par­ents arc highly re»ppctel

Numerotis small robbertes were reported to Chief English during the last three weeks and persons suspected that workmeu were committing tbe depredatloun,

A gold watch disappeared during the early trt of this week from tbe home of C. ’Whltr

The resignation of Jonn K. Doidta«iUitriiotor lu tbdi gyiiiiusiDm of tbe Or­ange Atblcltc <Mub bai tirou;lit to mind leap frng ganiet iu which the profesuor in- Kintrt*! the Iftclina'gynma^tio I'lanvw. Pro- frfifctir Ihddr In ft Udlever in h-ap Tru a'* ft tibrani of dt*velopmeut for tha mus<'1e)i <if the anti’Raad lagi«. He intrivlnoed, it ia laM, leapfrog into t!ie laditV citiaiheH, and for frouii* tiiiLe tho girls eujoy«l the exhilftrating H'orl.

FiilhIIv one of the young women reporteil thoiiiartwto her fatiif-r In hot imute tiie fatiier rt purtnd it»e umtter to tho Houiu I'idiimUti'e, of wUii'li Ji>hii Wiley Is chftir- inaii. The Houm ('oinmtttejimloreLl Mr. Itoldt tu diMCoutimie leapfng’a butthninaltt'r wa« dlst'UksnJ ftml UIscunsmI und ihe iNH)ple of Hast I )rftiig«e are talking about it ret.

W'itlininlt. Hiilony the p e idet1t of the Hul>, (old A Nkm'h vetKirter tiiat thn letp frog Wttjv (inly an ** luHilent" in tha club, but that there are many other "^lundoiiU."

A (Hirt of the story of the trouble, aa learnoti hy a Nkwm reporter from an authen­tic Muir<*»‘, i i Ihntiju Doiwmber 1, iWl'l, Mr. Doidt ajgnt)i1 an agresunont wUb tlMclubto aen-e as au|)erujtwident tor three yeari at a salary uf the llrat year and Dw the other ysnra. At that lime the pra Mra- tions for tlu*fu(p lieM ItAi winter were In full liluhL aud it was lio|»ed that the financial re> Hulta uf the fair would relieve the t'luh from tbe hottvy debt umSer which It waa strug­gling. After the fair tbe dub still fouu.l itself in debt, although thojule wain great sui'i’eM.

It waM de»‘Mie.l that a policy of retrench- ment must Iw purNUeih aiu] one of the cur- taitiiionN that was suggested was to rodiioa tbe salary of Mr. Doidt* (.'haiiM ware pra* ferrod aptnNi him, it tfeiog Raaerteii that be had neglei'ted hia duticN; that tbu house wga In ft bad cooditUMj. sud that the bcxtksof tite treasurer were uot in good order. Mr. IKddt having doiie a great d<vil of work lu aasiat- log the man w hu waH then treasurer, aud floallv it was charged tiiat neither Hr. lioldt nor the clerk was iu constant attendance at the club.

Wheu bo heard of these cbnrgea, Mr. Doidt went to Mr. Wilev ami demanuad that be be given an opportiroity to dear himself UTore tbe Hou&o ContDiiti^. The demaud for a beftTing wtsput off on one pretext or an­other. Mr. Lkddt explalnetl to Mr. Wiley that the reason for the bmue being In a bad condition was that he bad nnt been aliowod sufficient help to clear away the debris and

t^er. and this led to a thorough InToeUga- lion and tho dual recovery'of the watch from the little girl hy Chief EngUab.

Tbe girigaveup many otherartiolaftwhioh she secured from Tarious Aedghbors. Hho wilt not be prosecuted, but her moveEnente will be closely watched.

Newark Members Would Ha SatUded With Fifty Cents on the Dollar.

The members of Newark branch of the de­funct Order of Tout! met last night in Whlt- ty’s Hall to bear tho repprt of Secretary Hickmette, as received by him from tbe true- tflOH in Philadelphia. There was a very large attendatice ana noma ladjw were pree- ent. There was not the torbuleBce at the meeting lost night that made the but meet­ing so conspicuous. In fa ^ the members seemed r^gnad to tbe inevitable, and it was inforiually anoounced that If they could get fifty ceuta on the dollar paid in they would be in a jolly mood.

A week ago it was thought tbe members would get at least sizty-Ave ceute. No action was taken last night and tbe meeting soon adjourned. A letter was received Iroru liodge No. of Tren­ton, which expretsed ite undying faith In the order* and that Jt will get dollar for doUtr.

litter remaining after the fair. Regardtug tbe conditiuii of the trfasum''s books, Mr.Doidt referred the House Comiiiittee to tbe treasurer hiutneir.

When he found that he could not a bearing, according to tbe story, Mr. I>oidt requested tbe Coimnlttee to namesome terms upon which tbe tontract oouLd be annulled. He said he wm unwUlmg that he should be an inrubuR u ion tbe club and would be glad to go away, providing that be was given a reasonable bonus for the oau- cellaUon of bis (vmiract.

Hamilton U'alliR,, George T. BoggR, W ill­iam M. FrankUa aud Pjv«ident William B. Dillon, ex-officio, were uppuinteJ a c<nnmit-< tee to Investigate the charges. After hold­ing a. number of DieetingM the ountmlttee is ■aid to have prefeirwl additional charges BMinst Mr. Doidt. Tbe committee in d i^ that Mr. Doidt bad not alfended to his clauses as he BboulEl, aud ibat he showed fAvoritism t'> classes aent to nii>ml)ers. Tbe chaigo of favorititim tbe professor n futed. and m rM rd to the other charge be R-howtil that the dasRce were thoAo developed by him to help tho club.

The committee refused to give Mr. Doidt ft bonuR, saving he could re^ ii or stey> oe He^ficee, but it would prefer bis rchigAv'ioiL Mr. Doidt took the I'ommitteomeu at their word and resigned, but all questions at to bis retigoation that have l>eeD put him or to metiibcrs of tbe have been unan­swered.

When President Dillon war a«kc<l some

FROM THE ORANGE TOWNS. THE rRKaa iT .rn i i i :n k i i t .

Tha Orange Fire llfivartincnt llaars |of a lUasa'-ltiiyIng Orang* l^ewsr

Honda— |Al U -lfioVlock Uit night John Dynch, of

U et.1 draugc, dip'l l f i a m i w iiaumg from aiiam in ibe n ar irf Mitchell Rtriwl. He ran to the bc«e houi c guii l alliug up tho flreiiien (old them that (Ucro war a lire ou Mitrhi'lUiit'et. "\\v will have ti» h ■ tho

IwfoiM vvp oiiU" said mmof tbe lujNL ineu from th<t iipjwr wiU' dow. The hones h iwcver. were hitchuil and Hm dcjiartito'ul wdiu l for tiie fire to | burn up In tin‘ nufianEime < Klh'er I'nter Drmi orgiu)t/v'l a bu>-kct loigatlc, aiuI they sm ceeded in exlliigulNiilii- iii« liefcuMiiiuct) duiuage iud ixi'cii At th:' hitw-bot^v thlx uiurumg ou," of the tireiivn said that they w*ero stnipiy uolitlfi I Uial them vias a tire on Mitchell

Already worth of tbe OrangeMwer boud have be<Mi hUl)K-nl)ol for, aiitl th« iudicatioici are that (bn entire IliVUDJ will be taken up bv ludiviihiaU. The (imo for retsdring tiui iptiiihb will Ih< next TunMlay. '1 he IsmdH iiro fn'o from taxation and nru four un<l a half ] « r ivutn.

A lawn {Niiiy wiU l.i gnoii im tho grmmdfii of the Eisex L'oimty ('unitary I'luh this uftenuMm, Luui'li itill tp< at 4Oi'ciot'k and at T o'chn'k Uio tisu:il taldo d'boto dinner will Ih si'i ViHl A dmi<‘» will tw held ihiH aViMiiiig,

Mi'«. Itixiney A. uaril. of Monlcliiir. « v t a Iuul4i at tin> i'oimty I'ouutr)'HuIkhouse at ihxm Iim Iav Io eighti'eii guests. The tables woi’» di*'‘ornl*'<i with.iiine rLwes, aud ftl each guiwt'tf plato n Wautiful ril>- Um bearing (hn name of iho gun>i lu gold hitlera, Tbe iiioiiti wr>( hu clalKirate ouo.

Mrs. M. K. ItiNUh, vMio of liathngt4m Boott), cmiiniaDiUir nf lh>' rnited StnKw fonwe of ibo Salvahon ,\rmy, will ilolivrr au ■ddrewi tti (be Uj-ovc Siri t.i. i ougiegalluual Church tL>Dmrrow ni^ot.

On Wedueedsy iii^ht, June ii, Captain Taylor, lietter known tii ine "Uolden MiUHtrel,” will havi* «‘harfio of the im'cting at< tha Halvatloii Anuv Ihill. ?! .Norlh Center street. Orange, when iheiv will l>ea iimvicui feast.

Thu Hat KiniRher*'.\««iN-intiou of Orange held ite regular niuiitlily meeting IilkI tUElit. The eucrelftry repurhNi fleVU lecinvoil froiu dura ami aiiMWHmeutR. and tur t -msurer n>- purtivl exiwiidUureH uinountiug to

Dr, IhMlge, tbe retii'ing house phv:4maii of tbe Memorial Hi'^pUal at Orunp*, Iihh tMfen presetited with n of liisiriimcutJi, iiiHud- (ng a hyiiodcrmic jiyriugo uu'i ihfnmmH'ter, by the uunws.

A hiwe tower flftT-flvo fe»‘l high will soon tw crec'Ud iu ibo Orange Valley lioiwhuusu. New lloorA will also be lalrl.

Tha New England S<K'latv of Oraugewdl hold Its regular niontlilv meeting (o-night.

The inembors of the West • irange Fire I de­partment wili tudd a rifle shoot in the rear of tlie hoMhouee, ou Valley rood, tills after­noon.

Parkinson's navillnt), near the terminus of the Orange Mountain cahlu raoLl will In» formally opoueil Ibis aftertmou. .1 I wind of music will M In atvendaiict', u'e cream ami refreshment of all kiudRwill \m on Kale nt thegrouiwls. No inloxicatliig beverage will be sold. There will be muttic every Hatur- dav (luring tha lumnier.

Tbe w ^ ln g of Mlu Mal>cl McNeill, daughter of John CTieill, and W'illUni Uich- artil>abb, both of Orang^ in ohnouiiceil to take place June 13.

Alfred O. Tate, formerly private set rtary to Tbomfts A. ^lieon, was tondere<l a fare­well dinner at tbe Orange cliibhnuv*. in Prospect street, Ea^t Oraiign, Is t uight, prior to bis departure fur Muntaiui next week.

Tbe coDgregarioQ of the YAtRCR.Ring Meth­odist t ’hurch will begiu tbe erf<’tinu uf a u<'w edifice about July 1. The n<*w c'hnrcU will sent About 400 people, and will <'0<t iri.noo. When tbe new church Ir completed the old church will lie used for a sunday-sobool nxiin.

Mrn. John E. Dli. of 17 Hawthorne avt'- nue, Hast ( iran^, has issued cards for a re­ception next tVeduesdaj aftertioiiD In honor uf Miss Olcott, daughter of AsserublymanGeorge P. Olcott, uf East Orange

J. B. G. Adams, Cormnand**r ir>-('hlef of

weeks ago rm rdiug the resignation he said that Mr. lioldt was anxiouii to studv medi­cine. However this may bo the ci-profmor has acc^ted an engagement with Dr. Jiar- gf>atiti to take charge of the Harvard m«r school of gymnastics.

A committee has been appointed to make arrangements with Mr. Doiut to taxe charge of the grounds of tbe club, under tbe title of atbldtic director. The commitbw will report onJuuel4. Mr. Doidt will not st-ido tvhat answer he wdil give to the committee.

LIFE NOT WORTH LIVING.'Mrs* SftblDft Sadolph, H^srrtpd hy Har

Husband and Bereft of a Child,Takes Potnon.

Deserted by her hmhauil, her child dead At St. MiebaeVa Hospital, and no one to support ber and her Biirvlvin;; hahr boy, Mrs. IHiftblDft iSadolph, quite a yuuug woiuan, concluded that life afier all waa not worth tho living, ho last evening about fl o’clock, wnoii no one was About to Interfere, Rhe went into her room on the first floor of tbe house l!;i Boyd Streets and extracting a l»oxof rat poison from under her apron, the swallowed nearly all of i t Then she lay down to die.

None of the neighbun) heard ber moke a sound, and but few knew what was tbe matter until tbe ambulance drove up from tbe PuurUi Prci'imt Station and took the unfortunate woman over to tbe City Hospital, where hbe now b. This nioro- Ingsho was very much impmverl and tbe " capital Dbysielans think she will rerxjvcr.

L u t March the wuLnan's husband left her. He was getting $iu per wL«ek, but concluded that be L-ouldn t worir for such wages, and made a break for (.'Allfornia Id he told hlR wif». But §he never beard from him. The wife threatened several tiroes to kill hcrHCif If her child

tbe Grand Army of the Hepiddic, hsH a}>- pointed Township (-lerk Rtopheu M. Tiong. of I'^st Orange, an aidr-de-t'anip on his htaff.

The Hev, Jcihn W. WUiiamR, rector of Rt. rauTs Eplifi('opal7'hurch, East (irange, Haih'xl this morning for Europe, wher»*he will Kjicnd the summer for the iteueflt of his health. During his al>»enco tbe serviccw at hit ebun’h will be taaen by the Huv. Mr. Whittaker, lately j'oetor of Hi. Barnahoii's C'burcla, Koso- ville.

David L. H. Peterson, of Kortli Walnut street, KastGrauge. has taken hh family to Like George, when» they have a cottage for tbe Rummer nimillis.

Tbe iiev. Dr. G^irge B. Bishop will priUECh AMumton to-morrow morning in the Fiivt Refonneil Church of East Orange, commem­orative of the thirtieth aaniverjuiry of his ordiuattoQ to the initiisiry.

A proframiu* of Manx AUrartloni Will Hr rrr»<‘lit**d*

Til# Newfirk I'luh will hav.» il-mn- mml bemtU licit WedueMlny iiiglit at Miucr*4 Theelr". Enough tD-kcti I,nv4-« already Ihwu Kold to 111! thethostr* I hc plavbuiiHc will in" rlalHu-nteh th.iOMlelwith I'lmitK, imlnn and feriv*.

The E»roi£iumtih' h ivpletc vulh h -'I thiunR. Anmni* tlm fi»*rfor.n**r will Ui

Ju Wlllj.un n. Grt*'-n, a reciter atnl•tury icll *r with many funny wav'*,

A l■ollU■flllo with 41 \ v>v \Miwv lih M. (foiJwlii, will apji^'if. The Ji‘VM‘11 Drothcni will iierform ilicir new trick wllUih-ir IliutUKiliox, which i- R.-iid (o have (\Mt #-V‘X) The box in llrmh' MtrnpjKKl IfiK-kcil and IIinI ui> Mn'urcly. Two of the audieucu will staiKi in* end ^ that (here no trickery. Then K JeWidl w'ill under Ukc to gulinto thclNii without ("uclmi.;any uf the binding-. Tin* iH'rfurtiH*r liim- tteiJT will la* bound b.iU I end but iio will be HUi'i'i tful III ho cifurt '.

Fritiik Hiley, a itcliuiMitor of the Saiutberii negro, will fnako pkuMiiv fur Uie audieu4'U by hiH fuiiuy Kaving-* und iicM.

ThotuAJi 1-.. Into of Uie Primruse andWest (Miiihiimtion, IK u jtkdful Imiijolst. lU will do his level l*«v.t to Hit^rtaiu. Tupical j onip* will lie snug It.'f nnoM Newark fav4irilc, ( ie<n'gc Gubkin. atiililM- Ncvsuri S tthci* ( 'IuUIn dowivon tbf* iirogr.iiumi'fur s-Kno ohun'oec- leclioUR. iUrfacIo ravftllo, a ymitv; violinist, w ill jivrforni ‘i.im,* cbivoc.' l wlei'llimn aud ■uuHs of tlio oh I time irivorU4*i.


Ilia Horde llnici Avruy on <'llu(on Avriiue* TI»o Wagon IVrrrked*

William II. GambK a well kiunvn hqnur dealer of Ifl Fair Htmct, ii.vd u thrilUug rx- iwrience teat night in a iniimwAy. Mr. Gamble woe driving |4» hU Iioiiic, 1 IlillRido av ime. alnuut bo'clock, wltcti, at tho corner uf (diiiton and Elnmbetli avonut^ ihe liotiKs a spd'doil auiimtl, to'k fright at a IML- '-jug C'hnto:i avcuiu car. It tora up Ciiut^m avenue at lorrillo »fie4* 1.

Aa Mr. Gamble fouu>l it tmiHimiblu to stop tho animal lio urapiw l tlm n<lns nroiiml the whip and loatMU fur bin life. ||c liiudo.| uu

j i i ;k n o (i F in n is i .o s t .

was agaiuiA and In favor of the Ktato Bauking Company. This Judgmeut is for ||K5.7I.



Old Trouble Detween East Orange ami lllooTufleM May Heappciir.

It was reported this murnitiK that the old nuisance from tbe East Orange DDprjsal Works may occur agaio, owing to a dis- agreemem among tbe Koet Orange offlciaiR, eHpecially among the members of tbe Sewer Cc^mmittee of the townshin r>odv.

Huperiutendent Richora Linehaa, w'ho has saved the township from seriout trouble by hla method of flltration, baa resigned, owing' to tho refusal of tbe committee to compen­sate him as agreed. (Jhafrman TAngp, of too Sewer (.‘ommittoe, haa also rMigned.

The stream from tbe DisptjsaT Works wa« found this morning to be polluted, ami thn Bloomfield Bi«rd m Health was notified by two of the resident! nearby to keep a look­out.

Tho Bloomfield authorlti':^ will Insist limt East Orange prevent a further polJutiou uf tbe stream, or the ludicUuent already hang­ing over them will be pruseoutol.

which Uv at Bt. htichuerii Huepital should and only yesterday moruiag ber

Father (rons, Mflth«r Insane.A barefooted boy, withont a bat or cost,

woA found wandering along Eernr stimd iatu last night by Policeman Joseph Farrell. Ho took me youngster to the Third Dulico ITeciuct. Thera the boy said, after wi:- sid(!'rAblB persuasion, mid bis name wur John Soebey, and then the police knew the rest. The Jittle fellow's mother was rvcemly com mitted to tbe insane asylum, and shortly after th<» commitment ber husband ibwcricd bis ta’o children, one of which was tbe iMUi*- footod boy found in tho streel. Thu buys were sent tn the poorhouse, it is mid, soon afbT the father ditappeared, and it thought little Johnnla ran away fmm tht» inntltutton. The wbeftaLouta of tho faihcr is not known.

dkmother, who lives wilti her, ilad dwperate time gettiug a l»ttlo of oolsnn ft-ow h*r and had to call in thu n6iglilK>ra. Tb« mother took the baby away this morn- log and will care for him.

T h e Sale o f Cars Stopped*The sale of ihe electric cars

which were reoently levied upon by Bherlff Lehtbach to bali.dv a $7,000 judgment eecnred by Abraham liusmow against Uie Traction Com­pany, has been srayeil tlirougli a writ of error which tiie company sitH'iircd through its counseJ. UiiSRnow s4iocl tho compatiy through Ijawyer Sauniel KoliKch to recover damages for injuries lUHtaitu l tlirough Iwirig pushed off n Broad street car io May, Tha jury gaveft verdict for ff.uOO, After trying in vain to collect the money Mr. K.'ilisch orderadl the Bherlff to levy on the compauy's property*

An n il ftioTA's Tuttih le and iramuge.Screams of **Firef’ from half n dozen

feminine throats attracted tho attention of Officers Jacob Buchard antlCharlea Enununs yesterday afternoon about L o'clock In l)i» ueightN.Thood of Bank street, iiiul both meu ran to tlie house. In thethixJHtory they found a room all ablare. lath** rt ntru of the room was a blazing coal oil stuv'i turned iipsido down. The two offli'cr-? t x- tiuguisbed tho blaze with a lot of wabT. 'ITo Rt4)ve hmi fallen off a table. The daiimgc alwiit Tha ruouii "were occupnsd l-y Thomas W. Lind.



■VOTICR IR IIKHKIIV TH 'TuN t ummLMleniTN li.iviof pruMay... ot Ih, (i-lyf til ,Nfln.fi;. kiiU upon tl: llin nnliflr* of iitl ttii. fxiifl.

rriKby ihi

G ulUx o l H tea lln f O ha.Tlie jury before wliieb Paul Abrell, of ti

Bowery street, wa* lrl*<l la the t'nuit Guirtor S<niob* yesterday tfcorn’Hiii on charge of stealing 60,(WU cuhio foi't ot giis from the Neirark City Oaelight ( 'urn,vimfound him gulliy of petty lureeny. Al.i. ll

probably bo *enknc«l on Tue*lny iiixi.will

ITritflelfi and Vicinity,Tha VTettfleld Ccnteimlal Committee held

their weekly meetin* l * « evening. It wa* de- dd^ to furnish reffrahment* for the invited gnasti. The members of the eommlttaeaay that aloea the .Township CoBmlllea made an approprSatlou tha private aubacrlpllona de not oome Iq a* f**t ** desired.

Tha Craoford school censn*, jnat conplated, abowi tliat there are 473 children tn the town- ablp of achool ak>. V t boy* and 1|H tiria. The Incrtaae over last year ia 18. 'nia tqDU in-, era*** for three years I* M. " fl

Tramp* hare beooBa such a nnisanca In Ro- selle that at the imV»<h*ring of the Town- 'eblp sommllteet al Linden and L'nton an effort will be made to have aomo action token to protect the people from the aonoyence.

At the taeetinx of tha Weetflehl Board of Health last ereninit many nnlaaiiee* arere or- .dered abaled. The Inapeotor reported the ton- 'itMT eondltlon of the schools as good.

Bvangallallc serrio** will be held In Atkins’a Grove, on Grant axenue, Ro*e)l*, to-taorrow afternoon at 4 o'cloek. If the weather la ■tormy thaservinawlllbehaldln tbe Math- odUt church.

Oommuulon sarvipea vrill be held to-morrow In tho IVestneld Preahyteritn, Baptist nnd HaihodUtchnrchea Stwclat evening service will be held at th* Coq^iattona] church.

Two Candidate* fur Srlinioiflililp*.Only two candidat*. for thu free State

acholanblpa in Ihe New .leriiey State Ciollage of New Brumnluk, nppeniod for tbe exominnUon at tho Courtbuiifle thu morning. The two uandidntes waro Fhwderiok DalVitt Baatijig, of tltls city, and John 8tieur.-er Oshorue, of BollavUlu, The emmlnatioD. whirh ivns Ijeguii promirt- ly at 9 o’clock, was ronducte;! by Ui', M, H. C, Vail, County Supennlomlent of Si.-hoola, Dr. ’lYUliain N, Bnrriiijcr, city Bu(ivrinteiideiit ot BehopU, and L. M'. Cult*, the Orange Soferiatenfleut, ’Tho two .laiididate; wero examiilbS lu chemiiitry, hUtory, algebra, grammar, geography, arithmetic and phyotc*. ___________ ___________ '

F O L K S Y O U K N O W .

—B. R. Bakerlelt to-day for the South on an extended varalluu.

Hr, llerry to Get a Plvoree.When Edwol-d 8. Black argued for the de-

fence to the suit of Albion K,' fierrv ognlnat > * ' 1, ': ■ ' ' f . ' ” ;. ' ~' -~:daythuVjce-L'b*n«llor etateil (hat he would recom­mend that Mr. Berry bo granted a divor — After tho'deciidon la fornutlly uutdu tbe dase will be ap^led.

-------------- ---------------

Mri. J. Tripp Vanderpool, of SrS.iiioiith NlnelucGlh atreot, ha* gone to Scrantuii, I‘;>.

- MI** IfOuiaa 31. K, Schaeffer, of thla city, and T. Ldward Heydea, ot Irvington, ivcro [•.tarried Tuesday uighl.

■ .VllM'’n™ce A. Coo, .laughter ot Eriie.t K. Coe, of Ihia city, waa among the gratlnatefl iit tho oontuiouooutent uf Evelyn College, i'rjucc- ton,

—.Mia* Lyin Palmer, of Florida, and IV. Llndfllcy, of Clinton avenue, ihia dts', will be married at the Caldwell irreabyterlan Cliurcli iieitTueaduy iltRK.

^Tho tlegraa of llaclielor of laiwa waa con­ferred tipun Georgo Jacob Jaeger, of lliE* rity. at the cummenoomont oiercitet of the I'ul- verally l-aw Sr houl of New York (;Uy,

—Society wa* largely repreaented laeMlRIn- Ing at Iho dance given by Mr. and -Mr*. Johti f . Drydeu at Ibotr liatidsonie rraliicnoc, Udt Broad elreel. tn honor of Mies Julia Kuuyuu, daughter of Ainbaseador ilnnyon.

‘ipolni^djMy ■ 'IU <1

ftii'i rsfti III ili« citv m' - vvurk, iit'CiihurlvbtellihrtLG.I by nQy 1iir4l Mi|ii'<> '<'lilPiit >n IJie* B4iM city. |:i proportion AK nviu’ly ai itm.' lA'ItilionU-

« ir li Mm <lHOfii»il aCqutr'Ml, Jiihvjiiifttip iin CHlImabcAtid baf* ini nl of iK'mdIti upon All ih* (iurn fA of alt llx* inixiR und rvRl calrIh in lln -f.iyfif Ntoft-ark ppcjniiMy ImneflLM h j onrh of tbi> fitlliiwlnif 1i)tprj\diiK<uiR In ajiiI «.'ll>',u*uuely:

\ epav liiif ofI ’K.M HE ■iTUXKT,

fMirn }^irk pliu'e to Ouosylvanl* l<«llfO-ul,I'MVIOK uf

Kf.iZ.MJKTir i-TUFEr. fruin 11i*rabnrii p!4v'L‘ io NiRvuru Mrcc(.

1 feiiuTliu ofj-pHryea-iKi.n

from U^lmonl nveniH* lo Mnrrl* rveitn^ :And liav^ ttlcl iliolrr4'|Hi'iiA>if''s4lit for

hAllcilfJl Ml Uk! lUUca* uf |(|* t'Ii'Yk (H IH« I fi'llU1 nun o( (lie • < n I'r of i.ASoT. ho I thut in*' .liiiU* o( kutit ('<}Urt bai llKffiS?.a t i; iU)a y . inH n in th h.\y oI’’ ji.'nk,

ms,«t inu'clftclt la forf'iioon. In tiuh < ouri r-iom a'*thA <Viur4hfitiio 1>< Ibo rliy of .NT'wurJ(,»4 ili»tiirm Hml piRco ot hoftrliur uny obJecUun* ihut mity ueiiuid to ih9 Haiti UR'e«iaiOtit .

lUktHd IMI.U lAN 'm .KR W. ItEKEU.

Bla Cliy 4 leurtRfl./ VTi-TL’K OFTin: KMtl.N'KKH')!-' rllK JU.M'iI) ^ fol'Mi

W hat Is Eczema?

Had llltii Thtre.From Buck.

Lumley- “ I Rtw you at ttin inlnRli^iR liut Dti;ht. How could yuH sit and laiiifli bo liearty Ai Ruch aw fu lly uld JukoR?"

MiiL'icreKur--"Mem, m oiil How could ooo Isuich Ht hll unlMM hs knnw it wrh a joke ?*'

It is an a^eny o f agonies,A tc ilu ie o f tortiirti.It is an itching and burning o f th9

skin alnioht beyond erJurancc.It is thousands o f pin-headed ve i.

ides lilicd with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bm-stiiig, ever flow inj upon the u w excoriated skin.

No part o f the human skin b exempt.

It torliiffs, disfigures and hiim il. laies more iluin all other skin diseases combi lied.

Tender babies are among its most mmierous victims.

They are often to m with it.Sleep and rest are out o f the

question.Most remedies and the best phy.

sicians generally fail, even to relieve.If C U T tC U R A did DO more than

cure Ecxenia, it would be entitled ttt the gratitude o f mankind.

It not only cuics butA single application is often sufR.

cieiit to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure.

CuTtcuRA works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure o f modern times.

hl» hsfitl ill tlMHiiititllu ol (hr' htivi*t mill rnjw* 1 imhurt, sxi-i pt 1»*t It-' wa’* |>ivr(v lifttlly »liot’sc4i. I1f> (it hh iii>mi\ alt(*iitltMl by Dr. War<l. Thu frii;fi(piie«liiiilm«Uin’<hL't| nut ( 'linlitn thuli^ht Niii'luK uffuir* uiitl It aluo 'uvtir t h u I t llmlly Ium.i k i u u|(iu front of ilR ilom- with thu mini/intHufwhrit. WRR a nh’f^lookinjf najfuii ullinjclni; to It, Jiut A fpw miiiutu* IhMum* tU«> run- tiwny Mr, Ganiblu had lot 1u.h littEu tiuu out uf tiiH wAgun.

$oLl Ihroflchuul Ih*' w«rlJ. Priee, C m m a , $Dr., fluAr, . Uirui.tknt. |I* I'li'm.aDaua

Cuttr.* ItoBtua*about Uiu Akiu aud DUtud ** juhIUmJ frsOa

Jill I i iT b U W om an AVmitrd l*«lter-sarrlt>rt fo

1.(iok fo r l i r r I ’ st.A woman from llo«4CvillA unllo<l at ths

Fottuffii^ y«wtorday and buidtHl Dustiua.'*tar Jlutau the plotiiru o( a dug.

“ I want you to Ivt your letturf'Arriers find luy dug >Tdo," ehn cxdaimod, lie vras loRt yesturdAj* and I Imve nut Moun or heard aiiythlug of bun nincc." ^

The INwlinastur wsi Inktu aback liy tha suggtwtum, uud he Raid that lie did nut ihiuk iTP would tie allowed to une llie Govern* maul aiuptoym to find lust duga. Ho told tha wfimeu that the proposition wa a novel one to hiui, and that if fie had thought uf it tiefore he might have i-equestod tbe men to look tor tha *Malt4ee cat which got away irom the oflioo a few days ago.

6 8 5 B road Street.

Sw eaters in All Colors,GENTS’ A T ,

$2.00 AND $2.75UOVS' AT .....................................


J iU lgm enU F iled .There wsm written upon the C'lmtlt Court

mimites to-day Judgimut by ilefault fgr ISlfi.ikl lu favur of JIueeph F, litiruMand ogaiosfc JatiHw I/. KruiUi and ('haidai B. MatthewR; a jtuktnant ftv lu favorof MuDaratltt Hu

WITH rnUeAlt^ AKD CUFFS, LAUNDEHED................................

4-9 ctsduwacd and ftgainit Taylor

fL WilUaiuR. Another judgment written up t'harlA* J. wnteon and othprs

Ladies', Gents' ana Children's Summer Menno Unaerwear.

Lames' Shirt tftaisfs. Musnn Underwear and Corsets.

Infants' Lace ana Snk Caps,

infants'Long andShori Dresses,

(H AS IM O N U .lI The Extract of the Heart of the Ox.

I'rrium’d (U'cor.lliig to tltu formtiU ofl>Ue W M , A* IIA M .M O M > «

III liift iKlKvratory atW A S H f\ < iT O .V , D. r .

In (hu i-ARc uf H ijpoiniiiunt phypU'lan uf In­diana, (hu hnart tiuMl n‘ui ft-ublu imkI ii'rvsfiilnr, and tiivrti war a uimt»iii!ii vurtitgu w'IlIIv wiiik- lilt;, or tvrn vFliiiu in a i iHiidliig puNdiun. lutiiiH t‘Mo ihu lelitT Wiia uiiiuili>'prompt. Her'lntiiliipd iiudiTiiiy raru ciily tUrLmdatN, ttclnhcHiitunioiu'd iaomu tiv tit|p<nitn by RSckjicxA la Lih furiill.v, ftflur m ikinif HrraiigemnutR (o pro- cure u Hiflirieiii'y of tianlliie for lioiue uRe,utKl I (ktlvUed him iu uojdiniio it for at lujiNt n

Hearrivt’ct humu Ituforo the Curoiiie runrliuil iilin. Mtiri. feuJIiiR the iieud of ii, hn

CAUTION.-ir ft der'^7 oflarti W« U Doogiae fshoee at a roc .^ed prtuVr or saya beltaethem without gt^Uie lEampOd Oft joit eiUg put hi on down t a fraad.

niii‘0 tulrtfrupiu <i fur 1l to hoiwnttohim .... iMHiii H« (himIuIp- Hu infurmpd tne (Imt theuf-fur'i iiiMin hlmwR'( BO dpuiikd tliat, whureiw foTinvrly he vsA-4 lo.dh to walk even a fuw Piup-. fur fuHT uf Iw'mi; MYPrpowpfpd bydD.zi- iiu'ut- litiinKlu IfiJ f'iiun unfibfpii him to wnlk ha mijfliii^ lio pluHRud for fuijT i r tlvo Lunh* af- lerwHril.”

IW if i y

14 “'ESSfOOb - 7 5

‘ ^1-75

Pose, Ft¥9 Drops. Pr c9{2 drachms), S2,50.Wburu lui-fil drukt(i«ts iiru iicrL Mipplioil with

flip lliiininund Aniiiial ExiraclH, t ^ y will Ij6

‘.■■■nrjtK,., . /vlvc.aPJVi... • *

W. L. D o u g l a siiuillt-r], lui'i'tbcr M'lth till uxi-ittok nturature uu t lip Jillhjpct* on ri’CulpLnf firiup. by

THi: <OM'MIEIA t.HF.XK AI* CG.* \Va*lilngtoi». I>.

lur«!^l>V f. Rfl^mllli tV Co,, wii Proad it.: R. Ptiiei’Jpr. >*4’i liir->»d hi.; ^tAa fiplifpr. arulTVnfihlnvtoii AlB.: f}«rrl;(Rn> pli.irimf')'- *0 'iruA'] hi.’ I.pttifi KfOfi . '.'Ah MAf'kf'l aL; t'liAJiPh itnlFliqijpr* MHrkPi Aiul broiDt •(n,: KriumPr lf>j Multierry bi., a:id I rpi ’unt iJnjR Cuinpiny, ri'> |lr>« I nL

t t O O U A C fl ST IN9 0 C M l W K THE WORLD.W. 'U n o r O L A S are BlyUnh, vsty fit-

(InjCe and give hpil«*r mtilAluriion r( the prtm ad-wrli^ed ih'urt unv nthrr muke. TrircmejiRlr and

TliP nf \V . L. IKtiiuIai*be coiivitHcd. .mime and prke an (hu boutirn. wliich guiTAuicrs their valur, eavui IhniiNiinde uf ilollflrt annually (0 (bo«e wh<i wrnr thtin. Dcylcre who pu«h ih# sale n f \V. I,. I>oiii{la.h Shore j;»lfr cusetomrcft whJi'h Itulpi In iiicruuie Ihe italrB «n ihrif full iJnS


Umbrellas and Canes.

o f goorik, '1'huy rnn Rflonl to acII ul a Ipas arxT we iMlirvu yrm ran Aa\r mnnrv hr buving aft ymir fooEwrar oflhu defllrraiivcMiAeiJ Lulmv.

( free upon appltculivn. Addrcxfi,W I . DODGLAM. F*«’ »r ktcm, M hab* Sold hy

K, liF.vviAvr, 'ilAAiltlD R>pri-i«A(eM aae>a W.^lfl K F F lX iK IC , 34T llroad et.( liR O riG It n. n.AUK.. 14 Furt-r ar*( , A. A T. V, AdV.KH, (ion Ilr «R d Mr.( ftf*47 > ln rk r ( •(*( JO S E PH M A Y A (» e ,3 T 3 DrnncP •(.» ror. Elpveatli at.( D. (I* B1R|{« mnn, MIT llarjdaAn ave,, lla rr laan t 31. nM ITII, Noiilli Ornnar*



T I M B E R ,On Wpflt Nrwnrk Brunuh PunnAvlvAnla IL ff., rornur Hoap M(n‘Pt nnii .inlllfT Avvenus. Avon iLVi'imiivliiCtriu car lUiu 10bfeetaouih (jf } nrri.


(’Ini fikrillllps f<»r haridlln;; urir tola, n i.I.K J iiU N K JiAfl'i.

Alvj) vnrd nnd oftlre f p liprptnfnrp, rorner Miirki’t Aivd .Miidjpou Rtruui% 6 bJouka ea.al Mnrki't iju[i«jit.TKlsKJ'lloN 'E 5 5 L


I rfel and Wnter ('oiumliHluiirrs ot tbr elty Ol .SHWKrk. -flVolicH.

T hr fiu.li P'timuipi for fulioisltif (vmtrnc'Oi will ijp 1*1 p(piiip 1 it> lb* RfiHrJ o f f P P l ufifl Wm^r r(MnrnlimniPr( of UiP city u; \p>vai A. Ibi' iLuenpe,- urtce, im UiuyviIav , JUuer 7, Ui*..:

Fur lUe iiaviUK ufUid'S'T ►THhiFT.

from WAihinsion aireei tu lliirU Mirupt;p-ltP.P K(PIJ.IJ^l itb K r,

frnni buufx RVenup It) ( ririxe ^rr»i, «m!i ir.un M* and K. li. tr. NVpniiA lo ‘-uYPiith n\e lue, and

w>r I'M I KS' I'M fy\ I’KK’I'. *from BOiitb oransuAYimiiP lo -prloyllpirt .lyKniie.

AJi oujpolloii’i (0 tliG paymf'nt nf nald e'Orditra mnai lie fib’nl wfih me. in wr[ilir,L uu in' b„'ror'> 4 I*. AI. or \y«dn(b*t)3y, luiie G, iVH F ..jW '

; js jTrNinL. '' ^ppi ni(inrp|AAb

The bloixl iiiakuA >l clruuil o f Lite hutly ew ry two (tml oiiu-hnlr minutiM. dofivpring nutri- UPnt and lakiriic Imck w^oitu lunut).' to flllprpii ont by (lio hvur and kidneyB and re* movrd from tha iH'Miy tbrniigh tlm bowpie anfi lliu urinary (wrrcllun. Any (‘ tuppiirfp nr eb* M n iclio iitif tliU prtH'AKP may pruoiu'u various furmi uf LiisroAc, atlcti OH BiJiuun-neaa, ('onRlIpiititm. i IuimIauIip, ]>pbilttr,and b id blou'l with itw iuMliti|i'liLMl uviljt (boils, blotchtiH* i>im[)lu4fl HoifR, eruptkma, abHcesRoa Aud (ha ifkei. NN'huti kuuIi obsiruL’tloDaexist AR fvldpiictMl by thu prPHPUce nf cuinpiainU Hitniinr to ihoHa Jii-tt mentioned, the best iiipiliuino to (HP In Burdock Blood Hittart, Vk'iiiuh uuluL'ki thu iM'iTPtioQRt removtikf nil linput'A Hiui uffuio niartur liiraugh tlm propey clLHiinBlN. By ruhtohn»r UoAlthy action o f the btt^iAuh. ^lvar*' kldneya and liowula, K* H, B.

• .tiio blochJ frora a

A pan cnam o f tartar powder.

Pure aad Sure.

D a k t oP M #

to third rpAcUuK. ' ', ' ' EWe, ttie undtrRiiDPil hr'rebv reril^ ' that an ardi-

name ruAd A Hpcunil U 111-H' w meeiiud uI Uia Itonni or ireel amt \VhI«^ com.. iK iunpra, hd<( ici » !d a y . .rim« 1, iwt, ai.d ilul.v orderetl lo mini reHd- tng, to provide for the oumitructiun nf a IG inch pipe ppwtrlu

.MOfl^KfilC HTHKF.T. from ferry airret to fjifuyuUA etreet; together wub all itie Aiipuiteiia ic4'i utH^dsary to coiapiffts the samp..

I>Hlad Juna 3. HIM.UAKltlHON V.KN m rV N i;

Prviildeat nf (ha EoarU o f Ktrett and Water cotn- rniwlonsra.

A. M. U N S K T f,4*0 Clerk.

. I t does more work and finer work than any other. I f you do not find it exactly aa represented you can return it to your grocer and he; will pay yon hack your money.

f l , f * reIaiii( J **f* f .A aite Ytr*,SmmuM' h ClnUtuS BnSWm


N T T V V ^ A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , B A T U R P A Y , J U N E 2 , 1 8 9 4 .

It Attracted UemuiI Attention came It Was Kept In Her Bonsii


CamiBK H®>*> Bo»toiii »®to DbIW • H ill •■'I Itwom* ■

Booldont During tho iploitor*, Tom- gorarr A W boo On* Sight Thr** M*n XntoT H*r Houm tor 111* IM rpm of llot)- b*rr~Ai Kuril DImotot, tli* «th *r ‘ i rroMBoo n Kotol IJo*rr*l Kiuu«,-Th* Idontltg of th* Kol* Rorrlror. Who E*- •nprd Without riudlog tho Cull.

wh*n th* klU-hra door oprord fw th* tWrftlmo, *nd B IhlrUnM t l r p H fh- not 0 »ir»n(c*r to mr. howovw,In hut ohoopd hi, clothing *nd In iJnco of * liU hot, 1 on c iw M r. Holt. Th* ■l.-puty iheriir * »™ 0 Hurt of Min'r*"* •* “ T, “Mr. Holt nrpiwl liiu k •i«'l * * !*« '

“ Wh*t; You lire*!'' , , 1•'Yen, I f , nif^Thl, 1, my JoU, wnl i t i

hamU off for v u u ^“ Hut I’vi' boon pSpInit U for ■ month.•‘ Mull** n-j ililI*mi<Tr'"Uh, w«ll, o * wont qiuurel, *ald Mr. oil. “ I f , u rich plnut, wid « * ™m»Holt. “ I f , u rich plnutj

to »oiimaj<rwweut, ■ «* '»'"» w *.1 u t duwiiun B chair lo tlw klh'hm with a

llgh lri inuill* in my luio.l and th* | i*lr« • lcr*d th",lUlug-n«mi and left the Jour micm 1 b'-nrd th* hum "t tlwlr vulor* fur two or thr** Blnutin, cnU’hmg a word uuw ami

and all of » «'>dde« tlicr® mid a fall. Uwl

thwn.« »erwm I


b* conferred on th* following In a f*w wwk* i Wward < uug«u, II. J.•riek r O’Ni lH. ; JoUn *i, O Mrirn.Amhunr J. K*r-re.tu, l « » i . J.Hweeney.dohn J. IhiuiMdlaii ond Thoma, J. lllugliu. The following liouot men will grail- ,«t* during till, lumilli '">7 ‘jj* wlllUm liriinr Mwtnn. M, *1. IkinuwUf,■fk ■ K. J. MrI)ou*l«l. Hb’hnitl EftUl A-J Mri 'H*. .t. ll*»ry I'orruil, 11. J. l 'o t « , I . J. (j'Krrfr, .11. Krancmfllii, Krancla I'. No*, didiii J. 1 hrland. Mr. Carroll, on* of the gradiialee. 1" * deecandant o f Cli*He*Carn>llof CarrolItun. one of th* elgner. of the Declaration of Indepen^nc*. ■11.1 Mr. Prloii !■ a nephew of Moiielguor Seton. of Jenwy ( Tty. and th* lata ArchWeliop Hayl*y.

Kev Hr Kraar will uocnpy hi, pulpit at thaKlrit I'reibyterlan Chorcli to-morrow mora-liig. Hl»,uhJ*cl will h* "The SniiUen Ilin'k. At tho •veiling tervloe h* will prem b on “ Di.iiying ChrlBl."

ll*v. Hr. hpellraeyer will preach another to-morrow morning on Mlrang*

ON L A B O ^ WHEELP a i n e ’s C e l e r y C o m p o u n d N o w B e t t e r

T h a n a V a c a t i o n L a t e r .

l™ friahii-nciV i ,huuld hav* mail" a ihwh i„r,niin i..-.........™ , lin n ."fw Ih^itchon dimr. Imt I ivuildlrt move ulT | im.le S lo r l* ." entitled Tji* ^ n ®f t h ld l l r 1 wa, rrtuly U. faiul away when in, h>ld»y •»*»!»*> Jy"'.*-

i . . He wio. .......... i.^w im inn will gW* a MKlal in in*

H*r uamo waa Rarab Trwnlj, but *»*rT on* In the Tlllag* called her Aunt Karah. |lh* wa, a ipinater about forty year, of age, and though having many odd noU»n, wn, wall Uk«t liy *Terybody. On a certain oc- caMou Aunt 8arah bad loat W.i by the failure of a hank. From that ttin* on ,be wa* firmly reaolTnl to bar* nothing more to | do with bank,. When a bndhrr diwl and l» ft her |ao,(l<« Incaih, «h# went up lo CkT*land and got the monoy and made a bank of her huu,*. I * * * » Ih'l thirteen then, but 1 dlitlncMy rem*ml«r tlm day rit* brought that money home. When rila gar* out that ahe » • » going hi kp*]i It In tb* botwe, Ibem wa* lulcnw Mcltiuneut, and g pubUo meeting waa called and a coramltlee of three appuintwl to wait on Aunt Harab god protoat. They cautlunwl and coaied and argued, but ,ho wa, linn. Although ahe Ured alone in a cottage, idio did not f<*r m lc bm . 8 ti# thanked the eommilUmforltiln- t in *tln b *rw ^ llf*r^ hut eren declined to place th* money In the vault* of lb* county treaiurer.

Aunt Rarah’i fortuno WM goMlp for a month or two, and llicu the matter dioppal out of eight. While Aunt Harah lived all aloiMi, a* I have taid, ,ho hail a " chore Iwy ” to taka care of her cow, bring In Hio woml and make garden. I wa, acting In that gapacity when ih* reeolv(>d her money. When I h a rd that the had detemiliiHil to keep the money in the Uomie, It waa M you may gue**, a matter of g ^ t '•“ rioa- ItT to me where etie would hide It. It w iin 'ltoh .iupp .w e .1 that ,!«• won d loavo It Ivlng trvunu looee. and yet the littHi old hoiieoffercd iio hiding place which a^larp - ,.n could not uncover In half an hour * aearch. I *«ked no (iilmtiana and ,ho vol- nataered no Information, but after a gooil J—I of oarltatiug 1 decided that ,be would bury It fc the cellar. When I found tlw

. ip a ^ with freah earth cUnglug to It ,Unil- tn i b*»ldo tho 1«ck door one morning, I Im- UMdiately Jumpeil to th* oonclutmn ttiat the |m oI money wa* under th* cellar bottom.

The cottaM In which Aunt Harah lived w w gurronnded by an acre of (pjund de- TOted to orchard and garden. Hlw never

going to church of a fto n w , ami before the receipt o f the money th* hmi«s wa* left^alone. A fter that I wa,engaged to watch It, though thia tact wa, not gon n l l y known. On tha Hvanth Sunday i trampWi looking man caw* acrou the gar­den from th* common, and.,w*, cvldonlly much iurprlwd to And me alttlng under a D*ar tree, wtenc* I could watch Imlh front gadhw kdoon. On the ninth Buuday a *ec- wtd caller cam# by wav o f the front gate, and on the tenth two nhanj-looking etoangerv drove pant In a buggy and nirvoyed the plac*

_____ _______ «yMr Holt caiiu" Inbi the kib licn. H* jwlo-facol, but hi, voli-a lia<l no tremor In itwlmuh»»aid: , .

" Huy, yon know who I am, aiid ha'* no , « u « for fear. I " « l«,viug ''S' ‘thought [ heard a wtwim, » '{}. ™ww what the troubU) wa*. IV here U M «*

"^Ttoid him wtifrcih* hail gone and how it

■‘Tluit iiuiii wa, no ofllicr, l>ut a d««[>erato i fellow, lie Ciimo li«r» to l'” !T,kA to

' he lu,li.t«l that you iiiiist 1,1 klllod, I ^ kill h iiii. W « win 111 'w i|et the bo i of moneyftuU at) ow r to Ikn'Iwtcl.'

J wiui only a tvmiilry boy and the two murder, liail given iim n dcwilful but i hnd wiiiw! enough to imt two airf Iwu UW'ther, Mr. H»U and tie- other man hml n S «m rrd each otlmr Id id u t know what the term "piping meant, but Mr. lloltliad belraveij^lmw-lf “ > and I WM «ii»fIiH l that he meant lo ceiry off the money If he could ’* 7 ‘, " 7 hli He mayhaveailtliectoil iny thought, but hi, fmo wore a ,mlle m he ipifetly *md:

“ I t l , the luekie«t thing In the " ' ’ fi'j * happeneil to 1* out walkinji around. Do von know wbero Ibo buK w *ypu kn<)W wbero

o \l elL we’ll eiein Hnd It. and I *hall 1*11 Mi»t Treinly bi give you »1WI for being ,uchabravelHiy. Couio on with the inudle.

HeenUireil tlia eitlliig-nmm, and 1 fob lowivl lie had kllhil the mau by ,tal)blng him, and lliB iHMly wa, lying lu a r " " [ " j " the room. Five minute, e,liau,ted the

■h iu the littiiig-rooni, even to pulling tho rag cai'liet on tlw Hw>r. •*> * *

th* parlor Mr. Holt etumbled" I ’

ovwTho o't’her coriwe, and (*1* 7 ™aud iiueetion, he frlglitemvl mo « that 1 wa* ..MU'lilcw. for a lime. 1 tlnally maMgoil rli tell him almiit tho klllmg, and from that Umo on he wa, uervota w d

1 a hurry to b* off. There were but few plniv, 111 any room iu tho lioum where aiy- Ihing ntuld lie hidden. In the wu-lor he took hi, hhxKly knlto and rlppwl up the upholaterwl loungo, and lu th* two h^room, ho rlmieil "pi n tho pillow* and the li*d, and overtiauW Uie trunk,. In the coutw of half au hour he natiifled hlinwlf that the tor wa, not on the fliwt floor. There wa, a half,tory ntiove and we warched that, and an ^ Hwudlng iheinaii liegun to growl and curve aoil filially unld to mo :

Kov. we muit Hnil that money tI__ ... it {■ Klqijm,Here you know where it 1, hldd

I be- Out

In a manner to arouae my ,u,plcion*. ( hi tho Monday after thi, tenth Hunday our vi lags wa* ttartled by the new, that It wa, to have anewraaident. (Jeoree Holh of lh»toiU>ad daddad to locate In Bitafleld and *r*ct a large woollen mill.

H li flr»t move wa, to buy four K r «* of ground, and hi, *0001*1 to bargain tor the M rmidence in towa paving a w iall *um down to blud the option. Nobody knew any- tbiug about Mr. Holt, and everjliody U>- U e m alt he « l d about hlinwlt. He claimed to b# rich and to have a family, and our wooUw mill w t , to be one In a chain o f nine « r ten. He b » l w w p ; " " * mai htnery and MW metbodk and he prnniUed to do lo much fo r fllimfleld that real «ta te inaile a Jump o f tweutjr-flTu par cent, lttw«w of « lortnicbt,

Mr. HoH, i t i * needle** to remark, w e, aErat man In our town, Up to the date of

! arrival Judge White, who ow n«l IW ^npiiiBm and bM imce lenteiiced a man to be banged, wa, mppoeed to be the blggiat man id the Btate, The Judge look a bsck mat in ahert order, but it I, only fair to add that he tubmittod to tho Inevitable without



a murmur. Mr, Holt hnd been Uf about two week, when ho me the great honor to notice me aruilng, when 1 bail gone down to the paie to™ to drive up tho cow, I found him wun. teilng about with cane and cigar. A thlr- taan-year-old boy, bom and brought up iu a tillage aud knowing iiotliing of tlie world bnond, may have native ahniwdDOM, but can not be called keen. For some reaaoii which I oould not eiplaln I did not fauiy Mr. Holt. Theretoto, when lie mulingly approached me and U>gau to talk, I wrut ■ufien iUKtend of susplcloue, Umugh I mi- awerad all hi, direct uiimUon, until he ini- gan to aak about Aunt Harah, I felt myself a io r t o f guardian to the old maid, aud when he alyly inimlreil if her money was gtlU in the bouK I gave him aii ovmivc an,wer. I didn't iUkpeet him of evil, but 1 argued that ho might want to borrow wmi* money and perhai* cheat her out of It. I bad beard, too, that them wa* another heir who threatened to sue Aimt Harah, aud for all 1 knew h, might be immlrlng in the lii- tereet o f that heir. Mr. Holt maile a groat alfort to pump me, but I don't thiuk he gotmuch aal5,faction lu the niatUT.

Four week, after Mr. Holt came to Bilss- flald uotblng had been done about the mill eicept to ,take off a «ite. He wa* waiting for a contractor to come on from llostou, he ■aid, and o f coume hi, word wa* not to ho disputed. W h ile l “ clnired” for Aunt Sarah morning* aud eveuiugs 1 slept at homo night*.One October evening, ns I was rimdy to 150 hom^ a cousin of her* living twelve lullc, out In tho country arrived with a horw and buggy and reiiortod that hi, wife wa, at deaui', door. AuntSai ah lusiaiiMy decided to return with him, aud I wasaskeil to remain in the houw) all night alone. I t wasn't much of a tost of my iviurage, for hardly a door In the village was bolted at night, and uo one could roiuembor when a theft liad been coiu- m ltt^ . I iiwillly agreed, aud half au hour later was alouo. Aiuit Sarah idiiiply cautioned me alioiil llro. She told me 1 might pifli some corn and make some tolTy, but to bo sure to wind the cliwk ami let the cat out lieforo 1 went to bed at » o’clock, nothing wo, mid of the mouey, aud i might not have given it a thought but (or what happt'ued. Certain people must have been watching Aunt Sarah s movi>- lueiits, or what followed her departure was a curious colucidcnce. She bail not been gone over halt au hour when the kitchen door opened and in walked a tramp. So tramp

ever Uoue lii® bi'torp.He wtis rnuitU in ami looks, ami I

Wftafrluliteuyil. 1 bUmxI h j tha atoviv, imp. ping corn, and na bo sliui tbe tlw r behind tim be growleii out;

Mow, tbon. i want that iimnny and want it quick I It's Ijere, and I know il, aud if YOU keep me wailing TU give you a taste of tiiin r*

l ie came over to ma with a ktiifo in his baud, aud Hie llerci! Uaik Oil bis fais) prove.l that ne was very much iu earnest. I told him that I kiiew nothing alsuit Aunt Surah's money, and witli that he ncizcd me by the hair, whirled me around Into n chair and swore he’d Hlosh my throat if I told another he. Ho wa* yet Hpcakiiig when thn kiP'ben door opened again and a Mcoud stranger eutoretl. He looked to nio like one o f tiio two men why rode jmsI the house in a buggy on a certain Huuilay. The man with the knife turned on him with a cuiwe, and the imw arrival drew a re­volver. For thirty hvoihD they stood glaring at each other, and not a word wa* laid. Then the man with thn revolver raised it and firwl, and the tramp Kuuk down in hi, track*, shot through the heart,

“ He was a bad mau and came here aftor ' tliat money,” w id tho murderer, as bo n>-

. etored the weapon to his jsjcket. “ You are • all alone here, ai'en't youf' '

.catoo upset to sfieak, l|Ht managed to Mod my heail in reply.

He opened the parlor door and dragged the dead man in there and shut It on him, and then coming back to me he kindly said;

“ You need nut be frightened, my boy. I am a deputy sheriff and had a right to kill that fellow, Itwns lucky 1 got here us 1 tiiil,

' a* he certainly nienut to kill you. la tho money Bate ?'

“ 1 don't know anything about the money, air,” I replied. ,

*• But Aunt Sarah didn t take a bo i with her when the went away to-night f

"I'd ldn 't ne* her have any.”^" Then It’, hero In the lioase, of coiuae, and

I vrill take ebaica of It. Don’t you know where Mie keep* It i "

“ No, air."“ Well, we'll take a look around. Ifim so

glad I got here in timeto Kive your life."I didn't quHtlon tliab be was a raunty

olBoer, ni he claimed to be, and t didift dis­pute bis ligh t to take charge o f the money. 1 had no Idea wheto the her wa, hlddeu, _bow- V er, and 1 waa wj frightened over the killing tWt I wtu of but little help to him in U , toerch. For tome reamn be entoreil the old-laabloned b u ^ y find, and be liatl' given J t ’ a 'th o f'u gb looking over

with it. or rU ilioe off your ear, with thi, knife'"

He'wa, m fierce about It that I toM him I thought it wa, buriwl in the cellar. He went out himwilf for the spado, and he or- derod me to take a caudle lu each baud a, we went down cellar. The bottom of the i-ellar wa, not concreted, ami a part uf the wall wa* formed of plauks. While I held the light* the man dug here and there, pulled down the potato bln, rolled the empty bwrel, about and made a chwe pectiiil every minute ho wmild find the m i ,

It was my firm iilew that it wa* hidden away down llmru, but aftor a g ^ ho i^ t K*rch nothing was fevcaiwl Then Mr Holt’* imtieuce gave out, and he rayed and cumial and showisl hiiiwclt m his tm * colors. Hetang me by Die arm ^ d bran­dishing hi, knife before my e y ^ he «wore be would inupier me if 1 did not rove^ the hiding plm e. Had i known it he w w id ccrtaliilv have got Aunt Sarah, caahbor, but I did not know, and bo w m K ^ b l y satufied of the fact He wasn't wlUtng to let me off altogether, however, or elje thought hecouhl iMUtiiuie tho search with­out me. lie struck me a How on tho temple with hi, flat that ronderoil me unoonsciouit and when my wnse, returned I WM t W hand aud foot and lying on tlio cellar bot- tom I heard Idm walking orouml on the floor above tor a long tlnm, and It was long after ilnylight bofofe I daro.1 move.I worked the conli looae after awhile, and It was just fl o'clock when I crept upstair, and rail outdoor, to give the alarm.

Aunt Sarah came home at nudaftemoon to find two conwes and a crowd of living ueojilo iu the houie, Thu doml men were unknown and were buried without being ideuflllisl, end Mr. Holt had got wch a long start that be was not recaptured. All three were no doubt desperato men and profeMioual roiiler*. Where do you , u p ^that muucv was all the timef Nut in a m iat all, and'iieither down celler nor upstairs, but in a bag aud hanging to the pole. In the kitchen along with bunches o f smart weedand rings of dried pumpkin I

M.I l ’opyright, ISM.]

nugn Avsoclatton will give a HniuUy-"chool mom*.

At tho High Street I'mibyteriao fhurch to- morrow evening llev. (lilherl Bold, an ■iv* traveller and eloquent speaker, will ue-llver an aildr*** on Chiu*.

Hcv. Havl, tv. busk, pastor of th* Hlith I'rrabvlerlan Chureh, tiM returned from hi* two week*’ aUy at Saratoga, where ^ at­tended the Detieral Awemhly of tho I’reiby- tcrlanChurch.

At HI. Mark’* KpUcopal Uliufch la,l WnlarMlay Hlshrip Starkey held ordliia Ion. Cliarles Harri, Hay*,and William t levelaiid Hicks were ordained deacon,.

At the Cllntoa Avenue Hrfnniicil C litirch the following flil*r» and '’"I,"elected! Kldor* John WherloQ,Deer. Oeorge W. Smiley, J<*wpti f. Mimdy, joBeph K. Van Vnlen; dracims, I). -hain, David Hay. William « . Worth. hr*d H. (.■onklln and William Hut,.

rtie annual financial report of Ht. I’aul * M. F„ Church shiiw* tl lo beentlrrly out ’leh'. The receipta during the year nimunlcd to•a*.*!' . U B ,

The fiamlnatlon of HI. .In**ph't It. ( - School will lake place tbl* itumlh. llev. hat her McDowell, of Orangf, will lie tlie e,uiiiUii-r. The nisleni are making nrraligeiiieid" h>r the cU«lng elerrlM* of the •"■'h*"’’ -*7 !, ' pine* the end of June. About Atichlldrsn made their first communion last Sunday.

Tho feast of Corims Chrlstl WMcelehratedlast Sunday at Bt. Mary’, It * ‘ ‘i* * luilemn IdgU mass by R*v, lather I a )ierp s^h^«l^T Mul h proc«wtim of i w rhJI-dren, led liy HI. H*v. Abbot Hillary Ifroengle.

JUtv. FalUcr (Hlroy, » f U. t .rhurcb, sailed for Ireland la,t Saturday on avisit to hi* parent,.

The reunion of the various seclrlle* of Bt, Bridget's B. C. tlhurch took pit™ 1**1 Suiulty ovenlim In the chureh, Hev. lather Hogan, of the Holy Crow Church, lUrrlwii, preicbed tho »rmon.

A very enjoyable May ride to Linden wo, bad by the Yonng Men's Catholic Assurialloo on rieoaratioD Day.

At the ruth baptut Chuirh last evening Ih* raotata, "Th * Morning of Freedom, wn* given by a ca»t of over fifty voice, (com tU, choir, of thi, city afid N»w York.

At tho mawmeotlug In AwoclUSim 11*11 to-morrow *flermHin at t o'clock a Jubilee wr- vie* w ill b* lie Id commemorating the organlwt- tlon df the flm tV .M .l’.A .ln Undon Just fifiv veara ago. ThIa service will bo open to both « « > Elkauah Drake will deliver an addreae, ,

The regular monthly musical eervlce. be d on the first Sunday evening of each month Inthe First Reformed t'imrob. will take p l^ « to-morrow. The qnartett* will render the following v*ry Imeresling programme; “ March In U," Henry Smart; <71 *''«

Marston;"The I’lace tailed Cal- All I'reiw to Hod iu

SPECIftUFIE EmRiii lint


I i l iH ne«iTeS tWs le e l wms bwntUil Folding Scroens, nosl of llioiD in llgW colors, i l il i MtlwlJ DOf offscls. Onr issortmcDt of Stretg; Is w r j largo and completo, iQd prlGis right

I t hue olso Q tf this week choc* olito h o'clock Tea Sets thet are Ten hiadsome and a nnmbtr of Ioto- 1; Japanete things that hue neitr been shorn before.


8 3 c . a n d 0 8 c .

W H A P P E B 8----FOR—


Ikepthft,'rary." Ux kuane.Light Arrayed,'' Wagner ; Not a Bparoow Falleth," J. Utlilberl ;Sin, Were Oone," J. B. Camp; ' Finale In r, Filippo Capoccl. * . ^

The choir of Trinity Eptwupal Church will sing thi. evening Tours', MsBolflcat and Nuno DImittb, In F. and the antbem, I Will Always Give Thanks," by t'nlkln. Tho organ prelude will be Batiste', uffeelolr* In A and the po*tlnd» Berg's Match In II.

George L. I ‘. lint let, celebrated tenor of New York, will sing in St. L ke■■ « Cbnrch to-morrow nliilil.

The music In St. Paul’" Church to­morrow night will he »« follow,! Morning- Anthem, "O Thou W'lio." Tender Mercy Hoars," W. K. Bo-sstord; quartette. There­fore With Angel,." Howe ; quartette, " Glory Be to God on High.” Attvmod. Evening-An- Iheni. "O Saving Victim.” Tour,; contralto ■ulo, "O Hlnner Hear Thy Saviour (alllug


Tlio Kiecnllve ConithittM of tha RsmS County Christian Endeavor Union has made eitcnslvo preparations (nr the seventh annual niBctliigofthe ttiilon, which will be held on Miuidny in the Suiith Park Presbyterian Churi’li. The afternesm seaslen will meet at Itau it'clnck, when the siiperintenilenu of de- isirliarnts will iireseiit five minute reports.The election of oftlcers and committee confer­ence will follow. Th" evening sssirion will n,*n at T;ai o'clock with a song service led hy the evangelistic choir under rtlrectluo of L. U. ll.Gllraoiir. Itev. Gillwrt Held, rapresenta- live of the Amsrlcaii Hoard of Foreign Mia- sinus, who has recently returned from China, will deliver thn nildrcss o( the evening. This will iw the last meeting of Hie union for the summer, the licit si'ssiim being Setdember ft.

The First Preshylcrinn Society nf Orange has elected these otfleers for oue year i I'resl- deiit, Mlw Ada Wilson; vice-president, Mias Nellie Wflinot; ciirresisiiidliig secretary, j||*s S. P. Wilson; recording si'cretary,FrankSi.'hiitdkeri. •

William Ituascll. of the Park Presbyterian Society, w ill conduct n training das* on Tues­day night lu the ehiirch parlor at I o’clock.

.Miss .Iii«le M. Stile* 1* suiHirintendeiit of the .Imiiiir Society urgaiiir-ed last Sunday in tho Springfield ProBhyicriaii Church. Who will be assUted by .Mrs. E, D. Wimains.

Tlvn Thlnl Presbyterian Society will bold* novel meeting to-murniw night. The lopio will ho "The Happiness of ft Chrlstlau Life." and letters will be rciul on this subject from lYcsIdcnt F. E. Clark, of Itostnii; William Shaw, trensarer of the United Soolely, and a niiiulicr of State aud local proinlneiil Eoileav- orers.

The Missionary Cominiltes of tho Second Prcsbytertiin Church, under dlreetlou of C. V, Gnnsc. bus raised $-to for the eii|iporl of u mis- slminry in Chinn, and kIbo *40fiirascliolsr«bip lo Ills Beaufort (.’ollcgo for colored boys lu South Carol inn.

Among the New Jersey Eadeavnrera who will speak lit tho Cleveland oonventloii are; llev. Dr. J. Cleinoiit French, Kov. A. W. Spisiuer, of Cnindcu: Ib-v. Cornelius Brett, of .Icrsey City, and tho Hev. J. Jiidsoo Pierson, of Hrldgetoll.

The First Coiigrcgatloiial Chnrrh will to­morrow begin th.- Issue of a church paper. Thcruwlllbe a dcparmient devoted to En­deavor Infoniiation, edited hy Arthur N, Clark, of the Eseei i'nioo%Eiecutive Com- lultlce.

The I’limniittee on .Speakers for the comingStale conveiiilouiiunounce the acccptnuco of the Hev. Dr. James Burrell, of New A’ork, to speak on "Gnoii Cltliuiiship "

The Junior bucicty in the Orange Valley Congrcgalioiial Clniri'li will eelehrnie Its sue- ond annlvcraary with appropriate eierclsea this atteriiouu.

Tlio Junlor-Sorlidy iu the First Heformed’ Church, tiackensack, tinmbers fifty-three, and Is lint six months-old. Fiftecu dollar, has huim raised for mission niirpojrs, ■ ‘vA'c

Tim New Jerse? HJale ■Uyto' hasadiip'oA four ilupartinents of work illalolled .after Ihs liswi ITiiuii. Tliey are Junior, mlsstonars', evaiigplistlc and prsal-clliscnsldii- Hev. A, tv. Sisinncr, of Cniiidcn, Is Junior siiperlnteu- doul and Fred E. 'J'aylor, of the IVaidle Mo- lUurial WoeJety, has n'ceiitly Iioen appointed superliitenilcia of Ihc evangcIisUe depnrt- lucat,' The other two have not la-en sr-looled,

W.E, Taylor and Miss Holla Jaeobits will represent the Second PreBbs-lerian Society at the Cleveland convention. The Park I ’re*- bylerlan Society will al«i wnd two delegate^ the First Oungrognllounl one, the Dranga Valley Congregational two, the New York Avenue Reformed five, the Sixth Pre*hy- torlau one and the Springfield Presbyterian two.

To-morrow night special inueic will bo pro- vlded Ij) 111* Orangn Valley CougreShtlonal CliurciV by the Young .Men’s League, under direction of ciiarics \V. Stone. Tlui organ no- lectlou, .will be: i’rclndo. Andante, Cal­kin; pnatiude, Ovcrtiir# Meiidelsonhn. There will be an anthem by the choir and solo.

Ht. Rev. Bishop Wlgger coallimed a nuro- her of atudsnU at Seton Hall College lost Thursday. The degree uf Master of Arte will

Thee.” Hawley; quartottr, "Jrsiw, These Eye* Have Never Seen." J. B. Dykus.

The organ recently erected lu th# tV lekllff* Ihwsbyterlen Church will be formally opened on Wednesday evening by Cnarle, Eic^horo, of the Mnhn Avenue I’reshyterian Church, Orangt-. nsslsted by Miss Elisabeth Stickney,soloist, l.'harlBS Hnsler, vioUaist. and a mulequartette.

The following will he the moticftl pro­gramme at the Peddle Mcniorial Church to­morrow; Morning- Organ ;irelude. Batiste ; anthem, "Como Holy Hlinst," AHwwkI; resiKiQiia, “ Host in Thee," olTcrtory, Choplu; will! by Mr. Baiivage, “ Over Ike Line,” Phelps; postUide, march, Handel. Evening--Organ prelude. Wagner; anlhcoi, "Watch and Pray," Vicars; offertory. Elevation In A minor, W eiy; rcspmsc, " Day by Day.” Gotts- chalk; solo by Mr. Ssiivage, "The Omw Ehephertl,” Ihirri; pustliide, allegro, Kaydu.

The fifty-third Himlversary of the Kaat New Jersey Baptist Association will lie held In Iho Boiith Baptist Cloirch neit .Tuesday and Wtslncstlay. F. I-:. ,M*r.vh will call the first aesslon lo order at 10;;kl o'clock, and Rev, Dr. Luther will make the twldress of welcome. Hev. Dr. Albert Foster will preach the intro- duotory aermon. On Wednesday morning toe Woman'* Foreign Missionary Isocloty

.................... "sOli

” I simply can't ,top," says the tired bu,ln*ss j moll aod tho worn-onl mother. I

*' But nervou, pr»,tratlon ,tare, you In the

f v * . ”•' I dare not think of being sick. My chll-

dren and habtea ,nd hatband depend on me every hour in th* day." r -ply thooe women on the v,rg* of breaking down. " A month’, ab- wnce would min my btislnew," toy* the hard- wnrkeil bualnaf, man-

'When the nerve, and organ, of the body are Kundly jionrlshed and tho w**t* prodneU quickly got rid of a iremoodnu* amount of hard work can be done without Injury. It 1, when the norvoui ttmue* are u*ed up faster than they are repaired that brain, nerve, and vital organ, snffer, cry out with neuralgia, rheutaaliim, heart trouble, nervoosdyapepsla, and finally break down. I'lUne's celery eom- pound 1, doing a world o f good fur such weak, nervona peopl*. who** brain and boily are overtaud, bat who may yet be uved from nervous proetratlon and ^hwases of tho liver, kidneys and ttninach by this great strongth- glver and blood and nerve Invlgomtor.

TIio first bottle of Paine'* celery coniponnd Is'glns at oae* to clear tho Impure blood, to supply material for growth lo worn-out nerve* aud to th* tnllllon, o f tiny celU qf nervou* •nbetance through the brain aod spinal col­umn. Tbl* marT*llon* blocd and nerve rem­edy lay* to* foundallon lor health deeply niid permanently; thin, pale, careworn persous grow steadily heavier and itronger. and their face, lo»* the ilgn to f ,iokncM and dcspo;id.

*ney.To cnonleract too effect, o f protracted

bodily and mental strain. Pains', celery com­pound WM first prepared by the eminent Dartmouth profeMor, Edward E. Phelps. M. D., LL. D. PhiBlclan* of the highciatandlng use and prescrib* It to give ntrongth to weak mother,and to »upply abundant nutrition to the rapidly growlag nerves and tlwuos of cnlldren.

New, highly vltaliied blood, pure and rich

In elemeni* of growth. Is sent through th* *n- tlro sulwtanco of the liver, kidneys and tfioid- acb, niid ronss, them to brisker action, ♦*- nioves biliousness. Jaundice and Indlgeetlon, and Ihoroilghly purifies the sysl ero of harmful,pojsouou, lustier* that canto dltoais. Th* nerves are rapidly built np and work again without (vinfusion, thus bringing all the Im­portant orgius into harmony and health. Paine’s celery rvmqionnd offer, year, of happy, healthy, hearty oilstenc* to thonsands of man and women whom porerty of blood and nerve*1, the wde cniiso of despondency and despair of ever being strong and wall again.

With new blood and refreshed nerve, ■ *on- flUeiit fcrling of returning health come, a l». Paine'* celery compound make, people well.

Natlian W. Kennedy, editor of the Well- known I’utiiatu, Conn.. .*fiaiMkird, and preel- denl of Iho Connecticut Editorial Ae«oelatkm, write,:

"On this, my thlrty-thiyd birthday, It be­comes ft plessure to *pe»k of th* merits of I'alii*'* celery cniopound, (or on seveial pre­ceding ftnulveroarles the pftng, of dyepepslft have prevented what would otherwise have been ft most felicitous accaslou. To-day everything 1, che*r(ol and bright, and thU eicelleat medicine rectivei It* Jtut share Of praise.

"A fter trying various •panaceas’ 1 took Paine'* celery compound, and in due time dis­covered that I wo* being greatly benefifed. Sleep grew refreehtni, my nervon* eystem | more normal, my appetite sharper and general make-up bcltep prepared for tho cares of bnal- uess and the enjoyment of life.

"Not alone lutve I found* Iho compound effective In the treatment of coses of dyi- peiieia, but also lor norvonsnoM. thereby mak­ing Is unexcelled in the trettmettl of nervon* cl jinpeiwia*

“ Aged person io my p«raoDih] know!-fdKf* hwn materially beaeflledby P&lne B celery comi>ouiids It create* Appetite a&d BtrraBthv ani sootHef tha weary* OTerworked bt>dr ADd miod lato natural, refreAhingAlMp.^

;. WARD.


Wilson & Go.,159 to 165 MARKET ST.


! » t 5 l *i3i NOIttBliiS A“ Common”Fum ituieA .t '= z = = ^

Uncommon Prices. *

P r i c e ^ 2 .5 0 .

S t n 10 P£H CEMT. 0,1 MU PURCHMSES i r u s m THE coupons m

T he M oney Saver Y o u Can Save

S i o o . o o .

B y * ‘common” furniture we mean the many homely things that are as necessary to home comfort as ‘ ‘my lady’s” fine dressing-table. They are in­artistic, but solidly fashioned to stand rough usage. Our regular prices would be called ‘ ‘special” in most stores.

K it c h e n Tables^::^.

p u ia y e t inbatgntigl;f a f t . M 3 Q C «

la f t# .. . q 8 c .


bpld Iu mffllojt 111 Ht. Pttul’i NAit wrek. the OrnuMlo Valley

tlotial CbuTtth will obwrve wirilvarwbry wt?.ek To-morrow tnornlnutlie ]ia.stnr will preach the mnuAl Mrmon, frvIgwhigtUr rbofch yetLr.

Devoted Wivesmake their husbands happy. Hence, when their husbands' feet are tirfd andadtt, they liathe their feet with the never failing

P h e n y l i n A n t i s e p t i o F o o t L o t i o n .

(Pafc 'ft In 1)w faUlttfUe.)|| li one rtt ttsp 1‘ i' nylin AnUnopUc Atandard rjiar- atlani. "AU n^uirr tnmoof tA»m.p«nN)a« rAfwfre all of thpm." All air e«]ually ni»rilo- rtnuj; all Rn warruitbil liariulffa tail ar«


A M O S H . V M H O R N(L IM IT E D ) ,

78 Market Street, Near Plane Street.

g reat inducem ent sa le .m a t tr e s s a n d bed s pu in g g iv e n WITH EVERY BEDROOM SUPT SOLD.

IS Bedroom Hujtk with malires* aiid ^PriUK.................................. “ '"llllliitii'.'.O n ly Ssoioo

AgentH l¥finted.MALE AND FKKALK.


Feofs Sans Cop Go.,R O O M toil. PRODEHTIM L B U IID /H O .

» Bedroom Hi, ID Bedroom Hal


Thereihth DtatirpHM Aiiil .with □uUreG.'^4iud dprioe.-. .■Only • » 0*0u

..Oaly 81.10 ' 81.90

prediely as i«prv*fmMi i aidI am art |irffwr onljr lijrIba Flitinyl)ii ]‘liAnni,usi f oiiiMnT. Hanufarturlnk CbnulAta. 1A7 anl m WiiiiAin 'yort^ty.

l a b o r MOQUETTE lU ’ G GIVEN WITH EVERY PARLOR SUIT SOWJ-„ „ „ GAR . . . ' « i . --------- iM oqiicUsIlug................................................

ni{ Moquetie Hiik .............*....................... Only 840*00

RPETH MADF. AND LAID M 'iTIl I'APER W ITHOUT CpARQE. npleoes of Tapestry Bruisels (.'arpet. Including making and laying with paper,

npleo*, oyTapoiVryBruaaei* Carpet, including iimking ami iftjing with p*P«r,

»n l* c e ,o *^ V v * i O»rpet, Ineiiiditig making and layiag witii paper, per aiutecssof Body Brnssels Oariicl, Induding making ami laying with paper, pet yd..Only U p to ^ o t All-WM™nKr«iu (''arpet, including m .king and’ laying ’’rfth p ^ r . par^^j^

M plecMoi'ij'w-'lMcid ingrain C Inriuillng iimking and laying with paper,

^Artimati*otoerfuiiy given fnt' lit.iug u;i Summer Resort,. Hotel, olid ft la id lii- Ilousc* Cash or Credll-at short notice.

N O T E T H E N A M E A M O S B E F O R E E ^ T E R IN Q T H E S T O R E .

THREE HUNDRED KOI,LS OF FANCY MATTINU.Good Fonoy Matting, per roll................................................................................... W '*®

TW O HUNDRED HARD AND Sn iT WOOD REFRIGERATORS■ '■ ’ R>d Jtk'friKiTutnr............. .I ruiit variety at reduced prtcea.

RJlTlKiE "W hy, U U known ftU over the State on WMunt of lU food tie*, Easy lerma*

B8 Bank atreot Is IbeForrleanllness and JowTate.-* iu:un uoi ue aurpa-wu. a h locked rooma. Furniture niowa with von,.

ff) bataad aiatl I'truirKliiR aikI uU H*Uli boot aod Btor^ and alJK> at tL« Comiiaay'A

Rotill Depot 308 Sixth Ay i.betwean l*lb ami Jith StrN+ti.. Kf* Tort Clto, tmm<‘dl- aUily adjaliilnuf «*ATnmoyfr a Nrw Dffl>t adiI hdon atoro, dlreJrtlT ouptwTtfl Ctawfard A SitHpiOB**Qo<M*feaiAn1lKliinwrii. rirI wIKiin oar' Iilork ui Dm ima NtTfirtAtatlBni'f im< Kiyth .’tti-mir' FlrvAtad ftaUroJll. Lb«Um oeUm 4k afttniioriiv «)kis jailrMM*

At Rednced Prioe*. Good L’ lirlgl.t Hsrdw.wd Hidrigm Children'* Carriages In great vanct


......... Only AT-Oa

N E W S T O R A G E B U IL D IN G -For Furnltnrp. s* Ban rfeatvliDeH (bnd Jow raiibs itc;un uol be aurpA- cu. All locked i I vatu, Tk CEPHOMiJ B»Ov

AMOS H. VAN HORN78 larliflt Street, Hear Plane Street, Bevarll, H. t-

Are plenty of times when special bargains are of­fered, the object being merely to sell the goods quickly and no thought being taken of the value of the sale from the point of advertising advantage. It is well to explain why the prices are made lower than usual. Give a good, honest reason for it. The honester you can be in your ads. the better peo­ple will like it. Not only be hQnest, but let the ads. show aud prove that you are. People like to know the why of every­thing nowadays.

w, 'V* always loU tiie« Iwreta^forgU. *it«$i.i»t,»p«UT*ly.

K it c h e n L e a f T a b l e s ^ <Dork or antlqn* fintih. UntU.

BOW w»’T* *oU th*m IotC t 9a.49. Cot to •

S t e p - L a d d e r C h a ir s -s>Combined choir ond »tep-

Udd«. A boon to homo- v

S p l in t F o o t-R es tso ;^We’TO oold mtnY himdreda of

tbeu. A doUor’* wortb of comfort for -

L a w n ^ettees-g^j.Red, up

or ngtinn wood dnlili, for

S t e a m e r Chairsg^j,Tbew were never before oo

cheap *B they or* now. We’v# _ been owd to chorglnf v f M $1,49 for one we BOW lell for,

B la c k in g Cases^^^,HoDdoomo iolid bUck-wnlnnt

bok.wlth corpetod cover, „

O il C lo th s -c ,Uncommon TOlnea oloo In

kitchen door coverlni*. Odd piocei 0T«d • y«d

(lure bMii od our lunple ricke), tUquilltieip

2 3c .

98C 4

9 8 c .

2SC o

Every one gvU what ne wtntior hU money

.^Frce wifOBdelivery



2J2 Wffshtngfon Si"., JHetifttrk,By wtierlallKta tn (’»- tivTrli »»f all formig tliu nn*e,car«.1broal»

HioiTiacha kid- iirys.clCsgVlht) uhfoulo

aHthuka* rliftinuitlsiii. cou- j<nmi>!lnn, fl>'*peiroa» lUnuasoH or women Mill nervous illsteitpea, Hriul Uie foUo'vlmf. Mr. M- FUxpatrlcki of Irvlimtou,

“ I liav« Runered from calafrlt of tiio stuiuauU aud liver fur

> jeiirw. Had Uy81»ep; sin Kf) bad that I rouhln’t work u«f

eat ennuKh tn Rtmtaiu lifi.. i tried all well- known ri'invtlif>R aiiil tliB la-Ht pbyAicInurt with out ri'llnf, nni ii nfirr I hri'ii wrokft’ treatment with uhvfnut.Tnt, upil now I fuel fiultowi*ll mid ivbluln tv.jrk. Mi npiiclltu liaa ro- lurm'ti ; ihv piiiii is TriU'U'tl." -Hljiued, MH. FiTZV.’XTKK'lv. irvinglrm.

Mr. well-buowii liruman In (.'lark bnvllla: I lmvf« milTi'h'il trorn cuUiTh of thohead ami ai.il khlnej's. I wur klvoa•uthby aH ‘tn luou iibU*, but ihMo tlariopa have.

>L'iL '. hi nLvrasjT aftar^lwo weekaj__. *• * f • • *

did. I wlU ulro file facte of m v'rai*f!tr.r. one trho wlU r.-hU.” -.f. llRNf loEN* Bchuyler avenuf, Krarnv.

Mr, .Inhnron avenue. Kaalark.aayai I luuJ rlifuinutleni of the worst form ami was ciircfl bj thrBe phyalclaft* in two weekK.” __

i\ff\ro lliiiirB flito 11; A,M.,XMo4aud 7 to8;30 M.; Smiflay. 1 tn 4 V. M.

A A I i i v a ^ & l 1 Any Manufacliirdir that advises you to put th*C A U T I O N I Fraud n»at ofTors nouglus Sho^n at Roduoed f rfoe» html>own for a faliitter and his *'Ad.” a tlrccpHune an we sell Uenulne Dongial Shoe* a* | Reduced Rates*

Only House Selling Douglas Shoes at Reduced Prices. The236 Market Street,


e w a : ^ , 1ST. J .We have Donglo* Shoe, In •*.

sq.lio. *8, M.ao, •* anil •*Mon’, ; • • nml • * Ladle*’;,

•0 Bn,,' and Rl-T#Y'oalh,’. Price* «nd

name slomped on bot­tom of ever, pair

got* Agent, rovTsvlnr', Adjiiitol.le Laille,' Slum,, prlcr ami 48.001 Ol*4ia ll hind,of (ihDe, fur Hnn.-lViimnii or (Tiild, qn to HU I'vr Cout. UoIoit Hroad Street Frle**.

Don't squander ntnrhard-oaniHed doUotv, ParohoM from too People • Friend.

T)i« Best Siiings Basil is iisHitt. Thirty Tears lo ttie Bosiness. ;Choice Tee#.............-............ *»«• perponndCoffee*.................... to 3fio. p«r pound [Good Butter..... .per ponnll i(rood Flour................................... per barrelPure 'Wine*............................ pet gallon ]$ood Whiskeys.............................per gallonPure Rye. fi ye*” "1'*....... ,.•*.00 per gallonPure Sherry Wine............... * l.o o per gallon ;Pure Port Wine.................. *1.00 per goHop.................................. • t o w *60 per LOW ,

Advertisement of the fut­ure will be one that will leave out any idea of be­ing funny or ‘ ‘catchy.’’ It will tell store news plainly, clearly, honestly When it talks about goods, it will tell some­thing about them. If they are good, the ad. will not

* only say so, but will say ' ' hy. I f they are best— the same.


* ir * » w * w * * * * * * * * w V * w

Princeton PrizesT H E P U IJ fC E T O N C L U B


Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars,Payable on inatriciilallon, to the applicants from Ett ex, Hiulmmi JIurrIs. Paa*a.lc and Union counties who pam tho best onlrauce eiumlnatlDun to Princeton College In tho aca­demic mill ifienllftc (lepanniem».rcs|)eetlvely.

'rimexAnilUHtlon wlu be held In the New York I>ftw Bcliool ruoras. Equitable Building, ■■■ Bnadvray, Neff York CUr on Jnnu UUO and 16.


DostonDentalAssociation.2S3 M arket St.,

N IW A N K .

Specialties. Best TeethOOLO CiTOWNa,


Teeth Without Plates XTeeth Extracted


L - fA asT.


R U P T U R E C U R EDThe improved KUStid TrufS Is *'■[k exlstuuce that Is worn wita abeoiut® c


Heft Siaft m U let Cnam Saltaii,

A T 157 m a r k e t STJJRBE**- '

f lM Xtnitnt- • I MArtKKT STRjBfeuia Oianas, f gyg jjroad s tr e e t -

trimfn eVlstuuce that Is worn witli aDwmw com­fort uigbt Khd dAy*ii4|t retains tlw rupture im d e^ e hardest eserdu or severest strain,

- - ----- 3nt and speeuyeurefttleata Kx-for !»•

4f~w ★ » ★ -ir

ter the herdeet exeroae or NovodNwv on

inftUon tree* Ledflu *ttenwuw toiI. JeMlorjeetopm aa nrk

HEMPOUTMH SRICES. V.SSPER SAUOH.t e l e p h o n e 3 9 T .

end wUl efteot Wltboafni^ nmina^n tre<^ IMPROviD^jSilASTIO TRUSS CO-

f « and sk Broadway, oor. ISth sL, N. T. For ko outL

S A N T A L - M D Yi Arnihdlito«fi«ft™*>“ “ l'“ F"*“to etttaV MX ift w hOQfSs

It h sonerior *» Copotta, Onb*la or 1n l»I ouna from oil 6«d to»d <»

, SANTAl-MipYj'S.^. IsctttmSMaSkSwTa«S88n


SULTANA ^For tinting th* lip* and ohq

' Prle# BO oento., PARIAN LUI’K1 For whiting the ekin, P i'b

... f h k c k l f ,and Moth Cream warranted to cure frep$ Olid oil dlaoulorntloD, of toe (kin (miiM tl>« |nn. Prlca US cent* per Jar. Modi