Case study UX Research - SVART

Case study UX Research Svetlana Tsodikov

Transcript of Case study UX Research - SVART

Case study UX Research

Svetlana Tsodikov

The product:

Artists Bio app “BiArt”

Project overview

Project duration:

05.2021 - 11.2021

The problem:

Families and single people with different

abilities that want to plan ease visit at museum

regardless of their location.

Project overview

The goal:

Design an app for BiArt that allows users to

easily book tickets, get info about next events

and exhibitions, plan trip to arrive at museum

on time.

My role:

UX designer designing an app for BiArt from

conception to delivery.

Project overview


User research, conducting interviews, paper

and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity

prototyping, conducting usability studies, and

iterating on designs.

Understandingthe user

● User research

● Personas

● Problem statements

● User journey maps

User research: summary

I am conducted competitive audit, created personas and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. I found the primary user group

and learned their pain points.

My task also was included preparation of interviews for usability study and synthesized the research results for further iterations.

User research: pain points


Not always easy to choose an event, book tickets, plan a trip in a short

time by once using the app.


Planning a trip from one location to another is difficult

for people with disabilities.

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Persona: Simone

Problem statement:

Simone is a mother of 7

childrens and librarian

who needs download and

use the Artist’s Bio app

because she want to

organize family trip at New

York MoMA.

User journey map

+ Make trip with family at MoMA + Joining contemporary art + Upbringing, fun + Planning way + To check accessibility for wheelchair

● Paper wireframes

● Digital wireframes

● Low-fidelity prototype

● Usability studies

Startingthe design

Paper wireframes

Drawing first paper

wireframes with various of

same screen and

annotations over border.

Digital wireframes

Goal: Create the login screen

Sign Up button

Login button as additional option

Login with social media buttons

Digital wireframes

Goal: Create the Artist bio


About text

Book Tickets button on next event by this artist

Back button User Area

Works of artist by art styles

Low-fidelity prototype

The low-fidelity prototype was

created by using the completed set of

digital wireframes.This prototype is

connected to primary user flow of

building trip and book tickets, so the

prototype could be used in a usability

study with users.

View the Artists Bio app

Low fidelity prototype

Usability study: findingsI conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the design from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Round 1 findings

The FAB "Book Tickets" on Home Screen was not visible enough


Users need better clear way to start planning a trip


Round 2 findings

User has trouble finding the favorite Artist's exhibition day


User has trouble to login2

User frustrated to start planning a trip


● Mockups

● High-fidelity prototype

● Accessibility

Refiningthe design


A FAB has been added to

the home screen for

convenient booking of


Before usability study After usability study


The FAB on Home screen

was modified

Before usability study After usability study


Accessibility considerations

Was chosen a color palette according on color

contrast considerations and color combinations.

Movement and gestures. For easier movement between screens was found more than one.

Icons and pop-ups with prompts to

help make easy navigation.

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● Takeaways

● Next stepsGoing forward



The app make a sense of completeness of task. The

user once opens the app, done the activity in one

session and after close - already has the date of the

event, tickets, and the route at the museum.

“Looks clear and consistently. It seems that you have

professional background ”

Colleague / participant of Usability Study

What I learned:

While designing the BiArt app, I learned that

the critique design very important and help

improve the prototype at the successfully end.

Next steps

Prepare the design for the engineering team

Create thumbnails that include hyperlinks, specifications, and

requirements for the design

Provide the design system, mockups, prototypes, and


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Let’s connect!

Insert a few sentences summarizing the next steps you would take with this

project and why. Feel free to organize next steps in a bullet point list.

Many thanks for all your time reviewing my work on the BiArt app! If you’d like tosee more or get in touch, my contact information is provided below.

Email: [email protected]:

Thank you!