Computer of A Thousand Faces: Anthropomorphizations of the Computer in Design (1965-1975)

24 dosya computational design Theodora Vardouli, PhD Candidate in Design and Computation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology %1/276'4 1( # 6*175#0& (#%'5 #06*4121/142*+<#6+105 1( 6*' %1/276'4 +0 &'5+)0 PART 2: HISTORICAL REFLECTIONS 241.1)7' “Computational Design” is a term in wide cur TGPE[ (QNNQYGF D[ VJG J[RG QHVGP CUUQEKCVGF YKVJ digital technologies, the phrase is invoked to de scribe a vast spectrum of design practices which employ computational media as an integral part QH VJGKT EQPEGRVKQP TGRTGUGPVCVKQP QT TGCNK\CVKQP RTQEGUUGU 6JG WDKSWKV[ QH EQORWVCVKQPCN VQQNU the hastiness for the development of faster and OQTG GHſEKGPV EQORWVGT CRRNKECVKQPU CPF VJG excitement associated with the label “computa tional,” prime a pragmatic approach to the term “computational design,” leaving little space for EQPVGORNCVKQP QP KVU EQPEGRVWCN RTGOKUGU 9KVJKP VJKU EQPVGZV VJG URCTUG GHHQTVU VQ FGſPG the term usually take the form of a comprehensive listing of the design and fabrication technologies at hand, as well as the methods through which VJGUG CTG WVKNK\GF *QYGXGT VJKU GZVGPUKXG FGſ nition, where “computational design” is equated to the sum of the available computer tools and WUG RTQEGUUGU HCKNU VQ ECRVWTG VJG VGTOŏU GUUGP VKCN OGCPKPI KORNKECVKQPU CPF RQVGPVKCNU &QGU the adjective “computational” describe a special UWDUGEVKQP KP VJG YGNNFGſPGF FKUEKRNKPCT[ ECV egory of Design, or does the concatenation of “computational” and “design” engender a third GPVKV[ C PGY ſGNF QH MPQYNGFIG YKVJ KVU RTQRGT inquests and ways of pursuing them? Setting aside the controversial question of wheth er Design and Computation can in fact be con sidered a new discipline, it can be argued with certainty that the coupling of the terms “computa tional” and “design” carries crucial epistemologi ECN KORNKECVKQPU KV UWIIGUVU VJG WVKNK\CVKQP QH CP informational machine, the computer, in the cre CVKXG RTQEGUU QH FGUKIP YJKEJ UVKNN GUECRGU FGſPK VKQP DGUKFGU VJG PWOGTQWU CVVGORVU VQ HQTOCNK\G KV $GUKFGU KVU EWTTGPV PCVWTCNK\CVKQPPGWVTCNK\C tion, the phrase “computational design” contains an irresolvable tension between the systematic, linguistic and combinatorial space of the machine CPF VJG ƀWKF RGTEGRVWCN EQPVKPWQWU URCEG QH VJG FGUKIPGT This negotiation between two different, and at times antithetical, worlds legitimates the existence QH C ſGNF QH MPQYNGFIG YJKEJ KPSWKTGU KPVQ VJG EQPFKVKQPU QH VJGKT EQGZKUVGPEG &QGU őEQORWVC tional design” exist as a synthesis of oppositions, merging the world of design and the world of EQORWVCVKQP QT FQGU QPG QH VJG VYQ ſGNFU KORQUG its operational modes upon the other, making

Transcript of Computer of A Thousand Faces: Anthropomorphizations of the Computer in Design (1965-1975)

24 dosya computational design

Theodora Vardouli, PhD Candidate in Design and Computation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology





“Computational Design” is a term in wide cur�TGPE[��(QNNQYGF�D[�VJG�J[RG�QHVGP�CUUQEKCVGF�YKVJ�digital technologies, the phrase is invoked to de�scribe a vast spectrum of design practices which employ computational media as an integral part QH� VJGKT� EQPEGRVKQP�� TGRTGUGPVCVKQP�QT� TGCNK\CVKQP�RTQEGUUGU�� 6JG� WDKSWKV[� QH� EQORWVCVKQPCN� VQQNU��the hastiness for the development of faster and OQTG� GHſEKGPV� EQORWVGT� CRRNKECVKQPU�� CPF� VJG�excitement associated with the label “computa�tional,” prime a pragmatic approach to the term “computational design,” leaving little space for EQPVGORNCVKQP�QP�KVU�EQPEGRVWCN�RTGOKUGU��

9KVJKP� VJKU� EQPVGZV�� VJG� URCTUG� GHHQTVU� VQ� FGſPG�the term usually take the form of a comprehensive listing of the design and fabrication technologies at hand, as well as the methods through which VJGUG� CTG� WVKNK\GF�� *QYGXGT�� VJKU� GZVGPUKXG� FGſ�nition, where “computational design” is equated to the sum of the available computer tools and WUG� RTQEGUUGU�� HCKNU� VQ� ECRVWTG� VJG� VGTOŏU� GUUGP�VKCN� OGCPKPI�� KORNKECVKQPU� CPF� RQVGPVKCNU�� &QGU�the adjective “computational” describe a special UWDUGEVKQP� KP� VJG� YGNN�FGſPGF� FKUEKRNKPCT[� ECV�egory of Design, or does the concatenation of

“computational” and “design” engender a third GPVKV[��C�PGY�ſGNF�QH�MPQYNGFIG��YKVJ� KVU�RTQRGT�inquests and ways of pursuing them?

Setting aside the controversial question of wheth�er Design and Computation can in fact be con�sidered a new discipline, it can be argued with certainty that the coupling of the terms “computa�tional” and “design” carries crucial epistemologi�ECN� KORNKECVKQPU�� KV� UWIIGUVU� VJG� WVKNK\CVKQP� QH� CP�informational machine, the computer, in the cre�CVKXG�RTQEGUU�QH�FGUKIP��YJKEJ�UVKNN�GUECRGU�FGſPK�VKQP�DGUKFGU� VJG�PWOGTQWU� CVVGORVU� VQ� HQTOCNK\G�KV�� $GUKFGU� KVU� EWTTGPV� PCVWTCNK\CVKQP�PGWVTCNK\C�tion, the phrase “computational design” contains an irresolvable tension between the systematic, linguistic and combinatorial space of the machine CPF�VJG�ƀWKF��RGTEGRVWCN��EQPVKPWQWU�URCEG�QH�VJG�FGUKIPGT��

This negotiation between two different, and at times antithetical, worlds legitimates the existence QH� C� ſGNF� QH� MPQYNGFIG�YJKEJ� KPSWKTGU� KPVQ� VJG�EQPFKVKQPU� QH� VJGKT� EQGZKUVGPEG��&QGU� őEQORWVC�tional design” exist as a synthesis of oppositions, merging the world of design and the world of EQORWVCVKQP��QT�FQGU�QPG�QH�VJG�VYQ�ſGNFU�KORQUG�its operational modes upon the other, making

25dosya computational design

Theodora Vardouli, PhD Candidate in Design and Computation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Figure-1: +XCP�5WVJGTNCPFŏU�5-'6%*2#&��6JG�WUGT�őUMGVEJGUŒ�QP�C�7 by 7 inch scope device with a 1024 by 1024 raster using a light

pen and presses command buttons with the second hand


design more computational or computation more FGUKIPGTN[!� 7PVCPINKPI� VJG� FKHſEWNV� EQPEGRVWCN�problem is essential in order to critically posi�tion ourselves as designers and researchers in the vast pluralism of practices which invoke the term “computational design” and to orient our creative efforts toward the inception of new computational CIGPFCU��EQPUEKQWU�QH�VJGKT�UVCMGU�CPF�EJCNNGPIGU�

Currently, the questions pertaining to the inten�sive relationship between the constituent parts of the phrase “computational design” tend to be QDUEWTGF�D[�KVU�WDKSWKVQWU�CPF�QRRQTVWPKUVKE�WUG��*QYGXGT�� NQQMKPI� DCEM� VQ� VJG� ſTUV� GPEQWPVGTU�of computers and design, one discovers a rich legacy of speculation on the implications of this OGTIKPI�� +PSWKT[� KPVQ� VJG� GCTN[� EQORWVCVKQPCN�GTC� ����������� ECP� VJGTGHQTG� GZRQUG� RCTV� QH��the cultural and historical origins of the popular DWV�NQQUGN[�FGſPGF�VGTO�őEQORWVCVKQPCN�FGUKIP�Œ�Furthermore, an exploration of the computational VTCPUKVKQP�KP�FGUKIP�ECP�RTQDNGOCVK\G�VJG�DQWPF�aries between the domain of computers and this of designers and bring forth ideas and questions which surpass the actualities of digital tools and OGVJQFU�

The intense impulse to situate the new entity of the computer in the traditional, empirical processes of design lead to assignments of anthropomorphic roles to the machine, such as the“clerk,” the “part�PGT�Œ�VJG�őCEEQWPVCPV�Œ�CPF�QVJGTU��6JGUG�FKHHGTGPV�“occupations” were eloquent metaphors denoting different approaches to the ways that the innate characteristics of the computer could be recon�ciled with the elusive characteristics of design, as well as to the new relationship of the machine as C�FGUKIP�CEVQT�YKVJ�VJG�FGUKIPGT�CWVJQT��6JG�OCKP�body of this paper places these metaphors in con�versation, thus revealing different models of com�RWVCVKQP��CU�YGNN�CU�FKHHGTGPV�RTQEGUUGU�QH�FGUKIP��The purpose of this short survey is to bring forth computational “role models” which survive until today, assert them as historical and cultural arti�facts, and present their conceptual counterpoints, TG�QRGPKPI�VJGO�HQT�FKUEWUUKQP�



world initiated controversial debates on the role QH� EQORWVGT� CKFU� VQ� &GUKIP� CPF� #TEJKVGEVWTG��5WVJGTNCPFŏU�YTKVKPIU�CDQWV�5-'6%*2#&�GZRNKEKV�ly reveal his approach computer graphics applica�VKQPU�CU�UQOGVJKPI�OQTG�VJCP�FTCHVKPI�CKFU��/QTG�VJCP� JCNH� C� EGPVWT[� DGHQTG� VJG� RQRWNCTK\CVKQP� QH�$WKNFKPI�+PHQTOCVKQP�/QFGNKPI�$+/���5WVJGTNCPF�YCU�FKUEWUUKPI� VJG�OCEJKPGŏU� CDKNKV[� VQ�QTICPK\G�CPF�RTQEGUU�KPHQTOCVKQP��6JKU��JG�CTIWGF��QHHGTGF�the prospect of structured representations contain�ing explicitly stated topological information about a drawing and therefore enabling the designer to GODGF� EQPUVTCKPVU�� RGTHQTO� GCU[� OQFKſECVKQPU�CPF� GXGP� EQORWVG� FKHſEWNV� RTQDNGOU� GOGTI�KPI� FWTKPI� VJG� FGUKIP� RTQEGUU�� +P� VJG� CDUVTCEV� QH�his doctoral thesis entitled 5-'6%*2#&��#�/CP�Machine Graphical Communication System,1 Sutherland wrote:

It is easy to add entirely new types of conditions to 5MGVEJRCFŏU�XQECDWNCT[��5KPEG�VJG�EQPFKVKQPU�ECP�KP�volve anything computable, Sketchpad can be used HQT� C� XGT[� YKFG� TCPIG� QH� RTQDNGOU�� (QT� GZCORNG��5MGVEJRCF� JCU� DGGP� WUGF� VQ� ſPF� VJG� FKUVTKDWVKQP� QH�HQTEGU�KP�VJG�OGODGTU�QH�VTWUU�DTKFIGU�FTCYP�YKVJ�KV�

26 dosya computational design

telling title The promises and the disappointments of

computer-aided design,6 narrate the transition from an enthusiastic belief to the revolutionary potentialities of the machine to the disappointment about its poor RGTHQTOCPEG�KP�VJG�YQTNFŏU�őOGUU[�TGCNKUO�Œ�6JG�GCTN[�optimism about the wonders of CAD gave its place to skepticism and restraint about the imposition of VJG�OCEJKPGŏU� QRGTCVKQPCN�OQFGU� VQ� VJG� FGUKIPGT�� #U�is revealed by the discussions of Patrick Purcell, re�search fellow in the Department of Design Research at the Royal College of Art in London, or Murray Milne, at the time Associate Dean of the UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Planning, it soon became evi�dent that in order to understand the role of computa�VKQPCN�U[UVGOU�KP�FGUKIP��QPG�UJQWNF�ſTUV�DGVVGT�WPFGT�UVCPF�VJG�FGUKIP�RTQEGUU�KVUGNH�7


At the time that 4GƀGEVKQPU� QP� %QORWVGT� #KFU were written, Nicholas Negroponte was already counting eight years of research in computer graphics in the




#� YKFGN[� UJCTGF� TJGVQTKE� KP� VJG� ſTUV� [GCTU� QH� %#&��was the claim that the computer would liberate the designers from the tedious, quantitative tasks in�volved in design, thus allowing them to channel their energy towards the truly creative parts of the design RTQEGUU��#P� KPFKECVKXG� GZCORNG� QH� VJKU� CRRTQCEJ�YCU�9CNVGT�)TQRKWUŏ� KPVGTXGPVKQP� KP� VJG� ����� EQPHGTGPEG�#TEJKVGEVWTG� CPF� VJG� %QORWVGT�2 As denoted by its title, the conference sought to map the implications of this powerful new machinery in the discipline of #TEJKVGEVWTCN� &GUKIP� One year after SKETCHPAD, Gropius, founder of the Bauhaus school and of the TGPQYPGF� %CODTKFIG�DCUGF� CTEJKVGEVWTCN� ſTO� The

#TEJKVGEVŏU� %QNNCDQTCVKXG� 6#%��� YQWNF� CFXQECVG� HQT�the imperative to make an intelligent use of computa�tional tools “as means of superior mechanical control,” QHHGTKPI�őGXGT�ITGCVGT�HTGGFQO�HQT�VJG�ETGCVKXG�RTQEGUU�QH� FGUKIP�Œ3 The conceptual basis of this optimistic claim was a partitioning of the design process into a set of “objective,” quantitative tasks on the one hand, and KPVWKVKXG��SWCNKVCVKXG�ETGCVKXG�RTQEGUUGU�QP�VJG�QVJGT��+P�this fundamental divide, the computer would play the role of a sedulous slave in the service of the designer, performing measurements and calculations, faster and OQTG�GHſEKGPVN[�VJCP�KVU�JWOCP�OCUVGT��

As soon as the computer entered the ecosystem of the CTEJKVGEVWTCN� ſTO�� VJKU� FKXKUKQP�YCU� VTCPUHQTOGF� HTQO�a source of optimism to the cause for a widespread disillusionment, questioning the relevance of the ma�EJKPG� VQ� VJG� KORQTVCPV� SWGUVKQPU� QH� VJG� FKUEKRNKPG��Before forming a boisterous critique, shared amongst designers, this concern had been prophetically framed D[� VJG� #OGTKECP� CTEJKVGEV� %JTKUVQRJGT� #NGZCPFGT�� +P�#TEJKVGEVWTG� CPF� VJG� %QORWVGT� Alexander had ob�served that in order for the computer to be truly use�ful for design, the important design problems should DG� HQTOCNK\GF� KP� C�YC[� VJCV� VJG[�EQWNF�DG� KPRWV� CPF�RTQEGUUGF� D[� VJG� OCEJKPG�� 7PVKN� VJGP�� VJG� őCTO[� QH�clerks,”4� CU� #NGZCPFGT� EJCTCEVGTK\GF� EQORWVGT� CKFU��YQWNF�DG�QH�NKVVNG�CUUKUVCPEG�VQ�FGUKIPGTU�

The criticism that designers needed something more than unimaginative clerks, soon became widely shared COQPIUV�FGUKIPGTU��1PG�FGECFG�CHVGT�VJG�ſTUV�GPEQWP�ters of architecture and the computer, there was al�TGCF[� CP� CVOQURJGTG� QH� C� RTG�OCVWTG� GPF�� 6JG� �����collection %QORWVGT�#KFU�VQ�&GUKIP�CPF�#TEJKVGEVWTG,5 edited by Nicholas Negroponte, under the intention VQ�UGTXG�CU�C�TGƀGEVKXG�TGVTQURGEVKXG�QH�VJG�ſTUV�FGECFG�of CAD, is infused with a climate of disillusionment, stemming both from the world of research and prac�VKEG� KP� VJG�7PKVGF� 5VCVGU�� #TVKENGU� UWEJ� CU� VJKU� QH� VJG�7%� $GTMGNG[� 2TQHGUUQT� 8NCFKOKT� $C\LCPCE�� YKVJ� VJG�


27dosya computational design

1960 text,14 polemically asserted the computer not as a rigid, counterintuitive machinery, but as a tool for cre�CVKXG�CORNKſECVKQP��C�FGUKIP�RCTVPGT��+P�JKU������CTVKENG�entitled 6JG�5GOCPVKEU�QH�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPGU�15�EQ�authored with Leon Groisser, Negroponte noted:

#�RCTCFQZ�GZKUVU�KP�CNN�OCP�OCEJKPG�KPVGTCEVKQPU�CPF�KU� GRKVQOK\GF� KP� VJG� KPVGTCEVKQPU� DGVYGGP� VJG� CTEJK�VGEV� CPF� VJG� EQORWVGT�� 6JG� RCTCFQZ� KU� CU� HQNNQYU��Architects are concerned with issues generally con�UKFGTGF�VQ�DG�WPOCPCIGCDNG�D[�EQORWVGTU��6JGUG�KU�sues draw upon human experiences, senses, attitudes, even idiosyncrasies, none of which are enjoyed by OCEJKPGU�CV�VJKU�RQKPV�KP�VKOG��5Q�VJG�UVCPFCTF�RTQEG�dure is to partition the design task: the man is given YJCV�JG� KU�IQQF�CV�FQKPI� YJKEJ� KU�WUWCNN[�YJCV�JG�enjoys), and the machine is given only those tasks it ECP�JCPFNG�GHſEKGPVN[�16

Negroponte and Groisser sought a way to render the innately syntactic informational machine sen�sitive to the semantics of Architecture, meaning, context and missing information, thus promoting the machine from an unimaginative slave, mea�suring “kips, feet, decibels, acres, coulombs,” to a design partner understanding “calipers of partici�pation, contentment, responsiveness, adaptability, FKXGTUKV[��TGUKNKGPEG�CPF�UQ�QP�Œ17





6JG�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG�)TQWRŏU�ſTUV�OCLQT�YQTM�WP�der this agenda was 74$#0��, a research project for EQORWVGT�CKFGF�CTEJKVGEVWTG�LQKPVN[�HWPFGF�D[�VJG�+$/�%CODTKFIG� 5EKGPVKſE� %GPVGT� CPF� /+6�� YJKEJ� UVCTVGF�KP�������$GUKFGU� VJG� KPVGPVKQP� VQ�CEVKXGN[� KPXQNXG� VJG�computer in the decision making processes of the de�signer, 74$#0��9 did not fully escape the predisposi�tions of the time about the tasks that a computer could GHſEKGPVN[� RGTHQTO�� PCOGN[� VJG� RGTHQTOCPEG� QH� JCTF�calculations and the checking of violations in con�UVTCKPVU� VJCV� GZEGGFGF� VJG� FGUKIPGTŏU� EQIPKVKXG� ECRCE�KV[��*QYGXGT��0GITQRQPVG�UQQP�DGECOG�UGNH�ETKVKECN�QH�the rigidity of this approach and envisioned a “system VJCV��EQWNF�TGCNN[�EJCPIG�KVUGNH�VQ�TGƀGEV�VJG�FGUKIP�CVVK�VWFGU�QH�C�RCTVKEWNCT�FGUKIPGT�Œ10�6JKU�TGCNK\CVKQP�TGQTK�GPVGF�VJG�#TE/CEŏU�GHHQTVU�VQ�CP�CTGC�YJKEJ�YQWNF�NCVGT�DGEQOG�VJG�GRKVQOG�QH�VJG�)TQWRŏU�YQTM��interaction�

The computer vision experiments which were at the VKOG� DGKPI� EQPFWEVGF� KP� VJG� #TVKſEKCN� +PVGNNKIGPEG�Department at MIT, opened new possibilities for %QORWVGT� #KFU�� YJKEJ� YGTG� GZRNQTGF� KP� VJG� ſTUV�book publication of the Architecture Machine Group entitled 6JG� #TEJKVGEVWTG� /CEJKPG�� 6QYCTF� C� /QTG�Human Environment.11 6JG�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG�pre�sented the vision of interconnected personal, “domes�ticated” machines connected to a central host, which YQWNF�UWTRCUU�VJG�TQNG�QH�VJG�ENGTM�KG��C�RTQDNGO�UQNX�ing device) to rise to the level of a problem worrying RCTVPGT��6JTQWIJ�LWUV�KP�VKOG�KPVGTXGPVKQPU��TGURQPUKXG�VQ� VJG� FGUKIPGTŏU� KFKQOU� CPF� KFKQU[PETCUKGU�� VJG� OC�chine would allow the architects to think simultane�QWUN[�QH� VJG�XGT[�DKI�INQDCN�EQPUVTCKPVU��CPF�VJG�XGT[�UOCNN� NQECN� PGGFU� CPF� FGUKTGU��� VJWU� NGCFKPI� VQ�YJCV�0GITQRQPVG� EJCTCEVGTK\GF� CU� C� őJWOCPKUO� VJTQWIJ�intelligent machines,”12 where the machine would “exhibit alternatives, suggestions, incompatibilities and QXGTUGG�VJG�WTDCP�TKIJVU�QH�KPFKXKFWCNU�Œ13

+PƀWGPEGF�D[�VJG�VGEJPQ�JWOCPKUVKE�E[DGTPGVKE�XKUKQPU�of a harmonious synergistic relationship between men CPF�OCEJKPGU��YJKEJ�YGTG� ƀQCVKPI� KP� VJG�/+6� CKT� KP�the 1960s and 1970s, Negroponte proposed a model which surpassed the rigid division of labor in the design process and called for a partnership between the com�RWVGT�CPF�VJG�FGUKIPGT��6JG�KFGC�QH�OCP�EQORWVGT�U[O�DKQUKU�� DQTTQYGF� D[� ,%4� .KEMNKFGTŏU� JKIJN[� KPƀWGPVKCN�

28 dosya computational design

The interface became the key to surpassing the U[PVCZ�UGOCPVKEU� FKEJQVQO[� CPF� VQ� TG�GUVCDNKUJ�VJG�NQUV�WPKV[�QH�VJG�FGUKIP�RTQEGUU��6JTQWIJ�PW�merous research proposals, with the most robust being the 1976 Proposal to the National Science Foundation entitled Graphical Conversation

Theory,18 ArcMac outlined the maxims of a suc�cessful interaction between the designer and the computer and developed haptic and visual inter�HCEGU�CNNQYKPI�VJG�FGUKIPGT�VQ�KPVGTCEV�CU�ƀWKFN[�CU�RQUUKDNG�YKVJ� VJG�OCEJKPG��YKVJQWV� DGKPI� UVKƀGF�D[�FGPCVWTGF�HQTOCNK\CVKQPU�

This disjunction is cumbersome but can be alleviated by the nature of the so called interface between the VYQ� RTQVCIQPKUVU�� =���?� 6JG[� TGUGCTEJGTU�� CTG� VT[KPI�to make it approach the interface with which we are HCOKNKCT�KP�JWOCP�FKUEQWTUG��6JWU�YG�YQTM�QP�KPVGT�faces, not only the interface between computer and architect, but also the interfaces between the machine CPF�VJG�PQPRTQHGUUKQPCN�19


6JG� UJCVVGTKPI� QH� VJG� JKGTCTEJKECN�� OCUVGT�UNCXG�relationship between the designer and the com�puter, opened the door to speculation about a TCFKECN� TG�FKCITCOOKPI� QH� VJG� FGUKIP� RTQEGUU�CPF� VJG� TQNG� QH� KVU� CEVQTU�� 6JG� CDQNKVKQP� QH� VJG�

Figure-4: Gordon Pask’s sketch for Conversation Theory.


boundaries between the professional architect CPF� VJG� PQP�GZRGTV� WUGT� FQOKPCVGF� VJG�YQTM� QH�VJG�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG�)TQWR� KP� VJG� ſTUV� JCNH�QH� VJG� ����U�� #RCTV� HTQO� VJG� QRGTCVKQP� QH� VJKU�rhetoric as a challenging motivation for taking VJG� GPVGTRTKUG� QH� ETGCVKXG� CORNKſECVKQP� VJTQWIJ�computers to its conceptual and technical limits, VJKU� XKUKQP�YCU� JGCXKN[� KPƀWGPEGF� D[� C� \GKVIGKUV�which denounced architectural professionalism as morally suspect and envisioned the design of systems and platforms which would allow for per�UQPCN�NKDGTV[�CPF�ETGCVKXG�KPFKXKFWCNKUO��&TCYKPI�references from sources as diverse as cybernetics, participatory design and advocacy planning, the counterculture movement in the United States and the radical megastructural fantasies in Europe and Asia, the Architecture Machine Group en�gaged with the agenda to empower people to shape their own environments through resilient EQORWVCVKQPCN�KPHTCUVTWEVWTGU�20

Inspired by a rave optimism on the potential of #TVKſEKCN� +PVGNNKIGPEG�� #TE/CE� UVCTVGF� YKVJ� VJG�ambitious vision of the Architecture Machine CU� C� UGNH�EQPſIWTKPI�� őKPVGNNKIGPVŒ� GPXKTQPOGPV��CDNG�VQ�UGPUG�CPF�TGURQPF�VQ�VJG�WUGTŏU�OQUV�KPVK�OCVG�FGUKTGU��6JKU�RTQURGEV�YCU�RTGUGPVGF�KP� VJG�&GUKIP� 2CTVKEKRCVKQP� %QPHGTGPEG�� QTICPK\GF� KP�September 1971, by the Design Research Society KP� /CPEJGUVGT�21 The Architecture Machine )TQWRŏU� RCRGT� GPVKVNGF� #URGEVU� QH� .KXKPI� KP� VJG�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG discussed the idea of a “re�sponsive architecture” as a concept which “takes DQVJ�OQXGOGPVU� EQORWVCVKQP�CPF�RCTVKEKRCVKQP��to their limiting cases; in some sense invalidating VJG� EQTPGT� UVQPGU� QH� VJGKT� GZKUVGPEG�Œ22 The im�OKPGPV�� UGCONGUU� URCVKCNK\CVKQP� QH� VJG� WUGTŏU� FG�UKIP� KPVGPVKQPU��RTKQT�GXGP� VQ� VJGKT�XGTDCNK\CVKQP��UGGOGF� NKMG� RWTG� YK\CTFT[�� #� YK\CTFT[�� JQY�ever, which as Negroponte admitted in his 1975 book Soft Architecture Machines,23 remained yet FKUVCPV��




29dosya computational design

TQNG�QH� VJG�OCEJKPG�YCU� VQ�GORQYGT�PQP�GZRGTV�users, who knew very little about design but RNGPV[�CDQWV�VJGKT�NKXKPI�RTGHGTGPEGU��VQ�URCVKCNK\G�VJGKT� KPVGPVKQPU� CPF� RTQFWEG� VJGKT� QYP� FGUKIPU��The success of the entire enterprise was therefore EQPVKPIGPV� QP� VJG� PQP�RCVGTPCNKUVKE� RCTVPGTUJKR�DGVYGGP�VJG�PQP�GZRGTV�WUGT�CPF�VJG�OCEJKPG��+P�5QHV�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPGU, Negroponte assigned to the computer the role of simultaneously a “be�nevolent educator” and a “thirsting student,”25 whose goal was to establish a mutual understand�ing with the user by interacting with him in a vi�UWCN�CPF�XGTDCN�OCPPGT��$[�OCMKPI�KPHGTGPEGU�QP�VJG�WUGTŏU� UMGVEJGU� CPF� UVCVGOGPVU� VJG� EQORWVGT�would ideally be able to construct a model of the user and therefore operate as his surrogate, JKU�GZRGTV�CNVGT�GIQ��JKU�QYP�PCVKXG�CTEJKVGEV�26 In the 5QHV�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPGU�OQFGN�� C�ƀGGV�QH�KPVGTEQPPGEVGF� FGUKIP� CORNKſGTU�� EQPVTQNNGF� D[�Architecture Machines, forms an omnipresent cy�bernetic system of user surrogates negotiating the

user individual desires and global criteria pertain�KPI�VQ�VJG�UWUVCKPCDKNKV[�QH�VJG�WTDCP�YJQNG��


$GUKFGU�0GITQRQPVGŏU�OGVKEWNQWU�CPCN[UGU�KP�UWR�RQTV�QH� VJG�PQP�RCVGTPCNKUVKE�ENCKOU�VJCV�JG�OCFG�for his system,27 the dominating agency of the ma�EJKPG�YCU�KPGXKVCDN[�C�UQWTEG�QH�FKUEQOHQTV��#HVGT�assassinating the professional architect, the com�puter came back as a bearer of good intentions, KUUWKPI� RTQOKUGU� QH� PGWVTCNKV[� CPF� QDLGEVKXKV[��6JG� *WPITCTKCP�DQTP� CTEJKVGEV� ;QPC� (TKGFOCP��QPG� QH� 0KEJQNCU� 0GITQRQPVGŏU� OCKP� KPƀWGPEGU�in his shift toward design participation, offered C� EQWPVGTRQKPV� KP� VJG� ſIWTCVKQP� QH� VJG� OCEJKPG�CU� C� FGEKUKQP�OCMKPI� CIGPV� KP� FGUKIP� RCTVKEKRC�VKQP��+P�JKU�EJCRVGT�QP�7TDCP�/GEJCPKUOU��KP�VJG�book 6QYCTF� C� 5EKGPVKſE� #TEJKVGEVWTG,28 which formed the main conceptual diagram and tech�PKECN� DCUKU� HQT� VJG� ő&GUKIP� #ORNKſGT� RTQVQV[RG��;QPC� (TKGFOCP� GPXKUKQPGF� VJG� OCEJKPG� CU� CP�“accountant” objectively recording personal and collective histories and feeding them back to us�ers and communities without “agency” or “intel�NKIGPEGŒ�� (TKGFOCPŏU� FCVC�EGPVTKE� FKUEQWTUG� QP�WTDCP�OGEJCPKUOU�őCEEQWPVCPVŏU�RQKPV�QH�XKGYŒ��which could be read as a prophetic precedent of the currently popular discussions of the “real time EKV[�Œ� 6JG� EQPUVCPVN[� ƀWEVWCVKPI�OCR� QH� VJG� EKV[�WRFCVGF�KP�TGCN�VKOG�D[�VJG�ƀQYU�QH�VJG�EKV[ŏU�KP�habitants on the existing physical networks and their constantly shifting preferences, could act CU�C�őEKV[�DCTQOGVGT�Œ�6JKU�UQWTEG�QH�FCVC�YQWNF�inform the urban inhabitants about the effect that their design decisions or even use of the fabric of the city can have to the system as a whole and al�low them to trace recurring patterns and develop RGTUQPCN�CPF�EQNNGEVKXG�CPVKEKRCVQT[�OGEJCPKUOU��The accountant just kept the books; it was up to the inhabitants to own and manage the data in QTFGT� VQ� TGƀGEV� QP� VJG� KORNKECVKQPU� QH� VJGKT� RCUV�CEVKQPU�CPF�RNCP�VJGKT�EQNNGEVKXG�HWVWTGU�


#NOQUV�HQTV[�[GCTU�CHVGT�VJG�EQNNGEVKQP�4GƀGEVKQPU�on Computer Aids to Design and Architecture was featuring the question: “A new concept of archi�tecture or just a quicker working method?”29 writ�VGP�KP�C�URGGEJ�DWDDNG�EQOKPI�QWV�QH�C�FKPQUCWT�shaped metallic skeleton, the analysis and critique of such early computational anthropomorphic




30 dosya computational design

OGVCRJQTU� ECP� QHHGT� YC[U� VQ� RTQDNGOCVK\G� VJG�brand “computational design” and to rethink the EQORWVGTŏU� TQNG� KP� VJG� KPVTKECEKGU� QH� FGUKIP�� 6JG�ſIWTCVKQPU�QH�VJG�őENGTM�Œ�VJG�őRCTVPGT�Œ�VJG�őYK\�ard,” the “surrogate” and the “accountant,” en�gendered by the intensive encounter of the accus�tomed processes of design and the new entity of the machine, offer a repertoire of rich metaphors, which condense an amplitude of visions, ques�VKQPU�CPF�VGPUKQPU�YQTVJYJKNG�TGXKUKVKPI�VQFC[��$[�NQQMKPI� CV� VJGUG� RTQVQ�EQORWVCVKQPCN� PCTTCVKXGU�one can expose the cultural and historical origins of current computational fantasies and compare

Figure 6: Monitoring of user habits in Yona Friedman’s





VJGO� YKVJ� VJGKT� JKUVQTKECN� FQRRGNICPIGTU�� 6JG�growing computational evangelisms of the poten�tialities of intelligent environments, smart cities, open data management, bottom up participation TGƀGEV�GEJQGU�HTQO�VJG�RCUV��DGUKFGU�VJGKT�CRRGCT�CPEG� QH� WPRTGEGFGPVGF� PQXGNV[�� QH� CP� C�EJTQPKE�JGTG�CPF�PQY��#V�VJG�UCOG�VKOG��FKUEQWTUG�CTQWPF�new types of computational tools, which seek to upgrade the computer from an electronic pencil to that of a design aid, offering structured, hier�CTEJKECN�TGRTGUGPVCVKQPU��ECP�RGTJCRU�DGPGſV�HTQO�the evolution of a history which departed from the same point more than half a century ago, to spiral DCEM�VQ�YJGTG�KV�UVCTVGF��

“Computational Design” is an intensive term, it contains an internal contradiction between two YQTNFU��YJKEJ�CV�NGCUV�KP�VJGKT�EWTTGPV�EQPEGRVWCN�CPF�RTCEVKECN�FGſPKVKQP��CRRGCT�FKHHGTGPV�KP�PCVWTG��one discrete, combinatorial and explicit and one EQPVKPWQWU�� ƀWKF� CPF� WPGPWPEKCVGF�� &GRCTVKPI�HTQO� VJG� ECPQPKECN� CPF� PCVWTCNK\GF� EQPEGRVKQPU�of the term it is time perhaps to engage in the dif�ſEWNV� EQPEGRVWCN� GZGTEKUG� QH� WPFGTUVCPFKPI� VJKU�internal tension and develop platforms and ideas VQ� PGIQVKCVG� KV�� +P� VJKU� SWGUV�� VJG� VJQWUCPF� HCEGU�of the computer can serve as thought experiments allowing us to untangle this tension, by revisiting, TGECUVKPI��TGKPXGPVKPI�VJGO�




31dosya computational design


4 Alexander stated: “A digital computer is, essentially, the same as a huge army of clerks, equipped with rule books, pencil and paper, all stupid and entirely without initiative, but able to HQNNQY�GZCEVN[�OKNNKQPU�QH�RTGEKUGN[�FGſPGF�QRGTC�VKQPU�� =���?� +P� CUMKPI�JQY� VJG� EQORWVGT�OKIJV�DG�applied to architectural design, we must, there�fore, ask ourselves what problems we know of in design that could be solved by such an army QH� ENGTMU� =���?� #V� VJG�OQOGPV� VJGTG� CTG� XGT[� HGY�UWEJ� RTQDNGOU�Œ� #NGZCPFGT�� %JTKUVQRJGT�� ������A Much Asked Question About Computers and &GUKIP�� 2CRGT� RTGUGPVGF� CV� #TEJKVGEVWTG� CPF� VJG�%QORWVGT��$QUVQP��/CUUCEJWUGVVU�5 0GITQRQPVG�� 0KEJQNCU� GF���� ������4GƀGEVKQPU� QP� %QORWVGT� #KFU� VQ� &GUKIP� CPF�#TEJKVGEVWTG��2GVTQEGNNK�%JCTVGT�6 $C\LCPCM��8NCFKOKT��������6JG�RTQOKUGU�CPF�VJG� FKUCRRQKPVOGPVU� QH� EQORWVGT�CKFGF� FGUKIP��+DKF����������2WTEGNN��2���������7PKVGF�-KPIFQO��+DKF�����������7 /KNPG�� /��� ������ 9JCVGXGT� DGECOG� QH� FG�UKIP�OGVJQFQNQI[��+DKF���������8 0GITQRQPVG�� 0KEJQNCU� CPF� .GQP� )TQKUUGT�������� %QORWVGT� #KFU� VQ� 2CTVKEKRCVQT[�#TEJKVGEVWTG�� =2TKPEKRCN� +PXGUVKICVQTU�� .GQP�)TQKUUGT� CPF�0KEJQNCU�0GITQRQPVG?�� %CODTKFIG��/CUU��/CUUCEJWUGVVU�+PUVKVWVG�QH�6GEJPQNQI[�����9 0GITQRQPVG�� 0KEJQNCU� CPF� .GQP� )TQKUUGT�������� 74$#0� ��� #� /CEJKPG� 6JCV� &KUEWUUGU�7TDCP� &GUKIP�� +P� 'OGTIKPI� /GVJQFU� +P�'PXKTQPOGPVCN�&GUKIP�#PF�2NCPPKPI���GF��)CT[�6��/QQTG��%CODTKFIG��/#��/+6�2TGUU�10 Negroponte and Groisser, Computer Aids to 2CTVKEKRCVQT[�#TEJKVGEVWTG�����11 0GITQRQPVG�� 0KEJQNCU�� ������ 6JG�Architecture Machine: Toward A More Human 'PXKTQPOGPV��%CODTKFIG��/CUU���/+6�2TGUU�12 +DKF�����13 +DKF�����14 .KEMNKFGT�� ,�� %�� 4�� ������ /CP�%QORWVGT�5[ODKQUKU��+P�+4'�6TCPUCEVKQPU�QP�*WOCP�(CEVQTU�KP�'NGEVTQPKEU�*('��������15 0KEJQNCU� 0GITQRQPVG� CPF� .GQP� )TQKUUGT�������� 5GEVQT�� 6JG� 5GOCPVKEU� QH� #TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPGU��#TEJKVGEVWTCN�&GUKIP��:.��������×16 +DKF�17 +DKF�18 /CUUCEJWUGVVU� +PUVKVWVG� QH� 6GEJPQNQI[��#TEJKVGEVWTG� /CEJKPG� )TQWR�� ������%QORWVGT� /GFKCVGF� +PVGT�� CPF� +PVTC�� RGTUQPCN�

%QOOWPKECVKQP��%CODTKFIG��/CUU���/CUUCEJWUGVVU�+PUVKVWVG� QH� 6GEJPQNQI[�� &GRV�� QH� #TEJKVGEVWTG��#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG�)TQWR�19 Negroponte and Groisser, The Semantics of #TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPGU��20 Negroponte and Groisser, Computer Aids to 2CTVKEKRCVQT[�#TEJKVGEVWTG�21 6JG� %QPHGTGPEG� YCU� QTICPK\GF� D[� 0KIGN�Cross, in collaboration with Chris Jones and 4GI� 6CNDQV�� %TQUU�� 0KIGN� GF��� ������ &GUKIP�2CTVKEKRCVKQP��#ECFGO[�'FKVKQPU�22 0GITQRQPVG�� 0KEJQNCU�� ������ #URGEVU� QH�.KXKPI�KP�CP�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG��+DKF���������23 ōōō�� ������ 5QHV� CTEJKVGEVWTG� OCEJKPGU��%CODTKFIG��/CUU���/+6�2TGUU�24 +DKF�������25 +DKF�26 (TQO� ���������� VJG� #TEJKVGEVWTG� /CEJKPG�Group launched a computer aided participatory design research program entitled “Architecture D[�;QWTUGNH�Œ�6JG�EQORWVGT�RTQITCO�VJCV�YCU�DG�KPI� FGXGNQRGF� YCU� PCOGF� ;10#�� CP� CETQP[O�UVCPFKPI�HQT�ő;QWT�1YP�0CVKXG�#TEJKVGEVŒ�CPF�QH�course referring to the intellectual father of the en�VKTG�GPVGTRTKUG��VJG�CTEJKVGEV�;QPC�(TKGFOCP��YJQ�CNUQ� RCTVKEKRCVGF� KP� VJG� TGUGCTEJ� RTQITCO�� 5GG��#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG�)TQWR��������#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPCVKQPU�� #� 9GGMN[� 0GYUNGVVGT� QH� VJG�#TEJKVGEVWTG�/CEJKPG�)TQWR��%CODTKFIG��/CUU���/+6�&GRCTVOGPV�QH�#TEJKVGEVWTG�27 An analysis of the discursive role of the őFGUKIP� CORNKſGTŏUŒ� EQORWVCVKQPCN� UVTWEVWTG�KP� 0KEJQNCU� 0GITQRQPVGŏU� PQP�RCVGTPCNKUVKE�claim can be found in my thesis for the Master of Science in Architecture Studies, Design and Computation Area at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, advised by Professor George 5VKP[�� 6JG� VJGUKU� KU� EKVGF� CU� HQNNQYU�� 8CTFQWNK��6JGQFQTC�� ������ &GUKIP�HQT�'ORQYGTOGPV�HQT�Design: Computational Structures for Design &GOQETCVK\CVKQP��5�/���/CUUCEJWUGVVU�+PUVKVWVG�QH�6GEJPQNQI[��&GRV��QH�#TEJKVGEVWTG�28 (TKGFOCP�� ;QPC�� ������ 6QYCTF� C� 5EKGPVKſE�#TEJKVGEVWTG�� 6TCPU�� %[PVJKC� .CPI�� %CODTKFIG��/CUU���/+6�2TGUU�29 9GDGT��,QU��&GPOCTM��*QNNCPF��)GTOCP[��+P�0GITQRQPVG�GF����4GƀGEVKQPU�QP�%QORWVGT�#KFU������