Comparative study on the participation of male and female students towards extracurricular sport...

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUYDY Education is the base of social, cultural and economical development of the society. The advancement of science and technology reached its percentage of development through education. The ancient person was get education in the celebration of different kinds of holy days by sharing the experience from one place to another place or from country to other country. In addition to this education was getting by invitation of the leaders of one place to participate in holydays or festivals of another place by that matter education was accustomed in the world. (Maslow 1954) In the modern world, education is spreading by designing and drafting curriculum by experienced and qualified person or by developed countries, which have great role in the civilization of the world in different aspects of development. The curriculum also must consider the economical sage of that country, the norm belief, values, skills and attitudes of a specific social group or society. Like all countries of the world, Ethiopia also has curriculum and the curriculum was changed from time to time by considering and modifying different situation or development 1

Transcript of Comparative study on the participation of male and female students towards extracurricular sport...




Education is the base of social, cultural and economical

development of the society. The advancement of science and

technology reached its percentage of development through

education. The ancient person was get education in the

celebration of different kinds of holy days by sharing the

experience from one place to another place or from country to

other country. In addition to this education was getting by

invitation of the leaders of one place to participate in

holydays or festivals of another place by that matter

education was accustomed in the world. (Maslow 1954)

In the modern world, education is spreading by designing and

drafting curriculum by experienced and qualified person or by

developed countries, which have great role in the

civilization of the world in different aspects of

development. The curriculum also must consider the economical

sage of that country, the norm belief, values, skills and

attitudes of a specific social group or society.

Like all countries of the world, Ethiopia also has curriculum

and the curriculum was changed from time to time by

considering and modifying different situation or development


of the country. In addition of the normal curriculum high

schools, colleges, and universities may design extra

curriculum which is similar to the usually curriculum to

accelerate the development of the country, to encourage the

participation of females in different field of study and

other reasons.

Like other disciplines, sport needs extra curriculum time

schedule due to different reasons. In the current situation

for most of our people is dazzle to understand the advantage

of sport science in different aspects.

It gives for both male and female over all advantage of human

beings that is mental and physical development.

Sports are organized activities played individually or in

teams. Men and women can play most sports. Many people

participate in sports as amateurs for personal enjoyment, the

love of competition or as a healthful form of exercise. Sport

provides entertainment for people throughout the world.

The researcher by gathering information about the general

feature and the need of sport science of by the participation

of male and female students towards extracurricular sport

activity, the study will try to give some basic

recommendation that leads to narrow the gaps of their

participation difference of male and female students towards

extracurricular sport activity.



The study was concerned to compare male & female students

towards the participation of extracurricular activity in case

of jimma university sport science students. Based on the aim,

the study was try to answer the following question.

1. Is there difference between male and female students in

participation towards extracurricular activity?

2. What are factors affecting the male and female

participation in extracurricular activity?

3. Are there social interaction influences of the

participation of male and female students towards the

extracurricular activities?

4. What are the possible solutions for minimizing the gap

between male and female participation towards

extracurricular activities?


1.3.1 General Objectives:-

The study has the following general objectives.

To compare the participation of male and female

students towards extracurricular sport activity.


To suggest possible solutions for the identified


1.3.2 Specific Objectives:-

The followings are specific objectives of this research.

To identify the participation of males students

towards extracurricular sport activity.

To identify the participation of females students

towards extracurricular sport activity.

To point out the major reasons for the good

participation of females students in extracurricular

sport activity.

To point out the major reasons for the good

participation of male students in extracurricular

sport activity.



It is the belief of the researcher that the outcomes of this

research will the following contributions.

It will provide information about the need for this

field area, more over after the study had been

conducted; it was try to give some basic


It will be help to narrow the differences between

male and female students’ participation towards

extracurricular sport activity and try to equalize


To make interested for other researcher used to help

a record and further investigation.


In this study, the researcher faced a number of constraints

while the researcher conducts this study.

The followings are major limitations:

Shortage of reference materials

Shortage of time

Financial problem



This study was delimited in jimma university sport science

students. This is because of the fact that it takes many

time, resource, and much money. In addition to this the

researcher is beginner, so the researcher was delimited the

study in only Jimma university sport science students.

1.7 DEFFINITION OF TERMS 1. Extracurricular:- an activity at school, college or

university perusal in addition to the normal courses

of study.

2. Attitude:- is a positive or a negative outlook

towards something associated with its values.

3. Interest:- the state of being concerned or affected

especially with respect to advantage.

4. Recreational games:- games that are not demand more

energy to perform the activity. Performing the

activity for purpose of enjoyment rather than

computing with one another.

5. Comparative:- the analysis and comparison of two

contemporary (coexisting & present) phenomenon.





Extracurricular activities are voluntary activities that fall

outside the school curriculum, normally after school hours.

Students participant in extracurricular activities to develop

their interests, or to support a further education

application. Because extracurricular activities are outside

the school curriculum (and learning expectations do not have

to be specifically met) students and educators can explore

various skills, teaching methods and interesting projects.


The Common Application as well as many individual college

applications group together extracurricular activities with

community service, volunteer work, family activities and

hobbies. The list below provides some examples of activities

that would be considered "extracurricular". (John H.

Holloway )

Creative Activities

Many students may be interested in creative arts/activities

that are not offered by the school curriculum.

Extracurricular activities in art and design, creative

writing, photography or student newsletters can help students

looking to studying the arts in higher education gain some

solid experience. Student newsletters are particularly

popular, and can often be completely organized, written and

printed by students themselves.

Music/Drama Clubs

Extracurricular activities in music and drama can be used in

conjunction with each other. For example, an extracurricular

activity could be for students interested in music

performance and another extracurricular activity may be for

students interested in drama, acting or dancing. If students8

taking drama are planning a performance, then students

involved in music clubs could provide the musical score.

Similarly, if any students are involved in art design

extracurricular activities in the school, they can also

design sets for performances.

Language Clubs

Language clubs are an effective way of exposing students to

new cultures. Students can learn new languages without the

pressure of examinations or learning expectations, and

explore learning a new language in engaging ways (such as

learning through learning games or visiting another country

to use their skills). Students can also engage in cultural

exchanges to learn more about the language and culture they

are interested in (for example, writing letters to students

in Italy if they are studying Italian).

Outdoors Sporting Activities

Sporting activities are generally the most popular

extracurricular activities in schools. Students can

participate in various sporting activities -- such as

football, netball, hockey, basketball, track or gymnastics --

or become involved in school sports teams. Outdoor

extracurricular activities can also be a fun way for students

to explore their interests and skills, for example scouting,

bird watching or camping.


Volunteer Associations

Volunteer clubs that focus on finding volunteer work for

students (either within the school or elsewhere) may interest

students who are looking for relevant work experience for

their future career, or to give added weight to their college

application. Teachers can organize skills workshops for

particular volunteer opportunities (i.e., social skills if

students are planning to volunteer working with welfare

charities) and work with local charities to find students

relevant placements. Students can also be given the

opportunity to run their own charities, or help in the

community without the aid of an organization.


Extracurricular activities appeal to student interests:

Mahoney and Cairns (1997) looked at the positive connection

to school that participating in extracurricular activities

created among students whose prior commitment to the school

had been marginal. They discovered that a wider choice of

activities resulted in a stronger effect because students'

individual needs and interests were more likely to be met.


Posner and Vandell (1999) studied the participation of

elementary school students in after-school programs and found

that such programs can provide low-income students with

experiences similar to those of middle-class students with

access to a rich array of lessons (for example, in dance,

music, and art), sports, and tutoring.

They encourage peer interaction: McNeal (1995) indicates that

extracurricular participation provides previously

marginalized students with access to a more “elite” stratum

of the student population and exposes the students to peers

who have better attitudes toward school.

They promote cooperation: Extracurricular activities instill

a less competitive focus in participants, foster a more

cooperative environment, and may therefore encourage students

to stay in and complete school (McNeal, 1995).

They build student-adult relationships: Research supports the

notion that high-quality extracurricular activities build

relationships between students and the competent, responsive

adults who supervise such activities (Mahoney, 2000; Posner &

Vandell, 1999).

They provide structure and challenge: Mahoney (2000), who

extended the work of Posner and Vandell (1999) to focus on

adolescents in after-school activities, determined that

effective youth activity programs are highly organized and


encourage increasingly complex skill building for


They connect students to school: Participating in an

extracurricular activity connects students more deeply to the

school, its faculty, a peer group, and school values

(Mahoney, 2000; Mahoney & Cairns, 1997). Further, Jordan and

Nettles (1999) found that adolescents who participated in

structured activities supervised by positive adult role

models were more likely to make personal investments in their

schooling that might, in turn, motivate them to excel


Davalos, Chavez, and Guardiola (1999) studied the effects of

participation in extracurricular activities on Mexican

American students and found that those involved in such

activities were more likely to stay in school than their

uninvolved peers.

They draw students; especially minorities and women-to

science: Sorge, Newsom, and Hagerty (2000) studied the

positive effects of minority student participation in

extracurricular activities. Their research supports previous

studies that showed that exposure to extracurricular science

activities has a positive impact on students' science



Research by McLure and McLure (2000) supports the notion of a

positive relationship between out-of-class science

accomplishments and in-class science achievement. Students

who have the opportunity to participate in experiential,

science-related extracurricular activities in a

nonthreatening environment feel competent, particularly when

adults are available to offer suggestions, support student

inquiry, and provide enrichment activities.

A budding interest in science stimulates further academic

coursework in science, which in turn can lead to students

acquiring even greater science knowledge, skills, and


Hanson and Kraus (1998) found that science achievement among

female students could be enhanced through their participation

in team sports. Young girls who are involved in a

traditionally male domain like sports may well be less

intimidated by and more prepared for the male culture of

science classrooms and work settings.

Research points to a number of factors that encourage

students to get- and stay- involved in extracurricular

activities. Perhaps educators can generalize the lessons of

students' extracurricular engagement to inform classroom

practice and improve school climate and culture in ways that

motivate all students in the school.



While it is true that kids go to school to get an education,

what they learn goes beyond simple reading and writing,

learning sciences. Students, especially those in high school

and college, have a bevy of extracurricular options as well,

most of which can be educational in their own right. By

finding the right balance between student academics and

extracurricular activities, you can become a better-rounded

person and increase your chances of success in life.

After-School Activities Give Students Leg up

Studies show that students who participate in extracurricular

activities generally feel more connected to their schools and

perform better academically than children who are not as

involved outside the classroom. That research has been

confirmed at Noe, which sponsors more than 30 clubs and

organizations for students throughout the school year.

Extracurricular activities are important to the physical and

emotional health of students. Encourage your children to

participate in extracurricular activities, where they make

friends and develop skills that benefit them.

College Admissions


Students who participate in extracurricular activities can

mention their participation on their college applications.

Extracurricular activities provide opportunities for students

to take on leadership roles those admissions counselors want

to know about. In addition, a student who excels at an

activity may be offered a scholarship for it.

Decrease in Violent Behavior

Decrease school violence by encouraging student participation

in extracurricular activities. Students should develop

hobbies to deal with stress, and an extracurricular activity

is a great way to develop a hobby.

Social Skills

An extracurricular activity shows students how to work

together. Students take on various roles and may become group

leaders. In addition, students learn to communicate and

broaden their social network.


Students who participate in extracurricular activities

perform better in school. According to an article by Mary

Rombokas of Iowa State University, high school students who

engage in extracurricular activities have better grade point

averages than students who do not participate in


extracurricular activities. For this, scholars raised the

reason why extracurricular sport activities participant have

before grade is they refresh their mind with exercise and

physical activity.



Make a dynamic and informative presentation of

extracurricular activities a part of the orientation all

incoming students receive. Hold an organizational showcase

in a central location, scheduled to coincide with

registration or some other mandatory activity, during

which extracurricular groups can present their offerings

through literature, discussion and video presentations.

Inform all new students of the considerable amount of

evidence supporting the many benefits of extracurricular

activities: better grades, better physical and mental

health, new friends with similar interests, life skills

learning, and the creation of bonds that may last a


Make it as easy and simple as possible for organizations

to host educational, promotional or just plain fun events.

A user-friendly permitting process and a positive

administrative attitude go a long way toward helping


students take ownership of their programs and develop them

in creative ways.

Encourage active promotion of student-led events. Posters

and banners are a start; T-shirts, spontaneous flash

presentations to crowds using music, dance or spoken word,

and videos for broadcast on campus or local public access

stations are a few other ideas. Students will likely have

ideas of their own for effective ways to reach their


Use the Internet. A dedicated website or social media page

makes it easy for students to stay informed and involved;

email may often be the easiest way for busy students to

collaborate on project organization.

Encourage collaboration and co-sponsorship of events and

programs. Set up a central Internet page where all campus

organizations post their news and planned events.



Study and sports are two linked components of our learning

process and will always be important for an individual. A

healthy mind can exist only in a healthy body. It is rightly

said that a healthy nation can be built if most of the

citizens are physically fit. The mental pressure and tension

arising out of the fast modern life can only be released in

the playground and therefore healthy diet and fitness have

gained a new status in today's world.

Sports is the most popular of any extracurricular activity,

not only on the college and high school levels but also for

children ages 5 and older. Sports can be beneficial to

students in a variety of ways, both physically and mentally.

In addition to helping youngsters maintain healthy

lifestyles, sports also can teach teamwork, leadership,

adherence to rules, and work ethic. And according to a study

by the Canadian Department of Physical Activity Sciences,

sports also raise self-esteem and mental arousal without

negatively affecting academic success. The followings are

basic extracurricular sport activities.

Athletic Activities: running different distances,

Gymnastical Activities: taekwondo, wushu, karate

Fitness Activities: weight lifting

Ball Games: football, basketball, handball, volleyball,


Racquet games: table tennis, badminton


Swimming activities

European tour


Equestrian and others are main sports which human beings

are used an extracurricular activities.




This study was designed to use cross sectional comparative

research method to identify variables that help to explain

why one group is differs from the other. Both quantitative

and qualitative research methods are implemented here.

i. Quantitative:- to find out the quantity or no. of

things based on measurement.

ii. Qualitative:- a research designed to find out how

people feel or what they think about a particular



This study was conducted in jimma university sport science

students. Jimma University is one of the leading public

higher education institutions in our country. Sport science


dep’t is a one functional department of Natural Science

College, which was began before 5 years in 2000 E.C.


The population of this study was jimma University sport

science department regular students. The total numbers of

students are 255. Among these 100 are females and 155 are

male students.


From the total population of Jimma University sport science

students, which means from 1st year up to 3rd year, 40

students was selected from 255 students.

The researcher used stratified random sampling for conduct

this research in order to decide on the sample size.

Stratified sampling is an alternative method to systematic

sampling and preferable where the sampling frame contains

distinct (heterogeneous) population. Both male and female

students are selected during the selection time.

nj= sample

size of the nth strata

Formula: K= № of strata


nj= (n/N) Nj Nj= population size

of the jth strata

N= n1+n2+n3+

…nk= total sample size

N= N1+N2+N3+

…Nk= total population size

j= 1+2+3+…k

The sample size for the research is tabularized as


Sample size group Sample sexTotalMale Female

Year1st year 8 4 122nd year 10 7 173rd year 7 4 11

Total sample size 25 15 40


The necessary information was collected through

questionnaire. The questions are attempt on the

extracurricular activity in terms of male and female

students. The questionnaire was consists seven close-ended &


eight open-ended questions and it was distributed to 1st

year, 2nd year & 3rd year students.


This study was used both primary and secondary sources of


i. Primary Sources Of Data:- questionnaire is administered.

ii. Secondary Sources of Data:- Documents, Literatures,

published & unpublished materials i.e. relevant books,

internet magazines & explorers.


First the researcher was introduced himself for the

respondent and ask their willingness to give their response.

After getting the willingness of respondents the researcher

was described the objective of the study to the respondents.

Then questionnaire was given to the respondents. After they

fulfill it, the researcher was collected.


Both qualitative quantitative data analysis techniques were

used. The collected data was organized interpreted and

expressed in tables percentages and in words finally based on

the result conclusions was drawn.



The main purposes of this study were to compare on the

participation of male and female students towards

extracurricular sport activities in the case of Jimma

University sport science students. For conducting this

research, the researcher develop questionnaire, which is

filled by selected sport science students. Therefore, as

performing this, they are willing individuals for what they

are asked to respond.




This chapter of the study concentrates on the analysis

interpretation and discussion of the data collected through

the questionnaire. The percentage value was analyzed and

interpreted in a meaningful way and each questionnaire was

discussed briefly.


Considering the data gathered from student’s response, the

researcher would have been organize the questionnaire

response by using the table from and interpreted each item as


Table1: General information



Sex Age Year

Male Femal Below 21-30 Above 1st 2nd year 3rd


e 20 31 year year

25 15 5 35 - 12 17 11 40

As the table indicated, 25 students are male, 15 are female.

35 students have the age between 21-30 and 5 are below 20. In

addition, 12, 17 & 11 are first, second and third year


Table 2: Students response on the interest of sport science


Items AlternativesResponse

Male Female№ % № %

What is your interest

towards sport science




15 60% 5 33.3%

Interested 7 28% 4 26.7%Less


3 12% 6 40%

Total 25 100% 15 100%


Table 2, shows that about 5(33.3%) of the female student

responded as very interested and 4(26.7%) of the female

students responded they have interest to the sport science

and 6(40%) of the female students responded they have less

interest to the sport science. From the above table the

researcher concludes that most of the female are not

interested towards sport science education, where as the male

have high interest towards sport science education.

Table 3: Students response on the participation of sport

activities during extracurricular activities.

Items Alternativ


ResponseMale Female № % № %

Do you participate in

sport activities during



Yes 18 72% 2 13.4%Sometimes 7 28% 5 33.3%Never - - 8 53.3%


25 100% 15 100%

Table 3, shows that about 18(72%) of male respondents respond

yes, and 2(13.4%) of female respondents responded yes. 7(28%)

of the males and 5(33.3%) of female students responded belong

to sometimes, whereas, 8(53.3%) of the female students

responded as no.


From the above table the researcher conclude that most of the

male students participate in sport activities during

extracurricular activities and most of the females are

participate in sport activities some times.

Table 4: Students response on the exercising during

extracurricular activities what they learned in the regular





ResponseMale Female

№ % № %

Do you exercise what was

learned in the regular

class during

extracurricular activities?

Yes 20 80% 3 20%No 5 20% 12 80%


25 100% 15 100%

Table four, shows that about 20(80%) of males students

responded as yes and 5(20%) of the females responded as yes,

whereas; 12(80%) of the females students responded no.

From the above table the researcher concluded that most of

the male students are exercised what they learn in class

outside of the regular class whereas most of the females

students are not applied what they are learn in regularly



Table 5: Students response on the difference between male and

female in participating sport activities outside the regular


Items Alternative


ResponseMale Female № % № %

Do you believe that there is

any difference between male and

female in participating with

sport activities conducted

outside the regular class?

Yes 15 90% 15 100%No 10 10% 0 _

Total 25 100% 15 100%Table five, shows that about 15(90%) of male and 15(100%) or

all female students responded yes, 10(10%) of the male

students and no one of the female students responded no.

From the table, we can clearly understand here was a lot of

problem in female students.


Table 6: Students response on the problem regarding

extracurricular sport activity

Items AlternativesResponse

Male Female№ % № %

Have you faced any problem

concerning extracurricular sport


Yes 6 24% 1 6.7%No 19 76% 14 93.3%

Total 25 100% 15 100%This table shows that, about 6(24%) of male students and

1(6.7%) of the female students responded yes, although

19(76%) of the male’s students and 14(93.3%) of female

students responded no.

From this table the researcher can clearly understand there

was special case on females that create problem on them and

also some of the males have a problem.

Table 7: students response on the interest and thought to

engage in any sport activities

Items Alternative


ResponseMale Female № % № %

Before you became a student

of sport science; had you an

interest and engaged in any

Yes 20 66.6% 4 26.6%No 5 33.4 11 73.4


sport activities? Tota


25 100 15 100%

Table 7, shows that about 20(66.6%) of male students are

responded they had high interest to physical activity and

4(26.6%) of female students responded the same to male they

had high interest to physical activity where as 5(33.4%) of

male students and 11(73.4%) of female students responded they

have less interest to participate in physical activity.

So that, male and female respondents have antagonistic

respond that is males have high interest and engage in

physical activity, whereas most females has less interest and

engaged in sport activity before.

Table 8: Students response on the attitude of extracurricular

sport activities

Items Alternative


ResponseMale Female № % № %


What is your current attitude

towards extracurricular sport


Positive 24 96% 4 26.6%Negative 1 4% 11 73.4


25 100% 15 100%

Table eight, shows that about 24(96%) of male students

responded they had Positive towards extracurricular sport

activities and 4(26.6%) of female students responded the same

to male they had towards extracurricular sport activities

where as 1(4%) of male students and 11(73.4%) of female

students responded towards extracurricular sport activities.

So that, almost all male students have positive attitude and

in the other hand female respondents have negative attitude

towards extracurricular sport activities.



1. If your answer for interest of sport science education is

less interested, specify your reasons here.

Most of the students who respond we have less interest

towards sport science is discussed their reason as follows.

Sport science is the base of physical activity so after

exercising (predicating) they fill exhaustion and make

them have less interest.

The program of sport science has not well accepted by the

students of the university by that matter they make them

less interest.

The university management does not provide enough

facilities, equipments and materials and materials by that

case they have less interest.

From the above, the researcher conclude that the students

have less interest towards sport science because of poor

facilities & materials and not have good approval by the

society of the university.

2. If your answer for participation of sport activities

during extracurricular activities is “yes” or “sometimes”

specify how many days in a week or for how many hours in



Based on the above question majority student responded that

“yes” because they are sport they must be participate at any

physical activities to develop physical mentally

psychologically and emotionally, so the student said that

they were participated in different activity such as

football, athletics, basketball and other ball games. Some

the students also respond that they participate one day per

week and others students said that three (3) days per week.

3. If your answer for the participation of sport activities

during extracurricular activities is never, specify your

reason here.

For this question, 8(53.3%) of female respondents replied

that never. The reason that they responds never is the

students are tired during normal class, there is no enough

equipments like balls, acceptance of the society, and

cultural influences are factors during the adolescent period.

4. If your answer for the exercising during extracurricular

activities what they learned in the regular class is “No”,

what is your reason?

For this question 5(20%) of male students responded no. From

this we can conclude most male students are exercised what

they learned in the regular class as they responded, where

as 12(80%) of female students responded that they do not


exercise what they learned in the regular class due to

different reasons. Some of the female students said that

there were no enough facilities and equipments even if

playing balls like basketball, handball, volleyball and

football. They also said how we could exercise what we

learned in the regular class without these basic materials.

5. If your answer for difference between male and female in

participating in sport activities outside the regular

class is “Yes” specify the difference here.

The students who respond ‘Yes’ there is a difference between

males and females in participating in sport activities

outside of the regular class listed below.

There is biological difference by that thing females are

more tired than males while they are performing a given

activity. So it there is no over load there is no

improvement of given task,

Less motivation of the university society female are not

interested to participate in sport activities outside of

the regular class by that matter females are poor

performance than males.

The university does not designed extra class for females

it leads poor performance because female need additional

support from the whole university society. Ones not

designed extra class for females it leads poor


performance because female need additional support from

the whole university society.

6. If your answer for problem regarding extracurricular sport

activity is “yes,” specify the problem here.

The students, who respond yes, have faced different problems

while we are in sport activities. The problem is stated as


Some of female students said that with we are performing

the activity the teach ear teach us equal with females

by that matter we cannot understand in well condition.

During playing other students disturbs or talks by that

matter we lose our tension and not play up to our

potential and difficult to improve skills with


Since there is not sufficient water around the field, we

going to thirst that lead us to be dehydrating.

Playing without and improper way of warming up leads us

muscle contraction.

Over work of a given activity which leads the students

to muscle exhaustion.

Since there is no comfortable playing field or court

students failed and occur some sport injuries.


7. List down the extracurricular sport activities at Jimma


For this question most of the respondents responds that there

are different activities exercised in Jimma University sport

science students. Most of male students said that football

game, volleyball game, basketball, and running events. In

addition to these most of the students, participate in

different physical attributed improving sport activities such

as strength, balance, flexibility and agility are the most

activities of Jimma University sport science students.

8. What suggestions can you give in order to equal

participation in extracurricular sport activities by both


Due to different reasons, female students have lack of

interest, awareness and participation in the subject. While

males are strongly encouraged and find many types of

stimulating regarding their successful participation, so the

society should be consists extracurricular sport activity and

females must be participate equally as males regardless the

cultural, environmental and other influences to increase

their skill.

Now female students are competent in different sport activity

throughout the world. However, it is difficult to say


completely female with male have equal participation in sport

activity. So the following points are some suggestions.

The university management should give issue for active

participation of female students

Teachers and program leaders should encourage female

students in sport activities.

Give advice for female students to observe for other

competitions female athlete throughout the world.




According to the data obtained through questionnaire, the

research has attempted to conclude in the following way.

Female students have less participation or interest

towards extracurricular sport activity than those of

boys and men have the participation or interest towards

extracurricular sport activity.

The interest of students before entering to sport

science is low than the current situation.

Girls have lack of interest due to poor physical

ability, biological nature, and culture causes shift of


the participation and need of the sexes towards physical


Most of all ball games and some strength exercises are

the most frequent extracurricular activities of the both


Most of the students participate in extracurricular

sport activities from two up to three days per week and

per day.

Shortage of enough facilities equipments and materials

are problems that faced during extracurricular


Females faced menstruation problem happened during

extracurricular sport activities.


Based on the findings of the study the researcher wants to

comment or recommended the following ideas, which are use


full ways to develop extracurricular sport activities in

Jimma University female and male students.

Teachers, families and related individuals clearly know

the necessity of physical activities in that they must

motivate female students to participate and practice

physical activity to make them for to have a better

participation or interest development and successful

participation of physical activities.

Like other recreational places; females launch, the

University should provide more facilities and equipment

for extracurricular sport activities for girls like

sport field for only females.

Increase motivations for female students and develop

their self-confidence to participate in sport




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