Coastal cliff geohazards in weak rock: the UK Chalk cliffs of Sussex


Transcript of Coastal cliff geohazards in weak rock: the UK Chalk cliffs of Sussex

Fig. 6. Iliflr ki\irçcti Rcii~ti> 1Iç:id aiid Rcllç Toul Iightliiiii*\, I Wh. iIlucr:.i:irig thc ii\ lc .irid ic;ilc of failiiwc in cliffq pr~rnartl! il) S t a l i ~ d C11aIk Yoi~i1311ol\ I tf = 75-#(hm: W = IMIII: 1. = ?-7nj I: SSI-13 - Ycvcn Sisicm 1-1111t Hi111,f rPlic*ro_fnphs prihlishcd uirh pcrnii~cirin oi Siriimoii.; ~ lcr t i i i l in~j .

hiyhcst pciinrï al- thc çliK ctininintng Newhavcn Chiilk h:ivc siccply ~nc l incd ctinj t~giric fracturcs at thcsc iopniost Icvcl* prtiving fhc çcintinuity [if sirdlaliciuiié Fracliirc ç>stcins iii thc rkil k. Siiiiilarl!: thc Bcllc 'Tout Bcdh coriiairiing thc Bcllc Totii Mari\ ( b a d pari rii'ihe Seakird Chulk). ctinziiin .;tecply inclincd. iiitlc.Eu spaced. wnjiignte ja in i scia (c.2 $11 ihc hiac of' thc çliSV at Cucknicrc Havcn). Thc prcdoinii ian~ly rcfiicül fraciiirc sc i i pinducc vertical c l i f f ctillapïcs (Fig. 6. niayni-

iude 3-5). \ V h m f i i i i l ih andjoints combine. largcr-\talc lail- uiri cicçur in~anriitude 6-7). Spallinp ni' ïniull Ifrtgrncnts c i l ' chalk ;in4 Ilint i h conianciii.

'l'hc c~idçocc frrim thc vertical c l i K ctillapsc\ is ihar iop- down faililrcç are çontriillcd hy ~ i w n i n y j o i~ i i c that rian ciui a* ioppks hiit cn(1 up ris slidc3 with ~ in i~ ig r i l ph i c cirdcr irtüirictl in Ihc rlctiri.: niti-out. Boiici in-u~i triiluic dchriï tcnds IO bc Icqh organi/.cd.