Auksjonnr. 25 - Oslo Myntgalleri

Lørdag 8. og søndag 9. mai 2021 Rococosalen, Grand Hotel, Oslo Auksjon nr. 25

Transcript of Auksjonnr. 25 - Oslo Myntgalleri

Oslo Myntgalleri as • Tordenskiolds gate 7, 0160 Oslo • Postboks 1403 Vika, 0115 Oslo Tel: 22 41 60 00 • E-mail: [email protected] Avd. Haugesund: Øvregate 226, 5525 Haugesund • Postboks 4043, 5506 Haugesund Tel. 90887766 • E-mail: [email protected]

Pris kr. 175,-

Lørdag 8. og søndag 9. mai 2021Rococosalen, Grand Hotel, Oslo

Auksjon nr. 25









R. 25

1058 1063 1066




1093 1107 1127

1163 1166 1181

1183 1184 1202

1217 1222 1231

1Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Visning (kun etter avtale) / on view (by appointment only)Mandag 3. mai til fredag 7. mai kl. 10:00 - 16:00Oslo Myntgalleri as, Tordenskiolds gate 7, 0160 Oslo

Forsiden: Serie sedler av 1. utgave

Program for auksjon nr. 25Lørdag 8. mai: Kl. 14:00 Sedler (401-553) Kl. 16:00 Medaljer (554-596) Kl. 16:30 Utenlandske gullmynter (597-653) Søndag 9. mai: Kl. 11:00 Norske mynter før 1874 (654-816) Kl. 12:30 Norske mynter etter 1873 (817-915) Kl. 14:00 Utenlandske mynter (916-1053) Kl. 15:30 Antikke mynter (1054-1300)


Auksjon nr. 25

i Rococosalen, Grand Hotel, OsloKarl Johans gate 31, 0159 Oslo

Lørdag 8. og søndag 9. mai 2021

2 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Det er alltid like spennende, like morsomt og inspirerende å sette sammen en auksjon i Oslo Myntgalleris regi. Innen hvilke numismatiske avdelinger kan vi presentere det mest spennende utvalget, skal store kjente samlinger splittes og friste nye samlere? Vil vi få materiale som får selv de mest kresne samlere til å skjønne at her må man møte opp? Denne gang har vi som vanlig satt av to dager til auksjonen, 8. og 9. mai, og håpet er at vi kan samles på Grand Hotel i hovedstaden disse dagene. Både Rococo salen og Speilsalen og hele toppetasjen på hotellet har vi sikret oss. Skulle corona-pandemien gjøre det umulig å benytte disse fasilitetene vil auksjonen gå som forrige gang, som en ren nettauksjon. Det ble en suksess, og selv om vi mister den sosiale møteplassen, blir auksjonen like spennende.

La oss denne gang starte vår innledende oversikt med seddelavdelingen. Etter det jeg vet må dette være den beste seddelauksjonen som er arrangert i Norge siden 1988. Den inneholder blant annet en betydelig samling som er bygget opp gjennom flere tiår helt frem til i dag som skal under hammeren, ca. 150 objekter, og det er sedler fra kroneperioden fra 1877 og fremover som er i hovedfokus. Det vil være fristende å trekke frem objekt etter objekt her, men la oss i hvert fall sette søkelyset på tre av dem.

500-kronen fra 1879 er det pr. i dag eneste tilgjengelige eksemplaret av denne seddelen. Det er totalt 3 kjente, 2 sitter fast i en samling, dette er altså den eneste muligheten du har til å sikre deg denne seddelen til samlingen din. Vi ser en sannsynlig proveniens tilbake til en auksjon i København i 1899, men vet ikke noe mer om den før vi kommer frem til 1970-tallet. Utropet er satt til NOK 600 000. Om mulig enda sjeldnere er 1000-kronen fra 1892. Dette er det eneste kjente eksemplaret. Også her finner vi en mulig proveniens til auksjonen i 1899, men første gang vi med sikkerhet har registrert den er i 1988. Dette unike eksemplaret har et utrop på NOK 750 000.

Det tredje eksemplet vi vil trekke frem fra denne uhyre spennende kroneseddel-avdelingen er samlingen av Londonsedler signert Nørve. Disse sedlene ble jo laget til bruk for en eventuell alliert invasjon i Norge, men den fant som kjent ikke sted. Nesten alle sedlene ble destruert, men sedlene med de laveste serienumrene og signert av Nørve ble beholdt av familien etter krigen. Serien består av 6 sedler, og denne serien, med nummer 000006, har aldri tidligere vært på auksjon. Totalt er det

kjent under 10 komplette serier i privat eie, så her gjelder det å kjenne sin besøkelsestid.

Det er fristende å hoppe fra seddelavdelingen langt tilbake i historien, helt til samlingen av antikke mynter vi kan tilby denne gang. Fra en norsk stiftelse har vi fått innlevert en svært spennende avdeling greske sølvmynter i gode kvaliteter, i tillegg til romerske aureii – mynter som forteller oss om en del av historien som tydeligvis frister flere og flere norske samlere inn på området. Bevisstheten om hva historien forteller oss gjennom myntpregingene i denne uhyre spennende og omvekslende perioden i verdenshistorien fenger mange, og det er gledelig å kunne konstatere at dette er den nest største avdelingen antikke mynter vi noen gang har kunnet presentere i Oslo Myntgalleris historie. Samlet utrop her er ca. 2 millioner norske kroner.

Går vi videre frem i historien, vil jeg også trekke frem en veldig fin avdeling med norske middelaldermynter fra Magnus Lagabøte frem til reformasjonen. Her er mynter med like spennende historier som antikkens, og jeg vet at samlerne av numismatiske objekter fra denne perioden i norsk historie vil glede seg over både kvalitet og sjeldenhet. Og går vi frem til specietiden kan vi, i tillegg til de utsøkte eksemplarene fra Ragnar Kyllos samling som presenteres i en egen katalog, bl.a. glede oss over en utsøkt specie fra 1672 i kvalitet 01. Den stammer opprinnelig fra den kjente samlingen til Gerhard Wohrm. Avdelingen med kronemynt i topp kvaliteter fra Oscar II vil garantert være fristende for mange. Et godt eksempel på det er den sjeldne 2-kronen fra 1887 i 0/01-kvaltet som vi roper ut for NOK 50 000.

Når du blar gjennom denne katalogen, sammen med katalogen til Ragnar Kyllo, skjønner du sikkert hvilken spennende tid vi har hatt siden forrige auksjon i Oslo Myntgalleris regi. Vi starter med blanke ark, og i løpet av noen måneder er vi så heldige at vi igjen skjønner at vi vil komme til å friste samlere både her hjemme og ute. Vi krysser fingre for at vi kan sees de to dagene i Oslo, men en ting er sikkert – pandemi eller ikke – auksjon blir det! Med et totalt utrop på ca. 13 millioner kroner blir dette en ny mulighet til å finne nettopp det objektet du vil ha i samlingen din.

Vi ønsker velkommen, enten det blir på Grand eller på nettet!

Oslo Myntgalleri a/s

Katalogen er utarbeidet av / Cataloger: Mynter, medaljer, sedler: Gunnar Thesen. Antikke mynter: Lars Erik Høitomt Foto / Photo: Dasa Stankova


3Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


Innledning ..................................................................................................................................... side 2

Auksjonsbetingelser / Terms of the auction .............................................................................. side 4

Sedler ............................................................................................................................................. side 7

Medaljer og poletter .................................................................................................................... side 39

Utenlandske gullmynter ............................................................................................................. side 47

Norge før 1874 ............................................................................................................................. side 57

Norge etter 1873 .......................................................................................................................... side 81

Utenlandske mynter .................................................................................................................... side 87

Antikke mynter ............................................................................................................................ side 105

Litteraturliste ................................................................................................................................ side 153

Oppnådde priser auksjon nr. 21, 22 og 23 ............................................................................... side 156

KVALITETSBETEGNELSER0 - Usirkulert mynt01 - Meget pent eksemplar1+ - Pent eksemplar1 - Fullgodt eksemplar1- - Ikke fullgodt eksemplar2 - Dårlig eksemplarVK - Varierende kvalitet

GRADES OF PRESERVATION0 - Uncirculated (Unc)01 - Extremely Fine (EF)1+ - Very Fine (VF)1 - Fine (F)1- - Very Good (VG)2 - Good (G)VK - Various Grades

1+/01 Betyr at mynten er mellom 1+ og 01 / Means that the coin is between VF and EF1+)(01 Betyr at mynten er 1+ på forsiden og 01 på baksiden / Means that the coin is VF on the obverse and 01 on the reverse

4 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


1. Auksjonen er offentlig og frivillig. Hvis ikke annet er opplyst vil det være flere innleverere til auksjonen.

2. Auksjonens objekter selges i den tilstand som de er beskrevet og fremvist før auksjonsstart. Kjøperne har selv anledning til å besiktige objektene før auksjonen og eventuelle reklamasjoner etter klubbeslag vil derfor ikke bli akseptert. Auksjonærens ansvar for de som har inngitt forhåndsbud eller byr pr.telefon er begrenset på samme måte.

3. Auksjonæren vil utvise aktsomhet ved beskrivelsen av alle objekter. Ethvert objekt ansees for ekte og autentisk hvis det ikke er gitt uttrykk for noe annet.

4. Ethvert bud som blir avgitt er bindende. Budgivere må være myndige, 18 år.

5. Forhåndsbud til auksjonen må være skriflig og være mottatt av auksjonæren i god tid før auksjonen be-gynner for å komme i betraktning. Forespørsel om budgivning på telefon aksepteres på objekter med minimumsutrop 2000 NOK og må bli mottatt senest siste arbeidsdag før auksjonsstart.

6. Alle auksjonsoppdrag behandles omsorgsfullt, dog er auksjonæren ikke ansvarlig for mulige feil eller misforståelser i kjøpsoppdraget.

7. Auksjonæren kan alene avvise bud fra kjøpere som er ukjente for auksjonæren og/eller ikke har avgitt refe-ranser til andre kjente personer. Utenlandske kunder og live bidding brukere må registrere seg senest 24 timer før auksjonen begynner.

8. Auksjonæren kan alene avgjøre om personer får delta i auksjonen. Videre kan han alene avvise bud, trekke tilbake, omgruppere eller dele objekter. Ved uenighet kan han alene utlyse ny budgivning eller bestemme hvilken av budgiverne som skal få tilslaget.

9. Budgiver som byr for andres regning er solidarisk ansvarlig for betaling av kjøpet, således at auksjo-næren kan holde seg til budgiver og tredjemann for opp fyllelse.

10. Alle bud avgis i norske kroner og betraktes solgt til den som har høyeste bud. Ved flere like forhåndsbud gjelder det av auksjonæren først mottatte. Forhånds-bud reduseres til laveste hevning over nest høyeste bud. Eksempel: Utrop kr. 900,- og tre skriflige bud, kr. 1.000,-, kr. 1.200,- og kr. 1.800,-. Budgivningen vil da starte på kr. 1.400,- og bli solgt for dette om ikke tilstedeværende byr over.

11. Graderte mynter/sedler. Vi gir ingen garantier for ekt-het eller merknader på mynter og sedler i slabs eller andre lukkede beholdere, gradert av en tredjepart, og heller ikke for anmerkninger som er skjult pga slabb, som f.eks. anhengsspor, filemerker o.l.

12. Prisene i denne katalogen er minstepriser og bud under disse vil ikke bli akseptert. I tillegg til salgs-summen kommer 20 % salær. Salæret på medaljer til utlandet er 25 %. Mynter og sedler som har vært gyldig betalingsmiddel er fritatt for m.v.a. For andre objekter f.eks. medaljer tilkommer 25 % m.v.a. på salæret ved levering i Norge. Avgiftspliktige objekter er merket med * ved objektnummeret. All forsendelse skjer for mottagers egen regning og risiko. Alle forsendelser til land utenfor Norden sendes med DHL eller FedEx. (Minimumspris i Europa NOK 350,-).

13. Salg skjer mot kontant betaling, senest 7 dager etter auksjonen eller faktura er avsendt. Ved senere betaling påløper 1 % rente pr. påbegynt måned. Hvis betaling ikke er skjedd senest 30 dager etter at auk-sjonen er avholdt, uansett om faktura er mottatt, kan auksjonsobjektet selges for kjøpers regning og risiko. Auksjonæren bestemmer alene på hvilken måte slikt salg gjennomføres og uten videre meddelelse til den opprinnelige kjøper, som holdes ansvarlig for ethvert økonomisk tap, herunder tapt provisjon og redusert salgspris. Eventuelle omkostninger i forbindelse med innkasso og videresalg blir også belastet den opp-rinnelige kjøper.

14. Risikoen til kjøpet går over til kjøper ved klubbe-slaget, dog går eiendommsretten ikke over til kjøper før kjøpesummen er betalt i sin helhet.

15. Hvis det til tross for dette reglement skulle reises innsigelser mot auksjonær eller innleverer, må slikt gjøres innen 14 dager etter at objektet er utlevert eller avsendt. Innsigelser kan ikke gjøres dersom objektet ikke er betalt innen 30 dager etter auksjonsdato. Det samme gjelder vedrørende objekters ekthet. Innsigelser vedrørende objekters kvalitetsangivelser aksepteres ikke, da de er gitt etter beste skjønn og budgiver selv har anledning til å gjøre seg opp en oppfatning før auksjonen.

16. Oslo vedtas som verneting for alle tvister som måtte utspringe fra denne auksjonen eller dette reglement.

17. Reglementet er tatt inn i våre kataloger og ved avgivelse av bud skriftlig, muntlig eller i auksjonslokalet ansees budgiver for å ha gjort seg kjent med og akseptert auksjonsreglementet.

18. Utbetaling foretas ca 4 uker etter auksjonen.19. Ved vederlag i kontanter kan vi kun motta beløp opptil

kr 39.999 per kunde, jf. Hvitvaskingsloven § 4 a.

5Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

BuDINTERVALLERBidding increments (nOK)

Utropspris Minste hevningminimum bid minimum bidding steps1-1.000 100,-1.000-3.000 200,-3.000-10.000 500,-10.000-20.000 1.000,-20.000-50.000 2.000,-50.000-100.000 5.000,-100.000-200.000 10.000,-200.000-500.000 20.000,-500.000- 50.000,-

Forhåndsbud utenom fast hevning vil automatisk bli hevet til nærmeste gyldige hevning.

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6 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


1. The auction is open to the public and participation is voluntary. Unless otherwise stated there will be more than one consignor.

2. The auctioned items are sold in the condition as de-scribed and shown prior to the auction. Bidders have the opportunity to appraise and inspect the items before the auction. Consequently, complaints about the items will not be acknowledged. This restriction on com-plaints also applies to advance written and telephone bids.

3. The duty of the auctioneer is to show reasonable care in describing the objects. Every item is to be assumed genuine and authentic unless otherwise stated.

4. All bids are binding. Bidders must be of legal capacity, i.e. at least 18 years old.

5. Prebids must be delivered in writing to the auctioneer in due time before the auction. Telephone bidding is accepted on lots with starting price of more than NOK 2000,-. The client has to make preliminary arrange-ments with Oslo Myntgalleri at least 24 hours before the auction starts.

6. While the auction is to be conducted carefully, the auctioneer is not responsible for possible mistakes or misunderstandings on the part of the buyer.

7. The auctioneer alone may refuse to accept bids from a person unknown to him and/or bids given without reference to someone known to the auctioneer. Foreign customers and Live bidding users must register at least 24 hours prior to the auction.

8. The auctioneer alone has the authority to decide if persons may participate in the auction. He may also withdraw, rearrange or divide items. In the case of disagreement during the auction, the auctioneer may restart bidding or may decide which of the bids to be accepted.

9. Agents bidding on behalf of others are completely responsible for payment of a bid. Of that reason the auctioneer can hold both the bidder and third part principals responsible for payment.

10. All bids are given in Norwegian kroner and sold to the highest bidder. In case of identical bids, the first received written bid takes priority. A prebid is reduced to the first step above the second highest bid. For example: Starting price 900,- and three prebids, kr. 1.000,-, kr. 1.200,- and kr. 1.800,-. The bidding will start at kr. 1.400,- and this will be the hammer price unless the room is bidding against.

11. Graded coins/banknotes. We do not give any war-ranty for the authenticity or defects on graded coins in slabs or other plastic holders from grading companies.

Damages from traces of mounting or filing etc that are covered by the plastic container will not be accepted as reasons for complains from the buyer.

12. The prices in the catalogue are minimum prices and bids below will not be accepted. A fee of 20 % is added to the hammer price of each item. Medals will have a fee of 25 % added. Coins and banknotes that is or has been legal tender are exempted from VAT. On other items f.i. medals 25 % VAT is added on the fee when delivered in Norway. Lots that are subjected to VAT is marked with * by the lot number. If the purchased lots are to be sent, the buyer must pay postage, insurance, customs clearance and kr. 50,- in handling fee. All items are sent on the buyers expense and risk. Items sendt to countries outside Norden will be shipped with DHL or FedEx. (Minimum price Europe NOK 350)

13. The sale is completed by the payment of cash, at the latest 14 days after the auction or the invoice has been sent. In the case of later payment 1% interest is charged pr. started month. If payment has not been received 30 days after the auction, whether or not an invoice has been received, the items may be sold at the buyers cost and risk. The auctioneer alone decides how such a sale is to be carried out. This sale may take place without further notice to the original buyer who will be held responsible for any economic loss due to lost commission or reduced sales price.

14. The risk of the items passes over to the buyer on acceptance of the bid. However property rights do not pass over before paid in full.

15. If in spite of these regulations objections are raised about the auctioneer and/or the consignor, this must be raised within 7 days after the item has been delivered or sent. Objections can not be raised if the items are not paid within 30 days after the auction. This also applies regarding the authenticity of the items. Complaints about the quality given on the items will not be accepted as these are based on the exercise of best judgement and each buyer has had the opportunity to make their own desicision.

16. Oslo is accepted as the venue for settlement of all disputes that may arise from the auction or these regulations.

17. These regulations are incorporated into our catalogues and all bidders are assumed to have read and accepted these regulations.

18. Payments made about 4 weeks after the auction.19 Payment in cash can not exceed NOK 39.999,- pr.

customer ref. laundry § 4 a.



k no

tesLørdag 8. mai kl. 14:00

405 50%

8 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse



401 5 rigsdaler courant 1799. No.397134. Tapet, flekker og rifter/taped, spots and tears RS.37a DOP.31 1- 600 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr. 5 29/11-2014 nr.7 402 1 rigsdaler courant 1800. No.481???. Skitten, blekkskrift på revers/dirty, inkwriting on reverse RS.38a DOP.30 1/1- 600403 1 rigsdaler courant 1802. No.120757. Rift, skitten og flekker/tear, dirty and spots RS.38a DOP.30 1- 400 NORGE/NORWAY SPECIEDALER

404 Speciedaler 1869 (6. utgave). No.2999515. Lite stifthull og små flekker/minor pin hole and minor spots 1/1- 20 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

9Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider www.oslomyntgalleri.noTel: +47 22 41 60 00 • [email protected] • •

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10 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


405 1000 kroner 1892. Sundland/Bøgh. No.---9428. uNIK/uNIQuE. Hullmakulert med seks hull, lett falmet og noe skitten/hole cancelles with six holes, slightly faded and some dirt 1/1+ 750 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.21 8/10-1988 nr.38 ex. en dansk privatsamling innkjøpt på slutten av 1970-tallet og sannsynligvis ex. Lynge 1899 nr.505 Kun to 1000 kroner av første utgave er kjent i privat eie, en fra 1894 i Kjell riibe`s samling samt denne, begge hullmakulert/only two 1000 kroner edition are known in private collections, one from 1894 in Kjell riibe`s collection and this specimen, both hole cancelled


11Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


12 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse

406 500 kroner 1879. Kamstrup/Blom. No.0039514. RRR. Hullmakulert med fire hull, skitten, brennmerke og liten kantdel borte/hole cancelles with four holes, dirty, burnmark and minor edge part torn off 1 600 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.21 8/10-1988 nr.39 ex. en dansk privatsamling innkjøpt på slutten av 1970-tallet og sannsynligvis ex. Lynge 1899 nr.502 totalt tre 500 kroner av første utgave er kjent i privat eie, alle fra 1879 og alle hullmakulert/ totally three 500 kroner edition are known in private collections all of them from 1879 and all hole cancelled. de to andre befinner seg i Kjell riibe`s samling hvorav en stammer fra Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.11 15/10-1983 nr.629 og Walt Jellum.


13Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


14 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 75% størrelse

407 100 kroner 1880. Knudtzon/Dreyer. No.0658356. RRR. Hullmakulert med fire hull/holecancelled with four holes 1+/01 200 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.21 8/10-1988 nr.40 ex. en dansk privatsamling innkjøpt på slutten av 1970-tallet og sannsynligvis ex. Lynge 1899 nr.503


15Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 75% størrelse

408 50 kroner 1880. Blom/Kamstrup. No.0807947. RR. To små stifthull i øverste venstre hjørne og under 50 i nederste venstre hjørne, rift på 3 mm i midten oppe, noe blekkskriftvi øverste venstre hjørne på baksiden/Two minor pinholes in upper left corner and under 50 in lower left corner, 3 mm tear in upper midpart, some inkwriting in uppervleft corner on the backside 1 350 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.13 25/11-2017 nr.5


16 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 75% størrelse

409 50 kroner 1880. Blom/Kamstrup. No.0851604. RR. Hullmakulert med to hull/holecancelled with two holes 1+/01 125 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.21 8/10-1988 nr.41 ex. en dansk privatsamling innkjøpt på slutten av 1970-tallet og sannsynligvis ex. Lynge 1899 nr.504

17Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


410 10 kroner 1895. Bøgh. B5705136. R. 1+ 35 000

411 10 kroner 1895. Oxholm. B6474685. R. Små brettrifter/minor fold tears 1/1- 22 000 ex. mogens christensen og Peder s. madsen

412 5 kroner 1892. Moe. 9563031 01 35 000 ex. Peder s. madsen

413 5 kroner 1896. Oxholm. C7881010 1/1+ 25 000

414 5 kroner 1899. Strøm. D9027313. Rift, skitten/tear, dirty 1-2 7 000




18 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 40% størrelse


415 1000 kroner 1919. A0179165 01 18 000 ex. Peder s. madsen

416 1000 kroner 1941. A0745762 1 8 000 ex. Kjøpt av Hans rode a/s for kr. 1.000,-

417 1000 kroner 1942. A0827254. Rifter og flekker/tears and spots 2 1 000 denne seddelen stammer fra vraket av d/s Bodø som sank utenfor sandnessjøen 27. februar 1943




19Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 40% størrelse

418 500 kroner 1918. A0099640 1 35 000 ex. Peder s. madsen

419 500 kroner 1932. A0173592. R. Skrift på baksiden/writing on reverse 1 25 000 skrevet på revers 5/6-31 15000,-

420 500 kroner 1942. A0382232 1 22 000

20 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

421 100 kroner 1930. A8480410. Små brettrifter/minor fold tears 1 1 800422 100 kroner 1931. A8796298 1 1 400423 100 kroner 1936. B2482199 1- 400

424 50 kroner 1929. B0073733. Skitten, små brettrifter/dirty, minor fold tears 1- 1 600

425 50 kroner 1934. B2867629 1/1- 1 800426 Lot 2 stk. 50 kroner 1942. C4270874 og 10 kroner 1966. I 2 og 1/1+ 150427 50 kroner 1943. C7771124 1- 500428 50 kroner 1944. D0241747 1 1 000

Vi tar allerede nå i mot objekter til auksjon nr. 26 og 27 som

avholdes 27. og 28. november 2021 på Grand Hotel i Oslo.

21Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

429 10 kroner 1932. S1461356 0 3 000430 10 kroner 1935. U1121029 01 600431 10 kroner 1943. D9524159 1+ 250432 10 kroner 1943. E1163556 01 400

433 5 kroner 1914. E0803929 01 6 000434 5 kroner 1916. E9206379 1-2 1 200435 5 kroner 1919. F9877175 1- 2 000436 5 kroner 1932. M6607269 1-2 300437 5 kroner 1940. S3539074 1 200438 5 kroner 1944. W0027287 1- 500 2. UTGAVE SPECIMEN

439 5 kroner 1944. W3162560 0 2 600



22 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


440 1000 kroner 1946. A0288371 1/1- 10 000

441 1000 kroner 1946. A0402294 01 20 000 ex. Peder s. madsen 442 100 kroner 1945. A1924061 1/1- 700443 100 kroner 1945. A3473859. Liten brettrift/minor fold tear 1/1- 600

444 50 kroner 1945. A4526895 0/01 4 000 ex. Peder s. madsen 445 50 kroner 1948. B1113300 1 1 800446 50 kroner 1949. B3933253. Rift/tear 1/1- 900

Besøk oss på www.oslomyntgalleri.noHver eneste dag, 365 dager i året

legger vi ut nye objekter i vår nettbutikk. Nettbutikken er meget enkel å bruke

og du finner objekter fra 50,- til over 100.000,- kroner.

23Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

447 50 kroner 1949. B3990351 1+ 3 000 ex. Peder s. madsen 448 Lot 3 stk. 10 kroner 1945 B, 1951 T og 1952 V VK 300

449 5 kroner 1947. C0517431 0/01 900450 5 kroner 1951. H5000516 1+/01 450 3. UTGAVE SPECIMEN

451 5 kroner 1947. X0000000 0/01 6 000




24 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 40% størrelse


452 1000 kroner 1949. A0195364 1 3 500453 1000 kroner 1949. A0205368 1 3 500454 1000 kroner 1949. A0615885 1+ 4 500455 1000 kroner 1965. A2417531 1 3 000456 1000 kroner 1971. A4155753 01 4 000457 1000 kroner 1973. A5018030 01 4 000

458 1000 kroner 1974. G2007837. Erstatningsseddel/replacement note. Liten flekk/minor spot 1+ 7 000459 500 kroner 1966. A2499190. Rift/tear 1 1 400460 500 kroner 1976. A6244245 0/01 2 600461 500 kroner 1976. A6244246 0/01 2 600

462 500 kroner 1976. G2011934. Erstatningsseddel/replacement note 01 7 000463 100 kroner 1950. A5212100. Små rifter/minor tears 1 400464 100 kroner 1950. B1706838 01 900465 100 kroner 1960. G9332843 01 900466 100 kroner 1960. H2845253 1/1+ 300467 100 kroner 1961. H9236175 1/1+ 300

25Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

468 50 kroner 1954. B3379983. Jahn/Thorp 1+/01 1 600469 50 kroner 1955. B9827811 1+/01 1 600470 50 kroner 1956. C0512347 01 2 000471 50 kroner 1958. C7335136 01 1 600472 50 kroner 1961. E2376558 1 500473 50 kroner 1963. E5220170 1+/01 1 000474 50 kroner 1965. F0634510 1+ 700

475 10 kroner 1954. Z0113533. Brofoss/Thorp. Erstatningsseddel/replacement note. R. 1+ 4 000476 Lot 8 stk. 10 kroner 1954 E, 1969 U, 1972, G, K, L samt 3 stk. 10 kroner 5.utgave VK 200477 Lot 10 stk. 10 kroner 1973. M5318821-30 0 og 0/01 500478 Lot 5 stk. 5 kroner 1960 H (2), 1961 I, 1962 J og 1962 K VK 300 5. UTGAVE

479 1000 kroner 1982. B7549998 0 3 000480 1000 kroner 1982. B7549999 0 3 000

26 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

481 500 kroner 1978. A0891799 0 2 800482 500 kroner 1978. A0891800 0 2 800483 Lot 9 stk. 100 kroner 1968-1977 1+ til 01 1 600484 Lot 3 stk. 50 kroner 1983 P og R (2) 0/01 400485 10 kroner 1972. QI0068724. Erstatningsseddel/replacement note 0 700486 Lot 32 stk. 10 kroner, mange fra 1984 i 0 VK 500 5. UTGAVE SPECIMEN

487 50 kroner 1966. X0000000. R. 0/01 4 500 6. UTGAVE 488 1000 kroner 1989. 1100000516 0 1 200489 1000 kroner 1989. 1100000517 0 1 200490 500 kroner 1991. 5200236138 0 900491 500 kroner 1991. 6200513304 0 900492 Lot 3 stk. 100 kroner 1984 (2) og 1986 0 og 0/01 600493 Lot 4 stk. 50 kroner 1984 (3) og 1985 0 600 7. UTGAVE 494 1000 kroner 2001. 5201346963 0 1 200495 1000 kroner 2001. 5201346964 0 1 200496 Lot 2 stk. 500 kroner 1999. 4100009956 og 57 0 1 000497 Lot 4 stk. 200 kroner 1994 (2) og 2002 (2) 0 1 000498 Lot 4 stk. 100 kroner 1995 (2), 1998 og 1999 0 og 0/01 450499 Lot 10 stk. 100 kroner 1999 (5), 2003 (3), 2006 og 2010 VK 1 000500 Lot 6 stk. 50 kroner 1996 (2), 1999 (2), 2005 og 2015 0 og 0/01 450

27Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri



501 2 kroner 1918. 0111491 0 1 200

502 2 kroner 1922. 6856546 01 1 000 ex. Peder s. madsen

503 1 krone 1917. 3552259 0 900504 1 krone 1917. F0043591 0/01 600 SKILLEMYNTSEDLER TYPE II

505 2 kroner 1944. C9722291 1+ 350506 2 kroner 1949. G1986290 0 600507 Lot 2 stk. 2 kroner 1949 G og 1 krone 1948 M 1-2 150508 1 krone 1942. E0023624 1+ 250509 1 krone 1943. E8194798 01 350510 1 krone 1944. G2120333 0/01 300

511 1 krone 1948. Z0017449. Erstatningsseddel/replacement note. RR. 1- 15 000


28 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 75% størrelse


512 1000 kroner 1942. A000006. R. 0/01 150 000


29Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Sedlene er vist i 75% størrelse

513 500 kroner 1942. A000006. R. 0/01 125 000

30 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


514 100 kroner 1942. A000006. R. 0 80 000

515 50 kroner 1942. A000006. R. 0 80 000

516 10 kroner 1942. A000006. R. 0/01 50 000

517 5 kroner 1942. A000006. R. 0/01 50 000518 2 kroner 1942. A645352. Rift/tear 1-2 200 ex. Kjøpt av Hans rode a/s 519 2 kroner 1942. A648876 1- 400 ex. Kjøpt av A/s myntboden

Vi tar allerede nå i mot objekter til auksjon

nr. 26 og 27 som avholdes 27. og 28. november 2021

på Grand Hotel i Oslo.

Benytt vår erfaring til å oppnå markedets beste priser.

31Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

520 1 krone 1942. A000210. Svak skrift på revers/weak writing on reverse 01 1 000 ex. Peder s. madsen 521 1 krone 1942. A000950 01 1 600 ex. Peder s. madsen 522 1 krone 1942. A348007 0 3 000 2. UTGAVE TRYKKET I LONDON

523 100 kroner 1942. B8581597 0/01 10 000524 100 kroner 1942. B8581598 0/01 10 000525 100 kroner 1942. B8718502 0/01 10 000526 100 kroner 1942. B8718505 0/01 10 000 disse sedlene er trykket med originale trykkplater som ble fjernet fra norges Bank og senere lagt tilbake igjen. se artikkel av Bjørn r. rønning i Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.31 24/4-1993 s.9-10.

32 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


527 1000 kroner 1942. A000000 Stemplet Specimen og hullmakulert med fire hull. RR. Påført markeringer/added marks 01 90 000

528 2 kroner 1942. 000000. Stemplet Specimen i rødt og hullmakulert med fire hull 0 4 000

529 1 krone 1942. B000000. Stemplet Specimen i rødt og hullmakulert med fire hull. R. 0 6 000

33Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


530 100 kroner 1944. X272503 0/01 50 000

531 100 kroner 1944. X272504 0/01 50 000

532 100 kroner 1944. X272505 0/01 50 000

34 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

533 50 kroner 1944. X443911 1/1+ 20 000 ex. Peder s. madsen

534 50 kroner 1944. X574503 0/01 30 000

535 50 kroner 1944. X574505 0/01 30 000

35Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

536 50 kroner 1944. X574506 0/01 30 000

537 10 kroner 1944. Y809584 1+/01 1 800 ex. Peder s. madsen 538 10 kroner 1944. Z387340 01 2 600 ex. Peder s. madsen

539 5 kroner 1944. X986886 01 4 000 ex. Bernhard F. Brekke og Peder s. madsen 540 5 kroner 1944. X987466 0/01 5 000 ex. Peder s.madsen

36 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


541 100 kroner 1944. 000000. Hullmakulert med fire hull 0/01 25 000

542 100 kroner 1944. 000000. Hullmakulert med fire hull. Rustflekker fra to binders/traces of corrossion from two paperfasteners 01 16 000

543 50 kroner 1944. 000000. Hullmakulert med fire hull 0/01 20 000

37Auksjon nr. 25Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse Oslo Myntgalleri


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

544 5 kroner 1944. 000000. Hullmakulert med fire hull 0/01 6 000

545 5 kroner 1944. Prøvetrykk/printers proof med fire hull. Påført markeringer/added marks 0/01 6 000 REICHSKREDITKASSENSCHEINE 546 Lot 5 stk. 50-, 20-, 5-, 2- og 1 reichsmark 0/01 500 Brukt i norge under okkupasjonen fra 9. april 1940 STORE NORSKE SPITSBERGEN KULKOMPANI A/S 547 100 kroner 1978. Serie SS Nr.001026. Rift/tear 1/1- 250548 50 kroner 1976. Serie Rr Nr.01602 1/1- 250549 Lot 4 stk. 5 kroner 1978. Serie SS Nr.00670-00673 0 600

550 50 øre 1930/31. Serie P. Nr.29. RRR. 1+/01 4 000

551 10 øre 1930/31. Serie P. Nr.2632. R. Små rifter og flekker/minor tears and spots 1+ 1 600

38 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Sedlene er vist i 50% størrelse


Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

UTENLANDSKE SEDLER/FOREIGN BANKNOTES GRØNLAND/GREENLAND 552 Handelsverdimerke, 20-, 5- og 1 skilling S.80-82 P.M8-M10 0 300 SVERIGE/SWEDEN

553 5 kronor 1883. I25888 P.8e 1- 400

Lørdag 8. mai kl. 16:00




als Token



40 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter


554* Peder Schumacher (Griffenfeldt) 1674. Hercules. Sølv. 60 mm. Svakt oppgravert/slightly tooled Galster 103 1+/01 20 000 ex. UBs 22-24/1-2008 nr.1568

555* Christian V. Marstrands erobring 1677. Ulrik Frederik Gyldenløve. Ukjent medaljør. Sølv. 43 mm. Har vært forgylt/has been gilt Galster 222 1+ 3 000556* Carl XV. Kastemynt til kroningen 1860. Bergslien. Sølv. 30 mm Kvist 33 KF.15 01 1 600

557* Gustav (V). Kronprinsens prismedalje. Weigand. Bronse. 31 mm. RRR. Liten flekk/minor spot Kvist 61 II 01 15 000 Prøvemedalje som ble forkastet av kongeparet. se artikkel av Kjetil Kvist i Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.18 objekt 353

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


555 556



41Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter

MEDALJER UTFØRT AV IVAR THRONDSEN 558* Oscar II. 25 års regjering 1897. Sølv med hempe. 27 mm S.& H.148 01 300 NYERE NORSKE MEDALJER/MODERN NORWEGIAN MEDALS

559* Røros kobberverk 300 år 1944. Hansen. Sølv. 31 mm TZT.103a 0 500

560* Olympiske Leker Oslo 1952. Deltagermedalje. Martinsen. Bronse. 56 mm TZT.131a 01 2 000561* Tønsberg 1100 år 1971. Martinsen. Gull. 25 g. 900/1000. 31 mm TZT.218a 0 6 000562* Tønsberg 1100 år 1971. Martinsen. Gull. 25 g. 900/1000. 31 mm TZT.218a 0 6 000563* Tønsberg 1100 år 1971. Martinsen. Gull. 25 g. 900/1000. 31 mm TZT.218a 0 6 000 BÆRBARE MEDALJER

564* Haakon VII. Frihetskors. Hvit og rød emalje med bånd. I original eske Hallberg IV.2 01 3 000565* Lot 2 stk. Krigsmedaljen og Frihetsmedaljen. Den siste i original eske Hallberg IV.7 og IV.9 01 800566* Lot 3 stk. Forsvarsmedaljen og 2 stk. innsatsmedaljer Hallberg V.4, 12 og 13 0 800

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider




42 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter

567* Militære Tidsskrifts Prismedalje. Sølv. 34 mm. Med hempe og bånd. I original eske Hallberg VII.2 0 2 000568* Oslo Militære Samfunds Hederstegn i sølv. Sølv med hempe og bånd. 33 mm Hallberg VII.27 0 800569* Hærens Skyttermedalje 1910 utgave. Sølv med rød emalje. 33x40 mm Hallberg IX.1 01 600570* Hærens Skyttermedalje 1910 utgave. Sølv med rød emalje. 33x40 mm Hallberg IX.1 01 600571* Kongehuset 100 år 2005. Sølv med hempe og bånd. 29 mm. I original eske 0 2 000572* Forsvarets medalje for edel dåd. Forgylt med hempe og bånd. 30 mm. I original eske 0 2 000

573* Medlem av Formannskapet i Oslo. Emaljert merke med nål. Inngravert «Bestyrer Thor Jørgensen 1935-1937». 30x48 mm 01 1 000574* Medlem av Formannskapet i Oslo. Emaljert merke med nål. 30x48 mm 01 1 000575* Olsokknapp 1914. Emaljert 28 mm. Tildelt Alf Kjerra 01 1 000576* Olsokknapp 1914. Emaljert 28 mm. Tildelt M. Sannum 01 1 000577* Lot 3 stk. IOGT medaljer 1+ 300578* Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Kommandørkors med ordensstjerne 01 1 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


573 575


43Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter


579* Frederik III. Souverainitetsmedalje. Hercules. Sølv. 58 mm. Pusset, riper og kantskader/polished, scratches and edge nicks Galster 86 1+ 2 600

580* Christian V. Kastemynt til salvingen 1671. Ukjent medaljør. Sølv. 31x29 mm Galster 199 1+/01 1 600581* Frederik IV. Christian Vs død 1699. Meybusch. Sølv. 33 mm. Små kantskader Galster 188 1/1+ 600582* Frederik IV. Prins Wilhelms død 1705. Ukjent medaljør. Sølv. 25 mm. Små riper/minor scratches Galster 345 1+ 800

583* Frederik IV. Reformasjonsfesten 1717. Berg. Sølv. 42 mm. Små riper og kantskader/minor scratches and edge nicks Galster 309 1+/01 700584* Frederik IV. Reformasjonsfesten 1717. Berg. Sølv. 42 mm. Små riper og kantskader/minor scratches and edge nicks Galster 309 1+/01 700

585* Frederik V. Kongens salving 1747. Wahl. Sølv. 44 mm. Filemerke i kanten/traces of filing on the edge Galster 393 01 1 600






44 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

586* Frederik V. Kronprinsens fødsel 1749. Arbien. Sølv. 58 mm Galster 434 01 3 000

587* Frederik V. Kongens fødselsdag 1750. Arbien. Sølv. 48 mm. Små riper/minor scratches Galster 438 1+ 2 000

588* Frederik V. Souverainitetsfesten. Fra geistligheten 1760. Arbien/Adzer. Sølv. 56 mm. Riper og kantskader/scratches and edge nicks Galster 458 1+ 800589* Christian VII. Hederstegn 29. januar 1801. Krohn. Sølv med hempe og bånd. 31 mm Bergsøe 22 01 300590* Christian VIII. Kongens og dronningens sølvbryllup 1840. Christensen/Krohn/Thorvaldsen. Sølv. 48 mm. Små riper og kantskader/minor scratches and edge nicks Bergsøe 168 1+ 500




45Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


591* Münster, Freden i Westphalen 1648. Ketteler. Sølv. 40 mm Dethlefs/Ordelheide 129 1+/01 1 600 ex. Busso Peus 414/1457

592* Preussen, Wilhelm I som prins Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, Beskytter av Frimurerordenen i Berlin 1840. Loss/Lorenz. Sølv. 45 mm. I originalt etui/in original box Henckel 2461 0 700 DIVERSE LAND/VARIOUS COUNTRIES 593* Lot 11 stk. diverse moderne medaljer VK 700 POLLETTER/TOKENS NORGE/NORWAY 594 Gomalandets Aktie Dampbåtsamlag, 5 øre NP.15.2 1 200

595 Compani Argentina de Pesca, 10 øre ca.1905 NP.75.4 1 300596 Sarpsborg Turnforening, lot 4 stk. forskjellige NP.167.1-4 0/01 400




46 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Medaljer, merker, polletter

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Vi flytter vårt Oslo-kontor til flotte og nyoppussede lokaler i Elisenbergveien 35

iløpet av sensommeren 2021. Du finner oss på hjørnet av

Elisenbergveien og Gimleveien.

Vi flytter inn i nye lokaler!

Tordenskioldsgt. 7, 0160 Oslo • Tel.: 22 41 60 00 • E-mail: [email protected]. Haugesund: Øvregate 226, 5525 Haugesund • Postboks 4043, 5506 Haugesund • Tel.: 90887766 • E-mail: [email protected]


: Kje

til R


Utenlandske gullmynter


n g



sLørdag 8. mai kl. 16:30

629 200%

48 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter


597 Carl III, 8 escudos 1786. Potosi. Justermerker/adjustment marks F.1 KM.59 1+ 13 000598 Carl III, 8 escudos 1787. Potosi. Små blankettfeil/minor planchet flaws F.1 KM.59 1+ 13 000

599 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1795. Potosi. Liten blankettfeil/minor planchet defect F.14 KM.81 1+/01 12 000600 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1797. Potosi F.14 KM.81 01 13 000

601 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1808. Potosi F.14 KM.81 01 13 000 CHILE

602 Carl III, 8 escudos 1775. Santiago F.15 KM.27 01 14 000603 Carl III, 8 escudos 1780. Santiago F.15 KM.27 1+ 13 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


599 600


602 603


49Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter

604 Carl III, 8 escudos 1783. Santiago F.15 KM.27 1+/01 13 000605 Carl III, 8 escudos 1785. Santiago F.15 KM.27 1+/01 13 000

606 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1789. Santiago F.19 KM.42 1+ 13 000607 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1791. Santiago. Små blankettfeil/minor planchet defects F.23 KM.54 01 15 000

608 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1796. Santiago F.23 KM.54 1+ 12 000609 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1800. Santiago F.23 KM.54 01 15 000

610 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1808. Santiago F.23 KM.54 1+/01 13 000 COLUMBIA/COLOMBIA

611 Carl III, 8 escudos 1773. Nuevo Reino F.35 KM.50.1 1+/01 14 000612 Carl III, 8 escudos 1779. Popayan F.36 KM.50.2a 1+/01 14 000





611 612




50 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter

613 Carl III, 8 escudos 1788. Popayan F.36 KM.50.2a 01 14 000614 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1789. Nuevo Reino F.43 KM.53.1 1+ 12 000

615 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1800. Popayan F.52 KM.62.2 1+/01 12 000616 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1802. Nuevo Reino F.51 KM.62.1 1+ 12 000

617 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1804. Popayan F.52 KM.62.2 1+ 11 000618 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1809. Nuevo Reino F.60 KM.66.1 1+ 11 000

619 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1812. Popayan. Noe korrodert og liten ripe/some corrossion and minor scratch F.61 KM.66.2 1+ 11 000620 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1813. Nuevo Reino F.60 KM.66.1 1+/01 12 000

621 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1814/3. Nuevo Reino F.60 KM.66.1 1+/01 12 000622 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1815. Nuevo Reino. Korrodert/corroded F.60 KM.66.1 1+ 10 000


615 616



619 620

621 622


51Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter

623 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1816. Nuevo Reino F.60 KM.66.1 1+ 12 000624 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1819. Nuevo Reino F.60 KM.66.1 1+/01 12 000 DANMARK/DENMARK

625 Frederik III, 1/4 dukat 1670 F.130 H.42 1/1+ 6 000

626 Christian V, dukat 1691 F.201 H.29 01 40 000

627 Christian V, dukat 1692. RR. F.186 H.32 1+ 38 000 ex. Vinkel og magnussen 1/12-1932, Hede i 1988 nr.325 og PHK Vi 2010 nr.115

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider









52 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter

628 Frederik V, kurantdukat 1762 F.269 H.22E 01 3 000

629 Christian VII, dukat 1792 F.283 H.22E 01 25 000

630 Christian VII, kurantdukat 1782 F.281 H.4A 01 14 000


631 Alexander II, 20 markkaa 1880 F.1 KM.9.2 01 7 000

632 Nikolai II, 10 markkaa 1905 F.6 KM.8.2 0/01 20 000

INDONESIA 633 Java, Hindu kongedømmet av Sailendra, ca.880-950 e.Kr., 1/4 mas u.år/n.d. (2 stk) F.16 1+ 1 400









53Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter


634 Philip V, 8 escudos 1736. Mexico City F.8 KM.148 1+ 22 000635 Carl III, 8 escudos 1772. Mexico City F.33 KM.156.1 1+ 13 000

636 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1791. Mexico City F.43 KM.159 01 14 000637 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1810. Mexico City F.47 KM.160 1+/01 13 000

638 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1817. Mexico City F.52 KM.161 1+ 12 000639 Ferdinand VII, 8 escudos 1820. Mexico City F.52 KM.161 1+ 12 000 PERU

640 Carl III, 8 escudos 1775. Lima F.32 KM.82.1a 1+ 13 000641 Carl III, 8 escudos 1786. Lima. Riper/scratches F.32 KM.82.1a 0/01 14 000

642 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1789. Lima F.36 KM.92 1+ 13 000643 Carl IV, 8 escudos 1807. Lima F.40 KM.97 1+/01 13 000

634 635

636 637

638 639

640 641

642 643

54 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter


644 Nikolai II, 7 1/2 rubel 1897 F.178 Y.63 1+/01 2 600 SPANIA/SPAIN

645 Carl III, 4 escudos 1786. Madrid F.284 KM.418.1a 1+ 7 000646 Carl IV, 4 escudos 1796. Madrid F.295 KM.436.1 1+/01 7 000 SVEITS/SWITZERLAND 647 20 francs 1947 F.499 KM.35.2 01 1 800 SVERIGE/SWEDEN SVERIGE ETTER 1872/SWEDEN AFTER 1872

648 20 kronor 1885 F.93a SM.13 Delzanno 17 01 9 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider



645 646


Vi tar allerede nå i mot objekter til auksjon nr. 26 og 27 som

avholdes 27. og 28. november 2021 på Grand Hotel i Oslo.

55Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter


649 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Friedrich Franz III, 10 mark 1890 F.3803 J.232 1+ 6 000

650 Preussen, Friedrich II, Frederik d`or 1750 A F.2381 KM.260 1/1+ 4 000

U.S.A. 651 5 dollar 1880 F.143 KM.101 1+ 3 000

652 5 dollar 1881 F.143 KM.101 01 3 500

653 Dollar 1884 F.94 KM.86 0/01 3 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider








56 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske gullmynter

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider www.oslomyntgalleri.noHusk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider www.oslomyntgalleri.noHusk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Auksjon nr. 26 og 27Grand Hotel, Oslo

Lørdag 27. og søndag 28. november 2021

Vi mottar nå mynter, sedler og medaljer til denne auksjonen.Benytt vår erfaring til å oppnå markedets beste priser.

Tordenskioldsgt. 7, 0160 Oslo • Tel.: 22 41 60 00 • E-mail: [email protected]. Haugesund: Øvregate 226, 5525 Haugesund • Postboks 4043, 5506 Haugesund • Tel.: 90887766 • E-mail: [email protected]

Norske mynter



ian co


Søndag 9. mai kl. 11:00

Før 1874 / before 1874

666 200%

58 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874


654 Brakteat med bokstaven S. Oppklebet/mounted Schive VII:3 NM.18 1+ 1 600655 Brakteat med patriarkalkors (0,06 g). Kantskade/edge crack Schive VII:124 NM.24 01 5 000 MAGNUS LAGABØTER 1263-1280

656 Penning (1,18 g) NM.1 1/1-)(1 40 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.4 10/5-2014 nr.487 ERIK MAGNUSSON 1280-1299

657 Penning, ca. 1295-1299 (hvit rosat). (0,77 g). R. Schive IX:22 NM.15 1+ 40 000


658 Penning, Oslo (1,07 g). Kantskader/edge cracks. Samtidig forfalskning/contemporary counterfeit Schive X:6 NM.3 1 5 000 HÅKON V MAGNUSSON 1299-1319

659 Penning, ca. 1299-1300 (hvit rosat). (0,69 g). RR. Schive X:25 NM.1 1+ 50 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider








59Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

660 Penning, Oslo (1,17 g) Schive X:40 NM.9 1+ 25 000 ex. numisma jubileumsauksjon 26/9-2015 nr.352

HANS 1483-1513

661 Hvid, u.år/n.d., Bergen. (0,43 g) NMD.5 G.153 1+ 15 000


662 Hvid, u.år/n.d., Nidaros (0,75 g) NMD.1 Schive XIV:22 Risvaag 331 1+/01 15 000


663 2 skilling (klipping) u.år/n.d. (1,36 g.). R. NMD.6 Skaare 320 1+ 40 000 Utmyntet av kirkesølv da christian ii vinteren 1531-32 beleiret Akershus i et forsøk på å gjenerobre norge fra Frederik i

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider










60 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874


664 Skilling u.år/n.d., Nidaros (1,94 g). S. - NMD.2 G.187 1+ 25 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.4 10/5-2014 nr.495, opprinnelig fra en dansk privatsamling

FREDERIK I 1524-1533

665 Skilling 1526, Oslo (2,39 g). S.1 NMD.3 G.167 1/1+ 40 000 ex. grimsgaard 1889 nr.402, L. e. Bruun dublett 1925 nr.1540, Holger Hede (Ahlström nr.14 17/4-1977 nr.838) og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.5 29/11-2014 nr.354

666 Skilling u.år/n.d., Bergen (1,97 g). S.24 NMD.7 G.170 01 90 000 et av de beste eksemplarer vi har sett av denne mynten

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider







61Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

CHRISTIAN IV 1588-1648

667 Speciedaler 1628. Små riper/minor scratches. S.15 NMD.27B H.1 1 20 000 den første norske speciedaleren av Kongsberg-sølv utmyntet av Anders Pedersen i christiania 668 Speciedaler 1640. S.2 NMD.40 H.5A 1+ 20 000

669 1/4 speciedaler 1633. Har vært anhengt og forgylt/ has been mounted and gilt. S.5 NMD.78 H.12A 1+ 5 000670 1 mark 1644. S.81 NMD.117 H.20 1 3 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.9 2/10-1982 nr.102 671 1 mark 1646. S.63 NMD.119 H.20 1+ 8 000

672 8 skilling 1644. R. S.88 NMD.124B H.14B 1+ 20 000 sannsynligvis det beste eksemplaret vi har sett av denne sjeldne varianten med myntmerke på begge sider

673 8 skilling 1644. Pregesprekk/striking crack. S.89 NMD.124C H.14B 1 1 200

674 4 skilling 1642. S.42 NMD.126 H.15A 1/1+ 3 000675 2 skilling 1642. Blankettsprekk/planchet crack. S.48 NMD.129 H.16 1 1 000



667 668

669 671



62 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

FREDERIK III 1648-1670

676 Speciedaler 1650. S.17 NMD.70 H.8B Aagaard 21.5 1/1+ 20 000 ex. Ottar ertzeid, Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.10 26/11-2016 nr.99 677 Speciedaler 1651. S.7 NMD.71C H.8D Aagaard 33.1 1+ 35 000 ex. erik ravnsborg gjertsen, Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.7 28/11-2015 nr.70

678 Speciedaler 1653. Har vært anhengt/has been mounted. S.22 NMD.74 H.14 Aagaard 41.3 1+ 10 000679 Speciedaler 1653. S.21 NMD.75 H.17 Aagaard 45.1 1+/01 40 000 ex. Lerche 1992 nr.1317 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.5 29/11-2014 nr.430

680 Speciedaler 1654. S.7 NMD.76 H.17 Aagaard 45.5 1+ 35 000 ex. myntkompaniet nr.8 2/5-2015 nr.214 681 Speciedaler 1666. S.17 NMD.111 H.57 Aagaard 106.5 1/1+ 35 000 ex. erik ravnsborg gjertsen, Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.7 28/11-2015 nr.91

682 2 mark 1657. S.40 NMD.157 H.67B 1+ 4 500 ex. nF 1928 og Zinck Vi 20/11-2003 nr.335

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

676 677

678 679

680 681


63Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

683 8 skilling 1661. S.49 NMD.204 H.69F 0/01 30 000

684 2 skilling 1653. S.114 NMD.212 H.70B 1+ 1 200685 2 skilling 1662. S.68 NMD.221 H.70E 1 400686 2 skilling 1666. S.167 NMD.225 H.70E 1+/01 1 200

687 2 skilling 1667. S.141 NMD.226 H.70E 1+/01 1 200688 2 skilling 1667. S.143 NMD.226 H.70E 1+ 800689 2 skilling 1670. Samtidig forfalskning/ contemporary counterfeit. S.8 var. NMD.231 H.70E 1 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


684 685




Hver eneste dag, 365 dager i året legger vi ut nye objekter i vår nettbutikk. Nettbutikken er meget enkel å bruke og du finner objekter fra 50,- til over 100.000,- kroner.

Besøk oss på

64 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874


690 Speciedaler 1672. S.12 NMD.61 H.29B 01 150 000 ex. gerhard Wohrm

691 4 mark 1673. S.35 NMD.79 H.41A 01 16 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.402 692 4 mark 1674. Har vært anhengt/has been mounted. S.18 NMD.80 H.41A 1+ 9 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.12 13/5-2017 nr.292

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider



691 692

65Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

693 4 mark 1678. S.11 NMD.83 H.41C 1+ 7 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.11 27/11-2016 nr.1666 694 4 mark 1680. S.28 NMD.85 H.41C 1+ 8 000 ex. Ottar ertzeid ex. Bruun rasmussen nr.820 13/5-2011 nr.5229 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.10 26/11-2016 nr.292

695 4 mark 1682. S.25 NMD.87 H.55 1+/01 9 000 ex. Ottar ertzeid ex. Bruun rasmussen nr.848 13/5-2014 nr.5246 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.10 26/11-2016 nr.297 696 4 mark 1683. S.5 NMD.89 H.60 1+ 20 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.3 23/11-2013 nr.587

697 4 mark 1687. S.29 NMD.93 H.55 1+ 12 000 ex. Hauberg 1929 nr.3646 og carl Vebæk 698 4 mark 1689. S.11 NMD.95 H.55 1+ 8 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.11 27/11-2016 nr.1673

699 1 mark 1681. S.36 NMD.119A H.57A 1+ 18 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.12 13/5-2017 nr.302

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

693 694

695 696

697 698


66 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

700 8 skilling 1681. S.39 NMD.131 H.58A 0/01 30 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.419

701 8 skilling 1685. S.17 NMD.135 H.61 01 20 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.420

702 2 skilling 1670. S.31 NMD.138 H.46 1+/01 2 000703 1/2 skilling 1676. S.33 NMD.161 H.52 1 2 600 KONGSBERG

704 Speciedaler 1695. «Det klipperne...». S.1 NMD.174B H.39B 1+/01 30 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.13 25/11-2017 nr.419 705 Speciedaler 1696. «Det klipperne...». Har vært anhengt/has been mounted. S.11 NMD.176B H.39B 1+ 5 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider





702 703

704 705

67Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

706 Speciedaler 1696. «Det klipperne...». Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered. S.11 NMD.176B H.39B 1+ 3 000707 Speciedaler 1696. «Det klipperne...». Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered. S.11 NMD.176B H.39B 1+ 3 000

708 Speciedaler 1696. «Det klipperne...». Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered. S.11 NMD.176B H.39B 1+ 3 000709 Speciedaler 1696. Randskrift uleselig/ edge writing unreadable. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/has been mounted and silvered NMD.176 H.39 1+ 2 000

710 Speciedaler 1696. Randskrift uleselig/ edge writing unreadable. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/has been mounted and silvered NMD.176 H.39 1+ 2 000711 4 mark 1694. S.32 NMD.188 H.73 1+ 9 000

712 4 mark 1697. S.3 NMD.191 H.73 1+ 10 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.12 13/5-2017 nr.316








68 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

713 4 mark 1698. S.1 NMD.192A H.73 1+ 8 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.8 17/4-1982 nr.82 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.9 7/5-2016 nr.354 714 4 mark 1699. Riper på revers/scratches on reverse. S.6 NMD.193 H.73 1/1+ 12 000 ex. Bruun rasmussen nr.860 3/11-2015 nr.488 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.12 13/5-2017 nr.319

715 2 mark 1699. S.7 NMD.210A H.79 01 20 000 ex. PHK iV 28/10-2009 nr.309 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.443

716 1 mark 1699. S.9 NMD.225 H.80 1+/01 25 000 ex. PHK Xi 1/5-2013 nr.279

717 2 skilling 1695. S.31 NMD.238 H.76 1 600

718 2 skilling 1696. Samtidig forfalskning/ contemporary counterfeit. S.38 NMD.239 H.76 1+ 900









69Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

FREDERIK IV 1699-1730

719 4 mark 1700. S.7 NMD.4B H.1B 01 30 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.455 720 4 mark 1726. S.5 NMD.7 H.4 1+ 3 000721 4 mark 1726. S.5 NMD.7 H.4 1 1 800722 12 skilling 1718. S.4 NMD.15 H.15 1+ 1 000

723 12 skilling 1719. S.5 NMD.16 H.15 01 4 000724 12 skilling 1719. S.5 NMD.16 H.15 1+/01 2 000 ex. myntgalleriet 25/1-1996 725 12 skilling 1723. S.7 NMD.20 H.15 01 3 600726 8 skilling 1707. S.1 NMD.30 H.6B 1+ 800727 2 skilling 1705. S.7 NMD.49 H.7A 1+ 800728 2 skilling 1709. S.6 NMD.53 H.7A 1+ 800729 1 skilling 1701. Pregesprekk/striking crack. S.10 NMD.72 H.8A 1 3 000 CHRISTIAN VI 1730-1746

730 Reisedaler 1733. Har vært anhengt, pusset og riper/ has been mounted, polished and scratches. S.1 NMD.2 H.5 1+ 3 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

719 720

723 724


70 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

FREDERIK V 1746-1766

731 Reisedaler 1749. S.3 NMD.1A H.33A 1+/01 30 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.513 732 Reisedaler 1749. S.4 NMD.1B H.33B 1+/01 25 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.514 733 24 skilling 1759. S.5 NMD.16 H.2A 1+ 1 400 CHRISTIAN VII 1766-1808

734 Reisedaler 1788. S.7 NMD.1 H.25 1+ 25 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.12 17/3-1984 nr.412 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.11 27/11-2016 nr.1801 735 Reisedaler 1788. Preget i bly/struck in lead. S.7 NMD.1 H.25 01 3 000

736 Speciedaler 1776. Riper på advers/scratches on obverse. S.3 NMD.4A H.25 01 4 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.540

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

731 732

734 735


71Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

737 Speciedaler 1776. S.3a NMD.4B H.2 1+ 20 000 Bauerts stempler ex. gerhard Wohrm

738 Speciedaler 1777. S.2 NMD.5 H.2 1+ 3 500739 Speciedaler 1777. Riper på advers/scratches on obverse. S.2 NMD.5 H.2 1+ 3 000740 Speciedaler 1778. S.1 NMD.6 H.2 1+ 4 000741 Speciedaler 1778. S.1 NMD.6 H.2 1 2 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider



738 740

72 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

742 1/2 speciedaler 1776. S.6 NMD.18A H.3 1/1+ 2 000743 1/2 speciedaler 1776. S.6 NMD.18A H.3 1/1+ 2 000744 1/2 speciedaler 1776. S.6 NMD.18A H.3 1/1+ 2 000745 1/2 speciedaler 1778. S.2 NMD.20 H.3 1 2 000

746 1/3 speciedaler 1795. S.8 NMD.22 H.6A 1/1+ 7 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.12 13/5-2017 nr.404

747 24 skilling 1788. S.9 NMD.37 H.12B 01 12 000

748 8 skilling 1775. S.5 NMD.47 H.13 1+ 1 200 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.56 19/11-2005 nr.560 749 8 skilling 1779. S.4 NMD.49 H.14 01 1 200750 1/15 speciedaler 1795. Eiermerke med blekk/owners mark with ink. S.9 NMD.66 H.8A 1+ 900751 1/15 speciedaler 1797. Samtidig forfalskning/ contemporary counterfeit. S.14 NMD.68 H.8B 1+/01 500752 1/15 speciedaler 1798. S.6 NMD.69 H.8B 1+ 900 ex. Per Hansen og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.12 13/5-2017 nr.429 753 2 skilling 1784. Blankettfeil/planchert crack. S.5 NMD.82 H.16 0 1 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


742 745



748 749 753

73Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

754 1 skilling 1771. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 1+ 1 000755 1 skilling 1771. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 1/1- 300756 1 skilling 1771. Korrodert/corroded. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.16 1/1- 200757 1 skilling 1771. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.41 2 100758 1 skilling 1771. Korrodert/corroded. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.45 1/1- 200759 1 skilling 1771. Korrodert/corroded. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.46 1 300760 1 skilling 1771. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.48 1+ 1 200761 1 skilling 1771. Kantskade/edge nick. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.50 1 300762 1 skilling 1771. S.13 NMD.99 H.37 BKW.55 1 400

KONGSBERG SKILLINGEN 1771 av Bjørn Kristian Wang

1771 skillinger er de vanligste myntene preget i skandinavia før overgangen til krone og øre systemet i 1874. Over 54 millioner eksemplarer ble pregert i København, Altona og Kongsberg. Av disse ble bare 4,3 % eller 2.326.032 mynter preget på Kongsberg fra 1782 til høsten 1786.

de fleste blankettene til disse myntene ble laget fra svenske plåtmynter som ble rullet til den korrekte tykkelse. resultatet ble at mange av myntene idag har store eller mindre blankettfeil. noen få mynter viser svensk underpreg. det ble laget 54 stempelpar til produksjonen. idag er disse kjent i minst 87 forskjellige kombinasjoner. mange av variantene er sjeldne og det er bare kjent ca. 1000 mynter samlet på samlerhender. noen samlere forsøker å samle alle variantene. det er to hovedtyper med forskjellig stil på bokstavene på reversen. myntene preget i 1782 har en spesiell tekst med stiliserte bokstaver særlig på bokstaven K. denne stilen ble brukt tidligere på 8 skillinger i 1730 årene. det er bare kjent ca 40 mynter med denne stilen delt på to forskjellige varianter. mynter preget i perioden 1784-1786 har en antikva stil i bokstavene.

FREDERIK VI 1808-1814

763 8 skilling 1809. S.2 NMD.1 H.1 0/01 1 200764 4 skilling 1809. S.3 NMD.2 H.2 1+/01 400765 4 skilling 1809. S.3 NMD.2 H.2 1 300 Variant med stort 4-tall og stort Vi i monogrammet 766 4 skilling 1809. S.6 NMD.3A H.3 01 3 500 ex. Kjøpt av numisma 23/11-2006

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

754 760

763 765 766

74 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

767 2 skilling 1810. S.5 NMD.5A H.5 0/01 900768 2 skilling 1811. S.4 NMD.6 H.5 01 600 ex. Oslo myntauksjoner nr.18 8/2-1992 nr.186 (del av lot) 769 1 skilling 1812. S.9 NMD.8A H.6 0/01 400 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.60 26/4-2008 nr.709 770 1 skilling 1812. S.9 var. NMD.8A H.6 0/01 500 Variant med d.AnsK i valøren CARL XIII 1814-1818

771 8 skilling 1817 NM.1B 01 2 600772 8 skilling 1817 NM.1B 1+/01 1 800773 8 skilling 1817 NM.1B 1+ 1 400 CARL XIV JOHAN 1818-1844

774 Speciedaler 1821 NM.2 01 16 000775 Speciedaler 1821. Små riper/minor scratches NM.2 01 14 000

776 Speciedaler 1826, med gravørsignatur M. Riper/scratches NM.5A 1/1+ 60 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.14 12/5-2018 nr.610 denne mynten er signert av myntgravøren gregorius middelthun med bokstaven m nederst på portrettet

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

767 770


774 775


75Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

777 Speciedaler 1826 NM.5B 0/01 24 000778 Speciedaler 1827/6. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered NM.6A 1+ 1 000779 Speciedaler 1827/6. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered NM.6A 1+ 1 000780 Speciedaler 1827/6. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered NM.6A 1+ 1 000781 Speciedaler 1827/6. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered NM.6A 1+ 1 000782 Speciedaler 1827/6. Har vært anhengt og forsølvet/ has been mounted and silvered NM.6A 1+ 1 000

783 Speciedaler 1827/6. Pusset/polished NM.6A 1/1+ 3 000784 Speciedaler 1831. Små blankettfeil/minor planchet defects NM.9 0/01 30 000

785 Speciedaler 1834 NM.12 1+ 10 000786 Speciedaler 1835, med stjerne. Riper/scratches NM.13B 1/1+ 20 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider







76 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

787 1/2 speciedaler 1833 NM.25 1+ 40 000

788 1/2 speciedaler 1834/29 NM.26A 0/01 20 000 ex. gerhard Wohrm

789 1/2 speciedaler 1834/29 NM.26A 1+ 8 000790 1/2 speciedaler 1844 NM.29 01 7 000

791 1/2 speciedaler 1844 NM.29 1/1+ 4 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider





789 790


77Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

792 8 skilling 1825 NM.42 0/01 6 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.21 8/10-1988 nr.662 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.13 25/11-2017 nr.656

793 1 skilling 1824. Ompreget/overstruck. Hakk/pecks NM.60B 1/1- 2 600794 1/2 skilling 1839 NM.68 01 700

795 1/2 skilling 1840 NM.69 0 3 000796 1/2 skilling 1841, med stjerne NM.70B 0 2 000 OSCAR I 1844-1859

797 Speciedaler 1849. Små riper/minor scratches NM.4 1/1+ 6 000798 Speciedaler 1850 NM.5 01 12 000 ex. Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.6 28/3-1981 nr.584 og Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.13 25/11-2017 nr.681 799 24 skilling 1845 NM.15 1 700

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


795 796

797 798

Vi tar allerede nå i mot objekter til auksjon nr. 26 og 27 som

avholdes 27. og 28. november 2021 på Grand Hotel i Oslo.

78 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

CARL XV 1859-1872

800 Speciedaler 1869 NM.7 1+/01 18 000801 1/2 speciedaler 1862 NM.9 0 18 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.13 25/11-2017 nr.721

802 24 skilling 1862 NM.12 01 40 000803 24 skilling 1865. Prakteksemplar/choice NM.13 0 20 000 ex. Oslo myntgalleri a/s nr.2 4/5-2013 nr.640 804 24 skilling 1865 NM.13 1/1+ 1 600805 12 skilling 1865 NM.16 01 3 000

806 4 skilling 1871 NM.17 0 1 800807 3 skilling 1869, med stjerner NM.19B 0 1 400808 2 skilling 1871, med rosetter NM.21A 0 1 000

809 1 skilling 1870 NM.22 0/01 800810 1/2 skilling 1867.Prakteksemplar/choice NM.24 0 1 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

800 801

802 803 805

806 807 808

809 810

79Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

OSCAR II 1872-1905

811 1/2 speciedaler 1873 NM.13 1+/01 90 000

812 12 skilling 1873 NM.14 0 5 000813 3 skilling 1873 NM.16 0 1 200814 3 skilling 1873 NM.16 0/01 800 LOTTER MED SKILLINGSMYNTER 815 Lot 14 stk. 24 skilling 1847, 12 skilling 1847, 8 skilling 1825, 4 skilling 1842, 1871, 3 skilling 1868, 1869 m/s, 1873, 2 skilling 1825, 1842, 1870, 1871 m/s, 1/2 skilling 1841, 1863 VK 2 000816 Lot 12 stk. 1/15 spd. 1797 (samtidig forfalskning), 4 skilling 1809 (sølv), 2 skilling 1648, 1689, 1762, 1788, 1800, 1807, 1 skilling 1780, 1812 (3) VK 1 800

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


812 813

80 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter før 1874

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

Hver eneste dag, 365 dager i året legger vi ut nye objekter i vår nettbutikk.

Nettbutikken er meget enkel å bruke og du finner objekter fra 50,- til over 100.000,- kroner.

Besøk oss på

Norske mynter



ian co


Etter 1873 / after 1873

Søndag 9. mai kl. 12:30


82 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter etter 1873


817 20 kroner/5 species 1875 NM.2 01 4 000818 20 kroner 1877 NM.4 0/01 10 000819 20 kroner 1910 NM.1 0/01 8 000820 20 kroner 1910 NM.1 0/01 8 000821 20 kroner 1910 NM.1 01 6 000822 20 kroner 1910 NM.1 01 6 000823 20 kroner 1910 NM.1 01 6 000

824 10 kroner/2 1/2 species 1874 NM.10 1/1+ 14 000825 10 kroner 1877 NM.11 01 18 000826 10 kroner 1902 NM.12 01 12 000827 10 kroner 1910 NM.2 01 7 000828 10 kroner 1910. Små riper/minor scratches NM.2 01 6 000

829 2 kroner 1887 NM.19 0/01 50 000830 2 kroner 1890 NM.21 0/01 12 000831 2 kroner 1892 NM.22 1 1 200832 2 kroner 1907 NM.4 0 1 000

833 2 kroner 1907, med geværer NM.5 01 3 000834 2 kroner 1910 NM.7 01 1 200835 2 kroner 1915 NM.12 0 4 000

836 2 kroner 1915 NM.12 0 4 000837 2 kroner 1916 NM.13 01 800

817 818 819

824 825 826 827

829 830

833 835


83Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter etter 1873

838 1 krone/30 skilling 1875 NM.30 1+ 2 600839 1 krone/30 skilling 1875 NM.30 1+ 2 600840 1 krone/30 skilling 1875 NM.30 1- 800841 1 krone 1879 NM.33 1+ 3 500842 1 krone 1882 NM.35 1/1+ 2 000

843 1 krone 1885 NM.36 0 35 000844 1 krone 1888 NM.38 0 35 000845 1 krone 1889 NM.39 0 14 000

846 1 krone 1894 NM.43 0 14 000847 1 krone 1904 NM.49 0 14 000848 1 krone 1908, myntmerke på plate. Ripe på advers/scratch on obverse NM.15A 01 600849 1 krone 1908 NM.15B 1+/01 500850 1 krone 1912 NM.17 0 5 000

851 1 krone 1913 NM.18 0 4 000852 1 krone 1915 NM.20 0 2 600853 1 krone 1915 NM.20 0 2 600854 1 krone 1915 NM.20 0 2 600

855 50 øre/15 skilling 1874 NM.50 0/01 10 000856 50 øre/15 skilling 1875. Renset/cleaned NM.51 1/1+ 2 600857 50 øre 1885 NM.54 0 25 000858 50 øre 1895 NM.60 0 5 000

859 50 øre 1914 NM.46 0 1 600860 50 øre 1919 NM.50 0 500861 50 øre 1923, uten hull NM.57 1/1+ 400862 50 øre 1927 NM.60 0 600







851 852

855 857 858

859 862

84 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter etter 1873

863 Londonsett. 1942 NM.266-268 0/01 6 000864 50 øre 1942. London NM.266 0/01 2 000

865 50 øre 1943 NM.271 0 1 800866 50 øre 1957 NM.75 0 350867 25 øre 1876 NM.69 0/01 900868 25 øre 1899 NM.72 0 1 600

869 25 øre 1909 NM.76 0 1 400870 25 øre 1942. London NM.267 0 2 000871 10 øre/3 skilling 1875 NM.78 1+ 350872 10 øre 1875 NM.79 1/1+ 500873 10 øre 1877 NM.81 1+ 800874 10 øre 1909 NM.107 0 700875 10 øre 1916. Prakteksemplar/choice NM.113 0 1 600876 Lot 2 stk. 5 øre 1876 og 2 øre 1889 NM.97 og 105 1+ og 01 400

877 5 øre 1907 NM.143 0 4 000878 5 øre 1911 NM.145 0/01 2 600879 5 øre 1917. Svakt korrodert/slight corroded NM.151 0 400

880 5 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.161 0 3 000881 5 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.161 0 3 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


865 868

869 874 875

877 878

880 881

85Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter etter 1873

882 5 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.161 0 3 000883 5 øre 1932. Prakteksemplar/choice NM.162 0 6 000

884 5 øre 1932. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.162 0 2 000885 5 øre 1937. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.166 0 1 600886 5 øre 1937 NM.166 0 1 200887 5 øre 1945 NM.286 1 700

888 2 øre 1907 NM.180 0 2 000889 2 øre 1917 NM.188 0 5 000890 2 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.197 0 1 200

891 2 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.197 0 1 200892 2 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.197 0 1 200893 2 øre 1933. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.199 0 1 200

894 1 øre 1885 NM.115 01 1 600895 1 øre 1906 NM.220 0 200896 1 øre 1908 NM.222 01 300897 1 øre 1922 NM.234 0 400898 1 øre 1925 NM.236 0 400899 1 øre 1926 NM.237 0 900

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider





888 889 890

891 892 893


86 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Norske mynter etter 1873

900 1 øre 1927 NM.238 0 1 800901 1 øre 1928 NM.239 0 300902 1 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.242 0 400903 1 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.242 0 400904 1 øre 1931. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.242 0 400905 1 øre 1933. Noen små flekker, ellers prakteksemplar/ some minor spots, otherwise choice NM.244 0 300 LOTTER MED KRONE- OG ØREMYNTER 906 Lot 4 stk. 2 kroner 1894, 1902, 1907 og 1914 jubileum VK 2 600907 Lot 5 stk. 2 kroner 1900, 1904, 1906, 1907 og 1908 VK 2 000908 Lot 5 stk. 2 kroner 1902, 1906, 1914 jubileum (2) og 1917 VK 2 000909 Lot 8 stk. 2 kroner 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916 og 1917 VK 1 800910 Lot 8 stk. 2 kroner 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916 og 1917 VK 1 800911 Lot 3 stk. 1 krone 1877, 1889 og 1898 VK 1 000912 Lot 3 stk. 1 krone 1892, 1893 og 1897 VK 1 400913 Lot 4 stk. 1 krone 1914, 1915, 1917 og 5 øre 1917 VK 500 MYNTSETT 914 1968. Sandhill 0 15 000915 1969. Sandhill. Små sprekker i plasten/minor cracks in the plastic 0 300

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

900 902 905

Utenlandske mynter


n co


Søndag 9. mai kl. 14:00

965 150%

88 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


916 Imad al-Din Abu Bakr 1185-1203, Æ dirhem Spengler/Sayles 21 1+ 2 000 AUSTRALIA

917 George V, florin 1934 KM.33 1+ 1 200 BRASIL/BRAZIL

918 Joao VI, 960 reis 1816 R KM.307.3 01 600919 Joao VI, 960 reis 1818 R KM.326.1 1+/01 500 CHINA 920 Dollar år 3 (=1911) Y.31 1+ 700921 Lot 3 stk. dollar 1921, 1927 og 1934 Y.329.5, 318.1 og 345 1+ til 01 800

922 Chihli, dollar år 24 (=1898). Chopmarks Y.65.2 01 2 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider



918 919


89Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


923 Halvbrakteat, Hedeby (?), ca 975-985 (0,29 g) Hbg.2 1+ 6 000

CHRISTOFFER I 1252-1259 924 Penning, Lund MB.71 1 400

925 Penning, Ribe MB.95 1/1+ 500 HANS 1481-1513 926 Hvid, Malmø (2 stk.) G.31 1 og 1/1- 500 CHRISTIAN III 1534-1559 927 2 skilling 1536. København G.105 1 400 FREDERIK II 1559-1588

928 4 skilling 1563. S.133 H.15 1+ 1 600 CHRISTIAN IV 1588-1648 929 8 skilling 1624. S.102 H.133 1+ 400

930 1 skilling 1595. S.22 H.68 1+ 1 200 CHRISTIAN V 1670-1699

931 4 mark 1692. S.24 H.90C 1+ 2 000






90 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


932 1 skilling 1771. S.9 H.37 1+/01 400933 1 skilling 1771. Overpreget/overstruck. S.10 H.37 2 100 mynten er først slått halvveis utenfor blanketten, deretter er den slått på nytt riktig sentrert 934 Lot 10 stk. 1 skilling 1771 H.37 1 til 1+ 1 000935 Lot 20 stk. 1 skilling 1771 H.37 1 1 000936 Lot 40 stk. 1 skilling 1771 H.37 VK 1 000937 Lot 40 stk. 1 skilling 1771 H.37 VK 1 000938 Lot 36 stk. 1 skilling 1771 H.37 VK 900939 1 skilling 1771. (DANAKE). S.19 H.37c 1/1+ 2 000940 Lot 13 stk. 1/2 skilling 1771 H.38 VK 500 FREDERIK VI 1808-1839 941 Lot 7 stk. 12 skilling 1812. Flere overpregete/some overstruck H.11 VK 300 DANSK VESTINDIEN/DANISH WEST INDIES

942 Christian VII, 12 skilling 1767 H.8 KM.12 Sieg 9.1 1+/01 2 000943 Louis Delinois, 3 cent Sieg 9 OBC.10 Higgie 409 1 500 DANZIG

944 10 gulden 1935. Små kantskader/minor edge nicks KM.159 1+ 2 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

932 939

942 943


91Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


945 Cnut 1016-1035, cut halfpenny (0,55 g) S.1158 1+ 800946 Elizabeth I, 6 pence 1562 S.2596 1/1+ 1 000947 Elizabeth I, 6 pence 1571 S.2562 1/1+ 500

948 Charles I, Siege coinage, shilling 1646, Newark. Riper/scratches S.3143 KM.370.2 1+ 8 000949 Charles II, shilling 1663 S.3371 KM.418.1 1+ 2 600950 George III, dollar 1804. Har vært anhengt/has been mounted S.3678 KM.Tn1 1 600951 George III, 3 shilling 1814 S.3770 KM.Tn5 1+/01 800952 George III, crown 1819 LX. Ripe på advers/scratch on obverse S.3787 KM.675 1+ 700953 George III, crown 1820 LX S.3787 KM.675 1/1+ 700 FRANKRIKE/FRANCE

954 Napoleon III, 5 francs 1869 A KM.799.1 01 600955 3. republikk, 5 francs 1873 A KM.820.1 0/01 300 GUATEMALA 956 Lot 5 stk. mynter; bl.a. 1/2 real 1894 preget på Chile peso 1885 VK 500 HELLAS/GREECE

957 Johannes Kapodistrias, 20 lepta 1831. Liten blankettfeil/minor planchet defect KM.11 01 3 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

945 946

948 949

954 955


92 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


958 10 kronur 1930 Sieg 102 01 1 200 Preget i forbindelse med Alltingets 1000 års jubileum ISLE OF MAN

959 1/2 penny 1831 KM.Tn.21.1 01 500 ITALIA/ITALY 960 Sardinia, Vittorio Emanuele I, 5 lire 1817. Kantskade/edge nick KM.113 1/1+ 1 600961 Toscana, Ferdinand III, 2 paoli 1791. Små riper/minor scratches C.35 1+ 900 JERSEY

962 Victoria, 1/26 shilling 1858 KM.2 0 800 KOREA

963 2 chon u.år/n.d. (1882-1883) KM.1082 1+ 1 600 ex. rolf Falck-muus og Oslo mynthandel a/s nr.46 18/11-2000 nr.917

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider





93Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


964 Johann II, 5 kronen 1910 Y.4 01 900 MALTA

965 Jean Parisot de la Valetta, stormester av St. Johannes ordenen 1557-1568, 4 tari u.år/n.d. Blankettsprekker/planchet cracks R.&S.39 1+/01 5 000 ex. triton Xii 6/1-2009 nr.1042 Forsidemotivet fremstiller hodet til døperen Johannes på et fat MEXICO

966 Carl III, 8 reales 1778. FF KM.106.2 1+ 800967 Carl IV, 8 reales 1806 . TH KM.109 1/1+ 400 MONTENEGRO

968 Nikolai I, 5 perpera 1912 KM.15 1+ 900

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider





94 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


969 Overijssel, dukaton 1734 KM.80 01 1 600 denne mynten stammer fra vraket av den nederlandske båten «Vliegenhart». Hun forliste i den engelske kanal i 1735 underveis til Batavia etter å ha kjørt i en sandbanke etter et resultat av kraftig vind, springflo og dårlig sjømannsskap. Vraket ble funnet i 1981 og de første myntene dukket opp i 1983. det ble funnet tre store kister som bl.a. inneholdt mexikanske cobs samt nederlandske gulldukater. i tillegg ble det funnet små esker inneholdende usirkulerte nederlandske dukatoner som denne. disse var ulovlige å føre ut fra landet og må oppfattes som smuglergods på den tiden. 970 Zeeland, silver ducat 1761 KM.52.4 Dav.4914 1/1+ 500971 Lot 3 stk. 1 gulden; Gelderland 1763, Overijssel 1737 og Westfriesland 1794 KM.100.2, 73 og 97.5 1 til 1+ 700

972 Willem I, 1 gulden 1824 KM.55 1+ 2 000973 Wilhelmina, 1 gulden 1897 KM.117 0/01 900974 Wilhelmina, 1 gulden 1898 KM.122.1 1 400 PERU 975 Ferdinand VII, 8 reales 1821. JP KM.117.1 1+ 400976 Syd Peru, 8 reales 1838 MS. Testmerker/test marks KM.170.4 1+ 500 POLEN/POLAND 977 Nikolai I, 10 zlotych/1 1/2 rubel 1836 C.134 1/1+ 600

978 Danzig, Sigismund III, ort 1615 KM.6 1+ 600

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider


972 973


95Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


979 Peter I, rubel 1724. Små blankettfeil/minor planchet flaws KM.162.4 Bitkin 936 1+ 5 000980 Anna Ivanovna, rubel 1735. Moskva. Riper på advers/scratches on obverse KM.197 Bitkin 124 1+ 1 200

981 Elizabeth Petrovna, rubel 1747. St. Petersburg C.19b.4 Bitkin 262 1+ 1 600982 Catharina II, rubel 1774. St. Petersburg C.67a.2 Bitkin 218 1/1+ 900

983 Alexander I, rubel 1805 C.125 Bitkin 40 1+ 4 000984 Alexander I, rubel 1813 C.130 Bitkin 104 (R) 1+/01 1 600

985 Nikolai II, rubel 1914. BC Y.59.3 Bitkin 69 01 3 000986 Lot 4 stk. 5 kopek 1769 EM, 1781 EM, 1792 EM og rubel 1823 VK 600 SIBIR/SIBERIA 987 Catharina II, 10 kopek 1767 Brekke 499 Bitkin 1017 C.6 1/1+ 1 000

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

979 980

981 982

983 984


96 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


988 1/2 penny 1821 KM.A4 01 500 Preget i napoleon Bonapartes dødsår på øya SPANIA/SPAIN

989 Carl II, 4 reales 1685. Segovia KM.200 1+ 3 000990 Ferdinand VII, 20 reales 1822. S RD KM.563.2 1+/01 2 000

991 Ferdinand VII, 8 maravedis 1824 J KM.502.1 0/01 500992 Isabella II, 20 reales 1855. Madrid KM.593.2 1+/01 900

993 Isabella II, 10 reales 1852. Barcelona KM.595.1 01 900994 Isabella II, 2 escudos 1867. Madrid KM.629 1+ 700

995 Revolusjonsutmyntning, 5 pesetas 1873 KM.716 1+ 1 600996 Alfonso XIII, 5 pesetas 1892 KM.700 0/01 900


989 990





995 996

97Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter


997 Brabant, Philip IV, patagon 1631 KM.53.3 1 800 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 998 Edward VII, dollar 1904 B KM.25 1+/01 300999 Edward VII, dollar 1907 KM.26 01 400 SVEITS/SWITZERLAND

1000 5 francs 1865. Schaffhausen Dav.382 KM.X.S8 0/01 1 800 SVERIGE/SWEDEN

1001 Fredrik I, riksdaler 1744. Har vært anhengt, pusset og forgylt/has been mounted, polished and gilt SM.85 Dav.1728 1/1+ 1 6001002 Gustav IV Adolf, riksdaler 1793. Har vært anhengt og pusset/has been mounted and polished SM.22 Dav.1737 1+ 1 600

1003 Karl XIV Johan, riksdaler 1821. Jubileum SM.43 Delzanno 16 1+ 2 6001004 Karl XIV Johan, riksdaler 1835 SM.63 Delzanno 37 1+ 1 8001005 Karl XIV Johan, lot 2 stk. 1/2- og 1/8 riksdaler 1831 SM.73 og 85 Delzanno 49 og 67 1/1+ 800







98 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

1006 Oskar II, 2 kronor 1906 SM.59 KM.773 0 8001007 Oskar II, 1 krona 1907. Prakteksemplar/choice SM.80 KM.772 0 2 000 ex. eric P. newman, Heritage 3029 14/1-2014 lot 31029 i ngc slab gradert PF66 SYD AFRIKA/SOUTH AFRICA

1008 5 shillings 1892. Double shaft KM.8.2 1+ 1 600 TYSKLAND/GERMANY

1009 Augsburg, taler 1641. Svakt oppgravert/slightly tooled Dav.5039 KM.776 1+ 1 0001010 Braunschweig-Lüneburg- Calenberg-Hannover, George II, taler 1754 Dav.2089 KM.232.1 1+/01 2 000

1011 Braunschweig-Lüneburg- Calenberg-Hannover, George III, 2/3 taler 1802 C KM.413 0/01 8001012 Frankfurt, 2 vereinstaler 1861. Små riper/minor scratches KM.365 01 1 200



1009 1010

1011 1012

99Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

1013 Frankfurt, 2 vereinstaler 1861 KM.365 1+ 8001014 Mansfeld-Eisleben, Johann Georg III, 1/3 taler 1671 KM.67 1/1+ 500

1015 Mansfeld-Friedburg, Peter Ernst I, Johann Albrecht, Johann Hoyer III, Bruno II og Hoyer Christoph 1579-1585, taler u.år/n.d. Dav.9504 1/1+ 1 0001016 Sachsen, Johann Georg I & August, taler 1613, Dresden Dav.7573 Schnee 786 1+ 1 000

1017 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1624, Dresden. Ripe på advers/scratch on obverse Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 9001018 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1625, Dresden Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 1 000

1019 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1626, Dresden Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 1 0001020 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1628, Dresden Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 1 000

1013 1014

1015 1016

1017 1018

1019 1020

100 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

1021 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1629, Dresden Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 1 0001022 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1630, Dresden. Pregesprekk/striking crack Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 900

1023 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1630, Dresden. Svakt monteringsspor/slight trace of mounting Dav.7606 Schnee 862 1+ 1 2001024 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1631, Dresden Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 1 000

1025 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1633, Dresden. Blankettfeil/planchet defects Dav.7601 Schnee 845 1+ 9001026 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1639, Dresden Dav.7612 Schnee 879 1+/01 1 200

1027 Sachsen, Johann Georg I, taler 1642, Dresden Dav.7612 Schnee 879 1+/01 1 200


1023 1024


1025 1026


101Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

1028 Sachsen, Friedrich August I (August den sterke), taler 1710 ILH. Har vært anhengt/has been mounted Dav.2653 KM.776 1+ 1 0001029 Sachsen-Altenburg, 4 brødre, taler 1605, Saalfeld. Ripe og liten kantskade/scratch and minor edge nick Dav.7361 KM.3 1/1+ 700

1030 Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Wilhelm Ernst, 5 mark 1908 A KM.220 J.161 01 8001031 5 reichsmark 1931 A KM.56 J.331 1+ 400 VEST TYSKLAND/WEST GERMANY

1032 5 mark 1955 G. Markgraf von Baden KM.115 J.390 0/01 1 000 TYSK NY GUINEA/GERMAN NEW GUINEA

1033 10 pfennig 1894 A KM.3 1+/01 700 TYSK ØST AFRIKA/GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1034 Wilhelm II, 1 rupie 1890 og 1913 J KM.2 og 10 1+ 300

Husk at alle enkeltobjekter er avbildet på våre nettsider

1028 1029

1030 1031



102 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

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1035 Leopold I, taler 1698. Kremnitz Dav.3264 KM.214.8 1+ 1 200 U.S.A.

1036 Tradedollar 1876. Små kantskader/minor edge nicks KM.108 1 2 6001037 Dollar 1883 CC KM.110 0/01 1 2001038 Dollar 1884 CC KM.110 0/01 1 2001039 Lot 5 stk. dollar 1896, 1904 O (2), 1921 og 1921 S KM.110 VK 7001040 1/2 dollar 1805. Små kantskader/minor edge nicks KM.35 1 2 0001041 Lot 2 stk. 1 cent 1812 og 1816 KM.39 og 45 1/1- og 1 1 200

1042 1 cent 1857. Small date KM.67 1+ 1 200


1036 1040


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103Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

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1043 Erkehertug Leopold, taler 1632. Hall Dav.3338 KM.629.2 1+/01 1 2001044 Leopold I, taler 1696. Hall. Riper/scratches Dav.3245A KM.1303.5 01 1 200

1045 Joseph I, taler 1705. Wien Dav.1013 KM.1444 1+ 1 000 ex. Kühl 18/9-2010 nr.968 (feilbeskrevet) ØSTERRIKSK NEDERLAND/AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS

1046 Florin 1790 KM.48 1+ 1 200 DIVERSE LAND/VARIOUS COUNTRIES 1047 Lot 11 stk. Danmark og Norge, bl.a. Norge 1 krone 1885, Danmark 1 rigsdaler 1855, 1/2 rigsdaler 1855 og 2 kroner 1924 VK 8001048 Lot 14 stk. bl.a. China, dollar 1934 VK 7001049 Lot 4 stk. bl.a. Schaffhausen, taler 1622 VK 1 0001050 Lot 3 stk gulldinarer, Iran ca. 1000-1100 VK 2 0001051 Lot 6 stk korsfarermynter, 5 deniers og 1 gigliato. Forskjellige konger VK 3 0001052 Lot 10 stk store sølvmynter fra ulike land og russisk Kopek VK 1 0001053 Lot 6 stk diverse gamle mynter fra Lilleasia og Sentral-Asia VK 500

1043 1044



104 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Utenlandske mynter

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Antikke mynter


cient co


Søndag 9. mai kl. 15:30

1168 300%

106 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter


1054 CALABRIA, Taras. Circa 302-290 BC. AR fourré nomos (5,80 g). Nude warrior on horseback advancing right, holding shield, two spears and preparing to cast a third; ΔAI below / TAPAΣ, Phalanthos riding dolphin left, holding trident over shoulder and shield decorated with hippocamp; ΦI to left, murex shell below. Edge chip and punch mark on reverse revealing the core of base metal. Minor deposits on the surfaces. Old cabinet toning. HN Italy 935 Vlasto 594 SNG ANS 990 1+ 2 000

1055 CALABRIA, Taras. Campano-Tarentine series. Circa 281-228 BC. AR nomos (6,12 g). Diademed head of Satyra left / Young nude on horseback riding left, placing wreath on horse´s head. TA and dolphin below. Corrosion pits and roughness. Dark old cabinet toning. HN Italy 1098 Vlasto 1000 SNG ANS 1280 1/1+ 1 600

1056 LUCANIA, The Lucani. Circa 280-278 BC. AR drachm, (2,98 g). Struck on the reduced Tarentine standard. Helmeted head of Athena left / Barley grain with leaf to right; club above leaf. Obverse struck with worn die. Small edge mark and punch marks on reverse. Attractive deep iridescent cabinet toning. Rare. HN Italy 2680 SNG ANS 548 SNG Cop. 1241 var. 1+ 1 000 scholars believe that this issue was struck by the Lucani during the time of Pyrrhos, and it was struck on the reduced standard prevalent at tarentum. The location of the mint remains uncertain, but metapontum and tarentum are mentioned as two possible candidates. The grain ear on the reverse is the key symbol of metapontum and robinson argues that the mint most likely was located there. However, Johnston notes that Athena on the obverse is almost identical to the style used on coins in tarentum, and she argues that the coin should be viewed as an imitative issue merely combining key types from both cities. 1057 LUCANIA, Metapontum. Circa 330-290 BC. AR nomos, (7,77 g). Head of Demeter facing 3/4 right, wearing stephane and wreathed with grain; small ΑΠ to lower right / META, Grain ear with leaf to right; boukranion above leaf, AΘA below leaf (out of flan). Small die flaw on obverse. Attractive dark old cabinet toning with tiny patches of horn silver. HN Italy 1584 SNG ANS 463-463 HGC, 1064 1+/01 6 000 ex H. d. rauch, Auction 86, lot 112

1058 LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 334-300 BC. AR nomos, (7,40 g). Kleudoros group. Helmeted head of Athena left; monogram behind neck / YEΛHTΩN, Lion standing left, tearing at prey; Θ above, monogram below. Edge marks and some edge filing. Well struck and with a wonderful deep old cabinet toning. Williams, Velia 314, 316 & 319 SNG ANS 1322 & 1324 1+ 5 000



1056 1057



107Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1059 LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 300-280 BC. AR nomos, (7,33 g). Philistion group. Helmeted head of Athena left; monogram behind neck; Φ before neck (not visible) / YEΛHTΩN, Lion standing right; above, horizontal grain ear between Φ and I; Π below. A few tiny marks on obverse. Attractive deep old cabinet toning. HN Italy 1309 Williams, Velia 478 SNG ANS 1379-1380 1+ 4 000

1060 SICILIA, Akragas. Circa 500-495 BC. AR didrachm, (8,42 g). AKRA, Eagle standing left with closed wings / Crab within shallow incuse circle. A sharply struck and well centered specimen. Lightly toned. SNG ANS 923-6 SNG Lloyd 789-90 HGC 2, 93 1+/01 10 000

1061 SICILIA, Akragas. Circa 460-446 BC. AR tetradrachm, (16,34 g). AKRAC – ANTOΣ, Eagle standing left with closed wings / Crab. Very light roughness and traces of cleaning. Lightly toned. SNG ANS 974 SNG München 70 HGC 2, 78 1/1+ 8 000

1062 SICILIA, Messana. Circa 438-434 BC. AR tetradrachm, (17,21 g). Seated muleteer driving mule biga left, Nike flying above and crowning mule; laurel leaf in exergue. MEΣΣA-N-ION, hare springing right. Struck with worn dies and obverse struck a little off centre. Double struck on obverse. A few die cracks. Lightly toned. A rarer type with few recorded specimens from the past 20 years of online auction records. Same dies as the one sold at Nomos, obolos 6, lot 166. Caltabiano 422 (possibly same dies) HGC 2, 785 var. 1+/01 6 000

1063 SICILIA, Syracuse. Deinomenid Tyranny. Time of Gelon I or Hieron I, circa 480-475 BC. AR tetradrachm, (17,30 g). Charioteer, holding kentron and rein, driving slow quadriga right; Nike flying above and crowning horses / ΣVRΑKΟΣΙΟΝ, head of Arethusa right, wearing necklace and headband; four dolphins swimming around. Very minor porosity on the surfaces and an insignificant old edge cut and a few almost invisible scratches. Well centered and with a pleasing steel grey toning. Rare type. Boehringer 218 (V96/R148) These dies SNG ANS 74 Randazzo 379 1+ 8 000





1061 1062


108 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1064 SICILIA, Syracuse. Deinomenid Tyranny. Time of Hieron I or beginnig of the Second Democracy, circa 467-461 BC. AR tetradrachm, (17,28 g). Charioteer, holding kentron and rein, driving slow quadriga right; Nike flying above and crowning horses / ΣVRΑKΟΣΙΟΝ, head of Arethusa right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem; four dolphins swimming around. Die break on reverse. Minor porosity on the surfaces. Appealing old cabinet toning. Boehringer 151 (V66/R104) Pozzi 557 HGC 2, 1307 1+ 5 000

1065 SICILIA, Syracuse. Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. Struck circa 430-420 BC AR tetradrachm, (17,12 g). Charioteer, holding kentron and rein, driving slow quadriga right; Nike flying above and crowning horses / ΣYPΑKΟΣΙΟΝ, head of Arethusa right, hair tied with ribbon over head; four dolphins swimming around. Struck on the usual tight flan. Well struck reverse with complete legend. Attractive cabinet toning. Boehringer 676 (V338/R463) SNG ANS 224 (same dies) 1/1+ 4 000

1066 SICILIA, Siculo-Punic issues. Circa 320-280 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,58 g). Struck in Entella? Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / «people of the camp» in Punic script. Horse head left, palm tree behind. Well centered for type. Old cabinet tone with some light iridescence. Jenkins Punic, 296Y (O: 95, R: 244) SNG Cop. 983 1+/01 20 000 ex grey collection ex spink numismatic circular July 1988, lot 4356

1067 SKYTHIA, Koson. Circa 42-29 BC. AV stater (8,44 g). KOΣΩN, Roman consul advancing left, flanked by lictors carrying fasces; monogram to left / Eagle with spread wings standing left on sceptre, holding wreath in talons. Well struck and attractive. Scratch on obverse. RPC I, 1701 HGC 3, 2049 01 6 000

1068 MOESIA, Istros. Circa 340-313 BC. AR drachm (5,67 g). Facing male heads, left or right, head inverted / IΣTPIH, Eagle standing left, clutching dolphin; greek letter Δ to right; Magistrate name (monogram) below. Minor scuff on obverse and a tiny scratch on the reverse. Toned. AMNG 432 SNG BM Black Sea 243 HGC 3, 1801 1+ 800


1064 1065


1067 1068

109Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1069 THRACE, Apollonia Pontika. Circa 480-450 BC. AR drachm (3,36 g). Anchor standing; crayfish to right / Gorgoneion facing. Irregular flan and reverse struck a little off centre. Good metal quality with remaining lustre under tone. SNG BM Black Sea 150-2 SNG Cop. 45 HGC 3, 1323 var. 01 1 000

1070 THRACE, Chersonesos. Circa 386-338 BC. AR hemidrachm (2,40 g). Lion forepart leaping right, head reverted / Quadripartite incuse square with two raised and two sunken compartments; pellet and ivy-leaf in sunken compartments. A few tiny marks on obverse. Well struck, lustrous and attractively toned. McClean 4082-3 SNG Berry 501 HGC 3, 1437 01 500

1071 THRACE, Chersonesos. Circa 386-338 BC. AR hemidrachm (2,36 g). Lion forepart leaping right, head reverted / Quadripartite incuse square with two raised and two sunken compartments; pellet in each sunken compartment. Minor deposits on reverse and tiny hairlines on obverse. Well struck and lustrous and lightly toned. McClean 4055–6 HGC 3, 1437 01 500

1072 THRACE, Chersonesos. Circa 357-320 BC. AR hemidrachm (2,34 g). Lion forepart leaping right, head reverted / Quadripartite incuse square with two raised and two sunken compartments; ΑΓ monogram below pellet, and cicada in sunken compartments. Well struck and with a lovely dark cabinet toning. McClean 4093 SNG Berry 503 HGC 3, 1437 1+/01 500









110 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1073 THRACE, Chersonesos. Circa 357-320 BC. AR hemidrachm (2,51 g). Lion forepart leaping right, head reverted / Quadripartite incuse square with two raised and two sunken compartments; Α above pellet, and club beside pellet in sunken compartments. Well struck and attractively toned. Unpublished in the standard references. McClean - 1+/01 700

1074 THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 398-385 BC. AR tribol (2.88 g). Struck under the magistrate Pel... Π-Λ, Forepart of horse to left / MA, Grape bunch on vine; rhyton in lower left field; all within dotted linear square in shallow incuse square. Obverse struck a little off centre and small areas of flat strike on reverse. Attractively toned. SNG Delepierre 798 Schönert-Geiss 286 HGC 3, 1534 01 1 000

1075 THRACE, Mesembria. Circa 150-125 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,41 g). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of young Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre; crested Corinthian helmet above ΔΑ in left field, HPA monogram below throne. Minor edge filing and some flatness of strike on obverse. Wonderful light iridescent toning. Price 155 Müller 472 HGC 3, 1568 01 1 600 ex Heritage World coin Auctions, Long Beach signature sale 3006, lot 20014

1076 ISLANDS off THRACE, Thasos. 525-463 BC. AR stater (9,74 g). Nude Silenos/satyr in kneeling position right, carrying off a protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. Small area of flat strike on obverse. Attractively toned. A fine specimen of late archaic style. Le Rider, Thasiennes 2 SNG Cop. 1008 HGC 6, 331 1+/01 5 500

1077 ISLANDS off THRACE, Thasos. 525-463 BC. AR stater (8,54 g). Nude Silenos/satyr in kneeling position right, carrying off a protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. Very minor porosity. Nicely toned. Le Rider, Thasiennes 2 SNG Cop. 1009 HGC 6, 331 1/1+ 1 800






1076 1077

111Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1078 KINGS of THRACE, Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,02 g). Lampsakos mint, struck circa 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / ΒAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; torch to inner left, monogram on throne. Well struck and lightly toned. A few very faint hairlines on the obverse. Struck with dies of fine style. Thompson 41 HGC, 3, 1750 1+ 6 000

1079 MACEDON, Neapolis. Circa 500-480 BC. AR stater (9,57 g). Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Quadripartite incuse square. Very light porosity. Well centered with both ears on the flan. Nicely toned. AMNG III/2, 6 SNG Cop. 223 HGC 3, 583 1+ 10 000

1080 KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios, 323-317 BC. AV stater (8,46 g). Abydos mint. Struck under Leonnatos, Arrhidaios or Antigonos I Monophthalmos. Helmeted head of Athena right / ΦIΛIΠΠOY, Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; monogram in left field, coiled serpent right below left wing. A clear and attractive specimen. ADM II Series X Price P33 1+ 12 000 ex münzen und medallien Basel, Liste 336, nr. 15. July 1972 1081 KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III, 336-323 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,95 g). Early posthumous issue of Amphipolis under Philip III Arrhideaus 323-317 BC. Amphipolis mint, struck circa 323-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΒAΣIΛEΩΣ - AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Macedonian helmet in left field. Reverse struck with slightly worn die. Old scratch on obverse and minor edge filing. Darkly toned with patches of horn-silver and dark patination. Price 113 Troxell, Studies, Issue H3 1+ 1 000

1082 KINGS of MACEDON. Alexander III, 336-323 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,82 g). Early posthumous issue of Amphipolis under Philip III Arrhideaus 323-317 BC. Amphipolis mint, struck circa 323-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΒAΣIΛEΩΣ - AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; monogram in left field. Very light porosity on the surfaces. Attractively toned. Price 120 Troxell, Studies, Issue I2 1/1+ 1 600





1080 1081 1082

112 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1083 KINGS of MACEDON. Philip III Arrhidaios, 323-317 BC. AR tetradrachm (14.27 g). In the name and types of Philip II. Amphipolis mint. Struck under Polyperchon, circa 318-317 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / ΦIΛIΠ-ΠOY, Nude youth on horseback right, holding palm branch; monogram below, Λ below raised foreleg. Tiny scuff on obverse and area of minor porosity on reverse. Struck from fresh dies. Bright and lustrous. Troxell, Studies, Group 7, 310 Le Rider pl. 45, 15-6 SNG ANS 647 (same dies) 01 5 000 ex classical numismatic group, mail Bid sale 84, lot 273 1084 KINGS of MACEDON, Kassander. As regent, 317-305 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,90 g). In the name and types of Alexander III. Amphipolis mint, struck circa 316-311 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; crescent in left field; monogram below throne. Some horn-silver encrustations. Dark old cabinet toning. Price 131 Troxell, Studies, Issue L5 1+ 2 600

1085 KINGS of MACEDON, Kassander, as regent or king 317-297 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,11 g). In the name and types of Alexander III. Amphipolis mint, struck circa 315-297 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Λ above torch in left field; monogram below throne. Well centered and lightly toned with light iridescence. Price 447 Ehrhardt 35 1+ 1 000

1086 KINGS of MACEDON, Alexander III, 336-323 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,18 g). Struck under Kassander, Philip IV, or Alexander (son of Kassander). Amphipolis mint, struck circa 310-294 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Λ above torch in left field; monogram below throne. Bright and lustrous with a few small deposits on the reverse. Price 445 Ehrhardt 29 1+/01 1 600 ex classical numismatic group, Auction 82, lot 422 1087 KINGS of MACEDON, Alexander III, 336-323 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,13 g). Struck under Kassander, Philip IV, or Alexander (son of Kassander). Amphipolis mint, struck circa 310-294 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Λ above torch in left field; monogram below throne. Tiny spot of deposit on obverse. Lightly toned with some remaining underlying lustre. Price 445 Ehrhardt 29 1+/01 1 200 ex classical numismatic group, electronic Auction 223, lot 53 1088 KINGS of MACEDON, Demetrios I Poliorketes, 306-283 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,91 g). In the name and types of Alexander III. Uncertain mint in Asia Minor. Struck circa 310-275 BC. Head of young Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre; head of ram facing left. Some old scuffs on obverse. Wonderful steel-grey toning with golden highlights around devices. Price 835 Müller 998 1+/01 2 400 ex gorny & mosch giessener münzhandlung, Auction 147, lot 1369 Price attributed this issue to an uncertain mint in greece or macedon, but the style and die combinations which are typical for issues of demetrios i Poliorketes, strongly argue for a mint in western Asia minor. The recorded hoards with specimens of this type and similar types in the name of demetrios, have been found in Asia minor.

1083 1084 1085

1086 1087 1088

113Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1089 KINGS of MACEDON, Perseus. 179-168 BC. AR tetradrachm (15,04 g). Reduced Attic standard. Pella or Amphipolis mint: Au-, mintmaster. Struck circa 173-171 BC. Diademed head of Perseus right / ΒΑΣΙ−ΛΕΩΣ / ΠΕΡ−ΣΕΩΣ, Eagle standing right on thunderbolt; ΘE monogram above, AY monogram (mintmaster) to right, AN monogram below; all within oak wreath; plow in exergue. Well centered and with well preserved surfaces. Beautiful iridescent cabinet toning. Almost as struck. Mamroth, Perseus 19b SNG Berry 382 0/01 15 000

1090 THESSALY, Thessalian League. Late 2nd-mid 1st centuries BC. AR stater (5,96 g). Philon and Hippolochos, magistrates. Head of Zeus right, wearing laurel wreath / ΘΕΣΣΑ/ΛΩΝ, Athena Itonia advancing right, holding shield and hurling spear; [Φ]IΛ-ΩN and star above spear, IΠΠOΛOXOΣ in exergue. Faint scratches on reverse. Dark old cabinet toning with earthen deposits. BCD Thessaly II 869.2 HGC 4, 209 1+/01 1 000

1091 EUBOEA, Histiaia. Third to early second centuries BC. AR tetrobol (2,27 g). Head of the nymph Hisitaia to right, wreathed with grapes / IΣTI-AIEΩN, Histiaia seated right, on galley stern, holding stylis. Struck with slightly worn dies. Light iridescent toning. BCD Euboia 425-432 HGC 4, 1524 var. 1+/01 500

1092 KINGS of PAEONIA, Lykkeios. Circa 358/6-335 BC. AR tetradrachm (12,50 g). Damastion mint. Laureate head of Zeus right / ΛYK-KEIOY, Herakles wrestling the Nemean Lion, bow and quiver to right. Struck in high relief and well centered for type. Lightly toned. Paeonian Hoard 63 (same obv. die) SNG ANS 1019 HGC 3, 142 01 10 000 ex Oslo myntgalleri Auction 17, lot 1070






114 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1093 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,06 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Wonderful steel-grey cabinet toning with some light iridescence. Well centered. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 01 3 500

1094 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,10 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Attractive steel-grey cabinet toning with some light iridescence. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+/01 2 000

1095 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,17 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Attractive steel-grey cabinet toning. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+/01 2 000

1096 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,15 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Attractive cabinet toning with some light iridescence. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+/01 2 000

1097 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,16 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Double-struck. Lightly toned. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+ 1 600

1098 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,15 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Attractive old cabinet toning. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+ 1 600

1099 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,18 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. A few marks and shallow scratches on cheek. Lustrous and lightly toned. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+/01 2 000








115Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1100 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,12 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. A few marks and scratches on obverse. Lustrous and with attractive light iridescent toning. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+/01 2 000

1101 ATTICA, Athen. 454-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (17,09 g). Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing right, head facing; Olive spray and crescent to left. All within incuse square. Bright and clear surfaces. Kroll 8 SNG Cop. 32-40 HGC 4, 1597 1+ 1 600

1102 ATTICA, Athen. 165-142 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,93 g). Dorothe-, Dioph-, and Nik(o)do-, magistrates, struck 132/1 BC. Head of Athena in Attic helmet to right / AΘE, Owl standing 3/4 right on amphora; magistrates’ names in fields; to right, forepart of lion right; H on amphora, ΔI below; all within wreath. Small die break on obverse. Small scratch and tiny spot of corrosion on obverse. Lustrous and lightly toned. An appearently rare variant with very few specimens in the auction archive from the past 20 years. Thompson 388e (same obv. die) HGC 4, 1602 var. 01 6 000 ex classical numismatic group, triton Xiii, lot 1242

1103 ATTICA, Athen. Circa 165-42 BC. AR tetradrachm (16.50 g). Struck 165-150/49 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / A-ΘE, Owl standing right on amphora, head facing; monograms in left and right field; two coiled serpents in lower right field; B on amphora; all within wreath. Struck with slightly worn obverse die. Patches of find patina and deep old cabinet toning. Thompson 77a-b HGC 4, 1602 1+ 3 500 ex Per Lundgren collection ex Oslo mynthandel Auksjon 41, lot 1069. April 25th, 1998

1104 CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 345-307 BC. AR stater (8,47 g). Pegasus flying left, below / Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet to left; A below chin; behind Athena, panther walking left, Y above. Obverse struck with slightly worn dies. Deep iridescent tone with some earthen deposits. Appearently a very rare type. Ravel 1089a Pegasi 465 1+ 4 000

1105 BITHYNIA, Kalchedon. Circa 260-220 BC. AV Stater (8.11 g). In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Helmeted head of Athena right / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; KA monogram in left field, monogram below left wing. A small edge cut and tiny marks. A bit harshly cleaned. Very rare civic issue. Price 914 (Kallatis) SNG Saroglos 115 1 5 000 This type was first attributed to Kallatis in Thrace by Price but has later been re-attributed to Kalchedon in Bithynia by U. Wartenberg & J. H. Kagan. The re-attribution is based on hoard evidence.

1100 1101

1102 1103

1104 1105

116 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1106 AEOLIS, Kyme. Circa 155-143 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,62 g). Kallias, magistrate. Head of Amazon Kyme to right, wearing tainia / KYMAIΩN KAΛΛIAΣ, horse standing right and raising foreleg; one-handled cup below raised foreleg; all within laurel wreath. A few tiny scratches on reverse. Wonderful cabinet toning with golden highlights around devices. SNG Cop. 103 SNG von Aulock 1636 01 6 000

1107 AEOLIS, Myrina. Circa 160-143 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,68 g). Stephanophoric type. Laureate head of Apollo to right / MYPINAIΩN, Apollo Grynios standing right, holding branch and phiale; monogram to outer left; omphalos and amphora in front of feet to right; all within laurel wreath. Well struck and with an appealing light iridescent toning. SNG Cop. 221 SNG von Aulock 1664 01 6 000

1108 AEOLIS, Myrina. Circa 160-143 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,22 g). Stephanophoric type. Laureate head of Apollo to right / MYPINAIΩN, Apollo Grynios standing right, holding branch and phiale; omphalos and amphora in front of feet to right; all within laurel wreath. Some areas of flat strike and very faint cleaning scratches in fields. Light iridescent toning. Sacks Issue 6.2a var. 01 8 000 Appearently very rare issue with no monograms on the reverse





117Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1109 LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. EL hekte (2,60 g). Lion head right / Incuse calf head right, oblong incuse to left. Minor flan cracks and tiny marks and scratches. Die rust on obverse. Bodenstedt Em. 13 HGC 6, 938 01 5 000 ex classical numismatic group, mail Bid sale 84, lot 622

1110 LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. EL hekte (2,56 g). Lion head right / Incuse calf head right, oblong incuse to left. Lustrous and attractive. Bodenstedt Em. 13 HGC 6, 938 1+/01 5 000

1111 LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL hekte (2,54 g). Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed with grain / Filleted tripod within square frame. Clear and attractive. Bodenstedt Em. 91 HGC 6, 1017 1+/01 5 000

1112 LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL hekte (2,55 g). Head of Kabeiros in pileus right, star to left and right / Head of Persephone or Hekate right within square frame. Die rust on obverse. Small edge cuts and scratches. Bodenstedt Em. 99 HGC 6, 1025 1+ 5 000

1113 LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL hekte (2,51 g). Head of Apollo or Dionysos to right, head wreathed with ivy / Female head within square frame. Struck on a tight flan. Minor earthen deposits. Bodenstedt Em. 95 HGC 6, 1021 1+ 2 600











118 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1114 IONIA, Ephesus. Circa 390-325 BC. AR tetradrachm (15,13 g). Struck circa 360-350 BC. Protos, magistrate. E - Φ, bee with straight wings / Forepart of stag to right, palm tree to left; magistrate’s name (ΠPΩTOΣ) to right. Minor lamination on the reverse. Well centered and lightly toned. Pixodarus Hoard Class F SNG von Aulock - SNG Cop. - 1+ 5 000 Purchased from Oslo mynthandel in the 1980s (tag included) 1115 IONIA, Ephesus. Circa 202 150 BC. AR drachm (3,86 g). Ermotrephes, magistrate. E - Φ, bee with straight wings / Stag standing right, palm tree behind; magistrate’s name (ERMOTPEΦHΣ) to right. Struck with slightly worn dies. Deep old cabinet tone. Kinns, Attic p. 86. SNG von Aulock - SNG Cop. - 1+ 900

1116 IONIA, Magnesia ad Meandrum. Circa 150-142 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,59 g). Pausanias, son of Pausanias, magistrate. Head of Artemis to right, wearing stephane; bow and quiver over shoulder / MAΓNHTΩN - ΠAYΣANIAΣ ΠAYΣANIOY, Apollo standing to left, resting on tall tripod to right, holding laurel branches in right hand; meander pattern below. All within laurel wreath. Very small areas of weak strike. Well preserved surfaces. Attractive light grey toning. SNG Cop. 844 SNG von Aulock 7922 01 8 000

1117 IONIA, Smyrna. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.70 g). Menekrates, magistrate. Turreted head of the Tyche of Smyrna to right / ΖΜΥΡ/ΝΑΙΩΝ in two lines and Magistrate’s monogram below. All within laurel wreath. Slightly weak strike on obverse. Attractive light iridescent toning. Milne, Autonomous 141 Milne, Silver obv. die A 01 8 000 ex classical numismatic group, Auction 82, lot 619 1118 KARIA, Knidos. Circa 520-495 BC. AR drachm (6,18 g). Forepart of roaring lion right / Archaic head of Aphrodite right within incuse square. Obverse struck with worn dies. A few shallow marks scratches on obverse. Wonderful deep iridescent cabinet toning. Cahn 45 (V25/R37) (same dies) SNG Cop. 211-212 (same dies) 1+ 7 000 ex tore trosdahl collection ex Auktion egger 45, Wien 1913, nr. 589 ex münzen und medaillen A.g. Liste 161, Basel 1956, nr. 11 ex Fritz rudolf Künker, Auction 97, lot 783


1114 1115


1117 1118

119Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

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1119 KARIA, Knidos. Circa 500 BC. AR diobol (1,78 g). Head of roaring lion right / Archaic head of Aphrodite right within incuse square. Wonderful deep iridescent cabinet toning. Surfaces slightly crystallized. Rare. Cahn 6 (V2/R5) (same dies) SNG Lockett 2880 (same dies) 1+/01 4 000 ex tore trosdahl collection cf. ex Ars classica Auktion 16 1933, nr. 1404 ex glendining 1961, lot 2357

1120 ISLANDS off KARIA, Rhodos. Circa 205-190 BC. AR drachm (3,19 g). Gorgos, magistrate. Head of Helios facing slightly right / ΓOPΓOΣ, Rose with leaf to right; bow in bowcase to left; P-O flanking. A few very faint scratches. Toned. SNG Keckman 582-4 Ashton 288 1+/01 1 000

1121 LYCIA, Oinoanda. Circa 200 BC. AR didrachm (8.13 g). Laureate head of Zeus right, B and sceptre behind head / OINOAN/ΔЄWN, eagle standing right on winged thunderbolt; Γ (g) and grape bunch to right. An outstanding specimen with sharp strike on good metal. Light iridescent toning. Ashton, Oinoanda 13c (A4/P9) Cf. BMC Lycia pg. 73 01 14 000 ex spink & sons (old tag included) ex Oslo myntgalleri Auction 17, lot 1088

1122 PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 380-325 BC. AR stater (10,95 g). Two nude wrestlers grappling with each other; MΛ between / EΣTFEΔIIYΣ, Slinger in throwing stance right; triskeles in right field. All within dotted square frame. Some flatness of strike on the reverse. Wonderful iridescent cabinet toning. SNG von Aulock 4559 SNG Cop. 233 1+ 2 600

1123 CILICIA, Tarsus. Datemes, satrap of Cilicia and Cappadocia, circa 384-360 BC. AR stater (10,79 g). Struck circa 370 BC. Baal seated right, head facing, holding grain ear and grape bunch in left hand and staff in right hand; B’LTRZ (in Aramaic) to left; thymiaterion in background. All within crenellated wall / Nude Ana standing right, extending right hand and pointing at Tarkumuwa; Tarkumuwa standing left, wearing chlamys, rising right hand and pointing at himself; thymiaterion and TRKMW (in Aramaic) between. All within square dotted border within linear border. Small flan flaw and die break on reverse. Good metal quality. Attractive golden iridescent toning. SNG France, 291 SNG von Aulock, 5944 SNG Berry, 1299 var. 01 10 000 ex missoni collection ex Fraysse & Associés, Paris, 20 October, 2004, lot 136 ex The new York sale Xi, Baldwin / markov / m&m, January 11th, 2006, lot 158 ex Oslo myntgalleri Auction 17, lot 1089 1124 KINGS of CAPPADOCIA, Ariobarzanes I Philoromaios. Circa 95-63 BC. AR drachm (3,94 g). Date illegible. Diademed head of Ariobarzanes I to right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ APIOBAPZANOY ΦIΛOPΩMAIOY, Athena standing left, holding Nike and round shield, spear behind; monogram in inner left field and M in inner right fields; regnal date in exergue illegible. Two small edge chips. Dark cabinet toning. Cf. Simonetta 11 HGC 7, 846 1+ 500


1120 1121

1122 1123

120 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

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1125 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Antiochos II Theos. 261-246 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,96 g). Ephesos (?) mint. Diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIO-XOY, Apollo Delphios seated left on omphalos, holding bow and resting arm on ampholos; monogram in outer right field. A bit softly struck. Some roughness in upper field on the obverse. Light iridescent cabinet toning. Rare. SC 543.3 (this coin referenced) Houghton 617 (this coin) HGC 9, 239 1+ 5 000 From the Arthur Houghton collection, 617 ex classical numismatic group, mail Bid sale 72, lot 938 1126 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Antiochos III Megas. 223-187 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,78 g). Uncertain mint in Commagene or Syria along the Upper Euphrates. Struck after 211 BC. Diademed head of Antiochos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANT-IOXOY, Apollo Delphios seated left on omphalos, testing arrow and holding grounded bow; monograms in outer fields. Very minor roughness. Areas of find patina on obverse and reverse. SC 1102 (this coin illustrated) Houghton, CSE 976 (this coin) Newell, ESM 260 1+ 4 000 (Seleucia; same dies) From the Arthur Houghton collection, 976 ex classical numismatic group, electronic Auction 137, lot 27

1127 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Antiochos IV Epiphanes. 175-164 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,85 g). Struck circa 175-173/2 BC at the Tarsos (Antioch on the Kydnos) mint. Diademed head of Antiochos IV to right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY, Apollo Delphios seated left of ompholos, testing arrow and holding grounded bow; monogram above wing to outer left; AC to outer right. Minor roughness in fields and very small flan flaw on cheek. Thin flan crack at 12 o´clock. Light cabinet toning. Very rare variant. SC 1377.2c (this coin illustrated) HGC 9, 615c 01 10 000


1125 1126


121Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1128 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Demetrios I Soter. 162-150 BC. AR tetradrachm (15,92 g). Antioch mint, struck circa 162-154 BC. Diademed head of Demetrios right, within wreath / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Tyche seated left on throne with tritoness support, holding cornucopiae and short sceptre; monogram in exergue. Portrait struck in high relief. Some porosity under dark find patina. SC 1638.2d HGC 9, 795f 1+ 1 200

1129 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Demetrios I Soter. 162-150 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,43 g). Antioch mint, dated S.E. 158 = 155/4 BC. Diademed head of Demetrios right, within wreath / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΕΡΟΣ, Tyche seated left on throne with tritoness support, holding cornucopiae and short sceptre; monogram in outer left field; HNP (date) in exergue. Attractive large portrait. Lightly toned. SC 1641.1 HGC 9, 798 1+ 1 200

1130 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Demetrios I Soter. 162-150 BC. AR drachm (3,39 g). Dated S.E. 161 = 152/1 BC. Diademed head of Demetrios right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, Cornucopiae, two monograms below. AΞP (date) below monograms. Dark patchy find patina. SC 1642.3b HGC 9, 806 1+ 800

1131 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Alexander I Balas. 152-145 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,29 g). Antioch on the Orontes mint. Dated S.E. 167 =146/5 BC. Diademed head of Alexander I to right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY - ΘEOΠATOPOΣ EYEPΓETOY, Zevs seated left on throne, holding sceptre and Nike that crowns him. ZΞP (date) followed by monogram in exergue. Minor roughness in fields. Wonderful iridescent cabinet toning. SC 1784.9a HGC 9, 875a 1+/01 1 400

1132 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Antiochos VII Sidetes. 138-129 BC. AR tetradrachm (14,10 g). Tyre mint, dated S.E. 174 = 139/8. Diademed and draped bust of Antiochos VII to right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY, Eagle standing left on prow, palm over far wing; IE above club of Tyre in left field; monogram above date (ΔOP) in right field; monogram between legs. Well struck and with an attractive light iridescent toning. SC 2109.1c HGC 9, 1074 1+ 3 000

Vi tar allerede nå i mot objekter til auksjon nr. 26 og 27 som

avholdes 27. og 28. november 2021 på Grand Hotel i Oslo.

1128 1129

1131 1132

122 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1133 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Kleopatra Thea and Antiochos VIII. 125-121 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,61 g). Damaskos mint, dated S.E. 192 = 121/0 BC. Jugate heads right; Kleopatra Thea, veiled and wearing stephane and necklace; diademed head of Antiochos VIII / BAΣIΛIΣΣHΣ / ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ / ΘΕΑΣ : KAI BAΣ-IΛEΩΣ ANT- IOΧOY, Zeus seated left on throne, holding Nike and resting on sceptre: monogram in outer left field and below throne. Bqp (date) in exergue. Very minor old contact marks in fields. Attractive deep iridescent cabinet toning. SC 2267.2a HGC 9, 1182.e 1+ 3 000 Kleopatra Thea was the daughter of Ptolemy Vi of egypt. Between 150 and 126 Bc she was married three times with different rulers of the seleukid empire; Alexander i Balas, demetrios ii nikator and Antiochos Vii sidetes. The first two died in battle while demetrios was likely killed on Kleopatras own orders. she ruled the empire alone from 125 until 121 Bc when she elevated her second son, Antiochos Viii gryphos, as co-ruler. This was probably a tactical move to legitimize her own power. As gryphos grew up he became hard to control and she finally made a plot on his life, offering him a glass of poisoned wine. The plan backfired as gryphos got suspicious of her unusual behavior and he forced her to drink her own poison that eventually killed her.

1134 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Antiochos VIII Epiphanes (Grypos). 121/0-97/6 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,35 g). Antioch on the Orontes mint, struck circa 121/0-113 BC. Diademed head of Antiochos VIII to right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOΧOY ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟVΣ, Zeus Ouranios, draped, standing left, holding star and sceptre; IE above A to outer left; K in exergue; P to inner right. All within laurel wreath. Well preserved surfaces and wonderfully toned. SC 2298.4e HGC 9, 1197e 1+/01 1 400

1135 SELEUKID KINGS of SYRIA, Antiochos X Eusebes. Circa 94-88 BC. AR tetradrachm (16,11 g). Antioch on the Orontes mint, struck circa BC. Diademed head of Antiochos X to right, with sideburns / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOΧOY EYΣEBOYΣ ΦIΛOΠATOPOΣ, Zeus enthroned to left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre; monogram above A in outer left field; Π beneath throne. All within laurel wreath. Well preserved surfaces. Toned. SC 2429.1b HGC 9, 1287 1+ 2 600

1136 SYRIA, Laodikeia ad Mare. Dated year 18 (=64/63 BC). AR tetradrachm (14,84 g). Veiled and Turreted bust of Tyche right / ΛAOΔIKEΩN THΣIEPAΣ KAI AVTONOMOV, Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike in right hand and resting on sceptre with left hand; monogram beneath throne; HI (date) in left field; KA in exergue. All within wreath. Some horn silver on the reverse. A few old marks and small scratches. Lightly toned. Rare variant! Mørkholm in ANSMN 28 (1983) - (11a and 11b) HGC 9, 1398 1+ 1 600 ex Olav e. Klingenberg collection ex Künker, Auction 182, lot 351


1134 1135 1136

123Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1137 PHOENICIA, Arados. Dated year 194 (=66/65 BC). AR tetradrachm (14,83 g). Veiled and turreted bust of Tyche to right / APAΔIΩN, Nike advancing left, holding aphlaston in her right hand and palm branch over her left shoulder; ΔqP (date) above Aramaic H; ΑΣ in lower left field. All within wreath. Minor roughness/corrosion in fields. Lightly toned. Duyrat 3876-3899 HGC 10, 72 1+ 1 000

1138 PHOENICIA, Arados. Dated year 194 (=66/65 BC). AR tetradrachm (14,60 g). Veiled and turreted bust of Tyche to right / APAΔIΩN, Nike advancing left, holding aphlaston in her right hand and palm branch over her left shoulder; ΔqP (date) above Aramaic H; ΑΣ in lower left field. All within wreath. Minor roughness/corrosion in fields. Lightly toned. Duyrat 3876-3899 HGC 10, 72 1+ 1 000

1139 PHOENICIA, Tyre. After 126/5 BC. Dated CY 144 = AD 18-19. AR shekel (14,32 g). Laureate head of Herakles- Melqart to right / TYPOY IEPAΣKAI AΣYΛOY, eagle standing left on ship’s ram, palm branch behind. PMΔ (date) above club in left field; KP above monogram in right field; Phoenician letter between legs of eagle (illegible). Struck on a tight flan. Lightly toned. DCA-Tyre 336 Rouvier 2102 HGC 10, 357 01 6 000 The much celebrated shekel of tyre was the main silver coin for the powerful maritime city in Phoenicia. The coin is the most likely candidate for the “30 pieces of silver” paid to Judas iscariot to betray Jesus christ. The coin was used to pay the temple tax in Jerusalem and was prized because of the high silver content of 94 %. The piece offered here is of considerable interest as it was minted during the life of Jesus himself.

1140 PTOLEMAIC KINGS of EGYPT, Ptolemy IV Philopator. 222-205/4 BC. Æ Drachm (71.01 g). Tyre mint. Struck circa 217/6-205/4 BC. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right /BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, Eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt; club to left, ΔΙ between legs. Brown patina with red and green encrustations. Svoronos 1129 CPE B542 1/1+ 2 000

1141 KINGS of MAURETANIA, Juba II. 25 BC-AD 24. AR denarius (3,01 g). Caesarea mint. REX IVBA, Diademed head of Juba II right / Cornucopiae with fillet hanging to either side, transverse sceptre in background; crescent to upper right. Small areas of flat strike. Lustrous and lightly toned. Mazard 241 MAA 95 SNG Cop. 579 01 1 000

1137 1138 1139



124 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

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1142 Roman provincial GAUL, Nemausus. Augustus with Agrippa, 27 BC-AD 14, AE dupondius, (27 mm, 13,03 g). Struck circa 9/8-3 BC. Heads of Agrippa, wearing combined rostral crown and laurel wreath, and laureate head Augustus, back to back; IMP above, DIVI F below, P P across lower fields / Crocodile right, chained to palm branch; at top, wreath with long ties; two long palm branches at base; COL-NEM across fields. Brown patina with brassy highlights. Treated with wax. RIC 160 RPC 525 S.1731 1+ 2 000

1143 Roman provincial SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Octavian as Augustus. 27 BC - AD 14. Æ 25 mm, (7,09 g). Struck circa 5-4 BC. Laureate head right / APXIE/PATIKON/ANTIO/XEIΣ/ZK in five lines within wreath of archiereus. A few small scratches on obverse. Black patina. RPC 4251 SNG Cop. 135 1+ 500

1144 Roman provincial SYRIA, Commagene. Tiberius. AD 14-37. AE Dupondius (29mm, 12,01 g). Struck AD 20-21. Laureate head of Tiberius right / PONT·MAX·IM·COS·III·IMP·VII·TR·POT·XXII, Crossed cornucopiae before winged caduceus. Black patina with earthen deposits. RIC 89 RPC 3868 1+ 900

1145 Roman provincial ACHAEA, Patrae. Claudius. AD 41-54. AE 27 mm, (10,09 g). Bare head of Claudius left / COL ·A·A· PATR / X - XII, Legionary eagle between two standards of the 10th and 12th legions. Scrape on reverse and minor scuff on obverse. Green patina with light and dark tones. RPC 1256 BCD Peloponnesos 546.2 1/1+ 800

1146 Roman provincial SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Caracalla. AD 198-217. AR Tetradrachm (13.53 g). Dated COS. IV (AD 213-217). Laureate head right / ΔHMAPX ЄΞ YΠA•TO, Eagle standing facing on leg and thigh of sacrificial animal, wings displayed, head right, holding wreath in beak; ·Δ·-·Є· in upper field. Several die breaks. Lustrous. Prieur 224 McAlee 681 01 700 ex classical numismatic group, electronic Auction 237, lot 170 1147 Roman provincial MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis. Caracalla with Julia Domna. AD 198-217. AE pentassarion (26mm, 13,66 g). Legate Quintillianus. Laureate bust of Caracalla right, facing draped bust of Julia Domna left / VΠ ΚVΝΤΙΛΙΑΝΟV ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Nude Apollo standing left, holding branch and patera, sacrificing over altar. Nice green patina with some earthen deposits. Some cleaning scratches on the reverse. Rare variant. AMNG 664 Varbanov 1002 1+ 700 Purchased from an American dealer (tag included) 1148 Roman provincial MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus. AD 218-222. AE pentassarion? (27 mm, 13,37 g). Novius Rufus, legatus consularis. Laureate head right / VΠ NOBIOV POVφV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠPOC, (ICTP-ON across field), Artemis advancing left, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver; hound at feet to left. Dark green patina. Gently smoothed and minor tooling/rough cleaning of the hair. A few small cleaning scratches in fields. Treated with wax. Very rare. Varbanov 3977 var. 1+/01 700

1142 1144 1145

1146 1147 1148

125Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

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1149 Roman provincial MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis. Gordian III with Tranquillina. AD 238-244. Æ Pentassarion (26 mm, 12.52 g). Tertullianus, legatus consularis. Struck AD 241-244. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian and draped bust of Tranquillina, wearing stephane, facing one another / Nemesis standing left, holding rod and ribbon; wheel to left; E (mark of value) in left field. Dark brown-green patina. Very gently smoothed in fields. Wonderful state of preservation. Rare variant. H&J, Marcianopolis Varbanov 2048 1+ 1 000

1150 Roman provincial PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. AE 35mm (27,77 g). Struck circa AD 238-239. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CAES ANTIO-CH COL, S R in exergue, Gordian standing left, sacrificing over altar, three vexilla before. Dark brown-green patina with some red spots. A bit rough surfaces and some earthen deposits. Carefully cleaned. Scarce type. SNG France, 1206 1/1+ 1 000 Purchased from cgB numismatics Paris (tag included) 1151 Roman provincial PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. AE 33mm (24,75 g). Struck circa AD 238-239. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANTIOCHIA COLONIA CAESAR, legend around large SR, ANTIOCH above, COLONIA below. Dark brown-green patina with earthen deposits. Carefully cleaned. Scarcer type. SNG France, 1228 1+ 800 Purchased from cgB numismatics Paris (tag included)

1152 Roman provincial PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. AE 32mm (25,91 g). Struck circa AD 238-239. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CAES ANTIOCH COL, S R in exergue, she-wolf standing right, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Dark brown-green patina with earthen deposits. Some corrosion and roughness. SNG France, 1211 1 800 Purchased from cgB numismatics Paris (tag included)


1150 1151


126 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

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1153 Anonymous. Circa 225-217 BC. Æ Aes Grave Quadrans, (40 mm, 62,43 g). Rome mint. Head of Hercules left, wearing lion skin; ••• (mark of value) to right; all on a raised disk / Prow of galley right; ••• (mark of value) below; all on a raised disk. Usual corrosion and roughness. Edge filing. Dark brown patina. Crawford 35/4 HN Italy 340 1/1+ 2 600

1154 Anonymous. Circa 225-215 BC. AR quadrigatus, (6,55 g). Uncertain mint. Laureate head of Janus; curved truncation / Jupiter advancing right in quadriga driven by Victory, hurling thunderbolt and holding sceptre; ROMA incuse on raised tablet in exergue. Struck on a broad flan. Area with encrustation/oxidation. A few tiny marks. Lovely steel grey toning with some blue iridescence. Crawford 28/3 HN Italy 334 S.31 1+ 4 000

1155 Anonymous. Circa 225-215 BC. AR quadrigatus, (6,66 g). Uncertain mint. Laureate head of Janus; curved truncation / Jupiter advancing right in quadriga driven by Victory, hurling thunderbolt and holding sceptre; ROMA incuse on raised tablet in exergue. Well struck on a broad flan. Attractive steel grey toning. Crawford 28/3 HN Italy 334 S.31 1+/01 5 000

1156 M. Atillius Saranus. 148 BC. AR denarius, Roma, (3,37 g). Helmeted head of Roma right, SARIN behind and value mark X below chin / Dioscuri twins on horseback charging right. M.ATILI below, ROMA in exergue. Wonderful iridescent toning. Crawford 214/1 Sydenham 398 S.92 1+/01 3 500

1157 M. Caecilius Q.f. Metellus. 127 BC. AR denarius, Roma, (3,77 g). Helmeted head of Roma right, ROMA behind and value mark XVI below chin / Macedonian shield with elephant´s head at centre. M METELLVS Q F around shield, all within laurel wreath. Some cleaning marks and minor corrosion on the obverse. Well centered for type. Lightly toned. Crawford 263/1 Sydenham 480 S.139 1+/01 2 000

1158 C. Fabius C. f. Hadrianus. 102 BC. AR Denarius, Roma, (3,15 g). Veiled and turreted bust of Cybele right; •O• behind / Victory driving biga right; stork below; C•FABI•C•F in exergue. Tiny scratch and minor porosity on reverse. Toned. Crawford 322/1a Sydenham 589 S.200 var. 1+ 500


1153 1154


1156 1157

127Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

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1159 M. Porcius Cato. 89 BC. AR denarius, Roma, (3,82 g). Diademed and draped female bust right; ROMA to left with (MA) in monogram.; M•CATO below bust (AT in monogram) / Victory seated right, holding palm frond and patera; VICTRIX in exergue (TR in monogram). Area of flat strike on obverse. Brushed. Bright surfaces. Crawford 343/1b Sydenham 596 S.247 var. 1+ 500

1160 Anonymous. Likely struck by Gargonius, Ogulnius and Vergilius in 86 BC. AR denarius, Roma, (4,05 g). Head of Apollo right, wreathed with oak; thunderbolt below bust / Jupiter advancing right, in quadriga, brandishing thunderbolt. Ligthly toned and lustrous. Crawford 350A/2 Sydenham 723 S.266 01 1 400 This very late anonymous issue undoubtly belongs to a series struck by gargonius, Ogulnius or Vergilius in 86 Bc who also issued the same type with their signatures. The reason for the unsigned issue remains a mystery. 1161 Mn. Fonteius C.f. 85 BC. AR denarius, Roma, (3,88 g). MN FONTEI C·F (MN and NT in monogram), Laureate head of Vejovis to right, thunderbolt below bust / The infant Genius seated right on goat; pilei of the Dioscuri in upper field; filleted thyrsus in exergue. All within laurel wreath. A few deposits. Brushed and with bright surfaces. Crawford 353/1c Sydenham 724a S.271 1+ 500

1162 Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. 76-75 BC. AR denarius, (3,78 g). Struck in Spain. Diademed and draped bust of the Genius of the Roman People right, sceptre over shoulder; G P R above bust / Globe between wreathed sceptre and rudder. EX - S C in field, CN LEN Q below. Light iridescent toning. Crawford 393/1a Sydenham 752 S.323 1+ 2 400 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL COINS

1163 Julius Caesar. Assassinated 44 BC. AV aureus Roma 46-45 BC, (8,00 g). With L. Munatius Plancus, praefectus Urbi. C·CAES DIC·TER, Draped and winged bust of Victory right / L·PLANC PRAEF·VRB (VR in monogram), Single-handled sacrificial jug. Small repaired area before bust. A few tiny marks and scratches. Attractive. Crawford 475/1a Calicó 45 S.1396 1/1+ 25 000

1164 Julius Caesar. Assassinated 44 BC. AE dupondius, Roma 46-45 BC, (13,67 g). Issued under the prefect C. Clovius. CAESAR·DIC·TER, Draped and winged bust of Victory right, star to left / C·CLOVI PRAEF, Minerva advancing to left, holding trophy over shoulder and spears and shield decorated with Medusa; snake at feet gliding left with head erected. Minor smoothing and small cleaning scratches. Brown and brassy surfaces. Crawford 476/1b Sydenham 1025 S.1417 1/1+ 2 000

1165 Julius Caesar. Assassinated 44 BC. AR denarius, Rome 42 BC, (3,91 g). Posthumous issue by the moneyer Mussidius Longus. Wreathed head of Julius Caesar right / L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS, Cornucopiae on globe, rudder to left, caduceus and apex to right. Bankers marks on obverse and tiny edge cut. Deep old cabinet toning. Crawford 494/39 Sydenham 116 S.1426 1 10 000


1160 1162


1164 1165

128 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

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1166 Marcus Antonius and C. Caesar Octavianus with M. Barbatius. AV aureus, mint moving with M. Antonius, struck 41 BC (8,02 g). M·ANT·IMP·AVG·III·VIR·R·P·C·M·BARBAT·Q·P Bare head of M. Antonius right / CAESAR·IMP·PONT·III·VIR·R·P·C Bare head of Octavian right. A few minor edge marks and very minor circulation marks. Well centered and struck on a full flan. Crawford 517/1a Calicó 109 S.1502 1+/01 280 000 ex numismatica Ars classica, Auction 100, lot 391

This remarkable gold aureus celebrates the establishment of the second triumvirate in 43 Bc formally called the triumvirate for Organizing the republic. The political alliance divided power between the roman republic's most powerful men, Octavian, marcus Antonius and Lepidus. The alliance was an official and legal institution granting the three men full legal sanction, even outranking the consuls. Their only limit was the five-year term determined by law. On the coin you can read; iii Vir r P c, abbreviating tresviri rei publicae constituendae "One of Three men for the regulation of the republic". The intention with the triumvirate was to re-establish control of the republic that was thrown into disarray after the assassination of Julius caesar in 44 Bc. The three men divided the provinces between them and managed to bring down caesar’s assassins and conspirators, including the chief conspirators Brutus and cassius, who had fled rome after the plot and taken control of the eastern provinces. The second triumvirate was not a stable alliance and was brought to an end by internal greed and jealousy. Octavian managed to defeat his rivals and emerged as the undisputed ruler of rome, becoming the first Augustus in January 27 Bc.



129Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1167 Octavian as Triumvir. AR denarius, Southern or central Italy 37 BC, (3,88 g). IMP•CAESAR DIVI•F•III•VIR•ITER•R•P•C, Bare and bearded head of Octavian right / COS•ITER•ET•TER•DESIG, Emblems of the augurate and pontificate: simpulum, aspergillum, guttus, and lituus. With thick encrustations of horn silver. Darkly toned. Crawford 538/1 Sydenham 312 S.1544 1+ 800

1168 Octavian as Triumvir. AR denarius, Rome? 30-29 BC, (3,72 g). Bare head of Octavian right / Single span triumphal arch (Actian arch) surmounted by a large statue of Octavian in triumphal quadriga; IMP CAESAR on architrave. A well centered and exceptionally preserved specimen. Wonderful iridescent cabinet toning. RIC 267 Sydenham 422 S.1558 01 50 000 ex classical numismatic group, triton Xi, lot 654 ex Oslo myntgalleri, Auction 14, lot 862


1169 Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AR denarius, Pergamon mint 27 BC, (3,73 g). CAESAR, Bare head of Augustus right / AVGVSTVS, Bull standing right. Minor die shift on reverse and a few faint hairlines. Well struck without the usual flan crack. Wonderful portrait and bull. Attractive light iridescent toning. RIC 475 RSC 28 S.1593 1+/01 10 000 ex classical numismatic group, mail Bid sale 73, lot 824 1170 Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AR denarius, Lugdunum 15-13 BC, (3,80 g). Bare head of Augustus right / IMP X ACT, The Actian Apollo standing, holding plectrum and lyre. Die break on reverse. Lightly toned. RIC 171a RSC 144 S.1611 1+/01 6 500

1171 Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AE as, Roma, 15 BC, (11,09 g). Issued by moneyer Cn. Piso Cn. F. Bare head of Augustus right / CN•PISO•CN•F•IIIVIR•A•A•A•F•F• around large S•C. Struck a little off-centre. Appealing untouched dark green patina with a few earthen deposits. Some corrosion on the reverse and minor flaking of patina on the edge. RIC 382 BMCRE 137 S.1681 1+ 700

1172 Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AE as, Roma, 7 BC, (11,04 g). Issued by moneyer M. Salvius Otho. Bare head of Augustus right / M•SALVIVS•OTHO•III VIR•A•A•A•F•F• around large S•C. Struck off-centre. Appealing untouched dark green patina with a few earthen deposits. RIC 431 Cohen 515 S.1685 1+ 1 000




1169 1170

1171 1172

130 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

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1173 Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AR denarius, Lugdunum 2 BC-AD 4, (3,65 g). Laureate head of Augustus right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT / C L CAESARES (in exergue), Caius and Lucius standing facing, each togate and resting hand on shield; behind each shield a spear; simpulum and lituus between them. Small mark on obverse. Porous surfaces. Steel grey toning. RIC 207 RSC 43 S.1597 1+/01 1 000

1174 Divus Augustus. Died AD 14. AE dupondius, Roma (15,13 g). Struck under Gaius (Caligula), AD 37-41. DIVVS•AVGVSTVS / S - C, Radiate bust of Divus Augustus left / CONSENSV SENAT•ET•EQ•ORDIN•P•Q•R•, Augustus or Caligula seated left on curule chair, holding olive branch and globe. Well struck with a fine portrait. Some roughness and minor smoothing in the fields. Appealing green-brown patina. RIC 56 Cohen 87 S.1811 1+ 1 000

1175 Divus Augustus. Died AD 14. AE as, Roma (12,88 g). Struck under Titus before AD 81. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER / Radiate bust of Divus Augustus left / IMP T VE-SP A-VG REST / S - C, Eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, wings spread, head left. Dark green patina with some corrosion on the surfaces. Rare. RIC 469 Cohen 554 S.2585 1/1+ 700

1176 Agrippa. Died AD 12. AE as, Roma AD 31-47, (12,88 g). Minted under Caligula (AD 31-47). Head of Agrippa to left, wearing rostral crown / S - C, Nude Neptune standing, head left, holding dolphin and trident. Old punch marks before bust. Reverse a bit softly struck. Attractive dark green patina. A fine portrait of Agrippa. RIC 58 (Gaius) RSC 3 S.1812 01 4 000

1177 Agrippa. Died AD 12. AE as, Roma AD 31-47, (10,80 g). Minted under Caligula (AD 31-47). Head of Agrippa to left, wearing rostral crown / S - C, Nude Neptune standing, head left, holding dolphin and trident. Corrosion on the reverse. Brown patina. RIC 58 (Gaius) RSC 3 S.1812 1+ 700

1178 Germanicus. Died AD 19. AE dupondius, Roma AD 37-41 (16,35 g). Minted under Gaius (Caligula) AD 37-41. GERMANICVS CAESAR, Germanicus driving triumphal quadriga right, holding eagle-tipped sceptre and reins / SIGNIS RECEPT DEVICTIS GERM, Germanicus standing left, raising hand in gesture of command and holding aquila. Light brown patina with some green and red. Smoothed surfaces. RIC 57 (Gaius) BMCRE 93-100 (Caligula) S.1820 1+ 3 000


1173 1174 1175



131Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

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1179 Nero & Drusus Caesar. Died AD 31 and 33 respectively. AE dupondius, Roma AD 40-41, (16,27 g). Minted under Gaius (Caligula) AD 37-41. NERO ET DRVSVS CAESARES, Nero and Drusus Caesar on horseback riding right, cloaks flying / C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P III P P around large S • C. Brown-green patina. Tooled and smoothed. RIC 34 (Gaius) Cohen 2 S.1828 1+ 2 000 1180 Gaius (Caligula). AD 37-41. AE As Roma AD 37-38, (10,70 g). Bare head of Gaius left / VESTA/S-C, Vesta seated left on ornamented throne, holding patera and sceptre. Minor tooling-line on forehead. Brown-green patina with some roughness and earthen deposits. RIC 38 Cohen 27 S.1803 1+ 2 000

1181 Nero Claudius Drusus. Died 9 BC. AV aureus, Lugdunum AD 41-42, (7,66 g). Minted under his son, the emperor Claudius. Laureate head of Drusus left / Triumphal arch surmouted by equestrian statue between two trophies, architrave inscribed with DE GERMANIS. A few very faint scratches and small spots of earthen deposits. Very rare. RIC 71 (Claudius) Calicó 316 1/1+ 60 000 ex numismatica Ars classica Auction 84, lot 1761 ex Künker Auction 273, lot 656 The triumphal arch depicted on this coin is probably Arcus drusi that was erected to commemorate drusus’ military victories in germany. The arch was erected by the senate shortly after drusus’ death in Ad 9, likely after instructions from Augustus. The location of the arch is still debated, and the structure is believed to be lost. The arch right in front of Porta s. sebastiano on the Appian way has earlier been attributed to drusus, but scholars have found no evidence for this connection. Historical sources place the real arch closer to the Baths of caracalla and no traces of this has ever been found. The arch in front of Porta s. sebastiano was originally flanked by two smaller arches on each side and decorated with marble panels and columns of numidian marble. Only the central arch is still standing where the brick core, two columns of numidian marble and traces of the triangular pediment remains. The arch was likely transformed already during the reign of caracalla when he ordered the arch to be used as a base for the aqueduct Aqua Antoniniana which was constructed in order to supply his grandiose bath complex on the Aventine Hill. Further changes were done during the reign of Honorius when the arch was incorporated into a defensive wall around the city. in medieval times, the arch was used as base for a defensive tower and a few brick layers from this construction remains on top of the arch today.

1182 Antonia Minor. Augusta, AD 37 and 41. AE dupondius, Roma AD 41-42, (13,45 g). Minted under Claudius. Draped bust of Antonia right / Claudius, veiled and togate, standing left, holding simpulum and volumen. Brown surfaces with some corrosion. Traces of artificial patina. Treated with wax. RIC 92 Cohen 6 S.1902 1+ 1 000


1179 1180



132 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

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1183 Claudius. AD 41-54. AV aureus, Roma AD 46-47, (7,77 g). Laureate head of Claudius left / SPQR P*P OB CS, in three lines, all within oak-wreath. A few minor marks and tiny scratches. Attractive in hand. RIC 40 Calicó 379 1+ 30 000 Purchased from A. H. Baldwin & sons

1184 Claudius. AD 41-54. AV aureus, Roma AD 50-54, (7,56 g). Laureate head of Claudius right / AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE, Diademed and draped bust of Agrippina Junior right. Very faint traces of mounting. Well struck. Rare. RIC 80 Calicó 396c S.1885 1+ 70 000 ex Alberto campana collection ex gasvoda collection ex Busso Paus nachfolger, sale 369, lot 437. October 31st, 2001 ex numismatia Ars classica Auction 64, lot 2492 ex numismatia Ars classica Auction 86, lot 117

1185 Claudius. AD 41-54. AR denarius, Lugdunum AD 46-47, (3,63 g). Laureate head of Claudius right / CONSTANTIAE AVGVSTI, Constantia seated left on curule chair, raising hand to face. A few tiny marks. Deep old cabinet toning. RIC 32 RSC 8 S.1842 1+ 10 000





1185 200%

133Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

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1186 Claudius. AD 41-54. AE dupondius, Roma AD 41-42, (11,97 g). Bare head of Claudius left / CERES AVGVSTA, Ceres seated left on ornamental throne, holding two stalks of grain and long torch; S-C in exergue. Numerous tiny cleaning scratches on reverse. Well preserved details and with an attractive river patina. RIC 94 Cohen 1 S.1855 1+/01 4 000

1187 Nero. AD 54-68. AE sestertius, Lugdunum AD 65, (28,44 g). Laureate head of Nero to right, with globe at the point of the bust / PACE P R TERRA MARIQ PARTA IANVM CLVSIT / S - C, Temple of Janus with ornated roof, latticed window on the left and closed double doors on the right. Garland hanging over det arch of the doors. Old edge damage on reverse and small punch mark on back of neck. Wonderfully preserved specimen with a charming warm brown patina. Small traces of green deposits. RIC 438 Cohen 146 S.1958 1+ 10 000 ex spink inventory sale (old tag included). sold for 1,350 pounds

1188 Nero. AD 54-68. AE sestertius, Roma AD 65, (23,78 g). Laureate head of Nero left / PACE P R TERRA MARIQ PARTA IANVM CLVSIT / S - C, Temple of Janus with closed double doors to left, latticed windows to right. Rough corroded surfaces with some flaking of patina. Dark green patina. Rare with doors on left side. RIC 269 S.1960 var. 1+ 600




134 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1189 Nero. AD 54-68. AE semis, Roma AD 64, (3,15 g). Laureate head of Nero right / CER QVINQ R-OM CO / S - C, Prize table; mark of value «S» on table, urn and a wreath set on a table; shield resting against leg. Lovely green patina with roughness and earthen deposits. A fine portrait of Nero struck in very high relief. RIC 233 Cohen 47 S.1979 1+/01 800

1190 Galba. AD 68-69. AE sestertius, Roma AD 68, (28,33 g). Laureate and draped bust of Galba right / Roma seated left on cuirass, holding sceptre and leaning on shield set on shield; S-C across fields; ROMA in exergue. Tooled and some details re-engraved. Some smoothing in the fields. Dark brown patina. RIC I 241 var. S.2119 1+ 1 000

1191 Otho. AD 69. AR denarius, Roma AD 69, (3,30 g). Bare head of Otho right / SECVRITAS P R, Securitas standing, holding wreath and sceptre. Tiny marks. Steel grey toning. RIC 10 RSC 15 S.2163 1 1 400

1192 Otho. AD 69. AR denarius, Roma AD 69, (3,50 g). Bare head of Otho right / SECVRITAS P R, Securitas standing, holding wreath and sceptre. Very nice portrait of Otho. Lightly toned with darker patches. RIC 10 RSC 15 S.2163 1+ 8 000

1193 Vitellius. AD 69. AR denarius, Roma AD 69, (3,22 g). Laureate head of Vitellius right / CONCORDIA PR, Concordia seated left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Edge cut and old scrapes in reverse field. Attractive deep iridescent cabinet toning. RIC 73 RSC 20 1+ 1 400 ex Freeman and sear, mail Bid sale 13, lot 441 1194 Vitellius. AD 69. AR denarius, Roma AD 69, (3,12 g). Laureate head of Vitellius right / XV VIR SACR FAC, Tripod-lebes surmounted by dolphin right; below, raven perched right. Some deposits. Toned. RIC 109 RSC 111 S.2201 1 800

1195 Vitellius. AD 69. AE as, Spain (Tarraco?) AD 69, (12,31 g). Laureate head of Vitellius left, globe at point of bust / FIDES EXERCITVVM, Clasped hands right; S-C in exergue. Thin black patina with copper highlights. Very minor corrosion in fields. A few small cleaning marks. RIC 42 Cohen 49 S.2217 1+ 2 000


1189 1190 1191


1193 1194

135Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

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1196 Vespasian. AD 69-79. AR denarius, Roma AD 69-70, (3,00 g). Laureate head of Vespasian right / Judea seated right below trophy, mourning. IVDAEA in exergue. Surfaces a bit matte and crystallized. Well centered for type and a well-struck reverse. Steel grey toning. RIC 2 RSC 226 S.2296 1+ 4 000 This reverse type celebrates the success of Vespasian and titus quelling the First Jewish revolt in Ad 73. The Jews put up a hard fight against the romans and the city of Jerusalem fell after five months of siege. The future emperor titus led the attack on the city and managed to enter when a section of the wall collapsed after being undermined or damaged. titus let the soldiers sack and ravage the city and brought the treasures back to rome. A scene from the sack of Jerusalem is portrayed and still visible on the triumphal arch of titus in the Forum romanum. The fall of Jerusalem is often marked as the end of the Jewish revolt, but the highly fortified city of masada was not captured until Ad 73. The reverse of this celebrated denarius shows a personification of Judea seated and mourning under a trophy of captured armour. 1197 Vespasian. AD 69-79. AR denarius, Roma AD 72-73, (3,22 g). Laureate head of Vespasian right / Priestly implements; simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus. AVGVR above, TRI POT below. Some horn silver deposits and a few small marks and tiny scratches. Well struck and darkly toned. RIC 356 RSC 45 S.2282 1+ 700 Purchased from Oslo myntgalleri (tag included)

1198 Vespasian. AD 69-79. AE as, Lugdunum AD 71, (12,30 g). Laureate head of Vespasian right / PROVIDENT/S-C, Altar with two doors. Old scratch on bust. Some corrosion in the fields. Dark olive-green patina. RIC 494 Cohen 396 S.2360 var. 1+ 700

1199 Vespasian. AD 69-79. AE dupondius, Antioch or Rome for circulation in Syria. Struck AD 74, (12,92 g). Laureate head of Vespasian left / PON MAX TR POT P P COS V CENS, Crossed cornucopiae before winged caduceus. Some artificial green patina applied on top of the natural brown patina. Treated with wax. RIC 759 RPC 1983 1/1+ 1 000

1200 Titus. AD 79-81. As Caesar under Vespasian (AD 69-79): AE as, Lugdunum AD 77-78, (9,30 g). Laureate head of Titus right, globe at point of bust/ S-C, Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt. Scattered corrosion on the surfaces. A bold portrait struck in high relief. Dark brown patina. RIC 786 (Vespasian) BMCRE 868 1+ 1 600

1201 Titus. AD 79-81 - for Divus Vespasian. AR denarius, Roma AD 80-81, (3,27 g). Laureate head of Vespasian right / Circular shield attached to column which is surmounted by urn (shield inscribed with S C); E - X and laurel branches flanking the column. Dark patination and very minor corrosion on the reverse. RIC 359 (Titus) RSC Vespasian 149 S.2568 1+/01 2 000 From the collection of Hannelore scheiner ex Künker, eLive Auction 43, lot 165

1196 1197 1198

1199 1200


136 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1202 Domitian. AD 81-96. AV aureus, Roma AD 84?, (7,53 g). Bare head of Domitian right / GERMANICUS, Domitian advancing left in quadriga, holding laurel branch and sceptre. Faint hairlines on the reverse in exergue and before driver. A few small edge marks and nick on lower part of bust. Portrait of very refined style. A very rare variety of a rare type and among the finest sold in the past 20 years of online auction records. Same dies as the one sold at NAC, auction 102, lot 507. RIC 750 Calicó 827 01 250 000 Purchased from the inventory of numismatica Ars classica in 2016 ex Oslo myntgalleri, Auction 12, lot 794

This magnificent type celebrates domitian's military exploits in germany against the chatti in Ad 83. Unlike Vespasian and titus, domitian was not a military man and had no experience from the army. Vespasian had kept him in the background during his reign and the task of quelling the Jewish revolt in Ad 73 was given to the elder brother titus. However, when domitian himself ascended the throne in Ad 81 he considered himself a military commander and constantly sent messages to the generals in the field with advices and recommendations, likely to great annoyance for the generals. in hope of winning some experience and credibility with the army, he embarked on a successful campaign to germany in Ad 83 to fight the chatti. Ancient authors called it a "mock triumph" and a show giving no real results. After the "success" domitian awarded himself with the boastful title germanicus and celebrated an elaborate triumph back in rome. However, trouble was about to build up for domitian and in Ad 85 the dacians crossed the danube bringing a serious challenge for the northern frontier. despite a decisive victory at tapae four years later the long war had worn down the armies, and domitian was forced to conclude a truce with King decabalus of dacia. The truce was reckoned as a cowardly move by many romans and completely broke with the roman tradition, severely damaging the emperor's reputation. more problems were heading in domitian's direction as the samatians attacked the norther frontier in Ad 92 and started a new conflict that was not to be solved during his reign. some real stability was not fully achieved before the reign of trajan and his successful campaigns against dacia in Ad 101-106. despite his lack of military experience and meager results in military campaigns, domitian earned the respect of the Army by raising their wages.



137Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1203 Domitian. AD 81-96. Issued as Caesar under Vespasian AD 69-79. AR denarius, Roma AD 79, (3,50 g). Laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTUTIS, Salus resting on column, feeding snake. Well struck and with a lovely light grey even toning. RIC 1084 (Vespasian) RSC 384 corr. (Salus standing right, not left) S.2642 01 2 600 Purchased from Oslo mynthandel in the 1990s 1204 Domitian. AD 81-96. AR denarius, Roma AD 88, (3,43 g). Laureate head right / IMP XIIII COS XIIII CENS P P P, Minerva standing left, holding spear and supporting hand on side. A few tiny marks. Lightly toned. RIC 584 RSC 233 S.2731 1+ 700

1205 Domitian. AD 81-96. AR quinarius, Roma AD 88, (1,60 g). Laureate head right / IMP XIIII COS XIIII CENS P P P, Victory seated left, holding wreath and palm branch. Well struck and nicely toned. RIC 590 RSC 240 S.2757 01 4 500 ex dr. Klaus Berthold collection ex giessener münzhandlung, Auktion 215, lot 1030 1206 Domitian. AD 81-96. AR denarius, Roma AD 90-91, (3,36 g). Laureate head right / IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P, Minerva standing left, holding thunderbolt and spear, shield at side. Small spot of deposits on reverse. Lightly toned and lustrous. RIC 721 RSC 264 S.2732 var. 1+/01 1 000

1207 Domitian. AD 81-96. AR denarius, Roma AD 95-96, (3,45 g). Laureate head right / IMP XXII COS XVII CENS P P P, Minerva advancing right, holding shield and brandishing spear. A few tiny scratches on obverse. Lightly toned and lustrous. RIC 787 RSC 292 S.2734 var. 1+/01 1 000

1208 Domitian. AD 81-96. AR denarius, Roma AD 95-96, (3,36 g). Laureate head right / IMP XXII COS XVII CENS P P P, Minerva standing right on capital of rostral column, brandishing spear and holding shield; owl standing right to lower right, head facing. A few small scratches on reverse. Lightly toned and lustrous. RIC 788 RSC 293 S.2730 var. 1+ 700

1209 Domitian. AD 81-96. AE as, Roma AD 92-94, (11,73 g). Laureate head right / FORTVNAE AVGVSTI/S-C, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Brown patina with some red cuprite. Some roughness. Smoothed surfaces. RIC 755 S.2805 var. 1+ 500

1210 Nerva. AD 96-98. AE dupondius, Roma AD 97, (11,06 g). Radiate head of Nerva right / LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Libertas standing half-left, holding pileus and sceptre. Wonderful glossy green and brown patina. A few small spots of corrosion. Exceptional state of preservation. RIC 87 Cohen 116 S.3059 1+/01 5 000


1203 1205 1206 1207


138 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1211 Trajan. AD 98-117. AR denarius, Roma AD 99, (3,19 g). Laureate head of Trajan right / PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Concordia seated left, sacrificing from patera over altar and holding double cornucopiae. Wonderful iridescent toning. Almost invisible marks and scratches. RIC 12 RSC 302 S.3153 1+/01 1 600 Aquired from Lockdales Auctioneers and Valuers 1212 Trajan. AD 98-117. AR denarius, Roma AD 107, (3,43 g). Laureate head of Trajan right / COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm branch. Almost as struck and lustrous. Some red residue on edge. RIC 128 RSC 74 S.3129 0/01 2 000 1213 Trajan. AD 98-117. AR denarius, Roma AD 112-114, (3,41 g). Laureate head of Trajan right, slight drapery / DIVVS PATER TRAIAN, Trajan’s father seated left on curule chair, holding patera and sceptre. Old scratches under tone. Deeply toned. Scarce issue. RIC 252 var. RSC 140 S.3323 1+ 700

1214 Trajan. AD 98-117. AR drachm of Bostra, Arabia. Struck AD 114-116, (3,47 g). AYTOKP KAIC NEP TRAIAN ARICT CEB ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trajan right / ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠATO S, Baktrian camel walking left. Well struck and lustrous. RPC III 4077 Tell Kalak 19 var. 01 2 000

1215 Matidia. Augusta, AD 112-119. AV aureus struck under Trajan, Roma AD 112, (7,08 g). Diademed and draped bust of Matidia right / PIETAS AVGVST, Pietas standing facing, head left, holding hands on the heads of two children. A few almost invisible hairlines. Struck on a large flan. Rare. RIC 759 (Trajan) Calicó 1157 (these dies) 1/1+ 85 000 From the collection of Walter niggeler iii ex Auktion Leu/münzen und medallien Ag, Basel 1967, lot 1238 ex Auktion Hess/Leu 45, Luzern 1970, lot 515 ex Künker, Auction 326, lot 1396


1211 1212 1214


139Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1216 Hadrian. AD 117-138. AV aureus, Roma, AD 119-122, (7,23 g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian right / P M TR P COS III, the Genius of the Roman People standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; GEN-PR across fields. Tiny scrape on obverse and almost invisible marks and scratches. Very attractive in hand. RIC 195 Calicó 1267 1+ 25 000

1217 Hadrian. AD 117-138. AV aureus, Roma, AD 119-122, (6,86 g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian right / P M TR P – COS III Mars, helmeted, standing facing, foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium. Tiny circulation marks and scratches. Well struck and with a noble portrait of fine style. RIC 66 Calicó 1339 BMC 110 01 45 000 ex sBV Zürich, inventory sale: HArs 11/87, no. 1210

1218 Hadrian. AD 117-138. AR denarius, Roma, AD 118, (3,74 g). Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian right / P M TR P COS II, SALVS AVG in exergue, Salus seated left, holding patera and feeding snake arising from altar. A few almost invisible scratches. Nicely toned with some iridescence. RIC 134 Cohen 1350 1+/01 1 000

1219 Hadrian. AD 117-138. AR denarius, Roma, AD 121-123, (2,75 g). Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian right, slight drapery / P M TR P COS III, Roma seated left, holding Victory and spear. Flan flaw on reverse. Nice iridescent toning. RIC 542 RSC 1099 1+ 500

1220 Hadrian. AD 117-138. AR denarius, Roma, AD 137-138, (3,09 g). Bare head of Hadrian right / PROVINDEN-TIA AVG, Providentia standing left, holding sceptre and pointing at globe at feet to left. Well struck and with an expressive portrait. Attractive steel grey toning. RIC 2320 RSC 1204 01 1 000





1218 1220

140 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1221 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AV aureus, Roma AD 138, (7,26 g). Bare head of A. Pius right / AVG PIVS P M - TR P COS DES II, Pietas standing left, holding incense box and raising hand over garlanded and lighted altar. Portrait of fine style struck in high relief. Scarpe on cheek and neck. Tiny marks and scratches. RIC 14a Calicó 1475 (these dies) 1+ 20 000

1222 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AV quinarius, Roma AD 150-151, (3,59 g). Laureate and draped bust of A. Pius right / COS IIII, LIB VI, Liberalitas standing left, holding Abacus and Vexillum. A nice and clear specimen of great rarity. RIC 198 var. BMCRE 723 Cohen 513 var. 1+ 40 000 ex Künker, Auction 257, lot 8993

1223 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AR denarius, Roma AD 146, (3,48 g). Laureate head of A. Pius right / COS IIII, Winged thunderbolt on draped throne. Wonderfully toned and virtually as struck. RIC 137 RSC 345 S.4079 0 1 600

1224 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AR denarius, Roma AD 151-152, (3,14 g). Laureate head of A. Pius right / TR POT XV COS IIII, Fortuna standing facing, head right, holding rudder set on globe and cornucopiae. Well struck. Light iridescent toning. RIC 211 RSC 957 01 1 000 ex Künker, Auction 136, lot 1032 1225 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AR denarius, Roma AD 154-155, (3,05 g). Laureate head of A. Pius right / COS IIII, Annona standing left, holding two corn ears and resting left hand on modius, filled with corn ears, set on prow. Almost as struck. A few tiny hairlines on reverse. Lightly toned and lustrous. RIC 239 RSC 292 0/01 1 200




1223 1224 1225

141Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1226 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AR denarius, Roma AD 160-161, (3,28 g). Laureate head of A. Pius right / PIETATI AVG COS IIII, Pietas standing between two children, holding one child in each arm. Well struck and nicely toned. RIC 313c RSC 631 S.4098 0/01 1 200

1227 Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. AE sestertius, Roma AD 140-144, (24,43 g). Laureate head of Pius right / SALVS AVG, S - C in field, Salus standning, hold sceptre and feeding snake coiled around altar. Attractive brown-green patina. Tooled and smoothed. RIC 635 Banti 340 S.4214 01 2 800

1228 Marcus Aurelius. AD 161-180. AR denarius, Roma AD 162, (3,34 g). Bare head of M. Aurelius right / CONCORD AVG TR P XVI / COS III, Concordia seated left on throne, holding patera. A few tiny scratches on neck. Attractive steel grey toning. RIC 35 RSC 35 S.4882 1+ 800

1229 Marcus Aurelius. As Caesar under Antoninus Pius AD 139-161. AE sestertius, Roma AD 152-153, (29,06 g). Bare head of M. Aurelius right / TR POT VII COS II S-C, Minerva standing left, holding Victory in left hand and grounded shield in right hand; spear leaning on right arm. Appealing dark brown patina with scattered green deposits. Tiny edge cut. An attractive coin in hand. RIC 1308a (Pius) Banti 323 1/1+ 1 600 Purchased from claude Burgan numismatique (tag included) 1230 Faustina Junior. Augusta AD 147-175/6. AE sestertius, Roma AD 157-161, (25,32 g). Draped bust of Faustina Junior right / FECVNDITAS AVGVSTAE, Fecunditas standing left, holding two infants; two children stand to either side below. S-C across fields. Charming chocolate brown patina with some encrustations and deposits. Ancient edge knock and small edge mark. Attractive in hand. RIC 1635 (Aurelius) Banti 56 S.5273 1+ 2 800 The edge knock on this coin was most likely applied in the mint for the purpose of closing a large flan crack.

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1229 1230

1226 1227 1228

142 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1231 Lucius Verus. AD 161-169. AV aureus, Roma AD 163-164, (7,36 g). Bare head of L. Verus right / TR P IIII IMP II COS II, REX ARMEN DAT (in exergue), L. Verus seated left on platform, officer standing on his left side and a soldier on the right side; at foot of platform, king Sohaemus standing left. A spectacular coin with a refined portrait and an intriuging reverse. Almost as struck and lustrous. RIC 512 Calicó 2154 0/01 150 000 ex Künker, Auction 277, lot 133 This magnificent coin celebrates the re-installation of gaius Julius sohaemus as king of Armenia. sohaemus was crowned king of Armenia by Antoninus Pius in Ad 144 and led a pro-roman regime. After the death of Pius in Ad 161, the Parthians led by Vologases iV seized the opportunity and invaded Armenia, driving king sohaemus into exile. Back in rome the insult did not go unnoticed and marcus Aurelius sent his co-emperor Lucius Verus on a counter- offensive into Armenia and Parthia. Verus set up headquarter in Antiochia and sent the able general marcus statius Priscus to Armenia in Ad 163 where he succeeded to drive out the Parthians, and sohaemus was restored to the crown. The general Avidius cassius marched into mesopotamia and managed to seize the Parthian capital of Ktesiphon. initially, the campaign was a great success for the rome, but the plague they brought back from Parthia would soon ravage the empire and its people. The epidemic, believed to be smallpox or measles, decimated the armies and made the borders of the empires vulnerable for attacks. From Ad 167, marcus Aurelius personally commanded his army in a defensive mission on the danube frontier and partially succeeded to drive back the germanic tribes attacking the borders. Verus had succumbed to a disease in Ad 169 and Aurelius died in Ad 180. The plague may have been the cause of death for both emperors.



143Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1232 Lucius Verus. AD 161-169. AV aureus, Roma AD 168, (7,00 g). Laureate and draped bust of L. Verus right / TR P VIII IMP V COS III, Aequitas seated left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Marks and scratches. Minor edge filing. RIC 593 Calicó 2203 1/1+ 20 000

1233 Lucilla. Augusta, AD 164-182. AV aureus, Rome, struck under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus AD 161-162, (7,18 g). Draped bust of Lucilla right / VOTA PVBLI-CA, in three lines within laurel wreath. Light scuff on obverse and a few small scratches and edge marks. A fine portrait struck in high relief. An attractive coin in hand. RIC 790 (Aurelius) Calicó 2219a Cohen 97 1+/01 40 000 ex Hd rauch, Auction 65, lot 330

1234 Commodus. AD 177-192. AR denarius, Roma AD 186-187, (3,01 g). Laureate head of Commodus right / HILAR AVG P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and branch. Light cabinet toning. RIC 150a RSC 212 01 1 000

1235 Commodus. AD 177-192. AE sestertius, Roma AD 186, (26,00 g). Laureate head of Commodus right / FEL PVBLICA PM TR P XI IMP VII COS V PP, Felicitas standing facing, head left, holding patera and sceptre. Attractive light brown patina. A few small scratches and minor smoothing of a few corrosion spots. Scarce type. RIC 467 Cohen 122 1+ 2 400 ex stack’s Bowers, January 2020 nYinc Auction, lot 22172

1236 Crispina. Augusta, AD 178-182. AV aureus, struck under Commodus, Roma AD 178-182, (7,13 g). Draped bust of Crispina right / VENUS * FELIX, Venus seated left, holding cupid in extended hand and resting on sceptre; dove below throne. Well struck on a large flan. Scarce. RIC 287 corr. (Cupid, not Victory) Calicó 2377 corr. (same dies) Cohen 39 1+/01 70 000 ex classical numismatic group, Auction 96, lot 815 ex Künker, Auction 273, lot 814





1234 1235


144 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1237 Pescennius Niger. AD 193-194. AR denarius, Antiochia or Caesarea AD 193, (2,74 g). Laureate and draped bust of P. Niger right / IVSTITIA AVG, Justitia standing left, holding sceptre and holding globe in exended hand. Well struck and lightly toned with light iridescence. Very light porosity. Rare. RIC 50 var. RSC 45 var. S.6113 1+ 6 500 ex Künker, Auktion 318, lot 1367 1238 Septimius Severus. AD 193-211. AR denarius, Laodicea AD 198, (3,48 g). Laureate head of S. Severus right / COS II P P, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm branch. Well struck and toned. Small scratch on the obverse at 3 o´clock. RIC 503a RSC 96 S.6270 var. 0/01 1 000

1239 Julia Domna. Augusta, AD 193-217. AR denarius (3,40 g). Rome mint, struck under Caracalla AD 211-215. Draped bust of Julia Domna right / VESTA, Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sceptre. Lightly toned. RIC 390 RSC 230 S.7108 1+/01 500

1240 Caracalla. AD 197-217. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 216, (5,05 g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Sol standing facing, head left, raising right hand and holding globe in left hand. Well struck and lightly toned. RIC 264c RSC 287 1+/01 1 400 The antoninianus was introduced by caracalla in Ad 215 and valued as two denarii, even if the silver content was only equal to 1,5 denarii. The antoninianus is slightly larger than a denarius and the radiate crown indicates a double denomination. The antoninianus was not an immidiate success but would later replace the denarius as the principal silver coin of rome. 1241 Macrinus. AD 217-218. AR denarius, Roma AD 218, (2,96 g). Laureate and cuirassed bust of Macrinus right / FELICITAS TEMPORVM, Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus and cornucopiae. Dark find patina. RIC 60 RSC 15a S.7332 1+/01 2 000 Purchased from Freeman and sear (tag included)

1242 Macrinus. AD 217-218. AE sestertius, Roma 2. emission AD 218, (21,43 g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus right / PONTIF MAX TRP II COS II P P, S - C in field, Jupiter standing, head left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Attractive thick green patina. Very thin flan crack at 6 o´clock and light doubling on the reverse. Minor smoothing in reverse field. Very rare variant that is unlisted in the standard references. RIC (cf. 154, As) S.(cf. 7424, As) 1+/01 40 000 ex H.d. rauch, Auktion 107, lot 384


1237 1238 1239

1240 1241


145Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1243 Elagabalus. AD 218-222. AR denarius, Antioch AD 218-219, (3,40 g). Laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus right / FELICITAS TEMP, Galley with vexillum sailing right. Small scratch on cheek and some green verdigris on reverse. Lightly toned. RIC 188 RSC 27 S.7510 1+ 800

1244 Elagabalus. AD 218-222. AR denarius, Roma AD 221, (2,35 g). Laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus right / LIBERALITAS AVG III, Liberalitas standing left, holding abacus and cornucopiae, star in right field. Lightly toned with light iridescence and a few darker patches of patina. Thin flan crack at 7 o´clock. RIC 103 RSC 86 S.7522 1+/01 400 ex Bruun rasmussen, Online Auction 1913, lot 5014 1245 Orbiana. Augusta, AD 225-227. AR denarius, Roma AD 225, (3,17 g). Draped bust right, wearing stephane / CONCORDI-A AVGG, Concordia seated left, holding patera and double cornucopiae. Very minor porosity on the surface. Appealing grey toning. RIC 319 RSC 1 S.8191 01 2 000

1246 Maximinus I (Thrax). AD 235-238. AR denarius, Roma, 2nd emission AD 236, (2,92 g). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Maximinus I right / SALVS AVGVSTI, Salus seated left, feeding from patera serpent rising from altar, resting arm on chair. A few tiny hairlines on the reverse. Well struck and lightly toned. RIC 14 RSC 85a S.8316 01 1 000

1247 Gordian I. Africanus. AD 238. AR denarius, Roma. (2,36 g). Laureate and draped bust of Gordian right / SECVRITAS AVGG, Securitas seated left on throne, holding sceptre. Very minor porosity. Nice steel grey toning. RIC 5 RSC 10 S.8448 1+/01 25 000 ex classical numismatic group, Auction 108, lot 658 1248 Gordian III. AD 238-244. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 238-239, (4,37 g). Radiate and draped bust of Gordian III right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and transverse sceptre. Lightly toned. A few hairlines on the reverse. RIC 4 RSC 302 S.8655 01 500

1249 Gordian III. AD 238-244. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 239, (3,97 g). Radiate and draped bust of Gordian III right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Lightly toned and lustrous. Reverse struck with worn die. Small flan flaw behind eye. RIC 34 RSC 17a S.8600 0/01 500

1250 Philip I. AD 244-249. AE sestertius, Roma AD 244-245, (18,64 g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I right / SALUS AVG, S C in exergue, Salus standing left, holding rudder and feeding snake rising from altar. Dark brown patina. Minor flan cracks. RIC 187a corr. (rudder not sceptre) Banti 55 corr. (same) S.9016 1+ 700 ex galleri moneta 9/11-2002 ex Oslo myntgalleri, Auction 16, lot 194

1243 1245 1246

1247 1248 1249


146 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1251 Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. AV aureus, Roma AD 249-251, (4,24 g). Laureate and cuirassed bust of T. Decius right / VBERITAS AVG, Uberitas standing left, holding purse and cornucopiae. Some scuff on obverse. Minor marks and scratches. Slightly wavy flan. RIC 28 var. Calicó 3299 1/1+ 20 000

1252 Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 250, (3,42 g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of T. Decius right / VICTORIA AVG, Victoria advancing, holding wreath and palm branch. Well struck and lustrous. Small flan flaw on reverse. RIC 29c RSC 113a S.9387 0/01 700

1253 Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 250, (3,85 g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of T. Decius right / GENIVS EXERC ILLVRICIANI, Genius of the Army of Illyricum standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; standard behind. Well struck and lustrous. RIC 16c RSC 49 S.9374 01 600

1254 Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. For Divus Antoninus Pius, died AD 161. AR antoninianus, Consecration issue. Rome mint, 4th officina. 8th emission of Trajan Decius, struck mid AD 251, (3,30 g). DIVO PIO, Radiate bust of Antoninus Pius right / CONSECRATIO, lighted altar. Struck with slightly worn dies on a ragged flan. Very minor porosity and a few encrustations on the reverse. Attractive steel grey toning. RIC 90 (Decius) RSC 1189 S.9475 01 1 000 This coin belongs to a remarkable series issued under trajan decius honoring the best imperial divi. A total of 11 divi are honoured in the serius that suprisingly excludes Julius caesar, claudius, Lucius Verus and Pertinax. The presence of commodus and severus Alexander is interesting as the first was a highly controversial emperor and the latter was never deified.

1255 Herennia Etruscilla. Augusta AD 249-251. AR antoninianus, Roma, 6th officina. 3rd emission of Trajan Decius, AD 250, (3,50 g). Draped bust right, wearing stephane, set on crescent / PVDICITIA AVG, Pudicitia seated left, drawing veil from face and holding sceptre. A few minor marks. Some original mint lustre preserved around devices. RIC 59b (Decius) RSC 19 S.9495 1+/01 600

1256 Herennius Etruscus. Caesar AD 249-251. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 250, 4th emission, (4,69 g). Radiate and draped bust of H. Etruscus right / SPES PVBLICA, Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. Small flan flaw on obverse. Very minor porosity. Well struck for type and lightly toned. RIC 149 (Decius) RSC 38 S.9526 01 1 000


1252 1254

1255 1256

147Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1257 Aemilian. AD 253. AR antoninianus, Roma AD 253, (3,44 g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Aemilian right / APOL CONSERVAT, Apollo standing left, holding laurel-branch and resting on lyre set on rock. Usual light porosity. Lightly toned. RIC 1 RSC 2 S.9830 01 1 200

1258 Aurelian. AD 270-275. BI antoninianus, Serdica AD 274-275, (4,30 g). Radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian right / RESTITVTOR ORBIS, Female figure, on the left, standing right and presenting wreath to emperor; Aurelian, on the right, standing left, extending his hand and holding sceptre; star between and KAA in exergue. Almost as struck. Some remaining surface silver. RIC 290 var. (mint mark) Cohen 198 0/01 600

1259 Probus. AD 276-282. AE antoninianus, Lugdunum AD 277, (4,29 g). Radiate and cuirassed bust of Probus right / MARS VICTOR, Naked Mars advancing right, holding spear and trophy over shoulder; officina mark II in exergue. Sharply struck and with some surface silver remaining. RIC 38 Cohen 334 S.11992 0 500

1260 Probus. AD 276-282. AE antoninianus, Roma AD 281, (3,48 g). Radiate and cuirassed bust of Probus right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and trophy over her shoulder; R(thunderbolt)ς in exergue. Small areas of soft strike. Much of the surface silver remains. RIC 213 Cohen 744 0/01 500

1261 Diocletian. AD 284-305. AE pre-reform antoninianus, Lugdunum AD 292-3, (3,13 g). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Diocletian right / IOVI AVGG, Jupiter seated left, holding Victory on globe and resting on sceptre; I in exergue. Some surface silver remaining on the reverse. RIC 33 Cohen 171 S.12658 var. 1+/01 400

1262 Constantine I. AD 307-337. AE billon centenionalis, London AD 319, (2,78 g). Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Constantine right / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, Two Victories standing, facing each other, holding shield between them which is resting on column; shild inscribed with VOT / P R in two lines; mint mark PLN in exergue. Reverse struck with slightly worn die. Much of the original surface silver preserved. RIC 163 S.16295 01 400

1263 Constantius II. AD 337-361. AE follis, Antioch? AD 350-355, (6,23 g). Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius II to right / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground to right; Γ in upper left field; (ANA)? in exergue, but out of flan. Struck on a rugged flan. Exceptionally detailed and well preserved reverse. Dark brown patina. RIC 132 0/01 500

1257 1258


1261 1263

148 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1264 Valentinian II. AD 375-392. AV solidus, Constantinople, AD 378-383, (4,41 g). Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valentinian II right, CONCORDI-A AVGGGI, Constantinopolis seated on throne facing, head right, holding globe and resting on sceptre; arms of throne is decorated as lion heads; CON OB in exergue. A few faint marks. Well struck and detailed. RIC 67.a S.20167 Depeyrot 33/2 1+ 8 000

1265 Theodosius II. AD 402-450. AV solidus, Constantinople AD 440-430, (4,46 g). Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Theodosius II facing three-quarters right, holding sceptre over shoulder / VOT XXX MVLT XXXX Γ, Constantinopolis seated left on throne, holding globe with cross and sceptre; star to right; CON OB in exergue. Minor scuff on the reverse and a few light marks. Double-struck reverse. An attractive coin with fine details and surfaces. RIC 257 Depeyrot 81/1 01 7 500 ex Oslo myntgalleri, Auction 17, lot 1191 BYZANTINE COINS

1266 Phocas. AD 602-610. AV solidus, Constantinople AD 607-609, (4,39 g). ∂N FOCAS PЄRP AVI, Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding globus cruciger / VICTORIA AVGЧ Є, Angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; CONOB in exergue. Very minor marks. Some flatness of strike. Lustrous. DOC II 10e SB.620 01 2 600

1267 Phocas. AD 602-610. AV solidus, Constantinople AD 607-609, (4,45 g). ∂N FOCAS PЄRP AV, Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding globus cruciger / VICTORIA AVGЧ Є, Angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; CONOB in exergue. Lustrous. DOC II 10e SB.620 01 2 600

1268 Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine. AD 610-641. AV solidus, Constantinople circa AD 616-645, (4,44 g). dd NN hЄRACLIVS Є hЄRA CONS PP AVG, facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, each wearing chlamys and crown with cross; cross in upper field / VICTORIA AVGV Є, cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue. Scrapes on reverse and a few minor marks. Area of weak strike on reverse. DOC 13d SB.738 01 2 600



1266 1267 1268

149Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1269 Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas. AD 610-641. AV solidus, Constantinople, dated IY = AD 635/6, (4,29 g). Heraclius, with long beard and moustache, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, both beardless, all three standing facing, each crowned and holding globus cruciger / VICTORIA AVςЧ B, large cross standing on three steps; monogram in left field, Θ in right field, CONOB in exergue. Minor flatness of strike on the reverse. Traces of lustre around devices. DOC 34a SB.759 1+/01 2 600

1270 Constans II. AD 641-668. AV solidus, Constantinople AD 651-654, (4,41 g). dN CONS AN INVS PP AVG, Bust of Constans II with long beard and moustache facing, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger / VICTORIA AVGV followed by officina letter I, Cross potent on three steps; CONOB in exergue. Scratches and faint graffiti on reverse. DOC 19f SB.956 1+/01 2 600

1271 Constans II with Constantine IV. AD 641-668. AV solidus, Constantinople AD 654-659, (4,35 g). dN CONSTANT] INVS C CONSTA, Crowned and bearded bust of Constans to left, beardless bust of Constantine to right, both facing and wearing chlamys; cross between their heads / VICTORIA AVGЧ I, Large cross standing on three steps; CONOB in exergue. Lustrous. DOC 25 SB.959 01 2 600

1272 John I Zimisces. AD 969-976. AR miliarension, Constantinople mint, (2,35 g). + I SЧS XRI STЧS ICA *, cross set on globe above two steps, with crowned bust of John facing within central medallion; I-A, -N across fields / + I A , / Є X’ AVTO/CRAT, ЄVSЄЬ’ / ЬASILЄVS / R MAI ’ in five lines. Double struck. Some horn silver deposits and metal flaws. Toned. DOC 7b SB.1792 1+ 500 ex roma numismatics, e-sale 59, lot 1063 1273 Romanus III (Argyrus). AD 1028-1034. AV histamenon, Constantinople, (4,38 g). + ΙhS XIS REX REGNANTIhM, Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing / Θ CE ΒΟΗΘ ΡωΜΑΝω, Romanus, placing hand on breast and holding globus cruciger, standing facing, being crowned and blessed by the Theotokos; four pellets in loros end; M Θ, each with macron above, in upper field. Weak strike in right field. A few tiny marks and scratches. DOC 1d SB.1819 1+/01 3 000

1274 Michael VII Ducas. AD 1071-1078. EL histamenon nomisma, Constantinople, (4,35 g). Facing half-length bust of Christ Pantokrator; IC-XC across fields / + MIXAHΛ RACIΛ O Δ, facing half-length bust, wearing crown with pendilia and loros, holding labarum and globus cruciger. Graffiti and a few small scratches. Well struck. DOC 2a SB.1868 01 2 000


1269 1270 1271

1272 1273


150 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

ANCIENT COINS - LOTS 1275 LOT #1. 10 archaic staters from Aigina. Some with punch marks. Total of 10 coins in lot. VK 3 5001276 LOT #2. 5 archaic staters from Aigina. Some with punch marks. Total of 5 coins in lot. VK 1 6001277 LOT #3. 12 hemidrachms from Chersonesos. All with different motifs. Some nicely toned. Total of 12 coins in lot. VK 2 0001278 LOT #4. 12 Tetradrachms and drachms from Greece, Syria and Baktria. Tetradrachms: Alexander III type (2), Demetrios I (1), Antiochos VII (1), Demetrios II Nikator (1), Antiochos VIII (1), Philip II Philadelphos (1) and Azes (1). Drachms: Menander (4). Total of 12 coins in lot. VK 5 0001279 LOT #5. 30 tetradrachms from Phoenicia, Arados. Some corroded. Most coins are lightly toned. Total of 30 coins in lot. VK 10 0001280 LOT #6. 7 greek silver coins from the classical period to roman occupation. Campania, Neapolis nomos; Attica, Athens tetradrachm; Corinthia, Corinth stater; Pamphylia, Aspendus stater; Ptolemaic kings of Egypt, Ptolemaios IX Soter II tetradrachm ; Seleucis & Pieria - Antioch, Vespasian tetradrachm; Syria - Hierapolis, Macrinus tetradrachm. Total of 7 coins in lot. VK 5 0001281 LOT #7. 5 tetradrachms and 6 drachms from the Parthian empire. Various kings. Some coins with find patina. Some with edge chips. Total of 11 coins in lot. VK 3 0001282 LOT #8. 11 Roman Republic AR denarii. Some corroded and most with bright surfaces beacuse of intensive cleaning. Total of 11 coins in lot. VK 4 0001283 LOT #9. 28 Roman Imperial AR denarii. Galba (1); Vespasian (3); Domitian (4); Trajan (3); Hadrian (2); Antoninus Pius (4); Faustina Senior (3); Marcus Aurelius (1); Faustina Junior (5); Lucius Verus (1); Commodus (1). A few with porous surfaces. Various degree of toning. Total of 29 coins in lot. 1 to 1+/01 7 0001284 LOT #10. 2 AR denarii and 1 AR antoninianus. Denarii: Septimius Severus and Plautilla. AR antoninianus: Gordian III. Total of 3 coins in lot. 1+ to 1+/01 7001285 LOT #11. 19 Roman Imperial AR denarii. Septimius Severus (1); Julia Domna (4); Caracalla (3); Geta (1); Elagabalus (3); Julia Soamias (1); Severus Alexander (5); Julia Mamaea (1). Several coins with porous surfaces. Various degree of toning. Total of 19 coins in lot. VK 2 0001286 LOT #12. 5 AE sestertii. Hadrian (1), Antoninus Pius (1), Marcus Aurelius (2) and Septimius Severus (1). Some coins stripped for patina. Some with light smoothing. Total of 5 coins in lot. 1 to 1+ 1 8001287 LOT #13. 6 AE sestertii. Maximinus I (2), Severus Alexander (2), Philip I (1) and Philip II (1). Some with smoothing or cleaning scratches. All coins come with tags from various dealers. Total of 6 coins in lot. 1/1+ to 1+ 1 8001288 LOT #14. 3 AE as and 1 dupondius. As: Tiberius (1), Nero (1) and Faustina Junior (1). Dupondius: Antoninus Pius (1). All coins come with tags from various dealers. Total of 4 coins in lot. 1- to 1+ 1 8001289 LOT #15. 21 AE sestertii, dupondii and as. Sestertii: Nero (2); Agrippina (1); Domitian (1); Trajan (2); Antoninus Pius (1); Marcus Aurelius (2); Lucilla (1); Septimius Severus (1); Julia Mamaea (2); Maximinus I (1); Gordian III (1). Dupondii: Trajan (2). As: Augustus (2); Nerva (1); Antoninus Pius (1). Most coins are heavily tooled and/or smoothed. Total of 18 coins in lot. VK 3 0001290 LOT #16. 2 AR antoniniani, Gordian III and Philip I. Both coins are well struck and lightly toned. Two coins in lot. 1+/01 5001291 LOT #17. 2 AR antoniniani, Postumus. Both coins are well struck, one with a few earthen deposits. Two coins in lot. 1+ to 1+/01 5001292 LOT #18. 2 AE folles and 1 AE antoninianus. Folles: Constantius I (1), Maximinus II (1). Antoninianus: Diocletian (1). Three coins in lot. 1+ to 01 8001293 LOT #19. 9 AE folles. Constantine I - The Great (8) and Constantine II (1). Some coins with desert patina. Most coins come with tags from various dealers. Total of 9 coins in lot. 1+ to 01 2 0001294 LOT #20. 22 AE folles of Constantius II. Most with appealing dark brown patina. Total of 22 coins in lot. 1+ to 01 3 0001295 Lot #21. 25 AR anoniniani, AE antoniniani and AE folles of various emperors. Total of 25 coins in lot. VK 2 0001296 LOT #22. 2 AE maiorinae of Thedosius I. One with deep green patina and the other with desert patina. Two coins in lot. 1+ 500

151Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

1297 LOT #23. 3 Roman provincial AR tetradrachms. PHOENICIA, Ace-Ptolemais. Caracalla. AD 198-217 (9,47 g); SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Elagabalus. AD 218-222 (13,31 g); SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Philip I. AD 244-249 (14,01 g). Three coins in lot. 1+ 1 4001298 LOT #24. THESSALY, Phalanna. 400-344 BC. AE trichalkon (7,40 g). LYCAONIA, Iconium. Nero AD 54-68. AE 21mm (5,60 g). Two coins in lot. 1/1+ 5001299 LOT #25. 22 Roman Imperial AR denarii. Trajan (13); Antoninus Pius (2); Faustina Senior (1); Marcus Aurelius (1); Faustina Junior (2); Maximinus I (1). Some coins are harshly cleaned with bright surfaces and cleaning scratches. Some coins with porous surfaces. Total of 22 coins in lot. VK 3 0001300 LOT #26. 3 AE folles of Justinian I. Black and dark brown patina, two with green hard deposits. Some smoothing. Three coins in lot. 1+ 800

152 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

Antikke mynter

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ADM II: M. Thompson: «Alexander’s Drachm Mints II: Lampsacus and Abydus» ANSNS 19 (1991)AMNG: «Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands» (Berlin 1898-1935)AMNG III: H. Gaebler: «Die antiken Münzen von Makedonia und Paionia» AMNG III. 2 Vols. (Berlin 1906, 1935)Ashton: R. Ashton: “The Coinage of Rhodes 408-c. 190 BC” in Money and its Uses in the Ancient Greek World (Oxford 2001)Ashton, Oinoanda: R. Ashton: “The Coinage of Oinoanda” in NC 2005Banti: A. Banti: «I Grandi Bronzi Imperiali» 9 Vols. (Florence 1983-1986)Bergsøe: Vilhelm Bergsøe: «Danske Medailler og Jetons 1789-1892» (København 1893)BCD Euboia: Numismatik Lanz: «Münzen von Euboia: Sammlung BCD» Auction 111 (25 November 2002). MünchenBCD Peleponnesos: LHS Numismatics: «Coins of Peloponnesos, The BCD Collection» Catalog of public auction 96, 8-9 May 2006. ZurichBCD Thessaly: Nomos AG: «Coins of Thessaly, The BCD Collection» Catalog of public auction 4, 10 May 2011. ZurichBitkin: Vladimir Bitkin: «Composite Catalogue of Russian Coins» (Kiev 2003)BMC: Various authors: «Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum» 29 Vols. (London 1873-1927)BMCRE: H. Mattingly et al: «Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum» 6 Vols. (London 1932-1962)Boehringer: E. Boehringer: «Die Münzen von Syrakus» (Berlin and Leipzig 1929)Bodenstedt: F. Bodenstedt: «Die Elektronmünzen von Phokaia und Mytilene» (Tübingen 1981)Brekke: B.F. Brekke: «The copper coinage of Imperial Russia 1700-1917» (Malmø 1977)C: W.D. Craig: «Coins of the World 1750-1850» (Cambridge 1974)Cahn: H.A. Cahn: «Knidos - Die Münzen des Sechsten und des Fünften Jahrhunderts v. Chr» AMUGS IV. (Berlin 1970)Calicó X. Calicó: «Los Aureos Romanos» 2 Vols. (Barcelona. 2002). (English edition)Caltabiano: M.C. Caltabiano: «La monetazione di Messana con le emissioni di Rhegion dell’etaa’ della Tirannide» (Berlin 1993)Cohen: H. Cohen: «Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’Empire Romain» 8 Vols. (Paris 1880-92). (Reprinted)CPE: C.C. Lorber: «Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire» 2 vols. (New York 2018)Crawford: M. Crawford: «Roman Republican Coinage» 2 Vols. (Cambridge 1974)Dav: John S. Davenport: «European Crowns, «German Thalers» & «Silver Guldens»DCA-Tyre: E. Cohen: «Dated Coins of Antiquity: Shekels of Tyre Supplemental Photographs» (Release 2). (Lancaster, PA. 2014)Delzanno: Robert Delzanno: «Sveriges Guldmynt 1512-2020» (Stockholm 2019)Delzanno: Robert Delzanno: «Sveriges Myntbok, 995-2022» (Stockholm 2020)Depeyrot: G. Depeyrot: «Les monnaies d’or» 2 vols. (Wetteren 1995-1996)Dethlefs/Ordelheide: Dethleft G. & Ordelheide K: «Der Westfälische Frieden» (Munster 1988)DOC: A. Bellinger & P. Grierson: «Catalogue of Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and the Whittemore Collection» 5 Vols. (Washington, D.C. 1966-73)DOP: Leo Hansen: «Danmarks officielle Pengesedler 1713-1983» (København 1983)Duyrat: F. Duyrat: «Arados Hellénistique: Étude historique et monétaire» (Beirut 2005)Ehrhardt: C. Ehrhardt: “A Catalogue of Issues of Tetradrachms from Amphipolis, 318-294 B.C.” in Journal of Numismatic Fine Arts 4.4 (March 1976)F: Robert Friedberg: «Gold Coins of the World» (New Jersey)G: Georg Galster: «Unionstidens udmøntninger» (København 1972)Galster: Georg Galster: «Danske og Norske Medailler og Jetons ca. 1533-ca.1788» (København 1936)H: Holger Hede: «Danmarks og Norges Mønter 1541-1814-1970» (København 1971)Hallberg: Harald Hallberg: «Norske dekorasjoner» (Oslo 2012)Hbg: Peter Hauberg: «Myntforhold og udmøntninger i Danmark indtil 1146» (København 1900)Henckel: Adolph Weyl: «Die Paul Henckelsche Sammlung Brandenburg-preußischer Münzen und Medaillen» (Berlin 1974)HGC: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of Italy and Magna Graecia, Sixth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 1. (Lancaster, PA. 2018)HGC 2: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of Sicily (including Lipara), Civic, Royal, Siculo-Punic, and Romano-Sicilian Issues, Sixth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 2. (Lancaster, PA. 2012)


154 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri

HGC 3: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of Macedon and Its Neighbors. Part I: Macedon, Illyria, and Epeiros, Sixth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 3, Part I (Lancaster, PA. 2016); and O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of Macedon and Its Neighbors. Part II: Thrace, Skythia, and Taurike, Sixth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 3, Part II (Lancaster, PA. 2017)HGC 4: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of Northern and Central Greece: Achaia Phthiotis, Ainis, Magnesia, Malis, Oita, Perrhaibia, Thessaly, Akarnania, Aitolia, Lokris, Phokis, Boiotia, Euboia, Attica, Megaris, and Corinthia, Sixth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 4. (Lancaster, PA. 2014)HGC 6: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of the Islands: Adriatic, Ionian, Thracian, Aegean, and Carpathian Seas (excluding Crete and Cyprus), Sixth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 6. (Lancaster, PA. 2010)HGC 7: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of Northern and Central Anatolia, Pontos, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, Phrygia, Galatia, Lykaonia, and Kappadokia (with Kolchis and the Kimmerian Bosporos), Fifth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 7. (Lancaster, PA. 2012)HGC 9: O.D. Hoover: «The Handbook of Syrian Coins: Royal and Civic Issues, Fourth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 9. (Lancaster, PA. 2009)HGC 10: O.D. Hoover: «Handbook of Coins of the Southern Levant: Phoenicia, Southern Koile Syria (Including Judaea), and Arabia, Fifth to First Centuries BC» The Handbook of Greek Coinage, Volume 10. (Lancaster, PA. 2010)Higgie: Lincoln W. Higgie: «The colonial coinage of the U.S. Virgin Islands» (Atlanta 1962)HN Italy: N.K. Rutter, ed. «Historia Numorum Italy» (London 2001)Houghton: A. Houghton: «Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton» ACNAC 4. (New York 1983)H. & J.: N. Hristova and G. Jekov.: «The coins of Moesia Inferior I - III c. A.C.: Marcianopolis» (Blagoevgrad 2007)J: Kurt Jaeger: «Die deutschen Münzen seit 1871: Bewertungen mit aktuellen Marktpreisen» (Regenstauf 2017)Jenkins Punic: G.K. Jenkins: «Coins of Punic Sicily» (Zürich. 1997, reprinted, with additions and corrections, from SNR 50, 53, 56, and 57)Kinns, Attic P. Kinns: “The Attic Weight Drachms of Ephesus” in NC 1999KM: Chester Krause & Clifford Mishler: «Standard Catalogue of World Coins»KF: Christian Holst: «Kortfattet Fortegnelse over norske Medailler siden 1814» (Christiania 1879)Kroll J.H. Kroll: «The Greek Coins. The Athenian Agora, vol. XXVI» (Princeton 1993)Kvist: Martin Kvist og Kjetil Kvist: «Medaljekatalogen 1804-1905» (Oslo 2002)Le Rider: G. Le Rider: “Les monnaies Thasiennes” in Guide de Thasos. (Paris 1968)Le Rider: G. Le Rider: «Le monnayage d’argent et d’or de Philippe II» (Paris 1977)MAA: J. Alexandropoulos: «Les Monnaies de l’Afrique Antique» (Toulouse 2000)Mamroth, Perseus A. Mamroth: “Die Silbermünzen des Königs Perseus” in ZfN 38 (1928)Mazard: J. Mazard: «Corpus Nummorum Numidiae Mauretaniaeque» (Paris 1955-1958)MB: H.V. Mansfeld-Büllner: «Afbildninger af Danske Mønter fra tidsrummet 1241-1377» (København 1887)McAlee: R. McAlee: «The Coins of Roman Antioch» (Lancaster, PA. 2007)McClean: S. Grose: «Catalogue of the McClean Collection, Fitzwilliam Museum» 3 Vols. Cambridge. 1923-1929. (Reprinted)Milne, Autonomous: J.G. Milne: “The Autonomous Coinage of Smyrna” in NC 1923, 1927, and 1928Milne, Silver: J.G. Milne: “The Silver Coinage of Smyrna” in NC 1914Müller: L. Müller: «Numismatique d’Alexandre le Grand; Appendice les monnaies de Philippe II et III, et Lysimaque» (Copenhagen 1855-58)Mørkholm O. Mørkholm: “The Autonomous Tetradrachms of Laodicea ad Mare” in MN 28 (1983)Newell, ESM: E.T. Newell & O. Mørkholm: «The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III» ANSNS 1 (1978)NM: Bjarne Ahlström, Bernhard F. Brekke & Bengt Hemmingsson: «Norges Mynter» (Stockholm 1976)NMD: Gunnar Thesen: «Norges mynter i dansketiden 1449-1814» (Oslo 2015)NP: Magnar Øverland: «Norges Poletter og Akkordmerker» (Molde 2003)OBC: O.B. Carlsen: «The coinage of the Danish West Indies» The Numismatist, vol. XLI, no. 1. (Federalsburg, USA 1928)P: A. Pick. Standard Catalogue of World Paper Money. Schafer & Cuhaj, editors. (Lola 2004)Paeonian Hoard: Sotheby & Co: «Catalogue of the Paeonian Hoard» Catalog of public auction. 16 April 1969. London

155Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri

Pegasi: R. Calciati: «Pegasi» (Mortara 1990)Pixodarus Hoard: S. Hurter: “The ’Pixodarus Hoard’: A Summary” in Essays Price.Pozzi: Naville Co: «Monnaies grecques antiques S. Pozzi» Auction 1 (4 April 1921). GenevaPrice: M.J. Price: «The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus» (London 1991)Prieur: M. Prieur: «A Type Corpus of The Syro-Phoenician Tetradrachms and Their Fractions from 57 BC to AD 253» (Lancaster 2000)Randazzo: C. Arnold-Biucchi. «The Randazzo Hoard» ANSNS 18 (1990)Ravel: O. Ravel: «Les “Poulains” de Corinthe» 2 Vols. (Basel 1936-1948)RIC: H. Mattingly, et al: «The Roman Imperial Coinage» 10 Vols. (London 1923-1994)Risvaag: Risvaag, J.A.,2006: «Mynt og by. Myntens rolle i Trondheim by i perioden ca. 1000-1630, belyst gjennom myntfunn og utmynting» (NTNU 2006:200, Trondheim)Rouvier: J. Rouvier: “Numismatique des Villes de Phénicie” in JIAN 3-7 (1900-4)RPC: Various authors: «Roman Provincial Coinage» 3 Vols in 5 parts (London and Paris 1992-2006)RS: Bjørn R. Rønning: «Norges Pengesedler og Seddelbankvesen inntil 1874» (Oslo 1972)RSC: D. Sear, et al: «Roman Silver Coins» 5 Vols. (London 1978-1987)R.&S.: F. Restelli & J.C. Sammut: «The Coinage of the Knights in Malta» 2 Vols. (Valletta 1977)S.: D. Sear: «Roman Coins and Their Values» Millenium Edition. 5 vols. (London. 2000-2014)S: «Standard Catalogue of British Coins» (London 2015)Sacks: K.S. Sacks: “The Wreathed Coins of Aeolian Myrina” in MN 30 (1985)SB.: D. Sear, et al: «Byzantine Coins and Their Values» 2nd edition. (London 1987)SC: A. Houghton & C. Lorber: «Seleucid Coins: A Comprehensive Catalog» (Lancaster 2002)Schive: C.I.Schive: «Norges Mynter i Middelalderen» (Christiania 1865)Schnee: G. Schnee: «Sächsische Taler 1500-1800» (Frankfurt 1982)Schönert-Gneiss: E. Schönert-Geiss: «Die Münzprägung von Maroneia» (Berlin 1987)Sieg: «Siegs Møntkatalog Norden»Simonetta: A.M. Simonetta: «The coinage of the Cappadocian kings: a revision and a catalogue of the Simonetta Collection» Parthica 9 (2007)Skaare: Kolbjørn Skaare: «Norsk utmyntning på Håkon Håkonssons tid» (NNÅ 1970)SM: Bjarne Ahlström, Yngve Almer & Bengt Hemmingsson: «Sveriges Mynt 1521-1977» (Stockholm 1976)SNG ANS: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, American Numismatic Society» (New York 1969-present)SNG Berry: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Burton Y. Berry Collection» (New York 1961-1962)SNG BM Black Sea: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Great Britain, Volume IX, British Museum, Part 1: The Black Sea» (London 1993)SNG Cop.: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Danish National Museum» (Copenhagen 1942-1979)SNG Delepierre: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Bibliothèque National» (Paris 1983)SNG France: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Cabinet des Médailles, Bibliothéque Nationale» (Paris 1993-2001)SNG Keckman: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Finland; The Erkki Keckman Collection» (Helsinki 1994)SNG Lloyd: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Great Britain, Volume II, Lloyd Collection» (London 1933-1937)SNG Lockett: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Great Britain, Volume III, Lockett Collection» (London 1938-1949)SNG München: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, München Staatlische Münzsammlung» (Berlin 1968-present)SNG Saroglos: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Greece 4. Numismatic Museum, Athens. The Petros Saroglos Collection. Volume I: Macedonia» (Athens 2005)SNG von Aulock: «Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Sammlung Hans Von Aulock» (Berlin 1957-1968)Spengler/Sayles: W.F Spengler & W.G. Sayles: «Turkoman Figural Bronze Coins and Their Iconography» (Lodi 1992)Svoronos: J. Svoronos: «Τὰ νομίσματα τοῦ κράτους τῶν Πτολεμαίων» [The coins of the Ptolemaic state]. (Athens 1904-08)Sydenham: E. Sydenham: «The Coinage of the Roman Republic» (London. 1952)S.&H.: Rolf Støren og Hans Holst: «Myntgravør Ivar Throndsens Medaljer, Jetonger og Merker» (Oslo 1937)Tell Kalak: W.E. Metcalf: «The Tell Kalak Hoard and Trajan’s Arabian Mint» in MN 20 (1975)Thompson: M. Thompson: “The Mints of Lysimachus,” in Essays Robinson.Thompson: M. Thompson: «The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens» ANSNS 10 (1961)Troxell, Studies H.A. Troxell: «Studies In The Macedonian Coinage of Alexander the Great» ANSNS 21 (1997)TZT: Tore Z. Trosdahl: «Norges Medaljer 1920-1995» (Oslo 2002)Varbanov I. Varbanov: «Greek Imperial Coins» 4 Vols. (Varna 2002)Vlasto: O. Ravel. «The Collection of Tarentine Coins Formed by M.P. Vlasto» (London 1947)Williams, Velia: R.T. Williams: «Silver Coinage of Velia» (London 1992)Y: R.S.Yeoman: «A catalog of modern World Coins» (Wisconsin 1974)Aagaard: Sven Aagaard: «Frederik III Guldmønt og Speciemønt 1648-1670» (København 2011)

156 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri


Oppnådde priser fra Oslo Myntgalleri auksjon nr. 21, 22 og 23 (prisene er eksklusive 20% provisjon) Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris

1 2002 30003 5004 8005 20006 60008 20009 350011 300012 400013 350015 600016 750017 950018 400019 550020 1700021 3200022 800023 200024 1400025 750026 600027 2400028 1400029 1600030 550031 100032 2800033 1600034 900035 5500036 3400037 100038 7000039 3200040 1100041 1400042 4800043 1000044 2200045 8500046 6000047 800048 9000049 3800050 42000052 6000053 1200055 2400057 2500058 3200059 70060 1400061 120062 1100063 1200064 3800065 1000066 1400068 550069 2200071 1000072 120073 1000074 250075 900

77 2500078 200080 120081 70082 100083 400084 350085 550086 150087 150088 250089 500090 1000091 650092 250095 800096 2200097 90098 4000099 36000102 30000103 11000104 4500105 20000106 12000107 2000108 6000109 12000110 18000112 8000113 3000114 100000115 22000116 30000117 16000118 3500119 2500120 11000121 2500122 8000123 600124 3000126 3000128 3500129 3000130 2500131 5500132 3500133 3000134 12000135 800136 6000137 17000138 3500141 600142 1200143 6500144 4500145 3500146 3000147 4500148 11000150 4500151 1600152 3000153 3000154 1200

156 10000157 3500158 6000159 3000161 1800162 800163 2500164 300165 400166 15000167 12000168 95000170 1400171 7500172 3000173 7000174 300176 36000177 12000178 26000179 1800181 3500186 7500187 17000188 3000189 7500190 1600191 400192 4000193 4000194 4500195 7500196 4000197 7000199 600202 500204 20000205 24000206 5000207 110000208 900209 500210 600212 17000213 40000214 7000215 12000216 1600217 2500218 8000219 2000220 13000221 80000222 11000224 2500225 2500226 2000227 7500228 2000231 3000232 5000233 7500234 9000235 14000236 14000237 4000238 14000

240 28000241 2500242 1500244 1200245 2000248 4500249 500250 4500251 34000252 10000253 4500254 4000255 400256 46000258 10000259 4500260 4500261 3500262 10000264 5500265 3000268 4000269 3000270 1500272 5000274 600275 4500277 700279 3000280 2000281 9000282 3000283 4500284 4000285 12000286 3000288 6000289 5500290 2000291 3000292 1800293 11000294 26000295 2500296 1400297 6000298 28000299 55000300 5500301 18000302 80000303 120000304 900306 5000307 800308 3000309 2500310 1600311 1000312 3000313 3000314 700315 1600316 2000317 1200318 2500319 5000

320 700321 1600322 3000323 1000324 6500325 5500326 2500327 1200328 5500329 12000330 11000331 17000332 15000333 19000334 5000335 6500338 4500339 800341 700342 4500343 10000344 24000347 1200348 1400350 8000351 500352 2500353 1000355 6500356 800358 500359 2000366 900368 17000369 5500371 1200372 800373 2000374 5500375 2000376 1800377 1000378 900379 6500381 500382 1600384 900385 1200386 1000387 4500388 2000389 2000390 11000391 500392 2000393 500394 600395 4000396 800398 7500399 900400 6000401 4500402 10000403 14000404 1600405 4000

407 900408 4500409 7000410 1000411 6000412 7000413 1200414 11000415 7000416 8000417 15000418 8500420 28000421 8000423 7500424 7500425 18000426 6500427 900428 8000430 2000431 10000432 5500433 8000434 4500436 5000437 6500438 9000439 4500440 1000441 200442 200443 400444 4000445 250446 2500447 5000448 4500449 4500450 8000451 4000452 5000453 7500454 4500455 5500456 4500457 5000458 7000459 3500460 2000461 600462 14000463 5000464 9000465 28000466 12000467 9500468 34000469 7000470 6500471 40000472 65000473 8000474 7000475 7500476 4500477 5500

478 600479 900480 700481 400483 7500484 500485 9500486 2000487 16000488 4000489 12000490 7000491 7000492 9500493 4000494 4500495 3000496 6500497 3500498 3500499 4000500 4000501 2500502 3000503 5500504 3000505 3000506 3000508 3000509 800511 4500512 4000513 3000514 2500515 26000516 1200519 500520 2500601 90000602 40000603 34000604 32000605 40000606 200000607 170000608 22000609 30000610 44000611 60000612 22000613 44000614 6500615 6500616 6500617 24000618 14000619 5500620 8000621 3500622 10000623 9000624 4500625 3000626 44000627 4000628 6500629 4000

630 4000631 2000632 4000633 3000634 16000635 3000636 1400637 2500638 1600639 4000640 1200641 3500642 3500643 60000644 95000645 95000646 120000647 75000648 160000649 140000650 60000651 65000652 4500653 4000654 9000655 5000656 5000657 5500658 4000659 5500660 4000661 6500662 5000663 4500664 4500665 18000666 5000667 4500668 5000669 9500670 8000671 4000672 4000673 7000674 4500675 40000676 13000677 4000678 4500679 5000680 3500681 3000682 3000683 10000684 9000685 11000686 16000687 7000688 10000689 26000690 13000691 11000692 8500693 12000694 1200695 5000696 1200

697 1200698 1200699 1600700 2500701 5500702 1400703 1400704 1400705 1200706 1600707 1200708 1200709 700710 600711 900712 6000713 1600714 1600715 1200716 1600717 4500718 500719 700720 1000721 800722 900723 6500724 7000725 2500726 900727 1200728 4000729 2500730 800731 14000733 13000735 8500736 3000738 4500739 1200740 11000741 10000742 1300743 2000744 2500745 1000746 5000747 1600748 600749 1400750 12000751 1000752 1800753 2500754 1800755 1600756 2000757 2500758 3000759 2500760 600000761 13000762 10000763 9000764 11000765 34000766 11000

157Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris

767 8000768 9000769 34000770 26000771 19000772 14000773 12000774 12000775 18000776 20000777 24000778 26000779 50000780 24000781 60000782 40000783 20000784 19000785 5000786 11000787 24000788 22000789 6000790 7500791 6500792 6000793 2000794 2500795 1200796 1500797 2000798 8500799 2500800 2500803 2000804 13000805 36000806 48000807 120000808 44000809 40000810 85000811 34000812 26000813 20000814 65000815 180000816 44000817 34000818 38000819 4000820 7000821 2500822 2000823 1800824 3500825 2000826 800827 1200828 1200829 1400830 2500831 6500832 700833 5500834 4000835 14000

836 4500837 4000838 6500839 13000840 48000841 60000842 3500843 5000844 75000845 6000846 2500847 2500848 20000849 3500850 1600851 4000852 900853 17000854 32000855 2500856 11000857 3000858 1800859 1200862 6500863 900864 900865 2500868 16000869 3000870 2000871 9500872 12000873 16000874 8500875 17000876 12000877 60000878 7000879 9000880 7500881 1200882 1400883 3000884 2500885 4000886 2500887 1000888 4000889 8000890 11000891 24000892 42000893 5000894 4000895 8000896 1600897 2000898 3000899 1400900 2000901 1800902 2500903 3500904 2500905 1400906 5500

907 7000908 1600909 3500910 1400911 1600912 14000914 1200915 3500916 600917 1000918 1400919 6500920 400921 900922 800923 900924 80000925 9000926 17000927 80000928 26000929 60000931 5500932 18000933 14000934 7000935 22000936 1600937 3000938 38000939 9500940 4000941 6000942 4500943 3500944 1600945 7500946 1800947 5500948 50000949 4000950 3000951 6000952 2500953 6500954 200955 1400956 4000957 900958 1600959 1200960 1000961 1600962 600963 2000964 1800965 600966 3000967 2500968 13000969 1400970 700971 16000972 1000973 1800974 1800975 2500

976 2500977 16001001 130001002 70001003 65001004 12001005 100001006 50001007 50001008 10001009 10001010 6001011 6001012 2001014 5001017 90001018 7001019 5001020 10001022 3001023 3001024 2001025 3001027 7001028 25001029 65001030 18001031 9001033 4001034 10001035 7001037 4001038 4001039 2001040 10001041 25001042 8001043 16001044 25001046 18001047 70001048 16001049 8001050 8001051 9001052 5001054 120001055 12001056 5001057 16001058 12001059 45001060 10001061 4001062 1501063 4001064 60001065 380001066 4001067 25001068 3001070 5001071 7001072 18001073 30001075 18001076 400

1077 2001078 95001079 3001080 30001081 25001082 3001083 5001084 25001085 16001086 3001088 20001091 5001092 6001093 9001094 1501095 3001096 8001097 6001098 1501099 6001100 6001101 2001102 30001103 30001104 10001105 16001106 3001107 3001108 2001109 7001110 6001111 16001112 1501113 4001114 6001115 4001116 12001117 3001118 25001119 1501120 5001122 4001123 4001124 10001125 4001126 2001127 5001128 10001129 6001130 14001131 2001132 2501133 8001134 1501135 1501136 1501137 2001138 200001139 3001140 3001141 10001142 18001143 10001144 5001145 4001146 20001147 1200

1148 10001149 14001150 40001151 7001153 4001154 6001155 70001156 14001157 7001158 65001159 6001160 30001161 8001162 14001163 2001164 2001165 4001166 5001167 2001168 15001169 15001170 18001171 9001172 7001173 65001174 70001175 220001176 85001177 140001178 30001179 25001180 35001181 100001184 30001185 7001186 60001187 4001188 70001189 20001190 9001191 16001192 5001193 2001194 35001195 5001196 4001197 18001198 4001199 18001200 7001201 45001202 12001203 80001204 3001205 45001206 4001207 6001208 85001209 3001210 12001211 6001212 10001213 8001214 75001215 14001216 9001217 1800

1218 3001219 18001220 3001221 2501222 6001223 5001225 7001226 14001227 4001228 60001229 12001230 2501231 5001232 2001234 14001235 1501236 5001237 60001238 5001239 8001240 5001241 9001242 6001243 30001244 8001245 18001246 20001247 18001248 14001249 35001250 5001251 5001252 4001253 6001255 4001256 3001257 7001258 3001259 5001260 6001261 7001262 2001263 5001265 25001266 25001270 7001271 12001272 4001273 6001274 9001275 45001276 35001277 30001278 14001279 9001280 16001281 7001282 5001283 16001284 20001285 6001286 7001287 16001288 7001289 25001290 3001291 1000

1292 3001293 10001294 5001295 25001296 55001297 6001298 30001299 9001300 12001301 25001302 65001303 6001304 7001305 10001306 110001307 40001308 35001309 65001310 40001311 50001312 55001313 40001314 14001315 80001316 140001317 55001318 50001319 60001320 55001321 45001322 7501323 35001324 35001325 8001326 30001327 70001328 14001329 9001330 10001331 16001332 7001333 35001334 30001335 20001336 45001337 35001338 9001339 25001340 25001341 25001342 100001343 15001344 8001346 25001347 14001348 460001349 360001350 380001351 420001352 420001353 480001354 400001355 1100001356 1900001357 65001358 650001359 14000

1360 35001361 12001362 200001363 70001364 300001365 70001366 30001367 200001368 340001369 400001370 85001371 80001372 35001373 45001374 30001375 40001377 95001378 65001379 35001380 55001381 60001382 55001383 40001384 50001385 35001386 30001387 30001388 35001389 30001390 30001391 30001392 30001393 35001394 35001395 800001396 170001397 170001398 190001399 550001400 120001401 170001402 160001403 360001404 280001405 75001406 75001407 280001408 300001409 600001410 18001411 35001413 60001414 55001415 60001416 70001417 80001418 220001419 160001420 95001421 65001422 20001423 100001424 10001425 10001426 150001427 20001428 800

158 Auksjon nr. 25Oslo Myntgalleri Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris Pris

1429 10001430 10001431 16001432 18001433 18001434 25001435 20001436 12001437 100001438 70001439 45001440 35001441 35001442 35001443 25001444 8001445 6001446 15001447 190001448 16001449 360001450 360001451 150001452 550001453 220001454 80001455 500001456 200001457 190001458 25001459 180001460 190001461 190001462 90001463 200001464 190001465 150001466 180001467 30001468 35001469 170001470 95001471 65001472 40001473 45001474 45001475 20001476 50001477 120001478 50001479 35001480 20001481 65001482 8001483 20001484 25001485 65001486 700

1487 10001488 20001489 6001490 6001491 95001492 9001493 6001494 6001495 2001496 3001497 3001498 45001499 14001500 20001501 14001502 12001503 9001504 6001505 30001506 100001507 12001508 10001509 25001510 20001511 40001512 35001513 35001514 30001515 25001516 10001517 40001518 16001519 30001520 55001521 75001522 40001523 6001524 120001525 130001526 140001527 240001528 360001529 120001530 95001531 90001532 95001533 150001534 140001535 160001536 140001537 7001538 150001539 150001540 150001541 140001542 150001543 150001544 14000

1545 140001546 150001547 150001548 35001549 140001550 150001551 800001552 320001553 100001554 300001555 110001556 80001557 280001558 260001559 650001560 35001561 40001562 40001563 50001564 35001565 40001566 40001567 40001568 40001569 35001570 40001571 35001572 35001573 40001574 40001575 35001576 35001577 35001578 35001579 35001580 35001581 35001582 40001583 35001584 35001585 20001586 20001587 20001588 20001589 20001590 20001591 20001592 25001593 20001594 20001595 20001596 20001597 110001598 150001599 150001600 180001601 1300001602 10000

1603 85001604 240001605 40001606 50001607 18001608 35001609 18001610 16001611 18001612 40001613 80001614 260001615 140001616 100001617 150001618 180001619 150001620 80001621 85001622 160001623 50001624 70001625 80001626 65001627 60001628 35001629 40001630 35001631 65001632 30001633 85001634 30001635 25001636 120001637 60001638 7001639 150001641 25001642 650001643 35001644 40001645 40001646 40001647 70001648 6001649 140001650 150001651 150001652 140001653 35001654 65001655 30001656 30001657 30001658 30001659 20001660 6001661 18000

1662 150001663 160001664 160001665 160001666 8001667 100001668 110001669 70001670 55001671 30001672 35001673 30001674 5001675 160001676 150001677 75001678 75001679 30001680 30001681 30001682 30001683 20001684 650001685 650001686 130001687 35001688 35001689 35001690 40001691 40001692 110001693 35001694 18001695 18001696 18001697 18001698 12001699 18001700 20001701 18001702 20001703 16001704 10001705 12001706 10001707 30001708 50001709 75001710 30001711 100001712 75001713 50001714 16001715 16001716 30001717 16001718 55001719 6000

1720 25001721 85001722 140001723 140001724 130001725 60001726 65001727 70001728 65001729 35001730 45001731 40001732 30001733 20001734 20001735 16001736 25001737 16001738 16001739 25001740 220001741 110001742 8001743 8001744 10001745 8001746 40001747 18001748 40001749 10001750 55001751 95001753 12001754 18001755 10001756 60001757 35001758 150001759 60001760 40001762 95001764 40001765 120001766 15001768 90001769 80001770 8001772 10001774 12001775 5001776 20001777 12001778 25001779 25001780 5001781 65001782 16001783 5500

1784 35001785 20001786 180001787 35001788 35001789 60001790 35001791 7001792 8001793 7001794 20001795 45001796 18001797 18001798 80001799 30001800 30001801 100001802 80001803 120001804 160001806 170001807 70001808 18001809 7501810 20001811 70001812 12001813 16001814 65001815 25001816 16001817 7001818 18001819 6001820 18001821 9001822 40001823 35001824 16001825 16001826 8001827 5001828 5001829 14001830 18001831 16001832 16001833 10001834 50001835 20001836 9001837 8001838 400001839 30001840 5001841 8001842 2500

1843 5001844 8001845 240001846 95001847 130001848 85001849 70001850 6001851 25001852 9001853 6001854 40001855 5001857 6001858 14001859 18001860 25001861 12001862 16001863 8001864 9001865 6001866 20001867 5001869 12001870 6001871 3001872 5001873 4001874 7001875 6001876 6001877 5001878 6001879 3001880 6001881 5001882 4001883 10001884 12001885 12001886 12001887 14001888 7001889 12001890 10001891 4001892 3501893 5001894 3001895 3001896 8001897 4001898 35001899 14001900 30001901 80001902 3000

1903 16001904 25001905 900001906 70001907 170001908 45001909 18001910 25001911 25001912 16001913 16001914 8001915 7001916 4001917 40001918 6001919 35001920 12001921 9001922 25001923 65001924 12001925 10001926 16001927 6001928 9001929 10001931 12001932 6001933 30001934 12001935 15001936 5001937 7001938 40001939 18001940 50001941 55001942 55001943 45001944 12001945 20001946 9001947 9001948 14001949 5001950 7001951 25001952 20001953 30001954 14001955 25001956 12001957 15001958 16001959 25001960 4500

159Auksjon nr. 25 Oslo Myntgalleri


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