D. Roubis, F. Sogliani, F. Gabellone, M. Danese, D. Gnesi, Archaeological Landscapes through GIS...

On the Road to Reconstructing the Past Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Proceedings of the 36 th International Conference Budapest, April 2–6, 2008 Edited by Budapest 2011

Transcript of D. Roubis, F. Sogliani, F. Gabellone, M. Danese, D. Gnesi, Archaeological Landscapes through GIS...

On the Road to Reconstructing the Past

Computer Applications

and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA)

Proceedings of the 36th International Conference

Budapest, April 2–6, 2008

Edited by


Budapest 2011

The 36th(:;;(.<-=&!&-.&(>2#(<!?2-9"&0(%8@('A&(BC-?2!92-(;.20&*8(<=(6.9&-.&#+('A&(D-#'9'C'&(<=(;!.A2&<E<?9.2E(6.9&-.&#(<=('A&( F'7F#(G<!H-0(I-97&!#9'8+('A&(BC-?2!92-(J2'9<-2E(KC#&C*+('A&(LC02M&#'(B9#'<!9.2E(KC#&C*+('A&(:&-'!2E( C!<M&2-(I-97&!#9'8+('A&(;!.A2&<E9-?C2(,<C-02'9<-(2-0('A&(/&#&2!.A(D-#'9'C'&(=<!(39#C2E9#2'9<-+(;!.A9'&.'C!&(2-0(;!.A2&<E<?8N

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Published by Archaeolingua Foundation



Printed by Prime Rate, Budapest

© Archaeolingua Foundation and Individual Authors

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1. Introduction

The recent discovery of

the monastery founded

%8( R9<2..A9-<( 02( ,9<!&( 2'(

the end of the 12th century

9-( 'A&( CME2-0#( <=( 'A&( 69E2+(

<-( 'A&( #9'&( <=( )C!&( 3&'&!&(

-&2!( 6N( R9<72--9( 9-( ,9<!&(

(southern Italy), has been of

great interest for medieval

archaeology in Calabria

(Fig. 1cN(

D-( 'A9#( 2!&2+( DL;KU:J/(

in 2002 began an intensive

programme of archaeological


monastery was discovered

occupies the highest part of

2( 5-<EE( E89-?( 9-( 2( 72EE&8( 2'(

VWZW*( 2%<7&( #&2( E&7&EN( [A&(

Archaeological Landscapes through GIS (Cost Surface Analysis)

and Virtual Reality: A Case Study on the Monastic Site of

Jure Vetere (Calabria, Italy)

a9*9'!9#(ROUBIS1 – Francesca SOGLIANI2 – Francesco GABELLONE3 – Maria DANESE4(d(a9&?<(GNESI5

1–4Institute of Archaeological and Monumental Heritage






da Fiore (12th–13th .&-'C!8cN([A&(*CE'909#.9ME9-2!8(!&#&2!.A+(.2!!9&0(<C'(%8(DL;KU:J/(e&`.272'9<-#(9-(hWWhdhWWic+(MC'(9-(






supportive capability of terrains and to come up with a hypothesis about the reconstruction of the plant landscape around

'A&(*&09&72E( #9'&N(,9-2EE8+(2(79!'C2E( !&.<-#'!C.'9<-(<=( 'A&(2-.9&-'(&-79!<-*&-'(%2#&0(<-( 'A&(RD6(M!<.&0C!&(>2#(.!&2'&0+(



G2-0#.2M&( ;!.A2&<E<?8+( RD6+( 69'&( `ME<9'2'9<-( [&!!9'<!8+( :<#'( 6C!=2.&( ;-2E8#9#+( :E2##9Q.2'9<-( <=( G2-0(I#&+( 6CMM<!'97&(


Fig. 1. Location map of Jure Vetere monastic settlement

(S. Giovanni in Fiore – CS, Italy).

Proceedings of the 36th CAA Conference, Budapest, 2–6 April 2008


Archaeological Landscapes through GIS (Cost Surface Analysis) and Virtual Reality

hill, the site of the medieval monastery, is delimited

to the south by the river Arvo and to the north by

2( '!9%C'2!8( <=( 'A&( ;!7<+( 2( #'!&2*( 5-<>-( 2#( jf9-<(


[A2-5#( '<( 'A&( !&#CE'#( <=( 'A&( 2!.A2&<E<?9.2E(


established that the site hosted an ecclesiastical

building (Fig. 2) of considerable dimensions,

oriented along an east-west axis, for which two


running from the last decade of the 12th century until

about 1213/1214, corresponds to the construction,



out on the restoration, rebuilding and occupation of

'A&(%C9E09-?+(C-'9E( 'A&(><!5(>2#(0&Q-9'97&E8(A2E'&0N(

It was, presumably, towards the end of the second

phase that the monastic community was permanently


,!<*( 'A&( 0<.C*&-'2!8( #<C!.&#( >&( 5-<>( 'A2'(

%&=<!&( l.'<%&!( VhVX( 2( Q!&( .2C#&0( 'A&( 0&#'!C.'9<-(

of many of the structures standing at that time

e6<?E92-9(hWW\c. 790&-.&(<=('A9#(Q!&(A2#(%&&-('!2.&0(

archaeologically and has enabled the researchers to



a new one was built, with a semicircular apse, using

the walls of the central nave and shortening the area


'&.A-9mC&( <=( 'A9#( #&.<-0( %C9E09-?+( .<**9##9<-&0(

%8( R9<2..A9-<n#( #C..&##<!+( ;%%<'( K2''&<+( !&o&.'#(

2-( 2!.A9'&.'C!2E( M!<4&.'( 0&#9?-&0( '<( !&.<7&!( #M2.&#(

and materials, as it is clear from the shortening of

the presbytery and the shifting of the apse, using

materials recycled from the masonry of the previous


storage areas for lime and sand, holes for locating

scaffolding poles and an interesting “architectural

indicator”, consisting of a series of stones in the

southern part of the presbytery arranged in a curve

which had to become the arch of the semicircular

2M#&N( [A&( !&%C9E09-?( 0<&#(

not seem to have lasted as

long as the occupation of the

monastery which, despite

the efforts of the monastic


A20( 0&Q-9'&E8( .<*&( '<( 2-(

end by the middle of the 13th

century, as it is also clear from


It should be stressed that

the surveys on this site were

conducted in accordance with

the multidisciplinary approach

that characterises the series of

#'C09&#(5-<>-(2#( jG2-0#.2M&(

Archaeology” (Fig. 3) (Roubis


The landscape archae-


entailed the integration of histor ical, archaeological

(ex cavation and survey), ethno-archaeological, geo-

logic al, geo-pedological, botan ical (including pollen),

archaeometric and remote sensing data, processed

<-( .<*MC'&!N( [A&( !&#CE'#( M<9-'&0( '<( 'A&( &`9#'&-.&(

of a settlement model of a monastic type, which is



data, a GIS platform was used, specially created to


2. GIS analysis


monastic community, we have made reference to the

“site exploitation territory” method (Renfrew and


were considered to obtain the primary and secondary

materials necessary for life in the monastery: an

inner area (lying within a radius of about 20 minutes’

4<C!-&8c( .A2!2.'&!9#&0( %8( 9-'&-#97&( &`ME<9'2'9<-( <=(

Fig. 2. Jure Vetere: the monastic church discovered by archaeological excavations.


Dimitris ROUBIS – Francesca SOGLIANI – Francesco GABELLONE – Maria DANESE – Diego GNESI

resources, and an outer area (lying within a radius


production activities of a more extensive nature

(Fig. 4cN

2.1. Cost surface analysis

The procedures followed in order to realize “site

exploitation territory” are generically described as a



[A&( Q!#'( #'2?&( <=( 'A&( M!<.&0C!&( 9#( 'A&( .!&2'9<-(

<=(2([DJ(*<0&E(=<!('A&(2!&2(ecreated from a 5-meter

contour)( 2-0( 2( .<-#&mC&-'92E( !2#'&!( E28&!( <=( #E<M&#(

0&!979-?( =!<*(9'N([A9#(#E<M&(.2-(%&(.2E.CE2'&0(C#9-?(


The slope layer is the basic layer for two steps of


#&.<-0( 9#( 'A&( .E2##9Q.2'9<-(<=( 'A&(09==&!&-'( '8M&#( <=(



method used was cost weighted distance, in order to

.2E.CE2'&( 'A&( '9*&( =<!(>2E59-?( <-( =<<'( .<-#90&!9-?(

'A&( !&2E( '&!!9'<!92E( *<!MA(<E<?8N( [A&!&(=<!&+( 'A&(

calcu lation of the shortest path cannot be made by

reference to the concept of Euclidean distance, but


!2#'&!#@(.&EE#(<=( 'A&(Q!#'(!2#'&!(&`M!&##( 'A&( 4<C!-&8(

cost (the time) that does not depend only on the

Fig. 3. Diagram with the archaeological research method used on the site of Jure Vetere.


Archaeological Landscapes through GIS (Cost Surface Analysis) and Virtual Reality


factors; every cell of the second raster indicates the

09!&.'9<-( <=( '!27&E( '<( %&( '25&-( '<( &-#C!&( 'A&( %&#'(

M2'AN( a9==&!&-'( 2MM!<2.A&#( 2!&( C#&0( '<( 'A9#( 29*+(




concerns the cost raster, the mathematical formula

most used in literature is the Tobler Function


derived from empirical

*&2#C!&*&-'#( '25&-( >9'A(

Rf6N( D-( M2!'9.CE2!( '<( Q-0(

the relationship between

the morphological factor

(slope) and distance covered

time, we have proceeded

*259-?( e>9'A(Rf6(&*M9!9.2E(

measurements) the time to

>2E5( 2E<-?( 09==&!&-'( M2'A#+(

characterized by different

72EC&#( <=( #E<M&N( [A!<C?A( 2(

linear interpolation of these

measurements it is possible

to calculate how the speed

<=( >2E59-?( 9-( 'A&( #9-?E&( .&EE(

varies depending on the

slope (Fig. 5cN(

Fig. 5 shows the reported data,

diagrams, and the lines concerning

downhill and uphill, where X

represents the average slope of each

cell and Y represents the speed to

M2##( 'A!<C?A( 9'N( ,<!*CE2#( <%'29-&0(


– in the case of uphill:


– in the case of downhill:


– in the case of pathways

in the plains we calculated the

27&!2?&( #M&&0( =<C-0( &*M9!9.2EE8N(

[A&( #M&&0( <%'29-&0( 9#( &mC2E( '<(


With map algebra it is now possible

to transform the slope raster with the

values found; the result is an output

!2#'&!( >9'A( 'A&( 72EC&#( <=( >2E59-?(

speed sought for each cell (cell size

%&'>&&-( V( 2-0(X(*&'&!#cN([<(0&'&!*9-&(>A&'A&!( '<(

give to the raster containing the characteristic speed


containing the direction of slopes, and made use of

Boolean operators, following the procedure outlined

in Fig. 6, that is: if the aspect is included inside the

corner described by the perpendicular direction of

travel, then the slope can be considered downhill, or


Fig. 4. Jure Vetere: cost surface analysis of the potential exploitation territory

around the monastic site.

Fig. 5. Jure Vetere: relationship estimation between slope (X) and walking speed (Y)

in three different terrains: uphill, downhill, plain.


Dimitris ROUBIS – Francesca SOGLIANI – Francesco GABELLONE – Maria DANESE – Diego GNESI



a uniform rectilinear motion in the individual pixels,


[A&( #&.<-0( !2#'&!+( C#&0( '<(*25&( 'A&( 2-2E8#9#+( >2#(




Putting time raster and cost weighted direction raster

in cost weighted distance function, and considering a



! !"#$%&&'()%*'+,"+-"$%,."/&0

The second step (Fig. 7) was to determine the



The GIS-based processing of

the geographical and territorial

information concerning the

different types of soils, also

made it possible to identify

various potentially exploitable

-79!<-*&-'2E( I-9'#( eEUs)

(Fig. 8cN( D-( <!0&!( '<( 2.A9&7&( 'A9#(

we have executed a procedure that

has transformed the relative value

percentages to the altitudes of the

soils in a scale of the degrees of


On a more detailed

level, the agricultural soils

(particularly those suitable

for growing vegetables or

cereals, EUs 1 and 2) were

assumed to lie in areas

where the slope of the

terrain was no more than 13

0&?!&&#( <-( 27&!2?&N( D-( =2.'(

“analysis of prehistoric and

historical period agricultures

has usually assumed that

cultivation could only occur

without terracing on land

<=( E&##( 'A2-( VWt( '<( Vit( <=(

slope” (Bevan and Conolly

hWWhdhWWX+( Vh^dVh\cN( [A9#(

means that above these

values, in order to render

soils suitable for cultivation,

9'( 9#( -&.&##2!8( '<( .2!!8( <C'( '&!!2.9-?(><!5#N( D-( <C!(

.2#&( #'C08+( A<>&7&!+( 0C!9-?( 'A&( 9-'&-#97&( Q&E0(

#C!7&8#( 2!<C-0( )C!&( 3&'&!&+( >&( A27&( -<'( =<C-0(


<'A&!( .2'&?<!9&#( <=( #<9E#( e.E2##9Q&0( <-( 'A&( %2#9#( <=(

L&72-( 2-0( :<-<EE8( hWWhdhWWX( A9#'<?!2*( Q?NXc+(

it was observed that: a) areas with a slope of more

than 13 degrees included terrain which, when free

<=( ><<0#( 2-0( *2mC9#( <!( 20&mC2'&E8( 0&=<!&#'&0+(

could be exploited mainly for short-range grazing

(EU 3); b) considering that at slopes of 30 degrees

or more the possibility of practicing long-term

intensive cultivation is drastically reduced, in these

areas (EU 4) it was assumed that the terrain was

suitable only for grazing (if not covered by forest)

and/or the intensive exploitation of forest; c) steeper

Fig. 6. Jure Vetere: method used to determine different terrains

(uphill, downhill, plain), considering the aspect raster and the travel direction.

Fig. 7. Jure Vetere: numerical values used to determine the

!"##$% "&$'()'*)!"(+),#-.)


Archaeological Landscapes through GIS (Cost Surface Analysis) and Virtual Reality


non-productive (EU(icN(S&(C-0&!E9-&('A2'('A&(79!'C2E(

reconstruction in Fig. 10 has been realized due to all


2.3. Supportive capability of soils and


In the third step of the research, we have had to

evaluate the supportive capability and the behaviour


drill in different points outside the excavation area

and in some other nearby terrains carried out in



soils for crop cultivation around the site allowed us to

7&!9=8('A&(E<>(=&!'9E9'8(<=('A&(#<9E#(eG2""2!9(et alN(hWW\+(

XZcN( D-( &==&.'( 'A&( .A&*9.2E( 2-0( MA8#9.2E( 2-2E8#9#(

demonstrated that soils derived from granitic bed

!<.5( >9'A( #2-08( 2-0( E9*8( '&`'C!&+( 2!&( .A&*9.2EE8(




From these analyses, and from the spatial

distribution of the soils in the GIS, it emerges that

9-( )C!&( 3&'&!&( 'A&( '&!!29-( #C9'2%E&( =<!( ?!2"9-?( >2#(

more abundant than soils suitable for agriculture,

thus indicating a monastic

economy based mainly on

E97&#'<.5( !&2!9-?N( [A&( #9'&( <=(

)C!&( 3&'&!&+( 0C!9-?( 9'#( 7&!8(

short medieval life, made

available an exploitable

territory of limited extension,

but it was able to provide

subsistence for a small


Finally, the last phase

of the research, particularly

important for the processing

of the data via the GIS,

was the study of the

ancient environment which

surrounded the monastery

at the time of its foundation

2-0(0C!9-?( 9'#( %!9&=( E9=&N( [A&(

archaeo-botanical analyses

and the palynological

study made it possible to

reconstruct the environment,

and the vegetal landscape

of the tableland where the proto-monastery was

founded, providing the data necessary for interpreting

the dynamics of exploitation of the surrounding

land by the monastic community (Fiorentino et

alN( hWW\p( K&!.C!9( et alN( hWW\cN( [A&( 29*#( <=( 'A&#&(


<=( ME2-'( !&#<C!.&#( %8(*<-5#( 9-( 'A&( #A<!'( M&!9<0( <=(

occupation of the site and the reconstruction of the

plant landscape of the site where the monastery was


3. The virtual reconstruction

The methodological basis of the virtualisation is

partly technical, due to the extensive use of Computer


on the comparison of data originating from other

#9'&#(02'9-?(%2.5( '<( 'A&(#2*&(M&!9<0(2-0( E<.2'&0( 9-(


The image in Fig. 9 shows a moment of daily life

9-( 'A&( #9'&( <=( )C!&(3&'&!&+( 79&>&0( 'A!<C?A(2( 79!'C2E(

camera which shows the remains visible today in

'A&9!(C-Q-9#A&0(#'2'&+($()%-/$, given that the building

>2#( 2%2-0<-&0( %&=<!&( 9'( >2#( .<*ME&'&0N(S&( 5-<>(

from the documentary sources and the archaeological

excavations that the monastic complex was almost


Fig. 8. Jure Vetere: the Environmental Units of the potential exploitation territory

around the monastic site.


Dimitris ROUBIS – Francesca SOGLIANI – Francesco GABELLONE – Maria DANESE – Diego GNESI

Fig. 9. Jure Vetere: virtual reconstruction of the monastic church from the south-west.

Fig. 10. Jure Vetere: virtual reconstruction of the medieval landscape from the south. 1) ecclesiastical building;

01)#2/$(34)51)!$6-)7$!(4)81)9,"//:4);1)<(=$/'(6-(&"!)>($&)?)@"/"A!-)!"(+)B)C'/&$ ,!&,/"!)3"/+-(#)"(+) -/-"!)%-!+#14)

D1)<(=$/'(6-(&"!)>($&)0)@"/"A!-)!"(+)B) -/-"!)%-!+#14)E1)<(=$/'(6-(&"!)>($&)5)@!"(+),#-+)*'/)3/"F$(3)G)2'&-(&$"!!:),#-+)

for cultivation); 8) Environmental Unit 4 (woods / land partially suitable for grazing);

9) stream Pino Bucato; 10) river Arvo.


Archaeological Landscapes through GIS (Cost Surface Analysis) and Virtual Reality

built on the site, differing slightly from the previous


partly recovered from materials not damaged by

'A&( Q!&( 2-0( M2!'E8( &`'!2.'&0( =!<*( -&2!%8( mC2!!9&#+(

E<.2'&0( 9-( 'A&( #2*&( 72EE&8N( :<-#'!C.'9<-( .<-'9-C&0(

incessantly until the exact moment when it was

0&.90&0( '<( 2%2-0<-( 'A&( %C9E09-?( ><!5( 2-0( -<'( '<(

.<-'9-C&( >9'A( !&%C9E09-?( 2-8( =C!'A&!N( LE<.5#( E89-?(

on the ground in a curve, ready to be placed in their

Q-2E( M<#9'9<-+( M!<%2%E8( 2#( M2!'( <=( 2-( 2!.Ap( 2( #M2.&(

inside the side nave used to prepare the lime; holes

for scaffolding poles near the apse and along the

side nave; everything in and around the building

'&#'9Q&#( '<( 9'#( #C00&-(2%2-0<-*&-'N(SA2'( !&*29-#(

on the ground today is the starting point for us and

the stimulus to tell the whole story of this site, not

4C#'( 'A&(*<*&-'( >A&-( 9'( >2#( 2%2-0<-&0+( %C'( 9'( 9#(

also interesting to represent visually the organisation

of the building site, with scaffolding still in use, the



The reconstruction of the ancient landscape

(Fig. 10c(#<C?A'('<('25&(2..<C-'(<=(&7&!8(&E&*&-'('A2'(


spatial analysis based on GIS( e0&Q-&0( 2%<7&c+( 'A&(

archaeobotanical analysis and the study of pollen


area, has given information on the existence of

A<!'9.CE'C!2E( ?2!0&-#( 2-0( <M&-( #<>-( .&!&2E( Q&E0#(

(EUs 1, 2), land used for grazing (EU 3), woodlands

(EU 4), together with the existence in the surrounding

2!&2+( =<C-0( 0C!9-?( 'A&( Q&E0( #C!7&8#+( <=( #&7&!2E(

#M!9-?#+(mC2!!9&#+(E9*&(59E-#(2-0(2-.9&-'(M2'A#N( 7&-(


and detailed study of the bioarchaeological samples

'25&-(=!<*(72!9<C#(M<9-'#( 90&-'9Q&0( 9-#90&('A&(2!&2(

<=( &`.272'9<-N( [A&( !&.<7&!8( <=( #&&0#+( M2!'9.E&#( <=(

charcoal and other charred material was achieved by

means of micro-excavation and made it possible to

determine not only the types of species present, but


G9?A'( #9*CE2'9<-( '&.A-9mC&#( C#9-?( !2092-.&(

*2M#(<!(Ba/D+(#C%UM<E8?<-2E(09#ME2.&*&-'( =<!( 'A&(


the patches of grass, advanced rigging and subdivision

surfaces for the poses and modelling of the human




to the use of technology, to open a window on our

M2#'( 2-0( e>&( 'A9-5( 9#( 'A&( '9*&( '<( M<9-'( 9'( <C'c( <-(

<C!( M2#'( E2-0#.2M&#+( %C'( 'A&( !&2E( <%4&.'97&( 9#( 2-0(

remains historical and archaeological research,



in our possession were used to perform the virtual

reconstruction of the ecclesiastical complex in its

E2-0#.2M&( .<-'&`'( 9-( <!0&!( '<( &*MA2#9"&( 'A&( Q!#'(

evidence of “medieval monasticism” investigated




[A&(&`.272'9<-(<-( 'A&( #9'&(<=()C!&(3&'&!&(%&-&Q'&0(

from the participation of researchers from the

Institute of Archaeological and Monumental Heritage

eDL;Kc(<=( 'A&(:J/(2-0(<=( #'C0&-'#( =!<*( 'A&(f<#'U



,9?C!&#( V+( X+( \d]@( a9*9'!9#( /<C%9#( e?!2MA9.2E(


6<?E92-9p( Q?C!&( _@( a9*9'!9#( /<C%9#( e092?!2*( >9'A(

the archaeological research method) and Francesco

R2%&EE<-&( e79!'C2E( !&.<-#'!C.'9<-( <=( 'A&( .AC!.Acp(

Q?C!&#( id^@(K2!92( a2-&#&( e?!2MA9.2E( &E2%<!2'9<-cp(

Q?C!&#( ZdVW@( ,!2-.&#.<( R2%&EE<-&( e79!'C2E(


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April 2000N(L;/(D-'&!-2'9<-2E(6&!9&#(Z_VN(l`=<!0@(


,9<!&-'9-<+( R9!<E2*<+( R92*M9&!<( :<E292--9( 2-0(

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Dimitris ROUBIS – Francesca SOGLIANI – Francesco GABELLONE – Maria DANESE – Diego GNESI

botaniche al monastero medievale di Jure

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,!2-.&#.2( 6<?E92-9( ehWW\cN( Jure Vetere:

ricerche archeologiche nella prima fondazione

monastica di Gioacchino da Fiore (indagini


R2%&EE<-&+( ,!2-.&#.<( ehWW\cN( G2( !9.<#'!C"9<-&(

virtuale di contesti antichi in archeologia:

un’esperienza di studio condotta sul sito di Jure

3&'&!&N(D-@(,<-#&.2(et alN(hWW\+(XV\dXhXN

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Fonseca et alN(hWW\+(_idihN


A pilot model towards the sociology of

*<7&*&-'N( D-@( G<.5+( R2!8( e&0Nc( Beyond the

Map: Archaeology and Spatial Technologies.


Mercuri, Anna Maria, Carla Alberta Accorsi, Maria


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09( )C!&( 3&'&!&( M!9*2( &( 0C!2-'&( E2( 79'2( 0&E(

monastero medievale sulla base dei primi dati

M<EE9-9.9N(D-@(,<-#&.2(et alN(hWW\+(h^Zdh]\N

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R<-.2E<( e&0#Nc(The World is in your eyes. CAA

2005, Computer Applications and Quantitative

Methods in Archaeology: Proceedings of the

33th Conference, Tomar, March 2005N( [<*2!+(



Theories, Methods and PracticeN( G<-0<-@(


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#C&( !9#<!#&( '&!!9'<!92E9N( D-: Fonseca et alN( hWW\+(


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#'<!9.A&N(D-@(,<-#&.2(et al.(hWW\+(h_d_WN

[<%E&!+( S2E0<( eVZZ_cN( J<-U9#<'!<M9.( R&<?!2MA9.2E(

K<0&EE9-?N( National Center for Geographic

Information and AnalysisN( Technical Report

93–1 eA''M@ss>>>N?&<08##&8N.<*sM2M&!#s


32-( G&C#&-+( f9&'&!( K2!'94-( ehWWhcN( Pattern to

process: methodological investigations into the

formation and interpretation of spatial patterns

in archaeological landscapesN( fANaN( [A&#9#N(

I-97&!#9'8( <=( R!<-9-?&-N A''M@ss9!#NC%N!C?N-Es


SA&2'E&8+(a2790(2-0(K2!5(R9EE9-?#( ehWWhcN Spatial

technology and archaeology: the archaeological

applications of GISN( G<-0<-@( [28E<!( 2-0(
