CHARLES HAMILTON II Fancy a quick one? Male-on-Male Discipline



Fancy a quick one? Male-on-Male Discipline


Fancy a quick one?

By Charles Hamilton II

The characters depicted in these stories are

over the age of 18 years old.

These captions are intended for adults

over the age of 18 years.

Text copyright © 2017 Charles Hamilton II

All Rights Reserved

Distributed free of charge via


“Look at those boys down there, they might as well have

For Sale signs around their necks.”

“Yes, they are rather lush. Which do you prefer?”

“The blond one in the leopard trunks is rather something.”

“Yes, I’d take him across my knee. Not that the trunks

would stay on for long.”

“How do we do this?”

“The waiter Charles will make all the arrangements. He’s

very discreet.”


The boys learned a painful lesson. Uncle Harry

had no sense of humour. Before the morning

was over each found himself over his knee,

underpants at the ankles, while he slapped

away at their bare backsides with gusto.


Mr. Anderson discovered that not all the parents of the boys he

taught shared his views on corporal punishment.


Alastair, Mr Byron’s new personal assistant, was

proving to be a very enthusiastic worker.


“I’m sorry boss, you want me to take off my jacket,

drop my pants and bend over this chair?”


The boys from the Chinese State Choir were keen to experience all

facets of local culture during their 1953 tour of England.


The new “fresher” students were absolutely thrilled to be

at the university. But they had not yet encountered the

man everyone knew as Professor Paddle.


Wistfully, Mitchell recalled his days

visiting the headmaster’s study at St.

Tom’s. Where, he wondered, would he

find excitement like that again?


Nobody in The Avenue could understand why Mr.

Thompson at No. 20 had so many gentleman callers.


The rules were clear: the loser would be spread-

eagled across the table for a bare-bottom caning.


The new boy in Accounts had yet to discover Mr. Blenkinsop’s

unconventional methods of motivating his younger employees.


Johnny knew he had to head for the hills; the reputation of

The Spanking Vicar of Aston Budleigh had preceded him.


“And, I have the photographs here Carruthers. The governors and

the magistrate will take a very dim view, I have no doubt.”


“Here’s the number of a kid I know; he

dresses up as George Washington and

lets you spank his ass for telling lies.”


I’m going to tan your backside good and hard, young man.

Getting into fights at your age. Don’t you know that

violence is never the answer?


Roland had the perfect antidote for Geoffrey’s sulks. It was

fourteen inches long, made of leather, and cut with two tails.


My ass feels like I’ve sat on a hot griddle and I

can’t sit down, but I absolutely will not let the

school Principal know he has hurt me.


“Wait until Father gets home. He’ll tan your arse when he

finds out what you’ve done! I wouldn’t be in your trousers.”


Don’t get caught burgling the home of a schoolmaster.


“Now, do I spank you first, or do you spank me?”


Jasper is a stuck-up, conceited, brat of a young

man. For two pins, his employer Mr. Jensen would

take down the boy’s trousers and underpants

before throwing him across his knee for a long,

hard spanking session on his bare bottom. It is

certainly what Jasper needs but alas Mr. Jensen

can only fantasise.


The new range of woollen dolls was selling like hot cakes.


“Pretty please. Take me across your knee and spank me on

my bare bottom with a hairbrush until I cry.”


Algy had warned Jasper not to lose his money betting

on a nag. He would pay for it later in their rooms, bent

across the ottoman with his trousers at his ankles.


“Look! It’s Dad, and already he’s taking off his belt.”


“Come on Jakeman, stop hiding behind your newspaper.

You know Thursday is your night to be spanked.”


The boys at the Brocklehurst Youth Athletic Club

suspected their new coach might have a kink.


Joey, the new milkman, soon discovered there

was a price to pay when he delivered late to a

particular house in The Avenue.


“Well Dixon, now that you’ve had your spanking for

handing in a poor essay, let’s work on that A-grade.”


(Thinks) “I feel a bit of a twit

standing here like this, Sir.

Please get on with it and pull

me across your knee.”


“Come on, you know what you have to do. Get

those trousers down and bend over my knee.”


Mr. Davis liked to keep his nineteen-

year-old son Davy in short trousers. It

reminded the teenager that he was not

yet an adult and would still get his

backside spanked when he misbehaved.


“Take my key. Room 703. You’ll find a

school uniform. I’ll be along in five

minutes. Be ready, standing in the corner

with your hands on your head.”


“It’s the damn waiting I can’t stand. What do you think it’ll be

this time? Six on the bare? I hear he has some new canes”


“If you’d care to walk this way I’ll show you the room we

use to flog the backsides off the trade unionists.”


There’s no use trying to hide. The Principal wants you in his

office, pronto. I hear the whole team’s up for a whopping!


In the days before computers, young men made their own fun.


“It’s quite disgusting, and in public too.”

“They ought to be birched.”

“Do you think they’d let us watch?”


“And, then he made me take down my pants and bend over his

knee. He spanked me with a paddle until my ass glowed. Yes!

Honestly. The Pastor! He loved every moment. So, did I.”


Restoring law and order: The birching stool at the Brocklehurst Police

Court would soon be put to good use.


You may well look distressed, young man. Your

Father knows about your drinking escapade.

Twelve strokes with a birchrod will soon put you

back on the straight-and-narrow path.


The players at Brocklehurst Cricket Club discovered failure was not an option.


“So, what you say? I take you back to my place, you dress up like

a Boy Scout, I take the skin off your rump with a switch and then

we fool around a little?”


Tyler wanted to drink in the whole valley, but all Jardine

could think about was ripping his pal’s shorts down and

spanking his bare arse there and then.


“Yes, the waiter’s an absolute dish and for only

twenty-five bucks he’ll let you take him across

your knee and spank his bare butt.”


At the time Uncle Henry took the

paddle off the hook on the wall, Brad

did not know his life would never be

quite the same again.


Ha! Ha! The Colonel delighted in the way the young man

begged for forgiveness. Already, he was picturing the lout bent

naked across the back of the couch with deep cane marks

carved into his backside.


You’ll be laughing on the other side of your face if

your Father catches you smoking, young man. I hear

he’s recently taken delivery of a new supply of

ashplant canes from Mr. Wilkins in the village.


Joshua’s boss had told him if he was caught one more time

playing snooker on the firm’s time he would take a swishy

rattan cane to his backside; trousers down.


Andy had many peculiar clients, but only Mr.

Cuthbertson made him stand like this for ten

minutes before he took him across his knee.


They can smile now, but when their dads find out they weren’t

wearing life-jackets, they won’t be able to sit down for a week.


“I can’t believe you’ve just asked me that. I’ve never had it done

with a feather-duster before. I might just give it a go.”


“Young man, I don’t care to be disturbed at breakfast, but

if what your Mother reports to me is correct, you should

return to your room and prepare yourself. You know what

you must do. Don’t argue. Do as I say. At once.”


Dexter adored Rory’s arse and couldn’t wait to get back to the

hostel to put him over his knee and spank it with a slipper.


(Thinks) “I swear if he doesn’t take his hand off my

shoulder, I’m going to drag him over my knee and spank his

backside; here in front of all these people.”


Sometimes, the sixth-formers were reluctant to obey a

summons to the headmaster’s study for six-of-the-best.


Angus took a soothing drag on a reefer, but it

did nothing to ease the raging pain he felt in his

buttocks after Colonel Macintosh had lashed

them with a three-tailed leather taws.


I don’t know. Which is the top and which the bottom?


(Thinks) “Someone should whip his butt for wearing that suit.”


“Now, bend over my knee, you young scallywag.”


I don’t suppose there’s any point in telling you to take your

hands out of your pockets and stand up straight? No, I

didn’t think so. You are extremely lucky young man that

you were not born in days gone by, as by now you would

be nursing a very sore backside indeed.


“Hi boss! You sent for me. What? It’s about my bad

timekeeping. Sorry, you want me to do what? Take

down my pants and shorts and assume the position?”


“I know! I know! It’s Saturday. Isn’t that great. It’s

the day Uncle George comes around to put me across

his knee to spank my bottom with his hairbrush.”


The look every boy has after his Mother has just

told him, “Wait until your Father gets home.”


“Well, young man, you leave me absolutely no choice. Go

at once to the woodshed, drop your pants and shorts and be

in position over the workbench by the time I arrive.”


Now, the gang understood the notice by the fence,

“Trespassers will have their bottoms spanked.”


“Oh dear, oh dear. Oh, dearie me. What has the world

come to? Look at this report. Dearie me. Send the young

rascal from Accounts to me at once. And, somebody please

fetch my rattan cane from the office.”


“It wasn’t that long ago that I paraded around my

school as a prefect with a whippy rattan cane

tucked under my arm. Now, my professor says I

must take six-of-the-best from him. Slacking, he

calls it. Says I need to knuckle down to some work

or else I’ll never graduate from the varsity.”


(Between gritted teeth) “Please bog off lady,

I’m trying to serenade that chap with the

splendidly spankable buttocks.”


“Okay boss, I’ve stripped down to my underwear.

So, what do you want me to do now?”


“Would you mind awfully old chap if I took you across my

knee and tanned that delightful backside of yours?”


“Okay guys, what say now we go across town to the

Whacko! Club and have some real fun?”


I hope you enjoy your present. It will bring a whole new

meaning to the tradition of the “birthday spanking.”


“It’s a great little book. Full of stories about young men getting

their backsides blistered by their bosses. You should read it.”

“No thanks, I get enough of that at the office.”


“And, then I’m going to turn you over face-down, pull down

your pyjama bottoms, and give you your birthday spanking.”



(Thinks) “My bottom feels like it’s been attacked

by Mum’s steam iron, but it was really worth it.”


“Come on, Joseph. Bend over my knee. You have such a

lovely bum, all the guys in the bar would love to see me

spank you. We might even let some of them join in.”


Jimmy couldn’t understand why he was so popular

with the older men at the Rugby Club.


“What ho! Gerald old man, the best of three sets. The

winner gets his arse spanked.”


The new man in Purchasing can’t understand some of

the company rules. What does “six-of-the-best” mean?


“Come, the Guv’nor wants to see you. Something about

passing racing tips. He says, bring your riding crop.”


“A C-minus in the test! You know

what happens next. Get over here.”


“So, you graduated at last. At the third

attempt. It seems like all those

spankings finally paid off.”


(Thinks) “If Dad finds out I’ve taken his car he’ll

roast my ass, but it’ll be worth it to fuck Tony.”


“I’ll take the bear in the leather and chains;

you have the twink in the denim cut-offs.”


Simmonds suffered the arrogance of Master Walter for

years until one day he won a fortune on the football pools.


If you think you’re too old to be

spanked, stop wearing such

provocative shorts.


Toby’s Dad stared out of the bedroom window in disbelief.

What possessed the boy to do something so stupid? He

twisted his carpet slipper in his hands. Well, he thought, he

would have to come down eventually.


“Well doctor?”

“I prescribe a heavy wooden brush applied with

some force across the backside. Preferably bared.

That’s the best way to treat malingerers.”


“Put the chair in the middle of the

office. Stand behind it. Lower your

trousers and bend over. I’ll deal with

you in a moment.”


“Yeah, I know there’s a whippy school cane leaning

against the wall. And, I know that very soon Mr. Totteridge

is going to whack my bare arse with it and I’ll probably

howl the office down. But, just for now I’m trying to

perfect an air of nonchalance. How am I doing?”


“Yes Pop, I’m still up. You want me to

wait until you get home. You’re going to

what? But, Pop I’m too old for that.”


Two strangers pass in the street. Their eyes meet.

No words are spoken. Jay is a blond Adonis. Just

what Kevin has been looking for all his life. He

stops. So, does Jay. They stare at each other. An

immediate bond is forged. They go to Kevin’s

place. The spanking toys are in the bedroom.

Nothing will be the same again.


(Thinks) “If Jim doesn’t stop sulking, I swear I’m

going to rip his shorts down and spank his bare butt

and I don’t care who sees me do it.”


“Well, that’s very kind of you to ask; but, no I have

never dressed up as Batman to have my bottom

spanked. But, the idea does have some appeal.”


Spencer was twenty years old, but a summons to his

Father’s study still filled him with dread.


Justin was discovering that getting into the bathtub

ahead of his new Daddy was a spankable offence.


Thomas was about to find out that in the Military “I’ve got

your butt” did not mean the same as “I’ve got your back.”


“Hello Mr. Johnson, you remember

when you said if I ever drove my car

drunk again you’d whip my ass?”


Sometimes their spanking sessions got a little out of hand.


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For information on more books by Charles Hamilton II

available to download free-of-charge click here.