Chronicles of Terror Street Vol. 1 The haunted map

Chronicles of Terror Street Vol. 1 The haunted map By Oliver Sinha 2013

Transcript of Chronicles of Terror Street Vol. 1 The haunted map

Chronicles of Terror Street

Vol. 1 The haunted map

By Oliver Sinha



Chapter 1

It was a stormy night. The ground was struck by lightning. “Come on!” shouted Kris. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Cody shouted back. “Are you a scaredy-cat?!!” said Kris. “No! Of course not!” Cody said angrily. “Okay, okay. Hold your horses.” Cody and Kris were twins, they both had amber coloured eyes and dark brown wavy hair and were average sized for a twelve year old. They did everything together, partly because they were twins, but mainly because they were aiming for a 100 doing-things-together streak and most of these were things like sneaking into old places, and places like the cemetery where they might find ghosts. So far they had managed a 99 doing-things-together streak, and there was only one more thing they could think of doing together, and that other thing was to sneak into the old antique shop down the street at midnight. And that is exactly what they were doing right at this moment. “Okay. There it is,” said Kris, looking at the old antique shop. “I still don’t think this is a good idea,” Cody said.

They opened the door. The door was open because the shop had been abandoned for years and years. The door creaked as they opened it. They stepped inside while they pushed the cobwebs out of their faces. Cody took his torch out of his bag. He shone it on everything in the store. They saw lots of weird and creepy objects. The first thing they saw was an old African mask. Then something caught Kris’s eye. It looked like a very, very old map and it was rolled up in a scroll and tied with an old piece of twine.


“Look at this!” exclaimed Kris. They both bent down to examine the map. They didn’t notice the sinister writing at the edge of the map which read: “Warning: anyone who follows this map will be led to eternal doom.” When the twins opened the map Kris felt a strange sensation.



Chapter 2

“Mum, Kris has lost her mind! She’s made her bedroom into her own habitat. She’s even stopped eating, not even chocolate, marshmallows or sweets. Her wardrobe’s a mess and she keeps on muttering things to herself like “Mount Venubia”, and other weird things. She keeps on turning the volume up and down on her TV,” said Cody. “Well just ignore it, Cody, she’ll get over it, after all your grandfather did die recently,” said Cody’s mum. “Well, OK then.”

A few days later …

“OK, now I’m going into her room,” thought Cody. He opened the door and BAM!! … He got knocked out. When he woke up again, he was tied to a chair by rope. He was being held prisoner in Kris’s room!



Chapter 3

“Ugh,” Cody exclaimed. Then he saw Kris staring at him, watching him closely. “Hello, Cody,” said Kris. Cody looked around Kris’s room, everything was arranged neatly, and there was a half-eaten slice of chocolate cake on her desk. Then he saw a giant poster which was an exact replica of the map they had seen in the antique shop. “Kris … what is happening exactly?” asked Cody. “Cody, we’re going on an adventure,” replied Kris. “What??!!” exclaimed Cody. “Come on, grab your backpack and let’s go,” said Kris. “Hey, where are we going, and how are we going to get there?” asked Cody. “By teleportation, of course,” said Kris. “What? But scientists haven’t invented that yet,” said Cody. “I know,” replied Kris, “but the map has.”



Chapter 4

The map teleported them, and they found themselves in the lost city of Pombai. Pombai was a city of legend, it was said that a dragon got trapped under a mountain, and every time it awoke it would make the mountain erupt with fire and lava just like a volcano. The name of the dragon was Venubia so they called the mountain Mount Venubia. It was a very rocky mountain, but it was odd because it hadn’t erupted for millions of years, well at least that was what people said and believed, but I guess they were wrong, because no grass grew on the mountain side. “Oohh no,” said Cody, “we’ve got to get out of here.” “Hey, let’s go and ask those people,” said Kris. The twins walked over to the two people down the alley. “Um, excuse me, but how do we get out of here?” asked Cody. “You go right into the heart of Mount Venubia, and wait for the next,” one of them said. “Next what?” asked Cody. “That’s for you to figure out”. “Well, OK, we’ll just go then,” said Kris. They walked away from the two people. “Well that was a big help! What did they mean ‘and wait for the next’?” said Kris. “I’ve no idea, but I think they were talking about that volcano,” said Cody worriedly. “What volca- oh no, we have got to get out of here!”



Chapter 5

“Wait. Did they say that to get out of here you need to go into the heart of Mount Venubia? Cos I think they meant you have to die,” said Cody. “Wait a minute … when they said ‘and wait for the next’, I think they meant we turn into ghosts and we have to wait for the next people to find the map,” said Kris. “But that could be for a million years,” said Cody. “I know, but that’s the only way we will ever get out of here.”

A few hours later…

Once they got to the heart of Mount Venubia, they jumped into the lava, and they heard a voice saying “Goodbye, Kris and Cody, Mwahahahahaaaaa!!!!!!!!”



Chapter 6 A few hours later in reality but a few million years in the time in Pombai… “ Hi mum,” Kris and Cody said in unison. Their mum came storming down the stairs . “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!” said Mum. “Well ….” “I don’t want to hear it,” their mum cut them off. Then she pulled them up to their rooms by the arms and grounded them for a week. They didn’t really mind cos they needed a lot of rest after what they had done. But when they looked outside their window they saw two people from school carrying the haunted map home… These people looked strangely like the people they had seen down the alley in Pombai.

The End

∞∞ To be continued ...


Born in 2004, Oliver is the son of a Brazilian mother and an English father, with ancestors from four continents: South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. He has loved to read since he was a little boy. He speaks English and Portuguese and is learning Swedish. He likes to learn and talk about many subjects. He loves to play Minecraft with his friends from school. He is an excellent apprentice pianist. He started to write this book last year. He said to me "I am going to write a book", and I said why not... so just start... so he did, and he finished it now!


C Copyright Oliver Sinha 2013

Not for commercial reproduction

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