45 CHAPTER III THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF PRE-READING TECHNIQUES 3.1 Introductory Remarks This chapter shows and discusses the research findings about second research question. That is “What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing pre-reading techniques at the second grade students of SMPN 4 Palimanan?”. Here, the analysing data uses theory of factual comprehensing reading techniques by Duffy (2009) and theory of interacting with books by Dreyfus et al (2011). All data in this findings were taken by using questionnier, observation and document analysis. 3.2 Findings: General data overview It is beneficial to start the teaching of reading comprehension through pre- reading techniques, but in fact some of the teachers still ignore it. Therefore, this study tries to find out the advantages of starting the teaching of reading comprehension through pre-reading techniques. It is hoped by knowing the advantages of pre-reading techniques the teachers wlll realize that pre-reading techniques is lmportant to be done in teachng reading comprehension. Therefore they will not ignore pre-reading activity in teaching reading. This Chapter discusses the research findings of the second research questions “what are the advantage and disadvantages of pre-reading techniques” based on the data obtained from questionnier, observation and document analysis. In questionnier collected the data using likert questionnier. likert questionnier is a very specific type of survey question, and the answers use category such as strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree, and srtongly agree. Then, in observation the writer notice that during this activity conducted, students were so excited. All students involved and share ideas. They actively think to give opinion related to their background knowledge in answering brainstorming questions. It is consistent with literature on brainstorming activity (e.g see Hadfield, 2008), he remarked:






3.1 Introductory Remarks

This chapter shows and discusses the research findings about second

research question. That is “What are the advantages and disadvantages of

implementing pre-reading techniques at the second grade students of SMPN 4

Palimanan?”. Here, the analysing data uses theory of factual comprehensing

reading techniques by Duffy (2009) and theory of interacting with books by

Dreyfus et al (2011). All data in this findings were taken by using questionnier,

observation and document analysis.

3.2 Findings: General data overview

It is beneficial to start the teaching of reading comprehension through pre-

reading techniques, but in fact some of the teachers still ignore it. Therefore, this

study tries to find out the advantages of starting the teaching of reading

comprehension through pre-reading techniques. It is hoped by knowing the

advantages of pre-reading techniques the teachers wlll realize that pre-reading

techniques is lmportant to be done in teachng reading comprehension. Therefore

they will not ignore pre-reading activity in teaching reading. This Chapter

discusses the research findings of the second research questions “what are the

advantage and disadvantages of pre-reading techniques” based on the data

obtained from questionnier, observation and document analysis.

In questionnier collected the data using likert questionnier. likert

questionnier is a very specific type of survey question, and the answers use

category such as strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree, and srtongly agree.

Then, in observation the writer notice that during this activity conducted, students

were so excited. All students involved and share ideas. They actively think to give

opinion related to their background knowledge in answering brainstorming

questions. It is consistent with literature on brainstorming activity (e.g see

Hadfield, 2008), he remarked:


Brainstorming means think quickly about anythingralated

to a topic, for example, brainstorming „preparing for a

holiday‟ might lead to the following ideas; passport,

packing, foreign money, tickets, loking the house, calling

friend, family and so on.

Study of document or document analysis is the data was collected by

transcriptions or written documents of the observed of students‟ interaction

around school environment during learning and teaching process and field notes

of the observation. This study used natural data and it was recorded by video.

Field notes were also used to make some notes of the study as long as learning-

teaching process.

Whorter ( 1992 ; 25 ) states that pre-reading involves only at those part of

reading materials that will tell you what it is about or how it is organize. In pre-

reading stage teacher is a guide and a facilitator. So, pre-reading is a stage before

reading is started which student are asked to make anticipation about the reading

text topic. Of course this model requires corrections because it is often the case

when reader is easily led to wild guessing and misunderstanding. Then, the main

map used in this chapter can be seen below:

The Advantages And Disadvantages

Of Pre-Reading Techniques

The Advantages and Disadvantages

of Pre-teaching Vocabulary

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Brainstorming


The main map of reading above shares us that the important of

comprehending the reading process should take some relevan method. Every

method available in the reading process consists of different types of analysis. It is

occurred to prove the data about pre-reading techniques. This chapter will be

attempted to explore the appendix that directed to disscus. The data findings in this

chapter will be illustrated in the chart below:

Chart 3.1 Survey of Likert Questionnier

Based on the chart above, this chapter identified the pre-reading

techniques by multi-sides of linking of reading techniques. It is showed that the

significant side to apply the pre-reading activity is followed the number of SD

(Strongly Disagree) in the first question is 0, number of D (Disagree) is 0,

number of U (Undecided) are 5, number of A (Agree) are 10 and number of

SA(Strongly Agree) are 20. In the second question the number of SD (Strongly

Disagree) are 2, number of D (Disagree) are 3, number of U (Undecided) are 5,

number of A (Agree) are 10 and number of SA(Strongly Agree) are 15. In the

third question the number of SD (Strongly Disagree) is 0, number of D

(Disagree) is 0, number of U (Undecided) are 5, number of A (Agree) are 20 and

number of SA(Strongly Agree) are 15. In the fourth question the number of SD







Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8







(Strongly Disagree) are 2, number of D (Disagree) are 3, number of U

(Undecided) are 7, number of A (Agree) are 10 and number of SA(Strongly

Agree) are 13. In fifth question the number of SD (Strongly Disagree) is 0,

number of D (Disagree) is 0, number of U (Undecided) are 5, number of A

(Agree) are 10 and number of SA(Strongly Agree) are 20. In the sixth question

the number of SD (Strongly Disagree) are 2, number of D (Disagree) are 2,

number of U (Undecided) are 7, number of A (Agree) are 12 and number of

SA(Strongly Agree) are 12. In the seventh question the number of SD (Strongly

Disagree) is 0, number of D (Disagree) is 0, number of U (Undecided) are 5,

number of A (Agree) are 10 and number of SA(Strongly Agree) are 20. In the

second question the number of SD (Strongly Disagree) is 0, number of D

(Disagree) is 0, number of U (Undecided) are 5, number of A (Agree) are 22 and

number of SA(Strongly Agree) are 8. Raw data may be seen in the appendices

later to recognize the real transcript conversation occurs in the class. This chapter

will be attempted to explore the appendix to be more directed to discuss.

3.3 Disscusion: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Pre-Reading


The goals of pre-reading techniques are to active or build students‟

knowledge of subject, to provide any language preparation that might be needed

for coping with the passage, and to motivate the learners to want to read the text.

The pre-reading activity is established to help students make schemata or prior

knowledge about the text that they want to face. This activity make students have

background knowledge about text. The aims are to attract student interest in

reading text. When they are attracted to the text, the student will comprehend the

text easily.

The advantages of pre-reading techniques are: (1) Pre-reading techniques

make students get better comprehension, (2) Pre-reading activities challenge

students to ask questions to herself to make guesses about the story, (3) Pre-

reading techniques make students more interested in reading, (4) Pre-reading

techniques make students understand the story better, (5) Pre-reading techniques


help students dig up my prior knowledge to connect with the story, (6) Pre-

reading techniques make students read faster, (7) Pre-reading techniques make

the learning process fun, and (8) Pre-reading techniques make the classroom

environment more active and enjoyable.

3.3.1 Pre-reading techniques make students get better comprehension

Based on quesionnier, there are 10 students agree with this

statement, there are 20 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 5 students undecided with this statement, for disagree and strongly

disagree no answer. The purpose of the likert qusionnier is to evaluate in

survey. To know the advantage of pre-reading in help students get better

comprehension. According to Nuttal (2000 : 2) reading means a result of

interaction between the writer‟s mind and the reader‟s mind. It is the way

how to the reader tries to get the message or the intended meaning from

the writer. Below chart 3.2 to describe percentage of Q1:

Chart 3.2 Percentage of Q1





Persentage of Q1

Stongly Disagree




Srongly Agree


3.3.2 Pre-reading activities challenge students to ask questions to herself

to make guesses about the story

Based on quesionnier, there are 10 students agree with this

statement, there are 15 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 5 students undecided with this statement, for disagree only 3 students

answer it, and only 2 students said strongly disagree. The purpose of the

likert qusionnier is to evaluate in survey. To know the advantage of pre-

reading in help students get better comprehension. Brainstorming can

help “open students‟ minds” so they can think of ideas that might not

normally have occurred to them. Not all of the ideas they arrive at will be

equally useful, but in thinking of many different ideas, they may discover

some valuable ideas among the less important ones. Students who

practice brainstorming often may become more prolific and less rigid

thinkers. Below chart 3.3 to describe percentage of Q2:

Chart 3.3 Percentage of Q2

3.3.3 Pre-reading techniques make students more interested in reading

Based on quesionnier, there are 10 students agree with this

statement, there are 20 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 5 students undecided with this statement, for disagree and strongly





Persentage of Q2

Stongly Disagree




Strongly Agree


disagree no answer. The purpose of the likert qusionnier is to evaluate in

survey. To know the advantage of pre-reading in help students get better

comprehension. Alderson (2000 : 28) defines reading is an enjoyable,

intense, private activity in which the readers get much pleasure and can

totally absorb the reading. Pre-reading activities introduces learners to

some of vocabulary and the topic in the text and perhaps motivates them to

want to read further. Below chart 3.4 to describe percentage of Q3:

Chart 3.4 Percentage of Q3

3.3.4 Pre-reading techniques make students understand the story better

Based on quesionnier, there are 10 students agree with this

statement, there are 13 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 7 students undecided with this statement, for disagree only 3 students

answer it, and only 2 students said strongly disagree. The purpose of the

likert qusionnier is to evaluate in survey. To know the advantage of pre-

reading in help students get better comprehension. According to Klingner

(2007 : 2) reading comprehension is “the process of constructing meaning

by coordinating a number of complex processes that included word

reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency”. It refers to the ability

in interpreting the words, understanding the meaning and the relationships

between ideas conveyed in a text. Brainstorming can help “open students‟

minds” so they can think of ideas that might not normally have occurred

to them. Not all of the ideas they arrive at will be equally useful, but in

0% 0%




Persentage of Q3

Stongly Disagree




Srongly Agree


thinking of many different ideas, they may discover some valuable ideas

among the less important ones. Students who practice brainstorming often

may become more prolific and less rigid thinkers. Below chart 3.5 to

describe percentage of Q4:

Chart 3.5 Percentage of Q4

3.3.5 Pre-reading techniques help students dig up my prior knowledge to

connect with the story

Based on quesionnier, there are 10 students agree with this

statement, there are 20 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 5 students undecided with this statement, for disagree and strongly

disagree no answer. The purpose of the likert qusionnier is to evaluate in

survey. To know the advantage of pre-reading in help students get better

comprehension. According to Nuttal (2000 : 2) reading means a result of

interaction between the writer‟s mind and the reader‟s mind. It is the way

how to the reader tries to get the message or the intended meaning from

the writer. Below chart 3.6 to describe percentage of Q5:





Percentage Q4

Srongly Disagree




Srongly Agree


Chart 3.6 Percentage of Q5

3.3.6 Pre-reading techniques make students read faster

Based on quesionnier, there are 12 students agree with this

statement, there are 12 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 7 students undecided with this statement, for disagree only 2 students

answer it, and only 2 students said strongly disagree. The purpose of the

likert qusionnier is to evaluate in survey. To know the advantage of pre-

reading in help students get better comprehension. According to Klingner

(2007 : 2) reading comprehension is “the process of constructing meaning

by coordinating a number of complex processes that included word

reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency”. It refers to the ability

in interpreting the words, understanding the meaning and the relationships

between ideas conveyed in a text. Below chart 3.7 to describe percentage

of Q6:





Persentage of Q5

Stongly Disagree




Srongly Agree


Chart 3.7 Percentage of Q6

3.3.7 Pre-reading techniques make the learning process fun

Based on quesionnier, there are 10 students agree with this

statement, there are 20 students strongly agree with this statement, there

are 5 students undecided with this statement, for disagree and strongly

disagree no answer. The purpose of the likert qusionnier is to evaluate in

survey. To know the advantage of pre-reading in help students get better

comprehension. Alderson (2000 : 28) defines reading is an enjoyable,

intense, private activity in which the readers get much pleasure and can

totally absorb the reading. Pre-reading activities introduces learners to

some of vocabulary and the topic in the text and perhaps motivates them to

want to read further. Below chart 3.8 to describe percentage of Q7:





Percentage of Q6





Strongly Agree


Chart 3.8 Percentage of Q7

3.3.8 Pre-reading techniques make the classroom environment more

active and enjoyable.

Based on quesionnier, there are 8 students agree with this statement,

there are 22 students strongly agree with this statement, there are 5

students undecided with this statement, for disagree and strongly disagree

no answer. The purpose of the likert qusionnier is to evaluate in survey. To

know the advantage of pre-reading in help students get better

comprehension. Alderson (2000 : 28) defines reading is an enjoyable,

intense, private activity in which the readers get much pleasure and can

totally absorb the reading. Pre-reading activities introduces learners to

some of vocabulary and the topic in the text and perhaps motivates them to

want to read further. Below chart 3.9 to describe percentage of Q8:

0% 0%




Persentage of Q7

Stongly Disagree




Srongly Agree


Chart 3.9 Percentage of Q8

3.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Brainstorming

The rule of brainstorming is to think of many ideas, think of different ideas,

and to suspend judgment until students have produced many different ideas.

Brainstorming can help “open students‟ minds” so they can think of ideas that

might not normally have occurred to them. Not all of the ideas they arrive at will

be equally useful, but in thinking of many different ideas, they may discover

some valuable ideas among the less important ones. Students who practice

brainstorming often may become more prolific and less rigid thinkers.

The data was taken in SMPN 4 Palimanan. In this point the writer

describes the finding of the advantages and disadvantages of pre-teaching

vocabulary techniques. Based on the observation conducted in November 28th,

2015, the writer notice that during this activity conducted, students were so

excited. All students involved and share ideas. They actively think to give

opinion related to their background knowledge in answering brainstorming

questions. It is consistent with literature on brainstorming activity (e.g see

Hadfield, 2008), he remarked:

0% 0%




Percentage of Q8





Strongly Agree


Brainstorming means think quickly about anythingralated

to a topic, for example, brainstorming „preparing for a

holiday‟ might lead to the following ideas; passport,

packing, foreign money, tickets, loking the house, calling

friend, family and so on.

This finding is in accordance with the data from questionnaire about their

feeling in doing this activity. The students mostly enjoy the activity. There are 35

students admitted that this activity was very interesting. This is inaccordance

with the advantages of using brainstorming proposed by Roestiyah (1995: 74) in

Iis Marisa (2008: 18), that brainstorming can increase students‟ participation,

make students feel free and happy and create a good competence among


Based on Ajideh, “Brainstorming has many advantages as a classroom

procedure. First, it require little teacher preparation; second, it allows learners

considerable freedom to bring their own prior knowledge and opinion to bear on

particular issue; and third, it can involve the whole class. Therefore, pre-reading

activity involves many participants, such as the teacher, students as the object of

the techniques itself. The teacher should attract students to recall students‟ prior

knowledge and their interest about text. This activity also gives a chance to the

teacher and the students even a whole class to interact each other.

The possibilities that result from a brainstorming session will often help the

reader make connections with his own life experiences, thus engaging her and

giving her a stronger purpose for reading. Brainstorming initiates problem

solving behavior and ignites critical thinking skills in students. Individuals

brainstorm on their own, they come up with more ideas, and often better quality

ideas, than groups of people who brainstorm together. Individual brainstorming

may be less engaging and less stressful. In a group brainstorming, the

experiences of the members of the group help to develop ideas thoroughly. This

is something that might be missing in individual brainstorming where only the

individuals experience come to play. The advantages of group brainstorming in

the pre-reading stage are also to activate prior knowledge, engage the students in

the task at hand and contribute to critical thinking skills.


3.5 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-teaching Vocabulary

According to Nagy and Scott (2000), Vovaculary is crucial to reading

comprehension. Many studies have shown that good readers have good

vocabulary knowledge. In order to understand a text, readers need to know the

meanings of individual words. They construct an understanding of the text by

assembling and making sense of the words in context.

Pre-teaching vocabulary is a strategy in which teachers introduce students to

new vocabulary words before reading a text selection that contains the new

vocabulary words. This strategy is particularly helpful in situations where students

will encounter words that they have no familiarity with and would have trouble

deciphering the word meaning from context or word analysis. Research has shown

that this strategy will help students by helping to improve their comprehension of

the text they are reading. It is supported by Miller and Veatch (2011 : 19) that Pre-

teaching vocabulary reduces the number of unfamiliar words the students will

encounter in the text and boosts vocabulary acquisition.

3.6 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter, it can be concluded that the advantages of pre-reading

techniques are very beneficial for the learning process. In spite of its advantages,

Pre-reading techniques also has disadvantages. The finding about the disdvantades

of using this technique before reading activity was gathered through observation

and interview. Pre-reading technique as warming-up and brainstorming processed,

the students brainstormed fast. The teacher could not give enough time to the

students to think well so that the answer was throught without any further

consideration. The problem also came from the students itself. Several students

who have weakness in English lesson choose to be quite rather than actively

giving opinion.