Brigidine College St lvcs - Alumni Connect


Transcript of Brigidine College St lvcs - Alumni Connect

Brigidine College St Ives commits itself to educa tion tha t is centred on the Gospel and is faithful to the Catholic Communi ty and the

Brig idine heritage

< ~GIIliME Sr tvfs-: Brigidine College S t lvcs

2008 Yearbool~

"Celebrate all that is good witl1 joy

and gratitude."



j Brigidinc College ~ .. ,. S tlvcs

325 M rtd V11t nuad St lvll5 NSW 202 '

Tel 02 9"88 61. 0 fa• 02 9144 I ~/I

ABN 15 08 694 695

Bri.;!iJirw Yl·Ml1,hlk 2008 EDITORS Helen C;,rl n Jult L 1Mher, E ma Hrn • ICid s I , OObl

ARTWORK A• l~pe<, Br~r d [••g<~..:em• nt htlp lwww art 1 ' ~ 1111 ttl

P11nted 111 All ll II a, f t•tJnl<lry 'OU'J il> 2009 t;y l3flgtdll1 Coli gc St lv•'S


Pnnctpal s Address Speech Day 2008

Board Report

I S pi r1 tua l i ty

Ltturgtcal life of the U>lrege

Commencernent Mass

125 Yeilr Celebrcthon of Bngtdtne Educatton

Pligfllni1gtl of Hope

Retre<JtS anu Reflectton D<1ys

Soctal Ju~ttce Soctetles

Leddt?rshrp Mnss

Mothers' Oo~y Mass & rallwrs' Day Mdss

War ld You111 D<JV

Foundus' Dav Mass

H Acad c 111 ic

Rcltgrous Eaucatron



Enghsh and Enghsh Pubhc Spcakmg Fmals






Sere nee

Sacral Screnc.:s

Vocctlronal Fr.Juc.tlron ttrtd Trarnrng


Vrsual Arts

Spl'Ctaf Edur.tlron Chrsholm Centre

Specral Educntro11 PtOgtilmme

Learnmg 1ecllnologres

4 5







12 13



1 1.)






22 23

24 25

26 27








36 31

38 39




III Staff 2008 College Staff

Academ1c Stall Accred1tat10n

The Execut1ve

2008 Stall Roll

P•storal and Academ1c Heads

TV Students Year IZ

Year 11

Year 10

Year 9

Yr•ar 8

Year 7

College Rol

2008 Sen tor Leaders w1th PnnCIJ)i!l

Bngtdme Daughters and SRC

Year 7 Camp & Peer Support

Year 8 9, 10 Camps

200(} Sen1or Leaders

Adoress by lncom1ng College Captam 2009

P11nc1pal's Essav

V Community

P&F Assoc htlon

P&F Rugby Ntght tntl C<-.cklilll P 1rt1es

Founders' Day and lnh•rr~tliiOnal Food F a1t



P.oneers Re11n1on and Brlle Bnde Du1r1e1

Mothers' Brunch and Luncheon Club

Open Day

Parents' Semmar and Pan nt Volunteers

Grandparents and Spfflal Fr ends Day

Year 10 ParenUDaughter 011111er

VI Crea tivity

The College Mu 1ca1

Bundanon Art Camp

Year 11 Play







49 50-51



56 57

58 59

60 61

b2 63












75 16











Dance Spectacular 87

V1sual Arts, Vtsual Des1gn and Photography Exh,b1t1on 88

"the~h•b t1on • TAS 89

V1sual Arts Year I~ Bn<Jv ol Wurk

TAS Textiles and De'i•gn HSC Ma1or Text1le Protects

Mus1c Carnp

Year 12 HSC Drilrn.J N1glll

Year 1? HSC MuSIC PelfomrlllLC N1ghl

90 93

94 95





VII !louses 99 Hou5e Captarns. Athletics and Sw•mmmg Age Champ1ons 100

Hou!'.e CCiota~ns' Reports 10 I - I 04

lnterhouse Athletrcs Carmval 105

2008 lnterhouse Sw1mmmg Carnrval

VIII Co-Cun-1 cufar Soc1ety Pres1dents .Jnd Club Capta•ns

Centre tor f.xcell~;>nce


AthletiCS Club

Bao;ketball Club

Cross Country Club

Ddnte Club

Deuatrng Club

Duke of Edtnburgh Scheme

Drama Club

E.questnan Club

Gymnastrcs Club

Hockev Club

MuSIC Club

Netball Club

Soccer Club

Softball Club

Sw1mmmg Club

Terms Club

Volleyi.Jalt CluiJ

Wilterpolo Club

Co·CurrJcular Collage

IX Class of 2008 Tearller 111 Tandem

Year 12 Graduation

Year 12 Student Photos

College Captarn'o; Address

Year 12 Char~ty

Year 12 Collage

Muck Up Photo

X Aclticvcmcnt

Speech Day Prrze Lrst 2008

College Rt'COrds


























132 133

134 135

136 145



148 149


1 5 1

152- 153




4 YEAR BOOK 2008

D Jstinguished guests, students, stall and parents. Today we arc here to celebrate with joy and grahtude all that is gOCld this year

at Brigidine College St lves.

Behind me on the ~creens you will sec a selection of some of the wonderful happenings that have occurred this year.

Our BrigiJi:ne heritage is of great importance to our community. This year marked the 125th anniversary since the Brigidinc sisters arrivl.'d in NSW to establish a school at Coonamblc. Staff and Year 7 students travelled to Coonamble to take part in this historic weekend What an opportunity for us to tocus on the wondertu l contribut:ton lhe Brigidinc c;is tcrs have made to education.

This year we have had man) rich L'xpericnccs in the liturgical life of our stuJents. Our Opening School .\!lass whcrt' IW welcomed new staff and students to our community; our Ash Wednesday and Easter liturgies; ()ur Founders' Day Mass, our Leadership Mass, our Involvement 111 World 'rbuth Day aclivilies, where students trom our Brigidme schools in Victoria and South Austra lia stayed in our Gym and had the opportunity to participatl) in activities w1th our staff, students and parents; our Assembly that allowed students and staff to rarticipate in the historical <1pology to the Indigenous people.

Our Jeep commitment to social ju&licc again reflects our Brigidim.' heritage and demonstrates our ChriStian value-. <lnd generosity or spirit to help those who need our support.

Tradition tt'lls uo:; that St lkigid had an cxtraordjnary compassion and concern for lhc poor people or her timt> Here at nur College we have been challenged by Brigid's example and we have tried to help others less fortunate than ourselves.

Tl'wYear 12 charity this year, Green Gecko, had wonderful Stlpport from our extenJed community. OurYear 12 students are to be ct>ngratulatt•d on their outsla nding achievement in raising over $16,000 Thi!-> money will be used to buy a bu'> ll) transport the children at the Green Gecko Orphanage in Cambodia.

Oth~r ~\~nt!> such ,,., th1.· lnt~rn.Haonal Food Fmr, House Ach\1ties, the Year ch,mtaL''· in p.1rt1cular YL'Jr l) Bre.1st C.1ncer Chantv, Y1.•ar LO Ch~rnobvl Ch.trit) Jnd the trL•menJouc, contribuhon of \ear 11 o.,tudt>nh. pML'nh .1nd .,toft to C.lfl' C.lnJ.

AJI of these e\enh continul' to rl'mind us how fortunate we are to be part of ::.uch J caring Bn1->idam• rommunity.

\gam thJ., )l'clr \n' haH' Y~.·ar 11 stud~.·nts who will bt? accompanied b\ \1r-. <;kw \\',1cher on th1.• Pilgrimagl' ot Hope to lnd1a This .,cmce proJ~Ct enJble-; our studl•nts to ,.,·ork v~ith the Sister; of th~ tl.lissaonanes of Chanty to enmh others who c;uffer the rcalilll'<. of

absolute powrtv.

Our .,tmlenh ar1.• to han• 'o<l m;;my opportunitie'> to purtJcapJte an J grL'cll \Jnl'ty ot l"O curncular actavalies. Whether it i-. Debating, Pubhc :-, l)l'<lking. plilying Volleyball, gmng on the Socc~r tour to Quc>t>nsbnJ, lra\'cllang to New Zealand to pia) Hockey Jml W.:atcrpolo, JOmang an the Musical, d.1ncing in the Dnnce Spectacular. Whl're dol slop?

I wish t0 '>inccrclv th..1nk th1.• t.'\traorJmarv efforts of our parent!i, our <:>ports Conwnnrs, co.1chcs and 'iupporter-; \vho are integral lo the success of l'VCT\ ..,tuJ~.•nt Statr, in pMtacular \1r D.:~vid Chant and<. Sl..yc Wntcher .1ml th~ many other !;taft members who gi\'e so gt•nt•rmJsh of thcar tame to make our Co-curncular program so succc::.-.ful A 'Pl'CIJI noll' lll JV•ltitudc to our"ll'ar 12 Student Leaders who hiln: work~.·J llwlcs.,Jy to also cn.,urc the success of tht''>l' ilctivitics

I than!.; all famalil's for tht• t"ommitmcnt to Bng1dane College St h ·cs. \\'p appn:ciatl' the worl.; ol the P & F and wash the new comm!ltcl' e\·CIJ' success Jnd t•nwur.l~l' all part•nts to participate in the P & F .,pon'>!lrl'd t•wnts whach blllld ..,tmng friendships in our communatv

Our ~ l.,t century da.,smum'> Jrc vel) daflcrcnt place" to thO'il' I remember as J c;tudt•nt, ,, t1.•w )L'M" ago' While the addition of tcchnnlogv as om• ob\1\lUs l"hange, the ilddation of cxcating and challenA'Jng, -.tudent u•ntr1.•d ll'.:trning nctavallcs pr0\11dc opportunahl.''> that I could not have amagmcd.

Here at Hrigadll1l' Colk·gl' ')t lws Wl' h,wc a tall'ntcd and dedicated tcachang stJ[f R.1bba jonn thi.'ln 'Ind.~ snid ohout teachers, 'TcachL•r., open our cvt•s to the world. f'hcy give us cunosity and confidence. rhev teach us ln .1sk qucstaons Thcv connect us to our pnst and future. 1 hev're the guardians ol our -.ori.JI hl'ritn~c. We have lots of heroes tudJ\ - sport'>rnl.'n, super models. medaa pcrsonalihcs. They come, tht.'\ haH~ their faftl'l'n manutl''> ot famt•, and thl!\ go. But the mt1ucncc of gouJ tc.lcht•rs st,,y., wath u-.. l'he; art• the pcopll' who reallv '>hapl' our hfl•'

t\lr Rupert .\lurdoch wJs Jskl•d to deliver the 49th Annual Boyer L~turt.'!> tha~ \ L'Jr. Mr \lurdoch in his second lecture entitled '\\'ho's Afr.1id of \:e\\ Technology' ..,Iilii...., th.1t ·a., technology ad,·ances, the prcmtum for eJucated pt.•opll• with tall•nt and judgement will increa..e. In thl' future, '>Ucce.,stul workt.•r.., wtll bl' thl)'>l.' who embrace a lifchmc of learning'. ln his tourth 1~.•-:tur~.•'Fortunt' faH>Ur> thl' Smart' he assert ... that 'the bl.'.,t p.llh to ~ul'ce.,., is through an education that \\ill allo"' u<> to tulfilour potenta.:al That Ol'gm'> hy s1.•thng htgh standards ... and ensunng that wlwn you do ll•aw school. vou leave \ the tools that will help you get ;Jlwad an Ilk'

-Our tcachN'> have embraced n hfehme of leamang and many arc cumpll•tang po'>t graduJtc quillifications The teaching staff c;et high !>lilnd.ud-. for our .,tladcnts and ensure that our students haw rt.>ached a bow a\·erage results in all national testmg this year. fhank you for tht> enwuragl'ment and inspiration you gwe to our studl'nts c\cry dily.

Our teJrhin~ stJft have bt?en ably assisted by our support c;taff who ensure that our College facihtics are well maintained and our SCf\iccs arc of an C\ll'lll•nt .,t.mdJrd .

One nl thl' wmmon (l'illc dcscnptlonc; ior St Brigid is' earth woman'. Thas is hct"aUSl' c,hc was bchcved to have a close affinatv \\11th the IJnd and undcr.,tood the importilnn• of the basic clcmcnb of life: earth, an, fiw .md watL'r. At our College we arc surrounded by a beautiful en\llrnt1111l't1 t .md we arc verv a wore of the importance of apprecaa tmg nnd caring for nature.

It was Ill this spanl thot tha o; year we have installeJ five wnter tanks whach hold 225,000 litrt'" whach is the largest storage ol water an the Ku Ring C.a1 mLmadpalaty We have widened and improved our front driw and redeveloped the Year 11 recreation space ncar the tenms court~.- Jll projl'CI!i tl1.1t benefit our ~tudcnts.

I would likl' to thank ilnd l'\tcnd our best \\ishes to those staff who leJvt' our College at the l.'nd ot the year or left dunng 2008.

\lr-. !leather Chaplin and Mr.:; Anne Lock~, passionatl' Scacncc teacher., \\'ho Jrc rl'tinng; ~fr-. Donna Littlewood, a long scmng and JcdicJtl•d tc.Khl•r of our '>h.adenh in the Chisholm Centre and Mr., "'olJ McMull.m our Lenmang Support teacher who worked hrelessly to help our c;tudcnts Mr Ch\c Mc\'crc;, an exemplal) Mathematics teacher, .\.Irs .,_l'llv \oung. our creah\"e Drama teacher, Ms RJchl'l Mal pas<., illl mc,parataonal teacher and Mr Michael Halliday, A<,sa~tant Pnncapal -Mi~sion \\hO has made a maJor contribution to the life of our College

ll1car dcuacatmn to ll'Jching and wundcrfuJ pastoral care of our stuJcntc; will .1lwavs bL' long remembered by our community wath nffectaon

Member~ ill our support <,tnff nbo hm e rctireJ or left to l'xplorc professaonn I oppllatu nat ies hl•yond Brigiu inc.

Mrs l'vlllhL•IIe Bt•l"rhao

V1rs ludy O'Rcally

~Irs Chervlc Owen-.

\1r!> Mary Ann <;holders

\llr Nnthan Tozer

Pu blimllons

Unafom1 Shop

Clerical Support

f Iuman Resources

\ lamtcnance

On behalf of th~ stall ilnd students I would lake to thank our College Board for their ~xccllcnt contribution to our College and the Brigidinc !ii..,ll'TS who ,\rl' .1lway., .,o l'ncouraging and supportive of what \Ware doing at Brigidm~ College St h es.

\\'c .1re \Cry proud of our students and what they ha,·c achieved this year. \\'l' wi.,h our'l~ar 12 students success and happmes ...

\\e cek•brate th1.• ncadcmic '>uccess of our prize \·vinners knowing that even- onl' of mar ~tudents has contributed to the pnde we feel an bclongmg lo Bngidmc Colk•ge St lves.

Mr., Jo,llltll' ,\tk111 ... J>n/1( i1•11/



"II take•, tl idle' /•· ,•tl/ct:-;c' to t'i l l<t' cl , Jzz/cl" ,., an At11~ .m prowr b

T his Nnc.1n 'Xl\'mg emphas!"e., the importann• to a vmmg pt•rson of contact

\\-1th a ,,,de vanety of people who can nurture and influence them a., tht'} den?lop and, in doing so, can en.,urt• that tht'\ art• able to nurture other ... Fmpatlw is ~astc to postttve mterachon at home, ,,t ..chool and m the broader communtt) It ,., thl.' abiltl) to 'step into other pt•nplt•'., sh(x-s'and to sct•ltfe from thetr pomt of \'lew.

In rellecting on the communtt\ nf BngJdine College St fvl.'-., I believc tht•rt• Jn• parallels with the AfricJn villagl.' where all have a special part in thl' growth and dcvclllpmcnt of the young girl who enter .. Brigithnc St Tvcs as <1 're.u 7 c;tudent and emt•rgt•s a-; a voung woman wtth tht' sktlb, the strength and the gentlcnt'ss read\ to take her place in soctety

The major role tn raismg J child re.,ts and v .. ill always rcmam '' 1th the p.Ht•nts. P::lrent~ take great care and often make great sacrifices m choosing the school that tht•v believe will develop and cducJte thl.'lr daughtt•rs. 0\·er the s1x vears of secondary school there are serious challengt-s to parents and daughters. How docs a girl achre\ c the "lethng go of childhood" and the acceptance of in~pirahon from, and an l'ml'rgmg adult fricndshrp with, parents? llow do panmt .. kml\\ when to aUow nt?w frl'l'dom., and }1:'1 to t,'1.1idc and lead and JUSt to bt• thcrt' when growmg up l"o not a!> easy as rt appt'ar-.?

Other student~ pla} .1 ~ignificnnl role in the "African v illagt'" modd fnt•ndships arc formeu, fril!ndship~ f,ldt•. J low many Limes do we soy to glrl!i in Years RandY "if you make a new tnend you do not n('l'd to be nasty to your old fncnd"? Girl.., mntll ll.' at dillcrent rates, come to dt'vciop stronger personalities,

6 YEAR BOOK 2008

arc looking for fri.?nd~hlp .md ..,uppmt Jml only as hmc goes b\ re,lli'il' that in g•' mg c;upport and fncndshrp they willrt'Cl'l\'t'. Thl' example and inspiration of the st•niur grrt... is a powerful mfluenct' m the dewlopment of all. For staff it rs alwa}S e\trcmeh encourJgrng to sec the bonds thJt torm m 'i~.•,lr ... II and 12. not just fncndshrp group., but thl' ab1ht\ to relate to a v~1der cohort and to lo(1J..: bt'\<llld themselves to a wider world.

Brigrdmc College St fves 1., tortunJil' to h,wt• comrrutted, focust.>d, profe-.sional tcnchers who are able to balance thl'ir educative and fom1ative roles. The pas'>inn h.'JCher~ have fo1 their particular :-.ubJccts ..,park!-. the interl'~->t

of different ~tudcnt!>. leJchl'r'> r.lrt• Jlso ful ly aware that their interaction'> ;md lhl?ir l'Xampll' have <1 profountl 1 nfluence on I ht• gul'> m thcu classe'> and indeed m lhL' 'ichool.

Assic;ting the ~tudents and the tt•Jch1ng stJft are a variel)· of important .:~ddittonal .,taft who keep the organisational whet•]., runnmg. Admimstration, hbmrv tcchnic1Jn..,, t,'Tnunu.., people and man) others enhann• tht• Cnlll•gt' and either drrccth or mdrrecth ha\l' an tmpact on the atmosphere and en\'rronrnl'nt in which the students mo\ c and work

The leadership of the Princrp..JI .md tlw Executive helps tu hUJid J cultur~· wht•rt• student<. expenenn.• oppilTIUlllllt'" for sprntual, cducahonal and pero;onal hrrowth in an cnvironml'nl that r.., Catholil' m tht• BrigJdin(' tradihon ·1 he l'mpha..,l'> thrs ) car "Proud to be Brigidjne" ha ... rung out on .,o many occasions and is both challl'nAing .1nd encouraging.

Through the JC'hvitws ot the Part•nts and Friends Associalion opportumtrt·~ for .,Ol'Hll mteract10n between parent.. CrL'clll'S <1 depth to the"\rillage" community and this year J lso provided significant funding J"si~t.lnce \\ h1ch included an .:~ddit10nal pod of mmputl.'rs fnr use in the das ... rmmb. Also mam parent-. are involved m providmg the w1de \Mid~ nf clubs available to the grrl'>. Tlw g~·n~·m..,lt} of all involved is apprl?ciatl'd ;md pwndes so(ral and team burldmg opportumtre., lor ... tudl•nts ,,,th srmrlar interests.

The Governance of thl' <..nlll'gt• ,., tht• responsibilil) of thi!Tru ... tet>., 1 e tht• Bng1d111l' Sistersanda Roard 1sappomted bvtheTrusll't's to cany out th1s rnlc In tht• Cnnstitutruns tht• Board is appomted to managt' tht? l'Ompany whrrh rs BrigJdme (lllll'Al' St hl'"'·

At it5 meeting on 19th Novembt•t 2007, tlw College Board, mmdful of conn•ms l'xprl''i~l·d and issues raised b) vari<>u.., nwmbt•r., of the school and parent cummunity, took the fnl lowmg decisions after consuJtmg Wlth the Tn.tst('t'" o l Brigidinc College and with thl' JgJ l'l'mt•nl ot thl' Pnndpal. l quote from the I l'ttl'r to I n11!nts nnd

5taft nl 30 Nm ember 2007 from nwsdl as Chatr of tht• Board and Sr. Chand Sugdl'n, Prn\1nce Leader lor the Trustel'S.

""ll'll' Ac1Jrd, \\ith theappm"aloitht·T~tl'l'S, ''ill en~h'\.' mdcpcndcnt educational t"'n .. ultant., 1mmed1atel) to conduct

• A re\lC\\ of the College's go\cmancl' o.,tructurcs. mcludmg an cxammauon and .1pprarsal of the rol~ and responsibthtre" nt Jll t,'Tuups \\ithin the school communi!\

• A cultural audit ol the College

• A rl'VIew ot all <;ehool and leadt•rshlp o.,tructure..,

• A rt•vit•w of the Strategic Plan and 1ts impkmcntalion, and the College\ internal Jnd cxtcmal~:ommtmicatinn proct'dure-;

• An Jppr.:Jisal ot the CoUegc's man.1gement of resources

Thl'SI.' revicwo; \viii include co operation of tht• l'nncrpal, staft and parent'> m workmg wrth the cducahonal consultants to ach1ew a wav ton·vard for all in the College. A., a normal and expected part of her profcs..,ional de' t'lopmcnt. the College PrinCipal \\Ill unut•rgo a iormal comprchcnSJ\'C apprmsal hv the l'nd ot Term 2, 2008."

ro thi... lime personnel trom (ook<,<m Cummms & Associates have completed the apprJbaloftheCoUcgc Pnncipal,J Leader~hrp 'ltructurc R~.·vic\... and a Cnmmunrcahons Strait'~ Report. The cultural areas arc to ht• addressed by S1 Brigid Arthur from thl' Bt ig1dinc Secondary School" Com millet' tn

Yicl1lrin. The furthl:'r cumm•tmcnb w1ll bt• hunnurcd m 2009.

1lw Board and Trustees wish to thnnk thl• Principal, Executive staff and pMenh !'or their co opt'ration with th1.• wnsultanb. We acknowledge the commitment nt all to providing an environment whert nur students can learn, develop therr potcntral .md t•mcrgl' from the College as wit conhdent young women rmbued \'l.lth thl' \'aluc~ in~lllled m them by tht'ir f.1m1lil'S and thl'Jr Bngrdmc heritage.

'tes, 11 due.., take a whole \illagc, a wholl• t·ommtmrty to raise a Brigidincvoung woman I hank\ ou to each person for \'Our part m thi" '"ork and to thl' grrls for therrco opcratron. \\'c look torward \vith confidence to continuing tn bUild on the tradition., and hl'ritage ol Brigrdmt• College, whilst at the same t1mt• l'mhracmg whatever is good m all that th1s new century has to offer.

'ir t\ngl•l.l Ry.:~n csb Cnl/c•xc• <. !lillr


L1lurg1cal Life of the College 8 Commencement Mass 9

STAFF Ill 125 Year Celebrat1on of Bng1d1ne 10 Education

P1lgnmage of Hope 11 Retreats and Reflect1on Days 12 13 I\ STUDENTS

Soc1al Just1ce Soc1et1es 14 Leadership Mass 15 Mothers· Day Mass & Fathers' Day Mass 16 World Youth Day 17


Founders' Day Mass 18








t1 YE!IR BUOK 0!


T lw ll'<l'•l ol <.,t Brigid \\J'- cl'lt•hraiL'd \\llh tlw (.omm~nccm .. •nt \J,,.,., 11\ Bo\\ ll'

IIJII. Th1-. 1\!.1-.s <~1-.o markt•d thl' t•nd 111 the Bin•nll'n.u: ot the l:lngidine SL-.Il'ls t~nd lhl' ... tart ol tdd,ratinn" of lht• 125 \l'.lr:> ol Fh 1p,1dllll' l' •on in :\ SW.

St 1\l,lfel' l\l,ll._h co:;b, \\ho o,pol-L' ,11 M,ls.,, is tlw ( ongrq.;att<mal Leader ot till' Bn~tdilll'" \\nrld'' tde 1.\r Chand Sugden ,.,f, \hl" ,tl.,n prt'.,l'llt, lll.lrkm~ the l:'nd ol her tn.,pmn~ lt>adt••.,h•p J., l'rm1ncc Ll'Jdt•r ot '\'",\\ <1\l'r

thl' l,,.,t II\ l' ) .:ar ... '>r Chan~l h,,., ~1\l'n ~rl',ll .,upport to our Collt'W:': Wt' w1"h IK·r \H'll tn hl'L hllurt• worl.. Sr Domlh\ Co.,llg.m r.,b now t;tl..t•., un lht" mlc and \n' loti!.. hlr\\,11d

111 \Wiwm 111g lw t to the Colll•gt• 111 lw1 Ill'\\


t\ 11 .,tJI I ,md stmknt., 1oincd in bk•., ••LLr

nt''' ... 1.111 .1nd In wdcommg tht• Ill'\\ 'rt•.tr 7 student ... lnnur wondt•rful Cnllt•p,l'.


I n June a group ofYear 7 students, together wilh Mrs Atkins, Mr Halliday, Ms Egan

and Mrs Goddard travelled to Coonamble to celebrate the anmversary of 125 years of Brigidine education in NSW. They attended a trad1tional liturgical ceremony held at the grave sites of the Brigidil1e Sisters who had died in Coonamble which was the Mother House of the Congregation for many years. The service was very moving as relatives or friends of those who died spoke about each Sister's life. Sadly many had died as young women, though their pioneering spirit lives through the Sisters still resident in Coonamble. The respect and reflections of the residents of Coonamble demonstrate that these women will not be forgotten.

On the Saturday night staff members attended a Gala Dinner of over 300 people. There they heard reminisces of past students and met people who had only been educated by Brigidine Sisters.

"The trip to Coonamblc was boU1 a rewarding and educational experience which we all will remember for the rest of our lives. We have learnt many things about the Brigidine Sisters and what they did for the education of Australia. The children at St. Brigid's had to practice their letter writing in sand boxes and the floor had gaps in which snakes would crawl up into the classroom. Tunes have changed now and there are only three nuns in Coonamble. We have a lot to be thankful for and if it weren't for the nuns coming out in 1883 the education would not be the same", said Year 7 students Alex Mcinnes, Kristie Nixon, Emma Nedov, Minnie Baillie and Annalise Neal.

10 I YEAR BOOK 2008

------ _..._ ---- --_..._ --


T h1s januan four of our Year 12 studcmts. 'lophia Goodwm. Sinead 1-..t•awnt'\,

Vent\ Paton and )css1ca Ta.,.,o togt•th<•r with ex-student S1mone'\ (( Jil.,s of 2007) and Miss Kate Brannan commenrcd a rcmarh.ablc phy:.1cal, spiritua l and l'motinnal juUJ ncy to India that would olt l•r lh t! ll liws.

OUI BngJdine ..,tudcnts 1o1ncd mm• ~choolc; from ,lrotmd Australia in the ptlgnm.1ge. Thc1r c'pcnences m homes cstabhshcd b\ Mother Teresa and the S1-;tcrs of the :'\lissionarit>s of Charit) in J...oll..ata arc a source of msp1rahon ior all .,tuJents.

"Ventv. jess, Smead and Soph1a complctelv immcr~cd themselves m the experience Jnd !Vprc~cntcd Brigidinc CoJJcgc so well w1th the ch,1 llcngcs they faced. Thl'Y gcm• gave their lime and selvc!-. to the po01 ilnd dl.,advant.lgt•d of Kolkata, in a trulj <.clflcs., wav during the three wee~..<. Wl' -.pent thl'rl'", c;aiJ ~llss Brannan \\ ho was also thl k•adl·r ol the Bngtdmc P1lgrimagc m 2007.

" I reaiN'll that vou can ~ happv ''1th nothing", <.aid Sincad. "\\'e were ahll' to '>L'C

a compk•tely different side nf thl· world anJ rcali'll' hnw ummportant malcnal th1ngs arc."



0 n tlw 17th ol SeptcmbcrY~·ar ~ Jrtcm.led our Rcllection Da\' at the Tracey Centre

m Oxford Falls. ·n1e theme ol the day was "The Olvmpks" ""ith the motto "CIIlus, Altius, rortius" me~ming S\\'ltter, higher, ~t.Tongcr. When we arrived at the Cen Lre tvlis~ Bmnnan nrg,mizcd ,, Min1-0lympic~ to buiiJ our teamwnrJ... ~J...ill:,. We enjoyed pl.l} mg thc~e games in our Mentor Groups. Shortly aftl'r WI.' all h,ld to writt· ont.> of nur gonb [or

thi-, war on u c:olourt•d "tnP of paper. Each mL'ntor had a diilcrent ~:olour and they were joined togl'lhcr to mJJ...c> ,, nng: we JOined them togethe1 to mnke the Ol:r1npir nngs. \ Vc learned hmv the ring~ represent respect and the uni~v of the countri~·s Jnd that the !lame wmboliscd frwmhh1p and thl' motto taught u::. abt)Ut e>.cellcnce. I'he white ni the Olvmpic flJg rcpre~l.'nls goodness c1nJ purit}.

Year 9 Re flection Day

"RL•.,pr~:t" our theme lor thl' day WL• arrived buLZing with e\Litcment a" the bL1~e-. rolled mto the ground~ ol St Piuo; X ovJl. We umbled mto the mam roum where alter a prayer with Mr Hallldav, our first activity began. We split up into our Mentor group~ and were given two brightlv ~:olourcJ posters. One po~ter was to represent the prc..,sure~ in our Jgc group. The ~cmnJ po!>lt.'r wa~ to dbpla\' the lorm-. of support ,wailablc tuu~.

Throughout the day WL' f1nTticipated in act1\'illes such as ball games which brought us closer together as a Year group. We were split into thrl•e groups with whom we participnteJ 1n thrl'l' Jillenmt al'tivilit•s:llwse con.,isteJ llf

a di!>cu-.~ion with vtr Lm1ghlanJ <~bout whJt Wl' Lhought the bsue-. were in our Year group, a rl'llcction with Mr l-1,1 ll id.ty nn respect in our liw" ami A nail), o1 ~crcne mcdit<~tion w1th Mrs Barrs 111 which \"''C listened to meanmgful lvrics ,h shr told us <1 story -.howmg th.1t our actions have consequences.

To top oil uur enlightl'nmg expcncnce lhe ~c:huol '>taft presented L~'> with our own baby Lemon Myrtle treL'.1l11s tree became a symbnl of the foundat10n that we hJd built together and will contmue to build as a \car group. 13y harnc~sing all that we had learnt throughout our Year l) Rctlcction Duv we returned to -.chool m11re aware th,lt our lives should be motivJted by re~pect.

Amanda Chong nnd Grace TUm bull

I, YEA I !lOOK 0< 8

Atter reCl'SS we pnrt1C1patcd 111 a menning~ul activttv wh1ch taught us about the dtve~1ty

ol opin10n 111 many different situations. for lunch wP enJov~d J !>,1usage s1z.zlc and free lime to explore the ground!>.

Once Wl' had returned frwn lunch we hod the opportunity t<l retlect on our hvcs by listenmg to the song" Pen11iss10n To Shiite" We all had ,, j.,'Teat dav which could never hove happened without the tead1ers support. We would a l~o like to give,, special thank vou to Mr H.:tllidav for nrgnnizing the Jay and lCl our Ycnr Co ordinJlor, .Mrs RJdcliff

Tinsha Bashanpillai, Clare llansen, Kathennc Va1l and Chloe Steele

Year 10 Reflection Day

0 n rridny 14th Nnwmbcr,Ycnr10dcpartcd Bngidine 111 the moming without many

expectnhons for their ReOection DJy; however, when the day had come ~o il close, 1t wa~ assured that the change ot venue to C1mp Kedmn brought w1th it a ch.:mge of heart.

After Year 10 Jn·ivcd at Ingleside amongst the ch;mgl' of set'nerv of tht' bu"h Jnd the warm up activities conducted by Miss McDonald, the dav began with two enlightening stories of teachers, Mrs Ymmg <~nd tvl~ Wnght. We were able to g<~in a greater sense of re~JWC:t for our tL'olcher~ through their free, unwnstraincd and tn1sting WJ) of <.;haring per-.on.ll memorie" .1nd truths with liS,

L'specially as students.

We then split olf into mentor groups wht•re cJch person exphJ1ned the impnrtancl' of a wmbol the\' had brought, r~tkcting who the_\ ar(?. Thrnugh thi~ e>.perien~:c Wl' were ,,bit' to bond with tho ... c people in our mL•ntor, on an 1 n fornw I. and 111 '>Oll1l' r.1scs, J

much deeper lewl.

Aftet this we came together again a~ t1 Year group to listen tn Mr:; Pritchard tJ.!~ to u;. about tlw roll:' llf God and fmgi\'ent•s-. in her lirl', adding m hL'r hummou., anecdotes and ... tones. Then came lhc favow itc part nf thL' da}

Wl• scp<natcd into das~e., after wllt•c:ting ~:nrJbo<trd 11owl'rs and ,l paper flmv~r ba-.ket. Then in pair~, we prt>Cccded to tai.J...ed on -on-ont.• to each f1l'l''>Oll in our c:lJs-., rcmmding tht•m o f Ilw unit]llL' qu<llitics that tht•y pos~L's-., that m<1kL• thcm spee1.1 l, !:,'lVlllg them o llowc1 to repre~en t the qualitv. Alte1 tall..tng to the whulc c!n-.s, each person had a ba~kct hi led w1th tlmwrs rt•prcsentmg wll\

they are -,o individu,1lly lm~d Wt' mncluut•d the Rdlection Day with n liturg) bcfmt' returning to s~:hool lll1 the buses

Tht• Reflection Da; as Cl whole enabledYear lU to cuntl'mplilte I he role o~ Cod. the Chri!>tian Wil) <tnd the role of LheYear grollp in their life Than~ you "o much to c1JI teacher~. e'Jpecialh Mr., Stlmmerh.Jyl'<>, for Jll their l'ffort~ in orgamsing thL' day. The l~ellection Day wa-. a thoroughly enjoyable expcriL•ncc, en.1bling t'JCh per..,nn to ga1n <1 sen!-.e ot worth, bl'long1ng and <l sen'>L' ol pnJc to bL' part ol the l:kigidmc community

Emil) Briggs

Year 11 Retreat

B e(ore arriving at San Rt•mo nom• of lhl' fort) Year 11 girl.., attl'nding the

camp h.ncw vvhat tn c\pccl. We didn't know what the accnmmodatinn or food wa~ like

not that il should matter- or whJ I exactly we were hopmg to get lTorn the retreat. However, as soon as we Jrrivcd at Camp Breakaway, all the antt cipa~inn wa~ forgotten The beautirully maintained ground::. created a perfect environment for reflection.

ll1roughou1 the lime that we were at Camp Breakaway, the main foC1.ts was ' findmg your tnncr self' nnd 'being true to yourself' A numbcr of act tvi lt e::. helped lo encournge this idea. On the first ntght of rl'tr..:'at, W(' watch..:'d Billy Ellmt, (a movie that wa'> a prime example of bl;'ing tnte to yoursdtj, and throughout thl' remaining time at retrcJI. wc refl'rrt•J to how Bill) found nul who he wao; and how tn be tim' to h1 mc;clf

On the final night nt C<Jmp Breakaway, wc ~p li t into tlw groups th<Jt we had worked in for the duration or tht: camp, and each gmu l~

planned a certain part ol a liturgy. We all Ci.lmc together and conducleu l'ach part nf the liturgy. When all tlw component~ of the liturgy came together, it was a beautiful lime ol rencclJOn.

On the last Jav nl retreat, in our groups, we wrote pnsi~ive messages ubout each person m our group iJboul what \W hac..l lenrned about them.

Thl' Camp Brcah.nway San Rcmo retreat was a really relaxing tinw awav fr11m our busy lives and ga\ l' U!i time to rcnert on \\ hn we are and what ic; n head of u:-. in Sl'nior yt•ar:-;. Spcmling timl' wi th our bec.,t fnl'nd~ i.lnd even tho<.c Wl' mtght not haw kno\\'n overly well , and helping them rellect on who they arc wa:-;

Yea r 12 Re trea t

T he theme for Wednesday with Year 12 was ' Keepmg a Balanced Life'. Wt• heard

about wavs to keep healthv both phyo.;1cally and emotionally dunng this final year ol school. rhc pa.nel of experts, comm.ting nf ex-student<> nnJ other ke\ people including Mrs Ticchur~t (our p<1rcn t represen lath c), Mrs LeJicv (nur Cat\'L'r!> Advi ~:>or), Ms Appleton (one of our Couns~: l nr.,) and tv Irs Prt•ston (our AP Academic) anc;wcrcd many questions iibout the year ahead It tLtrns out. I hnt vmt don't need 111 he stws..,L·d tht.., yt•ur AND ti1L'I·e ~~ ltfL• after the H$(1 1\fter lunch 'le<Jr 12 hL•ndcd tor G<,ulburn lor the1r finJI retrent. llerc arc some comment;; from the g-itls ... "thc' th Missmn'l t.•nm did J tnntast1c

JOb to stimu late our 1dco:> about self worth and our trcotmcn t 1lt other~ through various

rl'ii lly rcwJrding and in rl'turn they helped lt'> fmd ourselves.

AJJ of the girl!> nn thi ... retrt>tll would like to thank the guidnnrt• or the teachers who retll•ctcd with us, and 111 particular, Mr llallidny who organi..,cd the retreat.

Jesse Mikaclian Jnd Angdit1ue Williams

activitil'" and Jramatizatinns" .. "One of the most rewarJing parts nf our retreat was our final scsc;ion, enlitletl "Affim1ations" .. each girl had thl• opportumty to wnte a smaU letter to a'i man) people as she w.:tnted .. we ended the camp wtlh a reallv po~ihve, caring attitudl' to (lur l'nlirc year group'.

Kate Boyd and Eleanor ChandJcr



W ith World Youth Dny celebrations bnnging new vitality to the Catho lic

tradition, this year has been a truly inspirational one for young Catho lics and the greater Brigtdine community. The year 2008 has been an exciting and enjoyable year wilh the Liturgy Society benefiting greatly from a dose relaUonship with the St Vlncent de Paul Snciety. \Vith llur ... hared commitment to Social Justice, the culmination of sptrituality and compassion has been a core theme of both societies anJ as such, our resulting liturgies and masses.

Thec;pirituaJ lifeoftheCoUegc has always been a central part of the '13rigidine" experience, w1th masses and liturgtes throughout the ye:u not only reasserting our common beliefs, but rcasserling our fee!Lngs of acceptance and bclongmg wtthm our day- to-day mteractions. In the hectic expenencc of high school, tl is comforting to take some lime out everv now and then to med itate anJ reflect on what it is that brings us together as studen ts of strength and gen tleness

The arrival of the World Youth Day cross and icon to our very own College ha ll was a verv excitmg event v,rith many g~rls and families getting lnvolved in celebrations over that weekend as we hnsted the main WYD cvent for the cathedral. Ye<tr 12 ::.tudcnt.; later a ttended a VVorld Youth Day event a t Oxford FaJls, where numerou::. schoob of the diocese were encouraged to pray and worsh1p together.

St. Vincent de Paul Social Justice Society

E ach vear, Bngidine girls take the initiative to actively parhc1patc in <Jctivities

promoting ::.ocial justice within Brigidine and cxtt•nding into the wider community. Ach\ it ies that tool.. place in 2.008 included -fundraising, Rl'd Cros.., blood don<Jtion'>, Cnfe Carta, \Vinter Appeal, Christmas Appe.:tl and the \Vorlc..lVision 40 Hour Fammc.

The St Vincent de Paul Social Ju..,tice Society undcrtooJ.. a r.mge of ~mall projects in 200ft The "ociety worked do::.ely with Mr I lallidny and Mrs Grubba (in 2007), a!> well as a ~maJJ t,'Toup of enthuswshc o,tudcnts who haw helped organise many of the activitic!>.

At the end of 2007 the main pmjcct wa» the annual Christmas appt>al in which the entire Brigkline school community contributed food and gifts to create 01ristmas hampers. ll1c ... c hampers were distributed to families who rece1ve very httle during Chn!>tma!>. ll1is was a huge success with every mentor group cn~nting at le<bt one hamper (over 80 hampers in total! ). To cncourage the appea l,

14 YEMl BOOK _llUB

fo all those who contributed and supported the Liturgy Society th Ls year: your guidance has been much appreciJtcd. A parhcular thank you to Mr Ha lliday and Mrs Grubbn for the ir undiminished support and innovations throughout the year. To all the gi rls who (often with very little warning) offered their support Ln readi ngs, communion distribution, bearing gifts and a mullituue of other roles, the Liturh'Y Society would not have been able to exist without your continued enthusiasm.

Thank you and GoJ Bless.

Catriona Daly L1turgy Socieht President

Brig~dine was s urprised with a visit from 'Summer 1/riglt ts 1/ig/1' character 'Jonah' who spoke about the imrortance nnd value of such a worthwhile cause. An amazing effort hy all involwd, thank you!

The war 200~ saw another wondcrful SlKCl'SS

The Winter Appeal. 'lo md the appeal, Year L:?. held a Chri~tma!l Ill julv celebration which involved food being donntt'd for those ks~ fortunole thdn ourst>lws.

In Decemhcr 2007, duling n festtvul event coinciding with World AlDS Dny, the WYD Cross and lc:nn joumcvcJ tll BrigiJin~· College Brigidine students were privileged to encounter such an experience, \vith a large group nf us given the task o i carrying the eros~ into the celebratilm held in Bowie lla ll. The Dioce!><ln'couthTcam ran the day, helping to commemorate tbe visit ll f the WYD Cross and lwn to our Diocese, whil~t also mbing nwareness of ISsues surroundmg the spread of I lTV AlDS in our world today and how we as a "church" m1ght respond in light of the

Gospel. i\ real eye opener was Hugh l:vans' sreech about AIDS, which highlighted Lhe underlying importance of :;ncial ju~ti~.:e in soc1etics worldwide. llugh was the Young Australian of the Year 2004 anu Foundet of Oak Trt>e roundation.

I woulJ hkc to thnnk ull those mvolved w1th the St. Vincent de l '<Jul Socinl jus tice Society thmughout thit., year, for their time, support and genero.,ity. Final thanJ..s go to Mr» Grubba and Mr Ha lliday as without their wmmitment and enthu<>iasm lllward!> soctal justice, our work COLJic..l not he done.

Charlotte Owen Sl V/1/rt'll/ rlt• P1111l Soci1'~! Prcsidml


I n \ \cd. I ofTl'rm -1 Fr Gu~ <..arlson prl'.,idcd owr thl' l l•adership \1ass m Bmvlt' Hall.

1lw, w,,., a "Pl'rial occa<.iun fur O\ cr 100 of

ow Yt•iJr J I ~tudenh a<. lht'\ wert.• blcs..,ed anJ comr11rho.,ioJ1l•d with thcrr rok·., ,,., "l'nior Leader<~ o l tlw <. oll l'ge fc1r 2009.

Durrng the Ma-.-. the College <..JptJm lor 2009, l{l•bt.•cca Quinn addrl-'.,.,l•d thl' .,ll.Jdcnl bodv on the mcanmg of the p.l.,.,,,gl.';

Hfh I /ll,tfll Lm•ct Tt·udt•t/lf \1\'tt/A lluml>/lf u•itlt .lfclllr C~>ri "

R\.'bl'Cca Qurnn's eloquent addre.,s rcll>ld lhl.' storv of Tnotstrps in tile Smui" d\.'mnn.,tr,llmg th,ll (. .od .1 lwav-. ~upport!> each and t•wryonc nl u~ which Wil!:o i.1 relevant dnd ml'ilnmgful mc-.sagc tor 1>ur 2009 Lt.?ader:,

R\.'bcccil ai'><> .m:eptl'd from the 200H Collegl' C .1ptam. ()are ke1ghen. thl' Lamp of l.l.'arnmg as il s\mbol of the pao,smg ot lcJder.,hip from 2008 to 200Y

Ofhc1JI gt•l'.,h at the \lass werl' \Jr., Julw \ \'i).,on, her daughter jess1ca and \1s Ywtte Uliott rrom Grl'en Gcckt> CJ.:m~ ke1ghery pre~l'nll'd to Green Gecko a cheque tor over $16,000 on bl•half of the Class of 200H .md 1 hL• Collt•gt.• communit) . Jessica WiJ.,on <..'\pre ... ..,ed her h<..'<~rtlelt thank~ for the moncv that ha'> bt•cn r.ll'>l'd for her cousin'~ orphanagt• m lambodia and md1cated that •t \\olll hdp purcha-.c a bu., r~>r the orphanage.



0 ver 100 mothers and daughters cciPhr.tted a sp<'Ctal lvh1~s in St Bri!{ld's

Chapel on Wcdncsda\' 7 Ma\' , cell'brated bv Fr Michael Stoney ~I ·

Fr Michal'! ret1ccteJ on the special role of mot hero; to 'gwc life'. Ht' .,poke of the great potential for goodness and for love that exists wtlh eve!) pregnane\'. rr Michael went to make thL' point that in a '>Cnse v.c arc all pregnant. both mt•n and women; thilt we !.hould all constdt•r ourselves a~ pregnant ~\ ith tlw low ,1nd liie of God \\ hich we can give birth to in lht' \\'or!J


IJunng the Mass each student handed a card to thctr muthct wtth a reflection "Th.:tnk you for being tor me".

It was wonderful to huvc so many mother-. JOtning their daughters at the Mas.c: and for muffins in Bowie I !all altcrwJrds, particularly the thrc'C g(;'nerations of "McElhoncs" - M~

IJenisc McElhone jOined her wanJdaughter, Amelia from Year 7, and duughtcr. Anne Buillic.

Fathers' Day Mass and Muffins

0 vcr 120 fathers and their daughters shared together this ~peda l Mas~ in St

Brig1J's Ch<1pel to celcbm tc Fathers' Da\'. Fr Mich,1cl Stonevsj asked fatiK•rs to be'reckless' with their love for their daughter~. to ht'al and shnre their dnughters'li\cs .,ll that tht') would bt' free to low ;mel care for other;.

Fathers pravcd together for their Jaughters: "Lord guard and protect her heart and mind. surmund her always, guide her, and sustam her through all the lliab ;.111d te~t-. of life"

After Mass fathers joined their daughters for coffee and muffins in Bowie llall.


D unng Lhl' '''l'l.'h.l.'nd of Lhl' IHLh Jnd 19th ot lui\ Bng1d11w Cnllq~t· ~~ lw., h~tt>d

al'xtut 100 '>tall ,md students fwm BrigiJint ""hools m \'KtoriJ Thts me.1nt '' dcommg Jnd fl'L'dmg them Jnd makmg surc that the\ '"l'rl' wam1 and comfortable J~ tlwv slept at thL• College owrmght pnor to tlwtr ptlgrimag<• to RandwicJ... lnr tlw Pap.ll :-.las-.

Tht., hospllaht\ could onh ~ achie1 I.'J wtth the gt•twrou~ support ol lollegc .,tall • md BngidlnL' FJm lla.'S, Ill rmtkuiJr the ~tc lnne~s. Ealh1..•r, Fong. O'Sulliv.m, Pedersen


l)i ngk. Kl'tghl'li' .md Pl'tlwrbndge fa mille.,, \lichad ll.llhd,t\, Rrian R1md.m, Rob1 n {) 1'\r~·L·n .md lwr hu.,band O,t\ td .md \nnL' ~ummerh.t\L'", lngrtd Thomp ... on, \ icJ...i Swtt Ht•lt•n Carlson < .. 111 DugJn and ( arol '\ottrr '' ho all 111.1J...t• this ..,ltLh ,, wnmlertul and lllL'morablc W<'L'kt•nd.

A., the: lt•ft tlw College ,., ,,a., in ... piring to "L'l' the L'nlhu.,,,,...m of lhL'"L' \nung pl'opll• J., the\ lllJLk lht•tr wa1 tn '\orth Svdne\ for I hetr walt.. to R<mt.llm:J... .

.v. 17


T Jw, \t'tlr thl· .. : D.l\ J\la.,., l'dcbratcd thl' !:!lith Annl\crscm ol

lhl• Jrri\'al ul tlw hr-.t Brig•Jnw <;jo,ter-. in Ct'lllnambk• .md l:!'i 'rl'.trs ot Rng~dmc

eduLalillO rn \:S\\'. 11 \\J'i also.1n tlpportuni~ to l.lrt''' ell I r 1... Robson,'' ho h,1., celebrated J\ l.l'iS at tht• <.oiiL•gt• 11\'L'r mam 't'Jr-., Jnd to wckomc to (orpu., Lhrio,tJ pano;h I r J•m J\lc.,_eon

rh e Rng-~dilll' S1.,ter., \n•rc "Pl'tl.ll gul''>ts at thl' t\ta ... -.. Sr loan Bl'll c..,b, "r 1\hmJ (owbum C'>b, Sr Margaret Doyk• c.,b. '-;r Ann ll,lrn..,on c.,b, Sr Maurt•cn .,_eJd\ ~:sb .. md Sr Val Mc/...ennJ csb. rhc Ma!>s tocu.,scd on wh.1t bt•mg BrrgKhnc means tn .. 111 nl u.,, '' llh prawrs and rctlt•d•on:-. on Bish1lp Ddanv and the nrigmal. cou rageo\1'>, Hrigidirw Si~IL'r~ .,., ho lounded the t)rdl•r 111 1\u.,trulin. l'lw c011f,'l\.'g.11ion wa-. im itcd In con.,ldl'l the motto fClr/i/cr el Swwrtt•t (Stn•ngth .. md Gt•ntk•nL'S.,) and what it means for lhL' lirig-~dinl' wmmunity.

With the fir-.t reading I rom I I •mnthy urging us to be lailhtul to thl' H'llallon to '' hich we are called. ~lnurl'L'n .,_e,tlh csb -.pol-..e al-.o of the 'oc.1tmn ol thl' BrigRhne S1-.1er., tuJa) Slw madl' us ;marl' of the "'"tcrs'three mam Jrt.'<l" ot lo..:us. rt•tugcl'S and c1S)Ium -.ct•, tht• tTadl' ot wonwn ao, -.laves and proslltutcs, and cm1mnmt.•ntal stt.•w.ud.,hrp. Bng~dinc St-.tcrs ,uound the wnrld arc working togl•thL•r on thL•sc rs~ue.,, lobbYmg gO\emmcnts and tom1mg thl'lr mvn :\l.O to :.trcn~hl•n therr ..:au..,c

Sr f...L•adv':-; llLIOtt' In 1111 1\.IJrgarct t--. lcaJ (anthropofog1~t) WJ'> :1 WOI1lfl•rfu] .1nd rmwrtuJ way to end the Founder-;' D.w liturgv: "Never doubt thJt o '>tn,111 group of though tful. committl•d J'L'ople t .m ch.mgL' tlw world. Indeed, It's thl' onlv thmg that 1.'Vcr h,l:;"



Rt:~hg1ous Education



English dnd Engll5h Public Speakrng r1niliS

languages Lrbrary





Sacral Sctences

Vota!IOI1ill Educatron and Trarnrng

lAS V•sual Arts


20 21 22 23 ?4. 25 26.21

28 29 30.31

32 33 311 35 36. ~~ 38 39

Spec1.-11 Education Ch15holm Centre •10 Specral Educatron Honours Programme 41

Learnmg Technologres 42






----------\II HOUSES


1\. CLASS OF 2008



if!i.]i$11 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 'iT AfT Mr<; lqgrrd l110111r•'·•>r ( I ft>a I 1! L'~-"P ~t llllenil Mr Mill 1• l l l lliti,JV M, [li!\<JJP 8yrJ c, M<. M 11111~1' MdhrJJ M [V<Jil,J flu -; Mr 1::\norll•JUglildPd M Colll'i'li M he wr Mr 1'..11" Co IIITh•lt> M· Mclllne CI>OQlll't, I. Mr f~!J' r f'11l h,Hol

T he Religrnus Education Department at Bng1dine College St Jvco; endeavours

to enable students to grow in knowledge both m a spintual and in an academic sense. Academically the girls continue to achieve outstanding re~ult~ in this ;,ubject both in public e\aminations and in internal as~l·-.sment ta<.k~.

nw wrb h;lVe Q natuml enthusiasm for th1~ subject and I am constantly amazed bv thl' depth of their spiritualitY and lhl'ir enthusiasm for the ~mbject matter. In 2008 Year 7 produced bl·autiful pr.lver Jnuma b vvhich wt• di-.p laved in the library. ' ll1e::.e journal~ art• hopefully somethu1g that the girls can use throughout the1r lives Year 8 worked a w1it on Sacraments of Initiation and produced work of an out::.tanding standard m the1r Sacrnnwnts t<Jsk. Year 9 groups wrote Jnd presented liturgres on Reconcillat1un and Yea1 10 produced their own ,.~,·eb pages on the theme of Socwl Justice. The Senior Studie!> of Religion ~tudents .1t both 1 and 2 unit level cnvered a diwr~c range of topics including Religion.., of Ancil'nt Origin, Depth Studies in Judabm, Chrio.;tianil) and J ... Iam, and a unit on Rdigion and Peace.

The dav to dav tl'aching of this all important 5UbJeCL it> fa cilitated by the l·vonJcrful and dedicated Religious EJm·atinn Staff within the College. 1 \\'Cluld like to "incercly thank thi-. ).,'l'Oup of wry talented women and men on my behdlf and on the behalf of the students thatlhey ll'ach.

1\ 1 1~ ll1).,'11d rhumpsnn I fl·od •'/ /-l.r/igicl/1, Fd11mfit~11

20 Yr Af! AOOK 21108

HISTORY WNiMi ~TAl I Mr '> c,, l•.•rryll~n Ill IlL' (IJ, JJ llf [)ep;,rl '' 1 t), Mr M Hlhrw bl• 1 n,JI M1s lc; 11 o1 (;.- rg, Mr~ S1J 111 Gill' Of

M1". n ·LII Kurg M r. •JI,...,.n M K!" .v1 Mr 'il1 1· n M• ~ '' 11111 M J111il oll11., ~~~~·rn• lr r 1

E ach year llw HJ<>torv l)cpartment b JUStifiJblv prouJ of our resulh m both

the HSC .llld s~honl CL•rtifkJt~ and thl' 21107 re~ulh more than livt•d up to e\IWCtiltion~.

In 100!:1 our students have bec;n engaged in a varietv 11f ta~ks unJ topics il:> thev develop their skills a~ hi!.lorian!>, especially the abilitv tu analyse hblorical evidencl' 1n order to explain history. VVhile ~ome ma\' argue lhi:1l Hht01y i!> abou t sloT\ telling, many of the '>torie.., our llJ~lory ~luJcnt.:: tell <He well grounded in both research to collect I he !acts, analvsmg the t•VJdencc anJ then tc11ing nu1

vcrs1on of History. fhis applics as much 7 telling the stones of the Jnnenl Egyptians, the Year H tcllinK the stones of medieval tire, the Yet1r I.J and lOs telling the stories of AllstrJiian hbtory m the 20th cenh.uv, or the students nf Year Y and I 0 Elective History who tell m<Jnv stories, fmm ~hipwred.!., from the French Revolution, from TL1dor England and heyund, even In Ncl~on Mandcla and l'vlartin I uth~r King Our 'll'nior -;tuJent~ in AnciL'nl, MnuL'rn and bten'>inn Hi.,tory alc;o unnly~e cv1dencc !rom n ... tar nfidd u.., l'nmpcii and llcrculnneum and tlw Western Front, to the Roman 1-:mpcror Augustus ;md to Weimar <.1nu Nazi Germany and Confl1ct in tllC' l'actfic. Extension Hi~tory students grappled with the changing nature of history over time and the ra~e ~tudy on Tacitus' \riL'W of the Roman 11rincipatc. Thi~ i.., only .:t sample (11 the range of topic.:: that lii~ l nl) 5LL1dents study at Bngidine College.

One of the highlights uf thl• yl'nr were the Ham1cJ11y Davs attcndt•d bv Flcclivc llistory ~tudcnt-; ol th~ Jewbh l'vluscum .md nl 'v1a:;aJa College where ~tuJcnl::. engagt•t.l in understant.ling the valuL'" and cu I lure of other taith group., who live 1n our local region.

Our .;tnff have been busy making turthcr usc nf IC1 in Lhl'ir Histo!l clas.,cs. Each History course has its own Virh.1al C la'>srmlm where ~tudcnts can acce.,s cla'>swork and acti\itie ... , a!. well a~ Llploadingsoment thc1rwork. including asses,mcnt tasl-.s. Mr~ King\ Hi.,tory classes Jlso produced -.nme excellent poster<> with the use ot Com1c Lite. Y1r Estermnn nnd Mr., Gibson nrc commended for their personal success in their post graduate studies of ICT in the clas!>room.

Mrs Slwm llkt•mrwr f /nul of I /Ntl/lf


II *tiNUi!i DRAMA STAFF Mrss Drarmc McDor .1ld (H<'iid 11 [)epdrlment ). M'> Kelly Ynwrg. M ~ Emrn.J Cunully

Year 12

0 ur two wonderful Year 12 Drama classes in 2008 hove demonstrated high

standards of professionalism and commitment both on and off the stage. There certa1 r1ly has been plenty of Drama in the Drama Rooms! A packed Bowie Hall thoroughly enjoyed Lhe HSC Drama Individual Performance and Projcct Evening in June, and the IISC Drama Croup Perfmmance Evening in July.

In addition to performance work, students grappled with the academic content on the HSC Drama syllabus. The Contemporary Australian play~ of Ruby Mon11 and Still Angrln provided fabulous stimulation to perfom1ance and class dis,ussions. As did our other content topic, Irish Theatre -many a ttme could the Irish accent be heard outside the Drama Room! Both classes were taught by MsYoung. All of our Year l2 Drama students worked incredibly hard and deserve the accolades. l wish our Drama girls a life fi lled with drama of every kind!

Yeilr 11

T his year has seen the largest ever cohort ofYcar 11 Drama students - 53 students

rn total! The Year 1 1 Drama course covers all aspects of theatncal production including directing, design, performance, acting, group performance, mdivtdual performance, reviewing, and scnptwriting. The Year 11 Drama classes have attended a wide variety of live theatrical performances including OnSrage (Seymour Centre), 7's of Grirvwg (Sydney Theatre Company), The Beauty Quee11 of L.emane (Wildfire) and Worm'll nfTmy (Sydney Theatre Company). Many of our Year 1·1 Drama students have been active members of the Glen Street Subs Club.

Many of the Year 11 Drama s tudents were also involved in the fabu lous Year 11 Play~ 771e Brady Bunch (four episode" of the original series­with permission from the origina l \>\'liter and Paramount Pictures USA!) directed by ~~iss McDonald wh1ch played to packed audiences in Bowie I !all m June, and was rhen offered a return season at the professional theatre at Star of the Sea Theatre in Manly in August. The Year 11 Drama students performed in the Drama Showcase in October, enthralling the audiences with the sophistication of thdr theatrical skills in individual and group performance work. All three Year 11 Drama classes have been taught by Miss McDonald and they have been delightful to work with - their performance and theatre work have displayed their fabulous talent and passion.

22 'fEAR BOOK 2008

Year 10

Y ear 10 Drama students con!>nliuated their dramatic siJllc;, wilh a pJrticular

emphasis on comedy. We begun \vilh a unit on Shakespeare m l~rformancc allowing us to rreahvely interpret Shakespearean work many wav including movement, music, rap, duologue and scene. We abo studied the absurdist play 77H' Raid rrima Dmmn, invoking plent) of puzzkd laughter in the Drama Rooms. We U1en lnokcd at contemporary romedy such as Kath t-r Kim, and then traced back to comedic roots to the Italian masked comedy of the cnmmt'dia dell'artc. We finished the year with polihcal theatre which many mtercshng d1scussions nnd pcrfom1;mccs. Our Year 10 Drama students <:~re Pncournged to sec mainstream productions and be uwolvcd m outside school shows. AJI Year 10 Drama students were taken to the lovely Sydney Thcatrt• Company produchon of Rnmro and /11/it·t at the Sydney1 heatrc Company. A terrific year of Drama!

Year 9

F or ncarlv all Year 9 studen ts, thi'i year has opencJ their eyes to the wondcrtul world

nf Drama! It's been fabulous to sec ourYenr 9 Drama students gain sn much self con fidl•nce in their own performing abihti~!>, and to !cam how to work in group situations. In Year 9 Drama students art• involved in imprcwio;atinn, play building, ~cript annh'!-11!>, group-devised performances, voin• and movement skills, non rcal1stic skills and theatrical history -o1ll through a vancty of practical, experiential and theory work! Year 9 have also discovered the joys of logbook work and were all taken to The Zeal Theatre Companv's production at the Sydney Theatre Comparw. A very special group (along with ~1iss McDonald) ach.1olly met Cate Blanchett and Andrev\' Upton nn a photo shoot ao.. v.·e did a behind the scenes tourlThank you to Ms'tbung and Mis~ Conolly for inspiring our 'tear 9 drama queen$!

Brigidine Drama OnStage

F or the second time, Bngtdine Drnma entered a tewm an the Wakakirri

Performing Arts Festival. At the NSW Stale Final at the Bankstown Performing Arts Centre, mar fantastic team of Ellie Biles, Snphit• Brindle, Mille Brovvn, Eliil Vawdrcy, llannah Goodwin, Sami Manson, Genwit•w Danccl, Rebecca O'Brien, Alex Hooper and Rcbecca Chundler dazzled the judges wilh their perrormancl' called i tdal/umt. The girl., had spent man] hours rchcarsang with Mi:;s McDonald 111 wrihng, dev1sing and d1recting th1s 11erformance The judges commented that their pertormc:mcc was "htghly onginal, wi th fnbulous chnmcterisation, amazing usc t1f the props, extremely relevant and super cffectiw" and awardeJ the performnnce two gold nntl two silver medab.

T would nlso like to congratulate our Year lJ Drama students who perlormed at the AHIGSA competition at SantJ S..1bina in September. Georgia Bnvlc, Sydney Eismen, Lindi Van [{hijn, Bronte Phtllips, and Chloe Gillespie performed a o;cJf-devi<.ed pieCl' called Short and Sweet. These girls wmte and perfom1eu their own group performance, and competed again<;l much oldt>r '>tudents. The girls were wondt•rful ambassadors for Bngidme Drama.


I tIS twt uncommon to find Drama te<Jchcrs at Brigidinc working \vith our Drama girls after

school and on weekends. We are so fortunate to work with such passionate and motivated studenLs. And, d cour~e, evervonc loves to wear their Drama Blacks around the school!

The Drama .;;tafl have been busy th1s year, especially as the numbers clcctmg Drnma mcrease each year. I <ip<'nt ::! ~ weeks J ISC marking all over the state a wonderful professional development cxperit>nce. Ms Young and I marked HSCTrial perf11rmanCL'S in a varietv oi '>chools including St lgnutius Riverview, Shore Sd1ool. MatL'r Maria Warriewood, Rosc,.ilJe College. William Clarke College and Castle Hill High. I have been involved in lecturing at the Sydney Universaty IISC Dramn Dny as well as runn1ng workshop<; for Drnma teacher ....

We h::wc also be~n bh'S'>t.>d to have a terriAc c;tudcnt teacht.•rin th~ Drama Dcpnrtmentlhis year. Chri<. Rulhertord (Sydney University) in Term 2 was a wondcrtul pract1tioner and made a .;;igrnficant contnbuhon to the Drama Department through his in\'Oivemcnt as assastant director for 71tc Brad1t Bu11ch.

Thank you to my wonderh.Jlly <>upportivc colleagues this year. Drama is a demanding subject but we arc truly blessed to have such passionate und energetic students whose love of Drnma makes our JOb such a 1ovt

\Ita} your lives be filled , ... ~th Dramn! Remember that aJl tht.' world's a '>lagc .. ..

:V!J~~ D1annc \kDonald 1/mtl n/ Otlllllr1



B ngidine students .1chieveJ impres-.iH' re..,ulh m the 2007 HSC In Standnrd

l·ngh'>h. -18% of our L.mdidates ach1ewd Band.., 5 and 6 Thl' '>tJtc a\crage \\.1'> 1%. 1-.avln Barakat and Nnta.,ha Nl\on were listed m tlw Bonrd of Studie., Ment L1st ns the) nth!L'\'cd a mark over ')()!}u Only .07 percent of Stnndard student<~ m \:SW accompiP .. hcd th1s

In ·\dvanced Engli'>h, :W0 1> of Bngid1m• .. tudcnt.., achieved a Band o. The State a' erage \~ils quo. In Extens1on One English, 73C}o of our candidnte!> aLhii?WU the top band. The State average was 22%.

Our 'tear 10 studcnh gJincd impressive results in the School C.ertihcate ExaminJilon w1th <;~"ro of students bemg placed in the top t\\ o bands. The State .. wcrnge wJs 33%

1\ h1ghlight of the \Car was the annual Public ' Cnmpetitiun. EVI.'l) studen t from 'l<.•.tr 7to l l composL•d .md presented a spcL•ch Jnd the two be.,t "Pl'Jkl'f'> lmm each da.,s pnrtu.:ipated in the Pubhl I vcning (jm full rc'Jiflrt St't' unl J>tlgc J

111L'rl' were o.;everal mcur..,1ons and excur'-ltlO., throughout the yt>,11. StudL•nt., from Yt>a r 7 to 11 participated in wmbhops on poet!)' with Mileo; Merrick and ..,Jttrl' with Tug DLrnk>y. Student-. also learnt mme Jbou t the techmquL'" usL•d m ftlm makmg through participation an J ,, called ·The Filmmaker's Toot.. H.

'lt•ar 12 student., attcndl.'d a live performam~· of Mtchacl Gow's pia\, ,\way.

I hank vou to all mcmbl•rs of the Engli'ih -.taff tlll thctr expertise and love ilf literature.Thonl.. \Oll to the students lor thL•t r l'nthusmo.,m and Jili~L'nce.

Mt Brl'lt llamson /le-ad nj E11gllsh



Year 11 Flnall<;ts. w1th Kathenne PucJlrOJ the Ovt.:r dl W>nner at lett

Year 10 Finalists

Englis h Public Speaking Fina ls

C ongratulatiom. to oil those who participated in the Englbh Department

Public Speaking Finals on Thursda) 2hl Augu!>l 2008. All the speakers' presentations were of a very high standard. M1s::. lina Jedrzeczyk (Class uf 2004) was the Guest Speaker. !ina spoke with great persp1cuity, outlining how her public speakmg experiences at Brigidine CoiJcgc have been invaluable m both her university and corporate careers. Other guests included eighteen ex Brigidine students who adjudicated the competition. 1\JJ these ex-students commented on lhe students' enjoyment of the competition and the insightful ness of their speeches.

Special thanks also to I>at Moran, a former long serving sluff member of the school, for his support of the competition throughout the years and to the English Department and especially, Mr Brett llarrison, who organised this mosl successful event.

I Lighly Commended: Sr~mll Capmrei!L, Niwllc Harcomlw and I..nun'll Rrc£'

Winner: Elsa Cllnpple

• Yl•ar t!

Hrghly Commended: Ermly fngli::lt, Raclu•l Petherbndge mzrl Ellrn TltOIIIiJSOII

Wmncr: Nicola O'Neil

• Year q

llighly Commended: Tttm Dingle, Monislm [dirrwira and Da111cll£' Rice

Winner: Georxia Bnyh'

• YNr lll

Highly Commended: Slmmmlt Co111tl'l/, I Jmwnlt Pearce and Tt.1ltlia Woo

Winner: Slrrl/111011 Baker

• ) car 11

Highly Commended: Cmmn Mcl~o/1ic, Corinne O'Sullivan mul 1\111111 "(r;soc

Overall VVinncr oi the Englbh Department Public Speaking Competition wn!. Kat!Jmll£' Poclm1 who spoke on the topic"Shalll Compare Thee?"


II Mi.JiiMti LANGUAGES STAFF' Mrs Anr1enkHit M1t I e I l l iead of Detklrl "flt'rl), Mrc; Julia B•·vrul M1 S Mar1;J ld< k<;r>fl, Mr [to clr or PIH·Idn, Ms Arr1 Jnti.J Angela M Evand Russo, Mr DJv'tl Cl1ant

A rrroximately 440 ... tm.lents studied Italian and I or French this year.

LmguJges teachers mcorporated energy and innovation into our teaching and learning stratcgres. We attended many inservices th1s year to keep up to date \~1th the latest trends and information about the svllabus. We have been blcs~ed to bl' able h) acquire variou-. re:-.ourc~s, such as book'>, fl,,~hcard-., gamt>~, CDs, DVD~. magazines, etc. We have books \\.ith ICT components to comrlemcnt o.,tudent learning and tn dr.'vclop their listcnmg, speaking, reading und writing -;kills. Girl5 sat the NJUonal Assessment of Language Competence tests in Augu<;t. Our results have bt>en exct>llent.

We offer -.tudcnts rn all year-: a "taste" ol the target language, both culturally and with tooJ. Ycat 7-. ate canolli I p.:11n au chocolat, Yl•nr Hs gelatos I crOissants, Year ':Is antipasto I escargots, Years 10 and ll had lunch, Year 12s lunch I afternoon tl•a.

Culturally, 'rears 7 and l:l celebrated "Carnevale" in February by makmg the1r own masks whtch have been put on dt~play in SY2. Year 8s expenenced a Languages Dav which 1ncluded Drama workshops in rrcnch I Italian. Year ':Is had "Commedia Deli'Arte I Leap into Language French Drama wnrk5hop. Yeor lOs had Lear into Language Italian workshop I AJJjance Fran~ai<..c visit, Year 11s vjsitcd Leichhardt I Alliance franc;aise, Year 12!- attended mock '>pt• .;J...ill~ examination practrce. Italian and ~wnch "as.,istante~" helped llUr seniors throughout the yeOJr lo perfect the1r <> skills because they arc reqUired to llucntly and confidently speak to an IISC examiner lor 10 minutes in the target lang-uage.

2t' YEAR 8001\ 2008

ln the 2007 HSC Italian Continuers Ex<Jmm<JHon, Emily Gentle achieved 4th place in the stale. AI a prc~cntalion night at Dol tone House, Pyrmont, the Dtrcctor of the Italian Consulate pre!>enled her with a retum trip to Rome.

I wish to thank OJJI of the Prcnch and Italian languages teachers fur their commitment in providing -.uch an enjoyable nnu enriching environment for their -.tudenh.

~ lr:-. Annemanc tvhtchel I !carl o( l.wrgua~l's

.i . 27


T hb year ha., seen a continuation nf the development of ~he libr.-ny tnto a multi

functioning ~pace. Of course re"earch and support of lhe College curricu lum remains our pnmary function, however, we also !;tnve to be a gallt>rv space where the fruits o t the education the girl:> receive at Brigidine can be :;hared throughout the College popu lation.

Before !.Chool and at lunch times continue l<l be llUT hus1est limt' with olten not a spare ch<ur or computer to be had. And as I walk around thl•librJrv nnd lnfo-lnb. all of the wrls arc busv on work related tasks.

One of the mosl upprcdatcd aspects that the library offers 1s a area for the work partlcubrly ol the Visu<1l Arts t-,'lrls. Our walls <.~nd alwavs covered with their works ­painting, drawing:-., photographs etc. Visitors to the CollegL' (Jften comment on theM~ dbplays. Of course Wl' certainly c.mnot forget the annual displav of the Carnivale Mi:bks from the girls ~tudying Italian After tht>Year 7 Reflection Uil) we wen• very fortunate to have the gtrl'> l"ricm.bhip f-igurl'" adorning the rear wall 0f the library which were fabuJous. We have also been hosts to the History and Science dl'p<1rtnwnts. All of thest• arl' great avenues to show to a w1der audience whnt is being done m the cbssrooms Jt the Coll~gc and JUSt how talented our ~rl s arc.

We took th1::. nne '>tcp turthcr thi.., Yl'ilr with the "Last FnJ.:~y in the Library" project. This prog-ramme was ongmJIIy to be held on the IJ;,t Fndav o t each mnn th however 1 t hns been :oo ~uccessful that we hove had a function nenrlv e\ cry Frida\ since its unplcment.:~tion. \Vhat WL' arc doing i., offering tlw library as a pl'rflln11<111Cl' SJ1,1l:t' for the f;irl::, illlU :O,(l far Wl'

have h.1d:

• Promolions for the College Mus1cal

• Promotion-; fo1 the DrJma Nights

• A guitar extravaganta

• Year 12 .\-lu..,1c Recital :md Drama 1\.>rtorm,mct'

• Tht..' Staff/Student lkbatc

• Presentatinns bvYear J 1 ;md 12 Vi!:>ual Art students explaining their works

• A presentatam by the Ammnl \Vl'lfarc Group

• rhe Scil'llCe Club prL''>l'lltillJOn

• And mm.t ~pcctacu l arly, <1 gymnu1>tic display b\ a group of) r 7 girl'>

The response to these perlorm<1nces ha1> bec11 nothing short of amaL1ng with the library to the mfters for each perfonnance.

b YE:Af BC!OI<. /lll 11:1

Soml' might queslion whether these arc appropriate functions of a library h1 )\WVt'r mv vit'w is that tlwy ilfC powerful awnue~ to nul only affirm lhl· performl'l"!:> in rrnnt of thei l peL'~"'> but <1lso to show the Judknce

a) wha t their pl•ers arc capable of

b) what they can a 1m lor, and

c) gcnerallv promote various Coll t•gl' departnwnts and t11L'ir !:itaff and the Co Curricular activities

J h0pc that we \>\i ll be able tlJ cnntmue thi., programmL' next yeM and further plans are ,,foot to larry the library m1t of its four wJib intn the widt>r Collegl' community but more ol that later!!

.\lr Allen Lilrk'rs f {,·ml n(ltlllllll/

MATHEMATICS ••li'Mi STMF Mr MiliH•Ifililt' Itt> dPtrit-'p.rln>r'l Mr Jlll11131d es Mr l nka 1 10tildll111 M K.J IPI ll111 11 1 re MrPatrrr H b JJWn Mr(,rcgJ hr

M l '> M.rr• L I rlsdy Mr· I I Mdy, Mr t;t ..... Mt!'(l r Mr l~r· s lllllltt. t ··lr I, Mr<, B'ldl l 'ih.w IJ (1-, I• II J j( • j M• Mt Vt ( I I r. rr l'

I f nothing el'ie 200R, wa!> al lc<Jsl an eventful year numerically It wa<; an cvt>n

nlll11b(•r; divisible by 4 '>0 i~ was an Olympic year; 1l hnJ only 4 f<Jctms (l hope Year 7 srur.icnts check this!) and the stock ma rket figures chnngcd dramahcn llv!

MD thematically, the )Car con tinued nt pace

• The HSC result~ which came out nt the end of 2007 cwnlcd J wonderful beginning for 200R. Students' re~uJ is were partirularlv pleasing with al l four couro.,es recording high~r than the ~tatt' awragt~.

• Computer usc continued to be included in lc~sonc; when appropriate, a-. nt.'w t:;Oftvvarc <tnd computer ba!>Cd acti vitic~ became avnilable

• ~!M..J was again the o;;rt'nt' ror before school MJthcmntics tutoring each Tuesday morning. This vear Mr Hobsbawn and Mrs Lindsav offered to lead thb h.ri tion service and I thanJ... them for giving up their Lime ln help the studenls whn attendeu. Over the year there wt•rt' a few rcgulnr .:~ttcnueeH taking advan tagt' of this wonderful learning opporh.mity aml sessiom were usuall) fu ll tn over0owing pri\)r to any as:-,c~sment:;

• The Mathematics Olvmpiad was undertaken by t\lr Hobsbawn\ 'tear 8 l iJss 1 hi:-. year. Cla!>ses of <.ruJents across the Stale participate in this competition. While five qlJestions in half an hour on five sepMJte occasions over Terms I. 2 and 3 might not seem tno demanding, the slvle of question<. ha~ contmucJ to be challengmg. Congratulations to the g~rls tn this class for continuing to smile w h1lc being presented with this mathematical contest. The top achieving ~h.1 dent. ~A.'ith a score of 15 was Stephnnic Kim.

• 113 ~tudcnts from Years 7 to 11 pa1llcipatcd m the Westp.x Maths Competition l'arly m Term 3. ka 1 12 chose tn miss the competition ,1:, tt clashed w1th the Trial ex<1m 111alion ....

'1 he sn•denl<, who achieveu Dh,tinction .:llvards ~A.e rt•:

Year 7 - Rachel Hcllvcr, Year 8 Stephanie Kim, 1\nn Matthias, Jessica Squires, Rebecca Iacono. Yea r 9 - Alana Gibson, Year 10 - Chlnl' flre nnan, Eli~l', Niushil Kha .. toui, Year 11 - Hayley Ret'ves, Laura Lyneh, !Ja Presroll

i\ 5latislic.:~l breakdown of 1>ur student:,' achievement~ th1 ., vear·

Y7 YS Y9 YlO Yll ·-1--

Distinchon l l 1 3 3 t--· - t-Credit 19 2-l 16 ~ 1

- - -t-Proficiency R 1 7 '1 2

ParticipntlUn 2 1 1 3 3 -- L....

rhc Pn.1dcnce Award is awardl'd to the ..;tudcnl who achieves the hight!~l number of con!->ecutive que'>Liom. correct. starting from question 1. independent of wh ich year the studen l i'> t'nrolled . This year, the Prudence 1\vvnrd h<1" been won by Stephanie Kim in year ~ who answered the firs ! 12 qucst.wn~ correctly. Cont,'inrulation'> Stl'phamC'!

Thank you to all the wondt.>rful tt•achers. While many cnn-:1dcr ~caching tu be a dernandmg profco;sion, Leach ing Mathematics seem'> to need a special type t1f person and Jll these tC'achcr~ nrc> dehnitcly specml.

I 'o.,lcript: The long service lca\c which N1r Meyers tooJ... in Term ..J turned in iP a deparrure as Mr \tleyer-; ha'> chu~en to pur">uc lL'achmg awav from o;chools lie and a friend hJve sel up a coachmg business.

1\lr ~ lid1<:wl l ~1l nw

/lt•t!tl 1•{ .'\ 1111h•·r111111r~


M•liMi MUSIC Sl AJT Mr 'iRI'ifYIItiovd(Hti!O<Jf i Jer~1rlrnerr l } MrslornaH..:ti i i'EHIPATEfiCSTAff Mr Jullrlt AlldJI Mr:.~Jt.~I II VHIIHIV>~ M<; K llr it-llKifl~ Mr p,, lf MllfC II')() I Ms l<.a lrrrlil I Jpal 0 Mr Malt r~ooerts Mr Ar rJrew WJII!'fl, Mro:s Ill I Wrlli,WJ!>lll l

2 008 music activities bcg:m with our wonderful production of Rodgers and

Hammer..,tem ·~ "Cintlerella". !\Iter many rehearsals it was great to sec such n successful and entertJming pertonnancc on stage Congratulotions to all th~: c<J~t. orchestTa and crew, and a huge thank you to all the staff and parents who worked tirelessly behind the scene::..

Our talented student ... olobts and ensembles have performed at a number of functions including the Mu~ic Cabaret Evening. Opening Mass, Open Dnv, Spotlight on Music Concert, and a varietv of College ami community event~. The Concert Bnnd achieved a Cold Award at the Yamaha BanJ fe..,tival anJ along with the Choir, entertained the residents <Jt Knri Court Retirement Village. TI1c String En!>emblc perfonncd for the opening of the Art Exh1b1tiun, it is wonJerfu l to see our girls shnring their talents with such generosity and enjoyment Our Music Cabaret Evenmgwasa special ewnt, teaturing intemation<~lly renowned flautist, Jane Ru H:er, who performed at the concert nfter giving the student!> a mastcrdas!. in the aftermmn .

The Music Club ha~ enJoyed a new influx ol members under the leadership of Eleanor Chandler nnd Kate Boyd (both Year 12) who have led tht• WO) bv the1r oubtanding participation in Choir, Conct>rt Rand, :Vlusical and Mu~ic Camp.

At the time ol pnnling we are busy prepanng to1 the aud 1tinn~ for next ye<~ r's musical, "Oliver", o:-. well iJS Cr<Jndparmt's D<~y.

Thl.'rl.' is never a !>hortage of performancl' opportunitie~ at Brigidjne!

Amidst all this, the ci<Jssroom musu: lessons c:onhnue, w1th electi,·e music classes enJO)-ing the Music Computers and programs lo ns~Ist in their compnsititm .;kilb; and jumur classes d1splaving their ::.kilb on guilars. keyboards <1ml glocken~pids.

Congmtulattons and thank you to all the girls who have participated in rnus1c activihc~ throughout the year; the College is certuinly a more musicu l pluc<' with your help. and your C'\pericncL' at schl)OI much richer.

fhank vou also to ~drs Lorna Hnll, whn~r.> unfnilrng encouragement and asststancc help to make all these aclh~lies poss1ble.

\ 1 r-. l<o<; I \11 lln\ d I J, ·tld nf \ Ju,h

~~ 1 fEAR BOOK - 08

Sting Ensemble

Concert Band


.i. 31

i4f+i.li311 PD HP E TAif M · h> 8;M• H d ll!•·tmlmf' r') M1'i K I• l~r. 1 1 iii Mr I l1H1nil Kr per Mr /\1 v ylJa

Mr'> ll I AllrH Har1~. ~t' (f'vkl»rrr y l 1 ~v·") Mrs Grld M<~lllllil ' M 1l'r r lv l1 wei

W ith thl' Olympic spirit in ru11 Oavour at the hmc of writing this report,

om Jcp<~rhllcnl rs ubun with lunch lrme viewtng ol the competition finnls. mter cla~s competi lrons and the Yr 7 tlag design comp~·tition.

This vcar has ..,CI..'n the intwductiun of Physrcal Actrvtty {PA) lessons rnlo Years 7 to 10 nlese lessons have allowed students Lo enJOY incidental movement and structure pluv with much en thusiasm. The additional actrVltie-. that student!> have been involved in through PA le~sons mcluded· juggling lt•ssnns, ballet dance and boxercise, Latin American dance, cricket NSW instruction dmics, just to mention a few.

Year 7: How wonderful rt has been to see the ..,omcwhat shy and re~ervcd new arrivals blos!.om into lovely young ladies over the year. They haw ... tudico; ccntrt>d on getting to know themselve:, und others hetter.

Year 8: The early unit on fir~t aid proVlded an informative and practical focu:; for the stnrt to tht' w.:~r. The girl., are now well prepared to managl' any injul)· Lhal may occur. At the condusron nf the nutrition unit all ... tudl'nt!-. were abll• to Ut''ilf.,'Tl a health\' lunch What a lovely urruy of lunche~ there were.

Year 9: AL the time or writing Lhe students arc invoi\Lxl in AFL coal·hing clinico., which have proved very l'njoyablc for the girb, and lhey huvc benefited from the expcrt~c of coaches from NSW AFL. Man~ have yuc<;tioncd why there i~ no locnl compclrhon for girls? [n thetr lhl'ory lcss{lns, they haw been exploring dJScrunination LSsues which were tied into the P.Jrolympico.,, where !.tudent~ viewed the John t-.lcLcan on dis.:'lbtlity awnrcness.

Year 10: Thio., year we rc l'rdercd the uniL<> t'f study which proved mnrc o.,u rtnble for the <.tudent~. The year k1ckt'd off with driver safety and the hazard perception issues that voung dri\iers can fnce. One student's comment was "l had no rdea thnt we had to deal with so mony issues when driving". The \'bung Women's hl•ullh issue assignmmts wert' terrific and demonstrated the wonderful rcsmrrceti.tlnc-.s of o;n many of om stud en b.

l't\SS: Has seen the students learn about the anatomv l1f their body !>lructun.' and hmv it applies to movt'ment. They have explored the different [..,sue!> ol Women in Sport and Lhe ~hunging p(•rcepHon" over lime The practical lesson~ involved activities including nlcl.. climbing. golf, surfing ,md volleyball.

'lear 11 & 12: ll1e intensity of knowlt•dge .-.nd w1derst.:mding of ll1l' mntent ccrtainh increase~

tEAR BOOK 20u8

when in the ...cnior -;chnoi.The gJrls have proved thcm~lvc" by taking on ch.-rllcnges and they h.cwc produced clear and conose responses dunng in dtl.Ss and nssrgnmcnt tasl..s, preparing them...clves for depth .-rnd brcndth of the 1-lSC Course Svllabus.

\1<: )11 H.lh.l'r llrari1V PDI/JlE.


I n wh,ll has agam been a H'IV hu'>\ \t.'ar fnt tht• 'ktt•nn•Department. \H' wl'lnllnt•d

Mrs Wright into the teaching ~L.ll l 1\trs \Vnghl tt-pliln''> Mrs Reed who rt•tirt•d .11 the t'nd nf'lcrm 1 \Vc \\tsh f\lr, Rt•ed ,1long .:md ad\'cnturnu-, hrne aftt'r O\t'r h\i.:l1t\ \l'Jr., ,11

Bngtdtnt' < )ur Sci~:nce Club nmtmut•s to allrild .. tud~:nt<. .1t lundltlmt'' int11 \,lliou.., t'\Cthng ,1nJ t•ngaging .1Ch\ tltt''-, orgJJW·t·d

and ... upt'f\ N'J b) ~Irs C.h.1plm .md l\ 1r' \Vnght A.:~lloon and ( f\'.,till gr<l\\ mg prow to bt.• popular 111th the dub!

In Augu'>l, " vidt•nconfcren~.:c wtth .:t

rt•pa•o.,t'tll,ll iw trom tht• Chtldrt'l1'- f\ h•dir.1l Rt•..,t•arth ln.,titute Jt \'\'cstmt'•ld "·'" lwld 111

thl''l. StuJents trom kJr 'I \\l're ,1bk• to a-.k qut•..,tton., .mJ ·variou' topiC'> I rom gt•rwtlc dt'>l'•l'-t'" Ill cures tor cancer and fl'<'l'l\'l .1n rmmt.•dtate answer from a n.',ll pt.•rson ~t•ntor studt•nh who Wl.'n:' .1mong the nb"t'f\ t•r.., ot tht• \'tdt•oconfcrcncc ,,·ere mo.,t tmprt''-"ed mth lhl' depth nt knnwledgt• C'\11.k·nt lw the ynungt•r o.,l\1\.l,•nt<.' t)Ul'stion~

'J he Un tvcrsil\ of New South \Vull•o, ~ucncc Compt•t ttton again proved to bt• " st tl'fl'"" tor man\ ol our ~ludento., in '\t.•,,,... 7 to Ill, with 22 bl•tn~ J\'vurdeJ Dt..,tHKltnrb ,llld Philltp.l Rt't'\l''- oi )car 8 achtt'\ mg .1 Hsgh f)to.,lt11dl011 lor the '>CCcmd \l'Jr nmntng

I xcursi'm" to \anouo.. deo,tinahons mdudmg the lntJI bu-,hland, Mon.1 \ale bt•.Kh .1nd tht• 1'\l\\'l'rhouo.,e t>.tuscum haH• bt•,•n hdd throughout lht• WilT, w1th 'lear!{ ht•mg I rc,1tt•d to ,1"h;mdo., on" tall.. abcllll ..;n,li..l'" ,1nd tllhes rcpttlcs t•.lllil•r in tlw year. \Nith lht• itKrt'llsit1g ll'>t' ol rompull'r ledmolngy I hn tugholtl tht• progrJm-. 111 Scienre, it 1.., ::;1111 gn'ill 111 get one·s h,mds dtrh domg real h\·e t.'\pcnnwnto., and mn•.,tigattnns. Thank" a gam to our t11 11

1,1borator~ managers \tr.., Ct•rh.udt .md Mr., Dnsroll who so etftcsenth kt•t.•p thc e\JWnnwnt., rommg each da~.

1\lr l~nb F;m 1/r,ld r>/ St It 'lit • •

tiii.l36"i SOCIAL SCIENCES STAFF Mr Mat~ Hili (lieau r,! (h.!J<ltlmun1), Mr Ddt rr,•ll, 13,,1!,,sty, Mr-, Mt;lrssd Ca511. Ms M.mne C:l tfJ l l<'t lel Mr '> K<tli Cullt rm t , Mro; Mdr l tv Duye Mrs Susan G• l ">i'tl Mr~ Betsy Harvey, Mrs Lr5i'l Ka loc<.ilt, Ms MlllJ' pr Mahun. Mrs Jenny Prec;ron, Mr Rt"tfl Wever

2 008 prO\cu to bt> anotht'r very busy year in the Social Science Oepartment.

fieluwmk wa'> carried out in both semester~ and <Kross the Year groups

Year tl GeogrJphy ,;sited Torongil Zoo to ::.tudy threatened habitJts and t>ndangered species. Year 10 Elcclivc Gcogmphy was lucky ennugh to incluJe J vi!>it to the Easter Show as part of their studies in agmulture and farming. Year lll Australian Geography spent their fieldworl.. time ot Dee \1\'hy, Long Reef and Collaroy beaches inveshgating the mtcraction of the phy!>ical and human erwrronmt•nts.Year 11 Fieldwork trekked into the bush to compare the pollution level::. in 1\vo creeks, examining soil and water pH turbidity, specie:, abundance, phosphorou!> lewis and the introduction of exotic plants. Year 12 Geography clast. visited Narrabeen sand dunes a~ part of their fieldwork. s tudy on coao;tal dLrne eco<;yc;tem~ to examine, identify, measure, estimate, "kl•tch and analrse data.

Bu~iness Studies complt'ted two studies, "Big Screen Busine::.:-." anu "Fish) Business" Students <~t Narrabeen examini ng the c;rratcgit•s empiO)'l'd by Imax and Sydney Aquarium to attract \'tSitl)TS and majntain operations. Year 10 Commerce v1siteu the Downing Centre, Justice and Police Museum to partinpa ll' in a role play of Passrng a Bill and to view lhc enlorcement procedures of the l e~al !>y:,tem.Year 9 Commerce students enjovcd making substanhal profit~ a~ they operated at" Market Day".

The enthusiasm of both students and teachers rn ut1hs1ng new ICT learning resources is to be commended. 'l11ere are mony documents and actiVJlles uploaded to the Virtual Cla~~room area of the portaJ and these remain availoble ilcross lht> curriculum. tvlany nf (lur students rcgularlv submit thl•ir ,;u,signmt'nt work ilnu practice essays through the portal. These are marked aml rehrmed the same way.

I would hkc to acknow led~e the dedication <Jnd hard work of the members of the Bngidinc Sociul Science Dcparlml'nt Jnd to thank. them for their energy, involvement and ..:ommitnwnt that thl'Y have shown to all ... tudcnts.

~1r .\lurl.. lllll 1/i'tlti P(Sr'L'IIII :>Cii 'llu '~

34 Y[AR BOOK .c'OOI:~

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING M•li@iii S I Af f Mrs Betsy Harvey (I lead ol Department), Mrs l1sa Kalocsa1

T he Vocahonal Education and lrainmg (VED Department began 200!$ with

wonderful ac<:~demic news. Simone Ferguson was ranked first in the ::.tate in VE:.T Business Services in the 2007 HSC and Roxanne Cates was rankeu fourth. Spcndid rcsultsl

Students of Business Services work towards Certificate l1 in Business over their senior ycars.111is is a nalJonally recognised vocational qua lification . Congratulations to Suzanne Fumess, Hannah Littler, Ellie Millington and Jessica Wilkinson on achieving this quali6cation in 2008.

Business Services students at Brigidinc College St lves gain valuable skills while operating our Virtual Enterprise, Techno Vision. TechnoVision trades vvith a neh-vork of other Virtual Enterprise!-> throughout Australia. ·n,e students produce catalogues anu price lists for our products, receive orders, send invoices anJ bank. cheque$ as part of the1r hands-on processmg of accounts receivable. They also purchase products from our trading partners and process accounts payable documents.

Year 11, with Mrs Kalocsai and Mrs Ledlcy, undertook our second destination survey. This involved contacting all the 2006 Year 12 lcavers and askmg them to complete a questionna1re relating to their post-school transition to study and/or work.

Bolh Year 11 and Year 12 students are rcqu1red to complete mandator) wort... placement. TI1e girls have a chance to mteract with employers in the world of business and to apply the skills they have learned. Bngidine t,rirls receive glowing report~ and each year several arc offered ca>ual employment posilion~.

v1rs BetS) I !JI'\'C\

I lead <~fVomtumal fclw a lion t111d I mmwg


STAF F Mr ':> I•' Hrnwr (H('d<i [)p ntm• nl ) Mr A il lrl l di Anbel . Mr R I'> I Mr !)rrt' ~ '<lW ·'V Mr H, t>et a H I M, D1 t"r 1 1 l ~d ltny

Mrc; M1 IJr.l t H ·Ill L 11 MISJd• Wt11 Jllul Mr Ben Y11 n C:UPI'OI~ J SIAl f Mrs N k l~,Hgl f ,, j l••t ill oogy), Mr 8n0111 M1nrf 'Work',l c

T hb war Wl' ha\e addL'd on to the department the Computing subjects,

Information Softvvarc and Design amJ Information Pmccs~es and Technololgy. We have welcomed Bt•n 'ruen who tear he'> these subjects, and havt' also be<'n happy to have Deborah Ratlray come in Semester 2 to take the das!>eS prcviouslv had by Michelle Read Lom who has taken on the Carccrl> role.

Our student.., work in many diffl'I'C'n t areas involving practrcal components as well as theory work. fhC'rc rs always a constant buzz ot activitiy m the Food rechnololgy room, the Textiles rooms, the Computer rooms, and tht> Workshop. The computer Pods have abo bl.'come well u~ed in <.1ll of thel:>e area'>. Skills ~uch as pr,•paring meals featuring other culture~, meab for teenage need~, or cafe meal ... , ..,t'\ving bag ... , o;horts, p)iama ... , creative te>.lUi.? art pieces, cor-;cts, <>nginal formal wear designs, silver jl'Wcllery, clcctmn.ics, smull und large wood project'>, web design..,, mag.1zincs, archtteclural desrgns, robottcs, and software designc; arc just o;ome of the products th;lt students have worked on this vear.

We an• alway!> trving to insti ll in nur student.. the need for saict), consideration fm the envrronmcnt, and experimentation m order to striw for the best outcome m dcstgn. rherc arc ulwavs new WilYS of doing th 1ngs as \'\l' discovered thts year with om Year 10 Textile~ and Dc&ign ~tuden to;. Cor~et pattcrn!-t were made b\· \VTapping mn'> tape firm!\ around the bodv over the top of aT shirt. Thb was then marked out in panels and cut off to product' tlat pap~·r pattern~ used to cut out thl' fr:tbnc. lhl' girls rcallv l'njllyed this a.rtivity.

Excurston~ thlsvearha\e included a visit tn the "Tex~l:\ k•" display and a rendering workshop for Yenr 12 Tl'Xtill' and Dc~ign -.tudents, a visit to Kellogg ... for Year 12 food Terhnolog) student..., anu a visit to Sydney Tower for Year 11 These were all very in torma tive and pn..,rttvc cxpcncncc-. for our <;tudcn ts.

We mngratulate our Year 12 ~ll.H.Icnt::. from 2007 on their wonderful IISC re~ults and in particular, our tnree ~tudents chosen to dtspla} the1r MaJor lextiles Project<; in thC' "Te>.style" Exhibition - Christie Hultun, Camrllc Pollett, and jessica Urnola. We wish our Year 12 ~tudcnts thi~ year man) ~ucces~e~ in the years ahead.


Year 9 LST was introduced to software programming using a language eDited I ogo. l11cv en)oved 11 immenseh as tl helped them u~c their imJginJtlon to construct patterns.

~t• Y[AH [lOOK ?.nOll

pictures and scenarios <Jbout Sydnev, fireworb and the beach.

rhrs led mto the topic of Robotics where they used Lego to build and program robots of various shapes and sizes.

Some o~ the topics ~tud ied in Year 10 IST included Database Sy!:>tem», Artificial Intelligence and Authoring and Multimedia. In Authoring nnd Viulhmedin, students were verv creative musing rlash to animate scenes of their choice.

The senior coursL' Information I 'roceSSl'S and Technology (rPT) lramed stuJcnts in learning nbout technology and the infonnntion processes which make up an information svstem. In Year 11 lPT students learnt the basic tools and technologv involved, before vcnturin~ deeper into topics such a~ Communication SystC'ms and MultimedJa m pr~·paration for thl' HSC.

Many thanksag.:.1 111 mu~tgo h,ourenthusiastic and vcn· hard working fAS staff who mspirc the students to be so creative as well a:. tc,1ching them the sl...ilb required. II is alwa\;. very re\\ <1rding to see our ... tudent~ develop nt•w skills and conUdcncc in their de~igns and abil iti e~.

Mr-. 'luc Brown

llmd c'f fA-"


• I'NiMH VISUAL ARTS STAFF M'i Lu Bu kit y {t l t>dO or I..Jepartm~ntl Mrs L 1< rl e F ory M~ K1 ren Tayl r Mr BrO<ll · Byrn Mr Ph I Donnson. Mrs Jo O'Cor nell (Art A 1stanll

T he highhght th1., year \'\'as tht• Annual \ 1sual Arts, \'t..,uJl Deo.;ign and

Photograph, bhib1hnn dunng Tenm 3 The e>.h1b1t1on was opened b\ Art1.,t and Educator MIChJel ke1ghcr\ m the Romuald \ tsual Arto.; Cl•ntre "tudl'nt\ artwort..s from 'tears 7 11 were C'-hlbtted along '"'1th the highlights of the I ISC. 'Bodie., of Work' reflecting thl' culmmiltam ol .,kills dC'vdopcd mer the1r yeilr~ nt stud,"ing Jt Lhl' College. It is a rewarding e'perienet' for the <,ludl•nb, teacher-. and parent., who hJvc all wnrkcd hard together to achieve these excellent artworks. The BngiJine College St. lves Collection pri.!e was awarJctl this year to Alex Summers for her II.S.C. Body of Work htled"God bin thl' Det;11l".

The use nf new rned1a .,uch il" Jigital photograph\ and cnmputl'r generated artwork., are .:trl'J'i mrrt•ac,mg m populantv. "tudent.., arc utilizing these facthhes for their final productions anJ Jlso tn hdp ''1th their procesS('<; for plannmg pamhng-;, dra\\1ngs and other traditional art lonms An excursion at the bt.>g~nmng ofTcnm I to the Art F'presc, e>.hibttions at The College of Fme Art., and llle

18 Y[ AR BOOK /008

--Art Galle!') of NC\ .. South Wall.., msptwd and enthused the studenb to t:onhmll' \\ith their own Bod~ of\\nrk anJ , fnr grl',lt n:,ulh'

Mr~ Barrs, Mr. P.wnt.', m\st.>ll and 'll•ar I I students embarkl.'d nn the annual trek dm' n south for the Bundannn Art Camp: ,, few davo.; in thi-. tranquil emironment, rl'ktndhng thl· human spirit and connecting w1th nature tn create artv.:orks. Arthur and YHmm• Bovd'-. adjoining properhe'> ot Bundannn and R1versdale gwe our -;tudents the oppnrtunrt\ to meet arttsts m rcs1dL'Ill'L' and to p.1tl1rip<lll' in workshops and tours run by thl' l'du(ation officers. This 1ncludes J VIsit to Arthur Boyd's studio to where they Jived. rhcir home IS lull of arhvorks made bv gcnerattons ol thl' Hovd famll). Our students alw,ws rl'tnl•mbl.•r the Bundanon Art Camp a-. one ol thl'lr most memorable school c'perienccs

'tear 10 Visual Art student-. "Pl'llt thl' war drawmg. painting and o.;culptmg. using thl' human fonm as '>Ubtect m,llter An l'>.t:Ur'ilon to the Brett \\'hitdc\ Studiom Sum· I hils w,1-. also great inspiration for a bundll' ol dr,n' mgs the) completed at the .,tud1o t-.kanwhlk''li.'ar lOVisual Des1gn student.. attended a k~turl'

and l''<hlbthon at The Po\'\Crhou~ Museum during 5\'dne\ Dc!tign 08 Festi\"ill

kar tl \ 1sual Art and \'1sual DL'Sign o.;tudL•nts ha\c \vorkcd in a w1de range ol lonm-. trom wcarabk• art, pamting. coUagc, dra\,ing and d1~t.1l1magmg. While the focus for our'll.'.tr 7 and 8 <ttudL•nts ha., been on de' t.>lnpmg -.k1Jl.., 111 both the artmaking. historical and critical pr.ll tiu•

During 200H we had a tew changL'S w1th our staff. ~tr .. Bvm .. • joined our department to teach Visual Arts to Yl'ars 7 and 8. Mr~ Flon· h<ld hl't long ~ervicL' lenvc during Term I und wt• wcrl' fortunate to hm e Mr~ Pay 11l' JOin our deportment again Mrs Taylor will bl' matcm1ty leave from Tcnm 4 rinallv. 1 thank 111} colleague~ for tht.>ir cnntnbuhon'i in hclpmg our students achieve the1r g<1al~ 111 bccommg mlonmcd and talented art 'itUdl'nh.

\I". lu Buckk'\' lfr•ad fl} \ 'Null 1\rt~


S fll'Ct,ll f.duc.1tton hi~!. under~~~m· ~Otnl' d1,mg1"• a-. 111 this •ear ,md, unhJ...l' thL•

glob,ll lm.1nual Lrio.,is, the fututl' n( S~wc t nl

I·Jucatinn .1 t Btihtidinl' has a positive prl'Lhrtiun tor .,ttnng h'nlwth

Dunng tlw )l'•lT ~peetal EJucntinn L'ng.lgL•d two tll'\\ ll',Khl•r-. t\.!i;.., Glon.1 f\•nn (~pl'Ct,ll

l.dul,llton - Ot....:~bilthe.,) .mJ t-.b I hen~"L' ~ulh\.111 (Spl'Ltal Educaltun - IL•amtng OtlltLUhtl''>). rlw LoUcgL' "l'kotnl';. the .. e h-.o ll:,lL hl•r-. JnJ looJ...s ion.,nrd to 1org111g ,1 o.,lrong relatiOnship with tlwm and thl' tt ~llt lk·nts Bnth teacher-; h.1w -.tMIL'd to e>.knd thetr :-.tudl•nts bcvond thea ;,:omlort Zlltll'"' ,llld h,l\'l' commenced achtevmg IL'sttl t<. wdl Pl'\ond those prc\~otLslv Jtt,lllll'd.

ror thiN.' \\'hll nla\ be nL'\\' Ill thl' lP)k•gc wmmunil\ and theretol1' uniJmihM to the nll'l:h.mtl"' ot Spl•oal Education, tht'> Jrl'<l 1lf L-dULJhPn L'mbCJCl'S those ~h.tdl'nts ,.,·hose L\.illlJtinnJI nL>cJ-. cJnnnt be tulh· JttanlL'I.i m thl• tn.Hno.,tw.un d.1ssroom \\ith Cl'!.opl'l t to tlw-.L' stttdL•nh Llis.lhtlilK"> and/or lcJmmg dtffkulttl">

Tlw .m\1 ol Special Educahon (l.l'•1mmg Suppotl) dtllcr!'> from Sp~·l·t,11 FdtKJtinn (J>i-..lbtlttil'-.) tn th.1t Learning Support I!-> ,1 "L'I"\ tn• th.1t prm1Jcs support (l'itlwr 111 d.hs or out ol d,t-.-.) ltl enhance leammg tt dtlhntlties h.1\l' b...·l·n pnlfl'..,..,tonalh .lS"L...,st•d. llo\\l'\'l'r, Spl'U,11 T.dur,11ton (IJisabilitie-.) ..... 1 "'PL't·ifit' L'dur.1tton,ll dtrL'dmn that • ., prm tdt•d tor stud~.·nt.., h,,, '-' bcl'n assL'"""d '' tlh rntld to mndt•r,llt' mtdlcctual Ji.,Jbiltllt'"· <;tudl'nt-. Jrt• pro\tLkd wtlh etlhct w1thdrawal k-o;son.., 0 1 wtth <111 atdl.' to suppurt tiW~l' studl..'nl., in Jtlatntn~ tlwtr personJI best in e.1ch nl ht'r '>llbje~t .lrl'<l'•

\\'ith rt'"'PL'l t to lht• cducJtiorMI nmtt•nt "tlhm Spl't:tJI Educatinn l>ts,1bilttie-.. mo ... t progr.lmmcs run p.lTalld Ill thn.,L' m lll.llll'>trL'.Hn but with modih1 .lttons, tommnnh L'ndm,mg Ltfc SJ...ills ouh.:mnco,

I he fulliCL' ol SpeCial Education ,11 Bttgtdtnc "'tll wnttnuc ltl pw~rer thert•by pte I\ iding lh t• be ... t pos-.rbk• l'ducatwnal l'\Pl'rll' ll l't' for allot tlw p.utn~.·rs mvolved; studt•nlo,, p.1n•nh .md t~.•.ldll'r-.

A nnll' ot th.mb ,., in order tu .111 ot thiN' peN mnl'l '' h1, hJ\ 1.' prm idcd to.1U p.l ... t, prt·~·n t .1nd nlrTL'Ilt o,tudenh of ~pl'Oilll :dlll.\lhnn.

\Its, { .lon.t l~nn

"I~' rcr// dw tit IIIII 1, tic hrt



C<~tion-. to Flcanor lh.1ndkr, Catril>nn Daly, 0Jrc Kc1ghcry, Fclicit)

LittkwooJ, Chailoltl' ClwL'n and Ulivia Rolleslon. Thc.;;c studcnh hJvc been part of the Ilonours Programme for the last five years Jnd have met all the requirements to graduate ill the St•ntnr LL'vei.Tiwy have 1eceived then Honours I ines and \·\'i ll grc1duak with an Jlonours Medal Jt the t\nnuJl Presentation of Award:. and Prize~.

OurYear 8, 9 Jmi 1ll students have been in tratning tor tlw Future ['roblt?m Solvmg Prof{mm (FPSP). Th1s yea1, rour teams lrom Ycarc, i.J and 10 were t•ntercJ into the FPSP Cnmpdi tinn.'lc> our delight, two Year LJ team~

WNL' invited to attend the Australian Final nf the Competition in Melbourne. The girl~ '>UC~l'~"fully completed ,, challcngmg future 'iCl'narin on Ncmotcchnnlogy. Team M 15 member'> were 1\.lanJsha l:.diriwira, Uain~

Feather, Laura flannel)' and Anm;tasm Leon. leJm ~ 1 10 member~ were Cathl'nnc Dell, Jsobel Le<milrd, Bronagh \tl<:~rley and Nntalil' Mendes. Clare Needham was a member of thi~ team, howewr she was unable to attend the finals. Both teams reached the fi nal rm1nd 111 the National f.inals. completmg n scenario L>n Debt 111 Developing Countril's. Both team:, fini!>hcd in the top 15 team~ 111 Au-.tralio.

In .1dditwn, several other compt•htion'> wcrc entered in 2008, including the Asia Wise Cm11JWiition (Yc.'<ll H), the Da Vinci Decath lon (Year 8) and the Connell Wa~cr engmcering competition which reqLurcd the cnn~truclion of a bridge. Our Year qTenm of Ce1therinc Dell, Brm1Jgh 1\. larle], NatJlic Mende'> anJ CIJrl' Nct•JhJm built iln exn~llent bridge that hl•ld up vel) well wht'n tested 111 the load cell .

Year l 1 have completed an Jdditlonal piece of academic research ilnd a Principal\ Essm

entitled "From an ethical point of view, whal Joes the rcgt of the world think of Au~tmlia?"

I ~ onL1Urs Programme ~tudent::. in <1ll year::. L'nmplt'li! many hc.,urs of ~er\ in' to the College il nd to the broadL'r community

As alwav::., it has been a plea:.ure to mentor thc.• 11onours ~tudents.l t i~affirmi ng when <mother school ndopb nur Honours Prngramme as a model for their own enrichment programme, a~ ha~ happened thb year.

l\lrs Bets\ llar\C\ /lmwurs l'mgn/IIIIIH' Coonlin11tnr


T h1.., \l'ar the number ot Tabll•t PC., tnt.rl'il~d ilnd trolle-.·s wcrL' mo\cd mto

more ,)CCl"•siblc locahon!.. This ha~ great~\ mcrt•Jst•d tht• usage of the~e mJchinl''> whKh <Ht' through thl' A1rta l In addit1nn, ~orne cla:..,momt. were fittt>d nut wi lh JJiil proJeChlr<o, desktop computero; and .:Jud10 wstt•ms ..,o that lhesc room'> beL.lml' morl' llex1ble lcJrning spaces. These ch.mgl''i hJ\L' altl'rcd the dynam1cs of cla..,sroom learnmg so thilt, with an expanded <;oftwJrt• su11t' and imprmed access1bilitv to \ldl'n <tnd sttll camer.1s therl' 1s now the potcnttal for greater \'clri.lhlln of '>ludcnt and teacher ach\it\ n,i .. IL•ad., to impwvcd engagement wtlh toptc material ,,nJ ultimJtely a bt•ltt'r pl<llform f1)r lcurning nwrilll

All teill'lll'rs hJ\L' developed their teLhnnlngy -.ktll., .md arc now adept at crL•.tting and developtng \ trtual classrooms. rhe..c .lre rcptNtom•s of learnmg matcnals whtch are acce-. ... lhlc tmm iln) internet cnnm•rtion le.1rnmg 1s no longer limited b) the, of tht• cla.,sroom Also man) teacher., Jrl' now npenmg ur lht•tr virtual da!> .. mnms <,(l that .111 stutknt.. and pMents have acn• ... s ,md c<tn ~ec what 1~ gomg on. 1lw Portal showca'>t'S th1~ '>harm~ prnces!> by havmg a "Sill' of the \\h•l.." 5tudl•nts arc encouraged to tk>wlop wtkl..,, make ,,eb pagt...,, wort... '~1th \Ideo and .,ound .md n~ate comic style ~torvboob. \\'ork c.m nm' be uploaded to tht• portal and marked online .1nd rt?turncd w1th f~t·db.lck

quill' qu1lklv

In 'lc,lr 4 'irJCnce, Graham Ilughe~ 1ntmdun•d g1rls to ,m online wik.1 based program whkh prnvldt•:-. Jcarntng ilCli\1tiC!> linked dtn~ctJy to syllabu!i outcomes. Using a library of lt•Jrning Jrhvltit•.., on our rurtaJ and inlerm•t ba-.t•J

4 YE.AR BOOK 2008

mternctwcs they ha\e been able to extend the work beyond tht• nrlc.ll luwar textbook approach. The ~tudt•nt.., ha\e handled the increa~ed focuo., on tech nolo),') .1nd manv are nmv quite comfortable le.1rnmg in the online cm~ronment A., a p.11 t of Scknce Wed. 9U participatt•d in a vidL•n ronfercnce with Ruth Gordon from the Children\ Medical Research Jn,titute (CMRI) ill Wt•stnwad Ho..,pttal The girls were Jblc to ,,.,k que ... ttOns related ttl genetic di~ast• and retCI\l' uhiJnt an.;we~ trom an expert

LJst term lht• Cnllt•gt• wa., honoured to host a group tJI 13 tead1cr ... from Mano., Stella H1gh School, Singilporc. A delegation of senior tcachl•rs, k•d by 1 he1r Principal, visited the Colit'gc to inwstigatc Brigidmc's usc of lnfnmliltlon lechnology to faCJittatc learning [he group \\JO., lmprCS'>l'd With the College, and 111 p.1rhn1lar was excttcd b\ the IT integration and its impact on teachmg and learning opportunlliL's. The\ \is1ted an English cla.c;.., that 1s cum•nth o.,tud\'ing a untt onualicnation"usmgdao;swlki (a t'ollaborati\c cla'>s web<,ite). The w1J..1 is .wallable to be read and edited by students through thc1r Virtual CJa.,.,room .mvwhcre, anytime. VVhilc the ~hldl•nt., were working, the1r teacher was able to monttnr the1r progress and keep them on t.J.,k, through a program called Hcucampus, "htch wJo., dc,·clopcd m

Sin~apore. 1 his pro~rJm Jllows the teacher to l>b~n·c Jll studt>nt screens; to tran!-.fer fil~; rece1ve homc\vnrk .,ubm1..,s1ons and to nm sun·cvs to check unJerst,mding During their mornjng \lsit, tlw !,'foup wc•rt• alc;o able to interact with spec1<11 m·~·ds <;tudcnts and a PDHPF clao;s to sl'c l1r<.t hJnd, how effective classroom IT cJn be .~rrn.,., ,1 range o( subject when mrorporated into thL' wmntlum m .1 mt•anmgh1l W.l\

' I he College can be proud otltsachu.'H'mcntsm ha\ mg a rnhust, world standard mtrilstructure anJ ..,J..ilhl te.1chers and student ... who know ho\\ to make tht• rno .. t ot these rt>..,ourct'S.

Mr C.rJhJm I iughes fm tltllllcll oJI cami11~ 7i:clmnlog~t''




2008 College StaH 44

Academcc Staff Accred1lat1on 45 COMMUNITY

The Executwe 46 2008 5taff Roll 47

Pastoral and Academic Heads 48




I\ CLASS OF 2008




-< f'Tl :J> :>;\



2008 College Staff

Front Row:

Second Row:

Th1rd Row:

Fourth Row:

F1fth Row.

S1xth Row B Reu W

y, J'hl'lllE' At~,.,, Brl<lr Lougr. a:"d, K t"en Ta

Thornp· Dav1Cl Ct·.'lr' Gar, L::al .. BP r' Far•

AII'X Skvt·


I N 0 0 (Y)

~ r­m 0 m (f)

~ rn rn

Angdo. Am,uld,l R tl R li·,,, /r -:,., 1/i~/""'/••gu


Appll•tlm, ~lll' -R "'"'ltl'l\t•TJ. \1,\ 1'\\, lnannl' - \1 fD C~t~d P11• 11~<~·/ogv H 11. n1r 1,1

B,, Jn H l.d rf'f.', llt'l11tlll

Balll'<.l\, Daml•lll• - R hi I / 1/ (• I i<'illtlll Ill ,{ ( t-:1 I

B,lrr ... , lulianrw H [_,/

Bt•hb. Ru"sl• l HId (ilrtlll•lllnl, \1/, ~· /le~tgll i•


Bl'\ Jn, ]nlr ,l II \ 11/o,,_J

Bnyd, Rnslyn H \111, l.d

Hrannan, 1-..,ltl' R \ /l1/l/ ,/ 11/,·,,lt/r ,.;,,,-,, ... , C~t~,l

l crl Rl

Brl•mm•r '>hl•m·l RJ\ PrJ fd

BriJg'-'"· jacquduw flS. Orp(J/(\LIIh•l (,mdPIJ'

r,u11•1mtmg l T '''''''"')

Brown, SuP ()IJ' !i-tlth

Huckll'\, l .u - /l \ D11• hi t~mtl PIJ' I l,·~rgll

Bynw, Bn 1d1l'

EL \ :\rt Tht'tlfl/ Ill fl. f tl , ( .rrlril at Rf

lilrtt·•~. Alk•n 1(,\ Dlf' lrl t~l•lrl Cltp.S.·, 'rh 1.11•

(;rtld l1tf' ( /u/drm :, I II

lil~h. ~1dt~-.a fl <;, loltld Jllf' f1f !CI't~>:ltlf'IJI()

Chant 1),1\ 1d \I,\ lllnlltl1 ~'''d""'' R A P11'

Tmth IPDI/I'F l

Cht~plin, lll•alht•r R"c,OIJ'T

Chidraw1. Cll•nd.l R S.. 1//rm•) II lllf' 1,1 1/'t:l

Chtllthr,lmilnl,l'ank,lJ RxUir•ll•l \f ,. . .,,,,

lhoqucnl't fo..lanm• -,\fa, to r~fl'lulo-"'t'hll (,\I /'lulr11 ·\lt~dcntlli'/tlll/1 t.rod l>'l' 111 Sn· I d

C. r men, "harnn /lh/ RIIH

Coburn, Audrl'\ H -;, n,1>J r1

Colling-., Julia - ~1\ r/lc>H,J fltp f d


ll \ p,,, ld

<. olhmorc t...alJ /1/ rl ~·'< tllum<lmllt'-'1, ,\lJI RE 1 ,[

(", 11 Ill• Ccrl I\ ~II'ITI'"' S.·n'ltl'

<. onoll~. Emma I• I l>rp Llt[tlgll,fl Dr11m•11

lonolh, )1.'1111ll'

n1p r,.,,,"

D~.·.ln, lngcborg H \ fllrtll<l ,\ f 1'•11du•l AI. \P~

Dnvlc, 1\ l,mdv ll \ P1p Frl \1o-ta' 111 I duttllum

Dr [..,roll, MJrgarct llloln:.wal1ctiHIICttlll" Ct•rtrftralt

J) lllhnlOTl', t...Jrt?n I~ /.d rt\Jatlt• t~ 11111111111 A Jm•t·mmtl

1'-.tcrman, :-.1atthcw 11 \ P11' rr1 t11r.•tPry:rll~lr,IJ).

\II s,' 1' I RrVtlll /11

Farr Robert \L \ tl d \dmml R S.· 1111•11'1 D1p I d

F~.·rnand~.·t, Andrea \1 ftl , II I II /o'tltlrl//,,11,1,

Flun, Luoll1.' - H fuu ;lrl H nw /;I, t"•·rl lmlv lluldlu~>rl

Frawlc\ Suzann1.• lll..t/ '''' 111/t•lllt' Ur•lloll/1/t'') (~lild

l at ILduerrtwua/ Slu.flc~)

l ullcr, Brit H \ l~rrul lltJ' frl tSc('('ttr/an,J

c~.·mgc, L.1llm H I P11' T d f'c•,fgroJ tl.ttoTrll')tl

( .r b~on, Susan IL'ir . L>w Ld crcrLA

C.rt•tg, NiJ...J...t H.<;, 111PII<) /JII' Fd

H.1ll, L< •nM r>11• .. \ 111- cd ,., "Itt• , , JP.

I l,lllidav, 1\ IJrhJcl - /l TIIt't>f , lofrlrf fliJl /.d

!Iarrison. Brett HA PIJ' 1-tl

HJrtmg, Le1gh-Annl.' /II \t So ,;,,,d Dwul lf'DflP[I

JJ,1T\'l'\, lktS\' \ J I r (l, \ D11' fd C.-rt II 111

HI"''"-,;', ll'rl/\' 111 :h-...,,lllo'JI/ l•

~ \\>rk,.lolt ,. /it/111111,11

I', Cathl'nnc ll , \ rlftm"llll [;&"1. l'GCf.'rldlllg Untl

ll tiL MarJ... A1 1 H.A Dlf' Tt·arll, PtJII'd St.

I lr ll, Rd'>l'l'l'O /! \ , H. Ti'tlfll t~ St·mudant liYIIiC:r•o

l lnhsbawn. Patnc ll s, Dtl' Ld t~rrul OtJ•.flf'

Huglw-.. {,rJh,lm HId lltJ' I d l~rad Cnt IL TId

lal k-.on, M.m.t - H ,\ H Iii

John-., Crl'A /l :;( j/ /i•II,J loltld PI]' f,{

K,lltK-..ll, I ,..,., Ill''"' H ktlc/1 (,II /1111 llll'/11<"~ '\ud,1 Rid

1-..urwr. Dnnn.1 l>lf' ,,.,,.Jr

I ind-..1\, \ laTL'l' /l.,\ t;rr1ol /111' I rl

l .ittkwnllll, Dm111.1 l•J;lt/ DIJ' SJI I rl p,,, 'lmdt

l lll J...1 •, Antw H St l•ltlrflllt'l d

L11Ughi.Jnd. Bri.1n i\ 1 \ ITIII'c•l<\1,'1/1. HId , <~r.rd /111'

A llllhl/11 Plf' Ti·ar It

fo..l.1hon, fo..IJurl'l'n /l I , lliJ' I tl

~lathlm. < '"''' R I 1/ !l'hll'lo till ofll.,lllfllll ll,l

f 1'1111"1<~111..1umtroll J

~Ia\, L11 - Mid/,·,,,{ PIJ' Ti)loiltSm•mlrlrvJ

I \ltlliJ, .~ C.'"""'''"'l l nl R I

\kOon,1ld, Or.\nrw 8,\ fliJ•lrl

Mcl-..t•nwn, (olk•t•n ,,11 ,;.,,,, < ''"" iliJ' \1111

1\.Jcl-..innnn, "h.1ron R rd nw Tt·,, 1t

Mtlt•od, l l·~ lr 1' 1\nnt• ll.ll 11''' (,mrl l>wL d

l\1c\1ullan, :\nla /lTd 1/ lr>thl PtJ'· lt'<lr lr

\h•\ l'r'>, lltw R I,/ \f \

\hkhdl, ,\nn~.•mara• R I . P11t/ d

!'..1lml', 1\ hch,1l'l -,\ t fd \ ltllllt'lll<llll' H f~/ . P11' hi n11• tf,~rt

r,•nn, Clon.1 H lA ~~~~ <ltlll.l~~t~ltum I

Phd,m. l.k·annr - 11 [d

Po1.1. \hdwlll• H tl tlllltllrlll ;\ fr•i'I'/111'/1/J PI/' f'rl '

Gwd Ccrl I R I l

J>n·~lon, knnllvr 11 A. lllfll d. ';,,d 1>r1•.rr1 ~~.

lt"o•lllfllllr'l /.dl

Jl1i lch,11d, Rn-.l' - R \ I? I.! (/ tt Rdt,o,: /lrrlll/rll

Radchfi, i\ farv - ~ ._. Otp f,l t~·, ,,,rf,uvl

R.:lttra~. Del:>t,rah 8 [d ':Xwwfaf111

Read Zom. fo..licht'llt• RId r<;, f'll/driTl/1 Lt'111\' I ~\•rlJ•I•I«

lmlll/11,1\l• "-'""-'"lllt.,ll RoN< ,\ktlu-1, (1/ L\ttTIIt!lTt·achmg c.·rt Cltld c, It Gift.,., r>t-.·,·1<'1"'11'111 (· Cmm ... ·llmg

Rl•t>d, \'irginia H ..,, lt·rt ltmd.;,:a1~· L\"'X"

Rolleston Jill 8 1\ Cc·rt Tcarlllll'{

Rus~n. ~.vJna /l,\, Gmd DIJ'. [d tScn•llriiii!Jl

"iinmo.,, Rachel H.t\ " Iilii<) C~ctd DIJ' I d

ISr·, tllldat1tl

sk, ba. i\Jc>..andra R [rf IPflHPf l~ ,\111111'1

Stmw, Rob:Tt H ,, n11' ut

Sulla\an,lhcresc - D11' Tta,·ll . lfng (• H1•lr•1111 c,,,,l P1/' ftt ts,-·wlll ,/unwPni

Summcrfidd. Ro ... B "l 01pf I

..,ummerha~e-., Anne H I Pw I d \II d l .mrl l>tf' Rf

Tavlor. t...icrcn - 11 r' n11• f'tl All r1 /\'Null p,.,l,,.,,l

TI1ompson, lngriJ H u/ Vrp J<·acl!

Wnchcr, Skye l?ac/u·lr11 t>{ blw alum rPII!t~lrrlflllltf

lll'llll/1 Ltlumtum)

Webb, 'limonl' A1 t\ Tt·r~r/11ng, R <;c,

Wh1ddon, Jan H I-'d l::>co>nda11J). fa•llll'll Jl·rtclu·r,


\Vnght. I.mdsL'Y R /Iuman Nutntrt>r1 ~, h>t>d S. ,,.,, ,.

.\ la•tcr /1{ fi'a(h ISoWIIrlt!IVI

)uung. t...l'lh - R \ /Jwl J \1,1 111"'"'"' "llltl~t><:) 'lut>n, Bt>n

R.Sc. tCmuputmgl l>lf' ul 1.\fat!J,I


• Jifiii+ THE EXECUTIVE Mr 'Brian Lo ugh land A~sistant Pmrcrpal - Ptt~toral

T he \1Sion we hold for studl•nts at BrigJdllll' College m thl' 21st

c..-nturv imoiH•s the follo\\'lng ideal., and :-.taternenh.

\\'e hope that our ... tudents fed .... 1fc .1nd se(ure and llmnectcd to the1r wmmunity \\1.' want them to Pl' ,elf mott\ ated, mdependent and re .. dtent Lll the demand~ ,u1d preso.,ure~ t>f .1

t'h,m~:mg v>orld

Through our studl•nt managl'lnl'nt pmcl'durcs and action., Wl' hope to develop the .,tudents to bl• Christian mle models, inspired b' the 1.'\Jmplc of Chn'>t m the Go~pl'l to be fnenJ iv. mclusive, wurtl•nus .md respectful of the dignity of nil olher pcoplt•. We hop~· thl'\' .m· moli\'JteJ lw our BrigH.lmc trJdiLiono;; and Ciltholic heritJ~W to be re .. tlwnt. constderatc optimi'>tll and to dewlnp .1 '>cnsc ot communit), bl•longmg and ronm.•ctcdne.,..,

\Vl' want thl•m to be prepilll'U to maJ...e a lhltl•rence m tlw world, ,1Wilrl' llf thOSl' Jess fortuni.lll', COn~iJeratl' of people':, diffcrt•nce anu mdtvJdualth and willmg to bl• responsible gilJbal lihzen .... \\'c hope tht>v arc compl'tt•nt and conlldl•nt m their m' n .1btlilles, tndl'Pl'nuent and ~lt-moh\'ilted and ambitiOus to cmbracl' Jll that life ha-. toolfer 1\•ople w1th a love ot learning. equipped ,,.1th tlw abthl) to ,1J.1pt, ~ct goals Jnd h,JVc the tlexib1lttv to tace ilft.•'s d1,11lcnge-.. 1 ht.'\ will lw '>IUdl•nt~ with intt.>gritv Jnd humility•, who ""ill develop J '>t'nst.• of mnral cour,lgl' 111 .1 dimatt• ol <..hristian vJlues and \\ ith a con(l'rn lor all of God'o, crl.'ation~.

Mrs jennife r Preston A~o;rstmr/ Pnllt'l/'111 - Studt£'S

T he Brigiduw mmmw1it\ I!'> J 'Pt'ci.:ll l'Ommun1tv. It is an tlt ~IVl', vital

,md engaging l"Ommun1ty. 'I ht.• lollcgc is \CT\ proud ol 1ts 'open dm>r' polil'\, '"1th parent invoiH•mt.•nt wdcomt·~l and t.•ncouragcd. l'ndl'r the provl.'n.111Cl' uf the f'<:lrcnts .111d l·ncnds' Assoc1Jt10n we commenced tlw Y''M with the Annual Cod..tail Parties, \'\t•ll allcndeJ bv p.11 cnts and statL

In Term 1 tlw Parent 'Tcacht.•r mtl'r\ II.''"' were concluded w1th a thcmt.• of goal ... ctting •\.., many part.•nt.., have 'i<litl to me, knowmg 111 advJ net' what is l'Xf1l'tlt.•d of Lhcir dd Lighters helps tht>m to cncourJgt• tlw1r g1rls, mthl'r than wa1hng until tht• t.'x.lms to hnd out the neet.b ol the1r d.mghll'r.., .md hm' tht•\ can help. \\'hilc tl'ather~ werc uwolwd in tht.• mtt•mt•ws all JJ\ 'Pl'etal prugrams \\'l'rt.• mgJnizt.>d hl make constnJdl\t.' u.,c ot the tlmt.' made ftct.• for the olht.'l \car gmup~.Yl'Jt 8s had thl•ir llistorv ilnd Gcogr.:1phy 1.'\l'Ur'>ion'> ami Snakes AliVl' i nrur'>mn; YeJr l) had thetr St>lf I kfcnce da-. ... e., and lugglmg \\Or!--.hop; Year 7 were tmohed m lartoonmg workshop-. .1nd all Year group., had an Fngh-.h pwgram 111\oh·mg wntl•r,lug Dumbl~

4b VI All LlUOK 008

Th1~ \l'Jr I have been ~'Tl'•lth -.upportt.•d bv the fuo,hlr,11 tt•am '"ho h,l\C hH•J out our '1smn \\ tth the studl·nh m proctic:al ,mJ human \\.1\ s each and every dnv. \Vtlh the suppntl .md l,lrL' of our lounscllors and alllht• Ml•ntors, Lht•lollq~c ha::. endl•.1voured to pn!Vtd(• the nece~'>ilrv cmot1onJI and pt•r.,tm,ll :;upptlrt th,H voung peoplt.• reqULrc in tht• d1tf1Cult wars ot adolc'>t."l'nn•

In 21)(W, our ra ... toral ilpproach Will bt•enh\ l'nl'd \\llh tht.• dt.•\ dopmt•nt of .1 ~:>\ o.,LI.'milhc and holi-.tlc appmali1 to ... tudent m.m.lgl'llll'nt ba::.t•d on tht• prindplcs of Rl•s loralivt' ju-.lll't' F.1ch teadwt will be tramt•d 1n tht• prindplc'> ,md prachcJI .. 1pJ1ltLatton of th1s ,1pproach and. 111 conJunt:llon With il rl'\lst•d !'l'\1t'\\ ul the \Ienior ') '>ll'rn and a new ll.:~ndbook, we hopt• I hat more sh.Jdcnt... ''Ill bcwn to tccl justly and fa1rly treated m all ... tudcnt m .. u1.1Hl'l1ll'nt mstanCl'!->, ,md that Lhl'\ w1ll fed .:t stronger ..,Cil!>e of conneriH >11 "nd '>t}Cial wlw-.ion in thl'tl mcntor ~rrm1p.

\\'e plJn on re\iewmg tht• Co curnrul.1r hfc of tht· <. ollegc and tht· Cluh .md Socict\ ..,tnlllUrt• In p.1rt1rul,u \\l' \\111 rcnl.'\\ the '>lUdl·nt lt•atk•r-.hlp model thr.,ughout the '>lhllol Jnd also rt.'\lew thc currcnt Yl'ar 12 Stuuen t Leadl•rship model,,.. wdl 1 he ~tudl•n t o., will bend1t from gn•ater opportu111til•s allcJdt'ro.,hip thmughout ~t'.lf" 7- 12, ,1nd our lt•Jdl'Js '"'ill bl•nl'fit trnm dearl·r rolt•.., .md expt•d,ltlillh m rl'lati,•n to their po'>lhons and ll''>ponsibihltt.'"

lt ha.., bl'l'n a wondl'rtul first )Car for nw in lhb roll' ,md I thank all tht• pJrcnts and ... ta~f \.\ ho hilvc wdconwd nw h 1 Bnwdnw Cnl le~e l hopt' ln get to meet and know mort.' parent., thmugh our interatlJnn-. at school l'Wnt., ,md on the o,tdclull'.., at , .• 1riou.., 'I" 1rt... and adl\ tlil'' a-. well.

At m,m\ loUegc l'H'nh ..,uch a., tlw \tu ... ical .1nd )l'<H II Pia\, thl• attt•ndance of largl' numbers of sl,l lltn the auJieiKl' in ,1ddition lo tht.• contribullon of tcaclwrs ,1., o.,cenc p.1 1ntl•rs .. md shifll'ro.,, front of hmN• w..1rdrolw mislre'>~. rt•ht' and t. h.mgt• room "UPl'r\ isor., produrl'r' and dm•ctors wa.., admirable. llw l\1t'lht ' lompctihnn run b\ tht.• Lnghsh Dl'pJrtmcnt t"Uimmiltt.•d m a finab l'\ ~·nmg mganN•d and ,lttt.•ntft>d b'v the rngil <.,h fncult\ . IJW l'11lhLLS1JSI11 lll <ilJJfwhll gl\l'

so frt•t• lv of Lhctr linw to show lht•lr ~upport for the lollcge l'lhns ha., bl•en, and ,., stilltllll' nl the distin).,'l.ll.,hing teaturt.'' ot our Collegl' comrnunit\' and 'o(lnll'lhmg \\ hkh 1.., \\Orth chenshmg.

lnform,lhon C\'Clllng!'> wt.•rc held hll ..,tudent-. cll'lh\t' subwrt., m ~ear., H .md 10 lor tlwtr mm cmcnt to tht.• 11l'\t Stage ol the11 ... chooling and tor incommg "ll'ilr 7 students and thctr parcnh. Ye.lf 7 tlil'fl' Jbo ln,·oiH•d in Oncnt,ltum D .. l\' whrch w.l'> topped nll w1th J morning ot tt•shng 111 anJ UterJl')' 111 assist in rlas.., piJCl'11Wnt for ne\1 H'.1f. B\ that d,l\', thl' wrb \\ crl.' kehng thilt the\ wt•rt• .1 pilrt nf Bng1dl11t.' alrl•ady

llw Vil'~' of the Collq~t· fmm Mon,J \!ilk• Road, a lea l ~ ,1rbour, suggL''>tS pt.',ll't' ,md lriinqutltl\' fkhmJ the \hlll-. howl'\t'r ,., ,1 bu-.thng. h,1pp' and thri\ ing communtl\ of ... tudenl'> .mJ stat{ In\ oiH•d m .:1 trut.• learnmg n11nrnunit\.

2008 ST FF ROLL .\ngdo, Am,mdJ Collmlort• "-·''·' llall, Lom,1 t-.lamfold. Rnan Read Zom, :\lu:hl'IIL· \pplt•ton. Sui.' <-olhng ... juh.1 H.1lhdJ~. ~ 1~ehal'l Martin. ],lmtw ReeJ \ 'ir¢111.1 \tl..m-.. loJnnt- Collin-.. t\k•rl•thth llarri-.<Hl Rrl'lt f\1Jthhn (.,11),1 RiurJ,m, RnJn B,ll..t•r Jo (onolh, Fmm,1 I Tarve.,, Bets\ Mav. Ltz Jtll B.llk•-.ty, D.mtelle Conolh, ll'l1111l' I !Jrtwig, L~.?tgh Ann McDon<tld, Dti\nn1.• Rus!>o, Fvan,l B.Hgh, '\tkl I ),\VI'>, YVlllllW I lctkt nnn, I t/ McKeown, Colleen SJimon, TJit.,,l B.1rr-., lult.mnc Daw:-.on. Judy I licl..t•'r, I \lwinJ Mr"-.innnn, Sh.:mm Scoll, Vid.t Rcbb, RussL•ll Dl•,m, lngl'lmt g', (atlwrim• McLeod, I l''lil' Shaldcr-., Mar. Ann Rl'(lhio. \lid1dlc Dl•l Gr.mdt•, Kt•n"\' lliii,Cwl'n :\ 1c Lcod, :-\troll' Sharma, Bharh Rl'\~111, juhJ Do,·!~.·\ lltll, \lJrk \kJ\1uiiJn, Nol,1 <:>kyba, Ale'\ Bovd Ro.,J\ n Dn .. wll, \l,lrgJret Hill Rd:xwa ).1cwr-., Uih' Stank'\ Jud\ BrannJn 1-...Jtl' Dug,m. C.ul llobsbJwn, l'Jtnc J\htchcll, AnnL'IllJne Stone Rnb\ n Br~.·mnl'r, ~lll'rT) I Dun-.mow, Karen llolt. "-anm tl.lorgan. f\10\J StonehJm, BdinJJ Bndgt•-.. J,Kl)lll l·gJn Tn.,h I lught•s, Craham Notter, (Jrol Sulhvan, Thcre .. e Bnl\\ n, Sue Fstt'rtn,111, \1,1lthe\\ jacko;,on, Mnn.l O'Bryen, Robm Summcrlteld, Rns Huchtwr, l~nbert P.m. Robert john-., Cn.•g O'Connell, )o,mm• Summerhaws. Anne Flu~:J...Ii:y, I u FernJndez, i\ndtca ]otll''o, l.;'nlon O'l~l·illy. judy Ta) lor, 1-..iL'r.ln BvrnL', Brodtl' Flor\, l.udlle KJillC<,Jt, I t!o>J Ov1. en-.. (Ill' I) ll• Thomp.,on, lngnd (alder. )uhe Fr,Hkt'> \ld1a "-inp.. Nm•l.1 f'JimL', \1irh.wl Tozer, \lath.:m Carlson I lcll•n rr Jwle\ ~lll' 1-...upl'r DonnJ l'Jme I rJL C\ \\'achcr • Skw LJrters. Allt•n fuller. Bntt I .awther, jultl' Pelbccr. Dolort·~ \\'ebb. Simont• <,h, :...Ieli""<l GeorgL', I Jura Ll•,,J, Gary l'cnn. Clon.t \ \'c\ cr Rem C.h,mt. nn, ad Ccrh.1rdt. Judv l.eJll•\, ~nwl,1 Phclnn, l'll•anor Whtddon. J<~n Ch.1plin. I lcJther Cib'>lm, Susan l.tnJs.w, tl.l.lrL'L' Poi.J, M ll hl'IIL· \\1lham'>, "-ann Chtdr,nvt, Ck•ndJ Ctb..,<ln, \ V.:trwil k T i ttlt•wooJ, Dun 11.1 Preston, knnitt•r Wright, I md'l'\' Choithr.1mani, PnnJ..Jj CoddJnl, Phtltpp,1 I oguc, Juhe Pritrh.ud, Ro-.L' 'mung, Kt•lly Chot]llt'nl'l, MMinc Crctg, N1kl..i Lnckc, An nc Rndchrf, Marv Yuen, 11t•n Cinwn. Sh.~ron C.n.tbba, MarhcliL• I, Brian Rat tr,w. D~.•borah ( onurn. Audrt'\ GU\'111L't, Ursula Mahon. MJLIIl'Cn RavmonJ. Cat hcrinc



Pastoral Heads fro!'! R w Second Row

Academic Heads Fro11 Row Second Row

8 YARBI\ 8


l1 M v


B 1 H rr 1 [ M M k fh





Year 12 50 51 Year 11 52-53

Year 10 54- 55 \'1 CREATIVITY

Year 9 56- o7 Year 8 58 59 Year I 60-61 \II HOUSES College Roll 62 63 2008 Sen•or Leaders wrth Prtncrpal b4

B•tgtdlne D<Jughters and SRC 65 Year 7 Camp & Pf>er Support 66 \Ill CO-CURRICULAR

Year 8. 9, 10 Camps 67

2009 Sentor leaders 68 Address by lncomtng College Captarn 2009 69 I\ CLASS OF 2008 Prrncrpal's Essay 70



II fl.,,.,

w.lft p JW

f.jtfltf '.'ti


I 1 I ill

YEAR 12 JiiiJ.Ji~li.j

sl fi• .vt1 Mro; M: lt·•uJ f·JI

.li 111l •• A 11 .J P..-rtl ,,., •• Mb J fi,,~ •r \1r A M11 tull

~ •. r•gill, Enulv D 11 J .,., 111 pc l<u S••ll o,, 1t., ... ,.

l1t·ld H lUI II f I Itt 1111 w IIIII v •p ., P"l I IIU Pllt!'t-11

r M I'' r M e Jl Nat lit lr 'J,rl !11 '•·;:t·r

~\ ,, . ...,. /.,•, t lfl l Plftl ~.lllltl filii v• ., I I lit l t n )I Jfl Ah t~ ,,, '(ol '•"• ·tl. "\til , 1 ~ _,l·un

Frr:r I R w

c; ... •..r•u Rcfv

Ttut(l Rt.fv

r , 11 R.,.,

I •·II Rrw

':ir•ll Roil

s,.,. rl l R v.


I 1!11,'./

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Jtl l!l 1•'.'0• I tM ~1'1!1 II IM, .•• , '1111 l•, ~I J1


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f ~h Ho•W

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54 YEAR BOOK 2008

~rtiiW.rtl.u, ''

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Ar lJ~IJr,·r.K.l•t,r ,tmdtf'j•tt H,•" ''' ,,,,

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BH .. _ I O'l'fl 'f ( illlll!<1 I 1.1 ' ' ~~-,l, '

I HJhltlc•UW AiJ'vVt_ :t .. _•lf r·J l 1 rllUll M I dil31 I~ !• H HI•

11 I ( t+ II •

YEAR 10 Ji111.1ih;i

Alii I I l


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r Mr H !irl I

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1•11 R ':W

s '" Ill R ""

[, II Ro..

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I r 11 R t.

S<!(;u'l:l R<·W

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F l'hRow

Fi'tl' Row

.. •r Row

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1gntt R ...


YEAR 8 lillt.l!hti


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Sev ntl R w

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j _ 59

I'( Ill ,I I ' ' ~~· h·h I

f•ol i I I l • 1 Mt;~ I 11 '1<, ltnl- I lt 1 .JI 11

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,.n I 1 r I

YEAR 7 W.ilii·lihti

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H I'+"• '•;

Tilorl R w

F t II R w

f•llif R vv

S1llh R w

5 VL: Ill• R :w


YEAR12 Are~<'Skl C.N,,mJr.r Eli7abeth Allen Annabt•U(' Snphu~ ,\J(..,.,p "''011~111 0\11"<'

An..ellllulh :-.:rwle tl.lrtx-r K.olth•·nm•JNn Blake Ashl<j Su.;.1n Ilium Lucind,r fll>'-manAr1~<·1 k(U<· K.lth~n f\n\\d l.l'ah' Bc>Vd K.lthrw,th 1\rennan 1-urr.•n knnrl<'f Bull!klinda Ann•• Bull.J Eh'-<' M.ull' Camelu Ehl ia knn rl••r CJrli'l~ Kil'otl'n I,,.,. Ch.tndler Ftl•Jnur Uure <.:how Cut~n l.1r.1 Chnstens.:·n :xJtw I \d,·r Chn''''h' Chn,trn.t Chung'tewon CleaT\ R<'lx><"' FIN• C'orn!!ll )ennrf,•r Marv Dalv Catrrnn.r D•·.m<' ).!de Mr.hdl•• O)ollll Fmih \llr•·•• ()uwlt'·\\'Jth Ahl<' Am\ l>udlcv Lran.t .\m\ l>wver ~1or~.m Ai,•xanura [uss.:>n R.lch.wl Sophrc FJv.:rluru Mr.1 Fum'""' SU/olnll<' l'l.>n>lh\ Grlho(m,• lngnJ Elrse • GooJ,,,n ~·rhr.t '"'UN~ C..>ht;. Stepharu<' \lane Grady Ka<hl'l knn.J Grccnw<><>~.ll .mil) ll.:unilton Fmlh•• f••anrnn<' Hamm,m l\hd1d.r I f.rnnah llare Bntt.lm ~~~~·· lnkrat.1< ;\;,l(,l'h.' .\Ike )dffl'l Cl.!udr.r )l'' S,tll\·><.'th )nhn>an Rach.wl Jnllyrmrn.l junl" Lucrnd.t l~lntr.l (...l.'av,•nl'l' Srne.1J fl'""-l ..-:,•Jghl'f)• '1.1 Kim'll.'<>IIJ"" 1\rmmor!t'l S.nah l'h7Jl'>eth I .1l..r",l L.rwlll' Man~oln N,ltJiiC Laura Lcahv C..rth,·r rrw l uu&• I , ......... \1>1'11<' RIN' Uttl,•r Hannah 1\Jt<' l.attlewu<>J h!lktt\ Lundurtl ln~:nd I.) nth Rd"''''' Lour-.· L~un [.rinn l•ll'llt· M.KI..Jv JnrJ,1n 'iJmJntha 1\fu~ Shun j.Hll' 1\fcCmk" Oo1rrc ~tcGklln 1-:.lthlt•t•n 1\f.IT\' Mcl.t>.m•' )J}n,; \ktc Danll'IJ R<'ll•' \1r11Jr l.autl'tl llwr<...,t' \1rlhngton t·ll11• ((.liT<' \1rlf\ f'rrl...r \i<•r.ILJ ~t·lJ l..u11 :\1.'\\m,m knna Am\ l'lchmann \td.llll<' \l.t\' t rc.,nnnr I h1alx·th Gran~ Otostt•rhe!J Stt•phJnll' ·\nnl' l )rlandu fl'"t<u Anna 'lcr.:">in.l Urr Ali<<' J,u qm·lrm l )..,\\.tid ...... lj.t Owen ChJrloll<' l':tlml'r Rd>t•r,a>n \',·nt\ (PUIS•' I \·nnrn!\ llr.uh ,, ].1<11.' f\.onteh•'' .\1111.1 ).tttJU<:hnt• l'rllard [ rrnn Vrctr>rrJ 1\>tkr Emrh ..,,tr.lh Pumd .. <..la1n· Qurrl.,• Gr~u·

62 YEAI~ HOOK 2008

Roll,•,tun Oh•1u \1rth\'llc S..ull ltana v.rrw .. s.l Sh.rn.rhan H1>ll\ !.1Uil'n ShundlC\· Damdlc Emm.t Sht•rr<"' R<><:hl'llt· 1 .)(J,.,.. Skele Natah~ Alt .... ln 'ik);<'f NatashaloJl>m•llt• Stol..l"> Cat>ri.-llt• ..-bh ltj 'iull1mt•rs All.'x.JndrJ t l,1rre fJtt lr'>il l<w IJ'"''~S~<J i\JJnJ T.·'"''" Stcphanll' An):<'h<jul' lu,Jd M..gan I vur~· Tong'ttnnm• Hn Jar lcl<l(C'\ Danrdll' )l'nntlt·r 1uv.ns~nd Abbt•v Tuml>ull AnnJ l.nuiw \',•JI Jennrh•r l.IIUN' \'randrdl Stl'ph.trlll' Emma \\'atsun A,hl<'l Sar.rh W•lhn~ l-;Jtasha Kurh Wrll..m'o<m Jeo.'lc'.l Flu.rbt•th \\1llmnt lo~urt•n J',lln.:tJ WnoJ Ct'l>rgmo~VJI,•ntln,•

\'11M>Jrnot Rd)t'<.:.t Lm w.,.>Jward ""'kn ,\lana \\ nght Carl• ZH.s Blanca

YEAR 11 1\lder BrL-cana Ammann fmalk 1\urura 1\nJn·"" G,•nr);mll Annt• An,.ll'<' EmmJ>..·th A'hdrmd Jann.:l\.:1 ·\,hworth Danr~llt• ,\milnda Attia' Oairl' J\\ lm<?r Ceurgrn.1 l lr-.rbt•th fl<•t•lh All~n ll.annJh f,m ... &ll Nata•h.J !.out"' fll·ll Tabrtha ).me llennct Donanl' R.·tnt'l Nala~ha LIJ,,nwv Nl,·nlt• ·\nr1 RliWlaut D.rnk.t l'nlg•· WJremg ll<l\d (,rgunnuvllh Emrl\ Carolrnc Bo\'lc OIMa ~'!:'' 1\o''"~ H<>ll\' 1\ull<'n <;ar.Jh I"'''"' Rurbuf\ '\ata,hJ l \11

Ch.rmbers R•· bt•cc,l>e l 'h••,o;,eman I IJnnoh Flvw Llwnndl Duthrn Phud'<' Enya l~mnt'T\ ,\n).~t'

c .... ta Danrdl<' Brllre l ulll ucmd.1 \!.tv 1 )aw;<>n Thl•.J Altn• lk llonu ),l,mrn ),t I >.• Snusa U,111 M.rur,•••n Donlan \l.tud•·rm· EJmund, 1.1\ lo1 I out'-<' lrJ"ards \lr~h<·Uc lus.:phrne Ell Cr.1ce Cath<'Ttn\' I •·an' Thnml""'" )<"''''a lt•nw~<:k Adriana l.uarb<' ~~·nmJrno.. \liml.1 Ftt/~cruld C.uh'r C.utlrn Rose l·1l'lchcr,t \kl..,•nltc At·v. Rub\ Elt~al'>eth 1~\nn R<'N><t".J Owr,~· l•·n~ .·\!.hlcrgh l\1aht\' J·uwk•r K.ltre Hllrlol fl<ht Laura l ,u1l111 I urlun~ Al<'\dndt·N 111 V.m,'S..:J fliiJl'>eth CJI,• R~1tn<' < .atlwnm• CJrr.ltt l.t'lgh c ... idard t1ann,lh \1.Ull' l;l,"tK Sopht<' Gnllith!o f..:.lll' J uub•• I 1.11 11<"' Phrltpp.a Kwl<'\ H.1ll \lclt,..,t r:r.rm<".i tl.trn•on Lhn,tt<' llrllEmma IJrn,.,. farw

J lttdun,m Nlamh I tlUN'

Jlud" rn Amy JJll>llll ~JIC l.OUl'-l' jade Tina ).tn!><·n Lmr~n ~tan<' 1\.tffiJ"'n c.·.:rlr·· ~l.llll' 1\,·nm••h Sarah ~.alhf\ n ~rt·man \ .,hk'Y Judrtli ~olot.ts Eleni h anrcs ~urmann Sophr~

I .tnt· flntt.lm Cho~nd '·'" lur Kdh. Ann l.<'.t<h f~rn RtN.'

l.cmnwm. I'JI..r,\1• no1 r.htwdl· (;,"'rgJa J<..o~te LrnJ..._1~ Ann-~h~l' Rnlwr 1.1 1.\nl'h I Jura M.rm• Mo~,b, J··~-ic ... :;JTJn M.llnY.ann~ Holly R•-t>..·J.;a MannrnR Jes<sca uruh Clan.• M~l'>hall Ta\ lm \1.u"dl Emma Lout'<' \1,r...m Katherirw i\mw \lotm<.' )oannJ Rt•n<' \t,Ucan (athcnne Ct•mma '1.1, Rnb1<• Emma Vi< tunJ \kt·J.; l•">~ica Ann Mt• ho~rladr' Al~'-lndrJ lr,·n•• 1\lltl...rn Julin Ehz,ll'<'lh 1\hl..o••li,m jesse Lee f\.ht•hdl A<hll'rgh 1\·lh'l Mu rh Suphre Annl' ;\;d·••n <.emm.t hnrw :-;,·tlll'lun J<>rd.m Hll\ It'\ -.;,,m, Cror!llil l.nurs.• D'llf\t:n Ca rtlin l )'1\:t•rl Ellen h>u rsl' hili•• ll'Sullr>an Currnm• Fir-.• l hH•n Stan Cnsto1l l'apandrl.'.a Hnlh l':tltP.o Qul'ralt Am.tnd.l lhkN.'n Hann•· Fro~n ... •s [\•tt·r, Mulh DU.a l'hrllrr' \l~~ondra Ju,rn>J (....)thcnm•Ann I'T~.,.,,tt Ida Qurnr, Rl.'b..'CGl (ant R,.,.,,-, IIJVl<" f:ltZJl'>eth Rl'l1'-h.JW ThL'l'l ...... 1\.11 hf\ l\ RJ•IU\llil }.tbl>t lkm,IJI'Itt• Rvd~''" 1\lt'L'Sh.r \ KtnnJ Ru,.:rll , .,.,~->ella Mar•·•• Rvnn 1\,hlt!igh ).;.)tl' Sh.dd,·f'o Laura jant• Sht·phc•rd Ell\ Rc!'><! Shuttl ... r Srcna :.C>lomllnson Cath ... nnt• I mn..e Sullrv;~n Alvce Sw<'<'lll'\' Camillt• MoH!\liTl'l 'IJVJO.l (,,,(nuu'h (.1\(olf )l">SIC.1

k'Sttnr ,\nella ;\;l(oll' li.•ul.1n Enuh,• Tht~>Jur GaiJ.Jglwr 1-:.ll<' lnonlp'lln l.<Jllfl'rt llno~nno1

lt>ln<J.oC,Iillm lrJtlt'f KntharrnJ D.anrdk• lu rnbull 1-..athcnne l·lrz,Jb..·th lvl,•r I.Juren Angdrm• 1\~·.\nno~ Mart;ut \augh.m Elt>an.1 l',llno.l \',·rll-..rbt•Ua Laura \ .. nt••man Jan111l'ltnt• '<h n:t f,r.:umc Elrz,Jb<•th \\',11< \l••~:an 1\llr~<<' 1\'tll~Hn' Angdrqu•• ~\ 1\'in,l.r•" Mdt'"oi knnift:r I \i •n.:lns \:U,, ... .,.. \\ n~ht 1 auren Flll.ab .. th


A!'o.h ._,u .. l .<ruc-.• ,\,l..rci\J Ah'oOn lane

Alkurn 1\>r'<'J'h<>n<' R""' All1•f1 Vrl'lo~riJ [~,,._., .\ Kolill' Lour"" ,\nJer...un 1-..Jthr\n CJn•hnt• An-.·11 K\i.t Lourse Aran<~l>aa Bran.:a' l11anne I oui"'' ~~~r..,•r 'ihannnn K.Jthlwn \1;m B.11 k<·r Fmlh Craw lkl\1""\mt•li.:t L<'•l Brit" Hc.rnur f'ranrt.., Bl.anchl' IJra l'h/.<lbeth 1!.1\J\'i,·t<•n.:s \lan'l' Br,•nnan Chi<><' )aC<JIIdam• Hn~g' r mrh j.m,• Bnr1dl•• <;uphra Pnmr<N' llrov.n l.1mill.1 Elrz..lbl·th Bruwn /c~ !Xtll.lrd Burt ~l.tlt!JJ Cal.lmns l>anrellc Patnua Calln\\,t) Cuurtnt..') Rt•nt't' Qu(i,l•• lrnng,•n M.1y C.m on n.1 Sufi a CJ~rulht Skph.:anrc: C.N•II,l Aml'lra Elrzat'leth ca-hd Clatre \lartl' Chandlt·r R,·bt"C.:a l<~ur'l(' Chl'n Cunwav OrJ 0<'JT\ Ns,nl,r )311l' Connl'll Shannoh hdlt-r Cor rwll ·r.lmMJ K.tthenrll' Ann C urbv ~117.tnnah R<N' Dam·d (~t•nt•,,,...,l! D.Jv. l.' l.ara \lari~ l>av. ... ,n Courtmn, IA·c:r \1aJdl'lln DdolUfh'l \f,•Jghim IJII<lbl'lh J),•rl tc H1 Da ")' Mo1v Drlw<~rth I<''"(J ruw,.\nna Carthn \ IJdt'lrne }ll\ han,Shdk· • hcrl'llllrnnJ,.cjJJl' I ''fh"'"'"' Elyw \1c1011JUI' rhnn M~Choll'!J (...~thll't•n Furt.~wma Nad1a 'ruk.1 Grld••r ""'"''J jane: Grllartl fJr"' \'ictnn.1 Glc'""''n '/..,.. Rc:bt•I..Jh Guu'h' 111 H.Jnnah Cr<'j.'\Cllll' C hJIIotto: M.tnc li,udll' S.uah Cathenn1• I loll II~ 1\ntl.' R<N' I J.utwrg :\lrJ..hacw IJd•· llapn.m l<'"l<ol Lour.,.• llt•.Jtl NtHtla ~~;uel I kbham ,\l,.xandra Jam• ll<·'l..t·th knmler M.1rv llatd11ll•ln (...aile 1\hdwll•• lluop••r \J,•,,mJru HcK>Pl'l (.,ll>ric:lla lardrrw Stephanre Jrn Anne \lane Srnung J"hn•h>n 1-..tb..>Da CJrthn julh Kt·na•• Marcc fun,., ''"'Kil ·\nne )UI (..,,h,lt Kuh FmrnJ ~t·llt~ \ll'Riln Kennt•tt lulw Dc:borah (...ha,tout ~ru,hJ Kup,·r Anna Craw LJv. 1\!Jn K.H 1.1\lonl'msly ]ant• I <'WlS !'>.rr,lh Fmrlv lr ),mw lrvlll):'h>n A'hlt•sgh l.rrrl l.oul\ l.aurt·n )o1ne M.a,J.;.s\ l{,·bt·~h luut'l(' M.rtl..n\ Kathf\n 1\t.JJrt;;tn Snphrt> C.ltht•nrw 1\1,111.,.111 'i,tflldnthJ M,n .. •lhn•r f..nnu.t<l' \l.arun \bi~o1tl li:'>~ \IJur<·r ( 'hnstrn•· \1< (,am Alc\olnJra Lours.­\1d hrgh l'<'lrot\ ,\nn

M••Jt hr.•llluJ,trnil Lara Miln~ )t'l>SI<J ~Jll.'

Mulun<'\ Ru-<' Ult•n Murn' Ma.tdmt· (....)ra 1\lnntS< •n Al.tMolh t.lun'-.1\J< l'h•·r•"l' Ehzalwth ~.1t<•h Ana,tu"a CYiln~n \1rdwll•• ja,mm O' llm·ll R••lw<'<J Cnth~rinc 0 T1ri~n l:l..•moJJ<·tte .\o1P\a 0 l.u,lll C.rmriLl Rr,.. 1\!Jr<..,. llann.lll Lbre 1\>l..,.r l.aun·n J\'nnrn~: \1onrque Stt'\1(' I\!nnrno Valll'''-.1 l'htlpcrt "lhll'l'} l'nnn l'm.l Ratl~n ~ll'VJ l'lc>rst> Ra\mund BnJ);N l.oUbl' R1·rd ,\nJerson Sarah Rt>nwo nm,tmol l.uUISl' 'kh<1l'o.·r 1\rn,lte 1\ta~ Shonollltln Anwlr.s ~te 'ihuppn• l,l'urll'na l:.l11al>l•l h Snulh ""'llil 1\1,1~ D),., s...,n, Fmm.1 L<>UL'o(' Sp.~.t.m IJit·n \\'a~n...., .. St,n,,·n<nn K.uhl<'en Stewart HJ\'Il"! J t>IHSt'

1.111" R.r< h,id 'cordinna Thum">l1 l<•rja M.11· lr.m Lt"' Turner l unnn•· Turtrm l..:ara Ehzat>eth \an o,., 1\ah C.arllrn Sar.1h \>ndl.1 Alice VranJrd1 hnrll Annt• WJI'h N.rtJir•• W.trd l>...llh••nr1<' R.rchl.'l 1\'atJo..rn, s.uah \\",..,tholf Sr~J Lurramt· 1\'illiam§l>n 11.11'1..'\· P.1tn.:ra \\\,.>'lahha Stt•t>h~n 1\hr;ll'\ S.uJh Huabdh Wu~t JZ'l>si(J Angeln

YEAR9 ,\dJm' tern l'aml'IJ AJ\ .11san ,\bhl··r~h Annt• AtkJn, l<abt•lla Aullll'\ (,,•urll'na RuJ•-Lll• Ba'l.. Rl•I'I<WII l.nui•l' s,,...,, N~<·ol.l Am} tl.>mJv. m,m \l,ldd<·rn~ l'lla Bowl'\ ltar.t l>aruelle Bm.1,• c,~,~~~ Gratl' BraJh'\ Ra<h1o•ll UW.'l'

Rro11 n \~..,h.l ·\nnat'lel Hutdll'r l .nur-.· So1rah C.1prwdlt Oh\1il Jan<? Cartl'r I>.Jn11·a Lllt•nndl l>uuun ~~ .. ..a l<~tt· (h.,n~ An~andJ llur 1\.m Lnu•• )ann ... • Srut'lhan Cl;~n•mnnt Alt•...a.ndra \l,m CornJI.• llr.m(J Angela C<hl..rn.ts C. hluc File Cunn r u~h.lm Nrwld Ll'r~h 0.1\'ll"' ~hllt\l'nt ({,,., ... l>dl Cnth,·nm• Jn,m Orng)lo f.tra K.1thr\n 011arr~ C1lh,• llden D<1111Jil't Stt•phanrt' D11 J'rc'<'l t h•mll'l l>u l'rt'l'/ \1<~nique l·.drnv. rr,r M,rmsha .Savant.rra Ei~m~n Srdnt'\' M.lf\ l:l S.J•l..ra IJI•·n h,u" ~tna<•n Fav.rh>ll> Nl<~•ll' MJrt'l' F~.rrv l~nt;tltl'

Fl'atlwr ll.llrl' Fh:tJbcth Rannt'T\ l.rura 1\la~ ~ltnn !.rum Ann,•\ 1t•rtr.l Ann,• G,·t<'r t.ra<••IJ1llh

Gil•~on Alana J,tdt.' Gllh<•lme ErinAit•x1s Gille•r1c <._hlne t\J iv,st• Gillott Kristvn Louise <;nuiJ KJte \1Jril' Cruzm Emil) H.JII AJc,nndhl Murg~n Hull Julictt<? Dmna Hamilton Ci>Clr!\lil Clar~ II.Jn:umbt• l uun:n Christv HJrris J~a(had Madall.'lnio: H~!.:tlh Rachl'i Elhm Heath Tiamc 1 k·rughn Geurgw Elu.abeth Herbert Chel<>~·l NalJ'>ha HiiiT,trrvn Ashlcigh Hulh\AlexanJm Murphy lloun11an Francotsc l'<:ttnaa How.1ld MJdelcine (.racll J [uwt• Alcx.!ndra Juli<?ttt• Hull ~loodv Ja1•Je•ll\• facl.'><m M•)na>hn J';Jtn<ia Jnm, C"mma AmandJ 1-.ampen umtlla :.usJnne KcJghcrv Aliceb fen Kennv L.llrishl,t Ahcc Kcr;tl.'n Sophta \11< he• ill' 1-.h.J,t<IUI RUJdM

Kmghl Etmh· Janl' . KuvJcs lft>geJu;. Elll'na Avnl LahooJ ~atnsha Lana 1 .:~nger Alio;on Lawl'S Renet• 1 a1den 1\'oomt Ellen Leon Anastasta Damela Leonard l<.t1bel Kathk•en 1 ltt lc1 b11bel ~ hw Lili,iann<> H011.J l ndgc Ainwe f1r,mccs 1 ynch J...atH.• Ambl'r ~ lnho11 Jc~$ic,J Lowsc Mark'\ Brnn.1gh Mawnc T,lyh>~ M.tnl' Maun>r Jacquelyn Mo\J4.,t~r Havi<..•y )t•an McMahon Amber Lee ~JcMtchacl Sophie LouL~c Mt•cl. Al~x.Jndra r.11 nda ML.'nJc, :\at.Uil' Gra~c Merrick Julia HtzJ beth Mtllcr BlJ<s O..tre Sally t-1Jll• Omstina Ca therine Mnur<· DJnit•lle l\,1<•urc RoNlhl' M,1 rv Morri• bab~llt• Nio.>ll'tt•• Murphy Sumantha Marce Nalbanu1an Clara Needham Clar~ J<'nnilcr Nutt,111 Kathennc Micht•llt• Oat~os NJ.ole bungdm,• O'Brien Ca<.c) Ann O'Donoviln Ern th Clare O'l.nJn Cuurtnl'v o.·~tt.•rhdd l ledthcr l.oui, ... Oliwn lri~hna B<!alrin~ U'Nctll Jl.,tthll'cn Anne Oiada-Phomw1 Altssa Ostowari Kinh Oswald Angela Owl•n '"'bel P'illricia Owl'll' C<~yl<•i!lh Ann I'.Jpandrea Chi<X' P.Ju l \1adclcine :vlargard Pctcl"li Jlrianna Kato.> Phallip> Bronte Ma' l'owl'i l Low'N! !Qhrne tlhv•a Ivy Rm.' Darucllc Ah:.'xanJru R<~aeh CeorgJa Stmon<? Rubert~ jt><;SltJ Shannon Robo.>rh Sa'>ki,t C'lartt Robotham Ncx:andra Hnpt' Rvan 1\,taddt!'On Georgta Santi-.cb.mJennHt•J :icotter Katrina Am\ Scnn•11c1 1\!.hlctgh l.J ura

s,•chl Rarhucl M,mc swphcns kate Strupil!' lladJrid. Anneke Grace Swc~nl'Y Madtill'tnc Jo,ln Tanner Roehl.'! Mur<'C Thomr" ~thanv Mar\' Thomo' )Jdc llannah Thompson r.Jndison Let• Thomp-;on P<lige Louise rrupianu Ash li.'tgh \1arcc rum bull GrnceVictom rurncr !<.ell\ ann Van Rh1111 !.indJ \1,:trll•nt• Wal,h \!1cli~,a Ann Wal,h Sorh1e Lvnn Wal,h :vladeletne May v\'urJ Lauren Amanda Watt~ llmth Miret \1\'d~h Cnut lney Deborah Wt"lt Abby Cl'orgina

YEARS t\Jki11< Stcrhanw Onirt• Allcorn Pier~ttv Ha1mt'S Andrl·lvs M.ldl.'lt>ine f-ate Atkin~ Chloe Anne Baml R.1chd i-¥d ta Ma1 Baker Bnttanv fnyJe Barrett Uly Annt• ii.111) l""bt-11,, Rtl!<l? Ba~tumpillat Tiasha S,1raln Beck I auren J<.ote llccl- Sm.i th Joe lie Bclbin 1-!rklgdtt• Ale~.1ndra ~nnNl Ce<1rgta Ro-.r B1IL>s Annabell1nrcn(C? BiSSet KII~ll'n !loll\ Blake Shclbv Joanne Blanthc Iianna Jane Blaxland Pri'K'I IIa K<>WTamnra Jade lkcc.'n rranc<'S<'a Bnnb. Jordan Ma11e BuchanJn Kate fenntfcr CJme¢c L,1ri>s.:t Thcrcsc Cam111 \1.:tcl.e1v1r Jai Ch,1J11<1ub AshlL'I Murcc Champion 1-.asumt lacquchnc Cia rb. noise COJtli n Collnares Carmela LourJc, Co11ncl) Ahbie m.w Cnnk Olivia Margafl'l Cn1 belt G1milla Corheld Jl·ssrca L•>utse Com1io Bu.:tnna Gm, c Cnurtnt')' Montra Rosa Czysn11b. Roo..J Iinde Harriet IJay l>abclla Mnne . IJc f{erardmt~ Claudta Mimi Demas1 Emily Margaret Di Laudo Gt.'urgia l•at>elle Duuj.\la'' L.t ura Ju<ln l)unn Eli~ha Lout!>~: Eilther Grace 0JzJbcth Eat her Dame II ~! Rebecca Elliott "'icul.1 ).1Je Engh<h Emily KJtr . Ft•chne~ Head ramara Hildt.> lmch L.nui~c Carroll FJ.vnn O lavta foa11nc Fmdt• Smeau VictnrtJ Forwthc Amclic1 Luul"' t.all;lwJy Atll•h Gane Uamelll.! Nicole (.,ladwm i\mv l.otllse Goodwtn Phl){.'bc Cilthetine Grant Muddl.!int• AI.J~<KJUC Gret•n t )Jiw.l Ros<" Grobil•r D,•rrvn Let• Holl lsnbclla Hollett t:l~udia rlm1bcth Jl ,m;.en CJ,m,o Eliubt•th Harn .. Ebon) Mat· 1 la1 ell.a Olil11a He,1d Rl'bt.•cca Adriana

Ht.>rringe CouJtne~ l'h~c Hcunt> Arrw lo~<Jcc I I~Witl Am\• Milnt.• Hulman Bt;nnte 1\.larv P<1trida Hou~o~h l.ut-v-n>'>e LuC} Humc Cnurtncy Huston Diana Suzette tJcono Rcbt'{'ca La~n Jamt.-s (.;l!nl'\'iew Loui~e Kiernan Ann.t Elu<tbNh hlll1 Jcnmlo.>rYe Wm J...Jm)oon Jcnn K1rkland rhppv Anne Korp NL"'a"Jril C\1idl1· Knulla• Amt'ha Angela Lavd~n Phu~be 1 t'armonth Marianna Lacbcrman Cunnne Jade Linton Stl'\lle M,1cqut.>t:n Rnnnw S.:arlctt Magli,lnn 11.''-'il Jo .. cphml' Man-hall AlexJndr;, Mmshatl Arielle Claudta Mm;klnc Bri~ttc Jo-.cphinl' M.J>tt'n> Alison Lou I'<!

Mollhios \nn V1<~nl' Maurid SIC:na Am<!ha Mauro NatJiac Xunna MaVJor HJnnah P.ltgl! \>kCt1wt Su.,,n,\k<undm \-kGaJVa-Nt.•al Brae \kG~ 1-.att> Fli$<' Mcrln Al\·ana Jon.: \!1etzler Aless.1ndra J~nl' \!1oraza Mawson Mac \!1uulu~ )t.lrdonn SvJnw Murphy L.Hlr<'n T,1}'1t1 :-.l'cdham Hhse Jnhnnna :"\ctl Imog-en R~c O'Bvme Ca~e,· 1\,lnrcc O'Cunnor Trt'Visan Evangdinl.' ()' IJnnovan Je<;,i('J 'VI.1} O'H.1gan Caitlin Sarnh O'Neil Nicola \!1ario:> Orr Jasmmc Lomun.: oucrv Ana~ll<' Marie P.tgc k.hlt•t.• l'.llmcr »ilvndn llonnah 1~.1rtndgc Phocb<• 1-.u tt• Penn S.1roh l.oUJsc 1\mtclow Sophie )acqudine f\!tcn; Briama Kathrvn f\otherbnJge Ra~:hl'l Anne l'hi lhps Danil'Jic RccvCb Phalbpa Chnstmc Rev Rubv Imogen<' Rhudl"' T<:rl'!>ol Rudgerr. Sar.lh Ann Rosati Oaudiu Rm.s Kn thryn Rubm~tcin.Curuc Rvan Charlottl.' Juliana Scutter Em d) llan nc~ h SLrogJc 'Jtm.n,, 'ihlag,•r ki.,lcn l.-1urcn Smgh Kclst•vVtvccca Siv,, lldeline Squirt'S J<~•ica Anne Stan1p Sarah Angehc.l Stct.'le Chloe \ndrea St<?wart Sophte Stokoe Juhanna Chnstinc StL>rm Gr~ta Ltl\ 'iutton Phihppa . Ta M,lril'· jn~~ph Phuong Mat lafun1 Isabella Tam Jesstca R>s!>On Vktonn il'e Brig> ttl.' rhnmp-;<m Frin Cuurtnt:'V llwmp>on Fllen M.11 ce l'hync jamtl' Torna Maria lhson Dan1ella Renee rr.1bm·w Vanc~><J Luuisc rraucr 1 )om mtqul' SH•rha nir Tripp Samantha Rlto

COLLEGE ROLL .. i 111•1iUti 1Uncl'1Al1sa VJJ 1 Kath.:rinc Annl' \'an Kl>nl India J unc Vawurt'V Abbey Kristine Wal•h Modeleml.' Jun.:> W~ltl'Ts :\tcoleta Waremg Gemma Wel~h AIJsha 411dJJJ White Chl1>c Wholohan S<1ph1e Wick i\,hk}' Jane Wildsmllh Isabella Clare w·tlkins Lauren EI!Zdbcth Williams Kt·l~~> Gloria Wurslt'Y Cullin Alict· Ynud.:tle S,l ll)' Clair

YEAR7 ALlam' Laurf.'n ~tar) Nlcum r'Mtia Clare Attwatcr Cuvla Da~n AuouniY,,smm~

BadJngs laylil Jane l~alllie AmeJIJ K..1te llain C,•orgia EUzabcth Baker So).l Barnes Ceorjlla Loutsc Bell A.lbon Bennett IJanidle There~!.' BocrJnlu'io l.:turen Milry l'lowdJtch Kathcnno.> Ja)11C Bnght Sanchta Margaaet Burn~ Gcurgi.l Burrow' Mndelienc Grnre C.11craft T,tmasm Jean Cambll7i L~urt'n 'l.:ancy Caprurclb June Carlton Lauren JesSica CJ.ronna Lora Carrick Kathleen Janet Cattl'lan Dan len~ Anl1 ChanJra \latali<' Chu Wen Yung Chand! Jt~stca Elt~c Chapple Fl'><1 I !elena Chung ks:>ika Suc-JLn Cowan Nicola 1-.ri~tln CuaJr~ Garrut Dana<.'la Cunningham F101se Margaret Cunnmgh<tm Kattlin jane Dell Adrienne .Mary Dey Ju,mne \1ichelk• Dowdall Caitlin Egan lmogF:n Eismen Samantha fUium Elli~ Genevieve Ashlcv EstrcUn Isabel Pilar Evan> f'opr') ]<ln\! ~errcm A~hleigh Ulian Rannery Meg Enn J·ordrcd Jcs•ica 1 u~kcr Georg<> Sarah Chadia Prcct1 Nmn Gill~> Kathryn Goo;>dman Emily Louh<.' Goswcll Rebecra Lauren Gregg Emily Mouu Gril?ve Lauren \!1aree Grunwald Tt.•gan Juy I larhiWI Aya Harcombc :\acolle Andrea ~ larmJn Cendwen Ins Hams Madl..'icmc Rave Hnnis Mae<tl' HcUyca Rachel Crace Hel<ham Rachacl Flizabcth 1 il'witt Ntel•lc J hggs Annabel Ci<lrl' ~llll fe-.>;ira JloJg'><m Emily 1 lupton Rikkl RhuJes Hughes 'VIeghan Anne JJ.IT~tt 13runtl' llt.'linda Johnson Scarll'lt May Jun<!>. o,n,tlnJ Ell\•n 1-.nnaJ :Vhkl l...upnri' llek•n,,

Kcaghcrv Susan Ya Wl'n Kerstt•n-l,abelle Sotah Kc>rtl' Sarah Uiwbcth Kn.1ger lldt•hn nv .. 1bet h KrubTCr Rebecca Kr\llzc /.ne EhLabcth Lahood OaudJa Carol ann Lane Isabella Allct' Lanz Catht•nnl' L<!on FrJnri$C~ l gn~cia

1:1 lued•• Cl.1irc Eli7.ilb<!th Uovd Kathryn Lucas Sarah Ludwig l<>abell<l MJh\'r CJttlU1 Eleanor M.1nn Lonllil :>;icul,, VKitlria Marcellino Momquc Marton C'a 111tn [loi!.C Mdnnc-. Alc><andrd Kaw McMastt.'r Ma' Lu<indJ MllNate Gabn~lle Grace Murphr Bianca l.nrr.:une Musson Aie>«tndra Mustac Kn~tma MyliUng Gloria llee:>un Neal Annab~·· Tarrvn 1'\~d<IV EmmJ Jant.' Nehrybedu Eltza 1\'ew~U Gt.>orgta Elizabeth Nixon Mstic Rulle 1'\iteti S~hrina Olrog J::m1lia O'SuiHViln Montquc Danu~llc fbten.on )t!sstcQ blcen [\o,JN10 l<.,1bt>Jia Rtht'

Pete~ \-11J.,J..J Louella Phdhp .. Emil} l•nbt-11,1 Philp K<lhc l'inn C.mce Mana fui1J.k Alice Sophie 1\>well \1olly [Jil,lbcth p,.,w~c Brittan} Ll'igh J>ulmnn llmnll' Jan[) Jbdcltft Emma Jane RecJ Julin rhzab!'th RL'V11huut Lucv Mal' Rtt-e LJUI\'11 Ruben~ \firol!.' Amv Rowbotham Enul} '>nrah SankC\ C:ulhn Paige Sbaglia kathryn Ann Shive Kaltlyn Simmon' N 1wla Janl' Sonwrvilll' Rt•bl•cca Ann Stals Jcssaca 1-.atc StrttpatJq 1 todd rick ~IJJelin Rose Strnlom Samantha jcnn1fcr Iatl KJtu: Thumas ~1cgan Chmlolle rorode N1colt.' fosh llrittuny rrcvnllinn Ui7abt)th Troup Jane Wad>wmth 1\i<K'Ie Rnst.'marv Walt>nl11. L.tura ~\abh Gcurg><t Wal~h Ali;.on Katt> Waltei"<Aiexandra Watt~ Silr.lh Emil\ Weller Gt.'mmn Lnuisl' ~\clsh t:wbclla Rae W""thoff D<JmtnJC,1 W<"ilwoud Elub.t.• Katl' Whltt•houqe Slerhanle Witt il'>!>tca Anne WnoJ Sarah May Woods Al)"'ho YooYerin




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61 Y[AR BOOK 8

Brigidin~ Daught~r.,


I r11nl Row Se<:or d R11W

Tl rd f(uw



Jillt.lih,_i YEAR 7 CAMP & PEER SUPPORT Ycar7 Camp

T h1.., \Car, our)ear 7lJmp \\J'> ht•lJ at the Narrabeen <,port and Rt•crt•Jtmn lcntrc

and our aim wa ... to allo\' thl' girls to get to knm"'· e,lCh other m an "out of thl• cla..,.,mom" c\pcricnce 'The llKUs \\ J... tht•rl•fore, on outdoor .lCh\ 1til'" clnd thl• girl., all rc,.pondcd with enthus1.1.,m clnd gl•ncros1t\' tm,ards one anotht?r. \\'chad .,pent the da) bcforl• setting ofl for camp m \ll•ntor Croup'> at ..,chool. cxplonng Dr 5l•u..,s's hook 0/1 1/w Plmcs vcw 'II xo' Through reading Jnd d1sw..,smg th1s grt.'clt !Jttle book \H' rcmmUl'U thl' girls ol the challcng\,.,, both ph\.,ll,ll and emotional, that lie .1he.1d t>l thl'm u~ thl'} cmbJrk on tlwir ~ix year Journey through high o.,~:hool.

ror~nme,.l bigchalll'll).IC IJ)' ,lhl•Juof lhcm the w ry ne\t d.1y lht• L1mp ,md thl· prospect of ~pcndmg rJ night ,Hvay trom h<>me! Fur other~ 1t wa ... pilrtLllp.llmg 111 tlw phys1ccll JCh\1hes, \\ h1ch mcludt•J .Hl her;.. l•ln<ll'ing/~uval-lng. ab<;~•ahng. t<)(k dimbmg unJ in1taullves. Mo.,t of the girls nN: to thl' challenge., prl''il'ntcd and "hJd J go" - thl•ar involvement und support of one clnothl'r wus wondertul. The girJo.. wen: l'Xcellent JmbJ.,<;.tdors tor thear

Peer Support

F rom thl'ir <~pphcntum Jnu pr~.•para t ion pha..,es, to wntmg kttl·r~ to )cur 7 200$,

the tl'tlr 11 l'l.'cl Sup pot t Ll'ader., have donl' a f.:Jntasttc JOb Lhas vcar. \\'e ,1rc '><> proud of their gcnL•rosat\, m.:~hmtv and enthustasm an L'Wrv Jdlvlt'> I he )cal 11 Peer Support Leader~ hJVl' tull llbl ewry dimen ... ion of the wgunJ ... Jtion Jnd p.lti t•m·t• I hil t 11 tah..l.'-, to be il great 1\•et Support Ll•nder

YcJr 7 200H h <WL' L'mbruced the sptnt of Brigiduw wdlthlmagh the follmvmg actt vitu~s:

• Yl•ur 7 C.1mp

• i{l.'stllem:e (dl'\ clopm~ ,1 grt•.Jtl'r '>llt:lal network to a lim" thl.'m to be more re'>ilient m cl runge ut .,atuJt1ons)

• rricndship (dl.?\ eloping triend ... hap ... \ '.Jiumg othl•r., ,md undl•rstanding our rights anJ re..,p<m.,abahtw., ,1, .1 fm•nd)

• Paper dw-, .. mg up (,h WL' hJd u lew buddmg dcsagner .... an our madst)

• Mma OlvmpKs great imol\cment, action and co oper.11lon1

'rear 7 hJ\ e dl'vclopL'U an to low!\ Bngidine '>tudents Tiw\ havdx.·l'n involved, enthusiastic and p.lsston.lll' Peer Support has bl•cn a Hme ot "hclrlng with other.,, .1 llowmg lcudL•rshap to develop whtle ft•e ling li~l' ,, "Pl'Ciol part uf this commun1h'. l'cl'r 'iupporl ts n:olly a wonderful experience

6t. YFAR BOOK 00

new ~chool and thear inslnKtnr.., nHnrnL'Illl'U on what a cooperallw und .1ttl'ntlvl' group thC) were- well donl', )car 7!

I hope that )c.:Jr 7 :!OOb \\all IJke the tlml' to

retlecl on the hap~ ml'mom·" ot thc1r hr..t J.:Jys spent togl'ther .,., .1 \l'•lr )..'l'OUp .. .md that the\ re-read t hear Dr 'icus.., book I rom time to llme to remmd them ot the hllu.1bk• ad,1cc it contains.

~Irs fuh,, Bl'\ ,,n 'l'i-11r i CrH11dilltllfll

We are '>liiC both )car 7 Jnd 1t•.Jr 11 ha\l' enjoyed the 1\.>ea ~upport l'rogr.m1 i\cta\atal's th1s) ear and we would lih..t• to thunl.. Jll who have been iawohed in helpang Ih•r <;upport to be so great hl'rl• .tt Bnwduw.

~lbsl1rJnnan , ~Irs Kt1p1•r .1nd t\11"" l'lll,l

YEAR 8, 9, 10 CAMPS JiliJ.11dti

Year 10 Camp

G wups., ll"nt p.lrtnL•rs' <;howcr-.? Bact.; packs' Shoes' R,1111' I hcsc \\Vfl' S<>mt•

ot the top1cs for dl'l.ussJon prior to the'll•Jr 10 Camp. All wt•n.• rclc\Jnt t'\Cl'pl the l.Jo.,t. I low tortunate we no> we that the .,un bq~.m to-.hlnl.' and continued lo shml' n~ht throt1ghout our timt• at Somcr-.ct, '"'hL•n I hl' prcvim1-. \Wl'l-. all the tenh had noodl'u! nw bl•au lilul wc,lthl•r allowed lhc gtrls to lullv c>.pl'ril' l1l'l' tlw hot Summer \'\Cather in tlw 1\u~ li Jht:m bu<.h. Music was prm 1dcJ b~ I he lll\1dJs and there \'\'cl'i the jov t1f a "wim in the riwr at tlw l'nu ol

Year 8 Camp

Y ~ar 8 enjoyed their three-Ja\ cJmp at \lyuna Bay Sport and Recreation

Centre m the beautiful surroundmgs of Lall' ~lacquane. The davs were filled wllh a \'Jril•tv ot exciting act1vitics aimed at mcrea.,mg thl' g.rls sell confidence and promoting po.,itiH' rt.'lat1onsh1ps \'\.lth others. Activih~ were often challl'nging and exhilarJtlng such a., thl' "C1Jnt Swmg" and absctling. Other actMtles such a., lanoctng. sailing. and raft blllldmg ~ncouraged the girl., to work a., a tl.'am and to UC\clop stronger relationc..hip!O. ''~th othcr!> Within their Year Group. All o l lh l• gub participated 111 the ,lctivihes wi th great cncrg\ and cn thuswsm. Their maturt' unJ po-.illvc upprouch lo the ent1re camp expencnet• was very impressive mdeed

Ycar9 Camp

T he 'lc.1r 4 camp was held at '\arramundi .mJ th~ giTb responded plNti\eh to

th1s great opportunit\ to t?'\pt>ncnre new ch.1llengcs together During '\:'car 4 .,tudent" often malt> dectsmns and .,hape attitude'> at a 'en ~en-.ttln? nme ol hie and the camp C'\periencc offered the chance to genumcl~ ron.,1dcr what kmd of per;on ,·ou ch<xlse to be.

l\1r" \\'nchcr d~lgJ1Cd n progrnmml' lur thl• three day., v.hich not only lcpt '>tudcnh phv-.icallv active, but also took them out ot thctr comlort 70nes to contront perceiVed hmttations. The mvaluable lesson thJt was brought away trom adventures :;uch as absl•ilin~. a three hour verlical hike ur a mountain and the terror of the giant '>wing, was that everyone 5un'ived to tell thl' tail' c.1nd that there is enormou!. satisfaction in nXOgi1isin~ that each one of lis can do thmg-; whtch ma} have trutially seemed bcvond our c.1p.1bihhcs. Coupled. l'.ith thiS recJii'>Jlion wa-. lnm.,Jedgc that 1t wa ... the support we rece1\ed from our groups whibt facmg .,urh dMIIcnges that made the crucial d1tterl'nl·l'. I nmura~cment, positl\e afhrmallon-. and rt'assurancl' go !'iUCh a long \hl)

a long dav of actl\1tJes such as h1lmg or rod.: lhmbmg. The cvcning meal \'.as pn.>pJrcd outside ill thl' campsite and then there was time to !'>it under the stars

o, era II, the g1rls participated -.en· enthusiastically each g1rl challenging hl'r~cll m dtffercnl wm'S. The grrls·t> to bt~

congra tulated il!> do the wonderful band of generous teachers who accumpanil•J th t• girls l.!nabling them to hmc a"Bush E>.perienn•".


Jii!J.l+tt;i 2009 SENIOR LEADERS

A t our Leadership As!'C'rnblv on Tuesda} 9th September the College Seruor

Leaders for 2004 were announced.

Cungratu lutinn'> lo ull those who have been selected tor these leadership roles and best wi<>hcs for 2004

Captain of the College

Rebrrca Q umn

College Senior Vice Captnin

i\!>hleigh Fong


Social Jus tice: I lannah Chceo;cman Houses: Emma rJe tchcr S RC: J\ngeUque Williams Clubs & Con nne O'Sullivan

House Captains and Vice-Captains

Fatima: KatcThem.lur-Gallagher, Hannah Goddard Kilda re: Danicllc Ashworth, Cc0rgia Norris Lourdes: :-\ata ... hn fkrncy. lncqucline Vcn tcman Prague: Lauren I)'ler, Eleana Vaughan

Club Captains & Vice-Captains

Athle tics: llnnnah Godda rd, babt>lla Rosati Bas ketball: Ash le igh Ryan, Caitlin O'Bryen Dance: Lauren Thompson, Georgia :-\orn'> D EAS: Sarah Kennedy, C lclir dl• Snu<>a Equestrian: Molly Peters, Nicola Fercndinos Gymnas tics: l..<~ura Lvnrh Hockey: Tayla Edmunds, llaylcv Reeves Ne tball: Emily Bo\'J Grgurinovich, Ellen Lmuse O'Neil Soccer: Joanne Vcvret, le>.~ica M0ck Softball : Emma Mu rvcll, Cemm.; Nel.,on Swimming: S1)phit' Morris Tennis: ]<1cquclinc Vcntcman, Amy 11udsnn Volleyball: Camille Swl'cnt'y. laura Hi nt"'­Water Po lo: K<1 te larnnn, Sara h Kennedy

•EAR E!OOK ''00fl

Society Presidents and Vice-Presidents

Mus ic: Ann-e lil>l' Linds.w, Lucindn Cu ll Drama: Christie Harrison, K<1Lharina Trauer Debating: Katherine Pochmj Ciceronian: Theresa Ren~haw Archirnedean: Hannah Beech Allen Socratic: I lo lly Papandrea Pe riclean: Jannaya AshclforJ Jus tinian: Melissa VVinda~., Hellenic: Elki Lemmctty Liturgy: ldo:1 Prescott St Vincent d e Paul Socie ty/Social Jus tice: Golnoush Tavuna


R d:wn:a (Jumn\ doqut•nt ;~Jdrl'S" to lht• -.tudt•nt nod\ at tlw lt•.ldl•r-.hip

~1,,..,., on \\l'dnt·~l,l\ ' l'ith Odobt•r tollow<,. Rcbccc.1 rclPid lht• -.tol'\ 11! • hlllhll•p-. m tht "·mJ" dt·mon..,tr,llang (.,oJ ,ll\\,1)"" ... upporh t'•lt'h .md t'\t'l'\ lllll' Pt u-. whad1 ,.., ,, rdt:\ ,mt nw-. ... ,lgt• tnr 11t1r :!OtJll I t'•llll•rs.

"To all 1u-.11\ ,1nd In In\ t' nwac' and to WJII.: humbh "ath \Olll ( .nd \\'hat i.., the nw.1nmg nt thas p.~-. .... 1).\l'?

What does it mean to act justly?

When 111 ,, .,m.:i,1lh 01 comlllllnillh <.uperinr ptNtton. do not be <JlrJJd tu .,tep 111 :1nd Ill' II' lht• d1-..1dvant.1gcd when vuu ! other's aclaon<, .lrt' nnmor.ll. Ad111g 10, ,1bou t '>l,lnd ing up for othL·r~ .111d being ,1 ii;'Jd<.•r nl ju~tin'.

What docs it mean to love mercy?

ll 11lL'<m.., tn .1t'l oul llf a ..,pint uf AL'IWro..,it). grace and devotion It mvui\L'"I'I111l1nlmg U1mp,1-.-.u111 ,md 1n-.p1nng other ... to ... upport e.1eh othcr

And to walk humbly?

l'ha.., I" to \\,111.. L,1ut1ou ... h , hnngang our hn•.., anto acrnrJanct• ot God'.., will. It 1., ,1l<ot1 puttmg nua tru.,t an the hands ot Cod due to Gnd'.., ,,baht,· to le.1d thL• \h1\ .1nd bl' tht• lt·.ldL·r ot our hfe.

l \\ ouiJ no\\ hi..L• h 1 tdl \ nu ,1 ..,I of\ ot .1 man '' ho went '' alking \\ Jth ( ol>d llw ... hlf\ .... c.llll•d"l Cllltpnnh Ill thl' "·lllJ".

( )nt· 111ght ol 111,ltl h.ld ,1 dtl'.lll1. I k• dre.ll11l'd lw '"''"' ",1lkmg Along tlw bt'.llh \\tth tlw l.ttld

,\Lr''"~ thl.' ""' ll.lslwd ~L'l'IW.., trom hi.., hit• lor L'o.lLh "'l'llL', IlL• notlled l~\o st•t ... ol lontpr 1nh 111 tlw ~.lnd, Olll' lwllll1)..'1ng to hnn, ,111d llw ol hl'l to tlw lnrJ

When tlw l,, ... t :>l'L'IW of hi ... lil t• n,,slwd bl'lorL' him. l lc looi..L•d b.JLI.. ,ltlhl• lootprnlt., 111lhe sand. Hl• ntlhl'l•d th.llnltln\' tnm•o, .1 i11ng tlw 1~.11h ot hi-.liil' I hL'tL' ,,,1..,onl\ lltW -.('lui t<~ntpnnt.., Ill' .:tl ... o not1n•d 1t h.1ppcawd At tlw \l'l'\ lo\\l''t .md -..lddt•..,t tmH.'" m h1.., life.

lhao, fL',lll\' hntht•rt•d ham And Ill' lJUL'..,Itolll'd till' I urd ,lbnut it.

l nrd )nu sa1d tiiWL' I d~.·uded Ill tollo'' )ou, )oud w.tll.. '' ath tnt• ,1lltlw "•''

Hut I ha\l' notan·d th.ll Dunng tlw mo-.t troubiL• ... llllll' tnnt'" 111 111\ late, lhL•re ,.., onl\' oaw sd ot lootpnnto, l dun't und~.•a..,land '' h\ "h~.•n l nee,il'd )ou moo,t y11U would IL•,tH' nw."

lnl' replil•d," t\ly plt'Ut >us. prL'llnus child I lti\'L' VOll ,1nd I would llL'\l'r 1\',1\l' \llll .

Dunng your tlllW.., ot t1a,1l .ll1d sultt•nng, \\1wn \'llll "L'l' unl\ oJW SL'l ol hHitpaant:-., It w,ls tlwn I h.11 I r.mtt•d vou."

In tha.., L.l..,L' (,nd I'> nur leader \\'ho gwde<; us through htc and supports our L'ltort., 111 mJ!..tng "'''L' dl·nstono.,. C.od pl(k... u~ up\\ hl'll '"e t,lll or whL•n "L' mal..c rm..,tal..e.., and share::, w1th us the ttmL'" ol joy\\ h1•n hfL• 1s ,tt ats De'>! Nt'\'L r c.ln ''~' dl>Ubt the Lord\ leadL•r-.hap bccausl' (,nd j.., ,,h,av-. then• wht•n Wl' n~~d him mo..,t. 'lht• 1 ord ,.., awt l>t,,l.,tlul but mudt">t, tlw Lord j., nut !>dfish but gt\'lng ,md thL· Lord ,.., nnt unpll'Jsant but lo\ mg and l..ind. The~· arl' thl' qu.lhiiL''> that .llllt•,,d,•rs .,h,IUid pu..,.,e., .... Bt•ing a lt:'adcr ball about "l'f\ ang and hl'Jp111g otht•rs J.., \H'JI ,1., lll..,pinng pl'<lplt• tO "liCll'l'J. Jt \\L' tlll' olblt• lu makL' J dllll•tL'lltL' tn naw p~rson'., late we hm e tulttiiL•d 1>ur mle ,,.., lt•adt•J-.. lt'.ldt•r.., .IlL' m,1Jc, not l>t1m SoL'\ t:'~·onL' 111 tha., room l1.1s tlw potcnt~<11 to bL' ,1 IL•JdL'r

But what makes a true leader?

1\ true k•JLk-r ,.., ont• "' ho !, l he Wil\., goes the \~tl\, and ... hm,·~ the 1\',1\. A k•,ldL•r\ abtli lv and courage 10 accomplLsh his vasion conw~ from p.l..,.,inn ,1nd .ldinn, nnt authorit\ nr pu..,itinn It vour .:H.: tl illl" in-;pirt• olhL'I'> to drL'<Jnl mort•, k•am mort•, Jch ievt• mwt• and dl'wlop mmL', Vt>ll Jre J k•,1dL•r

A le.ldt•r\ JOb l!i not '>t> much to order others what to do and m.1!..e deus1nn.., lor otht•rs but to ~upport other ... 111 whJt tht'\ nurtUIL' the1r dL•cis11111\ g' >ud leader mspires people tn hawcnnfidt•nte Ill thl• lt•,)Jl.'r, J grt•,lt ie,lder lll.,pirL"> p~oplc tO haVl.' !>df Dchd and f.1ath 111 tlwm.,l'IH•-. It as ,ll<ot> ,, lc,ldcr'.., job to promntl' pJ..,..,Inn .md "Ptnl wathin ntht•r pl'l>pk• .md to L'.,lclbli.,h the foundation., tor tht• lt•.ldt:rs 111 the tuturt'

On th.ll nolL'.I \\'nuld hkl' h> tal..e ... omc llmc tn \\1!ih all of the new),•ar I~ garb tlw H'l'\ bt·~t ot lw.:J..: ,,., the leader.., tlf the scht>ol. )ou arc all "liLh ,lmMmg \ oung \\ llmt•n .md tht•rt• I' no doubt that \ou ''all ~>tlldt• and k,ld Bngtdme unto a p.tth of ... ucce.,s and achiL~ement .

<. )n(L' agJJn, .:onAr,llulJtinn-. .1nd I wio;h )-OU all the bc~ltn the tulurc


Jilll.llhti PRINCIPAL'S ESSAY I mm a11 ,·t/u, aiJ"mt •'] ('lt'U. rd1at .t,~.., lilt r, t •1 tlrr uwM

thm4 (lj i\11<tmlta1"

T ht• war uf 200~ fm manv Au,trahans has pn >\l'n to

1"-t• a mt·morable one <.<.> tar Thrs war, S\<ln.-') w.b the

ho•st "I tht• !Jr~<"il \o>uth tt'hh\al 10 tht• 1\orld where 2.'i. 000 \<lung r••ople trnm i.'Vt.'l"\ corner nl Hlulx• g.llh.-r••d for thl' ll'il'l•r,ltlons ot thl' World 'Iouth D,l\ Wt'!'l.. Th1s w .1r

ho~s oll'll hrought Australia tht• sun<'S' ot il' l)l\mpian

ll'clm whn r••rr•'<;;.>nted the ~ountr, \\1lh pndt• Jt tlw Ber1rn.-: Olvmpr(s As o1 nation ~ainm~ rt>putdtmn twm th< n'~l ol

th<' \\OriJ thmu~h fl.•aturt"o su(h a' rts .f,·,uo~blt• trawl d...-.tin.llions !Sydnt'\ \\J•

vnh\i th•• tJ\ uunte oly rn the world) anJ tht• lt•Jgu•• ot pop ("IJIIUrt• lt~ures to <'Jrn

surn·~' :mtl I,Jm<' O\l'f'l'ib. thrs '>l.liUs has not .111\J\s N'l'n kept rn otlll.'r asp,•cb ot ,\u,traha lhroughout tune, '>l'Wral turnrng pn1nb tn the nation\ h1slo>r, haw

altt•u·d th•• tl('"' r>t Au~trJli.J taJ..en trum ahruad I thrcal Lssue<o rcgardrng d,'Osrono;

mJJt• k tho.• p01st and curr.•nt ,\u.,tr<Jhan gn\t'mmt•nt hJ\<' attracted mr: .... d t'111o>llun'

hom tlw ro.·st PI thl' world Notonous rnt·•nts su, h ilS I he 'lampa o~tlatr th•· '"' r.1l lo•uds nl lh•· L rnnull.t riot•. Jnd tht l~>ng f,lstmg '~'II<' rll ,llfJII' hJit'

r••rh.lps hrurs.•d Australia'' reprC'~I'nt.ltlon to tllt.'l'l<-'.!S media HtlW<''-'t't, 10 ll'(<'Mi

hnws. r•pmtnn' oln lht• nation huV<' ch.:~n~t•d, ,,~ Aw,tr,11ta pruvl!s to th•• "''t ol tht•

wnriJ th.1t rt "" rllmg I•' wmlo. tnw..trJ, J lwttl'f ro1untry all tt1Und

i\u,trJit.t "· to mo~m p<!Vplt•, hnmt· A' th< \u,tralr.Jn I'"Pulation h<" .11 21 mlllton

~"·oplt•, II sho1~-. to be J countf\ thJt hJ" nut wt reJched rts hm1ls \IIW·'''"" to

,\ustr.lh.l h." mcrt'ilst>d '" "'" hclmmgh· rn lt'\l'Ot trm,., a~ Austraha I' ~n'll k mJn\ Cl\ t'l~l.'as a~ a mt'Jil' ol 'l.!rttn!( a "''" lttt• rna plaw ol endJ.-,;, opportumtrt•s

llmH'\l'r amund the \\otld. n<>t t'\t:r. lountn IS:><'<'n tht' wav Thousands ot r•~'rl•· lrnm \\Jr rrdden u1untnes and ntht't'<.'<l m thl'lt <>wn land tlt>t' m '*',Jtfh 1<11

J lx•tkr Itt,• 1 he cond1hons m whu h lht•\ lr,twl Jlt.' hie thwatl!nrng. and donult•lft•r

Jny guarani<'<'' IN sJlt'. tl am, am\ills In "'!l{)l, ·liO retu~..,,~ "''"' tt'"'"'d from therr "nJ..m~o: l<·m M a '\lof\\Cf,;lJO ln·r~hll•l n.1m<'d rampa Thes,• rdugt'l'' h,ld tlw rnll•nt run u l reJchrng Australra, onll' to b•• ro•wcll•d bv tho.> Howard govcrnmL•n t .md 11'11 •ll ,,.,, \(t~,IIV Nghan, tht• n•fug<'<'' thll•.tl<'l1l'd In thmw thcm'><'l'-'ti' nw1ho1J1d rl

tht'\ l'<'t<' drnrt•d landmg perrn1ssron. l.tmp.l wJ' stro1nJed ott Chri~tm.JG !slt~nJ .mJ tht• hum.Jn <'argo unbo.ud mduJt•J m.ln\ ,·hrldr,•n, f'll'~.Jnt \\1lmt•n and t•rrnu,fv

rll rclu)(<'<'' Thl' Howard g<>H'rnment '<'nt mt·dllal ""'' and ,,.,.>J 'urrh•·' "' lht• boat. hoi\ t'\W \Wrt• not allmn'<l tu ~d toot nn ,\<~h.ln s01l The Tampa alt.111

and tht• tht•n gtJ\l'TOmt•nt'~ r••J(IIon rt'.t<h•\i tht• 1\orld nt•\\-.; .1nd 'PJr<'<l contnl\t't'\

tor ,\ustrah.l \lust r<•acttons to tht• tn~llmt•nt ot thl">C rt'luf'l"'"' "'P''""'l d!S!,'U'>I

.JnJ a str•>n!: "''""'' "' <>Netlll>n turtht•rm•'fl', tlw ttmdrhon~ tho1t aSJ fum ...,.,.lo.,•t) ,, ... ,,. ltl "' ,. 10 1\ hill' 10 dt"tt.•nhl'O ll'Oifl'' Slll has ~JUI\1, \\Cit' \1C'Wt-d i)>, ·'I'I'JihnJ;

""'" '''T"""'d to •wo.·~··as medrJ An t•drtnnalpnnlt•d m the Amencan "''""1'·'1''''· 1 oiS An~··l,.., time.,, mtrcrst\i th<· .Ktlon of John I Inward t<'gardmg th< ll'

t•ntram ,. nl lht• rt•lu~ec;.. calling 11 ·,·mh.Hr,l"'"l4 !'he' ~ihJatrnn <'WI1 ).;JI Iwd

.Jtlt•n tlnn hom thl' Un1ted "'ullnn' I<'JI.lrt lir1g 1\' eJo.<•cuhon of mtcrn,•trnncil

IJws A 'l"'"''w,onman tur tht• l'n•t••d N.lllnn<. ll•gh t'nmnu;,"om•r for Rt•lugt'l'' urw·J"Athlr.Jh,, 1<1 act accord Ill).\ to hum..tnrt;m.m pnncrple~· .

(),.,pllt• tht• wntrn\('fW sparkl'd up b\ tlw T.1mpo~ lntldt•nl , mam hltn): m unS<tl<'

C(>Untnt...,,llfhlt'\\ ,\u,ttala.ld"d Jx•,llt>n ot hnpt•lur lr<"Lodt•m Tht""P•~•plt•-.tJII <"'<".:IT"' the dangt•r, ot tht•tr homdo~nJ m tht• hnp•• ol rt'.l• lung tht• s.1te land ol J\uo;trah.l

Jn 2()tn J tl•umahst lor thl' Bntr'h nt'"'l'·'l'•'r, lht• I \t'nmg Stand.Jrd. tnlllN'd

Au,tr,lhJ k calhng the countr. " rall~t. '>l'\lst .md dt'l'ph bad.\•.lrd" Th•' rt:'f'"""'' to Austr,tlt.J I rum ~n 11\'t'N'.l.' wntt>r tnuld h.l\t'l"'<'ll lntlu .. ·nn>d h\ tht>mtt'm.ll•nn,ll

pern·pnnnq nl Au.,traliol pw~nted 111 lht• mt•diJ I he \C.U bdort• tht• .ulldt• "'•" rt•lt•,)"'d .,,IW lhl' liunuiiJ tiuts pt•nl'lliliiOI\ h<llh 11JIWnilJ dOd 10lt'll1,lliClO•ll

h,•;~dhno,>~. wtth shocl..1ng tm,Jgt:'s of r.tlhtl Vtt>l<•nn• lwt\\<'Pn \·\'hilt>' .111d

l ••b.1m•"• .tn<l \1lddft· Eao,tC'm ,\ustr,,h,lo., I lw cmc•rJ~·· or thl"e nots h,11oe 'Pr.,.rd

fto.rrs nt ~trnn~ fJ(Iaf tcnswn lmn>: 1n \ustrJhd .1nd tlw crud lmagt•s 011 o\u,tnrlr,m

" l<ll'.lls" JltJclo.tng ll'b.lnest' hd\l.' l'll'Urt'd lh<' W<IIIJ \ICW' on Austraha .b ,r ro~ust fountr. D•"'Plh' tht> r.1nal \1oh.>nte arnunJ tht• ~utht•rl,md Shm• area rn Pt•n·mb.·r

200'\ 1\lthm \u,trahan border~ mam 011\t'<l<·motron~ \\t'r,•tdt Jbout tht• ln<lth-nt

In m.m~, lht• .Jet' nl thl' \'lllmg \\'hrte Au,tr.Jh.m' l'<'f<' (I)OS!dered ret.lh.Jtton to lht•

mobs of M1J.IIt• F_a~tt'm \Uuth th.ll hJ\t' l>t't'n t.lusmg trt>ut>lt> aroun,l tht· ..trea tur

"'"''rJI \'t'Jr' Although th1s act ul ll'\l'O):t' 1s nut 1.'\CUs.Ihll' t>n the' cnunlf\ 't...•h.11t,

lh•· lr.Jn,fattnn nllht• mcidt>nt I~JJ. not •lUll! lht !'.Un<'ll\t'r""a~ On an mlt•m, k\t'lhl•l rnnulla not' Ivett' dehnt•d J' 'Wh1k \u.,tralr,lns <'XP!t''"lng lht•u nwm·r-hrp

nl tlw nmntr, J~Splavcd h1 rartal <lngJrh 'uch •" "\V(• Jo;H.'W here, vou tl!!w hL•~t•"'

In cnntl'mporar,· "'lCil'l\ , .ll'\t'l"f'''J <nunrnt..., pu1le th,·rr m•><km apprt~ldl k

t•mbraC'll1!; mulhrultur.1hsm 1\lhlltalh .md "<lCtallv. 11 has ix'come .J );<>.II lor m.m~

"'untn • ., around tht• wmld lin\\'",.,, th,•,·n\t'td);<' r•t tht•l wnull.t nnh h.1J pr fYlt-d

to lli'L'TSeJS ilUJU'OCo.''> thJI p••rhar' ,\u<.tr,thJ I' not Glpo~t>J.• ol tolt•r,lltng thl' Sort nl

multl<\lltura\i<m di!'l''ll' tht• sttu,ttinn llw 1.-t·h.l\lnur dr,plo~wd hom hoth I'·"'''"' rmohl'J m thl' riots 'hLliH'd 11\ll' dtslt>l,ll" In whJl rt 111l'J11s h• lw .tn ,\t"lr.tlt,111 "'luch hoJ.' ,hnne through tht• IO,,lll' Although thl' ri.'st ot th•• 11orld rllll\ h.JW h<'l'll

<w.rwJ bv thr~Aus~r.rhan 1.11-.<' nlllll\lt.lht\, tl "unllt•r<;,rllv ,1('< l'f~l••d that th" group

,., J mmoritv ot Austr.llrJns .• md tll•Hnlh'l' dontlt rl'pt<''L'nl tht> t<''t ol tlw, nuntrv',

lltl~\'11, The Jltltudt>' d"plo!\t'd b\ tht ... l' \(llll1g \\'hlk Au,lldh.m' I' nnt olln'pto~hlt• on anv JC">unt. hniH'I<'I tht•l ronull.1 rruh r.·mrnd,•d th<· 1\ hut,• 1\orld ol tht• loiCIJI

,,,u,-.. that mlbt ix' t.1n•d 1n "l<"H'I\ tndJ\

l'hmught>ut Au~traho1n hr,h•r. tht• l'sUt' rt•g.udrng thl' ml,.lwalnwnt and <'<IU.lht\ ot .tnd l•llrl..., Str.111 fo.l.mJ,·r f"'<>pk ha' l>..·t>n a ,,gnrhcant ont• \l>..mpnul

.11t.ur, m Au .. rrah.:J hJ\<' endun•d ,, dtlll< uh p.,,t , \\lth t lt' most''~ ogntsabl,• 'truggl•

ol tlw hr't Austrah.m' lx••n~:: lht• hurt <Jll'<'d h1 tho.• ~tolen l:enl'rilhons l'rt'\lOth

m"t"J.."' m.1dc bv PJ't g""'rnnwnh h.t\•' ..,.·,trr,·d tht• Ah.,ngmJI l'''''f'lo• 111 111Prt• 1\,l\, thJn 1u~t emotrnn.JI I )urrng tht•pelll>d <ll the sell Jt'to•rtnH1JU<>11 H•"<'mmt•nt

pnhry At•~t1.11ia fina llv bt·~.m h> t.ll..t• st,•r,. tow<~rd' a ul11lt•d ltrtur,• lwll'<'<'ll Abongmal pl'oplt• and Whitt: Au,tr,llr,ms A ''!-'11lfu:Jnt p.lrlnl th.- w,,, lndo•t•d tlw

It'<' >gnrtl1ln nf .\lxmgmJI I ,rnd Rrghh Jnd tht• drsmrs,.JI nl tht• tl'l' <>I "t<•rr,J mrlllt"

luwd Ill de...:nl:>e the tlp<lll th·· oltll\oll Ill Furolpt.'JO 'tltlt'l' lllt'.IOIOf: the

,,,,., nnt t1C<'Uprt'<ll l'ht• pto).\rt"'' Au<lrJha 1\,h makln~ rl.'gJrdmg rts nJI!\l' T"'''l'lt•

"'''' ··mbra,t>d k tht• '"'rid ,,., rntt·m.tllo~n.JI o1pproach to mJ~rng anwntb "rth lntl1genou' peopJ,.,. and \\httt• f'<'<>pk tnntrnUt'\1 h> t>Ct'UI Hm\l'\l'l the lln\\.utl

gtl\<'mment too w···ll ,;h'f'IS N<J.. 10 n·achmg ,\lx>nginal ft't<>ntlh.thnn I oi\IS

u·g.udmg Alx>ripnal nghh '"'"' '''""und .md thl' Hc><•ilrd gm<•rnrn<·nl "a" ><'<'n J' tht• onl1 m<>dl'm gnH·rnm•·nt 1•ho h.Js rt•tust.J to o.a1 '<II f\' lur tlw nu'tr<'.Jtnwnt

ul ''' n.ltl\o.' people Jh,• ungr~rng to11111n\l'h\ ro•gardrng .1n .lf'f'IOIJ'II·II<' ·•roltlg\

lor tht' d"f'"""'"''o" olt AbtHl)lllloll thildn•n kntmn a' th<· <;tult•n <~t'O<''·'''"n' ho1' 'hJdnwl·d nl<'r most u l \ustl,llr,ln pul1llc'i m re>ptm'l' tn l'lh~tal '''""' llw \\Ollflf._I<Je CllllCt•ntrilhlln 1111 th1' l"lll' h,l, J'l'Ol'tr.JIP<illpi1111111>; 111 ifll' 1 llllntr, , ""

mu<h "' thJt th•• Lmll-J Nat1on' h.l\< >ldt<•d thdt Austr~ltJ '' rlw onll' dt'Vt•lop<•d

<'nuntr. wh~l" g•wcrnnwnt h.r .. l>.•t•n tond••mnt>Ja, r.Ju't lht·l.ll lo. ol «HI1f'·"""n to\\,ud~ th.• Stoll-n );L'I1<'tJil1111' k· ,,.,,,r,11 former i\u,tro~lwn gnwrnnwnb h.l~

c.,u .. ,:d murh hurt n tht• ,\ht '""''tn,ll <·nmmunJI\ throughout tJmt•

\\lult• tht• h.Jndling "t \l> All.w~ h.1' Jx•,·n an undl'rl\wg rntlut•Ot<' nt th••

1\uriJ\ pertl"phnn' on ,\u,tro~ha, thl' h.t- ''ll" I\ thang,•J 1\lth lht• r•lt't'ltnn of th••

Rudd gowmment m 2007 l )n tht• llth nt I t•hntaf\ ~tlt.l$ Pnml' ll.hn1<.h 1 "'''1!1 RuJd

J, h<t•r,•d .1n apolog; tu th, lndlgt·nou~ f'<'<>plt• ot \u~traha IPr th<'H 111 ''"'Jirn<•nt

.1nd thl' harshnl'" ol tlw Stult•n gt•n,·r,lt11111S Rudd'~ ~orn· 'P''''' h '' n·,·ng111.,..d ,,, ""'' u l tlw mo~t d.t\s 111 tlw 1M Iron's hi,IOt'\', and tht• 1\orld wrJ•· r,•,pun-..• wn~ pn,rtiw Tht• thJMj.\<' .,f ~uH•rnnwn l ,lthtutk appt•ul In thl' I,J..,., o l uwrst'ds

prl'" and rl'Sldent~ J 11U lnrt•wr Jltt•rt•d llw tr I til mt:'l optmuns nl Aust1.1h.r Dt''J'IIt! h,wrn.: upnl<~gJWd, ,,u,tr,l lt,m' .md o>lt't'•'·" p<>puiJtll•rh o~ll~t· .:~II .l< ~ nuwl,•, lgt• I ht• r<~n,tant n~ed lor Au,tr.111.1 101 \\Ill~ h.rrd<·r for Ah<m~inJI 11'\o>ll<llt.lh<~n 111 ,.,, • ...,

I" '"lblt• 1\ol\

Tht• 1\orld ha-. ix'en "rtm...,-s to sunw srgnllll<IOI rnt'ldcnts dt•.tlt 1\llh hv Au,trulr.t

sud1.h tht• rntamou-. 1.1mp..t .ttt.ur, lht• rat !.II t••ns1on dt.,pi.J\t\i thn,ugh tht• t ronull.1

noh .Jnd the ongnrng tSSIIl' ol Abunpn.ll aii.Jlr' Although tht"'' '""'"'"'' h.t\t' put tht• Au .. tralr.m go\, mnwnt's t·tlm al .. tanrt• m th,• lund•,;ht nf mh·m.lhon.ll

nwdr,l, mort· tho~n Jlllthmg tiW!>t' 111t ~<it·nh hJ\t' ra1st• .n .. art'l1l"s nl ls-.11<" rho~ I .nt•

pn•st•nt all around lht· "'"IJ. not nnl\ i\u,trahJ Tht: d<'CNnns m.ldt• tw ·\u uo~h.m ..

h.Js pt•rhap' "vavt•d oprnron, ol tlw tuuntr,''' t•lhrt's mJ m<>tJis, h"'"''''' thn tlo

I<'P"'''-'nl th~ d,•vt•lnpt•tl world' "''"'' 1111 man\ aspt'rl'- u l N!Xll'l'\ In ,, go•nt•

n•niL'\t. t\u,trJiiJ " ht•tng '''1'"'"'111•·<1 "'"'"'a' bv nur ntm·n' 1111 th•·•r ~o:wat il<hl\'\t'mrnt ... rnd tllOtrlbUIIIIO' Ill m.Jn\ ltt•lds nl lht• wrdl'r llll1\01Uiltt' rrolll1

tht•-..· .lmha'>-s.ldt11>. th<• rt-.1 tlt tht• \\orld ha' \lewed Austr.:~lrJ as o1 to>t111lr\ fu't a' tap.lhl,• ot 'U\(t''- J' 1\t·.rlthl <<~Unlnt'S 'II• h ,l, thl· lJmt<'<l St.Jtt'S .rnd l·n!(l.mJ

ffol\t'\l'l f'llhho:al .ISf'\'l t• tht• 1\orfd h.lS rt..:ugnr....,d the lffipt'lh'llllln' ptt~'OI 111

p.1~1 ).:11\ernmt•nts that .In ''"'t '""''·•nth thrnu.:hnut the 1\nrld lht• rntt•m.lllnnal tlll1ll1lllnlt\ ho~st•lht'lf t>prntnns ut \ustrali.J b\ hn\1 ,,ll7t'n' P""'' th,•u tompJ '-Inn

.1n.i good n.Jture tm\o~rJs "tht·rs 10 tht• \\orld and\\'<' can nnh h··~'l' th,!l tht'"'

"l''""'n' .tre tme to tht•f1Jtwn ,,, a \\holt·

I o• An;,;"'P..S In~. GW.~; Mt;,ir:· or::8 c;._..~ lrrr:nt•r ._'(JO~ hltl./IWWVY .)lhtrJJitt ... PCll'l• ·'::l r.m tor~gr ll~•'llf.UI.OJ 07r 't'I.JV ""''''·lal nl4 nlhl SpNl< arotr Bnrtt:n Glebe 0!'111~ ,,.l ~-JO ba.HrJ 'r''ll£1~, ihop ct: Aus:rJ'iJ 28 ~t-'r:h•mt"" ?0:::18 t!ltp I. Nft'W dU 'r I r Jf '" t nrHII'}'('IfY' I rlt' !J I )8. I ' h ,, t.l 1:""\t' 'ltm Tt~r•Svlnt-yPtl frlln~;Ht·raf! fhest• ,.TIS•~'S !'.J't•v:'tH!'nt :lOct-t-..er2<X>8 httP:JWN.\ Ill• .rna ·nrW'Shpm.,:'tl'''t~·e:""-ddt ts. ul• t btJ l1hh~ 41Jf..!~L ... tfltl.-'ll~l

4 p,~er JOhrt Au~'1.1Jo3. !h~ Qt .. 'y Jo:lo-ro''l()O_.I ounrr~ MletSe ;."l~er•ur:o-n! t ~ .. t~·rl •(.)ft(je(r••1Cd J rJt; .·u, :fl{_• l/fl 'n: NJ'•ons. ! Oc:aoto' 2008 ht·~ 'IV'N'- ~lt!r1p!lo r C'O'TI/t\[email protected] ~ '~H

The Ao:e. Auw~l.! :ac • "''·-sr.;.-:ouleep;," ....c Oc·.>:~er I 2006 nnp whv. t'le:: , .... L .m.a ·nEW>" •ICll >lral" ,,. t'ilo;e> '..:I""DlY • '"'~ 11 t 1>1~3-: ~m

70 YEAR BOOK 200~






P¢-F Assoc1atron 72

P&F Rugby N1ght and Cockta1l Part1es 13 \It HOUSES

Founders Oav and lnternauonal Food Fa~r 74

Reunrons 15 Arch1ves 76 Proneers' Reun1on and Be le Brrde Dmner 17 \Ill CO CURRICULAR

Mothers' Brunch and Luncheon Club 78

Open Da~ 79 Petrents' Scmlflar and Parent VotuntPers 80 Gri!ndparents a11tl Spectal Fnends' Day 81


Year I 0 Pareni/Daughter D1nn.-r 82




I t hJ<, lx'<..'n !>uch a bus\ \'l'ilr th.1 l I hJd f\Jrgtlltcn so many of the thmg., th,Jt thL'

P.lrmts .mJ r ricnds AssodJtion h,1\ l' tx·en U1\c:li\~.J in !brent:.. ot the Colll.'gt.> sk'p~x·d up tu help \\ 1th thl.' 'tear 7 lnform.:~tmn '\light. tht• Bonl.. ~.:~k• '>pL't'ch Da) the Cod.tail f'nrtJtw.;, O~x·n Dil\. \\orld't<.>uth Da~ . tht> Bk-..llsllX' Cup rund [~1i...CI Jnd Saturda~ tours Ill thl' Colk•gt'.

In add1tion tn ht•lping with the:-.c L'Vcnh, it • ., t ht• objt•t th c llf the P & F to mi-.<.• hmJs Ill .:t.,.,i:-.1 w1th the purcha~c of .mvthing that wdi bl'nl'iit the Collcgt> ond, ullimutelv. tlur dJughtcr:. ThroL•gh hard worl.. und the gt•m•ro.,lh ot our wonJerful cPmmumt\, \H'

mJnagt•d to purcha-.c ne'' table" for Bm' 1e I tall. and hire Pods tll as.,isl in the C\er chc.1n~ng and evohing \\orld of IT.

\ \'t• Wt'rt• fortunate to haH' Ant hom (,Jra\ ,,., our I'Jrent Reprec.cntall\t' at tht• \/S\\1 l"a•ent':,. Council Anthony altendt•d the Parent Countil Mccrmgs and rcpolled b.:~cl.. to tlw I' & Pam thmg o[ intcrc~t. Midwllt• l'itt<..emld, from the NSW Pnrent's Council. c.:~me along to lll1l' of our met•hngs and enlighte1wd us '' 1th o,omt' wry mtercsting inform.Jtion on the <..memmt•nt's Pundtng for 'khuot.. Anthony • ., .. teppmg down from his rule as tht• P.lrt•nt Rt•p and \W thank him for his mput.

It h.1s not bl.•en J particular!\ t..•a.,, \ t•ar for thl' I' & I I \L'CUII\e but we wert..• JlwJ\s united 111

mn 1 esolvc Jnd e'en in our dJt 1-l''>l hnur~-o we nh1 11.1gt•d to find humour

M\'nal thanb and appn•u.ttlon go to Grt..•g Hissl'l. tht> Vice Prc.,idl•nt. tor his


ability to see tht..• Iunny s1de and makt' us laugh. To john Jnl..rJlas. tht• Sccrctan', who epitomises the Bnh'ldmt• mntto Strength and Gentleness John dot..'Sn't usualh sa\ much but whl'n puo,h comes to shme. hl' digs his heels in '"1th tht..• t~·nal:lt\ of a bull tenit•r. '>pccial thank., to Cohn Rhodt..-s v.ho put h1" hand up for tht..• ·1 rt'.hurL•r\ rolt' because ntt one else did Cohn bwught that unique brand ol English humour to our meetings and Wl'

enjoyed hovmg hu11 on bo.ud. Untortunatclv Colin trJveik•d too nttcn to be Jble to uo the po~•tion JUSttcc. o,o lt•ndcrt•d lw. resignation. Lnter Geofl Drummond \-.ho. whilt• attendmg tht>'teJr 7lnLI-ta•l l~rty. oftered h1s ~nice::. as Tr.:a.,urer. l'm nut sure that he had intended to tal-.l' up tht..• role so ~xm but \H'

are etE'm.1lh W\1tdul that he did

liJ Ste\ c (nubo<h gets 111\ job) Fong, than!.. you for your love lll wmc, tlrt..•lcss organising ::.kill!. for our cocktail funt11on~ and lor organismg our RSA wurst's. ' Ill l'i1th R,1) mond and Rus Boyd, l.'vt'n p.1renl .1pprcc•ates thl' wnrl.. that vou do tu en.1blt• uo., to buy and scU our -.chool books .11 gre.1tlv redun•d prices. Tlw new hcketmg wstt..'ll1 was .1 b•g h1t and [ll"t another e\amplt• ol h11w \-.L' .lr~ contmuall) <;tming to impro\''·

I am acuteh aWML' th,lt b\ mcnt1onmg pt•oplt• b) name I rna\ offend those that T lea"e out. Plcao.,e beliL>vc thJt this is not my mtention t•veryone's mput • ., v,,Juabk•, bLtll must smgll' out several pt•ople who hnvc helpeJ me in mv role on tht• L\en•t •ve mer the pa!->l two years. Elame Jnd Dt'lllll'> ·[mode, who haw

lwm h.1ppv to help w1th nur pnntmg, l't'ter lloLIIIg.1n, for h1s dl'hghttul et:ct•ntnclt\ j...,Jlt• M.ltilg.m for her support, humour .md e\pt•rtN' at table set up and l.ul..e ,1nd Angela Kc1ghel) ,-.ho contmue to shm' b\ e\,1mplt• the tnll' me.mmg of C.:hri.,ttamt\ ~1\ thank., a[.,., go to la.,t vcar's Prcs1dent. Tom Drt'I...C lor h1s ,Jdvke Jnd fnend.,h•p.

l'h,lnl..s lo the wonderful st,1H lo1 ::;upportmg our cotl-.l,J Ji p<lrtics Jnd otlwr t•wnt .... In p.trticul.ll to Michnel I!JIIiday, for :-.t.mding in tm the l'rinc1pal at nur first 111l'l'ling ufter tht• AC~I. to Rrian Rimdnn c.1nd (,JJi DugJn. Jlvv,,,., 1111 hand tn thinl.. uf thmgs bl'lort' we do. mth I tall .,et up and t',Jtl'nng; to "-arL'Il Holt ,md <..raham HughL•s trum tlw ICf dep.lrtnwnt lor hl'lping all \\llhng pJrenb to nJ\lfliltt• II IE PORTAL and to thl' othlt' ... taft. tor v.hom nothmg I'> en•r too much lmubll' I h.1nb tu Vic!..• Scott tor her clhcieiK\ Jnd to I IL•k•n l.:trJ.,on fur all her adviCl', fnl'ndsh1p ,md l'nerg). I ast. but not lc,Jst. ll ~Pl'Ci<'tl thc.1nl.. you to loJnne fnr sharing thi., JOllrnl'\ '' tth 111l'.

It h,ls lwt•n my pnvilege to "l'f\l' ,,., tht• PrL'"ldt•nt ot the P & F over thl• p.1 ... t \l'M.

Una l"ong f>t.., r Prc~rdc•IJ/


T hl' \\'illlabtl'" m.1) not h,l\L' hJd a !,>r~ilt ntght ,,t the BleJi.,lnl.• (upon 2nd August.

but the .,trun~ teJm ol .,upporter., ilttendmg the P&f Rugby ntght hJd a \\onderful l'n>nmg \\Jtrhtng thl• mJtl:h on the big "l'recm. in Bowu.• Hall. fhl•re \H'rl' All Blad. supporter., and a lew renegade o,uppnrte"" for Srntlilnd and ll'am~ unknown

Ra\ rrensan organt"l.'d thl• !'.Wl'L'ps and Stcn• Fong .,howed ht'> arlt'>tic flair with the mag-nifiLcnt t.1tget lor tlw"PJ.,s th~ Ball" chilllengc '1 hl' w1dl• rangl' ot prt7l'S .:md .,ilcnt uuctJOn!> ~wrc mgnnbcd bv l.ul..t• f...cighery, ~upportL•d b) Vl'r\' gl•ncrllu., donntiom, from parents Jth.l. tm•nds of the College

The hot rood .,crvcd at half ltme Jnd full time kL•ptthe BngidtnL' team warm and L'nthusiilstic throughout the ntght. Congratul;ltton!o Ill

thl.' P&F CommiiiL'L' on .tnothl'r wonderful friend rat.,mg lundton.

Cocktail Parties

P arcnt., anJ .,tilfl mmgll•J m the Quadrangk• fur the '\car 7 Cocktatl P.lrty

at the .. t.lrt or thto, ll'rn1 . ( )n tl b.llffi) summer's C\cnm~ the Quadrangle was il wonderful 'cnuL' for tht., \\ekomL' b\ the P& F for pilrenh Ill'\\ to thl' CnllcgL'.

Dm• to un"l.'J.,on,thl) l:OOI \\l'ather, tht• 'rl'ar H 12 CocktJ.JI I'J• tv WJ'> ht•ld tn thL' lover of Bowu~ IIJII. Included 111 the t'"cnmg wa'> an mform.ltton dt·~k hostl•d by the ICT TcCJm wherl' parl'nt~ Cllllld IL•.:trn more ilbout the portaiJnd tht•wtdc rJngeol infmmJtion now avaiJJblc tu both them Jnu their UDltghtt•rs.

Lucky door prtll'S on bolh ntght., were won by i\nn CJttL'ktn and John 'vl.:t\111.'.

Spt•cial thnnks Ill the I' & I· Jnd thetrvolunlt'l:'ro; lor their hospttahl\ .11 tht•.,c twllspeoJI" tnenJ r:us mg" l'\ L'n t..,



d•'d'@illiilfi FOUNDERS' DAY AND INTERNAT IONAL FOOD FAIR Founders' Day Mass

T h1s \'I.'Jr th~ Founders' Da\ 1\l:lc.s cek•brall•d the l:!"th AnmH•rs,m of the

amval ot thl' hr-.t Bng.dmc.• <,i.,ll•rs in Coonamblc and 12"i \l.'ar ... ol Rng1dme ~.·duca!lon m NS\ \' It \\JS abo an opportuOII) to farewell Fr Jack Roi::Nm. 1\ ho h,,., l'l'ic.•hr.ltc.•d to. 1a.,., at th1.• Collq~l' m l'r many ~~.·ar-.. and to welcoml' to Corpu-.lhri.,ti n:m ... h I r jim t\lckcon.

Faw Rng1d111l' Sisters '' ~r~ "P~cial guc~t" at u,e \1J<,S ~r luan Tkll ,.,):>, Sr \1ona Ccl\\ bum ~.· ... h, ~r ll.lMgarl't Do\ II.> c-.b, Sr Ann Ham•am ,.,b, Sr \1aur~en Kead) csb and Sr Val Mckl'nllJ r-.h llw Mil-.s focused on what bdng Bngadnw mennr; tn all ol us, with prJvcrs and rd1cclion.., on Bashor Dcl,mv onJ lhc ongmal, cou tagcma<,, Bngtdml' Stslers who lountk•d tlw ordc.•r 111 Auo;tmlin.

\ \'Jth tht• hr-.t rc.•.tdmg from I limothv urging us tn be tnathful to the.• vc.xntann to whach we aro? called. Si~ler i\laur~cn k~.•,ldV c~b -.pol-.c al-.o uf the \l'k.atton of the.• BngJc.hnc St<,tcrs toda\'.

Sr K~Jdy's quote.• trnm \largarct \lead (anthropologt"tl ,, ... ., J powerful 1\J)' to end tlw foundc.•rs' Da) liturh'\' "Nt'\·er doubt that a ... mall group ol thoughttul, commrttl•d pc.•opk• can chang~ the world. lndcl.'d. it\ the onlv thmg thJt e\Cr h<to,."

International Food Fair

A ., pJrl of I oundl•ro;' Dil\, th~· I Jnguagc<, i)l•partmcnt Jnd 'lcJr 12 prO\ idl•d food

and actavrtil•., to cc.•ll't.,rall' th1.., rmportant cwnt in our<. oli l'gl' c.llcndM.

Each wa1 tlw r.mgl' nf tood prepared Jnd Jnn.1trd bv pilren l:- i.., 0\l'nvhelming. This yc.1r w,1s no d al fc tcnt with food:- from ltJiy, FrJnn•, ( .1n.1da, l·, J\o;ta <tnd of cour-.e, J\la.,tr.lla,, Thanb to the l.:trgc group ot volunteers (mothc.•r ... ,1nd one tJther) •md the Lmguag~.·-. stall our .,tudl•nts enJnvcd a m,lhrnatin·nt rang1.• olmternJttonal cutsm~. ......

Year 12 Activities

A ltl.'r the.• lnt~.•rnJttnnal Fnod F.m there '' er1.• exerting and mll'rc.•.,hng ath\1lles

f1>r the studrmt., mgani.,~d b\' th1.• Year 12 to. k•ntor (.,roup'>. Fortune telling, donut bobbmg, fan· · painting,' mal-. mg. jumble .,,,k•, ic~crc.'ill11'>, drsco, lucl-.\' dip<. and Jumpmg c,,.,tle~: th~·r~.• wa., an actlvrtv for e\'l.'J)'Oill'

Proceed~ lrom both thl· lnll•rn<~tinna l rood Fnt t Jnu tlwYc.:~r 12 ,Kttvr tac., will go to the Yt>Jr 12 chanty, thl' Gtl'l'll G~d.;o ProJeCt.

14 V£AR BOOK 008

Class of 1998 10-Ycar Reunion

0 H'f "l'l.t'! t''l. ..,tm!tont ... got togvtlwr .11

tht• rt•untnn for tht• ll,,.,., of 19~!{ Jt tht• l nt1lll Hold, Nnrth "nlm'\ on Saturday 27th 'il'plt•mbt•r llw r~umon \\J.., organized bv l'\at Gtb'>on, "ho fmm ~ ll.'!boume

Class of 1988

M <lrl' th.1n 4S fnnl1L't Bngtdme College "' lws studt•nt.., .lttt•ndt•d tht•tr 20 w.1r

rt•unum L'\l'llt hl'ld .ll tlw (. oll'L'Il\'\llOd Hotel I nungl' l~ar on I~ <. ktobl'r.

'I hl' l'\t•nt "''"' .1 ).,'l'L'at ..,u<:Cl''>'>. Fom1er studcnh ilnd h'.lt ht•r ... c.1ught up on tht' htgh ... and Jm,.., ol lht• IJ<.t hwntv w.u ... Organi"t'rs rt>porlthat tht• ust• ''' naml'l.lg ... was u~fullnr attl•ndt'L"' whn h.1d nn tdt•.l wtlh whom tht'y \\t'rc tn1 ,\ II t'ntnwd .1 1\li\'Crpomt prt.>,.cnt.Jitnn nt tm.J~'-'' takt•n durin~ thc n•ar<. sharl'd Jl ..,chool .md Sh,uon l on nor'> ,.., to be appliluded tor httmg bJrl... into ht•r ... chool unttom1 to nu1dud tht• rallk draw

<. ongra tulattnns to tlw nrgilntscr ... tm luding Shuron \Vill t .lm~ and lu'>ltnc llcndcr.,on on a SliCCCS'>lUi teltnHJn.

Class of 1973-35 Year Reunion

0 n .1 ddtghth.•l ... pnng Sund.l\ mommg owr 3::; ... h.tdt•nt<. from the ua..... of

1•173 rt•untll•d ,11 lht• <. ollq~t' \ largaret Edmonds (nee G•lhs) \\\h tht• orgJmst•r of this \l'f\ succe'>'>htl rt'lHllon v.hich attracted rcuple lrom Qul't'n<.l,1nd and mr.1l NSW. 5r \laurt•en J....t•.ld\' csi:l Jnd Sr Anlla Murrav c:-b wen.• sr~·ual ).,'lll' ... t" and, ..... ll"ltal. therl? ''ere the normal ..,,rt•am.., ol delight ao., pt•nph.• rl't'ugntsl'J t:ildl - man, h.1d not been together in tlw 3'l y'L'.lrs ... mtt' lt•.wtng till' College An mforma l lutll'h w,1s lo llmwd by il tour ot the CnllcgL' tl Lmw ol SJWLiJI ml'morit•s .md grcill '>urpn.,cs at I he t h,lngt'" ... mce I tJ73. !'he rt•unum madt• a g~.·ncruu!l dnnatton to the Year 12 ChantY th~· <. ol t'L'Il Ct•t ko Prott•n

for the t'\~ning Leah Bnltrl...t• (m't' Srmthl travelled lrt\m Or.1ngc and t\kg,ln B.1m· Cotter came tmm Quecn.., ~ll·gan ,., currentlv working ill \lmw \\'orld on tlw Gold Coast.

RE UNI 0 N S d•JM@Iiijiil

It wa.., wonderful to ha\e teacher.,, t\ Jt.,., Dt f..lcDonald and 1\.tr-; Sherry! Bremner ~hilnng thts "Pl'Ctill reumon w1th thl'ir formt•r student ...

• "•M'M"I"*i AR I l iVES

D unng 2110!{ \\"1.' h<!Vl' Cllnhlllll'd Ill ... h,H~·

tlw lllll,·g~··.., ..,tury. Ardm Jl dt..,pl.t\ s ,u,• olt,•n ll"'l'd .:h p.:trt of tlw pnx1...,.., ot fl'\~.11ing nut hl•rttJgl' to tho.,,• not f,lllltlt.H wtth th1• (. olh·g,•. \\'l' Jlso contmu~J tn ptl'"'~·ntt•\htbtl" in till' I 1 br.H) J nJ Bowtt' I I <Ill untlonns, trnphtl'"• nwnwr.:tbilw and p.1pcr r~cnrds ML' u~t·J to tllu~trat~ our <olOI'\ wtth thl•:-.tudt•nt ....

nw. \ l'.lr h.,.. S(.'\'11 '>01111' ol llltr I rJ llll'd

\rchl\\lltk'ms returned to tlw (. ollq~~· \\ails. <;tudent ... can nm\ \.it•w tht• pl'lllli ..,j..,~tch of

~lotlwr Romuald (our loundmg PnnnpJI) dt.t\\n b\ ju ... tm~ Ddoher. tn Ill~~ dunng her ftnal \l'Jr Tht.., ptetltre \\-JS pre~entcJ tU the lol11•gt' bv th1• Cia~ of llJ!-IR

v\t• .lfl' th,mktul to the kinJ ex ... tudt•nts, ,., st.1 t'f .1nd current ~t<Jft who gt.ll'iouslv don.ttl' thetr rl·~on .. b <1nd 111l'n1nt abilia to tlw .trdll\ c~ llll':>e .111 a.,~,.,t 111 butkhng ,, l'omprdwn.,i\1.' ht'otol'\ tll tht• lllllt•gt•.

A htghhght th1s n.•ar was tlw Jon.llton of our hr ... t .1utograph b<x>lo.. . On ht•r la.,t day at ... d1nolm Ill!{:! ~leli~sa ~Iiles colk•cll'd lw,1r1 tl'lt ,md ptlh\ sanngs tmm her tl'llov~. ..,ntd1•nto, ,llld .,tall \an~.,sa Kennv a1.,,, 1-..indh donated phoh1gr,1ph., l.llo..en when 'oht• ,.,,,., ,1 .,tudcnt >\111011!-: IIW'-l' rholn!:o is ,, piLlUfl' nl tlw tlwn l'rindp.11 Sr Vnl J\fcKennn. "I hi'o ,., tht• on ly photngtJph Wl' h.wc of lwr t,li-..1'11 whd-.t ~he w,,., Pnnttpal

~h th,mb .1lsn go ltl l\tr., ~laril' Dulh ,md ~tr., l\ l,ugart't Cook who reh'l.ll.trh romt• to tdl•nttr,~ l,l.,l'phoh,graph., .\II thl'"'I'JW<lple .1rl' ,1 \\11nd1•rtul rt•mtnder of our grt•.lt pn\'tk•gl' m hl'lllngmg to J place lhJt n•.,r••th, kt'l'ps Jnd nurturl'" tt., histor. and tradtl11H1

'I hi., :-.Ul'l'es.,lul year hct'o only bl'l'll ,ll'htl'vl'd with th1• ti1\Jlunhle ao,sist,mrt• ol Philtpp.l l,odd,trd whn \\orlo; enthu!>i.:t.,ll.:,1ll\ ,llwlgo,rdl• nw to 1.1pturl' .1nd prc~r. l'thl• \,llu.Jbk• rt•rnrds ot tlw Collt•gc

1\JtrtCI.l Lg.:tn ;\tdlll'l'l


5th Annual Pioneers' Reunion

T ht., \~Jr \'hl" ,1 spL'lt.ll n union h1r thL' Pitlnl'L'r" .md lor nwr o.,tudt•nt., from

lhl' 1400 ...

:'-Jot onh "''" tt tht• lOth TL'llllton tor the U.w .. ol 1'-lnt', but .11~1 tlw 50th rt•untnn tor the CJa., ... ol l liSt' Jnd tht• s J...t tl'Uilllln lor the ClJ.,., nt 1'-157.

i\ n'r\' mtMng .md rl'lll•di\l• ~1a .. ., ,.,il., celebrated tn St Bt tgtd'-. (h,tpt•l lw Fr 1om Fgan q1 whilh u•nlrL•d nn the thL'Illl' of'dcep hsk•nmg'nr"J<.~dn ri",ht''<prl'""L'd bv tndigcntlus ilrt io.,t and lL'•'L hL'I Miri,tm Rosl' UngunmL•rr.

Aller thl' /VI,,,., tlw grmtp jouwd togt•thcr 111

.1 luncheon m Bowtl' ll ,t ll with f,'1 1 l'St~ Sr tl.l.lUrt'l'll "'-l'Jdv n.b. Sr Adn.:m SmJII csb, Sr i\ndrt• I .ltW c .. b. Sr /\nit.- \ lUI r,l\ l:!.b .1nd Sr\'Jil•ntilll: tl.ld\.1,Jhon (o.,b.

Dunng the lum:h our l'nnop.ll. Mr-.• Ati-Jn!.. togt•thl'r '''th ..,r :--1.1urccn "'-cad\ c...b, pR~nkd gold bnllKht..., rl•prl'"''flhllgSt Rng~d\ Cr~ ... to B.1rb.1rJ lkJnnJn \laurL'l'n ~kC.:~IIum. Barlm.1 Dri!'Coll. Gt•m I ,1ng Jnd Ruth Bridgt•r ,,hn \\L'n' m tht• gr.JduJhng H'.lf'> ot 19;\7 and Jll:;~ llw•-t' lomwr o.,l\tdt•nh hJ\l' nm' cdcbmtt'\.i ltlh \e.Jrs .,inn• IL'.J\ing thL• (oiiL•ge and an• now our"Hn~tduw C.okkn C..trb" Thts \',ill~ .1 "").\'110).\ 1r.1d1hnn.1l tlw <. oll~·g~·.

Beilc Bride Dinner

0 n Fnda> 2.'ith July, p.1fit p.trL·nts, Pnncipal ... and stlllll-.lnll' tn~l'l lwt 111 Bnwtl' 11.1 11 for

the 1rJ Betic Rndc Dtnnl'l It WJ'> vvondertu l, tn p.•rhrul,tr to "''l' o.,n lornwr st.Jit rcuntttng Jlthi:c. dmnl'r In m.ln\' \\'.1\s it w,,., lik~..· ,, l.1rgc t.:~mily g.Jthcnng th~ l'lrigtdm~..· IJmtlv.

\1r., Jnanm• t\, \\t•lconwd gu~..·sh and th.ull..t•d tlwm lor ,liiL'ndmg tlw dmncr on a wl'l Jnd rold \'\ l'lllllg Sr \nj.wl.• R\ ,111 csb .... lid Grace .:~nd .hl..ed that t'\l'r\ onL' rcmemtll'r thl• trJ).,'lt" ltl'is ol hm1wr nwml'IL'r of staff. AJllhnm lmbrosu,mo .md nth1•r ml•mbt•rs nf thl• Rngtdllll' 1,1n11l~ "h11 h.1d fl'Cl'ntlv lll'il lmeJ on~.• .. , .md L'"PL'ltallv to fL'memb~r the \hrt•t !Jmtl\' ,,., th1•tr ..,,m .md hrotlwr Tim, recover" lrnm h1., ll'l'l'llt .Kddt•nt.

Rach.wl JnhtNm 0l'M I::!) .md ll.lllnah C lwe"'"m.m ('hoar II) >4hML'd wtlh gue-;t5 thL•tr '-'"P''ti!·nrl'" .11 tlw G tl'l'" < •L'tl..o rcfugl' for cht ldn.:n in <..Jmbodt,l .md tlw tt•Jo.;nn'> tlw .. than!\ w,l., thnsen by thl' CIJ'-'- nl :!DOH f'h ;ml..s IP tlw j.\l'lll'ltl'>it:> ul lht!-> grnup 11f pnrl'lll», ... taft .md pttllltp.11s. ''' t•r $900 wJs ratsL•J tur 1 h~..· Yl'.tr l::! l h.utt\.

• •• 77

• M THER 'BRU I-I & LU I-I EO Year 9 Mothers' Brunch

C onncctcdne~~. chJIIenge and being involved WL'fl' thl' strong rm'!-'>Jgi.'S

thJt!> Julianne Barrs, rear 1.J Co nrd•nator, -.pol-e of in hl•r addre-.s to mothers at th1s brunch.

In hl'r nl'w mil• a-. tl'Jr 9 Co ordmc1tor ~~"" H,m., spoke ot thl· '""lll''> that girls m th1., Yl'ilr

felt p.1rhculc1rlv chJilenged by: friend.,h1ps bl'ing one of the mo ... t import;mt to them. tl. tr., Barrs al.,o ..,po\..e of the importann• of gtrl-. being 111\0l\ed m w cumculc1r clCtl\ thcs. ot chaJiengmg thl·m~clvcs wtth dlftcrent adtvtltes and of thl' nt.>ed tor thl•m to be tnnnccted w1th thl'lr fJmilu.~s.

Over fifty mother'> JOined Mrs'> nnd ~Irs Barrs at brunch ~h.:~rlng experience-.. swapping contart dL•t,Jib am.l ml'Cttng the mothl'f!> ot their dJughtt.>r'., triend-..

Luncheon Clubs

C arohne kimmorll'\', wrth her helper!> Colleen Orr, Dl.'bbii.' Lavelle M.mgan,

\1arv Keavenl!v, Marion Eussen and )i.'n L~ons, ho .. ted lour 'lear 7 Luncheon Groups m the C.onferenu• Room ell the beginnmg of ll•rm 2

"Bv ml'chng tugl.'ther tor the fir..,t hml.' ,11 thl' (. ollege tht•se groups hJve a chance to gel to ! each ollwr, to meet thosl' of u~ who have been mvnlwd 111 Luncheon (,roups

/8 YE.AR B

over m.uw vcJrs and to dt>cid~· on the tom1c1t t h;H their fut u ll' lunches or suppl'ls will h;m,~ 1 his vcc1r wt• hn'>tl•J thn.'t' lunrhtinll' group~ cll1d onl' supper group. ft \\J., Wl'JI ml•cting -.o many enlhusta.,ltc new )car 7 mum-.. .,pecial thanb to Jlt ol tho.,l.' lcldll'" who hl'lpcJ me wl'lcome these mothL.'r" tu the Cnll~ge."

Caroltne Kimmorlcv Luncheon Club Cn-nrdmator


0 PEN DAY ''•l@ifuii'iiifi

T he sun shone briUianllv for an absolutch wonderful Open Da~ ~00~ Close to 100

gmup-., repre~cnting 1,200 pt•oplc 'l'>llt•d

the College and were .. hown <tround b\ an t'\Ct'ptional team of o.,tudent tour guide-.. Tht• '>tudcnts ''ere e\cellent ambas-.ador-. and \ 1-.;itors commented on the1r wnhdence .md ob,iuus ot pride in the College.

Staff "crt' kept 'erv bus\ chattmg to pru-.pecliH~ parent~ and stt.1denh throughout tht• afternoon Drama -.tudents dressed as rlm"ns c.1ptivated the~ ounger audience" hile mus1cal. drama, dance and tae kv.·on Jo actJVlltcs ga\'e all ol our v1sitor~ mu\:h to ob~ervc. Proctical displnvs m TAS. V~::.ual Art., ,1nd SCH.'nce contributL•d to demono.,trJil' the wide rungl' o t opportunities at Brign.lmt'. Tlw Sports Captnins set up great Co Curricu l <~r di'>plily.., in thl! gvm to mcouragl.' future student~ to partkipalt' fully in the lifl• of lht• Collt'gl' The P&F Association a!;-.i.,tt>d with ho~pitahh on the Jay at the P&F Cafe m tht• Quadrangle· illwav., a tavmmte mt>l'tmg plan• tor nur ns1tor.>.

It \'\Js a great attemoon when~ students and staff worked together to shm' lht• communi!) wh) we are ali 'Proud to bt> Brigithne' .

. v. ICJ

II d•Mi@iiiijiiij PARENT'S' SEMINAR 1\ND PARENT' V Paul Di llon Seminars

D unng lem1 :!, Paul Or lion, tlw \1anager 111 the 1\atumal Dmg ,md ,\!coho!

RL''l'M( h C\•ntn.>, "roJ..e to p.1rcnt-. ,,, .m l'Wnin~ "L'minar on tviJ\ 2Jrd .111d then to 'i:.H 10,11 Jnd t2 ... tudt'nt~<mJun,•llth . luu l \

tvvl) pr•>ng .,ppro.Kh ln training L'I1"LIIes thilt thl• illl'..,..,.l).\l' j.., sharL•d bv b11th sttlliL•nt-. clllll p.m•nts '' hilh ..:;tn then be Ji..,t.U..,.,l'd m thl' hotnl'

At the Par,·nt ~t·mm.u, 1'.1Ul L'IK!lur,lgl•d i.!ll p.lrl'llh to tx• critical thmkl'r'> wlwn 11 c.mll' to tlw tac:h ,,bout alcohol ,111d dn1g U"l' JnJ 111 l)\• di-,aunmating about wh<Jt thL'\ r,•,1d 111

tlw nwd1.1 I'Jrents were urgl•d 111 talk npt.•nlj to tht.'lr ch1khen about alcohlll ,1nd tht.•il IC.l l ..,, ,1nd ln give them tlw ..,truteg1e" t ht.•y nL•eJ to do the (Orrcct thmg 111 n~J..v '>ilLIJtion-.. Rt.•.lh'>llt..1lh, p.1rent::. need to m,rkt.• 1t JS

d1flln1lt as pos-.1blc l1>r k1d" to gl'l .1lcnhol, and g1\l' them hJ\s to s.1y"noH.

DeL' dl• I.Jum•r, who attendt.•d th1• p.lrt.•nt 'L'mm.1r, r,•marked, "/'·" a pan•nt of ll't.•nagers,

Parent Volunteers

T hi.' :-LJl'Cl''-" of our sod.1l ltmttions, to n1rncular acti\ 1ttc:-. .IJld son.1l fLJ.,tiC'l'

j..,.,liL'" dL'J1l'nds ver,. grl'ath on tht.• supportot our Hngrdme communitv \ olunteer ... ,l.,st..,lm lht.• runnmg of our Club" anJ <.;<•lWtll''· m thl' 'l'tllng up of dinner" and nx:J..t,11l p.lrtlt'" and ,,,..,.,on '>penal oc:ca<.1on" such ,,., Open O,l\

J110Jnl.: n ,u hl tht.•' t•n· millW parl'llh anJ ht.•lpt'N l\ho h,Jn• ... upporll'd the CoiiL•gt• in 201111

YE.AR B 1\

l thought I ~Ill'\\ '' h.1t \\J<. gomg on at partrcs but aftt-r l~uf '.., ..,emrnar, I reali-.l• that I know verv httlc! All parl'J1ts should be rcqwred to at tend the.,l' '>t.•mmars because T thmk the inforrnMion pr,,, idcd could help save a life."

At the Studt.•nt St.•mmars, -.tuJl'nts portinp.llt.•d arhvch' and werL' hc~pp\ to '>peak about Paul'" message and hm, 1t .lllt.•ctl•d them. "People our agl' net.'d the knowlcdgl' and it's great to hear 1t 111 a s1tuatum hkl• tht'>, where \OU feel comfortable .md .11 ,.,l..,l'. l~ul j., so real about thi-. Js<.ut> and '-<l profl'..,..,umJI It wa-. grent how he a'>ked lhl' le.1lher ... to il•,l\l'the room '-<1 \'-l'

wuld m,k h1m l]lll'..,tam-. withnut feeling <J-. II Wl' wt.•re betng \'-Jldwd 111 1udgL•d". Annt her <.tudcnt addt•tl." I'd lm'L' lll!lfl' pt•oplc tn cnmt• and hear the rcali,Kh 1.1bout alcohol and'> our age. raul\ t.111 .. wuld rcall~ help ..,aw someonl' ,., ho-.t• hit.• could be m fCOpard\ m a n..,l, part} .,ituat1on "



~I\(• tluwk 1/Clll fm ,1,>i<•i11g II;. Cmllllf•tll<"llls lc• ,1JIIrc• thl'ir u•t-dc•m In hst,•n to us, lcl J.,· lllt'tc',

/(li'l/1~ /(<;,w

D .1nielle Bennett1mitcd thl'C...rJndparents Jnd Spl'Cial Fncnd!'t nf'\l•ar 7 to Jnln m

tlw. pril\'l'T a.., tht'\ shared a moming togl'tlwr H.,, Chapplt• ~pol..c about the .;p<.'cial rnk• ol grnndparcnb and 1ntmducl.'d pcrtnrmann'" by thL• CollegL' Choir and Rand.

For Niw);J H.1rcnmbe it wa~ a l'hann• to.;hML' lll'r l'XJ1L'rll.'nces with her grandparmls who were un J \bit trom Snuth Africa and for .111 '\e.1r 7s 11 wa., an oppl•rhmil) tu mvolw thL'Ir grandparents and special tnendo.; m their hro.;t \car Jl secondary school

After J morning tea hm.tcd b\ '\car 7. \'Ntors toured the College and ,;.,ited the E>.hlbltlon in the RomualdVio.;ual Arh Centrt' .

. i. 81


M a.,., l.:~roline Pemberton, \ Ja.,s World \u.,trJh<l, \\ Js the 'lpecaal GuL'"I at thas

\L'ar\ Janm•r. Caroline is a bcautaful peN>n, 1-\l'nt'n>u;., C'nthusiastac, mtclhgL'nt, artatulate Jnd well grounded: a wonderful roll' modd fnr mar studi.:nl!>.

Allca an e:-.pcncncc living with Shi.!rpJs for '>a:>. wt•cb at Hasc Camp Everest, C.m>line dt>odL'd th«t she wanted to mul..t• a dlfft>rence. 'I hl' Mas., World organi7ataon hJ'> rJascd 0\L'T L''l$-HlO million for chaldrl.'n's chJratll''>, .md thas encouragLxi her to pJrtanpate m the conte!'-1 At the dmner Camhnc showed \ltll'os .md imagc5 of her time J<, a UnKel amba'>:-.ador in Uganda, J....ampalil and the SudJn She i..; also!-1 as J \oluntccr with fr Chras Riley and 'tbulh Ott thL' Strt•et.., an'lt J'imnr.

(.amlim•':. nu~s~age to lht• t,'lrb w.t., to "go for at", to luke cvel} opportunal) to' a ditk•rl.'ncc She urged tht• gub to bl.' , .. asc to thL• as .. UL'" of bodv image and•d how pt'Oplc arc represented in adH•rtasmg today. <;htm.ang tootJge of lhe rl' unaging procl.''>s, .,Jw dt•mon'>trnted how the tmagL'" of models' bmlat•s JrC' modaftcd Jntl haghhghiL'd the damage lh1s can do to a young girl'~ own bodv m1<1 KC.

TI11..; 11111'>1 '>UCCe.,shJJ dinner \\u'>lll<ldt• p\NHblt• bv tlw wondC'rtul .-;upport ot manv pt•nple, an pJrtacular thost' 'tearY par~·nb who ,1.,sa<;teu an the setting up ,md semng of dinner.

8 YEAR BOOK -008


The College Musrcal

Bundanon Art Camp

Ye11r II Play Dance Spectacular

Vrsual Arts, Vrsual Desrgn and

PIJotography ExhibitiOn

"tilexhrbrt ron" TAS

Vr5JJ<tl Arts Year 12 Body of Work

TAS T!>xllles and Desrgn HSC Major

Textile Projects



85 8t> 87 88


90 93 911-%

MU~IC c.mlp 96 Ye.u 12 HSC Drama Nrght 97

Year 12 HSC Musrc Perfomance Nrght 98








t:-- CLASS OF 2008



EhliiiifUh THE COLLEGE MUSICAL College M usica l 200R - Cinderella

T he Muc;ical for 2008 W<l'> Cinderrlln, a fantasy of colour and Ught brmging to

life the fairytale c;tory on !'> tagc for the fir'it lime at Brigidinc. Pumpkin~, coaches, ball rooms were nll part ot the on stage delights m Bm.vie Hall.

From the colourful opening scenes where the Herald in~orms the vill,lger~ that "The Prince ic; Giving a Ball''; to the beautiful dnnccs and costumes OJt the bii ll; followed by the hilannu.., s teps isters tn·ing to ouh.lo each other; together with the agony of the Prince searching for h1s lost love; Cilldt•rel/a hL'Id cvervthing - music, dancmg, comedy, drama and romance The cast. crew, orchestra and production learn laughed, danced and sang their way through rehcar!'als lo arrive a t a spectacular and wonderful preo:;entation of this well knm"11 fmry tale.

As always the Musical involved over 150 studen ts from every Year group in a variety of roles- musicianH, lighting, ..,ound, make­up, dressing, ushers, canteen and backstage crew; not tn mention the army of parents and 'i t<Iff v. ho ass i'>ted w1th 'it:'l design, wst1.1me de.,ign and ron..,truction

The ca~t and crew performed tu large audiences at a Matinee performance and three evening performance

The main lead<; this year were: Angie Bosman (Cindt>rellJ), Vic\...\ Boyd (f'nnce), Kate Boyd (IIcrald), Sophie Brindle (Steward), Millie Bmwn (King), Lucv Cull (Godmother), Georgie l:H\Icut' (Sll;.'pmother), Corinne O'Sullivan (Chef), Rebecca Quinn (F\1rtia), 1\nna Turnbull Uoy) and Angcliquc vVJUian15 (Queen).

Spccwl thank.., to the tireless cncrgiL'S of our .,taff whomadl' this Musical a reality including Mr... Rch Floyd, Mrs Hall, Miss Emma Conoll], :-.lrs Nula McMullan, Mrs Marec Limbay, MT'i Liz May, Mrs Simone Webb and Mr Greg johns.

Congrntulation::. and thank you to all the girls, staff and parents who have worked so hard to produce c,uch a fantastic -;how: it IS great to see the Brigic.lme tradition of excellent musical productions contmumg.

8,1 Y[ AR AOOK 2008

BUNDAN N ART CAMP Y~.1r 11 Art Cilmp to Bunda non

Y 1.'.1T II Vt~ual Art-. -.tudtmt~ tr.:~wllt>d to Bundanon (dose to "lnwral .:~nJ .,pent

I\\ II d,l}~ .lt th1-. beautiful pmpcrt\ \\ lm:h w.:1.,

~·qul'.llhl~l b\ i\rthur and h onnl' Bo\ d to thl' i\ustrillian peuple. rhe l''<CUf-;lon bl'g,m w1th .:1 tour ol the Boyd homesk•ild displ.:~nng arl\,orb b\ BO\·d and other mcmbl'rs ol the ilrt1shc Bm:d dynast\· llll' g-.rl., ,,.,11t'd Bovd\ m\n -.tudto- still \\ith oil p.:~inb. r.:~g-..

bru-.hL•s ,mJ palette!:. on the tJble Jlong .. ldl• ht., l'J-.el and painhng. The g.rl-. Wl'Tl'

pJrtu:ulJrh impn.•.,::.ed b) thl' quJJit\ of thL \isttor ,lCulmmodation in the n>ntempm.lT\ Clcnn Murn1tt Ul'Si),'lWd buildmg, with 11'.

l'normow. door-. opening out wmpk•td\ to a ..,ublimc view ol the curving ~honlhilvl'n Ri,er. Hl'Tl' thl'V were Jblc to dr..Jw, puml Jnd photogr<~ph 111 tranqUil rural -.urroundmgs These e\pcncnccs beyond the d..Jssroom help tlwsc elective Jrt student... put their ow11 stuJv of .:~rt into the w1Jer Cllntl'\t ol the Jrt \\orld. Thank vou to Ms Lu Bucl..le\~ Mr-. JuliJnne Barr., and :\trs Tr..Jcl; Pa\111.' tor .lcwmpJn)lng thl' -.tudenh on th1s trip. TI1e1r support and l'nthusiasm helpt>d makl' thl• art camp a great succl."SS

.i . 85

19;1f!ii@ltl YEAR 11 PLAY Yeilr 11 Play - T7H' Brad If Bmn II

C ongratulahons to the cast and crew of the Year 11 Play, Tin• Brady Runch. fh1s

colourlul production broke the records with a ''<,ell out" performance on Opemng Night. Ptll many of the parents, 1t was a wonderful step bad. into the past, and for the students. it was a chance to ~how that the fash1nn., of the 1970s descl'\c to make a comcbJck

\\c:>ll donl' to: Miss DiAnne McDonald (Dm~·ctor). ~lr Chns Rutherford (A.,s1stant D1rector), Xh.,s S1mone Webb (Pmducllon A'>sl-.tant) and the cast and cn'w includmg l·lhe"Mike Brady'Vaughan, Fnn"Carol Brady" Leach, Laura " Marcia" Shalders, Adriana "Greg" Fl•nwick, Tayla "Jan" Edmunds, Anna "Peter" Ty'lnc. Sarah "Cindy" Ru llcn, Fmily "Hobby" Teulan, Golnoush "Alice" Tavana, Dan1elle "Vid.i" Ashworth. Kate "Charlie" ThcnJor Gallagher, CaJtlyn "Doug" O'fll'\'{'n, Chn-.tie "Mike Bradv" Harri.,on, GL'orgio "Carol Brady" Lhuede, Bntton\ "Mare~a"

Lone, '\J'otasha "Greg" Berne\, Camille "}on" SweenLj, Emth "Peter" t-.larshall, Lauren "Cindy" "I\ ler, Rebecca "Bobby" Flynn, Fmma "Ahcc" McRobie, Katherine "Tigl'r" Pochroj, Claire "Mr Driscoll" Altias, Ellie "Mikl' Brady" O'Neiii,Corinne "Carol flrady" O'Sulli\an, Georgina"Marcia"Andrewc;, Kathanna"Grcg" Trauer, Gemma"Jan"Nelson, Notasha"Pcter" Bell, laura "Cindy" Lynch 'v1•chellc "Bobby" Edwards, :"'\1cola "Ahce" r crcndmos. Caithn "Larrv"Tomde, Bella "Rush " Rosati, Danielle "\.Irs D1ckens" Ashworth, Te.,s "~like Brady" Rcnshav., Rlamc "Carol Brady" Gale, Breana "Marcia" Garratt, Hannah "Greg" Goddard, Rebl•cca "jan" Quinn, Kate "f\>tpr" Thl•odor Gallagher, Lucy "Cindy" Cu ll, Angelique "Bobby"Williams, Eleni"A!Jcc"Kolotas, Grace "Alfie" Fll. lauren "Pete Sterne" Wright, Phocbl•"MrGoodbodv"Channcll Dutton and the crew Annelisc Lmdsav, Llk1 Lcmmetty, Soph1a F...urmann, Hannah Chce-.cman. JacqUJ Vl•ntcman, Alex Ph1lhps, Fmma H11l I so bella \'ell, llannah Beech Allen

Alter the pcrformancl"> m Term 2, our 'lear 11 student" were askrd to perform Till' R111dy B11nch at the Star of the Sea Theatn.' in Manly over two nights. Another great ac:h Jcvc•mcnt

86 'f[AR BOOr. 2008


A mazing, ou tst;mding, creative, energetic, professional: just,, ft•w WI lrds to dc:::cribe

this vcar's Dance Spectacular.

The Dance Club i~ the largest Club at the College w1th over 210 student~ participating All brought their energies and talents together over two performances at Gk•n Street Tht•atre for a wonderful production.

\1\ the excellent teaching of Rochelle Jones the girb performed both indiVldually and as groups. Some of Lhe award winning Eisteddfod groups abo perfonm~d -.howca~ing Rri11~ Me to l.ifi,, Wr will Ro1 k Ynu, Nm>ms and An;.:r'l.

Specia l thanks to the largr group of generous volunteers who helped to make this Dance Spectacular poss1blc.



T h.,.., war' ... e\htl.'ltllon m thl.' RomualJ\'i..,u.ll \rh ( l'ntrl' \\.1.., opl•nt.•,i I:>\ mkmatinnall~

rcnnwtwd arllst .md l'l'rJmbt, 1\1 r 1\.tich<lel lwtghcl'\ .__l't~hl'JV pmt'>ed thl' htgh lt.•wl of achtl'' crnl•nt and crcatl\11) on lh.,piJ~ at thl' e>.hibttllm and l'nwur,Jgt'd ~tud.:nh to take,Jgc tll the wnndcrtuf opp<H h.uuhcs thl• ..,chool pre..ented m the area ol Visual Arts, \'i..,u,liDl·..,i~ and Photograph\

llw l'\htbt!lon lcalllrl•d work.., !rom 'll'ar<; 7 to 12, tnduding the 20llH HSC Bodtl'" of Wo1 k. E<ll h \'CJ r tlw Col k·~w pu rchast>~ onl' of the H SC work., Jnd thb. \l'Jr f\lr<; All..m., ,Hmotmccd that llw lt>llegl' \\oukf be work I:>\ Ale\ ~ummer..., Cc>d I~ Ill tire n ·ttlll. a scric::. tll photogr,lph.., of S\'dlll'\

Art\H>rk ... "ere displ.wt>J aero..,., all four da..,sr.11>m area ... .1nd also pmwcted onto Lhl.' ..,,1ils m tlw (,Juadrangll', makmg an effl•ctiw Jnd dramilltc bacl-.drop to this verv liUCl'l..,sh.t] t'\hibtllll11

88 fEAR BO K

"TI IEXI JIB rTIONn - TAS ijDijiWiij

C rcalJ\C d1..,plavs ~rom the fAS DcpJrtnwnt ~hnwcii.,._.J work. of -.tudcnt-. trnm 'l.•ar-.

7 12m lc>.,hle & Dt>slgn, Dt.>slgn & ll'\.hnoln~.

kchnoln~ ilnd Cnmputmg. The 'cur 11 hkxl Tt.·~hnolo~· -.tudenh pr,l\1Jt'\l h1 ,.,p11,1ht\ to ,,.,1tor-. to'tht.•,hibitinn ·.

In ht.•r welcome to the gut.>sl "JX'•, ~ll'hs-...1 Pr~·nhcc. ~~~~ Sue Bm,-.n '"as thrilled to announce that A.,hJ~ Watson·., \\nrk hJd bt.·t.•n St•k•t.ll'd for the prt.•..,llgiuus"Tcx..-.1'\ le hh1b1hon" which profiles t.'l\Cl'llence in fextiiL~ and Dt."-•gn from tht.• 200~ I Iighcr School Ccrtifkatt.•

Mt.•h.,..,tl Prentice from tht.• Oas'l of :?.00 I opt.'nt'll 't ht.•\hlblhon' .In her speech. 1\ leh~sa enu1ur ,1~ed 'olllt.knl~ to'fLllluw \'Our p~ion~ and opt.•n t.'\ t.'l) dtxu U1at cnme~ ynur way'. Alter graduating from Bng1dinl', t-. ldissa t.lcfcm·tl Uniwr ... ily ami Jann•t.l full time, profe::.'>Jonallv nvci"S{'as. It w~ then that '>he rcall!.t.'CI her trut.• p,hsJon was ll'Jchmg.

.v. 89


Bldnca Pclllllllt!

r~11c1ty Littlewood


Rebecca Palmer Rebecca Woodroof

Gabnclle Stokes

Saratl Kunr11orlcy Ventv Pi:!!On

··~ I 91


1-f,Jiy Stlanallan Jcnna Nt wmull

92 Y£AR BOOK l


Yvonne Tong

M1Cilela Hamrnan



Abbey Townsend Ahce Orr

Dan,clle Tooley Ashley Watson

94 YEAR BOOK 2008

Gabnelle Stokes Suzanne Furness

Lucmda Jones Holly Shanahan


ijUijiWII MUSIC Mu.,•c Camp 5 th and 6th jum•

at Vl'tJOn \alley, Arcadia


T lw hllb were ali\e \'l.tth tht• "llllnd nt . lo\'i ot mu~ic1 R<•hc,lrs..1b with the

lo11Cl'rl Ch01r. Stnng I!J1..,cmbk• Jnd Flult' En~cmb le, as well as manv j,ri l tt•d <;o] oa~ts

t...l•pt I 00 student., anJ four st<ltf Vl'r\ busv for hvo d<t\ ~ It '"'a-. wonderful to ..,ce ;md heJr so rn.1m girl-. ... baring tht>ir mu..,ital t.ak•nt-. \\tth "uth t•nthu..,iasm ami Jll\ . nw c.tmp wa.., a h'R'Jt ..,Ul'Ll....,.., followed b~ ,m nut~tanding :-.tu"ll C.1barct hcnmg on the \ \h.ltw ... d,l) night. All thl' l'n-.embiL-s and <;ohw.h \\ho had workt•d llrl'll">sl\ at camp JX>rfomwd brilh,mtl). entt•rt,ltntng owr 2:i0 parent-. ,mJ lril•nd-..

Th1.., war w,,.., a special even t wtt h thl• ( .1harl'l b t•ning lt'.lturing intcmationall~ n•nnwned tl,1Utlst. IJne Ru Ltcr, '"' ho pl'rl<lrnll'd ,11 l he wnccrt after glVIng the .,tudt•nt-. a t\ta-.terdJs., m lhl' Jltcmnon.


YEAR 12 I-ISC DRAMA NIGHT GU%inilfi Y l.'ar 12 Drama han.' had un 1.'\Citmg,

t•\hilarutmg und dcmandmg H',Jr m 2008. 1\~cnt) si\ talcntt•d Bri~dint.> !-oh.Jdtmts JrC to bt• cnmmcndt>d for the.' dcwlopmt>nt ol tht•ir C\ccllcnt lndl\ idual ProJl'd'> (l\•rtom1uncc Costume and !">l•t Dc'>Ign ,md I hc,1trc RL"\ Jt"\\lng) and Group 1'\>rtorm,lnn•-. lor the liSC pmcllcal el<am m Auh'<'"' ·

Our Group f\•rtormancl'~ c\plorcd highh t•ntcrtaining, dh-crsc and thought prmokmg -.ubjt•cb ... uch a-. the t.>'\pt>ril'ntt' ot prq~nann•,

maniacal loll: maJ..l'r..,, tht• hll' ol a bal:t\ t•lt•ph;mt, the nature of human fl>Jr, tlw jOUrnCV n! a plate of vegetable-. Jl1d tlW futurt' ot Au ... trn ila

Wt:ll dmw to m1r druma~ic:. cnlhusia..,tk ,lnd talt>nted Drama student.., of 200!'\.


ijUijiriih YEAR 12 IISC MUSI

N me students pertonned ~·kxtu>ns !rom tlwir HSC. \lusJC Programme-. at .m

l'\ l'nin~ pcrfonnancc on ThursdJy 2Hth \ugust 2!Xl8 to J vel"\ appreciati\e audrence. Th~c .,tudl•nt-. ~howca~d a wrde \clOCt\ of musK sl) k•..,, for t:\ample. Jazz -Siratlt" o(Opw, Dwma I fc', fl11· Lady is a Tramp, I~ Yr>u b, Or f., '\1111 Ai11 't A1ll Rally, Roni/Ner Rag tmcl Om11se Cnlc1Liml Sky, dJ..,sical pll'ce~ b'. t-..lilhauu. Suthl•rland, Br.1hm-., Cr..-ungcr and RachmJnmm, 1\\odl'm C.unl\.•mporary d<hsrca\ pn~Cl'S l.:mglcd Rope and No\z mth' HooJ and popular rcpertliJrc mcludmg· ,\fountain Dmrce 0Pt1 till' Rmn/)(''IL', L)f_jymg Gnmty. lc. <.:n,th.., and I k11<r11• I Vlrcn• /'z•c· Brm

Our JlSC Mu-.ic perfom1er~ \H're· Angil' Bosm.m (vocals), Kate BovJ (prnno), l:il'anor Chandler (clannct), Sally knkm.., (clJrinct), Uarc Kctgherv (prano), Natasho Steger (volJI..,), AnnJ h.tmbull {vocal~). Carlv Wnj.~ht (hmor .... ,xophonc) and Yvonne Jon~ (ptano).

98 YEAR BOOK 2008









Hou e Captams AthletiC!. and Sw1mm1ng 100

Age Charnp1ons Houq Capta1ns' Reports 101 104

1\ CLASS OF 2008

I niP I house AtllleliCS Carmval 105

2008 lnteriiOU'iL' Sw1rnmmg Carn1va1 106 \ ACHIEVEMENT



House Captains 1'<1 I Millilr l ::.C1 ld t N ll I lld w I r r Iizabeth lf

Swimming Age Champions Athle tics Age Champions J io I 1 lllfll, /', I [ A 1 r 11 k

t l II B 1 ., L y R yrll l r I Go I rd


HOUSE APTAINS' REPORTS iit.ii§;i Fatima House

T lw.; )t.?.lr \\il'> ma~ .. h~ for r'.ltim.l' Sptrit poured out from the blul' and \\ htll'

:;ouJ-; llf the Fatima girls a<> the•r hard work and enthll'•la'>m found much achic•..-ement tor the hou-.e.

( >ur )l'ar starto.>d with a real bua on thl• )a.o.,t day ol 2lX17 with the ChnstmJ'> o.,mg oH. fhl' g~rb bdted out -;orne amaztng Lhnstm<h pngl~·., and, although fathng to mme ltrst. l'\1.'1'\'00l' had tun Jll th~· ...amc as thl' l'llt'r~v in Bowte I fall \\'as truly ecstatic.

Up ne\l wno., the Swtmming Carni\al. Whtk• not tal-mg the cup il was m•verthdeo.,s inc rl•dibll• to '>CC the dm~eno., of superhl'rot•s tly into the water as the "FJntn-,tic F.111ma:-" gJve 11 their all in true house spinl

·nk• Easter Runny Bonanza got lhe hl'Jrt:. pumpmg onre agam a~ the hundrcdo.,nl Joll,Jr:. r,11sed allm\ed the girls tn hop. o., .llld JUmp .1l l over the schoolm true bunm st\le.

nw Athlt'tl('> Carnt\al \\'tlS a chance to

o.,hm\ca.,e our most a'>tounding '>pnrting IJient., 1'\u onl' \\US to be .. wan.•d trom thl• ~:htlh Fro<>t) Fatima"themc .l!i our hnuo.,e onh JppeJrcJ hl be heating things up J'> \\l' took home the pnzed cup as well as -...•rond pl.)(t' m war cne-, Now that's the wav to -.pre,ld th~: hlut' ,md whtte spint!

I hl' tina I octtvit\ of the''lhp ~ong ~mg OW ollowed the girl., lt' pump 11 up and l'Jm o.,ome house pmnt<: as tht') and doncl.'d to f.lmou<. song., rangmg !rom the Spiel' Girl~ to t\ero..,mith, <111 awesome day for o.~ll nt tlw I atimntanans.

I'd l ik~· tn s<Jy a mn~sivc thanb to V1~l' (JptJm L1sa Ta1l. none of this could h,1w b<.•l.'n donl' w1thout her J would al-.o lih..e tn thank _t..trs llall for her nm.Jzing dtort J>,

Hou..,c P..ltron and hnall\ a huge thanb to \Irs \Vacher ,md her scrumptiou!l chornlah.• \.,11-l' no one el'-t' would be ,1ble to put up w1th oil our singtng and be able to organi.,e all Jdt\tht'., at the -.arne time.Thc biggc.,t thanks is to all the girh of thl.' Fahma Houo,~:: you all made it so much fun, couldn't ot hJppt·nl.'d wtth out vou, and just rl'm~:mber "\\'1 \RI h\TIMA COLl.D'\ 'TBF PROLDFR IF'iOU Ct\ '\ T IIIJ\R LS \\'I.' I L ~HOL I A I IITL I LOUDER I"


Hihlbl'lh O'Connor laluna11mt-~· Caplain


- rHt.)C'SI:C.\1''1 \/\~'1\U'I..)J\'/S)

Kildare House

Ktldarr '" nn tt:; way up.'

T he year 2008 has been one of the be~t years Kildare has seen in a long while.

Our energetiC house sp1rit and determination led us to coming 1st in the 'Chnstmo.., CMol Smg Off' Together Kildare sang thc1r wJy to the top with carols such a'> Rudo!f 71u.• Red Nc&' Remdcer' and 'Santa Claus is Commg To Tmt'll It wJs clear that e,·crvone got mvolwd and the Kildare sp1rit was bummg n.•d and green'

The ')~Vlmmmg Carnival was ne>.t on the ag1mda and it was clear that J(ildare wa.., not abotll to back dovm trus vear. Red., Jnd C.rems filled the stands with enthusiast•c Kings and Queen-.. The day was another VICtonou!-1 one Mth Kildare comtng 1st in the wur me'>. Our house "fnrit and over all participation during the dav wa.., outstandmg!

t02 YEAR 8001\ 2008

"Wr'rr gomm ltyp11otr.~· 'em pamf.lf'L' 'em kmd 'rm dPwn'"" and that's l'>.actlv what Kildan• was pumped up lor at the Athletics Cam1val. Every "Kildanan" got mto sp1rit of the duy dressing in the theme Kildilre Calculus. We had CVCI)lh111g from 'crds to Nuttv Profeswrs, a de.1r cxnmple that Kildnre ha., brains as well as sportmg and mustcal talent. Once again the g~rls dtd ~1ldare proud being selected to wmpett• in tht• 1mitational lOOm

The camrvals mav ha\ l' been over but how.l' !>ptrit wa!> still m the a1r, thts time in acnal photographv All how .. t''- came together m preparation fm I oumk•rs' Dav to compete m creating the bc!>t and most original formation. Kildare worked together to treatc thl' Cambodian flag, th~.· muntry that wilt benefit from the fund<, of the 'Creen Cccko Prnjert'. The phot~ wert• trul} -;pctiacular and each gtrl should be very proud of herselt.

I he \-Cur cntkd on h1gh note w1th thl' tun ,md cnt•rgl'hl 'Battll• OfThe Band~' All hou-.cs gnt mtn tht• h'Tnovt• of 90s pop mus1c w1th song'> .,uch a<. l \1111 Nn Mmmtm11 Hixlt nwul-1/t' and I Don't Wa111111 Mts~ A 1111n;.(. It wu., grc.11 to .,c;.• llll nt f....JIJarc smgmg loudly anJ pmudh·!

Fin,11ly S,uah and I would liJ...t> to th,mk ~Irs \\acht•r for all of her h.ud worJ... and organ1satiun in the hnusl' acttvllil.., .,o sutCl's.,ful \)so, eVl'l}Clnl' 111 ~Jid ,lrt' tor \our constant house spmt and tl',lm\\ork. ~ccp up the good work and g('lod luck next ~ t•ilr! C.O Kll DARE!

Angcliquc Bosman Ktldnrc 1/nww Cnptain

Lourdes House

T he war 200H l\<l'>JU"I t.REATI It started with Jm.vm~ spml at thl.' Chn..,tmas

Smg ufl. 1 ht.., WJ'> a tantao;llc dfort b) e\ cryonc. lcavtng lht• tt•achcrs stunned at the m erpm\ cnng .,mgmg and d•\enng for the {lT'>t t1me that we ach.t.llly can loud' Th1c, prm ed Jll!>t hm\ enthuo;iastir we can be on the last dav of -.chool.

Term 1 .,aw l.ourdt•s I lft•sa,ers nuod the .. lands with noatit•<;, hft'"'l\l'r cap'> and CnOmlOU!'> encrg) (t WJS dcfmtlcf\- electric at the lntt•rhousl' Swimmmg Carnival, w1th l.nurdl.''> -.ht1wcn.,ing tlw11 ... wnnming ablliltcs and takmg home lht• o;tlvct mrdal

It didn't seem too long until the Lourde~ spirit wa:. alive i.lgain Jt thL• lntcrhouse Athll'ltc<, CurntvJI A <,t'J of orangl' Jnd blue really sctthl' .,tand.:HJ.,, w1th I ourdr., Ladies

on the-sideline dres~l'd to impress m pi~taib and pom poms . .~-\!though we didn't take home the troph), tt \\u., a Ja\' pJcked \\'tlh fun and excitement, and gtt>at tmoht•mcnt b\ C\'Cf\'001.'

The next house event was al'i<l newlv mtmduced th1., war EH'I)Onl' wa-. spltt into therr 0\\'11 year groupo; compt.•hng lx•twt-cn houses 'A<'ithin thctr war in VatltlU<, l·.astL'r activite-.. This included egg catd1mg, pinnmg the parts on the bunny, thrt't' lt•gg,•d and o;at races, popping the balloon bltndfoldi.'d anJ the bunny hop. On top of ullthcsc actJVltJCs, tl wa~ really good to see everyone piJCIIlf1 a com on the money lTt'e which .:~1 1 went toward" tht• Year 12 charity,'1 he Green Gecko l'rojt•ct'

Later we saw the whole hou~c gathc1 and work together u ... ing thctr bodit.''> to m .•ate

an aerial image or ph~ L:nfortunateh· the JUdgt•s dtdn't "PICK l:S"'" but we took out second place which wa'> a great effort

As Lourdes House Captains, we would JU'>t ltkc to sa\ a big thankvou to aU the girls m l .ourdc~ for the1r fantastic etfort!>. the Year 12 Lourdt'S gtrl~ who helped us run moo;t of our activities. aJJ the Lourde., teacher:-, and ~'"rt.•ciall~ uur Houo;e Patron M1ss Angelo \ .,peaal thanks to Mro; Wacher w1th he1

amazing efforts in organismg aU JcllV1llt'"

and ft!cdmg us cake! Lastly we would hkl' to

WJ'>h thl' nl'xl Lourdes Captams bcc;t of luck, and wi.''rc <;ure they will keep llp thl' spm ll


Natalie Steele Lourdrs House Captain

I 103

Prague House

W OW wh.ll J ve:1r. A;,idt• trom the t,h:t thJt it\ bet•n J \l'r\ "lll.:n~s.,ful onl:' tor

f>r.lgl.ll', tlw fun\\ t•\ l' had and tht•enthustchm shown hy our tl'llm' .. Praguan.1ns~ had mndL• th1.., W<lr .1 memor.:tbll:' one.

Our c.lpiJinC\ lx'g.111 w1th the llou'>t" (ami-. ~ing oil L'nfnrtunJtcl~ Kildare·.., sm~mg dfnrt., supeN•dnl our... Although 1\l' dtd not t"l!Jch tlw right pitch, \W dl'fini tel\ h.1d thl:' right level ot "Pint ,h Jemonstratl•J through our <tmJLing .Kltt "'" to Jccnmpam our ..,llllg'o

l 1ur '' mmg strL•JJ.. ~gan '' tlh our ''Prah'l.IL' Pil<llt•..,"i11 the ~wtmming C1ri11V.11. u .. ing our -.wt•,1lb.l11d., and lq.(gll11-.~ WI:' s\hlm our \\JV

tn bt• lhl• winner-. oi tht• carnl\,ll .1bn honw "l'l"llnd piJn• m the \\arC r11.•-.. \\'e'J liJ..L• to pomt outthJt ,11though th1., rt'qUtred gn•.11 ll'chnlqlw 111 the pool. it WJ ... Pur p.1rticipalion record th,lt bmught u-. hnnw. '' 1th one Tclll' hJ\ mg5 uut nt tt-. 7 competitor-. ht•ing PT;'Ig\tL' \\'l'll dune g-~rls~

Our '"' 111., con t1 nut•d ,,.., we p.lrtil•d nur wa\' to the Athlt•hc .. lanm.1l Our tht•mL' of' Pr.lg\tl' Parh · '><~'' the l rt'.lllon ol nl.ltl\' purple ,:md \t.'llom bm.Ps. '>tlll1L' w1th nbbon., "llnll' w1th bows Tlw part\ pof'PL'r" cruptt•d ;t'i we \'\llll

the \ \.tr Cries .md 1. a me a \'l'T\ clo-;c second m tht u\t.'rall pomt score. lht.• gtrls shmn•d m l'T\\ helmm~ enthu..,,J.,m JIJ throu~hout tlw )t.'Jr, hlJt this \hh b\ lar our gn•.tll'" l ~xpo~'>t' ol la-.hum "L'tbe

It our ... ucn:s., on the tT;lck .md in the pool w,,.,n l ~·rwugh. \H' dt•hmlel\ broughttt hnnw with nur aeriul photograph. ,1.., our pc.H't' <,Jgn l11oJ.. out fi 1-.t place. This requireJ gteJt co opt•ratrun fr11m all Pra~-o"-•l' memtx.•r... Jnd \\l' 1-.nt•\\ wt• could l'otmt lll1 our house to work,,., i1 le<tm und p1tll through

\\"lth all thb surt.t•:--. \\oe hJ\L' ,1 lot of pcopk to th.mJ.. Ot rour-.t•, ~lr Jnd Mrs \\.1cher. we couldn't hilve co u>nrdmateJ .til tht'Sl' wonderful l'\t.'nts without your hdp. 1\lrs Wnt her'., raJ..L'" Jt ll111l'htimcs werL' nf h'TL'clt nutrihtmal \ ulut• J" wdl J., c~lw.w~ l:>eu1g ,.CT\ tJ.,t\ . \\'e'J al"', hJ..t' to thanJ.. our houst• patron 1\hs.., Brann.m and .:~1-..o :-.1r I 'alme. Rut of Ctlli JSe our biggt''>t thnnk vnu goL'-. out to ,111 thost.' who partu:ip.ltt•d and werL .mt•nomlou-. cuntnhut11m to tht• -.uc:ct':>s of Pr.1gue ttu ... \t.'.lr.

04 VrAR 0 K

Oun t'•H 12"Pra~-o'lJilrt.111s"were J hug~.• 'oltpport J<, wt•ll (,onJ lucJ.. nt'\l H.•ar

WF i\RI PRAGUJ· I I:S WE i\I{F! \\'1· AJ~F 1%\GUF Ill S' l BY FAR'

lauren ~ltllar Pmxut• flmt~· Capltllll


G r1'\ -.J..w~ thrl'.tll'tll'd the t\trnl\,tl tht.., wM but thd rwt d,1mp~.•n tht• grt•at

t•ntlnr..,t,l'-m ,md p.utrup.llttll1 b\ ..,tudcnts and -.tall.

:"l.l.:lm .,1\tdl·nt:-. l'\lt'llt•d tn tlwtr dltN.>n lrdd ,md mam oth~.·r-. l'I1Jll\l-J tht• opportumt\ tn l1."-l tht•tr -.J..1lls 111 Nm dl\ l1.'.1m t'\l'nh. Spt'ciJI thank.... tolhl' I~~ llN' <. Jpt.:un-. '' hn ~.·n~.nura~<·d a h1gh l1'' l'lof parhup.thon tn tlw. <.. aml\al and to .,,,,n Jnd p.lrt•nt ... who m,ldl· th~.· 01 gamzalmn ol tlw Ja\ ..,ud1 J gll',tt -.ulll''!-o

Fatun.t llou..,t• 1.., I lw 200H l h,tmpinn, with Pr<tgttl' \\1111W1g tht• ~\.u ll\

Jlw Owr.1JI J lou.,,• !bini SuHt' lor 200K

I I A /'lAM ~~tN P•'"''·' 2" I'RI\t,UL 2H41lf'OIIIf,

3 1-/.0L/RDL:S 2h'-.Ll pm11h 4 ,, k/1 /)/\/~/ '?27 1'01111,

Individual Performances:

Age Champions & Runners Up:

Age Champion~:

12'\t-ar-. . \11u 1\>IJII/.. IPmgul'l 11 )car-.- Clllfl/11 Sanl.c-11 I l'mgw•l J-1 )\:Jr-. -1\/t'\ ,\ Jm,f/111/ (/ III/IIIII) 15'1\.'Jr., - Olll'ltl CIIJ'Illll'lll ll'ltlguc'l I h )I.• Jr., - Hln'tlllll Ald•·t I I owdt'sl 17),•,lr" - Rd~·cca l \h•dfll/111 ounf.·,J \tulll Dt.,,tbtlil\ 'Tt;~m1 Grtlllll'l11d 1/iwmal

Runners Up:

l 2knr~ - I OJ II Ill/\ 1111111 Oitllllm! J1)eur., lt/11111 nnug/11:-. (/ tlllllltl) 14)i.•;:u-. t\/i.;~a O:>t11lt1 Jllw11t~m IPntgut•l

IS k<H" J\Sit'lglt 1111!111111!' (/ ounlcsl Jr,YeJr'>-l.t'/1111111 Nf'I,OII (/afillltl}

17YL'.1r'> Swa/1 klllllllrll/c·t; ( kildmc! \!ultt Dt:;,tbtltt\ /11/w kt'llllt'll lfal/11111)

Overall School Age Champion:

:-..111"1 munbl't ot pntnb .ltt,mwd throughuut tht• J,l~ : Ca1tlm Sm1k1'lf ( l'ragtlf'J 1111tl Olr.•1a Capmrd/1 ll'mgucl

Records Set or Broken


- I TERII USE SWIMMING CARNIVAL • Bcmg lm'(lll't'd ... Pmud lr, l~t• Bnguluw

Therl' wJ ... colour, laughter. talent, fun .:~nd

Jots of parhcipalton at tht'> \ Nr\ C..:~mival held .1t thl' \Varringah Aquat1c Ct.>ntn• with cwnt ... for C\'Cl) level of invoh ement. Age Chnmpion!.hip!>, novelty race~. 111Ll•rhouse ran• .... o;taff races. Taking up thl• l·hallenge, llouo;e Le.1der-.leJ the cheer squad'>, lrl'.1llng J

wondertul .Jtmosphere for those partiCipatmg 10 <~gl' champ1onshtps. nm dt} ract.>s ur lntcrhou-.e races.

House Results

I Prc1h"lll' 11 o.JY pomts 2' 1 Lourdes 1108 points 3' Fatim.t 880 points 1'1 Ki ldart• 530 points

Age Champions

J2'wars- I ': Gemma WI'IIU fl.ourdc•s! 11'1l•ar ... - 1": jolmmm Stokat ILnurdt•s) J 4 Year ... - 1"': llmwa Blanrlw I 1 mmit',J J "i 'll'ar-. - I"'. Film <>padrm fPraguc) 16 'll'ars 1 Ur-e Grllard lflragul'l 17'\car<. 1 ' 8;•/mda Bull a>m,\,'llt')

A'vVD I 1 ltrlf Reynl10111 (Pmguc)

New Records

Congratulation<; to Elise Gillard, Tegan (,runwald and Lllen Spadon who .. et new records at the Carn1val.

College Champion

Eli-.c 1s al-.o School Champton for 'iwtmmtng for 200H gaming the htghesl mdt\'ldual pomts at the (amival.

106 YEAR 8001\2008









Soc1ety Pws1dents and Club Capta1ns 108 Centre for Excellence 109 \ ACHIEVEMENT Soc1el1es 110 Ill

AthletiCS Club 112 Basketball Club 113 Cross Country Club 114

Dance Ch1b 115

Uebiltlng Club 116 Duke of Ed1nburgh Scheme 117 Drama Club 118 E.questnan Club 119 GvmniJSIICS Club 120 Hockey Club 121 MUSIC Club 122 Netball Club 123 Soccer Club 124 Softball Club 125 Sw1mm1ng Club 126 TenniS Club 127 Volleyball Club 128 Waterpolo Club 129 Co Curncular Collage 130



"" rr. > ;>;; CD


Society Presidents and Club Captains

front Row Second Row Third RO'N:

en 0 n )o--o1

rr1 >-3 ~ ~ ?cJ tT1 m ~

0 tT1 z -1 m > z d n r-c tJj

n >

Be11nrh flul: [lice 8.JIIc 1 r-o ~ ~ ~ z en


T hi:-\ l'<lr hl•cn another bLL'i\ one m the l'entre lor bcellenCl'. Dunn~(k•m1 I tlw.

\ e.u \Mrous public '>peaking cnmpl.'lrtrnn.., took pi.Kt', our Sen1or Leader ... partiCipated m the Lions' '10uth of thl' 'lt.>ar QuL'""' and thl' \lock Tnal competitiOn commenct.>d 'k•nn :! \ filled \\ ith additional pubhc ~pc.1km~ wmpl't1tions includmg tht.> '>\dne\ t-.lommg llerald l'lam I ngli-;h Spea!..rng Av.ard .md tlw Rostrum \otce oflbuth m<'fL' t-.loc!.. I ni!ls, lhl' /.onta 'loung \\'omL'n m Public AJiarr-.. \\\Md and the IJa Vinci Dctathlnn in whkh

Yt•Jr 7 and ~ ... tudents had the C1ppnrtumtY In comJWIL' m iln Academrl Gala D.l\. \.\'nkJI..rrn Stol) ll.>lhng took plaCl' m 'krm ~. tlw I egJn Pubht Speal..r ng Award, luumaml'n l of :-.hnds und the AI IIGS FestJv;Jl of Speech

None of the'>e adrvitiescan take pliln' wrthoul tlw "ltpport o f the ;,tudents and staff This \earowr nne hundred and fith o.,tudt:nts hoH' p.Htrcip,,tcd in Centre tor E.'\cellencc group'>. club<. t~nd nchv1hcs. The student leader.., hu\C been in<;tnamental tn the organrs.Jtion ol m.1rw ol the lunchtime acti\ities mcludmg \rt Uub. Pubhc Spcalrng. Mock TnJI. <;lll'nce Uub. (,lrl'lal!.. and the Sncrahl 5odl'h t-.fml' than h' ent\· l1f Lhl' fanta..,ti~: ..,tJff ,,t Rngrduw Colkge hJ\l' ~upport. .. •d thl' Cl•ntrl' tor f\ll'lll•nn• J(ti\ ihcs in one \\J\ or .mothl·r thb war luo mam to naml' but than(.; \ nu

H'f\ much'

In ::!0111{, tlw fnllowing student-. hJ'l' 1.:,1d thl' <;ocll'til'": Arch1median <;ocieh \forgan Dwwr, Cict•roniJn Sucieh - (o...,1Ll' lln\d, J-klh.•nrc Snciet\ -Rebecca\ Voodronf.Ju.,ll<m Sortl'l) - i':atac,ha lnkralas aml Socrutrc Sm:iL't) - l.milic Hnmilton

\ fr.., J.m \Vhrdd•H1 nu,•,f,•t, l t'lllrt• ll•t I \tdit·nn·

I 109


A rchimedian Society

This past \-Car has been both bu~) and exciting for members of the Archtmcdtan Sooety with both the Science Club and Tournament of the Minds.

The Sctcnce Club has been successful, thanks to the efforts of Mrs

Wright and Mr., Chaplin. <;tudents performed man) fascinating, fun and even delicious experiment!> Including crc.>nting clouds, crystal growing and carilmcl popcorn.

Tournament of tht• Minds was abo a great succcs~ '>howca.,ing the to lent~ of the student~ here at Brigidmc. Thi'> year Wl' entered four team., into tht'> natJOnul competition, one m applted ...Cti.'nn•, une m social saences, and two an languoge literature An amazmg amount of dtort \~ent mto the planning and delivery of thetr probli.'ms, and at p;ud off wtth one of our language and literature teams recel\ing Tournilml•nt Honours.

C ic~ronian Society

Inc year 2008 ha-. been a grcilt '>UCCCS'> for the Ctccrontan Society. From theincrcdtblcmthusiasm and partictpatinn to the fabulous .w.rards and pri7l'!> achieved, Brigidinc girb h.wc excelled in public !ipcakmg this year.

During Term 1 and Term 2, 1\lr-. \\'haddon and I ran a number of worbhops ~ that th1>se \~ith httle or no cxpenencc could learn the bao.,ic'>, and gain confidence in thetr '>pl• .. kill~ It was also an opportunity for thi.' more experii.'nced gtrls to honl' thetr '>ktlb and practts~ on a wtlling audit.>nCl'. These lunchtimes were also a great way lor guls lrom all year groups to meet.

Tht'> year Wl' had our girls from ka~ 7 12 'l'rv o.,ucce-.sful m their respecli\e Cllmpetitions. Fi~tJy, our 'rear 7 girl-. dtd l.'xceptionally well \\ith Danwlle Bi.'nnett betng awarded 1st Place in th<.> (atholn: Schnols Debat1ng A~~l>Ciation (CSDA) Public Speaking CompL'tlticm and parlictpatmg m the I q~;wy Public Spcuking Award, w1th Roche! l ~therbridgc (Year 8). Another of our tolentcd Yco:tr 7 students ts Elsa Chapple, who w.1s n.1mcd nmner up in the Regionalltnnh; of Ro!->trum Voice ofYouth

110 YEAR BOOK 008

A huge thanks to all the tcJchers .1nd c,tuJents mvolvcd, and m particular to Mr.., Whtddon for all her work and deJtciltum lhanJ.. vou!

I\! organ Q,, \l'r \nhimcdian Soclftll Prt~ulmt

competitton. Our o;enwr students WCI'l' abo successful throughmtt thl• y~.·ar, competing an a variety ol compcttHons, indudmg the Frenchs Forest Rotary Club'c, )\)Uth Speaks competihon tn June. Katherine 1\xhrOJ, Corinne O'Sulltvnn and Emma ll~.•tchcr were challenged to experience three diffl'rent roles m public meetings: nddressing the meeting. chairing the meeting and propt1'>ing thL' vote of thanks. One of the final wmpl•htton-. of the year wa., the AHIGS l·e..,ti\al of Speech held in September, where Bng~dtne was represented b) Catherim• Dl'll (lear 9), lara Dmgle (Year 9) and Adnenne Dell (Yeat 7), who competed in both publil' speakmg and poetry sections of the competttton.

Thts Soctet\ would not cxi.,t it it \Wren't tor the ex:pcrtise and effort'> ot Mr-. \Vhtddnn, so a vel'\ big thank you to her \Jso, a ma'>St\.C congratulations to all the gtrl'> who becume involved in the Ciceroman Sodctv thts year. It is such a valuable talent to be nble to ~peaJ.. well, somethmg whtch 1\c hl'JrJ vou all do many time~. so cOn!,'Tiltulatinn., on such .1

successful year!

Kalhrvn Bn\'d Cw•nmum ~lll'lt'tll l'rt'sulml

H ellenic Society

It's been il hard )'l'ar for the Art Club, but for the times we\ e met up, it's been a worthwhtll' experience wtth the gub expcnmcnlmg wtth all sorb of matl•riaJ~ and working with thi.'tr own unique concepts

The Art Oub tsn't rust about making art, but it'~ a great opportun1t\ to meet a group of bke mmded ::.tudents wh" share common or very djfferenl intcn~!>ts

This year we've made Easter Cilrds, drown sll ll objects, lcmnt to draw wtlh charcoal and focused on created shadow!> nnd efft.>cts with light using several difterent drawing mediums [t's been great to sec the g~rls sn cJger t" learn more, but also put i.'\el)·thing the\ ha\e into the art the\ create

It'., been a busy }.:Oar \VJth a lot ot other things on, so I \VJsh all the Art Club members thl• best of luck for therr future artmakmg at Rrigidinl' and beyond.

Rd'C\.La \\'Oc.x.lroot 1/,1/,•mr So.: lthtl'rt'Sidmt

J ustiniiln Society

Thi'> ve>ar m the> Justmtan Sooet\ the activities whtch we did were Mod-. Tratl and Girl Tall.. OH•r the> course ot the )"l'clr the girls within this Soctct\, with or wtthoul ffi\ help, have> bel'n able to have fun and jokl' around whtle brmg sl'nous at times.

ln Girl falk this year we lnnl-.e>d .11 everything which could possibly bi.' in thl' mcdin. We even helped urgan 1ze the folder under general housekeeping, with the adtled bonus of old articles whtch mnkes us wonder about the fashion bnck then l'hc Ideo or Girl ralk, for any gtrltnterested in doing tt, ts that we meet at lunch ltmes to disi.ll'"' different roles or look at the role woman have within societ>,.

In \1ock Tn.1l the gtrJ., m 'rear 10 .1nJ Year ll \'-·en~ able to show the Jtffercnt schools of the North Shore their .,J,..,JI., m front of a Judge -"Our l ionour"- and to be able to win the case The girls were able to wm 2 out ot 4 of their case.,, which dt?monstrateo, that the gtrls have 1mprovl.'d smcl' I wao, doing Mod.; Trial

Socrat ic Sociclv

1 he (entre tor I :xcellence !>aw a wonderful vear with our SocrJlir.. Socu~ty. hl.'ld on 1 hur'>dJy lunchtimes.

·nm)Ughmtl the yenr at lunch we have watched movil?'> such as 'Fnch.:mtcd', ,.111e Pt)Wl'r of Om•' and The

I ton King'. ·n,~.•se movies ha\e provol-.cJ philosophtcJI discussion'>. In philosoph}, there i!> no right or ~ .. mng .m.,wer. The girls expre~c.t.>d th~1r own mdt\tdual, unique opm1on. The girls li.•amt l1l put J Jiffer~nt

spin on philosoph\ trymg to mterpret and understand quc~llons that no one cJn answer. lhere was J fil?ld of discu'>!<.ton.

The girl'> hJ\ c '>hown ~nthu<.iJ'im and mvolvem~nl throughout thl' l'ntlrl? y~ar. I hope the '>tudcnts have en1ovcd attending the Stlcrallr Souet\ thb \Car nnd hove mvolvcmrnt wtlh phtlosoph-. lor years tu come.

l.miltl' llamillon :;,, It lite Sot irtttl'rr~lllmt

The id~a of Mocl.. Trial 1s to li.'am .1bout hov. a court case ic, done in lhc w1d~ open world except that we usc a ca'>l' whtch ha'> been prepared for both sides.

I would like to take the hmt! to say thank y•)U to all the teachers who were able to help U'> .. -.ithin this Societ\, whcthl'r in their skills of the law, or just the1r skills to show us how


woman arc shown to the world. In Mtl<'k Trial th.1nl.. you to the parenb who werl' Jble to drive the girls to the different schools (or Lhl'tt court cases.

:-...ltJ-.hJ lnkr.ltJs /ll,tlllltlll Six'lt'll/ l'rc-•uieut

I 111


W hat a year 2008 ha'-. been with outstanding achicwment<> on both

the tmd. and the fil•ld. ~embers of tht> Club have cxcelif:>d m mmw carnivals including the Independent Ctrls Schools ath lehcs carniva l (IGSSA), thP Broken Hav Diocese athletiCS carnival (BBSSSi\) and the ~S'vV Combined Catholic <..alleges carnivnl (CCC).

The l-eason began with the IGSSA twilight competition which acted as <1 foundnhon fnr thl' gtrls to perfect their skills, try new events and bond With team mates. We thank the numerous parent~. teachers and Mr Chant for helping with transport. timing and recording on tho!>c chi ll) Frida\ nlghlc;

I'he Club is proud to have produced a ~trong lGSSA result th1s war pi<Jcing I nth overall out of 23 school<> with a number of girl!:. making finab.

WedncsdilY uftemoon training sess1ons were made possible w1th the help of our fabulou.., coaches l3cv j<Jve, Garv ~1alcolm, Sue M;:~xton, Emma Lincoln Sm ith, :'\ett Knox and Martin Lvnch who-.c encouragement ,md support wa~ emile'-.s and contributed to a succes~ful o;em,on.

I ikcw1se, in all our competi tiOns the gtrls displmred gre;:~l school spirit llnd cheered on their peer~ Jt the Bl3SSSA carmval. fhc team won the overall p11int~ ~core for the 5th cun..,eculivc year, .:~s well as the Scninr and lntem1cdiate divi..,ion~

Athletics Team

11 2 YF..I\R 8001\. nna

A <,pedal congmtulalion., goeo; to thl:' 17 athlete.; who rcpre~>cntcd Broken Ba] Jt the CCC State c.:1rnival: S.l!ah Kimmorlev, l~ebccca Woodrouf, Luc: Alom, H.:tnnah Goddard, Bella Rosah, Sara Mackay, Anastasio NutolJ. Ncx McGam, Tara Blanche, Mon1!<hn Jackson, Ashlc!gh Trup1nno, Laura Dcmglass, ALee Poljak, Nicola Simmon'>, C;:~itlin S.mkcv, Emilv Rowbotham and Lonita Mann. Great work g.rls!

finally, a btg thank you goes to our convenor fulie-ann Thompson, secretary Penny Woodroof and trca!>urcr Gloria Flynn, who made the Club run smoothly throughout the year. 1l1;:~nk you also to ~r Chnnt whose dedic<1tion and commitment i~ alway!> much appreciated.

It ha'i been a pleasure and a ptivilege to be a part of and lead th1s ever growing Club through its manv victoric!.. Gnod luck for ~ca~on~ to come and J...cep that $pirit up hrirbl

'>arJh J.-.immorll'V and I LH) Hlom J\tilfcfiCS lllpft7111S

BBSSSA Ba~kl'lbJII 1 r.Jill f<uw & • 'r J Rrw


I t hils bt•en another <.ul'Ce-..,ful war for th~.• BngtJmc Ba.,l-.l'tball Club All gtrl-.

\\'ho han~ partinpatcd tn ba-.ketball ha\l' rt.•prl>s(•nteJ the Club with cnthu~tJ.,m Jnd sport<.mJn<.htp. \\e have <.ccn <.orne tantJ.,hC result-. m both the ~f\\'BA competttmn and tht.•IGSSA compehtton \Vtth numerou<. lt>Jm., progr~.-...sing to semt -tlnals and grand hnab

RngJdtne had three teams m the \1\\ B:\ Grand Fmals Year q White, 'tear 10 aml th1.• Open., White. I am ven proud to n•pmt that all 1 teams won thctr games! The 'tear 11 team ltntshcd m th1rd place and won then Grand lin" I to hm.,h m fir!>t place. The Year )() te.1m which h.1s onh·lnst one grand final ~lnce the\ started playing in Y~.·ar 7, defeated St Luke'., in the Grand Final finishing in ftrst place c.1lso. llw Opl•n:-. VVhite team finishl•J fir.,t in the11 compl•hhon and went on tu wm thctr Gr<md PinJ I against Stella Maris. It wac; fantastll' tnt th1., tt-am to finish wtth a wm JS tht-. wa., thc11 ktst game wtth Bngtdme.

Bngidtnl' alsn had two team-. in th1.• IG'lS,\ competition plavcd on Saturda) mnmmg .. m Term 2. Our Junior team plaH•d m 111 wmmng thetr (.rand rmal agatn'>t Sl.H .• (;<.;

Jt \\'uS il lilntastlC game rlawd \\'llh ~r(',ll sportsmanshtp. Our Semor team con<;~sted ol gtrls from ),•;us 10, 11 and I~. who ,,II pia\ t>d \\ilh ianta-.tic enthusiasm e..-cn week und onh lo-.t thetr scmt final in the lA dl\ t<.tnn b\ .1 point.,

I was also fortunate to gam .,elt•ctton tn tlw IGSSA representative and Captain the US NS\'\ te.1m that plaved in the AJI Schoob Tourno.~ment It wa'> a great experiencl' .1nd I would like to thank \1r<. qJ.-,·t> Warh~.•r tor her -.uprnrt.

I would like to thank the Club Convenor. ~Irs Dee De Lo.1uner, for all her help thts war to makmg tt another fantasbc vear tor .111 gtrls mvol\ed Than!.. you also to Rad Radi.ln nur (,,,Kh .1nd all the gtrb tnt their l' and grt•at .,port'>manship throughout tht• \1.'ar FinaU\, than!.. vou to the team manager., and lhl' pi!rcnh ror thetr constant support It has hecn another .. uccesstul ~cur inr thl' Bu-.kl•tball Club.

Ht.m~.a l't•nntng Ra,J.:etl~r/1 Club CaJ'I<IIII



Con~ratulatllln-. to all tlw Bng~Jml' g~rls who ran oJt tht-. H.'.tr'-. IC.SSt\ C.amt\al. 01 the :.tXIL'L'n hrirl-. \\ ho Tl'PTl'...CntL•d Brigu.Jmc tour won lhltT WJ\ through to rcprc-.L•nt IGSS. \at thL• \.'>\\'US on I nda\ \Ia\ 10th.

'I he gtrb nnd tlwtr pl.lL m~.., ,lTL':

\k•\ \lcGam ( lh H'tlr"l- 1st Plan•

Ntn1la 'limmon.., (13 war..,) bth plnce; OltVJJ Fl\nn 7th plnn·

l.ontta \ 1,mn ( 12 \l'Jr..,) - hlh pl.1n•

Congralul.llion., JJ..,n lo tlw 11 'L'aro., team nl NicoiJ S1mmor,..., Ohvia Fl ~·nn, Cmily Row bot h<1m, C.<t1tlin "nnl,.lj, Sophil' vVhnlohan; Nicoll• ll,trcombe, Bonntc ~'kQuecn amJ l%m lhomp.,on who ltm ... hed lth owrall in the tenm e\ent.

NSWCIS Cros.., Country

Four Bn).,'lLil Ill' gtrJ., ran .lt the 200H '\ <;\ \' lombmed lndcpL•ndL•nt SrhooJ., (CIS) Carni' ul Jt F..lstL•m l TL'L'k on M<l\ 30th.

The gtrJ.., and thctr pl.Ktng.., \\l'TL':

\JL'\ 1\kCam ( lh H'.1T'•) 2nd Plan~

~Kola Stmmnn... (I~ \L'<trs) - l-Ith place; Oh' ta Fhnn 15th pi.KL'

l onttn 1\l,mn (12 ~car ... ) - Hth pi.WL'

Alt'\ and LonttJ \H'11l on to TL'prL''ol'nt at the NSW All Sl hnnl-. L'\l'nt 111 Julv.

NSW All School., l.vcnl

Lontta (12 YL'clfs) .1nd Alex ~kCain (16 \L'.1T::.) TL'prl'"ented Comb1ned fnd t•twndcnt IGSSA Cro'>c; Co1rntry SchuoJ.., (ClS) ,11 tlw St.ltt• Cro~s Country Ch.tmpHlnsh•p.., 1n Julv

LonitJ lint.,ht•u lllth and Alex m the top 25 fm thctr Tl'.,pedive <tgt• group~

Cross Country Team Front Row

St::cond RrJW

11 1 YfAR BOOK

T ht• Rrigadml' <..nlle•ge• DJtKl' Club h.h cnJn}t'd .lntlllwr wondL•rtul ond

..,ucce-. .. tul )l'ar in 2tlOR 'I hl' p., ... sron and l'nt hu.,tJ'>m lor donn• dr ... b\' guJ., acro'>s ,111 wJr ~;roup., WJ<.; p.1rticul.1rh outst.lnding tlw• yc,u. wrth ll\l'f ">'>() nwmbt•r., l'nrollcd tmm wrthrn the Colle~e' Ctrb parttctpated in J plt•thnra of di.,ttndl\ e dam:e stylc..,mcludrng 1an. modcm, rontt•rnpor.ll'\', I\ neal, htp-hop, mu.,ical theatre ,1nd tJp Lach "" k• wa., showca.,t•d Jt tht• Rngtdtne College Dance Uub's annual D.:mn• Spt•ctJcul,u, which \'\·as hdd thl" ) cJr ,11 Ckn Strel'l Theatre• on SundJ\, 21-.t September 1 hts highh t•ntL·rtaining prnductron L'ncapsulateu the talent. commllmt•nl .:md, .1bow illl, enJ0)'111t'nt rt'Cl'twd by all tnl•mbL•rs 1 hrnugh I ht•tr keen involvemen t with tht• Brigidint• Dance Club dunng 200H

Ln <H.Iditinn to tlw I ),mn• ~Pl'CI,1tLtlM, a '>elt•ct group ot grrJ., tmm .1cross'w.u., 7tol2 J'l' rfornwd ,,., pJrl nl tlw Brrg.duw lnllegc Etsteddlod (;roup. llw guls pMttup.:rlt.!d rn tour dtlkrt•nt t'tsteddlnd'i, compL•tmg agamst an Jrra\ of ... econdJf\' schools from acm'>'> Snincv •

• ,\t thl' Northern Beache Eisteddfod the jazz Groups "Brrng me• to I ife '.:rnd "\ \·e \\.ill Rock \ou · pl.1eed 2nd ;md 3rd rt'"Pl'Citn•h and thl' <. 11nh.•mporan· Group placed 2nd in" 1\..:rvras'

• The Extreme Eisteddfod saw"Hnng me to lrfl-'" plaung 1rd, "rth "\\e \'\'ill Rod .. \hu" rece1\1ng a htghl\ U11lli1Wnd~·d ,md''Ni:!vras" placing I sl.

• At tht• McDonald's Performing Arts Challenge, the• l.:trgestt•r ... tt.•ddlod within Svdncy,"Rring mt• to li ft•"and''WL• will rock vnu"both rL'CCtwd hrghly romnwnded nnd "1\avras"was placed l~t.

• Ryde Eisteddfod .twardcd L\'rkal Li'>te•ddtod Group'Angl'l' ,md 'Rnng m~.• to ltfe' each il 2nd pl.Ke tn tht•tr rndt\1du,ll sc•t·tinn ....

Congratulutton'> to all tlw gtrl., tm nl\l•d tn the Brigtduw Eisteddfod <. ;n•up on thl'ir e:..n-phon.ll .lt hit'H'mt•nt... Mcmlx•r-; of the Eisteddfod Jan ( .n 1up 'Bring nw to ltfc' who dann•J at the 'Rot.:k lor Sight' Ctmct•rt on june• "·htch r,list•d mont'\' lor tlw Fr1.-d Hollows Foundatrtm must al..,o bt• wmmc•nded on their fanta!->tic pc•rtonn.:rncl' tor <.uch .:r worthy cau<.e.

Owrall, nom• of tht• surce...,s uf the Bngtdmc College Dant.:e Cluh would bt• p<,...sthlL' wtlhout lhL' ongomg tnvohement and ..,uppmt of the Dance Club Commtltl'C. I would like to take thts opportlmtt\ to thanJ... the Club Convenor Rebccr<l !-.night, whu h<ts .. o generously devoted her kindn~.·s<>. trmt.• ond dfort rnto the organis<ttmn .mJ eflrcrencv nt the HrigKiine Dancl' Club thr'> war. I would ,1bo hkl• to thJnk the Trca!-.urL'r


- KathyThomp-.<m, <b well a., aU the• Commiltl'l' members mcluding JulrL• \It( ourt

1\ special thank \Ill! must a]'o(l go to nur d,mn• teachers, Meltss.:~ ~htchell. ~ll'lt.,.,,, Pn•nttn', Christie Hutton and Chi<~.

Finalh., I would hkc to sav a btg thank \OU to the Dance Club\ pnnnp<~l tl'.llher Rochelle jones. Rochelle's love 11f dance her mnm·,JttH' ch<1rcograph'r, as '"ell as he·r d~.·dtealton and patience to ,,II member., ot the• Bng1Jrne Dance Club ha., been 111\Jiu.:rhk• Jnd ha., ensured the high Lilhbrc dance ,1t Hngtdtnt' College m 2008 \1anv of us Wl'rl' thrilled lo be p.:rrt or l~ochl'lk;'s marn.lgt• to t\Jroll McCarthy in the Bot<lnlt Cardrn., on I ndJy lOth October - our congratulations Jnd bc;l wishes to Rochelle and A.1ron.

1-.risten C.1rltslt• fla11ct' C/u/1 CaJIIam


I 115


2 00~ bl•en Jnother l'lljo\,lblc and re~\arJmg )l'.u for .~t>b.lting <~l Bngadine.

Tiw. WJr ~\l' h,1J many garb parhctpJhng an tht> I"DA .1nd An.:hdJk• competlhons an Term I and Tl•rm :!

Thl• 1~0:\ (lndl'J'l' lldl•nt Schoo(., Debating As'>t>nJhnn) compl'hhon \\ils held en~tY

rnd.w naght from l"cbrual') to June \\'l• had .,., team" l'nlerl•d an the lOmpehtion. one tor ewn ) l'Jr ).,'TilUp ;md 1\\o Corpus Christa team ... dl'b,Jtang an the pnman dt\1stons. Throughout the "l'J"Oil tlw wrls debated impre ... savelv on topic!-. tdl'\anl lo cummt issues .,urh ,,., .,oual. l'll\nronmcntal and polali c.1 l cmkean .... In lSD/\, the garls faced challeng1ng W111JWI i I ion lrt>m schools -.uch a~ R..Jvenswood, 1'1 C 'lvdncy, CrJ nbrooJ.., Ml C, rang.:ar.:J and St 1\loy.,au.,. Dl•-.plll' not at It> the ltt1<1 [., tlw. Vl'Jr, thl• h'lrb hnJ a great "ea~on .111d should bl' wmmcndcd on their cflnrt and l.tlmmitment to Jcb.1ting ewry rndJ\' night.

\.\l' c1l~1 had ll•Jm., l'nll'rl•d in thl• ArchJalc ClllnfWtihon for mdl•pcndl•nt garls slhoob, that r.1n lrtlm \pril to June. Thl• h>irl-. deb.1tcd l'' er\' ltte-.da\ Jtll:moon on -.imilarly challengmg topac-. ag,unst -.chools such Js K.incoppal, ~ leriden \ll.C Loreto karnbalh, Abbot-.k•agh, Pl<.. SHine\ and St (athl•nnl''"· Int.' te..1ms h.1d ,1 commt•nd.Jble season and a .,peuJI ml•ntion mu-.t go out to the 'u:Jr 'J

guts who m,ldl' at through to lhl• fir-.t round ot pl.1y olb .lnd llw -.cnior tt•.Jm \\hu made at through 111 tlw sl'Wnd round of pia\ - o~ts. \\'l'll dolll' garb~

I would ,11-.n liJ..e l•> nwntaon that m the lc:t!>l Wl'l.'l..t•nd oJ Mt~y thb w.u. Wl' hnd some )~Dr II gu·[s pnr1trtpJll' in MUN/\ (Model Unill!d Nataoth As-.emhlv), .m l'Xcelk•nt cxpericn\'l' spon'><>rt~d bv th,ll,wns to lwlpangyuung people ttl dt•\l'lop mh.:nhltioaMiundL•r<.,t;:mding, and <lWJrl'lll'S'> ot ntrrl'llt .1ftmrs .:Jnd poli tical a-..sul''> m th1• rountf\ lhl'\ represent.

I \\'OUid .1lso hkl· to \\l'oh the ll'.lm on.l•Jr l) gut-.. gll(XIIucJ.. an thl•tr upwmmg partidp<!lllm 111 tlw \HI( ;s (1\\'t,llton of I leads of lndl'pt.'lldl•nt ( .ar(., ">chllols) Fl'-.ti\ at of !lpl.'l~h on tht 12th ,1nd 11th of Sl•ptt•mbt•r .1nd thl' g1rJ... of\ ear 7 andk.u ~" h11 ,,,11 bt• competmg in the f\.lacquam• Sl hoot\ OcbJiing Cup on tht• 2.1rJ St•ptl•mbL•r thas \Cat.

0\L'rall, 11 h.1s beL'n ,1 rcall~ good Sl'ason and m hghl ot tha.,, .1 \l'f\ bag th,mJ.. wu must bt..' giu•n to \ 1rs Collm., whost• ~:ndlc.,., .mwunl ol tame .:md etlorl mto tlw ( lub hav(' made this vcc:ar':. dcb,lttr1g w.1son '>lll h J suct:i.'S'>. 1\.lrs CoJitn., m.ldl• sUit' that Wl' had lull trams L'\ cf\ wet•!.. .md ~ lw 111gnni<.t•d buse~ tnr the wrl ... "'"we[[ ,,., .111 hlltnl' ,ll.•b,1ll'<., lor buth the l'lDi\ ,md t\Jchd.11l• wm1wtation!'.. lhi-. wa~ <1 WI) dJunl ang 1.1-.J.. .md \\'l' ,lppreciJtc her h,lrd wual.


r also want to thank \lr rstl•rm.m, '"'both he and .\ lrs Collin., ga' c up m,ll1\ ot thl•tr r ndJ\ rughh and luc..,d.:J) iltterm~t>n'i llll'llnw .1long and support our garls in thl'ir tkb,llt''>, ,1., did man) parents whow att~:ndann· ,lt dl•bJil>s prondi.'d the h'lr(., with ,, \\l'il ~k"'l'f\ed

audaenct?. I'd also like to thank m.m\ of thl' parent::. lor their help ..1nd wntnbutaon with prmiding t..'Xcellent suppl'rs tor our hunw debate-. (\\ot.' receav~:d much prat'>l' trom our \i..,iting .,chnob).

These homi.' debates Wl'H' ,1l~u StKCl>s..,ful thanks tO the ll1J11V gJrlS who VO(UnlL'l'fl'd to chaar and hme keep lor the Uub on IIWSl' nights, so thank vou wrv mmh to these.: gaal ....

All the coaches lor our 1L•.1m:- mu ... t .11-.o be mentioned for .111 the lw lp .md guid,mce the\ pro\·idcd for our f\ITI'> throughout this '>l'J'>Oil Th~o• aJVJcc and cxpcnence lhl'\ h.ld to sh.Hl' with their teams was l'l'rt<linl\ Vl'f\ \aluablc.

A.., a whole.:, tlw prls fl'prl''>l'llll'd tlw Brigadine Debating Uub l'\ceptton,llh wl'll thas yc.1r, ilchievmg .,n mut·h in thl•ir lt',lm-.. but also as mdt\ tdu.J(.., as wl'il; t',llh nne ha\ ing ampmH>t.l 1mmen...el) bv thl• end ot the sea!>lm It i-. Cl'rtamh· not l'.JS\' Ill '> up and speak tm a topu: with nnh (llll' hour-. preparation and I thmk our garl-. should bt• commended on th~:ir l'lforh. Dd">,ltlllg • ., ,ln C\trcmcly usetui.,J..ill to hJ\ l' .md I know that each gi.rl wouJd tdl you thJt the\ l'lljllH'd lha-. season tor ats manv lh,lllcngmg deb,lll''> ,1., well as the entertilmlllg bu-. ndt'" ,md \'l'otls to other schoob. I mu.., l also nwntaon the H'f\ amusing student/st.11T dd·l<lll' 111 tht: school librarv thJt Jrew 111 .1 VCr\ large uowd and ha:; gcnl'rateJ .1 lot of inll'rt''>l lot lil•b,lltng nt'xt war O n ~uch J not1• I would haghl\ rl•commcnd dcbJting .11 Hrigtdinl' bL'l,llN', .t'> can be ~~1:'11 b\ ,111 the wondl•tlul thing ... tlw

gi tis havr ac h1evl:'d thas war, the club re.lll\ h.l~ sn much to otfer. Cong1JtuiJt1on-. to .all garb lor J great :.eJ::.on.

f' IN • llull,l Lld•t11111~ Liul• l tlfl/rl/11

Duke of fdinburgh Gold

t I ' I "r 11 I; I r I tl

DuJ...t• of Edinburgh Si lver rr ,,, Rt l

E Se ond Row

Thrd Row

Fourth Row


T hL• Dul-t• of Fdinburgh A~\ard I!' "

chJIIenging '>ChemL' a\'ailabk• tn young pt•oplt• worlth\ ide ag~·t.l 14 to 25. Till., mtt•mahon.llly a~:da1mt~i J\\ilfd pro' tde!-i parhc1panb \\ith the (lppnrtunit\ to k•,trn ,md dt•\ dop ne\' I if~· ... 1-ilb, \\ hich t hL'\ CJn tN' to make a thtterence to them.,eh e.,, their commumtit>s and the \\.'orld tht>\ hn• Ill Tlw '-theme .1\\ard.., studenb at Bronze, S1h t•r .1nd C.old k'\L'I" ior thl' ,·,mou'> Jt:comph~hm~·nt'> and skills thai th~· indl\1dual ha.., dL•wlnpt·d .

Our DI.ASclubpn,mot~..,tht•con• bt•ht>lo.,ol thl" o.,cheme, the de,elopment ot seU motlv,ltllln, pn•st'T'. ,1t1on, patience, mJependent:L'. leader<;hip and the gaming ot confid~·nn• to overcmne boundanes. Thest' nttribLJh~., Mt' obtained through lhc rour compommh ol tlw :-;t'iwnw; expeJi l1on, -.kill, phvo,ical reLreJLion ,md mmmunit) o,eT'.· ire (and ,, fifth tl11l' h11

Cold p<~rt1Lipanh residential)

Once Jg.un v.~· sJh an increa.,e m the Club's t•nrnlmcnts, With 72 llC\\ parttcipJnto., o.,1gning up. All the b~·"t to lht"•t: girls m.w tht·\' tJnd the Dul...l" of Edinburgh S-:heml' to bl' !;loth l'IMIIt•nging and enjn~able

longr.Jtulahons to all of the gtrl!> '' hu hJ\C att,lmt•d ,m award thio., \l!ar e..,pcCJallv to tho~e girb who ha,·e attamt•d their (,old '\\\ard and tho..,e -.till going tor Gold A\,ard.., in 2ll0l\ , llw Gold ,\\~ard j., fnm1JII) pre~ented to the girl., by thl' Gm~·mor Gem•ralnt NS\.\ at a "fWl'iJI n•rl'mom conducted at Go\l•mmt•nt llnuo.,c. \ \l• hope to o.,ee our largest number ol girls reCl'l\ing l.old with 2h potential LanJidate~ lhis \ear.

fo1nallv, th;ml- vou to the CommJ iit•e, tnr tht'i l inv.l luablt• contribu Uon and ongoing o,upport Without them we would not have the high lv successful Club that we sE.'l' bt•fon.• us tod.w SpCCJJ I thanl...s to our new Convenor, C<Jrolyn, who h,1~ done <1 fJbulous job this vear .md hao., accepted the demand:, of her Ill'\'\ mit• With c.tse A :.pedal thank vou must also gn tn nur E\peditum\ CtH.:onrdinatnr. Det• l.,llhllv, who put.., her heJrt and o.,nle into conductmg ... are, t•njoyable, mcmurable and challcngmg l'\Pl'dltion~ tm our student.,

CJthcruw Leah\ & ,hhlt'\ \ \,lt ... .,n Pf: \' Cl11h CIIJ•fam-

11 7


D rama has alwa\.., ht•t•n <;uch an amaztng part oi Bnwd1nc and thts yt·nr wJs

nn different. I rom lh<' College Musa:al "Cindt•rl.'lla" to thl? Yt?.lr It plav "The Br,uJv Bunch" and in bl'twcl?n \'1-tth ::.hl)WCJ~e.,

.1nd HSC pl.'rform,mct'"• tht'> war ha.., bcl.'n

.Hllltht•r busv war lnr thl.' girls and ll?Jcht•r<; who contribute to tlw Drama Oub.

Con~-t'Tatulallon!l to llw cast and crew of lhts }'L'ilt 's Year II plav "'I he Brady Bunch" who wen.• a~I..I.'J t{l pt?rtorm ,11 Star of the St•a Tiw.ltrt• (Manlv) fht• production, whtch wa., dtrL'dcd ~ DtAnnc t\kDonald, featurl'd four t'pt'>ode-. from tht• ong~nall\' .,eries

Our H5C. dramil ..,tudt•nl~ sh01..,·cased thl'Ir 1,1lcnt over h\0 wonderful HSC droma night!>. The fir-.t, lmhvidual Performt~nces ,1nd Projt•ct.,, which displayed the <tmazing tal~:nt~ 111 our Co-.turnc Jcstplt'r". lneatrc Rcvic\H'r-. <tmi 1\ctor!>. The st>(ond. Croup Perform<tnCL' \Jtght, whert? all 'h•<~r 12 Drama .,tudt?nh pt?rformt•d their '>t•lt Jc,ist•d pJCces.

Upt•n Day was ,t milgnificcnt t•vt•nt J'hroughout th~· ,1fternoon the Year 12 dram<~ <;tudent., performcJ their im.hviJual pt?rtormanccs, whKh provided grt•.lt l'ntt•rt.linmcnl lor 'tsttor ... Mam vi'>ttnrs ,tbo \1st ted the stall ftndtng out tnlormatton about Hllgidtne's Drama Uub and '>UbJech.

Thank you to the 111.1rwllou~ and energt?tic ll'Jclwrs of the Dr,un<t dl'rartment. \1iss ~IJC: tor her tuclesc, .. up port, t\ 1s 'roung for teachtng our wonderful \l>ar 12s and \Is Conoll)- tor dtrl'(hng the ~lu.,ltal .md supportmg tht• Drama student..

t\ll'gJn Todd IJmma C/11/1 Capt11111

118 YEAR BOOI< 2 Of!



T hl' f.qut•strinn Club tht!> war, hkl' al\.,,1\'> ha.., had a \ 'l'l) succcsstul ... cason. onn•

tht• ho~c.., r\'cmereJ from f.lJuint.' lntlucrva.

All the girl'> cnthusiashcalh compl'tt>d m mam different compditions local!~ • .md as !Jr Jwa~ ...... Coonabarabran bringing home great rc..,uJt.., C\CI'\ hmc.

\\'('had a WI) succ!'ssful compt•tihon atlht• Ll A MttJ\1tc Jntcrschools champKm..,htp.., where we had man\ ol the g.rb .llhit' \l' great rc..,ult...

Ahcc Dowie Watts 1rd m thl..' o{km "how man. Samantha 'lnpp -lth m the Dressage nnd 1rd in the 80cm CombincdTrainrng, Bcckv P.:llmc• ,1 1st 111 the I.J!km Show Jumping • .mJ Cl.:~rt•

Mi ller l'lliss J 4th in the Dressage.

Congratul<ltinns to Samanth.1 Tripp who was <;elected lor the New South \Vales tcnm to cnmpt'te m Queensland after lwr oulstantlmg rt•sults a ht anti a 2nd in the Shmv Jumpmg and l·qu1tatton at the lntcrschool "itate Champll)nshrp..,

\\e would hkc to thank ~1~ Benhrn \1r (, tht• Club Convenor Gtll Stokt•s and tht• rest of the equestrian club committee for all the help thC\ ha\'c gh en us thts ) car. JnJ all the wrt .. for t>cing so 111\0heJ and supportt\t' ol car h ut her.

C.1bb\ Stoh•s I tJIIt"-11 I till t/11/J ca,,ltllll



B rig~dm~ },.,.., hJd ,motht•r gn•.ll venr m :wntl. rht'i \l'ilr \\l' hdd hohdnv trnming

da, . ., ,11 I lomcbu.,h G\ mnJ.,tic... Trammg Centre whctc ~1rl., \\l'H.' ,1blc to t•xp(•ricncc the IJcilillc., ot Ohmplt' .1pparntus All ~rls thorough!} t'nJo\cd tht''>t' Ja, . ., and tt ,,a., a !,'Tl'at opportun1h to lN' nt''" l'\jlltpment such as a loJm pll Jnd dt•\dop tW\\ .,kills.

For many gtrb tht• IG<;~ \ wmpt•tthon on rndJv the 24th of Ottol>l•r wtll be an excllmg e\pcril.'ncl' ,,., 11 i., tht•ir ftN wmpcllllon. Last wor all gymn,l' .. t-. pl•rfonm•d cxn•ptwnallv wdl Jnd Jllthn~l.' gtrl., whtt wmpetl'd Jnd thc1r 1,1ntast•c Jd1H'\l'tnl'nt The Club plan•.,l•mph<1.,is lor t lw girl., to haw tun ,md dt•vclor rww skr ll ., bv promoting bJianl'l' rtnd lrtnl'~"~ o\cr the lnur !,')'lllnao.;ttC<; appMatuo.,cs of llmll, lw.1m, b.1r., .md v.llrlt.

Thr ... WJr we hJvc m.1n\ 11l'''-·) mm~q.,n,111nasts and rt ,., ~rrcJt to "l'l' all tlw gtrb progrcs-. '>0

tar m .. ul·h a .. hurt pt•nnd nl time. We again had tlur tantasllt C\ mn.htll'., coach Rt•bt•cca 'khdl lrom t\ ln\lng Bt>dil's, \\tlrking with the g1rb on \lond.w t \enmg-; and lhilh \\'t>llnt•.,dav morning ... I ,1m H'l} gratt•ful ttl Laura L\ nch lor ht•r .~.,.,,.,t,mn• rn coachmg

\\'e look tom .1rd to \\'l'kommg the ne\\ wmm1ttl.'l' lor 200<1 .md thank \l)ll to \lr-. Ten..•....t hnrh ClonH'nor), ~1r-. Cawhne o,..,terht•ld (fn:w.uwr) and Mr., Antonma 5truprti~ Haddrirk (St'H('I.1r\') tor all their time and l'ffort m makm~ a great G\ mna~tu:-. C'lub.

Th;:mk ~ou 111 .111 the gv mnao.;ts tor therr t.>nthu~lu'ol11. nHntnllnwnt, t.lllt.l.,tlt rt•sults and fncndshrp' \t\',• look lorwJrd to anothl•r l'\Cl•lknl vear nl gv mnastll..,.

s t,•ph.m r' l 1, • .,,,.1lwld l~!llllltll'tu ~ l/11/' Cll!'llltlt


T he \L'M ~()(}!{ w-.1... ,1 'l'fV bus\ ,1nd "lllH'"slul H'.ll lor tlw I hx 1-L'\ llub \\rlh

.1 Joint lour\\ 1th tlw \\,lll'rpolo <. lub to \.L•w leJiand. matchl·~ Jg,llll'-t 1 'r"'trng tl•,Jm trom thL' UK ,1nd '-l'\l'r,ll Sport.,frnl-. l hnrcc; pro\1drng .111 grrt... rmoiH•d "rth pk•nl) nt opporllrnrlrL''- to rmpron• tlwrr hod.L·~

... krlls and mJking thL' hnd.L'\' 'l'•l'-011 .1 \ef\" memor.1bk• ni1L'.

In '1L>m1 ~. Bngrduw L'ntl•rt•d thrL'l' IL'Jm., rnto the Nnrth ShllrL' hod.l'\ ~:ompctrtrnn wrth ..,omL' tantJ'>trl IL'"ulh Both l~rigid r nc I .rnd ~ won lhl'ir dh r-.ion., ,md llrrgrdim• ~ were runm•rc; up. \Vl'll dorw gi rl -.! f'h r ... ~.ompl'lition '>l'I'Ved ,).._ ,) grl';:ll 'Wu I Ill up' fllr IIW rerm J IGSSA compL'Irt ion, AI' inK tlw grrls <1 chance to gl't to ! llwu IL',lrn, ,ll\d IL'Jrn tlw ru les of the gJmC (for tho ... l' who VH'I\' pliivmg lor the frr-.t trnw)

New Zealand four

Dunng thL• luh holtd,l\ -.. ~l'i llc~l-l'\ Jnd \\'aterpolo Cluh llll'mbt•r-. "l'l out tor \.l'\\ ZeaiJnd on .1 \\l'L'I...Iong lc1ur

Our hr.t matl'h "·'" .lg.Jrn-.t K.llnol hgh ...,,hnnl rn \\"hangJrl'r. Our \\,liL'r polo dwl'r '-quad ''il' J grL'JI sourn· nl l'nl'our.lgL'Illl'nt. 1\'tlh .;pmted rL·ndrtrorh ol 'I ortrtL·r L'l '>u,Jnkr' ,md ·walt/lng ~lahlda' nngrng through thL• :-t.1nds. UnlortunJtl•h rt \\ ,,., not L'nough 1<1 .,pur uo, ont1l \'id11f\ .1nd '' L' \\'l'rl' dl'teJll·d 1~ ()I

The Jollu\\1ng du\ \\l' WL'Il' b,lt:l... rnl\ud.lund \\ hl.'re \\I.' piJ\l'd rpsom (,rrl-. {.;rJil11l1M The hml...~·' gir l!-. pl,rH•d n ~fl',ll g.HIW winnmg --1 0, onh -.toppmg to dndg~· tlw :-p r rnl-.ler~ whrd1 came on to WJ ier thL' ,1~ 1 ro tu rf IJ.l ll'AJv thrnu~h tlw m,Jtrh!

On Dav .J \H' WL'rl' lrl'L' to l'\plorl' Aud..IJnd, do snme mmh Jnlrlrp.11t•d -.ouvt•n•r -.hopprng and to \ISrl sk\ lm\eT. And wh.lllnp to Nl'\'\ 7eal,md \\Cluld lw l'ompll'l~· wrthout o.,omc bungL>t.' JUmprng, juli,l, Di'lnil'lle,,1 and SrneJd t(1ol.: tlw .J7m plung\' oil Auckl,md Hart,our Bndg~· .1nd "'" d,l\., IJil'f 1\ lei. 'lJ.,h and Sirwad ag.11n follm\ l'lblllt,dc 11nga bun gel' JUmp rn llw bl•,Julllul natur.1l surnrundrng-. ol tlw \\'ail.:ato Rrh'r nl'M 1.1upo.

On D.l\ 5 \H' \H'Il' lortun,Jtl' l'nnugh In l'\J'l'ril•nn• .. onw lr,ldrtron,ll t\l,wn nrllurl'. Our guidl' lnr th,11 l'H'ning. .\lr N'l •·. o,hmwd u-. Mclund ,, lr\rng l\1,hlll \'rll.1gl' k.llunng ,,,rn•r ... \\l',l\l'r" and tattoorst., .1nd \\'l' Wl're '>l'f\'l'd ,1 tr.h.litron.ll grt~uml rooi...L•d mc.1l 1\ ddrnrtt• hrghlrght ol tlw tnp \'\,,.,the wnc~·rt ol \[non o.,ong and Ll.lllCl' .1nd 11[ ~:ou rc;c when :o-1 r Ch;1M Jll'rlornwd llw 11.1 kl...;1 wrl h 1\ II. r. D;w 5 Wih aJ-;o ou r l,ht hnt:l...l'\ gnml' in Nl'\\ Zeal.1nd. We pl.1wd S<krl•d I il•art lolleg.:. lo~rng ~ I.

I lO

TI1c jet boat ndl• nn the b••,1utrful \\',11l...ato nvcr Jnd a \i.,it to thl• glovvwonn L;:l\l'" in \ VJrtomo ,,;ere JUSt J couple ol Jllthe IJnta.,trc expC'nenn•s we hJJ on tour All tlw !.''Ill-. c.1nw ,Jwa\ from Nc" lt•JIJml \'\1lh a ).,'fl',Jt "t'lhL'

(11 teJm cJmJradcm• Jnd pa.,,ron lor ho~:l...l'\ .

Bl•rng able to talk with thl' '\/ grrf., t~IIL·r our matcht>s \\J., annthcr r~·nlh ,,,lu,1bk• .hpt'l'l ol the tllUr .

A huge than!... vou mu~t gn out to 1\Jr., \\'achcr, 1\lr Chant . .\lr-. Krm Purnell ~ J r., ,\lison llall and Fmmn 1\l<lll' who lool...t•d .ltll'r uo, on our trip .md l'll'>Url•d our tour to t\l''' ll•al,1nd \\<1'> an extreme!\ mcmorJble .md -.ucces!-.fLrl Olll' Abo, th,1nl... ~()U 111 Mr .. n\'nn \'\hO organin•d the tnp All llw tinw .1nd t'lll'rh'Y ynu pu t in tn mJke II sul·h ,, ~ 1wl'inl \Wl'k is greatly J ~lprec r a t ed.


At the time of \\ ritmg I hl• knn :l (( ,S')A

competrtmn '" dmwrng to J dose With nnl' round to go all tha•e ol our ll•ams IMVl' a great chance ot mJkmg thl• Sl'mr hni'll., and perhaps repeating the .,UC(e..,., ol krn1 ~ . ~ou to our ded1c.1ted COJlht•s Fmma Poole, \ldrssa f'l'nn Jnd K.lll' TennL'Y .md to the llockc,· Club Commrttl'L', l'"Pl'n.lll\· our com·ener Ahson Penn. who worl.; "Ll hJrd tn male -.urC' that \'\ l' hJ\ l' two l.mtastlc -.c,l.,on-. ot hocke\' Also th<mbuu to ~Jr., SI-n• \\adwr \\ hn1s respnnsrblc ftlr the ~month runnrng "' thl• Ho..:l...e\ Club

\\'l•\l' enJO\ed l'Vl'f\ mmull• ol OLII .,j, \l'.ll'"

ot hockcv at Bng-rduw .md writ nmw ,Jw,l\

with so man\ great memnm'"· All thl' lw..;t lor next war!

Larl\ Wnght & Ann.lbl·ll l' ,\llt•n 1/r•d.r·,lil'lu/1 L~rlfl/tll/1.,




T ht~ w.~r h,l., b~·cn wonderful for all tho~L' tm oh ed in tht• \ luo.,tc Club. It'-.

'>O rl'W.Jrdtng to "t't' '>urh p.:t-..,iun fnr, and tmolwmt•nt 111, th~· Club .:tnd lam' Cf! proud ot the ~uls' dtorh thto., \ t•ar.

Our .lnnu..lllullcgl' ~(u..,kal lit up l>Ur '>tage as Lmderella tn Ti!rm I llw o.,how·.., huge "liC<.l''>' \\"il'> .1 rl'lk(tton of lht' girls' hard \\or!.. as l".:to.,t and orc:hL•.,tr.:t nwmber., .:tnd of course tho"~.' behtnd the ~CL'OL'' \\t•,uh owe thanks to tlw fl',Khers th.Jt m.:tdc thts <;how po.,.,tblc \1r~ Rovd. Mrs I fall, ~!iss Connolly, tl.lrs Ltndsa\, tl.lrs \ki\lull.m, ti.Jr.., \1a\ and tl.lio.,!> vVl•bb

At tht• ~ t.lft ol lt•rn1 ::!, \1u.,tc Camp .lt VtsHm Vallcv An:Jdt,l was a lnbulmt.., opportunity to nurlurL' our mustr,tl t<llent'>, proving cnnchtng for .1 11 Spt•cit~l nwntion goes to the IL',lCht'r!i who Wt'rl' \'\ tth us; Mr!> BovJ, \Irs II all, ~lr., Lind .... l\ .md Mr., Bremner, fm their wmmitmcnt 1\lustt <. Jmp pro\1dcd an C\l'cllent envtronm~·nt in \'\htch \W rchcar..t!d as .1 largt' group Jnd '" tthin stnilll cn..,t•mblc..,. The Clannct, Hutt' .md <;tnng Fn"t.'mbh.~.., had the oppurtunity Ill tkwlop thrtr sl..ill'> '"ith the help uf thctr tutor ... . The l hmr and Con(crt Band ul~ hilvr tlc •un ... heJ undt•r tlw gUJdilnce ot ~lr-; Boyd .md ~lr-; llall rc.,pcctt,·cl\. Mu'>tl C.1mp ,.,.,.., tollcm~·d b\ lJbarct :\tght "here '' e .,hll\\Ght.'d our hJrd \H>rl.. through .,olw!>h Jnd J v.lrit'l\ of t'll'ol'mhll•-.. lhi5 \'Cilr \\C Wt'rt•lud..\ t•nough to hJn• mtcrnJtJCm.:tllv acclaimt•d tlauttsl }ant' Rttlll.'r pcrfom1 lor us m the second h,llt nf tlw .,hm'\. Bdorchand. ]Jne Ruttt•r g,l\l' .,l'll'l'lt•d .,l'ntor .,tudenl:-. the wonderfltl opplll'lunity h> parttdpatL' m a mrt5ler d.l'>s, during whtrh pcrfnrm<lllll' .:tnd practtce tedmtqut•s Wt'rt' leJrnt, contributing to our rnuo.,in1l ilpptt•dolton.

Tht• CmKt•rt B,1nd .:tnd Chmr':-. grmving ~!..til h,,... bt•en dcmunstr,1ted to the srhool commumh on nunwrou-. ona-.inn., tht" veat dunng "t hool ,,..,.,t•mblit•., .mcJ event.. such .. .., Op1.'n DJ\ .tnd <..r.mdpJnmt'.., D,J\. t-.lro; IIJJI'.., l'\ wnduding led the lnnccrt H.tnd tn .Khtt'\l' tht• tant.1<.1lc rc.,ult nt J Gold 1\\\ .1rd .lt the '\,lmJh<> B.1nd Fe ... tt' Jl c.1rhcr th~ \l'tlr. Bc>th tht• Chotr .md <.tmct•rt Bilnd ill<,(> gJ\ e l>.td.; to tlw rommuml\ h\ prm1ding entl.!rtamnwnt lor tho-.~· .11 "-•m Court, 51 hes mlcrm 2

Jhl.! IISL \lustt Ntght 111 Tt•ml :1 \\oil., illw i1

htghlight. tht• .lUdit'llll' .tm;vt•d at the htgh tJhbrt• ol pt•rtorm,Hlti.'S L'\htbikd b~ our 'l~·.u 12 .,tudenh Tht-. ntght w,,., aJ..,o .:tn opportuntt\ fot theN' 111 voung~.·r \ears to ... ee the end rt'.,u lt ol h,ltd wntk ,1nd JWr ... c,·cr.Jnn• in t'lt't'tl\l' mu.,•c

L.:~.;t J \ we muo.,t Lh,lnl.. :-.1r ... Bovd und Mrs llctll, tht• mu ... tt tt•.Jrht·r~ \'\h<l'>l' unrelenting dt•d._,,tion gm•..,,lhon•Jnd b~·vond thctrJutie.., and whos~· support Wl' l'llLild not do wi thuut.

I 2 Yf.AR 8

Rl•cngnttton abo goL's In I hi.! nlhl'f dl'' ot\'d tutors whose work .... )-.trl',1th .lpprl'tt.1lt•d in r~)sfl•ring the gJrls' mll ... ll'.ll dcwlupnwnt.

l k•anlH < lhJndlt•t i\ I It'll C/ul• l ' IIJ'ftllll


T he vcar 2008 has seen fantastiC in\olvcment levels \V1thm the Netball

Club. With fitteen teams entenng the KI\!A wmtcr competition, a-; weU a-; the .1ddcd bonu-; of the new ex-.,tudenh dub - the B jets. there were three team~ m the grand finals and several others coming close.

Thts rear we had Sl)o; teams in thl' IGSS. \ nl•tball competition. Thts competttton ha., provtded some challengmg yet fun netball tor teams this \Car.

Three teams showed off their mon~s at thl' CNI\ cami,al. The Senior team had a gn•at day winning silver; the Intermediates didn't have quite the same success but as you can see yuu don't have to be \vinncr'> to be gnnnL'rs. 'lncsc gtrls are to be commended for the htgh standard at whtch they plaved throughout the entire d.:tv. The Junior team showed several stren!-,rths all over the court Junng thetr gumcs Jnd all three teams enjnved the dJy and supported each other throughout. rnank wu to 'v1r Chant, ~fiss F\)la. \tfis., Connell!\ and Miss Brannan who organised c:o.:~cheJ,

supported and transported the gub.

Thts \car the Annual lndoorovptlh NctbJII wntc.,t c:ontmued College St ln~s tr.tvellt>d to Brisbane A team oi'tear 11 guls played against Brigidine lndoorooptlh All had J fun ftlled wcd.end staymg with members of thl' lndonrooptll) teJm. \\·tth BngJdtne College St lvc-. \vinning the game, the shtt'ld wtll be slJ\~ng m Sydney for another yeJr

Tht.., }Car .,everal umpires recci\cd badge~ Congratulations and thank you to all our umpires: the Club i., proud of your achu~vements, gratefuJ for your commttmenl and hope'> to see you a ll back ne>.t year.

1 han h. you to all coache!>, manager., and parent~ fmyourcontinual support thruughout the year and to M.r Chant for hib work and support for the l\etball Club again thL., yc.:~r.

Thanh. vou to Sla\'a AtJ...m.,, Com t>nor, and thl' whole \:'t.'tball Committee who haw madl' the tnYoh emcnt of so mam girls pu.,stblc Jnd haw made 2008 such an enjoyable \Car on the Netball court

( .r.tll' {JturJ...l·


J 123


T he Ari).,'ldlnt' l·c>otb,lll Uub had J very sucn•.,stul Jnd unprt•s-.r\ t' season rn 2001{

This \eJr thL' Uub fll'ld,•d tt•n IL'.lms \\1lh mer 130 pl.l\'l'r-. rn tlw S.lturda\' mornrng ICSSA COmpt..•trtrnn. rh,lnk HlUIO ,llllhL' parent.. who drme therr dJughll'r-; to tht• ht•kJ., t'\ t'f\' cold <;clturda\ mornrng 'lour commrtment rcalh pard oH ,IS thrs \l'M Hn~rdrnl.' fL h.1d ,1 rcwrd "t'H'n out ol tt•n ll.'am ... progn.'"" ttl tht• "t'mt hn.ll'> \\'dl dorw to BngJLhlh' -l, " · H .md 10 fnr pn>Aft'""rng to th1• trnals and nmgratulatJOn-, 111 BngJdirw " .md Brigidine H "hich won thcrr finJI'> Jnd wt•rt• nJnwd Prt'll11L'rs.

ll1anf.. \ou In .111 tht• p.m·nt.,, cnJchl''>, manag,•rs clnd t'Vl'T\ ntht'l volunteer for turning up ,md hL•Iping mrt. Ytnrr lwlp wa., rnvalu.:1ble .111d wrt lwut vour -;upport and commrtnwnt thrs st•ason would not haw been a!' '>lllll'ssful,md fun,,... rt was for all the girls. l11c CILrb \\'Olrld .11-.n lrf..t• to t hl' te.Khcrs, 1\.lr.,s lk.rM.ln, ~ l r lk•bb, Mr Wever and t-. lr Chorthram.1111, lor gr\1ng up their trmt• to t.tkc on lht• lhJilt•ngt• ot ro.:~~:hrng a ll'am. For 2001'1, "'' \H'rt• t' \lr,•mt•h fortunate to hJH' tlw \olunt.1f\' support of our first e\cr profl'SSIIlflilf (llJCh for tht• first-.. Thank )'llU

In Da\ rd for nHt•nng hrs t'•m•nn• and his tantac,hl .1H11trdt• throughout thl' season.

Th~ RB~~SA ( .JI.l D.Jvs Wl'rt• abo a great surr~;?ss t ongratui<Jtron ... ,,J..,o to the Rng~drnc 'lcar 7 ll'clm on mal-.rng tlw s1•mr hnals .md tht• BngJJint• <)pens SqtJ.ld which mad~ th~ !,'!"and final but unhlrlunatch lost after a ten shot J'l'11Jitv -.Jmotout

fhr~ \~.1r thc lootb,11l Club nrg.misl•d the t1r:.t Qul't'11'>1.1nd '-;m·n•r liHJJ I Jilt'l'll grrl-. from war., 10, 11,1nd 12 p,l rlidp,lll'd in a lour Jay tou r to Qm•t•n.,land to pl.w mrr tl•r -.dwol Bngrdmc lndoorooprlh II w.:~s c1 tant.Jo.,tic opportunrt>, lor .111 lhl• girl., to rmprnve their sl-.rlls .1ml m.lkl' m•w lnl•nd<; 1\n ,1Jdcd bDnus rn thl.' tour \\J'i tht• .,rdt• trip to Dn•Jmwmld. Thank \nu t'sfwrr.11h' to 1\.lr \cvret tor nrgJnr.,ing tht• lmrr and ~lr Ch.1nt and :\lr..,s tor takrng tmw out of thl•ir hohd.w to JC(l1111p.1m thl' tt•.1m

Tiw• \t'clr '"' \\ould l"'PL'l'J,lll\' lrkl' to thank :\ lr )l'tt Crlholm~ who is rl'liring as Com cnor. \\'t> would hkl' In th.1nk hun tor hio, tJntash<: ~rrnt .md hrs Ull\\J\ l'ring 'omm1tnwnt to the club \ ou ,1J...o to ~lr-; Rosa f\ 1cathrcl, Rnglthnt• I L St'lll'l,lT\'ffrt•Jsurt•r and Mrs )t>nm· :\l,lhon tor hl•lpmg wrth n•wstratinn am! sortrng out th1• J..its l lopl'11.1lh lhl' 200CJ Bngrduw Fontb,111 Uub "L',lson wrll bt• just as "LICl'l''>SlUI ,)-; thJ'> \L',lr.

k lllli ll'f (. 11111\'ll

Son,·t \ /t,/• t •IJI/r/111

124 fEAR B K

BBSSSA 13Years l·oolbJII Club r rnnl Row n H t "' l r 11

Sec and Row l 111 A I ll'

BBSSSA Football Club F n .. nt Row 1 •p

&1Conu Ro.v

·ry, 1 ,f,. lo~ I ll l<


T he Brigtl.ltm• Snllb.1ll Club hJs once again had a ht~hh -.ucu.•s.,tul w.u.

'I he girls h<we cnnhnm·d to dL•vl'iop thl•tr knowledge and sldb nl tht., rl'W,m.ling team sport. Thl• achil'\ ~nwnt., maLil' b\ l'a\'h team confirmed our Club to be ,1 .,tmng. t.:'nthustasllc and compl'ttttn• dub "tthtn thl' IGS5A cnmpl'lttton.

:-\ot onh doourgtrb lt.:'arn how to pia\ ~lllb<~ll. but thev learn tho! tmportJnu• ol tealll\\llrk and friendships. Both thl· treml•ndou., p.u,•nt support and tm:redtble enlhu..,i,N11 ot thl' plawrs h<h madL' 2008 om• of Vl'sl \'> lot the "'oftball Club.

St' teams WL'n.• ... ubmtttcd to thL• L'0111JWlil10n, three team!> m.1de it In tho: 'lL•mt l·in,ll ., and won going on to the Cr.1nd rin.1ls./\ spl'l' tJ I con~'Iatu l ation ... to thl' sl'll iOI l1ng I 1\.•,,m whom bl•caml' premil•ro., ll f thl'll highh competitiw .1nd skilled d tvi..,ton.

Congratulation.., to till' '>ix gtrl., "ho \\ere ~elected for thl• BBSSSA tl•,un to pl.l) in the NS\ \ CCC. Lhiimpton.,htp., I un Blom, Kandace Marcl'llino, EmmJ \laf\·cll (JL•mm,l \:elson Rarhad Sc~.:ht dnd NJtalu, O.,h.•L'il' f1U<, )'l'Jr \\(' abo hJd thrt.'l' pr(.., ••dL'dl•d for 'S\\.CC( team to piJ\ ,lt the'\..,\\ \II Schools Champtonships :\ataltl• ';ll'L'il'

H.lthl'i Secht and Gemma 1'\clson. rhts is a lrl'llWndou'i achtc\'emcnt tor thL• prJ.., to be rt.'cogni-.t.:'d lor their talent at :.;uch a htgh ll'\ L'l . l ongratuiJttoth arc dchnJth m order lor '\,ltilhc Sll.'l•ll' who wa., ..,eJected for thl' NS\ \' -\11 "chonls k•am to pia\ at thL' Au ... trah,m Champton'>hip'-, '\Jt's team ''L'nl through undl'leatl'J Jgamst all other ... tall">

lhl• Bng-tdnll' Snttbdll Club ts run b\ J "'-'ne., ol dcdt(\lled Jnd genemu., pMl'nh. rh1., .,upport untt ach .:1:> the foundation ol our dub. A gt'L',ll l'\pres ... ion nt grJtltude mu.,t go to Lottt'-l' Goodv11in anJ 1\larl 1\laf\l'll our wn\enors. Thi'> d\1lilmtl duo co ordinall·d lhl• l'l1ltrl' Club's ,lcti\ilics. n1,ml'> ,lJ<,otO IIli i ollwr wmmtllec members in parttculdr our Sccrt'L<Hy, C<Jm' ·n,ompson Jnd 1rl'J"Lirl't, Roxanne KdiJ who have worked ltrl•lessh· to mJkt• I h1., J successhtl vcJr.

01 l·our"l' thl• achicwmcnt~ ol thl• guls would not h,l\L' been po.,.,ibk wtthout thL• numL'TOLI'o coaches who vnluntel'r thl'tr ttml' t•Jdl \l'Jr to teach and cncourJgc. On behJII ot thL' '-ioftball Club we thank \Ou Jll tor vour dt.'dtcation. \\'(' would iibo per<,on,lll\' ltkL• to th,mk the manage~"'>, -.corers and pJrenh tor supporting the g1rb and our dub throughout thl' tl'rm om• competition Spt>o.11 thanks to I hne.,, our Grounds Com I.' nor and 1\lr Ch,mt for hts (IIOtinual ..,upport. Thank you to ':it l\l''> Park l'riman. tor the U"l' ot thl•tr grounds, \\llhoul which'''-' couldn't plJ\,

The Rngidtnl' Softball Club ha-. Vt'l'l1 ,, dtspl.w ol enthustasm, '>ucces.., and cnmpanton..,hip. Cnngr.~tulations tn all havl.' bl'cn mvolwd We wi.,h the club a lnng and succe-. ... lt tl futurt', o:,o thnt others will be able tocniu! till' )0\ Jnd l.lllghtL'r of ... uitbnll.

Suphtd Coo,lwlll & C.ltlwnnl' Ll'<lh\ ..,,,ft/•,,11 Llul• l"t'l ''''lll'



T ht.> st.>ao.,<m of 2008 turned out to be a \CI)

'>ucccs.,ful. bus) and bncf season \Vlth many nc\' t.'nthusr.l..,lrc "'~1mml'r'> entering the team for Bng.dml' College S\~1m Team 2008 who stm cd to do therr bc..,t The S"1m team competed m many twilight carnivals consrsttng of ~II ( Burwood l ~L.C Pvmble, St C.athenne..,, Waverley and Abbotslcigh, \\'ahroonga The competition \\'3S tough but the guts pcrtomwd their best, performed best times and abo had a good trmc

The Swrmmmg Carnrval was a vcn eventful day held at Warnngah Aquat1c C'entrl' with everyone getting mto the house sprrit, with both competitive and non competitive swimmers gctlmg mvolwd ,md havmg fun and with Pragw rollecting first pi<Jcc on the dav

Congratulations tor the Age Champrons for the dav·

12 yean. thampion Gcm1na Weller 13 yearc; champron johanna Stok.oe 1-1 years rhamp1on llann<1 Blanche l5 years champron Ellen Spadon 16 years champron FIN• GrllarJ 17 wars champrnn Bchnda Bull A\\'D champion LuC\ RC'vnhout

The school compC'tcd tn IGSSA 2008 findmg the mmpctrtron much tougher than last war after wmning pmmotron to the 2nd dr,~sJon fhe team hnrc;hed equal 8th m

the dtvi!>ion and 22nd overJll Some girls performed l'\cc.>pllonallv w\.'11 to qualifv for final., rncludrng, Gemma Weller and Katie fait, plus a number nf girl-. fl'Jturt•u on thc reserve lish.

'fhe l«H>t carnivJI thc Swimmrng Club competed in, w,,., lhl' HHSSSJ\ finishing 3rd at tht' l lnmebu-.h i\quillic Centre. Manv grrls ach11:wd pl.:tccs, special mngr.rtulatmn'> to

GemmJ Wc.>ller, Katie ratt and fllcn Spadon bcmg•ctcd to represent the regmn at '\'SW Combrned Catholrc School., Carnival

Thi-. yl.'ar we abo ran four swimmmg training squads at \.\~rnngah AquatK Centre, coached b' ~ter Jov. rhe-.e .,e>;sron., were attended b\' Club members and wl.'rc Wr\ <>ucce..,c,ful Peter jov was abh.> to hl'lp the grrls w1th stroke correction: a spccral thank you to l~ter.

Thank )OU to ~1r Chant, Peter Bull. Ste\t~

Blanche, and other comrnrttec members the !>Cason would bt• mromplclt' \vithout them ac, they '"ere very· supp<>rt1ve throughout the .,,~mming o.,ea..on of 200R.

Hdrnd,t Hull SU'III/1//f/1;\ Gill• t IIJ'Itl/11

12& YEAR BOOK 2008

Swimming Team

rront R JW Nut•lu Cuw.m. S 111 anlt1a lr PJ) Rt 1 It: J lly, Ci.JI It P1 rne I B··ilmJd 8 11 N 1, lorodt Rt>bt C"Cd I. > CJ~,vcll. Alllt.:li l Ba1lla> s,u 111.1 Bllf:lll

Second Row G~llCVlf VJ Jlhs I I lillY s , I •llt-r. Brru If II Mnrll:'i i l l y r{J vnhQtJI li lhil R~ r~i HPl 'CC<J Sornt:IVII t

Sophll Pentt>low. l a JI W d f , •cl 1 e1 Hl·dd. T•'BJI GIUI'Wii ld Tlmd Row· En 111y Gr• gg [ li<.r> Gdldrd , Hruu11" Md f1 11 l'1'11, h•111,1l, Hay HrJilllil Hl<in< lit•, Gv111111 8 Wt ·ller

Ashlee f'agt . l l• lllo~ lly l rr_,li r Ollrth Row JOilr lll€ Dey, VII lu lld l m res (11', f lh II C,patlun. I liill lfla St koe, lara Blillll he

D..Jn lelle A~llw rlh A l df y K 'IIl ii I r ll cll Th<JII IpSOII


Tennis Tcnm

T ht> BriguJinl' Tcnm-. Uub h,1s h.1d another bu-.}. but h1ghl) -.ul"Cl'S!'>tul

o.,ca<;<~n 2008 wa.., exc1hng <md l'nJII\abll• \\lth all g~rls d1spla~1ng imprownwnt ,111l'r t•wn match. All mt>mber<. n~ the Club .uc to be congratulated tor the1r hard work and !,'Tl'.ll

enthus1asm while reprc-.enting thl' ... ~:hnol Ill vanous competition<>. Thl"ic are JU"t ..,nml' of the highlights ot thl• l'\l'nttul "l'J~ll1 .


Tt•rm 1 saw girb partJClp.lhng m thl• ICSSA Sat1.1rday morning cnmpetilltm w1th l~rig1dml• entering fnurtt>cn tl•am-. - thrt'l' bt•mg 'l"•ar 7 teams. All girls plawd con-.i..,tcntlv thrnughnut the term with some good ""1ns agilm"t tough opponents. The majority ol ihl' tc.1m.., Wl'Tl' able to reach the '>CI111 fina l-., howcwr nnl\ om• team reached the finnl .1nd Wil.., abll• to tal-C' nut tht> IItle in thc1r d1VJS1nn Cnngmtul,111on~

to ream ll who won ilf.\.llnst A-.t"hJm, tvmg on fmals dav w1th 2~ g.1me..,, but h1ding m tlw team\ mcrall pomt scorl'. \Vdl dolll' to <..hlol' Steele (captain, 'lear 7), Chd"l'J I h:rbl.•rt (\lW R), Gemma \Varemg (\t'Jr 7), l\Koil•tt,l \\',liter. (lear 7) and )l...,..,ica Squirl~ (\LW 7).

lildcsley Shield

Thl' mam highlight of thl' tenm<> "l',,son \\'<1" thl• pre<>tigiou<. Tilde..,ll'\ Shwld, \vllh twl'lll\' five IGSSA ..,choub (llmpl•ting tor thrl'l' davs at the l'nd of Term I Jl l\.>nnM11 lliJI.., Park BrigJdin~ h,1d .1 ll•am ot l'il'\l'n c.,ingk« pla}crS, anti seven douhll'" pa1r<. l'nll'rl•d mto the competition, '"ith all mcmbl'r" puttmg 111 numerous hours of lr.11111ng .,incc the bcginnmg of the tl•rm on Frida\ and S,1lurdnv .:1ftcrnoon~. All the girls plilH'U to tlw l:w~t

1\lo II r '' t oil I I I I,,. WI h•l Ill A-,t\1 •gil r ng I Jrq lt"iln Venit II tlll J •. Jr.<l Mille

of thc1r ab1litu:.•s in the1r matchc-., fighting hard .1gainst o.,om~ very stmng opponent<>. i\ spcc1JI nwnll<>n In our be.,t pertnrmer., ,~·hn unlortunatcl\' lost to tell ow top '>t'l~J., of othl•r '<hoots m thl' latt>r rounds of the competition -our top .,eed m ~ingles. A<.hh.•1gh Fong (lear II), and our top double!> pa1r. JacqUJ\'enteman ()l'M II ) and '\atahc Stcl'le (\car 12)

Bn~Juw \\JS placed 16th overall out of thl• l\\ cnh h\'L' <,ehools, w1th \\lnnl'rs Ro.,ev1lle <..ollege out the lildl'"il'\ Shwld. ·\!though \'\C were unable to 1mpro\c our placmg nf I 1th fmm Ia~-> I vt>ar all the girl-. arc to be commended on thL'lr ama1.1ng L'nlhu!-ti<l-.m, lm1d cheering and t~?,nn spirit. Our !-tt<1nd-nut team \\,1'> incrl•dJbl\ cnlhu~l,htic Jnd L'nergetiL, t><tgcr to show olf their new Brigidine n iJcslc\ ')cam Jl'N'VS while ..,ing~ng \ariClus cheers for our ll'ilm mJll'" on court. I am sure all the gu·ls ure torward to ntdeslev nt•xt \l'•ll .1nd hnpt•flil lv we will be able to improH' our pl<1cing l'Wn further An aJditJonJI th • .mk \OU

to all the linesg~rls and ump1re., \\ ho c..1me ,1long to rl'presenl the school, ,111 the pJTl'nh who ran tht• \1!1)' ... ucces..,ful canteen and ,111 tht• lamil\ and trit'nd.., who l·ame to .,upporl the team.

l)n bl.·half of the Tenms Club, .1 th,mk ~ou mu-.t bt• gl\Cn to a number of indi\·lduaJ.., who ha\'l' contnbult'd to the ... ucces<. ot th1., \l'ar's ..,cason - a ..,pedal thank you to our Head ( nJch, John Paul, who has spent man\' hour<. on .md off court o.,upp4)rting and prl'paring ll" for our matches; 1\lr.., \Vacher lor ht•r l'nJIL·~.., orgilnlo;,ation and enc0uragement, and our Ch1b Convenor, Mr Robotham, and IL•IIow cnmm1llee memhers who have supported lhe Club during the war. LJstlv, J b1g wnw<Jtul<:ltinn:. to Jll member<> of the li?nm1-. Club who haw allmdividually cnnlributt•d to a -.uccc~'>ful !.ea<.on, filled with gre,lt Tl''iUih and fun, memorable experience .... lhl.' bc'>l of lucJ... to ,111 the girl~ and the Ill'\\ h:nnl'> captain!-. lor the 2009 <.eil•;on'

honnt: ! Ill I Jl limg li'llll/( C/u/1 CaJIIam

I 127


T he Brig~duw \olk\ bJIJ Club hJ.., hl•t•n gro\' mg O\ t.'r lht.• pa ... t ll'w war~. and the

rt•.,ptmse we h.ld I hrs war proved .111ot ht•r -.uctt.''-"lul on~.· lor both the Brigruuw li.>M1b ,1nJ rndl\rdu,rl .llhlt.'\Cllll.'llh. Tr,1inm~., h,l\e bt•t•n run 1:>\ our <. o.rt·h, jot.• l angt .• md our \l'r\ tl\\ n \ fr liMnt \\ ho..e etforh rn tht.• \olle\ bJIJ Uub h,l\l' bt.•t.•n enormou-...

B1rgrdine\ t.11l•nt h,,., t.'\.pilndl•d from the IL'tlllb ln <1 <,I.'IL'dltm ol g~rls in the N'lW (. h.1mpionship ll'.lm.,, w1th Lli!.e Needh.un, R.1Lh~.·l B.urJ ,md I ,au~.·n \\'ilkin ... tmm 'h•,u ~ rt.•prt'"t'nhng m the undt.·r I t;•., in AI bur\ ,1nJ Chn.,llna \till ... and<. l.m· Ne~:dham In 1m 'tt.•.u 4 bt.•mg ... dt.••d 111 thL· unJI.'r 17' ... l\.',1111 to tt1111JWil' m Vtrtt•rr,J.

Also, l ,1ura ll int.•s .1nd <. •l'llllllJ Nl'l..,on (Yt.•Jr 11 ), l hristm.1 ~Ill].., ,rnd Clare '\eedh.1111 ('H'.lr ll) parhup,rkd 111 tht.• '\ <;\ \'CI'l llndt.•r 1•1 l )pt.m.., tl',m1 th,rt u1mpt. ted m tht.• In -!'lt.•nt'" \'olk•yb.1l1 .11 I h mwbu..,h, puttmg up tough cnmpctllrnn. A -.p~.•ctJ.l congratulatum ... to lht·~p ).\Iris 1\'hn t:tmlinue to m<lkt.• nur Vollt.'\ ball Club proud

\\t• h,ld an enthLI"lt~siJL rt.'"Pillbt' thr., \l'•lr, t.'"PI.'CI,lll~ trom \l'.H" 7 Ill <l l:kigidinl'•d our !-ocnror ln\ll,liJon,ll L.:lrlll\'JI. '"'th II\'(' Rllj.,'ldnw tt'am-. competm~ ~t·m~ ,, "L'Il11 hn.1l rncluding tlw Hng~duw 'lear 11 and 12 IL'•lms ~"ith fl.1ontt• and S.1nt.:~ ~abm.1. 1 ht.• lin.11 w,.., won b\ ')an t.l 'l"1bint1 in an L'\CIImg g.ww .lg<lin~l \ 1nnte. Tht.• HrigiJine tt.•,un-. t.'\t'mplilrL-d "P•Irhma.m.hrp and tlw "liPP•lrt frnm tht.• "Pt.'d,lltlr ... \\a., t.-rnta.,tk1

·11w Jumor Im tt.lttorl.ll l ,1mi\al \\,)'. llnll'

ag.1m '"m b\ "i.mta ,,~am-.t a narl hrtmg 1tn,1l wrth the Bngtduw )L'•'' 4 teJm A "f1l'l'i,ll th.1nk vou to 1\1 r Uunt t'ur his L'\l't' l k•nt ro ordm,lhon anJ IJnnw. ]t.>nnv. Pip .1nd \larl.; lor lht.•lr -.kill-. un the barbcqu~.• ,rnd runntng ot rdrt.• ... hnwnt ..

BngrJmL' llllll' ,Jg.lul ewmphfit•d tlwrr t•nthu.,iasm m tlw BRSS~ \ cnmpL'IItron, ,m L'>.ollng and .mllttpatcd event .11lllwmg lm thL' g~rl<; to hond wrth otht•r <;(hools in a dt•rnon ... tratllln ol ... portsm.Jn~hip and ~kill.

llnh'lLhne won tht• hn.llttmvmcmgh· .lg,un-.t St Ll'''" and \H'rt• undl'lcatcd all JJ\ . ' I hL' rcpre~l'ntahw.., indudt.•d Emma Hl.'tLhcr, 1 Jur,r Hint'-., SnphrJ "-urmann, Gt.•mmJ ~l'l.,on, l orinnL' t >'Sulli\ an, Sophie Mm-r1~. L'amrllc Swl:'t'nv, S.~ra AbJ 1, TMa R1,1 m hL', Um ... trna Mill.., .1nd <.1,11<' '\et•dham

l >ur m.Jin competrt11111 \\,1., played mTcrm I ,rt S,mt.J SJbma Collt.'):t' ">trJthftcld on '>,lturd,l\ momrng.... 1 t.omnwnJ the part•nts l'lh 1rt-. 111 lt .msportmg tht.• gu b 111 .md trnm! 11 ,.,.,..,

gn.'<lltoo.,t•c thrL'L' lt•.rm-. makrng 1t thmugh Ill tlw '->Cmi fin,ll., ('J.I. •1.1 .md ~.:!) and pos~ib l v

,1lsn tlw ~mmll111.rl


A hugt' th,mk \ numu-.t g•HlUt toournu\\ enur-. Pip \lilb J.nJ jL'111l\ :\'t.•t.•dham lor tlwrr df<•rh rn t:o nrdm.1trng ,motht.•r .,une..,..,flrl \ l'M h1r the club, .1nd .11-.u Mr Chant .1nd J•w Langi 1<)1 their t.kdilatum <1nd skill 111 ru;.lt'hrng our gtrb \\ ith tllthiSIL'nt "LKll'""· A "JWllal thilnk )llll to .111 th~.· mcmbt•rs nl tlw dub

whn ... c L'11thu..,i.brn and laughtt.•r ha~ madl· nw l;ht \l',lr 111 \ollc\ b.JII ,md l.lpt,unshtp a memllr,lblt• .md rl'~'ardmg 1HW CllOd lllLk 11L'\l \<',11!

I .Jun•Jt \llll.1r lu//t'l//1.1//l f11h l IIJ'IIIIII


T lw :wm~ :-,ca.,on 'i<ll\' anuther cnJn>.lbko .md e\citing year ior the Rrih'1Jim•

\\'aterpt>lo Club. fi\'l' teams w~·rt• l'l1tl'fl'J mit> tht Northern <;uburbs School \\iltl•rpolo lompct1t1on at \\arringah Aquahl ( l'ntrl' . h L'l'\ pia) cr put in ,m enormou., l'ttort anJ ... hould .111 bt.• congratulated on thc1r rt•sulh fh1s \l'Jr \H' abo had an 1:'\tremch· .,uccL...,.,Iul tour tu ;-..l'\\ Zealand

Tile Open A team coached b,· l nn loggm.,, had .mother challengJng se.lson. rhc te,ml were able to pull to~etlwr to produce S<lllll' h'Tl'•'t wub. The team were able tn worl.. tngl'ther and bnng thc1r sl..ill., rnto thl.'il gumt'"• thl'\ fini.,Jwd Oth.

rhe < )pl'n B tenm came up against .,oml.' tough rnmpetition. With the1r CO<ll"h PcLL'l

M<lrtin the teJm were abk• to build on thl•i r skiJJ., and hcWl' some cnornmus w1n.,. llw ll'ilm did a grl'ut job to fini.,h 'ith, narrtl\\ I\' mi ... .,•ng out nn the semi"

rhc I 'iA'" '>0 tar have had un l'\Cttmg "(.'J-,on with mJn\ win-,. The1r coJch Anthon) G.1r.1\ ha.., been able to help tht> g~rJ., cnntinlll' to unprmL' their skilb. At thl' Jatt• ot 1\nhng thl' 1'> competition has not fimshl·d : thl"\ .Ut'

cum•ntly ht t>n the laJJer and luol-; to bt.· hcadmg tor thL· "l'ml final.,.

TI1c l'>R'., ..o tar ha\l' had Jlol ol ~rl'.ll '~m.,,

thl'lr w.:lch Kate Lacnno ,,;th the hdp of 1~1\ lo1 Mar .. hall h,h Jom• a fabulou., jnb being Jbll· to further de\ clop tht•ir "k1lh At thl' d.ltl' of writing tlw 15 Competition hu" not hm~hl.'d tht'} <lrt' l"Urrl•ntl} 4th on the ladder .md ,1lso lonh.. to bl' ht'admg fnr the semi hnJI'>.

Thl' under 1:'\ l'nmpt•htion Jt the Lime ot wnting hJd not finished ei tlwr. rtll of thl• hrirl., this is thcL1 fir-.t Vl'<H pl.wmg w.tll•rpulu. f'he1r Coach, Barry Kilham, h,1., dorw a t;:"~ bulouo., jt>b dc\'elllplng tht'lr -.1-..iJI.,. Current!\' the\' arc 2nd on the ladder .1nd ,JJ.,n look to bl' ht'<tthng to the sem1 hnals

2008 ,11"<1 '>il\\ J teJm ufYt•ar 10, ll .md 12 g~rb tra' dlmg ttl Ne\\ Lcoland pla\,t "< mw tough n>mpt'tllion. Lach of tht• wrJ., l'll)O\l'J tht• game" .tnd tound them J great l''-Pi.'rll•nn• I hope thJt further tour... arc J.Xh"lble.

rmall\ a big thank Hill to all tht• ftltlChl'" and l'\ t'I'\'IIIW on the comm1th.•e, "'"PCChlll\' thl• lonwnor Kun Purnell, tor all thl• hard work the\ put in to make the st•a ... on such a .. Uul'"s. \ b1g th;mk :ou also to GlonJ 1'1\nn w1thout her I inw ,md l'ffort the tour \nmld nnt h,lH' been poss1ble ( on)..>ratulilhons to all Lhl• g1rb. the1r Je.,ults rcllect the em1rmnu., dh>rt c.ll·h pl.wer h,,._ put m throughout tht• '>l'J.,nn

ll.l ll l' 1\u ndl l Viii' r1>o/fl Llull Lap/11111

.v. .29












Te11~.;her 1n Tnndern 132 133 Ye,Jr 12 Gradudt1on 134 135 Year 12 Student Photos 136 1•15

College Cllpt.11r 's Address l4t.J

Year 12 Chan tv 147

Year 12 Collage l4B 149

Muck Up Photo 150


- CLASS OF 2008 'TEACHER lN TA DEM SPEE H " }I'll/" 12 20()8 )CJ/11 ( )ft(III/'IC /P1117lt'}f /ftg/tl'l ftl,f!'l r111d >:;flllllgt't "

G ood aftemoon \-nung women ,,, Yl'<H 12, Mrl> Atkin~. f' ·' H'nts, ... tafl and ... tud~·nh It i~ 01\ pil'.1sun..• th ,l l I -.peak to \'Cllt tml:~v as

'Tt•,ldh'r in l~md~·m \\ ith tlw Cia..,:-. ol ::!00~.

In th1-. Olvrnpu: \l',Jr, ,,.., \\'l' were ll'\JIL'd on thl• tclt'\'l"lon tm t\\11

\H'L'b ot Augu .. t n•k•hr.ltmg the Jcllll\ l'llWnh ot so mam nut-.t.mdmg athlete'>, I per..tln,tll\ ,,,,., inspired h\ tht•Jr obliilv and '>Ulll'S" lh1., moment of l >lym J'tC glur\ ,1nd ~ut'ce.,., lor cilch of these ath ll'lc., was .lL it'dit to th~· Mhh:tt•s .1 11d allowl.'d l11L' to th1n!.. abnutthc1r \C,l!'>llt tr<~itll n g, goal <,\.'ttmg, dL'tL'munatilm Jnd d iL',lm .... l liJ...en tl1l' IT w.~r-. of tr.1mmg and romm1tment to your go,,J, .1nd .1mbition..,, to vnu.'IL'.ll I:! nght nu'' ·

\ \lth vour Jl'lermm,liHln to mm·e on. "1th tlw motivation of gomg h1ghL•r, fastl.'r .md -.trongL'r, reah .. e hft• '>~> f.1r I'> \Our Bn~JmL·l )1\mprc j,tunw:. Thi-. momL•n t, tiW'>l' frit• nJ.,, th1s dil\- i., ,, g-Jft. a chance lm Vt)U

to "hilrL'.Im•L• .mJ u:k•hr.J t ~·. So trea.,ure thi., momL'nl J nd continut' tn trL'Jsurl' eve!') monwntul your journev

\II ,,(the•r-. hL'fl ha\ e cared Jbout vou through :our hnw at Bngtdllll'. Tht•v hJ\l' \\.ltne-. ... ed vnu t•,pt•nenong gTL'ilt fun lJughter, th.:mgl' and .,omt• c:hallengt.'-.. I rt'mL•mbt.•r our vel')' fir~t dJv of'tcar 7, \ b ht•l, tht• Quadr.mgle, a lot of !1t'r\ l'"• -.onw \l'r\ long unllonn., ,md t'\Cn a flow ll'.u-..'toll hJ\C changl•d "II much, but :;ec1ng vou Jg.tin 111 vour )unmr .,chon! llni iorms yt•-.terdil~ ,,,,., likt• '>lt'pping bac:J... in lmw to 2003 Jnd 7.0H t\.kn tur G.1mes.

fh1-. 'car, nn1r tl.1g hl'<lrt'r..., GaiL', Sml•Jd, Fhn.1. fehnt\, Oh\ 1.1 ,md IL'"' h.1ve reprl"'L'nll•d \<Ill \\ell. A-. IL•.IdL•r-. vour compJ-. ... Ion, tn1.,1 in e.JLh othL•r "L'n"L' lll tun and 1\•,ldt•r-.hlp Jl:>ihtlc-. h.t\ L' t'>t·t•n Jn llhJ'Irahon to u-. .:~11 'lou haH' also bel'll 'ill ,1bl} .1nd',JII\ lt•d by the :!OOl'l llou-.t• <..a plains Liz, Li'>a, t\ngit•, S;:nah, Nat.1 li t•, Sally, I auren Jnd 1 .1~h. it was the~e brave vnung women thJ t drl'""t'd up as l hnstm.ts decorJllllll" ,1nd sang m Jront ol the whole .,chool.

~l.lm ot vuu hJH' hJd tlw opportumt\ to reprc-.t>nt Bngidllll' JlrL'•ld\ ]l> ....... '>mcad,\·erin DILkh .md Soph1.1 L'lllbr.Kt•d India on llw Pll~'llm.Jgt• ol ! lope Ill )anuar\ I· k•.1nor and Clan.' rdl'l"rJh.•d the Rn~duw '>t.,ll'r... BllL'Ilknilr\' m hd:~nd 1,,..,, :ear und l.11 h. ( l,1in!, Fmma, lkl1nd.1 .1 11d Smead were thL' AustrJhJn \\'all.•1 polo .md lh>l· -.tar:; m NL•w I.L·.t l:md in lune th1 ., \l'<ll

'am1r tunc .:tt BngJLhm.• t.m be Jil. .. enL•J vou1 l >lvmpic tra1mng l11r lift•. \-. m~ 'tear 1::! PI )fiJ'F da-.-. "ill immcdl.lll'lv under ... tand, th1• J ' lrpc..

ol Tr.1min~ th.1t art• llllport,mt ti>r OIVlllJ'IL' Tr.1ming ilrl' l ndur.l11LL', ~trength and RL•,iblht\

'lour enduranCL' h,,., bt'l'n l'Vident a., vou h,l\l'Lk•mon!.tlatt•d vour ah1l11) tn .., 11 rviv~ eml ~ 11111r11ing lc..,~ons (without ~:o ll ee). Doubll' \la th~ with t\.Jr t\.lewrs, rignrnu-. l.lrl'L'r... tc-.hng. illlL'f 'il. il lkll Tl'\tik.., k• ... -.on., '' 1th .1 .,upph olenerg)' I rom ~ J r-. Bmwn, ,md I bl'llt'\ l' ont• or two dl'IL'nlion., .1lnng the \\J\ It l<>nk l'ndur.:mce lor CJtlwnrw. \sh, \lt•g.m '>oph1a S.1lh RodwiiL· '>mL•,1d, =-:ata-.hJ .1nd lh.,h to t:~de :!OOI..m., tn1 l.Pid Dukl.• nt hi. It tJJ...l'"L'nJur.lnCl' to l'scapt• tht• th.,rgL.' or ,1 ragmg bull w ,, mt'.1ndering t:1>\\ • .111d th1s wa~ the l''<PL'Tll'IKl', not only by tht•Dukt• oil d gub, but a l'>~llln thL• 1\rtl.1mp Jnd Yl•ar llll'amp. [ nJumml;' in l>r,lm<l les<,Oih wht>n Silw.1d .md Becc\, prl'lended to be \\ h.1lt•s Jnr J v1. hoiL· ' ' l't'k I iz a .,Joth .tnd ~.1r.1h ma"icnng thL· .~rt ,,, ,1 monl..t'\' l.1ugh.

'lour .,trcngth h.r ... bL'l'll dcmonstmtL•d thrnugh gi\lng l:>lo,rd \\llh \I., H.1rr-. dmmg tht• rootlt•-.s ~h<K>I hu'>, tmv Luc\ '"mnmg NS\\ LlC ).1\dm, four \t'ilr'> out,,, -.i,, losmg the -.tJII \ sh1dcnts' dd,Jtt• '' 1th d1gn1 1\ JnJ \\ inn1ng tlw st,Jff v ~tlldL.•nt-.' 'nlkvb.:~ll with tlll1111ph. Ann.t\ <,trength hd-. ht•,•n dl'nmn'- ttJtL'd 111 lwr getting to -.(hool L'\'L' rv d,w owr a k'nn• or two .• 111d popping home tol he' I.. <Ill thL• 11l'W dog \.,htl'\''., -.trL'ngth ,,,,... 1'\ ldL•nt with hl·r tnp to tlw ho.,pllJI '' Lth 1\tr-.

Brucl' lhL· Ill'\\ Olvmptt' '>port ol Shp and Shde ,,,,., 111,1-.tcred b) tht• 'te,1r 11 ,\rt ~tude 11b undl•r the .:o.1chmg l'\'l'" ot Rundall.

Fll'XIhil itv was evident a~ vou Wl'rL' lJ Uit'kly nble to deudL• to \1"11 tlw counsellor \\ 1th ,1 tnenJ ubt,•Jd ol ,,tt,•nJmg < .eogr.1plw or tv J .11h~ Also lJimnt'"~ when B1ant.1\ m,JJOr \\nrJ.. Lmo lui \\,l., \\.1m1L'd up. I n1l'•lll cno!..t•d ,1nJ rumed. hmn demon"tr.:~ted tle,rb1ltt\ '' 1th thL• ~C:hool rulL.., b\ \H'<lnng thll"L'IIl\L'" 111.'Jrleamn~!>. Tiwn• \\,J'o dt•hrutcJ~ tle\Jb1hn \\llh thL•'no m.:tl..e 11p n1ll' thL• ... ~rt hem ll•ngth'n1lc .:tnd the WJ} th.Jt It'"" h.Js rL·fcm·d to f\.1., Md.,L'tl\\11 J'> Babt>s slt1lL''ieM 4. lt \\J.,

unforll111,11l' lw ML•l,mil' .md hl•r FI L'Il ~ h t''<l hJnge '>tlllk•nt who Wl're; \ lr T~1lnw. that \lr P.linw I" ,1 lso uble to "Pl'dl.. I r,•nch. Yolll most dL•mnnstr,Jhonlll tll'\1b1litv 1!. ev idL•nt ,,.. \OUr lnendship group-. h.1H' LhJngL•d and wlwn th1ng., \\'l'rl' not l)liiiL' ,,.. \OU would have hnpl•d but -.1111 \tlU ,u,• ht•rl' .1nd .lrt' h'Tadu.llln~ th1-. \H't•k

1\lJ\ vou trL'•'"ll"' tlw mt'I11Pill'" nt ounJmps, rl'lre.Jh. rl'llL·dmn dms mediL'\ .11 d.w. dl'l,illL'"• Fnundt'l.,· Dan., pubiiL "1"'· mu'>kJh.,, Swm1111 1ng t\lnl iv .11-. ,md J\t hid ll's rJm ivals 'tilllr mcmorit''> ol tht• pPpul,lr tv II jnhn..,, \1r CJtlodri1·l.. .tnd \l r>, FlmVL'I.,, tlw ,JbsuiLrteh amaz1ng D.lllll' -.pcctacul.u w1th \ 'l•rit\, Us.t, \.,h)l'\ ,md Oli\ ia chon~mg 111\ percept1on ul ';uJ'L'f\vom.m lore\.er

")o 111.111} of HILl han• dL'I11on.,tri11L'J pL·r~l-.ll'llH' rl· ... ultmg m e'rdiL•nw '1,11.1h and Tk-d .. \ 111 \thlL'IIr'>. Bchnd,J 111 S" ltntnlll);. 'lll!ph m (,v·mlhl'>lll .,, J....l tl' and l;IL•Jnor Ill tv ltrs1c, Steph .md )1'11 11\ in ::-.occer. J\nna and l,,..,h w1th smgmg 1m lulling thL' Au.,tr,1 1i,m l'h01r, :\fat in Vollevb,l ll ,1nd Au'>lrJ IIJn !-.ottb.JII, U1Miutte With I 1turhn. .md J...i rstl'n m Dance 'loll h,t\l' Jll demonstr.11L'd t'\CL'llcnc:l.' ,,... \\l' h,l\L' \\Jtched \UU .hplll' ,Jnd .1l hie\ C in -.o l1Mil\ ,1rl',1"

All ol \'llllf 1L'o1dwr~. but r.lrtll'ul,uh \ <lur proud 'tl•,rr l<)(!rdinator ... Ms J:.....1dwl, \ Jr., !1!\\l'IL \I rs l\Jmg.u1 t\.Jr., SummL'IhJ\l'", \ 1r., Barr-. and \ Irs l1nd.,,,, h.wt• Jpd ynu '>II;.itl11JIL'I) llll'"L' I il L' nl<Khl's have null llt(•d vou r enthus 1 .1~111 .md detem11llullon, ~Pllr acadcmir '>lllll'"" .111d llll'l1Lhh1p ch,1ngt•., l he!-<c \\Ornl'll h.l\l' .,upp<~rted vnur m~enmllt'" .md unrertamllL'' duflng v·our pt•r ... on,ll .md phY!-<Ir.JI

dt•,elopml'nt. fht••r pcltit•nct•, guidamt•, nwntunng and care lor \OU ha\l' bl•cn out ... t.1ndmg lor ,111 ul th ·nw~t· '""P'rational "omtm hJ\l' ht>lpvJ h'llidt• you lo tlw.; pomt "" ,1 rt~ull \OU h<l\ e dt•H•lopeJ mto such bt•Juhhtl, wl'll groundt•d \tlung wnmt•n

'tnur g•ft., Jnd t.Jlt•nt ... Mt' m.ln\ .md \am•d trom ,·our ~egarinu., In\ nlvemt•nl 111 tlw 111ll'•lt\1l., of Cimft•trl/a, /Jw HPy{nmd. Ptlflllllll Cr11111' ,md Cuys and Dnlls ,1nd tlw ht•Jrt, ltnw ,1nd t•ner~ lh<:~l vnu put into Ynur m.lgniltn·nt 'lt•.u II 1~1111/llllg IIJ' II nn•.;!'. YnLtr compas ... inn tor olhl'r" was t'\ tdt•nt thrnugh yolll gt•m.•to.,ily with Pin!.. l~re,1'il CJnl'l' t AwJrt'IW'>'> D,l\ tn 't'l•tlf 9, Cht•rnnb\'1 AwJrt'nt'"" Day m 'lear 1 ll, t Jft• Can.1on t;Jttu d.w ntghh .md the Street Retreat in 'tem I I nnd ol cnur~t' vnu1 Cn•t•n C ;t•cku l 'rn)l'rt

Yt•cJr 12, You h,l\l' ,11lmH•d nw tolmt• k•,Khmg.l ilppreciate your "111tk•<;, '>t'nst• ol tun dt•tt·rmlllJtlnn, .lt'<1dt•mir t'\cellenn.•, mutual rt•.,pect Jnd bt•Jutthli n.ltlllt'"· \Oll h,l\1.' .11lmn•d nw Ill shJre \\tth vou and \'Oll Mt' tun to shMt' \\ 1 t h

Bt·autilul 'te.u 12 for tlw l,l'il .,i, \l.'.tr., \\\'haw tr,1H'lled togctlwr, I rom now on \Our tnumt'\ \\ illt h.mgt• dtrt.•c:llon. I htlpt• vnu tra\ d <Jnd .,hJr~ ynur Bn~iJtnt' Spant ,md wldt• Nt'H'r ""'P .,tm1ng ,mJ lcammg. It ,., m gl\'mg th.ll \\\' 1\'U't\l' .,o folio\\ St BnguJ. whose Jt>ume\ was '' N' .md )o\lng. .11W.l\' .,tll\Jng tor lll'>tKt' and pl'ilCl'.

'tnu t'ath h,l\t.' m,m\ g1th. U'il' tht.'"l' g.fh to lht• bl•.,t nf your abthl\, and don't Pl' Jlrilld ,,, \<>Ur S!Tl'ngth .. ,lnd l'vl.'.lkllL"i'>e~. r ollll\\ )llllr dreilms. Bt• bold. bt•) our-,l.'it.

Be proud ol who \OU .m•, bt.• proud ol whJI you ha\c achit'\l.'J hert• at Bng1Jnw. \\Ctl.'rt.1mh ,m•proud of ,,,u Be pas'iinnJk, dt•tt>rmnwJ and ..:ommiltt•d to\\ l1.1ll'\'l't p.1th \Oll t.1l..c. lk unique and gentle BL• wondertul nunp.1nmn'i, motht•r.,, wmkt.•r, Jnd COillfWlilor-, Rc Cilnng,

l..ind and ccHl'>idL'I.lh' ill .1 II t h.1t vm1 dll.

lo the Clao,s ol 200H gradu,ltt•s 111 lhi-., .1n Oh mpic \cJr, I sa\ to vnu; th1s i'i vour il1lll11l'i1l 111 timl', ''" vou h,md mer tht• Olvmpit 11>rt'h to \eat ll \llttr light ,md lt•g,ICV will ilw nn


~IJ\ \OU tJI..l' the.,,• Bn~Jull' 1.'\penences mto the \\Orld, keepmg thl'lll rlo"l' to \'<lllf ht.•.ut. :\1av vou c.ury on these e\-penem·e.,, \our Brigidtnl' lm•ndo,hiP"· .1nd \Our Bng~dmt• memories into the ne\1 pJrt ol \ nur fOllrlll'\. J'h1<, 1., your p!Jtlorm Ill tO the tuturl' JI1J JIJ th,lt It hold .. tor \ou \\'hetlwr J'i il lt.•Jm or Jn mdl\ tdual, <.('1 vnur Olvmptt' goals, push \ tlllf!'.t'lf "Ci11us, All Ill'>, Fortiu!-." htgher, faoo;ter . .,lrongl'r, t.hJIIengl' vom.,dl tnlw tlw l:w:.t \ nu can pos.,1bly l:w Cam vnursl'h l'"

tPrwJrd 111 lilt' with '>trL•ngth ,md g..:ntleness.

\Vho J..nnws Yllll 111.:1) ht• h.ll!.. lt>arhing here ~ome d<:~v ..

Olll thought'> .1nd piiWl'rs art• w1th you, (,nd Bl5s .:mJ Gnnd I ut'l-.


- CLASS OF 2008 YEAR 12 GRAD l.l>o/.. til the .-.t11r~ 1711'11 pronu:;c so 111/tt lr Tlu•v ~how us pcr:;pcdll'l' IV1• h'OA at thema111/ dn·om i\ml Jwp<' J\lld ll'(llldt•r

\1/ht'll 11/lfllllllrtl J'<1'o,//llfiltc"-

y I.'Jr 12 2008 grJduatcd w1th thl' o.,l',.]e Jnd enthusmsm th.1t thcv have dcmono.,trJted

m~·r the l~t }l'Llr C\•ll•bmlions beg.m wi lh a breakfast for YL'.lr 12 Jnd the stJff of thl' College, fullmH'l b1 a retlt•ction at our fmJI l.hapd together.lirkl'l-. tor the joumL') JhL'•ld .md J sumval tor l'l.el'\ moment 1\l'rl' g1\en "PL'Clal meanmg b\ tlw word-; of Mr t--lu:hael llilllidav, our Principal (l\1b'>I011).

After lhl' excitenwnl of time capsult•o., .mJ i1

\IdL'o of tlw Yt'.Ir 7 Camp m 20m, thc g1rl., cnJl>\cJ the l.r.1duiltmn Ct•remon\ With the r~....,t ot the ( olll•gl' Commumt\. Our "L'nlor IL•ader-. conhnUl•J thL' theme ofuThc joumL') H

with their speL'Chl'"• tJJ..Ing us all nn .1 tnp from the take ofl 111 ~ear 7 to thl' ilrnv.11 ilml final landing m rear 12. TI1e .,peerhl'" .... ere funny, hl'Jrtl~·lt and hont"st com l'Ving thl' ..,ense of joy the g~rls ha\ e shJred 11ith u~ UH'r tht•Ir \l'Jrs ht•re

' llw tollowmg day \\'ih thl' Graduation 1\ 1,h., .md Dinner and thL• tran~;tormahon ot Bowll' IIJII mto a mugJt:,1l, ... tar fillt>d wondc1 ll1c dmner combinl''> ,1 !'.L'Il'>l' ol formalitv around thl• importanrl•of tht• .1chiewmentsof all ~irb m graJuatin~ "1th the lm .:- t)t thl'Ir t,lmilil'S, triL•nds and the ... upport oi the College (;ood food, gifls lor parl·nts and Graduation nwdal., wmpletcd tlw mght lor ,111mvolvl'd.

FmJllj. thL•YC?Jr t:!lorn1ill the following nighl t'llll1pll'ted lhL• l.ciL•nr,JHon-.. The girls ,1nJ tlwir p.uincrs 1\ L'rt• dl•gJnllv dr~·-. ... l•d and l H'flone contnhukd to,, wonderful night. It ",,.,a o.,ham~· to "L'L' tlw 111ght end.

f rl(rk til lilt• .'1111~ .





CLASS OF 2008 YEAR 12STUDENTPHOTOS The following questions were posed to Year 12 students:

I 1\h l.l\<tUnte mt•m•'l'\ ot Bn~tdane j,

:!. The om• thang l 1\l'h to ad1t<'Vl' m m\' hf••


Annabelle 1 lenni ''"'' Leol)l\' ,mJ pb~1ng wtth Manu 'I ,.Jdle tm-..

""!:'"lot Rt>xartnl.' '"th Hull1 .md Kt•,;m,·

1 Run av.a\ ht J<ltn a \furoc\'an c rru' and tram to \'lt-.:unw a hr~ "''lh'r


Holly 1 K.ll Jll'ot th•· lca1es, Sdub-lb.Jnd r(•ht•ap;.JI t><-ms a can<ll<.>

holdl'r and j:;]l111)1 ~t>rnmunH•n JUI'II'I'o at'tl '''mt>r-.


Ashley 1 All rn1 omilLlll ): tm•nd, and 1111 iht• hdattuu• rn<'ml'ni' thl' 1·.g. KiJ,h .mJ I h<i>IO)I tun wtth n .,,,.., and th•• muu,tJdll ll.Jn<t' ,.,,,,.,ldhl\1' - tno - :!

1 To tra\\'1 thl' 1\l>riJ. h.l i'P'"'"' l1 ''''· MMl) t>u1· ,, hlltl'<', haw tl 1\'"t'at till> 1lllJ ~~·~p 111 lcHt<h \11th olll tn~ lril'l1<l'


Angclique 'k.o I~ Rdrl'at •ur 7R cia" ' \l,.t numountam htgh

enuu.,;h' R tj:;]dn ,, mu,tral' ,tt1i1 f'<'On•h .1nd th1• Ill' H OU"'' ol\11\illl"> Wllh th1• gtrl•

L Unj:l'tng happmt 'undo) ..... ., .... ol olhld\'i>\\lng l'w don•· tn) 1:>..-..;t


Kathryn 1 \1illh, J.o'"~'"" w1th th1• r,trl' nw .. tr k•''"ll' ilw Gn•Jt

Dl't'-Jh' mu"-1r .. 11 ... l ha\:e ""tl m.1n\ ~nn I nwmunf". t.1t BngtJnw tuo\ tu h't

1 Bt• and <ucu..,,tul. I -..till tn halt> pttrptrs~ .1nd 11 1

mct'l I 1,w,J Cordon

1 6 Y(AR BOOK 0 8


Cassandra 1 Th~ num• n.u, mnt wnt<. 111 ..._i'IJJ,•nln:udl! f'JL'Ildtod 1'1 m\



Kendall 1 7Q dJ"'"'· o,otlt>.lll ,.tmp-. Jnd l•'irt'olt' ~lr Cunwrturd'~

Sewn '-" "lacoCiot.looo. ar ),•&tr 7

' Tra••·l tl11· wt•rld j:t'l a Jegr•·•• hu\ a hou ' h,tl~ a h<of'i'' Jnd ht·,1lth1 IJontlv and m.trr• .1n lialtanl


Katherine 1 llalo.•nl< .lo. j, l'Jrh lu<"loll' JJ d\ n 1:! Rill<'• II

1 l u bt• h,tpp\' h,JVt' d tulltlit•J li lt• bJ,lCa tl\ ['It ol m tllit>JI.lll l'






Lauren ' 'itthn!' on lhl'\t•a r 12 wrandoh tn ihc <ttn Junn~ lrt'<''

malo.m~t lrtt'nJ, '"'h.,, rn.1m dtil<'ll'nt f'I"'PI<' anJ 111 CIOUN '

lh<• (),mu• "f'<"IJI U!JJ\'11'1\ Wolf

• I "•'"• tn l:>l'sttl"'''lul and ~n)tt\' ,.,,.n dtl\' Jh~Ju l1111W .Jisu \\.lnt hl coe'-~ tlu "'')riJ

Bl.LL ..

Belinda 1 lkn anJ lunch rm tn<•nJ> und all the hmnv momen~

' In j;ll "' ll.lh mth IQ,h and f.u, lit bt• nth


E ll cia 1 I Vl'l'l lun,htim<', 'tudv'pencxl-, 1\.lr Land 7Q. th<:' :\utdlJ

j.u th,u n1.1d<' halltht• I<'Jr <ad. bu t wa' "-><-' \\ Orth ot.

1 , ,,,. n<''t d<tor to He<~nur, l uptake Shop and haw lUI<'



Eleanor 1 lmpu blt tn ptdqu•t ""'' l:lt•mg abl<:' to M'C m\' bo.'aulltul

lm·nd• '"''1'\J.II, mu,t.:ab. <tn~g "'the nver at )<'ilr Ill l .unp, rdig11on '' 11h \lr ~~~. the tn'\' t<·nor; nl Anal'nl II ~ton. tho• .:ullo"''~~"f S) I tho.'"'"''' endmg 'Uf'p<trt ut uur aonll/ong t<'Jdl<'l"5

1 In I'('C th<• 11nriJ anJ m.'llo.t• a drlt.-rl.'nu!



1 1•••1. uu t 1<11 nu I \\,1111 to l>o• tlw lemalc BtU (.,ttl'' Ol lht' tupntt lw ll t h.lll1

CII UJ',;C.,


1 In be 5UCu~tulunJ h.1p~


je nnife r 1 Wht'f'<'f d,l\ th<• t't lll~ pl.'anu t butt<>r <andwtch dal.)l.',lr

I ~ m,Hh•

1 \ fort• l iMn urw thing




1 iQ, ,.,..,, ),•ar ~ m<•ntnr wtth \1r Cirtl'r<. lundlttm<..,, lr<'\' pmnds ·,tuJnn~ 111 th<• n.t

1 trawl tht• \\nrld and hi<' m I.UTOf"'


Kirste n 1 1 umht um·'· the tnltt<.,.·. tht' ft•reignl!~'>. Ucanur'' cup ~J I.. .;o<; nnJ Janel.' 'P<'ctnruiJr'i. Mo>t ot all thdnwly l lnt,~duw ll'rls "' )l!ar 12.

' l t•c on a whitt• doiTn<' hou-..: with a blut• r(l(•l thJt tl\1\'rln""-' the "'Jon the c.oct•k Island ol San i<'nno


Caitlin 1 &tng a ,tuJ,·nt an tlw l.lll'h<>lm Cl'nln' lk•tn)l IJu~ht l"t

Mr< Lattll""""i \lr-. 0 Br..-n md \fr.. 1\·nn ltolnKJn~o: nut woth "" tn('nds


C hris tina 1 l'h<•) ,•M 11 h~"1 T•..:hnnhtgy 1!\CUJ"!>tl,)n. wt' all 1wnt 111 th,• SvJ1w~ l ow,•r whlk watchm~: tht.' '""" ut th<• Cuy

1· A huu"' mJdt• nut nl gold


Rebecca 1 \\ 'h I"'' d.l\ )car 7 Hllda Bmg<·n·, hahan lun,ht" 'mgmg

an Maths


Catrio na ' f),Md Gurd.m HiliTI' 1\.ttl'r '\nn<.'nt Oa~'· Drama. mnrn111~

Junn• partll'' "l111mp'<ll'l\ Rule. debatmg pwr '>thtM•l c~'"F'' (Y,•ur Ill) and snmls m ht'nch cia"'

1 l~•u111W J trt.'t' dimbt•r, bt1ttnm tet!th 'miltng. >urhn~ ''""''I wnltng. llJ\1d Cordon, hun ting, H ildc~ard ln\111):. raonl'Hil\ , ryling. ,.._. ht>ad

I 137




• The ntomM' poliancal det>.u,os •n '~ar 10 h•~tul'\· where the v~t t'nd~ of the polibcal spt"<"lrum were representl'<l

~ To be an t>xcrUent en~-h/hi•tory teacht>r Jnd to write intl'n:,tln~ Jnd reputed hio;umownphy.


Alice 1 Frees and all the great hme-. an them • Tetru'. Ta1 Chi,

Gaml'S and last mmute rush<.., to hrush agnrultuN' on bme

~ To be 'ucce~~ful, earn loh ol money and kel'p an touch w1th ,111 my fncnds (wouldn't mind going lo tlw Olymp1cs e1ther)


M organ ' Lunchtlml.., and'ha~~ng a <hoi(<'' and the p<'Opl<•, tht" fnend~ I made (and hop<' to haw for a long ume espt"CCally Ca!.pcr) and special'momenh'm the comdor

~ 1b be 'ucce,sfu I and happy wh(•rwer I am and in whatever I am domg. Alway!> h,we CDsper by my s1d1:


Mia ' Opt>nmg mjtht oCYear 11 rt .. y. 'ear 10 Camp and '•W 12

Rl"tn.'at and l'nvt>lope 'urg .. rv .,.,th Fnnn

"To b.• happ) and a complt'h.• Sharon.


Ingrid • Year 10 Csmp "I hope WI.' becom<• bettl.'r tncndJ; from thl'>

camp",lunchnm"' and fn~

~ To be hap!i). ht'althy and nth

The folltlwinj.\ que&tions were posed to Year 12 ~tudcnts:

t M '·" 1 uh m '" ••I Bng~dlrw IS

138 YEAR BOOK 2008


Emily 1 'ipcndm~ llmt• '''th tnt'nds e~>'Cl'\' dJ\ \\Jt,•r bght' on hot

d.J\"i ~tento1. """'"" and lunch llal1.1n ,-~as: ... -. when "c haJ btg Ita ban lun<h<" 1nd '' atd1t'<i nl<M<

• Complctmg u J''IV<'<' ,,nJ havmg a 'u'"'"''h•l careL'r



' 'ear 11 Pia\ aU tht' compebbons, lun<hllmL"'. Brendan. math~""'"''"~ \\lth Laur~ and Ml" tl


Rachael ' All my lncnd'

~ Uve on thl.' Hub. 1:>.• hapf'>. gutu I!Jh "'1th llec and I uc


Suzanne • L.luglung m th, h•nt at '"a.r 10 C.unp \\1th m,..,.,.u, ln~d.

Abbt.'V. SaUv. l~:dc\, J<-nna. C.:s!>-,,llult\ and B1an~a \\',• laughed r .. ~ Ill m1nutL.., flat Wl' d•1n't t'\l'n rememb.!r """' ...r were laujthm~ .It

' A complete Sll.lh'n


Sophia • Du~e of l:.dmburgh thev "en.' the gr\'Jll><,t chaUen~\'S

and most f.'nJnvabll' ~'f'l'Cetn<L., f)[.,\S 1t \\asn't at>outth< h•kmg. It was th<•lau~htL'T. thL• "'tdy nu•, thL· 'mgmg. tht• unmmturtabll· l••nt~. the ~31'\ anlm31' and the friend'hlf''

• lobe hapf'\ anJ "'nh.t<•nl m m\""'li Th.JI nu matter what I'll hah' fu1th m m\ d•·,hl<>n~


Ste phanie ' Cnmp. mentor \\1lh R.:schel. 3:! I and lnt'nd~

1 lh 1:>1.' hap!') anJ 'u'"'"lul


Rache l ' r ounJ, n .. ,. ,,:unwal•, cumf"' mentor p.u11eoo and Anna

1\•ntd< "' m• eallng a cal..t• on 'ti?ar 1::! camp, \1egan

• li• t>c ,~, C<>OI as 1\.kg.m ltkld


Emilie ' I unchllmt•, hill In~ Jr,\Jna cla•"K.>«. Year ll) Cllmp, Bu~h

Dann·., ~nd llabnkann.,hk.

• lh lmd J),w,d Ctlrdun ,,nd tr,wcl lhe world



1 1\.!nVIng out nt'\t \<'ilr




Rachael ' 1.\o:r\ lund1 and f<'Cc<-• \\lth tncnd.• as wcU ilS )ear 11 and

12 R•·tr.•ati

l ro t'C "U(C ,..,,ful dnd hap~ In what ..... er I choose to do 10



Lucinda 1 I uncht11n,..,




' Th< <.Jmf"' dl Sommcr-ct."•pcdoll"bmt.., 10 tht• cumdor' Ron.1ld 1\.!d)onaiJ

• Tomah· \tanh •ta\ open past2.30 am.


Miche la I law oll lun<h, surpn,c"tackk-;" t•J Mnrgan, uh and LIZ''

IJ<l' Wl' lrM.' \lath'

• l1w In 1\~wYorJ, anJ ~ hJppy


Natasha 1 f1>Und""' 0.1\ m'tt>ar 'l,leammg h<"' to danct• trom 1\.lr<

lnlhmnn•, m\ lnt>nd' camp wllh no homt"l' tlung!.

1 Entu\mcnt laught.:r tn '' hatE!\'f'l' tht> fuhJJ"l' mll\' bnng toe me


Sally ' 'rear 10 C amp"l hope w~ can bt>come bett<n lnend• r>EAS

0\VJnf:ing nn the mpc trip.,, fnod tech conkmg ll..,..on..,. 'vlt•ntnr hm<'' All the h~rb

' ll.we ,, n1ct• houo;e \VJth a big balcony and il hammock. lnt' ut g-<>tK.II<><K.I and b•g fumily. A beanbag. Really good h~>kmg chlklrl'n


Emma ' \icntor lunch ;md fnend<>

• \ f.1m a doctor


Sinead ' Evcrythmg' All m~ tnends and the random bhJll we did.

DFAS and wht'n \1cgan broke her arm bel:au'c ~he wo1' •hnG<'d b] ,, en\' Year 11 formal - hah.t/edl M) lnt>nJ,,Iuw you wrl., and I will m1ss vou all so much"

• Tn ~tltJJIII' 'ilJ) m wn tact with cvcryunc tn ttw vcnr. to tr.w('l!hl:' world and to k~'<'P having many more fun .md crazy llml''> throu11hout mv cnbrc liJc.

I 139




' All ••Ill' I~Jrh\l.liol~ th•·llm•.., 'f"c'Ot w1th tm•nd' on C>mp. m ci.l"" '''f"c'<l.lll~ 111\ ,Iff da" m"'l!ar I I and I~ and Art (.m1p

L li1 mamt.un tlw tncn<l<h lpt. J'w made ot Bn1-11duw ;~nd to s1mplv tx• hilpp~ b\ ,m~ nW,lll' f"'"'bJ~


Sarah • .\11m\ In• nd' \\ho l>n):ht••m-d m\ day, \\Jth thelf<•ndk"'

happl en<'Tit\ " I L'l '• g1w lwr .. omethmg to look at I" lo.lll\ '>to I.e'

L Alw.lyb b.• hJJ'jl}. " "rnundt•d bv my tamtlv ond lm•n•'-· buppurtcd b' ,, '"n''"iul <Jf<'<'f anJ have r~o1lly rut•• bJbiL ...

LAV1:UE-\.1ANGA, ,

Natalie 1 -\n th1.· "'J'Cn• n""' al th•· lamP' ~ach )ear. m•lud1n~ blc~cknub. th•• J.l\-, ol 1-r••nth and ~nt p<'nols and all llw ama71ng tnwt.J, 1 mud•• along the"'"'

~To !(L'llhrnuj\h lh<' ll 'i( 10 nn1.• ptcc~. travel the Wtlrld, skvdl\'1' ,11 ll'•"' 11nw .1nd tx• happl




Felicity • Suung 1\ oth th<' I;Jrl .. m th•• '""on thc\c.1r l:! '~rand.lh th••

tanta,tt< gul'lll th•• war h'T<lUp \ear 1:! Retn.•Jt when W<' made tha t amJttng mu'"·' ''

L Nc•wr lnrgl'l hu\\ to tun th~ ke} to th,tt' c,,. ,J lncn<ls' \ httlc bi t " ' 'llfl'l'"' \\nu ld n't bl' too b<Jd t'ltlwr he he1 In tlw lntllll.,hutl' lutur.:o ~~~ tu Eurnp•• wtlh Ltv.

I ht• fulhmmg (JUl'~tion' \\l'rt.' pm•••d ln'H•ar 12 <.luJ,·nh:

tn n I h

140 YEAR BOOK 2008




Miranda 1 ),ar 11 '"d 12 math' and bu .. tn(''' <tu.t,. os l(,, .. ...,'S .1n.t ~~~

till' tm·nJ, I\,• mJJ,•

t.r \IIY,

Ca the rine 1 llll.} Pl ~ tl.h \'\l'f !>1.:./\S l'XjX.JilJiJI\>;, '"Jl<'\'t.lll\' t>,lf

ht~•· 111 th•• """"' \ fuuntJln' It -.a-. am.vmg t11 lw .JI>lt• IU OJ\ilo;ilh.• Pllf\.\-• 1\l•~ lhrr)Ugh t.,U{'h .lr'l l'\f'kt"-\'d .,tnJ bJth.'ll

piJc•· \h l.hl lnfl nwmnl\ nt Bng~dr rw wrll b,• ol ,til th• wnntkrlull(•rl~ I f\<l l tn 'h<lrc mv htsh •d llx•l •·' l"'" <'tll'l' Wll h

• l'.tll m l11w, tx• h.lpp' hNith\ and 111 b.• .tiWJ\'' 'IHrtKitld<.J

h "'' t.tmth and tncnd<, ll lt>t•t Suph and "t•·rh t>n Mt I \l'rto;t tn :!0~11

un11 R.

Hannah 1 li.mng tun W1 th to\ tn,•nJ,

1 li> '''"'"'Po.· h,MnA tun wrth "hJtl'\\T I dn In nnl Ill!><' till' lrtl'nd-.h•f"> I h.1w m.tdl' Wllh p<•opll' 111 Ill\ """' tlh .md to m.trrv .,onwon,• ru.:h


Rebecca 1 R,.,. ... ,mJ lun.h 'J'l'ndms tunt• with all tn\ lr <'n•h•

1 llc tid., 'u"''"h•l .mJ harP'


Erinn 1 I mt "I"' ,uri\"~ \\lth \Ita Runmn~ tnmt han \ltlat un tlw

\t•,11 12 Rdr.•,Jt


jordan 1 lh< '' ,l!l milton' tout prt'tl\ mu,·h <"\-.:'1\ Glmp "~ '"mlon

1\'ll' mt'!Tlorat>l,•al"'ll>l '-"' .mJ lunduamt'' att~mptin~ to druwn th~ ('T,Jb~pkh'f

'- \\ n a Nnbl'll'n"'• ••nit• a t..;-,t.,.•lhng n<l\d and~''' on ll.m. mg" ath tho• Stars

1\KC INI F) ,

Claire 1 1\h'nl"l. lun• h -tal~llll\ tlw I r••ddc1 ~rl an\thing l•xld ,,.,,.,,.J


Melanie 1 ll.·an~o: .-un.,t.mtl\ •urroun.kJ tl\ tno•n•b and l~ach<'f!o '' h<•

,,.,., •• at-.111t '"" I wall Tl\''<'1 f<•rg<•ttht• an'.tlu.1Ne tnend,ht!"'

I "'"'' '""'"'' • lr.l\o•l.uound tlw ""'''! rnt't'tlvh ol m'panng pc.'<•plt' .tnJ

bung honw 1\tth m•·the ,..,.,.,n, llt•am and unrorg~tt.tblt• m< rn<>n•~ ,\1-;.IIW\W """~to~ chall~nRt-.i wl al"m" rt'n><'llll><·r '" ha\l' tun



1 li• 1'1\• •unnunJ ••d ~on,tanclv b-. fncnds, succt'Ss and h,lp)'111t'" lhl' lNI~f


Erika 1 (_,otn): 11n ,1 lht•t·aml"' i' 12 \lal.lng !;J\'.11 fnenJ,

1 Tn ,11\\.l\' to.• happ) an m\ hk lo Jo m•· ~tan (."\.:'1\thmJi;l d,,



1 1 ht• '""' thmfl I "l'h to ahwvt• 1n Itt..• l ' World (\,Jet-




' I un httm.-.. .mJ tno~J,, ~p dra~ 11Ild gvs-•r. "<.'\:r~t' .md pt·r-..>nal J"k'"

I fu 00 haJ'P' <Ul(~''tul and hnd f,>\ <'


Kathleen 1

"'"' m.1m, Btanl.a·~ '>Jut.•lla jar, Ucanor'' amoum~ •~•I''·'"'''· •·wrv lunchhm,•laughang m• h.-.ld ult w11h thl' ).1111' Jnd. ol o:ou1"' tlk lnendly lnreignc.>r lngnJ

1 llt• jwtu ll\ ~~·I m~ p·~ an lht• ll<'ar funor<' Tr~wl <lWI"ol'~~. tlni'h arni. 'lay In t(luch w 11 h dll my lnemb dnd ITll'' ' lmrnrt.Jntly, tn b<• happ<


Daniela ' llw L u~o:h th<• tn.·nJ., tht• fun. th<''\t'ar 12 tnl"' "1th

Ala"·· ~" .1nd 1\ntt

• sue ... , ... , happmt ... , .md tulfilm(.'Tlt


Ellie 1 \1) ITo'o'S "llh llw guJ,

1 I wJnl tn trowl around the whol<? cntm.• woriJ and J:>to hJ )li'V ,111 lht'lln1l'


Kela ' ~ h lr,.,., \\1lh ll.mnah and Lauren

.. rr~\d toil' m~n\' datt~r~nt countn .... a,; f'O''tbll' ).;l'(•p all th<•ln,•n,J,hoP" I ~e m.1de Ll\e m\ llte to th~ tull


Elizabe th

I 141

- Cl ASS OF :.'008 YE OCHMANN,



I \1(.'1!1Jnfl UOtOff'~IIJbJ~ r~~opJe

1. ro eventually b.·Cillnl'.\1d the Leadt•r olth~ Uni\Cf .......




Katja ' The tun ttm<'S ..,,~ar 12 w11h \1N l.ond...av and math' and

Anna O!nwluw Dram~. uur group performancl.'l !.1, NJto..,, A:. h. Anna I' and lro·t.,'

L Work With on1m.tls lwt, vet nur<e or RST'CA anlmnloi.'!>Ul\!) ,


Rebecca ' )ear 10 Camp 1111h Gab, ln!ll and Salh· \\'1.' had 'o mu•h

lunL'<;pl.'<IJIIV nn ilw hlkt•

• I want tu d<> ~>met hong 110\!?, travel and haw a lam II\



fhc lollm1 m~ qu£'-.tlon .. "ere pu~d tuYcar I:! .. tudl'nb:

f'\' I IIIII di1'1 '

2 Tl ' 1 "' th "1: I " h I() .Jd• \1.' rn 1m I ,

142 YEAR BOOK 2008


S tephanie 1 'lho• "'"'' d '" c•t!OQ and Me!.mJ Sl•ph1J\ tl.'am t•·nn1•

''"'"on' \\1th ,M,,., Barrs Aqua Jan.-,• pJTti<'' m 'cJr 11

• r..kct C athcnn,• and Suph l111 the ltlp ol thl' Flilt•l Tul\'<'r on Ul/tll/2012 tlwn ~u 'kllng on )a pan while <'.lll11!P•Usho anJ ,t(hi<'V<' man) JlliL'r~nt thinS"


AJice 1 l1r•"'"ng up lnr the '"immmg anJ athld1< Qmllal<

part" ulo1r h wh•·n ~kph V J,,..,_,oJ up a• a 'nuwman

• l tdp thuo,c Jl'loq lurtu 11ato.' tho1n m•• a!> murh .1s I'<""'"''' .1nJ Itt rot"<' ,1 happv tamtly


Charlotte 1 Bnw.J1m m ~wrwral "'""'II a' allth\" pt'l"'<>nal juM"'

l Nll\1, llJnm & Sandv. Skat~ Blcx>d llmth•·r,, \11"""' l I cilml.'lt> & full moo>ls, B~\1'\GL~ bilnd pra<lll\', bu'h pt~ aml!itL·ndan.

1 lb trilvd ln.1,•p••nd~ntly to each ol the 7 nrnhm•nt•. ''" wdl ,1• \1~11 Au't:hWJl7 B1rkenou


Verity 1 lh""' hut mJ '11<k\ \1unday and 1'\','<.lnl'-d.ty ~ll••rn •m'

knuwtnf! wu 'tlll ha1 ~ 2 hour.. of hrn hilt'<.! mu"'al hm<'' llanre Spo.'dG<1JIJr wnh lho t :! + Lolurt•n DJn<t' <'l'oil'dd lc>J, \<•ar ll Camp ondYear 11 Strt'd Rl'ti'Nl

1 Opt·n nw own Ml g.tllcry bul betotl' that trawl tht• world Jnd ''•ttl<• Jown With a haf'P'o t,lmtlv anJ J fabuluu• Jill:>.




Erinn 1 \lm1"t th• <'0111<' yt•ar squt'hing Jntn a ""'"n anJ Jan<lng

ttl"''"" ' II<• <111 tlw Sil!lJ''""' .mJ be a ma,c<>t lt>r a tuf'b\ k,tgm•


POTTER. Emily • '' ar l:ll.1mp l'oith DamS (J,.. and \landy Th~ mnmmg

tlw 1\ht>lt• H'ar d.HI<l'd h> Aqua m )ear II m \i<='l

1 lu wunlt"\<"n han un m1 ht•ad


G race I Rarh..t .. h runnln~ unwn the hill an<'olr 10 Camp

Stt·phVrJnd•ch'stnv ra t m\ear Ill

' 1;, b,• t'OOI<·t 1 h.m Mt•g Tudtl

sco rr. Liana 1 ld, 'ha1 7 ond Hll amp

1 llu1 a hou,;c .md mu<<' t>Ul uf hom~ A good coll't'el' and t>.• urn~lul and lo.t'<'P m touch 1'.1th my tnends


Da nielle ' f)Jn• In!( lu Aqu.1 m MC'IJn \ear 11 m pr£"paranon for our

),•ar II lllmloll

s rHtr. Na talie 1 ),,u llll,lmp

& R1Jt> J bK'\ ,.,,. pJ'I <omead llanJ thlnfl" an on tune

S IOio..hS,

Gabriell e 1 \••Jr HI ~no.! Mr' 'iumm••rha)''' <>n 11Wgaphone.

• I\IJrrY J wd,,IJJ



Claire ' Yt•Jr 10 Cam1\ laughmg and ~pendmg llml' .,.,th

1 l.11'e ht,• to tht• full,..,t. without am·~ Take all opportunu"" that are oltt'red to me


Olivia ' R••J hog"> lwm the cant~n. chemt<try and the m11'>t

Jmaztng p.-opk• in my hie

' Gulli Al ncJ, laugh everyday and beat nz at <kydlving


Ho lly ' B<- hap~ nch. SUCC<'<;,fut mamed ",th 4 ~Js and lots of

0\t'f><'.l> hohdav>


Rochelle 1 Lund1t1me•, >wimming ilJ1d athletics camwal~. rn('ntor

pdrtll.,, Co1mp•, nl'tl:>all and Woolworth~ chl,)(()lak cake'

1 Own m1• own hou"~- lx•comc a ph],io and \\10 thouband~



Natash a 1 Drdm.t group WO\<'r>ahons, DEAS \\1th Suz1t', S.'tll\ SoirJh

and al~ lun~hhme> CarnJ"> <1nd Retreat•

1 Haw a lolrn1lv havt' mam· cluldren and dnve a t>1g bla,t.. \ '\\ nr k<'P1 Tr,,d the 1-.>rld mdudmg South Amenca. Afnca and Furope


A lexand ra ' \1•·ntm Fmlay-. and belllg fir;t mentor tu malo.t• pancakl" m

nwntor Being wtth lnends at lunch M~n lc>r rings

' Tu bt• a pt'n!IIJIO fam11.'! Travel th•• world

I 143


Lisa ' l>ancl' spectacular w1th tnu • 2. evo?r, lunchtlmt• wtth all

my ~orgeous lnend• whn nt•wr '"'P laughing


1 1i• tr01\'t•lthc world and to 'top tn AntartKil to!><.._. J


n:c;so • Stephanie 1 l:leanor's cupcal., ... thl' >l..g ~utdla ,ar.tor"'Wl''' h.;m~:e

"tudl'nt,, Camp Snmm.·r,....t .md the stonn. Ab(<' and th,• apple gam<''

l n, plav Mnnopnlov With il ll\'Of,'UIO nnd tu build " d111<.111.lll' l.ltl11r.'


Yvonne 1 R1•d fro~ from tht• oh.l r.mll'<'n. lunchhm~. uur),•.u 11

nwntur Tndav<ilpancal.<"'.),•.u 1:! mu,lc aml art ci.L'"'5, Strwt R~tr,·at, Bund.mun Art <:amp. Clramt·llt"

1 < ,o on an around tlw 1\otld tnp. tr.IH~l to the Ar<ll< and h-.• m an •gl<k>,md make"'"''' p.·ngu•n lnend' 1:>.· 'u•••.,;,;fut bw m a mce hnu''' and hil-.· ,, hapf'Y tamll1





1 fX><••ml' a caterptii.H hk<' th•• ""'' m AlKe 1n \\hn.t,· .md Ill' lnen<b 1\llh th•• cr~l\ t'",lt I.JdY

lht• lnll<m m~ qu<•,lann~ \\l'rC po,('d In Yt•.u 12 -.tuth•nt-..


lh<' r th•rg I'" I t• , lit'\ n m

144 YEAR BOOK 2008


Jessica ' I'll nt•wr hil)ld Mundav morning S"'"l' "'''i""'· rt.>J ln>t,"'

01nd hl'lln J'lnd."· th<•"'. th•• c.lml\ab. nl mu~kar l:!.Jnd ,.,~1\ mnm<·nt 'f'l'nt w1th the !:lrl' ml'l't\,~'tl

• lht>t<' .11\' I• >I• I 11anttu tmd tht' '"'rid rna)..,• lnb ot mnnt"'· ,:;•·t 1111 f"" II\~ th•• Me ol flrJ<l<lww, wnnnul" to 1.'<• nut "ith th•• gul, and hu\ a J'l'l1!1\lln ln•m AleA', l'en~.lln r~nn




Danielle ' Sathn)l at lund1lamt· ~nil 'f'l·ndmg 11m•• ''"" m\ tnl'nds

Also pt•rh>rmtng n•~ht .,1 mu:,ICals

• TraH'Ilht• "orld. ""rl.. m ra'h'or'- ix'<••m•• a mum and a 1\~lc to ffi\ •nulm.Jt•••pt'llii\JIO"


Anna 1• S"~mman .. .Jt \i•Jn.t \'alt•l't'adl at tht• <'nd t•t''f<-,u 10

Mu,t<dl' tht· t,,t ""'t'

L Marr. a mh r• nf_•Uin lr•wellhl' "••rid


Stephanie • Chri,ln\il' t lrul 'lm~: nff 2007 ko~r I~ lumhtnn•"•"•kndm!(

lnln<lol~' tmll' ), •• ,, 12 tnrm.ll

t. I w.tnt tn tr.J•d the ""rid bt.-c<•m•• a rrullion.m•·anJ llWTI a """'" an.l laaaan •-l.lnJ lla1 t? a cham ,>f 'h•IJ.arc <l'ntn."o


Ashley ' Lund tarr "''h tnmJ, Df ·\S h•l.<'' fl.ld.:st.l!(<')••ar 1:! mu~llal ,\nn.l 1\·nad""'' pt·rl<>nmmg 'I. ails Math, "1th I'" an),•ar4 I{ I wllhT.l'l.vm)o."ar I~

... Be h.1pp1 'lllroundt•d t>y lriend' ~ '"I t.•mily wath 'lipporl in "hlll<'\'('1 l<h<N· 111 dt•' Reo~llv Jl"t lo 1:-t• II \1'1"1 that 's th•· mn't unp<>rl.tnl th•ng


Natasha 1 l )or gruup' lh<"r••\ .!h,,t\' "'mont• aruund th~ cum<'t

whu os great m:u,• \\\• w had the mo,t ''""""'me nm,., tngo ther Sn m.uw memunes' lu11e \'OU !:Iris"

• I d k>\etu t-.. a pnm.m sc h<><>lt,•a.:hl'r, and I'd be ~toi..,.J tu tl.l\\'1 \lost Important I\ to h;n-.• •tn>n~ tnendsh1~ and tamil) ••ouiJ r.·.slh t-..• "hat lnm~•d•·r J' m' J'parauun•


Laure n ' I ho ),•ar I, ml• ruw.t\ , •• rnd }:<ling hilml' l.'arl) on Thl''><ld}'

• l'un "''"'




Carly ' Co•1t 111~ '' l""'l'••d by Udm' at Ioiii\ at'l'l.'ar 12 Camp,

,111o•m"un hus lflJ" tn )o•ar lll. I hi' \1l'"" un our Gnld DI.:AS hlk•• .mol piJY111!! 111 th\' nrdt~lra lor the ;chool muSicak

2 Ju!-.1 t lt'W 1

Wit Jo..INSO\l,


t run Ot"S.""'


Georgina I )c-,11 11


' fll'Wil11.' a craZ\ ••ctentn, cat lad\ .mo.l bw on l hoi<• ho·ong tlw .ut''' "h" imlt<oJ"unfint~hc..l 'l)'le"


Kriste n ' Th• tunn\ thong:. th<ll happt'n<'ti<>n kar U Rctn•at ,. K the

•kots (. hn,lma' Carob at tht' t'nd otth•• \l!ar

1 A •orw-.-.tul,an•<'f 10 pnman t<!adun~ and'"" ••hert' I her.• •~ hlu,• "atl'r- an.l "hll<' """d and K<'l nut <>I '-"I""' 1


Bianca ' )oJo 12 Lhn•tma' tn luh and th•• mll'r hoo-.• 'tnilulf'"


t 111 ' l"''al. 12,·s,llv ~mun.l thO! 1\t>rlol on a (;J b.tii<Klll wllh l>r s.·u".

I 145


I t is said that "education is when you read the Ane print. .. but experience is what you get when you don't". Interestingly, there is

a group on"Facebook"no less that cJaims that Lheir education finished the day that the I ISC started. That school became not so much about learning but about regurgitating facts and figures, and that instead of expanding our honzons it limited us to what the board of stud1es felt was examinable.

l happen to disagree somewhat, reCiecting on the six years I have spent withm these walls. I believe that Bngidine College has maintained that delicate balance where I - aJongs1de every smgle student has received an education that is both theoretical and practical gradually moulding us into people that can enter the world with conAdence.

Now as a young lady on the threshold of boundless opportunilles I feel that there is little that can stand in my way. And although til wac; somewhat inevitable thatl followed in the footsteps of my older sister Usa, 1 would like to thmk that fate had something to say m it.

There is no simplistic way to describe the year that has past. flo; cliched but year12 truly is a roller coa5ter \'VI th each student on their ovm track, ex-periencmg their own highs and lows. Undoubtedly, my captaincy has forced me to think beyond my own academic studies, helping me realise that there is more to year 12 than a high UAl. Through focusmg on our charity the Green Gecko Project and meetmg with student leaders from all around the world, T have since learnt, that people- not wealth, or prized possessions are our greatest assets and not solely those that are likeminded.

Whilst only a few short weeks from graduating and completing those dreaded HSC exams, nostalgia has forced the tears, worries and fears into distant memory - after all pam is temporary but glory is forever. fnstead fond memories of the dedicated teachers, the girls, and endless laughter stand in their place, no doubt having shaped the person that I am today.

Although thiS afternoon we have acknowledged academiC success, Brigidine provides a platform for its students to participate in such a clivcrse range of activities. 1t was whilst singing in the chotr or debating, dancing, playing netball or being involved in drama that r forged ever lasting friendships with girls with whom l shared something in common. ft was this "Get Involved" attitude U1at we as leaders and a senior year group hoped to pass on to the girls. The motto "girls can do anything, Brigidine girls can do everything"ha!> undoubtedly instilled within us the longing to exceed beyond expectations and to remove limitations.

146 I YEAR BOOK 2008

But as T move on, T have learnt so much from the experience of being captain as a whole- iromcaUy more so from the things that I didn't do as opposed to the Lhings that I achieved. It is easy to have regrets- to travt-1 dovm the path of what ifs. But then whils l we do, life is already passing us by prcciOllS time that is irretrievable and will only join that list of regrets. At Brigidme I have learnt, it we are to succeed in whatever future endeavors await us, we must value the conviction of our own beliefs, we must have the courage to fulAil our potentiaJ and to realbc our individual responsibiUhes - always with strength and gentleness.

It saddens me to leave what has essentially become a second home, and yet intrinsically I know that the mark that Bng-Jtlme ha.:; made on me will never fade and for that I am eternally grateful

Clare Keighery College Captain 2008


E Jch vcar our \ear 12 students select a ch.:mty to suppmt during their final yeilf

at the Collegt.'

Late la-.t war Rachael Johnson fmm 'tt>ar 12, together \\ith Hannah 0\eescman ('te.1r II) and Soph1e McAula~ (from the Class of :!007) \1sitt.'li''.The Gfl'l•n Gecko ProJt.>ct"m Cambodia.

rhcirexpenencesat thiS retreat for abandoned and abu~·d children encouraged the Class of 2008 to selt'ct "Green Gecko" as thetr charity.

ll1Js projt.•ct empowers th~e ch1ldren with skills, education, care and support to enablt• them to break the begging cvcle and live to lhl•ir highc~t potential. Tt also prO\ ides '>heltcr care and .. tability for those physicall) battered 01 psychologically in need, which is so many nf the k1do., who live on lhe strcetb of Cambodi<1

The chantv b in constant need of nev. supplies and resources to contmue then .1mating wnrk and enabling them to bt• ablt• to take m more children than the~ ilfC able [(1

do at the moment.

"Green Gecko offers a safe haven for thcst• children. gJ\1ng them a chance to be a child, to escape from a world of abuse and m1.,treatment In this oas1s they find !'>tructurl' m their chaotic and haH• a chann.• to bl• educated and lovingly cared for .. , sud Rarhael Johnson

I ed by thc1r Senior Leaden., the aim of the Cl<:~ss of 2008 was to rat!K' more fund!-. to allm"' th1s great program to continue. Their ftmdraising ha-. included the sale of coo~books, a ... auc;age ~izzlc, the sale of "Green Gecko" T <~hirts and activities on Foum.lcrg' Day <:~nd ha'> <:~lsn included donations from the Cla-.s of 1 Y73 Rt.'umon nnd the dinner for I:Ust Parents, rrinc1pals and Staff.

Fund!> raiseu by lhe Class of 200H exceeded tht•Jr goal of$lo,OOO and were presented to Mise; fulie Wilson frnm Green Gecko <:~t the Leadcr.,h1p M<:~ss. The funds raJ<;ed wen.' a record for the College and demonstrates the comm1tment of th1s group of student::. to this charitv

I 14 7


148 Y[AR B OK '00/:l



l50 I YEAR BOOK 2008


Speech D3v Pnze Lt!>t 2008

College Records


152 153










I'\ CLASS OF 2008


• ACHIEVEMENT SPEECI-1 DAY PRIZE LIST 2008 Year 7 (avl;J Attwater Altson Bell Dantcllc tlennctt Saruh Caprarelli Imogen Egan lsabcl Estrella Rebecca Goswdl Tcgan Gnmwald Nicolle Han.:ombc Meghan Hughe" babella Ludwig Emma RadcliiT Julia R(;.'t'd Lut) Rcynhout Lauren Rice fliz.,1bclh Trcvallion Mal'vt' Wadsworth Laura Walbank. Ycrin Yoo Gemma Weller Suo.,an Ke1gherv Elobe Wec;twoud

Year S Isabella Barry jordan Bnnk Georgia Di LnuJo Emily English Alexandra Kopp Alison Masters 1\ivana Merlo :'\icola 0':\t?ll Phoebe ITirtndgl' Emily Scatter C..hloe Steele Johanna Stokoe A bbcv Vawd rt.') MariaToma

Phillipn Rt•ew~ Adeline SivJ

Yea r 9 Terri Adam~ Ciam Bowey Georgia Buyll.:' Amanda Chong Alexandra 0.UL'I11ont Bi;.mca CornalL• Tara Dmglc

Manjsha Ediriwir.J Claire rcJther LaurJ flynn AlanJ Gibson Nntalie ~1endcs

Alent Crrttfimtc )or Application to Studie.; 1vlcrit Ccrttftmtc )or AclJuruf'lllt'llt

Mt•rit C.•rttfiratc.fiw 1\pphcatwn to Studies Mt•rit Ct•ritficatcfur Apphmtwn to Studies Men/ Ccrllficnte for Apphmtrnn to Studies Ment Catrj1cntc for 1\pplicntion to Shtdirs lvkrit Ccrttficafl• for t\ppltcation to Studies ;\rlcnt Certificate .filr Acltic'l-'l'mcllt Mmt Ccrttjlmte fnr Application to Studies Mmt Ct•rt(firali' f(,r Appltcation In Studies Merit Ccrtifimtc fi1r Appltmlinn In Studies Matt Cert(ficntcfnr Applicatton to Studies A!cril Certifiratcfnr Applimtit111 to Sturltt'~ A feril Certificate for Aclth•<•t'lllt'/11 Merit Ct>rli{imtcjiw Applimtio11 to Stuclil's A1crit Certifimtt' jiw ''I'Jdirnticm to Studtes 1\tleri/ Ccrti{iratefnr Applicr1tion to Stwlic,. Mt•ri/ Certiftmte for Applirnlintl to Sturli,·~ Merit O•rtiftcote for Awlimtion to Studic~ llnglrlllu r::rslt'l ~ Prt.:1' jit1 Rt'lt_'\t<t/1~ l'dttt illi<tlt

( >ut-trmdt/18 \mdcllllt .Atlttt'1't'lllt'lll \11'11rd /{ngu/1111' )i't1r \word /PI )hi/ ..,

Mmt Ccrt~fimtl'fnr AJIJJ/imtitm to Stud it':>

Mt>nt Ccrtifimtcfor Applicntrnnto Stwfit·~ Mml Ccttijimtc_tnr AppliCtti1CJII to Studies Mmt Ccrt(ficatc jor Applicutum to Stud it'S Mmt Ct·rt~fimtcjilr Applrcatwu to Stwfie.~ Mmt Ct•rhjiralt• fnr Applrcatrnn to Studws Alent Crrtifimicfor Appltwlum to Stud~t•s /vlrnl Certificate for Applicatwn In Stut/11·~ Merit Certificate for Appilca/JOtl In Shttln·~ A hit Catifimlc for Appltcatinn to Stud1cs Merit Certificate f(w Applicalw1t to Studu•s Jvlcrit CcrtifimtrjiJr AJIJIIICalion to Studzcs Merit Ccrll{imtcfor Appltcnlion to Studtc~ Mcnt Cr•rtificatc for ;\ppltcation to Sturltes Bnt,ridtlle ')r.:.tns' Pn:e frJJ Rl.'itgil'u~ Ldumlton Ottl"lrmrl/11..; Amrl<'lltic Atlltt'1.'t'llll'lll Au•rzrd Mt•rit Certifimtcf(lr Applimtion to Sl11tlic~ Brt,'.,'ldillt"rc•or \u•tlrd,lin krll S

1~1 Geography Mmrdolcmt hi Elcttil'c' llil'tnr-y <l.qua/) hi Drama Merit Cert(l1cate fm Applimtion to Sh1die:; Mr•ril Cr•rti_fi,utr'for 1\pplicatio11 to Sturfir·.~ I sf f.Hglisll 1::;1 PD/1?[ ([qual! 7 ~t \It Still/ Arts 1st 0111111/t'rn•

1~1 Mu.;ir 1 sf Fnod Tt•cl uwlogy I sf Vist/11/ Llt'5tgll 1st t\u'>lmii1111 1/tt=lory I sf Snencc

Madeleine Paul lsi Matlrcmallcs Stage 5.2 Bronte Philltps Akrit Certijtmtcfm Apphmtwn to Studt!'" Saskia Roberts I't J rc11cil Anncke Stmpitis 1 Iaddnck l~t ltalia11

1<,2 'I'Ei\R BOOK .ll'Ob

Mndclcine Wolsh FmliyWntts :V!dissu Walsh

Dank•llc Moore

Gract' Turnbull

Yt!ar 10 Shannon HnJ,.,er Tara nlanchc Cmily Bngg~

Sophw BnnJit?

CamjJia Brown

Zoe Brown Imogen Ci.!• Sofia Caronna Genevtevc Dancl'l

Madeline Ellam Shelb\' Evans l'vlichaela flynn

Nadia Fun:Jyamn Elise (_,jJJard Hannuh Goodwin Charlotte Gregoire

Alcxnndr:J Hoop~r St('phnnie JardirlL' Jam1e Li jessica t-..lilnc Rose Molone'r Chri~tina Romt?o Emma Soan::.

Rachacl 'l~1ms Corinn<' IL1rner Gabriella Vdwdrc}

Victoria BoyJ

Year l I

I st Cn111pufntg Studtcs: IS'/' lsi Mntltl'JIIatirs Stag/'S I /sf Dcst;.,>J1 t.1' Tcclmolngy lsi PDIWC ([quniJ Hngrtlt111 '-:t,tas l'n::c /OJ 1\c/(~tous [rfu<tltlt•ll

lsi £/,•ctiw Hrsh1ry ([qual)

lsi Ccogmplty Elt·divt• lsi Mnthmwtics Sltlf:C' 5.3 < lu"tmulutg \mt!cmrt r\cllll''i.'t'lllc'IIIJ\tmul lsi Ti.'.,llies c"-r Dc·sign Rngttftllt' to 'Ill •\11't1nl /Ill ktll Ll

1' t IIi story Elet tilw Merit Ccrtiflmtt• {elf ApJ'Iimticm to Studlt's 1~1 CmgrttJIIty Uective Cnldua/11'11 it•tllt 1/tlllttur:;

lsi Scie11ce Tlw :!11118 \ Dl' Loug Tt111 A.ut1rrl _tin ),·,u 1 r 1 J.;t lJm11111 (l'rJIIrli) 1 ~~ A115fralimt i11~tory 1 ~1 Mnlitt'llllltics 'i 3 1~1 Vis11t1/ Dtx;tgll J . .;f'fhttlt•.; {• Dc,i:_,rll 1st Dn111m (/.qimiJ bl Plrysiml Acta•tly t:, SJ~li't~ Sturlw~ (I~AS.S.J Jst VtSIItiiJ\rl> I sf I ood 'lcclllloiogy Cf.qua/)

Alerit Ccrttfimlt' jur AflJ'Itmlw11 to Studu..; 1st ltaliall 1st PDILPC Men/ Certrjicatc .fln· i\ppl1mtw11 to Studu•.; ( llllrillrii/P/1 il'llh I }<1/lPI/rS

/sf fond ·n'l'flllO/Oglf (/AJWti)

1 sl £-rene/, (YI I()) hi I rench Co11ti11uers () r I I J l~t Ccogmphlf Almzrfatory Cnuluatmu ll'ttil lltlllt>llr~ Men I Ccrllf/CIItl' .fi'r .Appliwtion to Studies lvfcnt Ccrl(fltrt/t• fnr Application fo Studte~ Cllllhttllto/1 .r•rtlr 1/onout' I st Afatltt'llttlfic' 1. .2 lsi Cnlllflltling Studit''' 1ST lsi D!':.ig11 t-r 1i·cluwlo,\~l l\ 1r'rit Ccrti{imlt• (c11· Application to Studies lsi Matl~t•mutics 'i. /

Mnil Certiftmlt' ji1r ''I'Piicr1tion to StudiL's 1 sl Co11mu•rct' t:;t flngu/tm• .;;hlt'I'S ' rri::t'/111 J-:1'/tgttJII' /tlllt'lltlJl/1 Ouf,frm.lut,o,; \mdcmtt 1tlllr'1't'lllt'11/ \w111tl 1~1 Mu-ir Rng11i111t k•tr J\<nml f• •1 )i·m 11!

Lmthc Ammann .,,1 O'IIIJIItllllg Studws. TP7' 1st VFT Bu~uu·,,. Srn>itr~

Georgina Andr('ws Merit Ccrltjimlejilf ApplrwltOII In St11d1£'S Nat<1sha Bell A1ml Cattftrnte{i'r Appltca/toJr to Stutilt'~ I lolly Buztcr Men/ Ct•rtlftmtt• tilr ApplrcaltOII to Sf mill'~ llannah Cheeseman Tltc .?r1U8 t\0/' I ong lim \n•n1d !i '' ktll J J Phm'be Clwnndl Dutton lsi PDJIPL Clair De Sou~J I sf Chl'mistry

Madcll'ine Donlan

Nicola PcrcnJinns

I ::I fro11n111 ic"~

l!>l Fug/h:lz Frtt'n,ion Is/ Sturlic.; of Rl'ligion 1 Is/ Matilclll!lltc., Lrl I f.;f flh!ISI(".;

Ruby rlt•w 1~1 St•nim Sot't/Cf' N;hldgh Fnng 7~1 Food Tcclllmlogy ([qua/)

R~;mw Calc Men/ Cerlljimtcfm AI'Piict111n11 In Shu/if<; l'hilippo Hainl)s hi fugli.~ll Stwuiard (FqttiiiJ I .auren janSl'l1 lsi Fngli.~/1 Stalllinnl ([qu111J S<Jrah Kt'nnt'Jy A1ml Ct•rltfiratt'_/rll "I'Piimllflll tn Slurl1es Kelly La\\ lo1 ;\1m/ Ct•rll_/tcnit•.fnr Appltcntm11 tn S1ud1c' Katherine Mason /!'II Pod ktl111olo:.,"!l (/-qual! Sophil' MlliTI~ lsi CcogmJ'"Y (£qual! r llen -Luuif;e O'Nl' il f..;l Ru.~inc.;o; Studtl''

Hollv Pap<mdreu lsi Mnt/u•IJmltcs Cmcml Hannc Pcdcro;cn I,.;/ Plwlo,I.,'111JIIty, Vitl,·o ~, Dt>,'ltullma,l,'l ' tg Kathcnnc nxhroJ St,tcr ,\rmna Clan· A kka11 Jle1 pl'luult\ward Havlcy Reeves lsi Mnlhc,,wllcs 2U

Isabella Rosalt l'tt'ITt' dt•l'oul>otm Jlwanl i\shlc1gb Ryan 1st Italian Cathcmw Sn lomon~on Mr.,-it Cr•rt~{iultt' fnr Apf'llcntwn to Studies Kothan nn TrauL'r 1st 7i>xtilrs ti- Dr•st>,Ifl KathcrincTurnbull lsi Broloxy

lsi Musrc 1 Lie<~ no Vm1gh<1n Angt>li4ue \Vil liam ...

l{ebccca Quinn

Georgi,l Lhucdc

Y~;:ar 12 Elise Bulla

Elida Cante lo

Kirs ten Carlisle Eleanor C handler

Sofie Christensen Ingrid C ilholme Han nah Littler Melanie McLean

Melanie Ochmann Holly Shanaha n Jessica Tasso

Yvon ne Tong

Georgina Wood Rebecca Woodroof Bia nca Zyra

Specia l Award Angeliq ue Bosma n Ca itl in Chow

A ln:-.1 Ouhttmdmg 1\ 'I-T t\u•tml ht Anctcltl 1/J.;fnnt

l si Modem 1 lblont /st Ccogmp/11/ (/-quail 1st English Adr>tlllc't'll

Cliltt' ;\!nlnllc AJ,·mc>rtlll Pn •. r· fc•r ~t.'llilfl\!1~ 111 krll I I /.1•111"<' dc•/r•ll,!: :\ kllllllllll f'ri:t•f,rt /)11111111 HI )t'rlr I I Hugu l1111' .;,,,,., .. ; l'n=t•Ji>J ..:;hufi,..,o( ~r/Jgi<•ll c:?LIJ Outslrlltdillg Amdl'lllir AL!tic'i'r'lllc'/1/ Ail•tml Brigirlinc• Yl•nr Azl'nrrlfc'r Yl•ar 11

1~1 fn•nrlt Cnntilllll't" l[qun/) 1st Tlnlum Lli£'1NClll

1st Siudir·s n/l<t'figtnll 1 Is/ Mu//)('11117/ic~ 2U

Cp/ft'gt \u'tlld/r>l Vice CtiJiftllll c~ll ollcgc 1 <;/ f.ngftsft [.\ fl'II"'IOII

Men/ Ct'rl(fiwtt•for Appl1cnllc>ll In Sludn·~ l rnltillll//{)1/ 11'1/lt //a/111111"' hi Compultug Studit·~. IPT M.,,, Oulst,mtltllg rvn \wa1d

1 <:I Vl'1 Bu,im''' Sc'l'i'IC't'" 1st I rl'llch umtmtwro; ([qua/)

1st POI-lf'£ 1st Sen tor Sctrnn' Aim/ Certtfimtc for 1\pp/tcalwn to Studies 1st Lrft'IISimr I l1slmy ( n/1,·.~··, \u•wd tor\ 'tee' Ctlf'tcl/11 of Crl/lcge 1st A111SIC 2 1st Mt~s/c 1/Sl L\lens1on l si Biologtr ktlr 12 Sf'l>ri'J'I'f"'ll/ "' the rt't11

I ;; t frerJclt f..\h'll'inll 1st ltnlimt Conlinuns

Cnllt'gc 'H/rw' (DLAS lt~>ltl ,1,t>tllrfJ \clllf"i'<'lllc'll/ 111 l~wtlurtlltllt •\ward

Ca triona Da ly

Sophia Goodwin

Na tasha ln kra tas

Sally Je nkin!.

S inead Keaven ey

Sara h Kimmorlcy

Cathe rine Leahy Felicity Littlewood

Lauren Millar Erika Mltry Cha rlotte O wen

Emily Potte r C laire Purnell G race Q uirke Olivia Rolleston

Rochelle Shoppee

Natalie S teele Na tasha Steger

Ste phanie Tesson


/sf English F\/c'IISirlfl 2 < .rrltlt/1111<'11 u•i/11 /lnllc 1lll '

tl,/1/c''-''' Kirk ;\ lt'l/l!lrial Pri.:c '''' ·\11c ie'll/ 1/i.;Jnry All'ril O•rli/imlr (or Applimtinn lo Studies l-c•//c•ge H/tl(' ' (/)/.AS ( ;ntd \u•c~n/)

l-tl//,·gt• Hltit' (J)/c_,\.:; (;p/tf \ol'c/1'1/1

'>t/,•t'f ]111>111'1' TIIIJI/ti(/c>t St'l'i'/(l'tllltll Cll/tllfl/

l s/ Fond TerlmrJ/Pgy lll//c·:~c· Hfllt ' IIJJ.N., lrc>ld \;1'1/1{/)

1st Clu'llli~trv CcJ/lc'gt• flillt' ({)L·\.:; (;p/d, \mud)

7711' 20/18 1\DT' Lt>llg fimt\iC'IlrliJc>l km 12 l "c>llrgr J\ll'llrd}c>l ~t'IIU>r \'tn ' lllf'lt/111 c>/l olltxc l nllt',li<' Ill Ill' I/)/ t\., C .c>ld \u•ardl

Pnmltl Dt'Jirll1111t'lll lh/t>nllt'l tl/llw )t'cll t\ll'tlrd Co/h•gt> Rluc rOG\S Cold , \;mill> 1'1 Dmma t.mduatmn wtth Honour.;

Colicgt' lll'llnf {rll' VICC ca,ltl/11 L~/ Colh:t;c t .. •ttlc>l /rtlnil'c 'ln>J •InJ/nr 1 lllf,/tmrlmg llo>tN' I r'tldt'T'ollll'

tkluc'i.'l'lllc'llt rll ( .rcldllcllti>ll/\,t•llnl

l•t Gengmphv Cuulttalmn il'lth llmltlllt'5 J,'lllllll.-1mf ,\ lt'llll>na/ , \u~nd l<>rl ••lltnl>tlllt'lllo> l-c •llt')..~ ' I t/t'

College 'Hluc (/)/' \~Cold \ll'tlniJ CP//c'gc' H/uc· (O£AS Ct>ld tlicmt!J

Fr'llill f'n7'•'/rm/7i "1'1111 /m LcadcJsllll' and l nvol/11 l c'//t'gt• 'Hiuc•' (/ >f .N., Cold t \il'tlrdJ

l;rtlt illtlticrl! u•Jih /lc1111111r~ l c>//c•gr• Arl'cll'l l /ell V1rr• lllflltlill !1/ Cnl/c•gt' 1st Engli . .;/1 Sta11dr1rd Cc>llc·gt Hi lit' <nL·\S Ctl/d \mr111J l<•ll1·gc Hlttc ISc>li/>tl/121108,\il'tlldJ I sl Mu~h ( Fqllal) Cnlit',l!•' Blt~t•' I Du\S Gold .-.llmrd J

lsi Busines~ Siurlit•.; ..:;ull_/t\a•tlrd _/i1r Cmnoutmml ftl Sittdu-,;

Megan Todd Cnllr·g·· R!Jw WL\S C.old t\wt~rd) Ste phanie Randich 7sl i\1nllrt•IJ1tlltcs - Gcnrml

AshJey Watson

Carly Wright Annabe lle Allen

Kathryn Boyd

Clare Keighcry

Cnllt•gc /l/uc• f!1Li\S Cnld t\il'llrd>

1st Tc:tlih"' 6· Dr'~ig11 Cnllt•gf' 'Tlltu· fflf.t\ '> Cnld Au•ard> Cr>llt·g.· 'Bfl~t• rDLAS t,pfrf 1\ward> J.;t lvlalht•nmltc< f..rt 1 1sf f'/i)ISICS

Cnllt:t;<' Hlut' rDFJ\S Gt~/d t \u•cmiJ

/t>~I'J'li A Iaun•1 Sludd Oublrlllcllllg \tmlrmtt i \c 1111'1'1'11/t'lll All>tlid l si J:ngltsh Advanced

Hug~tfmc ~N<'h l'n::c ''" ::0111!11<" ,,, /~·II~"'" r ~lll

17u· (~/'~"'"'[ ''"IIIIJlhllt'l/utll'n:, Jr•t )nil I 1 t\ 1o~/, •tJriiJ</,tl1/

~ lilt olllt/11t' LiltJ1't'"'llll ~'"''"I !'.lrlll<'l l'n:t' /<'1 ( lllfslrwdutg \1 tlrimllt Achlc7'<'11/l'lll I sl Mush I ( F.q 1111 /)

J . .;f Visual ArN

Cmcluatinn wi/11 l iPIIIIIIf.' L 'p//1'.\1' Amn/ Jitr Ctlf'lclitt ,.r CPII•~\il' Rnguilllt' ktll t\,t•md ti•r )mr I:!

Parents & Friends Award for Brigidine Spirit Sophia Goodwin Brigidine College Medal Melanie Mcl ean

.¥. I 153


Open 1500m 12 war.. 200m 13 \t>ar., 200m H war .. ::!Ollm l"ivl.'ar.:. 200m loY'-'""' 200m

~It' I I ' II R

)u-.hnl' Cobb Samantha Norris Damdle Fi ... hcr Hr~·l.' Donndl\

17• \l.'.trs 200m :\1/DI~abiht) 200m 12 Vl.'tlT., 100m

<;haron O'l<..ant' Dan11.'llc Fi ... hcr Dt1nidle Fbhl'T Chlm· rathl'T SamJntha Norri-. Dan1ellc F1-.her Dilmclll' ri-.her D,m1elk• Fbher

11 yl'ars I OOm 14 )'Ctlrs 100m 1 "i years lOOm 1n years lOOm 17-t yc.:~r., lOOm M/Disablli ty I Ollm Open !300m \1\'J II.. 12 year~ .JOOm

S.:Jrah Km1mnrley DanidiL• Fi'>lwr Ch loe Et~ Lhc r

1\lisnn I'Li lchell SJrah Calley Shannon Finch 13 wars -lOOm

1-l years ..JOllm 15 vcars lllllm 16 year~ lOOm 17+ .. l()Qm MIDisJb1lity .JOOm Junior t!<)Om Intermediate ~Oom Opcn~OOm

SJrilh ~mmorlcy ">amh !<..1mmorle'r Sarnh !<..1mmnrel:r Damcllc Fio.,hcr Bchnda N1patcharoen Chl'i'-l'a llavward Ju.,tmt' Cobb Juo,hnL' Lobb

lm 1tat1onal lOOm Damcllc fisher ratima All Agl.' Rl'la\ f>x lOOm

\( I ., ••

12 AhssJ OsJdJ I aura Dougi<Js 13 Ohv1.1 < ,lprarl'lli Akx ,\ larshall 14 Chcl~l'J IIJvw.1rJ OliviJ Caprurelli 15 Rcbl.'cca Woodroot Clwlsl',l H cJYW<Hd

1n Snrah K1mmorlev NJ LhJsha llall 17 i<..L? II \ Cheng l<..nte lennev AWL> Chloe l:.nlhL•r C'ornnl' turner

hdd 1\l'l ' •rJ-; I 1' 1

Long Jump 12 \'ear., 13 \ear~ 14 ~1.',1r.. 15 \I.'Jf', In )Nr.,

17 'WJf',

High Jump 12 \l.'ar .. 13 yl.'ar-. 14 \('ilf' 15 yl'ar-. ln \'l;'ar.,

J7 .YI'JI.,

Shotl 'ul 12 Yl'MS

13 Yl'<1rs 14 Yl'JTS 15 vears

l!h ' 1!1 I IIlli I I f'

<. hristma Kl'l'n !<..l'lh <. lwng l<..dh Chl·ng \'1rgm1,1 '>m11h Tatum fh1rn• ">hJron (.) "-.Jilt'

LHITl'n (.) NL•JII L1url'l1 t>'Nl•lll Bnan,1 7\lstra lkianil 7ylstrJ !<..and is<. )n Bt i<m<J /ylstr,,

l~nthc l I hll Kl'rry Rccn RJl lwll llll "oph ll' Spmks

I ~~ YEAR BOOK 008

11\11 I \I

S.o7.63 2001 26.36'> 1•NI 2o.25-, lllYtS ::!7.2o 2ooo 2o.·Ws 1477 2o.3o., 2001 26.45s 2002 35.83s 200tl 13.9-ls 1491 12.84s 1498 12.9·h 199Ci 12.84!> 2000 l2.66s 200h 12.74s 2002 1 fl.23s 200f> 7.2l.l l s 1990 1.09.05~ 19lJ3 1.02.80s 1982 I 04.0os 2004 L04.07s 2005 1.02.86s 200o 1.02.67s 2003 1.3<J.8Hs 2003 2.32.61s :won 2.30.57s 2001 2.30.725 2003 12.53s 2000 1.27.6-ts 2005

"' Ahce PnlJak Catlhn Sankl'Y Ale>. Marshall Olh'la Caprardli Breenna Alder Rebecca WooJroof lcgan C...runwJid

..J .3nm 1lJ84 4 60m 2002 -l .Y7m 2003 S.!Xlm 147Y -1.88m ::!00.1 5.00m 1479

1.52m 2001 1.6-lm 2002 I. 50m 2000 1.55m 20(11 1.57m 2006 1.59m 2004

9.ll5m llJ'JO 1.0.61rn 1983 ':1.35111 lll'J2 10. 7<Jm 1YH9

1h Vl'.tr., 17war-.

Discus 12 \l'Jrs IJ)l'MS

15 \l'Jrs lh \cars 17 \l'.1rs

'>ophll' Spmb l<..n.,tllhl Rl'l'n

\hn• PoljaJ... \hlhL'IIL' Troup N1t:nl.1 )onL'" Nil'ol,l Jonl'' NICola )011l''

Javelin 12 \l'Jf', 11 \cars 14 year!'>

I 'i \'l'<lr!->

I h \'l'Jr'> 17 YL',lr!'>

I .1ura Dnugla~ An~whqtll' Del•ml'\ i\ngelt4UL' Dl'ii1!11.'\ Angehquc DelJne) Angehquc Delane\ t\ng1.•i1que DclJney

Swimming Record-. l \'1 <11•1'< III II• ,. H t I II · • l lH!

O[X'n 200m lnthvidual :-.1cuk'\' !<... Oliver & D l lopcmft

lumor lOOm rrt'l'~tylt• Uise Cilard lntcrml'uiJil' lOOm Frec.,tyk• Elise Cilard 'it•nwr I OOm FrL'L''>I) k• 12 \'l'M'i :;om Bn',1shtrt 'I-.e IJ )l'Jr., :;om Brl'Jsl .. trolo.c II yl.'.us SOm firc.J.,htrolo.t•

D,m1clll' Hopcrott SJmantha Pear..e B1anca E~ro .. lto l<..n.,h Oliver

15 Yl'Ms SOm Bre.1-.1strokl.' l<..n-.h Ohvcr In )t•ars "Om lin\hlstmkl.' \ JCtcma Coot... 17 t war., :;om fiH•a-.btrokt• Samantha Pearse r..tultt D1sabllitv 50m Ur,•a.,tmkl' Daniclll' r~anaga.n 12 WJrsi)Om FrcL''>IYic RaLhel Pearse 14 \l'.!T'> l)()m l·tl'l''>t'rlc Eh'>e Grllnrd 15 )l'Jrs ')()m Ftl'l'o.,t',k• Fh<;e C..rll.:trd 1h) l'Jr.. ')()m Fn.'l''>l\ It• Rachel Pearse 17-f wnrs l)l)m Frecstvh• T<m Ol1vcr Multi I )u.ablhtv 50m FreL•stvlc Dan1clle Flitno~an 12 w.1rs SOm Bo1d .. ~ l roke Alana llopcroft l3 VCJrs 50m H.ltkslrokL' Damcllc Hopcroft I..J war., 50m HJckstrokt• NJtalic Bentlev I "i wa ,.., 5()m BJt 1-....trolo.c 1(1 vcar .. 'iOm btmJ...l• 17 • J'l'..Jr., 'iOm R.ltblroke

7-v!ulll D1-..1brhh B.Kio.~trolo.l'

12 )t'•".., 'iOm Butll'rtl\ 13 Yl'M" Sllm Buttt•rlly 11 war .. :;om tlultt•rtl\ IS yt'Ms 50m Rultl.'rlh lh \t'.Hs ::;om Buttl•rtl\ J 7 + yc.trs Sllm Rutll'rll) r..Julti D1s.tbihtv Rutlt'rtl) Opl't1 lOOm lm itatinnal

11 l· lll'll Sp.111don 14 l ·h~l' CJIIMJ 15 Bcltnd;l Hull I h•l nudll·v 17 (JI,ll"l'l)o)VIl'"


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Brigidine College St lves commits itself to education that is centred on the Gospel and is faithful to the Catholic Community and the

Brigidine heritage